Grand Traverse Herald, April 17, 1902

Dublin Core


Grand Traverse Herald, April 17, 1902


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text


®rataet'!6if Ejeralib.





MiM] TAaomiKi!!


For tbe f»11 WMOd ot lUOl mr
bkve ow> of tU fiD«at •MortoMWta



Tire Insurance!


Money to Loan on Improved Real Estate Only.







■A-w^tJk,zs!r •


idiot to b. bon..;

.Vnd _lo

Insurance ■ ,r^su‘ ‘j'v.s’srroi'i”
"Th. (irl wa* tweet and daiolr troB

Real Estate.
Mortgaeres Bought and Sold.

One iiuil)'. ReniUi Perfectioa iu
tmtiiv dbeanei of the ej^ the niechnnical eorrertion of «ght niul the
^HXmtuUntkm anil eiAmination free.
Office oiTt The City Hook Sii«.
Troverie City. Midi.

H?bMrgr.£>ii. •


hM'diwen eo'&e wiD
dow toll. Tbe falai. lodetnable perluu* that eov. lopMi bar atole aerom
Ui* rood on Ui. Itfori*.
‘^'‘n.eldBt O. why oao l il.^
ni II woold B*an lo bm—daddy
I Dr. Itoll abd Aoiil Paael*. Oo*
rfal a* well b« delcrmrd aud ouor
wiib II a. to fo tbroofh III. TO^dM tlk* an old. old woaant I
on 111* l.oo»» * wb*b ib. dkdn I
know—I looked at in lb. (laB
ll wa* awful, bol I bad In do IL Aud
Th. etimai of ber tb«n(bl*
lull* (TOBB trum bar lipa. *<*»»
gaay W never known a trial bd«

6r. Craoerse
We tote Mi#y Oiben.
Bnses ta Sale. Hose; to Leas.

Eand Company s=^£r£“‘“



iM'for. Ixr.
r I'd IBV* I


a1 Warm^ I N a. m
rW ■ais'ls, Ktlamaans, MaOm
.aUt.Lo>l>TtU..M. Umla ilB


Who will fct ooe? Prop me
pOMl at cmee. pleiie. *nd get k nickle
tiK fan titte you Me me.
Ckll tor me U Wait's Png Store,
by Pos Office.

a. ter aty. euri Smb. 1

. and KnSuBn. tarn.. lOp
PorUMrtoWaad Pttmkrj. l»p.m.,lb#
^^3 KCnoC. AboI. »r»vw OWB- r. MtlMfI ttoak teB A*Bt




PatBiu of tan* fasUton a*ad ao
aMatnnrw Umi ^ advvat of awBbB
ebild II oB alwava a* welsom* In fact
a* la ibBity. bat u 11 Baro*ly kiad to
BBkr (b. child beat a t.A«a of dl«pprovalBlIlullf. liBB*lb*ralb«anr»——• to (o tbroach Ilf*, fv eniB-

AaMher Hrwlil. And y*l Umbot*
" maw. wtalobtb* eaprlo-ot par
ba* iB|«w4 «> iBBonaat oblltaa
..J Amaruan lady aiwodliit. «.bm
IIB* In DBoatblro. Kath^BBt at
an aftonioB. Ma Mr Pin* Ooffia. Mr
Dtolfa I iroanaaBd Death > and Mtoa

1 have enUrtred my busincM and have arran^ with a
large Eastern house to handle all the fur from this part «l
thecountr^. I am, prepared to pay highest market pneet
(or Hide».-Wool and Fur. Come and see me.




taefeod toaff wbL li MBM of Um larn
rmlMto tuiiori froB Baa Praae. BboII oy.t*«tomIUer*lx
•elUai broarbl

bU town of boa. br tte ool
I to fomub tte t^io* wi
.with I irodao. a propar
OBt of fordlix oo. becr»b.ll. Tb.
I oo. <
J .tnk.
tb. tepn BodloB .
well, aad
Tb* "otb«(trl" watobed
Id bo^
^te'~Bo IlMOold
bo o v«tj
Ui tOTdiBI. U aWt« OnaW
'‘hot IB Uty.
Idir Blm-ry of bar o
nr vMr-troB that te gl A aaa wll
uaeo aad rron
(o iBlo a fWr. m Pr«alaaa aad tey
teed aad pay
rraioded ber of wbm to>* wa
joBBbbMr to boo. for; tl v CBldn'l caah tor It ai readily oad p>toia|i*
totand' pUyed blind" wtih
Bcro *0 tliOB te woald tey bi* wllaa
b. ouaatluf tbo day. *00
ype ted
M I ~
boM of tbo uaro.-* hand
toitortobl.----»llk (owa.
By aad b......................
balBC Iber.
*ov*aty-*i(bL oevBilyteveo. .ovtetyBtperiBOoto W^te^^yda^^ te
toa. alway. on. lam-ibo homroftev

.dU, ,—rlJ l.fl.5-. ^ '22


an boat of walUn*. tom ooold aol
bdoe Imr amlriy. U wa* Importom ooold
ooold not
not tot
tot otUL
otUL Bte ,
op aad
asd waUed
waUed abool
abool rootto*

(oto a tat |<ara*. 8bo Iiad oob* to Ibr
wroac idaer probably. Tbarrwa. aa.whv. TO*, anatter Dr Boll
tte coteor. who porfor^i

-abool bis.

Mow I'oaataao. toi

'^Uh Roooo-* alBlote tote
Office and WanboBM. 788 B.PronlSt
ueoad tb* TooB wLllrd otetdr
_______________________________________ eitlaenaPbottedSl


Hm ab)aM pavMty.
<■■**«» ^
top watelat to aateoto

AltoT tte detob to Ub old tody
CtorttolB* bx» to •*»•>•* *^ ***^
Infl by bar Botfaov la tte hooaa.
A-b~( Otter Ifatte* to tte tea**
a box Itet tte eU tody ted
--------- - with two Nrea« loakA Wbte


ttedaacbi aad teoa*wtew«aa.toaitoc tev
kind (ftel Baa la bl. teard.
„|, , prodaet that will *a-------••AodIlboB(blltwa*all«» wld ,,
ometoeu to tte ecol Otod. tolvM.
■tSar to wter RlaB*ol " laarbed Ooe
Man tromoluotoy.
. .
tYtonooe ODOtoyaad Prto. ttodlor
aadABleOiaU Alloa aad Aadaroeo
' aro al work oa a ww pnl dtylac to*- Stonmol. TtooaBadspBiysn*
o*n Tbor. aro bIIIImi* to aetea to
MB llwoo OeaiBDO* Qo»'. toe*
LaicbtB. who
—J iteo* yoMita
tliol woi wbiu wlib drood 'rim fB«
wtokad *0 bl
bM b— tU — of bbUlb. Bd bf Ib.
to llttlr Joduh Booae wm
«.-Stark OaoBty
ear. far bn bi


5Sd to^toJr'Sioemiir’Ajrsr!**

] to terd oooL


iro^ oo oltolwn or



Paints, Oils,

adBlaUlwad. AaU*
Bator awd tar nUM af |»la of ai-


BnitSss. Putty. Sa
p AJOTfWBtL. a e

U you are thinking of buying anything in the way of

do not Call to look over our Urge line of handiome artkUi. We alio^ carry a fine stock of W.ATCIIES.
CLOCKS, Jewelry, etc. Spectacle Hilling a
ipecialty. Watch and Clock Repairing—the best
grade of work done.

J. 3Sr. MLA..IlTI3SrHIK;
Travorte Onp.»«»«»

If you want to paint a house, one gallon of oiir paint
will cover 300 sq. ft., two coats on ordinary torface. If
you want to paint a bam. we have good paint at 50c per
gallon. Come in and see U- You can paint your buggy
with our buggy paint, not to exceed 75c. and the job
will please you. Small cans of paint 10 paint chairs,
tables, settees, bedsteada or any domesuc article, al­
ways on hand. Our boiled and raw oils are puTe and
no higher in price than the adulterated. Vamishes of
all kinda from half-pints to any amouna Bniahes o(
all sires and pricea Don't hesitate to give us a vUia

Ifhal dld^T^. SBlIbdo.

who happraed U bavr a boy hwB
aaoBl tbu tlaa. bal aato. Una. Bovna
W«^ Mtocuiaf U MalA Hr a^^w«i by lb* aas* of b W.B. L M.

"^Triton to"tenr |B»ttlly InW "«•


Itolhimi>« tern*. OBrPaB*rYteo.


MidtejB, ^AAool tend P'ur



ruitoBl of that («[ OB tb.t.. it

“ii'ttrai.ersisi- »uu



dUT arr- - •
aalifal i
adaa O




Fresh. Salt and Smoked Meats. Sausages. Etc.


ana bi* vwac bepMal the OAB*
iWMratlM^ lodi'pidBW
at warlik. oaB. to AIbb
.^ktova lakBbBB IL-ba«apal Delhi
Do(4alv. who to aa EMitob tukBp
<T?m; aalsilar babw to BUtBrd
Oea*r d« Lub Tvbe WalBr HtIL
Mint eb» haadrod ywcta(o a-amam
a lb »aaMn P«iB«tTaBla oat ta
It lb. IB od H
ywMk.of to

aid* o) III. indastry.
It I. a l»rtty u«bt
• of B.ini or : 000 bBi* on a Baav.
Ob. of Kaai JewtUa'* B*<baalB.
-piBib Ilb. ebtrkeb Jr. Malbidlaad. te* teown blBBlf
oBtol fbbdL
1* BimrUv oniony et to te ao arttoi of taro ablltiy
1. an-wbiurod
leodactioa of a Blnlaiar. vlllw*
lb* (tom
many arr.. bbhIIBB
bb amid lb.
aimnal aoitrviy of <
fafoolbill orohatd.
to«a.*fBcr of tg by *
a Satl«r of a
Tbor* I* a r»b a>hi(% lb* lUTOtoaro r
wait ber.' 10 thiaB^obair a bile I Uvum oload of ' hit* aa tb. Ban
I. feed
boo*, with
1 ool from u-------------------Inol. lactori
aad toMland Bake* iberoabd ot
Brill' .lalioB
BlM Wa* laUinc In ahmdy. i-boertal tb. ttor. of bcMBO, WBtterin* f*od railway, abode
ton** and (.nily foroluf <h. ttt-B- ted caibt-nuc tbs harvioi of ten a* river wiOi iwt
bllnt lUtl.- fljror. Intnon.- of tb. *o>t
r*»i7 buau. I
BI nbaira
la all h.e i-atr-fn'* lif<
Tto^.Birtb of Ihli Irtp Wlr
varloa. <
ooarB. wilb U»- amoant ot land
•toaply Buv^ MutT. Tb* horror of mod bof tb. fn«lC( *1.4 m>mr
■erfeeiToe la'^pw eolarv and twto
whai Ihu (irl had lold ber ainmr ' make* a etrcoii (d a bIIo.
Th* boiiaiteB-^to^wbltoi
And toi* tboaihl noa..t.g 00
Th. bras ar. fed **«iB»lly only
ew> than wvmrluf (la****'
one. a dav. with tlw addiiloo of a . Itiarh M Ib. tool, and tte tead*
.............. .b. b.«*n n^pl^ln lancb ot ifTMB trod at aieht.
r*«. aaBbrr apwat« of *».
tbe Inner room. "ar. you
lUBB oara. tore*! oar*, ftery boM Aad
anvtliiac b. dob- for E
Ui. oar whlob (db rp aa laolto. to a
uIb*. doo'i auaw.iy*r
if >1 w«
ooiu|iu*od of ihroo Boka ot
iMBBer parilfato. hotel aad to^
Bl'hlttan oud flirty p«snd* of
wbiob oeeoplB noM al ote oad to
twnboB. O' rroond fi**l--------- (b. vilU(. <« • kiffa fa»* ar. aU In
b to Biaed wua .klB Bilk that optttolon. uiaklo( varipo* Nti* oa
•'Wo.ldlb.rr be 00 bop* for Br
MOO allowxd to aoor
Ou a l>i(
all. Dr. BrlL not One lay nf iMfb'
_____ I) 11 tain, rresap B. ontll II
I Id Bfiy o'clork 10 e»B|>Irt* tlir frwdiBK and tenap pwrU Mar tte orator wlUi
-■ There woold br oa* cm
for brr. vrat.rliK and a aaBtol.el qaaattly la
nl(bl b*
l<ol oal lo iBt iwtety-foor boar
hul I di ool >aTenly fl'o bnn. aio rouotad lo am
nmXtet. -Fairyviuo." ae Mr
<♦11 bar mi Ii .eootol im. l
boo*., and Ut. booB* are boill •
Tim roloei«^ ar* frOB 400 (0 n fr«l
rarBi-r aunapu to thto ^
y ...
- a...
thoo* ttet apart, and tbo bon* baiix Wall
sv* booa (otlM apaod oold fir wla
tat. »,u,in
aeiird for vlib food, aro eoaieni aad
ew attrmtoicte. tel te ha* atTM
walla bot hi* ktod
froB 00*eol^M
rortod hto plaa* pal ae ooBidoMly teni* la*t fBtlorcr.
Ood puy
"I told Imr th. traUi
fnwl ktete
r;'boBiiLa»iftohli--------- _ ,
Oae ehauo* ia Afiy-fie u> «taal
do*.UBlmoan. dutoor?"
alar ouloey lioo** tor toeatUK al
»iWno* WM patoac. too. brtod*
Bb. pnMod ap into hi. (tat* "lu ^too gK.Oai wa* eprol with tb.
otter day. whoa
ji*roha8to et tte Iowb tor eUckte •vorlBAbUirdoBite
ti-od. Tbto wm* ooltod* aad above MlB ClirioilM Kam

___ L"3 .7n,i





OoMtaaro eaa(fai lb. Uttto
flnirarT aninbliucly.

C. A. HAMMOND, « «

____SB. wa* p. rfn-1, *v«ry fMSar*
uked .ualxbl
ba loT.Jy faoa bb. l^*d
ool into lb. rain tbrojah. wobdtofal





dr. J. w.






dr id lull.. om4
tiAdrnstd Tultol


mrrcH.. LatlocJlerdaBtTtDor.

“business CARDS.



atnr* al lb* a(* of aatahly. at I
^ of t^ Mto^ mttTT a r
Mr.- tfaU u fotbiddao wMmb.
TWy (TOM lb. TUtMT aa b* awpa
. JOB Um irala abd lh.y otoak al bta afar, far OBBpI*: AB. tStb. A^n
aa ho dM«nn-thol U. It b* deaiB'
Tbii to lb* ana* foBpd ebaatbe
amy ObdflO
ab MHah nctoMr: AMBpoBla. asb
la Ibla fare
t Tiubo. a£ BHBtaab
Imlpamd Ao(«»l *. inb. vbw Add. at
tb. Apoalfaa. aob of Btobvd .Md
Ph*b. KsbMt. wa. teptlBd. Thto
MB*, eorlda* a> it to. to pnrfBabt. lo

bHakly. nod fooMono. onal to. Bot
. onabliMd. oad tb. pool
Hat. uaabl bia. b»a I. tOi <mfa mas.
Mw ——- Imefc ioMnotJy oad Bolloond
1 rat T to sia* froB a bask
laodrod am. or bot*. Ne
0 tin- other lirl Bbo wna vnltU^
■Ba *00 Bo BrA I eon «mit.tb*
moa Mviac a Braij^taad b> .{art
IrTBrnn^ssm H-nmUma
«id. • Id.dDOl tbinaoi am
Tb. frw ftcoto. tollowlat Bakr lb.
yoor tMlnc tier* looiroB.' .
s. rn^ and slU. lEv ssiUdrT’a i
Abd lb. other pirl wool lo*n baalaiB ai>|amr a .rry Bant, toon
BOBbMncruM itw room bllndty
At dKolfind occoimiloo tbau it » popo
Plato Claw. SIMM BolWrartd Aecid*r*t Inauranc*.
Ib*d00(*u* loroedo wUi».;ne>
arty sayvaor lo bv:
tiv- .btBB*t>ta froB Potali
ward iViosinBo*.
“Uaad'bv." Mw Bid wUIfnlly.
varw.r.*,«W.OOO<- -It wna mmrlj ball an bm M-ffl*. CUdaoMOf ■•OttllrT
• ablpimd 0
Mm BBS out aCnlB.
TbeO ab. Was loons .-era bar. Iw____
001 snabtlas or wltd.
Sbe wnlbod oMday froB tb. IVlalaBa Batkot
arBly and atraicbl. bai bar tee* wna
terrible with daBb dMimir.
Om>er ourred a ety of borroe wbM .«( ewtrr of (b. Paotile .eoael to 1
Trav*r»* City. Mich.
il.* rvMll ot aocidnat. Hit to do* t.
.. with 4B1M tsOoMn .
h» rlrl ctoiwad tb. Torn
eouiHoaiioa. iu..ricbi *oaeool u
■emd «h.«s liar man
our* ami favorable toeailn.. Kaarw
14ma.1i »n«v in. ui-mana u
lirsw lUlu
‘^“t'orV'-rtr Bid
■'•■» 10 lb* Baa PinarMeo Barkol and 1
Asd.-'.at— tad of Ibal. He lold a. 1 wna coU ezttosriy low tmsbl'rana aSerd
inb t
,p.urlk. ainBilYU hill, and
bv tonaea of tit. eoapetitlaii botwi
in tk. laJH-md-*'
ImporBnt awBbor o
ta* BOM iBpoMam
• No. no'' OooaBnc* rrirA
watoT aad rail RaBarorrailoo ar. o
ioop te
U*«b lb*
lb. bMt
■•loalllilewba*. llbuilLb.Bid or iiuponaal factor. In It* d*vvl
Toll.1 Powawo. oad In
bolfa. lb. b«« Toil.1
tha Tbat l<o •
r ha* ataa lb*
i yoo'r. (olb( to »
fool tbs boat o(
BOktllC BB<lia aU'l fa-'* *" *•
land BBcbB
a>d«d rood., W, boTS a foil
knews what he'd any '
oBti raoeboof IO.ono
ant iba vidlfa of Ibr room npnrt, n«d hoT.
Mia (Mpo.1 a btila aa if ah. w»liB. of lb- boM BabJnctwod •• wx* coned onl of opponlla wtodown TljOf,
siBl. tn««- RolSen <bb niy open
lbroa«h il now to to Bud a vreliabto
pouliry dry.
Tb* While L«( fowl*, amuac
lb.- iBraM Drmim Yon •Ul »>•«
tb. l*to InyB* LDowa. ar* kept at
ooT prli> . tils ou loodn. ••popoUr,"
mine inwordly.
OBTly tb* Billr* .iclatooo of ..ihet

A Goenl auklK Bulio. Me


With hw-bnl If. nil fl«fa!«pr
erold doBB mp nbd down tor
riffat l.«t. in ifau teem’ '
••La'.ptoT yoo told ml whni Ibo



J. M. miaiMANHU

»Kree»l iMelaiTlmPepotlu.

‘^iWWl- .fa. Yt,,...

yoorordsr BUbeTerflowoot prlwo.

too OOP bra. Bat fur tl
tun of bBM tb. town
tev. bMw whai It nev.....................
aweoad pooltry ral>ia( iadnacro of
iVulOBa wooldoerMlMr. hoMM.

enrwl- 1 wmi •> nffmtd M *0 In ifa*t»

207 E. Front Strefet,

•?er •bowB in the inMkot All lb*'
il NovvlttMiD FUi«]«,CbwU:

Ttarcrst Qty SUtc Bank




wttoted Wbimw. "Iwt B* SifeathaBtol.daeiar.wl
"Ym. If U Wodoeoday. "
i Tb*r* wvo tbaeto SBUliy to tte

Dr. Btol wte towUHt aoa* to ^

5S*faS'‘wW krtteoSf* t^Ste*
oxttel ttel 11 will prwv* • eteap A
votT aaerptobi* •abomat' for ooaL


• laiKova

B* ab*m Bov* U*o«.
Anal Harteall to a Ufa toMon


"-TTk-U.— -I--'.

Abtil brttol’L* Hi/^ too*
r"Tl‘*^''Bo7^'litol tUfidra
_____ «' Umtl dBod* A

b*. Aid MlcoitabatB'ofrmUI«lot doeyteod
A tAlal----------------

low. I«te litO* ob.^
Ulo C<B.mari-'* too5,w1lh

.ten tad booa ovory oteB-o la tb*
wwia frotoly. oaw■■BOW.
oaner me qaiBy.
••Maw. " tb*
tb. btedo«B olippod away f-OB
god'ih'i pwwat oyo*. Aaiaotoaf


"Tcao aa»l UUa l dartV
BMoa> Of eaorw 1 koew ll U. oal}-” aeato: "IttoUchr teaaonl
Jadith OAwU Oaa*taB0*'<------ Il oimaud dlAetoi ter ter w 1-----, 8te etrelrd Abool tte rooB OOB
Bod Band late tte }oyaa< fae*. m if
B* that'Sr*. Wm 11 tte
Bd oaae te.S to Ib* mb. opot.
"Oaly I’t* Imoa tottla' boro. <
MU. Oaa■ ■tl*a
Ao- l*Ot All BBfW
Moaea. t na *** tte M«n to year
ay Ated. Bol to ooo»b I koa


rwSb.- Sbiuns
r tte_________
otporlBfWU aodtehod
•aaa to beUoii'ltet *aa- toyto( ap ifaU tonwao* vt* that

oaod ta By. tor tte daowr ted te


1 eeaUa-l tevo B

Ib* ladlfteBt oeUr that totead tte
bir taco to <-a«*toaB <aamr “ -

tea tbiak tbe woold b* I

it lor tb.

M nra Bho^ated at tte
^_*BABi^^aaa»1l to Oottotoa




onamd b^toaaly

UMS thBO wwateataaabaOar

woold aet fa k Jt! bto woold bo!
for bt« oTootot
iBhMtel r^Wdteibte~
...BpktyalC; ObloBrvMiMBaa

mdbtohal b

tor ted bate lUateUy*toln^
rtaklB. to ml'in* *anag teaynt.
U Onat BtoSaa daHte m*


i^^SSd ta toTZJS to

atototoaafctan. Tte bal>Sto«tom



■fMB mtM«6 ttAvli:^ HtHAU>. APWL 17. l»Qg
IMOte mttaa
«*■ «*4kM*kr
Ih* fnm 1> tk* wt*nt«* kMM
IU« nv Md la aagari—Uw <• <h*

■F ».— ->«•»>• •»«« >7
^ ~

tMilNr k vtaMT Brf tM TftlM Ub»-

•«. ‘h>tM|»»aaal.»aak«Utas«Md Ik* aaptMt aad *• Mail pvm
«hM II WM a Via* MT* w ifaa |Mt
(baaaaaailloaaAbUahIL BaMaa
lU Mfia] valaa, II aama (e mMI-

iMVka>4U'4 •<


A. aalBTa«a*aat llvaaaaai.

KMaalr *«od dilaa.
HMldaa tta ted aUlUa ttea «aa
kaaadr I9 dillac t««d >ka doek Uaa
u(te rt*a». aaartfa* aaafc laoaa.
rlalBC nam lor all pneitel jmrpotm
taaddlUoa tote
^r*M *t(>- Itelf. tha fnalB** «■
rt ta of aonaldwabU aalae.

What Ulha
^— that la ilatt IbU eaaaol ba
akcBM M a «ta lor a pMaaatwt HI7
halll 1* 1* crotral and trail aitaptad
loawdiapan-aaaad ibara «ald ba
o( ted Irlilor ■arkrt alia
. laraoMB la ttea Uiaaa wtU ba a
.( ter..te tooai aad faolliltelor Ihr llrr darartawal. Hart
voald be fwau lor a larft wodam aatrlaa toaar will, a city hall adjotola*
ObWIol Polio* Baaola ha* aliaady
nawaUad ibU podal aa a food oa*
lor *b* latlar porpoaa Thii U a ■al­
tar wliiah lb* Raaotd ballOTa* a food
thlBf lor iBlar* «oaHdw»lca.-tUo-

ux .

aad aaette la WiteeBaia.
Hniaal la tha World, an
faadog la ladtea aad a »ad anaipaajlaOUo. '
Ob Miea a(





whte haa (tea ao B**b tor tb* 0II7-

WlM ihl* Mate ted baoa paaoad.
Boa. ■- W. Baattat* atatod that lha

aloaot wilbUMUBaai


oiuaai.* aad baalaoB bb. Aad Itet
(boy ar* ready lo bate Ibelr effoat* Ic
Um- wawk ol laocaaalBf Ite aambar ef
oar ladaalrtoo


M Haa'a aaooelallae

K. V. Haatlafa. Tbaaaa* T. Bata*. B.
U Hpraca*. fL H. Hall aad J. T.
Mr. Priailrieb Ihta far* a abort ad_r*aa, la whte te ibaekad tte atettof tor Ite boBor ol obooalaf Ub aa
IMldaal, *n****ad Mr laBraal la
Ti*T*r*e IHty aad plrdfad blBaalf to
a tte aaw aaaeelatioB u> iteaary

yaar* W hrlof aaw ladaaWlB
oily, aliboefb Ite offten. ter* Iwoe
far froB IdU. Tbr teporlaar* of Ibr
MoeeiaiUHi la lb* pwl, bowarat. la
abewa by Ite



Ball*, allboaeb
baaBBBd* Mkaapla loaob with lb*
ladaiBlal aUaalte aad to brlag <kl*
way atarytUac of
aolw itei aoald te
Mow, lha laopoaltleo te f(
r lofD OBI

oial ter* k*<B letelai IbU way. tel
la oadar te bobt* Itewi we Baal or■aalaaoBd brthff to tear aaeb tafl*'
aaaatM will boat lUeaWat* Ite adcBliBblr adraatafa* Iwr* effwad ate

ibl* looalily U baol Mtepiad.
Thu U tb* aataral ndlway ate
oaatar of nertban HleU.

rata iBsadl
at* iroapael. «er tblpplBf taoUlUa*
wtU te BBlUplMi white ear taBMroB* far aBlarlAl end labor ai
nrBtlaf la prapcrtka. TiararB OKy
la BB aiwddiMllT ta* leoatloa for a
hwl aarw faetery ate lha aarroate-

White oar

ihteeliyUBB I
tlBbar. Tte doralopBoai of a
BMMO aioa ol afrleeltaral eoeatiy ef
wliU* thla u tte eoBBr. Bakot ll a
dteBbte petot for a oanalaf (aetery.
W. tete alae aioallMt telUtt** let
Ite iiBMiteBanI of a kalttliw fao. lory, papa* bUI* ate ktadite lada*. Wtea Hal w* BaB fo aflar >
W* cbbboi aapMt Atm to 00a
nHotod, ae aattar bow fraad oar te-

aBwasalahlgkprrBlna last weak to to* eoaaell reoa.
wtea Btarly a haadted tealnoB Ban
md ripMBiiilallia cltiiiaa gatbered
la dteBB **rrml mattiw ef rlBl Ibpanaaor to lbs oily, and te eoaaldar
did aaeli aarrtoe to tte todaaWlal tolineu Iff to* eiiir aear years age.
Tte Beettog ws* eaUed teotrtelry
ThMaa* T. Rates, pneidaet ef tte
BaBasB Hea's »Beel»tlea. wl
waatoalratot Us kind to tte *1
C. R. Book was alwM aa mere
ef tte Bseii^, and tlieo Mr. U
aaalad what toe Beettog ted I
IBber of t
loeklag tot* way for a loeatioa. and
wfalto It wa* not aiiaeled tost ttey
eoald te Beared by tte Beettog tori
erettiag. ll was dealied, lo I
wb*lh*r to* elUmn* en tolarerted to
at of iteplaoaaad
I Jaae* OiUatt wns t
•pm. aad told ef Hi* Oold Oiete
alag Ob. el Indtom. white i* ta
IbU way. Tten attsatlea wa* caUad
lea Mite eoBpaay that haa bare
sHUrtog tbU pUe* a* a daatrabU loeattoa. then a HcMidamrlaa eakaua.ttoatn)*>« wnaeallad ap. ttea tb*
raaart ieBfoat* wer* MtMBed. tte
mibead*. tte T. C.. U * M.. tte A .
Hou. J. W. HIUlk«a broegbl apa
prepartl of tte Hlaninrid* Kal
Oo.ef Onad Ra|dd* to Meat* bB*.
' Tte aagar b«l toussou war*
BiiHwil aad lUaeojBd lor a
Dr. C. I. Kaealagd tadad ta
bad ae (alto la tte balMtog ladeawyi
aad date*!bad tte eaadlBaa to tte
Ha Biffed, bowerer. teat tte
BBteaf tteMWortd

Tiatoaiac Baaty A. Nad
OoBartaalcBar ef

BaariM Rariew-akiertB llatfBfb.
HtoaoIliimiBtcr^eatob P. Whim
Jaaato* ot^M |n*iT~ Bat U. Draw.

Hra HUaa Oilaa** la eaU* alak ai
paaaaal aad tea kaaa for to* toal
Afirr aa akaiaii af fwa aaaatba tto- *
lilac u ObteMO Mlaa KlUt* Uetoea .


otoera wrre wrll kaowa by all who
bad oocaalCB to kaew biw welL
111 aot ealy ba Btaad to bU I
nra belaU ora* toe eeuiy.
Pnnaral atraiea* waia bald Br
day. aad war* lartaly attaaded.

0 a apeeial train
Bl UbI day aad it
1* aipeoled toal tlie crowd wUl exceed
tfly. They will hrtoi abMC aataral
talanr*. acB* ef whoB
l.y toe Tratera- Olty Pytoef
Ibiaa* reoaally at ibe n

M%V Heart Cure.

BBon* iUcU in as «Krr. sure. van. n>Bor or aoBC oxaer aoBDM
groarto apnw the body, and rbrsBalK aad aearalgic pnias Ihiibii al
CoanCaat, accompaaird with poor dvfratKB and cold xxtuBltlea.



B*. Mil**- HaBadUa ate **I4

been plaoKi to to* haU, adding gr«nlly to tte plansnr* of Ite daaeom
Tte ewBbar* of tte Haaoaiio fmaer.
ally and toair ladlce wer* to* 'g
of lb* Knlgbu Templar, and tte s|belenareoma wer* non* tec lane* to*
the nember ptiiint.orec iwe hnndi*d
atlendtoe. aaerv Itea being aerrffnl
lartte* Item lode** to nelchbertag
Tte tUr Knight* reetlred tbelr
goBl* to fnll nnltera, aud after aU
ted aiTtred tbe grand anrcdi took
idaKW. which wat iiartlelpaled to by

oily were tte f

than It* qaoB of luwrly erary ertm*
OB to Ite ealeadar, Hlebi^tam soffertog troB aa rpM*Ble

Mm Jiditt HoffBBa U Improrlag
quB rapidly.
Tte ebarte sarrtea* bald al Ogdana-

Mm OeOmw.


• Kaltominrs Are trtn|>onn ,
rot, nib off and scale.


SM.M I. mx

IflUand. Jaae*

Utd othrr liiMtse germs arr
iiumiriii acid UiMTaack diwin
inktcil by wall itajicr.

'. _

Beard of Rerlew—Warn* Hnxete.
Hebool UapMior—DaaUl U. Hia<*
Jnteu* of tb* P**(»-Pr*d Wciraad
OoruBble*—Jama* Muktaern. Bet**
lOBinoaeD to* tcnwl |jSwan.
AatiKBT Unilict teai 8med
. ffllltoiiuet Obbdo
I SapMTianr—<Suu. A. PiJi.r
Tb* ortiat* tn
■rj^rj.r. Clerk-K. B. Sberldea.
Tnwrtimi—Juba W. Kbia
Rnfli * BMinwl
A. tL and A. A. 8*
Nerthport Sontoy.
MiB Oam* Oadtem__ _____ ___
arday and Bantey.
M*nil*e Hoard ef Ken w-JolB B.
MiB Kriekaee of Murtoport rUlied j Tmtell.
HiB Meek tola week.
, »oIkbI io*p.«Br.-Mr.x W. C, Ray.
MiB Hook care a rery plmBin Mi. Unrra Itoaoeii.
r«ntneot pleaaaie lo Baay of ter
Done friend* one erealBg laU w.ek.
■ ■—

should Iw u>i-d in renovating
.Tm and disintci'ting all walls.
ALABAST1NC COMPANY. Grand Rapkla. Mich.

eommercial Printing
Hll Kinds

herald Job Office

i-. s; iKSiHK


U baildtog two

I Ask Your Neighbors Where They Buy

Tte boat whUtle* seend good
Prank Bear* ba* relnmed for tor f*
erpoa- ol |ioroh**lBg peutot* •gsin.
MU* Hattie Knxiraan. who he* liern
rUmne at Iwr lunue ead with rrtead*.
• ~
. Olty last wr«*
floe new driving
Maa aad oa* of tbe teat beggli* ta
toe ouuBiy He Is aU» making exiau
sir* obange* to tor Park hotel
will te oov of 111* BiMi luodera |dai>-*
in toll r*ewt rt«loo
L K. Rahle went to Tnrrerae Cllv

SapirTtoor—Marvin teOute.
OUrk-PnU Rohr.
Treaanter-i:. H Dalb?Ulghwnr ocnuntUaloner-K rnte.
Reri«w-1. W. Berrt.
Sobool In^wetor-K. A. Yoiee
Jaitov uf tte Peaee-B. P. Carr.
Cl*rk-a.lfied A k^oea
TMasarer-Wmiaaf Wyaan.
Highway OaaintBlrBtr WHIia
-w-P. H. Portner.
or-J. J. Mntested.
Jnrtlee of Ite Peaeo-Marcoa Hoyt

batog raeetted amrly araiy day.
Olarfc-Joha Fle«ff Jr
Hlte^ym^Umar-Albart Oi
Board ef H»rUw-Joo*pl<


Omotablo* — Arteio laToBta
Hike Bootosfel. Edward 8wana
Angnst Kottahala. .
• -larsuvxi- ruveuiie

Their Plows, Harrows, Culti­
vators, Buggies, Wagoes,

•; Etc. Four out of every five will answer &t Ferris'. Afek them
why. and they’ll tell you because there's where They get the

Best Value For Their Money
because the goods prove just as represented. Our aim is to
(<! give our customers the very best value for their money, whether
I it be in a high priced or low priced article.
Those LOW PRICED TOP BUGGIES were clearly such ex} ceptional values that they sold like hot cakes in a hungry crowd.
I have ordered another car load from the factory and expect
them in about ten days.
j In the meantime We will sell you our elegant

i I $65.00 Leather Quarter Tap Buggy at

GUck—Pred Atkin

bet o2iy^ a few.

5 until our $45.00. $55.00, and $60.00 Top buggies arrive.
Mm Irtnm Bata aad daaghta
QoUla Opeai la*t Soaday at Oraad
Srboel oinBinteoed laM Honda)
witoMlB BlUaMcHaaa* <rf Hobb
Bebort WIUOB, Jr, toft for OalltornU iMl Monday.

Bt^arrtoet—J*a» Oaloag.
OUffc-WtUtoB Dalton.
TiteBJte Obbob Ootdte

Steool Ia«p*rter

y We ^ill have a good asMrtment of the celebrated




8. B. Blarkwood.
JotUee Jtea Portor.
Bmrd Rertow-OlarM Johnm.
fov or »re woeka
OBwBblB Oterlo* Boo"liar. Parid
Hr. aad Hr. Bteory HUM wee* tte Oeatartrr. Jtertib Nodow and K«U
of Mr. and Ml*. R. K. Bate*
Nlte N*taB U iBprortog tte took*
^ Mm nam^^» teo^ by fattlM
J*S Pik* t* *xp*el*d bom* troa
Pmakfott tbU wtnk.
Mm Henry PoUem* wo* tte ff***t
of Mm lAwa Bala* Priflay.
> wite to lay Ibnt ttemWB* a bU
about Alfred Arm* aad Plata
i* bol^ anirtod. It to ao* te
iB Sainb MiNH Uaro* t*r TmrBddU Lak* wa* kt*k*d by a bona
PrUUy wbUedrtrlte IteB tor Wb.
Babbeta of Ink# Aaa. B* wao
Mii^t bote* by Mr.
oonUM walk or otead.



a Telgaaid ef Nertopert rma ta
>WD tn^lte to ff*l the gasolie* boat

Her. Maakstadt

by 8aai

RCMi tM^rmatTt


25.^ mBBar.
ter. a aaa..
b« of >ote CB tend.
Cftarley ElUi U aptof to sow aa Oroheakay,
aacv of eniea Bod. W* totok te will
ter* saaae waadtoe to do.
------- '
Mm WIU LrlcbUB baa ftuiabad her ;
- •
10 bar baabaad,

ead eonitoeed ontll a laB boar,
iBspIrtoff Bosto batof tontobed by
Stawwt * BlaSen* fall ertoietra.
An alabwale banqael was sarred to
llw large dtotag haU by B. B. Brown
of Tte URla Tarere. tb* Mptlag
-land* and axoeltoni tarries enaatog
,anehfareiabtoeeBa>«.l. Tte India*
« Itortan Star lodge wer* nepm
dbto for Ite daintily aM Bbtoa. with
Iteir rleli dseereriena of iwl eamaUouB. tmltor. aud mndalabaa wtto
rad alBdaa. Um affrel batog rery
r*—‘-f TtetadlBef toe faalim
tiBr tniBlahad or«r twalre doecn <nraatlon*, aa well a* Iter etoar dMOralloaa. and alae to* enke* for toe ban.
qnal TV Banff waa a* fellow*:
-PwfeW •
ft*—d T**l 044 B*b

Kalgbta and th* oteratoff
w of to* ladlM BBktoff a ptetoi*
iBOh beaaty. a* the latrtmtr
n ef tbe Bareb war*
thRKiBgb w^jl. STh* Ito* waa bt
by BBtoeatOeinBaadar W. W. Baltli.
and bis wile, who wet* followed by
«M Br laaUBc.
tte oOmr* Bid Past RBiaeal OoaTb* OadiUae Olebe
•rt and BeBlier* of tte order,
-Ob Wedairndy eraoiag. April n.
Lalto Kaekh Tnapl* ef tte OmBatle with Itelr ladlea Al too eeaeJ>
OrdaKalffbi* ef KbomimB ef Tmr- of tte BB**b.^ daactor b*<BB*
Olty will Ifflltot* a elaa of HOitana ftea Masistea, Peteskey,
OndlUae. Maaortoaa. Knikatee, OeoWal Lake. Barber Briagi. OhartereU.
Tbr WOMB who r«d* tU* wIU mdm
Bbermaa, Blk Hapi'da. Haatea. Bart rtaad to toe fall ^ Mr*. TIpBB ■
a. PiBBkfort dad Mny wbee te* ay*; / *1 m tejeytoff |
Oadillae will femito a teahh.- Jtuktaof ebeet
iffallaa ef
I be ea* of toe Beat I
•TtrtB to tte tratoroal hlatety ef tbto
It wiU be THB *rB>t of the
*■ TrarMBOity Barer do** a
totof of this kind *xe*pi la'iteealy
way.* Tte ‘hot aul'aaneanoeawal
that te* beaa laal eat by ti|* adrartislag eoesBltea* Uao warm ti

At U Oie*m WU. O. Hedm


JEStVEESrsJE.iJS’” “ *'■
pitttioa, anable
e^eciaUr the left, ywajbeuld
begin takiiic

and tteir laiUe*: Willard SBlto. HIb
Roto SbIUi. Oharlereto. Mr. and
Ohartsreli to Mng a crowd froB aU Mra A. P. CbBitea. Mr* and Hra
O. WallteK-ht. Hr. and Mra Qay
Brown. Ooatnl tekr; Dr. aad Hra
P. J. Prallok, Maple Oily; Hr. and
Hra Jerry Salllran. Mr. ead Mra
Prank Bboter. Mr. uid Hra A. W.
SllB*r. Mr. and Mr*. Wb. He* and
daagbier. Owtor: Mm WbilBan.
SoaU Atb; Hr. and Mm Uo
tola aaetion of th* «
WilltoBt. Maaloa.
ittem baring tte party to
Tb* Knlfbit TSBptor nrrar do any- etaarg* ware aa follow*:
J. T. Hannah. O. U Moffatt. B. J.
tbtoe by balreaaad tb*lr party PrtiMr
erenlnc to to* Mawwlo lodge toow Meagan. J. O. Orelse*. J. 8 Ptotebm
el Ite BO*! elabonl* and aa- & (iarland. O. P. Oamptell. W. C.
toyable one* toal tea bw« held to HklL
H. a Jeynt. Prank rrtodrtoh. S.
Ihl* olty ........... .. ...................--------- -W. Otalllok.
H. a HoUey. W. J. Bobb*. P. U.
J. Pnrtaeb. a O. Dcopree, L A.

frea tli* AaBimn Sebool of Oen**poadmee of Beeeoa. wbleh b* U d»- rtfoag. aek MBaa well.
etreu ef girlag te *ob* aabi
yeeng ptepla. Tb* eebeol be* so arealleal repotatlaa. aad tte only emt
U to* stadml wbe take* to* ■obelar
ihIpU tteaetaM com ef tte faecA.
and aaterlal aBAamnaattog *0 abaal
or tte eoana. ae ehaig* at all
tetog eate for tte Ineirsoiioa.
offer of tte fra* •ebolarpsUp* U llalad a* to tlae, aad toe** wbe deeli*
to lake adreaiag* ef It eboeld wrlB
teMt. Bagel at oaea PnirtoU
> for tte payatai of te* ea
rial to toetiUaeati If tb*
dmt hM net tbe *Ma*y ta pay It all
at Ite ttoa tb* eear** U tokea.

I BaackarlaiticaBd aapple. toe booc* ctreag aad tbr Btto fira; bat when
I tot* Ufctudtapollalcd or potooaed aad tones iOBBtiffix«.tealtotbaUto.
I tag ckaacata, tbra their is a rapid derliae et toe ritol powm, tcaalliaf

or hurt toe ayttca like toe sbragBiacral irBadita.
Otork-4aha Tntoar
bet rnlly aad thoroagbly ctoaaBS the btood aad
Mr. aad Mra. laBlWB ter* serte
Ttoaaarar Hwaiaa M Oiteaa. „ ,
bMaaad Mr. aad Mm. WUloby Mt* _Klchway
abaetoto* the debilUatod organa, whta all bodily
j ailaeato diaapprv. S. S. 8. is joal such a toeic as old people need to
and tone up tbe Stoaaach. If tberrisaay berediteacaer.
sose diacaae eoatiactcd to early life. & S. a
p ; will Mairb it out and naaor* erery rmtlge of it tiuB tor aratcB.
Wnu u lolly abost your cam and let ear pbrsicians adviae aad bcla
fall tana—8. R. Gat*,
I roe. Thu wilt ctet you Botoiag. and we wiU Ball free OOT book on blood
mu* tea a bey fiOB Cold.
I end akin diaeaae*.
_______trial for a taa waak*. aad tl
all ar* Btlaflad they wlU keep him
Mr. aad Mm Baatca Herbal aftor | >^
apmdlac Ite wtotar to Uraad Haald*. 1
teraastaraad. Hr*. Barbst taa* W> jp
_____ _____
ray alek aad to yaa to Ttararae Oily. | Olerk-Prad Barold.
loMl Hlnsbaw.
Oaaee* Bwaaay wilt aeea Bor* to 1

rapablliBB BoaatBartea far

Ooy n-lnraad Tboraday froB ManorhUaMllty. ,Hlir*Bark<
Ulr.'.wbaf* tlwy weal in to* IntaraM
Itelora Ite Biatlaf adloaraad. Har- of toe UaBltollB. Of teUa Raofcb
aaa Walfate apek* atwoB* laofh la- TtBida. No. lie, D. O. K. K.. to tola
oily on tor tSrd. Tbry aeoared **T«aaatioaef tlw Dead*. U.a a.'
^ipUBtloe* aad Bear au
, the dIBoalU* ate tte n
laed. The Maulaiae u*bI

Obartea Qaraialaa did aot Iblak ttel
J. K. Baal, eoold rid* a oadar pete
Itel te eoald eairy, IroB Proot awaal
bridfau UbIoo *tr*«l bride*. IfhW
oa ll for part of tte way. ate UfbUaf
hte elfar white iBklaff lb* trip That
i* why;Ot*Baio* pal ap*& affalnal *10
of Boah BOeay to the haad* of Oa*
aud tfaal te why Baal. I*
M rtobor ate OarBaiaa It poorar.
Thaea war* aaay people who
WQfiit Ibal to* aolir* affair
hlaff. aad IboB who weal W
heal atraat bride* te «te Uiue appolBlod WB* fiaolad with ortea of
••rabber." Bat la a tary few tolaBuah appeared, ate with htea
crowd of aaaa aaktoaa to aa* bla. wlu
Boaay or fat a daektoff. Baay ef
la did aot cat* aaeb which. *0
H* look Ite prte, a oadar aboat It
r*ol loBff ate barely lartr oaoa«h
MBlu taa when te lol ll to tte
.,aad canted it froB fate dalikrty
a to tte rtrar arar Proet *Wi
Iwldffa. Tte wtod waa blowtof
ftitBfIyIhal It waa ehrleaal.r oel
Ite qaaatioo to Uft.t a etfar. aad It
wa* terter to aiay oa tte tap.
Mdlttoa that Baah waatoUffl.t Ite
ifar waa wHbdrawa.
Thara war* headrad* of people or
tte baak* aad tte bride* «tea toe ai
taapt wa* Bate. Baah ted oa ordi­
nary ahooa, wbleh
Bel te atortad off all rlfhl, aad aeae
wa* fotoff atealy. H* lay dowa oa
to* lof. ead fleoBd for a eoaaldetahl*
dlatoaoe to ttel peaUtoa. Tl.aa te
Bl op, aad laier toy down asato.
Whoa te paaaed aadar tte Ualoa
atreai bride* ho
enotod with applaao*. Bo want ea to Ite Oil beoB.
wbar* te want on abore. Hr diw«d
th* l^froa-tte'rttar aad carriad
to yard* froB tte bank. Tbaa Oteoawald tended erar tor tie that had
a coed learr, repnaaedao rrffcat ai
laittoe with tte fire aad aaid toal
Baah aataad bU Baaay.
Tte pel* ea which Beab atode to*
rIpwB* lator takaa aad pUoad to
froat ef tte drae aure of B. B. Mlll-



^eoBap*^ J.A.KMBto
trill eecar, tbe duicrx cl aeff-

No aaa In Ite ooaaty bad a I
aan er boto trtaadly dtepoalltea
lliaa the docBaod.
B* wa*
liBo* ready ate **«*r to aar
frtaote ate aalfbbon ate hi* aaUral

Oartuf Ite 1

tlBteatetelac 1

or ia btlNr Wtodt. mm w«k

VeaoBd wa* ptoBiaaal la
laty ate a wtda aliate of D
. .11 Mara hte doalh. Par b
yaar* ba ted aerate a* dapaly abarlff
fv Wbitiwaiar towatelti wha* te
U**<l rorik ytan. B* baa baaa a raoIdeal af ite eaaaly lor 41 yoaii. <*Blac bar* ta IMl.
Ha fonaarly Urte la ItelBioa.OMo
.toB ttete dioT*wl*a ta
Obteafo bad taklafa boat cai
■erttapw Uiteaaa ooBUy. «> U*
way to Tfarnra* dJliy. P*oB BortbPOR te dtarr Ihroeca tte wood* te
ihia ollT. telac forete B Bab* hte
way threacb by oatttac the hraab ate
10 Bakra paaBbte read. Bl*
heal tb* tia* MBB to drtra IfOB
Honbpon hero.
Mr TWkar teat** oa* daa
_ad iliM *a^ Hra S. P. Moor* of
WtllteBabarf, Oteytoa- Tkaokar ef
Bate*. OUffotd ef Diwkertllte. Mteb..
oad Ray of Ihta oity. Tte faa«al will
lak* pteo* Ralarday afi—eaa a|s'elaek. froB th* Matbedtel aharcb 1

er Uaa* Ibaa lha lor«r oa*. aud ihal
laaat daa* aboald ba »ol tea
Itea |fi aad tbal |10 weald br brite.
Poauaaalor Raff merad that a oob
Biwa* el iro 1- *n>olaMe> *• »««
tea for a parBaaaal notfaate
Mr. Tbaebar wa* wMl kaowa ate
tte. bat II wa* ibeechl by bom lhai
lb* Boatlaf Joal aa ll waa eoeld ra- Ufbly'le^woMdUlhtedly. Hawa*
laoal U ooaely politiB aad la
orvuta* laal a* wall, aa Dr. «. K.
armlnatifl A. V. Madrleb aa

. lorelbty tte oaaUwaet lalaHw lo ih*
lafBBVU dataloiMBi ol Ttararaa
Oily. Xte falharlBf laeladod aaay
el »b* BOB |«froaol**aod

n of bU haahb

lor Ite

Do aot alwar* reeeiac tb* ByBpafkj «ad aOestioB wkdto^
tbry dcorrre. Tteir ailaaats are racarded a* pwdy
tBagiaary. er aataral aad naaeradablr at tbair taM A
hlc. DteaaraadtafaBbyahcBldMalwayateaaaari-aK;^


aoM iaqalrte Chair-

M*B Bate aaplaiMd vhaa had haaa
lha aaHM
te hteiaal Baaiaaaa
Ite'a Iwnnhifm and <ha work It
Thaa Baa. W. & Foatid
w calM apaa aad told of aew o( U«
Gteaariaa tiial lha Otaad Tsaatv
Oatalifial Oa haa tektag Ite
wap. Hr atalad tha» U all lhara wa*r


A Good Hearted

^Madava^M U* Imm t

‘■r*-- •------ kte gon* down te a
A. Naim’* wter* te will wBff ter*
LoaU IU*l^n* U
wood fw B. A. HaUoa.
MOag off tb*
Mm Vian* fate a wbat* tatei
f ate folk* Job aow.
PoO* Otebaaga ^ braa Bakiag
Beba* trtaote nonJ
otteoBaMteaamoovmp aad a
ate Pbffba «aU*d oa TboBa*
memleg matetly.
^aa Hi Hill I 1 bad a«tetatoa >

KES-JUJa-"* “■

For T^er.
lo U«0 to hum li-'t-f' will
bini-ahotl it xKi^irt l.urt ll.<
li^cr any and it's au-fully r'-L'
for you.
Cosisumptkm i< .1
among diseases. It ixstraht \ j
—but once started h n4)Kll\ |Rf
caLs up the flesh and dL->tn>>
the life. No use to gu hunting
it with ordinary food and medicimi That's only bird-slioL
It still advances. Good heavy
chATg*^ ^ Scott's Emuhion
will stop the advance. The ^ feels that.
' Sixitt's Eimilaon makes the
Ixbly strong to resist It
soodics and toughens fliclui
and sustains the strei^ '
tbe disease wears Hsetf out



...-.tfti.u .......

Higiiffrade Dolson BuKKies. Surries. Roadwagoin. Gentlemen's
Driving Wa<Dns, Rubber tire gotxto and Spring Wagons. See
them before you buy.
127 SUtff Stfwet

THE ci>A^ ifetvBWfc MEMUO. APRIL 17. IsM.
UniQsc HcnM.
I *MavOi^aip»r.» ttmmrn
m- fcEEfcur «r ^ta* Ulw. MciAMitoUy E«1M • dtafe of ho* ebocotmm fraotiw tnm • klieh<*. toMo
rtoU. frtfbtfoUy
ha boo oal ebo^ ood o Uulo *

whoo to f—■ Tbo inapt *0(1 OB
of * phniei** and tM lUo.
O*o«t Tjrla. of PbMI. 10000(17
lea oeoa thol wo* iiaatibW I*
aairaap*. Tbo onlaU ao* a yoM
oM. Sheaao ihoBMihrraf laoot?wo atra is ha Oao. *sd la> UtIbe

■oMto te fwx of h^ «-m oEitMt
X amd ihova oUlad Kovhog. K. berhood vtthto tte Umlb *f B*v
TarfcUta^ a ami totem* toadaatootteoiaafte Mbep *> bto
tho cMltas ool lAvtaf wore borod. oM« auto 6tf
«r* amr bto ova mbpteaa.
ted. ate •forptUte oatdoor* vt
atmnd aad *albd bp tte trad,
tola^ to Urttew eemtorte

•p Iho rtoa.

Boolde * r>ad U Aa-

tb* aaaa of Uaeolf aad taaUp, fa
tb* PUipino lada ha altb Ua> tdi
all* aad eblldna aad hi* notba-U-

At tk-otoo Baber booooa fa* enld iW.
aa ooaMol * BOBba of Boralr bon
WUb bl* Bdad a areek and hU
U hU elaiE*.a*7)o»>
losdotod pbpMoU eoaditloa badaia# oa colfate loaEattlea a prlael|al of the l*p«k a Mproa Hooka, a tUeatod
Mcfa**ooJlsarrtdi^.bel (beoefaool poaat artUt. ha* boon taka to tb*
bafd thoocbl It o bias sod pUd no
hoapUal fa tb* tana* at TiaaN. J. OcOoL 31 Beeka diapfa pam onkBoaB ood eelteol epoaed pMod troD Woedbta*. K. 3.. and It
Hcnbr aanlBE aitaoat o Baelar.
f<atod he bad eoBmln*dWk-id*.
DutOf tUfUi torao tb* prioelfal
oiaanitod arofol Btaber. U tb* foM
loBBd tb* artUt fa« in a aoam,
tfaeobfaeol luarddid am apbold bU from aUeb ho aa* anUde to d^
oMtea* and nlB*laied tb* bogr*. (iae* blmalf. Vild vitb tbtrs aad iiaaca,
afalA Ubo tfaor hare boro a ooorw Le bad caaaed talc* of baaba and
of eoatlBBol oabanaiBBOBt. IM amopad bol*« ia tb* earth to pel at
aook thra* *nkin nod (ao lanlen ibeBototar*. UU eleteias «a* ton
loft tb* baildlBE b7 (be ftr* reap* In- • Mitoda. All rSortelo roetor* bii
oMod of the aaaal a*7, and Oil*
aelloB au aao tfaan Hanb ooald
aaad. HI* eaunet ailed fa ED
■aearltlM ral^f- BOUa of toeltoMiou. k*t Hanb
nova bodawd
Mioidar tb* bead B*d a HAOOO la aa old *b«*L 8*funod lb* aobee) aa to tb* aleoa aal pear* atro Eoeb parcliaeed for a
taefaa and sasiioaded tb* uralp trllllBE aaa a( a pablic tole a email
oaUqai.' cbect Haflaf oo
Th* myrnetf *anooadiac tb* dlap- aa* for It. be plaoad It ia tb* farrol
hU piao* of baMaeea KiaaUf
p«Maaa of Onwla W. H. Soja of «f*r
b* dMdded to a** lb* bos. and apoe
Wool Bap Oft7, abo ha* Imo mlotlof
tnktiit it apart for ropalr* a fale* botOlaa Tbatadar la*<. be* boaa aolved
foand. aadonitatb wUeli
bp lb* dadlsE of hi* bodp ia bod is a
rasa at th* rear of the naa. Kopa va* feaad tbeUddmi trtaltb. Tb*
ted b*a frlerloE fa two Boetb* former oiriMr of tb* ebeel 1* aa•fa th* death of hUaotba. Oaaw kOOWB.
of datb ha* aot pet baea aieanalsod.
At ML OleataD* Ml** T*M8(iS«ii*
a pOBBE anair of Wpaadaie. ba* ■ap th* Kortb aad Bbath American
teeaarroaod aa tb* ebaife ofoKat- maMaak* oaoei bo n«*rdod a* bette artiola (raa th* rarieiit plana loBElBC to tb* wUd ipKdea. beiat
aten te* ba* beea aafetof. Tb* Idratlp d**e*nd*d from doe»e*tic anl•oedi (oaad la ba poaeilea mad malh vbero Omilial J
bp dlSetaal partia aoUd Tarkariaa, Mill eoatalai betd* cloaelp
•U aaol traaki aad a*n falaod ai
«*a a faaadiad doUara Tbep ooa- roafht there va* ovtarad bp a Ba*>
aM*d of tabk* ItMB*. fltfa aar*. a>- kaa explorer. It 1* a timid, aerreai
nnl ate>aMoatlaanm«Ba Sb* rnetaro tritli a woollp eoat mad tc-aal
laae aad mil.
A ipadleato u qaletip eocacad ia
boptac ap all afallabl* tarmt be■lEhltal
Twmtp-foar p*ar* ace lAarle* E*l. Oolerado Sprlac* aed Maea' torn drmr* orw to tbii flUac* «itb
with tba iatoetteaet taralac
bt» toother «te Saadap to atua4 (he aafiooadlDC nstoo ieto aa Im' teirrdi la ItodlBc hi* ben* into the
teani> ttedi th* *qalB* eeddeaip
p 16.000 aoro*.
Jamped. Jarfciac OharUp-. band Bp tmoklBE otoanlM* aad olcart
tealM a tepnad lead paaell b* audei the dlreetloa of older eompaated to bl* poefcat. n* pela t ptereed ton*. Dell Oerlep of la Oteem. ac*d
M* tend Bear ib* themb aad mb*
ta. IM* baea poieooed and will
at. BaantlpUibaadbecaapUnlnc probablpdlr.
him ted a tdaeb oweUlDC appeand ee Of all (he Edward* vbo hate ml on
hi* lhamb >et8L Meadap Dr. Maekla- Ib* BncUto toroa* eel oa* lea* braa
aaa toaoid tba (walUac. fladiac ii erovaed with U* qa**n in Weetmlatllad Vito pa* aad Imbedded thenda
abbe.r eiaoe Edward 1 and Elmapdeo* of tb* lead that bad b*aa
ware erowaed ibare locetl'er. that
tter* tvmp'fear peart.—Oxford balaf to* ftrH cweoatlim la to* |w**abbrp^______________
Oaarn*** Cannot b* Cured

as3 ssa-a.-j-'iwi.'ag
d (to tte MBlBC of ooaatp leadi
fcm haatia U U axpaeiaa (bat tte
wtot of pattlac >P PoM* aad Mcaial
tte Iritoiminai of aU aoaamp i

Bp m-

rpea* af hto BiMimar*
who ted a tebtbea* wo* ealbd ap
aad totermad. -Tbto to Btaak'* Bmperiam'e aprlte oitetoc- Dtotra a
A* tte vamaa at th* ether
eteUMoBed aha heard tve (topi
ractlmebpW* toefaeMta, ate tbra if
to* WM erditerilp carioae toe pat ee
hto hai ate haemeeJ to Bbak'* to
flte eat to* oeoaoioe for aaeb melodp.
Mra Baba 8mito.vU* of a v«abbp
Olehicte tambarmaa. who roetotlp
mored to Hpd* Park. Ghl««o. dtoap-1
poartd from bto htoa* bt* Hoteap |
ilCfal. ate Tbarodap aftortmee toe!
rm foate MtUte eo aeldnUkacar.
l.**d«* of tte pntobal Bockvell
treat aad Oraad aToae*. For fear I
dap* tb* had vaadered tb* ttroem (d
Chiatco vearite emitoto* aad bvalate vttooal a ptaap, vbU* ertop
: la tb* pellet Mehlamp of tte
r had teen ml to ted bto. 8b* to

what you
don’t want
for some­
thing you do
want. Sell
what you
don’t want;
buy what you
do want.

■Bloa MerckudK.

M iiKiiiiinniTS.
Sheet Katie. TalUw
Nhchtiet ate KccErfc.
129!^ St

k “Cent a Word”
Want the Detroit
Eveninf News, indudin; The Morning; Tri­

BTHUT, in 8 n MtL MT, int IS.
42c far No. « all Tm Wato Boilcii. «6c rUue.
47c fa( liarh-atLJb Wash Bodera. T6c ralae.
37e far
Black and Wbnr Striped Ovenhim,
cloabCWl aad bM% ted wanaate
wanaated ato to
rip. .*d>c »alue.
• •
3C each' far ladies' fbuzc Vetos, Sc catoe.
5C tor » t(>oA of lOU vds bcM Machiar Thraad. aU
immbrti. Umh and while.
7c far pood hekvj CBS|»dum. i*]MaDea. lUc valae.
23c far pood itxed taiKy >apanae<) Chamber Parb.
SSc value. ■
4c a iiair A good Bo«V Saapeaden. 10c value.
42c fa( dxrin of S Mvies nf Pochrt KnitestSc
7c far good •■inch Shcaia. ISc value.
I OC ftw a hnv of .t cake, of the beS Todet Soaje
KeguUi 25.- value.

bune. will do the woric.
A. U Dam. a bimn of Hardp.
rk.. te* eom* to OUeace wlto eredMittoto to mim faada for the deatl.
tat* farmer* la th* droachl-etrlakaa

I 6C far > r«i
Kake. SSc vitae.
1C far a good Atoetom Mai. Sc value. .
3C far «pa»M Mack Stee Ijmea far Ladie*’ to


Geto*' afamt.

' 3C far It dot
A^e BtoUte. 10c raMm
I 42c.far good Itep-* to Gent's I'lafaicte. SSc rake
I I 9C far good Dinner Paib. two Mpfaa, SSc valae.
' 3c far 2S ol the best bavelbpea, S or S ia.. Sc valae
j 3c far good beavv Tie Waab tllliiii. Sc val'oc.
i 73c far good Nickel Atom Oockv gaarsatce.1 far
one pear. fl. rake.
I I 9C far goo.1 MiTToci. lltH.'.HSc value.
! I 7C far good coiiaa Bov%‘ Knee 1‘uits. 2Sc rake.
. 9c a pair far Children's an 1 M imrs'beavv, riMied,
ton'IsUri S(or.-kito.i, all sites .ISc ralue.
I 2c'f*“ S'"' ChiUlrcn's rataMds. Vk values.


Over 100,000
Copie* Sold Daily.

Aiways Nolsy with Bargaltva.


bard. Baxtto. Stoea. Faltoo ate
Mr eeeatie* ad)elBiae. Tte amlerilp of to* farmtn loM all tbeto
ate an la vaaL
-am limtor tor AUm** IW-te**.

Tte Unb fobs love Dr. Wood's
Horwap Piae Spreu
Ptoasaot to'““--0«^ '

imi! ots«
t oar Ol May.

pleld qaiekl.T ate larmaBaall
eleanMac. nuitplat power of
Blood BitMn.


BodUppaia la*** tlilarTto U poa’ve |
a botO* of Dr. TbooB*' Eebctrie Oil'
le tb* be*
of bam*,
aap ecet.
Frof. a r. Wbealar of tb* Acrioaltoial ««U*«* ba* rm* to Kalkmka to
laraMigatc the eaam of i grml maop
lb* of eattle ia toat vlolnUp. Ii
tooBjcfat *om* poi*eooa» pUaU
afaoand toMV vhleh the canto cat

Watch this Space
next Week,,,

rui Con aso—irk Aeh* t* Pin Ml*Till* to )aM vtaal Painkiller will
do: ttp IL BaveabotU* la tbe boa**
forlaamal am. a* it will mve. ^
boat* of mfferlBg
Wateli oat that
lb* dealer dam aot eeU poa an imlmtlen, a* tb* gnat reimtaiioa or Palakiller (Pmtp Daric'j. hm ladaoed

srffi Sid'S

astiM gtoiBlaa"

Chart** WUlwr.' aged 6. of Alfa*,
lahl hto op*B bate aena* a tree naap
aad darad Jo* Stoat, 7 T*ar* old. to
eat *S toe Sagm with aa ax Umt lap
near bp. A* a reralt of lb.- dare
Oliarto* to miuBi feu digim

We will tell you a whole lot
about that $8,000 Bankrupt Stock that
came In this week. We are very busy
arranging it and hope to have it ready for

Vou OHII Find tbe Uery Latest at
Popular Prices.
Ole make a specially ol Cbildren’s Hats
and Bonnets, and of ’‘Ready>to*Ulear’’
Hals lor Cadies and misses.

you by Saturday of this week.
Bargains upon bargains in Dry Goods,
Clothing. Shoes, Trunks, Valises, Notions,
etc. In fact a general stock, with prices
cut in two, will be for sale on Basement

• of Bollp aholata


E. milbelm. «


Ml. MresioM b *a «nr^m«M*m in'slac a palatal tet eM toriea* veoad.
Bart (Mtoitte of boUarrlUe. I*e*
aamttp. dlda'l teUtra U toriaci
teaki. Be doaa aov. bat U« fcaowlode* Ii of Uttl* aa* m him. a* be baa
aatUte «* pal !!>««■ Be bad IHO
toaaeb ate fcaptltlnaaoldea ' '
la hU hoaia 8ea*e <■• fol a*« to
tte tet, ate trbaa Chmeron vat atrap
tMto teto* toak tte whole aaoaaL
TtetUaf left tte tolohel. pmbablp
teptte ttat OBtoerea woaid
time tefea aaothat depoalt la It (or
himtoewavv Vito.
A J. Whim, formarlp tte '
kam bmdloid of the WiUtami
Boam, of BaitU Oraak..ha* boacbl
all of toe bad aieaad Bpldn, Beaal*
ate Orcitote lakea. to Orate TraTot**
Ooaatp ate vUl atmUtob a Me i
totem ate lamtaar taaon far Ohtoacep—pb. AhemivlU bebaUtaad

Luitive BccuoQiKiinf -toM*.


“Ilebir« iMBtorrhoid*
ptofoe of mp lit* Wa* almow wllA
Daaa’e OlataMat eared me qaitolp ate
permaaesUp.-after doctere had tall^g^.^pcrawedl. Vallep StomL

the Boston Store,

GttMiUlT we are a lltti* top of eombtmtion* ate traata. bat tbere to oa*
to* bdlm aad frieod* of a ceod card__ e fa Am'eriea,
a tl 8. dth Breet.
Land la ITM. hare

toovlac rbren taneti**
•n. ate taa farleUe* of
W* wtll eat top to <—..........—
miaptlac oSert. *md f« their mtalo- 5
tar toe oaariac eammer.
At bee Moaamto vblb______
MIMmeli «a* dlcftoc a voU on U*
pnperip}aet veatof tteeleetrt
tell am be tonek a depoell of
mto Iron ore. Tte attoeUea of the
pmaltraM eaebb i>a* baea (ailed to
tteiteBBdatemor mea baa bean
aatatworfcmaxpler* to* peopixtp.
iiald fat a barrel fax. Ttep loqalred
OiiWtte each! to **rtk* a icael
ce ted mom MEOod tat oo( tor mem
amtellto Dartd MeElddtoof Baali oflhe cfamp grad**. Before I have
BM. Maria, for Ealtoat ate paMatle
tefiaa. be barite tarabbed the ro- oftcB hard te baUma. TbwllwUl '(
pattbaa pm^ with
bevlto tbe Btaamea* to lap above »'
emtameak Ttep will «ol U- able
mmt Mr. In a p
•tt of bCM'
bCMOf on
v tlatt
d prieed al (roi
Me pit deara. Tte box of the 'dOe
wa* amrto belt taa*. tte lev^ giadm

You have been told bow some of our competitors buy.and hgw they will save you
moncy.!-WewiU only say we sell both DEALERS and JOBBERS, which inaces I's
in Position to Buy Right, and until further notice we will sell all kinds of'


(ten to deamnd. and amaUp al to* ^
lareaMlxteL In bastaemttam to al-1
wap* gomd opeaiac ta troel (or them
wbo rmeh li. Thto to tree of mtoi
’ deianiBMK Q( U*. ••The.*
room la treat le ibeebBreb.
r," mid too aactcKL
HOT* to JaM a* txae of apple

• aa abetrle alioek <d ei
Baaip to a t*aalae aleelm
■aa. Tbr*e p*ac* afo- vUl* p(^to(
Mbark. he wa* tewA hp llcbmlte
aavor af IrBBBiitttot aa elwilrte

....... _ nareaglntoeltamaikec Ap-:
ptoe wltbeat emb. mrfaellT (anaed. !
rad bl«h aalored. (Thrift ate toiap. ;
Heir ta mearv them to tbe qaeMloa. | ,
Potocmeo* to taeaet Ut*. einpiag be- '
(era to* tree* IteT* «e deetrop tte pra- j
daeenof tte *aab ate (aaea* Brevtb. ^
IlimtTsr- bbteefafcaUr b*tvwa ate
bamedlMatp afte tlM bloaeem* F
Ut tbamb ate flafer b* otaarte* lb* (all. an toe tlmm moe* eaamtial ate i
tedol to imanclp ibu Uarp valebt* meat eSeeU** te lb* meariaEaf mnd.
tea to Uftod. Wtoa fit** allchl oa
Mm toqr dtop dead, aad wbea h* to
to 9** ahlae like Ulaateikroeto hto


*MEMBk iMtoMto’
■. Me

Mad as

BartHp Aadmaea'*
L c. ~ ' -



Cbat money Can Buy
Our money has already bought,
and they are yours at a small profit
above the cost to us. Our sales each
year have increased bn these popular
priced goods, until we are able to both
buy and sell in very large quantities,
thus both getting and giving lowest
possible prices.

S2*,£nSS'r£.''L'52:.“ ,

tltoltolliii b *e ri(td (bat mail earrton ter* beta oteerod to r*e*lr* ao
■mU tem the pbeardad boaae*.

Cbe Uery Best
Seven Dollar and Fifty
0ent, Cen Dollar, and
Cweipe Dollar

DVoti Know much
JIbout Cbese Boods

Carnages, Harness and Farminglmplamants


We have no TRASH nor CHE.^P JOHNS. We are HERE with tbe GOODS.
Our stock is LARGE ENOUGH and prices LOW ENOUGH to satisfy tbe most
careful and conservative buyer.

Q. E. & F. P. BOUGHEY,
fmWMCKryMBh. ,,

You will be sure to come and
see us when in wantof asuit.

It's vastly to your interest to
conne and learn more.

Hamfllon £lolMnd

206 Front Sircet

aijai^-ttiir^r'i—T" • - !»•-«

tb* hM* M thtTCteta* AUw

tar* Md acrta^tata.
HariBB Bobarta wn lb* w*a*
ToMTDW- will be tedproellr «bT
iiiMili ta (b* elU** aad rtUacw |»'
tajepabte -HUittap Saab
op|»ftaal.lta for tb. M tb* WoMB-l Cleb; wilb Hrm. & pa*9 Taaadap •taatec. lb* pawl of
lefM ta Itadta. Tb* foUvwtac boaor botef Hlra Edith Taa Blpfc* of
Iowa. Tb. htpaparl
•tomt'talT to bataUfr tbetr
11* Wita*
ItaK will (liow lb* ernlB* of tb* etatM. la Ttavan* 01(7 tbta* 1( kob
lb* baU aod *tairwap. aad tbe p
>t la tbU (««ard. aad U
wm dbaorad to lb* Ibitatap Ttifi,
M*d DM b* eoOBed totb* pabll* nad b7 Mra Ella V. PartpOB arHTtep. bp Hatatr VUlard Vi
Total *Me-ltra A. B. HoiUdap.
CnMDd*. Th* retaW !»•(>*• o*« •>*>
borp. who WM dtoMod te fall rapi-Tb* PewM of lb* Boa* Mafeta
MldaaMr* aad proBI latMo. I17 «neotal aaifon. Dartep tbe trepreta
•teulac (lallar lodtatrr Dboal (hair bp BMta Baltli llafaa B L.iJ**d bp of ’tbe para*, tbe ebanpw war
Uita H. Oorwad* 9i*a»an
•«>bani.a ***7 a l**'P«P“
Mb* it a petal to a« eat» (•wow* laMramaaal daot—Hn. V. D. C.
Otnaaloe aad Kra a Oarlaad.
<w Mrata «D Arbcr Dap.
rar*«t ooaMectep of beolUea. rated
Tb* feraniM aUo *a«mMi
Ited with rod. wblt* aad blaa
aetaeol ptamatneta tuMDorr o( *>>• «M*" bp Hn. U. a Woodlep. H»tiodwUb tbe
lal* PraMdael lUKlalep. Sebeei eUl- aotala**. lead bp Hn. Jdo. K. Saato. ___ r*
eaten, ml white oad
dna M>pald adopt tbU ladiaMloB.- Total Wlo-Hn VpaOBf.
bla* tepar itaenata, oakw aad eaCaa.
U*ir •* aaoojioo.
Tbita tafatei Ued ter cha ^i**a.wUefa
biBwof tea ben* for lb* tedtea
£ Wlteoa ef Utead wq* ia *• oHp
pwk* ef pteplag oatd* forth*
edap «» ba*laan and white ban
iDTidtaallp tet It Ml that b* It aa* of pmtteaaa. Ta* ete wbe oat ■aece**tb* b*ln 10 tboTHtaia** «*tal* of tb* fallp far tbas wee* Hn a E. Hate,
teta Uaaard Oaw ot Oleratead. wbtefa Hla Tao Blpfc*. Hte* Hariaa Bob*r«
raCPTwaiM $l«.aOO.«» or ralaabte aad tb* Hiawa Lwa Tin*. Olaad*
mu* thl* hta b**o befon tb* |wUle [Bopertp la tbe bean of Oteretead f>oQnd aad H. a HoU»t.
two poan ot aon. ib*n l» *
sad a terp* anoaai ot eaBi aad par, itatqiiTTrtt tall of tb* UaUwn
bt1«blar pro.p*. «;of lb*
of tb* aeaal Mopop. Hr. Viteea'*
«BMrfclM tbao at aap Ua* pnrloi
raetber wa* a atetar of Leonard Data
It 1* Maud UallbaOraad «apl4** aad Hr. Wltem te Ibwvtan a diiaet
It U not a oaae of *1
aip wraith. Mr. Witeea U to raeaip*
ofcaaota of tba pnOeel b*laf taaokad
wtataBBtrattea frota an aatbcrl. etellT notobte wan O. C. l«rip a*
leuta ttat bteaban of tbe aatat* Rip Van Winkle aad Dr. A. H. BolUBboald Ibl* b* dta* (be •
wUI be 1800,too.
Will ter* a •tabiUlp tbal wlU a«*a» Ttar* an etben te OhiM Daatar, Oap M tta Hodan Weoaa. Site tol­
UMlala wnnai Oadar tl>« pUa •*«- aad Bt. Loaia H. J. Dastaa. aa at- ar erotaod no aad ot BCiTlBaDL
Tta Bade (er te* daartep wu
cwtad tb* Onad Rapid* * tedlaba
tonapof Htddteua. .B. T.. ateoen* atebed bp ProL aad Hn Wpaeag.
of tbe bain ie atwecfc lettU^ tbe
weaU Mean dlraei a«n»*ctl<«i» wUh
> aad stalM ttat b SbbI 41<
tee todlM cm te* box Motol ptoa.
tba rawwt* aroaad Otaad Tratana will te Bade witbte a paar.
bap. TbUti
Ralph ABdanra taa* aabarfcad te
baMatta te* blaalf. aad ta* *Mb«* aaaaar taftiac plaoM *d)aotat ta Itehed a ptearBboaae at Ud Uaten
Iht* eitp will ratalP* aa Inpatai
L He ba* atetadp nealtad
UM weald taBM cbau lapld tavolep- of bU r*'"*I aad will taT* eat flowtaaat At th* mm» tlaw TrOTacta Cttlp w* ea rate bp Wedaraday ef ti>te
waaU neolT* dirael bMwaia. Tbwatan wa ihoaU piT* tfaU tetanwln ao
aatU. bit balldiBC te
an end, ta will da batteen only te a
a. aa altatric llaa to Old HI*- (mU way. wlUi
the tnet of tb* let.
tb* poataaila aailor tad qalcAi
Tbte naalb. howxTM. a baildteg wUl
BOtata tlwB BOW. Aad rita th* p*Mil*
oa tba rrar ot tbe let. te
wfalMi tta baiteera will tbra M aarwhani to itatab.- Tiod oa. The balldtep wlU b* UdO
teat te atenaad will be bailt aiabolboata of tta aeat ^vrotad (tyte.
Bpaelal atraatlea wlU bepitaoto
Tia«ta«* OiiT total* In for an ia- tta nteiap of earaMteaa Vera
Hr. Aaderwa wlU paretara Uw BowAadnw Oanwci*. la tba (eni of aa eta ttal he ta* ac. rate te OfBod Rap­
oBw 10 flT* tb* oltp a paUle Ubrarp id* aad ettar poteia. ta*ra. bowballdtac to ooM tlO.OOO. th* nto ra* •Tor. ta will rate* hte cwa Bowt
dllfata belat tbal tb* eltr faiaUh
alt* aad pforid* dtOOO aaaaallp for
Clip ibeald BOt IM Itali
. U ^leald b* actaptod aad
It win te bat a faw ptan
artaaa tb* oltp Ubmp atat of aaeawl«r b* taOTod lata hiinoaDd acoa oentaaiMt qaarton altboa«li tb*|naoat anaafMMBt U a cnat ia>|>otatatal Otar tb* tortaw llbnip taelUllM
Bat the pataeoatf* bu lutttaMf to
taptdlp tbal II U bat a qaatlka of
Hta* wbaa latfai qaaiMrt
ptmldtd la atootataodatt tlx
beeka A* to tba
». tba Ifarta priatad la tb* Baoard paoiartep Mow that white tba
taaalac espoBJM wiU aoi aow
aia qalM lb* Klpatelwl aaa. tbta* 1*
a itaMMbte ehaae* that wlAla a ptar
ar two tb* oeat will o*nainlp fa* «nw

tbe dtnetteDof mT. MUlikea.
aad tr«n tbte Mb* on tb* Twelfth
rfc will tar* lb* prarel wall
. tta btate of tta playon Tb*
boy* are ibewtep op te pood terBt,
will be aUc te pat ep a alee artl.
M« of baae ball In a rctp tbert ttaa.


whitep Bta aarrted tta dap aad waald ta aaceMiy to ntin tee Mnr■p alph* a terp* crowd of lar'* ardete te repatd M Ita ratelap
aad bop* ted bp tta ralaoD
Ubrarp (aada m. tta M**aat |we(ta enaaetl to
paepte Bel te MBl of tta H. B. par«*. TVrteaaklbalrUqBtaaad
(or tta oarrrai
itodto tta
oat aad pot a tioo dptek. It
woald ta tta tea trae drtek terp
tatira. ^
we have seiected (or you for this season. Our ranKe o( prices,was nev
aeald p« tel* paar. Tta oxploMoa ot Hr. BaMtept. to fartep lb* Better be­ ^ great as now. but we call y-our special attention to the magoiticent values w.
lly of powder brake wteoowi for* ita leptetelan at IteaaslBeel.
te tee beaeee et Miran. Warataw and | lap. To tele prao*e<UBp thrro woald ^
OFfERlNC AT $10.00. $12.00 AND $ I S.OO.
hapta. aad Hr. Varahaa rap* ta I bo no axpeaM attarbed wtatevar.
-Ul tao* to pap (or te* deoape.
I Ttare art rareral rer* deMrabte >itc* ^ Vou.will find no better value! or later styles than in the superb pridurtions of
Messrs Michaels. Stern X: Co. of Rochester,
Y. You will finjl ever>thing
in • W
Taradap Ooa. & Hlaar waat to i(« nte a balldiap a* prapnead aad li
and the latest shapes ia Hats for i-onrself and for the box's,
1 ra*l wtte ear ettiaeni bew tta


Italr taartep In Vnakfrat a

Un Tharadap Mn CbMBo'* boa**
caapfatAra. white wa* antepatehte
after a hard dpbt. the itornapra to tta
•e wiU taabaal •100. Oraaaad htewUeandlratead. bath*
WM (taptep tear*. It te aappoeMl Dial
OMor Ite otear aei tta Ikbm oa
It te raid they ware both drank
Bt tee Cbo of tee an. Vrldap Itap
Bmoad Bad btaapbl before Ja*doe TanBtaneata. OraaBar wa*
•aoddd-eOaBd oaauaad Hra Oraa.
dor aad east* BBOBBted to dli.Bta eoald BOi rate* tta Boaep
aad WM ptoete In ta* )ail at Vraak(ere
Oa Batardap Ooo. P. Hiher WM arf****d (er •etUap hn to tee aeterloB*
wort kaewB m tta bate he«*r. aboBl
Bile (roB BoaMT ThtebeaB banad aboat a eieeth pa. Hlaar wa* lak.
en-i Ohitetlaa 1
ta to Praakfa*t.BBd hte ball wm ftxad
Oraad Tnrane eoaatp wlU ta bald
i. C. TaaBterteoa
at te* VHead* teanh te Uite oltp ta- B. LtBoote west hte bead* Heap
ptealap at t p. B., AiMl 18. roltew.
top 1* tea |■aprBB.
Bible itadinp aad eaneaend
ioe eoadaotad by Mr. Haph )
Ip. aBteted bp tta B«Bb*n

IP a nrlTBl B*Mte|
BtU ea tta BcBor rtarp*. aad
that da* ta faM aot draak a dre)i ef
Uqaor, aad he bM been a drat '
■an te erary way. It i* nid Cm
Mte witoat* apalDM hUa wUl
tai—e Mid hla teal ta w
lap to ban Cm boue. Hia*r dala*
ttat ta hM not •pok*s>o tel* bbb
a y*ar aad B half. Tta pood pwrpU
of (ta town Bod roanty will atand by

Haaortel boor.
Mr*. Or. Hteo* wUI addrara tta
oereaHta. Tepie. “Piaodtal Edaea- wittwaan teat
BiphI ef te* dra (am wrao o'clock te
Odd Water *onp bp tta lapal Tea- aboBthdfpBd eipbt. T)>* ftntoofc
arahe* Lepioa.
pitta aboBl balfpoM taTOB o-oloek.
Tta eTtalap earatea will ta tald te
pwlon af Cm
Tibtmw 01^ raa tar* 00* of th*
teareh. bcpteatepatfiai.
iro^ Ubnrlo*. white will
aetod bp Hn HIph- «IO.OOO. if tta elty will plodpo 81.000
ayear forte* BatetaaoBO* ef tta In.
Hr. Malaae wlU pir* a ai

Ke^aMe Dry codds, (Arpet
lad aMhtec Haase.

Thi* itaportaBl taaR«r (boald W
pirra te* OBidal eea*idrr*doa ttat
tta iBpartaDo* raeHta. and (ta B«rord
will tar* non to ray aboai it later.
Tta iBoteet to octabliih aa .teelrir ,
*tr«M rdlway Ii*n aad oa tta proio.
Old Mlniee bra isfcra <■
QiAtaBv* wbieh pit** (ta*n.
lari)rt» au •lemanl of ctal.tUly.aud at
tete dta*. altaort. if not qaite. n
Tbm I
iMt* at ra


rara edeateted I
*B eleeme lia* bar* >
Od b,TU.* IBT*M

adeqnal* to lapply dl tta power oeee**aryto operate tb* prepow-d Ito*
aad ttat tta mon aad eurnmn
■aflteteBt to warrant

It is .not a question of how cheap a spring we can (uraish you, but how good - one that has solid
comfort written all over it.

BaUway Co.
eoapasy bar* piren tta a
alderalpU attaoUee aad it can oow be ;
nltobto aatbority!
teat tta otAcial* of (ta ootapanT on I
Iderteg tb* eoottraoiioa of lb*'
Ub* Terr terotably. 80 artioo* ha>
bean IImIt tnotltn In ibU direction;
that bid* (or the elrctriral *>]a^lieueut'
aow b
hare been reoeived aod an a

Fills that long felt want. Try one~i( not satisfactoo'
your money refunded.


Brand J^apids Tumiture ^

J, H. P. Hapfaart, ptaeni mBa***r ’
of ttaO. B.&L bMpiten teen
BtteoCoa Biid lie* aoibor-1
teed lb* ttatomanl that lb* eonipatir |
hM gir*B Cm taatlrr farorablF con-1 •
Travwrse City Markets.
0. V. Hodbinp. a
trail braate <i» t
Electric Oo. te te the dtp. and I
tom Inn (er tcrrial dap*. Inokiap np :
d*talU of lb* protect aad lie* cnbail-' tVv purk. fw ta


tedbu *«dB*te«o( tta eo«io( tta;^^;;^^*"
•laeslrd (qalptaent.
- -liM dway* born ranpeia* of r:
rvodufrom late a Un* and l>» and
npre*M.tadraa nf hi. conpany ■

Why aad wbaa It ehoald b* wan
Mn Dr. WUtet of Itertoetaa.
Papat. "Tlie Prniiit *tate» of w
rapt water power U aapb (or ite par-Hra K 3. TibtU.
« tta dtp. I
will nawrlally rate* tl>e tattisp arw- Papar.-Wbpdo we a*ed L. T. to.
r, IM BalntM
work''—Mn Walton.
ape af Cm teata tbte pear.
Hr. Tin* toodrad Ita foUewtep totI ttata will Terp *ooB ta ready Steetloe <d ofieen .
ttata white leral Moau wlU ba Raptatof eetaBlItoei ’ Vtaaaee* aad
1 for a Ua* wbld> wUl pay ',
Bow Torfc. April 8. 1808.
takoa an for tta talk* of aldtep tb*
Hr. Itoea V. Tilaa.
te patttap teto tbelr baM t<
TraTBiw Oio-. Mite.
IbanteaeeltplBthaitaMot tbte
Tta aftoiaoee aad aotnlap M*ale
“■ “ ------ to year ooai
peUte Utearp I* taattw
(ta tta Artl iwe yean
will ta tald te tta Prtead* teareh.
A ttma that boa. tb* aatabtr
WhU* it te aot yd poMlble to make
TraTMB* Oltp Pladpw ItMlf by
Hn Dr. Hlaer'e 4lk wiU ta ef If' idea
MB b* nat to Leri T. Paa
of eeoadl* to «pp«n a a deAnll* «tateBtaal ragardlag te* tepao|ite tafclai book* boa lb* llbnBtatapor. or Jataae T. MllU. ■peotol tetored to tta Brollwn
abUe litaMp at ooa ef aot to** teotkta* ef tta Q- a to L. it will
' 1* aa aiBMraUoa of tb* lattlloM
' 18.0001 doUan a
hta. aratetaat taata«*r.
g ttadtaBp of oar pw^ U wUl
illahto *1M. Hr. pteoM Traren* City pMipl* to Xrara
eoBBlttM fH te* Snjn
teat tta prodrat te tateg faronbly
otBiateli twcDte
iBlte Bookb ToBpU D. O. & K. te- ty tboaraaddoltontdte.ODO) for tta
nliahle and**Albert Pnapa, tta a
dar fa* tbe partep eanRael aa Vraei ■toltoiloa iMld w Bsetlap Taintoy
Tta (raatei** obtained two year*
aad OateB (ttrata. tateraed to Onad aad dadded aerrad tetepwte ooDeeodea wltb tta
ago by tta TnTwra City, Old Mteatoa
Rapid* Heedap nlpbCwlth a ao
■atoaala Ry. Co.- explr<4 y**.
ttaeeatrael that tad bean drawn op Batter* dteoaBad wm tta haaqaet. It
WM oripteally daeldad to ft** it at
paar. Th* aaaibor et paeptewbo draw
ttatey. bat It i( tali*rad teal teen
HawlU •tenmhii bdndi
ba^ WM AVOe. TU* ibowtac U tiCB tb* ecuaet aad than. It tta Park Ptee.-. bat tta appUeal
WlU b* DO dlBcalty ia aecntteg an
and tta
oUp of loM titta twalta thoatawd popKMta' T*Bpi**0 BaiBuea* Ital
teanttrelp tatiiBw
8 te tb* Ubtaip
«eltaaipaadbpltaeltTefB- It WM (OBBd uieii^ to tar* sen
- 4* (tad. I it te bdterad
; M^tbaiaan
eteU aad tta work will bepte at tooe
Tbwa Wta BB additka daiteg tbe p*ar M dtraotad bp tta dtp eapteear.
linn wia/i
wlU^ aot teta ttaa teen 81.708.18. tedadt^81fTAM
- at I.1K. of wbuh l.«W w«ta par- Tta neetrant tall* (or tta eeapl*
« Iht bahqMk Tta aatBbonld tta O. a to L deeloe deA-1
it te* ftaM
ibatad aad met
nltalp to exploit th* Ite*. It will gir* ,
ttaa of Cm wart wlthla >0dap* af tta
I taWaih- award af tta ooBtraet It will raqaln left with U
teftta. Tb* popalailtp of tb* raadtec
of a
w. a B
tta Ana*t noort terrlterp te Miehlgan
<0 dapt, bat et eoana p*M
81000 00 aot 7*t 'inched by tall.
taota te apptatat to aapaa* wbe TtelH tatMtaBtadaferu
. S. Uwraaoa. Mr. Cbria ta*
The Old
^Ubtarp. Aad It U ■nwtec
had a pood deal ef txporteao* te p*l•IfBadfer
Hltaiaa and ottar pniteml* n«>rt*.
tUa teat oap aria*idarteptlMiwocrata
818 00 tBgateta with Utarna. Kortfaport aad
ptpalar *n(p dap. L.tlta*addll
of tta work. XI te a* Bach to lb* te- dap ap baaqaet* aad be wiU bar* dllaM
will-----------------------------toiM ot tee ecnnaoier a* te* ally to
e*>ee of oteM unBbtai ef (be oca
ibatep calp aboat S' tta *a(tata ofa)*otiT* potett white wiU be The latest itnproratl patolme mpae
taaiaalteat ttam< aad tb*
aal pearly ataOBBtl........
157 86 auraeC'r* to poepU loteinp (or arw 00 Oir market, no cranking up it ■ re<
are alrrodp
ad popelar »ntamof rrotteg pteoea
quired. hat couaier weight crank teaft.
» P
M it woald b* a Talaabte
bte ad- Til* eontiaet ealte (or the an nf of B. R. HeOep. Piad D. Oanteoad rraaaCeofWesiStdaehBial 8n 00
«ttea aad of grtal ***10*
WUteid OatapbaU. an to«l>art»
to^adl*?«i*n«^aa‘^teoalv'l*Siri^«^Al"^ K.w fufthei
botnet eanTaa teal orar
M 81.KO tota ezpmtead te a diair of' partiraUn tre our agent,
tta pika It will taftlted wtte
and Unlea
eltp Ubrarp wlU 'ta pabUteed te a
Hi. Pnapa-e bid., whlel.
whlel> wu node ee ftatnrea red fin. pre*n Are, aerard fow dapa
Iboacb it taa laadilp b* mob ttet ll
a** of-ter^WtaW eteer kted* of dia. etephaata aa*.
IlwiUtaieadltpaaw ttatteooiU oBly a .
dpan aad Torioa*
■ra of rapport af te* library m
wbta lb* library taaH hare fartb**
kind* ot btaMa kaowD only
oSerad eoald aot preallp axeaod that
atraatkta of tb* ooaaeU. te erdar
tea mUbbIm Bade bp Oeanilttep Ite- Arable donrta
pen peer, oad te dew of tta
pforldafet In
BaetataiT Stofcodra laedrad 0 lotgnat adraatoge it weald be to tar*
nr tran Miwldai yetarrday
■ate a baildteg M Hr. Oaiaagi* praTb* iHlar 1
Hteai*. wi(* ot Rwla Padaa. died
BtooteJ trate aad *
Hoodty at Boloa. aped 8* r
The (aaeral wa* tald at tta BtepCheap price usually means
aad a Wrartan «aah a* eoald b* pn- baa abanh yiiti(8ay al li^ a
Sp rw]a**l Hr. Btekede* *
cheap quality, and in flour
ptM for d».WO woald b* a *00*0* of der tta dinottea et RMpb And*
BBt*. 4»U:pnrfc.8iA96; tord. 8
ptidttelbepaopteef tbe
be ally
‘ m waU
it always does. Those who
at to tb*
Tta Pan HatqaatMraU^ <
are particular to have the
ten. The Boaoell AeaU taka Ibt ef Hr. aad Un Ohil* Brelltaapb
Obie*ge.Apttl IA.iTa*ad*y t-Airir-1
■lap at tbolr
Mtta ap at tata aad iweerad artlb died at 8:90 Ta**day Boralap
.1* Wta. 8 ran on Mortewotata.-**dr a la
tbe aaearaary *m>* f« tbefcnalae- hoBta. to* Bpraee *litai. of brala (**• li« after tta
I HloUgtn Otatral. t con oa
Hn Bidttaapt I* alaoM proaaaptaa»o(tb*|wopgMtlaa.
Ccresota. Try it in your
id at tta drate of tta Utile
pte itawally aad tbe
teen (lOta OteioTote. Oeand Laha next baking. Money back
itoyot* toadod ap tolrty yimrtoy
' afth* library partta
wUl ap- and wtal BBkn It aeoB wow I
BBt toko bold M fnalp Mtoy.
M> «(
fan teat Hr. Broltbaapt U te Vaebambw tM tac
aleap tta Uaa Tta ram fra teaad if you are not aatisfled.
a- —
------Atatrato w*R Ugbtta aad a
trip* fran (ta aette wiU ta«
(BdtogokteMd. BBMitoBdr*tawta*iS3^\;::=;S.7*.£::Lr?!S£t
TtatBawal eftta IHtto era
bald H*da**day at I p b. fraa tee
BoaaadH. R. Obarob.
Baltelra. *1-80.
an tta taan. Ataoap ttaa a







____ ___

Oaltad Btataa Btab aasB
4 mm lak* ttaal te Iha
idf MiMItawOly ta*Map.



haolyiadlta^adntoa t bcfphi tor
dM Hppaat a O. E. K.

telltotad te tta data.

tSi!Zr siH-

frabk fwedwcb.

in the home just now is

•rUKRK IS so BKTTKR Pl-NCK in white
Ul porchaie pa|wrt thti leaaun (hih oor tivc.
The rea*on it oq qecttait of tta iatawatr ^
ihowiBg'ofPaiwra—BlUbcatwtathiaJt aad ^
abn Ita kiw {irket which wr arc eaabled te
make. '
There arc a greaj «aJiy new idrax io Papen now and we can give inAwmaliuo on ati­
lt aiiftei pay yo« well u> **« i»


Jitter Vou See
Our Cwo Dollar Cines


Of New Spring Footwear in Ladies' and
(*entlefDen]s $^r, we will convince you
that DO odm bouse is sdling you a $2.50
shoe-at $2«ol We do not raisrepreaaH
the price of our shoes to make a late. We
give VALUE RECEIVED. Np f»ke
■alee to sett shook'

Fra^ Friediicbr


I Cbafai far Ika

* *





» f«r Cau lUowrt^Ttae Dept»tt».


‘ ilSih


. .

Tha koari ot

to orsanlB tar tha yaar'a tartiaaa
Theta era foot aav anp^rfaera tbit
ytar, H. E. Baarinn of Whltatratrt.
vhoaoeeeadt LovaU Boata. Tbe»t
XhMftati of Paiadfaa who aaoBHdt
Bard Olbba. Jeftn Boxala of Aana In
tfaorof WUUanIBalfctrt and T. O.
ahlfaeti la
Coatthataid of theoUr.
who aawaodt A. K BaaUnaatal.
r. tS, Walk« wat afaatad pemMl ehaiman of Uia board hr a roat
of U loO. tbaetaalrsna not retlat.
Ha w. aatboriard to appoint pamaElbart R. McOoj kaa parakaaad naol ooanluaat and daaipiafa thalr
tbroofta Oia'na) aakUa afleDor of It datiaa The board a^oaraad till
to irtra Mr. VaUar
O.* Bryant, ooa of tkoaa baaatlfal
taatdaneelefa oa tha boalr ‘ •n'd : tiaa to naka oot hit eomnlUaea
to I
owh ar aaotabne Ktaa.
aadanioed that ka ii
a irood and aobanatial
«a I Adelphat Kto«, U>e a«ad flapsan at
[beraoB In tha a^ fntare.
I (he Can ttreat eroaaiop tor the Parr
». died Toaaday eranlnt at T
The aanaal alectloo of Boat Oo.
e'rioak apad 88 yrara. Bt wat a
Safi ocoBirad Pridar rrealn*,
nitad U tha Mleetloo of Hon. J. W. tavnlaanl nanbat of the OonprepaMmikan at foreonn. and Chartot _WU- tional ohatvh. and a nrmbar of tha
bain at anfatant teaman, tecn-faiy Maaonle lodpa at BoUaod. Ha karat
d tiaatorar. Mr. MlUlkn ««fa pboa- a «tfe in thii city and a danglitar
at deUpata to the auta eonrrmii dtoktoo.
Manied, Wadoaedar araalac. April
lA bp Bar. i. W. MUfar. at kfa taal.
ifaBoe. «l Btaaa atraat. Mr. Bftwaid
(TaiMo Bteadwar aad Mfaa Bra RobI. bothot Ottm.
Wart rat bticao paatariar Id fartoc
It-lnah> watar min betrrato tka
bndraoB Dalaa .
ns>a afae «Ul be laid oa Ftaal
ntrraat M tb* lrid*a. oaaaactia*
B that polBl alto wltk aka pan rise

Cwo Bifl
Cborley . Hall at tta Banoah ft Uy


Beoerdfaf arcnaaiy-Mim. -Moody.


ittaatera; or aae me Ibrar mifaa aootk

iT,It of eltr.___F- J. Stoarr. City,

Aa a taaolt of a roM
tf. Bay coonty

that/Oawnl and M.a
Barttara dowfad Oirinrd Beach fa
tta Manfaaaa. Pilar City ft Baatlata

Oanetal Bart hat taea tta OonaU^too, Slek Btadaeta. DliriB«M jMdioe. Malaria. Krrer and
Apaa and all Urar and Sfaonoh
troablet Paraly ranmble; aerm

oily, tarinflnan a member of ttajdrof
Bwrdof Trortaaa ot tta
Miehifan Aajlom for nrccal yaara.
and thfa MUOB fa oo ■otpnae to fata
frleada, aa he la alwaya doiSb >ometblnffor ttapobUo food, and thfa
Ttmrfmtim fa Jon like him.

ig S


rood.': harlup bean tn tha aaiploy
Thwlr « Waltla.
Bdarloa Eathar. tha ttoae yaatt old
of tha road
In a Sio Toaaday oranuif at WallUnpfatar ot Mr. and Mta E E

- $SO.OM
WhlU'. trat qoltc wreraly^lnjor^ ware bald at tta hoote. f» Vathlnp- n. foor mUee north of Tbompaoo-1 Ptid Dp Cspltsl.
that daatrqyed the «*»*T 1 SarplUS.
- ♦
MB ttre«t,(liitnomlncatB:80o'oloek, Tllle. of
W. E Kinf. foor
KTlklnp tar forabaad npoD itatopof|^
pie. hie wife, two of bii daofbtm
aad a nlaea, wara homed to death befoto tta eroe of tta Tlllafert wlio
rawed the oat.
litUe one It ilo-1
nora tuai KttMt
BP nteely todayT
, Jallat T. Hannah liBa aold two lola DOW that they ware beiaf tamad.
Out Savlnes Departmeot
—te7ointnB to~ Mrx. Oar-1 on Onion ttr«t, whleh dltpoaoa of all at ware powerleae to aid tbemon rrooc fireet Jatt wat of »f the Union ttrwt Jda of lUt Ontiw Tta blaae atarfad In tlia atom aboai
in b
dinar ft Morae’t atere. baa b
Waa-ri op~
Dorad to her proparty at tta
N adjotninp tta alley, waa boapht tleepinc abore awoke, the lower part
of Froot atreet and Boardman
ot the baildiof wae in Oamea Th,-re
mntal Mualka a»d oo*
nitbaildinp fa one of iht oblaat la *
Jr -«;^T«^
to the nppm part of the
^etty ^ Itt pfaoe will be lotoled I talnp flOOa fool front.
lot, adloinlnt tta new WUtahn block baiUlac.
faiitft li» U Mt It I nr} In ML
;and oeenpied by Oampbeirt aaoood thiOQfb the lUre room below, by
---------------------band atora.waa boopbl by E. B Moblo meaae of a ladder.
Mra KlBf iktaw tta yeaoferi of
iKlncand reiy elooe ooeteat in, ,^0 aama iwiea. Theta will be
■atlaat broo eeooladed to Olan Ar- fool alley belwaoo Mr. Moblo't lot tar oluldrea. RoetaL afad foor yore,
Cifculition this week 2,475. bor
throofh tbe openin* taio tta elan
townahlp, Lralanan - ooanly. Innd the Wilbelia bloek.
aod thoee who were early at i
Oliarlea Miller, oo tta Poo^'a Ueket; m, uoble will mere I
tta fire rraeaodita little oar Thewat daelarad di-ftafad au tbr orlplnal | p^pb callety into tta atore
Aamaeweteby lhi» time Ijenuof eo
eoont. -1101 A. F- Bnntlnf aeeared » pled by Mr. Oampball.
me ot tin-;
AMwftvitI* b*lDtrlM*d iatu raooant. aad tta rote, lattaad of firHr. Innlnar will bnild a two atoty
otbere eeeaped. Mr*. Eiuf. bar daafli^ppmr of BiSCtem Broa oa Pml
Bharidana na}orltyateoe. fare:Mek halldlnf on tba eomn of
MiUar that nalorlty.
laller Jnai at toon at bt ean atraiu
and the awe
Frank Pratbll, tha wetT tldr meat|*-re» th*
*tioh It rery ««(. IT, beiec buroad to death, oat of alfhij tjoality, not qtuatity, ia the main
DBTia H. SeoU tad HUi Jmnia M.
Tbeaa InptOTatuantt i
<HU d BoHhport war. aarrM at taalaraud Mra Mary " ~
idad the ^iot to be considet^ Onr kIcc*
of the people wlio anrtoaadad
•MB Mcmda)’ *y B*t.QT. Btaat. faotmlldinf. bat oot oot of bearlax
tiont are tbe retnh of carefal teats
ati«rform<d by Jnttioa John'of «''» atraet, a few dayt apo in tta Mr. Eiaf wae away from liome at
B«Mm Hatdi. aueotar of tha attp,Mdw..|^*>"«-will nrt. taUdin, britk la llie time the fire oeennad. oe a firtlaf trip fire rnilee away. He did not
i them the air of refinement.
Ma at tba laM SalOi Banaa, yaitar- wrad to aboot Mranty-fiT. paate. liha. pm ot town In a abort tine
know of tbe traitedy that bad rielled
^ tM kU Btetk aDBBBl rrport boTta ooopte will be at boon to their ;
Bteb».kta N.prlai..
ble hemi- tiU tble monilnf. Thle le
too JoBfa la»aatar.
:rieudt at «» Vlaa atreet. ■
At So'clookyetlerday menilofal tta the fourth ttni<- that be hac Earned
Tha aaw «nat roJUr hai btaa mUoat. the laet fire from which he enffer
a O. Darrow ft Soo tare lannoh.-d
ed dertroytoi hli mwmlU laet year.
thalr new faaoUna fiabU.f Umrh.
•d tbe oercBeaidei the eloia batldinf, ralard
^leb kat baeo ehriateoed Uaoe
Bttl.CnO and iarared for $800. the
Tta boai fa thirty faet In mony that nnitad In
A Weak Back Plaster
A patlUea WM filed reaMtBaj fat tha fanrib and nannably balU. Bl>e wat Mary fiaoker and Mr. Oeorfe Aih, atock of Mr. Kluf
BWmlotBnil of raatdiaB la Uit —mt ooorinictad by Tbemat StMtoo and both popalar yoonf people ot tble- ralne t>elB( aboot $800. and be
at law H. Date and Haaal 8. Oere fa a fine looklnf boat at weU at tale city. Tta ohoreb waa pmked with $400 in paper mowey that wae In the Wear it to get well It is efficient
Waaa Jadfe at Ptotate t«»aa«et.
The boililinc adJolDlnit tbe and cleanly. Easy to apply; easy
nud apaady. Frank Friadrlrh * - fBi-eU. and tta liappy eoople wne
to remove. The pores of the akin
r wblrh It tboweiad with tbe eonfntnlatioee of Btota. ooenpied by Oarl Kodmah.
Bobart Banu of Lake Aui and HIh Dltbad (tap.
absorb tbe proper medicaticn. Yon
hnndred* of friendt after the oere- aleo baniad, bst the fnmitarc
Wolrarlne paaoltpa ■uplna
do not hare to remember aod bother
Hie bride wore a dainty fnwn of
blue. iriume<l with araam appllqna
A plaster once applied
Vartad down a lotecraph line dnU.
■ Dn. Hood ft Moon kata par- Oai C-o. of ttalr deiln to exteod tbair Mtae May Bracken, tta brideemaid.
Ellli of !-------------LieW. la..
a brown dreaa trimmed with rbiohOhaa. C. Jllli
tenad a aaoeeatal opatatloa for nalat from tba aootb end of Sooth
fa repair. "Standiu waiel deep
■ictaali at ibaJawbODa fcrAafaat
Inioywawr." he wrilae "itare me a
KR>H>(d Good Harbor- Tka pttlar Ihenea throofh Sixth to Bohemia,
tcrriMe oold and a eoo«h. It (new
ttaoea to tta allay between Sixth and
A.W. Ml.- W.VU.VU/. •
treree dally. Fitally the beet dooioti
fa dotat atealj.__________
in Oakland. Neb.. Sioux City and
and throBf'- “ ■1'*.'^
^fak dioR bnakfael wae aerrad at ti
U r lafikiaa at FUa Uke. kai at- Serenth Tbit
Umalia mid I bad Ooueamption, and !
will fire tta realdent. of Uic taridaon Batl Frint
ooald not lira Then I began nilog
faUW«da*BBk laaefaMlhat pUoa atreet.
InttateeoUon an cipiortnnlty to add Many Inanlitnl and eoatly ]
I>r. Einc'e New Diecorory and wee
aad <«an fii.fiO ptr bMd far ipael
wtallyouad by elx bottlea' ■ Poet-;
•a. at the »«il.ltfa A»trfaaaa of «b. paato ttalr imprtr
tlrely Rnarantaad for Oongha. Oolda !
for OniDd Bapida They
An idea of tta baafafar deea at the train
irooe 00 Uirlr w.<ddlDf toor t
city marfcal may be obtained ftom the
Price 50e and $1.00.
Ika avpoUhaaol ot a mlik. totpaetor wort of Friday. On the oily
. latteeltr Ska tMToaeat for tbU
^ear vaaafaited at lbtTooteti)ali7- welflted Friday U loada ol pomtnaa, tba oat nnmber ot pouda befaf |
108.7*0 ponod* and tta net namlxT of I
Kc. and Mfi. J- E BtlUwaU and baahali, S.Blf.l t The aretaf.-]rioe [
rtlMtei tad Harry Binabaw ipao pet boatal waa aboot 76 oenia. which i
at Inland wbara a ronnion oi aaoha o tout to tbe fanean of I
Ite Ba^w family wat tald at tae', for the alnfle day. Blfbl
kwM al OonaW Olart Hlnibaw.
Uiar Icodi ot paodnoa ware welfbed.
#MpniMtantareU ptopraaa for Ite F. E Moon It at work on tha plana,
n of tta Tiararaa for tta briek botldlof to ta otwted
us to get a chance al fitting the feet that other
by Ferdinand Inotner on Union
^*MMt'Fntay aranlac of next atraot. Ttaplanioall '
stores CAN T fit. One reason is. WE KNOW
weak at «ta OoofTr^tioaal aharoh.
oammerlBlal bnlldln*. with tta ftrri
HOW; and the other reason is. wc have
' Tta rim Ini bam taklap a Ufa oat fioor and baeemant to be seed for bnrdf tta a«"a In the rtor of A. Octal* Ineea parpoeea the iooond etey for
Ifa’a rtoia. aad Tmaartay a leatleo of oBoM or Urine roooM. Tta boildlng
taa fakok oared In. kriaclnp tbi pr«a- U to be Ux76 foet in (l»>. and will
Mt adpa raty oinaa fa the alley way. tare a iweaeed bnefc front, ^ta plane
Mr. Blnn Oharlta Ooto of Heoor, wtU be completetl and ready for figip .)«Qt a weekend a half.
MlaU^ and Mte Jalfa Maaon of
^iBv. weia married oo Taaaday
Btwoaoo. AprU I&. by tta Bar.
'»Hll*n T. Stoat al bli mldaDea ee

““ ir.

Silk maist Bargains

no. 1329

Silk Waist as represented in cut.
made of good tjuality Tafleu
Silk, colors Black. Navy, Re­
seda. Cardinal. Old Rose.
Light IBue and I’ink. A new
lot just put on sale at the verj-

Made trom tbe«arae quality tilk.
Comet in the tame coloriogt;
nut quite to much work on it:
is one of the greatest waists,
for the price are et'er offered.

Special price ^3.50

Uery Special ^a^

Black Petticoats. Uery Special at $l
Made of good quality Mercerized Satin, four stitched bands
around bottom head a six inch accordian plaited Hounce at---Big line of liner iVuicoats at Si-So.

talking Skirt Uery Special $3.93
Made of all wool Basket Cloth perfect fitting. Made with a
graduated riounce, trimmed with Stitched Bands of sam
ors, Light gray. Oxford brown and Black.
$5.00 etsewbere for a skirt as good. VL


For $10.00.
no. 132
Dress Skirt Like Cut. made
of Blind Tebble Cheviot.
Spun glassliVing. Colom—
* Black. Brown, . Navy. Kxceptional value.


mj^B<S^ain.I"S.“j“ob^^ j


Ifs Just Tun*


liras Skirt 'Just Liku Cut
trimmed all way up with
Moire Silk. Made ot I’anne.
Cheviot, Brown. Black, Siik
Uketa lined. A beauty



1 OO

iM> ^ $5 00*


J. W. IVlilliken

cyir -MANLY’


A eramiloA rrlvlch
plwollta oaldom known ouMtda
at atek wtrfaa. h fa adapiad to a.

^fXllCCn ^


one of hie men leet a rllrer >
Dr. A. T. Holla, formariy of tbU
elty, who taf made Me borne in Ann waeth. It wu a watch which ta wae ,
Arts alBOa fiadnotlag from tta med- wtarfag while hie own wae being re-1
laired ia Oraad Bafd>U. Harliig loet I
IhU watch ta waa obliged to pay ibr.
Orata Baptda ata will preetioe m
fawaler foe It- A few deye ago while
going orar tta line of the propoae.1
railway at tlie j '
Oaka. ..
s Dake wiu harem
third Ihteaet la tta cotlre buiaaw
emrtaefad by talL
George Payn h«s aold to Mra A. J.
A (HIT e( local lerfat of mailc it White of Battle Oraek. for Ueo. P.
hafag mode ap to atfand tta ocmeort Sniat. of Mllwmakea. t.OOOaoreaof
to bt fires by Padoawiki ta Qtand laod fa Uoloa aad Beet Bar towa■apUe Frttay craaliw ef tbleweek. aiape. the otaelderaUon tefag filO.OOd.
Itace will be from a doanet to a tTore Pan of thfa wael U beery black tnnrk
wta will atfand tta oonoart.
eolL Than fa a biiek demand for
J. J. Bsrdm fame rooptnad the Am- IhU blaOk mack land along t^ Bow­
ariesB Steam Unadiy. which bee man rirar. to be meed in qennertloD
hces cfaoad far abest a weak. Dar- with tbe adjoining lanSe land for:
irpoaev Mrs. White’e par- j
tagrtewlnfar tta baelaam tae baas
fa altar tasda, bpi now Hr. Borden ____dma In port, oa Orooked. ,
Blddar and Bs-nnle lakae. and there U'
will again oesdoct it pereeoaUr.
ot locating naorfa oa theae j
a E Manay filed with BagfaWr.ait
DaafaHsfltaiPrtdayaai^ollimrcr- lakaa___________
ttantdttaUoaofttaT. a. L.ftM.
lor the oooeerrtota;
Bilnsd ibM will Ue in tble coonty.
• ■Ita part that will Ue fa Leelaaao
imUf wae Bled at Ulead Salorfay. Btaffesa'orebeelia at tta CHty Opera |
HoaaewlU he annoanoed faraotrow.
Howe tae rwebad fae city of tta Three are atlll a few nambare mat,
death a( Bom Jobs Bradley, one of tare Ml been defiaitety decided ai«a. :
•be esrilcat tltiite of Baagw. Wle- Already, boweror. tt fa aeeared that _
aMfa He waa tta fafaertrf Mte ttaiat«iam will ,be the fineai poaei*,
rte waa by b
Me. and it le aipeclad Umi tt will be ;
■ ta dfad •
eres more pleaefag Uiaa the one with ,
wblefa «bt« oTfBDimtion made (a<-fa a '
hUlartwtofar fa ttalr oonoert nndre ;
tta nniploee of tli* eoator ctaea ,
n.ere an a nombre of good eeata left
tm fail ooaeert. wblofa wiU be tree to i
aUboldreaef aeamo klrtou fee tta:
High Sobool Lootare and Masfa*
aoane. Tta |riea tor altare wlU ta l

, BOOTS ^3.


%s Famos



There are other folks who "know how,"
tut they DON’T have <Jueen Quality
• shoes. These shoes have airthe pointy
of beauty that women seek, but the one
iiisfjnipiishii)i;JtiifHiT that char­
acterizes yueen Quality shoes » their
knack of perfectly fitting the foot.
Vour fool feels at rest the first- lime—'
.feels “at home"—feels "good." •

faWM BMltlBf to fao aaid IM
» matarlalo and tailoring.
Wo ohow It in o wide rang*
fat oltrMlIva emUro and tabrfaoi
y«w will find II norrhara alaa.

if your boys wear suits the size of these we have jus^laced
on orte of our counters^he sooner you see them the|>etler.
They are all guaranteed clothing, but we only have a^suit of

We’d be glad of the chance to demon­
strate this fact. Needn't feel Iheslightest obligation to buy. Don't meoiion
"the size you wear;” your (oot is tbe
only measure we need.

fasttbiak! tmcb»b»esf»r^

Tka tnfaal
apante tor Ha faOartM. THEME

Tbr Ucr ifaoet are all fitted witb
■•£»« rolof et-rieta



Jllfreda Tritdricb
Seller cf Qmeea QiuMr aad atber faaiSheet.

$3-50 . "


(hv- BeraU Offke


K ■ Is







*■ »> - ■




to your dollars until you’ve seen the most surprisingGlo'tHIrka;
that were ever offer­
ed in Michigan.

Sample Fants and Sample Suits
Grand Traverse Region.

going at less than the co^ of RaMSP IVIa^arlal
-Hasten to the Feast 1

A ai>|>U rafmr wei*) in KrabM

LJte B^iM -teton to

AttMlks l<ac>i>>

to llw tMt

A. H. Biaitb
Bmlth-.,-----la Waoktoii U bU 1^
that be felled
Ulc<l to (et
cat to ob elatcfai.r MUUod SB MDOOlIt of Itt tHOlllOC U tot to the tori; botoks
too UM for tbU toC« of tl>0 HasU.
JObD BriiMtt, who
LodtottoB aotna thne
vhIcA U friutod solr U the wmk.
with ty^^dfo^r U tcottly bettor.,

tor townefatp alaellOB held last

ss Ur ss.'K'X.t'‘K
Herbert to to eery poor beallb.

-Joha BblA .


- wbobM bora llrtot; Sberidea.
tor aOtse ttoM., Jaellee of Peaoe. fall
itotwtlh to%:‘iU^-*'iim tc
ar •two hu Borod to Tnrorw) Olty.
Beard of Ba*Uw-4obn
Inpareusa-Hra Bay and
Hca HoHeobaacfa Irit for her boae Ossa ~
A carpet retbee M the liooteod
Fred Ptabar, WilUam
1 OUo laet weeA
Ooa. Loctofct the Mb WM • fBoesi
-Itooeca Oeorte Ealderboaae and
BertCtaeeaod faxtily bare laerrd
toiliat.w«to inetBk
Blohard OaDtriUa
Mn. Kale BwiMtt li qslla^ttot
Ollbart Wanm U oa tbs tick
Hr. and Hn. Wllbor west to Loot
Hra Barly of Port Ooalda, wbo bas
baeo qolto sick for Ibr laal aik a '
Hn. AakttMB it bettee a tiiU
ie bstur aad abla to sit ap
Olbb'e tJ
Hr. Oran hat boa^t asother e
Mr. WUra u (


U hertof

a tettoOTsd Ue
btollytol. .
Hr. aad Hra H.

W. Parraat aad

the Sonday eobool aundaei

Mb ptosis U ^latot^

Hra O. H D» waealtaTwwOil
▼Wur ear tey^ wmK.
Wallet AAley of Haple Olty wae I
WWB a few day* last week.

of ftlt plaoe
Praddit Btoaett rataiBad from OU

Hr. Hleliele' barn taistof w to wall
atttodad Tharaday aftanoee, tod all
•peat an eatoyaUa party that araatof.
Ponet Ayan of tolt plaoe U work­
-in toe P. H. yarde to Traratae
Hoaltoe eaoM from TiBrane


week It toe aarloec lILu-a of toelr eon. Praok.
____ Wm. Herehal liae beao fi>mdtop a few deye with bar faapbtor.
Hn Wb. Pratt.
Tlie 0. B. aoelety 'will pi re a bos
ikwl Friday aTaotof April ISto. al
M botos of Hr. aod Hn Hlou.
Lmi Friday batop JTb. _ Bigy
blrtoday.a tew paeeie were larltod to
epaod toe ereatop.
Oakr end toe
eream were aerred.

need to ptytop for tbe orpan
h wae boapbt reoaetly tA tor
laotioD paased off oalatly, at there
watoelyoee tleket to tlw deldaad
Hr. OoBBtopi to hartof a doa
toe toiae oOoete wtU eerre aaotber pofofa boilt oo toe eooto and
sidaa of bb boate.
Hr Wanaa to bartop a oew ettBe


The K. O. T. M. a
Htoe Alios Olll wsel to i
day eraetoi wae wall eti
Taaday to redew her ttndiaa
eldartof toe eune and
pleased with toe pt^raia.
Barold Mplntoah asiweta to jts to
iBTaree Olty to work to Um R H.
yacde toera.
A Brlcbaai le away ao boetoeaa
I. Brae weot to Fart Wayoa
bet btard^wlto aoarloadof

Clara Praaklto liae boaphi l
Onw hooae. Hr to potop to i
toa Baddrs plaee.

Ferey TlUotaon baa peee to Boyne
Hn E. A Hodpea. wbo baa beao
to her boBt to Lowrll laet Tbareday.

BcyanBar. Banae of Obmb OMpied tor
palpit to toe Ooocncatieeal ebarob
tlBoday Boratoi and Hr. Laraoo
tor eerotoi.
Work hae berm oo Ihp

>, le patttop b

Hies Kata Hook ratanied from SaP
Ed Aaatatt ratarsed srltb bto bride
B« Beyfiatardey rreetop.
troa Indiana laet Moedey.
Htoi Xrirkioo rtoitod fricedr to
Hn J. Btocaland of Haatoo to rtoBttoeu Bay tolt srarL
Oaorpe Porktoe weal to Ttoreraa W*toa!?
City tbtosreeA
W. H. Ohnpp hae ibid bto tars to

. day of laet weak.
Watbaalal JehaeoB aad Hia Gee-

DMBd,' Ohio, UTlTed hrre a tew
ape to look after tbe tolataete of ble
n,Y,Rs q
a here and tbelr tHtode wiab wall bepan work.
One Baettop wee
alOBK, happy and taetpsraoe held bate Taeaday evaotop aad ooa
eTaiitop. April (Mb, ooBaicti^ of bsaaneeneed fortbe net fortoeporpoae eio. noltatlOBA lablaBBX and a tana
of ocpaalatop a elaai fcaowo ae toa entitird. Aaot Jenieba'eQnllltop Par­
ty. AdslBlOD 10. IS and » eeau.
Barhite of-Latber aa teac
Wm- Probart of Tnytn* C'V
aboaaeoe rired to town Haaday.
J. W. SeapBlUar loet two eowt laet
Wella-OoBBar tobaildtopalM
to baild:
Oae.'8oddart baa eoapletod hU a
K. T^'elBidii
arhlota ba will ocbbot
nekfraB tbelr betop poieoii«d hr
Qirtrada Uartbe hae aceaptod a pobeaee aad bat aeead toto the
aod work for i. Otaadrll
to tbe mllL altloB in Tnrerae City for the'
erto preen left to tbe field laet fall,
rlwratoay wm aHnp it to poiaoB
VU1^&^ w^ W^reCK aty
J. Bobbtoe of Ttaretee (Bty wtU
Bore SB bto fara to tbe near fatare
Mlsa & liBoUa Ball^. w^^to aed week ea tbe aar'<~
rired 1
Hn. Jelle Baaeom and kb Bar
-srlf* Ml Hooday
et Tfarerte
>Trrte Olty, rtottod with
a rUil srilb trtoada.
r. H. Wtaeelock. last week.
Htoe Plm Omwford. wbo
His EaU Bryan, no................................
ito b.
H. Oalrar'i eblldm bare wh
Hra Ma Jiake of Bo|iire Janetop eoapb. Two are qaite sick with
kiSBi. le booM at thla wrlttaf.
A naabar of tbe lady friaode of
^ ,,11^
Hn Jahababoro aallad at berboaw ‘Traod to bar borne to Beyteld,
A ptey oBdUad Tbs <Hd HaU'i
. Uet Wedaeedey.
Otonwodae." wa* played’ here Wadereotop srae epeat Before tbe forty





ttet^toii K 2«?^SS* Tiliirr‘£isr£i.“~£-'s da.:MW.r'p2sJ
i h

Uwae qmlle a laacbabla eBtortatoHAPuenT.

book.___ _____
W. HeiB and H. C Wbralork aK with a
.radsd toe sJe of Hn J. Broin Hn Sanbotn and faatoly left fiatarrtaandey, Tbry made Mrenl par- day'tor Tiarerta, wben they will reThey lean
ult and srUl b

Tbe tosTpeblp bcM and beard of
btoltb of Lnlaiaa towachtp srlll bold
a aeatiap Hooday April tiet, at tbe

with oaanl^
Tbe PiltBda will hold muyapalar

eta^bbTnnBV eTto'^wST^'ito

John Baedi loet araleebie beeae

HaatorOaospran'd Htoae Baby aad
n K P.
..The fol- Ireoe Clopmii of Trorers City.
Itod at p. Atotoeos'e fco Jba pact
JaA HamllloB to patUnpa cellar
^ abew foopdatiOB BBdar bto reelOoM^ Clerk Welter tpeot
His toouie Oaisloer wUI teaob ibe
Bparltop etfiool toto eamser.
W. & Qardner bee pooe to Battle
Banday with hit
The tailoiir|M^ wae alroted at
_________________ di srae qalu eermly
tojarad yaeMday hr betop thrown
“SJ5r?toi?WK Witooo.
firoB toe eerrlepa.
Tbe teas pot bayoed her oobM and can Into a tn

O. G. Lewie rtoitod
__ ._______
here tost week. He tee oharpr of toe
Hetoodiel eharte at Alto.
Ksr.Vai«hn of Otaeri Baplde

. .



Dr. FMtok aad srlfa rtoitod Tnr
^ OUy Friday, retantop Sataiday


A toll tee boro Bade tor a nrttop
Blpbl to Bpanlae a fiab aad-------gBBtoatkB to BCBdad bare.

Blctetd Tbnlto of Waltoo. tf
Saaday sritb bto daapbur bet*.
U P. Jedktoe tee aitabU
ikaak tanOi hm aod oBm »)
• rrpaln
It oo her
head for •
- —
O. T. OlBD
fartoeaaBB_____________________ __
haadle bto faiaitate aad andertoktoi
Tha BBzt rapslar meetly «P toe W
a T. V. wiin>e held srttb Hn Bos
^pb Omef^petoy woe la town

£2L"Ti.5'^’.SCSi iK

dB9 to be priaint. at it to elasBon of
ao. Hilto aed wUr. who terw beao
BiBi Bi. Hew B Billin aiwaye sralsaBe Mfi eerdlaUy. torttod.
The W. a T. O, wUl beU a_pabUo toft wesA
^ niB^.

1 at tos OoBioay s


Two BA
toasU I

r. Ttofco

Tiee mridaot-Waaley OUL
■ne City 1
Tiaaearer—Herbert John.
A eblU of Hr. and Hr. Henry Hodliok of onto Pier died Hooday at the
a froa Oadar to PeoraBOOt. Bpeotelereodaya.
Hn A Brine of Coder Boa rtoitod
Hn Hobst Joboeea of Qiaod Bap.
1 F. AtkiooB-a laet wrsA
Idi to III at toe beoM of bia pareota.
Hr. and Hn A John.
Dr. a a Flood weot, to TnrerB
City Friday.
D^. Praliek aad Hr. Haney an

Blankets and Robes
A few odd pairs of
Wool Blankets at
cost to close out.
1 have about six
firstclass FurCoats
left which will be
closed out at less
than cost. 1 offer
a big "bargain in
these cokts.

Jobn T. Bcadfc,


“It Doesn't Cost a Gent to Look.”

Baby Urae are destreyed In ecBato.
by cbolara tofantoB. Tbe aturk of
tor diecBSr to ceddsn. ite pr<«rree to '
eoBMlmr. torribly raplA
wbo liare ptoen iktr cblldr-o Perry >
Oarto' Painkiller <»o toll bow bli
tteatUMBt bae ebeekrd tbr diarrhoea
and TOBittop. aad pal tor Unto patttol oot of danprr. U and H or

Union Made Overalls 48c

Canvas Cloves 5c


a full car load of Steel Kanjjes anil Cook Stoves, (iives us the ljfi;<-st linr oi
S TOVKS and R.-^NGES ever Shawn in Traverse City,
diffcmit styles and
si/cs. from a No. 8 Cook Stove at SvrS- fight along up to a tin.-, l.irgv. hr.-ivy

No. 817. just like cut, 17
by 17 inch oven, good
large fire
btix. slide
hearth, shelf tinder oven
door and shelf on back.
Guaranteed to bake and
cook well and to give sat­
isfaction in every way.
for-.--.............. Stf75
the same as No. 817
No. 817 with Resert oir. ,
ased. enameled resen-oir,
Square, only has large, encased,
flush with lop of stove, for only................................$12 7.^
THE STAND.’\RD is a big heavy stove, with
large honest oven.a quick
and perfect baker, nickel
teapot shelf, nickel towel
rod.nickcl panels on oven
doors, oven doors alum­
inized inside outside oven
shdf. oven door opener.
It is just the stove for
farmers or boarding houses. We have it in three
sizes,—Na 8 and No. 9.22x25 and 24x2^ inch ovens.
Our "Home* Never
Fail." as yw will see
by cut. is a*.vcty pretty
stove. It is highly nick­
eled aod embossed,
Fire back guaranteed
for 15 years, cemenieti
;n lop.
massive and very elegant base, large
fire box and door, ash guard under fire door, swing
front grate, convenient Hue door, with dues within ,
easy reach for cleaning. Large lop and heavy cut y
centers of extra width, allowing ample room for
cooking ware.
e. Top
Toa made in four pieces, heavy covr
w-out drop hearth, large and high oven, wide
inside of doo) aluminiaed. sodt makes
oven shelf,
ide back shelf on the squar
It and clean, wid
ni^el outside oven
. ;n shelf, nickel oven doc
ir. can be used on either side of oven. Nickel
teapot sund. nickel towel rods, elegant nickel panels
on oven doors, nickel panclon front door.. In fact
is a beautiful, modem design, elegant enough
hoiis?. and guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction.
By buying in carload lots we are able to make a
price that brings it within reach of anyone. The
No. 8. square.with 17x16 in oven, for............;• Mi 75
:h encased, enaifieled Resers-oir. for.........
17 75
With encs^. enameied Reservoir and iqxiS


n Car«e anS eomplctc Cine et
, Steal Coali Slow*.

This stove is as well made and riveted together as
closely with steeple headed rivets as the Best ranw.
and guaranteed to give tbe best satisfaction. We
.................................... SlJ "S
it without_ Reservoir 4nr
Or with Reservoir for

OTEL COOkA strictly
rictly high grade
1 '■
at a voy
pi^. -It is
low pri...._ ^iu
for coal or w€>od and is
up to date in every re­
spect, carefully made

tA line..

We il.o have the same Move vith Hi«h Warmi^
Closel. just like cut.

Jllull and CompMc Cln< of Sltcl Rand<*
Seventeen different


I' -


styles and


. herewith show you
cuts of three that have
been «mr l»est sellers.
No. j.S, Steel Range,
just like- Never Fail
Steel Cook, only has
high warming closet,
with revolving diKir.
iSx2o inch «ven. A
range that will givetne
.best of satisfaaion
for...........................551 CO

est prices ever made
on a good steel
it is made of cold 1 ,
ed steel, lined writh as­
bestos board, which is
held in place by an in­
ner lining of steel, all
hand riveted with stecblack
Spring balaii
door, reservoir
and high closet, nickel
trimmed. Nickel teapot shelf, nickel
ckel handle
revolving door of
high closet,
let. nickel
nicl han­
dle on oyen door, nick­
el under
der oven
oven door, will
bum either wood or
e sell this fini range for. .-$25 75
Our No. 3o8,StMl
Range .......... .............. .
finest and largest steel
ranges made, the very
best one for family use

It is a well known
fact that a steel sto ve
will save you
price of jt in a short
time in saving wood,
radiiiates so
much quicker than
cast iron: and I
they are m«6li 0
er in appearance
and are more dur-


bailed sheet steel ash pan. heavy cast b’.ttom lliic
strips, flush top end shelf on s<)Marr stove, spring bal­
anced steel lined oven door, main lop made in four
seaioas. with heavy interchange.ible key plates and
-unusually heavy covers. Nickel swing towel rod.
nickel corner colmns on body nickel grate crank.
or hinges, ham
handle and panel, nickel'
tel oven door
■w draft, nifttel teapot slant
cal cook
One of the very best and
)ves made;
mad- wc^hs about four hundred imunds,
sell it without reservoir for..^..................................Sif
Kxzo\n. oven for ----- iz^oo
Or with reservoir, with iSx3o\n.oven

—ft--------- -------------------------------------- ---


ed on a trfassivc and el^nt base, swing front door
witfi two nickel ficrew dampers to regolate draft, am­
ple shut flues with smple arrangemenc insoriogmoH
atisfactoo' operation. Coovenieni flue door, with
flues within easy reach for cleaning. Good laim fire
box. heavy fire box Hning. extra heavy fire back and
Du^ex grate for wood or coal, large fire door, large

Itiscarefully cofistnicted and superbly deco­
rated with nickib. No
expense has been
spared to produce a re­
liable tnistwortby steel
range.and weguaraniee
it in every way to give
entire satisfaction. It is made of Planished sl^. close­
ly riveted together-with steeple beaded nvets. cast
pouch feed, swing front door with easy access to fire,
damper and hot blast which means improved operadon of range and saving of fuel. End feed, for wood
and pooch teed forcoaT with heavy Duplex giates
which will bum either hard or soft coal or wood.
Exposed sorifaixs are all protected by plates of
cast iron. Ample sheet floes of simple arrangement
insuring most complete satisfaction with any kind of
fuel. Heavy fire box. lining, extra heavy fire back,
targe bailed asb pan. all grates and linings are easily
remw^. extemwn fire box for long wood, oven top
next fire protected by cast iron plates, cast asb chutes
bottom floe strips, top made in four sections, with
heavy iniefchangeablc key plates, aod heavy cov ers
ftftH centers. Handsome high closet, nithle towel
rod, nkkle on dcM dpor. nickle name plite. nickle
on oven door, oitklehandle and paod. nickle comer
cdomos 00 body, nickle tea pot stand, nickle bands
on high doset. Noting
Nothing b^ter
made, and our price
» $i7-75- If y«J want a stove or range do not fail
to lo^ over our immense stock before buying.



May fv «lM BU>d.


Mtaal tat* M. Ucbt Tta.T»5
aU M. tatMlT.. tat Uw« tn wtt... tM bofp iHtta.. ilctata tattlf y BaaWo. aed tta baaaoltr
Ua« wt— f**
"“y •**•* ta.lMd taavB to Sfaalarda wlio wai#
vptmd and .tad ta tad maar latton
parpOMi. tat 7M
from SfamiardittaBklBjt klmfoatta
•ritoa. Tt« t«n>o« y
kladDMi ta tad tao*« ttaa. Otmf« gM Bltta ia Mt yff«at fros tta tlBDiac. tta arndtr mid that la » ta
y c« «1‘T «
m. with tta BriUta foaeat ta Brn>t>
an (cv tta ytutalo. y ueny rliar<- Anta eaftand fttaata y BntaUdno. Tta —f taxttaota «. ■a) mrmlr. doeaytalad tta '
and. tat; didwtac ia tta irtat. tta aad Idaead Italr btad. <
^ ■ ------------ fanlablac ata
tta Amte
IBlalait U Mwt>< tta tatsd aad taut mphl ware
wltfaoet trial
aad tata. Tta Btaool lor tta Blind Dartan tta eampain U Chin tb.
•apton. apanial Betbodi aad derior*
matiUta.1 Ih. dead tad lor-.—^ la tha oeadi y ttan who do
ZaTanwrll «aoa.h to md tadiauj
latat. bat ita- «.d and al» y U»
r-*^i la to nke y lU Madoau «lfThlt wa. trarUl
n-»oH« ata -U^pptatlad rttl tta troop, y otarj- oaUoo
dariaa tli« thn« weak, ta
Akita wtUi tta UiatBiT aad ni
tta Aaorleu. there. Bsi
a thtta oeevTcd later, wtaa
Btadkaa tta papU* pana. a
Maay Ml^. Tta tar. ara latata
BoloBfvr in ooBunaad. Ko
plHM laatta. taoo. aad tarn
waa BMde aad ta tad trvr
Mktta. tad tanta wearlBC.
beUere th»* ».U aeU were apprond.
J^l^ taT'i^Wn aad f«.oy nwlap
He kaew tber
laeiadlta taaotalae tawtaii. kalttlac. ^.fTotry by tboM y other
••bUlapeeAblr ta ooeeeln caeh
A*tUal kladwaarteo teaohwaad maetary aa ttiat of tta
a wall taalPI»<> Uad.r«arteo art —
*r.”«ld the major. "Tbey rorel
elded far tta little Iptta
blaad mad hare aa tapoUte f«
tfcan U la tWtataol e com.
wmaacrilaceot tta liamao body.
grlattu aOee for tta pabUeatioD of
Ddeada atale Oaptaiu Oataall’.
beota la Braille polat prlat for tlioee
rtac. ailed tta .aldten' liodW
who read by tta eean y tootix. T..t- wltlijamaad Jelly aad
baake. ataiia. aad baoke for (taaaral mardarmyeoBUaaad. labotthaa.!
Mdlta. «• prtalad: alao a weekly
ii^aeti to paMlatad f« tta poplU of
tta mdmal aad lamdealaUy for tta
« pamlMa tare 1. It
rfitapopik. Atiai
UaytUadld aew hoMial. -P^w
from tta ottae balUaxt. la whldi paptk **«.lat»adlatalyi«»y U

•ta aoeed dipleemt aad aattarity n
tatawlMl lew. Tta aether haa
mebed the meian ape y 8 yaara
Hi. book la aoUtled "Tbe Bom Wy.
It wa* lalaMd Mana It to 1^'

rr.'eaplea Tta •!» ttayoaaf aatbta* reoelnd from tta mk. tba.
far wiU b. emt to "betto tta ooadltiCB y the Boar woman aad obUdrea
la tta
aad the daeUtate Bom prlaeaartlB tta Bermod*e.”m oaeie by

need for tta ml* of the eeoota
aad yi fomia odlUime.
„ yooa, coapk wen married ia
Boath Bend tbe other day. aad a aamberyttair friaata and nlatiree •»eamUed M Ita Otata Trank KaUea
•oe tiiamoS
Old elippon aad riee were tliowteod
the happy pair ae they boarded tha
’beo Iboy r>‘
•eat-d In tta oar. tta groom ooUeed
• tmot In theBUI».BBd thinking it wa.
<me tlmt Imd been thrown Into tta car
of ill! Jorial frieedt. threw
ay peopU nor tta worid wUl tallore tlie boy oat y tta window a. tta
M to beamardarer. "wa. moriag. It hapaaed thy
Oapmin Arttanr T. Marta, aariai the boot beloogwl to a weU known De
orip. repreeeatlDp MaJ« Wyiw. Ii
.relor who had
ramoved Itto aam hU weary foot.
UaUie arriraiy tha train at BanU
tlal law. qaatlair i
lOreek. the groom wa.
w fairy boouto tbe
tlM ea the rabject

teraady at yi lime-to attend
•••dad. aad Dr. Oarrow y tta Unltey Mlahltao. aa eoilamt U«»^
let la tta traatmaat y tta eya. atakai WaUilaiftae. April U-The death y
aa aaaaal rtalt to examine tta eyee y
Rev. T. OeWlIt Talmace. the aoled
Ita papdla AU Malmeat aad tazT Pnehytolaa dlrlae, whloboooanta
ay apmatieM ara oUhaat axpeaee «
atapuaata. tat «e act performed ex. el P o'eloofc SalnrdB) iiifbi el lile toe.
Ideaoe la ihi. rity marked the peeee.
t with the peieate' writ*— —
y^aadeoeaMt. Tta eaboal ii dm a ty eloee y a moat oerfelata eraothaepllal.tat the tael poeUble trtwl fal lifn. It hta beau orldanl to aome
taya ttat lliere wa. oo Imp* ot toootBMt 1. flTOD tta eyee aad there 1.
the ettradluK pliyalelaBi *o
IMtahly BO better pleoe for rhlldna
taforraed tta family.
wtlh oetlaaely dyeettre eyee. .
The IflaU^ Meal ferttaUltod Dr. Talmofo-eSaaday earmoo.
ipabUebta ia more ihao 1.000 Mr^r
te apported by tta State ead the Ml
yea aad baud are ftoa ta yi who art oi^eMpy*- barlnf no .aynwaie
eolation of lt.000.000 oopieix It le
eatimala thy earh {.par U
nyoahaowy a bhUd who eboald
ta Itara. plaaee trrlM Hit Btaool tor lead by y lent Cre pentma aai
waoM glee y eta doelor a weakly aatta Blind. Imaalac.
dleom y 15.000.000 people, la erery
loealliy to tbe ITolted Blato. where a
1. printed liU eermy
________ i.Aiyi II-llU laarued
from a blch Boer eoeroe that aepotla-

... MeyerwUle. Pa. the mow Wed.
•••day twtriMd a depeb of warly
fwi oo the Ur.L Ocml damage
bey doae to bolldinga UUgraph and
mUplirae wlraa Tiem aim eaSarad.
In amay puie of the town etoUee
tar. ooUapeed from Ita beary weight
OB the roya TU. U eold lo be (be
deepi rt April aaow thy ta. tolea In
tta eoattara eeotly ot Panarrl


SdwaH Seman, y Smatae.
Ind.. ead weremkea toUaMie«.FU..
Mr. Boawn U epaBdlM the
Tta bird, were laleaaed
arrired he*M la good order, makint a
Omivli Itayey.
flight at 900 miU. in UiirtT-tix
If yoo want t> know inrir ii
Joeepli Boala. ot Oopplaeton. Obl. feel lo bare e«-cy orsaa. ,-rr
|ia( epal tlie Normaadl* hotel lu Sartdaaad Bot being acoaitomed loalnp- trard lip in tta fnlirri ’i-n.b
iBE wflh • light in tbe room, blew rirriictb of tBOKS. inri El'r lhi> ii,
onl Ita gM befcee ratlring.
lag aliontloe wn. called to hi.
It will rUher do /n.t wliii e<by the yrtag amell y ga. aad will or y-*n ran hire >..nt .......... .. 1Hoale'. body wa. loeod eold In death.
Tta Tletim wu a farmer.
Farmer Bmiry C. Oabelmaa at WU•ted. Coaa.. who mye ta made "ai
yley moeey”la« yarn arlliagappUa bearing a baet plctare y MoElaUy. ta. boogbt one y tta flneri trait
orymrd. U ttat rieinity. B. av* be
ifar bead y Prerideal
BoomreU, erownwl with a .loooh
tat. oatUued on yi hU fralpttae ramlag eeaaea. OabelMeu ryoee* to diicloae bU |ooee« for^ maldeg pleti
Are 1. ragtag
ia Terry oaonly, Texa*. It tau .wept
yy a aeetlra 40 mile* long ud 90
mile. wide, boinlng the gram and
oatiU. Tbe daoatge tae ynady
naeby fil.OOa

KAKH I •injocB'
Iw to



•d si.ur Id Poiirniiie. iw

TrmiM Cftf Mlwl CMM>y'

I of MA rlilecra. haiolM-d Iron. 101
Thar.aTecord hard to bwt


Mm.-*-n. wr.»i:H.ex*K»
~~i.« .r tb. -o.r«k.44rr.




Jim A. U'touto^

.wn w 1.
OAWII. h-'U >1 IlH- rrw<0,>. l.m.e. U. wW

r^.oira ii> IX. -u


■A mnaw

addiw. br. Ktlmer A

«, N.Y. Wtanwieiagmi
bridal ikr Prwiiotr UBmn -ibrnt;.* Trat
an- till. .« tba IWb Aar >r Narrb. la thr
rai'^^-iwyad rior'l

|£ Yoo CoridJLo^

airo.bib.ja ma

Shiloh’s ^

h. ttat y hU wUa. to
peoaa. - Ha tory taaes eMM H*
■dUday totny

It. Looks

and al) olbrr prtauas IBimri<« ta aud —


Ryfe any KntTmi.

rs;. s■ "


jolbr'clmS^—...-------- -- ----------iJ^TwiSuInrruica bimid to. of yr

Irtnda .arlrwirk. I'naidaiooBt. r> Rmirt
IViml) .-ItlrwlMt fTlwrii—.M.


a.dam>drei-( ifcl.riair. lanbaiMAm .■>

<WBw b» aararr lu tb- I.U --r ..-midalBl u>W
ay rild a I«>r Ik-rwr <- u-'—ml x. tha
at > —Urn.' airw la.wi) do.*
ara*—nrK* .•.hliu..wa .-.u m —riUUaad
MU' >. rhb .wdrr andla ArTaan ibnari
Md HU wli: br oakra aa r-Wh—ld 1-r Ml ri»






Iba nmlwa n mar Ir- raqritra br tbriaaldt
Ui riwli mr ma4r aad pnnM.
Ttorra^ ..bofiral. tba.


unboy. y. ramrw,

i»o wirrarirT


ft cnla. Wnir la .. C. Writ. B Co,
IrfBer, K.V-lorIrmnaiyUa.________




ay Dent Know IL

____ _ ___*.___

*• —7

Sale of SUte Ta* Landa.

sew To Mae Omi.
Fill . botll. or common glut •

aa, fO tar ta aUar np the myetoy of pnhiUhlag aa .
plaadlag the y
m of Prari'- Tbe total ralaatiai of th^ Um Pfail(Uni McKtaley, U well known la tta llp.D. Armear-. amt. U Ubleago aad
Italian eolooy at Patenoa.I. K. J.'
Hew York hae Jan bean arrirad at. It
to Ainerim le Jnao. ttSO. tad
uitoto|lt.»I.IOd.ay toaUipr
itod aUto. ay Lain Fraiioe. Ita
tlnxi pabllUwd a pope. ‘ He wae
yaaagy ririy. were ewent Both de. Intimate with Ui
la addition to tta abera tamy earn,
talUd the ortme ay toU tta
King Kamhert. end wae yd to tare there 1. aomr real orialo in lUlBOit
atary. Aaooyiag to their terilmoey wriueo Kremi from Loodou befon- and rlnwbeiw. Uie ralae of wUeta U
Fnarnwy angery bacaam Bffle
kfl Paterwm on lilt fatal BM gi^oii. Hr. Atmear left p
gal^ Borth to Join by bnibay aad mlwioB.
aally all of hU oemtr w bi* widow,
•a. to take by toby yih by. "
One of tta riataal geld errlkm
Malviaa. yd hi. aea, J. Qgdoo
Fnaee eldy ytb EflU. Fraara gM loBtona ha. braa made U th.- Kraratoday kaoyyhUwUadowiL
irge mini- at Sarnyt TIte rela b
-mbem of the I
- fen aeram U>e by Md by buband rwafool luydthay raperwd M
taffaa ehoklag tar. avUg h. would
pnre gold,
and tb.-dU
dUeorary made by
TM wltoemm think tawoaldtarr iMartm Millard, aoo of Ueib-d Slay
mtdly n-tonito from tlw PUUp-1
4mw ao. tat Ulto. the U yew old Niato UllUrd of Ketwatoa.
. A. ttat wye dritiag imi
mm, aaaw Into tta iMm aad ab
A nr-w violet ha. brra dl
lonely Ttod ta Ita moBaWto. whU
bthy who raaa ap, wmUy law Ita
AtMtom. ay fell OB Ita Sour. ■
• toward italr earBbo leat pUsti to the Smll
rUge ffilb marU ay -bUxtog iweri
tB.tttolloa and tta eu
tta bmat liOBBdy forward ay tta
April IS—PloMMlal illtatle. L PUUrt. baa namy tta dram eorw mambarK talag
VioUABgriUe. Tta Aowy U
Oawlo ot Baunga'. .
latalyay with fear. aU bat Uie
repon Mdepablu- by the Urgey.l rltoet-irirpU. aod tbe Uare
drammy. wlie boat tta dram
ilIpptDa oommlttoe. dw-Urae Urge ay glemy.
wUli ifanadaraae bUwa BHiUy by
<-«L John
dtaiue.0DD lataumau
the yia eat halted, thra
taaa y Bamagaa. Laeoa. tare pyiri.- eoUry amain PUladelphU. Ifi
•eBmpyy tnto the waeda
«d M W. diama. ay atarratUalfta eooauy. U dmd. HU eM
Jehn Slneoi. ot Btarii^ Kaa., bra
- gtoaa Sta Amertraa eoaqaaeiy Ui. aymatyyaboatSl.S00.000. i
jstma ta owtod jMre Uma 1.000.000 Meran toUdreBay Ifty-mw gay•hUdraa. ay gitottnadehtldreB. U
fbramo to Mrs. MeKlaUrI**" •* *“*■
taaraal In thU alty nnUl IMS. wbto Ma family thare taa beaa bat pae


Miae 'W.lin.-C •. «nrli nnmiM
..uM Oi rrrwvi tk.- MAT 1. nnun. ..4 m


•at'. Iiaittir, nb


For Over #fSr?r..r;


Thirty Tearsi^^!^*


idower tamillu wtth all fitai
:k It alto
bonmkeeplng ud my. Uiy ta eaa ocnrnieiBf proof ihii the kidney, .y byplckla wtyi a^d iron, ermM the pari, der rio out of order.
of the eook aail tta waitreea
______comfort In Ih. kaewtadg. to
tta taby. dart aad take oace of tta
rfi.n ypramod. Ihal Dr. Kilmer'. Swamp.
Rmi. ^ ^1 kl^r remedy lullilit ev^
Prtaae wydeamr. the elderiecmy
back, kldneya^hrw. byder irid*ei-«r5r pan
AdmM l*rlnoe Ifen^
rf th. urtowy paimfo. li eofracu Irablllty
heU waiar and auldiog pain In paaring
Orrmen to mreral weeka U beiag 10
It. or bad
um of
o liquor.
■ ' eflecta

nbjeety to arathy rigoroae life. He bine or boor, and ovai
that unpie.
.leepa apoo a il.lo.bortetalr mattteea iwceaiir of bring cempeiy
. y iito go <
wtth a Ungle blaafcet. In a
ttat it ha. the tern
oodinary cfleci of Swnmp^Root I.
yttaMWlde air. He traari porota realUeA Itatandi the Ugbee to It.
oletblngand llrmya dUl y toll
milk and mlad.
BaUgioui earrloe. were lo fwogreet
in a mhoolboom lo Ooahlng. Ma.

, Ttnaanal. and U>e
HaCM. Tta atajeel y the aafotiaiimty Modem Soolety."
yav. aeeetdita to Ui. latormar. U
•.Mety aad other i»lnu y Lord "Lire Ooal<k’"‘BbaU oo Soedry Tar••Llfey'Ohrlri.’-"From Man• Bwttary'ea>ett<rt<adcpeMh.
■erta Thraoe.”aod ■'The Pathway
Imndea. April u-BroderlA, tea
y Life." Of Ita Utter work mon
yry y Me fy wu. la Ita liooae
400,000 eopie. ware eold. "Tta
_____ ja today deeland that
Mantate Blii«." peta^Ubed aome
iialii n"-'------------- ------- —
yaylmii tram the Baer leaden. yyn ago, waa pabU.lted ta erery
Tbm ontalaly woaJd braoamU- •tape aad form. potaUe la EaclaDd ____rad. A fox dartftl la throogh
aad rw_.i. aad
tiaatlated lota tta opeo door pormed by a oonple ot
boaada. aad la a few momentt tta aaApril ll-nie nWBM faaa
y the Uainacee in Barepe.
ImaU aad the' elothlag y the fright•ay ladle, bwmm. alaiMlagly mixy.
BL Leaia AiirU 11-Byrr FIbMUmaea'* eoteaBU a) lari letrlOy
y, oeloty. wa. tanged M 4 o'elota Ita fooT^fooiy Inlylopen aai; they
IbU motiilng to tta mord»yl4»U boandy off Mwyd the weoda
IMoe teSoatb AtneaJ with
Botii, whIU agwl I«. in Aagrul. 1900
I. Billow, a OlUrngo bookkeepthe yr la faU. nfoaaed aanmil I
Kiaeteen nlontm Uler X re]dere ot y, Janipy off tta paeaoigy Wale at
la Ita taUael meettaf today. Folly » day. arrirad tram OorntiKir OoekM hota hafen tta maattnc wa. aalled arr. Thl. wa* a eenorl to tta dlesor- tbe terminal emtUe at
a-arawd ^tberod oa Oowalni etneu yy y new yUaaoe yeetaiday that aad In Urn than 10 mlnatee mairird
The member, were ftrated with abotry ttat Ita kUIlag rra. done la Mn. KWr Batehlnma. wortB gSO.OOO.
abaara Tta moariac taftaa ta U:IA mU drfeoM. Batoe tta drop fell whom ta hy aery moa bafon. Tta
Elac Bdward arrleed la Leedoo Flatefay deeUred hi* tnnodrae.- and wedding, which wa. Ifaa raaah of an
«hU anmaaea. taria« baaa haetUy mid thy U tbe tralh had been toM ■•ad" In a
by 800 people. A pdlaeman
on tlir wllaem etaOd be wonld tare
Afgll IS—Tlie Brylng l»ea aeqnimd. Re hy noatly mala- aety ae mariy Bf eeremtoiea Mra
tomw baabaad. prml
Hewamyi U tai it fnm areUabU
aed hU laaoaBoe crer elnm b
•laat of aa ta
aalbmltr ttat tta Been will offer to
four moeUi. ago.
Tb* new
My down ttaU arm. U II It jgorea
Blloit U good lotolag ay both
It will be
ymMUtad la Beath Afrloa by the
Aa order ta. bte Imay hr tta
BrWta ay Lord Kltaiyy'e praaU■mHna ot extremlayiea U aaiwediy
Two taardar. la Detroit
nm of thetoxlUto thdPaOpU'eSnpply
Wtab family acteried to a mnfdy boam. •€■> Walto/yitot. Ohlmgo; Paw Pbw. Mlah.. April 11-Tta no- In Tan Burea eoanty.
to rnyoUat am ^ tta malla Tta
laMy m.mb.r.y tta Fnaee fanaiy
omen arrayy toorimlwlai. wlieaM of tU. eoBoetnwa. tony
VwMbteaghtto Paw Paw yeeterxhv
ooUip throogh. tta mall, offeni
■naraima aeoampuiiy by local oB- Kewly halt a dram myeterloa. dUaeae ay MW PiakartoB. Uie .431
wb^a^iy Perriia. anrwarli
‘^UpowTof talfadi



It is important that jrou ihouliJ
know how Omega Oil looks, to
we prim .
priming on t^e package it all in
green Tnk. The trade mark it a
leaf, with tbe wortlt, *• Omega Oil.
It’i Green.” Down near , the bot­
tom is the signature
Espinosa. Look for this name.
beuose it it a guarantee that fou
are getting the genuine Omega Oil,
that has cured so-many cases.of
Rheumatism, Sore Throat, Cold in
tbe Chest, Neuralgia, Stiff Joints,
Spruns, Weak Backs, Strains and
Bruises. There are a lot of other
linimenu that may be bought in
drug stores, and a fow of them are
pretty good, too, but you of course
wanst me
the safest
and surest remedy,
ao you buy nothing but Omega Oil
when you have a p^ or ache in
flesh, muscle* or joints. New
Blind viere the pain is, foe' the Oil
cures in one part of the body just
as well u in another. 50C.sbotde.

iTHltCrin'tto to l‘il*i

^ tarM.a^M.a'Mruyata rirrato

2«U<<Ury May.A.%. 1903.




om. KcB. MBtoh Oa.

Hkh. TM. Ha ae.

I mm Mrsaad 1


wablUlban eeUa

aliicto Ml
TaawOlall haw
la tba lanna whl


exty It woKb yo«r MlwnMW
tba U U oa ooey Botttrw ^


'ariTCTa':^^-. ssSsfEssa. ■
Bn akyod wllb tl al wUl.


Kiaffttoy. Blta..—■ rs^- yg, Batan-BaitU aad I n-' I*
aatnd war pin and aard* aad w«o
onynatapMaad with than Oar

Aad whilt aalno U U a *na

‘.‘.'■.Tyr’rrssi^isiSL* SSffipSa.
Itaba oo
K> polsfol
palsfal at
•! llaat
Um* Ballaoold

Wllb Ibrfct aad Joyon wad.
Il awaknad la ibt nailgbi.
Aad fooBd la *aaa wat Um:
Tor Ibaa wllblaa aobeoly^

lory Mali
Hal tbol
ly it U a

____________ _
ttm. n ffoed-hyo.
vorm tan Jeaae.
AMleb..AprlllA 11

wa won n vary baay rndhiff the
arMa fUalkry JearaaL I aai tartat the aaBm n 1 ham'i bon oat
to an oar paalwy for a (ow daye.. My tad tan ay oaid aad tadffo yrt 1 ro
rathw BartU hn M Ao all the I to wdMDl oMMta—Pu aebeol will
eana Wo boon-| ralata ear obM. he oat won Tanday. Wo will b
M yot Bat they an all U]^ ata
a oxpoet to tan a eblohn art aay
toffo toaebeoL We tarr atae-fa
ay. ffnn year (rind*,
efnnU. (nrbcraaa(oarataop.aad1
BaitU aad Loelu Balladoy.
40 bee* We han naAeaboal twmiy'
Sortfapert, Mieb.. April 1, iwi
tallaao of napU ayrap Woffottocni
Dnr Hn. Batoo-I raeetrod tbo


. Oa. BaOala

Makes delicious hot biscuit,
griddle cakes, jolls,
and muffins.•OTM. wima Mweta eo. ««ewiLu*i» tr.

vtll be II yoonold aeat Aaffait.
and ako ae othtr



hart 10 lit boro bolplataV
■■Oh. ooly aday ataUao," wat
ihfeboery anawar aad iht poor nSoror wataot ealy oonferted fat ibt
OBI. bat aaay Haet darlaf the
___ adlaa wraiy waakt Old tba
tboastiA ••taly a day - •
ocnobaAwltb luqaM

OW •* l■Mla■ar MrKlalw
Or. P. H. Bitty racadlt that wbte
Ibt rntidtal't ____
Motber wcl do
tiaflraltlaa a WbIM
oad «p«B oqooroo of olHea Tla Idea wlat

— tapcaaa ba neat wat
WM «Prt oocBoMd by ot-BooroaiT of



Itbraakt la USB. f« Uw
parpott of proleouad ibt laad frea
•t wttitro aad toolhtni
wiada Tbe aoUaa ptorod to be a
W* aoniy fold tba erodrti^;
popalar owo. aad tpeoad ra^ly »
So pUat Wf Ww BKilo tree
(booilia ocalao aatll at ibo |>aaaet
tiao. by ItfltUHro nart™
Vtet pUni wo to thU oppU M.?
Bodo. with ibo broath oT■—w «V* ouwrwlto ao abaaal Arbot Day bat

•’ WoU. VlUiaa. at Mt 1 kaow what
U.ty Btan wbee tboy apeak of tba

a,aad ladlaa
_ ..
rn ban beoa
lor tba day la Ifae dlffaroat
1 eaafota wllb tba ellaalo.
aad It U eUafly ebaarrod by the poA ^Uor tens tbe obumO AowW.
piU of lha paUle toboola. aaay.tlaM
WltMi wr post the
It at a aehool holiday.
WbM pUat wo la tbU o|9le tn^
It U to ba hopod iBrtaU wlU aaKwoot^OT o baadiod flowoj ^n.
To bad tho Hop-wlodefOoMB wlan. eoano Ibt ebUdrea la Ibla tfaea«ht
Whoa, frao Che onlard row. bo poon aad bolp tboB 10 awko btaalUal
IM tninaBoo ibnwfb oai opoa docni booo aad aeboel aad Ibt pablio waya
of Ibo oeoBBT atdo.
Thla la a topia uaar to I
Ohaar’t baartaad than U awa
follow to bo nld ea ihU aabJoO.
Bow u anr oo awieac
Sod roddM la Ibo Aafort MOB.
ll U laotablo that Ibo aTon«o
weaaa Uilnka sba fceowa bow lo oow

m a bait cap of bettor wllb
oartba of o np of aatar, aud
latao ou aad a eap of aoac
____ If yea hare It: add a taaapoaa
(al of taklaff aoda PUrsr with aat
naff. Add aaOriont floor
doafffa wliteh will nU eot i
abnii dlTldelatwe
_________ _

Vid^iK M bollea M b* a*^i


BhoUhSSrMd tlBt. »d bide bor

WkiW obUdm aeoe wttfa


Aai^^Slk Uieoi wlcofo Ibo Mfw

Aad wboo, aboTO Ihu opplo
GtrU, wfaOM yeuc 0700 o'oeSow witti
Blau‘S) IM (nil by ibo ootWio
ABd^HlSii U pnBte boMO rial
Bao^ with «>• r*P* «t Olaln't

Shall I

r^u.-'Srssr SCSI'S,

iJr&T’.ti'Sr- _________ I aoof. tba aataana'i
boafba «( tba apple tna
TUa ahaiiiBi oa tba ffnaad below.
Stall taad aad (cm aad Irea wlU
Oppraa Ibe weak aad talplan atUl!
Wtal aball tin lata of aany ba
AaU Ita MU. tbo Mrifoa Ibo Mat
Of .Suao wbo Un wbaa

“S-SSw-u -..ton-

tald ba.-|lia» Ibtn attau lo ba aa oitrancaal array of cnaa as tba tabla.
wann afford
yoe keowTaotbar.
to keep a c

top: pren dm lively toCnp
pUee^tan n^oat tau roata or obaad bake la a Iwt or<
cealoeforUioeUldnaa’ la>

rss iS.-S'-’S'SL.'S

Manb It. loot.
ear UnU latten wfaUb '
waltlaR fine* than wn taowtoplay
Dnr Aabtte Batoa—1 haae
Aad SaaabiM leCten very luBohaad w<
Id laauadof flowon »•t .plok
•* aaato
We eaa aee tbe
ttatrenlndioA Itaata ^o Ibe .laar like lOjoU tta SaDtl.Ue elob.
Oaandt- mooat.liu (run beta with
obUdrea wbo Inn aaal aa taeb loraly wiUyoa {dean leBd mra card aad
00 ilicn.
ItBi areued I»ti' the
vUdflowera Ttay ban nada briffht
tl.i-n aad
RroBnd i* ban. the Rnn U ffteea.
■poU Inbaartaafl bona. Blcoa yea aai til ealy Rlrt ia tta family. I an
MB BO.- Puffot BouaA
ll look,
ynn old. So Rood-byo.1 will iiave
{ffi-tty from bm. Hy birthday |
to elne for thU Uno.
Ita ^ after ChrUtmBa.
1 wa*
b.-ra for
A Bamber of tba aebeUn of Him
alnoei two w.-ek* to JaaoBry. Wr
h'ottU Pialta' «>•«>>
Hodff*. Mlob.. A|ril 1. iWJ
I to Waaebiaa Mateh
Dear Hr*. Hain 1 read tbe l. ttor*
bad many food MUn from IbU U tbo Botald aad oroold like to joia I Ukr to lire here al I'liatoo taller
thaa at OoBp.'rilla bonaio It ie on a
aebeol befora
tta Suaablue ClaU Finn nod
farm. Wo will aeod yoa tone al.. ll.
Boyal JolunoB waau to Jola tba battn aad canL
I an ten yion olA
Uial we ffalMrad on ita banh. urlierr
BBahloeOlab. Boyal UrUreO
nd un U tbe fourtb Rrada
id. Ho bn on aiator Wbo
nobar-i mme i> Ml*a aertnido Staa- tta orarn of the PaoiSe oonn wa.ta-1
ibem Biwo the taaob.
ta*t >Bmmrr
.aan oU aad wboao aano U BOa
I tliiuk thU all (or tbU tine.
while we wen IteloR at fOBpe.iIl..
For peU bo hn a bom
Earl Wara iol
BlUyaad four oaU aad two klttoaa

etty eaaaol ebtola tkU. A r^ nbawataht. (aU tairt aad a blooaa Idn- atttou
for ll U Am taamnl Uaa 11
liaal la alyU aad eat to m on won
%ta n^nd^'^lad aklrt Ua
amuod in elaatm aruiadlnc tn
Unlb of Sn tain an inlUb. aad oaelbar pratty akin U nata with polniod yoka offaK; tbe pUlla qUto luaeh-

JaUaaadBolM HaUea both with
to ba Saaohlm Rlrla JolU U la tba
noeed noAor. Sba nya ti.ay had
bM aatanalannit oe OhrUtnn aa
AiffU-IndM' Bona JokraaL
a boa loeUl Ita Ant of Haieb. Than
are tblrty-olRbt papfU U tbe oebooL
Bolnanyi taahaaalM aiator* aad
Ihne brethan. She U aUrta yaan
raUof^atoaadtaM aad poarlatoa ioldoad will betwotntta Aneoatb
mold aad nt oa .ln to oota. Tara
eat. oetar than 'with wUto Mat or
whipped man had daoeralo wtifc

oa a taim, and ao ban M plaoa U
keep taiekeaa. Wo ipaal a part aP
tho winter al Lake Aaa with Caclo
They tan a Utole Rlrl one
yoar ilA Thor rail tar Bath. She 1*
n eato n tba eaa bo aad 1 think ota
wiU ta oUttir SaaahlM fflri
tay. OoaauPnrl bon
opnl a few da.n with na. and wa had

Try rlMlBff tbe eoke bof aad bread


taeu dUeelred. Tima fflre -tbm a
ffoodffBB bath. ThU WlU keep the
reorjaaolee aWeeh

Jlmndth* edihr'sCsMt.
uro an to M laama it oon boo

7^^’iSX ftiESS

mo 1*^-*-* U BMn atUaetm 1
maalaa M o bMk UlL
■■Tbo fnraa wwo Ota’a An
{SM."iald Bryaal, oar pcMof the
-appU ma aad WblttUr atya;
■■Oloa (eoU IbotrffOld; ffloa kaaoaa
LM tetaaa'i tabUa riaa aad <aU
Who wwi a Sold, or tialao a Sown
Or pUsta a wa. U aion ttaa all
^^wd aaotaw
■■BaertapUnUinaa loroaottanl
.tan bliaaalt
Loraty Sowan anttanOln of Ood'a

..Ban ona-lnU aoapfal of bottor
wltbl>Veaji^ of iBffai:aAd eaohalf a oapAl of bOlUaff waM. '

gutters and Slelflbsare aoinflat
Reduced Prices
Han.l-Ma.le Cutter* aad ItriviiiR SIctRiuil.lm |.>
brieen per rent »A. SmMi.l-lcin.l i*t)9pnff Slctafa*
aiiil Cultm, iiH'lu.lin:: one Juiii|HSeat Culler, at a .
ll^ii.MN. Coiflc in and l.«A them ..ver,

Uictor Petertyip 124 State Street

of all descriptions now on sale at

248 Front StrWM

SrokCh Block

For Job Work of all Kinds Call at tbe Herald OOEc
6«t Better Betere Vou Bo Hny Farther ^

It noi a lOirihins. 'll it a viliubU combination of veeeuble aobatance*. hefiu, rooti, lark*, eir. The iiroportioo* are taUftcr.1 ao oa
to form an ideal tonic in.1 inviRoralor, *hir].eninR the, n
follow the lue of ttimu'Untk.

Cake a De«* el eaa-eia*
Beforc,eacfa roeal. Very likely ytrn caa Ret along withool (U»*Cine,
but wh> mitt the chaoce of receiving an much ItenelH an.l uliifaclian
a* a $1 porchaae win bring you ? Ju*» wbal yon neeil
ihi* aeaann
of tbe }«ar. SatiaUctioci guaranteed.

RR suniT II I IL nnaimit MIh kn.

tiontoAdl groceries cheaper ihan ever before. Re­
member we are located directly opporite the City
Market, tbe most coorenieat'point in tbe city for «H
country trade.
Sugar, Best Eastern. 19 lbs lor................................$iA»
Kerosene Oil. per Bal.... ..................................... .
Best bulk Coffee, per lb. loc. 15c.................... * -.iC 15c
Yellow Peaches................................................................IS
Four cakes Fairbank't Scouring Soap * V............. .05
JaxonSoapPowd^-................................................ am'

■mry to aaonn That la tin lafi
d U naaded to proraat InTtac fla
Rur anrki wbaa Haadyioff aad IOUbr ta atrip, two taebaa wfAr aad fln
taebo* toaff. aad bako a llffbt btwWB.
Ita farallara
dam aad thn. oflar tta duator hn
hne ihafcoaeat of tin
rirraaiy to nUa 1
A aiBffad oubln_______ _______
aad taaa dualad tateow^lbe wood b
dnh with, or tbiTBna will fly ni
aad aattu n tbo wood. Tbe U^ ni
ataadUt taeald to rabtad botweea
rintwo daotm'wlth betli Jnada. n
we i«b oold botaa toffottar to warn
khan. TbU UanriaR of tUn aad
iDoam all ridn baiaR oqoally Iriffbl.

tall elatoTBeBI of yoar raee aad be wlU
ta {dn«*l to Rln ym hi* nloaUe
.Iddrcw Pr. Ilanmaa, Prealdnl at
The Uaruuaa Hanliarlan, Coluariw^



*‘A peal of Ibo load wai ho.
it Rina o pa^ (nUBan U tbo ndo. tal nod old Saaa: aan alt________tba edffO of the akin
la oltoeL—Mr*.
offooL-Mr*. Bal*TU laid taaa4a ffoed
<>>A ^U atylldi
> in April IndM’ Hena Jourrhyaea

of a Ino If oaa eaa eoaa M mlUa It.
FWtat> fta aebU pooa wUob baada
Hewn Cfcnr today aay pat all
naden la toaeh wUb iba tiaaaStal
tboaffbl aa appUabU Ml oaly to the
apple wa tal to all wo*. A in
bit of oabodlad lUo. a port of tbo
anal dlTlae Ufa ttat aamauida at all
aad U la eoocythlaff. Il U rita

tbe Armour A ('-.k'l Til.lh)l. TteneklUelMlppl Rxcolllau. Omiba.'N'lc.
wrilr* the f.dlowlaff iB reamrd to I’eruOa. (r<n aU >Ve.l*erocid llrerl.
e 1 luuad the coBtUual chaaRe of diet

_______ <iv



year pafo of tba Haimld U
Wetantabna. 1 wain aad ^pUand to rm the bade* aad cord
Mra. Unptreet 1* tbe wife of tbe (to toeldenlal lo elffbi yeare' tnMlBff «
aU the amll for aU wo *aal to do foodttaeUokonaaeataltarAta*tara!“»*>‘ta®“»»****"yP®““”- *
Uentntaav pleiclyuiiparl - ny dlireoUn lyitrm. Oa ,
aowA^ya We will ban M pnetln I WlU ten non wort wbaa tbo Uitie oolrod yoor poaliry joanal abeat two
ouly llT- rvowullU
wtatwo taro bate pmobfai to yea efaleki batch So ffood byo. Frori
t’naka aff«<a»d 1 thaak j^ nry ooeh.
Hoary E KaaU.
II an el. vea ynr. eld. 1 on. ffola* to Jta
aad be iwUeoL Wa wlU ropaat Jaat
write, a* lallaora to Tba I'oraaa
1 an taUh* noaUil ““
tan wfaai wo tare nld bofen, that
oo a ptaao. Wo l«n the I.yon j
help in
ecaaeU for ttaU departaad Hnly plaaa My iaa*l« toae^ a
aide rur» iirrtio-ud by the an of Para*
wrlM to the HenIA
1 like to road
BB. I drridqt to try li. aad enn Aoaad
tbe Utten from the Saaiblae Clab.
I think it would ta nioe ^ r«o«ly. J kaow of Botblnff bettor, nyeeltwrUnimi.
ffo to lenol onry day.
1 an In tli..
-1 ban BOW aaed It lor al*nt Suae
fltit taader. 1 hare on littU babr to tan aome peoUrr meettaffa I an , BntdM Mac » Rood luBtaUUaa oBe»
ID the Bftb RTode. 1 had a aleeUmr|tiTa rare fur catarTb.”—Mr*. '
wkth* and Ini mnpMrt.T tejumatta.
broUiar. I tUak boUaaiee toby.
talirn 1 an pertertly euxta. ata do
Kaator. 1 tan on* l.ea *ettla« ood l! LouRiwntI think ny letter
will, to tare *oato non a> *000 u! Hua Loriu E. OrldUy. brother of . nd beatUU to Rln antinted prakm to
bat yoa ttall kaow n qalofc aO^Wo eaa U RottlnR loot, a
pood bya. From
>^muia*'-Mary I. Koap
'Captolo Orldley, olio ipeak* a pond yimr re
Mabel KeBaody.
Vour lortuR Suaobloor.

Bat on of tba ibiaca wo wan fom Oeo. W. fosUb of MuaAlblD VUkoi-hiL
tf to talk to yea aboot Jmaa oow U WilUanabuTR. Mloh., Manb ». iMa.
Doer Mra Batoo-1 wonid like to
Arbor Day. «iiob li anr at taad.
e| take pleauin la tMtlfyiBff to tta
JoU tn Soaablao olnK 1 ban
lat to kaow what yea do obeat
merlU of IVrena 1 ban lakni owe * ■
One of tta Tory oleeat. rliti. w<
COlBR to aobool OTory day. bot ocr
Udile f..r my eatarrb aad 1 Ml nay
plaatiaff Iran oa Arbor Day. oitbar at
have Mdoy I* (rout our Voriiiiifftoti aemvMr fariaff la my «uii(r.
aobool Ul oat Uat Friday, laniolev
hocaa. or tol.ooL
Aai n itano U
wbo oome all Ibo w.y noftarffaffwMranffffirWt tAaterr marb taiu-Died. To Ihum who are
a lib raianb aad la Baml of a
toon ban toiaU yea aBythloR yoo
from tbe BaelBe .-aeaL Yea reneiub 1 Antnaatti. Bta I MtOAUBaara to
C..d 1..BIC I Uke idnrare la r«on*
yean old the (ourtoablbuf nal A|riL
naat md wbat 1* nld
bow we enjoyrd tbelr tIsIM wb
meodlac lVrtiaa.’'-dlet>. tV. Hmllb.
. |
on orar In Heme Oboer. li aol that Tbi. tl all 1 oaa Ibiek of aow eo rooO tboy came from Arbaon., befon laer
lAnff tatAaod ir yuadoanl derlr# ptumpl aad nita /i
bye for tUi tine, Voon truly.
a pndty poan wo taye IbU weak?
WaahUfftoa In fa.i ibryan
(a.-l..rT mulu frun the ow .d Itaua.
MowwowtU try to aoUoe ooa<
Mia. Uar; J. Kraordy. maaai
wrilr at uBn to lb. Ilartaiaa, fflTtBff a
aiwaya welooau-

Unr of obopped date, c
Uy Ibe other atant (



I| AffOmry’k ilAgtUfi, at /*• SiWl prNni «t tb» SJpAShb rteaf At AlfffffiB

One oap beUennUk. one cap ffiaaa.
Utod aoffar. aeaBi oeo-tblrd rap bat­
ter, two eapa trrol faU eff Boar, nanand after alflioff. oae eap or laon of
toodod aad ebc^vod taUlna. on Mipocofal ffToaud elorn aad elaaanee
mixo.1. Obe-faaU a aatnef. KraWd.
Bake olowty.
Tbe inion bMo tbr
and tVmperlUe wont with a* aad we
Two of throe Ba nad* In ibe (oartl. reader.
IfSSj^onKitTu^i™ n*aal«S? nke tark eolorod.
Dear Hra Halea—
•ablnpooafaU of atrooR oeffeo nay
had a picolc 00 Ueeaa Hnab. There;
wLa I cot a brlyhl Idoa I alwaye to aaed If deaiiMl. oMlttoR a Utile Slffin Jebuaoo wrlM tint ahr ato- aad I would like to Join the Sanililue were fiftoen of a* alUROIber. We:
want to paaa llaloec," laid attarlfly of Ibe nllk. Tbl* nakn ao akoollaei dln tn fourth reader.
club. 1 an in the aeraatli aad elRbll. ; ebtldteo weal Ib waJlBR. It wa* faa
baoaowlfe, aa abe aac watohlac a ■•lata fnli oake.
Rrado. Pluan aeoepi tba ObiIIbr ardown oe ti.o baaoh aad l-l tbo
yoaaff fflri aowtw "Do yoar batbolaa whlta 1 am a-adiiiR yoB From biff wave, darit orcr aa
We will ta
__________ 10 tUU tta aobool an.l wn
rearSaatalM rItI, If 1 any be.
Bnr? Tbay’ie aiwaya dolaf It.
ffUd to beat from you.
We oap aro
ROlaf to otoy 000 week. Slffua aay*
itay an Iroaad off. waabod off. aad
Ml. Evop-tt Tory plaialy bon Iirrti. I
paUadaS antU I daa^. '
L Baku tlto artleU betwaeo two alio:
Iliad batuia al eoarr atep'
Btaootwill aooebaoat We tan
Iff ploen of naalla aad wnh la
*‘IUka aae of tbaaa two hleta wboo
Harch ai. Itnt.
tnade from whin antlU aoap oaly thm weoki to to to oetaool aow.
Fem Mary Kioffiley.
yoa an aowlaff ibem ee. ibaa. aad aud watar, to whlrii a lIttU am
Dear Hra. Balaa*l wilt now drop
1 tan two rinen RoUff to ori.ool.
aaa U HwymkaaBy dlSarvaoa
liaa ban added. Blnae twioo la i.........
SB a few llDM today n I am dolop
C'liBton. Waah., Manb lOlb. ItOA.'
aelorod by a llttU bloalaff: aad plaee andooe at bona. I wlU ba oUvao Docfalaff elia I rm ita nrd aad batDm Aaatie Batoa—1 tave a lamb,
InaoB lo dry. Wbaa atarly dry Im
tan old IbU Biaatii.
ao ttel Ibe kaot will bo oa Ibo rldhi ent thla naaUn. aad ibn oanfuUy
ad waa nry uaeh {dauaed with it* aamo U SoowbalL I iiare a llul.
Affina Bobnke. wbo la alffhl ynn
oldA That IcoToa it udor Ibt batloo
. My papa U naklBR napU ayr- klllv, It. name i* PltinL
We Imd
Old. wUbntoJoU the Soaaliine Club.
aad pnrooiB 11 bolaf won off, Meed
Wa ban nada aboot to ffallooa. aono now. I Iiad (ou aUdinR down
Sba llkn bar Mohor nry much, aad
away aad b^aaiac tbo loataW |wo0 U as Muol here. We an about I.11L TbmUBcrookBnroBrboo«c
otaa. Tbaa. baton yoa bofta aowlac
wUto bread lu the inetar'a aUur, too Agate bat SO nUlaa from one. Kelt wiater tbeiv We ohlldna bare a raft oe it. 1 like
lay a laivo pla aoroat the baWea. ae
the emit and
tbal all year thnada orUI r> orat tba
Bddlo. MIbbU. wlll ta a aobool air mUn from bare, to pUy oa It. Then ar.' flab is
a alien la tail.
pla Aim yoe taoTo Oalabad ftlUaf
at a UlUa town jaat Aarwd. wbtob 1* eao oatch ttam.
Three of ny playIbo bolaa wfA thmd, «nw oat yoar
Bon. BoaaU. WIIU. aad OMa who
oaUadBlR Bay. Halt taU 1 an ROlac
liouperlUe eane
lathe baby.
at Tnnrae doriaff ilie heUdaya There are threa
■akta a eoapaat aleak lo aattala tba
Elian Jefaaaaa weald Uko toJoU
aad If DtabloR b ..
Itttlc fflrii llriiiR Doar aa
tba SaaabiM Olah Btaualatynn
I and na yoa for a little wUU. uaea are CbrUtlae. Belma aad Laold aad ten to aobool orary Aay.
teU yea non aboai my bona, sta I like It la WaahiBffloa.
that ay baHoaa aont eome off. aad
Bar otadM an tta oaoeod nadnaad
srrow 1* Baator and my aiator
Yoar little Sanabiaa fflri,
airitbatotla BUea tea two aUtota foffoioff to color eoBw eflta
Flerean loa EinffeUy.
Than an mda by raUiaff Ufffal Ur to aobool and eee at booaa
Inn two daca. eao u Oau aad one U
niatoo, Waah.. Haroh 10. IWB.
braaddoofffa oatquMa Ibla; ipand
aeWaWe ClethM fOr Onwlw OIrW.
laff with tauar aad wdlt aad aund Loffoy Braw la twain ynn eld aad Qip. WoU. I will olon n ny Uttor Dear AaaUe Batoa—ll auowed bo:
SUM waUaanaol heeoaluc a Ibe dataa BuU Sn bnad apaad pUn la wlabn to JoU Urn SonakUo Oloh He U fottlat Unc aaocRh. Goodbye.
tlina weeka affO aad we wen- (lad to
,Tan|0fflriaadar lA UatUlbataffo a baklBR pn Ua laodarale ena, or UU Iba neond nadar. Ba tea
From year llttU frUad.
tee It cone ead Wa wore ffUd to ita it
la noehed tba fall roaad walat of afUr ^Ur up tta icoA out wllb a brother bad two aUlon rdUr i
Ace 8.
MalUa Petaiaa.
- prtaeaa atyto U raaUy
ta I ban a UkU Imb aad ila wana
aharp kalfa UioaUon^ an laob
OodarBaa. Mleh.. Manb r. loce.
thIeC. Uy ia a bamndtak aad let aohooL
1* Star. Are yoa *Ud wbrk year
Tta nUer lalt u Ibe noat aainr- tot Ufffal. thaa baka wSta out Uto
Dear AaatU Batoa-Il Ina baoa oocbm? 1 an. My birthday
bUonlt or buna tin dan* a
loaR time alan I ban wrltton to you, ll la two day* and 1 will ta all.
bat I tan aojoyad tta Uttlr Uttm In like It tare. I like ny dm read
K PtotUCMO k
Iba BoraU aad an aiwaya cUd to It tolU abeal PblUmoo bad UeiteU.
read a few werda from oar praildaat. Coofttolaa. UaeoU. WnhtafUn aad
a beat fartlUBto for 1
vrila Tbo aefaeUn. . ■■pan-paa
Tta olAw dri baa bar aalUr aUt
Floyd bn I would lUa to ban Jelaod year Pool BUwall.a. One of yoor llttU ooea,
pall-away" onry day. Floy
naAa with a Rorod akin aad a taltod Saaowynrd^
Bat then Uriaf lo tba pot dec whan
Uoaaaaad the yooBan on with a
Oon A. KlDffiUy.
try AaneUlUk, tal wedeaet Un

U wMteff tbU appU waf
"Wbo ptaaled (hie Old taMf"
Ita obri^ of IM dUUBi day
ThM W tone a«ta MB abaU ay:
Aad. ffaalH ta lu memy ataa.
iblr^taaU oar


WlU eloae for tbU tiw. So ffoed-bye. I ffffya
lya «f
At A*r fwwA^r, PwwffA .Ihoaki
y®'*"**Praca yoar Saaahia- -ecvu
Ita AAffcfafteff (M M trUad / waerf Amwm, ata cm fnffSMr
A^lll. I
I will toll yea wbat at
■ 1 ban I
re an to aaay tblafi yoar fntmyMiiagtmad nmkmadhawomaa’M ttM.Mad ifeAaM ta waai
to koei. nnooBt
SIwtUad. Mieb . Manb ». IWd.
waoti lo laU to yea abeal tbli
baoa laid llOeffin'
iff Cray SwarboM After miiag H for e Mbort period I tml like m
____ Dnr Mre Batoe—1 waa very maeta
iaffobraary. la Marah tbayUldsas
ww prraoff -—MRS. OKIDLEY.

A oanaiB lady aal wlHi a ttHoaa
**^,S!a opalatM 2S“iallia rf oS
aaaaiwbwbod. Whoa Cbo jhyal__ I lad SaMadhlt wort at.d wat


CiMB loffotoer oao oap of aaffta
aad qaarter of a oap eff tattar. AAd
two well baana a«R«and ball aoap
of milk; a Maapaeo*-' “■
--------dor aad float aaea|
flu'tair talTt^ baton, pal itaao
atoued tale* la tmm at amkaak
bake then la a

Armour’s Soap Powder......................................
Ark Soap. 10 bars...........................


One of the aow Ibeenn of hyRien“r.;su“,""

td with tbo eenaanUnly a
Mat duly e( AriakW oat of a _ . ..
tea propar way. Tn aow war a
ArtoUn. aoondiaff to tta phoalcUu Two eapa «f ffnban flour. It
wbo laaeb It. avelde aay oeanoc of wbtto Soar, two of ooar nllk. ...
the Upo wlSt tbp rtn of lU ^ Tta
. Bobata ta that tta rin of tta



ThU mkn oangfa far to
la naoHoff meal, or fryiait a ota>k. I


Mtaa arir br THE N. X FJ
OtaaaSiataiWi. taMa taua

We always pay highest market price lor good botler

Enterprise Casti Grocerir

THg owAUb ’^WBMfHeBdllP. AMIL It. lOffil


■_____ _____ _


I trip MtjUMaafcaa Oktatca,

ItNlr toMM Mar hwr >Mn« o'

a.«ad Uwna amtUd br a B<«a
majerttrIha latttt I
MmriUaga at Mat M


,„■ tt»<«r__
A OyaamwiUgeleOn
Bn. P.A
«Mi iwtl —* ta IM tall «M h»U Mia BwM Ua
Mdarutay trtth htrhaMaad
n -TT aad
MUUfcai wa« ytmm I*"- «■ ^
JaMlMlMBtlBaMCW. BtiTOfc UfUtallrMoadaroMilacal
*uiW«h.-j-TlMeofth.|«ll- «»•«« KtaAltoOtaM. OOPa* Hia. Arrllto Poweea of Wonh
i„ ,™u» - a—^
.at la the oltr thy taonta». lakta*
all fctadi U gmta and M
Mat fur tht »«aL Tl« ptaetto
ibelL *H. E. toEimpya.
b«aa r»«aT. aa4 «IU bt c
with nr» fiM ao« ea.
The ]• mmiM eld Uby of Jaltaa
WMar. a farmer Urtag at BufUng. y
The fritMt of Mn. Head Biibop
aorittanl eomdltlon and may dtam
aiU«ak.apU-M»ODdao»ai pire bar a toewUl party Kcmday bate the Mtd.
rmalt of wennde tallleted by i
ereaiac at the raaideoee of Hr. and
aad ItItP* U“ ^
e rooMor] belonging m Ifae taml
Htm. Piaak Oelby at Ba S: W. TaoM ^t*So®OaSSo ^^'aftoiMM ta
a wUI MM lb* oapOoto,
Thn bnha wne left a momaat U
L Than mat ttraatr-atoe jtaeitaa will MOO 00

Tbh time mat pleanatly iptsi
T. Na- •Ubfltaeh.-caroaaaaad ether (i
of one'm them erm at-1
after vUeb refriibmiau wen a
tba. baby eror eatarad the
ead thee the caeMaea tefeea of they
mother-e bead. The mother heard
ntpeot preeeeted Hit. Blihop with e
laby't Mae a abort time afirr j
Mtaty three piece allrer art ooetitllaartag It. and mahed oot to dad Ibe j
M *W Mr o' K*ba«»“> ^ ®- ***®- tagotaeold amt tot. aocar abell
romter'i epBi*. bnried ta tbeohlld'e,
aad eraam Utter, ead eooe the fanAll p^toat IB *1* “•<* o'
Tbe fieM wae ton from tbe lit- j
the Mty. taoUag orer^tae ptaatto
Ut ware apokea aad alt dUpeiaed
. at* a«Uad br I
e aaw nTtaga htiik. .jaapafatary to tta ona'i fnee and land, ta il> ehlldieli i
ttt MOfaa hat Maned ee a'
to tlieU b
xroreaMstt bm (ajaagaa to M___^ aflocm to defend llmlf
When the
hat nUBMOM theOaeart af KiMI
tatbe eaakat I
The Yoaoc pis^MSootal ttoeiety ntan
mother rraobed tbe (AHA tbernoetw'
tbit ertnlag.
to the Plata of Otmod T«are«e
tamped in brr faoe and IneanieO It;
taM It ta dae ta neeh the petit of of at. Praaota obnrrh held tbeU meetlac Bondar eraUac. The ^oltowtac
mtribly. It waeai laM fbogbloS:
IMTato Oltr «o tt"! ^o'O’
rtaaaad BdB
with diaonlty. Tbe baby U ta a hor-;
UXU B«*l. T«.pl.«l
______ eakt
riby eoadlttan. ite Utata faoe. band.. '
it KheraMaa (D. O. K. K.) viU he
____ _
. daring i^ob
r Tlilted foartteo Mama. YUp neek aad laok being ladty ten. It 1<
Iintot—• A «M7 U« t'ooo
Pin mtaetaa talk-Pal Oiaham.
e maraed. mli^ tliat cbtre It M tbongbl timi It eaa lire.
Mtal w la the Oity of Tteeal
At AngoRa Wm. 8. Haikneaa enrt j
tw ■«— aad vt adrite all Pythlaet Reellatlmi. "Ub the ototaata
TUIle Tonaaoy doth tallM for tba oOoen of Knee |
•betaa Maad U (o «rt thow glra ap a---- *—*■'- *•----VoMl aoto. "Ty that btodt
rwataip Hta ftrM laltat wai(an|
ttal Late Totrh.
tin hope <
Earaan Oacaon.
ne letatad aMto U eat for the Readtag. *‘A Big Mytakr*'-Alben
••• toepU of D. O. K. BU to be
towiublp eloetlon.
■Htated at Tiaretae Oltr A|»ll *>
Preaoh aota-H. DalUia.
Oltr Attorney G. H. Oroei went I
Edward B. Seat, of Battto Creek, I.
(lea Bdllor Heeaea, of the Tooal Mlo, -«ei^t Bird of Scmg"
talkaika on battaeei today.
DMr Beeord ttaled tfeai they wU Bbaehe Joree.
Dr. Bartta want to Etagtley today eaffering from an Injai? aaemlned ta
hare a ataot of MO to tolllate aad tlM Deemiplto of a toat maa-Bam
Mat an beiuff perfeeted to tht
tiM-— ftateraal catl.ertaf erer eeeo
Ban WUbtbB.eapertatai» utof (he __ . held fact, and ta pramtag
ta tut ywt of the mK'. At TtarMee
It Bondar
Oily al»ayt "dote thtaft" *hen the
agalBM It with tlie lantern nsdcr hU
•tana oat. the aSalr It tare to >- •
Oity Tnaeanr Peter Warabon wUl arm be need ench foroe Hat tbe pm-------Onrirreix Pythtaat
Imre today to Weat Baden. laA. and anre of the lamp broke a rib oo bU
wUle away from the olty arlU aUo left aide. The tajary b a eery pniatnataobe-'tatbe tvlm" theeld «e bU boardtag pUae oo SereaUi m
tallae. lUyorlfloboUtbeadtthe ItonMy emtag with MlUtafy Pltaeb. ryti Loeyrliy. Ky.. add other aeeth- fal one.
Itat of TiMtot from Ptae Lake Lodft TbepHtewtaBan wen Him Parana arn eltlea Ha will be
The Mleblgaa board of ei
aadltmiU be *«th theUtotra^ ktoliBgae aad
•rbara. met at Battto Creek Tneeday.
Ut Krtet aorott the deeert taadt Who raealrad a large Imnch of Amori- rraaTmteCBiunL
Mm O. E Brerdm aad too of Bt.. Berenty-flTe ^giluaau took to exOT« U than «Bi oMbtac elte to bt cmn Beaaty roeoe, and Aio 8‘bM M
amoeg them being '
lUlUda Oowilip who -kaceirod the l«nia. an rtilttag her aUter. Bm R
a. BeEentle.
booby ictae-o tin aeldyr.
Ikarane OUy K, of P. lodge ^1 Tl.« pertora wen deooraled with the Re*. Bngh Emmady aad wife will
laMUate an order of the D. O. E. K. •mteenl'e famoai ooUeonoo of ti
meeting of .the board wlU be
mad a few day* with Her. Keaaeat Aalr lodft toomt AiUl M. ^y and the eobeme wet fanJxr mi
dy'i i»r«BU at Grant Iter. Eaaaedy held at Graao Raptda. Airll II.
jMtaa oracythtag dear to the hean OBI In tbe dining mom. when
«I«ak tonight at to Omni
Mim Irene Loale* 0*bt. ooomUof iba PytUan. When the QoeM.
(dioioh under to anataoee of to Anti- atener of eMmoto tor Kalkaaka eoaaiy.
Oily doaa mjMm or anybody ihay mrred.
Saloon Leagneto noeoeded ta petfeeltag aa cw«*do" 'om !«»par.
Ermy Pythian Tbe gnaeta pmaat wen: Olaia BarRer. Henry HeEialey. a eonata of ganiaatloB of
wtU dam Ui letmre from Bm »!»► be m. Jemphtae Kotria. Dr. TboaupaoB. >e tale preMdeai. pulor of the
a. ato. to la kne
took lha D. O. K. E or from Ihe time AlgyBIpea. EMolU Barnyard. Bike Friend* ehnroh at Oneway, wne in to a* the EnlkaMn Coonty Behool Offlhe didn't mketl. All that happened AIKeWtou, Payette Bootagae. En- oity'Coday on bii war to Bnple City. ean-aaaoetoiloo. The aim of thl. a*
ptertonata that time wlU be a
rign Obaa. B. Raymond BnlUda Rer. and Bm J. P. WUte of Mwtatlon la to bring all atAool offlemi
whole lei of epokoe oot of tlie Oowtli^ Oaputa Jack Kewlialler, Baple Olty were in town today.
Into looch with each other, in tbe
^Moftlma Tbr new orter yelled Billy T
C. Johaaoo. who waa actire ta
lion of aehool probleau and
- •

wlM pyrMBehalot that will Imro wnrdTi
pmnollng the Tnrene Oity. Paata- the broader Idua of good ertooU ud
Iblak Mom M the mniildaam eorro- wall Jaekatm.
naU&Old Bimhm railnind ptoieei effleienl tcaeben.
gamd fiwgeUMy M Uc ae a warty Ifaay of Ihe gaeam bad dm aaaa ban two yeare ago. airired bon thta
from Tqiu tot tbe elt...
___________ k
•!.. OBUtisn.
U aagnra
mnob to the
Pyth^. aetaal mlUmry aerriee. bnt they Bomtag from Oread Bnpida. Be ta aatloo la Z^aia eoaoiy botden on
to timl wbloh happaai to him will
ne ee bta way to by farm ta Antrim the horrible Ten tbonmod peiwm.
lammiteontohewUl Ureen* after
motr to riait hy brother.
areeaSortagfor laok of food and nnnto mammy tbonof. EracyPytb
Bberiff Ommpton of Antrim oonniy 1am rdlef ii aant a maSxity of tom
tan ygaaianlaad btafnaeralarpanaae.
waa ta to oily from Bellain today. wlU dta of aUrration bMcoa to urnTbe ooarotalUaaof bU oerelwom will
OarldSelber of Bacuoe Bar U ta mar faUly beglna For two year* no
alanga pyam with tbe deny ta hU nm tluirMV. BMed.
to eiV t«yy on baataata
iSTm^ ararylbtag thmaafim P. A OUry airtrod ta the city laM
E Degaaa retsraed from Pe«U1 he ttaged with the
erealng from Oiand Rapidi.
toakey laet erentag. wbi-n biword tot dutitste paeple hare anbbM ImtAi ta the mndi. the klok of
beea for two or three daya
aUted oe to root* of tlie ueti for
tba mmel aad tbe gaxggy of tbe gno- erenlag from tanalag. whan Mie hat D. Bteffea* of LeUad ta the gneal of mr.-ial moctha. aad tliat women and
gna-tyad Oaamba.-MmtbWi Lradm beau ta eollfge.
hy eon. Praf. W. E BteOmia
ebildira are wandering feebly ap and
U B. BMUo of SalMBi Bay wae ta
4Mn> to mndhitla. b.«glng |dtoonaly
AboaiW me^airMIbr local E
for a few ftata* of com w a Imadfnl
of P. Ledge wlU take Iba D. O. E E the oity iMi aroatag oe baitaam.
Oapt. i- D. Kromer. imr.
tetae with laUa Boekh TMfde at tnlghl Bgoni of to O. K * L. II ta Ure Baaa to reported from tlie booae of taw buna To leliere tbl* Texu
U doing what tbe can. bat to toek li
Immae Olty. April». The Knlkaioommeme eommlBeo a bill appro{rta- MO great and the other Matoe *' “ *
ka head hat beaa earned totheeo- to olty en boetaete.
Mm D. a Dny of Otan Hamn waa ttag II&.OOO for to eoartraottan of a Oaioa are arged to maatet.
nMatoaalireaaay who may lag ta
ul^pbor telephone Une between
a gent at Part PUoo taM-ereotag.
enmlMr tba boi made. Tbe Tiarerm PUl a Beam of the Biebb
eaBtoa-Danciet. alnbip i
OlmBaran. Bieb..'aad Sontb Mani
City fallawt an punning an e«a^
ton ta lAke Bioblgan. aad for tbe ee- end royager of Oie aimoflibete. y ta
Mtototberyitora. AeprendettOO Btarob On.. wlU go tondmgo thU
ef Mom> wamtag rmtionr Sew York. He mad* eom* r
platan will be glraa at tbe Olty OpMa OToatag OB baataean
nbU predletiou ta ao tatenrie'
Tom Wilhelm relnraed tart night at them potato
mid he brilered ta a few year* alrfrom Ana Arbor.
Miip* will erom to Atlaatle u a reeOa AprU U Xmlla Rookb TamplA
Baa Oaa hat iManad from Bt.
nr. Ifleb.. Aiwil lO-Obarlea (^xeU "««««« of txBaa-ooaaaie oaSr.
lUfbm of Xbmwma. will bare a
aot think toy will oarty
Mg Mae at Treram Olty. IboywUl Prod Oarty relamed loday fnan Saifaco met wltbaa aaoldent toda.T ta
3. BnUltaa't ahtagle mill whtab took fr*lgbl."arua*k*d. ••Oh.oelymaU
nand ap Pylbtane to a bandrwl Baal Jotdm aad ObarUrrii.
-itee aroand and taittata them lalo Jay B. Blnkeelee wmi in OltarUrUx off to ead of bto toreUnger and IBoka«aa."b*i*idtad. "Bal
Mbed by mcoad fiagw io a palp ap gten-yta, many paimgare.
to valid and myrtle aaerrta of tbe
to to kaaBkla.
will be moeey ta it too. Aortal iieriaamrt. (taltaaoambor frinaBanienanpnmr'. ^ - . .
gUloe wUl pay. Tail ta to
lao Imdga W E of P- wilt attad.
Oaerge ImlemUet Harthperttata
'The artlMlo folder aaed ai aa tarim- to dty today.
Wmiaai Arnold of Braitb conn^. to take it ap. Kew York ta to lOaoe
(rem wbloh to atart abenld be mada
Me myt that all U ta rmd'
Mn. Aliee Aadenoo
B Vtaton of Wllliamabnrg
miy diawkaok being a fall
TientoB. Mo., oe a-Kork( IInland pa*. Bdwa day yea wUl be gotag to Parir
In to Mty la boaiBaM today.
■irabip. Aerial nartagtleo ia yet
noaUly by to oamel and
. a. A Praake atylAoireM Btager aeager train Thoraday. He wooed aad
|jig^». actto the homing i
her befora «0 mltu of tfie dia- ta it* tafancy, bat it U maktag tai>ld
bare ntnmad to to olty after a rlalt
(alMfal onaton ittatood her milk. to Borton't Undtag, Proi
eiwn-a her bocu town aad mrldaa I am now Jort *8 year* old.
to ae* Uriel aarlgatioo an
. bnt y otorwin aatalarod and will Batton* Bay.
ncy Imd been ooured Tfai*
• • taM befotalamlO yean
nal muau of to rail, wbloh
elder. 1 bop* to am Kew Yotk il«
g.endi afgaepriatel^ly with air port of to Mew World."
toU amiTlage Taeaday ^at Kaniu Natural to> «f
, IhaByaeaErtlynaad Oraoe Bor- ebareh ta StegrioT.
gmwnlly anppgaad Io be defleleoi. liu
ima oomrmtaad a aambrn of frlaeda
* topnttatopnMlul
Lelto Tripp of to Ktagriey EMio. ' Olady* Mertyn, aged S yaam and 10
moat dellftf-lly Tbareday at MIUmMto. U a marrel of atnegriL 8b« am in to lUtW village of Heath
wu ta town today oe boataaea. '
Samex. The opantluoa are is
y the'daagbtot of Mr. to Mn SadgPren Balvdar'a Baeonl.
witA Mnrtyaer Maldte. Mau Tbr etairg* of an Amertona engineer, who
Hn. A Gaidearr and eon. who told U perfutly derrloped. and l«er tamid
‘ “■
hare bece epeedtalg to wiater In
•true to taonem Ux- aamtM
Obloago. retnnftd heme today*«n of gu
wblrii alie wnk, bieaght ap. Wl
alto"bQmertatloaa" TTx
A U Bachaat wu oalled to eoath- only a few daytald Ut. Jftrt.n
lag to targael aameer were tbe era Btaliigae lodtj by to ewlou Ularrint of to Amoriuau It wu
gna to try m*y i«>oo ber.aod fau e
Miaee Owe Poaad. Jeeey (Bmp. MM of by tator.
pal to any eerioea parpom. Aa «iAnaame Banam and Otor^atek nod
ttaaed Biam Mily. making tom a
Ouwge Ulemeet and wife of Bapte urete a* ah* gif-oldeo. Her fttfaet matirc ptaM ta aow batag Mooted M
Mito A. J. WallBOe aad4bny Par­ Oity wa» in to city todny.
■ n rtolable'Bamton. Om of to BtotoE Tbe tmllito Matioe aad
ker. who teoelred flowwS and boobooe
Darld Bleber of aotuee Bay y ta rlilld'* ftadJ* to lie peenrate oo the betel tot* an alnady
a* to taward of tote tadaetry.
«eor and allow her faUmr. *' taul (codiet. aad the
Aftat to awaidiag of to prUee dewill ahortly be eimllarly lUomtaated.
weigh* in penadn to (tnad opoa
Itataae rafitohmeato wan- Mfrod. ai^d
idiett She <M> Hand apoo Let bud It y eald tot to Beaux gu ta maeh
atom tot mule wu enjoyed nntUn
for aa ln<W«nlte lima, aad U a woe- richer ta hy
late hoar_ . .
TheEalghuM Pytbtaa enjoyed a Mn H. E Ollma aad Blm Kettfa derfnl doatonlaeiat. With her hud
racy pleaaaat tmokar after tote wort Btefftmt of Codarate at to WUltag oe to edge df ooi- rtair mod hteta oe
•Botor she Ita* inert between tom bwmadUmtto |
Thataday. The eeooad rank waa today.
to held* a SO-pOBiid weight upon her
eoafwiad epoa fear oandldaMa. thru
Mil. A P. Oametoe and aonWll- •uamob. Her owa waigbt U oely U
boa Uiy city and orn boe
liaiB of Oeotial lake at* tbe guem of
poonda. BUeua bang fat alanat aa (to* expoattlca Bextyur. IttaaaOUy. After tfaU a taneb a
Mr. aad Mrs. a a MoSntl. -and wilt ideSnltr ttau by her com or dacm*. denteod that thta decltaatlon i* oe
Brwlr'-r of aaSrt
doaglwaw remata aatll Mooday.
to aeort time neoum
wlta mapy tynp.
Mn Fred Oalru and ehUdrae of Enieka Utanu Ko. J. of Lyadoo. ta •eeoaal of
dy neb aa exbibiv and
being reorgMlaed after rematatag
After to lafraabment* bad been BaglMW art rUUl»ynlntlgtooeed at. O. P. Oarru wu eleotod trieeda bete.
aaol lUOl or 1K» Oiuat B
-- —
aedaSae pn
Mn Tom Oantoo bu oMartted treei
gtna. A ■andnHa aad gaitor dart a Tlall ta Big Bnpida
gnagi' la »■* Mate.
jhloh hare aeupted to tarimtl
by to Howard Dutain wu gnaUy
Mr. *md Mri E E A Tragm and
inU be itoy to laepare athiUm.
Him Laata ^agu will atart tauday from Otoe Matu M Hteblgna eaneu
The fair will be poetpeeed I
Thta wu loUowad by a bamaeai
rtallM their old beau ia Eog. to Mtoney g«eenl‘* deter tm<a
Irwb aaeg by Dt. A E HolUday.
little tieaUe. There are tore |eMi. Tiegu will
aad to* by a mag by Bert BtUm. to middle of Jane, bat Mn Ttagaa
- whteh wu ataa utoand.
to Mta* Lm
Akammeutntt by Br. OoBtaanf Uautoegu.
to agtu to pruent axbtbim m
Oiaad Rato* wumael. eajoy,
> will Imre tttoy
wu a torn aala by Hart Blmatoi
w WeM Baden, tad.
Aaotiim ■eadolta-fmlmr daH by L W. Voeth*y«dOiaeliiiatl.Ohlo. ftr each patoet. an attempt wiU br
^ new SIOC.000 bniUtag for to
to Howard Btoa. wa* ta
htuto of to Toaag Mu'o
I to gacM ef a A Ciamy to fa^to uuootadae.bnlil with tnad*
oared, aad a beaaHfal gaimr aole.
I Mam wher* toy batoag.
••The BaUn" by BbiwMaa Howard ‘V C. Gill of OM Mimtaa wt
nuttibntri by Mtau Botaa GonU.
Thelrndta*' Utaarr aanetas
etaud to peegiam.
to Whiltag today.
jmhUe Hbcary with Aadnw OtBugla.
Prtoy wrtetag ahoal Ibirty Sre of WtUtam llM, wife ^ tog
to laeMuda (opty ban htamawMn. Bpeeal'a friaadt mllad ee. h« of Oedar wmw u to Miy Mda^taiy tot fa* weald deto* SlAOntor
rmy oartpeMadtr » help her uta- JouphArebarof'Old Mtaetaa
kaildto hn Bn ■
a baUdtag If tbe Mttaeu of to
ta to oity Mday. .
hiata few Ord tdrtbday aaalrai
Mn 3. W. Diekurmaa to aue af AlpwoaldnyeBi.SSOayaarftt to
Tba araetag WM toat playiac P
perpamofke^tommeap The
Bolae wuca ta to eUy todag.



■ umumm
oeodtact •
a Snt-dm^eed
Having reCSOUp pureonaeu uio atucw «nu mraumn*
s ui
of vrou.
Geo. Caras.
\«(aron. 1• will
wm be
• wm.
and Sales Bam at the old stand. 331 State Street. opposi» Park Place Hotel. I will also use part of this ban (or
a warehouse, where I will unload several car loads of machiner)' that I am expecting in a few days.
.\i_l^ave a targe farm a short disunce froni tosm. I am in a position to han­
dle all kinds of stock in exchange for machinery, buggies aad imyrieinestK
I have at present about twenty good werlc horses for sale.



SMS aaaa



Feed and Sales Stables 231 State Street

Implement Store 123Cass Street.

ThcM machines are too w^ll an<l favorably kb«
ity to needanyfurtherexplanation. They apeak for tfa

S'). 4!^


Milwaukee No. 5.

Milwaukee Junior No. 10.

At my implement store I arill cArry a large and complete Une of
_____ _____________
Machinery. Buggies. Wagons and Implements. I am in bener shape
find what you .want in my stock 1 will order the same
thrn'ever to supply the wanu of my cuaomers. If you doo not



ing to offer you first-class goods at prices that will move them rapidly. I can buy goods in as large quantities and
as cheap as anyone, and am always willing to give my customers the benefit. Call on me and be convinced.______

Has proven such a success that we have decided to
continue it through April.

Good and plenty, and are giving goods away at prices
that “jar” our competitors. The following is a list of
ne\v attractions:


....; .10
. .. -06
. .36

Hog Scraper.
only............................. i..............

Hog^Ringer. malleable iron.

Knives and Forks, wood handles.
TaclcA 500 count, two papers


Hog Rings, package of loa
oily........... ..........................

7 ft Bxgey Whip., (rood artidc
Good-Kitdien Side Lamp, wire frame. -



Mr!.^Pons iron Handles
SpinvLcvd. pocketsixr........................

.......... -...... .17


Alarm Oock, srarranted.
X\ ood Pails, two hoops.
Butter We and Siwar Shell, silver plated,


......... ^


Bot^ Soldering Salu


......... -06
.... -06

....... *10
Genuine Cut Glass Water Set. with tray.


Wa^ Bowl and Piteber, full sice, good grade,
cuts Salad Dish, worth 30c.
Gl» Vase, venr cheap at ise.
Syrup Can. good value at 15c.


We shall still continue to give 15per cent discount from
our entire stock, excepting the articles listed abovel



Traverse City.



a* few. kot wba a daoa w
eallod ha food feat Iho Hgbl waa
oaly llitlrayirt. bat tbs latsoantl

■ f«r XkHdan B. Tl»br.
«to.tllt»D«g«L^l»tb*«W IBTCMtt» twnMJt tmxTH
. MaUtar !• h« kUtU wUk «!>■ M«fi■M Ha t< B MMT«:«r Dwhw
V.«. r.
TIh PMBb mlalMw of th* oal*bIm. 1L DrctBia, boi nMtrod» «lifMak eoBbmlBc tba npoct of • rMb
•( MlTM is 8sB«bB dlMrtel of *•
rnacfi OoBca. A bt»r of mItw utMkod tto FnBota BiMBisnya tMMT
OB lb« riaro asBciiB. bb>4m«1 «1m
iMiiBcK Bed skti*« MBpIera* aad b1«
IWBrd asd fdllBfed aeothiT betny.
XViMBUwteBn CBnnll»U, bbtA
•d. Uter OD. to bIMA etbar teetertoB
BBd it ii r«sn>l awB.T paneaa berr
Tbr iKOBdBBt |B«eai«o to walk
dowB tbc |»a« pUek of tbt
iBod b4»u BlM oadB te deekvBO
Hortert Cobuo1b(b. b youic teelatte
netonr oo (bo
flvM to dMonlc the obUb of Prteea
HtBty oo bU Totsm tojbcb (na tbit
. eamry. Tba led WBi datbUod to BtiBBdtbc
; Eapvor ViUiamtyaebl BebosaoUan
while *h« wae in port, and tba j>isoa
liked bim BO well that taa Baked tbal
be be sat to Brasa wba be oiled
OB tba UMtoUand.
At tba aed ol

U Boraey.tB wfaoo bane Hn. Moon
WBS tojdorad. ot IbroBKh tba ei(bi
with Ibe dyiat wesoe. who had IBtlolMad bar with a rerolrar ifslaft
BlannlBC tba beeaabelA
Tlia oblld
WBbAed tba bory twatblac of tba
waiaii all nl«bt ieei. faertsl leaf U
Oa Moead tba wimb woald
aroBsad aed eaay oat bar thl
Mrs. Moan died a (aw aiiieteB after
tba oaoban of tba laaily atared tba
rooo iB Ibe morBlBE.
Ttaoa F. l>elabBB^ a Aeci
CMar. Pa.. WBaklUad whOe
Bta aUaUa waa atMeOd fay a paomliar aolaa at tire
pbcBB. aa'I, folBf to tba tnaaoltor,
bapoUaditddwiiwltbbeahaBda. Be
raaalead a tceoadaou aboeb aari feU
l>ak daod.
KeTToraal Bay. wbo wasToitlafa
■Intstir to WaablaftisB few yaoia
a«e. bat bees appotstad by tba • '
priBaeof Ibe itlead of Saabe
load it tribatary to tba porta, tat It

ooteb tWi spang. Tbnpetaa wblH.
8ba lifeill oeataod aafer
fhs lyapita la tble eoa wt
llaUal with other lool oae. rea
bUag .tba Cleapp polaalag eaw
Loerell. U all coen liw drag edaet-

>a pracb growat of iba a

WfalU prloet la e aaaw awy be legiraat U aeld a be lapoaiUe
of Ibe perialwble oloi
tbe frail. Headqortara cd tbe
ofeHao wlU ba ei Baloo Harbor or
other ehippiog pelat a Lake
Bo peoefaw wlU be aid to
that rofraeai hooea
kaowB to tbe growan, aad aly wba
nd ateodlag ere mm
will frail be shipped to oeoatl

WlU be higher derlag tbe trait aoaa
ibli year.
WUifea Tboapeoa. aged ». oa
rled. wM killed ia HitobeU’e aUl at
lonUgt Tboraday aornlag. A feltally tteppedoo
kloker which l hiowa tfae
logt a (ba
Ibe o
A log atrack
taofca bU aeek.
Sfealey HoUlagn aged » yean atlapted to wreera Big Four pou
gar 0ale at Kites Theraday by plaopoet ia aa apright poei.
Cla batwaa tbe ttee on a
whlofa epai Dewagteo oraak.
OBtiklra of tba eitr. A eeetioo forasac laeklly dleeorared the crap a few
before a

arte. tOkee. ate.. wUl ho pat lata the
water IbM (er any
Hoooo lady, had

Mte^teM nSTt


it Ae popooe of Asa
ole bldtag plaeo she iilutiil the |a.
Her waliaosolaiaad m
oiBe obfeete tot feoiA oio M Md la
U UlU. m fe Mlrar. od there
OTiagbert boa otlaMno.'
qmltraooUsOtltaUoahobls>W. .
Bona eeapaay {mid berm rtelt fete
week, aod Aa parlor of earajad te of ceotety a^latt erlsae, to jwoOoot
the najaily aeeaaad.
yorobte. Attafln

___ _____ _____________________ ^ klod
1s prohltrifed by ita bard of eoltol
of ihis prlsa" U tta rate laid down
oode flaaUy adopted by
ttapriaa boaidol Jankoo.
FltggiagM Jackaou prlsoa is ooaaeqaatly
aAiag of the past. The aly disol'
pliaa^ poUsboatsallewod bssoa/M
wUl bookiagboa irioaen ooo a
all of tliair prlritego ilekefe: a radoetion la grade: aliuiyea
abort ratiau of tnad aad
prltoaerttaU ta dated
baadeaSlng priaecers to tba grated
eell door at tweal baigfai.

TbU DOW being ram
ad eallHaotory rranlte nesirad.wcrk
boa begu to eararot in Iba Bi.
Obartee eoal dUtrloL
A eaoooont, )nst a it wm rat boa
the tree, hat baa raeelrad ibnngb


; —»te.inad m mti •mtmu. mrr naimurj ii.

l^OotaM aad faaiiy teftbra.
fete Taoday te hU new
Ogaoaw. ■ - .............................................................................
Harr ^rlAg OM home teat BatBjOay teoa fleuAau Hitaloa

BiUDuitj ts the BMODb.
muM brae t child.
eew* were flatbed aoaa
1 (hut OB tome deeoUtr. i:
piubir ubora m moAer mad child
ptenmed ,

s.'and Mtsak

I Ibol wort, bat it wa
aspatira. BtahattasUra aaoey
left but only a ■

IS A. woitm>-« WDBB OOtmf
•oyage tbould b

1 a Oeraell te at An Altar a

pn-rM oi ber tex. umtintid tramtura
uol.! he routed out mod life AterinJlT .
»Me.l le b<u« ber tok A bose m>H

Ctaa K. OuBte aaU forty aerot ot
Ut load A Ohas Okbratt. who ha
last eosM fRBB ObA.

n Aara Acl

n ostaata.! rlsil
a and
eoalbara HlAlgaa.
Hr. ad Hn A. B. OaTteoill gpiuiT
A Tetk SAM A a few dayt te a ex- ^
>a^prrpmi«du. r-tte-f W Bute •r.-.i
Aoded Tteii maeog eld frteadt and

obliged amny
ttalr atom
Prat OaapbeU of Ae ohoawal
trtoat of Ita aaitanrity tas laeatr of Wexford ^te ,era,
! a BOW rofery faroaoe for tbe
BteoAra of Pnrtfead oaoat It it
Ae only derlne of tbe kind erar dewbo boagbt Ae
term, ha a.rii
a-rired from
Tised aad it te said. wUi neoIutiatBi
: fmralBg
mannfanrara of Ait Importasi
and will
Hleblga iwodoot. Prof. Cbaptell ii
oa hare a flat b
A« tMaUM aad taeber wbo wai
raoderad totally bUsd by a osidoeion
A Ae unlrersity lotsalory asTenl few yean ago. bat again rati____
eonteat A May A northera HlAigu.
Hn Sd Bephint died Hocday
morning April 14(h.
D. W. OimnAe it aCertoining the
pobUo WiA hte pbooegrapb at hit
ib.Pri4Bi-.cvun fer mud cuuic. ad.1
•lore eTainga ad tuoeeodt A draw- a-.i.r
ut A«.prutB«...4bi«-. in th.- .ut .4 -frm-'rrv
Tlie prodletta of a early sprint Ac Urge erewda
does DOt pu tat, tat it it te brcirr
tbe light oowt Bto o bseeftl
lumtwr ut the •Btmt. <d Itarir. Pmd.. k.
W. J. Oferk tat a ow awAg ita.< UrUBi lueuteUU, Id -«ld cvuul. . dn.CB,nl.
IXC,.. JCrh,,
alaa. He axpaa to amw wood a fast
ss two na wlA a craia.ral taw.
-------------------------- wn.-r dr--nUd
L Uairingta lost a ralubls bocta.

I. ID UT wont ter motber mad htbc
-3 yrrteh of dbrara aad tangrr on m
dnvUl* itUad
iiou mur
nu' ID a cirilued Uadi- llou
ooihm' hvc* arc wrecked ta A-bmiA
mob yrar> How muy Ateatt <ta of

ra^^,*,wrthoot brBrtt. hb« ha
•taitrtm in ttfiui- Iter’.jwm

Ac Uilum ol the lucdician mmf docAn, tbr amt cured by the la M ta
Pi«e*-. F.Torue 1-rew.^ptioo


be loAfnl bat aot oHcwt tntea It
oertaAIy It a ease of bsAg saatohod
bora tbe fewi of deoML
At Bonn 8 a Harie a bos aad a tialf
r dynaaite "let go" A Ibe tton
boose A tbe west ad of U>lt city,
irty of As
ortoa Ae waterpower canal
bntlding waa dtstroya aad tbe wliote
oily ebakea. Horly erecy window A
Ae waet ad wm taoksn aad rassdaU
reeMrad a jar that bmnglit Aoa AM
Ae straete A cntwdt. Bo OM
AaoAor tnyttcrloM
roiMMod ml Bi-eae. Bagiaaw eoaaty.
Arable Liadeay. tenaer. 4b yon old,
ofOnilford MwaAi|4 toft hit taoB
a Bagiaaw feed ban Toaaday whUe
taTlBghlt gnAgrauad at Aa auO.
He did aot ralara for- Die taoa aad
DoAlBg tat baa aaa or hoard of bia
slaoa. A few weeks ago Sfetia Agat

n2r M bnlTd a
ui« Oaddle Berry ti
pring term of mIiooL
F. 3. Boren bat nerad near II
hardt't t.dlag wbara he It ooitlng
wood wiA hit maobtoe.
UiM Kofka rays ta will abw ^it
Mt Alt waafc.
Alltert Kopka ba poua tel for

uyui temoml M-mc.dmd»'Urma.«im.4...Bi.
iWU«r?fI»ra.h dUwi.«U.i>.


uamnwimaiai vt ewtWB iswii' lai. .■■•'m
mwtb c4 rentr

O. BeUte taw nfd I


BigsAt of Albion nlltfanssandtebA Bottle Otak. A paosAg
down Ae sliwi a woon steppad bA
ad road tha naM'-JohnBigglntM tbe box ba WM eBnylng. She told
him Ae bad a brother by ctat 1
wbo tad net bea eaa tlaee ta ta
away from bit taonte A Cbaada n
age. ad tbat btf tetb«r’t
WM William BIggAs of' Korweod.
(da. "Ttet'taytetber.'-akdtedAJlW^
ixolalawl RIctAs Tba weoa
bis aittor. Margarat. now married
Rar. C. Clark of Coder
Oodat Ru baa
bolding OMtAgs tara te the
aad liTlag A Duad.
part week,
weak. The snadaBOP tat bea
LooU BeteTiv, knopar Of Ae Bt. enoouagug
eaoouagu. ad AiMoet good.
Hary-t rlear nppar range Ugfac for Ae Bor. Tangbn of Orand Bapldt.
past sis ysan died at Hataioe le- ban A aA wbai mo he dear towm .
Aad of paralyate. At Ae ooalog of
DarigmUa betook charge mt anal, bope bte efferm will be tDoeeatfal.
bat not faUag'weU, rotuned borne a
dayt ago. Hswm ka ez soUior
aad WM aged 67 years.
id Witea
of AAod ritited
BdgarFeeu. a IB yea old lad of Hn Hbdl
. Hn Bcaada. a taw days
Haaa, dastroyed Ae sight o:
' bl eye A a msal paaalteraad paAHn Uetma
ealll bore last
aana^m?WM dririag fate


Coder tbe orien raeaiTed frota tbe
Sat eoBBly entborliiee Hn. Oferlaa
C Tyler. Ibe B(cd Bother of Kre
BefeU Cbopoea, wai tBOMiTed fnia
tbe Oboiaea bone ta Onsd Replde
to a pUee where ebe will leeelee
tar care. Tbe wooeii. wbo It U .
eld. it aid to heee offeied lebaMB
oraeltiM el the teadt of bar da
- Bad bor two irralieQB. wbo r
ttaeedfeanta tliawoon't re
Tbe oU lady It aid to faBwertblKI.-

Will be the attraction. ' Prices as fotlows:

f "Tbe fatal rote" U a tera
bfe to lbs balliMt wfalefa Wi O.
Bfewart of Oaro. ha caei far iwaeidate of tbe Oaltod Bfelet la hU Ufa.
Haw. He eotod fa Uaala la I8U

S300 Waists................................,.*5

Caditt' Olaists

Uool OaMs
eottoii Waists
65c Waists.................. ............. $ .50
S'00 Waists............................... .80

To make it more interesting we'
will include

$8^ Carriage......................
$1200 Carriage............................9«>
$i5iM Carri^e...........................12PO
$10.00 Go-Cirt............................ &jx>
$iS-oo Go-Cart.............................laoo
Special inducements in Carpets. Lio' oleums. Lace Cuitaini aod Win.
dow Shades.

We are prepared to suit you at the

A. j^,


IViCg lo( m.l>KT.* MTS
kin 11 M Uiiri. ot
>»>. WillMBiv Mre«.
- Hud
brcD -kiot.-niig milb
tw- of niv !..•««. pbr.
»i.ian> I.e bl.uul luauuu.
The- did But .lu D«
OUKh |:uud...Oolj fo. .
Aon tisac ta Htefco
mocoDcoded bte fwA.
ciuei mod I Km.( Ihrar
boCtlrmof hit ■ Ftiurue |-rr«-nuuvc' und
uf-tlul.iri. Urdicml lHtcv\rf>.’uad
1 (rrt Iwlier thuu fur enotr llitii Uo
\rmri. 1 am aa tttt tbankiul t!_____
heard of ta. Pim-r 'k Birdirien. I curat
- - -b ior bu.kiBd wl^-tee .
to me.*
,^uutu we rum
r ta. Pierrate
M a cure ngA

Banner Plows mmm mtmm
I am just receiving a full assortment of the celebrated

manufactured by the C.ranville Implement Co. 1 also keep
a full stock of REPAIRS for ihe HURCH I'LOW. All re­
pairs guaranteed to lit.

n the lo^oca ud dewite.
ifr *biclia«m« bat rubbed
■U itt IrrigbtncM. hxrrrtuA letter
rgunled at • m- foe 'bcip. and Ae

WlU also be In Une for WOOL this sprlnf.

the taut praiwiDtire for autbcfbaud:

docing icirei
It make* tbe bale't ad.rut


•iqji-al of tuffrring a
A Ac crew of u life-l
d uurinen. Be b
tnd iUricT
ba^'i^ oTllm
tute of Mck women btn bea made'

lloB.* The osly mudee for udIiA.
lutM ittornt’.lr
r the •iMler-Iu nuke Iba
|.ul VAe Mir of tern

• -I wlAAadd ti.y tetUmay AbDDdeedt ef oAcrt as to tbe ealnc of l>r.
taeree'a Biedicinca,'
■ct.' write*
writca Hn
Mn Ida M.
DeFord, of Lalona. iluUiaidCa..U<nn.
*11are doctored with a grant many pby.
aiciaiu — aoeoe tiwcialiKt; tara twica
. . . .

cate tut been icganled at a bopclcM
one,ad they knew not what tbe Uoulile
■■ -I Dtt bad: ttomacb all out
order ; tip
... out, tevrre
tPvery paint in all
ru of Ae

Di. P
Adriaer dealt ailh tlw iniiiunaBt quea.
od* in
and In
„,.-.-ial laluc to women ate llie .'haplaa
Imtiog OB (be care of tbe bealA
ftegeand matenriiy. Tbt work rowuiat
oeer a Aaomnd
p^pt ud te sul
/rrrarccripl of Mampato |uv nprate
ofmamaxornr. Send .(i one.eT:,it Mampa
for Ac cloA-lteund volume, or aly tl



Tbe ntent aa of Hr. and Bn A.
W. Kilmer it daagaraaly ill wiA
OtmidBa Frantic wbo ba ban
eery ill. oeeot some tatter again.
F. Im Btaalar and wlfa retunad
Oily Hoaday. They n
• at Ae Haaonie tall.
Hn W. A. Whltoa of BonA Am.
wbo ba bea spodAg a few dayt
WiA frteadt bare, rmaraed A her
home BaArclay.
Fraliek^.... _

erguiiued cNort h

More end more with ererr mmA of

Hn Borab Bic-kte was aaratein
tta neigbbecbeod te ooe books.

.3 0. BiUtaA
A buy a term t
tbe AAgte mlU te dint down tor a
ta^or two: iome ropairing A be



lanete thtrafur, mad Ihmt y.-n mr.- raUlM 1.. •
■• mmy tlmr rltttm aim
» «*M-r .n-nrr oDoa j..u U lU. nonr..


lOe Are Bere lUttbetbe Goods. See Cbem!
Here we are with the
hnest line of first class
Surries. I'op Buggies'
and Road Wagons that
was ever shown in
Traverse City.
if you are thinking
of buying a Surry or
Buggy, call at our store
and examine thi^goodi
and be convinced for
We also carry a first
class line of

We enjoyed our Special Sale jihis week, so decided to have

' •OfefTM «IOK

BoA Aebrnbyrnta

60 oy <xra work mad (eel erry mm±
amurmgrd. 1 >iA mU luflmag moa
^Id thoroughly ey yoo^.mMA


At tlw raall of a <liam a large John
eoaUaaUa of ajdlal Iws baa or'Jobs
gaalaad for Ibe propaMlag for oil

would lo Mraek.

betpal thefafoara. aad avaafeUy
na dBtoyM, la great ahapa. Beery
klifeg wa eery dry op Iboa, bat tbe
oew, wblafa ba asitad lapUly. wlU
gab lagwoye towiri beoktag Ibe

m olU aow.

Bta WUta raerad
go^fvraarly ews

soon ooey aad seas fewolry.
iwolty. Bbt
tad net oB(b ocabtaaot U tanks aad

owita *tad*toTlt go%^

by WoUiagta
K Bart of B^uw,
-fa., aad Inelade a anaber of lool
Ta yean ago,
Jobre. a tanoa lirlag ia wbat It now
tbe Hiohlgu oqpl ftaldi, draaowd that
ware ot oil started ta tbe Begiaw
Xha Hitaw Asa and JbIU Bra. Talley, flowing tootli ihroagb tbe
Mate aad tooeliing tbe aortlieat ear.
wa tbe amro
■tbin U An Aitv for a aaait
and l£at H
yBOB bBTt iBTtaied Ibalr oarBlan U
- twataraw Bear Daeil't taka. K. D..



My teas Ae tight of bte sShor eye.
testa of tta Agaas d AtoAh

Prof. O. D. Smltb, of tbe Agrienl.
tsralOoUage baejast raeelrod boa
Oattaa, Aa nppai paAaafe esparl
anuol staUsB, tlia rraalt of mn axporioeot regaidlDg tbe storage of pontoem Tbe flnt lot wa glnn
eelter storage. A# socood ^
pot AM a pit. tbe Uiird wa left
ioAe hlU.
TboM loft la tbe
dog AprU A aad prara to be Ae
treaUe. Tbe boy ooote
beat. boA IB appearaaee ud quality.
Uoe laigfat tbei be
ditehlbe' tnia.
Be te aid to be e Tbe nop wliiA will be barrested this
r WM plaoMd last tea Owing A
tofa aebool e year ago, bat «be utli- lire early fail of toow, tbe gnnud
Ml faod AO long.
ofUta tfaora ooold do aethlag wltb dooooot fraeseaDd As .
LoeBoaeU ha flatehod btejohof
not Injarod daring the winter.
biaead ratoraed hta lobla panai
loading logs at Horloa.
Tbe eeetta on ere on e Orlke. aad
A aeeldeat wi>ieb oae near ra
tbe foranma. wbo hail femaalety
gfaally oceurradat tbe eat
faeod to go out. bappeoad to be gotag
lAaHiAlaa PeloeBee. TAtaU prMobad a eery
orar a aeotia of tbe rood alone. ktyAeotha day wha tbe tellAg
rood aeraa at Ae obueb tea aigbb
Olbarwla ibe train woold tare Mae frea a big blaet wblob had Be will tpsak agaA A two wenka
plsagad loto the creek. » feet below.
ely tonobod og by aoolBar.
tbe <
Wilfem HoOmber. of Fata, ww dent, straA Wm. Eage and Fred
will KMp a - iwBTMtba KlrerMo
baiaed oat of boow aad beoe owing BeholA Kagr escaped wlA htalol
tirais. hit
fleld of labor.
hade bol Ae rock litaf barlsd
tbe faot that, laetod of glrlng
A. Freooa I
alarm of Are I7 tetepbaa aaorby. tbe BAnlts. Be tied inil boa dag at
ealy aeloaed.
maaitianof tbeb
femllT ran to tlie Bra wtan more rock feU ud
Frank Wart and 3. Katroritc-h tare
By tlie arerad tlis plaoe wbare ba bad besa. MW bootee aeacly ready for
maklag bte aoapa aliaoM mliaealons. pancy.
Atpoaal bate oonfloodA hit bed John Bright

C. B. Ubbte. tbe preminat log.
boa cooa^ faiwwr. wbo diajipiarMl
' W Jaly. bat rataned ae myoerloa*. a be dapartod. Ubbte h-fl liosu
oa ooralag wicbat glelog fate wife
■lIBaoly aafBfebMlbaetUiU lobe ardaagblia tba
dea easy ebofly.
of fate tatatla. aad aot a word wa
boa bia anUl a eoaple of
Aa Adrfea BOB wta WM aspoid to
ago. wba be out bit wUe
»altpnr ba allewad blaoU to be
1100 fna Seattle. A few taye tear
booa. Be wa la lbs ter
tba ba eaaeialai. Ba w
waM all daring hit abaaoM. tat girw
of htertagaferaetioo.
Be Haply ratanad bone wba be
Clnd Ot Maying away.

Obarlet UwU. tba aaa wbo. at allaiHA. iBMlaad a liBotuad bip }elBt
U a Bodar^ VaodMD iBUfeUa oaraoar dt BarltB. Ottawa ooaafy. or.
••1 We^Bta. Bad WbOM IBC WBBaftaroM
U dyiag.
Abtatlwowaakt agoUwlt bcoagbl
tail aiaiaat tba Bodara VoodBNa for
m,0lX> dawigaB At that tbae be wBi
tyfec in the eaigloBl ward of 81
Hay'i bavtol ta Otaad Bapldt. A
few dayt oo ha gnw n aaoh wona
that tbe dootore iptre op all
hie recwrery end he bet bea
tobitluaeeiBallB. Tbeei
oat of bit death U t
Id. ia whleb erat bit lielre. eaHfelacof a wife aad Bea efaildm.
- will lake ap tbe tall ofalaet tbe freteMaietety.

wkad I

Wmis WiteoaoBd wUaorflfsIteko
IMM Mr poatai M Mtad«.


wUAad wltb tbair fete rmler.
At Hrw Tart, a Mark 9 Mow
wafebtacbalfaUBfaU froo tbaaixlatMb ooiy «( tbs saw Aetor boial
bM eotbad tbtiiBpb Ibrioof ctf the Fnoraad bte wife ot Bata Herrafe^oaf 3mmm BeBMrd.a oUbaUfa OT<-r agalB at yoaag loran Fra«M tea farawr of Hagor townthlp.aod
baaai at tbr tbae were Hr. aad
Beoard. tbatr lOynar oU di^to BM aatu BOW bora ibe aaa aad wife
tHnaadadosa aoeBBle
|l» <»o taeided aador ooe raf r«w iwmty

A diecBlA to tba Ofud Bi
Btcald tayi that at Patoafcay. ofe
faaiB boa ftfed with Ooretaoc Blio
Bcafeet H. F. ObIbob. proBBailat atfera«y of Mmmot ceasly. aUaclat
that ba bat baa axtertlac motley
froo inatitetat. caoblart aad erimlaals (or ptotaotla afalaat troaaMtto*. tta nrora etanea. wblta at*
eery spaeife. iaelada thaft. «a<>an)a.
aot. bUafcBoll BDd bribary.

>iikltoU>. APBIL 17. 1902

Ida by Ktet May
Mala. Ubara
wUp tbo bob Bow kook iaa Us (Baa,
nod wo
wot oaUa
lbs wbo pastattag lbs oyokali. It

the laiiii anteal ead eM
eOMs ofapfayfeafeB were tbe oaly
la ttatoead Kre. Jaaa Ooltrige

'■BaulBh”—Eitd Spring Cut-UndarSurray. Stavar's A 6rada.


We have some good bargains
to give you yet from the $2,000
stock of goods'bought at 60 cis.
on the doltar from the jas. A.
Moore estate, contesting of

Spring Caotb
eultioators and
Burch nows.
We also have a large assortmMt of Hay Rak^ that «re are
giving special prices on while
they last.

WMt StrtH

Craoersc eily Implcmcnt/Co.


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