Grand Traverse Herald, November 27, 1902

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Grand Traverse Herald, November 27, 1902


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text


J. M. miaiMANTEU



A fiCMnt Btiklic Bolam MW

H Cmic lAMStiaatioii
Is a eood Cbhifl Sonets


Jun now it wilt pay yon to iovestigate our
line o/ToilfC Articles. I'ocket Books, etc.
We carry “The Best." There is nothing
cheap about (hem except the price, and we
a big variety to select from.
ly 1I’ufc Drvgs -and carefulness
. iding pn^riptions is our motto,
ry v|s andd be <convinced.



»fcr Coil tUnredlM Tiw MsmUl



WUk ikroB«l.
•■a fudliis •
•to UfSttf in^a-to hy j.-o, l~i.
•a mX\f ^ dr,toto*a tfT ttr. wa. >•

Ooo dav. al»ui tlu- mlddlr trf No-'
' vrmltoT. thr «l»irf» arrr boib at
anil aa< rach by her rho« winatlirhlBc boaJlj.
Mary vould atop lor a mlnuia or two
and JuuW util acnoui U>r country': at U
abr r«al3r ita>( pleaaurv tn xwlnc Ibr
IranoM« asainu ihr xcay «ky
otcrbtwd. and Ibr band oT pair y
la >hr aoulhwrwt. Ibr atifi pair b
oC tb- e................................
' and I
I pine
Ill.MMCbl II 1 very lihwk. 1

l»'viM,<Ualkn«..^' Irto-k
Tsa.-tb. rtH'rmc AT


iobnson’s Drug Store.



... ........ m.toibrr. and tt w Uanha
vbo ay-ix '•fxnw (u <I>r Tmaire and
• bom iho xmm U ibe Innierrntsmf -I tuciwn <o livr and dir
■br wld onr dar to a ne«- nu
r. vbo aakrd tbro ir ther tiad mUtnd in lb« I>M boulr, -that li.
l,ruTid«d 1 don't dir no lh<- n>ad notn*

Fine Farms Cheap as Dirt.

tbr ruail 1o Ibr -»m
anybody had eunr I

I cuulil la^
FM.I.) a Sb4l
Roin' 10 do
d baev sumeimBR
"• '* tc
on ain't able to

-' bl
. Oud Ibat I

.- abr> aaid.
nsmilar work ibm '

! tb-bul- wtor.- tow* ball, to>
,toay to alira (•rPa—
kick you luay .'Itoa. a- InaO.
ad rkala. lu. to4ar.a tradrr ti

. et—Tr.*-r-rt.-»-4.
■^tnaiiv: HOfLntra iv

' *d


Rel. ibrouRb
rbuld d(
laM winter One tin
_ . .
. brer roor dayw.
and conblB l bare i^l lo Ihr rllla«rjo

Brand Craotrst Land Co.







K. C. Dl
MlLKlNe. . J. O. CROTMR.



Bwwnui ITSBUUCffiS.




would be (Aeased to haae >«u c
intpcct our in

CUn«t4MD. OMO.
For WMbr

TravwM C*ly«HdCllc RavU




It. Mft



__ _

PATENTS. ~ss*Bsr““—


in skason.


Traverse City. Mich.
BsU Pboae ISO.

OitUnis Pbooe 4^i

Oood TKlmgw *o Ea't

SLSKkS.‘"piri.s'i,rSbil s:
isbes. breakfast foods or some of the choice gro­
ceries we -carry in atock at all times.

J. J.
•48 Front StiwM

BrOBOh Blook

121 t««l« StntL

% UictorPetertyle

If you are thinking of baying anything in the way of



do not fail to. look over oar Urge line of baodtome ar­
ticles. We abo carry a fine sto^ of WATCHES.
CLOCKS. JEWELRY. ETC Speccade Pitting a
ipedahy. Watch and Clock Repairing—the beat
grade oi
of wont
work oooe.

O'. XT. 2
•M' A TtTIXr]

ap and coBvenlrnl. ibry roadb ...
boys' flNi anita and stray )aek«a
___I troinrn wbmrrrr '
They mi-ndr-l Ibrm. loti
Blllht bear It a
twMiiy mnc-i a y.ror; "How should
aloOK wJtbonl Mi^asd M


TWbpbone 4

Hides and Fur Wanted

AIfeB«larpi«.admck. Special wacemmade
orier, praBpdy. Only OwTeiy beW matcriM
oed. nBi foByiuaiBMMd a erecy wigaa.
RlUIOiftC ■n-«Sreimde»me»weUa.wlL TTiey are
WMUHtW iwtMdear«taspMtertt4 md pttti a flaahy
Aairii te eucli tbe eye. bat are dmhte, coatdttbMa «wi amt- The eMapeM on Ibe wwket. cpialny csBudereil
Okx med aed yea wS bur RO ether auke.

Ur pride II, ber bran becausr sb
_.J not are how Mary n>nld pel o
aitboui hew own forrtbouebt and pn
ialun ror Ihnr nrrda
In Ibe xlllace where Ibey
ewKi for iheir llrloa;
llorraaNi by imde. and iboocb

1 am now in the market for all kinds of Hides ana Par, ready
to pay the highest maricet price. AH goods shipped to me
wilTreceive my best attention. Will hold goc^s until 1 hear
from you and if prites are not satisfactory will pay charges
both ways.



areal dlffvreore
nee ilio. cm that nvw rroaaruad.
AVI 1 abould like to lire where I could
be roaaonahly certain of ra<eitn' 'pH»it did oBca Rood to ao to KM
eniif neeiln' last week when I
Elllfa I ran i feel MKhl to *o
away aiwl Iraro you alone, and folks
aln‘1 likely lo wbnl ua both ai oner,
aa ibo.v used lo a Rood deal."
Mary alabed a llille. She knew all
leae arauiiH-nia well: abe knew tbai
hal Ibey wantisl was alcady work
i borne la •-Inier They had only a
money In Ibe bank, for, ihrUlj
aa they
too, and lad Inal by a railroad failure
ira aa» almuai'all tbMr lifel fen
-\«aMna» They eoold not an ool
• ork Burh lunaer. Hair knew It
Martha n.nd not aay ll oxer so
ly Uinr«: and she huked up Bl
tha. and waa aurprlwMl, aa g ll
rrre Ibe flrwl llroe abe had ever 00Orod ll. to
that abe was alDoat
NeviT quite thatl
l-rhorked alrl who had
lUah ptide and admlrp
er lie anylblna else, in
lion could
tpiie ol the dial
llaaitlue* and cl
wlib which lime bail masked ber

Fresh. Salt and Smoked Meats. Sausaeos. Etc. ;:UTbo"ro.''

Om* kwMt


A ThaBkadivlB# Story.
f iwu alMvrr — Ihr ol
, ,, IS. aa jMa.pli- had bvann
ilvod u«eU
luceiber. abd
then—had always Uvvd
1 lo one evened
whai had hawroaed
-----------lu liat" baupened lo ibv uiber.
Tbey onra tald thal what one knew
Ibe Qiber knew: nnd since Ibey bad
•peni Ibdi >««rH very qnleily. Ibe
Ihlnca ihal t-arb alaler lbou*bt tawl
worth aayini; «bv...........................
For all ihli.
uTvy evo- aa dlffvrehl
•lary'waa Mary ' '
ind lot IHR-beari
Janlia-llk.—a lliilv t.«> Inpatlih fooliah lolka. and torwllln*
aBortlonaie wbll.- she irted to
ai abo railed ]uai
iiilfcbt her youDCer
ary aW
•. knilorc



0MH3 Ms&Jigr

Oledditia and Christmas
and everyday use. An aaaortmefit of

:l hardl:
t>.- aflo

had b»-n qumionnl. wbu ruuld lake
Ibelr idarot II auylblne bapprnnl to
Ibe eoul amoK-n Martha was usually
atrooe and vljarmua. abort andublekboaillna If aaytblna In partlci
wOTe aolna 011. She was an cicellent
w«eH (o nake oTcr a carpet; abe was
eairemely Jodlrtool and
•on. ll mas Martha who
called opon lo po and keep houae for

inc ai .
. ..
Mary l»«in. whoa exeryhody Iheuejll
a imlr Blydiiy and unpmctical. •-.■ai.
OQ avirlnc aa lone as ibe pale daylisbl
M. ilhv did no< know why abe,
•u dlaappulnied aboui Bol InTllInc ' ihai <xnlx M
r unknown nHiala. She bad not •' J.xbn
IhixxiRfal of him Vfcv often:
bad been a Itllle athi
alaiul Ibe family
:bat said Martha,
vx-erybudy so W
un- day. abort fas
tonavlB* whx-o sbo waa
llw It's bCRlnnlac
Ihal this euoslD's (there'
father tb
.. nninc
him <if his rixbls lo ihr I pul tl
Hut she
M Itwri ibret- xlaxu afliwwanl Sie Roodnaiuriwl. and
Manha was diavoxvred lo bv x.-ry sqniy.
"You ear Ihal execy yvxar, don't yoa.
i-ul and unreasonable, and In spile
pmioua x-xpgfleocea. Mtaa Mary, Manha." abe aaid. "Just think bO)
a eniln-ly aurprlacd In be loM late kRMC we've been wHblnc fur a newlnc
the ex<-nlue. juai as Ibex- were RO- macblne. and bow Msy. alter nil. II .
IDC to bxvi. ibal a irilre had boon wnl baa enmer'-Cbristlan I'nlon
Ihal day In Cousin John atklnx him
ne and spend TbanksjrtrInR with
Hex* MMiarehs Slacp.
on lh<- hlllinp. "You'd never
BmperuT William la a aoldlef
baxe been aatlsSed wllbuul II. I sup bo Roes 10 biwl. fur hr al<w-ps on
puae." Ibv Rxaid woman said. RrudRln*- elation camp bod. soeb aa bis a
ly. aa she went hunTlnR about Ibe
r. The bed rtotblnc Is ' '
' Mary was filled with
Rlmenlal psitera. lie
at 11 Ibal II would
P m . and It up and dressed soon after
iriMiblv I
S a. m.1 says Ibv Denver Times.
shf fell very
1 Vlciurla west lo bed qalie
iHd. and was as
iBRly crmlefnl
:c. alibouRh the
u sla- thanked tl
d ut tin- fam ly Mriy riser. Vmt
year out .
- I dxxnY her averace lime of
I why m^hiy
■ depntml
10 U A lady in wa
I nad her 10 sleep
ly. and Manha utfied
The Cxar of “
I freatt^
. Crum undN ibe pairbsrork
Illy In neiilnc a Rood nlcbl'a nat.
"I hope b» .sronY slop
and vei be U what old-taahkmed-psoibe uUmTxeil. quite cheerfully. And pie call "a lover of the bed." He
tvsUiterl. and Miss Mar dread, ihe nlcbi. HI*
.* bedruom ii
la a)waya tirilllanlly llRfated
d. llkr a r.
t|un ream. He often aoBvri

Lbc while, iwlnktlni;. wlnier-llke stars.
Ooodness me" eicUlmod Manba
ThanksRtvln* moraine: "ihere he
- a. and be luuks as old as Meibulalafal"
1" The shuts
SHUTS stood loqoii
.and waicbird tbvir runi cUmb .. .
kmc hill, and mado characierHUe cummoiis -He don look real kmasome."
tald Mary, but Manha bustled
look at Ibe chicken which ha
beob put
;« be werx- hancry.'
(hf way. and took a conplacMii gmk
Into the keiihw after she bad bn-b
that Ibe oxen continued tn be In a
r stale of warmth. There was
:h fur her lo do tu look afivr Ibe
1 aiiMd
after all. It w
ly. HspecUllr some ooe'
be wlib
tboD Mo had crown
xwn dear, boneai-heanrd falber la
Ibesv UII-T years, be couM pot be a
bad mab. and
. . ll
. a.Tmed a Rreat
•Ibce iheyjiad.i
folks at Ibe Ub

bappyT for lb<- rider sitter bad taken
rame wlih-soeb realRna
her life aa
xmpHInlORDeaa Terhaps
anil i
rer more
y fell
Ihs^ Manba benxelf
d. I.xit Ibe RMef had BTr.wa vi
w ns-i
They had d<d been
-I x.-ry looR. and she M not
rn uaed lo her new relaiunshlp
re bis sodden dmlfa '
bad often Ibid herself Ihi
for the beal. aiul In spl'.e of Ibal liked
10 bale people know that '
wanly like othixc-unmai
who nexer had lifni rniw
ihelr slioatltlon.
1 been aliilBR In allebce. hmt In thouRht.
and Mary-a lender sympaiblea had
sroven many dceems for her. she
api to ahauor Ibe dnama at law.
wmie x.Ty
nnsenilmrciial remarh
thoul the Jacket they
she often
price xr
sad ihouRtiii. for all ihaL
l Jual
IhH Noxember afi>
aa usual, humbly wondered If her als
were lonelr and tronhled. and If
herself were half so Rood and tenas the ouRhl lo be tn oee ao >lf«r
kind. At last Martha said,
said. la a
k we ahall
bnslDesa way:
■ cenlhR ready
lY ex|>eei we ahall do ao much aa
>al: I don't see where the money's
nln' from. We had better cot aloat
haul a chicken, snywaya: they're


wIillBR 10 Rive bU danaMar.
Each white baad dmoim leu fnaea
pra- ahnom: ••eh yellow t«ad repw
ways seemed so plcaaant and sprlRhl- •ealB Ijwn fraaea • year.—FUUbatt
ly—well. If onr <d you (Iris H Ml DHpaleh.
wliboal Ibe Otber. yoo'll/KlKrwpme(■s alf 1 filnaay."
Caller: "I should (blah yoB'd\e
; abol ttaronsh the
axy la thH place. Thai It a boUar
ilHiemer's baan. And
Mary Deaa
iciory next door. Ha t itr
kioked ao tarry and ao kind that the
Hotteat: 'Tea. t doal mind II.’
"Tm doaH mind lir
ut the wife who ha4«M. Coust
-No. iadsad
I moved bore for
a WhllefiM moTM hiT^i^ia^b
,moe sad qalet. Tbe last home mp
Ured la .............. -.....................................



way. ber atsler pwiokad bw a
apt roomailnc 10 see the •------tace Mary woold oely say. -Fsrtapa
you fcaow tw«.- or -Do y« Cblak we
coahl tad jBBt tbe riRbl hamaT hat

she alwaya (ockad aueriy i

Heads. Tbsa tberv
a tbe dlaaer
ud tbe two eWeriy women, and their
(neat enjoyed it very mach. MHs
Martha bad pal oa tbe Imi tpUeekiib
and Ibe beet disbea. She had doM all
abe eunkl to snake the IliHr (eeilral a
aaeceaa. sad praaenily even she was
filled-Yriib tbe spirit of the day. and
lid BOI let the least shadow of dHapproval abow luetf la ber fare wbM
Mary aaid:
"BHier. I'm sure wa
ouRbi to br very ibaakfal today (ar
- od tbloff and (or OooUa
any: 1 doaY feel as II wa
make oai to be mamlm

MarMta II____ __________
■M haraalf. alper they a
OoaalB John had erldxmUy d
Umacdf with rnsu care, bat be

o bare bH eoal
mfsote Aad
. Mary

i^d^-Rlria. I WBSl to know U. wltb all yow
be tblaka we d
srwisc trade, yoe kavaeY (0( aay eew
a him." vealaied Mary. lac ametdaer- Aad tbe pIrM laokU
W 1
ai Mdk other wfatfally.
swersd no
-Now. I know what HI do fcr yoa.aad the witharwd (see brtpbiwsf
-rm patBR to asm you oear Maria'a
—--- by U: Ywas raw
——— “mi't
b as anythlBR-eat by that
1 woulda-i speak lo m
eltber.- tad Manha'a • rotev
has stood. I're b«m tl
thread snapped locecber "Bvsrybody bare u eell It. -fn ai
mid lory treated om- folks campsuaaty
Yoa aeedaY axpect me (e pa Ophied (see u Ibe ott
msMhU- after each IbaaMeaa and
mtebtpM eraatar-aM

JirLJsi? TLT'Ln:

r 4MbY mat as

cam aad spMd Thaaksptriac Pay

••Ooam and dine 1
said the old fellow
mooer aad wanted

<y' -Bofty.- replM tbe alai. "1 oaaY. rm patac to a*
That's all HRbL" laM
oM ceatlema; 'brine

-Was roar bnaband Rood to yoa
daiinc year kmc UtasaBr- iln«Blrad
tbe Mad lady who wni maklac a ebarly <M1
- -

rwpUsd Ibe poor woom: coaM b»-fec wae ed tbaa a brnmad.'

'ttd b

time IL ........................
tbe approach of a eow Bba was tan
HMitM to raK and. sbaMoc bar
the salmi, aba saM ta a
tone: -Ua down. sir. Ba.

I UMber of (be dnaea a

saw wbve a stlteh or two was at
and a batum had beea loai. It te


lloB. I'm Sara.'

Ihal cold dust waa -mltsd
Ihe ejected lava.
. I four UmRxica sontb of the Umr*
Id Huaoco,- wnlea to the Lima “OianercH - a oorreapoodeci from CdSBdtb. a small vfllace six leacass 4Uuat .
from Ibe volcano, 'ibere Is a motm___ called
__ __ Campaiu
_________ Oreo
Om> by
. soae
people, and Cbnllrpau by otbori. aa
volcano wbirii has Just
• • eauwM
- lUrM aa
« period of acuvliy
For the
days or Srplember enlamaa of

DarinMea was aomoUmaa
and a ibla Iboocb baary doR
ll siwmed as If Ibe mUtaken t
Ihe Rutirra of Ibe tosrn.
bold Ibal had been dlridt< br_____
rnm Ihe BMmniaIn ware beard
tradlHons of anytblac
lUeir had .
and arveiai apertaraa
but warfare.
cneai was palbMlcally (lad
n IccalcBlabte depth.
to ««)'
be could folk tn bH Oocsth
he pleasure Marika's
note h
him He did UR aay
Marriapa Coatsm.
Ihal II Waa not very afimlonate. bm
lo seme parta c( BrilUoy a *1
he Uih
uild Ibv irath aboui hariac cfiM marrlace eaaiom preValH On <«
ce be had crown older that
•laya ir
.. (alk orer (be old timse and
lb red
Under feellnc inward earb


They m-ed tofNher pa a UUtop }«H
Cups and Saucors. Plates. Bowls. Salads.
iiaMe the rlllaee Tbr laded yellow
Sauce Dishes. Spoonholders. Sugar and
.torjwndA-bnlf bou«> looked na If ll
airayed away
llitle to be by IfCream. Berry Sets. Tea Sets. Chocolate had
Perhnpe imaietaody was mastu bwlM ll there no thi
Sets. 9read and Milk Pitchers, etc. ' .•eed
be au mdy (or Harr tten.
Some are very pretty, beyond de- entet
scription; the only way Is to sct Yhfim.-|[;^_»<g ;rtii^^
SO we invite all the ladies to give us a
____ 10 do If Ibey
special visit to see the«« dishes. We (alki. You w«ald do :» CM
youraelf many a ilror ember
know that they Will please you and there all up la a raloatocn 10 lu|
taUII U there had beea-i
is no Qi^stion about the price: that is kmc
with the UlUe hoBM. Manha
surprisingly low. This is at

Veleane ejected Oold.
• many volcanic erupHons re1 aa ocrarrinc In Mexico and
- • • cable dis­
patch received tioi loc
uf renvaml acllvlly <1
last p
I potable of (1
imry ^say

Hr dinner Ji
She ant <1
ee and triad
ll abe waa n

bad deemed to like 10 bare SUry
In the tick room, abe was ao Rettlle
,and qiilei. and did noi India'
Ins auoMHhlns w '
d. anxious, wl
inq to do. as her
while. Vet e
Manba a ipleodM nurse;
I CBiroble. they said: and
BWial luwqile liked lo hear her talk to
the dick, and lell them they w«e neryoud and onilonal. and tbere wasn'l
nsythlns sreai the matter with ibem.
and she bad seen folks iwlre as bad lar, " said h^. aofUy. "Then 1
know what I ahoaU do w
oR. There wa. no Eainsaylns th.
I hope
Ibid irratmeot frequeoily
os;" and her Up qolrered aa ....
aa mneb rcroftdenoo In MarUm-------- •puke. "You (bou^l we a<-rer shMid
Dull ihrmuch thH year.' abe resumed
aa tn the donor, and 11 wns mod fw
ake ealllMl their ^hofuro! In a morv cxxaimooplace ume; -bni
all. and we've done
a way. and kept wnrm.'
ufien rme aboni seiilM well
aa It la atom Reruns
Mch. Butt
t (be fc_...................
tall.' thin. Mary, wuh her pleaded
I wish we eouM
id look, stole Into a
r np iblBCi oetdoma weU'a we cs
_______ - a drrary day and
~ and Utnhs amiM enmiy.
inc bob -How do you do- <
We do, don't weT' and the youa«i
you'd llkr crop
ter tauRhed ootrlRhl. "I wish we
iterpanr a 1
I hare s aewlnc machloe
I dara!
k-nown lo
r by and by ibeyll R« efaaaper. I
bloorord <m a Utile bodh Ihal bad
baby, and l>rDn«ht declare It doevn*t aeMi fire yraim
ace Ibe whr waa over."
Ihrouch the wtnier at
Tbere'a John Whitfield.- aaid MarMary D«
la. aacrfly; and Mary hwked Mchb
*■ thonsbt Ilml abe wi
led. 8be waa always to aorry when
and nnlwrlTtac for a
_ila topic was ataried. -Me nercr
Tm many a patltrot «
Ores .a
a V_____
what onr folks did
_ to
. wbai
an erer to RH wall ao
alda't I
tor blm. -I aboal
do aoBeiblBR for tbit
was to tee blm.
, mam. They were bui:
own eoaeins .
tide It does aeem as ft be mlRht taka
some laien« la nn'aow we've an
iMWt Rn^: hni dosetteea yon wnai
frowle' old tnceiher
He mast haA
•be al’t^ud


11 o'clock and ceta up early)
Inc she lake a atroll aroxmd
and vullt Ibe sublet
H uf .. .. site,
beloc bnmd
ir six and proponku
"The Rlbc of luly cunui ^sSipp uixrd bnl
He dlaeepi upon a very
pfwaes with Ibe u - of pUlowa. He
asee sbeeU of Ibe
Md tleepa like a 1

______ ____ ceocort as


_____ _

came oat Mala la rsspoaee (a an OPeacs. -Make 'em Po it over aota

■mtu thv m tbe (bine ricbL"

Bmet corner etory Mlert at Ql «
pood tiveUbood
______ ______.
tn Japaf
ToMola Ta
hanPiwd ply their tiaPtk
wtth a emu tsUe. a «M
> IDs

re. Brntth's pot a Pec Umt Ukae
Mid little MJy. comlDK hme
wub ber mother. -Jtow
r be tome yosr (be
d. -Caaee be ipeted of
ed tbe UtOe pM.

A mile plrt. la p
(iT^le ef
boraat aad Pupa. Oaoted tbe BcflpaeM
tajaacuoa.-TThat.Ood hath Mas-


Tbarr ar» two r


One H that tbey bs«MY nay
tbs ccber. they haraeY aay ba

______± mwlea so tb* nMpbhd

rs.is3s.2i rrss.t?il.’r3i


I Tnrcnc Bcrall.

boy* dalMit la totartalalad
(to SidH Dl(b pHtov______________ _
.* (aaiafuH; trlnnad vUb Tb*D Chartrrals bmI dewa a d
Dlaa*. Ddag..................
Hen Ht paaeb dm parpU aad fold, tto oolan A tto er>
-. aad Tana. Sbaaa aad Mt^
Md; dm patf«mad<la tto prta_____
.the oraetac tron a lar«* dar. aad aaued la tto box with Mr.
Ms datacatloDt. Bk BapUa^ia
A aboat K) (sladan aad Inn* A^PoD^lml b; the MIsna MiaHoinn DM C A. PaloNT A Maatoaa,
reprraMtad, aad aa tto -stoke.
frlaada. at tto beat* A tto
Jude* F- W- Maysc A ChartaroU. C.
L VarraD A Thm Oak* roatoide*' paresta. Mr. aad Mr* H. B
8. Bnoks A (bU cKy: aln ChartM
at ta aanbert aaa dlatlasolahad
.Pracbaika. Jr. A ibia dt;. Dbo ta
doD A tto ralM A toDoablp aaeortananbar A the &nt tatapl* A 1
Tto dniMtlr work la SteUbarr*
aad the baeaadt; tor aappe
order onaaltad. tbal A PMrM. OL
H* «as bon la Bohwali,
ma oader Ito dlraraoD A Hr. Oae.
The Dork coDdacMd b; the Ar
the alat* Dork. It Dn aascastai
P. KaoDlaa. who bM dedared hla lanat«r** at; la itSI. aad
reel tb* eoniA _______
Tto aeoA* war attaadad b;<eanaa
ttatloa A nskiac Tr«mM Ocy Us
Boada; acbool pepU la tto suta
tbrsD br tb* dob BCDi- bMtar thaa aartblnro^toi^' a*
Jnstuta. a broibar A Ito brid*. aad aitsadad
pamaant bon*. Mr. Kaevlet It
tr la Borlb. -notjflmu 4 eesu tar tto asppa
iDiilaat boot and *
tb* toltovlac pn aim bare.
^** InlQ BAnek A Old MlaaiOD.
tba Btat* Dark, ttoi a Docld-Dld*
Tba toaqset aerred la- Ur C
.0 bit aatinns eBena. a
Tto bridtanaid dm «ove*d
Opera betMe a
■ •
hlaed vlU the eoem A Ue senb
;*trt op tb* poda*** ta Ua ahop eo
vboB to DMt;aanAB«*itowtaaad vbll* ralah tilt, aad oarrlad Vocal
aoko................rntm Grace HMilasi hlstorr la Ult dty Tto table* dmcl■ or
A tto diraa and <to ■ '
mrt. aad (hat tto Btol* to plaead la
rroat *u**t. Who* adraada*
'lollB duet..Ur. aad Hr*. Eobl. Price pisiUly arraasrd nortb and aootb la aeeted is UeCMJ. la d<
mild, aad Maatad
1! (to aebooli A tb* stal*.
Mde a ctotaee adrUaUr b* anred
.onion A -to et._,
tblttotdaae. '
All tioaae *•( dowa to a de'llelm*' lediatloe................ HUa EH* Btclabars . ib* ball, while the apaaker*' ta-ble dm IA tU* p
Tto toDoDlat oMeer* Data alaetad
Plano aoh>..................... Uia. I. a Gilbert |parsUel altb tbe alas*. A( Ul* (able' Kt
d* abop to W**t Sereau. *u*et.
Knovlea also dlrann U* ntan
v*ddia(dia> -rpretoradbythaMfde't OoauBlto aolo......... Mi*. A. U Bachaat sere aeaiA (be nembert A Ue Arsa.' n<
...............Ue Arsa.
tor tto nam : nv:
E. L.
Ibe baaqOT. aad Uta.
iBolBi tber* aaill bU b«altb b«
notbar. Tb« bapp; eoeplr were Ibr
few.diHlaculabed w*t blshly tppnrUlea
« r*ab)* tbal ba dm obUiad to A** Wrtebt 01 ilaaeoek; ^ praeldaBts. ladiilaataA ns*; beaatirA preaeaia Sopcanoacrio............Hr*. A. H. HoUlday coaaia. anym
erealas Ur rbnrnetcr A J>w «*<
P. C. B.r«ar A Qraad RaAd*. W A.
i *p a tea year* aco. Far anoy
Tto aecDBipaaUit (or Ue rood
Tto sroon ba* a ben* Arrad; fatPowell A HarsbAL Ba*. D. P. Baraea
-re Hr*.
T. H. 8ta
o aed bit wife nad* tbdr bont
aatrtklnspletarc ttolnpecIA pcltoe
______ _____

BlUel aad tto enapia will basta
a. 8. Garland nad Hln Olbbt.
la (□ (to tUAis;
it wa* 1 -so o'cloefc wbeo the s<»)
n. m*
fidr daatta'er sad oal; ebUd. Mr*. M. A CbarlotU. L W. Bnbarlaad A Os- boaaekaeAv ■( 410 Eaat Preel aunt,
rto entire procram wm deUsbtlally ' c
L Buck. Tto d«atb A bU dU* ta lord: raoerdtap aaerotar;. Mr*, i. K.
(to; will be (lad to raoaira
ideiDd. nod a........................................
in. aad lb* daaib A bl* daaA»*r la Boll**
d fur after baoqaot wna entbaalnafVmi*'
ap- rtsnraanu ren-aen; aad tbe niientltn Ja—*.)*;* to oattead (It »a aaM A
ttolr frlaada Ater 6ae tat.
Ur*. G. U I
rar; eniDber.
Ml. Dare a creat aboek lo bln. aad
I Tto ptoom U wall kaeo* both lb
At the coBclaalna of tbe prosrsn Ice' Tbe banquet e
o or r «.■ unquraitenahl) oaTATto bamx ewer '■ i,„ t^TwlBd dm ta (to teatb at
o ba* bar* a oompfet* toraUd lor
tbit eoaat; and la tto At;. B* it crean. cake*. eoSee and vAen were Cbria. and Thiwr
i. WUllan Straef ft KAaua£y laouto. Ha loesad lor
aerred la Ur dIAOB room ua (to (bird voted Ur C*r1s
a brinf bln relaaae and raoBlOB Dllh
I.BI M ,
1. sell known In the
.U lo**« oae*. sad tor bln
ed wilb candelabra. Tbe rAmhaoatbl bad ao urror. U *ai tboacU
" eoanr;. bartos beea a pepalar and tnesu were aerred by Ito Ulaaea
- while at ftequeoi
tbrso jresrt. C. A. Strlacn- and Leoa>e* ---------,
(■^‘S'*"' *** earrled uol. with ' Seat h*BMt*'Ja tb* «pD«a rnal—ila
ervala dm
aat to nlcU cooilau* fur
eatinl pahlir acbool UtcMr for

Ulnor. DAIle Wntkoop. Bar*(n Bob-- ---------------a (••• evecpdima. a< Am la iMl'i
joaib* U Ito *aaie eetotal roodlOoa
t tbe latperUl; ’■
HDrr1*AOTsadBapld*.J. W. HUUken
J toalib wUAi bat boa* tala b
iMloat and p«od vubat
«it rear, aad Hr. Bock lab a abort A Trsrem Otf. J. t BoUat A De^
jended b; n Urpe eircia of
' cbrjaantbemiuBv.
A Ue receptloB _________
troll. K U HatAiln* A Pnanilr.
A* SCO <H> a badaea* inp, bat 1
sere ai follow*:
oaorse C. KIsboe A Uarqaetta
joBieeead to tall rapidly tto Brat <
«“ • hnutlfA alcbi. abd tbe ed
Decoratlns-rMIta Ella Stelabers. I
Funaral of Mr*. Rtbaocn «unlty.
CUM. Brook*.
;Wm atoa Ibe table
tile* Dill to rt
Ura W, H Fditer. Mr*.


d* DodL He va* iotua; earad b
Tto taneral ol Ura Brbroa* Stasearrleo ruii In ib>- ar-' icuAr* dartaf tto eonlas wiatas.
Cook. Ur*. J. W, PatcUn.
*>>» «
a BvarrthlAi Bwt 1
/ U* eraadebUdrea up to the laat.
: Huu aad Ur*. J. A. Uoo-, ubsam[and almdy aoare* Acanpt barn bean! pMt 10 day* ba<e beoasbt abeoi arwa*
Tb* rapid paialns avsy A ibe earl;
! The
(roin abioad **f'Marlin »» tw ttolanber veoda| naptaanai aooAttan* in tto Inates
luanra baa beee quite aotb
Ira J. 0. yotanaon. flatiertoi
leBpli- UaaUii
ttan tbi
1 daatrlaa of to*
Is I
I. Hr*. J V. UAa- wa)* oa
nth a bis mpro-------iTlBt tto pail la« reaia. Fir* nar*
It** 1 Tto ettaoteun at* placed la * Analaeken. Utt. A.-W. Hon of sood
l.-lloa*. cnaie iu atroos ho«a>«r.
tosh. Ur*, n. it. uewenea.
ta. la lt»7, OB tb* oocaaoo A lb*|
Walt and Utv H. OriSU.
d by Poat laerer
(tee Dbara ibo; bar* lary* at«v* A
dtbda; A & Aadme. to
SciUeltlas-Uf*. J. H. UcOoosb. inMi
>er. and to M.t Ual
Uni the;
at SnoM 8t>. MnH* Ibe dead bod; 1 nn. andw btstor va«n than *tm
•*>'<* Mr* 8 J. uicslnt. Ur*. Oeorse Hoyt, we«
lined n A bl* olddme frlaBd*. a Baeb altft baa bit owa dnwer aad t* MS rei;
i^uful tolTrwi'rT'ifJii of . -M .boat to Mara A ... DM ar« 1A-* M-. *
bltowaoarblar. A nan wbo la tokaB,
and Ura. 1 W. Gaaaileit.
.BotoAapb A tlTe part; toloe i
c a tlnena leak hi.
Toe p*ll bnisr* Were Uel Katb.
Traterae a“.*nd : *oood lo Ur sarrrt A Dr. Wabatar'a
..Bl (or
bU dnaereiA'
’ bean*}
fur ^
ir. Kniaek la tb* alath of Ib* ai
nn ui
uppuniutlly 10 dem-: aew taoa»e. by a i.laaber la tto aaver liW ao
j pan a*ta; la (to tea yeaia
e thelH. blsb nssrd-fur ibeir;|>|o; A Ibe Peisaaoa Bardwar* Os.
fo aacb ooatunar a raeAW it Area.
0*“''“ Boroo*b and Joba
lale bioUera In Ito Queen Clt).
i*a,tbe olber* tolai B. Aaderaoa. B.
aatedawbinbad moue;
A sood hard freeM 1* Sana
whleb mialM M lb* nn* card, aa
Tto tanalo dm lornlabed b«
-. Udd. Ranben Goodrich. Doadoeek
............. - onaa om S4 amwts. » toon
nr; to moke Ito avamp aad lovlasd*
a Tbiaad '
Jolly crowd of^UI adrtt*. who jO-1
taan tod J. W. RobertaoB.
• -let Packard.
U ooadtitoB. tba; bains saw aitarijr
w*ya sire tbelr Trarerae City (rUtad* I A
Big D. 0. K. K. Celabration
Tto (aaeral A Jonph Knltek Da*
Bar. J. PeoaloRtoo, vbo oondaoled
a sued time, while (hr Trarerae City .tali
atsed*rat;da;ltd*Ar*d. .
U wrllicn la kxA blalorr ibni
■ddftoa ttorrddraee A a K Be**
a foaernl aerriee of JeniaUb Stan-

OaMb «f J***a* Kamk.
I KbltAi. OM o( tb*
at Trararm City. dl*d dviac
W*da**dar alA>t. NoT*«Bb«- II. at
el lb* lat* Mr* U. K.
(.tor. at tb* adraacd *•;

At* fb* r*m«*o* or B. B. foom. Tht
tb* Mbreb nr (b* bod)
to tb* nonlv. aad *fur dfocM
aoM atm m cWiV book nasKi
IB tb* cMUdc at m bodr. ^hleb
' trond M b* ibat cd taU ahm
bnofbt to tb* *Brf*e*.
Oaoaar Cha** n* calM abd as
af tb* bo^ B*d*. Tb*rr
ar* DO *l|Bi a (0*1 plar.
la tb* nxbu* or tb* tnrfoftintu*
■u aan tooDt hi* bold me^fUl
la BOMcr. a aBBb«r at ■•ttan. a kaltr
anetaciB. emb aad ouur artlda*
Tt» lattan c*t« addidoaa) «rld«Dc>

. at U* tdaaUv at tb* aiaa.
. Tb*haad(«rtb*«ucbhad*lon>D
A ie:tl. trbleb vaa aboot tb* boei
lb« lb* at** v*c« bard oa tb* ale*

traator* for tb* T. C, L. * M. raUroad
raeArad a tAecfam Cm R. Baal.'
it. a* tollovi;
1* E. K**l; la rear •splor? TO
U ao aiotam.
-a. Kaatr. Jr.”
n* *0* of lb* Bladac a^a oaa ti

Esriu's ■


^ ar.

Mr. Kaa); bad lafonud Pat Bard*
Madlord of tb* Hotel Oeleabta. vbw^
b* *tar*d. that b* nt'ntac to l**v
Batardv aionloc oa tb* « oclod
trala tor Charleroti to tw coo* aos'
an*, tad that b* *o«ld tbas lotara b
Ikf* dt; aad to tb* bold. Notblai
Btiaa» wa* tbo<t(bt. Umfor*. wbai
ba.«a* aol pr«MBt oa Satordar. tbi
Tb* mlxbt dark. A. & S*«ndr. dl<
^ aot kae* tbal Mr. Kaatr traa n i«aTr
« Kisbtb atrart Baeda; atiarnooB.
B* nnanbatk bovorn. (bat b* «a'
■d DM MMBdad b; r. Ito|i* BBjaber.
at tb* boed auir la lb* armtac. *a< aapteUll; at ibe older -rraldaat*
- (bat b* )«dt BO earl; eaO tor tb* par
M dt;. Tb* iBBctal aarrie* dm
tarn at naMlae tb* e o-elodt Parr Aarpa A Ear. D. Oaotalin. who apokr
Mai^ddt* tiBlB. aad It lookad *•
a a ear; leeebiiic wa; at ib* aarl)
iboBih b* bad DOt COM to bad la tb(
aja Dbn tto band at Dob
told that Blcbt. altbooch tb* alsb
iniara mma %e TrararaeN OH;, at
dart aawmaa tb*t b* a*d.
bair ioDtl; Ilf* beta, of ttolr kled.
Tb* id** Ibat b* did aot (o to b*c
eat w aadi ottor aad tto db; 1*
«B* etreo addltiocal *(reDetb baa
tb* . aewBBt of Biml* HoOvrr. «
bo; *bo werfci abeet tb* boUI aad at
. UDdi aebod. Be aaid that b* mlam
Mr. Kaal; oe* arMilac wb«a «»«
n*a caaw to ••• bln aad b* vat doibar*. B* did aot •*• Mr. Kaal; a*8 attar ibat. aad It U prebabl* tba
It •** ibl* aam* rrfda; oradac. a>
. . Ito be; Mid that b* raaianbarad Ibat
• of all armad
Ba aiteapol* auDrailj Aiba
are that bad b.aa alT*«.lb*old
•tt M ebrer aad brlfbMa (to later
Ito non (bat b* bad oeenptad la ibr 19* of hit lita
Tto S-dU trlbelrt to tto dreaaato
told •bU* tbar*. Bom at Ua verb
B« delba* *«r* feoad (bar*, laeaibat • era 90(0** sod Btaaoell; be-altlal
The aaalo sat tarelabed !>; HitwMb bl* (Tip aad a bat wan dnllar li
- Ito oaa to«ad ca tb* drar baak ibr uloe Bobarttsad Hr*. A. 8 Boala;.
MBbt to dtaappaaiDd. Tb* hat va* <be na/"Abide Dhb Ha.' '-&a*al
. Cto M»* abap* aa tb* OD* tooad b> a>*«Bd-B<e" and "Kterar Hr Ood
Ml. Jeaaa. aad bon tb* nark «< tbr t> Tb**." Tto bod; «*i Uid
jnn to; Cb; nnehaat. Tb* nart .oOHbDnod ronatiT* rtopaUtoaran
dhp P.
“ Kmlka-E.

la E P RMb>ie<
lTlb>l». A
It M* «an «as-8. T. WUkla.'Otolb
Ba'M'. J.
Hanli>k, Pr*..k
Mr. Satiar aad PoiBlabar. Ba; Ot> VMreb. aad OiarW *llbaly. '
I m*.*. U *rlS b* laauabarto ibal Is
k Oiand B«iH. omoar dKo I
tofltoa w lha nark od lb* baad of «re toot *p lo kill a nad do* *b
ttatol B>Md oa tb* r1r«r baak. tbar* •ad kakae r^faca lo a dD'll nj be«•*. aadanaat* tb* baad, a toU oi • aa narir israOBad at ll» rn»
a tba Irdr •■! lha hooaa. «a hia ..
n Mk* lb* bat «t tb* baad
IraL re earr toe depea' A
tiM DM a plae* d a Bar at; aaw*
. Mpar.vhkbandaU look all tba nor*
•a Onagh dn hat had baknead la Mr.




:r;s:-ru --------



5r„s:«" r


q.Uiot uid Mra. El-


LAIn Rookh Temple. Ko. US. Draoutk Order Knlcbi* A Kboranana. 1*

toul •J'*-

flren lo Ult loealliy
, MnedlAloo to ihoae .ho bare
ThU la aaylnc a smt deal, bat no
mnu o. aoooaat. (Odd nt i^t known bah Tb* bMoHfal floral Afrw- sural of Thnraday nisbi'a dramatic eirv.w._7^i,i;
,inpt lealiflod to U* lore dm emplIDcatlon' ia Ue laKiainr; wiwk.
and obam aeoogotc
'told for lb* nsdd ralot. who hM do* and (be *pl«cidld banquet arrv<.il afii-rMr. Ba>^ as;* lb* aae^la* wlU da *
Ufa aa loos and oaetal. The
I drey (bat ibl* araenloa I*
aB<Ulnf hat talk aad aallDooda H* *
DM lAd to real lo Pleannol
doe't wan It to nlk. aad b* ny* tb* ^ *
Uapla Clt;.
srahd ocraaloo fur Ue lemseoda nil thnnanlre*. Ulia
phr, and (be ofllcrra and medtoi*
"TbUe ay’s shall
have eiery reason (o to proud A the
, kiDS la bit besot;: tboa ahnlt.bdbold mult A Tbelr effort* lo make Ue
|tbe iMid of for Airaiioa*." Bar. riwDt Ue aucema It wm.
ita'-Novambar W*<
i rtonloptoa dm aaalaied In ibe kerTbe oDeer* A the (ample, wblle AI nUdaoee on 1
H,A BhyUlhK Uey undertake,
were tumulaied by (to presence A
Ue honored sueat of Ue temple, (be
Imperial p^cc, Hnn. John K. Ilrdme*
Mr. Jeab t.~8**a*. two warj popnlar
.-GenUeman'* A Mlaaourt." It wm a aource of atljl
Tto toldA Evnlns- bM been an eaubUahed yoDOf p*9>l4 »* «IM
sreatcr Hllafarlkili lo bear from Ue
Imporinl.pnhcc (be auiemeni tbal Ue
ooQple «*(* attaadad hj Hi** Ada T. «>« wUb tto membei* A Uo W
dramatic work wm exempliaed In a
Mntooner; and Mr. Prank lilUar. oa'a aub, (ba reception on UU* o
manner to aarpriae him. and that
Ko other s**eM am* ptnaot.
aloB fonnlns a plaaaant rartet;
Ulla Rookh Temple. Ibousb youns.'
Tto hrid* i* a*sradMt* ear** af Ito tbelr year's plant for atudy and recra- had almdy apnihs Into Ito from rank
Haw Tort tMaeninlBC tebaol. sad attoa, Tb* recoptlon for UU »nr —- of the temples A Ue ordA In Ito
li'vAl kaoin andetf; popst«r to tb* bald iMt aranhic In Ue prelt; re
Imperial Prince Holmea look occaA(;. 8b*'^ a preniMel raamber A A Ue I. O. O. F.. wbore tto elnb boldt Aon In sieinberka Onto, after tto
IM Prindt charrb. and
I* a«y lu ra*alar raactins*.
secret work. (»CpnsrBUdate Ue divan
aetlca in lb* wort of iht Obrlsttan
The gaAf aa arriTm ver* utbered open U« mow eseellenl work and the
talent included ta Ue Mat.
Badrarer nerat;. Tb* sroes owat Inu the parlon. wbleb w«a naed (or
There aaa not M larse an auendaflat t.rm *ea*aw*>t <f tb* ett;. draaalas room*. PaatUf tom
anoe m expected, but (here were about
V«rr* lb* bappr eaapla will rajd*.
Ulo tbe note room. Uey
300 roiariea and lyTo* prraehi. The
Tbe maiTtad* anas aaraewhat M ael by tba racepUm
tyro* nnmberad a tcore. and would
t Ue
board A U
had U not been fw
a aerprln to (ta* friend* A Ib* eon- Auloc «
as aseeuJre
D ...
A Ue
A Uo ordA
. Aa It WM.
be aaa; and tlnaero.
and it wai made M cosy and bomelike
rai larxe for
B. and Ue temple bM
> to srailfled A tto reI atcore oa Ue eMt al
OB. pretUly.draped wlU mUc
X th Stelabers't Grand
of oh
Otona* (bat baa* t«

.. Hr. Kaal; raedrad hit laat ptnaMi
ton tb* ettf tor hi* vork n p**ta<
.iMBHiaf oa Ttoadar. Nenab

ST'r.'is-.S; 3-„scar.-™

!j With Smalley Manufacturing Co’s. Wood Saws,
jl: We are headquarters for everything in this line.


I Tbe Impkmeot Hu.


j tott IITM du* baton hi* dl*M
-wmaa. Ba aUD had noD*; oaedae tor
to* «cak tot*, aad b aanaad (traaca
ID Ad At; (Aena that to dU aot pot
toap topMai— lor toa nat at tb*
amtm bAon taamc tb* Ctora tor

So said Uncle Sam when the Register^ Trade-mark
shown below was issued to the manufacturers of

iBletord Kaal;. Ir.'wrlrad bam
Bv 019 Baad*; nenlaa at-4
VAato. aad M oaaa laat ato a* at
Ito wnAa* at bi* tattar Tto bod; DM taieed e*ar to W. P.
A* to* MB Sataida;. aad «** b; bln
Bnpatad lot iblintM to Ba; a«,
tto toM Alto daoMoad Ttone
Ml DM ttotod;Aiitot>«>«Mar«Batn BDBto; B*ni«M« o'eld'
Oadda Oban dA DM toaa II D
a Mr.*^«l; I
b WJ aaolMDb

Tto PfsHfsal MMtU Cbako onJvad *M A tba MM daiitfiita]
«f*M Id ba blMot; last ae*aia< ta'.
tto L a a P. ball, tb* ooesrioD ba-


Mlerttlta. awam (or Grato TrarraM
ootmty. and who Bara tba huqaat ao
tto strsDffU A lb* alaeikm.
Tto tonquai dm la Ito oatar* A

Dyspepsia Cure
Nerve Restorer.

- tto Areta. aod aftv tbs food (Ww
«*(* dtatosad A a ftnia precram A
MM* DM pnaaaiad. tto tnaal* bataff

Howtsta Hod Lusk.
C. M. Mom; ato tto part;
DkU to Dtot u tto appar psDta




WE HAVE SECURED the registration of this, our trade mark, at Washington. D. C.. it being the only Genuine Dy^pMa treatment
thus recognized. Persons hiving Dyspepsia in any form, have only to consult a few of the thousands who have been, permaner^"
cured in Michigan alone, to learn of the superior merits of this wonderful combination treatment.


A NationaUDisease Cured by a National Remedy

AHoto tram to ttoODA Tto «bar
■tobata A (to pvt; vara W. HoC.
OfAloa. Pkank BMan. Ma Oa

Every enfeebled, overworked or disordered stoniach will respond quickly to this treatment, every irregularity be corrected t^lt.
not delay until your troubles become‘•chronic?*
B u aaid ttoc (to pari;
atW.C. Ban. B Bristol. CL IL Paitor
b. lODoiAD A OUd. ar
0 taaanr tto Asm A (to
* lb« U op (bam taeia m al.
A tr Uv. Mr. Patkar toobs
■tot a date, bat tto

SStoto THwe OMr*rrwdw>MlwrSKl* OP* KvwrarmoK You mu)P.





ChSttkkiaUft. hMt«< th* MMfnat
lite Mb
ta U« littk kth«l
tav» l»M mtimi mppm. nt
«MUt %ir r«t «B»«U*d. Tb
•Ml ttaaM BM VMtailadlatfea
c l» p« MSt li
«( a r«at alB Baa vUek
to wmtn w>d • nlB^tomr dv. If «•
•rbla«abia«aat. Datetlito
na Mrm
all votou at latoa th*
•ia4i ti tbp aslbnelia oeal MrOa
Elaabto. vbe vaa la
nnntMloB MU ba Bade b»cb eaater.
Tteir work MU r> n. vowera-. and
lantar la Ua joatb.
0or acrreaent Mtl baeoBe a part tt
CatU a fav 4i^ a«e BaBUtoa
Uetr avard."
ML TvaBkls'a haaatUal aataia near
Nvr. St.—PraaldaBi
UolMawB. K. J., «ai apaa to Ua
Miuliall Id tbe Ualtaa Xtae Wsrtan
aUla Oa a raaM Beoaf btra.
or iUaefWa vbo. trUh Auaner Ctor•obUt waa aaapptoc t«o iBr oarlaatoa hr Attorser Vasaa XaeVeaib. r««a wbaa two HtoaCBa drera ap.
amret eartr tUa aanlac aad Hoob Ctaa at UaB «oka to baa b; aoBt
baaktaci al tb« Hoial FVIU Rfaiier ai
Balsa pawad iba batua at a caman
pataiad in bar dliaatlcs. Tba tbap
Jrara awair *a*ldls, Mr. TwdBhl,
at tUa laaokM bebartca
adrlawi, Attomej Harrow. Bean
ttoaaiaat. Uord. tbe CUeacp polUkaJ
(be aaelada all aaaatan

wfaa ibe orarames becm.

Lead Oaalap a barea to (ba BrlUab
paaaaca. vbesa toalls aaaaa la VUUaa
Eaiasi Os U l>ssa Satator Baaaatoad.
ai toakr aaba la ttu. Oeto« bane
ma Blpbl a yaaa i«o ba foaad a poea.
; tolf atoiTad m«an to Ua atraat near

1. KoT. a.—Tbs attsbiaat
Bore Bade opealr br OeraBer ea an>
Waal ladU lalaada wtU ba Ua aUaul
tar war. Tbara the lean doabi
oa Uai acora. If Oaraauf Bare u
paM a abto tola avr (d tto haibaaa ol
Uat simp afiar Ua ataia dapartBsa'

a aar wbaUar Ur
Ua eoBtaraaea balwM ua Oamar
kataac aad Us Brliisb ktoc. bal it li
kaovB Uat It does know aeseUlM
MKWt Ua bopaa of Ua aaparor wiu
raurd to Ua lalaada in qoasUaa. Tbr
dapaftBsal kaon Uat Ua aeoaM
ttoa af Ua iataada bp Ua Ualtsr
•latss has baaa dala^ br Oemas
litaeaca at rupanbifaa Tfca adratar
fata to tba taadatWac on Ue mat)
cr eaaakB alx or saraa waaka ace b
aerrttad W Ua totricaas et Ua rapn
neniatltea U Ua Oorau amrarof
Bet tba Usltad Btotoa can taka no ao
Utoor Boras of Uat son; arge. Mb
las bu baa aald.
OtTBiiir ta at Ubartr to eacratlj
plas wlU Ua Batter, bat wka aba b
taadr to nr to taka pasai
Baka aa opaa tnalr MU
a aiu ba an sBpbatlr stou
Mat boB Waabtofta as to wbai
artP ba Ua loalt at an abrt to ukr

tudlr paw, VBBod It aad fed
rbe atbaa dar «ba toaadUas eat
Uoarad tu patitada Vj Maniac
M patoaatiiiaaatUBalcMfbawi


tarn to rnalilat firto Daddnaadpep
baU tu Baasp MU towaaat. Hr.
Dedde avatototalananUarcseea
kaewi. ar aver MU kaow. tU i-------of tu
aalpril. TU

Costed, ^doMii 25c.). »f«
amnewnlral gutoitUte ^

celebrated Bquid CUTU
wen ss lor aU other blood
niriBert ind huisour cures.
pin is eaidvikot to ooe
taspoodul of Itqidd RE.
SOLVENT. Put up In
’<tp podbet visls. qooteining 60 doses, price. 25c.
ENT PILLS sr« sWive.

□eptoto Ottrisaa, afisi a boa Mx^k
.ad Satis aaaeaatar MU the caMdtoa
Ue Ctrl, was aarrlad to MM "
.tTboMk Tbatotoat Ihatarr
aadap k tflp paan paaaCai Uab baa
■aU Bktor aad k aaat

._a Waaa'e Olab uf Uu pka k
otadwd tor adBieaia to lU fitUlci
reUtana at Beau’eCtoU

____________ bp C*.
tnn to tots Mace tot ooata tuao. r»,, K0Bat’a5-*.-»Htoca. taaad to nu nooa to Uat JoiUa
; A. H. Leatk of Braaata HL. to to
^ lltaUacrcai bcAUra.

• IteB aoMharn HiU-1

«-f to toa eoaalp- wbrra:
a asp. bad bto COM atoera pierced
np a rile Ulkt. aad taiatoc qakAlp
B« tU woald.Udlapar with antoktoc,
p. I. bod a tu* nOr of •

KoUtog hli
mt: reo
«.itlvoBha«lu4- I.^ 1 B. Oopp lares pen ^a^fo> ;
m*'ult*Md'\o|ii «p tu C
Are antantll: oar^ kvoi or Mate boLta
iV •.U ba found
>« i.-.Uha
tU fallow wMbarldreppodbUCBB|)Mthermedpp3.oatd. llbubaeoi
aad taka to hU hoalk bta dianppar-< laaeioanpwapa. In beapAi] *^fn.inpr.vaie
ad fieBstobt.
: pncUce.arnsoc the balplea 100 poor le pur- I fia.arar 0(p.
D»nd Woodward, a frail riower.: eha«febaf wwfbakfeoeMn.
HIM Maigaiat d
je |tat lew o»pa loll BMardap IB
a«M. a lU wap to bar bum u.
laratae i'ilr.
Aa addma it toing Util to te
motaos of M» O. K. KaiU.
U'tlbar Gill ad Hkt Ana Olbaa
amageat at. Jamaa
edaiaaap. Nor.
ter. ktaad. Wedi
ad Mxa GUI ai
or a »u

abcldp tried n. map have a
' ebpt^alaoa ' '
' Wbea vrliUicmeailsa
taoup Sohal'FrwBam.

pfWtaaprlr^ tnrili., arwj digest­

beyond question the
purest, sweetest, most suc­

racaiar fHtr eem and ntoeweimi ane
Utbr aba are aeld bp all good 6aaW

cessful nrwi ee<Tevimt/*al Hnn^


to eUta the ekk of esM
_________ _ aad eMMt Ue iMekeaed etufcte: Ceneraa OmieirT. OOc.. to toeuotlp allop ltddac. l>lk.B.Uao. V<>
Urttalko. and eootho aM li«»l; mod Cr—
0 tool

lortaUc. dkficerioc. hoklnc. banio(. ndwalp^
twlp.oad Uad hoMit. e
1 w or kaU. Ub
laloep ta or. wtoo all ebe bila.

Mtw OlaiB -llioaas It loebiut
-»^i In Ue alwoooe of Hk* Hook.
«bo wne oMtged to knee us nseottol
ul eiekneca.


"o^TalloB ana to order bp Ut


j fwaper wa* offered bp J. B. Bareep.


tata af tU soblbk UM MWaeaed tbs
ea Ut bicb WastU aad bs OOM
Alallw at tu loTsr ottu bud wu
ta atobfttoc tU tcato wiUto a few fsM
sflbsMlaaL TU bsasi bad baoOBS
Md to tu trastle tad It wm
atarptokUiltaadeatoff It* toft bsftrt U wwU be istacTsd toes

Pere Marquette
fgtoBta lU KsrUwsM, Wsat. •alb-

■ «tDc.Lnak
Bk Wbaalw WUom aad Hsftrp
MU fcUltog
ralaraa wUl U nre of tu wtoeipBl
I faaad M Uaeato.Eab Lam Hetaap aU tbraw
Pnm aasMUtia to U bald
nolB gtoaod to a bat tola lU rlTsr M
Batik (baakPabraaipd. tataC
Uaeawarth. Ka*. stottog UM Us
trip to tbs UaaaeU nee to Etahad UosoU Unatt aad UbP- *'*
taUp k batoc idaaasd to tallaw tU
Btim MklUBpMiC aad'babr."H
os too mid
I* Babp WUIa swalFln State
lowai aatlek .
aUmlold to*. At tokfraU aU ba
aoagbtd ag 1
Om Up tost anU aU Md
saacbtac spsU and bksdlac of te
taags. stoot WUU abo bao fah ao
pai^ Btadsp aantog te macUd
,lBfap«t*» Ptou. af Tipstu lad..
to MU aarp link affart awl
tad Mo. KopThiplw, wan aarrtod
Ud affsesa fiaa l* -4IlaikolUkp- Tbto ta tu alfbU Oaa ailkBseard.
Ha bfUaUatUtaa bU
Fetor Isaana. a paaac
fin af wbaB Ua llr^
bit baad seas to eatael


•letelMtU pbte

Catonk wltk aMtoratle
te*. atom. fttoOtoatotf lob
ta ap tMtote m leal taplfcftUoo. to
to*ta* Weald te klndltoc
tbe net to Bate it boO. Ttw*. thte gim ta*p^
Rlid. bat the aaitte aa4 piMM of Cte head and a*



House Furnishing Store

ruDiim (onpm

Cloaks, Furs, Skirts!
Oiir Cloak Ilcparuiiuiit it • l>n»v {ilaoo a* throe o>id tlaro come.


Opr larso Mockjtl ladies’ and Sluaea' Coal* and Capo,
quote, it the




f qpofo A fw

enooio! (<rio.-::





fi.OO \-atuni for------i

r ThanktgiriaK nod
>r Chrietmai gift that a niw ’rgbler £oe Ton-cU (

On our front renter tabic


Wo abow a handaome line

utake a aiacial aboiring of Knit

Ordf «lova for lAdin. and Children fit the right price*.




Thanksgiving Proclamation
(tp Tbet«>rerooT}
Tu the pRxrie of Ue Stale of Hleblgu—Ormttog:
It*! wUl teoa bare paasod Into blatorr.
par at tradeffal prosperlip for the utka. ■ pcaperltp
Mleblga ha fallp abared. la end„ao* of wblcb to U*
art,, ad Tzpaiietnn of old ladBouia. tbe goeral ew
cottteiiiiDnii flrteculimie.ud tbe adraaeoBal at ererp matartal
IB wbleb tbit stale le eonoomta It is saal UM we dadkate
Irlag aad proper, tt rwogaltla
l•last■lgs reeelreid fnm fbe baad* Of AlBlghtp Ood;
•aota of Ue eatoB'baadtt down I7 Ue toUgn to U* rmoblle. and
tt aeeordaace with aoUortv rated tt Be. 1 do binbp daaIgBat* aad
tai apart Thoradop. the flU dar to (be prcaat BmU. aa a dap tt
•bleb 10 fire prake lu Ue aria* ralte for Hk PMtttoa. ud to pray
that He util caiteta. u la Ue pau to diraet tte daUak* to Ua
people. Mtrttg (bea froai aaikoal arlk. aad aldtog iboa tt Ualr
grai work a a Itbmp-lortae allbenp-cHlag naUa
Aioata Us
Thaitkaglrtoc alian to Ua boBa to MIebIcaa. kl rmaltad taBllke
ateeBble ad renaw botoe Iks and anaekUom, ao IbM tbs dap eap
Inrran la its roiar for nood.'



I H*ad«.*n*egH*.

n mtimoii



WcUreottdeadetaBiaed efiorttoredBtaaUcfc.

fkQ itaMta't Wool Svia. Cterioti, Kawryi ate Hair
Lina, tbep are odU aad tad* radtosd frea MDO,






jm EYES.

luteM of uk.

h this in ric* we hare dedded to make

S&UOand S10.0U.




f worth vf to E1K.00.

Hemp all wool SetfO,




When you can't eat breakEast, take Scott’s &nuUiML
When yMJ can't eat bread
and buHer. take Scott’i
Etnulsooa When you hav?
been living on a miBi diet and
want something a littk more
nourishing, take SCoU’s
To^et fat you rmis* cat
fat Scott’s Emidsion is a
^rcat fatt^.. a Sreat
stnm^th giver:
Those who have lost 5esh
want to increase all body
issues, not oidy faL Scott's
emulsion increases them
bone, flesh, blood and
for invalids, for convalescents, for consu
weak duTdrea
who need flesh. Scott's
Emulsion is a rich and com­
fortable food, md a natural
tonic. Scott's Emulsion for bone,
fle^ blood and nerve.

1 ate nthkj®*™^’''**-

faiBon abool---------------o pan Balds* tar bssUad foar tboir fell work abat finuhtaadall
■ton and a br..itar eanleo Ur. Ja* ID wood sUpB ta readii ese lor tba ajF
• of piaaob of te Wtotor.Klgg.
Atak Larea ekiud fwiU Hn.
Witte rasietlp.
ttoe goa to lU
------- IteraDnaalegH t-------------- ,--------- Kortbport eeboooL
wta ba bca bero lor sob* Ub* aad
TUbIgb wind
helped on for boe so faiUfe lip aad
own the a
rtwderlp to tbs law. Hn. VuHa- A Melsm along tho baak bar* and
tmad wm a etarklla. aad was nady tbe* an piled ap alog (be obore.
ad MUtog to go wbaeeer Ue Lord
toW fit to oall bar. Tbealpnmet
UM te aonted wa* to karate
Ule fall and WIBter
____ ________ a* te knew ta
Georg* Berabardc Ut pat to a now
I ba aa loolp Her .pom life
bridge anroes te oeaek at OUk PM*,
___wta know bar.------------------------------ ■has fiUiag a lag fell wa* at
•UotoUp bp
bp. tbe erldg* ha. long been arat# for o
graaUp tolosA MpecdalTp
oU aeukn. Bm. O. W. WlUkte •Uag MU totota



loss of Flosli

M te aUl M

tad teBSBbptWM
«C WIU te stoteisB of bto ran
nato. HasUras
• Btsa#
BtSa# Baawapa,
dtd aM laiM oraai aaelMd. bwt
•BdatU WebaU aad MlUtwaOu•leod bnUs tea
At OainUB. ta. OrtUtoBn
•al Beliaad. ta Qgafia M a ewB af
rtUtatoniiiiiiBii MUaitedibBU to tu speesatan last bow It bappaa
TBtF. TtU-to. M abara. a al
ad. Bs teawa^totebas^
MB bnu • toctobgOMtoa
wUU U walked baaa.
TO ctfBft A OOLO Hi ovs n
npsrtsff te tapau Oaaatp Faraan-Fin laanoBat
ibUUad ama '


Mn Rapmad.wbo bM bca Tkttoc
ralMiTM m Uu Uaca. lawxned lot

ha aunaalBealUcal Us OoBgregmuonal obarob wiU U bsU is te
orlors net:-, letA aookl erauig
wiU M ipal end a abort pm ObUaorr.
gleeaM^ljtol. m. M. U. u.
•>. •
01. II. It. and W.
n L L... .
--------------og une.
____ ___________ dlad ol berwbeaa
Brakel Ues inre Ua aaeookoe.
Uu plaea Friday. Bor. flat, ol
ilaigar ito *aai>ua
KU lara a bubad ao
eared and baapll*
oa daogJttsr. Hre PbUlp Howall. to
leEtan’wadi btV^ Willoha.
Her loa Faaaral orrioa.
Uked-Old Harp" “ »»
Mid la Us Oongroatteal
of Iba Ktehigao; Bit,i,.^jnriabplIra.F«drta.bkiatatocled
Her. KioL
r. followed bp <
Fraeeh. Hk*.—--------------------------------aarip attka of Hfiiwu.^Uke mnsp
biDglng Na X3.
rftoearlp aaftlsti Hair
Seleotiodiog bp Hie* LpdkBiatel
__ __ - _
0*4 new |
appropriqie nod w^ rand.
gtsatlp ausas br bar sap fttead* 1
^Mn U- H.^ Raitgor. wito bu baa
_____ etock***to°taStuig ttak UI1-] K«stor*^laci(»ed wiU etogtog
a .bC pamUp
dim tat Uopreaal gaetaUoo nr#i..p.,,„ ood from ItbOttAUBleaBklng greM towiaal to Ua wellniFV!
pi,v," gteiog as boar tor dtone* Oiaea Uata bot*<
*d ts-town isr
tUIr ohlUra.
; aad handtotakipg. wl.lob wae aajopad
Aileba-Foreaneff tu icgta. llta ,u
Th' w. C. T. C. wlU aaatu te
Harr's aoMtoti, were n»ag tbe
Lftiraoniieettoa opaed >7 etogtog
oui. of Mr* BUa Data VTadaatdsp
_______ ________ .t Ua nnoaeota
nsnea. Kor Kli
. to tta war of nn nod IBlI i
Darolioenl exerol«6 led bp J. B.
JnlknFortonof Knal Bop hM aratr Baroep.
iBpoetoat daamwl is Ua Firnrb
l.ncnaga boa-a aptaln of U* war of
ISII. eoBBaa^tor bk fattar t« . get
- tor datp.
loll oall of ooLooto Fire rsprrlnKa Violet Knadea died M ber
Reports. Oolleebtoa to E*r«a* Sanday sortilrei, C2.40 TrMater'epr
eotp nod out* workCU
"*Tlieo follno.-d a T-ry Interatlor
talk and paper. "How to help tbe
br MUi UaRBe
Soodnp eotMul."
----------isenUd for ‘orm a joar, beerisg bet B.rsep, wbiob wM ably
anffirlBC MU paUaoe. when two
“ "IThy do we Mteod eooeeotlMir’





these Bursmv ire good tip to the 94th at Not-eniber.
:k k laige to seieet froo. ;

2 18 E. Front St. « Traverse City

fiundap School Coaeentleft.
Report of Ue tttb
Long Lake BOd
Sana! AMoektIoD held al
m Ua

nU lia^P tetoel-E O. ItaA

Stats Nows
Hatkoca Us Uln of Alsnador
taara baa
Bodetra, tia to onBbrr. doeiitod UM
baU Sfbt to EaaBS dtp Tfaakacir.
Uap wald not oBplep a iawper to
.^alsbt. Wild balk troBOUha■llridt Ua,^ta of tUlr toUw.
Uop OMld^ well do It ttemeelree
•todenaia ihaadbat Md uae ar* Ue blf foot,
: U hatkrad Ua aflalr MU
pkte list of'kba propettlot
inlaidkp kw.
:. a alnc»>> «
dl ■toucan, Oartonnp.
Oartonnp, a OmMUo
a a oat«) aad all ibtewa Into a
Btosi aad
hM. TUbelWtbadrewateaatUp
I tbato Ursa aad
at a tlan. 4>» BMnn. tba oldaat.
dnwtog Sipk <Ua Ua otbera,
■awa aU atar Oanup, dkd a
otdarof tUIr aaioHtp.
Ulaatai^ <hs,aas4v- Tba prkaidied to Ut
■ nialto Kto pastor to Ue ernatoB
jIU anwaaf Ua prtoat'adaaU
ael Wnlkar
•to tofca to tba pastor ba aapnaand
•a kk toat wka Uat be Blfbi
lioi vbMi Bake It ^ ttet
lor took Mid of n lira Mte tram
wiu ba no taltartac «ba tbs (Mr atodtaUsMaacna. debtor
•blob Ue Innktla bnd
tolraa Udna ebtoetta Uto wae do
aomm tor aoatldartos a ehaUa
TU 4.tW ToJta wbkh tU Win wns
Ua Mearaa deetrtoa. aodi aa woaU
arrptoc pnwad Uroacb hU bodp.klUkt Bads bp oaraww *«a Ua » tn
■ar Mm tosuntlp
to Uka aoaaaaaba e( Us BBaDasI pan MsdtoBl Btototor.
Tbs iBBib Fenee Oo. Us a card
cCUe Daakb poaaaalaa to Ua Oar
ptoosd to Us window of ItooUa.
aat Oalpa. acM dO paaa wl
wboro peopio ara wwt to (o far ob.
i^toadter a BC Laala a«n^ Sn
b Utal wmid ba a
plepBat, MU tu folio* tie words:
atokftrtadlaiBrdapad aoodtoc
tie dpinc tacasto. Uaco was ao eat
«sMBliad otnsd tkoU nieooed tar
»»:tala bp n torga natnber aod brtroghi
1 Tlnua.
loBlBoop sew idea*
Tbe toeBber.
•eap wed aa Snwan, asapt arttSd
At Jaofcaa a box e
war* bald M Ua hottai
^ from Ue Oosta aebnni then farored
•« Mka fioB bto wUa'e bat. 1
IT WM taka Hoadip M ll:» o'elook. Bee. W. K at b^^lngtog to n earp pkaslog
•orU <d ladka- i
fanbar apaalSsd ibM bto bar)
froB Uo raar of L B. FialdOo
BaaU bet toka pUa U li tatoed
a* * isoef
wore wboM it bad boa SaUroead bp
axcelkni ktsperanea talk followad bp
onwad, aad aa Uto aftaraoa w
dtapBOD. Todap tbs BtlBlnp bo
floial nSertog
O: H. Eetra, who also gate tut toeltaktottolng. ibe iBlWBtot was datovBBBif Bt uat OaiBaa sta
WM foaad bask ofUoaiero. It bad
dl poMBt to meet M U*
< bat daailp MU idaaa. Tbaeaiaboa epoeod. tat noUtoc wh bIbI
•anp awrlwad ta hto Mb tfapiac a
Aaeag Iba oUar ajorahli thinn
aad tu mSalr reantoo a Bpstorp.
_________________________ Enadea ’of
of Iba dap were recltatlai hp te
>. -as OBaadp Bap.’* uUe
Tba krrwt dear rsponad klUad
oblldraa of Ua Blleer Lake Baadap
Bortbara HiUtoat UU aaaaa b
waol alrtna front BUal RobHas. •aool. BerUa Fetrafka. Ida Orate.
a Baaaa M aeqnirtu Ua araeb toatrad
b to ksIkTod Uat tbe ropal boatoe
bp BaU Oolrar at Hat . btaawfal pillow wlU "At rast" a. Qiml Warwiok, ^p Cral*- B«te
tolaada, wfekh bare tbe alp
Mostottoc of «Uk and ptok tea FetroCfca. Keillor Orals
^aUBnto.UeLaaarAatllks. WhOe
quMB It wat a baok MU tolCBlfi
laaaa. oik iUIim aad obipaatUoaialktaned tlpplac tba Hatoa M
ft k aat kaewa posutraip. pal tt k be
earalia al Oadar Baa. Fab.
«8 pooadt. dretaoA Hr. OBlear’i -.-eJoa* Hi’tad^H?I*'lUr^ iS
.Bared Uat tba Sataratoatla of tbe
a bli baoL WIUtoB F. tad Hra Donar. Mr. and Mrs J. M.
w kklaar-a aldast
Bxbbiaa 1^ fyllp.^Mr a^^ Hra
HsEBigbt of Oiand Bapifia. Ultod a
«■ to fttotiB Thru. Ita poaag aad
daer tratobtog HO paod*
wuHfal ■eacktir aC Orawa Prtoae
LafapatU Baa .aa of
Fufitotok. <U prtoeaB to tl paar.
p Uolwbikbuttoc
kkada. which Ua to Ua tool
Ptoe Uka., aadls dead.

alp oa. twD or Ura lalaada' aailtot
Wbito pellUaUp waak tU
Mat bore )*•! •* pmn*.
obaiga of Uot atsrad hU kft tblch. •era amag bf Mr* J. M. Bebbtoa.
’. Tbo fast UslOannaar has baa
atobanart Is |n«M at Ua MasMt*
Hra huaa oalM-aHraWto
U« poekaibeek. and a tilrar Stnel OtaadaU and Btel BoUiU
' toe to prvrot Ua wk sf tba kk
bM asqalrafi bp tie faBlIp nlitaapoeteedap.
: was patokbad at Ua itow tbs LaatoSMWttb
---------• Onra te eongb ad nea tba lUe '
It straa Ibe bens.
Dr. Wood’. Herwap Fko aprap
aa oUeora a datp wtU ito OarBaa
OMgU ad oeld* down to te
droppnd dand to Odd Fallow
qaadiBi la Ua Oarlbboan. raSaeitos
abal le'eloekSabdapaoatog. Tbs
t te Bant kin;
Ua rtowa tbap bad bardaiprasaad ai
Fmm to tu oalp stop to tu wsrld
Oeaeoat slab wm glrtog a parip aad
lUt ClgBMia lU uaafal eoMT bird
tr* OUra VaVaetmad. wk
Wild*, arta bad eaarga of lU ball,
•tob m aaasal oblHlA and It k
« a lanlld for tha pat ek
an and BMpa weald
.ra. died M ber boa* to Bat
- tU SMI totoost BaalA great ntaup ehlp* are aara paeeli
srba ba mplrad.
BlaUpard'a Outto. m Ue (attod to It. BM aalp bp Fim
here almoet daily gotog boU aor
am Pwa Haiqaetta
_____ _____________ J wawOllT*
a at OMtocta ABMk
am br all Barapa At tU> Falks
g. Bba wae bon la MeatAlpha iDou espeete eoa to Boee
Eopal this paar H
frooi Hr. Kelea o plaee Inu Uoerg*
anUgod aUgattouaCetu. At


TO cisH nnciusBsi

esleotiat of ■
....... -erad (U fuemi eama. aatlMad
Baapeaae—Dr. Warrao.
Good beUTtor to ttonUp aobuol- t>p Re*: «»da of Entplre. oa Frtdaj
at 10a. B. lathe to. B UaTcb of Bor
tra GttliiTTi
Dlacataad bp Bar. Van Anka
dirkelle. Tbe ra kel araa oompleial?
■■ wiU
■ "■ "-------(lower*
; toasp beaotifnl
Baolog-Belle Eellp.
SeliDot—I frtetrdi
A large'raUmog of
Saooaea at Ut Band
filled tbe ehoteb anO foil
;berren>alMlo U* Maple Olip oeme: lerp, whotT rbo wa* laid to taai



Free of Cost

nd toBilp of Lae-'
r« to too D««i <Btocitp ootin...
.tobor at <in«olu.(

kdnep asd toad- ^
speoabn. and tt '
.vr-.-;T..rV, pre->p()p c-jraf 1



Stapathc v^rMch

Rwa WtU oe-


•hlUUaela M nrarp Bortof boU. I
lacalrsd a kasa tu oUar Up U wiU I

cutes,and to^^^estives yet
TilaadMtit.Ott.MiO aliiBMd MTabM. 8oaU SaatoUada.
aad Jaltot
jUrldaa. Ooa.. baa ptera Utalwr
Mta. Bnaasr la ft yaan eld aad
toe Basil awaar aalp Bakaa
uaakla, tt ba data'I eaia. HUabUMll paab tba elalB. havarar.
EskdM lad. a babp dansbtar
•Ttaad M Iba baaaa ofJUltaMid
Kia OaiTicBi tost vaak. TBa totbar,
abetoesBBandaraf Ua Oond Arap
d the BapnbUo. la n yaaaa eld. Tbe


BSttim r-kiir
tomhel whkh to
part* of tte faodp. Vtea
bTcteto oxtaU^^M

btood to
u. *Bda

woftood*. toe, reteod te-ElJO.

_______ I tte dip fcBto. tte hnath

8.B.&«»ctofniM tte
taltotoHtei; aad ttea rich.Tte


Oterito Sebool teito, rodacBi teu
PScEX^"- T bau

in iKcumi


,WaiB»iM>H MMoote



r^T* to
« MitkarM 10 c
vartna eulM* lanlc* nUtlTo to th*
. tMalHUar of imWac nskr taM «o
w at Ua>utc.Tba Mi*
oa U nOM< tore. u4 Amdd it b*

a llB* to tb« false* «lU-ta a
- stoMUoa tbo autor of a faaaisg
I^UrT. auatloMd Is tb* U«oU tbU
«Mk- The oatsMa fonr vbo w

toowMag.. Tbe eooBur voM aad
al laurlor tatob to boaklac aad
dlreeion* mow. an by tbe Toledo
Dmk A nuan Oo. to Tbiade. Obto.
Tbe stock to tbe teak is held ta^llar ntMial.-raocklas •
tte MiUra treat, oae wb er«r the «a- Unly la Tnrama Oly aad todalv.
Mao- aad OM <mr tbr l*np> «l>eelred from baaksrs dad otbars oataltato OfsoMi Trararae ragtoa. bm all
Stocle pUie bslov
derltii*-.,. .ba talaactoo belag to
ions* ub tbe iicps aab soI ibc teak a borne lesliutlao
OfT tb* lH«Tr
to tads
eatabMtrsfr vliboot
t hxaJ people dmirte atota
tlbale. At Ito ilchl Is • UatTW to
1 a aambar for so largo ameoata.
taor. at ib« tetl. toav
t amay appUeatkau had u ba rw
all appileatlons for tores
loBdtoC aearlr ibetr toll leatib. apee
iBto (to bstkiac raoB. Tbit spadoot
Tbe BhuwAoMen
u de«asily aad bansealoMli'
Tbe dlncton an too »eU
wblle tb« ttaa b
rorably kaon to aaod eoame

■wan tor tto ralstec ot bloa barrtes
«i a latoo smlo aaprsasd blMslt m
aattotad vUb Us toTstotoatloM. and oftrr tore*.

BOV ibdtoass Mat <ks
1 via a sl^ vtototrw.ottha.t—tosinataTa
mum to lbs eaol aObta. ata bom
wbai bw baaa toftmaied it is fsastieally asrmia that tbs man vUl «M tbs
Thai bssa torasaigativttfbt la talon toaohlas batvsso
tobar aod mpitol. Ib tUs cm II a»pmm AM «» olatms aftbamtossa
van ftt to lbs Mia aad Itwl itoj
MaoBtittodtaaitoamaiswt otvhai
I fat. Ai tbr mms
am«to Itgkia adtoaq
tolly aad tba aota totU bBf* a iBMtBg aad vlMtoI ataatapso both atom: aad IB
taa aadaU soab Mblaa vlU ba aaitIafbT BTfUibHaa aad to aaeb
•a as pnrwt baary totaa ;’2

•htor TtausT. bM mllMr lat t>
■ aa giampto adolmimha m
fli*ad by a total/ toaad farvbM
. rtNybaUmright. Xbai
s MdUa tUa atnba vlU iMb Ua
iMm^tobvlttba taattod by to
Mto tblanatodtoaginbetolabsraad
Ita pitaslpia of iattoa u
oU. Date UwM aaodltiata aim
«m *a sanw^ of tba pobUsIt

ibroasbeut tba M>br. aeroas tbe eatin frost aad dove ooe aide ot tba
Tbs eouur Is of MOiae mabocaar to a rteb. haary poUera. aaraaooated by barrl cbipvlato glass
abore Is a baadsoms grtll of apM
boralsbad eopper. Abore all U a najiy eonln ot bsulttnl doalgs
eMcatioa. At aadi aide of tbs
vtodovs for uDwa.
coUoctloe clerfc are. baary eohusas
with baad-earrad laoie eapiuu. Tba
wunler troal and partlileo ot cosblet's oOee an to eagulsU* baod-earrad paaels of salaGtod citneb mabogaay- vbleb are rsmaaia tram of art..
ArooBd tbe eoUre lobby Is a baaa ot
neb. dark graao atortle vitb wblta
ratolag. At the left oa talartog to
ad aad fsBlabad In nahogaarssraiaa abora tba eoaater as
arouBd ihia oCee aad Is lapmrtsd by
aerUAd. Tbe vad at this roam la talabad la daib graaa. mn^ttog bat
Tba Ullar'a toga la pnitociad by.o
baary boalibad eappar gilU. Natt
U an tba bosktaaper-a d
sad adtocaai fa a coHaOloa elsrfe'a da>
> maaalra raali baa oabogaw
aotUea aad ^diomd pttodtm At
tba mr of
lobby an ib^rau

g to Ua baak r
vaim, dark rad. Oae of tba
ebanatag aad toA«Ba faauaaa <d
(to oBn. aad.aoa vhleh vtu ba laneb
aojoyad by tbe patrooa ot tba baak.
vaa ptoaaad by ObBUer
aad ooKysstat of
Ihoaa vbe midbt vtah to Uagar a UtUe. A gaaaroaa atoea at tba right. Oaad HaM tar Paatortsa.
ot iba atoea. bat at oae atda of
SCba biMd c<tobda«tolaal»bta
oTTMt of boalaeae. la toralabsd
vtib arm cteira. At oaa aad Ja
MMt tWs iMBtlv tea aato- haadwtaa maatal aad dn place, at


MWIaa tto taM aaUontest. Mite
tad toai it tatoaiaai aasita* «ta ba
to^aad taaaichi tndatotaltad
•irtilibtlbl ................. . tota to
gtotatatatajgito sniiwgimidrtoe
dtoriilltototai to a totosQ'tet* to ite
< sftei MBM aa te a aatoml tosittta
•to a teto tatog toelcgy. gte Ite
Msw M ba toaildtetaa M datto■toavteltoataabatoUttoaaao UU
«■ te towvB ttei «s hm Ite
I Vito lasdl totoa Uta
dtaU feat ttetpaaddataatolav
. aptaOM vtu ba ffiTM Mtaa
ptoa vteto vUltoaba a ataai
A tovtata totoaiy taalMastoovt
■ada latoUly hr aaitoda tatitoa
tea Ttovtoatoah»tolta-a«te
ataBlta toaitoy to (tea elty. aad aapaatoUy M dantop Ibe lalstta to blaa
btortto tto atoutof paipotoa. Aa aatoai toatovtUtetadiagoMylaab. talatog vbat to nvaUad latteiia,*te. Tte baato to vads m toto

5‘?toy‘toJ~to^V.uiiSi Sj
—■tolag to—atel vUl da—»
Tte aC—to tea bwid to tola dttaa-

cosh raaK. tatmad from baaklai
has Vtols aaoitr two tssitblto.
bout to ellakar alMOSt aa bard
ilU UM la eemtat. Mklag a t
MWtsbls by ttsdas wUeb would
itadUy dsMsUib BB ordtaary raali
wall U
I addttlaa. tbe eeUn raalt Is
ttaed 1
VlU gnat steal
pMtaa aaatelt iaeb utA
vtu baary atsel aagiss. aU
adbalaatlaUy bolted t—bar la
■Mteto wtleh vatas Ua Uatag a aata
to UtaV. Tte MMtora ststo ootsg
deer wiu Us alxtota btota, svlags ta-

BaasaU Uaoaab TiaM'Aad as
toatostoi toaold ba aaootad. Ite omUa baamatat, to a meraga raalt
asttsa aC— to Ite
-bora dM baeta aad papsM wlO te
vtu aa dtabi
Uad saw.
SvlBg Ua day whUa Ue gnat
to Ua (tab raalt to opaa. Ua souaaea to gaardad by a steal dapgats.
This daygaia. baag «»« grant/ hMgat. awtagt u to ttoaU by a apnag
toaalMBa «eva to Frttay «U took. Opaalag Ua giu mads ta
k Basdb baapHtolir vaa snU
Ma ten vte vaot M Tmstom OU/
■■a Madia Mato jaatoa to ate« ~
AMs balm—

toalltoa. Ubostoa UaatU aad T«y
It to saU toai ttaat to I—u

VlU aMsad. Itoial Msabtoa basa
<«arMd aai absadr M Mabsa_._
toteto to li tad vUl dw—MS sae-

tati Ikitai totoa toll lipistani
I —tolaac taps-

W. Lardle. Oanace L. OroUldi. i. O.
Cniser. Siepata Laotsar, W. F. Calfctes j. M. Hntoaaatal. F. C. Dea1 Charlea WUbtoia. VUIlan LouC. A. Hammaod.
- fimural s<-r%’tcn »( Ur. AUlsos
eaMtal K e. HoU. pmaldeoi to
Oral Weed Dlah Co., was tor yeon Taylor will L<- baU from (be realdenca
Bast liay'l'ndsy monlag at 10
preaMtai to tba Fim KaUooai teak
to Tnrene City, aad realgaad to taka o'clock, uDder tbe dlrectk* ot W. a
reatdeoey of Ue aev lasUtatlod. Aadanoe to addUloo lo Ua ntoUres
Ult place, a brother from Ohio
Cashier C. A. HamsMBd has baaa a
will aiteod the foaeral.
Pint NailoBAl Baak bare la UU. be
Naw Brick Black.
IIS cashier tor maay yaan. uatll
btollb reqnlred a cbaaie tor a
' brolbara rtbo uwo raluable
Brick bolldiagt oa tbe south aide
taeb to Ue dtrenora has, aad mosl Froat Btn-al, 4s preparing to build
to the abarebelden bare bad maay
Ureeato^ lulcfc tniildtog on Ue
tanataaas'experb hide to Ue sireel. adjolaliig Ue
, aad uadar tbalr goldaaea aUe Jewelry aturc to J. N. Uanlaek.
aad eoasarraUra
\V<vk to daarlBg thn lot aad prepa^
baak U aasnrad.
aod Ue banding will b« erected at
. at tbe weather will
aaklag tnUralty. Tbe buslaaas
be n Beat, modem bulldlag. aad
to Ua baak will aot ba Umltad W
add maiertolly
auletJy tarlags Uaea, bat a geaatal to the atreei.
iBkUg hoslams wiU be doae.
Mr. Mtrtlock >• ,
Bnlldlag OomaiUWe—A. V. I
Ue erectloa to a brick bulldlag lo Ue
rich. Owries Wllbelw. C. A.
place to lb<- trnaie
Patolcra at
* Rtraag.
a for Canning Paetary.

Bat Portage. Oatarlo.
I|»s barb IB «—*I rhaig*
to tte wote to Ua OoM Beto Itlalag
CO., Ud.
d. ^Wbea
,'Wbea be Ian tba mlae. Ua
ahtoi had baaa soak w a depU to
feet, aad W fPH to CRN
eattlag had baoa dooe. aloag a ra
with a vail teAaad feotvall. viU
pay straak rnalag aloag Ua wall.
Tba abaft paagad Uroagh a body to
gaans wbeaa vtdU to bard to
olda aad aiay ba maob wuar. pgsalbty area 100 fam wide.
iadlealloas Arg aU .taraiable. aad
Hr..Olbte to aoaAdaat that Ue
. Tba abaft to sow balog aimk
to Iba bau larel. wiu it mee at work,
a day aad alghl ablft b
ly emitorad.

ties to Ua atoaplag aad ooaUag
Ua lea houaa. Ua ilnten for
Ua betotlag maeblasiy aad atbar
wlU tbe alakiag
to Ue shaft, aad got ulags ready tor
tba vtour^ work. Ha has baaa goo#
from Ua toty aaarty twatre wests, as
walre wests ago tomorrow
to left tor tba Btotb. Ha wotod bara
fimblbed a abort Uaa toagar.
Ulaga vara atioady bagiaalaj
trasaa ap. aad be did aei dasln lo ba
foroad IBU pMoe u aa alf^lgbi At by Usd ap Uara Mr Iba vtater.
doable pnstan bon eparnud by
g vbaai aad baral gaaribg. gir•tow O* Hto Ana.
tag total lavwage. Wltbla this gnat
WllUan i
tear an tvo etbar Ugbtto oaaa
:aoB to Adam Btota to Klagilay. mat
Wltbla tba Vaalt Is a aala. batlt vKb a istntae aetodtat Soadar .toUrtagbew to Ua best Arapty. drill
that ttaBttad ta tte less to
. ehroMa ataal. aad to tbe noat bto right arm last batov Ue albev.
He was eat bnUag aoaUsMt to tb*
teavr dear to toreator aad to lanad tewa aboat S:M otoeta wlU Otatoa
tala 111 tolgiMiid asat by a torar. tngmiinr to Klantw aad aaoibsr
vbam It to bald by teHs Urova tou
wbeaa boms to la Tiar>
Nasd by a potoat bolt aetaatlag A» ana City, wbsa tba aeidtat ooearrodnos. Us oaa
Rleta west U ellmb
weak polats to
tog, sad la dolag so placed Ue bott to
a apladlaa. aa«
gta opoB Ua gioud aad atad it
te boH
tatot him la rtolag- Ttegaaalte
to operatsd te a pad 1a each a maaaar as
Omeloek tevtog Ui«e aaparau bigbUawea|am.Tba
tasrge to shot strata yeaag Btota I
Atagar to a loM-aat. aa aw oaa ■
Us head aad u«e bto arm larrlU/<
oat woaU epwau tea belta.
Ua albew. TM woaad was ao aarv
Tte weAUf derieas an ps


Bast Bay loaasblp. and hm aaetter
Itnag to Btoat Bay.
wits Btoo aBTlres blm.
^gtoaer Maroey. Coailiiowa- Hawsr aad Plreamn Dwyer were to
charge cN Ua Unto that kUtod Mr.
Taylor, imasedtotely after
moral of tbe bod/ tte trale paVad oat
again tor Ue aorU. Tbe eiew wUl
br here again to act as wltomam
naUI Prltey aftamooa.
AUlaoa Taylor was ben to TrambaU eeaaiy. Ohio, Vbb *. IBl. ami
Tab JA lIMUAdaUaa
PaitailL Be was Ma falter to tbrea
talldsao. two to wbam, Krrnm 3.
ud FomM U., an attU llrtog. Sit
vlfa also awnret Ua Hu oUy
r. Alloa, wbo was wsnlad w
Edvto Btota. dtod to IBK. Mr. Tbyer morad wtU bto family w H—gaato inosad aeltad la EaM Bay
mvarnlp vtesa ba tea slaea nmteA
Ha vat lUad aad higely rmpacMd by
tU. Hto i
•beta aai only te bis family, tei m
tU vbe kaaw Urn. and Iw vUl te
mdly miiaad to ilia eommaaily vban
(or ae maay yaara bo tes aod<
telpart 10 teild ap ua

factory la this city. Ha v'aa sboi
: by Presldaai FiiedrVb to i
Board to Trade.

aatbiag Stdha

S|»«ebM no. I—

Btoerc yaaBay

RSaHsr Outlet
Ito otatoel erm trolthi raUa. This
voaU mr*e to shsta «> abeam to tte
Uv. taaeoload b/ tba ae-stotod VasM

Before to see our nock—it'
win i«) ,t>u aad |toy you well.
Iwcause we arc Mewii« an
unuiuaDjr aiuactn-e Kae ami -

Tba tresu an toe totoa to alltoam
VlU tba nUreada U tba/ are am
by Ua MMs Baatatol pew
ata Tte mem gtortog eaampto to
k etatoel aad to Mr


feet toUnjTi



ways orevali. We handle every>
thing from Cows Bell in their sea1. to Fine Laces. Pitch Forks
Battle--------------Cotton Battin
hVeating Stoves.
You see our line is somewTiat mix­
ed and rather difficult to describe,
therefore when looking for yoyr




MMI ITrora* a*.



Rot Stuff
For Cold Oleatber
Braarr and T«K Sbets aad SHppm.

the ia^ a««at sboaU 3 U id-

I Want to Buy

Young Horses

Mens Bars. ............... LSO. L7S aad Site
Womans Foxed Bal’s. |.0«. kff aad tUO
Womans Kid, wqol lined LSO, I.7S aad $240
Womans Juliete. fancy. .9«e. 1.00 aad tL2f
Womans Slippers, colors 1.00,1.2S sad LSO
Womans Buskins, felt sole..... M sad 75c
Felt. Wool and Knit Boots.....................
Childrens Fancy Felts......................... 7K
Leggings and Overgaiters from tOCand
up to SLSO. Look us over.

Cbc OU Htliabk
-TmeA TrMrttk.
Th. N—» Bund.

342 Front 8t

WalgUtat—IMOtolMOlba If yea
■ toaau aodwtat to
Amu rlgot. aaU ta
fSa^M;aata. to;

f :to o'clota aad Ua matter vu takaa
r adnaemmit by Ua eowt. Aa
nmaat was Uaa takeo till PH-


Local potato tataal. At to SO a
J. L. amlU sod hto ata Fred I.

ea to obaarraaoe. Ue Uaaktslttei goes' eel la faaltotoaest
oUan laaa toRanale. Bar. Stoat
spoke on Ue maut


or, when in need of anything, make
no mistake but call at

....... ta

bp P. C. QUbart os behalf to C
U. PtaU aad WUItom Loodoo. tbraagh
1 Ua VTlt to taftiaeUaa was to■aed. Oaorge H. Cram ea bahalt to
tbe dtp tad John A. Ikiraager (or Hr.

special line i
CssluDerc Cbuks (v the Itones.

aCbe Gconomyaa

teaptaaem feraUMe
Ills, bat
weald te m atop U tte dlraeUea to a wbetoaala eoatral to Mato
by tlia eoasttmtioa aod ibe aatlOMd
gtaaga Maold te eooeaagtd te arga
aoBgram vlU all ito petn
oaetmlly for mklag tba aSapa Mat are
ootllDad ia-tta naolattai.



u—WPOBgALriuaUiiMWel II

sboald ba laid >
a oeot (rasi weald al a
y aadaglaal
blaokmaUar to wfaieb Ua wbala
cry mast pay ultela. It to abrlean.
itet It to esc
eoal aa soft.
toBdtag Ue powers to Ue latm-

baton bis booor belag Ibo totolea u
dUsuIre tbe lajoaeikui lorblddtag Ua
Balirted Co. to build
aUaUtta lo Ua warebouae oT-flao.
Lardle. forbMdlag the raUnmd
compaay to buOd the track aad forMA
dlag Ur. Lardle to teTt ibe trata



prlaaetaoigadai tte polBi to aeoamp-

t aattonty elMvr «e Ax Uaat tataa

The entire lot |.Urr%l

W. .rt

We ran bt >tHi out with I 'n.lerwear. Peats. Kantahiag
Hoods, etc
Ev«fyth'ir« fcr
the boys am) V'ouag men. st
loweto iJtkes.

Uaad DM by Ue.o|anMn bat by I
nUioada. ladaad Ua peat of cool
Ua mint to kept down f« Ut pupoaa
to pseraattagUa

Utfltog to Ua fnlfbl
are aaarly doable vliat Ua
■ ebargatortnlgbl Uai to
obutad maeb Ugbar.
Ily aa aeuB ttet U tl>a

the ka. Ktotai. fxdon.
1 ua sale at


Tte lailiaada vUah lea tolo tba aaUmeila aoal enatir an Ua mat aad
vhUa May aoBirol atm 00 pm eaai to
Ua etoUartes, tbe abaaat ttel ten
naalled la a ywlea ter eoal vhtab U

oorpontloa wbo amke a baslaess to
Ua ralstag to
wim Can Give S Prw
olng porpoeea.
e large tmeu to toad U Uto vrlMf Ua Herald itet Ua cot
Mat Ttaialty aod U Uatoa tovaaUp
•aetloa tto
>r Ue I
rtes. tba> Mae belag to flow Ua •ra dyUg WlU a dtoaoso. tte aymp.
lota to Wblta ate gmdaal lorn to appeaia. eostlTt eeaduloa to Ue bewult. aad griMlag to Ua toaU. 8ba
myt that aartaal yaort ago a laetoima
oeaaly aafatcrlbar gart a remedy for
Ure to ibo oorponltoB to ao
elU Ue proapeoto hero ibst
•ad raqaasto ttet be, or aay oaa else
Ulag dcAbite to proteble In
short tiaw. Prcaldeel FHadrlch to Ue wbo aaa gira
pomible. tor tte
Boanlto trade
baaalt to tte Miman wbeaa eevs an
m the matter for tarerBl B
to Term to Court.
TravorM City Markvt*.
Judge Hayae opaoed Ua adJottraed Tlila report la mate upon WMnteaeaalon to Ue'email town for Uto daroroaohwMli. Tna Horaldlanet
ropponslMa for tovangea In arlooe.
county Tburaday motelag. Ua

tolta* Rev. C T. Atoot ymlarday gat* a very laiaratilag talk,
la wUeb te gave UtoakaglrlBg as tbe

Drr Botis StOhm



Cemmcrcial Priwliiifl

HeraM Job OlHcg


r« I M M A^ OhOta. ■


b b


CN 6r««t«sl Store for

ia tUt Seetkm » the


Ua ataooto raUar Uai
iota farmer to test Bar U
aay etobenta imretom. Ueogb ta
talp. rraa strata aad kUtod by
, rooms apeetol programs
Para Margaattepisiiatar train. BorUboBBd. Tatsday at—nim ahartl/ batan : o'etota. Tte letodmu ear
An dougned lu cunloam h> Uc rouaireJOHi Q. ADAMS. JR
at Mlicbtoto oaaatog. last sevU to tba tog to the PUwtoas was r
tet* of every oaa eeaditaawtaU. We
8da Mr. Tayler. ate was aboat 00 by Ue mod tabde. with mlnat* tor amkaU
TKaUB-AUaotearpS ted tete. >
Ua aaa. mad tamw
m Uteto sate aU oam M ate pmW
was drlrtag actara tba trata atea Ua
gpd. and .1 tesm
ireaaa and ton* eaactlT
into strata him. Tte ta»
aagoo. to wblta ba was Artrlag. praa
tedly amubsil, ata Mr. Tbytor was
to bald te Ue natsr aad oaa te tba BUata by Ua pilot to tbs aagla
A* <tor tor >wtar..
Thv WwynflMtdWBfgU Co,
Prtrau rooms an branded lor tba Tte bata to tba neltmb bead aas
ORmd to. bto boas aaa cat allgbtlT
Tba £eun' room to Aatohad tad tad bto lav was brekao. Tte
watobpdV btota. B—M oak. Tte
valas^oUac to to dark hbsa tariap.
abora vbkb beriap to robla'a wg
Ua teUtog cmalea.
to room. Uke that to
Mamto. Tte oBototoag atos«y.
>VM Bar. Bagb KsoBsdy totte*-'
inaOlV- Tte bcMa was btaaUtaUy
tod. and vaa aMsadsd by Mtoa
^can to W. B. Aalima la tba
at 10 o'cieta a. m.
aad Jtopaiy —rW »Wgar
r to Ma brlta. A
M. DIB. k. A.
nach. Toay Basal. J. J.
Tte liiivist to Ugb aad wtoi
ABd BdVard McDratoa. Tte
UghtaA Ua ftoat pontaa. h—
pary nsaad-«te
^ PtaiW0Bwlab«Bl
■Itaet iB.aak rrtU a— •
Mb M Mr MvataMt
aad IM taar, *a to iiMpil ly O.

Mtar, He. U. M2


rJA ^

Auction Sale


mam, mam i,

S^itv ftook $toreS3
Dollm, Toym
urid Oumum
In great profusion for the little folks

EluKurrt Boobem
BIblum, Albumu,
Toilu* SuSm
und noEurum


in great variaty and the f^
CHINA and QLASSin Northern Michigan. You
Mfili miBs a graat treat If you do not call lUKf aae
tham. Complete display ready this week.

City Book Store
Wore J




9r. V. ).

•TtaC Us
•»• «*««• RaM*.
A 4Ml M « toot prewud b7
4MlBl «Mm tMm lb* KdMHM
UMfcMtb* >M M«dm> Hack, ta BvMn. br *Ueb cxteanre eauia Meta attoTtoaki
■4 kv Or. bVM vlU ba ■MabUibed tai tb« s««r
Ttdbltf of TfBTnM Civ. Tke plu
«ai lOBOo'abM



tto toltowto

ptwtU>bbl4»» “


■'PBtot. Meat Mwetfal*'

baallkful tor a

Mb cE

lEbbbli, OartaU

9 NT CeattUm4MTUKl>CH>i»TYMMt Clif tMto ■a»k.Ti«*w«* av. W

ClmiUtioii thli wtek 2.S7S.

Tka baabat laetorr baa ahot
tor ma aHaou Sosa rabaln vlll br
mt*t hefora tbe taeuitr ba«aa «

’ Tbr barban <E tb« cUf ara azpactlag a auo4 ilaw at ibiEr aaaaal aoeW
partr lo bf> ctTea ia cbe CDur Opara
Haaaa Thaakacirtac atcbt Stowart
ft BWfteaa arebaaCim anil ftrabb thf
■Bale, aad a aae aeeh) tla» b taokaC

Jfe. aM Mn. a U H^^a aa4
raaMM tea^aar, a( Sm DIata. ChL.
«n tMUiv «ha faMlj a( Ua btottar

tba ter a taac Mae.

at dnuflat. b bei7 prapaHbE to
• IBID iba Boat atore la iba mao
Ma balUtaB, adJobOac Iba boo


Tba tretaei wlU

*T. ooe know what a an.,Oi. Kiac'a Kew LUe Pill,
wrliea 1> H TatoM of DoBfwp.
lowB. fo.. -'poa'd aell all poa tovia a dap
Two weabi' aaa boa ■#>!.
BOB ot ma.-- Ufaltibla lor
tballen. atoWooh oad If
to. M Jaa. O. Jebaa.
lebaaeti aa-1 F
lead-. dia« B

Elgbip oerm of bad
and It It ttalad that
Ibe propertr-aad tba
aapplp of food fitxB ibe ataieh fartqrr

...------ ^


I The Bail BeedBaef Used rraeatB.'
I Utaartat Gmaco NV 17 wlU ba held
i Bt Tiaeane One wlia Grasd Tiaean*
Oraopa No. 3:».
Ulb. All teenb<
'dbllp ieeltef


BraeblBc iaio a btolae b

aorta of bad MU ba reqtirad for to
lu MoordMoa wnb to oaatOB
Up. and drolb t-W It’. IMI war
eMatoea hant teqairad. OpUM.M|*^^
wbae poo aeclaet eoagha aad eold.
«. T. Upwarda ef Itortr partook of
W haaa beto aaearad aad Hr.

.b_____________ ___ . _
IVb'I do It. Dx. KlDg'. Kew
» haaanoai aappar. Tbe artolabalU-eaa tto tba daal w-Ul ba I
aaa «MI la
aad al S o'ototo
’' Onaa Eidoaocal obanh:
loot laaeh waa aarrad Bad aU left,
-Aatalic aad Laag TroabL_ ___ , .
aad aeuld roBmng aadl*do^''(
doewr tulb I
atodac that Mr. aad Hra HaHaaaa
PeetBill Oamea
pooaf^ .(Op. a
aicU lira Baar Mra toppr Praia toMOadprapan.
AatoB. "O Piabo tba Lord.
.. . BcaelaB oa tlw O. B _ .
' br Jai G. Jobo-oo aad F
Tka paaiart ef tbU ettp Mt TBaadaj for BIc ^da. to oaol tbe Patna laPim I atooa. Daak. g.
H -Ha . ftiM SC- aod |: <>i Trial
.-baaplOBablp of
aotab« to fartbar eoaal«ar\to bu daatrlab for
Baaadteta. ‘ O all pa work, of tbe ^ ■»R>ee
Tba coBM Mil
ar af tovlac a aMaa ef araacatlatie
Lord, btatop^
to Lord. "
aaabBct la Ihb ebr
ttaae dar«. L 1
i Ibaa ooe TtmTocaa Clip lover of
Jabllata Uoe.
laar Will fomto the prirtbfa of
<>ood aad pnpen.
PtaaoU Edward Tbaakwirlbs tarkep at
Hpou in.‘-OoaM p
tbo beat uam ttot iba ellp
tollar- n. O.. af Xbaror aad
TletotTacaian Iba atroacoerialB
Sprle Blriwa. Blerp.
tl«7 eear ptaped
bb baiac abb to to bare ea pat.
Ulerla TIU. Ktak
... ■aatlan will to aaleaH tbob
Myaia lift AtoiMaa.'
-ton nil aad the Mttar wA ba WIU be Mae
AddtM bp to notot.
ae^l btora the Tarloae oaaknta- OMUr;Blaota. aadll
doat aaat Baadap aad a^ubet -eei Bokaa aadfrubM. «
aadUadWWPkP- »<>t:
■kp. fallbaokiBUiou Md

The ftiat llaa win ba raa fro* ibU
lUp to Baplte. bp tbe wap ef Poaeh,
r. Maple Ollr. Oba HaTaa. Obn
t. Tto dm ^acawlUibaban
■eat weak to bocia toajark./ All to
llaa. pal BP MU to oepfwr toatalOa

The Muaketoo playera will airlre
I tbe rlip on tbe 1:30 trala. aad wUI
Tba tollowlat piaciaB wa. elrru
nweed alBoet lamodUtHp lo tbo
ai to BBiaa fkaaktoietBe aerelea.
toolbaU enjoadm. ■ Tbep are a rerp
brld a> BaoMd Balbodbr BobalroQE twB. and will be able lo itire
ebareb at lOdO a. m
■be local, the hardeet kina .if a «
waa preoabad bp Kar D. O
Both of to ~
OaaMi RolL
erdar ef tbe Btlrlee
a aa felThe fuocral of Hra. Geunie V. Jopde Iowa!
a. beM fr.uu C.raec Kpiacopal ebureb
UrtM eoUatorp.'
Ikuradap afienorai. wiib Rev. Sum.
In cbarBe ol ibe aurrice. Tbe —
Praptokp Bar. A. J. Bldiod.
Borml .drenncn trailflod to tbe rt«ud
AatoB. "We Tkaafc
Tl.ea. O
1 deCMMd B-aa bold. Tbe DU- Lord."
puraUbod bp Ulaa ValaoUBO.
■dlat af to aarlplaia b.e Bar
im Unriaad. Mlaa Rotaod aad BaoiT MaKlalap.
Mlaa Ibvis. Tbe pallhtonm wore
Willard CaanUrll. wm BMtbaapt.
loa bp B
Cbarlaa Broadfoot. Uorpan Paige. Ao-

MW atordar-. BieoML
Mra ATTlUa Oartoar ntaiMd
.VahM atraat.
BMto ttoto Laaalas- where to haa
. Iba atata aad b bartac
a Hr It.
cnat Baumaa and Praak SalllTaa. Tbe
vtn'ba a audat aura ta erarr reapoM.
bodr waa taw utiwat la Oakw
aw hm BbM. Hra
Ralpb Anderm had
Ml M*rteMb*aa, vftBtb lea vUl
br OoBaV CM WaHar to ibo'toDaw. rWltaraalbartUl after «Mfc«lT- of all (uaerai arrmaremeBia.

far to dwaattoadtottaVa-

tag: Anbar ft TolhaiBt <E tbb MV
ft. Walker laft Baiartap lor
aad Beaana Wbler of Souaaa Bar:
ABcaal W. BtaroBB of Trarana Cltr ChbMD ta aoaapt a poMlaa wbb
aad Aacwu Laakr of taalaaaa •atban. Good ftOa. Bo-wUl be
««tr; wni B. KraloebYll of Laaft
ft. ft KMUacar waai la Oblaago
Labe aad llabel Oiilaiw of LMC
Laha: ft-unaa Bdirto Wikaor of ftb aftnoaa aa baalaaat
he Ma ba la DairoH aad win
.Lm lAka: Haao Joaaph
TraTwaa Ov aad Ctorbaa BeOa
3. BoBto Md taUp wlU baee
ap to BMOiara. tbL. wtoro
aoM ttea aw> Bert Uadbr of Chl- tor wiU BBke tolr fatora boa
4Bia heaebt the raobt R ft Ptagioa. Ma BbMtoeawBtolidtothopi
Ibaak rrtadrkft aad took bar
af a toBto to to predaabba
Id CMeato. when aba waa aaad oB

Haw Orbaai partl« ft

JUllbB Qaartoft a pioaatr to LaeItaaa ooanlr. died at I o'eleek Prldap
■onlas at to boM af ku an Brar
BarTbellU. He waa ■ pear, of a«a.
and haa beM a toaidtat
eoBBly to Ibe.paat 4U paara
baeaa a wife » pawn of afo. toaa
I aad to loa at wboaa bosa
Tba laaatal oaoBitad Saadop at I o'eleek aaiar lha f
I. Aadenoa.
The fOMial of WUUbb UaorlBf-to
Mbnaa aeaair pioBear, waa bald
ikoB abaiah Baadap
I waa Ttrp latfaljBlaaiocbUp bp to-oldararttbn. Tba faaaral waa ia akBt«a af
V. ft Aadrraoo
C. SaaabMotSi
af to aaeUee fniMin ef to O. ft
*L.dbd SoBbp toeratag e* IwmIptb Bi to age ot M peon. Bolpb
Aatowco Heetap aftaaBOM ahlppad
to bodp to Bepaa PalU. whare to

parfeat heallb at aeoa Md at alght
aoM ftaad. Tka badr waa braitht
bwe flMdar Md brief aarteea haU
■urr ti Iba afunpea.

Ttaettaa Bap Ulea Ke. 71. aaijr
Ttoearaa Bap Tmi Na IJg Meodap <
iBf. Afbar a abort Baaleal ^agxaB
bp to bdlMOBd
br toSbCalghb a I
Ufal orator eapoar waa aarrad bp to
ladbt aftoHlaa. Tbaaraat^wM
KtoMlp Mjopad br all praHBi.

P. ft WIttop af Uamaiae k

BbpKoT. B. O. Kaih.
a bP Bor H. W baiU.
Ottoto ta ta bo pal into to taaadt'
oor of to WoM alfta.
Tbr otoBtat war Hn V. R Seolt
A ebora. ofaotr tad to alagBg.
Tba toUowlag toag:
hto HcClaakep. Hiton Oatap Mena.


HoWa Inbaaaa pM word apUPdar
ft. ft Wtikrd af topto wm la to
4mi hb bretbar. Baa Jobaioa. wto allr«to8aa^.
Maae ta Kaaaoa MvaaUp. aboat two XhaMtotoUaMa aad Haaaah I
kwaaa to Otdar Mdw ta apMd
■Iba tnaa ftapb Cttr. taUlas of the

Oiaea ehmreb baa I

e la wa«ea. the
la.Trmala llaee

Mab Qaartoto -The *lo»r af Kb

Ritap Swaati reaolead a totafOB
■la weak froto Wb. W. Weoda of.
BaCalo. iMboIibI la;tbe prabec aa aaa af« M4 (Ua b hla M tUH akkUthaMlIbtmUlaf toaiaoto ton.
tiBl ba woald taaab lien »■
hwt AaatkaiaiM
r aad TwiaaBlat that the optteaa aaearad ba hald epee aalll hb
Onaa poaUade.
ft ^
ft aad
and W.
W. iB O. .aBandFroB tbe Uaar of tba iMaiBta, to-' Tba O. ^
toUarad ibai to prajeat Mil aa-;----------------Ba- i ~
bp to W. B C ia taru
b baUarad
tarbllw. It ii atatad ibal aiifaq iabwltabla warfc.

L^eaau *PBene t

bw trlwib. aa aba b BO old that aa
altaek c( tbla Uad H rtrr apt lo i»
aolt btallr. Sba b Tl mra ot a«a
aad baa beeo a raaMaoi of tbb aao

a Emplarta' Wapaa.
________ J. lad.. No. f«—J. 11 1*
iRuabon. toonral aaBaavr <i Lbe
Oraad lUpWa * ladlaaa Hallna.1

Ql^lEact from tba MkU^ Star^ <


for all Ml.

The iiad ihxt kve)a the
wi conilbrtsble. wearr
well tikl the pnecs sre

Warm Shots
Kc* «>.l

tt.*.,., Lwe. Buiand Congress

75, 9S,



Men's Feh sa.1 Besv«, Lace
aod Congress Shoes

Our SlTtir. SemrOKit


fLSO tu 92.00


Htb Sartd Stator aad tor aM CM
troto SatUM Bar w« baaw todaptroto a PMI to WaUto. wbara Mia. 8to-

at 9KHmr hr her tftUdrea ea All
Hba Laua 8«blrto ef I
■la- dar. Hra. Mrdcr waa a tor- to YblttBc Mra BlrdMlI <E Webatrr
r pMMtoaw of Mr.- Stoat ta PaABd paaMMr thero
aad Mto. iMdtoMd M Bar
Be* Cbkafto two waMlaite tnm
Baarr aHtobd to faawal <E
r. aad Hra. ft P. WUUw riiiiilto af Btutow BM-

ft. W.






Bltoaft WMt to Plfrltoa

a baalaaM wdarU ft. OlbtoaadH. L. Olbto


pbftad aal af doera tobatoar. aad


Womaa's Flush Boun.1
and Beaver Slil>f>er'



WM toaaMad ai to EeaasaUtol tow-

Uaa.«TJd; toraMMaadol
prodaea. W OMta..................
Her, to Saraairiau todap
Man. «7fta.-ttw eteek aad Ol
i; OiaaiTt^W^'to^
priltoA «L»............................

MMft br toidjMr, ri O Balb.

are the

Soc—the quantit)’ it limue-l.


Old lo


Floui camea >t>u to Good Bread witbom
cr. toner floor canaot be made, -tad tbe pnee ii )bk at
tractive as to
tbe bread. It's a prettp
wto cook
coek .tot can't sare
snd de%ht to toiilp ^ broad

tr.sversf; city

l-adies' Fit Snug Bants—the
nicest fitting gafmentk on the
mirket -very Hoe quality and
silky fleece--Vests of the
same qualitj-.




om Fuuna mi Nmiu
Good quality dark Outing—
lensthi and widths are gener­
ous—2$ cents.

We believe we hate the best ]
assorttneni of >ams in the city j
- both in coarse and Hne.




f/len/t Carlo al flO I

Bjown and black kers^'. iinthrougout with good
cen/ed lining. This is rartr

Tan kersey, lined throughout |
with guaranteed satin lining. '
This is splendid value.

I Don't miss seeing this skiit—it's tbe best one we ever hftff. We had to buy
j. quantity of these to get them to sell at this price. Made up in the latest style. '


This is genuine blanket weather and how satisfactory it is to
get blankets here- everything you want in great variety. From
the number of blankets We ars selling people must appreciate
I their value. Cotton Blankets from 49c to $2.00. Wool BlankI ets'from $2.75 to $7.00.

i Full 30 inch Brown Cotton, good weight-we offer (by the piecei....................4Xc yd
I exceptional fine Bleached Cotton.................................. ......................... .
S: yd
We bought a. quantity of thi«->'ou will find it to your Uking.
, A big4i^ of Robe Print, for comforubles
:............................................. ‘ .'ic yd
I U.K. Outing for qqiUs............................................................................................ uc yd
I Linen Crash« fivm 6c to...................................... ............................................. Kfc yd
F ull Line of ready made sheets and pillow cases.



1 U you have troubles with wool hose try A full line at ISC to $3. Our line of kid
Ii iHe
Iron Clad at 50—good for ■boy*.
and mocha pleases every lady. '


and lots of it.

Oor line of

Sucks um4 ffmbktrs

A Heavy Gold on
tbe Gbeet

does not contain a |me of .-car­
ried oict" goods AU aew. all
good, some kinds of Rubben
that are atnolutelp gwaraateed.
Aral «rr sell tbcac goods al is

Cum Frkts

At this aoeson of to peat aatf
prore CBal H mat eered « oacc.

aH 4«:


1^ A
A' A'
'A A A' A' A' A1^' A »*v

V jirr|isre>l l-i bp]|i enu with

i« to Uwt o{ enjurmeiii. and *1
the hmt stiM: of

i- Lave evt-r rarriul.

The fiuu-mw aiai 'Hily cucnfuitsUe Pun-

darid cutter, with to wMe m»t aral Lodi bade; liitad with ptoli

Nm’er ba.l a (■-ib-r -.uiek —Ui«U)tLt we had to ln>t last Year. Imi
tbi< ,vear'> etia-k i» far abnul.

Then- are to haad-msde horw

lii.le. soft and warm: the Gallowar. to hfonataw Boffsb and
ibnaycfa at»l k«e|ie y<xi guod and wa'nii.

tofttBftbrfhbtoonltoft. ft Maanaad wffa kft tbb a

w OMtladr baa -i


kind that are alwap-t t-Jd ai

ebo ri»di-tbe kiral tot WtU to.i rain BB.1
and Mww,
'Win nm
laH wn

d to Bow

MMda tora\to Ma dapa
ft OtaHlB at Btagtoto. arhr bardaafhto


It will soon

ft a; Baattr. wto bM baM wito
r la Traaeeaa Cttr to W. T. nwball Oa. M to Bao tar
toto* toaaptoa. baalaaBtod ton
Md wtU riptoit to BBwpaap U
kb top aad rlaiallrMn. 3. ft BiMtot

pantH. extra heavy


fur wMtr wtutbtr.
It's tumimg spua.
Wt h*Pt



mrfxsi- (iTrs -nesT irroJS^j

IJtriies' tlr«cr lined veto and

Both Do»n and Feather Pillows in all sires asd gnaUtics.

Your Teet


- •



OurVUtenM asdSsraee EspecimM '■ to beat preiBiBtto
f> ah ktodi of CMgbv cnldt. broaany kiod of pahtouip


JUfrtd a.

able to

We w-11 yr>n Ibtoa

ell to wav frntn $71.75 tn flIh.O'l.

Mu«t have Bella o
rootpletr wifhoat tbra.

Yoo want to be

.Yn extn Uufae i* moM

.v'Ovenwnt many- liDuw during the winter.

Jlbrr «» borara.
MV have


Nu UUSiaul quite

wtrle wu vui—Shaft

HelU. Chime Bidlv Team Bella and'Stnng'Brik and at all

Whiia. Imi all at Medium Prkes
their pricn oevml tim« thie aeawin, biiFear retail prim are
as we bare alwara acd'l, fpring you ad'
v.^ ——.I--—

OniflV inQ VOrV

mmf wu....

Wem«ybe«gBprilad t«saTanorthMe
iwiran. au it'would be adriaahh- to buv a
” V are gwd
g»wd jwap^T n> own. Yon know Sisidiuti do hapThey
It i« erawimy
b prepared.
■mr to be

that comes.

m HMfliM & Ur MQIO^


I Grand Traverse Region.
iBinaB m *m nm
l« iWfBflMBM Ml
I. Tb* kM» rB««*d

OitT SB MobAb/__
Mrii*4 lh» «bm iay.
Mm. J mvh EmM BBd —
3«ltm Otto droM to TM»omo Ottj


puatn* Cslrw feroftoraoMboUdblfB
bOBMCM UMirMtM amt Mb>«oU.
Mro Toodrr of Tnrmo 0n)> «Bt
ol Met P. SnUorMfioD: dtf «Ml MMBdOd «BR)b BMO IB IM

OWpoBior'o^iMi^^. LWMB, Bill

MmIuB>ow. BbehMbooBopnd.{MimibibI iBoolhi ta Ba*tm MbBcbb
C! km niBMod lo toi kop^ io lU.

^1 Blib IriBOdi Bt UU UIibUib. bB*
IBiBiBwt «e bU boMB U PnBkIeit.
BBiMfB ii iloirly iaivoTiBC
4. B. Ponar baa rMBiBod ties
0<»s4 H«(>lda Bban ba bai bM oa
Mm. Lbbb MMiMUbd ■.
^B 0l Ibatf tnmm UM Ibandir.

____ _______ ,___ tBMB M t
IMfBM, Me. BB« MfB L T P
Bm. Mr MtsM *U1 p
.■B^.Va*. W.aa mmim
BM BBrtMUr «BrtM<> M Bl



bu nktw Ei««'n« Bit..:;;;.
Bsdl bBnoaMnis>^^l^^^^l

Want if q lick-very quWk.
uitil P«c idt you rn w take


iTdr^fer tt»


E. 3.


BanoMed at TnraawOll; dli«ol ooa oa; la.l mrA
Oar wobrr. Mi** Habrl Orrme.
auD> Baud*; «iib brr jarrui*. Mr
aad Ur* A £. arrtee. of Iraxtn
Ott;Hn Qaord* K Alias loam toda;
fn Urn^. tba bone ol b« fatbar.
■be la oo Uic pout of daaiA
1 Oooico K. Allro aad L-r Wolf bora
lakaa foba bi put la aa<t*r fei J. Cnaair* ahlaile sill at Ban>oo*.
Irru Toll baa issorad fios bare
] Krjaioba.
Ororra N. Alloa aod Irrio Toll
>cb parehaiad a faor*a of 8 J. Mur
*a, and Pied Duu-loe a bora*. ba«rl
od aaisra* ul bii ancle. Pnak X.


■BMdfbriBiiii I II
.Mbiar Pnitaeobar. Bart aad Will
PerMB BBBI ta Oadbr
oaa da}
Mid Mm a Ooto at Bma
g Mr. OoU-a satbar, Mn.


I Vba Mtb qiBnartr ai«raoi>n
.... . J a
ad SUIT «B>......................

lilSMiiiMl beai: Pridayrol^"
y^iMilaii baaa ban >•■»aad
^jNW^hBdad poMben Banr.
> #Ba«n
tkwtm rmtUk at Tiaaam Olt;
■JMta WBB Bawdaraala^baai
T. Manb traa diUrd ta Pnak.

Hba I Utmy laiaiaad frOB tram'•MObftatnaiT.


,-Me. jBiyh btiaoa. aad iMar Mlaa
II ■
Vbt M
:fBB JaaiilMa antaad tiam OMe a
•bb Mva at%. Oaa. a Hr. P»bbU.

lonbiiarl raaada; atniag,
^ BfOBo oad laaa^^aM riaitlB.
Mm L. it.lUr apm-t murda;
Tba WoBu'i OiBb baU ita Bi
•aatuc Btib Mn BlBcdoaud b
a L Odjiaa aiBBl
X Btasbav ^Ita
maUItt thli>aaa.
rlttim at tiBrana
ra Bl----------------------Bsa MtarXvo-'
Honad lb Ibair tama biTibvbivOil; Taaklt;. attar aitadistata*
iB7a viib Mn V BroBo.
Obos. Kalaoa aad «ira
aaabiof W. a Kalaoa last
Ball C ilaee VM or«r li
MBBitaa as Basds;.

Thd fret fif lha mritr-r i< ihbt r.i-rrrvth;ng in the stere gor^^At
■ •nil) >,n
BM>’i-r> u,it ihth,. <k IMtIt

rg iei f- vniif p v bet lvw>k. thryr-lnre aiich


cd taqtu* did »

■ taoa tbto *iaX

Mn ManhMbXiabalMraMtB.

• 'Ttr^}S.ZZm.
Tba^ Btn ba^bnk^at^ aarrl
lb iba ahpaL
M. A. lbnB( a-dWiarMd nllaal
tar tba UM^^abad at tbU plaaai

_ J. Maru X—ay latanad fra
■B*tarilla Satatday. vban Mn faai
ana riaiUa« bar naihar,
KiU^baptiiki of TaitrrUallarbU«aiHr.Ourt-a
Olaa-ia Taidaa la Mid ap vilb
Mr. ud Mil. Oarobtrr aad Jranlr
Omk BWaaord ita T. a T O. mot
,mg at Uirrloelu Uat Tbanda;.
0 IB arpu:
Tier Olka onlano

m ihia a*«iaf .d ibnoitaar oBki, la- rblttocli
amma* MmmIbe bnalaa Bbub aa_ Ontg taa aald ul «
•BtatabribBbtBBdBniU Mr. Vaaa. Tbiuaaaf WanrrliM. OeuU
at bj
Mn Clara Barr baa airtrad la tawa
ia<aa 10 BBk* bar rarldBoea.
Mnbmoek baa parchMod tba Oar-


' b«^M u»Cuta‘SS'o^*

'*7ou‘^Bontaa. am at tba elnaS art
Bata. noMMT ad Praar Daa- liar* brra. tanaf aoonla lau-bu
latMS aola Isu b*tamt lorpoibi
M rtas W urabd fiapaa*lar
____ ar^ai lor diopr;. Ha boo bam
r of taraMn ta tbia aaktea toM tlsa

eaBa*. wha boa bad
Bil aaBnar. la bob
Mdrofar. Mn

.*!! ^


“TKn Mn

lav taTi

Pnd Daee apaoi SatarAa; and SuAa; «Ub Ua |xuu at Pnt Onawx
Hr. Mrwniabuaaerodtfatrail

» Nnnaf AHn Motvny'* i


iMn Wnn*


Gequioe Tutkiih
Rodirr. made of the
bcu leaibrr. and all
hair filled. The Aationeq
liaie and
I'ramr i*
made irf nleci Irrcli

full hdl arm*. The
coctttniciioo it Karpen't
So belter made. A
rw krrthat will Uil
a ’.ifetime. Catabqtiie
vnreSSi; our price
TTii* beautiful E»tntioo Table, made

Another cane teat Uioing Chau. goUeo
oak; It hat brace anna; teal it oot akiup/ in
Are. Ikring IS iochet in widih; full pan
k. anil tu ipinaiet;
apimllet; bate ha* nine itreichHeavy buying
g al
alloart as torbeeriallfdiv
eol tbeteal KSc a|

Oui EUtlic CotloB Felled Matlren it made
white GOitoa, catded in byeti. and it
ruteed not to nuitViWB or get lumpy,
boil at a feather bed and l«ht to baadle; full
me. bcM tick; only $7.76. Try one. OtSefa $1.76, SISB ud up. '
Time Mver for the
ladietitour Handy
Mo home it cwa.
plete wiiboot one*
and the oNt ti n
little. Thii one haa
a 60 pound and Itrp .
SSpmmd biu. 1*0
large draw^ knead
board axabmed *i(h
a bice «fai|g wood'.

Trdnaa af Ut*^
>ad Dr. Uarear at Traiarte Oil;.

lop S8aU in. kiia>ea taUe. and only $6.60.

tlruction it ielect ath.'fiive 6ni*i.; the bevel mirTOi<!.it 34aSO ioebes.
Freock plate. A drencr of tbit Hyle and coo-.
Mnetum oihen conrid*
erabarga^aai $16 to
$1S tvery da; aalet
■1$.60. -

ThitbeaniifalReedRockeritooeartbcUM made.
and brace it woimd wuh ke^
tinag it catta laKiag qiulitiea.
T7»e reed uted it tbc fine pure
•tiite. For comfort apd pmty

drtitti H cu'i be beu. Only

Every poet

Other large kfiiti' roB Reed

chine ii the Aand^jy.
ameglr made hoc batiom: the
lower wath hoard cu be ca«ly
taken hem imadiinc to deu
and dffi the rocker pnt arc

. - ■ V'.-r

there it

To Close oot Below

Comfortv Blukefc;
■Piilowt. Selectioo here
you will alwayt And
good aad the pneet the
-loareft. Comrona, the
kind that looki wdl ud
veari well; fuUaiie 76c.
SOkolme hgured topt,
cotton 61kd. (uU aite.

» COST ^

Thb kdim'
Sewing Rocfarbiolid oak. large cane neat. The buk potl ea.eodt
fuD lentil aod baa Atong brace arm, three
■tala bl back ud aia qiiadka. gond coiden
Coiah. far $1.86.
Fat home etumBimnent you abould hare
<me nrom Viam Talking Hnehiiiea What
canid be more smnaiag, ai they win prt>-


60c Gloves at............3Sc
60c Cloves at........................................50c
50c Mittens at.............
25c Mittens at............................- -Kc
25c Cloves at........ .’..............



Mra Q. Batart. *be bat bau qolir
tut aaoia. tanaab brtaar.
Mika Harta at KnpUa am aa
Mn Pnl
: ban aad ahUdiaa ara ataiw
Hin Olan TapM at Kspdn 1*
batplac Mn. Fraliak eku kaS.
TlMBkaalrtad i
Hr aod Mn. X X Prin tpw*
I Wta iiiaa it 10 o'
law daya la Irarrm Cm Ian *aaA
NTBlaf. aftar Bta.oB
Mr. aU Mn Dart HoQaan af
■r Bor. Mlav U Mapta 0»j.
Otdar an mkiaa bar nnaia. Hr.
vbita aU BIB oaroiUlr nrtlad.
a^Mn X Kaaara a la* V
> taiaat KiBBlUm aad tanUy it
OWoBBOk tm aa aitndad rlaU



Wn Wnrta

O. a Sihlkar ntaned (ra Laoslsi
•rt larbia;. *bm babaabmuiALL'Wrong.
audUr tba asu Uraoca at b rrpre
wtroUia lip* Bamsit Uil; OtBUdr.
Mr*. 3. Vila; U rUillBf bar dnib
tf. Mn P. Bobiaan. la Maonu.
Dm'I sUiake Uu
Wbila baaiiad la tba weeda ear
pIlBsothroMaf buia Saada;. TiUu
licA at Xieaala;, a tam abuei toar- “u ba OB^ ;oo
B>a >atn old. aaeidausU; abut bis
>if, tba toad i.r abol ealaria« Uo °*U*U VTODi ta InagUn taUtf it
i^hi am at tba •net.
wnal. taarud •!
B^aehb li Hdoa;«cl.e.
• •an triMu Iba *ru.
Vaa ma*l cart 'b> kifluB;a
aarl; to ..
MV aad apltatanbr
A Trarma 0 Ir leaidaal tall* ;u
•a booa ao ttat Iba arm bad to b
bBlo« ibt alaov. Ur br* ibiaru badoae.
Hr. «. H Lambaa. of B^^l

W. -p. Kraav aid *Ua vrra b
*iU ibiBoadaaiUn
ant tane. lae. *bUa tara.



S. Oenda & Co.

Ulras Bruwa.
Tba BoaBrll bo;a
* babtiagdeor
la Waxloid Ouui;.
Frad ud (1. L Dosioa bare ban
tare Dtisioa do
Co'a losbFilDd
wu>dleg op tna brsJ-b. Tba; I
fro werU aiU iMgle
took eat aad
oo tea bardwooo caU
Elner Bateb of Ka*l Ba; s*d»
naaioM ml oa U. X Ouiii.a lai
Barra; .Mama ud Art Orahas of
frarana Cu; aude Mr. ud
me iraua a pleiMt nl

Ib^d' b; a •aakorMol the kiduria
■ did aol bare unnb bukkcba boi tbr
aotiona of Iba Udoe; *acmlQca
iiiaaalar ud udo;Idc. grrltli di*
uarsrTrat nigau L'lu'* KidPrut Ban;
Pill* bultbad ibl* tmobla. aod if
ia*i Pnda; oa
Xd Ould U4 ball; bara narad
Bio tbo eld Enidn Xesior ~
dobs Oait; ta ran bM at tbia
Ukato baraao; ooaaariar
nnpB. «b«n A J. Taraar vi
naaboeta sadiciaa whteb doe* t
w Oou'a Xldaa; Pll
3. Bmrrr m4» BoBnedrMd_____
Mn Sonrd at prtsifear. aaaat;
For aila br alt daalm
Price I
ran Praaklatt laai Taarada;. The;
raaidabt ut tba « O I. 0. aoatai;.
~ Otar Uilbuin Oik, BoSa'.o.
ara a roc; ibtaiaaitsg talk as tau. ■m (bm aa lennaa.
i>la areoi* fur Iba'd
-OimrBnNta vul lo BaidtekrUla
- - at Iba taoa ball
mi Prtda;.
■ ol
J. Pa;noBt aad P. Barr; ata baalTba link dascMB. - _
' '
uPairluoa Mr. Bud
M.* AeuU'i fu at BarkaWai ia*i<» ibr.
•biaa. Medassn ti alck at
OiaraDoa Mania tala tba appar paeJobs Praaa ud *lfa at Bnpli«
lasaia darr taaatiar
Batlda ap Iba a;*tami pet pora.rlcb
■a>a oalliac aa P Bart; Saada;.
___ aad Mn Piad Onad; vaal
Xnod la tba raia>: raaka* n ai. ud
Menu D miaad'—-------------lao|blar •<
(tararaa Oit; Prioa;.
•osu atroug Ud baaliDr. BarBOOk
7 *iu a lo
A unbar cf
ct Till Dtab;’a
Dtab;’s friaad.
Blood Bittm. At au; drrag alata.
a»d Un LaBo; Palawr ud
Mn. ABntx'aBa'-kBlnBl I. Iba ••
xtaroa; bbuIu ai ita bowa af bi.
Haah Tl*na4 viib Utui Bieofc*'
Aaaobirr. Hr* Pruk S*'a*. In ro* ,pik, Haatar
— ‘a iotaipoalalwtabl*blitaOB.
•mr;. tba eioelw waa apaai
earda ud daaenqi ud ralrarb-WMSarrrrd Tba; lall aiwa


COS T OF RAW MATERIAL but *e ire’hnunS to

ti' =




l>'■. U...V—
oourpge to offer strirtiv Ke* and I'-.-V—.

.Nicf.hrndi.e At LKSS TH

■Bl Imad. naaad ^ OrUO.



U> Dozen Men s Fleeced Kid Glo*^..


OU-aaea Fairbaaka aod 4f«bla Oard•<r an pauukdooaa salt ter Jobs
PaleiiUar it Aona
A. O. Paiibaakt U drirtac a a^U
•tat bui
I Aedtll for fotao Daaa.
Mn. Piaak Briqbi BMitB«B bam
Mn Adolf Ealatr ta aona batlar,
«Bi bM aCB WlUM vUlMOTBOBlM loiW.
X T. Pn;aa4ddo:f Kaianvaatle
riaiaraa Oil; iba iftb laaL
4MBtB S«BiUad,‘Bba
baa qaiti
4A*. tj BBib iBiBond.
baaia B. Oata. wbo baa baaa balpOUad Soatt’a wffa la atvlog at 3.
1>|Mm In O^adOB ol Ibarnaa 0)1}

•Bia MB a( iba obiMiaa. biU ntoK a. HocaUad'a ibU oaak
......... .......... .....................
. Pbi.*
haot Wataoe bM beafbt p aa« fas:
Bbo has baas tbit Mak. •oBb; BBd Hrntj UalB BiU taia km.
I «U1 aa a Bad waak l« buda
J. V. 'OiekrTsaa Mitad tba
: iBaarrMlMlBa bBilaftto
biaai bBlaraa;.
ha Bill BBrt ta B aai
Tbira wm a $m« iBnaat of at
. T*« iBpart bara aeaM ibal JbiIIk addiBn Bt Mil Joba VabHoamBd-'
iBoeiBUI Baietabri
driUa lB«t I
laBbamaa ua baa; to tbau a
r OBO an aailoBa (er Ofita
Palrw BbUad ai kb hi
. J. Wblia la hnad ap li
■alpii Xitatea. Ha; Ludta aad
:Ba«T Saai aa tera lalBBd tha MbbmMaaa ai ttorara oitj.
la l*aaSarli
I»a.ta»l. haaa
tmm fMa tbr
W. a Kalaoa b«
•aa, Bbaia'bi
'baia'ba baa baaaaaftaaartBr
n X H, U'frrr aad ebUdraa
I «u Bu It-pidataiania; far «
da;t' TiJi «ub Mib U. a On*.

Guess yes-get it or btm.

of^ MtoTiBg -REAL B.\RGAINn".



I rilfata waa U tbli tMbII}

rvav ahv

have Any know edge ul guALmr you can reaiililtf uvleavtariH nhod c»ll'n« at jh^ atnre

B^^t itanaen^Mias oaata^
war «n«iB«
dlrrstli* aad rin pn.... _______
Jm B*mU Bill OBBBd tta vtoMi
Poe vlll ba Btand ta aau; va;a ai
Blia bit (MMiBMM Bt MB|>ltM.
Tba oblaiUofitaam ibraddr'rli
a* aaat (o tbl« ptaao laaa; ;aan am taard omom aaie la oor rlriail*.
Card af Tbaaba.
a ranr St W. R. Bttaa'
TBjlorrtaMM n«Bk WUm;'*Tbm
■all attradrd
an ................
II taiac pnant. 1 »a-tab to ihaak oar arlEbboraaod
eiodoBit at WUIlaiBabarc. vbe lakri ran mi
Mra 3. Ai«r; aaraod bat bood Ifnaada for tbair ktadam aad brip lo
aad am rer; aatml; ana da; taU: rtrrr wa;. darta« iba itlnru aad
baila* B*r*alt baabblUa a
dmbotaor >War •rtiBoad >lMrr.
. . aaa fco ■,>. ■otbar. «boa ba wil| wrrk.
Mn Ebm»7 B«i>att aad Min bma
J nb T V.oKoinad.
xtIbC brio: lao at irrorot livoi at
fmtmrnj (0 OagtB B J.-B U llUMT- Sartor Uiork Hr B->oali Utoada T.tBtr orra ibr pvMU at Mn. Bafai I
Laara DaoBUg.
> balU BbaaiatebiuUjattbU B^ tatarda; ataalai
‘^BMB BBd TDBIBI7 LoMtaft rWloo
X Draw, oar vortb; nmboM of
tUtf oUMT Bl Ml. UoUl- Abbob).
Oar nlalnar. Bar. Bedlaa. atttnrd Paarl Ink*. InrboMi hatUa n> aior*
Hmo BfOBUi* Iboi «ai MlJ Bl Ibt irriral nartlopi doodt* rraolnc
for Ibr IBM frw ««.k* baiuiian
„,mn^ mMvoL’htmm Aut. «.b»
inniao Imb bad aa opBiBtloa prr- «bo«o; IrontDO to I.ODObaabela prr iBaalFD'a AroicB &•!•«, that tiboltt
•bJojoB b, mil.
'onasd oa IMO aia b; Dr. Oat^;
leurrd aburnbb-rairrbarr oa bl* Irp
Tba arw proto
Koib-B| rltr ooalfl. PooiltirlT raio
•ba u aaiHM akai ami;.
'a alorr.
iBrsboa. Frlcio*. OWn Rmpiuia*,
Tbrra wm aona aanr baala tedad 0*alB Drro-t
Bure.. Ooni.od rilr- <)ol.
Tba otbrr »• line Mn Vlwa L«kr ‘
tba paat vaak at ttau pout, now
OottwiBBd h; J.* U. Joboioii
Miaa Lota Obim latatard to
•rowan ataat writ of Ma aa* lao'ikiDitiaadF U. HfBd. <mail*u. '
0 liitle
iro* the
•i.atr« aod tUai than !• nosa; in •uedia« a
cal brr

khto boir fr tarira ’
Bitb iBlBurea Is Bojoa Oll».
•rawuc aartr braiaI
bone, vhicn ba 1 to br ra- ,
iWk Mssib. ouohi
Tba bo;a tbat ■aol fmo brra aottb lOnaI ol Iba
bBkttad, baTB aoi aaat u aa; date ai norod by Ot.'J. T. SbilUda; at Laka i Tba dau of
bars ebucad Iron Ore. S
Earl Onr wwrBUad la Onad R<nto Ob Bill
1* to at'rnd bu t*tbrVa feotTBL Hr
b*a Iba ajtupaib; of tba paopla la bla
X 6. On;, dace-;.
■a OUadaelaq of Aona ___ aad bara>rBBuaL
uotad aa bia aioibar't fam wblab ba
Hr aadHn An P*lnrrorOaUr;-a
••I oadarad for » eib* f>os aai'
tua natad t-t dra ;asn
Mi|i o*ne bciaa daod*;.
Blacwie <
Mi BBd Mm LobiUSobii mb
Hla>Ada Falrbuk* aod HsMar O*o
' m"s. “oiii“
Will Orilr; will riund niukulr.
laat BB.I IttNB
■r All Baaloi Tiaiiad frttdda ban mi
« •lib hi* tanll; at Enplt*.
Mil MiUMBoiBBiiaalBaBiarB^U. •Ida; aad Baata;.
Nnub. Bank eau.aad «tn Lata
H-waid Bcv«b waat la work at drote lo rranru On; bxetda; alur
■r (MBBbtCI. Mil. klBBB ItOUJB

PiBliBMUBBa BIB Mibf WBda te >
ibrUUBM UM W bB at MB
fanai TalioB aad A & Pi«; dtpaa
Bu BapU* iiBlPiida;.
dn«MOi»oit*a in
k. Kmiaar bai aoll hla Unbar Mod

Joba »bm Bsd iBO|iBbddBa«btsr>,
: Mn OaarlBr Ptma'i alttrr fra
IMbbi IbBb BtU rtM( bil tba Boatoc Mar; UbM and MbUib •blia.BUoMt


Ole Slant 4,000 Dollars!

aa aa M ann tanbarMf ricbl a

Hr. aad Mn. Fte;d BaK'a cvl;
ebild d>Bd Baada; Morotsit Bba baa
brra alliac for bomb iIm T »
Mroda aBd BBl«bb>n rxuad tbair

of FUR ROBES. Here is a CHANCE to
get a good ROBE, for about half the"
ordinary PRICE • « « • « « t
A Lined Robe............>................$5.50
Black H-ined Robe..................... .$.50
Other grades from........f.75 to 745

ii;..—*_■.____: .>■ ,-#J

104 Cortoo Sed Blukrta, heavr weight, twr




60c. 76c. $100.
While an pore
wool hlanketa, large
tile, C0i7$,
diitt aonga ud tany i^kici nt di^metiy aa any peraon, i
cAOd ten yeL* old cm opeqgte om. Gome m and Iwen 1
Victor—we hdve om in Bpmatfan every afierMi
They came m tm rax SU Md 88X

tick, per pair $1.18.
A good I'k pound
livriy piUo*. per
pair $8 00.


Fire poond geem
feather PiUowa, fes«y nek. per pair

.offetingBou •ondertal bogainx amoi«
M of from one > three «r a kind; Bocne
them b a‘^of‘^
pas* indade aoSed maplct; aemc don't. They wiB be dosed eet a*
lew at S6c apiece. 8T JO Irita Point Cnrumt now $6. $S Bnmrta
etCMrtairtWtXSX Nottingham. X^ Neu. nod Mmtin

Ceeie Ftthn,
-Select.- in bulk,
per poond 66c.

-fningiM Carper, huvy, per yard 66c


Ow bcM an wnel

Oar an wod IngrBiB,iliediaia weight, per .ymd 66c.
Our half wool Caopeti, cotton vrorp, heavy wtaght, frOc
OerGruneCBpm, pretty paitcinx good weniBd, Imteokirxper
yard 88c.

OOCM mi CtookRM
Too win dlwcn Worn mock tiiB fender in low pnee* and Aewdnmm A good Cork Lmdra per yd 60c.
A vmy heavy Cerh Lfenlry ra
bem. y yd 65c.
Flow OaCfedi Sic md 86c.


&tUwd ftuvenBE HewAii, November sf.f. imb
ilMplMMU bbaMtoihkB
g«t rnrneAewaemr^aetmm.



Urn CoffM
IraaMMroMil CbriMBMmU


^ iBMOM-5o diSercm

ttosafkat. AtIbaadaea oftbedna
Sa taUavlac asssaat vaa.isaad
MMlayi “tbabaak waa gbUabad
saafcM Wdar M aaaoanl of an bad
lataatsaltTPagaphlaalattsa tb.
baa* will g tsaad aaoD.'■
MS Oarsaa or Hatylaad frill
BM baap baaaa S Vatiilgtae Um
iislad VUIS. gTlBf daetdad ta
alas Ua siannr at lasral bagaar
raaaM rxpartoMa vt* (Uaboeaet

aad a«bs artlelaa. lb* agtasst
asaar tbas batar laal tb« ptaadar
Meald g taasd tanisbiar a boas
StOatCB. VoT. tl—TbOT U TCT7 ts eaa ot tba aasbs Um at laa
NMOB (0 MIm «ku th( Ota
srTBbto baaasa alarsad wbaa •tu
ma Siam eecasl ■sracastoas
Utr at' oibs tblgf had baaa par4aria« (to *Mlad
joansm s
MaaA Oeetaadoa waa sada to tba
aaoaloa, vlie latasd w pteaaaaS
Jartiw Onr urn U* Srs Utlmad ba aloaed blabase aad tnak
MaatfaaaMM uraeratain vb«a
ha ad^aanad aoan br raadlaf turn a

«aal4 aat aelr mbv la a fall i
SMI «m iliB data of vats la ba praaaalad W tfaa easslialaa. bal waald

"waa ae balb aldaa. 1st ba dU
aMaraMalrtbatreablaa larlbarfs
to dalMSIlea pt tht pabUe.
•r/asUB. Pa, Nar. Xt-WWa

•till Ralalad Wapaa.

Mew Jeek. Nor. ».-Iadaairta] sr
pmtaau an lolalac tba nltreada la
nWai tba vaas oT aspleraa.
ar tba tadaalitalt la tba i
saw S tba AaMctea Ogr Oa. U haa
ardand tba par a( UM aiaplopaa ia
PHladdpbia. Casdaa aad Ttmu
aaaaaad It par caai.
tba Baldaru LoBsanna vorba.
vUab agplejaa 1M0 sab. «m
Mr aaastaaa a sag iaeraa^ toUkta

gbtt. Of Ibaaa, it U deelaitd. ib»
sa>stty at ig aaSarau an loaod
■swif phraMaw aad tg waaliblar
aad glM( adacatod alasaa
Thna rtalMt eard) iheak* wete tall

ga Bbeaa dUtrlS cd rnaoa aod sada
gToe ascei tg tlegi. Tim tUpaalaudaTaryalfbi
meep. Tgy da net raasnalraad
afsr dart, aad arae g tg grtlaM
aalygaaspaar. BaqaamgTa

m tasaag *t asnr 1* par eaat to
B an tba IWstflala faflo* aalt, Ite
MBrigil sapg tWi via ha nealrad

Peterson, Secretary’ Parfcdale Tennis Club, Chicago, from experi­
ence atlviscs all young girls who have pains
and sickness peculiar to their sb:, to rely on
Lydia E, 'Pinkham^s Vegetable Compaund.
How mu,r
yoi^ riri* darolop ggwora. lUUn* aad hopelam
I.aipir geao-- .ofScicat attoadoo ga bot g«a paid lo geir phr»ical
wt. bo woman i* exempt tros phraieal wealcaes and periodic
gidrd phraicallracwcU.

All old xul.aiiu furDiui* pjri vi tg
Wasteh nuigre ia aoatbera
'WMD B.»«.-r B9d' Plan eoiiuiioA
B-Lirli aiiaiaiitl. Itai tna t-ztiuet ts
seatoiie*. I>u l-rokeu dot afnab
Cc'plMioBi liar* U«a:bi aid fssils
araead. wblle al 'ilue. ocluauc ct
emg* aad doit gn rlsa from th»
old craier. N-w lam loni'ft'j
very gugir hne touadou ig aidm


rUn Huinab E. /leodioo, ColIinKBwood, N. J.r'says:


“1 tfW a gufc cT jwot VegeteUo- Compotmd and began lofedl tetter ti(^taw«7. Loontmuo<l^Unsc,and am wvticU and atreng.and

How firs. Plnkham <HeIped
Fannie Kampe.

iwli:AMi*Kt-»n*£,199saie5tep8t,lJttleBock,Atic. (DeclQ,lswi.)
I.r(Ua K. Pinkhan** VetWaUo CotBpoimd wffl ctir» any
man ta tba land who aaffM troa womb tranblei. taflammaUm of tba oraidM. Iddi
a. ABd aU foniu ot


sstrid artha feMd cT aeatbara aS-

have ao more
nerTons heedaohes
aad rest Tery

ittSsa mid aafer ban baba apoiae

I. War



B gsa biilirt ,


stOa Babtrm
ifdli taabnlaagi
me hm It had <
an«M aat. BtoaalM
■dk naabta. Batlr Jisaadar i
tm ka wm aitoSad vttb M
fc(g|1 W hto laUair «shsM
W bda aaBatins aad lawd that ha
WcWhiat to daaS.
BaMMlr <


only are used 1b tlie well kBewo “100 per
ccBt.woer eiiHblBe sold by os. Efcry yard
of roods woTea iBto ttte cloUilBr Ts CBre>
folly tested as to colori aad BOthiar tint the
most flarraat abase wlU bde these rarmeats- any of tbem aa be .scoured with
soap and water witbont lajnry. As tbe
ounufactnrers make tbe clotb which roes
into their cloUUar ud nse only the best
- dyestnffs, we teel safe la backlnr ap anyibinr they claim for It. Let os snpply yonr
needs this fall fCM' either a Sait. Overcoat
or pair of Trousers. J| trial ol this
brand ol Clothiiifl win make a per­
manent customer.

troustrs $$.00
Suits $10 to $18.00
Overcoats $10 to $15.00

30b-s HKHTT sT*. TaivatsE an.

I. tiM- (*n, -c Tr*<
-.laBT/. -a ito tkiM -Ik.

! ai“
I. a n.udtai •* taa-

mb-. 1-el tiasi

eputeailo ot pWb* wbieb ba* aeo.l*pr lianatedbea*-* wen taldiac
g«i lajng
Wig g Udeas ts flir saalg : la tg hoa« watohlttf ts Ig apooka
gd It* siria ta a wioaa war. Aa Tg twa grUs alshed. aaefa .appo.AeairtaB .>-sel
«gr to g rboato. >»'g






Inrrlrd a... by two samao of tg
«blp, wbo on Aba way to the nony in
'heard Uie tmsi* •lapped al sTanl
•alOMi*. . lorarliplaop tber laiddowo
their flic Wbil* ■rlllna igir drieka
Stasily afwrwatd |g two amsen
g Igdiimcrag it wa* dla-or.
«tad tg> people
tbar :iMd eat
•Fill at lie


OVUM ton
git's CMB Bill


AM boato g Jos|A
u fUelae. Wi* . . .*1 tar iienoDal g>arlF* la ateat to g brooctai. Fraak
. T. Flairel. a yoanc mFcgale. a male
cospaiiloa aad leo yooac wemee «l*
. Kad ig glmaa baas aa« Blcbl la*l
wart ta MpFOf fladge tg cbo.1*
Hr JUiama aad no. ag glleTlar la

.MWFigttmr .1-w

BKaT B WAl.Tall tLel-

-jsis isr
i !?sS'5'S^*E!!r®S
! krr **ip«F*a<*-ta Mid roa^cai «. tolaiutoar
ln-w<K(naaU>ra.i. .1 ibu -rtM.aad tgi


|Y*pMLJ.Ab*.cif S. Mtm ar lb. mmi. M unaiM.
IMF <r lb.
ol Tnm <\i,. u ato

Ml^ alF.

>=r:r aJMS
‘rCflt.. .. to MCaa* to.. '

Mb dajcl IMMWjbUJtoabnl UM7rtek
' tauri la Ml* aMai'. ar. •nialtF* w-awaw M a

i?33.1£‘.‘irSJT.,*TT5S^ -I

™J’'52ri£bS&a| '

i »MEN’S SUi^ w
A very fair quality cheviot and you will
not be asked $6.50 for tbern either.

AX ^7^SO
The line is remarkable, consi^ing of all
wool black and blue cheviots, fancy cassimeres in stripes, checks, etc. Very sat­
isfactory suits indeed at the price.

Jlcid‘tested Cloths


Is the delight of good dres­
sers. <Every garment is new
.and selected with a view to
give the wearer the greatest
kind of comfort and satisfaction.

JI (ar aararal mka



Thirty Years


Oaa ysragig


Always Beughi


Bears the

:i>'far eoppiMad Cg*to “^;K^.£?igis

bdadrada B( slBlaw yaarfr-

gHrtad. Saw It I
tg las imUtg :aaapla will


OB* of iiicrewdead. Tg bodr waa!gbt..that earag Pl*c«l allfdn h> ;iwa»>ta.ti-.a»»:i.a*t..w.ri-.itokiOur
l«rlg in ibe Oaibdlie .•.tnelMy. !
tadly paoadad aad lil* mpgOanaetbeaenBOBr thrAaairian fl r *“» *»y» «gt g lort twotstb
wft boiated a.rr lg pra.r Atftg


* uhaattgwaltai

yeaai saaag
Ttet gelr
ssa Oapld dUWt»g tg gs y«g
aS aad warn'
4Mt S gaaor ftmW <nw tba trtp

For Inftnm and Children:

And a tmpedo. wlurti >in<-k aa
laary .Lip Hioan-a uidUi>|-*
ifieuily dn-gaal.d a. a iti.
•BbaiilRFd mal. and iliFa--.! and i
saw wint'lbrearb ii wiiirriylne c-oi-

swafan Atiaraar Unna. aUarBer fa-



bad lOTci.ed bii maMacbr. Imid.
eyeUdr. aad a..t-ioa> aad 4>ad ujyrirt bi. ej.i, aa* ■ xmi* a>»i.. i.
.Wigna.eaiB III bold.tb* HolUad
lbllM.(b.U~ DC
trial. ID P.aca.1. ca; It iiat. ii-rt vo
br aatoc i.i* <riibo-ii*tuiMii.i> lu
<b« «ui(*o. i.Miii.ri II.F umoai'
•lmrc«m« wii

OaVtlU. tba dlaaorarar ol
gid ta tba KloadUa rglue aad
fabalabalr rtab, to aew aanlac aliralibood br aatllnr bexnal Uw P.a
Laseal wlasr u. tiaas Ora*. OaL
Saha*a aail paodlap fw tba laecrs)
S <sa at Um rtcfaaat sian to itw
Vftloa. bat haaaasaaai <
ta presraS It. aad tba
U nhaij U g agtaat his by detaalL
lataas eeU baa si S Itareai

atad by WUar aaatsly vladt
M aioar tba aeaat. tV-r* ba*
a baary taU el aaas aa iht e.-Bat lbs la AeaMaa Alg. 1
Adrsala t« batar "rapt J>r ao^
aad the rtren ia B«si*
batea tba oaon. Uaraa lald Ua dP fraaaa eas. Bkatlar 1* daoanl
aata vaataa ib> taaw tbnahad ,sn
kaaula aad la n>issl»iii1
Mara iba himsIiMiiii. sU iba ladaTwa Ssck* of eanbfaab* w
laUgBaULaka. Os)i.SnSar. :
-Ib par eaat lauiaai.
waitaU atBaBsbsefgSH
Oarld Wibax. wiN (er (be DdaitbacB Utah. Pta* Talby. la
*ara * HadaoB. aaU tba saaNag <d
7.r*pen«ar* iboeki
eaaael to be baM ware alspiT t
vbai eaa be d<se la aaalai tba
I bos aartb Sapath.
slaaloosa Ibatr ««b. CmsaH llB^
Be 8M wee Mjaied.
mr alaa aald that ha aaBiad It
AdailaMeUigo. agd td. vbe tea
UaeUj nadantaad ibat-ao (ar aa
pattoal 1* tba J. HcQd Wrtdbt boapltoiSMatr Terk. faacbaei uatiaas
ts « day* Oarlat itaal psV«f
«a aeaesaad, » tba raUroad opaaa- lisa tbaphydaiaa* gra basi dlr•on aad slam aaraad oe a bif ad- S taasbs sly twin. .Baibtttos
ibay.aaaeaadad U iadatdarW to She
vaaaa S wage, tba
«isld bare loatnai li or s> oo[ o(
eat waU.
ioactea Orajr adbiensd tba saetlaf Oar sUllg grteai. c»
I g arsy lU ratdaali of tba Oalied
a tba
dSiaa, an addleM ta |g as «t msbbdvPRlRMOaa
laeetdlarsa .larillog-atotoaada ghlle g a beard ot riyr


Hia. AU(M Baalaa, sUa ef a fs : iMltiad lbroa(h aosa oU naeada e( Haddas. Kaaaai. la tba drat cli> la;
Bs llTlag naar tba Boo. abot two tt«a waatbar taeaaUr aad acted that «B tba Uailad Bsiaa to alaet. bradiraea^
baan io tba (ars rard. Tba bldaa at | Taan ag. So*, to. tttl. toasavan nWa e( tba paaida. a fall ctcp UekS I
the «■>!-«>« vUt aoaa be la easniU-1 «°slbf BaglaBW ilrs aa tbc is aad; eospeaad aiirtlr « aosas. HW-'
a loot drap ia tba Bar- das la located >B tbr erolar at eg |
geat wbeat gli ud aajer« a aaa I
tr Bade, aad tlip pac
beau wg maaare lg grermcBt S 1
tba Citr g.r asdr It a sadrl placa.'
:ia wblel. to tin. Tg as} or bf ifar «
leilr a Mi* P K. Veddrr. a wbaMt;
S *trctic parMoalilr aad btgly tr-1
•peotod. sn u»iM«w III* oDot wiib
^raitn M(i*«i. Ibr eboaell i.
I ooBiKMid raiirtly of wasn. aad dartar Ua-ir irrw ot oi&n Mr* doe*
’saeb w. ti-ALUiT lor
gtlaa' ib<- aaU* drircwataoM
olir |om
' |iM Psii I->uu Uoui-lro.. iM.iD* lo*l
1 ru. nna. rvl a .srgou to r.<|iUca II
■ III. a iM Ia.ila<i.<f<. Wbilr lin
oa< llabtiuK a ci*> Irii. --a tbr
boalevard ibr itLit ■ t.uiua Ik. ihwtook die. Ug.'ro. >U»i ta
gg aad wa* CBirM-a tea dtap *ISF
iluoaib a borritlrd nowd. oIm-iV tg'

AT $10.00
No other house shows such values in pure Worsteds. Clays,
Serges, Meltons. Vicunas. Cheviots, etc. Compare these with
other $12.50 lines.

at $ I 5.00. $ I 6.00. $18.00 and $20.00.- You tailor will ask
double the price for rio better styles or materials.

Are selling rapidly—no such values or ^les ever shown in this
market at‘$5.00. $7.50, $8.00, $10. $i2.-$i5. $16.$l8and
$20. See us for Kersey Pants, Caps. Mackinaws. Underwear.
Hosiery. Shirts, etc. .






tk* fottu* td tk* tsTMtor a€ Um pre«M. Aa4tU« aU^htMoww Mw

•mtoC <«r»t1WM:—li «fe* Mitar
»or tk* aa*er


•■•Sac or H (k* ■■

map ae eoloraa MBelto matota. ralp
tk* mbea tkep are balfdrr iraa aa Ma

fnxB Ik* tmik^y Tk*M an gfav*
wk»«k voBld. fMkaf*. b*
' kkd uMkad
bile ma alaad tip taa OB Ma U

RC-. ■ i
Bdn'l.i* ram* «00)d totter do it
jtodM ai. I tec fvih it* nap •btotsc
M. It 1* «e}»r*4 altk* to aa*
aad poalli, and u aa obian of dnaaip
»« frma tta ■oiaeat ti i* loatod
Ito tartejr aod ito latter I* laid
apno tke aavlag Barela* le be aaaad


tlB* X le a


MRS.M.S. C. BATtt.E<MToa.

Op tkep eama kp rltm aad bapTkayoeemef ihalHoTembar
•laQlpaBd Mal«Bn.eaaalB(ai
Vp toep eame «lrb amSdtol t
A kUflp Uader at ttoir head.
-A mUkip
aklef Li a micbip taea.
IP ohiaf
Afklto afmaabptolam’tvnK
To maei oa Mat Iferamtop dap
■iaomlat koat* a lUM
Vhalr *>iaemlat
PUfftpe letbeUod

aad it It la oar powar to make of oar
aem** alapploi atoee* to }op. area
bare aad ab*.
Bat mtoa TbaakifiTlaf dap It bar*,
let at drop at far a* map to all
tkoaptalaf eomvor r*cnl.mid amkr
Me dap oaa of qalal borne btpfdaem
ao t rotgecUai ta ftae o( oar tion
vbk bare t

tto tree trap te to BUed arlM M.

A aunnp Praaanca. •

K fat tofkepa, sad all te :

If poa bed neked aer nboai >■
. tto woe
'oeld bare lold
poa Mat tto bed acaeUad voaid here
beea qeil* elsoar* la Uer aaewer. Bto
did set kaov hov to plap • ptoao.
«atl sbq bad oeier tried tor bead at Oeo va* to to teal to poor Widow
water etapeo tkelchias.
Bbe bad
’oarer foooS ifam for embroidarp. With all tolpUm rUldrea to food Ml
Sbe sot off tto kep when ato tried to
•las. la foot, one misbt ran Mraasb
tto Uai Of whni are mUed neoom- Oar Betty oookad oaa for lama UuU
pliebmoato vUboot anatlat oae at
aeara* Itoce nr* Hya, bfl eoee wbiob ito vat aa otpari. Tei ibU
B u alek aad ftebla.. pea
at era vbat Ma Mraa paar eld> •aaop-laced, etreel-roioed slrl bed
Ilka Mt beat Bp Mto Umelbap fcaoe
. vaa ra bwTV. ato dido‘1
-Boagb bM to trp to *al eera cralat.
edall Moeewtolaekad. Wbererar ebe
« t irtra mp JltU* eoe aa aai of oera, weal aloomp faeeesnw cbearteL Bbe
1 aammw M tarkrpa to
«ad mil tor to atoll off tome aoe eae a topplBru amkar.
gaka a paa. la MU ato paU atbri uoppeMnriUc wbea ato eame Bear
tialDi far Pisa, aod ttoa ilnweeda to Ltom.
Old people eeiae beek from
<aad them wIM etlll oMar sralan iMir dream* ot Ito pmtt aad foesd
be^erp ^ plaea ter eoeh weald
rale raqalraa eoe
tto paaiaat eweet.
WlMeel belDf
allpeop eii* or wtnp or bcaatlfal Mote woe
*T*I7 motto* bat to
*o laroayb—that of aatvarlBt
dBM a dap the riaattloa " What aball
_____ _
_ .
( do BOW. ammmel" ItaeebUlst
few rnttefeotorr wapt of teepin* tto
baep mlsd aad dafem eeeapied.
•blla 1 am oe Ma alert far aew idwe
f viU flra otbaea mp ptoat U tbr
•mpa Mni tbep itrtU asatoaia Main

of peoee aboat bet ilka
tbe trasraaea of a dower. Bar emtl
had tto eomfotlias warmth of aaa.
A»p eariefp of wort aao ba dear •blue, rba ifora of tor slad pooaf
wlib tb* aera ftaloa toaehlas oam eoloe atirred taa heart like a aoas.—
■ar, eelor (If pon bara ,artd aad Bxoliaas*

plaeaeMa iralat U-O'e." aemallm*.

BravaMr, tto t«B*«
Vattoak Teat.O rmMar.-MaU tto'
It tolfbii
The ilram of tto dap, aad Ma atari W
tto alabts
Tto 0o«an of poaM aad Ma (Tralto o>
Baad aad amilt Me aaal aod tekak01 Ito oetdial vatde ae aerdlaUr
Vbaa Btaadlth^ tiaadlak ladtto Wa Maak Ttoa, O ntbar.
todraar11w aob W Me tomiwaf. tbq

to the leaet of that Veeambar dap.

BUa ^ aid* tbtp *1 mtacattor,
•Ida to aide U Me
tbeaieaewdMmatrttb toarttal
She pa'aMaad boat aad ito daety

ais LltlU TMriiepm
Bix.UitU torfcapa. aU ta a raw)
Vtoa Itaaa kai baaa Iraaad ptoet U «aw what ttop were batobed
Map didat kaow.
Bear a die eatil ii to qsita dtp. I|
<Ud.balMe weaM
alU to ftiffor Maa If It driaa alevip.
A toasdrem. w'bo ii alvapa mtmmwatared aad fad Mam arrtp Mp
t*l Blrai Mil Uitto bint to aap oaa
«bo mUheete bara eloMae mpotlp
-blord". TtobtalBt malar mam to Bat aw oaa of Me *M baard tor mp
eold a^rl tto oletbaa. mbea Map at* dto waa fatmatof Mam for Thaaka-i
pat IBMJ It. maH eoau ■ from tto riaato* oatar of the aame irmpermtafe. 8U Utile tarhapt- riam maralac tUl
If itop are vteu( oat ot boi rloaiat
water aad ibeo tooead taio the cold!Tto* woaU
awap aad bide eel of
Ir klnll
elolbea ai
PoaodMetohavMlttias oa ito
will nlwan be tad.
Almr wuolei eieff hm beee eUmml For ttor kept bar all eammrr wi
■leboald bo b*a« >a ib* etodeaad
las aaeat
•raeeo on tto wroiHC aide of ibe «ued* Tto
bp.wapa aod todsea. eattlas
■beo u le ailll damp

toliara trlib tto rrala*.
mda.lHaBstot.ete. KamMre 'eBB to toasbt bp bertas Mem
roi^.thre* Is a row, or dr* or
rewa. dr* laU row. will amk* tweatp** tbnl' bll of malllpUcaHoB li
laaitied. Beil tbU pen ot lbs wort
mam oci baitlraeBBttlltoebildU

r ia bUadaaw aad barw to

OffladiaUarfraaiahglaaattata *
I. Ptoto of ei
a hsaa kaot
laio efeUdtol'
reptarat orsr Mt* part ot Me Thaak*
laeat. aarU Me apaU vraasbi
a roat MH dm aad ttoi
aaaw Mm
MU btada ae le tto Puerimt- ^tt.
aaU It a-maral oampaaWtaa
Aad bftaci me baak pear aflar paar
ta harp Me dap Mai ikep made dea
Made dear aad awtad vlM Mel* plaa
Wketker ttop an ftsM ar aat. Ma
Of paaea oe darth. Bood olU to maa
-Vaa Panp.
to aa iBMilatlw.
■« oar* Me atwM« aad Me Omit
«kM *mac tram oat tto Pi^tflte

llfaUma it to qalM poaaibto Ml ta
dupotltloB woald bara baaa Bwaatei
a^ men oaasaatoL Tto am ffl*a.
ap lla epatar, aad M aatoma wear

JhMW tb* edifor^i tsbk.

IS la tutap rad Mepa iu Maai
wa lyra'xmiiiusm, .enwere
•ad talmlaaiad te olotba tip taaai
Bat whp aboaU aaoh a pead ba aa
alpaad erdtoaaetodr ImiiiaaipatMi

all to wlM it Mbs
aaU4mM "rtoo tto dtp* are pettlat
lead eelp aa a tbdaaa wbola te ptet
M*ir ahortetk aad tto trlaur leomt •part, wbtob ibeald to rwardad
^ laac aad Araarp boftem a*, te at ptefaoe aad
leaitoM'UUas M tto allra lardUatot of tto
It oar bleadMi. aad Ibaaklalaam
mrbaa dratslM. WhaMak a a^l''
maigii tote haia Mat aa Me pan ha* bop prefan deit or wUto meal, be
baea tto bear* trUi to aao tnM
Ukaa bll prartfaaw aataaad vltt
abaaMai blmatat *;M taa
tram aad triib ta* etoar tto ««od oU
to pllad apea il U dema or
dap hae broagbi «•
I ot paito»k ItoaaUbap*.
Met arapa. te Bad
omlto.dH|9Uf of radalaaea aad m
Mere I* a aoaad la tto aot m far
lUoa. to tto siaatoai aU raaad
Mat Mt dalktolaf dapa trll
paaa Mate Mtolma aad to «

morid B*« tritb a
U «UI to a aad bran tadeod ttoi
taato* dad mimiiHdi to to tbohial
far. b U na, Map a labte wUJ
r. tar it
I MA paar a raamal obalr.
It Mat tto ommber of Meaa vbo
karafaaaedaaMMaoibarlUatB Mu
yata *0 atar MaMac. it a laite aa*.
TatUtodoababl tt ttot to aw aome
MlM M to Maakfal far. Mm If w»
aaaU oalp ea* Mraa^ tto mtola Mat
mtdlMeabcaaaof tto

reamaatet ataSas MataoaU paa
alblp ba kaowa. Ba dotmi*l paaae
mw Maapeaf MaaBatpUsadik
Be dorm'l oare It II eoatotaa bnaC
or doaaa'I oeatala lase. or U U wm
mato to Ma kliatoa. w aama rtad]
madatoacakL bpads*
Ma tartep'^ul aa ha waaldlads<
ol a faad-bp Ma aU reaae
Smaral oomfoH to toswaatafll

bmattoa to qalmrlsbl.
foe whatdiffaraaeedeaa it Mka U tto
torkap to ataff.d wiw Mmiaala. o>
» aelt anto. aelms aa U
Ma daalrad afaw aa tto
all bap?

oottor'a Tbaakaslrtos caka

OlSb tooed tori, pOaribiT. I bat Ma
eratklas late tto tleap tobli. SqaalIp tai It u lor ehlldtwo to tladp ta
ito aTraias.
It sort** Malr brain*
ood. aad If Map sleep Map
' 1 bad a litiu'putrat ol

B Mraa aad o
Miaa of milk, oaa aap ei Bmt wall a
raaa* Uaka ot M fetaroias a aofi dblt boon to wall-sTMod maa
aad ean aaa* oaa ta ai
poag* aad let amad oror alfbt U
iba moralas add awa eap af oasar.
Chicken Batad.
Beaaaa* paepa lira to M ooaatrp,
mif aBBtmtg, aaa tolf
•ad eaaaot mlwap* bare aalerp, U at
iodo. Bitt to dear aatU stiff, tot rim
•ramm wV Mep aaml be abUgad to go
*oato. Mae .mix stiff aaaaiM to tall
WlMoat ohlekee eaUd. Uar oeier}
md eal tow sbapa daalrad. Lot n*
nep it a oomplatn lailnia Mia
salaaalUUshiaaiMsabp. BaUaO
w* tare fa^
■oosbaam nqalrt loofar rr^f
good mtod. Take Me tomato of
Mlekae*. bell toodar and oat ap
itof—Oaa maal qaait of milk, twalrr
Mea eat M aama aawaal at tard.
•maU eratkat*. ar fear Bostow eraok. erlap eabbag* aad aril well M*Mm.
wa, aaa-half aap af mtltmig eaa-toU Hoar Otar Me ehlMaa and mbbas*.
mp of brown msar. oao amoU oop oi
oeaad raUias. oae-hoU toaspoee ol Oaa taoepeearal ot door, twoof
oa* toaptog toaepeeafal of masmH.
Mat eoa-balfa aaimsc- Add M> arm at eaUrp aelt. a plm* at eattoi
ilaaamoa. safat, maUaaaa aad sail ti Me ato* of a email egg. Me polk* ot
bamllfc. Mae break Ito eraekm* toto (WO ogga. and a maaapfel of good
Aaasa aad add tbam. alae Ito ialsto> oUmriaagar. Btlt aUw«ll tegMaor
tod bbMs. Beka to a medacalq
' pat oe tbe atar* to eoek. ~
rrte aboat two hears or aaut tto
p oatll It hae belled aboat a
paddtos ta a riob fatowa all Ito wap
It vUl Bead te to sUrrad
. aad U to Mtok. add a lltmilk. TbU |~AAi«s vUI
ato paeptoBad Mpbasartml
t arid, vIM oraai
U aaarad aaU.
sMld after kaktos.
llitto aalgbbri aerom M meadow r
toriof it. a* Mein did M gr
Hadtoe-A Msip. aeoaomlml md
Bbe aad I oota^ a
made aa tallow*: To two aap*
rUto Bear add tw« miepowii of mil
U pm dooee aad Mat amkot
tod two smwBM WMoaaa ri kak
Ndtp. 8ae am*Mass*.at all
dm; sin Mssa tagetbsraad
to com atareh to mta* M* pdaa
tbam two saps ot Baeeakad ratiUght.
aam. Add eooagk eold watar to
1 lari sarM at maom timaii bat.
• a Mtok bet aat a atiff baetaa.
•r totaga a good prleo aew, ae 1 rib
kaBaaiaaattoabotetaB. Tb*}
lahaa Uttia toofar to hrowB Maa te a Uttia toirnr w MlllH: (III iwmg
vail* bat. itaa wa hoM
w ktod*. batUMaparasitoa
priiiil M aaml vap arlM Me
bdl tr* Map wUt aeoM eat »sht aao
rarp a*Mp. If M*


Miad. Mp Meeld to waU baatod whll.
r U baiw Btoad. aad tto
at to qalabp atlrrad ms*M-

IwaUta tto

Mam good -Umbigaa Farmer.

Cedar Bar. Moirmber sa. rau
Dear AasUe Uetee-1 mmlrml poor
la aarwor to peer reqaaet
tell poa aboat mp toe* wIM eblekem. j
1 coald aoi gel aap of mp torn, to tat
till Uto. 1 daollp aw oat loam.
Bbe haiotod aitwea llttl* eblekoao
Ttop were srawtog otoalp wbea a
M^k SOI ta Ito eoop «oo atgbi aad
kUtod Ito old bra aad Are of Ibe
cbtokoB* botida* ktUlBsaemwfer maW.
Tht aastalsbi Ur. BbaekAabook asaia tat pWd tto permlip fiw
bl* wlokod daoda bp tolas killwl blmoalp three left from tv
eblcka bamtod. We are.nUleg e. m
WBtota for tto raimti !•
ore from etS* Me
WiU try agatn aexi year. »e
yrtrb alltlm'BoaabiDmaUrrry i lirlii
ma. aad a happy aod

wapt Mtok vbw ata toad* “preaf
aadaollga**. Bat Jem* to a dmr 1
lie bop. aad a dritor to a lot aapi
•atoekp paar tar ehlafc.
tat ae MU oae ea*M to to.

Mirh . Nor

btoadap Horatog L


a Afar*

WBiLCOL B. J.fiREaaAU.T»yam
Ci nrerBensbtanidttoOialolrn.rp,
• MllrrwdoaVUlag.gelinpr.:
Omni HuriMr, wiibr Itafulknrl
... V. .
from toetadra. > alrfax
Tta ^rwaa Uedwiar Co..ruluiab^O.

amamatrwtte/JerarJaJu wi
—An. Col. £. A Craabam.
barite to Frraas. neadrodaofM
tottaL'ahm. W* bar* oa Blaagraak

Rough DreHsed Lumber. Shingies. Lath. Doors,
Windows, Mouldings, and Building
Material of Bii kinds.

hay* aboat twratp ebiekt
1 will wrim lelar aad let poo koow
bow maap egg* 1 gri MU wtotor. I
WiU elose, heptog MlalltheBaabaameanveU.'
Toart tfelp,
Beme. Narember IS. 100}.
Dear Ur*. Bern* . I bad eaeh be
leek wlM> mp ebtekea* Mto 1 y
W toll yo*. bet I eer tl

FUmlmg IBIIIIm CmmmKthm. HUHOritrtSmIkUti
Oftkt mmi pmnlt fis Cth Jlmt.
TraverseCity, Mich.

$10.76 .
20 ytar geld nned weld). <m>.

«r. Cedta' or atnle-Hhir
I pric«* art lewtr tbea eb«er
ealalea boa***. BrHia year
ealalea yde** aad yroix it.«

Tear Sqaablae OUl.
Boxa Lrilm.
Keel. ihriL, Sot. 14. ItOS.
ir'Ura Batae-t WiU write aad
mUpaaaboeimpeblektat. Irieitod
vlM dr* baa*. 1 mi elgfalp-ae* _
ooipbad Mlrip-ritbtp imtte. sad
ralaed ealp dfWM of Mm. Tbapar*
mr Uk* emmM-e I one baldly
bemtvmbar'a. I tar* arid two
aad I Mtok I vlU mU Mam all bat
mp old tool aad next aprtos 1 vUI
Barrad PlpmoaM Book*. Uy Uitie
suteraadltar* ala* gatoM* aod v*

laUeaegt eemmm. 1 Ukamp'pealtop
Jeenris rarp maeb aod her* leaned
asnal dari aboat calalas obtocaa*
BerdlakrlU*. HUb.. Oat. ri. li
born Mam. 1 gaam 1 hare told all
DewKt*. Belm lUwagbtt woald Bbeai mp Mdofcaaa I hope I ehaU
rrita. 1 am griag to wbori
tor* bettor took aaxl paar.
I am *T*r poor Mead.
laoldllM werMot
aU dM bta fear. 1
4m Boward 8l. OadlUae. Uloh..
gwam I bad bettor qalk.
Oate. 1101.
Up Dear Ura Batoa sad aU M
Fife Imka. Oa*. M. 1MB.
Dear Ura Betee 1 vlU aov M
writ* far a Uog time bat aasb
ip drat attompt al wriling a etoiT. bar* tom ao boap siaet aebee!
Ml at 1 am oalp MB year* eld I oalp
aad 1 bar* bam taklag marie
hM* poe will act expaol maob Up
Umm* too. 1 bar* aat bad maab
imnata gar* me Cwe PlpmoaM Boot to write Tea kaow ear aobari did
aam to etart with bet her* net
aol basis tUl tarm dapa after tta
eimtoed mp deck meeb MU pear as we
bad bed leek wlM aU
>W*efaool Satardap mentog aad
eat. Oar Moeeop get looaap sad M stay la oMaal tUl aeaaitar te twatoa
net aet Uog toeogb
aad a qaattar to fear to aaks ap
Bel mp bta ttoU bar Beet ead tlm*.
batobed ala* aad fear of them died.
1 taTO taoda gital Mt aboat tee
her* Bra leu
taUtop Amoetotlta aad weald Uk* to
aarlp. bet I em aa*
Mpa tap* be vUl baiU a aew baa
boom aaxtpearaad vaatogri
top to get mat, eUekta*. Oaad Bpai
P. B.-t bapa M make e bsttm i
I. B«r. A
Dear Ura Belt. 1 Meesbt I
I immpfctopttaa.**i
write aad MU poa abMt mp chi
«a bed *U baas MM Bril pteaaairi
wagri ll.efar what ags» wa told Maap aad deUalaae tarm.
ead wa nUsd II ahUbtae. Wa oalp
wa beta
Wa had oaapaUri


Tonrymllmr Bio

Casridna •• beallriel ami i*Ir*Ming.
Caa-Oina l* m iavlgocatiac limic far Htta mmtSm aa.1 m^mary hr.....

Caa.«lna U * tnm aery* load, ata e eptetaal mirmt a
oBttcirwoikdoriBcIbeLrid msttar, by mli^ Catadar.

Il it freeM ft lata to Lraeft.

Une mo*tV<

Try a hotlV tatoy.


t/ffs is
on ibjt
We m*r poa moarp today, toaoeiDw, aad aU Me loee. Eror
dap of Me paar wr giee pon price* Mat ere worM poor vbik To cimrider. We deal far CAiH ONLY. BybopiBPom Etoorrim ofw
a Me dty can yea get

m meppad ae Mraeriaraad kUad


Oar pega la M .
Wa dtda-c haap a
Me feed bstaam weMMem right
wlM mamma-a.
W* vlU ttptada

Bern « Mr dtp te Me mea^.
fff—.............................................^............ .............

rfaW. aayrirw faUri ar aBMadbr^....................
rpntegta^Ate/iwMraigBtaMr........ ................... fu

aoLo poor

waa asaaariag Me da* Baaap i

aawa dap vmU haalda oai a
MpvtmiaUwtohatara. Bam
M Oad-a B«a« wn Map all tarn.

ffTltSS. 1 ■



South Side Cumber go.

aad aama or mp Baa
rravMg tatd aad topp. •
oagUp da—A Anar at

mUdto Bari. Mate wtU to aa awril- M* riU of M bMkw davBW
off neenl fed sM Hel^m tto tosaatUkaahatoaaatMaVaa U
bad to eamfwtotii aeqaaattaaa at*
tfas as* baaed dni a ImiaU biplarBaad.
Mat wiU oa* U* Am U (to r*-

toTTnto*dlotrraboiU.>. 1 frit Uil UtUa
tatUT, bat tuad a armed aad a tl
id kept oa Imprtfviag alowlp.

mbaloa for om to pohlio pnal, artai
0*aUemmi-*‘l r.ti«it tprak too blgV
AddreoB Tta Pnoae kSkdUa^a
ilMot my .-hi«4
Ip id tta Trio* uf IVruD*. I brUere Oolamboa, O, far a book wmlaa^
. aa* I w» <(•• m> ■*<• mr B.r teal I own mp life to lu yr.>ad«rfai
too* lb rta .|WMi and magm rii>«ah <-• BwriU. 1 aeSeird with oalatTb at tta ^aeuttod -llaritoead Beaatp.w Ml
•or. Firm «or hm woahl torn Me
•eat aad tbrn
aam. 1 trp*
Ola*, wriab and a* «»a a. »oa voeld
Irate 1 woeld pal aaothrr are no
Woea limp ver* all tanicAed 1 tad
abrot Bfir
I tad mua enop. I.w
M<toi and I* er.ry tad rale 1 «»eld
'oaa ate rbickeo
teoDar i
trettaw. wbo l* xx rear. olA hml loer

-Complwtw Una of Oatoaacbiotmtttai weald
peat at my little ehlebaai aad
wee IbraL They weald piok «p oiy
ihtae ia Mir moelh* aad taak.' tbrr
tedraM. Idid aol mllaap balnlmil
for MU wtoton'tegga Mew all
tUlMea Hat
Hr IV .r Ur.

Nlghl Partlaa lor Cluldren.
8 •*« a aeyaiciaa : I abomlmiie el,
imtliet for obildtra. i baltare er
Ai aiotaa dote, tc la aol to maob.

U erdfaam door. Mraa foartb* cap New
iMma* moUeaai, two aepe soar milk

flatoU. Xleh.. Knr
Uaarkta A.iaa-Itorr hao vmp
pocw iBot with mp eaiekeo* iM* mm
. 1 atoee three oel af ma m tla.k
Me foa oomtoi two of mio* ami
ol«ktottor-t. 8ae oalp hod a taw to
Me etan aad a« I tore aol obeeea aap
tore yet Rat I Mtok I aooa wllL
Veer tnead.

aod U O Ff.u*.




fell* awap.
m> .«B *H ttmm wbea ito\w>.ilmr U
oeld t-BOwrb oo Itol Map wl), iwra le
S* la Ito eeop: pm kaow iiaiiMma
dr M Bisbi
Year lenas m.r


Wbea ibsMi el eora U an old itorp.
top It swap tlU II I* asaia a saw «
A law baada or batmae. or both, wi
wllb Bttroot. aad wboa*
u w*i« flUi
Wa ibaok Aaa. O raltoa.
ralbw bloat veal toraartbraadae wtIbbU ptoblemt
Aad atar Me baard vhat
•IM oetWa oqrd. ViU ba a daa traal *Bd a pride to bU parwiu. Mi Ito
abbv Ito abUd V* «> Mimd Mr •eaasater vetkad eat hard prabloma
What thtatavaMflm temo
-Oaa balM aad oaa bato
a bit aleap taM ai ba failed to aaaa *
mdoaa bataeaaadoae toad."atm) mr vtoa avaba. Bat ba
■t obUd
hu flBal probtwB. I looked op hit
Bel MobilatVtotoVlaekaf
la tv
u a rerp sooa vap at drci. Of ooane. book* al tdar o'otoek. ,B, moat not
vara aadamllad.
aaa amusa.
Ilffaraal eelorad baada ,voald do m looeh eot after hii tappet. H* meal
wall, aad laaeb color baalde.
plap, romp aod Maa go to bed. Be I*
Wa Mask Taaa.OVaMara(li
Tb* old-raableood aeHse va* aerar BOW rabatl.
Aad ^ Mat pteatp wtonaaaawae
Otaidlasaaab athw la Ilfs'elWkmi w tot a ehlld plep vlM tto aeltaora..
ItomlaehUf of ctalldrea-t tiBd that we all oeoatod
bow maob v* bad to to
Tial beaaBfal ylaU e( btdTaa aad
Tto semareae toart MdMalboaail
ihaakfal for. Tear Saatbto* Pnsl.
A Wep to Earn Manty.
U thaakfal atnoog maap oMar
tkai took aad MasiPf «( Mtod far
i waatad te mra a UnU pto moaap. Mtogt far pea. aad fa* paar Uttia lattod tolas aaeaesital al baktog Sastoa ton. wbiob are blu of Baatblae araip
Id Mti'vaaderftl hav at Um
Up Uttia ooaUaapet oaipaUoto wawa bread 1 decided I yroald poekat oae. Bat va viU aot atop M talk
V*D bsadnd aadal
mtpapar late friw. batata Uke- ap pride aad oak mp graear to {ml aboat Mm. bat lei Mam WOk
Mai rtrp maob. t am aertp Ml I mp totad oe mto ferma.
Brat tbemaelTaa. fra Mere ai* tote of II
boiiaa Ml ear falaM vIU mU b> kaow so liRU aboat toldlas aad aai
Staaa WatateWI aad bit alaaip mm
:liiS 1 teat to for Batorday-a
Ittog lodap.
■P'e mJ*.

Oa* M* haadlaadt took Ihtlr trap
tod waa orariopad to dad I met wIM
Thai aU ear Cuaaltp tarn.
Ob tto «ara of Mat Vorambar dtp.
Buae a mtomk* wbea
tottaat saeeata.
Blaea Men 1 tayr
Tby lera.
TaUor-e Uttar
raid to mp smear aboat MlrtpAr*
T*e baadtad aad alibO paan afo.
Oaa Ttoafc^lrlas Dap M Uja awaQeod Moclpat.
loarat a weak, ta paptog m* foei before leal, aad eold be mad* eeraa
Aad Miu «to« Merambtr vlade i
eaeti for M tmall alia aad elgbi doUara vlM hie ahtokmu ibU
wbea to foot be eelp oMrad
of mUk, MO ea|. eeaw for tbe lert* ato*. ta mUlag
IM heap Ma PU«rtm »pM btfaa
Mem for Bra aad too oeato. I bar* Ota doUar. WeU. poa know a Icara
A dbaaf af dtiifllng Thmr^
I atiff Bpeasa at aistt. aad la Mead all to ; aad a dgora 1 oea be made la look
At tto limit tarhap to aol epmplak
aaraliu add two eapa of aasar, tv* mtar brtof me to aa toaome of be- rarp marii allka. aad dova at M
wlMoat ataOto U wtp aW to eat al •r battar. two aggt. frail aad aplea a. iwaea Bra aad eli doUan a week.
Me bis aew Mehtoee Mat ari tpp*
plaea ia paaaM U aoaad Ma piatoa>
aow«-dape tUp aloag vitboat tbtol
ret Uka Wtoa ttom are added. Ui
id Mto lepoaa
tog. Tbea Me Foslnp Praridaati
Oa* eop aaeh of earn meal, rpa
<00 mka rim la tto paaa paa take la
II wlU make tear loaraa.

aad toat araaad ot bapgw aa kittwm.
Ttop moped Mare maai two mwM
•too daa'i poo heUare Itop
pad. llirigat oal vllbeaiwaapplac to aap Maak poa fm all v* tod
daaa far umm. I aapaet Map vast
beta te moMar'a oeap. tot ae Map'
Umkad Paat Uk* tor'a wa eoold act
- wbtob wa* whlob. ead we-ooald
oraaadi aap af them to emp I
dou-i Mlak Mopaotod peiWoiUl.
da paa> Bat we bare a dm Book ot
mt. Mliteaa to all. aad

Taa bsaw wepaiom riiriiei I
eeapMomMeiaar wham MsU
■ le iridtabrnyltUiriMiiA WoB

Enterprise Cash Grocery


Cor Stott am! Doriri,



THi dblND
&n4 TriTOM HaiM.

sa«sist~ —

TlBMtw omtr
■m IB the tWOTt Hotue la TramM
CUr OB MoadM, Octohec lltA. A. D.
IML at two botoek b. mTb* Oovi WB. obIM I

Hohen E. Walter,

Carrer hartoc n
a toa atxth bal-

ot Oraad Trareree Oomty:
Committee oo
Plnaace. Wore aad Heaaa reMoct- - anbmlt the (ollovlag report;
ig bod oadtr ccmaMeratloe toe
V ot Plaance. Ware and Meant

laaday. October Hm
Rail call: an meal
HiBolee at Saiurday'a
tod aad approved.

County by (be Auditor Omeral.
ly. tlte«.Tl. be lerled n. a
tax. toe aame being two and one ooe..................................
JIU oa each dollaroftoe
CooBtra eqnall...
Altaed valuat
that Tvcaiy Tboaaaad
-boataad DoUan

M)i tbe
e being two
add ....
halt mllU oo «eu± dollar ot tbe Connir'a eouaUicd valaaikio. be U-vled ni
County tax
Alao that the pmthm of toe relei
laoUoa ot Hr. Orvelaad ttae mat
t the adjualmeet at ttae coaatr ed tax Tbich la aublect to reaaaei
aererai loemhlpa be r
n' aalerlai vag. referred tc
OoninllUe an naaaer. Ware
Oommluee uo Oroandi mad BoUdlaca
___ antboHced to sell tbe Home ot
DeueUoo ovoed by tor Omniy aad
eltuud at Baal ilay.
Tbe Oouaty Tneaurer preeented
to aaoaal trpon.
Ob Botka (d Hi
port vai received
Flaaaoe. Ware aad

Sobert R. Walter.
rt:»dar. Oeutaer^ A

**¥w rapen of itae taapaclon at Jalta
vaa BMtMitad
BraaMtad aad read,
laad. aad ca
oa mo■»
tk» at Hr. Wictauwa (ha raRort vaa
aaeqitad aad relarrad
relar^ to ttaa Oo
. taa OB Oronda aad WtdlBsa.
t Hr. aevelaad the
Ob BwdoB ot Hr. Ctoral ' ttaat
------------------------------ Reaer the Hoard
pan at the report mauw ta
e ot Jedpe of Probate «ae re- adioaroed asill (:30 loBtocroa' bk*
CBMitoditInB at aapalBla ro
0 toe OoeuBlUee on Oiouadi toe (or IVtoiBlIKef a-ork.
weaae aad ctalUnB area r«
Pied ft Walker.
ttaa Oamalttae ob OwtaW bj
a rea aad aar rote. 2T voted ree.
aiBi tor U
Bober K Weller.
at the CwmliClerk.
'^Cto'tootloB at Hr. Ladd
the wk' tone'om t^
Tueedei. October Sin. A. D. 1M:r
adtoBiMd BDtll l:to tor &maiuae Ooeatr la the tour dare the OobbiH'
- hiai
pnipenr. etc.
poant called to order by iChtormaa.
iDcentivre preeeai.
otHr. Dane*, aadjpra
Btord called to ordv tar Ctaati
UlDuiea of roeterdar'i
rea aad aar rote, the Connlttee ob
JtoU eau: all lartwi praaaat
d approved
Ob tooUaB at Hr. BhUaea ika 1
rbU betoc tbe hour
peaeee aad the tmoai per diem (or
adtoaraad bbcU •:«» toaonw i
(be oooBlderaUoD ot ibe report
Jteir aarnoBa.
iBt tar Oataiamee vark.
Ob aoUoa of Hr. Ctorelaad ibe Commiueo on KqaalltatkHi. on
Pred R. Walker.
Board adtoaiBBd aatll 1:M lor Com- ikm of Mr. Dedcham ibe report
acepled and adopied by ifae fnllovlnc
oattea *ork.
Rotaen E. Walter.
'*Y^ii^le.‘’uobrae. Iliack. HulchBoard tollad to order tar
WadBMter Horadag. Ool Utta. A. O. V Roll eaU: all membari preaeau
laa Kbell. Walker. Wlphtman. Ltaien.
iBdl. l:M o’eloek a ib.
Ob BoUea ot Hr. OerHaad a Oom- Ladd. Brovn. Uarruw. Kmika. StallBMTd aalM to order tar Chalra
alttoe or three *aa appodatod to to- am. Cleveland. HMt*. fteeebaa—1C.
Rail tall: all Mabcra prMBL
No—Ihirrca. Hatcbeii—♦.
Hlavtaa at raetardara eaaaloB r
The lilll of ib<- Kcalih Offln-r of
-aad approred.
Trarerae Clir paid by the City at
OB.*toottaa ot Hr. Hatotatot
tuu.ou. DO* up to tbe Onuely fur reBeard.BdRiBrMd ubiiI i:M tor O
preiaaud aad read.
Ttae Chair appolawd aa aoeb
Ob BolloB of Hr. Ilotcblaa (be matJuee Haaare. OeratoBd. Hoarop aad
>r vaa refeiTM back to (be OomadtBoard aalled to order tar Chaliaai
>e on Claim* and Accouaia •(toa
Dt Hr. ClorelaM the
halrman of vbich at ihli time prad naill t:to totom me
eeeied the hill ft* tbe eaaaldeniioe
at the rear tor the roar eta^ Jaar
Board ai a vbok-l (onraadlaei.
MR. !•«. «ae preMtod aaS-------------toeni. they to report at :
I o'clock
_________« ot Hr. Oeraiaad the papon
yea and nay vote aa follovt
Bebert B. Walter.
«aa repaired aad retatred to the Oe»
Walkor. Wtebtmab. Huttm
Batordar. Oat. Utta, IML
belt. Liaieo.
Unicb. imoo.
Ladd. urovs.
Univii. liarDar­
CM a. B>.
Beard aalled to order tar CBalrmaa. ro*. Kyeetoa. Sbltoon. Beecham—IS.
No-Hoxl^rieveland. Hai*r-a.
Bell ean; all membtrt praeeat.
Hovnd by
fteerham and canted
HlBBtee of roeterdara aoaalotoraad
that Ibe lloiM aak tbe PruaM-nilnc
<ad approred.
Ttae Ootolttea ea Ooeatr PoorV kUM^.v^and ^ty Aiiomer to appcto
totted thniach their CRalrotoa./^.
UOl «:M a. ta.
By oeneral
ro the HoMtahle Board ot SuperrleBtardoHlad toa
. .
ora of Oraad Trareree Cuiuttr, made : o'clot
. Ball oallad; aU toaaabara p
Uill ot ft B Pratt tor MtO.OO tor
OobbIUm. to •ervlcee a> l^ultant ProeectiUbC At’taoBi vaa toterred (lie report u( the
*^**dSt*». - . _
opertatoadtoti nt the Poor, votild
toe OB Onoada aad BnUdlata, pro
i. Chat:
aaotod the toUoarlag ropon:
ed the
tta dhp HcAanhte Beard ot Raptr
h the •
tosood by toe CbelrriPtM o< Oraad Tteveree OaoBtf:
On moUoa «l Ur. U«im
lie ta toe Ooaaty Treaem reterred bark i« the C<
rk oSce. aad Bad It to
V ivcnaalderatloa.
MB Uymtn. beB keare to report aa
On BKMftra oI Hr. Duryra U
faDpva: Wa rac—toead that a par dotood, veil led and eoatoated
OUea taa edaead la itaa oarTlAer'oB the
T. 0- Bhnaoa.
IBM Boar
tor tat
or ttaa ial
iti:M p. a
Joha Bone.
___ ____ a Male aad______
HianI ralbel to order by tbe Ch
■Ob Roll call; all oembeiv praaant.
(toamluea oa Cooaty Hnr.
IVo o'clock. Ibl* belBC tbe boor tor
Oa amdoa <S Hr. Ladd toe >e^
ihe report of tbo OommlltM Ob
cai aaeepted aad adoptodr-------^ .
Oa tootoia ot Hr. l&Miba the JmI- Clalmk and Accouata oe toe bUl of
«r vaa aUevad pa aAdlUoaal m* at rnrerae Clly 16r Hreltb OBcera'a aor8. C Dan**,
aa dOUan par Boath dartaa toe
id It BM being pooelble tor'
a KraoCka.
lo be pneeet. <m motion ot
taealha W Hay aad Juae for vorfc m
a Hoito.
toa lava, by yea aad any vote. IT voi- Ir. Clevtoand ibe matter vaa de­
wed nnill ten o'clock tomorro*
Tbe Oaaimlttoe oa Bdoallcaitoa rv
toned thmub their ChalnMB. Hr.
lion of Ur. Sblleoa and a yna
Udd. aa tntlovi;
1 my we. a^vottm yea. toe mat-,
Md adepud mad ttae CnmaiHlee aa -» tka Baaoiahle Board ot Sworvla- ter of purtha _
•.tkwtM to iMiad the atOMT aeeea
(or too oOcs of Judge ot Probate vaa
era at Oraad Tnvmae Ooaaty:
•WtoMtaa ttae ImiMTetoeBta roo
toterred to toe Cbmmlilee oe Oroonda
Ootomltleo oa
Mvlat had oadw coa- and Bulldlon vlih power to act.
a «( Hr. Cleretaad aad a riaarattoa toa_________________________
On mothto of Hr. Black (be Board
n ToUag rea- the
tovaal ftvaMlpa aad
ot too
Ot/ at
................................... .... umorvov moni______ M aad BoiMliwa Itavana CMy aa a omit to aald ooaaty. log (or OoBOBlttee vork.
_____ iMd to aaa
Pred ft Walker.
---------- --------------- ■ that toa oame bo
toaaUaod aa toUova: Chalrmaa.
Ruben K Welter..
Wedaeeday .October Mad. A. D. ItOt.
order by CBalnaaa.




aa ■a—iiil tar ttaa Jao

S2.]*S “




KOM tor aoanal meetlag. reed by
motkm at Hr. Bnuhlaa th«
vaa gntaled.
■ mauer ot good rood* a.
braagbt bp by Hr. Hager.

* iss: iMii*
t Mr. tab_______________
_______________ Oea <d a CtaMBtr BapM
BBMdMt at to* Fear «aa aade a
Maabl ordto far tept e'alaA
Oa Mtoa <d Hr. Maioa the Beai
adjaareed aatn l:Pa for cinitoliii
aw.. tatM to «...


I i


L SSwfLs; ■” 2 jfeteKrr..-.„ss is


ike Tovniblp be authorl
-i lull proportloa ot tbe :
la DliMM Na 4 (racUoax
My ToMublp. Wexford C

tkmiBliie* im '
U had under eoo-:
t at the Oummll-;
Plnance, Way. gad
ndopted by tbli Hoard, wool
John Iluxir.
fully fwmuDcbd that toe
(' li Mearur
aoibuHied to be Irried be al
r*w,.** *- am.Hic tbe i»-ve*ai Tou-niL...
Edaia mark
a.« r.«»
cUy a<-o,u.liB>: to tor eehrdulr a*
i. H Buell.
Tbe anamut eet oppuehe each Toan- P. R. WalX.v .
Ihlp and City Ui the culumn headed WUII* Wl^iemii
'-tVuBu Tax* be levied a* a itate tax. P. £ Duryra
«unt i.n cvpoaiie earb Toi^ Thu. Halcfard
tor columu beaded "Tuvn In 4) Mnlru
.IngfUi Tax- b«- l.-Med a* a B. O. Ladd............
Unmtoip ux
> E«*<u>te-*-.leuc. r-vThe amount aei opiuelte coMh Tovnsowi
cvdnma beaded -ftmd Ha .. K. Clrvelaad
aad kv»>. Pnl
S- M. Hiuvn...
«*lu^ la'x
•» cd ai a rnad ma- Cba*. M. Hagec.
h'lTxSuo.m II kt. 1M>*t| «.»t
>vir had ex*.. rrUat-a-
The amouni ■.-[ opiuelu- each
thip In tor column headed “Rildge Robv E^Wa^. ciurk!
TiX- b--"STJ-AlM. *.l
-rx..---------- oppwlie «arh TovaJ II Ba.^L tblp iu I
nn braded -School
C H. Mae
Thx- u-1
a rcbool tax.,
i.-nouuaH ...
---------- — oppoelietachTuav
Juba t.el. Anmi
abip beaded ' Nvoluue Weed Tax" he
n iiMiloa ot Mr Moofor the Hoard'
:h'Ylr<t 41 a nuxloue weed lax.
arued ualll 3 p m <it .January &ih.
, ■ Thr amouc; ».t oppoelte each TovaI^ky^a- aoppUaa. nuaUlahtp Is Ibr ruliima beaded -.Townahlp
a^^-Ulda.-. MU. •m-elae
Rued Tax " hr b-vlde a< a tovnitalp
ruad tax
The amount erl iipiuvlir each Tovse
. a-O
ahip ID Ibr column bmded “Rejected
Tax'-' I.T Ir.t.-d a. a rejected tax.
Tb.' asnoont m-t upfuiekc
GeMral Hewn
MOk. W.aa»
ahlp h.aded 'Surt.-j- Tax'
I ha a aun ey Ux.
X... .... „ppu^l,
xr. 'xeafablP hrxdrd 'Pence Vlevlag Ti
Ta- be
Litivj. Har
.'Kvi.-rl av i fmee ru-vtas tax
ha Ibe b4rd tel bam leeelrlag
U ^C. ^fnlchlB.,
Ini .-ere by Hoeaee Yo^ ot
annook. S I . aad Tfaniadaj
irx,;^ •
to the block. Mr. Veer,
kai mat a turkey to toe WbU; B.

■ “Hsi;



r^SySySTx.a*. ha.


” Si-Sr”'-™"-



pruportloa of School Tax in E
Mel No. 3. frActloD vlib artvnvo
rovnihlp, Wexford Cuamy. vhea

r*-J»n. and on moilci


i. r-k" 2T»..
ixt the Sup
Lake Tovoihlp be au
ui levy
u Jint pruportloa at toe
»ul Tax
D DHMci No. < fraeti
IlObal vltb
eld - lovnibtp
vhen i-oullied ■


Aleo that Ibe Buperrlaor ot >Uyleld Tovaahlp- be authorUed to levy
of the Seboul Tax
_________. jvetloaal vito HanTovntblp.
Wcoford County.
Tbeo eouallied aad apportionKl
All ut vbich U mpM-TfuIIy aubililed
J 11. BuelL
H. klunioe
l-Hvla UUCk.
Mr. Ih-ecbam pruaonted (be fullovng rmoluUoo ubkb'. uu motion at
Sr. Clevelaod. vm arcopivd and
idopted. .

' jv n-






6>?4S.ETf6g| .

S€ tegfE-ueSU

EMCtaaee at ibti Hoard Is regard lo
< 6UI* adtlted by toe Ikmnli of
» ot tbe Tovniblpe
he Cminiy toat the clalina are exorbiht and coceoalve. aad
Wherm*. TbWv eeumi nut tu have
MO any regularity In the ebargeu.
ut toat It aeemi
II to hat
have reeled targer vUfa the Hoardi
rdi ot H
Health, ot vhich
he Sttperrlaur ti C
Chairman, to decide
rhat vni (d be to

Claim* and Acooonu.
toe ecaitaat threat of lavulvtat
he County lb lUlgatlOb; Iberefure.

i"*S *M-»a.i. Ilrian- iiac


LoeuteitaMihimkctMiB mUiuerek*

-t Anbuj H iank.^l*<w




- iS'SfeJWi!'’'''’'
r i«.i


DM. Ttuvm. .-4y. Mu* ... u*.e m.

4 tMemdM Heard.

On muiioo o
*^moikm of Mr.'shlHon toe_____
(Halrmaa vara anttertxed to aUl

- ----- -

Puuvx aurun. biviM ahd u> m>d mart X*

of the iweeeat oalrage has ajt baea


luoaied lo be careful not lo audit any
M-adv al-to'd. Bar ***
dill which are ot Ibl* nature, and
hat the Bupervloori labor vito toelr
M>ppU~'r-r ^ T
uardi lo prevent toe aame.
Oa moiloo of Ur. Cleveland the
Board adjonmed natil t:30 tomortuv
aoralng for Committee work.
_.i KI'ta«-Kltl.rkl».'xPn»«u.
Prod ft. Walker.
CvHOt rUU-h* .
It tf>
to H
Uanor. work .* >4d
Robert K Walter.
rbaraday. Oetotaer ttrd, A. U. IPv:.
S'SO a. m
Board called tp order by the Chair to

niliwte In toe Conn_______
pa motloB

tooHHagth^ domtaaalmala aad baking a eoane
iae bread. The Dateh caaaU we
(reestng orex.

BarUn vaadali again teve brokaa off fmna ot Ora ot Uia amto>-i oi
Blagw AUee. tbe bietorlcal ewtoe
meeted by Bm|wcr WlUlamat bti
paraeaal erpeoae. Tbe ctaxaei 1
eelre. wmr not baraed. ni they stood
oat ot tha noch of toe de;v^tor,
bat pleom ot the daooeaUoe of (be
> were tvoSen. apparently by
hammer blova. A pnrlOBi maill
ttaa eeewrad to ISW and. toongh
Iwfe reward wai offered, toe oatiiru

eclloa 4474. Compiled Imvx of IKSt.
Wherea*. Tbe eyulem U loom and
aUe to grpat abrne. tending the

X. tad the people of north-

to Ractoo. Vli. ate duoovaeed a
«b wbloli toe tlMogbt abe mv
giecaliaaki. BIhiIsk off toa o
ate (oaadgl.aoo to m*h. The
vat formerly ovaed by Hr. aad.
Hra. OterlmBroaakar Ur. Bre
died aboot (oox yton ago and bit vUe
la to on toaaaa aiylnm.

§, iliggHsm

I adopted by a yea

reoolutlon which, on moUoo of Mr.
Clevelaad. waa aeceptrsl aad ad^ed:
and Bridgm
ereai. There
Laa gndnally
port ai BOOB aa coaaaaleat oa toe dollnra) tor aervAea oa Health OAow
I a great deal of carclcaiBreM ta
meaiT to enbrnlc toe qnee- —alloved by a yea aad aay vota.
Btlng bilU agnlbit the CouatV.
Toiad yea.
Cbnaty nmd eyaiem to r
many at them not being dated. Iiornbe CooMltleo oo Claims and Ac- Icud or sworn to. thereby making a
people ot toe eoaaty.
nii eubmilled tbo (ollovlng redoal of oxtrn work for tbe ConiHeam reported oa Ouoaty c
B on Claim* and Anmanti. aai
ddxj-lne Ibe bmlan* of tbe Heard:
Oa ma
tberetorv. bo It
ot Hr. CievelaBd actl
OB the n
..........I or toe CoBimltlee v
Roeolved. That horeafti-r no bills
.......... - apedal order ot baalaeoa I
will be conildocod ubtei* properly
S o-eM.
made oev date.1 Jtetnltcd aad awera
Hr. BaelL Chalimaa ot4be OomiaUlo and fik-d vl.h the Clerk os or botee oa Plaaaee. Waya aad Hearn pro
fore tbe third day of any regular ae*
aeatad the toUevtag report:
kluo-or frai day <d any ipecla] or adJoumKl ecaxlos. aa provided by U*
-0 toe HcaoemUe Board ot Sop.
oca of Qiaad name OoBBtp:
mottoo of M

— -

sjrscEsgecsme .
it llliSBslaif

1 W A *hitr.T.e.*.«.«a

Sevrre voeiher coattasev la Oteal
Bntaiu. ead ea I’le matla-vt. Many
neople bare beea troiea to denlh In
Boheietn aad a bmry (all ot mow ti
rapoeted (torn tbe SvtmAlpe. PledaadtoeBiTlara teecte weoth-


. .

deJWtlR^a "inotoer-to-lav
Old. who U toe gnadmotom of
tall eerwsl grevn ap obldrea- two ot

Miw. M- *u4 u k«n*y uimeiUd
•nrr, Tbaokwirlag
for (oorteea ■.wmememiud elkjwiw -eM mu ml
ysaii. be* obeaaa a bird ttalirear
toat veigbi tolHytoar ponad* aad
aitooogh aM (be largeal itet te tea
^ ahlppmUc^aHtegtca ».._^il.
ll to every empaci eaeat toev^

w K-tv.;


f AtlaaOe 0>ty. > J.. iM
Him HaiUte P<
Tbr tgnmm u T4 yean eU. vlgaiaai'
ameially. aad ai epry ee a ooaege
laaie. The tande D not mme Ihaa
Throogh ihli smrrlogv John KUoaia. U.e baodmaeter.. who U e

«» Fla^. Way

moiloB of Mr. CIvTulnnd 1be
ShcrIB waa aDum-ed ItAO) Atiy ceou

swing yea aad nay .■
Tee—Hoxle. M.«m< RIack. Hatchins. Borll. Wxlker. IVUntman.
Browo. Darrov. Kyeelkt. Cleveland.
Hager. Drcchani'-ll.
No—Dury.v. MuiHa-i'. Ualea. 8bURepurt of (imimli___ _______________
Ways and Heani <« Cmaiy Treasivr'* report.
The CammUio. on Flaaaee. Ways
od Moaa* preecoled (be toHovlu
.epurt which, on motion ot Mr Cleveland, vae accepied and adopted:
Tu toe Hoaorablc Hoard of SuporvUun of tlmad Travene County:
OenUemen—Tour Commute cm Pb
xnce. Warn and Heaa*. lo whom
a* referred the County Ttvaaorur'e
report, aubmlt the folloving; We
have examined (be report and ooa>pared toe eikM with toe hooka ahd
vouebere In (he Coonty Trenaarer-e
oBoe and found toe anine to be correet. We reoomsMod thnt the rvport
- pled and printed
be 1
ot toe Bcmrd

:a ArelatUag Uit«e dayi has deeuoy
ed toa trvn ot Beelit to Pwiia
•tea liBBdted howe* aad many '
hoaiee wen-wiped eat aad HO pc
parltoed. Beabj. wfatob la all
(onneta milea from the port ef EatallL oo tbeCaetdanaao. teea pope
Intlon mllmnatd at U.pOO lo to.OOU.
It le toe market tar mv ciUi aad
oooaoma aad hna a big ImpoH and exp«kt made vito Bomla. Tbe ot^ waa
M tepopoallad by toe phgav la
At BooUaod,


Artoar Lmlie





at Pioneer Cioery Stable

I have a nice carload of horses
just arrived from Southern Michi­
gan. Some of all kinds; big draft
horses, farm mares and drivers.
Also a good Pair of farm mules.
Give me aCaU vbCB yn are ii Tmrn.

We have compared the tv,...
toe book* and eoacfeec* In toe
Tveoaaren oSoe aad tad It U be eorrvet.
We rwoamebd that the rvpon be adopted lamnaiag toa oppromotkm at Hr. Hoaiva acakm <_ prtathto af Tvo-Hoadred Piny DolR.0.4AM.

a. H.**:^


We had aa bMd at the
of the rearwajt. aad roar

No—Hu:rhioe. Kngtr—3
Hoourehle Heard of Sejrrrlatn ot (Rand Traveeue Coonu:
Orctlrmen-Vour Commlttoe on I>
anew. Way*' and nKOLpa. lo- whom
1 referred back the report fUing toe
“------- '-----------oacem for toe eebavr roccaeldered
that they


pan aa IdUovb:
We have rmlvad bat ivo

_ A^ that too; Sopervlaor of <3mnt
Tvwnablp be a
I to IcVT lu
Mmol Tax
.u»l Wexford
Dliiiict Nu
: (nclluoal
luuoty. abeo couallxed

To toe llmorabte thaud of 8o|>-rv-t>^oramad^^vew ttwty.
•Oyeomotd, hoi married Hiee Jenaie
on Ptaaar.-. Way* ead
Seavxy ol Sam Beolhbar Md r<~
,--------------- lb.-Board of Supennwra
taned to BotAland fer *t boaey•o Aaportlwi-1 (m eald Coaniv of Omad Traveti
do hereby certl^ that the follovlBg
. aia moo eax vae tavooM a
|U tlM pa.v^ ot aat^Bonrd .d SuP and mileage

*‘***'Vj ir

vme nterred the tvport ol
ra and Hallem BotlW ^

- at P o'eleak.
Hr. Oevtoaad. *
toe faUntac tvpon
ra toa Board W 8ai
~ Nraa.Mleh.:
- -tiatoia Taar


the auiemenu of toe Tovnablp
rk to the Supervlann for aa*
01 to tbe mpectire tovaahlp
mind fur tbe purpoie* nam*l In


oa molkm ot Hr. Ladd aad tot. teb
amoadrd adopted by yea I kruiag y«« aad any VMa. toe
aceepled aad adopted, all 'v-ting


Roll •


"^Ciad --------------------ttW «tawe oatr oaavame to

« rr“o,vw.t*p«r^^g£

Board called to order by Chat
'SJ*^JSSrt^'t^*SmmtUce cm
RoU aali: all toemtaaca pcaaoa
Btoee at W. H.- Btotth. Oacar
Oa awUoo'of Hr. Heaioe toe 1--------- ilnaoce. Waya aad Mean* vai preaadCO.Oarwverer
Uoaraed aotO Hoaday, Oetotaer Mth. acaied and read and on mailoa at
A. D. 1M2. at d o'oioefc p m
py«d R. Walker.



Roll call: «U BMBhan b>wmOa jKAloB
Mr. Matehatt tto
Boar« took a iw»m oatU md
amlac at i:«o o'doek (or eoau
rm R. Waiaar. .
RtdNTt K. Walter.
TBBaday Mumlac. Oei. J4tb. J
IBOt. liWo-eloek a. n.
Beard ealM to erd«r tar Chak

H»«aLp NOVBMBftft aV. Ipoi.

the OommUtee cm Plaance.
Wayi aad Meoaa oa Ooaaty ~
dartea vaa vWemd took

. toe re­
pon vaa aeepted and adcgMed by a
yea aad aar rote, al voUarrva.
ot Hr. Huxia the Board
l-M fur nrmmtttee
I:M p. m
BiM rallKl u order br Cbalraaa.
Hull call: all mmobera ivoeeat.
Ob Mxioa ot Hr. aovdUad toe
oard idaolved tteoB tale a Oommltlee ot tbe vbole to eoasMer oavaatlae bUH.
V cuoadering tbe btlB to* lol-

a^RtoOtorw^Att We'lim
aVMdaddalactharearmAtLtoarIM a taatoani td >H.n cm head. Wa
'*TV?^tof hill ot Ur. (nark tor IIM.M
•oeU mpmtiBr aak tor the mo
V CBaIrjay Dated ae TaUen Hr.
V tamlgatlBg bealoved at glMM.
aaaeat toll peer m ree cere ee latl Oorroa aad Hr. BHM
That toe taUI at ^aveeae Oty amrear, rlt: yiWAa.
The haaot toealMd ae lelleva: CV.
aattag to gUAM (or Health OHom
RteNtoed MUa ter
aecvk— be rWerred beck to tbe
*■ *■
mty (or ceevMlm iibe orlgtaal tatll
Ito. Kaeelaad taavlM raealved the bavlag been gm.od aHovog at WU.W
toe Cuaam and ao mtaale made of
> tioma amok oat aer viat luom



Hr^lMatth (Meara pmyieaa be iWwad back to «he IHwer far naiudua.
That tM ba of OrkHoMa and HeOM et fMM tar tmatom (he Bomaaa cdM ba aUomtd Mn«M.
Timt toe tail at Qtvaa Lake Tow
tolp ttr «miM for Badto Otoom
moBoa at Mr. W^St^a'!i^^^f»

day ot Octal
1»02. by ead becvece the
Soperrleors' of
cauaty. Mtehlgga. by Ju
• of toe W
. .... .and of Travc
HIchIgnn. party of tbe aeo
—..........................It toe said

.. and Vtuaerer called xpoo br
toe -Soperrmor cd any Tovaahlp <v
Word of mM Cauaty to look attar aad
take charge of aay Maas vtaiefa. to big
Jodtmmit, ahoBld ba nMMgtlaad. and
tb all cnaee vbea toe pateat <v patleau axe Cnaaty CBadoa. or vbat*


Moved by Mr Clevmd that thr re­
port of the Commliur be accepted plac* aad aU
aad adopied
than be u to*
Hov.4 by Mr Hagrribai thervpoct
be amended by adding ftwao
1 undmitood by toe pottlaa
salary ot toe Clerk. Snppon
X aald party ot the aoeoM

Oledneg^, november 26. These

will be fine farm and draft horses
and 1 desire everyone in need of
a good, horse to make sure to see
them. You can get a fine pick
from the lot. They can be seen
in Brodhagen’s bam.

UoTte by Hr. RTghimaa i___ ____
report be ameaded by jaipMag
-MBIT, wwme tom aa toe BaJary ot the (&taaa
t Ot the tome
- •
idenu ot the Poor. agattst the OsoaWhe yemm aad MBIM -rnaoeeexh tmr baad ^ eeal the «oy
d br. carried by toe
ead year ahae* vtiSm

1 will have a carload of fine horses
from Indiana in Traverse CityOon

Cbaa. J. RaiMiaal. M. D.
Hr. Baell me CbaMmaaiet (ha Oom

Ladies stylish black Belu formerly spid for 25c.
Ladies Bel'S strictly new, 75c and $1X» value.
extra special for................


Ladies Dress Kid Cloves, all colors and sizes,

n»ular $liXI at..............................
Ladies heavy street Glovbs, pique seam, double
stitch, regular $1.50 glove for........................ $1.00
Odds and ends of Childrens and Ladies Kid
Mittens some were 60 and 75c for..............
Childrens regular 15c wool hose, all sizes for.... 10c
Ladies 25c grey wool hose for,..............................
Ladies Union Suits. grey.Oneita style.this year's
goods, all sizes, tof^erly sold for $1.50,
special................'J-.................................................. $1.00

Childrens wool faced ribbed Underwear, regular
60c kind for............................... ....................
A broken lo' of Childrens aU*wool' Underwear,
in large sizes,worth $1.00 a piece, now.........
0 inch fancy neck RiUxm, re^lar 25c goods now 19c
A complete
plete line of_________________
of (. hildrens flat fleeced Under____
ar. from 10c up to........................................ 25c
Misses and Boysfleeced ribbed underwear all size* 25c
Misses and Boys wool Underwear, complete line
of all sizes from I5c to..................................

64 in Worsted Serge in black and colon worth 15c
54 In fancy Haidsfor Childrens wear.wor b 15c for'
40 inch Camels hair Plaids worth 29c for...
88 inch all wool Plaids a good 50c value for........
40 inch Seeded Poplins, wonh 89c for..................
6 pieces 40 inch mixed hesvy Etamine s'rictly
ail wool, worth 50c for
64 inch Morrison Suiting, worth 75c for........... T.
64 inch aQ wool Venetian Uotb, can, brown and
nod, worth $1X0 for.........................................
Choice of ail our $m Venetian and Bread
Cloths all mion and black for......................
66 inch extra heavy all wool Skirting in brown
and grey, worth $150. a s ap at ..................
A little lot of Mohair Jacquards, 40 inches wide.
all black, worth 89c at...........................




Three weeks ago we bought the entire stock of Pattern
Haufrom one of the leading wholesale houses at a
fraction cd their true value~i their season being over
they had no use for them.) They are strictly the-cor:
reel thing for fall and winter wear. We have sold a
large number of them, but there still remains a good
assortment to select from. -Any- one in need of.a Hat
cannot afford to pass this opportunity by..

Silk Bonnets and Hoods. Wool Shawls. Tams and To»:ial prices. Any
Ai of' these
* ' would
• • ‘make
• a
ques at special
Christmas present that will be greatly appreciated.

Tba* you can't pass if you are in need of a winter waist.
We bought a lot of one hundred dozen at such a low
figure<^at we can sell them to you at less than half
what you would pay for them regularly.


Boy* Flench FUno.*l FVeee W»i*t«
40C to a fine auartmem of Prniaa Palicrns toll anil PteveH frooil. Popular colon.
They are »«ih *1.00. .

Bim W^B ip Noveltr Strip^
i jfL- leading colon for (all. made oo fill- '
cdliDing,tmppc(i. pleated ndenibroideted.tbe
rtSoltr phee wo^ be *1.60. .






S z


A good Selecia or Peritaline, worth 12c for:... ,
Canvas in black, grey or white, worth 12c for...


Half bleached Table Unen, 72 tnchei wide to

Much bleached Damask with nd border, very
•P cialai....................................................................


88 inch bleadied Co'too Damask to close at ....
Turkey Red Table Cloth, special for ibn sale...
The 25c quality of the tame, this sale
88isch pure Turkey Red Table tloib, bright and


clear, extra special ............... .............................


86 inch half bleached. Red Border Toweb. fring­
ed. special........................................................ 12Xc
86 inch Rain Towels, fringed.............
27k45 Liaeo Huek Tow^ wonh 85c. thU tale... 2Sc
48x90 Bath Towels, extra special . .......................
Bleached Twill Cotton, toweling, special...............


All Linen Unbleached Stevens cradi, spedal ... 4>fc
AU Linen half bleached Toweling with fancy
border, JOc kind, this sale...................................



This luge reed racket, euctly
like cm, in».le of whole reed,
(ooc tpli'l—full roll i m*.
pomrsnd bAk. »be^lac haish.
A rocker worth $8 50 at the


S'?::.;-.”; $1J8


Others from *1.16 «o$U.

We have fifteee sets of solid oak caae
seat (liaen. withool brace anna, that
sold {or *5.60 the set.'hat we will
price of (per set)..

A heavy idInI oak cane seal diaer, (like
cut)—long back posts brace ams
_:j------- ---------- .



$T.60‘value; thu i


Taffeta and Pean de


cd and tiiiched, uieu ttylet aandamiily made.
Waiai that would teU regularly at *6 00.


cent on the dollar and priced to yOu at t
tame rate.
'' •
88 full length coats in greys. Castor and black.
at 50 per cent discount.
27 inch Boucte Jacken. good material and well
Monte CarloG the latest out. casters and black- ■ $4.95
Monte Carlas, casters, tans, blacks and reds,
goodiaiin lined, very'swell-................ . $9.75
Black Brocade Skirts........... .................... ........ 69c
Fine assortment of skirts from $2.00 to. - ........$25.00


Mnn'shtnvyJnmcyOverdrirt, worth Sfc.npndrU
Men's hrev-y extra fine Overshirts worth 75c.


Men's heavy home spun Ovenhirt worth $155,

Here's a des^ and alw a price that sbookl iaierest every powible
buter of be-ls It stands 60 iacbes high, has 1 1-1<> inch poet*.
heavy brass vases, has ai^le rail in idol—can fumlah 0
itia white, green mad blue enamel, aar sue. only...

^^t of Children's Caps that arc worth 25c..
A lot of ( hildrens and Boys caps, fine assortment
some flushes ,>moag them. 5^ values........... 20c
The best line of Mens and Boys Caps in the city.
regular 60c values, special........... ................ . 25c
Men's Brighton and Yacht Caps, silk lined, pat­
en' forehead protector leather bound visors.
■worth 75c and $1.00, bought them cheap,
specif.................... ............................ ..............

hcvilj- lined, worth op to S3.MI.

to close at--....... ..................... $1.89
A lot of \'ests worth up to two dollars, to close
.All wool black Pants—an accumulation from
broken suits, wonh up to$450. to close ai.. $^.41
Corduroy i^nts, to close at........... .................... $1.2o
Men's Heavy Kersey Pants—special.................... $1.25
Bov's heavy blue serge N'estee Suits, the $5.U>
kind.-to close at............ ..j.................. ........ $8,48
Boys' V’estee Cassimere, Suits, all wool, worth up
to $4.00, to close at.......................................... ^.48
All X'estee Suits that were $2.<W and $250. to
‘■•lose at............................................................. $1.48
-A lot of assorted \’esiee Suits, wonh up to $3.00.
to dose at............................................

50 dozen Men's fine Suspenders, regular 50c 20th
Century Brand, special.
Men's extra hea\-y Suspenders...........................

0^% JQfo’ PreOyCb'iia Silk Wi»m
«2>d»e70 eUboralely Mitcheil, and maile
in tic laieai Myle*. They're SS.80 and *4.00




But* a pretty vaift made of good'

atiiched liontt and iruomed vitb buuooi, they
would be cheap al *2.00. > ,

C? OJS For

lakes, including ithe guarantecil custom
1 makes,
P made kind.
\ou may as well buy
your new suit no* -no need of wait­
ing till Christmas.

A loiid oak cane leat am rock­
er, Lo^ back po*ih >h>ee
heave alau aad seven tumev!
. tpmdlei ia back—a uroo,u
serviceable rocker, two Iwen-

yoc quality nanrel. pteaied back*, -h.te

Choice^of dt our 85c coIorodTaffetas, SO differChoice of all our $lX»and $155 fancy Silks for -75c



STREET HATS—that were $1.00 and $150
forSOcand ...............................................
STREET HATS-that were $4X» and $5.00
. for
.......................... .............. $2.50
DRESS HATS-that were $250 and $8.00.
for ........................................................... $150
DRESS HATS-rthat were $5.00 and $6.00
for ...
.................... ......................... $350
DRKS HATS-that were $7.00 add $10:00



10 dozen Men's fine blue" Flannel Shins, cheap at
SIXN). special............................................. . ..


Men's extra heavy sweaters in red blade or blue.
special............................. ...............................
Men's fine wool Speaters in black or maroon.
.wonh $1.00,special..........................................




Our shoe trade is increasing at a rapid rate since .we
moved it to the main floor. N'o more climbing stairs
for shoes. Our stock is-strictly up to the times—qual­
ity is ever first in consideration. No shoe enters the
stock that is . not good through and through. Every
pair goes with a guarantee of absolute satisfrciion. We
have gone through the stock and picked out a quantity
of shoes that we wish to close out at once. Wc place
special prices on them—a few are as follows:
100 pairs of men's high grade shoes in the lead­
ing leathers, popular lasts, good assortment
of sizes—some
. zes—some of them were carried i
from last year. They sold formerly at $3.o0
and $4.00-prices to close $1.98 and............... $2.48
50 pairs of ladies' high grade shoes, including the
Ultra, nearly all sizes: formerly sold at $3.5U
—special tq close................... ^....................... {
Ladies'vici kid and calfskin shoes, all solid and
guaranteed to give good wear—special-• • $155
Men's C«
-a combination hard to beat
—leather top. snag proof,
of. roll
edge, full heel
rubber and a good heavy felt, all tor........... $2.00
Men's 2-buckle snow excluders, worth $1.25 for. - 9Sc
Heavy 1-2 tufted German Socks...............,...........


“'"uhi Sicud'^!.S9c
Canvas Gloves. 10c grade 7c. 8 pair for


A lot of odds and ends of Underwear. 6Q and 60c
a garment, to close...........................................


clrwe .................................................................... S»c

Men's extra heavy wool fleece Underwear, well
ladc, ribbed botti;on, seinforeed drawer seat
worth your 75c. our price................................
Mcn'« heavy
gauge, all wt^.Undcr-


Roots guaranteed natural all wndl IJm
.very fine gauge sold up to date at. $li&. to'close-.,..............................................................$1X)0
Gentleman's best all wool fine gauge garmenu
cheap at $150, to close......... ................... . $156

■IS A BUSY PLACE THESE DAYS. Just beaming in bargains. Our buyer has just returned frono the markets where he picked upa lot of good clean merchandise of almost
every description at prices way below value. Jobs and Odd Lots and some Bankrupt goods. Look the stock over when in. There are things there
that you will want—you will have them when you see the prices.
Fine Peari Buttons, 24lozen lor.............................
Pearl Buuons. 2 dozen for............................ .

L.di„' F.«c' Silk G«„rs ..................... .


FadwOuati^ Unt, coiiecod of p..KrtBr—


Good Nid,rB«k Co«ta..........................


T«rii»h Bid. Soop........... ...............................



wono (c, spcciu
Mill End, of ^0!. per yard
................... !Bc
Turkey Fed Pnnt* .................. ■':...............
Short length^^ofSUkolioe per )wid....................- SXc

Worsted dtess goods, double, fold, worth 20c for
Worsted dress goods, douUe fold, worth 25c for
Wrappers worth IXX) and 75c to close at
Extra large Cotton Huck Towels, each..............

oo d—

W— oo a

Goo^ Apron Ginghams at....................................
8 4 Sheeting, special
............. -........................



We have been vety fortunate in getting a nice line of
srarm foot wear at greatly reduced prices. All good
quality-all at under price*. We mention only a
few. Every sale means money saved.
Men’s First quality Perfection, with best fdts, for $1.76

Bt^^I^fmioos^or^«Jts first q.uality. tegular
Men’s Mackinaw Coats, special.
^wdal prices on better grades.
A ^t of Men’s Fleeced Underwear to dose atper garment


Wc have qiDte a collection of Toys,' carried over
from last year. We are going to discootiiiae 'the line.
In order to close them out quidJy we place a dbeoaat
of 25 per cent oo them. This it a good chance to buy
Cbristnias Toys at a great taring.



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