Grand Traverse Herald, December 06, 1861

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Grand Traverse Herald, December 06, 1861


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Morgan (1806-1874)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text


V O L . .Mr.

T B A V E R S ^ C I T Y , M I C H . F R I D A Y , D E C E M B E R 6, 1 8 6 1 .

(Sraiii (iratesc $tralii,

The Goblin Tapestry.

N O . 1.

'iMey-day, Mol!)\ a pretty pieoo of bmaness! What soul lo the acquirement of money, wbat better can tfea
have I told-you time and again madams You'llfindyou wife do, than to spend it upon things that remind peo'Neath the eaves there sits a goblin
had b etter mind your master. And you, you lazy, thiev- ple of money? If she is deprived or his society, which
In tho sunshine and tho rain.
ing. tii gnboiiil, let me see you clear out of my bouse and bo gives to bis ledper and his phu», bow eon she batter
Even the snft wooing south wind
Trarer*) City, Grand Traverse County, Michigan,
Whispers in bis eir in vain..
off of n iy land a good deal quicker than you came on the amuse herself than by making a grand display of what
premise s!'
takes so much that isdoe to lur to acquirer If tho pretty
When the wintry stqrm. is raging
• You r house! and your land!* exclaimed tho Boldier, ornaments hcrptvn taste furnishes, and tho air of peaoe
And the Muv.noHli wind* blow,
B AXD rkoraiBrou. .
And the Itadcn elodds are bending
starting jmddenly up, erect ami tall, and dashing off his she diffax>s over her housfc, do not satisfy her husnaiid.
T K B M p
To the earth o'ercharged w ith snow.
hat with, a quick, fiery gesture. His eyes flashed like there are plenty o ' elements in the feminioo character
When the dying boughs are creaking
lightning, ami his lips quivc-rcd with indignation as he which will nrgc neron to,a more extraragant taste. IJer
O'er the shattered window paae.
confronted the astonished Tompkins. The latter was foucy, her desire to (Jease, her jiOrsonaJ- Jove of adoraAnd the maddening gale is wnistling
afraid of hiin, and his wife had given a sudden ncrvocs menls, and many other qualities, which would bo harmIn a wild nud fearful strain—
fcj l»w:
„ ..
i.torite lliX
shriek when the soldier first xtnrted to his feet and flung less or even charming under the swoy of a loving, but
•vntjr.Hr* onV>, E'frr re • word. Vliura
' ' Still, beneath the eaves, the goblin
«ork wttbaat rslc*. So per cml add*!. Rate art Sgnre
«oik. dmMcptkCk
his hat, tiL'd had sunk trembling and half fainting in a less imprereible nature, may all be made tho instruments
All lazsl *dvcrll»3mmu aattb* paidfor•tricf); lu *dnr.ct.
Hits unmindful of the strife,
chair, for sho rcco^nizcd him. •
towards effecting a heartless passion for display.
j • Weaving with untiifiig Dngers
' You hain't any business to interfere between me and.
A man usuly wonts an excise for devoting himself so
. The strange. Wsrpi and' woof of life.
my wife,' said Tompkins, sulkily, cowed by the attitude exclusively to the acquisition of fortune. A very comIn tii it tapestry srelmingledof
mon plea is, tjiat he is working for tho welfare of his
Vtried scenes of light and shade.
• Your wife!'ftxclaimed the soldier, with the very con- children—ho wishes to k-avetlxni a competciry. And
Woven in undying colors.
Neither sun nor dew can fade.
centration of contempt expressed in his voice, and point- the mother is sofiinlishlyfowl. a> weakly iaconsincrnte,
ing to him with an indignant finger.
thut sho joins in tbu pica, and g>.vs oiicouragcount to the
Oft the warp of hope is blrnd*d
•Who are you?' caked Tompkins, with an oir of ef- plan. A filial folly! by which tlm childreu. so teiwlerly
Wiih the woof ol dark despair.
And the coids ofjoy and sorrow
frontery. 1
cored for suffer the most severely. Bays a writer:-*
Oft are twined together there.
'1 am Hnrry Jones, since you ask,' replied the soldier, "There is an inconceivable depth nf weakness, meanness
And the secrets man we cherish,
•the owner of this house and land, which you will lea re nnd wickedness in the conduct of the Gither, who, for a
. ..e o f ' P r o b a t e
CUHTI8 FOWLER, siapteton
Wblob woqld cause the blush of shame.
WM. E . SYKES, Nwrtbjiort,
tliis very hour! As for Molly,' softening his tone as ho little career of pitiable vanity, rob*.his offsprings of all
County Treasurer.....MORGAN BATES, Trnv.CHy.
turned to the woman now sobbing historically, 'dieshall that is reirfly valuable in lite, and leaves them n useless
Mingled with wreaths of fame.
County Clerk...
THERtiEN f O B T W l C K , "
chose between us'
waste of drawing rooms and purlm*—i'.iiiowiug.that bis •
Register ol Deed*
There, beneath the eaves, tho goblin
0*0 Harry f sobbed die, while Tompkins stood dumb dealli will he tho signal lor their expulsion,'' This lanPro*. Attorney . . . . . . C . H . HOLDEtf, Northport.
Will toil. Mil the chilly hand
astonishment, 1 take me, suvc me!'
guage is not too,severe. And even when there is enough
Circuit Count Com.-.C. II. HOlA>EI*»
Of the spectre, Death, sua!) lead us
Willi ono step ho wm at her side- holdingber in his left for all tho children to support tho luxury in wbioh
To the nuknownispiricland.
GEO. N. SMITH, Nortliport.
arms. 'Wlmt did you menu treating this poor child so? they have been reared,'the caso is no whit better: for '
Did you think beennsu she,bad no earthly projector that slotH and selfish case, soft imlulgohce, nuds tho pride of
there was not a God in heaven agjiinst you?'
tho purse, form n hot-bed, in which real strength and
No man who is cruel to n Woman is ever truly brave, goodness seldom grow.
A True Story of the Revolution.
and Tompkins sluuk away like a beaten spaniel.
Wc believe there is something more onoh''ng in life
The next day had not passed awny before everybody than lha mere accnmulation of mouey. Mi .on has repT A X AND C E N E R A I A G E N T ,
in the town knew that Harry Jones had come home alive resented Mammon,
'•Wit'i downcast looks bent on the csrtb,"
Just ivt the close or tbo; Revolutionary war, tbcro vras ami well to rescue hi» mueh-eiiduring. patient wife from
OiDco Second Door South of Onion Dook. 1 ' ll-ly uecn somewhere in ono of the Bimill lown^ of central Mas- a worse constraint than that of a British prison;—bat as nmong tho most degraded of tho fallen-angels. Tho
sachusetts, a ragged and forlorn looking soldier coming what they all said, and what Hnrry said, and what Molly history of nations has always bee*, that when any infell,
infwcalth, and gave themselves up to luxuC. H . M A l i S H ,
[Student and Schoolmate.
tutsdiiig for Iha harve.-t, on the rich, bright pitches of
rious splendors, then tbey fell. .Our hope for America
is, thcro being no system of primogeniture here, there is
wheat for the sickle, and ou the green poluto tield, with
The Philosophy of Life.
not so much danger iu building up'immenso fortunes—
curious eyes,—eo at least thought Mr. Towne, who was
walking! leisurely oehind him, going Home from the reap- There is the homa'y ftoty of thi? fanner's wife, who, Iii the course Of n few years I hey must bo scattered
when her husband had settled in a tigsr.-country, declared again. So the burden of the riches will bo continually
N O T A R Y P U B L I C & C O N V E Y A N C E R , ing to his supper. The latter was« stout farmer, dressed " that she did not wish to be rich—lhat all she asked shifted,
aud no families have a chance to become tboin home-made brown linen trowsers, without buxpenders,
Traverse City, Grand Traverse County, Mich.
vest or coat. The ragged soldier stopped under the shade was to be comfortable. Time passed on, flfi4 when the oughly corrupt and enervated.
Offlao in Dwelling Howe.
l lr of a great sugar inaplv, and Mr. Towne overtiming him, old farmer told the story on his spouse, he!said: " 1 am
But wo wish we could see less of the grand, passion
that wc could see our fellow creatures living to die well,
stopped, also.
T. J. R A M S D E L L
not comfortable yet!" A truer illustration of human instead of lo die rich. Some plead that war is n nece»
• Home from tho wars?* ho asked.
'Just out of tho British clutches?' replied the man nature was never found. Let u man begin life with ever sity. Some plead that it is better for the world gem-rally
vast riehes should be acquired by the few; else the
I've been a prisoner for years.' He rejoined suddenly.
Can you tell uio who lives iu the next house? Is it which In; will be content, tho passion grows with what fine arts, the master works of genius, ihV piodactions of
it-feeds Upon;" and jnst so sorely as soecess lends him to very elegant mid costly fabrics, etc., coold not be pntraayours^'
• No,Vcnlied Towne, • Tompkins lives there. That tbe.poiiit first contemplated, he will stiH cling? to her hand ized.
M n n i r t d o . . IM'ntaiaan.
. . . iiouse nutPfciim used to belong to a comrade of ynuis, nihlcon:pel her to lead him to farther and farther hofghts
Wo believe there will a tims come whea war *i'l not
«ts I suppose his name was Joues, but he was shot ai Most men, cxccpt tho few'who begin life (very unfortu- l>ea necessity; but we hope iho time has aheady como
G E O , C. B A T E S , Ksq.,
nately) upon Inherited wealth, start off with tho wish to wheti it will not l» uecestary to rob tho many in order
Bunker Bill, and his widow married again.'
The soldier leaned ogainst the tree. ' What kind- of a acquire a "competency.' But "competency" becomes to aggradiso ih^few. All of the objects which true men
a thing as uitcertain as tho possibility of the old lady's have ut heart for the welfare of. society advance more
taan is he? I mean wbat kind of people are they there? becoming
surely and rapidly if tbo eager pursuit of inordinate gnio
W ould Ifccy bo likely to lot a poor <>6ldier have someMet: deem themselves justified in giving themselves is allowed to usurp less of the brain, Ins of the heart. Ins
C H I C A G O . IL.I4NOXS- 'iing to cat?"

up, body aud soul, the first few years of their bu.-incES
' i f Tompkinsi3 out, you'd bo treated flrst-rate thcro. life, to acquire enough to warrant*a living. •* Prudence of the soul: and happiness, purity, beauty, will enter every
Mrs. Tompkins is a nice woman, bot be iii the snarliest demands it,"emergencies must be prodded'against." All household when homo is the tailmian instead of wealth.
cur that ever gnawed a bono. Ho is a terrible surly most true. A life of want and idlenesses Unjustifiable.—
ueighlwr, nnd ho leads her a dog's life. She missed i"t The only difficulty is in the setting of if wise «nd. sensible
Laugh nnd grow fat" is on adage so old that it is alnmrryiug the fellow, but JTJU sco sho had a hard timo of boundry to the desired living. The
home that most denied u plaeo in the memory. • Bat it should not
it.with the farm after Jones wept off soldiering, and lay, sunny and beautiful, bathed in the^dvWight of the be forgotten; there is n well of philosophy nnd psychoTltAVERSE CITY, MICHIGAN.
when my ton came back nnd said Jie was dead—ho saw eye of the yOuth, before his vision, grows apace into a local truth in its wisdom. Who does not know tuo free,
H I S OLD ESTABLISHED HOTEL,(THK FIKST him bleeding to death on the battle-field—she broke right palaco; there are far stretching lands^jjsboot the palace, est and kindest sonls are always rasceplihki of a real
in Traverse City,) Situated on Kront Street, in the vicin- down, tuid this Tompkins 'came along and got into work and costly decorations within. It lies £ren farther away hearty fit of laughter? And on the other hand, who doe#
ity of the Court House and puNlcofflcos, is stilt open fiw the for her, and he laid himself out to do first rate. Ho somenot know thnt the cold cynical smile is always indies tiro
reception of the traveling public. The Proprietor retnrn* how got on tho blind side of nil of us, and when he offer- than tbc charmingdwellingdid;—but it must be attained,
of reserve and mistrust? Give us the man or woman
his hearty thanks foV the liberal patronuga he has received, ed himself to her, I advised lier to have him and I am for his neighbor, a little older than he, has nln- y be- whose laugh rings like n young discharge of vowels, and
sad assures tho patllo that no pnlnstrill be spared to make
como the master of such an one. A't'bilion pre
lis guests oomf^rUhlc. His charges will correspond with sorry lldid i t Ypu had petter come homo with me. J not to linger behind. It is true, his neighbor has other woiwill show you n person of kind heart. But place ttf
alwuvs Have u bite for auy poor fellow that's fought for links aud wrinkles in his (ace than the kindly hand of well- iu the presence or a sickly smile or a dry, hollow langb,
tho timei>.
Good accomodations for Horses and Cattle. ras>JS-3G
his country.'
treated timo would have placed there—Jell-tale prints of and we button np our affections as if wc were in the keeprr. jTlujtik yon.' kindly returned the soldier, bu^ Mrs. anxious hours, of untiring hurry, of shnrp speculation, ing of a dark thought. " A mau may smile nnd smile,
Tompkins is a disiant—a sort of old acquaintance.' 'llio perhaps of dishonorable thrift nnd unholy covetousness: and still bo a villain." but it is liara for n man to laugh sad
luct is, l nsed to know her first^husband, and I guess 1 but hts/ollower sees nothing of these; he sees only the laugh, and still be a villain. A lattgh. tn iiaelf, implies .
will call jlherc.'
marble and the gilding, the broad lands, and tho smiles something good, and kind ami genorons.. and 'tis heoot
Mr. Towne watched him as he went up to the door with which all, the world greets the successful aspirant the dark-heuried person does not harbor anything: like %
mid knocked, ho saw that he was admitted by Mrs. Tomp- for its favor. If there is anything dark in the accumut ••loud smile.'
• kins. j
This subject may impress itself more forcibly on onr
ation of that fortune, be sure the glitter of the gold plays
, Some old sheet heart of hers, may be,'said Mr. Towne, before hand nobody cores to drag it ta the light
minds if we turn to childhood and learn character bjr
noddiug to himself. ' He comes too late; poor woman,
" 1 will nol do ju*t os this man has done,*" soys the fol«he h a s a hard row to hoe now. Then Mr. Towne went lower: '•J will not ullow my aflections to wither; I will Bombey-like. attracts our care und sympathy, and w*
homo to supper and we will go in with tho soldier.
keep a little time to myself for the culture of tho beau- would give tho world if it wookl langb and be merry like
Coukl yon give a poor soldier a mouthful to eat?' lie tics and amenities of life; I will not forget to be charit- other childreu. We are fain to believe something *roc»
asked of the pale, nervous woman who opened the door. able; my generosity shall increase with my means; tho in such silence. But the child who is ever light-lieartea
'My husband-does not allow me to give anything to richer! I am. the more good I can d o / So with self- and riotous in its noise., we can easily understand and
travelers,' she said, 'but I always feci for the soldiers deception he bends himself to the werje, which grows read the character iu iU impulses and unaffected action
* For the Whiskers nnd Hair.
coming back, and IU give you some supper if you won't upou him and demands more and mom of his energies, Now apply the samo judgement to big children—someHE SUBSCRIBERS *AKE I'liUKUORI.V ANNOUNG- bo loug ettting it! and she wiped her eyes with her white till mind uud strength arc given to it« accomplishment, times called grown persons—and tve can coaly perceive
ing to the Cltlxcn* of the United Ststee, Jhat they hajc and blue checked Jfpron, and set with alacrity about pro- and all the nobler part of his nature lies decaying from how much good ami how much evil is in the countenance.
obtained the Annoy tot-, and are no# mailed to offer to toe viding refreshments for the poor man, who had throwu disease. This is the great cOrte of the pursuit of wealth. If ever distorted in'o the convulsions of a musical opera
4»orlc*n fcubUc,tho above justly celebrated and world:r»- himself jn the nearest chair,, wd with his head leaning on
It becomes so absorbing, so fascinating, that all other of witand humor, there is something wrong, and be*
nowno I article
hooves os to be chary of confideiias until we lean,—if wo
his breast, seemed too tired even to rcrovO bis hat from pursuits are swallowed np.
T h e S t i m u l a t i n g O n g u e n t his face. '
Lock upon the faces of the men of business who ore ever do—the character and dispoition-oftha quiet, imface.
. ;
Is nrosrea by Br. C. P. B«.UK<arai«i an Aalnrnt physician
so rapidly growing rich. What of God's glory, :i|nmi:i- moveable
We do not wish to preach mdtnphysics, but we de
for anything,' but you will cat quick, won't you? for I •ating tho* image of man, lingers there'unshadowed? Do
• ef London, and is warranted to bring out a thick set of
these keen inquisitive glances seem familiar with search- wish'1 be whole woihl could langh more, woakl sec mow
.W H I S K E R S O R A M U S T A C H E: expect every moment ho will bo iu?
of the ludicrous in each other's actions, would imitate /
in from three to six weeks. This article Is the only ono ol; The man drew his chair to the table, keeping his hat on ing into, the beautiful mysteries of l;fe mid death, the
the Jcind ns:d by tho French, and iu London and Paris K is his h:ad as though he belonged to the society of Friends, present nnd the future? 'Do those brows wear the calm childhood in its merry-making nnd unaffected pfeasantij. !'
f a universal
< - •"

.but that could hot be, for the ' Friends' do not go to the reflections ofquiut boure spent in earnest uplifting lo the Then should wc see fewer sad cnrc-worn facrs in thestree^ '
\ N Jt is | hesiftiful. economical, •oothinjt.yeipHranlatiu* com- wars. He ate heartily of the bread nnd butter and cold broad heaven? or tliose mouths weaif the seal of sweet- fewer psile sufferers by tho fire-sicjc, less misery every®ounil, acting as if by mastfc upon the root*, musHip a beau- meat and how long ho was about it?
where. We always had a cliikfah belief that the miW
ness impressed there by hearts full of fove Tor their kind, lenninm promised m the good Book was the time when
vfui growlh'of IU.VDriant linlr. Jr applied In the will
Mrs.Tompkins fidgeted.' 'Dear me,' she raid to hcr- tirid sympathy with the universe? Most persons'will lure
euro IrtMncSN and csnse to spring op in place of tM bald
a(Miiv&nQ growth of new hslr. Applied flcco/ling to di- ;lf, «ifhe only knew, he wouldn't be so cruel as to let upon you with surprise, if not with j sneer, for asking everybody should fenrn to laugh; cm! now that wc begin
rection!*, it will turn red 'or towy hnir t<> Auk. a*d restore Tompkins coino in and catch him here. She went awl the question: lit is a kind of " nonsense' tbey cannot com- to grow ont of our childnc:s weakness still thnt one begray htir tor iU original color, fearing ItWt, smoo|h and
lief is with us—the milleun'.nm VBI be here when everyflexible. Tt»o "Osoi'ENr" lsaa indiwcnrlble artlcjp In every looked from the window uneasily; but the soldier pave prehend. Thcv know of but ono honorable, disrrect, and body k-arns to laugh
gentleaan's. toilet, and after one week's use they yould nol no token of his. mpal cominjr to txn end. 'Now he is sensible objeci iu living, and that is t« get rich—and not
H o * . JACOB M. HOWAEII.—In the telegraphic diefar any condbioration be without iu
pouring vinegar on tho cold cabbago awl potatoes. 1. only rich, put;richer. The sweets of nature, and the
The s'lbsprlbeni aw the only Agsatafor tke artfcle in tho can't ask him to take those nway in his IrtmL Oh dear holier depths of the springs of the heart nre untasted by patches of the 8th iiwtauU was ono amiouucing fbat
Csltod Sa* ?. to (,'hom all order* must be addressed. ,
Mr. Howard had been iropoiuti-d^Minisfer Resident a t
'PriobOxs DOLLAR * bos—t>)t salo by all Urupgists aad bow slow he is! hasn't the man any teeth.' At last she tbpm:—parity and tbo love of the beautiful are stranger Honduras. We are authorized to siy that neither Mr.
Dealers: ora box of the "OimViT** (warranted to hj^-c the said mildly, * I am very sorry to hurry you, sir, but guests iu thpir souk. ' i
desired effect^ will be scat io any who desire 11, l>y mail (di- couldn't you let me spread you some bread and butter,
It may well be a reason why womwi are snch honse- H.. i or any of his frient^ witl» bib knowledge, has
•ect), sjcnrely packed, on rwclpi of. price and postage, aud cut you some slices of nicat to take awny with you. keepers,—snlxstitnting ceremony, ond cold, metallic gfit- furnished the feast foundation for this rumor; nod that j
W W l M
-'j :
ily husband *ill use abusive language to you if he finds ter, for the simplicity nud sunny wwmtb of the tr%e whether it be well or ilMonoded. Mr. H. has no d »
home. It may be that the earnest lore, the ont-gnshiDg rire for the place, and -woakl decline it ir offered. W
yon here.' **"
Before the soldier could reply, footsteps were heard of fresh feeling, the innocent pleasure in music and Bow- believe the some appointment was, a few jreeks since,
" 1MB*
24 William 8trect, New York.
on the; door-stone at the bock door, and a man entered. ers ani the bine tkv and the greet, esrth, which tbey tendered to Horn i f . a Wells, of Kalamazoo. Tbo
t N N I P P L E S GUN WQBMERS, 8H0E 11.NCH- Ho stopped short and looked at the soldier os a savage woald fain shsre wiih their hnsbands,- ore chilled and die
blie may feel assured that Mr. Howard is no pirttr
EitS, Spoke Shaves,Spoke Augnt*. Small brighv Iron
the arrangement indicated by this -annonnwaMafc
dog m.-gfat look. Then be broke out in a tone between a in the atmosphere of his vitiated poison. Tbey learn
Chains for Traps.
^ . t.
to value what be values. If tbo husband; gives np his and that, be will net become ono. [Detroit Tribal*..
Traverse City, Deo. 14,1880.
1-y growl and a.roar.

. \ ill Kinds of Job Pralipg NeaUy ami EiffJiliaasIj Eiecated.


^ttcrKfj, Cctmsrllcr afi> ^olitiior,

anil ComtsfUifr at:fate,

liltontf]) aiA Counsellor at f u\u,

^ttorntj ill!) Counsellor at fate,
" III 19, UNffiK'S Bttff,








Why- Beaufort is , not j Occupied.
,_ita power. It was only when that act of unprovoked I
^ - .. v
^ g t t S o n aronstd l i e whol? pcopte o f t t o
P o ^ K o j r f Qorrespoitot oT tbc * . T . Heraid writes, Nov. 16th—
fnll sense of their danger which threatened the nation,
Sincc my communication of last Thursday, there
M o r z n n BatjJH, B d t t o r a n d g r o p r i e t o r .
that it hesitated in its treasonable career. And bat for has been little or no change in t i e condition or affairs
the success of the Republican party at the late Presiden- here. Beaufort has been •evacuated', ir that term may
Africa U v p s t land, aw? wry different in character,
tial election, the Uni^n would before now have ceased to- be used to express the withdrawal or the gunboat flo- in different parts.
tilla The town has never been occupied. Three gunexist, and the Great Republic would now have been but' boats have, for the last two or three days laid at anI t is well known that thb northern part of the contiWhat tkc Administration has Done.
a thing of the p a s t . What the Republican party ha», chor in the river within pistol shot or the village, with nent is mainly occupiad by an extensive J dy desert
" I "know tho President and Cabinet well; I know t
heavy guns menacing i t ; but, with this exception, 3,000 mil^ft long and 2,oofc miles wide. This desert ia
country hiw placed its interests in this trying honr
Shersafe keeping. " Their counsels are wise; their labors arc Republican liberty on this continent What the Dei nodotted with little green spots, about springs, where are
asuolirhig as they arc loyal; -ad their cburws ia tho crntic party was before the fall of Sumterit will be a gain man decided that tho village had no. imjwrtance in a
military point of view, and to detail a regiment or two loedted villages—often hundreds of miles apart The
right one. .
f Gen. Scott.
whencver'it succeeds to power. Tho principles rff the to occupy it. merely for the name or the thing, wonld be eastern half of the desert Is more thickly dotted thoa
. This. says the'Albany Evening Journal, is a high.triformer aic, those for which the nation is uow struggling a m<V?t absurd and suicidal act; so ,it was not douc. The but in all part3 they are sp far apart, as to render croutbute 4o the ability, seal aud fidelity of thosj noon whom
to maintain, and the principles which alone can divert its rebels threaten to barn the v 11 ago. They may do i t ing the desert exceedingly hasaruou;—first from want of
but it can injure none but themselves W e have no
devolves the Administration of the Government in this destruction.
>r Beanfort, as a strategic or military point, water, pecoud from want of all-way, marks, no road being
^ trying honr. And, surely, no one is more competent
Such being tho character, objects and power of the
than New York has or Paterson,; or any other place visible, though thousands may hare passed along the
Republichn party, why Should it abandon its organization
to Bpeak thai) Gen. Scottj
within twelve or Gfteeu miles or the city. Our point is
• Wobodycau realize the difficulties which tho men at and form new combinations, under a new .namf , with a gained when we gained a magnificent harbor, which cau same place ; third, from the storms of sand, which blow
tho head of affairs have had to enronnter. Nobody j party which has brought the present calamity upon the be entered by the largest vessels in the world with ease like driftiug snow, and ofteu bnry up wholo caravans io
n appreciate the vast obstacles which they have had country, and which recent events hare shown to be as un- awd safety, and which, when o'ncC entered, will afford a rew minutes ; now piling up like mountain?, then as
protection to the navies or the world against the heaviest quickly leveled, but build up other moautaius; fourth,
to overcome. Tht-y found; every department or this gov- patriotic as when it was encouraging the Sa'ath to make
storms. We have Hilton Head, and gunboats blockad- from the excessive heat. The reflection of the sun's
ernment reeking with corrtptioi. TbeJ found Treason tho election ofu Republican President a pretext for dis- ing Scull Creek, tho only internal channel or communicarays, passing upon such a, vast expanse of sand, ia truly
at the very ,fountain licaiLn of prtwer. Tlicy round them- solving the Uniou? Wo believo it will not, as
tion between Charleston and Savannah, and in those poterific. I lived about 1.Q00 miles south of tho desert
selves without aji army—^without u unvy—without an It should not »r cannot with honor to itsr-lf or safety to sitions we can hold the harbor against any force.
and vet every Dfcccmbcr wu had strong winds from its
Agent in whom they coultj conBdo in any responsible the conptry. Entertaining these views 're are rejoiced
The Mexican Expedition.
fiery plains, which dried and parted our skins like fever,
post The Treasury was empty. Tho credit of the at tho evidence we receive of the detevminations of the
The Paris correspondent of thb N.Y. Time
caascd sore eyes, from tb« very fine sand. llo.>k-co*w
Government was worse than bankrupt. They were sur- Republicans throughout the State to p reserve and pcrfect Nov. 5th—
"The Moniteur pr this morning announces that the warped as if before afire-.'ami rumilnrc was seriously afrounded on every side with spies and informers. They their organization. Let thcin continue in the good work,
fected. Or course such a region as !ho desert never can
had to create the forces with which to combat thtf re- keeping constantly in mind that there was never a time was signed at I>ondon on Thursday last the 31st or
be thickly inhabited, «r •improved, without »omo very
bellion. They had to cleanse tha departments bi-forc- in the history of the country when tho- principles of the October. The fleet will arrive at Vera Cruz the latter
were so necessary to its solvation.
part or this month, and tho ultimatum will bo natural change.
they could set' the wheels of.Government to work. They
It is Mid by some that it would be no very difficult
to the Mexican Government at about the epoch I ii
had to 'clear tho mbbish before they (Sotdd begin the
T\Vo copy the following obituary notice from the
dicated in a former letUT, that is to say, the 1st or task to overflow it by tbV,waters or the Atlantic. The
work oi renovation.
Chautauqua Democrat of Nov. 13 Dr. Cook was the December. There is a better t«ne or reeling here tomore central portions of Africa 1 have nlrcady describQjin we wonder that they have done so little T Mnst father of our first wife, who died at Detroit in July, ward Mexico'than formerly, and I do not believe that
ed in previous numbers. ! l t remains to giro n general
wo not rather wonder that they have, done «o much ? 1835.1
the ultimatum in question will dither be rigorous for
The Death of D i . Cook.
Mexico,, or one that the American Government will glance at 8onthern Africa, which is quite different from
An Army of half a millioo men; n NnvV sufficient to
find occasion to protest agr.inst' Spain, ir allowed to the Northern o^"Central {tortious. Generally, there ia a
blockado three thousand mill's of coast; the Capital
act aloue, would nave perhaps made it a war or con- great lack of wood and water. It is. made up of vast
rendered imi>regnablc ; the Federal credit placed upon chronicled a fow d.-ys ago in your paper seems to call quest, and that shfc hnp not douc so is to be credited
plains, abrupt hills and mountains, .with sketches of timso enduring basis—and all in lew tijnn nine months! for a lengthier notice than a mere obituary announcement to England and France.
ber here and there. Frequently tho plains are covered
. When, in tho history of tho world". linsja government As one whose memories reached back to the early and
thickly with thorny bushes hnd various plants.
trying scenes or our national existence, as one \rhose life
achieved so much in so short a time ?
These plains, in time or rain, are soon covered with
The following account or the recent shelling or a
has been devoted to tho noble style "of. ministering to
The Future of the Republican P a r t y .
plefltiful pasturage, wjiich is enjoyed by myriads of wild
sufferings, as one whose name has long stood upon the
The 6cr.titnents expressed by the Editor of tho De- call rpll of tho church militant,—ns one who has fought Mr, Savage, United States Consul at Havana, who onitnais, from tho huge Elephant and bulky Rhinoscros,
troit Daily Advertiser, on" the future o f , tho Republi- and conquered in the strong battle of lire and has now received the particulars at Key West on the 10th inst. and stately Giraffe, and majestic Buffalo, aud graceful
The patrol, on going their rounds, discovered what
can. Party, JJO freely accord with our own views iliat gone to recoive Jii3 triumph and crown ; his departure seemed to them rebel uniforms in tho rebcl'chapparel, Zebra, to a great variety of Deer, Aiilelopc, kc., with
we adopt arid present th-m with great pleasure:
. merits more than a mere passing notice.
some distance off They waited for some time, when numerous Lions watching for their prey. • In seasons of
became appareut that t jeru was a large force of draught theae plains beciHne Bandy deserts, and these an• That there are those who believe ttio Republican* The Bubjcct or this memoir was born at Lansingburg,
pjirfy has "performed its niisjion, and should be disband- Renssalacr Co., N. Y., September 1st, 1775, just as the Confederates secreted iu the bushes. This was at a mals retire to other portion. Rivers ore bat few, and
long distaucc from Fort Pickens, but convenient to
ed, and who have seized upon the prcpout disturbed
American Revolution was commencing to assume a dufi- the water, the rebels having evidently b e n using the verv uncertain. A bard rain swells them to sweeping
condition of the country as a suitable time, and afforduiteft>rmand defiant dimensions, and as a child with his darkness of night to transport their troops to the ren- torrents, which^carry all bpfotv them—which again sink
ing a plausible protest for forming new combinations
beneath the sand?, leaving man ami beast to wander Tor
parents, was called upon to. endarc the hardships inciInformation was dispatched to Fort Pickens withcaonot bo denied. Rat we are satisfied that the largo
dent to the times. His rather was one of tho first to out delay, and the commander resolved t& 'send the in search of wajer. It sometimes goes a whole year withmass of Republicans believo the party lias not yet ful;
rally at his country's call, and to lay himself upon its fleet down to the secret camp, and give the unsuspect out rain, causing great salL-ring.
filled its destiny, and that it has, or ought to have, a altnr, and taken prisoner with others in his native town, ing soliiicys or Secessia a good drubbing while in a
The settlements are usually about spring or fountains,
long future before i t Wo belong to this class, ami was followed for miles by his wife leading one child W position where they could do Uo harm t» the Nation- as they are called, often very far apart The people sobare, therefore, for sustaining its organization nnimpoir- the hand and carrying another, the subject or this mc- al forces. Accordingly, serjrul! vessels were ordered sist mainly on their eattlc and theCIT-ST. A littlo i» done
to quietly proceed to tho designated place, and, after
cd. We.have been willing, dnrinfe the progress of the
>ir, in her arins, until she was met by her released getting within range, open fire, The order was exe- at gardening where there is water to irrigate, but farm' war, to forego mere pnrtizuu nominations and to unite husband.
cuted with complete snccca^ The ships at night an- ing never coo bo carried on extensively in Southern
for the time, with all'those who believo the praservuDr. Cook received a fine literary education at a clas- chored off tho island, and within easy slim ding dis- Africa nor. can It be generally settled, ns can the cen. tisn of the Government, and the restoration. or the sical school in Argyle, Washington Co., greatly and tance or the rebel camp, waiting until morning before tral portions- on uceouut or their natural pecnliaritica
Union, the pararaomt duty of an loyal men. Wo have justly distinguished at that time as a school or very un- oponing the entertainment At the first approach of Immense herds *•( oatflu nre raised, to provide pasture
morning, the various batteries opened a sudden and
favored this jtolicy, not becausc wo had any distrust usual e.\£flcnce, and wide notoriety, produced aliko by murderous fire, striking, it scemejj, the very heart of for which, their owners remove/rom placo to place, as
of the patriotism of. tho Republican party, but because tho thrilling history or its Principal, Mr. Thomas Wat- the rebel camp, and scattering confusion and death the patriarchs of old, where they can find water. Bqt,
wo .desired to avoid everything that mjghl divert puband his mastcrlyscbolarship. Among the classmates among its occupants.
it is one of the most healthy countries in tho world,
A precipitate rush was made by the surprised troops
lic attention aud the energy of the people from the one here, or young Cook who received their training at the
for their boats.
The Times' special. Washington, 21, rays: " Advices
great? object of preserving and defending tho <?ountry. feet of this literary Gamaliel and subsequently arose to
They were soon crowded, add several capsized, all
' Bat the effort hus uot been met in a like spirit by eminence, niay be mentioned James Reed, for oyer forty the while shot and shell being poured among them, received by the Government from Great Britain represent that though much sourness of fcelinjfis evident to-,
tbo leaders gf the Democratic party. Thejr haw either
President of the Lansingburg Bank..—Passing inflicting, it is believed, terrible loss. Thefieredfire
rejected all propositioua of a Uniou tor the sake or from thotutorship of Mr. Watson, tho deceased chose from our fleet Continued for quite a length of tiibc, wards the tl. S., yet there was"a manifest feeling adverse
and until the boats had sifely landed their remaining t o war, and that the sentiments in favor or maintaining •
tho Union, or have assented to them so evidently for the profession or medicine, and immediately entered enpa«sen»crs on the territory of* rebeldom. It is thought
tho purposo-of pereonur aggrandizement, or for the die- thusiastically upon its study, under the 'celebrated Dr. that there where some 1,"S00 ib the encampment, which strict neutrality, was daily strengthing. Advices from
honorable purpose or dectroying tho Republican party, Andrew proudfit. The curriculum or his ^professional •was so favorably located »hat It was almost a trap for France indicate that the feeling ou the part of that Government toward the United States is more cordial than
as prove the utter impossibility of any cordial concert studies was .completed" in three years, aud at-the age or our patrol force to drop into.
ever. The Government has no evidence of any f e b d
of action in the future. In Detroit tho proposition nineteen Master Robert Cook presented himseir before
SwitCTART SEWARO Not A CoMPROHWKR.—A promi- privateer steamer? being on the seas, except the Sutattr,
Was indiguautly rejected,, and w> it has been iu most the venerable examining board seek'ne admission into
nent eitizeu of New York had an interview with Mr.
of the States. But it was accepted iu one or two the ranks of cdncatcd practitioners. Receiving there his Scvard, when a question of compromise came up, when and she is endeavoring to elude capture. Commodore
cities and States. -The result has rhowti, however, that medical diploma, he at onco entered upon his labors, as Mr. Seward remarked—" With many persons I have Dupopt has sent to the Navy Department the original
it w&3 not done iD good faith.' In Ohio, where there a partner with his previous instructor, in Aigyle, where' th? reputation of a compromiser. Nothing could be •South' Carolina ordinance of scccseion, bcautirully qngrev- ,
was a sort of union between tho Republicans and one ho continued in practice for nearly 40 years. At the more unjust to n.". I was the last man in the Cabinet ed upon palchmebts with the autographs or the South
to consent to ihci removal tirGea Fremont and I would
branch of tho Domocratic party, resuHihg in the succces age of 31, ho was united Jin marriage with Elizabeth be t i e last man to consent to a compromise with rebels." Carolina scccdera, headed by General Jamison. The
of -the ticket jointly pupported, the Democrats are uow Sunderland, of .Montreal, who yet survives him. Dr. " W h y , then," asked a Ne-r Yorker, "not take pains to photographs ,of all the members were also f^-nd at Bean1
claiming that those members of that party thus elected Cook was the father of 11 children, seven of whom are let vonr opinions be knowt f" ' " Bccanse I am willing fort with the ordinance, mid a number cl important docwill act as Democrats for tho overthrow of tho Republi- sfill living nnd occupying positions or honorable usoTul- to trust my reputation witli the ruture," Was the reply umeuts.
I would "like to make thin conversation public, for the
can party. In Ohio it Is hreatened they , win aid iu the ness in the world.
sake of some or my friends as well ns -oure," said tho
Tho steamer Atlantic has returned from Port RoyalAt a very early ago Dr. Cook made a profession or citizen, and the Secretary replied that be " had no condefeat of Mr. Wado to the Senate, and in Pennsylvania
Gen. Sherman had not yet occupied Beaufort, though
it is intimated they will disregard their obligations to the religion and-united with the church.of Argyle, long un- cealments." So says the \V a«hingt J.. correspondent of the troops have several times visited the place in considerdci* the pastoral care ot the Rev. Peter Bullion, eminent tho New York Post
country for the benefit or their party.
able bodies. The stores bad nearly all bwr, landed, and
From this experience it is clear tbat;thcro can bo no both as a divine aud as a Greek scholar, and also
SHARP, rarr RtmtT.—'The Federal Judges in Wheel- tho transports would soon return. No port or the fleet
oprdial anion between the Republican party and the Dem-> Scotch covenanter. Failing eye sight incapacitated Dr. i", Virginia,, deal with tie rebels in the most summarv had gone farther South, as was reported. Tho position
ooratic party, so Tar as the men who coutrol the latter Cook at tho age of CO for tho active duties of his profes- maimer. If a secessionist desires to take the oath of alof our troops ou Hilton Head was considered safe.
can prevent it. Nothing, therefore, reinaina but for the sion, but long before be retired from his profes- legiance he is permitted to dofco,but s not allowed to
Republicans to stand by their organization, and hereaf- sion, macy or his devoted patients were wont to send for run immediately afterwarIs. On the'contrary, heavy
The English pagers state that the cotton speculation
bail is required, and the individual is required to report
ter' act independently of all .parties ,as they have in the him bynight when on account of his eyes ho could not himseir every twtntv days to the commandants of the is going on in Eaglan^at a tremendous rate; it ia at
pfflt- l i t e events to which we refer loavo no room to leave the house, and thu3 secure his services.
.nearest military post In this way they are effectually present carried o g b y ladie?, clergymen, lawyers, and
From Argyle ho removed with his family to New prevented from going back to their rebel friends. The others notregul&rtycngagciThi.btisineas, who have fallen
doubt that the only party from which:tho country has
anything to hope ifi the Republican. That the great mass York city, where for several years he was a member of Wheeling Intelligencer gives us an idea of the bail
into tho manja as others did into the railway, mania of
quired, thus—
qf tho Democratic party is as loyal to the Union as Rc- Dr. McLeod's church, where after sojourning for
" T h e Court decided to admit to bml William H. 1845. The professional cotton speculators have retired
pablicans we have not a question. But wetykvcno more- "^cfcrs, ho removed to Detroit Michigan, and siibsequent- Hood in tho sum of twenty thousand dollars. Henry A- frotn action, ^hey know that the bubble must burst
doubt that if that party should be restored to power in ly to Jamestown.
"N. "Y.,where
' — *two of
- "his
Barren in the sum or fiftc<sa thousand dollars, and
Prince Napoleon and the EmpresB Eugenie are said to
Compton in the sam of ti% thousand dollars. • The parthe Northern States, it would promptly array itself"agninst married and settled.^
The last days or Dr. Cook were eminently placid and tics all took the oath of allegiance and gave lbs required be in an open quarrel Tbo former ou his return from
the Government, and in favor of a compromise on any
j • ! ' '{•'
this country, found that the Emperor was pursuing a retehns the Booth might demand. In adopting this course happy. His bearing and character were that or a chris- baiL
It is not believed in Washington that any- portion of actionary policy on Roman aflairs, influenced uo doubt
the ra^ority of the rank and file o( tho party would un- tian gentleman in the highest degree. A t the 'timo of
doubtedly desert i t still the fact would exist that the his death bo was a member of tho 1st Presbyterian the rebel army of the Potomac has been withdrawn for by his superstitious wife. This has led to a serious diBDemocratic party would bo hostile to the Government church of Jamestown, and one'of its most honored and the defence of the Southern coast though the Times' dis- culty between the radical Prince and tho conservative
beloved members. A long life was spent in the Redeemer's patch says, that tbey may have great difficulty in retain- lady.
and the prosecution of tho
f r o m the incipient stop o p h e rebellion, which is now servicc, and ho now rests from his labors. He wa? ing the South Carolina n gimont
The Chicago Journal states, on the authority of •
threatening the existence d f t h e Government the Re- buried from the house of his son-in-law, Col A. F.
Hannibal (Ma)that the notorious Jim GreA, jaOe « the
Tire REIIEL PRESIDE? T XSD VICT PRESIDENT RKpahlican-party has, d t g t o i m d e d , breasted the whirl- Allen, where n very interesting service was performed by
United States Senators from that State, and a malignant
KLECTKD.—-Jeff Davis an. I Alexander H. Stevens, late
Wind of treason and'secession. The Democratic party, his pastor, Dr. S. W . Roe, and a largo audience of
traitor, was arrested last week, and is now in cottody.—
Provisional President arKl Vioe President of the Confedniftl the attack upon Fort Sumter, gave its whole •'~0- friends, relatives and townsmen congregated there to
W e hare now four rebel United S t a t e Senaton in ou
participate in the obsequies and testify their apprecia- erate rebel States, have- been declared unanimously reeoce'toi the disunion movement encouraging the s
possesion—Groea, Gwin, Mason and SliddL
elected for six .years to tAeir respective oSccs.
tion of Dr. Cook as a man—a friend and a christian.
to resist the election of Iincoln by every n

€\i (Sranft Cratoist Htplft.




Hannah, Lay & Ccx's Column.

A m o n g t b c l e t t e r s c a p t u r e d a t B c a n f o . - t wa o n e f r o m j
PRLSOXER'S DBTOT I * LAKE 'EWE — W e l e a r n f r o m t l i c
L a n g d o n C h e ves t o Col. L e o a s k i n g f o r a coir. riission in S a n d u s k y R e g i s t e r , t h a t C o l H o f f m a n , w b o h a s t h o m a t - 1 _ Z
t e r MI c h a r g e . h a s c o n c l u d e d a c o n t r a c t for t h e l a n d ay j
imp-1 y 0 j i n .
J o h n s o n ' s Island, ia Lak© E r i e , a n d also f o r t h e e t v e - j
j t o u i I>egvon. L i e b e r is a sou of Hie d & t u i g o i s h e i i i ' r o - '
t i o n of t b c w w p r i s o n e r ' s d e p o t
A farge a m o u n t o f j
We havo u o w i a S t o r e •
I f e s s o r io C o l u m b i a C o l l e g e , o n e of t h e m o s t loyal
in l u m b e r h a s a l r e a d y b c e u r e c e i v e d , a n d m o u t 1 0 0 w o r k | N e w Y o r k , a n d DO f r i e n d of S l a v e r y .
men will s h o r t l y b e e n g a g e d in i t j c o o s t m c t i o o . T h e F
X j L L
O O l V T " P T ^ ' R T ' I ^
i o l r u e t u r e s t o bo p u t u p a r c of c o c s i d e r n b l e m a g n i t u d e . !
I K in
ii> K
. I .b
' Ie
» Ir..

O ^ o - K i G o o d w i n ' s M e n a g e r i e , a t B o s t o n Mass.. w a s '' all'.ltl
n d 16
n uI Im
T h e r e a r e t o 1t,e. .t 1h r e e "boildiDgs
Traverse City.....
44:4< : b u n i t on t h e 1 2 t h ult., a n d all t h e a i j i m a i x a n o t h e r o d t o ! o m c e n , ' q u a r t e r s , e a e h 1 0 5 feet b y 24, a n d t w o s t o r i e s
j ^ h , : 0 I * r ° r »>d»cr3' q u a r t e r s , a n d f o u r f o r q u a r t e r s
7 r . ii. i d e a t h , t o m e 7 0 or 8 0 in b o m b e r .
— —

| t o r t h e o a l c e r s a m o n g tlui p r i s o n e r s E a c h s t r u c t u r e is
W e d n e s d a y , Nov. 27—•Bfr® above 0 . . 8 1 ® above 0..22-ub.->t
Wi.|c!i BBS bonght for, a n d 5#' peenlixrly adapted to Uw
T h a r a d a y , " 28—20°
..27® »
T h e L a n s i n g J o u r n a l s t a t e s t h a t t h e D i r e c t o r s of t h e t o b e 1 2 2 f e e t b y 29, t w o s t o r i e s : f o u r for q u a r t e r s f o r rvqnJrcmtnto ot ihe Pciiplr of UKASD TBAVEBSE and A<ljoij».
TriiWr-7*I " 29—30®
Ambov. Laa-iog & T r a v e r s e Bay R a i l r o n d have removed j
^ r i v n t e s j ^ o n e b w p i l a l . [one s t o r e - b o u s e a n d iu^ C u u a t i c s ; l o wuicli—ill gactj aflclitiocs are b e i n g inad*
a u r f J u y . : . I - 3c—2K®
. . 2 s ® ••
as ihc <l.-in.ind« o! o u r customer* may rcqnirt*. O u r t d v a o
r I-I.I tt on tHint
t h e liens u p o n tile i r o n d e s i g n i n g t o finitdi t hIMI
e r.iml
h a t i , ° l o0e8 k - h ' o a i ^S o S o m e o t h e r b u i l d i n g s u . .
f j n d a y , - . . De*. *—23®
..IS® are' scconil to nom- in th<i W e w , and wc nhall invar. iP .
b e c o m e oecessJur, b u t 'will i
* O B < h y , - . . •* V 2—14®
. . 1 8 ® , •"
..16® laWy |>OS«CKS m t m l v e g o f ' t h e a d v a n t a g e of the
city, a n d t h a t t h a t p o r t i o n of t h e line will b e c o m p e t e d I b u i l t a t [iresent.
..1>° "
this winter.

.JR '

la B**iI
C o c o t k i «f 0 » » 4 T n i r e n c . &i • a l u « . l i r a
M s r t l o s f . : Tho T . x I . u u . and all L e n t A<1<

Lis regiment for O s c a r L i e b e r , now a p r i v a t e




T h ' e r m o m e t r i c a l llefiister.

S T O C I t



Volume IV.
W i t h t h i s n u m b e r wc enter upoo tho F o u r t h V o l u m e


will, a* h e r e t o -

f o r e , b e d e v o t c d . t o t h e d e v e l o p m e n t df t h e

w a r of ' F r e e d o m




' »

is a b o u t

the Toombs.

w o r t h of t h e i r m o n e y .

h e a r d of was at Blooniington, Missouri.

d r e s s t o t h e L a d i e s of G r a w l T r a v e r s e , " a r c respectfully

n il! be



of s n o w

says G e n . B u r n s i d e is now in W a s h i n g t o n .

w o u l d i m p r o v e it.

H e is u n d e r -


H . E A L

pore Dupont.

C o r d a g e h i s dcelincd.



of T h o m a s B . C h u r c h of G r a n d R a p i d ; , t o t h e U n i t e d
T h e E d i t o r of t h e
pious—and we

c a n h a r d l y beliove t h a t h e is p l a y i n g off a j o k e

on his

f r i e n d C h u r c h , b u t i t l o o k s v e r y m u c h like i t M r . C h u r c h

to the prejudice

T h e B o s t o n D a i l y A d v e r t i s e r l e a r n s t h a t i t is d o u b t ful whdtlier, in c o n s e q u e n c e of t h e s t a t e of his family, M r .
E v e r e t t w X b e a b l e a t p r e s e n t t o u n d e r t a k e his mission
t o Europe, which has been tendered t o him by Mr. S;

I d t i m e s like . t h e s e , c o l u m n .

N o r t h e r n Conservatism is Southern Treason.

W e want

A true m a n in t h e U . S. S e n a t e , a n d w e shall h a v e one.

G e n . M c C l e l l a n says t h o m e a n e s t

of t h e r e g i m e n t s ii

t h e a r m y of t h e P o t o m a c i s s u p e r i o r t o any of t h e


u n t e e r r e g i m e n t s in t h o M e x i c a n w a r .
T h e .Louisville J o u r n a l s a y s of a fellow n a m e d C a m p b e l l , calling himself a K c n t u c k i a n , w h o p u b l i s h e d a disu n i o n l e t t e r in a J t f c m p h i s p a p e r ,

that -'he

is a very

smidl c r e n m r e — o n e of t h e c a m e l s t h a t c a n ' g o t h r o u g h

Gen. J a m e s W a s t o n W e b b .

United States Ministe

r e s i d e n t a t t h e c o u r t of R i a d e J a n e i r o ,


a t his

p o s t o n t h e 3d of O c t o b e r , v i a E n g l a n d .

t b e - c y e of a n e e d l e . ' "

T h e p r o t e s t b y t h o a u t h o r i t i e s of P a n a m a a g a i n s t Gen

T h e p r i c e , of c o t t o u i s n o w f r o m t w e n t y t o twenty-six
ctlnts a p o u n d , o r double' 1 w h a t i t wa3 one y e a r a g o . —

lmDe^'e a r r e s t of G w i n , B e n h a m a n d B r e n t t u r n s o u t ti
b e w i t h o u t a u t h o r i t y of t h o N e w - G r a n a d a R e p u b l i c a n .

some g r e a t fortunes h a r e been m a d e b y those who b o u g h t


officers, p r i s o n e r s a t



n a m e d b y t h e E n q u i r e r a s h a v i n g b e e n s e le c te d a s h o s t -

l a r g e l y last w i n t e r a n d s p r i n g .
I t seems t h a t the absurd story about Thurlpw W e e d ' s

a g e s f o r t h e s a f e t y of t h e p r i v a t e e r c r e w s a w a i t i n g t r i a l

a t the North.
Col. W i l c o x ' s n a m e is a m o n g t h e numm i s s i o n t o E u r o p e , p u b l i s h e d j in t h e I n d e p e n d e n t , w a s b e r .
s l i p p e d in a f t e r t h e p a p e r w h s m a d e u p w i t h o u t t h e knowlT h e U n i t e d S t a t e s m e r c h a n t vessel? n o w leavin<*Livore d g e of t h e e d i t o r s .
p o o l a r e p u t in a c o n d i t i o n t o d e f e n d themselves a g a i n s t
N o m e n t i o n is m a d e in t h e S o u t h e r n p a p e r s of t h e arrest of M a s o n a n d Slidell.


T h e y d o n ' t like t o t a l k a b o u t

• .

pirates: b y b e i n g furnished w i t h
men t o w o r k t h e m .


guns and experienced

s t r i n g e ' r t o r d e r s relative t o e x p e l l i n g f r o m t b c c a m p s all
I n f o r m a t i o n p a r t i e s w h o h a v e n o business t h e r e .

was given t o • t h e PosteHlco D e p a r t m e n t t h a t letters and
despatches for these Commissioners w o u l d p r o b a b l y be

b y w a y of H a v a n a , t o g o o u t b y t h o


s t e a m e r f o r E n g l a n d from N e w Y o r k .

Detectives were

set t o work and tho mail intercepted.

I t c o n t a i n e d files

PROMOTED.—i^olonel J o h n 0 . Robinson, of t h e F i r s t
M i c h i g a n R e g i m e n t , i s n o w in c o m m a n d of a b r i g a d o on
the Patomac.

E p h r a i m E l l s w o r t h , f a t h e r of t h e late Col.


of S o u t h e r n papers, letters, d e s p a t c h e s , d r a f t s , bills o f e x - h a s b e e n a p p o i n t e d m i l i t a r y s t o r e - k e e p e r by t h e P r e s i d e n t ,
b u t is not yet assigned t o d u t y .
c h t n g c , &o.
A POST-OFFICE DECISION-—Tho P o s t m a s t e r - G e n e r a l h a s
d e c i d e d t h a t t h e A c t of 1 8 2 5 , relative t o P o s t o f f i c e s a n d

S e c r e t a r y C h a s e h a s concluded a n e g o t i a t i o n f o r n loan
of a n o t h e r f i f t y millions.

P o s t r o d e s , e m p o w e r s h i m t o d e c l a r e t h e s t r e e t s o f cities

H e h a s a c c o r d i n g l y issued a n o r d e r d e c l a r -

i n g t h e streets o r t h e different cities Postroutes, and has

T h e F e d e r a l i s t s n o w h a v o full possession o f A c c o m a c
and N o r t h a m p t o n counties, V i r g i n i a .

• f d e r e d p r i v a t e p o s t a l s e r v i c e t o bo a t once d i s c o n t i n u e d .
T h e N e w Y o r k Tribune's Washington correspondent

M a j o r M i n t y has been promoted to t h e Lieutenant Col"

T h e K e n t u c k i a n s talk a b o u t s e n d i n g T h o m a s H . C l a y ,

old S t a t e o f V i r g i n i a b y h a v i n g C o n g r e s s d i v i d e h e r t e r -

t h e oldest son of H e n r y Clay, t o t a k e B r e j b n r i d g c ' s p l a c e

r i t o r y b e t w e e n D e l a w a r e , M a r y l a n d , a n d t h o Dew S t a t p



w a s in G f a n d R a p i d s on T u e s d a y , e n r o u t e f o r G r a n d
f o r his

H i s b u s i n e s s s e e m s t o h a v e b e e n recruiting


- t h e Senate.
B a r n u m o f f e r s 1 , 0 0 0 f o r t h e lone representive of S o u t h -

J o h n B r o w n , J r , son of " O l d O t s a w a t a m i e " B r o w n

of S h a r p - s h o o t e r s f r o m t h e h u n t e r s of


e r n C h i v a l r y f o u n d d r u n k a t B e a u f o r t , w h e n t a k e n poss e s i o n of b y o a r t r o o p s .
A x eruption of Y a n k e e s is threatened a t


T h e first t h e s e S o u t h C a r o l i n i a n s will know, t h e t o w n
will b e laid o u t i n t o c o r n e r lots, S e w a r d s t r e e t c r o s s i n g

T h o s t e a m e r N o r w e g i a n , from L i v e r p o o l t h e 7 t h a n d

Lincoln avenue, and b o t h b o r d e r i n g on Cameron square.
T h e G o v e r n - T h e r e will b e a n e w s p a p e r a n d a p a t e n t m e d i c i n e store,
m e n t h a s o r d e r e d l a r g e s h i p m e n t s of ball c a r t a g e s t o C a n a n d a s t e a m f e r r y , a n d H e n r y W a r d B e e c h e r will b e
Londonderry the 8th Inst,

has arrived.

• d a , b u t h a s c g p n t e n n u d e d ( h e s h i p m e n t of. A r m s t r o n g a d v e r t i s e d t o g i v e a l e c t u r e o n t h e


and s k r e i y t o eiviHaatioa




Cambric, muMin and linen E d g i n g ;
I n s e r t i n g and Financing, real T h r e a d ;
Sciyi na and cotton Edge and i n s e r t i n g ;
Mi^liu, c a m b r i c a n d p i q a a s o t t a of Collars and S l c e r c e ;
Cambric, muslin A floe Maltese hand-wrought Collar*:
Muslins—Nainsook, Book, S a l s a a n d C a m b r i c ;
Krenck s k i r t J a c o n e t ; J a e d n e t ;
Crofs-barred, Cambric and N a i n s o o k ;
Wash Blond; Embroidered C u r t a i n s ;
Briiliantcs, f r o m is. tu Wlc; .
Linen, l-inen Cambric and hem Ktitched H ' d k ' f a ;
P r i n t e d bord, printed and plain Gent's. H a n d k e i c h i e f k i .
Child's nrinted. ivlain and hwm stitched i i n e a H ' d k ' f g ;

on Commission—and now o f l c i a f o r trnle,

1 4 2 4 Acres of Choice laud#;
1 8 5 0 A<r&?, also Choice and well SthcU<l

•n, I'iqua Binding. Magic R u f f l i n g ;
i.lnen and Cotton Bosoms—some very n i c e ;
Marseilles Quilts—nice;
Pointed Tape Trimming, f o r ladies' u*e;
.ami* art- in ail part* of t h e County,
r, Omncula anil T r a v e r s e ; a r c aamong
tlic S o f t and bcavy Muslin, f o r ladiei' skirts a n d n n d e r clQtbiag.
m o n g tl
. HANNAH, L A Y t d o "
. water, so.
T r a v e r s e City, Oct. 1,18C1.

I'nrmlr.K La lis, Village Sites and
• (vitiiqut impro •tnents, in q u m l i t i e a
at iiricea tnakia ' it an object, ii
— Be rage. Cords a n d T a s s a l s Velvet and SUk
. from aeUlcmuu
l|erlln Won!, C r o c h e t Braid, Dress Buttons, D r e s s B l d d i n a . •
Traverse City. Mat . 1801.
F a n c y Belts, Dress Trimmings, A t .
vifc Fnphronia liavins
. bed and
T r a v e r s e City. O c t 1.1861.

ration, I forbid all
arboriiii? or t r u s t i n p her on
account, a s I will
l>ts of her contract In f< aftiT
Bleached ditto. Wool Table Covers, Povles, Napkins.
e City, December 3,18C1.
H u c k a b a c k Towela, Diaper, C o t t o a Tabling by the Yard.
Traverse City, Oct. 1,1801.
Also—13 L o t s In t h e Village o f E l k R a p i d s ,


is. I s s r r . n OPT
1 ) of JMil Jinder.the seal of.the CirVuil Court for tho Count)
of M a n H f , io m# directed and delivered. I have levied tifion
all the rij-ht. title and interest of Henry I„ Broim, in and to
the folia* nu descrii-ed lands, Hitnaf. d In the County of Manistee and > late ol Michigan, and known a n d described as
follow*—to wit :
I o t one, ( \ of section twent.v-five, ' 25) nf town twenty-two
<22) n o f t h . ot -ansi' vixteen (i«.)we»i, which I shall expose for
sale or vendue to the highest bidder, at tbii north door of the
KuswollHotel, hieing the last place «l hohling Circuit Court
for aalJ'County, in the village of Manistee, on the 3rd d'ijuif
IVbrnaiS', A. I>. 1 <' 2. at One o'clock j«. tu. or said day.
Dated Manistee. November 13th, D e i .
Q. A. BDBWBLL Sheriff.


i ' A o t u n : COURT OK s*in COUNTY
ic I'robnte-On
a Little Travi
t. U.
I). ISOl.
1801. ITescnt,
d2 day of Octotier A.
Henry U. Graveraet,
J u d g e of P r o b s i u :
ID the matte-, of the Kstato of Joseph Wa-wa sc-msh, dec e a w d . On reading and filing the petition duly verified of
"U^i.olrd and Helen Ne-bnh-a mo-qtta, administrators
of said Estate, it appearing by said pt-titioa, that there is not
huflicicnt personal Estate in the of the administrator*
t o pay the debt" outstanding against the deceased and the
expenses of administration, and that it i s necessary t o sell
t h e whole, or some portion of the real estate for the payment
of s u c h debt*.
Therefore all persons interested in said F>tste are ordered
-to appear before the J u d g e of Probate at his office in the r l l Inge of Little Traverse. Monday t h e 23rd day of December
c e x t a t n i n e o ' c l o t k A. M., to show cause why a license should
not lie granted to the aforesaid A d m i n ' s l r a i t o r to sell »o
m u c h of the Heal Estate as shall be n c c c * a r y to pay nuch
debts. And t h a t this order l>c published in the I rand Traverse Herald f e u r successive w< '
In testimony whereof I have Ijcreur'.o set try hand and seal
of the Probate Court at Little Traverse, t h * 2nd day of O c t .
A. D. 18CL

51-4 w

onelcy of t h e T h i r d M i c h i g a n C a v a l r y .

b r o a c h e s a n o v e l i d e a in h i s p r o p o s i t i o n t o a n n i h i l a t e t h e

of Kanawha.

- Uali-llt&hcls, D r a g Teeth, t-'ro«'s Plows, Cable, T r a c e ai,»
Halter C h a i n s , lirusli Hooks a n d Eiiptlc Spring?, Woodee
Ware, Tub*. Hails, Chorna, Ladles, Ac., Ac., Infants' Cradlas.
Sash, Doots, Ac.
Traverse City, Oct. 1, 1P61.


A. K . 8 P R A G U E .

^HMET C o t > TV.

G e n , H a l l c c k c o m m e n c e s b i s c a r e e r in M i s s o u r i b v

T h o g o v e r n m e n t ,have s e c u r e d a l a r p m a i l i n t e n d e d for
t h e r e b e l c o m m i s s i o n e r s MosOn a n d S l i d e l l



of t h a t M i n i s t e r , w h i c h h a v e b e e n p u t in c i r c u l a t i o n , a r e

BRontrEAn's CAVALRY.—The W a s h i n g t o n c o r r e s p o n d i s o n e o f t h e m o s t radical
D e m o c r a t s in t h e S t a t e , a n d
h a s no s y m p a t h y ia e o m m o u w i t h t h e A d m i n i s t r a t i o n o r e n t of t h e N o w Y o r k T i m e s says t h a t t h e first M i c h i p
R o p u b l k a u p a r t y . l i e w o u l d d o all in h i s p o w e r t o e m - C a v a l r y , C o l . B r o d b e a d . will p r o b a b l y go t o G e n . B a n k ' s
barrass one and destroy t h e other.



L o r d L y o n s h a s m a d e no oQ-'usive c o m m e n t u p o n t h e
Mason a n d Slidell afTair.

demauda the appointmout

JVetos i s a l w a y s s o l e m n a n d p o m p o p s l v

H A W L S , H * T ST*TE. H a o c n t , S T B t . L a , SCOTCH, (SIKOTB

and l>yabic.) (ientx' and Children's Shawls a n d M n f t e m

H A N N A H , L A Y ft CO. '
Traverse.'City, Oct. i. 1S6I.



w a y , h a s a l w a y s p l a y e d t o a d y t o t h e S o n t h a n d second- positively c o n t r a d i c t e d in d i p l o m a t i c circles.



T r a v e r s e City. October R. I 8 f l .

p e d i t i o n s i m i l a r t o t h a t of G e n . S h e r m a n a n d C o m t n o -

l i t n d Office h e r e , h a s left for W a s h i n g t o n , o r p a r t s un-

S t a t e s S e n a t e , a s a consertativel


Dress.Matins uttended to during the Winter.

of t h e large land f o r c e w h i c h h e is t o c o m m a n d I n a

GONE.—O. A , S t e v e n s , E s q . , . l a t e R e c e i v e r of tlio

a p a p e r ! which", io i t s w e a k

| 4

stood t o b e p u s h i n g t h e p r e p e r n t i o n s f o r t h o e m b a r k a t i o n

T h e G r a n d U a v e n 3Vacs,


t h a n k f u l l y r e c e i v e d b y his a g e d ' a n d b e r e a v e d m o t h e r , a t

T h e y a r e very fair ''school-girl compositions,
A t t s c n , I n d i a n a , o r h t s - b r o th e r , B . W . T h o m p s o n , at
b u t wo a d v i s e t h e y o u n g l a d y t o p r a c t i c e a w h i l e , B e f o r e Danville, Illinois.
*• .
' a b o seoda h o r p r o d u c t i o n s to t h e p r e s s .
ANOTHKB KXPEDITIOX—The N a t i o n a l I n t e l l i g e n c e r

fiddle t o W i l b a r F . S t o r e y ,

J 1- r e a c h C;u-*imerc!, Hl.i jmrUs' l'laidx, Canada Grey Caxw
Nice Bl'k Doeskins a n d Casslmeres.
Traverse Cii}-; Oct. 1,1KG1.

Bwi-Kdlf, El:., {[?.


N o a d v a n c e in c r a p e .

n A N W A l I , L A Y 4c C O .

lucky Jeans. Snraiacr Stuflt'.Dcaiias, Duck, Stripe,Tick.
A|itoa and Miners' Check, ShSrtinrjr P r i n t s , Nankeen C o t t a r
FlaunelK. Wool Flannels, Brown anil Bleached Cotton*, a foil
line, Bagii^Ac.
HAJJXAH, L A Y * C O . ,
Traverse City, O c t 1, 18r.l.


H i s fatiier l!us

lately died, a n d a n y i n t e l l i g e n c e c o n c e r n i n g h i m

/ .



hro™.,iloe»w»n»Kl o f J « n , 0 . R . T h o « p o , , . "holcf. j
I o w a City, I o w a , a b o u t lour y e a r s a g o , a i m w h e n la«t |

w h o p a y f o r i t a u d a r e satisfiod t h a t tbvy r e c e i v e t h e

T h e s l e i g h i n g i s lair, b u t a few inches m o r e

Dt Lai^, Sfrim felurgs, SUHT | flafe Viksra, Qcke Sakfc
(iugbm, Dwsfslic GtBgtianis, Delti;?, Mobir,
ftf, eU.

Call and
BJ Jittf



Wo h a v e now In Stock,
A M E E I l A V
P R I N T S ,

ton, Slidell a n d M a s o n be famished witli a p p a r t m e u t s i n !

W c ptiverurge oar paper



f U w IK t l l r L V n l '

and at

a n d his n s x o c i a t f * a r e confined in a c o m m o n j a i l at C h a r l e s - j

t o p a y for e v e r y t h i n g we b u y , a n d receive p a y f o r e v e r y -



o, .„

. T h e c a p i t a l invested in t h e m i n e s a m o u n t

T l i e T r i b u n e s u g g e s t s t h a t i n a s m u c h as Col. C o r c o r a n

O u r rule ii

u p o n a n y o n i , b a t a r e a l w a y s pleased t o s e n d it t o t h o s e

T b COBRESPO.VDKSTS.—" T h e O r p h a n ,



Sorihn« i
t . Grand Traverse C»a»ty, Mich.

c o m e e d i t o r of t h e L a n s i n g R e p u b l i c a n .

T h e HRRAU> is e s t a b l i s h e d u p o n a firm p e c u n i a r y basis.


R A M S D E L L ,


p r e s e n t P r o s e c u t i n g A t t o r n e y of I n g f a a s c o u n t y , h a s be-

c u r r e n t u e w s of t h e d a y .

I t tforks w e l l

O .

8l.32G.000 at

S t e p h e n D . B i n g h a m , a gentleman o f a b i l i t y ,

^ o a w h i c h i t w a s f o u n d e d ; a n d t o t h o d i s s e m i n a t i o n of t i n

W e d e m a n d a d v a n c e p a y m e n t in all eases.

J .

to $2,286,000.

aed State Administrations; to the distinct organisation
\ of t h o R e p u b l i c a n p a r t y a n d an adlicreuco t o t h e p r i n c i p l e s

thing wc sell

. ,

since t h e mihes w e r e w o r k e d

If a g a i n s t S l a v e r y ; t o a firm s u p p o r t of t h e p r e s e n t N a t i o n a l


T h i s y e a r " t h o s h i p m e n t s wjB n o t e x o o c d 4 0 . 0 0 0 t o n . —
. . .
. ,I
T h e t o t a l value of all t h e o r e s h i p p e d a n d t h a t . m e l t e d j

t h i s fertile, h e a l t h y a n d d e l i g h t f u l p o r t i o n of t h o S t a t e ,
t o an a r d e n t a d v o c a c y of t h e


ually increased u n t i l 1 8 6 0 , w h e n 150.OQOlons w e r e s h i p p e d .

r e s o u r c e s of

j w t f a j h h a v e s o l o n g been n e g l e c t e d b c c a n s e t h e y w e r e

Best Markets & Lowest Rates

LAKE SCFIETOB IBOX.—Io 1 8 5 5 t h e s h i p m e n t of i r o n j

from Lak? Superior were 1,441 lo.K. The ..noun.pod-! A t t O m e V & COUHS«lIOr a t L a W


of f r e e d o m

[Prov. Journal.



H E W Y A N D O T T E R O L L I N G M I L L COMPANY h a v e removed their Store and Office to the foot of
Woodward Avenue, where they are prepared to offer low
rates, a full stock of P u r e Lake Superior Merchant Iron, all
made from Charcoal P i g ; all sires of Ronnd and Square.
f r o m l 4 | o 5 i n c h : all s i r e s of Fi t B,-'. l-a t o J inch wide:
also, a fnll aSrortment of Scrap Iron, raS ie f r o m eelocted
Scrap. C h a i r s of all sizes, made f r o m d x t r a refined Lake
Saperioi] Trou. Would invite particular a t t e n t i o n t o the
quality Bid w o r k o f the same. Also, Rivals o( all sizes, thft
t > « t ! n ; t a e m a r k e t Railroad Axles maile to o r d e r .
- T h e h ! g ' « * t price will be paid, e i t h e r ia Caah o r I r o a , for
W r o n g h l on Scrap. Call and see Or address,
WM. H. ZABRISKIE, A g e n t .
to]***. August 15,18C1.


Coogrvss Boots,
Boots, Lasting
Lasting CCoounggrrttaass BBo<
j Coogrvss
o o u y Si
Side Lace a n d
it Lacc
Lace Boots, B
' "Boots,
" " assorted Slippers,
Slippers. Bnb>
'nrV Soles,
R n l e o »rbera, Cork
H A N N A H . LAY ft CO.
T r a v e r s e City, Oct. 1,1861.


Chit's Men, Cocca Castorine, Pointed Tape Trlmmlnitf
Magic Ruiiling, BroakfasKSetts—for 25 c e n t s each. Razors,
Aimoud Soap. GnSen Apples, Ac.
H A N N A H , LAY ft CO.
Traverse City, O c t 1 , 1 SCI.
jf ,


I ' n d c r Khirt-, Shirts—Fency a n d Plain, S u s p e n d e r s ,
Over-Alls, and JnrXets, India Rubber a n d Oil Coata a n d
J a c k e t s , Wool, Union and Cotton Socks, Cravats, Collars,
Travelling llav-s, Trunks, Umbrellas, Ac.
H A N N A H , L A Y ft CO. t
Traversa City, Oct. 1, HWl.
2T '•
" T ^ R O V I S I O N S . GnocBBiEs, Ac.—St o a z , TBA, Com*.
Spices. Candles, Soap, c o m m o n a n d e r a s i v e ;
Mustard, English and F r e n c h prepared; 1
v .;
Soda, Cream Tartar, Ginger, B a k i n g P o w d e r ,
Salaratus. Starch, Vermacelll, Hops,
Tobacco, Snuff, Garden Seeds,
Indigo, Yellow Ochre, Chalk, Camwood,
Fluid, Molasses. Syrup, Yindgar,
Beans, l'orfc Moali Plonr. Oatmeal, F e e d , B r a n ,
Beef. H a m s a n d Shoulders, Codfish,
Hard Bread, B a t t e r Crackem, i j i r d ,


H A N N A H , LA
T r a v e r s e City, O c t 1.1S01.
• \ f I S C E L L A N E O U S ITEMS—Tiirix,; Gorots w a
i ' l S u g a r w a k i n g — I-adies' :ijjii Gents' Skates, a s s o r t e d —
Door Spring*—Plane Irons—Bevels—Try Squares—Hollow Adzes, Bed i'ans—Kerosene I i n t e r n e — S t o v e Crocks—Well
Buckets—Pot Covers—Small Blocks— lUtline—Spring B a l ances—Patent Carpet Liniflg—Ladies' Rubber Boots—Beeawax—Grand River Land Plaster—Graa* Seed, A c - Ac.

H A N N A H , L A Y ft CO.
T r a v e r s e City, O c t 1,1861.
IT - ' . /


A N K E E N O T I O N K . - P K I I F U M E R Y , SOAPS, D E I
t r i l k e , £ u n Caps, Compasses, SnutTaad Tobacco Box*
F a o e y Pipes, S i l v r a n d Toy Watches, F a n c y Boxes, T ^ r s e a
and Money Bags, -Ladies' Work and F a n c y Baskets, TaMsMats. Brushes of all kinds. Guards, Chains."Ac. "
H A N N A H . L A T ft C O .
T r a v e r s e Cltv, Oct. L 1861.
Q T O V R 4 , (a r e r y large a-ewrtment jBst r e c e i v e d
O Pipe, Zinc, Sheet Iron, Stove F u r n i t u r e , One a n d T h r e e i
P a i l Kettles, Tin Ware—a complcta line—SO, 3 0 , 4 0 , m4
6 0 gallon Kettles.
* ^
H A N N A H , L A Y ft C O .
T r a v e r s e City, O c t 1, 1861.


Stands, Mattrasses, Child's Rockcra, H i g h Chtlrr, Ac.
S t S H O E S AT W H O I J S A L F — H . P . BALDTraverse City, O c t 1,186L
H A N N A H , L A Y ft OO:
* ft CO., No. 25 Woodward Avonuc, 1 ) e t r o i t We
rr U the trade, a large a n d complete stack of o n r o w a and
ster* Manufacture. We assure c v s t o n f n as LOW r a t e r s M ^ F r a i t , a s s o r t e d Pickles. P i e ^ n r f t s , Oystere, flardla*.
id a s favorable t e r n s , as can be obtained i a New Y o r k or
y Baatern m a r k e t All goods of the v e i y h e s t qaality.
i i j j

I fck

When the wild dark rains their dirges sing,
Ami the winds of winter "moan.
And we feel that llfels a bitter thing
A1 we "felt ly the fire aloae—
How we picture the loviogfacoHhatsmiled
From its place in the old arm-chair.
' i Ani tfidlltothc kis* of ft darllng.cbild
An Ve p£Bb< B'>l«lcn hair!
Sweet; tlioflpr sad, such Jhaima moat be.
Coming efcrsndaye fo rat—
Memory 1-rP Memory!
When wo eta in: on the perilous deck at night;
And hear the breaker* roar—
When the anchor saaps and the lorld light
' Reveals the long lec-shorc—
• Lo 1 a cottage lamp with lis glimmering ray?
Shines soft on tiie gloiim afor.
And (ve hear the voice* pf bright home-days
A* we crash on thc.rqcky bur !
] Sweet, though sad, such dreams must be,
lathe wild peril* of the sen—
Memory I
Ah ! the ioved sad the dead will in thought con.oback>
To cVmfort the loving heart;
:4 , And UwivMoS of homo will light np her track.
When/the ship's great timbers pan !
, Bat tears will tlx) strong man's cheeks bedew,
Aafiiewilder memoHeK come,
Of ono to her early vow* .untrue,
' V And a nail forsaken homet
Darker than death HUCII dreams mast be.
To one SO Woe or heart as thee, Memory'!—0 Mpraory!



M C X P P A T ' S
Life Pills and Phoenix Bitters, i



X public fur a period of thirty year-, and curing Mia', time
have maintained a high character in almost every part of the
globe, for their extraordinary s a d Immediate power of restoring perfect health to persons suffering under ncurly ever?
Corner of Wuknzoo and Kagonabe Sis.,
kind of disease to which the human frame i i liable.
The following arc ismong4i)e distressing variety of human
diseases In. which tho V e g e t a b l e L l l b M e d l c i n c s are well
known to bo infalliblc:
Dvsritt'Ri*, by thoroughly olonnslag the tiust and second
stomachs and treating a fl^rr or pnre. libalthy bile. Instead
of the Stale and acrid kiiid: Phinler-cy, L o ^ of Api«-'-iic, THE SUBSCRIBER HAS JUST RECEIVED HIS WINTEIi
Heartburn, Headache, Itcstles«:e*«, Ill-Temper, Anxiety, l a n STOCK. CONSISTING OF
guor, and Melancholy, which are the KCm ral symptoms of
Dyspcjwia, will vanish as a natural con*«)uanec or Ira cure.
CosnvKXass. by cleansing the whole length or the intcs. ties with a solvent proco*;. and without violence; all violent purges leave the bowels costive within two day*.
KRVKKS of all kinds, by resMriug the biooil to a i
circulation, through the process or respiration :
and the thorotigh solntian of all intcilliuat *
The Life Medicines have been known l o c u i e ItScamitisr.i
l>ermancnily in,three weeks, and the Uout in half t i n t tim .
by removing local inflammation from the muscles and Mo ments of the joints.
Dlioesirs ot ail kinds, by freeing and strengthening t.ic
Which ho offers cheap for Ca»h or Barter.
kidneys aad bladder: they o|ier»to most delightiuUy on these
C. pAVIDSO'J, Agent.
iin|Hirtair. orgin.«, and hence have ever been found a certain
I.'ecerabcr'2l, l8i:o.
remedy for tho worst cases of Gravel.
Also \VORMS, by dislodging from the turning* of the bowels the slimy matter to wuieh these creatures ndheie.
SCUKVX, Ulcers and In^ternUtSares: by the perfect purity
which tliei^e Lifo Medicines give to the biood and all the hu-

N O R T H P O R T .

D R . Y

G O O D S ,


"Ready-Made Clothing,,
Hardware, Groceries and Provisions,


C. C . T U C K E R ,

Attorney for Claimants, PoR<dn!i, I'oanty Land
nnd I'aiesyt A^crt.

W A S H I N O T O y C I T Y , E>. C .
Revolutionary, Xavsl. h.v.-l.M and H : - : f , Pensions and
Bo.inty Land procured t-: ijhoi& i r t i t x . i .
Claims of
Military and Naval office. . 'i.>,CoA:rar torsAe„attended
to before the proper di|---:»rr qis. 'Ari- ar.- of I'.iy and Pensior , and Prize-money
Prtents procured for Invcutors; Land Warrants - biuigfe'. sold m j fi.catc,'; old Land
Patents and Land Ciaim^ |-«« ?ir. • d,
t;t!• s tu land gr4tntcd for military scrvicts, inve-iw t u i Sad j ri.-ccuted.
Pensions procured for wocBdiV and
soldier*, aeamen, and marines of the present war, and f".' » i 0 n t g and orphan children ol those wtui h a r t died <>rbeen kilied while in
service. Also. Bounty nicne}, cud o^rears of pay for tha
widows or other helm of dec- u»* ti soldier-.
I .
i;«voLrnox*RY.—Officers and solUtcrs of the War of tha
Revolution who served six months or tuoje. and the widows
of those who so nerved, are cn:5tied to Peiuions.
HALT-PAV.—The widows, oi if no widows, the children under sixteen years o. „ge, of offie« isnnd t-uMici -nf the present
or any previous war. who buvc died or b*e;i killed while in
tho serv,.\ are entitled to balf-psy Pensions.
Ixvat.,p.- -All officers and soldiers who ; re disabled tiy
reason of wo mds received or disease cen'iaetcd \»lil!e in the
service nnd in the line of'duty, us a so Icier, at any pe-riod, at*
euti tied to Invalid Pensions.
N AVAL.—All officers petty- ofilceiK senmrn, and marines of
the navy, who are disabled by ivasoi. o! noijiiCs nxeivcd In
service, are entitled to Pensions. Also the nidon^or orphan
children of those who »«) killed or <jle of trouuds icccived In
the service aud in tl^1lni*«f dni".
Ronnty Land.
All persons who served imirjeeii daya in the Rcrolntion,
War of 1S1J, Mexican War, Wiiisky lusuireciiui'. Aiostook
War, Canadian Frontier Disturbances, or
any o f t b e Indian
War* since 1780, arc entitled to Ito aci » j' Bounty . I.snd 5
and all who served less than foiir:c: n d t j n ie entitled, if tbev
were e ngaged In any Pattle or sKlimlfb, or were on the march
for Iho pur| ose of engaging In :» tattle.
Where a soldier who served as above la dead, his widow, or
If 00 widow, his child or childifu who were under twfn'y-cne
years of age on the 3rd of Mareli. IMS, are'entitled to Bounty
Iioonty Money.
Tiie belts of all soUticrs who have volunteered' during the
present wnr, for two or thref years o r ' d o r l n g tho war
and have died orbeeii klll-d vhile in tho servfeejip entitled
to $ l t 0 Bounty money and sueh arrears of the soldier's pay
*-i may have accrued to the dates of their deith.
He Will be pleased to corres|»nd with those who desire to
engage in obtsining these claims. He will (tend tin in all necessary forms and instructions, nud mal»c a deduction of
one-liairfrOm his usual feea. To his regular coru sppndenta
he will &end, during the cont{r.r.nneeof (he wnr. Hit* of killed
and wounded and deceased soldiers of Companies raised Jn
tliclr vicinity, and keep them alvised of all l a u s and decisions relating t? claims.

The Dead Hero* Gen. Bnkcr.
Extract from his speoch in Kew York.
SCORBUTIC EBCPTIONS, and bad Complexion', by the ir alA t tbo monitor Uuion nipctiiig in New York on Ibc
20th of April last Co). Baker vviis prestnil ami .raudo n terative effect on the fluid* that foed the skin, anil ilic m»rbid
of which occasions alt eruptive (.ompisintf, sallow,
atirriug spaecb. His bravo words moved the popular staU)
cloud", end other disagreeable couplcxtmii-.
heart, for he spoke as ono who intended to net as well as Tho uso of the-e I'HIs for a very short time, will effect an
apeak. Wo qaotu u fewpassnjos from li'ia speech :—
entire enro ol B.iit Uhcnm»and u striking improvcmcnl in
Our coiyitrj' i» grcutiiVss. glory, truth, constitutional the clearness of the skin. Common Colds slidInliuinzu will
. t
Corner of Fifth A Woodbrlt^tr Streets,
Ebprtv, and, above nil, frradonf • for ever. , I have said always be eurcij by one dose, or by two In the worxt eases.
l'—The original proprietor of these Mcdii ines wa*
tbfct tie hour for rcconoilialinu is pa.<t. It may return", cnrcil
of I'ilcs of 35 years standing, by tho uso of the Life Drlrtii, Mic'i^r, o^eile Madi^ SLop of Miciigaa CeclnJ
but not to-morrow, uor nest week. It will return when Medicines aline.
Hail toad lomjciRv.
FKVEB AND Aot'E—For this scourge of the Mts'.crn CounOut tattered .flag (pointing to tfce flag of Snmtcr.) is
•avenged. It will return when! rebellious troltora art try, these Medicines will bo found a safe, speedy, rml curtain
ietalent obedience and submission; it will return when turn of the disexse—a cure by these medicines is |ierraaiicnt
to fumisli, at shoi tnoiicc, IQ^Ii Prcusiiru und Condensing Knxines, for Stationary. Marino and Minirrg purposes of
a rebellious Confederacy arc taught that the North, —try (Hem, be satislled, and be cored.
tho most apprnved coiis'.ructlon.
though forbearing, is not fearful; it will return when
UJI-IOUS FBVBKS and LIVER CanPUAiHTf—General DebiliWe invite tsjiecljl rtwntion to tear Condensing En/rincs,
again the ensign of the Republic streams over Overy re- ty. Loss of Appetite and Dlseasesof Foinnlcs—the Medicino- psrticu'arly
cdopted for Flouring J t i l ' s . and other purposes
bellious fort, and ovfriy rebellious State ; theft, as of old, havo been used with the most beneficial results In cases o ' whet* economy of Fuc' nn<l reguljirfly pf motion aic so inthis description: King's Evil and Scrofula in its worst form-'
the ensign of the power nud dignity, -and majesty, and yield
to the mild yet powerful a n i o n of these remarkable dispensable. 1 he c o n d e n s i n g a p p a r a t a k f o r tb.-se engines
the peace of the Republic. Young men of Ne w York ; Medicines. Night Sweats. Nervous Debility, Nervous Com- is of the most *im;ilo nnd durable- Kind. These condensing
insure to Mines for Pdmping, o r for working Stamp
No. Young man of the United States, you are told -that plaints of all kinds. Palpitation of the Heart, Painter's Clio- engines
Mills the greatest economy in fucj.
this is not to bo a war of aggression. In onu sense, true : lie, are speedily cured.
Our facllltico for lllling orders JTbr Mining Machinery are
Persons whose' constitutions, arc impaired by the Injudiin another, not.. Wo have commenced aggression upon
unsurpassed. Our Pattern* embrace the largest variety of
use of Mercury, will Had these tnodicincs a perfect
•Oman in all tho brpad land. In their rebellious nest, cious
cure, as they never fail to eradicate from the system all the p u m p s , s h e a v e s , R e a r i n g a n d s t n f t i p i n g m a c h i n e r y ,
in their traitdrous camp, no man," no truthful man. can effects of Mercury, much sooner than tho roost powerful pre- 'etc., of ilic musr approved construction.
Wo would call partirulac attention to onr assortment of
say that ho has been ever disturbed, though it be for a 1parations of Sarsaparilla.
Pa'terns for Pomps with PlangerMfls, ranging from 4 to 16
single moment, .cither in iifu, liborly, or estate. Siieakinches diameter. Our combined Bucket and plunger pumps,
There arc on file in the d:iartmcnU< rr.r ny suspended and
335 Broadway, New Yorfc.
iug for myself as a man of honor, who has bocit u soldier,
for Supplying Stamping Machinery with water, and for other rejected chums for Pensions or Bounty Land, which, if pro?3~ For Sal" by all Druggists.
30-1 y
uses, give the most periuit satisfaction.
perly attended to by a competent agent in Washington, eohld
and as a Senator—1 say in another sense, I am for a
successfully prosecuted. He will l e pleased to take charge
•wjtr of aggression. 1 propose to-day. now, as we did beN K W J R K M r c D I f C B l'X)14
us to mcci orders for hea(vy or light Gearing, at the shortest of such claims for claimants or ihctr attorneys, upon continfoi* in Mexico—to conquer pence. I propose to go to
notice. W h i m s h e a v e s from 11^ 5"feet diameter. Manu- gent fees. Hi* chargtrs, if successful, wil; l e moderate, and
Washington, hud beyond. 1 do not design to remain
facturers of H o d g e ' s p a t e n t s t t o n p s . Oil Still Machinery, none made in any case unless a Pension or Uand Wart ant (•
of the most upproveii constiuctpm ; Building work, Irou procure d. Having a large number of rolls and records of
eritirely supine, iinactivc, fearful, till tho war is brought
Fronts, Coinmus. Cajw, Ac., Jcc- ^Humiliated Title for Side- service In the New York, Pennsylvanl:>, Virginia and Ohio
in our midst 1 will meet them on the threshold of tneir
OWARD ASSOCIATION, I-UILADELPHJA. A »E- walks and Areas : Iron Fence.'. Vcraudalis, Stairs, Ac.
Volnnteers and Militia of the War of ltil2. aud of the Regular
gathering—there ill-the very seat of their power, dicnb'volent Institution establinho'dliysjieclul Endowment, We nrc sole licensees for Patent Footing—prices varying Army and Kentucky Volnntcens of the Indian wars of 1790—^
tate to the rebelliohs ttirms of peacc. It may take S30, for the Be!ier or tho Sick and distressed, afflicted with Vim- from 75 ccnls to $5 per foot. The largest assortment of Fence 'ai, he is specially prepared to prosecute claims for snch ser''lent
000,01)0—it may take 58300,000,000—what then f We
|I'a:terns in the State.
of the 3?xnal Orgnns.
Particular attention given to Maims before the General
Sole Ag-. ills f->r G i l f o r d ' s R o l l e r I a j c c t o r , which saphave i t 'Loyally, nobly, grandly, do tho merchant priii- Diseases
MEDICAL ADVICE given gratis, by the acting Snrgcon.
I-and Office, under the Pre-emption. Swsmp I^nd and GradnCOd or N.ow York respond to the aitfcut appeal of the V.VMLABI'B HEP0RT8 on SpermnUirrhoea, and other Di- plies Boilers with water, without tiie us<- of Pumps or otl^er ation
Acts, aud f t the adjustment of Ptivalo I j n d Claims.
machinery, whether the engine Is.'at rest or in motion.
Unitod Slates Government. It may cast' us <.590 lives ; seases dS'the Sexnil Organs, and on tho NEW REMEDIES
R r a s s c o m p o s i t i o n c a s t i n g s furnished nt short notice. I.aad Patents, Duplicate Patents end Excniplitii ation of the
it may be 75,000; what then ?. Wo'have them. Thi eniplovect In tho Dispensary, sent in sealed letter envelopes, : III.ACKSMITIII Nii of nil kinds. I'ATTKHNS made to order. Esti- records and file a obtained far locators urc-emptors a n d
of charge.. Two or threefltampsfor postage acceptable.
others. Claims arising from ejontcstiug enirica attended t o
I'luns and Speciflcations furnished when desited.
Mood of every loyal citizen of this Government .is dear free
Address, DR. J. BKILLIN HOUGHTON, Howard Association, mates,
the General I.and offlco for Claimants or their Attorneys.
. ^ • O r d e r s from abroad will meet with prompt attention.
" to me ;_my sons lioif theirs—young men grown up be- No- ?, 8. Ninth St, Philadelphia, Pa.
All persons having claim* of any kind npoo the Governneath my eye and enro art! horn—they are all dear to
cut, or who hellevo tliey have claims and all who have old
- 3aa ^-but if tho orgaaization, the destiny, 'the renown,
or dinput d titles to Western Lands aiislpg from Military
SHpf. Steam Engines Mil! Gearing, Mining Machintho glory, freedom or i» Constitutional Uuvernment, the
I^ind grants or otherwise; also the l i t irs of atl eoldiers of
ery, IrWn and Brass Castings, of alljkinds, to order. We
the Regular A m y ih the War Of 181?,'who served under eoobly hope of a freti poop!e demand it. Jet them all go.
have a large variety of Patturn?, for, building purpose?, to
lisiments- for "live year*" or " d u r i n g tin- war," tlid tho heira
1 am now spaukjng timorous words or peaca 1 speak which we would invite the attention of buildeis.
of so!dier*of the Texas Revolrftlon of 18W. are requested to
to tho midst of tho Umpire State, amid scenes of
address lilra. No charge for his service* will t c made ih any
Foot of Randolph Street, near Detroit
at suffering and past glory ; with the defences of the
case, unless a claim IH successfully pieseclitcd.
and Milwaukee R. R. Depot.
He icfers to Members of Congi»ss, Offi.-CTs of Government,
ndaoii above me, the ^scenes of the sirbggla on Long
and others who have r.-sii'bd in Washington during the last
On Atwatci Street,
Island before ne, the statute of Washington in my Very
Fifteen yearn; and when AcMeed, will name speeial referenfceo; tho tattered u'neonquered flag of Sumter waving in
ces In any State or Territory. ,
the hand which I can now almost imagine trembles with
REVISED EDITION.—This work embraces bingle anu
excitement of batilo, and where I speak I say my mission Doubly Entrj-, Commercial Calculations, and tho Philosophy
DB'l'BOkT— M t C H I G A N .
n i;
hero to-day is to kindle tho heart of New York for war. and Morals of Business.
"Ills exactly what its name Indicates, and should be in
War. sudden, bold determined forward war this day.
uso in every school."
[Journal of Education.
TTlife ABOVE ESTABLISHMENT ARE MANUFACPeople of Now York 1 on the ovc of battle, allow mo common
^IJAsnrpaased in simplicity and perspicuity, and sufficientturcd aud fiirnisbod, on short notice, of tho best stock,
to Fpeak as a soldier. Few of you know of me; my ly tjjir to prepare the pupil for any daparlment of business."' after the most njipiovcd models and in the most thorough
career has bee^ obscure and distant, but I can say that. ]
[Or. Haven,"in Zion's Herald, Boston.
manner. High and Low ^Pressure Stationary Steam Engines
"The cheapest and beat work oa Bookkeeping we have of n|l Sizes, Low Pressure Steam Engines, particu'arly adapthave seeu vou Vied. It was my fortune to lead "the gul(For Feeding Rollers)
[Michlgnn Farmer. ed to Flonrin^Mills, or pther win where great economy of
lant New York regiment in ,tbo shock of battle. I was ever
MAKE lir
"The chanter on . the Philosophy and Morals of Business
then leader on the bloody hoigbts of Cerro tjordo, and Is well worth the price of the book to any business man.-'
Railroad Work, Machine-Shop Tools and Fixtures, Iron
know well what New York can do when her blood is
[Preston * U. 8. Bank Note Reporter.
Konocs, Verandahs, Railing, Stair* and Balconics Ornamen"The work is a deserved favorite among students, and the tal Garden Chairs all kinds!of Iron Castings. Mining Ma•Sole. Manufacluren and Li center*.
op. Again and onco more we will march, but not for
revenge. We have nothing to avenge. We have sonic- improvements now introduced will go far to Increase its chiaery of every de«cripiion, Blast Farnace and Rolling-Mill
[Detroit Tribune. . Machinery Composition, Brass Castings, and Finished work ;
thing to punish—as yet little or nothing to avenge. Tho popularity."
For sale by
RAYMOND Jt^ARH AM. including Stium Whistles, Oil Pjimps and Globes O# Cups
Presideot, bimsalf a hero without knowing it, snys there
Detroit, Aug. IS, 18G1.
38-ly and Cocks, Steam Cocks, and Bihb'sGuuge Cockaot different
are wrong*, tp be redressed, enough endured to march to
jjatftirns. Also, Will?, of every hind, driven by Btcam or *aFlour./irist and Saw Mills, Gangs, large and
battle and to victory, because we don't choose to endure
L A N K B O O K S A N D S T A T I O N E R Y . — T H E l^cmbraeing
these wrongs any longer. 'I'hey are wrongs not merely
subscribers beg leave to announce to tho Country and pony, with latest improvements; Mulay, Sash, Circular,
Corner of Filth & Woodbrldgc Sta., Detroit, Mlcb,
Lethe and Siding Mills—all put tip ready for use, when deinst us in one sense, but against our Union, against City TraSe, that they have on hand a very full and complete slrod,
whether at Home or abroad.
of B l a n k B o o k s , S t a t i o n e r y a n d P a p e r ,
constitution, against human hope and human freedom. assortment
Alan, repairing of all kinds of work nnd Machinery, done Tnc IKJKCTOE is an npiuratus which mey rcplr.i t most id-'
Wholesale and Retail, to wbich they fnvUcin>p.'ctionby parties who desifo to purchase Wo feel cofclUlent we can give with despatch and at low rates. Also, Gearing nnd Patterns, vantageously «ll the meuns hitheito used for supplj ln; trater
o( any size, up t« seven feet in diameter, cut by means of our to Steam HolloK. whether Stationary, Locomotive, Agrfcul1 Ilnrnnm's Last Story,
perfect satisfaction in goods and prices.
We have one of the most complete BOOK BINDERIES In commodious and effective Gear Cutting Maehinc. Also, turnl. or Marine.
Barnum is always ready with a good story, Ilis
Its application docs away entirely with tire nCccaslty of
West, and are prepared to manufacture to order any anil Plans, Drawings and Spccidcaticns f»r Machiucry.
•latest* is the following, which is told of Klish Howe, jr., the
On application, a clrcul ir will be sent gratis, con- pumps for feeding boilers, and the various movements,lip
ail styles of filank Books. Newspapers, Music Books and Pe•who bos been very'active in fittiug out regiments for the riodicals, bo\rid on the shortest notice, in the latest stylo of taining a list of prices *nd fnrthi'r Information.
working them in all Classes ot Engine, and, kj fact, whsreever a boiler is used and steam produced; It i- f.:i ndjun-cl to
Charles Kellogg ii Co.,
war. Mr. Hotro has spent thousands of dollars In this the art.
the boiler, and entirely independent of too Engine, and is
,No. 2ati, Jtwatcr Street, Detroit.
' way, and taken so great an iutere&t in military nff '
out In operation by simply opening connexions with the
183 Jefferson Avennc.
that he has bat little time to attend to anything else.
Boiler; and having no j-arts in motion,' it is bot liable to
Ono day, a very, wotti/j Councctic'nt deheon cojtcd Detroit, Ang; 16, 1861.
wear, nor otherwise to get out of order.
The sire ?f this spparatns Js comparatively rmatl, and its
Tipon tho gentleman with a subscription list. He wanted
is rendered especially easy by tfcc fact "hat it
Mr. Howe to give something towards erecting a new X COMPANY. The undersigned are jiTepared to receive
can be placed in any position, vertical, horizontal, or otherchurch.
orders for the manufacture of every variety or liealing"and
near to, or ot a distance from the Borlci-. tn<] at any
" A ocw church," replied Howe ; "ah, a n}w*chnrch cooking stoves; also, coal stoves for stores and office?.
reasonable height above the level of the fecd-waujr.
I don't think l ean giro anything, hccausclnm spending These stoves are made from the la'.est and most approved RECENTLY REMOVED TO TIJE NEW AND ELEGANT The apparatus is connected wlti the Boiler by two pipes
one leading from the steam space, and the other conducted
all mv spare money for the war. Can think of nothing patterns, and will be sold at wholesale or retail. . The attention of city and country dealers Is ^specially invited, as wc
to the lowest convenient point of the water space; it will
shall sen cheaper than they can I my an Eastern markets.
$9" A scholarship issued Troni Detroit College will lie good operate with H tea in at cny usual pressure, and it nifl supply
• -Ttrt deacon .looked despondent. Mr. Howe seemed
Office, ItO Woodward Avcnne.
in Cleveland, Ohio; BnShlo. N. V'.: Albany, N. V.: Chicago, itself from the hot well of 0 condensing Engine.
.firm in hls^lctcrmlnalion not to give a "red." At last
GAXSON & CO. lll-j;Philadelphia, Pa.rHt. Louis. Jlo., and N. Y. City.
bfc asked tho deacon what tho new church was to be Detroit, Aug. 15, J8C1.
The advantages to be derived from the use of this ,
J. II. GOLDSMITH, Resident Principal at Detroit
Apparatus ares—
H. P. PERRIN, SpenccrUn-Pebtnan.
1st—The saving of tue first «ost of all Pumps, and th#
"The Ohurch of St. Peter, Sir," was tho reply.
pans to connect them with the Engine and Boiler.
"Ah. tho Clarch oC StPeter," replied llowc; "Well. O Clothing Emporium can be fonrijia large assortment of
2nd.—Tho saving of tho. wear and tear of the*e pumps,
a a ^ t - P o i e r was the only fighting upostle in tho lot. I Ready nude Clothing, (faitcd to Ohe i resent sf^soiV—all of Business,Penmanship, S-50.
which, in l»como!lTCa and ether high pressure Engine* is
gur&v I'll have to irivo him something. But I can't do wbldiis being" offered at prices ASTONISIIINGLT I/)W, Pen nrah *hip alone, 33 lcssons'l5)«|j; months, evenings, $10. very considerable.
Which must be sold within 30 to CO days to mate room
3rd.—The saving of tho power required to work pumps of.
nfafh («ve!i for St. "Puter, as my timo and mouoy must and
for a heavy Spring and Snroracr Stock, now l-eltg monur»c- %* Our StaniEtrdot Pcamans ftip.iis the good old Spen- wlratever construction.
be alujosi entirely devotod to Salt-Potrc."
tared. All In want of seasonable clothinc. will do well to eeiian.
tih.—The elevation of the temperature of the water ads
call at the old estabUshmcnt, at No. 1C8 JEFFERSON AVE- -The most thorough and pracfjcal and
mittei! into the Boiler bythe Boiler by tho steam used, thes
in America. Nearlyfourthpoiumdstudentshavcentrrcd preventina any appreciable loss of heat
A pretty giri.was^ntely cpmplaifing to a Quaker friend NUE,
Abo, for sale, SCOTT'S & GLESCBOBS' Report of Fashions— legs
sittcc their establishment, whicl i la tho beat evidence of their 6th.—The advantage of being able to supply Boilers withthat she had a cold, and was sadly plaugod in her lips by jaat received—for spring aad sammer of 1861.
out setting tho Steera F.ngise in potion; tbns In all cases
favor with the pnblicj
c t a i t . "Friend." said Obadiub, "tnoe should never
the expense and near and tear of Donkey Pumping.
For-farther information eaH at College Rooms or send for obviating
Ddtfalt. Ang. 15; 1861.
•offer the chaps to come near thy lips." '
and affording all the advantages usually sought it*
new Catalogue of 80 pages.
For specimens of Penmanship, Engine.,
thoir application.
iBclose letter stamp. Address,
tGAK B A T E S ,
IN ASE:\O Pines?, it is oeceassrr U stat# the steam pres.An article announcing tho decease of a person, •$£
sure and nominal horse power of JkSler, or the steam pres" His remains « r e commitcd to that boom whence no
A", either of the above Cit'er. sure and the quantity of waterrequiredper boor.
travder rearnrt, attended by his fricudj.''
I B e r o l d Oflioe, T r a v e r s e O t y H i o h , '
(Cat this out for fntnrc re fen nee.)
60-1 j







I R O N cfc B R A S S


Jmt abovo ilie Detri. it and Milwaukee
R. l\epoL









Agents, Iduttiifrs anU octacbinists,


frjiant, .Straiten & Co.'s



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