Grand Traverse Herald, June 25, 1896

Dublin Core


Grand Traverse Herald, June 25, 1896


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text




on Horsed.'
Ukf» la >ra<lair.

W. F, 1=TA.T^3g-A^



MMWbAt .lt UswlTeBA.

raaA >• m> imj-n nYiiaf ^


Wotil's Cgililioi Pd«(h.
?Rc Per Pound.

^Ajwa»l af^K j. «^aiad.»l^-«ai»iBr

Rose & Son,

BcMtlu BuIldliiR. Frunl

Business Cards.



Real Estate

[• ci->

- -- ^


TiiAi uai»a .....J.n.*... —ami


fmss ani.cTiw

tie oOlUtTCOuB ATTCKTion

of teetb-

«w t^non-

uSd emil^^
ntuag ont M crim, mmi n-

WgAB to tael nr-i^Aiti itaair. AB toUll 7on (bat ba wna rrpAlr.
A luu-hm b9*nr nbetri*
(Tirmb. And bb *ycbru«a a
A.^iB' Altaa tkkt pM'of guU nadar tba piaat ot Ika maAl tna wontd t» nay
dCAwa iot.1 A aiTAigbt liBr.
rmlnbuB. > aoma aacb atnff."
. cbamp At (la.aiAi nad —« ba i> '* "~
Tba naxt daT Mo|Ua tuidad Wpacb- konaad. *1U aarlaa ^ t
.aapA Atn.
Tbara naa Urg
mwit'^'t nWa taak Uli ba Snda ha pot a
ba baadlol. mbm
a aba gold.' aha tb»a(bt. ' br'll at
dbaaarl of. «mtar tuba p___
*iU lor. ABdaoi
. . hack
.AApplim IB bn pNaU“.. '
h ba-ll oaad am '
i ad
And U
tba amah b s paa mat at the
j -I aondaa abAt canid bnaa bam la ' polaaUAl a_.
aaaagy of tba taal.
Cna1 barr Ucmad bar. .^jba lajlaa,- aba Uwn^t. Sba wm aooa Irmt with tbb a -____________________
aatbr rraatar par* to kaoa.
tbalaa faat Aqnarc at tba bm* bad Ian
that, and ba had A
In lam tbaa a aaak a hogr}^ dnira or >ii faot high, la' tbb aca ISO tab
bar aaaa aonrarnad up to tba d.A>r. a man allgtalad And pota amlAialng canatic aoda aad tbn
adbeWgan to faai tiad hia brw.and Hama .>p-nad UH-iniiimary rarboo. aad naorr tbM a
ifA and wbbticd door tor him alU aOaaga farlingi of|mildtrr.
And that b alL
Tbn larbradarhn, and anr foratuding.
tVfaat ba tolik bar *a» nunab of anrb a ganaralor aiald hbn
pr»ad him b; aingitig to baraalt noa ; what .ba bad ainradr .liml}' Mmprala<l. mme anaigi na tbaflD.UOD nkat Vllb
ao.l IbaD
la abort, hnboaj Tnttla that Hiiam ha>( nHirtgngad tba farm .mn-taaib tba cimaamptioa « (bal aad
arm. becoming mora and aiora aatang narntb. before and ■nia.icd tba m
- .
- - .
alam. bappydilUa mimi- in a miniBg •A.vk.
Tba mongmgr
. Tbalb abat tbe iaaealkm a
Butaranuy loaatroata daa an.1 had md We paid, and ta
.lamiw~.Atarad MoUiaIn tba face
-- ----------------------------lh>ru>r_fa^' Tlmf m^mant «f h I _ •■'..r a fa* tmiaiaou .ba -a. AtnBpa.1.
CnJuung of Ooga tb BaftUac
tnM«l. j
paramr momcntl ' liaary-Bwah'ing bf but
II 1* claimed that tbe alld bi«a(
-•anad wtarn lUalaring faU.M fa.T!har
anatriabMAmralum ,,atabodW
atahodb'bmm*^-’-'- -----------------aibian. andbe oa.dailf uacrwbrl
b It a plan wbaaal ytitta oontrilioD whan Imi
MaiauttV .ba might
Inharilancr fr.i_
.S.iniathiBg . tlo-,.
pf bar buband* ioihrigbl ta.»
.Iia.did n.ii 'l;’

at ccad.
I It may bear baao tbn
In MolKanping alway. la a>I»d tbn dlrnnit. r|ia‘.'bright cam —I baa.
' lion of Ibr pan or aurml. Ur d<« gom
' into tba wood* and aiubm a drora of
ima* a day far I
r boga Tbaa kaapUg blmaalf laairla1 tbrjralcand imd ilallby ta.l a
> W, in fr.mtof tbainv.. babnrhA-WIU
lU bar bUfarllOi.’.: bat ba wan afraid auamipm b> b. r plradiag. hut a
nbe wiM'ld
world eimpia
eimpiy look a
at Ibr Irm.-^aad . and of an hinir that hard li
rbu and'that
.uiUf. .llahnaw bactmidni
. .
liaad that bar plan
o a long linrachwa fal.
iljf aba.boold..hould haaa a tnal.
.. .ariib babaary monataebu.
' “ .’cama f.
upAT- i ••l unar you a yanr, anyway." ha i.wldomtbr mar. akadAddIm towmtd
madr him l<.pk i|Uita eama
Ilia .-ry .hr i mid
' If' i tif>d by tbkl Hbi'' >kat It Ibaprn. rrgntallng hi. aprcd w> a* to
Karr n
I pat .me y« ran .«■ about latliag it haaa at a"
allow impar lyinp
^id. A. brIdtAnd
■y'rlianl hA. Wn abroad fpw
b.Umarba did w>
............ladying "
| w>m.-ttidaand laaam aJUneb.matlMa ‘‘shuuff^ bog* ‘••HJb Ibrir p^
r. Knallyhr !at
' any tiling tbPuar. ' in my I will promW yon a
l. the dog I
a hang, nnaubipd and ihaniitLy .balprd b
ban on-with her' rear, any war."
'. aad again 1 r ta ebarged. aad
1 fp>i tba tifliaU Uingt.
] Tba arcy naul day Mollla want to
inbeal.^- I thtavaybe lorea
-Thank yon." nW mlii. a. ■aba atrp : w..rb .m tba ~mU lot
bbr hired two
biigv.m natil ia tbrir mad ebg
pnl .mt of Iba-hnw, Vr cyan fnll of atooly naigbbop h.^* for a aniall .urn Ury l'db>w him tbrongb tbr a|OT ftaU
. for in that part >d tlia a.,natry boy.'
A II managar'ha.appointrd traru
pen. when he i.£diataly
It wan aarr lotiply lur Mr. Tnttla thr^_^npk waa ont worth much
a tVolaoli a. BAi.i.taiit Vlcbj'Jumptbefeaeeae Ibeupyour .taiion
Vt m U- thm wrrk aba wA>away' Thaoflia.-ilut tbmr tno w.m fimud that if they
Ir. while bi* matter, irbo baa
.llugiar Iban rear.
lie mt one -lav aarna.1 thair wag.w aa.i Ihair g...l Upcn •rated
■ace dariag tb*
l.'.AingUeougbUagala. .lul of .ta>wr ' l>wnl Ih.-y mu.t work for "
pureoii. borrlwlly rllmba dowa and
forar of habit, wbrn a'u oi.-a aameCx.,,
btanuar a .oiiiart
niijaat form
lor mu. h •
rl.wr. tbr gate on lb* eatrnpptdIpnri. bWU,
b4wU, >.lar
. .1
himAdMiWiaiily h..k Id.
and a gp»lI .laai
. .. A,r adiiiiru
ba w4lr I
Ha,laid .Ipi.u hi- |>a».-lf au.1 am.vng the man that awe
' -lug. wbr-tj g found I
wont, .unit it" be gnovlcl A*ay
wrBt luil.ida; pn-vntly ha mnih lark n.anaga a farm
-Ni-vaa did the t
ia thr langi
baae ii.;.lfi.ll.. trrAl lna
igaurona nbndea of the Italaaaa
I'Mara wrra blo*e au.i : raio-mirb .-r'p|a-a. it did that tali,
itid I a>k f-n. ap ami.iAiii at ad'.',
ildu i* rewanled witba pome
till' finAlty.'naiiiiirl Tatr.-. .m .p:ii' of iha iripnwaiarnl. aba
rend, nod tbe aaxi day dtaea
b thia|>a>noiymi,. rarnack bn panel
b-ig killlag time, tulbjwed by
•bal. p| t.Tmi an-t a g».d r.nind .urn down on
.tang apd
Id doWulhrlA^r-'. imaapwm A
•|ul.\ 1
man .n tlm lonalj po-il
oftrr that. anTliaouutd loratb.
I. jmd bicf.wr. I
agriil i. apt u.cM.lra.-!
Min>da> ThAnkegvting ._. .
The Two U nh>cc Train.
taimngt.. liiiimKn ,
It wa* aerryaaall Wialera town,
"A o.,nia<i ■ ha naid.
li mw bar foming down tha alrrat. ' fr.on tw., .iranCan* wbma aaepcy m
uiul.t'.pf lin.-najui and n
and tbr oaly train imt o'U that night
left at : u'clurh. The taaenliag man
Iqrra 'through iii. hair '
Tbry bail <li.
rVaultv^ 'l|.•rn all Ibr tiiua. and no ■Vaaa of laodamatw »Mrging ovar him ; rand wa. m.m biUl
4v^itn for ma! I'd Kara t.i karp tm a. .ba atrppAl la tbr.d.or.-a Ldark on.laud adj uninf brr f
•aioipatiy mABDimf-lrmally'— • mU-d,little lignra. Kha ba.iuh.1 in:nndtbry wanb-d b, buy that |mr
le for tbi* tHUa.
i'rampUy lag.,
lag.. ni-plor
ni< plBMinf. i.iBldn'l rrrg bawildariurnt a» .hr J..,kr.l a.'r.rr tba , the farm thniugb whlrh they lmaglna.1
awarad P.iio b, wbara Sauiual "" •"



Hi BrtgrAAol

'hrll"''^^ '

E^fife EiieUn^e





travsbsb city.

«t bi >«t Ml jet bt a*!, bt JttakW A jU 1 k.AAA.AAAAAA>*


P*S£J.ii«S;4;“?5RS tK


>,ka>l *ith blB

3r-Etr.:s.“‘:*'.r;4S.‘~* - . ;;sr.vaT-'

..............................mid. -wtot b Itr •
TM» fi
-WaII. I rut A l«Ua
(utdb.iBCiA kbi
del TdUir wAtahol pnomliii^ •
"WaU. 1 a*AA."b
glbt AadeoTiomerr. UbtAll luui
rf I im*«B-t u»t «ir
rirm. Atid befrllDdt >B tbe odd-l
, -Lun a- CTbd Hollb; -mhAend yon ; trt«»ph iW jwJ'ihr’A
abted IB umtiac kin A.


•raaarl«al aaaa. A inaU tMl raa


' 2fe;:

Monvy to i.o«a on taaprov«d rarcb*.

; mui mAmAm, m..—


i, h

Tba alatioo agant at L
wiln bi. f,«l on tba winri.i
plutura.! I Dlobi.poal'kcu. and a M
ayalirowk, .





•TbP .'.It |iUo.p In lAa mala o. r.

i^Oo Meal fox' 25o



And'^Lunch Room! ‘


-iaoiJiirB Drop mdfatei! Maflicffle





Hr mW amir. ir>

S-k. KU
TWftrlrln.l naiwM
rttlCToU l■Oli.V^•Crmal

- My: Hr yrr tbr
ir T o'clock traiBT^


UaWr. raudoiapipi I'lU.pnMM o' Muair.u
r.'S. Lmoai. «r»a»»la Of TrlnilJ 11.,.'pa..l,.


n U. enUMA. M. It. Mrganaaad Uanmap
\X. aUlr nr>Mm.

nathtn agraiu l> »o. bo luucit.
"I ll nwign flr.l! " baariadi undritnmciiiab^i} lii-kad off a uaiwaga 4,, that

««WDm QrW Hmw tK Oi

CgsMin Plating,
_ ,V\V ri-d* lo i*; H>l.-iin lhat you Cannot affortl lo tie anno)XYl
dfa-ky »>r|Hiison
I’aiHrr is sold
soM aT pne
iwilli llii-s tvhrn dficky
Malchitg. gt-sawiig.
.11 tile
I'aris Green. London
! williiii ihir means taf ull
m<i Ihsei i’owtler.
8ngf-sn«iggt'1|irgiDg. I'urjilc. Vk'h'tf^’ I

liibv Uwp. a •>. m
aifnam. e-mu t;bie-w.

UiCt la baadW BalMlac.
■taw «mH.Tra>rt.a Cltj .Mint



I.ty raa UoUi an aanaol- aarl. aa* (.nA*.
amkataartaraU ilad. ol Bi

i ^.isr.y„





In an h>t*ir Imt'k aama tb<- aiwWar;
p-.t Aji'kl.-t yofioff. IVtot
aA.iruak you"
ibing. Uit
l b.dl Ujr
right fpor^uiir^
por^uiir''a wLilr.
Ad.1 than a
.ml,a acppt inbi bi. face
-1 bal.aca ni hr r> t.rr Mio. XVoI.
nt wliau >dir urrira. . Hi op-t ba. dU-.
xrlppc.1 by bgr ' ,
Tbi. .mlbarrnppna'tirAl ramarU arm
tplainrd ihr nett m.pmiiu;. wlu-n, in
Wiener tourtler. from .Mr.-TutUa.
two aarpautrr. put pn an Bp|»mnmcr At
Uir .siAliuUAnp) before noon.
ha.1 nonMrurtod.acrow.Uie middle of
the large n»m whrrr ha bpd held
away ao long,' a bitfh Umid fauev of aggramlaaly jrailov pinr
AtIrT thair departurr Mr. Tiillle
walkrd among Ihobavlng. with a'ialIktti-d air.
He move.1 all hi. I.p.oiigInga b> one kidp <d the n.rrrl divi.,.«
line, and (i.r the two day. worked
rr.' —,
oniing lAUra tt.naott
.Irppi'd off .liia aipn-M. and mine
b,«ard. him with good win
fivm bar brown aim. sba w^ a n»|a


a. ami il'a nnly
wunld giaan
tb.^b khr had .ir.ip|M..l
decent eropof Anything, anya ay." H
She dhl r..pulM- li
aad kobba.1 they were wima I ou Wrm.
pot bra pant up rmllng.on
tlwv di l Bgr.e at Ja.t. and M.dlir fall
with iiride tliatlbry
• I war afraid yoo ..mid narar
laauta,ja —
•ba .now. fall and 1
giar my -II,.- fan.-a." be falbTprd.
Star began to Uagh through
iaan,l want,
want and thru one day tba
, d..,r opaead aod a thin, ebwiplng Og
kbarnM. "It wa.. err. wat with the abra that rngrd
1 furgira.jwitbont. agtua feebly In aod mnk inb,
^hl. ,d,1 iipa-T baforr tba tire,
youjK.W-"—A'r<* ,pfi,yr.
j Nailberapike The antfrr that awrllA Pol Of Gold. '
rrdb, buret,ng in Mollia'. b,-art iaorily
bailie ' rkangrd b. plly m .Be wab-hed1 him
"Tbri.■tonii'. jml about oarr. MOllia. i tVhatrrar had
had I—-u
Wu Uo- nrprrirncru id
- the rainbow."
t month,
month. Mtnd Himm narrr bd.l
the la.t
u you can bring la at armful o
-tbaa bipl m<Uy chan*.
change,! him '
them -thaa
fnigu Miftlia' Ibatime. At LaAlberaikrd bhubrinb
.••Tbi. water'.
■ -I'Tr cunr Imck.



what wbAa

reply treat
"H'rtI, yero
bl^ u bdor Idor
rr frr •hr'atn
Tbr Iwaire fretMreOad off dowa tba
hall nod .irrare-r«.n«d. Aaotlwr hoar
Imd pa«*ed when l-*t again kaoubid
"Say: He yri tbr felly what mid be
wanted to ketch tfw : o'clock Ifatar'
' Ve»."and there graaatamsdof lb*
take Wlily aprloglag from hta bod.
"Well," drawled Itai. -yo* eaa go
l«rk b, M again, for abe'* aaolbar
A forriWr remark or two proeiidid '
from thr tnireling man'* room, aad
andibir tobta nwakaaMl aalgha* waa tbr dapartore of fat: bat
all waa qatat agala. aad tbe tew
anu of the hotel were left ter
euar tamrtoaBdi.tBibrdrepoae. Jret
aa the «ret faint .treaba of daira n
-' - inr tbediyi-ntaMe more a

land I didn't find tbepol pif gold
'rrady.b* g.i b> work lika n man and

ground, amirwi
pot ^>r gold at, I
b,w; I wi.h 1.1
,h,f. all."
-Are yon going After dial wood. Hi- r“^
ram llrit-i.--"demanded Mollla. aptw j
mg In tbe dmu-way. "If yoo d.m'l you'

aha laid berlmok bouk In Lbi»
•■para'. Uirpol ,d gold Jon
ting for. ami it wa. right
lot all Ibr lime, Jn.l wharr

lo k>
rezrmaeblapr Oil m
the btanw tblag*.
‘ftjgatlnc ___________

o'clock U

nta‘. fer. b___ _

Lataoas m'Weodoralt.
TbefoIlowiaghioUclTati by Tetmt
.* -----------br found anafal by

X uTl^w


liipst Start, Unrest Priees.


i. the giftcil artlat
of tlrancl lUpliK
Hkh.. who palnti.
jBur purtialt
filUHtotl ui..

i .The South Side Creenhouse

Attention ,

tin igoM-sibiFT.






ir?5ir^f,it-.7tratr-Ti'ss s;.' ftaferseCitjfJdliriOtolS
.and anyoar withlag nor of NR.H.
UAIIBOI K'S «>pva-

To Chicago. S4.
Rate to Chicago na the aira
Mnakny ai»l (WlBroia. Pi.
|a^enlpr* nail at tbe ateaa

Eacanaba afid QIadstone,

tTM- In incracaa
and rzprraalna.
piraar drop a caad
ta the potaflicr
will call and wr



FlAlionivl Ti^n6etrj.

• A chance for tltis wheel j{ivcn away with everj' 5 «nt
purch.ise. Take advanURe ot this easy opportunity-to
become the owner of this handsome Tandein.

The Clipiier Billie

Fcr Oaiek Returns
U-i" ■





for busindss and pleasui^ combined. OiveBiM
universal satiB&ction: Cali and see It Sold by

rVla Htraarr WgneoM rnr fall loloramtioD and UebeM. Cbll at
T. A. Ibupntuiu AgTBt.



Life. Health ant) Beauty

hi. lip. d the taairad owl aid Iona ta---------■
in kreh a b........................................,]I-/k-od< T'l'.xpr.
ralB wHbia twelee boare.
la .
tbr fall wat wimibm followt the cry of
•I'otrll Ihr troth.
An EarlbqoakaatSnA
thr tree-frog.
ralbPr’liken bm-k. ami felt .lightly j |fi,ig bi» lank flgorr b. It. 1
aebaincd; he had aoiiiahow expe. b •! Und Montcring uC toward
lAcbia HcKloDon. a Yukon miner.
e would ko.>w fit hi. aBtAgimiMicIpiir.
Igiit mb, Juneau n-«mlly.. haring
3 tell wbieb it no
p-Hng. an-l mart! -ppot of g<dd, iaderd'-aabl Mollir to | oul fn,m the digging. I13 way of St.
Tbe ceou* of re________
.tAOl ™nnar. Tuarriaa. no hack-1 brmrll a>tV rrtnrnad b- h-r work. t-Mip-bArl. Aort I'uala»ka. At I'eAlaalm
^ ataff tor kiadli^ Sre ta dreanUag
, howarar. .wp hr lail tier around "
ilwM- (ppraing into brr half of
A tnrA whid will laat many boara
made from balf-iarbatalaB ^ a^
"Ibl. ik your •.fljp'a; yon wflf 4ip| |'A'*Ba-ragn-ntTlrnl mun'gu1,l out,^ it milorman and pnmrndern.brlktr wai
CTcryUiiipg in place" Then, miili a I than br bai> If hc'j a dng a,Util^ bant-, caoM-d br ao aarthp|nake. 'rhla U bow terk boaad tagpbar U (agoii hqo lent
wliff Uowvhr ralT.-aU-d Ui'bi. own do «•.'
j Mr. Meikioi>,/o plfwcribea
^ hold a boat la a______ ___________
maiming. Uinun^ .hr akked at break-. "Tbr day tbr aartb^nakr bappracd •el tbepalr.oarorpaddle«a tba bot­
ttond Mill Okbr rrtrrausf. with faM
Hiimm waa .bwt. in replying , the Mm wa. a. <»lm aAd\i^pood..aod tom at aa obUqae aaglc g*Hb tba aide
a pnuIrdrzpcraCRa in barryrw: than "Well, yini MW.” br brgao atia.t. "I'm had b«cn w> lor .nrrtal daya prrrion. of the bcatnatiag agatant lb Vaey alia beard him on thr ulber kidr. mak- ralbrc afraid Hit barr to wait until i Not a. J>rralh of air wwmrd to br alir- lilUe ttrawtb will be reqairad
To mead a Wreb canoe cat a
ing A gaud drnhuf rai'krt grttiiig wt- afteroobn.
Thrrr'. wirnfmcB 1 pom ' ring. .M I:; oVlork tbe captain took
finally, a faint blor curl of iMd to mrrt down to the tiltagr------' 'tbr kn and f-"iod wr ware omrly “«/ >a^ lairg^ ea^b ta oo^ *tC*f^
aew it OB with aa awl aad _a _
Midlir madr-npjreplT. It wa. not mu. li . milm fr>«o Cape i'latlrry. at tba eo- lure: aewitoawH
■jr ten rr*i>' rnparlrnec p.f Uiraai traoi* of tbr Sat, Joan d» fnea Mcaita.
Iriggv' cbara,-l«r to barr taught brr,Tbr pa-amgrr. ami .-rrw wrrr lying
roplyiag war apt lo makr matterw •round tbr------- --_ —^ ------riimr in.tead uf batter.
romr of u. .iogiog and othrr. rradiag
To carry a Bah of twa pnaada waigbt
-Tbr faclia. Hullk." he mid. a. hr: At the fint .burk. wbirb oocarrrd a*
me. "I rr about decided to m>II tbe i:tn In tbr aftrraooo. I tbibk ererj ■ aad apwarda. plaea U bntgraea bemloA
wa. n Brinurk o( dimplra arunid brr Idlarsind iorrotin .umrlbis pny-.brsn on board tbe tebouaer oaaM* bougba of the pnmrr Uagtb. Uad togrtlwr at both ea^bad ta tbe middta
moutb: tbr nuddrd brr br^ aagely in
1 aaBt >laad any iborr uf tlua'beaUBg.
Unr icmkrd at aadtbe
tbr dirrctloo of tba fancri-aod act to rerlaaUn' drodgi-ry " Hr looked al and whether-from fright or terror
Work 4U>rliT. '
rr with a iittlr a^ Uollir duo I know, hut it aeeawd boara before
Mr. Tnuia. for bu part, grondnrd
ad riwB aad aloud uoufronUag him, any onr utirrwd a word. 1 eaa't db- emed aad will aotaoU irhat it MmSigL
what tbe'graa doing hp k'Aro mi .H;1;
rith bmaiog ryen. Tbr tboogbt Saab-, kcribr tbr urarotion
thr Borelty of tbr MtuAlibn prfplrxrd
dberom him that HolUe wag a bead-!
Thr aoiee I hrardaonndedaa tboogb
him w> that br roul.l not e«p>.y hi. toiiLimr Wiiatan.
thr ia-bp>iMT bad gruondad and waa
William Thompaoa. bwaar htawea
i tnde. AiuCMf in Inr afti-rrioim hi. corl--Seil tbr farmr'abr cried. "Sell tbe w-rapiag brr bottom <m tbe PickaTbr
j oaity made it imjwraYiaa Itaat br ybonri)
laer whrre I WBA bora aad wbrrc my . Iiltlr erroel Ucmblrd and uairerrd
;vum.ult ber abunl a----- ai> br
ttber wa. bum belufr mr' That yon ' frpm .trm to.teca.aad tbrro wa* aotb....................... abaa.rapaUlaauDtrrrd arocod to brr dour. Sbr. Giaa't' $ot our iofb of ground or.Ui-k ing m-mitSr nboard thnt d id aol bob
Igrrcled him w*itb tbr tame cherry .if timber. Mavnr yon , hare tbr right erouad likracnrk. At ftiwt we kaew Aecordtag to iSa aal^l-wltunl taadii*inilc. Bppcving'nltrrly opllrlnu. to
" .hr brid up brr bead a* br not what waa taking plv*. but upon
any •trangfmrm In ibr .llaAtkiB. and
_jl to »prak."bulyou koow yo-j riurmmiag oaraaaam aflrr tbb Irtgbt
•II alia bat bn la M
{ inaocenliy gaerd .troigfal np into bl»i
t tor rrul right, nod HI aerer i..a,lodrd It wa.a wbtrrraaaaB dlagtlea that ba baa amr haaa hi
eyre. When tbtgr waa ao ludgrr thr
u do______
Ic aerer"'
’, lurlmeor
lurlmao of annaMl aeeertty. Tae
lliraia'.oaly reply waaaatroBgalaa iwatef --------------- —
oftbedooraabepaaaed tbrougb. Mro.abockA wbieb laoted
lorlora asd d
rriy: aSh be awk- watebed him eruro tbe orchard aad
Pbyai^ •**

itacdiy tried b
it to right*.
atrinr iato the road leadiag Up tbr rilTbia w
Sbr watebed him a* far a* abe
to "Oaeta”
' ' tee him aad Ibea tnrued to ber
A Great Elactrinal Ueaatwa?W^HMlnbAtahr waa -a
with a aigb.
Bice lilUe tblag. aad br bad bera a
ae dweorery that baa bmg ba
_____________ * bow li:il ead." 1____
fool in regard to
tboogbt drearily.
"I'm tired of 6|^t- dl imadof byEdianaaad Dtbm^grd
bmm* aan BDratag. aad. whUe ha ww
Woulda'gdu togirr no
Ing aad acuidlag. bat I'll Sgbt lo the ta
ta eeanrmttaa with tbr old Ma, Hr.
though, tc be
obiiged tofoo
rery nd before bm ^all^aeU^sy fatb- direetly
lain elecuaclty aad 7Uaowt WUitaamdrore np to tbe gMm^aoer door aad loot aaoeber. to eomtbe iatoTTcBU-m of aatmm eagtaa. baa
> farm." abe flaiabed. a
■nalcute with ben ao. erne oi^t after tear, in her cyea.
at tant beoe aoenmpuabed ia llaaloa by
abe bad guM homr. be cat a iquare
- -'.tV.Jaoqnaa.aebe^^ ‘
Hiram did aol «
bole ta the (eaaej Tram hla table. that did:Bot alarm
employ of tb* BaUtataaMolllr
Molllr. He eery ofUroagb tbia opeaiag hr ooald rslek ten did a
ly. He ba* Cllad aa
ai faua
frrqncsl glaaeea of ber browa bead a*
pot with !••**« aoda. baated Ika


Gnt»d Bmpida. JUdt.

187 Front St

Trayersa City, Xiob


lit *itaia ^oro Doa**'*"

aRBMtly haaaagbt blult atariag tte boM aad waim to b^
a* lUWrtrigy ta "pkMiMmil mliiii i"
•bngwmdfly; inmulmm «ia aai<»t "Mayba I mU meca tbn I aaad.fibatg>aM thaaarboaaad iht pat. B«a


_Tha.Bi MW pall hta tarn . 0m



travvrse Herald


C. W. IWriMks at ImtSama maa m

>l«Uoa la Uw W<M 1MU»

,- ii^rzsf

■ ETSni'ywKsir.:

b«. upoMl lo tb« rr*»«t
• Md AaiwlMa J»oi>eHy ^
0 tXivfai tberr. aad . . .

Oanat A. Batatt, af Saw JatMy.
- - -tbcelea pruMmy


Tbararac niy are r....... _
rlpkib aad Haywood-* of tbk p>
Coke ceBTBlaaW coast aM do
'tkete won aereeal froB bdre wl
rany uroedi orar tapecalbtllUu.
wrot U
Aan to-day u tha K.
Itutbadatycfeeery WOOBB U
mU^ haau -Ub taripb-taoB aod aba ca»Ikblmtb arbool asd aereie^ ccr
•ei da tbk wUb aa uiaiautkcd body aaUrday at l« A m. at tbe Adreati. .
ekareb. HerTicro for Beat Haaday at
tbe chapel by Iter. Mr rabeeot HiapbaM at II A m. HnailayaAoal at ID
A B-. aad at t p. m. tyTtpr- «lr. Tiawife.
dall of Oriatt. Krrrpoor laflUd.
Hodmtioa H a rood Ulop to etc

.ofmtMla. n*a
liabbaBald. Tbarote
>: Uppett, ■; Walker, te. TW
uUe* WM Bade uMteoe

la roerylbloc. aad eapariaUy la
at aiiauu
of Iteiap. Plraiaal boawa
Ae a aaUaa gramu a^dtr. aa e}d wrtv
iBparoible la Uw four* ao leap aa tbe
er Mia ae.' ita. paaple crow fc»der of
■ teBideaodat aoreoeU
Botbtro of U-day allow Ibeonelen
We riTt Ike Moaree doetriae la
B. Aad aa tkU I. aadoabtedl,
rcBalB OBder ttal. pnmre of
ao, Hkairiae. la au; rcapaeU la
broplaff<1* miiriy b withU
*eteaateUtaa a
doetrtac -rSect kr nopuod'ait «o t>>r
tbe reach of all. Hr a litUr leu furfo <ael Ibe effaeta of tbU
•at aap AwritoB ■
ito etdonan of npaUkai
that yoor BM-thod, of liriap nay
propbeey. To be foar hoadred yearn
WebaU ool'laBot recelTr tbe approrat of yoar frlcDda
oM U to be yoaar for aaaUae. aad
a«d j^all
»>>»>■ oot
•><* laUrtere.
taUrfm. with
wrfcnid. aod
aad'aripbbun. Couidor yoor owb
tbe pxiatioir Smamiom at aap Kanr (wrba|w by tbe Uiae soother f
«• asd cncDlort hefunr you tb
praa power Ja thU beoiiapbere. bat dred yeara bare rolled by A
of tbr nplBiook of other*
•tetka%«aMMBe(4ba eirll war
.tntb la tbe proeerb tbak
DrmyuurwIlaodUireUldieBa IU
atf A«aneaa people baea triiacaaed
fewward to tbe ereotaal witbdnwal of tasate nakea w^ more otloa U
tic p^ioeraBd lie. more riaply. Urr
labea aBylblaBrlac.
UieKarapeoo powera frua tbiabrailBOI ooly wilhlo yoor ioeucar. bat withspbera and to tie alUaale ooloo ef all
STdawsBrat. Itbaakae^
It ta bare lo oar booea today, wlti>
the fanaer a wlfe aa with otbera. a Id yoar apacily aa well. Becauar y<m
do Dot aprBd all yon earn laBo indiesoaoUanal boatlc aad berry, with little
and wby Uir tloB that yoQ are Ilrioparipbt. TTiU


t yet roUafled aad wial
JaBM B. SkiBOer
r Wl
am bori
town of KwUpA AllepbalW
Y .ttct. I. I«ni.
' - ■ at
* bi«
hi« boar
■ •raaX . iraad-Trorerae
Jaarfr.. Iw.irt. aprd r.uw


with bi. pareata u> wbtl 1. nbw thr
city of Flint. Ibu suir, from tbrarr at
tbrwreoflr year, br Mnorrd to UarlloA
epoDtr, in Wbleb.riemity
br lirrd
- I a.
aetil 4>-T. kljra hr. with hi.
BOT«d to tb.-fr |>rr
family, m.
i.rabl, where ne


marriapr with .'-odm- A \en
ehlldnao barinp biraard
Uprlbrr wilb'bi.
also twn brotbrra


Ualtad Ntauabarr retarded wllbajrsB ■DCia rrewlBf'leaa'aliaple aod
aatbr tbe atrapKlea "f other Aaietwan
fia often far leoa than yoar iavome.
Gonplea oadi year. 1
la Ubo of peace, forced aoadrera* bal- ptopU to free theiaaelaee from EuroSo pood huaibew. Baa SBoaiea c
le la oar blai^. acu
pnSa doDloati-B. We waleb witb
deep mad sbldliip iaiecrat tbe betxdc
caa look baeli lo jk wbeo palloBa wbiL-h he forla lacstBblr
battle «t tte Cetmr patriota acaJoM
.'^d no wusuo abuold
- -are ralbar
e ^ereai«Ba.U.i.iy OI a he wo. erer found laitbtbaa
aad reealta of aaocwital rapeWka4
it'ofwork tbaa aba w able toj,^^ hi. charpe. defen.linp tberipht,
atudyla alnpaclty. bow It la 'fact b
rala. la Uw broad effect of ita pollc; tbeir deleraieed edataat for litarrtp.
within frfc which aeerj.v hr waa boaorably
. it baa predpitatad paolis. WirbMi toliar a bewllda<iB«Bt of Intncacic
rj aad trade wlU
l>e taWe waaa pleaaore.pOw it h:



with lU treaty obllfatioDa.'we beliere
that tbe froeeranesl of tbe I'nllod faraiahed fitat for alow asd t
Brarp eODahUntloa
«UtM kboald aetieely oae ita laflBCBcr
itally for .
rotatp aad ladiridaal latmet aad good odioea to mtore peace aad
-be differ.
'llbatthaforenMaeataba- '
lee tadepeadreor to tl.e wlaad.
. The peace aod acrority of tba repob
froB Ikefeaadaot Iboae
Waad the iBalBleiiapoe of iurlphlfol
laflaence aotoap Ue aatioBa of tbe
beaor abroad, aad aball be
avtb. deisaod a Baral
aarate with iu laitioi
fore I,haoda fall io properly forerolatr erro
_il ul tbr aaey aod a a ^oylr part of a boaie. Yon bare
eoaplete ayaten of barbae aod aeoyour doauaile naebiarry wlrat y
Kortbe prolrctlon of the eqoallty of call adTaoeed. that ia Warlbnt ba
botwalk of Aaeriroa iBdaalrlal lade■efoaeUlaotAawrlrao
Anerkao eltlaenabip. and for lb.- yooro^ly liapivTecI'.' b'or a wlfdito be
■ea of oor worklnc roea aer^aat tbr
laekeeprr oowadaya oerr aoeb a
J ootnprtiUoe of low prkr labor,
teraasd that the ivnlrratioD law»
.. .boroaifhlyrnforrod.aodaoe»UD<l MP io ia OD amall ntaller. Ttir tak
oipa goMlaj it aaoaraa tbe ABerteao ed aa to eprliole trum eotiaaer to tfai iaa dUBovIl ooa aod ia rrowisr
aaukBt fortteABerteaa proBaeer; It' Caitad btaiea tboae wbo vanaeltfarr ■lifliinltererTday. Tbeaio^m
. .aWdte (be ABwrleaa atoodatd of read dot write.
We hoer
Tbedril aereleeUw waa placed oa o*of tbe pant are pooe.
a for the AiaeAsB worUurmea;:
•upreaaed iBtbeart of faomr-makiBp:
it patatbedaelorybytbe
aide of
tbe aUtote book by Ibe-repabllcan par­
Ita tbe '................................................
ty. wbleb baa alwaya aaatalned it. aod
iacB sad Bahaa tbe Aaiaricao (ai
.tape that were rapmrdad aa buaiaeei
l■idoprodrotol^foce^fSl1BmaBl^ aod
acorrol yean apo are oowthoupbi
BriOK It dlffoasa paaaral (brtft aod
ifoeecd aod ezleoded' wherrrci _> be BeceMIlea ^Bat aioiplirUy of
> the str«wth of all <
lorthndK baa sot Itrpl pace with oar
tb of aaeb. la fta tea.
Tbe ea.y odnof tbe
hmar-lawaaier, bultbrbardrr partof
Wet^?aBcaSeB<Bi^^to»!^^ m^^'^a^-^^mliietn] bst1oi..aud
the booM! baa prowo harder: aod Bow
ad AMBlaaUosaMSdi^aal lararapoatbe wosao. otooarae, falla the
Wc prOBlaiB oar oaqaaliSed eoddeai- bardee of the latter.
«Uoa of tbe aBcirmard aod bbrbprNMU
iBccaod toecbaoiaai barecoote la
Ifa aaadrt aad dull ■■tiro to ba . . praetkwa. well hoowa aa lyoeltias or
>ade. I in a eeBar, certain apaci|Tc
aabarprtoe. We liwaail aa<* aaaoatP
abb tariff oa farolo iapoau wUdi
aqfa la boaaekeeplBjf eaaler of a.
plbdxBienb' Hat wfailr tbeae >orc
-We tarot the erealkie of a ai^aal
Hard of ar^tratioato aettleaod adIpat diffrreaera which oaiy aiiar ■redo CBpIpyerv aad enpinyed
Nwapelaealototbaelaada. _______ raped {b ioieeUate eoBarreeset pladpad lo say partleolarBehedale.
Wr belieeelB lamediale relpro lo
^ ratoaqaeotkia
la a metical qoea; Itbe
tbe fire boiaaaaad
boataoead policy
pplicy of the repab- labor baa keen Irurerd.
arnU areofunaa daopeftioa aa U
aad arpr the p
- *
re benrfi^l.
While they Bpy
oorc pbyaunl labor they ofUo brl
iS ^itocXr^aBd'dmfi^SS
nenUl eaerciae asd dreeirc
oatiy del
aad Um It-----------------BBlalBP U-rrltorita at the rarllBl Jw
d lldn^
any uoU
Tim Is apuari
We belleec tbe repeal ot-U>c raeij
U<»ble date, hariap dee repafd to tbe
r of ertber
are. bat not at tbcekprnae
- - BUot the acopir of the terrltond <t( tbeiColted Htalca.
All tbt aeaUI or pbyalcaratrapUi. Tbe aimaod we demaod
tl olUoeia appedeted fortbeterri- •Irr a bomr the leaa ia lie atrain:
esteaaioa on aoeb'
abonld be kelected from boor fide more elabomU we Bake It tha prrat^
is oar trade arilb rcaideata thej^f. a^the r^byif aejf

li::^ jSMsri

! 2r^Si,*a'5S£K£'S



wbMaowobstraetUiaaaleofAnerieaa pradseu la tbe pone of of'
“iS^l^e'rihe elU^^^iaaki
WUo. aadtaeon ^
pcBecal tbiop fanaec*'
tbe prodaetaoli
preBoflbe iTiteprow old Bare qalckly tbaa say
that oeedfnl l^tah
claaabf womcD.aa they work eery bard
pratly caaclcd.
Wa aympatbUe with all wiar aod lepIt la airo trie Uiat they
IUaalefffoeiwu.1eaaeo the erila of io- Ukr Ian exareiae than any other elaaa
both moat icneperaace aod proaiutr noramy^
■n. In tbe wintee- they are apt
a for wbat
The repoUicBO parly ia Bilodful of
wa paBioee: free adBlBioB
admlaaki for
Ibe ripfau aod iaIriMa of woar — to po tb the
airBiirlee at life wbleb we do Bol pro- I'rolreUoD of Aoiarlcaa iodoaUiea
work in a bot room froB BorBioptlll
oof Botaal
D!pht,aed when they dopo. wfaicb ia
for wo? osd p%etlDO to the bow
We terar the odioiKBioa of woBea tc BOt often I naante yoo. it ia to drire. A
aimoat SB BBbcard of
etteta l>ruieetloabBndaap dooMatlc wider apberranf
apberta nf oaetalneaa.
oi ' '
osd wrlladartry aad trade, and amna oor eume tbeir eo-operatloa lo rnicuioif tbe thiDp.anl yet we know that no womswa aaebattarnanelecB: rarlproelly eoaDtry froa dnoocral aod popsikt
really beutronp wbo dot. not
da ap foreipB trade and fiada aa BiananapeBeat aod tblarale.
B repslarly Id the open sir.
oa^ toe ear
Socb are tbe pHtn-lolea and policlra
of the irpubUeae party. Ky tbnr prin- Wbeo thr raada are bod tbe farmr'v
riplea we will abide and tbrat- oollciea wile will alay for wroka iaa pooriy
we will pot iato eaecatina. .tVraak jTrBtllaUd bouae aod as a coiwr<(neoee
for fbeB tbe aiiRaideratc jadysBotof
Itiaaijoeaas wUI lead to the pi^sclioe na AiorrBeriesD poqilr
Cuaifidrat alike peoaracruaa aad morbid.
leaa aan Of all i£r aapar whh^ tbe
bbloryuf oarpreal party and Uce! wbicb Bpm a wooup ^ore .qoich
A»a»&M paoptc ate. aad for wblrh
jaatire of oor eaoae. wr prroBil
hard work
pay other ooeatriB aota tbaa oar ptauona and oar caadidauana the
wash tab aod aturr. or the driDler
Blin.oaD,aao aaoaally.
foil aeoaraeo that the rlrotkB will
pent In ao aimoat coouMc cooditloe
To all ear prodaeta-to tboae of
briiw etctorylotkr rrpoblMa pany
Biaa aad tbaMdsawellea to u
aad pnaprrlty to tbe people of tbe f eatiop aad alropiop.
|-Blted HUM.
Tkeec an actBally farmm- wires
HcBatorTellyr.ot Coloeado. aabBit- whotbiak they hare Ume for Dothlnp
' tad a Blaority report, dedarisp that bot bard work. Kow tbi. k a miaUktala other BeBkei^ of tbe ea Idea; tobeafaraee-awifeordaupb. We faeor rcalceiap tbs aar^ Am
.oooMnotBtwpl tbe oaior trr iaoseof tbrpreauri bleuiapa tbr
Ity report reparfUap ooiaapi'aDd Ba tfirld affords. A life la tbe cuaewy.
BBd %ared tbr fullowlap aataall
1 a bleroiap It la aa cumpaied to a
aad tbe protsetioBofoar tbipriap ..



la tbcforrioearrylapu^ a» that
ABerlcaatbip»-thep^aetof Aoieriroa to«ar. employed io ABerlcae ahip‘
ytMa. Mllap aadcr tb. aUr. aod “


apeot IB the atifilnp air of oar
of nor p? eat cities. We barr bare U>
itb pukl and' »IVrr -w. n-iaal enjoy wbat a ImnUtal natare and pn|B>>ary. aad ptrdpn. ill. power
— wruretbr frrr and nnlimitnl roio- L'hma.Uod baapi^oa. tbe bcabUfel
fielda aad forrsu tor the rye to
ateof poUaYd direr at our miauat
.the ratio of in paru- uf allrar lo oor of
npc». the merry aoapa of the Wrda.
tbe bom of tbe
the baay
bsay brea,
beca, tbr.
tbr pmpl
Boeay. It raaaed tbe eaaciUr. Formkrr roorrd that the aolati- of tbr brooks, sod. aboer all. tbe p
' Brat of tbe
>e law prorldlop
proeldlop fre
f<a- tbe reBaBpUas of diBicie payBCBta la UTV: UIrbelaldaotheUble. Votcwaaiie- aweet bcvatl of tbe cuBBUy'air. \\^
rim dwa^rroiy dollar baa kri aaadMl aad tTKolMI a- f.illowa:
aarolycaaAad time loeo>>y all tbear.
Wbole-BBBber of eotra. <C3. Yeaa. and In tbrm tbero ia Gcruialy teat ssd
We a>« aaaltarahly gppoaad io arery
T'.t aaya. IM'i. Tbe aoli.l delrpa
roacy ar iBpalr tbe eradit of oar ec
tloae eoUnp say wrrre t-olotwdo. Idaho.
I'romiae tbeebildres tbal yon
try. Wearc.tborrfora.oppoaedto .
UoBUaa. h'erada. (
Wyonilay aad apyfid an aflcraboo wTOi-tbem In
free oolaapt of ailecr aadrpt by IsterTbr rote on the adoptioo nt tbe ^Id. or Wocai. aod are bow qnlrkl.r
Botkaal aciwetaeat with tbe IrAdlop
eoBBerciriaathB* of tbe world, wbleb platforiB ara>: Whole OBBla-r.
Ibey Wiir do Damberiroa little tblnpa
we Ptedpe oaiaalrea lo proBole. aad
B^ 110'..
HMIpaa to help matber ia rrlnra. Teach Uea
cV|ad :s for aod thiwc apSiBct adopdotberlitueuaka well and
Sw aaktlaTlKSrBaBdard too
II BOOB be pnmier helpa and Bare
praaerted. All oor rilrer and <
.^macT Boat be laalBUiaed at |
a moeta mote liow than you bar^
4Bi fold, aad we faeor all maaaru
•peoi in leachiap them. It k. a
dSlpBCtd to laatBlBlB inetoUbly the
Trassry U Bake a olare of
aWlpatteaa of tbe ralUd HUM aad
. all oar Boaey, wbetbar bola or papiw. M. Tellor. rokrodo: V. Uabdi*. Idaho; aait for t^ aakr of your rhildrra
at the promt aUadard. tbe ataadaid rraak I..t4oo<io. lltah: C. A. Han Work aad play go well lupetber. Wr
•f lb. Beat aalWbUOBd aatioiu of tbe
................................IVlUprew. Koatb
otuo eer a father sad mother wc^iap
•eolaad. Neeadv Vp- rery bard tbrmilrea iaMder lo edn
If the rilrer pUakMr. rote tbeir ebUdrea or allow ibem
THIer aadaportwa of Ur drlepaM
iB'opmparaUrr idlroero.
aacr prarOcablc tBcy AoaVi be rieea
tbe weaterti cUM. SS la
tbe cbildm of tbr boadrbSld . Uui:
the pialertm la the Bauer of eoi- -latlral fron the ball.
they hare diitin. io tbk life to ^rrform
pUyauat. aad they aro catitled to tbe
The cooTeoUM) prorardrd I
tbr preater of Ibeae k to aid tbeir
Bate a emailIdatc for pnaUeat
. pMmmde U tboB la tbe dart.
lor Foraker pceareted tbr ■
at tba caaalry’a ptyU. We dcBeaace
Urolioa of tbn
for play, teach each ose to bar*
tbemwmto tbcpaaaloa barroo. ao WUIUb HrKlBley
- roahlaBly aad^^^y carr^ oa ky Ohio Baa-a Baaw created a ace
. eefereTerylhlBpsBd eecrytblap
wildcat eettoaUaai. Ike bob
IbIib place. A little ptake and t
Boe^ UorUB. AUiroBaMiyMy
hilbeaa to IbaB la rytaro for
aarccM mdMBdhB of the ABorMa placed b(.Aro theroereotloa. Botoar •dkey do aad 1 SB aare they eaa

both time aad work,
Tour rote. Mil; H'qfflalry. SGisi;
k roa also rote tim aad lakor fay
cad. MS; Mortoe.b»; AIDaoa. Uii
wrBBmprrorst aad a Boro aiBpIr
Qaay. ail,. Tbe.aaBteaUoa. aa aio
M U^; Ue, ^^j^^^«ro.|»t
0t atweal al Ibe leadlap dalc-




iway. I
I l.iwiur of Ui.'ir preerot. .me w.Hild
"bealrne ah.» oilio-paad ■
Amnme ao premier Uaka tbaa
■ pn-pan-.^^for Hull future wbitb
alreaptb will allow ynn to carry out.
not alumpt to .Iraipnale any

brrarlt Utal which abr cao br.1 lire
wyoat. bat du sot br ao rriy neat



Sometimes qublity is sscriOced in the
y effort to pve hig quantity for Httk money.
No doubt about that.
But once in a wAile it isn't
. For instance.there’s" BA I'TLE AX.”
TT* piece is b^ger than you ever saw
r before for 5 cents. And the quality is. as ■>
mar^ a man has said, ” m^hty gc^”
There's no guess work in this sutemer
It IS just a ^ain f^
You can prove it by investing 5 cents j

can be laid d.iern for all. The 3..,
lie.-ea~-J »a.pnirrt.lwr
•Iwple role of ooBOBin WBae >• be*V of Sbernan liripe. j: .-. K, a A. M.. ol
lo wbaterer roo ooderuhe Beret po -'H'-b
hr ka.1 U-en a. fpilhfol

particular datlik which mipht be left
aararbonrcaabentdecide for

iM“55Sd!? istdir-'drjrija

.rilAiaiice.irlatirr,A. FirrWOrka
pcaltnir: ordioaour .No II aad
1:. of ur.linaqy.-Nci ■» aa for
forrrfn Uir viltap.- of TrarUi.-bii.'BB.

I Ve^table Piuts '

to yoar own llfr.aa well a.
conaeeled with iU
It aerer rracb tbe end of life
wltboat aomeUiioV left anuoar-

s,j. t. It.hall onl ta- laufur at kny
nr lo'fire .ir ta. wt off anyx.iapo*.
r. firverai-krr, Mtuib. r.a.-k.-l. U.rprdo.
or flrrnorkw Bur lo tin-Buy pi.l i>. pun.
Delayed Corraapondenoa'
iDBn.- nor dmiw any lln-lialL or
tbiup wlii.-b wlU pnriuor
1 in-any .tn-rt, fane, alley
public piarc. n.e-in any yaril iw
Hlrojrbarrimarr qoiteplrnlifnl ibk OB any on-unw*. whrtbrr j.i.i.lii- or
maon. Iklb wil.l and Umr.
-prlralr. wiil.ln tlie fire Ibi.lU a. rrj.l
lap an.l .-.uMi.b.-d.
fr.p.u tni.rlo
lo tiiur.
•ily of-I'raterro t'ily. Miel
It .ball 0..I U- lawful t
-kr.and Mr* llalaM|uil>. r-.'ki-ubrcd .-krr,
WK. tfaiapU.e. 5?und.rith#
CnIkrber. of luke :
inrral of Hr*. Dairy Ik
ui.y t.iu.1 in any alley i>r

^ lio'tt.r liiniu ot llr r
:rd Into the Farm- TrarrrMr t'ity. Mirnipaii.
Mr. Smilh baa.
rr honiir.
S,4 .,i Thr Na,v.>r of roid, cilr ine.v
-Thr row mill caupbt fire
pTBul |Triu-«...ui lo Crr. <n- let off any
Dt waa ritiusniabrd bef..
aquib. piinp'wdrr. i-ra.:li.-r. n.-krt
Orrunrk. in an.v .lrr.-l or jniWi.- pli
a iiliin 'U..- roi.l lily not nr.>lMl..trd ,
I an.i ;• ..f ihi. onlinat,.
and ryct'ploo ihr <ibd^»f July, no
.null UM* 4if tl.r roid arli.-lr. ..r ryplo
l-bUip iiomrwfa loala brovr Tl
.irr. .jball Iu-' .within u'ul city
.Ma.itn p.inta.
Miia'l.i^a YVlacbromb baa tbe
Illnp or by publk- pr-.-lataa->.n..
•... Mayor i. eiapoky-rrd lo
praDi lu-ritiiroMim l*» UM-.a pt.d..l. pun
IT ■aoiiiin within sai.l .-itr an.l <mt.klr
r tjn-limBaaapr.-vi.l
i.lef io' tkr
A |krly fmin^i.m-l,,________ ...
to KeUry iBkr fUhinp laal VriJay aad


... .....iisiMilli

Maytlrbl. rkiUd .,'n U,i., aeiphl..rtmo.i

Hie Ci/eliet'n Nerexsitij.


tl Avkm



III. Pl-.r. U L a llu. BrM



OmfUt atin Hi TrOwfirr tun



! Jul.' Saudi.

llj. prr b.



. .V !! II..' .


1 have just recftiveil a shipment of the



^ Price wJiUe they last Sl*.00.
V carlj- if you want one.
g cation.
im State Street.


Get jtjur orders in

I>t>y'i|>tive drtiiiar on a|>|iliJAMl-S A. MOORE,

• .l«i

Traverse Oly. MiehlKaB.

Samiiel Anderson Go.

. -z; .

fkatc**] MamrA -

Crsod leidpl- HV-; -me fprr n
•eli^ dau-r ndi yrl oompvtrd.
rbmp Mrrtiat; Awembly; oar -farr
rate:' arllior uatea. July •. tu I}; rrtnrB,
Aufuat i;ab. y
Aak e * W M. aad U L. A XMfeata lor tdnber loforraaliuo
(.ro, Ib.ilavrx. «i I*. A.

hoBwr* are i^lap t

IM kill
-m. an.l it will alM
y little
Him JrDDir llipparomfon ihr*c
ealaloa from tbr city laat hunday.
Hr. l-araMoteraBd wile of lliapbam
rerr at Jar. Heyoolda' last Sunday.
Mr*. A. A.JfeCoyofTrarrrsratJ i« rirlanaad brprrarrfbad fir Mil
tln>N-rriae. <!U.|oJKUneU
kittopfarr brother. II <i sborur
aay rrnala .Icna ot In
W'm- ‘Smith, tbr (un-mao av 11. L. A
bot atirr that M brrma to I.
o'a sdll. aod family romr on tbr ex^ and I n-e iblot abr U
rarkifaa a-ad riritad at Hr. KeyoolJ.'.
.aloe Ualli* u{
Saaford Fallrr aod daapfaler of Elmwood wereoat .oliro Foller*' last *ob- Kat^Ind-.Jaa-A'B. K^W.nromro
Phyrirlaat pmeribr 1». Mltr.' Brmrdl
brraaw Ibey are knnea u betbr rwnit.
the bap leanirr and r>|rrwa.w ot nor or
Ui»bn(bi«wVBiro.b-n nr tbrlr prolwwiaA
. Jeba Hrpar «f Almira «
itaUniay aad Irooday.
M.wri, 01 Urr

Half Kate
Ta Bay View.
-tbr verdict <ii anvoar wbo ha,
a-u Uirri-. tb-iv k an plare
lu tbi, cuonlr, at oiiCe w la-ap-n.iTr ,
and whnv uee rvta m, mocb V. mak. a I
a trip enjoyable
eejoyablr and
pwdiui-: '
aa Ike Vkw. Tbe ereat aaamer '
s-mbly caretiD« with tbe fiarot-m
aod lectorro l
Ibe .-tamm-r 1 aiv.
Jly. BOW acknowledrrd u> be tbe t
Id the wAt:-aod tloaily that ai
eia .'limate'aBdalbr infinite roiiriety of
Word to'
p to Iky View exireiB'ly
'■'hk year the I'nieereiiy


• w, * lodlaom Raiirrmd will Blarero .
........... ....... uato_- ,m.x
...... trip
iHatarday BBd Kaadar.
-aelUar .telly from July r. tn IA fw:
Mia Ada CoBiapaof -Tarme City ia
The Hfxt Enasme to Pa'Okar
Aa^t I.V R-mnd trip rale I
I tan
loro toil
A OuA Korrk-oa a Tkdt.
• I'lty wlU
will roa be Jaac «tb. rta.^ * W. 1.., from
. _
John Valro of UomroUad k romodla* Ry. Truin wQl irove Tryrme ettvat -The .
it ttey VI
. few ^jB with hk aoa Warea at tbk



Fly Nets
................................ I have a large and wdl assorted ftne of 1
these goods at lowest prices. Tranks,^Traveling Bags. <
Telescopes and Tourists Goods. These.gopds^ the ^
best and at prices moderate.

A few ladies’ aad^ geq^sl

riding Saddles to close'out at cost.

JOHN T. beadle.





share oi

.. ■ i



:: is.

I i■

' One Fare

ctekaat 8ai

, ..



aaroWa^tbrirpoUmamfgMag amag *a«w

TkaVCkHt. CIT^ktlAII. HAHbItT.

S- iif (>1/ tiHiif on ren-fiit of no rta.


alat sbnal



ll|r im-rrnlivn »f firpwurk.
' ' . j.
IlnqinBir ky tbr pieakleal. J- K. Krb- ncribinpdrr limit, aa'f. larrlr in fo^
in tbr rillapr of Tran tcL'Il.y. Xtefa.iM?mi»nary Work, by Mr*. A. I'oSrr. pan. are hrrrby repraird.
IM-iutiqo by M>.. U. CUik.
W>. t. Thi. onilnancr riull Uke
SelettiuD by Mr. J. H Horton..
effret In twraiy day. iftrr its poWi^- Excursifm'
Afler a proeroo. pSrnb- dinn.-r.ibc
aflrrnoon >-eroion onrnwl with a einp “'wr dn hrrri.rcrrtifv tlml thi- furoRairs.
aod BTairoarrrite Ird byS .K ll-i-kio-. poinp pr.linaorr waa pa-r-tkl by -U»r
-The Huc^lal/Tratlirr; by Mr..V. roon.u1^rrflbcrltj
the rlty o
ofTrarrrmlynf Jam
Cteacral rrinarka by'Mlro M Itahior.
A frw Th-uipbU litr Faryula Bail
Teat-bri*. by Mr.. 'K. Daoa.
l-ap.-f by W. F. jA-..b.i ’
Srirvlioa br Nr*. C Harninb. ' llprr by Mr* A \V«.-.rti
llemartiBln Connly 'l'n-.idrnb C U.
■.Ii.-Shr,fl- .M.-rt ui-;
arlliup liaua. Juae.:ll z:
A FhyaieiaB l>tkacrft>» Dr. -Mll«a’
The to-.k..inp Ml.
.Restorative NsrelBA
ronu-di Muorur I'eol '. W'roi -1-ni.a.HA.Hiauivk. *
a. lipwu an.l »im-u Ukc. Dr. Mikw M-iimK',.. nihan. Ii.d
id ororty aU n-porb.l .M-b.N.I. in a
Mydaernu r Mant.. ea« aBtrted
.tl.lartory wiirElnp condition

la.t .nn'.r unn V
*l*«" *'“i
dw.llh •"
. .....I.....
par^W-Thr .MonnM Crolrr
ind cl.k.-d the.M-wion will. i-MBrjrcry
irrn.'JolylZB^H-pi I,
■e mraVt-. for
ank. from U
X.tine*'l»r^yali-»'-mrri>li.m: .
rirralr; H-l-ihp'dale-. July 3 win;


f o A-. sa \ -TrawTvl-Ul

VsEij TsTKiixAi.i.r JXJ>

^1': .md.
;i.m lo .pvify thr
“abr Kickrro.» -wH-ud will bare a plr- tr,
limr .WarolUio
nk-Jane Sdtb.aoJ all arr o.rf.lialIj-ia-...............................
Alwaya iti roaaon. Ilupkin.' :
rd that ttd.npliiiai
ritrd to atb-n.l
atb-a.l thr yarrt-e-e.. It twin*
tiriiu th<- unr Ilf am., by
piiicr tiT mjiiu* Il.iminy illuUrd I'orn-) Kirpai
_..dav of arbool wrall antiripate r.T irbrnoo.laly
al time ami a larpr t-rowd. '
Any viulal>..nol.
Monday, /uly eib.
roaiply u lib. any of Uir- pr.ttl
rl.lou. of
I.}tbi. or.linan^r .ball I.'
I.- |nini.d.rH
laiiip of laat term of N.wmai He­
ir l.uadrrti '.ivila
at I'r^ror-^l'iiy ibrninero follrpr.
larlerly mpfllnp of I
olTendrr may litg furll.rr w-nlrD.-.-d
rr Sun.lay w-hnni aai
impriMirmroi it. the cilr pvoitrntiary
oy lo tliu jail of UrsnA-Trarerw ...aoty . „. iniop of laal term »f Xiwmal ISr•y ri.juyablc undo
nnlll karb liur aadcoaubc paid, i'ru- ri.-n al Tra'ai-rae CHy Uu.inrw- tkillrpr.
by all pnet-nt SePrral .
followinp pnarCaiu waa luira ..wiui rl.lrd that tb- Irrib of mk-Ii imprkaomenlnhall o(A raiWd iiinriy day..

atatrelj aneace^lon: Sat-. <l UrdmSBCrb'o. 13 rrlatirr to
^^HropT’a^'^lyrr aerrice, Id by F. firrw.irk. a. form-rly ia fornr fn tile
Addrrm. of'^arlroi^ by Bcr.U'. U.



. tiMTffffas Ojty^mwMgaa


aW irAtBaaec repabaiup 1
boou ood Jmia *ui t

—At Ivt



r^/kt b Aw.

At the



twetre tart to the raebi befow. ' Bb
h^d nd
were fe^ly eat aad bb



'. 8a>4 lar tfet ttocrtoe* «M

bm • law Mff a^ wkUa Ite
kfiMfars MI 19 b» feaad tte Uekcraad Rr ifwcklatteCUiuwtAHadaaiMal
fMrtlH llTiPuaJay.
; w>.tL. a-.* — - (- tb»
ik> TMMorinr.
. ,t.m^
A rerj tad aecddaataneanaA^rt Pidat
d-Wtfaiaidar. Wh&JanbOiv------------,*Jr*~«l«.w«i.d.
•ca •jaara.araa attiaaialayfe board
.. Mta. B. LMTMa. of HUawood. m»j aa ta-co»lar ptatpaciif Wala, ho mlia( mabvrn a abaek of l<rtalal>r.' H«r rd kh fooUar aad wat drawa aadcr
ko^ waa bomad to tha froa^. .
tboAra. The tAaolt-rma orar bh tofa
AtMMraaw tlaaiar no eailiTat- _______________ MB atar tha blaa Evny
lIrbtolBC atrack aad Ulkd thlBf portibir waa daat<ar& abfortanatr boy. bat be
SlkklalMifai-. aavaaaolbort
Chariot BantrU, aa otaotririaa, war
Brad flora aad wife, lirlaa aboat 1^
UiM.brtoooUara Ur* wit* la the
attaat imllwmr bam at Jaehtoe Saa- rtllot IB tboooaatfy troBl^aad Bartrera dririvlato the dty. wbeo
tha Madan wai km«d br ordrr of

Btaltk Otor Boebitrif. it wat a


lo-7oar«ld daaftii

At Maatae. 4hr 5-voar-eU daarbtrr

WOioa Wella, acad (aai
_._..jod at Ray city
City Tboiaday
e»«itv- Bowatt^dfUipnasadrowBodi
latlM ttofiama ritar oitbla tbo part
..^kincd tfai.......... ...................._. ..
B. C. Rlylrt. Tbt ideatity
to raratr
tad the BMtirr art a
of the

Carrie Becker, a wnll-kt-. - ,__ _


YptlUaU. re-



Ui(r ae
a* Corbeli't fink a 1

aaa aad terml plecec of elotblvAt heath Hares. J. W. Keao}.
'kwHaf aerabaat. while ridioy dowa a
: ML loat eeatrol of bit bkyclr aad oolUMI with a loaded drey. -Dortoia reM two rlhtMcaaaiidotbdr tsjdr-

Oariv tbt ahori ahaeace 1


Baary Bottkool. a farmer Jiriv ■
adta Boatbrartof Holland, tefl lab
tab of watar Tkonday aad

A year ac» the > Paw Uw'
.ad »kUy

laa^. Krb.. a terrlUr,
—-wed orer Uc
Priday BlAfat.did
a aecb____
aecb dam
___ rewtlud laaomelemotlircL
■atf tl
aeetleea toadied by the Mona bare ...
been beard from, hot In one tuwaafaip
reardeoceofE-P. Ilancan was i
............................. and tbe debrh
atrewn in all direetiona. Mrs. Hnncaa
was hilled iosUnUy and Dnomn. two

cOBBty. Uc Inrgeat'urop'of ap^ee ei
known there will be raOrnd tbb year
waUr u> all




MDi and 0 davbter were badly hurt.
• lowB oi Baaaa c ana. n la., irai
dead Toiaday emlay la a 6eld


n aauff for ^redee inu
00a. U. A. f AKss. Ctoim
Uado miy Adterm died at Itt

laryer Uan a marble.
M jean ar>- Ue bad boea BarriM
S. A. Aadrsc of Stoebholm. wbomo.thtHUrtia. Be bad been able to walk powo to make an attempt, to reach
•1 tl
. «a Wtra a^ back rack day bdUI taken BurU pole by ballaon. baa miled f
aWk. aboat. two weeks
weaka afo.

of the aorthweatem par- B to take plana.
woU are aacited orer the The uuitam___ __ .. ... ________
___, -fa rdn of manyaniwr la l■nea
Is Inforaod 00 reliable anUority
__ towaahlpa of Akron aad Falr- Urt^i
Armenl^hare been arwlrtb
■Toea, Maaganaat ia mwd la the m.
e ». A maalBMna of aual.
lual. aad bm
M of It baa
e bom Bobe impbrtadI IrotD Spain aad :Portatal
At OtBBd GapkU WmUrn Bradley
WB* iMteUy killed Vedntaday inomof Ue natleis la ^
tarn trkllc workiv oa > <Haal atwt t^mull dUtrict of hUUbelrlairt !• of
"• feU from a peaaoU forty
ertoua aaWR. Tbe bodies
birfa aadbiabead..
aad bit bead and face
irdered whltea hare already
ralUoa. Bradley
■ered andanatrol baa been


aeat ..
... ... ________
aetOrre. wbo
bremordcied to laae^^at^Fy Sallv

any ■
T.niir* -1 mlly to nny vborch or ptaiy
/or ill s» to diKturb anr nirrllzig bring
Urrrat._ ...___
nor U auund
luund any.whiaUr.
Sn-nox I. Itnball Dot be lawful fur I or alarm wiUln
^yuertyto connect wiu.
wlU. nae. tapnrIaUerl
tap nrl aUer or alrrrl cr>iw.|ng.
opetf any arwrr within Ue t'icy of ; duct
■mretar fily, except in arcorriance libta
........................................ golar



at Tearnpe aty. will br^plenacd '
ghe farther Inturmatioa apiuo applies-'

t Yokohama It b now Wlmawd

Clor. Bicb hatraeelred a letter ad*- adtotbe-UradeonataUeafUmb-

igtm. Halted
Unlted Ruteaof
Antrlea.” It
waa from Hra. Mary Abb Banwa, aa
jBrtateotKewiaMworfchonse. Um4aa.CaflaBd.
. . .
HW .la aaxioat
..... . to'
. I locale
.W ^ llepry. Baraca. who weat to
iHU«anaU years aroAnto Lanf 'eraaridtaf cm the rear
of a tralB amr CUeiaet on
i^ratey when hUhat blew oS. Hr
■elekmottamlueateb It. ...
um hr Bad fell off tbe uala.

n»e enVtew ordiaaacAls aow in fom-e
.. Itellalre aad eirbi o'clock eees <
child andrr elxlcea rale ht home.

Homer SbowalUr. of Onekoma. s
oiami'v initordoo'slmkeKet a
l tbe mod bottom ao^ was drownc

The Elks

of :

go to


it possible at oar present low cutl^ew,to re- £
duce our stock as we anticipated. Our object ^
^ is to make room for needed repairs in our
^ store. If you are in need of shoe we will be 5
pleased to make you prices on good goods
whether you purchase or not. We handle no ^
CllGCkP, Shodlly

SHOGS, l)Utr

I Beasoala. baa
mall a pad
T Ueely q<


WhUe wane .Oaffna. aa eitbt-y^
■fid boy of CHtmtowaship. aear Lnd-





the Fourth of July



ClothiiiA, Dry Goods, Boots, Shoes,


Cincinnati via;
G. R. &1.

It’s Here

in TravorrJe City that you can
buv the ffljofc handsoim' iloulilc

$16, $18, $25



in which to niae Uii* mjnrmi mnonnl of caai, to aatirfy the ntottetiRr^. BT«r7*hlng muat ^go.
oilier tfrmJ rtxIocQim in ererj' <!• partuienL Note a few of tin- mAny miui-licHw: , -,


j Mpu'c

Shirto from l»c to LUUnfe worjii


Shirts ffwn .50? to 1:85. former tni<w

. Boys' Suit*, doable wat ami kn.-em worth



Saits, worth 10.00 u> 18.00. uu st...

...................................... ,7.25 to 9.76

rated tor its quality; celebrated for its cheapoett,
Cclebrattxl in morn ways Uian 0
. . .«
_I........ .......... .................1____
and inade by celebrated mamifairturers. Our last
clotUingk sale
was a scorcher. TI-____
The unlimiied barjraiiis that laid—rijjht and left in our clothing department—has been reduced by the
terrible .strain of a two week's sAly. We hav^. however, added the celebrated, stodc of
Weise ;<: Silversteine. who were victims of the terrible St. Louis. Mo. cyclone. Take it and
uur already mammoili stock.' wc say. without hesitation, that we can pve you such dothioff
values never before hcattl of in western Michigan.
' P. S.—The above cydonc str.urk stock was bought for a little less than 40cbn the dollar.
Many winter suits and ovtreoats w.ll l>e sold for al>out the price of a linen duster, and fium*’
mer siKts^vby. it will make your eyes bulge out when you see them. We quote you from
the cheapest to the best. Come and avail yourself of this life long opporiunit)' and .uve
enough on a suit to

fn connection with this sale, do not forget that we have the largest stock of dry goods in the’
city, which wiU go as cheap as our clothing in order to make room for.the Bell «ock, vhich
we will begin lb move July 6th.

rooB:: tt’fu're. .......
A hit all
11 wool and nindiucn tuil UkIiI <-,>hir<«l o
.iniigl.- D..B.rtBiU,rHtaib.l ii I>,.lPiil tor
pnee, ..........»5
60 sq,1 $3 76
iu. all wool, ararr ■ted fast
.4 hit of O A. *t. SuiU.
col^r, rrtailrtl in Detroit for 8IU. our pri<u*!
A hit of di-d's W.xil SSuils. rrtaile.1 in IMroit for
8>’-OJ.oorpriee.......................... ........... 4 50
A hit of iD?ii's all w >>l Oheviols and th-rges in
bls<-k and l)la<% Bold at n-tail In I) 'troityfiir 81S
and 81-5. our prir^........ .........5 25 and 6 25
Verts. ms<le of the
Onelol'of ihea'a Ct>lU an,11 Vi
Id be bari."iins at 810
fineat'fnbricw. which wonld
and 612. our prior from.........
_ 50
__ U 6 50
[^«ticnere BniU.
lot of bn-'sall
taool Csuaicnere
riniu. B<jnie
U> fit a man. which w-mld to conlar#. eno’agli
id aa bai^n
atfi. onr prwe..----- 3 98
One lot h.>jr's w'jol Hoita folly HArth_85 ai^
and 86.


them ready monry

jttrt r^eed t!wom^
At lay Ctty,Joha Baehaaaa.
■d MSoaotJoba Baebaaaa. piorlehr«iba<hmphtUhOMe.h lyW at
Aa p^l of imSimm taw--


As we are ahvays in linc,^' c will, celebrate with you,'by givini; you a ctrlebrated ulc of

■era. Ryes and Ramia. of Boyae
FUU. are enjoylnr a bleycU trip to
Callfomlaand haeealnady hotmtely
------ 1 Ue HlaslmlppL
Men's SoiUi. jrortb IJ-OO to 15.00, {50 at.. 9.50
At Uaaisue Pbilander Mackey, aa Men a finita, worth 16.00 to 80.00................
eld arfidler. died saddealy of boart dls.... .. -Boat I2.75V I3.60
eaae haUnlay ai^t. Mackey had beea
loekiv <or a penskm eerermi daya Men'a r»ntifwortb 6.00 and 6IX>, go W..
etopolar Ue ietuwearrirr eeerr trip to
InqoW for It.. The
ie penrloe <a
came Sat­
.........;....'.KOAt3.76lo 4.25
a laatew B
Men'* PmU. worth 4.00, go at....
Men's PanU. Wurth
go bL.. ..
UredOB iu seeM year. M <hr pres-: HcD'a Panla..worth 1.00. fto at...;.............
paste are brirht tor a a
Hen's I 'ndenrewr, worth 40-.-. go «L..
Men's Pn«cti'fiafbnit»iil'nc)enn«r worth
Fbrmers'U (barleeale eoaaty aare
1.00,goBt......................... ------------------50c

aboat Ue head, mod it I



(Imv l)xnAVicsi.ll. y.A.


___ t lO.OUO people were drowned by
Ue tidal were OB Ue iaiaad of Ymo.
three-let»ed oolt which waa tbcaonhem
tbcaorUem partoi Japan, which aeahont aU mlla eaat of Klale eompanled a ■mriieinn of f^blfnl
hbont three amatha v»- baa bw%> told aartbqiiahea. iZtiiir aboet Iweaty
to Owtato partlea fw tlou. who intend boars. In
B mddlUi*
addlUan U
U tbe town
to ira oa the road with It aa a carioaily.
I. whleb wan wholly deetroyrd.
Iht colt hat oaty one forward lecoUer eowt towaa ha«e beea
that bd V nearly In the eenlor of Ue
away eallrely or U part.
breaaL It la llrely. aad plays the taaw
as nay other cult.
Arotud tha Rogiex

We poehiwely dose our doers July «. Ve.
Sate, mab register. And eoantm for aair cheap.

Trie Im- pj-ices on good ones until after July 4th. ‘

rly-Mt los.'-h trm and de- I B'orks uf sakl City shall preocribr.
'I ekeepl a* prriuliwion therefor is dnlv
One man duy nphalfa
Sn-. :. Any riolaliunor failnre to ' ■nnled br Uie < Vninoll of said rilj. •
busWI of eertb around Ur nx-twf ooe! comply wiU aby of the niurlslons of; S» . 10.' Any riolafioh or failiuv to
tree and cook oet ciithly foar of Ue . Uis orJlonOROr of the mW end recni- comply with tl-» pr..visl..nsof Uh or
nations of the hoard of Pallllc tVurks dioaoce. kball (»■ punished by a line
[ailoptcd ia puraoaaer hrrpof shall be not bi.-eicred Iweatyfiee •tollara-:
Monday. Jolyeui.
pualabrd-by a fine not rin-edinr'tweci- e<au nl prciSeeuti.m. anil in tlir
the hnpiyi''
_ <'<s.u
•■~U Ur
ty fire dollamand
dollaroand 1ouat nt pruam-alinn nioo of Mich line
the <-oJn
irUrr M-'nlriicr ilml in
at 'I'ravrrar lUu Ituan, m lulhge. and in Ue impuMtion of aia-b fiar and tnay loakr a fui
coaU Ue-Cuun may makr a further.drfanlt «I tlir p ynirnt them,!, auc),'
Oows to Was
>n wiU Cbriauan aenteocr that Ue uffmdrr. <n failiin- offradrr U- ime laoni-d in the ••ouuly
Upay ascb Gnra and rtiala. hr Inpri,- jai) of lirand Trarcrar Aniaty
. .
n.,1 nOBcdin the county jail of (ifand Trar-.rxi-rrd-a prrl«.l of Uirty daya <
popnlar^rMle. and Uc one 1
mr ennaty until tbf aame kball br! abi-h finr and emu an-fully pal
paid, not rxcrrdIngUIrtydolUra
Thi. ..rdmau.-r'aUa
Bapidal^u ria II ifg K. H. U. to
• ThU or^toancr 1^11 lab^rf-irffc-l in twenty daya fn'Uiiupiiblu-atruiL uteamrr luarrriand. Umacc
special Umlo ria lVuB>ylraob B. B.
.licauoo. .
• ; \Vr do l.rrriy certify that
. > City pronlr'aboBld
pronlr abonld learr OB'
tVr do brrrby certify that Ur .'fore-^goiug. enUnan,^ Waa 'wwol' by

war pamrd
d by Uc icancnrll of llir rltr
rlty iiP
nt Triin-ry
Trayrry <'
<'<ky ub
IT t.-fly on Ur 4„tl, dar iff May. I‘ >-. '
. : A. W. .................. ....
-ifiv at D
II r. I
X- CoyA >V. Uic-KKth,
II Irarr at 11 aw p. m . ana arrirr ■
derrland at
It tibia
t:bia a.,
a.. and
I ' an hour
the epc<-Ui I'eneaylraeie B. U
wlll.leere. arrirtog In tVaablagiTrinp. D.-afirradrUgfatfuldaytripurer Uc monnuUaof I’ean
Fare freun Tmcerae City will be llli.
i for theI round
roeirt trip.
trip, aM
aad a plrasaot
inM to all_wh<^go cia '■
kcM. C A W. H. agel

At Alptna Prod Waroaer waa paahed buy. which
huotha rieer by a pile of falllv Hea inclufer.
Taaday forenooa. aV for tcreral mo-1
A dBpateb from Tnnla
iral I
Uala report Bcerreat
mat Uere
Uc that the gooil return!:
____ i Uet ____ __________ ____
bit t
Harctsli de Morei well known in New
•nllad from tbe meddy botl mof
York and In the
tera part of U
ytr«L Ule head mat iadl]
I nltad Stales, has beea
a killed aool
biit bomay lire.
TbrKIkaaprcIal train will Irarr ai>
that all of Ue Horeb party.
bHTT Dabral of Bay aty nlaeed a Tri^Laad
>:u> p.. in.. July IV—hut'tickrt* nraji
' Ur anipfaer of thlrty-fiTc.
HfhMdrhBdleatlhebeado} Cbedead
Ibea left
' UUe report, to UeSoef. ................... lao g(rd going and rrlaming on rag- i
.t Ite
A tew motaenUafler Iwrl Lea- •oliu
Arab cbleflalas acalbat Ue
•oa band tbe room
daatrbod ap tbe My

and will______
wbleh he h acant.
riUlaa Unejma. of Vaedalla.
Ibad oat.of the Hidilfaa Cenbal de. at Chawpolit le l«M and fell lata a
Ue rrorksea had left
•irlny lateraal In^orteai
Ur. After UUklac the
■ualbw orer for
gr tbiee years be baa deaeKaraiMt tbe rallroaA
aMad tobrivti-^
. ler ■10,000 damafea.

I more wUI wind ns up st th* “Boirs Old Stud.' Althonch wa
... f •normous stock in th« hliort time Bines wo took
we still kdwB A lot to move to oar hBodqttortBro, tho Boaten'
wbioh is limited. fiUod Jommod. owercroweted. Do yon nndorBtABd than oor'oblM
is anocB. wUota
oonnot gM for mon«y. Th« oonsMaence ia nlaia
onaWa that within tha 10 rainainins daya in tha K^kham bloStw^Sm rat^md
alaah prioaa teaitit thajinrchaaer - an opporumity of a lifatlma.

I N« kl. No perx'O or colfipany 1i 1
ohtoT a etampof brnaband gotkaock-[-------------------------------------------------Iceoaed aa prorided in tbb onlioaocr,
^ d
down wiU s bullet Uroogb tbe
Springs moat be
bc^ an idenl l ahall opereU bb or Urlr ferry or l«.t
_______ springs
place foranmaer resortere who seek:between any oUerpoinb than Uoa.
The doer did not haee any I
A lUrljir
Harbor »pri^__^
tjpringa pa- :l.peeifled
tte^gb a J^ear-old.^ard
-iiHl- iu, H<>“' “«> "»h A
in f.bor'tbeir Uc.-nto.
Id to -p
'Land weq
iU itarrlnr to daaU 01
l>laeph' my noran.v md.-.^orderly •-1---'
________ •>»*...
....uct »hall
Uoee wliji boma._____ ______ ,_____ ,
any ferry of boat within
One heodred CUcaAO wocaon swept a
jorladivlion ofaaidcity.
city the other day. after
>l riae PpOB. Ur .
ladethe am
antbori- MiUigaa and other American deer, bol I
prowiuoB. wokld
kid be putting.
Il^ ->i« - • ' The City i lerk i«
Use to do aumethUs.
Ub it.Ua Aral bom.lem American beck pretty*^atnmg
Seercal other people '
to ri-roke UrlircaM
reported. alUmigb some EuroprM|^„ ,Bcoo„trred Ue anlinal'lately•
and all hare the ^mi
10 whip Ue boraed 01
. .
____________•r.baa lotecn .. ..
sadden npriaii
yacht boiler esploUn of Ue
a n-aeonablr o,e of thr prieTbareday. kifblfBneraU-------heeds
ikge^r^nti-d toapfb licmt*-r under
held Saturday aad
ltr> Reura >er
■KM 1- rS^ 1.)


- They left iSrthiir'h^
toaronThntedar — - —' —


m. the bind lejfa grX
id dree the fowl aft. ai

,porThe bocem be bad been
Iroly drirlay cameoputbe booae at eapy
per lime uill bilebed to Ue barrow,
thetewet diworrry Bear Bay IVirtc
A aeereb wee inrtiMIcd. and Uc oli.
a.*eiaof dlinrorr Ure feet thbdi. U
man e-na faendlyinr fare downward
aatad thirty fret below the tarface.
in Ue field. wiUasaall bmiw^tbe
At P.mttec Thoma* ioafe' T-year-old left *T-nl ~T* tf- *-mn (r pbniriaa'e esatoaawn renalod a brukem
rib. one endofwbkfii had {MneUred
' hanttaa aad wae dranretl a o|>aa|der- U.e heart' aWcAlatancw. He wa> no badly iojurrd
The following let)
been n
that ttere ia ao hope fur hh/rrorc
d by Um l olled l*i^ !>«'
Akady of Uaeola townalitpmiii
'utbe Berablkan Party of Ue Lnlud
eowtr. while takiv biteaiu last
---------- ofUe courioey
r r —-*-------- '- io mirtake fnraoda.
■he wae tte flm ooe to cat of tbe bi>oaiia.aad waa Blade deatblyaiek. bat
ana broafbt otrt of daacer by tbe
The heariertialBflf rtybteen rran of inn. made of CUU(inil^|ra|ine:
W1 at Matoe Prtday aifbt to the ^Ib plnmea. I do hereby n
la the northwiyt party tbe oaeoftbla..
white sad blnr pampna.




Uoa of Haro


as cvtnls of tbe Prtiakey and-bU
beea-offered Ueaommaad of the Osdfrafv BOW OB Uc route between Hackiaaw City and tbe M

lohearmiaS fw -spril.
a spril. AimeHtaref..
Bnme Uar efp

BB by anch petsA or
__ fdi ibr eymptoiBB of aimUrr sitart
ib company.;
Kalkae^ LesAereaye; Andrew comlag on. such as a psia la tbruogfa lb
oof company da-i
end tima.
back. s
I imiJlr
hsnDr know srbal
pcnra.of Kneebier. commenced bar- kMnrrr ■mi
. ferry or boat to |
beriac sheep for Will Iwwb Ub wert. InHocidmrlofrriabotof&OBO-sKklscr »*rin« a ,llcec.w
Bslnr a-pair of 1______ __
wee*__ 2^^
rtilr «ty open.m»»a.ralunp«u.l water,
IU years efo.'aad wbkb -Win
-WII Mripa
asaBBp- io^mw^Urirnan It waa a auiywbr U*H n^r^wrilum applicaUjo Ur
——--and sme
to us bath to ace lbdra«jDn;.thf altsci
to Ue :1ly Llerii. a.«l much appU.
bat warded off. and abr ccellntird laldnc
__ ________________
with out^D __
_____ earbdsr
ltar& Berfres, llelBf acnr Kewedln. them
atnek c. .
trilr oat.
- will} e
' a aruldent Ust Tbers- ofUc'
thrlr use. She
'• b
■ ■•rCtrr now Ibsn tbc el to TOO Ur boat or ferry.
back of b -brad aat
tUn DWa
So-. 4. Errry pnmno «5.1e
hat been la years. Ue peb In Ue lack ami
day. UewaspeellnceedarposU
Thaat it ao hope tor brr 1
Bing aneb llceOR as abiri- pruridef
oUrrm In Ue fcUnera bare enliirl.r grw
-"ho™ eaea
ill coalurm tuand olwy all urdinanllaidlr
wedn 001 meC'
la aboat tbc
■--r bbbnee. T....................................
u fmred be .would
|TTBt Usi It
a ItirraJoariioo'i_____________________ bleed to-denU.
efaiekea wbkb erjou
rrjaiea le tbe pgatra
wH?t' ezperi^ iriil*^im'a*^Umv , »nt relrear nor rellnqui.h aoy^of iu
aioaoffoarlaira It
nib bat done mudi bi'c^ge mropin jrirbl “ oae.-rigulale and euiitn.'. the
crer. aboat tbr blid aarrirtv
loon If ll were not fnr tbow- fSlU -b- • aratera. aborr. and landings wiUin Ur.
'iriv l»e(.
loo». oo
sreported by a
aecoosl of the lack of hanaoey b^
waald not hare been aUV lo be out tkU JurMicUon of said city.
MStrmm." Tbehnoi
tween the for. aad blad Ivt. the lat­ ia. Weaeford
,T liceniw!^^*"
Sa\ S. Tbe granting of anr
■ • eoBDty. Mich..and
u-- -. aflenMon.
ter belv ert to Uarel la the dbeelfoti a dorr trail that bad h---------------Dnan't Kidney Mia for sale by all deal-1 by Ue City aerk fdr anr aurb 1
hoof marks. ^lam­
—price. 90 oe^ MalM ^ F.Mcr-' boai cfaall oolprri'liidrhinj foin
in whieh JJ'
ly made by e back Almoet all bent--------.
, Jo, Mllbiiii.fV. JliiiUlo. S. y .aoJc ageou . tog oUer Ik-en-tfor ferriea ano
and nueu
boat, iI
betireoB tbe two eete of left there it ~
I belweeif Ueiwnir piinU. •

of UoofT Child waa kidcod by a bom
-Tbaiadar. Tbr lllUe oaob tkall »a>
rmrtarad aad U»t ehaaetaoR that tbt

They are air

One lot childnm’a fill wool fioe ComiiMt* 8«{ta,
fully worth8tA»,o>r]^ I 48uk1 i 49
One lot ebildrea'a fine black. cUy and aatga Huita,
enrtoto made, anid eeerywbMw ter 86 and 80,
onrpnoe............................. ....2 58 «ad 3 I O
One lot rhihlrtn's oaedwlf voal.SoUa, oold «t«7vh«re at 81 <upI 8160, emr priM...................60O
One lot ehildren'a wmb BoiU, at... .39
' One lot Itofi's ene waUrpoof Madtlutnril b«
C-rata. with reUet oullar, anld ereryiriMM |w
810ao.l 812.our price.,.h........... .......... ..4_78
I| One lot men's rattenade Paata ter..
> Oaelotmnai
oms, fur.
An all wool 36 inch Sarga, to aD. abadaa, 7

of Meo’A £^' sul Children’s Straw Hats, jost receintd, latent in the insrkel.
iWDf(ii^ m imrtwfr^ 6c'to 860. , We will aell yon the b«« Manilla Hat, worth fJum 83 to 3/d)at 81&I. One lot men's cotum ttoeks for................
£^i7Ulin*!TB dnr irt^ b S ^nine bar^in. Bemraber
30 ^ye
. Allanmtner Drens 0»i4. ioclolia^ bleat n'K-dtifft ia Diml^.Organdiaa aad Ohaliis*. tnydopaia
•■ ■■ •....................-price. Spiee liniteJ
U) <iu
oa Shoes,bat
t a siaaceat •Mir stor^ will eoarinoe yon that tn ara ~ t'C
We Kaana^d a aaring fiwa 8$ to fiOpdreaot Uoar ikoa
t^aartenn>bdi«'aadm-a'sto>tw«ar. We
dapartmeat. Do not mi«s this ule.

migMmtfitraat.. 2

•, Popularmotbirn.'Hrturina


» TrilwmlM

«k> M*o

■Ml ptwki IB th«
CoMitiini b CBMBUr «•-


tk»MMalf*M«towuoal7MrMd ,


la tte pTfMl

Um iBBodl^Uaitothc aoral «r
Mwlwlln— d«lrraMioa|iarU« ■
•BriaaaB. U b >fply b ^bmUpb a« te
ttt kMt Mtkod of MlBlBlBlBf U«
tetofri^ of mUcmI bb4 i^irUf BBI bCMT Wfan UM BCMBtMRU]
IkeriUaotlb*»etU. ‘IWble
U« BBaaciBl pUaltla U* ropaWbrna


tO'^oa—it doM to lu—when we tell you that
we'te eold but a small quantity. oomparatiTely, of low priced shirt waists. We've put out ,
an immense number of higher prioed waists,
and are still doing it. To move out the cheap­
er ones, and to do so quickly, we'll sell the

ptaUmBbabwdBMiKriler. BMaaw
■r. Tallar dlffaia la «m polat of oabi'
kia with «ll BOB with whoa b« •^twn
<to tbo tJ. a. A (. Vala* arriro at««
oa aU oUmt poiau of Bocal
a. B.. i:wp. aLBsd7p, B.aad %mr^
aod taBtBM poller, hi* ea
at «:lt a- B.. ll:loa. a. aadt p. B.
BtoM bia to rotlT* to \
Tbo H. * K. B. arrWa* at ll^aOB.
tb^ BbooppototboBalUlod.
* aM «:to p. a*, aad Ua*<* at vds a.
opialoa. bet «rbo afM oa t
polet. ThtHaaoLDdi
Tbe Bay.Bpata.
tbo ^*al richtotoea
itoelarl^. boeco

. The TiBtereo
liar of
b«rae raBBlac oa the rcralar eaaBe
aebodule thb wp,k Moaday.
Tb* OoUmbb win bare here at *:i
WmA ^ny whieb la .ilBa*aiy
. B. reacblac at>J«
MtaUn of wbat I* oooad la
oltoB* Hay at
MBoIr bofOiBe of a dieeroBW of Jsdr and arrltlnc at II:ls. Hb
Mat 4B MHBOoaapolab Whes tbU
HlrBiaaee ra*t* opea a aiattor of poll:tu.SBttoB* bay
! k9. ool priaeiple. tbo aeUoe b bbJb*- ab-U-waaUBt a:*u,,arrltiar
• tUbbU. If ooaoeloao* b iBooIrad. oora •rae City at 44<j p. b.
- totbo*llfbto*tibr««.lB Mr. TolUr'o
The Crteeent w«l Irate Horttpoi
«aB. bo alU teo* opportoaltr to db:l»a.B.. OBoBaatrui. Heltoa*
ptar tfat (tot la tbo m
at*. all>:to. arrii
If Mpoed brtb* arfOMp o
at Tratene ,01ty at 10:3iu' Hbe
BOO wbo B*r be loB oeoall
ae dty at S p. at..
' blBoelf. boaocapttaMiBBtk.- ..
ta-waoU at 1. Hattoo* Bay
BialrtinrT bo erfU ladeod rh^to i imeaa, at t, aad arrlte at Nortbpor
at A.
la tbi*



Best 50c Shirt Waists fit 39c
We've about dO dosen of them,
tbe as­
sortment embraces many patterns and color­
ings. if you want any. please come early. ,
Large assortments of otlmr lines at 09. 95c :
$L10 and $1.86 -nobbiest

a tbr CaloBhl* at *;M a. b. aai
rtlor at Neah-U-waBta with tb
faloaproBloa of prlatlple* aad pollOreoeataad retaralar at lll:to. dnpll
aba Dlroetaade>p]leltBpoeall<taB.
- la the aftcraooa I
Uoat of Tital BOBoot. It b. BO U iboald
1 ratumiay at<;M.
ha. Bpulally *troi«aad eloaroalbe
oy reaBlalay hetwren naroler a)
paiaBOOBt hBp of pretoeUoo to AbotifternooB boala, a few pfiaBiit baan
baa ladMrla la Sold aad tows. Tooaa be epont at aay of tbe bay rewiru.
arlac ahero Other protdoB* U tU saooA ^w feature tfal*
tkB o( boa to taotore paUlc coaSNtakfact b ■erred oa tbe ColoBbla
4aeea.(a*lraaetlTtU**aBdaacan adowith tb
«Mto eowpoBBtlwi tor booaat Ubor
. Tbb
wkoDB b** been pat oe
rtwllbaoabadoaof a
eklac dally trip* betwi
Bto. OldMitolooaBdEI
^.aad'^BBoa a
to Mb It akeropniq
tbeCuInBblaaadCrewwDU There ha*

Bargains iii Ladies’ Capes, Skirts. Suits, Etc.
also in Aiisses and Children’s Jackets.


Lower prices here on reliable merchandise-ansrthing In our
lines -than you'll get elsewhere.

rtoortonasd rBktoab of the red'ka
*** -n..
I. ..

•- / ,



BeofBa)orlt;)Bdr tlowt


eacaad. oplaloaeara wboll; aloaf the
Uae of aipertBOBl. Ho bob b
the roaaU of either
plaa wobM he. beeaM It ha. oot ^


\\V fceop our old ones and are con- ^

stantly |!uiiiinu n<-w ones.


()ur muiildh)gs are up tb date. 0"

A s|.lemlid
si.Iendirl sttK’k
stiK’k to
l«» select from.

\\ e
c hkte a room full of A

framcif-jusi the thinii.for wcddinif gifU-




the'y-'Kertb* Uacmbancb.
Hac’y-Ctiaa (lamer.
M.-boy TboapaoB.

To save the crops

Tbf hoqir aa<l

the grasshoppers must go. I

Friday podalny *«- ihi. mooCb
, Now. Co.'s. I-. (



To save meiwy yon aaut fo aad mb

tUI.25aoiltl.3D i'
• llayeaalro’raaj.rlllack iBdim









A SBlth


Oar new Ladita* Oxford at........
Our n«w Itan'a Show at............
Oar Daw Man'a Tan SbOM at...
Oar n«w X.^aa’ Tan Shoos at
Onr now Obildmn Shooo at..!..

tt paya to tmO* «ltb itai^a^:p«^ara«a4iai rt oat.


*15 Fri8driohBro».oId*tore.

Trover** City, Xichloan.

•' that wear-

Uei A.P -Ml»r OuiaaU.- a i

7fic. »Oc. $1 and Sl.Sfi
p anr* Larp iierpwr B<u;

^plJo^Taayaa* Oawn** BoekMa: Urp


MeB’*a»o Lap Sbto*. a-ortb
Erery pair plid.'

Prices Reduced

a kMrs OakPC a
Ueee the oasteoorria will be la
r^bihBB aod we abo beUrto
bfatotalbB will raeeir* tatorebl* aad
aaraeai Meideratlaa la W tery bBt
. -a (Btoreab of th* paopl* e
’ -VoeaBlry.
Itbtbedotyo the friead*
•aalry. Itbtbedotyof

I i Distance..

dh all tmkoB^ to oar b


i i«cr.-k

^ i


Ladies Kid Ste


I » emt*. TS renB. ». ao. II »; I


Taa Boodoo W^yttoelah mteyad a
pta^laBalitbtfaUoBad by .

customers n-ali/c it.


Larp Beiu-.^ ot V.rWeawd a»ot.: Ital-

Dalbs of Ilia tbe WMlar* they haer
. atardlly Moed.

efalleM-toearlhalthbbdooa. A* h
ta IheHaaouiincartb the rapubUean
patty BOW. a* alwaya. the beat onraalBd frbta cf eUrar; Mm traeet adto-

2S03 frami*s up?

BMBtbly* BtBlonary* * ooBi|ao*l .

Boraiar aorriee.

Uer Ho • Hllr e( K<ln (taleml Mara.
tat tbeMBBALDbaBaltorabljoppoeod
to aa; plaa whbb woaid sake
aeaatfT tbe.deBplB» rroaad of dobaaed Baroptaa prodaeto. tbe oetpat to
paapar Ubor or of *erf-»ariiad Biaee.
A* la the paottbe llBoiJ. ha* aoefbi
taaldiBtbedeeelapBeBtoflhItpartic- j^op-rouar BMPU. W nia.
alar reploe troB a wlUaraM to a
• arto. by
lu lui tanereai
tad la lb Irlptab by rrpubikaa

Th* liaa*u> belloeea that a tooaaor
Utorprelatlao of tbe ftaaaebl polky of
'tbo party would bare booa bettor. We
aboald haer been fUdU tb* B*)odty
of th* party rofteeoBtaUjM at HU
b coaid bate bellered the bbc.
do aot bBitote to *ay that OKI
; aay. aad prohaWy wUl. arb* withia
tbe party llaea to aodoree oeperi^t


today, and wc arc doini; t;iH>d work fur|ittie money. Uur S


Hrretcea arr bold la the K. n.’T. H.
ball a* follow.: HaodaT momian tor-1 f»"y Ulu-tiaW *a.l »-

• atoKatBipafKiU
M. IM. pMd Baw

\Vc have

ll> pnailirt- l.rkic

ho far a* iaaBeiknaeUeab an



l-'acts arc hard-iiittcrs.




( rllb Wwrm ul OdW* Bar.
-rl»-.U.oi-*lw T*U.«. iTulon
taraiaUue. aad that b the iaolnoort'
of opp.'oa.i aad deaperato mra
n*.-eaBM Bertru; ■
■U»M*.>.onO<k4* a«4e
the prearat <aw there b aritber op ■BaOeo*
IB. torpat Mial sf t
praa^ aor diapreatkB. A eoadltioe
' abWae wbleb b aadralrable bet reBe' dlBbla. Tbe oal; ^Btollea b: Mow
aaa ere reatora the eoaBb; to a >
----- ...Odeml laareewrt.vr'BoC. VklH-BM

- SaaoLU woald be v1IIIb( to fai
«er, aeaa to the extaa 1st eolalar the
tall peodeet of tbe ABerieu mloea


HuDdrCii 1^311108 111 U Moiith.




Travcm: City. MicbiKnn.

i KcliitMn Trailiim Cviitcr.


ur-orrowoeroian___ O



a., arrfte at Kesto-taTypK- for tbr hbi.|aar<w
waBlp.atV:MBj^.lB.u.r*tare|afTTB*e al
-True maalln.p pnd w.>oi
«:an.-a'irl**aToid HiwIoB lt:U a. m.,
Usdrr. i:ordia /i<
arrirlay at Bib Bapld* at rs:lu p. b.;
Topir fcw Juki
retonilw, Watr Elk Bapld* al li:M
Bakaa a (rut- mac
BeepoBalte rcadiar aad prayer-Brr.
arrlte at Old Hloiiunat l:lup
B.. at Hr-ab-U-waata •t.3:J0 p. bretaralax. arrlte at l>ld Mhsioa at •
p. m.. Elk Bapld*. «:«u and retara* U
I th* lile aad
Noab-ta-waaB acala al ?:«n p. a..,
IbatsrdeAattoBlr; the; ia*bt apoe
etopplap at Old Mbobw ea root*, mak- Bo«. W. Poddefoolo a* a boop
peototiUoa tqr protaetioah Bke.
lac two ti^p* batweea Elk Bapld*^ ary to oortbera Mkblcaa. by F. UbbII~
I the plaUorm
Neah-la-waaU etery day, Baldayr^•■t^JpUlhHilMd gap.;
. .
Ihe ColaBbUaad Crrk
ceat tor Traterar City.
e* cac ttotaia of tbe
pBilaaalp by Hrof. C. II. Bora.
Opoa that ^aeaUae of {bIIc; a differ. .
1h* rtratvork*.
Solo by Mta. JaBra A. Waltoa, of I Ptor , power.- rtritifall. 1
aaee haa az%lod tor Boa; Boeto*. aot
Tbe flreworlc* dbqalay tbo ai^tof HodSrld. Hontb iBkala.
J;;-'-'T?*.'■•f wj-lr
reperiroi-.- a^lUi tbr
tbe Roorth. wUl beBadeoatbr Bortb
teBbahnary tolkaadel
aaaelL 8o ebarlj b Ihb feellacde-: ■Ide of tbo.rlter bbak. juet
by Bee. B. CocWla- »
•aad that It b Bora ecetloBal lhaa par- Hvrchi*V MaekoBlth ebop. Tbvovwd
will eoarncate oa the aontb
i«oy.Hl^fyrral biairi.rtii, arli.ta.
Iba Hamtta ha* Bor* tbaa
the riter. Tbrre bi raoB fur Mluw peib
fTMed eritiebB of repeblkaa tdai- pie wllboBt toa<4lB|r elbow*.
it H
foTBB. TbafaadaBrato] Idea of
tb* dbplay wiU be
L-kareb beat Saaday.
JtMKPW s»«-.xii»ais
ItaieelBpllB. erllfeec
a*to Bake tbb oopattTtbe Ueoeaof
tb* aafa-earacfa of the earlb. It b
tarbal, therefore, that the peopIt.%fter
B dbaBrea* experlBoal la ol^ diraettoae, ■hoeld tara ooee taareforretegr
to the repaUkaa polkr «t.pcotoelloo.

i 18 Front StrMt..

Wuriburg Block.

Traverse City. Mich.


Does not lend enchantment to the
view. Our “BEST” floiir must be
need to be appreciated. Try it

Hannah & I^ay €b.^

imBBdm JTO»E B6. Mde
Ma Ik >*. Tk
■MMV>iiAbMd«ii9 htear. ballnr
• h Iba teat fari«( twr



baahdd ap fMaaallf. wUla laUa
Bad fate aaadadaUiteka. Sakaata
fatyltaiv aseapl
TWtotbkdtr- Tkm h m M
• - ■
d liaa. tte aditor
Uw pbA Md rUaV of MckV m»ti>r
« lai^tor
•a^mwr ud' Mb. n* cMpu; mofaBerteldaffhaada Abicaad
aalaabU Uhcarr
rwaaaad wllteat
waaf^atadropal wataraaB bogfc.
aadpiaaaBadaa tetattma&aa bate
_________a V BkjeJ. dab «a)ogPBd tmtojarad._
• •fcmmwoBBd 'lbaellyUBt oJcht.
^■fapw1(^a“li«rd«bBl|-at U
Mn. S. L. Corbatt d tedtlar ta
1. tell. Tte 'Wl.irM prMUr iraad
Baaea.- .
■wd with totoou oftte elsb aol- l(n.A. W.Patetta
Tben wcrajoat s «1m Busteir
rt Otite. of Paloatep,
•t teteael^Badarwraa* tod
hanaee Wbltaax b teaa (roa tte


Tbeu trill te B temfarBiMc ae
udrr tto BB^tiew sflh* W.CT. U.
Id Llbraff hB]l aaxt HbbAbj Biloncna
Bt thiwe o'clodt. Ab BxadlBBt pt»
Cnm 1* bdar prapBred. tte aAdr—
will br tellTarfd bf MBaIr C. Mca.
A adltwUoe wlU te lahaB. At
eordbllr iariwd.
A. Bbcirb. at Afctad, will ten t
atip at eberriBB ^dclaf bjr tte mmpU
. Mt la to tbit affiea Moadap. Oa b
r’ laetet loaf bi* thlrtp-da
prrfretir dmlopnd Bad ripa cfaartirt
Bad tU» lUUe teBncb wat tekaa at
< fmadoa frow a uaa kadad dowa la


ii sis


State Bank.'

diBiaa caaa bat oceeplad tte
a of tteclmlt eoart aarlp all
tba weak. Mr. I'TBUfar -*.L
the dafeaaa
triad to tear tte tmm throwa out
tba proubd that no oaa aa. ba triad
iwlea tor tba aae aaaa. bat waai
lUlad b7tba}udre. Tba caaa maf f6
to Uia jorr todaf.

ifbarBBa tea latt el tte weak.
Pat HcUaaaU caaa dowa trad fabmkej Saadar for a abort altlv
Hoa. Hbt7 Haaaah rataread oa
ardaj frew hie alait la PaaBajdaBB
Ptecr Holdawortb it bate.froa Aaa
Arbor iot tba three woatte aacatioa.
C. B. Itockeraj- It aatartalalaf bU
fatber. Joaapb Ilockerv- »l Rodrford.
John tt'e; aad wUa of Hadford. a.
re tte ratelaoCM. V. MCUrka asd
Hra. C. M Baare aad H Iw BItia Raff
tetaraed X(«a'Toledo tba laat of tte
aad Wm Eterr ware called to
>toa Vlalatfakd^te tea death of
Men. C 1. Wbltaej retaned Utt
Blffht from a Tiait ia tee aoatbara yart
». W. Jobae aad dawtitw. Mitt MarfaraU of Uraad Kapldt. are tpaadlDy^m
abort tiwa bare.
Maala CnUaan it bocae frpib tte
achool for tee bliad at LaMlar- (or tee
iwwar raratioB. Major A. F. Kelart bat raturaad to
loala aflera rltlt wfib Ur. J. 11. MoalOB aad C. 1. YThitoey.
Mn. W. A. Fi7a toe been teflarUia|W Mitt man Hoop, a proiaieeat liood

IbM M bon^baaattfal ttaa la

Snlte edOakParkaad Aalboay WU, erare aaHad ia marriw » ’
I of tea Mdab pareato. Hr. i
Mn Wn Bnitb. la tea preaaoea al
ter el relatiaea aad Mtada. 1
B. CoahllB aOelatlBr. The boaaa a

that from tUs time until the close of the season, our stock will,
for good .business reasons, afford many money-saTiny opportuni*

Ua arlfe to well kaowa aad Uybly
■■«■■■«* anouf tea yoaay paepla:
Ttey wUloecapy Mr. Wlltelaib toad'm raaldoeea oa Kiyhte atieot
,BMar the pretty weddlwa M tte
rk waa tteV yaaiaaday ktlaraoea. of
Mtoa Ida^ay dlaatoa.a weU kaowa
aad popaiar yoaay lady of tea i'riradaebarcb. aad Chat H te.
rrofUbiTba ebarab
trlmaed with ibaaaUfal polled ptoaU
aad'eat Aowan iaclodler <|aaDUtto
of tracnal pood lillat. Tte waddiny
‘aiarcb waa played be Mite Louie Mali
after wbkb Bar. M. A. Kalaay parfon
ad tte waddiM eereatoBy. The bride
. - ..dwetla^ aulied la while ailk.
aad bit toald of booor. MyrtlaSiaatoa.
ddt. Eirlaa Htaaloa and
beoyaiiUar. ware ooatawrd .la
>Ite. Tba r
AlUa.KeFer aod riprmyoe i-ratt.
ehntvh'waaAUad with tee frieadi of
ter bride aad yroom. wbe^laad'lo
wtoblay teem toppiaei aadT^rlty
la teeir Cbkpyo borne.
Him Bteelyaa teeyta
kaowa ia teto city, waa married at her
borne at Cadillac Taradar Id Mil
Kly. of liay shore. Mich. They
at borne to tbeirfrieada al tei
Ur. S. O. tiawyaf wat married yeatarif loMto (Nra I'aParte.
They will return to bUacIty tee

Taa ladJiB of tte CoBfTa*atldaal
; 'Sharah bare arraafad for bd aatartalet bp UIm lleralee Cattallo, artt
■iTbanda; erealeif at Cit; o|wra ball.,
'^Mte ttetello Itaa Inpeteoatlor
of neeb Ulaet. bnldcBB rioUAit. aodttearaahxf paaaitet I
Beak, treaana oiii. Mirk
of taueb pleatora.
KKoadhp.acboaUof the towntelp
Kntteaad JaUalPraU'weat to
of l<eBiotDla will hold a batkal pioalr
tbb week toattaa^e wadtea rro>«. aear tte Opde
rldiwwf~*ltoUraoa Mnaiy.
ehareb no batardar. Jaae
Mrn.i>ptorue asd Hlaa dprayna wea t
tv. H. Coopaa. tnlarioaar}’ for tba ABtr- I ^urtbpartyaaterday to sttaad the
toiemaa ewauw Uj -pitrolrn.
haa Hoaday dobool llaioa. will dalirer QaaipbeU-teaUa waddimr.
tec Uaa. A Ijwk-noal kaarlataeaddraaa. A toarathlp daaday neboo)
Mra. Fraarae Uraw wat called to UaV
teoeiatloB will be otxaaltad.
tie Croek' Moaday noreloc by tte
Tiir. dlrecton of tte Arriccltaral ao- drateof Mrt
yoaar deattol
nlety baaa Inttraotod the kaaprr of Uir Mn aad Mrt. K. F. Uardner tear bo- bit wife win reoeieeAeoaiecoBfrmlBtoir rrooadt to prohiUt aallrrly tba irnVd to (iraad Kapidi after a rielt lattoBtaad bnl wltbte '
of tte groaodt for aay rte-iat. ball with Jdr. and Mn. J. tV. Ilti
Mte Hlonia Walt it boor frooi tte: The AratoT VVedaeadty't pretty wrdptaylayor tote Ilka witeonl tee writtea aaeratary. E. O. Normal tt YpellaaM. wbree Aba hat dlnyt waa that of Emory Uamataad
Ladd: aad all dtadayball playiaf <»
Him Hay Sbermaa, both weU kaowa
F. b MoorawroltuCadllhta yettrr- arid popaiar yoaar people- Tte ceretea groaad. to ataleUy,tor»tdda^ ..
1» yndoaoteotealoTimaarae Cltj
day to look oaar tee work on tee Web­
Tax laat laaeUa* of the WoBaat-: ber block, for which ba mada tte '---iy took plAor early nedeaalay
, Jalr tte yon will atltaagood tblaf.
alar al tbc tetbollc ebnreb. wblcb
, I. U. Wiam lotdrd tte Mi^. daableaaUfullr trimmed with Aowrr*
lorrow afteraooo. The bntlDeaa toaat- llcT. II. CaebHa aad-C. i. Kbarr wrot
• teaB.atMaatBay. Moaday.wtth bark. lay wlU loeluda tee eUetknof odieern > (iuttoet Hay Tetwlay to awUt
for tee oeeaaioB. At the eonrlatlona
OcwiTT bnibHta of
badJtlll be fdlowpd bya-«Bort
Uk- ormalxatka of a Coaynyatleaal dainty wadaiar brrakfatt wat terrad
tbr bndc'a
; :Bcatu> tawplaanf ryat ft. as
cb there.
fraat ^-tte Mnaleal-Llte
Eobl. 1‘ortoeot. of tea H. A N.. E-. ao- T. D. McHaant. Mr. and Uia Jlnmat
xapaaled by hto alaoa.' Min Jaata. will be at home to terir frlrodt aftc*
, . Oa. am Mac Ptu. tear ctedte ttelr aeraed.' Owlay to tte larye o
ehip of tteelaboalynaBibart
and Mtot Btrriak apeal tome Una la Jaly U la tbclr baadtoma new riai;deaccoa Fifth atrert.
paetad at tele raaeUay.
ecl'rawfoni. who rradaaled
Bxciratiuxt arill ba ran da tte toy at AU. tte ebUdiea of Iowa, wbatbar from tee Obcrlla oatrreaiary of auiic
LobU A. l‘nll.oDeiif‘)'raerraeClty'»
IraqaaBl lotonrakaU day low oa tee pcpiu ia tee pnblie aehoolt. prirmle
week with hirb boaun to axpact- eat kaowa aad popular younc
tcboolt or iwractual aeteob
Poarte. Booad tare. SS ccala
rill ba married teto aflefnaoa at Abb
leboole at all. are atkrd take part In ed boBie thto reeBlny,
to Mtot Uatoy.llrlea TYina
Tan adle <d Mata tor -Tte naaeb- the cnai parade oa tea Foartb. A aloe Mr. and Mn lira tV. Neal, old
of teat city. Tbey will tpead tbe
• hate" will opaa at the box oSee at
naidrnta of MayAelA bat
Btalabwyb Uraad Moaday at
Chare been Ttoitli^ mar bare. reiaraiaE to Aea Arimr for
Hr. and Mra. !>. E. (HI
y ter winter, ‘n.rlrmaaj frirada
9*T. J. W. MiLUCB arlil lectare to tte ■
Mra. T. V. lieddea and Mtoa lladdea. trad ttmEratalaUuataad'betiwto
yoaair pwipleatteaYabaebninfa tea- l
•at (Iraad Rapidi, are tpeadiar
day BlfhV All ara coadjally laattad.
Ume ia tee city. They bake b^rbt
rddiap took place la
A lyo-feot ftayatair for tea aaylaai Tnx Baati.D to ladebted to H. F. He- tealr wbaeto with them and are aajoyl
d dbaicb of >
t\eaaila hat }iat beea mada at A. K. Molleo for daUcioat' red raapterriea. lor tee E^od road*.
Doapbartiy-t thlp yard at KIk Baplda
tte fintof ter aeaacM. to F. H. Jew'tee ynrattat-Kdrewood
. Nellie aad Varrant
marTiapr by Ert. .S, Steele. EratefatklaTTTATiMXt arrootfoa teaSratofa au tor tuiwberriee Which, tbouyh aln tee laat of tee aa
. .pwtea of iafonaal teaeabllaa
ate Uaalel Ltte'rup- »' er af tee trruom. atutotad by Err.. Uarl.ithrr arrieal
Tbr chci|cb wat beantifully dec­
• yhaa Jaaa to by Prof. Mertaaffb at aad fair at tte ewrilar uan ate I
ChaaJ. LIteof Waat Seaeatb rlrart f< aad ebUdran. of aikaya
orated wite brmachca of cedar, potlal
k bit Aaadaiy of Paaclar.
a box of malbenW Mr. Uod bat
Mn U. I). (Campbell. Mra. ploBta and rama of ruaot,
Da. Rvtia bat a eaat.little
W. J. Bnbbtaad chUdrea. Mn Thoa.
At tec appuiatad boar, tbe E»eato
. •tariy
tea trail, Xd It BUtaela taacb atite- Hilebeock apd Uim ilitebcock drare ware aaaembled a^aatbe atnic
tioo from lu baaatyaad oompari
to Nortbpnn Tuetoay to att^ tee waddifkE march pmled forte,
mrity la thto part of the coaalry.
tee CaBipbeU-l.»lie weddiay.
bridal party aclared.' Tbe bride
- Ilaaeh
Ur. Bcarethal-Ttaomptoa Irfloa Moa- atteaded by her brolber. Arthur Lmllr.
r.w win be tome praat ball play. hotoi teto weak are Mn Willtotoa Flab.
CbleaEo. followtd by Min Stella
lay next
axt weak,
weak. Tba crlrbratrd Cblea- day for Uraad lUpldr aad New York,
Mtoa F1ak.HtoaOartradoaad Mtoa
fo UaioD taam.
of tea brat eolored abc wlU takeaaix
, phlae Flab aad Mtoa Spaacar. of Chiea- aiaaa latte
.wmbebfteTamday. HulycUBlc at New York. (Byii« N«r. ito
.pball and the bridal party net uaWadaaaday
Tharaday ate Ulae lal XUrallun to 1 iiraaea of cbildrea
Parry UardDer. of NolUayham. <l|i
der tee weddioE ball of cearETvra
A BBWbteyelaelabbto
will ba
«a with Maatotee oa
where they were proaoaaord i
■■'nof tea rUen la tte MartaaUle Co't tee Foartb. Tba HoaUen-wm by itet aa old-time raakleat of the city, i
wbo aUll ownt ealnable property oa wife.
alara kaowa aa te« Haaato A toy Bi- Uma beUyood iriatcrtea aami
tide of the tuWB. U rititii _
welcelab. Ilalieady aaBbor* tweaty HcKaaxla to expected tee flretof
After tee oarenoay a raeepi

held ia tee Wankaxoo bold. Where 'Sfweek aad wUI bold dowa Artt baaa ia
friranlt ia tee city.
ly E«eata EareZcoiiEralaLatliiit mad
Tba bay boau win laare all porta oa bit teat atyu, aad tbare will te aartral
wtohet to tee bride and E>V>n
ibaacrn la tee -caate of lUihraclime. OB tea Foarte. bat tee boau wlU
of an
Buklay Hoar of tte
teiaala bare (oiUI atirr tte Ateworbe.
for tbr p
t the eelrbrated oneheoa la the didtriE room. ThU
' The tear oMata depart^ win beaairleamalatteBtota.
oom paa made baai^ul for tba oocaplay. ■Tbrliaaefattoek.eaild the
anaaoed oa tte proyraw for tea day.
tee.meauay of the Board of Bd- will iaclade aonr of trararae CUy'a ioa wite profaia daeoratiou df raaeW
IkUr Dicbt a ecwpla of frllowe -dld" aratloB latt alylit a yeod deal of i
beat talrnl. tV. S. lUrl, wbo takca datolea aad feraa.
tte Iowa to tea exioat of pawaiay a
tee Icadlec part, to oae of Amerlra'a TbeweddiDE preaeaU wan faeitaUwork waa traaaaeted. Jaaii
- BBabarof •fold" eratahaa, ItU nid
.(-nuBjraeioirt aad it to.
fal aad many of teem of ^e oarful earWFWatadaitoUowa: Ueatnl. U.
alaa ia alL tor K each. The waacbea
Ui*arb an exwy>Uoeal train' of cir- ricty. AnoBE team
were-told to ba worth" ttoaaefa.
tbat be bat baea aByBirad
anlta from ter E>bom'c parTax yoaar awa'a elob will bold
ta pradaee tee play Iperr. Dorinr <
enu, HariUad ehlaa tea tet from ter
rk.KTuar«A TW <
teratrical teaaon be Vat with Modjat- brida-t pareeta. and; many ^lagwat
, 'tbalraUBalbaaqaallatea Ooarra«a' tfanalobareb paricn Friday aeanlc«.
ka. aad oiber pnmiaeat ttaya
teiDfaiB tUeerwara. rbiea. rat ^bm;
•U WlU ha -ladlee- alykt" aad la addiAlwaya a farorite in Tneana City, pirtaraa aad liaea were token of lore
frirndt aad relaUen,
tloatotea baaqaetaaparial pn«TaB>
toa^aaranee brrw-^ll berraeteid by from
Mr. aad Mn Campbrlt wHI raaidr in
t'niled Btotea Behool FaniltareCo. of larife Badieaea:’
Norteport. AmaoE-tee E<>nta ft
Hr exprenet blmialf aa hlcbly pl^at' oterr rltM were I>r. K. K Brae
Onad Bapida. Keereal chaaym
wite Ur rood wdik pt tee local .Uleot Arthnr Leaile. ChicaRo: Mn War
la tbc text boon to be mod
from aoutbera MIchiEBa: Mn H
year, and aftor a«e Atocataioa
at manifntod in tea rebcartet. ate Karrt
Mcaellaed. Nilm; Him In
tee )ilay WlU fcak with tee beat
. SheldoB Tertioal Byttea of peai
Morton. Honrr; Eex. Dr. Meade. ApHr. aad Mn «. 1)
: chip wa. adopted.
beer. He caate <d ebaraetert to pletoa. Wia;
Willard. Uarid ^ Wallir
aa followi:
Uomodri. ter Raaebbarb. tV. S. Hart A^'tobe^.'Min liabrit^itohM.
Aacedo. 'roraraorflf Fadaa..'
Mrt. E. L SpraEue. Him etoraEsr. Mr.
. died eery aaddaaly Itwaday i
:.Mn Joo. Fowir. Tneana City.
ntloaa aloac tea a:
> oa tee ‘
. F. C. UilUet
Arrafeato. hit trieaA
Faarte. They will osly be allowed oa
Laoe Ttw
Barrtti. a mer difp
tte three Uy arebea teat wQliw
. Bd ty tee ocmimlUaa oa Froat etr...
Him Imttie Barilaad
■leqaiay tooaw. ' A few mlanlet later
MteOertrada S|nE«a
Ar. Faxacte tearebwm tee wca^oi her daayhter raterad tee rooat aad Kerlarila.
' Htot'BUa Hlelaber«
a barvlarr Satarday aiyhi. Aa ea- toaad bar lyiar oa tee Aoer ia a half BlaaeA.
Hiai Jorie VaAar
dearer wat made to yet tte holy eta-,
.Mtot Cto^iala Vodor
tela la tee tBteraaale. aad toUfaiy la •ey^hrr that L
LaOiaeoada.Bctrenof Pteoa.
Hri. J. B. Martin
ilak oL bat tte d
Act I-Uardeat of Ukoooada't paUor.
be hopalan She Itaycred
Aeto II-III-^The boudoir of
bonn bat wai aet ablate
Act tV-U
Tax trtaddaot Mr. aad Mn Riaabto apeak ayala. The troable wat paraly
w play will ba per
Faaanl aarrioat were bald at
Oar SaTings Departmeat
Follw. of toa Aayelca. CtoL. wUl yrieTa
ar Bean, ate p
tolaaraof teedeateof teolraoa. Frwl Vaba teto moealay aad ttebartoltoeh
ia tte nakwood eeamtary at thto
Falltr. wbo baa beta ill* lor aona time ptaoeeiattenakwood
with typhrid toear. Unriay bit taei- city.
daaaaia teto city h« made amay *mrm



happy •ndAlata laUar plaoe.

For instance—
.A li)Uc kx of-

Two lines
Children’s Hose

ArxBXATiox aoeialwUI ba yieea oa i realdaaet el tee editor of tte Hra.l..,
. Barv alto tea -OraelAxini of
! tact Satarday eroiliw. ateat tl&ieloc^ tet Uladlatora. which hat raiaad lor
him r>lAca optaham traca tea woUb
a aa waa Beer maja ky teal o


AU ■« exadially

will furnish


One lot
Wash Silks


3S cexL-bs.t

Nearly all sold labiice of lot' at 21c.
.-Ml uoud {or ^v^ist^.

Give you choice frohi several
lots men's anJIioj s’ suits worth

Equally coolinj;—with you the whole


at prices ns follows;

T»o KiiietjJiie •
FMf HfnelyJire-.
Sii lliiiet||.fiie- ..
ElpI iniet;.fiie


New Testimonials for the Plano Machines.

, s|.

Beats onj'tliing yutt ever saw.£o
—just the nime you need a
suit—just the suit you need fc'* U
untloubtedly in this lot.

" t


" l^vcKSE (.‘ITT. Mich., Jaw
r>Qt«oplat*<d tbe porebaae of A BKnriag maeh*
ine. I bBv«- ••sADiinrd eantfutly tbe diffMVDt tuarhios in nae. - My attentioa waa called to tba
Juntw iTiaiu Driv,- cDm-liin-. aud 1 oMUK-ntral u> gice it « trial 00 a; farm. AfWthe rib^*' ;
ilia ixu Bet Dp. rwu td 08 drew it »-ranil ruda, rultioH b rlnu airatb. For ligbUMM of (iiult
land nue vitli which tbe kiiifif can berauori to paas urer obatrartiou, J believe it Abf^ ef '
auymacbine in (Me. 1 bare ^ivimead a oiacbiDe, and recommead it'to aII in need q| a
Rn^wetfolly, ‘

mimiai^uracluwlacdarAwilnrefHOosa^. .


fc' To.TBtHANrtH 4 Lajr Mcbcas^le Oa,
^ .
GentlemeD:— HuDkinR yiAi would be plewbed to bear boir the nrao Ma^biwap nn
aUrting id on oar torrib>0' we arill gire yon Uie nwoltb of yeatarday’a tnl; Mr Qainey
Tharker. repreatmtiov the PUao I kx.. raae (jver aM adjusted Die Binder ^ Mover, aad we
started tbam Dp iii the presence of n eaovd of speclstora, and they did tbair Work to the FwU
satirfaetion of eveij Ixjdy. It was fun to see tbe Lever Binder go into the gtnin (hmry,
green rye. on sofL wndy KTnand) aod lay off tbe bondla in a waV lu pl^e tbe oMwt Mr.
Tfasoker sremed to know iFhat Uie macbine would do. and bis smile of —u«f.~(uw. w be s(dd three maeWe on tbe spot, with probably tb»e mote to feUow. The vny fa
oprmed here now for tbe Ratio maebinea.
Vcmia trnly.
North Unity, May 30. lt«.

MivCMH. •
• mm
mmtmmtllMmi, . pim



Mel.l^l.a S A.h. McC.,- & Son, J. G.
,lohn«.n nnJ S. E. Wnin .fll Inmi.h,
Ice Crenn, So.,n. dnl*h,(„l. cool trouble „ that, the
cKtliiiK cEoct 1, tnntiwitity and you
rant siH-n.l nl| your time atthrirplacn

. d.-W./^iiliijen

'■ e

Stum- at............. .. r.M hnd Rft.ceots





. Lot Silks

arculatioii this week 2,300



formcriy priced accordinu to sj/c. from
.to to 4ocT-now
any si/v.
l^l 1 -priced 45 to tex - now 40C.




Shirt Waists Oy


' Y'pu WlU find samples of these goods at the store of



ORAMP TBATMaa mntMT-n. jugH

Wm. Mtw ud

an wa« ika U^pal'fMate at tte
____ Mb’ afeareb l3 Headu ttetun
altooatmr rttaanad. It brjat Ikalof

K.C.IM>wartobaliaaraa ad
e hi* laaUaaea aa Kottaa atrae
aeaptad by Bat. With.
Tte baad bay* ban nntoad

af Travm Rat. ttodflte' Tte Aaam^ wa ear-



rMhv •» Ik* tea.

Make oiur Store your stopping place any time
before the 4ths

tte^£)bnltoabMdJafy ad.

Ibn FkB. D^a bIMbM tk* llwMkw CMkatv W Uk* Am Taadvkn. J. ter. 0<af*»m.vWM «rith pall haartn war* aU >oa*c li '
Se let! Way aoanBliv Irtoad*.

at tte teikoiie chsnb. Tte ebotr
froB Maaoatoaa wn ^Wat aad tor-

>. U. Kite bn parebated lot 11.1
IWt It* ot tkl* tillac*. aad ha>*
OuellBa EUloUliacAao
rt ^rilac W oid
bpUadid ,ro^ w«at
UBekbabarTtoaBraraUlacrtpa. Tte
ba>te*art*aba»tflytoad«ltrtlh brtrka tkat Ibty brad to Ite cTTfaad.tell Natarday •nalay i* booar
Jbbm BIIoU rxprct* to (o to Cedar .
: knr.lkytiiriiMtecAk^llM.
• oat aad faraiabad Bnkta' ^
itoa. ‘

Itotoy KoekntaiMd (m T»
Mte Kay biasaodawa* bartod al|
OW l^te camlary ynt>«<day ater- ■
Dooe. Bat, JoaalkaB Bodfae* anacb
«d froB tte toxv -U By rattea'*
Mr. Md tern. York arrM Mn. K*1- ------------r« Baay BaBaioaa” A larra
Mta* f.«t]to Stare It wotbiapto Hii.
Iltoraftw wt^
■a WaitewnAmAIlM rWI*
to Own rriter Ma tetaftey.
Uato aeoni i* *WUm tor ai*to<

Mo. B*r**y.^ltorS*urUtowak.


Hk‘ te^ uSkr?*irtrte. *^5wSr j «**■


B tte toxv -'U By




^r Ja^aeoa baeintdaitbed plaot-

k. Md Mr*. Rollktoy laad* • flytor
to Ttanr** CUy toai WadMtoy.

Itoble to opnicact a* tte retail of oracBlM o aa attack of tdkraawB or toifirrilirii To etoM wxk dbrareealde
__ ____ — .Bold
ten adHr.
PcSeU AmoM ba tskra after a
too teeny meal and ..........
■UBaeb win Uwrebv he'qtt
tte meal promptly dipcalrd.
’Then too if Natate br inited a little
,o« and tlien to nrami-i^; offnaltof
Blatter frani tte atomach and t
bowel* voo
uric of diawill Iterete avoid
wiU bate lew Ireqaeut Dead
Aaeun' rarricn.
•Of all knowa apmto for this purpose.
Br. Itetre't ricaaant Pellmarc itelirtt.
--------- *--■ eflm b to k*T '
’wwtda opeo and nvalir, not to fur
njiuMpatc. aa ir Ite oue a-iifa other pilb.
Menee, ibdr yrnt .pujmlaRtr alth ndfrrrrt from teliitual cuaiUtiatiaR. palaa
awl tbeir snendast diaranfmt aad ni
Bold .Im:

Tba coafartBca waa bald oaa work
' An_.^.
yo at tte Fyiroda' cbarck. Horslaf
•aakB. tebtetb aebuol rork: aftoroon. Bonr tolBtoa work. Nob* eew
or coniciiwtjcni. aour atomarfa.’loB nf^
■ Ctoiiila *t* ripaaiar racy rnadlr tbanybla aod belpa warrnttered for
mile, mini loopue. iiiclipe*tkio, or

F. F. Uortoetoaptadiapafew day* dttptpaUL. windv lirichiiiitN "lirait-'
____ B W*a aapadal ly telpfal aed wpa
Oaeaa aad ^11 returo Satarda};.
Irara,-^ mn aud <U*im after eauiiB.
Mr*. Jaaa*l.taiG* kaaateUr ^l- darfally bltoaid erfUod aad Uod-* work
faW ter tra> Verk alala.
Hrrt Araatnwc of Kiacatay tkiilrd and kiirirtd dtratiKc-toceta of the liver,
t yUB«d *traBptb *to go ■ forward
•tomacb aad bowel*. One linle -l-ri*
Tte Iteiaa’ AM aoctotr will bold Ito
k a Usatitr. two arc oiildly caMiWttocatKn.
...............................n. A. U Ktoiblr-aoB
utoB, JBsarttb.
Vtoi Bobl>(B* IW Ue ntofortaae
Mr.aad Hi*.
step .oo d Bail, pierci^ hi* fool qa



Yraak farator.of TratnaaCily, a
^ewtar Lawia Mat W
to towB tetanUy.
KVa HeODnah-k aad tearbtor of
Mart tTararr wa* ibe r
RBpIra ealird hrrr today.
taey tMok aad are
Hhaw Kaaday. ridiopfr..B
Kara KrwBao.ot UapltCKy.
hU whrel.
towa yaaterday no beal XoBe fanoai^.hate b



$4.95 Suits

$2.95 Suits

Men’s and Boys' Suits are
break-down prices to close.
Every man can get a fit
Surprizing valuM.

bonl&iiL a lot of Men's and
Boys' ffoods that have sold
freely all the season and
x-i. ^od values for the
^ money.

Childrfin’s Suits



intoe* piet. f
d pwMtnp praible nil the J
■ year 'ermnd. Always freab. *1-1
Away* in aeinn. Alw*>* pood, "
iLtbat'a tte naaon,. Accept no '
^^utethale. Sold evetyabcic.

Hra. Koetl aad daapbtar of' MatBelH
'onr.of'IVateraraty. 1*
Bade a kbon call al thb place-SaUr
Mr. Brownb TaBily are aMIcMd with atop^ at tte Tranacirot llouar ibU
day eteolnp.
r •wI'nM.etur'^tl^
Irtia Mnaey anrata few day*'
Hte Birdie ICaath I* atoyU« wltb
Hta. A. Jeone «tartod for bor
lap fri*od*.ai Uodpe* aad Kiopalry
boBO wbBT ter bnbaBd U. to>)
la*t wrek. relaratop Saurday. ♦
yntotday Boretoir- ’
HocklrbfTry* are rioeoiny aod peo­
R. A. Bryaetaod Mr. Oampball tme
ple are polar «>tb loer borae tmat; \
Cor* tlrWrtand cfaildri-n w
bare toat work to tba totoml of the pmt maay hat* almdy beea picked.
Eafla aod Traoacripl of Trarrra* Cily.
, Tte faraicrt' are waiUnp rery pa- father and niulhrr. £r. and I
Mr. and Un. U T. Raadall mod Mr
trill ba a Hai^ aduM pt^
Ueatly. for iteiltUe parnito to pat to
ad Me*. Hast, of Trarme City. Biadt
Topicfot^lte Jnniur I F. In.-etlnp
rWt at A. C. Wyokoap'S Int Soaday.
nrit Sunday .-m.inp Ik. -It bet tuakc*
Chlldrea-*'Dat at SliphU will be a a true man aixl a true woman':’ ' l«wd' . '
loot retarBbtre.1. aaarly(uK> boa- er.^ldllafork
m ^Wat tVarrea Valna ■ tto«a.y day
died belor pnaaot. ' The rarebcK -Tke Frienda- i-oelitT ryill have at)
weie opraml with prayer by M i*. tVhr,
4>*K-isl Friday r-rvulne. Jno.err twotuorraU rrotorday. hwk.fulloweil by idturiorK Bad aprafciap at Apric
rriiraltnrai liall. Cunteuac^and
BtofTtoa'* baby, about eor by thrcblldrra. B*t..M>. Keitry tteo and -fuiTc a pond lime.
waa borWd to tbr llonrU talked to then of tte tipbl of tte
Tbr Kiw--. Caddilv Berry.
lerry. Fraiikl
__________ aad ■!« Hay SlnmyiBd*. world. illmraUopwItfa the difforeDt
llBDtocaud tHitof
toirlrd at lawf Idkr eamrtoiy^ Mav
the Ttweben.’ Am
iin .h<-ld
HlBiABIida wawBfbinesytSi* old and
land liM Friday an
^ Edn^ fllrard M wirklat for>BTlicrrwill h-m

friaedi to B
•e cri-am an-l -iit
tv. Kliae b prUiop ready U> put op a nil wli.i vvisb f'>r I.'
Jo ibe near fotoi
-----------------------------BwniyD todfoa
Ur* l.tWr Hen
Mr*. F. S (
0*boni aod chlldiee. of Tborwlay.
pBrt today for a two days’ ao>owi>.
Mr- 1
Trateiae Chy.
dadfM.r*. J, In-aarlaea '
Oar Hobday aWnlwUl oteamChUD.
. Immrtl
will po UiVr
drab'aDayaadclraaptoatooa Tb
at thU
atoy.JaBoSi. Tba anaetoB. trill
Vied Uoff la dWd enoaldtrablr
pianoD faito I
Rtoto UBo-aloak. A food tia* la a
palDUap OB buCldiBcesad baraira.
Mr. ami Mra--Scott cntenalacd- )*••
■Brad to all wbd will reau.
teen Ivveiitr-lirr and tliiriy yuuiip
Ml*. Wileoa will Intt tte M«CaIh teatly.
Aap. I'orUKT COB
W'ple' -dd U(l yivnur. al UM-jr nwr
reek and oortipy ter own
Hte JrtM Borl(B.wbo toacktoL.
few day* to buy a be.
-leii.a lai:t Tuesday en nlnp. Ice rreaui
■atote Ik* Wt aeboa) ynr; eWad a
tte weal aide of towt
Dd cake Wore siwred and. all apeol a
niBBfil torn toat PrMpy. HteHorDr. Vaotoo. baaltb ofBorr. ,ba
rryenyiysUrcrenitip- '
toa tea totaktally dMe^ai ker da- looktor after tfaa 'kKIinc aad proper
A. F. BaaUiip of tte LeeUeaw_____
tteinUBtearaad pan coed totktar- db9^
n. sad JoboDoraey. both of EBpiie,
Ustltoturday laoriiiap the •hildn-n
a dkwBKd toicar. ill
tteL Hte wUi Wn BB>^ wate (or ber
were caUera beie receetly.
Are uplotiiui'ui a*to b-iesdr fur
le pi. ni.'- About - o'clock lUv people
Conb•m bate rrlnraral
"forTratrihe lake, jbe day waa all
drooe seroa* tte way Bear ibe at
____ _____ _____ irratt_______ ___
that could tewbbeTfor fora picoie
trtobdi at tte rraldeeec of bar
Uoud Harbor b aol to It Uiv
aod every one aeemrd to pnjnr Uiriir
Him. Tripp.
aod a peodly anBberof obr people art
Pirra. espnrially Uic children who had
talkUp of tpeodiap the «U> at TTateite a find
■ Ber. Mr. Uarperba* madeaflaeii
Bod tins' bntridinp. awiapioj; abd
nrcaalaeoa tte Biodaaf oar ptr^e
Mr*. AlW d SoBtb Ani la rUttoir bla brief BlBUtry bbkbp aa. mod o_.
TbefarBrcaArre an buy plaatlas
l.aal Suo'dar ak Ur. and Mr*. Thai
ter dan^tor, Hr*. Jalln Hwaoar.
HaptW bratkrra bate •rtdaally aadr Ittoaototoasaad bareaattop thrir bar
sad Mr. amt Hr-. Itari- were oat walk
wop. which b hardly teortb lalktoj.
iair near Hr.' Ibvik’ houae. a laivc
h*wk flew at. thrmaiiil ahowed BphL
’. Sr., wbo baa t
They thnajrbt perliaua Ibe bSwk ha<t a
away for a__________________
oral Dear fay aad <ki lookioir around
a few day* ayo aeeaHaply
they found tbr nerlwlth two ypunjr
hawk* Id it- Monday Mr. thane- and
I*. Lena*' Habbell froB
ow sad poialota a
B.’Htlea.of Ihbplsor.ha* Ukea up Mr. Ibri* ahol tte old hakk. It mra«-.
la. an eWttor tbalr BBoy eataatottefToai
-babodeat ‘Tratetae Cily. aad what- ared from tip to lip three- feel. rijfU
• 0. C Lto*. with bit wife aad (atter- trer te Bay aadenake we wbb bits iscbeo.mnd from the end of iU hill to
Mn-Wmi aakaaedHiB Ads Bolla-law, Hr. itoyder. atartod UU ladnthe
end of it* tail waa two ftel. Mr.
Chance baa oae of the yonep bswka.
bb spriap_______ _
aeirt Friday. Ji
lucBade aaay wana aad aanmt trind*
aJ. J. K1IW-*|
• prote.
Wo rapret to loaa them (iob oar *0*1*
'oa the n^bt of Jai
Alice of Keooaii*
dooit'aanisry iraii tblu Ihy twoyoilny
led all'the taa bai^k
- wbirh
ilch ha*
oius. aud Mr.
leo out here up to d*tc aad t
>t to Bopira to Babb bercarpn.
•aw Item po and pick op
tba Kroppaad bb abler KBBa. af
Hr*. Al. Hall aad abildrra rtoUad
Hra. Sean of Uraad BajAdt b tirittor
Wtf*. Mr Scott railed out to th
aoato ciiUope. arrite hero Satard^
'(toearaa aiy orar Haaday.
•or toibn J. Ward tbria.
n- llrtheu
sad expect to Hwad their tantfoa
Oaa CalBaa
Mr*. Vr«d HeF*H aad taro MlUe boy*
etetod (rtaaA. at BIb^bb TandayT
a r
Mr*. Myroa aad Hi*. Bd Oalrer readritildreB Of Oraad for sarii a Iroptb of titae.
dn>p bb
ran aUuil
, teraadboBafraBObtolnl Theiaday.
Mba Alice .Baraateto slid Mira l.ydU
!D hf too, dropp-d bb
------------sand Mr*. Cha*. Mc- KHwy, of Ueotei. Col., *re espertod live, and thby skipped. On examininy
Tteataaadaae*alW*sf*.baJIFil^totbtjWalndaa at Barry Hiltor-a Laapblto drotc to Yaba Wedaaaday.
tele thb af tonwoB to spend their tan thr hire* oae
fftnnd to b.- daiosired
lica aad look up tteir relatlra aad qaito a iroodttral. Laal fall Ihet Ihrutr
many frtood* wbera they h»td aot area lb* hete and comU out ..n the ^ond.
Mte(b*.Wltoob.wbobMbaaaataytacatUteAMforaoBetlae. ntw
Ibt olber waa eot dauiapcd much.
Hr*. Ida UortoB. wbo baa beea at for pfSta
ad to CbdbrUat Friday aad M wotUap
■ode aa It waallpht Mr. Scott mra*
• tor Mr*. Lari AriBlto^^
ite track* aad followed them to 1
apa. Mr. ScoUaays the track*
Mrs. p<»- wbo bn besa atoytop at
toad with *ome that rbltee hi* beta'
’Tratens' City w^ib Hr*. Barley, rtoi^lof Nay :li tir Pith. Mr. Soitt
laratd borae Satanlay.
*ay* >t b a pond thlnp for them '
barwBt la to peofnB aow
A party of aloe eadae dana frora
b old array rerolerr raiaw-d tli
Mr. teTM M bWaan at I
ntaaaa CHy SoqiUy aad tUtod Mr.
there would bsrr l-en a hifTper drop
rndyfor harraiaad batfiacL
oMIarb aad fatally.
ofuir •on*, wrbarr bad for y*ai>. ihsaa teehlre. U r. SwAt would warn
' Ha an (atend trttb taa pr
Hr. aad Hra. & J. Croa
all yoaoi; frllowkto keep of hi* pn-raiBaathar al pnaeak
Tratarae Oty last Friday ai
ac. at aiyht or be will lak'e rataaurea
Ml*. Hanna aad aoa Qatee trill eel bom* a rery Baa trappy.
to keep theiD off.
aknto at Traterae aty.
Mr. aadHn-IWUUaad_____ ....
rsted la thb'coaaty.
BiMAlen'-i araiea a^.
•oa of Corraaa. fuTBerly of itab plan.
Tea KawT SanVa in the world for
»n atoyiap at tba Lake Viaw booae
^is.IJrubr., Sorra. UlrJfra. Salt
bbete ttey will *peod three wark*.
Oi»Bhyuia. icwr Sowa, Tetter. •"
Hra F. X. Behert b qalie akkapala. HsmU, ChilUbioa. Cora*, and
at Haul* Creak. ' Her reaiato*. wrrr -**^|)^bm was sCedar riaitor Wti- Braplion*. and posilitrly cares lllrs,
no par required. Jl i>
b (n^rantevd
bnrapktkaaefarberbL Sartleea were
topire c.-rircl •ratisfaniun-cr money
beM ak the tTesbyirrUa ebareh 'Tarnlaid ■■nSld“’^ tt- Fbber dnra to teday. Bet. Mr. UaatoU ofltotoUap.
tey yBlteday.
Doc. Myra, wbo b to tte ea^y of
, - BteUaad wlQ ba wMl teprBiiub
Hba Mary Uaater «bc kome toal
S. J. Ctoale. sllrpad aad (ell whib al SaUnlay cm a rialt.
>■work to
Mr. Oowell sad Bdd QaB wnt U
iby. III., we. loUl hy ^ d.idhw. -lie
hlt^^bnk^hbb. doattebaid
latrrae City laal Ta^iy.tber.' w
Mr.aad Mra. Hoove drove to That au hope fee
dUra Of I
rfaaaioed to a critical coedltka
Sew________ ..____ ,_____
Haa^emlM wbao te ralUad;
her aad -te -ay* it-aev-vlTier Kl'r. Mr.
Thus. .Ktnni*. rSk Florula street Sail
■ad a waah apo Mat Friday
FntBcbco. -offered from a dnadfiil
rnrrara waa reedaaad at tte

Ktew^io^ **T '■ **'



will he in demand. Our men’s and boys'
Suits will be worn from Manistee
to Petoskey. Our store will be





OIF -A-'

On July 3rd and 4th our store front will be handsomely decor- •
ated. Our special price cards, in red and white, -will be so attractiye that' no one will fail to find the place.

$8.95 Suits

Are the b^°^ values we ever
' offered for the money, $11.00,
$12.00 and $13.00 Suits
to close before the 4th.


$T95 Suits

Ontain $3. 9 ft 10 Suits.
Ta) V i >l9 )ot goea All
new tii'ri. ecjeUent
values. The prices
sell them.,


a-,.,. ■iS'urf,


telldtop aa. addlitoa
Hr*. Dr. PoUar haaa abtar ehiUap
•r*. (roB OMo.
Joaapk Meerabas teoeaily
Cbepa are tochtop wML WhmX _
•—^‘-wtotofwll* poidea eatorsad

X B. Rablratd aad arileof Halai
(k^ ace tlaiUai tkairdaBrbter. b

B. 'Bail


Mrs. H. B.

hoaplit irac l-vttlrof Hr. Kinp‘* X.-« i
rwtciy and lb twn week- waa eared]
b ualurally thaakfal. It k -uchi
rtwallv of ahh-h them are *ani|vlm.'
that prae tte w.rader(al eflkaev ,d
thb rardicioe in Vonirha aad folds.
Trial biAtIra 10c. al F- L «aif* aiel J.
.........................-HnipSUee*.- Bepelar-br

• III MuaTa~y^~
, ,, .
... require i________ ...
reralatr thr howrH and kidari'- will
tfanrapb Ion
aadltetraererardyiDBIrctoie IliUera.
Hra. Umapa Ibrb baa preea peas Tbb raedk-ine d.w* aol stiraalste aed
daa BO whiakrt Bor other latoxieaat. bat
faat acta aa a tie
lt_»e^^ly «* tte ato^-b
pitw.tote 1




Bicyclists will find the best line of Suits, Sweaters and Socks
in the city—all prizes of this character Will be purchased here.
Campaign hats will be in demand, and we shall have a great
line of them.
On or before July 4th we offer some decided bargains.


jneaATjn, JTINEaS, 1806


AalMU toBan.llBMaooU
^.aMBbsaabertnaaMt tba
Bflt. TMbeatdldbtaeMaa^

•“US__ iS?..----


1^ttoT^ooB^wM^m a trlle. aa
tboa«b bor ooBivk^ toeeBeai/a-

rdatof N'enic^Meraoe
'to at receea.
Tbelr eyas
aadJalh Uaeto
aad they wen atodrlV


Ibiac or only looked la tbelr ryn b>ad Jdita were pariM tbe ball am la
rai OB tbe beat of tema
Tbera were aereo aebrdan who llred
ao far away that they aleraya beo^bl


to^BtoMl^ *kp to .lUrhlT^^W.




aad nay birm of blood Iroablcx. If you ssx
haTvabl^dixeaae.Ufceabl^oedi------------ UfceaWmrdmS,r.. -li i-u.i:^ to-- i^xi-r wis,
(eaeieafnVparr/r trtria- p.-r...iBiermiu! is..i -uxort tsw
latojely fw the blocxJ aod 1
•tomatondtd for nothiv *>•*. It i,.77rw hwxw. . xe—rxier »•'-< “•’ uwx





books. Addicaa
Swift '


z« xzoHiojjr:
- - --




^“tpii'r .1






Sut( St., near Uoioiit




1 will pise you oar doxaei eraVcIam I’botmaf yoar'Mkr ;
■ wltbeacb Haby (torriafrel sell foeaabort Use. tdoateharf* •
•Dlextrafor Ur carrUreaa tbepbatoadoa'toBBt mea Best .
>e boBse payi for Uem to adeertiae tbelr flat Ub* at ear ' ]

*11 mMmmM

Do not. i^AU’eat or Aoath a
iB Uu better wiUi
Imada riehtdry ....
........ --v •■ - - Timbered mainly with Supar Maple, u TlTj-.^'.o


and are well watered
lake*, rlrerx and brooks,
dlroap Mils. Sae ebopa. bralthy ell- "w
doorway afier ntodiay
tbr late dienprror uf tier
Uermany iwme
pleaed aad tronblad e
ymrs apo. was takea to
tbr opera,

Ibr course of tbr perfureuDcr
iriap three
rlaaciv at V”
be liked tbe ailrslc. He
was Bsked lKW..........................................
•wa. Him. Aldear' e
it wax
mafemed that the
ma>ority of It
■end Wlaalr. aympatbrUcany.
pretty crude, hut that one piece
Tbra Mra-Aldm spoke op qalekly. mbeatem bad Just brri
’Vm.~ abe eald. “my atotcr to 111. aad 1 eimply sa
go lobar oa
a eery aeal ca^ord,
a rrpriiliiiD o
I let uiy Ctrl |
way fur tbs
landeprolac_________________ '^••.Vo.'aaidlhe lab: 'tbat't tmt II."
iV •cH- aod 1 don't dare Imee
Anutber one w IX played. “.Nu." re­
bim alooe--------- "
st that.
tneaeil the royal elsltor: “It's not
“Why. I will eooae la aod lUy with
him.-- aaid Wlaale. bftortlly; “I'd Jaat
Treenily theorrbeatrabacaalo tuiJ
aa lief aa not-l'd tike to."
tbelr iostruiBi nl*.
• Would your-mid Hr>. Aides.
■Tbat'a it." criM tbe Hbah. enthasl.
troaUrd k»k vaatoUaC- --labonldbe
Ily. “Thai's the pi
mash oblIcBl."
tell yoa about:"
'i'll ran boae and toll mother, aad
back ia a mlnale," aald Wlaato.
the anilirnce. the orcbeaU* leaed. and
‘■'"'to.. ..r
untuned, and retunert tbelr insiru
____ tbe cate wi________
menis in the moat brnri-mdiDp tuab
CL “Yoa waa’t bare U
iua. aud tbe ifbah leaned Imek la bu
mas boor,"ahe said, aa
chair, while hi* fa
cloraa. “lor
Hr. Aldeo
re at <i." aod. cirlaf Wlan
lioaa. al^r baateaed away.
Aldtawaaiooneof bto ;melBabas>)y aooda aad lutoted. lo apU.
ite ^.
.ila* shows iiaelf
_... spark of pen!
._ile'a protealnUuoi. that br bad
rly la hie. ftod my ffriend la Wobai
outUred hU BsatBlBsaa; that be took
IS a lltUr pin Just beplaniv
comfort la Ule aad waa ooly a tonrrer att Bchool w bo. already exbibiu
e fllphu.of iatellect. One
terlay. h rriap day lha teacher aak^
■I out
the way; that be uoebt
children U> write tbelr Imthe aebt
kaee died'yaaia beloee, aad Qe tr
pFeuxluei____ — _________
bad sorely toicoUaa bim.
tots struyyird fur some timr with their
Winnie knew tbr old ceatlcman •
ireatrlnatbiBx. aad la many eaara the
rad ol tdlinc atorieB df bto yea a,,
rtaall was all.
days, and 10. wbea there came a little
Hot But so with my friend's bripbl
maae la bto lamaatatlona. she artfally little dsupfatrr. Kiir mt near tbr wialed up W the aab)act of Umr
daw and aiatched the falllBC leweal
yoaaterVaya. and It waa hard!'
daxhi-d hither aud thither be thr flekle
t ...............................
all^fore the
-. .
aotuhinal breexes. Then abe was m
ulllar arlth
with rimt
pMt ptmto the story of ■ U. wrilr' MwneUilrC upon her qlate. a
fueurite barar that be bad oaoe owned. when tbr tearbrrappnBHtod. tltoeh
aad Wlaale waa Itotralv aa



___ _________ - I UBBunM
...... flatoh
aeteb mtlBf .^^-.1
the food oe IK.
table, aad Hr. ftmltb amll

'SJT. .'sr?





M this imrticulardv Wienie spied
dhcB Staadlv apart froei tba othen.
kUriMdtooMaolately^^«^ wladow.
Bed tbe tmble.
obld my - Jack
-o tbeay aad
.. you «^d_____ HI
. the three
tbe feBlalar of J«bn..
. ..j MUd. «ltk WiDBle-dlosck I
k«t in tkrir BilbU Bal(^ B«rc7 or»r
p skorUMW of lb*lr «----------Hluoa. a Hebeew aaBo.
latod. tb* obedient one
ll>« • Ktrl. Ucr »fr to MBwwbn
Blebard to
l» SBd 1» rnuB libe to B<
M W them had beee {toriicarr» of I
, MeUr prruj. Uoarb ^ ant*
ittfa] Ib th* mBtter of food
•fW tetorao tobeo kiMMilIn: i>riU>er
tb* wbolc aorta fared wall Jeanx. bulb to
to»to»Bn«tl7 toonelr-wlwD khctonot PBoofb. aod I dare w»j ate all Uial wa»
Tb* Ennaway Bun*.
telltBC, iboivb toOBe of bfT fMUtCB rood for tbm.
<>B tbe rrB7 homp from Rcbool at
That boiar roast bave been aalaatobBtohl tVlBBle BBO too bajt oo tbe ed. He wax frieburaed and maainc
tMhkiB. Bor.
Olhpr UbI. do» Bl&walk ahead of bpr elylp
r. oo
array. He bice aluv tbe atrrel with a
•TtirJauk BhBbbj o<
frail Btaod. bcblsd •rfalcb ni
lul of mpo and bon runniv after him
orb bW dop» BvtocliBM «
sreamlv “Wbuu; I did Dot
IdFb woBaa. A pollcBinaB. <
____ _______ -• Bi^ trtBi
emme op asperoelrcd, *rl«od 00* of
laUl he bad turn
rat he bid
' Me MBol rmiij be <»1M Bcanih boy.. tbeoUipr*iokVohto bwla aad
tbr wapoa, and
BltoM. Uioorh bWobd •iBr .lBdlffrr ibr dd wumao (anicolated aod storm­
imUj well piBf. B BCTJ lllU. oo thr ed with nfc aad richteuoB ladlfoaptoBOBBdvnle br lotrraBUBf Ipttor.
rlfhl In frool of him at the corner, war
WleDle faaaleard ber atepa. aa
aa open door- (’erke]>a if be pot IB
iW bar bbad oa tbe poUce^’a
there be mold pet away from the
rrlp Bbr Ik MaMU^BcniMd aekod biBi rery caraeatly if be
crowd. Hr luraed quickly and dashed
not pleaee let tbe boy Co, jaat lone tbrouch the doiw.
There w»i. aa aw­
MUiBBt BCboUr aud i>br to n*t I7 bb; eauueli lo brlp pick optbe fruit, wbicdi ful crnA. The hotae wna In a crockery
MBBadBll4>M. iRkbort.MiP'toja.t. was ruUiv abuut tbe sidewalk aod atoee.
Tbe elerka raa at bim.
» oobbub. PTBi7dB7 kiBd of B Kill. Ilkr, out iBIo tbe atrrrt.
Ulrd U> ret oat. bat.eeery tooee be
la aa Incredibly abort time. If yon madr'toO followed by tbe cenahiv
descs foQ BP* ***17 tin* roo
<rbcr* U*>* BntoiBaT rl'i* <d b* b>
bad beea Ibere. yoa woold bare seen
' ^rtndlnp.
He klck^
ItortBI- I BbuBld ooi »lp« Um — tbr polieemao waJklaraefeaelydowB
- toriaBioa that Bbe to pKarUr lik* otbor tbe atrrrt. a atrmacrmilrman richv
more ruum. aod be turoed an^ot
Mrto, for Bb* doB ban- oa* jwcBltor IV the (mil ataad.>loole mad tlw uutduuia, where be taood the arreamtwo bbya plckiv up appl^ onor
Inc crowd. . Poor frllqw!
Hr was
baoaoaa aad prannU. aa If f<w a wac
tremUlat bbd w> bewildered that be
■ Be BBB U riflil aioof. Whllp a rood •blla tbe oldwdmao waaiaarblv
a not kuuw wbicb way lojo. tiooie
MV otber ftrla—and hoj* aad r<^>wo Bee w> maay workinir for her while ahe
ecaupbl blip and held biBuolllhto
HO|>ia for Uial Ball*r-tlioi«b tbv •at aUIl. and mylV. lenteaUy. that
nto.nraer.p*lle<l Lim and
lut* tbBBaB* Clft. krop U lucked ep
d ap-kr N>.ilhiBirlr V' hlm.aalf '
Hut tj>r or nrf of tbr atonpl I walk­
ed dowo the street aad trfl him talkHe acted a> If ibr dear burw had
Wlaalr wbea abe lac
aa. bad U .Biriii b* 4»II*f a poehel bad alarted
starud uut tu' pet >alu bto alore and
teertalor. tboofb a poekrl
.o.v- tlilnpa. aad th- horao luokrJ
to tb* workt poBaibl* plaec for It.
■ hla ahonUler a« if br would like U>
h* had Just buii^t oi tba wocMarfqto
TbabowboB Befel Bbto lUUe r>f> _________
auo^hat^be did
her haod._ .>od
and tbea
then .,____
sped away-with
MrbrBBdciB elOBdr-raOMr to Bf meaplitUbf wbuup tojola tbe elbei
MM for ietradaciv 7m to WIbbS*.
dear .timxtsr,
of Bbto rrprrdar ‘*'^taea Winnie cniw within tbrw) Ike ml.take bi
for that
ia IbPBBB*
.. . . _
dooraof berowaADorAc mw IbeloleWiaaie'BlIleiBaBul bpps narked b^
■n>* An of HuiU.
mmr BtanJlBf eraaU. ant B eeiWe
Tbe dhah uf Persia, wl

rrira* a obanfr- allhoorb
was -fioori BonilnC' 1 ..
idBPylVBBd held OBI B»
bo took biB and be-


rnau.wx. aw,^


Tbe Ini

sifitirSc iSferSa-'T-.j

Ihxet aiAfad with Setelic theaB.-,
ttom, wUeb thebestltoyaiciaai were an- it!?"?■i
MxVsa lsUi(I.|wmOrsx.<BltswM>CWm.
aU* to tdkee. I took maay pateto I ^ rTTfi'T-*‘JTT_‘*!!*^T*iuj *7m
W/ w!ww!ru*!Ma '.a^TTw
madidam -bw they did nto'sees to:r^ZTLS^r:S'.!!’iSTl::SSSiSn um Btoe<1>UarWTTX>srs>UU sw-seiics. isr
TwrnM FUI ISstmC aimSse 1. X<« sm .s s>
Mch Biy totmbto. 1 Cfadaally
wmacaatfll wu aa- STMfill’StibTim'w
13odwia to Ueraian or baxoa. tba man
abletn take my food
K n exuraxUL
tr hamlle syaclf la.
xxuiu.n amwx.
Bmalee mam fnaa the Oraob. tbs'
CM Who taeiaca rletoV- Wabel. a toeortl* Latia aad Freaeb
IX tSr mm W 1ST Rseuiw sC OmCs W UtxM Tru
■aam. BcMtonabto.
W b.b.9.
erassixls'llwssu IMelr-toU sllSr Pr> eixr wsmu. MSrXMxs. is tS> nu SXI W AMI
me M thxl T Wu «X^ tx ixr CIO -r Trm*ww Olr. m IS.
ionatMn waa a Jewtob anaw.
laatbecUtoflbcixMd. .
rww siiSps *. S-IC W r«—«aise» ei ux sxs tsm
\1kiae. aUtiawar«,avke
Byripht armi before j “iTTi'‘lilJJTICs.
m att»k, wax tbe
ts. dee er urxxe>* SxU m Csw srms. Is ilw
Clory of Hera or Jono.
u---------mn. Tb* drat of Ml*
aaxaxi uth. IMBa.
Aanra to froa tbe tUbraw aad aicalSMrx .'il.XIS He l.iimnis. >1,. wmSW SNM
4s.ns>4 lx PSW —eies#* M^es Sll isstJsV
U-S W 1ST x-etsees rrSTISUsI -SSIIW «> W'ISS
Kadoria to froa tb* Otmk.-----------•-





Daato toUrank. qHA>i>W^*lMciac «»


rail aa aoy other.
«. a lltUe lalep'lhan
mmt tint n ■Blv H «PBB cold in
Bi* raoB. aaa ahe Uaffbnl te_baar her
twth aballor tocetber a>^r ynde a
<|BtBk toilet, aad theo raa dowo-alairp
to tatvaktaal.
HreakfBBt BraacH qnit* ready. Tbe
(Bby BtB* erylBC. bla
doubled up.
rctr red In tbe faeri Mia hmilb.
_id r«7
with aOBBXlOBB
paeUy hiB. wht . Hr. Na
the iB
tolth a aioudy <


I rsssr rsTc riT iri«ets“c.

' riairm.


■ Kew raraiUivt'

Its to I w FWwiRt.. TiBTena City.

ogci^rjewxbwu u

{Concededby all



That the Enterprise Gro&ry is the*
■{ che.-iix.iit store in the cit>'. Wc offer for this week only:


ipiBiii li


1!. U*. t- Sacar...................... ... I.Od
ffexl flnDrperMd................ ... 4.U0
Pure Imal per !b.................. .'.. Tl,e
X Imre .lackaoa 8nop........... ... 3te
!• ban. Kirb'x Noap.............. ... Me
AiyatiliBoMlareb.............. ...
'll' Iba. RidledflaU........... - . SS*
tlext butler Oackera per Ib. B.Sc
Oimnum Ciaekela per Ib. ...

4 .

rnmssis? ii




liakiv I'owdar, 10. SO. IS, 40 ««e
Cuffm..............................U. «g. U. Ue
Coftalaae. per Ib.................... ..
JVBBTm................................. .. tsc
gaauer Boiled Oats pW pkr- >Sr
HaroB Bollfd dale

S tBfs AB*r. rSsUy a<Bp.
OdatTbaek Park psr IV ...
Maiaa Jam, all atom oa
bsUb Rabbm aad tapa


iii Kronl Street. l«ao door* coat of Htatoboix's Oraad Open Boaoa.

0. PIERCE A CO.. Proprietor*.

Brosch’s Meat Market

!■* Ghoicesi Meats, Poultry and Game.



I) tbeabrlrPB. bacaaarBbp
CM «SB tired, aad toaBlIeaai
C«ad We wbea abr loraad to ru
Ii waa loac In tbe tedltac- aad w___
Aa Wlaale caato out of Uir iWp« ahe
taa«btairbtof a mUr ranodhoyelt- Uie ead waa reached aod uklJlr Aldea
raa tovkioy ia ermt else oecr the
iteyoe tbe rmrbatnee
A larfr tear
Umax il wax iirnc to <rrt bto tea.
iSVollierdowabtocHm.T obeek. aod
bto bread aad Bade tbe
be lookM tlie phitbre of «»e
alltiv rooia dre. Tbea.
leu V tlie
ynauc Hr Aideo did Dot come.
Ir. Aldrn aaid tVianle auat ml
*mAe tunaisd Boe« brm.1
wblle be alarted a new atoWlenlp.
“Odob with aw. bj little
iaaa."aadBbe tod biaacron thestrari ry. Milcb abe bad baaed only <mee belata tbe frocen atore.
Aa bar aeliool
Tbli .
her.'buBi, Wlaato BaBally rudP lo tbr ed off-ln
lan OOP w. aad ao abe ha<l Jaat flPe It wax a
oato arllb bPP -tVltb thp flra,e*ota ahe SajabriL
lto>Vbt a paSr alooe taraoH-r and a
__ ______delayed aad was ex
ablaj bee. aad «bm ahe bad asked the
tired aad dispirited, bariar liern
atan kBipod to lot the buy ail beside ivly til
tried by a tonitoh wltacaa and
tbp radiator obllp hpatetlMBP dpilealast bis ease for ha waa a lawyer.___
ctak abe weav oo ber way rejotclv.
___ _________I
. .........
Tbo little boy eaaed after ber. bto bad
d<*a^rd eoBi
bis own
loeedhlt talber'saxra^ra'i eto. ebcehi dtoUBdod'rrilb pastry apd a
id perfen ocmtoal oa bto dir^ Ut- ^ and ^htoqaara\om ouBplain-


......... -------

. _ troubled with q'uinxe fur Ore
Tb-Bias &-lm-trlc Oil cured
ine My wifeanilT-tilld had diphtheria,
x' Kriretrie Oil cured them. 1
niA be-wiihunt II iu the bAaM
T ounxhierxli.10 " 'Rer, T
tlopkirlr. N' V.

Pirwler's Kxh nf Wild liunw
.Tkhlsapletnaaofoarof the
who helped
bin-ry ia ouaslil.'ml a nrceaxity tor ear
> of coffer at tbe Uorld'a h'aif. The aboce colire
II to an rxeellml rdmrdy fur
rt^celally with tbe Wurid'a Kair Crounda Try it aad Iw coeciaecd tbaltoh to
' Vita, f
.'. V.
oldx.>ldlr«ul tbe Rebelllob.
A Tear apn I wax in bed alt wiuVr
with chmnie idienmaium. Three doe. failed toirlrr me, relief Two botof llordock llluud tilUera pot m
' Mt wurtb lu weiirbt I
poM.-, W. U.- (aap^ I.itch6eld.
daleOa.. Mkfa.

I^Tl^^’tto^^be dSi?’3d

thr scalp ere h
When, therefore, he fonad Ua father
fairly radiant with cbeerfalnem with
a aBlUac-faeod clri allUac lieaMe biB.
be aanb Into a Aair aad drew a dmp
alcb of relief.
Wbea Wioole explained why ahe wax
Urare and rme to n br me also to ct>
with ber. iboocb Ar told him that abr
arasB'l the Imat bit afraid- loBc*4
abe woald baeepiefered to CO aka
tor youBc Mr. Aldea waa io polite a
dIraiBed and kaaw po r..._____ ______
abe stood a road deal la aw* of him.
As they walked alone abr wtobed tbe
of eoraethiv to my lo
him. Tbr mn were tbiDlaf aad It
aaddealy <
.rred to ber that abe bad
forcottea tbe aamea of tbi
be^htalar* that w«*e alwara
■uM^bjml u'ssmtr Sltxe7^x7
sill aui to USUS. Us xswrparCf ma a.
timidly about them.
How It bappenad that iMroanay
SrwC wui to eaieah i.iursc sr u.«m tar
alwaya . been a fayorite etady •
yoaac Hr. Alden and be not only
twemd.Wiaato-sqaiaUcB cUdly. —
etood lor ■eeeral miaatea after they
m tae.
bad revbed the Tate. teUloc her aboat

»^ay‘3d Mlaat abrtl1 tkat he had
.a topo

lib bto father. M bee food
foam, and health in

Tbe Mrekeeper. loo. who bad boea
•eaUlBC bto ebrnr boy ia a frijrfatfol
■MM* wbem Wloelc apeaed the door,
•ow looked aa BUd aa aad laBta. quite
batooeolcsi. la fael. aad tbe cbote buy
wae whlatllsc aofUy to blm "
wiped tbe deal fiOB a ataelf.
Wlaato WBlkad Makly al«



aoBBbow auemed to bare a cfaeerlac
oCaet OB them, far their eye* brirtaleoad aad they stepped more qaickly aad
held tbelr twada a Uttla bicbur.
Wbea qnita near the aebc._______
Wlaato oeartoeb aae of berCtoB maim.
•a was a dead
id oo
oa bto face.
face, bi
bal tbe
ml abaapuke to him It doa;


Fresh, toll and Smoked MeaU, Sausages tic.



Corner Front aid Cass Sts , Iramse City.

&£■ 3d* b7*ik>*^«'S»»



/Vo." laackad Wianta. “baTr yoof"

CHASE & SAirB0BS7l“P»rte''S' Boston.

Tbea be thanked be- eaxruomly for


Preparations for the Day.


There is ftin in the

(he cup of HIRES
RhotbMr»the oreat
td^perance drink-


That the best place to buy anything in tbe line of Hard­
ware. Nails. Barbed Wire. Barn Door Hangers, Pajnt,
Refrigerators, Ice Cieam Freeaets. GaMline Stoves,
I-ishing Tackle, and in fact everything in the hardware
line, is of W. J. Hobbs. Cone aod see me and 1 will
prove this statement.

Traverse City, Mich.

?. -nie eetoato iorm food fouadaUoB lor a dlay'x pieaaare—as well
as tor a day's work—that to if



'reaafoadofaeuidiactrDable aa


yoa are load of a gooi Ibiv


yooT peeimrBUoB can br nicely
helped oat with a »••>* u« —
exaoed mmt
d wtn
mdkeyoa rmw “ia atatarc aad
la Ibetto arith tiod aad bob.- BearyUlv
baee hasoar CBbr-

aira.tsl>. SliOa.


Vf J3B080

146 Front,Street.

. the mtof yoar perwB ?


Tcitvraon (Maiw 4.)


: iiTrSu

test ito.toualBS. ss IS, MX to, w Jxsx. * t>

S£s.=Sfeit! rjf.
:i,TS£S*--“s 2ri-£r.S5.:5
S2r.*33;jS5?sir jTm.“-k sr.
sSt es«w toe BS.W u> us UU sC WMWsax to to

Not the
Largest and Bebt


Bednxn Snits, Ptrisr Foittin, SmA.



home: che^e:!^.
B«wdHliu'a>ow tk«»lr hufitnrk.
Bm kr« k Ikw rood tbiiij neton:
WIU. k
bM«M k khlTW kh' 0>iy^ %rr ofM Mrtcd kl k loariimi)
UriVd thpk:
BoW tbV t
rbmrwk bj
A uZ?dok< rUk- wWt tiM ni Mk ---------------------------- liptiwn iktotbe while


What is

ilftMBunnr puira



U tbk Mdralas.
< I ^>nlkr
I fortbr plmokl pro» pro^,Hkl^l,k rode <w kk- r....................... tbr world, ‘tor tbr
kodenkwaat tberdpof thedWi with
proplr wbu Ufiok phaekot tfainp aad
l>li>rlktakakkW7B)kii ks'bo/ la ris* eberr,
•a.v aad doikra; «b..
kind eod
:k« had fiw Ibi^^iUrkkd >p.rito k>
To Oalkb ap Ux bv>»'tipioed eberrUa atkkr k fine relikh to ruffl'iir v>lar ienprr.
iH-lpfkl kkd rOBifikoioiikl
br_ . wh..
____ __
re with Bkklk To fi
. ,...................prs'ealr.lhr
Ur« Ik liriof fdedaaot lirea. aad kaow
Orpo.ealr.lhe aitUarer
ItoBdk Ok Willi UM-Snit ktrckk & dawa.
It add two poenU •
Sklkted rbUdrea
to llir d
fl.i. «;■ doilre
Udrea tollir
lie. with uoua- boW toOo it.
A aowla' awv la U>e mol o' Uw nora:
traad oae plot < '
Akd I fkBt be fkt- beblad faim ibre.
Wand wtfrbarr oo In
qileea la k an
ad pat
.bt tiir a e of
Willi brmktan to fkl fur kerni om.
>r anoli.rr'a taolu tnaarb»lr
li tbefroM. Ix-t tbefrvll ■imbicr niorh trratiorul prarticail
col J.iko.
■ '
Tbe rdilckMulo frkd.kkd tix pip lo
another sod tbr loon rorrir
mna aaUI Uw ikiceb k e< al-Jellr tVbilkUir
list tbe hritev.
__ .Aea crtlW* o«l Ik U» |«kter ^kk
WIUi Bobodjr nwa' mvlim lo do.

i Ao ^kb bread paddikf U okde
Ak' tbr ohildrea to be ritrad off to'‘J* ,^’*^ kpuddior dieb aad lior

0.1 a U.j where S jrirl coa l fr,
raitv trt.n..e atoiern 0 man
»lib)-...Aea «at. ■jTherr'a uo danyrr fnr im.cpn
wtw.- rrlin’ina
fauil-j' , ;oa kooer,
-* ■......................'
..t in
. Kr«aiue the/allbarr Ihrlr wild oaU to
oot l» tbr rhildrio
idrio In tlir pruerw
’ aow.*'
r tart eherrifk aad «<Trr thn (btekir
laenporo i< dark %rrr'e no ■Darmriur-fora W to
'ilbkeptr. blew
xw klowljr
Howlj tokrrp
to keep th.
ibMB eo the BorktBrton.hlpr.
Ikkbudttberatof tbrfknser'edar:
1 fnm tarnklar. Kill Uir hard dUb w.
That ibr iiuiwtlrn.-c U bom oMbr
oUbr Thenapirl. wiarTerlellhttontt
Ik the etoralaff Ull oirbtatjUr
ktjUr trail,
plko- aalke id brr«d <>i
rate, and iiuhappoirw. of tbr elder.
d ir. Dnle.nM- it V- lin.t.I.lwrf rr>pi«Br
With tbe liar brffiwlffid to takr a bite.'
in tbr fhilitrrD np-o wbiiB it i.rioitad.
Proa the rarllret dawk, till tbr eenert ua the
lodrrd tbe in.iilii-tjrr p rerptlob of it.
iirifin. iDMriul of aflonlloB lo thete^hl of.tbedbb.
eliil.Ueh mlnil au <-iciii.r. b'Lor. will, it
a WorM ibal'a be'a d-ba/ie'
Akollirr war te U Btl a di.b with ,V I
terkalr la/en. of talirrrd bread, with I **l<lr<l pnwocatioD t.
Dot tbe last Me lokd o' tbr asaaer k
• citate mnnrrd. end .tawed rbrr i'
oav be nackiil
ni.irtiinir ooirt.
froi’i.old w»tb B^ow I. o»iUi:^„ ThepuddIkjttllKb
wllb h-r and tall aad kaniaHvitbalaw.ini ..Tar
If waotad tbr MOW- day It H i"“b It ebw-r f.u- tbr day. >•^^11x1
Hear l/eonir rrrakio' op tbr Uar.
made. f.irlt alioaid Iw .lm>at Jrilird |-lib an uo,leru«e ..fI i^rm|i.tby
vetlwthy f.>r
With rack aa' teaa ooAir ecus eualk. iBtarrloK
.1-.. pel
_... I. .II_J_...__ I .I-:... :
rk.. .i.vMiar liHnf.
l.rtn.. ■
end thiwbrelMorlo'tUowo rrfraio.
..r ilie iiiflii'. niw of.
prdhrmin arwODil Ihr Bold
.mind and iMlr. I. pi.-a.

irUkU.. I.

It te a terulNa oabaUtata
( Syrmpa mmi Ctiar <
•C Ita cuwiUta Is IhIHy yron* «a* by
MiUkHts nr Mothers. Ltaau^ drotnys Wotms and



rurd. ettrea IHarrtrate ami Wind Ckdlr. OMorte rrltarm
TmlilBK troubWa. rtirtw CoasUpttUoa «mt t-nMalrBry.
<-«>lo«ia aaalmflatra tba Food. nwuUlr. tbr Mutarb '
•nd Bawoh, ffltinc bnUthy ami utoral aWp. t
b tb* t-hUdnte's ItebacBB-tb* Motbor's FitetKl..


a. M :F. H . A M 1- a
Lw' ea. I'w "
" . Ai n «. .



l6jl-^orlelnmtad New KtifUad-boa.
wife', way of a.kiDf i-farnr piddu
1. Ihii*: l.ier a iliiA wllb tbik .liiW
, la tbs hotr kk- taa o' bk^a'.
butb-rrd baet. Kill the dl>h with la.
_____ of tbr oaoo fflewo white
plltad eberrim. pdlliof thru Vt.M-ly
u«rUirr in layer, and 'Hprinkllnp rarb
Uilff t tbe Ibaedrr-Ulntrd layer with aorar.
lUkr li.lf ou h-nr
aad lellt brroiiie perferlly i^ild brfor.
w-rrinf with ice t-mm.
Tbl. b> a^ot
K<ir cherry' Upinea i>rak fmr table
' with
of tjw MWter'e rolce ■pooafuH of tepkira in oee pinlnt wal
lathe morklOfr .har
tta^ad taro floor depoa,lt‘tbeii
>f rheiTka rooiirh l<> >uake one nli
Add Utajuk-e that ahoA
tbcB to tbe tapioca with a plot of walAdd .afar ciioafb
enoafb b<
ta idakr
dakr it rrr]
rberefon JrBa/ daUaria'-d«^ tbr
.Wert and let it coidialiiwly for flft«-.-ii
rainatae; then _
adilI the fruit at
Baa. Ma«fie.aB'brlp bialtafoti tbr
Hrr Blkuta. kafer., Turn Iktu a prrt
I it fej perfectly oold be^'drokirtt-. br-n boWia'on ta

hddikra frw etn K> ttaeapofoilk
Wk woald throw kwajr. aad tbr
. piaeetffieil/wewoaidkddtolindffet'i.
' bEkkfcfaet.tbkttbedlabalrbltawakh''
, adi kbd tbe etillc cake we woald fire
the ehlMmi belwen otale and lapalr
Beoooa/ eaa be exesaa.
' ’ aad wa make a ftsat alatakr wboe we'
rdoketwimapivpar for
ta aetrp tblaf we bap, wbca a OHa-b Threboweraar* taea'ta'otadniehbi'
------aa' ----------------------------- ' aotaetaaldefor cberebpHrllcfAaad Tbe
MOMDer alfbt'm ffot a wd^ea chill.
for obaritf, wbee we do aot iworWr KrrB tbr
rrirkrta aiA .till.
food wbolhoBe food for 90- labia,
Aa' tbr k-blydld. an qeirt.
tiiat wlU keep oar beallhabd atmftb. ilalr the tm-lop. arr.aoBffaia' an'
aad wbea wedoeottnidlnk erkr/thlaf
An' tbr disUkt tbnadrrb MartUBC
paaalbU tor the borne that will oal
clapI ^
abapp/ aeocep to oar eblldrta aad
the beet ptaea la all the world for erar natauw ooBMafale that erta tfala^
noBber ot oar faallp. Todolbla let An'buia off .the Iram with a ririoat
. n bk wllUaf lo lire ptalBlp. to
: aaere flower. ai|d OBBebier. aad book. Ab-Mb*u Ue blfibam door. wUb a
■ aad krep io toseb with
the world. Ut the chlldrea tare their
daUea. aad tbr oDlted ladaWr/of lb>t The flat bif dmp.' enor fkdlla' doe
fboUrtaeUdap tbe borne. Lot tbea br l.lke abol on tbr roof, an’ all arobk'
ta^ttofom BOfM/ tbat the/ aaj nirra'i tbr awl.h of n-art)ln' Irai
kaow how to aaro It ar apead It wlwl/.
a all kaow bow to IVbrre ran thra ebUdroo be. with t
If wajra aad lata rt^
r ^n)p> old Boll, wltbber janfMu'
prUetaltaold ffowo taraed. pteoned
Alike Dew. in aaklnf O rnbriartlyoprard tan'aad. t
KrerTtblnf. la anar .lirltar.
aapblnaaod little bibs froa the won
table Motbaba/lBfolBrle wt
lla ttat tbe aoBBoo abeeu
Baok Wbkra They Uawt To Bn
tarwed. aad ta/laf the beat poetibir Ib-p'. ffot bb patent riffht. ^ad rieb a>
all nvwUoa:
,- ' •
taaterlal. kaowloff It bebioptwl lo tbr
'brr<. tbe prw aad etuofort
sad. ta/lwr poop bjr tbe boa sad dry
that we all had brfiirrr'
Uel'k fo a-rleiUa' back to lirifftby Nta'
**Ift tbare kB
r aa kvl
boa easoot be pado. l/laf 1
tblrkataaB of eiotb arouad tbe battel


taeaberiaf Ibat '-akUtch la tla>e m

Climb eleaa aUirr the roof aad luob
ItMD tbe aterple.
1 tare fooad it eaeboa/ to pay taab Amt- aerer Me a rubla. or a bset
for all pantaaea. Ulakinf it a. vreat Aa' riftatberr. la (orabot of at leait
aa adraalkfa ta tbe ta/er aa ta the

<. In e.ioveaient .Ir-. I. Jiande.1 bie





Uriac with tfaea. eaterlaf Into fbeir
. ttaafbleaadiBafiutloa.forkW
le for tbrB a* Iluir ebll
diaa wbea the/ an ea.ll/ lapctowd
aad led erer CBS la attar life
V«y Boch UBeaad atnaffth
: baand b/plaaaiBff the work for the,
•tat <ia/. abd lalbrrete test loetaap^:
o arrant.

A lady with Mreaebildrea aad aubelp
tald Be ahe alwaysarraafrd for tbr

kappor la tb* Otamiar aad wbatbooMwarbwBtaot desrat two o'clocb did
. M fat dose Ibat day. for abr a
paatior of bainr pretUIy drowrd.
PMdlaf. arwiat aad brl^ tbecUl
drea for tbr rroatader of Abe day.
BarnOrkwunbtrylaf.aarBif taerr
_ -_.T_____\ *.ll______



prorlBr«t*«TBlBata,lta.9riaf oarrfal

want ta Me tbr WiffikiM-tbr whole
dnrla' ap tnm Kliallow FoM. ta

j^»^^karpyoar |daer wita a, tbla

koa-.a-l«w'.aiiil pllio'
at Id. Ellrci-. like they

.\rmnlb(lo.t fniB Imkv bat hrnt
It off wiihaaoftdry rliith ordostar
Krm touch a book with .a damp
rlotb mrr wlij, a


, ffirlitotakiB'.




needs it........

BoyA &ftd Girls.

Chicago -a.
West illichigan


tbr wood aroaad tin-


tara dawn



>r a fan-ik or
- -•lurp ko.
lOifr, a. the
rdf* la .are ta ma iota tbr print, mil
with Urltefrr. butwltba paper-cut
tar of onllnarr tablr knife.
N'eyectam learM with tbr tbumb

I waat ta •r Berlady aad brip brr
with hersr'-'-'
r brr i
hrrrr writa npoa a paper b
------------.I'.dntd aadfuea,
tbe Irare, of an opru Uuk. aa tbr peo- '
Aad nuad ap wlib Baaaael. to sbow
.^pm jjdolwill.Uhrr w'mlcb or
Br buif
boil, be'kffObe'a ffOi
Bd HBlIe a. 1 baertaw brr 'for* abe
pother Boomin' 00.

waad labor bynat aad r
woald ofVB prreaal my aerlea.
tel or pbr*ltal tUBMa Oae w
who krptalarfa basnllaf boDMaad
did ber owa eooklaf. told me that tbri
• and Katyb-H___
■ asrtalatbarperfactbealtfaaadyiBUital appoaraace was la arm fotaf taa,
from tbr war.
B«al wbea abe wn* Urrd. bat lyiaf
Aawa lattaad aetU aba wa. rratad aad Whaf. ia ^Llhiecraad lllraad blfb
Aad nary pin
, flrra ta airrp tiae to work la.

Irnd a borrowed bonk. b.. ..
tarpJla»wi<maa.T-iaare thrnofh with
IL SO that the owarr may not I
of Its OM.—ir.M»te|A..M SI,.

, Awarded
Hiffbesl lioAtwn-H’ortd’aFab-.


It U aeomtaty to haire food rraUlaUaa.tbiraarh dr^aafr.pleatyof air
aad aaaMilae-tbe ^.t ap aonimaad
MOB. ^rita dlatase. To ba Iki
wBh tbr Uaple boae iOBadlm
wateh rwrrfaUy tba Am aynptaaaof

'•S'**^ ^
1*1 if»ri.o


4“:;“:" m.

e Merchnnt Tbil»rln|b
A tan- hw ef

PMlUvAy r-ims) by UtcM

uuKi riiu.

TbcyeltanHiiic !>i-i^fmni Pyr^cpdi.
Ddi,:rBi.«aiHl-T.->n.unyratli.g. Aj-r.
fci.t rnncily l.c I>i»ilw-s Kiuv-:>. Ikros.i.

•max MB.
Sm«H Price.

, '

j Imported and taaticVHlw

.•■ kie.

Cnid JUpils i Mim R. R.

new. ltaITa,Mrinll,cM-..Hh;r.ahJTAifuc
I'iin inthc .‘itle, TOkl'Ill 1.IVTR.
kcBubtcihcUowcU Itec!yVe.,cuUc. '


’ doctor's Mil an

oaoBy la tbe rlrtaa wUdi praAaBdaboaldhelarltad taaUoar
Mta J. A. Hoaraa

rV . tale :.y




New Era Cash Grocery.

-Tea aaaa tabs my happy aad fall
daa|> ‘I pataabaarfml eo.

Qirtcr's'Little Lh'cr .Pills.


>.M rw.ll; M.r

Aadplaaalnfasdauiriaff. ‘ srlll
i4^srraltb that wo 19 It
- - ‘ ow,Mtb««

wk.i r.iw

PyneJ CKIck.w

siKli.i&.. ■

T-. li.-iUwO rvuT.-n »-...i.n.r-.Tr



ta r.r-.phnw.,ib.y'-'.u-A .«r
tbw,.l |wia ' I/—L’fir
tbeltali't— K-eHe-r-t-MlUl
•fB. ^ It ni-ui~ .sr- ll-'iu-e , /fu.

Pioneer LiyERY,




I'miii Struct.

WHEK TTff Wd-AT. .

i rwer here-.M rlw ttao tU- IM
T» bar abww. MOW u

EhuHmUoi of Teaclm.

Travemc'City. Michigan


Hack, Bus and Baggage Transfer Line
; Best Uven in Northern Michigan, r


' £/'






JJO I'rom Stref'i. ^

Bskla.l>eaaeat.fatibec.a H « n « a l.b a n.n .aad
TtamaaCby. We are the paa'ple la aaadta t<

Sales Boarding Stable. 1?^^,
uf Blert; el P>r. p|Mr Bawl

. Crackciii.«


UL-PlBAsant. Owoaso. Saginaw. Bay City. Detroit, How
ell. Ann Arbor. Toledo and
pointfl East and Sontli. i
ctMiuecUon. at CopemisbwiUi
Oee'l Paaa. AfU, Tolsda

It's the Ua^e l^g >
tbM wt. Ihel*e. : A .-l-l,,

. —J.p.r. iratnmof. muy.
Tbisafe 1.10 banted.

Wbarrsttbylrlaan'^thlnk aloiet plrmr*.

Al KfwL-linlluni th-iOBB.


Sd: you get Oultir's
A-sk forOirtcPs^-

AOCMiounoi POB in horses.


dare aot ait dowo fur a Tsrtainil I





Back wbrrr Ihrre'a aotfain'

Your hrtiisc should h.ive a new coal of |.aini this \
si'rjnc. IVrh.n»s you wisti to use mi\cd |wini. or ,
Ik-ihal you warn l.-.-i.! ijiui oil. Killior way ue fan '
KU^irnnt'ffn.vor.'il.lflfrmsaiid faiiinilile n-snlls. A^V j
cl.Tim that no
|>.Tiiii is JK-tter than- ItoiflcH's,.As for l.-ail and oil we l.iiv nothing Init llu- hrst >>rudt-.
.1 call for I'oliir c ards and

trwh.Tw.ltaM ..rWIrta. -.Mlwr-, ir,
.Veter cIum a bpoa wtib
p^ of i)B|xr.

> peiulob lowrd
jKBT.mn5j!lrinf tbr Irotr. of bookla Utar^'taM hi. laad.
r pat.B prac
pracll ourk io a litnr}
Uf» fo a-rWila' bark ta



an w * ODaa.>.'->iewiwft.K|C

Children Cry for Pitcher's Cartoria.



.. .....a#«ifl.dryclo'lb
Alwnr. kerpaay or^y tmeod bar
^nred Uwb yamml wlifa |m|a-r whilr

Abd Juknaboat tbr wn '

New t ots cn».

O-Vw we (we ear .4^

cvBtiuiHW.r dier- cOjU'i
. ta I. .1 II.W... KaikMiiur N J


prnw^ late Ihr t^diwLl' thT Insist aiul tlcmAjlt]
.• back, but hold it with Uie tbaa.h
and JitUr fltifer uiain tlx Itwra
tr iiuiiw ee oeeeiHar/ kk
liMTai^ rWUs' bock MfiHfffaby NtatbrcTBafem upue tbe bai-kBiiac7. BbceaDdothla b/^rorlclli
Nrrrf bold a^buok-n.-ar a Dr<-.
Bark whcretbeUich-«triBff>a banfNervdnipa Uuk ap-tn the fl.ior
. abaUffakta^bkfonkpJkraofaadd
,atorer_ l.wo or .rr.1 ap>«'ao .
iaffaUpn.:hlrw<wkwbrkera'M. itj And er,
•rety neifbUir 'nwnd..............................
the plai*
drarAarelallondroBetr the Iluir ocr. plaloer aad
Uack where we lued ta'be ao happy
VeadiBf the ram tlos with Ibrio;
and an pure'

Mni. bwu.w ta de
Note trsBriiil
ibiam F rAsiws. M
m HkAiys Dll Krw Vick car. i

a- shoe wiTh k recohd.

ntarcll OT R^lBtinr dewK-ru.

Uuf of bookK. wbieh are mm
>t wet. krep- Tbel'iliea of n.a. lirla'berei lt'^ja.t taa.iMly Uta.1. eeperiWIy lor
taff aoebad nrala U a real atooe Jar
Me aik^uf. tfreav-bif I
with a place of ttala mualla urer It.
with cyarpeta <n the .laira
aU WB/a laklaff tbe brat puaaJUe c
h'rrer pall, a book fnia a
And tbe pomp rtffat In the kitabrn. aad
of tatai we tare, palatlair 1* re.
thrcitv! eiivl ritv!—.
•rbindlafaltbelop. bulbyt
Nvrrr open a book fartbi-r
alabtaff tbe faHltorr.'rrpairlof
lata Ita
9alrkl)r at ponlble all dasBffra.
MBe plane.


—• "r!!? ?2 Je'!!;*
. a



Bale, for irtuns Booka



w.ypamHually eiv'yiabma-Marie. Il'.aiiolber .l.i
knon li'.aiioilii-rdav. L-hloni-Vcrl'-"
Till- falltar -Ml.loin t.i ineiud.- in
the tNaulo. of bi- l-renkfi.l pn.-r
ipre-.ion oTfralilndefor the iifln,iu,.rnlnf. bnd . wi.en the d«;
rcr be Ira-I.Uie I.........
in a w-n
lik-k (Kth-r. wbol^taniejy from
fumtal and -crere "f.siUy wur-htp'
tl'nr-lion'in-d iiiiafr.
U'ben the ereninc

Irvlrd taoMfe ..f inoientle looflli. af^
Boch Ibr beat way to core riirrrie. tarahicb all hi-a-l.ap- terer• FOr Men.'Wonten.
for winter um- I. tbe limnau a
'while the lather
father.oll.-r. a.horl
. ,
■Ikf to tlir auk.
Harr a.
ind. of rroinlatad .ofaraaol
Tfir prayer-dwell-npui Ihr wellerr
l-al the ufar ta a
' larce. ralhrr tliaii bn In all •.)-m. n i.ltliI .l.tli-: iiiH- atici
. ihreberern-le.-lh^ nii-ilinii, fia.!,-..
tbrflreaod i.Mk until lirinfini'
nfini' Ilo tli.i-.- nii.sil- their
the .Ofsr I. rotin-lv di—ilred
l-fynif he
•ini! them id 'll
pat Ik the fruit kD|l >-»A Just flve min
ler arnd-of the|;r.-i>t w.irM
uUa. Spread Ifae bratad frolt anil
prayer .d imtl.K.I. and nplifil .'praveupon larfe pl.ttar. and• ptaretaen
of a flnilr falh.-r ton Kjlher rntliiita fneerU
tb aoel
tinf and k>-rp Ibem in
file thmthey are a. rieh ami
-k a. l■.■r•■e1l. A Mitt and drr air
The i'ni:r-r —X.-rei.llii'
Shm-s tor m.-o-ear.- w'.-aritif r- hbeni.
do >loI'Tl.-al tl(, preerirl dili.|..r,To flare eherrira Itoll
rr for belfao Innir one cup of water
M-ikiiu: •I.'omlrC-lii'.--. mi<: tu>ke>.ulk
.uloted .ufar
and oar iif frai.uloted
lllgi a
iBf'ui Jigipeej ptai-.-v .>nafp-rl»l-te'
fork lo tlie .Imp altar it l>a> been boil-ifi-. AIki u-*.I rtten.iv.-ly in
inf Uiefirea IlOH-and
llaH-nnd tliKnin
iliKnin «aUf
If tile lkrrn|U f.u-Bnl bn-iil. .« brlitV.
.Ilie.inip i.d.ine Sian-I tfi.‘dl-h
aininftbe Anip in .uie of loillinf
ft Take llie .'kerrir. hr tbe Mj-iii..
lonf d.miiif miille If Uie .taaj.<1. npdilip li.etn iiithe .Imp. an.l
r them in ■ .H.I1 th.t lit. la-en
lily bntlered. and let Ifaein dry iia warm ruuai or Jo aa iipeii..unn.v win
('berries prrpaml in llii. way
kerp a'littir tine aud tna.r be Utaaf


^C«y"|wcwty'W*« rtnuJe. :

I■llired fraiMifatker eon
en hi- yciniif.I- non a roan


LHlUr OH-«. n-eplU.

Mr NbreaUe aabatMMe.


General Blacksmithing.
SepolA«Xacxs’cbXLa. SepcbjLrs.


Wheels, WagonSp and

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