Grand Traverse Herald, June 21, 1861

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Grand Traverse Herald, June 21, 1861


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Morgan (1806-1874)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text


T E i v E E S E CITY, MICH. F R I D A Y ,


T h e P o o r Old Blan.

*C|t €ram) Crabrrsc iJralii,


i s pirntifitF.n EVERT TBIBAY, AT
Traverse City, G r a n d Traverse County, Michigan'

The sail s h o n e dim, mil the wind blew cold,
As ii oft<-u has till
Hi? g a r m e n t s were ' u t t e r e d and thin and o!d,"
W h e n he c a m e t o >ur kitchen door.
Little at hest did hi wish t o t a k e
F r o m our " basket a n d o


T K K M S .
One Dollar «., ! F m r Cf n i p M »nmim. p . j . i l .
A d T e r t i « « u e . n . li.Mrtrd fen Ono Hollar p e r
v - « M for «
• o l u m n ; and i'> I'..
Kribed by
: HH;

l i e n MOM] W


I n a s m u c h a** vc do it to one of these.
Had b u r t h e n e d m y m i n d that d a y :
H e asked for-lire and food a n d rest.—
W h a t if I a u s w t r e d nay?
I)» cliinp, a n d h a n d s and h e a r t were full—
l l o w could I t u r n him away?


I.:gl\ »


21. 1861.

hail 1 k n o r t n s o o n e r h e r r e t u r n t o F r a n c e . I c o m p r o m - i
ise h e r in ray will.
•• M a d a m e d e Villebovs, m v m u c h b e l o v e d cousin, shall
c ^ . choice.
h a v e t'ue fifc-t
•• M . V a i r y , m y b r o t h e r - i n - l a w , shall h a v e t h e second
" A n n e will t a k o t h e r e m a i n i n g l o t "
" A l l , ah!" raid Vatry, "sister E g r i e w a i a very good
o n e ; t h a t i i r a t h e r d u v e r on h e r p a r t . "
" A n n e will, then, only huv«? t h o p r a y e r - b o o k , ' e x c l a i m e d M a d . do Villeboys, l a u g h i n g aloud.
T h e notary interrupted her jocularity.
' • M a d a t n J , " s a i d he, " w h i c h of t h e s e l o t s d o y o u
choose?" j
" 'l'hc t w o h u n d r e d t h o u s a n d f r a n c a in m o n e y . "
" l l a v e y o u quite made u p your uiiud?"
" l'eriedily so."
T h e man of t h e law. a d d r e s s i n g himself t o t h e g o o d
f e e l i n g s o l U h e ladv, s a i d :
" M a d a m e , vou are. rich, and A n n e has nothing. Could
y o u n o t leave t h i s utid t a k e t h e b o o k of p r a y e r s w h i c h t ! u
e e e e n t r i c i t y of t h e d e c e a s e d h a s p l a c e d ou a p a r w i t h the
o t h e r lot?';
•' Y o u m u s t h e j o k i n g , M. D u b o i s , e x c l a i m e d M a d a m e
de V i l l e b o y s : " y o u m u s t really bo dull, n o t t o see t h e
intention of s i s t e r E g r i e in all this. O u r h o n o r e d eousiu
foresaw full well t h a t h e r b o o k of p r a y e r s w o u l d fall t o
the lot of A n n e , w h o h a d t h e last c h o i c e . •" _
" A n d what do you conclude from t h a t ? " inquired the

" l c o n f l u d e t h a t s h e i n t e n d e d t o i n t i m a t e t o h e r sister
t h a t r e p e n t a n c e a n d p r a y e r w e r e t h e only h o p e t h a t s h e '
h a d now t o e x p e c t in t h i s w o r l d . "
, A s s h e ; f i n i s h e d t h e s e words, M a d a m e d e V i l l e b o y s
niatlf. a definite s e c t i o n of t h e r e a d y ' n i o u e y f o r h e r s h a r e .
M. V a i r y , ns m a y easily b e i m a g i n e d , s e l e t t e d t h e c h a t e a u
f u r n i t u r e a n d j e w e l s a s h i s lot.
" M o n a e n r V a t r y . " said M. D u b o i s t o t h a t g e n t l e m a n ,
" e v e n s u p p o s e i t h a d b e e n t h e i u t e u l i o n o f the d e c e a s e d
t o ' p u n i s h j h e r sister, i t would be h o n o r a b l e on y o u r p a r t ,
miliioiiairt' a s y o u a r c , t o g i v e a t l e a s t a p o r t i o n o f y o u r
| s h a r e to A n n e , w h o i s in w a n t of i t . "
' T h a n k s for y o u r kind a d v i c e , d e a r s i r , " r e p l i e d » a t r y ,
sSiltiuu aa tt ee du on
Oil tHhi ee v
v ee rryy confine*
w u u w of
VI m
" yy
the :
w ood.-, ujid suits a d m i r a b l y , all t h e m o r e so t h a t i t i s
ready furnished. A s to t h e jewels or sister E g r i e , they
—e rcmimseenees w h i c h o n e o u g h t n e v e r t o p a r t w i j h .
•• s i n e ? i t is so," s a i d t h e n o t a r y , " m y p o o r M a d a m e
line, here '» l ' w p m j e r b o o k w h i c h remains t o y o u . "

N O . 29.

" I V yom: f a t h e r , y o u r d e a r father, w h o p e r i s h e d witho u t k n o w i n g y o u , w i t h o u t b e i n g a b l e t o love y o u ?
" M u stt Il p r a y t o t h e saint, m y pp a t r oonn?!""_.
"- YYeenn., m vy little f r i e n d :; b u tt d o n o t f o r g e t a s a i n t w h o
w a t c h e s u s f r o m l e a v e n , a n d w h o smiles u p o n u s f r o m
above the clouds."
W h a t i s t h e n a m e of t h e saint, m a m m a d e S r ? "
T h e tnolhei, t h e n w a t e r i n g the child's head with b e r
tears, a n s w e r e d :
•• H e r n a m e i s — s i s t e r E g r i e . "


Explosion ofKcrokeae Oil.

S e r i o n s o b j e c t i o n s t o t h e u s e of K e r o s e n e Oils h a v e
lately arisen, ou a c c o u n t of t h e i r e x p l o s i v e q u a l i t i e s .
All letfi
M a n y cases of e x p l o s i o u h a v e o c c u r r e d of lute, a n d t h e y
1 »aw that the on Mink lower and lower,—
E taloL
t h e m o r e s u r p r i s i n g , as t h e s e o i l s h a v e b e e n iu u s e
The wflid rr, ;•! higher and-higher:
for s o m e y e a r s w i t h p e r f e c t s a f e t y t o t h e c o n s u m e r s ; a n d
•suit-tood shivering,
Hie use ot* t h e m was r a p i d i y increasing, on a c c o u n t o r
im- iroin the village school
t h e i r e c o n o m y a n d safetv, a n d t h e i n t r i n s i c e x c e l l e n c e o r
the light
A n d i n a s m u c h a s t h e s e oils h a v e b e e n in use
f o r aouie y e a r s , w i t h o u t a n y i n s t a n c e s of d a n g e r , o r a n y
fear of it ou t h e p a r t of t h e c o n s u m e r , i t i s i m p o r t a n t t o
a s c e r t a i n I h e cause of t h i s new difficulty a n d d a n g e r at--ii-'l limlm:
W a n n i n g y
t e n d i n g t h e i r use. S o m e s u p p o s e it t o b e o w i n g t o t h e
I.-, then, if yoii will;
a d m i x t u r e of o t h e r a n d d a n g e r o u s m a t e r i a l , t o a d u l t e r a t e
oiling hymns.
a n d ch&qien t h e cost of t h e s e oils; b u t if so, t h e n a c c i My toil f o r the day at last * a j done—
d e n t s f r o m i t s use o u g h t t o h a v e o c c u r r e d b e f o r e , — s a y
I bad been my u iK)IT1V r o u n d iu 1S;">9—when t h e oils w e r e scarce, a n d w o r t h f r o m
Had kissed the liltlo o n e s all good-night—
§ 1 . 2 5 t o § 1 . 0 0 p e r gallou, a t wholesale, w h i l e n o w t h e y
Left t h e m to sleep profound.
F r o m the room of our lowly guest I heard
a r e w o r t h b u t 6 5 t o 8 0 cents. S o m e s u p p o s e i t ii owA murmur.&f.treml.liiig sound.
ing t o an a d m i x t u r e of fluid o r alcohol, w i t h t h e p n r e
o i l ; b u t t h e s e will not m i x or i n c o r n o r a t e themselves w i t h
T stood in tho hnll n<»ar the old m a n ' s <|norT A X AND OMNKHAL AGENT,"
t h e o i l — o t h e r s i m a g i n e t h a t c a m p h e n c i s u s e d f o r a simI could hear, ihnugii 1 could n o t s e e :
" H e a r Cod, way tney n e v e r know h u n g e r o:
ilar p u r p o s e ; b u t t h e c a n t p h e n e would b e easily d e t e c t e d
B u t b k s s e . l in' their giving be.
b y t h e o d o r a n d a s b u t a v e r y small q u a n t i t y can b e infiM.,., t;,-p,)i;d tliior Soutii of Onion l)oek.
When to thy kingdom thou s h a l l coine.
c o r p o r a t e d w i t h t h e oil, i t would n p t b e c o m e explosive.
Remember, both ; them a n d me."
A n d a s uo one w i s h e s t o i n t r o d u c e a n a g e n t i n t o bis
I knew that those feeble, t r e m b l i n g Unite,|
family t h a t will b u r n up, m a i u , o r disfigure his wife or chili Were I •cut 111 the gloom t o p r a y :
d r e n , it is well for t h e p u b l i c t o b e p l a c e d on i t s g u a r d
A feeling of awe c r e p t oyer my heart,
against' s u c h misfortunes, a n d t o k n o w t h e t r u e reasons or
A* softly I Stol-f aw-y.
IV C H A N C E R Y ,
t h e s e e x p l o s i o n s w h i c h h a v e b e e n so n u m e r o u s of late, b y
1 would speak with a gentle revorenee,
Traverse City, Grand Traverse County, Michigan.
w h i c h Home p r e c i o u s lives b a v ^ b e e n l o s t ; a m i a s t h e s e
At the dawn of a n o t h e r day.
oils e v i d e n t l y will u o t g o o u t of favor, f r o m t h e i r brill~ . Office i n Dwelling H o u s e .
Th> m o r n of another day—it b r o k e
iancy of l i g h t , i t i s r i g h t t o i u s t r u c t t h e p u b l i c i n t o s o m e
O'er a rest t h a t was long and deep.
safe a u d s i m p l e w a y of c h o o s i n g a safe oil for t h e i r h o u s e The F a t h e r who s w l h t'-ie sparrow lull,
h o l d . T h e d a n g e r in t h e use of t h e s e oils d o e s n o t a r i s e
" G a v e bis beloved "loep."'
•*-- - •'
litn a n d sightless i
from their adulteration, b u t from their light gravity,
Would open no
b r o u g h t a b o u t in t h e i r m a n u f a c t u r e , bjr t h e p u b l i c t a s t e
a u d d e m a n d f o r a w h i t e o r colorless oil. O u t h e i r first

"We f r o m our d w . l i n g another nn-i
A u u e , a t t e u d e d b v h e r sou, a h a u d s o m e b o y , w i t h b l u e i n t r o d u c t i o n t o t h e p u b l i c in 1857, b y t h e K e r o s e n e ' a n d
' Slowly a n d soliuiily i r n d ; e
Bore hi in an ay. ID the old ehuroh-y
jsyes, t o o k h e r s i s t e r s old p r a y e r b o o k , a n d m a k i n g toC a r b o n Oil 'Cos., t h e s e oils w e r e e i t h e r of * u a m b e r o r
; Rnried him u n d e r t i i e s o d ;
d a r k lemon color, a n d iu c o n s e q u e n c e of t h e p r o c e s s of
- i kiss it a f t e r h e r . s a i d : —
P r a y i n g t h a t we j ike him m i g h t be
H l i a i e u o u r r u i n r . n - • >.
•• H e c t o r , kiss t h i s b o o k , w M c h b e l o n g e d t o V o u r p o o r refining p u r i f y i n g n o t b e i n g t h o r o u g h l y u n d e r s t o o d , t h e y
Heirs of the F a t h e r tiod.
. , " ^ k r ? i . f . ' i ; ' i V t f f i i t i i a n d pnMio olllccs, is still open f o r the
a u n t , wiio i.; d e a d , b u t w h o would h a v e toved y o u well, w e r e liable t o c h a n g e t h e i r c o l o r t o it d a r k e r hugli, f r o m
W :
h a d ahe k n o w n y o u .
W h e n y o u h a v e l e a r n e d t o read,
t h e p r e s e n c e o r a c i d : a n d also f r o m t h e s a m e cause t o
h i s hlioiirtv
e a r t y tthh -inks
t o " rfor
"' ,tu«
' " Mheral
a s r•.
liberal liatronuRe
i u u » u » i , « he h—
• v
t h " im'.llc t i a t 1)0 p a i n s will l>e spared to raaV*
y o u will p r a y t o h e a v c u t o - m a k e y o u wise mid g o o d a s lose t h e i r i l l u m i n a t i n g p r o p e r t i e s t o some e x t e n t , a n d t o
'hla guests oomfJrtalile,
life c h a r g e s , "will correspond with
Scribe's Last Story.
y o u r f a t h e r was, a n d happie.- t h a n y o u r u u f o r t a n a t e develop a n unpleasant o d o r . A s t h e refiners l e a r n e d t h e
, ,
. . u a t u r u a u d m a n a g e m e n t or t h e oils b e t t e r , they p r o d u c e
' b * ^ ^ c o a b i a i i f n s W Horsea a n d Cattle;
•Is she dead then?"
T h e v j e s of t h o s e w h o w e r e p r e s e n t w e r e tillevl w i t h a s u p e r i o r a u d l i g h t e r colored oil, w h i c h b e i n g of b e t t e r
' Y e s , m a d a m e , " replied' a little g e n t l e m a n , in a b r o w n t e a r s , i i o l w i t h s t m i d i u g thfcir e f f o r t s t o p r e s e r v e an a p p e a r - q u a l i t y , t h o p u b l i c g o t t o j u d g i n g q u a l i t y b y color, Jer"jrytTVoU WANT WHISKERS?
coat and short breeches.
roneonsly) nnd f r o m t h e s e facts, r e s u l t e d t h e d e m a n d for
— i c e of indifference.
DO Y O U W A N ' T W U I S K E E S ?
" A n d t | e r will?"
T u e c h i l d e m b r a c e d t h e old b o o k w i t h b o y i s h fervor,
a w h i t e oil, a u d w i t h i t s p r o d u c t i o n , t h e oils neees-arily
" I s g o i n g t o bo o p e n e d h e r e i m m e d i a t e l y b y h e r solicb e c a m e d a n g e r o u s , a n d a c c i d e u t s a n d e x p l o s i o n s w e r e of
and opening i t a f t e r w a r d :
•. •
••OU, biart.uia,"' he e x c l a i m e d , " w h a t p r e t t y p i c t u r e s !
f r e q u e n t o c c u r r e n c e . T h e p r i n c i p a l cause, t h e n of tl>*
" S h a l l we inherit anything?
" I n d e e d , " s a i d t h e m o t h e r , h a p p y in t h e g l a d u t e s ot muuii f a c t u r c u r e x p l o s i v e oils, i s t h e r e a d y sale f o u n d f o r
DO Y O U W A N T A . M U S T A C H E ?
" I t - m u t be supposed so; we have c l a i m i
a w h i t e o r c o l o r o n s oil, a n d t h e oil refiuers, e v e r r e a d y
" W h o is t h i s m i s e r a b l y d r e s s e d p e r s o n a g e w h o
" V w ! T h e g o o d v i r g i n , in a r e d dress, h o l d i n g t h e t o m a k e t h a t w h i c h sells best a n d for t h e h i g h e s t p r i c e s
trades herself'here?"
H o l y infant in h e r a r m s . B u t why. m a m m a , h a s silk h a v e — w i t i i a few p r a i s w o r l h y e x c e p t h ^ n s — b e e n m a k i n g
" O h , she," repliedlho.liuWmananeeruigly, - s h e w
a w h i t e oil necessarily o f an e x c e e d i n g l i g h t g r a v i t y , v e r y
p a p e r b i e n p u t upon t h e pictures?"
„ ,
h a v e m u c h in t h e w i l l — s l m is s i s t e r t o t h e d e c e a s e d .'
•• S o t h a t t h e y m i g h t n o t b e i n j u r e d , :iny d e a r , 6bc volatile in i t s n a t u r e , " consequently in a v e r y h i g h d e g r e e
" W h a t ! t h a t A n n , w h o w e d d e d in 1 8 1 2 , a m a
dangerous t o t h e consumers,
l ' h e w h i t e oils a r c t h e
replied, j
n o t h i n g — a u officer?"
" But; mamma, why are ten papers to each
lir.-t p r o d u c t s f r o m t h e s t i l l # c o m i n g o v e r a t a m o d e r a t e
•' P r e c i s e l y s o . "
d e g r e e of h e a t , b u t e x t r e m e l y i n f l a m m a b l e f r o m t h e i r
" S h e m u s t h a v e no small a m o u n t of i m p u d e n c e t o pre- 1 0 T h e liiothof looked, nnd. u t t e r i n g a s u d d e n s h r ^ k , s h e c o n s t i t u t e p a r t s . A f t e r t h e w h i t e flow, s u c c e e d s a lemF » r t h o AVhlsUers a n d l l a l r .
s e n t herself here, b e f o r e a r e s p e c t a b l e family."
fell i n t o i h c a r m s of M . D u b o i s , t h e n o t a r y , w h o address- on-colored oil, of n h e a v i e r b o d y , w h i c h , if p r o p e r l y m i x e d ,
" T h e m o r e so, a s s i s t e r E g r i e , ol n o b l e b i r t h , h a d
a s it nhou'ld b e , w i t h t h e w h i t e p o r t i o n , m a k e s a safe oil
i n " I h o s t present, s a i d :

u e v e r f o r g i v e n h e r f o j t i m t misalliance^"
. . . .
ix-ayc h e r o'onc, it w o n ' t b e m u c h ! p e o p l e d o u t die t o c o n s u m e , b u t of a l i g h t lemon c o l o r ; t h i s c o l o r unforA i m e m o v e d a t t h i s t i m e a c r o s s t h e r o o m in w j i c l i the of t h e s e ' s h o c k s . A s l..r y o u , little o n e , " a d d r e s s i n g l l e c -, d o e s n o t c o i n c i d e w i t h t h e p u b l i c t a s t e ; a n d . alfamily o r t h e d e c e a s e d w e r e a s s e m b l e d . S h e w a s p a l e ;
" i v e me t h a t b o o k ; v o u will t e a r t h e e n g i V i n g s .
t i i o u x h m u c h m o r e d u r a b l e a n d e c o n o m i c a l f o r t h e connowned a r t i c l e
h e r e y e s w e r e filled w i t h t e a r s , a n d h e r faco w a s f u r r o w e i n h e r i t o r s w i t h d r e w , m a k i n g v a r i o u s c o n j e c t u r e s as s u m e r . a n d m o r e c h e a p l y p r o d u c e d b y t h o ^ f i n e r , doc*
e d by care with precocious wrinkles."
• cnuse of A n n e ' s s u d d e n illness, a n d t h e i n t e r e s t t h e not m e e t w i t h r e a d v sale b e c a u s e t h e g r e a t d e m a n d i s f o r
" W h a t d o y o u c o m o h e r e f o r ? " said M a d a m e d e v il- n o t a r y t o o k in h e r . A m o n t h a f t e r w a r d t h e y m e t A n u e w h i t e oil; bence t h e c o l o r e d a n d h e a v i e r p o r t i o n of t h e
lebova. w i t h h a u g h t i n e s s , w h o , a m o m e n t b e f o r e , h a d a n d h'erl son, e x c e e d i n g l y well, b u t n o t e x t r u v a g a u t l y distillation, a t least one-half of t h e p r o d u c t , i s s u b m i t t e d
b e e u l i n t c r r o g a t i n g t h e little m a n w h o i n h e r i t e d w i t h h e r . d r e s s e d ; t a k i n g au a i r i n g in a b a r o u c h e ,
W T t l S K l i R S
A M l S I A C HE.
i b i s led t h e m t o p o w e r f u l m e d i c a l t r e a t m e n t , t o d e p r i v e i t of color,
" M a d a m e , " t h e p o o r Indy r e p l i e d , w i t h humility, •• I t o m a k e inquiries, a n d t h e y l e a r n e d t h a t M a d a m e A n n e a n d t h e•nn i s r ec - du i s tui il il e od — ti hn e w hu i ti e p[iui
. .
. .iv
T h i s article I s the only one of
o r tui uo nu s e p a r a t e d as
d o n o t c o m e h e r e t o c l a i m a p a r t of w h a t d o e s n o t be- h a d recently p o r c h a s o d a hotel f o r o u e h u n d r e d a n d e i g h t y b e f o r e ia*n"d' 1s"o" o n — t h e "r e>s«u•l!t' bbeimr
penerallv ft
e i n g generally
a hhljfhl
thousaiAl f r a u c s J a n d t h a t s h e w a s g i v i n g a hrot r a t e i n f l a m m a b l e p r o d u c t , colorless, a u d c x c c d i n g l y d a n g e r o u s
' n i H s V a U W ? S S c i n o m i c a l , soothing, y e t s t i m u l a t i n g com- solicitor, t o i n q u i r e if s h e s p o k e of m e at h e r l a s t h o u r .
e d u c a t i o n t o h e / s o u . T h e n e w s c a m e ike a t b u n d e r b c j t o c o n s u m e r s . B u t t b o " lady of t h e bonne/ loves t o aee
n o a J t ^ I n ' IS ir bv\m:igic u p o n the roots, c a u s i n g a bean" W h a t ! d o y o u t h i n k p e o p l e b n s v t h e m s e l v e s a b o u t uiioti t l T m .
M a d a m e V i l l e b o y s . a u d M . \ a t r y h a s t e n e d it in h e r glass l a m p , a l t h o u g h s h e e x p o s e s h e r family t o
v o u ? " a r r o g a n t l y o b s e r v e d M a d a m e de V i l l e b o y s ; T h e t o call u p o n t h S n o t a r y for e x p l a n a t i o n s . M . D u b o i s was d e a t h by i t s use, and aI*o finds i t c o n s u m e # m u c h f a s t e r
d i s g r a c e of a g r e a t h o u = e — y o n w h o w e d d e d a m a n o«
t l m n t h a leinon-colored oils. T h o w r i t e r h i s been informwork!iiz a t h i s i c s k .
. . .
rocUons, U_ « H ^ U i n i r e ^ ^ , o r ^ a v ( n ( , i t 5 0 f t , s m o o t h and
" P e r h a p s w e a r e d i s t u r b i n g y o u , said t h e a r r o g a n t e d b v M r Y o u n g , o f S c o t l a i : d . ( a man of m o r e e ^ p e r i a n c c
•' M a d a m e , m y h u s b a n d , a l t h o u g h a child o r t h o p e o t h a n any o t h e r living) t h e o r i g i n a t o r a n d P a t e n t e e o r
The •'tlsr.i-Bsr'Ms an lndl«|»ensible a r t i c l e in every
•• N d m a t t e r ; I w a s j u s t i n ' i h e a c t of s e t t l i n g a p u r - Coal-Oil m a k i n g in G r e a t B r i t a i n , w h o r e t h e o i l s h a v e
g e n t l e m a n ' s toikit, and a f t e r one wtiek'a use tl.ey would not ple, w a s a b r a v e s o l d i e r , a n d , w h a t i s b e t t e r , a n h o n e s t
man," replied Anne.
b e e n iu use s e v e r a l y e a r s l o n g e r t h a n h e r e , t h a t j t h c use
c h a s e in t h e s t a t e f n u d f o r M a d a m e A n n e .
A t t » s moment a venerable personage, the notary
" W l i a t l " e x c l a i m e d M . V a t r y , " a f t e r p u r c h a s i n g or w h i t e V i l h a s been d i s c a r d e d by t h e p u b l i c f r o n i s u c h
Dubois, made his appearance.
u s e h a v i n g been a t t e n d e d w i t h t o o g r e a t ami c o n s t a n t l y
h o a ^ e a n d e q u i i i a g e , h a s s h e still money t o l u t e s .
" C e a s e , " h e said, " t o r e p r o a c h A n n e w i t h a u n i o n
r e c u r r i n g d a n g e r t o t h e c o n s u m e r f r o m explosions; a w l
•• U n d o u b t e d l y . '
w h i c h h e r s i s t e r lias f o r g i v e n h e r . A n n o l o v e d a g e n e r he p r e d i c t e d t h e s a m e results w o u l d follow• in t h i s
" Bijt w h e r e d i d i t c o m e f r o m .
o u s , b r a v e a n d good rrian, w h o ha<f n o o t h e r c r i m e s t o rec o u n t r v . N o w t h e h o n s e k w ^ r r asks, w h a t shall 1 d o t o
" W h e r e ? Did y o n not sec?"

g u a r d inv family from this (finger? One very important
A , , | . l j l . » r . « t T O i ( : i , u HEGEMAN i C O .
W h e n s h e s h r i e k e i f o u t a t s e c h i g w h a t t h e p r a y e r p r o t e c t i o n will b e . t o uso no m o r e w h i t e o i l ; a n d a n o t h e r ,
a s I k n e w h i t n — I , his old f r i e n d — A n n e would n o w b e
. 24 William S t r e e t , New \ o r k .
a u d most e f f e c t u a l a n d will b e a s f o l l o w s : p o n r a small
book contained."
h a p p y an:!
q u a n t i t v , say a teaspoouful of oil, i n t o a small vessel, like
" W c observed nothing."
•• B u t w h y is t h i s w o m a n h e r e ? said t h e n o t a r y , g r a v e » Oh. I t h o u g h t y o u saw it, said t h e s a r c a s t i c n o t a n . a sauce'r—light, a m a t c h , a n d slowly b r i n g it i n c o n t a c t
ly. ' " I , myself r e q u e s t e d h e r t o b e h e r e . '
• • T h e p r a y e r b o o k c o u t a i n e d s i x t y e n g r a v i n g , a n d w i t h w i t h t h e o i l ; if t h e oil igijjti-s, a l m o s t o r q u i t e as soon a s
M . D n b o i s t h e n p r o c e e d e d t o o p e n t h e will.
e n g r a v i n g w a s c o v e r e d b y ten n o t e s or a t h o u s a n d f r a n c s t o u c h e d bv t h e flame, d o n o t u s e i t - - » t >8 d a n g e r o u s t o
•«I b e ' n " s o u n d in m i n d a n d h e a r t . B e n e t i e D e m d o so. If*on t h e o t h e r h a n d , , y o u d r o p t h e b u r n i n g
D E T R O I T ,' M I C H . lLAOr Ct A
a T
l uE vU *A• •T —
f r e m e g , r e t i r e d a s a b o a r d e r in t h e C o n v e n t of t h e b i s - '"•bood
l » ™ » r c j c l n i n o d M. W
O u t a M c t m a t c h i n t o the oil a p d i t lies t h e r e a n d b u r n s until the
i F C K N T I . Y HEJIQVBD TO T H E N E W AND E L E G A N T t e r s of t h e S a c r e d I l c a r t of J e s u s , d i c t a t e t h e f o l l o w i n g
" I f I h a d only k n o w n i t , " s h o u t e d M a d a m e d e \ lllc- oil b e c o m e s h e a t e d b e f o r e i t ignite?, i t is safe t o use.
w i s h e s a s t h e e x p r e s s i o n of m y f o r m a l d e s i r e a n d p r i n c i w h e t h e r w h i t e o r l e m o n c o l o r . A l l w h i t e oils m a y not
pal clause of m v t e s t a m e n t : —
. ,
h a d t h e c h o i c e , " said t h e IKitMy,
a n d I m p e l f b e explosive, b u t s h o u l d b e tested i a t h i s w a y , and, a s a
" A f t e r m v d e c e a s e t h e r e will b o f o u n d t w o h u n d r e d u r c c d y o u t o take t h e p r a y e r b o o k , b u t y o u refusedp c n e r a l t h i n g , t h e d a r k e r t h e color, t h e m o r e safe f r o m
t h o u s a n d f r a n c s in m o n e y a t m y n o t a r y ' s , b e s i d e s j e w e l r y ,
" B u t w h o c o u l d h a v e e x p e c t e d t o fiud a f o r t u n e in a d a n g e r o r e x p l o s i o n . B u t t h e a b o v e t e s t s wiU inraBibly
• { / G O L D S M I T H , Resideut P r i n c i p a l
c l o a t h e s a n d f u r n i t u r e , a s also a c h a t e a u w o r t h t w o h u n p r o v e w h e t h e r oil i s s a f e t o use, let t h e color b e w h a t i t
' P. PEKR1N*.
. . . „ i n , v - Spcneeriail
^ r i n i PP #e n
m aa nn ..
l t
dred thousand francs.
... ,
cgolists « n h < t a « , t h e i r h e a r t , m a y ; b u t t h e greatest danger and the least economy a t " I n m v c o n v e n t w h e r e I h a v e b e e n residing will b e
C o l l « W including
t e n d s t h e use of w h i t e OiL
swollen w i t h p a s s i o b a t e envy.
f o u n d m y ' b o o k , ' H e m e s d e la V i e r g e , a h o l y v o l e inc.
M a d a m e A n n e i s still in F a n s
^ . v o ^ g o b y P ^
w h i c h r e m a i n s a s ui t w a s w
« uh e un Ii t o o k i t w i t h m e a t t h e L a f i t t e on a s u m m e r e v e n i n g , y o u will scd a ^ c b " n J ! ° S
THE N E W P L A X * r . - ^ T b e p l a n e t r e c e n t l y d i s c o v e r e d a t
t i m e or e m i g r a t i o n . I d e s i r e t h a t t h e s e t h r e e o b j e c t s b e p i c t u r e on t h e first floor, i l l u m i n a t e d b y t h e pate reflection
C a m b r i d g e b y M r . T u t t l e , h a s received t h e n a r o e B l A i A .
d i v i d e d i u t o t h r e e lots.
in a c c o r d a n c e w i t h t h e established p . a o e t a r y n o r o e o c
" T h e first lot, t h e t w o h u n d r e d t h o u s a n d f r a n c s m ° f I T a d y ^ o h a s j o i n e d t h e t w o h a n d s o f h e r » n j a f a i r
t u r e , w h i c h l i m i t s t b e selection of m u n e s t o t h o s e f o u n d
c h i l d of s i x v e a r s o f a g e , in p r a y e r b r f o r e a o oW b o < * of in t h e G r e e k o r R o m a r y n r t h o l o g v . M a i a w a s t h e m o t t e r
ascond l o t the chateau, furniture and jewels.
• • U e n r c s d e la V i e r g e , " a n d f o r w h i c h a c r o s s i n g o l d of H e r m e s , a n d t h e ekJest a n d t i e m o s t b e a n t i f t d of
f a v o r with the public.
, C 1 ) R C Rooms, o r send fo
u l T h o t h i r d a n d last lot, m y b o o k , H e u r c s d e la
t h e seven s i s t e r , k n o w n a s t h e
t b e d a u ^ t e r of
h a s been m a d e .
. . . .
" P r a v f o r me, c h i l d . " said t h e m o t h e r
A t l a s and Pleiooe.
[Bottoa Comtr'
NT, 8 T K A 1 l o i i ,
^ v j f h a v c p a r d o n e d m y s i s t e r A n n e t h e grief s h e h a s
» A m i f o r w h o else ?" i n q u i r e d t h e c h i . d . •
A t e i t h e r of t h e above Citiw-^
and I would have comforted h e r sorrows


.« IMs tf Jikitiilk! Keatlj id tiftM) "

sas." ^^;:-&CT5Sgf?tSj£r'
gSSJ asr*** ?SfttoS BOOTwrcK,

•^ttomcf, Conitstllot: anir Solicitor,
c . I I. MAllSII,

2Utontq) attii Cattitsellor^t fato,


R O W L E ,



T h e Stimulating Qngiienf




IS.""®'}; «"<t

T^S'iiow. -

« t*r f

Ilfliant, istratton k Co.'s




v u S a S i w " * " "»












( C a t t h U o a t f o r f u t u r e ffcrerence.)



Philo Beers.
PROCEEDINGS O F T H E B O A R D O F S U P E R Gen. FreemoatfS Command.
Robert Lee
7 80
Major General J o ^ C. Ereemont, on his acceptance
Wm. H. Fife,
TRAVERSE CITY. J r s c 10th, 1861.
of the position tendered him, will be placed in command
in, E d i t o r a m i P r o p r i e t o r .
On motion of Mr. Hannah, the Clerk and Chairman
The Board of Supervisors of the County of Grand
of the Western division of the army, which is to move
were authorized to draw orders for Wm. K. Stone for
down the Mississippi river. The force will go down in a at One o'clock p. m., and were called to order by the $25 00, and Therou Bostwick, §40 00, and for Curtis
and for'Perry .Hannah, S3 12, in the
F R I D A Y MORNING, J U N E 21, 1 8 6 1 ^ flotilla of gun-boats. Part of it will land, forming an at- Clerk.
place or orders for said amounts that were destroyed
The following members were in attendance, to wit:
tacking party in the rear of the fort or fortification, while
by the burning or the Court House.
Desperation of the Traitors.
Traverse—I'errv Hannah,
t t e gun-boats will engage the same in front His instrucOn motion or Mr. Beers, the Board adjourned tint die.
Peninsula—Elisha 1'. Ladd,
Col. Forney writes to the Philadelphia Press, 1bat
ELISHA P. LAPP, Chairman.
tions will be discretionary as to details, but positive
Glen Arbor—John E. Fisher,
desperate contest most be expected. The traitors perTIIEROS BOSTWICK, Clerk.
the! repossessing and occupying ot all territory now held
Leelanau—Philo Beers.
ceive that thus far they have been outgeneraled; hence,
Crystal Lake—Aichard Ball,
by secession forces, all rebel cities, and places of defense;
D E S T R U C T I V E F I R E AT L \ N S I X G .
a bold forward movement is demanded at the hands of.
Absent—Messrs. Robert Lee, Centreville,
and all appearances of offense that may present themselves

John B Snencer. Megeezee,
The Lansing House. Exprro Office. Sta$re Office,
Davis and his set; to save themselves. Davis has at last
in his ouward march.
Stage B a r n s Ac., Burned.
i , ,
George Luke, MiltSnjl
reached Richmond. He is there in bad health and
From the State Journal Extra
That this will bean important branch in the grand
„ Wm. II. Fire. Whitewater,
Lvxsixn, June -1, 1861.
worse spirits. He is there, a broken-hearted, bankrupt
pn motion of Mr. Hannah, K P. Ladd was appointed
movement contemplated by the Government is apparent,
About 12 o'clock last night fire was discovered to
man. All his chiefs are sick or sullen. There is not
and it is also evident that to successfully carry oiit such Chairman pro. tern.
• Ou motion of .Mr. Hannah, the Board adjourned until proceed from the Ijinsing House. It appeared to origione man in the whole cabal, that is not either ashamed
comprehensive design will require all that executive 3 o'clock, p. m., to meet at a room in the Boarding nate in the kitchen, a one story building attached to the
or disgusted with himself. They look upon the moveEast wing of the main building. When first discovered
ability and military genius which Freemont Va popularly House of Messrs. Hannah, Lay & Co.
ments of the North with terror aud with horror. They
Board met pursuant to adjournment; members all the roof of the kitchen, close to the main building, was
supposed to possess.
behold the awful power of the Government of the
preseut except Messrs. Beers, Fife aud Luke.
The progress of the flames was very rapid. Although
The Chicago Tribune says t h j t Gen. Scott told Hon.
.United 8tates, now rapidly developing, with amazement
On motion or Mr. Hannah, E. P. Ladd was elected
the alarm was instantly given, before any large amount
and wonder. They know that their own safety is in Lyman Twmbull and non. Schuyler Collax, that he permanent Chairman or said meeting.
or furniture. &, could be removed, the smoke and flames
Messrs Beers and Fire having arrived.
fight, »nd fight they will, even if it is but one battle, and would wind up the rebellion in just eleven mouths from
further ingress or egress to the building. The
On motion or Mr. Beers, all Bills presented to this
the day the attack was made on Fort Sumter. Accord- Board for auditing shall be properly itemized and certi- wind was blowing strongly, which added to the fierceness
that their last on earth.
of the flames. Tho engine company was promptly on
ing to his programme the Western Anny is to bo in fied to by the proper officer.
Tim courso or Gen. BUTLER in holding negroes who
hand, and to the best of their ability, with the means
possession or Memphis in July—perhaps in time to cele- .On Motion or Mr. Fisher the Board adjourned until
they had to work with, did their duty. For water they
sought his protection as " contraband of war" and setbrate the glorious fourth. The Eastern army will be in 8 o'clock to-morrow morning.
•re obliged to resort to the cistern of the State House.
Tuesday, June 11, 1861.
ting them to work, is approved by the Government.
Richmond by the 4th of July. The rebellion in VirThe winds blew the flames directly upon the barn of
preSecretary CAMERON writes kini that, xhile there must be
the Lansing. House, and the barns ami sheds lielonging
ginia and Tennessee will have its back brokeii) aud per- sent except Mr. Luke.
. ,.
- "DO interference with the relation of any person held to
the Stage Company of.Ilibbard & Co., and they were
haps brains knocked out before "dog days. The work
Mr. Lnke's absence is on account or sickness in his
together with the hay and grain therein. The
„ service under the laws of any State within which our
of pacification in these States will be completed before family. His assessment Roll was sent in charge or Mi stage coaches and horses were all safely removed.
military operations are conducted," he should " refrain,
the firsttfrosts of autumn, at which time the two grand
On .the South side of tho Lansing House, were two
from surrendering to alleged masters any persons who
story buildings, and thi-v were also destroyed. The
armies will commence m07ing Southward, driving the the Equalization of the several assessment Rolis of said
come in" within his lines. He moreover directs him to
Exprcss'office was in one of these buildings. All the
insurgents before them.
employ them in such service as they are best adopted
On' motion of Mr. Hannah, the Board deducted 10 goods, books, sare and furniture were safely removed.
Tho next* South, a one and a half story buildiug, occuThe Pensacola correspondent or the New York Tri- per cent frotli the Assessment Rolls of Crystal Ixike ami
for and keop an account of the labor they perform. He
pied as sleeping apartments.for tlie-Lans'in* House, was
adds that "the question, of their final disposition will be bune states that the Tact that Lieutenant Werdeu, a bearer Megeezee; the others remained as they were.
badly burned, but by energetic efforts the fire was here
Ji.» Assessed and Equalized.
or dispatches from our government to Capt Adams, was
reserved for future determination."
stopped! The build'ing belonging to the Edgars was iu
*1 So of I A*~~~ I
A* I Perianal I TW«f~ very great danger, and the goods, &c.. from tho saloon
Thus the fire-eaters have been caught in a trap of arrested at Warrentou by Gen. Bragg, while in the dis,
Acr?' '| A.«»M I
I K.Uf. | V«ta.«loi
their own setting. Having insisted upon the recogni- charge or that duty, that he is now a close prisoner at Leelanau, . 7,664 37.427 37,427 10,155 4i.->82 and' dwelling house were mostly removed.
The rain or Sunday had left the roofs wet, nnd this
4,64a 37,079
tion of the doctrine that daves ore property, not persons,
fact, with the fortnnate change or tho wind from Souththey have a practical illustration of that doctrine iu the friends, cut off from all communication with tlie Govern- Megeezee . 53,485161.834
Deduct 10 per cent. 16,183 145,651 9 , i l 5 155,366 west to due West, saved a much more destructive conment,
seizure of such property as "contraband of war." They
flngration. The livery stable or M. S. Daniels was several
Crvstal Like. 23,509 66,565
should not complain if the Government takes them at fair way to sutler death as a spy at the* hands of the I)eduet 10 per cent, 6.656 59,909 ,3,284 63,193 times on-fire. The horses and carriages were removed
. 39.556 72.024 72,024 32.612 104.636 -ith the expectation that it COU'KI not be saved.
their own word, and gives them the benefit of their
The livery stable or Nutlian Guiles—building owned
Peninsula . 2.974 6.805 6.805 8,313 15.118
The dashing exploit of Company B. of the United Centreville . 8.363 26,683 26,683 6,300 32. 983 by F. IjaRue—was
also .......
saved afte- considerable exerN
Our Forces in the Field.
States Cavalry, by which they captured a squad of Seces- Glen Arbor. - 12.942 27,882 27.883 2.830 30.712 tion, as were all the buildings on the North side of
The Chicago Tribune hps the following statement of sionists at Fairfax, was followed by a still more gallant Milton
. 3,063 8,510 8,510 3,270 ~ .11.780 Washtenaw street. The furniture' in tho houses of Col.
several other buildings that
the location and strength of each division of our army operation in the night of the same day. It appears that
Ou motion of Mr. Hannah, tho Chaii1 appointed a fcere exposed, was removed.
the company.learned that their missing companions, in Building Committee or three to construct a Jail, and
at present iu the field:
The Lansing Honse was built in 1848, by Henry
Est; No. Men. number two, were to be hanged on Saturday morning; said Committee was limited to Four hundred dollars.
Jipson. Esq. I t was a wood building, three storibs
South Side l>otomao..Brig.-<Jcn. I. McDowell,
The Chair appointod Messrs. Hannah, Fife and Luke, high, built in an L shape, on the corner of Washtenaw
Wash Ac.,
J..»..Iirig.-Gen. J. K. F.Mansfield....22,000 they accordingly mounted, rode down to Fairfax, discover- such Building Committee. '

street. It has iteeo a favorite resort for the traveling
E i r e ' s . Monroe,
MnJ. Gen. B. F. Barter, T
.0.000 ed where the men were confined, rescued them, aud bore
public, and will be greatly mis=ed. M P. Marvin, of
J'enn., West..
Maj.-Ueu W. H. Kolin
Jail be built on the Lot owned by the County, in Traverse Jackson, and Mr. Martin Hudson, have kept it for
Cin;& W'a Va
Maj.-Uen. O. B. McClellao
13,1)00 them off in triumph
—Brig.-Gcn. B. M. PwntffV . . . .
something over two years.
MR. DOUGI.AS' PROPERTY.—A New York journal
Baltimore, Ac
Brig.-Gen. «. Cadwalladcr,
The following demands against the County were preW e estimate the losses as follows: M. I . Marvin,
Philadelphia, Ac., .Maj.-Gen. R. Patterson,
speaks or Mr. Douglas' " lack or provision for his wire sented and disposed of as follows, to wit:
Lansing House, 85.000; insured for $3,000—insurance
In addition to the above forces, there are mustered insaid to have expired, or to expire within a few days.
and child," He left no child by his second wire, his little Bill presented by C. II. Marsh in favor of A. B.
Page, for keeping John Scott 21 weeks, in
to service, and drilling at various enmpe and barracks, girl having died a year ago this, month. Ilis children by
M. Hudson, furniture, liquors, groceries. Ac., 85,000;
1857; claiiQea $42 00
sured for $2,500 in New England companies.
. not leasthan 75,000 effective men, ready to march at
his first marriage are amply provided for in the estate left On motion or Mr. Beers, the claim of A. B. Page,
Ilibbard & Co.. 81,000; no insurance.
hour's notice, making a total land force at this, time of
them bv their mother. In property Mr. Douglas, K is
presented bv C. H. Marsh, with preamble,
N. W. Edgar. 8200.
170,000 men. This embraces the 18,000 men of the
was referred to the Board of Superintendents
understood, was bankrupt. His disbursements within
Miss Elizabeth MeNnley. one or the employees or the
of County Poor.
' '
regular array.
Lansing House. lost $75 ill wish.
the last.two years were onormous, and his means could
Morgan Bates, for Printing Blank Receipts for
THE NEXT CONORKSR.—There will probably be twenty not long withstand such a draft.
Administration Tactic*.
Township Treasurer, claimed $30 00; a l - _ ^ ^
two vacancies in the United States Senate during the
A Representative or one or tK- five Great Powers,
R^-OROAMZATIOS OF THE ARMY.—The army is underextra session of Jongress. The eleven seceded States
James K. Gnnton. for making Coffin and burying
met Mr. Seward ou Monday, just as he was coming out
going a thorough re-organizatiou. AJ1 junior officers at
Henry Green, claimed S10 25; allowed • 10 2.) or his room on his way to dinner. Of course-the Diplowill be entirely unrepresented—excepting, perhaps, Tenmat was invited to walk iu. Ho declined, saying: "Oh
neffleo. Hon. Andrew Johnson, one of the Senators present in the service are to be promoted. About eight Morgan Bates, for Publishing Canvass of Votes
for Associate Justice or the Supreme Court.
110. I onlv call to tell you a good joke. One or our caphundred commissions for officers or new rcgimentsare befrom that State, if he continues to bo actuated by the
tains has" just arrived, and says that when he reached
claimed $4; allowed
ing made out, and will be sent in for confirmation at the
same sentiments for which ft, is now battling, will not
Morgan Bates, for one half-year's Salary as Co.
Charleston and went to my Consul's office and enquired
ensuing session of the Senate. New appointees will fill

• , , 1 5 0 0 0 for .the Consul, he was told that he wits drilling his comi reoogmaa the unconstitutional action of the Legislature
pany. What company? enquired the captain or the
' of his State, but will tako his seat in the Senate, aud
ship. Why, OIK- of the companies selected to march
claimed $124 50

represent the interests of Tennessee in that body preThe Secretary of the Treasuary has completed apian
against Washington. The captain was greatly surprised,
Ayes ami Nays, called for by Mr. BeefScisely the same as if she had remained true to the to adjust the difficulties as to the payment or troops be- Aycs—Messrs. Fife, Fisher, Ball, Spence\, Hannnd mentioned tho fact its evidence of the universal
feeling of hostilitv which pervades Charleston.
nah, and the Chair.
Union. The seat of the late Senator Douglas will also fore Congress meets. It will be immediately communicaMr. Seward.—What is the name of your Cousul at
Nay—Mr. Beers.
be unoccupied. Iu full. Senate there would be sixty- ted to the governors.
124 50
eight members. On the 4th of July next there will be:
Provisions is made for the re-payment to the States of Morgan Bates, Publishing procd|^ings or 4the
the money advanced, and to be advanced to troops. This
Mr Seward (opening the door opposite where they
Board of Supervisors, January Session, A.
Opposition .
P., 1861, claimed 21; allowed
2 1 0 0 were standing.)—Mr. Assistant Secretary, draw up an
removes a difficulty that has been exceedingly embarrasJXiJraneies..
Theron Bostwick, Postage, Stationary, Fuel.
order recalling the exequatur issued in favor of

, Consul at Charleston. There that business is
Lightsi See., for Clerk's Office, claimed 824
Marshal Bonnafont or Baltimore, after an interview
37; allowed
My God, Seward, yotl are not in earnest
Theron Bbstwick. for Seal Press for Circuit Court
JBFK DAVIS i s A PROPHET.—We find in a reported
I only told vou the story as a good joke.
• claimed 15 95; allowed
speech of Jeff-Davis, of JUDO 1827, that "while disclaim- with full instructions to arrest all traitors, seize all arms Theron Bistwick, repairs on County buildings,
Mr- Siicard.—And I, Mr. — . avail myself of the
ing being an^ltfrmist, he urged the citizens of the South and ammunition destined for the Rebels, and to take efficlaimed $2 95: allowed
' Jc> " joke" to give you practical evidence of the manner in
which we intend to dentwith every Foreign Power and
to prepare for the moustier crisis, when the Union will cient measures to stop up. the avenues southward for sup- Theron Bostwick. trip to Chicago to purchase
representatives, whenever thev interfere, directly or
plies of all kinds.
be severed, which is to come in 1860." Thtp
indirectly, between us arid tbe Traitors iu Rebellion
gister's office, claimcd $25 00; allowed
that before Abraham Lincoln was dreamed of is a candiCOLD WEATHER IN EUROPE.—Accounts from Europe Theron Bostwick. Freight and Exiirtss^ charges
against our Government. ' The Exequatur or your Conon Laws, Reports, &c., claimed 811 20; aldate for the Presidency, and in the very first year of Mr. report that 4he weather since March has been extraorsul is recalled and the place vacant; and 1 r p , " c c r ? I f
hope that no imprudence on the other siue of the Atlowed
IfBueWan's administration, this Southern rebellion
iii i f
dinary cold, with .drought and sharp frosts, which have
Hannah, Lav & Co., for advance to Clerk for
lantic, will compel me as summarily to terminate the
//1860 was resolved upon, and that Davis predicted it as checked, and perhaps, in many cases injured vegetables.
Bill of "Stationary from Chicago, claimed
very UK-OMbV
pleasant relations Rftw existing
D with all the members
t one having authority.
From the south of France it is stated that irreparable
„r ;i.i
iiminnwtic Qftrps.
fJfcrns. Your Government underor
the Diplomatic
172 08; allowed
J . H. Adams, attending County Canvass, 1860,
stands us and is always frieudly; bnt it may become our
The most brilliant affair of the war thus fer came off damage has been inflicted on.the vines by the frost.
claimed 810 00; allowed
t o ou duty to prove to others, that we are in earnest not to
' on the 15th inst. at Fairfax Court House. A body
GONE INTO ACTIVE SERVICE.—Mr. Wm. H. Ruthford, H. A. Wolcott. for services as Justice of tbe
permit interference in thi? domestic quarrel.
[N. Y . Courier and Enquirer
U. S. Dragoons, less than sixty in number, charged assistant engineer on the U. S. steamer Michigan, now
Peace iu case of the People vs.—Frank
Martin and others, claimed $2 93j all0*®'* - 9 9
through and through the town, surrounded ou all sides .on Lake Eric, has been ordered to join the Pawnee, now
INFLUENCE OF NEWSPAPERS.—Small is the sum that is
J . M. Pratt, for attending County Canvass 18J5,
by well armed Secession troojp, more than a thousand in at Alexandria, where there is a chance for a little active
and amply rewarded
claimed 5 50; allowed
force, but came off with the loss of only two killed and service. Another former officer or the Michigau, Lieut. Robert 1,-ee, attending County Canvass, April,
is its patron, I care not how humble and unpretending
two wounded. (They kilted twenty or thirty of the Rebels, Maury, is now on the Pawnee.
1861. claimed 84 80; allowed
4 BO the gazette which he takes. It is next to impossible to
fill a sheet with printed matter without putting into it
On motion of Mr. Hannah, the Clerk and Chaircaptured several prisoners, and returned to the camp
something that is worth the subscription price. Every
The Pony Express has arrived Fort Kearney, with
man are authorized to draw orders for the
parent whose son is away from home at school, should
Salary of the several County officers, up to
San Francisco dates of the 22d ult In the Municipal
supply him with a oewspaper. I well remember what a
FRBTT ASP VEGETABLES.—ImmetBO quantities of
July 1st, 1861.
election the Union ticket was successful. The California
marked difference there was between those of my schpolstrawberries, potatoes, and other early vegetables, usually regiment is rapidly filling. Union meetings are being Mr. Hannah moved that the Clerk be authorized
mates who had not access to newspapers. Other things
' to procure such furniture as he mav deem
sent north from Norfolk, Va., in May, have been prevent- held everywhere in Oregon, and the greatest enthusiasm
being equal, the first were always superior to the last in
necessary for his office; and praent his Bill
e d ^ the war from finding their accustomed market '
debate, composition and general intelligence.
to the next session of the Board.
for the cause prevails.
[Daniel Webster.
Philadelphia New York, Boston and other northern
Amended by Mr. Spenccr, that the Furniture not
The screw steamer Peerless, supposed to have been
cities. W e read, in accounts from S orfolk of May 16th,
exceed $75 00.
said to be absolutely dead at Richmond.—
Amendment carried.
that strawberries by the bushel were being given away, purchasod in Canada for the use of the rebels has been
The slaves are, as the roasters say. eating their own heads
The following Amounts were allowed for the services o£ Tho reipl of terror is complete. Union men are
to any one who woojd tako them; and the immense pea seized at Quebec by the orders of Mr. Gliddings, our
of the Supervisors, to wit:
Bjins as spcediiv as possible in o r * ' to avoid impr.sonfields near that city have been plowed up and aown to BUL
Perrv Hannah

n£nt as hStages for the nib retnro ot labels eaptttred
. - '
John B. Spencer,
Q Kn
bv oor Government Altogether; the ' o ^ o o l o r e d 1 »
murderer and traitor who killed Col. Ellsworth, proclaims
John E. Fisher,
* ™
ions of the Secessionists have M e d mto a dismal brown,
CAYKD IK.—Gen. HOCSTON has finally succombed to
the object or the rebels to be, to establish the independnot to say awful blue.
11 W
the stonn and publicly announce that be has joined the
ence of " a great conservative Southern Slave Republic."
ranks of the Rebels.

.ftjft (Snrnil fatoae genii). •



E. P. L"dd,



Read the Following,

Interesting Facts about F o r t Monroe.
/ - x This, the largest and most important Fortress in the
M I S S , A. K . S P R A G U E ,
ADTBBTIBXMBKTK.—tiro columns of HANXAIl, LAT A Co.s UWted States, in being reserved to the general governAND BE NOT SATISFIED,
ment in this contest with our Southern rebellion, gives to
Advertisements will be found on the fourth page.
our government an immense degree of power in the work . , the Ladies of Traverse City, and vicinity, that she has B U T COME AND COXVINCE Y O U R S E L F OF
THE MACKINAC HERALD.—This paper ceased to exist
pletely commanding the oulet to James river—which is Bonnets, Young Ladies' Boulevards,Blinkers, Chilon the 8th inst. Mr. Gantt has become fully satisfied
F I H S T , T h B t
dren's H a t s , Ribbon.', Bead-Hits, dec, Ac.
the inlet to Norfolk and Richmond—commands also the
that a paper cannot be sustained at Mackinac.
shelter of a blockading squadron for the outlet of Chesa- Which she feels confident wi!l give satisfaction both in styles
peake Bay; so that holding said fort tho government, in and prices. Straw dressing done with neatness, and disOFFICIAL PAPER,—The death of the Mackinac Her- locking up the bay, can, without difficulty, completely lock patch. Ladies call and see for yourselves. Room .pne door
ald makes the Graqd Traverse Herald the official paper up all the navigable waters of Virginia and of Maryland east of the P. 0.
Groceries, Provisioiys, Dry Goods, Hard• Traverse City Jane 11161.
for publishing all legal notices iu Mackinac, Cheboygan for any length of time.
The fortress covers some sixty-five acres of gronpd,
and Emmet counties, as it was before for Manistee, Manware, Clothing,
IS HEREBY GIVEN", THAT THE UNDERand is defended by four hundred guns of heavy- caliber, "VfOTICE
i.^1 signed commissioners of Highways of the township of And, in fact, anything tlie wants of the country demand;
itou and Grand Traverse Counties.
requiring a war garrison of twenty-five hundred men. Traverse, in the County of Grand Traverse will, on the 28th which they sell cheap for
EDITORIAL CHANGE.—Charles A. Waterman, of Wash- Over three thousand are now within its walls, a»»d nine day of J.une, A. I). 1861, at one o'clock in the afternoon, let
thousand more will soon be added lor outside operations at pdbliu auction to the lowest bidders giving good and
R E A D Y P A Y ,
ington City, has purchased Wm. Tcbb's interest in the in the neighborhood. The locality of the Fortress, " Old sufficient security for the performance thereof. Contracts for
Grand Haven Clarion, and will hereafter be associated Point Comfort,'"enjoys such a high reputation for salu- the Construction of Roads in said township, as follows:— believing the nimble dime better than the laiy shilling.
at Section corners Nos. 19, 20, 29,
with Mr. Henry S. Clubb in the publication of that brity, that it has become one of our most famous seaboard 30,FIBST—Commencing
in town 27 J»., it 10 west, thence westerly between 19 and
summer resorts.* The Hygeia Hotel, close under the guns 30, cutting all fallen and standing timber one rod north and S E C O N D L Y ,
of the fortress, will doubtless be turned over to the accom- two rods south of centre; and between section 24 and 25,
DETROIT FRF.K PRESS.—Wilbur F. Story has sold the modation of the outside federal troops. The surrounding town 27 N., I t 11 west, cutting ail fallen and standing timber Thev pav the highest market price for all kinds of. Produae:
Free Pres^ to-Henry N. Walker. Esq., who becomes its waters literally swarm with fish, crabs and oysters: so
Barley, Grass Seed, Poultry, Pork and Beef,
SEcoND-^ommeneing-at section corners, Nos. 13, 14, 23,
Editor and Proprietor. He is a lawyer of eminence, that the soldiers detaicdl to this military station will be 24, in tovin 27:N., It 11 west, thence south to town line, cut(Dressed or e n foot.) Shingles a n d Cordin
and has been a prominent citizen of Detroit for the last
CHANGE OF TUNE.—So much depends upon whose ox two rods on east side of centre. Distance, three miles.
TRAPPERS will do well to give them a call before selling
26 years. He will make the Free Press an able and
Tin an—Commencing at or near the quarter stake, where
influential paper, and will greatly improve its moral tone. i6 gored ! As long as England could get Cotton from road angh-s from section line between section 21 and 22,
America without trouble, she felt it to be her duty to town 27 N., It, 11 west, tlffncc in a north and westerly col
shall no longer look upon it as the great "Ilefugc of lecture us roundly on the sin of holding Slaves. But
elsewhere as their Eastern arrangements give shem an adto S. W. corner of section 33 in town 27 N., It 11 west,
itage over other buyers in the County.
Lies." Mr. Story has bought the Chicago limes:
now that Slavery proposes to break up the Government, ting all fallen and standing timber one rod on uorlluind
Disanif the Government resists and cotton-raising is likely side, and two rods on south and cast side of
THE IMMORTAL LEGACY OF SESATCR DOOOI.AU TO HIS to be suspended for bloodier work, her denunciations of
i p.nd one half miles.
T H I R D L Y , That
—Commencing on east side of section No. 4, where
•CHILDREN.—As the moment approached when the eyes the •' peculiar institution" suddenly cease. She looks at
the Glen Arbor road crosses suidsection line, thence westerly By the aid of experienced workmen, they have opened a new
servile labor with more partial eyes. She thinks that
of the great Senator from Illinois, were about to elosc
said survey, through section-4, 5, G, town 27 N., It 11 west,
d section I, town 27 N, It 12 west, cutting all fallen and
.death, his miwTond energies sparklcd;up, for a few mo- after all the South is not altogether an unabused community. She is not quite sure that she is not hftlf in the standing timber one rod north and three rods south of cenment*, in order that he might impart to the - dearest ob- right in this controversy. She seriously questions the e. Distaude, four miles.
FHTH—Commencing on section lino between section No. 9
jects he was about to leave behind him, the result of the morality of stealing negroes, particularly during cottonand 10, town:27 N'rTIt 11 west, where the C bundle rand Slittr
political experience of a lifetime." When asked by Mrs. picking' time! •• Our commercial sympathies ate. with road leaves said
line, thence westerly on said survey to
it any description, on short notice. Also keep on hand an
Douglas, what message he wished to send to his sons, he the Southern States," ingenuously exclaims the Shipping east side of section 7 of said town, cutting all fallen
assortment of
Gazettee. J ' W e must keep on good terras" with the standing timber one rod north and two rods south of cer
' replied with the clear, emphatic voice of earlier days:
Iron, Sap P a n s , 15-30-60 Gallon Kettles, Plow*,
now Power, cries the Christian Observer. "The South Distance, two miles.
Axes, Hoes. Drag-Teeth, Hleds, Ox-Carts, Oa"Tell them to obey the laws and support the constiution will follow the broad path of commercial freedom uncon- Sixrn—Commencing at section corners, Nos. 8, 9, 10, 17,
Yokes, Whlflletrees, & e .
of the United Stotcs." Sucl^ words should sink into thei trolled by Northern Protectionists, and achifcvc a vast Laka road ta west side of said town, uniting all fallen and In short, all kinds of Farming Implements; and will pay
particular attention to
hearts, not only of his bereaved children, but of every career of power, prosperity and usefulness," if permitted standing timber oue rod north and two rods south of
to depart in peace, says tho lvlinburg Review. " W c Distance, two miles.
true patriot in the land,
BKVENTji-iCommencing on Fourth mile south of section
must provide against famine in Manchester, before troubcorners
We shall soon have an importaut additiou to our block- ling ourselves with the moral aspects of the Southern town, thence south on survey of Ridge road to south line or
U R T H L Y , That
ading force. The three steamers of the Mediterranean
England, which has been growing rich out of Ameri- west side nn(I two rods on cast side of ceutre. Distonoef-flvi
squadron are on the way .homo, and are about due at
n ' servile
m w I l A Ilabor,
n l t n r !a
n r r i l l A r l Ilent
wt W
A K f l ! i t l f i l l ttheories
•fourths miles.
is Lhorrified
herr Abolition
New York. They are tho Susquehanna, paddle-wheel, should be carried into practice! Having reviled us as
coriftrs, 8, If-, 17. town 27 N., I t 11 west, thence southerly
fifteen pins; tho Richmond, screw, 14 guns; .and the a nation of slaveholders for years, she is now half inclined and westerlv on line of last survey of west shore Silver Lake for Shelling Corn, Grinding Corn and Cob, and all kin4k at
to damn us because we wont permit Slavery to tear up Road to N. B. Greeu's house, cutting all fallen and standing Coarse Grains, will lie run expressly in a
Iroquois, screw, 6 guns.
the Government. British philanthropy is suddenly de- timber two rods each side of said centrc.. Distance, one and
T l i A D E .
SUSPENDED.—J. If. Burch & Co.,'bankers of Chicago, prived of the gift of speech. The Society for the Pro- one half miles, theuce following said snrvey to south line of
For the accommodation of the
town 2'J N., K. 11 west, cutting all fallen and standing timber
announce that in view of tho commercial troubles, and motion of Universal Freedom has suspended business. one rod west side and two rods east side of c#Gtre, reserving
The orators of Exeter hall are dumb. The patriots of all valuable pine trees standing. Distance, nine miles.
R S .
others not unknown to that community, past and anticipat- the '• Manchester Party" manifest a sudden disrelish for
NINTH—(Jommcncing on Town line, corner of scctiou 7,
ed, they have been compelled to make an a®sigiinient, to American affairs. Even the manly voice of John 18, town 26 N., It 11 west, thence east to section corners, b,
Bright has boen stifled. " Cotton is King," and rules 9, l«i, 17 of town, cutting all fallen and standing timber
Wirt Dexter.- Ewj., for the benefit of their creditors.
the mightiest nation on earth—and rules it with a tod of one rod north and two rods south of ccntre. Distanci
MORE "CONTRABAND OF W A R . " — G e n ' B u t l e r con- ' >n. We shall see if we cannot dethrone the Despot
F E E D M E A L . ,
XKNTII—Commencing at east terminus of Betsie Lake road,
on hand and for sale by the 100 lba.
tinues to be in receipt of largo invoices of articles
on town line between section IS, town 26 N., It 12 west, aud
section 1*, town 26 N., It 11 west, thencc west on said survey;
trabanJ of W a r / '
less than three* hundred and fifty
DETROIT COMMERCIAL COU.EGE.—There is pbrhaps no cutting all fallen and standing timber one rod ou north side,
have already arrived, and the cry is "Still they come."— better standard by which to judge the merits of this In- and two rofls on south side of center. Distance, one mile.
stitution than by tho patronage awarded it by a discri- EIJIVENTJI—Commencing on section line between section
This,Is but one of the many sequences of Treason.
minating public, which we are glad to learn was never 3,10, town 27 N\, I t 11 west, when tho West Shore Boardmau
Tli() .City Council of St. Joseph, Missouri, have passed better than at present, notwithstanding the war and Lake road crosses said line, thence south to section line between section 15, 22, of said town, cutting all fallen and
an ordinance making the act of displaying the United money panic; anu however mikny other Institutions may standing timber one rod west and two rods east of cent
States.flag a misdemeanor, and any person so offending suspend, they are ready ^o redeem their promises at all Distance, two miles.
Contractors will be required to cnt all down timber
times, and will warrant any one taking a thorough course
•' shall, upon conviction thereof, forfeit and pay the sum
a complete business education. W c wish them the suc- the ceutre lof survey, and ail timber fulling <•.Cross tho cent
of not less thanlflfty nor more than one hundred dollars.' cess they arc achidvinir. and which by their experience so that a passage one rod wide may lie had in the centre s
'vey. Standing pine will bo allowed to stand.
and ability they so richly deserve.—[DetroifcTribune.
Bids will be received on quarter miles (by request) or ov
Corner of Wakazoo and Xagonabe Sts.,
AN INVITATION.—'The Marshall Statesman, in correctIn every case contracts must be signed, anil with surities.
ing n mistake made in 4n obituary notice, says:
KENTUCKY AND TOBACCO—The Louisville Journal pre- On completion of Contract, parties will receive our OKDEK
O R T H P O R T .
"Our friends may rely upon their obituaries being put
and patriotic character, to the people of Keutacky to re- FPND.
in'good shape, and free from all inaccuracies. Send them
Dated at Traverse City, Mich., this 5th day of June.A.D. 1661.
main true to tho Union; and that is, an absolute monopo:

«P "
' •
ly of tho tobacco trade for two years, at least, to come.
' Commissioners of Highways for Traverse Town.
Virginia, her old mother, and ouly considerable rival in
A young man named William Briggs, now at Lapeer,
tho production of tobacco, is embarked in a war which,
having been shipwrecked on tho African coast, where he while it will cripple the production of even the necessaries R E JUL*
G O O D S ,
was picked up and brought to Boston, is desirous of find- of life, will render the cultivation of all dispenseablo luxuAND
ing aTTuncle named Joseph Briggs, believed to reside in ries impossible.
this State. .
A FATAL MISTAKE.—A sad occurrence has just taken
Tleady-Made Clothing,
Chargeyhave been mado before the Secretary of W a r in our village. Three men named Alexandria DuPlantv,
B. W . Mallatt and Joseph Tromblv, while in the woods
thatone^of the heaviest contractors employed by the Quar- adjdSent to the village, plucked and ate a small, quantity
on Commission—jand now offers for sale,
termaster General at Philadelphia was recently employed of Cicuta, or as it is commonly called wild parsnip,
14241 Acres of Choice Land#;
in shipping saltpeterJo the Rebels. An investigation has which they supposed to bo Sweet Cicily. The former
Which he offers cheap for Cash or Birter.
two died within two hours from the time the fatal act
been ordered.
C. DAVIDSON, A g e n t .
was committed, notwithstanding every effort made by the 1850 Acres, also Choice and well SeNorthport, December 21,1860.
Vow SAPE.—Four Bouthern ladies recently landed at
iu a very critical condition.
[Bay City Press.
Brakleborough as a plijce of safety during the war. Docs
Also—13 Lots in the Village of Elk Rapids,
Tho Southern confederacy standing in the position of
the world show another instance of sending wives and
a rebel government, there is not anu can be no postal
The above mentioned Lands are In all parts of the County,
childrejAoto an enemy's country for safety.
arrangement between it and the United States. All let- Elk Lake, Whitewater, Omenia and Traverse; are among the
and best selections with reference to soil, water, surA/W'OINTF.D.—Andrew T. McRcynolds, a resident of ters, therefore, addressed Southward through Northern earliest
face, and market: embrace Farming Lands, Village Sites and
This is E v i d e n t I S i n c e
Gsjnd Rapids, has received tho appointment of Colonel channels, will find their way to the Dead letter Office at Water Powers, with or without improvement", in quantities
Washington, there to remain until Jeff. Davis and his to suit purchasers, and atprices making it an object, in pre- L . M . & W . F / S T E E L E & Oo.
of mo regiment being raised by Carl Schura, and is now
ference to buying back from settlements.
associates submit to the federal authority.
in cfcmmand.
Traverse City. May 1. 1801.
2My *
A FEMALE LIEUTENANT.—Mary W . >J)ennis, six feet
THE FUGITIVE ANDERSON.—This Missouri slavoSsho
MARCH, 1861.
two inches high, is First Lieutenant of the Stillwater
killed his master while escaping from servitude and was company, Minnesota regiment. She baffled even the
D A 8 G O M B , T O D I > & Co.
not surrendered by the Canadian authorities, has sailed inspection of the surgeon of the-regiment in discovering
her sex, but was recognized by a S t Paul printer, who
for England from Quebec.
D R U G S &M E D I C I N E S
becamo shockingly freightened at her threats of venFOURTH OF JULY.—From present indidications the geance upon him if he exposed her, and he decamped.
national holiday this year will bo celebrated in all parts
Running bctween'OGDEN'SBURG and CHIC AGO, will call
enoicc VABIETT or
at this place DAILY, during the coming season of navigaof the northern States in a manner that will eclipse all
tion, to receive wood. ' The above Line consists of the Proprevious jubilees.
pellers Buckeye, Michigan, Ontario, Ogdcnsburg, Wisconsin, Empire, Prairie State and Cleveland;
The disunionists are making a general draft of all men
T. J. R A M S D E L L
and for safety and regularity of trips is not equalled by any
in the Potomac Valley capable of bearing arms. They
other line on the Lakes.
are to take tho field with shot guns, or any, weapon they
Proprietors of Wood Yard.
can individually procure.

Hitchcock, Campbell & Bacon,


Blacksmith Shop,






Hardware, Groceries and Provisions,


Northern Transportation Co.'s


•^ttarncD aitit Counsellor at'^ato,

P R O V I S I O N S ,


O n o n i s OF TROT have purchased a gold medal for
Francis E. Brownell. tho Zouave who shot CoL Ells- worth's murderer. Young Brownell is a Trojan, and is
much esteemed.

Manistee. Miehigan.


G i v e TJs a C a l l !
N until Monday, the 8th day of July, at One o'clock, for H nevolent Institution established by special Endowment,
furnishipg the materials aud .constructing a JAIL for the for the Belief of the Sick and distressed, afflicted with Viru- M. B.—Physicians' Prescriptions Care fa 11 y ComO T I C E , SEALED PROPOSALS WILL BE RECEIVED

The Kalamazoo House, at Kalamazoo, is being re- County of Grand Traverse, according to plans and specificawhich may bo seen at the Store of Hannah, I .ay & Co.
placed by a fine four story brick first clan hotel. I t will tions,
Contractors will have the benefit of the Irons, Ac., saved
from the late fire, which are suitable for use again.
soon be completed. '
Sealed bids may be delivered to either of the undersigned.
T. P. Smith, of Vermont, is appointed Consul at OdesWM. H. FIFE,
sa, ii» place of Mr. Arnold, of Illinois, transferred to S t
Travtrte City, June lJth, 1861.



lent and Chronic Diseases, and especially for the Cure of
Disease* of the Sexnal Organs.
MEDICAL ADVICE given gratis, by the acting Surgeon.
VALUABLE REPORTS on Spermatorrhoea, and other Diseases of the Sexual Organs, and on the NEW REMEDIES
employed in the Dispensary, sent in sealed letter envelopes,
free of charge. Two or three Stamps for postage acceptable.
Address, DR. J. 8KILUN HOUGHTON, Howard Association,
No= % a Ninth St, Philadelphia, Pa.

Northport, Dec 14,186a


H e r a l d Office, T r a v e r s e C i t y Stfob.

Hannah, Lay & Co.'s Column. Hannah, Lay & Co.'s Column

|1 Photographing A Baby—Doestick* Relates Ills
Had to wait for several other paople to be pictured;
ENTLEMEN'S CLOTHING AND FVIINISHTrumps (the baby) disappeared for five minutes, aud was F A B M E H S A T T E N T I O N ! !
Business, sack and Fancy Coats and \ ests;
then found industriously washing his nurse'* shawl and
Black. Fancy and I nion l'auts.;
bonnet under a pump in the corner of the room; the
Summer Coat.-. Pauls aud\ i«u-. a ful. line, m *.e
color had come out of the ribbon# on his hands, and those
Vc.y L-test-Style.
hands, had, of course, at once transferred the color to TTTIIX
White, Fancy, fhtcfe ana »Ui|* ShirtGcutlcmeu's Linen, Leopold aud iiyu u Collars
ace, and his nose, now was a bright green, one cheek VV the mfcrki
was yellow, the other red, bit chin was purple, and he
had a broad stripe of light-b!ae oyer both eyes. Of course delivered at Traverse City—Wheat. Oats Core. Rye, Barley,
we couldn't have a picture of him in that variegated con- Pease, Potatoes, Unions, Roots, Ac. Ac.—thus making an abdition: so he was undeyed as fast as possible. Duriug solute home market for evejything raised.
the washing process, he howled as though luv was possesN
sed with all the devils that are mentioned in Scripture.
By the time the nurse, by assiduous scrubbing, had
Rai.-ins, in.quarter, half aud whole boxes;
Tallow aud .-learine Candles, by the box;
taken off the color aud the skin from his face, the -photoSugar, by the barrel or 100 lbs,;
graph man was ready; then Trumps was frightened; he
Bonn, by the box;
evidently thought the camera was some instrument designMaking Powders, by the box;
ed for his immediate destruction; howled; wafr calmed by
Mulches, by the gross;
Toyi, No;ions;
assurances of photograph man that a bird was going to
Vobieeo, Fine Cut, by the half barrel;
come out of the tube; then he eagerly looked into said
Tobacco, Smoking, by the half barrel;
tube, and man made hurried preparations to take picture;
i Plug Tobacco, by the.r>0 lbs. or butt;
got the plate iu; took off the curtain; wheft trumps; tired
- Sod*, by the So lbs. or keg;
of waiting for the bird, and beginning to think the whole
Hllocs and Boots, by tlie do*.'or hf. doz. pairs;
thins a sell and a swindle, yawned, and began to look
• Brown Cotton, by the 3 to 5 piece.-;
around Tor amusement; man stopped the tube; but all to
'" Shirting Stripe, by the 2 to 5 pieces;
/fate; the picture represented his majesty with a mouth
Creain Tartar, by the 5 to 20 lbs,; t
% the side pocket to an indian-rubber overcoat; no gel
t'aiidv, by the liox;
Tea, by the 20 lbs. to half chest;
mustt try again,
aguii, but wouldn't sit again;. had been lOoled
Pork, bv the barrel;
>, hadu t seen any bird, and didn't belie
Ham* and Shoulders, by the 100 lbs.;
coaxed him to try again, by presents of large quantities
Prints, a choice assortment, by the 2 to 10 pie*
of candy; man said we must all retire out ol sight, lest
FlsUinels; • L
we distract his attcutiou; everybody got out of the way;
Mopquito Bars,by the piece;
. Nails by the keg, assorted;
mail renewed the fable about the bifd, with additions and
kiss-mi-iiuick an.! Win.Hor soa
Salt, by the barrel;
Almond, honey, sun-tlow. <- and Yackec soap;
variations; Trumps looked iu at the tube with all his eyes
Cojlee, bv the 30 to 100 lbs.;
Silver soaj., for t leaiiiit^ silver ware, dr.;
aud those eyes d^tended to thojr utmost size; man d.du't
•ftround Coffee, by tlie 20 to .'.0 lbs.;
ThcriuoifivU'r*, teaiiu r \ e'.ts;
Thus, aadowu a lone valley With cedars arrayed,
look at Trump.?—-looked at his watch all the time; was,
Butter Crackers, 30 lbs. to {ibl.;
Paiirv. juoroccn and *l!k lxslt»;
From war's dread confusion I pensively strayed,
aroused by n peculiar noise on the j>art of Trumps; man
Cartiel binding, snnffhoxf s.
The gloom from the face of fair heaven retired,
Boston Biscuit;
looked up, ana discovered his majnstey it) the act ofcomTobacco boxef, a i oiiii.Vt :e ^ss't. SOTSC very Pne:
The winds ceased to murmur; the thunders expired.
Piiuipkin, |.omeKivi.;Ui-. heart yid suawUrry
placently, sucking a piece of candy, aud kicking the back
Perfumes us Of Edenflowedsweetly along.
Pipes, by the box;
of the chair with his shoes; picture this time, was singuAnd a voice, as of angels enchantittgly sung,
Columbia, Columbia to glory arise,
larly mixed; Trumps, bad it seemed, suddeuly risen from
Broomiybv the dozen;
all. to<nh, Rcrob, Uacling. ho
- The queen of the world, and child of the skies.
Ne» Haven, Ct. 1783.
Prunes, by the 20 to 100 lbs.;
unexpected operation, was, to present on the plate a
id shot k'atharii) , irirophei
Dried Apples, by the 100 lbs
ii>nrl«K tapes, vi
double view of him, or a front and a back vie<v, mixed,
What a Volcano can do.
Cou Caps', by the 1000;
krt cpiu[i.iM?ei', if ;L< t ma kc j
; "half and hair; the back of his head aud face were so cons k
f—F od tiihr-kecpflVf;
Cotopaxi, in 1738, threw its fiery rockets 3,000 fact glomerated that his nose appeared to be growing out ol
r >-!"°l"s\
Writing desks, I!CV work"bose», foi
above its crater, while in 1744 the biasing mass, strug- the back of his neck, and h:s hair was sproutiug all over
Traverse City Nov. 3ft, I860.

gling for an outlet, roaftd so that its awful voice was hit cheeks, while his eye calmly regarded .the spectator
Traverse Cltv, Nov. SC. l-i"n.
heard a distance, of more thau COO. miles. In 1797
from the back part of his head iu the immediate vicinity
miislin and linen Edging; '
crater of Tuuguragua, one of the great peaks of
'of the bump, of curiosity.
i Iaserting and Flouncing, real XWread;
Andes, flung out torrents of mud which dammed up
Man retired to the dark closet where he docs the mysSmyrna and cotton Edge raid inserting;
Ave is' I'll!/;
Muslin, cambricamLpiqna settsoi"Collars and Sleeves;
rivers, opeued new lakes, and in valleys of u thousand, terious things to the pictures after the camera has got
Moil'at'h PBlB}
Oam',no, mii.-.iit A tine Maltese hand-wrought Collar*;
feet wide, made deposits of six hundred feet wide. ,-Thi "done with thein, und had a private swear; Jcuew he went
Muslins—fCi'insook, Book, Swiss aud Cambria; '
stream from Vesuvius, which iu 1737 passed througl there to swear, because he came out with his face very
tfreuck skirt Jaconet; Jaconet;
Torro del Greco, contained 35,600.000 cubic feet of red, and he left a streak of blue fire after him, which he
dross-barred, Cambric aud Nainsook;
solid matter; and in 1794; when Torro del Ureco was ^ w u g o c c a 3 j o n c j by the chemicals. Ho, ha! As if I
Wash Blond; Embroidered Curtains;
llrilliantcs, from 1*. to 30c;
destroyed a second time, the mass of lava afiiQuntud to | m j u e V c r
a I n a u s w t u r a biue streak before that dav.
hineu. Linen Cambric and hem stitched Ti dk fs;
45,000,000 cubic feet In 1G79, Etna pouretl- fourth a
Thett we tried Trumps again; he seemed comparatively
Printed bord, jirtut-d and plain Cent's. Handkerchiefs;
llood which co»ete<l 84 square miles of surface, and easy tp keep quiet this, time: sat him ou a chair and gave
Child's printed, plain,and hem stitched linen
measured 100,000,000 cubic feet. Ou this occasion the him things to play with till the tube was ready;»s Do\'l(*, l'illow-Case ColUm;
scoriaj formed the Monte Rossi, tiear Xicolo3i, a ci^e suddenly somebody discovered that there was a reason lor
Li iu n Table Coven!,"by the patte»fi or yard;
Sawyer's K\r. Hark Tor Fever and Ag».«
Marseilles, printed and plain;
Kcnnedv*' Medicui Discovery;
' two miles in circumference, aud 4.000 feet high.. The his being so very quiet; particulars are omitted, but it is
Linen, Linen Diap.-r; Piqua Binding;
Sugar Uad;
stream thrown out by Etna in 1810 was in motion at the euough to remark that wis didn't got a picture that time.
very n
d Qt<\ t 4 Bo?
rate of a yard per day for uiuo mouths after the eruption;
Half an hour elapsed, wheu Trumps again came to the
Marseilles Quilts—nice;
and it is ou record that the lava of the iamo mountain, scratch; everything ready, aud we let him slide. All was
Pointed Tape Trifflinlnit, for ladies' use
after a terrible eruption, was not thoroughly cooled and going on well, when suddeuly, during the last tTireo sec- Soft and heavy Muslin, for ladies' skirts nml u
consolidated ten years after the event. .Iu the eruption onds of his sitting, he, by some horrible mischance.
Traverse City. Nov. :<0. I8E0.
Lac Snlphnr tfor
of Vesuvius, A. D. i9. the scoriae and ashes vomited caiigllf o glilnpse of the little girl. He iustantly began
Cod Liver Oil;
forth, far exceeded the entire bulk of the mouutaiu; to nod to her, aud the result was six noses, twelve eyes,
Ked. tilne i r.d gray twilled and plaiu I'laiinels;
while in 1C00 Etna disgorged more thun. twenty times aud other features in proportionate quanlities. Man again
White, pink and Bob Roy plain Flannels;
its own mass. Vesuvius hus thrown its ashes as far as retired to the dark closet, and ou his issuing forth was
Cinton I'lamieK brown.slate and bleached:
f I G H T FOR T H E MILLION.—WF. WOULD F-SConstantinople, Syria, und Egypt; it hurled stones, eight ugain aocompanied by the blue fire, and also by the smeil
Sittinels. K. & M. Cassiraeres,Sheep's Cray;
1 j 1'H'IAl.LV c»li th- »<*>-ntion or i|»!n c«irm»nlty to #B*
pounds in weight, to Pompeii, a distance of six miles, of sulphur. We knew, of course, that he had been solacFfcncy and blackCagaiineres:
thing of all othcis iu wliiih they slo-nlt! 1-- Kiui l ouwquent'y
Kentucky .leans l>uek, Denims;
while similar masses were tossed '2000 feet above its iug! himself with a little Harder swear than ever, und con"iteresiedt io wit: tiu-t
a Good Light is >ne of the
i »t desiilrrnioms to 1 < ol tainC) — ;iini that after Caresummit. Cotopaxi has projected .a block of 109 cubic signing that baby to a place that is not necessary to menShirting prints anil faacv shirting flannels; .
ful Experiment : > n.iic:w#l»#« leen irno.'n. td aLd i c yards in volume, a distance of Nine miles, and Sambawa, tion. I am fnlly convinced that, if that man could have
Black Doe-liin Cassiincies:
monstrated beyond a question of doubt; to tie the
in 1815, duriug tlie most terriblo eruption on record, had his way at that time, Trumps would have been imraack and blue cloths;
BI ST, CHKAl'Kf'l,
sent its ashes as far as Java, a distance of three hundred mediately killed, cooked aud set before the King of i the
Brown and J.leache.l
a nioe assortment;
EQUABLE light ye; knowL.tgas only excepted.) Such an
Ticking. Bays,
article we have the pleasure or Introducing in this eottainmiles, ami out of a population of 12,000 souls, only Cannibal Islands for his Caunibalic Majesty's Iuueh.
t CO.
uity, and which, with
twenty escaped
However, we tried again. This time the little girl, in
Travcrrfe Cite', Nov. 30, 1300.
tho midst of sitting, marched up and demanded a kiss,
A Living Whale Transported by Grand Truuk and got it—in return for wheh she hit that young geutleof American ond Knglish makers, from, centi- e now have on exhibition and for sal". Olid of the VERV
Hallway from River du Loup to Portland.
tnan a slap which made him. howl again. The effect of to one(Prints,
shilling per yard; choice American prints De l.aines: EST quality. Call uuJ inspect onr Kl3iCt-EKE l.AN'i S.
We mentioned in our lost impression that a living these combined operations on the picture were not
Cobuj-ghs; French Merinocs; all wool De Laine*; Mohair*:
whalo had btjcu transported by rail from river du Loup pucive to the achievement of a perfect likeness.
Alpacas; fancy wosted plaids: Pattern C.ood<of latest styles; Traverse City-. Nov 30, 18C0.
to Portland. : We have now some furthor particulars of " Man again went into his dark closet to prepare an- careltllly selected: Halmoial and knit ekirtsf Ladies' vests
this remarkable /act. Ou Monday eveuing last this other plate, aud emerged, after having, I am convinced and drawers:hoop -Uii tv.vool hoods,underelecveg, Ac.; print- J^OK l;OI S! Ki;EI'LnS-KMVES AND FOIiKS,
dweller of the seas, measuring fourteeu feet in leng'.h, well sworn the skin off the roof of his mouth, aud taken the ed Cobnrghs: Silk Vulvas; choice printed wool Dc Lainci
I'aib, Tu's, Waflilsoardr,
boxed had covered with son-weeds passed Islaud poud edge off all his false teeth.
Scrub, Shoe, CloiSies i.nd Whitiv asli RrRfhcf.
•on his way to Bostou. Ha was captured at liiver du
Ladles, LooIj:r.g li:a>:si.s,Carpet 'Inks Parti Briik.
In order to pacify tho young man. Trumps I now, as
Traverse City, Nov. 30, 1$CP.
Loup for Mr. Catting, the enterprising proprietor of the a last resort, gave him my watch to play with—he yelled
'• AquarialCIardeus" of Boston, at an expense of $400, until he got it—he yelled until I opened it for him—he
Congi uM (Jailers, Suppers Scotch i i.
in aadithnTtoVliich is to be added $400 for freight by yelled still further, uutil I opened the inside cover, and
Rubbers and Overshoes, Ladies' Booti
special train through to Boston. We tire told that a lei him sec the works—then wo all retired out of the
Oaite/s, Buskins Slips Ties, ltubbers,
- - tank was made specially for his whaleship. of one and a way. till the man could give the sitting. Trumps kept
Ovet/hoes, Carp. t Shoes
Boyf' Boots RndSho. s
half inch plate glass, ami having pipes from the reservoir so still that we thought we had got him this time sure.
MisJcs Bootees and Caiters.
at a cost of 82(y>00. Mr. J . S. Martin, superiuteudent After tlie man announced that tlfc time was u|>, I went
Trnvr ;e Ti . Nov 30,1M
Chiles' Cacks., Bootees, coppei
of the Eastern division of the G. T. R., accompanied this up to his majesty to congratulate him on being such a
O FISHERMEN—WE HAVE ON HAND AN ASspecial train, and saw that his extraordinary visitor re- good boy, when 1 discovered that he had pulled all the
sortment of seamihs and wnf r twine, Ti out r nd common
ceived his drinks at every water station.
h Hooks, (Jiiling twine from2J to^<l feet, Patent s|*#rs,
wheels out of the said watch, broken the crystal, beut the
hoes andl/Cggings;
After the above was written we received the following hands double, and was trying to pick his teetji with the
•lling iiooks of various paterof, Fish LiwsTict'isg Lines,
Sinkers Cane Poles, Ac.
further particulars:—This new rail way' traveler over the mainspring.
Grand trunk arrived safely at Portland at 2 A. M. yester- As a last resort, I npw undertook to hold him in my
City. Nov. 30, 1RC0.
<ln£Wl alive, and, lite "Mark Taplej," quite jolly, after lap, and seo if I could not keep him quiet—after'many
JlCts long ride of 440 miles. A special train was in wait- trials, in which he defeated all efforts to keep him quiet,
Traverse City. Nov. 30, LSiiO.
,Mog to take him on to. Boston. Ho was sent in a large by sometimes pulling my uose, sometimes pinching me in
P/ box, covered with sea-weed, and at each watering station tho stomach, and then pulling up his dress, and insisting
CU Oallou d of do. a ful
A. the hose was turned upon him, wheu he blew off famously, that I admire his knees, he ut last got so sleepy that he
Axes Ax Helves Locks Latches, Hammers
\ making quite as much noise as " Poffing Billy."
kept quiet enough to have a picture made. It didn't
City, Dec". It, lsfO.
Chi-i ls Augers, Hand, Buck and Cross-cut $aw.<
[Montreal Gazette, May 23d.
look no more like him than like anybody's else baby, but
Draw-knives Hinges Cabli, Trace aud Halter Chains
it served the purpose, and I joyfully got out of the place.
lino Spectncles,
ELOQUENCE AT A DISCOUNT.—" May it please the court,' During the dressing to come home, he couirived to
Chopping-knives Hand and Boys' ^xes,
•aid a Yankee lavyer before a Dutch judge, the other get away from the myso, and dip his bauds into some
ilklf, 1 and 2 foot Rules '
Traverse City, Jan. 10, IMJI.
day," this is a case of the greatest importance; while the chemicals that deyed his face orange, ate his clothes full
Steelyards Spring and Counter Scales
Flat, round and taper Files,
American eagle, whose sleepless eyes watches thewelfaro of holes, and took tlie skin all off his fingers.
Horse Rasps, Cloat Nails, Square Horse Cards,
in use—for sale in Traverse City only by
of this mighty Republic, and whose wings extend from
The man charged me for the loss of bis day, a n i l had
Curry-Combs and Ilorse-Bruthes,
}i » v v i a LAY
i" » vAJ CO.
tho Alleghanies to the rocky chain of the West, was
a sweet little bill of $23,27 to pay for a picture of
Traps of various kinds
Tra*-crsc City, Dec. 14, IsCO.
joicing in his pride of place—"
Trumps, that he tore into little square pieces early the
"Sntop dare I sh top, I say; vnt has dis suit to do mit next morning, for oats with which to feed nis rockinghorse.
Skates Sleigh Bells. Coffee Mills Ac. Ar
cagels? I t has noting to do mit do wild bird; it ish von
Lines, llame Strajs Hold-bark Straps, Girths Breast
His-majesty has just come to tease me to go and have Traverse City, Nov. 30,18C0. •
52 and ReinjSnaps
sheep!'! exclaimed the justice.
another picture made, because his horse wants more oats.
Traverse City, Dec. 14, lKf.0.
2-y " True your honor, but my client has rights."
What, for instance, can be more excruciatingly funny
"Your gtient has no right tode eagle."
Spices Candles, Soap, common and erasivc;
than the following, from that mine of fire-eating humor,
Mustard,English aud French prepared:
«|Of coarse not; but the laws of language—"
JL Paper, and Buff Curtaining, Bordering. At-.
Sods Cream Tartar, Ginger, Baking Powder,

'*V at cares I for de laws of language,eh? I undershtand the Memphis Avalanche:—
Salaratus Starch, Vermacilli, Hops,
Traverse City, Nov. SCI, 1860.
Tho fact of Lincoln's constant intoxication is confirmed
de laws of de State and dat ish enough for me. Confine
Tobacco, Snuff, Garden Seeds
by a gentleman just from Washington. It appears that
your talk tode case."
Bag Salt, Fine and Rock Salt, Glue, Alum,
"Well, then my client, the defendant in this case, is he became addicted to the vice in this way: The cares
Lamp and Lard Oil, Castor Oil,
chareed with stealing a sheep, and—"
Fluid. Molasses Syrup, Vinegar, •
Traverse City, Nor- 30, I860.
"Dat will do I dat will do I Your glient is charged mit cotud not sleep. His physician administered him large
Beans. Pork. Meal, Flour, Oatmeal.'Feed, Bran,
shtealing a sheep, shust nine shilling. De court will ad- quantities of opium and brandy each eveuing until stuBeef, Hams and Shoulders, Codfish,
pidity would ensue, and then he would fall into profound
Hard Bread, Butter Crackers Lard,
ERS, Spoke Shaves, Spoke Augurs Small bright Iron
slumber. In the morning his prostration would become
Extract Lemon, Vanills Rose, Peach. Pine Apple, Ac. Chains for Traps
Caleb Whitford, of punning notorioty, once observing so great that liquor would be resorted to; and thus, by
Traverse City. Dec. 14,1860.
a young lady earnestly at work knotting fringe for a a frequent repetition of this treatment, he has become so Traverse City, Nov. 30,18C0.
petticoat, asked her what she was doing?—'• knotting, demoralized bj- the use of liqnors, as to be perfectly
Fnr Hats
LANK DEEDS AND MORTGAGESsir," replied die; "pray Mr. Whitford, can you knot?" imbecile and thoroughly indifferent to what is passing
Tor saleby
—"I cannot, mad&me, answered he.
around him.
Traverse City, Nov. 30,1860.

Colombia, Colombia, to glory ari*e;
The queeu of the world and the child of the skies:
• Thy genius command)) thee; with rapture behold,'
While agen on ages thy splendor unfold.
Thy reign 1B the last and the noblest of time.
Most.fruitful thy soil, moat inviting thy clime:
Lot the crimes of the east ne'er encrimson thy name,
Be freedom, and suience,,and virtue thy fame.
To conquest and slaughter let Europe aspire,
Whel'm nations in blood, and wrap cities in fire;
xThy heroes the right of mankind shall defend;
And triumph pursue them, and glory attend.
A world is thy realm; for a world be thy laws,
Enlarged as their empire, and just as t% cause;
Fair science, her gates to thy sons shall unbar,
And the east see thy morn bide the beams of her stars;
New bards, and new sages, unrivaled shall soar
To fame unextinguished, when time Is no more,
To thee, the last refuge of virtue designed,
.Shall By from all nations the best of mankind.
Here, grateful to heaven, with transport fhall bring,
' Their incebse, more fragrant than odors of Spring.
Nor Jess shall thy fair one to glory ascend.
And genius and beauty in harmony blend;
The grace* of form shall awake pure desire,
And the charms of the soul ever cherish the Ore,
Their sweetness unmingled, their manners refined.
And virtues bright image, eustauiped on the mind,
With peace and soft rapture, shall teach life to glow,
And light up a smile fn the aspect of woe.
Thyfleetsto all regions thy power shall display,
The nations admire, and the oixau obey,
Each shore to thy glory its tribute unfold,
i And the east and the south yield their spices and gotd.
As the day spring unbounded thy splendor shall How,
Aud earths,little kingdoms before thee shall bow;
While the ensigns ol union, in triumph unfurl,
Hush the tumult of war, und give peace to the world





w e



Lamps, Shades and Fixtures,







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