Grand Traverse Herald, January 16, 1896

Dublin Core


Grand Traverse Herald, January 16, 1896


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text


TR4.VSBSE orry. obaot travim oouayy. accHiaAM. jaupaby lo. leoe.


Grand Traverse Herald
rsATam oar.


. ' ncszoui






_________ _


D. to«, w «


A-TKJiA.’sssr ■

Twj ui’Tdlit'AMlcIlM;

Pn>»P< KX"
Innam «iil Ai»r"I”
Mb-MIBC (rtn>d.l»v
1>TT c«<»«} >,>4 r

Tl>'«>nrin>l IirvrliAB.
» r~«‘ "»■*'

TrWrtomo IM.

QMK MhM iMtkl^

^^poy. r. L.





P»» MOLunav 1




k dl at lit Mt

and the place to'buy all kinds
of -fresh meats cheap. Puul'
hy always on fiand.
Number 235


Pioneer Livery, .

' •


k. o-i. I >r.,


*Aad l!l.'.ftaei».l.a7"

K..r ta.|eo tCea.

^ '


TA»»Wt Cmr
■ -

Design Work
f. Bordra, Praprttflor.

r.‘‘Xer-“. mora

Cold Stprage.



I want to buy 'idlOU bushels of pota­
toes for storage.


2 viB ftm tad aaU asy Uni ef gcadi sr fgtdan fbr tha wa! coialttlaB.



tner among.
iu' thiag. bill
ig hu.baiid I


LITTLE AND BIG...... ...... ............\ =
........................Fine AND COARSE.'g
CHE.Vl* AND COSTLY...................... f

Chamois skin


SOFT AND SMOOTH............................. |
.:...........ALL SHAPES AND SlZl-^i. 5

Baminatioii of Teactos.






you know



I'nee of t
rcreed ll

c.ulde'te»teid ber-y veer trouble. Pol--■ ireg«wy all..
,nal of thal-old waterproof, rvry l^.iilo car ^mi.uld n
l.ul that ea.ep-


Uiiak Mary Uam.w'. been j
ml to hinder you," be

Mid |■^lieI,ce, in
•Id like 1.1 burr

-Otere are no very aiarbed isproevuiw wovw.
uae dcw-riUe Uirwolkof
lbe w
irote in tbe bicyelea f<v leiK. with the
| meot*.
■ - -rf larger tubing
' -barrel
- ■
I Tbe inftrhiacnt m.wt ayrd
by him iyi'^P
tBAkr acual
.uatoroed to a eDall


Wmii luBay.batit
luce 'which y.IhubtbebarrelVuhWmli

cariDg. aad thereby d
A tire atack toll ol
^a been
been on
on exblbilk
eeblbiUoa la a Brtmd.
etc.: baa
riadow. New Vork. for
way alore window,
aome Ume. ThU eoi
oonteiBaa layer of
,.Brk betwi-eelheiebea.
A croae aeelUonof Uiellre ahowa Ibeeork to be
trreyeent yhape eod one-third of aa iaeb
. . oewe for you.
< thick la tbe videat pare llUiaelaaed
'ymiUng and bloybing brtnn-lbr M|iiir«. . limn
..^ee bappelu.. lb- eibralioD la atroar
lobcauf rubber, each of
••Why l-alliv"'erie,l lhry.,uire. oyIng;,ooogh to bring >be beuouigoown.
1-'fc ^ laa eeamleey to
Tbe cork
r 'old
earn, ueconectooyly.
Ln- tbe mbc reaiwn yoldiefc
j jiotag lie* wllbln the mnaing aurl
She waa feeling iliMppoim-(tbe
old familiar
Al ihcyiio^ To^e P^

,of_U.e e.*peri_Mei7 _v.UBa
.... BU.I toldse logivc you her “'A.'""'"'‘"'■IT.;".:'-S.
perV^^ I
don't »eem ovrr'n aad alory. --

I'liirA!: r.’-r.r.trr.


finest workmanshi,ip, a perfect 'fit
and a pric that- will make you

auommr to F. Ourdiwr.-

Jbf LeaduwMUHHaNT TAltoa.


Good Fits,

Lumbering Tools.


^ s.“s ‘i'j; 2,t.s



••atleocTheld her h.

built ecrov. Ibe Menal stral
the lali

Tkwm Olty. laeblfU.

out aecB tc
ilteoey of the tire

• rarrier. wbUb Uatriey.
fatalliar eight ia Kev York



t they both laSled op
. licavea of bUm. vh.
ae wdold hare reatalaed
So it waa BOt aarprialeg that Man aiuly bat for
iform u
Lod^^Vwithdrew frtim ™j™j
fatleCKe worked battrai-bolea aad fell,edeeamaoa IlUir
••Sqetre WUlard.^o^ aahl aeeloa^r.

'ptrj-/iiti£ in .
U liiU al lowtslyprues.


ataad. SoMn." Mid »be.
- ..
ream ago—we won't talk
WilUrdBoihib' to
Ihoogh- But 1 alwaya Ibougbl avlght iag. ‘'■•‘■’'.f«4a ladicW lor MaaaUufb^
likM. '
oaaider- oou -wbk'b^^ tobeue keyaote
u now aerriog a foaw caoaUm-ataoo Drvda't get hXffy boot of'I've been tbiaklng eoemlerav ahe^enl oel to . able alsrpt old timef laUly->.
race ot tmorleaeMt at bard Uber.
deriog If you didn't—that b
A .Sew Vork erpriaeiiieD vbo raa
and re-echoed with ever-iarrcaalBg .
wimldo'l pee me ariwher ebai
It forra. until tbe whole bridge vibrated

i» bad aecrrlWould ybe' Ihd ybe undera
.. if
if aa
ail her "life,
life all
veemed like a.drram.
drlviag.—ftcienrlV .tmcrieniv
haadfotae yonag mae be
sbe raW
doaeaoy" with pretty Patty y^nlre'e face .
■a at Naataebet.
CammlacK bolwhen be bad married
-I weal yo
the maebia-; Naatocket fa fataoea
bUetmaiB. the old M|oir»'» ward. I-attie mu) be. aollly. .
really ery donor eooaiata la ao arrmariBg the Ihey are held la the public
k.A >rwd to nni all thought uf hiB oet
"Ob. Soulre W niard. do
' 'diytribetiuoof luomaaBdotb.ermaehta-IMrat anetiooeaad furaltarc a ____

• Bat aorot her a—
-- —" ----------- ---------- ery that their working vriJ] not cadaag-: There are few thingi oae
Why. r
favor IB
bad foi
' ; ce'tte ataldUtv ofittae factory. Drfbna al u-.........
e la a boilec MB ahm tejaeta^^eter- Wbeaeeer aa old bom^ brokea ttp or
r Now. .S'ev who bad aaecceded
for were to eerr cueclMive aadcoeviaetBg miaeo oj mw rewefwu
o mu
• Iravaa ihe^Uaad. Urn aafatbrr'a title, had been a widow
' yeara. aad it bii reafe

Skidimng tongs, cant hooks................
BINDING CHAINS. ETC.................. 2S?'


n seaae ihli


----------------------------- -v--'.-',.“?yeo<Uag.wtbe.truetura.
Woolens now oii-iny counters, such I
a lincas will filaden the heart of
didn t.uppoM yo.a rraae.ber,
the man mho needs a new Suit and : iramWiag and »be brnf b-r bra.: elill murmured ybe.
her work.
has a laudable desire to get one. ■ - rer
BIV part.. 1 mnet fay I ibiok werk mir
elw■ pmtv
pmiT •' over toou
In addition to this large assortment' h«'. eaiia' wimehuly
D the greet Uilyj'tar bridge

rrydfual, at ue Maiek aad Augew j



And see the Magnifideni Linelof'goia' u. tM.^a wtdder fnuu Line-

dt^MatUaerycMM »oyo/eMTaoPewSm
more Uaa thief Ulrd grade eertuu-aue.
-Aa aretac* maadlsg »I It err erm eUl - -

liaijy, but '
( anj
w-tiich recalla UiemV . j
'I bcre are yeraral^

I circomyta icey.
tiregorj'y deriiv
! -rne Mik. havewll gcihe *way.‘ ahe
Meorb, Spealardaaod
' inforini-d him, rather ylitSy. sbe way ubriouy.
a ibU eosatry
‘ Bolal all aure that ahe dida'I wiata her abow. that liie
yniry after Baring ealirely forgntteg
.wleadar would
tbi ir native langtAigea. teeorered and
the ooedayjir.'..o"*>rmra.
uted them upon Itaelr death btela.
There it a tbeuF/ lBa>
*I> ench
raMM the braiu f-ild* hare relaaqd.Jaat
wilb a feeling of regret that «be wa»
I tkought I'd
.if the Irayl known iiroleayion. i> yy do tbr muaclm and eurda of Ike
.aad buly. and that beau doing
of >pecialiyt lu ilmbinery. aa
rapnw the nuad'a etoaltor ladenare only aU>ul half a doace of
way with a feeling Ibat be,
g,-olal ' tb,^e»iierU in Ibrc
ter-ia-Uw wuulds'l like it—and Si
e»prrlcnvr and ypocial *vra ing arvltuigr , way-a little "diflL-olt" aometimrw.
(Ir Te.-o11ecte.l with wime en
lira of I material that wivK
— tot
ahe oODtiuued al
.Abe hadn't ayke.1
duliea tb ular aae.-#'di«U|
hinerv ypeei
' while the caller
It down—1
«e mato diM-orer tbe
BB- '
arc WU..AO.C.
.ov.vauu why tbr
wro^, and to
Cycle Nouv
l-reecntlv I'aUem
from the cLfatiou c


To bo, . aorm. come'
Wnaa»r. Veu wUJ alear> CT,ay«iiare<mal. 1
a ear* keep a taree >uiei
I^Miel eUraU** ftcra M .


twill. Mw'in' ibaU

Ot. or they wouldn't plfcn me

Aanktay la the Urary Uae ta
Flaaaer Utwtj. Von wIU Bad ew
latBlBgMibenae hew.

iracy lYiir





b M rnar wava deify u tbe.PleBeer
• t laaky a apwlallr el dwdlar larv
I alwayi ryadyee uarrl
d (lyy tbev Ibe beat yt

i'Tl tblSi^reJinT- - «U ralel^,


' J“‘:u

ca. a>rnm *» LIM* an.

Adsley was selling clioice gro•ceries? He is, and for the
ieweat living
ting prira.
v..iA,o.Figs, Dates,
s,. Honey.
luis in great proportions
and Nu
Union Street.
at 515, South

, AT>Bx.grz-. .

:rd PalieBC'on t

Fire Insurance

WHBlf l-OD ITutiiT


mur 0<«a

. ...,l .nrir u> bia veig...
iplai'e They lalke.1 neeUii'aand
1900 Sole Lea^ Year.
k..pi aannlern-along unUI they
make tbr beat "uae ofr at tl
the man'a liarn TheretVilryi
p.w.ilde in the apj.iytn. nl Fpile
ccor,lrd to tbi
t black allk.
still talkin' uoroaerrneddike. John
in'ity! picked upacubair commenced wbit.a U.r!tliii <ia it I'uny euon a peg drapped
acant lots
to the gnmnd.
the biLk." tie araraed.doi..iVbiug the'‘‘•“■g**"
wlienl "ll.'ilo- aayy John. "KuaBy kind at
wcr,-[.-orii tbia. tbit a wiaalen peg lb lA'
aaoMrr, camful
eUBii',yn<i or it." Then loiAitn' np: ,"Wby,
gol^d Lloa “ wearT^noT kiUin?
L- f -iF—»d tba,
aidieoudTCOua *rrCaTiON
luuo.jToBi, wli^'aihr matterf Voa look
when rll get “tbilbcr cliaace. I b'lievc
■ •oe Rlork.
Fm iN-r»r f/i r,
ding of tbv uirUi'.la of reck'
. ^'Hir fe1bT
IliT didn't anaweia- Hr knew
a t«r Wa* Wr-<W Wr
*AoiiLhereiiolul«1yrepla.-e<i the bU.k ! ‘“K
e an, caught,
bravoo#there wait-*
drear, im lu pega.'aa.l haMil»-lor Hie ;
• e pro
uae him BT atralia'
i' fotWiley U
.1 ou tlie 0I,WIU‘«
ro.>m ^a. iNdd —arrayed beraelf hi the ' to”
1'c.irn Hut that wu/n't
wuAnl Joha'a
J ID o'ur wor.i '
le >eat went on laiktn' 'an' whittled
TiiB^^done. alie amma'ed
lyrral more pega oulen tIT r»1ia. tbea
abundant fair hair high upon
bid hi- neighbor g.aal day na' went
ahigli bekedah.
utlier‘a-aod regar.le,!
Weil. air. Wiley neter mentioned Ik'
ingly la the auiall bviking
laattcr agin, but be kept oa nelgblawSew llriek C-old Storage boildfC^"-^t*glM
In’ with Ihr feller aamr aa errr. Itut
eves'two *»ieiu. oiiLii'd fully '
A Sweet Syiaater.
ouajwA* U'V” llial It wea fooo'i Bcmaary you bri be dlda'lbaaiernny
a year after that tbe man aamc
' to ibyeitl aoiiic ttweiia of a.ljg«lment.
•Hear. ie,i chirped yweet
an' mill him. with teara io bU
••vou' t*“e i’f the .atiiral uieinia dcri.eil
lumiaiagv "I ™a k ».-eui U'wap Uiei m UM-aueng the Ihr.'pUan. , ta eo uear t'bl i.iiua..
•**lri.'k hed^ever had dooe htB;
{ Ur liner arrjMigeiMcul tlic year waa
ir nenbrluk from Jobe wuz
^•■ade upol tbeaea-iut. and
.1 aloalta' he'd ever done, eod
aSater-iu-lav"But aoiue'folka .-uti ab.[„^,,
jitaya raco. In onb-r to tin .nit the lack
raayin'BoUilB"laiuliV Wiley,
rlrealln'meyowell elleryrarda,
:u»eauM'coicul*r} .laya wcreiuhle.1 at
medc lor ayliatued nv myerll. ah' i'ra
Utu trying bi be a better man alnce.
II ylarrr lieforr 1 il aloal agia."—Xrdar'^'^mV'tl^ra hU
•^uinp'" reUirb-d Sn«n, With an mgai.'lii me t ear had .1- .
greeaifr auiff. • "What do‘old mai.U
fourth, wbicb hart ba..
know boai tbe carea of huuaekerpio .
Oo People Erer Korget AnytbtagT
KaI'd like to kaon."
Uy ret koued . tbe year waa made up
"Sow. -•mKao." Raid I'atieBce. Ihr
The brain .if . mankind baa been de"Who
.Nilor ri.lug to her delicate face, "il
oedaya kind of pb
the eja<'0lated. ,»r. -“'d».: or 11 Valuutea and lo aeaoi
you «y ao Til go rtghloul in the klU'hen tbia minute an take '
' '‘~
yeoyca. parlirularly throngb the eye^
and rare. If tbia Iv true, meiaiiiy neat
'or iu inunyity or relenUre
Iiund for wimelbing , rotv wer,-w. alight, that it waa get
upon llic degree of obyerratioii with w bleb the record U made.
Soria till* all. If mrmory'a record
if kept in the abaiie of iadeaUUuoa up­
abe oiwue-Uhc door m very eb v.-a mlautea and ten aaeonda bad on Ibe foldyof the brain Batter, are
Uwy eier ruUrely effaced? la olber
W.inlv <lo we really ever forget eoy •
i«Kiij.WBlly''^ber*«^iR-e~.fU-ni- ‘e t,..!
tiling - May it aoi be that the Inner
Lliun-h. whi
.little Jun wa» lur oiu' wcakocaa
deptbyof the brain meniiry bay atnred
•re Umran .
Tbcrlctr^womBii aigbeilae al
up rrcollectioaa vf tbinga vbieh are



anroBS- ui> am ekoseu.

tiaia er





A- A- ■*nk<a^


Tbea be drur UieM pega iau>
i la.i or three dur<-d can of core, haaigitiac a candle abe went up v>
one demand, bnweeet,
riooiB nndertfie ,VTfa. She put
not refiiw-d. and uo Sea
li^bt down on tbe .ild faabio^l
■ueil I Vear'a.Ui the wediling iwila rang merluriv
pile u« corn Bear tbe crib dood.
bureab atwl t^pem
b^.riU f.c Ibe aquire and In. bride,
eat day waaa Snoday.aB'Juba
duwa her two apd j 'fWAl. r:l b,'>wil-'he.l." eaclaimed]
found that ivra bad Ikieii auileo aa lu-


Sale &6oanliiig Stable.
Carpet Cleaning,

, prraai
o.oa .«^ n
lierr ,
biptl aoiueUidy wurpaita the crib a
1 a rat
li.1 li.T bnatbo«|fhl over U a loag
' ..n- Biv M»ler r.iien.
KUen. ahe
ane lo-i ■
dida’l koow hardly wbal ■•
land .aia caoath« B| ,
•loabonl IV
it. lur
fury U
Birla bare IN'

VcllBKoo'^M.reaalutwiiabetmnigbt 00
•r f.VBirr 1
fnlin the {lantry a diata
diah .of ruey-'
ruey-. )'atira>v.
hd appira and eafaof yellow I'otji.
returoi-d lie. • •„. Ol'Wt
b^ir ‘"**ell
^io now.
aa juat aeatiar herMlftoa^ll IfB^l
.. wl
ibea abr atari
the <4m.
MUilefiB her fw-e.
-Why abouldo'

. .-tiwb.r


Dm r J------

; errolOB a'. b-«n
.. ot^iD allowed." ahr aoiil.Aiuiied.
tr^iag t-i diapcll-the fnrliwo TreUnr
tliat caate over her. a. abc came bai-k
iabiOirliiB eaiplc ailtiar'ronai. after
aeeiaf Ibe real of ybe faatilT off.
-Vdu'rejeal T'lin'fetch aotne*
ippii^. an- pop aoiae .-om aa"

-n. a.A.k lb., —

Tbr rra'l *ra

dt A * dt dt.A J( iir.ittatAa

Pure Dni6SW|ffl’«inf ITfilliciiie^ '4'V
mA out



LE. MILLER’S * ^eil


Real Estate

Rose & Son,'




If ,0. P-Carver^.:

Business Oards.

P'sfsiisrffss.r^sis is

nrr Birorudon.
raoBU toouroaoo.



« >»■« Mi s«r »


Violettes Russes,
Boquet Hommede Cour.
— •
Henri Rocheui.
, Perfumeui- Paris.


.MvubM \o mo

Vlllaa* Properly Tor B>




i<on«7 te t.o«a ob InprovAd r«rt»d.

2Bc. per Box.


mr fell A> b*d .that tbcj dUoY.feel bad tx-U« twtvt '*» call w-afalf«.|^ht have bm a a«fOMMddaU la '
' beltw •oo'OiM. "
--iY— , ClirutmM dar pwMd OMeeaUunT. ‘'^I'alB-t lokUr.-ttid Patl^ «tth'
vrenukaa to aiRBglfcM
TlterewaAlbr aaaaltarke.v and piem ditalt;. ao- I ihlBk 1 ABCbtaf kooa the lAaft la Ikd plaM wbara tha sakk
pedAiqt. Ud litUr elae to rmlvl uae ;ab<wtt that wWder'
wWder woaMB.roa'reirolag car of ttie riq^ deteelad. wwIraM,
that It n< a holiilar. The nembm of
■ the fatnllt- ■’rtv rr»erTiiie a>raueU«»
>yM the aqntrr
U> nai
to IJBrlcMok*to attrad a VarittmaN : aov cridilrr. unlraa .ruo'rr ooe."
How Jobs ftBDUkad Bla.
fcatWal In the .-hiirch. lk» priorip.! I -noBH yoo bo refBlar to Jdachrnnk
ftatin of ahick wBAa CkriAtmCK tree < to wr m Kiddrr with tiro «T>Mrn ar
raiicBoe ka4
- - .
•: daar|.ir«r- dr«.,................
iialfl kare eejoyed fttUf
Mil rooiB for her I the aU-Uh. and jrm ' irriokUar. "tail I doac
; rrMlt
'■o(.-.4a« talJd way. fever bcctaaecaU
I bcaldr* it nreer aceoicd to occur to her 1 bllFcU to mam- her if 1 do ”
that-the -.dd
-.\o. I •.>*. can yo
l.rDllrr «f lii* ■■‘Iv____
. luaidUwld tv lBlem.led
d la anj aort of brrakin' rr,Muen » hrarU.'" retoi


-W"l B-.

Buaoetr. oho aoMlartad .hana
tba pbUoaofUe nCanitm tkat





-tthf “TbatY.^^LLbg^Tl^

All the ether cd aome oae ia tl
-way. aadi "Botthoiw'ilbeaBO
rtrae aod a hot Me." aaid the at



. toryaarrlUhantodoltaooaer whldtwb«|B>beUadw<iBidaake
prewad toto.towfwiba laat twraiy
pt^iwnot,lB o
tor. or Ibe'llmha will lay oa tbelly or qnito'ao baatoto ofeora.
ycaia Drilb the mmbpUon of one year.
i*Ba»to> bitbb
ad. Bat yoa eaSaot trim tbe tree! }(ow a word aboat bamaliap tte Tbto waa U dto yaw 1«Sd
IVdIthey antaadyai
UInk 1 hneenn maeb more to
afiMkBwbkb |W<ra tbermle. Roertor tbeUTctoaU braaebca Tbea yon] cmp. Aa atmn aa the cm to ripe, betcrc then arere b tew ■*T**to «ru ooald not |
d yw
*rlB( pUoU. wlUi bat few cscrpUon.
tbiok ibbt they an a pan of tbe toffia-hatHmnp.tbe toaaebrasad tbel tbe etalka toptn to tara heowa. eat le •ell wbraU
W« ^n not meaUoaed j
r tbe different blnda of
TBIoireowell oarirbedtelL Tbto eoo
you trim tbe more Ualde yoor|a»nB row ahocka. aelert a pond alraap ttohipb teedlop qaalittoa. which an
• >ictoaUir tkc dUooaioa <
culiere. ena a part of tbe taealty.
s ao fUilBkUto ant aec.
bebotuppliad bj ralo* well dcooBDiU>eiPabe.naiwrlBtorPB)-foortb tbe abock a
lad it all depeada apoa thefr tout benktap HaiMlna It nrcaiii ef
iltorerap^B. Ooodbye.
pooed •table smaare.
it will pay amay of aa. if not
Kow aa 1 am to talk from eabfriea
'rieBer|maly aniuad the hill, to aare tbe '
}ert^o<t»nMf.imnJlUl«or Mlblfcr
alt a pood awaoa asd hope hhrlor. Doea this oooraeaerm to broad-,
In tbto etlmnle tcBie winter pretecwltl plea yon my way of tiAmmii
alalkaaund Grml* cm the proaad. tie ■
tor&nren; tte; Bar Uks lo m Utn. Uon U needwl. not *o nneb for Ibe
ea tbe apbm of the eolleffe? ft caa aot
With tbe ob)ecl
aecooly to Ibe. faUl: when Snlahed tie f
to vtberwtoe. and ao bettor atop eonld
tai SMBOt boBT «o fin U°>« »»<> »•«■>- iitendf oold u for tbe nlternnte freecfed
to lakea to adhnee It permaaeotly la -ctoaroldaplitOap aad breakinpdowo jibe abock Urhlaad u3 per oml
UoB. or (ooolkd • p.ltoniie .
iQ(«ndtbBwliurda7e'at«prlnc. Um»the faearU of tbe pn^malke cltlaena ofyoar treeaaodat the aaiiie time bend Lund any .ordinary wlal Tbr aelre- ookrd. I think tbr former pnteraUr.
wkleh K> BOOT of Uw^ miolrr.
Ur of tbe e<rilto enj detrimeal '
•niBoMitodj, Uw ttfwi'* wife, bow- tbe perennlnlt tnd bolb* nboet
Ibem ap aa Upb aa you -want to—jooa <rf and em U a nry^impmul lb4 then when town early It pr,darra
of hllefalpah.
mat of paalnre. both tal
:ft Biay aa well to taken t<ir praated
It wbw tbe treeaoomecmt at tbe anrarryj matter. Tlitoaa beat to .iuncalboak•ww. «u Bod do. ofvrortBte tbe..
To rat'd neninit thtonlicbl
which 1 tbiok wUl aot In
I tbe OQtaet that the primary idea in' to aald tbat the yooap pradaaua go odt
: bead to {.irmrd from two aad a ball| lap time. SFle.-t Ibe torn ahaped <4-a.
Mwt TBrioa .od woodorfot of oil UodO
«DTerinr<d •““« k'od ebonld be pryAprieBllatal
three fret hipb. Thea they hare] writ SItod ou.t at the rml wlih lui^l
otmUou oBd it to for bv bcTBlt Urr*from tbe wlliap of the farmrra rather
afford tboroaph iaatractldn la tbao lata it. aod tbe.cullcpe ia Ibenby from two to three.or four bran>-bea all] kerneia. the ^rgrr the ear tbe belter. I
very SattBRap.
aprieuUan aad Ibe.natoral
about tbr aaiae a.iae. Then 1 >«lrrl thFiJr} thuejaphly. aaaooa axdry a
*" walk*
eoanreted Uirrcwiti. to wbirb mitiUry
'ilA ataad* more
.,wr aboald learn to aprod tUr
>ithe kerneia at the lip of
f.ecnaf tbeoullrpr. where tb.-.r would ;witb Ibe body uf the tree.
tend with. BHce to wunr and pel
iberestani' pat
hen. |pUnte
ToMBinarUe thea.
IUlba.1 pour lorUi«bai thr tarn
.to Dot gn muebj
op real apri.-ul- the lander apd ............ than tbatof the fanner.
Uaj floweia 1
,,..tV auejs-ws^ to srrere . .
I ada^ tbet
er needed and marl ban a bettor edu- tureadd klodredbrancht*..
r dar cooxn tbe eaoUasal luund of
■er limhs na I Tn* early-dent is best. .! prefer thej*^' .- thlny tlve orl.wte I
thF'iavtaUiDr cUiaaUd omdiUon*!
have .-am.- to tbe
caU.m in hto.ape.-lal dutnaia aad ‘that tiw iBat«.t;.np the maa wbo ia non
IheresV ifany'ye!l.iw rarw-ty. Th'i*..-Top ira»r* the
to tbe attenlioD allotted them. la pr
thr atate miiat fomUh it. The mon and alwaya aiU'to a farme.r. There
part groand in g.sjd; eondilmn alijwt I*
portion aa yoar part to done well. I
Btry. anJ then
the brahu. of tbe prodoerra the are pb-BlT ..f them who would to plad
e limb, tbr real to be cut
■lll.T asreoe.
TI.V habit
hal.ll .,f
. .f pri-w
es. ,w iop
, se « 1.—, '' a"! «n O
,ay cr.»p ,.TI)V
Jawtaneb menaaK will yunr labon I
proBtohip ervip for U
p^ter tbe wealih to Ibe-atace— ao rr- of help from a firaVrlaw a.-baa] of ex­
Son m.T iimder w'ill gn-w fa>t.
tbronrb talloreof rrupeowinclo peor rewarded. If yoo hare nerer trite! tl
ifter own Is'gfowiiig in'fav.w..
Unreal fariaer b< raise, althoaph
periment..aad the work w.uld to muMd; perhnpe tbe wealber to arnlnef rolUralion of aT--w perraoiala. ball
thr other limb* left and f bare
uore lhao -Uirer ee.pi* t>f any
ink we hav-ecrtalu s.>ils that wi
btraope to aay. the atroi*e.i|
atro[«e.i| opp»l- umllybelpfaU AVBaC are we now try
tbat wlli pn.w atraipht op,' ha<
foa—a loar period uf nin or a •till
.bunid beprowB onanT'lau-l to-f.
lal*. do ao, dbd yog will -tt
isr perhaps a pavjiig crop
DO eroU-hea. aod one that I .-an trim >
'lonrer leamn of drootb—o
s Mraia feraiUied There;baxn-l
da.r. Ifthe'ednI U.i»k a great usny ••f as mBk-'
tresacoUr tbe ea. that arch eneen; much brlrhtened aod bemr life eweei.
lupwanlaaa hipb aa i like, audat tl
anelbinr y.-| •liscswntv.l that lake. the.
anlu!-l I bad
aad daopbl.-atiuo of tbe fannera’
and'^tot Bsnkiod. tbe rnaafaoKKr,
ime. time falfiUed the tree ap.-nt
place of t-loeer. bpt e*eryi#ilnp should gerat misiakrto o-H gitior m-'re allei
. aito B,j to-art u.wW
Ibradrk ike iDeoenor of ’ beantl- era. and thr tow-biop of tbe Indaatnal
t>>co^. f tbiok this ,is^*nr uf oi
appear* and
[try tobrip
lalnrll'.ma—-’To bend them bpek." .
•'■wredonfhe fugm tbat can tW'eimful and fmrrant fluwrra
laaati in their eheaen c«JI
pOffitable at’iw
In tbi> <rop a
-- w .... »fl~i
I otb.^ n.oda-iialf redter Ibe. fip
Tied int-< manure;
10 a oirtaatr tnai aalliap. aiid;|,
lirisp (ur all kinds .
rT.m.t.*aiUiw.«skTP l-aslre
.pben..f ■he.-.dlepeaie> ..r<l4 that you mar •ind.i->tUd m
-I p. as BJ
■erwl ahrsX-Laiis wllisnit RUtrf a,
pufurn'the band!a-itlial tb.-y may;,,
.and II .-JO brfe
.nd iliui bciperrry other elBKe. I hare a tree here that i «ill trim al
yoa hate acted wellyoor pan ai
• ■.•ps the fai-niercao grn«f. f,.r
.India and
a.A luaprr bold the plow, then apriepi-'
irni.-ra' Inalljulcaare hel(dul,
m mbr 'Judce for youraelf of a
all abow yoof^M* to be a m
tuatlon id-market doe. a.d a' .^;;
mualplod plcmpaalt baa in Ito
.'k a loop llaje before an.cibinp
Umtwl cla. of man. Kate yi
.th.*la..fproniop. •
. I VasU|cF Iwwfium tbr awtfl''*
tbe fnrd made «a> a rhrd'wer
Ifedveatioatopnlyfortbe rid
e be|dnd w‘tb .nii (
-rided whereby the - c..llepr
,Xow ia cmcluchm 1 jrilt mmtion
tboarbt how muck llrhln- tbtm
and frait atoer. aad pi^bably at tato
Bid the tMoind now I Skrp wwadir and af
iriaba.-nilic and when atuined by
to,.d to nry>ld and wwial daiiss anbabbape. S'lne-a'diiy* tbto to me
nure bubble Itollfe-will ini.
I Far
t aaiToaBiiinr* are kept cbeerfal
to the. wieea, , A man hip. r«‘
lift them abore the plane of------- ktiluto pniapon
U gear catered yoar mind that
and Wind, but
to bother with Ih Jl to no fr.
ealliap and their beat arUritif*.-then I
rivfr,.miii-i'“rv*'n., all. and fed in
ifannera, aaklop
vd o|. with a
. apaeiSc pnaaoen for atliltoof life ao
• id brtU‘rpial..w wilh riloa
' «e had all kind, .d si.spiriop pracbe fmnd la wbateeer b
arriu.1 from’o.
thonrht ao lut yar; tbe yanlenr!
danperoua thlop to hap.lle.
I neerr ha.l' any .bs-k
tome-hb baatflal anD bef.ire the'groanJ
the lat man to hare a chabee U. *l
-ugh th/ winter in befter n.nflitft
What to toller adapted
udr.prvr..,ual.r pto.
r mat to a rrratrhanrc ainc4 (hr
i.f th,' farmer . mSars. I Ivllrew ttarra
old Uma Ya I belieee It .to
Is n-ihmg that mill IHI the place of
.h.-.ply and-With aa til
family then bepin to
- irianta IfflvwenaTesc
Dll to m*ke it pay IhaojnTh-year well pri-nare.^ imrnyard manare wbrb '
farmer baa one, Veday be to a bone
lUfy tbe rronodt ef
nally triteh l
--3^ r*'^wsdJsraT
psiperly 'manag>-d
T., ilo tbia we
flo^tor. to-morruw a pardener. then a
tbe wepilby In our ciua they 'are
.Itioo aaibey mere to-(.V
>b-uld hare our rtobW and Imrayarda
nualy In plaa m the farm to hefp lalaken up in the numr
nt to aomelhinir
lias out taken the »lar<-)i
DOW aod fiat: aecond. le drouth: plowman, a butcher, a market man. a
pw.perir urnnevd .-have frwrr uatolde
bad erer Ibuiipbt. They bi-pii
both feet and crowd .1.
'talia-s it Imi- yaken. the wk.d
tfaird. the rraahoppvra. ao
>. bring.lhr sUK-k into etoaeaqaar- ^
•chtail ofU.-er. a h>Wo official, and laally
pride in the farm, and Ibe farm
around the tree, aa it a
'■mitoufa.ime .if (hr (anarnr,
oar crop eery li(bt And whal we auld he aruda
togvtiier. wbicb makes fine (e.s
tba tender ec
era ba.'k with a larper nturot
bat toke hold oft
: Ercry farmer-h.mld (TOW'i
we irol too amall a price fof. ao
I leaelnp hia aeaC } ^ncti.-al eduraUuD f.w tbe alal
,mrvrib,s little ulk Is all m to'vfrom conpi
1. point ■ of a mol .TOy euoiiph to 0re
eery pmapemna After all. we
a peatlculatioB..
I. Tin- graeral plan of baudltag
flowaiB an do all tbto. to it not a
_ke bold of. ft ca biMadeooaph U
the tree, and e-^po ci^nrja liberal f.Td.'oo.T a Hay. tw:
irrpoB onUlllBete totter, to impruee
t'.-rn ran l<r bandied .
Uon worth eoniiderinr?irye the uw-fuloew. ..t, the collepe and ■round it uod roar tree will stand-tor durh<p winter an-l spriiip
lOrttarda aad farm. In mode
dqea. aad if tbe Apricolti
.y iraya and stiil be pr-rllUilrlr
Wbat flowarinr plaaU tbea are tout
make it really a aUU- inatitaljon. . 'A
j..f-boor. h.-ller than' aiyba-.-l
iatlon. Toaiaebl^eroiwa
tretler. Bare'
•n'cet any aew idina lolo I
brre are several -rlli.-r wbi.
a^ltood fa tbe farm? In Older
low Ibe collepe uprraflj re^rkl
UuD laet your, tram too close ajpcth-')i<iBe IbuusaBd bushel can^tw rai>.-d ,mt
omprte with oar raarkrli..
ritbatraw. If
might be brought 10 un-ler Ifar bead <ff ibeep pen well riwrrt.i oueb praiaer thr cullepe. .
mat tbto qaatios fairly we mat p
erlyou wlllaeeyouriulauhe w-benit to acTe.
SixWeipht pmiidsof-Hd
y bard to do it- After all it
is year, raise
ral farming, vu.rb as peas, Ivans,
aeoordlar to the amant of care ■
Llr-_ Thirty-lbree.tochwe enouK#
lone. Wr bare to rrdnreall i
in ealUnp
a<-aa to keep alonp.
aUantlon which flowen will to likely
ipplea and taeaty feet '(
e corn this rrt(Qires a e.-ry rii-b a
•rylhiag -straw.
and atolkv
r-k^ If.
upoo.Arut Wi* leave
toroeelee. Pianla. like farm ahimala.
praehca and cherri.-a.
all thr istot r»«|to Ibis it .lue of i
.thiopa. auch aa aeediop ia tbe .nopp or
era.* ss.<s
if''Bcrle'^t*d*<^ Browinr and tend to
war fur CDnanUan.l g.s.
i.-st groo'D auil harv.wted.
GUioda ufnuln dlub and
-ol. le.dia 00.1 4 roIUwHW.
,oot of tbe moon. U.'w to it puyaibe
niraende. telnf of a mom deliate
.sbh r
is .notbrr.-r-,'.l.- v.
* s • ,pot homruf Uieniabrlal I
• Ky ao d.,lBp
ThepaVt k-ipi^ed a., me
for them to1o..k apoa tbe eollepc will^
. aatnra tba ebanre to .aa^ly morn
isjf.u w.mldaen.pofr!
e to to- oiissriL hi. .T-)> tlie p
1 abow yea la(w 1 did it.
an sprearl very .ev-nly over tbe
out adverae crhiciam? IVrbapa iu>t .o-itinp old and somewhat worn out
ayrdem .if'.-hip rotation which shall I
amrk^ In the famer.
A ccrlatn
latoe yeffeUbiea uo top Of
aarfiioe an-l by^ra«viordinTt ^omtbe
adapted -f.1 hi. siT ao.l snrr.,on.!ii
eriti.-ikm to whal it need* to art it but a fi-a remarks may h.-lp aome aew
diteb inauad of Kraaalh-pprn. aa fcir- •head in tberatiuiati.m of Ibe peopto. Is-pina.-rs. ao Ibey will avoid •■i-l sleei
sUhle. wr bav.' tie- ,uanure,Mi tbelao^
s finds actriml iw)»>rtaBt -tii.
dcB to ylrc rood manlU. A Sower pmrmi^ly. Then it waa a eery (rood batel
when ,lwapeing rains .sune and every*
It needs aumrthiop. ami to my mind a •leat uf the mtotakea we made yyan
ifronling Mm. Amimg t...^
dto alwaya pulau a leamm: it la eitber
lay place rtpht In tbr middle of the .little new blood ia the aUid weather ipLi. aad uiy remarks will be especiall;.
are tbea.-: Is asburtbrl.-ug r.rtatii
aa eeideaoeoftbooybt and attenUon
pardrii. Kirat they eat the younp frraiw Irealea board of apricnlture woul
.d.lrewwd to them. The first half
•ahle? lVhsicr.^raa be grtrw
' d nevlrct
iis'ht S.IU au.l
and then horrab; for the yuuop rein-|. >t poiid.-aml more Ihta that it needa to tbr auhjr.-l. aauicly. tbr prouiTi(r of
,. tb.- Adrit suh>-ct,.iB 'whiidi ] w
pr.,Hlal>ly f.rr tie marWeto tl,
an tbe part of iu owaei
Id liothink ft wnaapinled. 1
tbr soil; aad
my riews, lased on ripr^brnrr.
ras assipaiot t
sldRdu.' ...nel-l-T
kouw and feet that al) tbe 'people of
The farmer baeU« toil little time at
L-. If ibepT-.
farther. 1 put la aa artealao well
uk-hjog and all
ihi.-h is rery haedtoa^ivwer. Tl
vaiU apply to
thr aUte of. .Vichipan are bark of it
bto dl^oaal It would jirotialily to bmt
m.kean eiperiinrnl in irripation.
•Is an.i f.,nl —*»•
•Irctioq of sul.jr.-i taaa beeu pr.-.-iously baaiU..d
and demaad tliat it allow naulta fur
to ehouM tboae plasta which will
wanted to Sad cni whether it wool,dre w.H spwrut b
ind and the soil. If pwsible' aolnr of Ihi- beat t<
whal to •-zpend.-d. Hut we no m i
thriea aiU blooni wii^ a Blnlmnm
pood or nou
'll grna-U>.
aele.-l your lucrtiop aloiW to the wcsi
tbaa pel a profrsi
asoBOt oTcan. On moat farma artiWe'ooyhl to pay o.w
•or rlemenlsthal,
.4-ibweat: The reasoa for iiial to
ia aaliunal bef.we
Sdal waleHncBoatbedoaeby band
lall frail, cherrira. B<i
rrw^t is tl.e ll„-ia.wl ofn. I., mix Uiaomy with do-.
told mornlnp tbe air or wind wit lupof anvcis.p. Heal, moisliire. fertiJe
or territory picks im oat ami we beThia tokra Ume bat where It ean to
rica. carranU. black torriea.
■>r what iiller'vrrpnlFss orir laiui is rrfy'Urbt. aalt
DU IbAiMuph .-uUirelion, Here to'
''■- ''"I' "'*>
■e thk trees bef-ire tbr sun I fin.
build nn apain.
done BOR and toller Sowara will re-iea and alraa-bei-riea IVe ale
is king
• Ijnak'esabratbrr b-iltom. tberefmv vela
r .me Uiiaphas bn-n oreri-sikFd.
r.,p.*r.' gru^,
a lerli(K^UI•l we
Tktoe aerms b
•alt riant! then abonld to aelected
ready market, can tell at bilmc or aead
w..m,i not tovorllSvSk lowvier turm under. I
ero(>s Umt cao be stt.sTssfuUy .
jp with,the VuaolT
na.t be aWc to p
aa to their ahlllly to aland drouth.
alb or nurtta, aad pvt ready i-aeb fur
i.v days fullowinp. and i
l'.>licpe tor a lime,
rout, -u that.dll n-rt isrnuln v!..rcr i to-iirr,-, in .-uifini- cl.irer briwern the
Tba rainUee bardlne. af planu nutat
eia. I bopeyouwillmm..
t-rl.-y. d.
sriii Ibat a Ibrev .,r l-,„rl^‘'v'">l< <u»l last .d Jane aoit not
. fSiiuto.*.
ler of Bcctaaily. It
j-ining •s-unli--a that w heu firatw-trare-l
It iu a half acre each of
be u.m- .Umtivii^r to the tr.-es
torig eooDgb.
rill .br'aoprraed.-d
- aoprraed.
by the all aul
imrd earirtioa. IVm'l pat
grasses ao.I hi...
the hard Irsa-riop .luriiip the t
toduio inhenat \i tbe fertile brai
lire from year to year and perfect their
|,rti.-nt tl^e wi'-.l. all tie b,-ai a
at where,yoorlopa aad bl.r-kwO.u1
ij than :tm»and it will hari- tbe same effect i
.: -....■rai-l I would |,'..w ! the l.t
Sowara. asdnrisp the wmlera of Uito
ipj^vturrtliBi roulil .-om-' fr-oa lu-a'
a out you will hare a unelhlnp in

spriap -be.
rer in ihr spring. I have badj'“'“'*f
aortbarti ollmate are cheaper le tbr
e one Imlf
elr place eapw-laily yoo
Ims Isvm Ukrn ..ff wrtfara hare all tbo
and aa they neod 0.1 rrplenUhinp. ,
tell farm*. 1 think 1 <ma puarantee
brariae tod
It.To tbto claaa tolonpa onr hardy perl.n->l bn-D-feil. aiHl unii!' ••I"'lU tM from eai-li half acre <
to enr'irh the aiiU. 1 do not briiere in
-•orra-l as tor ns }t g.irs. but «l
1 really.*
Adet It is pi
hereby y.|
earirUa*. when you Ukr piurf
Plr.wing sod it
■■art .,f the ers-ps nsjuiw- a soil ■
rill be learned each
Kememto.-r, you bare
uf cropa
I almiwlc-untrary io the othr
imt If pwsible ha
to feaad la tba -old-faahionwd'- par.
■'•DDot 'lixprvt to aoccerd on stenle
efbiap or you will ban to* lean
ly <s,ru. F^UfaraSd btoua. I
vibe best resbltosanawbi.
I.1B Iliph.r pround
daw of lo4ay.
part uf tbe atate. 1 bare not aai
tvlirve in pla.ilUg poUtoea
fitiotM*!, bow is the to|m,er1
i,l thei, F.w frost
nder tb^ enSditious I
. I •
Wbo la then amooc yoa who dun
In dorldshm aHoa' me to diverge
thla to yon tor tan. 1 m
I I wAnt their well iB ^Ib* aod.
b-as plowe.1
nu^Uer way than to makd the ooUrpe ter—it SlIa the
not resamtor the old home paldea.
eaV I hope y..u wUI rea
a hXv^ <-iAV •■•il. w'h’ieh eery
thenVI. a tow day.-'.aas
lime will'
, to the of Ihr
yaan baiA. wbere melled la aacb proIS- as tbe prai
w let n>%ieab.Mt t
rmer. but if
o, years, p.
>* h^. ■' W„ul4..manage n any o.- ea
aaltofa.'tonly ufrm.c drated'
{•eraivl. I put !he,lis.'oo an.lrfoo-r.irf.
* bruab enldown aronod It ao thal
fwloa. tbe peonlea. withUieli
llle boldera you ae.
rhi.-h tl,.iires tp-mgbl..*a.-t‘-‘”V'‘'-' to|Tn-r-ree ,n
ireu^y. Aa fur tbr diffsraat
D I f ■ad bypoinp
wpL-opleMloukapoailareal founai tbe phloaca. In ear^
cent* apiece. I pul in
-m tV aoil. I
ght.jlJ. ibat of the farmer,
at ele*i-n, n'i lock
I elpbl
•bra 1 plan.
abadaa fmea pare white to pink aad In
.nil .me
light aoU vra
be Cas pul
I dan-iLay. howerrrf that la my op- further west to a preater elreatiuu ttu- nod thUaU of pnrple; the UU
bnv s^-ir-j
feet from each o-nd ui
lake II
beikammotl,. andoa (airly
r prmctkThe may toil, f-r a toriavr'.^i
■ng er-s-wise «( the pl-iwiiqr.
ini.m yhto s.-huul iwndt t^iop flaelf differeDce in the'therm •meter showra
s for (ani
•troDp. 1 rauryhr planka
-••rk is largely a (fame of efaanee, and '
wot ripbt lUprers. Then l-y po
yiar I planted a tiiae wf-re field la
4-it aa it wipbt IbmiipboaV the aUte.
ftvm tbe bcHb.m and SII ap
a-ujr hrarmt soil j think wevmn
way. ft mas pisated ah >ut tl.e
mean by »to inp down Uif hill aia’ty rod* the thei- -hcoaatnniB roioev the time to bar-1''*“
.|i..D. I fr
•tooea uo both al.lea. If you ban ao
more-moavyout'of the Alaika
esi his criqfs. he may lit like manyl*^''
motneler fell twenty-five drprees.
AftcRth of June and I Bgeer. tourbed
e are oaprclelly adapted
broad alalemrnt.
itouea you will ban fo lei tbr planl
. -Tlie way f • teat yisrr toU U to
ere the past auminer—have but iiltle. * °
li I p.]a-w*sacsl Ibal know li-dpe two
th-'ui again until
It to only tboae who ar. In a.dcpre.
tlo-re ran be gr-rw-o here
luwo to the bottom, to let in the erta
1 *"■
al: ,
(••rtnnalc srhdcan haec the pnelu-p years earlier, U would ha tv aared me a ’ any to barv.wt '
libhe* and puddle*, im tbe tup I ui
irabwk ke<y>.e<
No.* the above m.-utioBed crops en«nd dollar.
For Umder tree.,
-r. I ltd aa C
of aUendiopTlacla-w*. am! leclunw
> rxr plank a> you an here, 1
. euarae f-jdder. raniag a qnaa'ubc-J. IXsoorse
of examinipp ita eariedvollrctiona. ani such as •Iro.-uiaps bad ulbi^l ought -T Into general farming here, aod to tbe beat aud cbeapnt. Kint it lei
eleaa ty v>f route.(..mix in. 1 avoid any wbnt
-heal, rye. oatv liariey toil peas re-]'
H aad hv-alwa
have aeloB my high prod,ii
Which laavaa faUreauwkaad miaite
of makinp piowmal •.tmalulaaca wUI
m.ire water thruaph>od aeeuad.wto)
■ '«|n 5'fm *
spring,. |fjbree.4s„p.u*kJlbii(k'
uire a toil with a m-xfure of clayij
raornadly wfUifrleadtaod aeiphbuta
■ to riirpa of able leachera. Hanr I ■ 1-oncia.ia on my low-pnjusil. liu'l'Yir my
eeer it abo.ild 811 op it to eeij- eaatl
Id bl.^ in fearing I might
nartia!.' 1 lean lUa
w I had th.-m pianlei] just tbe'yela-lbbcoeoacUoa may to I
youBp mao and woman are wlahinp
th.-,,th..,dlelloW that va
cleaned, fdiovrl ^ pruuad from Iti
- stjDdgm.
,nd mnderatv'lv lu-iisl .. ..............
. Jleeoy. my l.-li a.-res of tJiwo-,
, fot«loecm forrat-me-BoU. palllar
top of the tile. Ilfi ap thr raS. take
As forJtoit my expsrirnre hto boan
corn, Ivatia an.i puul re» re.|iire ! '"■‘"'fa lc<e. than half the w-wk.
' eoraopak. dioeatraa or bleediqp-b.
-of ita earied rnpsaiHllwoor llaldwin. were
lirinp them
hix-orataall apml.iai>d clean iu I\
« soli ami ton.mwiih.prr.per
omrwhal \im,te<l. onl/tovlng a^t
Iped out.
Next of m.At
r field of ten
na yonr Si». and -abonl buck th
aervv. Cif an orebarif. h
uae grew nid plowed unetmlf
- to aelectinp trees aod'varieties.
in tl
of preater ape, it with a
maatal la the tall. pynUiraoia and the
prmind. If yon um tiny tile you ban
ast branching out ill a fifty mefo patch
.11. the other bal) in tbr apring. p
to f mproee their contliliona. are wiahapinw* with ttolr plome-llka .Sow»v
totakcont foul by toot and clean iU
wrbaiw at some later date .I wUl ba
e well BOderatoud what Tarietira
We maat not onriuuk the peaeral (aeInpLlbe aamethiap. Do yog anppoae
Further, you ean force re lachra of
to gtreyoatBexperieneefbat will
erlwa. pr^plea and paaalea which prrthey will erer act-tbe (niilion of tb.-ir
waUr tbroupb, bat In aa a iacta tile Jn
tormrr'a work partly a game .if
L.ruore to u« as tbea p;anie.ll<,p.>talx**.-cultivated the be iwnrficial -perfaaps b. yna. or COS
itentio* pwidpataatc tbemaalrea from year to year
h-)pesf So. Tbr pau-cluaes takinp ia
s: Indira Tbe coal ia aiceolaper
ul when the farm.-r baa bis
:real earn aad spring ptowed groaad live times and
has been a qad one to me. and I
1 thould Iw art. and. iovat:
a cr^ few aod leaelnp out the prral
by aalt aeediBcaad yhdd aoeb a wwlth
the Jormer ran be given.
toll iwi-vandrlill the toll pliUtree ap.-at peto tbe- uppei
mnlUln.le. With Uili a fact bow aball
tu bear from yoa. if
r sowed al the proper Hmr. with
was tbe ciraocat and is now in betIbe oullcpe pe in tbr mouth aod heart band of the buyer. 'A> be knusra .
fiardy tcaea are laiuble for I
.per or totter foi
'SkluDcr V
best seed to ^ ubtaioed. and it la .
f.>r ,11- to .eome-before ter shape for *er»p'>f pma. I will put
plaatlap proridyd a atronp met
of cweiyone ia Mirbipnh? Eeidently
kthto' tUrwIli:
wverl. and gre
liy hriMplnpIhr e.Ilr.,rrb.eriTp<.ii.
le In wfaiebdopTuw tl
toi wortd.
sohjirt ■wvmS^ plow it.
I lh,l.k
Now' you torn yonr face (
will sun.l Uw>v.,osso tore lime. tr„Bbleaode»iwnae
a ttmap feedpra and^Deed
e the laruier thould expect a
ir-vulfa bvUrrbcja,
: be dune.
or yeara. au'that the.' farmer alanda
Firat yoa maat lu
1.harvest and there is d-> |
t ith disc harryw. Tbis'fteld
«*-n-Ury sutiog
It your wife told you mat
jut little eban.v by arpuipp with him.
I and dTain, for when It "to too auy four year rotalioa aod will b,- s
Uvexperieutv ba»bee»-buy sulbinp
liatimcanbe raeommaadrd aa .many of you can plant tsuUilnp, and arbra it
an in t.rand Traverse cuitlv.
li pr. |jar<-D pap,
J wheat and sredv.1 to clover art
>ot fiiM-claaatre.%. ilel llfVm dtrerl
thcaewerimeahaTcpour cpD*tilationa|»{»u.j
>•!•« u,
aotbinp. WbAs corn is'dretiord to lake
U aenla'
oihy. wiwiag tlmi-thy
rum a firsielaaa nursery and alwaya
addaeedtao mach-peUlnp." Lware IrW hare yoar land pr.
prepared torai
tt amoag ibecfqwanias a
rgliy iaterea^ la tbr su'.j.
farch; vrill- sv
pruapretiep. aleam impineeriop
t rite ■with ink on yourwmier. bqoaub.'
Uiebiph priced auerltlea tolbr trader celery yoa maat pat sm
lads of vlovvr and four of timothy-!
- j'

■ ------------------------mcretoaof peo|de baeiap more money loads of manare. It will awl ti per
■at I expect to afi
}aal whal you want and aotbinp
s .former nine aree'field .ff |
load. Pia horrela per. parte1. liery -workinp. mechanical diaw-iap.
new idea- hot I will simply
I be plant.d to brans, then sowed to u~
v, r-o. iws area wah
Aaotber clam of plant* aoitablc for|Tbeo for pisarinp aod drapgmp till Eafitoh braa.-hes. lirnfiaa. iSpaintob. j else.
-lorer aod plowed ia ;ht
w by my own er- wheat and seeded. If I do ar.t g.-la,*^'*’"
tba fan borne It oar aprinp and aaiitl I planu are ready to art out It
,- Uwhe fields f; yO.
NT Uv^s. Vr^jjay.^,
I I,are uleu-rred a*
barroirtvt iq the spHog mtk
. mar Bowerlap bulb*. Fur early aprinp.; will cuet..flh. Vonr pianU must be IBOP QUl bow ■ xtay .rtber branches; ting them, prna
i r early in the ft
wred bed.fur It. bat
hai^y walllap fur the anew to dtoap-1 riiaed in a hot bed'and kept (or Ibm wlely .ItfJ..«a. iludy and ciirmpna-] wbere eon lay the .f.’cndatio
«,to (M
«roelT be made Us.
hr tbia crop, ar.mrt c ur beaulilol d>raad fnaterar
rrow lightly. whU b-M
pw. oomea the aauw^IrDp aad eyacna | monUia befure. ready to vl oat. which deare. Very true . thUtomH >h-eqaal|pt«>-isl.aped treelbatwiil be

Heart Disease Cured
By Dr. Hflaa- Heart Cara.






r: wr:


tbto iaalltuliLm to


alito ItlD





•ae- Hot weare prorid-jareaud aa oramatRi a! long
A little later there are Use early tulips. wUI be worth 8». Thea you
farming' and rolatioo •laaa who look longing, live
Uewheiberyoo aregiuagtodo
rioarly (ollusred by narctoaaa which in- act rt
H out.
ont. Wbtcb
which will raat
o»t from
I my opinoo. meat go Mretbe
la this way tbe rye n
terlere with tb* haernw. apread o,
and to w'boa the eui- aa we all .lid yrmia apo. ao when yu
^4daa daffodiU aad iooquila.
For my part. I coold ont do it for ly
Bp and well produce
of great drrmgbi ai
I- with' gWt benefit.' ireea pet to bearing -they will be i
nndnadpiow onder if fine, spread I
u the tayaelalba dad late ulipa. la
rieaamp. h-trlep and calliratmp.
It of laatare. orcaa be ,
rr plowing (n the fdll or wieter if c
mijst look well to tt
IbeauBoser the lUiea yield their frapII prepare(l erwrae uf i eyemre to you. and in place of reatdi .
-iitf and trra.-hlnp. washlap and
with tbe. mower,
raaceaad ^reaa added charm ur the
aald uf tbe drear ’ tbe brortit yon eapreted to have you
l^aad ia level and not liable to be, a
>wrr. learingalbigh
learingalbigh aUbaUb- ,po HEKT -a aw-i *
the vatving* He on tbe
tbr yoabp. iaeariably aee them,
wasbisi with tbe raina: If ooeren. pul n
home aurrmadiBpa.
The old wfaiu: tal amt^ Moi. Tb»a (brow it uo tbe
•rmforlbet-ily. b.iw apart, and the(ardea or Eaater lily - ia perfectly market fur 10 cento per diwea. Tbea leave the tji
0 bTRUnp In piles and spread in spring, then bar- »
^e is. ■ 1'e.J yonr la
desptora tb» fatbera
yoar orchard 'is ratord. .row tbe ground the last thing before oM
bardy and ia bound to tueeeud ia any ran all voar risk ufjto rastlap. crawjtbe _______ ■re. Then .0 FOga?,-i4*°S^'-li
II will
I yoa." Frr^ itatlth
ler the rye aU;>a a brad plow down
I marking to kill. •ll'Svreds tbat bi
•raU aariebed aoU. AU of the above top h..llow. ao.! SphJ irrasahopper. be-jca'linp. tbep
»d plant to potatov. ».
,-----------an daaiiabVa aa they <aa be bought 'ai-fea, and get rich no ill 1 would like] to tbia clam atMl tothe toolated
Jttarted. klark rows
feet apart n
For ao dbyr (dor yew rotation I
lieorya'. (arming, aa
qalte naaoaable.
Aa oceaaloeial re- to know how it laa W doile.
I rather than lb ctiapeat par enrrptea
or thirty yeaia ago. Now
‘way. About thr s-rtb^uf Mar ia a g<
s.tbe feiaingof Slid
oold plow apd in the fall aad plant —
aaUiwwUl heap ap tbe qaaliip aad' y>u tbr other ■dde.ymi can raiae axwe' within the brA aa.l m-^->r of aay .
abonld be al
iW brwl IB thr l<xUJt<
nr/piauted. a
Utimi tbeatoek.
(rum one acre la rabbagea for a qaar-1 iepo. l*ivtTidr a crumb of kiiowledpe done
had koow 1 differ from most every one. .bill; three is better
SUUotbarflowcrabaoTVatanaaato fcr of tbe euA than celery. Kav glwj'for I
laeladlar aatora. atocka phkmea. pe- per acre. I cae do that Ray. There la , let tbr rich ofto'a son
rbere be cmn vkprclally the treeBgnnl. for be wiu tril
As soua_as the pb
wbya he
be driivera
driivtm yourtreea yoa Igreuad
.greuad gdtbroogh
giftbroogh with a apriog
taalaa. verbeaaa. mlpnoaette. aw cat on an a.-re planted in two feet sqoarm ;besl gel nta monry'a wortb.or ratber. you »b*n

be kept
alyaaau. etc.. Are qaile iaeapenaivr. aa Ili.tlU plaata. Three cento per p’an'
liacoaraging fur s-m* atorto to bend, before lb* pritort goU
J^are taaily ratoed from aeoffi- A will make $io: t.c art t.w celery
er a fortuoe. 'Tbe fdate haa a doty *M time* show yoa h..W 'tU done, and that eleaa aaeeaolncr. tt bee the pixots
[dried oBi. plow down and plant to (xe
Tmuixt. CTto.
,h; yet
tba largvet eW of iU eiUaena.. lu » to gather tbr whole top togelbbr and are a font, high act yonr caltiratof to
Ig pa- can get only k-Bofncml per
to havea t’rw acres of ;i*toea, then to data and awsd W eon»
daring tbe anriy period of ^n on seed, anioes
flrevtb vein be promoted by amam eat straight acresn Then yoor tree'work tvfo Inrtiw deep ao aa to break as
a.iarc<|Blalle: bat it iatlmnwell aqaare tod. makes C4V beabela. to ernta loglbelrkrrakesm.
wDl look more like a broom tbkn a few roulanap^h|e.
rik.qann(Hyto the. alto, trwt prna and aned. f bare hrt food "
*1^;;. i';;
andU the cod
ae f ma. Ks mast bare
baUbmaUy per baabel wnold make Mn. Thia is
This Bill eame back totbe eellegaa'frait toe* Tltat aeUlea thr brirtl of | Tbe practiec el cultivating tbe crop
fn^iliea. nnd fijd it la h»ndy tp that tbe eonditiooa maat baJatawabfe
ay atrtd on celery. You will any paw haadredndd.
Itoea tbr .eoll<«e need roar tree forerer. Tbe reatre oi^ lead-'aalil it baa taaaied is andoabtodly
rnlalngof floaeia
oaeia raise celery,
oelery. 1 raise,it to bare a ml
Bixrd I willing workera^ad obat^eeia ia field rr la cat off iwaaeqaeBUy ooe bcasch good althoogb 1 qalt workiag my corn haeyF a utt'r to take to market nfaoat
ttoona a toRtloe. sbaltored (ron^atod ewieiyirfv,
Uiimna UwiU nlwaya bring tbe
mnat'aadyaid. by/orretnnd brook? It bto wtil grow na fast na tbe olbar. Then the pnst acnaon t^ firatof Jaly and any
niter nwbiln yoa Imgin to trim year yWd waa Ml bnabeit of ttot pef beta ctoh-^lraya. I toy.



’ .n.;'



•tsaabatpnKibln. By tUt I do.M bare aUnm


> JAOTAS'? 16.1
Annual Statement^



AtUBBBe&.<teor«o O^bUb;
U« dBorbter BtBrtod B An with booBra. oil. Tb. «B»rt bBlcbod forth
froS tb. Btort, borolor brt two7«
Mr.^Blp ■•mmat. af US BeUtn
old brotbrt. Bad Bbe WBB Beat to
:'. I
do(A ter ber (stber. It *sb b bii
Ctgy, M^UfM-bird dot
Arm. Mndt, tell* • War SIteT
M* Hal>. u oU eotdiCT ot 1 — Kdd doy. BOd the UtU. *irt wbb b»
•r hi* aira fapartto*. utd
•efll*. tell fnm > kMl of •Hn’m TM«d>j y olotbad. Bbe tnnt brt baadt ao
■IfU %ai Mn bk »Mk.
badly tbst It ia fca>rd tbry »UI hart
rwher It. IM .
At Port UoroD Koboo Eobotte’ bw«
___________ aa IB-year-boy
WMdtmni7«l bT«foHiiod»r»»BiB»
OgriepremamUrtmlkd at >18 MMifud two rtlooW. hotort eruBBted.
BK> Are^ tb* rmldence of Mr Qolaiui

8,0f the Week.


Pnab Loro., Jr. BDd.teBBy of fmr.
et KtBBdkb, aomwly «Mw>d ratooUm froa fac-owBplBr few • oobI

Saaiacl t^kr. a f_______aaar Mootraaa. araa kkktal 1b Ibc brtd WadacaakuU k fractacod.
day afunooe.
•ad bB may die.
Mia. Harriet AUia. of Ortroll
he beoaeof tbr dr. belrttoa
of •ss.oug.ouu left by ber fraa

_____ rn^kiyo.
<^8.1^0. ^
. hidbly
--------yoony farmer
'armer llriar toor milca
Tho^y by a
email ebildrea.
Praak Wrtfht wa. laataiitly billed
Taaaday alfbt atComatocb by belnr

teiy. Be Icares a family.
ABaaday aebool at Kladedboob eta
lad tbe Bible aloar the idd liae le


the firk learned TUB eaeb.
Pilot Hedlaia. the celebrated Btell.loa, owoed by Walter Clark of JialUe
Ckeek, aad for.wbicb tuo.uw oaa.refmid. died eadde’
aaddr’aly Priday.
PHday. The 'aoiAt Urtaarilla, £lmer Hrarkblll. an
truk flaw blackward aomc thirty feet
aad atrnek him la tbe alomacb.

and maDgleA

Itk aappoacd be wac


BaaaR dc

md tbe

Billed edge sole, solid heel and tap—Wales «
Klyear maka
-strictly first
flrst qitauty
quality, at (

late tbe aperlor* aad wae aaddealy ^

Ob!«i rf Howoll, ww
tbnmo fro« • .eotur Mostter oirbi
Aortaf * ranowby. 8b. did J» boon
. luer.
Chbrlw Vldd*. of MBrtb.lI town

Bobert Jeaklaa. wbo dlad la
Taeaday. iraa a noted oulored ebaraclrr
of tbal plaee and uld to l>r im year,
eld. He rlurlel la teUlac ot the war
of I«I3.
Him Lottie Lawaoa. of Clawtoa.
land eaaaiy, k » yaan old and wcifha
IW poaada. 8be enMa a li'.Iy romp,
and k la^enr way the equal of ber

Lumberman’s Arctic

!>• I ^
* IL Macrte.iradrarer. >-


• «wl*Utk yobr.*:>on oooT«*M*»tt.


r On*, (tat. 1«S. nf ted pradltkn
>M«lB*araana Oompnay.teralndnt Traearae,
mlntheeeoaUeaot Oiand .Tterann. Antrim

to tbe eoeoraadanceeeded la klUlof
' ' Ueaipwhleh welcfam) SMi poaada
It Boorhloa. the miner, la tbe bat.
o of tbe new No. i Tamarbck abaft
„.re Bterlled by a maa talliar IB the
mbdel of them. It proewl u> bo Wm.
Heealey. a mlaer who bad accldratelly
Blep^ -iBlo tbe mootb of the .baft at
tbe Borface aad fell 1* feet. Tb» mlBFrt whd picked bim bp were eorprUed
to find bim Blirr. Hoik leo were brok­
en. all buribeoa tbe rl*bl aide f^
tored aad a Beeere eealp woand. Tbe
mine Barfeoo eay. be will recorer.
*A lanre elm tree that ba. «tood near
tbe oeoter of NileB for perbapi a eentare wa. cat down Mnaday. la the
heart waa found ImbeddeAkiTer i dnaea
rifle ball, of aacimt pattern. Tbe
rlni. la tbe tree numbered oeer lifty.
.howiber that tbeae bulleU bad been
6red orer a half. oentory arro- Near
wber« tb. teee ateod a dmpnate eaouooter took place between the l-'nwrh
and ladlaaa The twlk are old-tl^
rifle balk. baod.made, and were uwd
with patebr. la old-fatbiooed manleloading coait _____________


Umrtlag htm backward, la fdllag. b.
wrurkhk *|)toe ea a abarp ateor, Infllci
Inea deep ctil<uTeT Arc laiiwa loog. Tlic
Injury sScclwl. the bldurya About lwr> AawaM •( rwt> aCCeCO.rUW p>
veer, ago tbe kh kldarr aurted to hked.
artrl ba. hen ihiiaf ao errr idDer. Mr,
sHunnmi. In a few pnlctel araleucra. fare
r n preaeUallre the folkninp acroirnt :
••The a.Alfil of my -Ww^day.' leflme in liad ah^; pala la my barb aiel
qitne rrndend me almcm uwlem. ami 1
wa. <^i|»iled to flee iip work willreli
■ .udd nolluriioeertobrdwliboaiamio.
aawa e. KKaam.r. CraUlar new.
c. I have opeet buadnd* M d<iUar. In
to cawwcl. Caw*. Oriwuw
rinu* way. trylof .li> Sad relief. Pbr-i
-rauanr; ...............................- . .
na liavr'iold me my^.pliK «»» how.'
13 inchrt. lUl riven upl
Ikspalr. never
rr hoping
boplM far
for ralk-f.
(tVwl told mcabnutUcaa'.l____
and tiry have chaw me a week! i>l
Tbept'—•----------------------- * '----------



«l aawwn
.CWaBraUralcCw. a.


HI.. *)

> bataarwut clew <f




" *5 118 FHONT sx.




HATt,. NMary robll.-

ad ureria flloo bond,
Uk little girl wna
tetandeot of tea Poor <•
wU log to Marat to tee "?• ***”f"

One-third off!




We are overstocked avd must unload. Commencing: Jan. 1, 1896,
i we will sell every man's, boys'and child's Overcoat In our sto<^ at
i one-third off.' Every man's, boys'^nd child's Suit at one-quarter off.
No reserve, every garment must go.
We intend to make this the greatest clearanceoale we ever had.
We will not quote you any prices for want of space, but if you call at
our store will cheerfully show our stock and ^ve you prices.
Sale on overcoats will continue until all are closed opt. Sale on
suits will continue until Feb. 1st, 1896. Call early and get tbe best

per|cent saved
during logging
by gettbig th, best harness at

T. Cr. HOST,


& GO’S.

iSucceraor G> Iluat A Hertea.'

11^4 Front Street.

Cash'paid for Hides aod Furs._____ '

; We Are Not Overstocked!

The ^‘Enterprise’’
rtlJM than nwotberatore in the city, Spraial'BatsniM
tbr w
«n'»*tnnU3b rricaanlwnya'ch^glPg.

c,s„....... ;........... ............................ .

Popular Clothier, Hattor and Furnisher.

Xi» off yi'ar with
have Ui.uuliiod.


-in fni-t

him lak-ii the mnet |>ru<|i>ToiiH y,ir if «iot boKinoU life.

Jttiil riH-eir'-d a inauiiiiiilb el.K-k of Clotlliiig. Ujugbl of

were fwrrtwl to unload.

f>y PhiiU. nothing. HaU, (‘h|m, etc., at

wliirti S{u,<-ial Kale Prii-os catmiil eompete with.

;ht Ikina fide




nn imaginary oiie tliinl offnale or a Jflauary bluff, bflt' a

Vrbere 'you ran biiy gupda fur leoa fliaii liU <-eniN on lliv dollar, f Oor prioea will -

inee you tliat wear* the pw»ple: •
Men'll wieil workiug |md(


............................... ;76c

Meu'doxtra'heavy kereej P»"V
Men's all wo.,1 exlra heavy Tw.a-tl jmuta-...


elnewherv for in 00—our price.....................

Chinrhilla overcoaU, worth.

il2C0for;.............................. i.:.......................... ...4.86
Ihianie at SttOO. now.I..........................


tea n^to. »» Froa^8^




rhildri-u'a overroatB.......... ..............................................' 76c


Men's heavy hair lined


I2.U0. no-........................................................
Sl76. _

Men's Carri-aa eoala. Markinaw l.n.d................ J- 98c

239 FrontSt



Fimwl imit iu the cilv. toeompare with auf-'
thing at S2O.O0-our price................................ 18.60

Men's Oxford grey oven-'iaU. we eokl before ;
Men's gray one-halfVuol ov.-r.'.ate......................

Men”. 22 «. Clay Woraled. all wool, .old

Agsal wo'rkingmair* liusiiiea* fluil................. * 8.86


Mixed'lol of-od.Uai>d end*. i*nU nutnln^
fri.ml3to$4.-r.ur price................................... ! 1.SS
Men s double Extort; all



worth tiOXM-..ur price................................


Two houdrad doaen Men'* Pluah and Cloth Capa, which we iriil |kiaiiively*ell lor lev than 60 cento on ■

“Traverse City Sanitarium.


Come and hsi. nfl ot'er.

Kpecialliargaina offered thia week itf Dry Good*. Booto and IJbiira.


jfVhmerig ^Im'u Sanllorlumrl
..MUaCxcsalaprt a>





» aa< -lltoto •.«, ra-


tHtea, tbr battr, a,ca


City Opera Boll Bluek.


Cheap Homes

.Grand Clearing Sale

haIf.a million acres

of >11

Fafming Lands


. I



i Hack, Bus and Baggage Transfer Line
ffrad and Bata Mato* to Oennnrtton.


Our AnnuaE

la noHiOAS.

Do to go Weat or Itooth anUl yon
nni^to MicUgu'offeri Intelligent
irmecl- Von era do better wlte tan*:
mney ^rarar bom*.
rich, diy and gratly ndltog.
ImbetU <nntoly with SnfV Unpl*,
Bock Elm. Boanwood. Aah. Bench.
Hcmlocto. etc., and nre areU wraeraH by

Tor Book*. Mnpn. ate. nddrraa


a .CartFri.r a
teraaktoMrernawLO r,., *M I.»wea«ta>a->IU*M araito.raa*. T*.
we.utii mf torrrmortomm afitoaaa Bat.
ter-a eort* u< te“ .l ai.., euBa, II ■ M> or ka, itoprito aO ate tOam.
Tmtex — kaaearaw team.-* w
latwlai.i.uiu'uuam. Ttoraw

niiUng ofprices embraces all deparlmenls with
winter wear.
l’ Orders will, receh-ff the best of aUpntion aiMl
choice of selection.

The J. L Hudson Co.,

- I^oltearaauff.


aad our go<»l«aiv licit al^Loaden. but they are all lUUUAINS-largaitiH IbV the/iiuhlic approdatfl
naoDi' iHiKt ptuaperity indicatra.

alun. rieera mod bRMka
Btro^ aoila. flne ett^ hanltey ell-

r^OlUteV • oa,

We do no!

who were oviTHUk'kpd and

Ae we Imw Uikeii Hjlrniilage of tliia great saa]) ne >-an give the public burffaln* in

Best Liver> in Northern Michigan.
ratw.T»Mo uvew tec awrac.
Wm la crep. M


One-quarter off!.


dkehaiga of a iwralear wUcb ba waa
eknalag. Tba bullet piowed tte way
terongta tee acnip and came out witeMt ratering tbe Win. tea bcm. lew
•ately Vlng atrnek at an Ongla


_ I



tec dktrict ot KbalkVl. IVraia. tee
ontbeuIgbtofJan :. t noa tVt ou7hly. with tb* bond.
alon teo Urge Tillivr of Jao>tad
dcovoyed. aeraral olbcn were parTWaVemSE CJTt R8TA1L MAIIKET.


Iraa-*-—anir ..nirawlTrawl

gradaate of te* Rltnok Tfalniug School for Ni
. and afortn, tee Cook CuButy HoapItBl. Cbkngu. kanprrini rtdent utnnr*^
wllgMcold urranderaNardime Ica* and wUl be ia_____________ .t ter qfllcc la City Opera Hall meek on tVodncadawl
. derupvt to —
were, b made by dlaaolrlar camphor andtiaiurdayB. thene-belag the day* mor* rapcy-laliy
to or call OB
gum In •kret-ull uoUl ter oil k atitm^

Bant. PnttengUl told the atate tenebaca In Ikteing tea otbar day teat the
______ darUg tennorningof Jaa.
MW troaMy law bad. la tea paal '
mewtea Maoad ebUdrra In
nnWle aehook. He tbooght tea n__
W teal bad goaeaolQBtaril* tbroagb waa dealro^rad 1.W» I
fto of tee law wonldprora to ba at draiolkb«d. la addttj - wa, dm to many rillagra.
of life Aa eery grant. Hlgbt
Elgt hundred
At Saginaw. Joba I), fmmbert Inflictur* killed iatiyl
alone, —rad
Gwl ,______
>bm of catlJe rad teeep per-

at 67 cts S
at $L60 ^
at 76 cts •)

WrW'iar. Mwmarj ot rtM rwCnacr.C



A taarfn] ralle ot tbe Jctenalowo <
nattf k on old German peddler wbo
nkk nod dtailMt. at Jackaon.


J A Liunberman'a long, all wool sock
j § A man's Felt Lace or Congress Shoe g A Beaver Shoe, grain foxed, for ladles -


Tbr law Connly Farmer,' Mutual
a.arancc tk>. -aueteined tlfly-flra I
wto during I.J^. The orgaulaall
umiwr, :i.wu police holder* in Caaa.
Vaa Hnren and Ik-rrlra cocntlaa. with
prupertr rl.k uf In farm
Our uf tb* oldek orchard* la aoulbwrateru Mlcblgaa waa act out in leit
■on.a farm new owned by Roy Kelly.
Lawrence towaabip. Van Hurra cou
ty. TTir orchard ba, boraa fruit conWUUam Barman and wife of ImUr
(a waaminlag tbe 'prkonrra at tbr tiauouaiy fur nrer half a craury, Vt
anty jan at Manic.. Ind. tlraUbof- i nowbrlBgcal down to make
aty wont rUiag Honday and took their
»-meatb-eld baby aloag. Tbe afalld
ri ftr. H- A-.Cowlng ba. dUcovriTd a
in, lb* pertVhcB tec niecBt hcarr rtlnaeonrarlI of AViUkm I'Vltw of CincinaaU. rd the Heyator awamp late a raat lak*
’ amotbend to dmib.
e etaab heart k in the right wu<
* ■. it waa frared it u
a body and bk other eilal organ,
' At Harrlerille Richard Blagtat. .
kewk. prcn|laHly allaated, l-nt be
mini ccup, but tec hra'ty aaow tal?to
UgUy-Tuaneeted a^ wdl-te-do tana. .goodhealth.
kept the gr-iund uoiro/ra. ao that the
m. flted V5y naddealy ^aaday. dgad
m. Be learea a wife aad gniwa-up
Abralmn ITnlterton. llelng _ . ..........bcenalowedtoaubaidcwiteTbontend.
. injni
temOy. Wllb oae eacepUoa. be had VioU. III.. waapntlD^lIalUunmoulh
ried In tbr
tba bant plant orchard la the oooaiy.
ebargod with ateallnr a beau* from bk >fbuabr1> of potal . .
falber-ia law, A. F. llciod. Tlie teal- uwanip for tbr winter,
KU Bldi^. a idoaaer raaMeat i
Mr. I'etei
HaneUM. owbb a roeklag chair wbicb art la tbr caaa k that llokertou led total luoa. one man alo
ling 4.<aa> buabcl, uf choice rarictieu.
to boaa la oae lor dity ycara. For a tbe party that wa. marefaing for thr luaiui
, ihkf and accidcataUy met the mt
The h<«a raked by lart Aroot. of
whom V wild the borra. aad tbe
Fllu._...-------liirracc. made .|urer
------ ---------li»klng
.. r-pork
IdaaUfiad I-iokertan.
when tb. v cam* to br tlanghterad
Tbare wa. ■ merra fain atorm blow­ ■ They
grew ---------florly.
icra thrifty
---------------ing directly caai from Sail lake
were apparently hraltey. and made
After tbr atbrm
atbn It big. fat h.«a
After Iwing killed and
magkt la tba bait aad wooad aronad h nl^t of Jan. ........................0.
ra. dkeorered '
while being acnlded and diwoaed tee
akina tVriird red aa Ulimd. aa aoUd a
with wka^WB. aappoacd to culcr aa tbungh painted, and thcaame
■mlp tore off. U* died In a few boara.
atterwara thought to be an
Oapt' Jeaklaa. wbo cUlmed to be KU ba.k*. b le anbataiite wa* aaalymd, color peaelrntrd half way through tbe
fatmeat. denaeateUweto ter akin and
nan old. dted caeeaUy at tba eoanty
drvlnally fading inwardly to white.
Wrto at Pliat He waa pntbaby tb.
Whu knom wVl aildd thr boga? Th«
obteat eoterwl aenoo In that tecUce of
pork looked good and all right except
tba otata. bat it k alleged tbal be wa.
A aampir of-tCe meat baa
Tba tbr*. territorial drlrgaUa. Me*- the color.
BCtaally not oeee M. Be waa in the
na riyan. of Oklahoma: Marnfay. of taeea aent to the Agricnltural eoUpg*
ArlMtte.-aad (iatran, of Nra ilexicu. fur analyak.
^ waiiag a Tei7_rigi>ro«|»jgB
_____ t la Hadt^oo_______.
mnbad late tba back of a.................
taialBf WOllam IrwlaaodUdr. TV tbe reapectlTe t^lorim raprraaated
eatur waaapael aad the pole atru& by tVm to atatebood. Each dclegite BafarfllaglbeSaw Oiacoeery forOu*
Irwla. daagmooaly if not fatally iajor- conaldec. lb* of atatebdod
^ Dyapepata rad Indlgaatioa.
Uw chief mImloD «f ''
Dr. lUmmaa. who haa maoe many
WUliam H. Cole, forrmaa la tbe ____and xbeir aaerglea an brat upteate of tec new dyapepai* cure, ia »crbteefcamitb departmat of Ua Klial ce aararing Iv
ralbnalaallc la hkpralaeoT tbk excel
wngea wote mktook eaendee aabllA ramaiiiable wMdlag took place 'at Irat preparation. It i» aol a aocra.
' ' medicine, but ia cumpoaeo of
MeOngy,^ 0.. laat wiwk. The pcrtoa.
-iute. «,«i.
fruit »ii,
aalla and
In tba throat aad .tomacb. bot tbe dc
ragatabic raarnee. Blade lato plea-...
ft. and Hk. Martha Cowai
tor thiato ba eaa Bare bk lifeL
taatiag lableta or luiengrt and aolrl by
They were acbool cbildtwa
Uall.e yeeiu
At Bay City Ela
druggkti. at iUctaper package, uader
tknnany. ab. emigrated to tb
aga. annrad a aeran pain laat Tbpi
%y with b.rporanuwVo Vl l.yeara tec name of Stuart', Dyapepala Tablet*.
-f. lie went
into old. They knew BOlblngof the wMeredaywUleahoraliatau-...............
Dr. lUruman itaun that
tba bonae aad waa plarad noderadoc- aboaU of each other nolll laat Noram.
torbrara. Banday awrnlag he died It ber. when Sehnlueame to tbi. coantr}'
I alumacba. becauar they t
. waadaraloped that he anfftrad a rap and throngb frleada Itaraed that Mk*
uliar power of dlgtallng
f tmw wbkb molted la Mood poiaoBlcg. owaaBmrcriirrwlaOhio.
akiaia<'b. They Ai not art oa tb* bow.
rla like calhartiea. Vt art ratirely oa
--------- tee little rillagc of
Harmon tVidf. the food, dlgratingit Ibornughly aad
Ima. nonr Menomlncw. over a
ar Napoleon.
■inickly. giving tbe atomai-h * chance
flkenrary of gwl.d. While praapartlng
■ tree.uc... ____
hi mt and recorer Ite natural atraagth.
MOr teat plara raoaoUy Tbomaa Alien.
_________________d- Tbk colored
• hotel mna. k aald to bara tonnd a ezlandi null a. far aa tbe outer end. which It Inrariably will do after.«
courae of Stuart'a Ilyapepala TaWeU.
. Wiyrt^^fMd which waa a* larff* a* a
of tec limb*, and gradnaily fade, into If your drtiggkl haaa'l teem in atock*
tee pure white. Tbk patch «f .now 1. ate him to order a amall ijuBBlUy ti
At Kniamaicy. WDllc Kobla. aged • rad clear doem to tee gAnnd. arem^ hi, wbulraater.
Mora, bad bote fart frame oMld Tuea- dr^aaddi^. aad toa nernllar tmte.
Circular, and teallmonUU arat I
addreing Stuafl to.. Marab
*"ow.**Mr!^’oi’f ra^ tear* U*notekg
bacanae be nrrirad boma late, noec
tee aotl Of tee tree teat be know, of
lagWbkatory. He may loa. both ft
pradaee teU atartling effect. For
Aa excellent oil forauMating terast.
Hk imrante will probably V prt
e pnat flee year* be haa noticed tbe ebrtte. and Boae*'When odd ha* been
anted by tea bnmane aoctetyme red enow under teat apple tree..
taken, and which will ofira break up

wnnderar. farobea la baaltb

<U hT^hJ^i.rtm.1


tbe Armeulaa
Praak aapmka. a former Monad that Him Clara B
bn. BOW of Toledo, wbo -inreated ao, t'rum Society will a
iaUriledciag awlich. baa been offered hwmkaioBof relle
ila«. wltbia t
PKMNO tor hk patent, bat he decllaad
tbe offee. bolding hk
tyulney. III.. Wlkcm 'ft'
BOB wV had long bewa at lb.
jpoorVom. lahralted con.ld.rat
Oarr Tadci
ad in tbe a_______
odt bowaale^agtowateT.' Hk la- relatira. 'icwai
jariaa are later4l aad bk eoadlUoa k bim emy..aod


_ *

rrthlngi ! haratriol
I bar* not livl any
dortaf pait y«n.
neurmxw of tbe iln or bkedlag knee
takluf Ibem."
Uuui > Kklnry PUk for aalr br all dral
u. Prira BO ccou. V mall, frum F'»
Ariaona waa flr.1 la tie marir.t prlth
rWUmru Co. Bultaln. N. Y-. .Mr
tbk aeoM'. oraayea, beaUar Calllomk by a week or ao.
Tba combloed agn of Id prrwa. at a
btnbday party at tbe borne of John
<h>ld.briTy in I'nakfoTl. tod- the oth­
er day footed op l.tit.' .
I'oUlne. wild at Hart batutilay for
rero crate per basbel.
' .
Ip the CoogTCgatinaal rbnrrh of Se­
daUa. Mh.. young women nre to not a*
John Rartle.'of ^■otallkl, loat hUra- nriwni latuncr. CIrMar
g.VrbkMn. ChTctor ..
uaberi tbk year. :n place of Ue ydong
ire flock of tdieep. eztenalnated I*
.Btrukim-cirrawe .
raraouu. dogaK,. W. MrWelkl.aCiaaU,
i Vby born tl
* IU.claim.d tbaltelly onr-tbird <
o. lad., k tbe to
iiir com in tb* aoatbeni partof U
tfoortecalb dai
.tale rraialna to be baaked.
flaaghter-ea recvwd -which k
■vOBe’teimer ia kieiagatOB ononty baa
tboagfal to V BdJifceedenMd.
Iwra offerad fifty dollarador a imall
WhUe doing n aUlgbt-of baod- trlok
fk of. atraw whiuh k twu yeara of
Albert C. Walter...a Findlay college
.lodeat, awallowKi a ellv.r dollar
Tbe tarmera of
which lodged Vlow tba wlodpine. It
rei|nired,U>eaertieeaof two phy.icUn.
for flftewn______
to remora lb* cola.
their .tuck. l:Ulmi
aiming It Vtter tb
bar. been brae at fit a ton.
,onu ton* <
mala the
three ataUw of Wkooaain, Minn
ar* rreoraring from tin
aad North Itakuta. Not tar from
pruatrntiuD uf two muptlu- ago. a larw
aad a half mllUoB buahel. of . p<rt
’ thk Tkiolty bariog been off.nri
er IB
bare bera tbaa uaed.
thirty live
liv. uenu prr bualicl for hi* InAtreatleoted hyaClaralaoda
. bera, of «wbicb be boa almut <U«< buahbaa rlactric road gave way Thnr
aad Ite craw were cb
Aiybe annual meeting of the b
down a taeiae a
tuck and Gangra 1Vjm»l(«ira1 ai... .,
ter prai'b grow.rt In tour town, ot AlLyman Uayaecke
Irgau eoanty oompared nut., and
were klllrtl.
id ahlpped
found teal they bad
• - *------tbramrh 'llagob iWirkagra of





3 Herald
* XMdar Um %kt m1«cU«
' «te Bam. rwry tfuiub. of
09.M4«t«»utotb*MUaBkl repabIfaM MTOBlloo to te bold ot 6t. UmW■Ae Mrtbm portte of Ibo •Uto <»■
tmr BO B>or« BlUo» ewip«»r»l to oof
ot lu frioaoor noMoBU BBd BBOMBfal
Mmbbkb. H.IbbcboUtoibbU^
la tbc emaed of Ua part; Bad bto oplsina wiu. lU a.e»b*f»eBfi%« trolcbt.
U aaeb tiaM* at owcoaoti? I*
IMMlBC UircPBrb lib iB«et that
ineaatioo tboold br otod Is tbe telfeUoB ol caadiil»i«B •rorihy of o"f bifb-

TbrBiBt r«pwoB»b. promai tna
pnetlcal obo br F. K. Pala*. oa
lowofB 00 tho Fbrm. BaalMt barty
Tarlelba that wooU do wall ea a &na.
aad abo«iar the beaaBta to ba dariaad
IRMB rablar tbaai.
:ben'a fOtiCTOO Flowen U
tbo Home, naul by bar aee. Albert HaalobAtbaaajDallaa aad eoerlBoad tba biairra ibat the plaaaare to
ba dadrad froB bloaaoislap pUato
eoiDpaaaatod for tba allfbt
ia 'ibe diaaoHioB roHowlaff.
tiowbl wai adraocad that it rroold
— - - ttalar for dlitricl aeboob
rcrbrdt. Ur. lodd thoe^L
D M. Farry A Co. wrpild /omiab aaeda
frra for aaeh parpoaaa. oB appUcatioa.
Tba laat tapar tm tba afteraoao proraa waa by Mrm. J. O. BaeiadaU. oa
tha "dvBlBalbm ot Saada" aad iraa aa
aUc aad a

ploalor alwaya.

a advaoatoa aatap tM5.«i.n. Coaatoy, tilMOt-Bt.
0 poaadt tai.
Ea I

ttwaak. FHtow^r


oa aad territory lot!

; Made, Sewed and Laid;

r.««e.»A Cooatfy. f3oe.4tt.U. TaIt worha at wall wHb him bow aa I
aoatft Ode. taelVtap enoa m
PUU. SlxU aod DlvtoioB «
did yoanopo. la reply to tV qam tol.
TUlapm Mra. P. I. Wbitmaa. Hra. O. A BoIUttombowtemaVtVbeatimeof Jao
day. Hia. Tbomaa Rbwan.
aod. V told V Bbda It aa aeel Kr.ore.u. .CaaatiT. Bna.oTa.1
aerenU IMraal-Hn. A. 3.
(ah B«n.u;.7s.
laataod for both core aa
Mn. U. W. HeWeUy, Mn. W.
lOM—l.mdreda raeerdad. Vuiapo.
plowlap it aadar Hta a Ue fall or
Klk.ltAU. 'Coaatiy. •itu.toiAd. Tar«7 aariy la IV friaf.
Hr. Fnak-t paper .WoBChi op IV tatr lUa.dM'.K.
MeU Stnet-Mra. Vadw. Mra. J. \r.
IWX-1.0IS deed, neorded.
Mra. 3
aabjaet of tV bmt elorer awl there
iword4»; valnatloB. PSIS.014.4:. Coaat^.!• Ferawotd—J.
M. Upeddiap. LaUer
Towd i Hall. Chat. Pelt.
b ctorar ia Ue leader for Uit IM;
Strrv-c. D. Keayoo.
Me. Prtek tblaV clOTW

Coleman. I^ur C.^qaeU, C. b. Vadt
eared to tV beat to feed. Ha woaU
J ' Eatt Side and Croat vt-------1WI~4«8 mortptptt __________ VH-i, 'Froat
. •roBl Street—............
Stre«t~W. H. Edmaada.
elorer for bay jaat after
—. Hiller.
"Her. Ura.
It btetae to Uoaaoan Wbea it tooted lapr. SUt.tMKflfl. Ooaawy. »I*s,:j4.kc. j W.flute Stmt-Hrv E Lyoa. Mra. U-;
lo plow nedar pet aU tv pimwib’pot- Tatal.B40,Ii:.T*.
iB Brvpi Mri H i-tob. t
IflM-Jtt reeardrd- .yUlaia. SIW,-; wVuSpt!.^ Bi«« aSd
^bre-^to^ It aad plow aader Jett b*ff«b the droatb. Mr. Voorboca Bade 4JC41. Ctonatry. *:4*.T«->.o:. Total, from Harlow hVt—Mra. J.
I worUy. Mra. Fred Stearaa; Mn.'f.
{Shlelda. MV Cora Itolberp.
ivul-^lt recorded. VllUpe. «»».•;^traet
-t ?K.m Kaitow
-!.««. Coaatiy. tlKbMl.n. TaUl. BVwi-Hra. IW. Corton,
Mi J. Majo
n. Mn.
M~ H.
B ..............................
Hrv Rlttie Eoce. Mra.
indpr Bamidcll hat tried aowtap
A. Fry..
t OB wbrat.<ialtandeaiB and fiadii
Webater Street and Adtil Avenu
Uat It to very beaaBrial. It will ;
Hrt. E Tilat. Mra. Roxboip. Mn. V
rfl1,440 S3.
ten. Mrv Wellt, Mn Fowle.
klD oat milk-wwrd aad tbUtlto >
Earn EIpbU fllreet-Rev. E U. Si
ii.u.-.i.^44 recorded. City. i4l: tbI. wCTikKiiiitT.ttri.asuoa.
tUoB. - Coontiy. S«: eaa. Vuorpe Edpar. E Millt. J.
r ouBlmUy of opiqloa of all who
ralnatioo, im.tSt.K. Toul. BKT,beiomp toUe Uraape vrat
Mia. A. II. McRae in berptoprd.'-Vlpbu
WiJI >« area Uat tbr amonel of
aad bbadowt of Ue Oranpe.' "



Special Low Prices c I all grades o(.

A. .A,

ol li, 1.,™ U,

Ouu-'jjets, 111 TiolBTajoaa,
OjiTolotOa^, Xt-U4EB, Sibo.


__i of dIffmntkiBdtof
od a Ilrely dtonaalon followed tbe
mclatloa «f the paperla rrpard tothedere .
rietiea by telacUoB. E. <» ,ba^ JoV
llortoBABd U. Vuorbr«Bifiuke la bipb'
Jadfa Banadrll. tV preaiaaBt. btn>ot ClawaoD-t Uoldca Chaff wbtot.
daaad Mayor aaeaab wV addreaMd
which proved, at ^oaaeed by Prof.
tv BacUnr la a cordial welcome
Kedile, to be oae of the toal kindt f* •badowt were vhown. and the aubjecl tr;vfrra.ii Urpely la exeem cf any of
IV mcmban aa followa:
John Cooper, formerly bf Trace
while the
-at treated In a eery favorable Ilphl. . the -yearn hen-plveo.
. Hr. Pralrlnl./.odV oad OraKrmOT *./ heavy yield abd peural exeeUeaoe.
:ity. Ml bto ketc quite teriontly t
A. II. UcBae hod uau tent oat by the
Ifct ForrarT.'/wrttalr
veek while
Med drpanmea.t alWatbiaptoo. which MeSVeUy..E. U. Ladd. Mra. A- P- Uray.
are pUaaad U weleoom y.
toon rxcrIJcBt thowinp.
V4PB>><> W*" noamially poo.
Tra«arae(,iiy to Vld a«raio y«m
Mowey NJekeraoo. Uiwell SMra and
naai aireUti^ aad talk urrr tbaw
Uilnkt irtoliM-totraseod-toth yeai;^
I We bare a new bappape a
BtalVtaivui riial iBUTOt U/malk from a little dtoUave ivlead ot^atiap
at Ihe fc
cb to nut oaly'
TV aame woold wam to repraamd
i«hpol. ila took bto pwliion ...................
Abat ntoed on the tome farm.
ihiap la'atoeial. adacaUqaalaad litev VmtoktO by ikerraveellrecknrrku*.
II. ilrinkaiauttalnktlbe rratoe teed
wa^ Vt atau^ at a median
-Much oord wood i* tojap ' thipped
.4B1 OQt to that a poor vlecUoa to
iph which favorable leptolatloa to
aoooeaa of all uVwr made, utlop. lorlntunce. tV amallatt
from Ui* place to Elk Rapids.
Stbtolb tehooh v:41i a. m.
broeaVaof tbe wurld'a prral ladoaralimated Uatabuut Jo.can will leave
Ae able paper on "Seed, firowlnp"
tie -liop lor wunbip, 11 A m.
tnaa' llcaoe It b ibat tbe ciUieoa of polototoyraraftrryear. The waakaal
Uto place Uto IBODU Frier* Vwever ‘ ^
oorrilUcaaaiul ciUaa look from the blllt ntaally prudooe email poUloei.
Junior mecliap 3:00 p m. .
-at pnweated by IaOwfII Soon.
Brat Ai*ll kbowcra >0 tprtatf to tar that and U thi. Mleetion to kepi up year reply toaquraMoa at to why deCTen
Endeavor mecUap. 1:»« p m.
tv da>i>.M tbar eume aad pu, are faraflrr year tlie >*H wiU eorely raa .
prefrmd preen to ript
Mr. Fair;
Evcnlop'woiabip. T p m,
oraOie fur the pruMiap crupa
OB Monday IttL lie wt* welj kaoWD ' &
Mr. hltole tahl that If all would
Ulaiumare atniqrU totavedln
p Wedaraday evi
oomm tV aoiDiuer drouth.
You <
here, btviop livefi la tbto-uouatry ur«r ; X
«e tv UMeamao wiUi tm toaibcr face' isreful culUritlon abd wra the I
:J year*.
■] W
Mr. Sourafladt
Ue i&ed in tbto v
lookmp to tba ckreaa for ralui lo '
(too. £. Steele waa here a frw diy* > ^
lid to totter thaa to ^
t uneof wheat, but vt o
V looin aasloualy from teMl uat
pa*l and la <v>mpaby*wlih-JitTid Via- jW
from aeudemea la far away tlatra.
Sayler and MelloDald V.Seerct of Stroop Uvea." Vto^ex—idt lOB tpent two day* la Ivkiap up land ' ^
pulaioea are >0 Uu> eara or ot
to not aoelimated to tbit reploa
duuka. Ttala year be alauita apliaal
In tbiiwaj tlirnthouldto do deterPrt-U Vlnti.f.'.
n.III ei|uv-l». b>
... ' ®
loukwp aaxHtoa and waiUop w
______ ___
what U to tic bU doom ta the cuxi
SfWlofaext week aad lop* ' W
ioratloB of teedu.
arccomiap iato tovor amoap farmer*.
The' >iuratJcui15f prafciop preealape
ApractVI paper on pmrdealap wan
ODtopolVo ruwrlto called out quite a pivvB by II. Hredhapeo. wbo fllunchair ,ia ato i-onlre-linaary etorr tad
bU Mat wall BUcU aud <
dtoeniBioB. the majority tblnkinp It a iratrd hto Idem of a cheap aad model
prepared b. rxecute the Variun* moi
aalfaV family that tvy Vre plnii>
of a toaaorUI arttob
to prafl ot, aJlhouph Mr. wood the. to tat a^ IV old clolbaa an
fJrlakman Bad* It a pood tree, it aot in
J. GMorpai wat called opontotell
i*h for aaolber yaar. 1 De
ma down ciBillUon la the Brat place. ol hit cold ttAWape warehoute.
' prwrklad for. IV laraur U happy.
“Ctariet tbe End ot Ue l-aw.'
tVoid,dcbu arc pnaaiap be aaya
yuol*li.V trr»ul»e*«re, tbepAre, reKnvuy V
itdall foaba Uat If V
The H y. F. Ih at fl oVlock in tV
tVendllor; "I tore plraly of pa
-ea be
.wed Ue preat advantapra
Mm, yoa aa have ailiyut
church p.rl..ra will to led by J. lilllto. UM.. Ui 1^ IttrArl Uannr Ik. ceto.u •*.*
. erea
'to to paiaed from^tlorioe poUV>r»,
Oira me tV larmer ' ■

lor fodder, fruit, meat, eppt and butter In a lemaadlVbappy
• -J
CIraf Pork err bb
ovtV Duke I3;tl.
know of but one remedy
Clr*r (.or, ur> B
tv maJ-Jrity pnaent Uoobplalfalfa Uw pertlore toatadnpted bi keepipp them.
Pluor. U. L a Co. Brel .
tr eauapb tot of Oebl. that
tbouph wime who have tried it He found Utl poUloet fruien before;
Wade vborr wbea Uw tmmker
All arc qoritialiy invited
quite well adapted lu Hpbl. dr] niacfalop tbe warefaonnr did not tpread uauiI.
ttanaf my Jifo I tore wilaeaaed lu
•uiir Hr. tSra.r tblntoe orcbanUpraw decay U> Ueir adpbVn. Houtoc* can
Of thaecprvai bealaratobaniiea Th
CBt'ia'a or cuaivr (acuunur).
an baiter le my ni'iod today thaat
cluver ahtod wd alfalfa.' to stored at cheaply at Ury can to put
btot Ctopirra of tV Uible.
Tbe u
11. Ilnidhtpni't rye will ura him from
Mectinp* are held every Sunday af- '■
pllt. token oat aad hauled to marof 1U7 waa perbapa tto mvl olai
bu%l4i' .
buyinp hay thli year. iV>. Rou>h
raoon at t:JU o'clock In 'Ur KranpcIteooa Uieh%ah wat VbeO 1a t
iL Jodpe tUmndcllapokciaUe bipbtxo^n, uaiap two botheU lo Ui-wUd-tot" period of Laekiap. tryiair
rouMeoprr m
t terau of cold ttorape. tclllap at leal ^hon-h. comer Nialb and Wuitodo aumetblap wilb aolOiUir. fhe ae
and flndettol Ur beat. Jndpr
c advaatape found In keepinp fruit
. ..ra.-«> p““'.
.waa la laST. He bad mif iVo learu. . UamtdeU toexp^m.-aUnp at preMDl
I Uc markeu were empty aad Uea ben-tofore, two rradrr* are ciected—'
bow to make pood muvy and it arouia
wblp-p.»r-will,pca. which to uaed. ■cllinp aladvaeccd pricea. and recom­ the Brat reader rradiop from lb.- Hlblc.
hare laalM locper tod it not beva' fur
tv eirU war. It look aoalbrr ware u< almoat enUrtly by Ceorpia farmera and mended Ue plan to other farmera.
Ue tecoad reader from ScieBCr.
. .. .
milowladep IV ekirarapai
tbiake it will do wall in tbto elimtoo.
Seed poUtoew kept in Uit wiy will eat and HealU ilbrCfariAliab Science tcxl^ B*rireT-rui*'°...
tv nboUion. Twenty Jeara l>
I. Subject fur next Sunday: "Tb.-|
TdKuOtl ffri-riao.
.proul natil waatad.
V bmp to tbe Amerlimn aiomach can
a witbuat workiap -off ttie bile
tare to BO care: chanpee mart come
Tbr teamoe opened by the alaplop a:hool follow* Ihcw-rvlcew.
lire alwaya order
lood etNov on
r wbn. by reqaial. pare a redUtloD ol Amrrira. The Brat
an napiihlto^ idar poeni of preal crebiap wat Tbr I'roduet of Ur Farm ReV. O CertKb. pwV.
arold maklap
wblcb w-a*
merit; aod Hr. Taraer ttrrnpthrnerl
pay aflar an a
eaperieaua of
bia n-pauibm at an orator ot abil.ity followed by a prnerai dltcuieioa by E.
of Luki Itriap out your friend*
Imd4 Mn. Urt.T. Mr. Me'weUy. A wi*h coo.
__________ maiy low price ot all pro lib) reoiUlloB wat praatly cajnyed and
dbCto that oomra from tto farmer to­ a-lded mweb to Ib^detoun of Ue rtan(iray. Judpt Itomvlrll aad oUrr*
Sunday tohool ba* lirptaD a utnd.y of
day U lo be npretlad bat I know ol
sr t-oaceatu* of oplal.-m wa* that Ue

uV. itoftnt* abouiraiwlkt Ue >.-bU,
BOBOweoaatry that tou well offaa
^nttahoald have a dirrcl and lattlap drea in prepariap tbr lemon.
Thtowatf.illuwad lyCoB-e f Sr bool*,
Urmod Trareraa. 1 he preat tali .ma
ezeelleat intemt ia tbe eduration of the chil
JualorChrLs-iaij Eodraeor will bare
P*" will
• iao W. MeWrthy. with an
- puudersp. TnU prval ^
itprr OB -TbeXeeito of Ua r Dtotrirl drea 6) achool aad out: U'c kvboob . Vme miAionary.mertinp Sanday.
ttaad by the people of Urmad rrarerar
cboald to viidted oflcSeu-: tbv pupil liuby Hefeadorl Iradrr.
thoBld be rarouraped
where In Urday t
, T. I', s.y.. lor all Ue younp peoSapt. (irawB bad prrpareal no paper, moUrr thonld hire more time lode- plealin: p.m.
ct pave a moat excellent Ulk on Ibr vote to ber rhildrra: tbe Imekward and
At IV s-indaycrenlDp^rvice at
tme aobjn-i.
lie th.iiiphl Ue flnil dUcqarapcd pupil tbonld be eneourapr<l. thq, pa*lor pirea a prelude
need waa a cumfoital.le Vildinp:
and aided. In fact' tbe child thuuld
an we peinp to du wnen the preat
-le Kalerr
made mure ol la tbe borne aad lu
well and all that eumes after lo
bclp piven to make meatatly full i/n,
tara to alwaya totter
Anytime r
which ahuald becnmlurlable. pleaaaal
men aod women <>f Ue children.
OB t<m will hare totter Tai
and devutiunal
faara better Vw
th _ wiib warm. Hpbl. well vrnUlatiNl balldlDpa
Mra. Mania wat Umd called upon ab.nild to at tbi* mecliop.
tow to WJr-k
^Whllr yov ftooia
ana bi-l|ff and aide to atady.
I.lptat and pave an amuvinp reciUlion Uat
The wre-k of prayer to-tlcinpubserTcdlQBDCT^Or .......... .. ..................
Uuuld fall from rear and left aide aad broophi a barty encore, to whlcb
tbuul.l be ennained.
i^pvr rewpmded ia a very V{^ manner.
memory of moat.of n>
.1 are, hv
for Uto cveninp i.
. Tbr bObJtH't
moat ofy
apparatua caq to laratohed -fur :
today. 1 aaticlpaie thi
e and fnrel
for Iirer>'v Ulkov. •.••rrel.vf ibr'lwi **1.,..
wUl lire to witae-a aad rsj-iy com
J Iratourel lU AlBilr, x L,rbr.u a-rr*.<a. • .oia-:>.a
room—mapa. ebaru. dietionary.
by D S.'Nickmon. The Fatt and Fnf
row cTcainp
bflfl .cv..
AUl **X A**< »•'/ -l~.. 4r
far aBrptoalng Uum that we bare
^on t boy Pip. naive atapa and ebarta lurfl of the Faribcr.

atnet tv aeuument of unr oew c
.»ow11 *rrewl*ltl,*I «r<r*4**l Miii .-l,.
"MicbiitBa, my Sticblnalirat then
We tui____
atarted here wiibtVtailow Make a ebrap bo»W rate and fl II
In... 1- . *' lArklwf t*U AAaw, I'fll l.k. . -n*
e...... «rr «nAi|..*n.Itirrrlrrr.u*B..AI'-...<l M.'
— a.--------.
^ tl
eonieaiodly ua- f.tudbuoki: TbvUwab.MilddeterBiar taop and Mr*. Uoulcr.cVre an admlra•aaadaaed
Tba ranaara' lastilaca.
TV Farman' latUiate opraed
TMday atlrroooa wiib a lair, tel eot

.A.II CarpeB, Mauings^moleu'^-Ht^ bought here,
will be made, sewed aS Uid

= Upholstering, iCai^t Sewing and Belaying, etc., done promptly
* and at lowest rates. Satisfabtion guaranteed.


—row I.

' Brilthle Dry Qoidt. Carpet and CloUlDp Bousa,


, 229,‘ 231; FRONT" ST-.





, ;,v % want good iastrumepts and the latest and best music. We cater S
5 % to just that class of customers, and if there is anything In the «


« music market that you want we can get it for* you and always $

it save you money.



'! 2".

We have tbe best

A'iolin, Banjo and Guitar Strings.
' sheet music
received each


" X

U tV wild Indian wanted1 Illirm fur
btodoml-aa boo
Then came tto
prorad lard-oil lamp tVlMnokrd car
taeeaand praaaed <mr finnan
’ after We were driiptated with oar kar
UfhU etoaprr Uaa all toliWr
' ' tola
movt of Ua ouaauy
Wa tball not atop ben.. .I'tprral onward proprewi.
, Oarfrieadt in vlUapeeaad elllet " I VttolaaehUe VtioDto brinp
! ^elw from Utr cloadi to warm

I vVbUl^‘'TvnyUnow7n‘i!l?ht

wV»}««-wlll Vy yoar electric-l' '
aana at every eoaairy ttore and i
them borne to Iqrhl yoar dweluon.
po Vek la memory to a time w
vly ita ox-team eoald bemee la
atogeu^^^vgrar C.ty.todotha work


Uel.Uwa«tV.popalar carrla^
aonveyadUe womm and tVlr c
na touwB todoivlr tradlap.
la torn we nee IV boraea aad lai


; =TS,2S:'Ar.;%K..i::


kalwiareoolaiue end.
at ao AtUBlday yon wilt aee etoclric
roadt nmetalap oat laio the oonairy
from Trmvcne Ckly bnb Uicker tV"
tVapokaa on Ue wapoa wheel and
will to near eaoaph lo every oiaaV
tym^to toinp him wtuilpbuiap tpeed
Bat my'frlrVt wbea yoa Vve reallad all Ue aomforU from tb.i prrareeaalveapc. do nut for a moment tbiok
Uat roa are ouwe Vppy Uaa Uow
mo laaded OB ear ato.rve la eartv dayt
Be wV doeU ail Ifaia^ weU.arraoped
Mat each ooald lake hUtVre In ptta
lap Ufa
Eel. drink aV to merry
Bueven ia to be nude berv raun- Uaa


wVl braaebea abould be toapbt in sir reciUlion.
AmrricaB biator]
I. n Sayler
tiayler preMoUd bto pap«
ild to made promitynt; ao ahonid
Fanpinp for ProBt or lor Fui
cirll poverararnt. TV raaential fact'
Ibe eveainp propra.min every aehoul to tba Itmcber. Irel 1
Tl^ anbjfct of -'-'Tba Uraape" v
every lima. Iti Dot trr
ably ukea uptiy A. I’. Uray, ip a ptvr
here. We wbb Ihvf. Ura
ahowiop Ue prowth of the orpaoiu
red hto Ulk fur pabliraUoD
ion and tba toaefilt derived from
bm pive only Ue
bareat uuUiae.
Judpe Rastdell left for Lanalap tbia.
H. (toylto.
Hrodbapra. Judpr
torniof and Secret^ ludd oora^ieO
.'ooxbocanad W.
V hVir- Henry llaDael told,of -The
er look-part in a penrral dtoraMioe ffl
Way 1 Ur«w I'oUtoca." ia an ih/ormal
Ue aabjaol. brinpiapoul aa
brry .iaurratiep aunner. aad .i
lap expertenom atoJ maklBff.tome poV
ppaeral dtocoarioa toUowrd.
I.add. wboaa [wper 4 pnbltohcd
t --aover
to-day. then pmenud hto tnbjecl.
•‘The Aprienltnral ■Collepe." and
UeD,taVaoplaab)c paperaby H. K.
foUjwrd llon.Yi. E SVaele. wbam |
llrinkmaa aad K. S Walker. >t li!to
it atao pivrn ia anotbef colasyi. '
' Harritua Ihuophtyoo mipht bare
A-neera, rcsulUap at follovm:
Ue Ua world bat yoa
tux urnumt.
at bare praclhml experienee to V
A t^iti order of betlaret warn mode
>f r. Imd^nre credit'to the AprieolI lldO oa elcctloa of oflieera
UralCollep^ir Uearpanitalion of tV Botioo a cummittce of fire cobttoirap
Bara' luUtnle. and tor Uoupht
I'. Uray. A. S. Dobaon. Lowell
witb.a tV reach' of any poanp Soayt. Mra. EortnB aad Mra. Iritb
whu drairad II to obUia aa educa- wax appoiaUd to
tlna at Uat eo^lepe.
While Ue
•Jodpe Vmadell pave all'credit to apearral
Ue euUepe. Vl thonpht it Vd not ac-


JVetldcat—S. H Sayler.
Vice 1‘re*-—Lowell Soure.

- -


i*raver and praiae ineeUnp* will to
■* «.«.■••.e.., .v **i.r. iirr. ii..«,i,
held all over Ue city next week Vpla-’
uinpMoo.ixj nipUandcoDliDaiap all
week SaltoAxy nipbL
of (hrte mretit^ will to pivra Mod
day eveniup. Jan. '.'T. at the ebureh by
prri.idenl* of nrmmitteea or leaden,
l‘rutracte<l mecUnp* bepinsinp Sun­
day.’Jan. W•
'Itkball totbe dutin of'Uc-fnllow-1
iap .-ominUtrew to hold five mectinp*
Indifferent bompa. if pomible. dprinp.
Ue week.. aecare Iradcra. alaplop
bonli*. aod auaial ia exteni)iBp Invita’’ Are .imply glTing aw.y HUtiiia* to people to attend Ur meellap*
The family 11*8*7
P«»cy Oood«, AA

(Jble Ui, year lB*tcad of tV Icadcrav
laat year ‘.Keepa miaate .rffUe mem­
ber* inaUrDdanreaDd whdmay make
in Ue relipKHu life
Any pecIV iaviie Urae mretinp* into
l„-t Ue whole city ea-





k« -U-i’



^____^ ______________

$8 00 .hOM At


that havb blueu Lero at work for the past eix e


1.400. a nice
On.- I.rotni li'nne wen yeera old, vei^t 1,350 Win make a good
mat,, to tbe'viDu alwre. PrWfllS.
OvaorreJ mare R years old, weight UOO; blacky bnilt, . good
{arm marc, broke Biui..leor-lonble. Price $75.

‘ »nejair blank mare*. .5 and 7 yearn old. wwght 2,400, blocky beiH
w, 11 Irt-iAe to work single or doohle. Price SiOO
One dark iron pray marc, aix yearH old, weight'1.301), a good all
rt* around mare.* Price $100.
es and siipiiers
Selling out our warm shoes
siip|>ers cheap r
MOo<- roan kotae 7 yean cdd. weight 1.400, Ihagy ballt, a gmd lam; »wp •
V ber
Prioe $76.
. . . . . . . . . . fl-SS


towUap tv tamd qaaetSoa. tvjter tonotaegoud
gtevVHm AAdoUerpotau tavHrad.'V Vmyaataark.


It la ffrooad toe!


^ Noedls CSSS With overj sals.

# I'

............. ............7 4 _ -r^_

_ _
. . . . . . ;. . . . . . .
Real Eetaie TTh^to^eoord.
| rt
TOU g.t $1.60 AhOM At..;.... . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . .
C. Muflall. proprieUpof Ue tiraed

tat IfW vra. anybody to blame !»: T^* AlWadaac. «v mm-b Urare Trarera.' rouaty aVtracia. faraikhra'S YOO g«t $1-00 ihO.# At.........................................................................................
WM tV farmer Mmtalf.
Ue U«|«ednreday morhiap tVn on Uc prrUxAaI.1. wlU Ue foUowlap inlcri I
YOtt «t
76C AhOffi AV
Uat iVir latorreU were reprraeatod.
TMto la fODd advice, and to wVl Ue i Farmiap " by John Rorbie and
Bpaxu. baa arped toa'-maDy year*. TbelFriaK. A peaeral dtocataioa on
JadfB Ues fave at aoma ieopU anjplaktor fallowed Mr. Uortom'*
Ala expotiUoB of bit Baaoeial. Mr. Orinkmaa'i ei



I That’s jusi what we are doing


S6 60c

EIbbona. 1-4, oft

r„ , :

Fnaldoal Bamtdall rotpoaded rrferr
C^Hur on Ibopram-lJ. H.
tap to U. foriar oondlUm of tb. tori'
When a p~d
Oonrj. Mrv A. tl. Mel
aeeaafairvletlmfort-lVlerabfali:““ wa. pot Ury could not keep hlmi
moUon theofflevra wera iiutmethiadt. aad Ueimprorvd coodiUoa Inil^" auo who by ability and vlf rt.. ,d taa u^e ttep. to orpanite ondrr Ue
Uit eaapect Uruaph Ue InBaeara «f;
«« ube. Ue ,ute IvtllnU Uw. A vole of tbviUi
tv Oranpaaodtlmllar orpaaluUon
‘’’® rlrcam.unen; ^ pkea the oBiorra for
Ha apt^of. tv diudi^upra U.
and the botineu
pfTravvrac Ciiy'^.
. Imw^bored onderJoTaow
.ppoia^al Uera can
„beral eon
to meet Ue | rt
\ tow prieaaamldrawA compartooa
*«_«*.Bpr- TV board thonld to „p.^o,u,e

1^0-1 J16




At Pioneer Livery-Stabje.


Felt HaU,

Tllm’d SAUOfA, 76c

t _

Horses for Sale

A look At tbelT WiodoW.
phow. Amon.


HrihisJi & Xi9f^ Co.

Lairence & SIieparf_

where Uc mecliop to to to held miul
that people are notified ot Ue
eara Brat
The penbb wVer name appearq nrai
ia the commitlece to Ur chainnanand
thonld dlrvci the work. TV eVirmaa
not depend on any body el*e to
do bi* or ber work. Be prepared when
Ur place of your mecUnp
Monday nlpbL Don't f»iL in a’»lnple
mectinp. Tbe committee are rrapoh-

and Free Trade—you oi^ have
both! How? Protectiou.forypur
treasury in price alnd quality and
unrestricted trade in the purch­
ase Cf our “B£ST” flour.





60o •■-■■■■■■

One good brows mara 9 yoar* old. weight 1,100, all Boasd.


( I u UI I §.



Friedrich Bros, old store, g;

One brown mAir<pooy.)w*ight«oo. good Uafly mA». Pn» $25.

aoetetyand tbrir friend*. A bnsioaa
maatiiifsra* held, at *<rblcb the quar­
terly report* of the varios* oaesrs were
read, aad aoch other boAlnea* tcsaaact■d a* ooBM naturslly before the ac
ty. after which a moat arofltable aad
inlarettlnc procraB wi
The aobjrct under
•■Tbattiirl. - belnraoc
'Thai Hoy,- which wa* before tbe so­
ciety a a»ath aco. Mr*. C. J. Kbarr
bad cbarie Of tb« meaUnA and latro-

Borne heavy winter cloakp here.
They must be; sold soon or carried over to
next season.
; JU Don’t intend to carry them over if a price wiU |{

ruD STEbEE* bU bourhltha iBtar
itaof hi* partner. Hr. Bm*t. in th*
painUac and paper hanylar b^neat open debwW
will eonJlBse .It here. Mr. Bm*t Cochlln (a^t w (rood ayaopMs of tbr
1^1 mi 111
? vy
.An oriirioal -pora by Scott
will Uaeal fora Chlcaffo Bra.,
tVoodwmrd. and piano *olo by Chaa.
laroftba tv. C. T. Rale Mddvd to tbe rveninA's aojoyTnErarnlar
U. wiU be bald la the parlor* of the
of the
e proBaptist efanrefa
ram * Bar supper was aerred I .rOBgh
tlM o'clock. Babject. Hlbla Ueadlnr. tbe
le conrtesy
conrtesy'ol Mr. lUmllu
Medially iBrliod toatuaA
evenito vrasa verTplcaaant oar.and <^c»en remark*.
ira. Moore read a psper on "Tba
iber* of the Oob ATVStle appreOXE o{ U)f BKSt ktlncUrc mO aUbl-hn DrasK " Mr*. U. Cortl* spoke I
cnle Elfm oo tbe
U m U« .dta^' eiaw Mr. Uamlllon's klBdr —
of bar as “Tba Bou.ekaeper.- dwetlioA |
of fa»rlBC os «o«b oida » to
’3 Tu> beBeBleolrrtalBBrot to be yir»of tbte
portnlv of tbe well ksowa shoe
nodir tfae suiplce* of thr Bern
r Mr*, tv. W,‘ Dean ai
r^k »l«rtcb. eoolrelod with
lent raiuD Uteerenlnr at Ntalnberr'* nted her 'In Society:'' Ml** Waterbary
wklto OBd bloe alMUic llrbu.
lirabd, deterre* a crowded bouse. dealt with “Uer AcoompUshmrnu:''
Tick^baee been pat *t tbe rxlrcBely Mlm'LewU spoke of "fler Manner., "
i^trprin of tv sod 11 caoU a^ tfae SBri Asve *ome very InteraoUnA 'feniindel4*eml
proceeds Will' be devoted lo krepiny iseenees of ber own ea^^ trainiDA-E'few da;* a^i.
t».JO. toe
tbe pdor of tbe city. Tbe ladle* of tbe »lr*. UamlltoB briefly but well.took up
Hr.BAi.ivia sol td*ec(wd wltb Mr. Iiber>
Coloa hire BStiy cbIU t>ir
the' amller of "ilef Friend.;- Mr*.
BOB to all bUfloaocUI elewa, belleeEbaer VTsd * short paper oo -Her Kmiof be ii not dlapoartl to irfre aif- tbb, winter, and there is
wsy to assist theB Is tbelr ployBent.* as Mia Ukes np dstire OutbUcb pniUoa *io tbe correoc;
wuetby effort* thsB by sttendioK tbe tide ber home life; Mr*. W. Tburtell
of tbe coootiy tbat it is ebUtled to. but
spoke of ber "In the Church:- Mr*. F.
tlie apeoeb 1> aipli-ddld one froa loss;
•lOOjDOO pOlot* of TieW aod la wortb; of careful yon CasBOt AD. As I
A»ve S4im* cEcellent hintA.- on
stand* *t tbe^ekd o)
mtonsbip of “Tbe Ailrl and ber
•6,000 UtleOtMIQ.
dmmatlc reader and tea<'ber. and baa Father:- and Mr*. IVsIt * iooAiog
Max' pet^le io oonbero Ulrfalcsa
well dearrred repnUtloc a*
ti^telo nieUirlaod berMother;will be palood to Icwn of tbe dntb of aulbor. Thr progroia to-nlAht will
Jlr*. Lstbrop re*a* brief »rtl*!«»rleol.
B. W. Cof. of Aldee. AtUriin oollet;.
ed by Mr*. Ursnt: Mrs. Tvseb spoke
Mr. Cot bu been id falliii( bealtb lor
itoelres amply lepsid in the plnasW*JkTM»-P*eTi Hsaaab.
mmnqnu Aenecslly on the
Ume. aod fate dealb occurred
un and profit they wifi derjre from aMlfor: Mr*. Hales reviewed tbe whole
th* entrrtainBenU
malUr brlefty by speaklnA of “Uer Ueplooear of tb<^ rerlos. aod
aud Mr. Cochlln. nndrr
First National Bank Election.
:>ia*ia»* lUEaWtor^aud^ »
badbaeBia tbe mereaBUli baaiiMat
-bow ArBrrsI soperrision Ue afterThe aaonal election of oSicen and
Aldeoforoeer tweoi;«re ;rsrt. tie
held Is hlfb (ateea br frieod* aod director* uf tfae First Nstiunsl Hank n'oem was. flotebrd tbe dtecumloa by







State Bank.

held oo TuenJ*;. Ii. S. 'HoIIwm
e ATO*i:y cbo^n prrwidrot, J. T. Beadle and II.
J. Morssn. viee presidenu, C. A.’ Himllai
lier, and these with F. IUibla tfae berelBC of tfa« b. H. Ileer'a
cBsa at OM Mtesioa. 'bundajr after- Uloa. I). C- L^cb aud M. 11. Coveil, dlOOB. tfac PcnisMila kteca one of its rK-tur*. Tbe affair* of the bank were
oldest baildlBB*.
a. K Wait pat It uji shown ui be In splendid runditiuo and
la IWW. The old home has seen 'iraB; tfarmiUook food for the cuBinc year's

brief remark*.
' |
The afternoon, llkeilbe opr brfovr it
-a* of Avsfsl proBi to all wi^o joiort in
, and only aeedad tbe/prenence -*
more Airis lo show tbem bow deep
slTODA is tbelr Bolbrrsklove ior U
aad interest in them. .

Jolly 'BatbefiBC In days rooe by.
was new aod bdous
Two Plonaars Oona.
were few pod far betweas lo tfals reiiilbrrl C. Rrpi“'<l». wh.ise lirrlons
rkm. Wb. ToapkiaabccupM parlof ilint** w£> noticed In Inst wrrk> Us.-*rlla-1 Tfanrsdsy. Jan. t-. -at fate
le Inland. He wu i* yranold.
There was oo
Mr. Keynolds had alwsys bean active
and tbe lo* wdU raacb, f7<><
In tbe fartuiarsad buslDeos interest*

Prof. Kadriya lUport Sbow^ Parity

n«ioo, aod fate deaU «

S^lati'oir thlsVftk BsOj
t. jrtoorlldiiv.
A.ftermm' JssUlulr ftnpera.
A Wow iRui Mcnrral .Vnr*.
A fbr flekvolr <i»
Jtoul KrUilr TVoHtfrr Rerxrd;

*■ r^x

SteadirariB* prosenu-d to ber -by

I. Oroad TVoiwrae KeptiHi.

doaehlB. who te eery proud of fate pa­
lly the tray UckeU ore seUlDf.
auterulnment will be uue of thr
patronised of any, in t£e coarse.

A JWwra- iMfiule Pnpm.
la. Jterwra' /neHlule /■ujera.
gtoaoir WwTBOs'e «|iecrt.
OWCCIT Coort*wm ba lo *«

; maU lo boIoB.
DatID Htbax aod dancblex. Boss.
leftHonda; for aerelaad. where tbe;
will apaad Ihe wiatg.

ev «B-KKB* and MIb Joaepbiae
Shadrk ware quieUy married at tfae
brMa's home., ob Tuesday morainf.
ween 1* tbe aanlor aember uf
Ibe Riley bwaen
le and g
its drain*, snd ’ls known
rn ail i
rra Micbifnn. ■ The bride U •
me City clrl. Iisriv Hxed here all
bn-lifa. They aUrt tfarir Barrird Itfr
with the good wtebea of everybody.
Tbe bride and An»>u lelt by the C. B.
A I. Taeaday morelnA. and after a trip
of a tew weekstrm ^reiMl tbe winter

BfatToa UiTUAb. of tbe Maatos Vibd bf fate wife.
aalnly nt SauU Sle. Marie, wbarr Hr.
r Wrda; to atusd the eatartfalo'
* will look lb tbe JalrreaU of fate
I Ann. aad la the sprinc they will relsra
E. V. LnoewMAX. trrMurerol Utog to Traverse City lo make tbelr peraia'

Kundsy, the parvnt* asked'
see tbelr nun. snd the casket wa*
carried to their bed.ldra. That same
nlAhl. the fslber. Bicbsrd U. Keynulds,
sway, aped fA Hr*. Urynold*
•rat*..n^wh*l belter-BllBA to-eoBBU,
and ta*y recover.

clal capacity a* Stale Analyst, have

Woman's Club
! •
FArlyEBAlishbisloryand lllersture
ba* been ll.e liae of Alhdy in the Wom­
an's Clnb tbte j«ar and tb^rOAVsm on
Friday, in chanre of MniTAAfaesThartell. dealt with I'uriUc llurstare, Hil­
ton and Bunynn. Mr*. Tfaurjell A»ve
I'urltan l.iteratnre.jMlowcd
liaxirf> tolnts'
by bit*. .1. dl. Moore. JA p<
by Mrs. Thurtell on .lohn llnnyan
followMl by quotations froB I'ilAriin't
I'TOATa** by Uisa Lewis Mi*. C. B.
Pockeray then a>vc a lyuopsl* of tfae
pruBlnent evrvito of IsU.V Mr*. tV. It.
Turorr A*ve a paper oo Millrm. followioA whiefa poems were read bv Mrs. S.
C. Itespre/oo Uilum and Mi*. C. J.
Ebner on hit blindnesL “CumBi-by
Ml*. A. W. I'eck concl»d«l tbc pr«AfSB. which w*s of unusnsl dntareat
'and wa* tboeoncbly enjoyed by all

)r!''Krdrie says: ."MrtesU show the'
Uuysl llakiuA I'towder of very superior
IrsrcnioA power and a most commendsblv preparation. It i> a cream of
tarUr powder of tbr blAheal parity.
esnlalnlDA no aliim. lims. ammonia, or

toka lowoablp. wUI be at l“rokop Ky-»
store eeer; datarda; lo rtpoelr*

Traversa City a Haadqnartai*. .
The a M. A. banquet will be bald
The Plsno MfA- Co., of West Fallbb. irthnt City Open hnU: W. B.
man. CtakaAO, bavemadr an important
Ml A«ti Ua*. J. B. Uabub left to- Fietcber will b* tbe roterer. it will
move inaelectinA Tra-errae City as
da; lor SaaU Ve. K. M„ where they ba tbe rreatavant of the Mason. Mam­
transfer nod dlstribatioA point, fur
trtll rielt tbe abtere of Mtm. Hsmlls ba* of tbe saaoclatloa will be ellAlbla
They recoAniie’
tabka. They will be northern MichiA»n.
ier two or three Boatb*.
' ' lucatioi
'of thte city and iu
allowed lo liriBA the ladles. The price
OdD. OI4BOS. wfaoae boBe teat Haafai-ilitk* i
lataa. was caafbt betwaea
all diro-llons. Tbe Serritory wkrs In
unbar of thte ai
ir miffats. Itosda;.
Join—any bnslecm. or all nertbero Micblfan ofwth uf Bred
aad eery badly tolured.
•ienal man. or any one Interust-j City. 0. A. Thacker is tbe Aeovni
It IsjaAeat tor the lervitory.
The liaai
Lay Merc. Co. will be beadqnanet*
IT tbe.bnsineu* here and they, have
le diPipt amney of fonr conaUe*.
aarrtet^jfeie beldoa Tataday.
tirmsd Traverse, lawlanaw. Ilensic and
MUlikeo. preaiSeat. or H. U. Holley, Xutrim.
secretary. abontlU There will be a Bne
Tbte will be a Aveat eonvrnlenre
wbieh was fallowed by as elaborate
' prufram a>md with tbe banq ueu
fanner*, wboesn yelof them any paru
baHiaat asd^aD eeloyable social tlBs.
needed for the different mach
Ha. AXti Maa tVu. 1Iavli> have maay
BvaaToxE te iBTlIad to tbe food tiBe
the Flano make, Instead of tieinA obfriends tiere who trill r*AV*t Bi»rh «>
at tbenratH. B. church to-Bonow.
llAed to send away for them as brretohave them leave Travase City. Mr.
aeaalaf. ttah peadaadapellliMr Batch.
The Ili.UAi n will hare consider­
Baold bas^posedot hlslntaresto in f.ire.
Boob t^eoBdy will be aenred free.
t*>te matter neat week
the BoardmaV^iver Electric LlAht and able to »T

...XpwuKoaBU. the Sl-yearddd loo of

KhL J. B. Msanx. at whose home
Pmt. Bynw t). Klac te belnf
(L. hat IsVtead the dhakapere club
te aaet hla there at thr «

TteATaata Uay Teat Mo. IM. K< O. T.
M. aadTraeerer liay Hire No.'ll. U O.
T. M. win bold a Joist laetaUsUoe of
tl time te anticipated.
. A XEw casdldat* tor club boaon te
Btfazine deb orraaltod thte week
asoor a doteif or Bore Wathiactae
aod Webster street ladle*. The
will auet every two week* apd rerirw
the BafsaiDis of tfae BMmih.
X TwEX-rs eoDples drurc osl lo F<
' Lod(* last ercBlar and enjoyed the
wbola-tostiad hapilallty tor which
Mr. aod Hr*. D. O. Face are tsBo
ddicMfel eeealoewaaapeotlB
tar aad dsflar. wiadlay up with a dey. 0. m-arEE took p

B of the

lb* ateraot W. J. Hohba. the fcrBar
TheroaUaraBl.Ur. rUatlB-

the welfare of the town.

tower Co . and has secured tbe rcapoasible pwltioBof
eat of the MaUey bnlldioA la Retroit.
and it will neoasaiute hi. remoeal
that city. Traverto-City ha. been Mv.
ttauld's boss lor many years, first
employ of Hannah. UyA
rlneer oa their line of aleamerv
than, for naarly tan years, chief enAb
at the asylum, aad later with the
Ulver Co.
re te^better euAlDcer or elretrieal ex^rt
roert in the
atate. aad tbehlAb mlary ptld him in
Detndtnhow* tbat bte abilltirs are reo(«Bla(d. Tbc HnaalJi hope* for him
all the sneeass hcso well deM-rvea.


you waii'a-:monlh or so longer-you
may not $nd just the Wind' you want.
If^'ou dd, it w3I be lio cliea|>cr than
it is now-7-our Januaiy* price-cut has ,

• .Remants of all sorts, kinds and con­
dition's arc- sonctl out and marked to

A. quarter or a third
taken off the primus of .ntiath all Womens Winter Weight I’nilentear.
. Free Uaaqpf in Art
‘‘ Nemllewotk eeaty Tasoday
and Friday at atoll A B.





,-.Xs'-S,‘'S.X':te''S One line,

th andcBIclencyas
a leateninAl
alreadr wi
aArnl, will add to the already,
I»npular«y of this well-known Irtlc

SB Emily White's marrellom enem of runs nod IrtlU net tbe sndlwild.-.Vor Fori iroefd.


about three dozen
pairs Men^ Haayy CasSixnere goods retailing
at $3.00—and cheap at
that .



I Buvs a “warranted” swell-body cutter, trim- ^
: me{d in ra'w silk or mouquette. This is cer- ^

a anperb.—Siirm.- t
Mint tirraldine Morvan's performance
l nlAhl did not dimioteb her repuuB. .She threw i Areat deal of *n-tbuslaam
islaam and spirit into -ber plsyinAasd .waa racalled a Awat ““F lime*.—
•■Vnr 1'
rb School Leetnre Coarse at Stein' lllAbScL
lie^tCrsDd Monday. Jan. :u»ve tbc syeocy for the Alnham*
and.' UerelopmeniCo for b aud
-m*. Leelanaw aad Uenrie conoranted.
Snbac*nto wante' R. n. Albix.


A li*n*v

The patrons aid school in DisU So.
. tiarfield lowbthip. dralir tbrooAb
be Ukkslii
EHsLii to acknowledfs
arknowledfa wiib
thank* the beantirnlly framed pletare
aninEum. preMBieo
' Wasblnvum.
preMBled ui
to uem
them by
lollry A BilllnAs- for oorh exhibited
t tbe county fair in l*kk.
r Mataa for Soutbats tottlcn.
uencBt of intendlnA Mtt
roi WeslMldbiAaa B'y
, on the first Tuaaday of •
_______ il farther ootloe. nt rerj low
srions pointn In th^ Xmlber
*. to various


‘n>ere was s fully attended meetioA
of tbe trustee* of the Uraod Traverse
Airricn'rtuTsI sad ^dostrial Society
pceli^mry work foi
Joba White, A. F. Oray. tii
Steward. S. Fnllrr and Mrs. O. F Car-

Ate MU«a r^lA«ay«< w 4hAiM

fore that time. Perhaps you will. If-

tbkt Ifar bakiny powder in IsrAcst nsr]
in this i-omniBOily wn* ascertained by
tliese exbnustive analyste to be Uirl
best and purest and of must wbolesuiBe,

Th* AArtnultural B

vet were app.<>Bled commUtee oB revteVn of the premium list. It was de
cided to^t on sale at once eerUfleate*
calknr foe membership or family lickels. these ecrtificsles to be handled by
tbe dlstncl seboote in thte aod nelAhboriBA conoUr*. aod also by olbeiu
n tbr wrifare of tbe society.
. The pUn te to sell, early In tbe----------■'cinha.! a larAe nomlwr uf ybsse ceniflgstea.
vention of f
at I'hlUdelphla. ian. 3. John1 E'j which, oa preaeatMfiS.wllI c«Utle tbe
Ltotner was the daleAale from tbe honor all enl-,
leanitymeswillapprecUU. Mr, Laul- ellThteem tottaefair.'tbn»Ab all four
laarteayoanA man of whom northern I Tbe fwice wUl he II and'^ lu
•aim of ee
tbe'Brst day
lair. Childree. ia the district
well as others, will be aaschool,
the cnrrAy ^ bestinA,
expfcte^ a
down of tbe manyobslscled
manym the way.'
larAe sale will be made. Seervtary E.
Ull he has.aqr
>• qaaliUe. which O. Ladd WiU Aivr all oeaded inlormaa* to plan of sale and bow te
in s^ rocation he
may alaet to follow. Hf te abont to-' cure tha


people will wear thdK out long be­

•"Boy*J " Brand.
The seeere cheBicnl tmU to whpb
tl>e 'various baklnfl powder* of tbe
public io
crinilunte belwcrn-the A<»*i *Bd the

"of^hl: MiXi^j

bare' Monday Bi(bt in the
Lecture Conns. Iltolr Beril ha* come
and FTaryuae know* that
Ihli apDcwn win be the musical eeeul
- -e winter. Hr. and Htes HorAan
hrurita pupil* of Juachira.
.1. aud tbe besBtIfal

People have to wear heavj- uotler*


offal* brwn sod county, and will be
latest of tlusi
Arrslly Bi«*«d. The seed father and - pp^f a. C. Kedile. c- - —
Botberuf Mr. Ileynolds were very /ick 1 AjrrieultBral Collvfrr.
Collrpr. are the eucsl Im-,
of. Ked*ie'*e«t»*slvework
at thr samr time. <if tlie.aamr diseasr. {

OoetoBUofTi-dayVHarild. '


war till away along in May. ^ionte

rdactesi. • • ■

Oar SteTiogs Department

: tai^y the ^eatest bargain ever offered in 3


; cu|;ters.

Another line
over t^o dozen !
pairs of Hen's Heavy
Worsteds—retailing at f
$3.60—neat patterns.



mail WtitfaiHrCiM

.V.^aw,Pnrli■«: tewaa■



: iuys a two-seated Portland outfit. All the 3
: above are “clipped kneed” and weU made-3
Come z

vhile they last.


Hamilton ^


: 'Warranted first-cliws in eVery way.

MserM/rr. nriTcguTt


Buys a Portland Cutter, broadcloth trimming, 3

For a starter
Our invento^ re*
r^als'many articles in
stock which we are
going to offer buyere
at wholesale prices to
close—the above lines
of pants are nowplaced
sale — choice for
$2.39. Examine them,
you will find they speak
for themselves.




A B«rT7|«rtro(OaodTraiplw>. of

Wa. U- OuMr WH
IrrcBinr. J»n. JUb. Tl«-|«rty «n^V
Hn. A- R- CAft« h>» nlonad to W. .A of the
norm Tboobmid. EaU |
hanm IB CbBrleroU.
MmrriD. Mmbel ItroirB mod Cmrrle <rNeU ^
Hi. baA Mrm, OUrer UaUrr w«il to .tiA MMrm. WiB «obl. mod Virfil
nmmkbrt TbBimdBy.
InIdBpabUc IwtollAtlra B4 to leaded,;

of dlphtireria.
lire lllUe brother,
jooafw. to U1 irith the eanc dtoeaw.

Hoery Itroov of UUto llei* eialM faia
pmraBU Taeaday.
n-Ulton baird of Ulabd rUltod ml
Hr. WilltoiBKSia Suaday.
The ouocert at the cborch • IVlday
Ofantof oaa qaile a auuceaa '
Latum WllltoouoB left Friday mortiiBf ter Traretme City blyh aebool.
Hr. Benianrio ealled oa frieode aort
•Obooto l> Ula elclolty. laat week.




The people for the prewar


The vtoter tena of mBooI opesed o
UdBday, Ju. dth. i-reaeotmttendjui.
riiffr aed Suoii». of timearmcVlty, made a boalBcea,c»ll beraoae
dav toat meek.

iwilh yoort iotdreat
ditendod aadjw
ilcT. i\ W.lll
^tt<;edad Ui<r\vralyleB quarterly
iny here at Fife January I'Jlh and
The Datra acb^ baa joal reertred
twraiy-tour eolomra. the ploarar biatuiy of Mirbiyaa. A Vary ralaable me•{BUitiue fnioi tbr alaJr departmeatT',
The araaion of ineeUDfra hrIU herd
were roa<-lndnd witb the flrat quartori)
■aeriloy of the year held Jan. Imb asfi
Elder llolea. rf the 1.'. B. omi,»t-

raa 'A
Jaa.U. ,
a dlaot^tla- arraUiUremrueUnito.
The Feacii F. U. bi
KopT Xickermoo 1a kidi.
Ur. aadl^Him. Uatoy etollod at A. a
O^tma Broa ai
Edith Webator to atteadiny abheol to
g. r. Cook and eon Cbarlea are workb^atUeod Harbor.
Thayoany lady, ufOdar atjf.whu
tenaditall the way from alttt place
(Ico. M.'tVrthf fialtod the StokeraoB
bna. Kew Vear-a nlybu aloar. to at
' loadadaBca.aBybltobaraa pritefur achrol toat tVMaeaday.
Mr. aed Ura. lAJto Brett,Tiaited at
There are Pxarnhre panJeaemmp- TrarerarOily laat Satarday.
tof eat oa Carp Uakm One HahenaanItomey ilrewater and Frank Nlakerhiroka Ihrpoyb the ice and wunld . hare
ie are eattloy loya fur Wn. tiray.
ditnrard had be aot bern a yood awimMlaa Kelly baa flelahtd'her
Mr. After two unaoeecBaful attompto third terra of adbool li^be .VIckr
thay aaooredrd la rearuioy him.
Three load* of ladlea froo Kinyalry
Mtieoded tbu Aid toat Tbereday at Ura.
Oar tttooolcaaeomrlwaalof a youd


load alteaded the Kith wedUtomry. \
iveraary uf Ur. lad Ura-^Cite'
8oow wai pretty
the tottor paid
mleyt. of Uranl. toat Taeaday erealoy
•f tb* WMk tif haallM loya
Deaato Wblt^. «Maple tity. to
arorhlbf foe Jo\a Kildy here.
P. ttoraea to eaiilu a v>a” t**ch of
tlBb« oa II. P. FUSr'a fftoce.
\ of <h..d
thaj llaebor.
■W. Jr^
Tidied with Alb
jilra. Sijipans retamed fruin Waltoo
■ quitakid
rialurda} aifhb where atie haa been
Itoran' tea
laa brea quite nlld Tlaltloy.
Tbdrewin 'beapeUlay a..bool at Ue
.^ It to
lleitaer aebuB bouao erery Wednaaday
UlKorUand Barbor baa taken evraloy.
Mr. and Urm llmrrey bare raored to
tbo}ob^ If to-honbery'a llo>b>.i
Mayfleld. where they will malie tbolr
oa tbe »eCoB
hmoclbla winter.
JTbe tollowlsir oftioera for Ihr eeauIny year of SIlybt'a tent. K. <1. T. U..
were ele.-tr«i at their toat mcwtltiy:
1^. t. iShilUay to oa tbe aluk ItoV
Com.-U U. Vanliew. '
T. Tledall to bow oe tbe yali
l.ieut.—Mr. tbimlw.
H K.-J M. Robbliia.
Hn. M. W. tVooda baa retnraerl froui
F. K.—C. T t'edrfmune. ’ '
rbap.—ti. T-Abbott.
I'hya—Dr. Martto.
Serf.—\V. (iiiinn.
N. at A —It. ^N<
Htoa Uaeto tospewliBy a frtr daya
fat U. of <> -Otto Ibae
wliS Him. Bhtolvat Ceoar Ran.
Sod H. r.f li.—V. Filbianu
H. Kolylrr to apeBdlny a tew daya
Sent.—ll linnii'is.
Ihokel—II Y. Ikul.

*riU hta daeybtor. Urm. Jaekaoa.
Traamime City.
Htoa Buna Riehardaoa >aa rrlnmed
ah* haa br>«
• illlica mretioynf a tempte
>er ^Bd.
y tnymntoaiiuu of the Batem Literary
riely. mt tbr llaica aehool huuae.
‘Toimday eerolo'y. Jan.
On Bnry Ian Thanday
Bant urymalialluo lo be effeetod In the
trroa U and to ymraU were
Btm/ future.
th* yoaay people ealoylsy
pruyrmm fur the erenlny b
yaaM awl theci alldlny down hill-after
vhlafa a top mapper wma aerred. All
1. Uoalc.
appal a avy eajuyable reealoy. th* old
ilaviialion by Lena Orren. .
•a Well aa the yoaay peopla.
S. A bioyrapby by Fnnk liUlett.
4. tkioy by Addle Criap aad Uria

Tk* ■ Praobjtvlu


Hr. Pttd HOler. o( lnto>. DL. wrttoa
bathe bad a See.** KAcy troable
for Bway ynara. with aoretm path* to
hlaha^asd atoottathb btodtelraa
aCaetfd.. Be tried May w> tmlleKaCM.
aey oaaea bat wtthoat any food malu
Ataost a year ayx> be berao tbe oae of
Elaetrie Uttera aad foaad relief at
Bectrie Bitten to capecially
adapted to can of all Kidney aad Ueer
-- ibicaaad often yirea aUaomi bvtaat
ak ttae trial rrill proreoor auteBrab PrkemlyMc.' AtJ. <i. Jobawai'a aad S. E. Mait'a Dray Storoa. • I

DoaMf i

The Idwl Panacea.
' '
Hr. BBd Hto-Jobs Suhondioreto
Baa. L. Pimarto'Aldermaa. Cblcayo. ^
TrBTCrae Citj ton SBUird«y.
: -1 reyard Hr. Klof'a New l>to. :
Hr. ttoei. irhD hae bees BtaaeBl c
eoeery aa an Ideal l*aaaeem for Cooyba. \
ml wMkA. retunrod toU Thormdmy.
Colda apd Laoy tWplalau. bariay;
Yhe LmdWm' BeneBl eoclelT »U1 B*et naed It ia, my family f.w tbe toat .8rri
yean, to tbe eu-la<ioB of pb.raiotoa-a h
•Ith Hr>. N'mte Itotmma ae«t Friday..
nr other prenaralioBa."
- - —— — ■
— • ; A ^pbopbuee tBiertaioiorBt took prracripflona
Bee Joha Baryui. Keokuk. lowa. <
H-oori ibeolty^toVmmoo^p^^ the w-B haU toat Tl,o..d.y writea. "I have bees a.Hiatoter of the '
bwatoeaa toat Friday.
Metbodtot Kptouiqinl narub fur ^u.

Peorye Duoaldaon. of Trmeeno City,
I goomrd <iiil to at UIH'e n«r coaoBet- yemn or mere, aad hare perer' foaad :
anrthlny ao heaeerlal. or that ymre mr i
rma la b>«B laat Tbonday.
a dorlay hto each apeedy relirl aa Dr. Kiny'a New
tag WilW pliVa
Wllbnr Frmtt, of Almltm. sadoa etoil
aUeBee lo Flurida.
Waourery.- Try Ihia IdealCouyh rrm-1
at J. H Ormy a Satarday aad Sa^y.
Tbe meetlnya beld durtoy tbe rre^ rdy BOW Trial at !• K ' --------------^

WalCa aa)l J. C. J.ihnaos'a ttruy .Storee. .
of prayer were well altuaded aod will
alybt aad atooaeretal of oor imple
will be ooBlIaped the eftaent week.
Bmehma'a Araioa Salra'
Tbe Ladiea' Aid aociely of the CoeTax Bast BaLva tn the wqrlA tot
Cota. Bmiaea. Sorea. Clwra. Salt
and wife, of ^ar. were ynwtp at L. Tj,,^y
,;,h-Hra. K A IWioller.
lay Willi
Rheum. Fever Snrrm. TetU-r, Chapped
UaBabm a SunSay.
„...F.E. tvhitmaii and wife.'Bn. Uaadi. Cbilblaiaa. Coma, and all sVin
Darwin Frmtt. of Fnakforb U back
W- Uarlbolaod iife’-and -Ur. aad Wre.
here ayala drirhiy team for J. ll.fUny'
Witlaker dtbed laat \Ve<to«wlay aritb
t^ teat of thr winter.
Ur.and Ura. tlearyticotb' .
‘Mr. and Miv Wynkoop went Lake
i^iaeof obr wbolr-bearted eil
Add ttotonUy ereatoy lo elail Mr.
who like to aeeotbrre en>oy Ihi
fartablrtblayauf lifeaa arell aa themUr. Hclobiata. of Uaatovee. a acaler
arlrm. prraeated lire. F. K. 'tVhittten
>r Barklry A- Ilonylaa I.amber tto..
wltb^flae ileiyh rube la*t batoMay.
iiardlDy at tbe Traneleat llonae.
Arm. R. A. Campbell drore
Frank Atklaaoo fell.aod dialoeat
to Trarerme Cilv laat Wedaemday. their
hU wrtot laat Satarday.^ Dr. Sbillldi
object point belay I'etomkey and'lalerr Lake Add. waa'balled aad replac'
reriiuy puintm. where they may deaire
to etoil. ' They will be atamrnt tpu
« arm* beld
wreka or more.
r cbapci I
Tbe Iwdlf*' AM auclely met with
Mra. C. lirmina&i laat Tbnrmday aad
from other Bcboole.
elected the tullowiny uffioon for the
UeadCDblll and T. BremeF. of
ebaolay year: l*rem., Hra. O. C. flaaSayinaw aad Km. Armatroot. of Tn*aom: Vice Frea.. Hra. E. F. Itome; See..
erae City, atopped
Unm'J. Ilayoaai-Trepa.. Mra. C.'Hraw toat UoBday aiybb
C. Lett.
ttor'7-Htewmrt MiUa.

aBd*Ci?e"TfOrfarewtunt* M*r

rhurcli wUl meet Bent


tiraodma Cartia. Who reAidn,,wHh
her dauylilrr. Hra. A. ilaraim. la enjoya UaDfortoaow tn iByariaitUjth her three ansa, one of
.ael H<
• trmwB.
^oa. Mild'cnrlto. of' Maaun t ity. la..
Hart Leak to aad wife'hare Bared
4bi haa out area Iwfore in fdrtr yrara
Cedar City.
' l^by hto
Htoa Uiaaie Burke to now attoadtoy
k and liarecy. of 1
fhool la Trartirae
The ImdiraAid
Urm. MalBtnmb Tburaday.
flydr Uibto baa rctaraed from Cedar
F.'Nrl-*. ’
N. ti -FM iluenaiiver.
ity where he weal aoBe time ayo.
V.ti -tluat. Barth.
led yntorda.a'ranrb
Theaaw ovl> opebad
Sec y—iTm. Thomaa.
to the plesanre of than it
Fer, Siv'T—.S. C. Gartbe
Trraa-fl E. Gill.
It. S. of N.G -Chaa. W.
L. S ,rfS. G.- Amui Bartlett.
\Varc!en-S W I'.irter.
Bee. Hr. WatklBa dld'act premh
I 'a»ayc. .
hrre snnday oa aeoonat of A faaeral Is
k. S. S.-Jmi.e» Kehl:
L. N. H.—f- Seeliy.
k. S. of V G.—Inin P
w and family hare a
L. F. of V. G.into the former remldeacc of







' Of Dry Goods will be extended to FEBRUAEY 1st We wiU sell
goods in our store at what they cost us. or less. Mind you
get them at tbe wholesale price.'and we buy our goods as cheap
as anymaerchant in the city. No such values or bargains liaye i
you been able to get heretofore.
- t•
1 Silks and DressISoods. Table Linens and Napkins,
Wool and Outing Flannels, Towels and Napkina
* ■ .Bed Spirals and Napkins.-Comfofts and Cotton Bats,.

‘ Chenille and Lace Curtains. Cloaks, Furs, Etc.
I Below we give you ah Illustration of the way goods are sold' at
wholesale prices:
$1.25 Table Linen .
j 60c Table Linen...........
' 26c'Table Lioen...........
20c Table Linens. ........
10c Toweling....................
' 6c Toweling......................
25c all Linen Towels ..
16c Large Towels..........
$3.00 Bed Spreads........
$2.00 Bed Spreads..........
$1.20 Bed Spreads..........
60c Gray Blankets..........
$1.00 Gray Blankets......

This list represents-only a small portion of the many bar*
.gains waiting for you. Remember every article in tbe store
goes at the same ratio.
Sale closer positively February !. 1896. - r ,

Ulta Sarah liordon of (toekema vialtSchool R^rt.
ted frlFoda here and la Trmi
Krpurt of Old MimmioB primary a-'hobl
laat week.
furtouMlhendtof Jan. lu. DW,.
Herbert tSIbba and wife riailod her
Total BBinher of itoym lau^L lb.
ppreota. Mr. and Mia. Cmlur. BaUrday
T.-tal cniWmchularmnarollTd, 3i. Toand Sunday.
Ul number darm attondanCF.. r-t'.i',.
Mr. Cblirrhlll cluaed hto aehool here a
Avvrmyc dally aUrndan.*
rouple of areekt aynaod la now loBcfanot abarol. IC.
Tbr foliuwiny havr
Iny la.or near Oaekema.
lirr tartly o»r aWat: Jnisrm
Mtoa MionI* Yooker aad JidiB Ream
larry llulmem, Ftorl Umb.-u.-k.
hr MaocaMary Itoylry. Fanniv Swanry. Hattie
week ayo
Swaney. lir».ir htonv, Ilotli Slllto.aod
toat Wwlne-day eveolBy.
Mabrl F-ranVIin.
TDe Imdiea Aid aiwlely ofAbti place,
I.i/rli; FTiA.1., icHottn <u a greol /amtig
aeatoled by tbe Uonrae CeBtrr Band.
^ I rfmrtig and ttlierar of dcAr*
Wljl yire an eatertalnmenl mad aoctol
in Ihr^. O. T. M. ball Tburaday ereoand yMlIna.
/f f* tfrannfxg,
toy. Dec Ifi. and a plaaaol lime to aohaating, and antitepllr. ilatr,
Dnriny the huIldayaaeTrral.weddinyi
look place.
Frank Sawyer of thto
place aod Mica UatUeNlckutouf Eaat
Silver lake were marrtfd at the home
of the yrooo'a mtoler. Hra Ida Uoi
AImi Lincoln Jr Wei of Shercamn aad Ulma
Edub IViyhtmao ofTdonroc Cea^
wen maiTlrd at tbe reaideace of-Mr.
^ Itooa, hrallhy wholrtnmnMm wiD j
ilrea of Grawa. Aolb couple bare tbe make even a homrly lac* allractive.
beat wl*l.ea of friepda aod kindred
Tiirrr are many fraaoui mbwwvumem I
ihouVi take rarr to be bealthy: .One !
Canuilte madt only by POND'S tXTPACT CO.. 76 FKih A.m.;-. New Ti k
follow them ihioayb Hie.
TTO'-ttridif: reaaon u that bcmuly^and ]
plnew are «*rv aeldocn fabnd toy'rlHar.
and nTeciallr
■-•mnallv the
Ihr kind pcTuIiaK
Turulto* '
nvn~maVn (K* eomplrsKm
e* dull and aunken. the niaantt
■ 111* itilell
ihto condition caa be atLpoii Htoby to worktog for
I’enana! b(v
pcarance cruinta for muyto liut comfort
J. H. XsAh lost s ttro-yaar^iM solt ' as»unutoc.'mmore. Whal'athecwiJ
l»t week.
«( Beim: if one cannot enjoy anyTliingf
Rev. UourrhaaaoldhM bocmet^Ur. If bcMTvtoe* ami backache* aad drag.

All the world over

a few I'ur Hohcto and (7oat.s which I. will close oDt ]
al i;reat'} rtihictt! jirictti.




a apoadtoyAayaat Trmeeno Uty.
Lwt Banday dnftodap tka roada, tM
■dfhteallllflmetoaa. ’
Htoa' Kate HUer of -fYaTeear dty
«w the yneet of Ura. M ill Miller.
Hr. and Ura: Edward Waldree Karo
ntaraad fran Bb Jobsa after • werk>
, *to»b
ThWm waa a leap year pany at Ur.
aad Hia. Alfred I’orlrr'a yolleo op by
■totto Mlaer and Ixvriua furUr.
Mr and Urm. SuAn While of Solon
Hra. B. H. Walker haa returned hovA
]ir, Ihrteehaaaaed the “Frewrijilioa''
etoited at Dan Seutl'a toat Thursday.
frott BsSaln where ahr haa been e»il- arf»m'of?~i«Te4»ac*.
I bit practice tos thirty yeari with unMim. Trrmato to a little bettrral Into
bit ber danytairr. Hra.; Van Aradalr.
AIm« l^don baa ruiarard
.T* aod 300 illoattiumu) tmllea by
hat ia aUll to a crlUeal oondiTherm wai adaarto^ party ml Hi
n nititled '‘Tbr Fe.q>lr't
' a»A Hra Krmak /.oalek'a lialBrtla
trill be arm akiiL'
Mtu la-m. Smith to riaklog frienda
rccript: of *1
il ceuta iB'anr<enl
day fori the Ural time aloee tbe
]i*v j.wlajte and BTajiplng - o«^.
M.dtonrblto aod
trims Vi’.iKUi'l. lV.i.rv..ev Mnumi
't ruB by ele^irlty •* atrau. bat it dfXfvc to Acmr F-rhlay.
, -K.'l»TIOS, Uufl.l.L N V.
^ Oaddic'ltenT* lotM a aancwful
aatBacwalonableU lidureteke B
Mr. and Mra T. R. Willlama bare
rm uf acbool at MlllVa 11 Hi toat FriMie toliraad Bapida.
ii.ll la-mia left U.HKlayiDerDiay for
Liaday to attend Ue Hlllera' AaaoclMr. WilUaon i* agala aeea on <
Chariea EdwnnU haa(on*to the .:
11. R
Hra. Itocer iaaatbe aieh Itot, atoe a trw
a*nBnS.laf f
mnU .wt
• Him. Jaa. Wtddto.
Waller Laavell to bua» from Ortott’ Thr M. E Ksaday ariiool elected
Moore goc* lo
mhen be waa working.
^flcen Inr tbr eanalngynar toat Wedi
hto wife will apead -the winter with
Wai Gartoad. of TraretmeCIly. apeal day rvealng.
Uer parcatn.
ItoBdsy at Sober* Gartoad'a
j Niw Martha IhMriag retomed to
There will to\*l» ejlcrtatoi
John Kelly of Trmvmie city la apead- 'trr>li Tomday where itoe to atwadlag
ll^e Friu i^ool VJic*oM wee
. bomlaen* culloge,
am Friday ceealng.
Haspa are prevalut ia this b>raltty' 'The train was bang ap on a maow
TbeJoBtor Eedemeoi'topic for neat BBd aabool will U eloakd tbtoVeek to drift f-e aU»l three boura Sunday atDtot.Ka.r
;imnoa between brreand Angrll.
Bdward aad Bim«r Brown. o< Maple-’. The Beal numhiT id Che Uigb Sebonl
tea. jomed th*].O.G. T. mt thia plmiy Uwtore C.Mime will bemc.mcM'l iiy'the
’ U_0- U'Li,. .... l^a
iBUmay crralng.
WhiteCu-Satarday. Jaa. laui.

Sella giKMl* to null the liarj timo.


ClemTl*..rk........................... i..

. . t.

Thsaoetol allheebareb Friday eeea-1 The Lady Maneabeeagaec a banquet ',,^
n decided anennea. Unaactotly Thuimday rvealng at the K. 0. T. M.
Bad evairy other way.
ball to hoeor od Him. ChaSee of BelD
Time* are getting li.
Harry Hlllpr. Claude Fiaoh aad Itorid ' Min.
KaUywMt to Fife lAkr torn week lookO. Roblaaoa. clerk at the IAm CoV
nd tbal

lUneaa meeliag a

Trr.7trT'w' H ttorfc
Twaaawf WBISeet

of tbe tea.


, JOHN T. BI';.\DLR,

» C:tir Pntt atl Cui Straata.

TrsTSFM (jity. IClcUgma.

At cost.,—-

Try it.

226 Front Street.
:ef. !'


Travr-pfe City. MiLlii.-.-tiu

i niusi dose out my !ine<of Heaters in order io,‘make
rofftn'for .spring ifoofis. Do not fail to look them over
if in want of a Heater.

: ,
i.j<. Front Strci.-t.

: : W.J. HOBBS,
Traverse City. Mich.,

S:: Do you need


a bedroom supte? '


They are, so cheap that the price don’t cui any,
fi«ure. The only point to hesitaic on is whetlifcr
you need 6ne—il so we havf jlorty-five desijvns
y~- from the cheapest up to the I»kt. ' Call in and
look theth over at the new fi^itune store. uS
and 130 Front Street, TraversJcily.

Successor to Paine's Cashlpurniture Store- 1^X1—




We will be entcrutoad btrrafter or-jr





A ;;<kn1 line of lilankcts at very low prices.
A 1‘ii odd sizts (ilovc-sand Mittcnsalhalf price. |



. KsUy. Tople.-8eerct«lalcoagll«-.> maioarily or mmI-ooea.luBalIy by th*
badm rHGtota. TbeCE althUptooa -AcoliaL QaartriU- »bo hare tahsa,
iitattlaf tobeaalreaghady.
^np ^^roUas**



»♦'“*5. Bamay by Ura. Ubbie VIntoBi.
b. Ihper uu “MaoroF Uuctrlne'' by
Fpy f
Sow Vf Hn- Ubbie Viatoa and ^ iia Entmt wsa oa th* rick Hal a few
daya last week.
a. ReadlBP by Ubbie Olhaim.
Mr. Uabn-a pMiple hUendM chareh
h. Dtocuaii^.
1 HniM Handay.
I'naona! coorfort aad a coniideiation
.*Tbat a liar to more drtfiUWill Kitchen to bmollnrkva toCedar tor Uie fecUnKa of otbera arc two of
lay ■<> mociely than a hlyhway robber.
^^^neentivea to
AArmailve—E. s. Jnoee. CiaiTOce
.Scott to at wvk in TrkTWp*
If tiie illana li I
Fob. Jiuld Wbltaos; Katpb E.tea.
with the purelv feminine oeganxm ■
r-rank Namh aad wifr rtoited at Eai- the chance* arc Im lo nrx; that ll it)
Favorite lYctcriptMO trill'

r aeml Sundey rvealng
^ CbrMtoa Emdenrur will be llellc

12c Outing Flannel............ ,8^^c
7c Outing Flannel.......... 5.
6c Outipg Flannel............... 4**0
60c Ladies’ Underwear.... S9c
75c Lhdies' Underwear.... 86c
26c Ladies’ Hose................ I9c
I^Oc Ladies’ Hose................ 16c
16c Window Shades.........., 10c
16c Window Shades.......... 11c
$1.25 KidGloves................ 69c
$1.00 Ladies'Corsets........ 69o
10c Lonsdale Cotton......... 7V>c
Bleaclied & Brown Cottons 4'*c


‘ Oxydonor ^
Self Treatment
.t wux Oowt-v-ou tn •xa.oo.c
I had been aalteritig f': ■yean with a cumplicatiM of diaaaaaa, aadi^ orith
l-armlyhi.. At tin- tkio of a friend,
friend. 1 1triad ^ Gaydonor.
pad knvm
erivert *ocb beOefll from i
i dcairc to arge my frtoa^ aad a.
arr aulIeTlar from any diacaaa. •to trythUto--------------At the rrqiurluf Ur. BmOdke. ■ aav«
on baad for that Parpw. A boik with
mroL lo a late letter
leUcr Dr. flaochr
aaya: -Flasnc
Floane laatract all wbdtt
wbott yos
prrmnade togarc)
:kaBe att laatrameet. to getthaaot
1 of yoa.
yum. aait
a* it weald
weald ba
b* aaalar to
e thcamoaat ofMceBataga da* yoa for may win pMia

«Kk B. LKTaMT.

gmt». r<«r»p)v
h»n • Um U»tUM c«t (or » pet
Yoar frlMd.

. in-ottP! MlM.Pt.
OtiM Um. tllTB»--l Uua^t I ITMlU
wriM M lb* Bk*au> m I hat« amr
writws twfon. r fo to acbnei tnrj
^7 I «UL I am li) Um alxlh r»d«
!bM^ BUM b Ur. YBlrbu>)«t-

B>7 letUi- >• C«uli>r loar
•Bcmcti for tbU Use. to i «MI etam b;
•JralBc m7s»m.BBd«4tB.
Bl*i»b L. Wwis.

vaW wbo live la Pettakey. and .Uyvd
all day. Webad a aba time. I ooaaV
ed dowe bill with aomv UtUe pirU that
ct door to aaaUc'. la Uc af•aatie ptaywl oa U
eanp I am uyiap
Cbriatmaa pnaaala. bat I daeT
time bemaae Ibe baby b .kk
BOW and 1 man help aiamma all I <sa.
Oraadma Btewart livce wiib at aad
■be I. almoat aa Inralid. Tbe II ujru>
b praadiaa-i papw. bat we childrea
borrow it to read all tbe atorie. aad
ietwnlalv Mamma aad papa like to
r«Ml it M. WUblapyoa.aUa-lUppy
ChrbUBM I think I will cloaa to tbb
Yodr iDvIap friend.

tb:aa Mm: t>ATva—I tboapbt I would
riU a abort iMter to thf Hrwai.D. I
have erritun but imee beforv. 1 am
W. We have Bve abvep.
b mine. They fellow
eld. We hare dz fared

Oar LiMt* l^Miar Witic

1 hao. C

ForpM*i bare• bl.

«t aad pem- ' I am mj pa-, petUUIe

I ttaouptaUwon
Uiok lUi
n tbe tie
e myiatelMW.
loop time .iaoe 1
re aeven
pc.rnr.tianL We bare
o( iHduwl IbU year. It brpaa tbe inh
bepteiaber. 1 bare tuiurd foanAay.
My Iwber'. aaeie b Mu. lc>ra Prlcka Hip lUpId.
My -brother
tobud awhile; hr doe. am
like topo. 1 h.Tolwo brolhere .at
tater. Oar .i-ter will Ice eipbl
lib. old tbe mbof thbmoBlh: hei

u b Bei
pood, bbe hardly ever ctim.
efim ,tibr hi
pot two teeth.
Ma aad
d I pa^ed S’
1 am at. my
llaaa EMToa—I tbuapbt 1 woald
lid Ukedo luve
write a tetter to lb* llabaui aa 1 Itare
before. I tboupbl tCt-4
woald betmaw my .later wroU. 1 hayr
Ik one
iBd I pul all 1 a
preat fan alidtap down bill; we baeela
Alward very
bip bill ripbl ia froot of uer boow a^
-Icue tor tbb time aad if
boy. po to Ibe Bryfb.y.y onch. 1 tb^oe. not r*m.-li the wa»U batket I
I bsd-tbe Imye-fStl-oir'aomFtlBN^
MUI wriu apala. WbbUp you a Merry
. boyr maSe a .obw fort ynlerdaV
briatma. and a Happy New Year.
•ad we bad lob of fan.
from.your friead,
dulUr dram aad I beloep to tbe <1.
______ IUKTl.r:tT.
E. baod. I ma pUy qaiU pood.
>'<*1ll l'»ll». Her-1MMi
polnp to bare a Cbrl>tmaf tre<
Hbab Enm.K-Cbri.Una. b
eebool aad we are pidap b
to bare a
ow aad we all feel happy. M e are
prawBb OB it. tVeU I |

J)aaa Maa Barae-I am a little pl>J
■ea Toora eld, '
____ r for ma. aio wroU eome time
•CD. lptotadw-aepaB.yblo.wit OB
Ckftetm. day. For preaeai* I pot a
•at cf diabM. eaady. aaU aaTimiM-n.
par pate I bare twMt liltJr rtaler tarn
Yoor* truly.
Idota Mt-KoL

M tor Ibb time.
From year fr

Dbab Maa B.TO--1 am a little boy
«ee yean i4d aad I wUI bare my aietor
wrUe far am. 1 bare a alee little pap­
py my Cade ddib ewt me from UnloD
aty. I wOBdrr if BaaU CUoa will
iri^mcaatodforObrbtmaa Myaa•to wlU^wa*eaBleend>eto pot es
ama Wall t wUI oload tor tbb tlma.
Uaxat (laarial.
tUyle CIlrlMlet, Dm. IO. UM.
Dkab KDnr>B-We de all polap to
•ctaoLaad Ilk* oar tmteiier eery well.'

iood bye.
niB Jou^ M'lTaoil. I feel kind o

tbe laumlof writiaptoyoa
you bob I am prtUap ab>oit «
I po to tobooK-verv day and wbi n
ly, weather papa drive, m
1. 1 do aol like to mim a da;
.the third prwdr.c My teacher;,
b Mb. Floftaee B-Vrioa'. 1 like
her very much. -W'rll Chri.tmm. b here
%e arc foipp to bare a ChrbI
treeifor oarMlee*. Age lu yeaiv

Ape II yean.

pea ee« Mw; tbeir aame. are Ada.
AaaetU aad Cbarley. 1 wleb you
weald tell Saala CUm to come and we
M aad we wUI be awfallr poed.
CTWU.a Mar Fbuilii.

Buy yoiir-land plaster now. while the sleighing ,U good.
We have a carload. lhatis;lin^_gi;ound. in good bag!V>\
aiiclose itrices. norl>eW*cost
to it. You.
will save too per cent, if you will mix jiur |>aris green
aiMi land plaster now for fiiiurc use. ,You sec every •
paciide will aturditeianil will Ih; effectual. The longer
H mixed the belter. It is so much easier to get the
plaster home on sleighs than on wagons. Wc have a’
gtkxl supply of 1>oth.

and fucr bqnn dad a coll t
like to b*d tbe bortwe to water. I po
t^aebned. I r^ ia tbr Momd revler.
My tMcber-a name u Jaaua Uriffia. 1
•a my brotben are polap*
to write

Da*B Mm. HaTao-Tbl. Ie*tbe tblrd
Ub^ bare wrluen to tae
b^>d bopa I
will kereepood time to-mono*. Ma
we wanlds'l pet aoptbiop for
Cbrulraoe. bat after all wr pt/t a nire
np Cod aaaecr btah eeaDke blB. rlbWe eapect to po ep to l ocle-. toiW. Keayweek i* acfaool ipaisi;
UU tbe aecned'wdrk of rmcatloo. tVe
had a CBriatma. tree la oar Mbool room
the lutdapotKbaol. I r>«M 1 will
ioelOM. From yoar friend.

A word
to farmers.



Veiy ir

Corner Front and Oass Sts., Traverse City.
------------ -----------------------1



. Coedt. /imm'i-nuaa. .She b.i
tern tobolar. ip her aebool. uiiMv.pbfii
aad four Uiy». I b'aveabonl two mile,
to podotohooJ. I,M tbirtrea year.
lAl. aodlbaveoaV brulbcr aad
.bun who po to M.-hoal.

:mms£ss, l(krriages,Buggies,Cutters,Sleighs

linelda Kbooi bouM aad an enter-.
ameatCbruimaacve; I po to M.-bool
;• Mht. lUrrA-Iamaliltle pirr
iry day nad my.UdinBre,
£ie yean oli I eaa pare poUtoe..
.peiliop. nmdinp, wrilinp, peeyraphy
' i
VkUi ribhe. tod ^wwp (he
aifd I
1 have tn-o mile, lu
am leaninp to knlL For pqU I bare
pu.toKbuul uid the Mion U veo'
twoimu. I po to SoDiiay rcli.Hil. la
H^e-allliki-dar teneher rery well, aed
tbe miimiap I po IptlieCoaprepalbinal.
die b very kind U
|4urcH aad Mn. Ihifferb my leac-lu-r
-Mr. Henjainii
jaBd 19 the afurnuua I po ’to tkr
A here to wv ui talweeU.
1 l-riend.' rbarcl. and Mrv K. SianleJ- b
aad Me aa aad
mv tencher. I like them very moi-h.
rain, lie .puke
he would cc
W'y IncleEdd Uke. the MaaAi.t.and
Mhool aad Mid we are all
work nicely. Wr,
^ ^ IrtB-n to me,
ik bim to fab kind word.
toahe could pci a ChrbloiB. pri-MBl
try tod obey thrmand do the u
I win clone to tbb time, bopinp Were



write, w 1 aidied her to write for
me. •• I eaBBot'write with d pen yet.
poAo eebool la the klodercortea on
Elmwood areane. aad' am In the
My teuiher-. name i. Mlw Sel­
ena ata 1 like hfr eery Boch. t bare
.y|,.t I iw.ii,
iwopeteaU. tbeir immee are CapUia
aad Tiper. I llee aad my
papa lakra care of elphl bon.-., rlereo
Brftame bCordle Zimmermaa- Tbere brad er.cnttle. iweaty-tbrcc .beep and

4A-r.K^m.K^.L.^ :
iwaaW^**w plpa. I bare two brotben. I e.paJl to po orer to my piaad-'
aowtotH.baUlc.0 think of
CbnetBiaa to hare a biee lime
••d Friday. Tbia ii my aeooDd lelUr
Ub tim. Good-by. VoBn-timly.
to tba BaaoLa. aad I like to rwd Uie
>L Ib. ...
-1-4 lf«>> I
i. mye lb.t I eaa
uule tatera My ape la alae ycara.
DCAK EuiTna-1 Umuphl I n
Ape Uyeaiv
Chrwtma. will aaoa be Iwra aad we
wriie a* It b tbe uewnd time 1 have
Orlatl. Dee.». nt
wiU taer aperry
Yoar UtUe frirad.
written to ti.« UtiiAUi.
I bad a
Man n.Tr>-I thoupbt 1 woi
Bonn. U.uo.
flower bed and a nii-e patden wit
wriu toyuii apaina. 1 have wriu
'oedma».Mu-kiD~ U.lta
before. 1 tboopht my T.qwy d
EUITUK—t like to read tbe lltDaaB EarroB—I wUl 'errite a far|r*d.qulrrel; ill. Floecoee'.aod Ina-.
wotdc aa my brotben are writtap.
Up Ipttem la tbe Haa.Mi. . 1 po to
ml wc bare nice depuei-1 She will tom ^cnaOlU. She b jn.i
•too patoetaooleeefTaay l(.l|le ale wboot every d»y. My leaebrr a name ineot card* each month Unr teacher. a. euU a. .he Can be; her name u.
wealbm. BomeUme* pa lakea a. .t< b Lloyd (i. Ban. 1 like bim very well
a Berry, I am in tbe tfiird ! SklUdy; .be will roll befMlf all up ib a
■taoal with tbe teaia.
1 am wrei
been Uto or Urdy a day dnee piade.. WedidaolhavvTb.Dk.pieit.p.|ball. I have a lilUe abler loa; abej.
ymn old. 1 rwd ia tbe Amt reuler be laopfat. t will tell you my .tndire:
.entdownto praadma'. and cute a. die cm ‘
VbrVta I bare aUwk aolk I Ml
Yuan truly.
clflaard bouM. mad waUied the wto
lead Urn to water. I|
I told youia dovn. aad Impered lb« wall and. took
t-ijo M. a»x.
Id a ptand time at oe
the *eed.outof tbeeltrona. We bare
1*. 8-W1 put a VBM and M>m
itUr pray kilty and ilplay. with a ; Cbrbla^ irve.
year 1 dua l know what bewlU
Bp. We have a mile
brinp me. My lirilv .uu-r trie, to
9are four library huuk.: weave po-1
Ora.u.r.a 1.1—walk aad talk aow aad b lo>t a. cute
iop to bare foar more. . ;I ktady ariib-! Haak Eu.Tou: I waat to wriury >□ at
write to tbe Bnuu> aad Uyaadpeta ae die can be. I bare two brotben and mclic. rctoliup. lanpaape and (^Hiap. ; other letter and tbaak yim to the lit,
iwodttora I will tell yqn what I can
prtw. I^toeebool; lam
The tauk' 1 am remlinp b Itlack'’ lima- j tie book yon M-at me.
1 like Uie lilUr
ymd piade. My teaeber'* b
bad aa euuruinment and
there, ire 1*0 w-ilieyA la it
taake beda »w«5p, Wtob dbhea i^ljw
Dlaej I like ber eery mneb
r piece aad bad a abe time.'piayiap a >uke on a hw. iBumunkey
Chrtama* eaercta. In oar aebool aad dtdiea. Iroo, eew. write I am maklap
-puiap to liar Ibe flap
quilt aow.
Mr room matebad ap la tbe
Mboed. ao we are polap to leave It In tbe bear down oa
r bat. and the
prade room and we woke plccea aad
tbe aebool boate wbn it b atonay.
other monkry aland* aad leugh..
elcM my letter
mar wopa -We bad qaite a few rialt- laap. ao
liood bye.
HCiit IM»:ul*<badwChrutmaatrM.
. ao poodtbye.
•Cb My playmate-, name U Ollie Vaa
^ rabberu on it tad tbe book you arat
BCAtnit M. Noyim.
Bystap. We po to aebool topetber
aic.BadaUuleelrdand awbi.tlvi
mow every day. I will tell you my
1 Mra. Han:.—I tbouplit t rvculd candy aad popcoro and a littlr pie.
a tvw live, to yon. I like' the will cluM fur Ibia lime.
Dbab.Mm. R.tb>—Aaii ie vacnthm
e a. It, make
PUr Lake. Dec m<
tboqpbtl •
aad atorie., and I hope it
Mamota wro ■tbufor me.
ber ba. lake
Mr Dbab Mw. BeTca—I am a llUle tbe third time. My father
will noun be brought to a. to,the I
pfrItoB yean old. I tboapbt 1 woald tbe UtaAU.toymr. I bavre't nml
kr ia KL I'aul by mall c^riera.
- Pk*k Ei'iTUK—Chrbtcu*. i* coiiriap
wriU oaetaore letter to tbe llaaet.n. ill tbe letter, la the latt paper.
pel 1 iuve a UtUe pop dop: bb Dame •ad wr arcpulog to pu'to a I'hri.lm'b
Iwrou ooa laet year aad rota
bad eompany Chrbtma* aed tfa^ day
Dauby. U* b a very comical litUc tree at I’ort Oneida.
Wr are. polap to
t wrote a Irtur to my 'd.ler
tom you. I do not eapect any
We have amc cblckraa, andi^.^,., tree* aad an rntvrulnmrnt
yaar. I pa to aebool at Hodpe. I have Nettie laet »-riday. 1 have been eewpetaihaVc. -|
bupc to bar. a pIraMnI Ifinc.
two mlta to walk. My teacbei-. aame lap throapfa tbe vacalioB. I have pet
wallinp for Chi
I po to to-buol and like BiyA^acbar r.ry
toMm-Baraam. 1 like ber very maeh.
’ ■ ■ Ipob
r dreaa. to my mot
toaebool. I am in the fifth prude. My
rrry k!
dad. Her name b
IWiatbeFoartbreedvr. For pvto% potltdoSeaow. I d.dl •
era name ia Him Hoabce.
Immvnoan. Wr bad rxamini
tavaallUle black poey. bb aame la my BMic-e to-au>rTow. for Ury were
. Cbriatmaa trre in oar room Fri­ tioD laal week: it waa llic fir.1 m-iutli
BUIy. I have two eale. Tom aad S'el- beta laal Baaday.
helped my motber
day afternoon. Wc had a rrwl puod of tbia Urm of aebool. ,My prnvra!
Ua. thaveaUid, UebameltDlek.
waab yeelenlay and w* pot tbiwqpb
Oat tobool baa clnaed (or the
-rloek. I pot some preecnU for
^ will bow cleac by wMblap joo a Merry
Cbrbiraaa vacaUon of two wceka,‘ and |
.efioUr.' ia Mr Mhool.
Ckriatmaa aad a Uappy New Year,
t b .aowfap I beqw every/rhild will have a pood |
pMple tbb year.
,b our arbool and a map o(
ion BOW, It drifted laat aipbt aad time In thcM two week..; I hope «* j
will bare ■«»* ,aow to It wUl be pood ^
„,o,e u. Mbo-.l
' teaa MBa.'B.Ta.-Ubvi><aiioB.
dlelgbiap. If it doD'lanow SanU Cian» Vvery day and hare a roll* aofi a half
ffeoapbt I woald write, fapa takn eaarcbee,aipbt before ChrbUaaa to
■ave to come in a wapoB. 1 hope ; to go everj
lbaBaa.i4>asd I like toread ib Tbe wa* raiainp. I puce. I wii] clow for
tkl* letto will br la the Hebaiai aval
' -........................
b Olive. She. too. baa cume
laMdayof aebool we bad three Ou1.i- Ub time aa I caanof tbiak of aay mqi
think of (
aiaee abc turtrd.
mw traea la oar room. , I made • to driU: Bo pood-by. Very trnly.
to tbb lipir.
tlKam. BautiL
Cbrbtma. pnaeat for my motber. 1
hare to cluae-aow. G<zMl-by^
tbiak Mta Ertekwa b ake. 1 wbk
that Mb. Kriehaoa wUI baveapood Umc(
had a Bb
aka little Chriatmmi tree aad
we Bad
Data Ei.iToa—A* aevrral little plrli
■ aadibink how onr!
. Did Ten eirr.wpai
H jww trim . 1 very pretty.
from OlMd Harbor are wrHiap to .the
lirr. irr aftci-Ud by Mine acemiaplyi
to aad three aapel* aed maay other Hebam. I tboa^t woald try .ad wriu
DOUB M». Bai
B iriflinp cin-nmaUiKv? It b amuainp I
I will cleee for tbb
■ tbellKIUUifor nearly ayear.
1 am polap to Khooi .*.17 day
r. I likettotbink
like i to think i«b«t
i* b«t might haTeix-cnrrrd
have^orcnrrrd but;
but, v
Sale*.' ur tome^m.^01
.The teacher pli
1 ri^Uu mUe.lcltora.' Tbe talc,.'
From your friead,
ia ^lliap every lime we
lion af^-»* beee ie Tekoa. and 11
u,,. JL-^ V_./
of Ibrylaa* and when give-a quo-‘hear they art-cuciagtoimoCTOW. .Wc ; ,«nh uucld bare been diffrrrat. It u
aMua. bob.
lalioa Id tbe moraiag. My t^her'a' r, joiog w have a Chri.tmaa utw and ' told Ibal a glaaa of. wtov ^ much ,
J l^Krte
baa* Emroa^l tboopht 1 woald name, b Mr. Uondlry from-tadiaite
pDlap toUk* PBrtia the eaer-'**"^
write apala to tbe Botaiai ae lt hae
baaaaloapUmesiaeelwTou laet ' welghu with bim from fmmmltvllle, i Ibb
tfaj, winter.
1 have not mlaaed a Sob-- Wbevler'a Nerev Vltaliaer bare been
__ __ n_- .*
ji. rm
potoaehoolwbeateaa; It will be I
go tg.Saoday aebool even buaday
Saaday .icbo..l IbU yter.
Carllenivd of what they ooa.lclercd an to- Oo ■ mill, Or On UO« Of ChiCA- »*aRlt.»
ly to-morrow aatil Oirietmae.
'o tw 'aad wr.
Balpfa h
.. .b_« ...w
ITeaflrrrr'^ ; 80
KichigAO E. B-., t;0MMHBWNJ*-8 Konct «aTt ^r
am la Ita fourth reader:
--—Bgadayv tbbyAr.
tbb y<Ar. W.
w a wUl,
wUI, not;
not, Thar,
There are
arr am of a. children aow.
Wv n^rvoa. proalral
lap. qtelUap. arilbmetk. peopTwpby. hale any (Tirblma* tree tbb year., but bare the
Viute the tqoeber kaa pToenbed to give a dolip new bopr lo hi. mlnTbompeoa. We aead to live ia Trai
Ur If tbe rant of tbe ectiolai* will give' dag ap la the coi
nabeaaad it ha.
foll *U«d boltica and -waa
are* aty. bat we moved aw.y awhile
piece to fvt eaady and neu i the word bal? oa
1 go to. Kbool: i
ape bear Aebtoa. I bare two ebten
will bare pbeee and dialorote ; my uaeber'a aAoe U
I Mima Millie Wood- medteiav to hb
•ad two brotbOT. Hefore we awved
I bavetwollulcdupa: their aam«| worth.'
ne aW
ialq oar owe boaae we etaycd at praadurUaUoa. apaaom. flu. alcrplrea^'e aad piaadma pare a* <lMr ehlek•M for pet*: they were all white: w« __________ ______ _______- -- ____ bat I teoebera aad oar aebool b a aicr oa*.' t
For lale by all draggbU aad drab
1l----- • them aad every time tbry mw rinee we ha/a dogabc will not come | Chrbuaae wr ye gtdap to have two t
m ttay would rma to au they ate <
.1 am ioriled to .pesd: week.' vacaliue. Theta b bo ice to *
of oar hand*
Wbea the prAwa
ofmylitUv playmau's .kating aow.
Urtedam Batloa. of
L Cbicagu aypdkaU perehaaed rtui
talb* would po out with aaytbiap
Bclaimed awamp land twer>. AUrgaa cuenir. with the j
tbedr tab^ Ibe ehiebew would rma



_____ __








-£s aSf^^SEiS^i^Ssi




.. ■_______'t:5

to It Fauf

SrLaght Wtou very prvt.y

| cbte W. « bariaT^c flrat .now ;





i « Fulghuto lUnufACturilig

ww-a -pot con wfil b.
.. .


RitteliboDse t Eubree Ce.



tobt of them eo they nnold aol wa
WeU I pwM^ wlU etop writtap for
IhM lima ar I will be lawdor aebobL

mold then of Jaa- miatpiuved
F^-Thb b my

- '^‘i^uaiy.



1 Not the
I Largest and Host

Bedroom Saits, Parlor Fornitare,
BatUa. Cobbler Seat and Dphototerml Backer, Oantar
and Eatenaioo Tables etc.

. .S;l8



0 f-tat I ront btrwet.


General Ulacksmithing.'
£tex»aGi:2k.-tija« ekXL<a.

Wheels, Wagons, and^ Buggies.
All Work Warn ited.

New Shop on Union St

l, Front Str^^
Fresh, Salt dnd Smoked Meats, Poultry/'Etc
OholOiM M«- BaM-Alvaya ea







{bat Id e)isrr»

UPPOSE the low-priced alum baking powders do cost a few cents less per pound
S--' than the Roval, is it worth while for these
few pennies to «pose your health to danger?
Alum powders .make the footFunwholesome;
Roval Bakjxo Powder makes food that is super­
latively healthful. Physicians will affirtn the truth
of these -statements, and' theyare vitally impoy
urn facts for the consideration of housekeepers. •

ebawk. bat a weno^ mt»w
, Ti e L.viu are f-.rib
The captorc of baby'a bst khn
MkaewB , bMTonly n***- enae ‘"i uw harder It la to*et rid of Ibei
Ib.'.notfaeral wb'i knows bat la •
Mhe iubone oa •wrtb. bubelpleae. a
wTSiui^ ae<ry »b->n lime the liuie '
a.-d oonld crash ~t Itt little life, yet, one l.-ania that worrylatr or scresninr ,
rtnac eaoodb to bead to lU will old will a-oje



lu avtk life, aad rira tba direcUon
• parhapatotbelUe beapad.
Today werlre HowCaeka to the

- r lael klaa Nalwaya the saddeat.

"1*^* ’

fe in their beam
Ho aeenlairly
irlriiuf a Saal adlen.
isnobenrai what.y be freichted with eomtw,
1; then-fore It ia Jual aa
m nay look tmekward with
' Whht to do la the way of tralain». •«“*»“
r a iluleue
i. which weahallaak the adeke “d ,^.e
l^^ama of the oxer,
y will erer be sweeter
help of Boat Cmm'i traders
«•“ ,»n-uk«.
of tnom all euadl
m the faeby 'a first hide,
WkUa. Ood bleaa all the Boar. Clil.vh aual be made aa far.trable as piwsib^
tithe pare Utllc ^er____
tbst can hofl s^dhttfb^ Then
T home
U --.d

____ L. Butmu uowDca

ih is the klardoiB at Ilea

itseresou- the mure wrelehed she br-^'o |poeaM in slow-swlayituf cco*
and 0tteHr*r1plew., she wears. As frayraat as baby's first hiss.
.mt Ic BttempU. g to combat an >
i.a.V.rr dfl
r hopelesso.Bdilioo —-Vnr Vort ,
Om mother beyaa by aearl* al*aya
jiaMlac to baby's wtah.s If iw irtnl.
He mna learned that he could ttiTe
srhat be wealed U be cried with all blV
I-wooder. Bays a w riter in the horsA ba^r jost like yon.
mlrbii aeoo ihearaloMcry wasaerrr
la^r. When old eaouyh to be»ln b. ary Ijuide. bow.many of my sisUr WiUiroldeallnfriDsUkeDriafisAnd abiainiC eyes of blue,
{and himeelf be was yieen knBe. fork molhera hare disoorered wbsi aa ^
came like Ia UtUe aarrU
aadapooa. botreaerBUyate *lth faU reatece it Is to poness a hammock. To’.Came
To fill my life with lorw
fiafsta. aa be otmld mahe rrealer prop- anyuae who U obliged to ecuDOiotie^
ram with Ibaah aad bis motaer took space it may be made inb> a alee, softI HU dimpled bead was atftciffcr thea.
TbaD alltbe bosuaboew
bat UlUe galas 10 leech h^^ w dM the I aad m»l bed at ulybt. while doriag the'
t of; day you can use it yourself to rest, lu
especially .-while Iwby Isoul. or fold it up aod pat . But
. . ere I -koew It. baby.
liter bow oa- It away. In order U»t bab) may not
So fast Ibe swift years
food • iyht be for a ! fall nav Uke’a lonfi upe iw ribboa and , Uj-derlioy wa-li n/mplMT
_. lwas permitted to eat all he ii« it aeftw. twice or tiirioe. lonely, and , And then a besnled 1*10.
W'bal be did Dot want be.'ebc child is secure. I bare used one , My dsniny went a wrsiiny.
St Joy
la honest
>>y and prid>
. ____ • tether dkl Iwlurc. .
rcplrelshed after he cou.dlrery setisfactofy, dispeosioy with a; Andi
>r« Thosbe ItBraed to be.OeO or ertU which would Icare eery; He
le brooshl boa home a brjde.
was tiren i Hule plsvspao- lorVbe baby- I do not
waaUtoL Quite o:
evm,. mntH
. V. bc
f.e.lish molhe
be eeteu.
eeteu. I| rock
rock lur
my .iluc
.ilUc Bin
sir! lo.leep^ul
lo.leep._bul Just
Just Uy
Uy ., And
macb v.
of It
aadallowed loaarfelt himwlf. Siuiir , her down. auU she hi quiw oooleat. I Ke.t sJiMhow, left a
Umm.bia pour stomach rebt Ued. Then Mothers who hare aecusluraed Uicir Avd the b>y wi. ras
-•ray first-bora aoe.
.. ,
be bmame.
... _h'olblBfi
. .IblBfi suit-I
suit- | children
chlldreo to Is-lnir
b.-lok roeWr
rocked to slocp_ wilj
tew mt
Thro bow the'find bcb|' killiuktu suhntil h
ad him at the
lemsi .such
feed flew tn all___________
- _
_______ id
.. tl-- ------------^mta OB the Sour: When older bU'rest to alremly
aid to I tlur Buairs arr'aften Mrighed.
maaaers hare Dot improred. He calls j iDotln r to whom 1 snK;.-st«d it, said
for this asd thsl In an aolhoritalirc ' me. -I just sit down in ray chair Sow.:
ceie are roa mr babr


wau kT..



• •
A dimplod baby.

.Ybia i- made in tbr sam^ raaDDer and
cilb llie same proporliuna. but uu^bt
- i-u or
isiki-a 1un,fer-»a.»..fogrtet' iiunabitb.-.
«. ........
'll is rerymou
u bc used Wlib e ' llrnl
a who harei
jr bowels.


A liberal poi.-b of salt.
insf water over tbe fire,
ettr 111 the wet Jmstc. .I'.s.k
linutea.'sUrrtns at iatyrrai-.
and let it simm.T t.t>
lUiauUa. I.iujrer. sUrrinK up
•ra four or five )ini


:ia for baby. 1
lb. only deepc.
I aTouad.
1 e Bi.a-ar.-iaenl. arc;
le fool frlim'll •11-pr about fire fi—I
,hirli eaoos'b ju-lUiaili>»• baov
to rev bis arm- orer li.c ,l..p,. u- alsiut
ity-iiiivr in. lirs. aud aid. • eO'ai*;h
. „illir.uj* thrdp-ir- Ui. on «o-l
casb.ra. aad

tVlthdaisIm filled

Wereatcaatfely staled.

Heaealh the elorcp


Eg. E'.’S".,



lie dimpl'd b? tioy bands aad freU
He ma-lr her miBDT aad soft sipl awepeh
He molded b^roaad wUuUsbaw lih
He r'j^ Wr from .ll^a a pace child.

Mm. okllfclaf pwmlbly

Thea Slimed ydlpamad her

f. with hpilea puBP-h.
yh hqll the IbaktHS
pthm toaew
____ aederocheia b.p llae
Wtenaema delkaW child, rtealrm U)U,the aol withfianael The cost is ah
pnUaa lata Ha ayatem.
tblag and they are toll aad
I pat them OD with thrlr first
rthiw and let them wear them
Aa Jeeaay eaw(a by fartlm heal tudur-1 short
■otter. A lew eaparlmeata wUI read- till they begia
with robul



b^mgbl her aleepiag from Iteadise.
Kaefa rleiae Hea la Uxme hlaesw three
TbaV bow ■ogeotQ at bMrt arc we.
The Iradi aad MlKmtle on oar baby'a
Bring real aad aeNifon aad aadlom'





Ml per oral, bi

lu-as than 20 per rent.


















oVsTKits '






Fresh' Oysters




. _

i'j'ilS Cnoil HiPi^ * -Mini R. R.

dlililedc idrr.................................

am^ml aaU il-|.cr>“w. i irwiB- siTrsretw
. 1 p^i-lslua.. iSr«p-.-i


' s

Apple lluUer....................
Yon will not ui<w la
liulc of ofcr Hoiled Cidr


I ^riu Iratl-UP

■”1 » »1.01


.Msrrjaarl OVSTEIW

................• • .'jik-iiiiart-lyysTKltH
ling mince meat tn add
. •

. TIiniTI'LL.
A..frru,.sfnE ^.yktkbs


iii': -;»=


lur ttlirrs are irolair fast at







rery olwLaat-. The wril-r ha- in
raciu iry the aWrii sp.-ciap- e of a man
tliirtj-yeaVs-iJd who walk- llr-udna>
dail.v 1-1 aopl fr .m his plaiV oj Iwisiio-slliuiiib la lu luth. the efforts of iiurMan.t ucthcr in iiifan.-.^. Hie ri.fieule of


\ I’BymwDt tobi-madealTrarerseCilyoar.


'i' ""




iV.s'l Eli-s


OVSTElls . oVsTKUS .




■ ■VsTKns








i The Monroe. Doctrine
K * '

ia the foreigo poUiy of our aalhm. thc.-iwoplr .
know what It ia.aoVdoe.M

' Our Doctrine

-KSt II ■
".i j kciip the
stock of

ed and gireo
herb lea.
ili.ry.—VisiiPir: -And.
are yoo.
y little man?- Colhl .
pridcr -I'm (bc baby'


. rii.vuprrm

"'-Isur- to bc cut I inches orer Icoglh.
l/opp tobr not U-willuiB III in. diamrlrr at
J.1^ to ia- ■ptrmljfbt. wiatiO aad frex- fnini «
t ut off alldefevliretet


p that people a*
treab-'.l well,




New York Tea Co.



in the city.
■^u rnddi are qlwaya na low
as can he made.



llcadqiiitrleni for

On account of the dAth of my wl.fe and daughter yhich
leaves me estirdy alone, 1 have decided to dcse out iny bus- ,V*
incss anti wiil sell my entire stock to anyoife wishing to go ia *
husines»for 25 f>cr cent. Ics.s than cost. Commencing Mon- J'
day mortting Dec. 36. you can buy anything in my store at ;
cost and l>dow cosL .Now is the time to get the greatest bar- '
gains ever d/Iered in Traverse'City. My slock is complete
and thb best in the chy. If you want a Dinner''Set of 100 *
pieces for $4. come and see me. If you want a lamp, a cham,
her set. giassware or crockery ware. >vu can get it at your own
price, for I must close out within ninety days.

: Family


Come And see me.




Front Street.

The emlD on 0«ir Baby'a Faaa.

lie wished Ip,\.p
rbile with aialeae
amiwa. \
Aad painted ^ ehfwk.wllh


.. «.M>paa.

.laouary isl. l»-or..

I glee a sigb of gladnem (hat U faU of
“Th“ll.k. ~w-aath'
\banks. aod deep.
Ihr table and filled
That the wprld can once more more oa.
oaa be
b eaaby
lai-y mpired
-. roomtrt
. .
foe Qie bab.r's gnaw »o slteji.
aod ran be oaed for baby
bightlf durable.—Hos

Sibl&iv'^lB saleeling a wetaame. ra^ylor tumpway. If a^br ptaya la
cmly the kitchen as mlae dpiei they are a
eself. grt«isaricgboU>lawa.M(igaadwewr
•aamuir the woesaa beeseir.
• herjol.rlirthea
ptwara .Hoim .me
fp>r ^metblag la


IJs Ha K» —.Vi'pcrecBlUiiw tka;.......
I.esa tliaa Ml pi-rceul lib to U'............ ................

Chicago ■■« ■
.West Michigan


magbi waa bidden to Aake
Ho '
etheannabtacpiato her bnlr
Hr trade of (he raidnoon-4 ebmdleas
And Usbionefi (herefrom her two Uee


CVKiikfiBaH. Aretil.
. • Tr.r-racOlj.Mle*.

We used whiU- cheeee-cloth lor the Aa alr'uf^atb-Hheatmnem'bont;.Vbe
ouUldc UulBp. w-hU-b waa sblrrvd
e berioa bj creep.
. tanmad the urn wllha headlngof about Aad erervbodr'aaileJ
-bod.T'aailcatwbcD (he bahy
leretondiaet that the <aa i^eb. aad fiuislirrt ll with acbalaof,
r<>«U>alecp. t
a of tbelife of aayllighlbloebaby rlbb.m,Jastwl.etelbe
. ..
•rat tew 1
iwlhc keynote name, with liulc nwettm-of Homclimea I get ao frlfhUaed that I,
oe whoatrlre for Ibr the ribtsm about six inchrw apart. Oo
almoat loae mr biratb—
soda of uurtorc aad thebaadliw werr liuoi hes of baby rib- K 1 ebaace to make a bit of Dob* it
y eouio
admit that
a sw—
ararca me.niost
—s. •
.. to
.— dralb.
--------- anlBlDf anil
..............aerkma handicap allf
II ‘ Tbe
TbeteJiet Wa^thea mounted 00 a W hen frun 'ornlb a tiny eyebrow I aee
atan la lUe
the^y throi
'aland c
bat7 ia, to all iotenU
I alx! laches
wider aod laager than-the
_moat goar to alepi
BolhiDC mote or IcsafWkrt. Tfais«*naalM painted while.,
ionally briptrw lltUe The ion of the aland was made of light
isaaa raatterof coane! w.hkI. but Hie legs were aubcmaftsl.
inr amlle appeara
■at be aebj«.-t
Tlie Ubie
- lie has
___— —.to.on
' -00 while caMoew.
uadee fariwmble i tie scroll w. ; uadernealb by wi

\ ror'the Bp
.. tell the OMith
akin I Bse for my tmldea.
ofmo tbe________________
p breadths of dark gingham 01*
•ea Ur more objwcliuo-. eallcu aad
■ hem b«eU>er puttiva
laa a qoleV aimply reamt band at top aad U •MB or hemming it
etaeroe. Indeed a gpsst I and ruaniug lea ptriag. Kaatea oo.
e 'preferred . and orer the skirt . nnd drew, oadn
- other -nadrr: the'
bmay oaratfar asolbiw'a'i cinibtw amund the waliO.
lO. This
Thu comc
qnaU^ fia-U« pl^lrly
d nn^ ewn
(wn be



>ay-m>-avmadc at Trarrr

...“.0 aHut
"" I- s.i
baby,, ari-iap

To core colic there Is nothing lieller



fpcas tbaa .Ml p--r c«il. J

;emrul»if the iugrcilirnls Ihecnrd- li-ss tough. > t iie»e
earious preparatVms »tlris-ab-s lU oie'Hrililutinp milk f..rj jiv-kw... ni, u.'r
ni c is substantial- children's f.ssl, .lU the gmaud of it- : rrsip.-am-r si Trs-rt— i pi>
Tbcralilt lou-l ruaintaluloc s higli.-r degm-of nulri- i^i'- iMsii. 1 hh-^. i.r-ii.i ici
1- sAlh all.
Iter clcau and isillnig.
. ia as’irrn iiuaotUy of
iC,‘..„T ,s,i
tl in iniB o/raipper: llu and thus rcKi- ing Ihi
' amount of tiuld Ilrsaesflr-in sa — I-r
•.-snamcBOd rharaclei n-dful
in pn-vidI

Oes'ir.ew art.
,„ ____
abpipld or giaal of 10
proper su-lenaoi-e. M.,“b dr.
ind, not sour. mhSty, or aulr; each prod
sp>D the rurlit pn-paraii p.n of the
socl of ppirridpe sliPlulil rontala a bnlr barli
IrT water. The ruU- of ipnc am
salt, and tbe W'lwle lie carefully b '
Is iu follows; .Take ao oua- of ••••••i
in a vess.-l set w iibln auoihechbl
pearl barlev and wash'll id .-..hi wi
bjiliag water.
then pul it
Tlua last rule is ales.lute. The ^l , pint
ami let it be gentl;
It iif
Ilf water,

Tigimal a oh and faithful stirring bested iirer a'fire. s.i tha( tl
es ineff.-cloal I-. prerraV jiist aitnmrrs a few mindUn.. 1
cauh" rtf b.dliBg milk on\(f this water, replace It by*
a-half .ifpwaler.and ts.ll do

lec^ water. One cup
ot trah uHk.
Oae'cup..f boiling waAdd milk and
ter. A pinch faalt.
salttetne boiliag walen put in tbpoate. and stir ten jainuUw over the
fire. Sweetea Tcry aligbtly. and girc

U>br ......

I-ai IM IBs------Miprr <a-Dt. to be ICa ..
lu^tban voprr erav lib to be................

“ - f■

Amid the blue.
aoaldoerreet bH IDcllnatloaa
eadaarorrd to cook plain, |
foodfewUem: waa waleh-| ihieofthe
«al that they
wj did
.“*• '>“*?• *»• i rl" fur a b<
orarwatUv. Uafbt them m arold ei- < .atelcs 1
The loBfi yea^' ranadi
a mar*, and tried'to*d«
to do all she oould to | basket,
bare them stirmc[and
aad well.
Helm the laiirgrrat site as babies utow
'Ood's Uel Day eboras—
There h ad m^ stumneh trouble. ar>T
n W used for them to sll
dxayliw ; in whwa they are o'der.
All cblldrea fouadr '
rickhces. | tVr paiuted trars on the iniuidr only. 1
—JfrJeo J. ifolromlic
maea CM It ecs-ealac from
boliwimr with lira coau of while ekamel paint. I
4IM la childhood aad the lack
Wbm Baby Oooa to SiMp.
'ed aatrlaiestforthefirowi
., 0. motb^ why don't
> waddlog. using a piece of an old When Katie ukn the baby, and the
thi-o qoilted It
Boddiaf IlUie bead
Ulrea u>kea that it's wea^and «

paMto aaewberowa baby,
katare-a prorUoa. and aa
., her
dama'a plw are rarely wi
...f aafeeaougbUifollJwibul
aafeeaouirb tnfolluw;
we baaa. In
■- meat Inatnaecw.
Inatnaora. ao far
pebiDga that we bare bat
oe of eella brlorr oa, aod among
Wlhe le
Tbe amtber with lal


'Z‘uZj:ler this

i?" .■£ I


fay-meat made rreryOloa.Uy for tbe pi


Vopererei- u» br ife! —

Iwaa than vu per cent.


*biiealtni' work.
| bare an ,C”'“»-’'’l«-r.
a ortable in tl e bill-rai to sacc
.rbeadshouM he hare a fall.—

Of dawBttwlnstre.




-••p-jcklais the Thumb
Tlie raise-Uief of auekinjf tlic lliuiiil.
lias hero uiiioh. vautrBTuUrl. ha- W-n

A Sate Place f.)r Baby,
i-on-taiit sui'kiap wtiicli mar lie
rlali all the busy. tir.<l mothers I
>sr-it. wllbout aieaniiir to make
. aec my bappy liUle laddie ia b'|s '
uaiparison too close, to the liaiiiairr
pea. aad 1 wlsb they hail oar for |
lads aad lassies Just like IV
etc., by older cbibfrcn aad a-l-i'es -catthe woe ones are aUtre the
itiher ill eire-.-U ar<- disiorti-m of Um
draorbtd of ibe tl.rar. caauoCCel
slia|w of the Jaw-sand dcntnpcuicnt '
• wf Uifclat.uabicor be tr-sld.
Pet in-: tl’c p "■Iti'in of the teeth
luaot upset the .Mal-s. utt
e.i by tlir
here Uieli'v'cn wwa the Bww dila'buudncd other placei
....... to j-clit •'•u.tnai pn-s-un- .if
lUch wa-liinc while the Uiumh was si
.poiiiis lathd- ma.le .if ■“'“Ihcr eril coo—1<-._
■ ilUe dottles

Hcan-eoaeyear old.'
erery couple lliiuk Ibey p
the Hseslcopy.
eof sU|paBtrics.
wfa;p spaahs
when she took aayack beIbout iwroly-lwo inci
fOnathehabltof erylBir for italno de-|*‘
■M him. At table sbe laeybt
how to Biw hi. kulfe. fork and .pooB;>»'’ s«U«a*ll«ahtrm to r
■r aad then Uvethcr with.



BBby'a Baskeb

towel, one b.ttl.
_____ _____ audcashiroil 'Thi
all hr placed in the bs-kel
Instant hsc. Any baaliet *

The bachelor s horror, lha mother's
trdasure. and the despotic tyrant ol the

-U' a H tJ .



I them than any othef kioil of nonrW
I mcnv llul it U made fn.m Uieb.-sl ii
jUrodicnts aad cookmi uoiler herow

^t abouia bare two. 'larsT puukeU. one of wl
Wish cold■
Oar cup of tsi^nc water.

ruueh w.irid hmitaro:
r thcaaeels brine him bark:
That's whyr 1 lore
lore yoo soj -•

SiiS." “Se i'i™ SJj;’ I * "“r-'.'-'y"


r-I'rs::; ■

■ caller, nuoaday crawler.

1?: . ..

ItsuiJI.-s1.iwic.- .

iS3!iir;i2.;!a5as:ria; ?ss“ U:

/irst a roll of old III n pi^•e^ c
pe. smalt t
pine of small Ir.bbin
Ace of cast
of la
sodp. uni yo.ui
t^^’^lyTif^l\h”ugh «
slarib Jtvvi
.e p.w.
•(- liens.
,aod SIS medium w.. .. .
- of pins, .me belly band. ■
pm pr twrrow skirt.
.hirt.guiir'olKbt slip, ope sin
JiiiplJer blBUkrl. also alsiut sin

»s"~ T” a *;




10 the child when rather raocy thin r'l r‘'i<. uepw. ' - 1: W «']»-. bl.kitl-warm '
, ^.irr'is* 6 It, p- H, »a-

Itod to'dc thy tect, tuy baler.
Wbrrrrcr they may gu.
May bi* lore br nuiiJ about thcc.
. And keep ibymjul likyunow.
Aad Hrrcf tliy feet f-niw-weary.
And tile cam of life «<>a>e fast.
Come back U> tbe arma of molker.
And the loer tbut will always laal.
/Icrf-r.l. ,

Which U the Better Way?



Ob. my 1
ur rusc-red check:I kiss
I ti-11 yo- in m.nbcr-kivscs.
if-bt* 1 • aenot •peak:
Thc tboufTbU.
Hut I fancy you fcrl the
That eSrasej-Tate* each
far ft IclUyou.
Wbt thrall

The h^e luelf 1. blew.l la It '
world ; >r
But trraaare each
a ' That ia the far future
(utu: ahall ^teu.
kaupore.aoBBael&th.U>atllared>Bi^t little
.......... aeylnt and Jodiricms leUlQif'
Ukr pearls
brirtit diadoiB.
to yoar brirh
alime are tlir rrry beet iblnys tbat^ v'or do cruwa spun earth no



the N. K. Fairbanh Company. • CMcapo.


Ji. lu ■liu

bAto ia

. Btroaf. and ^ a erimt deal t
the annacrssiry work her chllt!
permlued to make. How she
aaraha. waabes aad irons foi



Baking powders sold either whole- »
^le or retail at a lower price than
the ROYAL are almost invariably .
made with, alum and dangerous
to health, and therefore should be
avoided under all circumsUnces.

fete a lltUe older, be abalJ hare Uolbar yac*> ^ which we ahall try to Sad__________________


obtfiined from
oidiafiry so^
find only hfilf the expetue
and bother. That'* why
Ibottsaods of tbougfatfol,
thrift)' women nae Santa
Claus Soap
They have
leanied b}- pnctical, tbotongh
tests dia^nshday or e%-erydat- use
soap in the
world that neaiiy equals


i»d worrt . do what one will
u^toppiBK lu

phydtal. bel'-rr


Of More Consequenc*
Than a Few Cents.

l7oufa H h|

booB that aa aa(«l mlrfct
Vm wwial^i totothabere. «»■•! ^atur V> let iltiaad iea pcrtaeti^ «ir»i
ilpenaai riMa:
a >vretw. noraaBtallM
mfr- proofMloa o(
Httle;..—^pfc-r. aatila liulpenaai
riM«: tp^r
latallM tnaM
ia »•
takaa off. and a aoull qaaatll* , a wUb-rraaUair lalrr ne'er rar*•aaletetiv bodl«.l- aartlf a.
.oiled wBlar added to
it. Toia
Yob sar
talk of....
poer.lurer'e eaiea
the tdeal food for a ppriecily braithyi And
of blWt,
d atyle the* the acme
rturj oflU. rep^tada child,
aad U la *aay caa«> thoayht Vo Bst aea* of each aweeia of aCeetloa
be -aeb be£r than the treah aiUlt
the baby'y drat klaa.
• ' '
Eaaee ia | Uke klan- aadI la richt royal nial
*o er*7 btber. the Ualaiaf of aa t*-1 ^'•.-Sd'ti
baUU.{^Oe jaai
—. they will, they beal
areqoaSthe rich
■Mtal to iapplaenaaBd aaefalca* » m,
_________ __ _PB the cducaikuiof tie baby
the world of the aaea; and tor the'Uoa.whra
While fmb la iuiai
{ahttald beciB. Un thU' aobjeet It nay
world aneaal
^ luraaJd that latooU a areek old ban ' rboafh eroWaed bend
J*dkow d«rth* lltUeaUma**r
all aatloBa. that It ai-----------•-•
Tbere'a one llttfc rktory Ihrj ;
to aura bOBi ibe U*e the
dlffieeit u> brtak op.
The cnoiT
,t klaa toeebaa the aoft *iipUl.lp ft. -blld, aad Iberr 1. a ■or ibeyhaTetoooondetolhe a


&flKt1nt Ok eruL
Russa owes much ol later dominanoe
10 her strong ■willed Empress. ShenJed
tt^reme. But so do many women now.
Aod it h because they do that attend
to substitute any other Im^ for Dr. Price's
CretB BaUacfPiwdfr arere^ed promptly a^ resolutely. Knowing dial
Prue*s is purest and best diey insist on having it. It received Highest Award,
Worid’s Fair *93, and Gold Medal,

5 Front Street.


!!!E£lW!!p".Lifl*S i


Brosch’s Meat Market w« nwo-. (am a Sixk » iraoj.

Choicest Meats, Poultry and Game.



i SdAmTH^TaiSm’fiwomL***^


ija. Seiasoxi..

Fresh, Salt an^Smoked Mea^ Sausages Etc.



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