Grand Traverse Herald, February 20, 1896

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Grand Traverse Herald, February 20, 1896


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text


iSri;±rSsi'Hx “'--■
CatToUh _
TbeflnC bant ul■

^ ■ .».
- Ucr aiMl

Ud bj.
aw t* <ulle.(rrat b-4 ku

PS O.P. Carver^


HASfiNGs sBOGBEEReal E'state,

hkppil.v uoited he pal ha brai iBeida the da
Ih. rm.led forth jn«r it fr»iB »ide i.>»iJe. thro tnrew ii
: fc.ek. oproert hi, hill a, aide a. p.~.i•Ma>bip. >ir
1 c«e brat Ih
aarfclBK t£c
Bcsanee (ha arai
rana. -If.yoe I ••Tl
cas iMUeap liarrv tkmil fen
maid Kphrim. a* he picked on hta'pu
Uat maa lo the eoluniw."
of puaipcio •Cfd and alartrd |.. jl,r
"laitlor astuermeDt eou are par>u- fielo. au.oifl ij hear hren f.«-tbc
lUmer' iti.,iiirM
iti.,iiirad tor
the TouUi-:
Toulh- C4u;,;o
(apiaiB't.i foltoB. Ibstra<l M aundlnf
.......... - r -. - atock ai
attil. a mark fur the arp-.e - of



'Mt» IVkW* %-reth

OlQr Omc Stire.

Busmess Cards.



UM»-AU«n»kal UW •>«
kj^j, «—

^25c. per Box.'




• eat. I euutd dn It
' > '* K‘»' » [a«l} !-• kkuar ir|mther
cut'em'lal. or aew 'em laW the
relKaipa lA.e.-nl'rm" lir.laiddowB
the ah-mraacd aclUcd ialo hit ftirmar
-he *-iard itir |w»ili«. atiti .«rT»yin,f the c»IU« aa if

■raro.inf." .b»* cried. -etan'n.D' aa''
A* lUlpbr outeule.aheaag doarb
«»>rrrl.kraolr-p-*uin.- The Aaanulii
an old fiuwcrpoL
AuarrrpoL «iniligh<
ainilifher a.dempi of W
apiuin. atilt *l*odinT _in inn'n-rBt ^ly
^|.r tearful ryeanpon
rjrre npoB the

-Arelbe litUopen U.alir'heaaked.
■XU t.iaiard Iiiia. wbeiMt'iie
him,"aaid ahe..-.Ml, yoontr *ir." replied Aoneile^'i.aprang three fc-l alreuiht u ■ into the •“ *■“* “c • pol.ioaiae hia oa
father, with loteraait. hia youthful ar. air «ith an a»b.iii*Ued
me a phlonklrel bc'a
•ija awk" " -*l"’ aeullln'' m,
dor riainf aa bourrryrd the pro|a>r. hen marched ,.n aiN.ued the eureer.
. went and Uiugfat
.rfat tJ
the Ptuff too. an' me
u.m* of the alraight limWd yuunf
A FkSMM Jtunp.
1 b.. p.ilouai>e ha.1 bivn M-nt In II - a-tn-allo bim llkeadog. Lord loqrtee
atrenjer. -If you will vy youarffree
.. luy I woAl neeerdoll
la a wooderfut lo
■ - do
' ao.
- Hem* my daughter Mr. 1
laale in dme lan lo brilliance vf color,. again.
a^ia. An'the
An' the I,
l.a>rd bleaa him. a-tiylk'
jaaiper. Thkckermf ip -The Virrip- at her and decide.
iug. id for the coll* .d butler *“vul me -Ml a p.
c‘.. That'bfaiU
aaaa." (iraa him IhemagBifleaBt record
Willi a amile the nei umerthrra .
aupplied by Hr*. Wckle*. who had aenl Be-an' with *hw
of ee fret 3 iDcbca for a raap'ing iHoad
<Niai. I
aaah Urhl
fur the pulouaiM- with a ragoe -nier other barai of tea
YouBf Harry Warriortoa, oritiBp
and fail
and ptepprd fonrard ■ .gel M.mctbing kiurter..j.tyl|,|i and ““d ™d in.
borne from Ke«laDd. a daacripUoo of a Annette
.-jette looked-anaionaty
loal ilariy.
ikin' like- She .hared her .i-u-r.
‘<lpb:" ahe cried.'-lu.oey, you kainl
Jaikplng match, in arhieh he eoaerad ~.\ ahoatood » >r by with tmuble.1
laale for bright eolora in a morrmof .-ut ik le*! it alone, on' Tlh fioe .
feet 3 ioebtat, tharaby bratiof bia i-oni- . .
and then abe ra*t np>in
te degree, and in-agh migbi the time aomehoar. An'I won't wrew
petilor. Ie>rd Marat), gon on to aay: -I the atckocer a gianre of pitnoaa •'!(•
bnre aeleete.t aach a eerr alrikiog '"'A'' ^ red thing nre nothin’ yoo- j
thea told ihnh that than iraaageD- treaty. All facBrl, alood »till aa the
a-ii.-ie henwlf. oun- that ahr bnd il .be <l"h't trant mt- to. tfar Imweat dn 1
llawmat home Aha could beat me by yunne man huundnf foriaard.
l.iath 1.. ita g.Kveiiujiea^ Hre. Oh. Kpb, my augar lore.Mo thiab
a gOQi tool: and aabro thry a>krd me
" eenty-t%u feel and an InciT"
* the light -if dar and Ibe admiral"’* waaB-lryin' lo eol me a -poloaalae
arbo It iraa. 1 aaid Col. (i. VVaahlaytoa.
'a wurde were rev^iaed % itli
..f Me,.pleyi!ie t-y.% ilb the aheeieaheata ' And aba-ren
of Hovt Vamoo-aayou keow be can.
of aurpriee ami wonder,
rrybablythe fartmn had f.wgolle.nKph'a arma. he haring riaen Ip hia ,
and he'a the only nmn la tbl* country wllboutal freiineol pity for pour
milanoiit tbr p dunalM*. tlu-bncni. anil ^ret, nnd .Tie.1, agaioyt nla botternul
7101M arreaTtoa
ormiaethat oandolf SollThack-.
croadedaaonad the new ti
b'imI.n.1 11,'^e r,.rolr.lin hi.'®*'erey ia to he belieeed Ocorre atanda ■’ff-ring fitm thrir nmtrralulatleaa bia
tiiaintidr du.t lath ................. _...
. h,.nv‘ RaU Eph.
Tbr uld .(anucr approached, and grear- MIB
Hut Kpliniim I'i-klea. lei.iih'lr !>•><<•>« her bead
«iU'(cut it. L.
Ing the yoaog man'a hand caullicgiy
" lnter.«ille(tate mmpetltlrei* called him hi* Min nnd aaid he (rll patting the toi-..f ibe pumpkin bllf. ■> am'l aplled oor ihV aheep abatra
I of the ealiiinala. \Vbai-the pniadcr of blai than if he were a aiuuiib with the blade ..t ibe biw. aui'l nrtlher. Uut Hel,.liv, ohlle’-abd
knee lu the ahrlH and rieiuua |..urof H»r twinkle uf huwre In hia eena
aflle paler patria mlsbt
priDcr To -th- -Iiid atiiirte the true
^Uhrd With aplked ri.oea. a dindrr patenu of nubilily' wn.- phyairel the allgbU pot that m-rn, “xa-n kinder thinkln' maybe the Lord
path, and a nice plank "ukeulT. n» alrcngtb and m-llTily tile M-arlr, iwl-inaiw.
Wi.nldn*l iikr fee ica to be uhuYiin' im
Kcaamlng bia cal the atrangrr
at the Ume.if ■■.ateiitiuii ba-I in.t "‘ri miihln'at uur time of life, 'alld of
rtwclieil (be aeinr ul it. n.nalali.Ki ><uin' wbat we maid fer Hi. glory."
in peace, brat in
he I.'ll. of IheWittle rilluge chureh , ""e won't du II ao more." aoU t>elbaaru of ha Irlluw c.rtinlryioei
— lalrly won. She Irenrd uja.D licr I

Ural in Ihe libt of ninninir hhad
father aartii. pair auo ilalreaacd.
Sabbntli M-b «il wheirili.hrnim pin iii.
And the neat day ahe eat up the red
The <wla pure lolhr Male le
I’oor Harry <arrolialoo.lnloutgl.,miy hrail in
...m d-w Where hi. p to make twelea plncaabtona
It Unatbor uDfununate
unfortunate that
□d inortiHcd. admiring'•■■<■ _ .
lie with a inigiity f'”' the fanry fair, and tbna it area ao
tailpoflhie rcjJarkab'r jump
■r hi* abilisy. but taaliu,
■ hair.braiU. wbli-li (lenerM-lv retu~
retuM .l tu lunger a
n of diM-ord. bat a blma
to be. found, but I'hnee dUeu
OL'k in»t.D
: aaka,
diiguiar. into a down, thinga
eeiy prauy llllle•■dory
■dory ohieh
» hieh ri»ea
1I with aa otl.-r dr.n-gnrd
d'.rvgnrd fco- p|upi
prupriety: Ix'Vt.r. »“') prutalily juyi foreaae—
10 iuchee abort of II;
LlftCB •era-d.tnai 11%. m. aaU
. Ukingbat
d,barr lwiKUe.1
lwi.Ue.1 up in a jauntily
j.imtile defiaal 11miii- 't'l m dha and time ahall Uke aa
glrrn him by yuang Warrington.
ron you fairly."
I Iheirglory.'
In.-r, and kept .lipping'liaThward
la far tke I
Annrltr’. chre
r than Iforwanlaud aideear. with efery
iJred in IT^.'
rVl'i'n ricWnd“^^iri'
larble. ahr treu
H.d Meala al all haara-da, or kVkl
Iphy'* inipaiiei
Uncolu 1
a Villase Oroola.
old fanner who
whuMi daughter wavdeclar■clarObVlhetoa
ed to
bV the loaelleat maiden la
In allThe
wear that ted j Abrelmm l.ibcoln had only a few
it'the furm of her Ilwrr At tfae'„,jng Ib.'lnbv^'*
: „„«„h. of ...ihoatlng,' buimaarycon
r bad
-ducailon. A writer in the H
‘ *‘-k lod
.'b-llncr'. tell, bow the futore preaSome offered her wealth, eumr p<aii.lert wa.
nlueatol in bia boyhood aa a
craod an orator.
buL obedient to bo-.
..• man in Haolryaille. lad., a Ur.
proud, I might lie,"''hr
hr ad'ded,
Shki!' with
dimre the ab.rekreper, took a I-oulafair a gem
1 her nineteent■nth _____
and here Mn.aila went rag'
ink there iaa
kto go alone. 1 reckn
ineiled al) tbeyoalhot
.................. ularly tu read aaddiaruM iU obalaata.
who ha.
toagrend haymaking
•making frolic,
froll and they
her nn-k l.aiking -uddeniy
eery All thr men aad lioya of the. Balgbbw
Young a
Kaar llriek Cold siorkce bnildiac t
Baf kiM* I'otoe Stk
eaiglil and her n
ng them a duaen bandaome
■ very allff.
Innid gathrred there, and •rerythlag
-K. lk.-il take
■w. who were known 10 atlll
frrablg walkin' w-firr-h the |wprr reUted area aubJrelS
lelhlnkayoa were
.kuilylu.k,'' Mild
idar regard fur the fair girl to the llaU before me—I .truer 01
a. he abut b> their kiwa. abrewd cuiumun aeaao.
thrd...r. Never 1
wboae nalel day they had come to cele- the maldrn. though une uouli:
If Iliii.-hliig
II waa not long brlun-yoang idneola
fr.>m her purp-au.
I••,•kle», a* bereoje the favorite member of the
t for a fairer, but from lutr .
'* '-ahr buttnne.1 m, tl,.- red
... Boreing paaaed in merry laborMUM. with grouji. and the unr llatenad to m«t
.port in wbicli I aw you e
■ .h-adytlng, re Hut when ahe .l.-ii,h.l riperly.
Uy noon tke barn* were filled with the
uo are the.rlelor, and aa
fragrant bay. and all were ready (or with the peruiiaaiuo of Uila worthy
Hob the little buff |Mrii..i a..llie
Vuung t.lDooIa waa not only erinnlng
the (<«at of good t
tblngathal bad'liren
•11*. were beginiimg luring fur' a repuuUon aa a debater ami atoey l3■mbly. you n-ceire '
hr waa becoming kuuwa
•iae yi
..v-.-ri. %uu
the ll.uughltl..'t he rroliyn
"How my lada.^
ul baekwuiidaorelur.
after thd ba.n^nrt w aa aome time orer.
Hr eiMld repeat with effect
pneui* and apeeefara la hia
to lay hi
gnod i^n
. ,a.-b,«.l readen; pe oiiuld Imitate to pertramp-d up the wandering praouberm arbo
Bwaaa faiBuaua laf Pataliafe, HauaekalO «aaaaa.raaaa4 rmli, Vaaalihlai, Hap. nrata,
lunuJ a. all., .-amr loiienUTvIlie.andheeoald make
b4 aarU>lu«lABl*Rual4 ke br|a al as eaaa'aauparalara aa4 aaa, fraa rala. aalea aa4 aaiba
thing about muncy
d>ir.keTln llaja pulltirel aueeehau etlrring that he
larnrn, or •oldier.laralL,.
at. par a»a
by my rlrl aa any man In tbr
..-Jtra: but I want b*r lo marry a
wa. much adinir..! i,,y ihe'clinri b
Thr applaonwhe won waa aweat; and
ulof the village.
man of my own gnl Now prrbapa you
menbi-re. but hphtaliii .p ...................... ..
fre-,urntly be Indulged hiagifu'
That night Harry and Anarile a
know It and peibapa you dun t. hut
aalUfai-li.meffe..luallj>bycaatlnghalf. kr .night
bare '
_kt tu li
iarrlrd. and during the feetin
wbaa I waa a yeimgatrr 1 aunhl bret many » bumper were drunk b.
amuted. Iialf.ah'wplah
liaH'ah'wplah glanire al it Ihiiuglit
' Maanfi.. ,_______ _____
ai*)r ^rli
^. Ing the whuir ' lalhri. It wot trying. nudoabL to the
anyimt in all VlrAnla in tbr way ul hrolth of the myaterlont end nu 1^1^, from ai-fiia. the
and further,'(by 'trOffl'rihg
laaplng- i*x.k
niter hnni puahaa] farmera, to nre Um frri
minded etrmugrr.
■ ting to talk «Itb tbr i
llt^|d npaabt apjk* Ibrre bandongbl Vj hava bren untU^ gr
laalng on aeeeral yearn wc flod that
himplug W.aj
throw duwB Ueir
ry tarnill baaheromr I'.il, Harry i ,, wHr waa aafi'i.t uul ■■!. alghl.
■'And an uf tfarm won lo thrir fight, " Camdl, of ilirrefolutii.nary army. *»oe
alien'ba] that day by a
bawHton. "baaldm wbli'h 1 #»l my
........................................ erjual returnold idnUD by beating Iba amirteat
Banon tha anatera ahore^ Vow llaUa;
I’raUkan aa lAib that d» maa ataall
marry my daughter without Jumping vaare w.urler r.ale up a^ aaiiwuii.«d
IH*,I* <>• the^lgbof(or It. Tbarvyoii bare It, boye, yonder'a tba greea. and hem'a Annette.
Tilt oaa •faujumpa farthpal im a daail
l^e] ahall marry htr Ibit rery eree'.
iruugh the Inflakare of kto
^hia pacullar addreaa-waa rerelred
Ifrlghbor* Uiaa a lonal flaplarHknn*
With great tpplauat. aad m-irr than
ao .truck wllbuar ^
• youth, oa be bouaded fiway fur ilo...'Bt a( trial. t«ai a glance ofautl.'l’ »'rVl^ I) IbeiaiBe Widely eateadM
patad ak'tury upon the lurely prirr aa |
.|tl.rchnrch, anda.thr
the time

•'-------- -------- ------------------ ------------------■■-■- —
aka atoofi bluabing bealda.brr tatbrr '
That eveolBg.

at IheUble. Saoctle. fur the grand dieplay the warlel
»w thedIpiBed,
dIpiBrd. maironi,
matronly, nnd *iill aalreUial bad lain la tbeiuir-wu.lew- of the riclirliy that he deelarM th*
the aatirr party wended thrir way. bandaome Ura Carroll, .-oald not keep "
ildrriBgfire ready tu name | "world ouulde'l Ual iL"- fimfMngt.
Unking and alnglng. lownrda thr rl|.
and klndlr anew the tire of r,.
eyr* from the laoe of her lllo.lri-,“P«
• " Inn »«e(or» *»hlrh.pread ihrgreen
rteiuir. Every mumnt
lumnt or two khe
klie (><>■(><>■. wa* agaiilB dU-iKwed
'Savad a Baby'a LUa
' thU plot the ground
' tleal a glam • at hi* oummand.' ' V* won't • ._
I A rumaatic marriage ooeorred la‘Atwaa hare
alrabty Bulled to exer- lagfreturM. and linlfdonlitlagly.
huneyT" a*ki
a»ked ^Kphralin.
Clare uf <
I In wBlcb they were
kaver e ity
ichigak abuot to eagage. boon ail wa* in readMlia llodge. of VlrglBla. Mr. lUl«y •
laem for the eonuat.
The *ignal waa
aumewbot-iiaat ui yeora of ag*. aad
given abd the yoaog oompetllora.ttrip
evident to Dor faoataaod who in-.*" 'f • tlW"'* •»«“ to- > “‘n't g« the brldeabmt »
ped of their Ruata. alepprd forward


j l^eiil E?f4l6 Eiejjin^e

Fire Insurance !



Hcflri Rocheui,
Perfumeu'" Parift'

Rose & Son,
oae Flm ■(•
I ku k. I k,u k i».

'*ooW admi^o^'*

ereioj ■
_ _________ ^ .
It Dp..B th.- ualUu.'aad caaUouala u
lip thukhearv hot paaaad irra^BicI;.
,'rat,'hiD; hi
;-Xf I kook


Violates KuHes,
JJoquet.Hommede Coui*.


a kaan Ual •„ brate aad oiocm
a Biml tkai aaa aeUr aoa aerai a
ataltk In t»«d Ikal »».ke«—e»
Chia »aa Ueorre TlolllBatoi

‘"'' ?•’*'*
*‘ «■>•• »It*> hi* «»p'^«r the BUkl FS^svnUd bv
^•*^»»n‘lhUe.v.»ti»lf ehuv P|'«tr. •' Iwjfe piw o! CBlieo^ t»lf'

ftireit Qt}. Ikk.


AKE VOD Cooking


And Lunoh Boom
SOo Meal


iNiilnM. CMK tMM Ul dM l|L


V. E-nnssnsoo.

goVi.5^* “
BOLUtUlt kkkWVy.PMyM-

Pin Dugs aid Patent Meiliciae



Cold Storage.



Sr <


Cheap Homes
nr KxenoAv.

9nmt •(, Taaeoaw Oatp.
%l lUaHoiel haa
lan Haul g^ty^anir.
u tka


Carpet Cleaning,

! «1U ftm «B« Q 007 kUA ef iMb « gretsM (»r tiN V

J. o.

Farmihg Lands

H.WHlTlNft, PboW>.



ri/re, rt‘/iiri/ ■Siirrf Cider and Pure iftid process) Ciddr
1‘inegtir for sah hyharrei or l eg.



' “r£ri


S'' izzzT.tzz'

Front St. House,
e. mnOR.Yi«7rt*Mr.

«. B. «BAna. PrapetoMf,

IWIreiM (W<4Md nmygli 0*BMP

■Biiiii ONI ra»ka I'lniiad taiaaa m t "

gf AOMtk


Do Mf ffo Weal or Hmilh until yon


1 in am

(Men. Yen ana do heller lellh !«•
iMtey Boww bonHl


Uada rlefa.dry
ff«>tl7 rplllng '
TlmberM amidly wlih Bogar Mopla,
Beck Blm. Bamwood. Aab,. HMeh.
Beatloek, etc., and are weU walered by

Design Work

|a faMaak.aM aD apaalal ai


FOR-lSmoked Meats Good Fits,

Mlbafaaaf tor...................................

- •


Good Goods,


■ Uw ■Bai»i.........
•• McVBkPkBMC* •

»«Bt4Bltr WtMT.............

■VMJrtrashwn ................... IM
lllbatrokb perk.........................
14 ■■ (kU •orh........................................ 1.00
- AM artiBrgwdb »t aorraapoBli—grtoik

DMTtovetUapUM. /
R. W. REDDY. Prices,


Ut Pnat Sl. n^Wv ^



•" '"•™' 'I'-S

M lid Populir.

•«« Qtn fisA Ocpritni XmtiHBL

,rw Booha. Hapa. etc., addrea


:s:.rasKp..!';ri;. tZ

$100 Ulll $1.60iOt6l

:KACH£ cured

! T

.S C

. • ,M


__Iward UrafKia,
areym, 17 feet:" cried
.. .
oflhejndgr. The youth had done i
bat it w
clear by the look
bl* fact that he_____________ ___________

I Sponges
LITTLE AND BIG...................................

Chamois skin
SOFT AND SMOOTH.............................
.................. .ALL SHAPES AND SIZES.
g lie VMSTBTBnr.

nATsan etrr, nos.

And Me the Magnifecient Line'of
Woolens now on my countefs, such
a line at-will gladen the hean of
the man who needs a new Suit and
has a laudable desire to get one.
In addition to this Urge assonmut
to Miect from, I will give you the
finest workmanship, a -perfect fit
and a price that will make you
buy. TRY ME.

■ cnr. ■ mviaAiL

10 bad
^ bean aome
acme lime, with a <inlet.
M"let. xled
tied IwV lUt^cWH^at^^^^
aniog amile, obawving the lady'a "y« «>»ld make aomvl
non* aed paxxied acruUiy of hi*
'I nmWn
. oT -Kim Bodgo* realded than at
itotre. -that Ura. ran-nll Ihluk* Uw hangieg ipbrr roiling pic.
that limdTi
Mnltreln meanold a-.uuaiouore." .r>t tim, to wink. An' ben
■Dink Boulden. )y feet!"
Hick with
,F aa ■-•en'
Itu/ laagh of BBU*(aeUoa replorcd
’Uany Prealon. Il> (eel. 3 iBcbreV'
•Well done, Barry." ahouted tbr
•■Yon tried bard for Ue
X if.
aooa asd the
I cnaldn’t '
waa a rattle-br^ed a
■twirtUil. an-the few 4,^ find
cl^aep^-baadv tad an rye of icuw
her'whMbTZdL^^'lfa £Sd
only 'jamped for the fna
foandln the nmd. near hor homo
the Ihiag.
H waa thoogbt. hotfever.
a moment with her llpa parted aa if:, -fx-n'l ye low Wim
Mr. Bailey earriod bar 10^



ifiUn ^eei

-M, .u..r--

-I mut pniae ead^io't* henH *hr woulde’t make a* omch i

(or Charlie: OutrUa wiat:wii
comp-fare aad hard neoge. loo anwleldy dren« for all them -leeplerlllr girla " [
I th« crowd with good aainred aorI carved lo blm tu look op bh eld frhm^
B. Charlie griaaad. threw off bia
ippoiBtseet with a alight uplili of

-He-el." epoke Ephraim *<'-wly. I ^
Haahlagloe waa Indeed the
. akmlden. and waa aooa ereatlng
t nary owe u( th- aelghlair.
ywaag athlete wl----------------in df Ungktar with hte wit. w^
ma lar more nimble than


• -"■ r.idsaF.r:«n?*J?w

waaam baloae le^or lefL
to aeveral had h._______________ _______ blood. waeetoitlyccMtaered by the riJ- Clkta aabueirrt^a-aewla'fer the
retired from the ioovret.
wlda'i make mew
■How (or Harry CarvoUr ehealad
I girt aotbln- to
want It no

loo of Col. Ca
Hear Nall Uha Oily Jr^h. wea as '
le red ^>loB
e; OB' Eph. Ife
there llre^^hmd ^ M
athloM of the vUlage aad he waa ■
e ia yoo aet
morel a laeerite that erety owe a
a-waatln mr 10 wear It ’'
dog*e duty to drive a now to
I aa well ja aatk^M hit cm
Bpb wolk^ out 'of the kl
reid the atlalaler, "tbit the palpli le ,.^,^"^
mredowa akmg tha rivor kaewa aa tha
dordaa. A laach for the dog « bed aa
inpapevaadftataoadloUaaoUBr. £
faad, not
I Wia t amf reawmbm- the^s'-ss.srs

h^iaa^, To arr 1* haaaa, to togiva


sSinsTi.'Se's.ssr^ma;movtagaloagre the eow aeere. aH



• Idaaghtwraaome.
I waa
hBewad.' the BBUread. aa th*
by a -aeared her owa door. ■tirihla. L
'* foatla- t
tba^ I
: •'The iadto. Oed





i Grand Traverse Herald


••A oray ^by l>«aedaBa Dbea

a pefartllbaro U a tool
•ristha Bnau* Oaaa. At
I tea. tUakb'
■ baraalU opaatod bj
•or baa talh arfU M
TBOt.T. BATSa Edtter««affod la bM aaltaia. mad aa tba adb Mr. Karria Peainy <a alev
ter (laaa aa paralaBaa I arfU add ay read ye> eeaa a lUrkhaB'a brid
aaUay oeabnabBaW; tbU U aa )a
dMtry ttet bn eat the preprlaior
.xictTM ind* ipMtatmaf tin ^
yrat deal otUaaaed labor, bet
MthM bM •go) raid adsalgteu*
mhtmcU^ of Arara ral.« tU>
ra ralfd U>
«rilii fdrtiro .
t hu KOt worhad
tbaatbtdaadalleM. idaBL Mow aalda traa tba pewtlj
laraa yoo paaUwB&t plan ot Ib
r«7 troU. bcraer. Th* ftrrt y««r-of Ular a Said of aUlka elorar.
portaaea U Iba Traraoe Baaeb Boaort
tb* M« denomUe “UorBOB' MrtS
<Tbara arm
with lu |w«tty botal aad baaatlfa
1»» tha boM TOodMtlas ra that ooyht a eapUraW tU
Bi pood* >(» Uu ibe yw belor*.
d aot taam to pay aay atlastb
baart of tba aaeraya aasBir rlalter.
madortbo'MeKlDl>7>*”' la
How raarday U mj aeaeUdi
sm. tbere wm
»W ^ **• boaey. TWy |
tbat perbBpaaoaaoearHU Bed tael
oontry; la Ju>MT.'lM^ tbtonBicr
with aad parbapa wut Xa dUcoa
bad dn±MMd to
Tbia waa
Battar Wall oob# bb.
What I
a yaar afo, aad wall ratora tba a»yol^ leaay a tbk. we bare jaat a
aertlae tbat loAay Ibara ara aotU.Wa Uaed .obr
•M Itth; It HtM froB OM of tba " ■eottberorybeateoBBtteala.tb-

alroBf eetoaUa aad ww a kura awwt
aeariy a IbU babel ot boa. A ww
froa tba day tbat tbay wore Waed
BM bow they
were yatUay aloey aad laaad tbe low­
er hire fall of booey aad brood. I look
two of tbe brood froBH aad yara tbaa
ordoey. patUaf amply
OantHt Baaoiair Na-a. tba plooaer free
U plaea. Alao pat ee
allaar adrocMa ta Mtcbifae. baa tbia Co
aapar aad aaeUoBa.
ly Iw wa
from tbat Ubb I look oaotbrr look
tbem aad foead tbat they had not only
flilad tba aaetioaa. bat bod Rllad tbe
hire Gosplela. Tbay.yBawed a bole
M. la a tbroeyb bary cloth eorarloy aaetloea.
to tba bond
at of tba
e waa BcariyaH
lodat uf Ibr
_ _ ..............................a>loa#a
a oo tba fr
of all
wbal 1 oaed of H
Mawa U aot
that it w.
not orruio
ay w ^ eaa Baka. Me
baaa totad
ad ia
• faror of
o t
tba aenata
bad had'arc--------hadaroUto^t do Bot eera tor aeotber a<
_____ it if It bad
boaay. 1 prafar altaedlBy
l rtdar oerbl aot to bara I
riaed to tbat bill ia tba Brdt
drdt plaer.
Usa. They fliled oaetloDa
Saeb iM/IUBMeUry aalboda bara do
tlB6 wbtab I look, t tbooybt It bat
ralatioa to aariooa ler>al»U"BTba
••rtdrr".« IrtWatlrr bllU. aa »a polot- Bot to taka aora M tbay ware a Urya
aad 1 waalod Ibsa to bee.
•d oat tba ..tbar day, baa lU ooa prop­
er raacUoD. but obra It la •■■ployod to plaetytowlataroB.
B/ ylrley tba waek eolony e tlUIr
5Sl«li'!ta*b*VXcrUal^ aiiiwb
lo opllttba utloo aqnaraly lb two, do axtri Hia they breasa a atnuy oolny
a^ i took fortypoeedaof boary froa
tbem. I had abeet tbrta hsadrad
■oUry wurk to taek aaipoBDda of aoab boeay aad aerfo food
auff^ toaa OBiblbea
Hi frmala aaffrafa
wia of baa la tbe fall.
laloaa MU. aad yrt Dom
BBdtntasd tbat Oat W. BbM. of
t bay oiarrwa would
.arty aueb fara. U Brnklny a aaoeaa
iato oaa rota.
Hera la a propHal to
of bM eaUare.
Wosld IU9 -to bear
aatborlaa tba praaldaol to borrow h^

Would Mot Ooaear.

ThataaaU fraaailaor aabatiUta lor
tba boaaa bowl «ll waa daftalad la tba
‘ boaaabya la(T*BaV<r)l7- Tbiaraaalt
ooaetaaloB. It doaa aot aerra
aa a tree ladicatloa ol tba aaatlBaat of
tbabnaaortba ailrar qoatiow

aUle of MkhlyoB. To proae tbe
lYbara U ibere aaotber eoeat
tbat atood tbedrootb of l«U a
raae oea half H wall h did Lrola
eoBBtyf Mrarly arery bara
ity ia foil to orerflowley wiib ba
aad fqddce %e trod tbe BOBaroM atoe^
Eeoiy eoTB crib'U toll of tba yoldei
yrmlB aed la Baay aaaa the taraer
bare bad Ui boUd Bort room for tb


2ii^'‘lluTnwrarCbl'cb“tf i
«-i— Dll tba jadcaaot and bi
hoDoty a Irfialaior Datorall/ pw
Mow what aaor laaaaeppaM
HB tbrowoe lop of tbataaotbar
poaal c^oally poadaroea bad in

A f.«uar froB Franoe.

poaioH aad there la Bora than teo.oo
beabaU lalt 10 Barkat Is fbt apriay
«or-te preeeed oe oor >MirTiey. i"
will keep the abora road, aed by
dolsy we aotlce pretty faraa all aloei
tbe load. Dee yeeUeBaB bn B froB
a rety eoBBOdiow
teDoyb. Vtakb Bakm It rery «
lest for both m aad beat. Arririaj
U Larkiab pier we eUll aoUed- Uu
aaaw pah aad aaeryy that the Leelas
' people era aoUd tor.
Prom tbb
W to Lae*a Boy tbara ta a aaeoaaai
pretty tam aad Sat oreharda w
rood belldlagi that woeld do aredlt
aaeh older ooaatry. Mere we Iran
bay aad croa the pole I kaowo
Lea-e polataede^ oat 00 tbe bay
oyais at tba bead of Hattoa
ThU U OH of the BHt beaetlfal ahreu
iter la the whale liraad TraretM
r^loa. TbartUayeof batumt I
Ballad la at tbe head of thU little bar
tbe water aad the blUa aad
ia ^TorydiacsItmaU^lor tbe t>i
eler oe oh o( tba bay boala to ooaccirc
e( aBOtr baattfelapoloa iba yreen
ortb tbaa tiettoa Bay la tbe <
of Jaae; bat I mat yo back a few mUee
to DOtioe tbe Urilt belweea Lee'e Bay
aad Satloea BayI will eat
aaBH for fear of sakley tbe people
feel a Ibomrh they were attraetiac loo
Bach atUsUoD. bet tba bolldlaya kim
l■BeH-aBdorcbardatbat hare aproac
op here la the teat few yra abow tba
tbe people are la aaramt aad bare
ooma to alay. Mow we retare to Ur
eUteye of Botlow Bay. Bare we ^
atay over alyht with Capt. Aederaoa—
aot beaoae be keen tbe bmt boor
perhaps, bot becsoae h« U aa old

D. 0. Faya of Poaeat. Uodye
the liuau) s letter wbleb ba hM ia
reodrad froa Harry EoyerB, wbo U
irarellay la Barope. Mr. Boyam
■CBbata Ob the Utfcr pro^tloB by
tba war tbay rotaT Tba Kawa fraak; yearly vlaltor at Foreal Lodyc aad bl>
will be la
B aaaiyaU
iDf that tbafollowar of voblic-------taU.r.,..HHjhjrtr^
am aadiara eaa patbaythiDC Htia-,
toetory etof. Of coaiaa WB Boat yo
Fbubd Paei—Ibare tbooybt of yea
'' tbat It probably
faraaoavta to
kwb forDotblay Looy Lake, alaee eoalay
abowa tbat ail .
tdaof UiapraMt %o tbia forabre laed aad bara lateeded
to wrtu yoB befoK Ibla. bat bare pai
di tbb way t tbia -- ___ forlBaUDoe. rotad' It off froa time ld-tlBa.M there wen
m. . Dr. Arar
aaay a wriu to at boae, aad 1 bal
BBefaMoeoapyayUBB. Hera, wr
................. ................bowed bin
eta a qaiet place med 1 bara acre
u IroB) tba kieydoo of baari
deal abd it oemi like roiay boo
tlneoe ay tuda aad ahall do
_____ j abowl
.uy athUbqjaatL Bare we eee ayaln
aaerwUof all ________________________ yoB aoBethlayef oaratayle Eerape
ba rarslad. It ta lapoHlbla to ny.
Weroaebad Parla od Mot. 4tb after a the paab pad butle of the Oreiliek
Tba BHbt tbat (U ba wald aboat tba dee royoya oe the ooeaa. We M aa
wbola epiaoda b tbat ia tbat If the two
rooyh wHiber aad bom of ea 'were
alek e>eepl JeJia. aad aba doi eery bad

______ *hS

We etald la ParU omll tbe »tb of tbb
tbe pteea. There are other yooBoelb, JaBBsry, apd rajoyed Maael
elorm hen aad obopa of rarioa
H poalUe aader tbe etreahut
Tba Maw York firoa lua eonidlad (Bother, aiater aad I sot-belac
tbe bUUUe
aow lato^Bf aed aaloabla atatla- Otroeyltbe aasy attfHtloaa of tbai B0P Ot all tea plaooa Tor tba eoeaty
tlet troH tba raporta of oar feraiya
Ht. Battoa Bay U tbi pla^.
tnda few !»»- It atakaa jpood raadiay
ee teare tbe eoaety aalil aaoa»
•t M wa eotar I
ebea we perpOM lo follow 1
M I'raH nya:
thread of oar alory eaUI fcery pe«K«
I boeytit Bora tbaa
that reada tba Oread TrararM Uuau
doable ^ qeoatlty
Btity of furrlya
ftwrlya wool
all aboat tbe rsaoercro aa'
ttet wa parubaaad la IIM. tba aaael
adraataya of Laalaaaw eooaty.
aaaa, wbo apeake Preack. ai
le<mar brlay lU.m.m poBDda Tbr

prlH fDid f'Y all tbia fureiao wool
onyad allfbtly abora Ul( oaou
poaad aud Plu.«v.<iao BuTa fold wpa
aael atoHd laal yMr to paf for tbia
■riidiM.-l of forrl^ farBara, wl
ABarkwaabaap owaara, twiar aa*-..
to Mil Mialr wool al a proBt, bara, aoaHqaaDII;. baaa wapallad b> ablp tbali
abrap U> tbr tl (OfkUr hoWH
•aid dor It ouira Ihaa lira Umaa aa
■taah Bopay. Tba firraira ray awr
abaaU kMw
that KsyUab yaoda would
r MrkrU aed that oar (ai>bwaa BHt DM Bora abiiddy or -‘aiial
of It.tuii.iain pHiartala n«r iiapwiairf
tbya aad abuddr dUpiaaad tn.Mo.iou
auuada of Amrrhwii w->rl. No o
ibalDKirr than eoai
ABrrlHaa wa>l wyrr oarrlad in
aold. labi tba paw rrwr frns ia«i. at
Hoatoa, I'blladalabla aed Maw York
Tbara aadoubtadly bn brao -Barb
Ob tba part of o
OB tba part of
rree trade la tba raw laateri
. woolwBaoafaetaWrabHiBofroaedby
- ararly fsu p*r oeat oar laporta of fop
alya Bade trooiaa yt> da. Tbe New
York TiBaa win; aadoabtadly. aaItybtea oawa to tba eaaet baerdu tiul
froa aa iL..............................
,. . .
yardaof foralya earpata baler piaoad
OB oar Barkcta. Earatbpawc- '
BHt bar* aoffrrad tbrnoyk
puru of rawdr-iaada elotblay baioy
BHTly doobled XaarlyaU tiauw tba
tm <iaaatiiy of foralya elotU aWBa toi
atlBalata Iba trmdr ot oor Wnolae faelorlea. Ad loeraaae ot Mfer* tbao
par cadt la qaaeUty aed of oely a RtUa Bora tbaa tnu aor erat la raloe.
talla tbe alary pf tba dacllaa la tba
prior of wootea eloth froB U U> U
BMtoannl. Uarlay la paylHoaeu
a mad HOT* for tba forelyB wool aad.
harlDy looall wonlrn elolb at « eeala
' 'Klioa. awwataaeb -proapat^
ir woo
Ud BllU tbat Ha UarIty- for oar
Md will ‘-Bake tba oneal
tbe Dowa. wblla tba Ear. .. . ..
ploraatbe'-ahatap- a^y
slIU aad
eareraw- at


thry abaebildrea) art alroady pleklay
ap a little of tba laoinaya. I ban
bora bWa to yet aboat Bsab baiter
tbaa I aapaatad to aad bara aejoyad a
food Baay tbiaya, iboayb at tlan 1
feel tbat I abuald Ilka lo ba bHk la
Cblnido aad Icnklay forward to a da>
Portal liidya Beat aaaBar, bat
eaa sot DOW aipMl lobe dbaraaaUI e
yMt froB Hat .laaa. ubIbb lou
■aae lo W M all hose. W
oa tba Hedlierrbaaaa oa«, la tbr
aoatb of Praaaa, aad oan hardly reallie
that It U winter iIb#. m the ran
■rtbar Auweraaro la blona ia tbe far
dew BDd tba aae baa abosa briyhtly
I trrry day alsM wa
bara. two waeke aco. Wa alt o
tbe yardra orary day. II baiaf <
eeoayfefroB tea la ^a Boralaf«atl>
balf-pul two ia tba afterDoaB. Wa
hare bedallfal etawa froa oar hotel li
rartioaa. There are pine aad eerk
all aboal oa. a»l the sea aad
lain we eaa aae froor oor wlaTbe rcyaiaUoa here U Ilka that
of Cbllforala for tbe naoet part. aeBltropical. Wacapeet to etay berraoBr
tlae If the ellBate aalta aa. Jella will
etady. aad we will all yet what pleaaara wecaaootof It. There arc OHay
broaUfal drira aboat aad remMuri

oaaDtAvna oBMorait.

ly had lo repteat.

e qaeetloa barlar ariaee a


V........!........ ; "E


A good line of Blankets at very low prices.
A lot odd sizes Gloves and Mittens at half pri«.

Traverse City Sanitariunih
Tnst aai Om Stmts


oea a attidy and rpa bU* apiary oD
I. whirta U the
aara wv to aoc od in the bee
.ea aad tbee 1
mao DiBat be
adapted to the baiam
A pcrelter electrical pbenoa
CM area betoera three and
o-clock Moadsy Boratsy. to the form,
of 4 yraep of, Urm lomiaoa
which appaarsd to awlay and bound
upon oae adoiber u they alon ly Bored
Htoayb tbe air. Tbooyb tbe aky wa.
dloody the Ilyht emitted wa aoBloirai
to Uybt up the bulldlnya aad ubircu
throeyboet tbe towaao that they werr
plaialy area at-a duiaon. three li
a seen to nearly ranUb. aothlny
remalelay eUtble eaicpl aa appaC
aioall Same.
At each Umee ti e

peered to clear rejtef.


Battle Ax

^ Clssote uewb tu-


naaairatioiis bi or .mil no

TelrpbuaeVI; alyht or day.

Markham Jilork.'

Trarera City. MWl.

At cost.


rflAwt thTSipi^^on "rt-"™ly .^y"

I must close out my line of Healers in order to malte
room for spring goods.

1^ are t?mi






Dd not fail to loot them

if in-wam ofa Heater.




J46 Front Street.



Traverse City. Mich.



Hack, Bus and Baggage Transfer Lilie

hr cur Cemetery III
amr ahall Sr>t hate_____
lbs Board of i-abllc Work*.
"O' i.'ll ahall be the duly of lb*
rd of Public Wurk>lo rnfiwer al<
utes, ordlasDee* aod reyulstloatai
tlmr ll frirra In *sld Uly. relatit.
hr bortal of Abe Uulira
>y from aaateylous and lo^dlou.'


MB BOW liedrrfrtrd to tilli.f 1
ll* hprurr >|rllylilful aliullii.if
di'lu touqiMlmii n>Htriit>air ilii|.U.
ralrtLlu •Jildiit arid fl.t.ii in ;,.«tia
Ailih Miinr kfril. a (mir.<., ,flra.ily mateI.
Bilncr 1^, fnill ake aud ftu

TT* the hoatrwirj lony hinjt
weariaooic a-ork and itire* Hi
timijy oK the niinre pie the. c..
nallilUecal. Aparkaxemake*;
larye plea. 10c. at all yi
Take no aal>atitotr.

teei*.*orh *• Palai. ire*k or fluurtr Sprite
Inecateror leteraiiuro; FuUr. i lstirnec

ill (on I Suecnsliil Fiinier?

BcMt Lfvcr> in Northern MichiKan.
read aad Sale StebU la OM^aatlM.

IfdMb lubUd u QMU ul VMhUvuu.
|W*^teBaaa. ka. *a. a. ffo.

it Never Pays Horse Owners

,LAND PL.ASTER in making purchases ol harncss:‘evcn in the matter bf repteiring—in all the. features which go to make up a desirable place
AIwuIuM reliability, judicious selections of bar,.,.,a,..,..mi.m-o
Prices reasonable and fair- We solicit

Cash paid for Bides and Furs.



] Not the'
{ Larged and Best

I ■


Telc^lionq ^<J-

r^rtefT txAv jk.M


Dr. Miles’ Heart Cure,
Cunu Heart Disease.

.. kuwemou.

'ThrTnrenw- City AanllartUB alHylrr free .s.aoltoUoa aod oMor trehlral OB Turedayuaad Kri.Uys A •mall. Imrye made aedklae only.
Mrs. I'ahl. a ynduste of tbr Illiiull. Traiultiy
f.« \uiae, OSd a fona' brad none la the I'.udi c.iunly ll.>pltal. I'Jil.’sir... i>suiwrliiU-odeat ol numas^
ir Ofb.'r ill Markham "l,ick ete
*' ""


fcaoi.rr v. ovr c.irr. irrcafTTOHnn nno
a>nlri.(<j/lkr CUpl'<M(Wrd Urounib.
lie It ordaloed if Uir CoiuwU of
* ' T>ox 1. Nn axle, teaotfrr or trie
. lorof any burial lot la the City
t>mrtery Or.,ood» or of uoy pan there-'
of ot Intaml tberrio eball be effeclual
tocoBteraay Alile nor riybtof poasn
.iaa loaoy [any or peraoo vnlraaaurh

Heart Disease Kills


!wu.riofuad.w ...Ic

J^or”? “frb.e,'‘lhri

liaee beeo modr io avuurdaocr with tu.
rolea and reyateliuna. aad is tbe form
pmeribed by tbr Hoard of Pabli.
'Vnrk* aod >huI1 hare brra doly record
d lo Il.r "SI r u( tbr City CIrrk.
I»XC.A Itshallmut l>r lawful for aoy
burial, rrtai.Tal or duioteoirot to Ukr
piaa wiihin tbeCiiyOojiVry.teouua.
rscepl by piriuii In.Bi Uie Board oi
PubUc Work vend all pmuo* or panlr.
..adaellm. bjri.lh or p-rformiae olbn
X't* altbla tae City iVmetery ..roun.i
•ball, avail tuucfs be sab)r:t to tb.
lOtrot of wtkl Board.
Skc. a Mo m.mumeaC curb, deslyn >
Inxmlino. rmbellUbiarat or fKifira*r

pity, klohifsh.


It must ban-

ia aiyht from. ibU pla^ for so
or toot*. aJowly Buatiay aluoy
biyb eaaoyb ia tbe air to be oot o{
reach of tree* aad other otoiruciiou*.
rbe llyhtyicw falateraed JalatertUI
a lat to' elrw ia tbe direettee' of
the aoatbrmat-_________ '


iForwrly Elm'r Manllotiuni.1




Bedrool Salts, Parior Fornitare, Easels,

General Blacksmithing.


sbTxia. ^epaifa.

” -.

Wheels. Wagons, and Buggies.

sBAXe DariM Dsmchar-

lu way parroaBdlaya Xaeb ot the ADd tHiee teama. Their yooda arc
wa^tbaaboyi baaaa
baaaa tbay jnhlpaad
teaoariy anry
araty terye city is
b^A waealltbcBboyi
aUppad toaoarty
TU ratacd boa te tbe cauaiy, a*u I the I’ailad Maloa, with aa '
ill aad taecably fcaowa a thtrach Acaaaad a they
---------- iyetoybaalaeaBes. each of them haw j Far Iftea* yaw thte torn ha bB
«HriM mypraWybGWBaiBtoahliR tta byjto i| itulii atihte ateasd d



Electric Uybt aad Power Co. briair
tbetr power aereral ailea from a
00 tbe Buardaaa rirer aed tbeame U
pracUcabla witUthe JonUa.
E. S. Woodward left'Monday for
UaaUtee wilbl.OuO poaada of booey
which npreacata iw0.tblnU of bfai prodoriioB thUiaeaaoB fromaixty him.


I a few Fur Robes wrf Coats which I will d.»e out
i *t greatlj^rednced prices.

CbdUtoe aeboole arc aot Bore expe
Iba lax-paycn tbaa tbs aeboola of
o^dtteaot the state.


raaTOiM nWem WA
■_____ . ■ „


•lldd the atteatkm of ai teat one
of tbe prtoelpaJ baMoeaBea of tbU
pteM tetbe UHorbariny tbe wal
power al
old Muoro bIU alte .
the Juidaa aBileaada half etillzed
and broo^t dowa brrr U raa a ey*tCB d wmlrrworka aad electric lialiU
H aooa U tbr people ahall deride to
bare tbcae iodUpruibla adjuDcU lo ae


MaWra. Peb. IT.-Om of tbe Baaafaetartoy pteala of tUe ptoeortbat AU tbe ViUteBa
Brtm- laabbloek faetocy.
They are
> laytoy the fudadattea for tbelr
lonnb terye dry kils. Ot tbU boUdtoy
laiu fret will be completed at eoec
aad to the aartay eixty-S*e jeet more
will be added to tbs leayib. Tbie wiu
yiratbcB a drytoy eapaeity of A00.eao
"^tbe lofi^lkBof the .todeote''» "* ta tb. rayioa U to IhUh- bloeka. Tber employ tbia rabiaa
Iba day and two at alyht. tarw_____
o«». we «
BtkB that we .-exported Amerteae pteeh
ol oDd woolmi yno* to lana worth , taWU
«^iTf»»y«>«oaeto woera.
toweeathU tosUtatloa abr-

Hr >*nww cf aBPrima «eW mmt


dred feet aad atJU wochtoy tbroayb
tbe alate abate that alBoat tocariably
orriM eoal with IL

A Trip lata LeaUBaw Ooasty.

to *«.4<
a laytay betwaeD Lake
.i«.4«S iHt year. ay«iBof'»tn
par «Hl la tba baali
dorwa ol
ecot aad Orasd TiwrerM
torira. Of knit fabris nor iBporta laarly ^It
arraard by aaarly too par eaau of foray aertbOiye abawU. by Bora tbaa lUOprreeot:
at>d eootbeaat oear^ tbe eatlre
el yarn, br Boae tbae too per caot:
aad of "all Mber' wtolea yooda by lysytb ot tbe eeasty. Ooiay aortb
.aeariy vn per oral.
bom. TtaretH City yoa
oDDD^HatlbcM AM. E 8. S. aad
aad woolen rood*. Int year tbe yoa bryia
twflB lo eee
tee tbe
the pah aad eaeryy
oftbepHiple. fb..e'.taaaeaT.tb.oa-

_ .


WeekbM baea raaomed to tb» abaft
hat la tedayOBBk'at J. B. Koeber^
Item ia peopatiay far seal. They

R. H. SbenBaD, who lira aoetb M
IroBloB Md bu bMB baay ia tba wuedi
nearly ^1 wiDter. nya that titera hia
y*baaa aday dartsf tbe thae
I aot lie lawful ar
Mil what the Mp wo<
woald ran traai the mrtr ur pmoDi t<> drfara. mar or otl
HHtheyw teal. ThU he*
•ally Blld win
ithrrwlM Injur* any leniumrat. n
•lyn. denurBll.B or other Ihlny within
•aid yrmiad*. amlpo perwa ol.all tro>
OBaraaL i-ikn toW'K.'
rl aU.ul nr .rsvrsaki ynnia.Uea.u-pi I.)
W. C. Byere. wKU oae of tbe swel oaalay alnay and upon III* walk*
proyraalre bad iaeeaalil faiwn of >ll*y*.drlre*aad Beeawa a* lakluul
llaake towahip. teted m eaper^owet •lid plaited within old xrocniU.
DM n llsball mil be la«fu\ fur any
with hteeead eorv laryar that work'
ly or parwm lo eater ibsCIty ('em*
be U aaalout thsi bte bnith.
' UriaBiU, BUT any «>-hk'l**
er fanaein Uoald kaow of It.
a. bteysle or orhrr m.idr of eoo*cy
p to be bnniyhi wltMa tbe IlmUr
r hsyul tba need la aarke aad
■eof. nor abqll It be lawfol to ptiv
ap ia hU aajike hoaa aad
drirp, r^p, ow tA^^e* thrHCni
It. aad aellbar the erowe or
eqalrrele wosld toacl^lb' Tbe erowe irrniillS'to tbe rale*___
tackled a bUl or two aad left it. aad uf the Board.of 1‘abiii IVorit*.
- T. A«y elolailoo of the prnr:
ud wa Dot dtetarbad by iboe
OB* of thte ordloaars or -40. fail-jrr 1
aUbooyb there ww a piece of ssclrcl to comply with tbe rrquirswooda adyolBlDC it. aad bia Delybbore
' of tbr *ame»balIbepaoi*hpd bp.

baUtiethe tiam of tbeCaaam. Wr
eapeet to yo tram here latar do Italy. foUewlDC facta reteUee tbento ban
aton>lay at Klee. Moeie Carle aad
plaon oa the way. aad 1 will By
aad write yoa ayaia lo let yoa ksew
where we are aad bow we are yattlay
With UDd wiebee for yoa aU.
Very Iraly fom.
___________ HakarBookaa

krra owt foralya corpeta.
Tbe aa^a alory cos ba told ot d
yooda. tba foralya iBpp '

-- ....... .,

_________ U. A. L.


------- Mac baaot ban Ula aa hoar
only to add to Itt eof&eity.
From «H
Utbe and poor little baUdlayh bMtortiii li aaUlaow llletbe laryestHdMe* lal-blocb faetory te tba wwld.


: H0BSB8H0BIKG : :
All Work Warranted.

ICBMI Co.. loDMTilte, Ky. irmc* Feb te,
at: -Tor akoB a year t wadataiifbU *atrm baart tnmBte. wkkb am CP M
abum toteiwatebatomBr
L I bad to abaada bola*B aa<
eoaM hardly emvl araad. My Crtead. Mr.
" c. V<c*t.aari<teH*adtet nMiwa
I ma to uy t)r. SUB'Bari Owa.
tte aoia nm**d aad p
1 a«« act bad u* alUkttol

•ted by teasteu eeatrubtete beW a
B*an aed Mapra eat tia. Aidig SO,


Minberlng Tools.


New Shop on Daioa St

No. SI. Front Strret^

BINDING COIN'S. ETC............. .
flu Uru*tUn>.^U pruts.
1S7 irroRt StrteRt.

tiRTtew City* Mtehigaa

fresh, Sail and Smoked Meats,Toultry,. Etc

ta IM)

mb mm w^m m

FEBRUAitrao. moe.

wllWa'twe Baa^ Itei^w aat'
OaaM tMaalao ptaaaa to baat (hkl

-ISSSstS-SS ss‘s-:£?£!t

akall^ rbUt, wbkb b UbtrBUr pabo*UMbrTouVBBdoU.


. (am baai naaad Oaorv* KHb,
* iVOOBfiil of aarUtk •<
bad Iba froBlhaJfoflbarlrhl

bbakall eraabad
bad bp
BcoBaelooa.- Trnauaiar
toaad tba pbralriaa la
At* rrrlral at H'oUrrllOL, 1 . Vw
■ud. • bited man, elalai* Is tu *• bad
Bapert eomaa fran
kb »tckl rwtorod VT
adoia oaa poorad carbojk acid lelo lb*
wall of Jacob Cbcrrp. aad oB drlekhv
At HlbaSrld. Urm. Juho Mo
kUled by k tkkt tntk WrdMkd.i^wblU
taialp I
kb« WM walktnc no tbr tnrk.
at ao Dorb of tbe alaS w
Hra. Mrom So'wk. ofA'Ilw, kfodtO.
T ibatlleaaaad raalUn
AM TborkAar (auralsr
lotorlaa which a^ owaa bar lift.
rMofTwt bf • UU. «ht4)h oenmd Uat
At tba rreattatdrplh arrr atUiard
Twodkj-. '
br ailaara la Iba hUhwp of tbr world,
Ak Orares Tamor. soar lapMr,
tba Biarra la tbr rortleal iUd Jarkal
a oalaabtr aaao of bom* lain
• • -IbafalDBot-A H
Ubr. Koibb<^Bad«rar<WM
raqnlrad depth

tt* ^rt^*?!"***

j.» —^Waia rwiai mb

atan baUtaUfk Iwo*__________
Ttitara Iota, Aoodad tb* rroaAd froa a
Mfwt. aMJadkrrsBtdbl lb« rwL
tUj ara Bow raaptac a I
Alma a&d dIcUmTm tbb

‘ “



m timS

wyBema tha ri*ar.
----------------------- M«tMy dinrlad

__ -..'3;

(roBtbcnalalaBdloaaatWBBdwilAoBttb*uiBrbb«aat.aBdiad*ad. walk
Uaada laaMr of OeM Hpablto pBReyaa arblcblttl,
i. .
----------y IwiiAb ar* ef tBPiwiBai
^rfa-toiniBBiia tbawerM-aatUi
.nillam Xl**a. ________ ..
b'aw York, baa rweeally (oaad araaral
ibonaad doUara worth af aalBanta la Of bat latataat lo J
Iba rtBdbrd of tba Abw «aadwu.
atoar (be Rarim rlrar. fliaUlatdfe
coraiT waa that of a toarmllar ar»lal. iwUarad to ba Iba larraat la tba


lifnMtidia, Saiim ml
Tkt iKt nTstet Unbars


Hlalory. for kiM b/Morria K. Jmap.
aad ta aow oe rablblUoa la (be alaeral ball of tb* ateaena. Ur. Kirra baa
luaad maay neb Blaaralorbal aptda*aa aloay lb* apaedway. Asoaf bM
diacorrrlt* war* a la»r* BBBbpr af
aaautlii.. worth froB *10 to »W aaeb.

One-third off!
One-quapter off I

OBUilamuly DB this
OSS Foist

«» Peopie^Bao* la
. Olffaraaea af Oplalaa.

We are overatooked and mutt unload. Oommenolng Jarn'l. 1896.

aafn^t iba'i'tB^'^

iu“x.'rsi.i“5' “'TLTi:r“lz~~F—
w Victor^ Bpeae. of iiraioir*.. I
w« inteua
Intend lo
to make tbls
this toe
the greatest clearance eale
Bale we ever
ever. had. '

aawUl Uad lo a.

LadlBAM ladin faav* orfaali
BMnaarp fur lb
apanr tn rrach
ilinaui arw.Cdaf aUllaad is a ’
aaaavialka to AUlrtbaw ak<«* ana tb* llBliuf iuai
prtM^Ucal way. A pboavTapb
Btearklaca anna( puuroblldrrB. ao
.. MaryAhalrofSt Jyna-rU y
iak*a of a (.bloar> Baa'* baad abow*d
»*r tv to arfaoul.
yrar.. old aa Im
!• joat aa apry aa a erlnbr
locBtloB of a bock abet that tba •a bytbaCBlMHi
Hn.'- AaaoB tftnoa. of loaeo. tjataf-------- of a Inoy llrnl .
flna c*ootr. took a (Hr dear of aanoradyloABt tb* arr
ala bj nuuka. aod for awbllr bar
ir*ly. - •
r* bfaBilal, Toruelo. OsV. U
Myeanari. 'Hbr ullT.^rmeh
aa-rcry of Prof. Itiirawrra'a
• Tbo’aua Kaaertlof ttrrrflalA h> d<
at tbr agr of nliirtjr yrata. lie waa tbe'
wm aaluoltlad to lb* caoldralmalr lababltaallo ibat rkrialfr ab« dawcrlbr. lb*iB.
aad aattled tbrr* la la»A
L. K. rnraylli. of UaUIr Cr*«k. baa I tbodr raya. aad tbrpbv*--------- *■-------^
rebaard irias-rcaof ladll hrretolurr | *d thr
fmm» of
of a
« arwdl*.
— fm**D0*
At Maroriloa a jnolir daorbtar of
Wrirbt uf t.'Blreraity oollnr*. who eooMr. Horraa. lbrl>rr(>'nli
lily of TaiU* lak*. a
rity. [ducted tbr ripariBent. pnlouid to tb*
twa Uraid'Tnitib
tinh trala
trala o MoBday.
d faaaalrrady nwas
d. tbr rrre- taarrhoD* tbe exact locaUoa of tba forHer rvonrrr}’
Una of acamrat faifbiiy. Tbr ranbicifra
ranh i*i|rB body,
body. and as uprralkB at
Tha Ur(r atabli nf larorr Jeba UiU UMd la a oarl. eoBbierd with clay.tbrpbutorrapb'tob««
of ka hnusd burard rrcwstly. <iat of whicli ctxac from a acetroo brtwrra <>»«• Ediwio baa wurkrd wltbont i
tb* foartara borar* a-ntalord lb '
HoBrr aod floDcord
aad u at
balldlBf only ooa wa« rawrord.
.lU tblBka
llrary ntHppr. ae aerd I rroidiBaD. of wordr dnl rxprrlBrata.
A nraa* *b)a* rbdrd a aaiall t
aa funad Irowa t<> drstb two mllra
Hfr allUy cay thb work.' It io<
from l.ake l.lndea. II* wa. bdfhl. rdla bla wind pip*
w and drapil* Iba
lb* *(lorta
He alao wa. r^a^^
d. a «rll reclBMr and a tliauk-hlr- mrao. of fbr rayhof-licbt. died la frtat
bat wbUlty rained hlis Hr waa pmpiaeB b> trr If tbr KorolcwB raya Hararmw. aald ttelDOt1<^^______
Omirnttload ago tbor. {i?rra;J';j:;?b:{1.
UB bla way to a BlarralHr lint Ic whirh can be aenl orer a lelephua* wir*.
I Aral of Ulk abont Britiab by load coBtiaoed tcxbaaatloocara^
I work.
mUiaa Mrrmao. a 'atrcwt car r
b* lirtd wbrs. Ilia aap|s>o-1. br br- placiny Ui* diaphracB of oBe r*
think wall of lu"
dactor 10 tb* riap1<9 of tbr Ih-ti
caiae rxhaasted aad fell ini-- a .m>w in front of a lobe aod a rrcwirri i
other mil of tbe win-io aa ad]olaisr: haaplly oraaad aad tb* Eagllah peopla
railway, riird Id Harprr b»|riUlI from bank.
In riiiotof aaeoalUied plate
If bad tearaad that I'rraldeal Clrrclaad’a:
bydropbubla. tbr rMltot a cal
at Ml*;
aay fa'i-mmalnut llaltirt rork ar* tbe raperinrn\U*necra.lBl. Ihe-wla-'
Jaat Aimay
-Idriably worrMl arrr a arw dlio ard aaya the pnaaibilltlmaf tbr applica­ meaoad* wa* not an clectioa dodg*.
At Alirraii. somnby. a fam baod. aaa* which baa aUackM tb* bum-.. It tion of tbr raya will br lomeaae, dbd ' ................ “
____OB. wbic-b
wbIc-b wi
waa not afraid lo fae*
U aloillar to lb* acralcbra.
It U But may iBclndr a pracUcal derlea for aeed- aatloB.
tb* arbitramret
'ritramret of
( war If
f tbe
lb* Eagliak
taUI. Thr lc«>> awrll and arr atift and In* pk-Urea by trlrYraph.
rrfaacd toarbllrai*.
Arb'-—'----------'bltraUoo waa
dlaablr tbr borae from w.o-k. STwrn
watkiat- Some uf the rrMriuarUna
t tu tbrraiee. It would bar*
atlrJbntr lb* diaraae In thr oa« of porn
At MacUbaw City. Joba ___
Rorrihal aloriea comr fro4 Yokoha. dreeat If Oreat BrttaU bad
dbartt ao; p>oadb of takr trout with a fnddrr. lUy brloy ararrt this wj^trr lua of tbr trraUDrat of tbr Japaaear acewpted orbilratloa
wb«a 6eci«tary
y fatroer* »rr ferdlef auaw «od by thr Korinoaa rrbrla. aomr oerrcaamjiagr^ it- ^_H^ararard
eoraaulkagondrata ffulay
A-a«^rj(f.wb*ap.JoodiSi' in thr
tb* IrS^'party^roold'^Bot ratbt l^H*
rlelolly AdOneBrillc hare tried a fnatat aay Idea of war betweea arral
Tbr llrlsbaar rirrr a
ly rxprrlBrat tbia winter tn f*«diay Aoatralia. ha. been yrratlr awoliro rela aad tb* Colled dial
■mbw^PSMlba ar* rrportfdAfviaiNl Unla bewrily srtUi enra wbrn tbr harr oeatly. iiwlar ta flpoda. While a amall
only atra* for foddrr.
No truable ba.
crnaalar tbe rtrer with
CUB* wbrrr tbr lamb, bare bres fed ...... ,__ Bgm oD board it .capCob* I* the eeatraJ point of latcrrab
bran In liberal t(«aaUlla*.
■ war mauecs Jnat al preacat. After
ailed and only forty of thr paaarnfrra
Mrab^HallilUrt. of JlriehtdD, laat CTwn. A Moarow farmer luat
*B. Weyler'a arrival. Feb. loth, thaiw
rrida;^Bi]iDg fril aalrwp whilr aialnp
a* a period otdIwoaraceBrat for tbe
BtarMpi^ Mb* waa twakrood by
Tb* ciiy
cuy of nuyaquil. la (Lioador.
h«r vimWr borelao lirr haeda and
ra nailed by a lerribl* Br*. Tb*! ikorgeala. wbo weir diabrartcacd al
(aet war* twlulally bllMrrrd.
- r bi Aareatia*
Judge Cbarlen J.,Noyn>. i
HicbadrMdUara.of MrnoBiaar. had
ik.of bnildlaga
•ToodcalUn la tbr wood* of Thnm- aatranur n-paiiw with abmtbrr whom
.1 aklrmlabra. they met with qaltr
aa I’oaU of Uacn. foiu)d an riybt iDcb hr Lad nut arra In I* rrara. ' While in
bcAlrwnbrddrd In tbr body uf a na- Cbleaffc be polleed thepamr - Mctiarn' gregate orrr H .ino.uuo.
pla irr«. 4<> frrt fmm \br atonp. wbll* a* pruprirtar of a plarbunte. l-'artbrr |
Tbi- Herald of liltMTow ray* that
wood a frw day. afo
ila->alooe I. greatly iovllard to rao
iniolry brnucbl tbe •*- •
---------- ---------------- -Sraiaraili
tbr larfeatiwa. a b'raak HiHluft
^oportaally in
hcto>7 In Ihr
la partiealar,foror. Hlkr
rh cltitra* cf Uaraad ^aVl. cooaecc

jrM^u^' lTadTt




' JsrL7‘C^'T:e;::r.^'rt-x


c-mc,*! 111. COB*
1* added totb* U.L
m.litical partlr.
«rrat HriUln have iMft-rntj-fo.r rJ-lldnal
priamera i«
Oillal pri*o
A. II. A
1. Birrnkoa tbr Cincii
pctrayrd Anornia.
«abot on vvedaeada, v"?,";
U. Jaeba( blacklaaw rallrnail. .
Tb* la-Boatha-old child of ^r.
A iH*paU-h rrcrlrcd at KU
Mr* Tlar. of Kalr l-lalea. fcfl li
laball, abont foartrra year* ado ac^ I brea a Beiaber aad
and Iraleader of Uir New
dikh paa fall of buHint
I; llampahirr L^ialJ
GMn.i'hu DotIR-d Wrri.r _
Irr named
sc. At tb* ifmr it wa* knppoacd all
' gjdad to^tb.
ibow tbr a
in it an agent
ot..f Itr.Kri
-idtjof Nanrao. bw lo tbeciiiraareabolbe
ttardlaw bad bernre
aod nrrrr frm^. and ■
liatr by abooilBg Spai
r NorwrgUn rxplnrer who
iBlard* la the ia-i
ho raiird for
e la rr...............'■
rl Kril wa. focad nearly fnwrn
rl.w oUh* WMd.
n>. baan -Ikrd ioi
ic dckU
s la a ahaaly

four nillec from
a. Weylerhaai
. -ASm m____
other day b
orderlag lohal
_ _
the North I••llr, fr
land tbriT. and
formed, wbc
d to tbda* magaiUernt
ard tdv
alaof Ibrgrral aad w«
“rfol cnratlv*
Wrrekad* froB the trrrn oar* w|
•wed to travel wflbuut parara.
All powen- of Un-iur lireeo* * .Vervura. lb*
(act that ilUa phralciao'aprrarriptioa
were loat oaerboanl fr<«B Ann Ai__
r. by irleraph cnnflnoa tba
frrry Ko. I abont fonr week. apn. waa
la tbe tonalry diatrieu will vacate the dkoorery of thr moat saceerafp
dibd Wadaraday alpht froo Inji
lha< Dr Kaniea I. aalr aad la
.. Iwke Mli-bidau by the re- tiiraiod from the oortb pulr. T
them aad tb* chief, of ralnraa* will •pFcialUt inrariDgorrvoa>aod ebronraealaed la a ranaWay aoddeata lanal
ram***. Hr tirewor ..f 3S lV*»l Hth
atorm aad Mattered aloop arw. of tir Naoarn'. ancirraa ha* ce
affo. Deeaaard waa M yean old. aad
Uk* each meaaaraera the aucuea* of
New York City, who cao Iw ooafroB (-ranbfort down to ed Inleaur lotereal in Londoe. T
their -operaliou dlcute* regarding
eaaar tbrr* tram Oar-aadaidna. K. Y.. -. -------rulnt Itelhi*.
IVopir all alood tb* rpnrt r*c«-l*rd from IrknUk. Siberia, each plaoea. which, while oaelcra for
is IIM.
coa*t dalhrred op floor and batter at r»»«orraUy.llM3edUedal flral. Tbe the eoaBlry-a wraith, tarre tb* rnesy
narid roBsalna, a Keadlar farmer, a* it ram* iDaldbc
Abnul thirty Imraa
waa craBlar_____
I brldy* with a brary rel* af iluar. iwenly-Bre Ui(>> of Roller
ratT^dP-*^ byaay ramed’y L
Archaagrl I* rrgardrd aa cooeluilvrly
lokdof bay whralbeax
ra tbe axle brxibw, pltrb- aad haodrFd* of ruUa. raodiog tn
Friaooera ranght la actlna
aboalad the Sonrrgian rxplorpr la
lad biB TiolaDtIy apoa
Uirar lo right pnnad* i-acb. bar* b(
id Bllitary

omrward bonnd. rvea If brbaaa-t ^iM^lly tried Md
low aad eraablod h^ al
Re d
picked ppaed rarrlrduff.
Of RoaaU nwDta■iDglr*.■
iM.wrred the pnlr. Accord^ tu thr
>y daalb. TI
l<»,<lllU.«*l acre* la exlrat
crnl take*
all power opoa bloaaell
Tbr ttory oft pitiable cat* ooa
of -irctic pxperta io U>oc'
o be lb* largral
read, tbeoaly cMblof Hr. and Hra. on New HalTalci. Herrira coon
>r Fraoi left Kara ara ie
(br aaUeiratad trara that bla U lu m


drowaad la thr rirrr. KcarrbiBf parllaa were mt aU aiebt. bat did not raaorar the body.
^ Bon tbaa » eaeu a day.
ara aa aoaree aa baa'a

. h« catch

oiay taavp fount •
here Uiaa Mlanie McCorkal.danghi
ara BorlhU free of Ice and paah
' a (armer. it dylaf of rirarett* .me.
tBrr rraaon became affected bad L.-ked Ic. Slir may ibra have been
ir 1* BOW bopelr.sly inaanr aa the re- allowed tu drift uattl tbr ekardltion
lit of Ui* babittn which ab*wa*ad- rame to the land aroaad tbr pole aad
Her hody ha* hem redared to N'aaaea and hi. party may bara r«ak*l*too aod la fan- dcllrlnm ab* pltt- toraed lo alnlgra to tbe Siberian lalpiradifiw JmIobc more ciiar-Dralta la brUrred lo be laprltAl*.
MoGorkel la aald to bar* aawked
aa arara^ of flr* boxra of eidan-Uea

Uoakrdon ha. a "dwlae braler." Hb
Darld Coaolaa. tba farmer Bear Ileadiav who wpa ttarowafniB a load of, .am* la EldrftR I. llnek. aad hi.
bay Uoaday aod arrional* hart, dlrd metbod* ar* pul ealikr llin** of Acblat
*ariy ToMday anraiDd witboat barlaf ter. H* aaya thr power caB* to him So
: ranlBfd «aack>aane.a. Ur Irate* a year, idn aa a n-rplati-m fn-m (knl
Ob* mao had auffeerd .1* Bualb* froB
W^w aad^bree cblldrta.
a aad wa. girm ap for drad.
Rra bnib* ool la C. U. Iciai' tarve
hand noon hit bead aad con

■ i3i’Srs,;',r;'.:ir l:;:

Bi> pain whatever. Uack
claim* to have rcatored a bllad i
algbt. Often, la gnlng along tbr I______
be would recrirr a meaaagr tram Cbrial
At Maakerna. Erwin Hrldir> waa.
nmr,pa*. and hr alwaya aarTlonday Boralar. ranphl lath* rl>Murb wa* formrrl.r * aeveaUi
rale* ebaln at tbr Htaodard MallrabI*
day Haptitb prracbrr.
H« may raoorar.

. wall* baatlar ie Ihe rrooda arar
Kanela, Ottawa -nnoty. HaInnUy. Wll|•a•W*fH^rn, adwl H. lent 1.1. left baad
, aad lbr«* darrr. of bU ridhl baad Ur
wraaundlnr with laHh Iwndriwer the
aaral* aad U>» dOB aaddraly *xplode%
. ^rratbrmynnthtHiUedMdbWnf
City, ha* be*n deaf. Srvratly they * -.
raerd a haadkerchlrf wbVb bad tnr-.
MMiwd by Ii-hlau*r.
It I. now raid,
that tb* littlroar hat beta retir«ly


„ ------------,•s;,.

tbaa no.000 tbb aeawm.


satordavs com

Barertt died at Pari*. Ky., on

aUmgtb Limebarmld have bare kUlI jlatupped.
"TP**' andbaa alBcerrfuard luma.
Mr. ilararll waa a grandfaUirr aad hr
Id thr clock were Jaal abont tbr raar
I BCdBBillrc of lb* Wratera Mlehl.Ij!!
■ Kralt ■irowpn'

radaeeraawra raMrmd. tu gira betWr
fraIrVirat*. tu poInU beyond iUiffak> Piwf, J.



A b-al cmtadi

*1 impra*. hralOra ).elng*^Def|^<>( ' tnd'b^

AI1.»r.-y. ISud^-i

B*M moch alWatioe ra
ToMng fate aorpira rath tu ......





I .eigbl-year-olAJiB-

^jraj^lo tb* ralM 8Ut«* for aympa-:
r* the hantest bean.

itofiadtalm hare come tn aaughL He
waaaeBi tuaatorr for gronrlea. Hr
appeared at Ibe atnre. and. after mak■— bi* parebaaea. left- Since tlicD be
a- nil paecdu are
well tu do. aad I b. bellered be baa
•d I. being held for

ffls Lip te l

Ctertrade CbarloUa

Tbe li­
Among Oar Keisebora
Adrjer. joat r«orirad fn» deun'l. the

tbr aaad,

i...^r t» j

(n ek dorr thr oUirr dar. barely ramp- _


THIS week:
and swing to your heart’s content.


)ur child's .;oc goat sho«;s
Oiir cbildren's <



()ur men's

.'■'Si'E 39c

>5 pointed toe caff J gg

< liir men's Jj s;o' t'alf ilress shoes ^ 0Q
ioo|,airs of b-md-sewed. genuine

a. 48c
;.n Ki,ll,«.Kl^ 38c

<-)iir men's
Our Misses'-^

I’ebble ('.oat 0*7^
shoes go ill
i>ongnla iqj QQra
shoes go at .0?7U

gray Overcoat.s

Our lioys" S4.50 I'Isters.

^ 08

(>ur youths' $1 j.lJeaverf fvcrcoals Q gQ

$1:75 Dongoia til) Tin
shoes goal A •■mV
< bir ladies' Si.jy Dongoia lij>
shoes go al
50 Dongoia iii>
• shr>e.s go at
1 ■ J? (ilnve (vrain shoe
• go at


(bir men's $7'>5p~/L*henille Over-.Q KK
coats go al V* W
Our youth's S5.ooU1<rters
0 06
(»ne lot child's (Ivcrcoats

eon 69c

’(bir men's $4.1:0 gray Suit*

0 70

Our men's doublc-brcast<vi 0 gQ

Jjoo Dongoia square 1 1 Q
Our men's Si 2 Tricot blui! ^uits,
toed tip shoesW at K* ^ ^
cxtr.T hcavy.'go at
J. 50 Goodyear Wdi 1 CQ
Our ffif>irsall wooiclav worsted, Q Krt
Dongoia tip shoes Jb at i.OO
wonH SiH. go at
Ourl>o>-s' $1.75 Conlavan •
(Jiir 12.50 men's (JxMrd gray ^


pointed toe cilf 1 1
balsgoV X.AV/

-^j> men's *3.3^ blarl
•!I'anis go at


a^l'. Caiarvtrarv 1. anTra tauraallr. an-

peieoaiag aeu |n.
re perfoemed bat tbe c
« aAray* rctmclL fUs'eostiaBC^ .
tor year* oatU tb* p^^lajij^aeae

..To all..

araded S.S-&”
say*, "aad
rboRlc* afford-

Orl^bton of Za>w Prices..



and Gardei



iBctf it. aad
h wa* D0( !o^ be.
ad ebaekad. I peeaere
B*(. aedmaarbablcasit

» by draft nr n

aa^fJd^'} ^


This is the most delightful sale of the season. Just think ypn pick
than one. Bring your mother, your sister and- your


Pioneer Livery,


xr-nuai. s^aticment


Rerncra mom.-wt

r”- J- “

ewBt^wiUa^thMtbeearcwu. *.«l. a. yua eaa prorare by raderiag

r plenty of Ibrcn
tn dnriag
mrlna* aouad

Faraaen aimed abont Lapeer have
Winterkm. -N. Y.. ibry atlrmptol
aom* bat word, of praW for tb* Laertra tbr ovrrfluw of a f otub ceuaed br
Bear lieaerry^ Tb*y derlarrlhat tbry theieerat flooda la tbr vicioily. aad
baa* iiwrlved Bor* Bonry from tbelale Ofbraaato tbk iB.UtallnB than
, dr^ard.



imt of
la wed

Ml ^alrr aod aerea offlelal. were
_jnrdrrrd. Tbr king aod crowa prince
aoogbt abalier la tbe Baeeiaa legatioa.
it 1* elated tbr king ba* urderad tb*
BlaUu-r* to be pat tu dralb. A force
uf MO BnaeiBB raUora aad Barine* ar*
gaardibg tbe legalioo of that
DrtaehnieBU of Ameneaa.
h aad French mariara faava bara
a. UloamlagioB, III. tbr farmrra
have brea Baklag Biple
thrr* wreka
gaard tbTiatemu of*U*
iroln'. anb binbdi
At CuiulaaUDople. tbe port* ba* lab-wt-d Wednraday
formed tb* asbaaeadora of lb* powrra
ibc U-gar clUeT^ i
ibafIt agrera w yat^araty m*Se
Ub* paalbraie^by Torkiah troofi*
ir brlweea tbr ag*a of iW aad
ritowB of XeituBO. after revolUag
agaian Tnrkl.h rale aad raptarlag
‘ - .««> TorkUh troop* wlti ih*lr

A father apH mother BaBHd Vox. for. aierly of Co., are -areoard
of hariar deaertrd their fear rblldiwn
. al Cheraaind. Tb* cblldrea. randlad ihrw
(ram Ihre* U. tea yeai*. wrrtjorked lo
a teoriB*Di booMWilboot food


wUi ll.wt A Mertga.1

Popular Clothier, Hatter and Furnisher.

ISr.--;;.';? Our men's Si.75

dcmal (kBlUe. lirlsd or<*«>ra'd lo.t

n«-T I. I«.h. .

'T- cr. HOST,



;:t x

We will offer you this week two items of interest, uumefy: Shoes
and Clothing. These bargains in order to be appreciated have to bo
examined—and that you are cordially invitedto do. The prices quot­
ed in thie iesue will be below anything yet offered in those oolumno,
and will bo strictly adhered to.

Mabipprd all orrr'Uir emnnuy.

aad tiraabrd-

•to*^ Will cheerfully show our stock and givVyou prices.
8^® on oTercoats will continue until all are closed out Sale on •


deo'ljof tbe IMUy Nem
Itol paper that tark.y * plan lu im-

ARcalHoodR*—*Caactr ilia the blood aad


Briag or lead la Toni- urdera rariy.

&&& ; Neighbor* may dab lugriber
blood. BibglF-


er** UI hcuiuuB and mnrder.' (■
- aa auL'orall m dge*d aader eimr


rrrrvli. wbo learaed traa
apaun. at Muoab. that tb*
Wholly oofoaBdad. aad wa*
aaraniwrirkt iodriT*Hr. Kaapp frora
tb* oooBtry. Mr. Terrall laaiaM (baV

The larger tbe order thr grral-

as Ml B**l SmU*....

' *r tb* dlacooBt froB irgalar rat**.


vHffir roc iTAjer


aivtom* m tra urary im. laqaiw *r tra j
rauo'wmTimraw^ •»*»*.ramme**r- ,

Go to F. A. Eari's Jeweliy Stor*
«••*« <*rm*ra
t*l*a«ca*rx* iAm«M<e>Brar-evPra*.aaMWraTWra «

who bat bara
r* lal

rat Hawaif
lagof Jaaai
IMI. bra btrai j
granted.* pardoa by_____
eoedlUua that ab* la aot lu trav
Mand wllbnol tb* eoaaeat uf tb* ,___
ld*«v or a member of tb* rablaet.
^ I'nlted blatra. aiaco It* latcr.0** la tb* Vearaaelaa affair, hra

rad meaaad
— 00 Doir lal- bIr brolber
C«r*h*ll*. Fla . W..0-'

misr YOC msKT


flraait. T**vtS*l*a

atotoaWy aatUad by tb* ti

w. F. HAR8HA. Asent, Travenc aty, lUefc.

‘ nOt.T.BATS«,StfttDr.
n* BrU«* BaUtea <rtU Mi'

Mr. lair^laaaia «w Qtaiad
Ua. atarad al Oa TnaadaM hoaaa >a«
9rUw •~U« -Ih-a wai
fltaa la havr
Mahal Kaafn. H ha-


tar awli* «i*k Mlaa OT^bynk
i. W. SMUadaB aa« wUh tera ha
eoUMUaBWOl ha Ukaa •i 'tbaC.
tha Ar­ feaa aaaaral taja to Traaana Olr- >
flarih* a»t tony
il la bepad ibta all laadiar tha datastloa af tba Adra
ibiM ml li 111 lti

IbalMd. Tbm w* ■vmM)«
-OlhavIhlataaM. a E. OidB taparlad Uh Ula SaaPi»y«r»a»lliir ttia a«®la* wOl
IbM. rnael> «hBreb
btUIalhttaitar^atadr. Topke. Lab* tar aaaaiar ate aeaanl yaan of
tafM kdo o’etoek.
Sba will ha h«M WaddMribatlon of Mk«.
faUotrad br BMi. O
appotaM lor lo-aom>« ata^lac
Kwdv ud

Tha lollowlaf ralaa aad r
aaatoal thnwrhoat lUa dloe«a
Si. Ear. Joaapb Haafy Rlahlar. So■aatalhellaSkbepor Oraad Bapida.«a.m.
Haotiac tar wenUp. II a. i£
Jaeior maallac »=” F- •Eadtarer maatiac
F- >. Braalar woiahlp, 7 p. •-

*wlU ha otaarrad hata.
I. All tha tallUal who hara
Topk tar tha Badaaaor 1
pUMd ih^r twaetr-taM rwar
■What faith aaa do hw aa."
te larHlBaulr diapanad. hoaad to
T. 3. Whlaaatr. iCoaaavaUo
. laalOB all dara o( tha Laai taadar*
a ara aerdlallr larUad w attata
t. Thafollowlacparaoaaara
ad from laaUlif: VooVta"«
aarmr. *
t«rae(r-eMrava«< a«a, tha akk, Iba
Sar.0.a«anhraa.FaaMa. pracaaoi aad Baralar wpmao. aad
Tbapahllaia oordiaUr IsrlladtaalUMa who ara antacad ie bard Uhor.
nd tha followlar a**ioaa at tha BapA Flab aad deab-meat may aot '
PraaehlBf hytha paalor al JbAO a.
m. aad T p. m. taotar Hdwol at llrtA
a y, P. U. ooaqaaat Bwattar al»:«
■ot ezaaodlar a qaartor of a maal-U
tahjaei Tba Chray HoTembi
allowrd la Iba aaaaiac. haalda tha faU
tr. Hha Joaia Ftaier.
aaaal to ha Ubaa ahoal nboa.
Tha folloirtas parmhaloaa
rnatad oe Aof. t. lan. hr 'ov
MaatlBca ara bald areiy Seatay
Paihar. Lao XIII.:
moon at l:M o'elook la tha Baasyali. Flmb-maat la albiwad al aay Uma leal ohareh. eioreer Kialh aad Wadaworth ttraata., Ib llau of paator. aa
barelotoca. two raadeia ara aleelad—
tha fiiat imdar raadiay tram tha Bible,
and tba aaooad leadar from
aad Hwlth (tha CBrialiaa Hplaaeate
Boatay aebool toilowi tha aarriehi.

». IB the moralBC aoma warm liqald,
aa tea. eoSaa or this ehoeoUUaad a
plaea irf broad ara allowed.
4: If tha prladpal m«l aaaaet ha
a pBtpitat
lakaa at aooa. It may batakan la "
arealBf. a^ tha oolletloa al aboo.
jBBlor O.E#Mpta. 'a praethml
I. Lard uy be need la the prepara- didlk talk wm bo ifirta.
prayar Bwrtlar
a. TKeaa a*ampiadtiom futlc.
at e o'clock. ^
allowed to aal tarat at erery ma^ ee
Tbarawill baepaeial fMtaraa latrodayt wbeBltta allowadat tha prladoaed Id the aerrlea at 7 p. m.
-pal meal to tboaa .wbo ara obllfad to
Ber-1. H. MoOlatk wUl ba hara the
nth et tbk moatbaad tha Utof March
la bold tha MOOBd qaarwrly maatlof.

d lstOaa.Wo* -ttapd tba atf B-rtBaer to L_,,
pntflaa and aatlmatea el tha wwt of repairivtta hrtdn at hoath l<Btoa
atraad. Aho ofalha antlra eeat of a
eaw Iroa farldya at>ma'-|tatt aad
■irricTiin-ob lot Oaa. aatll aoma war
. of yatu^yjha r^od tha l^lt praaed ate bariac takca Ibo
rtloe tha.«(>B<Vt*oB ot tba old
bridya aad tba aaumnt of upaoaa

Ever Find
Any Money?

**ATlt*S^^oira qBratkm wbatkar _
_awbrid<ahah«>lL<>r thaohloBa >a^a^ at a ^t^w^^aad^ dalay. l^ k

Boy a Bait or Orerooat of ub- That's the next
thing to finding money. Beet tailor's quality at half tailor's best
price- find $10 to $15 right there. Flnddurability—two or three
season's wear if you want it find' style, find best and latest
find genen^ (^mfort of body and mind.

alrnMtoBcaa whathrr It wo«td Bot hr
batter to balld aa litm tnm hridcr
with embaehmaeU «e each ead tbao

Pablk Worka.
Jao r. KRain.a.Cbafnao
W. ktfaaao. Clark. ■
nr t^UIr .B i.tta
■witatloa la n-frr
likke »f Boerdmaa Birar bndya
Boutl I'oloo ktrral-tbaooat of rrpa
lBf%ba aema end Iba aellotateci net
rwaebolar. Mim 140a. larmarlr •>
b ^thai pe- a aaw troa bridyr. I taera tba boour h.
raltta. Ulah.
tlUoa 1
ubmll tha foU-ainy rai»^rl:
Baa. A. B
Afirrloakiayiloarr can-foHy
a of meetiBfa at Maytha beidya ia-e* -rrrj
aary aoli
oflha til
air- Mlcb., Pab
of it abaoluteir
BdOaokhita toelaaaiBsaplhadmc
__________________JO whom.
araaoavf iba
alora. raTanmactaf Ita eoataela of tha^tha miaaat of Bowa'rd
lUhatimpermit tuarael a pnrtloq In Ir
" --nmCarUt LaabklB baa a rory had haad. tha Hotel tt bitlsy. hava axamlaed tba
plana BBhmittod aad erne laa’ ao objaepo tor timber la tha tautra* .
Whathar It k a beU craearhaBaa
tloB to tba alrottare prnpaaad. tb
prara to ba nmad. All tba rr»( of
doaa Bot kaow. hat ka koewa It h vary fora rrcommaad iKat tba iTqoaai
baa bran palchad
• Idi
ab much tliai
ttaaoald. la tar opIaioD ba uaaiwm
B. t9o-.nucu
III-ra moner in trviny i
Bar. Mr. Bala daUaarad hlalarawalt
W 3 H»e«>
irr e t|h-1ai>il tbr wrar (
WBoa at tba Baptiat chareh (aatHea-,
0*0 P Gaauaox.
tralHcaed the diie.i>br ioHuamn- of .
CommittaaoB Stn*U
ayalybi Wa aadomtaod hwhaa y—
tleie. Tha oala may 10 arpa’r Ilia
taSharaiaa City.
bridya m< that it eilt ^a prrlnll.r aefr ^
Tba prladpal of oar achoola. C
Maslyold. will bold
lac elatBte for tba beaefit of tboaa^cela ealimiUi
Habile «...
bridya oor of
tloaa la tba moat raMiooni'i.-Bl h-a-i
. .liay aa
apaa. Aalngla Ulaatraline willi
Joba Sally.,
itaaffaat nn.lhr nia.1 of a brlrl^
bllmetaa tor rapalHay brid
•idya t«o hnodrad fart lony wlift 1
aaroaoBnardmao Hirer at Soo
Tha raaldanta of tha «{Ua(e ara lariled
iX nwd «a:i aud.alda- alh- • frrt
Haloe at aad ratluala for ai
;.t m l^'io tha »npar*#ra<firr
Mr. lioble. ear sUUoa afOBi klak--------- farlrpaai
farl »paa« for
a tiridyrot
iaca maeh Beaded-eaat aad tba ottca
wnaldrrverd ll>anr.t r
la la eharra of Mr. Ooochor.
Be It a . Morad by Aldarnma JabraB> that rroompateBt maa b«t Ua hatftb kao part ba aoaapled aad ordrrrd paid frum
plat for ..uif-irii. tail-rma br ilrviwd
poor wa fear ha wiu aooB laare oa.
nlu-rrbi tlir cuat of Ilia lorraaMNl oiirpried.
Ob Priday. tba Kth laai. the
Wrof (naodatioMwJI ba Irrslban tW
. 8a|»rt committee 00 OrdlaaDoar■~a.l of the Mira ir.'0 la the toopar I
doaoa of Oocaya CUrh le M^Oald
of the bridyr wouM^
towMhIp waaborwed with eaarly all mlltod draft of ao ordioance rrlatlra apaaa thr

AU peiaoaa ao dkpaaaed are adrkad
ttatoetfaa dayaoe which they make
Bta af thk dkpantatkm, they pariorm
aoM other work of popaBoa. n

A .Special Cut Just Now
on all Clothing. Very tempting values^^
onr stbolL
Take advantage of them. Pleased to show goods whether you
buy or not. at




Hi eeataaU. aad on Baatay alyht Oeo.
MarUBb ratldaaoa oa tha BlarlfBmii
farm la Paradka waa aotlraly
aomad with bat IltUa raaeuad bom laa

to tba MlGay of tba rlfctrlc Ilyht pnln
oa WdabinytoB aUmt. by tha Ikerdimaa &lrvr Klactrir Liyht A i*ower..o
lOametkBof Aldrnnan Smith It
refenad back to tha oummillea for 00^-


Baliabla Dry Ooeda. Carpat a Id OlolbiDyMouaa.

227. ^9. 231 FRONT ST..


folly tallr
call b ra».M}pull
pi'ca. Tb
place, arriparatirely rbrap'.-hut ai
fiurabli- ai
parmaaral foui
incalton ik farorabla forth.-ir
I wooUl kae-yral that H.r brirt(fr m
of ail Sr, fnjl >paat. makiny .llir
IraytB T i« feVt -Tbia U T! f.-rl «h,
than tbr pma-ot limlyr - lii la-hl
lodimioikh-.nyihr n-l-if

Baportof Board of Hnblie H orha ip
rayard to ralea aed rrEalhtioe tor camrtqrj:
Eehorah. AUhoByh the Bwreary kept >. Clw I/<m>.rOl4c. Mr M.ipiX riml l'U|l
:f ib< I'llu ..I TVnrvw (iHi;Dcv aero tha ebarch waa trsU flUede A
GaaTiXMaa;—Wa harewlth head yun
Urya pktora of tha little rlrl
rkwof oopyof Balaaaad IhwalaUoea rrlpti
eo tha pUtform li
loraly to tbc earr. prrwfTaUoa and ennti
yroanda furyoor
-lory- rroBBda,
,Uy L<r.kl.inr almtitianu
child, t yaam. « moalba and S daya old,
hayiny bae-B adopted! tarcOklofUir liridyai
Mia. WlDchaomb. altboarb any taabk;,
,al«.ia, inrliidiiiy lln-oo-l oT Itir rarit,
Vary naapMlfally.
lamUokmrmk al b-lh rmN of ilir 9)
attended the tarrtoaa: A Beta raeeiihd

from ber thk morvlaf iletea that ^
way rery weery. bat not aay .wr—
1. W. Bi<-«I
abool ^4iin
If hoa-arar. kU.lH- alml
lark aa Hr
J Aamu; 1. Tba fiiy
ra bald ymlatday •
< ot the Board of l-oblt V rka k farra
lar.aad araalaf, ^ apadal aarrkaa
borltl permiu ao
ll.-rr .
jabor parmita aad to. make aalaa < .*10101 r-atof thr Ixldyr
wUl ba bald eraty Wadaaatay eeealar <
tarpM ak are
ar« ratal
aktai,.'* a-|th
a-ilh I baoil
haoil ,too .nrcdilr
of tba rltrr at
Inuoo aneb tarpMaa
darter Ual- ^ rector wUl hold the
bnotli I'fliob ktrrat
abrd by tbk Boani
rarolartarakaa aext Hostay morelar.
Hrkpacifdlly anhreltlcd.
ABtyi-i.i 7 A compirle achc<lalr,o(
Mattk- A MeMaani to Klrtl mala
K. XcKriiiii.-.
aad In the atesooo at t o'clock will , mk. I•etat^, ws; of awl,. Hee. M, prlM-for lota: for laiarmaat and labor
Cilv Koyib.v
IBCideCt tbarcio, and for anob other,
icl awrleaa at tha Wmt Blddekap
» N. B 10 W-*M0Morad br Aldarmaa --imUl
labor aad earr of louaa Uia.City bayT br
be laid on table until
until iiral rvyiilar ;
may ba raqairad to perform, ahall ar
_ in ki—V.
on yarrird.^
Marvh "EMMton
Moryan iSat
w-rkca la rarloaa park of tke dkti^t.
a. B. Ai. k.
**Tinl”i*V*'*SS''to*aBy biirkl an i«a\or and'i'lrrk hare power 1
Iiih-...|,r kiatanlent mnal be lumlahrd ItoCily Traakurer.rXkVaaira laa
Bkarkkcl to Wm--II.Kn-i-ll
Klta ^Iplow to John W. ikichlB.
mbma will bo reeahad Heetay
1^ wltbalraal and number if am. 1 . Mofad that aiii-.uo
moralacbodbapUamwIll ba admlala- imrtofaSof Bwk.Hec. in. T ST.V.B
u S.>lcllcra' |{eli<-7 funn ic
» or came of death, that a.......................................
It Vi. ako paroeU la Beaak Co.-BIi*uo
. AU wlabrar to ba ImpUaad are
proper mpikirr
rrwikti-r thereof may bd kept bv 1 Trarrr»r Ton n.i.ip to City lonliuy.-ul
Dooral Oarmltaael to Lydk A. «
110 ba proBoot
of Bwk, Hoc. 1I.T77X.
ikhaal. aw«a

' jlirl of Iblliyehl kololam lo i
ABTIU1.R4. Sn amokiae. ao rafrealiilacoatal aenioa Baatay moi
B If W-»l.
,l>y Alilrrman
>r of any klada
followed by Baaday ataooL
Parry Haaaab
Dab to
to Kkb. Coafaraai dvfarn-«l until OMl
pllowed wiibia ibr vamatary aod an the t
.. ---------- 1 Day Adreatkla, lou r peraoD with flrearma or duet Will br ular
linikandtbal a fond U-vi...
laladdi-h purp-wr Motion rarri.'ti

ad fu
.ion. duly earned, conncil ad- '
Bobjeel of oraBlBC aatawm. -The
Sllme-pitaof Slddlm:ertha Oertl aad
A W. Rii-kit
prraona areprobibited from treapaaeiny
npOBtba iMand mual. con&na them
lha DaBoa."
aalrea to tba walka aod <
Fnll eboroa choir wlU Mar aad tha
Auditor G
AmciAl All pai
P^IWV Thia >lf' OarUinly a Ohanea Wbkh ! $
•rvleatbarleatTo'clodi. Thoaewbo BdJ. U. G
from pluckiay Oc
Should Mod ^ Ae«li
JohaB. t
COBM OBrly wlU bM tha boat MBta.
cuUirated. ban-aklny adyi treea'
Bwit of
if awk
aw and lot ». tae. *7. T
rfaciny writinyupara Invited.
Wa arc aware ulat our paoplr
mar raoou
armaL aastma.
puflrr fn-i5 orrvmik. l■bn•ni.- or lony-iljy
Perry Uaaaah et al te Bdwin Taylor, or atrectnre Wi'hin tbr Crmrlary.
aiandiny coinplniiilkdo nul rbarr tlir
Ber. Mr. Boaady. aaakted Iqr hk loll 7 aad I. blk H. H. U A Can's 7nd peraoDa dtatnrbioy nhr qui«l aod '
• •by - '
or improper
ar coodoci ia auinr opp.>rtunily Ur lie .-ured aa di> tbr . 2*
inner wlmiercr
aiolatlny any raaidrma trf thr yraal citirk « hrn- Uir '
tha old lekodl boaaa ob Bmweod ,
raynlatlnna of ibr
iC. AU^ lerttad <e Ikt m
bart D. Darcy to Wm. II. Daria, f
a drlwrrrd fi
lac*, whiob MB biM nacy Blyhl
of B), of aak. taa. «. T 78 K. It V t t yraaada Inatantly.
- prcal and aklllrd pbyw.-jaok owlay i
Ibr coat of trdral JO lha laryr rttv :
fatter Iban a walk while In tha ermr7 tbrhiyb laaa'i'barycd by kui h phy- ^


Have jro-a. e

-y y.-


Styles,are Rigit,

oirbi" M^::!.vc..;‘^^a^!f.;y''.w I#




118 Front Street.
;root. J> ■

'-•Uiv. n .iwiii Irci.-

•SW® ■
m ■




Observing Man


will nutice that Giir display of-jnint'ic WalM’aper i


amaboiui aenmoa op ruar ust.
Opeoky of rP>C« la tbc flfth dettm.

for residences, stores and jmlilic buildings, surpasses in
elegance an>'tbing ever shown in the city.

We are ia ’

the business this jVar to duyuu good. ,(>ur Wall I'apcr T
<ic|>artment is the must conrenieni i>I any in nortHcrn ^

No trouble to show goods;

f, thrref.wa. Is

Ooed akaUay OB ths harbor new.
Bayine Walt eBBW down oa tha ataye
Poarhelow aaaok aa mdd aa It haa
atat Dkl craact
been down hara thk winter ao
BaempUfleaUea cd uwrtttam Ulh
Alotof oar yoaay peopk
tap«a work. Other Sfih’dacrae bBsl- tha daaea at Imrdk kail Monday mlykl
OIM Parker. wbUe mwlny wood
fall and eiaeked oat of bk ribqoaa day

**^‘r^l^l°^thaaeTk showed the
lolkwlay membata praatai; Aldermea
Meryan. Uobba. Ooodrteh. OralUta.
Smith. Kawurn. Kyaalhn. Kanyoo. Oarrtaonand Jahaana.
_____ naoflha laatnyalar aweUny

Tb Me Commoa CVHiitc«l. Dannw Cfrp,
Clam la Uth d^raa: opc
Oaaaral hnalncm, n^erta of Bob. '
rraBfia. ale.
PBper--0««»l Pamlay. oa tha «
atop that wUI pay m bait in ■>*.’ by
taBdayalyhl waa tha ecMaat Biybl
Panhal Dean. Leal. Blk Leka yranya.
wa hava had thk wtsUr. mai'Ctiry yoDkcBiaha opanad bf Wm.
lay tawB tn a* below aero.
dleabaek will plaat twBaerm
-iPaper-"Oar Hcmea; their aomten
■rrtaa thk apriv. Thk wOl
' by Mra. Oattla Mobathe iBrrmtffecBabuTrpMah ia AnWatby. L
Bcsty, at laost.
Bafaral of oor yoeny people attBBdad
I the -Daaatriek liknJa." al Elk Baptda
Friday slyhL They aald they ware
laOM tha Boat tay from tanyblay.
l*Bblh! maetlay.
Oeoryt Dens had tba mkfoatB
Batraeta from -Oeelaretlos nf Per-pasaa." nml t^ Mrs. E O. tmdd. Led at hk thamb qnlu aarlooi^ a
imOar iqw la StaSetd-aodU T
Pomona yranya.
It la aoly a aaraiB Bash wc
Peperw-Tba ralathmofthe OtBaye

for ramoaaraUoB. Sneh owaera mar
eertors or hara done for them anr
labor whicb they daaira
parmltaloc nparflalitt io<-arinyal1f.iriu. ..f narrou. ' 2 ''
and ebrooiv di-raara. ofTrra In yivr frrr ,
tba Bmrd of Pnbl ic Worka
by I
Tit-i.i: 8 If any mimumral or
irir IovbI pbyi-h-Lan hnn faiU-<i
otbra atraetnraor any inacrlpliee that
I UI rnrr Voo bare Ibr pririlrcr of
I,““i rnUlnB lb lirvaca by Irllcr. drw-ril.Irnr
burial lot. aball br data
complainu. will, after
mnjiwitTot the Beard of Poblic
ba offeatlvr a®
I® improper tba
the lal^f- earafclly i-oosidcrlntr y<nir ooddil

w!fthe tradanlyned mUk daalara oM
theeilyof TravaneCitr. bareby petl- laid Board
Aim<-ui9. Itaoytraai
wyonr honoankk body, to oidaie,
Btlathafatoraalltaalaia of milk. orapos any lot shall br i
Ilhin tha limltabr mid city, ahall pay /oota. branebaaor nihei
drlrimaBlal to iba adyaeroc yruaod- nr
aoklybilror iDoonraniaat lopaManyrn,
it aball br tberlybtof tha Board of
Public Worlta to rater tapon tbr proper­
ty aad remove aneb trera oa ahmba or
aav part ihrraot.
Aatltta 10. Tba Board of Public
Work* bd* 00 draira to iaUrfrra rriUi,
the taste of iodlriduali, is rryard to lha
atria aad aatera of Imprarrmrate boi


yonr aymploma. Irllinj- you rrrrylliiny | •'

'you will nadaisund rxacUy wl,at ail- *
you. Hr will al»o yirr yoo bi» adri,r. .B
baard upon hi» ra-t rxtwifr'nce aod'J
wonderful aaroaaa lo trraticy aucl. {
—r aa tu Just what to do to yel vui^j*
ad. AH Ibia will coat you DoUiiny and 12
you vao tbua bare ronanltatlan riibln
the baat-kaowB pbraiclaa aadacknnwl. . n
rdyrd moat aucn-a-fnl aprvialUl
'd. wlthonl Irariny h->mr aoo 1
nor whalrtrr. Tbr Uattir h
............... r of tbatyratlrsi .if all kaown ]•
luadicior.. Dr. fJrroor-. N.-rtura -bl-id J
and nrrra rrmrdy aod hr ha* diamr-.B
ooatrol aad -prohibit or rvmora aey ar®d many olbrr talnabla- rrmrdir* 2
PetMoB. Wm: Boldaworth:
aortof ImpnrraaraBlaoif to atop anv It rite to him bow. for Ihb, i* a chancr I n
TbllirriMMai.ia<-i>wBrtl of Me ruy of
wiy^t^y time balnydonr witblo toyrl cared which yon mar arrrr liara I •
Travmt CUv:
Pear or Saa yaniB linm 1 praaaBtad
Aartruiu. The Saatoe appnlBtad
amtitiontolha VUlayaCaaBetl. aiya- hf tbii Bmrd ahall •rrvr *ob)rcI to ra
ad by tba reqnUlla Bomber ot trea- moral at ant t«na tor naylraKifdait
boldara. athlay lor tba allay sray raciroeyh Bloch four (t| frim>
______II br b» doty to opro aod aloaa
NoBotiee bavlny baac takm of aaU
k>thaAyrtcBUoiBlaaekty.'’by B. K.
- inch pUoe of bnrial aod perform aach
pevltloe. I now obU epoe tha atr OdobBrlakmta, Laet. PBclBaaU yrnayB.
cHtoael span mid patlUcB. for tha iadditioaal work m aball br apreiSad in
bnnal prrniw and laborprmiu Uoad
DkoBoUcB epaned by Hob. J. H.
this Board ia anch case In Iba form
JamaPrtakaad MkaUta FlamylB *°^v«?vanra ateoa tha ebsu
duly adopted
Bbcrt tmtlmony maaUBc-:pBb}aet, ^aat Hatartayand Basday ia ^aakw
Aanitj; li Tba Caoiaiarv yrnoad*
dlny aaaloB Senday Bobool pieiradly devoted to tba loi
1^ town ball at Atwood on Batnrday.
Tbey raported aa anaallOBt
U«B. B. B. Wllkimoa y»va a vary Imtaroatiny foport from tba State S. B.
eeaamitlOB bald la Komber.







Hannah & Lay Co.

I Good Shoes at Half Price.


atrikiay oat tba olaiiaa fnoimokiay.
Mrs. A WklBBaiT k B»UiBy bate.
pter at tba coraar af my I
.Paper—"Palrioliam la tha hama.
"|Ol»be bayinalay ofartiela t. Motto
Mr. Hot. of Mankwa. wm te tow
Btaml and yranya.-Mil. Bath Dana.
Lad. nivor Uka
Amy Wbaloek km yoBo to HUaraoka
Iteawdan epaeod by Oao. W. MeI weak In a hotel.
Koark' mw mill haa bean rmBnla
D.OtBbamSaetayadsIhoma. Ba k
Wowt^henvIlT from tba
.. . . .
ha amtbwom*
« „f Bomd
Wcab*,OB !®>
_____of PaWlc
- lie Weak*.
worhtey BOV Paari kaka.
--------------- '
-lobe father
mtlamMefCllyj....................................... .
Bob. Oao. OoveU. of TteBoam atp.
ato tb. nma
Wbl • rty.
far-* —Of I> la* >**— i*v*-— i* —m,baudaoBybt t
tallad bon teat Baaday.
I pBTntiiii Item te
------ — -------------------------------------- ■AlHy yM
yean Mnea
item SB alky way wm
UKSTuau:—Wa tta_
BBtenteaplal. Aalhma wmnewvof Ue Worka. ham. aa a

TTTTT^TO Because we w4m to devout all brokeo lots. The

^ * to do it is to sdi them cheap, very cheap.


,?)> iiairs, size jS---- 62 |»airs, size 45<-u.? pairs, size\ Al 11
44 l»airs, size j ----- ;0 pairs, size 3%------- 32 pairs, size sX • Bf H'
5S pairs, size 4 ----- 25 pairs, size 6-------50 pairs, size ;

s= i)‘*’®**^"

tentai^ .

Two Reasons

why and whto flour should rise. When wheat ,
advances in price, and when yog use our BEST
flour, with good fresh yeast, it never fails. '




At the '
I New Shoe Store


Ibaytam ot Trararae Dial Uraafa. le
ha UU March iiihaad tlih, laaa. with
BUvar Uka Ofaa(i at Moaroa Oastay.


■S: E


BtetalB ahonid apply teAfaalr
for adrlCB or diapaBiBtloa. Dari^
LMt the fal thfal abeold avoid all pabUe ameaetBMla
Theyaboold I
Uomk which will behald.wtereaarUk
^MBtble. 08 two taya la the wn
tU^aaaatko. the aaa of Baihperaolttod darlay tha year ob all Hatartaya BOt aapoeklly aaeepkd.
By aa ladalt of the lath of. Match,
law, tba Holy Baa haa ytraa. for Uo
yoan. to tha Blihopa of tha Uall
Btataa. the faeeity of dlapeoalBy w»
l«C people from w kw of abadBaan
OB eertela taya.
By Tirtaa of thk ladalt w« paBt
ptrtBkakm to all the werirtar people la
thk dkeaae to oaa Beah-Baat oaea a
tay OB all faal aad akaliaaBoa dayt of
tha yaaraaoapt Frltaya. Ath Wadaoetay aad Satorday la. Holy Waak. aad
the TlrlJ of CbrktmBB.
Plmh-maat aad Bah are BOt allowod
D la croBted


Friedrich Bros old store, g

Mw. era
Traverse Herald twniM
M<ta«»r u>a i> ipetaiii

► II


at cardaTb«nday«o*alar.—b
mrryi^ aat aad all aroaad food
tba Lear Year party ffl«ea P*b I
re dowB oa Ibe ceeerdaaa eaaat tba
-Friday waa the Urtbday of
rrmIMt aerial aacMaaea e( tba rur.
both Hte Ftoy tbeotaU aad Clydt
Ely. aad halfabaadrodoltbalr triaoda
tbaladiaahariartbe atattor la ebarfc balpad ibaaedlabrataitla aa apprw
boay daaerattor tbaOpatm hall. priata------------ at tba beaaa of Mr. aad
wSraaeaMWMaridaat troB tba Mia. Cbaa By.-Tba Cblaaaat dob aala Travana Otj.___________
worda of pcaba aad ocBuaaad
>>y«I a Tory plaaaaat daoriaf party at
Tn praalan tlau far tba elfblcaalb bMid w all aldB aa tba fMalaarriraA Ooebraa baU Piiday araalar—Kra.
aaaoal lair oribaOraadTiaran* Afrt-.
■ aad tbetroatol Ibr itofa Boabary aad Mha Uertroda Btrrtaa
nlUial Itoelrtjr aill be priatad aartf la
otbad la arotiiaaa. wbUa aatortalaad a aasb* of ladlaa la a
April- aad dblribalcd at eaec tbroarb- rraarfal lealoooa.ot bnatiar •"* loop- ^tbIbc BaaBarMatardayamlaf —
tbr rcffaa. flriaf tb* taman aa ad troB the «r «le*t^H« iolbaaidaa
aad Mia. P. 8. Oabva eatartalaad
wtaailr to plaa tbelr rablMu
tba ball aad arooad tba rallary.
le pbatiar. aad iaaariar a hri
T>a atoc*
eoarartad. by Beaaa of tba laadlar lady at tba aa^ of tba araadbplar at tba lair Ibf a»ar brlorc.
pain a^ flowera. iaio a daiaeiarNiv. C: W. ttotioa.—Or. aad
V Pekut baa bara *o tortaaala aa
ra a place of the aaral traialar
1 Wcdaj
■oak ai
Ml bf hb ratbar. Wallia
Parry, ha left to Join tba ablp at Sea
York. He b It year* old. and atll m
ula tbare for ae*an yean. Ray I


brirbt. taaaly boy, aad bb Iriaad.
U A- Bt-iiaacapeDtSaaday li
Md left Wadacaday lor good, aaeoapaalad by bb baiily aad booMbnld eftecta, for tbelr acre hnae to Trarrree
V Mr. Barbae irill aoua be aa nnch
/boBa tberraeaayirhrrc. lor be hoe
erayof maklaraadb^iar frieeda.
id ear abtcr dyy will tad they hare
aerotod aa aoqobitloa la Hr. and Mn.
Bo(bee.—Otnrlnnlr IVno«^i>. .


State Bank.
■ tIMMCroMt rtrrj >■■■■»>. A- »~C7 Ur.


; CiraUUo.i thte weelT2,360.
OonuBM oTTo-de^e Bnrnia.

(M( Vmr >it Frtt HW.
Ml»«.H^<nU Sen.
ijOer /VvM Pnitter.
1Vtl> tain UHownr IV.
L SUM niwl UtoenU Ann.

AtaM« Our XeieUmr..
r. Lenivn Renlatane.
Tmrerec WeffU Oro»ta.
Heal EeiaM.TTaaefm.

Hr. aad Mia. T. J. B


»> U» VfblUM-

Aa luan ia tSc Hbulu taM
(taUaC tkal the** an cal7 Ibree of th*.
pioaam of 'SI tlTiaf ban at prearav
lalBCB oat Ike tact tUt Bar^ U«r
wortbT caM to Old MUiae *rltb. bk
pwaatsla lul.aad ba* ll**d io tbia
i«» Hb pr*Mft-b««n la

r. E OorWn. Tybo an pto.
OTO loCAlifornb la tba BB
arealar, frrm li a.UblB daoorntad
ware riri* a ooBplaU dad bappy
wllb botK|Dcta of
iarpriaa Hoaday ey*nta( ty abool a
tbr reeUepae nirbt ba aosa- haadrad aad thirty of tbalr rood Metbwbat at a loia at ao aoral a party' tba Odbtfrtoada. I>srtnrtbaa<r«alar Rar.
ladbahad tbotybUy preridad aanm- W. A. Piyr la hebaU of tbr gamU praIwr el airaa wbleb wara Yatefolly read
by all aad waraad tbaa aBoor other
tfalBfi-Koi lodlaborardbefooUIrbb
-.NoMBonlnr al­
lowed la tba fUlrry.' -Indleo will aot
aarred. aad Ur romaladar of Ua
Inan Ueir partacr* atabdiac In tba -------- at wae paBod la elaruf
akldla of tba Aaor. aa It b
■“'►►►'Tltbr MatbodW
odlet 'Bale' qaaMcl.
awkward." -OaaUears we
f the klad trieads tad t

MlehU^ Mapb Lamb^ Co.
The boaid of dirarion of Ue Mlcbiimo Maple
Ue weak aad elaoted H. ti. ilqll. praeidaatof linOTBl Wood l>bb ■>>.. praaident of Ua aew orfanbatloo. Itba
aaeellent eboiea. Hr. Hull hw
made a freat aaecaaa of bb owa boelaaea. aad b Uoroorbly acqaaloted
wiU Uatof Ua atooebtinn that bka


Boy’s and

Jl* world is full of cheap things.

tape IB Ueir elaborate party attire.
woold toiapaealbU to rlra a deaerip-;

Aam ei.

ea^ tbe feaure of tbr eraalar in Ue
diacamtoa of-cbe qaektioa of Ue adriaabiiity of rafamiar to Ua one ot «Urer
aa li wae before I »TA C. B. Uwaera
UcBTiliia.JadceCdrbcU.P. I^ilu
aadJ.W Mimkeatookpan'i&Urd:
uaelaa. It a-aa llatened to wi'U mn.
lolareMtyaad tbetraUFBea participatlar la Uq_^bate ebowrd that they had
fleea Ue ubjecl a fnat deal of
tboarbt. .The JodTB ware Hoo f. E
Uibba. 0. W. Urtia. A. T. Hoxie. E A.
^naa. J. W. Paieb'ia aad B u. ImIA
Tba rota stood faor to oee tor Ua
aflrBaUra. wbleb Broat that Ua
iadrae Uoa*bt Uoaa who tororad Ua
i*tara to Ua na of ailTor a> it wae
prfartol«7S. bad Ue beat of Ue aira-

But with your eyes wide open—tbe real good tbings are few
and fa • between

Here's one of tbe “real good things”... *

this ftuarter Off Sale

and we think it wUl be a long time

before you’ll haye another such a chance............. .................
One^iuarter off the prices at which WE usually sell Dry
Ooods . . .fresh, up-to-date, desirable Dry Goods. . means a
saviug to you of 26 cents on every dollar you spend here....
■ Our prices before this sale opened were the lowest for like
qualities, as is proven by our every-day guarantee-”ll5ney
back ifyou want it."


ONE WEEK HOBE after this. Sale closes Saturday night.
February 29th.



jbe alpU aoDoal racepUoe of Ue

tloa of all. bol eose wet* worthy ofjConritoAUual V, P. 8. C. E KaMfday
Bipeeial Dote.
|«realnr waba rarr plaaaaat afialr. and


E C Killiorv wore araolitf eoaUBr.
black Ulr cot early, fiowrra.


lloorb looked wlaaomp In • Umea who tomred Ur atoria. The fan
dark rowo. fodrt eHyt. looc riaerea
I>r J. H. I«B». blw:k .Bit. coat cot
^ ^ roccpUoa oOB.IUta
droouete. yellow coroadoiw with pink
program, which



w to quality and the


»*•*• _____

Maty to haUito fair raUaWeM Mbb-I



aad CbaaACbrbUaaeaa. ekirf lupactor. “?»k l•ark.. floffy hair. .
gnarut-Haaera Hale. Bobba. UiU
M. a Hollry looked *en«liw ia ae
aod Parka
arealar coatoma. wlU caacode of rad
Two-mlnote ialk—Rar. I>. Caeblla.
raraaltoaa. hair deoollato.
baiy bae baidly aobaldad iriiea
Baa. Adasu waa qnite tba ballaof
ar^D arooaed by tba arroat of Mr
SelactioB. ilUaraad r*lUr-Ueaak.
Ua ermia*. wlthfcb dark, apaaldar
Moyer oa a ohatpa praferrad by oae
I'far aad Hatort.
a.TB. blood oolffnra mad loae ^nk ea
4nyad»*«Sau«r-. TetJ
of bb ernmota. wbo
. EaritaUm—J. W. 1‘atcUiB.
beat of bb brilef aad kaowladr*
Two-oriaote telk—Prof. C. T- (ii’awa,
Ih*. Kowicy. Soyea aad Howall wa
robbery awry waa a asbeBa oo Ur
Uaal-Maiata. ParU sod Hebert,
aa aitracUTa trio, aad tbelr prarrai
t of Moyer to aruld paylDy tab
raltar tamoBpaaUaal.
onr tba firot to ba filled.
Huni.Toa b boBe ftoa dabb. P'rad L. Farlec. aa areat for S.
SariteUoe-C. G. TonB.
HciBtoah looked- awaal le
iliaad Raplda.^_____________
of MeIfalfetiaa. aiUar aad rtXsr-Hosrm.
black bioadcloU rowa.
o, Pa..' b the Baa wbo a
IHar and Mebart. '
UcTBalaa waa allirad in
hiB. aad ba b after tl.iss.w
- Bra^ Boahar wa* saeor^. aad
black. diaBoad oreaBwaU.
wbkbbaaayi Hoy^owaa Hr. Jobae.
BrapkFO looked well in a dark prarrsta wa* r**Gy M>>r«d.
Re ateua la bb eoMpIalet Ual ebaUal
aaclurion pretty aoareain wore rl*aa
fow^ white tie.
mortrafto bar^bean axecoud to oUar
all prrwoL aad after a Uulc tiar
II. Hoataroa waa le**1y la artoilac
> laiea retaraad Satorday cradttorv corcrior al(
to*ot la rialtiar {Ba
br Ulakt Moyer bad It all arrmafed
J. T. Haaaah waa ckarBl^TS- - broorbt to a BloB.
briotn ba eoatraeted bb debt wlU Hr. ad. wiU dbBoad bmaBoeb aad floral
Jobaa. Hr. Hoyarwaa arraated TnaaMoUealotbaPtUlie.
b^arbaldlB dafaalt
Ur. A. H. Urillday wa* sweetly pret*
Aeorpt BO dUouat oa Evpr«si Hoary
of 11.100 baB.
r in ble dark party diem, briariar otf [Man. Thar wUl to redeeated at
Ufa 0«_____
Br BarralOB dalUocy of liia <«Bplaz- Ueir teas raloe at elUar of tbe E
ThaBcaUarof tbr cooBcil Hoaday
prtm. Office* is Tnreraa City. HIcb:
arealar waa deroud maioly to raatiaa
Ambiir tba ppolw danear*
rileBeral Haaarerof As^caa Espreaa
Howard WbiUnr waa rl<
Tracy CiUb aad Laoa Tltoa. whose
loo to erect a baadaoBc all-lrao
see were dalatily triBBfd
portieoat tba fraot of bb boteL
Haaay round
Ue walk aad ba aa
■eatal aBair. eoatiar faoo or tMo.
tacBcd rary popular wiU the ladlaa,
for oor liW CAtalcgaa. Do It aew ai^
The Batter of a aew bridge a't tbr' JadrlBC by Uair pRV**a».
ill aaad It to too free. ■' It le ' "
aoaU oroBlBr ot She rim oa I'aioa -MrBra. A. E ffatartaiy. O. C. Moffatt.
r ebriaeat kfada
alTMt waa telbad aoBe. riaaa
P. CArrer. E P. WllhalB. H.C. Dar.
Boatoa Store, aad n briar eleoed onl
•bated by City KorlMe* .NorUmp lor la aad H. U. Allay.
at Mr. Bair, old ataad.
on atraetara woald eaat aboat
BoaiaofUe proBlaant OTOUpaaU i
L E Hiniaun, a toraar old-U»e reS SA.W0. If atoecabauaratawera
oxaa wara Dr. C. J. Kaaalaad. J. I
Ueatof thb city, died at bb bor
ba ooat woold ba aboat fiw.WO.
obBMB. C. M. Piali aad T. T. UtB.
Uka Aan Hoaday. of eaecar of t»
The lliwAty> tblalca we caa fet aloey
CharBlar r>«*te of UeeruBiarwbo
sadk afteraloor and ^nftil Ulneaa. a year or two Boro by potllar a ft
neuired a latfr abar* ot attentioa tractloBt briar boobed udtll that U
baadrada-o eery few. oa Ue a
8 C. Ueapren. L. Robert*. E E Bare made prorialoaa to taka out ch
Omatba Booth oAwuty tbrC
aadfuratab Uc fiaeat daaee fion
sad J. tV. iUaaaa.
S fR H. raUraad broorbt IT.iiou tm
Kortbarn UicblraB. for birh-elaB aaTbeladUobayed toUa latMrUaIr terUlDBaata. Baatoaabla terBa. Ap­
Mtora Into tbe city, orareou cor loada
Ji-Lna STcisnxan.
letraetiua* aa to tba“forr!ra raatle- ply to
Mc* tbaa dortar tba aaBt Ubc leal
Prop'r and Uaaarer.
' cao be beilt tor R.umi or tberv
L Ufe go a little alaw oa haary Conall of CopeiaUh, i
Uoa E M. DAbULo baa bean aery
Fnakfori na tnUfy.
ill far tba peat weak, tba rasolt of iaAbobc the Baoy fimoftii daaeanj
Tba Toaac Maa'a Clal
JarlB roealTod iht«a waaka aco. wbaa
noted wara Cbaa Hale. A. Iv BaebsaL i
r BeeUac ed Ua Yooa
bad aba wa. opari«*.o*«-.
Onb oa Taeaday arealar waa larraly naa lAMdoB. E UeXamara. E Uarlaad,!
balaarad^ tall oa bar.
tlteodad. aa hare bean all Ue foUei- H. R. OalM. A. F. Caaeroa and Elite {
i^Bce forbida turUer Ipdl-:
in«* Ule Wlator. 1 W. TVarie bad
AayUrrilkk will taka plan Ub arao- ebarcr-aad for forty-fire
ridoal Bsotlon. but the Itet of faeored;
lat at e:M o'clock. It will ba a qebt
reatlamea who cajoyad Uc oourteaiea i
wae ^e aad
boaa wcddler. only the iBBodiata ral■here reepoaded wlU atoriea
aUna of U^ bride aad groom being
, '
of Liocola. Tbea oHWc^lIy lorely la Uair daiaiy

At tbaausalawotlarof Ua Waet
. HiehiroaArriealUjBlaoelatfr.laOraad
■apida. toat weak. Jodra taBadall waa
riaatod pnridaat. U b oaid Uat aa
oMart win be Bade to ret Uc etola aa-

Close your eyes

glTiar to pnrabMuvj^^

hap^y oeaalar
pr. aad kb tamily loop after Traearoa
City oaaacB to to tbelr boote, aad will
■thily apoalBriutiaa aerrr ae a Ue totWBB Ua old Ufa aad
r.—Hm Soatk. bide'
'SAKV HlTTB. eoo of Her.
slab Bat wiU Hra Traria Hoaday at*
a baiac dalt- ioraopa aad Ua Baet Hide dab Bit
Hatch, well kaowato’old Una real. which waa aarred Hoaday araaiaf wiU HIb Alice Cnnrdeeta of Ub dty. baa Jaal ooupirlad a
c of leetoiea to poat rradaam io
ford —HU BUfabaU Heada eBtertalDColambboollcra, New York City. All Jara. placed nedar tba boaea.
ed rary plaanatly Mooday aroalar Tba ladlee plannlef the party
ormbera of the clan were mdnnearly a baadred Haeoot eajoyed a
•e'Haadatoaa U. H<»tar». A. B. Hoi
atceof eollrifaB. Mr. Ualcb ba yooBT
larl at Ue ceodoaloe of Uair todpe
Ban tooocopy ao reapnneiblr a p».I., liday. U. J. Hortaa. J- V. Mclotoah. W( Hoaday crehlar —A larfe maaHall. A. I’. Hoofb, aad tba Ml
tloa. briarbuta lUtIr l>jy when be
atteadad a leap year
aad AlBa Deapraa. rltea at Ua City Opera ball UoaTrarena City, early la tfar
aad fab friaode hera barr watcbad fab wbo foraad Uc cbarmlar ipecptlaa day ^ eraalar by « auBbar of. Ue
iBlllae Uat Bet tbe raesla at Ue
a. It waa Ue last party be
-aaee of Ua ball aad made Uaai ____ aad'erery oM waat la tor a |
Atafallniad crtaaiar on tba Cbba..eoBC la a way Uat insarod a happy Uae WiU ^t iaee»-Hobday
mskes It oQmpsrtiYsly sMy
Wnb Hicblfa* rallrmd brtween
arealar to all. Tba rnad Baaeb. led Hr*. Ueo. GarrUto'e bIrUday. aad a
to boeomo clothed. It meAia
&k* Raplda jand
byl*rof- Hartaorbaad HU Gall Ko- Banbar.of bar frieod* (aTt bora Boat
laad. b<^ aooa after aioa o'clock aad delirhtlal aarprlee la tto rreniaf-— tbstsU ^ds of goods cu be
wa* participated la by ararly a baa- The W. E C. rare oae of Ueir anoel- bought frSm ns doling this
drtd coaplae. auLiar a plctara wlU lu
aappara a* Ue Utaara
. JMrtod cheoper than suiy time
Hoaday errolar -Mra J. B. Mar l|n the history Of Tpaym*»
hnrt. coutaaiJy ctaanrlar fir*™ *ot toon to
to forrottoB. - The profraB lacloded
aatertalaed eararal of Ur
wae Ahrowa abooi fifteen feetaad
twealy mroUr aad Urea enlrm daaoee. aad Uair wItb at a alx o'doekYdiaoer
wbea picked op traa oi
■Bd there wa* • Barked abaeace of Toasday io boaor of l>r. aad Hra
ir woe called bol
-wall-fioweiv'' Urourhool Ur aolira Corbln.-A aoBbar of Ue atteadaate
badly be war hart.
Tbe oaly
orar- at Ur asylum eajorrd a bop io HaallBark to ba aeea waa a col o« Ua brad,
too ball Tbeoday pr«alDr.'*'1%aaBBal
bat ba b pralBbly injnrrd lolcraally.
io Ue Hrbt of tree*, on ooe eoold ;
of Ur Boye' Baad wUI to
loat reporta ba bad reraloed eooI. beeoaee all were a<> pnpioilar.
Io Ur City oprrm
lata^ boi tbe doctor baa lIttJa
rirl* did Utlr pari, well aod -ddfLll.
hope efhb raaoiciy.
Uappeon Ua
aweet-'-airy aoUia«»" la. way th^^ •
t„UA^-o,a,-u '
plow wlU a way ear attached
^ ooa.icttoa to Baoy a Baal,;.
oaalor iBckwanbat abnt fifty
u boar aad that Uarc wa
itoBta ware parUeulariy i lUam of aararal wbo were to taka
la tbe lookoat. eo Ue trmio
Ueladirr toiot attired la j^rLUa Baellar;«l Ua Woatea'.riob
did aot kaew Uay had otmek aayoaa
a arealar diroe. while tto
P—Ip**** «« »*«
oatil Ury rot baebto Wllllaau burr.
reaUeBan appeared to rreal adraa-1 Tbataday at ! p. m.

Vnwnp Mra'i Clult.

F. H. Bkbkawt. Of Aldaa. wriu* tbe
Haatib that he eat aad banlad to VaaSoiaa BldiBr. for Walla. HIrBaa ACo..
•ftbbrity. UraeelB loft iMBllBrl.W* laat, worU «R ta. Tba tree wcnld
bare aeoled s.tM laat. bat two lofo
aplH 1a Crillar Ua Me-


••The ladlaa are r

drirMpon Maple Lumber Co.
W. a. M-aier Arretted,
LtCe Oc Sbnr.

bar. of Cbdlllac. In rarwd to a haadaeoM brick bloc^ to be boUl by Mr.
Wabbrr ia that city. Hr. Moor* baa
tba TOOMet lor Ue plaaa.


lac attire iacludes Mawa. J. A. Hoon.;


C. Carrar.-PTaod C Cdrtte. E W. Walt, j aMkMHBI MM
Ur. Mania. E Walt. E. NawtaCv Or.;

WllhalB. S PntL E Bourbtoa. Ur. i
towyer. Dr. Hl0iaa. C

- - .

Pair*, a. Kaealaad. Ban Harilaad.
yibapard. F. tVaaiartoa. J. Farteeb,
Barry. F- l-riedriU. E E Pntt.
Read. HcUoorh. F. Daaa. 3. ZiBaaraaa. Or. ThOBpaoa. 1. H. Wlaale. C. !aaa*
asd EUrelllek.
Tbaaa arc all Ue
Uc Hca*LP WM aUc to jot
down, aad a few Bay hare haaa oalt-

t Mr.
Mr. ^Bd
^ Hn
OtML Clark of
Mayfield towoUtp war away froa
boar Friday arealar Uair hawr bai«to Uc rrmud. aad oa 8aaday nirbt
OaoL Martib'e bona la Fhndto towoThe aari maoltag will ba la cbaifa ahlp wa. ntfaply detaroyaA la boU
1 C E ttoebBoy. aariatod by Soatt
bat UtUawnrateaad fraa Ua
foadward aad H. IbBftaU.

fiYim oar ragulsr pricea id
bDBE-flda. No goods are mark
•d ap-No ontsioslsmAdoNo goods Are Moroted.


Everything. Goes.


All the

“Make Believe” Schemes 3
of others.

BMidM enr g6»ds oro Ont.
clEM. We gaerentee loww
prioee fin thA eeiite goods
thEB oen ; be^seeared else­
where in the <dt7. >

We Llesjre

; '




25 per cent Di^L

Pome Early.


ptir regular CUT PRICES are away BELOW the variously ^
labeled efforts of all competitors for like, qu^ties.


. .


onlr emphasises more fuUy our claim of supremacy


ofthe people .ia .this region,
end CEB -therefore oomaUt
ooreelree moet nnreeerredtg
to two lateresting flgoree «if


OarSETiagE Departawat

E All the

^------- is a much abused word now-a-days. Ve consider ----------




^ and stand alone as the only givers of values that are strictly ™
in keeping with our claim of

I “Most for Your Money.” |

"Z We make no particular mention of any one lice of shoes
^ offer onr entire stock at prices that are alMOlntely the lowpsC^
gseniTT cnxctLUD



gaartei^neoUacwa* beU at tbf*
plaee laal&oaday.
A. Skalirt of Bapiia atteadad
larly seetint at IbSa plaea.
BmmeU HafaAaa waa to Ttmcma*
A box eoelal wUJ be held at tbit plaee
elM that MkUfBB M 0» piM '
Fcb.tTtb. Proeeeda for paetor.
W. W. Browm aad wife rioUad Traraiy Friday.
TraraiBc Oty. where aba baa faaaa
kero i* afreat eall. Ai* tea» to
itlBf frleada.
draw lof* aad barb.
The ialaat daafhter of Mr. aad Mra.
- t thermoa>eter.Rrl«ered M’*b*. E. Waltoo died Boaday. Feb.' ft, at low aero Monday moraiaf.
their rehidenee at r«arl Lake
OoMfeUanlaBifbttoremaaio I
Marcoi Foci! loat a ralaable k
TbeoSern alectad ia ibe Bpwortb HafBdera-* babdle faeV^.
Uct weak.
Leafae ai tbit place va a* tollowa:
A Bombn of oaryoanr
Preatdaat-M. K. Pratt.
eooaty mat Satorday.
tlM ImepUaJllj of Mr. aad Mra. A<«a^
Itt Vice Pre*ld*Bt~Clara Tlltow.
The L.O. T. M. cloarm aboot elfbBeaortelaat SatoiiayorealBr. Tkrj
Zad Vice PreaidcBt—Mra. M. S. Pratt.
WB doUan at tbeir'leapFcar daaee.
Srd VieePreaidabt—Mra. M.W.Wooda.
tripped tbr llrbt faaUMie toe aalll
4tb Vioe PmOdeaV—May Broahi
Belato. the deat&t. U la Mao••wee uaa' hoera." ‘
tea thl* week praetiriof bi* prolmaloo.
.Married, Toeaday, Feb. IK Aa
Mra Ed. ShoUer aad . Him Jalie
awrad deapliwe of Mr. aad Mn. J<
Mra. Dyke -riaitad witb harpaewata Swocoy are riaUiaf at Sparta. Keol
Mr. r«k c^M
rlclBi^ Uite wMk.
Berne ofBBrCtaorf«»|>W|a«WT.

_ .

laal Boaday. '
Ee». H.
>. GeUet of aiifbt called oa
pertonaed the cereiaoBy. They left
Iheaameday forOraad Rapid* where friepde bare Friday.
Irria Muaey waat to Klafalay Pri:
they will riall a abort line. Tbelrfatore bone win be oa tb« lyala.ala.
Shaw ha* tba Job of aifht
Oar food wlehea r> with tbeia.
watch at the mill at BUfht Bidiaf.
The frlead* of Mr*. NoffU bate re-,
Miller BidleBtaa asd wUe of Bmplre
Hr. aad ,Mta. Miller of
ware is towa SoBday.
rlallad with their daafbtarrvMf*-CeM. darter aad Joba Haaw*ll 'w*|»
deratee Tacaday.
Praakforlrieitorelaat Saturday,
Hia.BioeaaddaafhterBilaof Bioe
Pete'Eobler aad daofhtar oraera apeal a few day* with ber
taraad bone from Fraakfort kVlday,
Bieo^ Mra Bobbiai.
, Oaeefe Carter apd famUy ol,Oleo
.Breieu Trarlt
Barea rtelted frlead* at tbit plaee laal
ret'Sari'qolU badly wbU* at ear
bat la BOW pble to be arooad atalaThe Bpwortb Leafae te^y of I
Mtm. BobWa ha* baeareryaiok
the paqt week, bot It aotae better at
place 1-riday aroDlnf^lh Maombee haU.
tbla wriUDf. Dr. Rnealtad bit beea
The rallco hall rl»08 A Maeoabee
atteodiDf bar.
ball tialarday eronlax waa well attead-


Fraak Orobb baa a rery riek eow.
Tberc-are qoile anomber maa* of
idUtUcM year'old
Peter Baroes
. hrifer.
Harettry ataad* at km
thh morataf.:
OarpabUeraadaaraiait bad eoBditfam at pimoiit for traral.
Pater Raraae ha* aaked for I
to be takea from the rick tilt.
JokD KUwy It btsy briaflaf hU
larnber job to i

frippe herw
Tb* Ladle*- Aid will meet at Mr*. B
; Neltoo-a Thooiday. Feb. S7.
LltUe Johaaie Griffio bad tbe mieforUre to tall and b^k bit ana a few
The moaic toratobed by tbe Archie
wcdieMra Friday aifht waa apIcndU.
a a deUfhtfol tnataadwBBfrcaV
ly appreciated by tbote preaeak
Hr. Eldred preached a eery inlaiaetifaermoB at tbe qnarlerly mcetl^
Boaday. The told weather aad bad
preeealed a food many fcxna fcUiaf

waeka will Salth..
Mra. Oilbart wtU elate the Bbetlaad
adbool tbi* week. Ber popUa
a boantifol dlaaer at the aohoot
Tbaapelttof acbool.Friday ereolaf
OB Friday.
Th* aoar aerrie* laat Thaiaday
lafwat rather poorly atteadad. Fat be- a crowd preeent. Tbete will h* aaotber


eCBbri CTTT.



^ta. Clanmee SomaMn from Abe
aoBthn partof the ataU.
laat weak mUlnfoa oU trieeda aod
Thprix-yoar<old daofhterof Deaaia
Broderick died aoddeaty laat Boaday
elfhl. the »tk. beiaf'rick ealy aboot
tlheuTo with brala feror. If■ we wore
iaformed rifht.
Tbe dwclliaf of Oeor^ Martla.
Are Baaday aifht aboot II b’elock. T
moae of the dro te aet kaowa.
latared for But. w^bA will partly oc


P. Jqbnaoo aad Mra. Cbaa
St a poblle awetlar bold In the
ocfaoolboe**on Friday crealOf. Feb.
taaimd with tbe fuUowltif
Draooat-Mr. Alw*rd.Joba Osdbam
aad Dr. Frnllek.
aerk—e. J. Peek.
Truaaorer-Hra. J Cadham.
•n-Jr.hoCadbam. Mr. Alward.
BowarO A Kcbl. B. Smyth. E. J. Pock'

Ber. W. H. Baribalaf Kortbpori will


Mra Uarrey. All had
alee time.
Tbe raUtlectaBdqBlteaaambor of
friead* of Hr. aad Mr*. Wlaebo»b attuadod tbefoBom of their daofbtei
held at Ela^ey.
L. E. Gibb* be* traded one of hii
boeam and lota witb Bert Sopkia*
for hi* dririof team. Hr.-Bopklat wUI

Mr. CkaehaaaearyrieklMrae at the
Mrv Walt of Elafalay rOlad at Mra.
SUamaUierb Friday.
Mr. Aldrich of MoaraaCeAtn railed
to tee Mr. Bloee laat SatardayMr. aad Mr*. Chat. Box. of FMrakey.
re TiaiUef frteadt aad raiaUeee at
tble plaee.






1S8 Front St.. Markham Block.'



at tb

tbe U*,l. I..;l.«.nwe*itu. of |-..i.,
UHl Kl.-lJ*.d'

All the world over

>pi*c,' F*''**'. "" a-tcocxit of
,.B death r.f lir. Wm if «*iVrr. wji.


•lo,^; ni.-(r.e.ah-j«e vin.'llre tjpyw

.uk **.(•<.

ii bciftp
formed l.y Rrr..:'
iee -a, . qmei







U Ariown




groal famttg

rrawi-rip and refierrr of ncAea
.and psinv
hew/fny. nnd aiafiae/iric.
aur/area Aeo/

bonf. "Two Little liirbt id Bloe. -buaiama la towa Mooday.
Addit Cricp aad Metu Fox..
Mr. aad Mra. Dareaport. of Bellalre.
Bioftaphy of Uacola—Balph Ihte*.
are ririUi« at C. D. Towae'a
ma Baaaifar. who ha* beea at
Kewadia. haa ratoraed hoate.
Hobert Uwi* mad Aiehl* McFale
SoDf-Mynle aad Mina Uoxriv
dioredown from Tiareraeaiy Boaday.
BccUalioa. "Eotertalaioy her biy
Blella MeLaacblia. who bat baee
alster'i bma.~—Addie Cri*p.
Tiriiiof aeor Torch Lake, baa rctnraed
Dialoyoe. "Doo't judfebya'hi
F. Cbaflee. arife aad1 daafbter. o
Urlate—Knolred that tTaableytOD
mtriet^^Ballalru. atteaded "Daeatrirt
wa* • yrrater patriot than IJaeola.
PridaT eroolcif.
Hr*. LibbieViQiaoraptaiaoa affirm^
Haffle Beebe, daaffater of Jobe Bee
aUre >!dv fleraien of aSkaatlvc
be. died Boaday. Feb.. I«. Fmaeral arraide. Loo Huxeic. I’erry UaytoB. Mrv
werebeld at the hotu* Tne^y
Fox aad Ur*. Uilwoo.
afternoon. J. J. McLoofbUe oUeiaiac.
EJ S. Juea* capiaio ba aeyalive aide
Tb* uatertaiameeit at tbe
Uetialer* ID neymtirr tide, t,. I’. Fox.
Friday ereeinf waa aeompletu eoceem
Frank GilJel. Mrv E*taa aad Jodd
Tbchall waacrowded doriof ’ '
af "Skole." at well at
. .
a. Tbe band realiaed aboot tlOO
g>«* HaiUaad. while walktnf
the mliRtad track doriaf Batorday-*
, waa ttroek by tbe t^la sad
Mlw Kate Sroll b riaitiay fricaib I
thrown -Aboot Afteea teuL
■cioo* oadlsaUllioi
Tbe bay ia'fraue a* far a* the r
I. asd thee* i* lltrie

dial inriialiwn'lorrrrj- oor to aUi-nd „
l,-. (...;. an h. iir .,w»i.. jlrtpni-]
the *orbl at Ihrir hoiur nr*l.Siinrdi.yIn)f li.oiw Kh..rtlj afl-r i oi-:,. k l,r ♦>,-


fo. l>.> not tori, it bar a a>-«l A»r b '‘'l’,!'.''U r W wa* ;>•«. or-ot *|
aikBred.. .
.‘ li.a i.,'u a of (U.- n
r brr-<til MI rriftyr.ii
rdalyiren-iiTthe’lAiAt Winy


Do You Use

ft.ritii,.- «x( ate r.sxx
i e fLliowirl li,--' Irviai’-rt ,if •

Canned Tomatoes?

^bT enj,"m.Tit tb- eomp.ny>j?Ved ;
*iort |>i«xt-ram,l»-forevp*r*liny fra ,1.^,;,,

\Vc ha\T the choicest in ch<- markcl at..
2 CfUlS
The vert' 1jc« corn .H..................................
tialloii cans aj>|>les.'.., .............................. ...............-q 'lenia
P.Tnama Coffee................................. ........................... i jo cent
• Hoo t fall to yr*! a parkayexrf Panama tkiffeent tin* rrmnrkaUIe
Our hulk OIiiv* arc line, movinR lively at........ xx- quail
Kirks'Siamiani Soap..........................^......................

day*. 'ooeMf ciod’rnp.flower* wliii-b
d Satorday.
He {.leuieJ h.Ti-on ..cTib for a tSinri '
AddinJoint. of Omen*, it
-• r.whirh Helm- Ukrn to lliinw-lfy'l IA—• pil'. amm-v in a-thn>. and an-:
lay friend* in Ihb place.
in fura..lnr wi-e pofp-~'whi h wr jliiti-uLirii -n -lir- ix. th- —ire .A
Dick Thoma* drore to Trarerae
Wedoewiay returniby Thoiaday. '
,m.i.,: . iriiahi-iM... ' 'iVey xxw
D. t (krw. of Trarene City, 'r
deepi--l -yxupalliT uf their finmd* in ;/uaranlr,-1 ti->>• |*Tf--'t,y fivw Innii.
foectat tbe Waukacoo laat week.i
un.-ura_.u» .uWui^r-ai^.J
Capt. Franklin aod wife retcraod to
their borne in Trarerae City laal Saior-'
:d AcMnti Hie Will.
Nraflv',e«eryi*0(- fjir uiilr* ar.dnd
6m Pnrkia* and aon Sidney drarr to
:orlry. Mich., kn.xw* 1 h*» A J.meJ. t,. J,.biiwi>.
Trarerae City Tneaday. ratarainy Wedb-.ew fane li.* iw.ianC a half ttiih--;
oi>rViwn,tol tlaattiljayr
Hi, frj-txd-.{
'S. W. Porter made a rblt to Trarr^ aod th-y_ Were num.Tou., f-*i*d, !»■;
anek>c'* Atntr* fUlr*
City Wedacu*y.of laal week retnroinf
nro^nin—-d hiiu. artu-t,--! ^
j.*^'*,* ^
*. l’l«-«-(>. Fait'
iti-wu-r and k*t<i he'ui,s-h> ',,V^ ”ii'
Tx lter. t'bapp-d
Oeo. Daote aod Leaader Peck retara-


Call and examine our goods and get jirires.

- \V. Tm KTl-:u,
Tbe Casb Grocer.


W. a. Boekm ha* a hoiaber of
ad maa carafed ia tbecedar boriacua
a baalDM U r&d at Barker Craek.
Tb* aeeere eolu aa^ Utc* •eeeraly
aa we hart
A(M wtatber doriof tb* peat
Ml*. J. B. Botles ka* ratara^
ber riait at Lake Ana. looktaf qoiu
bale, aad report* a plcaaaat raanioa
tbe family of C. S. Llakletter.
Beport came laat week U)A'Ed. Me(V»e ooald aorf^bly reeorer
injorie* taataiaed doriof the boralaf;
of the hooee of Merahall Cram. Imt wr
re flad to my he it decidedly betlei
BeUfiooi aerriecaal the Mabel aeboel
oom F*^ ISth eoBdaeted by Fatbar
Tbylor were aparculy aUeoded owiaf
amatly to tbe aererity of tbe weather.
Barriera will be held afala
week* at t o’clock.
DeaoU Braa. are lomberihf oS tbe

i f"*"


ee 1'aal Tmeadhy from their trip to Tharwho watebecl,uim.,a!fm-.l •'•n-taotly;/‘-y’-' ’ ' “.
Mbs Laura Puricla* ratoraed ■ from
*r rblt,with friead* In Prioakey laat
Wedaeaday. '
Mb* Millie BtaSiia. of Uill'a Pier, at­
teaded the L.-0. T. H. limtaJUtioa Ffi
Capt. EclaoB asd irraa'd daiyrklira Gill, went to Trarerae City
laat Friday.
Mia. t-barlra Parkb*i..Sr. ratoraed
from rialUoy ber dauEbtev in -Petoakey'
laat Wedneadayv
' ,

Ed. Kebt and Cb**. Nelaon Vt ‘hi*
liny for Chlcayo lq.lonk afte^faeir
pelaloe* which are atored there.
Tbe weather b rerityiDf tbe tratbjxf
taafo e waat wblcb fire* employraaat
DC old adafe, "Aa tbe dajk bryin u
qoite aanmber of OMB aad b
Icnythen the eold beyina to atreoylb
and at Clay Bidiaf ther* U a frea
earatoablptbeiactaad wood, a*
Tbe W C. T. r. arlnh to aanonnre
Denak Braa are aelliof their k«* that paotherrilrer medal eoDlrnt will
at tbb aidiof. J. A. Batloa U loadlof be held la the toirn'ball .Saurday ere..
t aU of tbalof* aad oie* aboot (oor Feb.-rath. AdmUaloB s and Ki cenla..
eaeb day tor bi* lof* aad rrood.

>lahd hi* c**e, ■f'’o"-H|Ueollv couliln't'
do aiuch for him. II- «*- W thi* x; .ii- :
diUon wh-ni.nliearu..f pr. tV|,eef.T-l,.
Nernx Viial.ier aoxJ II* x:Aih'1 lul u-x-hv <
other*: H-nebi t,t N-lw.iPISL-'*. drui; Surcicat Operauoss for the Cura
cine*, but *Om-Tljiiiy Tinen me that tbi- wa- • T--I '^Jr ^edj



*Leo Solomon is here at the Cutler
" bam with a car load of No. 1 big


taBiny i AM-dimi Dlac«T*lT Wbixb WUl Ohaa
'Traauaaat of All Bach PHaaeaa.
•. Wkeelrr'* Xerr. . VlulirxT j- llief
t wx.ailerfol medw-ipe ei



a work and draft horses. For sale

,uyb{ BoUm'y by .



•,j*T*liJxo. aod

"ne. Come all,
The Enterprise Grocery


• '
£wve*TW v......................
....... .....................' '


•2;J9 From Street.
We prrfxwm what we'adrertiae. A trial urder will
Hprrtal^ fra IbU

: Lard f>er pouted
;okne jier
tier r>ounti..
^ bars Uingmail
igmaii Soap ,
Tcfr Dust ricr
per DC

0 jHjunds of Rai

J >rietl Pc,;aches per pound.....
Drie.i J’.rarsoer poui
Culifornia Prunes
|»rr pound..
I fur
per pound

L. <

SkianxT wi


CooklRg Mo1aSS(» per gallon............

Fxom st

----- -------

Horlbot cloaed the aertea of .raxjxvl
mraUeyt which they bara beea eoe-i
daettoy in tbia plaeedra the paat Bra

Draft Hopses.

It I- rusranleed'


Mr. Vmt
Van Oyak
fae* the I



Senaine msd* enl, by POND'S CirflACT CO.. « Fifth *.,nae,,N..-Vex*.

.<• T-a-xd wdrUt.iTK-;; ifu'ine tb
.re|,-M i


'Mirceotltti tb'-'-nli Wi—"iitrxi Iiifinlrt
•y >-''tidar.
Sunday V-h . ^ „y,. *,.,1 la-.-, e,.,'.; . «ri ai.d 'Wdliafn:
.1 Kinr-l'T
l.i otiA. yuoCL'*.t.dauL-h.'rt,nW.-.iiitiil FIk- two iattCT rveldr alf

-xnr'bat- beeni
<i-.-oAil..-. Me-I.
Me-I.' .r
l.,hn.tViucl, on funeral' ar-l
r^rarrieti: le'xiria
•-lap I
lifter a ralr(;,„i,.ai.
Dick Thoma* made a botinexm trip tlinexo of lb- dread dlraa-rFr-.piU*. .

ShP wa* a britrhl
and l•^dat•ful i-hild
to Lelapd laat week.
_______ ________
i.ldn—1 •'ll.-K -Itorkl.-i/
abil tbp-e
Leaader Peek drore to Trarene City .....................

eeaaiBf. Feb tU. M T o'clock p. m.._______
la their_______
booae._aad we
■e aaro ew^j A erid war*
to tbe aehec! halL Tbe pobUe ara aor-1 pac did cm that rraato r- Amoof tbaolonoBtiy. Tbe iamb
dtolly laritod to attoad Ikla aad all'praaealwara Mr. and Mrv W. Boa ih. ace limit wtUylra
Coltoettea* 1
iMr.aad Mrv A. Booab. Mr. aad II rv j yot tbeir tof*






Fri,i.y..',d it.
indewd 1 j, AfliT due »u« : vran'.-e ..f meA?. iin.lice bad been«|,>iir’tas •■ul>*taoiui d'<ti-G>"' proW'., i: f
n»r-prep*x«! by- th* *.-.-irty, yfr W.^.I- i
aey.Iiada phaUut rurprih.-in
them- In the rbapr of iMk-ixn,



oot. tkerefere tram, will br in rradl- i.frLra b»1c
a.V-- Ihr wiaal'
aea- at Mo> tVi:lijr'»#.lore aiol Jlr*. .p lr
of ito- nr'yl.bor* wrr,,;
Kate Wilroti'* W lake any c.-ririi* ,o‘•om»;'>or-Uina Ibr UkIt wa* oeileyr.!

which haa beea Aahliif with act
Tbefoaeralacrrieeeot LeaaaWia^
the buy for tome Um*. cacy^t
amb were held at Klmraley laat Boa. ofAabonl.sonhookaooedayJaatt
day. Ber. A. L Thoratae ofiehUi
Mra BriUoa iaaUII qaiW
! Tl>r Mai- i.-.ii
Some of tbe raUUrca of Hr.^ Mr*.
Geotf* Daria haa a rety rick bora*.
Tbe Bpwortb Leayue ba* eompleted ! I.iui'-iln. .S-b.. i
Tbylor. of MayAcld. atteadad tbclr lit­
forthVanaoal reception r“‘K ••“■rr. mndiiinw,
. .xrar*»:'io cwaiiar i-^wi
WUl Eltebea ha* Aabbed hia kftle baby-* foaeral laat Tboraday afler- fiBf.
i-,.) ^ht Lcadrex! •:,.ta x-,uld eere n
h.'oeIhw.«1 -wA *".'*•
COok-a hone dro^ drad rrklnity. It will beheld in tbe lownju„,x.rT and at ih- -n.l „f
th-'iu — r, . raw a* hra. lOc I'tramxd I'llr
Clark'* faoo*e barsed to the while dnwlaf ley* Thoraday.
' Jeouyb .-nlirrly l-t#ih.-m. U-w 111 tx.q i. i»r- *.-n,ui|.:i-lv-a a
. tr eoir.
Craoad Beuuday atfht whUe Hr. c
r City ' ^ "ilh"L« H h-Trafl»r. a- ‘“r'•'I*'*-'"1
• uf ripFxi-! -l.»-a\-•
Fred Boater made a abort home
Mrv AmandaSmllhof TrarwiirCity.'
un-------1. o i rn>T pi-iyp. tha-. i-.j-ui-T wbxTC aH-itli-j br xSrata
Mrv Clark wee* at MayAcld. Tbwl
iitt.- I*.p-’ai.,l -I ,
rireir daacbler l^le aod a aetraw
—••."-’■•-I’"” -'.'
AU raarembor tbe a
T. m- in thladbtriet.arrirxid ThBnday
-at that I am >ri
firUthome. Tbey eared qoite a Ut U« l8f at Mra GeorfC Dari*- thl* rreek.
act a* laataUliv oOera (x^ the lodyc ' yrrat mr^^nr a
nd .1 il John—n «
Maj..r iNxan-if > «i«-blxov ohm. ta.r*
,Th* friead* of TruBy Herbert aad here Friday eranlny. She Irft Saturbril* faee tbn a aarpria* Tbaioday
nuvEksc orv
CsiOD prayer mertimra will be held<
a baaratoraad trim
Ed Ttwmaiahaatikenajobfer Ad­ tai Ibia plara tme niyhl of earii. wrak.
am BeUeaifor la fclilaf oot piae tram
the two ehurebev
Mr. Moctaa I* Bfals OB tbe rick lat. fabewamp.
Tbi* week it 1
be pu Wbder*dar H—tinmt
ik«. U. ta- Ml
Be ha* bean haiiaf rather
rt aopic bwtbcT.F.a
tetbcT.F.a C. E. la ereniny U tbe
OtoCKMIKt 4/.D
- i-Atn/a/UA*
Ih I'yramal F,!-(orr. I autfxrrd f.e
all wlaler.
aod arxt wrak < I Thoraday ereaioy la '
t raith raa do ter m.
Mra Cora TraaalB.
the HetbodiaL
v-Mx.a uaco bm
topic for the Jaalor Badranir,
^Party at the bom* o
la la whom do yea-mat. aad ter
w ba* beea ■pudierobb lf*t
'•"X inrariy a.. •Irayyi»u at V'ceoM aad tl
Aakeraoa laat Tboraday m
what? Leader. Aadeew Flabor.
rilbi wlU bra ahat. Mra 8. W.
packape and a- It c-nlain*
a. xr^raiae or <dli-T poiw.nxio* draf •
The ladle* all carried re
I. of thh'ptoee. rcceitpd a telrfram'
tbe Trarerae CUy rtaiton laat
u; CM l*. n*ef w itb pirf-Ti taf-ty. .
at aidaifht. tb* ta­
■c Fraak Bixby a^ wite. Mar­
S-i'x-m-DxTxl xce-r fr-xm pit—in any
ble* fairly CToaoiBf oader tbeir bad tha aad Ayam Maba and Ed Dewmore. tara home u. attend her owthra who to | 3Sp^
f.CT wt-x Wl'! riTcll,.' a -xwrrot.r-mof foedUlBfi. A better place bra
eery law. She left corl^ ^torday o« ' ~
csir a trial Aiade Hy ib,- r/raioid €0..
AU-kxo. 'Virb. Aoy dnxyytot ca
f at tbe ehoreh Tkoratey Satorday moroiny.


a r e-vw-a rwa


Lilian Prler«.n an.V’j:,^-.^7c^.;.l,’<b,4e^i•s.ill,-:'at tl
Buenauver wvre prrretil witi'llie .ox-. X->.’
eapil-n of the hivl aod f-miiy.,

l>r. W rmer;

Very few loetat* thl* wiBtar.a* pobc fatherlara hare heco eoariurad danday. boll* oa tbe ral*.
Hr. gacbeoo-a cat died laat Thoiadiyi
aafewaaclfhteea ycara
Tbe little lafaetdaofhtor of Mr, aad
Mr*. Taylor died laat Thwrtday.
are bariaf eold eboOfh weather

Little Joe Bomrieh i* qoUc aick.

W. B. WakeAeld hat opaaad faU new
Btoro with a fall aupply of froeeria*
aad proririoaa Girt him a mil;
he leap year maaqaetade baU held
UatofeBiBr-io theacberri haU reSeet*




W. A. Kkk^raoa 1*001 aiweadafria.
Chaa-raoUha* beea woiklaf for L.

wlaler bat will rctara la the opriaf.
A mao from Holland C^y ia atoekiaf
Opadall-a mill to be mwed ig» lombrr aad when Ary it will be abipped
Bollaad City.
A Van Tame! haa atofmed boylof
lof* at Urawa. bariaf Ailed hi* oeatract, A larfe amonnt of
bow go
■ to Datcb Laka
The aoclal at t^ Ceatra for the baaoAtoftbemiaUler
aaemod to eojoy t
A alee

dcbliun** ui*is


J. U GlbbacalledatUito ^aewto^

amexato* axini
The BUI Straet aad Haaio
aehcadaareprqmriaf foraa «
meat oo the STth.

price* bteourae-r.

id com a.rili «!»« «i: (he n-i Thm i,
m<Min,*r.iv*in.ei(ainBrB III. u.ilt,


11-ath r-r l>i •Wu-'H

Oor oeboQl haa bpeoed oi

Three ear load* of potato** are beiaf
WUlrim Ckn^p ha* meradlataot
atar Ibe rirer to warli at a lof job.
Aoha Daridtoe baa boafht*«aeH>an
ofbmaeaot Freak Hardy. «l Tkarer**'

Fox aad iroape. broBfhl
down the boate Tamday ercelof.
Wood aid l«ca nuie qulU freely to
ir ridinf whicb help to tide many
oeer the cloae time* for ur payiaf.
Acme and Yuba bare tbu* far le.i by
abppKeatotheirechool. BatcU. how-1
rer. awake and will fall la llac.
TheyouBf people of Rate* atteodc.1
the aorbi held at llarriaoa ralci^er'* ;

foreciotedon mortys^e by Edsoa, Moore* Co., of Detroit,ssd'by them 7^, ,
^ wld to THE pOSTON STORE st SSc oa the now thrown on the I
»*B*r be‘Jhi?*u>‘^^ocT''^lrrTw
market at such a price never before heard of or attempted In this seetton. Be> '
jurrou on itc pW* of
2^ metetwr that thlh elegant stock most be eold at once (aa the lease* expire
ebortry.i This wUl be the opportnnity of a Ufk-tlmit to eecnre the best Dry
Goods St lees than half price.

The llterniy aoeiety la*t' Taceday
Be^. M. Vail of Elmira preached ia
M Prmbyterlaa eborcb Batarday eycalaf. thoufh fairly .wall alteaded.
loraiBf aad eraaiaf.
a decided to bold o
Wayne Kalfhtaad hU eletar Flora of
Bodfo are witb tbeir fraadmotber
|*~ —
Kblfb't at Bodefoed. ni.. atteadiac pnifTam for thia oecaaloB.
Tbe pnvram for the Bate* Liimry ]
rclatefor Feb. >2 U**follaw*l '

torw arc went borne it tadad op la
aarprlM aarriee at Mr*. Bane*.

. >

The rfegABt Stock of W.J.BAU'A.DrwQooda. millnary aitB ff>~hu hawinp Him LotUc Hilebcoek b coacalcaciafl
from Qpbold ferer.
Horaca Dsamrb
beea quite low witb typhoid ferer aad
aer^Ufeaayetfarthe better.

w-.—. a.,-dx-x.


Choppad Frad. Bfaa>

O. PIERCE & CO., Pro
K. Mf^r ttSrdm m

take y
rae wrald.'


teariey yoor aoimn^
mallbea^ Xew*Ce;v P.O. boUd




eeeeiar. > i*»d tla« wHh «»e eore.'^Mgea^
Ouli IIm. BkTW-Ab li the <
>ttar t mr wrote to the Bbaul
fo to Mhool «T*t7 da;. 1 hare ^
dbatonedej. I h**e two p •»;
ttwruwUcM-kiniM- there tewtlk
OMaJle to eehool. and mj Uedilr-e
iar brother Bade a terra aww
ed er«7 der ha triad te do
ti itmi* LMtrworthy. There hre
Thtdatia that It hte^t
le the bars TBid eed cae «4 ear
teBtetudan. there arilbmetk to )ta
beCBB to flfht with It asd broke
ia the aaooed feeder. tllkeV'ro It dowe with her borBa.aad that waa
one of ihrir abet, esil
ool. IwrcHatfatoteUarleaetii^. the laat of the poor I
_________Ello UABtm.
thep do their beet whea the; are tone.' Juaew^o^ptoSodfo^
■Upw OV. rifc. e IM
VUAM Hat. BaTKi-t tfaoocht t w feU
the'wap boM OaetflBa aakad her
A*e 1*.
write to the Htaai.n- 1 fo to ec tool
«U_ehe eoeU
ererr dar and tetadr reedier »>ellpeBfh.i(icb..*rva w.
eod rrriUar.
t Ure
rtaa. -t (eit
Dbab Tovxe Foua-ht ‘I' -Ta c<u.- lafa* '
ardip bear it
- alien amrtinw. gn clo(|t*] up
i about 1 had
■ we (htl the lih.ol1
teerher b rerr kted to


ellfeed theeiv!
tie aad ewrr le the wood. lhal*a i^l
het t tee rrrlte.
joer frirsd,
Jfc Miteit.
Mapte citr, ^k. t. net.
Dub EtHToa—twill eeodfoe thcae
tewUeea. 1 aa le the third readeriad


------ ^

-ewfr. Ikropt. Hoothlac «)T«|a *ad CMtar Oil.
If t» PtiwaBl.
Iiu wuanuuew U thirlj rntra' a
Hlllltm. of Mothree

little while U 1 aa wclttfBc. Perhaps' ••Wall.bowdoraellheeehoar'.aek«. mAur A dbortler ul.k-k if Depb.M|
pour kiededUorwillriraacarereer. ed Hi. PetUtt cd lloUp.
What a kied editor poe kare r<A. tol^l*,:
uou About the ourmml
eake rial eo aaap llule kearu with , ^ 'i4!“«2Vh^tL> aioT^
f.-rlt. rmd whAtoUwisap '
*berflfta What aaarap of little folka. waa awtel foe wbeaUic bop kept

1 reao poer eaa«a
1 Bad eoar *»aa« i. bop."
^ aid Georrioa. "Yoore
"Yoa re tei
.ember wbeo t*r» wae
ak^T^^eak piecea.
atady erilhaeUe eed ph;.ioIoC7 ebUdrea. aad
im- At tollowtf "I bed 11..!, War- lurit
{nxe aebool I brier hae the time coeeT- The mast of pon
rhi.-h I tuupote wa au.-| bp mi .kirtrUfUearh
rrs . watAiSned mtiir bwi
the wood te the boeee aod 1 r<> °P oe taU of ponr nbhool aed poer ttndiea I
•«OOB. when I wnt about olpren:
eaa tell poe cblldreu. poor achorii io- otwered ber father. "1 had alwnpe
looM Iro lolotbi
■re qnlle different from what they
Aid 1 nerer would; but tbe nile In the The urinarp ornolta wtt affmid 'urim
vamp haede aod rooetaraie. Then
• inf awitp. biplilr eokrwl, ami <llfli.,ul>
twentp-dre or thirty pears aca
1 rawer I wat la A bad tba|.i ulw.
,__________ not CDlStOAbicher
r> aed feed a/ alUe.
1 aa Die.
Su I learned eoae rertae aod wore uoae
Ihaf. aU fa tU. Uae.-aO^v pareet. bad
ecbool dapA. new boutere
in- Sow
. . - ere to iprAb them
B UauB
ro horn of them, aad tbe pUb lai.
hope you
»n will All iaprore tbeee ponr
pour rmadau
crAadatA bad
aade t
oeir Jew a fnr MM* .( wew t
rrraorKi At| the palnaml Iroubk-. IStm
aad Bake c^ nee ol on • oae-thread aaefaiee.
lUrl* CUT. Kwk.. r«b i. nee.
. te*. Mt>«»«r.»e>. ihr n
---------marked Imptbrearnt ri|rlii lr>s.
• Dbab BaroB—i thoeebt I woold tk^mewhUheiipAbpwireptdi,.
el. aad it ha mnilnuni riil.i
When I AUrted to write I intended | wAt
w> RObermeead
Rt^rmee^ 1 roebed
rOAbed ool
wriu to the Bbbaui. I aa golnc
It ao
Dnaa-t Ektorp Pilk trr the rleb.
. tell pOAeoaetUacaboQt the Acbool
door, crabbed mp hai aad r
eeboH now. I aa Is the thlnPrad
wriUer. epelllac. aritbmeile. pbpeloloUeorffiaa drew a lone bnath.
would take np too moeb tpaee.
cp. Hp teacherbkiBd tome:
■'Ilid pou ret wbippedr- tbe sake.
of pun tpeak about pom In alarm.
her rerp much. Hp leacber'f a
the aame, Dna'a, and take no otMx.
!-Ko: ap teacber fanfare ae wbeo
Mabel Fowler. Ib thcabool b tweotp- editor’d wAAte boAket AO I'U be a llttk
WAA. eeot bncktoenpl^. Aad tfie
aetee eebolam 1 haraeioe abler aad cadtlouA.
mtWlItC' tlAJr tut •I-.'l.lrU U.J.aal Xru
■re been eB|Mliiic to ace OTsadpa
four brotbem 1 am twelre peara <
Au««r.uf rrA*rfue(:il> Crat.l 4A»rrur p,,w,..
Alward-t pboUi In the paper, but pre- atked Dollp.
■r.wwburAu. lulUrtluarUB ul OprMM-ult-r
I lire oee-ball Btilr from Mar ecbool.
duMJtuttt) art. l-te. tut rr.yMl~Jit ttr
JtwaACBlpaplain dap." ai
bat not pet been*
A Unit‘d
ca~ if Ikr Rte<>arr ul l».*e- >«r llruM Trt.
editor. I kaow poo ell mbe Oraadaa
Tee mil koew wtat dap Satordap b
‘^t-A.toobad. HoUdapa are enefa
AlwArd-e kind leUem She took each
tbeaire}r«Mi7 of. dear poeer folka.
AS intenat in pun all. It kac often
It b the hirthdap of the aae so wrll
nade ae Uink of aa affid conple
raUed "the Patha of hb ooaotrp."“fonnj“jf''?
llred la Leelanaw Co. We ebUdree hiid
Waahtertoa- H be bad doee oothter
_ ' IU|Or
treat it woeld hare beee a rraed life,
C BbTU^aas little
ttle^l t lone dbtanea to cn to arbool. poor
Tip a cae Of Hdpkiee' SieaoKd BomraadA abow deep. Sooic of the rirb
thatof bb.farsB eaaaple of wbata
pearu old. 1 go to
wore booUAedntwehAdtojaa near
rood aae could be. Try aed Irarp all •todp readlaf. spelUoc. wriUnr
Ihe borne of thooe old people we nte!l
arithaeUe. There a
The tollowlnc eutemeet eboold lare
eopphb roo
-pprared la aa irUb rather thsB a'
■•Come riefat In. op dear ehildreo aad Seoteh paper: -Tbe enlebmted roealbt
iloarsebted elidlnr down hill,
-et wunn," tad tbe would cire nt each ha> narrowlp cacaoed with hl> life, hb
b a «M lltUe pueaV the well Koowe
fa peunben and a raoatnr.
faaTisc been epaet near Kdiapoet, wm (brleton. who. bp the wep.
1 bare nerm- hen an, table ae IWod I
wweMIcblru bop. OB Weebiortoe'e
■Inn. Wrll, br
bp the wtp.
wap. we ctoppod
(tapped ;
la three piectp.
the Debwhre. Aab po«r er; e|a b
trenblrd with qi linep for firr
HeberloieUpoelheetorp. Tbb
mile tort
Kow 1 will
. Ecl«etric<iilcBiudae
eebereodoeeto poubepe tola
1 can earip wood
child bad diphthariA
11 *-arrd them
uBlp A eborttlaewheain«ime.dBAe-'woald not be wllboul
ia the bout
hen aad romtei
eonuteblr wup tbelr boote took fliT for tap eontlde
Rfj K. 1
■ok repp pretlp.
rirer'enjiee ft
tad tbep wqrr burned to dMt^ How i''mac. Dunkirk.
From poer friend,
>d tor poor, feeble, crippled old jpap-1
liBBriB Kui
r u> oumr u> tbelr death ie that w^.
y. bbepoad
tbe power of man to core. It
IT traa the ie
UMBur.llleh..PM. 1.
ul<rept htreAcrettdmi ol leeUaciOa
Dbab Mb*. Batb*—r‘am a Utile ftrl lod rcepect for the ACed. few pou kaow ;
. peAm old. I wrote to the I1buu>, biMrrn tu<ricbl we tfaould hare; wejeoiaa
0 wherefore, eotdleiu. would poe erbt for ^-little brother Lewb. before AiiueldoereroAketport of old people..
froa dpt
dpepepaie ..
Chrbbab and be wee rerp mooh pl<aa- With best withet for pon til. I remain ^ -After anfferinc
The taapooeu ol a wloter etora?
______ Jecided to tip Burdock
Ie truth. H were a better alebl.
k poo cent him.
liUora. Two bottia enrrd 'ae
For Uailac Src. aad blaekeU wara
little Cbrielmae tree.' Lewb
------------'ontirelp. ' Ure. U C. WbUb. Taberr.
W^ueek to trap a forelf^o^
A. Doxen Oooo Timae.
Oneida Countp. Krw York.
------etolea tare; wai rerp Buck pleaaed with it too. tie
rote alee little ball CbrbtaaA. I bare
Ueorrina bad colerrd ecbool___
r PimduM aa we iro
reek the WAI cicblpeart old.
the ctora-ewept Delaware!
fonr brothert: their aaam arc Bert,
Bapapad and Harold. Bert b ap
twin .jtended to c» a* eodu at I
r The olirbt b foil of lutp ebear.
would letber.
Mrt. I'cttl..
--- u,™»,
brother. I canwBibdbbeiaadl
Bdl <
WlthlB the ilaaUa'* aenp eaiep:
dUcaufucchrrbytelllnc nc^c
hauhe mnat,
^ jn,wil relief ia^^ute ol
Aed faint aed falater oe the ear.
twerp floori end make be^ I CO
Doth fall the heediteaeestrp'e Uae
eehool; ffp tcacfav'eliABe b I llaK.
O hlrelinri. tbb eew utfoet race
iocton'r lUrthdap. tbonch ItwatAleL'alor. ' 1 hope that ,oa had
Ie eoaethlec tb eat well to dare:
ca: hoHdAv. It WA» to be A i.periAl dap. |
nice ChrbtaAA aad rrerpbodp ebe to
Ten nre not fluod to en(nce '
buwerer. Tbe prepanillaiit in iSurci-1
Tbae men for o'er the Delaware!
Tbb b aU for thb time, to co^ bpe.
-ooa exulted ber ao auch ^t Abe I
e queer blunder.
A raeh—a ebont—a clarion enll.
ifler aebool for
Halote the enr^ aomtne'e rmp:
A note Aikinc Mrv i'etUlt If STbia,
Kow, ronaed iemderu. plrid or fall:
...jioAcontdDotreeiteApoem. Be-'wba.
Kwtb cmir.aick .r
The reforr-laed hai woa the dap!
foce dlrucUnc it Mitt Snpdcr laid;
SeoneballtheriorlonaBewebe fauri
■■WbAl it pour fatber't flrut eam^
Wherew men bare wronc* to bra
GeorcinarFor Fnadoa'i ioreb IHnacs the wer
not tec it in tbe Hbuu< pel.* bnt I
--Gi-orce." taid UeorfftnA proaptlp.
And Ood baa eroaied the Delaware
think thb oae wUl be la the Uuaui. '■Uource W'AAhinfnuB.' , She aeaet tu
Ton erilt eniop tbe letter froa oiir
ap fother tekaa tbe Hkbaui, tag<l.raiCe Pei '
V,ThSi xudrr.
anrbed w> much that:
trired. Mm. Cook. We arc nlwnpi find aad 1 read Ue little lettere ia it. There
______ .Uke _
Itppottaat Facte.
bereelf. tpolUec I
to bmrfnoi oar older frieedi.
What are tweDtp-ueren echolaru In the ecbool
he* biaae of onr Aunt AlloaT
to-day. Aed m I will tell pod what
- .imcti*. ' ■ So ah* bad to take aa- j in^wiu>
hare tbmc of them, at least, who berc bonrleaefaiT'eBAiDe: bernsaebHia
1 Dollp tore
not written to u la n lone while.
Fowla, aad she b rerp kind to aa
will be an awful fnnnp
mop dap.-'
dap,-' the mid.
tetoi tecowpauwa
krtUto-tr; ikeo r»
tha wap. a ead Uler bae happened. aed I Uke her rerp aneh. Illkrtoco »Mra. IVuiU replied Uet it would be
There arr'enlp twotittlr lettere left In toicbool. gpd I hare two aad a bail A pit, to bare Dollp aim a !»•■? d»T-'

the dnwer ’ef ponr edllorh dak! alia to CO. bet whea It b oold I atap and the would fo and take bar if Solb- .



Children Cry for Pitcher's CastdHa.


s.iy that t


.... —™

i nunUi n.


4 Corner Front and Cass Sts., Travene City,

-------- ------------------- ----------



'Obt LttUe lAturWrli
Dub Mia BAna-Irolo eeh^ gr.
ap dap BOW.
1 aa In Ihe ftiet Meder
and arlihBwUe.
Mp leaeber'e n*
Jamb Uacworthp.
We hare tea
I Uke ap traeber rerp aneb.
Uiua WiewniAB.

neeb-nv. r>b.A
«UB Mbb.Batba^I thoncht 1 wonld
erriu toAbr Hbbaao.
1 bam
I aar><BC to beboot
iBtndp readlBC. aprlJiac and wHtlar.
aad wboB 1 CD boae from eehool t anet
deed the eatUe and canp wooA
Job RuiTT.

KSkSHp'S-.,...*... ...


into tbe ecbodiroom.
ecbodlro.mi- bheclimbed
She climbed ln-'5*^,S2;'
In- ■
«l Tn<cr« uir. MIAIeu. toMoM
to ber mclber t lap aad bid ber face, u rwrt. .1 IM U' run. ttiM XacuH It im.
her inttead of al
al eaeli other.
Ue did not koew that eehool child,
run like to watch a eweel lltUc rialtor, k Ui^urr
with a plramnl brlcbl face and curia
'.of a blue edrefboan
edref bonnet.
\Vh« it w*. Urn* to b«ln the eehool
»‘Str"'iSrr’ *' T"*
mne-Hail. Colombia. Univp. Lend'.
lter«, laM.

KmU CuUr. ItKk.. IVb. «. lat.
. Dbab BuToa-I thouebt 1 wonld
wriw to tbe Hbbaui. ai I fanre writtee
After that Hr. M illiamt. a mlnitter,
twlee bafocn. I go to ecbool now.
told Ihr
There nre twentpweru tcholan la eur
.-ton nt n child, n poonff tolechopl UMUp.
I md la the third dier. s errat crnernl aod the flint pree, iwniwtittoMtoMiiiwto {watweiw itMiriM
Aaonc other
“ '“•“••• ■“
Mp tencher e name b Mia ident of onr oonntip.
Mabel U. Fowler. 1 Uke her rerp thic«>h^-_id^ J_______ ;
Mp eladla am tradinr. epeil-, bare ore. 1
Impand w
............................................. pbpalolop. We bare fna'at acbool. Wc hare
rdrinre of Ocorre Wanbinrtoo. Abra­
ham Uaeoln aad Coiombnt. and a Mff
I bam. foB* brothert nad one raotoer-A. jt reared and fell back, killw.
Atooonedteknewanpthlnc mwmVri u, i'-. d'
. Kow I win tejl pon whni 1 can Inclt.
About it be could lure deecired ber. cuuuir.ww e< outo «mm Ja>iia.t »eTT3i.
da 1 ona wath nad wipe dltbea. earrp ]
Hot be owned bit feulL
Bit mother
la wood, twaep the flour, make up the | told
told bim ehe wnt lorrp her.fororite
beds, nad feed the efaickma 1 aa
little cii) alae peart old. If 1 do no
nee thle printed le the HoBxui. I wk
done, tbr ebildren cupped their haadt • qr»-»
«>*< BeMrwriteacnla. 1 bare two milts aad
haUtocetoecbool. Onrtchool ithalf thioru
Our autdtoS tM SUWer D»UAni
d mil- . ow. I like to c» fo school rerp
•roold ell wfaAt
mneh. beennte mp waebrr it rerp khxL
But Asp one could reoor- «
1 ra*ea 1 will cioec for Ihte Uar. so
C^-lffe ,Voor little prlrad.'
clethet nadnred
Mast U. Sbau>s
next tried to eaterSaia the


“ •fir.-rw ■'•r





A^lt. II




SUU SL. nor UoioA.


UBbair. MM.. Peb L lia
Dbab EnniB-l bA*a aercr wriuca
'tothea«BAMibetara I go to ecWl
•r^ dap. I read in the third reader.
MadT artthaetk aad ^lUar. and
.wbM I come boat froa eehool 1 earrp
is wood, fond cattle.-briar water
the boiiat and'ride on ekeb. TUt b
--WfaenOeaerAl WAtbiBrtouwnnjoaBf. m.
all I ma think ol
Yonru tmlp.
About at Hr at I.'
trrittea before. Bat I read
^_______bore Mi-en..
epaper; I Uketormd tl
1 am coiac fo adiool
•* **-[ train, mpinp the auaewardt. Bnt be •"*" «f •“— .................................
Dbab Mae. KATxa-taaa JUae firl
alaepcanold. I co to eebobl now. I
,____ Horrej:
_____ ,
llBrs r»ioito»tMi rM*mr uliAtMSia Uw Trwu
aa la theeeoond reader. Onrieecber.
«UXTTt.Hto. CeuMret tliuct Tm<MM.
name It Him Mabel O. Fowl- j S^^."***
“<• •* >*



M Mia Make] U. Fowler. I bare four
bfolhare aad foor >btem 1 hare one
aOetoretoueboal. I here a pet eaU
Good bpe. your little (rbad.


Do you need a

... O^SoS' fSS^llSSj*l£S. "i '

... 7rars£;i"ji2 “MS
Webare three ptet-: STfoiw ^


■einidAp. the aih dor ef Hat. lao*.

Urir cap. Prb A tat
Li-colm K,teou^t«mu.rerc,mc.:S^rJ»^,^!.~:2i.'^
cimr. plemuatr.
la the acbool Utt work We bar
weatberUU winter. Tbero are
rirklauB uami basilar Ices <m Mh-kl-'
fsB Uke nbom. I lire nbonl threewptawoedBadfaadoaUla. Thb'b
from Maple CHtp. We hare alae
I eaa Ihlak at thb IlM.
bead of eattU. foee bow aad ese;
UDaUp. aad ahai



Swrtdmteaal'tBUarmUthM. Wa




r”niilte.nfot little hop


■; IMab EoTob—1 hare nrriUea to tbs
BBaau> ontpoocebrfbreael thooebt
I wonld write acnla I go Vraehool.
«tadp imdloc. epelllac. arithaMtle a
;WrtUar. Whea I can. fmi

1 ablel of Soup -rontaiiis one quart. .
J>".c Tablet of Bot-f equals six pounds.
One Tablet of MHk 'Tjqiials one pint.
I wo 1 abletsVif Wheatcji Grit/ -equals twopbundi.
One Tablet of Hgu FottiJ equals twelve ^ggs.
Now we luve-soine/jf these lhin«s. bill in the old fash­
ioned way. and we want to sell them before the Tablet
l-'ood comes on the m.-irkei;,
■ .

Prokop Kyselka,



far j1is(.-iiu when there will be a
inn in the Litclien-hot water and
•J-ot instore: a 1,300 |>ntii^d sieer Iki |.tit ill :
inarj-iiill Ijosiunbof thes^ tablets
the •sh,- of ;i pea. makes jjMfi bill of soup; Yoij will go
into a hoi«-l and order:


K.tSS:t. f,'j55E sir

and help ap BamiTUb Kow 1
pos what arc ap itedia;
Beadlnc..tpellUur. writlnc. arithmetic
aad phpriolocp.
In onr edhooi we
pbtareofCoInmbn aad Georre
Waablncton and Afarabam Uneola aad
atap of Leelaoaw coonlp. Tbb b all
for -tbb Uae. ao cood-bpe.
p'rom poor little friead,
Ace lb
lyj.i biiAiJiA.

CMMaria ,


u-i rurfc,..e.u..



Tboaahecentd hare bad priated thb
week, bnt ared tbea on parpoa be• eana it waa a loneaoae to bare the
dmwer eaptrW. area rind to hare onr MapU
OlpaAooI UUan. Thanh pen. Mbs
Fbwler. fwponr kind Intmet ie the
dtpertaent. Tbe lellaa am rerp good
Ofnadpn Alwntdb pletoa will a
^nad bp. end pan will lUI be fled i
idh fooa for
Orandaa Alward'amhe as well BA bb


M i>. ir«kiru.a.«.



nalwral nleep.

•• -umitw to tupi-c.

mmm Sfcgssst



I. the ChUdreu’t |•allMer*-tho Mother*- Friend.


K<>od.'rci^Ule« (he »

aad R(>«eK citiuc healthp



(Midoria mlirinw





Kitchen Cupboard?
If so I have a large assortment from $4.75 '
up to Si 2.50— fmy $i 2.50 Cupboard ti
same, only better finish than that J
house in Chicago advertises f
Sec. you save a doUar-4t the 1. ____
•ture Store. 128 to 132 Front Street. Trav­
erse Cits. Mich.

Successor to Paine's Cash Furniture Sd>re.



tar > UuU while, emd ter ud •
tUtedwith. Balthewilehud
■ ar^depiMSaelaeTflBbi/BeUBpehiha
8iactoaa.BiBnww.teaV 1 too. aa,
m thmi

__________ aatlte bread food.______
IT ao( to won, t^ tooobla aa, aad better ic reprotoited b, a doorfa
otpiaebark ap^ with qealfat to
oanate parte
Siberia teq people aot
dad^w aa wkararar I term.
ool, fiW tbe pine baric.- bet oet off
—OaoroaE. Botaa
tbe loader eboote. white proeedere
______ I oarer.
Tbe wote of tea da, to aaded.
la terlaad the Itohaa to anOped off
Aad lb# eteatide dnwa alffa;
tea rock. Bade lato bread peddta*t
Wa Hat for faailtor atapa to ooBa.
«. ebhafcd lo oee of So#an,
aad pet iefa aoap. le Se^ aad CblAa tea boon elide alowl, b,aa bockwbaat to priBtd ieto aartfaa.
hw'7 Boloacnr. bvtewMi wlU
Tha ataalar laap to Ucktad.
It BBkB a palatable htBd. tbooch hr
The labU to apread with care.
(o^ mild fk^llaf her wol with
Aad la acat ana, tea borne pard walV adarktkaettlDce.
-beoatjraf UelUiw.''
la Itel, aad Spate tecMett are
. mth sBoete aad ahlelac hair.
, U the coone of oar daUr nadimf Per dear ooai teat eose at Dlrtatfall.
--------d. ffiwead iDfa Beal aodandfar
aad aoep tblekanlBff. HllletferUm lollowlac baa coae ta
Proa tee rriadinc
of tbe dap
I a white beewl u
- “
Ahl tea eJloDi baadC, the troobled
worth the paaalaf afo^
aad ladte. Thta crate
•■What U oou to keep the taee abao^
belB: tea rer, flnt -AtteeUttlabitotpap
‘tel whea the bean ie bardesad. ■
bread to ttUl the aM<c food of
l^aioBe. Japaane aadKdiaaa
•Tbe daorbuta ofoM aotbw,
la tee ladiaa artelpclefo tbe'etarebr
lavaUd. watebed bar faea m aaxloaal;
pith of tee eaco palm to aiade ialo
wm%p to
ae as caflaoer watehda the watar
bieadaed Is parte of Afrta tec uUtca nee a oertate root for tee
the riaae tabe atlaehad to bia boiler.

--If poaeaaoBlrUtibareaad lo<
eheerfal. we can etaad aa^la(r— Aad fa^S^tbaaa wbaa dear oaae
Aa tee Man peep oat cate aicbV
aber of tee kiac
Mdrn-a ahaeaea'. ooapaay, aaa
aatbioaed at qoeea of-.that
Tbn lift tea eertata. B dartlrkt dlaa,
feaefcaobe-aarthliicl Bat if oraa
■d pewertol Afriesa aatluo
Let the llfbt ehiM tar aad wide:
UtUe tear eomea lato poor efa. bo
To BDBa waadariacoM it bb, be
' dear, wa are daw for all of aa*
••O the people that go ahoat
world •elarlBC tor deaaar Thar b
Hn. Paaato M. Herr,Aeld baa one of
phrbapa M •axperiwoa-to ralata pea- 1^
ooor« aa
tbe bBt tolecnpbiBC ^oaordt is tbe
ooestr,. For thin, rcan ebe bae bees
Aad with Beale awaal becoOb
the, alwpl,
aa expert. For the teat twolra rosrt
thlaa la their aMU
Mrs. Manyfield baa bees in Cbe,esse.
r. while tboae The wear, bearte teat fate, ea wall.
Aad atrire to ahlqU from mia.
beldisc tee poeithn of stchl wire ebiat.
the tacret o< TbaVbvetber wa ma, bear ilfe'e iBa.
sad bsrlBC ia tesiffe ctorbt deplex asd
LeT }o, at ateatida bate rotcA
aad two qead aata. baaidea tee Wbeatafau rapaalan aad Horee npeafare.
HIb Ells Wiloox to tee' h<chl, effi“1 bare la Blade Ia4, of aee
test jssifar mad erxtoe of tbe teercb
Pladac'lltUa hato allla a
J tee Uoited Brelbnn In Uardellsa.
aix, wbeae cpeUaetdlaaied. aattW Bead, fartearteoatea bor
Sbe bae fall can of the
to bar aataral forea abated, wboae hair
fftebl^'wB faoB aad IttUa Hate tevvi- kaepa it la ordar. rfac«
to ae dark aa bar daarhlar^t, and t
oo Seedaye. asd attrada to all the oth­
.. teoe la sore free fniB WTinklea; <
OetUac ibM read, aad it fa ha klBed: er dntlB of aextoB "le oecr, wa, bat
wboaeblldrea aatarmll, tant.'aa
PattlBctbaBlofaeltaararaaBta aad ter tbaa aa, aalejaaifar aeer bae. white,
protaetloB aad e,Bpaib,i the oae peraoteara are doiac to' aoB that la B,ehltdieb date left aie ^
OdebtleB aaother'pcdat
free, wbaa aad« her roof, to follow
,o*er tea tsale jaaltor.
oat all the IneUacU of b, aatare that Spfia^ oet belB ia the Uttla
Woetaa tneclara are barioc their
were aol abaolatel, barotfal. WbUe
da,. Htoa Klacala,. aa all tbe world
l^ptac b^abocateat are won


acooDd bw. ebe to atUl the bwd of the
Who bet a aotaer
hoBM. aad nilae ao qelati, aad awaatl,
tbet BO oae. aad laaat of aU harBelf.
aaepaete tbe faet.
Wbaa for a few
to what BO
blaBed date
wee bar tan,alchv
iar-plaee. what a peaoe BUad the
CblUacJlte UtUaoDB aU -roaad
•■•Oraodaa,’ 1 a
aaa Bailed bar ‘rmadBa.--7oe Been Beariar tbaa Itop their aoft etaafac
to lake all B, ore away;
•• T^UdcT^ attetB of Jaaaa of eld.
BO. Do te« twaer bar* aa, troablB
Who loTB faCBtherteaebaap fa Bto
poor owaf
Wafal^. tee, Itotaa with ohUd£b da- doBetiaea. bet I ti, aot to thlak
Baeh aboat thCB wba the, eoBe,’wae Tbat to^t Bfathara are' d<^ *
, thaqatotaaewar.
•The word! of holOBoa are wtoa. ‘He
that to of a merry heart bath a oaaltoaal toaat;’ bet, reaMBbertaf bow oftaa
tea 'aMn, heart'eeaoaala a aortowfal
^irlt, we dad oer ooBfort ia the werde
of Qua that looked deqMr iato the
heart ed Bka tbaa tbe wtowt of
coeld look.—-la tbe World ft
ban wibBlatiea: bet be of pood ■



Bon Cnaa to aota reliciow taaeber
toorpieaebar. Bet tbe twe werldt la
•rhleh we aU lire, tbe Baterial aad tee
^IHtaal. ao Beet aad UtarBlaple teat
U toiBpoaalbletocetiha bBt of life
witboai Um pemmallnc of erei, ooraer aad atoa of the life Baterial with
tea Ufe Bidritaal. Wbeathatto doae
1^1 .
A reader of Boa Cana aeada at tea
CsIlowiBcMaBdl, latter.
bnca. fhb. H. pw.
Osaa Bon Coo-lf I aa weleoBe
rn eoae rirhtlaaad take aae
tea adltorh table.
I wlU oal, B




abort rtolt thtotiaa.
Wbal Bae
ter weather we are bariec. bet
Mother Earth wlU esebaare her while

robe far OBC of vtoew. asd we will aooa
heartecewreteaefcof tbeblrdaafala.
Tbaa. bow qalehl, it paeeraawaji It
- waiUfar Boaaa.
Tiae to rlnB ae
teal we Blrfat iBprore oaieelea and
look areaad ei aad aae what (ood we
ewB dofor otbeta wboan ia troeble
BDdaeed oarbcla.aad wewUI dada
BeedBaayaoeb loeel, bearte
- eh editable
Date aad
BoathtfobraadatUI waareae'
pariap ooreelrB for that llfa to
foretemit,.' had tbarr
1 the death

Site UtU^V^f Saclud.'baTc bna
waaderiac abost Thibet asd Bakia,


beiac a larce lake, of tee c
white Bothiac hai
kai bean preriooe
known. Tbe, had
Lbaaaa. boltwoBx..........
ararcbee fruB the ei,t,
tee, were av^ipodb, tee
Mm.- Aacaiina J. Eoox, farmarl,
died Jaa. ttlb. at Fmoo. Cal., ia h.
aaTeal,-aeTaath,ear. She waa a mierionao for aeeeral jean acaonc ter
Ipdlaat of the aonbern peeliuala of
She eoatribnted laicel,
■OB her priente fortaae to eqaip aol
len tor the drll war. aad after
orer she was east b, abolttioo ao
fa Oaaade fa larBticafa tbeooa:
who h2 eeeaped i.

leaveain^ gav
-Economical food,
pure and wholeAOme food, and food
that is of finest fla­
vor, ' light, sweet,
■ aiid palatable, requiretbeuseofRoyalBajunc Powder.

spid, either whole­
sale or retail, at a
lower price than the
“ Royal ” are almost
Invariably made from
alum, and should
be avoided under
all , circumstances.:


tlula faea.

eook-book. when one to In a hurry. I
1™“'’'- Let it eome to e boiL (e.)l
Sochatnesoretoteerecipecbristenwl h^to^SHiBlf- This mskesaUrt fill,
p.-.pIe«lio do
it waa plela. white, simple -surer" o«‘ 'tee swreu. lro.t this rakr in
cake, sod IIWM are tee ingredUaU.
Ipllow. Tske.»eyo.k.sT.d ^«,nd,dSmlor.eiIrenOtor-Onecu,^ ‘‘ coofrrtJonrn. sucar su.tll
Klsror fru*lloc
fal of powdered secar, ooe-telrd of a wito ramus.
eapfol of batter, terec ecKs. white*
y-iV <->Ar—Make' Silrernke. Iilyide
only, had brearetery are fmhi oaefialf of a oiptnl of milk, oae e*ra cap- iolu teiM layers. Chop one pound *
fnloffloar. sifted, oae uaspooafal of Acs. cover with waU-r, sad let -Uir
bakioc powder le*ea): flaMrutaste steep on tbe back of tbr store un
.Now tbs saccB. in this cake depends th»y become paste,.. A very ‘iulesufrbut l<si
eet>rely,apoa how ills put faffrteer ar Is needed to tbs-ken
and baked. If ter folluwioc dlrevtfans- much sucar luekeStbeAn oeer-sweet. .
A* was ssiil lieforr. any housekei-per
ere eloedy obeyed,
hardly oobc.
So, first of all. .-see lan rsi, this reeipe in iDsoy tesys. i»f
tksiyoB barr a medium ordn. and do .tuorae. more risk of failure
aot let It ert real hot tbnucboul when tee oricinsl ruU- to
Then batter year tin. TbeqasalRy (rom lint k-.-tiaus in bsit;.. ....
circa make* one card. Then place all ight Bi,d tender. IVi ii->t forpA t
ul tee Incredieola faceteer on tee ta -.borous'fa beeline, if you wUb il to
ble. for. after a certain point, tee woi>k ibel desirable-nine Itebl." end. if r
most be done rapidly.
Kob socar eno (eittheb—il is your own-fault son
belter faceteer uoULtee mUtoretarl- where.'-^y—I U-»-rYr;.l~u. .
up after tec spun.
Iiu nut make th,
mistake of osinc. Instead of. powdered
oar's socar. for dwast-uu.
And creovisted due*
a creii
wfailB fa a'sUff*froth with ea nK
Aad then o»bh ooe ffrral sr
Oret of the-Boeliffht," teat alBOKt in
reriebl, ii an auribnl* of (hie cake
sad -d»t to this": After sddinc tb
wbitee M tec bolter end suemr. brs:
sU throe fac*thrr with tee brster, an
mss. to one white foaw. thri
lUe >i(ud flonr. mUk. Iwkin,
As no'"
beataU t
sfter teerar* i
into ter (BB and seiiouil
ool dela,. 'Ime rule foi
tee o*en door" bolds good il________
If teeoreo !• -<Dedinm."as pr«K-rib*d.
Deed aot errn look el poor cak*
I JOB are preU, -sure it is dodr
to elm ebore. It to plain
aad dr
drilcale enoneb for a efaild, or a
Wite its -Verielioos.’' It
salts tea meet cpicarran taste. Aar
hOBeekreprr eae add fa term od Itbl-


I'eople wbodoee’ flesh ere In denser
•( cousamplioD. In many vase* loss ul
flesh' is tee first symptom of teal dread
l.lctat weight IS toooilen a aige
some-waslioc do case which gets
Srst start from indlprsli.m. , furs- I
ladicrstiaa end besitli. sirangUi and
fiwd> wilt be rapidly regain, dAU physician* are egr«-d that the
.00*1 iaiporlaul thing to be done in
■ach cases to to irng
improtr the atrpelite
.od dicestioa: nd if this <non.>t be
Ipa* Iberv U
streogte. flesh, pure
Wb'otes^ fool S^/i5,r.(,W.
Tliis IslbrrraMiu o oian, pbyiUetoas
recommend Musrt * liyspepsls Tablets,
because of their wcrudrrfui
of tigor,
risings SI
si» they
•«n for teeir s



warvfBrrras* TS*
..■rn ssfaBeer e*.
•r mis wte-fari-U eel hr


_sTto%lS ȣ;Scfe you get Carter-s,


Ask for Carter’s,



e^O^ ideato n^ teaa thal^ of

Chicago «>
West iiychigan
• Railtvay '

IThe j. L Hudson Co.,
JO sir'llo XT’.


U«re are e few pricee for Ibis week el the



nrecTel itor-k I*ork
i’ure l.ref lArd...........
Thrrv .-snsof Corn..........................
. .irve Can* of Tumatore..............
V'vur I'ackagB Core .Starch... .
Four I-ecksgB Arm aad Ueami
Cuffar in l>mtesgB.

Cnuil Bifiids iiidilll K. R.|


llBt K.
•t ncfiiB. p
spiced PicklB. perd.ii .
Hwrvt •'h'>e«Ute. .......................
Klirvd CocuaBBt ...........................
Tras St caisl to reduce stock.
- - -r.kuBdred .......................

■ I

isiaaiiog* per oaearM..................................................................... 1....,............ tue
llatoprr bosbrl...............

2,6 l-'ront Street.

Traverse City. Michigan.

Cause and Effect.
Cause of decaying teeth, they are not kepi
clean, or else a poor u>oth powtlcr
injures the enamcL
Effect of usinjf Red ScLl Tooth Powder, :
clean, sound, beautiful teeth.
‘Moral-Try it.

keep the
stock of


New York Tea Co.



Cone and acc me.



Front StreeV


On.account of the death of my wife and daugiiter w^ch
(leaves me entirely alone, -1 have decided to close but my but*;
I incss and will sell my entire stock to anyone wishing to go in
J business for 35 per cent, less than cost Commencing Mon-'
day morning Dec. 30. you can buy anything in my ttore'at
cost and below cost. Now the time to-get the greatest bar-*
gains' ever offered in Traverse City.' My stock -is complete
and the best in the city. If you want a Dinnet’Set of too,
[pieces for S4. come and see me. If you want alamp.acham' ber set. glassware or crockeryware, you can get it at your own ’
price, for lanust close out within ninety days.

3,S From-Street.


Brosch’s Meat Market


pen aaaa of doha Stnaccr Wlater.
telaka it nr, aBaaiaff teal aa, <ae
aboald here a notk» of Sadlac aa,-

Cbawfard. Paris easMspondiBt of tbe
London DaU,
News, obwrree teat "a
Mof <daaaBoo.oae tepboUlar tehi^laato aaic IL Utooalydailac Loadoa
•M OBItel, that wheat bread hae bBhnad
hahaad bb
H be
he IdnL
IAbI. asd
aad teat If be
laodaoda, two
wen be ebonU be aa
bore.- Tbetmtetoteati

Insist and demand
Carter's- Little Liver Pills.

i This nfiling ofprif-t's embraces all'deparlnieiils wUh
F .
n inlrr n ear. .
f Hail Orders will receive the best of attention'and
choice of seleciioq,







Et, 's I “•■...'T.s ssi iSbSTK-;,-;.,;! -a"™
noted ODt from betwrea ter eorrrs ofa «< l»<Unc water, and one teaspooBful

roar '

propared. Ob. aa, we all. dear readore of Hon Ctona. watch aad be read,
wbeaoarUBeebaUoOBe. Tbe Bon
Qua* bee baea ao Baeh eoafertaad
WBl woae of the nadate plaaaa taU
ae what to rite B, bird to
Mar? I hate had Ua
la teaepai “fil'Jttlt plaaiBl IV
hebaaactar eaac a aola.
aalyblfdeeed aad watar. 1 wiU
* te^fv ^d«or bread, white yrm
wDI Bad raiT good. Yoe aa, 4hlak it
weald twialro acre door, hot Itdoa
eop WBlaaB, oae-balf eapae
.teaUeop ebonoalap.twoaaf .
•aafloar.owtaaepoeefal edrfa-


That totoM Boteett are doiaf


I -

Grand Clearing Sale

rn Cake With TarlaUoni
Kill wit
_ h ! Wl^oisde a. folWs:'thnted
..._.rd rind so
AU _______
hoosekeepere will
to ret, ooQTenic'ul Vo bVeeT'^
— L—...^ — — teaspKinli

-! Substitution

Baal tewbea


Momroca BO., lee Wi^i or., ntw-voef: ^4

lor aced colored.,
o California tweat, ]
and fruit essei
And ia Tooeot ,aar«
Madr like surer cakr stomseb lacks,
ton. CelBfa E. Oarlfan. motbar
1 tbe addiuoo
00 of /ante enmnto
ablets rapidly
mu (torltoo.
Iton. tee poev died roeeotl,
roeeoU; at
I* hretl.- flush
B la Brookl,B. She was born
soon leave
iptirr’s cheek,
.._____ le. X. Y., ^Lhlh. ISIS,
Cote—Made like SilerTcekr tee skin )
KBaaliDC dowa caatl, baalda the white speot her c>rlbood aaonc tee
hue of health,
Aoa Biieeo ettroe. eoa iseror
rdr wi
wite sl- nigi.1 .
thr cough die*
^ enlleye of tee AllechaniB
Bond, nsror Ui« frostlnc with
Lewl,'i^ BBaU, aba bowed dpwa bar
is lost under
_____ jC Krw____ ____
la ejating of warm, normal'flesh. '
Chrifae. who weal WBtward
IVkeii after meal* terse Tablrts dh
htofanaaa !a tee witdcrncB ..
eaten, i
Mkblcaa thee foaaded e home, witorr
her haehaad died le l»n. In that forBt enrtrwBBeat b
d soger ti> this. *"l»Bt IsW^ whips
which noly the dyspeptics can sp-i
Un. add te* red.
Lm evenly upon . prectote.
liyspepsls■ TsbleU
at fa cents for f 1
e red oae-balf or two-telrds of a cop-. are eold by draggtots
I waa alulae <rtih mj kaltUac
-■--‘-age. A 1101*01
leaned earl, then
At tea eloaa.of da,,
‘ eases aad ifaoasaads
of testimoc
rfrai her baebaad'e sla, aad eappon
Wafahlac beaato Uttfa Baato
dariac all tbe wpar, taah of eukioc tee
bto pertioa of tee wHdaneB blBeom.
8U ohlldna war* bon fa teaB. aU of sprinkling npoffit bbtore
PteBatl, aha eaaa baalda au:
nilla CeroriDg.
“liook. dear aaatia. plaaaa:
Will, with phoB ebe had dartac tee
Let Be pet tbeaa aatea latwre
Iasi tooneea mn Bade her boBa. _________ remal. ...
Hare epoe yomr haeca.
Sbe wae aoBetiM ladsoad fa rcooant or for any layer cake.
“A^’'abe heofbd. -pteaae b teea her earl, adeeatSna le tee fonat eosa- nan use ttaslr -bralas" tor this onfeB.
as onr kitohsa, sateller.Uns are osed.
Cboeolste layer cake, coooaoul layer
. 8o tbay-J Bake a wordcake, jell, cake, custard cream cake,
Jaat tea tei7 alalBaaV Baltet
whipped cream cake, are all made fa
One pB atfc'bB^
OiiofU le Uttla Tail
layers, aad are so aniversall, known
So^^ aai^y kaltUac
as fa need noiblng more than mere
Bid Anal On,. "S
le all. almply ese the Silver
ble orviV aad fall
A^ te^fa^hB.dideer atafaat
cake; divided Into two fa three Uymra.
Aut On,." lasted ^fai
as desired.
lat wUi MB telte of aext? 1
Rtbfmn Cnkr—Make-Silver aake. IHB K P. A D. aad L KMe a paaalstov Yoo an alwa,* lookvile into thirds, taking tee smaUrst
' Then tee letfara la,.
lof for aoaatelBC bad fa bappeal ’
Ta this
Pint I uuBad aad tbaa 1 twtofad
Bat BBlar-a married sieUr. Hre. third for tee middle layer.
Thea la erer, wa,.
Hilto. who had joet eome la. did aot add oee yolk, kpkse to taste, clensmon,
laocb. She aald after a moaeov "i elovea. allsplee. nntmeg. rto.—as in
Add also raisins. cUS'otawordeooldldto
baeaa't told yaa what I did tee other dark spice caaa
------ enrraats.
------ jiU.
rapidly. Lesve
elfhL I wool fa ter klfabeo tee laet iron,
■Oltaltepl-B&ll: a
"teltd" white, and to the
telnc. laid tea kladlU« la tec store tbe second -telrd"
read, for Beralnc. aad replsoed tb last add red aagsr—sboot two tel
They dso rrlim patreu from Dyipepdv
norer, leariac tbe lifter in it project- spoonlals. Pat Vigeteer with idly.
Wh,:-aald Baa
I”d%'*««"»r'dTooHt»riyIjlfa£. Aperlac *roB teenore.
Doa't^ recdlj aaa?
n also '

-It to dark, at tbto time of pear whoa
—. »I, splee
spltr—------------------aad cSnli fruit.
__ __
oal. be west into tbe klichea fa '
powdered migarorerihu top.
to to the Side; TOiSd Ut'Ek!'
tbe tn. aad la aaoteer moaat I
le a trioe tea aaraa letten
him s, oet la paia. It flaabed In
K, her little haad
I, apoB BC what had baapenad _
DefU, teal wen raadjeav
bad efaoped ia tec dark. ^ bad atraek
Then the word waa—"1
bto eje aCalast tec prolecUac lifter. 1
- leiek with terror. 1 teooebt:
■What if 1 ben Bade WUI bllad far
Ufa:*11, i
coaree. frrek
iac an ,ct not cone. 1 aa eonrineed tetMd.bBt«B
always teobiafa^
now^^weMChttotecarefalia UtLemon ,rlfv CoVr-Hake SUver
I reeaUad bow BMla'a paatia
Baaaad fa bvao plate.
■Aed.M teoofhV “a, Ua ao teacd
Higitafa aoDon-Werfd’a Fair.
TeekfacttoUaakatoroaadaate U

-----------Our Annual.'-^



. -rgWilftSSW! LONO. «IOKT «Bl nSMUn LENOm


Ghoicest Meats, Poultr) and 6i

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