Grand Traverse Herald, March 20, 1902

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Grand Traverse Herald, March 20, 1902


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text



I CrMtm DcraM



For tfa« falt-iMMCM of IWl «e
barf one of the fiseot aaaortoienu
of »e* ftylee of


ever ■bown in the narkfL 4II the
lateal Noreltiea in Piaida, Cbecka,
and Sinpeo, both Fo^if^and Do-

Tntrcrsc aty State Bank


SURPLUS. S50.000






Real Estate"* Insurance




207 E. front tjtreei,


Opposll B. fc H. Block.

fisTTd'rv-.. ^


Thfae we will make to

your order at the very lo»^ pricea.

oMtaU lerr^ aCaln y a ponl; t««|.
qaaliiy. aad e«B *b. woew ol
a» ai'X u aot wlAoei iL
i* BBtatal (o twlwi*
>. and uakb a
tyiw»« la |wUr w • nu
______lia* brlMfiO w be aa aac»l
U> buBaB iocm. and K«e lodb a liUle tb* Jabrliou- 11
tl Koi
*01 >o
Urn I beeau to 1 irtra l«
■Bianablr oom(«( ir> (b« tbeadtl tOal
-______ Bt aud anrrty faw|ra( lu ikll trow UwB
Tub woaU kawl bawd*
Httaa It WM
he lookaA
dBBBieaau brlon 1:dO. wtwe Ib. cat «a* daa
:aud bam
tbe aDwlaklBC face M lb* dlalwLi. b kbr I l.«d au old IrrolTM IB tl.» laoeev
>MI I.* aeitlad back tsr aa laeateaa.
.pama dtaver, bal bow ibal I lboa«bl I
M anal
tW-oi.* g( tbew «atok'UtUe‘
' Bifbi OMd It. 1 bewma bt r.«liu- vfaat
,au o.wto.M . waa ia
at o( o
bal aad tbiek|aw«tbla. tbiactl waa
The Um .bon boar, ef^ ■.waiac
•U atoabd ibr CUM Ibal 1 mod to d» il 1 r-uBd
^ lev mnniini later teww iMdIMW w tbf uaafvx drac
eS. asd 1 had |.
lackMUr m
to arltd It II.
dra«rt>< wan aa old Lie
trainman and bare li Bard. Jaat i
B 1 waa atartlad by > Balw. aad|^_.
ebeak. asd a wBilia« isoul
wlwQ .lir aakMl fur ]ioi.oe tor tana, a*
le -wa. tryiaeMMl
md. -ao: abd boaoiod Btldl; ai«B
H. abook bi* hmd.
IIBW to at-piwr. 1 lold her ibal
Ra from bar reattSUiii vi-ry Bttaetf." aid P>e.

Pbrnau <g arweilye





Tire Insurance!

Tin in.- ovr—*■




Plato CIaBS.Stoam Boilor arid Accidont Insurance.

Money to Loan on Improved Real Estate Only.
Johnson Block. Phone 73

.,«>lu.«urk •!

«Tlb a lenTF facr. br roBpoanded
a. powder and batuled It a.rtaa ibr
ooanlrr Kt e tooa It. hssM bm i be
rw OTOto be aAed aod walked uM
Ooet Lose. >be««BI nrauclil to ber
room aud nnUr»t».d lier*. u and rrtir
ed to 1a«L lakibC tb. i«wSet
loe Of twice -;.e taHed i>
e up ol her haifae. boi«n*
that II wa. noi retj OUarreoaide
n«b^tlMiu« 11 rweet. U.e bn<el>

■ llali mud. bcBTet after kMIiB*
Mwlblut; to ^ aad Jawap to l.«k
around tor a iliac, lo faio- ibe tot ol
•turner until ito truiu <mme. Ttora
wa.. buet-ai «o.e ta ^ wamup
rouiu ai.J 1 rauHTlLilfl that «a> Jen
!br UlUic. tall II— latx woald SOI *i>
- I badI le
W di.joii
U.r ptiw aad .HI toe top off tto mo.e
■o «el U lb. Tben I aUBed old toper*
aroand it asd i«l the Up,a>id


Traverse City. Mich.

. tto ufBciF and I ad a little Bilk
r w ice with a In.-nd dowb Ibe
u-tlmp him abuui me trouble.

Il U orri, 'afat caid. "i.>i.. baai
iQcwiTK lue aud taeprr Tool
a tor—11 down upub

I. bxrd. and Iw did il



; SLS .7.1“.,^ .“T.-rrd

the bum . ba. k b .praiw. tha vkU.
opened, ai.d 'le aped «»1. wblb bAlBd
baa ea»e atr.»miB»a rBmBltoBB.fOel
bar- and toM -Idiery tb WsB
ooUo™... wb.» to bad rtmliy CklM
u> notuw tolurr. bal w^ eeKlMUr
beloeured lu tb.- wal'ed
. . ._Jotora.
. The air wa. nto >. bearing, drltmaae
akttw twi»i.i
To rtglit and
rolluu bill
Ml rolluig
bvigbl were crowned with end
aad rttaggliioi U
Wtod. eilri.'led I
les,.« W.W0 rae{dto.itoi la rwd and ewilaw. and to
rtolued ttoi Ucidtoe wm ia all lu
Somebow Ibr nd. luaat hate tow
toon. Ttoee wa* a whirl «f daat abd
a 'mMi whuiO'd by—aol a in.agi
L-umrl. or to. weal, bat We of tboaSain wilb hCtod
la *BgB‘e“^or^lrto
paniM. He (uxnd
(oand himaeir.
:wdalL by toe md,-

" Jul
.be did ni. the taaiiliar luc to alee]'
-'ll U1U.I hate to«u .elo— to IV
•oond of a latch key Ui the dooc below
o'clock wtoD 1 imra tojimriw on the
.lartlad her. Tom
Hr d..ah>.da>rammalt
aoue ol
AadLaUf.. Ipot.— a
wl.«B tat;It Kuod • p It awd. Tbr
puto"d u|> u aad
-w but Tuui would walk in ix wain
».art. r ai'
.-udmoB1 of tb« tr lb driwed. spun B
uvrr lotorilckn
that cuol way. aad be wa. enllinc bet two mranceti
ui ab..
ai bi. i»<
caatapidT joa
■rood deatifTicr
<-r mid
auJ looked
llitoegb toe window
re are yua.-'
■Kru. bee. See.
wilb the bat o(
them atoed alut
t belcre had toe refuaed to ai
1. and wbro
w'beB I 1'
ot«. Why bad _to_c«
>m 1 tow il.e
fro* aerae. Tbeo came ottog
til.e bad
iietolter katkiuc
Tooth Powdm. Soaps Toil, t Wbim>paSa and tbr ttoteea flew in
wtadov. axel be
oold mead lb.' Uninc vl I
JVrtuiMrT, Spoeert.
Spooer.. BnrikBn.lU- and .Ksb•poU oil riltoe aide at faito Hr railed
ber Tootli "
hii torn—called u> a enirr wfakrh
bd Bu.
• aa be
I'll put a bolK-l Into * imad to giee no —and -and ttoev .
ffe hare ala a law IcBTr that ,1 bouia. Abd
llirrort. el
u>r livelv, now.
You wa. BO noi.r accompiByiag tor erbilO
Draet Medl- tell It. abe I . _________tb» Wl and
twr boedoir.
-ted It tni
want. ’ W.-er
. you look iirmL Uliu
1. HalniN OIU.
(mfSagi ap Ihrrr aiaiaig tbe aaderaa Krv WKWs. and ibc
me op
'loaBM boom b.
u. cel
Hi* lura began to akalk to
had beau Bamed five reara.
Ibr wreck ibi. afu-nuii n.-and
bare l-uu
Iliad tiwr* and wall* and opeaed die
ig lu gel 11. If or to • to kill you opoa toe placw wbrfor tbr wblla
rerrj body lu thu U
■ t unlocaed tbe door
bad baeu
iiliee very kutdl 1,0^ (torn tto oOoe laal ui«b( by
ud bad aeter ota^
otad. mlatake. be u aakioa.abuel ib
H. aad It-y tuto cm. i
Iiflee aaid that tor
aroand. Noli
wa. liie liapi-ie
.omau liMB*. Xi
looae who would Ur Itkeiy to u
aud Um mao Magger,^ .U to^
limn* and co
aa toe
hi. pm-krU
burltoi nutioid that Ibe had ofaauged
toxwd Ibe aill
talking anoak. All 1 got lor that
<-tolaiue la tto momrai (d toe tall
I..' ton iantiuo.
c.ip on Ibetow Ibal kanek
%rif—-eb’ witot'a the laatter.
now amee.1 in a blae-gray
rr m> t-d.Vd a miuBte lat
— 1 boujibta Tltey
Totii." toe cned. ara
Bniform He pi.ted him—It up and
had aeter bad
chlldreit. but wbeo ■Ob. aa> It again' Il
Urd luad ana foot aud ha.1 a re. led back tto treee. There
It wLa
Waa uut yoL
iwople are al

aero my Unto
Then one wa. moer firing and Burton awoke.
naif Oh. Toi
pi.-krd Bpu> laaaWB aud lUe utorr
■ bal I. no eery imwl CTi
Kuily tolieeiBg 1him-K buaiB be­
care Wa. t"Miim. all In*
dnggod we
ll'd ax (to .
"And to- 1* JB.I the <
»l-re U-e
Il regUewl
All ton
Tbaa Kve rei.
,mi*»l lellow Ui Ibe worli
• 1 am a wi.-k.Tj votm. Tuiu aud lell me V
;lo her—If.
"Lai dm
rtior.' wre letter, lb lb. ^lockeuriiOti«b liT him
1 woe<
loee letlera.
1 ioa.1 Ibrnn. I tUoOKbl
u la bu ixickel. It buU
yoa wore falae tu me 1—I took puiam.
at toapa '
eeeo bid a.
rom. I'm aeln« to die. and I k«c au; U. He U
She tot her baud iuu
I- dead W'.v. Netcb limt h
l« lure. Oil. rum. Tmu. tote xar!
np llir
The eoluD e oI Nonwlitea who Ml
piickel B> abe .poke, and
"Veayea.- to-cried.
"Ob. go-d dlilu't take them a
imle luckace wrapped 1
Uiej jamp- tut lali luaee.,______ ^ ,_________
-areo' *T..< totoour "
a yell,
oat poarrd gb toe »1btopi«au. are enjoying erary.
"lloffaiau will Lu..«
I boogbt
“SonirlJiiuS he lia. botucbl for a—. Ofbim. tvrbaiw ue can Micxae.
leel >i«.ll<4a
adder! thal
I .'ki>-el. ' said ktr
"1 wonder wlial cried K>.
a dro|i|.rd 11.
rilua toreW
a round at —ciely (uiu-iKm. and plwt
It 1.
i think iltoi 1 w.m'i open it an
AWUT went l.-m. vbllea* death,
' to tbe drwgKix around tbe .-oi iier He
B N 1
dbe Imd tbe ulk acroae the hot*,
al IDlu Ibi-shop like a wbitlwinA
Nurmal In toi wrilr. tiiM be U .
onl II OBI and basted il down.
Tb-lady.' be gaapod. •luejadt
-1 wou.ler wbat It u." abe laid. who bMgBl p.iwJb here aa l.our agu'
lud thee botu dug u
—ni inio Um tnimw to a plnu w_
projde are lmrmle.a. toil far Irani
She Uto It by miatake Cm> y-u •
tliaed aud Where he u Umwn m
gta—, ! know, Iwii that u uot toe her: la torre au adliddm
I- - of liie parrel
It dotoO'i aeem
bi. uwu r-MTc— la fwaoMoalty eeety
"^ow, 1
freight wiu
I book. It mia'iil be Iac>' woud ***^-So. 0.1." said III* old I 'lemi
re care ibau I did aayttiiog el—
r.r <wlM. U
abd -houL with toeaa
bill die of dak «'l-a a lady <
of tor uatlera, and bi
ru. ued to a pOM. wiU.
and. altocugb
piue ebaki-.
arMralt. I .»■" I aliB-lJ. aomtolag.
b 1 beliered
b.' tear macb longer Be
> ddn'l know bal whatJ from the nanreM largo «ly. aad
'lee bu diet with (rvll aad engelaUS a oail IB the uSce.
would bare peelerrrd tbe ouminay
I Ih. roboee. wbo liade fled aad ebst
bu palate mb t.ilermie
■^to p«ple are very Igaoewk bal
UI llw Cl
r«r a chair and wito dr rat
rui earuug aud rabiwking the
;iooe lo learn aud welt dugoand
Hoe. and ihes 1 beard toe door of
»k Bp
(aoe So. b
.be told. ")
•' WBlliac rood. UiBt and tbeir (oot- toward Ameneaaa, aad Be tc
So Tom f
rmaarell't rvoiewl. ai
efn goug dowu kbe idatform.
Bg Uiai Jiianaei
"Tim .nako. duappeared btoibd :bo«gb Terr aalik. life a Kwhlgaa
aaBiiiied hinuel
(all ol h '
'T^ toe undid tbe ribbooB. uiKold
M Boi rip off tb
O—rge Uanaoo. a p>p«lar m.mbiT
and- —m
- -__1
I bad DO oomiauiy
ed Ibe tol*f
tow li-tlora
; Br.1 lilt udnl I
toll the laatem. wbicn. toeklly right- f lael year', gradualiag clam, b w"D-ar Ton' Be kaep. my ‘*”**|.
ayiag tto vtoer extrame. a. to ha.
ed luaU a. 11
wo amignod toarntyof ao.000«a
band* and alood up to ch—r me w:
y wrU oda001 Imn; .lie
lU ligtit. I knew tbal I l«d ovee t
*^Bt tbe wrmsg V
of hponito
1 aevrr bad tot <u real aderetBre honn to wall, aad my .mlv doobl «
^oimLily'a^ < eetit, Biui a aammy whole rxi<r— exprr
1 woald .taod toe oUi
TtoktoB." .toe niA
............... ......................
OnlbetowoYWtrkod tbe twte agaut.
1 don
'Be toTed bU BMtbar ta'
Than >be bocan to tremble a luue. ..JMO 1 wa>aa agent Bows
wbieb Iran moet. tor gagee toe ugbi ing of hi. arriTal ta to* ydn— to wa*
ronepaon. u wtiiok (to
tor the 1-lter. did not bmrui wiib Jer—y pisea. tor laat pUrr
T tiod oord.00 my wri.u mod ankirw
aiurod in eroniag dram
lid look for anetoiug
oat 1 —on toond tbai It Wa. a- b"Uy diar rai. " aor with aaytiuug
and aa elaboraW baaqaat wto.mnml
W get loo—.aad toai the beat 1
Ukr il Sbe caM ber eyea over tom
The boa— «bm« b-- Item U a Sto,
11. Ilieli
to beopi(Bmi aud try
Tb^ wer* lure temr. "
re- Mary affair, aad It u tto poiim
.«ao— It wa. a ioi
'Tom ha. lored mnue othi-r wumi
r of a bowtiag alley aad paai aad
U tiafBc did m.l asouot to anyihiBg
•r faiuily ae ii ticke.1
beiorebemetme. "to. mid. begi
lliard tablm. while la toeyatd Id
> qmk of. ezoepi in Urn haeklrtorry
aiS( to cry
"Ub. wbat toaU I -lU
B. -1 ooeld JB.I
ll- Bi teania own. Tlie carr eraaboiry uippuig iwian-' TlTbeo at- eriml obi: "Ub, f
■md dawn toe
.at of to* traigbuBg and otfgrwi
fuoUto creatBie
re thal lam' Ol cuon.
rae oy.trnao't Iceeh fUb tram b
toe died, and to- only Torea uie.
aad in every way U made to (ml m*.
! road aad mari andgeMral .n
all OTer
r brloie we met. 1
(ecUy at home aad al tto mmr iIm
diy 1 i.'M all k.
not mind "
pped, .
an boaure.1 ga**L
But liare .1.C t-Btod.
rea torewm. al diatrilwtien. *'• had. oigai
lie get* amlary af fl.rlo a year aad
aad then threw-'h. 'lettcB fmu ber a* a da.T on toe mub llaeabd u
t. ODOa to hare a torn, mwto'* ewa
tlioagb II: bad beoa a —rjieal and abore hraorb. Tb- Jaociioo
of a .latidn tolweeii tbe Uaika with
IliU toe OB’I wa. ool> tweler Itoa. wbioh to u
bad bitten tier. It WM. dated IB
^riuB. Witok
It wa. Bot
not (ou ..lay. a wailtag room, tiekel oAir. aad milac awme. aad thal tor e*ew wm
(raigat boo— all aoder one roof. I ready iv troBblr at ihe jaaKion.
"Ob; Ob' ohV' erito Bee. "Ob. to-pi IB toe iieket oOoe aud loox my tw ire mile, maaot aoi moreibaa &f
-u luinnb • ifftlml tarn, t-ol to. fit
wbat kluiU 1 do.- Ob. whatetoaUI meal, al one of Um gix hMuai ui Um
oeigbborh^. an^-^you eau imagine
m miB.lM momed like a montb lo
Office and Warehoobe. 732 E. Front 8L
>. Tlien 1 limld Ue waloomr whu
■“c. vy TTT^B ihoaglu tnanto bet
CiUkeii. Phone 4V1
a. anytoibg a yenag fellow qokld to
I. aad a memmf later toU a doom
at to.
Th—r wa. acuealy
ilriMfi meo wet* —nrcLiog lue me
■'■Tom.'arTma; Wte .Ul I der
.i.wurt at lirnm
my d.n-l'Body
Tbev fuand me Valm. wf.wfe .feDwelW
Tom; Turn' H. to ba (nla«—Toa'



T,-r,K Si'-vr. •=,•'7.“™;,.".:':

C. A. HAMMOND. « «




Real Estate.
Mortgages Bought and Sold.



Rotels Tor Sale

Srand Craecisc Cand and Coan eo.

"Tir^u obliged to tolld b




Fresh. ^It and Smoked Meats. Sausages. Etc.
Ttitpboae 4







s-.rr;.? SrfJ-Tip,-

Hides, Wool end Fur

I have enlarged my business and have arrantred with a
large H^stern^ouse to handle all the fur from this part ol
the country, ram prepared to pay highest market prices
** L^ i***i**'i?*^7r^for Hiddp. Wooliand Fur.' Come and see'-me. •


Brit Phone

We want to bay Onions, Field Peas, Parsnips ud out­
er produce. Will pay bi;hest casb price for tbe same.
We want you to drink .

Baui: >*» IS A m.


Ag—rt.yi'.—ew Ciiy

if you are thinking of buying anything in the way of

do not fait to look over our large tioe of handsome ar-r
tides. We also carry a fine stock of W.ATCHES,
CLOCKS, JEWELRY. ETC. Spectacle Fitting a
Bpedalty. Watch and Clock Repairing—the best
grade of work done.



Occasionally you meet a man who sa)-s that he can't
afford Chase & Sanborn Seal Brand Coffee. Now as
a rule the poorer a man is. the less he can afford to do
withmit II It is the laboring man and mechanic who
need the invigoration of this food drink. It costs less
to make coffee iFom Seal Brand than it does fiom
cheaper coffees. lYave you ever tried it?

■1 -Imve goor Md: No;
Tutor awake U U.* daytime.
- •
a. a holiday ibry are. Tne.v.nte tBOliy

tbotoleitto.. Why do tout dietoo^biI •ofpMple lier throogb «i<-b I
d th.r b-cared w. a eba
"Along Lb Septo-mbei
TWto. knell down ou toe Soar
, aahucaalool eigblnw
told gathered Bp the leoen oud .uodnjaall and beoame a nop
Tnw tame III*
the work of Mrippiag
othto intorpretotoB oooLd be )«!
and—ndibgoff her. cargo.
Ii bod i
------------ Bbmird lore L'l
taoi'-l IB euui to done (tom U>< toore. henaam W
• aad
.waanlmoei l-igb
and dry f- ---------aad tbe usff aH eame ap by U
d^ 11
. keaneb and wa* awal'-rrod
Janeiion. Mow of ii wa* IB *o>>4 w
-'ll u Bit CTBe," toill

--SL‘ -

poor Bee.




aQ coeaeed with twU aad tarned it
rie me. myiBg; “ Look obi loe
.Ika. Thai . mwey. aad IgBam
had boner atoep
owl earn— la ' I lookod at tor waybtU to toadrd 'me aad aaw tool to
• "
ealarU M.SOO. ’
ner— wa
.rr •• “r
nbaryi tofen. aad ti made me ameoaa. ant 1 r-Mipud tar the box and
mend it bahiad tto doer towde «to

M.wbwry. I
awa.«. A »

«lb* ago while uat to

.piM.d tto miaetait. Thm ww aa
mob onree to u ]
"( told tto
■ aiw* — a WT

KBttonae Umim Muto Mi. In U
carrtad tto putcra aaiiBnUy to tto
Oaubg.od to* toi 11 mil the uppan
. who
tor a new aattaaal park u
at (to
otntcal Xitin.ww.
Tbere iraad. to­
day o pme* or aamwt Amaria. < la (act. tto only gtaat umtoma

woald drowB barMlf
tokoa'iama am, a. K rmdy and waulag tat tot. parpma. SU,MS amm of
iton hnt body woald. go Amtiag
hmiambmiWIe wagon aad aalnadad a laad aM SIS.SAI aoeto'^ jmw oattto riTur late ttoma; and drowwd
pooplr iatoad erw

«mUbOk,«aytv; 'IgnwUmk’alto tow h m ta* toad kt ito nr^toal
- —_________________ allaid B< tom tola awaim.
Tton . (oar bui
and OitoWto too oadto ml
I bo tonof bwmlf. now ta tola but nan* In ftora. Kiadw plan, gnnr
aeto Mary aad Wadilinn
«to wtmld tofenoMBoa. Taa.,«m (« 'uah bat (boro'a phmty M
laU be bom; and thwgfetoe air balaa. and 1 roefew ihay'U «
_______atonr am Toto fi^ia. to wnnJd tonoagh all ngto. Soad tom ---------m>b»».wadiii n
wwM wtag tom, too nwl bwight'
Homtoanmdaa ^nakbBMtoa. a| -TLm wao «mi M into-.

erSam. Stowto

dangbiae. tto ftkawm Tln-


^ light


abytbing i bot 1 b*e.
iMord of 1 tratoed him «>. 1 bailee.
ediulumoa Xy Tom. mtne ’"
Tben tor wiped bw ryoo. guherod
opiheleetar.. wroppadthaaiiito p.pto Bboot tbrto. and Ito bine rir'
aad pat toea bMk la tb- i
tartoM-pockrl of that dremdlBl . ..
ecBk. aad bang il ap la tto boil agaia.
"Tom sbaU aeeM know."
"I'U am reptaoto hia.
1 vtU
naeor 10. bin again; wboa to eo
heme 1 toaU b« dead, i wiU ato
Tbrs to. tot ikowa to ' '
baol----------of totmdr.______________
to^htotoU ta to. elitod»l>to enlh

BBhw. IMoee 1 obuid
obuio I'll my Mory.
aad Ibry couldJ-all tbeaWi e boartaad
g-s Um bok. "Tbeo 1 wm doaed with
. |.u( drink of Whukev aad pal o
aad Saxt day I wa. icecky uiB. bat
( mol word to Jaku ta aom* duwo aad
aad wBao to
bat up bi.______
1 told him bow tbe reptile, bad mred
my 111'aad to. coapaay't i-roperty.
aad be mi-l that m to-mgbl il would
to a good Idm ta keepa but at max—
toe —alioaall 11..-time a. a'toy- (ntgbt


' ’

V fia^aa-

r at toe fwiaama to
a .pogfant hm IHtia

£32= rr.'

ladM'fHOM. the


^prnW Wilhelm’s
' % Spring Opening

' ‘

' V n \ .s [) c [) s i ck
^ Darkens

Htnisome Kru)
A5m» a<itc
Stoee Cmodd
Crowded vxt
Yblton SMtutdty Afternoon.
Iwrtcte* beoBBlwert
________ .itte la tte iBIefOOMtf (te orBBatteMa la thb dtr -of ateMpb td
(te DtateUe Order CniffcM of KI>oteMB. He bo. liBd eorh foodea*
oMihot teal wwk * aieMlai ol Ite
tl>iee rote ■site oa tbe ete Bide wlU
KBIchU of Pjtblaiaad latelim of
te eooepi^ bT Dr. O K Oh^«»d »
b O. Mowrer. tl

*«- -ll- •» '»•« * 1«‘'-

> BeemHfwlGteJstXsfUytdbt FiMStktrMnt.

Siemvi t»J Slrfftm' Orrhat* fitmuierf.


ScrofoU i> ■ diMBM with aaaente ted raried
Braptteu; calancrd aUad* or taaon aboat tte aetk
Bad anapiLi. calairb cl tte hewl.
akia emptMt^n^^Oeitet^MtaU tte bodr^ewjte ^

tMOaoml BP In tl
■ tb*
iratno *Bd (bertooa
MteMin with aU ter

It ouf* polB of rrrrj kdad. ao awner wtere ka
tar%Uea**MliBtl«oteM. It * * Mobete cbm u i


' *«J^

"'u ttTi-atS'ltelSS


i*ir*fte!lnawS*teM te.*^^


We havejust received another200 barrel carof

Tbr BiitnaeM «o tbo holUlac
oa itw Borth kod ooot OolboBorth.
Ihraoafa hoodoof rerolrlBc doon «otnaoo it hod 0> tbo tell Bad tbo
•lolrroBdolewof iMdlBf apotaln. will probabir b* loolod oa tbl* floor. | ^
Oa the foBRb floor.
ThB (BToIrlnc door* bit oe Bmewte
ibBt whM oeo rwlon. ite door
clM hsbtad bin tefoio ofralDC
■t lallF of thro* rootaa Tte three
A flood dk*l ol •
IB fnat Id (bti w«r oI> drofM
M Milo oa Ite eoalbeoet will te
foie the tell*. olerBton Bad olBln
apbd br W. A. De^ aad E H
are oroldod. The doer* cu. bow.raoeiveo TOrr laeorai
orer. be folded taa«tter. idbUd«
PWrrBroa ban kaenrod ^ **®|n,,»iod Il»t te bad
OB* rwiBftBH door, « tber eon be BiMM koli* oo tl.*
Bonh kid*.
tBBaedlo BUdeboefc Ulo Ite wall. Roa. J. H. Mooio*. aad Site* * I obarlrkjlx. IViokkrr. B-t
I••rln■ tiM .wtlreaatrBBee apB. Thte Rote will ocoanr offloe. te thU floor. I
’ElTBaptd. aai
foldiag doeranBofouet li ted* br .. will alko U. a Moffatt
tb* Tbb KbbmI fUToIrtac Dov Oo.
Tte efllte* te tb* fifth floor bse*
Miehol* ate Baadr Boo* of
eel all beeo reetod a* rot-hat there U Oliarbralx '
at tte
Tte Dortli eonaa* la tb* Men la
aarored tte olllean that a flood aostb* tetlro talldlnfl will te takni. a* ber of PrtJ>ba* li> Otertoroli ooold
throteb------------------------------------------------Tb* 0*1*1 BototBOk It tbioath a fla*
ten aM*d Hr. Wlltelta to mt* be ortanled opoa.
G. & Okrb roluiarobwar to a tile floerte ball.
Tte rooob for tIrODi.
bared to .make a trip to the town* la
word Wllhola U Inlaid la Ite tlloa
Thor* an dtebu dean te eaob kid*
of UiU baUwBT to itekton r
Tte tetiBDoe te tte Ualoe tln*l
' oftte baildlBflba daplloaktef kte
1^1 Mimt Mimae*.
Than baa
oBlraDO* bit ftalflht aad ether flood*
iB tlie bear, eonmaaloatiafl wltl
nar of ite eton aad with Ite tntflhi


trie tell
A hate treifllit •brater In tte
of tte elora b made br tte a
eoMpaar, aad raai from tte bOkaMCsl
fo tte lop floiir.
Tteabta kal*e non oa tte flrH
floor b tOzlOO feel la alaa It b flaiwhed la MBhogfaaar. With oMol
lofl la wUlta. Tte eoaalora. i

alothrr idarea. Oeorfle R. Malooa. aeoL wbicfa aroordlofl t-bi. *bt«pomr of the Milk aod
iataodaot for tb* Ocaed Ttav- \ awoi b* ha* boeii iiettuu oo tb* niM- creaa froM Man to tiol '
IMW.4*. ..11..* Tl.. —.. I ket-aod of coon* we and*r»Mud
d t-oic..............
.. .. ..M. 1 liatr no
tioo' R*» D- Ootella offtr»I prar**-........... ...................
Frieo-l Mill<-r'*bci
Hiller to fallr ooo*ider hi* iiai.meol
mere Im 1 leel ear*
oo Ibb eobj- t. aad
il 1« l.u ool h* mak*. floo.1


,----------------------Hr. Fern* called aUateioo to tb* - date famera.
--------(alooo a* an argaolaed lerea, with. Friend HIIlw Ihiiik* II atemniMioii
eMbawiee toewWbt In te* load' J®
kM® f~» »>“ “■> «1'
kMUkarire u tTorr aaMiai in «
Pertepa bi* peet e*peneoo*
and pQblublac M panodicali la thu I ^tb ab milk and eroam la ................
He Mated that aearlj on. dlnin room aad !«oWr t
ooontrr alone
ever? il.|Oor deabr wa. . «»“»»«“»


bote ladb* and gretlen
rerr litib dm* to apoad la bb
0007 iwlTal* efBoo, Mtuac la Ite >irMtr oOto* rtelr befn* tte
oak toll top deM that te foaad there
thb maaiag. a gift from Xi* VU
aim aad bb ehildr.-u.
Thb wa* rUaaurd eimply a* the ba*
laen eprelac of tee Mere.
A (laad
■lag mar com* Uur, wbea do
Mflr that eaa he roetod Hafllr. or bBlUlBfl UaUeemplaM
Mad* date call** of two. (fan* or (oar an A StaSeaa'atebtoma
roana. la ooU tte OMmbae* of tb*
natere la tb* aoettean oen
Ir dehfllufal w

Tbr meeitne
. uiroagb
loDfl time before he
hb int lift
Hit of r.
nbob a call f(



S3.2«i i>rr cwi. with a positive ijnaraiitrr if not
flour you rvrr used, keep the flour and



prior as
ihr best
for your

money. ' Also have a tttK«l suti|ily of Sml 1 »ais.

Bt Urge
li lireli.
1 lb 111-



Commercial Prlntlna
, J Traverse City pays 3 per v
' cent, on Saviors Deposits i|

nil Kinds

Beraid 3ob Office





Vou have bet-n lold how some of our competitors biiy.and how Tiri*y mill save you
money. Wc will only say we sell both DEALERS and I< IKBIvKS. which Pfaices Us
ill I’ositioii to liny Right, and until further nnliee wr will sell nil kinds of



Never thought . o{




for a mvdicine did you ?




good , sign

Svoii s Knnilsiun.


TJtv Indy
has to Ik- repaired like other
R. Bratu b bom* to apend Raaday
thing, and Scoit"> Hnuilsioii i. ■ l
with bb family.
Mn. A. K. Willard aad teogfawr.
Monad bom* to Empire after M»ad- the mtslicinv lhat does h
Tlu->v iHHir Ixxlivs wear oiii , j
l. a. Fairteak* ha* retained (naa
ritlt to Hllwaakae and mter poteto
BrT. }. P. Wblb of Hspl* Oily,
wmt In Mwa today.
Rer. aad Hia Joaiab t^nlagtea
..'ft teu moralag for Hapl* City add
Oedar. Hr. Paaniagtem will dellTV
ddram at M^e


aml Mvafc.

Carriages, Harness and Farming Implements

from u\vr-\vork
They gi 1



Some of liu- new

atv'iw't well made- ami

all of Ihe old ones




fixe aH

-h d(K-' the w-rL

inside and mu.


fungs. >tning.

places full


Il make, .' -ti





hoi:, u .,l

CflT. Cass and State sa.
Trarerse Qiy. Ucb.

Only the U-.1

terials arc used in the patching


patches don't


J. A. Hoatwre* retmed yoetorta;
from a boalB*** trip to Otaad B^d
aod a rblt to hb aoo Bert, at Ann
L f. Perkett weal lO Rlagaley teb

Tht OMest Exclusive Carriite and Unplaneat Des
in tbd Grand Traverse ReriOB. Always Reliable.

slniw ;i.%iyee*y

IthroughthencwglowofheAlth. i_

“ o.
.o .,»» B.~d
mao oo baaiaare (odiy.
Artear Rosaathal l*ft thb montog
oa a boaiaeia (rip oorte. .
Jtea flretl of Hapl* City b la (owe
Hr. and Mn. Om K. Jarkaoa of
taghom cooaty. mneH of (te lal*
WlllU Jookam: kb brotimr. Elmer
Joteacm. aad aiMera. Mn B*r(te OolIbfl of lagfaam coanly aud Mn larr
Hamaoadof Jaekaoa. aad bb aarb.
C. & Jaokaoa of Katoa eocaty. are
hare, called by lib <ba(h. and will
laar* Hoaday with tte body for Dan


We TRASH nor CHEAP JOHNS. We are HERE with the GOODS.
Our stock is LARGE ENOUGH and prices LOW ENOUGH to satisfy the most
careful and conserxative buyer


from long usi^e

Baptte ^ AM*of’^Kh^lui^Ory [



from (litA'Asv.


Nu one h.l^ to waitTii. turn.,
You can 6o


- you

.'\ few of the choice dishes offered are: A real good and Xylish Top Buggy,
Tth $60.
$< at...............................................
5< A dandy stylish Top Buggy, worth $;s. at..

, — --=^.



W^WoTIrefkw. te* toco* Ckla.
. M* Mbitter to Tmbinginn. artebb ate

<« toojh steel spike Lever Harrow. -Michigan".....................................................S «-75

edoaedayl crettoM^
I te aloaji a
te wre bmiHoBy b



anrf erciynbin* is my immOM. Mod, in .bout ihoK imoimrtioo..

other ilb wbacb ore (be naih ofot

Hn F. IL Baraom wa* called to
Ttmlaati Ibb mcralag by • (elegram
-raoWk*.* vtara
mix aiitlk* <d »ra.
lacing te* eenoa* lUarre c* ter
m. « V. •! wm tirau* to • rte
i Tte foertaoa* aod anaatlre toloe- M>*> CJ^to^k^_.*re52^
mlaltdat^lbaork. ■iiIm—fl»*k.
gaogbwr. Him Aaaen* Bamam^
^ flAb te* torpid moedm. retreamg
aml Mlrowom<« wot*
O. W. Bate bo* )oM iMareod from
(baa baiT aU atlanoea. a* tter
SS^JIilritoSlrar'terek U E. Oibb.- mill rear Ciagrby.
■oil llflbted hklLwltli eleokU aod fa dark la foot, prepartoK fa tee
where be h*e h**a eeoktog dartog tte
..ul eowTa* vwA «t *lna
eokfor hotbladlMaad flea- opoatufl.
tele* won made telohdar w* Itf
aopmamn.bibr**fitreb, UM ,
BfMh floor. Ttei* win aleo wfabh <qaak well fate* aaoe*


M-BTT rood of tte baiUlBfl.
Tb* labrior flaltei^ aad fli
. of Uw ater*. whlte tm obbarab aad
enaaklTt. were tarabted Xij «
S. Orrlllte Oo.
Oa tte oooMid floor, te* ftoal two
wtadow a la* di^dar of mint
■aim liai Iwm bald for Dt. B. B. aotr aad aaxi to u Aah dna floadA
Th* oaber two wtedowi wae oeeaptod
bra fla* dlvlar of baro'eMU^forBbhtvafwMaad bejA ambreUa*



Uagn* work.
. Ilia
Ins to ISl.tM.
After teb Hr. Feerb ahewed
Diimbaref olherriewi ot maaiendooi
of an. Mcrad aad aroalar, and th
mw^afl eloaml at IO;X> e'rloek.

way to Hackltbw.

i LAS/


ah<*^t and buy


d oo* ot i<
IM am oi>iT*.
tlr ._f..riu.
i.n : ;
rout nrighbon n*a
hu e-enn-n
e-cnn-ii n frw
. . nnd
u you .lid.
>. <

w ret
frearan f
Roy Woml ba*
iaod*d rialt in aoetbera Hiel.icaa
la Obiomgo. He ha* reeamed hb.<d
la tee Park Place barber shop.
D. a. Harpby aad wlf* Irfi
for a ytall of two wookj to I
Sagitew aad eteer plaere.
Mm Uelea Kaaaea went to Oread
Rapid! teU laanlag for a frw (by*'
viul'witb relalir**. '
Hra. Bay Walt weal to GhdUlac
OBD appreriato what b la atcao for the
(hi* morelag u vblt her panat* foi
tSrd of AiaU
A big baaqaM wUl
aad oinet db

opportaaitr to aaia bb ^r- Xr.
Wllhalm wa* baar-aH^dar meet
laghbfnoadiaad ahowiag team ter


, b

waU orflaaiae.1. He deplored ll.a fad
nent In
teat there wa* *o moeh dmeloa ,|^
■ Row. Frieoii Mil
. 1 Wthe wc
worken for i.-mpaaooe. : tb-- atenice < itr
among tte
-------------- -----------ellik-rnt me .»■
aadenilined •i it.
An n Sal^ LeagB*.^
bb | laMte ■
b in-tlnd* all man. of wtaabTer etMd,i f^‘,'T'oinM
{•uliiloal *mUa(iuo ate »>r Fnend Hillrr i enco^. »i.|««r»iob.

(bown while tb* bbiUkk.- aang -Am-.
erioA " anil mutp pretty colored I

aad o* eodb a* ll>* de«B op«rd. te*
auto wa* flUe.1 with teoppan aad MbMB who oame not oel^ tu pat.
bat to oalor tea beaatlM of tte
aad ettoed greetlnct to (te pbolatetor.
The olrraaor wa*. raaeieg ferlakir all ter.and Anhar Riteaida. (te ebrator bop. had a fla*


SIcrpy Kyr flour, made from Minnesota sprint;

thy .mil Clover Seed.
I Mt. a*-----------------well a* tb‘ifelt.
-- oabli
do. ilwt b* ba. laid oo ilw I
banl oo ibe bouei awker*. i
We all know tb*r* u

jn.ilT to
to laitb

aad that wtea oae dr^ler w
I Ttoitcnofl for
ed Uw Oteen all aided with him and
elpwl Mid.
Friend Miller with all of
He ataied Dial ite oolr wa; to amet OB the *Bb>*<-i mnatniT dor*
refl-yitioa on Ihe
aad oceiqner thb orfBDited fore.- wa* reflmtion
the uiiellii.-*no
mncli a* to

'"otiafl I

■ bailb*** opawlag of th.-

I'hose who art-

own will find it profitable lo sell their
e^firvially when they can buy it at

>1^ g...d b

trofinent them, the droakard’* boat**, I

eon*, aad otter flxtam OR la folflte
oaL Tte boat of tte
mi.BBJi'B raw wn-K aun-c
»te ladbs' doiiartMaA for tte Ml* of
lodbo' Mitt, drr flood*. IIbma aoOaorerr floor of tteballdiagba:
tioBAkte. Tteteekibrtortte
are praot raalt, wUleb f> batll op
rooat ^tiacea Uakatbaol.
Ite teaemael to te.- loof. Tte
te tte floatlaaMB-k dtpaihBMt. for hail of ooeh floor oemnaaloaM* with
(te tab of flkBUaaaa't olothla* aad a atoel Are oaoope of tee boM kind, MTaral Mwa* am wmkwad attaaid
ballt Into tte waU* of tte haUdiag. Bbotiaga of tte lodge* for U>* porpon
Tte taaoMi oate lairbr krtloai AUdoor* of oBoa* areef te* moM op of pattinc tte aaattor bafon tema. '
b latiBibd Ihreaflheat tte
prorod paatota. made of eeeeond. U aoanred (liat the mamborablp i
wltb iMtioM at all p^b of tte blrob, aad fluail with the monmod- te nrellod moeh bj thb ptoa.
Tm OMliltr'k oOte. whan aca look*, wairaatodltuipiokabto.
ra* decided that tee aame of lit*
Bor ThoMpMB will proBiae. b ta tte
n* Oltr tempi* otellbelmlb
la the atora, Mr. Wllbelm haa
aoolh aad of tte Mia ioom. whlU iparod BO palna toprerld* tor tbabaM. Bookh. bat tte Bomber wiU te doolflteefc of it b Hr. WllholM’k prlrab poaalble nrrie* to libtmtitiaA Jake aated hr Uie flaiwam* Palao-. AspU
efldeo. wUeh U ateolr flttad. aad eea- roe flxed a* tb* dab of ite
onga wUl ael a* triauan aad
lalataeon flnplaoa. ooach aad raU deoaralor fat tee antlre atore. Paal
at organlMthBi. aad apoe that
time ttere wUI be te* blggaM
Tlw llflbUofl b tte U
oritOM. the wlrioc for White wat
, In.tebaae■ Of tebdapai
doot hr Oaa.pbkU Brot.
With the new aremban aad
jttoaof thaak
tte ftteb of tte taetooa rnat aad
alraadr tero wlb teloofl to
a kiroelt, an preridtd with '
. oftte Kaobi Tem^. thb tamplowiU te
joowM kbow wiadewa lo tte oi
I. Hra. Bower oae of tte Htfon la the alate. '
Tb*n are Mrae of Ihkko. tea klat of
thk lows plaw flhua tor aate window
a* tte KaighU of Pythba
bainf VTxltf laehaa. aad tte i
alorar* >BBke a big aocoea* of wbat' gbMk 86SH4 laobea.
ar tlaj. ortlhiHaki thb
lookTte bareniant of tb* oetln baUdlnc are aonral aralamab la ^ defortwill bo an for ateriafl. paeUaf. baal*
Tte Dnstatio Nl^r Raliteb of
la*. Mo
Hln Oatberin* R. Barrr of Oblc
Ibonamk b la ^ war oonaaeud
Tte flonaial plaa of Ite tear sppar bat tea baad of ttenlUiaacT dbpaM- rite (he lUghm of, Prthb* lodge, bot
Morin b tl.o niao a aatto of thno amata* ibaifnar aad trimaMr, with oniT Ealglib of ^rthla* are ellrlbb
oSanlatte airthiMt ooMor. a
Xb* Klb Hanouflaa her aniatont.
tooMMlt* oa tte BonfaMda, i
Beratal ^praatloe* are alao amplorad
.hof tl
laitofaoMo aloBfl th* Oalte i
■pie to


... ..


wiiitng to flght the reh«A
H'-te>d *
• flIowuMf tribal* to th. work aad
^.„d, M thi. l-olier
eliaracier of Dr. Ke**eU. who organ-, .|U(>*ti<iii aad irr and fiu-l uni i( her
ibd th.- leacoe. and teoonnbd tu ■ i. .o.-l. btiou. trooblea. Frnmd Hill
work audit. Tlrtorirelu » .tat*, of er te* plrrerwloot
li. *H>
t been to .liow u> cna*uni--r* ol butb-r
Hr.Ferrt* (ten teowed a lalfleaBM
tbeti- I. Done fli U< no ubU hot
b*r of Iiieturae. which atewed *a-' ler iiia.le l-r eg.lodate fertn.reown-

InlldInc. 1* of Ite flaeb ate
l.roeed paban. nad* br U.* Oardaw
Bleeater Co. Il 1* na hr brdraal
power, md fonlelied with tte a<

^ '

ar chiURB SenfolB with all itt
-te tetter: It i> itewar the Milk aad'
Icmai I* liBiMned that Mtei aUl)
iBaaiaboB ate oaCmac. TU*i*a
iteate tettrr. (<w tteee wmb cih *3^ I
. .
a«« te pootcritr: a hearr hateca to
ttettorMBkMidate Bad—-*---------- (.tee tmoe tte *hoaldm of the roaatTlStMacfaerote dteaae dwBib tte faodr ate UadoB
Bow tew. lfl«t*_te.te^. tfc,
^ ^
tte tacaiticB. aad tte

teed cBtiter tefrclable. aakiBc it the ideal Rater iB
all aCTolBloa* afectioo*. II pnnbo ttedttermite
blood, autek it rich ate Mroof ate a coapictr ate
tb* eaUre aoBlbfaei wMiew of tbl*
/ <
kZTT> L'vr pnauaeat tare U aoon effcotte. S. S. & laprore*
Tfii iteporarr oOo*
tte direAioB aad akaimiUtioo ol food. RMam tte
floor. * Ura* roOM. with work
. I(»( proprrtie* to the blood ate qoickeBktbecireaLatiaa, briociacateahkr
rooteod Ite *lte
Tte tetbwool 0*r 0- Ecaaer. pr*
_ eaucutte
............... ... bodv..
Blak**!**, aBerolBtri
color to the ikin ate \-i(or to tte weak ate
ooraer of tbl* door 1* oeoapM br a
nur a an er-nreur fa oer *»*
Write n. about vour caae sod oar pbi-xirian. will ibcerinllv adebeBiA
lBf«* roon 4te«a feet la kite that
wbt to regaia yoar health.
Book oa faloml mad
Mr. InicriK mionte it
HarctB J. Ebaadiocrr of
ter te Bead B. a tadloi' reel
uaad tlial (Iwr|
li Ml W
dmaare fraTMK «WtflY aPKCinc CO- Attemto. Ote
Oltr. ~t to Obiaco ta a mrk billed ^Sio'tber e^e a
Whal >• tree in mr
OilrOfMB Hoaak WB* dlkd to a* B bag of peiatoe* to win a flaOD
dblrte r«il*d.^Mr. WllbelM ha.
ttelaal row of *aata la (te bbIImt waga. He wa* orer three dar. oo ta mr iMlghbiw'*. wl
^ ... .
flOO-i p*r
Kaataa ToatpU. of Orate Pndaj ereoiac ko lieteo to tte Ulaa tteWip aad wa. amlj .b*l -»«>! £:Ud “tee"'‘re'^;.ir
taken oor of ihe aaok. bat aooa re
;Bapldk.BKatof wboai dealnlteor- (raled lortOR bp Rer. rraak A. ForPnrod H^
MilWr of _______ __ ■aid Dot
Oa tlw third doer. Daalel Oak* hat
rt* of Urate Rapid* oo tte kobjeot.
■r ;r UalMbon of BtaMpl. l-«. a* tlwr
,-Umu* wllli n|i t,p dale farm!>lMt. boi
reaite (te tlira* teoM talte oa (te
_ ^^ftee. little oppwtaaltr to fO 10 Uiate 'Tlw dalooo Tanwd laaid* Oai.”
laat of Ite,
... , eoAv-aearrei 6b»er parw aod ai tb*
,,... , . ,
^ I BaMdi to Btkud the fanonoo* of Ite
bare bM8 *pok«iforbollb*l^^^
^ entltlte tea Ami-Hakni Loafla* work la Oraadi la roplr to » M RlH^Md hU|^, „b* bnnn tb* tog-|wiom.
MoAlIy loo pound sacks, for (he cunvrniruce of our

Ttewiui i**"-"*^'**' ''**®

team baUdiBX* ta Uw Mrtbin half
Tb> pUat l<r A* hal
«f»«> hr W. A. Dmn. Tl* MMlac I* of tbr roapMito or<l«.
vUh flra foU Wori—ood >—■im
Tb.»o« work WM doM hr Hill
Htw. Or tiM doT. Tl.» oorpMlor work
WM IB ohorce of John E/slko. lb*
rou.notMii work bel^ dtao hr Uw
.ter oBd U>« floiahlBC hr eoatmi-i.
Tlw iwtaitte. intorlor dBiBhloC kwi




Ctpo ear Coads Cop Buggies, Driviiifl
Wagons, Spring OlagSns, Surrles, etc. etc.,

* mrived IMI Monday. Wo on ploue yoo. W. willaatiMy yoo il yoo jivo ui tbo


' Mini weak Ite* Jorflaa.
■re wtU, AcRlwoM Staab* of Hapb Oily b is
____________ wcwbn far______________ lewa oa boMrea. today
Vm. AagaM ta*. wte tea team at
Dr. Pbrer'* Ceormea Scare Hedkcal
Adrber b re« /m oa lecref* «f '


book, at jl ammp* far -tbed
AMram tW W V «

(d* IreeVoalag to al


^ K Tramte City. Mich., Xar. *0. IPOt

tmT m±m\.rn

■ THE ei^ *ljuViWiB HERALD. MARCH SO. loPg,
If yoa oro'wB m*. feel obtUod to te

Abool tuny friODdi oOlD* tSd
pw* food tow* YWr
mat tto «0Bl>r of com po»dia*Tfbtt> Ihoix 1.
IW7 l «w «. Sorrofy-»*o:B»ipl*«
«d food indBeu •rtn •oomiaod by
to Riaisd ------ —
uidroii. 1« bojat poTOJfd (bolt lltb WOddtat OMlTOJOL.. _
^ play ^titled -HnldetB-e Kaabo dlna la tew fatte
fartbebtettaf tba HWpan Oc^
BM Baad.e-.Tbo foDp^ «a« of

ortdlA^Tbte lo'bSrTtePaiaUiIor.


bead wae fcUM la Jaly. IMO. while
Saidiaf Bn on tba ■>■ Jortaa mUtoad. baeboBflroaatOfdlctateaM
te»Bl9er<te LashB eow
•Atn. BhoeaedferlflCOll



OoT. Blla OBd Ju

bar eoai>B7. will.
-ilUno dolEon Mnldoon-Uttle Helooo.
lan eofdtal. noaoUr iuoorpontad oa- Jolliaa- Mynlo Joha.
d«r lU tewi of V«w irru-j. wblsh The VUel Olnb wao rety pUana^
tefpi«lM.-do nol of «00.000
OBtartalaad at tbe boBO of Hn. H.
B aalnrfoj^afBfnotB- Ee.
offtae load la New MeztoO.
whl* tbare U Bid to be thnw Wm«
W. ZlBaMrnaa of Tneane City
(oel at TaloobU plae. Tax Oeoual*- li J.
la Norttapert today ae loxineat.
U olna etockr "
Tbe wled I.aa morod tbe too oat cd
ka (tw ewteriinle.
Lrwu J. Onat. a Kalamaaoo
Walter litamaa Iwa rotiCDed bU
■ate aad BOBUor of au old Oaaadte-Sooteb faa»l7. bae tooolrod
oaBDor ia Xortfaparl
Mte ladiaauiut tbas bli bnMba. i
eaate Onat. wbe waa aa|ipooed
ban bran killed la ib.' Uoaau
leriBBiat tbe WIIob ooCBca. Saefe
Mndew Banaen la Utah I. IbiO. U____
U eatlilod to larlie
«iU aUre and nwldlac at Belfndo. {(riead, aad after tbe bnHneae <
la dlapoeod of a np[«r
, Hob.
.- .
At Rattte Oraak. the llBltifarloiu
U. H. SoeUxTbaa had tl.e lalerlot
rood eoBFBBr wa* cwaaaiaad Than- of hie Boat ^et aowly (•ialod.
day with dlOO.OOOt^tal etot*. Dr.
: BMDbere of te WaaBa-t Clnl.
a. & Oewloi l« (mldvnt. The eonaeet Taeoday otbIuc with lira
jamf wiU Bake twaalT-flTe Tariotieo ____ OIU.
Will Saaborn left Satntday tor BnlStaked (ooda. twehe nrletW Of tdaa
Bay. aftar a tew daye' rioit la
aoapaadctsaf paddlag.
Aa mfi Indian. John Sbakaabe.
wbe Head near Potoakey. died of old
age bU wank. The draBi eerrldtMe
ebowo tel bo waa born la A|»1U IWT
aad waa tberefora nearly 115 yean
aU. Ho waa bon. «• U» ebon of
lUdteo lake, bat IB. bean Itw aa
ardteiy Ufr Ob* a raaidral of thla

^dBYB te Boter-e aazlMy. It
■akee a tnBd ef ereryooe wbo nBe
At PotBkey tbe local BUitaiy eoB|way Satnrday Mated a petwlar Bb■aipeUB f«w Moe* for ae arBorr,
wfaiob It la peopow^ to bolld oa the
Miy let near the Blaeral ball, liean
It will be 10 by 50 fBt aad two etoriea
ia beljrt.t. The coBiway U loeklay
for ae oponlac to Btor the ciato eorTloa



nor UmbM One. Balm U.»e»o-«»'e. Wro

? .r**a “aS^'iailrT”

Tbo B^|«n City Adraaoe weyo that
ter., waa BJ Uule toe tere dorlag
te IBM wiaier tet bmbj bad to All
tlBlr MotelionoB wltb loo eel
ialsad lake* Boato eooild have laadadattbodoek at any tise aiaoe tlM
elaae of earlgatua laot fall

eeeretaryof te ABeMran «o
Meiy ia Loeda.. SagtaaA bae writloa
tesotaryof Slate Warner OBKvrnibf
anozbibit of AserlBi. prodocta at
teOiyMal palaoeln Loadoa dnrlag
aiatiae period aod llioreqnoM
tlBi (be BatBr be laid before
tbe fOTOraor of te Mate aad aa oflort
■ade to Bake te (wepooed eiblbii »

SlBply a eoB of
lwyd_}iroj. Bon o<A Blood Billon

TO cr** A OOU> ut os* DAY

unite canESPOBHCE.

A Oelon BBB adrortiaB la te loea)
OUnoonaly fanarre who boogbl
papar tbat be liaa “a ereend-haad eow
iBnwl eoBe tiae ago tiAl te Moree
tte lea left tbe boy at a ilroly gait
were wwtbleB Now they are learn,
Boy one of year roUiler-TR-lT-OH.
lag that te neiee they gare la i»ying
Blmur Hoare of Orooker tewneblp,
b« bUtb aad frtoadt la Oaaada
Ottawa ooaaty. it allcgt.d to boro
BaUdiag U gnlof « (food and ll»
da wire w teOnuid Rapldoly now day*.
n ia ihte To**.
ifneketni) eleetrir intarnrhob
Botr. Lb. frota WieooMla. wao bo "loenetae epoiki fly." Thie ehort
For Intett and CUUna.
oiroatled ibe whole eyclem aa<l eaneed
SoraeB beabdafewot hlefrimM ter hoar*' delay of Waflle. Ua
dioTOto Harttpte. whOBhe prote*arreated and held for trial
adto hJBgnaadiaaea. Hr. l.e-e left QroadHaren.___________
la qtlta of te otorB Batarday
If Yo. Wleh beawifal l.t-r WblU



ni Hid Yw Ban Atwiri BnkU

U X. Bahlo'e tMfn waa

boar or to te Mora wa* cleared of
teoha aad badaoB wai i

la tbe beaeu }aM wheo It It n-oded.
Oaroi eroap. beale baine. —
wonade of erety eon.
An Year CtMte PBeOt

I'teiYofthr hznpiie won eight premmms
al the Uainmcii'* Convention, llu) an
Fja{^ l)e<au»c it gives universal satis­

vhilea^D* Uirfe^bC'.a-. >1 te.

Ibe aatboriUee at Nwaanar bare
Bade a aere wblob Bight woU l.e
followed ta arery riUage la te Male.
Tliay bare erderod tbe polte to pnreal loafer* teberiag abont tb<Tbotetet* tero beaa laeioetad for ohnrob docre aad eonen Bnaday
ogi aad aaktug tbeaMeln* oh
teaoBterooraoziona to teoenby.


jssT’cr « sss;

ad talte ttaaa Hz boon.

Is Easy to Clean,
is Easy to Handle.
Has Few Parts.
Skims Clean.


Ate Yob ITelac ADB'e rv
akehe taui roar Aen AUnU PdoVB>». *




___ at te W. O. T. D. 1•;Khe
(roBLadlagX i-BteB:
•Bled by ^

Itncb alaiB -li Ml dmong frail
rowan ia te aoatbeni Hlebigna
trait belt oret tbe wam wBter ef
te paM few teya It ia feared te
iwoob tadi will be kiU.ri if o bard
tnM toilowe te
Xu; an- t.
IruoU.. of aol

rSalStt'gWL . '

L A. JobboM U elotklag far Bloom

Mt. W.n» «l

»« ^

Be Hire to'ey an Rmpire before buy-

Champnev & r.iUeue’t. or adilren,

Box dlS. Travene City, and get one for trial;


whU'h hai created inch a, already doi^ a la^ei vcdunie
Over thii bargain li^ n-faich it g
unlay, March 2Sth, inclusive.


RARE BAHGAINS|Gnclnnf ul OBsml
w and Aw'fOMra

Friem $mnM it pitett-

t. Vatewi hai nted Hr* X P.
Plateiwi'i eelBge aad will lake
HMIIII! *Prtl 1.


M £..T*7 »«».*.
tlmcti aiMm M«/.

■eryg^ Mn. Tboraboiy trill aetlM kB thU year.
; C-ixidi Ditmet Plate*. oM

&^^Uaalv U aadaddod wbat
iwiBil n be wUl (allow la te fa-

i bi^ cn.« Tick.

r had te 1
tao ftet o( two flagm I
. tewBUl loaMMly.
Aw Aaidoa t* Boriag <a to A. E.

' OU Hi SwiiAUaA wbo te booa
hbtadM f« otee tlmo. Baaed froB a
MTb te loe. It reoererlng.
Oc. Ptaliek U addiag oeae riatwo^-

..----^ D
a X---—,



Tin on Can*. 1 gaL. - i
worih SOc, DOW only, tft

flOXClotbe* Lineno-


tUe '■6fl^h’'.b«
Handled Sight Lamp.

a lew daye wltb trted* I
Tka todiet.........................

cir..... if,
........... ... 17.

Or. iaabol X Ooi>p. wbo l> rUIttag
Mage ad baaqoBt ti fregraat flowB*
The T. P. X O. X of llw UeamaMtel ohareb will oi«b the terab

PLE.ASK NOTICE—The aborepri«* are far out of loom ptepleCBly.
eei ymi moH bring thit ad along with you when too ccane to trade ai

Togetgoodiai tbe above



iMt ftvW hrt« irt~o*»da
right td wmj Wen. W vw» wth«the p^ >n<M OM Ul.•In. they
gBtm of innlMBt OM Mlniooix-

pio. «to ««»nw tn trWM Wt

M swlT tvo tiuAnd dveUlnn.
nennWr teospnnd at thie tUw
I v<U n «e BUh nenr «i_____a»w boiUtagi cb» ooinat
7MT. oineogh tb* jTOpto* ta f«r •
rwytaar onne.

taiWn awt thon ----IlM U ue»Biin ways, npert bright
t. vltb iMX*
« ii. proem* of boiUigg ead
. «tU imbWy
•ot n *0 BDOh Wed boildlBg tU.
yw M loit. bot It b olmdy OMnd
by pW* jMfoeW ttaMtbbynrvUI
n OB* of th* bW iB may ia W
w of boUdlag
The inttmd,
tero. b amnriy tgigbt for
■killad worfcmo for uotbn y*ar at
Imt. Tbb b «m of Ulb dly, bat
tag oat aad eorrriBg
aadarionl of tWa
)ab> 4BI bead or ta |v
tag aitb*. vbieb U aa
ba.iam vill be good all thcaagb tU*
partof tb*rian-Roeerd.
Korol rwm T

rdllorially *e thr fallen of ariaUbb
ugmaltra* daUraryoa ibofiaBlaoab. altboofb U» ■Trias had bne
prmbsL aad laqalnd wbai bad baoem of It. Th* aatwr baa ban
magbt to Um atmUoo of Ongtenmn A. a Danagb. wbe. In
1 l*H*r to 3. M. Blakaolna.
"U tb* oditor of Ibo EagU ha* fira iarorillagloe to ttaU mtrir h«
Bari kaev that I to^ oe maeh lata
W la tiir ortaUbhmut of thU lOal
tnt 1 aad* It iho flnt reab W b* iaIt era tb* rent* ayooU wltbtlw
ear aad fcaov that It w tarwat aad
ably faportad t

A G«neratioii Ago

I Coffee conW only be bot^
inbulk. The»oACefiWry
tny is &e

Lion Cofee


aad that ttey will do all that tlwy
tray—aealed pat^agn, alns to telp aleag tte prapoL
vay* comet to *«fbt.
to look op
ctoao, fmb, iwifena aad
latt n tte O R A Lfiotai
Ktatotog to rich Rarer.
tey fa lb* antb. aad it b Ukaty that
ttey vill bt teard boa datsltalr bofa* rary tong. Thay onto that oo*
a a. t*lL riialirrir .
roar ago ttey maid aol bare rocoaa.u.yoBXM>x>
madad tte baltdiag of tte road, bat
aov ttey Hitsk tb* tta* b npe aad
vlU npai to th* panbi ttey raa*. team of Saanant aa hnriUy ia fara of tte bolldVlu. War. teagmrtby
lat of tte road.
\ First Rational Bank of^
®SIw tobad. I Lon Yc^Aeaatb
adyforb '
; Trarerse City pays 3 per ^
Twala oadtlw
Era riao* Rtamri • 6ta«*te-oarh** liit*rrt#*a”-Ot*o.Cte*U ^ ,
; cent on Sarliirs Deposits
Otty CbA
m gar* tte fa* o<mat osda tte
sawn* ot •*>■ •-•X' *1» o'
Sigh aebool. thera ha* ban a •
otie WenbOTK
deali* to bnr thaa agala to ooooart AdBlaioe. iMlodiag npfia. will
. Tbb dnlro trill oo* br #nri- baskonb.*
ted. ood Boab loroi* of th* city will
aa opportaaily of haariaf Ih* J-Tod Wbaotoo of Bntn H
bagaa aalt agalaat bb asat. Mr*. CbealbSBitb for 1100 daaug**. allagyaar. Tte amaiba trill b* glrn
aa addttin w lb* High Rriiool tee- lag ilu- broagbt atoaUpoz tolo hb
tan A Haab oeona fa lb* year, aad bOB*. ‘
triU bka pdan aoataCIm naa ttreaidnot.. au< to tall Mirv Or trr la aaa
dto of April. tfaea^jRe anridale
tc nrilbr-TB IT OK.
tea not yal ben derided apoo. Oi
tte goallty of tte maab tbat *111 te
; S : •*«** ambt. aad kan- aa armo ata^na o<
gtm aetUag aaed be nld
Tteax, e
tab M-a --------------- - -■
eallnoa of tte fona eomat and tba
neeptln that it norirad aaaan* that
ibm eoald b* oolhlag fartha do■tr*d
owing to tte Mont Mona* and S nn
Tte beian eoane tbb year baa ftoB Klritlgan. Bolden vat* todbben a raiy prodtaU*
porid lo ioU aad odraatad i*ton to
each aa erieol that boyen beoaiaa laI M lb* oeona I
dlffomtaad did laaotleaUr ao bayMB* tlB* ted tte
Trade frota *Mc* **» abo light
patttog aa addmoBBl u«
and boyar* aptnr dbpeaad t
■IlmBbry aoBber fer tte patnai aad aea vbri a cte
lar. whtob b i
btlte forth, nna
nr Iota.
Tbananaboet lU anbthal
Oeld wnbrteann
te arid for tbb aaribar, aad i
! First National Bank of
nraartly bopad ttel all boldrii of
Oetrelt-WlmA n>, aBdB:
nans ttokala trUl aafca It a potol te
ne tliat 111* boon it nld to tte to«
no* to ttegaUacy fee tbia *ap*elal

scahlet fever



Tb* City Opera Boon tm mwdod
BoiWy aranlte with mmban of 81
PisWt ofaatte aad tbrir frisada who
gatbarad te mtoj tte 8k Patttok-a
Oaypngtam pcapamd, and net tooldnSlly te n>oy tb* eioaltont niqier
laorided by th* tolln It wa* a brga
gnwd and toetodad a graat aao

m ecio OUST imtm db JW MW**"

ttanbarabeOB preririi tied agatori
a IfttevrisBte* banridatraefced to tbat tooallty. tbmfer*. At b ntvaly da* te tost pstln white ob- of Inbad’i petite aalat an era
toetad aadaettatteuuai if ii - tte ytar, aad looted fwward to with
ue. aol only boeaaa* tb*y aSard
talaitlaa to iby tritair toBL
ngardiag tte fteribUUy cd aa
ointrte Ito* frtn tbb oAty to Old
Mbalaa.:oo tte paatonla. Tteta bar*
a aaranl ririUar 1
tareiBbla tbaa at any prarlVhlbtra ynnaffoUMlo
totnari wteld ter* bam takte by
capttaUria te oe alaatrlo railway pnto« tori tbb loteUtr. to* teralopnatltd lb* city aad aeaatiy baraabeab be* ban io
tooksd apn Tary «Hoari.r. Brn oM yosr mo than vtn
paegda who leeksd tte Aald em. who
daelaradtoai tte Umwa*
rite f« oiallmd to OU
BOW. aad f

tbaaariarlaio *
aad it b SMBiad

teen Una tba |

It U alway* proridad aad

netwad. rrhite tntlted le ttelr ■
Tb* nppn wa* non toaa eaaally
good, tte ladln baring anrriaed their
Ttoary akUl to pnpartog tte
Tta* rapper wu aerrad ba­
ton (te nlritatoBnt. n lliat
btstoaBBnaad teair faBlllt* tote
loir laral down town aad eteolad*
B rrniag ot the ntortalaiant.
Early la tte amltig tte Boya Bead
faiabbail a
iBBbm toridadarlag tte
Tte pngiBB war rarlad
aad taogoly aatoyte. It wn a* fol­
Qaartet, "Frintehlp. Lor* aad
Btoatea Joyo*. Jeab Hernatb. Tan BaaUmatal.
'■Tte Dskit

Tte riWa taUway te Hoftbepan b
1 TaryDa----------' ateateyteoftelesAtfar'-Barray OboaU Tala* TaInUnef to*
Tboa Beats. Xiateel Dialor.
totoamyaf to* oanWttSaf tob
1th iiAin«ig»y to* PM Orahan. Albert B<
BWtatln. "Aa Anthotla Baewraiimi»togteWfaks*p*r"-Kettb Pomnl.
iBtlwvtoriUttoiteteaMtoaal*. It
^ unjirii
• - wow
tew n tM
mold nk* d*An te^ vitotaa

■npley of tba eoaqnay. toft to* alty
Prttey tor Dabelt. afnr
ne* with L. K. Ulbba.
n ana of tte otty aad nridnit

CeresoU flour is made
from the fsmous hard spring
wheat of Mianesou and
Dacota—the best produced
in the United States. This
and less rtarch Uxao that
grown farther south, conse­
quently is more nutritious.

n tba pnipaet. aad tey

t. tel
r. E4
MM*Lte&. T.A____
road vlU be botlt. aad they an aei
drat ifaai It will b* dan tbb ynt.
Both WinligarttlaBin aty that toa*
b BM toe lUghbri qaaattn bat ttat
toe KBd wtU b* baUt nniaany
ea**.aBditet U tob oeapaay daa*
aet tak* It ap, it b only a qaaaUn ot
a rary teen tin* tlU aom alter eonpaaydeaa Bethvragraad lini to*
adfBB«f** of to* toad an n abrlon
tori U nan b* brill oeoaor or tow.
Mr. Otbba. with torn atoor gntlaam tolwnm;la to* ^
Wbo wiU gri OM^ Drop me a
ban oat OB to* Ua*.aad tooporial at once. pAeaae. aad cri a akUe
ba omfrily goa* or*r agate.
toe firii time job ace ne.
Oibba tWs gmllr raeeanfad
Call (or me at Went Drag Sure,
to* prwwri. aaf It mm ttet
by Fori Ofice.
of to*
raad b*to« baiU rary
Mr. Oiktentatasd Writer smltel
trem bto trip o««e tte raat* wllfa



tte iteNtri. aof b* b emy weU
pimaaf wUh to* trip, tte mw* tta
*f*r eearlaoaf tori to* rta wUl b*
brill, aaf ibat to tte *tey a«te (a-



weaU ter* ban la opaatln
bri fall bad It aet bm fa tte laoof alarg*
. .
fldiag St a near Old Hbrioa. ftlid
with tbo P. a
t of tte I
pr«pi* ea tte pnliuala <BB *fn* aad
nally vast Ite roob tliayoBa ter* ' Bay oaa of year maUar-TR-TT-OK.
antiea triihla rizty teya T1
to fan nnl ft** d*llr*ry apOD aa
auvUltag propl*.”
It vtU bo a*** by thb. a* bai bon
goBotally kaevB. homra. that OngfiwB Danagb ha**aat*d hbbori
to ter* thb
aad that ttenlymna that it hat


More dothes are nibb*d out than worn out

wiO qiare your back and save your dothes.
Better and far more economical than soap and
other Washing Powders.

New Footwear arriving early. We
are showing many new designs.
We have placed on sale several
newline*. We shall make a spec­
ialty of Reiliable Footwear at Med­
ium pricee. Our leaders will be in
the $2.00. $2.50. $3.00and $3.50
grades. Our $2.50 lin^ will be'
the strongest in the city. Call and
let us show you.

Tine Fartn-Ebeap^^
rianyOltiar Farm

Job Work of all Kinds Cal! at the Herald Office.

Arrived Saturday, cfir load of
horses. Some heavy draft,
some farm chunks, a few nice
drivers; weight from 900 to
1600 pounds. All stock guar­
anteed as sold. I also have a
few heavy cheap work horses.
Also a few good lumber wag­
ons, second'hand, some heavy
and some light. A few top bug­
gies and spring wagons.
Kindly give me a call.,

Special values in Crockery. Glassware and
Fancy Articles can now be obtained, as we bny far
cheaper than any other firm north of Grand Rapids.
Here is yonr chance, better take advantage.


Call And see our line of noods which is

Excelled by Hone
on the Market.
complete, and in Addition We Have a $2,000
Stock of goods bought of James A. Moore esute
At doc on the dollar on which we can ceruinly save
you money. This is a ciean-up lot, ALL GOOD,
but must goon same basis as bought.
One Good boggy will outwear four cheap ooea.
Our aim if to furnish GOOD GOODS. Price it
the least of our troubies. Good goods are what you
srani. We know it. W’hen you are sure of getting
a good aitide the price takes care of itself. Yes.
we have cheap Top Buisief that go a< $40-

Plows and Repairs.
V. K. l*OI-ANm

We have rented the room which oar bazaarnow
occupies and are about to remove the bazaar to the
rear of our book and stationery department.
That we may not be obliged to move more than
necessary, every article is being sold at cost and
' •,

Before Making Your Selections for Spring


t5t6>at 411 SttGe StRCt.

l AII Goods in our Bazaar |
DepartiRont at Cost««|

Cheap Goods Like Cheap Help Cost Most and Serve Least.



mall oarla or U>* City.

6rand Craoerse Cand


Frank Friedrich

S8d ClMhtlC HtSK.

a ei«y, MIqH.


JS Acres in Irdt, tome berriet.
10 Acres more clcAr. good
house And bArn with WAter
from well Three miles from
SMI jIw *1 to It. «HiM hr 0Ml JW< «M*tTVaim
Addrem Bos______ _____

s^ Tnvene aty.


But the Buggies
We Seg are Good.

Traverse City Implemenf Co.

131 State Street

Citizens Phone 666

Traverse City


»■ ftl6 bRAkb.tiUVBWB HBRAU), MARCH20: IflOa.




spcrCon tlnweiwTlae

T. W.C.W. P. ■■all!

Tta (oUewtot «AoMt ta«« taa
tooMd hr tta Toaat VaMB'sONia

«Uk hum, »fmiw
WM U U>* •aptOT Ctf tM OMnl of lh« CUtMUM'«Bla ef tktool^.
oworrrtdtir mntat «f V
Ueesiial Oa. tei«MlTi«Ui mtk

la tad tta> iTl wUtad B biota I
tad Hit
■ ■Bwdlot mwaiT Tallj Ua- ' woaU
>.1__ • - .
___ mt-JZ—

ofcoodt. MoUMrf flMMkl

mgimm B|»
BobortX :
Ibe H. ft K. B. tmllmd. «hOM redtem.toi bMB t> tU* oltr to WT«>1
7«n. raaoTod W«>r with Us toUlp
le TlSTOne Oitj. wh«ra tUgr wfU
tbUr foBB* ham^ Mr- Itoia's
(nUr u SB adaabls aa. o»<l II U
wlfti ntrrl wo l«« of tholr dnpart'

~ -~g~e-.-rv-r7|^niiii liianlnnoiierco wm ur



HTOIr briot UlsM.
DooMMd «mM yoMioCoc*.
toTM B Wife. tohw.
•tom nd • toXbw. tat ae oUtooo.
Xta Uher bUoos of ,tta ottr •*MbM • hrief mrer arrioe M tta
homm Sotap wd m Mtm»v tta
hedr wua Uk*B to ObbtIU* to tato-

jhltafttah otaa >11 tatar aodtetaso


Stoarar wtaUr tatad a* i
•• ■<>. BtaolBB
n OtaCta. OoldB. Lb
jurtppo. nritamiitital ■lIThnaT ibiI
s^lLwTitablta. Pile* to BtaU-ODL
* ^ THUboWto toe Bl 8. K. WbIi ft
Sta-saad Jta Q. JohanD'o

Third Ttopmitoii

idoa. BaadB7. Manh M. ito,; m with b
•Btar tta MM cf
PMhwlek ft Straw. ItartaoetoMd
tlM tet|o talUlBC Bl tta eomr of
•raiuaad Eicbth ttnn.
when Mr. Btroac wUl c

—i«n-» - - ■-------

taBta Mr. aad Mrs Otarto:,«tond tar peraaraUT «ln>l«d. |
ttalr BldBa ftuefato. Mac- She foil ftra a Udder aad ifljarad tar !
Ctawta KiTta is aarTtifo to Mr. {aptaB Ba Uwa Uata mo panlTtad |
iLorai OarllM. of HeMtoMtol,utiaUr.
lUbT. etoer of tta tato.
-------------itiiaaid tad to Ban A-Baacaao'
WorMna a* Bo«ro a Dap.

...............- M
bt. BtwUeh
Bt wUeh tta local Blcfa
Blfli tehool
Mr. Peotarlek will taro taarfo of o botattfol diner was oorred. Tta | OBsaooo, Fotm aad AyoB. Ttay baoathtoee will eoapott f* boooca with
all OBlaiSe work aad
tta other Blffa •etaelB. Tboo Is (Obb
skea. Srall. taste
naop assfol aad bnatifal laottata.
•xedlout aatarlBl taro, and tta Sold
all klads of paialioc. ]
and ttar leave with tta boot wistaa bi S. h Vail and Son
tap woolU ta a fcoot
lofalL Ttaj left to aa
Fob. tlb roeolTod
ItHpooBth this laanliicIt Ortad Bapids as
(Hr tIarBsl 2Cow Ooao.
TboouBtal Bootiocof ttaOtatral
IteotOBtat oeloeel of tta BcooBd
Bedsaalac thu moraine, all imbMlohicta bricBde W. a T. U. was bold Pridap ator,e Mias of pelosooa. hap. cn».
Tlio Bota. Ttaanoal reportoof tta i-anHank
- tiiat eplcn-it-* tattle aad oltar twodore oanaot be
I deoo darlBc tta tast
on ti>e
as olotaad ta a larco aatowho tare flieae predaeu fv ale will
TUi la a Torp fiae imltiaB.
ta loqaltod to CO to tta oitp aarhrt.
Ofileen to tta eosoiac pear wi
Tta Um of eesiBBto ta tta Baoood
The ordiaaaoe leqairiac thu bai ben
U as follows:
Taittlnc. dmeea ae toUowo;
Is fora for
Proeldnt-Mro. P. B. TnrU
Otaad Budda. MoekecoD. tacltaw,
PiTsi Tlee preUdeat-Mrs. K.
boss ricidlp aoforood. owiac to
B(. Jota. Owoaeo. Marl<«. TioTorae
(act that tta market wos not la
Soooad Yiee prooldtat-Mro.
J. ditto to property aeoocamodau
T. D. MeMuae ft Oe. Iiaro e
irodaoerm. Now. howarrr. the eealrs Fll4 IP CtpiUL
lUlied a traaoli atore la ocmaeciioo BlcUtad.
are la place, tta market fruoads
Third Tlee |
with tta masM btulaoss of tta PoR4.M0

prepared. lUe ocmle of pricea (or
Tlu bnaeli oloro wUl ta lo- Otatla
wolcfalac taTo beoe mode low i«eacl>
tatod at MS Bast Proat etrooL two
for BBT. and tta erdtoaeo will ta on.
WMt of the PamoBa. ood wUI
be la ebarao of Baa HoMtaae, ta oxTitaOBror-Hio. P. 3. Pish.
larltacod jiBlator ud paper haacor.
PalatlBC aad ps^ta taaciiw of all
L HillM. who toe c
klade will be attoodod to. aad a larpo
Tcarene dtp OoBmaderp Kal
•»eml pean in tta
•took of fiae imperi will ta taro
Toaplaro bold ttalr aaaaal MoeHac More when ta is new loeatod. oeor
whita will oeeapp ita
last waok. at wbleh the followUw
tta lett oB», will olioaco bis lomtl<« abeal A|ril liL Mr. Miller ta.
C.aOarUrotBnrd poatordap from a
teoood Ita ea.l nero of tta dtp Book
>-K. J. Mercu.
tripBorth, wbereta weal la tta inj sure biota, oow oreupied bp ilotart
CUptaia OeaerU-D. T. Oamptaa I ft Beotaor with a erotairp
lerooU of tlie propoeed tola Bookh
Prelate-O. O. Moffat L
B K Boll. Pr.eodre>. Je.. T. Heallr H J
ToBide of tta D. U. K. K. la IhU
{TbU slock will be clmocod and part
Trretaror-^. T. Hanaah.
clip. Be rooelTod erTsniees appllealofltplaood latta hack of tta City
Rowrdor-Samnel Oarlaitd.
«t~»« Proa Baltaeks aad toeelred
Bota store and a pan ermt to tta oc
proMtos of aerersl laora
laap-s etoro io Blc Bapida
Juter Warden—Jtaa P. Oil.
■BOfa oeeooneed in other town
The .tore will be fli '
Wator—J. Parteeh.
toadrac store bp Mr. MIU.t aad

Jackets, Suits, Skirts
flew Spring Line Um On Sale

We are showing the largest, most complete line of ladies* ready
to wear garments ever shown in Northern Michigan. These cuts
represent three styles of suits to be found in our cloak section.
No. 417 %t $ ] 2.00. No. 402 at $ 15.00. No. 415 at $22.50-50
other styles to select from.

Our $10.00 Suit is a Wendtr. Jisk to Stt It.

whitai ta wiU do


Out StTlnn Department

CIrciilstion this week 2,475.


' ta

lii iUtialtofto BalkMka, it ortll
m. U to ta stroaclp to|«ta
ud other towns will omko aa eqnallp
pood sliowliw.

—eroB more aitiael ire aad 00aoeaUnt than tta ooe ta oow oecopiM.
Beatlael—A. O. Dewwoa
. ThU will !"• o cood looBtto and tta
Tbe eonmaadrep aeoepted u iarlta- ftore will 1011 his porpuere admirably
lOo to attod Easier ■•rrioos at the

Ooerce tolbor. tta Ttarecoe City BapiUt eharefa.
oeairaetor. ti ta CUdlllac today
foMtaw with Arthar H. Webber and
Dr. B. B. McMbUiw eoaeemtap
creattarod by laritattolal tta
talldince wfaieU will replace tta
of Hra atid Mlee Otatsw at *30
occupied br
Park stroet. and epeol the OTetiinc
Poraoa Brattan ud Bslwia Paqiirtlo;l


CJkCT hkT.

Mr. toSiMWin
toU« will be
bo ciPCB
wilb fan faloro. UoUc
the eoBtraet
to those bolldluirs by Mr. Webber
which tta company defartod to their
aad Dr. MeMollea.-Oadmac Newa
•operal homes. weU pleotad with tta
evi'nioc's onUrUinmeiiL
WUlUs a WlUta aad BOB. of tta
Maplr Bill Farm. Clocoley. Hleh..
itlypoohamd tbs followlac
Tta tta
year old Hanmree PletctaewVoL H>.
peCodW: tberodOrr year old POob‘--PoL il. ISMCO Ml. froM r. 3.
. Howell. Hieb: the elx year
old todr TIeterla ted-VoL 4f. pace
Ol. fram O. P Marble, Howell.

Mra. W. a tlmto taUralnesl tta
Uafc Park toeben yeetolay at a fire
o'clock laactaoo In bxaor of Mto
PUklaa Tlio table, wUeh was htaalifally deooratod in idak tanmrtOBs
aad foras. was si>read (nr olcht. and a
dellcioas iopa.1 was most daintily

(hediawlac > m where (hv inllowlof ptecram was readereO;
B. B. Tea Ploet. for aeroal years
Vocal aolo-Ulot Wlleox
They tare also a doe (we year
wmMi repaliM to W. a ft B. A. red Watarloo Sborthera belU Dak«
RerltaUoo-Mlii Taylor.
OmoU. has aooopmd a cood poeiito Paiadto So. ItTSW. boacht n
Piano aolo-MUe HUto
laOtav. nia
foodlac and Berto. Hhftoty (toftdtota Mto Pllktaa
AftothU tome time woe epi
en. Mloh.
lire J. M. Tbeams. who broke both
names aad tta rMte deported at aa
btataof tta lewMlec amoatb

Bar is Clear of Ira.
Tbr ire Is praetlMlly out of Orand
TraTerse Bay. tl.e moot of it haploc
cleared Ita Ulaad Pri.Uy uic>>l.
Tbe bar fnae this prer on tlie ISih of
Frtaaorp. wblob moke, a |swtod of t»
days that tta ioe ooreiod it.

Tta Oiaad Rapide Hreald of yaeIMdM has IhU to asy of Ttaporos
Win KmtoopU telU that ta Ita
0»y base hall proeiueu:
•Wkdapef Mantata aaaaayhmTiaoey OlUU. maaacer of tta Trap
- Mftotaat BUTtr Lake, ta fooad two
tee Oily tMi la to Mlahlgaa State
Mfoe. was la thr city yosterdoy cm
hU way 10 Obicaffo. Prom (brer ta
torn BawMO Hkrbor Monday aflM- wlU CO to West Badta. where ta will
Mmaadioek aearce to b<w poto* ride 0D tta water wacoa to
Tataftoy motatac. .
weeks la onlta to cet la etape to ths
Hia H. a Wbeelota of Eeyetoe. tard week Ineldeat to the raminc rnaptehad abeaqaol of arbataa March
TraToree Oity will bo la 1
IMh. tta urttol it hai era ben
Btoc with to resTof (ta loo
food ta Meotam la thU recto.
tta elreaU and BwM as to rtay to to
ftalfh. Itaroalnadp Uadod rereial
itaftiW Bhtaito Dtooy ortlaroMeo coed taU playera. tat I will aoi
to to Aaortcaa Express Oa athU
dr^tacroal theeernHof Onto aad

OhicBce doeki from
,s>iipmoaU(othU locality. Tbe dock
tare is new open U<t freichu to ta
iwiau Monday.
Pm tlie flrsi time la 1« hlstorr sc
far as reeunled. Qraml Trarerev Bay
oowed wilb a
.. tad beta dnpee
took to tta tay. ud tta cold lue
(Based aAret of tee to form op«r

etraek with a eul hook handle a few! SCO. died a( hU tame at Platte j
Thareday from peritoltia ae the n- ;
•alt of tb.' lUarp.
Mr. Staa woe
ealy U pear. eld. nd one of (ta mori
I of PUtie. ud hU'
dsotb came at a rrai ebook tebUj
nmay trleada. Panarel m
held at tta Platte eehool bow ftatar
.lay. coodBCUdiz.Rcv.Hr.Wade. aad
. betatlCr6«aloffMia«»ehowod
tbe bleb refl^ la wbleb ta was bold
Alin- May
Mayaaid. to oaly
daacbtM of Mr. and lira A. J. MayurdeftlT WaUlactW ftrsoi. dtod
mornlBC at 10 o'riockef ■oarlet fever, at toapewt «p« ud atalf
A oboH faaeral Mrrloe wa»
bold at Ibe ctavo Tbartday at 10
e'eloek. Tta tator of tta little oee
I sow taflerl^ with to dUoaee.
Tta little m was a pvtieeterly
bricht. prMiy and lorable child. She
was a playmate of Joamiie Mills, tb.mchurof Mr. and Mra EIi>b
who was taorUd a week acn
Boaday. tavlac died fraco tta mm«

tlee bae
odwlta’a^IoeelbleTtcM by to
ftiB ri Hale ft Tins. wta> wUl have
etarffe cf tta auttaMU dloretol of

ofioeo of to Kortbare aeptam. has
bsta eacofod to tako tta ptaes vatatad by Mr. Bata to to State bank,
Mr. Bilbeeiae ha^Mvod at to w
■totonts ta to UM sriU BDt
ta to iwneiit eOoM to the Markham ahUtomefteaay dtatahmas to tta
lam.ferftve yrasoad psovtaaimthat
ttafc tad ble oca MUtea wUl mIm
tlmr had hota taettaoad tasMaetar to
taodtaM ta Mady taw. Mi. Poomr
to TiBvesM City fhieiniM Oellaca
wiOhare^oMta ttaaow WlItalM
Tttma rrera. Wreewera.
Be ta u ospact Met
sad WlU
{key oaa at pear MtaUeh-T3UX-OB. Ido waU ta hta ara

IM hta besa dlcsolvta by mataal oca-

(BltfaM Mote to to -i-lTT


Don’t bup a Black Sateen Shirt Waist
Until you have seen our No. 742 at $1.00. The best
waist on the market for the money.

Our Cine of

Spring Shirt Waists
Are now on sale and such a line! VouMl want two or
three of them as soon as you look at them --

SO Cents up to $4.00

J. W. Milliken

The popular priced piano that meets
the popular demand, is fast adding _i
names to its already long list of pleas­
ed patrons. For a medium priced piano It is a marvel of '
workmanship and good qualities. We want you to see those
and let us quote prices and state our terms of selling.



fveivbody Sa^is...
Wt stlt thf •

Best Weariuq Shoes in town

Wt mtSM to rttMim this rtputoHoa.

Our Prize Winners^
MEN’S FINE .SHOES - New spring
■ jngres«—Tip or
styles — Lace or Congre^plain toes—equal to any C '
Sj 03 shoes ypu everrsaw
saw WX*W
styles — all good leather — light
heavy soles—Kid or Patent
Tips—All the wear and J
^yle of high priced shoes


«««]nways Arc Beet !!*(««••


Until you have seen our No. A 2 at $ 1.00. It’s the best
skirt for the money.


tta tay I
Ita lee U I
la tbe least w

W*. McBride, ta old
cf mu ctD. rotarwed Thareday to Us
taut la Oresawood. British Oolambia OilyOasOo. ra Tta Mayor and Uomator a ftps waok's rUlt la ftiU ettp.
CoBBcll of tta City of Trarene
Hr M oacacod to mlatac.
OitT tas boeo ftaaUy derided by tta
■me ooort of tta state, am
BMMtnttadeiit B. A. Howard of
Mayor Paiehla^ OltyAtthe Bart Jordu pabUc HbooU. U la
to eilp today insitatoc oar MhooU. unv Oroee and a lot of oilier peo(de
are eemopoodlnclr iohUut.
Tta news was rereired la tlie city
abeot 6 o’rieck Toesdap eotalac by
lleeom. ___________________
Mr. Orom. la a mlecram from Ohaa. C.
Bopklas. elMk of tta enort. Tta telChkrle* E. Kale and Lroo P. Tita*
B readslBply: ''BM-dMopaap
have tatored law a eoattact with to
ra oomato oonaeiL aSrmed ”
Mataal Uf.- laearaace Oo of New
daeUto of Jodee Hopae to
reck 10 act as
thas snstaioed. and tta pMtto takee tbli port of Ita emu. Mr. Bala wbo
bp tta riip U etobUita-d.
Tbe ea-' bM b(«a eoployed ia to TmvotM
rap U1 MMomphU. Tana., orrind
noon will ant order tta oooneil Olty Btau Bank fM a aamber of
Uycaemaiiu yeora baa rmicawt tta poritto. to
to take oSeol at tta eloae
laKbe ftreetc node* dlipete.
Jset wtiat polDU la to care tlie de. of tliU mulh. aad will drreto all hie
Irioa was based epee is aet kaoww timo to tlw new week. Mr. Titae will
traa to Pltal Katiueal
: Delrota haear- aad will not be aatll o eopy 6t tlie
Mra E. Batma
s roeclTcd. Hr. Orom tae baak. tool WlU devote hU spare Ume
of to miUiaefp
ad aiitatloe to to wMk.
oopy of the
ot to Boom Stewe. Bta
The Motaal Lifo of Hew Terk bae
bp Him BatMeftta- wUl pcetahly reoelve it la o few daya
Tbesv tae been a'creat deal of la- not tota repneutod bme (M eoaae
lota. M oipMt preparer, ud tor wlU
ud toir taelaeMla tbie strtetra In this cMO. not ealy amoiur
to mnabart of to eoanoU aad to
Oily elftriaU bat aaMoc (ta ell
y trtodsof HIm Oorrle
Ttare are Mveial wocon
Baiiras will rofftot to Irerii tfaai the
{ Ubi are sottlod by to deririoa. ai
t. so low wUli tabarealosU at Oroee
aoawtadr will iwotably sa( eyrars
Bft^smL Oenett, ttal ctave tean ore
------- •ri■ «/•
fM ber Ufa 1------ ---^
Bred to Dotreit elSM IsaviBC Me« !
Vaheat tares yean ace.


ire colnc oat 00 tta UUi of
Tlure is now not to ellctaet bindlaee to taTlcaiico on Ibe faap and
be Tra»er»- Bsy Liae
Monday. , Tta- steamer
OolnmbU becan maklac trips
. to bap poiaU on Moadap, whish wUl
ta enwUp MqrneiBlod net oelp by tbe Wear it to Rti well,
people alooc the staree but bp Trai
andcleaoly. I-lasy
erte'Oilp |»oi4e and mi-tobanu ceorr
to remove. The pores

early tamr.________________

a able to lit op I

In Perfumes
quality, not quanUty, i* the main
poiDt to be eoumdered. Our selec­
tions are tbe tesull of careful tests !
years of perfume study. . i
of tbe kind that canpH
bv air
\Vc would l>e pleased
jodKc for >

Don’t bup a Black Sateen Skirt

Opposite &nU Office.

The Leader of ail Pianos, has just been added to our stock.
It is almost unnecessary to use words to describe THE
BRADBURY. The whole world knows its good qualities.
For more than fifty years it has stood where it does today—
the peer of ail pianos. We have them in different styles and
makes of cases. Shall be glad to have you see these beauti­
ful instruments and test their rare sweet tone.

Always pleases wherever it has been plac­
ed. We have several styles of cases, built
in the most artistic manner. No trouble to
show these fine organs. We have a splen­
did instrument designed especially for the
Sunday school room, chapel or church.
The tones are rich and full and when play­
ed to its fullest capacity, can hardly be dis­
tinguished from a regular pipe organ.
If not convenient to call-then telwhone or drop us a postal
lifesman will gladly call and
card and our special traveling siiwsiti
give all desired information.



MfeKAlAt^MARCM 20. iBpa
•trlltea a moh Plod.

riHl^ with bw MW. Hn. A» M-

‘-tana maklad far aaraeal year*

Mr. aad Hra. JaS Pika ar<m»ac




^aad Hn. B-ary BaUwafOe.
Ota, am aaeriac «• their pm hwa.
did an weca pood tMa all the
Im I. am
aaae aaed. Tbay
iMTr al.
ae kept «y arlfe y exeaiyal jMalth
twyaara. Bba wy* Kiaearte

W, I


yTiaacater for wmk. raa dowa weakea. Heetbw wadiedDr caa take lu
- iUr"

• paaiaatard
Tall A Soae aal Jaa O.


______ t^gSy>SSSi£jS
at tba Biee wbeai beaaa
t Lawptn. aeetbrr of Mr*. W.

are always perfect
To eknan oI <*Ui£ uid
t>«n7^ fiDlih it i«Md the
o( f»ltlM> fit->ad
there'* e fit for ertry (aem
(arm »B
WOOLJBX iHoadiUlte.
■ ••-


, or Furnishings of any kind at the



s5, r. *10. tii

fren aU atatiem to potau y M.«taaa. Idabe. Oravon asd Taabloytoe.
Ito faUparttealan aad laforaMtieo



Horrible Outbraek
"Of larer ectre CO aiy little deacb-

.■HI.. 7.'-.., Sl.iMi.

Md hwd-'wTttaaclD. I*bilHo?K«-


ae eaa^ate y_ ««„

M't^Serrood.wfao ie a^ for bn
All report a food
Hr and Hra EoBdaea. eanuy of
Dfaa. Oharlea and Bldaey Bala* are
I. Knedaco, harr rata^ to their
eery baiy now itattlM HMt
oaa y Boyaa FalU
ready to make aytap
K P. lake ofTn
>f Tiaaena Oily, wae
Mre TltliiM by aooi
of bar aehool at tbe Kmale aebcnl
wtyMlx doUan waa tba
.-v-J»ad. which wlL U apeot
for IliBBry booba
Thie tpaaka well
AtMhtUie t« aiBlD
le the bst
Urt. Jeaaie Dorsaof Lake Abb area forUto talii* her dm
8«oMt cobool ecareettoB.
wiUi bar aleeaa aad relatita*
^ Jue Obcndler. who fau tpeol
the winto In Onsd Bopidc, rvioned
of B_________________
beoM Fridap ud now ihe leqciM
Obarlae Orabaa bae rataiaed
oolUad v Mmst or la toholitof •» • •

- DtlMOharleveix after epeedlhf Uie wloter Tbaraday era&yf.
too IMS to chl> PM* * n>* Bnld.
W. BlaAanii of ElMalr) wbe liae
Ian at tlwU aoeial held y the uhandL
lately ratamed fron IlUa* h ryited
which 1* pdaiad cwlp to Ih* vaafc.
TbwewiU be* bee Wedoeeday tc
dnw atawe to boild the'-------------------Hr. aod Hra Bafae R. Batw drare
over to Lake Jaaetiaa Sanf
•r ntallar-TB 1T.OK.
Waltcf Pm.- y T**7 ilok.
Mn. Pnak Oaut ha* fcee to bar they daMbter. Ooldia, wiM


I'pllee Oa”™£*caote'ai
Lit A Boat- aad Jaa O. Johi


124 Front Street.
Traverse City. Mich.





Co with the crowd to

50r. T.'ic. $1.

T. B. WoUandw.
PMrirt fmmtofm Apeot.
OtZd&pid*. Hlofa.

A earwiae waa ciraa OaaHaim Hobday ali^l: orwbBeaaaywaiaiBaeaot

Very Lowest Prices!


Jeha HeMatry y etUI alek.
P. Oram y balldlat <» bU
aed wlU wore thy apriap.
;jobs BemaU pareliaaad a drirlM
borae laat weak.
^STklM Batb aad Katy Fiaalar


►uiT, Hat, f^AiMxs

Ihw ibenbae


Man, ifyouwanttobuyanice. "Up-to-SnufT*

in the




Grand Traverse Region.

. 2?£i.'rA?'

notbar-a. Mn.
(■ etM»r*»
- Baadar*.
- • r*»o
Q.IM • Bomha we nUM *
Leri OCX wM by wood oMhlM M
Bin Oortlc Ooaiba baa been eon.
aad to luT bed witli etefcoeea let
Jak* Storrr.
boat Ml week! aad itlU y no better.
HaiTlN LfoawaaootlB tbaooutir


Blankets and Robes

with ftiende
We are y bopaa that It arcB't to all I
ttlk about tto railroad yu Mbm. 1
doof think we eaa to aUe y etasd
Thwedar toa the appar p
' le be Lae beau at work.

__ _______

re of Tiaren* Olty.

a* ef
The alMlM aeheol will be ecetlBhaTlM two
Bad a half '—i knen.

Berria OnwBUielM
The atom (or the Um few day* ha*
•Med the alei^ a«aia.
e>. rw4..4 tad that--------wedo> hy>t«ht


BeTadbaea away pan

y-lm I
Hitt HaadPbaattaof Sbatland. U|
rllUac bar aytar, Hra Ftod wyoie. |
JehnSboaek tod a ban mialec Batjdar. ItyifiadditloB y the

ptoriaf at yu arriilM.
Hit. Will Strobo went to Ttararte I
ity Batarday y raany a lew day* I

A few odd pairs of
Wool Blankets at
cost to close out.
I have'about six
firstclass FurCoats
left which will b e
closed out at less
than cost. I offer
a big bargain in
these coats.

W, O. Qraea, depowooonty earrey-

TnTOM atr.

Dr. Faya waa a aaller eu Tbaraday .

plwwat callw ea Twaaday •
TIM new aUl tea baeo d Me (died


Jerypon Taeaday.
Mm. Bayiead ef Kwypett waa y
nre Fttd^.
Ketara Hoaa Bagan and WiU BmUfa
rat* ia y wa Tbaraday.
tto E«l*r dlttriol. a



We Wish to
Sap to You


jtocked wiTb new Spring Merdundiw.
We have been vsy areful in our purckaaes tha

Our good valnei and tow prket win *ow j-ou

that we ate goii^ to nve you more mooey and give you
"Better values than ever befijre.

Our prices wfll be low

notyiy on our cheaper linei bat abo on our medium
The latter includes the best gocls


20,000 Rolls Of
Olall Papor

Bay rtreat


Watov* baaa faavlyc AprU waaibw
aotoy Hareb.
Hra E J. Daaa asd Hly Aasa Dean of tmpetaaeb lofom aod - ter alaaaa
m Oip
yet Bay w y Tr__________
Uvlag. ptayiMl. me^Awd BiataL
Hra Dwn axpaew to laaaaa an fc
Editor ■
beraaw horn at toFmiy. lad.. i
I bamUttre
yyHr. Daaa. wbe ^
bam '
.'•!^1 atartad Honday bi
y tto MltiAam eOe*.
nay Iwva Bttay triasdi tote who

,k the stock that awaits you—a grand sdectioii.


prices are the lowest ever quoted on same qualities.
Step in and see our samplg

it's a plearay to show


earpets, Cinoleums,
maflings « «
Oa Cloths, etc., that win make you our cuttoiiier ii you
have any wants in these linek
8000 yards Grass Mattiag, sli^y damaged
by water. S6e and 4$c vkloea, yie pnec.............


Carpet Warp, bought at aocrion, white only.
_______ ____________ ^ . julag.
tki^ wwa praaoBt awd a pltowat
brnwaarepytod brOMyeoag pa»-

per pound..


Wtt. Wright wa*y TravarylCity
J^D^^^rLmodt City’vn
A Sb# yogiaa waa rawdwedat tto
^iwortb Imawa attviee Bawdw *atolag. Itod^lUtt Battle Aytaawertke
Haraliall Hawaii et Bharm. tt viaitBaary Haytony aad Oao. easy a
tag wly bu alMw. Hra W. B. Jarattlac Martw Davli'
yaar’a wood.
»• too*'
Several yoaac pawiU did wet alto
Bav. B. Z. Devyof cyvelaad. O..
tto daBce w Etagaley tto
la ink.
ink. own
btoj^^|M te^ putaray of tba
«tto bad waattor.
wa WH eaUad y blr
ar wai y FIfa Ittto
w y Fite Ittka. bit wife
* toiBg
BB arrived t__________
E A. PUotor flCUad y Utrtew laat
totoa bam anaollto
a baayay mlltoa. teal weak. Be U
Hitt Lola Walkar aWtodad tto tt
tote OB a kto day*'
wall .iMto Jato BarbtoUw’i _
yWalm Hoa-

I £

—...1. It n. H


The greatest values you ever yw at $6, ftM. *10.
m *16.

FiBBk Body and vUa 9
•I Hr. HBybetry-a
AiW»r_ Walkw Uw t

iMtttoyASoB. yaatadu
baUdtto oa Bar* May aire


'Ji iS:


I Grand Rapids Furmtnrt Co.|

there never was a time
When you could furnish your house or buy an odd piece of furniture for as little
money as at present. My stock of House Furnishing Goods is complete. Any­
thing you need in your house can be found here at the very lowest prices.

For Vour Kitchen

For Vour Parlor
in ev«y detail -every depaitinent wiH be re-

wa Haaltea lilaod Taeaday.

pertadapeady raeerary.
Daam Purito waa.yp gml of Ed~
> Avery drove y Fife laka
law Bataiday
rday and eai
earn beak Mmday.
Be vlaitad hit atatar.
W. a. FUa U balldiva taaaat HoOartby and wUa
beaw OB bU torn y to oeoaplad by
Frank Oomatec*. ayptoyad ee tor
_________ waa oallad to hii boay at
Hr. Tayrt ntaraad
Eaptra Batwday. '
tfaU Borayg.
Tto Itotwa^^Tto^by q. ^HalttM
Bagar aykinr baa eom to a atabd-


Smyrna and Axminsters. all sizes, ii rich
Oriental and floral designs.-up from 90c.


and better grades.



."V. ■'

No old Stock to select from, all 1902 patterns.

are ratning in every day—the}' are complete


wiuyc, we are (lad y tow.

Chinese and Japanese Importations, plain
white .and fancy colors in stripes >and in­
laid. 35. 30. 25. 20 and 12c yard.

All grades, plain and printed, upfrom 45c

iB towB thy

Paw Halaw. Otoriaa and Hlai LydU
raUeo -ware y attandaiioa at tto
aaaa ctmi by flra. Tea Laird.

am Oip. wna bi



fwmriy ewaad
April iw
Hra. ABM CBlgbl
Said yrlFTlday.
>1 y Tn
Hn. Uaoiica Badfar----------------amJJtty latt Satarday to a abort

.OHK *
t UBOiCk-fITATE' •

*1^ a^ Uir.

B,V^^SS^Um«fh tl.U lowMliiii
iatd hU am mKiIb the ditT*
to itoto. to* riilit of .to. told toto
While taadM >•'*0* wMet-*'
H* olto Knot toCtotboaght the eteaai ana*atoCbat
- -Mopao eecMh w tan the arbeel

doiaftaad woek.
Ki. DaUTetaiaed fnc
•oaMh Vlcblfah laat II
alek BOW with la ftlppa
iMiny Tomtt letutw


A complete line of all wools, cotton chains,
unions. Ingrains, granites antS hemps, in
the latest patterns and coloring. 65, 55.
40.35,30, 25 and 15c yard.

John T. Beadle,

IM to blB aboat it Be eat it the
flnt aUayl* be pat tintiach.


—fWe Have Them

Every suit a winner—the hi^ yoo go.

tto better, rtf cdbik. bat saltsbctiae and aervice evwy
lime, DO miRet whidi you select.

Oitr 6rmd Svriag Opwiaa
Oconrs Iksi Cb«rs4ay.

ive a lai^ line of Carpets from 15c the yard
We have
0 ihe finest velvets. Rugs all the way up from
35c to the finesu I-ace Curuins from 35c the
up to the finest Brussels net and Irish'point lace.
Draperies, we have them in all shades of material
fromagood Chenille at S1.75 per pair and a good
Tapestry at $1.50 per pain up to the Oriental De­
Fine Parlor Clocks and Clock Shelves, fine quarter
sawed oak Parlor Tablw for $2.25. Rod
Chairs from 95c up to the finest, upholstered in
doth and leather.
Couches in all styles, from a good full spring couch
at $4.75 up. Fine five-piece Parlor Suite, uphol-stered in Velour, for Sio 75- I'^om that up. Odd
Divans as low as $5-75- nicely upholstered. Center
Tables, from a solid Oak bund at 55c up to the
finest polished Oak and Mahogany.

A Rood square Cook Stove, guaranteed tobake ^


From that all the way up to a fine steel cook.
A fine Steel Range, high closet and reservoir,
all complete, nicely nickel trimmed, for------ 25 75
All styles of Ranges, with water fronts if you
want them, or with reSersoirs.
Tinarare, Woodenware. Graniteware and N'ickelware
in all styles.

Olasb Days

We have a large line of Washing Machines. Tub
Wringm and Bench Wringers, the largest ever
shown in Traverse City.

For Vour Sleeping Room

For Vour Dining Room
We can furnish you Matting for the floor for fr’om
9>ic per.,yard up. Linoleum. 55c per yard and op.
Oilcloth for 25c per yard and up. Art Squares in all
styles and designs.



$3 75
Six good soUd Wood Seat Chairs, paint^ and
swiped, for......................................................
Six good, solid, high back Wood Seat Chairs
foSr.........................................................••.......... 450
Six good, solid, oak. hirt back. Cane Seat
Chairs, brace arms, weTl made, for............... 6 00
So on up to the fine, polished. Box Seat Chairs.
All styles of Dishes from the cheap^ up to the besu
A handsomely decorated^ioo-ptece^ for .... S6 75
d upp to some of the fi
the marfceu
A good, solid Oak, well made Sideboard, three
drawers, two doers, French plate mirror, for 13 50
Anything that yon want in ^verware or Glamware.


Sed Blankets. «Sc per pair. Bed Quilu from 75c up.
Bed Sprees from 6oc up. Pillow Sham Holders
and Bolsters at all prices.
SPACE WILL NOT PERMIT enumerating onetenth of the artides that we «rry. If there is any­
thing that yon lack or need in your bouse you
sure to find it here. We shall be pleased to have
look over our store and see the imyoo come----------------------■Dense stock we carry, even if you do not want to
f with to say to the people out of'
are in town make oor store your bea<
you have any parcels, yoo are alwi
Lave them here, and we will be glad to Uke tbe beat
of care of them for you.

You are Beknmc—come aad at
grand displayt.

8IMS BMk, Cravwst t»r. me*.

Hoping to moot all tha raader« of the Herald, I remain, Youra truly,

B Ol'srqr, MIOM


mo UMtettk. VMiiiU iai 'Ao ifc*rt-4«k»u.»**H»«»wull^w B-ft«taad-l.l«tai «• fcr

», *b.Ohto o«.«*P«l«»a*-*Uto«—•«!•**«" “ **WM«4»«



> Me Ohio
br tt.
hMiiM*: !!!^T._.
tiooM iMt ______
toapM ..
MU be cne'teeeoh e« MelDfaflown efpvftottot Ue keoMedpA ee eh. ^TkeM.
.____ IMOI toleowy MOM took pen to ZL-t ,in:,nr- In erder eo be ee!ee food to tooM. eed «hei
be«eeee bed arped. eed efnr eneerlMep Me Br>.Cro<
Me Male. ^ to tl>e feeuerr of vMMoneltoteMeefpU-MaeebdprMleloeUtTendvep.
teeb be pe>T>»« Mr bte eed bop ...................




ryvcmeet of Me T*eoty-Mlrd


------------------------ .IMS—

“ ““

----------^ hm qM ee wee over boU to Peeia Tke eboU MM Bovoee
-ee... »w — Men eloeelr.
U ptoee. de-ntoote^e wn. of boen^
Weidener. M.oMeet .
tetleu MtUe Me belUe weetopro-UUkenno not. pood n- bMMeB.Mof noto,eedTto a««r trf PtmU. Mil to
fieea. Tbe DeeoBaili w UeoH«r.Be edmllMid tiai tb* iMter'e Mel
prodactton. Me barber ofMe beoto.ptrmof Mr Maqaet were Mr b«l^
at, Mlor to Or »l
mo tmeee el.e>re bed beee-pMt*h‘lrllneton.»Wbllr8np.>e
biftoeer V7T7U of Mr BeroeM WlpMire bve ead tbam.«atil Me ; I
pomi." Kriweifer*. life fer Bethha. lew bBie aaU tBftoto|Ow of Dr
Viteleee telepie|*de Oa. bee etortod
M '1 litetr ie Ftobeblr (be iriee «faee
Whito Prtooe BeuTBM bie imrty ! anew Me peer tUe nee Me tm eepi.—^ 1., pk, Weldener
to Oepe BnIM to toea««xete Me
I^Uad MU per (or DelMM’*««»PTtolttop BtopentFiOli Adnlnl 1 tenpt »*• ■«*• « toefclewbto.
Bob-| toneid be eeet l. Ml.-aM.ften n,.woffeof pntttoser tbe »ow Bewoel
Zervot. nho ptende« et Melap- pmo- — Mr ooert.
lletbua U doles «*>l-"
Tbe .........
I Beene felt
ebeMtenbltocoBder bie
netlo. el the* piece.

i«-e~ Menb >»-Tbe eltp t* feU
_____ t.deetofM Me bane to be Me! —eta |ntaea rrpmta Me puMp Ihel
wbirfa H to le to tbe Modlnp end ocM to ble vetM. WIM
«f t«M«. «»e of whU* U tbe» MetboleaBaat eslnel to lie feed eed Met it I WeldMt dentopa elovlp nwelly
rereletMof menfee noma Me At-1 tie cootoen * Ftpbttop Bob’- napbi
M*e life U iB deeittt.
It 1< eeid leetlc. ie .'SpeoMd to he reedr to op-1 Me heed end HiBtopbU
mledioaMet Benny.
(he*, e. e neewe of »e»Ue»la
•zieted adalket bwnfto.h, alM
Hr wwd. amel. of bU
mbUoii in eboot Mn^ BKntlie
; tbe fltlef. Ml
wperk.wUeb WiM bu tMinr. a
Me ebooitBC >od beeftas of Boer ! The ehlrt WM by Cherie. 1 to Me Side, bet If
bto It I'Ua
priMwn. Oewei eed Steyu tmj be
i. liie flaw of Me non aaelew aal- bo-a. to oaidaer epmta
eeeSold bee beret eaettoeed off et S)
iMpesd (o de ewer Mth Meir dlMie.
anla and naefceral. wbtoh U Mr
Her. T. Deritl TUaadr-. who ema
carried e It
totoeee el Oorrst Oeidon.
BRkmidowa breapbl loKew Ortoaa*. toefe from
gilMeif prieoeer.
Prenee MU beee m toer ebow et
Pie-Hove, bowerer. eoeet tbe idee.
-cere and oab botne wlw tattooed Baxtooto ebazpeof Bra TUmadpe.
llie »c Looto rnpoeittoe Men ebe bed Adntrel Braae ead fled into Me
Melerl^ ibei it aU«)it Ued to nare to pr—t denaad to Parte by tlw aad a pbyeieUa. 1* iwportrd to br
et Me <aioe«o trorld'e feir.
Tbe 00—tolitee lo- only aUpbtly beeiar. Ba 1* .Baroely
piMe IMI woeld ebook tbt wocld;
Tbe deeM of Bl- OeMertoe BUIer.
o. the reproeeateUre of Me 8l
^ eree Ot«o>e eed oUiet beiiMer
.enenlly kaowa at-Kltty Hiller."et nlpfai earred ap AeM of a bn—Mat able to apeak aboer a wblqier.
oeUae M|M eeffv M tbefaeadeorea
Perth. Oat.. Ine eloeed tbe leet ofaepAt Baltlm.m- Jol.D EsUey. 44 yeet*
Tbr conmlttre wnoaaoed Mat 11 in­ old. wae atrickea demb while blue
■nnl Britlah aoldletr_______ ___
farmer wm» ter of tb.- tnpodlM of life,
Aa leeidaBt w ttati tMtieeler tine,
to bold a fat bon* |wee*a*i«e. pbrmlop aad rarelap hU wife H>*
Informed tint PiBoae deelred 45,000 yoetb Me wae brnnUtal an
tfael raopw e dleVeeetac eMlr. edde
plitbed. 8be wee eW>C»> to a yoBor dartop Me Eaatot belldaya. Flflraa Mfr made Ml* atotamrwt to Mb poofSoorepeee.
gmtir V Me pMI to erbW. Uetkeee
—'■lie dreend la bv we-ldtof baadrcl of Pari, faehiooable* attood- llee wd brr baaton.1. win wa* arteatoe drpertBeat if praper
to ptotod.
It U Me poblieeUta of a
walttop to the )M<lrprooat. r.1 Ibrdinnvaad Ibe tmll Mat fol- . rd for tbrrateatop life, aabetontop to toeee o ertr etonp deoifaed ee'' vtooee toM*. Mtelllw tbe exeeptMe
., ittoied It lu wTittop. Itnv Kelley —y*
peoielly to tbe for-lpB anU erTTlee. word we. braophl that >w bed mar
Of OonwieMet MMepore by Me BritEmperor WlUiam. canyiDp oat bUl^ hnebai.d. wtallr dnak. elrock ai
Tbe MocA aflected bur
U ie 10 be a deitoniaetioe am to Mr
atonM ebe wonM dee
the •"■“"‘“iberwlthaiaeor.
I a— W.VO a —BUT. UUS
berwvddtoc drew ead welt to her
for ^ .rrtpplr. wmrdo.1 off the I
ezpeeted lorer.
'I hie •Talob.
enber oolorad ellk. wlM e apprared plan, to
-ya. bepaa to btoapbem* id a blood
« ie Me atory ofoeeldtot
<d a ■
proande. picaloa. pladr. and rrelaur-, eardlinp
onte eo poy Me poetapr eed one of low frwt. pmked weiet, pleated eed
4 ow of Me bollev
uua in tbe fonai. Oar of Me. rbokrd. rad Irenbllnp. tried h. apnk.
,1. Mtb bell Ueeeee. ea.1 ekirt
otpht ceeti to my Me «W of teptoeeror'e objeoie I. to eooonrape 001- Ml rould Mly Rwp.
H* aobarrd InWbra Me ll-epat etenp » 00 hwirtop od.lly OB eeeoaat
width. Tbe bonaet
uaiitly. and belirr— with Mia wife
-le tbte MU hr obTtotod by tbe eee
. It wee wto of arhtle >1U. l.AW anna
timi he bad hern etriokn aemt. for
Tliey hroapbl bln
Br|«ne from Me
1 will. —cto ribbee. ead 1
hie btoapliemy. He i* etill dumb.
s ladicale
toot wloluBS Me dnee to coin.
Wad pteytop mad Mr flrtap m«f fol.boat n per oaat of toet year'e
Seetaoky WM Me flnl etete
towlBp behtod.
Vbn. they pM tain
UcropUetUllnfarsai'a baade:
nr woneo to rote oe eoltool qaeeihr Uallad Btatee
ID bit pnre be bwped to be eltoved
.» per oentioaw. SO per oeat the
lOBA bat et tbe leat achnot beard
leeMadapead fee. deoM. bet ibey MU be letpi-r tun
wheat erop laK year wa. ooe of Me
(arTe Ctorer Bee* T*a earHtoe Cto Weed
eleetloa to Lextamw l.«0
ttod bln down to e ohelr ead bUad- befon. -pvdeUy
larpaet e»« ptowa; Me cora mp wee
woaee ead oaly no while
MMd Urn. Tbea 15 of Me Ooldrwutored.
Tale naM of eSein bee tbr ikwUMt wiM oe.' rxceptlou ie so
•Itma Oeardi atood 10 moaa fnaa
. aod oat* werr ma^. below Me
oeAe.1 the totrodaottoo to Me
kin ead AtM.
Tbr ToUey elnoM
lepUlittara of a tow cetirely dtofnn
V.- don't nrommead it te yei be- '
inipreeie an tl.eltorod to. tbe
U»* oea Bide of bin awey. end it
_je we are Ibe
the tair
teir aprnt
apimu .to
booee ud Me ebooUag park
11. We are aalr eprat* to il
torn a Bakmtop alpht He naet here
At Bowlinp Oreaa Bento On
beeaan we kw^ll^aad
kteaebmre nan: be did aoi BIbM
bar rloTre aiM weoltoe end eonstncl a larpe corerwl wapon.
- ten fela.
They barted bin .ee'.be
e« eamner 1
U.en on held Mem loo the Oypey ttya
L-p la Vetm.iDl, abete people
wee ead brake ap Me efaelr aptoi
pee >et Tbe tlorre eeapbi Kelobam will bileb four main 10 tbe
the bipl
MMM be bed nt. Mrowtop Me p
wapon. and wlM hie family and earbcallli aad bodily aueeptb. tbrre
eanu will lour toe eoaM aad wnl.
a. .mail but Uial
Whee It U fartbv added Met Mr to eorrlcr oe Joae 1. wblcb
plriity of people ia It vbu have been
law played by Me bead Met oooreyed Me feetol orerlend train on
ruTtvJ of blood ttoublra, aemr Imuhle*
Ike trip •* poroly «
Bahaeparete dmita weee rolllakiiip Uaent. iU renntop time between 5tooj. one Umatraro <1. di»ra*r* tJ tbr atomai-li. lirri a.iil
we wd iWt Me rlrtlB et Me tine Oml and Veoooorer. a dlidenoe of
Nepal. Uriitd a< Akanka-Ka. lb Jap- by tbe aae of'v t-it-en
«w mBvtop from ntere woonde.Me *.1108 milfa. boinp nn-niy-two
au lately ballt a etoae pillar about 5l<n.uulu IteaoTab.r. 1a fart. y»w • ill
tago ead botnp autled ancod tbe The aretM* tine. Inoiodlnp etope. !•
than likely befote puh.p veiy
IS feet hlpl. aad 6 f.-et wide, roettop
Beere by Mr esaeatlm nay be law orer forty milee p-r bunt, hot uTor
far to ran arroaa people whu have Uvu
1.000 yen. to ibe pcamlen of
■eotiODi tbr >peo-l MU rxorrd
-und by tJii* mrdii-inr abri. all .•il..-r
ghonnjl Temple, la Tokio. to m.-tnory
to to ttn Wade of nm inbeed elny mile* i»r boor.
lueae-ine* had failed and d»-iiHv
of the nu which were rrewolly bnat
M* Me— toeltopi Mat BoUtaea Ie
At Deorv Mm Bery Elvira Q1U-.hal.-a tl.eir head* ia diamay.
ed and .leetreyed wholaeale thnapliMwa ^tooaar. ead to Me ehtnu- ^ bee bera adoittMl to ibe oonnty
l>aJ tl.i> aample trstlmuaial:
eut tbe olty In order to pcrrenl Mr
aaaMPfMaMyta dieoara bh peril. bcwitol et Mr are of *4.
She le tbr
fiaaadlapof tbr peat. Be waa (aid to •dia——aTl—^ B^»raa. art T- ynera at.. I
■ *e»0Bttoa.
noMn of 87 ohilrden.
8be iiT«y
beer l«ra diaturlwdat nlpfat by borri
.Bbettald, Benh 14-TW Telepnph retieml ebeat her Htr. bet nye ell
bie niphttoarae.. to wbirb be war
WMy nyi that cappaatioBe aad reper- bereUldrea weM bon to » ymre
dmenl aad Mrtnrrd by tboa—ode of
WWBaw Wt. beta medr to Inftoeo tollowtop bet mwrtope to OaL WilIv non
CbeM- ndoiu.
He atirlbatod Me— BidtirTaB^iwtoraMri
•*—>d ruar—(UiaBd vliabiT I ha-lal.M
|(^ Bton to trtew of peatpaalac Me UamOlUiiiae of Vlrptoto.
Darlap cemrindi^pm^het the kidney, u.4 bi
Imam to tlw eplril of tbr rate
tbe war end bat a year before the
Whet te Do.
labor p*<«a—Bi toOlf* 1—1 rviiel K*.*--}deaM of her hnetnnd ie tbr batclr of
The— It eomlort la the kaowledpe ..

bmoiii 1 -1-^
Dr. J. 0. Snydet.of Bcwliiip Orrem,
*» kw UB Id camaltiee needtred Tiekebatp. the ntoeatb mil of Cwtoi sfien mpr—.ed- th*l Dr. Klfancr * Svin.pO.. ha* had aakaUin hi* oBr- beben
All but a few of them Rool, tb. pr—I bdMy remedy lulllll. every
.Iroked witirnower*. A few deyi apo
T if- Banfa 14-TW rapoft Met Urad. ehr eaya bat M eooe m they -b^.Uda^^lv«*btodito"iLndevi'^
be oelebniod Me blnbday annlTer- aad berla. Xatnie'a o.
BeUllwMal VoUley MU. ecebaik w«a able to po th.-y ware taned of the urtnwy pemepe. I. c--------nty of thia akall by ameptop about
yiihh Afitee toietrtew to BOadna- loan 40 thlft to ibfeaaetTaa Bn. 10 held vatcr v.4 eddlnp ,___
I* diuki- Way— C—aiy Bank Bldp.. DETUOIX
It a haaifal wreatli of fotpet-nse-nota
a. or tod efleeu rallewu.f use
Von i-ertaiolyourtt to keep Km.lli't
4Ja igWel oUele. haTA The wv aUUei«e doaeaMkaow where a
erlne or beer, .rtd overcomet that
The akall beimped to a baaatlfal plrl Oreen Moantaia Reiiorator in tbr*.- .
plr ooe of hot peupeay Uee*. At
aecamRyef bebip compelled u ..
liTtop In Ann Arbor. Tb>- doctor
and aae II a* a prarral blood puriArr. .
beelM line the llred to Kaw Orleeee.
dimnp Ito day. rad to pci up mray
a etadent at Ann Arbor She wa
aprlapiBedk-iaeand rometor olaiaiple, li
Bn. Jamee Setoar of llemp.t
him to bla rl.
—Qwy cxiKt o. owe—1
erery-day Ilia
U L. weau dia.000 from Bademe re.ll—A linradathehlchaa for 111
prafneim. and Maapb tbry rjpaetrd
The flrat bme yon hare any omiaimi I
HMwIa BoaMAMee wbee hr le- JaUa Ooetot. a Brooklyn heir '
totfuleut— of the moa dlBreWnr eraea eorartima to be married, ebe weald a— a medicine of Ode kind, a* traa
3w TWra la aet Me ellphM pot- ______ ... ebe eleiau, Mre C
If you end . mtoleicw yeu Mould Mve Ito
you to try SmlM'a Uteei. MonnUi
eooarat to barr It mke plat
yily of
:an«d bar heir fron pny t» parpto.
have a nmpl.
of tW til be had b<«eBa faoMae ae a ear- Kcoorator. Go and buy b. pin it a '
lad oonerqaently ande ber an objeel wonderl.r dueover
pew. Tbe laet time be aaw brr aba trial, and oome back idler year tnonri if I
ofrldtoele anoBfbtf•friend*. Bze. rad a boto that iclL,
yon fail to to benefited..
tooilad him tapraato toil* aad
«W raHao^ We tad totbewat ’.el- Kalww nyi tWl ebe waaled to bide
ThU oSn ahowe how blf^Iy we
pmlateal etady.
Oar day, 1
pray acnek to ber blaek heir and Mat MnlawljrtreebyiimU.
Mne weak* aflw hit laet Tiait 10 ber
atom. Dr. Kllmw k
iAMMMh. Bneh 14-The Boen Bra Omlaa paaiantaed a oertalii toCo.. Bto|^lon.N " Wmtn
bomr, .be wae aboeked tm emterlnp
boo lu do Me work.
Bra Kelear
the dlneetlap room to —r ber body
weal to tbeOetekllU after ebe ^qdtod
It mtoewre MM Me MeinmiattoB. Bhe went eat too
r. Mmbyboptopto prteeandwWe ebe retanM hrt hair
tonl iipnnnt Mm Wd taiwd a brllUeal fmqsla
U. bat Me non ebe w
tW deeper Me ttepe of parple breama
nye Me dlnetioee oe
tbe boHto wen wt foUoved an
tWi Bra Kaleer eboald Wre rranto1 ladaen after wtow Me totow
drtoe at Bone Ian BaaWy by fitr
A beU paeaed by aeopreae to In
•abanae af BrttlM. rweeptop Me Me pawha. of the leat earrlrv of ti.r
epaany batnaw rnnktot ead Ltod- war of iSli. W* reeeired tbe alpaantdeai
to.OMW Btw Oekny. Om Bon.
SMbSwM,. Mote oeramdl
U Elfin Oraak. of Am. Owtda
ty. B. T. Bl* pimtooa ha. be.
Ill to dts > nuoM.
Onak le l« yean olA
A draft of
nlUtla wae- oedatad to oortbera New
Toet to Me eannn of J«M and be
iltoird. Ibaaph be wa* oely >5 yean
t MMbwa ««»J4 he »

The Knii Yoo Hava
Ahvays Baa^
Bears the


Thirty Years



Two \

Sore Feet



aflrlwikto tint WoUlry-e trtp U
d.ROtopnnply tohU

Ms!rjllinSM,SOlf IGERT.

Spring Suits

be nack
nack bearlv.

Tbr Aparea

WaMiMWe- Bank IS-Tb* ammto
i|- -......... Mia moralBp ni«rwd tarWUy Mr Bopbara NtoanMpmn cwal
WaMUftaa. Bank. IS-Btotator.
(hlTO of Oeam Blaa and Oerraof
Blwra odlad apem nettop Smtotoryof
ef Itoar
BMto Bill today aad ialanaad
lam Maltha
ranatri-aad tto United Btatoa piw
Ttdlap for tbe ooaatrortitm cd tbr
Bl—apaia e—ml bad hn-e prriarod
PAd WM nady lor alpaataan.
VaMltemuB—<k It-Tbr boaAny to cwnltto* of Mr wboto
-aod Ma aoaaMarattoa of

The perfect lines o( the new styles, tbe faultless combina­
tions of colors in the goods and the comparatively low prices—qual­
ity ooQsidered—never before so nearly “touched the spot" of the hardto-please customi
customer.' Our fine worsteds run from $7.«;o to $15 and
quality guaranteed the best of its kind and price in the
$18. and eat^ qu

Uk. eot neeraorfy wddenly.
but SUULT. It preya upoo the
iateOctmtal pewren Dore than
we realize.
It caaouaws tbe
witoltty t—nr than narure can
tepicniah it. and we cannot teO

mind wOl rtfuh. Headache aod
.pain abould be promptly teDored —but praperfy.
pain cura are more banaful
Iban tbe pain.
you would be aafe, take

Mtuto' Psin PillSa
•Aaafaaall af naanIfU I tot (to

towawt. Iib——RtoaadaltMaad
B— my ti—bla n fcoe- Tbry ton

AiUbyDncpbrn. asDaaa*.ajc.

Spring Hats

is better for Sore, Tender,
_____ __ _
Tired Feet than foot pow­
ders. because it goes inside, where the pain is, while the
powders slay outside. The Oil is such a simple remedy,
and it is just as sure as it is simple. Bathe your feet at
night with warm water and soap, wipe them dry and
then rub Omega Oil in. Rub good and hard and ^ften-,
That's all you have to do to make your feet well.


aie're Here
and Spring i$ on
tbe lUay...

■ Bar. Bank U-Plre t
el 11 e-otork Mreafued
MaMfaot U B- Bahto. «

^Sl^hM etortod to tbe Waatowt.
I^Taty aow Mi baUdtop wee «
Sm wBb enok. MMaaeetoio>.
ftiwMwaa Iwwdbto.
It leaked
^Mynetaw far a CWa. ae Me ylOapr
i*e yraper Are laaMetkm. bat br
^ we af haW Are Uw
Maae ww patwhaeA Mr bal
tW toee tra- Mr An to alliMt. bat



dealeAb in high grade




Opp Bick ftereh Oo.

Bleb. Tel *A MT.


Every ProspeitiusFaimerliBS a


e everything is new—all latest colors and shapes—
prices soc$iAX$i-2S.Si.SO.$t/».$a-50-$}<qp- A new hat makes
even an old suit brighten up—put with a new suit it k the finishing
touch to a perfect appearance.


If )-ou buy ooe of the n
at S6.oa $7.50, SqAk, Staso or $12.00. you sriii save
from $2i» to $6op. We are making these low prices on single suits
where there are only ooe to three of a kind.

204 Treat ilrt<I.Cra««r*«eUf- lAKb.

. The finest line of Buggies in town. Come aod aee tben'irdore m^fig yoar
baa*. Having purchased our stock for cash and in car land lota, we will not be
undersold. We also handle Wagons. Haniem. Wind MUk. PumpA etc. A ear of implements just received. Wc are agents for the celebrated McCormiefc HarveMakg
Machinery and tbe Empire drill.

I 13 WMl Front street

Trevetee City. Mich.

Recommends Po-ni-na as Being Worth
its Weight in Gold.

MtealthtowtelH. b

•ta*]W« otd aai tba jwiaem It



Amt rem vnOtet mmtb Uk* tkM.

ROYAL Baking Powder is indispen­
sable to the preparation of the finest
cake, hot-breads, rolls and muffins.

Lm OpAto At WaafBN it tmtta
rwnsU. mm viHat ■■Bmiac ft
raw Wawlilti wday. l vaaU Uko m
JetoaadweakI UkatakaMPtf oMm
paaplt toaU }etB. t haTotwo ttbool.
I dm baloBir: umrtmm an
Itaad kbdt Onwtord.
I mm


mwmj t» atphu tUldtaa.
na. I kav* a dmr tbai ewa ap
tlmate tebtal


______ awaj jem h^„ eaiTad hw SaaatUat CBiU
I na-ll MTw wmk* ymi mut.
aad Uktt tbta rair aneb.
Sbt Im
aatpatt aU Wt own. a
MV. vhiei) Iwr
toar ibitp. (>«ai
vhlefa ^ Im atnadj mdt tvoUr
- • dm tfeU lUtl* bop
Aellan aad tiup <«o oeau.

• tiM paper «app*4 ^


Housekeepers arc sometimes impewtuned to buy ^
other powders Ikcsusc they are “cheap.”
Housekeepers should stop and tliink. If such
powders are K>wcr pricedr«rc they not inferior?
Is it economy to spoil your digestion to save
a few pennies?





afSirtSi-is .s-is? jss

Orarar rall> of Fit* Uko
ardttM u tMdore. Ho nib u i
"Ipou Mbeel thb vtatar. 1
aad that U tba nip dapt
Bat that ber AIA «mw aaS
dm I mbaod.
Uaorct vbim
■■ LM m dl Bp Ikb oaor. |---------poB (or BMdbwi tht Poeltrp
Aad at Ism «M eacrlta prndac eS to

that I bar* beta graotlp baurttad.
aa mv to aw lUdO in'itot
poar aad am vaB aad «ar akaac aa


afftoraaa. 1 keep aoBBoa bead aUtb*
Uba am eeaaldor it (h> chaapm m«naa U the vorld."-»Ir. A. UuvaU.
PBruBBbMaaTBd BplUB.aBdm4a
atrowg. beBllkp,)oUpold Bsa to ba
................................. tlant ■

and PoroBB. bat'
« h a B I do Batch
odd. PeraOB U ap

rt W« slfhi,
To dMP fttvgtioa*




« oawpea CO, Mt wiuism »t., ai



MR*. M-«- C. BATES. EDiTOa.

-Yoath’t OotBpaaloa.

W-ii' vu...

BoolAl laibrpuprr.
brgBO Uktog
M. Ue esld



p tl
tnobla) aad
PrrBB* rored blB. 1 i-bub
Bp tbeuke tor Ibr WarBt .1 uor Btotrtao
baa bm u> mr.’'-J. R. I'nare.
AbrBbBB P.lrflri. PtedtoMt, Wapaa
OuBBtp, M.itoUrtM:
-Mp vile who ll BOV rlgktpvrm
pran old, Mflerrd fur abuBt alilatA
Tran from emra cvwrrk to ibe bead,
vbkh Bllerird krr eight aad h«ur«a<
r Po-ni-aa adrrrueaal IB p

Poallrp JnnaL I maid Hko to nit*
r geei Tailatr d>b *iv1b«.
Iiart tht Bamd PIpaMath Boeka
bBt oelT haot sO bna W« pM traiB
two 10 toTta an« |ar dap. vUboui

frtthoai late oar Soahlat oolannt
fVarl HBll.-tl vttHB Fabraaip SO from
vttbeat bartag
barltw to kaop
kwp poo waldo*
Ml Ing. Va dn'l want to taka oal
"1 raoatrod peer eanl aod battoo.
oeavordof poor dear Utib Itti
leap Uiaaka for tbra. I aa all tho
bai poo an aoBo of pn ban waited girl lb tlib a^wl that baa got et
t« votka bov. aad tlBa. ifo, tbaro liaro a aloo Bsadap aebool bottoii
b a gmt boeoh of lawrf* aad aterin Um Mn. Baat of
bake irarr
la poor odllor'a deak tioa aena of
u a oMM fton tho Bible B
- eUnfrlaadtat voUaafroB

botUe aod ll
aha tbUke li
Herbearug aad eight are both In part
reelored.-—Abraham PJegler.
iBoldagaUw Buoooe BeBbruBBbaMBa Ibkkraed aod partlp lore tbair
fBBrtloA TbU lead! to partial lorn to
brarlag, crorll aod taaie. at vrU ae dl-

It b a graded aebool hoao. Mr rooai
vfatob aro valtiag to be pot Is prlnl liaa SO ■eboUiu.
1 go orotp dap.
Be VO Bhall bka aoett of poar Imora
Dtee M-tml and ll U a pbansl
Too atfcod In piar lottor abm
Aalab viU> ama ananinga, ate., aa temp aad aaka atm of bw
botwan UpetB.

Otw tht dttr, dart aad ehtU.

----------------------- J the gaad
Aatbataiaapbm rudoadtionFa
A aad vbeaa nrarttp enU aal W
tbbaa toadaptbatIdM i
UJm BBdt a aav Baa ut na.
an BP Ufa up to aboi
paaB age a nrp bwJ thp laaa. aaf
that ttaao I vaa troabM vllh a
ibrr «f pi

_____________ __
»0 toOO—.fmbbtt 0^00 lor Un- labb
■agar to tvoono it with, and oaee, at
Inal, to a da* of erm ditirota. bIm twoln bOBTB. addlBf aero
worted with Uw ntl to lilt the man-

aov vbp It b daaa.
boniA HaBBta and 1 air ataplng with
To haglB. Oartradr Map Ov«
annib Ihb vlmor. MawuiB liaa brru
Oadar, vreta aarip 1b Febamarp:
ilei all wiuMr. 1 weald like i«
Oar bolUe wlU ruariare aapuBA Uaw
VI go to aeheol Boarlp omp dap.
uaed aad IVra-oa bmaaee a Ufa laag
law tba poalirp bBtliBaAbel iwra
VUh faUad teMb urn thaUatott
Ibt Buin portw _____ Ingtb I of tUaa. aad 11 laqalraa
euad-bp wtita old aad poang.
Ika to go to mbeol
mbmol Mp atadlA. a
net gut tap bwA and 1 bare no plaor
WottbvorUi. rtmand na dap vUb lot* farl. vf
'bleb b aa^
to high
IfpoeduisotilertTe paeBpi Bad nttaHob. John I'aolln. Sr., a plooeer of Port Waablagtoa. W^ le
te brU
Itbamlo, geofkeep tbaa. bet if poo lu>\r a iobIIho Mlt. tveol oooihK ol a itockdo^ Bldomin
•lerBibptberreblralatotbBtplan. Ur teuaeof tba uideet BbBA
taciorp rrealu from tba ueeto Pmuba
iBd a Diet tlBB
atkodan utmtlr lanaar bat; 'Do
rap^vad aprlllng.
r abev In TTaritte Hut and
I vine at oara to Dr. lUrtBau. glTtog a
;llrr hr uy>: ,
Ghriatam mg. I | » a rorp pretip
ar tbrr.'- I will br autr to.
ftgvc uactf Ptfuam wftfcfoorf rvsata Air cwvbs mad co«s. /f fuU .tBiomeoi to posrcBea aad be wlU
Sooka,a piolar. Wbn mamBa gru well raoni
—u. amt likea 'om imod aod bobo
to gtn pou hu nlaabto
XMfbt «am tbt ter dmt or pbea.
lliotoogblP f < «0*: a<Ua and a ObHre BlU-ll b rorp aBall-ao aia going oTor W Qraa.lpa Wjckoff'a bam mtto cured mrcmtairb wbicbmiway* became w
llkBB '•B
'tm broiled, but for np
op part 1
.. . evdTkvgrBllA
[Taoelawd a
_ . ‘oB boot Urtm lb Rrarp.' The
eBlvalla. a afaawl. a iBadkarohl.i at Long LakA Tbra I eaii o»mr
wUb but a nffgM cotd. I aai t
AddruB iw. JlatlBBO. PreeVtool to
bn b tarrtd lb aU ibeto wajt aad ts ^iMard aad"vblM%a^. a
1 unit
MV If pn bBTt m ."
|tiw Uaruaaa Baulianna.UduBbaAa
earnao. and a balTnp of tblcA ^^^ocni and eandp. I as taklag
A dwr. BDud littU blior wi
erUu. MU vaU t<«ttbar aad add tie bnooA
Hp laaeber U givtsg
"iB diniotldn the taob U cb
'hiobnma froa MlB Cam<tlovlp. atlRiag Btaovfe''
BA I praotlaa an boar oretp of Hap Bald, dated Fatonatp n.
Freatoo ( tile and Bilka
na-baUen^ of boUlag
i-rr nwalag.: Pbib lakes Iba
taa boaai
_ Ibe oondanied Bilk fBeiorp.
TUt vlU
Tba taat tisa I vreta w pm 1 v
"Tbraaliltlt bopetooBrjBBlat viab We l>BTetutorl:i
abcop. 1 aapop
______ foar -................MJoy
t anp laagtb of tlm.
Ibe third ruator. Kev 1 ato la tlw
s B^V laid aa «
> baedaw mmben of poor Sunaliiua aratobii tbaa am -verp
- nneb. 1 hop
A leat espaattn aad all DotoqoaUj
tliBS Uovop aw
toarth ttodar. I did aol think I would baad aad asked lur to viiw aad gel to eee mp toner
letter in prlat
ivtot to OtaBdnia
good roetpa b at foUevt: Two
famdal HaiilborUiaBlBt AiipomatBopd'a pa|«r aad alie tap*
go to Uia loarth raader till to the Ibr Soiubto.' batioBa to tbea
II to tiu- iBpet 1 map liare the taper.
iwiag. I aw Wa p«an old."
trptog to be a Hbrtotiaii mud would • will l»»r to rioae------"BolhlBg lupeaag aalBul lift'b
an of nlsaadBiaef Boar. —.
Hu>.|.Ma>lrCi>llerTao<1 Umii.K iiUnghi
obarBlug llm the affootlBoatt
polii Iff am But too old
UalrlW Btolptaro of Abbo vritn
U v«U luicolbar vblb drp to arald
Secunl-lianil Ixiggiiii;
biUtp of a tasUp of poong lospA and Uwa
Una add nt larga ra|
rap of ■1 Un vltli BP graadpa and grand
leeo pearr old. and voeld
ehiofcBM. Tbep form tlieBaalTta
tlttBaBlraa iolo
ig one Jum|>*Seal Cull
Oeek ta a ooabla boiler .u.- BA I ton a llwla aUwr. bar aaaM Uke 10 help Bake aaaahiiie. OUrul e
the taotl dtUiPilfal of liKlt gtoaia.
ll.\Ri;.UV Come in ami look them
___ It Mta Bawa-1 Uioagtal 1 vnld
BUto. I had a tlttla laolhar. U< tsnabiDA ertoT.
write a few Unre to th.- KeralA aa I
died a pear aga Papa died two pmt
n-il vriiwo for a lu
tgetoJaaA IgoWaobouL I as to Bdvto Una. aged; p^; George
- m a*w diatart im tort
objaolto t
_ . .
Ohaae. age 11 pean; Carrie UliaaA age
- UM^iMaoSnm
tot OiBi Toadto. aaoaad gtada "
lat oaa of ilM efaaoca apon a tuoraal
Horn "Jouraal to
of food aad awap be goti to gobble it
I* paaiA "
rewltog. blawrp.
Fraaeat Oanrada Oraal of Trarana
np atoaA la tebll Uw bn u wdai.
Haaimr^a m tba lit- i A Unto Tlellor vbc vanU to coae npiip aod apeliag
meat aad oeeagotiA bet feabb la laClipliHt. OisbuDg. 1
taUoet. Bba b ap at tbva, aad loug
lalka letucA 1 vaai w >o1b tbr to aad be ne of oa U Oeme Oiao'dall
tie fall
ong to the So_______ ...
Bread that b a Mfla aeai. to raiT lanahtoo OlnU 1 am aln paat* old of Bewail. Blehlgaa. to abe hae
batem poo hare Aalabad poor
a imla oei>bev wbo v<>Bld Uke
aba baa raaol puar
Iflog wap, aad indeed abe la vaip Wlotollie Bniitalne Otnb. Uto ad
Ow MOBM mdp Bade ter ihb
am to tbe third gtadA 1 as to gaagMaala aad ealUTand poor radlaboa
III UlareocT- Kruop Haplrwo.
tPMfe aad vbleh b osr tong at vaU. BHVlip dvaU n bar law fralUlbt nbaa and btovalag la tba orm ll b
ild write W tbr
ibaa ivioa baked, aad altbeagb aol
«mt U a talaedn itat to Bona ta the tauaeBM ol b«r
I ban loB
Ftodj poor Si
1 aBeleren pean Age IJ
_ — —----------------- eBib tba aase aa the Oagaaa bwaI- to fan al eebool
ban font ilttaiA Sanibtoe elub.
K4ob Katoom
^ aObtaTBMlA Hap abe lira long tmh. Ub <iab*
I „ TtalUag B.r:giBadBa Berd
BtoalA Imep, Bdaa aad BOr.
' George BaattogA Duu Haattoga aod
la for the dart dapt tlial
goat w wliool with BA
KOe la 14 aad 1 picked ap tlir Oiaud Tnnrar Oarl Brown to Babet. all wrote Diet;
lf>«.g«lhav,.^reBe.lpB>dit toib. >«. km time, rewkr
litUrlHUn artidiug tbaokc for tbtor
paaza old. aad rtc U la the aUto
TbeTbll I
--------ts-«p It aad Bag U. aad
Trp banging eletbau oa tba Une aad vitbto
giadA Wr go W Loot Tret aebnL
your rate hanter to cure, aod arc out nwre looncp-. There are a good
go lu school w Mib Blaaebr lton«a-<
wonld .
aUewiag tboB w drp boferu-atagoUag
, U tPiU psvra aa
Mp tnaher'a aama li BMaebt Onto.
Dob alit wiib John FsirtaukA I
mini wrong mbolief, bul it ia eaiy to aioid them. Come here aad
two aiawrv
Ubb. IwB ewreh u noolrad. aad aa
iwW*^ Ibtelea^ am laMtag the
Ha ban iwntp-olghi tebolan."
and tbep an both id the foonl.
. Ibr •top aebool.
' n the Uba lb atglii.
gel C.AS-CTNK and )oa vin be tuie of an affacliic, ancnlitte |>rrfBrTbrn ware tveolp two pptU IB
Mmiaa lA
Belp WHt aipa of the atOBbead.
I to Mtoa OarkMfc.
Fred. BllA. OUatoa aad JogU Jtoia- nap Borb.
lobMl tba dap Urn ordw.
George to
Barb. Bp
Mp atudiea
Idrl^Wood imi "bp it aU tblagi
U>nr with Tlaagar a aagdal of
«a to ttftktt want W lata tba SaaBtr. to tta aeTaolb giadA Ha ctadtos Meone that coali >oa nothing if it ever liito FniM $1.00 t teftM hr
«wa mda aad vilbeat It thno
asd 11
iBcul. hirtorp. omliBaito.
geogmidip. tewing, teodTeg
•MMPthrtg aada that was Ba<
B^tog. 1 BB to Ilia Sttb
attb jm
Ip drp^ roily tiwB aatil Boa tl
tan ao map little 8aahtoar« all to naUtog.
»a --------1- nld:
“Lat Ibtri- be
Btonro-afiw It baa aaeod to aa cmtaBllpr
Ibla aUsm.-----------------------------------------md la It paan
ar't nna to MIb Mabellr Fttkiue
|«gM."aad thaao wat ttgbt Wo. m'to taatoiag BA towU. aU'..‘lto
Blto to wa. Jotoa to aigbl aad U wa tbtok >ta to a apteate_Mirtar. 1 lire
•ada ta the taaga of *a Dlrtat nd
ttao'a^llS^BBAdip aiaoad batvos* daUtp aUtaa of bet- tnn-wgvaatwe aboaU aa.r Cliatn
Trp aalag
A vlihlB
Istlen fr.B oar Poulttr Aabetotloii.
—' ol
of an
aui <a
*a to the
bmJ eremba Inataad
ma abonl ato. Ttara to anolber tto- aajep atp vtoila with her rnr Bsob
•tviaa Bpart-tn efwa biddn bm
Hp pat> baa fortp bead Of HoUleli vbu-b i> gTuvlng nioalt.
to tba aaat leaf ol rtagoc
m. BdlUi. bat ata wnal be a llllle
gma e« ova kaowbdgAbat tbai* alto Balami nkA w laalaiaai vtob.
OA Frod oiadtoa roadtog. aprUtog.
•OWsaa top too, baaitag la tba

JriuTvanr id"blirdewlT I




”• 'tr-


Sl^ •%

Cutters and Sleigbs areaeinaat
Reduced Prices

Mrttkt rtaea,


Uictor Petertyl, 124 State Street


JliwuM# tkt








nx uiMiui liiwii I ui mcuniit an


Stowflh s( that povto that U oat ova.
••lat total bo Ught."aad la tba tortSMbaar Ugbt vtU ectotaad ptan
gSdainaib wartat and go n orar
*abtotoM part Ufa tea Mlfwaa
•aMtaaatlp aaaU wo tad that
VgraST aaUap ahaU h. anltad. aad
dbatr tosaaiala aad blU aiwU be aato
Ip*. am tto atotoad atoU ba awto
dBaigbiaad tba rough plaoaapUia."
. to «a win Bag Vito ear Mead Ibo
«ggd to aboto ibai vlU brli« toear:



baartoA la aold
allghAp TM U
tbraa bean bafeoa oooklag.-------alevlp OB tba bank of tba atora. vtto
trahegalatto b
baiUtUaatbrlBg. add tar aogar aad
let Ibaa mad oa Ibr awn aad enl
alevlp, ----------------aa the tngoM
Trp tamla almb. tldaa lawtbr and Uw iaWa et mfl toBoo. and atlr
BlddlA aa ton at thap btgia w took all togolbto aatil'tba aagar la dlaBOlred: mala tow selda an'
bad beforetbep---------------tbep naod waadljigTrp patUDg a tbiekuBta of----------



iBwraaoa D. Uwaa toftodar. baa
aarto writna befoev For Ohriattnai
ta got a ptotan book, a bog of teal
tewing enrdA cloth for ■
milt and n OBM. Fto paM ta baa
VUio apoto n ninltaad tnnlnuo
Tbair Mta ato HaS.
an lOBorad bp rabbtag tbna wtUi a Jmt aad bbbp. aad ta baa two dap.
toll doth eeap----------*Trr earieg' tba Ibllag froB
am an Joe aad Sklppar. Ba
otokli, to aap torlpe of old kn>d
ctolan aawad Oacirada aad
to tbuk wool good! to leak ea
Ha geaa w aebool aad bit
a^m of doen UUa vlawr.
htoHm vaatg-U la kam to
Wacber'aiBBa to Mm BMaaealUof t^-bp palilagi lime to
ulA aud adding w itaait>«alA
it ai

aetip aa WBp btaai an cooked.


Aadte fV^hw ■«. to bM."



“issw::!% toto aatobg. and ako cam w ■
'I todak wa aap tap U ta o«


g toa Hatoto kmimka aan w m


Bement’s Peerless Plows An Appetizing Lenten Dinner
AT mo.BO

TrmvBWSB Oltoy. MloH


‘ to foldtog «acl> ara koto* wtui tba

tald^ am_aatoMtogte^<-‘


___,____ ______ in Of OBI to trbe taaket.
• nap
aap otbea
etbea pn
inn to laa
aBOBBtlg ta all w toag eaongfa W »a taU than
lake a liuto nap after aba to lbtoa«h. ptv. Tba lecoa apUl and ba ww to


Tbr Ant npMtaaltM woe
tog P«MA To Baks It. h-----------------efgte lemx* bait m boar^^n

ihM Ita taud aton tba

Aa wo atattonX Iba 1

I taU
If a eop ol
to vbiB
Bl to Btob aai
BlBlewd to taa



FlBtr wilwe to Fotaopp
ta MOW to abonl S>« W 4
Tho wialbir to atwBP- Than
obBla all nnmd hna
H to da4ug n Mg taBbertog
down bwA Tbern haa boM ibtao
Mai. PC M Baakt Sldlm aad mo

reteag u vbM we
oat aarpota A mpat wfen Wa
dartp ce aaoa atm it liaa aaou aw
that pea know It dose met aeaUp a
tooib or ^eap aaa wipe oC tbr

Ev«7 ouality and fature that coiiki contribute in makiiy
—'-moot it embodied in the construction of this

.n aaear wtlilw wpoa b»rodlta-btam aadmliMwta-


•4« Proet Mraat

We are too baep wailBg on our trade to talk about our coBpet1. What they do or bov they condoct iheir ImunaB it aMkiog le
Bm we do betterc Ihil vc can aukc an boee« livmg, aad sal
groeerict far lew tbaa they tare erer bkeo nid m Ibe cny tafaac.
We sen far each only. In toiyiag of in pou do oto bar* to help
par asp tad debti; vc beliare that when )-oo tare paid far yam pmebitoe yoa fboold ooiiweapected to eontiitone tovaid laal^ vpita
los aasawBed by gooda ga^ <m lo tome penoe who did bm p^
ai aH AU eredn atoci expect aod reqoire ihn; tbere is only oec
way to avotd it—ir^ to a Caab Store. To ftam tbu we are XtStag
you ibc truth. MBpte Tbeae t*«i •kb tbe pcieea aikcd by eay
otber gracey ia Ibe dly.

h turns l
it most dun^, most r^d under the hand,

Ail materials are most carefully eelected from the highest
Only etdlKul and esperienced medianio are' efnployed
*' 1 of pnctical and succtesfulf
succaesfulfmanvhKiindef the i
turing eiperts.

and art to a wacB were IB
tarea taPA tumag ottea. Taaa Itol
a ponad of potaaorA mab. aad add
tbaa. Lri <1 awnd UU tba men Oat.
vbao It will be nadp fur bsa
' bel
before aalag
rteald a
lev loareA

j. j.


Vacola LenUto Hodgovta la teorpdaed tbs Suaabtoe Olab two
Here a vtat mm TiaTfoaa OUp dU- jmn agA I ton bp oard pot 1 aB
ta ita feartb nadar, and X vU
w npt:
MBOl vUl breto tta
bmmooiblpaovB ooauim
on tba iroutag abeat. mta- KtoTadtta meat, apai "InttaiBB- taat Maadnp to ApriL
to iM oar paodtaUdna tad tta
kltog ligbUp a^ cca^at aba
i tbtok 1
^mee*^^ ^iS^rnmotTibai*'^rr
BO ptben to tlmi. Then i
faoA aeeA. wnaad maim ibe talr.
Ueaa tbr uiaat oa lop abe to u
tartoit Vatantvton aebatan to
' oa aad otoiOwpito
to ace to
Ibe oar below tb and tbu nn
a mao than
____ aad what eba weld tp^ 'to aaataaad

Can be made by ordering tome of the salt or tmoked fiili
which we havf in many varieties. We have everything else
chat goes to make up a good iReal.

•roach Btook

taCP- B*
faa dlidlag down bill
M ba wbbB W ba a SaaaUaa bop.


Tsnisj'.Ess'sr'U 1

la the aeend nadar: Ma to ta tba
annd giadA Tlielr tohaal to oat.
Tber« an tweatp-aanaarbaiaai tt ttr

1 poaad Fbc Cto Tobacco, tagdar pain S6c. o« .pwc.
1 poM Pte To^ regatar price 40c. OB i>ice .
1 pomd b2 SU^-aagoUr |«wr fc. ovr |n

EnterorisB Cash Greeery,

ea Md

Bear emmmee back to Sbam'i tan.




tMI WWk. h»T» PIMM «t Mr weUI fwHtaa.

‘---------- '

M <M ti pmlM to «U
«ke «e aet tUnk tte brtokkrjad iBtwiai fcaov htm «o «to •
lUas la tb* MctallHao aad do ii
arc aotUad b«n aad new

AMlwlT. ■ Vblfev •laadhBtad
•hMt rite bMM A
•ad hetkna^ lUt

Srary aSst la bali«Mda by tto teas voU
■dskaap IS psn^si. vtoam tovar^th
tovtoobd. vtr« aad vaU fad. avd

yVii tod olttotaa
pitosaUy itoitoa tto topstotoi of

•rito toboad
fs hia rwato tratoa ara boli^ baU S
U*T«d la IM ■
■ ef Mhbtoto
Baaasa- atottoto vban Ita
V. a MOM tlatad Ibal k* had bM
brand lha aslaa faraarir. hat
ly aa
hvUb a poaMkdUty at
ha MaUaad ate* Itaiaalpai.
. Ms eUaf atoi tog itod ai
It ha haa dalaflaid lo aalla vllb bohdiad Bosk

* sr




I Bias Volky dl<

Ba taadlatad feed vlUtotoglra

Jutt b few^the pbeo vc have loc


____ ____

. roe alas trtday might ato tto

la ixaaaaaa Oiir tl«a Uta aatahart el


Tha dlaaar vaa taai; anrad aed
vbadi B4B7 aad Tarlid. It vaa
tm a( OOB- ■ear eeam afclra
«bteb area aucrea el hBalleyad plaaa' wv to tha hanaiy
Tha »aaa. bowaTOt. vaa


Dartd Me4*7. Jabaa KaW Odia
devB by tto
HellartT, Bebart Ohvtoa, MUIp
eatod (to baarr totoVtolL
recalteoc. Mr. MaOlaakar. HaU7
PUeh. OharlaT MrMlehaal V. R. Tbay on gotog obeUUiigbt aad U Tto altBaaloa of tto Orsi Bsthan
oitor laaoliitoa toka tosltor nsisna
Illv aad a B. F
vUl as hadeA U.a verb of tha
arleelFal vMdwi aad baUarad that Idsad of ghMs nptdly s to tba^Useo. K. a, o dlanas of obeei U
paat<o* Han la atooqSvrary lo-1 »Uoa. ahd all arlrae tora toto,Vat totaiba aataa vhk>]>

vacltabir a ftaat ot naaoeaadaflev
a< aaal aa vail at a baaitaai ot Mata- tor (bataaqaal than
ttallhlata. Aad li vaa aaon: It vaa Biaau of aacaav daa to taatr iadmattr
■ of tha taamenr ai- aad BBllad po>i>oia.for tbalr eve hao( Utaaa tklllad naa vhtoh a«i aad tar tba feondt ot tb«|t vbo
oaadad tbalr aarrleoa.
la additteo to tba apaaobaa van
•taial aean aM« than. "Dlila-'
M hlae an lllutntlou of tha food l.r 1. K. Melaea. la vhtcb tba ronpaor
loiard la tba obona. aad tnaM
talhnnhtp naliitalaad aad of Uiabaoadli derin-d troa tbalr ecKaaliatloo. aalaetiea br Jaok Piohart aad a 1.
Aruold. A floa raollatlon vaa natha amtmij
idarad br Wbl MeOnmaad ba vaa
Ir eaaft. ood tbalr
ttoo la Ufa abova that ibatr akitl eoapaUadto napoad to ao ruoora.
Ja<4 Probart vai alae foroed to alag
4 labs tvanri good rngn

' ''

. --


toUty la -Mtohan MloblM rpmu- iyirnd fspe.

ThWy nils sak. vtotol aSsta to |J-‘ ““T oZd
15to vasaau
Dakos aad Mtototo
than an aaivtoclptod psasu vbo oolati
ootota tar#
baeo loai. So dlro>- toa
that II it bs bato
point to taeon tbas
u»M.»liU to artespi 10 ra­
Bto Bhd tot by tto amlaaat
the read matil it ta atoh-d.
ooetraty to lav a

toabastoeMto Uw Into
btp MB osaa. 6 sUs vas ot
ty. s>4 U Saettoa t. svh t;.
Ilwaat. Wans mads daa aoliuraiiea vttb K) ass at
.lato bDaene afguedhardmoad (tabs. ,eto sa to bo^t it^




Sfsl Ha^etnet, Xj^dvalisrfeTd?K!:4^.Btoa“,STS“;m
fermt vilb feaUdtog* all to cm IT. uT toVsmsTfs rtor Msle
TbU U ka
“ffetW. If T,
M xTSfi Ito gfiTSSt
pies toee' U yim ctoas. -

ten* to Blagtowi 1
l).la pnotio- aad BBllad ederw vUl, Tba gnat
It of bolbUis •
doll. A fav axaaplaa viU to a good I goiag SI to Oatad-dUpIda bn eos
tktog, aad It la arldeat that tba Maa-1 pieiely olaoaad oat the briek aiarkat.
- to taka tl« luid li ta told ctol as a tolek too to
toltiartra —Rac«t>L
bouhi to tto city.

bald aariy to llv araotop. Mr. MlUs
toVodaaad uMayS Prtodriob M
taMIsaaler of tba oaeotloo. afts
Ibaafclvlho fustafs tbalr laaaaaoa.
Tha tollovtof alabonla seBB vaa
>a aattM for a «ood ttoia:

Tto BrUlay-WMktoi oob|»>it

aaiad partiaa bafsa ■oklug dadaln
plaua Uaay bara aol dsw tbia, aad
wblk a fav l>are laoapand than an
ud lodaod bondnda ftOB
MtelilfBu. arho lara sat disppolaloft Uataod of
bauarlar tbato (ooditlon.
RasaUy tbrooph
■"-------------- “
tlMia of paronu vorklag in Uia totssMS tba Ormt Kanban roilvay
oompMy, aaroral vaU kaeva tarsan
tara lati tbla Icoallly to taka ep toad
s aupapa la taitolni aad Tariooa otbuaalto
Their aaoon* la atlU a
■alter of oonjMtaf*. Utba» ban
poiia froto ben aad han vlabad tbay
lad atoyt4 lo Miohtoan. althoogh a

Ltod tnaa aad adrtas eratyoM
eeotosiiUoac a aittoio trip tonM boas. Aatotoa Badbatg. auv
to Ibto ally naaatly maned from
> Mr. Oatraa-a In
.t Samttla a labortog saa It to
ta to gatttog a }ob. aay norln
Ivo dolkn a day, tot lirtog
an 10 liigfa tlial tto graotoai oooaoBy
■St to siToltod la sds lo liva eu
tint. Tabla board it d&oo a wsk
sd all oths ninmllin an aqually
blgb- Froa ihia artdaas
that tto van la mot pn
Miohigaa. Doa'i "go ve<
MB."-Cto.Ultoa Globe.

of tba rallvayi to li
y addns of Btor.
aettlan to fv vaai,
oooatrrby SI tha sb)eot of Udla. Tba addns
ta bttoc aeDi tbroa«b tl
tha Vaatara labs Uulou. vantog vsaa:uia|ilriagOBa. and vsllM0 vita the eloaaat auamtioe
tanaen and vorktog mo agatoet the


Tto voodatfol eaooes of Ptnato
Bovo,vhe tarolad IbroogU the eeaa■y ou s u oort. fertoglag vbok rUMa to Obriat. vs alao datoribad. s
tto vsk of PBB.Ute
vbo took op tto vert fs tto child
vidovm ud tto STtoan of Ihdla. ead
laalretor caring fsl.OOOel tto lal»s to a baildtog U-Ut s a Sable,
alt till treetiu of u a

ta a sv oouny fs toa exenis of,
oad todwy mad too ^ hs 1 tans of *0 Sseupliogo ri
Sony aoaaidea of aoeh ala-!
Bat too (Buy an todaeed by |
to Isra tolr ]cs-

paeia fs atuSklng they kaov
tog abost That hs too often baeo
toe ss la Mloblgu Blgbt ben lu
tbie atabe then an Buy good opps
tultls BtUl. aod tom an fev Idle
■n; oo tto eoatrary tbanansse
BM eaployad al good wags tlna
V Patobto toatoei4 hto mtorfci ers belsa. Tbit apart* vail of
lOtoa hanortoa atsts vbtob
aa a ann Is the

. vhioh ba
Ba dvali apto tha aaoaaaliy ot bor■toir bomaa Mtai aod tobs aad
lha ptovarfal fsee aastad by

Ba told hov yean ag<> cop-

ttol M Mv at a dleadnaava
how hi Ibto ttaa tobs vw nap

olBta neeaaaity to tba
eapitallit ahd Itol fey ladiotoaa l^latoUeo MMW tbawalna tto vorktogMh eah score jaat tnotntaol. ,aatl
Mrt vstoy of tbalr akill ahd indaa«T. Ml. Phtobla tpeka of tba graol
wd MU tbitoM'lVvaa lut^X
vbloh I
hk—fct ohoat
vUrtvoaldto ilan darts
hstl alrlks aad tonaeois eapitol
Wd labs ts Ibtir sotoal baoaflt.
BasU tbal the eosi

and ablpped to Kevbeny fs iraaapstatiou orsbnd to tba Hrar.
saft it eqalpped vilb a Ift-bsai pevrt eaglar, la oapabla of a a|e«d of It
mils pet bomr.sJ U daalgBad lo lov
loga to tto talk iaalsd at tto-lr totog
doaleddovB to ttoeslOtoary naaE. V. Itodlar. pniarets of tto
torgst oeld iMcaga plaai to Ovtral
Miobigau. toa bagaa vort eo a av*
plaol to Oveas 100 by MO. eix atsis .
high, llvill tore a cafBOity of l.-l
000.000 poutU.
Mr. Dodlat casr
ties Boatoo lOyion age with a tav
boadred doUan- fs oapllalHa
Btertad ap to Elala bai tba leva gnv
■00 anail fs bis Ttoo to came to
Ovoso aod aaeb year hs doubled UU
Today to1 it jaobably to.
vsllbiett mau la Ovoaao

, It i> I
batter aud
Bakm to toe feeuns of tba
> Irere• toeir bualaes long
tree In
vheeoaVaatodlaiBsyvliilatotodia. soogfa to taka a
dlaeorerad tliai tto bed the dlsaae al-1 tba mlkga. sd
gravU. of tto dairy
torlnrmantoABMrtnaadtbaBnetaM dapaad* op-n
I vltfa Urge aatdtol
nnad to tto topara. vbm ato U aov tta MUlgaasa
totaUlgams udtl
adekUlottooeu vbo

___ dielto mUkoad

U BO ptooa fs tba
itog addns to vUieb b* void a propS
to iHbato
IHbato to tba Brloktoyan' aad Ma­ ■OB vltbeat copdtol. Tba oBotol vbo
tba letter otolau to ban
Maa' aaleo and to ibaU effsu to paraod to to ablr to
«HI tbanaeWaa to tbeir craft aad il>a
BBlty to vWrb tber verted lo batter Jadgt- fairly, toiag leeatad lu tto vitoa aeodiitoB ot tba vorktog poopto eluity « laaek of toa tanilsy adferksicnls tto Bth vltlnat
& totofeo of tba rtgliii of labs. vUeh
Ba sya aiao lhai than an
ton ctoly to
b of Idle Bao to the weal
ly aad tb* aiarrls of to, toUlgeMrto aaaktog to to-ttar tbalr vbo ban oosa tom to Bakt fsa but vbo bare Be) ool.>' dispatodltiOB. Ua toapnaaad apea tbaa

trtn oespotod ihia Dnloo aad aboved
etoar anaataal bow by tbrlft. aptdpht daottoga aad homouy. anoog
tbMiiilTiii they tod baceaa atreug,
wd vhUa nttoetad to tbalr itnbgtb
thay bad hot aboaad it. Mr. Prtedrtak aaM maay good tbJaga ntotln
Wdbobtonduad IntaUlgeally et«hBtoad tobs aad tbee totrodooad Mays


Weviaaes crheaaa
F«ny r. PovsB, evas of tto OadlUs Dally Rava.toe boaghi tba OadlUas Dally Globa, vbloh vs to pssatosof lie-My Said to ttot efty
vbu tto Nava vs ataned.
Bav* 1* BKV tot eely 4aUy to Oadillae. vblofa >• awBgh to pnsat Beth
dalUs hart giru gac4 leslafgrlca.
fesi tto city it anrealy large aaongh
fs IVO jaal BOV.
With OBe good
ivws. Omdiltoe viU bara
vbat It Boeda aad Mr. Hevan vUl
good mwr. and OBt vUrt
vlU be appasiaiad.

at sv boss to tlir vaat,

r------- -- sada vtU.doobkls*
aivtU aoooaaUaUy to Buy vbo
esnel tofsmBtis la toUn-

h IT-lho Vskly

good* to toes feetorts •
VtoaSN to sretal
stag to tto frost
lo tto in______ of ttoir ootcoi
ootpoi of bigbsi
inoed botts ud etose tto netoed
ot audtog to laocorus tosncuin s
s-eaUed toapaeton vbo ditoorer toa
■ade by tba faetorr opava- - Boqn.1 aad
tirs aad both
— iileatras
--------------tba sops immdin s aaggeat better
illstntiur Ibr detail* I>r

dairr bsatocs to llieec alalea u doe
to aoemll degrs

•olred. Ttot tbi.
w the plu of (to

tto work of
oat from Ato


tub laelery toatimstse by toe *taie
bold O' agrteolsn to Mtobigu ud
henby aaki '
'I Istialannfs
------' "
cy tto plu tolo
to eoa Mbs atale tto.... ............
tttl epanttoB a plu vbsaby bonn:an sn aad do hare a lampU of
..AS ssad by expers each Bontb.
raealrtog to man a latts fron the
iipiWiTitdtMM vlialbs tto baits
vs fslty ato^n vbat tto proto
aaggtttiwii M to tasodiaa. Tin tataoU fstoa Ugfaas prtoa It mrlll
brlBf to tto oily sartata aod tb<- pn>4 tettoBBkan,
to tto mkan. iriis
oaadi nsltbad
____ ts tha hlgtos
____ ud tto BBSS of tto BOkan
Vtotsa. The opsattn of tbu «•taB fas ntalted to gnat good to tto
bans Bwkan townated BBd ibsdinollyto tba dairy totoraaujot tto

a ttot U.KS eaishf amllpox
npsted 'daring toa pa>4 vaak
'BsedW^Su IbU Asslatka farIbtoagboot tto llBiled SSts (d art tto toaedaottos of aoeb a plu in­
Mob m van bsL
Darlag tba to MlrtlcBa. uds tto u|toos of
Tha pmrnlo ■ of tsrtol tarn
isa pntod 1st ysr torn van fe.loe the AgrieolRuBl eolkga. U airufetow eicr ud
aadibe oaBber vt diotb* that an *is of vUfK-ni ven total.
"Sscdnd**^5s.**'ftsW- arts
Tto Mdrtoe baapital erarloe u- vboB SBpls laotlra tto bigbaat
of plagoe repatwd aoos ts tto rsr to ava;
ovardad a diplola regard ta toe earaitBBd FabnaiyS fraa B^al^.
OalU .a aaaadBedJ by tto goi
_______ of Baay to Iw______
touiFiBBMo. Tbiitolba
toa lukof euitoB looktog tovaid
tto ntarb
Vbseaa. la tto fight agaiaal olsof tto aieeodcd tto dit- Onteasof tbU dtoss ifaot law co­
la tba sal ym toon bs ns ewnd to tto OolMd Stalea OBtaidi of
a atotlrdaatb froB mallpox 8u Ftomolm
lu Tnrana Oily ud omly
Ocwaaotlst is tto eositis <b agnaaltara. vkioii bill u tbr stgMwl
aws oBitag IS saa pstod tlwaa ,, ^
^ ^^0# blevB tba Qimat bill with two addillaBal pangnM todad baeaas. firet. of nout
bara bean tors dstoafres aewrUt I jj,
Tha Chlsgo amd dlsororls of aetbode U colectog
lers. ud etfaan fa»s ban lUl to a utivaaks baaia amd Uw An Arbs



.tha Tto-he* tVssr^lu bto •
srr plasu) asttog Thaxaday, at
tto bosa of btia Joeia Hssatlu os
a V Eslth ndssd tto nmiki. of tbrjviaallwlfeasisof vhlel. voa
«f bath pnrios epaakm and de-ltke lalHatloa of h
•baiad that to uloa then Uatraagtb'tU* |wn «f

'V”r»'r- Kras ^

,bbU boas Oaly 8»X1 » tos tot.
Als tto tuUoviog to Eos Bar ^ ijSSu ^•-'^|t7T***“****

AnblBS C. IL PmU BBdaa fev,srradby Mis Batmih.
' arm Poedfie oto Onot Xartoan kara
ayseprtota nsart* lu vblefc to n miettogof tto elab will be two watka_______
not serad awhaal fs Beorty 4S boms
fsaad S labs diBsltts. bat ba-\trom Msdey might. M the bese of - a toe
ton ibndued aE cCorl s do s util tto fsy ad tto *aotB ahaU atos.
ly ru an a good tktog.
toatfnd Baka sMataiaad
Tha bi^ Vito toa pUad toe mv to
W. A. OSB Mfota S the tmfia of bsot her yoB^ frtude Frtday afts-: the
ato parttolt toaattd
ato to dieaasin the
to bus cd bs cblnsBth btitovaiasd todihe beds
aaairarsrr. A fis Use vs tttaly filtoA the


™.e °l

11^ II.. .£*■». B.74iriuklT
U7 e Am.

Houses to Rent and Money to Loan on



318 UiMa Sireef

Both nmes No. 43

For Job Woik of all Kinds CaU at tbc Herald Office.


In spite of the fact that our prices hav6 always been so low
that it seemed impossible to hammer them lower we have de­
cided to give the people the advantage of

A Genuine Bargain Sale

No matter if we have to sacrifice every cent of profit we are
going to sell you goods for the next month or two at prices that
have never before been quoted on high grade goods in this
part of the country.

Here Are a Few of Them:
Very heavy double fleeced
cotton Flannel in brown
- eray. cheap at icx for


'*^and 1 in. German Snaps ^Qg

Subbing N«toi Eggs


Kings each* for

Six dozen Wood Clotbes




l.adies Belts worth 50 cts.
Udies Belts, worth. 25 cts. _Qg


lor W hifflo _Q6

Four inch Clevis lor

Mra'fi Q oz. Overalb. with

Six inch Clevis for

Sox _2g




Shop-worn Handkerchiefs. Aft
sold al5c. and loc.. for- -

sold at 25c. for................


DBoa. ato Mie.


jtoa. OyrtaM E^iMtoi'in Pmtoto

Improved City



Dairy Thermometors

. -07

5 >i ‘ sVim' Taper' File.'



Pins T« cakes BeM Tar Soap




box for-


802. Table Glasses, good
grade, set of six for..........•


Williams Sh^ias Soap.





S inch Flat Files for

A^'ood NV 1 Ax Ha^

Silver Plated Tablespoons 1 A
put up to sell for 25c----- ’XV

tto bortbvsa Tsnserttag foltovad u able
tsy. todieatee a eoattoaaa« of ltoitM,-Ma nto br tto tcaSdut. Mr.
votal Mara to rest Baiinto tsAe' HaMan Spas, oa tto weak ato ala
ta alockto Bto loae. of aalUa oath.
s.^ wui b. b-ry.
Fn. fos to ^
,tx fas of sow U npsiad frma;
' Seartary-Mn.
Plan Bams
I IT-Xsrt


Mon>hea,T Wool Uodor. 26
shirts. 50c values for •
Wood Pulp ^aii cheap at ^^0
25 centsFamtl;

WB BO phyaieton toa sped, OB diSareai ielenda,
4 Ikol arsy Itoa of bo4HS thpaodod apsi tto vorttog peo- bsBealled • I all fs aeslM fars
pla, aad vbto tto? van vail and iwtiste. BO aetts of the |masus
ot tba disas la too baas Iwi
ndaoesd- bSB gires. ritllon hare beea n- boBfbi to tto ITalted Saais ato ibipeelrad aad ebltdnn-ms tto aaoM ped to Boatb AMs Mas tto^baglBM«ly. Opn tha aaee(s of tba
ilr tore
ton a»i
ml <o
to oobuch
aobuol uu
ud j atog of the vs toera, M-Hfe buns
tog pspte to slA dapamd. tba rtoBtogle with other obUdna I ato «i.aK> sals Tto aggngah-paU
-Mtf ersyma aad vssa to all allowed
mas aad to go lo otos fs <be ulaale vs fie.fiET.tCit.
I Theyaaaly
to Ibe
to pbrMeias mirotobly:
s. >n-to w nSs.
. Atls tbaaddraasa by Mays Faiebto BBd Bx-Mars rrlodrteh. vblrt taktog erery cara. to U ttohaallU , ohtoego. bUnA IT-Rapsv frasliaOd. naaad v
; ebair. Mtogei
vas Ibe latoolnl apaaabta TsaUsa- oMos. bat tto taslUea wbse tto die- rw.,~.4.. wtbe
■t Friadrieb ealkd epca Bsrly all
.fSSBltoWn oadttotbeBrof tto
:nsirtivstbttBeots«f Ibtooiaa

feaildiagaTtm a tsgtoto
rgiato sitotio'


tryiag aav axpactoaaol ea tto Taboo-

Onur CMkIaih

Laat Mwd


-------- geod lead •iih Sae clreaB selist. (MD.
el mew* o*i o
Ko «a Wm Oto Sklarie hoaaa. IM
of bUtSIA

eolted ibroa^ hU («»)y and be vs
Tlie Raeord baa lu ttawi peal aada
o polat w odvis aaokan afts
benna la tba gnol vaal to saka tbs- are an vllbooi t


II vieier vbrel. good feocre all i-rs »,ta fnii ven r... —
end orll eeirre.)
If m|d ii.te eiruig TliU sa lie bougbi <b Mw tssTto
• 111 Mk. fits' ss
Ab.«t lea sir |M0
Ke. m Rallrsd Are, rery als

Barban Harritto.
A Veto te the-------Oatn-VTlls*ns8tottl..l‘hoDo*«>‘»- TpaUaatl. Aoa ArUs d
■iaa. vbo OOB polat to tba mao; ftua
It vaa aflat Wtf pan «aa t>’«loc* 1
u... ^---------oS Ibto city. : Jaokito nllvay, vai killed Tarelai
aad aabanailal bulldiwn la TnTona vban tba m«taM vaa aompiMM aad to hdrls aar penaa of tba veaiani! ^ oa aI<otrie ebook
Hr vs dtliir
r dlaparaad afts atogtog
Oltr ai noeasauta to tbalr ladaair;.
Sia of toe MoUay pul« vbto tto •
fem type os to auka Ws
Haimv of tbalr IbrUi oiid icnaparilT
8M vat tba sovd vblota aal devt
ta tba hoaqmat and >ada It plaown
ts a aomhar ot InrtM (aaat>>.vbo lu
taro Ibereoftal; aaiajai tba taotpllall|r of tba boaio
Amoi tba gaaata van ax-Hajor
4. T. Filadrtob. Mays 3. V. Phlobto. ArTbllaola W. A. Daaa. O. M.
Paall aad P. K.
Volks, aaraial
aarpaolMt ood boUden aod aavapaps aao.
It VMoflar 10 o'elork
vbao V. & Mills el tlv l-aqaol
iWSlMii sUad tba satotac lo
aa4s to tba LlllU Torarn Blaa





tw i^,08

Ten-iMart Tin Pail
Two-qnart covered PaU



In addition to this we will give a discount of 15 per cent off
on everything else in our store,excepting Coats’Thread. There
will be nothing reserved—ever^hing goes.
Don’t miss this opportunity to buy goods at less than
wholesale prices.


Traverse City.



la » mtfrmr.
Haap are awklag atapto mm
*--- taport a good
ga m d np

. ..

S. U Udd-t Tlilt^ A. K. PklMr'ccnbwdMCslkNka. B*hM»
korarokud: it neeiTM a aoM of ala-

£s;'s'.s?sv. 2SJJ‘£; S.-xrasa.-^r" “s.'sa^as,-



keaaaoaB; althaafii eon takai
. yotaak-oat^ ika fnai^. tkan

aaepd tha WBitetr praraote
a in thr cioM V
Hlaa Oltehd d
SatBKtep aad Baodop at J. 8.
Mr. Baaaa-1 bar# iMaiad mr orflMrt with good naalia Tbt drop- Itel MbbM waa of baaaki awkUa. bat
Jbar eld frinda aod aai^—..
ddiwortbt catUatarlab(b*aoll;tba
aaifiard va* Ont aovad to rjm. ikM Mr- 8mii Ifca lata Oa<»ta Par^
laa nada a taat
acMa aamvai far*
B. S. BrtBkBM>a-Ta tkow tha «n>* tiUaanatOld Hlatoa. Ba blaatad
Ktawaofeoia far (kla parpear. Oa a oarp antepdda tma ia nparM
(ear rova be aaad laad plaanr; ao foar LpoB Bottoa apaot MOttal dapt of
rowi. li»a; aa loar----- —“
King la Tiaootn Oitp ted waak.
aaraaadaa Ibaottaat------------------WgXPObU. y
rba pMatat «aa of ao tooedt. tba
r-rr n;
**Itla'aet la 'tba laad
d ilaaU tel aabaa a littla batter, tbr ttakla aa
prodooad bif atalti and fair
ITMlIk. bat
Of Oa
Moaun teal Taaadap.
_________ _____
. . far lb« nalflttatt of ___ tba bl^i ptald of *ala.
Maitia Btaek baiteiU
it IkU traaitli nl7 aaoilrta
towsabip to a
------ r. take oB Ut------ topBald
aottera Hioblgao.
Ftaok Laog aod Fraak (
• U^^tbas plo* aodar Uia d- I Traoant Oltp ted Bans
Dr. Batea U qalte boip thnatepaSoibnad*?^'
tel dodi Utea to trada oor--------.
ttMdaa to the voUaBae of >
Patriok Bloefc bn mted bia Mm
It boaad apea ttw iateei|ito ctf_____
ttmi brcirtwbaiA teUateUatba
to Joba Bdgtti aod vUl work for B.
oaaditiaaa of IwtUUr tba Mnar laCalint drtTiog weUi tbte
too nrlp. at ibt o«d laulad la tba Mr aad Mn. Frank Whlteap an at
*y^otin tba dob ad^ooraod to
ktloa gWf of famiatata a^
toramt tbonUol the jraldoiit aad
taora aUtUadlrarldaal tkoa U J
Baroep (or Ibreo ji
temtarp of tbo oUb.
1^ vhan the ^^ooiaalaMod.
_ .ote bit ttao
Wai. a Ba^, eeamarp.
tod eottlng wood.
IWaplaaala. MaipMad. ato. faaad
F. HopUot Kalkaafca
Meat of Mod. wUebtoroMppaan,
te'l lapertaoi
oLHi aam.
borioni muon to look aiw.
kohteae korrMa Ho faUi« oC la
the vaffhl aa qaaUtp M ttoanoanttt an
Thlt If tba dap to ealabtaM at. Pat- wlU teSw!dl?“^*MnSS^^
totadad tha Ikrtaar of tba
• oot^of
on kgalo. Tte MUkro toot oonn d
' toUM Modttat
aad Mia. Ua- OM teeoiaao Ifaote oad thop «UI I
Mra. Wb. :
aarrtad a«ap tetbapav
lia Milan Wad- aoloo a oiM betur priot tboo h







iPtetaa. Dntb tonlttd fron paritaaitte Ha vaa lakta aisk after teria*
baia itddnlaHp «Mrk Mtb a nat


oooUp Man aa tdlMbla poaag
Fooetal itrrloet wan haU .............................. . lA oo

warn waathar aad loat d now
^ toJan<^^o*gln^bote^
fnt SSJ^te^j"lo'gei to
(bit------- Tba MBte ten grwtlp
rodaead (bait fotoa. TbU Mkta oili.
Mont ligbtar
_.a Parktt elailad Bnor teat
ooTiDg awap Mia driog.
Famen araall bup tejn mpla


Itwaa nrte
Mm. Vt

Mm Jaaka eidted latetieM la Uterlaebn Iba paat waok.
Partepa wa will
nalatenaa anoiac ttala aa___ _
ntteH.AK. S. Ute paopla can
gat la Tranne Oltp and Maolataa and
ratora tba------■*—
Want a___.

____________ ao‘
Heal d Hap ML
tita aoa* to ba nrp


IboBcborictatUp----‘-<1 wm tetU-

■Mai kicaiiofthon
B<M to Hr. aad Mra. Haroap Hal
la Tookf t
flt. Maieh H. ktn
m Me lire I
lip. tbop tmo tarnad iato MiiiM. aod
___ tat bieldorbeota norad bia
»■»*» Mnltp law tetrn tan waak.
•M. atlor teriac Mib MUM moo MlnCbrta Baaoett ratoraad
tiM a bawM pmo. Http vlU oM botaalaM Taeadop aflai a MtOf
toad Haiob Ik
ploU a reoaaeiatin atop of a oonal IsOtaleaco.
Frad W. Kioa U apaediai
^'Snp of at ara dotaf tbo Ma. In dapt la Kaplra.
tba ama of lUladariStbaM the noot Thiive ebUdnaot Tbenai KMl- Oowbalog * •
Mta nil of aap .MaM^ Callad
A. Okl'
•laiat. Maclaitoa thatr a anaio ' dtrbeott an baal^ tba.
..r a BnM't oldt v
•aMatiax plaid par aan aaab na
. aad fliaodt la Foatorte.
Wn MeQntar la gatUag aleog baarao.1

----------bteo nt-------------------------------- • -----dbw^ oor tanaan loatUala that
rbleb It Boa eoatedarlog Iba tagatp.
O Bolllt i atUloghla aarthlppn
.tatioaiaod naaglag to Btera iDltefor (ran Mat ai
Bom. to Mr. aad Mra. i. Fnifmtn.
trt U aatarteialj
Mra J. «. BI
aod daaghtar
•dnr gare
ina Mkao oB la orofa. tba aMnaata Mra Bd a '
ta Tbait& MtttUtp la tba aabaoU an aUU
Mrt. 1
Mera. bol are aol of yaaatU ther Mra. J. W. Rlaateut aolopad a
da.T af____ .
tialM Mra.
nMa^tte nrtooTltlffBnnl^M dj^l^olalt tron btraad
Bet. BonoU. ntertoleodeBt d tba



R2£’Sa£insr STsrs
^jssrz s=;2:

KM Bate^'ftU^bk

tel eodd* tednatow^teTiog
teairb oagaoteolte te . ^ te
t t^l”owing let

^Fwrtdnt QlU-Ik iba aiaUa m-

-«r. Eble tel alnodp aad
lion d raip aloa aa^ tpn

■Std^tba Mote cnaad-^Wac a

-rntm Id air Ikiayjr U [» wA twUT^



O. a. Baldwin wnt

...marie anting at latead M. E.
chaite wan SoMap. Bee. Walter d
pnaldTte «. a T. D. peatpn*^
mbte’a naallBg till Marob «.
I aearr mt
Bndn tod note lie will
Topic, "Haap nd
BUaBe«d.wbe boa bai
Ibt pate pnr la Aateiti oomp. it
bona. Bte will taaeb In tbit eoantp
balog aoataod <c i
Mtda. after ball
boon oil wlattr.
otateaeioloaaaaan Fiidop. Step
to BMkt o> eitet d two wae
1 tte Merab afaialnitn. wl
Hn. Alter! Kni wot op tote i
•auUng ap laatten at tba farm. |ir«poring to BKiTa book te tha old Mrs
ite—lTta tte dm d ApriL

K Kri:^J5’roT2i

Ttaeant onatp. A good pnog non.
wo koow. beooom tte paper* nld te
wte te no for oOeo. Oene not nod
2:0hUkn fda loeiol Frldop aeooiag.


On or about April 1st we will
be glad to see all our old pat­
rons and many new ones in
our new location which will be
in the

Mntep. Bate tala IIbna bopt trltb

aiMK Abac
_____ _______ . tkaehKra.TkpU». a
w BMod at a anloh.
bag Um. la oac
. Mr. Pana Thb pMa U tba I
. nar dedaad for baat naaha la aa
(ted. IiUbelb abaaanaad baHar Pnak niLr aad Haoip Saana
bnlDMtrip talnplr, ted
M«aop otbar natboJioa nU Ml
wUl c>ov food otopa of doear.
WoaU U aal ba bU richi to nra Ma Frad Fortin aad teaOp haoa nooed
tBpnaad Bowliif MalenrlaatlM te^te^BnpM. Ha will Mab for
M da doM oa tba mutd!
a l«dd-Ko; mow It i_______
Mra. Balkp M aorad tote U
wiu iM a bMM atoGod



Trusting that the people of
Traverse City and surrounding
country will soon accommo­
date themselves to our new
place of business, where we
will in the future as in the past
sell only the purest drugs at
lowest prices.
We are yours respectfully,


Iba Conur’i VcnlicL

mnsra te teohta aad----- ,
mautn Uter 1 wmt callad ta ■
nn ulc nau nw« ^hbcb an uac ■

caiaUr.* Thai waa c tricod'aUaUmoap
More tba rotme. Tte *«fd>a te tte
r.>rte>ef'e ^ waa-* Dead te bean fail.
or*' TteantdaptbapMCChromM
(be waUaa ukM of a waUAnawa dti.
eeamaler tteiaantetbtadefA.Shack
la Ite Caoaaanr.' Tten tba oaUaef
Tte* a aa faacp ifcatch. Bvtrp dap



* 1 ted bras tnaUad with tevt tted*
aad calarrk ef ite teiaati-k.* wrm M>..
W. U. M«TcbaiU. of 7>jMtong. Cteiaa
Ce., Fmt. *ilad dactond ted mmm
UM witb«-t fcbri. (ten i btgBB la am
Dr. PteCT'a CoUm 1 '

Karra-iCoUm X«dical IMtailn


--------------------• —J——r

te diaitelrte aad aatriboa and to |itelfi
U>eIdoad. Bte the togradHati wbkh
««er iota tte • OtetmeT • locM* aaa
te U* M bean mate kaawa la mdi.
cine. 6a while 'Coldin Medial Oia
caecrp* coraa tte diimed daaelh. h
teranglbeoa Uw bean tad ewlda (te
Ite aoiaa te (be* ergate


loag inw’ite WaanteaUt

Feed and Sales Stables 231 State Street.

t Store 123 Cass street.



rtegi te the laagL^bte if-






TWa ia to be a BL Patrtefc'i Mp
Moat la K. O. T. M. tell towr.o*
Mn. Itmri Edokn wnt to Ba• ouii

M*^M*‘'*d*‘ ^o«ariSMad*Mj
m it et gnat
Mot«htade;il tea atee the ntdl d
fete Iba aheapaol aad neat oMata

Mabel Bkh d Bsplto «at in Hnor Frltep aod Itente et ^ vnk.
A fe* d tba tdooda d B. W. Car_iaooa gotbsnd at bit bona tea Frtdap rnalag ^ tMlod blai tbat te


' {^lTl*fcimlrac(d^^to

la Mrragtb and doM. ted



M tbaa tpa.
H. S.Miak

xii.-%s:z£r: £K.“


Mlaa Xdbar Arotard Ttamta C
of tern

Mr. nd Mil. J. L OoMtlan. terIn«oottbr trloMr vtib ttatetttr'o
Mob ltd oeana talaabb to fin panata to Otiigo. ten
Udar. Tba pnaaai pctea d aateb -teir boar la Ibii plan.
aaadlakgnatdiairbad taltaaxta
Bat. Tat^of^lan^, SUad tha
dn Bta; aboe^S cnia pm poaM
mlpltla tte Oemnatloi_________
Soadap Bumiagla tte ikiin' of
Ba*. VaoAikoo. tte ton* being eaUa«
ta Vaodarbllt bp At tUotaa of
• Bln: tUagiadada_____________
Milt Blto Vaa Aokaa hat Ttewi
> hM beoM at VaMwktlt.
Fiad PMaitlal af BaHaod. la *ttetto^atefaoMof hiateaMc. Mia. B.'s'.s'


d tha ana. » (it Otertaa PoiMi aad Ohariaa Baam
tkndtail 1 bar. tpaa( Saadtp at HoOtl Ponac.
S^te^y^Sb tem^amteSIi

Mabaldpaaa'tbii'iPte: wWtba
aeon onofie viaMr aa vaU at a
wd Mte- I ban M far a
bteldte aop paat aadafaote
. of WblppatrMU ootr ptat M ««y *M

MilwaukM Junior No. lO.

Milwaukee No. 5.

e 1 will cany a Urge aod complete line of
At my ii
I am in better shape
Machinery. Buggies, Wai
than ever to sop^y the wanU (rf my csstocnefV If you do not hod what ypu want in ray stodc 1 wiU order the taoM
on short notice.



ing to offer you fint-dass goods at prices that will move them rapidly. I can buy goods in as laige quantities aad
as cheap as anyone, and am always willing to give my cuitoniert the beoeAt.
on me aod be conviaced.

ib^tete'-^dte^TteBlg 1
aamt .ham vwp mah p

• aueaglk. katoap tenaglk.

. ««« Humi

tba Tte^

anro^tetllM m oaMte ta ol ..


These machines are too well and favorably known in this local­
ity to need any further explanation. They speak for themselves

t oa tba



As I have a large farm a short disunce from town. I am in a posilioo to handie all kinds of stock in exchange for machioer>-. buggies and implements.
1 have at present’about twenty good work horses for sale.

B. a Udd-Tfat m4 laotnal
aobad IM pnr gratr to aboal a tool Am lodiao babp diad at tte enl

nteb. IfM ?oM Utoba ooifet
faad tbia pUa it goodi te aa tba

Daeoacf*.' 1 (ael Iba a

Having lecently purchased the stock and busioess of Geo. Canu. I will hereafter conduct a first-class Feed
and Sales Barn at the old sund. 231 Sttte Street, opposite Park Hace Hotel. 1 will also use part of this Urn for
a warehouse, where 1 will unload several car loads of machinery that I am expecting in a few days.

Citlxena Phone 126

128 Cbm Street


■uvagik ia mteid aad mm
MMd I- U- .-nita


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