Grand Traverse Herald, January 07, 1897

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Grand Traverse Herald, January 07, 1897


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text


thBBB^IBBllBSt thBMhMT nwi
~tha Im a< tte Bow«r«S ■MUMr-


flasUy dMBSBBBCt touchcstssaM»B

■ aSJ'X'T'■

drll.UBl yuB BCTcr ms 'ra dsacv b«l
-I «M oat WMt atlBMi nan afs
oscAsad that «•* just befcrr ysor n •rhrs 1 ml s yosBV fsnsw who iatBrdi«d."
•Bird B» B nrst d«sl. B* BaBldan
•<W>U. thra -tsrkry. dtdB't ksr. hsTB bm oror iwcsvWht thM. hat I «ml« BWtteUnhasad
b1b*« thalhB
trash d< M
h« bad maatBBddni of lit*—that ’ body aalal Smlly
a. lilr oat thorw. 1 hBsrd that h* had I tarsia, dalu bosh..____
ie tb* thrsp csisiat ha*ia«a> m {Icsvaa the «sUn body la
, ^ynnbaicas.tal had lost hi* Ilf IhB
teal STB
Bold, alBsatharsia

I lanly la aonU«. awl if wa wa
St a few Uosoasd care iMonala <m of tha tamt a____
1 .raalBd aad bx-] is to plaar a hot wator bartstlahMsa

«v iBiiriit
I'I h«ww*d
•*' «««-iMMri,
■ ■■

1 ■«.» ull yi"i ud

SURPLUS 35.000



Bose & Son,

Real Estate



Business Oards.


obm ti u L L







e»rw Proet MdOM 5




Fire lnsorancel

^•;NahiB'b«Bld» tbe» lHac»«»»Ae
list, 'b dolfl you let Ibr efK* go ler
leM 'B F ceatB.
Tbey're worth tbe>


raowPT. cAMcnii

tobBaen nioek.

'^“Meb^y' III go dowB to Pb.. be
broiTB-* U I feel Ilka it tim a





And Oyster Depot I

l^noW fKi^?
n*t C. ■- lflII«T'>,Dnr*l..r' t* MV UrW*<
OMkaarnalat pMUAc* altka aiMiMW' •••onaMMofMMTtbiactxkv «n( Iim.

OMStB BeilimBBXhtBaddey.

A'?!2'.V£b.'S3!K •


-Are you in need of i



mrrrBrCUr. Hlrk S




nfOB, pUead the bMkrt <
^^•rbere thrieeoold be bo dMicrr
heir bcTBklDg. feUercd ap ibe
liB«B BBd ailed u> btt »>le wbo >wud
BB the porch. -ADythiac more. Hbb-


TiuvcMC Crrr. • MiomOml



aaaii. wMai LIL BML





I wUl M> ]ya> «o lose a* I bs.r • —, .

Haaly'a Bi«tta.



so u«rt Ubr Uo Mbo« MV wrUeawt,

pected to Bake a lortaoB la a __
loaUy short line As I kMw aothia« I tare's workiofs
sad told bit fanuBB. bb^^ told al all BtaoBl shera, asd eeery ose said I Beery aoc know
aw'l wobUo-i frvl uck.aot aothia'. that what ha didB't kBow aboat ahewp oftaa aoCotnl
Nt OB the l*lh day of May }c*t ai the 1
aot wiwth ksowlB«, 1 tbOBCbt It' e<(Bally poieai________________ last rsyt o' the tettia' ana dKd sway ;
bar- they tailed to wakosboforB tholay Bsirlt woald take lu flirbv Then!,
odors did tkeir atlsAlBetdte wark*^4£
was bar Trry BTordv I Bald to n.rsrlf
"Ue was workias ia b ntiroad
baaeoBats^to 1^
that 'iwsat *0. bat I eoalda't taelpfceJ rhlar shop at the tine, ssrslac i tl
la All tbc tiise that it was. aa’J lays, it was F3. 7S
,'5 s day,
<Uy. for
(or before
bBTora he (
ly elyaaTl tell ne.' e
ui mgr be had lesraad Ibis trsae jaet
to fall bark oa. be esplaiaed -AoA' Tooefa b last to fa asd list bo rUsrsf
I three he added, withatwiakle la hit rye.
alirhu I dreantof a
■IT* (alliB bsckos itollor ihaa 1 exaa' 'wohV to 'Har the clock
For the last fcwda.e«Tire
plalBod to hln my Idn
sad Tcun bare bm a qaarTelia'. aa' aboot thsal ep. be told me about kb
II. as wa haea ■
they'es allers beos osch yood fneods life.
' ' ___________________
Uis a. tber kad died a»d' le.
a^ei; o^tiN
"aia't yoa aerer besrd that when a bimaboatSiui Whea he esm of aye tt^ loo atach cars imaant wall
It ard dew quareela. •Dtaelhla' eTil's he wok the noaey and |nt it all la - tikes to bare all sleeplf room U
DIB' to kappeo?"
sheep lie liwl tt For a tine he had o irkly sired, well scMoelaF Iran
■ No. I haia't. aa' I woalda'l bare
1 a loeomll
—tire sad thea wrat a id wared ocslsat go^a la^
belireedillf I had
Now. Maady. do
to kb usds,
besrosiblc. Caa I yoa see there aia't
iarestrd <t m
■kem,Bi<^ a bo^ary lautiiafal. li
00 msr to there siyas' What do roo
dowa-it hads'ina,
syway i
be west back to hts trad# icsls |
ke worked kb way to Dsadwood:'
Mr .iwemaue ap ais lu.un
>d .u-rr
th-re mmm

Often whes wa deelre th maha S aast .
I "Hut the CTpay. UUsa. yoa kaow,there for hin. aad k<it Uck law Wy- j litUe eonparkm. aad oosalder tho -eswbs> ake esid? The niaot sbr look [ontaff. Hr bad Id hi. Iifr Iraraed how | pranlon "wilh'Ur anoad of the wM*
my haad 1 ksewed wmetbta'
was 1 w laieyrsph. Ue bad a anart UAd . .ItdAMm. wshalfklaa tba sCest by wroar"
laod a pltnslar naBBer aad fol tam .ieelarla( Thm it "WaaL' Uhe BU0b '
-Sbr kaew bar basioaeaaad kaew if .jobs at oaee—telefTspb operator asd (sinL "wtih Ihs epesd of llybL* lb
of the drs« stors is s IliUe tboatfS that esareealoa b ollea aaed,
r buslasss rad of tbs tiere is probably s
wurrylB' fee Bothla
M lUuwner.a |Avsiciaa.
>. alter
that has tha falateat Co
wbb 1 coold feel s.
t I caa
« dmtr part, w I, ich was
s of what the apoed of Itfbl r
n osly last Bicht 1
| Li
a tr.Br ounpi •d with Ike tascy-yoxls.slLotaaaoe:
IdfBt Ineala 1M.(
deslb bb
dale May It Uk. paiau. oils,
rey denlh
Ucb dated
oils. aad
earioos other thiiva. a Meoadl laa't that rsthor bonUdw
Hiran. I know it . sol'
I iBcludisy txisl' Hr e.labllabad kb lei-I ia( to start onr aaka the M. Lento I*.
Ilirsn tamed
tWIWM ,wilhadeep tick aod , rurank ofti e is the drey st-we aad a'l ! public.
law the ■b
eat aiernly uetii br had asr.-d *I S<xi |
..................... —
The rrraUal <!
01^ Md bueled ap],
Tbe two went oa
a partacr with
be aaooaaeed bb iBtratioa
booybt sheep asd weal broke'aysit.;"
lap W the elllaye.
"'.Sow.' be said lone with a plesw
■ Iliisn." excialmad his wife, re- sat laaph. 'you see that 1 haemi't made
proaebfoUy. "yire're yore' u> leaee *» jasi wnat^yoB^murbl^Tnll^


Chest Protector

Kit “scTu'^ss- =aE>itt.t;

We can supply you. Now.then; if you want to save money
let us sell you a 50c, 75c or $ Chamois Skin. Then take
look at our made-up stdck and make one yourself.
Yours for health and warmth.

Dr. J. A. Snyder.



iSB PBOVT sraarr.

Merchant Tailoring.
All parties desiring anything in the line of first-class Merd>
ant Tailoring, will do well to call upon the undersig
Special inducements are being offered to all intendii

Carpet Cleaning Works


r,s?srw':tr'?:^itV5£ ,

__ .

Chamois Vest?


-What do you isrea by ci
:t that way?
fXn't you
cosi|«ay Uritj?"
Shee stepped
b skly iiP>lbr kltchea
lisb wasblai the breaklast disUB
' aia't aootfaer rooster,
hat po^-cb " She .hoik
her dish cloth at hito aad H sltop d
he fplird.
I bad t^l IS n lory ia It. l^kaow why t bare way: Toe aTetoga apee/ol*Sa nas
TB b-r floyers aad tail to th- Boor,
- these was year Isat boors I
prm traiaa on tbe beat reads to oMjr
.'ell.".be cxclaliaed. "Kimebody is
Voo doJ'l look as if ji
Frtyntimaahear. ThlakadlU
Bin'sard A.l ny eiffa. tell »e SO- yoj wasyein tudlr fo«a good niaar^-ii
H *f
tjaly forty Biles a^ boer.^hmPh «oder wbo it bbb be. aad she weal
Id yoB yoa woald
BB with her work
^"-ITiafa what yoo'ee^nid all aloar.! ifke
wTth a speed of iM.on^afbe a eaaonO
■Miircrto'd you t.ree at-'.data tpai-dar
we-treat broke' or a benn of llgat^e Bit fron tbe oon
•h. .aid I wrreldii'i feei .i.-k at aU'ab- ; pracUally ao
I to the earth end trun Ut Wth hwn .
loa. bad focad twn ebain with Itaeir iiljaatbrfwre I- 1 dir.1
I'.e ptfi tb'-| had com to adslis tbb
■b w the tea aya>b >■ eixtaan Blaatoh, •
barks torrtbTr tad bad dropiwd a
'srd. apioe of tlm which tha rapnea WMb
rlB order - .'t notsio, caa say I | neOMly'.
Ue was atisich
a pour wif.- w you. Woa't yoo • hrighi. witty aad exiremty c
aadl.MiU haseianapiedtsnWitrn Mb-oe't yu iloWB to I’lMt-Wa tkb atuirmn-'
1 fell more aorTT far htn tbai ■ did lor , yie Htoaoarl b
a," star derided Bobbed
fall, siace rou re so aot oa it. 1 I myself "
It ad be too bad W hare soppaae I'll hare fi>. hut before to-aior- ! -.-a------ ," I
wbee tbe yam was
row yoo'll we tb*- fooli-Hom of It."
oeer: "Um irnable with you is sheep
The aflerdeoB wore slowly aod qol ' You'd make sAirtaDe at aartbiny elae
take ay
rlly away.
HIrsn uccapied bb la the srorlifT because yoa bare the
Ihogbts with tLr ooaatry paper, the bcBio.aadtbepeTtloarUylodoit.
_____ aad tbe pertloarity
Uoiam^ M^tlea aad a--------hbe bad worked hard durlay tbe uooraenf bisrcwl-ag beiay uu-aalataUr aa loay aa yoa stick to abaep yoa wiU
Boraioy bat did aot realise that ake Iclerrnpted by some remark from hi. be a poor naa ^ It'a y^r faU^ Oo«e.
was tired oaiil sfce wa. swakroed frun wlfr reyarkiay h-w she felt. Truly br [ pow. awe
ssoaad aap by a .harp rap at Ike door.
[an yoioj
■Tkey're twne/' she lfcouybt
L Uoyhlay
Maedy looked appeelioyly al berbua- cbe^ullT. ■I'll hint yoi.tobt whoa a ibiv uae^ '.-wMb tfep ,
■ the porvta suiod. 'ned; be war placidly reading A few
apaad of Ughf It to bai^iac otatof B*
she rBodyatfed al iDoareal. nore aad Ih' clock alowly
Id wooiaa
aprbttyyoud lalL Bilnb^
aa oar of
-truck thr hour Aa tbs laal loses
ofUcr. 1 knew him at a yloBca.
rey o
voi aftareooh.
-tied away Waady rose, ys-r a gasp
aa ao glad w ace him that I
Bantlhc of a aiaeUr.
placed ber haad oa her heart sad saak
half way aeroea tha room,
Now aod thw oM of «ba tm^Wb
Inck law ber chair, sayiay faiaUy.
bay oae of my *>»•
xeyoo? 1 cried. Bow haea
reaa of natara rWaaata \mU from
"Hiran. help bs—I'm to falut^l want
doiny? Tell-me all hboat
a ountrtf that ^ kapt U hnrim,
yoameif. And tbea be toM me la a
d tha malt todoeywttonhnl BbbW
-Thea yBo'U bare roar fonoi Wid? ''’ua^rqaiLk^an^pet^cUyanttot' modest way that oe bad bailt half a
ic Ue bedside: tbea be breayltt town, aad bad nine East to yet earn
dlJ^loha.TS^tly ^UnC.BwA Imchair aad sal dowa bre'de ber to ideas OB planWsy aad waterwartm."
ll'a ealy ti-ceau" Tbea
"The aua will anno aet.' he
■"I'll yet ih* coalroctlor the walaradded, as ake aaw
Iknuybc. "aad tbea ake will are bow I works.' be said, if I caa got bold of a
^Aldaybronk oa Wadmadag.a
ibUal. '"U
foolish she is raol lice maa her* who wlU go oat
1^. bcv^ladc. tbere’.^wmwii
' I waat w be- barisd
-Iwitbm I'Tc already aompWled the
dMc. an .
. burchyard ID X-■wadalr.
or’iepIrd'^feT^ou I'll nake it II
I kaow yoo'll also want yoa W Badm a amorv wi
.--I along all right
J I.CM.UOb_____ oeamj'
. .
ipoyaraia U
awake yoaay moa who woau w b<
B tha AIMS
.ow yoa
yon troubled
me lb my laal baskcoshler
Hace gal the Imah, 1
band In
a. Opee tbe door. Uirxm. -ake we'ce yot the prmdeot—I'm that I
leane s, t far low. bat ere want b eaabur.'
• srrlakled ooe.
--------- - iAm it wee not ohMM 6
•This Isaa awfal ioteeinli
, low edge la
• Woll, A------ . « eald, "I told J
;ue1 yoia- oat o aiybt bchlsd the hUL
lid do n. I know H tm m y^ '
lib. Himbi. I kaow yea dent realise
^'11 be a srUowcr wheo it Is
"DOT'i keep Be etaliia'
I'm randy
7^ of (oak. wbloh sent tha Mlto '
hear aeylbiay '
At ahe Baiahed
^ ue WraL n
Baiah^ apaakibg Ibrie case 1
frJiB the oppmite aide of the boose a I ^ual witheal mo excepuan naywl
At tha foot of Ihlaroah toy hhjw
M-riee of Ibe newt MgbUul howla and j |( ,,, -«nat to aee a abeep roach that
a B^eot l^ater^ Tob
| ImU the world com^iret
a^ m
Von win lire here fur by Tkfe. ra.bed ar-rena tbc eorpsr of 1
amrly a awnlh. jaat asyou kaTctsea the boaac aad rari .iraiyhi piward the 1
liemy. Voo'll fiel pcrfes'tly well oatil
Hefore the a.Wnisbcd;
- Aud Uaa.- added
about 7 o'ckes the 14ih of Sdsy. >011
mef coold apriag w clear
cl«r it
It the two , -wbt
-«bu, I eoagrblalab
wiU feel kiadof laret aa fo aa' i< xBinali Brw past klB orcr
^^c,^. I fella 11'.-------------------rr tbc chairs
dews aa' bid faraweli w yAir hasbaad. aod ap OB the bed where the ml tarn

| B,|ybt baee bad If f had
aa' aa the laal ray of the aettia' taa rd at bay. >or a moBenl
iWck it oat with bin.--.V<w r«wt aalamle only Uraa haea eaaatoaLTto# , .
torn la the Uea atook to iiViWl «B
aad tbea sprang upoa hlB _ _______
- -- - Bach a seror aa tbea
plsaoed wlU
cratehod aod bit and







SorrcyorRtid Civil Engineer

Brosch’s Meat Market

CaVnations ••Chrysanthemums.


-Dm SouttT^e'^r
T milllW

Choicest Meats, Peultry and Game.




Good Fils,

Fresh, Sajttnd Smoked Meats, Sausages Ftp.

Good Goods,
Fair Prices,

me rebt of evcrytmno
(MAmnr 4.>





S'. .BR080S.

The Clipper Bicycle

class of maa haea a bettor e
WbocxwaeOWIBaLatodariUthe hi
a aeerr knew bow U faapoenod. aad eayart« •* **“ F®<w ihaa coaalry
en he atartod W rmae hia wUe. Ooctora The CorahUl Mayaxiae has
Ayala tha _______ atadiad bar hand
d had.retired '
collocted aom of Ue aWrieo told by
rarai practHionera. aad Bads them not
--Itbyinpel truth a^
liraa. ylt
, on -o. hcea. They're tenrla' my
Hhe aoen rme aod left lAs hcaiar
r remfort all W plietu:" and lanhtaady'a eym loUowod ber down the iafhehoheidberperTMapaaae^.
;Toldirjiaa. who dld'not owe
rend aad amua the meadow UU ehe
.a hto dom with ay«tof •
to oybl bebiod aclniap of «.^^tfer*S^r^ draeraaarefally
taraad Iren the crindow with
• What arr yoa a^la" th« l«*U
them, ehe iSdi
aalyk. "Partapa It oia'l ao." ahe 1^
,re it's aU tru.
■Cna I yoa e

toll him UU I kaow lor aaro.Tbe wiod apraoy apaad old Tira.
the woWb dog. set up a moanfal howl
(roni his keaaaL "My Bnl alfh." Maady ihoaybt. with a abirer.


myitewldowe from
“ L‘.
of yoa aa'■ pat It oxer him qaiek ai
re him eafe.- Aymls hero

„-,‘.iSr£.r,s£“-" “

Hack, Bus and Baggage Transfer Una
oc. A «r.H. «.a-Aua-4lL».BnAtoaMUasi
We ara Ibe peopaa to handBe ywa rtpbt.

197 Trent 8t

Treveree Olty. Kieh

Best Livery- In Northern Hichigan.
>»a«—BtnlaeMhUfaiOBMiMMn. .

Titleflion*! .79



Ontoreforctob Printiiig left atthe

will recede promi



"He'd oalc taayh. " she woaU tioaely. ^inTm a
sisr^he eery

Be knows that alga areer laim.It eras aenrlc oooo on tbc 13

ibr buBineas imd plsMore bombtned. GiTOS [ii..
[▼ersaisatiitfabtiozL Oali and see it Sold by

'^SSL“5s,u.M M.

-iwe —. ta IW ,


I hia wife. -70a taka him to

m--.lbnt he e
^ U^l^Tbery^ eralkod elowly
toward Ue hOfa' la Ue httehea
doorheponanL Ha^ wae bnpy yah

who bad tony bena----------•■Ah. poor dbar aha said to Ub
tar. ■•My food mal oh. Tb eery y
faltoroadoeua. battotosmny
Lord ^ Ue ease hmo Bto

at ahe woe far treB bbtoy pi—d at

«nltod^tJunMlbPh»h»wyrlto. r—
“priand,- mU
J-nktee paamd «w >mU. ~FH

Bst I m» oaDIfewhF a ■mao mmm 4
two; and toah what toJU M oilo aad tor mamrawnnrWM few I
tUysnnw^dld toohn far ni b«TlhW~ of a. a^«W^toam.- ahe said. "Ur trotkak to
^■rSnLr mta tuwm, u •
b. ...

kb- kb. mmr.u. kb kb k«-

tvMi M ■-—I we

“ibw waaaoa laet bor haabond.

*A^'old conpU feU tU loycUars Ua
mhoad dM. hot Ub wife, aadm ■‘. ret tt wse f


"STSSSlMu.-.*-.-- ■ j|

WiU how he aatofw eUowa w IB lb
wtU detoto. to ralaid ht 4W4BB ftMCA

2:.‘;suin2S:=S-= ?



BrbMwnan «n«w i
rt;rM3 7i,“s •VSSSS—ew—b


■BOA UtoBasniPl
Storm. olaMto md




oaoMD *nuvgBak HHIUI.0 jakpaby ?. 1097.
aab pipe. a»d natoeaio. Oaedaylaet
onaier. eayo the Waeblactoa Pool, br
______ MJu ilitonn* - —
•MUrrtboatoia. TU. worthy wrifbad waa jotfta* toaiiy atoacaooBBtryr^d
•boat *W poaada aad waa a 0aX to to a rietoty eld cart drawa ^ a barfd
■MCthaadal*: He walkod iato Ibr
eor where too darktoe rtood. grabbed
lb. Me oae. who woaat toaat halfafoot
•bofW ikaa tbe boaoar. aad diacyrd


__ai totrnBu* of
pals oMtlBord '
■■ Journal.


A* tbe ear M )oM tbea etoekiac ap
at • atattaa tbr boooerr threw tbe eol«t«d Baa clear oear tbe rex and oa to
tbr ptotiona witbool waittu tor tbe
iraatd to opea tbe «a»: tbedarky
^a«wt& all over (be pletfar* aad bit

.r-aeirwl ebiptaatea by tlaBr.kaeebeeaa*
•ethiap «( ibtor


-Bow Baebdoyoa«e»lor1trB

. ST^br BMOO «> « >V >«> U-md

^MMtBtotbewoimda. LpoBthrd*.
mnrj of ttte b* look to •
KM boloo tb»
cSm o boedofo wo. toood, Brttly
iMod roood (bo BMb (biffa. the ft•all hrtar. to »»<Ueo» pbtaoeok'»y.
-meoiloc awetlliv oad Urldit^ of tba
Tbe doctor ordered hU Ilaib la bi
- a larft P*«« »>
beokiD* te (he prtw>ncr>
. Tlw Uttrr. bowerrr. by
mmmat bf •' atrip of aboHlBy. oad tU
Ohrnii to wbM part of feh dioorr w*.
•tta^d. fomod a toumlqoet. au.l by

wadhsl t>reiinept.i( bed reerired doe.'
■ tat tbe dey. Tbe Ipipoetpr* wae el
kiatth detected by aa order of tbe drw
ter to es{wee Ibe Uab eateldr Ibe bedMotbta to the rlew of tbe oOtorr floy
aad BVri>t.aDd froto tbai boar.ptotina
«M towatd ooknidete recorety.


If any rxi«ted.a*
br faewrd of. Tbi. welchiar.
writer in CVtoary. ai Ibccouat
loerrnteO IMrnttoaal lyia*. b
arcldenlaJ ouetaVrw.
oueiakr*. In ooo raer the
baerrf of laepectore eeoIrBed Ibej did
not touw twm to >6uol ibe fotea.aoa
eubaiued coi.iriy lo Ibr cBtelrorc of
B welMaforaed waieher.
Tbe eouoOnr » dcae.rD pab>'« and
toohenealatererlhwilebl- E.eryora lb pet dowB trcCB tb^
nniDiK* ao.1 eoeh aar



M t. lb. BrreWat.
o^B tbe wbertandapoi ooteBoly. ,
' “Well, of ell Ibe deca fool. I eteo eoel
all be Bid.

^^^Farming Uniis

Tbla troeer. Minr ie Habert.
Waned troa BalrW «Hb b» wr----ciw alrtat to ««to Tocome to boy yi
tnib biB wa. a »-jear<rtd boy.
Brrted »»oa to pay ter kh parehB
White be wo. aboai two mltee
Bor aad oBBlowIrerad two hl|rbway
Bt* etenwd oal. rootroaledlbrp

falB to bed. i do
j «rU^ tw BTCsl/ k»l bi« liTH* tbea pt^aert a anaber of >etTO
Aftrreeerralatatloaa bad bees p
Mad U» kt>M iolov Ud krpo
awe of tbei epohr ia eobdard tot.
M. d<ciw Of
aod laAa
tbeolber. AUbeBMwaai -DatAoly


btare Bid

ircuUiioe of
I etaadi to
hair BOM
rhet Mhaa pUal tottaaatare.

lU -aap.- I

Uake Tbeodoee. foood that be bed aot



le»rB > b'.l Htehlyaa otM. totalU

rror.pBtBU.1 ^ Vo,-00 bettor-hb
’ —' rteh. dry aad really roUitof.
Timbered mainly with Htfr Kaple.
etm. BaBwuod. Aah. Beeeb.
HeBloek. eic.. aad ar. wcU orMetwd Ui

f dletei'd bj m
e boocat. ktodlr ,
talldlain woo
and., I
,T A CHURCH FESnVAL, | l""a»* etenws new ooin>.^
epielooe rrldely d
------- ^
I opeaed rhr bnoB crety year for three)
Bate lajary flkely ro rrvau itodi rur Cieeoi.a ^ hr ^*‘r**>^_**. ***, Booth, aa e hnlel ll r>B polronired
tatadly lamaolbp Bee of etecirteity.
■■•■■'.10 einaoe wi m rrn.*ii. iw
b,,ot of the rortlaod ooWefaBilieo; __________ _
tl« Ctmeneot of opioioa letbn lifbt
from enroreerd or ODoalaml riobee t.
dameire to tbe eyeeipfal
.rkiitp damain
• oofti
■ nlty. la a dl
ChriaUae by many iidloei
proa.dee tbe
•f (be eew eeaooi. moel notably by Km- rn>m hie owe. tans. • bieb br oi
pnwr ttilllam Ito kit atill it rrinaloa Wblle hla brother. Priore Lndwiy.a
• bte
from roe
the trrriblr
l-tow wli.rh -Hperr tra.rr:
if-ii.uir ...w..
.*n ' n ■ i . i
“!l ta not eutoinary to took at aaTThrmed. aod tbe ttiiuie workltea do
:be hotel. All piieeli arele- bert bad dealt kink llul-rt t..ade theand not rre^tae moil eettiaal. ^,
^f de^llap the wroea. la and
It day
qureted l<
1. that f..liuw tbe
oakal area led iheand^ .
lebia- ‘
I <i{ poor leeehrtv artiatr end
Ikes br eomaurirded Ibe fltto <
arere objeeta lo br reard at wl-hout ’ ,
rel ul 1
■ Ihoeil Inralld eol.ltere and poorly
eiHi told tV<n 1-o’h tomarcb.' | THIRTEEN MONTHS
llmil. IMil naked are llpbu err i

«. «!.•


,, m


^*tbc body
to, to eereral tiaea tbeir aatanl
alae; Ibe patieat £ade
to fct airmad; ii eooa I
' lor baeineM. and later i conAaedto
bto bed. allerly bclp^
*' “ •

_ by the appliea.
aad other etterul
• bonph twbwlj bill tbr Aw|wrtorm i«
ad• Ike IwUol* Tfc*
t that tbe dieeaae 1* in the I
r lhal t
.^e wri.i o. ww - - eitilt tteket.
end. lallT , blood rewKdr. oae parely reenable.
| by tour net. in
itila Reek ) and free fiwm potaab. caa aflord re»a. la IhiepBttioa.
'‘••|'"•.r ol b
rCe Bpeesbc)
nanr rolew Itef. & H. b. iSwrfCa
Bpecsbc) ia eo

non nwer 1 •‘•oie w etedi
for khroinal.Mn.

dtrmx aoUe. t .
cyopa. bBilby ellecboole aad ebiurbae. laioUtoeBt
malaly IruB-Baateea StoWa
or bcdca. Haiw. eto.. addroB



RnniMttM •( Ttedxn.



r tordiBlIy
n,,,, ,to pTorrw took then both loto
. do aeei-.' ptoioo of Ibe tuuaJ trade to exhilarate
.................. .. made dorinir toe ,pKB«f Bor. the her cJl'ioiKelOB
wbairrer Bar cesnil. tbe la- ,o, Uquon e Blooukeeper who doea
miner It deemed to tbeir enter- tohiud « Itl. (be borer, end wartB.
Twawr root
bueiaeia uear tbr Bcml edifice adrrfpome reoeatly pabUeb
I telnmem. Tbe dnkr and prinrr rrmein ai Hoc tbetbwened hi(rb« a> oi<-n wm i
I. .b. i»™.u.d™ ..u
..e i-i-i
Other data wiib repaid otneyrowin moat likely tomeettheeye.hnr
-J.i-ob Ifulter benrwlib ptedrto biBM oouoa pro^tetJoa arc InlRtoBihS.
eotirtray Hpoa tbeir
and tbe Ifrorer went cm hi way to |
ropX mJf for a wibeeriplkw prtee of tbm
^IbeKaraaDahtaa.) Kewa. Utflt
I would he lu.ety «■ .
tbit ^to (71 eeotel to eerre erery <B*
bi aerrace yield per am rtoa MO
whole iraukle ran be
kU irorrte witb ae much wine aa be
.-..u'ld U«'
hr the' uw of irroperly toadrinkem tbe ocnwioo of therfaareb
I freeled nr eolond
riaaa ,1
' Jataee tba.onoi Majurtir White U Wnai iti.t S«<U>..or four r... le- . ac li. end 11
raw. howwrer. the ariu.l permanrst
rtoriilar By friend, and patr
new niou’b TJ t» iitekr Ji.'.. at»l !'■’ '
I'that the
eowbori irupyeat. .Itirra.I-" •'e>»i^rewoU
tothlareqi---------- . .
--------- ,................................
-iiifular. Iw i,u'i..wd lu refer i.. .•..i.-o.taK
*X7 . *^ !
Xnoirreiler ik.n th.. do. w... .......... „„ eopiplwwwd aerial life, from Itelum. Tex.
Jr-buni- Mmr rta. of Ibr rr.wk w*mld the
-JeoobVttTter.- : Ttwre are .Ic..—amor,eUvem-,.low- find made by him dur.nR a
• Handle roiB-.; eanie dale il.poo-,-i. 'I|r year. H JanJe^^e^tteS^ far^
I TMFV MrvrD uoADn fiT uiu
WIiWb M boor after tbe 4WW .papctw diwie. lahorer. and crim inal..
lu, tooihI-up to tbr Nar.-H

n—ain'ne Ibi. B.UertlteBent
1 he author Of a r-crot work on ea^ Wj rm-ently. aayw tl.r Item. .l-irld aad ' uar, 1 were, -.y Mcndui ..-..-rr llcmdar
■ to - Twerutractieiiii' 11teraWbe WB.tewd peored, » riUime of liHle Oberrinffrl- lomul.vy ncMe. the curioaa habit of ^ Parm> The Inti waa.tK.1tonB more uri whiM tw the UV mk. iMIi and fbl;
Tuewlay ibr
Ibr td. KtL. toO. an.1 S.'d.
E!!i'.S'e^lJ?- tafe^ll^ w th[
wn.tee.ra. a-Iteri. la
brim lWb«
'‘'"to. from oor .,welee of ant of “(nraia* .om. Ira. ib.n a peteided. ,..n,, .laud.aff
■ cm r> Toewla,
tejpii —d eorm at
There urn were rhattiof loffitbrr in Ifuller.
At Ibe eiiriwnt prtee ef ;or- or iheir fellowe Into aalmaled boney erm end mnipleie inal).t.iiarle. I.ui-1 an.l mt onIknMjyl.ciui

to to «y. Ibe fam

, : iwinlnir nataide end nrllber wax to a eweb of tbe *» aad thrir roltewrwi la
lu.Md of ptorlnd honey lo a comb.
The tormer nare petmooeo new ,
tolrare. One of ihrm w... well- tbla aneealalton bad to drink Id latwe », to, itew dn. the anta wiect . «»*^*?**^i * ■
■ c!^ ■
ptmtb lan and tbe mber two jrlaealul. befm be wmld herta lo bene- uto number of Korkera end dii«nnre
Vir ^tte^W'rmly .nrrewifnl borinee- « br ibB«ili.riptim. tariff.
The *he bnuey nbiamed from U.e Eoralypli
^ rn'Mlary-lookinc rentlrmhr flp.l-m.olu of Ibe ^wruUHoa^nto ,on wbirt d w d,>«.i.ed by e«x«l.r
iT>,7.; r ,U 1 *“** ■""■■‘■‘'r >'■*'• mo.leehe and be known until tbe poliee ronn^porte .ed other .n.eel.1 into tbe theoet. of
etekal H^U needrf for (be en- I
w hl.Veta entered, my. the Chic of tbe Oberrlrirelhelm dl.irte. arrir. toeir rictima. Tbe praerea. belnreoaIHBBfat m BU Boti, BOO cow rerriiirrr

with Ibe e.rwwp.,eyx from the COO- „«,aUy .rpetoed. c-nute, tlm .lomacb.
toaaataetoTOT baa proridwl tboee rlr.
ood ere«ilnr.“ Bid the politidin. tfheat.
of Ibew worknra to br dteteoded to aa
Mta ta raamtenl form tor nilllxa. .
' ttOB RotawMbamb farmtofl baa to a i " ^
fleaol degrre flirea way to neteniiflei^j^
r two taea of Ibe iialltlelan efler IM TBOraer la hat i> ■awrae.Maw! dinnorrrwd <n the .-aae of cena-n Oi>la
• ffUBtafl. Tbone ftrmm wbo bore not
man he had addrraaed aa roloorl .
I„ Uexieo. aod .ulwequenily .bo-.n to


TH._aR..r emte I

Aodaalnthalrirfeucyof tbesrowtb

ee,tI*«5’.i*wff?rar»ra^«wS2?*tee Ua rwar.^^i e, 0.H te the t*r,eg_t^



> painfal that it wa. iuiiwia.ilile .
tv u«w nir arm. and IcR. 1 trii
; erery thine that w.. .

fleeted, and after eigbim
eofferiofl. S. S 8. wa. reroiomrtided.

and 1 wax hxppr to. at laal. Had a
eorefor thi. luinlul tr.mble. 8 S. A.
---------------- ^et .1 t^ d^Bpromptly.
and afforded
, “»d*e«>n. «.a. ,w

.................... '=.£tl£"r.Tzr

beard of. bet c

W oodtllle. werernV.ny arrc~- ihr prei; tbr Bmrdate* IktnUftl.
rie late our .firn««.n >. h-n Ike.r tired i many epleulatlcma likr Interrat. dale.
pooiea ntlirbed and .hmnied a. .f they; of m.turii* noteu Eaaira Kunday and
wrrr .war, of ibe |.rr,enrr ofanti.h-r Irmny other .mportant ^tra wonid Iw
animal! to-Vtno a.ou, .1 ttieV d.ter,.- elm,.lifted. Altbocrh the
errd «ba. tbr. .Im vi-M . .. . l.morho erat.nn would he.r.naoon
tetl.ered to a mrte,,„ie whi.-h .Touqrd, for l..r.UUye an.l all Irml 1
tbe ..fa Iml-kaoliu. ike north-rpt New Tear wnul.T 1* on d.flrrenl
daiew yet llw (tain would Iw more than

U. and -eemetl, ■ Ti
.tlu.i iberrorra the Brril
,pe.l a. if to (hat tbe ehd; "’r'rt''
tl... .1,.^,,.... w - ,WIril)e.l. not apply
tte fra
' (be oT.pwtiiin. no Ihr
n>. i ll.rlit. wtili

ehain. bu. .to.
a!t.i(;eili>-r an n
prerail ,in Colerade. It ba. been lumtd, ^r~i*

Bbkd. aopply wtnl a^ aeearate to- ,

aUana, ele, to take tbe ptoer of
work. The fanna.Illto,OTerylbli


i arriplioo. of the doctor, alrao.1 twiaI ed my digration.. and I feand no
I relief In aombtop ontil B. 8. S.
(Kwift'e SpeelJic) waa rroominended.
I Several bottle, rnred me cirmpletrly,

, toiopiwof of llatBtlunlra.rreiientllT " „ .I’ra^be. )
bowerwr. Iliul I
“Well, wbo fx Royxl fit'tape Ilaria. ib. lit, of great ritira with Ihr pueaioy p, ,ue penux ei
r Mleae., attd pleaaure a
..merkaUepraeiireL Tbkanix
a. Da,
)op h^iey are tororite food t
nuld be I
I men. onorraanr. e.-rompanw* .ne.r
~l\l>al did he do7“
| prowlb. aaya the lamd-in Speciaior.
xerar Me Orirlas.
In il.e [e^i
“(Ml), man, be wai director fleoeral When you pet • large proieiariai HeId 0 px|wr jmenily rvu.l'le-fore the bar- Wn
, (ff Ibe world', lair!''
infl. ae IhtI of aoeienl Bnnie end poe'
OBMy'toe TwWee Dare.
.met lb Boeirly of firii Kupiaeeva.
“Srrrr beard of him."
^ alhly of Ninrrek and ItaLylon did. on
•Do yon like'eflpif- woe (he qoaWlop
■r.1! .1 ll. llarrdeacribedMiBierxpert- .rrai-ge
The poliliriaa looked at the man to tbo alma of tbe rirh and powerful, tben
t jwte. Uii.fn '•enuau vay.t "If tb-I
flbol oUmd npo “ 'ah-er- to make ooma
ndlipulaed amaxemeni. -Come, boy po dotilrt yoo hare the wndiiiona of
.eiiii.I pile dririntlhrough now atone
At tiod rbuuld annoonee from one;1
talk taoBabpor More tbe otherday. Be
Med erib work. .Vmrleeii pilra were bapi-ew.
hecipan." wax all beaeid.
a tbomupblv iinoalura] and|iohralUir
•li.bit «nd of Ike > orld loanoihrr that do (be I
woo as oU Bu. lay* ibr UwMoo
twebe u> oikAnd each i> fame.
Mtet «wH lu.uneean wonder at the rapid
n.e erib waa M feet drvp. aod of c*"nf
Jomml aad be atralflbteped op lo
■ deear of aur.h cilira and .if the ruitiiinr
ten lo 00 feel lotip. mn-> hi
■BBeffalnjrliketbehricbtofble prime aa
.,,1,,^ (he
lUod taal-iroo imnu.
• r.q-Uandle br..nehn ttoradtae to oil wbo moilr
heabowmed! “t had a aorfeit of (here
- - 7
.............. ............bonret workiiir etam far outniimlwr.______
tK-kl on by etn|w .pifed lo thr pile.
• o Join (he prtat me- at (hat time,
«nea. *Pwbx towaxd to year, when I
tbe prolela:
•lariat, where the «ni.lrt)e . The
Tiie hammer u-rt in dri'inp weigba
talc, in apite 4>f tbe rDi|mi
BB CO llB way bome from CtllforDia.
di.triliutor* oml m.nufae. i Isoo pound*, and thr preaieet nBmker
lueeaaion. Tker would fli
towbe eUBeeordii
Ve lift tbo lithDU on a food brifl
laborlofmuK. — aio. There waa no dt«.dUnfl Ibe bngtowr. and it wa.
tewod for Row To .A. but rao IbU •
kma and eeerpellc.
i,d »«4(h .to^raw^^notoito’i^“^n^^^^^
Bfoehwl It WB a poteb of aaad Jnat
‘■•“‘"'W ""
lidrnihle aprinkliap of
fcdlowing the rradiup of the jaiiwr
thi- Iteiroii eontoii
oophi loaea
unffvnUr haaie.
I m-.ein. u.ur, pvnttelB-ii po'T |wrtieo.
lool abecaradmt »erlooi..............................
nralledoBU! FtR **rmw. It —-«
ruak. bui «he hen come
“®* belieretlial there ia lbeamalle.1 ) ^1001 pila dn.itig tkrouph looBe ruck,
of tbe
c way to
Ut, work of the New
e prat of the e<>untry orbtfoee .it any ptvoler danpor to tbe ;
to efay (beR. and (bat
York Or[utrUDenl la enoical. i
iMppuFetnoii'. wifr bri Hfe of the city Utah la the life qf Ibe
obeot an (bey woald do. TW aod knew i,
paidinl Df Ibe eooe lielop about on oeprerw.
U here be bad quite fnrX were eierywbeix. tad ihere rerra fore bo did.
ird ante The bew ul tor roue .• flat, abd it iaaeKU..W
*- '
e ottr ..III ?E?«u.b ) fiahrelner'. pie.ure
cured to thr roue by a pio coataaa part
r^e'tJ (ha< 'he roar uf tbe
Moera "*
aa iiidiraltop
a eo
ot Ibe abor aod let io'.o the end of the
pot off tHbrewkloptra
i.liflr of mm
pile.. I hia ty |w of ahor ia aaid to ham
of her tnmk <B>it 4°° “ - Km.i*l^'
__________ __
laa. to ' .
“ (*♦
idl .wnplete
proved rery Mtiofartoey to praeikw.
troa Ibr body
ieaaked.'lfB- '
mrarapiB. where we fot a rexael to po
any atlrri
llrrinp or
•fIB (boar we left Ob the ivef. That MIy:
iny kind of conlero life
loW' la rour wife.
vaaaa] woe wBmaoded by WllItoB^
I|y lulmriont xt all. The
(hat ia km
o-ght to hare a
* Bath, wbo box'
ijerpy. Inn ileal it nte o'
Irnrr life l<
«aa aaiMd WUklaaon while far wax a BtrDiiflmnmk.~aiiewrrrdUirto
7 abetioaa, DeUcwra Orowi ta
BoUtnaaUteB. Retrixdtoppttotbe Ban. toatanilt oa tha warpath.
It nerf'
PO«t.botlBlw.Mberrioretw,pBirr«t "Ot no m.URabo« the uunk. Bow . «
l.nper a
One of the ebief .li.bra IS tlir ooclleaaa.wbn« am Mary aad toe ehUdnmT
I ..
bad to lot ta tor Kew Opfeai
1.1 mdrr it e«
eav bill of fare In Knpland11.
1. ibe peri“Tied up wliha am.
wa teoo4 (fax not oftbeoteh reraued by
winkle. 1 .beimabreurmbl>i«to*hape
. m
’i*TII(»F OF
•Miter vraieL But efffl.*-lte eM llwllllook«aweMa.lte.TTdid.OF :STRANGE 8LOOD. 1be.ii>alUnall..--iyai.V New VorkJoorMIXTURE
•MiW) and tbeebUdrra." ahriekrd
BUT fxoe totrii aa a pacalixr expo.*
uw Mswiat awwIIM. ol kmue Xulieu- ■Ol. It baa biilirrto bees praeiirally
little wooixu.
lUIr a. tba Praal. ttoeaeued.
oakeewe to .Mnertcaai e)ileunu aod ta
“Il'aoolhiopofttarklad. lieporl ma
or * to * the
all you wnx to. That old truck laat
n Ibia eoUDCl (or tbe ariK,- and be (are 11 a B.afe
r. - tbe fwopla
’** I
la prriKinktea have beea offered
“1 don't rate a eoppre abooi that
really tbe houar of loiTalor. and
id a
• in a ntuntier of atorea patrol
,ta their oriplB itac Baioburn ■
by the New V.irl colony of rociiIf you kiak It npuli
Swiia. AnJ if Itoiprtvir i'raoei. br cot. arva , It ie arid thdi all nf tbe jiert.
-TUT'nKi'Jl.Z.'Tr’JL____ ' bare
amwiedand fined aod aeml
tvtobaraBmrthtoe. Tbedi^rtiaar
time toeteppafleu-n hrard. «Bfl of Hupflary.
It u ll
lb. order of the three, look
m for —I-biaown uae. 1
---------- . Inxiructor. “Brrauae." waa tte rrplr.,
rred to paymaai
poyioeB t and tetidrd
kinp ot P
J* «
thao te expected or -beUxdonn.brarbcpropeetyof dBatiaif'
Uototataebaace. Tt
boifl. tbr Hr* of Denmari)
bk) I
.j^,a^l»telacr.|,raotad) ^ be conelodedtotryaoex-, ^ pjpn."
aBtaWic o abort dtatooce away.
tte tafaot mooarcb o(Et>aio la a Hour- praiiBeel and are if they could
bon. UXkiipof Italy atUeoyard.Uie.^l^
I bare bare aaked whether 1 ever re- Idac of Roumvito
- pmt a* tte Bibler. Tba bill asoaoted
Prince F'erdI-1 g, dumped about a Itoxtel to the
I haerm-ieed my >evelr7 .lore to the
10 tea tbaa a qaanrraecoidtop tu the erlee aocUl toritattona from milliocte Bate of Bulpari. are Imih (orripsero. 1
,„rpn,e ,ud pleaw , FTIedrieb block. N- IT", wmtk .ifle
aln ill opru ecvclopea. with balfpeo- tba ferateer ol tte Dernailotle dy naalr
aeemrd 10 thrive ra well ttero h>ca>l xteeev where I have better lacilamtaed bb oeia aad tbe iMkid I ay atampa. aod what 1 thick of tba InBwvden wa. bora at I'au(ban x 1 ^
Katero. They ,'ae. for -.wk ate dUptoy
pnetiea on the part of Ibe millloOBlna. ceotory aad a quarter apn. tbe a*rto 1
aad oad frieved.
rapirtlw aod be not oolr in my itoe at
myi iondon Truth. It ianolo|tenU>at a Bolxtein Oatrorp. and .be kinp of tte '
aw yea o defier, bo mid.
T rutXv^r?to Imi^^ anV ! “
r°f‘ •»"
I BB prirlleped to receive tovltaticox Hellasra to llkewte a llolateiner.
• it a tellarT Bow aiucl
| I^^bui Ste^ Uv^ te
' I"'
Bran to Enplaiid'aroyal family there Sto uae te be baa dtoeed Ihei^
rotopeteot hand ■
ataocea. butTt ia a remxrUible fxel (bat to era, fhUe Engl.ah blnod left. Tte
1 y, „
I bare had aneh as leriUtioa addrraaed Bobeaxollenta were arip'aally Saab•WalLIwI
to me at tbr balfpeacy me 6f poatape.
Jy Bai
tedyboya. I
^r. aa then
then ia a (ate halaora on to. aod aa otbrra bare bad a aimUarrx- end papiJy Swiaa. Kritbee
. SetoTUBelepaBltKmcaaaapmhaB prrieoee I aeppoae that ailllionalrmaa (orie bouaa ofOraepe.'
tearfod to Be. Sony, bat we will faaio a claaa bare a vreakoraa for balfpCBay tom baa orarly alwayi
poatape ilampa. Probably Uite vreak- attart. Djieb
•ovtoH._ ybepto
' Tte Ma to whom tbe chanpv wb araa baa aomathlcp to do with (belr
baiy Amariraa to ray that ihto to a
«7 i»a
aiBlw Ftood byitod waited uatfl tba teriup become or tvmaloed miniouOiaaa wny of throw
oate pwTCkaaa was
before be ooMd
aaa Saw UptiT
eo the pan ol milflOtUaBObey. Rewsatbeoblyo
Mo party wbo did set my>j ttei
to wbleb tba aoB baa eaa be no pood bivakfaat for him to
aak thrir (r
ttm. Be lotnirVid. ptoomily. ttei bo

r— _ — ^ke It dye humas bair. rat. That any be right ■in
0 tbeory.'bal^
theory "
prettv >—■ui—
MBT bad sneb ooo far oaM rufltoteti to dtodrr aad ait them doare tea meat j a-K
It to srronp to practice. (Ve knei
—aw ..a.
fltri #l tbaL »aya4ba Sew York JosTOM
bra cooked broakfaal Ibe
atber that a man took a ba>f;woi
eony off
(aafatoo bfflae
Thto fasfakB
Of tba lima for tba
bo poalofla of my Invitatioo aod spent
tNODEN-f'm'ThT ALL^ -L.'
bto luslly. Aod vet
I Oe tba dinner. So far oa yhe luvlta- brtflbi xunabli
_ , —utire when we ray Il ia a pood breakffitaMar ____________
. —king the bMf
^ He to a man wbo tore, pood iJSi
Ol tba allrv “L" road one ereolnfl a
tota of bifliiitx bcordad
(or .tern Una praawp-; ^
heat of woo«. Ve^h.: 7^
knowD aad srmild pi
I a way to rapI found tt rary ettcaefaM ,, , „grttiap»ao who pula to from tea rir. I.
«ara tba ear they
to. T^ atOOd
and of tte rmn WM
I ,g ,^0.0 hour, a day of bard work.
aheald be aa^ on a poatcatd. ao tbatall
A (be kite of w
ra there to KeW
itnfl aad poiap oat
HkBa ate were la- tbla ktadly Botira rather ibaa frem
f to -be
u ate qaarrelTte baakrupley court oasboaMBMa
OMB eror, <toy-Uat ll. every ao»rara* with aaytody who ireiorad ta
• b», day. A qoaM*t icL tea to that lattobtfolle aaira roirioden. “Bow.
orittote tbatraateaeL OaeofibeBta
" apprlly '
Ibr tdra. rimpir aa.ti I
partiewlsT. Ibe taryeM ef the (brae.
Ibx rraull Of 'prteoetafl tte dcolfadeft j Uw 0|tpoaiap oounael of Ibe baaki
fart, tt to aartataly a Bweb
mara “to Her latte larariora atyla you uara
banatora way of btaaobl^ tte hair aSeated 00 Moo a yeorr Tbe wirarra rawvTn^iara ra ton—,
iZ a(
^ IMr araia tte Mp fellow throat.
.................... .......
- I tte'SBof ! ropHed. wtUion airoljoatiflahleprt^
■oMclai. ate dedad kla openly to toy

toooUteBp. - -



,o„ic, on the m-rkel. fur ii rorra the ;


ud •• tt

Purely Vegetable.
icer. Scrtefnlx.
K-uu. Rloud
Eexema Kbeoma,u„.Catarril anrt.nherbisod diaeaaca.
p matter, not bow deep-teated
Uooka on UkkI and .kin diaeaace
mailed free to inr aildrra.. SwtIV !



Sractnc Co.. At toata. (ia.


For Pulek Returns

I Special
’ Entire lot Pur Costs sod BotMS offorod st s TOdo^lMiar

« out St Half Prioo lot Eur DHtIde OloTss sod
; KltMns.
^ •
Lot sU Wool Lsp BobH st Hslf Pries.
hilvonUKe of tbmr Spn-ial BuRaina. Tbr btod evi^
^errd in the city.


;'3 Sir■ii.Tiri'iS ri.™ i

flt ttoML

TrsTsrss Otty. Mtclitcsae





tor. If poaafbto.

to «te Male ate ob



xgjB r.,A^ta-B:sx



ISTELXT week:..


TR'iSrirtrSaS? Oaey.

Farm for Sale.





Si ^

A dap ^ Ua waeb. aoBawaly ,
Crane fTOWtn at Lawtoa had eoa- OWCierk |ar U
flaacbP. nM attar Uaboarot:
aidai^ troahls la iiiirl^ aafltoiaat wttbia Ua City I
twelra o'ak^ ca tba aftarweea of!
arery day and uUI aaeaa • etoek ia ■
r hto rtoltarataewB aad ap__________ ____________tawan Uto
^ Bonlat of Us aaat lacinidiay*
,______ bp Pfidiai alaet 'IMDalap.
aad ta ohsiau that
troabla for ,,----------------f Bakitof It Ue flat.r
aad btotriptoBadeatUa .raqaaat of ... eoalBf arop Uap hare abaady
abaadj | pMbeoa«snof
pMlae oHnsa al lh«cilyto
th, e„, u, kill
fciii eerry
* Erar^ rlolntiah of ar Catlaia’
in to riraa ia a kaUoUa fart to- bto-aweriilae oa Ua aeeatortol oob- parehatadaadpntiaatan Baay Uoa- d«» notao prrmded with a collarand
Vr —Ue prtTbiaaa .d
Bi^aa. lbs aaaalorto aot la a peal• anU^’y* crtmlaal offeBae to
____ bp Ike aaeraiaip of state. Tka
‘ -OMtt* a*Il4. of Vlototanv. aiMod M •raiarkass bata coapUad fean lha tba UdtoenaladaUtlUa plaa. Be
ra aay ta«h d^ within ibe cllr IIb• MT?Sd p«*ta»t (ortr *kM U tho ZS^oflOi. TbafS^ofdtnUaalratUe owner thall bare nbUio.
tMkofUifarotte wnitoa-t Meh Md laca la the stats la Topartad at tU.dM. Uat U was traa U
ledaach Ikewteand pnirlded the roller
w IS I aa bsrelB tpeclArd.
,* J“
Ika total^i--------------- --------------------------'SajTto.>o tbtr'
Uat Uara
Ha fei
hr adopted and passed. , to- -aipnaoned Is Ua eonnly )all
alp hto BtotIM cbowod ap is s mics s«sV aa
Map yaaia tbs Harqastt*
Motion rorricd by yea aod oar rote.
wsalbar ataUoa had tbs dlaUastun of
2!riT^-ba«^uTM*ax^!^U^ flth
wblcb be pseferrad aot to talk aboat.
Yes—AMeroira Robb*.
A toekof wiMfSSse.howrtsp 0
It ww orUsat Uat Ue aaaator depreSsiU. Cook. Eytelka Inrdie. Jabraoa
OtdlMm NsBlwr
Hoadoa la s lac. loi (l>tlr bwl
eiatad Ua pablkatlos of asp atatar^da^ dom M Hal* stfsM. «ak
traatber aaapa abeired Uarqaatio aa
IpcatMica «r XTaSiaM. cat rlriti' tb» ca- and i>Brrt*ia.
aaoeeuiac Ua arraad apoa
Us radlatlaf polal. Last *uitar Us,
be to aboat U depart.
daspnt aaoa fslIatSaalt Sts. Maris,
croerwierr htiS as wsrB (ask It IW reiwlw
.1 ttrl cOrrOse UudrrC Oallaea
aad Us B»p «aa ebaaasd. Ka« Us
tkal II (alto to eon- seat (o' IM TV Uc Jl,ro
• aoBbUp to Ut pSks of dsspaat
Oniaelf ..i IV<'U»..,i Trurwtr <
Haniostts aaanW to bs aliaeat
amr»r'a Oe. tBtoo.^0.,
ottowa. Oat., was rtollad bp aa f^^krb.
I odfs of Us bait.
..of Mr. aad
sarUqaaha batordap abortlp after
■ Trareni City. Mii'k . Dae. >1. I>
At Iroa Moaetala Uto^ B. Kadtofd. Bidalcbt
aloBoia tbrlr
Ko aeriooa daaa^ baa
Ba ll_r»aol
lokta elolblap iasllor la Us Wood bloeh. fwaioad a baaa ra-ortsd. bat Ue aback was dtoaiyof
Jstiar fraoi rrmaes. ChrtolBaa dap. Uat tiaetlT fait all orer the eitp. Itn
aad was bamad U daaU.
If of Cltp CoaAdl >ald ‘ Ue roinitiii^ no fln
w t^tl- ^
MadsbM bran leap for >op. Tea pwa
Bdwmid Bibb, of Coldwator. fad
apu. •'bsa hs Itoad la itlebipaa. hit
•B Jaa. 4. »»:. ;
Isr wiib the Mator and Chief af Ue Are;
tae ablakaaa froB a now load of f<
too WiutoB. USB Id. Isli boBs aad
t caliad to oed^r b,
ba had roUaa. aad M of UeB di
siabarked oa aa ooesa sattOl.
For alx
Tbafaadeootalaad potooa.
Reports ^
j' •, a phemlcal Art enrior for Ur Cllr tu
psanaola IsUsr eassfroai Us bup. aad denaed bto tatora. Repoets
ibaa leader.]
Ibeaeat. Aldemea Hobba. Urdliek. i
niotf'o of AldrrBSD lii
WaitoBMalnasofCopoBtahloatoaa bat aow be orUsa bs to sotojap boBa, ■prtadlnr Uat Ut Cebaa
allra-aad baa bsaa
of bb am bp Ua aoddsaUl dtockarps I after stoluap oearlp etarp port la £ap- Macao, to alleeiTlSri'aid'ui?
“idulj .
. -jUlhto
•I htor«a«UIa bswaatakiair Hoot; laad, iraaccaad Irslaad.
aad Uarriaoa aad M-tyorenarit.
|oa Ue labie.
■Hared bp
Tbs CbrUlaaa holldapa bsTs baea
Mlautnol last rafaJar Btauai
Hnrnd br AMrrmto SmUh
'Adrtoaa froB I'aBaBaarato Ue af-l
Chief .,f tbe Kira IVpai
.eel Uat Ue tolaad of Aootda. ia Ue
port of Cob. oa ClBlBt aad a.*l,„^
i., ctalrr
T-arrr^ I
rulf of Uarlsa. to partlallp iauadated.
‘'Iqneaied u.
Vortp-flra bootet bare baea watbed
iVa tad f-rriaiB if their I
la twaalp-aeree .__
Mkb.. Jaa. 4. inT. j .puk trmu-r aad tm.ike Aaek ci
aaxtaatof Ue
Mb Lanoa of Taatla baa aaat a
.Uic Mnyur nnd Clip | ni-rmofrd to prrreat daoerr.
done to aot ksocra at yet, bnl
Maeb aad..wbiU blttsa Xe frfiiroU
it will be
; Motioe carried
!aUai MeElalep. It traa bora on alacBoUon nf AWeraitB rook, duir |
psara ba ba> bero Upiar
(iKkTUcMAh —tVet year eoas
- - IBClW'
BoUer. aad flaallp aaocaedrd bp iberr
•iiy Oerk.
CapUaao baa airired la port freea Ue hare exaniaed Uc fotlowlDf el
Oai« Ball.a tarBsrof Baalia tosra- aaoidrat.

aortbern hallbat basks wlib a reooid
. Alp. ■atoa eoutp. barat a blood staBcatoa Harbor i-rof. R. J. Sta- <mrpo of
ad fUUa dfBwlet a pall of »avrr froB pbaaa bat rreattad at a CbnttBat
amrndlar SecUoa 1 aan
% troll, aad died b a fstr tBlealsa fron preaeat Iran bit ttolar-ia-law ia Ntw
____Mdt a world's record oa a dap'e
bsciloo t of ao ordlBSDca nIatiTr to
tfea aCasla.
York dtp. a wlaa rUa* «■««
oartaia perwist foiof abroad apon
fiahlap. catoblap ao lest Uaa ilO.tun
Fear tarvee^aoet Bade bp a Mamke- Bapoleoa.
Ua ttreru. aHeyt. ' aad pablic
paaada af ballbat la oae dap. The A W BU-krrJ xiHiUo
- MS
,fba saapaap arr aow oa their wap
Bihtooobiipasd 'to Ua New Eaflaad k
Pv laU Jmt U tlr teyp tl <»raeral
_____________ ______ .... - tlBSB
from Uat dtp to Ualr anilaaUoa di
Jto”it‘**«Hainsd by Us CoAdcil of
laid la Aiaarka; a feather froa ~ I Co., of Bcatoa.
HaHepol. Banla. ala blp flat aan bela«
't tuaeral rar:
a ptsco o
Miatoler Hoaki of Japaa bataifaad
raqmirsd u earrp Ua Batcrial.
Tbr first kretioa ef SB ordiWaraep ttooe froB Irelaad, aad a piece
■Btncta for two new erniteit for Ue
Baa« re^tirr to errtaio prrtoDt folaf
MartStaptiaaa.of Plaa Lake, a Bar of Us batUuBeaU of Uc oM Spaatob
sarp la be bailt is AarricnB
abroad upoa tbr ttreau. all»t. anil
rtsdMa npaanof
wklls frosadt of tbe Dtp of 'riarerM
Uraenn pfae Lake nandap aftsr- tnrlBladoa Marioa. at tfv Anfottias
Adricea froa Bridfeport auu that
Ulyfr wblcb ordinaace wat patted b>
sooa. broke Uroerb Ue loe aad wai
other byUel'aloB Irua Works ef
. wild Bao to at lam la Ue woodt
Ue 6oaDcdl of tbe C.ty of TraremeCHy
diowBSd before he m'4 be rtwebed
I Fnoietoco. It was Ue ooaeiaakm
near that rUlafe. The ttorp to coroa Ue ru day of Sept
it bereb,
. Tba tix-psar-<i]d too of Oodfrep roboralsd bp Ismto U'Learp aad Cbaa
HBixnae ri'*i>.
As vve anticipate a j^cneral chani'c in our husinvK.s Itefnrc another fall, we aiiitt dU*
amcBcied to read at follow*; It tball
CboBia, of Krw ilarea towaablp. wt« Warper, wood choppera. While Uep
aot be la-foi for say bop or ftrl aailer
toOlad bp a aaplCap. which apraap haek were at work aloaf Us railroad a baaed oa .
Pt(. .
\Vc have conclnded to open « .
Uie Sfc of tlxieeu rrarv to be abn«n ]kiM.- of all of our winter slock left regardless of cost.
■Bd Biraek hlB ia Udbae^ of tbr back. fWlUa like saa attacked Uem and ABtericu ancor aadABcrican aaateopoB
pablic general deparlincnl slon- ttf brand new merchandise in-«ur 8^-;
which will 'te
arUla bip father was Uoppiap a tree.
was flaallp drtraa eS wiU axst after a ritl. The oust of Ur two tbipe to la
froaodtofUe iltyuf rnrenw Cit>.
. Jaaob Eiaball of Oraad
flgbt. The peeaUar lookiof ob- Ue Beifkhorhoud of to.uou.iHi. aad
MIcbicaa, (luriar ilw mooih* of Mat. cruDpleleilby June 1.

■taBped hto BaBs "J. RIbIbU.- oa
. nid U be oorered wiU loaf
Jaoc. Ably. Aupu.l. eep'rmber, Ucui' mA ddrof a twaatp-tiTs osat piror _____ 1 balr. and U eifht feet tall. The
When arc we lo dispose of the balance of our winter st4)ckV Surelr not imniefUate*
buraad Nbrember titer lOe hour «,r
A terrible dtoaater bat oecoTred ia
Tillafara will scour Ue woods la tsarch Ue Saala (toirtrati Biae at I'achcs.
'i-ai ' !!: .
in the shade then. Hence, if we tin;:
• e Febrs; ly Iwfore our removal, as the weather might l>e
Ue meat faiaoat ailrer
ary, Uarebaad
n«ra baa aot beaa a dar of aleicb«B»e caoae aot kaows.
to disiMSe of winter apparels al all it must be right now. if the price » any object, and
e-ehl o'clock p
liw U Alsea* eooatp Ula wlater. wlirba erected oa UeOatogafoa riser, lira broke oat ia oae of Ur lerel. of
Fbnaam are alowiac aa ia Srpte«hsr
where tve argue the strongest jsiinl. Our slyre. as it were, is already a .month*
th^old aoetbera
exit of tkirtsea Mexican oin
Jcoe person of poud moral piece through this region for s«]uare dealing and b>g bargains, and when we cut GOT
lieen oa Ue oauldr went to
ehtf-eteranci shore thetfe oftlxlesa
try to pot out Ua fire aad rat
then to'a fall of Ua s^ter ol 1
tbr portuil of sop Ite- aireaily low prices, regardless of cost, we may stale safely that within thirty daya our .
At Itbau, Bollp rbaae. ai
Bea. Oae EafltobBls. Ned Jett Keatlp. Her ■nltrj____
. ctrad boBs ftoa aaaUera Ml
"Altos ilrmi^.Ke>.*ttoiT.,..
_ .. . bocaa power. The
.t.-wrat do
-------shelves will hold.very little winter merchandise. Hence it behoves you to call early'
Blfht. Wbaa he fotof Urtraia hr
I lateraatad owe iBBaate
Tiir fifth teclioo
arw aalaa^ Be wmadaiad two Bllea
Ixrforc slock is broken.
tlBberls Ue ridoilp. and euffiicatloB. All
■■■ Ue Mexlcmaa died
la the
UW Ua eoutrp. wbar* bto pareata
toaxpactad to taclade a tae
___________. note. The bodies bare
kectiOB to berehr tiarOiled In rfiad a*
aarp. paper bIH aad saw Bill. Kca- not yet been rrcorered.
follows: It tball bi- tbe Buly of Ue
r.O.UUbrn. (In'. Maury .
draA of mem will be fires CBplop___________to asked for Ue aufTereia
Chief of IVlioe of stid Utt of Tnecrae
fioB Ua watoapoat which anrwbelmCity doring tbe mooUt of aap. Jaae.
Col. (too. <1 Briffv o{ Oraad Bapida.
clly ef l>ori»eao. la Ue Axoraa
July. Aogait.cieplelnbef. Octobjr aod
who aaca ooBBaadad Ue SareaU
u OB Not. !. Toaa of wale*
Noeecnber. to bare t le boor of Dioe
\Vc have in tWis department divide<] the entire stock in four lots and made big tnc-.
Very mpcttfollr,
iMdlaUa aort'
' down apoa Ue city, whieb was
ii'cluck p <0 deeipaaicd each day by
A. W. jAHStlt.
of aboat
ii sr.,000
--------rinpioiraf Ibc itot* streeteoirii.r ■fices regardless ^cost;
«ao IV. I.ASm
>ft of Ue hoatta. ripplaf
Tba Ctolaasl
abore U
le bell or Bp toeh olli-r bell or tipud AceeaaU.
Lot No. 1—Choice Ilf our finest stock of-Ladies' Ca{M>s and Jackets, conaUting «f
BCBtal flat leal at UaUptbarf for a ap tbe slraau aad earrpiaf destroclioB
aaapBUto wtalar, prrfrriac to
BSlstbe map rrpS'd *uitsble
Cook that U
i?^aap taka frdrbta asxt a ... . osotlderaUun. Tba refiBsal led a ererpwhere Id Iu cnU). The torreat
dorioB the moo'lis of II urmher. Jsuu
ela'lBS be or ary. Kebroarp. SItreli to i -April, it long Tur anil Plush Capes and fine all wool Kersey and Bpckle Jackets, satin lined
• • •
Ue slopes to the tea.

Tea faraaeea are la fall blaat at Uka cbarfeoaUaflald.darlBf wblcb Ua
liadsa. aad foUp is.aoo.nou p-raada of oolca- aarftaat waa.akot and Uc Baf
ebaBBOl Unoofb alne
tball be bit dotp to deeifoste tbr boor throughout for $7 50, ssnbl by leading houses as high as $15. '
I<bL NoUlBf kaa baea beard of Hob- Blletof euBBtrp aad earypiaf with it
Motiaa earned by yea sad pay rats. of ei«b< o'clock p m in like maaarr
til now. OllrarwriUaUatbebBrbad
Lot No. 2—Choice 4>f our all wool faandftome Capes of the latest novelties: also al)
Act. 3
Thi* ordiotoee thtll ttke.
DpiB UsoU HwaeaBanlrU tan_
Yeas—AldsrBBB Uobbt. .lirrilirk.
It all UetlBc and hat baaa oSsi^
eJfrotin iweoly dart after iu tabli«ur CUatoo. to a Boaad S<> feat loaf
woo! Kerseys and Buckle Jacjieis for $5.00. Were considered bargains with ns befm.
I tajaa tor IL aad aow leU It fo n tyneau. of t.wO^polatioB. ^aad (iaiiU. Cook. Eytsika. iBnIis. Jsbraat
•ad Ire fast blfh.
Bp delrlaf laaids
t be to hard ap. NerottoUaat
We do berrbp certify Uat tbe fore- the hulidavs at $7 and $fi.
aad Oarrltoa.
Ua bopabare loaad ptoesaot aalqiie will bs apeaad for it.
U^i^t iL^flUcnieB loti Ueir bi^
coiop ordmaooc wat psBed by Ue
.paHarp. Us aaek of aa nra aad what
aad Ue tbon nt litterad with Ue
U of Ue City of Tnrerse City oo
Lot No. 3—Choice of alI;of our fine Misses and some Ladies fine JackeU (no shad"'
are aappned u bs hamaa boaas.
eorpaesaf Uoae who pertobad la Ue
Oaloe btipert lor tba
i. (be iloaoirtblr. lAc Mmeir und n>u
dyl and a fine lot of Caj«8 of honest materials at $3.50. which were our biggest.neUera
A H}11ataBdeF^^^ -Si
aia pambailnf iaipe aBoaatt of Ar
CuaniH' of Oir Cllaor Tni'^n^ ruv.
at 55 and $<>.
-ArobBd Ua Ragtaa.'
liOt No. 4—Choice of a nice lot of Ladies' Capes. Onr regular $3 aad $S goods
( Urge fyalt and aanarp stock tarB port of arraau nude by Be doriaf Ue
>.to p. B. baiardap aad Waw dawa
11 be tiartad aUr Ktlfcaaka
An ordiBsner rrlstlrc to BlUtorri tables go at $2.60.
bwbU of Ileceaber. Ime;.
ararp hoate bat trrola Ue (owa pad
sod estioir busses
lire. 3rd. I'at Kvbiaaoa. afs in. Iriab.
kUlsd asranl people.
Be itoMaieed bp . tbe Council ol
Oraak aad diaorderip: flftaen dapt ia
The above lines must be s
The AHefbeap aorset bars tabea
to lie appredated.
an MW
m Mwiwn aaw .laiaeMpTnrerse Clip
ar. asBautad tor UIrtsoa ptara. Whsa
OK-. I
Tbtl all roodu aod placet
' ItU. ArUar Ueorfe. aft M.
Uaa Ob UDd WM Urea pears old. Ua
DiaotdAriT ooodacl. Sufi- when billiard tables or p-iol tablet tee
Now Felaabey araatoacarfew
uoUtr was obUfsd to asad ber U Us ccept otu^^aaraea. AtaBecU
krpt, whrfTtl p-rtODt t-r permiusd.
peodad asateace.
AU the towns la Ue r
OoUwatB'sebeol. Now tbs to Is ( ' bald ia UaAIItvbaap Natati- boa
lire, :141b. Morris Hortoa; afa 4:.
an taUlBf law Use.
BlnBtaarat aad It flad u pnr
I baartilp eadoiaad. ai
Itraak aad ditorder'p ' Paid play, and for wblcb money or itseqaiy•BWcUidafaie.
.. .... .
na. aaerataip of U
ooBf lady at Haalan^ to ha^
alenl nr apy check or couaisr is lIcB of
Jnar RaxxiK.
.Bunerls paid or receirrd. shall be
Hopr eallefe baa a«oaty Hanbal
eb^ from bar Bo£er.
elro^ oo Ue first Jtr of the week
Men's heavy farmers' Snspeoders • 12c Mored by AlderBaa ^alU that the eoamoBlp cAled Koodty. and tfur the .Men! Jersey Overshirts ]aau.
report be accepla<l and ordered Bled
boor of t-eelreo clock lo tbe tlurnuuo .Men"' Wool Jersey Overshirts
ataaia at aa asarafe of ars
tiaaBsr CoBoodara. wkl>
l(io ladlaaa. who are jaat as pa^workMen' heavy all wool Socka -j
MoUoo carried.
of eacbdsj
ty aod agtil
optil seren odoek lo
frOB Jaehaoarilla. Kla.. f
sn aa Ualr white selfhbora.
Mens all Wool Sweaters ■
Bormog tot tbe
Men's heavy all wool Mitten^ *
4 Ciiy treaaotrr't npoH for oiODtb of
PAP fv aatraa Uep Bap order
Ciaalafoa, Cataa. oa Tburada^ wlU a
A Bsa atlsadad » psrany social at
MB^Mtoosar IK Blsalaa latest
Mens blue Flannel Shirts Alba reoeaUrand badbtopockala ^dc OecsBbrr. int.. me prearnted aad oo
.'aba. foBadcrad off New SBpraa ataa adoftts. -As atorml to ebriaat.
m was accepted abd ordered
Biox. kiwpinx.^ rnoBiox r& Men! heavy fli-esed lined Underwear 3*lc
early boar BaUrdap Boralaf. TweaipBig reductions made on Wool Blaakets '
pan U pap to Wp Ueepr .
placed OB file.
Itrol of eald billiard itbl . Of pool
TafsrBraa. of tooloa bars St
sifkt Bea were oa board of tbs arder for Us
inp (be t mo *
Men'! heavy gray Merino Underwear 25c
and Men's Mackinaw Jackets.
ar, aad as far at kaowa aolp IT
btaleaeBt al Board of FabUc Wo*kt
by Uto ortlDBBCr
I - be cluM-d.
ap aext
Keutlnac oetplet .
' UUla osar ps SI per head Uto pear.
rtlllu raetoulsl rieelBl. Ir*der
Tur wifidowt end door* of
Utos A TboBpaoa of Lake A-Ba an
Ba to iMtoSad Uat Uaep are desirable
J. T. Sebwtebofar. proprietor of Ue
DaatooB.' Texas. Soap aad C^aBleal MlarfiBf
lUaefaetoriaf C&, died Uto wp*k.
Nt'to Sv teuoitt ern~nl**.
aod free from all c
Ik. HarkbOB aaade a poet BunsB cx
' Tator DtBtpar to
oodewytUiiiy Uat sball ryadrrthr
if Ue Uroai of Mr :
Tbs Ferry sssd wanhoaae at Cbarittp Bvaptoa towBahl,.
... __________
ioterior IMreDf lar oibU from U« oatHere i> where we are overstocked the heaviest, hence prices cut deeper, la thi|>
rbofer to dstsmlae the aatare of rolx___
riT.TJB baUeU
AA (ha ctobt haad bp a hoiae Uat bad
It 4*
el bbt Umr *rbeD*aid rooms Bra
Ue troablc tren whieb be bad baea tbs
IsTBert ot.Uat
l Ti
• •
itoordiBBOco rroairod tobael sod department we do not offer shoddy-garments at V9c or 1.29. but first-class awrcbiadue
aafferlaf f<w tararal yenra. It dltclos- paylBf
' 1
No iBiaor.abaJI be blloaed
ed Ue tact Uat the larpax of Ue desid
«- room or place vriicTT said billiard at prices that will make the wisest <>f them guess.
Haawa boUa ber head aa bifb aa
BOB was eoBpletelp oailflad. Ue oi
Ue beat of Usb. Oae of her eiUaaiia
Men's fine wool Bcav-erOvercuat. smooth as velvet, 4.50.
caae erer ipportad ia Ua ptaetlee
Hoard of l-nblk Works.
Bsparttaa aaoeston aad aa< '
By Juii> T. BxAPtx. ChalrroaB.
daootndeat of Daalal Booac. Men's imported all wool Kersey Overcoat, half satin liuedy and also the same aU
A. W. EiCBKiiP. aerk.
Ada Uorw. Tt peara did. baa t
atolpUUdofBobOT^baEier. a~rroear.'
ba flre-r«ar-old oob ef Jaa. Ik.
w.K)l Serge lined throughout, considered good value at 12.00. for^.50. ,
Mored by AldarBaa Grei^iek that tbs
hlUad Prtdap allaraooQ bplmt falallp buraad at the hoBB af Pafa
... JXk BapUa. faU. alrUdaf hto rrrUt
Bar oaler
itotraaalBf aaddsbl.
Jobs tealap. Norua la nuabaip. Fa.
OB aa ax aad arreriaf an artsip. Ha report be aroepted and elalmt bs
Men s wool blue Beaver Ul-lers. (no shoddy.) would be considered good value at 7J0‘
Mad U, aM other bopa wen aBotlap
aniiy Ued to deaU before it eoald be dend paid as ncoBBcaded.,
. Utaaaleaa aa Ua pood wtu a paa.
for 4.50.
Motioa carried by yeas and aaya
’ j wbtp Baaatof piapfallp Bred. Ue bul- ooetamed. The wotaaB was alaadlaf
OadUlac does aot propBr to let a Are
osar SB opcB fraU. wbea aha aoddaaly
Hobbs. Lireillek.
A lot of men's small fine Overcoats, sizes 34 and 33. worth from 8.00 to 12.00,- we
V Isl blHlnp Hhder ia Ue bead.
rat nadar way If_____ _
.. ...,
8miU. Cook. Kyaelfca. Lardie. Jahraot
(UtrUawB l-ekaptw.ol Ue 1‘etta- Urirkad sad rma aboat Ua room eea caa balp IL tilx hare Jnit
•ffc$ 25 })er cent less than our first cost.

watoBle ladtoaa. taps Ue tribe bat a tcraaaiaf. Tb«ya waaaoslraof Are (dsaad ia proBlacmt bnaiacaa boa
sad CarTtoOB
lanar clalB aniaat Ut ponniBaai for aearly ball a Biaale aboat Ue Ua expeaaa el the city, aad la caae of
strictly all well American Tweed Suits, sold in the largest markeU for 6.00
(baa Uc oee joat irtUrd.
It to tor Xirl'i akirta Than Ucy look Are. Rer alarB aloof Ue ttnel Uey wUI do
Hsrsd by AUsrBBS SaiU (iBt Ur
anti 7.00. our price 4.50.
AOOO.OOO acres of< laad la Iowa wbiU . rtBbt aad body wars barnrd ao Uat iliiick aerrica.
had beaa token froa the Fv-'.iawatsrroalaa aoderwear. She will probably
Men's extra heavy, all w<m>I Tricot Suits, nicely made, good value at $10, price 6^;
Pater Jebatoa. of Elk Rb|dda. lost aa
adaa wiUonl
sysand aaffsredeUer aarare lajeHca
Men's good, half wool Saits, no shoddy. 3.59. Wonld be considered gdod
at $i)$
.M3 to Ue credit of Us yailoat
Jobs Ooodlasd.'o
...................... by tbe cxploaioD of a easnoa eight
BS follows.
to aa ap-to-data prototype of Ue hero pron Bfo. Tbit weak a aarfcoa rA lot of men's odd single coals of all w<h>1 Cassimeres; Suits of same Wonld be wal« '
Tba UbarBaa oa Saerinaw
Fire tWpl. i
------- I&no 00
paaalad orer Ue alBoal total________ la Hanpat'a aoral. ■'dapbet la Search
laaf. troB ^alfhtlsaa loeket. whk
ued at lO.Oi . price-if coals 2.50.
( '
Water toad
BfflUiaUairaeU Uto pear, lattead of a FbUer." Far UUTp peart be hat
to BB^paaed to ba part of tba niarod.
«l tadibf taearal wbaa Uep ealae Ue
A lot of double texture men's Cape Mackintoshes 2.48.
bat foood himUi WiUiaia Ooodlaad.
mit and FaCB Kotaa.
wcalUp iMjmS of
of WhIUcp OOBBlp.
be SOB wat kidBappad from
... flaad Bill. alUoBfh fodder
oatr^iaarp laasoa for Uto raUer ladlaaa. The
rhaa be wat two peart old. ploBtUal benm an - so BBBer
- The balance of «.or Children's Overcoat* We close ont i^ardleas'of coat
Uaa ^ alBplA om Uat flab troo'
tor hiB pnead aBbralllaf. PerriB Bofgeat fare
a awmpsfsod
aad Ue pamto
The balance of the Golden Eagle bankrupt stock of odds and ends, ia childrea*a aad
» l^dlBf USB
AVOiand Ba^a Fred Oawlap.aped Uoodlaad. aftor taalaf abdaetsd. wat
n's Suits, we close ont at a big discount.
pl^ la a toa^l^
Many famcn la Ue lower part ef
Tnrms City. Jaa. 4. k«r;.
MIchifM do not know what to do with
iafi Ha bocan fora BaaaaL Thep
their oora. Tbclr cribs an fall to oror- rb Hto tfoMtiblc. tbr Va^ dhd Cky
alarud aC. aad ha napbt oae of Ue
(er bto paraau
Coaaeil of Uc Cirp uf TVaaerM Ct«,
Utosa. Tba pall be pan broafbt Ue wba flflaen paan olA Ha to aow IT. flowiaf and Ua crop to net prt aU
banaa bfaiasta aida bHL with Ub- whlto to yaroatoaroUa
of T« and
The aabjact oT at
Ua.-4TLitaK»—Year aoBBiUsc
baUf di
Wc have conclnded the ladie* to Hbare also ia this .special sale by offeriag spedal
wboB *ao refamd Us paUltsa of Mr.
. Tba dpaaHItsmtosr Vasarin and atspaan
iBaama sski^ to laawapaitof Ue
Daetial Be^ea of Bap Qij. etbo Us amad diapalek raaaal Dol|^ bars latare to paaa .
indneements: An all wool Storm Serge. 50 inches a-ide. 39c. An aO wo(H ladies' Faa<7;
grooBd kaowa as Lake Bee-sa
: W ordmdtojarida wava to tsia^ booaty lor frowsrt for Ua
4B»«tory bvlUtof. «eaU ! KCSOTO
^'tori^ «e*>^
Flannel. 50 inches wide. 27c. Fine Novelty Dress Goodsy fully 75 per cent wool 1^.
AliBsda, Ala., aabert data af^da■■BbBB Ua whole aUcBe aa a (aUata
ihitiqg Flannel 3}4c per yard Fleece lined Wrap Cloth 5c p^ yard. Good i4 Sheet**
aad wceaa. HawrtieaUat Una are i
'I*!rt"to aappraa^
krwaL ___
.TowBB poe^
voald Uka I
«OBaaUaretaUtalpdeatiiBM.aad ba
___________________ -• Cbba.
Ue thetory toe Ue BablBf af '
ing 3^^c per yard. Turkey red Print 3}4c per yard.
^ cord maditae thread, war*
wmaBlAarlletoaaBdblBptUat oan! . .aow two wanbipa.Ua Newark aad Ue>e^
- law a
oacar lorotofl la Uairl
m ba aap ratara ta Bap dtp. Mr.' Ue Balaicb. belplaf Ue raraags oattomnoDditeBtaat Hat oo By beottb Bk ranted. .3c
' BafhaaBjabafoaadBaBnioraapof: ton U Ub avrlee. AU of Uto fotae
sbiBt. ItoaXlaan4Bt«attoe.aadlcBBBM
aOBaty Aeb^
^eUSacfmx Ualaataf Uel
AU Inmbermen's Rubbers at cost aad some S per ceet below foctory aet price.
asteaa bo* ctaeyM I oa. tv 1 obbo*
to toa^ao a
apriarapla Ikat asetUa of UMoeaatry.
{. .

• 0MB9 PUriot. «o ■^5n=:





Eis3“«i;ir-!K.“f,:2".i- s:


..esj.’^rs "-iriiLrx |




The Boeton Store

' is







•5T ETI,




Cloak Department.


Gent’s Furnishing Departments




Clothing Department."

Will Not Perform Mirade
Bm It Will Core.





Dry Goods Department.

“• *“


AUM^UiV fr^^daladto ^ Jaa.
A. What ^tot Barhaa- lauv wfll




Hartia Bmaa. of UtaeSaM. tbtoad
all Us ra--------- ---- ------------------- ,1 law la pea- *.aoo tiaikiliodaora Utoyear. Proa
14 ava be Bibbad 3.100 bMbala.


ThB hoc ohotaa lb IMM hM aoa (ha





) Herald



ite* tia* %>r«w4. ta «mc7 «lrarta
te ■MttobMttelMUtatlM. nd
ud WM oCmd far Mp totora
twdi*C to bar nMMtpTb.«.Iy*
fi*. brMi
a ward, who atatod ttet



k «»4>7% H>baij>.


t»Marnw> taUaatV brO«*•m M tk« BKk&U> CM* (• ptMk.
tew boM <*mMt* «BMich «e MMf*
M*mM*aop7 aadsra tl>a«i*W
flM it W Bcbu> fMda* *1BI
MMic wHh te MMwntkM a Ite l«r

the *rMlac cdbM Mcope. A yam
tod iMtUtod ttet he «Mr * WOMB o
tooted lite teroB Hawdsp BMraii
The tfat wUrm the Mp w*. toi
had beat paM*dorertUM aad aemto
hp tteeearteiarFarttefmatte **plaa. The Bataial lateraao* wia-ttet
^ bad at toat oacoaeJed ia tablac her
life bp drowalac. aad that tb* b**<7
aortb ^d «« Taeadap slcfal ted
thiowa tte bodp ap oa tte
ctelnaa «t tte qMctel *M*t4 eo
twtoanaacc l«r*eteM*mc «
It I* a ^ aOalr. bat tte aaplooi
•M*oftb«B*UaMa( ttewMld.i»r*- aotboritto* feel that tbep dU mrpiaf »Wmd U flealer wtih teropw* uiac powIUc to lad tte atetoc
HaMkUMMite •*h)ML Ttepor-

______ waae acfBalaed patardap bp
.tte etoettoa of ioigm Wat. D. Oordua.
re Oordae waa tM aaaaJadceO
toietof tb
O. B. Faller at Daha ooaatp wa* eboBM apaater pro ta.i U M. Hlllar,
B. H. Olbaoa, ae,*eaavaVar»t;
■r. W. Badtara. a*c?«o*iiit aad aaroUtof dMfc- la tte aoaata. Jete U
Praatoa of Lapaar aooatp waa atoctad pro te»; C. 8. PSen*. at ttoaoda. aaeretarp: *. S. Arawtroac. aar-

ricM. MatV M:la-M.
Fridap. Jaa. to. E
Laka lOrl-to.

Bwb. tae. to. I r:
OaMrSmpaoB (.kailffi te C. E. Back
;*ad Piotap Epaalka. lot ;. dual* A
mto-1 Bieaear^ add-»lM-to
V. WiUtom* to Mar*
: tr V.aect. T » a. r • W~

And Give Bener Premiums

mtlae Malw W. B- ^bar.


fctm •» U* »Wi»i* k»ow*te mtpnmd br rnaUest-alMt McElalcy.
amt hto trip I* ate* *t tb* raqaatet

Tte XaciBlatar*.

I To Garry Larger Stocks,
Quote Lower Prices,

Fraa Bae M. A. Katoep.
iiicaMai.a.c. Dk. U.
CtUToa Baaau>-I bare jaat datobed
readlM^latt Boabarof tte HEBai
aadaotadearelaUp all that wa* la
of amtten penalaiac to.^ tto*»a Clip
otaortbera Mlebifu.' Noptoeewbno
' bare Head ctar plcaaad na *o well lor
. boar, aad aa 1 oUl to mj. If It
pleaaad the Baartelp iblher 1 woeld
terladtoapead tte toaaladerof mp
Ilf* ttera- Bat Prorldeaca baa
it etberwiae, aad here tTe ar* la tte
doolbtoad; aad I map add
ro pleamatlp ritdaled fa






I. to i ee.7 boatdubl*
Taeadap alcbL
Hta. W. P. Keaarp wa* rim a pleaaaat torpria* Frtdap ereatoc bp a
bar of ber fiieadk oa tte bbio.I
ter hirtbdap. Tbep.praaaatad bar wltb
idMme ailrer cate baakal a*
•to of tteir rtoil.


TratatM CItp.
baa a «rirw
tow. VioaDae.lto AuflMaU top.
ate rtri* aadu le uaat to <« the
atraat fapfa-aiote ia the araaiac or
Darlnc tte otter
ear tte
boar i* >
I of tte pear
otdlaaaee ptobibiu
aap pareea aiidar fI paan of ace rlalttaChbUltordioeB.
IbarerM Qtp toatowaot abbat 10.•aa Ittoaaacd tteucatmorilelUa*
• we hare ararieaa. Thera area ao»■ bteof aalocaa liceitad aider UeaUU
tow. batBOiOMaftteaideMipaplac
tealaiM Via* to feroad iau lemote
- UdlvT^^aod tela. too. iaatUrelp

.The weatter far tbe paet two we
baa baee tor the meat part delichtfal—
aiebu frcetpbst oanallp aanap
warm to the dar. LaA alchl
wa* a irbiu treat aad a llule Ice
d. hot It
a tloiae pear* the rcaa* laat till
maa. bat tbit pear tbap
kUlad tbe dm of December.
e to tbeae who wtohed Be
to rapert oa todaetrlal eoadltioai here


\Vc wisli you all a happy ami prosperous
Xew X car.


C a
to Ti aeUta af d- C.
Tb* week of prapar to teiac obaarrad ’ tawl* f.r.anf. seV
,l w—»IT.,
BtUe Baptiat ^areb Uto week. Tbaf* i T *« A r fl

IJulius Steinbetg,

will te oo tDeetiar Soiardop eraotar. i Ual
Allaerrlceaaa aaual o* Saadap. Tte;"»^
pabUcare cordiallp lariUd. Tb* at-, Bailie E
L Cemaieck lo J. T. deaUall.
.. «J. black e. H. I_ A Co.-* VU
uaduto* M far te* tee. r«od -te ; add-»I.M0.


Hutu From Matcbbonac Citia*

The Ltouaer h«a
papar* r
of Ite aorthera Miteicaa
«tbara people for boapilalitp and
ceatJp. aad baa
foaaral Mrdtolltp baa aot boea oae pliBl'trird acceamfeUp iaatberdtiaa.
wbitorerdrawB. Tbia, at Icaat. ia oor white mlcbt-he adopted with baaedt
to Trarerae Otp.
. Baruch, of 8t.
The ioeraap here waa a plaaaaat aaa.
Hsalatce I* aboel to Up tbe CAwrlFrom Ciadaaati we trareied orer -Tbe
Bowa. of Ollrek aateUat. .
Uneea aad Cretoeat," aad Ite atocibara meat of eaubltobia^ rna>b)
Tte mamagm at oovcoiar Oor. Bite
fj. white aflorded aereral bocia of ItlalacoreraoeoUre Uote to Ue to
ate lawomlar Oot. PiairM wl
a porttoa of tbe dtp. aod ‘will to
die aeaariT to tea Blae Ridfe onuatnte teto aftaraooa
Ooribw la HlAlcaa.

Col. 3.
at proper kM aaaallp baaa
a ireek of dsrp ^rltoal totareat to tte -tl*oa.
eharek. /Ui aib aarMtip toritad U
dUW at
tor it aad be prtaaat cratp ^^*w k ofawk.r

Moadap airbt i ^
oaear* were elected MtoUowa:
Ctork-E 0 Itodd.
_________ r—C
____ A. Borbe*.
Traatota—C J. Uaraett aad EVaak .
UrcaaUt-^Hr* Emms Urcadfoot.

Baaaah A Lap Co W Waalep Ho^e*
A IV. block L. B. L. A Co.-a TU ^d-

¥oMr Dry Goods, Carpet and Clothing Merchant


Bsaatp Bi

.e TmTUaeO^J^^
aaMBBt axpeedad Ibis pear-------------werktoaboat n.OOu..aad la addlUoa
aboBl flBO bm beeB ratoed for'ml*- Uoa. to rnat prefasioa. aad pard* *ir
oapardeolamitob. The IrBCTaat aod
1 broBUfal .freeato* are ,Ju»l to iUeir

i, wd ^ K o. T. u. „«■
Id the riciBltp of Ue dtp. aad aUwboae baatoes. wedld aatarsUp be

at 10;W ererp Saadap.

Money Talks.
U to mid that tbe rmaoa a woouto'a bmd bae baea piaead
uo coin, i* tecaase ■ mooey u •orb a Ulkrr.'
iVe are makiiir it tolk ic
a most rffecllrs maaoer ijaamr aad workmaaablp are site bariar
■omeUioc t<> m* ia Ue niaUer Ur l>kr to Ulk aboat a few epeclaltto*
Uat we hare to. ft r. Ererp lady like* a D»re »boe Ttep maat tt be
nrltofc, aad oot liicb ib peive
Ur hare joat mch a aboe. They mn
made OB a Bear last, are rerp klpltob. aBd Ue price to Ctoii. Tbep aec
made tap the well knowB firm of fiBcrer A Smith. t>rr7 pal'wafraat'
rd jeto a* rrpiMeBted or moor* will terefoBded. at Ue aew *b>« store

r. ?A.tdoomtof

^ '

Friday ereBtorebperie-M
7o?~?av~Tmtei a.y.hia, g
'poo .raot to Ue Bower liae by rtoilioT!^
tocladed loa rraerdl market baildiac.
Ererpbodp oordlallp tovtud to at- the rrecaboaae or telllac ap telepbooeiA
N*. lOi. Vtoitor* are alwop* welcome., X
wilted dewB
' ^
. aad aa boor apral Uei* 1MT«* a Idea*MKraoinar.
atotaorr wiU erar* riaiior
rarden arodere aad .poilad tteir trait.

Ue farmer* caa lecare rood aeo
ma *u*<cjiu:Tt*b*
datloo* bere. aad Ue I
ksow where to come to doUeiramrs will te formed ia Ue ..
H. E. eh'urrb lo-alrbt. E**o- dlff^t^_____________
ia Ue maataxpedlttoBa maaadr.
rma of U* Buatom. Col-1
4, i-n:
AU wbo|<
free from tbe aaBopaaee of beiar eall- reltot Shaw will prMcb bto fret ear- |«re Msodap. Jaa. *.
ad tram Usir work ererp tew mioaua moo oen SaodaP aiffbt- R^«
tsaetwerUedoorbelL ItUeecbeme lUrdto. of that be bM."^^ Tt^te i?. iroald
lltUe. It to a cuod ooaatrp
factorioc aaterprtoM. of which we wark* well la Hsatotoe whp aat trj It bmid an Ue rraat -Blbly rmder.- of m mlraare ouratoCeau m. raJiSp aod | A
hool is Ue «l*U;'S
* coaetip. bat Jot.* U S
e to. to.t
bare Id Bleb Poiat aa maap or aiore
lbaa.,ttaereare to Trareree Clip.*11 apCommercial eloilrau eaperiaUp
Here-* aaothar. At Cadniae U* Ire
.ataataeaa dtpaa estou la tte .........
r Ue -Buoal of aer bariar Ur same
warden ba*-plae«d mix ebemical tie
toartb of Otaad Baptda Ttew
caeatrp for tte, laboriac mia. moebaaar aad '
tikratobataat eeattallp tamtod place*
tovataatCTtoaiad-mllto ia tte
r amouet of iottr
inuniciioo. Call <
Ic or faclarp bauL For pard uee al
Saadap moniar.
bMlaaa itreek aad it to
to tor furUer latori
tte milU. «» omM par dap U rood pap.
expected ttet Uep will do rood work
3M bndi. mala aid femila
wbnefI to fair pap toaide. A toremaa
IP aa tocipeot fra. aariarU*
Tte dlptoiaoatamrei^ CMtor
Ceto U. which 1* of Caere/ the top
axpeoae tocidqiUl
■oi tblac to we a
BOteb Oarpretan cat f>^w
lodl. Orar BfaiMl tbi* illaelaimad
‘otMilM. Three or foer peltooM ttet It daa* not coat as mate
p Bear Kalkaaka a plao ball baea
aaMtItata tte fore* of caardtoaa. eaide bar*, hat that ia more a locieal
•tarmdUll woeld. witboct qomUoa.
:Bem Sre petrol, aad arreeu for dtoor- qeatow ef tte lew ware* Uu o( cli­
te eaUralp saeceeafal lo Uto ooaatp
Jablor mooUap.ip
matic adraatocea. I tbiek.
roald mma dollar* to tte'msa
EBd-4rormdeUv.S:4.-.p m.
, Tte reaaoe tar tbi* e
raterprtor eaoorb 'u> earry it os.
Err4>iBp.*errke. 7 p. m.
al eeadltioe to: Srerp dtiaea lore* teeaper, exeeptiec sweet pot
Al Uat place a pracUeal frail rrower
l*raytT laaetiep. W^aosdap ereBlap
towa. Tte aplrlt of leeal |vide to white oeU at M aad to oeiu a b
baa aUeled a auraory atoek farm.
■dea. Bate uaa aad womaaaa- Irish poUtoee leull a*. »eeeU aad a
Orasd Trarera* to Ue eooatp por ce<r(Yoo are oordiallp laritsd to aUcbd
■ aateraiaaapcood
poorqealitpoftePlaaatX per huahal. . le^ for trait ratolar ia Uto eaUre aec• telrkiBC. a* peaerioou ea* ia pib- We are Dsioc tbe sweet peUtoca. Aad
tioe. Wbp doc* aot some trait rrower
Uto briar* u* to tbe arrtccltaral ialar1 BBTMrp la oaaacctiOB wiU bto
aata. bat 1 ahaU toare them for aa- already •ocoroafo! orcb^? Tboamada
ofpaaartmoarepurebasfd aaDBatlp
It to irebabto that tte -j
Aa W Hirh Patot Itoalf. It ia a tbrir- to tbto rerloB. aad a torr* amonal of
«Q1 tote a* mate iel^ to
moBepenald te aared bp tapto/Uem
tteaartew towa* tbS par
at borne.
Not oalp thi* bat Uraad
■ahlactte BailMa %ia:
patot to aridaaee to ttet It owte aad TrarefM trait bate wide repaUlioa
At "Pio^t^r Livery Stable.
opoialM lu OWB elaetrlc lirbt plait at' aad a ready market for aaraetp
a,prodt ttet milcM It aair-aista
wooUW foaad Uroorh Mkbiraa aad
slI^tteremT mldd
OMtbtoc- bowarar. ttet tte towato Brirbburlar elate*.
at add maat lies ap
«ac^.qalu ba41p-to.».ftahettw bo^tep are rirh*^ Ul. Hal 1 toMTclcae. A menp ChrtoV
Aaotter Utor Trarerae City aacd* to
hMPP dpw paar lo an.
pabUe library, opca mix dap* to
MtwiU tewteahreek. Tte towBtblp library to a ta*
M. A. Keitev.
One pair black mares, six y«ars old. weinht j.Soo. as tin
Uiaf M tar m It iroea. bet it it oalp
as silk, blocky built with ar?h necks.
Price S.'to.
OB SaWrdap. It woeld m
Ct 'aa weU rire ap iteplaa.
■Delete fora pablk llbrarp. and
One pair blacks, one mare and one horse, five ami seve
^«L. Dallp Cali.
Hn. t- U Gibb* ran a cbarmlar
te sere lo rrow. Hanealoaa. wiU t.ouo years old. weight 2.600, well matched and good workei;
a'dote laa Friiap to kaaar of Hi
popalatlaa. eooporu a paWic Ubrfry. Price $210.
BdltbGlbteof Hapleld.
Th* Book Qab met with Ur* F. aad Ctodlltoc brn fallea ia Ito*. tte
. . He*. Ua Sutobacr, who baa bwi
One blocky built roan mare, seven j-ears old. weight 1400.
|tei«Mat ite aqplam tcrioBie time, Haallwa to ber raoma at Park Ptooe. ladita af Ue dtp bariac taka* tte
Price $115.
afur a raeatlas of matter into bpad. They bar* taceoUp .A good one.
■atefid li «oma .tit to attaet bar *ad Ur readior room*, few aereral
aoeaial moaUa. aad were ter (aaato at
iii|BtoM ■nupteip- atohi «► toOne brown horse.five.yearsold. t^ight 1400.3 little rangy
saeoraafalip carried oa bp Uem.
Mr. Hamlltoa; aot U te oatiiiWfcU'aibort Urn* befate tte
Price $1 jt.
iatb a pablk llbrarp. Neither of tbeae built, a good one. rtlce round body.
doae. toritad Uwladlm^mte. >at tboerb ereep effort
U* tea wlU him aod tarprbe Ue dttoe bar* a tetter dart tbaa Tiar- ^ One brown mare, seven years ohl.weight i.joo.a good
Mds to SaS hw. It WM aU to) M a<
re atp alreadp,>aa. wIU t.OOO baolto
lob memtera. bad ll,froT*d
rough draft horse.
Price SSa •
ber towaabip llbrarp. . It U worU
«(*'*» cater tfaroarb ter h
Mr*. B. A. Kaaetoad wMfirabade- UiabiBC abooL
One span browo mires, weight, j.400. a good pair cheap
k. —a baite a
;U(btfBl eaiprtm bp a Dvmber of ber
work mares.
W* ball hep ooBld aot te foaad, lady Mead*, aa U* oecMtoa of. bar
One roan mare, six years o1d,-weiglit i.Ko. good farm
WrUdap. Tharadap afurwooa.
Ber. E L. Keller* tea made Ue fol-


Wurzburg Block.

Traverse City. Mich. ^


B. J; MORO-.AJN’, ^arostariotior-.

^ ■“-x.-r.;

For one cent.
For two cents.
For three cents.
For fQur cents..
For five cents.
At all prices.
In all sizes.

«. E. HASKELL. ManaRcr.

The earth has after many weeks 6f indecision hettocked |
I hersBlf in her beautiful manMe of spotloM white. But this m*n. j
' tie ia neither lighter nor whiter than the bread made from onr j
“BESV flour. Try it and eee for yoursoU


mare and good driver.

I’rice S85. >■ ■

One blocky built gray
sound and good worker.

horse, .weight

1.250. serviceably

Price $50.

One pair brown horses, weight 2400, good work team, with
harness and sleighs.

'Price $110.

and be convinced that you can get the best bargains here,
will take any kind of sttxk as pa>'.

B. J-. 3Sa;OIlC3-.A.IT

Bear Late. Beamia aad Fiaakfort;
Feb ».
Elk Bapidaaad WUllamatar*. Mar.
Torch Lab* aad Kawsdto. Mar. 14.
aaapptrto tteeba^pariot*
1 noUob some great tods, in the Tr*T«rse City oewapapepaSbermaaaad MoaiMC'blar.Mar. 71.

dtp aa^ Old Mtatoa. Mar. Aomebody'shipping horMS into this ntp claiois that be ran sell borwa
.tMdartaktor >»«• tel* mecitot.aad
Ike FitebpteriaaX:. E aoetolp eaterAaeardietwaa:
Oaed tte Priead*' C E asetotp New
for lea inonej than any ^er in thurity
In tvgarl to tbe *UI»: -Wa. tea jaep. lad tte mid Ida
Trararbe City. 7ad tabreh. Mar. SI.
ear-* era. aad tbe tost booi batare
iulibwr aama to ter death bj aanenl that be doea not hare any more horse peddlers, also that be baa
ycaar* aad atflact of tte aaplam aatb- mtdaifbt WM deroted to a C E pr«ptr
been bayihg bia hoisea in Indiana front the ator^ farms, yon know
■« toiteimemtei lAaritii,
. aad Mra 7 «. Mmikaa will *a'Tte eardict tail* to auu whereto
tbatwe4mnnot boybonea in tbe dn« s*orM' H y*»“ boy a horse,
«hw* WM a«laet oa tte fvt of tte tertato tte eSear* aed toaoberaofUe
yoo know well enooi^ that ^e.boite baa bera tsiaed 00 a (arm. Tbe
■elam aatborittoi. tat aoma of tte
p about tbe atoek farm horsea baa been worked in (bis coontry fw
Sermoa al IO:»D a. m. aa "Tte *i
Jair tatermUlp ■tatad
atatad ttet. ttep
Tte K. a 1
party to tte «Ip eat power Uat man tea-wMA" HoUla tte taller* of tte
tbe Iasi fire years. Somebody wanta lo make me believe that the
Opera haU Kow Yeteto erawMatber-. ae* who ter* tte marsto* wteb to do
OBffblp aaloyaMc cetailea aad wm atoM sbobldaomo late U ttep enate time 1 waa aelling bocisM for him, theme hoewea oame (ram tbe large
■litrodaead tram aap at tte aaplam
aateariUm W abew wbat bad baea
dBM to tbto laraeA
Hr* dutobarr
tad aatoida] maiU aad bad ■
etaM mapipto to aad bar
diuMbtar- Tte drat attempt
tad barwMUpatoollte bw
tte waur works elsar aroaBd to tte
OnUIck desk, aad Uto wMk^ap taj
WUhtatM i.(ariitotteBlrht. Tte

Daaetor -a* ke|to
apaeUl lev after the “Hapap Hew
Year*- bad baea miA
Tte Elba aad tbeb trieada to
ombar of aaarlp «m baadrad. oat did
All prertoe* pood tlma* al Uelr aaBoal
New Year's era.
It wm II
o-cioek before Ua baaqaat wm ameta.

Bstorpor tevw

early. All oUera ahobU te 4m atoek btnna. If you want to know where Uxme bones nine from,
Urn*. ThtoaarritewUIte'
os^ (Ml me. I can tell yon.
to tte week ef pmper which MIowa.
Do aot toil to brio* aoMeae WiU yea.
If yoo want to boy borsai^ come and see me. I can sail yon a bona
taadap*cbori**ll:aSa. m. Leaaea
bonaa for leaa mooey Om yoo can ,b«y them oTaayontside'detoleT.
to Art* S:l-li. Hrip tte ^BAraa aa
If tbeae horsea ere not ae iipnmemU-d. 1 will tuake it O. K. with yon.
I lire in Tiavetse Ci^. aad it make* it mneh «asier far ypo if yon
YoaS Paetda-B taetotp al Chrtottoa
deal wfU"me than with a m^ tamn) bandied mtiee from beiw.
adMrer atMAp-m. Tepto. ffpiripaal power, wbeaa* it eamM aad tew
apetU. PhtLAitotA
Tte Baatoiir butev «nteb ttte


Alfred V.friedriePi

.<Vnd a lot of others not mentioned abote. - Give me a call


rc«e«r HooB wMiotided aud a Ki
•woea eaoetotlarte J-U. Tteami.'
.. «. Htobolaec, 1. Moblo. A. B. Gook. W.
J. Katem ate W. a Millar.
Tte laqMSt wm bdd at



HoFses foF Sale

Mr*. J. W. Flemlac torited
lowto* bppoiatmeeu for tte Uraad
todisa Tery'totarmaUp ThaiBdappfter- Tr^reiM diatrict for tte secood qi
ooe to maet Mia. Lodfat*.
Tte Bopi^Babd fare a dellcbtfal
C^croU aoA Norwood. Jaa. in.
pea atr-oeacort New Yearb dap. After
rhlU ttep were baaqneled bp J.
Farieeh. aad acaia to Ue rraaiBfbp
Ceatral Lahe.Jao. IT.
Ole Beatram.
Booa bad Haatoa. Jaa. IT.
- I BeaBsala Oolla(c baad ita**
Ctortoa aad Bopae City. Jaa. 71.
^eaaiac eatartatonMat at tte M.
,a*d Kalkaska. Jaa Jl.
B. ehaiU Fridarblrbt asder tte aoaid Harbor Sprla**. F<
af U* BpworU Lmrac1 Oram ViUare. Peto
dlibctor. T.baU GtorncB. marni
Maekiaaw City. Feb. T.
»eb abilHp. aad aader bit
Fib Lake aad Kisralqr. Fbb. U
to( Uep arc datof csoellaat
Empire, latoad aad CepeaUh. Fob.


Tb* Old Bailable aad Oririaal Sb

I I 8 Front Street.


Ik* am* twice traaafenad
ten* bat
- - taittea lb
■aearad tte hep. ter ate maaarad U
■Ual awv te tea dartoaem Tharadip
•taalar. Bte w»t tnard to QolBDbia
lull, wbama dale* WM tetor bald,
tal fte awap
Atawaid of«U wMcfferad for ber
dtoepemp. bat BO UMW WM lacud uttl
pm^ Wdap aftarwaaa. whea Arthar U.
MteMdlteanead her bodp Iptac fa.
teirawate to tte adf* of Ite wau
jMtwMtodtte J. HUialllek Oo. fa

* '


ipayyoup taxes!

Oood Felt Boots at...............................40 and 60c per pair
Felt Boots and Rubbers.............................S1.60 to SAOO tor rig
Bocks at ....................................................... SB, 60,66 end 760
Ladles' Foil Shoes at................. .... ..76c. $1.00 and S1A6
LadioB' Foil SUppera (good) at...............................60, 66 and 7Bc

It pays to trade here aad people are finding it out

Grand Traverse Herald Supplement, JSn. 7, 1897.




■ ""mmm. mrnrnimmmmmmMmMmmm^^


sa*;iia*gisiiPliaifeg ~s

^S'S EviS/:?»E‘r;;asStf«t

'Tm ?^; I a:. ■ '.-.ii,^';:; »i.,'.': i'Z^,i:'
t. .h- f..-u.

S? ~t4j3 S'i.:

------------ ....,

M. ^ in tl.. h-T • V*'l

"S'tSE: |E=)tK'VfESHa

; iion ki-l ihrvw ihuj.^!dJ^*f^oi^«»1




■;tir ^ '"■
■ S.SirTi’.S'S lK.iVl'S^K *■.
-1 r.KArs^ »vr.;".;K.'K5K".i i r.''


Si fevsfii^J

upon I.UITVPI inibSc. aSarttiU ir


r..r ♦«' «ii;?'J;.;':;n.*.;r-..i:-'>'’’;,.,vt;r:



,Si!™aiS'.';s-K,'':'i-j;;;=vs 'gi: ;|;;'Si|; S

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.i i—unnn ,

JV '”!L"-’.'’!!V/rru. *^n. ‘l ;r!..ii^*r.“'''


; nAZEK a piNon»:a
mn l~whi Had •oia. |.





K'vv;,*'n.rj: t

•s^^"..rMrc='.,r;;.rK“.;;:TAis -

"pA-''.. *. .i


Iv; :':C'ff.'!-r;-;:?r:pp:'ir5 '£'.:

... II

;-i. V,



•- ■. * ta.-i It.*, too f'V tank
’Xnnd Wik.i-.; nM inm. .i

vnn. rn1unnt.j>r»m.n. f .r

IV' /



•Tihi n*. ^gi'.' 1 1(1 .irn .. • '*•.-». nta in*




■-|^^g5isM msmB

tli'7 nm


mmm t^mm

d. dor puri»»M «f roTOBO





R,4/?.:v i-^.



”•' ;*".;^r«*rB n-

‘/tr’-.-.'o- . .• I.JU*

^ ™'s-.5.“!c, ss
feSi iili^iiiiPi^ SSES-“Hrr-;'£H£

_jsy:.=K tEjeiEK
rBE'SrHisSi; BvSF'''

I. Him of Mu.«l!«i, li. r<i4ln 'ta'

inkoriioo-w «»d l»nn»*




lD.lnn» "f .ta atBln »I» !■• '• fiw>l-.l«tfl»d ^ roiir W«T '••»! 1“ TW"'.''' f"t Itam.

_ ^rxuo.ii btar »,,, ,„o |«..>. aiwuld itS'o1l'<i ^t.'a^lVlMdx.i

. f 1(.. alBto of Jllnhl- »»'*d tef «om. lln;.'
rf il.» I'Bi.rfl nixi.n, II TM« !.•■ n- M«m
.Ml •l.xll ta known

Waivo IM p««or to Ax •B.d n

' rouol o' d.tacr

........ .

Imatt n roko in n* rr'adaaiailM
M rrmm TlMtar pufrrrr^ <


lx-.<l< of ralual'l.


"SI"?*. wSxKSS llor.«jIoM».«r'


I ^1 i iliit'Kia


t HBBiid)'JAKOABT 7,189/;
B Herald


h hr to. •
r tad aaa wau
r. who hwd
1 ewtoK. Ik*.
Itea 4l
Um tUi wmtk.
Mr*tow.da«e eUtk* p*fW
iMkn lA Ta««L7 wd tt kM Wm Mate af to* daj. aad Utotodad ptolai
ia UlMtiaUw an tkiwa «foa
1. etoartar «a*toaUy a* »to
Ta OnMdU Headay waalf. e
Maad. tttoaatorldaa taaad a. MlaModrawm mrUim.
atowt aad I*
aantod aai.
o. dot.-d f«4>lri^ ooUar
To-^lfatla totor lato aJffct towaad
g> rr«7 *r» with tk« cwraart «r
Muu. wm\ to Itoha. O.
r. T. a. g*aMTT to* aaiiani aa
to* ir«Ato»Mflto to*aaual
MMl>« e< to* Ofto Wwd Mto Oa _ wawt with to* M«nr AUaftoa-

In. gmU to—patoed kltotorartatt.
Taxaell^ •todaatototlto auW
fadi)aMera«r«.wlM to** tow *
to«i/ nwUw M ttolf toai
II wtora«d to ttob-cMM tt
C A Bveaa i* attoadlac a' ■■aUay
of toa itoW toard e< ptanaaaj at Ua*taf. Bartoa * Bastorf cxpaet to
opw ttoir «*» drafaiera tkl*
Wan C. 8. ChTl* CM* to* dutof*
ad d*aa*aUo.w.atopic*d«ar
tor. aad bUllard raoa la tto OiaOkk

1. B. Bad W. A C


State Bank.
tout ^

toa*. a**eaw a K r

:oe dat* of hi.
told*.4toflmtoB*lahUa>aBy y«anr^dwe* haw. that to* wwto*r wat
•a *aBB*r-llli«a*toBah* K paaaibl*
at toll data.
HI** Allee OawfiiM. r*ald*Be*. Na.
P. UaatoaBB. tailor. Ko. 117; B. da,d«taaa. ayrlcolMral laipIfiBwIa.'Ho.
' I7K WllbrliD Bro*.' itota aad B. Wll.
hela'a rwl«l»ae* ar>^ totac wind.

Some of .
the handsomest
innst be
sacrificed on the altar
of JaMary

troai 'iiB iMtatoi* ahea* to* aw
tto Utooirha* added away
to IW already Ba* aellaritlaa, aad to*
awoeaUaaHeatliollr »•><>( debt with
•eaeyatiataawt. It (baltoarw
a with aay eator bailf
to* atroatiB iwpraaparljr
to« Idto.

■ '



Oa* ef .tod-taeat torrlb
law Hb*I«*1 OaMdr OewkaaT “d
tootok BaU Uacva. ofmiMt that ha* tabaaplawiatl


Moawo Owlar.
Mra Bh
Kaolar. wto b TO yaar* oU aad qalt*
■wet to tialtTrawftoa^ ■>■•
la Mareb. Prod. Baaalay to* awarad fwbl*. ha* baw llrlay aba* with a Uv
lie two aad a half year old rraadtoUd.
to* -aatato* Ula*toa- wtorebf a -**•
Mall bawedOiaa dbtaaea
ktMCtaar** toatoaatUal ywar
lady aad l*.**d took to aay ariybbof. Baaw Uwa dariac toe
•toa*. a. **to»adlac aad plw-l-r Blyht ahe woke aad laaad toe I
oadra. Thero waa ao Une to aai
help aad lea.iaf toa toby aalaepU In
klaa wya.
to pUead a ladder nralaat tor
Trawra* Baaiii ha* *om road word*
. aad noBBtiac Wltk dUTealty to
of wall warttod ptalw for Mr. C. B. ^ raof triad to axtiafobh too flan
Doekaryh Honaal aad BaWa... Ooleaow. Thb wm* Impwalble aj
tof*. a Trtaara* City laaUtat* of laara- rlTiay *p.tor iyhl ato started to 4
tof wkteb It woeU be wall for toe aeoad. wbea *be fall, b^lu ker kl
boy* aad ybU of toe Uraad Trarwee A* ah* by tom alnoet fatoUay wl
reriea to look ap iberoayhly below toe torrtble pale *k* raalbad that I
daddiai to'»o farther away to taka
woald ton BBlaaath* •arad It.
taaehar'* batali
aaf with tyoay ao oaa aaa rwU*
dnyyed hewrlf bto toe hooae. Whaa
* tbaa to fire
fare a _









Mr. Dooktify a trtal.Oa* WairPLB walked
•no latoalaaaweoeatyoaaday to*
law of to* week. wtoraUff la to* aftoraooa. Otow Woold to oothlay i
narhabl* la that wnw It aot for, tl
faet that Hr. WhIppU waa bare la I*
aad b a* hab aad hearty a* waay
9 of TO. H* rdtod for HcKlalty
tpaber aodaxpaet. to do aoayala la
1. Hb fatoer llwd to the aye of
... aad bbraadtatberdlad
ww m ywnold. Ur. Whlppl* ha*
bad arypanof.........................................
* that to baa p
thfooyk the porlbofaDOtber leap y<

Tbkb* will to a box-aadal a
aalaa *to«d toa** Kriday awalar.
U. IL -Haale. ndtatlaaL ato.. wiU
to faratebed. Brlaf year bos*
ftab oat* tealyht yean to eon*.
tonafood tia*. Tto prewad* wlU
K wd aew* wa* raealrad hew HalIto to pay for to* Baaday atoool atvaa.
urday woralay af toe dwih of Hr*. L.
Bnrybody larltod,__________
A. Pwtt at her. hone b Aaa Arbor.
flc«. W. H. Poma'* rapart at praa- She bad baaa aartoaaly III for
•cattap attorary frea Jaly I. I*
Uwa and Mr*. &. K. PnU *rai ttartlay
. lair. ttowt w waa*. Of to«*» lor Aaa Arbor wh#a tto tolayian aam aaaTlMad. fear aeqaittod aad
awaaday bar fitotb maehed boW: Hr.
fear aell* pritaad. 8la ar* peadiac aad Hra. I-ntt wow warrbd bat Joly.
aad flte erlalaal eaaw will to b
aad apaattoeaaniBerbera. wtoraiey
dwelt eaerttobBwto.
to Aaa Arbor b toe foil. Dorloy

torn ia yattlay toachild eetool tbr
•. barely bar owe bee aad
badly Id doiayeo.
w aaotbar frlybtfel •
wat too far titna aelybber*
to mak* berwlt bwrd. pp4 lor •onni
boor*, ao **• kaow* j]o*t bow' bay.
I*, boraby
byllyhtoa *. aad help
vrieed. atiraetod by to*
to* niiD*. It wa* foead that toa child *
Kaaalaad. wbe waiaanWa
npona that than b aowll ehaare that








•Ithw will aarrin their dranlfal bJuriw.
tiTCB — Word wat -reerlred thb
-...iiif that to*child had dbf a* a


Ta* ’ToaBy Boy*'
The "Hoy*- Baad" ha* bee* a Tnrfoe tto past flfa V Mpn. aad altooeyh i

CIreiMoii Uilt v»eek 2,300

the better yon’ll fare.
doak <*lMS to
•bow yiHi. bot to Umibd uMlitiM only, ax
mnj^bA^li«to£^w v^othm.


to c
and t-ou'“ ^ we ' mean] b
you iw«o
Heavy Kersey Jack*

uilk aud

et at 4.75.

Two but­

ton only,


style, heavily braided,

top of the Bty^


}vitfa Camel s Ha i r
stripes-eleg-ant stylen
One of the , ffnest

—browns and bines,'


Cloths made

at 7.75.

Strap seaih

trimminR. inlaid vel­
vet collar, beautiful

Two toned Brockdes
—black on blue—black

pearl Irattonk

on heliotmpe.

?0 inch all wool fan­

How's this at 9.75?

cy ' mixtures—nothing

I'inest broadcloth fin­

more desirable shown

ish, Iwaver, inlaid vel­

; this season.

vet, notched
front, no buttons

Heavy all wool Brou



throughoot with black
and white check Vlk-

' cades. Merges and

The nattiest and

■ Camels Hair in blacks,

{ iest garment in town.

i Many ijther styles.

•reak* epeat kew Hr*. I'WU a
daHv th«v year*. y*t
naay frlead*. tkrooyb tor happy.,
I of tb* baad aa oa* of
ay way*, aid la Aaa Arbor, a* the
tb* bnl iDthaaiatebaealway* bn*
daayfawr of Prol. TrB*ad*II. ah'
preaereed aad the yrad* of nvie pbyIraowB aad klybly aetoeaad f*r *d baa baaa aBataally hiyb. Dariay
btolliyeae* aad eharcaby dbpotob tine Jo*. RaWBr ha*
capable laadar. aad it b doc t
tembad efforu to allow aothlay bat
the best work that tobbeaeread rrpemaatardoy l*tor«waa eeatalaed
The TwTtTt* City F|a& O*.
Utloa ha* bcea Mcand. Thl>
Bepon* wne tna* to* B*yi**w
jrax 'P. Vrnaael 0i
Munev back if vuu
■nd with ■ badable anbiUoa. a
Mharm* of aa alnwt tobi ab*ea
afedtlacW. H. Kelly.
is the basis.
to* yooayar boy* ealbd qpoo
t»h b to* bka- The Trswra* City
■read Jaak Yealah MIy la her aadeal ttodlw.tlaw ah*
Fbb Oa. baa net with ao tack troobb, Mr. Bower aad ra^aaetod hla> to
ia aa oryiaiaatba to to kaowa
ha* baaa la Chhaffo aad U aew taaeh- two of tot three toy* aew aayayo
wal ■aaia 1a to* Cblwp* Hi
a* the Vooay Boy*' Bead, wkiefa by
llw a B. LdTmww aWtod la Oaidlltohlay for to* oompoay eooilBy b
toe to* la»t of to* wadi.
Bfday alyht with louu poud* of^treoL brybalay abw, will be .-e^T to All
' blay totwoea Old Hboloe the eacaaey wbea toe older bead be*
TnBeaab'Cooaty Patrtotba
Tn aaal t**daa of elraelt eeart 1
wlyrdwa in rlyhl to to* aane. t
arwood. with yood
tar. toab Votniba. Carl Srkvidre.
.aprr at makfort. aditod by Pardltototdto»laal^ltaaday. Jaa- I*.
thot to* U»* tor set ■*h- toe leadecakipof Hr. Rataertory
•aad Vdbad. Tha pablbher hao aabee* pnctidlay blthfully aod by
Mm HnnaOBarraUracdto* laat
They an oeeployloy
dad oearty* to elart oat with a ay b o
A**tobBU b ehurub-Htaar*. Birdaprby
at tot weah »o>a a *Wt ta Cto :iae.
ir and b thb rayba ua
i-oalmna. alyht-pay. papw. with
tail aad W TburlelL
with credit
abaada baUeeiaaaeaf adnrtbby. bat wbtor. fiablay wltb hook*. U>ay
director. Tb« bead b nadr up a* fol­
aaehond froa tb* ship to toe
Anaeai Adaauay
Th. Patriot b a rX boklay papar
bolton of th* bay. aad to th*a*
Tb# aaeaal neatlay of tb* Farnor*', ^
Freddb Bataer. B flatcbriaev .
tached aaneroo* (wall llaat with baltHetnql Fin latanaer Co of Oraad .
Charlie Rea*!*, bt 11 Oat cltiiaet
Bach toy baa sooa booh*
Trarerae. Aatrin aad L.orba*w coda-1
-------- “
Sad B-*i
oet at OB* tin*, awhlay is.noo all told.
Ur* wa* held hm Tunday with ao at-!
Aayiitl Ibanaa. E Bat on
ilerbort'haneie.'E-Bat cor...

id to work eery
Uadaoce of *u. The rlecila* of oftlcar* .
iwanaw aad tratonal f«atar«a A
Albert Brianka, *olo B flateerabt.
well. The boaU otay Mt all to* week,
iltwl V follow*;
Artoar Urrilick. tulo B Batcorael.
.-Hoo. J. H Hoar**
nehndlay ot Sattoa* Boy oa tb^arday.
AU* Head, bt « lUt oonal.
aad they wUl boonpbyed b tl
OMde UeOaBBld. Ul B flateoraeA
biritora-U. W.'sSiarl and X T. \f
IMU Urllaer. Sod B Bat ooraet.
,y fro**** oeei
i'ruk Inwreaec. Ird B BaVeeraeL
of ftihtaytoroayh toe
Ardto Uilletl. aolo alto.
Moed. Ailor the bay
at alwaya bite better.
Bnpori* .liowad toe 'eowpaay to b* la ' ^
1. rad alto.
oBw tora«arlyay*ar var-oa
yood eoodlUoa. w^to ora l.«t» aem-1
LMe riteiabmr. tad alto.
Aaytom rood Pn
Toeatoy Jgnwlly hpp.btad by to*
be»*a*d»liAuou,o-«iolrtok- Thie y«v gZ
Freak Hoore. trdalto
It wUl be of burtat to the pubib to
Detroit eoaaeU ■* atayorb atoo*i
^ **0o*OMtol bv bwn tote* »UU ^
Jlnnlr Kartlvk. m tcaer. •
kaow ■onethby of when to* food
... 1-rlyhl. rod
parehaan for toe Herthera Mbhina
Herbert Sorrb. ittB
,'i%*lai*e.' toUyearor«»AMl31..5;.
Dae* Vraaaky.
a»ky. 7ad B
fyiay to kb Tmearae City frleadi
and torn boa* 1<»* ottr>^' aol yot
Buy Lonlay. b
which .will be paid a* sooa
4XP HaxuK Htbb
Krrd Vbeb. baritoa*.
To O. A * I. aatBpaay b ee
Mia. Therahato baaa'J
Hirlitoort. apaat oewral day* ban wtto
vaeaatwallbowt owrth*
Mtbe well b ttofr park aad pattimy bra ot boayhl b the ebiaity- ,Thc
Noble Jiokaioa. ac*re drew.
ara kaowa to tor i»a.a Iraytb 61. _
Harry Hoorc
• of
Tn abebea
of'oAena la Traeana
Ipaaeaaawbvto towed tor looa- dried aad eaaa«d tralu were loeal or
time ta to* htatorr of thr oompBoy. igi;
yea. katsar,
Ha. SI. B. A S. M. had
lewb plawoftotlrnld wlsdnlll
prodoela. AU bettor, ebeeee aad
Prom rebraaiTtoJoi**l»b.™*«Baod
TbeyanabopiplBKto* „ wan atate prodaeto. All Boar,
toelreoDtaau were dettroyad
Vrow fc—
/kannaJ Obaivb Uaaitoy.
*r to to* depot balldlayi
Mb. *>* Hw I. B. ItoDCB. of Oraad
ynb aad feed toa *an*. AU hay aad
' Qiatah to ike early .oart of Soptaiabor

The hBBBal toaeUay of to* C
tapfib, waee tbaywtoof Dr.aad Mn.
•trswtoeaaato. Tbefnah pork. M.M1
.aUoaal ekanto wa* >old Taaaoay •tor karat wrre baraad with torir eoa- y—
A B. Bolliday toa bat of tto weab.
Mm' Uaoai GraaT*. a yrBsd-daayb pouad*. wa* robed apoa toe aaylen
arealay aad toe report* of Ihr cfBem toata. aad ia addltleo»ac* wat Mtor of Kataoa Preoataa of Bardlokellb. tara. atwBB abatheeeaL The naipaid . for aeariy Stoo worto of bay. |
Obisp of Iblb* Baaan lapuita oi
toowed to* chs.rcb aad earioa*
toa aaad. lO.OOO poaada. eaan Iron the
lar^ prodiet* aad faralaipl*-:^
lav artaab tor "dreak aod dbordorly’' wtowarriodat hvbeweb JeaBby*.
A* maeeled with ik ta tpito o
Hty. The fneh fi*h.
U.. Dae. IA. to H. P Daeb of Bayae.
dar^ too noato oMbwwbor.
prermittay hard Umca. to b* ia a ■at* _____ .as^toiaa lota** wet* adjattod -^In. TbeJaaBlB^BasordylnasTery 15,000 poaad*. eaaw fro* Oraad TtOTbefort. ow fai^atoBBl* killed by Hyhtotoy. g
' Mba^rabhoweteatborteblt
y cbaerlptba of toa woddby.
He. .
IwwOi^ BapUb.wk*r*b*b dday
ia naklay soap for baadiy
fifarterbi work oa tot aaiAU.
!T parpean wne fton loeal dabta paid aad aaiBay la top treataiy.
D. CockliB Taported that darloy
or trob toe aiylan tana.
Mv. i. «. Plamdo aad toe W*b*tor
toa y*a> beaSriatod ai IT weddlay*
Ora 1.000 pooadeof poaltryoaedeana
Iwwbooawllod to Portbad.
Stoi'orvs Rov ba* • rabbar pbat
aad 5» faBeraU. Tb* troaaarer'* rofton the farm or fraaa kxal dealcn.
aboOlawBof Mrs Pbnlayb tatoor.
U bb tun toatbaabUi* reeaird far
port ahowod all upearatoataad fIM
The paoad* of eand
rapid yiowto. Oa Hoaday a anr b«I
y from local daaler*. Of
Tba ebarcb Aid ooO^XT
1 7D.A5I I
pot oot toot waa tokheof a
cpleadid. work, paylay >l*» oa the
already ora olybuee ^acha* kny aad
ehanh debt. $70 tor Waa^olaaw. aa
fatuaod M the a*yloa farm;
It to aUn ynrwiayat tb* oomo
•ILl.tJ foraxpasaca. baritoa haad
Mae. a. A Kiamuop bat ohait* af
W. Tt***.aaoe o**d wa* beaykt of Corawmll A
Ifr. Boa* aay* that b to* aennar to*
rof'twoeaala. Thv pmpvt
to* pesynw at toa Wenaa'a Cbb Fri­
Co. aad BaawoaA StaadUk A O»..of
yrowto to.Tea .ear*rapid.
day aftonwoa. SabJaet. (ioato An«rlnayiapw. Mich.
Hava awl F—■—

Atasar OraHU*. of aer^aaAOhb.
L 1.. A
•oewty. ha* rabad SKUi. laeladtoy a
a rayabr awetlay of ' bM porehoaod to* wbolavl* sad retail
a aaaaal moeUay ef tot Lad!**mteknaiy boa. Tb* Yoaai
W. UA A-A. t^bb
of bto bntbar-b-bw.
r Awodatlaa. hdd M toclr
Ftoalya Hbabwary •ociaty. to*
F. OardaUa, whs has yoM to Oraad
m Satarday aturaeoe. th* followtay oOraa wore oleetod tor inC:
mrywaBb^batrat all ecpi
Fr*ald*Bt—Hiw C. J. Eaeelaad.

MAVk rh-iMs* haa twIarW to to*
w> aadaaBttllAtolhealaUbaa;
IM Vie* Fra*.—Hi*. A 6. Pratt,
Bahoat tor to* Bllad at Laaalac.
Tb* Itoaday aehiol waa aera ta twti
tad Vie* Praa—Him. BatMabaiy.
■totooMoftoakrIykMat llulo*
^pa. with aa earellmaat of 475 a
Md \V* IW-Hra A Ktay..
abdaae* of 575. Tb
totrarary-Hra H. K. Baek.
Oaa et Chari**ala-a booookai
Fla. Mec^-Hia. O. P. Cbrra.
yav trlto a balaaee
Cau. OiPkBT. wk* ha* otery* of to*
Tlavar** Hia A. U BarUaad.
toe ha* atomDyefalrht to prarMa
toelr endit. Tb* V. P. A C. A I
Latoariao—Hr*. H. A Thiriby.
tor. ba* kaptasMcaaatof wkai
dttoy ta*
HMbar* of Eaaaati** Board-Hia
ka* had to eeoh aad hak* dariay th* J. J. Kaa*laad. Hra H. A Back. Hra work. ThaJaatorC Abproad
•tea iaM aria tor.
yavof im: broad, aii Ua*aa; biaealv O. P. cam*. Hra A U HarilaaA Hra record. Th*»* arc U vambrr*. all aw
A & raiMcna had qalto aa
1.S3S: c«*>*. tTV: eaka*. IM; oookiaa. MAC Baloa Mia H. A TUriby. Ur*.
MtaUCMdUnUl... w
toas Tavday. tolUay fr*« toa top to
; pba. 117: paddlaya. to; Wad
The total avdMtyVaadto IW
.•hatootaf a filyhtatataliaaadr
oakaa. «M; b*^ 4* )ara; vaat.
TUitby appolatod Hra Oalkia* the toweh aal aaatotia* wv a
.. toyeaftoaratovahaU^^
to. What Oraad Tiorao* baaaaM W it '— - Utoarioa. aad Hia totoyo«*rS5.500.
Oht ^Vings I>epArtmeat
naea dbtvtoaw foHowtaf tto
daae* at OdaBbla hail Tharaday elphi
W*awl 8tod*r WB* atraoh la to* I
ttoaa. aad tor aowe Uaw It
fraitd tott hit iajntoa weald proa*
H* b aew ladiar qplM «*U
aTala.aad haMato toaroaodat.hb

sooner yon come

^wctol Persian effects.

'babgains '





When these bargalne and many others like them are.gone they
cannot be duplicated.



want it

Olothinjr Oo.\




Here is the chance of yeur life. We have decided
to give our customers a BENEFIT, and one f
that will be appreciated.


January 1st



olwalvQBodiaTraraaoaiyto l*M.
a*U« flow arwttaa traUa etc. 4
r. Maauy«a*e- iV tk* yav UUOo.oeo yallav *
pawpad M to* wator werha
laryeat aaeaat paMod la m* day waa
l.anooc yalloM aad th* raall*at
amoaat wv STI.tBB yallMi ThtdaSy
Som. 11, ata e'tfoak.
laMaTHWna af -ara*cotorth*ytorWBBl,MO.«eD yab
loaa ThaaoxktolhalaiytBtday waa
th* OM a41^ Wy tia whM t,M.M


At toa Brat waatolr'toaatim *f
aneatl** board, bald at the haw* of
lha pntodMt OB Haaday aftarMob.
r.Omera. K. A
Hra. L. Seal* waa atoetad chalrpwa.
Hrw O. P. Cbrra. hall
To Bll *Maav tv *m
Hia H. A ThMby jaaiivel to* Ubca- iw.H.ACha^ FVto«*wn.P.
Tba>iaUiit Of,
Hamlltra H. C Oriau.

M. A
Mrw M A TWriby Md Hw- 1

Ja^ a°*SA





February 1st

In our Crockery, Curtain and Furniture Depts on
all cash purcha^ we will allow a discount of

20 per cent, off from retail prices.

Just think of the almost endless line of goods
which this comprises; Furniture of all kinds. Crock­
ery and Glassware, Lamps, Cut-glass, Silverware,
Fancy China, Japanese goods. Toys and Books, Car­
pets, Rugs, Curtains and Shades, Couch Cov^,
Screens, Pictures, Wall Paper, Lineoleum apd Oil
Cloth. This is simply a clearing sale to get ready
for our inventory in Febniafy.'


B U «*or
M wUB WBMr; b«l lifbt
«BriBf Ur orUtrr M proUii. PotMOi of Hanholl >• rioMv dieua.
b7 U. brtdr.
Allw Wl^taoB. aUla rkotiac <• la Ur MU«hM dModet. aprot fChi^
Dock bkroo J»«. lrU,btokr Uioa^ ■arothawrwIUhMiamiU. / .
'•wloM' liulr r>n kM bora
MlH KmU Hook et Ue Bl( Bopfate

*S»*S»* ***5St* *** * ***^ ****^


MU LcoUo MO bodt oo U
Ur »d«oho.brrcMataorioUrli

DlpliUario bar tarota^mt


Tte cAotoIOI
TM, K. 0. T. M-. *3
■.-i-ArtliwV. BUL
Oos.—OiM J. Pwtnr.


ill Te«pklM.
■wUb*1—Arthsr A. DcVol.t
piekM-rAlM B. PorMr.

Jiaoob Forrmat war ukra raddoaly
lU ^alfbt ud raSa^ iat>-*>'
bat M raportod baUrr uUap.

Tbraaof Ur aai^barhead aUroda,
.eompa^ ^Ua tolUfal dor.
broarbt U rU rabtdta. baaidta oUar
pmm. Ua raaajt ef part of a 007*0
Year Wekford aorraaBOadeat et Dae.
ti. arm nirtt Ukak bad HeEU>«7 «•
Ue brata. m Utn ia wo doDier of
aapUlap ie Uat diieetli
poor tiraat ooneapoodeot aald.inreaald.ii
pard to_ Ur aalr of PfUbu Yaa
m^rtaT'ae'pUiif pSeetla**u Hc"lolep; boi Urre were farmera la Uua
MOIP told Uat If HcKlalej warela^
A potatoea woald be s> ceato Imorodltrip. Bat Ua pnaoar BaUac Uoae
•a^oo* did bM kaow what Uep
were talkiap abaat and Ut famria

r rWt to Ue
partof tbrs U aad U bar
work Ip tbaw
K. B. Slooa of Bl« Sapldr waat bam
.wdap for a abort tlm. Hr wlU ratan la aVoot Urea vaakr.
Br war
Ur rmtolblabi
. "
tt Priak rtUr*-i to BMUia aat- of HapdrU taw^
Lart Pridayrtrafiif qalua aawbar
r Ur uaap tz^cada of Heorp Sarf"^UFHak' aod J. I. Priak m
bMbm trip to Baakr Moadap.
_i"Judwi^T^uubtWa wlU
MU Abu SU«ord M naiUac at bar aatec of bir clot^ oa aad br aooa raaU bom aaar Korwoed.
Owtac to Ur aarara r^a atom ao
Uerlaaa lhao bralnr. Tbere !r ao
parr«l a plaaraat araaiac aad
Uat reidicar Bore orcr tbe ptauaritp
of Ur farmer Uat cold bIr poutoea at
l»e a buabal Uao poor--------- ------------Oar parlor aad wUt arria tioaU MIl- mUlarararopalkaalr.
toBtbMwrah boldlnr <ottarr paapar


ar tea Ktekvm.
Hto Jaaal* H«Bt kt tmm m
. iarMf. UkbMlCoUaa
■talals Vtoebeoab hM bMS TWb
________ >t Uat moeh mp U aoeom
tB Hajnald far U* H----------''
UeUa HcLaacbllo iahrue: • Kor^^tkbad for Ur MrMar at Uat place
Dr. udMn.Bla*a<
wood. .
&^UaeoBlaf work.
««r* Ur CMM* of I^- u
, Y.U
Sophia WaUtaa rottread
Otto Poweia wat hotae Ua drat of


{Sr‘fSr'3^HMatr Uabal aU'AIU BohaU of


PriBk. aad a atraafar rntlaiaaB fM
Traraiaa Otp. wU atoppad to reek a
alchl'alodclBraad,arkaa*Bmaad It.
war laadaia faai earp oiacbat booir

Bad Hfb A. BW tar a law dapa.

gUalac to Ua Krw
Hr. Ohari^'a
at Hr. tWa.
Cbarlra Oaaata k—
of bM broUrr^a-law,
■awp BkU had Ur i
* kaaoarot kMtu boru
«Up aloae Udap.
A. W. Kiliaer rataised fnu hMra

Wa hare had bat rarp UtUr raow tka oa Wadaaadap.
UM wialaraBd Ur war» waatbrrof
JaaiB Wblu la baallar larOa
UaJaatfawdapahaamltad aradpaU
B. B., alaa laadlae eaia-

Tbaaka are r>*«a

Deoaajor Ur

UtUr DoroUp.'l''iUarb'riekwiu
era Uraat.
Hr. BmiQ«rtJBreUraad.lohtt her
U Capenisk la^ Taerdap.

Mhaled wlir.
Hcs are art attrmed br a ■lldw. pUptr
cawtdciioa. faallmih. or thla. twrriwrk
rom.brcuw ibrw iTwpuwi rieUrrwie
iadn ef paw dipniM aad iaaporetfabrd

J. p.

Ccldra Mrdkal Diworrir. which ewaUat woald
II brlpr Ur tjerr la £tttr aQ Hlioar U
pulled boardr elT of a ‘
towB belnarliir to J. P. Tlllolaaa 'ud pufitwe from tbe blood. It aim Ue dHercarried1 Ueia
awap. aad a aombar <ff Pm*3e*foeS’”i rawifb^'utBlanr^
aUarr cowplato of Ulapa belmC carried wiper away vrlakter. aad ptrrr^W Ur caw.
al rieaiaecB aad btawr.
arwirk. a tormr taaeber of the

_________ har traded bbkorae foe I “’'•'•‘•*^•"’*’>15“^
a poke otoxea wiU Hr. Swaaatoa at*



Tbe Arbetoa deUtlac aocietp. of,
cBialt aty. HreU ararp Satardap]
reaiap aad b well atteoded
Tb* twrile. Sualer GarUe. Kate
baapiep a
Artataa Jooraal
^^Ma^dSe: Clara Tbamaa. Chrirfall of a<
tlae GarUe. Ktbpl Uaa«rr. l.ottle Nel-

128-132 PROMT RtREET,

e Citp.
Hr L J. Tedwaa. of T
aototowa lartrrMkaa
Sereial taant from Ub place started
lor easip Upoad Waltca aboat a week
ar>. bal%e rram waaUer of last
M bacae arala.

aad mpadallp C T. Bdmoada.
kladlr ambted ar dariox I
and teU of oar dear tatbar. we deatrr
SlsU Grade: Dreata Tbomaa. Tlllie toaxtead oar baartfelt Usaka Oar
Tinrau. UlUe Uompich. Belle Uckie Haaeealy PaUer will aorelp fewai
Utermrdiatr Roam. PifU GrUe.
awaieocr aebool Hoadap woralar.
ilwiWBarU). ■
fra ).
Beedle Ga«noo. Mam GartU. Karl
Oar three oapr' laiiaaodad la a fraera- Weatea. Libble Ganaff.
HU Sato Kiaalap bar foae to TrayPonrU <in '
l>»»-in Kn4.t.
nr Citp to atiood rebool at Uat plaer.
Whitnaa reUraed Irew Dane. UaUir
Cai.ris Kuj.t.
Traraiaa atp Toeadap.
muB- iiBirerir ia> mwm w wx aMaeS
________pbodrforstaolep aad Yeaa*
■a.n M lam mw 'irwee ue wwe lam amiU.
lari FPidap.
Edarard nanw....
secoad Grade: Uda Swaaaoa. Royal
Tow Yoonf bar raaled Ur CoacT
t aoeietr wUl nee Byelaw. Halbert
fawUp InU'
Tbdiaar, Jam*
anoaace aad wot ■ kb

Editor Marrima of tVorUlartna.
wlU McA Hear
It U»t Wedamdap.
lad.. ••8bb.~ wriua: -Voa Urr a eala: Kal* ft
Uixbp la at work tor
Pmderieaoe. Harrp jl!
ScoU for a few daps caUlBf
rato Ub moratox attar a week's rawiU a wood waebioe.
Chart Cla-a::' Jarjifc
Cecil WU:
Jarjif Veke,
There war a bip torooot
Hn. Ataa Frikrof Putwater eamr
•Ir. r«4
U> attend Ue fusemi at Ur laUer.
Are.. Cbtoago. war all
l.lUariie lb<Muaa.CJiB<aABaran.
- Febmarr SO. leaf
Jobs tackle.
1 mat mt aor digs
Urr fiabbed four oiaetfaaof
Haamr Amldoa ba. raatrd Ue froat
H. C. ILoft aad (aaiUp reUrwad from
Bd. Boeoaarer left tost Tbandap ____ aad renplhiap bar mared
^ of^ oto board^^oore aad
anrUr Pridap. wbwa Uaf uaat Ua
rerp aatbfaelonly.
Tbe atteada
Un of Kloctric Bitten
haabreo laire aad rcffalar
bmlU aad reaewed
HU itobato Hebert, who b taaebtop I B A. Campbell aad L. H. .GanpUll tkat alt may Uee. or raorr
■ M eeau aad
diore U Trarerae Citp Tbandap. re- >li*la'ha?A b^mVitt fhrirtma.and a
Wail-aor Jaa. O.
Happy New V.m,aud an c^ back
irolbc Batordap.
fee Ue ^n oa'^ 'll. l-v;. filed fall of
Praok BeerMd Will Deariac left Hoodap.
MUHIenle Lealla.
week, bar hero rerp
Taaadap for HeeiOBU, wbere Uep ear
aeaaoa ton Salonto}'aad Suodap It wriUep b Bu better.
peet to attaad eoUepa.
raised the creater part of two daps
OUBC Ur. iirobbea. aoa of
lUa CnamU aad Uoaaa BaUey. wl
I woe «w iwSeraaa iwr
aad two BlcbXa.
aicaaau bl’xl
i.robbebOf Lelaod. war la Uwa ton
_ara bora rialUpr frieadaat A Idea, r
ary. mr., irvui e wmwb m- w.- wM..., LUkiJK aoaajtra.
To^p ItbaaowlnrqnHebard.mad wwk. Ue rant of Scad. Perria.
tamed boaw Satoidap.
tl;lo o'clock A tn. aad from 1 o'elmfc _
aiurari iw 11 ■me 1
^ «
there b M T Uree to. lin almdp 00
Her 8. 8trrl* w-eopied Ur palplt la
' Tbt* hiad of -weaUer Ue M K. church Ian Siiaday mcralat
the aUU ABd noaatp iqsia Aoeem^ la » w.. J1.y imWm be wm
will L..OM ap Ue toacU of Ue '
the city for tU yearmad rnch
baratea'o fauaa
lUr. P.
limb tbe craft bisrertedaa.
Hia. Haasua b ao Ue rick Hat.
The W- H. H. 8- will ateat wiU Hra
lalagdoe aad ean
MUerColla aad NclUa sH<ele made
T%e reouad pear eat eff all the torfa
Gro. Dowaar Tbandap, Jao. M
Gao. Foi b at wwk for JaU Haaa.
, Herald llelldliic.
a trip U Trarerae C;tp Ian Tbiir|dap. liinta. Imrimr a few naallrr aUr. aad
wewben are reqnenrd U U pr^
rbiGBF frieedr io Uat place Pridap aa Ur Crafted llmbr Urr rpeoau cat two |:.i
Ed«ar Beekarat BardiakrlHa awdr
Uete b work to do. Thafe anil br
a* Uere
Ilatad I
aad rrtaroinir satordap.
roma of Ume onV
a plesie dtaaer.
*" ’
MniTiui tVisxi
a. Peach batworii far Jl- White
■ loodale of TVarene City. . The third ymr Ue wUle irm
Bosaall Pbher net wiU qolle
Hire Ur. aad Mr.. 11. Ureeprouu. <-'ol tbe balabce ef
...................... ne beeowiap fncbleaed
............... tbe pan few weeks. amaller old linbe out aod pari
' iL^bell'’
Hia. A. H. Cook t
It kicked, alrikiap
kiap Mr.
" .('bber oekUr
home Tbotadap.
arm aod hreakinf oae of tbe beam
rireotoMra. Uckie wiUea to return her aaougb. to b<
Ua otUr PortnnaUlp U raebirad Be
SaUard had
brsrtfelt Uarkr u. the frieoda who
UOD U Ue Crafb
dap bp which
bleb aba
aU taroU
tacoU bat
bar tacarkUdJppided
io her 1aoryow and
aided her ia
F. P. Cook b ba«p eow d
Ul. Dell aad bb hroUer atarted
the burUi of her buthaad.
Toledo ton Taeadap. Thep will olop
The Uiple for the Y. P 8 C. E pny
er meeliBp next .Sunday eresiax U. pniboblp bear soibc itac rrafla oagfat to
Tbe foBrih year ll
J. Uldlaw A Sbaa am caUiak oat
I wbh of bb maap trieadr that b* •‘XplriUal Power: whence ll coi
,he ireo
U able tu control tb<
hoop aad cure Uabar far tU IhVarabd how toeeHt-' -l’kiV
ty U beoedied.
‘l In Uegrafl* crowd ThlB
locbaa Caoperace Ca
er. Mn. Char. GaeUff.
soar, aad if ae.-wrMr, Bahlaaeaaphaaalartedop for
Ui^laalwaym two
the winter, aad w« aedmUnd Hr.
aa the large wuundt
Baku laleada ataitiaf ap Ue aaw wUI
from all acconau war a nurt aalerbefore lear.
lag affair. Brerp ooe was toriled
. Ulah
Joka tVaraarpomUaeda aaw frow
la Memanan
u ao admltlsace feachaiged.
a fiat ctoia drag
Hn. A. u. Cook laat week, bat Uep
In obeerranre of the weak of prayer
OBlp had her two dapa wbao aba al^airene har la hb tofalle wlamaettogs w.H be held erery alrht Ub
The W. U. U. A net with Mia Lncb week allernale'y in Ue Caag'l aad "
ed'awap. We bare not Icaraed
,1b entered oar Teat aad ukeo
ar Uep bam foead bar pet or not.
^k ton betog lUir remi- E. ebnrebea Prerp oae b iarited
■li bela
aoaaal eleethio Pf offleitA The taUow- t^raaeatat sapor aSI of Umr ae
TU Wplia Oaoparace Co. of I:
er asd bir K
Uw are Ur oOeen alaeted:
locUa Ura pattoaame lag akidr
tore U It
hm—Hn, M. E Draimiwr.
aaltwUlte---------Karl I’rrrln ilrorr to Tnrerae 'Citp
yior l*r€A—MrA V. Dowaar.

nnaaeU Wri(btraUraad V YpaltUti.Taardap.
M>a. ftaariaSoilUiari^tlacfrtaada
Grace UParfh rUtad Tkieeioc Cltp
frtaaa Uat weak.
Will SomaerOBd wUr tare aaored
Ulo tbe Uohep balldlaf.
Piapar airrUac erarp aicbt iklr
week at Ue lUabTawlaa ebareb.
Hn. Cnwle mt New
B^rp aad
Hra. Hclwrea. who apeat Ur bbliday. at' --------------------------- --- ---------imaA
Lottie aad -Loo Doo^erU Ura mr
ack to YpaUaatl Bltar a abort rUlt at

-oha Bartlap baraaewtaadmflUad
bar a aew I

Joe TnoiaiB ir ao Ur rick liat.
A g^^p ar. bariac cold, aad

let your friends go without a
beautiful present because you
have but a little cash for I sell at
one price, cash or payments, and
that price is the very lowest. I
have the finest assorted stock of
Clift Furniture you ever saw
and so cheap you will r wonder
how it is made. IXm’t fail to call
and look it over.
\'ours truly..

jU «Iy .ao. b»


Blot Uia moralBC. hakiarafUr bla lataraala.
Hia. J.W. HUlUerof Tiaeataa pUp
laaullad Ua oaaen of Ue W. B. C at
___ . Ualr HapleaipSaWrdap.
Br. Haiab

Jaakao fe Cook
Ua Ua
Hr. Han^'a alU
»**•***' loapU Ufa.


^ Bowbor attewdrd Ur laririUtloa of ofiicefa of Marrap Ptwt at
HapUCItp aa Datardap.
Hia. B. B. date picked a Urrr


Hr. Bharp. of PowUrrllU. tbia aiau.
HIM bapUf Bhaap.aad laUar farm


PnL Wb. BaaUv awl aMar. of O
Hal Laba. aia mewdiaif a few dapa
Taar wlU ralaUeo
tUipUeawlUHr. BUI.
Tba t O. T. H. aad U O. I. H. arUl
................................. lUUaBBtUalr *
Wo are >Ud U aoU tint Ua IllUa
aad towrilli
Mafbter otHr.aadHia. Bap Hbaf H
b^. aba baa baao aap riak.
Oar' taaeban hare aU rqumad
Bar. a A. Uraaa Ua eloaad Ua ipae- Ueir w»k WlU roaewad eaarep fre
HI maUaca at UH pUoa, that H tor Ualr two werict' raeaUoa.
aba umat: be asaeoH to cewtlnee
Tbe map Irieada of Hra. J.e. Flair
Um*U^ auTS^ta «. faun. jaaka are crloiriBr u bear Uat aba b
IHo waaqaerada b^al Ue tawa rapMlp nfmlaiatTar^ulth. UD Haw YoaiHara^a aaeam to
ntH Halt reuraed to Ue lad


taU apaberlhOBil


^ _____________rraretaa Olp. after
tpeadlac Ua boUdap aeaaaa at bom

Ualib25ld'br^lSb^e"top^r ^


wUo aedad.

BeCp—Mra Kbir CUnce.
Traia-Mn.1!. W. lYallek.

lUer wa Ur.
TU warm weaU»
Ura ^
HU BtUt Bopatea rauraad (aT.wr- 0BeBw> op tU lake: aod Ur aamber
^TAUar^aa wU ware aaao oa Ur lea
OBlp Urea d^ aro toft for tUlr
Albert Switb. tbe relaraed lad^

M. BuMiwaa H toadiaf a w
Oag*B« Waldaar kfltod Uraa hofo
waWhfif wear oaa Uaauad poaada.
DamH BroderWt H laadlac % ev
wHb bauibeld goada. ate., he aura ie
Ttfwana OB.. Kaw York.

JU feramaafSaad'a aaim
■Uaa aaUb mt of iewaVdSl
aUdaalp Taaadap woralo*._________

of Ua eemmaaltp la

HU EalW BalaMt
amt of M^ Imddodi

ahUa wU^uLIm^ a'aa^UaTm



A Ui«hMraadkBabaadefHr. aad
Maa Bpram WpeoB. an ban bom
riT‘1— la rpaU Ua boUdaipB wlU


li^ilr^lfcaajr Swiui

Mra B. V. BUI S^adajwd at Tkarene
We ritoh erarp oar a bappp KaW
ear aad lota of them.
Aad BOW the bolldap raeatto
rm. barrab forodmal acaia.
^8Uraa Charebni H sew rHlUar Ua
fta aad daagbter at Bast Jordaa.
t aaft waaUar b bard 00 these
im luaUriac to Ue awampa
GwtogloUa aoftweaUer UaUla«to mQl b Uat dawB for waat af brilA
C B. aad E. AUaa UreaaU aad aUppd Urir last Wlsau'a cat af bard weed

Sr. Eaaatoad. of Tiareraa aw. made
a aaU to tows ton week, atoa 1>. HarHmU's Dlam
tU waacaltodBBaaaaell bp Dr. iu_ _
Ua HaUodU ebareb
Saadap eraatacWe are ctod to bear Uat
Mr. sad Hn. Bw.,---------------------Hia Carptatar aad HU AUlaaoa
fla^He Oa.. UH lUto, are apaedlu mmiNow^MBtOld HUhw.rblV Oldab sreeBaewiU gaad
bar aUoel at Laag laka.
Ut koUdapa wlU hto broUar. B. F. uTaad mlllac oa maap friaada
Weamamry to bear Uat W. B. Fife
THa Oraafo tmav erceadtox laataUabUriagaaeb aaeriom time wtu bb
baad; bopabe Vuiaetmgetmtlal.



who har baea atwent for reraral weeks
ririUagfrieoda to Boacomotoa, bb old
Tirts LAXm.
Ur aad Mrv N C Uorgu 0} Ue
Soo. ' wBo are old realdeeu of tbb
place, arrired here Tbandap arealDg
aad rbiled Irirndr to Ub place till
Prleads' ebareb at LoeejUka wm p 8nadsp. when Uep relaraed to TrarCity oa Uelr way home
Srit^p"y*p3 f« aUUa?w^^
treier Imckto. Hn. Moggie Doraoa
ezpeaae lieaaaedUem
At Ue elore


____ t ;igbt. UUewad by a boaaUfal work wbUa Mr. Pita b oa Ua abk Uat.
Aggie 8mlU aad MbaBawUa
u wore Traraeae Otp mltcca
Cbrtto Mfbtoa aad Tbd Daaa aV
ap. aada rorp mtap ^ Uay

JSi.'fLi’S’St KT«Sr..£

J^aU VaUeaa mda hk aaaWarraa
C 8. AUaa. Mr. aad Hra PAjgbera
atp, Tbandap areatoc. Dec. II.
Oamfa WlUebaaUeUaaqaiH aleh
Oar aUoria Ure opeaed wlU reaew- aad Hr. aad Mxa BklppargaU bad Ua
' inreof drirtog toaad ten
ad Htaran aad Ilfa Ue acboton happy
atg to Ua rato HaUrdap.
to ba Mala to Ur room, oa well prepamd bp Ua r»d lasltor Mr. DaVj
JoU WbialDck madabH rietar. Jalto
Hike Obartog raoeaGp leld twaatp
Bauem. a rWl Fridap aad UtardvBOBoatba eut aide ofUt farm U Uc Utogle mUI. b at work - tol^Uiok
I arar kM aaU t
Utoa BaUaidi rataraad paatorddp
Ir. Bmp far SI.OOD. Hr. Bmp lateadt
Ham a baalatm trip U Oimad BapUA
> baud a bora bamedtotalp. aad make
Tbaold pear inatqaloGpaad.------Fred <^^ad^FoaU.aUU^ Uu



OraagA No. an.' toatallod tUlril^ oU weal oat. wlUlyaHatp ad ub

tan '


arCMHA wm (a bows
t kitSU Mr. HeDaMU.


Mia aPlaOrraatbaOraad BagMi



Vui we. the memben of
NorUport TeoV.-No. 4r,„. K. O. T. M-.
extend oor hearHell aytnpothy la Ub
irreponblr i.wr. and be il forUer
lir—’n,i. Ihot oar rhsrtar oa.
autioa be draped to atoamiag fc.
tp daps aad Uesr rrrotoOoa. W apr^
apaa Ue record, of tbb Tml aad a
eopp be real to Ue rorrewtog family,
aad Ual a copy be reel IoUcGsaXI.
Tuveme lUasi.n aad tbe Uelaaa
Eaterprbe for pabliraGoo.
E lli xsat-vaA.
W, I-. WuwoA.
8. W. PoimcA
la K<
tolly was bora to
____________J. PrmcoU ooooty.

Monhpen Buoet MpoR

we totaadtotrpagmto. <Jaaatltba of para bm beeo porebaaad aad
wOltog haada Ureeoarenad It Into

TTi aiTFb' iliilbl^

Itmmmaaaor lU olbak
gaaaMm aad rag




ur .w-wri un <wi wrMWrr (k.

Ur Third Day of Apnl

‘ n.-.-s’sw.sss


pgpUTgBoffff.^su m^gjCTiaaM.

““ “"“Sias L* ..r»ATT. B4fw



FUlmetoaged ee

tawA for alerea pearv
la lell U
mme to Grand Trarene aad went Into

foarteea pearv Ulng foremaa m
eompup'i looibee mmpa»


triu r.

Atw^ Hi ST WhkbH'irmi^^taVa^

Oau Kaafor W- B. HIU.

-ae’’'S?* luSI


“»Tn Emma OBmoea^ Af
and bar bmbaU, ad Ua Pimii
maa to Tata Ckriaimm wmk to

may lima Uay latmiid
.Mn. toft feraeWtwIU friaada to

.1. Ub dap-a
eoriety,- The

Uelr hroUer. Jbba Lockie. Waller
Lockie dror* them artorm Traranr
Cliy 1-riday oa Ueb way home
wbtob war frilawnd^lU
wlU a li
MIm Gertrnde Dome goea a watch^ talk to Ue UU^
^pioafew of her Meadaoa .New
I, aad bp the way Uep looked
bb kiadlp face aa it beamed
ma them lie-----------------------------we sboald jadee U^
dm up<4‘'tUB
a ^MUn
la Miller LaaiA
aad :
Votoe. Viola
Mrs Maggb itoraoa
Peter Lock:......................
d Mn. Mary Saber, of Sangouck.
tosg rememwUh tomy____
ly tUf
.- wUl" *-----------------________ aoaUera UdiasA
m of Uq
Ua people ..
was excellent, aad aboat one her Ue kladarra
Northport to Ue ambloore which they
readrred At Ur Ume of Ur draU aad
berlalof Uelr bretber. John Imckb.
tbes Ue eldnl. a^ ao m.
TU faaaral of Jeba Lackic waa Uld
ia the M. E. ehnreb ton Toeatap, ooodaelad bp Ber. 8. btarie lU eUreb
wae Lm.le;>.'.:y dcc-wated for Uc'>
riorhriheK O.T. M.aoiI L U.T.M
—^2^m wuaeatwebildrea tkat dnbchn m>d were catiirly of black
aet praraet and to Uat wap we aid write. A loog liar of carriagm
wmtumd UeCbrirtmarlay.
Tbe' aaao- lonocfftlie prueimkiB to tbr ermeterp.
ebtp rUwed gran ktoUiasr - pm-1 Mta Laekb aad her ehlWrea Ure tU
—" ar**
Mattie|,^spaiapef all u Ufir berearriBBat.
l IVedaeadap ereaieg war Ur oetm aat wblcb war
loaofarerp pbwraal gaUeriag at
wbllr^ to wm pmaa^_^^m^^
homr of Biobard Tbomu to bjoor
5bbab^ HtaaLo«^Cna«.
Ur mSaVbtoiUrir aa *Um. Thar tbem. The fotlowlag arc t> c ai
aadrd a "Marry Cbriatmm day.- and of ^baae pre.-nt
Mlnm Editt
draai. Kra BetA Grce Abbott.
HUlHid. Emma Weidermaa. Kate
Voice. Myna JoU. CbriaUae Gar
wtlmriaUaa^faUre' Ue ao Fkiraaee Tbotaai.'Katie TVmtaa
elctp totrad bariag aaotbar mrial at UmpCook, Pred SiabbtoA Fred ,
UeUwabaU. Fortbaraaaaaaeaqtoal dmox. Max Kbresder. ttalicr
will te riroa. TU dfola oa tbr Iraararp bm breabearp of lata, aad Ua
mattmataadrjmtUbwap. Wemaat
Ure mme mowrp or Ue good work ira

,.'?s:2riri:rTX''a __


. .

Ue peerideot. "

who was erer ready to proffer Ue baad
of friradrbipaadaid Ue roicc of apm
paUp to Ue oeedy aad dbtrmred of

'"^Tm •

bar imprarU aad bailt ap Ub (aim

Fcr Ue amt Ira yearn ba
bm bees a gnat aaffeear Hem broaebllH ud kidacy ooabto. which laal.
ly earned bb daaU. Be wm a pattoat






tolteRautA m 1 wQL
Aatmot i>M««w»W <>., ackeol
wU»>. U Mr mM roMt •«


-» Md anattH





«Mh vpair «f faU a

ti Cera a Priehart.
•• aB^ofthaoaatpaad a
tl& fair. It are. ««r hMa.
kef. flood I.

•ate 70«< <« I
wilnaa '
aleadUeia. t fe ta a^erd. Mr laa
H la Miai Haiai» Oan: abalta
good umekm: I Ilka W *ai7 i
Kaw I (aeat tall r»a what ! dldthi
Daaa BufToa—ia I haaa eaa« wrtv
. Part of tlM Uaia I a
tM for tiM
I tboocht I woald.
Oar T«aa« t-«»r WtMan.
rdcalUaaed part of tha tlaa halpad
> lapa tahaa tha HaaatJ aad J Uka
aatbar ttka cara of tka (taidae. hat
laad tha little lattaia aoty Boab I
iw.. Banna-l «a« la the |>a|>*r tha haa tiaa I bad ana hBattogaqairI Ilka to haai aarr naek.
tU «ortd fJra^tb* ahlldrM^
pralhaaa alaarabWla.«aa M
00. aihtlac aod ,
PMKhoCJatr Thaato-t thiaewaa aadtoetlnUa oeaa. Thap ^ Mfr
to MItale Barkv
g. I faad th•B^.bar. oala aad Uke bar rary bw*. If thlp dora i
Ibaparada. 1 fo « •*»' ^
TUa M aU I aak^ Uilek •*. “ gad the rraeta bedert I rrUI wr
firr^ Bua^a.
CuvToa HaiJjm.
good bye.
KAar. a lUll. brothar, fo«
OraM.IUra.Dw. a isa


My teaehar'e oaBa la Mra Uaa Hagrr.
I hare a oat a pig. a boraa aad a tarhay. Iwaata«vtlapogdog, bat By
- BawoetlatBebaTaoM. I piekad ap

fktaa M»L Bariia-Thia a
pUyal aad worked baW>- ,
work aoBo of tba Uaa becM

iaelaeo. Mr. BaeJaMa ana oaw
to oar aaboal aad M aU Uka to aaa hi
aoM. Wab^toatofianapalao

MbBBrb aae d gfan

a Beo&er a« Ite ta « J. A.

pWat. M pab 1a ay back orrr ay U)a

«ad twin laaphaaijlM.

it aarr mmch banaaa thaviWr laaa
aerrloo. lapaainr FOo^ofJaly
at Banlaka aad bad a r>ad iIm pickIhada b(
tag iap tha littla aballa
the lau aad hade •gala.
. Barry ChrMlMB aad bappr
New Taaa.
I gaaB 1 Boat d<ac. «
goodbye. Voar IltUe friaad.

Eujk Ibui.Dit.

bid iMr ae warded uff aa aoark. aarl I

•oodldiB. aad the laridc pain ia ar 1.. I
bBBdi fedoeed to aereriiy. uhito llU a-r
fM aedag awey ahop-Uk*. 1 till
llaul^ & oa of Doaa'. KUarr Pllk
: ukh poaWrr fceltiy^^r^urtl eff--*

DkAa Emn.a—I tboagbk 1 woeld
Ctoa you Bk aay Bwr tin.
write to you. aa I bar. ooaa before aad Krinry POto are rettoring aarr batlt .4
they herr bren fflnod In biwr
fouad It la prlai la the paper. I w^ ' ' '
UdneyellBoall >u(*
tallyoa about aur aebooL Wahaiea ur. H... «Hu. W..MK.
.-y arr dring
y«n old aad be goB to arbool wUh largu aehool houaa. There dr* tweaty.
algbtou the roll. I will iMI you what
bar^ aBtobar deter aad brother, bat
Hag. prilbuaaUe.
t^ araboUBarried. My papa to a caofiaphy. apalUag. aau
•oUtoraadbehaabatoaearB. There
write aany pretty
ate twaaty aohotar* In oar eehod- <1
about Hiawatha. • ItUle ladtoulforihrl-.1 RnarBbertfaeBaaB.ibaa‘A
to Miaa
Mine Cora
Cora !•*« Dike au
go to Haaday aebod erary dnaday. boy. My Icaeher'a oaae to
Hy Boaday aehool laachar'a Base to
Prichard: I Uka haryrary Buch.

} Corner front and Cass Sts., Iranrre Citf. i

o..ia;ij^K"BSkK“ I,,,,.,,,,_____________ i

a My brother worka at Madie- he deed It op aad U to almoet well
the Weal Hiebigaa mllroBl lla BOW. It -wae the day hefqre the fair
> waUB the pfOloMrr aad he aad wf had got all raady. but.eonld
hare twenty-eight' aoboUta la onr waald aead Be aoBelhlag for i brikl- not go. But By beotbere went aad
a yoo
I waat dowa Bryao day achooL Jllra oaafarB.
We bare yocog people'e Boellag •hey got Baay peatty thlag*. Wall.
aehool hoaae aadi as golag to- Uto to all I caa thiak of. Heplag ay
taa.aBryaa.bat dida’l liba bbdiall Bar I btipod toda littla thtaga to help
aloag the fars work aad I gatharad Bight. For peto 1 bar* a IHBe
letter w«-aol ha -Uifowa lato thefrail aOB wild ■ffawara. 1 want ta Mn kltwa aBi a eoll. The kltlaab
ap. got. - By M>tbar. 1 baraat aay brother, day erbool wbaa I eoalA 1 Ilka logo to BUaky aad the oolt'e
I wtob yoo Wow 1 will
aod bar. to get la tba wood, tea. Oar ttaaday aebad rary Bach.
II dote,
fa^y ChriitBaa aad Berry
taaahor'a woe U Mb. Hager. I bare
Merry t'hrtotBM
ailim to tha HxAau> a aoBbor of
Age 10 yean.
ttoat aad ay aaB. hBa.’t got prieM
. «
D*«J. Bie» . Dn. t. m
right 7«.
WUIM* t-rieu I. I.
DuabMuc. Batbo—1 tbooght UaI
Age It.
nuAB Maa Bat«»-1 ub a Hole girl would wrlM to Ue Bkhaia aad toll
la. Bar a. iwa.
the amy ol I.
four yaan old tba Mrd of laet BeptcBwhat laBdalaguow. I na
-Johooy'- n be tocellnl nffretionately
Oala Bonoa-;! •
beraad I hare a dee^ UtUt bntober
•dee. U Ih. Ure Willie
l^nbool aad I etady Anil
jm aboaiBy^pi
who will ba two yian dd tbU wiatar.
lUag. writing, laugnagc. nrlUBetic
Wa bar* aksa UbB playto* driea bom aad gtoVTuaby. I Uka to go to.aobaol tioBed at WillH'a i'oini. U I. It Bi>>'to
iTjuIT "we^ By ^'e lliUe
nd ank wbaa tbe other ebll- baoaaae ay Uueher to rary kiad to na. aid of bln fbel heue« 1.0™ e aUliet
lor bi> lethFr hrfotr bln. Uieliarl Uel.T.
____ _t Bcbeol. We bare an aid
aame to Hia> Hayae IV>ran
wn l« the araioe of Ltoeounir.r f»
, e'aloek. Wa got to a
cat uasad Trixie aad a white hlOan Tbara arc tercniy-aeraa eabolaih
.laih goiaj alwul 10 )wara Hr *•-bornalber
Puari. Trixie calebB lole of •o eohoul BOW
,l tell y<M rraetkm. aod kto n.-y and ehiWht
My; It
Bioe aad taby bn faa wlta the klMan[■peutUeaaBBer. I neat raeiv war* •Ir-nl'wlth the eoldlrra. Hr pleyrd
ao gnlaca ehlricans tor pate,
lag <BOe. aad buekleherrylag n aoldirn aod war wiU ten |to. aad
wT" aalBo. aM wa bad a gaed tta. aad they bare a etae-motbar. Tbe baa
aad blaekherrylag Urn or foor
IwBlbaalfffatoaEtJaaa. Uoddbyfw
that hatobad Ibaa out got bar leg
L Hy etoteraad I weat to Uke a
brokea aad thaa aaolbar baa adoptad walk aroond Ban laky aad we enjoyed
WiiAAt Bonuna
•has aad ahe takea oare of tbea
Urafyaneb. Tbe water wn rrry low
Aee.IL *>•.•.
I tblak 1 bad tbe bad Uae Tbaaktglr- aad we eould wulk aloag Up tor*.
' Ogan HtoL Baiw—I tboaffht I wMid Ing. playtag taa-pany with aoBa_UUJe
Oa> day I weat Oabiag wlU ay broth­
driU M tha HUALU 1 Ibooght I friaade aad aatlag popnyu.
er aad i eanghl tro little I
BotoUwmaaboattkapIcu Wabara
Tour little fritud.
bad a plnlo hy Baa Uke oa Ue
«^MB aM Ibey are BIT fat
Kdra Mat Pkh-i
PourU el July-aad wn had a good
tbattotwe yeanoMaad ha
Jnia wrilaatbtoleraM.
Uaa I halpad ay BOtoBa poll Ue
•‘iamky llii t«00>oaad«.
waaM U Ue gwden. aad I helped pink
,,Anw,.ll.M,;--------------WUI taU
beet UBCI hwl tbto
UofruU. lUUkay laUartogaMlag
tteFuarUipf July. I badjau
DUAB Mn- Batbc—I nw your offer
qalM hag. w I ant eloae.
*1 to tba FOartb. Thtotouill«a la the BkaaUi fee youag IoUb
Yenr Uula trUad.
wriM. aadnlllbato md tha UHto
Aga 10.
Mabt Hxutx SkaU>a.
MttaiB 1 will wf«e ooe Mu.
Uy wuatbarryiagaadhadi
Tra»»ri» Clir. Doe. 1. IB
•taw. I pltod four quarto
Dua Hn Batbi-I aa tea old
I harehadafuodBaayboatrldnca iwrlM.balnIwn tuadlBg to Uuan

^VrTbb"'t:.- i™..v

— 'r?

Ua hay. IwnutUa cdabeulkB ou lo-alght I nw tot aot aaay told w
to faurU af J uly at the dly aad I had toy did thto auBBn. aad n 1 thou
• raryaloatlBa. My MrUday wa bad
would WriM aad taU what 1 dU
a Btoaeuppar aad played luUa hana.
aaaet Mil whea I Md the akael Uae.

n—u BMTva—We aiu two ilule girle
agodMaaadeam. We lira la Baade

- I



toolaru. Thare ara
geleacbaeiiatbe aaanar. Wabara
g goad Motor, bar otae to Cora 0.
fritord. IHkabaraadlgacBararj
gMalndaaa IoUdy raadlag. epalliig. gaogtaphy aad laagtoA
YouB da Barely.

jjill nioee e.Ioni.h.iw



8J lES





Horseshofiilig and Geieral Repainog Done.



t rm<r .rirrirr •.r'^Iawrai tofcK

fltoa Teuad«k SoMtoe la the r. i. AfBTJ

i-ni cBInlhr.-riilrrot a n.'i.l
i.. .hr «lcA. vl„.l,
t rxiruM at bulb rudx.


Statc St., near Union.

ssiC-:! s



that) works easily. WORKS
successfully.- CLEAN HOUSE WITH

Bargains to the front
Uto week. Wa bare Bariied
a low prloa oa a lot of geoda
to cloar out Mrpin Mock
Tha ynr'e baalaen Beet '
eqnared *p at Uto tlm a
torotorraaooaAlt to deal
hie tu eoarart Uihg* UM
ready eaU.
If kaoekiag a
asaiber of eeate off dolUra
win BOW Ulagn. quickly Uto
Tboae tot like a harguU
ekould todeUyhayUg. flood
grueertoa are aot alway* n

be pine no tbr clerr of i*u * lurgi.
Jid iriin the coodl.' fo Iwlene*.,
l.ighi iJir wlrkr and Ir-yoml
• brir )..iola l.liigwJ.

My pupa tM I wura heatlag aad wa
dog aad
««y atoa tlBa wbaa wa ware laatag
U wbnt ebodog atka. Tha beat of
wn ptoklag •ppM».*Bl •• bad low
Uato. Sow I wUI taU yoo By age
whlob toalaayeura. FroB year low
lag frtaM,

elayad at hoae aad halpad ay
' iidbSlUbruaetwork.o'iCnaodforte
keep boon aad take eata of
. Brbad
; ofatr^bluetbrirkae
II ini. rc.l iluit
* I Ihil.g IWMTUl. I.
gadtoawhn aaBaa naaa h
cat trgerd fe
waat ap 10 uv beethor'e aad aMydd
_______ _ -gardedBA*.
of bto blnod rrUlllr*.
flea weak*. They Ur* rigkt by • Mb*
aad ear day-By alalar-ln-Uw aad I,
-------- --------------- -■
.k ^ to join tbr ami. aad prrrall'
aad to Brat Uli
.1^1 It. Johnoywnealtowdbyeprelal cedar
Sffa bit tba hook. lalBoet gatlv:
--------A----------nadruBuf.--- boy. lod be to BOW.
boat whea ay Hat Moke nd ^
„'n,b-i,B» at
itotuawi. iiMU- Dw-Awa
By lU. Wa kept oa Bahiag aad The other three bit full grown
H tB4a« to
DtAt Mn. Batb-I had Baay plaaa- to Brnl fleh that mf Metae-la-Uw get
j.ira ia U
rrerirfw tts a Bontb. tbr raair pay
Bocae. OlO--. ..
BtUan Uto aaBBar. Iwaatoutla wn Ue Mb tot got away froB ate! U
d.rn le all pri.air oAldirra, ai
waa. Toiter. Chaita
•he eouatiy aad Btayad Um dayto aad
Baade. ChUblalBA-CorBA. and all Kkia
•bn whauIcainhoBalwn larltad
tn aad aiayad aU alght -at By
tJbr Ue othrr bnglrr. Johnny to •
a houaa. We iBd a reey-plaav
1 BB U to-^lxu ^^^j^,^
aat tlae playlag la Ua hay aad la to gradeaad audy mdlag. wrtlUg. bb-;
at daybreak, tbe


DUAB Hn. Batw-I tbougbi I would
WriM M you. I UM • tiulc boy oaly
.algbt ynin old. I ga to aehool aad
road M to Uitd reader. I hare opalllag. ariUMoUc aad Uugaage. I aa
. la to Third grade- The hat U
Md UateuBBar vnoato FoarU of
Tbarc wera Urn ehUdrcu
narthUf after aa. Ihadadruu
aeaa ■eg* I had a ptetol aad
^ aad I hadaaMetlau I .
. thto wm bvaUlarthtotlBA i «toh
yea a Merry (Uriatanaad a Sappy
Maw Tear. Toar leriag Mead.

w. thurtEll.
aoT3.V2a. SlfXe.

OosTi fS-vootne.

DbaB Mn BATBa-j tbeiMbt 1 would
wriUM toHBUAAaad lull you
y.---------Uae 1 bad Uto tuBBar
wnto FeurU of Jaly.
I buea aot
deaaaueh threogh enatlaa. Iguto
atoaL Hy leator to Mtoe BaMa Baa-

Dod —■—— we gat aing real wall
DUX. M-l BatBs-Two B0.U. of
Seaa Ubb 1 ga up M her houaa aad By matlOB -n apaat at o-rnal
••Mn Maui- at SpwarU Uaigtau oa
LaMMkUlgua. IwealbuUUg. tab-. am-boy. Hr look oni dtoehAef*
lag aad boutiag aad had a goad Ubc about is yrara age. Murphy’a father
emy day. Four wnka of to Ubb wniaewtoraaoldWa.

.raMtrafuB. Igoto
aadiaapUtogfUgrada My HrU
day to UetMdofUto aouU “

waatoBeaeBbiyaadl waat efwa to!
to aohoeru. Tba Bo4or aeed M roa
gmTnta Maoiene
uatom >n
T .
DUAB Mn BAtB»-t thought tot I ban aad letU frm LadlogUB amy
Outlag to told tbr otory of apair
would wrtMufaw lUeeMytB Mtril
Waura all n wall n
gmUanaM totoaot
dowani^ aad It „and
hot alter awbOe Urtrmfl
my wril.
»#wnt to to '(UOdrauh
oa Ladiagtoa Aru. TM 4U
Mb aad I Itod I

1; to aaBt at It
wn ••esndraa'. Day.- aMaU of •
UttUgirU taagaaoug. TbaaaBa
Itwn’-UUUBIrdAcd PratoearaWa'
Wa harajuetbna raadUgUaMM.
U to Bbaald aad neat of toB ape
of MM 0*dU tlBBWBaa
mBBB wn a girt aad Maght aehael
MM CadU wn aaa of bn eehoMiu.
MaBwaiayu tola pMaaad -

briUB* aad on MaMr; Ueir ahBce Ua MMar wMw
Baud garah. In
•eaaw wriM, aa1 BBotorByaSt


af Jaly r

beat tree, to iwa'.
in the water, while Ue bigfaeri polni
the mere wnnrMp so feet ihore
a. alxtyMa pMan Wena
worhiag almul
uff dowa M to boa* n to aparM pood. The dog* were workiag
eoaU MU OB to Bwd aad MM to tbe pond, looking Mr the tralL aod the
laka. FiuB our Mat wa Md u Ma Bwa were loaklBr. loo. aad they were

rM. M to Mrto. to UM tolBg
. After awbil
while Mrk ChrieaegMr top of theeurreo iMlrraMthepapd
BMMrawiUau aaaur- antoned arteatk.

I IBb ChOdmi'a daf bb W aad pManat dayt wa wwaU
n^Mlnftobaai. flaoibyu.
eg to.tagr»»* SS naari bad MtontotaB
.Bav W. EammAl ^3^ Me M* totoaMufto
«na i«« wSMin>

WJS ss


•OBBty. lalaad •owiabip.
We kbre
ewbmberat bom aad (BeatoUe
MuBkegoa eoaatyi to to alemyaaB
- old aad llTB with ear graadBO.
' hare far pate two ktlMae aad one bird,
aad wa baea IB beat. We help ai
gwiag- I thiak to Boat pb
ale. Uagaagu. geography aad apalUag., bmkfa>t call, airk cull, the ftilgurralL
by waMliw dtoha aad ruaalag aiIbadwngulBgMtlatba
"1 burned my eagara eery badly
lota Boeu. n Uto to uot ^.ard inoaoi. drill call, rrrall.
isoM. our aehool begin aaxt wnt
Tbe paU am Ulauae »f. Tbo^
liiiaMi It to a ehaaga troB Ue
. hot
latUrto loo culLfatigoe<all.Mtc«|>prr.
Gclaetric Oil brougbl relief U three
Jf Uto lauar dout Bad your wn
. 1 Uke M road the youag falke
It war almoat magical. I
• btaot wa will orrlM Boor aaM tiBU
d MiijjKu
If .lohnn^liYo and mniioora In tha
It to n ohaertaL
nw anting Uke IL" Amelia
OU..A4* .
he It 44
UUkyee wUlgataUiur
Lodlaom Dec : 1BL iyturaoW, Tbrra war bill onrotherboy
Wau. ABP Ban OoBAw.
BtmM Mary flarto. Bha is a rary


that will keep your stove pipes free from
rust and make them look like new. 8tove
blacking in solid, liquid form Uiat
will make your s^ves bright aa the sun—
and shoe polish that will make your shoes
^ as bright as the above mentioned stoves. J

waa alak. Tha bo
waa towtpedlabra. 1 hare thrw
hart aal twrirr brotbera.
My rii
VIrgioIa wwt off laat fall to Marqai
Mb. Barba. I gaoB By UlM >* ff«l- Wa hare roty alee Uwaa Wa play
BOO haahala of potatoB Uk fall aad
• godly linimh *|.
•ad took «p abort haad aM type w
ll^-Uag OBBgb ao I will doaa.
got aaaotabaahaL f waat dowa
Baay kiade of gaBoa. I bare ffre
irVrd hi. drri.lon *< tlie uhole per- :
lag. My aaaa U Wlaila flaga*. I
ProB Hai-kc m*icw».
Afirr aubil«-we caw b •
1 wUl tril yoo what 1 did la
aw Kyae. bat t Iheaght t 'woaJd rota
am la tha dfih grwia la Ploraaae BragVD anted oe a* .■Itoeeat-log. Thry '
l.aa. BV hrolhar. aad 1 weat
tBlia«alar. Wlaklagyoa all a Ba^
Aga»y»» __________
dooh room. 1 auppoaa you koow bar.
ere eltopi? wattglng the futile effon*
dowaeoUrfrMcoltae. It rr»e-aew.
Orrn.Dw. A IOC
tyChiMBaa flood byr our lArt to ioeate them, itod likely
hha Urea la Traerraa City.
Bha told
Bdj. Wigar.
DoAk .Bwtob-I ihoogbl 1 would We had juat gal It. So wa waol to try
loagb they enjoyed the enpeetouee.
m aboat tba alee tlBa aba h4d laat
Write la the HsEAtJi: thtototha third It. of eourua., »Ve watotod to aaa how It
One of the men got up wlaci fioin the
MBBor atthaBaaauioaoe. It wm
warhal Lrr told BO totufm.aad ha aalmato end hit teni droir iheio oot.
to aahaol aad I aa
tMa^HmlUTBi-laB. IttM boy r«7 lataraiUag. U I go tbara
My taaebar'i aasa to Mr*. would patio the auaw. Solwaatte The df« took U«e_,aielv foi’. tell end
. Wall. I
M« ywratddaadlaaaaotwrtta racy aoBMT I will go to tha o
It et
to a liig.'iSntilnrn diirb
turalag aad aoeaa way I let go
Uaa Hager.
I Ilka her ray ■«*
waA.ix.lMf, The f,.i
wMI. aa 1 Ibooght I waald aek ay ala- Beat doe. YearalRily.
thiak Ua beat tiaa I bad tkto cobd
wbaa I trM ie Bteh bold of U agaia
lid oot Oee the tnoiioolr—■ m*ii nniil
■ tw to write lor aa. Tha aiaeat ttaa
I pat By foreflager iota tke toga,
woe whea 1 waat to Blaghanaad au
llvu- enough lobe renehed. nh-ii. olth
Agaitytanthat 1 had Ula aaBBar waa tha Foarlh
ad a few daye with ay UUlealaeBaad rut It off bat u IHtla akta. I did I
. frentie Irep Aideuny* Into the wuier.
of daly. I hare a IHUa kitty an
•w*aad ihaBcaaa bBsktoTrar- kaow about it at Brat, bat I aown d
hr (ueapnl the grub. The ran- did nut
■aaaa b KlUy Blaa. lharaiwoi
aigr aad aByed- lhara a week Thaa 1 weal tu the boMr Wbai
long then. The oel fi>\ gair off »
•ad twobeotIteT.. My alatar.’ oaBOk
eii.ily folhranl weoi.^^tbe
wlU By IHdTalaoe
W. are golag tO| held It ap to BOBBO aad It baag off.
•ta Mary Aas aad Valsa. Wagotorr
hare a CbrtotMa Vaa at acr aehool oh. how It did Bara her: She told
Hr*'- ktUae from Mr Woad'a Tbia h
I bad a alee tlaa oa Thaaka- WllUe to burry aad gel the hoeue aad the AnlmiJwa.MlledUrlliedngt.o'liIl" ,
e the doctor. And 'hetpen afmt to gel a elooer
Wa all wml dowa to Mr. rreweuldgaaa

' DsAB tonoa-l wUl write aM Mil
MaboalaaboeL !aagoMgwaelBoI
-•PV. «• bate raeattoa U the apriagta tmattoawagubuBtiagafd’---------taty-alfht
gnd tina. Tbacn are twaal



1*1. etc., ai lid
lawbkkrili I

halpad bar
dar mr alatar aad
walkaroaad Baaalakaaad aaaajajod

-1^1* -y *1

Pipe ■


I-~-*-1 beaaa wa hate a llt-taiT
Wa }art
ItoM arwat HMtete vrlM^ aha •ariatroaBatardaraaMlait.
haaea-giaadtiaa. Oertianhir-a
nu» urn. Bk«a-I UMi«ht I wmM

Da*B Konoa-»da Cooper aad I
wridar to tha HkaAt.u. IgotoeehooL


«y f~4-*«»a
aa. How I ariU taU pM
MdlBf. aHthaalie. gaorppbr

.......................... ....

aary >a* aei aba ia klad to 4

had «bilr t<Mm mddlaf «pat MV



Wr« UMst>»

f» tow»






That the best place to buy anything in the line of Hard­
ware. Naili. Bar»K.-d Wire. Bam Door Hanger*. Paint,
Refrigerator*. Ice Cream Fnesers, Gasotine^ Stoves
Fishiag Tackle, and in fact everything in the hardware ;
line.» of W. J. Hnbb*. Come and tee me and I wUI
prove thbsutemeot.

146 Front Street.


1> uwinwa. HIM. aaM >M^<^a

tad Bay of FUmry, l•ffTa


H%taK cd aS ia IwibIbc SM(lh.-~Latc« U. & Gor\ Repetl.

M too ta rotritoftaor. to rtao llulo
tattoror attar oAlMo itaro too loaf
p tetimrota opota *owo
_______ ^«.tar*nioorft«bto»
ttaoo Mto*; oftta tai tta 4mrk, tdtfc
«< Ihk h|»rt»M>Mim.M«7 Cota
tarhtata foil, ta trotaor ttawow—
«<9mtf.fchOMiliiniPty. HMIci
hw OB (ataUbU oaowl dowii^ BtMto
Mn. Ootan to • yntalool ta—twin
of tar toroliMi

--------------------------------------- taroodblj dry-

iota ta tta ftaioorto UMIMM tr
rwoi Bom*-by tta Ilnu4>^ oU
•ta rolool MOttator Hn. B. M.
VoartatB We ft** te-tap oom ««•
toMto fna it Ota otaU dtp Ibm It
•Of tor of oor rood*** ta

MCa* poo OLD UUM AMP UTOUM.‘s-’^£i
Ita dap hoarp-----


I itaL !. too. tad toorMB »
trm. ota witb mr oUta ebUdroo 1
Mtttod tkto HttlC polot WbOO (tap WM
IM ttao two aioatta old. ata wo* BorOTonor oUlpMl lobor* asp coal
wiUi Itan
^ol ttat dirlr wUU t
ootaUOBd OBOO^. tat rUldnwb^—
to otaBPT* oad rrOMB rrtr *oHp. oad KortnB*Br«ta«p*otBa
t^ will Bot p*fotot la otailf Tor wtat
•op^Boe ta* prorta to ttaa ttat IVbm^^ttatantatoaM*'
ttaP<M»eto>>te!la.-H.M Motor.


^ ssriSss;-^,-i:*v*»


tbore ta the oold lo eboke ood atralfbl- wkrr* faith **e* lU "aaep aoataw*.'Death would ta robbed of It* terror.
WeU. 1 woodrr who will
ecBreMBt of lu paap, aourolap of
•pnk Br*t.-tta wojaao who wade.
1 to»r* U w« all bod IbU tru.Unp
paaa'eooaeepUoBof tta life bey<ad
* piBTo. Iter lolta wo* bo*ed upon
oa)p Oltar boadp tcra of
e Umt Teacher'* dectoratloot that
to aol a oorTuwiap. bot a wUenDiar. BarBlM »tote<fc l*t M dr*
iop. of
If taeboriioBof
taeboriiooof Ttfe
lit* .ad loreibe mulUalpiap of thuM


taS^sifkalBce*r '



ya eayiU*( ta* a Ito pto* w pwwta ttat to

Mgfktr h*rd Wpleoaefolk.— .
llooBdlo frel.uAaold.
Sumarr llae'. Uw boi Ipt '.a— .
tVlDler Ikpe . V« eol'i
tauph. op-Vrer diiad eaKeeponnaklBbay:
1 Ererywbere you'll tad >a— 'ea fiowl away

Tbe ueard lAcp. parl.odod wiih alrtb.
It tae kloplint »mUr on e.rth—
. awort brow, dlaaeiided with
A aerer aeed <ff coioaet,


r.s X'XW.T,:?


Chicago ■•«
■West Michigan

..........>. ■ !r.
Tr»MeI?iaw!7-.' .

Wtaalaatar toaooho^Bad*

M wp ttat Ota te Oddod-ta 0. tta
ItoMta tanitoranry UMlaa«a«y..
Aad to do
I would bta plead tar
Miiatat. Ita baaty poa any do
nrataaktat yoaobwold anltatpav
doaDpto oaafattabta.BoaatUr wtat
. totawmttar. la Uto bltahtdlaau Ue
•walk of a hoM UoBld to Ulad ta eri U
MM aatataMoto taop oat tta cold.
Mpta Bopata ohleec »woa an tae
MtB ffaea dowa tawdaol to a pood
•Ubv toBoa. batwhonlt otataobMaad •lanoal dBot. betaff oleta. Uffbt
aad4i7.totald«%leBbetB*oe totUta
-tatann tta tatou of tera baildliipa
^taaaawtaowMtta>orooal kilo*
twUl ta find if pea wiU taka it nwap.
' -Ita taaliaff af tta hoaae otaald be
aaet^attaalUttawaltool ita^M
W tbiak oad warm. baUaa ttare to
MtttaB**d idtartap ttaairbarsta
ag wltaao tata An a* • aoM Uta
taMnqolraa. Tbnttaaaataiodtt
tall Tta idaal wap to to tan tta
neam eaaapk to tan tta wtadm
np«a to »ap amttar.
Saw tata Ue haae aad tsntapa.
rWhatpnat erarUpaf old waa Itwta
tadltaaaa*«< kto BaMM**aaen w
«ld* wtaa po. eaa walkr Aad taw
ritanetliWip taaiUp ta wm. to ta
asnl BtattantoxaaaataaUUtop*.
TtataraawMtiaaaw.aond toaa.
'tatttapaataaoltaaotalp or otawy.
It to «Boaph to ptorata a womaa
>«tataaka*awa>hlBp. walktap akoal
eltakoMaU ttafaaaen, totoU kor
ataoapkt tawalk oat of damotary
•tap. Bat ear beaa*o—ar* ttoy aiwap*
flaaaadtoa* to be oaiy to pci araoad
4B.aadto*an*MpaT Iwa*
-IT----------- * bytta toMot ttaetowm4m en* allewad a p*n lato U
itak faea ni pastfy. Ttan wa*
«MB ta M wkieh 1 BOnr tarpec aad
a Bata han prodtod by ta av

errsp taad oad arek la a wora bntd or
er^aaorf of aoar non. pot oaTtaber*
alaatn^r both, a needed, tie on


a tar ewery taiap ta tta


tm cSi

MoMDir Blo k

itcuaNoera. __ r.e *-r a ^*. g.^ B
effect of .
ilerwel the refreehiop
tae pood Iblap* •
Bad *ki
fenertiui a
Thto to the Ires'. medi-iBe Id
load Ui. U
wiour otbu time. icoMs moil l-.r C»nsntnpii'>a. 'Vo
Bc fur 1C il u b.rd 1 bottle is |•B.raute>ei
Wtat to
to ay.
F. lap. *0 ladrfiBite p-st-, :.oi .i„*ppoiot. It
poaearat i laid be a happy Ibinp for tvhis.plair Unurii. Asthui.
.. fl.lf tae IbiBp. that i-pmemoula. it-MUekit s.
we proao oner to nWbt will rlpkt . „ It, the llca>) end l->r tl.ia.uiur"u'i.
tbemwlra before I- m-rrow alptal. If ii is ..fe fur oil adt ..^>'-*>*01 bi take.
1 ..n-l. atoiee »ll. . s-ire . ute. It to .1- I'.rl-it ,.*r iMles fer Hr*.* lUptM M i
J aKUOB. AreeLTmwi
.. well to Uke I),. Ki'U's
lt.,11 t*i1Ii II
K.I.V'* Oku IK HAVKI). Uuer*ir**nrOr
Far Milk Lerer*
- they
To make milk dipeetlble all that to:
aeceakrp U to ■bake it well, and to
i-r lu-rfeei altofoeiioo

I,et il tlBBd oe the back of taeelore
where U will liamer peotlp tor area
cw elpbt biiuim. or aatil aedC prtolle.
e tal oad odd toll
elck. a half cup of
............................... taff






OT irm

A -poa.*'* forte by' Nature ae^t
1. UKlap care of eeery eeot
And be wbu leU h» wife do tbi*..
tViUrteba bare .ndi ere, in bli*..

Tta (UAer and colder and abre
And do biarech
Tbca pir«at ae Iw. taut pun a.r u*ke ma^Btliiac
Tbe wee oot. oad taf cricket*, ehlrr.
-le pietarr. to bo*b*ed »»d ebHdtei
oad tbe plai .wret tore of hprl
I b*rr been Out >B Ibr c
—* mttcoief' nUry.
Afar 1 tad ocoepied that ttow poo
Do pta drp^^r taod* oad wear map be .are BO OMre toon were abed.
re iroublee to bear
Jeet ia tble wap 1 tbiak of mp
"Hbr'.bart BO
Meal* SpoUed.
.V Uut lou neeer nu
ODOO. who bare left UU tartblp k
An taiy wn to .poU
bate a cb.pUr U> lay
Tbep hareat poae far-oiaplp jo.1
r®' oeer a tbe other boOM. Aad before ac«l to foe o*«h aenrtwr U................. - ' before you.
Uleof all lhatba. rone wronp duriBf
ta.d.y.' T* arntioB lb* d'laapoolDl- iotaelf*'.pip-.l-. aod waoU Ui drpw a
BO *0 whoa 1 up to ttakr oat a
Beau.and reiatioBa. la tell of the iiocketfal o' e-iapa-eiou etrry day
oad no to eee thi
eustabM tta elolhei ««dp t- irilffhu ttal were endured .nd tae of- I Ipht Olonp, there eoae. time* w»e0 f*
Tbe wHakled face
ep, ttall
tiall ooa'lpi........................
fenor. ttat were citeii. and lu
seem* .* if tbe banei was peltin')ow.
Aed poo lata pour clotha ootdoao
ita oped epa'^bowB wita wiitful jop. orer the re>iAu of Ibw lufrliclWu*

»* tbep looked BWap ielu that biBC *kp

BcxmiE om


I pray oot tbi
Mm urahle
. ,
. oVploee
I OBly pray for ejmplr praor
To l-uk ay arirbiwr in tbe fare
Full booeetly troa day !<• d.y—
Vkld ae bl. b<wnr pala to bold



1 ■

- ■ta door Btad <Jpro OBd tta dap
A W«t UmbreUa.'Srod OTor lo a irrailr brer*,
iriu trafTaarr
--------------------The be.1 wop to treat aa
___ddruw.p aoaoofdomata hjar erbeo wet I. a open U oad e
Am o* pueelble. oad ibee .t____ __ -With after huobet <ff the ellr '
iu bandleio dais. If It H left <ipeti
Of ieteralacUac eoeode oB-i tbpa
I uatll dry. the >Uk pau .tretatao.
------------------------------- . popl wifeoad tbeiaUeof ber ^
If we tbiak poeuy. our work will
Fllltap tbe eiieaoe oetta—
>rtry U ue. If wr IBiek ilrudppry.
Tbe crirkef. call
Ill be drudpery aad autbiop i '
il tbe wee cot.
Uwdof oil.
Deoy ae aot.

aad waod wudi Hat to aot pataud.
------------------------------•too Irta won whtob to ffnaiy. or ha* taohe oot oad humlffbtaB ereey pine ,
taton ao^^ b^^^
A Deantto Saplo' ta*toaaadio«aek«*hcwaBioaa
edd patai wHh lada aad waV
etuck _ __w.
Ton eaa elns a wladow cjalekty aad
Tkto ianp^Uy deouabl* for tta
•aallp *rita wMitaff. Wrtaff OBt •
wlBter acathe.
Mcaweek.wtaB lobe
deta. dip it iBttawhlttaf. mb tb*
____ led furutaer tbinp*. take . whole
'Wtato pBB* enr. rtaa* tta eloU with
beef leffor nup boae and put II '
■: ttaBlettl..............................
.«1BM WBtar.BtawipeBUta* whittaff
- -a« ttal poB eas. Itaa pottoh with i ^ea‘^ litairoatbe ui'trf tae*kLtat‘ to oorw 1C




Bolro iB tbe platrr .hot'l
wllb ploeternf pari* Bixed •




ala OB at Blrhvu
r tta toevtaard.

With tat Uir tiay*
And #lllow f,» the ba^ph bead:;


5?fteS . , -

«e Bst tap a aeial MB or eoffo* pek
U poa aa* aao. alwapm oapip. wooh
•ad dfp. aa aooa a* the aaol li
tarta(lta<old«ea**taaaaatttaa or
ffiM dJta. Aebaaapllcbw to ' '
.. thoa tta BoataiBtlp aetat pob
* tailtaff wotar ea pToaad oeSco.
•ta taw tatMtUmdp lor Bta U
pn aaoh onr ffMollao. M it ta
taUto af tat WBtor. BaaMber *’0
ta» ballad I* ooftaB •pall »d -


- tta
1 tack ioword
... tad oad
-Tta Otlita HoM.for U* foet-heord jal f.r rooocl
d todp who apTBt tta ooaBMr ncB•lipplar off- Khoold
.joo noBtb* la o rosot. corBer of N*w J».ui*wa>V-'li.*^>^*.'*Wre- ' l^lnnl b.' of *D^ ■
a .bap* U.t
Borlosd raUUB. la * Ir
d willoot' tanr»......................
B^cBcl^laeideet of
•Btored oad folded rreolp.Bl oor dap
wllbla tta
I '
OM WoU PapercaU*d
For To*t nlaiev oad Mtla hall*—
oir* ate to heap Ue hare fooUiJU
Ob* of the hat w.p> ia wbleb to reOfchlldnoo'cr
<ao«eold waUpoprr hvidi* a Iotv*
Ao oakea floor,
.'oadelaa wbltewah brueb lo <*■
NewriaMd with euB«hla«, or be
' ' erralp fe tb. «

«ta • B*. » oeto ood oooM pofo ooto
;*pBBBlhp.aad erWeOl paarrof pilod
loBdV^ ItaawUp tta onererHltOB
iMotltohtai Ittotatotota* Bn taod'
rl«B 11 lora*^ rolictoar toploL ia atolcb tta
too. bit oMud tonln Uan. k>ittlDf two OBd MOalM OM.
IB tta boM tat^olE^'tatVcMBta I
_M 'hoar t
it aoke* BBob alfforeac*." oop
eoator of otataodUtaflo to >•
e (laplp oad U ■ lal "ebiMUta
bp tb* rood
tptoae* dwelt I
•ad olip oadUtaaoeboldeeta >
•Uteb ontr tlM oioood ooU) tta
flaollp oold. -Mn. 3 .
- ttat poo I«t ta. A
to nil taoorb lor tta ooklL Ui*a
------PkBitomadtwdlnUMoatablad —
^r7~ta tta
with puB. tboo I tbiak I hare eeer re>Vko*<«eelnd troa aap other Cbrtotloa frtred.
Aad pet poo bare hero eoltrd epue
--btadrolp to bear a bordee of Borrow
on diUlod ihroofh.,1 **p.
' bernnarat. aoefa *« talU to tbr
ohildnatbr dear old lodp.:
■aoehaad. brother oad child tae* beeo
doo’tpoB pal nw. worm. *ta».*le.r*d •ba.baad,
taksB troa ae—oad pel It dore aot
fforatal of a
bod iroae eery for
^•HJ j» «»■» »»d
b-««away. iVbea I woeael.ild. ay older
•toter. erbuoi I lored drvly. oarried.
oad weat to lln la a bouee about a
all* troa oar boae. At Br*t I olaoet
to tta fpll'toSof“eISi*^lj‘^h^ cried ay eyeo oot: bat oae day aotbrr
Ubb wBarteotatoarkatp U i
■■-U by. Kaols*! Iba't ttal
Itarta haoBt kfl b*t ttae ta. oel>
Ptolaff ta toe tata pto«a mad It
*J*er*d ,(oae dowBttaroadle oudie oaotber
eoaU aad aot rtoa woU.
' boae where we cam ffo-w baaea. foil
, Hta taetardoadltwaibadiT oad
I of Ion OBd weleuar'o. ttiia Kow pom
poor toara'will eraek wUl* boh taf.
bore two Mtare ioeleod of ooB. Coa*.
pet^oa^rnolMuplaBd n*a dowa
bn pearena Me tat whea pee

pat tta toana ta aad pea wU ban
hard tUok cnaltatotB tta esator


Worth TrplBa
white qoiUBota OB B«
ap hod. for ttat Mttor-wlUtaep
>a OBd (rte troa wrlakin aaeBfw If. batrad of '

Tr»eo*»r i'lty. Mi^




6ruil Sipids i bdluu S, E.

Edited by AlBEnSfWir




t ty I

rate *«ralB. After klaodlap f
haon. **. for la*i»n>-e. all cl
ha*' Ouoe ■>n IU way tci town,

Tr~7:i \\~Lr

A’"ir,; CiTARr^H

t I* II Wj


' -



ririar of tbe cream the (roteuut - . 1
dr Cbee.}'ffltHi. and toter by Ue tea
doaey to dlrlde Into wlii r or curd AlUoopb Ibto latti r pr.s ewt fa perorpl'ble oely in .onrinp Tui'k. the Hold ncdersor.rtM'h sriDsKiit L-harg» tbat it
•Beuld alw»y* lie elmWea before dciekiop IC unlealtto tehen <iuile warm
from the cow.—.Sriwts.l

'=-«••! Hilf I g

Doarfl of Ubiary O

n*-nta of Ibe Eniluh-taeoitrt »«»iita**ed a eaD
"•taclutoly ur to dto*." ••thoie-,f;ly atecaa *1 th* Bmoa" *
■-.f,V*luU,le.' *id"iodHpea..blc."

iplanjoro. Tbtoebou]
_____Una Urcc. or at tae 1
or. tale
gtumiArA. tat oa tae cellar
Peanut Wafer*
lo cold wentbkrwp ooeeral
or. What fat nmolaa bordro* on c^.
It can eorilp
taanad. The remolader aop be np nod help* to prenrre ic
e naoeod if cot woaUd.
Tble faratobr* a pood boe* for a tbtad a Uoao* to peaelAu Uroapta rlatpofaoupi.aad to ac
aad lbra*tlr>o two cup* of flour uio
to tan ready to brat l. _______ ...
poar wranlDf* *« hop exieal
beat tb* atature riporoVilp. Turn .
TTplbBSitera. tsnra to aem ponr- Botice. e^wclollp wtai^tbcre ore wa>k
bakiap pea upridr dowa. wipe it rrry
•Mnn tataoBd of tta doctara. Tta
* pant of elra*. butler it aad spread the wafer
Moap troublea orHr
..j.ortb »nd t|Hixe thta ttprir
proper ouartofaiweat lo o
ecwlber. A Bi.ll
topthlck'ywIU floely rolled
mms te aaeh owee apree.blp eapeod- np of tktoliqmw buLriUrrwlUc I praaiiU aa* bake tbe wafer* la • mod'
I - -I C.I. uuatwono tt .
Itboel Ulohnlnp. to a oomforubi
^a MVP erayn la ta* family. Aod
eraleorea until browaed
A*'*aor ••
•KWB taoB that, poor family will leer
taken from the urea eat ...
al tone
into^d ptota them o. a
ladfal t
opuiutn a
moldloc bo.rd to ,cuol
l*ut IbcMcramp.
am^.—Uep will lore poo I
w.t.r* latu • tin bo. to koep erltp —
mire poa aiwr oad poa will tare .>
•woBper laflaeBoa oerr Item. That fcuwerer. if .ny merely 1
awer tbe nw
nme parpow a* t^
MP aot aoBBd weU to poo. but it to would oaawer
A Bom. kta. Help.
Ita Irata. BDd it aop be well to tbU
I MK>nw then it no doubt that the
a*S all of uTaBli
eertoaelpot It baton It tota# tou.
> marrow, oso Uervton eoi
Utopefall U« pbyalcAl elcacuto.
lulder* by are'
are yohr* ta Ue market.
”why^l1»bLld*'he peoenUy aappcaod
PaalUrelp corrd bj tliMa -, ! o»^. Bay City, Detroit, Howthat aoaclr to Ue ooly eleaeat eoera- _____ ladle. cauBot mdlly obutn
Uule Pllta.
*ry. a
OBd f^ tlal ta Ur balldtap np of the hoaoB ttaa. and oUemcaanot «f, rd to ■
bewwmy tarp. nod henry,
•l .ntd^.
tiaac.’l do Mt know.
Tbryoborriim libtTcuflem Dyipryota •11. Ann Arbor. Tolodo Mud
A ptat ior at UU Uquor to a nry
throe to kaow that a fair ■ntatltute 1
Buaetaat aoUoa. My ka*baM-. owUladikadootodT«jf«rtpE*tinc.
A pw.,
*ad South. Clota
OOP be a*de a heme from rerr-----...
y toBda kenned wObob. naleat a* wall a. ooeHL Ulop to 1
Art meJr **
icw Durmem.
IXumess- Vtoaev
Ksew*. Droeto
TVewsi. '
^ amtertol. V*'*^^'* “* *
' **•
.ky'* deoirae wen on abao- to a slek tatoad. ai U breoaa *
ho<v. bot to Ike proper lenpU ur . ; oca, B*dTwteiatlcAlcwth.CatcdTci(«n' COlUlOCtlODfl At CopomUb With
whea cold -Uurar^oker.
ly baby (like enry



S~i :



It to pnlMly lUuMrBad

with i.T.ely pomuto. eww*. *nd ewtoon*. • Ito Iriplaal arttoia
ut of fniMduu inwteto. by tbabat aotlMnto. *a Ibar raawto'to**uV|ecl*. Thn Ediui* "Preptta* e( tb* WorU" plM • .
ck«r. ttphlly yrepenuiwd wiew of Ibe btouiy el the hamab *
race t'crinp the ctrremRienth.

Th* " Leaf top Arach* ef lb*

McMh ■• maent fe imporuai pons e< tbe baa mocwln atala
l'.•lt*•ttl*«nwr.^mmry p«nol ttawerld. 1^a*w«a
aod m<oi impottooi book* am carefully mwaed. Indana
ct-.ror.lepwal newd*. nd aSer d^iatmnnt eoaatow ta
eenaiaty tat the reta*^ a ta Rtvaw
oe Rrcim wUI mia oahinf a prtat
i:tr J.tanc« that le *aid a emtln a 4*a*
t.-touj*cut 1-Ke wnrll.




' '
' ' -

.HEADAGHE'nA r.™.»c o-o-.,

Sta^J lBdalp*dr™'r^‘ tail

tap MTied to arMsfaperially at alpbC

Ue yoaopttor became a perfoei UUie
■ban ta wa* atphteea ataUt old 1
Bok^aea a rtolt to ^joreata barftoaa I £rta"au woaU^lei
*riU M aoiacaa*^ htu* U,
ItaBipbt all waat wall.



it?tag^pp*tll*. a caaplkatloa of
•paptooa ttat tabooad anap anicln
of dtal- aodoa ulcoralta ..........*
------ ."^.s----------------■'-'all I
Tfie to be ta Uelor^lllgaldaad toe oold

i^ay poataf lord wa* puioa tta •earchtap U* cook book, te ooownew. Uto ta
bad. b^ satollp at tot oprettap k'M
------------‘—‘-*u"Take a tableopoi alofoatanl, a
M aooa to tab* htai ap and
oad a ^eb of
•ltaUBW•l*A^ PiBdtap I dM aot
bnt topMttaa otoata
ly ta two atoBtaa. *!2d'_
Ura^h a floe win cWalata.



An loapMcloa.
UwaBBOlaparaarapataUap. bat
a pearl. a»d Uto to Ue *tory of II; for.
if t oimplp wrtU out Ue toranlo. poa
wtu area trr It. bot wbra poa hear
all Bbeat IL ■ fooep pwo map


« *'BT'

Uetaop.or.tlck, bp wbnfa to heap U ' Smaa
-------SmallDoM.1 .
rSmal Moe.
MoBd Gloeo* With Cotton.

tba frnd oftha day.

!S'XZ*Hl5S'£''i!f,X'Se-= you get Carlur's,
! Ask for Carter's.
Insist and demand
^S^rtrtt*\S^.taTuU*V* ?P:Carter's
Liyer 1*1115.

-------------- '■------------------- --

tota real wlUe—«—-d

Oao’l Poao. Apt. Totade.

Cut Flowers,
Floral Pieces,
Bedding Plants,

Plants for Decorating

TUVXB8E ctrr nosaL co.




c. ta be *1_____
toltawad UlB--------------------------- iloy'wbaa raOtod ta. So
whtob iDibtlMtwiatd nty aBjaatU)
• tta itoh OM wktopond:
tta poor Itulefaltaw. IwiUdnwta*
otaawM. tatalod kaUl a* a* to ak* (Me table. ahaAad.Bpcaadto. (it wU
afUitoaatptoMbU .
aaata oenyUtap waatod to pat a aaal
•wUtaal taktap Mr* ttaa Ur
taaiSl nb^too^UtorUnaa^
' dearitota PoltoaadRMotai
*d ta «ay. Afar awhile I p^ bin
taaapta ■ktatapnwt. la Ita d
atalAtailaa ta
ta tril ..........
htat Uat
otytap waa aaeleoa. aad ta pin hia a,. . ... kiaa wtaa all wa. orer.'
4*w Bon daw ■to dinrt
bto ataattoa. "Yoa ao*t tall M
m ion
fan bow it to Bade.
QaaaaMUto wwk-noa atU
Tkto tatarratiap in ' i ■ irin* o« enato j otai it UoaM ta ent ta Ua pabltob«r
ta Ita ktataaaoa OOT fora*. ObUpd&
•^.“1 tawrtT^^'taM^^i^'
tapoMtato ttawoodotadtaaoktl taonta ta^Bo^
a fltal^
oatoidy taatoep wkea taid ta'hto bed. S.^^iT^^kL.tai.-~ ApMCap*CNM-«rTtotalVwdta Fm
rih^Vtotaakaid BWapptota Ua. SoItanloUow(dktoad«toa.aa U* aa>haiadi.AlMaawiif*ltaMl
aadawoMoabta ae.tatltatoeaa ^taripto Uat oaa ,abOBU Ian aaak
waatoartadMoetaoil Ketoaipta

Are Ye* Thie?




TKE REVTEV OF ftZVSVS 00. U Am ftac. taw Yak*
ShttfCotMtir.' r'mf<rnw'«tatoLP/AI> Yr-UJO.’



Id th« Bwwld IctaU to ptoepeti^.

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