Grand Traverse Herald, February 18, 1897

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Grand Traverse Herald, February 18, 1897


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text




•be* wialar waa almoat Ilk* earn-. Ue wUtar of l*;?-ia. I oru roa-f Ue aieambaai Uea. Otoea be-

mmsicinsiAnBUK w

cMfBllr «ad tnm ite
Ov ptanuej h motM
lor IM piiMiil|.UiM daiarUMK


Rose & Son,

BnBlneee Garda.



Tkw> CMlUfrXJmraMrc U a»w Ira


•Ml-. O. P. Carver

Real Estate

___ 4*sss,^is:«:
IjnovO I'lii^?


owm liulb bua. Wbpb UP btaiB had all
brPB lakpB i.ffT.iUaktuacd Up drp year them waa net a bit of be la tk*
whole iake from o*e ead U tbaaiker.
a'bbP^hawi*’* *“ho***^
u iip The aid iBke CkampUU auambeat
IP bad bardip atur bla frepr bad p*»*i*i abai
C«I baaled not U* aieambaata f*W»aii
I a baa bera duewr abompd hi* a pb.<t.a;iapb.
d t-caprem. aad kardly a bdt M ba
bp baaid Up
ll wa* Ibr pi. lurp of a milr <
pea'wd IB Kbplbome Ibp. aeao- Bar' ”
‘ ■
' tbpPB.^wiU latfB black ppea aad
pawi. duHap Ue wIbUt-The Pbo-aia bad a newaapl** boOt
Icbt aad Tad atole bebiad lu aed btood
Uul jrwi pbpp bp«
oap likp UaL
Alhaay. aad Ue wbole oaUt bad to
lbcr« irrmbliaf, UiUikbB irma talk- -Ibd'.'" aakrd lip. l-ar^
carried from that rity to Hbalbora*
^ to^rWatro. bla erw partsvr is Up
"Whj—-by. It look* likp ma.- ertpd llartur bp team* Uraoph tk* mad.
tbp bop rariOQtly, .-bmly litOpv; bat At MldJIebury. Vt.. the mad aa* mgr*
-tib. br-docTrecklrt aoUlB'—«aaaT Ji»»l llk>»p.Uaa a (out deep Ta* I'hiealx wna ra
>. 7*i UMbB-notU oo—iba-'-WW—
bat :> pran olb wkpB 1 rut him I'd
-nwl'a Up pi.Horp of mv mUp bop."
■n* ra. «T-frt*».
bcpB nadiD' 'boot *ooib peoyib in i:ar oaid Up doctor. "1 Io»i 1,1m fuurypwa
taad Wilt toed, a kid and pwrad-faiw oB apv and hi* aawr «ca* Ualpb."
lauBcbiBp. aad I ioek ovee a laipa
Tb* B«rl4 U.bblU*(,^ aj^rfadr.
iakiiBO aa that pot it lb lu;
"Oh!" tB*prd Tad.
{wrtp Irra llurUaploa ub tb* Upa.
I* BBtBB rot M> luck BB «||k
"But I'TP f.mnd kim ata‘8- Hr waa (irvea. Thr asb waa ahlaiap alU U* .
the Cippbaal *bb fiwrot bis. dp bad •talra by a wicked luaa. Up waa paaa- warmth 0/ a July dap. Tb* wataao
i black pyp* an‘ Uat wa* all ritkl. Bad I od off aa a lltllp rakima."
Id/Pd hM balra*black a* a ainwV
"Tad'a rrradUatPtl. "tHi!" hp <al' aad tl.b kiiaadarkbklB. aa'Uarp hb tpcwd. "ami poor bob? I moat bp. for
«r»*.ar«ad7-iBadci:%kiaa. It I'd *aPB otr aamp aacp «a* Ualpb. I cma Ju*l
Tb* RiTar* ib u* Atlaatae.
bit tcvarduBbivd I'd bav* ctalBMd roMBi^ IL Ralph. Ualpb, jva twa*
Aemm Ue AUbalicoraaa from Ua
: bat 1 dldo't acp bcbc. Hp wi
Tbr. .p—a hat—*—Tbodf(•alt of iluioea UiOapeFt Roqae mot**
lb. of oMne,bat 1 Iparat bla a
“^p doctor claappd him 1b hi*
a preal badp af wab-r—U* laalB aqaatibberteh."
b-rial eurreat—Wbirh caB be CabaiOor"Sul alo't yoa afraid roa'II'
ed Up BwUvapowarormal^nap ed
-Jdu Mimra e*l>,.
aomp lim«r' aakpd bkatt*.
Ue whole Atlablic eurreat apateat. aa
It obUlB* iU WUUB directly from Ik*
Tb* Lutl* CikiDo.
rliap posh el the trad* wlad*.
ritht op. tpa'IbBMW aad
Lap* K
M. Uo«ae ua broad mireal
uulda't kaow him B*n.~
aad a Inpiat aioUpr. aad a darliix
koBM buf* aad t>'l*—as'
'ABd bo« did JOB make bla aal faL alalpr. aad a bmutlful bum*, did n.
■akv a look at Up UtUc L*ktmo. Tain t
ucrili. Uaulberanalb
Wrl the two^d.pjri
uflpo pvB ha* the pripii'qce of *pp1u
lecrvam Its apead. aad,
"Surbaiioa. np bpy,"aaid MiUikra.
oaaircah ftuakblaiiaurp haBBta.
pa*>iopep Up aortber b coast of HoeU
•rRb a diaatmpaMp Isotb.
Iwtur *ald at ta
Amencs aa Ur (ibiaaa eunial. eaten
Ukp* thcoldUamouter akid. 1 ala'l Ual be *
Id nop them, and be d
Ureopb^JIto Cbnbbiaa **a laU U*
aparrd Up rod nelUpr. 1 m foiB t.i tor aiace
llikpa bad hppB *pnl
ly.oB aporm oU
11 circln arvbbd
r bad bppB brubpa up a
cal candlP cada
trpBl awidlty latbcr biiu td-altbL" Tbd\ bran beat jail tbc*l
b> Ue B.iribward: Ur*, r-.dored a fipao
. . . . . . ■‘• i,bat bp fell Ball tbpp Skatr*wi clad loapll tbrm. and t
scrpiifio’ tbrj're
IBP .'root lb* Bar river *lll ef Ua MbHot Upp did. not bear, more jopful .... .................................
aiaaippi, aad heated li
lady *bariut acBDdlp pad ...____________ tipip aume obp called U|pp when tbpp wprr brouchl to(a.e eapuaiuv uadera tronical
^kPlacan propatllto Ui* -Vlllikpsouljaat Uan. aad bkarta hd- belopod friend, whom they niilckly
I arcrapr lemppratore at Ml <
oraitp<t. allh.Mitk tar bo lun*-pr wa* "a
Florida ebaabpl m
, SunUenaB ur ladj- prra-Bl IjeinE-, Ta.1 did aalatopamompBt. A mteb lltUe KUimu" Aad lu *b..w Ueir
e poll ai
>«p bad riBBB iBkixaind. Hr.
F-.v they, of thplr own frp.
lord wiLS aucb daloun, Uuabow V
Ktom b . . Irani*
. Dorlbeatt. t
ow that ha wa* not a IJiUr
rapidly Uruuirh all Upir
prudaoeO • >Mdl<vcsd truiu hia
winp Up IrpBd■ of- tbr
. .. b

Tbi* ‘maa who bad *
to Ibp lubutte dplifat of Ur rh
pcKbet aad (are ll to Uie.liUle irl
I. off Uapa Uattpra*. It *pUts
I BorifbtUhlm' HucaoB
And l(*inb *sp* he will alwa'
rranrM ettr. Nice
eoM 7A
" '
' wbicb, Uat
uupaakablc! h* bad a (i
lVa*blupi.<n'* birthday. r'Heuan—.pou
Ue waa a boj of about.? yean, dm.*
krpp an ta Icae iu warmth
know, papa." bp ciplaiu*. "it you
cstiteh- in bear akn .The forTp
B lUMa'a bar
Abotbw hBhadn't

laen came down l» the Uipeufhi*
era on Ue licbridr*. aad b po mor«
suultiat child. Uxk. Hlabrarlbial
a OB thr l.l
It litUeabi>».ai>d bb. lor j*cb«l. of
'ipoicabip a* a eurreat; aad U*
He would
etup col. ucle him luub a* roiwc I b**"^u*l ' to buraUattoinl. tbpraaleraaBd larfMit'part of
away. U» would tu aad dad hi* f
,bali.' Hi* face waaolive-boca and'**'*^
divided *lTtam.mskt>awldPB»e*p U>
aadpr bmp*' fi-rt.
bair jeltilmca aad p!a*tmd down er. (Ik. if Uiliikeb hadoalp t>lJ
Ihp t«*l aad aaalh. lacliwiat Ihp Aaiiraame
li* bead aitli E'TB*’'
•>* aad Ibp dead w ater called the barhik).
■ a bla*'b »llk cap. Hi* r/r» wrrr )<*
a. Uea. a. U
Uc AfrlcbB ctureoL
>l tell Dullona, but hi
. fervrl.»«|*h<ottua'”B[nMp.''
. ..-b, aad latclliEeol loukiof fur a
ITD lha c»a*t
jaat below
1 -.5ech.,„yr_
aarmge. ' .Ui* frattira, tou, ue» good.
iauUalee- pale Fct.ruarj *IM1 *lioat- dunu ua
*cr rijuBtorul eurreul. wbiah. parallel
.. I'cB_______
Fclbceaa _____ _
A Hutnmerl*** Year
•iragEdoE cvxlur*.
Tliere naire two SpaBiah poodle*.
to the perrat atreau. aad aeparated
: Of.lrn mM
wkulMk ud m»u.
ur three leute wbero * faVrruiuaa.
from it bp a aanvw liaod of Ua^wav
IH^Ut prira tawk ub ra^n «f Mra
. >ir ul daauiuE bear*. >uioe perium
fb/r.i';^’irt„‘‘VB*d\^,*T.::fi. er. travels wcel and lliu-i* Uroafb the
tat dug* aoda Iraraed pit nii*-bi W a hllle a* if Ucy uaderatood when Ae
coldeat prpr exiH-rirdcPd by ant
---bpp. dear dec prr*.m Ueb lirinc. 'I'brrr are prraoo* w.-.ilbdiea. mabiat poaallBt eomMthem
The l|l(le L'blizu. buwevrr. hucyrd_______
BsliuB* wiU Up tide*, aed flaallv
crird Tad. and taaia di
'ropped oa ■ BBorUrra Nr.w V.wk who Bare bnea
6<Oo AAes^fon? a5o pro^ UW tnarai^aura. lioB. ^ ^
•If I I d pile* of lb. the habit of beipiiw diarm for brariat a» beavilp oe Up posaf fdll
•irram aa to t'rr to it Up abarp term
at a Hm luaurr Ltiurt Cor Uc ihBI l* a
• Btid WBtrr.
year*, bad it b frtrm tbr rmt— of bb
iward UroBCh Up Flertda
Woo-to be a talueiiu' ia Uie
old diary. befTBo >u l>lubu.l krpl uo
Opearvi b»«larahlstt>aae«J. .
le Wbo, aa’ «Ueu tbo )>r.K-e*b i* orer.
broke* uctil l*(,'. Ual ilir loi.iiwiiie
ll,e Aoudi Atlabllc (be partkm <>(
leyTI lake in the »bua Ibat'a ruiia'," flnire hr wa* nor bow
r.*rardiok-ibb vparwhh■ial curreut *plll« “ ‘
B«iiraIraf?.*Tr»S?J? nij
Tbl*cuO,iderBlii>a bad lieiped Juaa* of «>.«pp he had in that onila,
r baa l-n-o lokra:
f Otid dlrp.-lej ,
*uit in a prim Nrw liaclaad ItfWB. Up
tll'apr t-rio, a
. W. a fXnOHEa Prep. MilliUrn tu*lup iieer. at KfAiata fur -iboatkt hr would to lb the dirrcti'ob January wa* ■» uiild that moat per
U ua* valjr
la tillace* allowed Ibcii lin**. aad
Kivrr ITate Ba
Burstat. acd a* tUe oelebratioa of !,,r
.VetblBtUiii'* birlbila} nnmuiaoed att
a few o*.i ilavh. but tbei
auiry, ' If'b* could
11 hr dnl Bur expe.1 maBj Tbdora, but
ro. Uiwl.if tlirtimr ta.
At the (.ape of-Kood Kaye A
with Uc wretty
-Are you iu need of a bcucat Uiruutb bi* uaual apeecb la a - 1““* - . - ypaUrtubB

tuaad apriapU.p I'rbru
•ria IBP cold. Burtbeaaierlp tMpe
rt old. s.*p da.v* <r.-niianlra.a^1l.lf'‘‘
"Ve», tea leran. Iblt pjr* b.-aitbMd [
(k.Urr Iban aap ti
IB Januarp. iNit Ur
r n»*rt.tVfrh-* u'jal'^Ue (NJMc
JUac hmlbro aiBT never beard Vf,
wretiier wa> aboni
rial enm-at at the atartidit polat U *
let and eeprp
Waahietwu. #a'Ibia tloriuu* wuutrj.
. 1- (iu'lf ul UuiBP*. Up whole cmbU
,KuoB«»wmed toBolbe.b, wiB-ip. It c*iii.-in like a .mail llo* tullnt UpvlrtulaWrpr epatem of ooPbB
dua'l oeaD S'
— little Sifure 1. fur that came
i,u, . ,^17 Unoeuit rUbra. of aprrd ralee rarpiaf IridB
flaa'of lb# fi
aaii Jola<>dtbpii-owd. Tbr moaic loam ..heep
'the im^. ta. O^flylnt. Uc march-j .tpril r»mr la barm, boL a* Ur dap*
ii ili-ta*. 1 feel* ll
;iat *..ldirr.iB*def^lfortPlhi* tT«o-j,r„
n,r uj, bnaa-c colder.
,B 1 Cosaider a* I n
801D* Aaepulou* 81gB*.
I from bi-altarn darknr
Id oaaUbaUiur UpdiSareBeebatireoa
We can supply you. Now then; if you want to save money '"•^‘uarMfc"‘uuVit«il7maBwho!*«^S!'''> •>'<< »*>' BDd nai'bad the c
.'"'I’ plruip of *II«W aad ice la Map tar Uepre-mt ^Hod^d^J^t^^ ^ear
let us sell you a soc. 75c or $1x0 Chamois Skin. Then tike
Inurn draJ, l«r
raaluB. a« plnoinp outlook, ao Umeal to................
a look at our made-up stock and make one >’ourself.
wa. kilted, and tbr
aad no fcrliac of baisenaia^ la
The abowman frowned a lltllp.
plaulad ataia aad
Knim a boainra mba'a aUbdtiiiib'
' ' edicalea........................
. .... a--hcw
' Yours for
fi health and^raiittih,
■ bialitUr heart.** be ;
(t »
axar pai let. to ralw peint tk
Tbriltllc >klmo wa* nlbbUnt ri
iraaed at Uc pbldrc of the
tt.v laelof May la ihbcll- prombr
er dalBlIlp a >B cbBdIp.Paii.
Hia tlountrp b.irac b]
tapbpeelffall ol eae
llerp hr like* It a b
raw an- u*ua!i> in leaf aod
"1 don't

—, ------einieaoe unwrr* err piraliful tVbri.
*lpaa It i* true that maap paopb bad
blond* lilUetirl to
io Up mualc a* . la,
M.j,„,,rdla l-in^erpry- wt Up U^aalbp of Ue a^w paar
iAvnsi onr, noH.
ise non stbsr.
tuajr had been killnl by Ur
appUp for Up rrst ol U* aomma^^
are Wb dIaappolaUd.
Kvpvp oae
id ice e*
bo kanwatba lacahiBp of Um word
beam" apprretob* Uat aiiar it —ail
■»«iTh. r-,!—.rvw..——r"J7“* 17"
cailiafwe. wkieb b Ue Wdeal Ibl^

R>t<«*rn7ibla(liiita «ra« Ira. \

to ijo^ajistv

s f.-?",,-!;-

J* E. W. HASTJNQSj l^eAl Epfiife B^icUn^e

Fire Insurance i






Dr. J, A. Snyder,

A-SS-Aii-lsaSS •



, And Oystor Depot I






Chest Protector


Chamois Vest?.




kMlii.Ml HNHial M In


In tbMe I9th century days ol htir.
ry and worry almoat erety one
needs a.lasative or lirer regnlafiir
to oonnUract the yffecta of hnrried
eating or a aadntary ocenpation.
wwraiM*-*—^ What you want is something-ef­
fective, but at the aame time genH. F. NORTHRUP.
Oor LitUe Liver -PiUa ta
what yon want—email, aa& and
Ssrrsjror and Civil Engineer
acUve, 60doe«e86oenta.

Carpet Cleaning',Works


Merchant Tailoring.

Wslt-8 Drag Stern.

• OU'l! TXO'W^ISS.

Ib o^cr that wp^p beamafadata
Maine.* three iBch fall la Ue inlerbir pood baalDra tor somw tlm* to aom*. it
way. abd
.\ew York aUte, aad Up aame la b raeatlal that many Utap* b* aet
1^ boat Maeaaehbaelta ITtere were oalp o few ripbt bp a alow aad car* prog***. ,n*
ImodccaUlp warn dap*.
Krerpbodp aid farmer who Uoapkl iM paid
•Thier'lillir fallow," mid l>r. Parker. I '
papa, b be killed
roald V picked la tk* atraela. a* a re}^.«'la*ked. leortd aad waited fur warm
"be baaa child'* taau fur aweeu. at,laxairof Up fuldpa loeaa "*t»jw*aU*r.
bol warm wm
Up did But
oll of the alfcUoB. b ant Bten fooUak
'‘^■iwaaUcr. bat
Uaa «te
maa wba bad kb
aa arbluwp Uie* fora
Eaklmo Iraturea. and biveymarc loo I
^aieadily from Ur aorih
tb In bl
blB*U ladra
The eapar. eaUaabaUe dealr* far Ib*
lolbcr. kaU raka
-------- bfapreat bnlara
. ;-Tbb here bur belong* to tbp upprx | hr »aJ to
to the
the carl
carloba croap Ual faUihirk mlltea*. |■laa4Bk «*d acUtllp U, It map k*
be. cammeadaM^
, ered
lOffetbpr.^l^ Ur
ibUibp.-aaid Millil
Ikes, makioif ]®*
— .....................
lea ef bb
oat taamoa tkb^Imirv^ *
*D eSort
................. u-mper. 'ah' j * ■I must bare warm water U> bathe
Ury'red Cereci from Ureol^arherd." U • Ipf. I'm afraid It'e brokea.
inp iafiaracm. We are eanalalp load/■Well. Kihal,"isaid her falbpr. "If me'di r;rag. fooBt aad aee if poa c*
lap toward bpUwr Ulsps. Thb b al*^
proreealu we bad bet-1 01
Ip iBrridi
tl oaa carp* to laok far
a Burk ut abrep la paaurr on
nrejadba. . Tk* varp fact
-polaompilnipBef a atront The BtaraiDt of Ue l?U dawerd with
little Eekimo.
Hoe' bad (Tkind heart.’re.toraii*e x-twpoa Tad's llrid Up*. Up Uermumplrr below Up frrrclat that ______relapiDnri b alow b oalp aa
add*rd (Bdleatioii that ItbaaMaallal.
(rriaca droec op. sad be auibi- At abaal s o'clock Ib Ue
aad wai sorry to loare him lint Uer.
uwoeraf the abrep aUrted in
haak troublea of Ur went ara raalWtbPUWBBTaf
waaaaooBdol music lathe dbunee. aad aim laid us Ue coUloaa.
of U* laat brafkap*
Tad d*d not seem to breaUe eren______ ,._____
bb Sock. Uefore learlee bomr
and the other poopie ware aU burrylac
when hr wa* pal la a Jarfp eomforta-{ 1~!'"p
be taracd to
o■ bb wile aud »aid. jAiar
liap oat of rottaa Umber. Thb 1*
•ivoawaltU'tl tPT-nitbL" MUli- bie bed al the hotel aad hi* poor bnik■Battar aUrt the (withbora aooa
ro bp Up litUf aCaet aadh bap*
ken ftwwl
nnrled at Ue bep whoa all wen an iPf was bsUed U hot water. Mot
tb* adeaaa* of
rr B-bolUa' Urm aafar- ! aa Iba doctor larcA Up Umb Up dark
foae. "ll B per
praperiip Ib ibc fiaan^l aadbrnlaae*
falB'ta rda'ter walliyp per | auio came off. Ue aula Uat MUlikeo ia UeaooK."
A a boar after be left kerne a terrlUe world, wbich b hOT, m a wbob. wall
aew. 'eaaae it mitht-apile per look* for bad pat oe oece a week ever alaee be
itorm caaa op. Tirc\:g*>w t.ll Blp^k mubibbad o* a aoaad kaab.
' ft wail till It’s had atolpB Up cbllA
-lileaa mp toal!
and fast aed. aa tber* waa le
Tb* pearievrkea
emtaUlp badvba
t. hat Uat Tab child b aa Eabimo." erted Dr.
■■arker aa be looked at Ue pare while
wild. Ue flrwcp maa*e* piled la aaepirdoea.
eaadlp ead Up ball dapv"
drift* al<mr Uewiadward aid* balbee lb,
Tedr» came into the little Bakimo'a akia Thee he grew pale aad atajrI feacea and
.. eelbaildiinra. Ki«bl
opaa aad triekisd dowsos bb brartkia fered back. Jadt Maw Ue kaee riel- afUafeac.
nbUd to baud apa
jaekoLbal be did ant daee to aap a ala- fale oa
OB the
whIU «mb wa* a^atra^ mm* aad the
beard of. Bi*<
fie ward, htmihen lounted oS wiU bb btrU-maU.
IP eeithborbood. ___ ip.—BbiP tad LeaUur f^mb.
naruae for a amoke.
amoke. Tad atoul Uen
•ithbora joined Ur acafehlra
It. hb Hide kearta*bearp
broaetd b>B> >7aM> derl'
Uird dap Uep lOaA Maa *r WMkeaad Pevar. 1
_____be Uouthl of Up fat Enf "
■aad. Tbe»..................................................
Ur wa* Iptar iBaaoilow na a
Ibh womaa, "Ibdp Ikullopa." tbpp call­ out wapi toflbd bbloat ireaasr* bcbIb.
maa aaHatiap
tram aanoM 4w
ed bar. oB Ue akew bill*.
Sba bad a He waa Tblliaf bbold borne U the aide bill, with boU feel fraaoa; be waa
Hip, weahaaad
weakaaad power
aad iihimWd
U* bait coyemd wlU anew, bat aU*«. bUKp,
eeraer la her bean that could be uueb- cast, wberabb mother aUU liPod.
rlpor. eaa aew taka aew hap*.
Or. ft hb wife 1
Moat of Ue abrep were IobL
pd WiU pitp. aod ahp aometlaBra ***ad bad.......................................
1«U BL. How Yotla
A farmer Bear Tewkabair. Vt.,.
a bit (ram her mr«b lorTVl. Hbe wa* brei rht £Uel iaio Iowa I
cup. who b wbbaat doabi U* mart
Moa. Vathbawab*
ed a larxe field of eora & b«i!t
' 'at creatare. la, her rad
- ■apabalbtlacBflapIkbatMB
. Bp callbd t
iBbd Ue field to km^ oS t
menaatowB. trimmed WiU
wiU told
(old _lac*.
... ...
fw w....
arlp every bipht b* aad bb____
tl Up ba
aad bad at Iraat fuer cbioa. aM drop- biiaiell to >et
brohea boae.
•kterbaie kaepiaraptbe fir** aad
d bar h'p IB Ue moat felt
ae MiB
paia tor be wa*
WM etiil bb
• ,
pad ^ miaplaoed
.lebiartbat Ueoaradld aoiTtweac
Bciao*. Wbp* at laat b* epaaai -.
farmer waa rewarded for bb tlre- tbr pririlapaof
"Ob. Dollopa." erioa TaA wbea be treaL black epm b* looked r«v*ir »»
lem labor* bp havl^ lb* imlpcr^of
lobBdbcraloBB. "I'm alarrU'-"
Uor*-------be will, attar aaro^p wiiwlm^
car* la tba -repioa.
• Ad' Iwatto rreedpaau beat up
lookiB'torre*.' h* a
reaMlUoa. aaad paatraaa MSar
Jt^eamcla wlU leeaad aaow. Oa
BPTTrTtaiap. »*>»••“•
aoroaie. "Bat
oa*. tor.
nw, that
tea* - ■WIm'a
w bore • Ue
me(ppvttyimUfrtrftm,*j .i,*.. »u..
Ue FWrUof Jolp tee a*-IM A a. win­
Himkte don't bellow aw eaoafb to; "tTbp—mp bop—why did pw
dow rlaA formed Uromrawit Hww
I'tt av* Ufo boat to bee mcT' aakad Dr. Parbm
parof U* ,
(f b.^ d«T ^ ra ab^lat nilca----------------- __
mar* rietmil*. ao to I talb Tm
-Wot * Ue matter «ehb my leff” of Ue atateef lABMTlvaaia. tbdk
con* iB^ on the beat 1 ear. mp cHad Tad. aaddeblvepaactoea that U eoro which la aom* pan* of Up m
bop. ni
laarla-i ta wm U tpUau. -^Tak* them Ulagt

“ Tirt.

lUaonlc Bloclu






Good Fits.'

Brosch’s Meat Market

Good Godds,
Fair Prices.


Choicest Meats, Poultry and/Canie.
yowl Aja. Beaaoxa..


Fr^, S^t and Smokod Megts, Sausages Ftc.




Cut Flowers,
Floral Pieced ‘
Bedding Plants,

Awnings. ;

If in need of either store or window arm­
ings I would like to submit sampleeend prloes
Plants for Decorating
you order elsewhere, as I beUeve I oan
fbrnifih better goods at a less piioe than any
trav^ingealesman. .
SrisitemW ttesslwaaM



Tr^Terse City, hfich.
SSissaRserwasatt IBTFrcmtSt.
rsBriTssiSaia*-"- OrderBfDT Job Printing Isftatihs


«iU rBoaivo prompt «tli





L-Uaalriebm Parb.pira* aa fiamwat


4 did BOt roabbWBp at oaea. bu-i Ur. ^rker'abaart
^rker'a baart beat feat
erp aa bawa*.
He stood looklap a I poo
poa rataembar. mp-bopmp-bop. yo* jaaped most erory praaB Ulap la thb eootrp alaelrb lamp b faatmid to a paa aaar
Mloa* ariU wbtfal epea
"Wbb I aadar Ue betaaa' teat aad poa ban aad Earape- was blanud wiU froBL
teU al BaraeL Ulrty mil* from

M's blrtbdap.
I know all aba...
*-----^ am. 7^
Tbeabake ebarmar Mdm*. 11 mraber:
be prabbed
Toa wn't
I have a* btiUdap—mevor badjlet Urn take m* aad make me aa BaktmeBfalB.wUlpee? lai#^**-"
dtkeataO. I’m** fiiamtma I hai
rbUf, **emlppsa deaV I aap ea, a»d ba aUt* ma eal weed aom*
wUr*. Aad. eb. thamadU rada do
I'emr'Mkad Itebep.


K“,j!risr5s.“i2iK csLyitsi sss.'TTy:
Soaaaa baDtof
MUb an inmbafi. Ha wiadeab^ ba aaMHy,

ladkoat itwrartihifiM *P|mm

- i

6on aftaa, wten tbo cM»y-o mAi
to doy., and Mil
da«»d:-Tbe*Hr tadon^andMU
M. Wllllan. tani
Oerk bw
“• • .
••Wboldoyoa *rk
_««niiMDder tnrblef of yiiBasKaaedadnx «ho Ind brqp^t B IMlor <m
BraJoi^B Prankliii.
•TBBhbl with yoa lMAwrrtfia-

He Boy, die Lover, tie
SoUIcr and the


M im. tbe ywr btte* «a«
yaMod away hen wtb. Aiboeri
1 .
Pmbmb brio-*

waa pp'oentod.
"I oaBDot wear It la joat pna^wa.
faaenl, when 1 tblak c# wbalya Uva
doea for tlx- maauy."
bt s botao
"Bui yoa did aa »arh a* L"
"Ob. BQ.” rejoined tbe pawa.
••.V<a. yon did whei «>« cvald, and
rao dcoe BO taore.” raid V,a«iin*l(m.
Tbcrv it oae nory ef bia rime wlileh
•eot.'u.ot.hibd Is 178k.arbc.ookM If w.ihii«t«a didn't iMitb over «• an
bb pitialL •'!


b rxKn.r.-r«bff«rHE «oB*viSeo


_______ _
Mv) ifaK in tbii »T«p»* b« iBBrt eUta trkod. be lelli 4irt why »b*
tota .irpftiar 10 Wuhlopon. d« b» leetad
leetacl at a
• UU ood • rlril eon
•ODld^bBiwoaldD’tl 1( iyMBB
llwMcloeto'BoUun* lew, i smia their berk, and .it, •Ilka palieoce <mi a
ttlB. bowetea. th*l fcphln«iiBi «
yeik^baBa pT»MBl (if odellolOBO Caka _..„„,n.M.i ‘ whil.t ibry are drlinealotid
yurtted Wnodewk.
whleh ro affected
fan^ It I.
io a pmof,

' defaey wno
Dt over to RMhlngioo’abMbiqoanata
„ jion


of tbit Ladyt"...................\
Cbai ho bad! "pretty wit” U
many leiMn, where U oprnt bit
irt to Im eotmpoodaotf: fa laoeofln nsS): "I wa» cterated by 8
a rf the miIilia<Jf tVli«be»irr re ihit
ewipp, wbinb 8 men w> m twe; daya aaMBbllug. hot 1 Ihry would not
have baa inoro Il.tu aa aieiiy •co.indt
adoaawboM.~-------------- -diap raiiig If 1 iMtil been alla>-kHl!"
ttma. byoaaritif liloburBabloodnw
Uraff eld Tbomti Carltle wtotc:
■al ta Ibaalojaioa iff in esarttoea. In "That inral man of yoore.^tb on^^wa*
wfiwUlng and In pltoblng cfBoltaba anri
hi. Rimpanloa.. aad b« oatrad .Urauwoll) wilb all tlx- ]0K*- M|Be.«’d.
blObaBeblFbaplbcroBhat tbo
cot.’’ Aud liiBlwa* Joel al«>01 atilt'
aral bridge. It ia Bid. alao. that
lie M t;arlyle knoo-of hm.; for «n Enflll<n l euetal wrote a friend tn America
al elder by to
tba bngbolel
"U Ur.
Bat wa naat go to bii loK
aikpaliitaneray If not, I ryommeod yno
to cmhrscT tbeCrtloppnriouIlT tofurm
aatetia aawidoiiBl' bite of bio )Ue.



Vt cs


abla to Rliret. 1 -took tBosy pataal
bat they did BM oar
- gndoaUy

Delicious Crackers^

abla to take By food ^
baadla aywlf ia
r way: 1 waa aboeIntaly balplaaa. Tbna
boltlae of S.S.S. t»
licTcd ma ao that 1
By riebt aim: befoto'
long I maM walk
actoam tha roepi. aad
vatifT , when 1 had finldleJ one Hoam bMllea
waawxurcnft BEAtb^i-aa
: »a. cared completely ahd am ae well aa
weight, and aecr. 1 now weigh 170 "
aellaria* It rf the juumal
wbeii<^ wa^olear
.wheel between at and .
OQt aptoal coIaniQl rigbted tbacraeey-;
tpiugiand baslmgoe-l S S.S. coreaScrofula. Cancer. Erarma.
boar, aoiicc a aodanv I'lrm ofblcxel tomWe*. U yoa
,«» w thb^Biddla
m of Jnly, htvea W(wddiaea>«. take aWood mtdib


fmh. oria, and appaUaSag.
We carry, a Urge varieky ad
plaia aad; fa^ macikara. tba
prodaet of tbe vwry beat hMD
evlB aad «aa highly rwaM*
Bawd tbaa lor qaallty.'Hr^
MB and flavor.


ilpacUl ^laalM b dbactad
toeae Uttar enekaaa at tola
A armpariBOW of ev staek

.«ru ^I IT -h^eaU«ldb...e. take .ldoM MI-

ibro ba ti»h
lataal olfAt. and a dark ooe)
Uck of bia bnrw inwead of Inio bit
the beat. oSrml very____________ _____
He wa* ptvliy “m. U
eoorhviaelv tci dut any ewat, h faror ocr valnable
.,w«e rn* eo belBdnl.,1'hot
V lotn .'f which enabled BC to ; buoka Addreu
beard rib- afnmd ef hie o*o ■ J" a dciiUmte eurvey c< 4iU pcr-lSeriil Specific
omingel.-.-Lebludhli.e Tbtnk-.~* BewM a lallv ervet. weir made Cm, AlUata.

Tig« aod (loallerty n*nltlii|} 1



W. TIll RTlvLL,
Soia.«3a. Side.

You Can’t.
Go Amiss


tbe l-Xeevlv. atrr-ee. ef (tie bl.ak or '
K.» (hie) tJort'* uke. Inrn ,

cUui, mid hatkrtln tombea.
brill the yihititcm avherla l- pt «ft.v
XU .-mi-Wix^ buUi 1-.. I«rr,.r.. -lie
"TbqBghthe liKUiiiiiie took off fair
him, Bird (or tw. or
bat 1 cuslO
cnolO tKit'avnid
not'iruid tbe rc*«*ul’i<«i
rtciwul'iim of art (.«n l•.u^b^^a. .n.e ...I'd tUleU.
ludeadlyfearef .aridlwioo, ml. ,
rhicb illdeid i
familiar lin.wnp-ilia.
hiibonw turiiedlirtolinyardcv'Ing
wan III Uh< llat'K (it v
_ on rmry eignand tbe ml irUMtloa wn dl
hoard and. mpryVfry
y nreplacvv
Areplacvv Kill,
Kill at
fitriAfa'I'^'"kl't.Uf!'him. Bulaftiv yi-.i.iT,i»..jK- Ku.-(.oi-.r.-.-.T.ib.« 1
au>(aurui’ap»n»-bi«iai<l. "ilr. Banjanl.
d.m.dillhnid that, tie I
I U-lwvr.’aod.
ou play lB‘Pbila.leiphl]k Bo tl
d mo
to go biuu
WaaUiuiUai un'd |. rhara mre it tire Itfvli.d
b.oo and dine with
«5.,*r 17 an oacM.' him: and .lien I kmiw to whom

ttaTurJawddrink ootot

vWath'ingfm *aa tt« whattbeiUdlm.
woaldrall a pretty man. hot In wilttarvcBoB." a betolc flgnre. Web .aa

MB ao wafi known ^^^gbt In


U. ». Injector-

rff:r"J''.'r:r..i:sr.“ r.=s7’^is.i-rc,“.'r “•
tb« ndtodo of Ibr cbeny «nn ta»
«M reteHw »btifc«Wof Kin^
So OMldfUsd Ml CM bank nf Iba &•!>•
fcbosneck aed Uuw « Mono oorih to
tba otb«-« *«M wbJah bo. i»»«r aliMo

Safety ai Saviiig



the <a«artio r/JT!lr

did alHoran 'b^aatMBBfUuaideaf •
eftrardoai mow.
■■leuuM pr<iBiiooyaB tbolanviaacd
• erron." aald VsBifaBtoo tciib« yoath*
(aliBd ord.nt Lalayetu. "bnl M yob
baea hwome m A««l»oacadwe yoa
will doobilMi orwaiiiDndaleyoartaH to
tbe tar« cd tbe Aaoeriru aniiy.''
TMwaaibo taanamnsof a friend*
ablp tbaa laoud aotil doolb dtiidvd :

Krorty, l».B« qolw olLtk*"*
nluod of WartrtasBBi'o yoatb


ndo up asnl
tnaa «—v MW j
iba aepm, cBlInpluc (rvea
dimChs. Toaetbar tb<^y aM lb*
a*vai bla tot., bat-^THiielaarai......

if )’cm get a p.ackagc like
Uiis. It contains the gcantfli


Washing Powder

---^»> Verunl'-l' eacUlmM.
Uiern .bawi^ U-k «nlh
d>*. 'Ua”-I. fude.;driio. h-n^
^aAuWt'-ur WiUa

It cleans evcr>'thing and
cleans it qdickly and cheaply.
Urgeat packagr-graaie* ecoaony.

Mof tbladaarlb lalbalbawi
Miwtvba. IbaagbeoJoylngtoadneiMy
aadeirao eoBtlTial.waa BOke an oUterect
wdMcdtrB ooniriUtay to tUfnad dntiuod to make no' luouiuld.nible flg- .
«f tala or aaeodota.
"Ha waa fund <ff ebildne
ra wtiler, and that It the rra«o
HelUe Otwlla. "and I haw. ■
Mda bin laagh Boat baartlly tram
^tspaibr vitb lay jeyoaa and aztnean„. «’«(v-ptoflheklbdthkteor«mtl.e
■BBt aplrita • • • Bat ba draa a ^ri^lu flrJt
• ajent. Ikooghtlal aan. He apoka llltla
Oamhriagtk that Watl.lnglon it taM W
bie prleate eecrewry.
If never
uare laiigbed
iau|c«eur loadimcIlMMinny. «>
ixwr. W
PfalUdelpbU -ID -U
. banidhlut-.-...............
darieg Iba war. I bare udlab aeta bitn
Mnx' tn bead(|DBrtrib,
□ertrtb, bringjiis
iu'a fe- p^-„binBlan
tbe d.rtor
patfwitly abainctod, lila lipa
l.igR.r oiid
Olid fatier
male prlawir. I.iginr
^ban ^ „ieud to hit ni.dentaudiug.
When at a 4lmwr after the nirtebdcv
la bia 'IHtora, tbeu, to Ilia frank, beWmaad iidlug Uhiud bmi ontbe.
•aatadiad tplaOra wrillan by blm dor* cropper. And lo-eull. d him Old,. Pal.' ^ C..rB«allit tU Utter timidly eog..yh,, ffiog." Waih&■ bb Orat eampaigna. we «od taort rf lon, iti famllUr, ,.id >ttere,
tha Bab netaM ibae altawberc. Aflar «ot«jthidaa^!*_Jawd_6parta to tU, ,„jrton add«t-".< England. Confine
a fall bospblm tbere.
tbMw. I'll
1-11 drlok
drtok blm
anve bia dfgnRy and at tbe aatrre time
And It wwi wilb a aly homor ib
laMvbiMia, md. belliwa b^jI
gBjoyaJokeat.hltowiieaia' Oulo- gavA al a letttt of noammendaii
Ml Lfw waa nuco ritulug al Hmint Ver- a TrvndiBiati wbun bo by.M b
a, and In tbe ooorve of *o(mn iMtian deaired m iDd«ne;
_ abial Bvked him If he kti-w wb>w be
0. T<41«T a«di no mcvmiixi^lMi t
eoald ppr<fliaao a pair of good ewrriage
bonea. "Wby. yea. general." aiiiwelTd
Another initanew of hU ludelgini
Ue. "Itaaveafluepalr. UtyoaoaB't 80(7(mtT0llvd Ungliier waiom day «

a, 1.., .

rt I..™, -n . i -”i7' ■‘i'“

IT r,d that day fw hen they ‘ «* h»bd

St. Looia.
New Voik.


«h,.ir 1, X. v.e.~i. I

<•*« »“ •-«




r a^m. lie'••'.IjpSTriir.e



......l! i
I hV" ...-.-..."


croeerd th.-U1a«wo: 17701. gi*lngme,,u„„,u,,.„„;i,,; pj„„a_ Pat I am
Ul^.tmJ'^ axiiiii fuatli.-wu»ii-l_v(rii,-al(r-ti. In^l call playx. ociieir
ate In tU Oie i f U]Dor. aa h.- (va. aup„,,.tiialn aii'I wlthnul a tiriaont
YbcU~wv'to vtril hTm’aa P>"rif to be 1 f..u,..iy.e,«»r.l tu.^.i,
And ;riding <m t<-Bi th-r>iu iha
." •
... wiWa'^pieoIlariiy .IlMiKiRiwaaiqitri.
i hot Jalyday in Virgiuim
tarn ararivliu a (-old wind.
ai-ud-i rihi-ri'-Vn-w ......
••Hi. u-m.aitnid..ig nc* aatnal 1 camp.,
B-BJ'Hiflt V.
If prira for aaytb^. 1 Id 1 wan. (all wai narbid
(omim i.h.
prior for lliem.''
tbado anti tbeir aervaal bpeoed t
Ing nn ■■fl.TI tn ti-^p w.inu. li.-aoni'd
. ,
Bra WaaliUgleid waa ao tickled af pgrtmaniean. wblU they diveeud tben*
tbe banter that the fell Ig Unghuig and ’
Wk are u
waa )(uncd U ber lavorite parrot,
from a tnliilaiy atlitcdc. WaiblBglim'a
J,^-k«>ii'» Hole miinirv
parrbid Bear hy.


"Ab, toe." raid tba geanak not at all
tafllad. "yoB are a- funny fellow. See.'
mm ibal bird It Uugblng at yoa.''
Tbal Ibetv waa a aswildea of rrnib
ta Ue'a Implied acrnnalieB of rlowmiwi
at a bargain la borne ooi by tba well
bneiwif fact that Wactaingli
of the keeueK c'
It it aUotaldol

h*w ™I..,.,-!, i™


fifiy XhiUarm
-The Tmvirvelily Buaiaeaa
offeru flvt- aali(uli-d acb-iiai>b
tifiy doUai* cav-h, .f v»d hr!-.-.lal We nitxr Ui.w al thi« i
eo'abir ua lo «c«tv larg.-r r...mi
auendam.-v U noubl.-whi ’
jriwr ag-i and -nir pn-v-iit ijnarlrr*
bn anall b< aceunmiivlate the
log al'i.nilaenx.
Uiii uffer V;

. lUn a lilllc Umc fMmpir-.kbe aaw the o.hrr n.i.n.lnp
log hla kn.
kiiri-agulari a triw. fl-Wli
wrv- ll.woo of (iM-m.virv-lrlilng Ssapialu Bataa to Waahiagtan (or
d Il.-e* «pi hi. mlotliwi fwv Uof aix mllcA Theaiehl,
tbe toaagaralion.
bad a pieced wnuU-a-tW aramnlbU h., «ii,l. v.,r|„.«-d
Ha aawant <-f Ihr I'rraldcnlUl lliauaeelka* guraVi.m Ort-mnnlra Uarv-b ,Ub. tbe
ibonfu-'a waanutuTOi—nn.
Ann Arbor U I: will m-11 vacorakia
WaltWng ebanatag In tbe aoBai*'
Bu (Tilluaiy
tiid(rU In-in all aUI.<«i to Waakii.gtu
Xblawaea patfectlymtaral aad Joat
ntarham.. ..... ..... ...
aod rvtnrti al nnr fare fur Ihe nraod
Mark. Inn (ff bia ateoUta laok of and be bad

Ti.-keu will >-Ml* March Ul
far abd lava of danger, bat tbe eld
glovra made to crdcr. Hi
—-u-|jn<i and Jrd.’ limlv
Sagllab king. Orarge U, aeertugly ob. paid Iba Uborar hy U abiilinga: Bean- i
rh «lb.
f.-aiar-. tbcjipa Ivi.ivul^
v,,,.,.. hm-.
i at [
■eallbadeose to bia
bily comi-rr‘.cd, Tlia|^.lA» laf’
..f .. .-..I..- .tni> ing '
"Ha woaMo*l kay ao If be bad been.
•Vimili-rl ihiT.v
MrttobaaMiiy." And Htnoe Wal- general collcrteda the ovcrplai Of be» their enrpri
9 look at.
poUealM blB. beaaBcf tolanoia^ aaeood hnaband.
' l-ditKlfc and I
.a eod nM CkUOrTW.
One bad tn be carefal In marrying : baring
a "met brupin.''
h al-out him.
Aiwonlinc rii lt.e “D'.arv «l
■pfedroamt-ni wet wj.lh-rr wa. no .nrpU.'i
Ba panvid talmaalt ame tbn that to wMowi Ibon. daya U a - riiiow wiofaed i a peddi
iwIc-U. «Bil tbe Woniuti in r.invlvelinoptv." il
deeraard hoo- iedlrmaa aud alto ibcUan>.____ .
an BofUtbrnia. at tliey ware fottod to toel«trb. rwlfof all her deceased
aoBfaa. obI when taad with it in baad'a oUigallona tbe aeeowj time abe Wsataiagton ia (aid to bare laaglml
(crv'lK-m liv U-.B
IBM Ufa Uaepliaa (jalany. "U1 aid BBII be married wilb nothing on Ut bimarif off bia feel aadredUd
(be poles waa ao U uvy that It rv<to^-d
ifcr,f..r. whi-.-vU I hey. play vniaH
betifairt It Itrappoaed ibal Ihla on- gtoud in a paraxyam of mirth.
a. it wa wtaa I wa yoong. "
I-er’t" fc-r ike •l-■:l-••illinn (if (he"-I'-ov.
There an more aaerdotre on record
fonanaie woman wore aumelhuit bo11 wa wbea be waa yooM. .

cf hU.P-jlevty
reUilug toWaahlogtflo'i IraverythaB
udra al bet iwcaod nitpiiaiL
that U talla aalbnaUarioally of tbe
.' 1^ M^ion U the blrtele. which he.lH
Wavhinginn wu georruA ta Wa Birth or toclai aOBOmpUtbaiUM.
I'rlarwC imniQral a-Sd davrerotw 10 (he
- ineviiv A Lhi.kCL
IvJqiL We recall bU

all klnde and sizes.

Stew Pans,
Bread Pans,
Butter Jars,
Water Jars,
Stone Churns,

pervi.iu. Ul fi-ckoD a- i-<|unt t.i i.l •beat

and eyerythlng in this line.

.....ji“n.„:;fw: iv^"“tnirr,.r;,7..mthc(;reM,

... S7S'

{ Corner Front and Cass Sts. Irasene City.

B'S.TEiEf.”-?En&; -t ,E-.r.r; =


Obtained by adwertizinE
your wants in tbe Bsrald



'■Vablaftoo." wrid tU old .ladlu
"haU king” wbo had piloted blm
lUoubUia fmnew biifltvt
iBonay. "U a good na. be
iM«liiM* Ha would wot taka advice
Of lUlndUBA Utwai
AullHC aKbao, hog yeoia aflrr.
■at Watolngum acnl told bia that U
wa OM Of Ibow
kawva Braddook and bia aray, and that
U parrienlarly tried to toxg iba
ald-dOMipaiia rode biLber ami
aMKUtbal flfdd of bleed. B
find at Waablngttm repeatedly, aad
wltti ewnfal aim. Ut witboat aaoeaaa,
•ad bowo eowlodwl tUi U waa Inval•aabU kod BBder tba qieoial pnuotla
If toaOrat Spirit
aga of Ifl
Barawaor* his. d tU a*
Uty. istbe midat of avagea: "They
adaor a Urge Ctrcis and make a great
FUa ia ya BriddU Mca aBiibeBBlw
■aaadlt ta Speaker aakaa• grand
Bliiub, After U baa ftpUb'd ya beat
a SUepaad 1
Slag la a a
PMtbaU^tf «

K baaband in prmm. and bia loyalty
> tala old fri- i.da tbe Palilasea, allVr
tbey bad left tBii coaotry.
. .
Hit Agent, rtorli.g bia owe sbaennr
fram Biiuul Vmiai. waa ioitnivtcd to
be gcomioa and bcoinialilc. bat Dot lavHe WM to bestow al leaat ClOO in
riiy, ■•suraa wi II rated f(0 wtliog
the gvoetara ben winv before ]■«pic wlM coaid ool aiymniau it Therv
wai car lurance. buever.-of cnfoimd
boaplulity (hai rankled ia iiia boeota
tl waa when a Bnliab war veeaci came
ep Ibe Ihitoin*. and bU manager, in
order to aave tbe buldingi from dtwtraetkm. went oh board tbe veaa.1 aod forUatind tbe commaniier with (nab paoviiioiia Tba itnligoant WMfaIbgloa
arroce tbai be woold rather Ibe roemy
Imd imninl biabnlUInga to ibr grogtid.
'Again, one day Sodihg a ptwchfc
gasiimg Id («e M hia CTerka. far ftntvd
bia hrra.. iDto tbr water. atuM Ihe fvilow and dragged him ret of Ala boat
(BOtwIIbnaodLag bcl.ada gns ia bU
banda. which be paUicI aeeaetiigly al
him) and gave btm a gDod"faldlag" u
Hit waRAfai am over We alavre apd
bit iariDaw kaowltHlge of ibvm art
abowB la a letitv to Wf manager hi


"Sonb natfoot <m (WI tmr UgblTeoilbaabcu aocaaiccacd torerrivet
I pair of aborw. stocklogA a rnontty cloth
{petticoat and an (waaUig abifk all
',tvady aad^ annully. and U U not
meant to dianaliuDe tbcwi."
Tribe had no eompaartlooa St tUpplmt as amly waro U tbe Waoi (odM
•ad lira cold falnAed aaanrr iaalraettag tbe laaeur of Ibe veaa.1 io wbloh be
waa tut lo awap blm off for -•(w bbd
Cf Uwl Bolaaeea. our ditto beat ra&
ooe bid of tyaoce. If good aad cbeapi. ooe
pel of tamariudA cuulnliig abool tO
poatidA lwo'M.11 dlnocd ulxi-d ewawlmoau. aodtbe raWdae. Moota or UuU.

Buivx TO UAMijcrm
Wbea bit command broke 1 d Bed.
at fitaa
•I Eltira Landiua. after tbe n-tccat
Ktw Vork city.’Washington barriiote
a fury of pM.lciu. "Arv ibew the turr
with whom 1 am to dufend Amcrica-V
b%ahoDled. Al aomr be aaanp.d hie
^KoU, tbtvaicBed otbera with, bia
-tword. wbtdiy cegirdlpea of tbo (art
that tbe Brtlithwtre already close apu
him and that hia own life waa In iniBlUngrr. ft WM only when aa aid.
npaeimd bia horee'a bndU nod'
barrii-d Wn awaylbal be conaeotad te
"Whicb way U tbe Bemlan pl^!'-'
bcaokedof amao be foaod efaiWat
wood by tbe roadflda Umt gventtal

early vnarL
■•Sit. '--midaaedd. "tbU U OooeMl

'Win Not PerformilUiaclK
But It Will Cure.

----- ohCio.-----


amaiu'e roKitiaiTor waaatxcTos.

two men to plaee it in the ^tup wngm.
Vaahingtra w.-sld lift it with tme Land
rv. nerruu pr..i(wUo(. 5i4B)*
and throw it lo Ibe wagujai caolly aa
rxloour.bei tcteatikrallr.hgfim
Uestrai Waabtaguel" be if it w.-r* a pair of .adAjebaga He
toe renm of dlvene and tbaa
ouldvbold a mookri with o*e bond an.1)

tend. Ucnariof
abool wilb prrcivlon at rarily aa other
j sea did with a boterp<x-> '
■ weak point, and
wWlt"Bia langi were Mi
Wkabiegtn wga 1
.^1 Hia fliiget jpititi
B Uiw at to be wriwwf *AiiberrMUedal..-h.iaUrKvDaa,
ervethm of a ledmbu a aolld ebot atreek
* r-. MewB.
tataa. thrnwlag op a cload of
a Uter.




a, EU“V"7i



jUutfaa aa pw •«» °e >w< vvw w tvooe
'Vv «-iU noCboii j-ou with a loiia Kms and duice but wiU jiv. price, tp nit yottipocithlhMki


«".................... ,.........v............. ..

K«td ell wool wlttu
hcMrl-l^ Ixldio. 11

' While wateUag lU
aa eBbrararv. a maakel bail
agaOoet wblob ba
tegbu a

"It waa bia OBamaa to take a drtak
1 awakrntiig ID tbe
laaw him at AlexaDdriatliyi*rbef.».liedUd. UU botr

------ .....--------

' aoi choa^ I
.Uew aafl
tebOtaUI triief dtd aoa eome I weaBba
I wa* to-KUeT U—a. :

hp oBtwatd.
____ aapaeea how gravefal I am. ksr I aaaov I
'-Soob wwibecaafidtv pcrtraii limaad
BeUy wril. aad Mvatakaa
''vT^'k Iff an old aoldav. rnogbly drawn. Ul hr raw Bar BOMba- to. M
, rigorooi and probtftly tree to life.
> Ua<
AB(»«fil<uix.gaad(aiaally (allbfaI bu
k P«nR waa tut ffftu Iffto li«Hiti[|£

fWW WlMp
Shtrta (Of..


n-.ww WM. w. a-te X ■( nw .M. M.

____________ a—


jaekM.a»n.lB.I8.I4.1a. Q OR
nrwlurpele.a4.tu.Ml........ dOXO

».bn»nr.»r........ ..........o..o

rr. j- sosT,
IM Front Btrset, Msdrich BUCa


lieaily Broten Down In Hnaltli-Dr.
Sreonn's Nennira Sawil Him.


“^aafo,*tr_.^.............. ..

Boblered ap bf ^llowaTla a CaaUa
> took tbe taarrlafe eow. Bhe
"••y ■***)*
____ aadtba cbanra for bar reeo
a^hUM. Cftsada tkteuwu4 dart arapraabiar.
L ^ ata Md r^aiKiaaibU.
Maabapoa. tbe MWW paUtlad
O. B. MMM vw »«*rtalr <
Mtlar tba dadhaWnw of tba
hrated la a rmaa*v » Han«i
IBiowa laliu-a bar^artra foMS.
arlbl. B. A. Taraar, of_biaad Kaplda,
wbo apeat Ibrar paara ai
e pietara,
•ek. aad
brBt.4aka‘»tmara,aa«F*«^aec bafTraiirc HoWt B. Baaber aopeptad oa
*At ■•laar- d djraMlU ear «>piaded, baba.t of tba koardotrdaca^. Tba
bjajaa^tto tte II
Wowlac oB Ua Ua«b aad ta^j
yyllaf tba Baaded Baawll OaTk.


B. i. KalUa IrtaaataWek^ a AW Uteir parted wlUhb.wUa. __________
oaada> Dtfbl bemaiaad. laroad aa eoIraoaa law tbe buaaa aad took awe;,
bb little twe-paar-old ebild wbo bad
Ua baa alaee t
CawlarWt half dellaraaad ^aarteim. baaa >pgt W bad.
ruatalap tba woudi la a desMotiad
thalM^of the data a( l«M, an la dIUoB
lUoB aad faein areraUrb
>■ f~f*“~ aaaAV id larra . 1* rhlld Baat be dead froa . . »nra.
geoara fruB tba
roarefc of tba leaal
able locaub bin.


Blaek Palat Spy. a few alto below
[laBl. Florida,'1* bow kaown aa
toato Key,- froa Ua (art Uat a^
bare BnxIOaa boa toaoobtrolot Ue
biaad. Sararal yean are a eteaBrr
wlU a eifcaa foaadarad oft Ua biaoo.
Tbe aaake waa Uaa poealUy lo frwl
loaf; BOW reliable paraouaUla that
It ia to feet loof. ledlaa r«)drt are
alyatd to po Uwa alaee lart fall, wbaa
two of Itolr aaaber were killed by
Uaaaaka. torrral other perw>a* wto
raatarad lo lead ‘
loarbta now cai
Ibara to explore.
____ ________Jd b a
.D exUat aed tbk-klyr
■r Uraba.




la-kwd. ev ear be. eke ear alb w
aa. -i,


aa alaririe Iirbf
ria pcetoMy be erfmataad.

SUaii ea, -totaa*.. ...

■Spring Is the Best Time of Year to Cot Well.
I Everybody Needs Now This Grandest of
Spring Medicines, Dr. Greene’s Nervura
Blood a.nd Nerve Remedy,

btotto flaw*/Ito


( a Kar.iaw’. ear-half fay to. aad ear
Pater Hrown M tlaneeloaa waa ru
l^a beaiOy l^ad^etcb ^wbHe


fbartar A Tartar, hneedaw eeart nto
OreatarJi^ Tt-aiwattaraato hi.

badly iajorri-

Oara IbrtoB, wbo olfarad (be aarrA HarborJipriorB I
urns BoBCBTa.
loea of Ue lUd Crcaa eoeleiy to rrllera
itodeatluiloa aad dliUnarxbUar la
bare eialoa* of pood ‘WV.UAIUrT.rni hiiarary.
Co be. baa rroelred froa Hpaalah Ulabntarr. Tbeqaeatioa
Morad by.AldNatah Ooodrieh Ual
tcT Ue Luac a letter ta wblch to aaye ol a boBireard t
Prtoakey ud
bti rorarfuaeot accepia bar brorrulrat I
r^prinp. 1. toUp eellrrly aplU- be reporttiaacerpled asdelalaia be orTrr. and Uat Ur <j
MoUoa carried by yaaatod aay*-'
« for her I
I lalenUone aad j**

Veae—Alderarn Uobtp,
Mra. U. Kirk Wklla. wife of tba edi­
'T®^:'K«drich.«rTlllcW;SBlUr'Cook. Kyaeltor of the Uonaao Hraat. waa alnck
A* ^ ka. Uidie. Jaknaa and Oarruod.
•od aararrlr injarad b/ an raat boeod
pAaaanter traia oa tba Datralt A MU- relleec
waakra road at Uortoa. aU Bllia arael tbatbl
An Ordiaaare rntlilrd "Ak ordlaaao*
ofOwotao. rridap
al«bL Mia. - '
rrlBlira U Ue Ik-aatiap ol d<v>. aad
Tbe dewU of rblllp drew, at New
--la tryinp to tara bar S-faar-oia a»
Bto ahfBidaaa laBBeiaad ia axl
U* ranninp at larpe of aad Ue alayiap
Carlble, lad. brinpatoaiod a prruhar
M fall letuaoattlarmM. Tba mot I
laca^CncaUwaaranitUa KrIUo
ae. Joel afjpr Ur cliil erar. Knw
of dope,- aaeuetf'atrd and read.
niabid to pall tbr Im? ooi wbra aba
OBIBat. o( Ool^ *hleh tM ehUd bad
taatraok In Ur back bj Ua aorioai
Morrd b^'Aldcrmaa narrlaoe'f^kat
. pat Ibara la play.
The ileiuia Uaaoer aay*:
cltariap. Alnpi-hkia broke ai.d a.
and waa Urowa froB tba tiael
Iba ordlBi^ be adopted aad paaerdUr Boret aadiarprat .tick Ol
Mia. drtriea B. Baaaee dlad abddaa- child waa alao aararelp brulaad.
Iiak »track Brew la Ur ripbl
MotlonyUrrlrd hod ordlaaaee paeeed
tr «« baandkeaM ahkle atleadlar
■ • tody brlwaco two
way U toaakf-rri by yea' add aay aoie aa follow*
Clr<i« hriakutaa'a pamU died ia
Ml%toaa rtartlar at tba Blake aeb»
a lower Into of Ur
.................. rtUrt *aal of HeiM.
riphtlnop. Tber
Vea. - Aldermyn Uobba. I‘arkrr;
•od U C Uopkiae It waa kO fret
dlaappearad tnjratrHuaalp oaa Bomiar liak waa ntaer foodr%h. tlrrillrk. Smith. Gook. KyiBd about Ki Inchn at tto bau aad K
aad baa jatl rclDraad.
He aapa that could lire nearly t1 Iily-twn yean afl<
hla BBcJa. with wbuB be bad baen aral be* baea a myeter to Ua isrdi:
aelka. Imidlr. Jabnn* aod UarTtaon.
• lire afirr hia paranu' c •tb. waa trehlia of 8onU !
Nay.—None.. ' ■
Donot yoWcBito BbbU *nU jm
Ihe nrw||w ^
■aal. aad be a.kad A. M->aka aad wife NurUem lodUaa
Oa BoUoB of AUrrmaa Cook, daiy
WRt whit Mtebiynn oflera lafaUlywt
Tka bride ia a waddlaf at Ida. Mob' wrra boaod for Teaaa u lake bib arerml citlea earm
earried. CoancU ndjonraed.
tram Yon ima do bettor iriU l«p

Tbry Hdtird
taa eoBBt]'. aot 1ob« affo, wore tar
tocb __.
bodyta opebllrlokBao aarrlcd
aaM drat wbkb bar moibar wota on broaiaa wealthy.
•Ily Clerk.
• MaOar oecartoa U jeaiB afo.
daorfater Kalla, batarood edaAry abfl yrkSy ipIBaf.
pri"u7u"tbi* d/
B. B. Pewara. a plaabcr of Kllca, it
tlBberad ntafaly wlU Snor H^fa. ■
An OrtllBBace.
mU to bare faberiiad a foruua of to ret
Wtoaeeer Uebaibbao Bewarata In- fUrdaadVile of her Ml
Bock XlB. Baaswoed, Aak. Baasb. .
It h1 aanosBoad that Ua Aon Arbor
•HP.4W traa bto trotbvr-io-Iaw. H
la It b cuatulrrcd a anrr tlpn of faB- lUia th< boaor of tolnp Ike ynanprat
of dope, and
lallwa/ CO
HarboM, wbodM raoeatl; at Valeaela. lallway
eoapany bad made .a formal
le. Tba aipn baa nut b«ao waallnp
« |rthe
aUte. Mr.'
Mr. irpn'aUop ito Fnnninp atlarpo
nf' Ot.nuo in BraamU rollrrc «e
raceolly. The bamboo Irm bare burat
_____ yean of ape end ble wife U
• brtt lime to yet ercll I iwrd I t to able to «roek Bfakt and
Ur .<hyiiis nf.dO£*
la tba aerUm pari of <baa eoBBlr a
Strany aotfaBk
flower in all Ur aff-ctol diMricta.
Thrv hare a parat-imaildabpStrr.
•i.rdaiMd by Ue Council of Ptvplt------------,.prlayiartliriBclo pari- day a.m-wl, bgi l-.-niid mj elrvBfth toTbe ?kolr amfmaSS'L*^
.. _ *ald Uat Ur bamboo^will onie
■aladr tbr oatar* of wbirb U not rrt
Ue prrann of baby Woodruff, litt'r
..................d.irvnpttoa Uearrrew yu l''-lre«. I brvded Ur noir ol
for tkraaUblbbi
91 of a auB- blonid* indrrcoD-iiliooi ciratmotire U
tudantoud. b MUIapcf abai-p at a rap­
dauphlrr ol Mr- and Mn. Man-ial
ton-\ .prior Brdiciar Ur world alarB and tnrd to find rr-l.
ball to nnlawfal for i
laforcrmrai popolatloB. inafaly froa ■aaWra Bti
id tata. Maap faraen-are aoBerlap
alaieat eeary oUer kind of ereeutine.
- '1“J' pvtoin ■« own. po-w >t. or harbor, or aa-t cTcr knowa ta Dr. tirvenr'. Nrrru- it " --.Srrrora
llrfure 1 ba-1 «b1 Cknada.
cb work oa Ua aburra of Crjt— aad BO doabl Ur •.up'ratltloa bto lu Woodng.^^ U*
at ' arrvr remrdy.
Inrtd aod
r raa
la w«.
here'the oar* of ao.i dop. inalv or t- ra Unrd
•r <lr—B,’. NrrrufB bleed
For Hooka. Napa. etc., addran
U Ibla h doaa It will be of fuaadatloB In tkle habit of thr tiA.
' ‘a ("rrat
remrdy, r*--fr oo aad Bvrv,
B'.ly. 1 Ldd a very bad
en. She baa.i------------ .
Bair orrr thr apr.of uiirc* (ii mo.u*. ffciplf’*
Bbtaa Jaa. lUbtbe Oriroll poet of treat adraatacr boU to Ua eollare.
* al- bradtebr
ATYraull of Ur reeeal earttaqaato all direct blood relatlop.
wltoln Ur Cn., of franra Cur. Mn-h- which the , .
icr.wml, whlckotodBC
BalraUoa Atbit baa aa.UW t.too
lowa aad all tba •nrreuadlar reryday praa^mothrm. two Ipan. wluont flt.t ubUiumv a Ueeu.. way. drprod to /rl back Ibrir
•p eeliTvIy. Ml that I could not work
pepr (aeUlMaaad Wdlatrlbutrd urer
I. No prrular p-laco caa be fopnd ahoeka. nhl.-h were frit throopfanal
b. Ur
Ur Brdiciar
Brdiciar *>l
wbli'k Bake.
' wertb of riolbUf anaV nrarljr for a CbatilaqaaBawably troMBd itan l)«la<-a, and in the mure diMaat parte
toUrre aad two prealI all. but .lane I hayan Ur om of. Ur |
>lck errll. aad kerpa
Freal-irr*n< joUrr*. Fire prarraUoa*
i tB Nen orv I have not bad ti_______

a new eolmi
•I* dor
Ua baaka of that baaatifoT lake.
-•and and ptrircl.trraytb aod riyor
__dear of Dr.
a f.irtk from.unr of Un
lire w.iUln half mllr-of eackp'taer.
TtoOatral Blaa. wkUb for Ur part
it ta.tiir remedy atatrr all eUrra to llrecnr'. Nrrvnra rinwrlhcB
.nail to pTBO'rd lor a period ri
. .[-B rctlrrly
• ICoalrpec. i
ipaay bai deoldrd to tbrer yrar* be* bi-rn Ur oolr copper
draiin l» pourinp
-va^el-eil t
I Ual city aad Uat,pr.rtacer la Keweroae muoty. aad
Kiid. t.f pt-iiplr alwaya um iidorlBy
to mt-in luy errmua oBtUttoa.
if labh ami aahn.
U^daj o^Apr.l
lar mrrtinp of fityVdnncil held
-rd by dra at Oatoaa-1 wbicb ha* toea ruauiar with redaerd
Kyatcma laiThr acre frvltnir wbich I had la at
' forora for more than two yaara U add-' Ur iolihblucB of Cua>,-p.'c aod aur
icIlrooB Feb. IS. ■»:.
are <-hl.-h alw.vacame on by oer^
roar.Hntt «.uatry are wbeh aliraird
pviwo- •
Mayor telnp atorat. mertiap
». W. CtoBwall. of MoBaU. baa Joai lac aaa to lu pay roll daily. Ue oa-. for Ue aatrty of Urir Ihnaad
-r. n( nerrya ami
rwbiiat nd elyorona
i work and prcaimird mv has ool apdarproand
■laaeB a eoaiimri wlU ito Colobbli
hrnlib <a all ca<MW
lollow-Hta Biw.
llM to order by W. W, SbIU.
tara lollow-nta
; prarrd at all .tnor 1 look 1>r, ticevn-'i,-B -l..< to Ito rrp.
Bleyala Oo. to farobb Uaa ii*i.oo( barlu rrratly improrrd of law. The
Hint f W. WbreliTof Iraabunr. Vi .; Nrrrnra
■ d ami aerer remedy.- liri
(errd by frarral arwriptioa and it
rr I* eenrorty any ekaBm f
M|da rito. which awaafas oatlty ol Araold mlee will nwem* aa«t weak
ridrif known aad btyhlr bunortA.’, and Bar it
to week 1a Cabal Mtl-e..
FrcMPt. Hohha.; Parker, BaBflifant! la Ur olii.-e of lb-Cii
• bo'^aa bira Brprcari latitr la <br
MW for ihbor e»d lor* at that all aad the c- pper Fall* Bay abo >Urt op.
"r. Orernr’ . Cathartic
' '
Clerk jn a np->tvi k-i<i by u-d On
. occur alBoet daily, eao in thrw
rltlnr Urea actirr laiBr* to Kawreaaw
(ioodyirh. lireliick. Cook. Kyiwlka. Lar- fi-r Ual purp-wv ami to pap U- ilocm
VrrBHjBI Itrridnture. S.______
lalttr. and for
lUafiT bll.ubaOK are p-o-rally ei-U.ylcu.
**lt Alptoa. Uba Bella Boa* waa lalaal« ycaia TrruAorrr of Iraaburyh,
b. Bar*
Urn. (i.iBOZ 1* e.*eanrirp up>a ll-«a die. Jkbm^.andVkrrtaoBand IV. \v. pniridrd lO.M-t-lioli onrillcif tb-w-ird
•]y iBfnad Uat her aUtrr aad/tae UtUe
aanev lot-- Ur (ttv Trva-nrr. aod ali
tVrjlrr. who I. eallfap for Bore ir. «-p' SrniU. Ito.. pro Idta.
B^ba^h^parbM l^a ^ralaf
to witliatand bim. Ill wirn hr h.> 3:.On
Mlnutto of tail t^lar BaeUap werr .... .-1... ufMi.n my
Two prairie acbooam paaek-dUroerb M>Mirn> and tlxa.-e bat C.iaai. 'i'tic
Ue aar.—: -I bare to r for'Btol cocervafn
i*.n r ily for the
-alcUa ia cariny
Bay Cltr Friday aflriacB. They ere/,
atoat riyht trara In a cObtHtio. whlcb dtarares. can to
. Aulb for aaaoftl daya, belac aaable
lived free, ia perIp ol ,ucii tio OM. a
ckiap alroclliei are cuailunlly readaad-dpproTedl
toaad fnr Irmyllne. Craw'ord coaotr,
•cmird to me toappij.ariilny nrreoita bob ar by litter.
, '
I ui
• opoa brlplfae woairo and ■ ftoltioa;,
<n-.akloe d..wa.-cif i.rt^-ttN prmtratloa j __ ________________
'• 4aaofa Patertoorb. af Plperioar and canr frua White ••onolr. Traa.' ckildrcB and aped 0.
T\. tto B,f«..mWr.tAr"i and rilp ' li**

Cheap Homes





Farming Lands








eR>pa.hfaIUr rita




Pioneer Livery,

' ■

Sale &Boanliii£ stable.

bewwblp. BnriaaOs.. wbodird Uera



Bto UW ar. Thry etirlrd away arrea •
aro next Mondu a^d expert in
(Iniylinr the miUlaef Ur week
-- ■ ». Bird to liae in llrvllar- «»d
. At Bar OUf. » Uiaa-rtar-old^daorbthat Mkfalrah brood aaourb for
taaofJoha Caaalay, awellowad'a Ua
Bbiu. atlaabad to a piaea of aaody.
Ibe wateh eaaaot be ramaard riorpt
Iprab^^B^^d balBaat aara to •early ino yran old. war fonnd frown
n her iniamblr boar la Arliaptoa.
where .to bad llred all alono.
A col' At Oweeaa, two V
nnd aaa owalop tbe tana oa whirh
______ aflar. fat oow. bar llltlr hat atood area faUrbabitof
■Cpaeelbr aboet Ue BOW aad Ura looklap after her arwla
—------- j
Ue bad not brea la for a day or two
riBC troa aad foaad her la a beep breldr brr old
ioBribUr^ le^ iMt htorr wlUblackroed woto iBkIde. bbo
Cbbf aiBBob pabaroa. iH Ua l-etu- bad tto bout* ua whldT Ur uinally
wore, aa old coal of tor baafaaad-e and
wabjeatatrlbrof ladtaeiln
annid hood a* tbonpb coaUBpI
aa effort U pat oat for help.
atUeka laada
lUr kbtarW



Ue^errwk pa^
b^ aod the fUaM ai
. ----------.mandaaeleto PraNU. b likely todb fira Ue town, burainp twabridpeaai
beaey loaa.
mnhai Thantot. a aeNrBa at t
UtotbeMdladaoddeBly. A po

’ »to

A trtrpran Hondae

llrlpbaB City. Cub. waa rliited by
Ue braeleat cartkqoake abock errr
ed In Ike ealley oa Wedanwa^eoBeerec Ual Ue bell la
' flee or mix tlaea.
Bebadiuriadittor The ah
a fatt at tar norU aa

lloa LmrBT*- «< ' - U while atoUar ead ratoei^^wa^'irri tor

<ea UlUhalL of idaha
>t of Ue Idaho Cbrittlan
>ni<m. hat'baen alaoted
aaflrape for Idaho.

J^ OBBl bad* aadarlyier Ua fanlla
BeMiy- A rfah tala baabaea dUaOaar«d ea tbataraiaf Aaraat KlaiafrlAl.
A r~npar ta batar foamad with a
riowofrtSlw a ahatv

A priaoaer of UoeUlla____ ________
iail. who me away while oa parole 4n
........ baa written Ua wardea a letter


Uefff.m Titarcr., C-bv-|



rrabaU beforUwiibalatnby-Ue
anderai^rd.lljj;';-'-, pn-t.iird
II the Spaniard, and at Ur kerrby aak prmliwloa to eeweb Ur
■ •y.: l-ll .*1111 b.
■hr hayonrl drirea oyrr Ur Wlrphoar pole* oa Btwr atavet and o
lett. • l.rk Ml krep i
on WaUiopton
iVaUiopton aUoct. to
tooaatinar tc,
' doir.Jievu.rd uod-r
tar line to Oak Itark-K
r famlar In Indie
u.^irv r-c-.pi for i


V —ft ahall be nnlawfal for aay
itooan kvr|i or hatbur h<iy
aqy doy.
. by lueidaitd f roocat barkloy.
ly or rrip-ny, ahall cnaar ai-Bqy■yof Ue ci.l..
Mlcbipan Tvicpbokc Co.
m- 10-ltto'v
9 of AUlrnnaa Uarrtaoa. plate, (crbr- . a. may b- c9r.-ew.rT
to J-t.tiy
j-t.tiy carried, uld pelitloa waa praeted
i.«pr a. hr .hall nee
Ir-.IO hrill of»Bch V-neck o. l•Mhlial. bii pruciama-i'-a ft <iairiry all
’ r.iii
raeh yran b.Tinp
•niay or hariiiy Ib charr- or
oy jriy or tl..y» tit -tinflnr
■hvao^Ufir pretmaraf—a p^acflhH
i.KURX — Wr. the underelpard
r C D T . aad for ._v.
-ocuroani--l^'ownrd nr harbnred or '
tm.W-r., of thr Fir»l Vtosbytr-Un paid rirl.trr oar of ibrM n.vuil.
kvpl la rkarrr by l.ita. t.r vl.all al.u.
rhnrch af Tiaeerir City, aak that Ur , p au-. or oircu. to ti.v priwon - pet any day to c-ajM- or yo fr-ni hia prrm
fax for Ur yrar leyu oo lot .. bluvk a. ,n.r liceae- iio'.to ruck dop a>id • h.ra. .hall to Itab-r. on e-i- victloB b of Ueoripinal alai to remitted for thr
tafvFto- bmitlmr r-cacr.. '•■re tto pmtM-r trtiooal, lo !••- penal
rrn»e Uat uid lot ia chnrcb proprrty. ■ a,.o,r.Uie proTi..-n. of Uia ordmaaw Ira p-v-terb-d hrmn
Diirihy thr
•iin-pr wrltwd bT the

Inennr.'irablo U wi
a hat urn.
•r. of 9
It Jubbii 'poor
inoer ii'
poumlt in wri|
til cnaoe waa drawn (
iminp Uroalliae of
c linto nml jolnu had
>1 arUeolated akch b .
.miaraiw mipration to tlir
Awan tea nrdrne. I.sno prraon. pninp
Urry weekly. dra.rllqp ihrir wlrrr
and faBlIiM. Jabbnlpoor I. the wnril
af aay part of ladia
It ta mtliiutrd
that Ur pren at fajslne U Ur preatrat
of Ueemlnry anffwin pn/klly rarpart
• at of Itwl. toU lo arewand aeeerily.
.jofaalne toll extend* to Bawalplndi
and llellaiy and i. I.v.i nilea lunp and
■ Total.............................................
too Billea wide, Tata ta apart trua U>Ii B-,STTwaNt).
Mattered dlalrlcla.
la all Ue rU-r
Chairman of Ur Board of Truatrra.
tricU Urrr te ao ekant^r of a food t...
Morrd V Aldrriaaa.llebba Uat i:
plyaatll Hrptrator.
Whole elllarrr'
aredrrrrted. The peeareBralk policy ; pelilioB to rifcfTrd to Uw.CkjB. c
lalBt aod Acouonta.

raUrrto Ipnorr^ Ur^faaMotion carried.
Itealpaatioa of 8. N. Brnioe:
Hay City. Mieb., Feb. IS. UKT.
bare to rrc.irrr lort timr, aad owiap to
tto acarclly of Ur periion* three yran
tbe people will ea.Ily roocoab. Oat of
UeTMt'iOO iotobiust* Of JobbalDoar
iiB-l brieb* reai^ By pneltiabaat IW.Wn are aew r«alrlapt«Urf.
■ aa mcnitor
-rntor ol U
Ue Board of ^acaUlchlpaa. ,
on ol Trarvraet City.
Vrey truly yonr*.
Crelae affair. UT aaenaliip _
a eerion.
. . aad
___ Boaidrd.
Merrd .by Aldrnaaa iioodriob that
dared wbal lb< allied
I'owcn wauld not andertakr. and Tar- Ue reeipnatloB to accepted.
key i* on tbr edpeuf tbr leap
Holloa .carried. '
raed war. The .Blue
.altai allll thiaki
Beporl of c>.BBittere oa Clal9n*aad
Ue Fewen will notallow Ue ntolJloB
troabir ACCOBBlai
Trarknc l^ty. Mieb . Frb U. Imc
U di
i!ne<U^d wiI*l™not’to^ Jbito U(m.nviMc Ifir .Weyf
ba> nailed for
r.iuncH of Ito CUt (/ Trai
ndulU wen
Tbe akin li
Ua face,
ikullt aad





Taleat yav taaaa dnva to tto Pim
I»T»tab--a wi
r af tawllay 1
which lia. Iwt-d |u
I by expert, a,:., ito. ...
lo d»«r Lot-k Ui tto Cniitai
•drw It ta. MiearbMraato
■ aad (fart
Urrrfurw. bvl

iFifcar roD


la a enty rtoi aaliaiay.
little ylrl wtaitahon eujoylaylBr
rxprriratjr of Ilrtny la a block
I dracrilird it In a Inter lo aooUer
eball atau laaut frrv of e >arpe
pTMta''ativery queer placm
9 •
•bau''bt'''fi>>ibwiih tlaln.
'* Krxt door la faalcaed
10 to tarai >rd by tfr C.nn
. iivVVhn..v.r cmplalti
•plain *b.i| CUeayoBaooiA._____________
inat oWnrewof dop.
per ti
aiay obtain at i
tare for .ecb dop.
K'ity of TravrrwrClli. and Itoper-, .
tprpala ta iU Baaner
aBb.uolial a.wn.) and
red. lilTc Be rrwL"
not hvrvt.J ooBipcUtd to
.tomach yon mart do ila
f.raiUrd by Ue City.
bcc A—li.ball to the dnly
^otoUad of enriv
owner, poueuor. or barboni
.ueb rcpi.tcrrd dnp. to place •
-.'.aid dry to alav tbr .amr "iUfa i
to to placed arocad the
•rty-eiyhl 14-1 houra afirr rrerlrlBr!
‘ |,
.neb dop. a >o.U>>lr enCar. aa
from wbal ta with..1,6, ...k«...,b,
to .B»h collar loaitacb nr mnw. to to
attached thr mruH.c pl.t- or cberk eo
furalUrd by lOv City Uerk: aod If any
w.Vrrp-r or ito
j ttir^ta ^
prrMD .h.l. place or eanw W to placed
epou thr co-lar or er-mnd tbr o-ck «i
aeyeaebdiv. anr coout.rfvit of th>
OteUlllC plate or ebrek ao furEl.hrd by
loticr of Ur toorf ‘
Us City Clerk, or any .aca Bruiltc
,.^ i trial bctllr will oonriner yoa ef IU
1 thrr- o' bef-rre t
plate, wlUout thr lieeaM lor tto krep
of .neb dvp barinp
bari^ Hr
Qr.t tocn paid.
rein prv.cnL-d, and it ..... w
..v ,
eneh pritoo eball to liable to tbe pen
tv of ant politw oflisrr W fonbwith
U»ol t. tbr brat medDInr forehUalUe. h-map-TiTiiird
in ^
t-troT tbr d<w of .neb oflradrr wbrr i •‘rr”
fawtora khtli tot Ur doty of U.
rrUraamemay to fonnd at laryr I'*< twaltw Oil.
« er-avirlion
•trlion of aoeb
aticb owi----------------------------

“y n^Tto i",t,a‘^r;;:^;tT:.' “



yiaaaar. Taa MU alway. fat a i









"«■ i sx-;.X"“o2;

At Sprinpfleld. Ohio. Mn. Pae. U
aped wUe of Bee. Wmaai 1. Fa*,
W catMd cowMaraUa loul faaa well known fonaerMeUodlrt BtlnUle..
bto^a wo?^.l dUplayof »u»l. fall dead ia Ue pulpit'whne ubortiap
al a blp nwieal at Fellclly Uoaday
r aaBt* wlUleUa peat Uraeer reenlnp. Tto eouplr celebrated Urir
aaiBUa. *ad WIUU baa «
poldaa weddlap only three aaentba


Italy U tocoBlop Intereatrd and ber
-eet. BIT ordered to eoaGralrau at Xapin iBOMdiaUly.
There wa. aol Buck ebaapr io Ur
Mtaallan at Cania Moodhy - Bumlnp.
Tbe furaipn conenta aad tfarlr .taffe raBBln abOtod Ur fureipti warUlpa Ue
Cbrirtiaa poirraor of Crete I. aboard a
Ruealan mna-of-war and Ue of
atlreek war-Ulp
hlnp totwe
and Ur____
ChrtaUan. cooriaaraHac.-ve.tnallU• little
llltl adra
oton tora‘ukrn u
•n\ of all e.ilooi
Tar Mna*alBaa>
of Haifa aad Ur CkrieUaa. ol that eirlnllp an aim
alM UlrmtabitoUIrmtabito- AU Ui
(orwlo BreU beer been relaforcvd
warahlpe a^ exported. The'
*1m bora reinforced nnd sore
Urewk troope are expected
It ta un-'antood Ur foraipn adBirata
bare iworlird la.Uarllnii. lo orreeal
aay opra eoafllettotweea tlrtok* andUr Torka. >aaday opwird oBln»<nly
. wfft a buBbardBeal of Caaea
hr UeCK^iUoa.
cirtalUaa. F'
iob Ue
tto keipbi
-----jif Ihr toWB c - inbotud
■ were poured ..
tto fated
city, eretatinp lar wQdm racitrBrkI

actioa be^atoa" by^ C^Tcil at
• • 'Itarrifw 'Ta
binibaltto “httcr to referred to'
Oirector of Ur
laemtio"Ukr Ida,lion aodadj-utBcBt...
4ud of baBrtdlaaa** Joat batora hla
•me of eX'Cen
kVr wonld iwooBiicnd Uattbrtaxe*
wUa WB* toriad Wedaeaday. Mra Laai
deep f<wr_.loaU
on real iwpprriT »«>'4 *>J Hannah. Lay
d. niay to rvdecaj.c
•ratod baaa 111 aoB« tiBcof blond p<ri> Wllkreharrc. I*a . bu
ba* b
brea drotroyrd
A I" '.,tu North Mich. Aayiuin to oat repenod. tipui
•aiai. aad TaBwa bid fraqBaaUy aal—tnae It fllB.Or
d.a.a.ivr s r
•haw ato dbd to wealed to db elan
nay letci ll
■ed Ual Ui
taat tac ..
iMBia waaei yaaaaokl. bbwifr to.
etatr and ouualy_________
tax oa
impoMd ba.
SaU mate Iroa Ito SeUarlaada la onoaiap Ur
ed raiualijo ef torwmal
torwinal property Ulepaid lor.uc-* d-ip aad npoa pni

Striobeiip. to aenttoMtd
It. jaBoadfor
ItoMtd p-M9oil-nta'of a poaod
Bantaa aaaaty farmara aad
City Traenrer.
wb!<-h wa* tolaprapUed
fee of dftyftaii cekta.
ltd a fnr^i
BIwvBte of amll tralu areplaaelar b>
jf utld unm
xm tolar
a at hie laUrr'e elreaior
tn-o ef iw a>y-flee
rt.u per day
. - ----------rn. O. Ur waa drawn U
rrday .echt
hare brim iBpnni
inded nndara:
rnr rabed dfly arraa Ur botlOB, and tto 8r«t kaown of It
J. n.^p^nu
alim ef Uta old'a
taadUIpped oaar to.- waa wbrw bU body alopprd Ur oatpmrinrof
ka«oatablrbar prodl
CkiBBkter on ClalB9*and Aceoaata. I. b-rrbr anU.ea-d t ■ c-dlrcl
bln. Tke lad wa. anffoea
naa b BatoebawareUer klada of
Horedi by AldrrBaa ^lU Uat| the provided lor ia (ccltoc five 111I berrof
Tbr lioaae of Betope
report be accepted aad adopted. I
a aoompht flea enr^e
The a-ymr-old daacbtrr of J. l.lo- UlanJ, Sew York, enup
ord by
Motion cnipied by yen aad any. Votr
•da. arto llreB aoBUibat of DlBoa- fnaaday moralap aad i
Bato. triad to alar Ur aioaa doer.wbaa
w laatJutloB. Owl« . _________
toadfbftdrawberetottoala Ua abwa
H look Ifaa Uaa a Biaate u>
Md aot UOB oa BraBar abra ear- -wlpUnrituUlfa.
e 1^ frra tbeir alrep. and
rtadtoroBlol dootm aad raa for tolp.
w lawinl for aay
Bat briara Ito aoithbort aniand Ue
....................... -V.
veeof. itavior iB
MmU aaawaaae araaraly bBraadUal
Ue flmt whofooa-l
r danceron*;
toadladaeMaflarWnm-n K. Maorrbrad. and
lor fnruer oarupaary. Accat.._____
Suieawnt Board of PablleirnriB.
of tto Ohio aUle aaleeralty.
lea uBt off from 1
wind tor Ue aalTcralty aa Al

,» hnrborerwH
............. wiu
epdrdlly coareyed to a Bne• a'Food and raiU —it aaf** raaderloe
r tart
, where be era.
. eordiallr
eordLtily : art.
ai .ltlspoeaiBlc 'iv eaU day fa bifa or
beat Ban aarr1a«U<
-leoBrd. It taoaaaidrrrd fa to ««■ [ C«a».a *■ MJeaaKaUi ■
wiU ProhannrCHwIa 8f
Vto Brat aaQ lab*..................... ................. aoai
: iS
e-llaballbraaUwfBl far
waa aa Pab. t. aad It b rzpaelcd It will of I
boat wbra b* |
— owaer. Bnnwiiw or oarborer of aay
^letoam^^ way aatU Uaopeaooald bare arallrd AlBaalf ol the pro•**> feBaiadop. knoeriaoly to panait ber
fa ran at larr* wbllr io bmv eiUrr
wItBtm aaek ainu>e. aad li
At at. Aaaapb. Aeaaph OBbUeker: It b
aid. Itaad a rae^ to. wbUa dlctlaf fnend deed i
ehalltoUrdBly-f the pmad
and of Ito pMtor lo frwUwiU M>« ep
Nr a aallar. wblU ooataM alBiat are ia hi* IlL. _______ _____ ________ ...
_____ ________
Maead by Aldsmiaa Oasfc Uat U*
J. Nttiar torid* bM body waa bta






. . li-rr’-i-vv.-

fuaeald^ Boa- to tolirfto ta aa ladiaa ebbf wbo
fined B U proetot It boa briar

rBSff you WAST
tMrvWtaa Ireoad Pirtila* to Anaer Lad*
fa tiM
ta. rrmedtie Tee Teari Aye.
Tltr llrtliah vxpnUUoa aynitiet Ue
wbicb baa now ractod tk9W- lalalarla*MUw*ahera.
Ur Mir. baa made bobb ray

SS T.“'-i^~ ■

e farel^coBaataUkc^ foand
^ ncupfad aad rialBa ba trBMtaaary lo Bor Ur cBj. aad to ataak derad paid a* recOBBeodrdi
abrlter fa Ue wanblptof Urir rapee
MotloBrnmad by pM aad MJ


1) of Ibia

/• .

•,f >1 •ail to puo'.hvd by a flnr of not
than twv .f| dollara. nor b r.
flliy (VI. dollara
—0019900 jail of Grand Trmraar eoontr'
or la thr city prtaoa for a p-riod of
nntlcaaibaa two •?• dava fra- aorr
than flhv.y ’..I, da.ia^ And
Coarlof ffayttra'r Uall oaly iiapw.
a flnr and er»t it.r ••If.eil.r Bra* t.
etroted lb to Joiprlti.iird in tbr com
on jail of lirwad Travrrar ooBBIr. or
Ur r ty pr aon. nniil tbrpayraalef
h floe and erwt. fw a period not cs
r-Hay alnrtv itio-daya
Sac ll-Oidlaaoe* aamber Uirtyr (U) rrlatlve to doya aa tormrvly
la ferer la tto VilUyo of TmTcraa Uty
MIebiyan. 1* farreby r-peaUd.
war t4-Tbr moo-ye artalny from
•to lieraar providrd for in rrettoa Oew
( I of Uta eedlBOoe ahall to paid Into
Ue CityTraaaary. iBw-bair fa to ered
-dloUeeonUnyent fend aad tbr ret far tto iia



Hotel Whiting
TiMTAn# OiWe

WEDIESMT. MIC8 3, 1897.


Sec U-’___________________
rffret fa terenty (M) daya
^.dotoreby orrtifyU^Uc ftoe-

W W. RniTB. preoti..*
4. H. Bicsrat. Cttr ritot
■ow-B Tfadf'

To Young, Middle Aged and Bid Men

Cl dflakTU U rarv

i—.SS— pm^




wa. ar. aaaW. wraama evtotall

DRS. B. S. & GO.

•» «* «mM W mw.*.*.W«ite.

"------ btoaaal



nm mtr >■■
Tn»- C. BMn.

Ow»tf III..... .. M «r ^ ■•

• «d -n w• a*r- r^^rfwin « •rm>
ta •MoriM, aM
I liiraa Ma* traabraad iMV. i
* f7l>C la** fcr »h*
>•< -M
tkttelMi«. n>««


M,*4Wp~ki>ClU* b«J«ila~aiW
•a* MtalM hopa
«M* k.
daik omM 00MMI7 M
Onlar aU Ul* Ui
IMl* »UmM toUa gr«M b
totoaM. ao4 thrPMb tb* —mm
mrlj tUlol iMt MUOB b* n.
aMlUafcfUtaU «l>«>rlb. tatlar
1 tw*or tbraCaMiba h«
od V>bw}i toU* boM*.
Id aoBiBr*. Ob H«v
, ata aaat oaddaa^
• dv Boralar tba
: Md p*Ula*l7Mr. Nobk* ww bora la FklaTra. K.
' Y.. Aac:
mi. Aboat
;; bl* fatbar-a iaallr ia»o**
trltar. aad *
M ttaab)*n

d aaW:


Otaatj OoaraaUeo.
Tb* aataaUa wa talltd to ordtr
At t ^ at. W«da«Bda7. r*b. 17. bf
ObalTM J. m. Nara
H. C. Dodc* wa oboaa ebalraaa
aad P. C. mibtrt •artUfJ.
Ob aoUoa tbe obalr appotattd a
MUn J. W. MllUbta. Jm HeDoaald.
; r. U Jobaaa. V. tW-rtyL aad lb*


Ue drac batlata ta Denar, aad qtIta­
ly acqaliad a baowMc* af m
aadataUl a* lagcoa tbat tao
aflar ytaiaa bltattaf la My
IB Bortbcra Hlchtaaa.
Mr. NoUa wcBi to CbllforaU. leadtay
at adroataroat aad •aootiafal lit* for
..oopUat jaai*'tataiBtar ta lUI
la m» Mr. Noble coma to Bib RapJt. wa* eaployad by M. Ciaw
(aray*ar,wbra£*boocbt Mr: Otawl
tatarati ta lb* batibaMaad tb* Brat
brcaar. D«t*r * Nabl*. Wirt Deatar.
of Cbloaro taloy the oibw nrwbcr of
tb*«'B. Arnataimaebatiaeatwa*
qolebly baUl ap ood»r the direct bmbaraiaeat of Mr. Noblo aad wae bpa
Uaaairer Baay year*, aad a* loaf •*
Uw plM latted. wh«a tbe bard wood totoreet wa* take* ap aad eoattaatd *•
ao isportaat braata of botlaca* aatil
tb* pnMBt Uwe.
la tbe BMBBtlnc

• ataUr
t. Alaff
a Jatpbla* Bata to
a pialbl* b racard to tapartaat
baria Baalta1.7ltitaBK.tldt <d
a^t aaatar<d lotT.blataA.TnTtta Otyol ttaaaa wta tba ta abU a dltaa. UalUcai
bat* to I
aaara trblta aaj *r aa; ata
tiralad ttaa llta l*Ua«tad aiWi
bicoa» law daftac
Ml priiiat tba ataaar* ta
Howard Wbittec to W. A Parple.
Uaporiaal to Mraati aad
4«o. •



(eat.TraTct** aty
■ tbteyaar.
Aoata D. Laan, Loetarar.
Preat -Woatae Matt.
tm— a*|M, BrreM, r«b. 17.
Tbe Mleblpae Wob*b'* Prea* AmI
•ttaa wa. rt-pcBMted at aa eaecatlr
held at (be Uriapeto* hotel
yeeterdey afieraooa by Mr*. M. E. A
Halo*, prtaldeal. Trarerec City;
Lecy A. Uenretl. Brat rile ^nidrat.
Ueuoit'. Mr* Bell* M. Perry, third
rice praMdrot. Cberlotie: Mre. Mery A
Slewmtd. trcaearcr. BtlUe Oreek
Mr*. Ploreoee A. Cbeee. Uraad Baplda
aad Mr*. Era U Ullio. HaUle i
Beoitaia of- Ue eaecutlr. oobb
Mtm. Bale* preeided. and Ibe Berllep
coaUeoed airtbc afteraooo aad
tbe crealap. Tbe bB*jOc*i wae prin­
cipally of a raoUne ebaraeter. but wae
of Importaaoe to the welfare of the

Fab. t. IMH.
Wbu. Oraat,
la U70 Hr. KeU* aarrlMl Martarat
.Halt. B. J. E. Bwtaf, wbol* I«ft to Boora her
KibBtary D. Reward. preat aad InaparaU* leaa.
Tbeaa ar* flr* eUldrea.
ofUladtleee; Mary C.. wU* ofUoa. D.
A Dark, af Tnreia* Qlyi Mr*. Belra
A Ballard, of lUlaola. aad Bdwl*
l■ort•r. P. Fc Lar- dear* aad CbarlB Bwlap. bou of Elk
y. B. Rrowa. A d.

HaRaa, Prad A. Pntb
- Oao. W. dtawi -

" 'dlLVair;

ss.ti' - 53.«

Value U $12.6a



; Reliable Dr>‘ GixxJs. Carpel and CluthinB House.

Coarad tVeltIbr U N. BaeUBMtf.
wS af lot IS. blk IS, Trarerai aty—

Ibat 1* whet1 Ue KOMBoa* that
Coupb aad
are beapbt Ibe
Caurrb Boot dorlap tb* pa*t tour
week* are dolap.



- Traverse Cltj-. Mich. ^

The Greatest $3 Line

Ttarera* City. MleA. ErA 17. VT.
I pledly lire ay Weliawoy ta repbrd
to U* efficacy ol tbr Coierado Gniph
end Camrb Boot Three year* apu it
rated quit* * ecrere (W*e of catarrh for
ar aod I barea'I bee* tronhlcd with
catarrh eieoe.
Ho* A. T. Rent

There are a naaibrr of realooi
Trarrrer Clty^mld b* U* beet plac*
ta Mlulpan lor**eb ■ meetinp. ‘ It
hB wariralled railway aad boat ecooccUona Tb* A A W. M.. O. B. A 1.. _____ .B||»r worker* of tbr elate barr
A A N. M . A, A a*d H. A N. Aroad* BOred ta oUcr BelA aod U> mrBb
each raa ***eral f**t iraia* d»Uy tale
af *OBe bed Upeed o* aCMoat
the city. IVChleapobcateBakerep- U^ rrtiriap IroB bctlre aewnpap%r
nlar tripe, aad the bay boau coeueel work. Two sew laeBben were elect­
twtae a day wlUall the aclpbbartap ed. Hr*. CurnJ. Dcotaa *1 UU city
1 Mr*- M. A. Frmtan of CbarloUc.
Iraad Tca<
a Leppett. appetaVed l**t- toBBUrepioa. Dorlap tbe
lotal ep Ue snur of ioisiap tta
lalTBle* are pirea Oi
NaUadal FroB aBucUUon, read ■ comItdBty toreeotberaMlefaipaa peaple U Bonleatloo troB 1‘reeideat Sperry
pet to U* tnvlpo
of Ue woBko'* n*Uae*l pree*
DorUerB take*.
No beu«r boteU are Ujb* toBad ta
Ue etaU. aad epcetal iBlcB woald be
Prleai* board ooBld aleo be
who attend.
1 be toBBd for

A alee betlt op ue
Mr. NoUi. '

eooltaaad a* rice prealdeat of Ue
M. J. oari. daba Paat aad
^watloa aad fcBeral Baaaper of the
Oiaa Lolw-Wat J. Brldf*. Vfm whole baetafai aatU U* droU.
Hr. Noble wa. Barrlod ta
Data. A. A Oattb. C P. TaUtr aad
lara A Beaia, ol Watateuw
.b<m dcoU oeeattad at Elk Baplda.


^ T>. B. square cut styles—

O., who war* ta Ita elV aa^
old-tiB* frteata af Mr. J>oU* aad fas-

wlU ta eoBttau*d aad raport* of
loyCotetl W FbbbIbc.
BlttMB beard which, wiU aoy
mwl, of arV aad lot 1. Me. M. t 77 a.
Sorrowfolly aad- taaderly tbe catart ermi dieeuMoa whieh aay cobc before r 17 w—»I7V
wa* lowtred tato Ut irtaeo, a ward of itbc B**tta(. will daUb wbat we bqp*
ACTarpia. a»*
pnyaraad beacdlrtiaa wa* ftrcA aad
beaplcaaaat aad produble tar*li. r lO/W:^itaDO.
e. IS. t 7« a.
ttacraat cooeeattae' Dtaad* taracd
r. Uraad TrarerM Oraap* 1* aoted
A Uoodrieb Vo Praak E. Goodrich,
cwb of Belt aad at, of ari,. ee*. n.
eleu^ eluW. aae. 1«. all ta t<7a. r


We’U sell you

Wrt(hl Oastadl t* d. a. fMaltld.
.Mtolollot 11. bik 1. B. A A '
Dr. Bowlty aad
lb Add—Hue.
yoaair pwrpU aad taaKraeral aada!
aad Tb«a.T. i
doha talUbary to Ella Baltebory.
Nortbaa aiylaa. Mr. abd Mta A U tlBo Btale. «B*B*o *U. Alittayoaac
>u T aad f. Mb 1, Bayeid* add—•too.
■ areeapadalVtarlted loatMod
Bprara*. B. Moatafaa. A A PratL P.
W. L. Job** to Brttl* h CroB*r. lot
C. DaiBaad. Hobart L*wA mad Capt.
a. Uk A H. A A Cabbtb add-«»uo.
F. O. Borrow* aad wife of aeraUad,

Opdmila.'r' ilr I TT. O. w!'ayd*.




I atatc Bapllat Yoeay Paoplab
L-aioa ha^ ta ooataBpImttoa tb* boldiBf Of IB iBCBbly aext toBBta. aad
at ttalr B**tl*( Saaday alcbt the
nffi----------- - ----------- ——
AY.P.U.oftblaolty.BOtaaly »otrd
_ W. W. BalU. C. A. Haaiaioad aad
ta taror of aata a Be*Ui«. bat w«ia
0*0. Waward, war* appoittad odbbH
aaaBiBooi la tarlttap Urea to bold
ta oa. tadathilt, aad tbe amalUr
tbe (atb*rta( atTra**re* Ciiy.
Tbe aBMbly. wbieb will be held la
daly or Aepaat. will lait ter aareral
waeka, aod oae or Boep Baetlafa Mil
be' hel.l dally. wlU addreoM oa WtTbpltr. Ot-lu BlwJtia*. B. W. Ilarh rrbt bUI wa* bailt aad. ta im. a
Btotr-U. Il MtaM. O-.*
taanwa) Iraa faraaet* ereelrd ou aab^eeu. odaoatloaial and rrllpleaa.
aa well a* eatartalDlap. Tbe beat
witb *taolcal worha ta eoearcUo
b si
Btblarwood aloobol.
la Ul* tour ipiakei* will ta aceartd. a*d tbe a*JBtM »>it-.Vatr*praaaud.
ly will be aoBelblDf aflor Ue
prtaN. K. Palrbaak. of CMIoafo. '
Bawt^. D. C uZk. JaaM LyU. O. '


■ <d batata imariaad a»*U
a U* pablk atboaM.aad tb* «Ma
rlllaca vat ta aoaialar for tb* h

to select front in the city are found at Frank's New |
Shoe Store. W’e show the new lasts and new toes of !
the season. Make no mistake.

TrBrmee.qij. Mleb-. PrA IS, V:
I bare Bird aier bo* nf Ur Colorado
CoBpb and Catarrh Runt aad II be*
' Icly cured a errrre caer of
Urrh tor B*. Brfnrr urinp It wosl
be froB two ta thrrr hour* brforr
ooald po ta elrep nlphl* oa eocoual c

Netere'i nirr foraey eaae
taUrlKie. I'ilrsoraay die*
BUixiti* BTinbraneer<w ealr ml aey
ta Ur city. •
^ « weci
I el Tram
a at A A :
Jou-rS F,


Wurzburg Block.

£ I 18 Front Street.

Traverse City. Mich, .j

£ Of the making of books

Apeeu wanted.
The Goremment Wsau

aopmpher*. Tb* Febrnarr bull*____ ; Ueciril ecnloe drpartmeot at
‘‘t^e a Baa baa llrta for forty y
Wa*btaptoe **.r>: Heir Blenqpmphrr*
ta a towa which ba* b**a bailt op
wbo here * «pr^ ol I" ' word* per bIo.*re IndeBendend Uo»ewhoi»»
tbroiwb bl* eSorta. aad tbe beet year*
iBinatioo, with l*ir pndre elaed
Wfiwmrr—Brary Tta her. Loarrll of bli life bare beea pirea to orpaaxl chenur* of appotatmeel kt *^*•oat*. BebL Mlblrk. A B. Pray. Joba lalup aod
i>ru U.
t. of t'to to*p.xv per noooB
A Mat*.
Uat tare beea Ue llf*~and Ue city wb*ra Ue Ba«tiac* tabid br
wpret of proBuiii.*.
Tbe Tr*<
pert ol ;
J IluvtarMiColIrprcnBprrparr rnunp
................... * b*lA
TtaBWM C«v. IM Vord-J. T. Btadlo
>a for Ucor plicr* ta e* »bort a Uar
It I* Ue only renort cUy ta BOether* bere'U
tvalw IqforBally
C A. HaBBuad. d. W. MUIlkta, d. U
a**nr M'buot ta the >Uta.
MlchlpBB wiu Aae read* lor bleycllnp dtauM
C. B, IV. Kranr. 1'
Elk Rapid*'beet frlead aad preav and drifinp. nad ta mad aronad 7ikbed at Ue Morto*. aad *
n. Jee. Urenern. tk* K.lkMke
•tbM*taetor. B* belli bit preat bom clty are hundred* at bUb ol rund*.
held rriU
au Ota F
prnOoo npret. will br at Hotel WhilWlU a dm baad aad rrqaind em eleee caadltloi lor wbeellnp. ereaiap loerUap.
! date ol
iap »A 1>. ta are! bl* *c1dirr frirod*
pood arrrtee from al^, yet hU preat blp Many df U*b lead alonp Ue *bor*e Of merUep will b« decided upoo 1*0
mnd cooimdr* wbo B*y wAh ta c
fad Wont-C B. MeMaaa*. d.'
tender heart held a wealU ol eympa- tVeat and E**t Bey. wlU Ueir On* Tb* prtvmu cOBBlUce 1> compened
Uy that rich aad poor ooald eomi
iccBBry. or oot ta Ue.beaBtllul lUUa Mra^lem.Mr» Perp-, Mr. Oileeaed
ard, Fmak Ooodrtob, A A Cbaa*.
whaaerar OBaalon reqalred. la tb* lalnnd lake*. Tmrare* Qty ba* rlpbt- Mr*. Lqrpett. iehu will bepiBBtr- '
M Ward-o. W. Baf. W. W. BBtlb. early dayi of Uraad Traraia* hie taUl
on U* work of preperinp a propc
. A A OooA d. a. Huonio C. U Taraic. a* a phyMclM and serpeoa wae 1a freLaeteecainp UeBBBbtr* pre*eat *tM-AUataoW-Oianata. V. Pitertrl.
Tber* U a pr«at deaTof ferltap. Hid teaded Ue Sebabert dlnh concert
L F. Urataa. A W. Eltaaid. P. A Oil- qaBBt dMMBd aad haadiedt cao to-day
leatlfy tohia leadlatae To-aiapoad
o»lly. too, ta U* npper prntaeui* and Urooph Ur oomplimenU of Uoee bnrtart. W. A Kewtoa. ttao. A
■ AOIbta.
aay call, day or aipbv tar or aaar. U* BorUem partof U* lower pcnln Inp Ue ag«lr ta chare*.
wliboat iiipeetaUaa of far or reward.
*ola. tbat Bretlop* of all wrto. oonT$B1 CHURCHES.
TtaboBeolMr. aad Mr*. Noble ba» rroUoM. a*ncBblle*.*ta.. are alwa}<
Hoatatao J. V. BowBaa. dao Fairalwaye faaaa aeotaj vpMr aad era» beld la tta**tr»B*M>oUem part ol
ftaely jpaaed HLall-T»a tbooeaad act* Ue *tata. BaklveecxproilTc n trii
' Madacae aad charily, anowa aad for Iboe* of Ue upper pcataeola ta
eartiesUr. that they *r* rlrually co
All acreki^ bt tb* Baptist -qbareb
nad Upbtraed Ue load* rd Baay wbo oB tr«B Btteadtaf. Trorern* City b BC*t«aBday**<uoal.
ta imble aad mnSerlap. mad Ue wMI loealrdloawww Ul* diffieoUy
U«*pel uielce ta tbe evealapdeepBl eyBpaUy *01 maay tartap Ttaa* are cBly • few of U« a>aay pood
Tbe B.
P. U. Bt V:*S will ta ltd by
frieao* wl'l be plrra tb* laBlIy. but
Berry DcBbrllL Schject. "Cbriet be1* a* e*pt.'lal drpree ta tbe falUtol wife ■Dd why we frel that we bare a elaUa ter* HUta.''
•MlcA and oa* addklaaal delepatr aad loTlap eoeupanlon wbo. for: Borr for eoneidcmUcio. Should Ur aolbBiUoepel aecUBp* ato betap held eaeb
Mr a Boicty of la. each town nad word tbaa a quarter of B.eraMry, ha* Uared
ita* decide forornbly. Ue'cHlMaa Ittb- ceehinp except Satardey. C. J. Heyee.
ta ta vprenaatad *n Ul* ba*ta
epectirc of church aad creed, would Uoipel Sinper. wUI UbecbnfpBof '
*dta *Tcrypood word and work, aad
a BO*t eotdial welcoB* to tb* mlnplnp next weak.
wbo*r watrbfnl aad leader care
I people of tta B Y. P. LV. aod
Tbe poblic are eordtally Inelud.
•aay a* brnnaa baad* conM do the loop do all ta Uctr power toward Baktap
BoaUi ol naeartataty aad enfferlap
lat *o clearly Barked tta tadi ap- Uridpc Bnlldcr* will bw
-V. Friedrlob. W. A. Newwa.
toaebtap chaapa
p. B. newt Tueaday wlU Mr*.
' U aayoMtaBepeellMB
Hr. Mobl*'*wn*a*treap ebarnetrr:
Bla-F*ff Bond Wta ba
Btaaer. oa 7U etreet.
AU yennp
MbBot aU*Bd tb* oaereatlB
• kaew BeBaadaffalrv bctroatarcad On.lBdtaaa.aaar'Wtmaai
I are oordially tariwd ta be pw
veqaatted to aoUfy OhalraiaB J. B.
year iSM nad dtad at Amelia. InA,
BlndMl. UOwali tahlsUe work
McBfBa^tUltbedatappUoBiaey ftU
pood place ta which ta lire hi
lA m«. aped M ytar*. i Boatbai
pot pood oot ol life: be era* a
A law rear* at tar HI* w
SerriMa ar* brid ta l(. O. T. H. ball
Oa MotfaBttaatoU talrpntaa
■a: bewaeatnlUlnl Irtead.
Bcbl^. alter which *ta
at iO:MeeerySnaday.
aeqatated ta nip* that U* *tat
bow fnlUfol. taw loyal, oaly Uoar atanary ta M*«lco. wbUe dnrtap tta
Scb)*ct Sqaday:
fecM0BB*al of dalepaiB to ba**d b«rawho erern latlBataly *Baetal»d
taal tew yean her Ub* bta beea pina
biB folly knew.
Friday *i
Barrted ta Bar. Willi* Ibmd. Job* 17,
Tta retaltoae **1*1101 tatwMt
7MW o'elodc.
Nobtaaad tb* editor of tbta paper tor IMA At tb* Ub* of h*r deaU »be
Seoiybody {ofdially tariud ta ■
ryetwe wenoia peeallaHy tatl- wp* wlU bB- hnabaad capnped ta paw
ebameur. aad Ui* rra* ••peetally loml wta-kalAealla. lad.. wb«B *b*
*0 dorlap tb* last iwelr* y«ar*, wbaa laave* a erld* Mreta
A. me. iwinr.
a caadldald lor
Ury wore broopbt InU eloae baMnwa friende, Faswal •errlea* were beld at
aad auctal rMoUoa* a* Btatbcrn of Uc tb* Frtaed*' cbnicb. eeadnetad by U*
board of trtwtaB ol tta Nortbom MleC Bee. PbBta Co*. The rcBala*
bnmpbt ta Trneerne aty oa tta
F*a«fal awTlce* w«c« bold at U*
ol A J FnlphaB. attar wbieb ere laU
qnBUd'ta Jota ta tb* aaalToiM
bn-ta rest ta Oakwood oeactary.
Mrs. Road laavta % lorlap Bettor the btrU of Metaaehttaa aad Ue rwtentatkB.
-------xTvas------aad fattar aad prtof •trtebaw ha*fWchtap ta kc •eaatax tpnawedby
Ipobea aaUl death ba* tabew caa. Dar- aad May Maad* ta tbi* dty
inp all then* yearn Hr. Kobl* ha* bean
BaMTHeMaaBa............................... s
Uetaatll '
MpworU l.Bl|^atA;t».
■ ^
taUaofficlMeBpnelty. Btowldeuipw


: there is no end.=7 -

^ Yop-would think BO. could you look over tbe now caUlotmae.

lai.wt ]>ublicalion!i.


Weare reocirinx ev»ry

lu thia departnenl we sball kMp fully up lo data.

W» arc riUiiig

We make anoUier gpocitUy—weord*r hook* wanted

$ Towneliip anti S,-liooI I.ibmrim every w

e in stuck,
stock, and if pritti
printed,Aril) |^t them on the aborlMt puuible noUe*.
^ that we duu't have

Successors to Holley Jk Billing*. ^_

£ M. B. HOLLEY, .Manager.



I Make good bread occasionally, but our “BEST” j
i gets there every time, always reliable, never j
[ slips a cog. Tou run no risk in buying ft, as yre jjj
I guarantee every barrel sold.

Hannah & Lay Go.









of ealae !• the o


aty •Onapa Thainday aad Friday,
March eU ata «U. 1W7. flpiiMItaBlBM will awaa betBo Ul* Bctatap aad
-"••BbBe'ar* *nrdlaUy iaritad ta ta
ThdteUowtaf profru
HsMT will ta avrad M vWttap
Mb«n'al aeoa Thanday.
. wblta Utwagw^l epaa ta SfU daproq.

.fl^^dly aakoTt^Wpeoasat wbw
be eBwtoeop«a.oa Saaday Beeatap.
Hra Marparat CnBBisp* died Satoidayatttaboaeaf tardaophur, Mta.
C iBpereeUTal tta apnaf ta.
Beeeia. the UtUe tbrae .
daapbtarofHr.aadHraWattar Fapo
at Ueap Uk*i Aiad Friday '
Baata Sta
tta aaesad
ehtldiaa ta die WiUta a waak qd UM
Mr. aad^Mra Wb. RiM*eiB at fcaat
IbA U*ir mu* ttaa* Boatta eld baby.

M^talay. rrid*T

! Becuse we know that if low prices
I are any object we are ante to get
\ jppr trade.

this month %oys a good man or
woman's shoe.

Our Boy’s Shoes
Woarwea Prices 880, $1J»6 and
$1^ TzT thorn. ,

'ioT Kood children’e Blioekr We
eras atx>nt onr Una bacanae tbay
ar* wearer*. Bedns* yonr ehoe


with toa aaw hrtok btoek to be boUt
Onai Baler, r. A. bri jrae *lwUd
_naada Bin U a T. M. awn
OnU VIee Baler obA Mr. Sber «m of toelr popalar toa eaat aappa
eleeM Ao1«bU to Um Bb^wm Bd- oiday and enjoyed a aadal Uai

to toe araatog.
Tu BOBtoti at toe n-oaM’e Oat>
Priday aeaalag a JtOy toad of.
orill rlre CEW«( Ualr.eaJojabl* taatf paapto divea oat to toe bona of J. A
ttoee to Moetorne hell Beet Tbaradar Bn^ at MonroeCaatra aad had
matof. Each aetoW U eathled to eatyplencaattina.
torlu oee frieed ead It la hoped that
The ladlea of Traearae Bay Hire. Ho.
wUl l»BreBtl«Be> >ri(^
71. U 0. T. M. aalartatoad the gaattoaf toe Ual eery, ptoanatly Headayeraatogattoalr-halL
A dalgbiag party eoaabttog a(
g people fro - '
n. BeBeeoleat Ualoa wtUglfea tea ‘
toatof toe week aai
aeat aipp
epeni a abort Uae to toa eiiy.
Pah. ts. I:
a dance at SaoOald'
wlU he derotod to toe wartby
gl*ea by E- Uardeb]eei of rattorlot the aaSartof at toe
W. B. Baaley and B Potter,
aaody. Let erecy oae plea to atlcod U
aeata Bnryoi
pwlble. TbeladleawlUeereearood



onpper ead toa booim hare heea ar- torjted.
Tb* glee el.b had aa enjoyable pncroBged to tail toe bcnlaeoa mea.
elghtli Hartawk'a baU
C,S HaapaHi. editor of toe Patoaaad eereral new aaan. wen^dde
hey ladepMuieat Democrat, laalade
toe IbV There are eoaae Tgry
oae a( toe old lady who -ea)oyed poor
ookae to the etob.
at of toe time, lie hu fair­
Mn. M. E. a Batn.prealdeBtof the
ed laaorlatod to bard tliaea
Mbhlgaa'Wasan'a Preat AnoetoUoa;
irtog toepiat year or two. aad haa
attoaded an axaentlre toaettog nl
BOW prepared a tree allear leetoie oa
tSraad Baidda Tacaday and Wadandw-'Hard TlBoa. todreaea* aad care,’'
Miae Clara Batoa acoonpaalod bar.
wbldi b "profaaely Uloatralad tHUi dee
The Prtonda- C. B. tocbty aajoyed'.
tteta^tkaa elewaThaaki to toe
■leigb ride Tneeday erealag. wtodtog
It will
up at toe bone of Hba Wtoifnd PntV
. baek BBicber.______________
when they apeat aa hoof or two to
A TKatiBU; aeeideatoeeiirTed at Bto- tiagiog mad eitltlng. The 1
plraTaaeday. lieary Uraey war toad- auC. R.atoa badakai^r etoigb ride
laal week.
lag toga ea a ear at Baiiet^'i
The aoetol at the Gantoo ac
wh» oae of tor Ug top Iqg* rolled off
aad dropped a dblaaee of aeetral feet. bonae Friday night waa a great
can aoeblly and eaaactoUy.
Boyi Band canrioat aad enr|bbad
Uy brokea that toe hoar protreded Jhaae-rntiac nptoeaoelal. aa ..
laranJftaeeelaettoaa, nock to tki iaaHreattoetiaietobWaawrittoa, aad light ofaU. Orar»»waanalbod n
a falllag. the ortrna faaA
Hogatfaatoto birthday party

toiTMigh bb etdtotag. He b

Circulation this week 2.175

of toe 1. O. O. P. of

M> D> Zone hea dleeaeUued Ua
kli^ ahnii m Tnlim itnil
taPetototapleM-tOD. ahlpp«le

T, A. HoaaoK hea leld hta Trere
CUrBreparV»darill reaore to U.
ne Owtoe to e ohert tlsa.

atyaad araoad toe
wall the lllUe
that raa OB toa bay to the
nrly *7<a. aad who will iWBeaher her
owaer and aaptala.

lata Beloa Koahaore. of
boat BeaQooa«Thaa ohAai
' AM* edHeptoaiftrasUafeet. aed alea. who died aaay yean ago aad
>ka. Latt
tofahMaMltrertoBattoea Bay.
A period Beaten Bar ledloai
over to e Wg aaetlog at Um Eetkeake
IB the faally h
laAge ptotorAer. tetonlng toAay.
Old HlaetoB. The c^pUia had Bot baea
. Btsct Aoc ewear to Tiered Oty ben before tor twenty yron. aad nataraliy Sada aaay ebaagea. He pad bb
were Boat cordially greeted by'
oM-Uom (rieada.
■aa. A. W. Pm haa otfeeifaA
•tooe to phpelee) eeltoie eeaeer U>a‘
TOTwUAlae. ~ '

Jaa. Kaboawaat to Uaatog Monday.
B. WUhala b to MUwaakaa. AfUi

yean at 3. If. Markhan
yard, tooagh tar toe pact two yean ha
beeadolagodd jobaaroBad town.
Be had oaeaidcraMe property, bnt wn


to .aitaad bb (oaeeal
Saaday. biit they, totoktog he waa
Joktog, paid no atteatiaa.
n-hea hit body war foaad a ewDawh
iqaaal waa called, aad toe ecrdict
waa that hb death raaaltod bam kb
,owa baad.
The faaaral w^ held

avy V
C^ce of two klni
Ddfi for if-OC

Fnafc Vum SaUi Oat.'
An Iwportamt baeiocn change hat
be«B made tob week at WllHaaiehafg.
Praak Vtotoa haeleg dbpoeed of bb

loag with aa.

Children's Suits

one lot at........ 486


Albert Dr.Vrieeof Uraod Bapida. aad
ode ukea a ealuable alone
tVaeeriy. Bear, Uollaod. (p
oaty. Mr- IbVr
aemloo Haaday of tob we
aoBtlnae the mlUtog a^ mereaaUle
aad cspeoU 'toadd new aiacbiacry to toe aaw wUI to the near fu'Ir. V.Dtoo will eonU
leant fur toe preaemi. at Willblaabarg. bot wil
tloaa ia bb qoorry at aaoa aa aprtog.
e baralaabto mad. aad of aa goad qaallty aa toe faBooa Berea. Ohio, atoae.
Hr. Vii(toa haa^m a r«nidaBt of tVilf
iamebarg prer aiaca early boyhood,
aad fcU aoeeeee to toe aewt catorprbc.
Satorday afternoon waa a raty happy It alacarely boped for by ererybedy.
Oeada worth from ASAO 1
Ir. Do t'riea b a maa af energy aad
atalr. Orer thirty chUdren wen preer had a fay tton. Screral
aab aad will be gieea eeonllal wrtBeta llrmnd TraeCTM-. .
by toe ehUdren doHag the attoraoaa.
Tba Friedneh BlooK.
Inter -a detteloae aappar waa tereed.
Tbe boUdlng -boom gon neirily
aad each ektid eeoaired a'pratty ralaa-;
The IVledrich eMte kw anrly «•
pleiad ntoaa foe their new block, wb
will Joto toe BroKh hlock oa the we«v
Oaptarad Again.
It will be 6CaM. two atariAlbert Aalto, toa ladiaa eaptlea.
toelmilarmaaBertotke llroacfe block,
baa falleo a vtetla to Cs^'i wIIcb
dneribed in bat weekh llubiji. toe,
aad b BOW made c^liea far Ufa He
Married Peb. IS to Mn. Mabel front hariag a three eiocy egeet.
Potaaa, et her home at toe naldeaoe There erlli be three ttorea oh
•! T B mu. 00 Beat Waahiagtoe gronad floor. The ace to which
>1 UatlU Bodeatnet. Ber. E. U Kellogg oOeiattog.
. rubabil
will he fioiehed a* a hotel. ContracU
for materiab bare already been
mmeoflice.ia I->1
fcolt. ^
iberboarA lo l->> tVicifrad Prat
While werkiag to the wooda Tacnday J. W. Markham will furobh the brick
l>. l-arie mot of the lamber.
Sid Swartaot receieed qaitc a tcrere
mimlcaery lapTrioteariral la
,e b belog pnrch»ed aow
Mr Halley har brea toe dUlricl Mereaccldeal. A faUtog limb etrnck kin
y one who bar it to eeU aad will, tary for terea yean and alill bolAk the
top of toe bead eattiag a gaab
orkwtlL ofilrcat fperlDchnloagaad tnetariag
aa tod
Oariag tor periml oameA IS Beabrm
toe akaO. toylntr bU head open dawn
will permlv and Jadgiag from
>re been graated Irtura of diamimal
totkebroia. Dr. dark dreoaed IV be
to alher toriclira ia thrcity: 41 mrmbad to take fire aUtebrn.
barr marriMi aad hare kuiora of
Anotoer aocideot happened ia the
torir ewa: K'* hare marxl away aad
iw 'mill at tob place Wedaeaday aoon toe air. aod It will not be more thaa
harr brea dr>.pprd. Irariag tor
joat before twalee ooluck. Mr. Baw- moato. at aioet. before artirb work
...meat mrmberahlp h» aetire. 1> aSilih baad eamn'to coatact with a
latMl aad ;> amociale; making a total
tothmw aad tone fiagom were cot off: the other blockr along toe alreeL
toe doctor betog away be had to ^t will raraa employment for a Urge If 146.
aamher of carpeaten aad saaoaa for
Drlegnte* from tol» aodaty bare atabonl tiro boon to bare It dreated.'
toe epriag and egmmer.

M. B. Hakkall ratanad Iroa Chicago
In see en b«leetog to Ui their
ATOfTBood <}eeUl7of leaia Ibtatday.
Nn. DoraCkaaerntto Haaaalma
hMi« eenrad troB BoeidMto lekoi the
Mn. Chaa. Boaeatoal loft *o4af (or
taodjoernd aenoot cireeli
a rbit to DetrelC
A. B. Onclor «naa ap bam Otnad
Ubata HalUe aad UlUa Poola an
b fmiTW, ofHepUatr. (all
ebiUag at
Ina bam e pHa oftofa irbUe worhtog
3. Aielaherg weat to Otaad Ba^
•tOtdarPrtder.eedbreha three ilhe.
a baalaan Tacaday.
The Coogregational CbrbtbB EnMin reeelTtor totareal tojarlea.
Mra. W. F. UrlSa hta been ririUag
dearoreociely celebrated iu tealhaaare prniBt la force alaoat arcry eeeantoUraa to Maaceloaa.
BiTcmry Friday erealag. la toe chorcb
(ag. Poor baakat ball tenmr hare Joat
parion. which were p>4tUly trimmed
orgaaUad aad mBch apart b aaAatarday aight.
fbe M e( the eraak that reealred their hall Aatarday
UdpnWd. The makr-np b aa followi:
Friadrieb waat to Otnad Bapgram of maelc aad reeitationa
Ormagea-C^ Chaa Bock. Kaeal•ympoaiam ef C E methoda waa girea.
aad. Broteh. Seeor. P. Cartb.
■ena Tozoittnix haa laalfsed hie
Bon. aad Mn. W. U. Paator retarMi
bot tor prlariate lateeaat of toe ereaEada-CapL Prbdrleh,Eeat, L..Beek.
|[-------- to rnek PriadrIohhahMatore to Laaatoc tbturday aftcniaan.
lag centered in n hbtory of tb<
E. Thirlby. Baatiagn.
Md trttl aeoe aBtaarit to hoalaaBtair
Strang waa glean a pltaaaat
yearn' work of tor neciety, arepand
Wblba*-Cbpt. C. B. Cartb. VoadBhMalt iaa. Kleaaahtoltaahlaplen asiabt party Monday araalag.
from the neorde by N. B. Holley.
warto.4>aw. Harilaad. OIbha.
Ula Mabel NoHbrnp garaaTeiy daMach eondeaaed. it b ae foilowe:
TtolF«VnB ht toe WeWa Oak
,ya—CkpV Uaa. Tkirihj, Orialt,
The' aoeb^. toroagh the eSorto of
Pribr to to toerga af Hn. E. a AUer llghtinl party Priday ereBiaf.
Parker. Kyaalka. SBOaeU.
Baward Irbh bgriag to WaahtogProf- C. T. Grown and otoetv wj
artto “Aairlfia Aetoeraof Ta^F“i
They wtil go into tnialag bamadi■a to taka to toe iBaagncntion.
ganited I'cb. r,. |«>T. with 1) charter
bavtolaat. The agarriaat will toda.
ately aad may gire tome aakiUUan
Mr. aad Ho. Uaallua ratnraad
srmbern, only fi>r of whoa were
tototatotog tartoara of aamml hooka.
(roM Oraad Bopldt Monday alghb
aaimt the analreriaiy. At that
. law—rt Wbklt la a haadaaoa
Ml« Jeaala Blgp kat retomed (tm
Ihercerereta toe I'nited sutae naly
.*a« paper pabUahed at Ualoeatr.bp
a antoh Tbit at bar kocna at Cedar
Mte Kettb C Gray, wbe waa aamlSa- t.SH axieUra. Ta-day ercry conatr}
Vam W. Bahtom. It la augaatoe
ed yeatorday for the poeitioa of enoaty la toe world b npreaeated In tbe «7.ic.
•arm tot -(era at toe (alar*-' (or
Mr. and Hn. Cbadwlek ntwtotoad
eaeletieh. with nearly >.000,ooo mem
dbtiaetirelaoal waakljr papcia, prtotod on flee
frieada eary plnaaaUy Tanday area- ly a Tnrene City girl haring
been Tbe Trarem City aoeiety ba<
hato papB, aed to altogalAtr a --baaahere.
She b a gradoate of toe been laammeeial la orgaabiag aorea City High aehool aad Iheeute eieliee at toe followiag plaeea: i
ta Ladtoa' McKtotar Qabaf Loog
1 aad baa heea a teacher la the Archie. Iliagbam. Baidlckrilte. Cedar.
lAhtwfllclto toeirbaakai aoetol Hav
Cedar Bna. Haale Uty. Elk Bapkb,
«Bdar. I'ah. *0. toatoad of Fab. tl. B*J. Omei^ Petoakry.
attaadad bat night aad
Grarc. Auttoor lUy. torac ih
tioabwell beetowad aad we betteer
a good lime.
City. Yuba. Weal Garfield.
Him Uny baa determinatloe aad aMIi■■•toanvlU haapeelalveaktogai
TheBoya BaalwUl1 ginaa
ty to fill tob poanwtihi diScoll pati- Good Barbor. Bomeetnd. Ltlaad, Old
. at toa CllyOpan
Thb tatoefint t^a.tremaa Himiae. aad Jaator aod^ la Pnakhall. Feb. SO.
haa raealred a Bomlnatloa at the haada forv Maaceloaa. Mapb Cityand NorthpBor. V. H. Baxiat haa ntonad
Barib Line Praabt ^ee a plaataai of tor repoUkna party la the CMBty.
•NtoOniral Labe aad la plrtor lea^y aatnrdayoBlhaoetaaioa of hb aad toeeUralry ihatb kanate la all retoga hate to paaBoatolp. Ilebaaotoo
alato Hrthday.
find a tdeataatop-! Daring toe tea yean two dbtriet.
pablkaat wUI
WlUb !>enalagtea left Satarday far partBBiiy to ozpteaa ilaelf.
' and we ped- BBiea* hare bna formed—the ~
aa«7 atov tnak to glra ii
Haakegaa. whan ba baa a paolUon laa dktfortoe Bomlan agnal atojorily eato-'OetoaertO. IM*; Niato, October'
large drag aura-.
flbaatbaban beqn
3. lagrif b auaadlag the A. O.T. «.
gaalzad. ae fellowa: Antrim. Bcmaie.
Cbarleedta. Eaunat. Grand Tnoaraa.
: Wjl (haAiaa, 1
i.~»i -»!/»■.
Oa Satat^ eeaa
to. Oaof^fiam
bare baaa to^taad la Trarane Qfy aad
jMtoolaaeltoa. wet MRiad PphlOto
aftoair popalar 10 «
Pteltoptoltea. popatorpaugladr
Hontagoa baU.
A . .
at Am aad a well fcaawa tnte.
luaJuied rtoteh will proee vary iatar- Bga daring toa |
ThaoaraBoar tookplooeat toe haae
Wandlag a moath with I
no. with atelalol
a( toe totteh paraeta. Be*, a Al». and Ml*. J. diaatoa.
Tbe tedga
a aboBt one m
Atoahas Uaeola-aUrtoday waa ob- baadred cat
M prayan hare bean oBarad.
atri*^ to lift «p tba Milan, by ade«atrrad with approprtato
mgk toapactlaa a< the aa7l.ce Priday. tot peblle atooob Priday.
eaMag toe atrangeat maaai of taB>snr> aadtVMoin
Bbe partp mtotad at BepraantoMaigant BeaUttaatol gaee a prat^ naea. A new garel baa been oBwad by
t baa baaa filled by
^iBaakirk. WUllaaa. (Mrla.P>artoa Oraad Cbiof Templar to tba lodga
L C. T. 0
Orawia Oeoega S. Boadla.
pa. Ctorfc. O-Dtot. Whllaap. Peator.
talUatlag toe atoai caadldatea oa toe H.-B- UoUey. MabM Batn. Mt^. O.
^ ■iiilaaii Betkirk. WUUam. OolC HaOaiV Ploremea Bbaltaa. AenTZT B._____ ^____
Utt Jaalor Ualoa enjoyed a
mb Abdmnen. (brria 3. Steward, Ban
loebl Batorday aftornaon.
T. CbMhOiaa Orlati. C B. Boi
A naafaw of tba Goad TbmpiBn an aakad to aama aad bo IMtMlad «. By|lM. amrib Dowmlag. and Otto
dnre onl to Aiehb Taaaday aaaaiat •atardoy enai^. Pab tTtt.
' tout. Aioam, who woe ai
aad TiM lad toe lodge
Maay an In ay-patoy-with tob


Jersey Oversbirts
worth ao oaa^^^ oath money.







eeptia Ixriaad 1
and atate coaTcatiooThr ontloidc for good work won arrr mare tarorable thaa at preoeal. aad
toe eoelely baa more uaa a atatr rrpoutloa

Bari SI. 3S. 23. 24.
■ae will be tor dayaaf toe Grand
TmToroe Agricaltaral aad Indoatrial
Society-a fair tote yaar. Keep the maV
tar la mind from now oa.
A Chaaga la Data.
■oaa Graagc waa firai aaaoa
for Harcb 10 and II. batuwiag to tba
(act toateir.-ait ourt will be held in
Grange Sail at that time toe date hat
chaagedAo Tbutoday and,Priday.
:h 4 aad i. whra It will be held lo
M City.
ia rrqamted to uke aoUce.

“I ml HI jktin







______ ^

Now in progresA. DisconnU ranping from 1C to 25 per
cent are being made on different lipes of merchandise.
This sate, wil] continue ontil Februar}* 28, thns giving
our friends ontside tbe town an equal chance to participate
in the benefits of tbit oppbrtunitj. Special' prices on
Bleached and Unbleached Cottons, etc: made Sheets and
Pillow-Cases: Organdies: India Linons: Nainsooks; Dotted
and Plain Swiss; Dimitiw. etc., etc: Hamburg Embroider­
ies in new and beautiful patterns: Ready-made Muslin Un­
derwear. one of tbe strongest tines; Table Linen of all
kinds. Besides the bargains offered by this White Gbpds
Sale we are iqaking wonderfully low prices on many styles
of Dress Goods. Winter Jackets and Capes. Prices Jo
dose out all winter goods. We urge you "to ifla^iac^ 5^


in the right direction is
when you are steered to “HANNAH’^
where it is a toss of a copper that you
get anything you want for leas money,
quality considered, than at any other
establishment in Tra'o'erse City.



Ou-SkviD.. Oeputiaoit

Our record of the past is a guarantee
of the future.

•Mcmrr pmacuasp




TL'Tssi-r.' rtcLi E


•aBOtekips Thataur waa callad
aadtea^ tbatUiaaaf hb efto wsa
bralsa aad tl waa Natud far a abito
that bo badrserleed stsa tatesal to-

e baasadaa tas aalla'ia


Ws. Boaqhaa baoCoatterteh
OL Breadway ae tar baa lakes tbe
a few toys
atar load of els. J.toO teat.
O. a Vsbarp wst called to Blp Ba»The Thos|woorllla Coo|------„
Ite today by tolcprssstatlap that Uo
ad tba iBtarloebae Oo. are. teat pet- - tolbar Prsak bad bem badly bsrt.
la^ Urtr aspply of tops.
tiararel of tbs aabool art
Tba wodkiy oarprtoa rap bee wsa bold
Mka Els Adasaateaad
baaa laksa «eits akk trhSk
t Ms B. Bser-a today.
atllillatrceltbetftb. 8b.
tdis saawerSd at roll sll aad aewed
phrtof bar raeatloa to Cbic
Jobe Jobaaoa aad Daa i
Bteid haa aaariy BakhaJ bk
poaa OB a trip eosbielap bo
_______ Jab at Cedar Baa. Ha ihlaka
aad pUaaaie to Blapbas.
pea. Ik
Ua WiBM aad Bdd BaeaoH bars nt rraUap a term there tba
Ms WlUUabbell of Croaaall waa I
deablad ep tbrlr teas aad *111 baal
>wa Moeday.
:. A. MoBrea
will sot* to tbe C
coadwesd topetbar tor a while.
ilddlt of March aad arUl w
KisBu Uuldtert baa rotorBcd bus
Pearl Wiaak araa takre boss fros tra the slddle

Uada M.
. .
. fasatop aoU Tracers City.
Kbool qalu aiok oea day la»t weak tbe
Fairbaaka oC Mabel
esd baa oat baaa abla te aUaed alaoe. bk place to Tmrarae Oty.
Hr. Wiaoe. who cuqy dowe Iros L Blarqe of Trertraa City's hiph aabool town Moeday.
Biapbastokerpliafidayatliosa, baa acbolan apral tba rrcBlap of tba IfU
JohBEuberataadwUcwan to tows
a bualors Moeday
retarard to Blapbas to work to , tba
sallboetv Uiataapals
rwaspapata. _________
J. J. HcLaophlia lareeorerkq
A Jarpa asoeol of als aad baaawood
sres aliaek of tbe pria
opt aiwbeiap pat ioto Uauy Hrar to
Ms 11. U Noble retdraed
« rafted to Tbospsoernie tor tba
fros Used Eapida Tnraday.
Ibostwosailla Cooparepa Co.
Tbs ablapla Bill kyoBBlv
Ned Noble asd wife rklled Ms B.
O E. AUriah. 3 Uropaa. P H. Mas- U. Noble at iitsad Eapidt 1st
C E. Korrk wr*t toJVartaee aty oa
la asd B. Bortoe wrat to Thospaoesaiacs laat Naiw^ayt
Ms Culsaa of Tsrers
sCity clalk
llla sa tba Mb wUb (at taUle. Tkry
Tka asooit of lopa ablppad t
triesda to town tba fist of
rse to ba ahipjMd to BoBalo.
sra k iBcreaalap mary day.
Mr. aad Us Ebcrmaa of Torch Lake
J. Barty Solahrd patUar oa I
snseted boalacs to towa Toeaday.
akida fuu.ouo foot of al m and baaawt
lope aad raoeiaad chreka for II .ot«.
lO- aod Ms Ws. Wood
U BO* drawlap saplr lapt to Crawl
Nall Maaro of Whitawatar wpa at
Icsie Camp of tbe Tsrers
.oa Caolram Ibe mb aad mat with
Hra. Essa Blppi baa rataread frss tba SUrar LoeaUrenpa. aad
Cit^acbook apeol SoBday with Mn
barriallwltb paiealaaad eklidraa to
sport of ibe
at ■
Uraapa to which he waa a delepatc.
Cbas Mantot hu stoset from DeWs. Osloa aad wife, of TVarerar qad alao
a eery totersiiop talk.
tmik wbes be wsa oaUed to atUad
l-atardsy stpkt aad Itoaday
The oyster lopper for the beoeSt of tbcfucrralotbiaakter."
Eer. Mr.
Darllap w,
wat partially a aacMr. aad Ms II. C Oiritof Trerers
'Ateataaaaa iDetaMolaBow telllaat osa 8asa were
ra p
pssaiad Iros at- City SBC to Elk Uapida UooOay oa
mal of aickacs aod scaooolof the dstbuf tbe lather ot
Bipht. Waare aeraly hanapa pood teadlop .
tbe Utter, fl. U. NobU.
Dr. lAck» aad wife left 1st wsk
for Ohio. -They will locate either
fibloor Indlasa. Bs lAckrywllli
H her raUUrea at Celasbue for a ah.
Cbarllr BlfbbaHa aad Bdd



ChkritaiObmer )• MairlJNr PMU Mid
Tk*lM» prmrM^ BmUm vm b«U U
«Urm* teiaM'k.

loihS*!>7hlp‘’ J*c*rri25 Sm

mri lAbv«ki«b»all*cl(.
Tke Y. P. a. C. K. ippie far Mat

fa* paofla fraa Oac«a w


AtUf Watouv kaa bM 4*lta tWi.
HMteEatkBWiklMboBafrga Tmr-:
A UrrcBaBbaraftke ahUArM an
aick la Uk rklaitp.
Bany Daad ot Hoamr £>aMr droi
ttroafk Uto plaaa laM WAdibU;.
N flataiAap for
. A. A-Baallio
Aar aeikapaar.
Bt to 'h'
_____ ____________ b« arm
TMAIloa aad tUa rrHtaro EAllk aad Allaa Wabal^
Lala Wlacboaab. aad Haa NIckrnoa

Oao. Wcalch am
ArAla Haara an
aialtor M<i^.
Mia Katla Haaria;


. U. H. Noble j|led Mohday at slesa '
o'clock atlera sees lllBSS Ur bee
lired Jirs for many yeas aod ws
buowa all orer aurtbera Hicbipan.
The fonesl cerricra were held oa
B'rdBrsday at lo o'clock at the Epk•opsl thurrh.

Mis Ntllls Parrut k eicb with to
Ure. Heara'a baby UrM tba akk Ikt.
bet k ispreriap.

Mraorlai arrrieHi arm brid laat al Ibk pUoo.
•aadar (or J. E. Draa. Err. t. W. Mil­
EaaaoB Preamaa baa bare ^alta olek.
iar aad Bra. 8 P. Haarlu oOdaUac.
bot k oe tba pala. Dr. Pralick called
Hr. aad Hra. Wie. Wend, of 9mtl> oo his aaa day laat weA.
MUloa. mada a abort rklt arfUi nda
UraalBlhli arlftibarheod laat ^lar- .^Sebool aloaad laat Prlday at tbit
Kazt tors arlll oosseaca tbr
da» aad Baaday.
irtt of March wllb Mka Johaioa aa
Mr. WUlla. of tba Tbospaoerll
Hrv Baaeron, arho baa baaa ill. la .Stars -Co. ease ml bara Saturday s
ea^d aaab to all parks who baadl
Back HltebrU. of FVaakfert, la drlriac a aralt for Joba brh.
Uka Laarm Asm k daitler tka fasItfof bar aaole. Ws. Ckatar.
H. S Orrrory. priaeiaalof (haaabeol
at Baaw, k la toara today.
r. afaat (or AUab Broa. of
Hlltraohre. araa
am te toara atlaadlac
atwadlac to
baaleaaa for the eompasy. ■
S. Wriia aad arif* aad
and Mka

--------tfataad BataTltk (riVa'da la ta*pkr!
A rrpraarautiro of tba Sooth 0h>»
fo Lashtr Oo araa at Aral laat artok
vlthaTiaar to thopaiabaaa of lopa to
al«d> tha Bill at that plaea for tbo
•oslor aaaana- -Tkaemdltlee bday
tBMcaWa ha ratarard to Chlcape to irperttakkOo. aadoaaoftba Srmkraytakd bara taoa to B«c«Ualc for bard-

Mta. 8. Apaaw, who liaa broa TiaiUaf
t Uraad Ewlda. muraed to bar bosr
at thk place laat wwk. All wm plad
*0 aaa bar bocM apala.
Bar. H. W.-Wooda U boldlap a s
of Boatiapa at Bs^s. aod Bonlickrllk klaftodL Oar slaktar baa aol
held seettapa at tbk place far the laat

CaplatB Juhasoa aad wife, of Howrr*
Barbor. apeat the day aritb tiieir
claapblcr. Mra. A. I•arter. laat Priday.

Ear. K. E. Wyll
lie k hoIdiBp a lai
iapa at bussll
lussll City bad •
• erery
Bipht tbk wet
Potalos aUll
come to from tbe-em
try. allboepfa thr oris paid tor Itaes
a pour rasuoenUuQ for their labor. "
The litUe Biss of the Tiltopr bad
aery pleaaaat Ua party a few creBlapa
apo.: Tkry are nraliap their acahin
ia eatorprke aod cejuyseato.
8earo coarerU were baptized to
Baptkt church Uat wsk. Bet. (i
Harpea. tbe pastor. eooducUap
isrrloc sad admlaklerlap the rite.
A praat saay akk boras detoud
le arterlaariaa'a atisciUoa. Ur. 8i
. aBWop the easpa aoslk of tbe .V
tee rirer aad apeada bat UtCe I
The quarterly seetlap al
it the M. B
nosh OB Suaitay ereaiop
plraaaat aad praStablc aerate.
E L Kellopp of Tnaerae'City
. city |p^h,BdTSrjia. ■
Mka Essa Mean of Trastae Oiy.
aow teacher at Waltoa. atteoded the
Vstbatat- asreBlloa
ask. Oa Sunday ab«
were the pusU of Nr
Fred Wall broupbi hk.............................
thk BorDiep for tbe doctor'a iuppeUoa
He had atepped on a nail abd
walked wlU aery irrepular
He tblBka tbe aail went in s


• the tkac <rba «M la
lylif dowBto yie* the bcart im. aad


T had
w ks a atoate tbaa wbes CM ti
pear to tbr ceaUer of patbertar taWee
Aowtoc tbe rtoe aad SBUloyof ibeto. to aa uprirbt poatus. Maltlply ttet
blyhaadlow hr d® toinutea. aad it ta «00 stohn.
foie, to eiftil bom spent to tyter
tortoafiureaaa. ‘^Bot lasfisedter ---------the ksn ta meed aearty SAM
mrokea. sA s Ibe brtn poB|m ato
tbk ytmr. Ia st niwtHcoca s a pubouBce* ot blood wkbeweh slioke. It Utte
tkher 1 bad petoltd about rsiytblnp
tOAM oaaen les of Uood la a alybt of
thaaltboucUoauldlwprtoied. Final­
eiyhl bouswprat In led ibsa whencme
ly. aa^adsttkf
kiaan upfiablpaahicKL. Attbebtood
ferthem. Tbew
firms ssb mote alow It ibrouyh tbe
furakhed all tbe copy for the aJissc
eetos when oae h l.rlay dow-n. CBt sort
rzerpt tbe alsaaac itmlf—that to. tbr
npply witb r»lm rotrriay'llie waTatb
lablea. 1 suppeoed I would tore a
—-ily fnnkbfd by eIrraUtiea.
firully In perttey tbem. but 1
fcuad oct that I wsoiifuskm. M
------- .try asaen that Ibe
to bare II
. —jteunli or little flnyer Is
tls way.
„ ._.
BOM tBpom: slyn In tbe baod.
Ibe ezjeete to trshloyt-.n 1 fouBil khsi Threw k ao maa.theT sy.wbo rkrsto
Ibey were all dkiocliaed to take anx lapoHaeee in any line of fife ertibeut
natalile wxstk. risUy tse of Ihrineos- - looy sadwtjalrht little flnyer.
•untd to do It. and hr d-d it. ekarpiny sc S»t fiw the etonilaiioae—«T.'
for each loDotk 1 aa about hariny a
people wbu reqaire aadielM to'
sisUar work dos ihia ytor. ard raenc
ite tbr boerekmadkldaera will
bee* fortbu porposeibutl hansiltLit
...... .he iroe ceii^y to Electric Hiltetv
tu Ibe rajenutios for th.
Thi* sedictoc dnea aol stiicuUtc aid
patent asliclae u.d rnaux
inanara are made by a bile
st.1. but acU's a iMii' and alteratlee..
Pitukiryh. !*a. aa araaicur
lla.'l» B'Mly OB 'he and bow-'
sddinp strx BKib und p:rinp loM to
briu uid stropooer ot cooaidcsbie
.. . oryana. therebx aidiny Nature In
local spui
and bale mwixetl them. 11c qbaryoa the prrforsaacc of Ibe tunettoas.
Be ezarily liz ilollas. or SO eei.U is dCleclric IlkterB k an ezorllenl appeUz-1
rand aidsdIyestioD. Old pcxple find <
mch numtb. I under
.. ja«t ezacllt- Fbat they need.
Price 1
artunl work k done br bis cfad 1st. fiftr cenu twr U.ule al 3. tJ. Jobaaon't;
who write from bisdietalino. Hr lell. aad 8. E Wall's Dray 8torea.
S !
aie that be bs suppirrd Uw saenr table*
hr about lOU dlffcreal '
There hare appeared to tbe coIubs j
of thk paper for serermi year* the ad- ‘
rertkesrata of Ely's Crsni iialB. a
PASSING OF THE WATCHOOa rraedy for CAarrh. fold ia tha Head,
aadforllay Perer
Ilk with such
pleasurt that wrean .all Ur parUculay
“Tie place oj a wMc-hdup.otJltK fixmi atlrnUoa of oor readers to Ue fsl
Ibal Uk article suads trry klyh
e'elVttom.v amuay remedka. aad particularly htyb '
oredaiitry idnce.”
Mriluirv tto-other -Isx. la mskiny
starrb sedicloe.
Ely KbUccb. .
ra are toforaied, bare had loay ezp
ace s drayyku aad pnarssisia. i
be Ti-ry well^aien be peaeoek* i
should harB the eona.len.e of bb.wr dcynlarafmi1a I loup Slmedupl.d I
siriny. a relUbIr prepBratioB. One fi
corks alone lo yuard my place. .
IbstBhoeld inspire coulidracr la U
notbinp can come around the prvtin
.alarrh cure (Ely'sCrras Ualsi
nlpfal or dux xx itbont CBUs'iip cn nlu
to Ure it
It pul
to I
Tniin llicm.’ 0iey »n more waiclifxiJ wwx. BDo IB omrr that errry oae
Dstisy dop I rerr owned. M.x ezjwri. tty it they Brr bow- ..If.-riuy b yi-B
enee xiith yuliiraa bs not liet-u sm Uial size Ihrcuyk the sruppisls. o
ktoalxr. but I beliexe they are als. sail It oe receipt ot I.iCTBU. l-h
' U Ml cents aer psekape. Y.-u
sure to pixe u als ran or rwther a pixwl
bealUlc tosewd to them f.,
inanr kJ:iriiis. It sy stranpr
ledy. Their addrem k MI W
IwMt.sta-iild xrniuie near t'
»l. New V.»k City.
alyht or day. I'erUa]
watehduy xxould be ni


that yon persUtently refuse to be confiUntiy deoriv*
«d. Onr policy and practice is to give you bargains
EVERY D.AY' in the year.

Not tmee or twice in the

year bnl any day you come into our store we wiU
guaracl« that we can give yon a bargain that yon
can t get elsewhere.

We make a bouness of ioirtdng

up bargains in the Puniitnre Unc.

128-132 FRONT STREET, t

---- -------Erection Notice.

It of Ur. Meduires t

“is I
. Jeba. liudd sad soil
from Trprrrs aiy IVodac
naioB toi
I to tbe Coi



tfalMd etaua Isad C


»rsHtB(.«WB. PBb. S. S

aniiXvy Uie tiumlwr l-riiip t'ounix
Conitnisskaxers lleee.. lVifwey uinl fttiiilb.
and Mr. Jamiw L llobba. w bo sup

.ss Bodd
liaip apo diwwtxeritj what rzieil.-iit to-O'
City Toeaday. returainp WedostreUi'ii iwB.neljx afford ulsiui I. pliwe.
and Ooxxn oo the nrnulor's fum. lie tJ.
The Udls Beoi-fli aoclrty will Ai*r
a .dlBBS at the rsideas of. Hr. 1-ut- ways krt-iw slz or ciphi of il.cni to
puuril ihe I
Uts srrir
t with I
<>. .W. DeBjaslB arrirrd to town
cipbi U> alii'bd llie |. U. ii P. rati
laiBScat pircB to boas of iheir sa


Tbe C. E tople for Suaday crealap
k --Cur iiillr worrir» and how vo pet
rid of them " l’» ivl: I-*. Jobsr»:l
Leads. Vl.-reciw Thoms
Miu Jensir blnae of Cbarlrrois. —hr
ks beea In town M-rrsI weekr
lop krr anal. Mm. Martha UnJturaed to her home Tuerday.
There wHI be a republiso suena in
tha ball Priday for the purpos of elect


Saturday, Feb. 27.

All the farmers are invited to the opening to ^
^ examine my nbtv line of Harvesting Machines, i
p: Farm Implements, Buggies, Wagons, Boad.^
Machines, etc. I am prepared to exhibit the 3
most complete line ever sho-wn in the eity. 3


The Farmers are all invited to Lunch.



Mother’s Friend



fTi-i If .y***


—Idaaea of& P. r
arbool taaebs.





Odds and Ends.
In our departments are not like apples left in the grocers’ baskets after the choice ta
Kuiie. Our uU eiuls are not of an inferior nature, but of short ends and small loUi wbich are
as good to the consumer as the choice of a new. fresh stock. To the merthant however it
IS- a_ drag and an anooyancc.
annoyance. U
hen the quantity is not bumacm
sufficiem lor
for ail
all ptiiposet.
purpose^ or the
sizes wrong to fit every
»"'( the sooner it is-------»
eveo' body it depreciates in valoe as a slock
slock, and
out of“tbe
way. eve
ven if disposed of at a loss, the better. Hence we do not figure profits oor eveo
in thi^ sale
and we have concluded to put such merchandise on our bargain countoi and are

Shoes, running from 1.50 to JA»on sale for 98e
A lot of ladies and Misses heit Shoes in lace, buttonand coogroi. aod beaudfatlv-en.
broidered Slippers, worth from lOD to 1.25, all go for 89c.
^ *

M™. all r.l,. » M.r, Horrim.

of books ter tbo arbool library aad we

__________ _________

W. J. MUler fitora

on 8t«t« stTML



may be deceived once or twice. It u onr experience

old not b
obia“' .

The hnaday aehool eoarei
pocarscaa to Mra. CroswcUb two
wespon with wbirb she eoaii
Mayfield and l-aradlae towaaL-...
.. AltBuM ere** Woman belie
lAich w^be held al l-elaad Saturday.
Mr. aad Mra. Berrowa. of aearUad. be held bere aert Saturday, tbr
Ohio, are rktUap ail tbclroM fricBda Irml. aader dirartton of E » WiUoa
propsB k out aad prosias a fiar
It haa baea apuod while tl«to-.thcy
Him Jemle JnhB of thk pUc
hs bsB at Harbor Sprlopa
Hnd I. Bui^BflorBcei/by the brifht '
Mka Lisle Kioaa had to oloac ker
pst Bine moBlka. an-Irrd Saturday
I Saturday a
Mania VlaebdUl k
' sol at Updraabotp for two waekz
aad will rkll brr people for smi
aoooaat ofalekeasof baraalt-Aad eery eajuyablr oee. Hopes wes n
eariuui topis of tchool work a
father aBd satber.
Lasbonaae bara azoallrat araaUer
naaloaa followiap broupht c
.now oipkt to COB.
facta aad aappeetiooe
lion of whai k to be di
....................... McWelhjhad bk wsk liqus which k belnp rae aboul Uulowed by B atroke of paralytiv Aakr
brouph'l iBlq
well la hand and pare peaesl dlree- towa ereey day or to.
k qalle old It b foarad ba »U1 aot ratioB to the dkcnslopa. The addreu
ihof. Kora of Tsrerae City waa
Hr bad ibe mktortnaq
spUoaed furluezslleaee. Tbe Pi
Mka Battk Drloap d
. . 4iap to pfaa a aapparr mtartala. — Bot obIt w-'"
ice. falliDp bbU inJar ^'Tbro^^rfrri uiidou (w ihk stmu of'
—- Trararw City lut Thara< .
seat aad daos Fra Mod, at Oraopr
•’-a ebari
Ihinps IS Dr. IScice i Ooldni Medical Diw
P- Baraaa k apradlar part of bk BaU. A Mpenmdkbapadforaad a
Isprarinr aad we hope
liap sri-; coxrrr Jl pi*rs power loUc diprylivcaod
Use at Cedar Clly aoaaad.^
Boiriiirc orpaBi lo make n Bbuadaan- of
pood Use ezpactod. Maaie by Joba Iboopht aad the bcaaty of Ita ezpis- os will be Ihe result.
Orwba mad wife.
The y. P. 8. f. E will plrea sleB- purr, rxcti. hichly rilalkrd blood, abicb
Uk tribute to liasiltos asd
prrmcBic* the wkok system wiihthr smcrl"lor
Tbe I. O. U. T. of thk plaee air
Uaeola waa eery fiae and abowad
anxs of purity: the beautyef wesasly x
ka foUowlap oOcerefor ibartl q
Juat apprecUtioB of their charactera.
aad BBimstimi
>blop Wi altend and harinp oo.seaas
ll ctralcs solid, healthy flesh sad oa'
of poinp are requested to SSI at tbe color , clears the cospicnoo. dispelswi
Ics. tounSs OBI the form sod imbnrs
Wankazoo, where teama will be
-poekaSUWy. Itsakaa tbrs esUa.
Mar.—Brilr Gbrriap
ad a I
u-pethWe as baeiop eery ais wralber.
er with many olben to the oumb.-r ot
_______________. — ^ftXarwCri;
' Waaicd—Juat a little more aaow.
if. rimecorer to l-elaod to meet with
CUa. BH elrtpb alrarrd to'
P.C.T.-BssaA onsoca. ,
Our rtek oas ar« aU able to be o I tbe W. C T. r of that plae* 1st Tos
S. J. T.-Clare Mlaar.
day. Ao altemndw meelinp ws held,
inRykefk^wlop lopaforWal coaducted by Ms Ella Dsaw. wkioli
ws a sry profiuble uBe. Dinoer aad
Tba ledpr k pspariac for as an___
ar Chaacc and Uaear Ball weal te supper were srred In the ebumb. of
b •• tka Blab Ikt toiaoMBt March mb which ahoald be
wbich all partook wnb prea
-all altoDded. It k a pood eatse
-. - ..rae aty batarday.
Tbe reeaiop meelltip. which i
aboold raaelrc oor bsrty sapport.
Tom Yodap weal to Tssse aiy oa
daetod by Ms Etu M'hitmaB. ws ooe
baalars oae day laat week.
Wlatan tkk araak.
of eaperial interest and ws enjoyed
J. U. Kewsaaan' '
Oar partor kaa )«at cloaad a arriM of
by a sry larpe aadlrnce.
baekoe their farm
vary balpfol seatlar* at Bmth Miltoa
The Wwolse tv E c of thk plaee
Hr aad Ms Ws H nfa dime to
Dell Jobbelt k
AtararaoelaloUl babald at W. H. Trararar Oty aad back (iawrday. '
'ill plre an ealerlalnseat
rialnseat and ost
Cedar aad buapdinp at hose.
Aadmoa'a Wrdacoday alcbt lor tbr
1 the town ball Peb. ::ad. Tl
Mis Plota Horrkoa drara to Tiar
Ererr cppcctmal laothcr hs
Hr. aad Ms Kitchen drore to Tra*
k M follows:
^ aty Satarday. ratanlap tba aasr
anyiDgotdaltoteou. IftOredosato
City aad back laat Kilarday.
--------------a. WbaaliB. arltb tbrlr kasa.
bs loev Is paper.
Psyer by E-w S
PIsM bcar la sled ^ Seaday
Ako taro Imm of Maaoe Clarb'a
’ resoeed to buttoa.
lostruiaeBlal mt
at^tha V
ta Bdklrr Moeday to dnar W
rr.sbniad bkarsbro'<
Rei-iUUoa b;
tba mb of thk n
tba abare faotoay at that plaea.
o.k abletouacltaUul
Mr. La Urippe baa beaa lattraseotB I. aKTieaa at tba ahareb arery
al tbr paat week le Uyiap offtoseof
Baaday Birbt at T:Mokloek. Wr anaeoul Basic,
Chiblk Ball bat returned to tl
liapie makes at the V«ts sill.
piad te Boir that tba atuedaaor k
iou by LouU MiddietOB.
plaee. apsis after a abort abacas
■oad aad ietaraat iaortaaiep.
lies a by Col. 8 0 Ualle.
Abb Arbor.
b* Ecttie tVoolaey.
' Hra Daaalr Ballraa k a pwat of h^Jh.
Biwood Staalcy hat soeed bk tasi'
Mark Daria.
Mra C D. HoKeabrnk Uk
^ ioto tbe bouaa lately |—z*—a of
11. Keclutls'by Mr. Poller. .
fcaabaraapmdlapaiimal maeibawtib
i:. Itemarka be Mr Kumell.,
ks parmu at Bootb Milks bet mB EykerbaatabmEdTVrtoalB'aJth
IL losirnseBtal mnslc. ia the awasj) aad will dakb pettiap U. Reciiailoo by Edith Dasa
— the cedar.
IS. Bee tatioB by liraru Harkka.

lit. Instmiaentol mmic.
eaiy Kneaderam as* railed
IT. Resarka by Eer. Mr. WblliaaB.
of Trartne aty. oasr to her old bosr laat eeek toaec hia bcutbs. wrbo k
:ee Hr. Horlbstaad Hr. E P Ethers.
Satarday lor a brief aUll with her tsr- daapsoaaly ill.
' Bss Ooraell'a baby k rrry akh.
BaiertBlBseat and npper » < --aeta. Mr- aad Ms Peter Morrkoe.
is TssalB ca» down Bator^y
alekean ie thk rkiaity aaai
Ms C. d Allaa aad daapktar Jrsk fros Hood UarbsoB aeeooat of bk
la ba abatlap aesevbat.
aUliedatMr.aadMs Hewiu-aMtba brotber-a aocUeat.
Hra. I
la the toiT*l of Drklul Veil. Os. aot
Claralaad sill, wbrs Mba Jeaaie tokra
Mka EkS SiMie* kst hose
. fs from tbe Dallea. Ihys k a sil-'
ofancertaiBtiea E
B«ic leaaoaa rrary Satorday.
bewaaobttoed totoaresteool aa aellbtw H B0t gftota props aa
Rod whleb doer basloeua wit
zuel of bs health.
a fart that tl^
Uadda......... Ua
la lows Uat work rkltlap tbr aebool.
An anirle
r« iwprorasaat la tba Uats: that k
. ikweriblnp tbe-sr^ of th
Dr aad Mre Barba sada a trip s
spaDT. hs d pirtweaof a-nsln'o
aehool one day toi
«Rsd, afairk coBsku df an ordinary ta the beto fartp yts caa oe at (hta tins:
Tbe W. II. H. 8. set
BUUmratryelcas a rary Times
kwomo^l.r. -ui:l, S> ss common OB lor- Ittaa ltoiBcet.aBd wlxe Rgubrir a(K
ith Ms Ueo Dark
piny toads, ainl a atrinp of lopv each
' •mral matba bofotu baby CDaaa
« will be at Ms Ub1
scot is tba arar fotos at
betop as krpe in dianelrr ss iha
ikea tha adsuDt aar aad asiriy paia
The frteada ot AU ^ will be pUd
rtaasolHs Alls Mrsalper.
-'brt to hear that be k aWly Isprortop. boiler of the rBpine. or Urper. tksrda Ica. It rtdkwa and iBVTUfiB -maniac
eaMlail will be a pood o
esaaned to'lbe sispes between tba.
a Appla 8sllb aad Ms Watkiaa
laila. and oa them the lop* allde. Ez- cte. rettona the dktoBtad fediag. AenTTaaaraaaty alaltos totordar.
cepl on drireadinp prailev thejtoitda
toa labor, aakai iwiwj
.te Juke caw. MddUim W. as pscbed. aod .the tiain mors al
Rpod Cfwed. fTbede the road k lerrt tolBwttfaoslaBT '
sforbailas. or pl...^
a r«M ta good ter <sly o
or allyhlly aareDdlay. the «a(lM pars'

Maadk waa lb*
aeso fas praaaato aad
M«y happy ntarM of

Meet yonr eye and ear every pasuiif day, and yoa

___ J lor IW azBiu.
Him Haok^Sullps Bsyto^
Keys of Oseu




akUop ofeaka.


______ ...

Ibe lopa, aad wbes It k dcsaodlep It
brto back. At the Bilkaf this
tj tbe saaitfsl aicd towber. re« of •dee. k raa lata a fiaaM,
«kH k carried about two ■alls to

“t “r



Another lot oT fine, plain, all wool fabrics. 1 yi yards wide, for 89c.
Another lot half wool. 1 % yards wide, plato Flanoel. for 17c.
Another lot of Surah Silks, good weight, for 19c. ,
A lot of men’s Undershirts -no drawers)andOvershirts,formerly retaRed at iJXiforMc
A lot of Karlet Shirts and Drawers, heavy, two threaded, positively briow cost of cmduction. for S/c each.



A few odd patterns and short leogtlK of Dress Goods. principaUy of BelT* ari*cV ait on
l half of its former price. ■ ■

A lot of childneo s Suits, prinripaDy small sizes, to be sacrificed bdowcomof Dcoduerion. .
A lot of
Beaver Overa*^ retafled by the fon^ owners at

In our Cloak Department, while we stiU have a fair afifiortaent, we argue more 00 tim ‘
lint-of low price and good quality than vazfety of styles.
- ■
A few mo« weeks and ooromtnten will be deand for tpriag arrivals. If 'anoet are
any object* call on


&RAMP TBAVEiaaa matALO FfcBRPABY 18.1897
tiabloy ship, aod rrbra hr bad trarar.
•Idtod bratbwtoBt tlaUflBB BV- Hay- Tbi- rcry tooea eanas back ayala
niH»-ni'.>' marlor a .'•'•'ja thru. Hento as aad tb* old tiwe bsrmiBy. toblek iiKiei^ tb* ihip.
to toUytoyo wefc—1 tkw.
*-1-11 auy till 1 Aad b
ihipy of boa to kot.d. terf *cd •ten
««r tost bat aoaoctobare aV>«*d
I te boM Ob Koto r«WB db,
r mould yoo teiay «
and abtp ■ aalisp'. he w*. ablpiad oi
Ttolt. I tolU cdow Iw thto Uto*. Uood array, for all that btaaoHlal 6d yood
board Ibr Hartao. si *Tr«nirT of Am
l**ar di*. a*'ll to a parted l>od.
Vuu-L Loo
B0« basy foa nost b* la yoa* toparato
I ibrdtoartydadily; .
brr. atteodrd to bis toor.imsa.en.1 par* i
LrooBA lanlBayiaelaotyes
ktoMfVn* drllyhtrd.
<-r>dro<r of briny a trortreaTV-of'I '
Dub &«T0b-* Ibarfct « •«““
ay oeer yoer work aod bear yoa -----------ilrtrr a ---------------rrioiodrr.*- fco esid. “yooabaJl; thorouyb.yoloy Viiyl -h Ik... On l.-r i
Tit* b f«to llocs w I ban* of tbc
Aad It I Won la tl
bakwlroai so* aa.rthley yoa may de-l,»o,rey*.ltohBd tor*
Hkkalo rabdwB bwl liurih# Utton
1 rooB rrttb yao hf>« prokd
“Oh. tioi'.ertod Bmhald*.
. Tb* erra Uiitod todold be If yoo bad yood laoaoM And
hr fiaitMa. Inri li InrAi
*^b «r* teH*r b Itoo to**h*' nabtloB boto ootry I tooald b* U yoa bOod.
. Uybl. Thr.,h*dtS bnats.
nib to lb* ibbt toM uo«rii. Aad t waaM M)oy •oainy yoa akau
• I BtsI off. abrnlilllf OnKri*
tabcW'. Bbioe to Hr. Jbckaoe aad elide dorra hill.fwi tar* to aw
I |-!h**hoo»*d: “1
people bar* a yood Ubb.
Write ■
; U->* *l:li.p*d on Itocrd Ibto
taaahar. Hto fulUid; atoe the priBury
rood Ubso aad be aorc H
. •tohsr* shryan^'lllyn toilb il
HtoBflray.please yoor dear editor aad year
(lb* Oto of lAk<(|-oainror‘1ftoT'T*yo(^
td a **ty ole* tia*
; to dto. l*t-* dl* Ukr B*o.*nd like Bay.. 1
M Uk> to r»ir XU aMklNM.
I treat to DcaMoU aad rtoitW tt
■ itohiai^r”'
IB that
Tl.*nrltifb tfirs, h«r.I him. so
• alopitod and brpao irt fiihf tfal--- fir
lOMtoto. Thai*
■***««*• *1 AU triaca* t-r*o<apas XUsashvln. Tbcy foiirhMI soto.n, to'itinhrrerr uulfrd.UrddbDd aalBtala. A eery
* , aeraias.te IlnUab Milaai.
Ind-r isunt rlr.rtnc In thrtr -r-r.. flisT
laryr aad oyly lorklny
AHiint toilb loo.' toys; o Utod tbat (a
OwTen LMiar Wnura.
l.mnypt il>« rra.^1 aaf* into t!i*
Itsiofacry rliteb* thihuyli tbe bronchia
aundlBC ctoao to a dock a* It h
I -krctov.. ' ■
'CS Htr a tnoekry: a bird ilul
JhMkptol. ■ , foior to bile It. There wa* a ebaak of
UBl* r..m**-sfo«to«.»»..!ir l,ara*<l
I be dnmiKtl; a bird if.*! liics,
Dm JIa
; loBd alMUt lb* aUa of ay flat aod eb**
rlhnt-b* ioiplond tV .hln*a
saima. or climb* allb *.iual fa­
•. rut it toff, -r- writ! you • Utur. I ta»«H «rrr, Bjr atotcr aaii.-d ■« to bold It
cility; abijd tbei utltolaalanrticorof
wriuau Mor«- I ko to Mhool nny; dropttod It. It rraa BO bwry. _Tbm Um ll^lE? .jaatlrapcd* of pn'h.ilorlc
4b7. My umeker-t blb* to Hr. Itorto.. rer* blrd**luUB uB a**U louktoy jaal oyr*. Ibr riialrt-c* of aklrb to only
. J ua U Un IbiM irwU. 1 »»>< <»«
tbc loa.'.t c.ul
a«to asd 4nd om alt I rprot Cbftol- rltb ttora* In tbeirin.'Ulba placed
,Jl looked a* If they toer* flyiny bone elU) auiinuj lilt.
BM rrilk (TUda uodflUdna.
This to iU- rrmarkableblrd rrhlcbba*
to food U. lrtnciy bird* There
Vow Uuld (risod,
Wter. Tbara A**
tot the na.iito •droliflctourl.l to talkil^f t
eoaooa boll from tba cirll toar.
Hicuadu P»i«.
Ka H.U. lo ( uatl.lautoa. - _
•C.\TU> >SLT-niB.TlinON-B.
ind a-n.n:f. It to foo.,,1 |«nlr lu tb* |
aboat tb* *l>* of a, toacop
Did you CUT b.'ar ..I s K.o»r ntoirvl
Ayo'yai*-_________ _
Btot iTicou' foiTots of llr.iiib flulana.
of 11.,• pan. You raonolyiv*m*toi,s1 yoroua.l? It's yrt--..i fun. r^p*. inj’y
auin tbry had a.tu*kc^ bnuard
KlwHv.ltoLU. IM.
}ou .1.. not i.BAtoaL 1 .IP, i,.-«rt.r.-l. ..f lu a loh n sr|„-r* ti.rrr nrv'ra hills to
people call ibroi Toitarid I Utowjiut itoicitob. and O|alho
Dsas auTOU-l Ibooflil I wobUI
ul tohivb j'oo bs«T lull a ronsl il.ii.t., On.-uf th, jcud.-r*ol 1 b*
abewt thealu-of a (arw. but H had the ptofStoOr. «h.v
lari.vl.'. S..l,..» rsp you »-i«r n,.-a»,.i f , l-ia- pii.l ylrla- ,fvr.anqi.i,| thwrnltos
wriu to IkB HBUU> M I kart wiittoii
an diayiilacibr .tiru-ncnn
tb* fceadof a bairli aad ebort l*rt ’ l>
-liuu:;-rvWsin:vJ tb* Liiip. /-.Viu 1, jurl l.uu th* ic;yr^„oi|.l 1* bwU*.
amcm hctan. W.livtararr
o ilisl .von ni.ufd orvri I.
to Vlad of an aabanird-looklnr >Ird.
I am hajii.} AuM>*i*>sUrd*ihruw'r
-A U.iui {..,.1 liu.di:|.-u u ilirivnlrrof
•kMiay iwt wwk. r r> to tohool aad- ir aay tody ana* aaar it. It trouM
. turki'\.*B):lr or
iiT*. i( ti.*l:spiu..*teof ■•■.•-I-----------.
TL.a bird lias purau.-U t.
•wry i»> mat I itody r.«dliif.
drop itt head
ll tra4-]BTa«pt*d to Mr.
■ ■ • rhiuf hiiu-si.
,f,i .l.muyhall.h*c*.,t»r.-.cp- 'j.
f«crrBpkr. .wriUBif iVny.Holden hy afrirsd. ) rraat to
bad UafObC*. >'or Cbri>uua* t
Fraakton thto aamiaer. baV did not
pair ol bkbtwbiulB |>iulara toxdi.
!i;n,.j’or our 111'.a.4i rcii of
_n.i i<.:L*r>*< I,...
.« -loricui.iia
k>r# tin* lu yo orcr to tbc Ulyt
toUlelcbb (oribUtItob.
acb r.1. Hyktot*rar;eBttotbB h-pnnal
iiricra about It
Yoar* iraly.


: The Evening: News,.
•m fiEiT li&T EJpOKlX.wtistor Medium

> The Ore






Aoe/rre m evmry towm $n miOMiOAM.


The E'vening News. Detroit,




OJm GhjOed PLO^S


Are U« Best OB EfiTtb.

mas u.tiurrsTT. awtniova
st,tou,'i% a «i*rw


Dbbb Barrob-I toaot to oomar.,.
tb* b*w y«*r with a >*U*r to |b« llaa-

Papa, tnainiaa. Cota sad myaolf rrrat
to Huei<at.-ad ibto K.-w Y*ar-a.
ai*t*r celnotmia*l>..ic*allb na. fapit
to* cBprrl h. r thto af ternuoa.

ALD. Haata CUot broarbt "• a
Lake Ann. but tor had oar
dtob. book, bad 1«* of itobbBU bad . _
r of alrlyh* and
eaadf. aod t yolotbar pnoeoUf’^
ri all tb* candy and
trUodb. W* bad a IwWy ooienbio-'
au afraM I arill
aaalat oar ehaicb aad BaaU CUbi
ee.Ttrd tb* iT*i ol tb* letter* *o t On.
toaa Umk. rf^ol yoo thtak him a
hoplH|.-Uito will aut yuadb U
fn*7 aaar 1 »lah lb* lUui.t yoaas
waste baaael.
tblki bad yoa. doar rdltor. a bappy
HauT IhiTTrat
aato year.
dr> •

•________*»■« T;
■aalalki. *lB*ra». Dpf. to.



DbbaMai,abrB*-iU I bar* i
writtoa befor* I Uoa|rbt ! fwald
b IbUwtbUiannuui. I no**d troai
Tiamw City laUJaa*.
Wa II'
Haabdac oa lb* baak ol^k* Uuportor. Hy atolar aad 1 fo to *cho..l. I
aa la tb* tilt frad*. 1 haTo ii<it liai
food Ms* aiboa I ha*« V
Uka to abb lb* boaU roaie In. T1
hoala. aty et Trarrm* aad City
flmad Bapid* cbia* In ban. 1 >**<’
fraadsa bad frandpa tniklo* wLo
Uto la Ttb*er*B City. I ■**! eW ay

Dm Ha*. Vana-I thoqrkt t
tooald torit* to thr Uaan.n. Thto la
' ay fliBt lottar. 1 po to acboul i
1 bB to Uie aaoo'ad yrad*. I
ItoTtai—1------ r — *-*- hbdlouotfaa
yiayi^aaotobaU. . Wa bar* s« BobolbraiBooracbooL. Hy taacbar-B nator
to Hla OoBrtbdr; I Ilk* bar trary atsch.
Wa Uto oa a fars; 1 .Ik* it very sorb
- Ihb**adaar UtUe bcolber; -ktobame
' toAlfrtd. I ba*ablItU« bUefc kitty
bbd » black colt af«d 1‘rlnoe. I bar*
■oatolar. 1 bar* *M« nlea UUlacm
IM. 1 tolU do** for thto Uma.*.
Jf.iimiE Ittjinc.

0|«ii tl.r leniia of Uu v. 11,1 nroa
lb* rau,lt.tluil it* li'-l. I.u«di
quirrd rt.rli an off, usiic»ii., Uihai uu,
and 1*-a.i dr* Iroui lU pn'-'U.-.'.!,!.,) ill

; ;k,

lb* d*,uh. ol .!,*

1- It toa> Jutt lb* brrak of day
sail Ike imc looked eery prrUy.
ton* to tell yoe all the U.layr 1 yirt U•roulit take too iuny. toil I «lll tell you
eoe tbioy tobi.-b I tblok la Ton pretty.
Itlap lltU* eiqiand aauccr. Theyait
plakarlih «rold *dirr* and tht cup ha* •
yoldhaoUT. Hy bcoibrr licur,-* yot a
little <kliia boy tritb a pink cap aad
hoe* and a pink BUff-tohk-ta It Uod on'
ilm b} aittny *ra*i<d hto arck. Hy
ildral brulli*T haayoor to 8olt..n* Hay
to yu to aebuol, bat tbiTB to BO achu-1
tai after Nrw Vaara. . 1 aupfo* k* had
sale* llta*there today playloy *10.
onrcoualaa. I can ttr itemoch tbb time
iritnUlaounbebrdllin*. bat I bare
few Borc thlByBlotell yosabonlcor
scbool. We had qnite a few to onr Ual
dayofachool. Tba drat tblay afteFrcto* bad a tocleom* Sony by tb*
of tb* eblldna apok*
ptoerdaBd flr*yirla«aay “Jraiia Ckrial
tier Sarto*." aom* Bor* ebUdm apok*
aad tbPB tb* olBser apok* to th*"cMl
Fir* lluir yirit easy "Ctlod.byr^
Tracbrr " Il.-foro roctoia the lltOe oars
read aod they bad phyatolnyy. aod t>*
foerU raadrr bad pbnloloyy aad^___ Wc h^ja-iLuy^forOnr Ianyoapr IntoOb-Abint CbrtotBaa. They
tocrr all rrry alee,
Irre to ^ on* I

r,«4, b,' CD* thli.unc-and IfamUr "u •* it *,•'


rrii* n.-\r'


..o,.l<! anitto.a.
.Aj,aJy, tolKUto
i'l.i> ojou htotoMordin

SIrInya nl pliltvr
toxluotol lo l,1hii 1'

...------ --org.

.j,„, ''j,

!..n..XK bul ^


.LUiH •lro«)d Ito sorry
to 1-- I-U
. ,'il i.'„. .iMorh ••|k'...l,a. t hair nol
Ul*. itoL-..vLur> i^aliiir* to suveerd lo
thl. lin<i*Bl,l..,n.*..i.1 HthLitlcndojoiitoai ntioxcoorir",
•kkrd U.r kiny.tii ai. u. vr, tvn*.
ihlr Kv-

Riun.n—bieo* I aairuiir leitcir
Is the Ha«au> 1 Uiyuylto 1 wonld
bcaln. Our achoo! rraaoQt yeatcnlty
bodl Wtoi *
111 b*Vllb..utoar'teVeb.
all**}'* *u klad tu na. 1
aopprw j
had a »ic* Hot* tMBi.
r aruaetbto norolay the hyat
r***d at toaa our rbrUuiaa

. PNO**:;*:. 1’,

co**un«, thi*

“tVclJ atod.

II todi-torlU-O. nb*n lull yroM-n.***
t*n-l»nrp l.ird.m-irhtarcrr-l.niiapa-. .

ri: t^iu'nVcrrii otr'i'ur

■a ud Buy Oti^-of the JZefolor Oliver AfCBCB
i; =.y tth. btortto.*- l—tew

rtna.d your Ihnuir;
ireiu^ij I h..,.**.; I llud.i.*! .iii-ia'ai.U, that'
M>rr.' _'.i, axT hoiiutW. more' lhau

■ ' >soto

b'esb Arnica Sal**,
a Hast Sai.vb in the ■
lirnl~a. S«ra. fbT

----- --

Udirsv<.(-a.,fxp. '

»:b<n*-nt tl,;-_**i,i*r .au krrp tb*
Trvi-.l-rvu.i,| >p,i,!,.u.- »;ih prrat
iiditi. -Ilf ivi.j— Uu- Ik„s ..II Ihv
,to uk,, sr.- -Tus!,he*


->c huo**i



Uny dt fiv*/*'.i< li.. .-. t;

ap. wsian-'sDton n-uiedy fur pinRbs-t

•Thto wuu u fii.l* loo Bwl... -n.e
iiiy Jr.vt l,i.
u'.1.u.,i. ■BoruW
tlto-'.lw.irf jipurlo Un.,.- ili»'|«i;*,r iojII.
, dial. Iv or br- voulJ bit* him
ahlpitodoat'ol cjiun.
, -



''After J.n«*fiey fmn

t^urlch hr* yiirn lo US' world the «•
ilu of I, ouivfiil atn.l.i of iLaadlts
ihr*»lv d.i»*.l,'liMi
clur* to'tfa ill Uirfiiriflii.ratid'aduK
ll,.a,dlM.-.- iti tiH-wu.
l»«rnl in ih*r

Bsl SO,I L!i* l’o|i,iljr S
da.vs err ru, yma! n* m
rDti>Is aiuk ni*naciTic opeiili.
v6 ivi*r Ll...K*.y,.m yrahlun,
remote for«tt of llriiTsl. (iuisna te
;t«i. hii ivlo
Older »a aceUre-aMrr bird. *«*« If U W thra-'rfT* ^l*iti.b*u'.lor;h*U«,a ot
dot* yito out au odoi«lhst wauU ppl
w hh oi.Iv
tbrmrphltto.tniiriraniisiofliybt. i I
,b„,oodl.l, s. -i-u ii.'ii'A>nid.f.Mi'

Tw« HlElitT Itoy
T1,.-r,' niv i»o I.,.,.-.
uu.iuy 'ix,Jh ‘ti-’i «„uU V but
Iu,tii[-, sl'iisoi
■.uily-'r. fuis' l.nyp',1 hi* ,




For-Infante BJia^jtilditiA

----- ....--.'slisilsHi'S'




-ii.r,:.); -r;:

: . s»..s,.,iiri'ni;


:s -sicjars-Vi; su-sss





tb* hunae.aad to bed, far thqi «>ic
afraid b*. Blybt bort Ucm.
ten* aooa la bed aad corared np aanyly. Aad Saote Claoa c«ae op to tbe
donren.Uolo tbc hooa* be euBewlU

chrtoLma. ^ * luryr bandleuudor hto *nn,Bad filled
,.-;!U -i 'lihclrMalthtoya. Then be tocot on

«katl lorekardMrir

Ub*IBB* borne i


oe'oek the cblldrra arw*

r ;!,

ns tb. last dar «f aeboal aad '



bad paaaata. WA
Mar tohByaooodh
It doe* am yota^ke* rA baakat t
toUl trrlte ayala.t^
■Be^Ver tUao.
flood by.
- ^TsJ;

‘ ”1
"'Ll"..?" “

- - r^r.


Hat B. Lorau.

d oor Icacbw^didairtoi
r. bohallt'. They'took dlaarrtoitb a dear aid poatattbai
fa** •aVM^UVVoad dlaacr aad n*rd to preach tob*a I rraa a yirt. aad
IhoatoaWB^eB*. larUt te scbool Vbo tapilsod my haabandaad ayaeU
a ynod 'aadBBrrtcdoa
Aad b* coaU hat«y
». C«*dU ZIBBHX : >M(«nls» your oM aoatl* wllh tbe
' kd rra.yiretblycbildfM
h*dObrtotka*atert**.aadab*yare os b^ anther,
tolaof aaady aad poaoats and papirre.
Wbat do yoa soppoac be y*r« as for a
- 1 Vks flad arbaa to* fot tbs UtUa' pr«*rst!
fHSMto that ye* seal as. Tbay are tod cbairk obeir that aaay tobae I'tov
■................... ikyM.«T«iBh.UftrL -

**• sbriiiol' B rprrsil dnan uiv h
mv ftij, aad 1 w*. l.kioitol fr an luy tort-l
V.VB. L.Wl.ctlui i <'..uM n.« t'uiln,.T
|v„,u, cs-rmy-hes, atol lto,d't...qs'0inr
.tos-sfuUylaoiarhn t’oteldI Cri
Ib-m (to. - Cveo my ((*<x
mA i
*iwr« iiuff.d
un;*isimv toh'Api
I <*<iM iwrdlyfl
unlrk my idpo. I cm _
Mr of tbc best la tlw chr.
tarlliBy.irMcau**<l by Ian't
ki lacTA and i niia.nrar
.M.-Upetliapirotie. I

: ■nietotnvuRnwcAAASiA.NCA.

TJ, S..

.5 ,S

Kiny and courk rt Borr bepud to Irsh
C that thru bad a ahrrwrt littte imp
briar* tbeni, and ibey cniuroenced.lo
ply bin, nilbaotSttoos of an;^^„ho-UMills,uodiBy.ib*rT.*mod«l
Tb* aaklop of oonuodrejn* nas a aort
lio*uty and rourspe u> th* yoolh of
<d trial ol wit totohleh-KicT^n* were ^
ud *o nbk ibrbe*.
meeb yivri, at this lacied of history:
u» of little Harare fomer. Hr.- - ->•
"Wbat tblay to that ahleh Btoa tb*'.t*- ,h* flam*, rashiap from tb* .. .
Btodfitoat?- adted oo*.
: tMXcbta aod ISckiny th* .Isrred riyyiay
“TboapbL- ,«j>u*d
grrrCx tbrdruets iod th* priat




Hr. A. E WlBR rr-klr. *t fill X .’»rk»m .tlns i. Jai kw MU. Jh-to s 1.*,1
lutto-Mld,lysnrluuIT»« smsuoisorlies liileyrtiv, amt iih'.to « "nl'to ter-u I
dtopulr. lie.ldls the folloslue siurr c f s
w.ustcrfu1ioianu.aBj ll.c iotih utr o n
oMcl a'ilb tlto .UlLdTRC |...iu-a n
abk-h .bv to*, ptou'd. «* wrA auur
•month* SJO LIV aiuali-aitoaiaur.rled I'v
a •toi-iliurof Btf prutBs, wlii.-k

t;d*rf>0 ItoPIto.i.le V> Ft. -NidiuUa Vu-r- '>*s an Kuliun. -wd one dry U
a na.v to Ihe^niuec of-VII'uru
kinp of the LsMuloids. at Veronn. and
boldly orated hinowlf la an empty
ibair next tb* tbroii*.
‘Th* cannier* were aff-much snrfin sal
at hi* Buitacily as they nnv amaa-d at
hto pro!CSV)or nppearaser; bui the Lom­
bard ehirfiaiu omilrd primjy U|s-i, tb*
•rand Inquired oih..n “what he
ben be an* bu» and 1b nbat
D a B.un.'- r*i>U*d tb* dwarf,
ipoa th* atimdantstorci off into
tavpbter. -I rraa b« o'tolton 1
iatu*4:ic> th* trorU, aad.tbr tootU ft-


mmM mmmm


.'ill.-,' b« hecalto'urw.
tobrn It I. ltet.l..-d It
bos lw*D I c'l |iinr
Dm Hw. Bana-I bar*
rreU-d*t*1op.-d Icy*- «1>* front jair b*-'
m>l, tiiiii- lu huoi. S" hr I*
oaao belwo. m 1 Ibcuybt I tooold wrlu
Iny of a iri.tilisn cl.urwctrr. a. a r'«>« .
Im-y prit.ur uui rallraoA.Uia. but be
Mala. IhaTeaota*«B a lettar frea
St the imiatraiwfi taken from «ii ofllhulk j.. I'.ut to- „b tuiflt for thiitl.* hv bus duo* “(uetty to*ll. conBorthpwt yat.
too*. I bad a alee Ub* Cbriataua.and it to a
<«MTrrrf,. „,u. v*.
Tbo text tlBo t bad UlB sammer '
kike tt*. t**r »i.rk s*fMto»a.
boauJus 1
«IU By boat Llad* »bo llrta b
,,l itoFi..
it.,;- iu .MlaB>
.\IIan> Sl^J:
l*' <'■'-‘1 «p
hiiJ li'iJ can,* cy.l a \ A toriri' .\L',v-f. uii.!lu,„l
toUb fou, top*.
Itohl.'Jltohsp iiwnrisbly boil u .uqtoise.lh* oilier du.t.
Uu* ul
*y«d toltJr'
amt If Ihrlr not lit.r ^
,;„yu*h .Tai-k fiyitiR »l.m
wires ol .tie .ruiil'.v Yu* Ml
1 tbe fiatUib'
climb about oiar tIk- adjoinlny 'llrpbr
ih,qf.^tenirty eloacd ‘over wr,*. s iroll-v to.,.-,p,ld
firtt, Hary'a»d Itolbar. 1 aar^ tha
bcT* and ylrl*. 1 aaifpae* you and la Ip* iu aonrebul fuisl. ou wlilcU- r
• fool of ihejToiiiiH, .'I h. .
tfU frodb I tindy nadlBK. tortUbf. trill be bappy rrhea yon yrl ap In U* Ckcnniaou titoy Ick and *.-t luor* Uk* ,
.Ilieit fv.r to'i.i urt,-. iu tUi full .1 itoiuc t.;f. auil-fii* rtJtu.iSt., pytlli.p^
r»«. toad* than hirvlsBunlayandllad that aid SaataClsai
beth'f u'l'l '.-oi.v-li'O', |>ruv;‘.r* of Uuil
1n **rly Infsnr.v o mi
«bo vIm dtobca. awerp aod Otoka brda.
.durUin* so n-dnitl.t ai.f1 wi'H ehuuvl- millv*! St It. lie VMI. u l.^uuslr ,li>d
Iw for* llmlM lirFies. '
My bretker Dick to r>rltlaK too. Tkto
attod liv r<'< .of ( niuucaicDl: :b*l ll.qrTw usoMj,
t. rurii'unm.
v* diyila fall off. ihr da
“tlo.1 .\liii:;-»ily t itwra qip'itpr," . '
to all I can Ibtak of. Your* truly.
'in to 1
Hal-p ruoii
Hut of'.l:t Il'to.IIrilirtiatiio'l'hwB.tofte
Uin* feathire sprout en,l th* f>-rvlinrta
in all nyc' 'ib<I. in .Hi *1'.hua ' h i,* pained lilw-,'lu
^ih luay hair aod ahinlay eyes pf th* lefast breoB* the »itipi of tha
1.1 |i:.s.- nod yri.oun ft, floplsniU
MaaMat. Al(*r Oa. Ito*. M Hr
Hr baa a span of relndeera aod ab old odull
Prc.._________ ...
Dual Hkb Bancr-f Uoufhi
rni^tol Ihi
etaarsprrte trail
“tbe adult ihnis not im]
troaid tortio a lauar tutb* HtaaLb
htoyuud chUdrra «bo 1.
,1„ lKirA;Tl,(nivj-apon tbdr to iays. a* a
HI «
toliat klad at a
il try .bbd tall yon
lot* apr*—wItnitvs tb* p*tMlkarakbdtktoaar
m tohy OrtotBot oomn Todsetvi* toitb
fouMuIiiitod Ivy*. ~ *
, .
Idoat Ilk* to Ur* her*.
art It to becaaae onr S Ite la.-llke wluys. i Ul. an o...*r !
«« <: ,"'7'fl'
' I tot* I «*■ bock boBo a«blB at Trat
B-0|, hoatrin era *o poor!;
wa* aty. Wc bar* pord slelyblar day. and au wc Boat barrabappy Ub*
QP*d thul an* wonld hnnll}' *a»p*rt hat*. W*
dorr* bnioo ay broth- to celtbrate hto Wrtb.
tow'iup th,' S..U tostcr in '
«rb •*« aUd. aad to* bar* lou of fan.
Oa* t>ri*iaa* tobrn the m'oaa absa* „u. I.
U kan W toot btok. brlybt aod tb* aaoto- apa^led aoB* cat tpprosrti U> tW quadrufad found . j
ihto 3>
I yo to aohool «r*ry doy. I ob la too *01*11 cbildiM toer* Uklay a Uriyh^r!*yudoh By* that after lwtrb)i« ft"*-- J'>*
saaead yrada. 1 «aaU Uk* to see By
» a lUU* bill aaar U>* boa«B. th* torll-ton'toi-sl .-laws on th* fsil- ; rrmch-kn
ttoterdaTtheTtorJ Ds;
raadBaaodytaadpaWilkioa. Itomitohri. they beard a riayiny and dloy- loz
lax and uni
unilvrefrcousinntly in as* for': oment In
, cdoot By Uuw. 1 will taU you *bat Hay ul bell*, and on* asid rarj'idto. hookinp
■kinp Bi
end boldiiip
ol.kcts.—N. ■■
V. Ji
vBtre coBsa old tianta CUna.' Aad
B*«b Cast-re.
tbe chUdns'wrnt rnanloyto yet Inn.
(F>w.(UJ*rS>w ni.i'sl




aoyli'il^-* 4/.tln',>,i.i'kii';- of rJ;,- |.lu>
aj-rni.l., .the
iii.i.-u'l -f .^u.loih- ' -ni.iufcaaii* arruufT.-rtay cairerii
rui.ei, Iu-V,.ni*„ff.i, that pAc,
I.. Iivii.ny I’il.Aand i^ s

; Wh*r.'.*r U,
■ I JlOate ]in«1i
i h* toitulJ.I.Vn.

«-TOi u-ureiD n;

r«teu*rr 80. laeT


p»ilir*ly n
,1. II I. yai
. ylrr'^ rrfccl aatisfartiun u:

. ,'■


lifst v.'crk 1 moiflMeod
to are « cban.-D. and frit mach
*nc .-.rayisf.'and 1 reaclouirt
' '
1 wa oomplrtriy cured.
________ ________dofotjrmmltoioe toblcb
“ wbataoooBoredteBdndiaJrfrei'i.
___ ____________________________ _________
sad bare ll In snfh a «wVl coodlihai. 1
fwd fartter ocir iba* I *TCT did. Aftto


• “V.

“Tbc oraricosst tb* ittiser.“ toaa iba ,__u

t,..,. .. v.”^.



Deal Titli ns ind le fill desl ipjon.
We .wUl talie all the fresh e^ and firstclass bdtter Oiat yon bring vs. Bighsst
market j»ioe paid. Bemember onr place.

I tn^t^so-* EMscy Till* as *'

Ban dedr MSMBbrerto

For Qoiek Returns




fitwhiuaRY 18.


a fea*«a >M*baat baUai



Y«« >M M <~U
tharila w
tk. far aU Um raal food It wSl
^ -bataao.. aad lBTiua«
Ido. ne eUU kaowa H. Am* dsa-l

Wbaa tba eoCre'apor<Aed aad brawM
- brrVeriadtae it to kUI
IB tba oMHiaa aatce^L

am foa'ia
la tlw »»rt> roblaa pi
foaraoiil ar*'"”’ *“
------ .art o' drf« .
Hosa-ouda bnad la-al-an rioatia' roead. a£’ r
M tkam to »U It a (k.
Ohat It U m ^ boara.
battrr for tbia porpoao.
Cot o* aU On tbatpalpitatla'a
s. ! AB^IOC
aov B«r
ir4d to na that 1 «aa
>rariabl7 b
.. icflrlBd adrlea.)Bataalf ao wbalarer dUlB( ip daairad.
ooa aatlta local a
Cbaoaa Saod«lehaa-Oa to baitarad
* ose torwbawtotraie eblldraa: Bat
• apraada
• - -kick
fbo didn't bare to do
r. Tka boaaabold Uaia. bar
itrd ta:
ebeaaa. tben a larar. ofa(lr«eat Only what fun
luoehta 'll flaUerallU
■1 baa roar ihoo
tk. Into aaaU pleeaa.
Boaed that old
- olf.,
rembila' ulbr,
M iB car aarthlj fUdrl-ac*. a«l »lf I Aad ^a «
“j**;^* frcB tba date aad
'Waf down etaira. at wabad ae befa.
I apr^ a ^oro.
a. a. Boblar dolra. aad blrb« laapl.^ [
det Bsall tptbiakUi'iblara.
. <.
If HjoorbOBifcoatala.aaaead
*tto-a Am* teo^lca. lralr«7ltl>r
H jobt bo-f coaUl-aa k,ad eBa.
oaa. HfwOT aeawrau alteaaof krill
lAke old soBcrs at rlnca, an' riara
„>... that ba.^Tatadlila'.Jaraar al^takee Saadwleh*-Chop ea
Thro' foar bead, aa' sroOt be alUl:
baa nada -a a beUar «o-*a. a batlar
ehiokaa rSf daa: beat a«Maa rir
- buf'e pill is the wiadb will."
CTTiaa aad mix wUb It; iraaoa with
a' bM tbeorbu ie loer. .kac
litU^a^U aad ^tfcad batweaa aaa
An' w^rnk^' of lou as' lo*.
work la aad tba ■aafi‘»»® '**> ikof a« la tba waj;
Ol r>ud tbiare wr s'paecd we'd do.
Veal- Haodwlcbei—Chop aald re
An' kept wUbla' ihef'd oome tme.
aad. mix with aalad draa^. Ih.
.prrad batweea alleea ol bread aafi
____ Time'

1 tm ilw tt* -rihw. ‘



of buttered breed witb atrawberrf or
raapberrf }am aad cot la taocf ahapra.
ritef are aape^f aloe far childrea'a


■ c^aa
- mlU.



at atbar laa« wa aaae
Oaa OoBoB Saadwlobaa.




uw ar^rMlw***
Wlterbmp k>seU>

------- IBestXMtMBSOdBB


A Nobla Mtsaiem.
Crae Uaee ticoere Berbari fserote
that the aweeplar af • raam /** *<"
; Uud » lasei atakee tba aeUoa fl^ eaf.
Um Preebfteriaa Baaaer. Uc iK>rk at
the bomebold bee teemed riarified In n
ment^ to manf worketa.
When n
Indf knkee from the orrn her iirbt.
tweet loner, ob bread, doat ahe ball
.worth as_________________ When ahe
eeealf and earefallf «reade n bed.
dort abe take Into acooul the rreel
eomfuil and etrenrtb that
likel.r aoerne ^

_ to ihrer word, from a
eervioe? L'
Iter, and drink U t
: HoB«keepors. bf
they prorlde. by the cooehea ibef





• •



• *

uwdLoss or Sixer

When 1 look aroaad ao' aee
I thoofkt
-UI aapret aoM aaa to be patient
Walaat Saadwlcbra—Chop Eaeliah Kooe o' them old bofe bat me:
weald )aat >at down a few tboarbu
by the i______
. .
with aa TI
walaaU rerf Baa. aad mix with malt­ Aa* I'm rttUn' am, 1 *>.00..
their homrs. nrr deddlnf the phyeicnl
aad paai lb5« alnac. k«|dBd la ao»« toroa in tba areolae fro- bU work, be ed betler 'or whlppeddream ao thef
Jml like all the otbera doea.
intelleelnnl. morel end eWrul dmlla;
wartbafBUf baabalp toaawbodf.
ftn- Uere'e aoae o' oa. foa tee.
wbat lt"-»af.»aotblBiwilb b amBA
af ibe rece.-T,iU. Toll:V
MeasBied dp tooor tdc*.
Bewtbatthaaaeloaa tloiaa are opae
PaU tba prw cbalr op to tba tra aad ' I'eaootSaadwicbaa-Poraa ereaine for Titae'siopper bold u. all.
wwaaraloicedto aeoaomlia la eraif
How to 'Ttenl Froxon Pluto.
ahow bin jao car. for bia. H. wUl ao-paaf or a pliale partf. area
araf poaailila. aad aiaat ofaedad wa tc oat from aueh a ho-e la the »ora- poand ol freah ruaatad paaeau. rat
Tbrrc nrr twodifferratwafsol trmtthe abelb aad red akin, thea chop
b-ralliUaUaf-ra. IfwaduUiakat
4ias to bee a drhlo' pril.
inf froxea pluis.
One b to epnnhir
lac rrfraakrd ladaad.
Like the fllaU we lued to sptll
Ui-m a. Bonn ns poeeiblr witb cold
I—W.tine adaar Mead
Laat. bat bf ao Maa le« ^■partla that uld-tlme offer mill
wa»i; end Uke thrm nwky from the
barf^wa pc-dar orar It aad wonder
Id dreaaiae. the recipe lor which U eir—LuuUniU i';ttrlcr-Ji,unuil.
aal, ibow lore, afotpalbf aad kind- ra below.
'’xhe oUmr method U to lake them
laeaa U tba waarf. orer-lmrdauad aMthid Draaalae—Thrw eni^^lro
nwnr from ikriifhtnad hot .priskle
«r wba baa lo «anf. maaf WfiaforTkat'amoj ibloifs caa brdnslml witb tbpm. bnt let aslare tbsw them ri«d'
dcala to pa«tbToo*h. "Kooe bat a dMCrtapeoalal ol aalL one de^rlusUr.
had pla-tf of a>aa«r I wocld kaowjoat
In the first tn-tment it b cUlmed
sstbar \aowa." Bow aaeb aha aetda ipuoBfal ol moaiard, aaa-ball a aaltwbat to eat." How aftaa we kara all
that tbr cold water draws out thefrasl.
U.edn.laeaddrf'vlolh can
ararda ol prilaa. lore aad ebaer frobaad la jaat tboae ttralta. Ob! dear
That smwrdinf to tbeHeemed srira- but tWwe who are ofp.»ed to it declare
ba.baadaBdckildreo. Bat ala.: bow
that aatnre will atiead to that. II the
»U of the day. one isdrmruyinr
________ ___________ ______, oold b
aaldoa aba feta ibrm. Keep
ir DOlexpiiwsJ to the .on, or toe
rrrms" ibsl are floetrar ia U
elaw. thoaeb wa haraa’t apeaaf la
Iran bam rerf Bra. ud mU It w
In riUier cam the plant
I and freah bf aariae bar all t
ail eeUiinr o6 fbmitore—rape-------- &nch Iirbt.
thawortd. oraplaaa toUf«»^b«<la
dreaaiap m«le bf a third of a cepi
i eleepiar room., wbea We dust lo must be aiirndrd to ns mod ns pnmible
p. foa eaa. Voa'U laaa bar aU t
0-a Ibat la aora to ba appreaUlod bf rrmrllod baltrr.ateaapaeafalof a
niter it b db<meerrd.-»-«wl...ict.
t aofwBf.
daefa of red pepper, aad Ur folks ol
nebaad poor
oftra thiak If tbrfctad worda wr
wo kard boiM err* robbed eamstb
Dtir Snrgested.
lor flay fomilarr-aad that b the “eUl el kladeaaa."
ToararSaadwleboe-Cbapeoid I
Wbea swe^piitir n room them Is nolb'.mm alwafa aaf of people after tbcf
I'Muea ufsa old
ol< toll lewp dram nre
Aad tor aU Ilia aoabeap,bow rUani
lap better lu aid in collectinr thr dust
osefiil lor the mme work.
reutni. aad tba d toaraeaad mU with aaf aiersa
wo are with it. and ao atraid aoma oaa
Tbstn.Vlff bnetle Vrush for upfaol- tlisn newspaper: Take a jiare uf newsifMaioc
lUtid floral eeotribetioaa Ui
iture end a masll whbV pnper al a Ume. wet ft la hut sratet
wme-talluiafrornaa The., ihlaea *!^*J*“^ '
richaaatorud aud press it between the hsad. until It
oaebt aat to to ba. Hare job orar aoLambflaadwiebie-MiBoeoold lamb bruum are boil
la tbclr patbwBf white bera , Sac: moleiea with warm cream aad
That it 11 rrr srr nay parUcolyly emsee lo drip, then tear It into pieces
Uaad bow mack the dsmbaBlmalaap. •miUn*
carpet U term.
parhapa their lira, wonid hare I add a little aalt: tbraepreed betweea
praelalBa klBdaaaar Von pat a doe oa
> thr ^mmi
suisli whbV
wbisV broom Uwrrp.
this battered aliues ol breed.
kta bMd and laa kaw pidaaod ba la
and dns'tpu and swrrp up> U->
m place.jer
Err Saadwicbea—Boll hart arrciel Brst. belorv brgiaaiae Uc
t of ea bare bad. after frlrada aad
the rrbrral
fedri - lai„.
ianre pieo. r.rwi-lpeprr
3mM tba wma with ear domrxUe aai.
take the
II ooi
not -bare
■hnee to ahead■ nf^tlir h' K>Oi. they will
bboti bare left our aide. "If I trsab am: p'aaf* lato cold, wat------- awerpinr. Thi-n wc .hell
■aia. Bel alaa! taoaaaf aaa ao null
eeul, thra remora tba ehellaud
sweep lb<s addluoul dirt all oeer Ue Ught Dujr iksl
likrly to] fly bark and
oBlf doee mere; if I bad onlf
ibe wblieefloe: maah tbe-folka.
Wadaam tbdf daa't know wbat it la.
. 'lodrc.-dcJr.rr.l.
la ofleaar; U 1 bad onlf bee. i
lap a IllUe aalt. maaterd aad rlaerar.
That after .phe swrepiar li done aad
Mil thli oU world of oera it Joat
imtiaaL Bat It la too Uta. Thef hart to make a dremlor.
Mix throocb ibc
Be datt aUawrd to ertfir. if Ur oronia
kenmea ull added to Ue water with
ataraiaelarH. It kwkt aa Iftbaf bad
,dipprdio>*l«aa. cold water, ail.hak-. .'bleb
there bio do. it to do dlf. wbltee al *e err* *«d epieed beiwo-ui rurs. window., or anythlag
It aU lacked ap; like the -Uo-rf
ea out-uiil can be. and the carpeAiuf
to be wsUed. w ill iriw
fareat with tboae that arc kit aa. or
fclaca" aoma at oar pelitkial frieada
Ccltff Saadwlcheo-Whoa cekrf
Uen Ilirbtiv briubod. Ike bns>m b. iBy lustrr. A c
we .will hare marc of wul rrfreU
.Upped into fre«h wntor eeerj- fJw minwith four large
' MlkabaaL Let at Hohx Cnxa read.
in the market an rsrelirnv flUliur 1
A liule plrLIrleDd ef mier, la «Bdwichr.eubrmadelrem.lV Ckop uuw, it will take up Ur .orfnoc dost
jtn bud oaraalrea tOfeUler. break
writiap In mf albaca. wrote Uie fo). eerr Caa eerrral bead, at aiee crlrry that bm> fallen ho.-k on Ur cwrp.t bfa|Ma tbeaafaaaadeetit lato clrcalkharlar e.^lcd It f.em>er aad mix with aalad dremlor eo that it tor being dtaturbci by Ur .werpiag.
tlBB. aad wa will bare batlar limaa
That if oar ha. aot baukUj'ar enough
caa ba aaellf epread brtwera eaadmsmaaa's aad not brlair old eaooph
Mailr Irom tbb rale tbcf are toshakearug. it can be'hangorer the
ilebtawaf, BmUm will taka the plact
chead- lU meanlar. It baa Val- earlicalarlf alee f
IV» not forg. l Ik
arlicl't of. food
liar, bruUrd off with the bn»m. and
of frowaa, taart will ba dried.
licT abould
neryr be
after briag Im.I .doe n agaia gone oeer that arc (4»up >'f juicy
flilad lu miaalaa. I jaat past it ataar. keep treah tor thr
with a damp broom. Uereby Uklag
kept la a Ub bos:.
■^FJowere ea otbera' p^wMrltrewa,
All aandwioboaaboaid be wrapped ia oat ibe tine dust.—liisstUouwAcrabig.
lids ud che-icaU
Bare pteleaaloc ehrtatlaai wW ad^te.* Alwafa'BBBt'tbelrtrapTutbcutf oa a wat clolb to keep them mebl. Tbr}
Aboideatm Toys for Children
and when il.iup b uiiflt tc
ttatbmrif Ualaa. Vor
USB be cal iaioall aoruot tsncfehspm.
Soaeoar srtao ha. been wsU-blng ih» tuurh tilings that are to be raUra.
each as hearts, alqosrca. (Ailoora. orsla.
Map ta be a ehriallu. that 4a, oaa
Mm. Hsttw Oi-avka.
rmgsrtrs ol Ue-iufsal miaii ask. why
irbarlaa dlsaiusds aad etsia.
t>o Dot forgi-l tlial Usl sorre cu M
■ .houlde'l hr proridrd wriU uLettuce and ertaa saadwlehre ahouln
Isl br rubbuig thr perU espne
tbe eta
etart and so
"secidraUI toy." at tbr
pbUI a abort
pmwurv. twice del!}-. wlU aluo
Uttla deads of klad^ pmVrat tbr uanal surare whi
ualar. aa tbelr erlspnam b
when balT to Arprierd ol ec
Uula words el lore.
eta-d lo-r.
ii b
wutod vlMWbrre.
ed pomrssion Uai
1------------Ulber earle'Jea e
Hake oar earth uBdea
7 kpamkeeper. wko b oftce
Why not.
« • thr cU-meads, purchase so
Ukb tka Uaaraa sharp.
work befoad her atreiarth
egg beater oulrigbl fur Ur llilie ^irl
forget. Uaak* to ue food r
ahee*ulf the dradx^
who deligliu ia lurslng the craok of
■ois. t^t tbr beautiful brown loaf
IMa Uadsaat la tba hsma la
bar work, but r
the oar ms-mi to kllclan um?
umig lato use. and. ia maay- place
of eeea thr
■iiBlIil It blads (he etaUdrae to tbt
It bit of id.
would not cost e. —arh a. many of hrr
Tnnoos Peuto OUbas.
tsb:r willmut dark bread b eoi
pBraals. tba pareala to 1b« chUdrak. ____j menial ri . .
Pnrmm' wieae. aad tboaa w«:
plaiard 0f.
the day teem briebter a
more di-iighl. t'r whr nuf bu.v s
It will ba the uus la meat aaaaa af IM tatirniac u4 moBob
rho nre bnsf ud berried nbonl t
lamp bu.-arr wiib a long w irk Uat
:btog to Depend On.
haaidBf ear dilldree at homa. and
worn era often enrrlow nbeat the food
Ara aul the motheirs lanfely Q
be w-rrwrd op add down for Ua
^irraared lor tbelr tamnirn, "ufUlair
Mr. Jauiee.1..Brs. of Uedmgfirmof
from (dBT aatiBf. Ub. paraata. keep albie wbaa our danrblrrs rrow u
boy who hankers after the lll-»melllng
to eat." brlnr the mala idea. If a lit­
Jones A:i'o.. liusdra. lU.. in sprakillg
pauc, pUf wltk four ehUdraa aad ea.
.mas tbit go into the srasto heap. Tne ol Dr. Kfiig's Sew Itisrurery, tays Uat
espleia that tbcf "jaat tanU hanM tle reflection b trim eub day a. t
faMination which uu3) UiagakaT* f
aoarafa them la Bobla daeda And wurkT" Ho doubt «re base all oftro wbat sra. eemed the niweedlnc days,
t wialrr bli wife wa. auack<4 wiU
tifippr, aod ber cam greWMm-ri-taw dIaeoBrarB. How maaf a iltUa beard not oalf girU bat motbers dc- woeld preatly help hf eafgeaUa*. al childrca rtO be Mrs orrr aod. o»
agalh. Moat of us remember karicg
ehM taatarrlartoiaatk. aa It ware, einta la the Inacnsge af the UUU jflrl KMt. what Bot to aerre la order that had ueh_trea.nree la. uur c-h!ldh<x.l on. that physician, at Cowdrn aad
tbera euy be s sarleiy.
: Faaa could do aoUing tor ber. ft
, tie
te ibek&daaw Uabeald reeeire, aad la tba aterf; "Uta. mnmmn. >'m ea
The poutore st breakfast, for laMomrd to dweelop Into C-oaUrad of waeUardubee; It arema to
iBlbta. ABdfetwewmitBnleektba
■ uaptioa.
lUring Dr. King'. Sew
me at UKKWh 1 had dona aatblac bat taaea. -Tbeee arc nsaallf proridrd our aeighbur't JImtnj
B prroedlay
rkat ramalDe of tba
D.Soareiy In .tore and tolling Into of
trtasara. Tbea. too wbea-wr Bieet
wash dbhee ml mf life."
ca may be fried Ue laUita Of.u ab
:er. Hashed pot
it. be b..k e butle homr. end to Ue
nbe bad a srbe moibcr. who reUlUe ehnd OB tbeatieet bow oasf
,ee glren oar l-stls aarpritoof all abr brgu to grt better
iUhtiny bitol tVouIda'l wr then knee
St cakea. formed
*4. Beasir. Bf child. I'm
c. x''y^^k^^yM.
wuld be t(W Be. amd bow mack It pUed:
grace hoop, orer ud oeer from flrM dom. and a half doree dollar
C. V
Jrrd of II
woBld brlphtea tbelr liule Ufa.
... . reel milk, or sa’rrr ualn for just half of tboae ddIghUul bottle, _____
miond'aed well. Dr.
rk. If we
re da It a
licatra ap so4 a Isbleapoonful of milk wheeU and .prioga^lertrd
King'. Kew Discuri
lallf llweMticetbeobnd It ahabbf, other tbouirhi la oar minds tb
poured arrr, hretrd in the ores.
tioD. Cuagbs ud C
tejaatmf. "Oaod merBlap IluU Tet.
If bite of mralaiamiaerd ud added
Try iv ^Trial
li. do Ibis good w.
> msebrd puUtoea with lalt ud pep­
bollJrs 111 cb- al
"Wbra do yon think ammma would
eat of the araf. i
II Johae-m's Dn
fct nay joy out of Ur If she dM act per. It rirre a sariety: orramnuta ol
llama four ehlMrea ud Mae bare someliiae* look txTtmd tb* worksb.* b 'ibk may be put la Urera. wlU elUrir
about^Sr'^vmoblm. They
aa.bedor cold <bop^ potatoea. and make eoaSdrals of Urm and intro
aamt borne aad told of at
heated In Ue oeee. while Ue oat
‘^.“‘liot Ub s Irood Uoaikt to
ton rtaim of
Ue bot •
with m lata Ue kilcheaud all at
aad ^rplrxity.' A child b eo
AmA how tbef would ba aU arlow a»er the hoaae. wbra talent upea h and Impremibie that be ; mlirsseaptbul bmUlMdity.
It-woold pay say wumaa to ripettmr
it Tbea at otbar Uipea tbCf kart hold caraaT "Lora iicktra* Ubor
to Utak oat kow many WaysUe knows
•ame with tbelr llulo hearte bleedinr. two ways: It b awarl to work lot
..f to prepare petatoen lor breakfast
wr tore, all will admit, filr we
m It were, from -uadt iafllcted 1^
sad Ihra aarprise ber famUy by a erckildrcB
-------- ---------- ------------!------- Ifwairtopa .
rimofrariety. Chopped oald palatoe. _______ the tond
.ibat b eery iaboriaaaor d.._._______
Blaato wa au all tUak of jaat uU -I <ma sto it lor my own folka. bat nay by creamed, neiar a pint of- epm betas which gire. f.rtlb Vhr sweto.’
tlaea. '
t wmiid aot waht to do It for tl
fragrucc wbra it i. bring crushed ij
_____ robbed into aa equal amoaal of dtaU. '.Te nxali U ins'toocr wbrq a
bailee.* Wbea ovked. eUr la Ue ecfld weak moUre. always la pocuaisry dift let Ue- ecoreh: (calUfw tUrongh her exlrasagacce.
potatoea, aad do
or pat wlU Uye -df bread
ta beobs that arear laqnir* It. bat ^Uaa la ib* kitebra. Kaoa*
formed Ur habit of dlsbardeniag '
^eaty of batter ud eeauBlag. loudp]
her little eoa. e seilata.
faakiagdbhud bPketMmaboat
eit tea He tree eo deeply allerlrd
aeqaaiata^ of
At a^ | ^
aadar a ateady. raaaiap fir* ol
be Ue kaewlcdge uf her uopbie ibet
Oasl Mm. AgV, XoladA.
amto ala* are aat af that order. Aadljm^iaiay worM'All iirlnf Ulnp. la
it prayed opoa blm <x>nsUat:y. aad hit
Bad It aeoaaasry to admiabtor Ur|Ueir aunaal Mate wurk aad Uriee Itat with Uis
great dresio was to do eomrUiag t^> rrlatjmt liule qmtIeU are lleer bb moUer from ber ctobU UU
The doll
oaslly. I alto find it' bettor wbra featle srorde ud
by t

whole early life w*. eloild^
mllwt plan afur Ue tsar* Ure.'
uBhsppy V Ub lodiscreel
MMod to flow, to joel take the child Is
yellow aod beat agala. tbea aar u|s« bitsympaUim.—Uuud ;
of her artelea rarardlag booeebold
rapoonfni af rich milk.
Batter e
Bomy. -nt played. meiMs, moUer
' toy arma aad hare a rood talk orar Ue
ilte pie dbb geaeroasly and beat it:
I. aad worked like rtrls, rather
toUead. It jaat braaks them all ap.
poor in roar egg. ud witb a flat kaifr
ta aad rhild."
aadlbeliaeeUat'aafoad Uatotoaow
_____ I erery child brings
aoUe^M eritoMy ealred t
. Itself Ue etroageet iadkaaaad. aad after era aia c«bc ud our
eUldru haea ehlldrm of Uelr owa. ratomlla^ ' to rro«>ar Virfe.
Back place la tb^orea tsto-Blaatoii. leariag tloBof the:aeede of rhlldbood. Lore
Tsroor UreeOsB be It like auaUlne: wiUuallt Ueree
Uty will mmrtober Uoee talks at BwUers do aatwuto^r Upb riM Ue door ajar.
cooked at mace on eepaiata platea.,or be no hanoonlon. growth or deeelc
meat. A* —expect a trulv tree
, Aegea-uam ■
Mar derk-ioas trait ta a cellar ai rxyoB toor. foralaar UtoA HI ao at u ta baraagarabb if yon can. a* Ue daipty ap- pect a child to grew ap law .ymmetrtOar hoasa, aayway.
[mat bat aotl We Ml kuw that muy a hard
uee of BOU Uiags appeal, to tbr ral amabnod or wnmsaboud wifs—•
laast, hara them baoal at yoar knee'
appeiitc.^caaectolly deriag Ur lore. Xurtered ia an atmeepbe.- —
ad yoae Umach eriU It i
tmueib: 1-. B. al
aadtoU Jeaae ail aboatU Aad Ue:’
warm epriagaBd botsammar monUs lore-Acbiiae yri^
d when we were UlaklB|- a
m BibUi es.Bew tB*-.
•e Work t.
: rw mreea yrto. mrlmaf lh> w
it srrUlalT does tire oae

VtoSMto Sifisstarsat



Chicago —




Hack, Bilsand Baggage Transfer Lilib


West Aiichigah




Best Livery ia Northern Michigan.
Med Bad Sale BUbI* ia OoBBaatoam.
BiMcA StoblN hkOenb aai >tobuwto.







Horseslioeiilg and Genenl Repuiiog Me.







g £4is


to.. —.




Kt. PlBMAat, Owono, 8aciBAW, B 7 City, Detroit, How•U, Ann Arbor. Tolodo And
polsu BaAt And Sooth. CloM
oonaoetloiu at Copomlih^
w. e H. E. Br.
W. B. BBinfSTT.

j-^to- todwuto

86iEimFI0 AKIlUXs


if~ ______________________;;)abto
Let Uat be ae It
of BlmUotd^emlUBrlBaeds
1 iBIe-d. by the help af ay Maetor, to | !*
■Brirbtuaeir I dldB*tupaat tv do-jrlris of '
Da BO* target Uat eoCer Itmmai
iV«y beat ud laarlv rswalM wtu !-Bo
milk eaerBtlim. had fariasaaoB*
Bad who hat Barer baea
Btoa. Oast Uy bramd apm Ue walas
UBfBtbow tode It pniparly. aor bow
If days H -UI rotaro.
toBhh lhar* la a






I Special
\ EntlrolotFBrOoBtBBsdBobMoffarodBtkrodBotioaer ^


EiuiliiUoii ol Toclien.


Thermal eaacioBe prleato kltchea
.SewA^tot^ot Cor»elias Vaadi
Bb.aadlUaererdeltacaU"' Bow help forUeirirb^ well asUc to^ MIC lib forty feel long be twrety
UMrlUUrtaeeasrmeblaeaeUey rise eta
Bom. will eay: "I doa't alad wide. The floor to laid la emsll aqaaree
of brosra ud srbile marble, the walb
of prraead brick aad the wbMe of Obe
__________ — plraty of hot w_____ _
tide asd end to Slled wlU elaerte
ec-p aad a Mi dbbpaa, ud aloe, oil
Tbrougb Ue glaae doom erne euaae
O, tooUtoa. oora it a toaed tobai«! obh toweb " 11 it Uku eo ilttU
apea Ue eaeleea ererytortot atraei'
Wall bare to hhew* tor tba way sre ' -hke tech a tooaoto-oM taU pb
irhicb the moel 'Bbctiag boeaakedper
HBlaoBe Uule oaaa. W. hare »aeh : “V
»k7 Ami ptxx
coald dtaire. Tkto kltchea to Maati•aad of briar otto, la prayer foe dh:
dlUwuhla, -> a
fally lighted, ae it to la Ue treat part
of U« batomeav u a leeal wlU Ur
nolta-aad raldaaoa 1 daa't balbre'.oUee klad.ssf boaeewerk. caaaaai
Uhteblldm haeecBl to eersa SaUa anaafemats will rrmtiy facUlate atreeV and bat two racy large aUUad
glaae wlndcwa-to»aaiic.
BbeatsoloVBay*b7- *b4H waua
* *“7.- .*"•/ WtAea to a
De aai forget Uat a paaanm aafaefag
keep Umb froa a>.wlBf
from u irriimud Uraat irlU oftaB tad
tbay'll Barer bmeu any to i

stale St., aeir Uaioa.

I TocloMcmtBtSalfPrieolotFarXMlHBMaidTWMd i
Lot bU Wool Lop Bebw st Half Moo.
, Take BdTBHtBge of thue Special Barnba. Tba ImM a
. offered is lha city.


• »matlink.


Miss Maria Parloa


Says 'Use
a aee«smto *w U. BibbIiHib ef


Extract of Beef"

That the best pUi* to boy anythiiig in the tia* of Hard*
ware, NaiU, Barbed Wire, Bath D<^ HBOgeii. PhtnL
Refrigerston. Ice Cream Freeters. GsKdiae Scorei,
FUiing Tackle, and in fact ftrerjthtns m tbe hardware
Uoe. b of W. J. Hobba. Gowk mod see measdj wiU
prove this statemoiL


146 FromSixcet


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