Grand Traverse Herald, September 30, 1897

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Grand Traverse Herald, September 30, 1897


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text



•w. B".:

real estate.

Grand Traverse Herald


badJnate«BplM«d btelon. Uek had
dmpoaad of mpa. eaap. ambewUa aad
• khdltaom -trait a( a &ya ataple town: had aurtad blnalf la
bin oompaaioB. aad tbra. baring Mllad
dUt Ut aUgbuai


MBpeoved. frame boose, two star;, vine rooms; gnnarp bucse stabl.-.
good bearing Qrehaid, good fenoea; soil gravel aA^^y loam, soriare
level, KV.M1
good water. .Price
. .v.- *3,00i): one4bfrd Cash, bala
time at 7 per oent, or will take aty properly Ui


SSi.: ; : caS^


for Sole By

9impu» a».ooo


BuSfiBiildiig. FroprStreei



Bosiiiees Oaids.

*— •

maat ba aaad aot to alio
Ma or atif OB Ua aword.


Ua leaviag Ua airena U which oa* .^ii inhilM^^
Ur cvrolag papar.
. tme CMC* aaOTw mrm Ma umig ^aiaaa
Bel MU. K.Umrij
anyUing iouraatlng ta
ant aide a)
jaiinaa. aad wm laanlBC
lately back la bar araL wi
rokae*aaivUraela. *■
preitrni eoDiamplaiioaof Ur^mRdaU wlU brokanglAta.
of Oick'a f.vrabaad mad amooUiy parud
Hyoa araof aa laqoialUva
kelJ laMece.
Uaa It U worU. bat la yi
ri.tbla above Ua aoga of aad bavnaavna lady walk wi
aclaerr aball haw dtaeovand laaa
laat opoe a laddar uf abarp aw.
Ira maUoda of radacUoA. «ha alug buaet
r Uia aida ■---.................
Icrmre of Preaaott a
hr I'itlaadai
.anpcac." kbr UoaghL drawing
■d platform U foaad
r arain Po-*'-'
, *Jr,
«“r ardartlibaWaM
tog.l^r"’^bar pirtty brown, -if erwa- about foar
papm were mada of glnaa. 1 eonld a«a
inch** .
Dick’a ey«a: bai if# a good Ulng they which la novarad wii
aran'L for I aboold earUlniy foal lafaw BoaMAla
cllerd lo braak AbnmiV'iato a tboaa- Mralean
and piac
1* to ..... ..
. .
tba brokvB glaaa it
f gold ooald ba gl
varaatloD raacbrg bar car
fart U ba frale Word.D'i RetMlUon.
ahe. aaid, aoddealy. Ittiag Ua
aad danm
om among Ua glaaa.
ali Ua roekiof ..._________
mine c:arir« At (be red of tbc boll opiigbL ■'brra
"hrra wa
Aftar ba finiaha* daBring ba ahowa
banporcb drew tbeir
you rrally going logo aa ibia feat to ba uniojnrvd. and ratirna Ur cliy. aad wb«n it la aot
Bcn clone Inrled nwnv
from tbei
,k-U'alf>-rd with ur'."
I Tba trwMfa parformrd la Ur followlag
tba «ebbte^Ma»
ln( BoostUy nuo
LfB'; tbe ti
m afraid 1 moaL" aa^ Pick .....
raatt of MdM at tba taffip
I Ua down bin
rlan Onustod He «»rlel belU
bU paper
naper wiU grave eoagtaay. | NAurv a BombrrotUick glwa
lug* to Ur wbir- aad looked for a momaat
ynnl best, offeriotf
aall p
; Um. braak Uam La raUar aaaall
r are ao ctraat
TSAVSMBB CITY. rlB( bnmsiiBir bir tbal bad baen brray.a "Mo'.hnr i* down Uara with ' and Bin or gnad all tba aUrp rdgva
aad Ua goiBm'
drlTAB (mm tbe rydeo.
llaaaia. you k->»w. and I tclagrapbrd . rouad. Ttai* alock of glaaa you place
Amoa waa goin'
to expect me out lo dIoBar.
I . in ibr otntar of a boa made ac-wdlog
KjaLm. jaueuaavti^
impel Tier* laat week.’'
like lodiia^iot ilaM"
' to above maanorrmrat Sow
Abbie WordeB. ^innrlDr at then) |
Hut -Kate
bnd dipped ber ejet wbaa fret ie ><r
alam watai aad wipedry
may seem U> a paraoB at Ibto dl
froa ber du'irway. "bat I'm real glad ;
lo.>ked at ber. tbe tmile nod ibr 'nod giee
tboroogb ruobiBff
tba oaTlng U Wua laid and
bedido't ret at ii. rtealwap* kind o'! ..i b wjgkad:" with which abe nenal to ; with pele<
rnriud renin.
ka]^ than it la ia PreaeetL
liked •am mpMflf; they’re »o bright beyicrii.r
begicrli.r orertsnn
orertsfsa of prsee bnd
bad dledi
[>u»i tbn
tb istide of yonr
an' ebeariol loohio': but Aam made es
OB ber
her llpe.
llpn. nad
aad nbe
abe ntwred
aUred with boro- | renio.
reaie. pot
poi Ibein os nsd gi upos
Op bla aiad Uey'd her to come op; no' i^g cheeks
«k> oat
ont iato tbe dsrkeeea.
dnrlieeen. while : plaUvm
Takr nofs* old Inhip cl
if them lUUe birda >cs any idae of Oick. with
a mpidle reprrased r gb. aeta---*
break Ibem la
-they 'doB'i Botioa it-“ They Mba aa
Vroetdeace they ISUat tbaok it fur again took rrlogr in bia paper Bat ho ] and throwtbia freab bmkrn gl
Bora baad of Ualr goMca atraaM than
-pio'hlffl too busy to polterVronnd read lie* afur Uoa, withuoWcatchiBg a ' the boa aruusd the edgea and
niBong tbe einei .U ......
fore th-. C-. ....
icomera. aot in tbe center:
Bemoee Urr do of Ua aapbali thnrntbhra
I Vacant lots
aa.d aa a Wcyelr (-aek. alUodgh BABy
lt'>»rml perteclion to es.
■I auppuse 1 was aa nae lo think abc - yonr aboea. atep in Ue o ater of tbe of ttaam may aarar gal a gllapaa •< lha
aio't it. now?"
esrwd for me." be was tblnking.- ' It'e ; tK<i am mg tbe prepared gliMand du aurifaruna paaaagawaya oa high.
• Well. Abbin Worden." uid one of plain enough now that ahe docan't and yuurdaoclBg.
Avoid tbe aldea or
it in aaid of ■‘roaliiral Eragar -that
tbe Ume nrigbUMn wbu hnd dropped nreerdid;'and Dick ap-end ool fain pa-. neraof the bos tebare yon have tb>
one day whaa bU atUathm waa aallad .
nm lb* iiiilr
iiilte uid
old ladr.
Indr aad to talk ,pcr and refolded It with a eieioiit ibrgUmand you rvb Bo riakaof
lo Ua fact that ba waa staadliu aa a
mepheitt TS.
lebnmoa Btaek.
Mold fnenda will. "It I liked them i poach
ileg yoar feeL oixcially If you ner
alraet of gold, be ramarkad graBy Ihat
eiaea I'd keep'em. Am<ia: | Tpr truth
was that Mias Kalbarina plaoty of raala.—S'-lcMtlsc gi.rHnin
ba woold aooaer trade Uioagb mad,
IldoMaeem u> me aa It yon oraa all : Treat waaa bnndleof atartlmg cootrafor it wonld ba aaalaroe Ua teat.
'« bcatltudea rolled intooae; Td like Jdiciione. That abc
Under bn
>e bad a under
Apoaraatiy (lorn I'ael. Mwwa Mba
Tba Hottast Place on Eanb.
loaaeamab inter!
interfere sritb my boas*i I or that .jawaai
abe waalbougl

aad nan.
Whan wcawtluraad prfaplradnriBg la eradlud wlU belag la aoua «a^
Why in Ue aami
wbo looked tor
doMBot kaowa geodUl^ wbda to» tend lo his
ayca eonld donbL oar bulUal daya. wa have ono eon ' rroacia® Pool
_ toned to have hi* own
C(d ranarally. aba ! tioet it U hotwr
tomawbarv alar
r"lo&b. if not iodcc:
atratchlb'that clolbealinr cted wiUoot a mum
»i; la ku^ relief deal
A Naw BicyoU.
.Monday; nawindm' it
wa all knew
bottaat f
a That ragioa
lilUa lulian alagiag taaaiar
ita tbr
tl rloUea load of ealllag her bia-beauUfol c
it wonld Apriag tlie
the minuu
WM bnng. 1 jaat eald to I’h-cbe Spao- of tbaainih." aad aaid that
All will likau know where Uebol- London which promtaaa to iwolalioa!ryUiB|
esr; 'If Ut merk'e
iaberil tbit
UBllplaua on earth la. It ia an rzued- lia Ihawbealaol Ua world. Tto dlt>
.erk'e guio' U- ial
Uia aad Ua oidar uaYou are plaj’ing the tnirap card when you select our store as cartb, Abble Wordio'll beta
ad area oa tba I'eralaa (lolf. aad iato rain.
A taw d
________________It nUtUaa Ua uUta
the place-to buy drugs and,the many items which go to make of nr
cludeaUa llabraia lalandaU Tba beat power Inraiabad bv Ua awlAB at pi*'
of rain aig-aagl 'rd Ualr downward
dariag Jaoe. Jul.v aad Augvut la uacn■•Yea,
up your wants from the drug store.
polaioa. Ualagnf Uarldar. P«rp«n
•the Job of pallin' up a line fenc-.-rv arinc did not rran
m . our waa darable except to Ua aatlva*. and faid. You who are fruit growers will want Sulphate of Copper plied U« woman referred lone |■l,u•bc. thioki^ doperaleij uf Uat
Day and night Ua
look ta awo* even to Uam
mett^ whereby tba *w27^
ibis spring. We are in position to make a bid for supplies haabiog a glance abrewdiy bumoruut llick'a.eyea Ofcuo-»e ha lovad bar. mercary ataada atoca l-w power coaid bo
be prayentad
printed Tbeebaaffo
under her aiuk aoBbaoBct to Ue She knew Ua
Tba frigbtfnl beat la not
ll.dn'l aha love him Uaabada.
•----------- :— material.
ia. of anraa. U Ua giArlBf. bat It la
Jnat aa muck'.'
not a cbaUlaa wheel. Tba prapeHUr
"Wall, Uat woald. tbe all right .Mo_________________ J informed her
power la almost doeblvd wllbesl Ubody wonld wabt to go eloahin' around
aba did love bia aba bnd laken
_____ __ot axartioB. aad OA
a a rsete
In tbe damp graae puttin' up a fcnc-e. avery peacaotioa
‘Cbe lalanda are a amall gronp named
il Ue fact
rtacsl Ua compooBderaak
wUI ba mA
TEAVERSE CITY, MlCll Tbafa a atan'.
Bian-. pladr. Hat I^do p-»y
afur jAe largaaU Bahrain, whieh is
a to
a fsio M il la bard
*- liBi^ae^
real earenal eomeUm.
went twuty-aercB miles long and tan ml
I by tbe
oeato Uiaamamertad that
me etripe a rag .-arpel or ereo malje on. ' don t yon
alm.ial every fal- Ibroad.
Tba--------------------------- ----------•poaad eraak aeycliet
aeyclli li
alcb of cookie* witbuut biabrlp
bi> bdp > low y<io know balUr than yoilu do Di( • • Tt.iuo. for lb
tbe n al pan Aiaba.
The^^d of
d llUreln
llUretn i*
is oaa
w peraliarn't oomplainia'
it I
' ' ' ' exactly,
eiactlj bat

And didn't you Uia vary
wlUoet tac^Bg tbe*afi*e^*tto
lief toooc'a uilnd to bare ont will
faaa rvan to ulk about marry iag him?
pedal* or Ua pnaaara oa tbaat. A
ics in a while. Iglu rralU think il'a
Tba train waa Bviag Bow. and EaU- U billy WiU a fertile , "
my own lautl. tli> .ugb.
.ugh. tur
for when ee arinafoand'beraatf
,ri'ne fuand bereelf lUtealng franil*U- wheat, barley, data*..I
flret came here, the day after oar wed- 'I ly
jj, to
(g tba UMMorvd donbla alam alam Ttaara era auoadant
Tbia ia the inlarior. Oo Ua peltare ebain rasBlBg over a twaAtg1 begun nek.o' hi* adricr -----iofihrwbaei*.lbal brought aaarrr ar- vraur.
Bve looUad eproekot wheel aad a savliule tbinga. -leal to pledee l•{fa■
no cryinaunttba time n ban Dirk wonld Coaal la where Ue awful beat atarivala *B tooUed hab ring. Tba ■iibaalim
roup.tbia part of tba world, fur Urre la no
make him feel that I r«>p.-cled
oonaiala of a enB wheel rigidly aad BBA
jodgmenl Aa'I oakalate.l mada out; --] know tar'll ni rar look at me dot waur, oolfUa salt wave* of tbe I'erTbe apringa of Ue interior cemrlcAlly atuebed to Mcb aUa e< tba
to do 11. for be'B bean adrlain'ever I
to me agala. Idon't blaiua him aiao Ualf
crank bracket and a eelr wf bdUew
.lace It doea aaam aa if ihr f...............................................
me. bacBBaa 1 are UBarallable in Uat land of elnmay
T'cira'laak 'hirto
. „


P. Carver

Rose & Son Real Estate

OAPITAl. *100.000

la aa eddwmhnr w <aa haaa-i


■i.i-v.i.ifrt.;?."':; ml'

-“.“fc --------







Sanl^Plimbers\ • l^eil Epfife BfleUn^e
andHoose Heaters.

iMsnM te« *

»a—tj aiinB.THA
BMBms. vBtnuT^. tie.
A««ata far Uie celebrstad Ac
HUk. 1‘eaifA ripen, Btc.
133 CASS ST.

: ■ ?£a^g^£a'a^^




jy. noma*!




’~‘B,_Jtoney to Loan
CM fywwt Cara aa< oKy pcvpon,.

'MtoKUi * oaonsB. amkm

OaOeena. PrtiM.ccilUW

TTKIA-RTI the advice,

JAg..G. JggTSONe

Patatoes and Apples

At the cold storage. If Farmers at
a distance wish to load at other
points and make up carloads I will
buy at«riy'station. Write me what
you have to offer.
For Potato PorEs,

Doctor’s Prayer,

Hooks and Scoops,
Com Knives,

“PMints ui Uae Siifferii{.‘
Carpet Cleaning'.Works Bgt nanr tMtify that mncb ot the



<*MBr M tMMa a XtfMc^

SarreyoruidCLril &agineer

Tke Somh Side Gmnboiue.




aio w.




long nnffering of a chronic form is
and aafely cur«d at
comer IHtb
and Union Sts., Traverse CH;,
Mich. And more, if you have
PUea nr any Bectal tronble, Kid<
ney, Bladder, or Female Weaknew.
will ma^ no mUtake to conMltDB.SUC8. Telephone 1»3.
Office in SaniUriom. Oonsnltation rooma in McNamara'a store

Powder.Shot and Shells



146 Front Street

Traverse City, Mich

tn heig^th and weight the
short the tall, the thia the fat,
we fit tbem all. Every one can
depend on getting a perfect
fit The largest line of new
' I Fall Styles in the city. Priew
l;: ' J right and satisfaction gnaracteed. Gire ns a call

The LMdioR Mhirkimt Tailor.
. ' J16 Front St.
Traverw City.

B. 0003^


ke •Mto tkai^ auMle^^

Tri^a,. »i.

Bcmom Bioc


work didn't bare half Ur inuraal
-tneUoda of Iranap -ruiMio. and ooa caa
abonld earUlnly cry. aad—Ol"
heart almost eboksd bar with iu beat­ acarorly Imagina Ua pralUoa of Ueer
Uongb I bare bean keepio' bonar ing. (or tba train bad bagun to alow up Arabs. Uuagb of ouerae Uay arr not ao
Blaady now for more'n tony year*. and Dick
oUieg oa bla coat Sud- badly off aa we would bednder Ilka
Ibara ain't a bakin'or a rbornia'gain' denU a r
itcbad lo a girl.ab aopra- condiDoaa. since Uay have never ae■n that ba don’t aUbd over me an^ Ull ,no (eil on ber ear
luired a taau for iced dnaka
Howsvrr. tho^b tbalr.csaa woald
' li-wd-by. Will." iieiid. -and pleas'
"I daclar.t. I do grldo earvona a■wriu W »* al once, won't, you?
« 1 ber
a gi-o-lI nol'on
nol-on to
H. a*y
Vou kuo« mamma alaay* worrira au
-Wbo'a . a-doin' ihia. aaybow.
aaybow. Amo*
ta aaa.
i,boat vou. U,*ll.y"-ak
A mile ont from Ua abora of Hahrala
Worden'’' Hut 1 dui
I jeai nay-by " -Ihal waa
all. bnl
_____it w
apriaga of freab water, gl ' '
acrlptnre texu ove lo mraeU an' put, net a minola for rvBactioo.
reBacUon. bat KaU-tr.v--------a
bla op
UnMgb .*-------Ua made—ib Ua bot­
ia Ue
e mgge
mgg* an' eogar
an tar aaya. an' arina no
Uk buitgr nbJr be'* l.>ukin'on "
was bealda bar. eana aad bat la tom of Ua Wbor. with bendlvda of a
The neighboring woi
which It
bat Kate waa already oa bar feat of aan over tbra. inU wblcbtbay
Uay tone from
,aUetiL-alienee. They
alrongare loel at I
willed, abarp tongued
iepend"1 will." aba said tobaraelf wlU a' Ualr enbi
in the ocean, they bars
anu but Ue long-auff.
rh hid
aw«t glance around, while Ua pink In
I by aaa. aad froi
of Ue wkilr-bairvd wvmao nwoO them bar cl

. and
J a
inged lo rod
le city of Maaafamab. 1
They had known bar for year* and clear
o- np to her hair. "I wllll" The
' tceday bad they firard bar
_B at iba oUar aide of Ua earriBga
.« ber buaband'a inurfar-I* OB Ua coast obuie driakthe window.
a* looking oat of *h.
coca la all faoaaahold affair* And now
Og era
la will aver know Ui
... meaaaforaaearlng
it waa hard la realir.* Uat Uoaa Inog
It mingle* wlib tba to ina are almpla
apoacbea were really coining from
ttose patiaaca-lockad
d llpa
talegrapbad yonr faUer lo meal But aniaoua . Divers go duwa from
•irangv. new light I d togcu total
train," ba waa aaylag.
"I really
In Abbia Wordaa'a n
burry "
. to Ua aofl, wrl
ood-bv, I>ick."*aid Kata, her eoloe
- -ring with couainly affec- _____ ________ _
» bag 1
"Tbere'a^hat feather bed." ahe eon i
awfolly aorry---------aorry I caaT go la cloaed water tighL and Ua Uing
— a dtvara aia a anmaroi
tlnnad. pointing to a limg enrtaioe^ ^
,<,0 and aaa conaln Ueoa: and
>cn. "I've bean g.<ia'b< make up Into I,b} give my lore to Aunt Katie:'
led that a tbo>
low* _far^lmtti. fornix tnonu^tolled
tlp'.oeing a Ulila ahe^ pulled
get* lime Uiahuwme.,^ down- .
1} from tbe ai
' She langbad faiBl'r’and almual •iraigtaion Ua mooU
. part of Ua
Por a moment Ue nnlvaroe seemed u>
t'bi Spaocar miffed eontempU- whirl atom Dick^ baad Tbae ha tank matter U that UaM apringa were aver
■ Abbia Wordau.- Ua aaid. InUtha aesL aad pnllad Kau dbwn ba
manner of Uair Bad
M man:
a mvalarr
It baa bean aaggeataida him.
I you avar wound up lha clock
,t la primeval lime* lha bottom
"Yob will be carried byr^. Dtekl
yonr own bund yrir 1 kpow bow and KaU wm almoat sobbing in an
• la. an' bow ha'a forbid ;
**^lhink l-nUanga tm/fciad aad go
rioaar'" remarked Dick, cheer
An Old r<
glance Ue Uxri
Ua oppralU a-3
Hera I* aa adrai
afor* Amoa Worden's face aa' cyra. I-y„ae faUer-^r—L’nele
aa Engllab ordnance aerray
a'll to a dilTraal man"'
meat yoo. roo know, a
I wbile louring iB Ue aouU of
The lltlla woman look. d at bergoaai, _cntihlng both ber band*
la Ua piuetentioB of
'iU wide, frtgbuaad aye*, and thesis be bant over bar in a '
calling Uay entered a Bald baloagiog
barglanaie wandered to where Ue old '
mair feUow-paeaengar
w a ernaty old farmer. Eiealng tba
time-keeper licked nuiaily on ila abelf. : i^Eiag Ur oUar way-"toatdea
atrangar* looking abuot io a way ba
Il bad stood therefor forty yean sod haven't UId me wban yoa will marry
bad auty bees wonad by tbe hand of a,, -'—>-,4Aj .h u.
bad. "Wbalare ya loltarlag ..
maaler•of U-. •---------n
laid lorT' "Ob. we have a right
. —Two Clever Tncka
, anywbera,” reurned nea of Ue
little Woman woold oc
^•'♦1 HI all Ue daring
irtck* that have
"We era aarveylBg. aad
are oorgovarnmenl paper* " "Pab«en
^p Uroogb Ua
nmeatthaa t
par bara or pap*' tbere," raUrai
i. aad U
• rata
farmer, "oot ye gang oot o' my I
U. Ue a
nee wil
"No. wa aban'L" rrursed tba
bare feat apU'
ed Ua acrUa; t„ad,oc dlraeily
ou Ua abarp cdgM -and yoo are rasdering yoenelf lUbla
be carried U bla baad U cm them ,nthoBt aav itjory to Ue fael
U proeaestlOB for tmerraptiDg ea."
Abble roar from berebairaod
i* amazing u a peraoo who b ac- Tba farmer aaid ao mora. but weal
,"r, VoUelouoke.
M, Mi* .oueer. ag^iateo
wee, e,w ova- U bia abad. wbieh opoDed laU tbe
™lBMd wito
wlU loa
Ua eecm
sacral W
Bald. 4Bd let ont a vieloa* belt Tbe
BO Boener saw Ue rad eoato Uan
ant ia ttom in fad aaxoar. Tba
dMt Vacb
ueb Uat
that cloekl D'ye
D y. '
bM bsei ao
aarreyora aaatebwl ap tbeir Ueodollu
beviaa? Din t ya daal-iaocce-folly gearded tt.
aad Am fa tbeir lives. wbUa Ua old
Ba pUatad.UaI aryihe agslaat the
tM ' „aa u,oag
amoag Ua
tbi tot Ulormed
of Ua poreb and
aad cbokad with , k^ow
know bow it la pai----------parloi
• Whetei. ,-------------rpriaa aad rage: bat bigb oa Ua aad : That tbe expiaaauon la aa simple ae abow Ue bell yargei
tbe old Bsttee atood tba liUle womaa ! ika Crick Is aarprUUg Ue writerwUI -yiowiul riaUe.






boaUel.r wltbm ber-i
IX a a aad
Tba awairda are always arvsagad la
eUagaad Ue old 4
woead- rack wiU Ua entUag rdgea oa Ic*
at -aoc oday.
Tba rack la Mcaily aboot aew feat
high, and eight awoeda ara u^^Oim
The old I
atarad al*^ BmM.
down apoB tba avipa Abbla'a
traablad toaraU her. bat aba gave



“When In doubt lead trumps.'

TraTerse Caty, Micli.
127 Front St.



*‘^mea-Wetdss.~ aba mIM. "t** i
L’analir tba iMpsetan are la<
pel ap that seyUe aa' Uara tboaa i ezamias'Ua rack MwaUaatbs

Tbe QaaoB's Ovanlgbl.
_ ber way to Balmoral from Ua
aoeUtbaOnadA 1
try BMt of e rich 1
UrmaB bed Bm
atreeted bto gevdaoer—a typical .
ma*of Ua Urifty Boot—M pick a large
baUetfel of Ue Baret grapee
•eat to ber nujmty.
Amid Msy grambU^ aaast the
^riag away of "mygrapea." bseoM-


g Ue oiroslar a


weight of A

added wal^t —Exrtomoc.
Be Waated W Play,
are taw Baopla who eAi* le
rbk an eemiaBler wiU a letoUa. Moot
of ea woald consider ■■dtoeraUoa Ue
belUr pan of valor-U aaeb e eeaa, Bbd
'^eM°*tto*iuBlai ef Ua
Aaylum at Klat'

avoid him.
•d after oa tba
■ wea



atoBL bet (Mr It
flew over Ue gr__________
wonld bara doea credit
■oaal apriater.
ila raa for taro mOea. Ua nuiem
cloar at bia betla. aad tbae bit wM
beraU. be leeaed ap aesUM A teoe
and gave bimaalf np (or fae(.,
Tba laaatic ^ehad sa, aad atoatab
Ing cat a long beay hAAd at klm,erlad,
Tr*raier—"Wbea the grip iptaAd
broagb Chiaa. tba rbletee doetav*
narcbed Uroegb tba atraeU wiu

Ers:'.: ‘ '

______ —
tblag r*e beard iaa
*‘^>id^ here tba grip la tkm maYea. ladetoL Everybody tod tt." '
"Wbat did yoa do?"
"Everyuing Uat ttopr^eudMtre-

"NalUer did tba drama end trA%
ww*. -__r SaBdy*sBar.
A yoaU at aebad la BiMill. wto.
abed mtocAl talstoL aad hrboaav|te ..

Uka o'!-------------------a li« like a mamr. m

“Te*-Abtoa-:yea- Ba waat wlU
bmvy atapa sroem) Ua tide of U* eeerm to eot is tba swards or reek, kel
dy arierward a latter wot tw toEoda*daaBairralaamdmlaa.ama^
beaaa. dreggiag tba aeytba Uroagh
Mlved from Ue qweea tbaaMag tbe tbaPrisMtmmaayoUaAd AemwoHd
tba bigb. drv gram, a brakan eadeaBdeaor U«Taaefal
lA«Taaefal larma (ereweb Ase
lrim msA.—IMndl Jimmnl.
Ttobpblam a( tba Ibdifa btow aaa
•B of Kiaa KeUarBaweBAto Ctoltta^ia aUd latow
a* mmA aalphaU
toval ttotarsEwny aoald ba laUBar
dee. TtooldBeatto
a diver dime aad
It WAS toU peat Bra end all__________ _____Atowmt
efwa dcieg
_ Iba act •Uamap. aad at Its ooa
boa to
Tbe toeia wee ebom to aterL
Most of tba im f-rmet telbea
Ua laat
tm Ia this
thaeMM wmeaBBepdad
re eeoe^et, e**wM
eitbm by
*y tbe
*we aotatic*
atoete aao
eed auowa
allowa i^e
tba eo
evp wm^bw*

ivr r.’Kt;

•■wtIkkMMbnm DuMMil
M M*. A btobM* mat H.

*n#fwmf«hw. ‘

4aA h«« Marter alckt M aid>lc«t
irttftpMauekaooBUMUB M<hi e> 4mh^ froM b«»
OB boom

loB al «hkb kao boM
ta tbo SBiatobBfTaat. If tbara abt-U prora aridMoa of baub aad retrat.
TbelrmltB.klMU-«r-" to ba a Aaaea od tbo lloa baiag BB
•alb ta adiaaea tfar mad
Band foot iberata bo dcabt
_____ rtbBBWBro«.poetod.B.tblB
Bclda dourd with WB|
UattboaatarprbeiriUraeDlraB rrMt fesb-rioc tetba «arwa«
riM aad
Uir— oBcon' arTTaai
ThoAMBnof »o>BUbloB aad
. sanloB of tbe ooBD^. both BM
bor-a. aod brt» aad Ibrta a
rodaclo —a food, what tbore a
bBlaaw. aaOrT*’ oapfily
tarm—B. frail grmrar» aad tin
.boa. Bot tboy won BOt loir f .
i-akaUMpcojoetOM to be MMBtBUoM of tbo prodBeU of tko OTBBd
!^ily"^fcrd wjlb ofBnn' ur<
-BOhr-B. •n-prtoolpBJOBblWtB BhbiadtMtooB-y.
bd brriirirWtB aad aow aod Ibao a

Oil the Pain!

hooBB|-taif*U/o«x-'*»*fc« ^

bU to Uwianrd a nridao-that b’al B>«bt altMl’rt'. brtwaaa bb tea eoltrirM-aMaraa.

Uotilj fiotblDd. UtD fiBBUr FBrt of
tbODO OB tbo rOBDdB betof tbe DBhlbW. A. riT* «t TB-dBj lor itoTB wbo doToted tbolr Use Id cltorii^
rvm KrotB. WW. fco tai booo B» tb« B-tD bondiaf Bad rn«BdB of tbolr
*• *ko................
TbbKow PBBtanto.

BelipBD BDythlBCflrro la thb arcUoo
Id BOTorBl yaara.
It b drairaad to
ban It the aa—d wrrit U ae«t -oath
B-i alrrady -aoy horacara fn>- aarroaadlac towaa an arranrlaf to bria*
tbelr apaadaia
_______ There will be e«t eU-

tailUkea yoan«dc«. Errolfyoaetia
qaarli-n Maa D
Aim driflwond «l a
tahl— ibee. yoe'n larky if he doeM*!
. vcik Ibr -ddb ova bb brad."
aad BDOo
- Yoo doe't-raa wltboat tMklat
nad. P>w>»« tbi*
dahrbBiUianirb b;
lb, pjrtbe!" we r'xrleiu»d.
He -ay l» a chamiag geatlw ! ifce
aad pallopiac
Jht are eald to be eo oooa is
“CertalnlT.- be teplicd. “Aak aay
tbatiibaf Ibe toad, wpoebedrafudlj: ,,blle-wbo obd win B«l£ebyplaia,«*ea*ildl
OB, bat Dot «o quxWr
tb.t wa pe»aoi>al«iOTtabip.aDdirbomaayw<M. aUdeoeaB'l-ia-pooi
oapfat ao rrbouw rbin t bo— tbe ea- BD woold be juatiSed ia manylag oa If job caa alt bim till tb<
general priaciplra aud wilboat cperide. yoo aie cap{Kw>d to be able to (it him.
oa don't alway#

- -...................... bat Irt tM au-tbal
___tiau La glee.
age" tort of —ea wboar adraatafa get to tbe I]
Wilhin the aeil few nil- tbe pika om bleA—criraD bteber it a —atte
Aa we bate *u i aud aleb bree Ibrowa)
BDdadJacaat field* began to be lined eg Mm or eo«pplerianor bale
aad d«*3emTwbere with army wag.
I bare known
dor« oemreeudly eerry word of Ihia
_ >u_
—la. tatlrra' oetflta. beadquaiten —
whoeeninrtd to am..------ -----------------,

alag rae- betwoeo boreee of epeed aad
rroord.: trotUag eaeeaaad paeiag
iB •hmo—ClW. »•» J *
whetaabaOBBppoleted tolbo Ant M. ba fallj i-ld Iro- tbo lacelptB. Be- ereab of awee thao ordiaary lateraat.
b tothiBOlty, wUl Birtw to- oBOWi.tbaczpeBtD lUa yaar bao booB lt.bexpeetod that tbora will ba aboet
Bfty horaka bare at that tl-r aad tbai
tKj. Ui. BiBBdjbi
Tbe total aa-ber of ad-belon Uek tbe -wt will ouallnae two or three aten aitta led -ulm ell driluog to (ba
•i OrU d«Haf tbo |Mt y-r. bat h
oleaoldwael.«M. Carriage UckoU. 4» daya. bpeefalloealborae-eo alleadad tear, aad now end tbca a wooaded
^ B f^doBt ot MieblffBa oly ab
Heaberebip tiekete. IsT^Tbe prlael tbe Baat Jflrdaa raoee aad the horee- ^teroreniuted -an go borrebock or
t-B yaaiB. B< b mU to bo% a
hoB earlooe ooribera Hichlgaa pMdiag along on foot. wHb gnapa of
pal day. Tharaday. tber^M a larger
bright H>BBb--______________
« wbo atteaded tboae ereaie eigaltoadaaMthaalaetyejfr. Thera wa»
tbe wagon train*, or in tbe field*.
A Pwty **B«yate a few B«re ad-leJoae OB tbe drat aiSod tbelr laieotloo toeoae bare la
A dBlIgbtfBl Wrtbday Forty WB» r<*«> day. botooWadBeaday.aad y-lerday October If there were raeea. .Now the B>—etimei eittiug ur lying dowa to teat
ty tbe tide of ttar road, while otbera
■umdar anorwieB tor. IHtU Uard Om wae a pae..ptlbk'falll.g off. Trarerae City owaen of {mat boraee are
wen -afitag eoffee la Ibelt
at bb boBB. 6IS eoBtb
Tba gaa-aoo Wedneadak aod Than- aeUreljagHattoglheraterprbeaDd a day eauifdir*.
OBtaB BttBat. llWBBtbBO-BBloaOf
Booo we began to are esall bodlee of
bell eoedaetod ^ etdUag Kbedale of tbe ereau will probably
bliBBiBBlb Wrtbday BBBlror—17- bad
aoldicrtio III. fi-ld. w ill, •tacked amv
be l—aed la Blew deyr
re gieca.
Tbey'^^ore I
ereab were
M el bb litUo frirodi
rollowlDg will br w>Be of the horae# CTldroily c« Liijk br.-atfai* A* »r deboacbed into the ti.l.l. aad i
amnd tbe wagon* aud tbrtwgb
eraaa. Mho aad (rsU ware aerrod m that a aerba of ooolaaU opold bar.
grouintbageowalwonldwambU bat
Daa flalley. owned by A. A. McCoy 10 tbe BM and point toUie frouU aerer
bBM firam yMterdmy. perb^ tbera
(Btad with Aewaia. Altacatbar H
wobM baae aaaa a larger atteadaBoe A8oa: Arbalev McManoa Bro. aad leneoing fail fP"d a* be pf'ixlf"OM «l Iba F>a*tbst little parUeD of tbe
IroB tbe city oa the laet day- Tboro McCoy; Hattie Swift, bautaar Hroa ; ward. H«a..uouRl, Ou.-gUi.rc alibe
far# and isuiilmr block buiw- aud
la BO d^tlBg the faet that tbe fair Deneer B r. Frank S-ltb: Balwiak e.
MhMortba party «
and, <lartiug l-i ibHr
B. J. Uoqtan; Maud C.. B C.,Co-ploa: they km
wae Dot tbe eaee—a tbbyear that
Flaclu Matabrleo [>alrhlB. Fred Pratt: (ael. tiny ewnng Ib- ircap* around tbelr
Otaad Traeeree ' conaly eolorprt
Baade and broke iulurlie<n ua lirpa—rd
Jeaale G-. J. 0. OUllapie; Red Deer,
aboBld be.
I. end- Ibvu. gatbenog ap
frior Wambarg; Kora S . B S. I'mtl;
belungloge aud ebould.-iiug tb.-ir
all of Traeeraa «Sty. HarOeea,
Oallgblftd SoelB] Kvanb
Ibey etariid afu-r bun In
ebootingiotlielr r«* Urtln*
ji B.. Joba B.
B Jr.., Hattie Frcaeb. Dent,
_____ _____DtiDg
Mttad tba bMrtoaad baada of Hlaa
OBt la'lbefielda '-bbcridan! shcridaor
CbRia Treaiala Bad rraak EroopB. ,._.itol the ydarwaa OBJoyed by lolly
______. _
bat* aod i«ni.tiug
|«iutiug after
STtariaiMywBBpoffBrBodby Eoe. foar haadtad peraooa la the parloia of
bin N be da*h<d —merd. and they,
BtrydU Olrt. B. J. Mofgae: Balb Eo- too, cottprelicud.d liwlautl.-.
S. nnikltr pMtM of tba CoBgraga- tbeCoBgregatlouIebDrcb Friday aigbt.
Head ebareb, la tba pteaeaee of a ABBBbarof UtegaeiU wort toaehen laald. Howard WblUag: L. C. K.. J. T took np the cheer and totiMd back for
of tbe HIgb Beboa);-Baey otbera
llaanab: Fred Alawot..Will Oermala, tbe battb-fieW.
lam do«W
To tbe Ual of —r rtrollirtiao. fro—
Ater tba eMB-oay table# wara apraad pepiUof the High ecbool.
of Tmrme City; Mattie Hell. WillUa.
ia tbagTOTalafreetef tbaVnae aad booor of tbear tbpt UTo rceepliOB wai IralaiM. Vrlcakoy: Haehwoob. FfBBk- tbe tlBiewF met tin-lii»i •iiuggl'-re wbo
bad drifn-d beck from iW ani.y. hie aptba waddiag teUritba wara gay aad
pearaun aud bi. . bi. ty *b. ui <1 "Tora
tepfg. Iba yoaag aoopU warn aab■to-g»i»o no*
book, uea: tan. backi Face tbo other
•MkUy laMa-bama by ibair frioada B. of the Cob
B. Aldea;
Bay Dialed. U K.
wbo teeaad tba- with gifta of aaofal- airaagcd tba reoiptlee; there wereotb- I•#d^t». Petoanry; Piryl
pmeat traa tbe earioot ehareb
aoeletiM of the city. All of tbe. ’podjy J., Kelfie B.
TrsretM Olty Boeaea.
men I
gatbcred to afford
tbe teocbera
BRui aad follow o*. 1 think It u aoe*ilty to beeoBe belter
Bneldee tbe aboea tbora are a doaei
ad HMlf at Baat Jordan Tbaraday and aei)aaiated
with tbe
the pap>a
popitk aao er more otbara wbUh will U bar# and aggeraiiou to -y lb* a* he daebed oa
*0 tbo field of Ulilc for mile, bock tbe
BOMB good aaoaay wm broagbt fro- for tbelrioodeof tbeguraUlobocoB*
enterwd. .Tbo energy with wbk-b tt
turnpike WTU lined with -ru pre-ing
than Friday.
r aeqaalatod wlU Ibom for wl
bone owner# In tbe city are gnin
forward afUT him to tbe front. • • •
. Baa Ballar. owaadbyA.A MtCoy tbe leoeptioa r
Aftet tba whole line wai ihnroogbly
t ladlcale# <
ABOAtoebafat-oBayiatbatee tor eharmiar eecat
toned Itode oecr to my chief and
aU. It—a.
Arbataa, owaod ity wae a fMii
orged bim to ride down 11. tbat ell tbe
by HeMaBaa Broa. aad HeOoy. tojjc tlM of Irieadabl
might ere him aud know viibool
men m
Eaet Bay Hotoa
be bad irinmrd aud aa.
aaaate-oaay la tba MHM raoa.
Tbe faracre of Kael Bay towneblp
f aalniT Bim.' aamHalUe Swlfkaad
e for tbe tnr—lag of laet- a^ foeUag pretty good. Com U a otunrd commend. At firM be demornd.
bat 1 wa* tnoR nrgenU a* 1 knew
.WUIH— Iriaadb BBta.lUiUe Oall.eaeb
boaaUfnltropasd fiac and poUtoea of. ^
•e bulb n
«oebtwabMUlatbat:»raeaaad the ly tbe papUe to tbe toaebere and of
ozcellcnl qu ililj aad a'Catr yield.
wbo bad not (w u bitu doobiid bi* arpMMBMdlridedbatwaaatbaB. Tbe formleg tiee which will lend eao
becoBUB nceeaaary to take atopa 10 rieil. Ule eppearance wa* grwtid by
abrtag wat tahaa to Baat Jordaa by
It both to laacber and pupil,
.tore tbe big root eropa and Jukn H
BMt HaOoy. Bd. Uataer. Billy Big(neata were rtnalead apoa enUr- Conrlade baa
glMBafiChartByOar-alaa. They wl(l lag by a
•tormge and o?Uaj,Sd»ie fwet la .He pte—ing forward to idiakc bi* baud. Ue
^apoke tolbeiuaUebieiilyaud owfideDt.
aed nleefieetblgb. Thb i* knilt for
ly, aaying: “We ere going Uck 10 our
tall own eoe and that of bla near nalgbeaape, men.seen fear. I'll g<l e Iwl.t
followed aed an lafor-al Bodel Uac ben. C. L Domlne will bolld aaoHur
en tbnw people yid. We ll raiw lliem
A a«y aaallgaaat Mte of dlpb- followed tboae.
atoenge 16*1* fcokofaU-e. and aeeeral eat of tbeir bcm before the day 1*
In ehaige of tbe C other tarmein In the towneblp are talk­
tbMia appoBMfi oa tbo Woot Slda.
ing of doing llkewlie. ThI* wUl oea—tea otato. Iba rietia wbb Mm Mrried oak
able them to bold poUtOM entll aprieg
The Mebvm aed pepll* were wel- If they are notMtlafiod with the nricea
May AteM wboMpaTMti rerida

iBlaad. iba diBd at tba reaWaaoe
OMdlB behalf of tbe Frtoedt ebweb
by Uel Paeelogten: by Mr. Piotfie lo
a( B. a BUUa.
6be arrieed
Oe^aa laat Tbandt.; aad waa airlobsa behalf of tbe Bpwortb Lcagee of the
wMblbadteaMSatarday. Dm Mart- Hetbodlat ehorch: by CX
• to BBdOamorriBiUdtbBpBUaot. bat tebalt of tbe BapUat Vooeg Paepla't
latbe aao- UBien and by Mte Oelto OriaU is te
hBlfoftbaC k of tbe Cot
t Boe. D. CochllB la behalf
.Ad sloqeenl. toeeblag*
Mm Adame Alad aboat alaa taaebon aad pepUa waaseda by Mte
a-riadt HoMlay might aad bar tatbor UUIaa DewBlng.
mm* bam lalaad atte tba body.
ThiM war# lollowsd by a ahert pti>piene nolo by
Mte Oertrade Mostagne: radiation by'
Mm J. B. Martin and a BaadoUe di
by Lottie and Cbarlea Helm.
Light tefreebe-n- were aereed
aad Mtaml taailte hard baea tbarc
tba aa— m—b.
Mm BotoMhaeaofferad
ra bBM tboreagb-

way it
pnrtte wbo at firmt held o«t.
«t to hnndtbdr
—atta-attewUltad.eid.dal Iba
Tbe -aUdlfflcBlty.wbeatta propoelUcwae ftr#i tede. #rat tba tacb of
Mab|- bate# Friday '
carry os Iba Mte^teu Bow
-iMA otobteitUg. ItUbepta tbat
to ba a way OBt'and H —
SHiy -atetollM. m It wUlbg
ail-eai#. bwta nwrM *t paetkally a—red that Iba ainieaiy

....u.,.; w. .ur

Pmoh Kortoo and family and Ed
Aaig—( brWk BaUdlaa.
Domiee cgpect to goto Saaoo. Wla..
“Very few know ll. bel It le a fact,
aooD to work for Joa. De Far a proml- agplnfarda prominent bnildctwen
"tbat U>« penaicB office building
HBter. •'
nont dtlien of that town.
ia tbe large*! brick Inildlng In tba
world. It bae bece cnbjected to mneb
erlticiiD. boi .It can etand It. for u
The r«Bort aaaaon al Ne-ah-U-'
ti—e pe— along Cbnre are many tbloga
eloaad Thnreday. Col. 8, A. Smilb, tbe
•ecn aboet it that cacaprd ooUce wiieo
r. left tne naoet aad departed it was newer, lu all tbere ere ortr 10,aon. A Urge nnmter of hia 000.000 brick, io tbo tmilding. lleotral
gBMiulayod nntu tbe laat dinai
Maige look liberci— with bneka tfaet no
other aicbilect bed eeer alumpied.
lid^ Icaee nnUl tba hotel om*
1 brickeeiclorirely ffl*
—no- tbu year. Tbia baa bees
be need tbem lu coottraelof W
II ibe bniidlog.
tbe hiatory of Ibli popoUr iMort. and
of eiair bmldiog bricks
cold wMtber deUyed
bare ofleo bets o*ed for the neer, bnt
rieltora, when tboy came they erriTcd tbe Rep bat alwsye been of Iras, wood,
In large aa—ban aed atayad long. tlele or rtooa. in tbepciiaionaffiee both
those wbo left Tharaday
riser end au-p are of bnck. Ae a brte
. C Sobart. two ebiUteo and bniidlog. tberefan, pore and Rmple. U
cantlnKlioo ooiride of tba
Mm J. K. Cald*relL two cbll- U noiqna
drea and aarse; Hige M. O. Boas. Mte fact (bet It it tbe lergeal czcIb'
told beildiag te tba world, "—t
Bebblu. and Mm J. 1
of anrinnaU.
A dnffer of 1 .
partridge ebootiog. .»
Iriab keeper
wbo w- god uainred
CBoagb to make all kiodi of exmii— te
bit patron'a bad ebota. Al laM tbe
abooter, made rrckl—a by 111 raoee—.
pattaiTTd a ootct of bltdt quietly ted
ing 00 tba otber ride of a badge and m
■olmd to hare aI elap at them on
oa tb»
giaand. Be fired, bot to bi* maetifioatien they all fiew away untooebed.
"Oh. faith," eried Pat jojfolly. "te
gorra. tat, yoo made Ito-m raea tfaal
-lyway. "—Boa-bold Weed*.
"Mr. Chobb*. yoar Unla bo^ doa
Bbey yoo rety wrlL "
"Kq. be ba* ncTcr reepected —e *i
( tried to abow bim bow to fly a kit

Mm Wallace—Lira, do yoo
BBytbing abool packug a trankf
Utn—11 it-• got to to packed eacy for.
I'd pack U oa my batd.—Ctoc


rta—Ml by Myiag tSe
acBbecoMabaek Jo—rio
__ _________________________
*!<•■ tbe malt cd frar. aBd.<M tetaed. rtra-eHiin; tbn eboald kaew IbM b
b arm CtrCalte- ll raa. like aD <Kb- faaMcalbrrniifWn^aftbaklaeaeteA
■«». b. -bj_d b,
—, _™b ™i
I? O. .-r
Mtelal baadU^
-a, mem
ibcaeara btl oS.


<>■■**"' J<-r—
_ '
_ .r—
-• Kmw «ee »e-a.

becaMoV ta U-Wy btoai
' toaody tee tea sar-y. BOteh—
i olb--laeraM which

- •••
4be ebUdrea.


^moaiagrtllM-orSaJiteB BW*
wbal la yoor aa—e.


Bine aye rejoiced taore lb tba type <g
irpnied ia a wild let—toctnpioe. 0«
that tnad* the pan —' ooi Aral attciDpi oar chief arlonithiaent dBBgbler of tbe eiUage taoUiiM
"Wbai ia ^
ft PiccadUly aud Pall Hall tbaa
tbel wa* el the lutiuitrriiual time il-uok » m—bd ao lOpy.
of Fifth ^ mam the grosuo after tbe bone tacaa naair?" Miff tba -iai-er. la a Beta
ly way. "Kin o yrr tea. parBVeuns and Broedwa.*,
kaa —a aea—a Term weeL
Or naybe it ii bii eoprrior etoUdiiy
i DBOO'tyeaaj. wbonye
n it
at MrboBM
tbat elcctriflea In Ibr UriUtL tl U to
ba footed that there it tnilb in tbat laJe eg osn will ihiuk Ibry haTo ridden "
. . mb neet. 'Bet. bnag me a plat O'
Mr. Eipllag - eooebody we* tellItlag; “bock" cifww and rMjoiie no informa- yeirr
f**" " Tbe eengTegailai. la epti#
pblegmiiic tba I Mon on tbe eSbjee*.
Be aawirrd, bowMR had diacorered that Ibr way ta | errr. rradrr: ibal it it aa rxcoediagly
brat tbe Ammcan wai el—ply to pot'mn-thing We liar* known men wbo •
uh* ■
him off and let talm (n-i bimtelf raefc.-‘'SaTe broken boTM-e on rolimial cattle
Trare ago
ieta Sioildiiy it Bot qoite tbe aaeoe •* Ration* for Sil
:-------- • -------------------- ---II year.
I Eau*a* tbaa al pteoeal.
repcmi, bnt ta pnwme wbo are •oSariBg | mao a reel bark
rk Jampi-i
(romaa amte dearth of repooe it zw
appeal u a tolemble «nbRft<
tmo can imigiiie aa A—rica m*«tBiB»tmlii.rao"bock."
rain* rao "back." A ridoee '|
mprlT d cold brrt (cr tbe delecta.
with tbe I

bone may n-ar and fall back oe bU
of bi* gnrata, bot bid it away ta aa
• bigli prtweni# coonttTmm. tnmln| rider, or be nia.r roll oe the groand and
■ • -------- lb aibccre mlii-f '
ir bim—aud....
ibeair bub-'
uk proper iimc amrrd for tba

tbb talk
CbarlM Le Bot ia axpeetod bon tbia
wMktoclooeeeeecnlBMre land'deaU.

MaUroad Project Roeieao
d aad their geeata baea
o yMia there bat beee noth
—ad kagar tbaa otiglaally lateedad.
leg of a defialte ebameUr knows aboet
Aa tba teBM la tbe pmpaeu of the Tmeone City. Old
.gaaala baea b^aa
A PoBlnaaU BaUway On..
tey. MmKeaaa.ofCUalgo. who baa
which waa orgaeUed te tbe paraMaew.Bte#rbokeaasda-aoy pleea- ,pose of eoBetmcling a milroad
City to Old MteionT*
Mt friMto. toft far her he-e.
M. A Hariek.ate daagbte, nUo of ly.
datkwe epoo foot which may
rblMgiT left FiUey alteweea
of tbe
O. a. anew—and daagbte of LoalepUe
originally ....................... _
Otbba. .jurntdOT-Dt -US*' oompaDy.
iti~iegmidiag tbe plan a
OenklBg SMeel 01^
be bee mcelTcd ooeeldefabla
effeme^t. le a latte from Kew York,
Mtea^ee..,.'.................. I...... s'.W «
dated September tt. It \e defieilaly
ateoattetwowaakalB Oeto- etatod tbat If there it no d«fice1ty'
tar. BBder tba aeepka of tbo el.b. aboBt the ebanor and right of wny Iba
Mte a-ny Marion Colling of Oil City.
FB., whoM 0— at Bay VUw tbia aam- pisridiBgtl
mm WM one of tbe tnensaea of tbe aetU a d
tbe line.
ASMBbly MB be aeearBd fqraec
«f Mmswb. tatin order to pay axpawsM
Hr.OlbtaawUlMlls -eeUag of tba CAW. Ji
weat into effect Sandsy.
4 otoM Bt too anet hFaeeaied. Tta atockboldei# tbie week to glee Ue
tralaalMca Traeana Qty
far Iba eealk al (nh.' a. -..aad «
tor tba aortb al ISW p.
totbeprindpalatoekbolden aad t
Tmlna airiee tro—tba aoatb at il:l|
teteowaaha. MteOdUngUan a. m. aad ikrtbp m.
' g-ttotbbIlnaotworh.nnd tba )ea- tbe project aloagTmlna Imt. >t eat a. —. and iKin p.
ed that

BM wsddtaettoealeBlabUealee to
tas ladiM afTraeena aiy. -any of two year# ago this project wm giera
atlentioa In Tme#
wtaM toeaalrMdy aapraaad a
K. Cadney, a *eteian>r aai
. ' to Joto tbs aUta.aa tarn alae
Iba Asa. waa kicked la Ita teapia
■Ut—that tbat dlffrwlty feaa
her— while he wae engaged la rea <bM eriU ta opN
opto to eeeej
laiteBg tbs aateal fra-a plow Tbarw
le—need aad tbat tbe rlg^
of ttaelBbor




r»BBkbfkB.Bd 8 -n- took

u- ««orBl iBnow. BOt
•n lor AkBCo. Bod Hi* *■ Diefoo- Iboir BOOBl iotortot Id the Ulr thh
yar. TtaB BloA rzhiUlB won «orj
M BmcIi hotoU Biwtjoft lor
lICbtBBdBOtlBfcoWUb whBl OBfbl
A k; -MIm'
M> b( doBO Id IUb eOBBtr Bt B fair.



*t«tb A—Wican Beriew.

a fbild'e ptmy. for mm-bled ooapaay
I’e got tbe right;
“Boee.lbiTe a lot of Mdbrernp
I breed be will u. v.-r ••bad
1 auln. bot we •

m tbe recon. I
B H. Her- j
Ind. Tbe I
eld tomb U brick ha* brrn taken down
eolitely and one of Hoc limmionc bnilc.
Tbe Rmciore l*aliDQ*i loor f..4 liigli—
tbat I*, four Ret of ii can hr en*) ubOre
tbe ground There were right l«dic* is
• •Uwide*
tbe lamb no ptaclve
of a.'ucrel Uarruoa. It I* the gruen
opiDi.'.ii of Ihcec mgngcd in ilie workc
leboilding Ibr tomb that ooc of tbe i

fca^Mceca the weal caaMWh—atts
dortatabteeB-dB cripptaa wKh tbsM


ber dealer of BlackabMr, Oa, write!
My erife ... te ,Mrt >-^jete
me which ere wbibiuxl Id pnblic, tike | ’ “Oh. we'il drink" like
I! Mfiri^t
wBt fiiK felt to
Boffain BII
mor. bere iw ■
> 4><itei i extended la aO d
eeirrd carrfnl truiuing
oorwboba* broken borw* w ill know,' “Tli—arili—it." replied tba Joriat |
e^obt^etrika tbs hMrt irt BBf
tbat In Ihrlr wild Rate 1U7 r-qnlie lio ' ^
, (mileripplrd orer all Ihre#of '
Is wfakb
dsatt tesU ba
Intitui'ii'iu wbatrT.r In'tine duvciioo. bit double chine "I'll bare to eepJ te | toeritabia
Tbr w lMiie en 0/ I reeking cou.1.0 la ' am beer. A bog tlwayt know. wbM 1
Hu m not In-'Lock."
InLock." Tfau ia h... got*
m Miwah "—KaiM* Cite Jowr-:
Him many blood ritefilie.
JMbcronyga^ ShawMi
>c#e aU Uc wUlo. and WM ni


they bad foogbt te tar.
"It w— at t
>e -an wbo got whipped.: Swilt't Specific
icine acemafi
br i* ou tbr gkmnd a aaddlr and bridle ;
work'd oil to him. A rnagbndre
pul ep. br dm<* tb# iqmre welj
bomr. au'l <l-iir yiiu b
bnck jonijr-rfor lile.
Pot Tonrwlf ia the bnr—'» place, and :
} tboir tnmble. 8A&wUl<
will bard:* wonder at it. Hr ie by 1
___________ bidlt iwrtoo*. and
aud man
man ie
Uaa ! ! HU Arty epiriv toookad no deUy— Caneer. CnatagloB. BtoodFsiaow,
toiugalmori anknowulill Bow. Tbe | no.not a-OMMfe baritoBtymmoUU- oU. Became.—aay totarbtooddl
bomd black ol;^rr on hit b—k U to I tkm.
It Ugoarantead
Tberefm#. "Eccmb me. aoh. if 1 —

____ ^‘S'Ss's.tS

tor yen

Beujamio Hanumo.—Ezchiuge.



I Toy, the -'mayor of (.rtainalowti"
la Pbilsdi'lpbla, aod tercral other in.
Oaeutial Cbioamru of tbal city an
: lu pareba— a piece of laud in tin
robSTb*. to be need a* a Cliine— na
Mcaral cemneier. Speoking nf the Dial
ler, lb" PoiladclpblB Ledgcreayl: "Tb.
propCM-d oaiiosal ceoieicry will be ibr
only one lo eiielcube oouidc of Uk
Ram of Osllforuia. Wbilr iulmd.ri
lurg-l.r a* a reaMug p.Urr for lb- C. Irr
lag Uial a
broke# and dteeaasd ttotiai t—icl.-ut* of lhi» rilT uod
ii to —11 got him braken
la two boon be- i-------^
ihe^tatod earfare#
i* taid tbel tbe prieilegr of thr cimr fore tbe —la Tbe whole praoea.oaIrty will be exlriKlrd to Cbii
Tbe riiBgli rulrr. waa boiRed op, and ,
i^iee. .
York and MaryUod."
the colt wrut ihii-.ogh bu repertoire of .
cootoRii'ui. briDg oiT-aianoeUy 1—6rd i
from U hiud wiib a Rock whip to
all (taerr of Tire briog IboroaghlT j «nBaam<^ by daUy~)a
emdical- I
Hr il.r time of tbr -U be Minate Coagb C#r# would briog U
a Tcry nmple
the latter
timr. eompUined erety wu oaitimnyeurtbaa.l<d tbal all to-‘dUtc relief. J.Q.Jebnsae.
dL at a
marnlag of bii bead, “I 'are one bed
—T at brrakfabetdeebe,” be ot^
Joerrh Cow.
lAMm CowBi. Oae

Brata^nod i^te

Plate Glass


raedlag from Orool'* rams,
to aee wtaal w— Ibe matter aad found
Ibe egplisBilOD ei Ortiui't bed bri
The room w— qoite dark, e
- "Wl
tbe gu bed not been toroed• off.
did yoo do with the ge»! " etked Oovan. '"Blew bim oat." —Id OArinl, wbo
bad DCTet tern a gat borare beten. Tbe
baadkeb— Iben oeaaed. Tbry ware effeetoally eoted aomt meetfae iai— al
of tbe emparto U t
nlsiter Qaaetto


Opening Sale
jsro'w nsr i>itoGHiEiss.
Fortunate cash purchases from best manufacturers en­
able us to offer some remarkable bargains.

01 Me.—Kew York Ji

“Saved Her Life.”



100 do,.. Ladiwf Ualhir How (not
k*atht-r. but wear likelcalhcr)val- I
ue 15 to 18c. this lot'only............ |UU

Mill Ends in Outing FUnnnla. 2 to
10 yards lengths, fine quality l)Bt
cheap price............................... ilU


our own brand Ladies' Hose. wool. At- 'Priestley's fine Dresfi fabrics We
cotton or-flecced, extra good, only Z3U
hire the only good aMortment
of these handsome goods shown
Kid Gloves, black and colors, valnes
in this market,
run 1.00 to 1.25. we took aJI the
rp__i.:.t. "P.,—..i.
had, aod they are g9jj
......................................... I-OC

JODK wallet. — JcSciteU
I.. tbaa Whom acne t* marrhleUr
mreoHd or rldely kaove, wrlle*.
Ta two I bad a wrere eiiaek of U0r!(rpr
and at tbe red of fo«r —ootb* IntpJtrofell
ptiyilcUaa, fnend* end rood audaf onid
to. my Inart b*a
.Mired dt. my
end bran —lard

Ladies'solid Leather Pocket Books,
would not be dear at 50c, but our 2 jg
Infants Silk Hoods, handsomely cm-ACn
broidered aod well lined...............Z3C


. My laec
o> Uete
Uoo hot a sbort Uow and BO* ea
teenght me
left ude'at aJ' My ha*baad
' ' .............
nr.Mllre-Xer* .ate Bean Care and 1 he.
tanteUarUwBu Wbaa 1 bad takes a ball
beau of—ck I w— moeb bmerandrantmeUylieobabonedoara toa-

Jaeqe— ia at tbe motgea leefetag te
1 lo- triced, "i* then any ngn tp


| 3^



Men's Ooting Flannel Shirti, foil
length, doable stitched AC^ nAt )SffB
■ ud
right, at............ Z3C llOl

... 2c “sikf.^lrn^^:*$2liot$2.38Dress &>odit, all wool, handsome

Men** Jersey Ovexahirt*, eEtm t«1-

Dress Goods, beantifol and dorable A7.
Jamestown novelties, only............vtfU

Men’s and Boy's all wool Casmmere 9Cn
Caps, caiuly worth 50c. onr price U9u

Mill Ends in bleached Table Linens

day 0T#alar TW laJa»T
In fifty yean ot the eaterara of mt.
aad Dr. Cadaey died aboat Ms o'cioeb
ii«i bank* in MasaaebBarta Ibey ham
Friday —oral—t. Hb akaU wm
tadwndeetbrir control 'tbe
arad. Dte«aeed w— tbirtywis yenra
of a^ Ba Imt— a wUa aad tear
ebUdram TtafanaralwUl tohaplaes
at ttato-ByriiUeaii at tabs Au ■ II I
■ etai—hi* to frasd. tanll m«#>#- J#^



Onr own brand Caps, excellent qnal* 35,c 50c, 75d, Si

gOOO. t>fciTIAp» 'tO MIXjO W STOIX tell


TtaaaMpOtp. Mkb.,tapt.N. IM.
Ptwaav Bernbeta BcBaty llaaee.
Itaak. Bani aad Oaeblls. asd W.


mta ^^fiTltonrebat Bra. Pkaak
m be employed ee jabltar at be t*irbr»«
tairbr** aad jaailem em^oeed far tta
...jalataod taHdlap at ttAM per pMtanbaol year aad for be cnaotap
9l ymr.
yaar. be priiast
preatat flaaai___
«ms of lta aabaola. aad a paawal
aaAWOIHaaaaat of all be fiaaaeki afchd of
tta Beard of Edmstks:
Traeacae City. Bleb.. Sept M. lt»T.
Bebta ead Asibf tbe warUOiaaee ^ be BtmotmU »o>d •/ AdnecltMe.-o writer WM ao treoneallp qnetod aed-be ta|tatatof tta fallow.
the arkk ae Bearp Karwea of tbe L
doa Cbmolde. Tta October saw
of Scribasik MiwuIbi eoatalne I
Nenwak belATWwp of tb.
owep that praataed be war. a'
for tbe firel time. Tbe Ulaei
arc from Br. Morwaak owe

tlk^mkVwSr^efk a_______

badeeadltka. aess babffaetMp dtp.
ferebr tta brwwe to obteb water
tata^ rirwforboUi tsettata ead

_ f«u •_______—
potaM; u*>sir
_________HcSeMUl) hum Is Hares
tmmMr ««• Wrse< Im* TaMdsj.
Ha^ kweew^er^

twitNOEST resD. ■

MAMS Ftm* BUksiia. acsd 7T.


anke*e tret lure restarc It
•tate. ‘Dir eeBsitUa hw bMs »■
alrasdv'ttoi W.flOO he* bees i
erleMd hj tbe >UU (or irriteiiei
poa •To.bWpkpra.b^.
Ohio, tbe Ne
______, .................. the Uakaa Vi..__
Lr»k.B^ eleyl_ tbe

!Si^el7^{>Ui>be!|^ete*lce smbB.Bder. B. D. (ipoooer oT Cbltsfo:
■ •

Bradrr. W«. B«W e(
---------------- ---------- MrreoB Urerrel. Df.
TI M. aerarpof Oolambaa, Ohl >: go»r>
(awtar UwM^I. TbM. 1. Uobtsrd
o( BaUlBor*;
KelUBorr; Cbeplele. Be*.
'. Cbu.
Sberfwef We
*------ '-*'—wee eeopiM epee ear
OB. UprorUre tbe leii^is bit eAlar. • »Ue via bell loelBf eeele: All pnoee wbo bare
tMittaa Uha et Oeldwsitf. Bo« Iv eertef eftr atseW Aeft each r*eel*e
•S.OOeasstbesdeee caet e de; for
lb* dse tbe* ete la ee
AlHoatroee BerfeU taltb.
te^a^STberMe euned ap ead
htdb^teMbkUrXitaes FblrcbllAavsTSTlsOaed-

Widowa of boea
in aad oeder brae
Widowm of baaa >
alae^Aepe ead ai


raeolaUes wee edopwd
ceBltteate sripe ilie a
(a iselade la tbe prietMt
cede tbe III IraaUaaol of il

------- ------- -

It bMt Mr tebera

A private diepatcb free. Rome eapa
tbatataat Wpaaoaawerr billed mad
aaap albare iajarad bp ea rertbcllp at

Txpboid U laTBflBr tbe TarbSE'
tram i* Threeelj. tUz tboaeend are
be*e elresdp ban iarallded bmac ead
«,0C0 otben ere walUar traseportatks
Dartaratall flpbtet Carebsacel. e
aatarb of Bedrid, tta olber dep. e tall
aec^ed aad retard Into the elreeU.
’bare It Iajarad eaaintar.'il petaone
Astpava eM aes of Him.'nieaiet
afore It waa kUled hf e erdderme.
■amw. ol Ole. it heoteaeA Be bee
Torpado boat Ko. se bee eepaleed end
■ak pear tbe Ciat llrb^eblp off Cate*aa.
Birbtor hercre.>. Ineiu-ilup
-er ooBiBeader. Debe Predarlek WUMbealaf.
lleai. of Beekleatar»-Schwerie, wrre
Bapeiel.prOesst.ol BaUea. baaa
IttU wbiM Aof wbteb serer mhmi a
fM^taebeol. BtM wbsa Ue eUMbaa
■Maabaest bate alteapa tban ptuu- HewaU.lB*-__ _________ _________„
ported, ead he* bouphl e. me praoad
i far from Vieoae. Apale-vUtobr
lit as thie fToead, where her nejeewill lire la rnfsl eute.
. maid hae dkapSfiar os to tbe llaee. Tbe vmm
Bleon of a younir
JmM lata a Mfbt ttala. tat eliwweUeappUeAwtth aweajr ead pro-

4^7ii‘.S't;jra a



a ol BM.OOO.
it il tboopht that tbe
_.raa k la leafce wib e -mr of be
talB^ la be elaiatty of N .plee
At Abeae a lat«a awetlair waa held
Haadap aflarsooB la Uma' rd rnnam.
where a raaoietloa wee adopted eaiilof
•roe Klaf Ueorpr aad beoablaai u.
rraaw be war wib Tarkey. rather
traaeept Ibaterktol peacMioffarrd
be paaaa aMfeeasea. _kl oi ut ilie


la tape.

Tta rfMoli Mwapswm note wlik
'MlbalUMiii-riiiaB mil'

BiOM welfbmadi to



aUaek mllllar*


parabad oa bkyHta

Tbe eoapUta aorcl October laMOlU^laeo^a, ‘-i
-A kalrttof miBaaolUmlaeotla,
dnrbc be Wer of ladepeadcaee. by

i .'tTv tl


•coeo(Sp-« rt»D.

: .’it

a npotat^ia'tM SeldT^^
________ _____
- Mm. Berlwebcrk
Wed-,0 r. <'wrw, Iwalnert
dla(.~ b* Clarloda Peadletoo Isiaar.
a^"Tbe Strike at Bertook."by Wll.
lUaiT. Kkbob
Bra Bnrtcs Harrkoe bee writtea a
rw Borel of Kew York life, aolltled
Hood Americeae.--ead It wflf appear
la Tbe Ceoloip deriac tbe eoalec
Urn. Uerrieoa k tboroarbly fa­
miliar with metropulilBB aociety. aad
aeoot eociai typra aad teaC. Piat-A
miTTored aaddeaeribed la
JAsae A. Mrmaa;
the etorp.
O C Moppatt.
Tbelmtaad only plclarea Bm-'Bcse OB ttaya aad Mraaa
Klal.^ bee bed tobee yearn ap­
Mured by Mr. Moffau bat be repon
pear le {be October aowtar of Tbe Labe accepted aad elalme ba ordaiad paid
dire* liopteJoaraal. They fora part of aa recomtaeaded.
--------MoUun Buried.
rmphe of be
Teacbem Boi hariap city ecrtificatee:
White Hoaee.
1 Mrroe A Cobb. Sute Koraiil. leae
BoClarek Meeaxiee for October eoeS Bipbemle Jieklinp. Kerria ladnedoe ea article by Hr. Beraard I*,
ifell. one of bo two dleecrmra of
1 Ulliaa HowBlap. Slate Normal.
.... arw "Serlape- of Cbrkt.
pire be firel complete aocoontof be
S Lacy Seerraaee. State KormaUiia?.
eenldkeorery. la be BpypUao deeS Flormce Waroer.Siau Neratal ■■*91
X. Of wbat bee pror.d to be be rare Edib OIbba. State NormaL Ihvr
mt by at leaet IW ream of all exlalf Mary E Cryeler, SUteNoraal IMS
H Getolle Acbnelder. I'fratUrade
Ip recorde of Cbrkt'e Life.
V bklib Someie. 'Second Urade It
Uarper-e Makailae for October opeiu
-iblbeflmi laelalmest of -bpaaita June
to ElKe Immb. itefoed CoUepe. O.
John.-by William McLcBaan.a Dorel.
n Lain Bueber. blmtCrade m»T.
- adrealore, dealinir wib belortaaca
li ll'iby Urao. E. S. aad ooe year
the Seolcb iketeodem to tbe bmoe
late Normal.
ofEnpland Tbe llloeUattooe, >y
Board of Examiorre recommend t
bacb. Inwrp'el be etoep wib aoeaaal
Mr. Cobb. Mke Jieklinp. and b
duileary ano eympabp.
Dowalap br pranted firelprmde reri
ilarper'e lUarol October Id oontalae caunand tbah MU *'
be fonrb article of be inteceatiaf ae- Warser. MImUIbbe.
Crreler. MUe
rhs. writtea from llayreab. oa "Her Sebneider. Mua'Sotnrra.
Mua'Sotnrra. Bim Lamb.
Rinp dee Klebelobrta.'' ble ooe treat Alim Bahae. tad Mke Ltaa beprAntod
eeraad certlflcatea.
D. Ctkla be panlek
C. T i:
Board of School Ex________
Mortd by Mr. Moore bat the report
be ercrpied aad adopted and that be
Special awetiapotai
ccrtlfitmiea be rraated a* reeoasaadad.
ubept. T7, II
. ealledtoor
M-itloB to.-o
Morad tar Mr. Moor* bat be Sepaeaynr. I
iBtoadenl be authorlxad *
pee, iloodrien, leMK.trmuoaa. isrtitr truiBl I'tHurr. who ehall
.■..II-....I .i-.riioB and Jahrane aad derly pupUe and IrnaBU and eompti
bein lo attoad trhonl.
**T^'k'iiiwtlopba*iar been Bailed by
Motion carried.
The Saperinuadenl appolatad F. I)
the Bayor fur b»pnrp.ieeof miaetdrf
liip th* Itoailied bill ul Utorpe W. Marrln ae aald traaet uflleer.
Morwl hy Hr Muffatl that the Kept
lUftor fi.r work and rifM-neia ua re........................I two larpe
putt, plau and epaullliWtluBe of prue.
nieed new Water Won., ejetom, eelJ dirllotai-lea for lb* mU
I isrrM
lilil^wM preeentod and rewl by the
llm nr Mr. Mmi .duly rarrkd.
lured by Aldrraan osBrleh that
iurekati. niy Clark.
bill Ih> relrifM to Hie (uumlltoe
Waye Meant.
lured by Alderaan Moakpae to
ameiiil the luiiiloa
Aldarmaa (laud
rich that the uripliHil bill ul Nr. Hafi-he fir* It Will. .
itu. da.
er at Burrecto.l at,'I approrrd by Hu atn.M fe.Me »Vrth of pioperty.
Hnarlal WaUr Mpniy I'ummlitof uHmierar rtaiiele Jtorph baa* forbidBllowed and <Merr« paid and bat ao dee the proeeeutlon at Count tkdenl.
antloe be Ukenof thr itomlted bill of who fuuxhl a duel «ilh Hr. Wolff,
Mr. lUltar. eald UII aol barlnp bMn
Thr bealnnii X of in« end of iba eoal
gpiw^by be Spaclel WaUr Sapply sIHhe at ItoMolnea, la., appeared yealeider. Ito inlrera returrlnx te wetit.
Aatrodmeat rarrlad by yea and aay
1 has oReiad tlM.aM for be
sla aa lollowe:
Yaae—Aldermen Ikrkar, MoaUpne.
oodrlch. Cook, Ikamoad. Lsrdii,


KTaellp of tSa exiathif It
- s
la a telefTM which
> depai
letliut I


___ 7—,

.._____1_________ j t-i.._____

.a aad am le
Orlplaat mail >e a. ameaded waa earkto
nay ento ae tullowe:
teiabsT psladat. baaewe wbea tbe Hob wib be Oaatrmelaa capttor haa
lea Ikrkrr, Montapae.
pot •‘™
Cook. Oenm
bardad for tweaw.foar boon >-d h Uarrlaoo and Jel
now la be hande ef be oppolll.m
fisriae la sAdWoo to the too pow caaeraL Hnbardmeal rrf be poc.-ra- plaee and aped
■sBIWI eroosd the etau. ead ebe weat fereea k feared. ilTbat Amrrl poerdars^k
ktsr Works aratom ae^(^
eaa latoraek era bteatoned.*' Th<
Iowa of Qaeea1tenaa«o lie-ee»en-y. eentoJTiy tbe Spcdel Water Snpplr
--nd pli
mllw Inland lo' f. le faerd y
>h)r fur oar forertnaaat lo az^ti-l file tad bat tbe SpeeUl
VUlIk a Uttla deapbler of B.>brrt any rcUet la be iray of naral foreee CuRUpIltee be dkebarpe
MoUoa mrried.
Tta L'altedStaleaalaawablpAlerV U
On cactlaa of
aow ee be way treaa Baa Vraeekeo «o
tm «>ae Ibrodra o« la Irost of the Oaaa. wblah towa wee captomd by tbr ;duly carried. Oaonclh
rlsak. Two of bar taw ware eat of roeolaUeakla a week apo. When ebe
■Bbarkcaad arwewara badlrowa- reaebee bat ptaatabe will aford refIM. ItktaaieAabesWaettaaorar.
Aidarana Ooodrieb'a P
are to aay Amerkaaa who way be v
of Ue PUet Aaararcd.____________________
Wblkt It may.l)e brat to pay MrBeftor'e bill, barlnp already tara aprrou aad Farm.
prorrd by a maj-rity of the Water SepBaoday airtatk fnmt dwtr
ply CMamliice. I nercr fcTt that be
errno^BaaoBden^of pe
baa sot Mr.-lor wore tbaa
a tbe West eonld bare be«e
aroaad Fliat ai
ttmany farmrm
at far tern coat to tbe city—
hair wheats are
_______ ______ Bilereatae.
■ .Totodbn laid commit tee apBiee'pioylnp,.hlm to parf.e-t aald plane. ..
At be rneabiy Bcetlar of be beard
■by aentlre rule ae aow recurded
of acriealwra Prof. (7.. P. Uedrlck. a
' '
' p ble oripiaal bll
af aeaw laAlaB tribe, wee SBTWa wossd eeatelaed eekelrawbeedeeadottar Tfae. ee prorUedfo by be laat l^kla
per die
»i per day
__ Bata aarioalv 1>
fur ten dey^ wbil.t li« lay
lollw are batef earria^
The fai
-k riaoe Hulrl: ale''. «e
aornar wheal
peylap bim tnti expean' f-r i«u .t At Ass Arbor BMara KaAeM^..a
torpa from Buebeetor br-.- aod lelan.
wbtob.Ur. fiarm admlw wa. iecle&
year apo.
Oora le lafe aad
la raid bill
Tbe Water Sopply CummlUee In ranJapb aaria«a are a
icl^ to to.rhbiRu per day a*d
A Blreh Baa maa baa la bit pardea a







traittof tbekbcaad bkaoaa.
The editor of be Amrrleaa Boabl*
Berlew of Baflewe eommeate la hk
Oatbbar aambar oa be kU
kUIiacot be
- ebetUh at

sriutnifi PTKp.

H*PLtie to bmlitw.
Mend <>b ta^talktow

' t-** *>

J : EsSsir^.'JsS.-■ ■

ktsdr bM Am lo aiaadlsK dsber. — - ________ ^aloeMlIrelB
HMetas. Ibeiaue Aaacblererf WU- ladle, beeiac arapt aBOterrred from
beatette beBlaV aaUl a wide eraeb


aSST*. ::;.. JS


bWB rlae wbkh be bUke U ooe of tbe
larpwt la tbe atota.
Tbe else b '
fret aad ton laebwia beipkv aa
B||M II tw poda.
Tbe epecke of be

CUeaeaBtyfaraata waybarcapew
ow. PSk bpwprar. biwan tbe ware .ecopaUea lo attraet beir aUeatloa
raach tbow batoratoop. Ttaeaparimeot of re.
rnmmuUf bw letlad to raac’
tbe tobacco bee taea tried In be rle
WMabUB with tbeweew-of
tbe weew
' elream ot Potapoa. aad bat peoeea biph'y
Ae UBaaslly larpe aereape af t
tore waa pitatod anaad Uully
year for be caooinp factory at
plane, bat be tomato eiorat we
ak rWeaalw.wtai_______
jataWtalpaa wHbafactasa.iw- ---------------- aad herd workiap bat the
I laall <«a. Aad moei of tbe
A'aMtarriUarfroa Br. Bartp.
passcMwatat tabtaalatlav
tobk.alatlav _________ bewnrae leftbatraat bee
tabes aw.awbroldhow
BW-OM U |old •— a^lad. eo that'tbe faraen won't rea^

MaSrr Tta iWie

etaSw Itat^wSs^w^ ta'oa

'hla'iimr and tapeaec ^lUl
r tocorer trarcllap estanere

- Proto«AVncta.o(tomMwtol



t brUllne J-»lo«
ESr'lMta .
I imeeLe nrUr

• 'lire Ceer . ..

at be old Itend (w ai
coctrren- e harins rraim
le ctarce of the Qrand A

A film Mia k ssully la can
for 17 ycari.

PenelaiB eoiai wan far a limp tl^.

UMiitki n sii


sbj 1mm

Wilb oompstltioa

bannena we are doing.

We libve added new lines stnoe raoring


(iinida l>e|Miluient we offer a pnfi‘ ailk wlvri for d"i* a jfwid.

.OOu.OOO rrery yaar.
Twa bendrwl and fifly IhoauDd datlar*’ worth of paid la added W Ua
world 'a nook, amy weak.


Ouly 17 par e*ol of Ih* poM la wraary I* af Iba ptoprr wilpht.

* Ij::,

IjhIW pure linrn. bm atilrbed bandkf
lie Ihal you pay JB.- atiliwv f.>r elaewbrrs.

Uaiber »«WT'Irrolitnd la IMbm
tarratly at Iba tiu* of iVuc Uw Ortai.

p- II
Sll .•!


I Pi flea Bwul awl aae-lwaifb af

4*1 O'

EE. •

Il.'la MtlBBtod Ibil ea aaarenpa
aaeb not In clreolalkn ebaapat band*
11 UBMdawark.

Onr tO-inch all wool Hergps aod 4d-loeb di wool BnriiHw kl |Nc per yaBl arr the Ulk of Ibe top*.

III^rIImJ of sdriMap «A

4» m
give better value than ever. Look ai our baBBtoaii^'^ trttalksUy Md*
Hoy'a BlonaM in theebildrena clothingdeimrtmenL
Look ito«raU
*ai m dalatioD III (hi* nmatir k animaiad M
be 11.600,ooo.r-wool Hen'a Nobby Sait at I4.fi0 and compare It with any 17 solto dto-



Al tta Una
paper* ai doll

rc «.
*u v>



where and l>e yonr own judge.
We will aave you money on all kiodi <ff aUtiooery.

Du ngt forget to Minple onr psrfnBM in b«U wfakli ws arsaaOqntrtet tnmrd <ml ba Blat
4W'U> uxkna’pndt
*' of
* iblDat
6 crau. Oa iag al 26c per obnoe.
* Scry too of peealri fediicaj ban k
Anticipate yonr wsnta in onr Um with w asd we wiU nrs yM
tom apradtoforerPl.tOt
I will be faonelkr aoM
'lapomtble." be replied palkally.
4moo Aad
-■ be
ta mi
marrel. ih*l abe wml bia.pna■S»
Fne Praia.
la »



All boaeereepiap. emwU^ atlapfer
aeptalirine that eombiac to taaka up
the torturea of aay itriilappleaaBe
tirtilapyiiaaae of
be akie am laataatly ralloM aad per
maaeotly earwl by Dna t Otar-------Tkk* ao


zzirLu to* ’

The "BieyelUf* Beat Frtesd- k a
.xmi.lar aamo for DeWItfa Wlteb Hatel Sa’re. alwaya ready fer cmerpaaciea. WhUe a apaelfle -for pllea. it alao
iottaat'v rallerca aad cam eala.
brakaa. *a1t ttaam. aenema asd all
affrclkme of b* ikla. It aerer talk


: i!".',“aMr- ,::s

Small pmcaatlone often ptwr«st
preat mtaebUfi. DeWitl'e Little ^ly
RledF* ar* rery arall pllk la ala*, tat

the Ilnttlmere tad Ohk
Clueler. Pe. ru down a
killed' Mytro OobrtMd:
year* oM; Mend
Oec-r«r lUTdwIn.
Baldwin, aerd i: )<«rm. eon tad danfbtw U Boben L. BaWwIn.

id headaeba aad r^nlato U

The Uleat retunu uo the *rowb of
lAMidrn abowr bat o\er USB bouiea
•roetrd BMmthly In the metropulU.
AUuit dir
mile* trom
from iMmemet.
r miiee
I> belkvtd lo U a valuabla,
while tnkw, bat b*ea dUcovered.
IKSCRA\<;e fbrSD.
Major U. P. Heady, tbe apeew'ecsieirer |u«aUim>..........
tnlealoocr trom be Polled Siaua to tb* Paldap tbiTw
rxpuetlloe of IMk ba* beptu ^ pnlUaItaBT------- "

____ Parry HanataAidtare and aow
taa laadloaen^laboatta-bal did
BM dksaalUy him tram arilar aa
Vniat* Praiddtst.
Otapa abipwpkat Imwloa araap- city, aad '
tinsrider that aa
i______ _
auta. I ensMdee
•■-oa J bare

We do not rbaixe op to yoa

Deal ijt a One-priced Boose.

from wilbin and wilbfHil we must necemrily be the ekespfist, to do'
into our new eaUUtahment, and we liare greatly enlarged onr reBulir


relerensa I
lut of tbe
Water Supply ■m-nlttoenad Mr Gtftaeea bat be
t done
w eoerred tbr expe
.<aUa« th* tattle* In tbe went bay
Br. Norbna did all be aarv^ap;
Dr. Btaell of Boftdo. tad D?. IMale adjoanwd .Saturday '
af Laatlnp. made tb* cbemkal aaa!rak.
He hired the etonofTapbee aad
Oevemw Leedy and attax Pel____
draaphtemu at the umaae of S»l: malecOceri ut kkaaaa r*taa* to iosp«r
tad really I am at a loaato team what ari koM *eak on oAclal doeameata. aad
work Ur. Ratter dldpariora tooceata atltar
ibefirtyAKre'tlmeebarpta. Mr Dark
lb* metater, ■
aaya poaillraly that be did perfora
ibeae daya' woih. moatle at Rocbcalcr
-rpMtape be did. tat I'oneld at wall
and iatoinpaaUy aav.thal ba dM notIt rraeaUtod Inoooocil seeliepe byl'
oar werby Meror. W. W Smith. ib»l|

by’^ead liesU.*'

lines, making onr aUick nimpiete in altiif its btwnrbds.






Before Another advance in letther.

Fine Baby Robes.
Lap Robes, Blankets,
Gloves and Mittens.

Wilhelm, Bartak&Co.




S at. weak kidseya.
' Paraala cu bMp aad pr**est H. ae
bey toU tola bafa kttoea, hnaaae H

arsooL BuoKs rtncD.

The Boston Store
H Bloclc.

] that nkiea It. aad bay an too yoirap
s M , to eXETcke tbe arill-power af a prpWa

ik»,k*Cie»e<*pm*(«n. ta*—rratao-n
2^^*-^^^=!“. I?. rSeTnrS


Hacii, Bus and Baggage Transferlinff

lartalad ao far. aad millm bare bean
* to ablp la wheat from oat-

rtesast tasrj. tta areite «a'. arrbsd at fbll^^le.. r>k


1.1^4 0.0 am
teiwi B.n>»
Ai-Wix «; Rirxi
Clerk of Baa^ of Bdaealloa.
intone lartrefft store aortb of Grud RapidA brimaing foU of barW, W. suini. Mayor.
iniim. s You will Bake so nUUke.
With ^r-resdr esih lay o<s

'^me- If


It U ofllrially enccueced that
be fiemIne In Indtpii bow at an rrA. nmlttnl
mine he\-e felirn tad mom of be vUleicera have atsndrned rellet work .to UU
and auw brlf Unde.


•>i.e Xllor

Dr. Noble Mollaa. 74, left bU heme ai
Harktt'ACorren. tIU. Sept.
tad hae
BOI been atm alnre. It k feared bt hat GUmbMh Ihaeioiu
km«d Mmirir .
Tta Amerlmti PaperxoBpany. at Van
Burra wrtot and Cuetom Houm place. <>D*CAw“............
>, KSAM: lUCblcmte.
bar felled. Aw
Wlttim. aleeii iM.oni.

blowom ee the mu
Funrteen tvidlnji
dreUne to k-la th.
eampanr. erri- a
lo fiicbt the ini
The ineurrcciloo la Nlcarecua bat
been entirely nippreaaed and peace reetoted tbrooxhoui the country, aecordla adricre received
Oreecr bee recelTcd
peace treLy
Tcrtcry. e
aural bet '
1 appo
compute be net

' 2^e a oS-b

Beat UTei7 in Nortlier^ ,JficUgan.
fkai and tola Bkhk to CMaaMs.





■. ariM kM MBWi *• Ort-

TIwib’s no

MrtvtoTAM dV«'«Wtl> AltaO^
8. a A4UM toft W«d>*to7 «sr “

ulralffl >Mit»CfcteK»—* DUaci^
i. A-.^loaUfM •** «•
OB tb* BMMitw yittmmdmj aoalB
rtlFtk* O.T
OrMa BbfU*. an n
F. a. OoBdrtob ot Ow.Mli »m»t7
alk. A. MbOot >aa UmUy.
‘ «WH>r hto«aU. Bob. B. OoodHek¥ra
FM Ma bna* Butvaad Bif*
■ ly tar FrliM.
> WiBBd.-------------

F.OBBOftkBMBFtoF** ,
to Um kMitoi toetory. !•*»
for bto bm« to LoBtortlto. Ky.


V. UbM h»»B *•■

HlMtoKmIC hMrmtoCU-

Mb* IW RBltoy. wbo bw ban vto-

lUoc bar toator. Mr* U*r Cbaarwy e(
Hoplatoo. for aararBltoaotb*. raMmcd
to bar bwa to Nonb Ambarat. Obki.

mao»tt»r bMwtotor rtptoi^ ■Ulto-

ma UwB wlU rotoUrM
FWtoidoj. Hr. ChalMiB«r
um Bn)7> Waroo boo fOM to po^ bar aa far *> SabAald bad triH
FpreW Otoa to rm»a>t b«r •tadtoo to ratara n o faw4ay*
tbt MoUeool Porb BaalBary.
WUltoB BItebausk of Utoad. torMr. B. Byoo ood wif« bo*
■ariy rrrtoMr’ot darda of liaalaaBa
•othotrboMa to Powooo O^tP*
ooooty. baa toand to U>to dty oHtb bto
« o FlroBOOt wBtoi to tb* citj.
toaily oad wUl gaaka (bia tha}r parM,aaot haM. Tbry ban Iia^ a raaiB. Hlr.h-00 of KoIkoMto. WBB
Hn. Jobs Btoeh Bsa Mn. ^ B. FUa tiM dty HoodBFOodyMtordoy to
daaca ao Waahtoctoa auae* aaal of
UatiBC r-tortBT tor
tba railroad track ood wUlaaooo be
imi th. Bebrow boUdo; oorrloBO

HIM HbObtbb hM fOM to Oi*aa
*w’*L«Ufk»*M •«•»»»*

• *•

Mn. k. Uooi, toft FtoM««r *

*VT3L. 44MW Bito to*


Walto • to ChtaifB tor •

Mm. WbBb tmi dMfhtor

Jobo Soirer. OM ot Ub '


to •toUtar M-aj i

& ataUhbMfOMto <ktoi€» af


Dr. Fw*Mi«rfUtoa»Fto»Bto*. hM
M«Md tn«a»-«U'i*Wl to S.W
um M*nto BbA et Bb« JardM.
rwitof mt Btotor. Mr*, to-A- Wtot^

with bb eooalB. d. U. Ji

Totadoy for Oroad BapM*

bat Bay toiraMi'p. atartod W*
for tnadaer. Oanad* for a

*^!Nr. Iwrdto, ar.. «f OU HlMtoo.
,w ooK-cUtooooU bii^bort y.0^

eoBFTatalatad by tbair o«ay friaod.' , w.
aid Hr* Charle* B. Habaa of
bank of Blnamoond. Ilia, locatrd
leoa be at boar at toclr mllha hrort of thr com hall, and opElk BaplrU. wan to to* elty yaaterday daaea at to* eornrr of Cedar aad Roearal.d by Drown. Aya» * 0<. ha* bran
for a abortrUma. 00 tbdr way toOnhd
■old In Aiiriaimns b Owae. of Oirlrlton
toonty. Th* ebaapa din taht pUca
ft. C. Blaahaw wUl ntaroad to hi*
Onl 1.
J. E. Gr*y. P»nr»ylv«nl» tlabat •■ant
_aaa to Wtoohaator. lad.. yaaUrday
at C*ni».rld»r Oily. Ind.. w*» imultrd
after aa astoodad tltlt with Irlaada
end mbbad. Blnndhnundii war* pul
tba trwtl of M* »»«H*ni. who raiui
wattoiM**!. Th* and part hlirsalf op. ’IJa 1* tvnil Ki
Hlaa Ballla Btok wbe baa I
tof -bar abtar. Hi* M. A. Waatpato.
Erldanaa aa* «'»km at Bttparlor, Wl*,
waat to IfTr-toy aad Oatroit oa tba
In Iba nrallmlnary a**m1n»Ili'«i ot Aanf nrtjla. ahare.d wllb ro­
HaTlIaad laft yeatordar
ta f.ynt.old pin. kimir Pom.
d MPrr onr for
aoraloy torCblear>. wkara aka wi

~ •< >*•

•UBiotootoU oho wmx to OMrolt jr*o-


Barry KaWa of Bib BapUa.
th* Cbbaro asmtoalit* yaa-

MtoMtyPnri-toaWUv trtoadato

Mr. oad Hr* i. M. Brow*. Bator
oad um Htoalt Bnm or* rMtiar la

i. 0. Blb'torWttof at DattoU. bi* DMidlL
Mas Mf*>. P. a. Btotaaaa. ftod
gbarUaa oad J. Boldta ton
Mtoi Alloa Bafot of Bb Rapid* «*a
to* r»tolofMi*O.P. Oarror dariaf
Iba (air.
B. R.Dail« «<■■»•(••** M
johD MeDoaatd of Tab* toft yaator
atty yaatotday.
MWDlttoOBtMrl*ab)*ytof a rWt day tor Detroit «b«a ha wlUapaai
(aw day*
J. W. BlBMt aad iMBUy toft y«t<
day aa tba antmtoo l«r a rWt to
HIM BdMBabacl^feM to 1
Bach WblUBOib toft ytotarday tor
UMfO. Utor ba aspeeta to fo to

Kto Ooodoto bM |«M to ItoM

‘aSSVi^ M. »
Dr.«.O.fcl.7WMMtoOUM«> «

AUay Tboaaa ntaroad
Blfht troai aa aatoadad rlall to la-

Morotor tor * «*lt with Woo* to


*toi »*•

Oatrall yaelardsy to rialt Mr* B1U-*
doopklar toar*
E. A. Tr*od*r*y of Uroad BayUa.

' «.

prssapiJ(-*i. carem.

eaaday larwlet* are aa follow*;
Praaehlopatio-to*. a*
ftaaday abool at Il:toa. b.
Y, P. A. toeaUBfOtap. «.
Vreachla# atTiiu.

eraaa A W. Jahiaa* rataroad
Oeeor Ohta* toft To**Aay aorotof Friday Biffbt frM a trip to Uaaeda. Aater ftos Arbor wbaro b* wUl aator to* Haw* aad olbar piUau la the aaalara


c. p fPio* atpruro.

part of to* Blot*.
W. B. Malpaa of Bart Jordaa. Who 1*
tofcogb to* aItT y*al*rA*y oe hM way oe bto way to Eefflaad. apjopad a brief
ywwitoto to * o
to Detroit.
left wito U* wito'a Moto#. Mr*. L IHdBey J.Oaaato Aaoa lirapy. pan
A AFotoyofOadoroedJ. Eootatef
BWU oliwi). **ell..tI7a.rll wMopU aiy.wtra to tod attf fwiardoy
Ml* WaltoB tVltooeaad Mr* Babe
Artkar e. Debwia lo Wai U. Dolwoe.
Daa* aad daarbUr Paarl of Bertboeboaloaa*
Mr* Brirbtay oad dobfhtor MM* pert, toft e* tb* raaaiMoe ptotoeday aa^ of awl*. aae». tr* e. r l» wVwsi* or* OMg Iba Biabaeod otlorelVtorCbtaaco.
Hr* Ella Oala to Narala* Boadraaa
Hr* ttora Oraai waat to Ctatoaro yealon..blkl.
KPifa L*ka-|li
"Mro'jwaph Brotoa* of Oodlll**. bo* (orday toeUll to*l*adle(dr«***iabtaa
Han* P*ia bardbaftwlo Robart
r a MaAaay afttoi a^taa la to haMrWttof HroPowmoedMr* Cow aataUUbaaBto and pet deatoo* for fall
aaell, *wW of awU.aalt. t tta. r n>
MiiBa <ir a law dayiA
Mba ManbaU af Old li^aa, to rtoMr. oad Ml* C J. I
Mr* Loali
Ian waat to ftattod yeatardoy tor* rtotUbf Hr. aad Mr* Pal>ator of tow
plaa* tor to* paat tora* Moato*, hM raHe dw*' rWl.

Mr. aad Ml* S. B. Waft ara totot

Hhi ifobal Whltotoft yoBtordoy tor
Oorareert, Xy-whM db* wlU
ralatltaa bara. ratareyd to Wlaahaator.
Cte Oteedw eed will tatt Tmo
HIM Lfbtd* Irlab toft y-iordoy lad., yeaiarday. MtoMyrtla
ba fa a rWi.
■arolertor a rlait to bar eld bore*
Mr* Viiillj obdto04i«e or* mCWrlB SHltb WMt oa lb* esaaraloa
Bear Ueatop.
» Dttroll Wadaaaday aad wUl lab*
. Mr* J.O. tfimlill atortod pataMay
Ms* Aartoar obd aoibar toft j
trip iBto Ceaada aad riall aeaetal
polBla ot latoraat whUa away.
Mf*J. EooatoaaAHappDoirfeed
Andy Pelaeaoa. om of to* drat anfltoft FWtoHbr tor ttotroth
tan oo tola and ot tto C A W. M.
•m Btor oed WU* mM to Okie
ha* rataroad aad tabae Im eo|
jetoadoy toetottfrtaod*
Hr. aad Hi* Cbarla Rnaaiithal are will Uee bar* with Ua faslly.
AafoaUaewaat MStarfiB y
larday far a abort rialt whh hab<

Mr* Ja* Aeary

Mr* Chattadoe.
rdoe. tompaaled by
badaa^la Oi
Hr* M*d«*UofOadUto* I* vtotitoy atoaiaJaakaoa.
haatotw. Hr* Cba* Parka.
teat asdt^lly are *a{Up* AE-Cbaat:
Mr. aadMr*aM.PraU*i*yUttot tatalalap toHr
I '
Ir Blae*
HUa^M Joha-mtoatroUhoaatoPoalla*
aoa of Otoe**
V. AH*«MilUrefPirtatkar. wa*
Hla AlUa Wllkla
laft oa to^asaar■too yaaterday torr HaetpdW. lad..
• of to* lOTtaltbarfrleBA.
* Oar* ornm «
Mto Eliriaa etaated
fadDMday to Tialt bar alator-. Hr*
MM*d to Oiaad BapU* Moedar
taekDaBhMraateDBMl aad
am otottw Ohto balor* hla rotary
HP. aM Mr* J. A Jebaaoe w*^ t
DMnH ponamy to rtolt lalati*** \
HU* Blaa Paya. wbeba*b**a optedHr* Oeayto* LaPotet waat to
lay to*BaBB*rwUbb*r paraaU. toft
Ha« paMarAay tor a to* Aay.’ rtalt.
\ jMiiday for Detroit.
Mr* A A am toft yatardaytora . Mrt. Jo* Baaaaa roUpaad Moaday
mart eWt Witt trtoad* to Chkay
Vom Oiaad Rapid*. wb*f* aba
A. A Pryaaa waat t* Daire
^ YtaHlay frtoato.


7wfll ye to Kaawteh
adoattoatobwal of

0*0. Jiaiiin* aad wif* laft yaatorM(* OaraM WiyaatoHHy tor a rbdl d*y far Dattolt. what* thay wfil
to OoWatt aad bar oU hoM la CM
- Ml* J.Q. AdoMaadahOdraa
Bony Oaah, bfotoar #1 AUarwaa
(teb. waat to'Aaa Arbor yaatwday to
“'XkA* Mba ad Borlbpart, laft
Jvfo* swaatbbea-Haafa^ aat.
ly^warolayStr OMato wbM
Mm /■ Oas. asMposlad by
, «**. toftj*to^toyto»BaatoaBa

-.of to*

elly HooW. C T. I-.’, arriead I*
day and wo* set at tb* depot'
Mil* Raaato Jet
by bar two brot
Caotar yntaeday aad wok toe

Belieble Dry Goode. Cerpet end Clothing Home.

I Just to
I remind you

Male thi. 11 Tra thouaand mill
irai-fc tfm I* «nn- oym.
Urdar All.'tn baa aurd thr Wlac
aod UUhlM*
>>'' am damai-a
d llljutira rrrrlrrd try bclCf

llurk" Kllpurr. ya-nprremla.
prma from Traai. ■ bo kl< t|d




U. B. HOLLEY. Maimtger.




school SOPTUES
The bnt anortment and bMt yalu* for tb* mon­
ey in the city, at




Haskell’s Bookstore.

Froil Slraet.




"""Sv *^11]^
a arodcoa.
aw. a *'*- mck. T

..One Dollar a Pair Saved..
We hare reduced the price on aU Dark Odor TAJT aad OX
BLOOD 8BOB8, OODT TOBS, PIbctm B Smith aisl
Ketoleton wake OHB DOLLAB • pair, for geutleBen** wear
» Tiel Kid aad Cklf. On all Xight Odor Tuns we bare
in two
are not a cb«^pBbc.
Une. but are Oar Bed Shew Ohn^..

At 98o, B1.19, $1.48.
The fkot is they srs tbs grwtsdhftr.
gdns yrw offered ta shM Iwthw.
Rundreds «f these sdd vithoat •

It PW« a>

WUl Make
Ho Kiataks
If You Want

Too tore sors et ffsttisff thsn hsn. i
Ws hsTs s llBs of solid Issthsrfthow .]
that we knotrvriU wear ■weU—eTsry- ^
bodF says they do. Ws M«ad hx i
srery pair. Tiff them. Prisw Mrlow.

eoc, esc, 76c, 88c, tlJM.
v«v>» «


The CNd Britofale Shoe Mab. 118 Fkont Stkbbt, Wcbsbcsg Block,



of all kindi uied Id both city and country achool*


~ Wb. Stetwekotal to JoUo Lobe*
pataol* w—AMD.
WiB Bkatwckotal to Jolla Ubel.
TTitord toroorb tb* city yaaterday oa
pareotolaaoe It. ttoa. r 0 w—tno.
bar way to GUeayo. wber* aba wUl
Harforot A. Harray to Joba B MaraaoUao* bto atodUo la eoeal -a* la.
ray-MKo-A bib 6. Dooditeh-a third
HtoOalat e< Clh Rapid* a foraar mU—flSQ.
mebar la to* Traeon* Oty atoool*
WltUam H. Moalfold to Joba T.
wot I* lb* elty yeatarday oa bw way Bower*. BOh ot aal*. oor S. t to a. - “
to to* aaltwaly la Aw* Arbor.


Nf ^WT




JlMtor Aa>M *r ftowior M* Jueww

Jasto D Delbrtdf* to Joba Hci’taee.


‘iving our new fall styles of Picitipc MonWing.' finer j
Thai wc arc reccivi
dark frames
arc vJrv stylibli. cillu-r in Ui
than i-ver licfure. Inch wide dai.
. .
lund. make
Green and Riim-w*««1. Grec-o in all shades and widtLis.
wiuvu*. with
"iv a- gold
k”*** l«nd.
-a to
For J
line cmlnnaiion. Natural vvckIs. with a dull finish, will Ik used very mneh. For
Portraits a three inch flat frame with gold lining will be the thing. Wemake W.
mats with a .gold Iwadlng next the picture that has a swell effect- Mats coverM
with ingrain iwiwr t«i harmonize with the picture aik; being uae.1 wdensivcly. Wif
always trv t<> please <»ur customer* in all cases.


n1, o', o




ouuruB). died et Ardsor* I. T_ p

aseoraloa trala lor YwUaoA
,J** A Moore. wIto aod daafbtor*
Baleo aad Katoarlo* aad aao. AUrod. ar*.0b»rli
a. * to a. r 10 w—atu-r*

■oatoara part o( to* atata. ar-

B». A ft Bowtoy *< to* Mybut to ao-



mtvcrtlly ramielpn
fhr Tammany randniatr.
AatpmUl dlepeirh frofo Pretoria.
TraA«-«al mpul.llr, ninlalneadmlal
tba .latnm.nt lhal tbn brallb of Pn
Idml Kruprr la .aualof aasirty lo I
Tbr IIIItHila and warrh'iuae
eomtnfMlun will atari on II- arnoal

A. J. DoerhMtyof ElkB*pbl*F*M*d

Mr. aad Hr* Ja* lalwllaarawaw
^ Maday*la Datraftaad SeUalr.




fad win pira » ’toU" •»!»•
oordlaUy l*Tll*<^to tbi* toa»lcal ■

AU are waleose.

Dm O. mirtir aad wito of CaAar
' BohhMwflaaatoDatraltoaaaWl.

for the Bftme pnrUee, toe. We believe we obb
•BTe you money if yen'll cell end leem onr
price eai qaellty inducemenu. The eertfttl
ettentioB of everybody here, to eabjeot to
year commend-wlthou»*eny obltfrnrien to
pnrcbeee-for you to teet the veluee we


,lor oMied toe pw>.
*■ to I Jpine* Lanr. 1« ymr* old. fe"'in*H»
The fcn„wB •> "l-n.-lr Jimmy" I.enr

woe to to* elly Toaadoy airbt oa boaltethUNr*.
iobo Urbto* of BlofboM wool to oaat to aiaaaeUaa with to* U. A A I.


Overcoats and Ulsters.^

Everything In dependeble Dry Goeda, Oerpate. Ledlee’ end Oant'e
Fumtohin^ Oomfortere, Blenketo, Etc. et

Hood, hot iooa to JaekaoB for tba

vWUac Hr* ft. B. iHan. boa letorMd

rttoU^ triaod* to Chlotpo.
Ml* M. ft. Oata Mt to Itotooti

. At the
on like qnnbttoB.
ore our clelme to year nttention.,.tJP^.

Utot icoo BddtefFIorldo. who boa
baa* toaroeatet-HryoodMi* Froak

Mb* Mopria

M.T*bo toft WodaaadAF toro*tolt


tow day*
•KlrratluD’'* bill ■Ulburtilne .civil marBnJ ^ataky. formarly of thto dty.
Yooor People-* Bodrty of Oi^rttoe' «»„.
^ of Cadillac. «a<D* to Tronra* City Ead*a*arotl-4t
' Th* Mrslraa W*r Veteran* In *e*.
to partlclpau to to* Babnw boHday
* ■■
ood eveatop *errioe will be ooe holf
„ ,, ,.,,rtrd «.i ttW RumUt. po*.
| ernmeni will eluirtly iimhlhli ibt ep.
Ml** UaUi* C. nboo* left yaoWrday
Apopotor *oof *erTleewUl toh* the 1 ponallon of whmr fr..m Uu**l*

b UrtofitoB aad Ba«a rltittop bar aUlar. Hr* Baoiy Mcra aaoaf tba Dalroli *s- Moooa. loftyoaterdoyforberhMO* Jo
Mr* Bill of Vabo. ood b« dooriitor.
Mr. Obd Ml* la Hwto WOTO oeoor
to* paepU loktor to tb* opaorwtoot HIM NalU* BUI of tbU elly. waat to

Mtoi la Kalaiaaa

Mia.ElltU*b«*feMto Baababaa

TtrechBlDest STYLES.

Hen, Touths,
Boys and Children. ~ ;

ba tbaca«lofMr*U.O. Bataa fv

Ml* «lT« Borwit* who hot baa*

' t. r. Tito* Ml to Datrtot WadMB-

w« fthow. Quantity aIob* to
Botonr bOMt Oar prtd« to
in the TBrleUee, exclublT*
^ Boveltiee. rlclvBeM. complete^ Deee, and c6e»paeeB of price.

ir /k Mann*. Ibr
l\ad to Oblo to o

•0.1b.' trto tbroofb U- -« o«a

Ml*. J. a ■■■iMl to vtoMtof to Urday.

OP B'ot We're Suite for

Balay *r I oarlouKy wonndrd Wllllrm
Ca>i* l-r
Caftnndalr. in*, a

Mb Bbb* Jara of tiattoot Bay aad
Frrd bchraiar of tota cily. wen taorrtod TbdVwtoy areolnf at tor boM* of
to* paraou of tor Frooai. Tb» ocrr-

to find out whether we offer extn Tolnee I


Hr* Wtl-

>oto bar at Draad Rapid* aadaeeoapaay
. Tbry will relura to Ua

. r. BPTtoBhMrolorooafroMrthm

■.tolto—r-awitotoft fB»tor4B7

ftBd bftliold with yoBT «
«yw^ the mhtehlM ftmy'cd
liftdiM’. Mtuu'. had OhUdren'B

Petara try bar bam dbconrad fa 1
plam to Unrein fork, ar w*« **
Knmbalt torb *=d *lon» tor tnUrt »e«h
kora. Oik***
Bath tew baa aaBoaorad ibai ba wOl
wet wnbdraw tram tba Kaw Tork mayy tact unim tbr Ciltoaca' Uctoe
lo him (o do ■>.
Imfo mm will boM a trollay boa
y mllro loar ovrr tba Btounlato*
, CaooE City to Cripptr Crrrb. Cato. ,
coot ofttM.OM
,ja Gold Bntaro- anloe rrroru that
a *«wr*l adnnra ot wacn otnoonOrp

• an pnntrd to Ibr
to H par CiWr ttniird Ptalcr.
toU twatrr

*FHnU.«lu)lMabeatiwaBdtoc,ihB wUi

will ratoro to Prtoakry toawrrow.
HlnAllea Sobarla atortad tor.PbitoHtoW Im* *ad Br* Itosf of Vb dalpbto jaatorday morola* oad Hlaa
bon bm *tolttor
Moriao Bobortt ntoroad to Aoo Arbor.
Itorry Kyaalko. Krook Boldawortb
Hr. obd Hio
ood Jam- Loodoo wan oartoc tba
rtoittoc toBeolhtooHtoblfooood to- dodaota laorto* for Aoo Arbor ynlar-

Ita. L r. Otote hM i«torM<

Surer way

•«OM Piar Krorw. aftMdnl 0* the
fnaaraaL I* aim rtobMo inaalb^t*
tir* by bb doctor. Briabl-* dbnar.
rk* of tor TooacMowB Brtw
___ r wrrr dcotrond by Bra ten.
fttoMt. and <M baadr arrinar
yod«B Ryaa. a* «b» lodlaaa
ton. ba* drcMrd (bat loan aw
u aoUret aely tot b**l rat* «f tolar-

FHedrich Bros. Old Store.

The Popular Shoe Hoi^.

■ Mlh»

to tko poovto of

rar oast masU to Uo
!k. bet oara wfll a
lUm tMo tka •
of tba~^t
ratortol r<
. balb fay Ua Btokap oS.
___________Iba paaaadt MWaaaat M
1. Tba omeramy
tbaywfQ abewap wad aadTraaara Saaday- Oe
alaaaatbatBb0wai9 b
aty wBIba aWa to wltara W the wfBlaka p
ha attacraos. oo a
lorta tbat tbUtaaaa did
ban aboaid boaaa bara tUa satara. drat tlraraal food fast baA >baa pladof.ra
aad. latMaatany Htorallnla raaty Ika (UdillaeMaaa sow beta Batar^ M*)d ba b
atm cUasrora auy ba rapitaid




State Bank


-‘ »


aday AitAIa OrUU was tl yaan I la two fototo aad tbry bora prorad
bat tlMltolba earasosy. aaU
.a. HoadayoaaalarhawasUHtod
Ibbrayto Huiaas ooodWselU Iba
raitoaa la asy eUor obarabaa ~
tba b«al lasm malaito ar*
Mtw baaaa tor aaa la toatopoetaUtHa-wbOaBad wbaa ba
raoraaibaloaadUaboraaUad with fiiat elaaa playera aad a rood eea
oeost srSl fas ess of giawal UteratW
tUa edv «Bas tB*
ibo HliaeM.
(rioB^ who <ara to hHp blw calabrata. may ba expaetod.
FeUowIn b
.-------Thay art of audara;
U tbotowstogtbaBbhepwai casllaa-op od Ik. toara isr Satardayk
ora aa an bolar aaod
rm o dra m oboel Blty yossg
pto. ot Uo ragalar torrloa
Iba 0aedTaHplaiiof tka Hty wDl
IM WOOS bcgUoln Oetobto I
rWos 10 oMi aappar la Hoatagoo ball
tbs fimat'ef St. Fraoda. Ua pa
aact Batarday araaiac (row t to T
Biot sf Ue Uerch which eras loo
o-Hoak. Biaryerabrraladrdto'&ka
aboei rs yeora ago. ot Ub Bra of
year aad DosaedUhb booar. aod
aaabar od (ttoada aalwd la rfribt
(arewoU party to Hbatnuia Baiabah
U eelobratioa of the atorlUg of
wbo has basB sroaat of Jacob,Col
Aardt. Tba sresk followUg. Ua
sank badly tkU somrat. HUs BaU
mtaaies alimdy ooUead to Ua BaoiD
Tramball............; .L. A B... .Alb
tech wOl laars tor bar bom U Chler(0
wiU bebaldberaaadUe.m«oU will
today- The dob praaeatad bar with o
plea of sUrarwara at a tokaa
Om of tba pbraara of Bauooa Bay.
dlfa.SaebOiWaaBa.diad Tharwiaj af- raek rariod aad oalgoa etylat.
raat aid a«a., Daarard w
yras od BBS aad laaras sorro ^dm
MWTtbardaatb. Ww.J. Waaasof
UU elty U era of bar aoaa

Mew dor Os ttaosa.
. Oetobor race meaUar bss beak
ddBaltoly artaared. .
At a aratlar’oftbe Tiarara «ty
Orlriar Qob. bald U tbs eoaadi abambar Taaaday .mior it waadad&dto
bold the imaas ee Thaiaday a^ Friday,
o (oUowOdobar TU aad ath. with tka

wito will drlre orar an Cony HoU. iar aeaala.
Jaaoa Kohoo. C P. Hoatw. W. J.
t«0 data trodor paea.
Bobba. Jao. S Saato. Fcaak Banlltoa.
daaa trot or pace.
S W. Haatlac*. THoav Fraak
Waller Wlleoi. aa asploya of tba
Fra (or ab dam ink or paoe.
Friadrtek. O I*, tbrrar. M. A Hollay
do., wat lojarad
aad H. S BatkrU.
la tk« teMM7
HU Irfl
baa< «M (MTfat la a plaaar a^ badljJ:40 dam trot or pace
Dta. Martla Hid Oaraar waU kaowB ynaac ana wbo raddss fa
Uoa-halt abl. rap: two la three.
Harrlrd M MUa Harat
aHpaMadtwoflararaaadirtaiad tbe
OSaara f<w tbe term esdlnr Jaai
Btackaa of thUeily.
parforrad at the bora of tka . I m. wan clectod as fallows:
C B. Hanay. acaai of tfar a S. 4 I.,
BrtoWral-B J. H««Mbridak (athar. la Farnwood. by Bar. U.
kaa ROM to Bonoa. Halea. -M '
Traasorsr-i rad H. Pratt.
Ooeblia. Tbera ware laaay friaad.
aarlMM.tewaada(aw weeka
kacrrtaiy-:-A B. BeCey.
preaeot aad a rrat aiaay aalaabla
Ueaaadloda a lUUe la Iba •~y of,
Hdlotrinr tk« raatlBC airaarad
baaUar^. BOOM aadeariboB. Ha
Tataday airbt tkcrawUl raetaot V.toapla. Tba at
U aaaaspaalad ky Hia. Mamy aad
ly aad WedMaday./tet. It
wrddlar aapparofa.
la la PnrfHacr Doek- tMraoeJralac.
aad It. with tbe followlnr eerab:
u aad CT^tolotioos w
coU«f TaHdayalflit.
spoo tw fortoBsta pair.
ocToasB 12.
SsUk Bra. baaa a Baa sew *acoa
Ba haa bad aareial oSara to i

eat atarai7bB»>»a««»BF»'*

ClivuIatlo.i thii week 2,300

J. U. Waua ka* toarht a taa-hom
«Mr Wolaariaa aafflaa ta tapbea a
n_T------------ --

•■■■ yaahi Inly Watta

lha araat of Batoday wlU ba tka
«eoi haU RaM Wtwaaa tka H
aAaaltHMnrTraraiatatjaad 0

■ado by QaldwoU * Loodoa. alao iba
atnettorballdiiv a aea raidaaea
lot tba Boacdnaa Blaer Blaetrie Urbi
Oo. ea tka kaoll back of Um
a. tkaoartaaaratUiaw

aaw Uaa eard want lato aOaet
W. J. KaatUraaorlac hk lUacU ee tka leea) btaaek e{ tba U. B. A I.
railway'Saeday. Tba Hoaday tnla
■ffltraaBaadaaM BUawortk. \
M Baath Boaiteaa will ba wlUfaatakaeoS aallraly aad tka arriaalot IralnaarlUbaat l-M aad (M
p-Bu ThaUaaofdapartBrefortrain
■raiy ttbUb. who baa baaa at Had,- wlU baat ll;lt a m. aad « p ta.
tarn (ilaadBUoaBaar. baa aifiylid
• poaltiOBia A. J. Bradakawk pkotoBaiaa ibmaoaa PraU Ufaai dao^tar g( Lou A.
aad tkc lata DaUy
dal Pratt, paaaad away yaalanlay
_ 1haalaaaMrTBtlla.arUab baa baas
la« at tba laaldaaaa ether craedKvlyiac batwaaa Bk Bapida aad Braala. Hr. aad Hn. B A Piatt.
•badortaff tka aasrar. haa r»*
Tba raralsa ol ika llttlaeoowlU ba
I to Aaa Arbor aad laid baaUa tba
rVMnob>>H« fiara od bar wotbar.
1. aad ras^laeal
aty Tbat. Ko. tri. K. O. T. H.. to
alfbC tka tost will aaurtaia tka
iban of Trarma Bay Teat. Ho.
IM, aad tka ■aaibaii of both kira at
kralBhiaf Mpoaadaaad wllktka L. a T. H. Tkara wUl ba a alcaaaat frariaw aad baaqaat.
dadca B. U CorbaU ba> porel

^ WUlte Hit. aad TrU TUkhaw an

VHIraar Baalay. whoaa artMk paa■BMbtp ydatara haaa alwaya raealrad
■lliatlni at tba (air, ^ala roodrad
W. H. Jawatt. wbo baa aat at
bMA Mt latraaa tbawaat abo
tta baf.trarabarad tbaHsbau

.IhtAtMaaabarUtba Blib ai*eol
ta*aramm(artbaHMeae< laar-t.
wtD ba flraa Tatad^,


M. A M. B. dapot. baa baas aw
Bi«ad aa lira haapar ea tba saw a>t
tisHwadtbaC A W.H.laUway (rsa
▼as BatM ta Ealbaaka.
C B. HbstUU brtao tka Baaaiii
Baas^ of Babraa potatoaa at a
Haaal Haa aad qoaUly.
Hr. Mat

Mrakare od tba F. H. C wko oaa aad
wW atlaad BiMbar Habartk (aiatsl
VrUby araslaf■ at TJO. era rrqaaatad
M tasaaaaraawIthA. A.HaOoy,that
Tba saw bora lor the Bia dapart-

Hannah & Lay Go.

Bumma's PATitims.

Tka prdimiaaiT rtagiac of
ekiaws <d Si. Fraoeb ehanb ymtarday
Uas tafermal way tka loot
looked for belb which an to •mod oat
sooads aooo from the
baUry of St. Frueb ebanh Tba beUa
arrlTad Toaaday and yntorday
BtoSBlsdapoas plaUor'm arectod fiw
perpoaraadapoe which tka cUmas
will be Unwd aexi week hr Bbkop
Blehtar. Aa sooo as tka balb

are not an expert
'In the Dry Gfradn busmens wouldn.t it be wine for you to Uke wl.
vantage of our knowledge, skill, experience. *'Ft's alVyoun for the
asking ' in connection with j-onr own judgment in making yonr
fall purchases. We arc posted; "it’s onr business to be" on etyka,
quilitics, values, etc. It is oar established policy to satisfy onr
customers, giving money back if wanted, correcting all error*, etc.
Onr reputation made in tbe past is proof of what will be done in tbe
future. Among other things wc offer:

plaoad U pOaiUoB enry small boy who
had say diriosiiyat all mads it hb
aerbow they werkeda raalt ths oooad of Iba ball* era

frlrods U TiaeabrCUy 'wbo will retlsrld Abbey will apbad a ynr la tb.
ramber rasy plraaast
Uta prboD St tUntoeltr, at bard b^
wbieb Ur. Hebert eool
bar, braate b« stole, a dosae razors
ire of otkrre aad -ereryooe who rrota thr barbar shop of Ikal Weblw.
diort time ago. Abbry was erateatod
knew blm will be r^red to leora of
at Ue e'oa. of yesurdayk araioa ol
Iks areoit coarv
BHore paaaiag
New Tea Htora.
iBtQTORabk. A. Bcld. b Ike areal U Trararea Qty for tba liraed'UDiOB Tea Co, gatad tba prbceer regarding bb bab0- astodBUaBS and bealara
of Kaw York. Ur. Bald hoi beeo aolldtlaceostoai brre witbaebw to to- Abbey ataud that.b. waa a Utbw be:
He 1.11
toUbhiar o too. ooflec aad apUe atoro. trad, aad llrad U Dalotb.
there last for a trip throogb
r to tbe compooyk aoi
Ukbigae Uatorebotwork
braach store, la Cbuar« Md
some Uma U Oraad Bapida. Wbeo be

Hrv Bdd.Kdtod fi
MXtaraoa. BaUalaoooa
rodaaaday atUraooii aad tboy
pUtif a yaAt aad a aeltabla dock takse parmaotot raldesee U tba dty.
aad brakwaler will ba araoB tka at- OB Sproet alreak aaor tho Batood H.

Bard to Ool Man.
» glirltosnib Qab sajoyad a daS J. Baosloeaky. wbo b Umc Ira^
llBbtfal Ura with Hr. aad Ura. Jallto
OaaipbaU Friday araelsf at tbrlr ^raa- OB tkaaaw KoIkaako.Oraad BapibA
era ee Waal BlBhUi atraak Otflaara for tka aaaaiar yaar wara alaot. Vae Bans Teasday aflar mea
adaafeOewt: PraHdaat. Hia. J. Ji
. Ba aeeerod bat ^r awa (ram
aoosTlcapt^dtBt. Mrs. ZAgcoal; aoe- the dty aad was feread to talairraph to
Giaad RspUU after Ifty asore.
ratorr. Mrs Jtoapb Major; trra
Mia. Bayaoldt
aeada also a dome troma. son.
ray obtaU bare. Tbare
Ata Cottar, wbo ,wbb
easployad os tba raUaaioa
btarly a year ace la drtaalt of bead, la
Bd (oar mllat of tba rad bars
tka aoM of U.00O, to eOHpol him
alraedy beaa IsUL Tberesre eeldseUy
boap.tko pooao. ottor o trtol oa
iaaf rae oot o( work la TrsTone aty.
ebam^ tbratoeloB ^o4lto~^ Jtoa: jedrur tras tbs azpsrieaoa ol
Pwry Haaaok. wiflk* rt'
- tors of the aaw lUe.

Tba aaaaal tksak oBrrlar Bsatlac
of tka Brldre Baildan, tba yoOBf iadim' mMioaarT sodatv od tlm Ooarrai.
faot»T. Tba c.
■atlooa] eboreb. was held last olrbt U
•e cbardi psriora. Tba followlar '
ears were eltctod fortbe eaaBliiryaac:
a frsatdaal of waste oo aePrceideoi—Mbs Jsaaie M. Bins.
ataftbalacalyiaBaoloar. Tbry
Vies prtaldsat-Uts. J. A. U:JiIsBBa
I do eoaaidfrabla iorrlac la tba
Sseretaiy—Mbs AB^oatB Adamv
Trasorsr-MUs Jaaals Aedrrsoa
There was aa loteasrly iotaral

kUd otboai^ Botkbaaaaaa
diestad tbat ba wae so atraager t<
erlmlaal poark. Be will ba takea to

Bofsember there to but

Batciaetle today.
Tba trial of WUHsm Ksoeh. ebargad
by WUIUm All^ with barieg ea
tbe death of a cow by akooUag.


tbe aftofsooowma oeespb
the trUI otibecaosaof >. M. Brollbmatol ea. Haded VUtos. Thb
aeboof tba(ailBieo« A. Pb


br tbe bardwan baslara
triad at a preetoos term of a


A drive in Bags at 9c a piece.

A clean Towel b an educational fac*
tor in teaching children and sometimes
older'people, deaoliness. With good,
all linen Crash at 6c a yard, there’s oot
much excuse for short supply.





Haskell's Bookstore, E'

•abked before oooayaatorday.
Iran aot losg U rooderiag a nr-


Ladies;. Combination ^Underwear
grows in favor each season. fiOc bu)*
a good subsUntial Suit, durable and
warm, heavy fleece and every thread

An elegant figure k what eWy wo*
man wants. Tbe price b 69c. Cheap
for a correct form isn't it? Ask for pur
B. C. Corset.

When weadrenba ihatwa will gearaataa l)r Kiog'a Kew Diaoprery. Kuetrie Uiuera. Bueklao's Aari^ Salre, or
-------PilU,----------------antborlied by Ue pn^rietors to^fUeae remidim oa
a poali
gearastea. Uat^f Ue purchaser
will rataod
e medieUm
hare baeo soli
^SMuiea for

it. Ask about Uem aad girt Uam a
triaL Sold at J. U. Johaaoa a ood & A
arriead,bere be bad ao muaey, aad Wolfs Drug Store.
ba^ bees ladu'-giag U Mo unch UifioCcmiesSUadaKt Muaic. locoato.
toaleatUg drUk ba thooght ba eoald
W. Kimball braaeb stora. . Fnmt
make money, withoet work,
aod atraV K. A siroug. Uaaagcr.
tboeght ke woold try hb lack at
a Seoken Ezeuntoas to A
lag: bat be (alMU aad was aorry
an aad Wastarn Poinu.
aakad him If ha thoogbt hb experUaea weaU Udaee him to ragpgc
thaUUe of boatara agaU. aod the ooa ny atd ro»d trip
potato aad roend trips to waaten pdata
ot low nim.
that Itwoeldaot ^b npllas
Ask Ogenu or wrila to Ua
ratbar of tbe dedaat sort, bet h
dared that be was narar before arrattirud Boptdo.
od aad ww aot aceaatomad to

bat It waatolnatolbaSBpsomai
and a orw trial graaUA W. B. Feob tba attocMy for pUUtW skd
Dodge ACoeell f»r the defense. ^
■oat S. Tieecu b (no. Ue boa
Ur tad pillar H tba raatb of tba
aeqaitlod by s Jury U Ika Orealt
cord with tka Thsak OBeriag aerrice.
rirar ae aa to allow aera o( ibe Urfor
t olltha' Hm>ge ot haeln com
eoadeclad by HUs^wls. which
yaebta aad etbar oafla ea tba .boy to
tottowM by a idrassM tojk by mUtadbraaltopoa isobella Hoag, i
ootkaaoBeharara. Ab.
Him Lewis. Hba Alter Cnwford nod child uader tbr age of 14 yasrn. ood of
alto bo baUtaad raay
b'oetag tokco iodacest UbertMO with
poem. Mbs Adorno road
oddod teutolaai
selorUoB ood s pora was redud by tka girl.
wbieb BOW haao tor> to 0
Tba oiguBaato U tka aoaa ware
Him Ledb. Tbe meeUqr was helptol
far aataty wbaaaaar tba waatbar U baA
later- dedsdabortly after Ura o-eloek
lacday afuraeae oad tbs ^orga of Ue
U liac with tbe
La^odfoetbdllbcrawUlboaa oa
aoscteraoeswladadot }40. Tbajary
raUrad at aoaa aod ottor l«U
twaig mlaotoa ratoraod a lardi

Our black Wool Moreen. 39 inches
wide, for 7Sc. A most satisfactoiy
material for Skirts. Cheaper grades

Uke place 8&day. October lu, Bbbop
Eiebur ocOlbUng.

nuecqu. . . . IMJM
emuawiswi. ■ MM"

is returning.
Wheat is away lip and
the fanner is as happy as a lord.
Our prices on all lines of merch­

OarSariitCB Depsrtmeiit
rain. Sneon •< SiJD sH .inmn. aa
Uaa»laliri« aheraa. SU arraMW mar

asect/rr cxaxcMLtMP.

aiy BWb
MsthMbaMtoralabtd kyAJ. Har­
pi^os.C. Hio. A J. Bsaalotaky
ass. Taaatar FSV Daas bat bad tba tba fan raeaiptooa Sotarday akoaid
ba was naabla to appear os aeeooal of
bMoatlorpraeUet tkU weak aad ha ba nSeisat to warraat tba aoai
^"^JtearsJ. A Ba«lHBd.A J. Asa
HVB tka saw aeqakitloa U a good osa.
aloediy. Am Bale. H. W. B
datomd for Ue pnoaat.
A Saalla, Ass Balk Chas. Bala, A. J
Bstm. C J. Kasslaad. C D. Ksayoa.
■ lor alattoaad aarrkra
t U ukiar fartbar KUbosras. W. J. Ktek A Esltaw. M.
Sank Lto. Gao. LsrdU. A
Uta^. £ Lyeo. D. tmPoUkWm. LeeAboat tbra baadrod Ttaaara Oly des. B. Lodarts. F M. Bsrrik LatUs
Horler. HsiTBlia.a A TlmhUa. J
to Qiaad Bapldi
H. larrir. JoabJamp.
to Dattoik Chkaro aad tbs sooth.
arkra hare bets (alUar lew
-MS. wba will go to
Tta CAW.H.aaBto
mlofoortoolrlbetora beU
iWIUdoriU as iTtUe baradt troto Uam.
bare with m
WowfUbo pltoardtohar
I sod is os moeb of sa 'eatnmtot to Ua
Tba Mat qaartwaralnaol OMrM
DaMk M ter Cbiawoof Dlrbiae C costribw
I mask Um won't toka oay msdlrtpt at all.
Ladfa Ha.fMl.0.a.T., wtU hbhaUI aare aad the
for LaCkoaBo. usiHiUrtbb werAobo thoosad
lsttli4tF0et. UaadM.teHalacM lad. TbaaAALaaaieata
a A A L aoal eat o tiaio aad A wbo (alladtoeostribsto bads
.tom. aad Uca osly wbas (nab
ML It la iiputil that Mth dUArtet with IM. od wbsto n wora'lsr Datrbik todewaow. Beasambmasraostrib
WaboapooUIn la oer moB
MaarwOl rak»a.p.riil tforttebo
osaabtod kba (oltowtn artldto.
A bat Ua bmbom ood i
■raMsttbbwiHiaa. PlaaaaratoBrad, wktto. btowa aad saH rWag
Wtarwardloraa op.araatli«toba

-iT Wf i



A sb TasHiy ofMac. Oat. lath.

for a nuU tiiat can supply you anything from)
'Wheat.-Corn br Oats, drop us a line and we will j
[ try and interest yon with samples and prices, j

baas lose, weighs 2.U1 poaada aad b
ibsdaa follows: “la remembtmoce
of Fr. Joseph Baaer. pastor, aad Bcr.
H. F. Una. aaabtaat. dL 'Vraseb
ehareh. Trarera City. Mieh.. 18b;.
ThsaeeoDd welgba I.eoi poaods aad
beora the laaeriptioB:
-To rerambraace of drrotod mrmbemof St. Fraeeb ebarcb. TrsTerae aty, Hieb.; !•»;.’
Tbe third U size weight l.ttl pooads
aad CBgTsred upoo It b thb: -la re­
ef the humble doaator ol
(MU towards tbe bell# of di. Fraaeb
data, patw or Itok paiar ....
ebpreb. Tkanittoaty. »lu;h.. ..
cIbbs. poor er’inik pars. . .
W. C. I ATba amaller bell of t»e foor b »h'
Oo.-half mils rao, tut; potea-. U.oo
poaada weight aad inscribed aa follows:
Tbe tOBBlar ^tfcly raatinf of the
W C 1. Aaaoetotiee for tba toootb of
the bla.^ of
October will ba bald Tbofaday. Oct. 7, Fra for all. trotorpaer. porac.-tTS On the bells by Bt Brr. H. J. Bkhlar.
lo tba U I... partora.
A larRO atuad t:tS clam. Uot or pecOi
• laqalrad.
Baalaraof iBport- ana-miU ran. t^o t.
rill ba traaaaetad. la wbieb
The poram U tb.Traraea aty
Tbe belb are eompesed of dee raUl
re not dx«l but tbay will be eon
Bd eoet tl.ouo. hall of which was
sratc with lb. arcaU aad the i
lag wUl ba OM of the bmt bald twee U rabad by the bazar gieaa last aprlag.
tim.. Tb. local borameo art at aad tbe other half dooatad br a frUad
Oaatk od aa Ola Raaldtok
work maUagBaal anaagemeau aad of the ehorch who llreeio Urirolt. The
Haary Heberk wbo llred U thU eily Iba ereau aeat Wtok an prombad to
weight of tbe four, iecladiiig tbe
sad wbo wat wall aad rery fsrorably
Uids. b ;.*eu poaada Tbry wen
wdl worth tb. work drrotad to
____i bon. dUd at Ike roddaace of
by the £ W. Vaedniaa
laakug them a sooeaaa.
hb b^dOior. at Ktawidi. Hoaday aftorCo. of aneUnati. Ohio.
Ciroui Court.
Mr. Hebert Itaret auay warm
The formal blneiag of UabolU will

Brldca Balldcra.

a(l«0- (n*4 «ta A

If you
are looking,.



'ito. c

andise are away down, far below
the so called “bargain sales.”
You can hunt through the whole
town and you wont find the val­
ues we give.


,t kiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii

\ *



___a MMImM tta I
aaatott wm baSSat Mb. UatoOicaaerto.Oit.laL Waiatbaria^aatttat:
Unto weald Iftaafoed ■ItiadlBB

tlMad'^'tba lolofaBirri laiSfiM*^


AaaBbBSd tba frtBaAaaf Ear. M
E WfUa fatbarad at tba
-----Bar. A. U ThanUB Mead

SiexsiT’tta'M. E .tadtf

bv HUIa warn Vard, aad wUI aaaad a
«r« waaka «>tb bar trotbar. Frod Otia.
I la. HaUla ElaaardociB baa BoaadV»- Wb. B. Maraar. a< Wolranaa.
IMiM BUott-a bdaaa.
y^tof ato*. dara with Irfaada
lOar Blaahaw a»|«BB to ^A
\Braiatt ^ aad ehartia MaMar
l^BsmTaaadapBKi '
* ^' Pridap^JTto
Jaaapb iStart raaaraad -trom


. CUv s«t. M Md Ost. 1

Sm» sC^wSl b* «t«M Ufr-

Sr^Mi «M.


------- ^

*f'^2»;Uaa.et60d»fT*«awilbijoUi f»t Oo
: aot eloB tbr attril troB tba cHk. b«
ter. Hto* HnUte DUonf. wbo '
tag at tbto place.

Tba Baap frlrad* of Bb. H. E


The ehildira of tba
’realag at tbrir hoBC. AboBi
twretp fire wrra prrarnt.
botbaad * if br rbra
lllcadWba. dost food wrUr. aad Urs. Jaiae* Uoaroa aad bet if br dor* net rare lo twifoiB a to
He wee ftrae m ebarpa ia Gra
■rld^ WeUt hM« poaiUon is Um Q.
daofbtor MBicn of Cbtoago. wbo
tbrr'adolpIbrmlfrBiDfiaapiiOtt Ukb.
tp aad wUl alao take ap a
B. *1. t»**»kto««MOt»^ B*pW^
Kb* tonalaKbfnl lobrt. »ix ranaol diawdplaAlBaeoUefr.
^ra. Mia h atalUaf U Ladlaftoa.
.rcarebia <iu Eaiclaoell ealww ba ba*
Odd Fallow* bare baaa cleaaler
Mia. Taa HlT^ h oa tba aieb IM.
MIb Clara TboBaagarr a rerp eoo-. aliu rcnpiiltrd tbr ecisTat]<'Bi*tilp *ia
. Tba eeninf tad walla are fianaa. EiBbaU l«ft iMt Prldar <« »■ ,_^BM>ol_ tw^ •OetobBt with Ma tobad with a coat of pale pick plittleni etoeaad iDlarraUeg report Ot Ibr d E ; of pnwsul Borltr. aad in a."
tftealau iB the aa« aMdkml erilan
with a baadaoBc border, arw eortaloa
tMl JobbeU raeaetip loot a nmiy arc at tb* window*, aad the baU ba* fatiMnl ebnreh fioadtp
t^dia* of Ibr iioi
boat* Your erucxr soils it.
i lawatbrnrebtea flrea a iboroafh deaBlaf.
M-i E A. Cnapbrll left Taradw fB , u„iy d«ddea wd oilp tbr .aw. bat tbr
nafewteTS afo «Uh totaral heraaa
*. » U>r «.Wdr of lb.
lar tUt Barkst.
nacoal of aliaMep.
a B^a haalaaaa trip
Mta Uaad 1
J of ]o*tiar. tbr failblejaeav ladka'ai
1 TVarerM Ctlp Fridap.
ratirn|l.r tbiuapb life
_jo. Bar BOIber w
t>r. Fraliek rn
tatorueo! ik
Ther were aeconomatod hr thrir niater. 1 KEagli
E»Kll»h 1»» prtOiU* •» Oiifnithfol
Han7 Oodd baa a lead ria kata to
Mia. Oeo. OeaBB ruil^ bar aotbar
■aBd tothit
VinSrldCourt hu Irawd Me eeoMpat faio hla bowl Bill, and aast wark la Trararaa Cltp bbidap.
to Bto property from
Bn right. r( b.. I.irw maardp drsBb
. Copeland and Hl« Cbaaey of : o«V ""
5ui baprafartd ta«rladM »or aU.
Eagle Flasigaa to ear to the bBt wiB -Tbr Hratl to Htorw.!*.- to Owaia
MhaBAfBB aad Loalaa Mabaaia
a rhaiitp. a
B^apowBon ahaltarta.caaaaer Cnek esBC down laat Than- i t»
attaadiac aeboal la Trararaa Otj.
... „.......... ...........................,
.. dUy h'lrltig am to the prat
Klimt, fc* tb.- Klimt Mran coapMp.
W. P. TraBalae waa Boat saadalaCatolptca. by Wiltaa. bm trdimd bit
.................. . .Jonie aotfl Uoadap. when . Ihoar whom tfat Uw ai*4< bto dcpiodf^arUtu Addlwm. rUier to Mrm fitmgla 10 tbaC E.------------ ‘-------*

tbep left tor their boara.
I rnU dep. i d.-ol oa the titrjopvr* of bto taeordtot:!!
hioim. ,
IP M. Pitt.-^ill barr a ptoaiarai part
Ber. T
- Unrlbet
_____ 1-eland putob Ibn to sot pow>iUr tu Sratlaad.
o E
I* a A-prer-old. Aa la tba Drw plae. "Tbe Traeto KaoerlMia-^M. a. ODbart baa a Wbla US
Mlaa BatUa fiallirma' la boaa aa a
anday to ooadnet tb*
the faneral ot Mra. I nor war it fomrrU pnenblr to EnglaDd. a S-prarkild be loM ■ n
edge.” at Uk bt. Jaam Meamg. Lmrlaikaad M tba bappp potaaaaorola
The lam of down' pnitfetrd the widow
Mr*. K E Hopkla* h** jn*t iMaraad
It to (tbiad that at tb* Detroit arei
CbarUa whalap la rWUaf at Tbom^ wbaaL
pit la the Coagregatioaal March at i enlil Ibuceatnrp. wbeo mea tinkered
Iroa a rtoit to Grmod Bnpid*.
^ an tofn to IIU.UOO ww nfo>edn<g
tbto ^aee Snaday moralap. .
TbeW. 6. M. 8.1^1 boidtbairBaBl
the tow* to a* to gain a larger UUMdr
' Mr». Maad Bataj tarWUaf bar par- biTtrlliif with Mia. Uowaar, all dap.
^nr of loar from Le<aad drnreln- for tbrmedlee*. The opeiatum of tbli laiaree.
WltouDuf Jntoad.
Brinif poor eaJleo pleeaa.
Prmorwap. a fell hcotbyr to Derby
own Snnd^ and were tbr gaetu of tnaacallor pnrllege often girr* onn
nu thia waak.
Howard tt'.ierli lia>• gone soaUi
Princrea. rtcrailr chewed e Bile f<B
> Virginia <i*gnow
They were
Tba aazt rcralar BeaUac ot tba '
Tba Ladlaa- Aid wUl aaal Oat. Ul
for mirl epyrmien sot drremed
her ralatlrra.
rtoit bto fail
father and other
.Uto*r* K bel Kiaabew Ad Emm* S<ef.
T. U. will ba bald wlib Mia. Han
witb Hia. Batb Daria. '
. -ight BilBdid ineti. In feet, it I
Urn HarBna '
fear. Meanr* Wm. Urmv aad ilarrp HiaJ. Eaal aad aae Bad. a
Azwood. bp AitrU. lecMMp mtttd a
Blip beemnae itw largr au><inlp to Be.
Borrd from Bror-Bl* and a..
Bile Is S:ta Ur to owned bp Mr. Cyra*
. bU aa bB alatar dalardapU-tu-t than the law* allow IbrB t
to «.0W *qa*rr uilra.
le L n T M. garr an antami
Bar. DoaatoB aaaaoaead that tba thnir fain aaar Intorlorhrn.
Uottrr. Manuo Iiid.
be Ibat *urielp to pwriblr.—UamaDlli
**t FrMar erralag whieb •
..rBoaarxt Baadap woald ba totbe
Crrolr.filt, n* Mteto Monroe Ps’.i*.
Igbtfal affair. v-A
ehlldrea. Sab^t, Little Korra. C
draa. cooe aad brlaf poor pBeeta.
laal.raui draw and ckttcfa wrIL
MMi Mlaalt Marba. wba la rWUnf
irly all the garst* rempoadrd
Mia. Cbaaea aad dMfhtar. Bot—
John OUo-a lltlto bop to iBprorlng a larger- mpenr wa* preoeni.
W Mnd. Mia. <5r«ao. axpaela to rw
tb. UnelelB* atwmpa wa
AaeoLenm. d;U«d.
• b»«e staodhig *fc.
Ba to b« hoBa la LaaMof thia waak. aad atotarof Mn. Eiwood Buelep. Mrm. froDlurecrntaickaeae.'
tbr band w e wrIUag dcM.
Molltd witb i-'UUd and grnpr. Tbr
teiuinin prugnm wa*
Blaabaw aad O. Cbaaea. latcread ta
aboni 16.< hand, and toaud to be as
WemadraBtotoketo oar laat . ..
Ibvir ^
WTUing U braattfallp doaa
I. 3. Gdbart ot Baad Cltp aad A. K. their boat la ladlaaa Uat Taaadap.
Iwoadride wa<
onr eini:!..' • ipjo-ictti.
that Hr. Itoine tbrenbiU uni time war erjored
-red 'ontil
onti. _
a la'e ..
. aod the d»irr lion w»« trrriiir. The angatnlp api-renag eaimnl
Bor. HoaitoB aad wife aad two
■ 1 and eighty aeren
Oroige Starr'* Olm-inr (olt, lot __
tore th« company dl*B*r*ed for thrir esriny-i do *, -wr fla.IcL and tin.
brifbt little fIrle ai* auiyie^ altb Mr. eU ot, grain. He tbre»brd a few------home*. <
blood tan ooi to tbrarnn.r*—Ji. rroiVac diprk eaUl their hoaaebold food*
Mr. Ouo had - tbr Ant
pit Sll.-d with 'be wuo'ni.d. For u I.-w
arrira. when tbap wUI aattle ia tba
week Fridap eeening a rrn plea* minui.r. abroatlrd In aruiAr. ib.t (uopta*
ni.ehrr hn
he Boat iDportnet erent of laat ant one wa* giree Mtoe Allle Gill at her at the dbtsnr. to half |>i»lo] abut. lu
Mowtol tone mil- in tUfi.
^k wa* m- chorcb^^lal tor th
>r akrmt a mile toalh of towa.
that abort tJm.lln»- tb.
Ibe r-iiRlunaiao
Kiiglisbaiaa w*.
wa* j.tlit- j{ lUS.
l:IS, crer tne inuienipoii* naaa.
iDf. Tbellltlr
„„ ,mnra in lb* auhl
Maa ara baap difflaf potatoaa.
• tl~i tIBt DOl
preached for a* part of tbr JotaD. Boss________
o Tboau*.______
Edith S-olt. Ethel
Lao CM baa porebaaad a wbML
the laaL Ibe
h wa* goltea np a* a imaBd
sr. I-Mlla
I.Mlla ra*a*ge.
ra*o*ge. fiaa
. .. Voire,
WbltB Pace kata raUaWa eow tbla fcarral arrriera were
Webad >ar n>ouU» all ready
ridrrmao. Rlreeto Tbnma*. wep III.' Engli-bman btoogbl up to
Bar. J. P. While
It were macb Utoap- I.ibble rra«ua.
<ua. Ed:
Edna Hramta. rharlir wittd.BiKlIbrO................................... ....
tor ice rraam.
The wrU ksows d
polBted baeacae do ice eanie aa pre- Ran*moa. ilanw
llarTT Ca<boaa.
Albert J -ba.
1. Inffcd abort round
Abodt tbyee dollar*’ worth
•ele, Sormaa
Thuint*. Iran
Robbie Hadd.
Edwin Middlegbod* wa* rnalizMV Tbr y«““E Pr^
Tbaladlraele todalged Id naaie and gaucaaod
It 1* biuud that Cberarr Oak Part
arttM h.r lattowd qaartei.
Mia. BpdaOet.«ib.
" west boaa happier.
Him. Wb. Garria to oa tba aiM Itot.
pstm f«g l:M
tot* ixkilkw Uu!l'» rablo waa Will bang up a
Uttla JtBBto Back to oa the eia|( Ua1
_____ BaUaad biatethBaad bnrtbu fin be IibpeDrmp'tfurwnrd tat- poem tm Ibe ccauliit Grand dieoll
* .1__________ ___ ____ —1\_.
■ceting at Uartfatd.
arolTiararaaCIlpaaUadat PatBOefJoha' Borttoa to worklaf for MK Fn
Suboni Ateocimlion of
Tom Tucker. >:I6K. who poforaMd
ArM't twdap.
held al
it tba UmiUua citcaU. I* a too to Iba
LlopdBbataad wila aad MlBQiaea
Hr. Billaiaa west to Tiareioe Clip
S.™ ■■ ...........................................
dark win attaad tba paarlp
pacer Ftrldmont. sow rscisg In Uw
Aruuu* to toe War tolblf."
Allbongb tor erralag waacoldac
at UebBOBlU Ud . tfaU waak.
Haw England curalt
Mr. Polep baa baUt aa addlttoe
twlny to.
toerr wn> a large atleudnn.'
a.if -a'.***. .*w«er ew
Mra Browa will Iwra for Barttord btodnifetore.
each arhc
.bool In tor town.bip being re]
Colonel Cbanporp weat lo Tra'
If tbe leperu which osbo fiem Keatba Mib. Sba baa baaa rlaltlaf bar
jt the Penlnania achiwl.
Pope Broa. ara tbraablaf tor Fraab dtp the l«tb.
terkp are tree. Enilaribl.
daafblB. Hra. Uaa, fora bobUi paau Bocfhtp toda.v.
Potato bapere are looking np poUbeehaid borer to beat wbeo ba U Ksrti*b Rtfa'vir reported a gxid imereat and
Tba For«t Woriran wU|baU a awat-'
M for the B«Brp.—TaftyFlald aad
HtotJaaBtoJIeQaaBb rrorklar f4^ toeabfre again.
iBftba latbofOctobBat tbaboaaot
•Sloe'weather aad Bofroal pel with
Mn- SentrEK
i’orter and Mia* Sugar were
Mia. P. C. Onbart.
, Mr.KbBtarweatlaTTaTatMCUptoal rtoing teaperatnre.
camber* of tbr program rt>uipo*»f paopla wUl tap aad ba 1
Ur and Ura KatoarUatkln U
itotenUp alfbt.
to aet'wito the awraUrp. ,
batl'ird ti '
JaBM BlioU auiulor OaBOoutp
Tbr following program waagirrnbp' gr^ili.
Hr. Suvhaaaea tobaiUlaf b ablB eoraiOB to Petoakrp.
WadaaMap tortalt bn aea Chtalar. Wa
Will Fraj of ‘Kalkaaka I* rtoUing la toe Old Ml-aloB aad Swe.fiab *cbix>l*.
---------- ,.L------ ...... th,lCh»tB Md eep oa bU booM.
..till 111. iiif'iipkoBg—"I lore lutolk with Je»a*.'’
Ur*. BillBba axparU to fa to ladl- tlE naigbbnrhood.
Vi.K-oaic to
bWtaBUp aia sot eemlaf baek t
A. <1. Fairbaaki 1* dririag a well fur’
thh MU. aa wai aspaetad.
rraper-Hr Jamtpaoa.
II U Mated that Mip
Ur. $haw af WIUtoBabarg.
d f::tur.’' 1 tornght.
Mrm MlrtoBOalrB
■•Thi. I. i
I>aet—tlrgaa mad corset. Mr. aad
dtp laat tVidap.
loTbi liiarlfi’ "®oa
Mra Cammiag*.
drora to Kalkaaka lee INtb.
Ur. Boriaoe hat aided vp Ur.
Keadiag—“Cntclollttletbinga." Mr*. tbere «u« iLitb.r ikwi*-tJu. mito
lowen and all Cl-v r**! to >u/w. Icom*
U. Totopkiaa.
Mr. aad Mia. & E. Waltof Tiararaa ataa-a realdeaee.
Song—swedlab aclioul.
toM. apd O.” Ibi U wutri.ti me a
Itp apaet Baadap witb triaada.
Cbrrie Salliraa west to TtarVjlootorr—Asti H >b«rg.
ana d^ Hatardep.
8 A Ballon rtoltrd hto danghtar at
bit. hot lb. u tor o..tne to iht man who
ot TTarara
b.-Dg—Mil* Juale I’hanaliebl.
oot w ith me rutuar oerd wito Q.^
Cbaa SUIaBO to loadiaf a cv with Lake Ann a few dapa ago.
SoDg—' UarcB 1* aot tar away."
Carl liaat,
1 told the i-uiior of top granfiri.iiim.
re. wMhaa baaa poUtoeaforahlpBcat.
Mia. Wb-B
J«te aad Frra Gore.
BaaUl. waaa - '
BOW lonring in Eaglasd.
BeclUu.aa-EiUand Sign* Lanoo.
it'* uoUilnt
w laat few dapa.
Aaroa llroombrad loaded a ear .
Selma Broaon. Jennie Swanaon.
for lioekre
to Ptinca
Daet—Organ and Cornet. Mr. mad
< to Ibwn'a "UbeaUlB LeoOrbm.
6atsge BiMl I’liiinm^Uiiy.
af OctobB.
' Ira. Camminga.
CoBBliahnrr Kntorr to iBprorlog
-boar--Tceeb aaaomethiagaew lobaa bean rtoltiaf bi»
the road* witb the woik of ara aad dar.' Breale Stoee.
X. »
n.M>»*«i**~a** »w**B
MaiB WalirwTigbl mrlll ba M M
teaa>* nowadap*.
Tba fulli.wing liM ibow* that a great
Song—.Swediah acbool..

wbm you tain p’l U right u



^j^LoHtbjbad Ut IhnaUar
Nn. W. Batritt aad UUIa daai


. ^»a6T’j.^52“J?'u~ .^•r/'sLitr'ss’.-sK;
^.0. D. Batkiaalatbaaaw M-E


MUaWtr taWB-Oarrla
Adl^Mtbda Bantar.alaopaa-




Mto BaadHtlaC Twiaaboit. OUo.

as.1X’5¥S.S‘“'-“IteB^rMtrriU 'Baal aatatd«rlha

MhtfOalabB.laaMadaf UafliatdatAUba eahaad.aa

l^lWala a( Otawa w»ta
^^^Barr«r h woM-C M Botal

ia rMtiaf


MMarndBlehaf thaBbarBaa W
■aa W. Wboa at Bbarsaa wi
•Mb Bi bar twaala laat waA.
llt.CbaieMhaflrBa((te*a----teWaated (Mardaj^
mm. A. A. SMUaf AUad tha
MWthaaUarbaakaaUaetd dakdof
. l«a HaadaVWM to bara baaa tba
Ml Ml bill fOBa, latarioabia aaWax' 1^ laadk tba fbaa atoed SteO.
ITM lalBtahaalaaad topatlaao

la dolBC tba work.
CMb ma« la paapaitar to aorr
MaMiEl»»a«ana avaaatwaak.
■BOld MA P«n7 Herriii' babf '
Mb, bat la baUar at i


Mia. dMa TbBpbtaa aad bar '
MIdiaoafOld MhMarWtad bar
WaM laoiBj. Mr. aad Mia. iaa.
OMiV. tnm tba lOU to tha nth.
OW aaheal board baa aaaarod

ss.‘ssf,i-“3w:s“ -






The Best mratlng will br held at Ograabarf. ColIccWoa. ft ceaU.
. LizuR U Stusr. See'y.

CO B^dala^ta to tba W. C T. U. «oe-

Fraab TaUla.who Me bees swap
ao>a tlBa. retuaad base Setnidap.
Baltb. iba eew alaMar. haa
Thera, baa faaee' a gimat qaaatitp ^
laalad Bap View oottafa. oa
*a hark ahipped oat ot bare ihi
Mr. Bolaua. aad wUl oeeapp
Waiaoaa AoOld :
Ura. D H. Scott Made a trip to TiaV
It to raportad that Htoa KeUto GO«r. Baltb.
ma will leadt Iba Ctaar Break eeUoI »eCltp1a*t Wrdneadap.
MiBLariB Fartarasd M|b Mlatto
Hr* E F. DaBcaaddaaghler Pcarili
, the eoBiaf pear.
MIBB, wbo wara dalcfatea at the fCaleft Taaadap for Chicago.
Ur. MePUl
C. E. eoaraatloB, fare a rarp I
Mn Bnoaorer made a trip to Leltad
htoalare. the
_______Bf roport to tba C. E. toelalp
aod l*toraa>OBl la*t Ttanradap.
Old HMhB.
Ura. C. II Kebl rUltod frlrafii
MlB LalaDaaa to taaeblap tbapriTrarane Clip la*l Wodaaadap.'
Bip dapartBaat la tba aabool aad aba
Ura. Gao. Bcltora of UghlhL...
frtaad* in Trmrana Clip
..Jd FarrastrelarBod troaChleafo ^iai
the Wtb.
Bar. WpUa epeat'ltoBdap l« TSarStainer Oanhe aod wife i
toTr^rer*. dtp Tbniadap.
alaetad oBoaia Baadap. Bapt. M.
8apt-W. U. tbapW
PotatoB are owriaf here at a fortp
ABt. Bapt.—Mr. UrVoL
irto.E. E Caapbell riaitad friendt
toTWra^atp Wednradap aad Thi
Tiaaa.-ElUle UoIbib.
-- -Mllla
Mr. aod Mra. E W. Wn*<B leflTi
Mrs. J. Fhnaat la ia Hoahafoto witb
dap for Cbleago. wbe-a thep will r
friaeda fur a few dapa.
The E. Eirpu: tor neat SoodSperrnsatb.
togi*. -luorlgiD aad deMU-pawBLProf.
lo to Fife ucader. Utoe LUlie Abbott.
wlalar wkaal .owed tba wt^
Uke Uatbeadap.
TbBO baa baaa a boar Ub.
' UiB Blaar -Nob
paat two waMa on -£. V Him
caUlax cora. aad tbr aad to not
MtoaToaBf.oar taaabar. elnaad b«ri
arbool'TbBiadap to fire baraalt aad:
Bat U TOO have kidaep. Uter <wblad­
Bar. A. Dariiaf aad erUt eaUad ea
ji^Ua an opportaalip to attaad tba,
der trooble poe wiU find Swamp Boot
fim. 8poB Uat Fridap.
Ura CbriaUaa BoUldap apast toat )aat the reaedp yea Bead. People are
Mri. M.'L. Saia waa tha faaat
aot apt to get aaxioae aboet their
week la Tiareraa dtp.
r. aad Hn. daptoo Thacker ^
bacMap aDeraoaa aatll FrUap afv
Aoatberaaw wM la towa. UIb
Uaad Meboaald to Iba owbb.
Srarp aae to flad toaaeaar b^
. MeCartb]
Btor. tba Eer. J. «. MIUb. baa :
it to oa*p to toll bp aeutog a*tde poor
.mad tew eanther aaafu—iii n
■rise tor iwealp-foer htata; e emll.
abtoBblBasdbk rUiai
■ditkm of iS kidaepe. Wbra artoe
The lair aad tba half-fara ratea lor
da* liara K to arideaoa of kidaep
Baap ot OB piapli lo Trararea de
■aUa. Tee fre<|arat deton to aria
Mia. BaU Caapb^of TiarweaCiL.
-'‘naaaca hitbtcpela.fat aetBM
Taekap bUL whaa tba Hb of bit
A oiw KlBbatl idaao wa* eat edf the ^kidaepaasd bladdw seed durtc
>t wbatl eoBt aparv.whkb «ni
IralB laat itotardap for a E Wpabuop.
tba paaafBaa toaboalder btowl
aad forward aarM to Elk BaaUa.
to eattofacitoa la kaowlag that
Ira D. Ualoa to balldiaf aaaddlUea
0 bto Imam tmaklaaaa. Bat of Elafilap. the great rsBcdy. Dr. KUoier-* Si
totfiUa erorp with in relleelag
Bapb nth aad ao treat. Petator
M'S. CbaaUoIlp sad abUdeea m
.aaaU oOb rlata w craaaaaa
at toat weak with lalatIrB
ariaarp tronbla. Hot
Jtato aU whatarodtfreatp eaai
draad TMrBBtol Howaboattoi
^ thh^aeriaad ^
k few iMt aad
a» aeilriip to tbe kidaayeeta MiMifBB f or to dope afoT L____
--------------- - — bp treaUag tb* kidaep*
1 set* aa a took Air Me ealtre eDaeil-,
MUoa. If ptm aoed a Badlria* poa
ebeaid bne* tbe bat. Sold bpdrmgglatt prtea fihp coal* aad oa* dollar.
W tp Beatloatag Me Graad Tkatorae


rtohad friBtofa

lOT fD« mnnmiis




deal to tuuu.y i« meue from popelai
marie >n h.uglaod:
Sit Atibur Sellittn i* raid to bare
mOiie-l nil."Off bp LUerl.-biaUd e
-u.” Bilfe npie*
tbr bwua of Srpt.! birr t:-.
•% for toe
> pn-'-a
i"aa Grange waagir-1,^;h,. ,,
! I.l> KBlpI
to make a cOrrei-tWa to —
joatke to mpaal
Tbraabject fur mp '
..•f.r"«b.u Other
got Ob'
*g (ai’in
OKI door* sad In. Uow todo tbi* with­
out Brglreting neceaasip work "
the repurt Ibe latter pert of Ibe <jae*-1 Ao *<>>
Gon ws* ornlmed, sad it make* qolie e , tor Ukdiffereece in .wbai I aaid.
I bad ao > ausg ’
paper oa tor aubjrcb but asid toe oatp I Tebl..
------ •I con'd
m'd are wm*
wa* to eor-‘-‘—
eoeaidrr •‘Ibe
. mg m*
me acrmoaip
BcrmOBip m*mnp
« K->4 -4 IWI..M.
then therm coold
coaid be
no neglect


osedertlle bonaca nekt teaaaa. A <W
month* ago aba Wio depnenotieg esadavlUa in na inlBrlaw.
Kirk U Sbrlle hai taeared eeBtrelto
a BOW remadp called -A Baebelv'a
Bonepm.nB.- which wUI ba emd to


ONLY 36 CEffre Ei^.
ForMlabp tAA.O.fOUMMm.

Ueld WiU rmra to Aewriea

Beuip IrrlDg'i aoa. Iwwcrraea.
written n play nnond Pelar Me Gnat.
Tbe' gorenKs" will prodoea it al Ua
tbeetrr ta LemdoB. PneB—ber. I8tl.


Whem *re add brOw besetp to booae ar
. Mb*,


Me ba* latplp baas rialtiag laUiiraa.

V. Dk-Ki



Baiata cecocclini trtween defomlMi
to the note aad tbr peirtea to tba f«A i
Hla a*ma t* H. L. Ptnet, aad be OOBmnieiiB bi*olB»T.u«.» toeKe*
Tmk Joeniil:
"Too cu tell a

aaltera Ifonadnatoh
Be— iB toe momaenti to ay papiU*
LtMing for tbe rall.^ I foaod
In where oue foMwarewnet and tbs
cib. r tniwri in.
"1b leorbtag eorteet tgertbiag t had
Id ia««MlgBie tbe ooediUcB to tbe amml
paMagra. Tbee I foond that wbereter
ttepeniBWB plgetmtirid la the right
Ceoi to. ^bt BoMrU WB tecnad dp <g
etberwlB defenaed. It wa IM
witb tba Ml foot or aonra If
OMrtlt verm dtomtfrm. beM ItH Warn
AltBetiowIen^iBed » penM.
tetba Itol foot, wito * ^
Mart la tb* left aotariL

Editor Iftrrinoa of V
lad . "Snn." write*: -Yon
. .m hnee s rainable preaerlpUoa In Eteri
Etaatrfc- JUitlera
sad I -wa rheerfallp .
CoB*tipmUun and hie' Hrad^be. nsd
*1 a grorrml •pttrm tonic it na* DO
eqnnl.' Hr*. Annie Stehlr. K7S
tege GroTc Are., Chickgu. wm* *11 ran
down, rnnld not tot Bor digest food,
bad a backmebe which nerer left ber
sad felt Urad asd wearp. bat *lz botUcm of Dartrie Bitten srolurcd bar
bto'Ui and rearwed her atreagto.
PrieeaAUtosUaBd tl
<^taboule '
S. K. Wait I
dt'eak Anito Salva.
■m Baer Salt* la tha wtwid for
Cbu. Brniaam. Boro*, neeim. Salt
lenB. Perer Senw*. Tetter. Chamrd
*odt.<'d:;b'.Ala». Cora*, and all sVIb.
■npii-m*. nod po^rtop carto Pile*.
DO |w ' rwqnlrrd. It ia gnaiaateed
togire r*rf«^ totkfmeUaa or mum
IMea :> -wato prr boa. Ft
tolebrJ.G Jtoi.*naaBdg.B Wall.
Bnantog anrto todolnct alntn and
^ilartroaUto.reeBtbo^of Baap
rcan* atoadiag. mar be ewod bp natag
baWitfaWtiMK^Satto. lltaoMto.
aaadM^ ItJathegrtot
J. G. Jobarao.
, *6-41
.. pan hate arar aaeo a liul* child la

Mai *opa tbapar.

Baybaraam^yaBtUatoLagS*l <w*eaMawally p^toBtoeA**

aoa-,aJ?^lto,byBalC^i , :A»Sr&S:??5B*

pan Me* baaa aaao^ bp a aetotast
Itokltag la tbe Ureat. poa toa approaiato^ralBato Om HioBte Coagb
Oar*. wUM gitto snlM iwUto. J. O.
TW BBBw4afbapp4BaZ~~Kaap pear

lewrfgbL’' B
iM need«a*B

^ S^^bSS? **

at $1.00
Corn and oats h close second,
with potatoes near the half
century mark, surely the far­
mer has every reason for re­
joicing. The long looked, for
and oft promised prosperity is
upon us. Tou will stUli pros­
per more by getting sopie of
our good ‘Q^tring shoes.



I trita a 4«a4>r diaraia aa« ermtaU^


*^IMI«Mlow*r wtdfrMiM.
loatdwoMtkMfh tk« tIm
BM M tkm • t*Ml •boat aaMMadtbMtlniMrt wwdoM. Aad

«. B. U. IL •

d to ter th. appraacL ..
-Of Uyoa baaa Dr. Tknwi i’ BacUta
a. aaa Otac. ata oaUa W la the hooaa. Ka«ta waa a aaoe

feM «


to: Toa-a-taot.


-ooUat e» If aaad M the

Ha. ML-Dm
Ptar. «. DrmiB.

. T. Kata

■■Banak |or frak^Bar >hnr»a tha

, I

Wbae a biadanau aaa Halta tha


I SwtaSu*kurhto“bSlaTi^bj

iiK w n.tww mu. I
Thrf dos t
BlfdibSTaall aorta at V»r
tana. ae< caw of ibaoddcUat
dapta that wbte
befell aspa^at,
.., ^an aothlag la the atea that
' ,11 daw telo a kaita
‘iT*"^*^**"** r“* ro orall-w rtm aaeb gaarralaal
aad.|MtiBg MOtaaf .latactloB aa Dr Kowlar'a Bat. of Wild
aUotadlattawoh'tcrow aodar te tha —« ontfe orbicb bo atatroad Iba
a SBuOl orhael. w« aaekad la. Iba Strawbarr}.
dwa.rarreotaaaad It lo
ptete ntbtelr 00 tboao
(d It go late tba whaal, raae. of aai
. BahMh •M-lfea'rm Daite BUL
..tetai ft «ba artv.. >tar hDta
. rol^ at a ^aed at
of IMtar
•—•"V" "
datofrataotlasi Ubm
■iiBow. uDB i> nr
nfasa Baatgato Iba-ftBafer
aa caa aajop life or
bM bad baui klUad.
tetArWaaf bat
balMr.’ baaaldaaA- obildiaa. da as^aan ralat, a ttet uio
Ivlhla woHd while
aeaof tbaOowB Priaeaof I’ntuladkl
toat dove at eooa. I
- Wilta
•Tii<» wallkeaar a^ ha.
taAUtSabaaaapatathacataa to K.


lOtalMtetajtel_____ ,—


iipplte tbi <AbdHb BBtaoB

st-^rFsarSiJf. 'SHHw'S5s3r

*'<% iMabMaal Boa Ballan aai
...---------- ---------------Utao.Iraool
Uaa. I raeeltea. tlMataatualrtoretlVtUltbla
U.- tald tha
ha (bode
OoJe IfeUc,
ta)M». mtaabadi Bob. aaB*t TOO
altar taia lat aita go Bawarhad.aHrnItrIgMeaBV
Be the am aenlag the pHaao
- BeWa taU praaptlj.
■taftea Ufoi
" ' baUataUaoat
baUataUaoat iato aot haos Ua faoa aer Uahaada onu
tha tawfa. Bebte IrettaB. ebaartlj aad ha oraat eat to walk or{lihhbgoo.


1 f lauUaa.7


peta •. Atl
_____ JO. t. Aa aa
la Bi iota
L A praetei atoi
tetokerotaoo I A
pattof Iboebanhiai

Cartalalp poa doa'l or^t


• DaWiit'e

SpwbeeL—ObtosdO V>nlc
Btera ffortbeae..
Vlttlc Earip
Earip Bltara
rrlbeae eosplaiaU
or poo woold
are asall

hare i peea




great regn'atnn.

P,0. JobaaoB.

w.aprxrrrol <ke feet,

ftatoallp haeaaa i
bMba Jae atood «

iwi w--

-Ikoi-t pea kaow It's a «a
Aar wwt tebnrla


Ob (be tap that tta ted at


in» ala't ko«tI V. Utawp u Vita A<

gtaiirtta.. Uabha BobUaTl go with

k a abowsr bath rr-

fip— to btata thRtafh
baaa tha tbataoet taaap a ototp. <
"B Hr, Uli*t that taakr.” ha atealtaof BO aaaedou which _
al. -duaa-—'-^^-'---------------■
________Ulaatraua tbb traltaatbc
toUowlar feota tadta:
Ibwa was ^J^'M^Utp IBM aeeoahad aa
bass dstp
• >tp it was to apnp aa ssi
r fat aadlWrp ladtaa csBaAi
taral. ?»al- *^iuTt'al9 iBtoeetal aad a
r that this tefe oraa taore
lid ba raascuablp reoalred of

addnas a,iw a %

atodplag medldse at the a
Thm will nto
as ChidstisB sedleal ailmlai

-How. dca’i poo dO}
Tkr cord ki- ki

—i apaftaSd tl.......................
ttaerowa Priaeo.

for IhftsU aad CkOdm.

ate — teotddeU of BlrAms aad ttaf ttel


Ike star, of cwflM. Tkr .klldiwe wap dnak II
wllkotll Ikjurp a. well a. Ik. adult
All ok«
irp lu Ukr u. flSAlKV ka. ikat rtrk oral
brows of Vorko or Pars tell U. teadr tram

bnrtoafIbabteaoBW. lafeoatoftbr


NWMa«ltotMa.aad tbaoppa



a dnwaaadthaq
e« tbs
IpMd all liny oat wota tho baaohu to
SSbttSMtedbwa bad talgblj Ut.

roBf gWadabre
ItaU) ataUI to tbb gardaa sad load tba
- soar- TWa
ba oarp "taklag- aad prattf aatarUael oalp b Uf<,at
trp It


teaiua.ete-tTti iwitep a Haii w. AiwiaMi*
iniat tk>«m. «r I mla A ■Ki.n. dTiaiisa

sr-.!T s=r srs.'sn.-a ii-j
-■ load otaaua aad telar <• Uw me at tlraas
nlpoIuiaadTraTMteaadHatete BlrklMSdr

abtahad m*..___ ,______

■o*.^S*ato lapUad te W.

fiBiill. hbd. attar CTtol. whs

-c».~i*»Stinto*te^^ 5»t7^
Htegitebattjr W.O laUQ)

Comer 7th and Union St*.

arr oot
Got oa
... arr

Erte’’S.‘1iSt'S?S t‘"te‘^iSTfJm.“S,

..-Si First Quality



AT.r. «rw


eat ticket ageat of i
f. B. BontCTT.
Oaa-l PBta. A



Tea s.noo .ALoikaikn

Men’s Suits.


Gloves and Mittens

tUar the PB^tata. ail laa SaM.

"vmi eefpta



VT***^**^ nuw.

- .r faitberlefan

Wbp tba Prtaea af Wate teeabao.
Tba Prlaco of Wate b a mct biartp
baarOllp at a



W Ttartete cap, airktais cteldClaMr Bte: kadm

aai... eaa
procan ..

from Eceoralna Agwet oa trala.




ditai oader I; pnre . f age oao-half the


tws k,rtnaoWtktte-wte<dMl.l>raMatetmr
waiamc aad of iko teaute la rark rate Bate aad
Smrtted ardPrr k kteoti, (Iroa Ikal teU Ite'tmte
win tell Ikon iilii teotrik.-d la paid awtdadr ••


ia a bop." c

JrbrtbgM lal. .ad..ptette toU

is the place to ro if too want a first-claat article
of Tea or Ckiffee. Onr stock is new aad of
the best quality. Our Teu range ia price from
15 to 50c per Ib.i and CoffM from 14 to 40c per
lb. Call for a sample of onr^oods iknA compare
them with others and you will be couviaced that
we give better values than jon can get elsewhere.
Try our Gold Medal Flour. It U becoming more
and more popular every week. Yon can't "ffca
a misake by giving it a trial.

imiil mUaaOatjr Itimod Tkatrrte mao WM

aW a rate.




at M o-«ork U Ikr »


a the lea* eaeetol dsasMsf Itare.

totohsthat Mok
Ifsa rial ape-


gen taking Lralo wi .-n tbroagfa Uek-

‘■Do pea oraat a b^ ba
tbataagaataot tbaefeWte
tora bla. cap la baad.
-Bebedp onataabf.- rrpBad

tafia* “Tear Bepal Bigbaia^aboald

. Advertise in the Herald—it pays to do"^.


Twalbb Aaaoai Ohio ^MTiioa.
Wedoi^^p. October
L Boibb. f. Af- Arbor BaUro^wUl gin
lu tweiru
oa. Tlekaia lis
retdra to
•ber 8tb wUI
-------- Twrj low rate totoToledo
Toledo aad
aU auttoaa ia Ohio loeaud oa Ohio
Oeatral Uon. Whoeliag aad Uke Brie.
OolBsboa. HoeklBg Vallep aad ToMo.
■iwt claclaaatl. Sasalltoa aad Daptoa
- - roads Trala tent Copeaiiah al
ss. ran for tvaad trip to Tolado to, which. eooUdonag tbc long
limit ot Uebet It oxUpsaTp low. The
rate to atattoaaOB abon aased Ohio
railroata will ba ooa tore for Ibe roaod
trip tram Toledo added to rale named
abon to Toledo, aad la order to obtala
beaedt of low r o bapoed
. . . It

■Mliiilta sstaBuaoad to watif bln.
'■•TsU. sap. tabte.’ ba laqalnd. “do
‘■Wbltao abaf apT Mkad oaa of
tbfb "tete’atatfibtaily ntotadiil p<M ban tobara a bopT"
s^—ip to tap wa de.'ba taU,
I gataB peate aboat orbat wa

tabUh «M
Ulfisd to aaaa? ttet tbs

______________ _______abataroeki italp. lllp
8a«Mp, slgaoDatta:


Comer Front and Gass' Sts., Irasene dtji.

Ikat te teap Iw Mtkurlite-. rteSonM Md ttmteO

Trial bolUa 10 ets.

Ttetezp bopappUadfora )ob,aap.


It ia tbe best thing to salt stock with. Just
put a piece in Uie field or manger and let
them lick it whenever they want toi. This
way they ban get enough but not too
much salt We also have fine barrel ealt,
coarse barrel salt, fine table salt, (round
rock salt in barrels or sacks, and special
made butter salt

poUuteM ‘kT^UaM



Katlaaal domra ban brso

t Kstdn. t Om
tarn. A .Prbaa. I

‘‘Y**** *ed

Mtdhlcas ilkat tela< U>. twIMIM t> wkira Ikr R>
ran rnn Iw ik; ■•“oaip of oioadTrarm ta teUi

:ar,j2rtJ"'jrw"!,‘.,4s j«s i'dSSLa dia Kj'aS'fT^ d!?s;5

V btatoO
JIa M.taltehb

Set^f Rock Imp Sflt

u~ I rtrdteiin;i.-t


tryOiala-OI Trr 0-ala.O.


wa oaa aowrUuta rnddta-Wdi. 1 baud aosjbud
tap bba bnsatata|tatg.aad I wilt «

Wo have just reoelved a new lot of







a Pwtewk aW Sdwa H Lptwa BMiSStf
awklcal aiiwSM» C<mrami. LM. ate lilan
a aite M teetypiri trot | Man tell al g


PMtoaaihaattotall poaia ptoead at
aeaudletaaaafeeta tha wan. or It mb
batetoaadtBaorida doorwap. Patai
ea tbs sbast as map ctmb staltt orgh
tevtaaa tbotass poa dssln flewars.
At tha topat ta^ atalb allbar paiat
dha pallow patab af a aaalowar or
paab to
tbcta trota pUtow papar aad paste
Uw tbsM with taattaga. Aftar tba
«owir ii totaplatad eat a riag frou
tba caatar. laaote aa epM ■otadte la
mek Sowar. Btotod tba abeot art aa



Draggists sell it

a Pitasgapo'B

'DRS. B. S. & CO.

ta^MpoaS' **y.

B tba Japaaen capital than b a gi- Vk®ar»la)Biwd l>p tiK »w->I <-oB«w.
gaalie boage of a wosaa sade of wood Ip tkrn kM ten pl.>n Ir all Ik .
aad plsater. aad dadloatod to lUcbi- waMor_psf« rrwiM. Ikal ukn tkr Maiwer
maa. the god of mr. le bright It nSaw. pba Bou «'Um. atewack mrltfw It
staaarta Sftp-foor fMti the bead wlikaal duttraa. aad but l.a .aa tell It tram
.. 'bleb it reaetaed bpavledlag
atairerap le ibe latdwior of the figorv.
brlag large aooogb lo oosfonablp bold
tvaatp peraooa. Tb« flgare boMa a
faaga vmdoB sword is oee baad. the
blade of Ibe weaeoa belag twsatp aeefnt loeg, mod a ball tweln feet
.......................... T baad lat

deaaaad tataaadtocat ao ab.aa*Babfad to bial toedwato^ aad tens
•oaf •
bahlad tha tha gaaaral triad to taoaat bln. aad ao
elew ot, the emotaf^ oblalacd bp
tegaia^ hla ob^Ht that hta owaar ’'Sitefo^iiptad aad ten aalt.
yyn of ue
laU hlB to a Toaar oOear who was
Bataad a tar of wood cw tne cat l««a i^iag
gatf to a dtotaat statlea ap ooaotrj.
*<aka>haBlte4aUrf WaU.-l_____
Two Man attorward. tlw raorral
ralbtdita tbTatra
waattotepoertaotaa teatlar aaeatap- panoDoftoba
••I bare aeosr bad s dap's slekacta la
auBla.aBd.aa ba traralad to hla daaUBabtad taoh af a wbolaaad k
**“ * ■‘tddle^id tasa the
aatte la a pateHtela. waa oUI«ad to
bOTTow a chargor for tha pvrpoaa of
■■Wfaataaotofortltwoald be.-algbs
»e poor {a*aUd."te be la klo plan for
year or twa~ Vat baU of te iaealids we see sight be }ast aa bealtfap to
If tbcp oroald eerp take proper
•. Dews talk ahlea
i. Fkapp a Stooa bdj/^
It's a
.. straafe that sarh
4. Idsntabfoa.
ihiaga an oterlooksd bp tbo
bat tha lastaat tha borae aawhluadaaat bealtb.
aaaea. ba Inc hltaaalf «at apoe tha
It aiahaa strath—aad siraairtb
wards ogstrba^ Tbs ssa wbo I
It was tha gOBwai'a eld dhanar.
oroer beaa sieb ms slraag' beeaase
OilMtettp-t wr
- aatatUsaseaedtaBatlag.
Toar Btoaacb lo work si onll as hta
Shskw OtfosUn Cordial will bA
poor sloaiacb aed will etshs poa stroac



■a WIU.M auoi. kMW. rail m «

Lock Box 160.


IKH ef eonuaMW
eonu aM baa
auaUrlaki^lW uib
, ikh
cbr>fraivB mlon dUroreTT
tkrafe. AUeti-. rsMSaa. wabra tl«fcl eul-.
or mro tkowm f—l eaap
Ii I. a rertain r-ofr
ter smuor. ealuda aad kM. tired, aeblar

."Oh. KT. aaafr
Waat taa ba
-» Ma’abaaaaCbiaabaa'blaa'' te.hadtauaadi
Uaa-- 'caaaa aba wbaapahlaapa
thsUlUa Mlow daabad la to hla falbm\ tea I
aauaat whip all pear
bar tha •

jaar aa'B tefot iv” aha aaU. -Ii
ataaaaUnal&iaip Janaaw.tbaoHrh.


W •—--hi. UCow *k
rataaos of a


tt of rad
•« bltdo lathe ealgb-

Sew to fmdoB. The wheel ia wbiefa
tbatdnl rode Bade 81.000


To Young, Middle Aged, ^Old Men
nnauKs awe eaxt nu

aaiardap. tha ISik da, of It

^badeJaf totfae ateagtfauilBg nd
CfaalBaideet ibavluel aodwtata'
led ocaiditiaa. Tbep Idckad it .

bad ite hit wap.
hroaad thppalaoeof tha f^achbart
Najiarta tha teat ware taaap toldlaia, who watobad to
aoa that ao bora cbmo to tbs rbpal
taallp. Tbaoaaeldiaraalwa^teBiad
arfa |aWa.^'‘Ite ...
.Cn..---------------- 1.------------ tbofUdna
wbaaooar .v-_
tbf *
TUB Uaa, bowvrtr. the flnt aol
jutaed atood oUll aad
^ aot aalata. The Priaea


vbeal. and. lol tbva waa



Hta's sstrs

Tbrlffcaprice 810.


■bAb. Tbri* <m prtta «U ..

cmpritaSie......................... ............. TbriCoCirtos
lea's daaWe-bnasMl Mack Gtaeriot md tail.


Tart* pries 8it.................................... ThriCfiCFfe*


• ■TbriHaCistaa 9j09

Oas lot Maa'a wialta wtagh
talta.Tbri*cmtatoato................... ‘BtamsSprtta *M
-«WWe wma fartvaata aaaagh ta bvj aU vvr wtotar
foota batata tha tariC bffi batasta a law. btata *wM«
priaaa atom at-Tarlt aa ah* MC A-

School Boys, Look!
Hofa'to-Maalvrud waar.
Bopi’to wval...
liojB'«.n aait. alw wtatas

« good* W atoek i* eomptota, betli ia low prtMB,
Tka lugMt m« boat Uno q( Blaakoti maA Bebw la
tbo «ttjr MW opoa. Mom xi^t, quOltp tbo boM, m■MMtteUfM SMnyflpiSMMdtSTnuik.
Ttf Torr boM for tbo aoMX-

Thn. lots Maa-s tottaa htavy Harris OtoslataB an
stota. ^ aaJ vwbmaatolp ap M bAr

Hca'e aMta btawf hn>m Ckavlet wcml aait. TbrlC



Bw^MMsaUwtihtaBtaamw.mi ma^Mrip




Men’s Fnrntshings.
Look at ■am. taaf of'ata. aag r

te-te.teXteMW^tete.U. <UC kte-

T- (T,




m mat atnat Mtdrtta BIk.


VbMl —iardray mr



*a* i«rth*tMrdrev>aM*---- *tr%»mni
M at tbeb aaotaalr haUla

tb* Mn-t thtaf

bvw I triad TMUarwmcdar t
I tar ban COM to booAa
I aco wtoa wa woroaotoeimb

M» ibM mr te th’ M

■tar aboM ifcto MMM
ItaiM lb? iota 1 wta

I looto rnat dellrbt to rtalttor
Uuir iMBaK taaovaom Uttofai
0 dlfflftot n^barecrowaaoeara■a
thbWB- Ot oouiaa. 1 try
Jwarato toaoa
etalaaltoof d

la. wltaat hanar •» maeb
___d. aa


___ faBlIlaa
ta aam oai^av baWt pra^la.
____________ItoM. for ebDdrea
cat tbro^ a mal wltboot
betbbaadaaadtoeaa. aad.aaU
•aktotoo BBob Um to vaab tarn baforaaad aftaraattoc.ta drat bath ta

be faee qalu

artr Baa aad bore, are la i
taar tbaa* totl^ jBrt bafora
.mT-l... a. ir..!.'.!------hlta



..w lb* ------------iad*4tbSl ^
ebiW W» atotb. whleb had)aat banlmad.
TlMta. wttbbwdalBV •adji^ta with ta cnaar rmlto mib. oBktoc it
thm^MBon dtforta waabtabthaa
■i/ISvilta abOT* b« teb MMi
dad hatahad mall onrafala aad

miKtoSb ibal
to amtaad. >>to 1 ■■«
bto wito^l with
da^ ^VhSd rbataat

dfa jea


-Mvto rto\n atalbar tatla «a

lb aetata


d-ariS^- waabti

iWSSi,____ iTaff

It of ta war.
I proBlBltrat I


Ibaaa aaaa wnBaa-awaaptac tab
kitobaaa with aaefa ajcoipaa tataa aa
to lakaa partoatotood ofdaaUwbUa
jwaUT. elaaat aad otar deata
*)^lt^ wewdar tat udar aaab draamtaMaa wa bear aa aaar
alatoto frea Urad oot boaaakf
___ tar aaa*t heap elaaal tboarb
tarwoih aUtatlBa? The woadar
iatattbwa an bot mora eaaaa o( tp-

k«« aoikilMUt AK^dSdat

, JS£j?xssranr:t£
« ^|m£3 «. ■••u iu_fk M
rm Wumm, tmu;*.


Ibtok. too. ot ta ehlUraa wfaoaa
awdatod br
a. tutidr Botbwa. (toa we expaet tat talr
habItiwiU baaar battar? Oartolalr
aot, —’— taj an taartt both br
araeaplaodasaapla.wbA tomralB-

i sr-T^cnr

tat taaa wbo are w
tottoyula tbtoriof not
lad ta (raatrr.—todtw’ H'orbL

fittoaiatto U
I aatUe ae aba
____to reoakU•fbar
to tto
otaaatobricbi aadebaarr.if aba baa
a plaaaaat
at word for tb.
taiB with wboaa
aba Btoctoa. Ibar wUi e
ntlcB and ta dare





aallant aootbtoir diet for tba eick. eepeof the
tbe io- ______
teorar for pa- ctollr to irritable eoodiUou
UatLoal eaoal. aettoc
toe to a demolee-

OaaB aaal
bad«latb«a. .. ..
taaa wbo

ooe. Ooa
brat aad eoak for three boon
rtat eb)eetoeo to it to tbto aapaeltr to
ta Bob^to I'hair to Baba. If poa toaqoari of tepid aoft water, la a paa
oa Ue ito^etaa let it boil alowlr for
aaothar boor aad atrsla. Swaetaa aod
aeeldalata. or lolx wltb milk.


an (

eaabmra. aoBb baQta^aU are
r ta aaweat iaportatW U
alike tare ira ntom' to ta bean
aad rananbai^ tbe faato.
aordedwtorwcaebtoBaacaltoa YV
'•Bow alee iolka anr the babr'i axqeWte
iWte Irtah
Irlah popito
papito kla alao
rack toto tarar aad ta _
tor^ ta loe|ju^ ato^
polst-w a naewal of ta

ealsraan bwwtofacato popolar. aa
••What a bmUtol, loac top it'a tor- Blcbl ba atpactad. atoea tbara leal
- aaatoc, or
tocr_ wkb
wUtowad ta mtharfr todr to
oaacd ta
I* ta fabrioe aad
tar toaaud oear I
• ■nmtac ItoahaarM anUato: Cndaallr taeem
■aa. aoft Maaa an to ba U
ana a noaih eiapl apward.
ka'anaos. to {nooBMcd
LatUtob papa had foea to par
the wild (tot of rlrld |ib« I
noratoc aafi oo a Mead la ta rear
. taBxwmhto bat LatUaa waa not leaeto. Bto
Mt aa II ta wboUearfal of foltowan
Poaltfeaeaboald ba .toad wllk badaad ^ It to aar taobbtoc •
- •
- ta tobr*a.
iac wataraad boUedfor 'a few to
Haamad to to tatta bad afaw
ft balsa tan to ntoto ta beat.
itaaatiaT aaaabdiaad rataraad
Maar laac troabltoaomdroB
to So ad baaJtb aad baralaiw
rial braatblac- De^ toU I
ibrtU. awaot llUla rMea paaled thiotob
M draws aad ta Isbp
ta oar. abon ta trato SaaT


aicliaM Bnmw WaHd’a Fata-.
GoM aodat Mldwfntar Fab-.




oS7«r aiaac tffi mtatac DcbL-



••-.••tolaha faato^-




Carriages, Cati^Sleighs, Etc.

Horsesboeiog and Genenl Repiirioj Done. ^

Be-Pomting aad Upholstering.
State St , near Onion.

Cheap Homes CUTTERS

■ 4.

Farming Lands

From the piaxsa to aoniBar
ad by the
tic aod aUy-aUboae peopls
of Traverae City, which an

Do net fo Weat or Boatb aaty job

akUl greatly by (he cool,
»aiid aiiyBattan
Fnnutnre bought at Slater'a.
e has been a harm ot reat tor tboce

Too «aa oo battar with U
Laads rich.dry aad<(BaUr roUtoc
Timbered matoly with Saev Haplc.
Sock Haatoek. etc., and an waU walmd by


Htnac aoUa. flaa crept, beallby cU-

ttor Booha. Mapa eto.. addtm


who hare bought at

Slater's Farnitare Store

Fair Uriefes.
WT» \






If you have logs to sell c
1 with tbe Tnvene
City Lumber Company; We bare for sak good, somid
Heml^k Lumber, Surfaced Sidewalk Plaak, Maple Floor
iog, Short Maple Wood. IrandaWaak. Mill Machinery
of all deacriptioiu, inclndiog 2 Engniea, Set Worb, Car
riages, and &ws. A compete Saw Mill Rant Usr sale.



; wnnr no oamt
Bto ta ta Mem ta Btota^ta

Brosch's Meat Market
Dt m XBW BBCK BLoix.

Ihoicesi Meats, Pouhnr and Daaia.
gg^*T£H£53 MidUsAB



WSMf roc WAWt

College of Mines.


aaw. Bay Otty. Pcereit, 1
•U, Au Acbor. YoMa
pedataRaMasdeMth. <

W. S. uMRR^T.

^££rlSrEw!!li'£?£l-.555: Good Fits,
KiudutiH •nMdm.
Good Goods.



^ BipHt A Mlot L L Com






w» cndLoss or SUSR


MofeSfiS ^ ^ A.


tata Mtaa ad oarobOd aad



tar. Boatataadilr for flea aUBQtaa.
to ta sUi^ boatoa wkllB aad ...
imared the. baklac powta. TUi wBl sake throe
thkk or fooir thto larwa. For flUtoc
aiaaa letoc flaroA «rlth raallla: If
-.“ofSSJ.^ deairadit
Bo^baatdarad wtttalittle


ta alatoto at all. aad wataakad Qod -Blaaamr ajaeototod ta toMbarir




at BllfctuntoaaoftdoBCb.
oaaa erlll to toaad toaHop ta Inpreaa tors oat oe a floored board aad lotl oat
of Utair Botar-a azaspte to tbalr bob- halt aa toeh thick
to foar-l
aar -toward aach other- Tber. too.
lea. toy
epooalal of laawill frot aad (rowB. will atop ea'
. I ■Btotaso
___ rr. ptoehtorta
cdcea Ucrthcr. Hake to a qaiek orea
ar to perfect Imllatioa of tbe
aad aerre hot.—^leoel.
whleb tar are Ireatad. Cblldr
aaeb parfeet iBltalon tbat era a
Cap Omeleia.
ran earafal ot <-ar enodeet or i
Battnbalfad.'iea euau
boiy recoliectioos cluster as tba
fl^liCb^wiih ^^^qaaal
of “ Mother "—she who watched
helpless infaDcyandguidabopped flaa aad
aeeapti- ________ ed our first tonerins step. Yet
itd'rJa'Ttor^^ toto’T^ii'witb dirida a
c eapa. addtof non the life of crery Expectant >
plaaaare. wbca, to aftbr raar*- »b*y
Set the capi la a
with danger and a
baea laft It far bablad aad ta Botbar
bot water aod bakrisa'
fort sha'uld be nude to avoid it.
■a asUI Arm to tbe eeater.
roBod at Laat.
-John.- atetoined ta arrwa
bera'a a 'borcln
ii tato
raof IV
•aatU.. __________
Joha rabbad fa_ .
toe oat from ta boat:
Mother is et
aUdir tat H waa i>
Prequesi waabtoca to wars w
bled io look f<
_________ .I beaida
naa doaraward with©
^elre.atalia.dread, suffering or gloomy fore
6o Joba toobaboaot aattaoBto drforeBOoaifonably
waatdoera. Tb bto aarprtoa. bto wUc’a
Pbr btodtoc ap euu aad wocada al- bodings, to the hour when she
Saator tat
wara aae lloao. aoteotloa.aa tbe flbei* ..:pei^ces the joy
be waa aDaraad, ta baiclar eori
of aatloa are flat aad ast to Irritate
Its use insures saMy to the lives
bin erftb a raeelrar aad btnaaii qi
eon place. wfaUe tboaa of Itoea are pa of both Mother and Child, and she
• laat U ralber tola to to
is found stronger after than before
bad?- to nnarkad.
For Urad feet patabaadfal oteoi confinement-^n short, it "nukes
a lltUa MbMl.- repUrd Joba.
•oo ult toto foar qnaru of bot walai
too lata, aarbow. baeaaar Plaoa tba feat to tbe water while It la ChUdbirtli natural and easy." as
---------- ---------- adtawto- to bot to ireaa be borse Tbaa rab tbe
nujiy have said. Don't be
daw. aad a^ pato tofo earrlad taai foot drr with a roafb towal.
kd to use anything but
ta anaU plaplea that tr^ocav
•'■Oh. tafa all ricbt Td Uto to aak ■r For
appoar ea ta ebto, oppar pbrtioaa
of Ibaaraaaad lower part of the aeck
ta loUowtoc oiotment to biefair racoBaaadad; TwooDBCMof flrt^oa
ofbormx. all oanaea ot oxide of atoe
- My srffc raffered aora to
atto with aiUwr of bn- other two e__
alcbt to ta ai
Itofetawwitb to
dren than ta did altof
teat, b>Tl^ ptvTloai^ttaed four^...

two aebool toaeban, aad

^SSaA^Sa^owan haaa Mooned

.r-w. gir-


Bar tBairawaal toaa waa Ml of aaldTato'
el a
••Yob aae.-tor lluto. abrUl wblqw
raaoa. -‘tahadad-eOe bad alaapBptoad Larn Oaka
ta aar JIcctod iwaad ao! Yoa woa*t
Oaa aeaat eaplal of 'battar. oo
will joa-m ri-o Blamtf eapfaEf
ar looked psntol Be bad
t ta W to rt
Ir. bat a alek taabr-aad tbapoor
ibtoc waa aale^ at Uatl The aa.
w^la tata wltb ikcaittoc barCnt
ebaaaa to reat. Mo. U waa likalrTtr^ tarof aU
••Mo. Hlaar. 1 "toi't •atorb* ta babr.
Iradroatll toaea ta bad nadaapa 2T“t
tpell tacar. bDoar."
<ff crated ehotolala Oraan ta
Bawaatto da^a ta alaUaad Utar. add ta aacor aad oreaa
__ tollowad
alowlroooo Uptoa.
Uptoa. Cba
add ta -dec rolba. woU beatai
auptaat atarr aaat wlUi bar
altaraatolp. ta floor aod atik.
pnto UtUa toror to aak.
baeboeolato o

...................................... ■


«nd^ aad ta tatte pkto la Bf tock
to amah Bdotod la totatn. wHb kb w>a
feat c<^ ***7 ■bntwtW. Ian cn.
UaM^ ta OB at D«ab KUan PUto.
with petaratafac tat tap will eaeci

M Ctrl pad bar molbcr aaeb aet to tba rank ai7 am taa thto? Doas’i
b tan wtoBO aaeb tbtoptoa
an itartac to>— herb*
Bltotobone. aod rletaato craw oa Eidaapfta
••—•—* •*- hare ben
a. nadr for tbe j' ' '
WtoUcatar three eaptoleof t
M>fol Of' eeiL
'«!*•* peeper aed .m
^oJub EUtoT Fta far Bto by an deal-

■ar eloaa anaad Iv ataiallBt itoa
«r. torlBC a btoakat wr aoBetbtoc

ea'caard oal
bar UMIa pooh


____al of voHar.

_____________ tree.- aba ia}oto-

CtoM to

■ learatoc Ip^draw,
I9.draw, wbo breitoa
breito a
tooaa of tto toiaf_________________ ____ erltb tba aana aleaW ta mf
tahM Ufa to odtaa wdlr laektoc. braidana roaebad. who Baboa aeCaa
aa carefailr
'ailr aa abr croebeta.
croiheta. la ta (Iri
aaMr baeaaaata
dlto^ttoo la aot aat bp ta wife aad wbo wUI Bake tba ecoBOBkal. thmrj
aratar. Ooe plinpaa of tor .toaa aa wife. l^of^Boiber m^daHrbtfal
tabacitotadottnof tadartoaet

aad Inpatlaat. If tbe ebl
aa to aadeiBtaaid tat "notta la tot

ma to oaa IobU/ «

—^.T. 0of*mH

I« UJ.

Otola. Laara to Kaop



Into Sdt uf Smta Mcto, SwngK to.

wamw no waot ■
*»btoa«ii..... .. BkiHiiiNmta.
Naaaw. flaaWaiaa(»aw» la......... to f



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