Grand Traverse Herald, July 15, 1897

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Grand Traverse Herald, July 15, 1897


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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^ir^nti ®iratijer«e Mtmlh.

Brand Traverse Herald



OAPlTAl. *100.000

Mend it
or end it
liM IWM Uw nllriac 07«r v*fom dlree«cd
For a MB wbo teU bisMlf be
BbBBed br B eoB(b. Um err ebomU
be BadlAad to--acad If or Iter
it-waioad-roB. Yoa OBB Bead
BBj aeocfa wUb Roeeb f‘Hie Ez*

Rose & Son,

Tea MHa*wu.We>re

SPECIAL OFFER-80 *erro four milM booth. «boot 4fi
----- a a----- I.----- two Story, nine rooms; gnutbiy, horse sUbk*.
good b«uii« orcUid, good foDOM; boU *i«wJ «»d cUy lo*m,btirfaor
mobtiy level, good wmtet. Piiee
one-tliirf tmh, hbknce on
time bt 7 per cent, or will tbke dty property in


t>lkemaa ibai pleea aU Oaj:

ap fivai tbedalaty pltKB of eaibroidery In her baad and
tried to look aaeuaacloaM bat ber effurtk fall<4 and abe plainly abowad the
••Of wl
yoa apeakias- Charlce

O. P. Carver



Real Estate

' aid House Heaters.

iM a. a fMk.

J l^eil


mama. TaresATou. m. 4

B. OUqMtl Ww mmmmi Im

Dr.J. A. Snyder,

Aia.’SSSr ■
SSS2*!* B^SSiSiS


“Wben In doubt lead trumpa'
You arc playing the trump card when you telect our store as
the place to boy drugs and themany items which go to. make
•ur wants from the drug store.
vil gro
growers will tbant Sulphate of Cppi»er
. You who are fruit
to make a bid for supplies
this spring. We are inI position
in spraying material.




Motn,^ LMUi

OKji BMfc.

AM_flying bronnd now looking Jor

Carpet Cleaning Works A good woolrt^of fur npeflo youi

For Com Planters,
Potato Planters,
Hose, Forks,
Barrel Chums,
Bam Door Htuigers'etci. caU on
146 Front Street

Traverse City. Mich

best winter oreraokt or miuk cape
We obn- help yon ebeek the id-


) of the piwt ud save yonr

Sarreyorond ClTil Eaglacer

SnS^JSSi'tSaSSr riiSlZ

Ur obmpkor bsUs. eU.. bt b low
figtiie. Onr Bkeeteriser tut* the

Mtsonie Blk.

MtMBt of


Hack, Bus and Baggage Transfer Line
•ate roe tbe C. s W. M. (
TrerBreaCtry. Wean



fnrt-by belling yon obmpbor gnm,

iiii lU


Best Livei? in Northern Michigan.
Faad and tlBla aiBblB

c li«
fl JS'Cn


O n=2og



l)o ^otl
IjnoW fhip?
. tar.Mi oU on-



T^leplions 79

>« ordond will ba
L ToloalioBeM
UOriUMtt Uk

Bedding Plants.


c-go £

od s
» Sb-s-?|

Merchant TailDring.
All Mities desiring anything in the line of first-class Merch­
ant Tailoring, will do well to call upon, the undersigned. a<
special inducements are being oRerM-to all intending pur­

s.2 lift



a fis

A>« ttto to Ike m

a2 imi

•e be emvlBltab,
-iMnwre-l*4ay «b4 le

OCJ S-.5

127 Front St.


ildyootbinliUiB»? I b»»e.
..sent BppomUneBL b tiiicr
pru»pevt for iBBkiac ^llriae Bad *up
porumra wifribu > b»d hopr<i to altBlB l«rje»f». Mj- cDfBifrmcol witb
llrlen. Bi. yoo well kno«. oeBr iqolber.
haa Ores M-tU«J (or aaoaUta. abd 1 eerlaloly have DO UooiCht of deiy>DF il
laL" coBtiDued the uothrr.
aet-iiilui; to ootiee brr auu'a
Brr«srol. ■■Ibc Uaohaan.rt been ap■ -r.a» I ^ttbUj

TnrmrClit.mch ||

releolicuir TA

HlUe. pBBiiie. rtiMB. Bte.
122 CAB8 BT.

- I






Trarerse Citjr, MiclL
w.vuywJMy wimieiu wiwi tbobeaApUcc
*4JV> ucu, yiw.r

ia tha city to Imvc ymir ordMa; fnr
*U kiada of job priatiagia «t Um
HaMiAoBoa. Oif«WBbtalflRt»

. had to float a retard t

bt anoe which
r lay. retoow
rafally and b
Robert Southey wna an attet Iwenr
ot eau Bare you erer r«d ChnlMt^
be wrote lo bto tnewd Badfard, anaoanelnc tbe deatb uf ewe ef hto pataJ
-Alaa. limTeam’.- be wrote, -tbto dar
poor Bampel waa toewd dead, attar aa


oae moatly corered.
tbtfA. and of stooe
lUfoI aymaielry. cuaalrected of
wB uandeumr bio.-k» of ao a^iroiitely e»ra aiee. lai.l la alr.,a* mirtar
to. and with tbr y>mto Iwokcn'.
'There were many pw\ea of brukve
pottery and other articc. of domralic
BM- lyier mMoad Uir ralaa.
Bat 1
nruirbi bifher p^ae. and after preparuip a woudeo handle u> a orpper apede.
wbleb I p.ckcai up ..a tbr wear. I weal
bidippiag moat ladualriuoaly
Tn my
alroapiy mmpled aurp-uw and rapeet.

Hto fall Utlea were: Tte
Moat .Voble the Arehdake SamptolM
ebea. Maniato Maoham. Bari Temdamatae. Itomn Ratklde. WaowUar. and
Skraateh. There ehoeld be a eaarV
.raaoralair io t'ailaDd.aad If the Diacow
lyour pel cdu wear a black ribbon
' round hu neck or a band uf crape • la

yoBBC Diaa. iBdecI
Iw tbe BiiiUlr of DUi iBootb."
«fun yoor depan
a. yoa I
oprr a
the aubjecl propri


nod hope of a>*m« bln
womaa <>f wraith and p>>.ili.>n. a
.br would triumph orer liauchly U
Ciarr'urr Iriitrh
Iriich bad I.
brantifuL hot poor. lUlra (torn-li uflb
all- tbe -lerror of bto aaUirr.
an.l wbrn
wealth waradde.! to brr other rharo,--.
br war alm'tot’brnide
«nd retrreL
ir furmre hto
but time, the band which lifw Imo. ,.......................................
I-Iitbl of frirf at laat rmlaed Ibe ml
iirntbe iiearioll'dan-o.s- l,elrb^and.
aia thr lisbluf woiunn'r I.ivr a'luw,-d
upon It. and munr aald that thr band
r belrM.. with all her pride and'
nil. eoeied Ui-.' .brisht-faced liitie
ton wbu looked H) troalfully lnu>
clear dark eyea of the man wlio
• lored llelpti t'arroll ^ fljrAoTior

Cl^ce laochod ts br nr<i«>- "I
afauolil thick, molber. alauiai a life
lime of aSBchment aoil iboaih. of |i »lllrr«HraF<-iaeoL bad iriTFB aaall tbe
:laii upoo
abJut to
loro of the ilep
_____ llem,-mbe». 1 •
b>Ui ..Ml
abd Uclcn w
esuiicb to ba<
you uut think >
"1 do not dispute Ibe trvlb of wbat
you aay. aS'fBoce. ycl I IbiiUi you are
baaly m decision, ab.l if you will
lUWB to mef I am eoBTinee yon of tbiwledom of poatpnoinc yoor iBarriairr
Itta a peouilem. Sirl for the pen
'•Ab. that lube troabir. la IL I
•t A ceonilew firl'
Yea. ba
U wonli tnit oulwelrb all the
1 tbe world, and I elUl »ee 00 r
why I aboold not marry her bow.
ao) able lo take care of tier
•You mnal br aw^ t
yro^teriat'or*bappineiw. bm lately I
baer Fiveo uueb erfioci Ibnucbt '
ibjret; aa you well ka.
Ito llrleo Carrvll baa 1
reirrd my aanrlujD. fur yoo ra
blind u> Ur fact tbal with all t
bare bero aorcruaful
.0 appoinUurol that wll' place
blgb pialtioo.
If you
are married at tbto time yoar - te wilt
ipeet to ai'CouFaoy yon 10 uir
_jd there remalo a rranll tbal wi
lorolre much raprnar. Thr Ctrl to
able to Kuppiy hrra.-U Utfofe her ioar
riace with ao euUll auiUblr lor aurb a
life, and yuo moat fnmtoh it after
warda. at a coaaidrrablr drain upnr
yoor purae- A y«tor or two hrorr wbeb
you bare aarrd aumelblac. you miebi
afford tbto rxproar. bat tbe Luadre,!'
ol dullan. apeatJa^bU t<»ltob tratlay

aprev ' Thea the p____________
-emed ao ; I iMd^weareeaebaad^I. w
•1 be dc-per I due the
op. an,I

and ana.17

. taarrifd without
I'larw.-. Lei^b*
word to B»r? It really la a cruel juke;
caaoot br tree."
-Xii aoaC It i» no i ike. it to into.”-Aadto uLiimr' aeked.tbr atrlrkra
and hoiaUedtouibrr.
-Tbe bamo of tbe lady to Miaa Acara
Koalrr •’
CUiwDce L.;i4b had made a eoaBdanl
..f bto cou»lu Buietli-. brt>.rr hi. marrlape.
•lafe. bul eiijoiciBC Ibr ainrb-al er.Tr
- Uiwarted my
cy. addlap. -My ra..i.1 aed neatly
uni,ID with Ifelra I
wm-ked my life, aac
.br eltall aol ititrrfrpr thto Umr
With a merry ta'iakir io bl» ryt-h.
I'liarlra ewav iotorun-.l .h-* kuDt that
yiw K.aler wa-- Ibr daucbirr of a
farmer in a Teraoie rouolry dietrtrt.
with BO dowrry bul a pmly face.
(■oor Mra. -Lrlch a'm-~l rht.bed with
iCraad »,-n. few Be her i.b.l

utaao wiy


Prof.. Uastovto netaSalaa-taM tmca« waa a Ld whM ha Maiod wtih
ttortMal MaailmOaidlMl FhAaltoa.
Tbaria Hiawan FMaU, aal athar
rmiMt paHic mM. The naa ol
liaae Newtoa ahead not be —««*-»
from tbe Uat of aat-toema aar IM M
•V ‘rhepeopbaL ItwOl be ta-


' • Clarracr'a
reamed the

rac* LeWfa looked Bp with earat bto £ii>Uto-r apokv.
Ur asd




Uaadead for
>. deariaual."
,_a toailiar wtib U.r cipca>_. ................
htaoOBma'a eafracViu.-at't.. Uelea Car11 and HiaauulV ckairriBat tbe uartuaauabd uaUmkrUfortarmiBBtkMi
her in tricar
-wail commaoioate your aewvaad
do But khrr ini- >1 euepi-BM.'. it it U au





fladly hare tacaltodWraoB totha
b^tbe baachtyhalreaol peace boat iaboat It^oamak^ furt^
Her wounded
other walla al a dtotaace af thirty or
mwa fart aparLaad»mce< thaa reecaleid eeraara of toaeiwiry.
-It mmahaaaaeartorptko me that
Flee yaara had elaoped ai
1 bad dtocorered aa Amerio
BHar Of tbe bosd S^lw«.
tbroacb the work of an
'IwlTbaad Urlra Carrati.
Mra Iwicb The
waa oO* day aarprutod by the eOUpix-c
ediy th.wr
of ber BBpbrw bfarlar a impi-r is bia
id with car
AbbL I caa crqdlt tbe aaa. potoibly
laoamaal ia tbie pap«. IlwUlaar■t after Ito

eithcrmaiw ~

ioio^irsrsr xo xo,a.i^.

Bnsizi688 OardB.



•Vr. S’. HLfikJEiSHLA.,

a prebieluru- A-aakna race, which I,
liyrua waa Jond uf caW; to hto eatabn.>wp.*waa
^ _w.
^ Itohment at Karraaa be bad (
"Aa I reached alnalaix feet braeatb •
Uic aarface. in tbe bole which the ara
Uache bad made. pola. r»
tbal eetlmable wuaua alltlafw froat .
of a breplaar aad toralat bur taoe to
reoHre the carw of ber pet cmL that to
loinp awuy m
erawlles to a natlBS Plaae apoa her
with aliDiwI e, rrj U.ruat .if the
mtotreae'aahoalder —fhfe^ Hceurd.
I had. perhaia. dapdirertli
ireetly ialo 1
lonp davaae.!
The Tree-ElHer
• eery Haely
liaely a warrior
•Irmeau of baillr
todtom a^it.
luat article
iVintral America io cmtceal to the tine
laed ■
• icii thr Sponlanto call malapolo, or
' '•Uee-klller.'^~TaU
. ee-killer." ThU tine ftrot Marta la
taawhctoah.i .ir,.k.
-Ipr.»’rrdi-1 u-caplore aomr ooe elae'a life aa p climber npoa the Iraelm of the
unkn.i.n ticrb'.r. and diu! iBtn a lanre treea. aed, owIbk to Ito Btoreala.tnarr m-111 wiii.-li hnJ no window« in iooaly rapM srowib. eooa roacbea the
the WB .a
Herr 1 f.iuod aome of thr lower brnuchna. Al tbto polat it Srml
fin.-at aperimrna ..I i.ilWy I hare rrer beciaa lopntoaliu •feelcra."—«ewA
l l.ry were ueauufnlly deeumi harmlem luokiae root abooto. ttki
cl. aad Uhiabe.1 in a way tbal to a hwl
art to nr-lrro polieru
There were Sfmly fixed aa the pareal 1
many raiiui-itr anajicd Jam. about
wkule Tine a rcaewec
I »a perfreUy pre.
1 It beciaxuiaondoat
It lu a-rlal towjaat drliri-red from
tiiuctcrath cealory drill ta all dlrerUuwa.
f. more arliaUcally thriaarltea tlfbUy anraad eracr limb
poture—if ail)
tree, rten creeplac U the oorr .
-' >t>r..l
the ll»
- I um II >l prepared to eommeat apoa
tbr rrmarkah r dtocivery I hare madr uat ul both bark atul loaf. AlMa ro '
to any ci-m: j lal now. Aa yet I hat. 00 at «to ^t. bat a abort time before'
the fore*t «laat faeompedlad lo aor- '
out t .
----------------- c
comb to tbr ({^Ue poraaitc wbleb to
aapplar iu life , blood. Witbla a ewy
' w yewreUe troe rutt aiai taltoaway^'.^
itiar tbe matapalo •UadlBf craeC^
4 hollow, kikramoaator tqratobla ^
til-fiah iTiBf BpoB Ito back with IM
which I Imtr Ju-l ao
rtid toaaclca elaapnd tcrelbar falfto
to. a fa.-i
fart wl
lo tbr air. Ckire-llkc arbon of ^tap■waad , x
Itol atud


aappurted it.—li>.f.<rianUBa.

Tried to Drawn bl/Rltnl

S:::;S^iri:u^;irt-A^m-e7.X.:“.h-u;;:! -me Ume mio a Umlly


peli baa twen dieunrrteO by |•rd^ Ai.; Nrw Hilla. Ilcrwurk, trot a (
feed HlUredpe ot Mucueal
l•r..^ K.- pop aad pet him aJoap^e
drid^clrfvhto home ta the twnadma , ao<l
pair acemed to. pel on rery
city Uirxpl.ue otikaowo Alarkn c.trr *,r a tlmr .Jealouay uaa not my Innr
four year* a«<i. aad waa lU..u{rhl to'm apriuTinC up, botrerer. and a few
bate been I oat and drainyen ly tot-;-luja ae-the puppy wa» wen U. tHl tbe
Indbe irmatoortbcrn f.f-aU dlc kilteaio b>. monUi. carry bim tn the
affia iadi
•-,■* of tbr boaae.
boaac. aad.
abd. Imikli
lodkIiMr an
, (riraiU ai
r <-lM^cd bito. dn>|i
peared abuot former
io ll.nrmarka-jrrc-.trrci.
«la.-much later

wllt'^eiila^ relleci a lIlUo tl.r proBiirW ol dcferrlDC
marrtaco a
yrwloncer will U- plaia U> yoo.
btraoce the power ol a dealralns
liod for (rood or ml
in tbto cMr tbr
-orda of tbe mother foil with f<
apos ,U.« aoD rlalod by bto recent c
exoa la a IneTallreFuerrameiit poall
laU-yooBcmaa bad Inot pi
a IbooKhl to reaulto- Tlie adi
ao enBBlnplydrrtot-dand artfully ap­
plied awakrard a new train of Iboacbto
■a thr miad ol t'lareaM bciffb.
Some wonlaof hi. mother were tmr
IlcloB I’arroll waa
and fond of
drum: ahe waa riTy l■r•atlful. and aa
en are more or
waa mlBflod with other toolioK.
dread ol ezpoatar h i. bride to the
lof tbe faabino
able world. Tbr longer be reltertod
moiher'a adTlea. the
leiared Uiai
moat Judicioua mui
ilr loacer. ui
lay Ilia marrtairr a
able to prurlde a tinme for bto brtde
their aaiiye
ipany him
_____../of bibaelDC herat
to Ue Oapli
wit* iBwam
itiafacUoe that tbe dealrad Imprcaaioi
bad been made,
priaed wbe-a be
belleee, mother, there ia aomr
o In your aufireutiOB. I will Ibiak
about It.

•fm% he

llrlea CtorroU waa a ai eu-b looklap
romaa Tbe dreary aulemo at
her etaadiac before a miprot
almplellulr r>um.
nwe reared am.d (berkau.y braldxif
b^darkWr. briariac out Inalrikler
eontraat Ito lutuoea beaaly
A tinrr
of color hebteeed the lorellnraa al bex
rlamlc fcaturea. but tbe calm lace
(ra<aa of tbe wild lamalt wlihli
7------- ---------.------- d byaa iplrrrWw with
W butrotbed. U«t peide bad aaauin.
ad ber darloc the trylac ortfea,!.
' oairb tbe propnaal to malpoae tfaeir
ptiato had been wurdeB <a the moat
Clareaca iwh(u
wbleb prompted the aelloe oo t !pan
he admitted hat It
ber adrka that tbe daetoton
wBk made, bbe tbourbL be rtpUlaed.
that prodeace woald anRrat the delay
BBtil be waa catahitobed la bto bew poalUoo^and able tu catabltoh a borne lew
^ Ar£i Helen did aoLproetoely eom.joheod bto measlar- bat aa the aurv
w troth fUahrd apoa brr. thr proad.
iwAieuMi ^rl drew her stataly form to
Ito auamt beigbL and wlU
with fiaaMaf
ejw aad ueorafal warda. abe dtomtowd
forerar the maa oa whom ab* had tor
tahad the rich RaaaaraB ol ber trea
A hirt-apiilted woman ceMoea dim
el a heokem boart, and Helmi Corrotl
baahtd the loerlac of her acod foe toer
wed to the flay
— world Im eom-

bit «al‘-0^ long


ace i?*i.>n of dkrkeat America hr told :hatealill fdrtt.rr iutcaalfied the dor a
The cBiisrat
who , p-alouay. for hi* next
eearcbed tbe billt and ptolna of the. rrmaiuable
a obterted to lift
SpanlaO-Amertmudi.tricto «m-year. 1 l>nr day the Aifi
to mouth aad pna-ei'd by
K,| and rereaicl many 'iaier-aUnr i »>>•‘■'1^'*‘h“
U to tVbItadder Iwldpr.
laarka ul part inl.abllaalion, rrluruci ■ a circ-uibmt
indmd yarda from the
tue oplv a few daya preruui. ; ***>“* tlirve.......................
eparlar^ for Sew York, and dwelllnr
TrolUn* to the middle
a by thr writer io the latter ' the bridp.-. . he halted, nnl hto be
leial aprirhu.
-..._____Dotdemyt-J makinr areanre-[«*™'!lf‘' “■>'
Uir ritrr from
■aeoto lor hto tour L. arraafe hit ooleajaBd
fbt of twealy fret
lie then
tripap to thr time r reached ' fan V> jump aad barb, erideotly aa
explorcl rrjf.on waa aellber ea. ' pr--mi-n of aaliafaeiicw at Uie cam

Tbe aotor
pecially Im
'Moelba of o.y limr,de««aa tnaainfi aerred to auraet the
frof. Kldriirtr
ot al UIjrat ie tra».-lid(r o»er a P“V-*h-oae. who, on polo* to
wAre a|ieot
.1 country
Itch bare t
.. j p,!, „j|i ,,,.1 ,m in tbr foiere n-malaa
-llelar almiwtt exbaa.b
exbaa.Ied wiUi tbr | W be area--fTe.Ii.
rtwfb meanaof Wurel
irurel I wa,
f..r,-ed u. |
endure, 1 waa oeerr ao plroaed In my |
UwoUiBK ol Taber
lifeaawbea I ruacboil tbr mualb of'


ihr Kuwallk riecr. 1
1 'uf bullow tube., w
I aeiUeuirat Of I ndiaoa, who i hr uaya. a awiatoaLtrmpermturraDd IBmr dmire to e.droially alrpnrth. comfort and beanueli aurpriaed I
' >r
ilefiralpulupaframeorwalcrup the ain
...rem. aoal diOorrol.maH Wibea'lubln*. aliowinp eualiaaon. circalaof tod mro hare la paM ymm micraud , ticm lo a ttream .4 water Arnoad tbto
.Bto Uir aakoowB re,f.ofi and aol re-! frame he pit
hi. b«to iutheordl.. that all
tarard lo pel onirtomna or ahuwn Ibelr , i»Vy way.
The prrullaHly it
crowed aad rrexittrace l.r ibr u.ual i-oanecUoa ea- .;
H «ra .M..
aad o.—.
I crowed by tbr water-pipeu. Tbe water,
tobitobed and raalau
harinp pawed throu|rb h-irli.iaUI tobea
laa aelUrtoeaU. oii..-ra
under tbe floor and oellinsa,
.warcb ol Ibcm, aao Ihry
Uronfib tbe TOrUcal labea ni
cd. and ao the aa. tp-oml oouot
baer been some Uroufib.
came a terrible wliocrora. of mi
freak cool water circulalea nader preewith bated breath. Tbr aaeaifea aerm aare tbroafib tbe aWw. rk tabw. CMito
-,1 to tbiok the diatricl curaed by Ike oS the walle. and, after bariaf mo Ito
---------- u-----------------L.—i-'r warmer than
areat Spirit, and
coarae it baa
to aet foot la iU Kram tbrdr de- when 11 ealere
••-ripiee ennoeptioa of tbr rbaracterto. abaorbed much beaL which
Duria* Uie tonr and
Ua of Uie replon I oonfeaa I waa marb away
impnoaed with pomible daareri to be winter tbe water euteriafi tbroufh tbe
•■I did am feel oneaty. bowrrrr. un- hundred drtrreea an.l t
<He ime maek
Ui I arrieed at tbr moalbof tbe Kuwa IbriM.^h the labia*
Aa 1 catered tbe taualb uf tbto of Ufe beat to left all orer
frxnea rieer it aeemrd aa ihourh ■ aad at tbe nutlet the temperatare
coold nad. •Abandon hope, all ye that tbr water to >aoat forty derrrea
apeed uf Ue rirrulatioc of water call
wa* tu allow fim
. amaaad me. Hal .1111 |ta
ID coaid Dot br ahakco. 1 b,
my drlertai.
leeded aalll about 4
milw up theetraw a.. where 1 catered a
Lara-CaTM of the Axoraa
iltUe lake. I waa onariared that
he farmatioe of earea ia s ta
ladlaBa were rtcbl to udr belief taat
I. aad c
Ue ooaalry waa anlnbabllad. a* wiwkerainlto aoaad*did i aceaiiTia*
rreaiaru oe ai(a uf their extoteaer. toreallxcaebto'un
and U Uwe tolaoda It haa maL a.
Tbe toad waxmoBtiy maaatolBoar
mueb of It waa ouewwd wiU U
erowB forcau.
-•1 the border ol Ue HtUe
from a eoleoBo a
I •
^we to
ap a elLp tiraaTlt aa It Uaerli Sit ^U ajf^
peak, which had aridrauy aaffeeud eumm, cay thirty or forty UM Uriek. a
mtotomeal dlaturlmaoe. tlaamriaf kmr
ioar Um« paaam
paaao bofora
Wore It faacMmfi
tacomaa *a-

SiTanpeM on Earth.
nrry .-tma
tatl-in llaeU

ci.' '

Aaetoloat Clerk Ttoimp

. .



It exteada from ExcUr, aa the
Krmoo Liar, to Cacatllle. a dtotanoe ot
fire milea, and u Mmtm awe way aad


got and frr-lfhL BP to Exetar fnaa
tawriUe. Daria* Ue day. aa Irataa
.....................................Uemra arc Btat
with paaaearura. barrtru aad frrifkL
They are eimply *iraa a path lo Marl
-• m at Rxeur. aad they raa lo Uu
alaaa of Ue llae ta QattelUa trilto-*
etopple*. IttodoarBfTBdaaU tha^
waytofWUla PacltoaaiMUU«a
OB that rood.—Excbliape.
Beales OohL



Oar doilar^a worth of erdlauy eoa- "
aeretol fuld laaf. It to. aaU. to toM*
ieal tocermaaaiaaef ataa baadrafl
a>|oaiT lacbw.
la other warda. thaa
Alee hundred aqaare laehm ef foil
bare been poooded or boatta eat of a d
lamp >if Ibe yellow metal which vMftoed DO more than a fold dollar.
fold-leaf. Uia ae it la. to UU wbaa

____ ,-mitod Wiu elcctriellf la a balk
millloaUof aaiaebiB Utobacoa Mf
prodaead. Wboa moeatod oa atoa,
laaewkladof coU-towfia narMally

Tbe mllora of all aatkma balleee that '
the frifato bird caa fly asem Ua Ato

rice at daybrmk. whoa Ue wlad to

.rmitoto bar* proroci that Uo Mfala
bird ma fly an mllm U a aiafto hum*.

. . . rabbUaaadcartaffor Uaai with
OtoUerly aoiielUda.
Soearal UUM

army oa Ua Friart fiawUm at at.

.cateaad the (a(r laalm ddlllM*'
urr at ts At M waa the maat popwirpoMofUaday.
Aryoa a fleet poim appaarad at ta. A*
14 be rmebad Ua hlfamt pdaMtoa d
bto litocary tome. ,
■ aiTTaMamaadodthaarmr



—»w—. —



Mj^of corU bad brekra away and
roltod dowa Ue moaatola. The Srat lh|cid la ito iaterinr. termiar aa H wi
>f brokcamrUeawt
ItrAlbcowa ie

ol Urwkdmi
aaL it wm i>

aay 00c eon imarffte my iman—t at
todtoeoTory U that Re
‘•I UrW qairkly to
he carU wbero the araiaa.^ had
ma KaporL aad la Ue mldxt cd Ua
TcrVa, PM a» Tarda away from wkar*
Istood. laawi^prulraakmofa wall

breakaooLtbe toeltod laimk
laiartor rwebm
oaa«aia-a~“**r'““«‘>» ••
nf Ito aoatrnu eo far m Uay rum
loLlcr of the worU. BadtodatflE
liqahL Imria* behind a hollow car
Bonm-Slat vDlama waa pabltohad M
wbM^^ and necactoaally
n. At lb. mltla cowtadad Ua (• bh

acw bed* of efadr or uk or aew
atraamadtaeataaayaMM aboea^
bat Ua aa*a ao fiimil w«y racmi" ■*








kloMi t. ed BaaaBh. Uy A Oe.h Bth
iniea totkarllbyehf TMeetoeO^.

ItadUMUtan* vlMie
Mmtrwail»kda»t BahUekrlU* m
•Ml <c'*>r»t **- IWtf pMW»

TboroJ^oc aotoypgk
tTdMt'w^ortfoy. Jo-j TO*. umT^
Mr to oottm
U tko MJekl«M otopraport 8o«w
UM. IkM-Hlhi M -MOl.
My of hlota UordM -yo (hot tbo
A.W. Uoiu
•IMU a OUo Laho bjr tkoMvAlM •Twof. rioM of wkoot por ooto ■•ad Ik* tor of rnak rkkfr wUl
■toM. 00 -U-otod Joly 1.
Ad)evwrd reyalar m
Tka WUmb Uir. it
Uk* port. Tfc-0 koou
bw*alo; 1> tko aooUwook
hmU la Oueedi
tsM> of
____ (loo II.M t-okolo. ta Iko ooot
‘*M^ottar wae called to aider by W.
IILM hpoholo. ood la (k* oortkm if

Bottled Up!

enTyMaoBapn far abaa^ay^tka
itaaofeaM aUea—, taralay it aywa
WhelhM ta the fee-<M pBl powdi
•aUi aueat to tka -alT^aal e<
d «oark. I appreee of
(biaye m IhphL tke dertarie imottfptkie ft.
I will fire —y for—al aeaaaat Umw UearSaMas te ahnya the ■—
la wrlUay, If dealrad. ^
. M. ITL-oc*.
»a -otif- ef AUar-aa Jakiaaa. daly


l«nKU radMd lo «e MBM p* *«•

aoariy UP
ohoattbee---------- _
ta*«p<if 1
The Baeoioa fly b repooted fnao
Iko sooMl lodloa M-p -aaUoc of rertoao polsio, bet It dooo >0t oeer-BetatIre to tka yradlay
do->n t^) ^ rad aad apiooead.
EowUlBWfltkokoldottbotplooo for
_ _________ • oTc. for aldi walk, trferrrd
eo——lUee oa etrecu aad
rk. b«1ular Joly IS. te^looo
rtM -wt w>d bwM truauc tko
- oo.doet-1 oodor tbo oaofdooo of
Oar«Mteidcof Wendmere-are.
mael.wklebi«dB«add«U« U
of HoikodMo by Bor. Joho Joeoia.
Hmab arc. be
M laa., Th« .OMt tk. Woi U- who U koowm oo tko lodloo -i-loooiy ' enitiM leUwaoMther
ar—ace ycaia.
pooMd. oaol fro- UK Mooo HooUo There orlll he prooehlof IB EBcUoh
- areracpo ia Uw Mate, eaatbrm
I am aerrytokare to tafor- yoe
■M kiCBB lorodlBT Ik* -ortraUca •iK tko lodioB loBC«a«e Bltor^toJy
W. J. Paaxaa.
Ikat tkb D-pvt—rot U not —tahHahtko AUutk eoMt, •^•eiollr Kaw Bo- dBTlBK Uw -eoUoC.
White people
C. U uaauji K,
iBf Bead Kep-riBwai-Stsihiaab
drara ooi €d tkOM aarkcU •re iBTlted to cutp epoo >tbe froeodo
aldlay tbr oabtlar Acricoltoral
tkoWat Vinrlaik—1. *hle# hod •! •0 well 00 tke ledloao.. '
tmaat MmUntir asd OnHeeo
Eeeloacd yoe wUI fled a Ibt .
wan *»mi am ooUM ot taix prto«.
MBf U- noted bidUB (raohero
tke rrport be _
Wo VtirloK Ml woo tbiu eeaoelM
•reezpeeledtobepno<«tBt tbit
Hottoa tarried
dhat of Ayrtcollaial Oulleyra aad IHTrarerta City. Hleh.. Jaly 7. ISV7.
UUflowiUiikooeolo of Ohio. lodlMto, obik. Ber. WllUoa tbtpakST. Ber.
a of E>perimcBl SUtHOO.
Tb tac (hr Hnpie^ oad CUp
Beeoru FUUac Up.
UU-ik. Kootadir. Tbo roooll wma
Joseph Uchteky. Ber. Joseph EedWrd.
Cwnrtl <if Utt Clip ><} TVoeerer Ctip,
The eaeeeeirr betil U-aU parU of Uw
MhAliprn(•It la priero.
Ber. Ja— Wooareeblk. Bet. Veter eoeaUT b drirlof reeortere to erery reced oa fl'r
G>:rne:uni—Voar ao—Ittee
Mookatr. Ber. Ikob Hedewlk Ber. irrat where a eool breea aad retrmlf.
C«v atrreta aad aidi-walks., to whom

Mthe nme tSia.
The lapplia-i mi oln^fty elthe!
WMeyiraway laaMUMW, tte nekE^pMta of ifion-ifteai The forgr^t^ybn^ ^b^oAe. whitej

ia'T.S'.rW. J

... --

taitiy take p—tneiea ef the haJy.'aad i
It b hta a-ahett
^ahett Mep'
tke hair aaddecayel


af amaklad-bUK
BMMbonriUrof aU>dluoalways baOed Uw
daytora.. Their pelesb aadawTCBry.
bettteaptbe poison,
hot h always breabe

!• Um WBfto of-leers.


lew wen* of the ooei mlaeroof the
The Deaib Roa
•peatry. who Me now otrlkiaf lor ea
The faaeml of Uta. OalboaB Btrokn.
adroaw ore dirertly ood loftoony
tiMoehU to tke oper»tisaM«f the WU- who died Baaday a-ratac at ber kome
laKi—oodof eofleatafof tkebrala,
— Uw. The peadiac hUl reotorte
HoElaiey rel« on seal oad otter it ■Oill beeoodooled tkb atoralny et IC
falo epcreUoB wUI. H b boprd. i«- o’clock by Eer. U. Coehllo at the ConMie. Stroh-’e
•alt i^rrorpd eoeditioeo OMl woreo rrecaliowl ehareb.
kerbaad. Edward, aad 6rr oblldrer,
Ipr Blaan as w^ I ao otkero.
iraedaecbtenaad two aot
DaUI (artkar aoUe- the Ualfomed
Mr. 8trob» b one of U»e old plooeero
Saak. Kafchta of Pythloo. wUI -set
M Ike Brat aad tklrd Taadayo of each of Uw Omod Trararae ratrioe. He
-MlkaMM-acHke iiat Taeador married todeeeaeed 2S yeaiaafo.
Uw family baa baaa oambered ao
Ml^Seokanuioa hb hbyele tke moat eateemed ia Ibb locality.
Mn. KsaayADaorredled ofeaeo
tewar* Bk BapMe Hoaday alfbt oad
Uw borne of ber eon, W. ADaorce of So­
MCerad a terrlUe fall, orhkk wUI lay
los towBshlp. Hoaday atlereooa. eyed
te ap tar a rraek aad aan-altoto
ttybara. The feoerml will be bald la
MPtkar barb- la hh akep at Parh
tke Uwmaa choreh. In Uw Amipleyer
PteaafDraUaa. Bawaabadly aptaiead
aelybborkood. Wedaaeday -otbIb* '
aad toab^ aad bb aboaMar lajared.
Mrs. Aaaorye learee
A lodta of the Ordv of Bwadbb daacbler aad two aoaa.
Bntb«a has baaa -TMitiod bare.
With Heat
PMm Uddqabt b pr-ldeat. Ttaa Nal^ was reported from
wa. aMratary, aad WUIta- Oadarbol-.
A fatal eaBMi
E. a Vaa
iTMaiw. 1W-aatla«aara bald the SllytaU Pirday
Valkeab^. aa employe of Kelly A
.CbrpU.waa.foaad dead laaBeldaear

IC t’Hp «/ T
lay nerratioB eda be toaad. etaad
Trarofae U ycUiey ber obarc. and tlw
Uoa be <
•rriaU of .0—er toortatt are anmer- naideiil tax payer, of Wri^ler aum
olcaia tb- _
------------------ oee aed ffr-iaeat. A-ony U«-e who wonld mpw.-Uu.iy jwUUuo yoar bonaod P’lttaeolb streeu from Uw
■Mat raionMreeltoG t—slrret
arrired hwe Priday were
Harry onUc body to repair by re-vra'riloy
3?r twmrd street frem tbr latar.
w.poleot. the Ml eld eof Ca»
Boyera. Hta. John O. Eoywe
belWMB ^rteraUi aad Klf, of lUilrrtad armor to a poiot
J. P. N. Bc*ere af Chbayo. for Porott
Walkior. NADoTrr. H 1> M.rrtVe woald alao recommead that if
'‘*Hr*«ad Hra. P. <J. Porr of LoobrlUe. yaa. W ii K.a>le. TiiaeSlorer. Jalia. V>id TeIrpbocw I'o. exteads ao; more
■s Booth ftota KleToaUt tlceel. they
Ky., pill Nwd a week at-Paric I’bee.
■Hiolred to erect poles in the alley
,y of Joba
ACbicayo party
____ ..t llaloa etraet aO heretofore or... Bbter. lleorye WUUa-e, Mr. aad
Mra. V. a Cooper, also arrired at I’ark I’raar. N IVloo^A
.. tVetauo.
iryr Urea. v«eu
Geo rPox.
tor I.
Plaee for a ataj of aeroral daya.
C L. GvJiJ.e..
pmmr. J B Kalter. J Wrib. t
Merero of akayo HelybU will also
B. ii.»i>iiu.-ii.
od Dish Co. Geo Uipiey. WIIUmb
ommtt(.w oa Streets aad Sulewalks.
be ayaeat at Ibrk Plaoe a week —
oker. N M.>coUh
On motloB of Aldermaa Cook, dale
lorr.1 l>r Aid.earried. the report was aoeeptad Mid
Mra- J. a fRillikca, M'S- Oeorye
^rwalk^ wUb pow- adopte.1
Smith aad two ohUdrea. aad Mb>
TtarcraeCIly. Mkh.. Jaly 7. IiwT.
Edith Molllkea arrired from Detroll
HotloB canlwL
7b Uw U./meiiWr. thr H.ip>e- oad ftlp
for Ke-ah-ta-waata. wnere Uwy will IVi Uw’tar Mayir i
t’.»lr.rU../ Mw Vttp
7Viiieo.r CUp.
t’..Niirl! n/ th€eUvu! Trwrw
r«ii—ia for the balaace of the eai
Mrs. Shafer, twocbtldrea. aad U. W.
Uxic-ii.»:ar-ii: Wr, Ikr nadrrely^ .'b>iiA was referred tlwpitliloo f irthr
Dluaaa arrired from Ciaclniiali oa tbr
[^|'^‘wrllloyMatrMltii*t^vliy of
U. t A I. They went to O-ea
Tnrer.City do hereby prtlUoo your commrad that said street be graded
koaonUe body tocoeetraet or ranee and grarrled as petitloDed lor.
Loay DUtanoe Tatoto be eoew'lracled aaewrr from WaetaWe would also reco—end tbata six.
Trarerae City ta Dowcoaaecled with
,id city
inytoB sUwt Id eald
cit{^ aoaih
aoaib all
aloay fool sidewalk be ordered boill witblo
tke oetalde world by telepkoae. aad Welliacloo elrael
wiUi aach Inter —itloo of bleral e
Manaycr Barry

■ ”c.r;

aotlAed, and toyeUier with Sheriff
• tiaaadaya- trip U bb yaohu H 8. ampeoB waat to SllybU. ompaaeled
jaryandheldaii laqaeot. Tbcrerdlcl la the United 8
waa Uwt deeeaerJ earns to bb death by

"^‘wmSk”Sfm.'j^rb^n Cerfoll, Ja—
Howr. WJ Moody. A P Caneron.
- Brae
Bracken, Leon P TlUta. Ja. G
lilrdeell. U
a aad the
r 'the new Una from

wMTant Ural deMalan.. Vaa
here to Grand Bapida.
«ka party wae)olaad by Loab Orob- Valkeafaery wa. at work tkere the day
The Hornlay Eaeord called ap Uie
baa aad Wa. BItebeoek. Preratkera before, aad did aotratara to pot apbb
editorial rooms of the Onnd Ba[dd.
Friday momlay a rbU
the beat ereat to tke Uaaltoea.
Herald and seat yreeUngi from the
Qaeea Oty of Uie North to Uw Valley
Bad-taker W. 8.
aiy. There eras ao exebaoffe of ooarte
UTeeadar to attead
aUll bitched to Ure eoUlralor
nba. aad Uie oorreapoadeot of Uw
evertlay apoa the yra-Bear
Herald heraaeot a epeebi meaeare
Uie body. Vaa Valkoebarf bad eriMdeatka mb. ItUi aad iSUi. Mr. deaUy beea orareome wlUi Uw ex-a- Uiat paper. The R»«— reealred
iUdanoabUw aaikor of aretyable tire beat la Uie altaraoon of Tbotaday. tarn tbe eeore of tha base hall ffmnw
belweea tbe Graad Uapids
■Mar aaoa tka prateloa at Uw aader- Be learee a wife aad danybtar. the
and ColB-hos Wrmtern Lear- teams.
former at Uwlrbo-e la Klayoley. Hr
TbiehsTM rlToo as 3 toOtafawof
aboot U yean af aye.
Ihb b an important addlUoo to tbr
i—pliim mi Mix ahare. ebaryed with
Ata—eeUayof.lItMid ’Trarene Be
-eanytay ee-cealad weaptma. wae aa
qalttad by a Jery la Jartloe VeriyiJ ta>kaklwdye.Mo. ls:.I.O.O.P..Bftta«tte>7
line works perfectly, and a eolo
ant ItaterMlay. There were aer-al BlyhC-tha.foltewlSy-offeere-'wefe I
be beard at dbilncUy as betwwa tbr
wttaaasn wha prarad that the aeeeeed etaUed by Paat Grand Sbtar. A.
-pbonn In tkb etly. The line ta no*
k^MRMarwroirer oa Uw
' O’Keal:
opaa for bnsineaa. asd iboae harloR
'MayaadtakeaUtaefaereb. Mob do
Hn. BatUe Hillard.’ Noble Oraad.
DMd of qolek oo—nnlestion will And
M(- Uxdb SeiBkte. Vtoe Graad.
bbadll. Tbeieiy eemeidiigil-tbattlw
the lone dbuaee lion of apeMi
Hta. A-aeda M. Snitk. Sdetetary.
weapaawae aatedbetalad aa ^
Mra. Clan A. Deaa. riaaaclal beerelatkaec-pUiat.
Tka yaaht will pat la at Lelaad.

Bottb B-waod areaae. Saadey ere
1^. Be tea ahead when wlUtU
aqMia of the h—fb. aad id aaxioea wae
kata iota hb abler fartker weak that
hataiAtbeM. AM. E^.*^ riybt ia
treat of tka ealyaiay trala. wUeb
ha did act me aer h»ar. baeaaai et Uw
atn^ waat wind. Bb pereab rn
fraartlB.bathbUlUeBbtw HaUle.

The eaaeaMre bkt I
BiffWk Bdwla8weM.ayeBBy-arried
■aa. eyed thirty, waa urereo—e fay tke
Wtaboatto'ek-k ia Ike '
white at inrk la the Ixaber eaap of
BarWey A tkiayba. Are-11Tbayoaay
' kaa la hte kraae
taadteal MtaaUoa wae prarlded.
dledyeetarday osaralay at # o'eloek.
De-n-d tear* a rrUe aad two ehi|.
diea. Be earried a frateraal taiaraoee
• peltey la tta E. 0. T. M. for M.aoo.
Oadwtakar Oartar a-taS-ad tka bady
r. The faaaral rrUl take plaee

Btapken RStrlrAta

w^ a writ ef rwplerla to obtaU poaMtePnf ahama-Bpon wbtee & J.
H—gan held a -ertgaga. and wUMi
■Mehland was entd to barn dbpoaed
mL Ba dantad tertag tbs
~—. bat
MedtkatItsneU Wexf-H eoosty.
TiBaOe-taUhlB wbat waa Uable to
bpipn, and when be want aft* tke
aim with a sramnl ysatarday Uw bar-

, PtaaaaUtr«M*«>*ta-

R. 8- BbnmberK’s Hooaa Barfwd.
A few minatm before 3 o'clodb CbtBiday —orniBff an alarm of Are eal
tba deparuawt to the restdeoee of
Sebemberger. 7S« Bast Froet stiaet.
When the book Mnl ladder waffoa ar.
riead. and it went oat in a harry, tbr
baildlaf .wae wnpped ia Hsoim and
aaaoke eras pnarlagfrom erery sriadow.
It iwqatred bat a few momeaU to fet a

The dry pMaoiwr b abroad and maksff hlMaltmaaifeMiB a manner that
detsetad. Bcreral ralnabb aad pet'
hare' died myatarioasly raeaaUy. and
idiV Bight Dandy, tbe pet ooeker
ibl of Mrs: U. K Hall, srae glren a

aleeidag. Ailed i
w and awakepad
The nnl—al eras a bar—te— ereatarw
aadagrentfarerlteof Mrs. Uall'a fa—- fa—lly and opened thr door. wh(
i»e of dame bpret tkruogb from tbe
a fai...............................
part. The family waa ton
pe Uiroagb Uw window. A child
hood. Whaatlsnic
el^lDgisaermdleln tbe room
dog had eaten pobon erery effort wm
beiag bomed to d—tb. bat Ur.
apply snUdotea. bat wllboet
SchOBberger toraed back and eeUad Uir
lltUeooeandthrewlloatof Uw win­
befora a deg beOnly a
dow. It wae furtanataly aobart. Tbe
Hr. il^. who Urea )ast
oUwre saeemded In e—ping.
of Mr. llall'e
was nbo
M b rained at aboat roo.
pr^ooed and died la a abort U—e attar
ired. Iboagh tbe ownr
barieg anUB aoselhlag. AnoUwrdog
le at tbe Uma that be ooeld
died in Uw ea—e nmnneroa Stair stieef
not tall Uw bmoanl. The lose wiU be
eMlitalnUwday. An effort will be ebont *bt« oa tbe boBM aod »M01
—ade to apprebeng tbe par^ eo—aUtfaraUare.
Sg^-twffer stated be had 8soo la
mokey aad mloable ynpara U a d—k U
AoQl^U at SUgbta.
Bet after the Are wat
A chapter of aecideota at SHgfab last
Friday kept tbe people at Umt place 'a
a tar—sat of excite—eat for aoae tl—a.
Jmt aboat Uw Uaw of tke Andlag «
body of E. C Vanralkenberg. «
later aad eoaffrmedU
orereoBw by the txce-ire b—i

Friday afumoop Prank Daea bad
arrow ««T-r« fTO— death tn tbe —II
:e was srorklngattbe^pdrataewfateb
haab U«a into the -Ul. Uw chain gars
way and Dans waa gathered la tta
f<dds la a -aansr that might hare
Id bb d—tb.
Tbe ebaia waa
.pfwd aroaad bb body, bat
aatMy tbe —adtlnery waa atop
U-a to prerwnt awn than a pMafal
sbakiag ap, bat be wash
That aftemoan oat of a elaar otrr'
thtas w—a rirtd Aaata of llgbtnlaganda
bolt doeoamdedUta tbe Men of Kelly
A Cornll aod aligbUy sbaeks

lo tbe Committee oa Sewers.
](..n.>ra(Jr ((>• Hxp<.r fl
MCU «f Iht rkp c-r Trooia
m.xaKX: We. t le aadersleaed
DS of the city ol Trarene City,
dierlae tkot oor city b Unwed of a
market street, where both bajer ud
taller are brought toerther. aud tbst
•ach market street would be of Bueb
brncAt to’ both buyer aod taller, and
wbleb b a ooMasliy on all well rero­
uted marketa do hereby peUUOD your
honorable body to set aside a strt«i or
.berwbe arrange for a market sita
ir city and to proride for a license
compared wlUi etl
cilia or inch as yoor wUdom m

•oeb te tSe’caee'if it digt—Mdr
if yea bare a loathing for food tbe
te no nee of forcing it down, for it wl
not be dlgtatad. Voa nwl raelera U
digaaUrc —gnas ta ikeir naur
ataeai^ and eaoae tke food ta 1
feeling erill gt^
place ta rigor and energy; men yew
win pat flab oe poor bona and be­
ea—c auwog. Tbe Hbakta DigeeUre
Owdial as -ade by the Mnaat Lei—
Bbakrrs containe food already dlgcMed
and te adlgeelecof......................................

€ ...

NEW show!




■ meuPH socffTY





II ? |SiiK‘-S5S"ol"SS,

like it

Ilk lafPrtArtTb HAUNtA5C0 TO
^^^UcAwioii. t&coaTCD pr rcteniB

fecta of tbe beat.




Rootbeer THIS® fSM Traverse City,

cools ibc blood,
touts the stom­
ach. iuvisonites


'“v^iy Ec^eetfelly.
W. .1 I’AHksa.

Co—lUee on HtreeU and Sidewalks
Morwl by Alder-sn Jabrao. Ibat 0
report of the- committee be aecepted
sd adopted.
Uotioe carried.
TV. Uw fl.
X—We. year Comm



dWTOf Bta
aoowa anrw

IN size! )I

Tuesday, Aug. 3.


>et: lOMS.



U -.'.rre.l seats aod adirri—lni
I without axlra charge at I
.u • Msn.i
. .

Advertise in the Herald—it .pays to do so.

I Tlie Final Wind-Up Sale I






tv H H.ioker. Jollni Sulnber*. M K
llssketl. Chat H EI.r. .Is— II Heward,
Elmer K While. K N Johnston. F D
Msrrin. P Itefeadorf. T W McConnell.
J W lUnnen. T J Uuat. Jae Hilbert.
JubB Iwrdie. Joseph llouckow. Uorenee Carroll. F. 0 Itartd. S H llayd«.
Il e UcMullrn.
McMullen. Frank Hratab,
Hraseb. Ji
KsgIctoD. ileary JohnsOD. K U Wp.’.
______W J lUdr
Uiaffha— tlnia. .1 F Hoorrr.
Hartinrk. I) J Cal-

PS Homholton. 8 FrankliD. W A Frye.
John Barry, l-ilward Carroll. EGSea- B,pc.wj^ueano..hjJni**•
borg. A J Krickana. C A Thnmpwsn.
t—r .Simps >D.J J Staggs. LJ Ueddy, “rsserrsrrrJ'HeraW Puh WW
.up»lr»r|«>rt» ......................
U Kell-igg. liiratn Cook. B J Morgbl40ItT Pt-irn.
W J Moody.
K lirogbey. Ja—
B. B. a. 1. e P Co. itiret lor Jane
Moore. LaaUrr liras. Howard .Whl
log. Wilhelm. Hertak- A Co.

-■from •'
areaae to Eighlh ’
G Fuller.
tllwjo, A Dyke. N Detour. Walter L
Watsoa. <’>co Fux. KA I'eatwaa. Ales
Mcltaugblia. Jobo Gallagher. Bd*^
Stellh. Cwo V Martin. John E Kidder,
F l-almer. Frank Umlor. B J Fleming.
B Ulngrn-. W H Byun. Geo 8 Harlow.


Hored by Alderman Jabipne tbrnttke
peUUoc be referreedto U><
oeelreetaand eldei
Uolion carriedTrarerae City. Hleb-.Joly I. I«i
TV> the M'.w» Ihc Unv'f wad ('Up
Cuunell of the dry uf Tntvmt Citv.
Gxxnjt»xx-I make ^^e ^Wlowing
gire lease
for three yearn ft—
1. ISUT. to tbe aiy for^
in Herald baildlng for
Tbe City bae been
:ts.VHOper a itb.
aring Noe.
Rw aty El
gire the same room* as now aoenpUd

bariag raeated —id room
t'adrr tbe
pr—ent arrangement tbe City woald
paytssoopar mootfa for tboae
bat lo ' consideraUoo of a
years’ 1—ae I will make tke
KKttper moatb. a —ring ta ike City
of $36.00 pw year, or fUe no ta Uw

. OnnOR dnw BM atwayi IndMM
I COMBB—km. Mr. W. ft. Pslaer. -*
' Wswrloa.lowa.wTliai‘IWtaml
wtib a asrro— ortciaia af
-h—whlra dereloped Into

Hored by Alderman Gooirteb that
OMyMrtn>-JBly gto “
**MoUon —rried by yea and Way
aa follows:
T—s—AUermea Parker. Heaugsa.
Qitaltck. Ooodrieh. Cook.

ill til.'Wliiliiii; Blo-’k l»
This i* our Inxt a-i’kV
Il isjn-l llinx- yiwm I
. ini" our now ami si»a< ioiiH i|iiari.-r>i, Tbe New ^Ia»$ Block.
Trav.-r...-Cilv nnei vii-iiiity wiiha Hue ..f meri-hanrtisi' ■
• *v oj>rn*>l onr doom to lh<’
imblii’ of Tn
u|i-L>-il(iti’ m-AHoiiabli’ Koxlx biioirbl
; alii.-li euitixltholim««-^>mel«nkrii|it
r iidk’bly d'dUr perJ'l’rfft f
alwBVH At BlltMIlIhL’t-'lIB fl-jurwi. ItlUK
• ■
. J___
W . 1... -. .1......... ..........
fiG rt-nU cm the .
foriiKxl woiidern. 'We1i8\rtlir..aiii>ii'tli.-innrke1 lum-li «m-irh«iuliif at SG <xmW
otinioim np ‘
il.nt Is'n. fiii-tor Iiak Is-eii Hi.' pnliHi- from llo-daT •
■lollar. but Giir i;r<-Al
l» the itr
iirihu-iit liuio.
this AA. au oi)|>ortune tim.-1- tl.iuik all ..f our i«lruns f..r tb.-if
••ur buitiiieM, num- rwtiular u|i uwinta linen wliicli
Bwinr.- ib.-jii wliilr wr will (idd
.r tl. lii-li at tin- I'lir-fl liviiiu' prolita, we a-ill not deviate friwii aur iiUL aynlom
Wl' will
t sU.-ke. ioU. bnitl-ui) iii. ri-liauta will find an nxyloin with n». _
• f<_-r
tiH in theiJd Kland. w.> hare madii
madp trt
extra .
] In the mchiiUme. in Ibe f- w (Uyx that iviimin
VI- 1*0 (
- mluetiimx ami rpectal cute on a lot of morehaiidiar i lii-h wa (hi not want to move


ixrr:axirT sxri kxkixo rt xn.

Isirrig. WiU S Andersen. J W l.itoey.
Tl.ooias A liarna. Ibmry Aaderiww.
Arms A Cole. Antboay GrclUck. II A
ManneU. W UeDaaaldr C Tbbnuta. T R iuso<lrsyiu. J«ta
JSta raC^..
Th.yer, E F Ferris. A 11, I’eWr KIrsn
BUaam In opentlm. bet the
Wilcox, II C ClMk. J Clark. Jiiho IWfiffaioed ao ffreat\bead way that Uiere nliig. Jss Moody, John Broole. tree H
was llUle hope of aarlag anytklne but (I’.Veal. Fred tVoralrtirg.
Uored by Alderman Goodrich tbst F.Tm'o««v j'^sitalsT**^'
tbe fnme.. Ilowerer. hard wook eoo
lb'- petillon be referred to tbe eommit.__________ itrdl and no danger Waa o
le.- oo wayl aad i---------cnaakmed to Uie ad}rrinWc balldiaffa.
MnUoD earried.
An boar latar tbr An was almost
B tl.Csi>[«rlie>><
•oUrsly exUagobberl. but Uw ooaMicAlgdu'
Aierrv*ss Ihre SDxtBr Os., lOlhJBrrs
tanta. while apt eaUrely banwd. s
GxxrLxwxx-We. rthe nnderalrn d.
—ideeta and taxpayera. rapectfally grsrerw
cii> Ires
im a'.
aurss. rr
rrsrme Cil)
■itaUte nxa-

doao of pobOB wbleb ended Its Uie.

fpOljraAd was Aaad tau aad giran
«hMy Asya is whtak ta pay wp. ladeflidi €t pny-tat tka aesaasd b
U Ibe baildlng. bat ga** •
' ba to Him. Vp^ha mi

tboa».^’^l£^M?b ’
the coainrT. It
Coatryions Blood
ms. Kb«B—atbm.
Canoer. or ear «ber disease of Ibe
If you bare a blood disease,
taken R—tdv which will aot taiate yoa.
Beware of meiuary. don’t do vtoleace
> yoar system. IKm'l yet botUedopI
Oat bbokserat bretoaoy addnaa
Swift SpecifeCo..AUaata.Ga.______

, .to Kiabth ou

Hllybu, where be Bad baeo eayayed ia
ealtkatlay. Ooroeer Hooa pasatoaea

Hta. Baaaah Ja-feoa. Tteaonrar.
HI- HyrUe Hooker. R. & M. Q.
Hn. Aaaa La-ley. L. S. K. tl.
— ef and a peifw-aora s
HI- Aaaa UebUe. B. 8. V. G.
•I. ±__ __ __ i._ «. «_
_______ _
0 iryiay «> **«
Hbt Hary Strohm. L. S. V. U.
Mftafdya late tke ^llader of a XI ealMra. Mary H-kaar. CoodaeU*:
fbrtiM«lrer,wlwathe load waa db
HI- Fraae Oaye. Warden.
ekMtad. the haUet yoiay aompbtaly
Hrv Hyn Pox. laoide Gaard.
thrwayfetheeaatiaol bb ylyht hand.
Hra. Salo-a Eller. Oetalde ilaard.
Dr. TWa^ playyad ap Uw bole aad
Hra. ArU-iUaO’.Seal. ChapUla.
•are ta-the ataarMee that keweoU
Hn. Head SWony, Oryaatet.
BepeeaeataUret to Graad LodyeliUto Udb Makepaaae. flra yaan Hra. Solo—a Eller. Hra. Clan A. Dean
atd.fltartadsrttbhbpat«ata to take a
- MnUak-ytbebayaboreatUwfootof
Doff PoboatDK.

Uiroal. fillivtlwwith aaliac earn.
S.S.S.. U Uw oalr
known care lor Uib
diwBoe. Itisyaar-'






Oiwta Bkkey.
Areaerel larllaUoa b exteeded



fc WrUlV.’
anfl will

XewfilaKeSlorormxl and otaeliina aawrd
In tbe Sbo(' I).’j»rtment w.- linve taken a lot of
. (be aDiform price
; bulton ah's*. worth fnmi fiSG to
aii-1 bate IW
we bare •
. $1,28.
Ijuliem’.xmgr.’He iraitenibnd
irait' nibnd jiili.-lLn.
jiili.-lLs.. iu
lu hlni-k and«i, north
init(!..wnt..88c. IJri-at rH.liii-lioiixar.'U'inL'iuii<l.-onmeii’a...l.>nxleli.a^

Si,in WniHt IVjwrtmenl -Thehiob art of shirt waisteof ourw. whi.-h ham
ibe talk
n ne have diviJi-d
J ini',
iiil'i f.nir
f.nir hdje. IaA 1-All of onr h.iavy iwixmle* and trood
•:.x| ihwrn U> 48c.
liot 2-A l.rt of
vnlu.' at fl.t*'; we have tnark.x
• (rtylirh waisl*. lalcnt effet-lA mark.xl aowi. to 68c - Ix.t A ^-.rnpruk-n aH line faiirioe wmru
• Rti IhdnL' retailed bt
}, mark.xl down to
t> 76c. led 4
1h a lot of Shirt Wnl^ ahteb are
' Iw-auliiti to U-hold and the
Urn prir-ehn
price :.n Ihem
Iheni ILr^lay la 88«. Ci«jie ipiii’k before ibi

The Money Savers,

rm=np. BOSTOliT STORE,
^ vw*i’n.r« -txpo-:.

xtaJLtr—— oxxir.


Correct Idea
In a Pint of cioflies is a good fit. There is, as a rule, some
defecU in a cheap smt; wliere it’s most visible to the eye is
in the make up. \Vo harp on that particular point. Our
verj cheapest suits are made upright, hence the great satis­
faction they give. It is au easy mattfu- lo, put oh jiaper that
you sell a $12.00 suit for $li(ijl3pd llie diHcrouce between
actually selling a $12.00 suit for $0,00 and advertising it, is
very great indeed. Wlieii we say we sell a $7.00 suit for
54.08 and a $1000 suit for S0.70, it’s not wind tmt actual
facts for yon to look up and see for yourself. Everything
guaranteed as represented or your money back.

07. tj-nosrr.
Popular Olothier.

194 Front Strtat. Friodrich BIX

Traverta City. Mich.

aty. N
Tbibe i

Jaly S.1W7.
Afoper <—d OU»
^ yynwwac OBV.

CtacwwMr af M

Subscribe for the Herald and get all the News.



At Oagfaav Mia. Bawr Owauato


■arad oaly by tto a>eat pranps w

■ ST’”*’*'"—


iMXIIwth»«7«w^ nef
nef Mv tbadnwrttudbMM
Bi*«raBk»«natitj«fkOT«M*ad wfUaMno aar pwla
«MtoMcT«w2>r>vA% BW* Mn. HUT 8»i'klu4 Ml
kalisoD aaMaluaSatanIa* aftai
aadwkaa MOfealia Ike a& fata b
At Uww^ba^ tfac Istut daoflilar
al WUIIw N«dlm ww teUUr aoaldad
to «u»* l»u» • ub of bolltar wato.

^^^2? Mladto ****
Hy dla.
to^In^TT)^ ud^m%oh^kl/

■ That It to to tto
ranyl^ayof ttoCBilaUM tataenr
SiWtbaBatotkiaaTBaB. Itit tto badl *
aaWUoo «< Pi'aNiliaf Gtak aad hit
atUka of f-......................................................


ArenaA tto Begtea.

ran!idtatoLdta tatoS

of them ia IIM
lent baiM
totba OoBBlllta aa Firaaadli
aty Oerb nad.City Attonoy. w

NathmiTtoa ^
toto to tto pltnt of aoMing in tew. Tto
Tto San
ta Fraadoee eon-

raelcd lo draft
----------- .--------«tto Hksfalgan
Mooed by Alderman Montagna tl
On. loparilMin) Ax haeIn niderlag 6- ------------------ ire aaaaally ina ih^ aty
oftto Petoebay^Ml
to the Commiuec on Sira
-tbalUatraHoa poiau
teM atat
nf tto alraeta and nll>-ye now <
Sktewnlka. wlUi power to net.
la tto dW for their ei
^rtb^U Ihiaaty in ooaneetl
a eonpleted fa a aatleaal bairing
Traverae f-Uy. MIeb.. Jely T. iwr
and for tto Chlaeaa. where they can
7b tee BamnU* tee Mown- <md C
m E.PI-. .«.»i I,
" '-'r.
Tay at^ tytoka
Coiracfi_of tec ritv of Tramr Ci
renUan hot beai one

gr ao.«00 deUgata w




-liariag pnniriiBte
to tto CoBB.ttee oa“w2?*Tto'^
forming a eoraplraey to
Baton. Chicago. Baltlaere and
HoTcd by Aidermae Jahrata Uat tto
aty of fifty daiW»i
____dtla raecaUy arganiad m tto
I (Serk and Treaanrer be autboritm) to- lioeo^aon.-y. i
SawdAxt froB Ue bUU —. ..
National Chineat tyadkate. with r^
OwTgt raak. as agto fa»r. Ml ia
il ttoVvrat I
ftani tto Cnatingeni ft
_____________ in ereey luge dly la tto damped Ihto Rapid riTornntil ttotivrat
tmt of kb uoirar wbllaaBlUac »bnt
without dnecunsid-i
cafcbtuu ator KUaaaM «at OMriJ Mae. Tto alaito elortr hat aoi a laod Vnitod Statea. It ia aid to eootral In dl^nal tore gooo tu aaok a toppkr faad* a* fellow*.
' I
.taaeed withAt AArfaa. Baerg C Biowa. toief «<
. I0O.-I .10
Tto’Aartnrof tto Battle Oreek tnni- ^la. waa aelaeta. abd
Tbe tu of Jaly road be* told by Pe- Qearril itrertfond .
forW SCI makrtUa^
tto>ia ainifiLt. •Uppad aod Ml oa tarias bat axplred by llmlttUoa. A
.. itou 00
tewkey praqik latt week Hoaday wc* Water toad....................
pnrdiaeto It for
B fkwpniiw
. bu 00
a uaat toto. Mrtoaalj weaadloc ''
aaa aaAlng of dUaeat wat held to
a great auBcetn, aeeeral fauadved people Police tned....................
fora ptnni for ocganltlag a new phltaraing oat aed buUdlnga long ttreteh
ceir*< and placed os file
loathiopIcaiaaelaUtotar carrying on of’ta*Bapiitl You
of bieyele peU.
The Mayor appointed John RenalJaa
tto weA of tto ■aallariBB <a. hronder of Aseria It to b
Chief of the Fir* Hepanmaot. to fill
groandi. A oobbIUm of tfrtoty waa aoi«B July IttlLtol!
Tto family of Wm. Sbaoac lirlag IVioliag faad..............
^ancy ranted by rmlgna^ of S C.
appointed to draw ap a plan cd organ- ettallacbealothe«
nrar Ceotral Imke. were poitoued a few
iB ^wotthefralnnaladjuunet
Tiiw of the
day* ago by <lrinklag leieooade and
CbaMu Darla, alanabasd. wbOa
reladoBB betwem tbe Ilaptiat V.
by Aldrrmnn (Htodrich. 171*1:
Motion rarried.
Uea taling brgad aad milk.
wmk la
DaiTaafa bartold. thraa
at ■nndebre
PMple't roloB of America and
Hayorily and ralaority reporta of ■the appaintmroi
barely eara^ with their Urea.
■aUai awtof Pootlae. aaCnad a aua.
Umkw earripl by yea and nay vote.
BapUet Touag'a nnloa. at
.jmmlltee oa atreeu and aSdewalkt
__________ _____^datinyed bp lightning arr to the tontharn llaptitl edBren
atnto aad diad witUa aa hoar.
relatlre to impr-wemcat of Weal Sixth.
latt night, togelbor rriih two ralaablr Tbe gathering rrijl thwto non bi
n Parhar,
West serenth aad S.>ath Cedar atreete
Hr. Bad Mn. Jay White, who lire bortea Tbe loa U tS.ooa Hn. TtorailrritUk.
were tak’en up and read.
toe. who waa at bow alone, raabed
luan^. liarri* in. and Jahrana
Eaat Jonlan aed Geatral Lahe -laat
Hored by Alderman Hoodrieh th
Into the bnralng bora at tto nak of
week. The Uoe bad been alto aboat tbe majority report he accepted a
tor lifeaadrtoeaedaae bone pad ur- aloBt
_______________ j aodltorhim. and which •o.r week*, aad tto extri>lnr
will oomfortably teal eguo peepk.
' ed him.
The aalmal
rather flnitbed
Hored by Alderman Moatagne
lloaeut. it b ..aend raotloe of Alderman Uoodrlch
e bridge oa Fnint \
eently erected by the dty of <%ai
(tract jnittakt nf<»k ttrael. ned to'
aoega. The ebairman oftto local
byUylngboth majority and Ain
TWa ta kal UtUa b^ for bit raeo*-;
repair tbe railing find tidrwtik at the '
bllng an alligator, or as iBi
reporia on tbr table.
bridge on l>*k ttrrrt juat north of
ard. aboet four fact long baa
A tad accident ncearred Wedneadxy
Hotioa carried hy yea and nay
At Btaadbh. Sari KaMlI. prteetaal ia tto whirlpool wtora Hearer. Uenr
afterDooa In .-.luU MiHoa. which will
a( tto atooob. waa Ibrowa boa Ui aad Bed Bun creekt come together, ll
cripple little Jo^ the
Aldermen Parker. MoaUgne.
Moved by AI
ttde a dtah at aocne bm who were
1. neellmaatel and Jahran* It C. Hoffal be app.sinted ae memi'er
rbiag a fei^ito^ ^*nd aearad them
D tbe long h
kliaga mowing machine, aod
aoh Mayor .Smith.
nf the Board of Uncatiba from Ward
appraaebee In magaiude a general cpI-.
the trat ia front of the koivea.
Naya. AldrtmeE
No. 1. In place of J. It Kllllag* .de-[
Hwtort W. Wbatoar. hattar kaowa
Joaeph Uowter. who operatet a t
demk. Beportt from all aeeUont of whkb completely tereeed bbleft fool Cook, Imtdie. and liarrboo
at -BaatoB' WtoUar. ha. rataraad to at Boodo. with four looberatotto cooatry raoeired by the Amociated
It the large toe from
to ankle aad eat
Report of Committee pi Hrc
Motion carrir.1
Hrt. Kranklln and her daughter.
Pm thow proatratkma nDBlaefiog in
eUer foot.
Water relatlre to appoiniment of
Moved by Alderman Jahran*. Thtt
Chief wa* Ukea ap and read.
he matter of aprinkiing the street* on toUar.
B. N' Tompkint baa tbe boUding op^
Alderman Hue
•day, there were eoorea of death! reanlting for hbnew wooden bowl aad tondlr; lhat.the report be accepted and adopt- Snndaya be referred to the |t»Td of!
le camp had lei
Work*, with Power to act.
abd Hri. Franklin U t bia place. Sto from the Intolerable beat, the deati
1 taking powder rate iB mapy of tto large cltiea ahow
picked vpi
long dbtance teleMotion loai by yra aed nay rote a*
loTcd bv Alderman Mootagtie, That
Ing a ftariol loereaae orer prerioni
the Fire Chief be vmpvwered t« rmp'.'V
Yea*—Aldermen Ureiliek. Iluellmafil' Ed Hardy to arabt at the engine b.«uae.
eeeerely ttoa other Mctiona. tbe and well out of the woodt.
Ate o'clock the otbkt kutrnleg Dare
tell. andUarrbos.
take charge of and r^ the Ore roginr.
Aaa Arbor anyor baa giTCD ordai
Ealller waaoa bit wartoltey atyoo beat belog n>.et deadly lo Chicago.
.Nayt—Aldermen Parker. Montegue. etc., for the balance of the fiscal year
thapoUcetothoot^laauapled d
bia wheel.
Aboot toe taflea wett of QBohioaUta St- Looia- la the o
lio.ririch. Cook, neamoad. Imrdie. and at the ewte of »15 liiaper m.inth.
A Torch Lake fartoer repoH.
ol latantlat
Chicago bcada the
city a huge bUk bear leknirely her 0..Jahraoa
UntioD carried by yea aad nar vote.
c£S MUlt^
wd the road alnoat nadcr kit aoae. rrith
Report of committee oo-Sre aad wat- t« fallow*:
ed by a Uoy laaeA which coi ■a them
B . bad BOt beard the aoiaeleat
relative to water tupfSly fur ceme­
VeaA:>Aldrrmro. I'arkcr. Mootague.
the aoaUi the beat *t atlAcka them 1b large son
W.ALoeha.whUeftddhria Maala.
el uid tto rider alamt raa laio
tery, wa* takrn np --•* '.rrllirk. <l-kKl'-..-h. Cs>>k.
antca a apeedy death.
mUmtacreeUagib^old bw
tel. and Ja-brana
■traaaplanted'' from one Se
other aod fartnera in that rrglon arr
Nay^Itw^baatr aad bow It rot there ta into the jaagle aloofaMc the ritad.
Afiderman Cook duly
obUlolng It for tbe benefil of their
• '
irrlad. C
Tto eaealBg factory at Hart it. withAt Ctoboytaa. JaM HeSenr. a oatadoBbt, a grtatar indnatry than
protpecta iB eeotral aod
k. W. 111. KtKIi.
wealaeatteTmu’aadtrid aettlar. wai tto'paop’e geoeially BBOermlaod It to oo?fa* lluaaia'are '^wing
nieer ^ireat aayt
The I .
_____ CHy C'lrrk.
el. tiarriaon.and Jahrau*.
tlealrar- Fred Ibrar* keep*
to. Ula raportod Unpeople
ContiOBone ralot
a a very fine article
N'ay—AUlennaa Uoodrlch. •xdepi' - In Hoaton Ibked Brant.
We wUb
wUh Ml
Moved elbtobb b»d.
Ibrae* would inform tbe pablle what
_ ------------_ -.dertsi
tat Trauan. who It waa aappoeed day laat they pet tip Ss.sxn eana. on licalfy ruined the >ngu I
kind of u uitkle it b. for if bras-are
•ire for eeftein art;- within 3u .lay* oa the aouth *1.
by tto a-------- ■- •—• Saturday iO ouu and oe Monday 4ll.>M^ There b erery likelihood that
cana. which la a greater prodnA by far eotwlll beoneof thedu' '
g* people la general w .Id find then. Front ateeel from the weal line of l.ot
Hlk. li- origiaal Blat |o I'ark Piae.uch cheaper In the long r
MdaylU tot b«a Itow to tto eoaa- thaa waa erer put up before in the Bomiae fablory.
jeet»djaci-nt lo all dnieripii.ins where
in tl
than lea.
eatier to obuln
Tbe rnlcano of KlUt
auiuUe aidewKlk b not new boilL.
notice on tbe eeenlng of
Motion enrried.
terrlfit explealoea, which were 1
Tbr big wondra ware-fartory nfRiehMoved by
thirty milea away, and alnoct li
ardlA Hcehtold.of Bellalre. ilie action of the Uuu ”*j«t
Hall's l-*t*tvtVuw 1- I»v*i, .i.icraallj. an
UWJI'WII, uisa. ta. I.I.S.1 *T,.I nim-ss suHa- I
ately after fire wax eecn by ]
alroyrd by fir* ahorllr alter 11l o'eloek
-------. relatire-to C^BetH)- w
alngly." aod alao that they
___ ,
Sereral Toraday night. Tbe fartory. ofiice and ply, be i-raclDiled.
iring along t
groapt of three Betooktbn
a are in operation, and
' ll'iB carried by yea and Buy v
the lata lake ctatinn
emtinnea to rue rapidly,
- <'■
errrrlhing, in fact, hot tbe new farTWICE m FOBMEB BUS.
ont «<'
&«> feet deep aod Ib- tory'of Hr Ricliardi.
aad b BOW about
It b nnl known
all^ paracreating in aeUrity.
bow tbe fire origlDaird. hot when dit■1^ and are aow wotklag oB bla grape
Birgling Bros' Big Show More Than
third fraegbt with
In theCltT of MexioOj^fforta on tbe corered it wat beyond rontnii.
alaeaaDdwk*n>Eojbled Since Last Tear.
part of tbe pbsalcbb* is charge of the laat b with only about •-'l.»t>


. ,'S.;

prieeia laab a
ua, aatto crop



I is made easily and quickly with
5 our McDermaid revolving bar♦ rrt chums; or if you prefer to
^use an upright stone chum we
have them also in 3, 4, 5 and 6
gallon sizes.



f Corner Front and Gass Sts.. 1 ravens City. 1

K srirjr S'Su':”.;'3,'i


Summer Lap Robes t Dusters |
at prices ne\xr heart) of before.






Trunks and all kinds of Traveling Baga.

TrawarM dty. Xtohlgaa.

' 1S9 rract FjoK.

k Anti-Ant

C?f bU 1

Among tto law itadeala la ttoiuBmer aAiool at Abb Arbor it Kriward
Harades. a fell-blooded toquimaB
fma Alaaka. He bat the typical lea
Uree aed bolld but b fSii looking.
Mr. Marades waa early oonrerted to
Chrlitiaoiiy and gradoated lo the tUlka
Indeatrlal Sebool.
He aerred at a
mboat band on tbe Korlh l•mclfi<■
« yenra. Hr. Maraden expeeU lo
ira to hk eoeelry
lolry aB<and nae
___ _...
kaowledgeof lai o help Imptnretbe
pollUcnl aod
d maomk oondlUoai of

eaatoe eaUUc to beenaie Inuna.
Mitok tto ekinity of ML Oobb

taw le boau t^ eat of toy.

«H, a.^rd.T

ti.. >»».

Mrt. IlarlBtHtaae.aBeWraaSd«ol of

SSTto eneape d^lng. w*» ao badly
tojarad laternally that W reeorery U

Wy t«b-rer.
Mra. U H. OoeenJt of Urwall waa
toflly Wttaa by tor borat while retontoTbo^ troB Oraad Baptdt oe Aally
S. Tto laetcaUont hare dereloped
tato Mood polace and the rieUs Ilea In
• aritk*l<ondluae.
( At DlBioedale. poUloetara Eaat be­
ta dwarad by boga. BJpeetrawbeii!;t%ylag oa^batoca. and bMa are

ehMran Iron the


Tfae Bnttlan gorernmest bat decided
Dot io nruceol with tbe tebi nf Kendore
Karateff. tbe chief actor in U>e dread­
ful iBBUring trugedy ucar Tiraapdl.
aonltorn Buttb. where tix peraont.
Tllrecter Si^nelder. of the etnte Bemberu of the tanuUcal tecl known
wfBther bimeui.
reporu that the hlgb- a the Katltomiki. had been walle
it they might *r,ei3^ la^eeV waa lot de- aTIre by Koralcff ttol
ImmoUtlOB. Korre« at ClintoD. oe .FViday. and the
•went M degreea at CbeboygxB. on
loadpy.^The hot
The recent heavy rain* hare ezearaiortlvttotUdonbledlBAte. Wheat led a deep canyon through tbe town of
aad tre alee ripened rapidly,
MuyugaltB, at the foot of the rolcaoo
;tepe.Mtaragua.da*trx>yinga DOBbare aaSered eotne. aed It haa b
of bnaacu. OmeUpe 1* a
’ lor potatota. beaoa t
iwaret It*
Potato Vogt arr mneb lo
erideBce. and appla are dron>ing
badly. Bay It a large crop- of Cor and fanadih from teren to eight milea.
quality, aod haa been well eecnrad.
11 eontbtaof two granite mooiruini
At the aen meeUBg of tbr aUte IB which are the two rUlagea of Omekpeaad
board of agrieallare an ineaeclorwlll
beappolBled under tbe anthorfty of a
bill paaed by the laat legitlature to
prerratttoapreadof adlaeaa known
ai 8an Joae acalc, wbleb affeete frnli
a It ia now kaowa to eiiat In JO
itka lo thla atote. To the naked
i inafioe
'knit to
.. water.
may be remored only In tto winter
t’rae by a ttrong aolntlon
of lye. The
__________ Upon the
tto wood with lu l<
laapeetor lotoapr bort
ilBted will tore anlhorfty lo proaemu
wbe neglect to datroy
thrpaata. to



tottow^Ok^ Ten r
to And Jnehnt. fire to iiant
Mato Aker and thiM t^t«
Luesboro tsraieru who hare paatnret
nrv the Hoetatnol- The
three mUre of PH
cagla cooM down by i
carry lamba
Aangbter the cheep waahed the mimrlng o* ecra ia Ue away to their aaate. TYiry light upon
the abeep. pick out their
eir ryea
eyea and then
Mda. whlk wheat and bv*~
eatCog tto 1



At Wamn. while tbl. Mooret Urad
Alatoa paper* of Jbm . . .— ..
W rraa drirta honK with ttoae cbUtoaa. tto borw rma array.
A little eelred. atau that tto rnlcano on Dooglaa bland, optnalte JuBcaa. b in a
* eruption. Tbe 'entire town of
____ waa watehlng with iaterat tto
are enterUlned foe
aarMfroeo. i
ImmeBae elonda eatited from the
tor. Thb rolrano bu no name, bi
Otncge eni, a faraur Unag thfto oaeof the hlgbat penkt on Ikmgla*
bland, and altuated a Tittle niwth of
tbe Treadwell mlaa.
ktcbad back, elrlklag him la the cheat.
■ediadatlo-eloekTauday aomlngBe WM aboet OO yenrt of age.

. lightning ttraek
ik Sendar atternnea
cored and ahnufired
to allow tto
prerent otl^ tanka
The CMapiogail brnowbiacrea
________ ol'Ml
ol'Ml b
Ilooina are being bailt to
preeoBt tbe eprrnd of tto bopnlng oil
aad keep It ont of ttorirtr. Tbe 1>
wUl be large.
Vaa Nat Talaage. It yean old. of
Lotaia. K. Y.. felt from the top of a
high tree la hb father * garden while
'Meklagehairien In falling to caught,
•a a low branch by tto trnnewe and
hung there with hb bead down for at
leaat tea bIboIb. Ht tto Usie bb


Uatil thk jtot HarabaU haa beaa lb) olltoca
btot Baikal fer wool bi that teetlon ol
Sr tawAioto^tT^ *^Mr rrool. bet
tta year it waa dlfiemnt. they weat to
AlMSar Ttkootto and oUier ptnoB
wWa tto Bartet wat Ugbu.
AtBoBto J.A. tBcaa. agent for the
ffilltiattffn------- do.. latatadllboBta pMtOBt. which to had recelred
Sa lto Mow Eogtond Fbdaratioa of
Theyelr.a-.a_______ I ...A ..111.^ .
e trip bach

s?.^ _

HcAUtn wat diarring
een'tifaiB at Cllfilord


tto rraMat.
It haa Jatt baea

I1.A1I.. I. UV
traibera. ib that c
eqaatawealth ita
aad M^y ereey —
Ataat waMia ago a Mew Ha««B aer an b IbWe lo arr CtaIrBan ^taray* it will be
' of tbe police 1
I duty of tto pollee to
V eaforee Ibb
•II a* orery ottor. aod tto
allUneri are U high dadgeoa Otar tto prenpeetita rain ad tbMr
baMaaa. Aeaudlag le tto lawya* It
> diaenm to wtok atale Ito

S; sS'USd'

loaane htaplul for womes to iliwurer
tafe narcotic which thosld protome a
duce tl p bare reanlted In bringing
into dal y Bte in that Inatitotion a
Ample n ntdy prepared from the teed
.. . xaputr. Ilproilnee* a tran(|ull Aeep and Aoce It tia* taeo nvA no
dratht Irua oereUral coogetlion hare
bran known at the IntUtntloB-

to^ to


Helailt which haee Jett been re->ired of the foundering of the Indian
pilgrim ateamer Sultan. lUO milea eaat
of the bland of Socotra, the firat newt
of which wat brought to ColoBbo by
the l-enlnauly A Oriental.Co.'* tteamer
, on June 15 lutt. thow that the
firat boev lowered from the Bull
u> piece* nsd Ml Ita ourupante
n by tharkt. inalght of thote
r OD board tbe tteamer.
board the ValetU.
Queen Victoria. Emperor
Empenir Niebolaa,
Niebolaa, Pretiuent Kaore
and King Humbert beta
L_ . replied to the
telegram rcecirrd by them from
timila to
. and
give — timilar
by Emperor Francb Jotrph.
Emperor Wtilbm aayt in anbatance
that her grela bb Inability to ditauo
____ hli aelf from the view* held by
the other powera Replba lo the eireular of the Tnrkbh governBcnt to
tto power* relative to the froetirr
iieetaios. have alio been raeeived by
Uia ambaatador*. They all declioe to
admit the Turkith prutentkina.
pane hat sent aaothrr circular
B propoalog that
_____ bed ooDdftioot rxbUng in CAM.
Turkey uend relnforeemenu to Ito
bland. To thb the power* have alto
replied, endravoriog to dbtuude tto
parte froct ttwh a tte^
rOTrramenl b bel5^ lod
aullan doc* not intend t<
gard to tto frontier qurkl

. Alderm
'hat the propoeltMin o'


a j.ruUAira.aii
lUrauw.aiii*. rire tei*
rr-*wlr.|-~ll._- Co ».|. 1.
ho t—r.!-™
II0...C...M0 X—r.lre.
Bw-V a loatrr I'w -erri
. \-t€j reai^tlUlY. ^ ^
H. M..-.T*-ru
r. C- I>i;«u.'Mi.
tVimmittee oofnalnuand Accoenta
Aored by Alderman tiarptou tba
he n-pnrt be accepted and cbimt b
UuUoD ce

d by yea aad nay ro'.c

rmaa-Pariier. Montague.
Irich.Cook Iktmood. Larm»el, fiarrieoa and JahraoH.
.OIJ- Treacurer't report for
BoUon of AlderJnne vrat read, and oo BOtlor
mao Ooit duly eariled.' wa. accepted
and ordered-' ’

fIM «

!»*• li,cmnoli K*|d' rlreH

In tbe

M'llSCn carried by >•

; is;



lU-err. Juh* 'U
iSu >teUrii*.ntrt(ite

Board of PaMk Work*,
Hr C. K. llrra. Chairman pro tern.
A.'W. Bo-axmi. Clerk.
Moved by Alderman liarricoa that the
eport he accepted aod claim* be orered ptid at lecommendedHoUoa carried by yea and nay rote
Yeaa—AUermea Parker, Moatagne.
rireilick. Uoodrieh. Cook. Deamoad.
Imrdie. lincimaatel. Uarrbcia aad Jt

by the Coandl of TiareAeOty. Michigan.
Uagvlne Note*.
That in exteeding the taxea npoa
Harper-t Hagatlne for Angntt will tbe tereral taz-ralb of tbe city, for the
he partlenlarly ateongln Criioa. with curreat fitcal year, the City Cierk ttoll
Btoriea by Frederic Rrmingtoo, limit laid taxe* toonr per ranlnm of
Wbter. Maiy UanwrJi Catberr niutHi-d ralattdm of tbe fcoperty
he xffected by tuch taxce: provided
sSri*CtoSan^anJ AUce“l>SJ?;
it thb reaololiim thall not In any
ith the aeoood iaata^ntof -Tto manner limit nor apply to the ioterevt
Kentocktena" by John Fox. Jr.
.inking fund aa heretofore cwdered
notable teauire of tto namber will be
raM for the preaeat yrar.
aa article <m "Tbe Inaaguratloa.'' by
Bichatd Bardiag narit.aimilaria ebar>
ttovirid dneripliflcof "Ito
of the Cxar.- wh!.:b Mr.
>bed in tto HagaxlDe a few
**'rra^ldermea Parker. Hootagta.
Ilreiikk. linodrich. Cook. Deamnod.
Harper'* Weekly for Jely
aad Jato firat Inttelmeeu of tto tli
tireek Warof ladepe................
■The Vintage. ~ br E
Bew n:^t-N’o.A
Rrwirarl. Hy the Connell of the City
Boa. anttoe of •'Dodo:'- a ceraription of
tto Qneea'i JaMlee. illattrated with of Trarrrae City that we hereby teodee
- .borate drawlaga: aad (llatirated nr- to the Special Water Supply Com .........
lea on -'Tto Baatoratkm ol Inde- and to rack member thereof a r
peadraee Hall.’' oa -Tto CtarbUaa Bn- thank*, aad we hereby hrarlily
firaror CoDeeatloB la Sae Fraamaeo.- mrod thm fer the action taken.
We denim toexprata eer high
■■'The Botaakal Caideatof New York.'
and ra 'The Tklrd Rail Electric Syw , eiatioh of the aebotarly. ayntematic and


GranulBted Sugar Can.

Trsvenic CHy, Micb.
agar Una kaagaea tee wnU. I*

ire Yoi HerroM?

Irome paviiioa., lu arniy of pe«««!r. ii*
liti/'ing glor.ra -f glcaniiBg gold an-l
-clBtUlatlog coio-. aod ita kaleUo-



;>y comparlaon with lU own f.irmer
.'rcaln.-a* thkl ll* prv»<-'.! stupendous
magnitudr ran br uppe-'dat'-d. (t is
n> rhr li-K'-nihtc. ihr ilayir .ihiI run ••tilr wh -n it ia rraiiiM that Ringling
U.r cUg
TniikTsf I'lTi/,
ii-r at many eirplianw twi.-v U.r
mber of huge puviii.fcs. l»i.-e a*
(i«:aTI4:3(>:X—The Hoard of Public
iiir people, iwler xsAnn.v *uperl.
Work* of laid city hereby rrp..rt to
rfurmrts. .twu-e a* JArg* a racing
ton that In pnranance ol the action of
and aralingrapK-iiv
rour booorabir body, tldewmlk hat
wen duly cunviruetrd adjacent to and 'It mauy ^s.pic a* it had Itsi tetr.
-nilud* of Ihi* wonderful rl
ibutting upon the parcel* of real relate
pritr can he eecn apprntimately .
That the com
co*t ol each portion nf raid .toad. Aofi tbcD. anch a circa*. *u.o • ,
. .dewalk ha* brae
bran paid from city fund* ornsgerir. such ^bewildering d'laplay
and ii chargeable again*’
the mps-c- >( ear* and eoslly fenlures. The Cv*
tier di-»eriplian»
di-»eripiioa» aa herein
art lorUi. louble train* used tu transport the par '
the owner*
I* taring arglected
eeglected aud rv- *phcrna’*a of the *bow**cnt a
-............ build the
the lame after legal '■auling apace of 13" ordirary .-art, the
rraton-gifU-.l rlrphaui*. runoirglh*
lotice to do ko.
The following tehadule contain* th* ramnl from th* tlole»i nf taby paeby .
* to tbr hugm nf rlrptantlnr ^
arvrral itemi herein mentioned, tbr
noth*. romprlM-the blgg>*t herd
name of owner bring in tbr first colntan headed-si-nrra.-rlptio 4vf rlrpbanU ever hrf—s- », ."i in captivitv: the three hundred arrn..'
I tacond oolumn bca<lv
•perialnU rmbrac* th* very fluw*r
cripUim." raid lacood
■ the amuaement world.
ing aeparated
cparalc into the fnllnwiag au
s Jtf
dlMont, Vic: ''l.ol.“ "Block," "Pial
Tbe third oolumn cootain* tbe coat
wild besM* repreaent fortone*.
the walk built *dj scent to ti e relpectlec parcel dcaignated and la headed aod rvan praciaat Uvea, ez^ndrd in se­
curing them ij their naiivr jnngiro;
••Coat of Walk >rr rarrrft and goid-lllinntDrd rag*,
u'liog the eyr with i<> glittering
*ndor. coataranaom: *very gorgron*
Ihr glnrion* nrw itrrvl
impb of art and a tribrniral I* a
r to the
itl'a intpiralion; ever)'
brantiful bornra lain

Bse* Ton Djay'a|mlsr





p I



rani life,
toowBko L
■ utabtectay,

itag* Inahb
■ toa ban t

. Pmrum. Mwa.


will receive prompt ettefiion

. qnarter-ml
b'g alagea.
the vast dr
of to* largest tent ever coeatnjrted.

I ‘
-»7'» e»—jccKSe»*-S:r

h!I ta

Orders for Job Printins left at the



By C. K BrcK.
Ctairtnac pro tom.
A. W. Bimnn. Clerk.
Moeed by Aidervusn Hnelleiantel
bat t|^ leum t hr sceepted
be tax be levM agsteal tl
to that of _______
draeripUow of pewprrty at re
ao bataby eongratnlate ta>d
ad by tbe BonrJ of Public W<
•a wiriaa wall thaeieixaos of
Matiee rarried by ydn aad any ante
baring Mcnrod tbe tor'tcas of tba omiaent angiaoer* and
neetalbta anmaa In tbe areeral pnr
fraa-AldcrmtB mrkar. Mantagra.
iooB of tbe report of raid commiuan.
GraDleb. ttoedrieb. Cook. Deamona.
Dated Jnly Stb, A. D. IW3.
Lardte. BaMlaaMM. Unfrimw aad
Hwrad by Aidarrana Jaktata tbnt ta JabiMi.
ntalnita V bdeptad «ad pntad.


U tbe place to ^ if you want a fintt-cUse article
of Tea or Coffee. Onr etock is new and of
the best qnalitr. Onr Teas range to price from
IS lo 50c per lb., and Coffw from 14 to 40c per
11). Call for a sample of onr goods and compare
them with olbers an^yon will be coerinced that
wc give better valnes than jon can get deewbere.
Try our Go]d Medal Flonr. It is becoming BM>re
and more popalar every week. Yon can't niake
a mistake by giving it a triaL


"Tto Bed Bridge Neighi
Neighborhood.- A
M of New tag)
brilliant aouM
BagtaMl life, by
Maria Loube
PoM. began
begaa 1in tto Haiar
of Jaly loth and will to eeatiaaad dai-


iBvenlor sad Pnteans.

□ .s.olt.w- rl”>lr proof lliai lliia Is 1
..wWvood all i-umpnritoe ilirgrand-^
M aod m<».l c.iiw*iintnua,-m.-n! inati 1
inlii.n ever'organ ir.isl. ■ ill-, r in »hia of :
any "thcr omnlrr
K'.' s< r.-ral ycxis
I**al. Ringling Ifro* ' gr.-Hi ■ ahibiti.)#*
.na been recryn.fsl thr.nigbovt the
'rngtfa and hrradlli nf 'be land, pot
ly a* Uir Itrrrs- ht.,1 »a-*l nr.-i.ic ii>inti B in Amcrira. bul it haa sla■ ••Iiaalgnal ir'U'iipo aa a dia'.in-tivrU
nrw d'-oarture in amuarm'-ol enterpriara. .No couiurratHMi of - figure*—
110 merelialof wnndrnua frxliirra laiold


Orairtaxean'-Cr.ra OuwpiBxriWBe <
Repalrtne t«urr I* ■t**e ripe
Brn*iri*xrauiiur ra (hwiiii I lira m..

bewber lor £lii>*wa *>•

^Yea*-^idermen I'arker. Mootagne,
rireitick. liudrich.
______ 0i».k. n-smood,
Lardie. Iluelllinaatel. tltrriaoo and
Hore.1 by A
s.<c Ikaniof Pm.^,..
Kelly to employ the city poor
oa the >imt* whenever practicable.
Motion carried
y Alderman Cook that the
tend to tbi- Centra) and
ligae K. (I. T. M. and I. II
T. M. Asaocialuin an iDritationto hold
their fifth ahnlverkary meeting in
TVaTerac City.
HntioD rarried.
The druggbl*' bMd of «. A. Johnaon
with <ira tv. Hall ibd«-Mraa. D. Krn
yon a* tnretiea. waa. 00 tnoHoo of AIIraman Jahran*. dulv carfie<l, approv­
Traverae City. Mich.. Jnly 3, I*)':.

The fa<-l itat ll.ngling Ilro*' U orhl'a
*h.>»*. whk-h rthibiU in
itrrrar t ilt Turadtr. Aug. 3d. irnre- •
-nlanoartoal .nvnitni.-nl of «3 Too.-i
■ «r. and that t h.- daily . xjvna. * .1 tfai* •
og* Uavi-litig expiaiiiuu aggrrgal*

C mer 7th and Union Ste.




JULYflS, 1897.



ttmk. HU aUna UaU M ta e<
aelsMrwt. M«- Uvj A. tUjc

Boroaad W Bapramo Oeart.
^iea of tboCfaaaltOoartof Loeiaaw aooatplatboaaaef Albert Botaao ra. Jama Klllkrida. dOoa Uao
ago Keboa aaad to '
Battoa Bap to rooora tke ralae of
teb* all^ to hare baea red froa laadef thedefei
UMptolatld. The pUlaUC r
«aaad tbeeaawaapi
Ike elrtalt eoart. U tko rtre

MTttan MUkitu
powa to baldaaaadbaa od taroera,
mewaOea TraMy.
aad to poaeoa to tham rttal trotba
eoaaaetad with Ufa oa tbe tar
wall kaewa. Proidtot Bapdarb adttrdv le avert
^ drea oo •■{•raoUea] Bdoeattao- pea to
«WrmUAeati<a o< U« BawaUu
Ibe bottom odtboaahjeet. aad hae peeelred tba hlcbeat ptoba fraa leadiap
oftbealato. Wa ar* proad of
ttbpeoftoo. aad hope that poor pao>f tbe LatfM fOom pbwlUtaraoal. It b a fonopportaMdthetoaUeaof U«»
Bitp to bearaotableaiaia.
wm *ha Isfrte at aeUa 4UcMia
aaaaC Ike aelefta «(
eeeaaof tbo ptoleUS to tbo
Uoe of Ike Setteei Leero* of B*The do)"7.
iMHiaa deba >t Oelniit TMada;
foadaat elalmed
pbtoUH oagbt
ptor to eeUlnf le ate Tolenlej'e
to ban at ap Tort aad rrairad tbe
booked fa the acaaoi
Tbepcaoulaaprirale eoaeb atlaebed ptotoUBaad tkeeaa
Use eaimae eeart. That Iri boaa] bald
lotbeO. E.A1. flpaaad wen k •
that tbe ptolatiff wm oorreet to
1 b> Trartnt CItP and tbooei
plaadtoge. aad rrraaad tbe dadaioi
____art ap *e bap. Tbb btbe
oad epolal earload tram Ibe coelb fa the drealt eoart. Twaddle A Crom
Oseaa witbla tbe paat week, a latper were attoraepa fa tbe platotiS aad
8L LmU pletfom. Tbe partp from aaelaaatJ
PraU A Uerb fa tbo defeadaaA
Ma wbleh proaM Ike BoaleaUee throagh tbe dtp laet TharwIaT.
Trarerae Oltp Next Yea.
•Bde)atk«of HcKlBle/uid tbe EeWedaeadar wm a Wg da, f«
pabUeoi eoeraee ha tee joeUtel.
Good Old KUaion
mmi w eaeratteU Ike ooeatr npoo
Two rawt of baa ball were pbped Vlakep. kpd tba people of th.
tbe eeUeaeae of ralarelar
at Elk Bapl^ OB tba fiCtb. Tbe UeV itp Wd tUtoalra oat to make
1^. We lOedce eeeir tbe enfeat eztraoelp pleaeaat fa Ibe rbIbp ladlaat aad IHd Mbel
Ued eSart of tbe Uacae see plapod la Ike moraiait. tke wiaaere
lllag del^la to tba a^Uag of tbe
thra^boet Ibe Oaloe fa tbe pat? of: eoBtaat with tbe Elk Ba{ddt team la Ceatrmlaad Bortbare Uieaigaa K.O.
T. U. aaodatloe. The Trarerae atj
UoeoU." The

PtaraooB. The Old Ubrtoe
delegalloB wm met at tbe train bp a
9d tbe boaa, aad wwt ia
haadaomelp defeated Ibe fak Ra^ head aad raeoptloa eommiUw aad
team bp a toore of U to A The wlatbe MwaUee of BeirelLead ta tkelr alBf Disc waa coapoaed of tba follow.
mUltabe oo tbe Oetu oeUa that lap plapen: W. ilardaa, cateker; L.
teeded lo leoea BfuUh etroelUee. Boarmw. pltefaar. i. Uwaacp. flnt
moaatod eaeort. eoaebtThe? «fe epea eoafraa tbe eerll
boa: E. Aldrloh. taooad baa: II. Boor Ug of tbe chief marahal aed aUalroo)
peealbte peeiafe of tbe dteert-leet
mw. tklrd boa: H. Urdb. ekort atop; tbe tlaifaiaed raak of tbe Kaighb of
4etr aeaeitre lo peoteel Amerieeir L ewaaep. right deld; W. Lolpbtoi. PptbiM. tbe mepa. ebaplala of tbe
Ureal Camp, aed L O. T. M. olUeCFfa to
eeala deld; V. Boocoaw. left deld.
followed bp
far loBlarlar tbe beet tafw Isdattp
ttredlTtoldBe 17 toau and
Olrealt Coart.
tbe^eoettoa «l cqael eolfraffewM no Cirealt wart eeonaad la ad- aad each dlrbloe WM beaded bp e load
n—wdri to tbe Be*hen of tbe joamad aeoaloe patordap. aad tboldat ofmaale. Tboe wen two dram eorpa.
and a ea eerpeaA tbe emblem of
mee oallad wae dUsleetd.
Tbeeaeertae that of LlBk HoGIII MertbrraHlehlgaa'e Boatraaau'wa
d. end-tbe BodU bp ba Boxt frteed. Mra. RUaboth Ue- one of Ibe See fatara ot tbe dbplap.
Cbtioaotnila aad peoeWooeof Ibat OIU. n. Aapoet TleUeer aad Aatoa Tbe Cadillac moaBtod d^rw tom, aad
KoveUp. 8r.. aad ibsir nirettea. Kcaak Ibe Prlookep degree tram oo fnot
formed a eoaaplcaoa fatare of tbe
Votraba aad Joba a! Jackaoa.
A aeouoe waa
^ f^tt A Daria,
.. tbe band .eeatat tbe Kalkaoka
atteraepa tor tbe defeadaala, to etrike
wad. Orspatbr U .iproiii
trned look tbe fleet prUe of $M end tbe
tbo oaoo troa tbo ealeadar oa
tbe alaen aad otba laboren ia pea«ead Uat a bead fa aoeentp fa Hope- Bead of Ttararae Clip took aae(al atroffla fa lleiac erarea.
bad not baa tbd. aoeordUv k> oadprbo, •». .
The eeeaaluee oa tiaa aad plea fa tba dlralioBof tbe eoart. TbeBoUae
-Isoroaelp oppoaad bp Oate
U J. Cbawfod of Kaataekp wae A Umla. amaea] tor Ula HeOin. bat
eieetad praldiae of tbe Bepeblkeaa
i»rt fiaatad the aioUoa of tbe de■atleaalLeacaebyaMcaajerity.
tcndaala. Tbe om of Hra. Eliaabeth epplioo. Abmo
wreral raagalS
Hrtflll acalert tbe laae partla
Beeeet OoUoek Oood.
aad Ibetoltbbof tbe order.-■■ K. U. T.
of la tbe eaou naaaa.
■TheOiaadBartdePraatMTa: “Jait
pletaraeqeelp dliplaped la oolora
MtUetloe IkeeoadlUoaof tklafiat Tbe aoUoa wae broapbl ecalwl Theaeboal of laeUaetioa ot tbe U
tbaaertboa raaorte la verp Aeoaraf- Heilaaaad Norotop.wbo are mlt
O. T. H. WM ooDd'oetod br Ortal ladp
h«. Oariac tbe aarUa waeka of tbT beepera. aad Ibelr tareUea. fa the
Commaoder Franoa E. Barae of 8A
aoM tbo laOioad tn^ totbe rcaote ooretp of danara in tba earn of tS.OOO IjoaU aad Urat Imdp Boaoeil Keepa
Mb caea. tt wae allied that
tedd aaaUdoablp briow wbat I)
Kauna E. Dower of Abb Arba.
baaa la pot paan. bat daiiag tbe lact Tbooaa McUUl. late bnabaad of Mra.
ptom of maettor will be
two waaki It hae Wkaa a daeSdad MeOm. eame to bit dwtb baeaaa of Trarereeatp. la the role tba Doan
braai Jaat at prwiet tbe oawda a»a
Cltp realred 40 rota aad Cadillac in.
abaat eqte to ' «hat Ibep baee baea la
bat Oadniac wilbdrew aad Trarerae
tbalaatfawpeanatlbUtlaa. OeaarCltp WM glrea a
Blriiiiifi Afaet UMbwoed of tbe UwiU ba reoemben
0. B. « L aaaoaaeee that tbe eUaatie ■eOlUeraikUIadbpaa
aad veatba eaadltUw •—-f the la- C. A W. U. eroealag. aear BdUiei'e (aeTiarene Cltptotp,
' aoten an Bor ideal.
B. Bollep. Trararw
dam"AbMa Hate fa a aiap at map of
tba aaetbaivwataliif plaeaa woatd be apmwMbroopbt la the Cirealt eoart
dWealllodad.’-nUbe. "Tbe aalh- bOo. bat tke jarp braopbt la a rerdbt Traoanr-41 a Vote. Be.. Trarerae
aUbaaaUfal. aeltba too bet aa loo of Boeaaaof aetloa.
oold. Ibe diklar U epleadld aad the Uadawood A Uola elata that tfaep Traetoao-UiB. B. UUa Rowaa. PeUUImp: Peirp F. Poveia, Uadlllae;
bale aad Kaa aad dlfloaet Iblafe will appeal
aroaad tberaaort polaUDeea k
TbUwMB grand dap fa Petpekep
woe ohamlar- Tba erewda of tbe
lataaeaaoa haeeaetpet b^alear- trUl of tbe oau of C. J. L)<7d n. A. H. ederarpthlng wHdoae ta make the
Uapaard. Tbe oaw larolrm abool meetlagaearjim, TbaeBorU of the
flea, bat tb«p wU be beard traa a
IhUmkip people an doerriag of,
•HOO. and b aaeoaralng a laaba i
catraet. it will be oontlaoed tbb speetol meatioe aad Ibe'ealorUiamaat
Took HU Ows UU.
aooodad wa« of tbe moel etoborato aad
Tbatflbeaatof aaleUatbathat afr Boralap. Fata A Crotaa are a
kaa piaw at tbe Hortbara MUbifaa' Bopi fa the detoadaat atf l>rau A ____ PeUakfp br^llalltp wm as
olaBMOt of tbe celebration that will
1 A^laet fa Ibe laoaa.eiwe lU alablongberemambend bp tbe delegatee.
ilabueat tweflro pwn ago. took plaea
Hura Tawdap ooralaf. Willard A.
■a ta Lake Abb.
' fWd,whobaaboM a patieat U Ibe
.....................u Ue 7ih of laat Ortotototaroeeeunekioaa. ■
Ba bod lera Ibe abaeU trea hU bad
iato etrtpa. Had tbau tocetba.
dropped ooe aad thro^ tbe reaWwaraalilala. troa
be bad
naaoradtbefrBUar. He tbaa tied tba
aad ad 14i loprorUad repa to a atlek.
.wbUhhaaaaaadoTatbo Iowa opaatmt- wbWi made It aaeaio. He ihaa
, ■adaaBoaeaUlbeloaaeaad aad adJteadUareoad bUaaok. aad bp bead-'
tatbUhaaaaadlUtiwhUfaat troa
lhafloa. wwotroBflad.
•orarel Umm dvriac Ibe araalnc
• nd eartp nonlar tba auaadaat
pwaad>U roan aad apokeo to bis. the
toot Uw at throe o-eloek. aad oaeh
tUao had loeelfBd aa aaowaaadfboad
OfOptUac apporaatlp all rlfhv
Hold ww erldeaUp aflileloa with _
ooMdal aoaia. harlaf Bade aoraral
Fooloaa altaapu apoa hU Ufa.
rWd woe aaat bore (rea Uaak^.
aadlooraaa wife aad taailp Ultra.
Be wae tUiV>ro poaia of are.

ratoon-Dap at Bap Tiow.
B. a Udd. aeoralarp of tbo rarotra'
lawttata. baa roeairad tba foUe
..1 L. Bat•wMd of tbo Acrtealtaral CoU^.oipalaliaduu ed UaU fmrmotf iaoUtota.
Ma. B. O. Lams.
Traroae Qtp. HUb.
Dear Bir—Ae 1 wroU poa aooe 'Uaw
•t Itth. b to be
r. Tbe fol...
a anoacod.
the aaoUaf tebabaldlatba Aodiloria■att^a.
L "Ihetataer^lolaUomlu laport
bad tu loaedUa." Boa. Joba B. Siabl.
t. "Boou life'eo tbe taro.' Mre.
Harp A. Mapo. Uaule Oaah. MiA
A "l>ia!UeBl edtoatlee.- Vrw d. U

The C A W. H. A D.
Itoa wm eall Utem n b
aad tkp paUic ta gomral an toritoA
---- Sr^oJ^SSTtenJadtrii s5
—ereum.i ni—rr —w», taoere.
Jalp U. 14.^ Sotora lleelt Mft.. “
OearUiily meetlag wm ba hUd Tri10 A^te Itto wtuJW
dap. Batordap aad Baadap. lor.
oal UUU. aomMduUe Mperiata
OampUoetiiWAAaaembip. One (an
mi>Z^l. Lte<rt- •> wraMBUet faeo^trip. MJalpIStoSS. Bw
of Okie yearly medll^.wfllalao he to


Your Choice

tkm. One (arc fpr raaad trip. Be
Oo^ eOTlem Prid^ orater at Jalp It aad 1*. Relorm limit Jaty IA

Epwgrto Leagae AaraUy, Uee tan
faroaadtrip. BellJalySVWSV. ReX will be bdd begiaalag tarn
limit Jaly 17.
atl:M o'cloeb.
Ddcyata will bi preaat from MaaDaealUng l4gaa MoenmeaL
loe. UaplrCitp.llaaaalUroea, Cedar. (•re
fa round trip. SrIIJalySI.
Long Lake and Oawap.
Tbe poblleb eoidlallp tofltod to atBay View Rate*.
toad tbea eerrlcea.
TkkeU will be eold eia the (inad
Banide A ladiaaa Railway to Bey View
aad return Jaly IS to 77, good retarnhnwrevCifrea Jairita
iog oatll Aogai one fare It
rueiOr4t>rAO.i.ede.e .
trip from all Hlgblgaa point
BadcMlek A Uopktoe 'to Tuwadiip ruBBd
Bead' la lUatratad deaeriptlee matu
Beard (ireee Lakrl loU Ko. ILir, bik to
C. I.. IxH aniuii.
70. latarlahee—r
O. P. A T. A., liraad Raalda.
EllmbeU) C. Ucpmm to Jama A
87 tt
_______ ________ ifich.
Herrltl. ewh of ab. ea IS, aeb, aa
People aSeeted with chronic dl*ea«a
IJ.TiflK. B IS W-BS.IU0.
of aap fomanalarr kbcald coaaait
l>r. McDoaald. to* well bsowaepeclBllet. at Houl tVblUng. Tmecrae Oily.
rieli Add-R.tuo.
fn>m Tbandap, Jalp Itlb aalll SunArltaorB. Uotauaaad wife to Allen da^Jalp »lb. tea day* only. ConeulF. LIlUc.BWb ofawb. Ball.TSTb-.
R 1. W-A4UU.

abtUlp that lira II K A
etaad to­
A to
day naapproacbablr bp aap of tbeir
eo-waken la the field of raodidor and
itgery. Bpeedr r«tonU>
mlto. hope aad happlaem
.r rank .that ha Wo e
.. . -0 bare placed
themir their cara Dat*-------appalled. eeeas> aucrlp routed
routod tbroogb
toe bcrctoforr nnheard-of ekili dieplaprd bp tbe-itoeloia
Up all mrane ererp eofferlag and
aBIcted one aboold eonmlt with them
oo their rUii bare to Tnrene Clip.
Wedheedap and Tboredep. Jolp 71 aad
S7. la toe prireU parlaof the
WbllIbg 41ote1. from » a. m. to r p. m. Two
dap* oalp. Cooeultatloo fra and
eulctlp eoafideotial.



; liwSS::!:;:
t.OO Wnikta nL
• 7.V.- Wnixto at
m_. 60c WaL
n aieta at___


-»C B

Fanry Mixtnrp SuiU, wnrtb lOJO for..'8.60
Oor vat^- Iweit Siiito. wmUi 12i». I2J0.
' 13J0. J'our
for................... ..

Broken ass»»rtmcnt of sizes ts the onlj reason for these cujs in prices on de-•
sirable gotxls. Come jiromplly.

Beliable Dry Goods, Carpet and Clothing Houaa.

Nearly Over
The brail paper season—but we keep right
on selling just the same. Our papers are fine
, and prices right-the two together make them gp.
Mirkhain BIk.



Haskell’s Bookstore.

Our Coin Toe Shoes
Are vorv new ami stt'libh. You gut ihcm of u.u in >
every slyle and price- BLACK. TAX -ami (iKKEN i
in color. New Khaile.t tmly. We have 11? j»air« in \

Su^la&h Arelea Balra.
The Bbct 8m.t* ia the wald fa
Oau. ^iia. Bora. Uleen. Balt
Rbrom. Freer Boro. Tetter. Chapped
Haade, Cbllblaia*. Corse, and all Bkln
paeilirel^eara Pll<
to glee prrlat gtlefaetlon or money
nfoaded. Pria Stwaw pabox. Pa
dele bp J. 0. Jobaetm aed B. E Wail
"Tbe Al. U. Field Ual Negro Mloetrele" U Ibh-Uilrof e coming atuactlonbhat will appar InBielnbe
Utand Jalp Ttt. Tbe com,paap 1. c
poeod of fifty genuiae aegrera. At e
makal orgaaliatioo It le aid to br
rap enpertor. A large bram band apd
rarp fioa orebaln lend eddltloaal
ubarm.totbclrentrrtalnmrnla. There
ananomberof rerp friebing epalalUa Uarab Craig, adrertlod a tor
baman enigma. I* aid to br the moat
wonderfol ooelurtlonlelof the age. IIU
phpalcal formallon ba* puuled acleoluu aad phpaieiani. alike. Not only
am bb llmba double lolaUd but errm
to be M flexible a* India rubber. Ill*
faU are of ao aatonadlag natnrr. Hi*
alnnotm moremrnU and oobrolotloai
MtoDleh and bewilder errrpooe. Mr.
Cnig U aa Apollo In sppannrt. Hr
bM tnreled all orer tor elrilliai
world and ba* JoU rclaraed from a
rxtonded tour of eoaliarolal Europe.

Make a'
Selection in
Flajij»H8BitA.prorth«.00.for....:.........M.QO :


The Time You Approeebeo.
lire. II. S. & Co., tor ootod epeotolItU. eargepaa aed pbpalelaae of HaekegoD. will eoon rUlt tbl* locality. will naiee paplle to rota coltare aad
Tbrlr fame U *o far raebiag tbal It U
hardly ar<-raarp tu irommoBl apoa piaeotortc pUyieg. Newatasd bat
77 if.
theirrleli uUrrr than to ttote tbe time metood*. Kata reaaosable.
of tbeir arriral. Thli feel aloee. will
TKAVUdc ciTv nrrau. aaitiiKT.
beeaflit-leot lo inaare a large alteodaea oo toear nnleeal nbraiclaiie at
tbeir prirate parlon la tor hotel. Bo
wooderfsl tbrlr akill. ao tecmlaglp


. of ta* most Mlaot piekUr of Phw |
Shin WalMaotUiMo prices:

■i^UBt YoBBg Peoplab Cakm Uaellag. One (an fa toond trip. Bell
Jelylt. H. It. Betore llmtl JoJy 71.
tJmitwaibeaxtoDdedteAagatlt If

A Onai BypaeUtL
OBBtp reported...................;psu oo Oaaietaa Hwthraih PaMOT.
Tbe-pablle an eoidlallp InrltoJ to
werohlp at tbe BaptUt efaareh
Haadap. Fnaehlag at I0;M a. m. bp
tbe pMta and Saadap eehool folli
ebaageot program
B. y. P. U. prapa matieg
partlenlartp pTraani to tboer who
Alt p. m. Habjaet. "The Kataral Ule- baa there brfore. Santaoelll wu
goodaublorp ofBto." Laader. C. A. Bngbea
>mU aod kl* remarkat
UalOB ABti-8alooB ^rlem to tba craatjrfpiegtbaa erer. New aad origlul
tau wen-’glree aed ibeaodiena wa*
BC4 ODly polertalaed aed laatracted.
but aolnard to an aboormal degree
I^SatBfdap aad 8aa- The aotka of tome of the aabjecU kepi
two boiaelotUag aad baddi
diag. mat-y one la tbe bonee la coatlauuu*
trem. e dooea glam jan- qaaatlw of **Pna
a' of laogkler, and while there
ig haUrdap. I p. m.. bp Ser.
e maep fuanp thtog* dieplaeed
Ulebeeatetielb; Parka Hroa.. ebo«: J. A. Frye of Uraad Bapida. Pneldtog
srrr.wv tOBseUilBg la each exblblUiB. A. B. CooA maltrca an4.opfloga Klda of tbta dUtrtet.
oo that cballeaged laeaUgatioa of
Tbe-drarmaaaf-tKkellp-Mn doae all
Pmaebtog Baadap 1AM a. m.
toe puwa of toe bypnotUL
tke werk'ta their Uee (aad there heel Then will be do Baadap abool.
baeeagoed-dealof It) fra of cbarga.
Addrea la tbe erealiig at 7:M bp o
Attend Church al Bay View. July.
Ure. A. Eari ha eoatribotad b^iag of tbe AnU-Bakroe Leagoe epabeta
To enable poa to rialt tbe Caom
aadelothlagi HeadameoA. J. Helm. U.
roaaior (Knagnot).
HwliBg the C. A W. M. Rp. Will eeL
Oriffilb. A. P. Klloe. Joha-Blagla. C.
held to K. O. T. U. ball tlcbeu OB Baadap Jalp le at eery low
ralca, and raa tpwlal train from TrarW. UeKeal. aad Will AbbotA large boa at 10:W e-dak orerp Baadap.
ene Cltp at 7;M a. m., arrlriag at Uay
elotUag aad mbeetlaaeoaf lappl
Bab}eet--'JeaBe tbeCkriat
View at 10.tMB.m. itoand trip ntc
Ure. W. J. Hobba. Ura. Wiosa
fl on.
Uao. Haajtvax.
ebtldrea'i eloUslar P. Kpaatka.
_______________ C. P.'A
Friday or lug agporleaw amatlDg.
Mok* doeri Un. Pratk beadle of TMo'deeh.
Axennien Rate* to Cnat aittee.
elotblBg. eooUag raage: Ura. J. W.
A H«dal torilatloe U
Plamlag. wnmaa-e elotbiag; Ueedamm Uatoa. Kaowltoa. ParkoU.
UarrlB. Oniaitiel aad HcLala all
Aogat 7. S and 4. limited to reI boadba of elotbiag: Hbe Ooroda.
tore Aagnet S, at oae fan rate oa
bibba, 3. W. UlUlCem. elotbiag;
aoo'at otU A. W. NaVloMl meeting,
E. UoKaaara. two d»ekag« of elotb•t-rraio
lag: & J. Uorgaa. dtalag ebaln, aaBaadap Bebool toDowtog.
... AngMttl. StandSS. Ilmitoa _
taaalaa UblA kltehM table, oook etora.
Then will be M joator moeUag hat ntarn Aagoet II. at gteatlp ndaeed
badeiod, bea elotbiag; addltk
tbe loatori will meat r^lbeoUaC fare* iia agaate fa partlralora) oa ac­
J. B. UreUica Co., B.M la 4
count of 11. A. A BaeampmeaV •
-eoeletpal7p.m. /
Aak ratichetaTlaCAW.M.a t
Hbe Ollre bpeaeal Uia. Goo. Uoep, TbaoreatogmaeUag wlUkc^al7
G. A A W. Bpa
eletblar. tbe Cklb^b ladUe' aoebtp. mtead of T:M
Urns. UaBAena. U. P. A.
U C B. A., tbri beam blotblog. cbargeatbeT
eat ehaire; WUloid I'aloa of '«aeoad U. E. ehoreb. toar barrab clotbtag and dbbea. tbra boaa elelhleg. art bed eprlaga, cook etora.
kettia aad etora pipe; C. U. Beara.
eoekatoro: W. A Aadotaoa. /Ura. ICd.
Hartla. rrioad at tke uplaa. pak- OrdMvfor Job
aga alotUar Urv H. Cartb. badateod: Ura. Laaate Palmaloa. p^age elotbiag aad ^laaetllp boaa: Ura.
t Oeramiaa. Urge tarn Of elotbiag.
aad'Amaada Hire. L. O. T. U.. aaolba bos.
graatlp aaodod J»t a , aad whlb

artth tae aaaia. At aooa tbon will
ba a pieole dlaaa la tbe beaaUfal
fweo of tbe AMBb^ paoa^ Tbb
aap amoeaa. large a email,
poaffaa b ooelbMoocht to attroet
wide altaatlao Wo> faraoa la poor aad BUeoBtribatfciae will te onfoUp
pot of tkectaia. Ur. BlaU ta wall
~ Tbo earnhaioaaUonrthaaooatrpaaaa ofrl-

Here Are Bargains!

Hi gfO
we are do.sing ont al one-lialf priie.

The Old Haliabl* aad Original Bboaman

I 18 Front street.

Wurzburg Block.


Traveroe City, Midi <

«u^ l*rn> -Id ttmid turaiwu. ^;*JI


Iramiral aad daraUIr tSawawr Kuo Iniw aid
w-raiaofraraM lalacraia. Hri;.Mt>. Vrirri ar
M»|aMtr «r karr Uw aKwl raw|.lrtr rai
— ‘'*r rataldiabarnt la tbr Waal. Vr Wat
Uia and Iraeu Wldtka ■■ lark la U (

At coat for th« a«xt 10 days.

'At coat for tha saxt 10 dayA |

* All now ^dB bat w» miut have the The cbeapoBt paper naarly all coDA-ao ^
room for othar gooda.
wa’U make chaap prioaa on battar gooda. \

allraUlaiw.*l-. Wrtir lor anrr Ual
It* ■iwlwll at.. Prawtrr, HwI


Wall Paper


t;>i, e< HM.9L9. »«.nuit *» per *r>r au
naerurre, fm-rC^a* cauJ *<0:. aril aalrrrC
trill wll all Um Wwwvtia maJ
doaa. balaure aa Uwa al T (wr erut.


■J are bound to

tbe most for the least money.



M. B. HOLLEY. Mnnager.

I Here
iJuly Bargains
of our^



Tie Client
Enit If At SusM
•r diranSM er A AiauniA.
Bplcadld Pnenm latrodae.
luK PHTOiit* Vaafibki*.


voBSiT mrare. mi im.


nlarSSsboM.......... .^nljrPrioa ■
» UdiM' Oxfords and mipperm
Jnl7l>gleM.......... !i0. 63,7

Tba IdoadOT la Good Bbeaa at Low PrtOM,

Alfred V. FFiedpieh,
OTSxe Pppi3.Xcur B^oegcruao.


HBtiLLD JULY 15. ie07
■talraat WhOa hk tot^nai I
__ AmoftTkaf^. *<■
tosltb baantarsad.
» «M Mn«d. Ud >U ted »
Mrs epatbk Tlataa. wetter ef MatdHaw.________________
dtetnatotoaBnaapfran Crate BapIterafate BMtiaCPf tteW.CT.
ItoSaadapeatteaxranloaaeaenpaaU. wm btteld Is tte |»4o«<rf Ite Bebarto sad Bstas kA la*l a
kdbpaaotbnaea.AM. VlBWa. Mn.
Bsptte tesite TrUaj sft*n»oo •»
VUtoa wOl aptte aanral waate ber*
telf.fMl iwe o'oladc. Babjwt. "Wky
rklUar. She k to paarr of acs ate
s« 1 s W. C T. 0. wortor?- Mn. ttes^laaaaf tte s ber pran.
8oM».Ute»^_________ ___
Dr. OrkweU ate tonllp rana Iron
Ba Bosk. CM of Ite tete BSb Sr*
ds^ln ef Mr. ste Orate BapkeBaatep. Tteaector-r*•ffarn. sKMd fate tsaOj »d »tet
iraadlatteataalar- faat Mrs tlrk.
wold ate aw wUl eueapy Min Dank
tetedUft ei hf**lfsT
Botnr* st Bdrewoeft. Mke Orses wbo
____ataDalrwBttr. MteBbtokew* bsthara
ridttsr<.st ttersaerts abort
ef fear reaac kdka to fradosW trea
t Ite ^Usoiisl ehsrek
ns ratarsad Meedsp.
sdktoofBftr. *hd raasMac bar dl- Min B.C
M«ry b. Hswkls*. wUe at OanMm pleat
Mn. B. A CMtar.
HswhiM. dkd tetaitey si II e'doek bdesfad to tte larftal ekat ef to!
ef Mr. Mercssk faopaI oat latoel
»lr tem si ArebI*. D*m'
akp s dktaaee of tk miiaa pniorTtefssMl wiil
ate ratarsad with Mka Webttork
bows, ssd Ite mssla* wOl te IsMmd
rtolt to Patookar sad B*r View la a
WUl te^ibsrt wrat to'Kalkaak* jraafawdsja.
**^. TBr«errBtaraadMeBd*r siefat Mr. ssd MisJet. Bcfndatrrof -Varaalllaa. (Milo, srrirte laal weak ssd are
. mfioo
(roa Onte Bsplda.
Mkt BUS O-Kaat tea feat to Orate akqtesf 'rilb Mn. B. Bofafa*. with tte
elj Oirl. B. 3. Morrsa'i fscl
aapaetsUra of nsklsr a aomrwhst
teiobrkUnadhla Blcpel* Bop. Tte Bsplda tor a TtdV
Itaflhr rkll la Ibk rarko. Tbep s'*
walk M. OoneaefBaadatr k la paepkwbetera trar.lte wldelr-bolb
tecM !• terra pcsfs Old ssd flra*
M dtr oe faaalsets.
, MaMVTOM*~rwri ■■
oa thk ceeUaesI sad la Berep* aad
B. Wllbala ssd toaUlr apral kal
ksew a rood -thlsf wbeo 'iter Bad it.
osks. tte rslosbl* kradisr (Ul- wak raerasUac si Tabs.
Th* wide direnitr of •ecoot rkited
UoB omte far Cara*lis* Barb* oT Osd- Mka Hsaaoed U raurtsisiar Mkt
ste latellirratlr dailke, dkd is thk el«r Thsndsr. Tfac nerasee BhalUo ef Tpaltaatl.
aolbad. toretber with
Ika fas* fa*ra ts oksrt* of 1
Bsaaei*. snke tteia deainble rvwt
WsRfavrr lor ■•rarsi waite.'^ Tte lora CStolef Min Maada MeDaraoti.
wbleb •faellen M
wiU fas hra*7 for Mr. Bark*, at Ue Mrs. B. Usaaoad bat rataisad frea
a astoadad rWt la Meakaces.
/ nsaraeianar rklten
atsUto-wM«slB*dsl«»W '
Mrt. J. J. Wallsetef CUraffo k rkTbalr Dlamoiid Waddmg.
Tira «sso* r»>*k. tte Wsfasrao ssd lUar tte fsnilr ef a A Vsdtr.
Oa the 0th of Aarsit Bar. d. Steele
Mr. WUlkonea sad fsiaUr of Orsad :ssd hkescalleat wile will eekbnte
Vllrtsc. »“
Ite Bkok Late rafsUs. Tte.faesU Bsekk apral Baedsr St Bdgaweed.
: tbalr dknoed wtediar at their faoaw
Ir ewsad far J. A MasHln Bbsd^ ssd Mrs M. Batraks tp Kanbport. Tbk k oat of Ibe meat
ISO* el tkk ellr. ssd wars beJlt faar*. wrat to Pile LskeMeadar Boralaf. • .......- ----- •- la LeekoM eeaalr,
tktb faasa wara asder ttedtedassMrs.J. W.HsBB*eaB4AUdrra left sad both ten tear Srwred amour tbr
»*(• «i s k**»r_teadk*p^
Ik Bortoscforsrkltla Kalamstoo. leoean of the Orssd Tnvai^ rtcloa.
Tte aeksr si Kesk-ts-wssls wsa Mln^lra Bforfse fast retornod rboaa work sad iaflener b*n helped
vrinl Iran fren a tbra* waak*’ akU Is Itekr----- krrdp la briarlnghspplneae toothers
r. MisM"** at ICtsnkr fasa smllad Tsasdsr far
Oissd Bsplte of «■. P. OoekUs ssd
BsUp Dap Oboroa.
tesBfakr. Mlfasl. ssd Mr. ssd Mn. a
The BralnraUar of the leealalarer*
r. Oasslk ssd •
I pcqmnUoB for tbr rnad ehiwot of
Ber^ Ifaar WDI , eapr Ibair etS__ t TalteMlala rana ap (ran Bel- the Kasdar-acbool rail/ seat moatb
beU la tte psrlon of the Coarretr*kte Basdar ate kft Heedsr tor DaUeaslcharMTundaralcbL Aaother
ikr toll Tfaraadsr
ar win be bald seat Tseadtr
slfkl tor Ckkorok ramose* 10 s lokalrht. Tteae to take part is the ehofTsw to sttosd Ite fastnl of Mn.
m sn reqaeated to read orer Uie tol- te<d Ml*. Chao. B.
r sambentsOnpel Hrmai. Nos
wU* of AMonsss ^W. Walk te tte boakat fsetarr.
Badolph Bart ef that ellr. Mi*. Bert OMsa ap toon 81. Oraaph Moadsr 1.1. I ssd S: hpnaa. »». R». T». *T. S«,
UO. »Ta Mr. BoUaj, chslmsa of Uie
wsa s rtetln ef tte taBenIra bast.

State Bank.

aanaiimon IliU work 2,350


Our Stock
thmetlc. slcebc*. cametry.

Of “BEST" flour WftM not puj^aaed of a manuliacttuT who tMl- j

raphy. pfapaklocp asd ptdacofp.
profltsMe waek U sararad.
Win Oo Into Camp.
It waa fkallp deddad. st s neetlar
of the Hsassh BlSm Isat erealar. te
bold as oatiar os the thorra of Ckrp
A apeckl timla will Irate at t
k tktardap etralar for Fooeb.
tad alaMst tte enlin eonpaep bare
ikalflad tbdr latratioe of rolar. la
tU aboat flflp will make the trip,
laraisrtbc party ^11 take the
aft cxennloa
faosdap. arritlaf
aboat 1‘o'cleek.
Oa Baadap Uitre wn'l be field drills
drew par^e, ssd fnard noaat bp
Ibe eompsap. There will be. s fasaket
picBle for the benefit of the win
■waethaarts and frleada of Ite
KreTpODe k wrleome W.lhc ramp
Baedtp. sad s plearaat asd i
it ataored.

edi hence have no specUl bargains to offer in price. It ig nmm- j

Don t worry





Haskell's Bookstore,



For foar liiero’il bo no more hot weather,
summer ie Dot over and if you are not
already provided with sufticient cool
clothing do not hesitate to tnniish your,
self. • When the next hot spell comes
you’ll regret, as you did during the last
„one, that you had not prepared for it.


Jts BIrdseU. Ceo Haro.
8. Frpemsa and wife. Fred Dap
Iter, tko Armatroar aad wife. Mn.
Dr. MeConneU. tlenrp Booker'ssd wlta.
SoBdap Sichoo: Rslip.
Tberown a meeUnr Mosdsp alrht of
all the ammUleea ksriar k ehsrre the
oiaarim ef the Soadap taiool
rallp an<P
ni important
atep* taken to
make Ibe eomlsr Baodap-Kbeol r*th
eriar the rnsdett enr r>»ra la th<
llrand Trarerse rerloa. It waa decided
to iarito all tbr Bandap-tchooli of thk
n^on. aad not eocliae tbe rallp to
trbooU of tbe ooeeip. II
anrrntrd that tbk ereat be
tfac sqputl btaket picnic of all
IhesfhooUol ibeierioB.
Rfforla will be made to kecore a
promkeBtoBtride orator for the oce*.
•loo. and it k poaalble that Ue». WaahInrtoB litrdnrr will be prnosdrd to
ac. It krisotarmted that Uir U.
A be ..kert to pmtlcl|nt*. Tbr


of home grown wheat and ts a baiyain—quality conaidr j

Hannah & Lay Co.

go to Ukad I'olBt aa o
Btc K O. T U. Dtp at Patotkap.
Amour the erowda of Haeealie
wbo weal to Petotkep Wedsctdsp
atlrad the snoosl nfeliar of the Uealr*l and Northera K. n. X. M,. were:
T. .f. liras c. B CbT|t. A. V. Fried­
rich aad wife. W. W. Fairebtlds it. II.
Bdmosds H. H. Ilollap. 3. Btekberr.
B B. Wraeer. A B McMtoos
Conrtsdr, Villi Hole. K .V. Jobastoa
Sad wife. K. L Aabton and wife. Bert
Oampball aad wife. Atbari Oobaukp.
C. K. Vader. Boblnaon. Will BcoVs «;eo.
Fox and wife. 3. W. Hllllken ^
uI famllp. W. I*
and wife. C. Piekcll sb4 wile.,‘Mn. il.

^ Blows bat aerad tte Oossl
'rtdsr aftoraoee a partp eenakttte sasl neetiac.
*tfalarl» BlU freiB Btsr Ite Basrdass isc of Maatra a H. Psrkar. Bsie lit*, Mte CSrria Weed ate oOn Maada la
ASolbor Me^ BlosA
rite Beehtd ssd W. J. nofataa weal thk dtr.
W. L. Brown W cloaed adral wborrAllraaBluoaaferltedadkstke ef BtbUw ap lb* Bondatsa sad saunc Dr. Border sod (snllr tor* relarste
tbalr tropblnfaroachlfasck s lira ala (reel Ml. PleaasaV when iter te“t * bp te (slat 'poaaeedoo of the aortbraat corsarof Froat sad Park atreets
poead rslafaew trosl. eearir » India* weak rkiUDCMin lisan faMterleh bsa eaate ap from wbleh a frame baUdlsc wsa
leaf, which BOW erseat Mr. Baebtd’a
from Orsad Bapidt for s rialt with baraediatbe Bra of the llth of la.t
Ttete teka Tfasisdsr slrht. •tari' aquarian.______________
, ______
Be will btn plaos eorosdoMcbItolasU ssd*teed Itoa.
_____law asd Mairant CM
Bbra Hsrtla ssd Ledaa Pstdiia edpkkd todap for a hsaiUome twootorp
Jttots Uroieas. tte pasMisi acral ef afarstte tbalr aicfatbfainbdsr asalrer- ten rotsTote from a ritll la tte Boath- briek balldiaf with fortp feet froaUje
The lower ptrt of the
•ks. «U1 fat is tbk elir, si tte
dsr.sadsaLadBB-esnabatflre dsji
Mr*. Jaeqaea. whs k ^lar th*
n will be dirlded loto two
yblllBC.<nTfaBi»dsr. Jslj K.
later tbar deddte lo pool Inaat ssd .miser at Omess. ha* bbra aWUar a etorra aad the apper portloo arnajed
Be*; aw. UfiscwaUsBd toatOrof eelabratc torrlbar: *o tbar aaade pp
few dapa at Gdeeweod.
H. Msrrfa. IIL. hsr* arrired si Old psrtr of tbdr bop sad flrl frkada si , CUreaec Whllsap af Maakeroa k tor llrinj rooms Tbk will mike a
nlaable asd attraetin Improremect
torlbair rassl taaaar eaUaf.
to 4k*t Bar sod 4nd a j>*PW rklUsr bk parrak. Mr. ate Mi*, a U a that ooroer.Whlla*T. lor a tok »raka.
PstoblsAOektr.tte B
Dmriet L O O. T.
Min AsdanUB asd Mkt Posd.ateMr Bra. win eara|V U
! praur
daeta in tte Moodj Bible Beboel alCbi- The naxt dktrtet tod«c Bieetlac of
aUsodetoatB Is tte Mob
tte Cood Tcmplan will te held In
r Btfalac psnia* oa Carp
Tte data* ef tte dadlraUnii ef Ite ____ .
CterlraSridra el Chloare. wte tea dClngslep Taeadap. Jalp m. Following
kk*. sad wOl bars wbra dtairte. bk
am hnatan' ksll hare faera da
an the delecaka aad
faeslceasaet arllb tte tsarslac trsla baas aurisr »t Bdrawood with hk
ImattelBdaf daJrtoABBaal lo
tatelp. ratoraed boB* Taatdsp.
aeatb. si Peate. sad ratara la
Mr. ste Mr*. Prte Baeer. of Orsad
trsU. Tbar* k Baa Bab- apida. sn TkiOnr Mr*. Baoorb pa- Oraj. Karl Nortbrap. Bd. Keith. Jrnoie
■slyfa UtokUateaklar. MrsA. P.
BsMfa. ktl Bstordar aeralac to apaod lac eaGarpkka. ate Ibk will fa* a •ta. Mr. asd Mrs W. 3. Psrkar.
Aadarora, Jraak Cortles W. W. Coble. ed aa follows:
totportatiM -J. W. Millikra.
•hfa asrattos with raktiraa U
Ban Kakoa. of tte Kakon ft MaUer Mlnale llobtell. C. Lsoeaetcr. Bap
bphk BeoBeld. Aank Orktt. Majiiie OrkU. William Undun. C. 1.. (ioater.
Prarrsm sod Bpraker-B. WUbelm.
Lsseaater. Jennkilsrrep.
Mssscar WUbsla. ef tte Otr
F. HamlltoB. Parker I'enaiartoa.
ftopaBesa* baa bafu tte wetfa ef raandal- rbtk raaslte sbost tortr ■»•* as
srrirad Udsr to rialt Mrs McDoosldV too. M. B. Bolkp. K. II. Allpn. tele BpackI effort* will br insdr to make
\at tte lauttor arTsBctarak ef Ibsl
pareats Mr. ste Mrs J. K? Oeafan.
Tbaobald. Prarl Pkree. Blk fiwas. Ki. tbe moalc fratan oae of the rent
aamben oa the prarnm and tor
Mr. ate Mrs J. W. MlUlkra an <
Kpaalka. Maod Dlefeodorf. Bpi
krrrat cbonu erer heard hen wilirbe
Ml*. A A Md3or I
tertalBisf Mr. MUlOcra'i ooaaiasAte Boos. Wajraa M^ Mrs Soole. (i.
<• Ifai,
la. iBd.. rridsj far a
Bdcar. Flame Wallos.
hateasrjtnpte sad aaespad lajarr. Ikan Wratwnib ef Brooklpo. S. Y.
Gfaarln JeSrin te Ualea etraet. kft
Anti.Saloon Lea<rne Sondap.
bat Ite hate ear waa ratinlr desKilB. O. Oat
Tandap enelsr tor s thna waahaNext Bosdsp will be Aati-Bakea
Tte ■asarsl naarrad asst tok tor tte
aklt tohk tor»n bona la Oaftoal. Ite. Tte trlradi of tte Boa. H. C. Dark Itoarae Baadap ssd prepsrmllew* hare
BlkpSweenesnaap frrat BoUsad. D. M. Wpaktef ate B. ReUrabete te wUI te pleaapd to ksra tbst Oorarsor beea made for s
nasi Baaaarl aeaaart epsaad si tte
faas oBaa ef UnlafaJi^ Or*ad " Mdtedr alAlfar s towAar*''Be Pnaktert rode onr ea tbalr bkpeln PlBCrae baa nappolatad him at
mortiar tte palplu of both Metoodkt
tea tareite fak -beBsceUea with the
ste took dieeer St Park to* of tte Korthm Hleblcss Aaplnm ehairhra sad of tte (kmrr<«sti<
Wnl Miehlfsa Bto«a Oo.. of wbkb
toe tte Inosoa Is tbk dtp. Mr. Dark chofah will be oeeapied bp tpraken
aaaef faaUwfll faa plsradta Prsak Vlalra k ebkf owsar, ssd bsa Isas
omto- bat earrad on the board tlx ptsn ssd tael-oat bp toe Aali-Baiona Laar*e.
r^dar af aaM saotpkdspoBlUm at MkhlfSB renw
lor Cor Brsdlop. Alltrss eoutf. when bsa prorad sn able member, excrekiaj
In tte anaiar tte Preabpterisa asd
-ate will rialt rektln* tor three or foot th* wkdoai which aoeh sa '
Baptkt eborebra will bold a aaUm
raiaOnsd weeks
praliks danssds Itk „irraUI
meeUar k tte IWptkt ebareb which
Mf*.AM.BtotfaaaaoU bar alUlsn
Pmsk Hsmlltn bsa aracMd s wladwill be addreaaed bp ooeof tte tame
M7 abaek to A 8. BarsoU ef Lsfaa Aas.
>d Is the mute to- tprakers Bimlkr ceealnr meeliairt
Oil cn Iba WsB st Baaaat OoMsra.
Utekrd Ibarbora bat fa>
tte wlU elot*
S who ksew Hr. Uaristoho Will be beld In the Friend*' and la Ohr
whkk add* to tte sttrsatlora of tb«
liBitod Brethren chnrchm.
Wade Biebsttoea ate aes ef Mllwsa- Conrsor ban ako appeieted John Hap
la toe afleniooB a pisnd mat* maetBalph C. Isfsat ebUd of Mr., ate
wood of Bad Asa at tte father nee'
Inr wOl be held la Bteinberr'a Opera
MlA-BaasT Tbsrar of MarBaU. dkd bora pat Is. saw oOe* chain ssd eibn ts wen rwnta st Ite Park Pkae to aaaeaad tte late B. B. Noble of
Toasdsr oo ttedr WSJ to Blk Bsplda oa
Boiwe at J:M. addreiBed bp Iraroe
Tb^kref IsflaassUoa ef Uta leac*. fankbiap to nate s eonfan
E^Ms ______________ ^
so mimitisaee will beebsrratewaafaariadrostardsr.
botoEpltstosl ste sUracUra.
Worklnc tor tte Bsllp.
ed. bat a eoUeeUoa to delrap ezpeatet
Dr. 1. A
reont bar* site bees rapsperte
trstlOBS for ibe saassl Bondsp wUlbc lakra.'
from Tbroolo. when te wai eaOad bp
pslsf^ ate tte bona* h sew la
Maadar-tobed aka raatardsr fa
reprnralstire* eoate
rsllp sro DOW is aetln p
■aaerioealllBante hk n
e arrs^nffor reip birblp recaminraded st forclblr
. aew naA bettor.
tte detoUt ef the provrsm. The com sad eloqoeat tpraken to whom it will
Brria Bllllar* k balUUav
be a piraaare to Ikten. Tbrae wbo
tteabore st BUliar* £ei^ts wbleb nlttera ssmad are at follow*:
aalfasl la tte Boaloa alert, left Satar- wUl be ntUbU for dlrisr->wa«
Obkl anntel. 3. W. Himino:
bear them osee will with to hear .them
dar tor Mewfaatif. Miwttera Prala- wbae ballt oat tar aaoarh. '
nr. C. W. BaU: made. H. B. Ilollap srsia.
aals, to rkll. hk aktor. Is s '
Min Bcee Boberte ef Bparts.
priatinf. C A.
Tb* liqeor qaesUoB will be conridM will re to aone Iowa la Wk- eea riUtlar frkada la the ellj. baa
lUsr. F. F- ei«d from a botinew point of rirw. i.
well aa from nor*] aad bpriralc tlsad.
oaraiBManfaarklabnlBaaa tor bln 'rose to Maplts aear WUIkntfar
WsUcar. C W. McKral. A H. Allpa.
polaU All are inritad ssd fall boat.>
Me of tte fratans of toe oeeaaioa are expeclco.
a ririt with Mrs Oari BaaUars
Das MUlar. of the Loarahoromrak will be tte marie, lariutloa* will be
chareh sad Baadap.
ooloB te thk dtp. k la Clonkad. Ohk.
•toool eboin asd aolo skrera. Tbk
Tte teadaonr ssd taal a
wUI assbk tte formatom of toe Isrraat
Tte aSTTkca of Mia Oartrade
at oompktod bp Vlcur
Mn. Cbsrlra WorM ssd Mn. Prssk cbera* a*«r board la toe eltp. Hr.
Hratacra. far d. A Hootacss Worfal oLOrsad Bapidt esn* ap oa tte Qoikp hae aliradp made arrasremrata
a bare fa tte fast

Th# ricwith Prof. W. a. steffera to drill tte
srd Absl ef Otdsr Bprlsc*. CiBf WiU ba aet at oses Tte aseankn aad tpaat part at Sasdsj
The Aopi' aad Cmerat
with Mr. sad Mn. Fnak Frkdrieh.
■ndthat itl39Froal SI,
brat k thlrtp-sls frat onr all AT. Lap.oBeetUiemambenof tte tasadi wiU sUo be esrared to prorida
Markham Ki.Mk.
sad airbt fart team. Mr. Healsc** ssBsa ft Up Co., snired la tte dtp
wUFten hsr flUad eat. nadp for bk •aadsp slcbt. stoonpsakd bp Mrs
n Ibk a food ctaka to Urarcko B*p oast wraA Uj. to apsad s faw woaha st Park
toetar. Ha araaldsra
steptaeeeaask HawniatortJalyll.
Anesf tha'antdw arat tottesa psek-^ Hr. aad Mrs Fatar Beta of Char>Ue an rkltlsr tbalr BOB. PiwL C-B.
WsIkiM wrat to tte Bee Pridar lards* of tte snap Lsk* Asa bats* Bora. Hr. Ban k aBjorkr tte Biktin Bn wSann thk
isr la tte Orssd Trsrana kin* sad
See ate Mseqaatto UStn. WsUr waAwraabepdoUeridratlj dear to trdat faraelo.
to tte baart of sens UtU*
to It waa the maarac*. "Ibk AmoBC tte r**or1ats wbo srrirad st Uttfistaidapthasapplp waa far bw
Park Pise* Bstardsp for s tow w*te*kte damasd asd It k aiuunai
sad racrasttoe sn Mrs W. A
tte market weUrapplkd:
Kduns^Mr. ssd Mn. Alisa B. BSsmsssAs-half para old tebe Aas
adsmm B. C Drapna. A Daa
eroft of Cfakaco.
acradtoblmasfroA bln to
Onr Savings DepartmeBt
Min Bslssa Oatas wte hn
pirfats" Than ban sot ban i
arpwiM ot waa Ua «*•**«.
CUto that nasst wan U iteffirisc plopad at trinnar by Mrs A H. Bka
mwM (torma. AU *n°wt* m«rt
at bar nUllanp atara os Uaks atrsst.
kft paaterdsy neralar jy :
mm^tra ra raraam^i^i
NattfaOtv. B. Oriditp, A OeSar. A
PrUap aftarsora -Bltel Fslrdilld.
A <MAa. A Ooodrito. C U Urrillto.
UnDoartertpet tte Maalek Oa- A Qassatt. Cte*. Irkb. G. OOkU.
torafaln «d Mr. ssd Mrs W. W. PklruecM/rr .esKzcai.iao.
. WM is tte dip Tandap asd H. JteisBa.'HaBaah Jinnin, Hsiy
l. cokbrsud bar aknaU Wrtbtoj
eallte st tte Bssat* oBw wtib bk
■oa. 3. L. Ofbba. F. T. OnUa.
I BvmB Im tt ft I v«i Uv MB
TtehsUfsmrri^wai te raUad BaaaaadSIslaaUwat. Stboltoritada pnUj hrbk. Tte^ceopto wns nm
Stt dalorir.abarp. ra aa—st af tte
Bwnbar of bn fansik trksda to riad kat Hatetoj. And an ^ tte^
r tte anat with bar. sad tte
nparaku af tte Bantora tskfa
nwraaprat Is fann wpn
snd tte pliwarto nrallj darted
M^siV ,


Taaeban' laatftoto t<w Ocaad
o eeaatp artU fa* brid la tbk
Vst lOsm. Hewdsp.

(probably the last )ol) X vC
There are others, all prices.


0ui “C00Lmi” SiimmeV0or- Q C «
set, not 26, 29 or 60e but O0U
The l*esl value in onr judgment ever offered.
examine it we think yon'Il say so.


If you’ll

J. w. MiClucen. .



Enough to make a preacher
swear was the bicycle that ^ou
bought when you thought you
were securing such a bargain.
“All isn’t gold that gutters” and
if you are not an expert judge
of the points of a wheel always
go to a reliable dealer whose
word you can depend upon, and
you wiU get both satisfaction
and value in your purchase. ;





Dr. IUrr»rM Uc&lUr. wbo
Mtnl laAik orv ils 7M"

Ftkak VMVdar I* TWUag ia ‘nmv
.«IM at;.
CWSW« BmftDl*be4eMUaf iMt



KaU Uo|
•ProdWrlyhtb bat
Slnne Oeddfarb '
i. i. HeUaBklla waa at Adrlaa <


^irmooo of
A. Iloldtarb wee at Tiarene niy
Utile Merrle ead Abm OrtoU of Hoaday and Taaediiy.
Elmer Tbonpeoa aad fauDy baea laVlra ibrier and
taraad to r.imad itapide
Mr. aad Mra. Will Dooybaityof Elk
Sopbb Watkine TbUed^rleade el
Raplde bevc bean apendia* a few dap
with Him. DodBbntyb abter. Mra. Jae Yabe Setarday ead Saeday.
*’ABaaHc<ialre wbo bae btaa tahinr
Tke entartalBoontead eodel r*»e» •.vacation, hae retaroeB boBe.
Hob* ploecB of eom ere DOl i
ilarvay liorkey. w
by the Udiae- Aid eociav of Ike ConoM'eetiMUob.
lay ia c£icap>. b be
Ite Plotm l^rteek. of Tneerae aty. e^y aad aoebUy.
•Uaadad ekereb here JtatMtUjr.
Beanate CoUece eledcaU ere
Free—Mra. Miner.
Urate Cbarek. wbo bae beea tUIUdb
Vice l-rae.—Mra. HUb.
(rlende la Iowa. Uft Sunaey oo tbe
Hfo. Beraee ead eteter celled oe Mr.
tVe Portor.
eBl Mie. O. I'. FMber Jeljr Ilk ead
Traaa.-Hra. HllcadUaeora.
Satarday to Traverae Qly.
Ohaa. Low and Cbae HeUn^Ua <
Uraal Oe«y waaaldi flatnrday al^t: palUor a new frost In tbe baildUiy
Mr. aalUrma'eid
ra. better Sunday .,
capted by San Jenay.
Ker. J. f. Wkii
I'peel Bobteii'ecitert^BlDre:
Willard Speoklivadd family. '
der kr e feU fe
frtead froB Oea^ .
ava been viaiUDy
Irleniu ia town.
Tbe people areiell
over the
laat Taewlay.
lie mod
aad oo^er'
ooeder weather.
O Ncel of Tiaveew! City aad Boaley
Uet week waa very warn: the mm
f BIk
Elk Rapiaa-bedabicyi
Rapiaa-bad a bicycle
my raae •• blyb ae lud In tbe abada.
day. lioaley waa vfciorlo
Mr. jHto. hee eold oet to Mr.
Mra. Battle HemBrmd b vbiliiir
■t--------- g BMdee ead M earrU
Mra. Kred Roberte vbib
lalalJvat aad frteod£ la tbb vlrlalty.
l-etoakey tbb week: abeexpetUalao 1
alteod tbe oaaventloa of L. <i. T. M.
A ReodlrBemberet oer peo^e etteaded tha Maeeebee ealartataBwat et
WUea Brea ked tk* 'alifortaae U
r. non
aad mra.
Mra. \rrvi>
rreaddandbtera of Ealkaaka
..t They eitpoe. to ralnia b
Hia. Ilrttie Scott VWted at D. SooM'e
We bare ken bariar
fBweatker for eoBO time peel, bet
■era will be a chnrch aocbl at Ear. 'Tbaraday.
Toylar-a tbb evealnp.
a oeala today, propeererrowlac
Id Trav
E llelliayer did
____• will be a larpe crowd ead a liber„ City l-'ridBj.
Mre. Blaadteh hat reteraed from el oolleetioB.
Mbe Uaba Maba b kpaadlat her
Baeaiml of thapuodpeoplefave Mba racatlOB at borne.
l>pal Bobbea nice lltUe aurprbe la.1
Mga^law aeate wUk bar to rialt Tnniaday eveolay la honor
Ice creen and «»ke were
H C. VanSlyck baa Joat eomplctid
aerred and all enjoyed a (n»d Ome.
Bev. Hr. tkott. a tmvaUae mlobter. be muefa needed addilks to hU bam.
Uel Tbaraday arae tbe taullaet day
praecbed at the Dbciplccharcb Saodar
..looUarerMlaad rrowiait i^laeaad eveaiac aad will prceeh hew. the tbermometcr yoiny up to lu>..
•a^ iSiday end Balnrday evaBlay
Mbe WinnICred Pralt of Traverae
aad Saaday noraJay aad eveniny.
ily waa in town Saaday aad atttadr '
oat et B<
CbroliBe BMt
•rvicoB here.
Ker. Wwll.'Oanaaford addrmed a
Mre. Bette Jadd hu baea rteltlay et
laryr audienoe at tbe Frteoda chureb
bar itatetB for e few deya.
Hayme Ibwdoe of Empire left Mon- Seadj
Beae .panoae bare baea threotb
dayon the Patoakey fur avblt with
friaadaia Ctalceyo._
MbaJane Baracaof HUIar Qlll. waa
M latdl atMded part of tl
Uwynaat of Hia. Iloldca Saaday and
a et Order Rea eUpel oo laat Monday of tbb weak.
id the judyee at Cedar
V. it bMar otaaread aa ChUdreat
Ueite a aumber of vbihi
P<Kt Day waa held Satardaj
eayo have arrived at the
anamborof old euldiewaad
•arte in tbb vicinity.
Uttl* FmUm
t ia Trererae aty fcr U




■ i

.< 4k.

. .
tiara' picnic at tbb place.
Mba Edna Helm left tor Chicayn lail
Hobday momloy on the I-atoebtr............................ apead tbe

dvatLalaad. t1
Be*. W. B. Bai

Batbarlala to epak of tba Foertt of
bo^^oaoBot nfiala frocB
ipwUw <d Ute See Una bed at Cedar.
■enatklBf la the way of yort wee gohM OB Jl tbe Ubm ead every oae
' timmnt. with Doeoeddeat toner the

. .ilarday with a piceb la
>ve near JVIlr'e eehool booae.
LBd Pbber. who haS hacD vbiUey
____ Parmat. reUmed to Uleo Haven
Tbeadayof tbb week oo tbe WyAU. r
J. Day.
MIm Edith Henry and Mr. Howard,
both of Traretae City, were n
' ‘
laat Snnday at tbe Prlu ecbool_____
Eldar Uarb of tba latter day leioU
Many from tbb plaaa attended tbe
Poortbof JalyocUbretloe at Empire
aad took la tbe ciixna. aad every —
b tbe place
to have a yood

... yoaacladlee ead
berweyelooe. ead w«
Hr. Mareham espKb lo Babb bb
ia bar aadertekiDy.
hpric-pmillay tbb week.
brBeetAllya.^of Traveraeaty. wae
a yaeal of bb molber, Mra Prau. SanMm McAlptaa M rWU^ Mre. ioaepk'SrSw'r.Esr"**'^

—--------------- J. Booprr droaa to
TreverB aty oae day laat week.
OB. of Elk Bepl^L.
• a Friday.
Mr. aad Mre Bepida.
«Uad ae Maada la tUe idaoa Saaday.
Min BSa Ooodnaa. of Tiavataa City.
M aUUaf her paraala for a tew daye
Ma. Dr. Daatla. of Wnt Bead. WU..
M rWUar bar paraeta. Mr. aad Mia. A.

_Jlr. ead Mia. Babbaid. et UeMriile
1^. are tpaadlaf a tew dap with
-- taaadi^Ueaabafa.
Mba Ooldie Blodcott, of TiBTnaa

C.HoaaabeA.ofKdrtbM[ltoD. •
dawhtar tfoUia of Traearer Qty

SlfT*........ ~


B. B. 8Wna of BM Bapida b vkdUa
kb hratbar, B. A. dloae. aad will prol
bebla laMlB all tba real at tba aaa
. Laat Setarday elfbt the I. O. O. P.
bdfa iaatellad tkalr offieare
B. A.
atook tke N. O.'aekeir. Tba aaein

Oar eBBoal aekeel maatlay waa b...
Mat atfht aad tka report of Ika dlracv
awed ea to be lo a rood Boeaelel
itkn. D. E.Wrakeopwaeeleetod
n lor tba aaaalBB threr yaare
MnL Ontrada Mlawa. wko b U1
tHfiatba:-----------------teciatbahitembof-----Ue W. C. T.
nada aa a vtrit yeatardey. —______
Mad tadrfU work ta Ike eturaooa
Ut laetata la Ike

Mra. O. W. Ban
—n aad'bar
Mba Claedie era rblUay at Uread
kaetda aadwUl beat bona la a few
BnyikTWy to* away aeme tbree wBBke

held waa
Alice Cook uf Maybcl
of Ethel Bobhina a Irm da>a Ihb wc
Hiw Lulu Towaaott eatertaiaed a
!W ialimato frlcDda tbtnrday eveniay
at ber boma.
and danybtor. of
iif»BdlUpilia.aii'Tbiuiiyiii^i. Caderateae aud • ife.
Eyyli eotcrulncd friende
■o touk advnnUraud Rapide Sunday wbo
tayc of the eecuralon
A load nl youny f.iika atteuded tbe
daoce at M<. Ziaum:ru.Bn'k new Ml-n
Moaday crrniBy from tbb place.
The leu'Uit cauM-.! by. Uii- chlldrea
of Kryktun. aau ib.ujcr a ee «|Oilc a
bollidayfor tbeffl at tbe eipeaee of


Imdiea' Itmefit loeiety and I
------ U l.eagne
l.eagne «yeve
abovteake and i.-e eieam
Wilima Cottage- F-rlday'evening
sbont MD-d.>ltotoo'clo-k. Recel.
which will be need ia part
U pntUng a Inmace in tbe cbm
.e following aresuioQg Uoer <
,tored at the Wankmroo tbe |



loelr. Albion. MU'h.: J. F. Miller,
tiapolb. Mien.: dohD_Skilli
Chfcairo- S. I'roh.i...........................
... Wrot
Wr*t haeytiqe
hae yonr to Tmvi
Trtveiae (^y Tin.
lirnedict. lonb.
toae iby:. T. lirnedict.
vbH ber iteugutcf. Mre Dy-a^imy to aaj ehc tynoi iDproriny la


i wne yiven Miw

day momloy with her daoyhter eht
(or the kuulhcm part ol the h
rbere eba will at leaet epead tbe •


^ ^


Pcnnllla 1
r^and Hi
1.) tbe rvrning of tbi■.Ut, being t m.mUe an.I 1 day old. She
bad been ayreal aufferer fur Uree
withdiBereotai;." —------------- -*

PoBiUvely tbe btegeBt yoo vill get this
i&i July Cletmice Ssle. 1 will <iuut.. a frw
virviins. lint s|w<-.' is t,a> expenrire to t)notr
jirioii that
A |^ald UiuiHp-, well Dimte. full
»i»' oat of
A tPKnl I'op.'h. full Himni:. ♦.VAX
A (food
apriny. $4.(
rlH a|>iiup>, li/tO.
I tril) (lueitively neli but 4
Couch, tv.nlui
of tli.ik- At this jiritv.
A ipaal larKP 'J-pitsv IWroom 8iiil.
larRu (flaaa, pnlvol ra«l.>rs. for Il.T.i. A fiu<- laryi.
patont diBt-pniur ilniwi-re, iNlb lil c-anlore. for liAi A fine 6. ,
piecr r.aAor Boil, luvl pltwb. nifk Imeda. spriiu; talip-. 22.U0. .
Uiv-hich l«rk Oitiititfl'hairs. solid oak. A.V).
High Im.-k
lU-ken. frum ItV, ujt.
Imti IhoUteada from :i.75 np, IV.liah.vl
oak mtubiiiBiioii Itiok Caixw fmm 4AU aii.
W<- hayuirt many '
of lh«iH‘. bul wIiHl tr.-'Unvi- uul^t lie wild by .liily l.’Uh.
llioec tliAt i-otii.- earlv will lx-hiippy and tbo*‘ llial luiait'i
: Bale witl,atwnyii f<
ftvivt il. ^

Bev. Hr. Eeeneybqaile'DA: there
aeme to be hot llUlebope of M re­

tlx-timeuieonimencw ln«tn>enL


Free Consultation

Slater's Furniture Store

Duribg all her i

A. U Kimbell bae tba fraaia up for a
kitchen and wood hooee.
Mra. Jamea Lameos'e eieler will re­
taro to York elate In a eburt lime.
Mba Rena Umeon. who wa* workloyalooeof tbe Dutab of tmke Ana,
bad nearly all.horclotbiaybumod.
Min Oraor Ilraydon.
l>cr teacher.
at Kuiplre a vbil
rill make
>cr home
honir .n
in Traveforv rctnnnoy to ncr
rer City.
A anmber from thb vic-ltiUy
orer to Imke Ann yrelcT<lBy b • mv what
Ua 6n- did Urrr and report tbal tbenu but lllUe left of that onor Uiriviny

greatly taheed by h.
relalivia. but what
eternal gain
held Friday afterThe fnnei
acliool honae. Maoy
»a at Itralen.'
■ d Uir
iBg place,
four UlUc


ro the teat. "V
not for Ur dead. nriUcr brmnai
from Uatth.-w
Iivaltu from
Hut Jrene aaid. ••Suffer little chilUrrn
. and forbid Uem


Office Parlors at


. the I i rern Imke cemetory t

D.»l.r I'-VM «4.TW n


School Rep;,rt.

iriot b'u. 3 cluaad on Friday and oe haldaya
•day tIheUBchcr and echoleia. with
auote. nie..
. _
i.-lr pi
Tbe fnneral of
“f*- *“*'•
- hanke
eidajolly pireic on the
baby waa bold at the hooee Wedaee
<by. Uet. C W: Wlinama otlii^bliDy Duck lake, and althuuyh it wae an e
~-lltUe ca»ket wae enUrely covered yremrly hut <lay all ba>l a ph-aaanl
IcinunI flinreia. which are such a cumlon
iwiay IricBda
Monday. Jnly t! tbe home ofthe
bride to Clevebnd towaahlp. by
P. Wbite. Him Hertba Mabs wi
Ifbieer went to Elk Ibpide tbe
ridloPredA OlloofKlBgheio. They

lleporlof ach.«>l in Hi.t. X... J.Rranl
..wDAliip ikaown aeWeat
UcArrai raJlag -luae 5ilbi
.Vumivr enrolled, hi.
Nnmbcr of
gradee. S. I'rrccDlof aUenibncr.
ctK-ial Tbiu>n.-J. 1'aol. S, Hr.,
bridge. Sw'ial viaiti-rs -HiM .Wileon.
Mr. Howard. Mrs. MriizU-s. Mre. Me
|■upiU^•lt abarnl—Ktb Harb llate .s.‘iiell.‘<lrtie lluwarti, tirt-tir HensA-'l. Abu-nl MS- day.^
Annie Amid-.r., Klda IbvlK. Bertie Bne
C. liobmer weal to 'Traveraa City Ue «I. Seymour Hi-nrlB.
:r. Falford'a dauyfater baa bmi
Did Tog Ever
. <i. Fairbaake went u Kalkaeka Try Elcrtrii- Hitler
r.«rtmuhU-.? Ifi..
divine baa been
• ,in-lirf. Hnckletaerrica nre yaUiair rlpe.nnd
«-p.-vuliarly adapted to Oir
plenty ul Uem.
curt- of all F'rmalv CotnM».K Hand aad
erting a wondt-rfei dirret inE T. 1*r»y,
made Urir anot. Ml
on bn wheel oo
vbil laat weA.
tlir organa If
;f you
TOO haw Ileisaof App,I'a limb b not
Hr*. .
I'onnipation. Ilrada<-br. Fainting
tu.-hil-Aoy bettor,
spellfc. or arc .S'errous. SIrepW, Ea
Tbe ehinyle milbwlll yet tbronyb tW
llrll Fairbanke and Ed. Pniy weal
viUblv. Nrlaneh.dy or Iroub'n.
job tbb week aad- tbea paU
U Bapi^ lb. eU.
Iiitav SpvlK Elrrtrlc Hilton. i> tl
aad "yli-icine* yon nred. Health and kl
> Mba uUa Robertonf Sparta b t
H. U SmiUi b joet oommenciny to do ^e.tof (:. W. llaeUnya.
BV gnaiantoed
by iU om
-. (Inly
Me liybl work ua the farm. alUiuoyb
H ill llrtia a and family of Ann Arbor eenu at S. E. Waiftand J. ti. .
<|oila w«k yet.
wm'a Umg atom.
have arrivetl at their eniumer veaort.
We arc ylad to hearlhat little Edna
We have bad a mc-e rain today. '
llicn'e eye b dolay nicely i
naadad it had. KverrUln* looka
Their la noUlng joat aa good a* Hr.
ilitg'a Kew Hiaeorery (or Conaomption,
Tbe icr cream eoebl at E. T. I'ray'e
Oiigtaa and Cdlda. »u demand it and do
lem adM eectIcD of
vraa well attonded—took to four uuimauy tbb year: at IcMt tbal't
laie and a half.
< -

hood ^»e aUe/tbe Uke ^-aatteratala the wky-oLaaUbbar
Hr. abd'Hra Taller thank tba naay
klad trieadi wbo aided tbam at the
deatfa aad bnrial of their dear lilUe
Sihool meetlny Monday niyfat. '^111
Perry Tompklae wbo ' b drivlay intorcated ie U. bualncce tor Um beheol
Charlie Alien a leacr. b bauliny cone year were preecnu
'The Infaat danyfaterof Mr. aad Mra.
■ber frum Anyell to Tmveiae aty
Taller [
* away frdta tbb c
. Some of tbe little cbildreD epeat Fri­
f^tte villaye bUekamiU.
laat Tfaaradayeveoiny and wae bi.____
day wiU Roienb Croea. It waa bei
Mba Mery I>8.
at tbe Ureea Lake cemetery Friday
twelfth birUday.
Ail had a good
atleraooB. .Biotbcr Mclatyra oSeia- Ueywortbyol 1
Allen'a the moat of bat a
led at the fonerai:
W. R. IlaKtlaym and itopdanybtorof
carlay lor bb aick wife, wbe b a
Xewayyo are with aa airalo.
better bet very weak.
with acampleleeurprbetotbc ____
lUaUoga will alay Ub areek. <
Tbe tbemiOBcter the paal week
crandihlldrs). Abuat eleven o'clock
aome aawine'at bb mUL
tbe pareaUbeyanlocomeia aad be- rml boa abowiny «u° to llu° la
ViMir correipoodenl woal
fewe twelve asrly tbe enUre aeiybbor- abade. wbicb made oon jamp. and that
have the mnlake made laat <
hood wae prvMt
Each hronyht a b Jaat what it'a yot to do. Yea. and pocretod. It shoeld have eaid .
well-eiled beakcl and at tbe clone of ------ bnya are in their yiory. moltiply- and wife loaleadol'W. - "
and replenbbiny the potato bilb.
tbe foresom eneioa boanb werk
wife a
t Saaday at Ibll I Irbaaki
brooyht la and placed npoe the deoka
for a tabb wbicb wae aoonapread by
.. .hnnaUyto vbit bb mo*
tbe ladlee witb a-aery appeUalay dinMra. K -A. Uraiaard. darioy bb VV
aer. Upwmrde of forty partafciny of IL caUon
We are ylad to bear that Mr.
lademl it wae a ven aajopbla Ume Imckey baa maetered bb trade aa an
II. E Uill and wife vbitod Traverae
for old and yenny. Ike atteraooB era* t-leclricbn aad bae a fine aiiualloa at
ity Tbnrmday of bet •peat la vocal and iDatromeatal meeic
above named place, aad wrwtab
Rev, W. Harlbul w
and claee reeimUoa. mareblay. etc
r blaraa abnsdai
CttyTYieeday. ratomtay
^bool eloaed by a very paihetie aoldbr
eony enay by Him. Annc^ and witb
t Wlbon
b vbitiay fiieade
BAfT canVa Bi x.
the beet of feellay between pBraaU.
in Trarerme aty. Sha want ap bat
week Friday.
^ Coin of Platte rbltcd bb ^ F
____ R. A. Campbell tat.
»oin laat vfc^fmm her vbit nt Trave
t Uib Wedaeaday laaU
Trarplae. laetWitTw^J
Ida Uavb
apbefl to Ti
Tnvdiee aty. retnrnM. Sbblera' littla boy
bb amt
Uodye Rroe. are uakbw, ini
•leite badly hurt laat Thai
:y. bat- b
■ra. .VcUie Stoele of AIMoo. MilA..
enb on their livery bam.
about well au
came to Ue Wankatuo Wadaaaday for
Edd Shatter b peuinc .
ilray baa joat letnmed af- a atay of eeveial weeka.
daboB BBdn bb taaldraoe.
daya.vmit wttfa
Tbe Hiaaea Kale aad Emma Ho
rebUviB In F inal
EIU BBd Ayneeltevbof M
.SactoB. Iby Tiaitod frieBde beee
are vbltlay frbnda ie town.
... .. watbaaUly callrd to waek. rvlnminy home Friday.
llaaa lavt Friday owiay to tbe aariUtire Harry of Sedaib. Mo., arOBeiUnenof bbBtoUer.
rived <m tbed-etoakc
aed-etoUev Snaday
A few of tba aolghbora went one day
W. F. Walter of (aileeyo b apradiny
her pareola. Mr. iaad Mra.
bbvBimUae eiU b:>. node. Dr. Walter. laat week to piuw aad beipJ. M. MmJaBia put m aome backwtat.
^ Traiaraa aty b ia
Him Hallle Weaver, wbo kte b
Tbe hot dry waatber baa been veiy!
raaewla* bb old aeqpaiotOraed Rapide for eome tine.CBne
to epead tbe Ub.
bard ^aee
aace tvita triaoda He b agacat at
tbe Wi
Mr. and Mra. Fred Otb bfl Taaeday
and Ur chaage la Ua
iiortaeir aomeat nowor. Hirb.
. ...
bigbly appiarbted by Ue people.

laim I
Klng-a - .
.T bocauce yon
reliable and
know It to be Bate and o
UoB and (oral
all affecliona of Throat,
Cheat and Luo............
LoDga, Ucr*
good aa ia Hr. King'a
Xr* Hlavovei
Trial bottle locta-al S. FI V
Jma. li. Jobaaon'a Hn


ly. Hadrooir
TUr. ». K. PAUtBABK. rlOMPABt.
" hoau.
K«» Yutl

•en la B «aU Bear SUybt'e
Mbe Kina Qaedaai'baa edaaed her
fcUad to gone In Bt BlyhL M Frt^y
Kbool la SertayAeld aad etarted yes­
nenml^jarab waa a
terday tor Bly Rapfab where abe wld
eater the t^aetrieJ eebooL
'-'IV. Beajamta. eoanty aebo^ torn_MaUa^Ud iDlba
wHb avevgrceaa flowere aad fvne
bb* .
lor UtemeaL
UlU. air wae heavily UdaawtUUMr mim irnar o< Lmbaiw aoamu. draea
Sattoaa Bey
«Sifclo<yk ftaee 8Blndi».
MnlMvarf haUat tboM. E-Aarab
BBrpaoi>totohava«aBBBinaDBiaa af.aaBBUaahBrthwaaafwwdadtolM Bb-i Hia. HOI nad .Mf* Barhanb mB in*


Wf have just riceived a complete n


Ladies’^'Genfs Fine Shoes
XO -1x3 25 E’er Cej^-t

. collect a poaad e
honey, deprive r.r.nuo clove
ta of Ueir sectar.
Tiy AUea'B Foot-Eaee.
• »v>anu>to kkoara tale Uw .aav- Al
Ut> •vowwr.wrfv.H lv«Jaa..lXe aa-l tol. aid
ceiiimvvMair. iimAat,
tiXVt-.I>era. Irr alM* r»a

E On all Razor Toe Sh<>cs in slock. If you want a
- barjrain in something good now is your opporluni*
: ty. You can get the best here.



lent* vanitva are wroliBg tew UMera aad
rall.a» •tow. Keltom Vura^aad baatow a>
all pmn aM roe* m*
r.mlwt. To -1
f»J«. •tout Ur all ava*»->« • - ' —
“t.-r Jr. Tnal uavtar* iwn
a OimWM. hr toy, R.e Vara


. Ito aad to caa par paraaga. aaU hr

" ~

Card af Tbaaka.
wiab to exprcB o«r th
____ agb Tonr ooiamBa to Ue mapy
kind frtoBdk. and cqwcially tbe Mammbem. wbo amiatod oe la onraad '
rmeat—Uc laaa of oar haaba
er. BOB aad brother, tlaeb k
____ ima never be loiTMtan. We wiab
BpretaJ Uaekatothaae-wbefomi
the lovely (towemaad the mnaic
wbo eo kiBdly aeatetod im la o
Mabt B. Bbitti'X
KaacT Bnirrux,
A. L. Bthmi.

Oil givia almoBl
It b tbe Ida] famll]

Ftr Zaftala Ml CUUnib


(uo sodu. jiiT ua.

Dr. Mi-IXhiiiUI locahw anti dr.
M-rila-s the nxial oiiw-tirv tliai-BaM
jiiNt at, wxm Ok he >v.« the patirut
with,tut aakingany i{ni»Uo^ kiok*
ing al tbe tongue ur fwling the
ipuW-. Ho toll* at <mre joBt what
the trouble it ami whal Um casae.
Hr put* hia finger di^ ily upon
juy B'-iie, pain or diaagraeAlde
fix’ling. girm
mu Ixvinning

to and. much
}>HU<-r tliau tho palieato nin ibea*
The rOBBOti
tl a
why «> many propla
(hv-tor BO niurb
»-b and a»
„ .
an- nut enred,
d. ia
tiecsiue Ibeirenaa
is nut pro|«-rly niHlrnrtocd. A 0004
milutiun with him ia worUi erary.
thing, aa the patienU are abown
pnrinrly what tbe tronUe ^ and
are lohl what tho. remrtdo in or.
der to get well- Ko puraon ahoold
think of (kx-loriiig any further' nr
of utkim
king any nion.- madiduB until
hey haw cataultod Dr. McDonaU.
iii»knowhdge and tbe'«lr{«e
pv,-s ia certain to Mve*e^eM
ui■^k••^ tmoblA, rtpenaea^ aaf.

Ttijrcthcr with m.nty others in

We oiler a discount of from

iJlia^ I


Tbti Hitio:ialkt.

Hotel Whiting,


BepMeaait week to tek>___________



aty a----------------D. Q. Shorter roerleed vArd that bb
Bother who llna la lodboa waa dylny
Ue left for thrrr Friday rveoloy.
III., came oe the ivioaney saaaay.
School jBoeboy waa belli at <
Briar diatriet laat oiybt wbicb reaultod
weaka with____ , . .
U aaven monlha acbool and Mim
E F. Dame. Mr. Dame b <in
FairebUd aa teacher.
Ue im> taken III wkfle oa Uie
Mra. Anna O Uollhe of Thompadnille will be here Hoaiay and Tneaday
bold a eekool of--------of iaatmcUon
-----------for the
obblaa wbo bae beea <i<>>b to) hold
L. O. T. H. Monday aftemoaa ai
to ail np I

No matter what yoorei.
how loiMf yoo har^ been
iny d'lcto
latter whi

power ami one hidf ita core. It ia
y-unr life lb*
•dibrr get «
ter if Uie bewt phytaciaua bare fpto
en yoo up. or b
ed yoo away a* incurable, no mattor what anylndy aaya, look you
needr. wjuarely in tbe face; go now
-to-day—to tbia must emiiMit
Secure a etmnt4 bito
tory uf your cMe aad a full atato*
'. aa to wbal can be dene for
Tbta be giro* free of espenae

:*s*a.ESs« •


Good Fits,

sTwSs r-s: s? =r=:^ Si

Good Goods,
Fair Prices,


xdharrtbam B
made into l^Me and


flWtfiroTO^TgHaE HfettALD JULY IS. 1897

__________la1 tbaaaeoalipfaftfaarto
eeeaad Ota reared oa bar bladto*b
dlpfbw to^h^ptlatoaaBd^wy
to a hw pOa to aaad with bar
teotad bia. they fooDd tbe atart. attea.
bad fea^ ba tor^awtorand :

Evppy Cmfly Mwold taka tba
VtoybatoiaraMatokiwitbttatr .
Etornaadfid local paper. Tbe
Now ia tba aecfvled tiBw.

1. OnaHa utoeraad yea win tod


ACama a bmtw' apd
A CuraU ■ toed .ad to

Aad tkM <raa «

» dM»


Om tdtiM.
aftn (o^. 0»
ft«r teiUr Mt UUrtBc t<i|p4ba w tap~r»pcaiUa. OtcM Bm* Bnra*

■Ifubb pipe.

di'‘.nd Pad .nolbre.
Itfaataadeabaw fouiaarand
pcare tfara^ many drenpa Uwafa
a kap. ioap taare don to tbe aafto
baadtedf to feet. HfB dleeoeeied in
bldtop plaa aad baaa dertonr a way
to reacblto it aad toiaptop U to tbe to^
Ptttobly (to aalt a year Ubie caaa
tren tbe alt nlaa to tbe weaten part
tottoaaaeOiewTorfc. U you abould
po ttore. yoo woald todaamaU city.
aU tbe laople to wtaito wm totenaed
la (he aalc w«ka tan |dpa nm don
into the eartb. Bon cao to three pipa
water b fared, wbteb dlaulm tbe aalt
tnapToar pattaer’caoa.' And pna’- UtbealMaad freorell latocWatcd
tbwwwaad apalB. aadl tboapbtto run or Unka blpb aboTC Ito preond. B
whip are. aad then to te BOW briae. Tbia toiue pares AM laItepbed. aad tbeu be wa aad. aad
D to funay. Bat be dtda*t wUp
inonda. Before it teatore tl
"Middle Sta." aid Ona Bape
^ w. with a pnat tart.
ebUd lo bed ripfat cC. Be'a
(Wreretala. ___
abtoaed to aototor aynren whleb lepaSotitttoWreBcar.k
ratuf n» didmm' tjaaliiy la eadi cuk
aa4> i? * proocre to reftiup cr arreeatop. a yoB bare irru men. to boildiap
a tnuae. eifi tbo taud to pet tbe fineto
(or tbe BMBtar fa tbe bnek.
The kind to emit tbat toatyoor table doKrtbed by ■ dnpk word.
. oa a aautv
gnaito to make it eery Bae, that it
ahlp many year. apoaVutp the area to
at ooce with frwdaa wtrea
tadto." rey. a eerreepcrelrtV arf
* a to food. Wtoa it to
yoe know wbal a place fa ebark. tire
u n packed to

Middle fiUe
falBtq)>l»«Dppa dUMt. u>d U».
Rer B>«r wm (f<UH« ell aboat bb
t to Qiao'UM and Orao’Ba Oriolr
vbat ■ imd lime be bad bad. Ba
W* wlo««r bolldaTa wltb
ItoBB. aad aa itw« (be ftnt ttmeba
badm beeDawapfrao) bone ferae
be bad era ao aaeb lo Idl aboet
tolklatawa, Uk. 1 o-<^ ^
■■Idobnpe foBwmarnd dil
aaM MhhUe Btae Bear, '-and did
aa jtm arm told to do arblb pea were
.dn*aa*a od anUl^arar Oey- ^^
Tto eoaire mil to ured
Ihm, bnwe 1 knew bow partiealar
brfan^rerf to fe
pear mate to"
Utlb Wee Bear rSaefckd marilr. tbo liaBt and waa really eeared enl to my
“TTnll mamma." bn aH “IdldtiTto wila to wlinetiMto........................
ha r»d aaae of tba bae, ’•aoUlly
U tbat played about
It le way bto to Ctoile. tbaaph
wtoB ■taalbtf aad pab'isawm look- ttoyawL Wbra we bad rerartd a
you here towayerappreed it to be
fa*. Bab da TOG know, tbv'n awful
two to water, we pul tol, aODuai- doubt
idtbFR. Tbe ireme eoande mid. Bat
(anar about'im thiai*. andl didnH
ra to tbe natlrea, whowlata.
bileahraaratsew^aawbattoda. Tbadv
ahlp. WololdtbRnnotto
to *“
aflat lat tbarel beard Ona'tbaOrto
bat (hey inatoud. aayinp, cr
oorrerl idi« to Chile, you
dkaUap by etone. thettbeywooldrerlm
bol and peppiyy cAUi aanc
back. Mol taklop
:llW tthem errioady. we Chile to a
eept.’ 1 dido'l pellad to tbe •bl^
tbo liiidirei moantaiii peak! to tbe worlA
« bototed aboard and
aatontb. and we
to coBiae it to cold cm tfaa rnoanaa. bat tore adr lawboL
wUbucI dinralty.
tc ia eeldOD to CbUe>ti>at ;
l^adU'UaenpcBliiie' laea ttbekac.
"Tbo water wm clear, and we coald
teb to IcTcl ooantty, eo
Kupbebind eee doBeac to bape diaiki playtop about
Uaek Map that
re to po ptrpand far bto i
______ ______ Uaigbibe
H WM Binrev Ibo lot (hat
Ibc dtip. andI H
rer. Tbo drere to a CMleaa
Jtaaa )aa tike (be Una papa
Mra wltb wtoa we po oot oaixlage
tidb*. Tben cran-aa laupbad apatai
awful bard, aad ebe aaid toelboufM
Three are roed tm bat day* bat
ear likeir that Wat wbal pnm'tba did
loplwa. TIr an inetaalUierewaa , dcatxa.
may be wrapped aroand tbe
aeai ’ram that wa wbat be had uad
to bo warm when cUnibinp
tbrm. apt
Stoat dtoca, a hip ecart. to be
Oreat Bupa Beagaeaa tallyaac
.- ,
to tbo pipantio mao cabv
aai nmiinl-iTT aunt that al
darted tfaraapb tbe wetir in tfao diteoMphtrered Uttb «a Bea and I
«cm to tbe aatirra. who were rwlmmtop Iroad brimmed b.l for prouatitm
ViddlnSia Bm bugbbeaitUr- . - qoictly far tbe abore. Ibr water wm either eaa cx wind rcmpleto a aattre (be Bn« to tbo abarka Qtilmdboy'e oatfil.
M (bey fairly I
toward tbe
tbe two tarn
fidi. and I
Bat yoa
not (btok fnaa bit Bamo that be
aatoatde tballuaed topeteeafuad
rray totroeaopbtnapplap. IreMwiato (BBaber then aB
r Kap'e mainor, a «rey old
ttaaldidanreareaba. aadaoaet
aa old way, and tbe abarka wore I
poor old mtotrere wm takea
ecDtop tack to tbe ahtp M quickly M ' away to lire withamuotrieBda 8oKq>
tbtybad porre. Tire fldi wne to wdl > wm left alotre to tbo world.
"Oae tba 1 eeaikpt a^atot aad Mqaatond with tbe ialandoia that (bey I Few adijMiMwo be recaued ray aa?
■ba 1 woka «p it wa lato aad I
aever (oaobed tbciC'^Tbry bad been bappy. and tbi«i be aopincd to anibrtoitod I woQlda't pet
tMied in tba tame water and were old atond (bat be am«t anppret htoreelf or
po honpxyl
hDnpiy. Tbo
Bn« tblnp "
■ • wM
bur»7 ___
to po to tbe batebet abc* and alt be> at Ibe foot of the
aeocAtoply apn bia fatodlMafdrafacme.
■e ytatt mo (be elty to Ety Watt oe UVAOQ.
____ ______ .__ pcdnp to aaawei. bat _
be trerkod.
. V _ _ “ —• ._ _ _ _ _ Am Ibcs
oire, orer.
tiaareubaiadwbat praa-tba had toU TTi ^
rire doadandyuinirdcmracbair. Ofc
Oral-Ba,al}ntohiwaban7iap. On
the butarer rewarded
•warded him by a prnereaa
aa al led ae
aad tba toe «
a ftoln BDdvBBMd to kaow wk
' ereninp for a
tbat oowded tbeaidewalfci aad raa I ap from tbe pale mb • a beda)
•■Sulaid. ‘'Gtoaarab
pureh. And lately be baa
dra a'inald to
X wa cmlap dewa a't pa ■
a mu> ree tbat tbo montT and *“ Pl*?*' •“ “•* “*®
Rre^were j!”«. M-n mretbiap to ret fer tbe pon­
ce board tbe
Gaa’ttor tSrlailT bupbrd aad gm at
fmmftoy. Sbe banted borne and
a paar -auae. be ttod. 1 wa ato
patfareod la bar anna b« tvro wax dolto andiciwefa]
Vhal'e ‘ato.’ mammar
re *ay baRiy m be is.
"Wtol.1 da'I tblak tbatwaeay with tbrit ekithre. and tbon abo ran
ate.**aid Middle 8ta BarearaD- tbnm^ tbe atreeto aU alrere. (hroaph
batj, tot Oral Bnpe Bearlaacbcd llreUlnainp......................
A younp man from tbo eonntty weak
a>d aaid. "It'i a wada ba didn't aa
loareHitML Taaaad'a tamoo* exhibi.
Itot am* }att tfaa."
tiOD to WBXwerk fipniei In LokIoo. Aa
"Aaotha dae." aaid UHle Wa
. .
pot io be taw a poor, plocb8m4c bnrrtod oe board Ibo beat and
Bea, -Orae'thfr Ortoaly brnupW
into tbe oaUn to tbo captain. 8be laid id, hanp^ lookinp man ia aeariKr.
bonaaDd aMpbiandto the boe|_.
Utiakliip it UH a lx«pa. bo wool
«toaaatbrarida.aiidfaeltoitto tbe dolls In CbelMot Ure aatmiltoto
feato la featef th^doorlailaainaid bMped Urn «o MOO bnr darllnpa
Tbo ospmln ktored fare and mads ber a a YlritoM be tmi fiituid out hli mlataUbfal preeatoa. Tbcn bo rent a kdp. tako. Tbe poor Uppar wm a wax flpHe msdo op bretniodnolto
ttnmpmilcwlDtBkrtbeUule pirtbacA
Mr Went into tire largo
Tboretwedtotooeoapito tfao pod to
ato rlpbl at tbe rod wMtireflp
to a ma by ilrelL Wbre be pot
btBor OB tbo olniner Dix. saneanAto
h^ groamoa., UmO, and bauknoare.
np to it, be aluod oUtl to bare a
paid and aUrer. Bat
pood Icic*. Then be walked ripbl round
to tire ralaabka wm more pn
it. tnuebed it. ato loareeM boa wax
(ban BiMto'a doUi. They were aafaly coald br made so llfollko. Prarotiy
pamdrd aaUI all danpre wm paiaad.
wai a taoad priu oa tbefaoeto
Spare, ato (be -torrifled
and tfaea tbtywera aent brek to lha
maa bnirtod oat to tirerooc
that it WBW Impcwtlblo to teU deto peo­
tbe llTinp or tin Uvinp bom









a to tbe
ItoritetlM they bars sand atcam* says'
n writ* to Tbe Ooilook. Tbo wind
itM* aad Ibo aaud la blown in preak
■ and writb «nret raiftncM.

1 be___________________
hutotdoal to tbe wladow. and 1 aid, aatfaere
It -banka np apnlMt
canto aa tba
"Avlbe aid. ‘WtdL Wa We* erttol plaiaa. Tborettlra
one to tbrw- wtctniw
"Atto 1 aeU. •Ctab'dartarialTr. I tmifled andw dHBrelt
ai~reg Ibo mi.* 00 drew*
"Aadbs saM kito-o'tei 'Wtas
Wbn a man nto a putty lire
, "Ato 1 aaid. -Otaa>«k^ Orladr. 1 far a loop time, (bey beem
fateoda and object to
-Ato ba pet mad ato prewlto awfal. bto otatoblrd atoaklnord catoto bo
MAC mid.-V
-Vbafa lha mattre with lapn Bar niaator Ired to po oni cm aa
BModlltoB ato dmictod Ibxl bo would npre Ike bwalth
d I mU. *Tbe bene to lantoM
Ho (bnnptat tbo
^nriMx toe bard fa Clto with bet ban
Tbe brew to yvaap
wrecked beranoe
Afior tba aoDot bad bsoa
boa oae to tbe sand atremi cum ap.
Tbe men In tmap |aotraaod tbeBaalrea
Btotbairbrewn m well m tbtr coaM.
maA Ato 1 wald.-aranibre QHa
bet Ihatoit Ibo aeoat ato bla
yea told wt alwaya to tbtok three U

pan * Vrlpbt tire are
as caelly aa a ama wredd dm a
taWaAacerwith a Ul to eUrt plaeter. tadde of the iaaer tabu of Ibc
lire Uea a Ioap stifp to paWMap ra*

Tba nev firim b big vttb Utony.
Bkg^j penapp ffaa daOr new^i^M.

' im' aje^ *k%|tin|sn
By laieetlar M. * W.
cameat thro ' '

Brenii* Krtrn—10 et____
Want further infentaticn.
6a^ it itf oiff agpnt in.j«tir on towiL

llT^’^witb tbe tbasb. lita tbia.

tberepalratripiaalde to picked ap by
tbe remrat. tbaa


Chicago ~ —West Michigan
lira* rnAncmn ro^



MyAte. IA
My t7. iw. S. to. tf Jure.
My 1.1. «o. S& la. 0. !• a klml to Ir
My ». tl.
My ai. IT. M. at. ri. u n-dikv
My a. St. 16. *a. »T. .rv uad b
”mM(. Id. K. SS, I. . larpe nun
My A 7. II. », tea |«urh<a.
My la. S3. SO. St. Ii. Und to dr
Tbrwboli- lia |peo><r(i vbleh V
By appUmble to tbe euHrma

Very Umpto.
khoald reatctn'ber
reatemb ibeae two "bata." i
be will fail:
Behirr toKctiap erm^
the tire. ITyoadoat. tl
will be flabby. lUce tbto.

DErntMT. Mi


Alpine Safe
lew lock,
lew Panerns,
lowesi Piice.
EOUILHD Bl 1011.


*a. tre.->anaiar
pill In tbe hlanU at the ende to (be Hare
with reiltaUc rbycure. Wbiw tbe tUdi I.
dithkti. ItU to drew tlrel more-1


We are Sole .Agents for iHlt! territory for this sti|>erior



Ar. Dk lueu.. . waa a.
1 nra
and tbe eemeet will ao( pot iaakW to ^
it. where the repair atrip Hea.
When yoo hare a paaetarr.
r. pet ripb( j
a it haa a'uto »■ aaraii. uiiiriTpeiM» aamu
«|^. teWnc a tire flat. wbOB
uch or nail la it. may dasapr

iu lonnuTUi
> take HN«l Batov
atldBatoarka M.


WMtiTAs ■ 6
KraUto .


make of l’'ire-J’riK)f Safes, and it will lie to your iiitef^i


namhnrhcl^—---<1B anreoBbreB
bnrhilr^-- —
firoaPov-ry totoa--- ——

investigate the good qualities.' and also the luiifs. uf the

Arak* Ife. rmtoal-----

CtJcbratfljl Ali'inc Safe Ix'fore hiiying. We itiake a sjeecial <j
price un our Ni>. 2 Safe, which is something every' fanner
should have in his house.


are tm Prer-rr U-lb m —
(•daBsUUddnto —




A. A. AIcCOY & SON, Agents.
151 I'ront Si.. Travrrrse City. Mich.

■1 in.-n
A H T.doU U
A Ida',
p orpin.
A Id. A. rOfteepirella.. Owl fork enetuy.
. Man I', roll In a UlA
. ChreklorC-C.
. RIeb pin for Sto.
. ApM' Bnprrclln.
.. Balpr n luum dye pain aoi
lA Ik T. L’> brentlful plory.
II. TopaCtobotdol.
I. sun try ruda '
I. MelebaV. tobrea.

Tra>enre Oij. . ..a?J ...




___ ___

Ca a plawlit pin a wlDduw a ploat Mo
• to JudpmeBt,U
r UMaanmkt^kladnal
Rhotlrera aw
Three lutireato maf
That If tbe ralw to a rtoh to
»alM.-ThoArpir Woman: Prem the .
nmtalap isdrdurt l.and It leilH' num* |
tau to wbat ebe then tred, wbkb wu '
tiMorfeaers. Frem SS dodurt a. anil tire
iBdrr^, waatw^li^to^priM
nock. whl.
and (Mmitondir, St^ta.W

ing. Short Maple Wiaxl.

Lniiils for sale.



O 0«1 C A A
AB XJI X N K r I 0 D B ■ a
H 1 R B D
D AX B •
Xu l«d.-Bbymod Koarertoal: Kola.
Ko. lor.-A Date i*utor: IIWT.
Xa IBS.—Charade: Itel. hap. I»lo.
Ko. ia*._WMch Line b the Lunpmlf
Tbe upper borlaontal Une r.n«wn at HM
^aam to be biapcT tirea tire cabre. bat la

riages, and Saws.

urn; t



A cttmplele Saw Mill Plant for wlo.


PlE.TERTy^ IrlMsissls
Carriages, Cutters; Sleighs, Etc.

r?aai'rr».‘f%^^rey!: SX

gmm •<ssv

general blacksmithing.

Horseshoeing and General Repairing Done.



ML FlOMABt, OWOBBO, SM^% Bny 01t7, Dotoidt. How.
aU. Au Arbor. Tolodo bbA
poiotp But aafl Booth. CS«M


Re-Painting and Upholstering.
State St., near Union.

Tilde CARO.




. Oeddea
jdrednre. 11. AacmAmlaa Indira. ^


laM I

Mill Machinery

of all descriptions, including 2 Engines. Set Work's/Carr

'^e.^t&^'^^OcMpaa ato Dlamoad:



Hemlock Liimlx.'r, Surfaced Sidewalk Plank, Maple Flmir-

I. i'rreiwt time loin tap
L Bare or iiMan Ir
llototoslldo «ara
fame. A An In.
___ A To Jump lot...
artiedoto furnliare Iptot.. cry like a d

Xa lfS.-F(
red. A Buvb

P ■*


If y*iu have logy.^o sell correK|>OD<l wilh Ihu Traverse
City Lumlier 0>mi>anjv We have foy sale

Strawbrery b a aCTer-faillap «eclfle





Your Horses.

Fram fcD«ta and fiitw. We olf.-r
koto ato to" Barer into ikr pawilkr reretor.
Twre re aa loarre aar aarere. aa k tea e*M meetvscelk*at hue »( fly nHa and
•rtkl alia to Kir'* CMre BkUa raa ta kto to
rearBraarw* ** *« reatl tt telaareata rati covera. 1110 pricM arc lower tbpn
unpOre. wboa they w
I aoBBd to a baa '
“*'“Et*’n*oo..i*WkTrraB«.«.v car
'a faioto rode lato o
a tnrto ton-4 rer to irr mr’> Orare Batre
Tl re tbe aalT mcdictM dteUed te tUw par- amtemp^reM^Rtoi^Brek*
I Mlere^rell
B<ac by w wklllod aad eureriew^ wpreiaUM
b iHiriwoi to tbe (rmiaiae et^iare.



aipbl tbe wind 1
-Ato aarefatr tiare bo ato I waat
Smtaf. ato be AM atoBtoadato
fldred aad didn’t pre a Urn. m 1 mid.
•Qnmtbre. tot mo facto yoarpotofeva
UMtowhltoato I'D mowyualanrm

baWmelakotbrpolc. ato inaboata amlbcldupripbt byttreauxL Be
Me a PTCBI Up AM) moro'B a jwd «akto bbi way oat to tfao drift afta
laattboboakatotatlbdawtBL" ttremremWMOTre. Tbaaooalbtol


it wm
tAmre owre. "Did
wmm run
Mr >•
wtm ' MmdMW to lb«.
a yarn--bmprIIhkaa-ttoentbowlad.
TMa p^ amrtad oat ta^mtp ia
**WrU,HwMmeMMbtpMmypaw{ t
wykew." Mid UnM Vre Bw. peat- tba
WMpoUiM. ato mafab TbndiaDorreto
that Clta bto UukMt
~ato tbe poM WM bat,
bat. bababre atowM paa. They tol
SftN psIliM. and
ptotbaUawMMiafalM.mM Iwm aka« lbs Ml ato tour aaM

jbHfafAtofatoldtlmk Atolamfato bmto a bmpt^is^.



____ Wttera. Treoboulm oarto are
aatiraly.’- Mr*, a C. Whire. Tai
OaaUa County. Xoa. York.

tbro^ a a«amtodolhacy. Ia
raliat ia Danu OiatmaaV It i

Ear Ne^a from
Oood, heavY, Wash Cotton Hot . 85c to $1.60
Fine Wash Shan Net..................$1.00 to $.60
Leather Note from...................... IjOOto SJO
Remember the Bwxain Sing'e Harneee 7X»


'«JrS’SSmtrj?'m M. a


aBAWP TRAvmaK mauu jdi.t jb. mb?.


I SfcBU MM IMM Tw> War.


TM.~»'°;il:;'lMM bMaO. UM«

aad laara;
BraatT (or aabaa laay 1 fira alway:
l ia oerr 1 aball aot paa* ac*lb tbit way-

M KrMr u poMibl* tb* w»y 1 bar* plaor. Haler }*lly o( tb* jalt* dr^ed
baud brat lor ByaaU.bsd (or otban**' (rooi tbr plana: It wfll
ao al
bwy or t>bo bar« Bora work aod laaa Uc-wyi beelea^aad ddnetoaa.
Mrrad plamar* alwayaia ordaraad
Ut B* wr tbwr la BO a*rd la loake lb* alwayarood tor aay <b* that IlkBt
proiWB aa ardeoB uak. Tb* boot rw rUh aaaoa. Jaa aad* of plaaa K alto
. aaltaar* oblaUad by prvarlaf aewU ftnd to bar* aad kaop, U yoo caa
CaaBUtlM at a tiaa. aad aroUlof that aakoaaoarbadttokoap.
baaUd. woraoot (aallac that bbIcb
It aay aoaa eld (aabloaad but a altea
y tb* work ap at of tbla baaad aad boitar oor*rad wltb
tb* laai at tb* ritk •( apoUlac Toar Diet Jam or }«lly malca a dolirtoo*
loarb lor a tired notbar. to-aay aolbU JOB aalamloa o( (ralt ebooa* ooly la^of tb* ehlldreo. wbo aaoally pre­
tlBt wbjcb it parlteUpteaad aad (raab- fer It to aaat or cake.
ly ptrbad
Kartr try to tar* orar ripa
Id MBDlor pear* 1 bare (oaad tb*
or partly dewyad Palb St U aararat BBt tailtfae*^ way to aah* • w«ah
Cead aad baaldB I* aot baallhy.
1 woaU adrSa* the «*> o( eltbor tha pal la yo«

Row few people reaUm wku Urtr hack

I waat to «l*a coed ataaaara. raa*
bad lata aac*7 baarta I waat to poi
tb* aaawer ao(l ttet Uraetb wratb
na ^^i'aball aot paa* acala thh wapI waattopiralDWberthopaaad (altbi
I waat to do all tbal tb* Haatrr >altb;
ttM acala


*11 I

LMarr n-midy lUt ha* bxia tried a
pri.mi ikal II WlU ctue.
Mr JobaHobeotoof AAl Ramell fknrt.
to arraarxallFBt roarndy
IMroU. *ay*; "A* a imah of eimwii
Wbaa oaed for lurtoy Ue war I Ur*
bar* aoSciwl ev
to Dine a day Knee wiU fbeamalKm aad kaioc,
iatoeU oblalaed IKIm would aurt la my bif
Urn. l-atUe anmud to mr bock,
from lomcm* by txriltoy U
illybly co
l^ld wairraad- U
Iwiay alowly urine demaed kUoey diwirlrt.
itirier. 1V'
■ »• twin
... ...................................
.. aetil
—UlUey be»lB
a boll. Boll alowly
n my 10L_----------to aoftoa:
r*mor* from
«-s; reiBVTe
Ue 'water.
rtijof tbe atbu k
ip wrok ualU the apeeffly
cold eaouyh to handle aque<
omn) away T bare uani aaay - ■ tu-oi.
bbUI Ue juloe K eKteaeUditotraia a
al oihrr tblac*.
RcHteJ i , link''
eaouyh loaf• or cn
cro.hei.i--yme ayo I aurtod
aunn' ^iij
and Ucytore
uiake It palatable, belny arrful a<
make it too iweek Add ahnut t
ikeful d
a* uacb watara* Uere K juice,
preparation may l<e laade
lay, orenoByh prepam
d to la*t tbi
Rl be krpl la

dayr, bal il taoImcnl. wl...
tow-fftlou-r- r.>K
Ilimuyh tlw war wllb Kawr aad dlwln.■km. nron'aKkliwrPUKarrfiw
all ikalm —prire. bO imta Hnik.l by :
p<mu-r MObuni C-i, Buffalo. N. Y . wife
UcU 8. ItraamibcKbcUiiiA.
breed wfaei^Uerr K eoataadlofr water,
aad it K eooally lmp.B>ible fur Urm
to breed In water that hxa bad a little
eoal oU poured i
K fortned OB U
kerroear K.aRIclent for 11
lUare feet of wator.urfaoe
wator.urfaoe It aboald
be applli.l a^lD ia about
LemoB* for tU LaqcK

Of Mtioea K Ifft^a ebora*.
Wboa brow* eAirr Ua eUpIrt
Bat Ue hyaw of fU low aad tbe hum­
TU wary. Ue btokaa la ba
WU alnrre aad wU faUod
Wboa* hope* banied to a»bea away:
^ Wbuae baad* alipped Ue prite
Ifboal^ at tbr dylay of day,
■k of
Wltb Ue work
ol Uelr life all a>


>: alia Ui1
t pBBbB ar* aad aKo baked. .
rkb-h Ue a
aad add e.s poaad* Tf
Ur* feaad a Cbod,way toa** op windfaU paan to U to eat Uaa la balrwt. aacar. Pal ge tbe Bee eaul U* aacar
KdKaitlrad; Uea puar latoaeorwcd
taU Mt U* aota aod aay Uaok or jar. aad let It reomla II or M daya i
thrale acalr. poor law boUle*. and
ayato koUia. awaatoa a UtUa aad oek
"I*** *** fermoatoUaa K mb-

srr ,r

hoKa. tbaa poor Ua ayrap or«r Ua liu UK a* Bodlelae to clear UaaoM
paan, aat away aatu eold to ba
' ’ Ptoma arc wlU B*aauad-by. at I
i «M MO Uom la ao m*ay way* 8lm- oar Obarartor bead*.
It Ktooly wboa
K BP Uat U* body b
boply aat ap wbaa rip*. UU paMhaa, aad
it K only wbea ei
iprtaUad wUb aayar U*y maU a r«ry
' alo* BOB for tU BIbmc or oapw


/ HWm


Do Hot Be Deodved. .



»!■ IC»L|1 -SilBEarsa.-.

atiicr fi> cure *TCry Cl
RUPTURC. Jkl*u.wch**«a Irloyda
w MBltarlum. Send for JoaruL

Dr. SplDQey will be At Pmrk
Place Hotel

Wednesday, July 21st.

Hotel Whiting

Pioneer Livery,

Tnv«rM City. Web.

Sale & Boarding Stable.
iwoi.aauawti w*.i*f Pdnn

Two Soys Oaly Boeb HoMb.


IsAtioD Fx«e And StrtcUy

Gloomy Fore­
boding of
trying hour if robbed of.its jwin
and suSering. as so many happy
mothers have experienced,
b'othing but -MrtWs FricoT’ doe*
this. Don't be deceived or
persuaded to osc anything else.

F, Urrrr

V*- -01 *■* vmytaiM y*

■ WUSK l-ur WAKT

To Young, Middle Aged and Old Men
n-irjr-w*-] .*.»«—»«.•, iw»



rn*A i-or

AtoiR*w »«f— *-


UrwkWkr. Mr*. T-**





■ y.KoAaoK. M


DRS. 13. S. & CO.

Lock Box 160.
PAPER ll^\N(iEK.
I. xtroRiFo'tfM.ikA.xrxm:


13rosch’& Meal Market

K ncly nnc of U* donytr *lyuaU Uat
aalan- n«.-*totcU tw that •mr ktdaaya
an- nut -.-tiny riybl. and Ibat wr an
lu H*i,.-r «S llriybl'- thtoom OBd
r ki.lory
tVhra lb*
* *'**
■ on- mAdolny tb.-h- duty tbr
im -liirh -hnald b* Altorrd oat of tb*
l>b«*l Uiruuyh tbe artnc mmin* ta Ue
-T.k-tn, ami dMaaen-all-. ThK now


IhMcsm. Cffiv rfonuik iM Malt B.

I k-»b-mni«bU*-u* lU**r i g|KIH

U oa s brantllal peaiDaala. wmahed by
Ue watem af two inland lake*. 8,-tro
milra b}- -Warner fmis BIk KapkK.
Hiebiyao and <lran>l Tratmt* IKy.
nhcacehcry. bathiny, boatlay. black
bam Aahtoy. i
New botol. oomfurtable room*, ir—l
ll-to prr

ST to V' per. w
l|. A. KIND. Mgr
Elk Uapid*. Hicb.

IhoicestyMeats, Poultry and Game. iSlI^
rai.-I-' a -t-i*—uwr to.


Fresh, Salt and Smoked Meats, $ausiiges.£tc.

TtLtP#oiti(M*etlT .)


r. .BROOH.

*. -mai.rr. * *<t*

rssvs ismmmmmntmwmfflmwimmmmmmmmmmmifli

obtained by advertising
‘ in
* tbe
‘- He
your wants

EnnlutioD ol IKctien.


■re rou. *r/SiUUu'yoa whlt'^SuS

The CelebnUd SjMcUUsta,

Wdds^y aad Thnnday.
7nly 21 aad 22. 1S97.




c; after that le

year*: w**Srcar* Bapartaleadeat ^
Alma and Vpailaati Saoiuriama.
Thiacsvrrieacc.euabiaed with moBy.
year*' a’udy la Ihe Wl bo-pltal* la
Ihe country, mod eaBaiaiay aad traalioy ihou-aada ol chronic caaea. ba*
prepared him tocare when tbe yeoeral
rwaclitiooerlxila ttorc yoa beeu *ldi
for year*? Are you dlacourayed?
Call aad are aa.w*willicl----------—

Il-a 5^10 » J»r* **’'V’*V?*


when she ^rst presses to her heart
her babe, proves the contraiy.
Danger and sudering lurk in
ic pathway of the Expectant
Mother, and should be avoided,
lhat she may reach the hour when
the hope o! her heart is to lie realixed, in full vigor and strength.


er^Kw^ber, Os* moath vOI be
alM.>Uiicly free-—medicioio. saryicol
oprrc'ion*. aod the bracAt of atToor
-kill to all a'
Our r.rtbud* of treatmeot i> all ibat L
ka -on <■> all the acboul*. with tbe aid
of rlr.--ri.ltv. Ibat mo*t woodcrfol of
all av-'in-in i\ir:ay*i*. Uoa* of lb>w«r,
Kh. u-:iu;Kai. aad all diaraw of tbe
nr r.>c. *y>tcm. Co early, a* BV
ofti. c i» alwiy* cropdrd.

Insist on Havi
The End That Never !

. sorrow shall thou bring lurih
children," that a curse was proinecd against
the human race,

Be imaa .la

rienoB ia the traatmeat ot CATARfftt



Wltk a nlee. clear Are Are mlai
Bffielent Um.-for broiliayabwr
aboald 'he tomrd
iliuoa ilarluy Ue p
K ami-take to mq)ce a larye
blacaH froperty apeakioy. a tea
call ahould not -be more than
lachee In diaiaetor atwi pr.^»ortloBatolr
bakerl. TM* (tirm a del!Ukk w
rate, nini.l. Aaky
.. ..
.. .
beco-iked thronyL before U* naUidr
. ba* U—>ffle bard or orerbrow

fortaitie* treated.

The End-Yon Dave Always Bonght”

The meek lob- rit Ue earth.
doBol It. Uey du ooteoo.|U.
bat Uey Inherit it. —Itrummood

HK1I .l-T-

SUBS REwaa^'.

Cheap 'Homes
I* —10^0**.


Farming Lands


fb> ant |D W«Bt or BnaU aatit y<M

BereM —C tairC grmdt rmiaeaM* «

^ Just received one-balf car load of sugar which we are selling ^
less than cost.

aa a»»ra*» «UMU* .1 n per erut. will k*




Cut Flowers, •
Floral Pieces.
Betiding Plants,

. Beimember, a FREE BABN for aU our patron*.



Plants for Decorating

tfWnrtOmrnmtmuHwUa. TBAtnOtQ CITI etJiMAT.


MS mmt *m».T«w<a«r.lO«h.

Uada rich, dry aod


lock. etc . aad art Wrtl wMmod ky

Mixod Cody par ll>............... ....................
par sock......................................

|SS^=E “Ha;;;;;;;;

ihot I
brtocru. ToacoBM Mtor WiU h

Habar«U omlBly wlU Sayw Map^

ftbo^SonU Clan*

’•ew^ai^wn^Vwaw'wMu tall b*uv
’\£nUra>MnMMtortMMd xwiM^to*.





nakrw oar pUatloy at
eriny. riul pan* ..f bu yi
pn*o.—i'blUp kloxom.

The rb-be-t man b> he who can
help from therxperlUeAimafkiai
a -Chr. Key.
ol oUer uira

_* h*a la tfoaUay

c« aracKiai. onaaneM *i
a la rctara b

Do not endanger -the life of your child by accqiting
a cheap substitute -which some druggist may ufTcr you
(because he makes a few more pennies on il). the in­
gredients of which even he does not know.

•fyour rlybt to pralw
to blame —A. 8. KIbd.

ileliyioa mean* cnmpoaare. heron
-jreniiy. lo/mlty at all time, aod
ItK ablrio-taad Ik
pot npaa It.—fiarrell Wj-ohoff

oaot *to Ub at Id* HaaltartBBb

and has ihe siffoatare
per. So one has aaihaeitji pmM to use mj/ name exTIu Cailar Caifmii o/^ uSu On: B. Flddur it


Tbe qnallty by which we aiea»i
yreatoe—, i> a mao'* capaeity for 1
Iny.—ArUur Help-.


This is iheirig^ “ PITCHERS CASTORIA.- which has hern
usediathehoauisifthe Motha^ifAmmforticer thirfa
fears. LOOK CAREFULLY of tJbe ingipgr and see tAst it ts

«»)k ‘

toed* out ItyuB waat aloe aaaoe. Aad
TU demon Ualtempta a*
aaotber Ulor. do not pat la morb Wbo
o bold op wbaterpT
falU ..
held to U
aafmr aalU yoar fnilt la cooked Under
which tbe world bold* bop tVIdehBtor.
By tbe prKe wbl<
hl,^eaoocb to cat. Ueo ahim Ue (ralt oat.
UreofTrnUKa differeat affecUon
'Oinloreof one'»owo upiol.m.—S. A.
pnt Ue aacar la tbe ayrap aad dlaaolre Wbo bnro'^Ured'lwa hlyh
It Uerearlily by boUlac. Uaa ura It
or*r year ftali whiefa will be .lender
Comll thy Uioy aenaU aad aay.
dellrtoai eraa If Uey are prearrtd
re Uey Uom wboin Ue world oallt
poaad (or poaad.
UrapB arr aotpat ap oa maeh at
a Ua aaeema of Ue
Uey ouebt to be beanie of tbelr ecoda
I ot*ttiam*Ul*dl«leBllyby Urine a ru manyr* or SoroT TU SporUo*
Wboawod at TbenoopylaeV Urtt?
aata to b* aay <rf Ut jelly lonaiac wlaader mad* wlU Ula U It ■
bK Judi
propartlw U ebarrlB at aU.
BUawrli to rataU Ue aaeda Pick
OrSocralBT fniaU. OhrUt?
barrtBBabaBad* Ulo a aUe jaUy If
—Srtrtteiyear trait la jaal ricbt'aod you do aot
tiyweaok Utooaaehat oeee.batit
o Party.
wtUba atoraaeUd UUt jaiceof oa*
picnic, whether
U lairr
a maaayer wbo
laBM la added to erary plat at Ue
II. onybl to bare
barnlac aod to Inoaen Ur teedi:
rKioa K made for "
*ee tbal prorl
BKawbany jalaaJam I* au
Ueo r*D UU Uroacb Ur eolaodrr to
ol Ue cxcaraloB', aad
■C U* baniB aad addlac
aepaaU Ue palp from Ue aaeda which leareU
taXha o( a pmtad or a poaad of aacar
. o :yooncpeople mayyo out
be reUlaad la Ua aoUadar. pot
tor a plcok.
plenk. aad, If no plaoi bare beea
toaaU petad ad (raltaad ODokUc
Ua akiaa back wtU lb* palp aad nook
UUy. lUrTlBC all ol U* ttow to prereat UU doaa, aa yoa Ilka add . aacar aad dUciuMd. are IKble to Aod UeK boakeU well auppllod wlU toke. <k>uyh(mb Uralaf bbUI U* deolred aeoalab aae-a rood aad whotaao.
BOU aed perhapa pie. but wlU lllUe
of tbe ■ab.wntUl food.
Apple oame latt aad !
In Ue fln.1 plaee. -elect. If poaaiblr.
OariMH at* neat U order aad bra
Orud Trarere* bootekeepera wUt to
croaod* which ate *c>mewliat aaar a
toad wora lor jelly than aay olUr
dowlU Uam. Tbe HakAi.Mm* prlp^ dw*lhny-Ua*r. aa amey Uloy* *acb
’ frail. TU bBl way I Ur* triad I
ne neclleat ncIpB In Ue Boaa aa trater. milk. loo. dKba *od oooklnf
piak tUfaailaaaooauriptoa a
departaieat within Ue latt year ateoalU m^ U oblalaed Uere. and
that Mre t^a aamaaity of carryiny
day a poatlUe: pM ortr oalally Ul
for atloc apflaa. iwlllapy. bowert-r,
doMt*UBth*B. Pot yew Iran Uto
Uat I Barer aa* batter la elUer bakrd
Amoye for UK beforebaad. by 1
a BtoiM jar, pu tba jar late a kettle at
appUa or apple plea. Ut aae a trill*
............................................. ..“V
. wator, BlUac Ua
tali iaalead aprlnkled orer Ue top of
the applB after Uey ar* alleod
jlacida what will be appheUtod ip
1 BBia U* fralt ba* tottlad
It way of food, and tbva portioa oat
U* Jar abOBi two or Ibro* laaba*. Uto
I each one Uair abare la Ue amo
eppar era*t. a1*o orm- Ue apple* before
M it oooL i wtolly Uara Ue« orar
patUac Uom into Ue oren if I am
of baoi, tonya*. lardlne*
Bicbi TU Mat OKwalBfBtraU year
Uhinc Ucm, wltb a little ayrap In aod ebtekto are a yood *-----■*——
Jaiaa. woleb or matoare It. atlac the
It I am almply Uklac eoldbolk*------------------------mmm BBaaUly at aacar tUt yoa Ura U«B whole like awoat applw I
liked, aad Uttered roll, and bl
jotea. boUyoarjatoataiddly It or M
are aaily dKpoaad of.
Tbeo Uere mo*i U a pleaUfal
mtaatoa, add yoar aacar. tUr mUl dlamu* water to keep U* baklay
ply of yood home made pickle*,
, aelrod, boU apoMtaadadBally yoar
from Imrolac.
ebeeae. cold ouffoe pr*|mr«d wlU • .
jUly It doaa Cbaaed aad prtoerred
TU fotlowLoc raelpe for apleod toow- and i-ream. lemoo* and >ocar for lemBBiaalB art pat op Ua
ade. BOO cold lea wliboal >uyar or
tOB K racy aloe.
emtm, aad all Ueeomay U aafely car­
Coal aod alice rip* tomatoea. 8pr1a- ried in frail jar*. II oarefolly packed.
ikla a IlttU aalt orer Uam a* JOB aliee
Tor aweeu. tamblen of jelly, mar­
' wtU BtMa aad are mad* to UK way,
BlcbU alrala cS malade or jam are deltcluaawlU botthat It, mla* are-pick orar aioely.
oil*,aod trab.......................
b fruit laill U
UK jaioe aad Urow it away. W«chmn>i yimtelul. Aroid takiay
. altB Uam. To araty Bra pund* ol aad to erary tea poanda of
pie* or much akr. a* il lararlably
; eamala uU Ura* pooada of aacar.
add aae qnart of food rlatri
CM put of riaacar <Ud*r riatfar brnti poanda Mpar.two oa.
Ham or c
it meat aand.
«M tobiBpooafal of etanamaa croaod
wlebB. to be at Uelr beol. miair* Ue
a to be flaely chopped, aeoauord and
rary Aaa, om toatpoufal of elo^
end erealy o*er Ue rartaoe of butCtoaad vary an*. 01
*d taraad. wbkcb abould UcuIIcb
To Bleep Wall Eat Belor* aetlrtac.
m fioaad rary Sa*. boU fralt tad
n a qaarter of aa Inch Ukk.
A llrbt avpar Jaat before reUHac I
ham K aot expeaalre. aad K rery
or wlUoat a mixture
of mnatanl.
d aacar aaf apleea.
tbalr ttoaaeUtrairellaBppUod'wlU
If oee K depaadeet upon a cap of bot
i BaO a miaat* or two aad aaol bob food, U* artlrlly of Ue atoaaeh wiU- Uo. U oaa U eartly prepared by i
a araaKa eaaaed cra*b drawltac tUcBcBofU* blood from of aa alo^l lamp aad a Ua cup
ari It UaottoodL_____
■ ■ darHare Ue food carefelly packed,
' for ptot latUaprtacBfiarBpplB an
Ueep. On UeoUer hand people that It may an-Ire la yood niadIU
' fOM or or* patt Aaror. aad I Ura
wbo are rery haacry onb
IW tad
dad II Wrap many
.. lay of Ueartklea -eparalely
: ratip* terartoadrlpacocwbafTtoatUt rary dUBcall to alerp.
Aod Uao
la parmfflae paper, which K ezotlleal
la r«ty Btaa Udaed. To
Ubft ofrleepatarerolatodUu*
deep at a reralatod Urn* aad
for Ue perpoM.
peoad* of fralt add (oar poanda of Mine proper hoar* aboald U ealUrated la caae UK Ublt Ua Uaa
_ turn
aacar, two ooaaB of eUBamua croond
In acoomplKbiaC
aramplKblnC UK U* all
riy la paraSlae paper, aot forBa*. tmo onaam of alotn* enmad dae. of a farorabl* aUto ol mtod K
yeUlay to lake a idU-allar Ailed orlU
Importaaea HlerpeanaotU
. OM oaaoaofclai
tl««w. oa* plat of
of Ue wIlL
Soap, lowela aome pia-. oeedlea and
il barrtB.
rtaacar aad by a dlrarl axrrcKe
rtaanr. Ml
Tbe raty effort of Ua will to o
Ur^. In caae of torn droeea. a am*4
aofor am Uaa add ^tom aad oook maod aleep K caoueb to reader He
of aptrrt* of ammooK for Ue
down qilM UkU. Uaa pal In oat or UlBBeat BBcatory. Tba meetal el
a. or OMphor la ea*e of aocideal.
j jam oortrad Uckt If aot *aar*alant to U*oooBfBC«dbooeof qalmeai
aboald BOI _____ __________ ________
pu onuiffcrooee. a leeliac Uat
' U tmic^U*
lb* older o
reat. aad Uua It Ue tUa^ m*dK lake
aloBC aererti of U* Japaoee*
Jmpaoea* raU
Bleak •arrtaK are toad Htbor la poaed to onaUaae actire Uay may be mat* Uat may U parchaaed for atoot
jaUy ar jam aod ar* rery food Bodkd- aafaly allorred to uke Uelr ---------- tea ceetaeacb.toaroUlexporare
■elualveffort toward astral,
: aaUy.tU jelly dUolrad la water Jaaa wlUoel toy....
^ k«!d*u"
ThK aut* of mtad tad UoncKl
UoncT' K next Uny M Ua
ilo tU
•MBltoal driak to farora-aad K alao tkla to draami.
dratalm K atn
mi. and draaalac
_____ e It will U a„________
Vto by
oaad to a ramtdy la eolda
ind aleep—Mnltoil Itme^L
member of Ue party wboK .
ItoliliKilB art loo wall kaewa
... -a of a kook Uat K «Mlly tirod Oaadallu Wim lor U* Ooaplartoa il.WtoCh.4J.
IKadelloawlM Kaaerileat for pertre llrar tronblc. i
M U til tollowlnr raelM K firea for mtkrac
mil fralK U* erloa: Ottbar Urraqatrm of d^
Gold Medal. Midwinter Fair.
are yood I
Me; al toebt poor toar qaart*
; dried, aaaaad. i
,leed w i f•
ofw Utom aad allow


mas Oe arigmakr if -FtTCHERS CASTORU.' the a


acatowbO' P<*»^“*^**
loac dae. To* raa be doll
walty *lBa*d.aBd ibaafat* waar b tblac ela* at tba aaior Uaa. oaly do
h death awooploy dowo o'er Uelr
Aaap. Hrblla walcbtaadariU laata BM (orfot year aaaee.
Whoa tbr
Uelr PalU orarthto
hac ttrtoU 9R>P«l7 Bodaad .
pean are doM Uke tbemoat loto the

eaai and add more tocar to tbe Ihiald,
wbo bar*____
U aaUar i*Ur. *
aod if yoa with U rery elear atrain It
lu pxant!‘for Uaar w
taka place oalokly aed tb* raaaal eoo'. erer tbe peart: nal hoi. e( eoitrae. While Ue
. . _______
K aooadlay irlBBipbaDl
laUlac tba }alo* anat ba plaeo'
I'aart put a* In thli way keep their
Aed Uyb to Ue breeae aod
<Blah. bot Br*.
ahape. Barer aoflaD nr aloacb oft. aad Ut) Kteaen are wariac. bai
Blady (or boIlUc Jalllaa.
wUI keep, bat Iber will ant be white.
playdtrawbarrlB are oodr at tbalr beat
Aad erer Ue barrylay.feet.
' 1 that Beam* to be
la Cookmy Bleak.
hronyliur after Ue laarel
•Bd w* aay w well becl* with tbea.
|d o(^«oy. it OBC raa
A.-ooklay toartier adi
Uy tray edaaaalar tbaa I* tbla; Pieb
Ukk lieef.toak
lieer.toak abould
aboald Iw pot to Ue
■ erwaadballearafally. pattlBcallCbi
wuaodod aad dy- oren and allowed to wariti Unmyb be­
Kxcept orerkbr
^riakliac of aacar oo tb* (rail at ye*
. aay* eook tha *«eda aad aala* U
■tooiiy Arr of •
And Uere chant a i«qnlrm low.
dear water Bnt, eUaio tblaorer tbe
my*. H u all
iBtlayar otbanteaaad Blaway tar qalaeea aad eook them la. tbla water. Spook Ue word Uat ah^l comfort and ble tocor^a............................
aooUe them.
twoor throe boaia aaUl the i*lM U Kow 1 hare triad tbit to rty BtUlao„ By hand ua Uelr palB-kaitUd K. wiUoat anr a-’taaUy raw
Unxvb Ue eentor—by tbe naual
artraatod (roB the berrU*. (aam bb ttoa. aad, altboach It I* all rl|^t to
hand of Ua Ulpicao. aed
wa«r la aoekiac alrawbamB) tboa
the p
pat a low at a Ubo lalo yoar kMUc
aad aa* that waUr to eook year
Ther only tbe rleUry win
< aadaook aatUyear bBile* are doaa. fralt, yua wul to Uare tbe oai«B aad
Imre fuocbtUc c«>d fiyhl aad

aadaaad It aa iBBCb b yea «a>« to,
adi^ B^ar to aalt year taau to tb*
}Blaa.boUapeaa*to be lar* Ur tafar
itaU BalWLtnap year«aa aad aaal
whU* bet.
Unwberry jelly It
Uaa oUar (rail >*IUBBkeopt abarrlB
Tbar* doB not

rub u a tiow. yoar back b^o* toi
ibee ynar brad, yoo Ucome ItoW
aod wrarr.
weary. b« do yoa L--------------- -----eauaer We UUk aot. eKe you wmikl
I aw pkMUn awl JiBiBWBt CO. tbe badr.
ik-b only trBrre bal do hot rewb Ue
mow. If rrm woaU rU ynuncK of Ua
twill and niie tbe loca of tbe uoatde.



■nto hymaof U* woaodad. Ua K
Wbo died oterwUlmad K

Dr. A. D. SrtoMy. off Datndt. okto
ao^totor efRoad
Saaltarfato. in

WK AIR lasniKi n TIB coons Otm USRT TO TB

Km. a. S. C B4TMI. Mitor.

tar »bo*t two-tbliK* ap tb*
aa>< bad boll ootD lb* (nilt bwlma Id
aatUa: tbaa art Ut* btrilar ofl
laady naltod aacar bob draia tb* }alea
(ROB tb* plaa>* ^ dll op at
tbo hot trrB^ awl tl«hb
b traltK^MMd ktMr II I*pel roar a*M bottoa ap oa tb* Ubla bbUI
•p. tbM OM hvdir kaew* trbar*
bar* Id b*tb*7 am sold, tboo taka aaotber
«l* *a4 au *csrr«l7 Mop thort of*
r*Mp* book. Boirevar. I will Xrj to
ticbt aad pat away la a «ool dark


iMft an* tt* •■*1 A ran. A


vutmy anU*. Ab« erepo. baoJUy «U>


Aud hav* Ikem owde Itow DatabK tod


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