Grand Traverse Herald, December 26, 1895

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Grand Traverse Herald, December 26, 1895


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text


it«br w* kMir .iM HPtuhrsTvoudMUrd iarn^tw__
•CT Ui» rvsanwBd r»rk rk«d» ur.«. u* >k> (crmlw
lUwa»lo.J p-n..facl.>BdB>ou«aiB«k^

“ca' .‘s.'.'K.-irr. SI
™'ii'S.“'dSXSrS5 SHLSSS


-'" r/“r .rda\s.':iu*‘vrii-4:sssss^^

fl«.«.W.-,-m.,d i«., hv. »h..,u,«..,
-A»d, tr.dd«l, ..ibr ta»t!
.».y n,. .ad 0..1 .m*r of i.rl.c lr«a Ur old U.wa j Mo-rrf oarr ajaia wtU rlSIricity to

' l''nKhi«a»l.
Aa .»W laridcat. oar da; Laal apriaj.

Ur da.r. wb«a Ur tea*
oar of Ur drpaJ^irau‘Jf ! nilrar
-'-ICU^ _
................. ,br,^





ji'f.'KsiirfiTE'ltSi'; F

rr, ur Uev-aa abr ua. faaiiiiarly ,-aUrd, bau a ynrranrc.
"I uuuWbT .urrif
but Al.- abl.w« a.;,l
uaya yrttlnf thr bra


EpUte Ejletidn^.

,;-7, IV,j

Fire insurance!

Cold Storage.


Oeld Btwa«a
Stataaa bnUdlaf on. Bay aad Oaloo



Butter flooms



I want to buy 5.000 bushels M pota­
toes for storage.
i oaim, aay t aa bafora
I vUl atora Peutoaa aad delirar ti
Xay lat,fnBeaata par biubaL Wkae
JI tha haadl g.lD aad
ouLl «iU aton pouuaaloraoaDU -wltLaWra abc la tor lO
I each_______
oaou par bhl. Ant neaU aad flra oai________
. ...,_______
I arlll aura aad aall produce (or oaa half Ua advaaea
adraaea la Ua markal price.
By pUclB( your produce la Oolb Bwraaa you can aall It taataaUy wbaa
tha toarkat wilf wamuit, aad have tha anuBleat Icaa by abrlaklBR aa wall aa


Number 235H Front Street.

wDliuurd tbr .uiall prVda; ul Ur ;rar l>; rrldfMHir otornanc- xm. a* abr lappro tbr la.1 bulU>n is
aa. aa wall aa (ratal rajoirlara, luar tu
to lU butabutb-nb-U11-. -'-br Igp. alua;. aaid
prrraitrd aaoag aj>at of Ua ato-irai 'llappy
Ma|ip>' Nru
Ttir Jroa. Ibr tl|;>|iuaDa.
..uiwl wa.t«rlrr Jrai
. 'll bi *
tlir I'biacar, Ibr Ibiinaaaaud llir Moailiv tu oarr. but br
baiacBodaoa. allboui(b diarnag aa bi
•ur. br knuu. i
tbr lloir (roiu >rblrblba-y rra kourd Ibr
uf bimand Ibru 1 I
laflaidh of Ibr ;rar, alt rrifard il aa a
da; of uaprcial
mprrial lot
Thr llllU nnar wbi.'b ua. in.-ltard U
___ rarij fathrra-fbryauV____ _____ .uub wubl up Ultb a aalfl a. Urg "
bnar. AuKoauarand uVbr/a-tn rrprxr
hrr rrd akirU aod luokrd. ,
baluio of tbriaiuural a«d asiirraiii)»u>
>r aliunldrrat Ur place wh
U« payao fratiral. pn>
iiu-wuuld'-bavr bruu if abr t
'' in ux- all fraiii'r vl
I thr. I'bria




■ !"■ r-


uOirrr ia a oIBb and a d
'uBirial uaroiuy, tbatanyunr wbu'a^a,^
lid pul thru tu priratr uar abuuldj Tiiti iramin fun
a prnaliy uf ai.«>, Ur wainiuy' dix-ipHar. k^ b
iiug, .uily Uni Ury
>»,d«tb by
, Ur caplaia;
lurx-apr |<aiiB( puatairrnurnce uf aa appeal (ur
b; h» miuamauw. waa____
I to te
maruuard on Uia dnaolato
aica.1 of briny
lay tauac
bunt up to ih* yardarwu'
• prra.-ntly brgao U' play a 1
U la pribably that rvan U^ gnm
Uounbt.ra.1.1. luarkad Ur
ir rurrlupraud card. Aftrr duiny
abip but into barbur.
1 nr (Tare wa. duri Ur nWcer faup>
OIU.I pay au buadrwl duliaru. ur

, ]

Ibrir BiaiMt and mlarry. tbr.v rr- lualBuUiDr. Ur i^nrd Ua arw aaaBa
gvmrr, diayrcd out tbr coOIb. IbbU<4
hU drwl anprrkir onl oflL aad CBrrtod

rriary lllank .laliu( tbr (acta,
au. addiny
If wr pay ibal ipyat at

n uid iid aaapaddlr.igak-,_____________
• h«eU.aim,u.„v.*UrdrpartlBrahip. Bd
twin [wa. taken OBCamnlaBd pardoBid to
II drar,(uBaldrralloa of bla ploek.-TTw aMry

luit u;m ui,iTn .rh»c'ur:

liTb'^n"’------------ . ^

br ainipl} uarhdurablr.
drmrr.r tumrM Mu.t 1 bar h.t liw ]
Bta fitomaeh Took rUBA l-r'dr.iUiUliioc. (ur 1 Uink.
rbar^tor nf thr day, yrorrally apeakIrd araily. "that wfaro I bar.
lay, war prrlinarluualy prrarrrril. bul uucriiiadr up uiy mind turiuaUIngl Ual I Jblu ur'u Ul.' r'S^tl^^rU^' j
Ibr day uaa alao obarrrrd aaa day uf can carry il uut aa wrll a. ,\l Van
Ibukrr or aorbdy rlar in Ur Van
0r.-krr (aimly:raoie a xilroio Iratifai. ibr Uhiui il »t
'1'uior, kfry' Hurry up, Amy"' ralird
Tuan, lo
ordrriny that I
llou'Vaa IWkrr.
Tbr Uoiwill br
ThrSeriaury aaa x. loucbwi ky Ur
uf . I.llauira UU Ibr Oral uf
urrr in a Jiltr-abd wr uiuai br rraily
.Vhlla aw
uuld br ill lieu
uf tbr itumural
.ufu-rof hla lIMw
lllun. uf tbr-I’ayaaa.
Tagrana. I rum Ui. datr
ahal! br Ur laal
,-lrra harr;
aud Mr« Yu>r anuUrr
I bf Ibr daj
.urn To bfu-rrinkly brown hair, flrw
Hr ripirwrd
uau .umaad laadrd with a akip aad
oatra that all furriyarr.
uhrrr tbr tell. *
drmuly t>
twirl aethr butiuui.
la UlaruuBlry wrir aa alDcwrrJj
aa Uir uid year w
Mrg Van fh-ckrr
f tbr Van
Tbro^ aoM ID tfa.*lr dr.irr tu arrvr
j.iy.-usiH-ati. a.
Ik-ikrr >T>uiie.. au
oaly to UY Beditot WbbvE iaux a. ua. Ui. p
-rad Id Lhrt.1
taraity>aaa.vBaiaiatrd latbaatii—ak
a -Uuu.rbuM
nperlally tbr fuSuorn of Wcalry.
and. toe fan»tk<tf ihaaleapte reoehto(
barr luuy lirld "iiiiduiybt uah-b oirri
Ur Aaniea. - 'Tito 1 111 l|i ll I H I
The HlntarlaBdei Oalarto
the .-orarr.
Tbr family tunbrd tbr!
•lerprraaddroly ieapddtohUfeatwUl luripal part ul, the auul! tniburtea 1 iBo^uaremUra. im.ou x,uarr mUm atorrifylnyecrvaaiaadlellbaekacato '
aail furni ora rraulutluoa lur Ur
Itiruirnt asd >|UiCr ruled ilia a x>-1
wr.Uiny In ayoBj. Tbr B---------- “ —
oiniiniuy ynar.”'
.1 way.
Indeed, at Ul. httlr party
fo Ur tiiar uf Kuiaa l*umplUDK tbb
err waa bardly a ypeat ubu waa nut
da; Kaadrdicatod tuJauu.. Uir duiililri-ou.ia. ur Ub-I did nut r«|w. t b> br a
faord dril;. whu (..-vd thr tulun- ubilr
br luukrd bark upua tbr put Tbr
of all Ur daarra of 'p: Uerr were
bits, who kwked oa la.
Kumaaa ufferild biui a cakr of .1
.nr yayrr Uan lh« Irap-ytar duBcr.
oiral ultb Isrroar, .all aod irior.
liiudu call thrHntda; uf thr rear
day of Ur [.imtufCreatloD.'’ It
— _x;rrd tu Ur lluduf W Ixlom, u>
wbuni Ibry Hu-rlUrr lualr kid. awl wild h... anuthrrwalu lik. that l-t unr |

wtailr tbry alxxvlrbraU U< fraU.tiBC t._____
.. .
wlU IllumloaUxoa
S yt^rral
The room wa. la full rbntlcr. fur all'
rbiriJopr may l» dca-1
Aa iBdlaa-a Baton.
111.- girl, a-rre cruudad tu-ttnd tbriri^. ,
Tbr t'bi
New Vrar
about tbr rrroal isjuli
ind the fi-.-



i. tLrrt?u..‘7brd.:sL^'


Pioneer Livery.

U^r^ UakM*i

Sale A Boarding stable.

tiral ubarrvrd ou Ibr
r o«-a
.un 1. our of



ttoM Bto Traiiaai Mt;.
Padrrar* ■■■nnai ua Haaal kaa aara

»*ai“'-s:'ir"ss ai'taSi
Carpet Cleaning,
Oaa haaaata.

' WHIM iW'fijrr
te toad nartaaa»dn..tato.nn

«. p. ^Mbi

ennon id am dbiiebb:

OSu «M toH Bcbta avaaaLThAVt— C«TT
■ •
• MtoW

' Y^lat to retire from Ur bolrl bu.ioaaa, I ofTrr (or aala at a barota all the ^tnltnto and ftatana bow Ii

or.a BOSTSOSc.

AV»f€ la Iba Uaan tea ta^ate
toaaar Urar;. Taa aUl bad ««ar71kl


tauar. Yar wUlalaan (alaanaai
wara barp a Ufa. raark aa kaaa


CHEAI-AND COSTLY..........................

Chamois skin


t. B«r4«b Proprtotor.

Good Fits,
Good Goods,.
Fair Prices,


Cheap Homes


B»Wt ffb Wart «r talk nUlpM
iMwkM IUAicaa««a^ totoUlcvt
fc»»i^ Tea aw M htotor wllk ha
Uuda itok. 4r, a>4 ,^U; ndU^.
Tiiibaad ^laly wUh tmgv HapiMttk «B. Uaaa.ood, Aak. Bhaak.
■^1oik, ato. aad an ««U •atoato ky



EiulutlH If Tdcbn.

tbr roiprror, ujlaytr icTrrr aud uoroaalraiard iDlrrrounr. aud uoilr lo
IrUliyoa.aBd Ue *at •
ikayiiiiiy fur nirrrira rm-iirtl. a.
u lo prmyrr forayroial araauo
yoar roBBf mew bare mar■'‘t^T;.."^t.':‘^'Arb
and ao abuadaot crop -la Jagian Ibr terSrv
V Sunday muralay. Larriayeal
wife la erylay tnrknrkBW
■ulluyand ti.iiiof.
•lldrea anatolwtarto*
A cur^ui cusluuj am
Cbiotwr . . r cai
urii. .ddira payjoat
on Srw Vrar . I»ay U
allpauf paper,
pap. Ihrm
lea uf a lauirra aud bang throi br., A uumr
lure Ur duurv uftru uflrriag rruard. lull. Key
fur Urir aulotbiB uf packayru of tea. liiH'krr, wudT yoa come
kuadlra uf brr-crackrra. fan, ur pen-' 1 uaoi tu aak yuu uuurthlsy.
biaowB broUer la I
. , NurU Kay. Slnryaua Kalla •
clU. ISwplryalkrr arvmud Ihrm aod
kill more mcB Uaa thaiaaaasBeoBBa
bury. UM la dTlull. aad
try to aolrr them fur apurL Oa that
in all hla lUa Urvml Hpirit amltoii
day. tou, all Ur abu[w are Guard and
-- biiainraa 1. duor (ur aYrrral day.. I
rpl thr rrlUay of randicx. iwrrl. >ta aad nuta Tbr familiea roIJrrt
r.u.'ud by
hr Srra
nrr. that
Ifa>t aweep
.were auatb
xmth uf
.7 ™f?l “*
1a teuwu 00 New Vear'a moreisy
'‘J’".|Uew.torab«l. 11.
aad make uffmoya to tbr huoarbuld
yadaof rtor. .ryrtablr.. Ira and wlar.
” .mya. -Hai
.1 to bWTuw tbem
mem •«i„ »boodaa« ao
wlU iarrsar aod caBdIeu. Afur Ur
iHudaoB Hayalupc- Here.
■ yoda ' hate conaumed the .pirilual
;oabla mlaerala. but the In
■woe* uf tbr fuud a. they iaiayiur.
aaa yuai i .
. —to. xorth of
br family are al liberty to ral tbr
lerrly l•arlhly and ynaw
hr''^ ‘‘ that puuod uf
ThU«rr»ul^u.r,. tb.
- -- a -Happy.'
Bnt a
cilildren^?x^rvat^ rvu> ire prearnu p-u-tu
lUl Ur
rbtof.m.lfdin- .^“£^J2,,'",,j^j,^
; bawa mi a vtel to Analralla. wan «• the bead.of tbr l.m'.ly, yrarrally nrr to
aod by ilu
of m<mrr. wblch, id ti uoo.uta off >'->pcup- my Ual 1 Uall br lalkiay
mu.t br .truDfr un a
i ml .ball
all about it aa nai
. I furyel al
toptay. rrd1 brioy a aymbiu i>f yuy
am yulny to d
AmuBf tbr briirr
better cla-mr.
ela-mr. Ir%
.and U
ara krpi up fur bftree dayx ai
wilfe Ur -Kraal ud loolrroa,- u bra f-rthrbr-Vnr.cak.aI.myoioyto:„,., „,rtt.wr. Uhradur. Xrwloaml-I
errfjr^^toty of Uapr
abapr nad .tyb
.tyir Ibal
.NiwUraat torHtoty, aad rw-lPf -.^.
imafinaliuD uf tbr I'
-My ala «dv'BW dlad B Tter
irhy !
beaxptolsad. -aBdlakoald llte • W(
iriani|rv Krcr Prm.
I t beaoy
iwaad, aigaarv. dal. aira.
aaluial. aod pourebildres yuiny aroaad aakiay for |
Koasd Bailder.'Oora| •■AU rlybC aaawtrad Ike towkt
me roll over ■
tbelyraaod. uUer. ahaprd
Amy Usybed \nd ayrred. aod Mcy : .am^to t'bw^'^'blte awa^-1
tied, yauaraimrf oodrrbrrrhia aod|^„,0,i.r«iBiy,.Bd Ihereealtllr. meBBabtir
Every buoae la brilUaatly liyh
rhird. and .aid. -Now, l^k Imivody. -Vad [
brfor. yuor owreapoadnat, --eertolBlv,'raplladUeaack. -Oto
ererybndy is tl.r aireri wiib i
■arrr f>w -la mirnia-lam" Botlana la
Aad we may wrll iesayiar ll-al at'b
I take Al. and Uaa we will , ormbam. of Muoat Vrnoa. lad . made G^UllBya aa la
Dree citybayay .lybi at Ue rod.
tbr coraer a^ yo borne, to-;, to Ue rk-ioiiy of Altoo. fll . aad t -A losA ti< latCBaa aamiteimt pateUe New Vear'a erlrbraliue.
yeUrr. Mlad.MW.Ualyooduatlet railed a pun a frwad. who bad )wd ' ed orar Ue aoaB1>r>dat laea.At New Year'. l..yal .ubyert. of Eny- Ha^
lopeaed a Monad Hnlldan' borlal
"-Oeod yracaotel' ba rriad. m ha
hwd^^rcarel Ibeir xxrrrl^ wiU yifu
ylrl.,' CAlled l^la harab.
vp,* a. m>oad yrew arr-' mode tor Ue door. 'I teat atowd tha*:
-Tbr rarr^ have been berv few rrer'„a,,arT»toeea.aiBnay Urm aa oak my yar'anr waa aU laat hifhr
‘ a. and friesd. asd rrlativm
Tbayirl.,, frr, tayiamrier. aad Uoa Ue ayeied.
ratlrmra toite'b
of tb* maaad uaa ealabliabed a. ooo--------------------------------aldrtablr. Ia II uetr fuaad Ue crambTeaau. .
■aiaa^boor*.aad yuoyol^I Tkeyato



WHIM you WAjrr

lb? WabTlI u'rSlef‘SSd JS .


non BTUR.


TmnBBB oxrr, kiok. _


And see the Magnificiefj^Linc'of
Woolens now on my counters, such
a line as will gladen the h^rt of
the man who needs a new Suit and
has a laudable desire to get one.
In addition to thi$ large assonment
to select from. 1 will give you the
finest workmanship, a perfect fit
and a price that will make you
buy. TRY ME.




-'.iw ru-xx X.____



tomarr. and Ima Ibaa a or
If a: V.^ Ileeker bad
area la Uia oosalry, fur yvsllemea
! arrrral yralaa. aod oa irtarolay borne (atte briilkir btekaad «r Ctetowha
CBlIlay oe New Vear'a fWy to
aoUuo: W pUatedlL it yrew. aad tbe reull able to MJb. yet aaate a IMb aid ».
Ualr porkeM dllad wiib llu'r Ue aiartrd bin of al a yraat p "•,wa.Uaibepfod^*ia of cora nf, kt, o,t gf u. ,
, „t;
llf^bte oat^tbe
npiaa. or New Vear'a buira of
. la wblcb. to Ue lady they
^t aad we aboald have been i
balfte koy «co-7 Ami la leaa
j, ^te of bariay beem ia Ue y k*v
Utm teU flf iwto.
ivt mlBBtm Mr. Albert \ aalleekrwrtaialy out lem tbaa «Dii — J» I iFte tha ate_rf a aaarald kaWtete^

“.-S i!7

Ijrand Traverse Herald

__ ____ ___ lUpW'
CavbtaiMll; «r-


a Ua clu U l»W -Dra. Javrb aart


Ki,Sr„“sr^::=^“-K iaaisz--i^’Kr^Jr.'iA


I Hl^hata.'

~(MiCMaUoaal ekarak parluva.
Jaaal ll«ki»aaHI lavfal atala r«
_ahgra ia a Im. al(kt all* d«-a «k»
luiaaiim Oanrr. agml :• , _
. .
gtaa tkraa
bar. bal k aot dabBayeO.
Jaaa« Bl« Bra at tka ta«ory
is.' liromard iVi'aip l^kr «bil. 2!a? j
Hapt. It. Dralk o( Mra
----------— •'ibir rvomaa rrepoodrd that
2T?^i7. 1ar.«Jrt«akaa»baa«i- Iba i. K. Utrlltd •'
I a.1 Burv ni.-or.v Ibaa br. aad
eaM^^tka I'uUtolapI
loa of'Mra U »C
B.«r.-lh-rrrlatioii. Amt ImrO
H. KlliaKcadtUopaaa_ - - iJTi pMrtfSwto c*«rrt> »»<
Baarv (or tktrtj I
, ahr haa aeveral nbu ought to
Hrpl. :s Eiiai oily rlr.'lkm held ia patiaol at tka Aaylaa. rommiUaaiHdr , Mb
"• ekwMr MB•aajorli
S^IlOMk of "UiMOa*'' AlvBTdat
Tranaae CHt —Death of Mre. Myia ^ by baagia
gioma Srw Year* Advwr
llroaad brv*e» lur iha Toact M»- A. i
.-Jaa. Wllaua'a baae wlU.
llrn'l rtail (-.1 t'lr 'aag<u> abiir tk
tka proprrty c^fr^of Waa^agtoB a
lu Iiuaiaata tarotvl
TraTeiartlty aad Grand Eapida
oaiU.'a b
riiar I] huuia. It mlaulea.—Braiiob »f
ttmeoa rMort upr^.
lU to.- |.i.uifr
Itrkl. tk* toailj baralj Mtpr
!■ UanI
EHoitable Aid i Blun .ot,-aoited J"
DmIMbllc,m of Me
MadoaliaM otwrrr Iki
ISoog-aav the a-rld l» gr.*'^ «roi->
■ barter lurmbora —Deatb of I.. « .aaateultiorra. great faan'|iirt and party
abrn arr.loiBt! Bolbiup m Oieko 1
Aurtl i ' Ibatk la Jaoka>a'me. »T»- arsitgialdav. •Itbarrm.ui b.v Krr
i^rr. aa in iatl
latl pi.ia,,..
poiacor. e».
eg. •
odlra II WiB8ia.aaealaaaiad»a^Dt S. Nokbrap Th* Uaoialoaa o( E
- Slab Mori.oullural nuolrty ■
>.Hir troulJn
of Traverae IH7 (or ataa; yeai»--Uo plrc aad Giro Arbor ealrbrata at G1«o
lUy. earmion io wunect-;
>a pnuui m>p in tbr I'niud Su
aiaar huckt; orraalaad.
■ Uka. Kupaial of Eo> tralg, akoOird too with lb. (air
> MT b Sie.uv.>w boabrb or a b
Sept :: V !• s
F, tif
>' iiiu.<a».<wi luir. than tbr •-r.'pof 1'
li. Da
..lot b*intlir.e-.i.y. ooi
'-.Tbr onioB barrrat •> alao the lart
! orr knoaa ia thb eouairy
-riaak Krladncb opeaa bia kaadaua^- uaa.d
. Animal, lor
UlllaroI Hl Joboa.
A number of Murgl. rraldrnu bought;
Juar r. Ibildrra'a flay okaarrrd
om alaiyui eighty baabeU .^ po^ <
Hop! 9f Fir>t tall fi
..'bool uprDod
■le. .x-O.I.U of abl
tfc-l. 1
Kali____ __
lap, » pioorar of Elioaood, agad —
J m;me ■te»*^‘'“
.up.-UL-d ailk oaarof IH
lemM-lnb 1-hr.x.ra
Mill, tibargrd alth
B.ietly eaxle eotn.
!. Urrrirn canty farmrra are .joe.alrr rairo bt-r....
aad a arm Imdly kart at tka Ural <
aulkrll A ' w opeard a! lag the adiiaibUiiy of raielog loore pn erJ up ui 1 r fail aod e.iul.-r
•ppUcBBU Uka Ua t**ch«r'a uaal-


A4( the world

awii|.ii.a woe. . ■.ey
A wbmiti »rbo kaa a prrfnaaor far a
Daalh of Haary Obarlte at man ran aeually eoklHra iobimoU tkr
iraa (r>r bim to pn<p-me to brr.
Wkro IH J.AI.-U1 wa* payiag arart
to Mra. Itortrr. wbom |rrrioB> raprf'
'^ad koi£^ V“tba"H»aIk'l
irarrdM not di.Ia.-lla. W a aaouad
■ Bomtal riprr.UMt. Ike koaaai
Eury.A H
A H.
M. I
Mt Ikoagbi II an arrr than tair
Dratlk of Alban tilliai
at at a<mr of bb ai
■' I>*ih ol m™. ai-boib oi iiiTri
rrrau.t boanty ■hk-k I
j Ha tlllT.
- irthyao..

an dar% narUac at EH
tkpt. IS. Ilaatu- boot aau
baodaoaa aa«r quarVra —I

raad atKoaSkrnK ■ >

_«.... urit AwSkT^TciaUlBe,




„,ri- -

""-iwjir,,., .p„.




all INFtiAMMATlONS and PAIN. t*Mt'i~^


eemrae madr om, b, FOhCY UTRtCT CO. »e fthb iMnur. Mam Yo*.


“irrSTT c

Now ^'oar (lifts
Now ^\'ar (lifts








-I BDd gro.vr> on l'ut..a St. • augnf-aae Beat year
Sear 1'ipr.u.le 1 u.-ke— af oi«“j5M'*l.‘"’klarrlafaofEarl llllckodck
«b Ihl.
ModiJ.-u death of U. -Saa ] there it a Mirghum mill erbicb
tht.yry..fui b-tbi- I.; 11. r
IVua'?trr..t k.lo.^4 to Joba Vaalah. aad Wtea Aonlta t' of
JuBa la llaatiab llidca gltr a
•lurt to ttmTra.atarllVbualatWBira
^STlI. A. W. Walt Uaaatkctahac
April la Kupartlaora bafla tkrJr
Oawtaated altboapUalaloak of (N.- ranlar ate
• arrh
•■e 001*4 BBd «V>rr.I .
......... ...............— _
A’^ercbaat ‘Taltora- 1-ro- a ntrtaarahlp -Saw aoualy allaa b
e* C.W- b■ pioaaer
.latloa (iataad la lha eltf. .aid b} krj iobr E l-oad A C0.8
of kb
.UuaoB of Uaalataa UMa rrady fur dUtrlbuUoa
of J.fhe
crop <Mil iBluafieldae
Jour SI
Ikmtbof Mia A K Cr.
IBIU a field ar worthleM.
a lu«ti«r laapailor'aoBoolii tbcHatt
d naidrni
of the coaoty.
braadi. an old
lltoa d MUUkaablock.-TbaWniBaoa
: Vkarloltr Imadei
ofcuauiuplioB.- Aaauat lea..™.. ■ ing much dmex. itmgeBK-ol about
'oeptioB allrndcel by auuorMMo.
huudie.!.aad plaaiog mill at Uabal by f
Jail uMBpr I.Mirly tiluaa, aa laaatl « itllh lu lull f>
Ur belle..
.-d io Ibe Bick of doing into ri ...
’TprU n. Dralh ol Mra. Joha *00/ *'juBa*?V**tVrddlog Of Mlaa Kalir
wIlhiDay.arall a
It i. I
>••. M. Daatk
Mra. Oatfcarlaa ra/naothar p( BcmU Woodaard. agad
bmkay.—Traveraa Ibmch kotal 1
- of the beet e»x.BomlIter
irr Bill
aill a.a.neBi
*“jiSi ^ Mr aad Mra S. Aod
..f geeeral prxiaperity.
>ur vartoaa Hiar.-bB.
a^brata tkrlr guldra arrddipg
and give it a errlrorae
J^aa. TrararatOV aobotda elaad
to ku Front alreel and the
MPriuiBfb Motro^^S*MarHm, lal.- g.wda
m aaaoaat <rf dMikaria apkleaik.I cion alreel aUire ia cxx-opied by Imb
Itay era Him area atar Tr<
Orrr SUU oooracakooa b Tr.r rai lla.v
Ora) Wood UkA Co hoclaa work atlrr
man A Wulfr aa a grata ai d bay aUrre.
duojl.e.parlaumr twoatory brUu
June;:. I
Bte«d.-Slra Joha Uaiaill» »r*u
. a bay supply oemg cau
•r llra.iximptelaJ.- verablp. Hn. Hide ooiiGauiog in IBr
block of Tui
OB. ds.uib.
Ureeu a
Cathulii- a.«-iely« Weuoelaue alarm to toillioery butJ»eu.-Mr aella
Apl IS. Ikak opeaa fur frrtekl—
hlaaetxind hcmil apsre Um^' g. A*'*"-- and iroUtues ka.e no »alu
baaaa «rar t»o «aaka aarllcr ila.?boa HanrUr, a pl.«ar of Grant, build a ka I <m DlTUloa:»nd ftrooad IV. J. llobls boya the Vtearal ol bb. pared milk a bale ol key .v
alrerla.—Ilariy tUrrb arila bla iBU-reat
Om ten (fW-cUaatk atC‘(ueaddradlakU tetCKJ a fat. balla.
parta^U D Alley la^lhe kardraan- m ilh the escepGon 0/gouJ 1
(roB bUboiM.
farm aui.aale are not ea.y t.4 city suaoay
Sunday M-o.a
M-booI ualoo
Apl l« Vet
U. l la, a
cham,^.wN>irly*yaar^araaldeBl*f the
SLidl^ koaaa 2%lj A
ia urgaaired.
Heepiem MWkta.
Sum sa.
St. Annual
Aanual mrrtli
mrrtlng aad baa ' ticles; Jacb V.o ilynlng,
*Kk 4.
Uaath a( U A.
A. A Soiltk. age
yxoraar.-aideotof M.mroe IrnI
uriol Wuwao aOlub '
' k har boabaad. wIm vae
■yan.^wlte A»»»J
June »u. Martin Fiu-b
the li
IVI ..
krUo klllnl Io a ruaawa]
openrdagr.rn.ry bei-e.-J.l M.ugana
of pereona troubled with ai.eC'
.eE* u.pwaorpi
'd aUMag* warebouae la ready for
day.' amaioe at Old Niaaloa.
Aplir 'cfaaoaot raaebea
July 4 Jae Uyiiok aapimte. giant ...ioru -Wedding of JnJi.. fa.npbell
end Mba Emma Schaaica tffureud llap
firecmckrr, --------------------------A^
—-■■■» and
ss A brunch balge ■>! tbr Hrreary. unhawF hour.,
Julyt. Ed-ard Uutkardl drowBad
^ppaa, aa
ih oTM'm
of 1
e tbam and wky u it n.
aer.deat I'nsacti.r trrder of Elka or.
rklle bathing ia l->ng tek^ •
oldarlllarpf Klagaley
you have been Iruuk
July s Trial ol IVoodrSIf Itermaler gauleed here.Mr. 1‘etrofke ol lirewn
Api sJ. Headamaa UaBney 4 Dojla
sow whet they. are
. and
if y.'n
• let. S'c
■ jf Ike murder ol JulU CprUa begina
Ux-u spared >..u'have n.. lolerml In the
tvi^ ^m^Ui.''’a pU.aeer
Urn. A. S. «8Ua.-t^^ A_Maaaj to ae naalniaary maeUng.-IHalrlci i. 1"/X"tenm“bulldiaga V*sllr.r Imkr ol Ma
aple ntv, 41.M at the agebd .iv
I a. T. mrru base-Death of John
I JO. K W. Uedfly open. Il-ltet
,.„j>a”auda meat msrkal on ismt
Biped out—J. a Morgan bayi tend alreet.—1‘. Hunlen leaaea the Nhlla.«i
and will ermil a big cld alumgv ware- lionae—F. E. Aualln remorm U. De
Mnllaabayalha lai
.11. llBTld Cobka drowned in Hft
m—n A TrrerU A <«. rein. -- •-'
MteBMW bsttratmIbarBBkd Havoc mtof kbpartaer.
r, O 1. KaSauB. la tbr
r ju»t
of -'.\rw Ere
E M. Daaick ol the .VaGuoal Ikilare trgau
E Crandall
Iredheru -DralbolHon T C. Scfield
mmahte. A V Frladrteh parchaateg kb
Irr oprut a .irag
of tVilHauubsTg. aged av.
SSTa ^r««f tfcbataraaad Erkh
-Heskel Far or;
• . fiadde
aera of Uraad Traaerua aad taela
Ma. alter a eery a .xwmfut season,
ISealb ai
r oonnl'ra karavaot near tM.uai
Nor. 1
|•a(ieoU renaferred W the
fralt ua*a -DaaU of Mra.
wa^Ugkt Oaarda liatryar. a pioooar of tka Gi
SV.p aud tho.e. e.elt rean of Deepa i„ai. euaraoo—-1. eae* . am
I Ftv4 Eeigler.
yean a rai
Nut a. Deal
- Mre Oao..
Joly IS.

—I I oUJgx


ly kao..e that there iaelaBytklBg
leal aaytkiag




liJrwSdal!***' “



4s^f enr


^ ;•

W.» .«











damlb at Vaba
April X».

M H. ainat Itebtc ia aaaoata
ipajiTfr. -Tuataad cmly hUtaard aad
5*a<Himlteada '




Marika Seha-aub. a

J alvema—
after an all algki

loaiBfdcr.! Ibh “^a^
Fiabarmra at MlrCT'j^Ke^B^^

•tab. n. Daatk at KonkpoH by am Sterimml'an^iM «ko dbappMrritetel ahoaUag, iM Elamr Whltaomb ad from kb borne laat fail.-Tra.erae
- ' boMaa at
^k, IA TiaMfaa «ly Laai'
. Ill on kar
A u-u
'. »tth H. U A^y
lurrimi at Dread Kapld. to Mre Hal

45a' ■vtlag te L U A. hSl.-Bcgin
Sw «/lZ reartead by ipaatel acr«|H8 M (ha Oalkolte ei 8 mk.
nh fiA kmoam new baafarea Arm.
ateruag Ibla mA la K. 'W. bolbrlm a


Igimial U tk* -FamoM.''—lire HoUl
tawyar farm a paruterehlp far

^May4 (kmliacllellnr aaw Ucaau.
bnlldiag. to be a haadauma two atory
Brick block on Fraol alraoV—Wlmmar
- -Woodrag Purmilk tka mne

•• >la Cll
Hx Elms a
• Jolj^la (V P. Kaaney forma a boap — Mmaru.
iaeaa nartaarablB with Wm. SU-Braa uf
a partDcrahip io the Jewel
Sew Vork.- O. here. A to.
ry lAeioeM - D E Carter aril* bia
a atore on the oaHb teda
k G. Ikrt Gauaet.-.............
atrct -E W. UaUk 4 Ot
md M. ^iTsurvh la
‘*J^J7k'^liaTKTtewpaw of Cedar
mlaaing. aaad luuad dead two day. later
Bear Ibe mala
lor. U. Hs.haii. aanouuce. a reJuly S3. T. alielk a
lion io price to II
a year - ITol
'breacb o^G
the ‘Iraeeiur City
1'. tire an is now ocx-upyiag bis band-_ie aew rrsldeaeo.-Dr. J A. sny.lcr.
a deatint from Athene. locpUe herelue and Mlaa Ola Hull,
4 A«k buy B
Mrle-Ufai 4J
Cltl^ew^btand of HoUe^i Itli'llngn
I5ot IU. The city eotre to keep the
Mre Ja*. Lardla
ofOldHiaaioa.agedS*. '
W'edding .of Mise Meggie
Jalym Sererel oUwm at-Plla Lake
L. Campla-n uj Elmwood and Julian^
ol t'bl.ago.
y su Death of Mre Mary L
N.,t. z.v UwIb itelee killed at
pluBM-r ol Imrlaaaw eouaty. aged
Aug. I. City buyaa fire aumm

Hareb a. Ms. and Hn. D. B. «»
a( »Yte.O»y.«^kr»l« ikarAG^w

a7faaUykamamtmw aaimpa (ram
fcia ali» wbDa dHrlng aernaa tka bay
fanai Hamm'a Hartear «a the tea. Both
h«caaaarakiat.—DimtkalMnrtkperl-Wa. Tb-maa. Mr., agni TY.
Mdrak 4 BaabM faehwy Matt* ap
am tka maana with tka primpaa of a
■aadpnrte woHc.
Mm^ 4 Treeana OV Mimical UtteartOtekergBaM with Iwelre^l^
Aaafaiyfa by •re.-ttaMab BUteagir.lam af tb* eiiy.-Iteath of E P. ApUa


Gifts .

with e epeeii

Sudey Tour of Mealnonal ilinx-GoB ot aa


A"^great retJiiction in

re af Hn
I. E 0.. a

tlra8aMaiiM.aafereMaaalK te tbr
Mfare ibirtrel Mttaga-C. A. I '

price on I'ur CoaU and Robes.

can aM *a* what i car o««r yon for uretm ikirt.


OorfiB Pirel ani Cam >

Trarfiraa Oitr, KieUewB.'

Traverse City Sanitariums
*4 sul remcsalsM SIU I. ses s. eselT ex^ewMaem

'JI7.C .M, CMO oo~...




Oty BeSTbigteriaed



J*Hl____________ G


I will offer durinR Dccemljcra lot of Gent’s Driving
(jloves and Mittens at


ue Tieiieo
I trip rate fo.m Grand Rapid.
which w ill iaclnile
-..r railroad (are. hotel,
epingear espraaew. etc.

M. 4- Cnmer aad T. A C 4
*N . Holiday Eacur(Vmla form t partnareblp in the failOld aetUera bold a Wg P>c- oHag baalaem —Death utJ.J.tmlor
tag 4. Death ai Yuba of Mre Wm. “'N^I.'Tr'-Nt^Se^iMIck.gaa school days, the C. 4 W. M. an
, File, a nakleat of thia ntioa aearly maelen' llnb beglaa a two days' are- tiaes will ecU tickru at
third (arelor,eouod Uip oa i>ee. ci. c...
II the time for 4t yrere
m^aadeo badly
11 and Jaa. J.u aUgoodlorelnrn aa
Aug.4 Death ot Mre J. 4. perry.
DedleaGoc of Soeoa
aiJaa:zad. leu..
Churvh by Uuhop N'lnUe.
The churc-b
Deo iHiHexcs.D. P A.
was rampirtrd la Just one monlb (rani
tickeu at the
I'uri-base yonr Holiday tl
Umc work wae flret began.
.MM .. .M. VMM .. Ike
Dec t. Uenlk at Chu-egu ol Col s M. 4 N E li Utichelom
Hoarua OalreA. Whitfleld ol Founteu. l-olal.
will be sold belweea all station* c
Ang. lu. Edward Peaae raealere *eDec. .1. New cenens ebowe a popole Ibis Fine and loan pulDU oa eoanec
rre lauxaal Inlurlre at IkeOrel Wu.«l
TBamar waalkar a big bllaiard alnki
tloBof».<US. a gain of l,-;.M in H lag lines atone and oae-third (are tl
ink factory.—iKmlh at Maaror Cea lOODlka.-Ujley Sweere A Co. admii r..uad inp Selling days Dee. 54, 5
thrragum. Marrary dr«tm from »f 1
below framlag. From oa. to two («
H. D. Alley Into partnerehipand Chang. .11 and Jan. 1. Keturn tiinit Jan.
ofkaow tall la S4 bourn, aad (rait Urn
H W, Ct emKuuaa. Agu
Ibe firm name G. The Kiley Sweer. to
aad bhmauau are badly damage.
A. MiT. BUJ; 41 P A.
MealOB here.
Ue Iteoe hiegln a tWo days' Mw
Wont awrm erer kaowa in tkjFn.u
Aag IT UuodraB Parmrl
. C. Skiunrr will take yonr
guilty of muHirr Is ike '
•Gon (of any newspaper or pi i
and aenlraced G. Jaekeun
published anywbeid la the w.
Aag. 14 AdTcBliem .. ---------- ---- Imak alter 4m« 'Back I
May IS. TbrSletaaBBalamrUagol
A Pall.* a 'vilu' - -etiase, teimbSeandrapeiM.
tk* IHala Plrcmen'n Aaau. Iwglaa bare
Stnla. a Oaaiteat SItUag ar
ut rrmifl
10 day with a good attradaace aad te
IloB at G
•taaplag Pfalttea Bring*
bar married at I'rbana. O.

Aag. Zl. Kim Ella Baekaa admitted
J. U. Lorrea ot Turaalo opeaa aa uttur u> lb* bar. the flrkt TreTrree Oty lady
bBT.—a. C.-DMrrcna^la bia plB^blag to hold tUi prieilloa.—miliamaburg S.
hold, lu anaual picnic. »0u
u.lsire*^lrj^ Dan lUelv
F- Juhnwre 4 Co. ee
.meaa ao oBor in F. A. Earl-a
Ikel7s*e boelaam to Bopkia. Mra. .
________ ____________8/ Ike Fiaunml llnon A BaUenry open
fibaisk ol Empire dim of beai
MiMb Onda M crgaateBd wttk fa cha.^

**M^5^4*T.ilalter Braa.afBimUB

,A.. MoOOTT dfc BONi-

New Year

Bperiel Train Excnrs.on.


Jared at the tsral Wood F'acGw)
end d es la a few b.Hire —Kelpb I'ybas
a pkiaerr of the r^lua. dim at the age




' Fm mGc by^"*erydrmggut in Tree

's &"VS'u.‘



is <X|ually aaedix-il.e In curlag a.-r. '
oi-a prretrelKm. e|a-.m«. flu. «le.-p'..-o
, mental depre s on. ext auel


of Urewa.
Hays. bretkaUigdaaalmrgol Mre.
.Ibarl La Co-a.
rerrtelmya Ore hand- ao.
Mays. EfeP.

J. Q. H.



ter dear ikbv






tk atu

loU^ rolpart

at Mabel of Mre .
E 4 4. Battoa. omc ot Use earlleat selUer
e( wwuwaler towaship—Vuiy an.
cwsafnl aad largely attaaded taaeber

_ m uf Ek-hafdwrti
firm to be known a. Eiehardeon 4

a IbaD SSih wadding

. (L niiWil’litedadAlraan Mr. (k

May M Ite. Potato Imalaasaat '
baya tk* old - woolaB »B1' pual
- of Mre. J. ». Bobmtaom. a|
aad terII yaareatimiit «< t
Jr*a NOlrn madr


Hay«4 Oaath el Mre ttea. a pk*



low backward:
nu Baaai tk* EI4MjparaAlteetodt



Garfield Taxea.
I will be at P Kyaelka's store eeery
(low few people realize when IbHr hark rmterday to tana tn*«a lor liarlleld
Ugiat u. ache tkal It U a warning |.r.. ilowaabip.
Tm> Treaw,
.klol br aaiun- to tell you Ihal lU.- li 1 I (0 3t
urysate aotworkiag pniperit. %.sihe.e
a seeeee tUL Jon euate yourueU lifiWy .w I Try a caa of Hcpkins' steamed
la-rhamyou are cumpelbxl tomalnutB* lay iHnled Corn]. It M del
alulae cr aloofdng poalGon (or bag tnuf. - Pall qb
Tab at a time, yonr kaek be^ to aebr.
Ibra vuur brad, you bearer Ikalrm. Grid
aad aewn. but do yon under.laud the
Via Aen Arbor KaUraad.
trelcansef We Ihtek ook cMe j on would
luih. 4rtb and ZUt. ti
i B will sell Ezenrekm Grkrto,

»t Polgtaum-

“'l’S;1.“fTi,.-oB.iuei.,------STm' V_.._
of Intend.

,for whleb fipot e«»b wiU be

JrUfUwad* with Urge

AGSMaiaal -creeij

peoeenllsat ItwUI
It will rule
___ _
Hr JohuMobeosnolfifilBremU Street. ’
»*«• Tla tka -Aaa Aibw.*
Gewl.1. Hnwl 4 Mertmi dimole* partaersW Mr. Boa esmOnalag the wml_____________________
SSJ, Ik.
Z4tV ZFte. .m-(1st aad Jaa'T
____________________IS4. IBM. the Ana ArbreLE wlU sail {
TiU. 4' DBBlk of Pred Belaifoctk,
(re the ranadtrip;
U-Jwauary Zad. tmu..


Sitteulnst ( Eabne Ct.

upure H
•apeetelly drewlad to won
and Satardaya. there being thr '
-----------o,..Gmifrae. Adilrma ali commaakalhiak tore ea» oa

4. Bight or day.


Oty Oprew Hall BlocE

^ssrea qty. WME.

The “Enterprise”
“irjsiiS''"™“ “

..................................... 3Ur»ptop«d^iata

I Pure BdcfcvW..
I White Ulr Fiaor.


.............. • ,.30c«ite aaatk

O” “'"‘"'J—

Para Larf.......................................... -.I---.........................SgSJSSd

Newsofth«Wee.l<xthalof Jai
■ bM iaio lb


BactasdkaslIkalytoUka b
of a frki ■ill Ihlaf that aba Me Md. or ba
e aad ta« lka» (re>thepaalUaa w^ abe b
. .a work anpirie. with roMni «>' Uk.A-aaasaal
loUowa hkUMary
well la ' best aad wr:ua pa

rrss^-s:. oT.^-



stock of

of ft. said •»>.(
reoda A few (or a kaefaaad
tweaty-lear. atlfkiaai __ I
wk> k tw
II dad ll*a.-Tdiaar«Bt d<

. altsd
fra U»
aae kwaed with ml) lu eoatsata. aad (mMrUlc. lad., was draslajr a tarhey Atlaaticlotha Partie ooeao. aad ool
a ease aa wkea taka bar
far dlaaer she fooad io Ur blrd'i mw -jail A aiHlf <4 th« fr>U ffKDiratB <
Ilriaa aaok aa . Vaaea
a dkasoad soHwire the eke of a ped. attead
tike will Asd k
twaa^tws yean
L, IkbUu. TbefarwIcaBe fma a fans .ekaa to a
bar nMnn. bad bees eefamted plealr ffroead. asd st k ikoackt that it ------------- --------- _ ..—~j alosr oor
■oiber. ba father bariaa pkrked ap the >ewrt
BortberaWder. rbtcb woald la the
we of a'nIaeraMe polat.
Barwaae she aoired so load asd dk-Her Cksadiaaaoldieta woald a»l beUrfaad bkilarp. Beary Wkl. who Hear
At Am Aft
flfisaaaitee wat of Colambaa. lad.. ylo to be aaSrirat to raakl our attack,
cIotA. mi irhUi
>w bk'wUr Lsrtadato and abe woald bare lo mrlde troopa
MmA A0>*M
WM UUm Uat^ UM
wblcb. mrrther with their
elth bin. Friday ai«ht
ksMBOik^waalaCayahooIVk. H
oold hare lo be trssapurted
_______________ the Boor la fniotofa
IhouMBd ■!!■ aciewa seas
A Port Uaroast Jamped lalo the blaxiac hearth are Ilerlay the picht
pet ______
deld at least
flywM of as eayiae that <raa mak- brr
- _______
. •aaybl 8re.asd before ber
arMd Wiu the moat
iac no molauciee a ttls^
ahc eeream* anahrsed her bwhaad she
wiibla tbe (pace of
d bar reoorary k,
TM intj-atiA wnl »MlM •> >A< laaM astride a ilwfae aad efC^ there | was w. UdI;
oeib. Kaeiaad
_.. .
... able loaSeolalaadlBpoaaar
•mMac •
Aan* Mli.. ca


KT^ar-*-'---- - ss:r,sr

quilu <« tbeaune,'ud^'i|mrZ^'^
rord .boat It uuUI Friday luanilof.

other's property. I

to the oity.
Tbe prteca arc alwaya as low
aa OSD he mailc.




lA. P.T. L.


-kUag Co. haee
a Urn CharteeoU

■ b-Ssrs

•uaMb TiTAoo poaaAe of frwb ft
par aMl ofetrCkh
rkkh wan
waeu treaV
■ waalloObkago.

wbUa digglBr

_____________________ __ —____J, bat,
■UMu.dlul MsMseat. U k gatUag
>Bhe«ellbaaarthenaaht ia Mi tka OiariaeoU


ttokaaM Ugh water ia tha MaaIN^ river haa_pU«d up agalaat ta*
anyltasr«y. Tke dam ol tha Coa■ Maaafcetaflag Co. k alao la daa. Bra are heAiag tha la. |




The ^1)
prices are from
lo .1.1
per cent, less than cost, but rather than to 1«y
lieappood* to supply the dwn.Yiul we concluded to. clean our stock andgive OM
]>atri>ns the lienefil durinjr
the existing hard times.

T. J. H O ST.
SnccdMor to HcM dt Mdrtea.


Marok SO. ISUS.


OneWeel^ Longer


J^tojMlnh themwIUguna.

•da. ad OileM-aaeitaar
1 Udewthky afaighla• -^-1. faDdowu----------

aaship ML Pnal while the erase
rr Aaefaat tbefeolod Faluael

the ndmialstratl-m. be----------------allou lo wbMi PrraldeM eland ha* placed tbe I'all^ »
the Venraorit bmadnry^oa
g ('nwal Brllal^wltb be. . ._. _____ _

1» *>>1 uS>«mieiS^liSh^riU°w^


Atttachan Pnr Ckp* .................................... ......................

Mi .


The latest and best
Oak BtoYe out

GooUiis tlie Best Fsitintt of
tU olhiif StoVM in tne.
Hm ft dom potata of prmeUeal ad*
TftBtac# ftmBd to BO othar Oak Stow.


Hid akUdea hae. kiww eoetard aad


Forest Favorite





■nr of Aaga or of oau ia <weh (am-

■ WilluailidfartraakrT.

LOTri.-AII oar Ckpaannd Jnekala. erlthaatmmaa
rwaaing Ira uu.oo.yoig«holaa*Qr...........

Allour Capra nad Jat-keU. without TW
V*. mnaingfroms.iiiu ■.«. yoarchoUe (oA.

Orlgtodtor* of Low Prioww.



I»T J.—All our Ckpea aad Jat-kr
ve. running from M u p..ig, y,


■ i-uSlJf,-



Cooney Far <kp*

..- --.SrSErir

j yftapMUfaahoateofXUahanbaa «n^ that a aoaaeil eommitiee k

All those .viititinK.a Ca,.e or a J,clTei v, ill hod it to their Interest to examine the bamins lii ' i


_Ma rbaaaaiB, gray faaaa. kaeun
. ft^d^akalewtUbraddadtam.


In nrJur to fiv, .1,>„ n|,|„,r„,ni,,- .hn k,.vr not bnrn tibk to buy it C.pc or . Jndta in V
the shon-timt- tvi- havt advrnised. wc have concluded to extend the sale
- ' ,

rially otaetraet aarlgaUoa. It will ewe <R the largeet bridge, la the world
In^ fatervlo* ondm n year and n
At Uraad Harca the aoprrr kora bare'
B of tree talture. In war with trraat Urtuln the grwt
a^pnaiUre naulla deaalage wblcb the United Kutea
MMWt ir M pehin ef a eeriag aga k
goTcnimecn pami-mm in bnelw such
Tvesels ns tbe CulombU nad the Minneratkr. a Jaaltar at OUdwatrr. tary od earrgtUc lamberlag has irit apoIb~hM^ U hedratelnm^wken
hdda aaetww wnpafra dnth. Ua
--------- •- -----------------lleg. hairr trmiu
at dratroyeca. par* and almple.
praetteally an. aad
naled -'The l‘lratca~
Fur war eroeU the l olled KtMm
SB oDUBt on thirty famr now rendy.
aSL-W BM aar warty tera ol.
hseara of the ooaatfMd to others'
n<fcWbBa.a ityarotd lad eaidIWwaU ag Boafcfcmd. erhlle aoaatlag
bnllt. making a Iota! of (ortyraigkl■ win hr anplled. with ackeat Tbea Ibrre are Ihlruea of the old
rrsatlna. as to the bfwtkladsc
• lues that Mid be pot la
lo plant, etc
by haring tbelr turretarigemral ref
ring and d
laVwhelle In tlf bold, making them
^ Cole Urooli. N. 11.. me
eery fairmidable eeeeek In the tefrnae
of trar bays end harbon. Tbew '

r ris-*:iT!

Clothier, Hatter and Furnisher!

t» January, 4. D.

1 mmy imami
ndaw, there at


Men’s Suit Sale!

.! 2srssv“-J:i;.s,-K-s


N.itc A Few of the Re^uctiund:

^ UJaTIuri ^(tbw BaabenEwt^




world fn the matter of Internal food

supply and " '
(or carrying
emnyta oa a war with another
. It natioB. aad la (hr airangth of lu
very wewkoaas la tbe eharacunr awd
r* Mteh^^e
;bifu Lbo aia^ be anmlwr of lu merebaal Aurlae, as'
d aa-lllltorwu* wliboal Irwr of rumpared with Uirimmease loes whl-*rkdn^^&etB the least
(>f tl
wiNild be roullxl OB Unwt liriti
tan ariiher read t
tbrrnigk laierferroce with her ri
u <aa read a litllr I
—_______-.Ite at all. Ignore
y for the smallame v
Ptwealle to a greater degiwe among
lirrirB ppolatwe tbaa among __
aativ* bora. Tba aumbar of aiales
over a eoUagage who are wholly iJ- lOilre.
^ta^i^.^^^aia-aac-.ldNjS' That tbe ('Bited Suua k
reak la ha>
beea called floaUng
i be denied. Uaglaad
e lutir flfly bslUeehlfa a»d
IMdfa oompaay lo oonatnet a railroad
TO RTe baer Imt oor in <«■■
krldg* aerom tbe lletroil rfrural IkUowevi
trcril. The MU prorlde. that the brIBgr the Indiana.
ahaU be Mde with three aobrokea reperopUllTe nl the
dgbtlnc yemels may be added
Biaaa hatwaea the bulkhead llaea no form of dgbtlBgyemel
the two .Idea of the rlrar. Tbe Iragtb
of tbe mala ebaaael epaa is la be act
lurnthu I.ldOfeet la Use riear. Duly defease eerol Mi
named now in <kU(o lia wniA
two plaia SIT allowed losida tba bl
bnds aad Uey are to b* Iocaled by


00 Men's Suitsatti close in ixlil sizes (|irincii»ally Rmall kiZcs.) A bonaiua for tho^. thu^
can be fitted. I)t* nut tlolay as they will not Iasi lonjrat the prices markH


foMily are far from rich.

Price* rsducodoaFBLTBOOTSoD^LUlCBSSXBirs (
.SOXdt the DAW dhoo oUKo.




S'^lie Orijiial Shoe Mai.

HIRAM cook,



■ a.OOShoe J
1.75 Shoe J
1.60 Shoe?
l-B6 8hoe!
l.OOShoe J

Come and see me.



■ $2.508hoe <

licad>(UarteVs for



1W dahormbf of saute baa naalrad each atgaed the wroor .......
........ was ;] aa^w' rrlgoed for f.wr
• tsi-kaab Uillariaa tswaabl^ Ue- Bardwell dM. aad Hardwell prmealed
.burg oa tbe gmusd that
stiied. the ■l oun
oon of .ApIkfMok esaaty. TkoMS Kwiiaar ioai her rUI. aigsrd by biomrlf, fer pra- she waa bypaotiied.
aja^ ■>■ raeiktty from tbaet-. batc. TbeprobaU jadge Is delibera pcala has mluesd tbe aeotraoe of dn
impiweid upim a girl aamed ibraymya
lag oTiT the aUMgr siiuaUoa
Imprieoamrot.: 1
(krl Mlvihell of UwtoD tried u.
lala the haUooy ol the lawioa opera
M'riayk lhawlslar. Oaewaatis
owe with a rkw of wluiesslog the pirtely aader iSe eoatrol ul
inapelled her to polsuo ber
bei father^
m Ml tkrawiaasml loads of pa
aifaaamiwa of the Itoatoa tooeert amipelled
A sperUI
erUI dispatch
rwrired (rum
kiwis boss.
Ompaay wliboel paniag blmarlf Irom
A slMssnhAsabasbsdi waa — ba price, llr luat bis bold, falliag Uoamw says that a aias|iiracy agalost
twMty M to the pareiaraf below aad tbe life o?2r“
^ the eaar has breo uoanhrd
lispatuh adds that
bat a Dum-'
radBrlag laturlea iW will keep blia ' tbere Tbe dl
■d aod
and that, wsssl
oat of the wet tor the rest of tbe w>o . bar of tswobs kase
been seHed
aad wmiea. loclaJiBgaj vssaa’.
...Ip.omiaeal nlbllisl leader.
M. B. Baraw. Uriar sear Otaasd — ^^Atjdaal^^tbel^eklepi A '^r^j;ratrdlo
'^as ;
(. ....Aoa.01.... sritb tbe ploL
mitfc IbA. a bwaUm asathaaat ol
I. la which aa eapkwbm of'fa.(,
gas I V?''?
tfoeea Vmloria arrired at '
I Urn other day ai d are 3k- la the Ide oMVUhl. tVedomda, im
•ha Iraaibillly of plplag thr lag oa the royal yarht Vmtoria aad
bert. lo a
oa. A*e>3amB of BoaUag gas burnt tablished lolay yramago by »‘h‘kb
> tha lop of the derrick with great court <eu-br»les its I'krielou- ._
TO. aad was eoatrullad with 4i*b-ul- deligbllnl spot, -arhe vearrable s
eigu will at once enter aelitelv, a
been ber wool for a qnarler o) a
Kathaa N. MoelgOM-ry of IVtoakry
ipecu to sae hk gruesjy store aad U- ury. opm the far calebrating tlirielmas io good old style.
eaa a aahob. tVay hack ia irte bla
Waal veer lo thr Unllab aad. wkblag
lo ooeran
. .
hk1 .Sew York property into
WseuivoioB, Ilec. 13 —The t'ellad
1k<iaiBM7.afAdrrUa.Milaat aa caak gaee a Blaety-oioey<wr laaee oo KlaUa gorerawebl cae tall lalu immrHfMasadepkaat. BaaKbiblla tbsa dity-ala arre* of load, whieb la now In dialcactloo (or war nperatioa Uu.wsj
tasAtoamaassmlvraak. Tbaydmi'l tac city aad niaad at PUWi-uuu.ww aira. (ally equipped and saifo.-mrd.
ksiher Urn, boerertr, aad be says that Tbere are aly thirty belra W this Of thlsralisted strength tt.itoaruln
Mujarttaom ao laUcaa la n-uUc property.
Iheeegflar army aad aoU IH.KViare
Joha Warraa. a Iruety farm berul. cMDirked la the NaUoaa] goard ol the
"■iw imie'^elllaca sd Haraalls^ la erta boaoeably rikrhaig^ by a lllsom- (nety-^ght suira and teniiorira.
Om mmaxt. mtm to ba a feeiUe field deld farmer last week- You re a good
lo addition to this enlisted strength
mao. JobD." said the farmer, • but thr asnruaultof the delaiUng oY'regular
dki^aS«M>l!w.*a*M^^1ia^.*^ way aTerything kgoiag aad Ulrre Is army ofborrs to thr mililary acbouls
eellio'. I .wa'l offord to keep ya. IVby. and r-illcgnof thr -cuanlry. thereara
at Ihta rata, you wirald owa my (arui tt.luu stadeou at sorb lostllollona.
who are capable of performing mllitarr
a of seer
doty. Theae tbree bmarbrs ol milliaUacaa a
hire you. aad Uira ypu'U sous bare tha
place back again.■hat tka efTasI
e«a woald he
It k alleged that Mm. Iliru Haady.
wbollrraat<>aUraC*aUr. haa fallea
Thr lagulai nrmy has nl preaentfn'f'
Via. iliM, aa eagiaaee la Puaewai belr to a bnge eaUte ie lierBaay
A Mriday'e weodeawara faM at Vaare ago members ol ber family thr infantry arm U.uuo men, in Ibr nr*
Oarioa. bewaase .ataagM iai abaft. laaaed a plat <if gruoad to a vUlage UJIery t.toii nnd In the vnvalry c.iuw
Tha Iraae baa aow rapireil and tbe Among the nallonnl gaards nre i.lMi
aea in tlir nrtlllrry nra nnd s,:iu in
grvaad ie oorared by a Urge city. Tbe thecnealiynria..
owatea of tha bulldlaga have pervhaeHf
Tbe I'niled Statca bns treawndoua
U^rnmad. a^tWiDuaey^wUI be dl-

^ .

Sl.SSbuysa ..
1.32buyBa .
Istf buysa...
*94c. buys a-76c. buys a


laas aaaa cii i bk-TAII.
aaiaiL MAkbLy.

oa my fantiw dtock of .



'---------r (Mc. K. t: m4 n.
-haeo farojhV^^
A tt-jMTHtM rvl at UxMrMi ra
f.rMklay .straSf.
At tb»'same
!cl.„iee, Teo litlie ai>Un
MnA kM raMMd iM boalr far rerolatloa.
be trouble
AtCNreno the waMt workis( sbupe ' with .liphibi-rla. Thr ('birsr»
MfatMi amAfhaft. tfa* fall. wkkA
amisob ber owe people la Case da asd
v> baeltb were a|
M Mr* afar kOWd fcatMl
IrelaaA Huat prolmbly abe would
- ■M 1 Hirv Hoana
----------lUealao ia ladia Thee Busaa almst boneed
r. Mi • W« a
dytat. io
dly Usneed that pt has . laeaat file f<r uae
taay. Aoalria aad
The bra siarkel sCalt tbe other. The reli
lar Mptcaaaau. Uim. tMSb.
-------- -- .v-.
■M.U7 M. M
Oarlda. lot
fahkakaat wbiW aluAlM hay aadlall
ea IW Um of a M. Two of Ike*
At Sorlbrllle as employe ol lbe;“'*~'>___________________
I rat loci eaU for eoseepibm
fMaad kk fa«. aM W k laid ap.
losdr ...__________________
JiMk Daaklrr. a kisser IKlaf pelky at • o'clock
yealerdayaod at II
aortk of t'Uca. kad kk kaad aaarlp csi o'clock had sawed off oar of bu dagers
*Sei£Ti‘‘rrrbt.'^“a« is a eaUkc kcB Tkandar. ll k Tbe agaat far the aoridcot eomimaj
ksdkel aiapalaUaa -ill b. -aaMS,. aolleltcd
................................... ....
. -.-ew kaara____
Tke poalkfal aMroda k Vaa IRimi
oe ol kis Aapeca. f
aaaaty ha*a dnaa K.aM trun the
w furalBf a oaW '
mill I far tkeiraklll ta decrraalBr
Uk rkAda uppij of Ikylkk a^rran
At Beatoa lUrbor. oa Tbbrsday!
Awkf tka MTOTIa of Ike Takooaba
tarieal rerr a deaf Biale eoapk. AU Bigbl dreeaucfat.SilrabmIlba himsr. .
Ike kr» Uey eoaU aiafce were lo; ia bk boy.
rake ikkr haada aad k^ wiU iaj.
wbllere male from Kl
ibbed 1^ walw
Orta Krsler. a
bc^ ta Ual-

f Wbite
.\pla.‘^bomoa. Biaa kiargLrtl
tJaklaad coualy barlar au < bll-'^H""" <■'tbe Uaaoa groap.u'


s=oiii3Ki.=ri:,. ■2 keep the




FiHsi hiisM ud NiiisHwstllesip.
To see it is to be conTinoed. ^
TDBwiU ^BkaaalatokatfFBatoiF i
•aOakStoTawttbeBt aa^asthtoflae. |

AlaOBfeU Itoaof


aal Hsal


lfrtvers6 Herald

d balUlaclalteciv. ai


The compliments
of the season

ttssa (rat te Wm» to
toltbbatbaUtaaolter boaaa
■ obITm
Mrruahaa baUi
oa B«te atrert. (to BalrbU- ad>olBlBr
Bfbtfc strwat.
Ite«. U Browa bat bi^t aboate ee bit pcaarat laabkaoa
A MW ten. iaxi«. wlik l*-bo>
IM atnat luw, aad' a abop aoatu K.aadt^te.
• mUn -*Utad —M. the ^ tea bate biail at Iba aoaav
■ ill oa Uraal ttraet.^k-ll^bta
Hiv Uridia bat a arw boatt oe (iarKtea A Ut0» ten telU aa^lUte. aa Waat EWraatb alntL
■ wB WM tk. ■taO’Mar «o|rtc i> tx«T (ate W Hr. Hafbar^ teaaa «
‘Bllrer l.ake Graafa Bo. SBA
Cbaa. Hoaltaa bat ateipleud a akc
*• M lUtMl la laat kmMitea amaa. Tte; ten atei drht-racte aowaca. tteU. te Boatb IM- aadltekiubea lOiU.
Tteottom for tte (ollokia* ynr
Ed Rntrr hatoOMpIrtedaBewboate
ar* at (ullowt:
(or V. teadrliaaB oo Batl l>OBt Orart;
Tte A- W. Wall Hf«Co bar. .w—
Httlrr—Hn l^bk Wlfbtmaa.
part k isist. troBt itaw aad
dte 0» baUdlar aard b, Hri. Crmlar
Laeterrr—Hrt. Kelli Ihioo
a kitebea aad woodboat. Ma:«.
a» a taaterr aad «Uad It a|r ba a
Bararf Aadtraae bat bollt a boaae oa . Steward—Mtat Etaeit Jraaiao.
dwalHte baaaa.
Aut.liteward—Mrt. Mary Aldrkh. i
llaHkId amadl tte Maia part of whtcb
U C. DarU. aarter Waablaftte aad
Cbaaltle-Hrt. C. K ll..rV.e
U IfllM. wine I.'tlA
Treaturrr-tlTa Mrrlir M.-orn.
I'alUarM alraau. baa W
,.M. Thef ara IteTJ aad
Srerrt^—tv. tt iybimaa.
Aorutl Headlaod hat bailt a
teUtlabla boaaa aad aate
Coorn Kip'* baililer.
UaWKrrprr—l.-ba llittrd.
MU uadc ta tte acMBi o» ateal
A a Cook batbad aatowatoada,
gnm td warraal
IVoewia-Mit Harr Hueru*.
W, alukwvbte.. A. W. Walt HffCo. tloB pat cedar bip boot^ oa
riora-Htetlarm Huoive.
1--------------- - r^Crna-Mr.. Elite Jeaalen 0..
U(hlb ttrael aad otbarwtaa iicp
Utlyr AttV Steward-Mratkirlr H
a OB Eaat E«bth itml: tbr
A*To.baa iMdaaaaddltlte to Hr itepfopmr
bftaad aMkaallrlit
part ta loxr:. fmt Max. aad
UteardMo a b.Ma oa W ctetar alrwH.
Itolluir baa a Bcw boqta.
khetea XiM.
PaoLainlt Grae«*
It b I'iZU (rat. wllb atoai
(art. oo H(lb tWral.
Pout* kat aKBpletad a b.ot* la , Tm». rollowlaparr
liMteU * Uanote ter.
Hoolkm A WHw* bare pat
<>th HrifbU. oo Eighth tlrarl (ur Wte. by tbr l■.olnwlt iitaefr S.%
M wlUUba? U »rltb«r. boM (or Uararr Aadd
rich boUdiae.
Browa: tte maio part It
. oo* tbr year I'M.
^«ad anoaa. Tte tot ta *e«a
MktMto.aad mck
O’Uralrp. oe l‘alua tuarl.
with a oaetlo^ ,v. U.-Li. Itana
d anw «w. br all tk« t«d- ttilt. U>t tMoad at»T" aad IStU,
Wtakf lloliuctbaa.buillaaaw
tv 0.-JohD H 1-rmakllo. ■
tte other »ate aad lattt.
• voald teMM la*
oa Wrat i;«bih atmt. It u lla«u iad
tv. I.-II. K llrinkeiaa.
<i«ar(a Oarrttte bat bailt a aea laasc. Moar loaadatiua.
tv, S—Jobe C iita.
THE CBURCBEBpalat tbop te Hterdmaa amaa.
. tv. A S —tVill
A- I‘. Manlrr bat belli a boaat (ar
tv. l-bap.—Hit tv K Sto'Tbr A. W. Wall HI*. Co. ban balli
tt . Treat -ihwoo Itrhrr.
a baadinaiT tlractare oa Krool tlro^
tv. Sre'T.—i'btrl.t I'.elcr.
lor TteoUler Bna. It It o( brieb. UtTl
H. K Bnokmto'taew booi
Tber* will be aerrlcea at the ateal
tt . 11 K -II. (I Hill.
rra rut da«ra balow
two ttorlM aad taaaemnt.
.tv P. Mra. UtUlda Tuaipk.lae.

.net lisiuiir. with itlootpoata. aad' hoar, at tte Uap»>t ebareb aett Sea«tka lw( wmk. tb« 'Hlir HoNaal watlte otetnetor (a
tv. P. Mra. Alil.kC l.rigbtuB.
headay ahool after atorelag
tte Wtae i:a=.t. with U foot poata. Tbr
W. C —Mm K-»r llana•rkM becwa eadud a lai»« wlBf addtUte to farb inaoe
A. W. Wall Rif. Oo ooolrael.
terrioe with tbr aDaaal elrctloa of oditv. 1. A. .S--Mba Srillr SU«».
nUU alAc «TwW (Mt. tiro atorka. alto aa ka
>Sm bare bailt a
Cboirrater—Mr* Abbir C Lrigbtao.
oera: Yoaag panple'i aeeliag at r. p.
vtar.aad AautleaB atodtt
latdt aad other lap
rifth ttraat (or A. B. Hiller. The op- m. Topic. -The acae of tte Vnr "
H ta latfo qaaBtitlta. Wall.
aoranllBf u<«r»i.nae.
rifbt it llzto aad a wlaf ItiM.
Voaarr larlted lotbet* terrloaa. .
(tall aodgetuoeofouricalrodar. to
m paatav.aad tte |>aaldnt r>t
Tba old Knlocbrll balldlaeoa Prool
(, Hrowa hat belli a boaaa (ot T.
E. W. IUtox...,
rsatwuuii t-ati-KL..
ante aad ant la a tpadal awa- .treat ha. baaa ratarf to a Wral wllb
irnaaa oa Widtwartb tttol Bear
. II. S. .Vorthrup will prpeb at
teaovrtte aaklar belp (or
tte adjolalolf baUdlan ««> oallralf t'«lb
It U IttM aao
two tlo. ..........hapel-am baadayairil p m.,
■7.ataaaa. lartawaHteal
«Mdato aad rrfiud. • Tte A.
rka. aad I5«10 aed 1(«1, oo* atory.
T.^.''Aaolter Ynr." Saoday tcboel
WaltHlr. Oo, did tte work.
BUta BamtdeU hat bellt a da* latlClergyioca1 to •I'PteriM iYlt DitUiot te
' HiBtLU balldiar H tei
BII uil^'Unk to prralt^^
dean comer Oek aad Klzth ttrerU.
oaatoe Prciatatiael. lilt
Urary Cbapbell bat bnUt a larfc
n.M g.XIWUtl Pawer.,
teiioo. -r two tlorj bride, rwl i
bout* OB Meat Blfbtb tUrrt.
Ttaobert- Exatoia.
Cbareb will be held oexl Suoday
. mm. •Mhdadarad tteaoaadaaaa
roll tenarOV-wllh (root aad
OBle {art It llx:>. (roBt UaJd. with t
>«> a. a. la tte new h.11 orer HoataThe tpHog examinalinn '
«Mr laaaaial poUtj. tte adnaer
aa K. K. 1^. arehluck. ballk
l.all two avrlfw. Tb« yrtr geea bardwor ttoa. The pabli
darrhrr.tb lew’.. If yua ar
«M Wtoarp. tte taSaiaaep o( tte r>w
pani't storietlt Itiil. Bfid
ewdlally lorlted.
Seb)«t (or «»«,,--i^^T^Verw
l.utiam CoUm
Yrt. Urmwa baa had a doi ro^ltoK* tbedlttia. B.dl. MrlBlTT.
Seaday: "Ilaeld'* ooalnl aad eietory
be ihoroeglily prepared f-r the n
ill oa Wadtlnctte •‘"•b Tba aprBctor.
aalatUun. hew cl.r«»
.... .............................
riebl w laot. tte frool :iatt. the rear
_ L. Certer btt OBde't two-ttory
ralng to' ifca Itaa paaldtel (natlaall? teUa ap- HUI. with aa addlUoederr. A. W,
additto..Nt» (ret. to hit bBUdlBf oa
m liteiiii derbda Ttepraddtet HallH(«-Cii..telld»Ta P. B. \Whar,
Sew rliaetalnofomifd at Uie | ^
t'aloB ttraev
aaoe Ume io I'umaerriat tad SIkwI- ^
1 ,1111 teapaoUkpUa. G
Iteak Pala. ba. added
(eel la
hand deionmeau StudrnU admIUeo ; ^
M..di a.teW,,p*«a.
Jn. Troabty Jr. bat boUl aa add!- kaftb to bit rraeaboete.
tebbatb tchoul. V;li a. a.
IViaciral. . ^
t]_ to Ata atora-raoa ua Pruat ttnel.
M. L. Browa bat atade boom laporHteauf to worahlp, II a. m.
Iltotato (aab
taat ebaam la tbr appnraaerut Hoa.
Junto aeetiof (niu p a.
Oao. (Irahaa baa belli a boaM (or U.'U Co»«llVi*al.l*BC*. corarrKlfhth
IM tete if aa^rto adopted It. which Hr. Zioter ooaormer Park aad WithBadneor meetlog, t:»u p. oThera U
aad Oak al>erla lie bat pot la a ti
• wmaatdo.
EreBing wortbip. 1 p. m.
laftm tUaata. It U :UI
(imadalian aad belli aa addiUn lr>l«
nalaat la. tte ad-latatratlte
Pnyar oeellaf Wtdaoday rreaiaf toking up tod'readiog.
aod aaolter atW, betbl«a porrhea.
MHtttoto teMpradltetetet a
A. T. Itole haa a aaw
hatalaubulHblma bara WxVXerU alTTopk to the Eadneor asrtiog;
PraakllB tuaat. Tba oala part It two
Abal^it °
.LI the atylemi a larfa 'aew brick
-How next ytwr oay be made belter and eeery
.UatoAtotte aad ballwaf <Hte. tte laaadry bolldlaf hat brra armed
Ito to thro* tte r
than tbit hat bara. Leader—Iwri T. merltx-laL .
onrxtuii''e«l <•»
(Counentlon Serrlce.l iDdc.rd U- •.inicet
aaUe ImprotaoeaU oade.
U. Bllramt* bat belli tbm
I adebMd upon a oatter oI tuch grnrrtl ^
aad te*aa work oe aaolbar (ur Haraey



EstaMishC(i ISCS.





Carj^ anU U«thiii» House.

Traverse City, Jlich.




to oUr famous holiday sale of books and i
..................... calendars........................... ; • j

Father Time -plays
the arUst this Ume and bids 1896 greet you j
ui i with a smiUng, happy lace. We greet you also, wishing you aU
a baking pTrteiV’‘.iii'^^^%‘n7
manner of good thlngs. May your coming year be prosperous J
______ i_____ __ __________ 5
ii:* and happy. Incidentally we would say, don't forget we have a j
% full line of Excelsior Diaries for 1896.

Aafotl Britarr bae built, bdf
1 are cordltlly laeitcd t
■tea. GnarWeliaiorBndrraBka Botaoenalatjr U
Balaked. a boot* ua Itatl Kiatb ttrerlareloo. Church eoraei
Tbr oalo pan It lex;:. (n>at HaK and and Pltlh tlreele.
Holliday, oa WaahiDftoo atrael.
or pari l&Xlx
haa a aew bara. aUat lu!u tea(>4a tha aaattar te«r Ateada aooa te»P. Calklat ba. tell* a dao tnly. E daray baa aaarlj «oapl»lod a
, oa the ooroorte Coat and
oa PraakUo wraaV The oaie
part ta IteTT. tte (nat i:zl« aad the tUeela. Tbt oala pan It l«xP
S ------------------------arerararally invited to,
kcbi Oo ,
ear Urto. Itoatell Uma balldn.
. Mnto.^shake baud.'
teron- wtaii.
with yuor ueighbot* bflorr ieariog.
, .11.
Tte aaw Helbodtat ehureh oe b'tirtb
Ipraoa tWaa
Adlorr atirii.
A. Pux baa bolll a bone
e mala
JuntoCbrUllae Endearororeliagat
• Stetota Ihta texlaf o( tte death
Piaak Cook baa belli a baaa oa
UxKaad kil
jp/a. Subject. How next year may
^■kaftaRttJ. toward teoairbltar' tV«al Pioet atrert that ^ IWd(, lUl"
beknadr brlter thda tbl> bat beeo. Led
Mw Btad tenow la all who hi
ad i:ti:. wllb a wood-baan KilA
Hr. Ooleaaa kn bellt
1^ Xeea « right.
m»*m bate in miXkmmSU
Hr Cook bat aUo bailt a hone
Hn. ITto oe I'aloo atrael. IttaKzd.
Contecratluu mretlag ta tte CbrlitMM toarfor tor waaka. bat war tolb tlraat aad twooo Hueth Spree*
IMltaadlZxlT. .
laa Eadearor itoirty at ..:4t AU armjHpaaad to ba falaiaf. wbaa tte and- atreet. each el whkh It Intuaad l»xi:.
Browa bn pal ap • air* *«“• beru are exiled to ratpoad to Uirir
. Btelyte^atanlarttewontpaa
Hocbmd.1 hat a aew boo*
dcb'amaraoa Eatl Math atrrel.
aHarwM aad futaad awv
teareaea. It ta HxM aa
Tte oala pan It IdxSa, wlaf l«xn
. .Sunday eveolngtermnn 00 "A judge.
Chnathta teniae.
akiog aad apoef Tba- who .lay'
HIM toward wat bon at Bte,aoi
QaouBUerbatbaUtaaaall boea
B p. Sewhaan.ia rWaerood.
,gt borne la the mnroiaf are hxllcd to
Bbta U. laat. bat ter paraatataato
Wat toeathatraet.
aad* an additioo isns- to kit bona
(Sla eeealag aretiag.
Break away
Hr. HeXnl hat databad ‘a ta
He. Kelklrkbat boiltatoall be
(rum the habit of tuying away (roa
aadhariurhw baaa apaal teraarar (or Him. Credit oe tVe.1 tkraath U
rail, oa i<ake teeBOe.
eaoctaary all day seaday.
Jmm. ttawaa alwapaabriehl papll which ta lUst. I7it( aad exit.
E ii Papertat-l Kighlb atreet,
iHtb '
J te to aaboolB. radtetlac wMh
practinlly a aew huear.tte uid nn
:,»tod later.
- lUM feat.
bat beru raitte. repaired cad ad<
Waeaal Sledar oa Vice tkaat
oade to It at luUowa Ooe pan T*x'.-e, dote oadrrtelfrj
taw bare abuot ruxtO feet.
coelCxM and uer Iui»,a1l twotlorlea.
The Young Heo'tclub win boo* bb ;____
Iliahp aohoota ate taaebt aarr aaoTboa. Moalloa bat bailt i
Houltoa aad Wiltua were eonlrarvwa
reception at the rharcb par-|pj.
teMaUjta tte Trararaa atpaoboota
to Jobe Reaal* t
W. L. Browa hat built a iwu tUwy touTitaday •
ter tote yteia. aalO ettepall ' '
Tbe rccrplto | Of The CoadWoo of tte TraeerM City
additioo IUX74 h> Hr. Onaa'a


i; I


picture frames.




Lotollt. Ettt Eighth atiwct.
betira bouae ICtet and KxM.
J. C. Aaery aa a
Ito Wcctlaad. Slate nract. haa
■Miter aad ate hat alwaft frtearaady
bolltakiletee itxK.
A E tetter bat anew koeaeoa
te ranted to aaaff nil (or work, the
Itonat raoapttoclrtete tte Lonl
Albert HabaKk ha. telUjaaddUlglt tet areoae. It It lAiM and I4xl«.
CK-aBbabeltePrathrurlaatarklf te hit bone 18x:t. ow (S^dolpb etrert.
W. A. Wrifhl. Adtll aecaae. t
1/^ atowttoaanhnacparhaptbarlait
U E Lataaae. Cedar. Mraet. bat addi aew tefbt looa bona Mx4! tart.
tetotetortethtallao. (to wUl ba aiattoy UalttohUboi. aad
Eli Purrlt haa built aa addlUoa.
teflf ■toadtobolh bar charah aad
lixsu (eel to hia boaa oa Uardeld
ban Ufa. aad bar paraau wUl b^
a rilcb hat built aa addlUoa |(
torrarpatbrofaUIattetoa- ' ' by lift (obUraadeaoeoeVlaaUraet.
I* Qydr. la Oahwood. ha. hoUt aa
B W liatob bat bellt a waraboatc' additoa to bit boaaa. HxM feet.
I Han Xpaa aipe la Oahwood '
oa Wat Pmt atrert XtxM (1.
•Atotb Baaday aftamaoa. Tte pleat
tte'oada ah addukta toblt boaaa.
Chldwell A
te taaUhw tbn ariU te aaacaaaad alldiof (oroerly aard at aa oBoe byteal.
Otaowe ta Tte nm Mattoal.
tetoOaalWaodDtab Ux. baaa parHtotete tte bawto attaU lu Ui«a
RdriH la The Ptret Hatkaal Itaab te
«hta city, aad Hr. Hall bn baaa oi
awe te tte dlraetan te tba beak,
towta bain alill rrtala ttelr poaoto

nO« to (It board, aad tte roat

nW IteOalbolkteateb
wmk ndibta ynr tte oarrten


a. luUoweil by teachere' aretiai

atidw:, k
PrankHaantoa (guardlao) to Ed­
ward Saaaer. lot l.blk 1. U. 1. ACok
Tth add-dlOKL

and', of lot
tec. M and tie of aw)t.
acc. »!, alHo T *7 .'j E 11 W-glooo.
O. VV. Blood to Sophia C. UawleJ.
te Leahar Co aroead oa to fake I Shea A Little baaa pat ap
aeree ia tec 14,,T (7 .S K 11 W-gKX.
wart, aad bate rwpalated aad duad : U*M feat oa Baaaab ataaaa
John a Speober to Mlltna Hpeaorr, ""
it ap to aa oSoa lor (be Unrdaaa Baerwo.
loulvaad tl. bik i. Perwwood Add.
Blear Btotrk Ufht A Power (k.
I Jtein Loalj bn a aew hooe«
lou 0. «. lute Steele A speaecrta
a‘. te tw’,. ter 14, Tni S K 11 IV.
Hurna bat pat ape balldlag deld aeraae: tbr mala part
' Mu Botew la Beaxir Gc—AlttAX
to eold Itoran aa Bay ttreel, oppO' with a wlag 1!
ilteb H.Cabr to A P. Soefam.
tluiofoot of raloa. It ta of k
;^.tcc;t T » K B to WeusTO toCaad tbroa aterin kljh.
^'»iixHoalloB A WLtaoa bate baUt a raaP
Praak Alto
Tte oala part ta 1**«.
Ug. te B
deaea WtaW laeV oa Bay ttnot.
with a wing IM:
_ texecuUj
W. _
C (lewlu
_1. Ml4te neS.■**«:-(
a bailt byaCaibolka . Adtltarenat. Tte oala part It 14x»L. > W—g7»
aU two glorto. aad a rear | om llamilioa to IVo. I'oprUad.
».T:7S. Bl.W-»r;
Hoalloa A WtlacB have balll




■ ■Hr. BaUla il


Ceioo .tract.
wtU be gtrea by
ay the
toe lolto
laaiee or
«i,aigM. ei
Jarpb Hook hatbada boat* baUt cbareb. tbe boat and foreign nltaioa- ibm. Iwc. u. ite.
by UoultoB A WllaoB ua raloa tir
;lely. tte yoaag ladira' alealoa i
It it Kxn, i:xH aad KxM.
ary Awlrly. the ladlee'Aid
aad tbe CIMtiaB Eodeator ifeeiely. ^
rtm wxBD.

to wtealwapa Mtetllad with all
•aad wteha lotelaf tte CteertemUteJehaKyaclkahaebamat
ai torte at tte an ol tte paaiv (to Joe Mader a booM oe lk«n<
Wte aedantetoteharod tte O
It lUIO (ret. with l•-(0Dt p
r------- - V. P. h. C. K. aad waa
teaaarriatecat tte ward. Wbr

IMVeaithhata '
aao. ItaM feet, to H. Utary.
cracrolFrual aad Cedar.
Hr. GoBar bat acted bit boeta tram wblok ta ItxM. (roat llxia. rear Hxia.
oata sprwre twee* towaoMIpk. Biar, aad a wood ama 14X14.
—j .jj

... .

he grttabja". aad bat put laaMooel


JoUut OUbect beta aea boaa oa

f Kroolh to Oial Vote Dlah


Tte Adeeatlal. haeu bullta churte! M. D. Ma*ua haa baUlaa addlUoa. I «. Uoodrlte toOmI Wood DtahCo.-.
caWcalTcalbctracl. lUi Mate feat.' uni (mb to jPo. Palrcbild'a boaa <• | twl. of ak. tec. (x. T (7.V.BWWtohdaUftattaitlnawaa apeat at tte
Mr. HrKtal hatC'ertad abaaaca BcacMrect.
•tote bp an. aad ew Cbrlatna dn Wot Teatb ctrect to (to. HUI abd - U P. Cocf-e ha tent a baaa ««**
toialrairy batetUal neytoa war. CM to K. HllL cdjotote.
tech ta:Batt Proht OmeV
* !“
tod. TtepoaterMkate ttetearob Ua» and lOxlA IS oorlcc.
• 1 Mm EuUa baa a larva aaw boaa .
Mr. Dcaa bu built a boaa oa Heat aad a ban aa BacUafa aUeel. q^JCta.. to Ik. lUlage te Elackwood

ntetototr nMhbU. OaCteC—

B*eeaaalratlteCtet.HaaaL Itta.wood.
j vi'^ Hold.wofth to A. B. Ktalaar.
I4XM. I(xl4 aad TaU.
i J.'H. Uemra oade a parteaa te tbe' aS te aab. tea. **. T tT X. B la WU r. poepar ba baUla baaa la property. «onateB(fblh auute aad.tov
Htal Rgblk ataoM Itel la ItxM aad Uarteld ateaaa. aad ha aotonad a
Uaaaab A tor On. ta tratoate ted
I bowa aa It aad gate a yen baadwog >*. E axetaufJ Tfo^dy. laa^U
(toJoboa ha btelta bhoa te 'Una&abiertodaaw.
ate U. hlk t. U. U A Cob Ird a^
• dalle wad byagiaddbaU
WtteXIaU atreet. Ill oftbatoUaw-: The •!«.««• a
CHy te Tiaeaea Gtty to Onl Head
lagato. MaUpartIt
t M CO-^^mlla laa I. (toM.VR

1 wish to aonounce to-thc
famtere of this vicmitj- awl
the people of Traverse City,
that I have purchased the
grocery' and provisioo busi­
ness of F. Gardner. 515 South
Union Street, and will continue
to supply all old and as many
new rcustoHiers as wiH favor
with a share of their pat­
ronage. atahe lowest possible
price* consistent with goods
furnished. WiUbeple»dio
have you call and give me a

I and Free Trade—you can have
both! How? Protection for your
treasury in price and quality and
unrestricted trade in the purch­
ase of our ‘'BEST" flour.

Hannah & Lay Cd.

iln peace
prepare for war.

Shoes for the soldiers.

We don't think ve’U have to fight, but If wo do, wo wlU give (
atingln Traveras City each a pair of good
I the first fifty men
) strong shoex VntU that time comes we will give x nioe needle
! case and calendar combined, with every ealx

I Front BtreoL


Friodiloh Brox old atora.

G and traVerse Herald
-«ESiK‘ “

irHi II

ftean. who hM
tk* 0»nl.
Ur.a»dU>» W.CMalaoi
mm rruecry oa Boath t'aioa ttnvl. (ran l.alaad Satardap.
Tba caod oM teitaw bad bb haam
•da 10 » rood boolsraa. Is • rod
Pnvp Ruldaiearlb b heaad ban Aaa prattp (mil. bol treqoasl talarroas
kxslkoi. Ur. Adalof boot •aumar^.
Tbor (or the boHdapa.
ware rmd to tka aadlaan who crowd­
borlar boro • noldnl oT Tnrant.
A. W. Yoaar aadb^od BaUakra ed tka
av Im IklrlMa nara. The U>;aaU>i bare lonarad to Ub dtp.
Jaataa Loadoa b bonafrw Aaa J
bar for a (vo weals' rbdL
Ura Jaa. Kakoa b rbiUar la t
1 a Aaa C
•rod 404 pMlcofM o
»tbara part of tbc alala.
fitm bp tk< nenbera of tka
•au to Tnroroo Cltf
U A. I'ratt b back (ran Aaa Ark
■Aaol aadWalUal aaaaealr
IT Uw :n>rbtnaa nctUam.
pracnna rfraJ»^aj£
mi moU hor« bwa rmirad at Ua pot
Bat. W. T. K^lam b apaodiar tka
ornm alao* Moada; ■oraiar. aad
hoHdapa b BaaUartoe. lad.
Ip aa aaap aral oat
pr^tU^^^^^^'^rck aad a
IT of CbdUlar b rbltlar hb
ed troe mmie £appp tka kaam of
K. W. Buaitaia. Iha gromt, ncmiwra rdaUfw bora for a tawdara.
tka ckUdtaa Tmadap rraalmr. After
wmi Uamimj odUwdaatbul hiaana.
H. J. Horraa aad (anilp are dojop- am ra>.pjmMa prarma Ike rtfta wr/e
<Ht *- IMboiai. at Kbiaalaado. Wit.
If a trip ikroQch tka aoalk.
dbtrfbatad aad a pood toeb) Unt aaHraBolliUs waaoallad totkat pla»
J. J. Wllaoa. Jr., rataraad Taaadap
■aaad arrtred >oat I
to apead Cbrbtmaa wltb (asHp.
lk« bodp waa broarkt W
Bar. il it. Snilk b ralonalaLar kb
A piwttp tree dallied *tka chUdim
tkte plaea fur kartal.
fitber. W. H. Knith of UaacrUna.
Taaadap Blphv ib apr«adlB( btmebca
Mm tiertnde MuaUrm b bane
Wmi tk* Ikenobar aunW I
•m Obarlia fora two waeka' TbiL
CkoM-Bulua lufioal apptaraaer
Mtkip. bat a aaw -Haae Cban
r Ciclffia apemt Chrbtana at Uaaoa- boa wore otter rvad ia Ike cbarclk
-............... rrU! he ioaorantod i.

Mi s



State Bank.
bd ruiPiiaii

r atoalUpaad rirlac tkroi Is the
tdan eaek eraak. Ura Halda
w tkto dtpanownt bar <mre<ol a

UoMaata od To-d^a Baraid.

Inventory-cut prices

many tMna. weV. aaxiou.

we've been prepared


Sincvaunimtluvt h« on^ in thr sprin«,
why not save a quarter or a third of their cost by buy­
ing now? The way they are selling now:

for'youto pre- m

• MV plan tkbpear, arrrlBpa
baaijort oa tkr&lnaa afterBooe la-' P&TO fOF it.
Anoap Uraod Ba|dd. vUllora thu'i-Vndof bavii^a tree. Tba (Fk'ildrro
wark are Hmaa Bdoa Thacker aad •>< tkr
BVp aprenJ in Ibr atlrrtMoo. eacb
Cbra P-ule.
reerltiac aonr Hula plttinaddl.
>'rrd Ibrold waa la tkr dtp Natardap
A llUIe bur tke ebildm of tkr
OB hb wap iron Abb Arbor U kb bona
prade had tbclr aapprr. while
at Keswick.
tba iatermedlate aad arBior
Ur. aad Uru ¥. K. Haddae asrUb.
mdowB to Isdm tablra.
Urrtba. of Urmad KapicU, apeat Cbrbteo>>pad a feaal of pood Ihlapa. laclad!k tkeir raUtivra h<
Hr. a63 Ura. M. 8pra^. wko UaeaHop ehiclieii pb. Clear X«t •
beeo vuitlop tlidr rrlaUvea here, have eatdariBptkedap. At tbc oobCIi
>tiop {WopTUBi wu pIvcB. 'Tb*
Beuat AaiMitaaix erlll Icaea the en- puactoUie aoalbera |srt of the
plop of Ike llanlKaa Uotblac Co. Ike fcwaebiu
flivt of tke pear aad opra a real >
b'luik Wblloep of Haakepoa
OO.W la n. P. Carrar'e otter.
Cbreaoe Wbltaep, who b at the, aelAadaraao baebeaa neVeaeiTalp aanrad veraitp. areapaodiap a few dapa wiU
BBBber e'f pleaaaat Ulnpa were iola tkb botiacaa far aonr Uar a
tbeir pareau,' Mr. and Ura. C. I.. tVhil- eladad la Ue ptopran pieeo bp tke



Tn Iratare oB haeonarvU bp I’raairot Oarrtord of AlleylMap Collnra
ra>>red bp
I>r. t a
aalatal ormtor aad bU eield rtr^ripUaaao<ttaeaUrHB(acne. la Iba
of Haeoaarala oill loap be io>ei£i>
bp bb aodlloea. The laetura
daeldMl ckaopt fron tke two pra-rrad.


rrldaj at(kt waa* fraatl;

ttavaaal loporUal ebaapae batr
joal barn laadc In pbr ottoca la thr
bbUdlmp. Ihr 'Tiae^ CHj
> Collrpa. C K. Doebarmp.', pr»
prbkw. aow ooruplea Iba rear
on tba rrooad floor, aad tba rear
italra. vacalad bp bln. have
Ukra bp Ora. A. U. UoUidapaDd Jslloa
lira UolUdap A -Sawper.
danUata. will uar the tbrer froatrooiaa.
and tka roue brtweao will hr oar
bp botb partiea,
oerupp tka CBlirr ae

heath nf Cbwb J. WraemL
-----b tW Ftrwl BaUvaot.

froeenoBt tried to oonialt aBk-lde lo
(BapU>IMdap- Hrhadpoorlo
Toledo wftk a car Imd of pouioiw.
aad uelp raalLaed rooapb from tb
be trelphl and pel a ticket boaia.
IM Ve (foar Pete PrNaary.
AlUraad Kmplda brpntoo the wroap
Ckrmsar (mMdtbt
InlB and waa ounprilrd to walk back
A Saa td tVaeanr K^ba.
acvoral bIIcb to thr dtp. ohU-k bo
imekrd. tired BBd dlaroB-ap^. WbiU1b Htadlep A Kardap'a atorr be drew
rrrolw fnjrn bb poukel sad plsdap It
apBlaai bb brasat pullod tbc tripper.
battbrcBp mapped, and bb fr
a««M Oblp Om DoUar a Ti
prreeBled him fron saiop It a m
Vbr aaaarblpaM a radartkn la price
Ha aaamad half dared with
tnoblrbot afterward rzptaaaed bln•f Oa Uotaui baa bma aaauavl
bst tkb. bae pat baaa patalUa uUl aalfaapUd that be bad failed ia'bb
parpoaa. He rrtureed boaw Ibturdap.
Wdr. Thalaermaad laclUtba fordoTub Chrbtnaa Bmpailaea alerapa rb
tka work aBaidad bp tka BOW oact
wUk aacb other fiw Ua bnoor of aendMldlar haro atdad natarbllp la
lop OBt lb« kandanmeat ediiiooa t
IktafiaC aboat tka daairm ekaara. aad
libwMharoed dml of plnaaratkal

but low enough so that


Tat lapular mectlap-uf the W<
loU will be beliT 1-riJap afurnooo
riu a n-aaksl prnpran la ebarpe of
Ira A U. Uollidap. The p
av fotlmre:
Hteno tnlo. Uim Wbile; i. Kmap
■man la Mualr.” Ura A. 11. Hollldap; 1. VoraJ aolo. Mlw Crau-fordi
'Trio -Ibol Thee oa Ub Hemv
bpr." Jimea Wilbeln. IVaprea
Mra. Ilomdap: i. |•adtoBlae. '-Naarar
Up God to Thee." Mra J. K. Mania;
Bolo. "A Hanakor
Kipht."Mb»>VUbelB: «. Kuap. Mb>
Lewis «. Holo. -Tbe Uolp Clip.'' Mra
Jna Jiarrp; Hi. narlt. "I Woald 'That
Up Lora." Mbaea Wtlbaln aad IbaVioliaaolo. Mmcrawfoid.




a hard tiam Uptop
pitfillf’ Okarafc aCkrlainai pemaal
ofanmidB «( kaaaUtBl pain pUata.,
wfeM wfU ka mad la dsoeraUai

hpalpood dlaaer ia Uali
unu dap. and Uep kept U« tu
poinp allUe afteraooa reachiap Ua
Umaa la the evaaiap wbae Uap anjop1 a ball, kaepinp Ue mule polap till
late boar—or rather an aarip boor

Bopa’Baad bat nipbl wu arepelltloa
of Uelr aaaal aaocou U- larpc crowd
preaeat oa>oplnp Ue daocinp UH


iMttMlailMBMtiUUIIh •



When we advertise a thing, we have it.
If what you buy here isft't just what we tell you it is—ask for )-our money back



Oar SsTlBct Deftartme^t

forth. Holidays.

in just as large assort­
ment aa ulsters, at just
as good prices—as. low
Easy Chain,

now as they may be

Ladies’ Desks,

^ Bookcases.


Leather Chairs,

Rattan Furniture.

Tea Tables,

Music Cabinets.



this year — stoch in­

China Closeis,

iVrIor Lamps,

cludes a few novelties

Dressing Tables,

Fancy Pillows.

Leather Couches,

Parlor Chairs,

Bouquet Lamps.

Carving Sets,

not found in every

Fac-similes, '
Foot Rests.

stock—these Will

Hall Glasses,

Cut Glassware,
‘i Fine Pictures.

put)n at same discount

Barier Cabinets.

Il Office Chain,

such as the, Waldron,
Paddock, etc. — goods

Water Colors,

Ja^nese Ware.

Sm>Tna Rugs,
Dinner Sets,

Chamber Sets,

ulster and overcoat in
the house offered at

Tea Sets,

Art Squares.

— no reserve.


same rates. We want
to quote you prices.
We never have offered
before such a complete |
line of fine goodsatthe
discountprices we will

a be balpadtoAMribota

d aoB. Poeip Baamk aa em of tke
HtoMtoabWaHbkoma (ram Ua! ' Owtep U bb preetem aspapM

Picked out several odd lots and marked them
49-5q-6q-b9 cents the yard. Many very desirable.
tWn^ in this lot. The prices avenge about 25 p«
cent under value.


bought for at any time

B4. K. aprairm b vbldap to »t. y


Eeerpbodp went to tba Chrbtmu
tree pi>ea bp Aomada Hive 'Tuudap
araalap. and avrrpbodp bad an awi

—“'C S

vthMwIu bavc aa

Tewd*4 toeshav* b*«i C^tty prie*oot

A oabber of tkr mrmbrra of the
•aaior elau of Ue Hipb Hebool raj iped
a partlealartp Jallp ^panp Chri
niphl lo Maraabae bam

tklrtBmtt ttdnfcdap.

VTbet-aioa wbbuto >m.>
^ oftbe dtp aaii olkc
a Uue pifu pualMa.



customer will


- ,i~=sr=

ied knleeaaad forka.

ke raaldeab Of "Iboo-a AddlUoo'
(be caat abora of Ua lake pot topMber sad bad a dellphlfal Ckrbtm
Uma all bp Uamaalvea.
At Hark Hbu Ue emplopu bad
prettp tree aad a Jollp time to'.peaeral.
It wu a ebarmtopaipht mi Cbritlmu Eve
pau aluop Ue auUu aad
•ee Uroapb tbe wiadowa. partJu ol
bappp children paUarad around Ua
boma tram. AlUoopb there wu
ba;a a^t u macb moaep apeat to
Ub pear u uaal. atlll thara
Hatardap eeoalap Ue Javaoib
praat maap^
aaaaal amoant of pablp. am
Oood Tenplara had a CMatam
Mna Uaa Otaaiaanaa pava
Tb» tabat b fdrwa-fdjoabble acbm
aad peaaral pood Umo at Ua W'eai!
UpktfBl parfp BaUrdap la koBor
am\ lor bdiu that epa be pot oa a^
pabaaL U b pboad ow Ue (rimt
W 1 cw
— a—
wbaal of Ur biepele. UKl bu a akin,
u ware made h^p Taeafartsmaklawiu r. T. O-Kall of dkb- paard and tool rml. Il b ulf Islaaas bp vtaiu tram ib# ladica
Kew rluili to Ue alpbi aebool at
(all bleu (or'
■Tobal I'aloa. KM onip ka boalaeu Collcpa will be formed
r aa oediaarp
evaatop Jaaoarp A IMA
d wlU
11 to«a^
W. A. Art-iHsa brlnpi tka Baaatdi
IkvAkatl. Prto.

Tbe walpbl b tmlp
Oaaef '


has made a good deaL

. kin nut oartaialp be awardpd to
thaaamaoanMtb sawnadkoftbe Ika Anerbao lAKiUrp Jouroal. pabibbFanlvtuaa
Tka pood tin<
bapan for tbeebi|
ndiwlw ia priea to 0«a OaUar^^ ad at Okicapo bp Uorpao Ualu A t'aa
. aveaiap, aaarlp all
TW Jaaoarp Bonber of Ub. Ueeldi|b baibrad tkb aaaaaaap
ml iouBslot tka Usd ia tke Hallod tka ckarcku ia Ue clip boldlap tproial
.. appasn to Bcw bedp aad adeor- boHdapTBffCS; while Chrialnudap
kp tk. p«-t mkaarfbdra. mt Ualap tppe. aad b heaBtUBlIp Ulaatoll of nerrp tinea for poaap aod'
old alike, la tael coma of Ue poaap
an aatlrelp oriplaal da- { dka bapm to eelabrau Ue laat of Ue,
- Raraaftar lha Baaau vUl haaaat
larafall pnr ter Qm DaUar toaap alpa. aad It b Ue haaibuneat Uinp of
Ua klad Ual ever tame to Ua UaaaiJi
^dtaaato tka Ualiad Baataa, Oaaada
It b a atadp la an aad sjIottcackera ia maap
. Tbe Ameriraa IVralt'p Jooraal.
•P«U1 Chrbtmu propi
arikan wUl tmalea tka rmt of tkb pear
Ibarhora atnaL Ckkapo. bu hoeal**'“»r afteraooa. whioh efm* a
kp tbe paplU.
Crab. Tb asab Osa tblbr paU aaw radacod U prim (ram oaa doUar lo Bftp J
- apaar. It bUa liadiap mooU-|
arm aar^ Ika papartaJa—arp I, IVT.
Tbe ekUdraa la Mba UllUa^'kli

Attkbyrtaa tbanah naat kapaldla
—=-------------------------ipmrUolBvlud tkeir miUera lo a
l•aBU;B ku a aorefisieat j (■rtday
^ y
adrasaa 9, tUa radacUaa la
to W a beorile with
daooralad wiU tbeir haadlwork
Wepclbb.»e«-i*^M^^,„l„i^, bp aad (or Ue
UoBtrfUairpUetmaa aad
ha parUurd Mr. Uatmaab UlarYi



ki:.'trM:'::L'£:lrrr^jaotual ch vame-not m ^
{|J press
quite at your own price

. 14.38 u,. PUT

18.00 Portlw.................... sooth*pair

EundredB of them go- m

(Yieada Toeadap sipbL
f^t ware
aad Aim. A. V Cai
ap eaerebea. iactadlnp
Irwo aad Mr. aad Mra.
of 'tba Holp Innd. aad
fatl aad ehildran weal to Central Latw.
ip tree wu rallerai
peaterdap toattead a laaBioB of
iu load of rbkm wbib brat of all
Ganenin tadkllp.
Ib^beotortalelap bb fay>ht bp Ue
pr. I.rwia Miller, of Charireoil. who b
iaadap achool. While Mr. aad | .
the oldeal euDlioBoua'Wblb eeltler lo Hn. Kelaep ware prepariap lo leer
Ua(lrmadTr«ve<aeraploe. Mr. Millar
kBceh Ueir frbada harried I
ku Ibra bere U pcara.
Mr. and Ura. ('rank Uaumoad aad utofcblBB dbbeeua plft fo
two cblldreo of Mwkepoo and Mr. aad
Dd a pleaeanl aurpriaa it proved lo be.,
Ura. W. L. Ilanmoo^ aad aoa of budloptua a^ot' CbrUUBU wiU ralaUeea
Mr. aad Mra. Herbert MoBtapne kart I
here, ralaroiap bona lu-dap.
kalpm to piv. hapi7 tinea to Uair fOOl
lir U.' Hue ivi' Diuvorp.
(rieade for maop pesra. bat Uep never'
U aa eup aoIuUoa lo tka Uoapkt Uat Uep were puinp
• hob ciuoalioo of free dellrerp.
Let] |„eud u> aonbUiap of the aanc
the oooaril order the Bre Unpa Deeded I Uenarlrra. Tbeir tweatp-flfU___
The BddiUocnl dlap aanlvcmrp svurrad OB'<'hriatmu
w will Dot be praat aad Uat will
Ue mailer,
aUirm aad captured bp a but of frieeda
qurathm of farther llphUap be cuwfol- who came lo help Uem eelebcale. The
BooalderMi ia the best late
eveatap wu apral nut deHpbtfnIlp la
whole Iowa.
Hut for Ue
vbiliop aod rarda. and when tbepaula
pat la the flee Be# lanpa and tou to- departod Uep left u a aoaeeelr of tbe
ure the delleerp.
oocazioaa beaaUfal ael of pearl band­


We re been adjusting the prices of our T»bk Lutens*;:
put them on the basis of poutoes at loc. a budd. To

Ulsters ttl Tahle


aBMBBBlseaaoBihra 'ru.p«no(«kc
«B*a MoBttUodteaAalmBtaaBd Mr.
■BOiBk b Ika fmsml ekmaa.

uj After XmaS“What?

It lataadof (welra Hone ( beeia durior
tlm pear. _ __ ____

bolld arvrral boom a> earip la I
aprlBCBatkrwealkarwill prrtol> i
iBfBhaadaomrrraldea^fSP bU
•alf oe "Trrrmca lswa.'''oBtke run
Of Waablmrioc eirarl oB^ Wl^Mad av

ClrceltlioM thli wwt 2,300^

Altkoofk tke ekarch b osIp tl
•aka oM a banbrma I'krbtnaa tree
aad Bpproprbtr rzrrclaaa were ar-

“JloBe.r hack If yon w»nt lt“

now make—call.

. ,

Jardiniere StuM^
Lace Curtains, --------

Parlor SuitE

. Matts,


Office Desks,


Hall Trees.
Occasional Chain.

Finty Rockers,
Hall Racks.

Shaving Stands,

Combination Desks,
Eolding Beds.

Rattan Wood B^eti,
Work Stands,

Bamboo Stands.
Hall Lamps,

Odd pieces for pariocs.

Five •'dock Tea Sets,



: Games of all kfiids.
; Water Sets,

JuvenUe Fumitore,
Juvenile Books.

; Framed Pictares.

Fancy Racks.


nayboose Faroftare,
Sleds, etc., etc.

W. J. EM Imt pma ta

bb Chrbtnm to
ubAolUa Haadap ackool
Uma. died bm B«kL Apamllaripmd OraadBapUa
I aa)c7el a delniou baaqaM tram 1 u
(misned tke cma wm tka dmUot
Mr aad Mra C. 0. Tataar bare
bam' MOo'riock.madeUamonappatbtopby
a bam
MMb Map Tmeaued tka mmc diuw aWtim to '
Uap had beoaphlammrt
OBtpctx araaka apa, aad tka ideaU d<
Mra a C. Beepp aad acs kara bam pifu Icr oUcea bm (onaaau Mm
tttewUalaaamMr. TroaeUttBluakaw TblU^ at Waafeed.
M «ko wmdA Tke apmpatkp cd ali
tram lha aai-1 ibab Claw pM lkra<«h hb Motbedbl
jmi bwwtaadrf ta kin la bb
. naha«pwfllkatahmtsUnadBaaaB










A complete arid o
. Bsive stock of Toys. Ours a the largest di^day of
Holiday Goods in tbe city. Leave your orden to be delivered as desired. Pricen m


MSI NMiiMiiiMtfifcriMeMi



Mn. U1
»ra a^c^iar noth* k««.
The J'rleod* alll hare «Mchia
riitm ««
tke-ormlac laeuad of alvmooa.

teo. MViT >11 .r>M “


n.lm-HTr-l-'l--------->—a—oA toJnraWTrmeeiaa CIV u. .procare |
of a mile farther oa U
! *l-to ChrUt—a l—ato. I-*—
i home obe. be -eai duao tor the laal ■ br^
The « i- T. r wm Boi h
-aa-earf.-/ TbU «. the laat i-otberb ^t.a« aeui brl.cea u
l-!?arl. beeaDertalobare a tot of i •. Alp-*r freiebt froa. Mabel tbaa

A JaakJr C. E Wuctotjg>a« «»Ta^«*
ban wllh Eftoea eharwa ^Matora.
The PriaaAe wHl r»'« • <«»«
■nmliTT- al thair ehareh CtortoV C a ai
BUby * Bllrt« had
ChrialMa «™> tor U«lr eh.ldraa Taaa-


b, «„ be«tltoaprak. Thr youay maa aad hr« t »r.ip but brine ua- [ The ailrer aiclil coo leal brW laat
oa the nm-l: Tue«»a, rrrnioe under «>to*u.pic*» of
bvebtoh • bare to paddle Aroarh the mad. to . ^^e to da ao he •real back oi
the brat
I«e «« f.aehth.tra.D.S'amila.
[ abuat tort, rod.
to btoaUlrr -.
. th, W «' T I «aa one,of
Tbr clam
tmb aad. Tbr bear, raia aaJ eitremel, warm -nj
bu brutbrrio-Uo up to *■> "hub baa brrabc.d. lur clam
. - ■- ________________
a^t bim. The, foued the Old '
wcaAer h..
baa Oi.r.
pirea ua mud loeWml of .
,«uem.a . bert hi. «» bad Irft him ; yrallrmaa. all of -1-.. Ou, eaort,l.a*r.v ,
rerr- aaoo.
aad bnataeaaUi

uanmconilac borne from befbanla and 'brraAine rrr, beariJ,. 'Il>r>
I tota of toafert around atorea. beaiden a j „„
to arunar bim and Wine
: larfe nnmWr of people nrr d.iwn with j onable to earr, bim the, placed him
“ ibeavrolda The "natber a to* daja 1
, ..oaatlne alcieh and alarted to rc»■<* nael la jaai llkatba climate to a>nlb-; tom to the bouae wlA tow. bat death ,of Mbutk.A»rl>olo..-bub d.'.laum ,
I trlA ,«n all<-«eri7 CbriaUa* aad
pla<e before tbr, rra.-bcd tbr ear., erarra. aatiafac-i.oi^ ,
a iUpp, Nra Year.
1 neat Mlmoarl. aad let Ihiue who feel
HIT- !• ■“ "" '
Uarto, BolUda, aad witomadr a«J-|i,b,<^pi,,B^,boulouruaoall,atead,
Thu a a. about four o'rtcv'k
II atoet their eAeara for the «»>eato* iBf trip toTrareraeCIt, oabnalaeaa.
wtBtrra Ibink how tbr, woald beuda, moraine, ao that he iau.l bar*
pbllVWtdf.of litoaCIt,. to rieltiee like to l.;Te ja.l euA weather aa we
n oat to tbe cold Hre nr
bto-hrother aad oAee ralaUrm Ihla ,
had for Ar lael week, with qijlehmtotar.
aull for roada. aad Ae, eaa draw
llurlbul of Ato plA-e TA urddiap'
W, B Cwb-eKew
Koch aad aoa lofayatle called
oompartooo bet*m« Ala aad
with H
aaiia«ll» !-«-»»•*
, frtoade of dad^ WUliaau mel oa Aek dauebtor asd atoleir Uat fiat-1
the .ana, aonA for wtotcr.
C. TVV. s UnrUner, l> IITueadar.
Mc. Jie. l.,le and Wm. SorArap a.
far coal
O. E •tallcto me
ttU and toft him a
irotn. The erldearr alui dereloprd
Arcb Olbb. aad famU, will apead
abaa df eeapertir fact t At tbr y.uio* man WA «uAelr Cbrtolmae at T^earae Cll, wlA

imi. k-p-«<
day^iChl-Tw. -iu b. .
H„. U. & tVaiMura wUl apead to
MT>»Mr. A4m»'. t» to cI»«> >T »*•
—---------ottfe her father is the aoal
1 u.
*ki itociaj

to aearl, r»* ahi •*«>•
^MlaataMaadeUll. aae^afty.

etoerebly aeder Ae laBowre of ll.ieor.
rrdk-l of Arjuv wa tAt drcamr to hi. draA A orrr indu!Urorer'. mrmepe on Ae Vener
to ditokinc and eipworv.
ro to. Aelr
bonadav merU with peaeral awiroral
funeral Hrill W frem the reelirn* »l
i in Ale oomunnit,
Jarkeoa to taklo* pood adraa
..•cl(K-k tovda,. Mr rjark wa a
Tbe Maooebeee are preparlaf
good citieen w An not in bi. cupa. Hr
tafe of Ale rreatber to eleariae ap bto
eel wood, to prrreel Ae Ere Ae
n. It will employ local talAl to all Merud hi. counlrt bohornblv ud bA
minnlr All In bi. body .lu.r
^^t^b^aad acbolari of Ar Me,Ae war A a ouAAot remiader of Aat
tooeofuar Hllape lAA are et
8eld eehool care a rev Atorer-’
Airire. lie learm a mother urrr
aplatlap a rtolt to Trarerrr City
il. two oauphten aad one e
tortalameat oa Dec 3let to a
, Some anlclee out kept to a

Aelr broAer, J. U IllbA
toariaew»«>»'a“*d *"
HawWae lAtooeofbto 'bor^ of tiibW hired teai^ aad teamatem to

)aat week.
e a—. U.U-CM. i-r "
Him Almaflvm ^eked pahalea
Ae (ardra flee-1>
CUode H-eh and Wiltar LoraU Itoto
w toCedar Kaa lowork.
'* The latoet addlOoa to Ae I. O. Q. T.
oretoMUaUUIeM. Ilortoa.
Tbe orpaa la the ebareb flrae
j eaAfaeltoa. It wna much aaedad
« ,( bto frtoade who ahartrart h^ a
There will be a Chrtouaae tree at tbe
fcoa^t hlmaaabaadaam
vhnrcfa oa Chrtotmae ere. It wUI
pad Aa ladtoe broufbt plewl, of eahe. rieea aader Ae aaaptomof tbe itoed
«ba hmmewierleoanp totWam«.
Hadaadall«)oyod a r*^ «■»» >ad a
aarlle Mnataeo* (•'home fnn


Tbe annul u
t.onal cbur\-b li
In the pareouvr Friday Jan 3
The bA.nei. m.-elmp Iwpin al : ■
p. m. at whirh bclrrk, trraaurar. three I
tro.ter. anSuardrA-on will A rlc-Al. i
Thr joeparmtory w-rtwe will A brid
.l.r*.lly alArwaA. HrfreAatoUto and
wwml galbrrinp in tbr ^irolup. AH
intereated iu Ar wAk of Ae Autch
are iarlled.

well preflud b*
eiblcb to to fo

toward retUnc a dtotrict llbiaV'
Tbe Mtoeea Ada and Berths Vf
imber euwto; alao JAn Camdl aad Loreaa aad Hanoab l■eaDtoptoa and
Laa.eBBiThto totrtW ere home from Ike VebBliiploo came down from Tree
.u- rtl weal hiwhapp,
Cll, to (o to A*
iWMbalBC to t^«*to Uawaddlafto
Him Lav Hawkiae aad Mabel <!tm,
are apeedtoe Aelr racatioa at home.
eadaaUof Ae Trnrerar Ac dolnpe were orer. TA, elayed
olphtaA Leel I'eBlurtoa areu
Cll, eebooto.

Bhepart aad wife Ttaftod TreeThe Ladle.' Aid. wlA the •
ed Aem AmeWeaday m«nl^oftbe ,o0B* •
”Sr!aambartato wDld^aadkto*aaada,. 1< wae T«v mnA a|
niA ealattrm at Kewaj«o.
bchool opcaA HoaAy mewatop to
Hre.C. T.FoaaadM«.E.Ha*ad»> .hu.. who traqueal Ae charrb.

tVAlh<m-Ae e
pocket b.wka to a qdAllun.
tlor winter hAamumed eo mild an
ApeclA lo dW-ouroifr Ao Iw-V
but ibcyarcroinpun >

Ckrtotmaiu wiib ll.i band .l>ur Here
; brntr w iA a trm- at their
■«b- a"**
at Ae M. IL Church there will A a tree
wiarerlAthAeare A more eaeea fur Ae children

. ieoa^eelck
Mre MelBtoak bA brea quite ill.
S. I> l.illir to wurklap for U.,'ll.
AmpAll apain.
. \
MA WaUin.. of lalaA,^m her* b;
nice lot of hoTCy WA found li
I'ampAll'. w.»id. Aturday by
, who wrrr w.iAlnp Aere. '
lu-re neeua. bi to- a ptowiap iuterret
-mryoontr people'. jnreUup,
we ere plA b. eee. And we wtob «nre
apato bi toriteereryUuly to come and
.kr tome part
llenv AAell wa lakeo 1
iemAr.hlp wIlU thr Mettoaltol cbur.-b
of ll.i. place Sp^D.le, Thr beet
of bto meay fRmd. follow him alonp
bto chriidton Journey. Hey he ree

is -ri\e _ ^
largest piece'

pnbUc »:bu.d
iAp.wt A N.olb|.^ P
for month endlop ltcu.*u.
So. of Aye laopbl. i": So. rnreUed,
I.:; pin.. •«: U-ya.-»l: ererapr. SI.
NumAr oarollwyin Hrammar room.
:: pirA si: Ay^'W; arerape. si.
.VnuiAr enrullA to lolcrmrdiale
oom, SI: ptrto.
Aya. il: arerape.
SnniAr rarelled in ITiamv room.
4; pirto. So: to.y.. 44: nrerepr. 4t
ill order
tame, of-................
Aour pupito
to order
aJ.up. were Ac bipbret A d
mined by Ac repu.A munAly
^irnmmar room. tonA pradc. ArAur
mua. Utonle Uillmrd. Eloren.-e

TA rerlral meeUon of Ae Week
. mattoTrer—awThb^
BoM. iWalur. of Ae Tiarma. «»,
N.titb pn.)
" ‘Sll*"
-fcooto. to bmae tor Ae ratotom.
rnalCbud TAre Arc been qaltea of diphAeria.
.iwllir. Kale Voire. Edith HordreOK.
„o,«-p.oaclwd toawell d.y.wlihhl.l..nUy. . He -.11
amber of coarereloae. TA Uwd
■M JBU Bmdre hae fooa to
Eipblh grade. ^rtoleA lierlbe. LotHied honee lAl Sundey from Ae!-lh;to Seeeeo City after Ae,.,
.ktoaeed adrcl la oor meetlafe. I
I^to ^ Aa htilda,. wA
r .Netooo. U^Tbuman, EAyl Uanp
eApler of Meubew and Ae 1»A reme | where be will W employed te
we all prore fal Afal to Him.
V. T. H. elected Aelr oBeer.! malnderof the wlaler.
a W01 A Aid at
Uaay iemltle. u^ill here
Atnrday of toet
tta M. E ih»«h Ah r
turvA fr.— Kiorida Hi. bralih ha.
C. I.lbbie KtIUe; Com., haunt eioo- their bomre. TA llmee are
not bAC rery pm-l aln.-e he hA Ar ella l-nmape.
Ald; Uenl. com , Wien Cook; R K , Aal'thr ralnr of piwnu wi
sixth prndr.
%lwid* Mlddlrlon.
Ir. blemeotTrarerA CUy »A
MlontoSileer: f K . Ktorenoa Arev: A preal A In former yearn- Judpinp firerlAt.prine^iHiafArpolwr
llracir Al.lK.U.Johnliartbc, Luryi'.H*.
OrawB toet wecA
» w much won
Cbaplato.. UAlba l.ydle; Htolrem at from lA iflmdiarea made they will be
lalermediatr rui.oi.'. Fifth prndr. TilHr. ktaard to etill Batobtop ap Ad Arme. Incr Herald: berpcaat. Laura conltoA larprly to Ae aeccanarlm of
llr rrimean. Klrreta Ttaom— U-bble
addlop to bto Beat lilUc Anae.
touHon. ___________________
Brae: AaUacl. Carrie (idreri Ptoket.
Hndd. Ulllr llump^.'
~ The haaday erealnp maoUap wUl A
• fAmmhto-Cht-fl-**-^
V«ta (Well.
OaraAaoltdAaifc-aTaA'a *
NorApariDepanmeat. .
Fourtbprndr. UredleKkpouB. Earl
oadnetod by Mrw. Orah OlbA.
Oar Kanday eobool hrtd AAr ananal
■bp.-W'-l U.AA.
Ore f
\Ve.leu. Hay l.arlhr,"UlbU.c tin.uff
HA BdIA Wlphtmaa of Uearoe Cle.-li..n cm Wedoreday erealnp A Uet
Dr. UanntleU«fcat to VelUIre
Qnm h Ae preiamlAta ootor
TMrd pimdr. IVart Hamr. Ida fel.
• I'loreucr llrapdidi left tost Fri­
Oeatre rtolled friend, here Uet week.
_____ Tbe oBloeiu elected
jn. Urey ilapn.'U. AiuelU IHacken.
Tbe K II. T. M. -HI pire an enterday
CbnriieJtopereUrned from Sherman
JhmPaitoamwAhad aeartoae toll tatomeat la Ur. Uibb'ehaU.-^eifjlean towe: kept. E T. Cerpentor, Am'l
;Mrn. S. UuAMnwo retareed Jrom •I“riuiare room. Secoud predr, Cbrl.Kup-l. T. iL^.£Brpeal«r: Sre y. Thoa Satunlay.
^Ae*ttfme afa. to ramwarAf.
Ere. whleh wlUaodAW A--------^eerWi to TrerereeCily FVldav criphl.
HeaA: TreA . Kmma While: (Irpantol.
May Itondall left Honda, lor her
r M*a ioyat waa ealtod to Ae Ad^ able affair.
School a.wrd lAl I'bunday tA a ea- Cnrlhe. Ilellc liapima.
Hin V- E WbitK Am'l Urpentot. Urn.
sme In
I ir.1 ptadc.-tirorer Wriderman. HarHr. end Mm. niprtoa A Haekepoe
.tiun of two wrrkn
•d Ar Meter. Hia
UbUe Vtotoo. TA leecher. remain
Nr. and Mre. Aaron Ooldfarb
J. A. HamOWm aad MA Ooea Prl.-h- are here—re more and Apart to nia
lle Clark. Cbartir Uilow. Aoa Nrtoun
HA Learn Vulce to .pendinp I
Av are till Ae middle of Kebruav to Tnrrine City Satnrday.
md atoemdad Ae tocAre oa Artowrola. Ae boardlap bonre for Heav AaAooy
I hnrt. Boya! Bipelow, Mary La,■eauperintenAal will Ae. A home
UAMav Itonptoeof Tebrnkey bA
to Tkarona av
lAbel E.ereon. Ubbie Dlemin.
Ato wloler.
era .pendinp a few day. In town with
CberL linrv ABulter. Amre lUnper,
Cook hA reurned tram Bbode
KainAw Hire A Ae L. O. T. U
rr frlridn
AeaaldBOi AwlAae Atom»Jobe rleited Traeeine City toet PWl Frederk-wm. Iielnp .SVibbrA
Itlaad. toitoad A New damey, A
pare Eer. Hr. aad Urn. Maea a fare­
HA Era Imnp relorned f—m VjmilSStoletrto-Ul A laid -poa A. niatod Afore, and dralarn bto II
Table. KlL.ievarteo, ur*t
well parly oa tbe mhat Ae borne A anti. Satnrday and will raiaaiB Are un.cnimuoa work. Cecil WUtoD. Addle
■Alf for aaoAereeaaoa.
tloaA maklap Aat etote bto fi
Mm. Charley Keofleld. Tbme prcaebl UI after the boiktoyi
“ ''
be held in Ae M. E chureh Bait
Ladtoa B.A.
Dranop. who
A. K- Btorer bA morA a-v toom Conk, surer. Siiiea. Uwrenca, Herald.
Wmeblnp al.Aldrn. dreed
\Vc bare Joel Bniahed fonr A
Ae farm A E V. Byere aad Ae
Mre L Ued
Uetwlf h atlD .
LyAll. and HA (Tara Halley of Trarout
to ladle—, -bare bto wife went
Moaf thealek.
eneclly. AlAoupb II WAareryead
Scott aad L^yde Icerell. uame' down
weabe apo. TAy axpeet to lire Aere. Ariblt to one loop to A remembered tram Bellaire SalnilUy and will epead md by bto dauphter Mtoe Myrtle Lanp Aoa that bare rlnltod durinp
an hartoi tA <
It alwa.n make.-crevAtop
worth, who to teacblnp to Ae aeon time.
by all. Tbe parly^kr np by elnplnp Ae holiday, with trlead. here.
more aloup mAh more pleamutly wb
Hr rto>— eallA <m Em»11 FhArh
"UodlAwiAyoo UU we meet apato."
Vowera pare a party
Mre. Hea BuUari of Uphl Itonne you call aad rtolt Ae wbool. Tbe ]
Mfto sear MapU GUilaet PrtdarrUae nlpbt to bonor
aadtorvre hy “■••«“*
that ,eoo take ao interret
TA Aa eoDaetorto AV •«* **
.-tom. andteacherMtoeSpaop- point toeajuyiupartoltlrom her
esTay end pood-byea all departed to
MrerftbTtoUlte toal^
their work. We hope Aat ell 0
A. Mr. f'reiierBa waa at Ae towa kaS lam Prtday.
bM^:>AiiSdl^boma Aelr eeeeinl bomca. Ur. and
Imre caflcd -ill «all ap»to and II
Tbe Women'e clnb mel will
,.wA kae hmw aUddtof
Hr. Ooak,.
took Ae « o'clock train
ake WA made Uet
hare not will be .are wJ do
CbA WrUlry toelTnraday mort
mday tor WtoeoaeA .
emtinp Aat l»r. Scott wa buardlnp
•11,113h M rWtod WlA AT
with Mre. SAIInp. Ua to eUll at tbe
a to atwod Aa cualeat Tneedey bA bren fell of work and enAmdAm.
ManA. a< (hAaa.a towd^
Lake View Honee.
1. Wireibaomb rWtod A
short pruprem. were piren on the lAl
J. J. HelanpbUa came down from
Klapmlv laetAAittoy.
.toy, edll yon were nbeenl yon ml.—'
BaUalre. where be to atlcndinp circnil
Umtor H Aat hA had a eav ah*
plran Friday. Decto Ac town hall nomeAtop, eo hr eure and oumr lo
uonn and npcot Sanday wlA bto family.
bene tor Ae [uet weA.
Th. Clare Will be oompoaed of Alldren BAl.
Wliu.n Bi-wnu.
He retarned to Wllaire Monday.
HA barmb Hunt A Bbermaa to etoiV
FuiacM-c tiaxuiws,
ail uder Ae ape of fourteen. AdmtoMrt. Itotomier to at Kalkwba wlA
A pood nnmber paibrewl to Ae hlph
bar people A Ato place.
Ntu.iJi: Ebikax.
eiuo Sand lu centa.
wbool room toll ThnrAay erenlnp. Ae
B. Creakhlle hA been akk ter Ar bar daaph.A, Ura Jaan Moraa.
The UdleebeaeBleodely met »
Wm. llockca will haee two more
oneaAm beinp Ae Brat public ametlnp
put m—A At U Atler
Mre Cbaa SWbbtoPTaet Tneedey.
Hid FAmer TAtod TriSWA'aV At
loaded with oedar poiea Amorro
of Ae Lyrenm. A rery food
a BoueAold TreecnmHtim B Mrkenon bA bean worktop
-amnl wmArr did Al'drier Ar
D. F-airbaaka.
WA readered and all
D W Fuller, of Cannjobarir. N. ^
for Ja CAu tor Ae pAt week:
B. Ulekerd bu Iarlled to
freltof Aat Aey bad palaed
Htoeea Aau Allen Ad Cun TripUett
neiphbon lA a CbrtolmA rialt
eometblBP b, atwadinp.
an rtoltlap al Hiv Wlacboomb.
Hn.H.W.W«dahaafawto fhaa-. aad Ae yooap pev>to *« *h«
Tb.-te4hrrt wUleprndAalr
Rrr. Baka A Ktopeley premebad at
loBAfidlowe: Mtoe MeUren. Haekeno. he withoul it. if proenreble. U. A.
lA Nichemoa eebool hour laaTaicbt. eceoiap.
HA PaaatoEevenA bto-l
pon: Hbaee Hfanpler and Dickernoa,
IK-keman. Dropp>»»- Cauklll. N. I .
Klapnley lAtoUal Hire No. 4I«
h wAkiBp at A. BaU way Amm
A,, that Hr Kinp.Xr-w IHre-r.rrv »•
White Vipe-m: Mtoe Fowlpr- Oweawt:
riected their oOewr* A tAlown:
nndoubtodly the brut loupb
B WlA Georpe Criep MIm FiUperald. Hrllsire: Him LaMheae ABaabaabiA Bmpit
der-tmdy rteketrem: Meat,
Ant hr ha. aired il A hi. feuiily l.r
Mher BraobaAMnUanha.
Foerr. lanelap. Mre t-otl. Mre W.
elpht year., and il hm ncerr fedud lo
rr—lady SUaloe: Beoord
entttop lopt H. Arebbald. Mre Hlanebe Smith, and
do a" that to claimed liv IL Why
Kerper-lady UAtooa: Vlnapee Kaep*?SrtitomAtrAwlllh>hAdA Ato
. ti. UAllnp
ptan Chrtotmae aipbt. AU an o
Ace puinp to Kalkaaka to eUlt dartop
Urophtorre EeSular kUo^-aad Bi.
inf it oat of lA rrile
^ArtudtoaMmAJ. A. Jaabaoa A Trarem OV aad
,3tom SeeUy WA lakea eev riolaDtIy
C. SoWar AAtoptoeeAreopeitod
nick Uel week with Vpboid freer, bat
(•of daya Amend debility u Iberrouiw meled, m Tv Faclrtc BilW-re a a yemrd, for
Dr- Clark WA raltod Arty to Ae eaae
taAriap eamp M Ato ptoea.
tbe Ay. Mntoe err urer • burdened to yuor uooblref If noU pel a toiUIe Bore
:top up Ae ter- toTraeererCiV
Wbtto eautop topi tort triday Jaba
•rbool. ibe ylreearre of Ariel life follow udprtrellrl TbtomnliclAbAlwen
buwncm worry : inxrmprreaoe. erxAl raMre. E C. andMra. W W Brower
■AtopatbaH. Be wae Ak—to Cedar
ermc. cr Auere orer excite Ac Atwdy
{reel to go to Traecree City to-day to do nfeetdrd Arm red tcAtt ie rxA-------B— wken A took tba Mto. far kto
A. Kilwyemitod at Bm|dft
ptolate. ekrrtlnp a wuMrrfol diftwt iaCkrietmAebopptop.
at Iraemaa Oy.
lurooa inpl.inp.lreorthand vme to
An Infaat duapblM-of D W. Bardon.
mA tn be . enBner from m
A KUwy to at Tnreeto Oty ea bardwood li«v to omhtop roade le
Hound Lake w'lA Ae istentkm of All- oar .etaUoa apent. dred toet wee^ and'-C^%y or wrakaces Ww epirtu, in
butaem louUy.
WA boriei Satutdey. Tbe paaMV]
ftobombeer to !■ MUwaakaa da top to Ae Elb Ba|dde Iron Co.
0am nyrm-to baby la M t
bare Ae eympaAy of Anoommuliy. I £
Inixr r^lto. Klertric Bitton to Ae m^
E J. Albriphl and J. B. O^walC
irioe TOO Aod. HealAaad etreapA
a. iC»pp.oarbl>rke>lA. eaUal any Ch^lmAWAto ArUEChanto
are pAtnatered by iu Ae. Oaly Blty
Villtomebaip. batal Barttar Creeh atort natt Friday lor liroepto. Th.) ■
W Tiaeeree CUy toet FTiday.
oreu at K. E Wait's aad J. G. JohbmetoA to Ae mddtorto
Aeyuapantohar.ona.wiA Aliable ! «"*
n R. Keapp. wbohaa been t^V tbe}
aaar^tore.awla]lar*iaritodtooDmn |ootoay.
UI at law. to Uuwly
eaand will
A eey plromiit WrAdey party
MAe ef w
r. cedoTAd from

per cent saved
during logging time
bityeuini; ilic U-m hami-ss at



■«T vrJic.',

Cash paid for Hides ami Furs.

Keep, errrvthtoff to toe Uwc qf

uJbiag *nd Headug WnwoiB. StOTsa, Mbw
oeu V»por StoTBB, BnftigBraloiw,


Builders’ Hardware, Mixed Paiwte,



146 Frost StMOt.




Aa rirpant Ha of So!rt«i^,«^jnned.
HIr-iorand Sickle WA'D.qiES. ,*tori?.af_«‘lT??_arf

-- ___



» Ac boHdayx A Ae old eland «<



*®^^5f?*** ‘Ox^nor’ I
Self Treataeat

bto llUwnakA trip Monday nlpbl.

fleamima KaawerAy labeCUe apala
a *a aaa»toaaik«an*laB: .■
ptofatmAv. a—rEapfan. Wa
bapa M will aat aentoae wa>« fm H
am aaW atiU tedat iiaa fc* Aa

airy alre aad appeopetote aad two rd Ae vnehrre drore to Klapre
AMd by AebanttnpofaUood
ware jViiinlr*' him by ble'toy Thnraday eueainp to nttoad
PA- Ba«Aa •bB».d^ha Baeret neat many fri
Aeto tea— tolCarA'eaap. aen^OeUr. Sharp, a abrop «*F«r. I
ap alUbe Af»p be wml ’ ’
Hrraaa and Will Krepp. Ae doob br mitoe araaad •
balldeta, are npatrtap Ac p4ar al from WUItomebatg
Prod Partart-bltoAtA TraeatA ebeap «
axj lAt waeS AAiad a Baa awall- Will Jobaeoa aad wtfe are^tlap
bodyAtlAIbtoparaaual Ala ptoca. aad Apart to

QM»NeaB»ll,<iil.Malt '




» «>W
M* •*»
Mr '


•r la Ue KaaAhOaad.I Uoopkt

>p lUa Uaa ior aa. I lira villi a;
TsadM aad to to aotaml vWa U
Ilia a alia sad
toaebool. My tacbrrb s
Dlxca; I Ilka bar nrj asrb.
laM OsfSnLtMr..
bars too bcotbars aad <ar sbtar. ' I
OKAabfTCNi-1 sasUartM Ursa a pat I bar*
bars aa old Uaek <at aaa
•an old. loo -ItUa U> arrila. so I foi -Nlf.* 1 oaa carry la wood m
aad do Uti/aaaMtoMntetoraa iOa
borca to balp crsadaa.
i win
> a* aboat ya« ChrWtaai sraanv »o
V wbhlac JOB a Many ChrlalI lotd bar to wria for aa HaalaOaaa aaa Ap** yrars.
at to Map aaadolUa. I
Gaiar Laanca Waavics.
praadaa tad rraadpa. I
pat H Is tb« om lotmj
• aeboal •mpdap. laasspsll.
kMd wiiu. I sa t*a jaacs oU. !

al rrery day aad aa tb Ue M
rtodcr, bat I cu Bot write rery weU ao
b wrillap lor ae.
aaaito aad pad* "rrr at yuar 1
aad took ae to sec yoa. They a*
lire is Trsrsrsr Oty. I wbb I
Ue triaUap aaehlae. I bare a IIIeraUer whom I lore rery aisrh
Ltol ytor we bad a ChrbtaaA tree at
. bat tbb year wr arc pwap to Ifar
OM at Ibe cborrh.
I will clu>
wSblap yoa a Ma|ay Oi^UBaA

^roa. Kow t aaa toli yoa whai
paoad to ay poor llula kitty Uat waa
pirmito a. oaly a MmK liae apa
oae culd. Moray day hr. as ws sapI. wsat awsy oa a rieil aad a
bon btoe time, bat tooor
prba we fooad blm l.rlap oMd aad dead
In uadrr Ue'doontep.
Ub tome
Sant We pare bia'Uei sear ba
ae wbitaaad had a b-aek
It b pettlnp bu bow. alauat B|,v
bed tliw. aad ao I wUI cloa ay Irtlet.
r been to Soaday toboul to-dar.
My toacber-a aaote b Mrv Wilam. abe
baa Uupbl my clam rrsrainos
uld eauapb to pu to bandar acb4ul she
alwsya remembers oa at t'brbtiua*
time. Well, m I bare aaU befury. 1
^1 cW my leltor ^ by aay^

OsAi Eiirrva—I
wriu for ae too. to ay other abtors
an wrillap to Ua Uibaui. I bai
•larM to po to echoul yrt F
For prU 1
tbAS Ei'iTiB—ttadl to'wrila •
pip aadauhickeo. ter to tbe.lItaAU*
baee‘a cat. a Ut
1 cauoot '
r a Cbrutoiaa prea- rery pood, ao I bare my abler write for
a Me cat; bU
U Prtokar.
ys. nj Jlnadar: I cas t Uiak ol •at leal year, bat ber arma aad Icca: me. I wiU be plad when Cbru
arc brokea; 1 ooly pot Ue body
comce au I eaa pel a prsaent aad
«. I>n n> UM M •> >U or Mr.
say tbiacclaato wrlta.aoI will
EiHiMa_l iboopbi I uou.d
tolwvUlkrkkkMrkUMUr MMMtl
bead left yrt Ms •eld maybe I
by Mtaiac Utaaracaad hlaata.)
For peU I«
nr rMTf«wrMUMU>«W
wriletotbe Urnsu-.Sal bare berer
bar^ eletfb'rlde tlirbli
_________ ^Uau. Bao
U>Ui‘‘ ,aatOe Ul'rsuk He I.Mx ycAr> ''
written beiore. I po to a.-b.»l errry
a it IS awe wcaUer 1
Mac. Bar
cold write tVIUlap yoa all muall friesda a Mreryj^Bd I dost eape>4 It eill p» off
po to aebool rery wneh I am >a the;
lAp> p»iop to acbuul
aaar raal carMw M aUM ana dawars.
Bratprade. I bare pot a nUs bu.-<lul,
Sai.SA Toa>vri«r. '.prlap- I a.mlrt pu Ub wliitrr, I
tot I arm wrote. Tba mAooI b polap
at homr. Her nat-u- b Mabel, she bto
I hare a CbrUtBaa use at the ebarrb
Use t.. iw' ' b Ua* far. I
^♦atl# liri aaryiw m wradMw al
the prite cdlrr j blue eye., evd ebreka aad rellou hair.
aaC arwT bMT M In aain arwrrawMa
Ib.aa F.i.itoK-l can whblle'. I toa bouee tori-h.i
brother Alw«d to write for mr.
•p. I eaa carry I o wt»U lam Bve ia fbe llKBauu that H the alayear-old
will elM by lelllap ay ape aaa aac
Ape I ycara._________ Ummia Bi u
Ov Iroiaar Wrttara
A rfapppHawYcarloyoa all. dear
orieu. uw at IB
AUdraa. far baloto tba R»a*LD raaekIMAa Hto HATto-l tboaptrt
m y«a afata Saw tWa Uay wUl bars iroald pB ray brutbar to rrrile a Irttor
T- —'
«■ "111 Mil "Ml <0 >■•0*' tor Be Belap that ba waa poittp b
•boat ChrfiMawa 1 Iblak. bat It wa write tor ay Iluleaktor. 1 rraald like
aa aot. wa ahall all bqpa 4 waa a Bar to bare yoa cead me oae ul Uoar prea
that I waarsadlopab.iCI la tb.
Oac baadrsd aad elaa la tba aaaibet p^wr. 1 will aloe by umartByaame
at oar Uttla writers a wc eoaol tbaa
od ape.
UaiBii llacKto.
«p aa Madair airkl. tbc psfc sU priat
*«e«yean. _________
ad T-—r* tbb Ut wa arc writlaf. and
-------------lar >t.u6.
baaat wa bad a toad tiaal Kan
IMAB Mw. Bati»-I bb a liltU pirl
waab wa wlU taka rooa to talk a little Are .years old tbbBoeUi. My prsadaara abdat Itaad apat la tba
as U wrillap tbia letter lor me. 1
•( tba oUar laM« wriiara wbleb — woMd Ilka to hare bsau Claiu roae
bamt r«» for tbia waak.
aad brlap m» a alee Urpe dully, a plclFar tba raat. wa do bopa ao
are book aod a baadkrrcblaf. I bare
■toad tbair UUla praaeat.
aloO bip blaek kilty; Me same U
barb dcpMaaataUaanpbt away that
ibba. Hike biBlota Thiele rtonipb.
•a mv aaka It all ripbi. lor wa I wUl look tor yoer Chrietaae preaeai.
waaltaH bare oar pair at brlpbt ayaa
Kniu. M. 8HKrr>.H.
y aad
DSAO EiSToa—1 am a little buy Bre
1W folkrirtap laUata frM the
mm wars raaalrad batwaaa' Daaaabrr
Irrtap Hoab. 4. Tmreraa aty.
Loriaa Hoeb. I. TrsrerM City.
Ua Boob. t. Trararaa Uty.
Happla V. KaaiaoB. 1, Ttararaa
Bmot Oaytoa.». WlUlaBabarp.
Alla OayVB. t. WUIla^borp.
<Mri Browa. fc WUIlaBabarp.
flalaa Ibr^slat. *. Good HarMw.
BlM TonialtV e. Good Harbor.
OarInAaOwaa.«. Cedar.
Pbal ncrabary. %, Maple a|y.
HaaAa U Bapar. a. BallMt.
Hay Bart. A City.
Haada Vate. BIk RapUa.
Irrl^ Oracaa. A BUv Caatar.
XUa A. AyafA t. «d Hlaaloa.
BmU Bliotv *. WUHaiMrlUa, (M
Aftbw Pauanaa. 4. Aabloa.
mak B. PWpA 4. Oriatt.
BtbM M. Bbttfcr. A TraraaB Qty.
Jay BBitb. A Trararaa OVMAAClIy.
saiA A atj.

an old. I saed to lire at iMop Lake
at BOW 1 Uire with ay |«pa aad laaala at ay praadpa'a la Cace ooualy. 1
bare a alad aad ride duwa hlU. 1 hare
pot a cat aad he IrU me bkrw.klm for

The last high scl^l lecture on the Italian Maity'er


his fountrj—lor^le by.


mm oj.

nuM.,'s ...r.
. r .e .Asm Irs. .


■ ■'"Hr



““ ■

“• -

\fe bare these eats tbeir names are
smut. Ilulfaud Jack: and wr hare a
little di« W oauie is Minnie: she tins
loU of (un with smut andlull
near him i was ocer irt'Grandma •
I'baakspuiup day and bad aomr bekrci
chieken My turikdiv and uueU- ArU
ur'a b Ibe same day: be i. r yean older
than ue. wr bare loUol (uu loptiber:
1 am prandpa's pirl be bupa aad kimea
□>e and pirn me toudj » beu I po th.Td.
Ha aa.vs she waa ooe u( your plrb.
wbea abe was a Utile sbe wrote to you
andslie wants me to U- oo^of your
piri^ ( bad one sister and 1 bad a
uaby btoiber
.as ao pood
mvsnii* lie wasUkroKjck.



Its f,.Irts.

Dbab Maa BArn.-l am a little boy.
I po to aebool bat can act write, ao I
pot ay alalar to write lor eie. For
Hbak Mbs- BATna-Aa
»abbU A WatM. t. Soalb MUkm.
rltlm before. I mm a ‘“tie ■
„fler u. us little onew in re.
pale 1 bare a dap. hb aame b Sport; a
' Bmar Cram. A Wiltluaabarp.
1 b.vej*b-r why Ue ed.b.r didn ttoll u.
low's old. 1 can aweep Ue „^,nibennr us at fhi
tot. bb b too. My
read yoar - .
Gay Ooaa. A wmiaaaboft.
..i.,.., Eiu’to write my leltor l.iij ““be prvwruu for Isjya They
lew ow. to 1 told ber I waatad to Boor. wSpr live diUea-'lesd UevhrekHlbBsa Pslmer. MorriariUe.
.mar* old and can. j w" hil lor i
hare aoaeebady wrila for me. I poeea
Larrto AadtsA- ». Beat B^.
■t atop by toUli^y ape, which toll yoa my peta. 1 baee
write e«r
Tsrr r-*l
m-'l yet.
.ret. all
alUoupti I po i baby, aad aa
klltlea, Urir namaa are Tippy and toacb.sjJ evTrySla.v

as w e
Tackyt aadaeuto little doppi. with
lariao llien.
cm. white foot. But lb. worst ..f all
Wto my liUle pet cbi<dcle; when I went,
out Ula momlap to feed her 1
: Oe baby brotl
pot a llula rocklDp chair aad I're pAt a »,mOerwl^avlyl«*~>>lw«l t«« oU mml band.,
Daaa Hm. Barv-I am t years old. mUe pal pip. I can waab elotbe. and by tbe aide oTOve crib. I eanaot wr.'> Baaaa walk dbbre mad (tod the ayasir.auaiy brother writoa for n
1 base two Matars sad OM toolbar.
a Ibpa b pedop to kUl It wbea it
• |0 toaabBdarocyAsy. 1
tataooaph. Aad I'Tr pots llula
. Good bye.
re 4 ycara
Ella A. Atwaa
ItXAb Man BaAleeyearsaro.Mr.'l, «. Gallatot. eaa !»' Eclectric Otl give, alu.wl iu.Unl
I topot; 1 am pi
tMAB^aa Baraa-I Hra with ray
ue 1 bars wriuen to you. 1 baee
dolly aad bersb a aaiapla of lb
twolilUe aiatmaad ooe broUrr. and ^ tac^rf-i.mbar modt.etA Aimcked suh
trsadBB Boatof tbe





^bo«bt Basiled.

I am polap to

OSAS Bortoa-l am aaeb alluleboy
eean wrila myarlf ao I pot ay abler
Tlta for Ba I eaa po down to prsadpab aod ebaee tba calrea. aad 1 onde
barsM for the tolrea I re pot
aaawfsltsBvalRrrdrirlap a boraa
aad tba alpper whipa Ur barer sll Ua
BaHMek. «a ara polap to b<
I set tcior years old. I like to
GhtMaMtroA I wBit Saata Oaaa to
help pstow sndltow iouotUiapa
M^miAoU. lamalayaariW.
Plrstesead aaasles CbrlalBU prea-'
Yosr UUla frtrad.
Aarava Pnaaua.
BAas Bairat-1 am a UUla ptrl foor
paarsoiAao I told«v^*« to wrlu
Ouir'KbRiMbrJ U^apht-l-wooM'
tor me. Bba read wbat ym mU la tba
wrlto yoa a UtUe leUbr. aa 1 bars arrto
written bctcoa My 'abtrr .Stella b
•drUlap Ub lor aw. Wa bars pot a
MbdoUla for C
Uuladcv: hbaaoMbPoato. My aani
Mlaaaaou waa oat bers to eee to.
M all west sp to my eaeleb to
qaad Thaakwirlep. aad they aU pot
Bub Hm BjtTM—1 tboapbt I woald
Uetr tana wsabed la Ue aaow. Wr
arrltatoyeB 1 pa to aebool aad atwly
bare two cows; eaa b Jeaay aad oae b
ysaAtapaadaaBbars Fur pMa I bars
Holly. «a hare pot ooa poeea aod
two ebtekaos. om klttla aad I
•he taw away arosad Ur bilL aod pa
Urs. aMarillrlap.taadaad aad
had to totU bar. aad pa eat oS bnOulabcolkardlad. I am al* ysars olA
wtapa I poaa ay IsUar b psuiap




Sute Si., near Union.


I Not the
I Largest and Best




Corner Front and Cass Sts., Traverse City.

Carriages,Biiges,Cuttfir^eiglK |

ebaira aod Ubtea.
I ha>r pul Ur looam to the Brat reader, i can not write
oUtis: The doctor won't let me pu to j
sery wMI: I am atrsid you rant read It
s-h>wl, or Sunday school.
Ny papa ia I
hare Urre brotbrra and two aiaton.
dek wiU inllainmatkm of the lbl<«t ]
I willauoahe 'brialcna.- 1 do wiah
Tbe doctor cemow every day to ae.. bun
aalB Claos woaldcumr hers. I hops
tup pin. I van help am to waU du.bea|.„s.'.s.,
du.bea| .,
bia will ivol po to Ur^waatc taakst
.4 U.apin »;ood. Well Uis [
Your mile Mead.
can think of lor ^iasime I
•BBtia para me and I Ube it to M;d
Jons 8. VtotKAI .
wbea abr seU in her buppr or biph
erary alpbt. My dearset pet la ay IIIMy bre^bar helped me apeA.
chair abe will Uiipb and play. I bare
blast. II. Ellin.—X. j
•bter Blaaebe; abr la oae year old
a b« kilty. Hi. name ia.Spot. He w ill
aad.laaloor. Iwonldlikr toprla
IMak EHnvB—I wao't atamm
A Let^rr ttom Aunt AUca.
asHT "*
Tito a letter for me too. 1 am
play'’a itb him and not Mto ur acratoh
mryaaraoldfadmy antf h brvi
us. Uahy luokadow u oo Ur B«ur when
Ub It would pet welkau tbat I
wraakber where Spot iw I bare a
I AII.S I hare alwaya heefi
play wiUoul bprilop me. Mr
.loll aod my aistor Una has .>nr. We
1 iu Ur little one.' Irllb^
UaaaMBi Haraa—MammawUlwrite
Vtha apo aod if don I. b.d a t hrislmas ure ia.
a Ibouphl 1 wouldiv-rniicj' I
■r me. 1 rrUI be al> years old Mt
<-'laui want a book WiU bip leu
Apr41. I waatteaebooltomelaatagBcoalda't pet say money tor h >rto esn print letton, but my mamma lak... u,inp» mv little bur mv. He calls the! ‘
Bor. bot 1 did not learo to rrrito.
can come hold ol s.y Imnd and bel|w me »'U , ..,nd„» »iii tb.-,.md«w will. lUaaks!'.;
bars pot ailUia brutbrr three moBtbe
My UU. I van set the table and clean it I
mu; .h,;,. Uks. «,td .lay. to p-l t'-iT-w.
old aaBed Carl. He llkea me belter
ftttor for oBl.vr »am.u.*DdIcn iron lor baby 1„„
p., , n.ile but ooe
tbaa ba dom tba olbrr boya aad I like
.1 to yoor paper. .,h,. .1 nn wheel her in Ue cab atcl.j.j t,- put hU words niiavel ,p and : ‘r?-...
to rack hiB aad play with bln. 1 srieb
Would write loto mars If mamma ^ ,pet her to sleep- My pap. made tne:^^;, h, could poout «nl gel a liii<'- ^ '-"“i''
Id write: By brother Irsa eaa.
Ume. but my onewellarsu*rll,»»| Ed„,plmvto.lldean.lpol.u. a|u,
extra sim.
AuoUer time
time be
be wm..i
rocking Carl while Ue writoa.
tv., ors hand sieiph. I mjml eh»e now, it j toviup Ihctw.w inUc mu.tlplt.aUon .-~~i
is dark. s»p.ssl 1^.

be alive he could have gi«n t» a tine lecture on Maca­
roni. Nemticelli. Olivn and OKve Oil—tbe product of

tanold. i re pola lltuabor.< aod b-ya and plrUaad soder auald arite
tori la Ue boaae. I can a^il l o. le to the UksaiI. briufr fbrblmA. Ury
bOBw from Florida and would pel a fbrbimaaprtoent lltow .-br,stm.. pretty asm. ,^wZar
e.r. me fora,.cewnt !?“;■•
»e borne. tlTmo.lcoa branp' Mad ae oor. tiood bpr. From .yoar
toe and prnituiouM aad^lilUe friend,
futputten &te. 1 am ao plad I'
applet fr^m unole Abr'a InolcLew; ^*'** *'
that t'hMaituaa
braapeome ebrlbboawABd piaadmai ^ ^
-------- ,
Well. I purse mv letter b Kinpen.>
too. rarle Iwwbrnnplwi. alllpatorsl
icrw-tou. lu- rito
_______ a-Tote 'Ub li* aia. '. HtA* Koiiim-b aai a lilUe puT»l> fur Ub tune. My abler Vrutr It
mr. Iloudb.rr
wm eioar for Ub lime.
Aa-Mii (liiiw. i write a little letter. My ebtor Kile ha.
_________ ,
IwriUen brS-rs -to lUr Hkkalu. m. I
Ibooplit I wuold try U» year
a aatsyew
I>iai:Mk*. llAUe-Msb writiapUb
KlU.MeU and hoc. towrile i,, •toy‘«.>»>»e Ub winter. lUrepot (ur ore betouse I •aema write yet. I
tilOei^U ^bojs towrilr^
wb.K.pinp cNvoph.
When 1 am In
Ue- lelten SB.I
I eaat.wrlla au mamma wi
^ read in live second leader. 1
J Ibeu) and tell
srritoforaae. I waa foor fears old .ail
^^„and ooe brotbrr. My
the oamn of tbeoi. 1 can
Jaae. 1 hne thre. bri.Uen 1 bars.
UlUs yellow ben. ber name m >*•?; «'' There are r. wholan in I bare
• baee a kltlle. his emme Is Jwk. 1 help
umma work.
I can sweep wtoe and
-------oms tlmea 1 waab ar wipe Ue disbea. i
made a pi., cmrday.
l^pa and the
boya said It vise better thao mamma'a ^
I toat Ulak otany more to toll mam ;

Savonarola was very interesting. Should Sat’onaroU

; Bedrooi Suits, Parlor Finitan, Easds, j
nattoa. Oobblar Saat aad Vpbalarund Ha^. Om»m
aad Kpuaawa TabM ate.



, Em Front Street.


Epilepsy 20 Ycais.


Cured by Dr, Miles' Nerrine.

General Blacksmithing.

KBir la wrillap tor me. We b»e, some '
Alcpoaleaaad wswani toprmodpa's oppu^uaely. Oae time laniac tram a cant.
. Tbaakapiriop day. and we UIJ ; a*e. aY la tb.
bad a
Ublalujuriiw aearly proilnr lam
les a little pet ebtekea and 4la oame
" 'ersnuafrum Ullaaakie, Fab
Blackle. 1 wonder what old Santo
ana wUI brlap me. as I base a aiedj
aad a bicycle. 1 am bettor off than some '
boya, (or I hare a preol prabdV
jttra old aad two praadpss and
ntaa. WeU. 1 wiU baee to aW.
Wia^tap yoa a Merry CbriatBaa.
Yoar Iriead.
HAaauux V1XT.I.S.

DIA. Mm. BATaa-I am pa-a Magpie
aad I am Ur»c ycara old. 1 like to po
1 am praadpa'a piri.
lotaaf fan wiU L'acle ArUar, I
waa airay yeaterday aad
b aaWUUlrpirl. Hike to play ' MpUua Ftomyean I suprred eltk epllcp- '
^ •veta.baeiQPastiphasttolaoaeawbl.I
d any aumtor ol phjsk-iaiu. paytap to 1

TtOJIQl ~n *'•< •we ^ ^wsrb XtOXW^JCSs


,\YheelSa W’agons. and Duggies.
AU Work Warranted.

by I
csle for all
■Wb^IhdlGatTmsDraAO.':. COoph*


New Shop om Union 8t


No. SI, Front Street.
Fresh, Salt and Smoked Meats, Poultry,, Etc

, hslssm

s.n>,.I> rs —

OBkM aad BaM AlBBga «• Ba^





wbea they tacemk Uam.
I bare a
n..~Mflnat<w. para aw Le. XU«'
ckickea aamed Cripple: abr pot ber
Bcatoniiea Krrema. aad I trad it sub
rubra i*.1 ripbiaow. TbialaaUIcaa tkiak

SubMm BATto~l am a llula piri
tpaaraolA I wrik Saady woold rslaow. From,
| Dr.MlBk'B«wlM.awarid by arnppwm
MaMib V. EaPMuX. , oa apeaale. poaraaiee tbat ito trvo buula
WBA thara CM klUy.
Tbb b ay trat IrUer to Ue Hualb.
wUltoacOe to price leToadcd. Mmk CB tba
k aad aipht Uuia tduc«
Beam MUue. Qse ■; Itoa- : Baaitaad Kerem. tree. Addimw.
Hy Uuia
TisMB ate tttaacr with
lMA.E».T<B-lm.tT«tr», broUarj
Tb-Mu-ItodM Cs, EUba,,. lad
aa tcAay. aad aba tooka bar AoU aU to Jo^ay
day. Hy barbarb toaar if Hba UUb
ALTACAanoaHertoa 1 llha ay toarbrr. she b ao bee Jaae. sad br M wtitinp Uia for !--------------- -------------------------------------------------poodaadkiBA LbaralhroUars aai:
BuB Hat. BATsa—1 am a 11
Aiedayaars apoi
my doUy. Tbe bead aad face ,,
.................— ...__________
of blood peboaisp wbea ws Used ap at
Ua doll.e aad arw it oa and abe did ao.
aor ay UUar AM. 1 bars a Uttla . aad now that k wearlap oat aad what
Id para U to aaa.
Ip and 1 call kla Tewarr aad I hare i aMI I do Uaa* 1 lore my bne Aaar
;Ma^opaa*<Ba«dBy aasiir. to oaar
tot aadHtoUbarHotoar. Hy dap
mn-b aad woaU sot trade bar off
aBdatayawbOaaBdbriap coaalB Ar- aad eatalarp iriU ay brother Dallar
tbaraadlwUteralotoMfaa. Ihaaa
Tbb b all I CBB Ulak of I a cloak aad baud aad I take bee out
baaa alek Uk weak aad had to Bay la
I am peUiap ale^ I viU
MK fiM air. I raked
Ibabbw. lAoaolKkatobaaieh. I
Isuarby wbUaryiaa Hac
I bare throe hrothtaa
laaa aad a Haw Xow
Oodivhwrtttop tor aa
Mcnta<tteB. lama.


CimoaVToto yoa'a latter abet m.e • IT. B 'ICaeiCB lotot Idkk.

- .

.U _ ™

niEoU C0U6B UlSU


8at<a*4v. rimm

~ ..S... S.I.. O , r

B8. HABssb.



- ■ _-v •—--------------------------- ------------




Visit Dr. UUllTLErrS 0|dcd FukA^

« eblUiy u talk wall aad
___MOttar CBOU tartly i«p«taA
41 aaUI It wUl eaady. e
a^.. bat Mtd. aotarty. -Well. Bwiy.
■ethertlaeei tap eaumb ,
-----^ ,
T- » Wtat !•
d the waaU at the older.! HeT»r the krttU tram the Are.
al««T« de h. If *ta ««U* »Ttmg .wwiae lheytraaparboya
Ittaow ta Itataedlataly-b MUta ■
i> »> -V wbto-A
Tbryllkeadtopnelltaaloepaakpaod. thaa ihrae s>a»« «<
A>d.Uay.yaanrt »w«»UA»yoo«
. stlrrtap briskly all the t
rather Ihaartll of eeafyh.
ttal they WU Ita. •«« «
■a the lyrao le well laleed with
ud n- They like eyiapathy-wkiah eeeaae t k ^ek karael wUI be toaad k
X»«. re back V> y< r
wlUtar ear torlbe lata ad tonow ar|c
mbar wtat 1 taea
••Row. tUrrtr. I «•»■« eee taw y«
eaa expert aaythlar diiefaat fioa Ita
ekUdraa. Tbey eta aied oaly to
, lar^ta^^'^eh:
tratta. ead I tape ttay wUI art
ellyatad* -ftitoie «pfml
aaytkiac elee. DoUytohertedeapar laaeearrpea aad
tat. If r* wUl talk ee. doot 1
td { wet it with abrtfaeapfaletndrr (or
<a~> for art beliartar yt>e.~
...________ *-[ria«ar aad water taxed.)
1 doa-l tb^ak ekilden
I eapar le dtataeed. add half a eapfal
_ . - HBxrt wkal rtaH teU tbrte talks
c.tatthey pt»-‘water aad allow - ‘ ' " -‘•‘fcotalka.- Aad the aafiy pW dieted
trt that, the heart ahoald he eliooper | eUrrtap aoUl it will heir whea dropped
what la» todor asked thaa the brata.
TtaT libs a coBpaaioB-a woiaaa i Herr reaeiy ta a tarpe paa or chop
J^L aaOeleo. ^wlrdp. of to.; play howl el^ > t.elr, doata
fell eapry aad aaid that U la
world aod lie ways to talh well wito:baodfale of well-ppppad oorh. By
ttaB who letalerreted iD their llrre ^ drahir heodfsta le Beast ell oor «ae
•■Obllaiphtprtworea. Attble
pleat aad ta bdpra. who pPWlWy hold tal-eea tato
aoo ail of the pood pirle tare their elt- aod their
rstawtoplrhactaertadword. or IW Ihr ■prop
eymp orer
ore. the ooro. eUrrtap
aattaaa; aad. ae -1 keep help oaly la
took feet
fe»t oatU
aoiU toe Bsae
meee U
.tea anieOyaoibraWoder
BSDtaer. 1 do art waat b
exprtoe the priel which the taart U fl Mr toe haode aod
piap eo odtaa. The star.
Thb ^oasUty Bake, foartoeo pood___ bloworer. 1 will try tokewp the frellop.
that ehll- eta»4halU Tbli Boet he done rmpidljr.
ebUdrro alt^thw away frort >he They tney
ooe. bat a ae toe eyrsp eooa eoole. aad Ibrp tta
klleheo. oaly ae Harry UoUlped who rtwtt- hall* ranool ta Bade ta etlok
to do hie eborae. Poor, ipooraol
to dear the haode wri)
---------------- - each ball, aad if tor
Aroud the Editor’d Table. Ihiak It allowable to deyrtre ehildrea.
tad If he don not corf beeoBe. cook talon yoo a«
My oelpbbor hae two iSilldreo abowt as
tiJmtk. ort toe IM .

Ttafaltawtaf trataOMod theBaa- old ae oara 1 hetlere theta are few
eo to he affeetiooeto— bIKU. or work with 1
AU>'e old frtaade hae baea la the edb iBtn derated molhera. ta a way. thaa
tarh dramr fara laa( tia>e wslllar toe; yattt awkee meshadder toheto
tore pooeenUI all an
lern. ao Batter taw cold. BO
poUkmttaa. It was wrtttea by aa oU her talk to theat. aoDetlmee. Ooe d#.
A little nd
tar how rtprweirr ae far ae
wa. toaktap ewaet pleklea.
CtaUetaaa part hie
wta did BOr' the eprmp it e
froltapi wore ooaceroed. who
tart tat taaeo aad yeaap od taart waatad lose etlek etaaaaioa: aoeeat l.he e loTtaft,W|»er.r of the haod.
atm. ae the old ahoald always be. Mr. Gdaa. who was thee «rr yearsri at
, Bede of BotaeSB. or halt andIbalt^
leader hta
the woBan
Haitia' ptasaat hease te aaar Moaree to tha ehwe for BOOM, tae tooapht
taesae and aapar. They nnT a litUr
hotae; lilra. Oertte need what the wai
Otam with bis aoa.
> Bon BOBJ to baadir. hot
ed. aad thaa pot the reel la the cepFtaa thrt wall! O Chlltetilal
f wrapped in iBfa«ne paper, to pnnnt
taad ad aBBaUae, tan the wrtl I
rd. BotaBdaactaartaaad •— like ^ wda»eB.-Hwa. y..wraA
w>lltap toe ehildreo-e hands aod elo&Ha.
Bather far eoBS. She Bkl. I t-ed
The OaB. Old Story.
j Wbea ponible. It ta '
it' 'Ko. yoo hare
Why eaat they do tolape ripht? it* : that ta Bon than a year old. ae it pop.
' Tbea the Bother
the saBS old lUry with crery eew' Boch tattoT.-H.BWhoM.
plri. The bnaklaei work was orer aod
0 oow po oS to play .'
Homely Htau.
I hBl jort oprowi tor eiltiop ruoB door
kaow yoo hare art
to be pmtod with the prealest rlood Nralw and ccoooBy ta Ubor lakes
ratoUtaptoeadh.' Then the Bother ofdoeliBapioebta Kitty
cb of tordrodpr^ot
taow aap^ la tbs ehar dtaOBoe.
mUed. went to the eaptaart aod parr
____ When yoo take rake, poddlop.
.lereoBe. 1 hare haowa her to whip ^’wilhdortrtto dtapoetod taooe lit- eta., bar. a pan and demp dtahrfath oo
^1 la^ita^Su taUad tae.
the ehildrea for the raty eta't^at she Ueaeoond- She stood In the oilddle of tor table. Sift ripht u»ee«Vy
I, ecBlttinr, ■ l.-a-t toriooB toehmehof toe broom bent' drst aad brash table clean of tota.
SwttUy tadea with dylap day.
think U ripht to whip chUdfaa *6r
nrarly dimUr nt emy etroke. The ^.1! needed tolnp* wi
tap Urt. TO Be It eeeert belle
t rolled trim 'bn face, toe nap Aeyoo nee each artlrlr. cop.epptaatot.
feel how prarrly they hare rolled ftoB the eerpek the dnet roes ta , rpaaa. etc . pl«e dlrnOy ta prt. to ta
‘Tt-^ toe aeoB to Uttar wiatta.
■taaad apalael Uod; that they,' she shook the broom with e washed, then yon will hnnnodonph
Ita aaU taddroa^aad soow.
priered their pareaU deeply, bat ,
little am after each laoUgo. Eeeiy epote on toWe to clean- Wipe yoor
ein le apalael thrlr Bear- Dietnn waepray-wUh dnek epnade. doper, oondemp cloth befon hnadOa ttr toft aad aaaay taaia,
ealy Palber^ aad at bedil-r. that '
Lnrte nod ta^ wen dimly risible. Il3 haktop-powder box. eta. and^they
of aU u»e, •whoa hrareo eosee «
mad toe cbaira aad olber fntnUnn: will not ta emrary, oor will i
oar earth to Bert.- talk, wltk iheB. loomed np like phoeta in a fop.
;ab«lm oert n weekly dcwPinr
pray far tbsB. aad hare each ooe aek
0 dtahn ead wash while rake
-Drar^ Kilty do yoo alwaj
Qodtofatplrethclrala. It tall .make
naatlap ea 10 witat loads.
mil)'— aad leare
Hweat apwltoa i
btalad ae attap, or that tarrihle
•Certalaly. I tallen tapetltap toe an comprllad to bake npoo the arrieal
din ool wbea inweep."
|ol oompeay. or wad. dtahn ta apood
I toouphvehedld. OBllntothealr. I drcan. Keep rictuata packed up a)
Bypwata Baekwheal Oakaentreatrd woodeHap taw 1 ahooW ! «acb meal ae Boch ae ponible. aod
Om pint baekwheal Ooar. h piat eew teach her to eweepee a ratloaal allow to aceoBnUte ae

een Beal, prabaa or wboU wheat betap ebonid.
Boktap oaly n
aeprrfemd: liriot
dowe. aad after coverinp faeey artidra, your cephoard —.Vte.odsweep with abort, atraipht rtrokea.
. Alta! thoa nalshtat la dlstaaes.
•earoely laUnp a particle of dpsk Ibe Screpple U n tfanker dish as<
i~iM. iiDl aod dart ta then qalchly rehot sapper elaod.
Daradaad toe door coverinp ta much i
™Bda‘of fresh pork unUI
HWpaa. Mtlllad
aaty, «>- ____aphly at sooa toe day befon toe etaanrt- than when Tup intow. ^lu,oro-phly done. Take to. mral wp
^ «oooph water to the llqaor ta
pandj to dtBy ease ■ cakB an wanted, oetap ae earthen oaely. wrariop U oat without rratly
cleastap Ik Those vho who nee e ear-1
, Cbllfrtnia.
trrt day ea toe road
r pmoelaln lined. Clean toe pe-. eweeper dally will dad It oeertenry
toueenbrooBoolyahoulooraaweek, ^
u,, k.tUe. Seaton, adding
OarataaaTalktapnnd then It ta ehaar lollT to have more
or auBBcr envory and onlutu. I!
I wa. qwDdtap taeaUca wtto By old
din torooph toe boose to dost
coromral, boilfitaail, who ta ear school days bore toe
oo the carpet ta the
.Orviap ae if for Bueh
down peaUy aad take from It a psaar- placA
taMrtHaryPerktae. (faoe afta
^MAke It thick «ooaph to eliee when
ptadaaud Uta Barrtad Beair Uat- oosqaartorof aplnltotaosedln ptara
Kitty romra hack to ita raam,^
tawe, a yeaap lawyer wta had a of otoer y«Ht to mart oakra neat day.
wanted fur toe Uhle. elkic and fry In
fiwwtap praetiea taa Weatero towo Oovor aod pat ta a cool plane, where It
ge. Tbs quaollty may he b
Wa bad kaptap oor eomapoadniee. wUlerttreeee. To toe reel of the beV
.'Witwmkeri>aloop Itane I
aad lattaalaaDeptedoBaelker Baay tereddone tabta^ooatol of Sew Orlarttatl— ta rUtbar. I bead bar
aqUeert and h teaepooofal eode
Mnetanl FomlUca.
tmk what I bad espeelad. a loetap
vad ta a IllUc wator. As some
caeca, such as pleurisy,
srth, a aarsfsl aiotoar aad a
like toCBC rakm thinner than do others,
Bcurulpla or rheuBetitoi. a mustard
r may be stirred tawltolhe '
Oh aontapwabahaddnkbad bar
totape eaa be wcU done oaly wbea poultice ta aadr by mtatap
taawwaek aad rat down ta bar OMod tic ireUlnp tkioe a poud deal, and toat
tork srito preot enerpy and com- epoontul of pronod Bustard and two of
dour with cold water into n emooto
akrtpaipb aad
toe quality of toe eokee ta tajoted if
0.—frnHke' Srm/ Sn»r.lav
paete: epreral oe ajdeer of rofk old Itadour tae to be added at toU nape. All
en.ftddtap toe edreeao toe paste raotoo batter ehoald be osedi It ta toe letV
----- •-■-f tltarle. aad toat b
CUldrea nod prowu people are
nrt equeexe oat: oorrr the face of the
that fernaeat too mneh aod
poultiee with a liberal eapply of raew
f popeore: and ae there are ao
Booly eaue. toe todlpeetlbtliiy at
.ItwooUhebe^ Itae or lard to prerest the doth Midiway^pr*
tap to toe ricta or bitatertap. Aetroor
rary. The erpcnlttarBaybcBade by ioereaelnp
potaptadowltotar.the paoportioo of muetard. hut the raTba deer cpBoed. aad a load i
toe (amily ao toat there *
Uo pIvvB is itroap enouph far-ogdloary
to axcelleat for looeb or tea.
Hllsd: "Mra KaltawaT
ben toe ortBletobeeateo ataH.
Wtat talk Happier
A few potato.hoot boklop.
"TOB Ude ta a had lok atoasaT
dUtap tor priddta. dip toe batter troB poor meltod batter orer Ik drat
loBaklopabrt it » iBpartaot
toe ride of toe veneel lartoml from the tap aU toe bard or Imperteetlp
-WtaAta toe Batter aowr
lemeaber toat toe bbUiub ahoald be
-Uatart. aad ears aad didst toe Uh
wUl bee trail
lereL aod the ebeete. btaBl|k aod
Haptrijaeteay that luldalle. Be ae of toe hotter over toe ride of toe veaael iiu«.irrd Cvnt.—AlBoet aB ehlldrH epTradputaowltooetaetaptekrtokta.
■orartetaaBataty wtadpeBBj Upal oo to.etoveaod priddle. A preoaev like toe Boparad ooro. Thtata {wotorallpht
Kerer pot tra le
.honld he need, taetoed of puttinp toe «d k toe faUowtap way: Put oof
4 cTumlotod rmn*. torra Ubtafat H toe priddle ta bito with a kolfa
Thta may ben pleeeof baoco or lalt
. HO fork, or n nwah of murita
ttedtoaurick orfork. Bandy praoeetu
ratod ao; ! alsH may be hod eeryuhedplynttta’booee
wdtolkehopa. Oqly eerouph pieaiae
-Jot HI down. HwK s
ibould be need to moke the '
can ttaehBdtuoaodaaawbM «H hS oioely. Tta pvWdle ehoald be wiped
doHahoutik^oUsnof baiter aod pi
-ftay aroon mlodyukrtaaltar Hohhaktap. Thta moy be
ttay-ra a bad lok-eaid to. BrtihBht
a pleee of BaoUla.
Mw^aper. which ehoald be bornd
Mia. Maltaws awpped to tta f
wbea toe enkra for toe meel .
aod rtUod toe tolldros. Borry. wta smw-a If (hme diiurttaoe are (flow­
' sno Btoeysonofopo.eoae
ed toe dtaapreraUe aad aobealtoful
ta tartd. while UUle Hay. apad aevH.
faitowudrtertty. Hra. Hatoewe took■Itaaed from day to day lodedol
witooat toe additkB of mw yeoek pro­
vided toe toortool apiotflf tatterie
kept orer ta pood aoadltloo far esc

' The Household.





■ ’Wfa.‘sss.'»

Taterday I WM ripht ta toe bU
What Ha Uke in WoBH.
torn of tan with toe otoer taye aod ata
•Uod me to briop cerae waad. Thera Before 1 ehall baa occaplad toe i
tataettaktatoehon.-abetold. Sol Hotted toBttetolkta this toBlltar
dU ood toe ho WH taU talk 1 way with you, 1 want to aeswur o.
tta^toswwtoaUapBsio tartay. ikB wbieb ooaeeiomc tna <a
Thors »t why Idk art kiBtat the toeiaTHlatatera. Sheaeke:
toe qaalltie. is waoBO wbieb
A admirer I wOI tell yon:
••Waa HW wDlBJ UtUa plri tall
hen taaeBtaloeometolap.w
ae why eta held Uappie toot eha - '
-Chae eta did. toath yaU why! I
^ad he* tawmeaydaya It look to


*Nw trallUord GfCck ftf AlOr

•iririta Modem Hypaito touneqa
a new ricnce, ^lat of oodEtry, and

iteoBDeDd the UK d Dr. Plfcrs eraa

HM0 PO«kr. Here h «n mdonenHOt (ram one << tfaem. typical of mwT.

.•BoweaoIttakoaotaBpfa cc
r, ttaar ataaheaoH.<'We dMat
• Oae^ laatadhar 11 ah. aw
aia.aadeheaid.'O. ya: .

FUaofli7<»>°rier iaiaiiatm

iV. Ato”* OuMv/Vrr*F
Merrmt dew rf
« fk mMrtrt.m mjr rUan t J mm
They like the coorteey of the ft
They like wuma whae IHb
tacra ary always fall ol toe eoaki

ua&EB HI MniinBi LI

Tell Your Wife



: vm
- ..i.**»*^

•■Roy.1,” « main, cl
tartar powder of
superlw purity
>and strength.
Alctetisehow the Royal Bek- ‘
inglfaa<lcrol%ct>»ui>eftorlcar- *
coins poaei sod s n>oa tijni- '
mctidsble prcHatWKB. Is u a ‘
cicem of laiui i«ailcr of. toe
bighoel I•uril>. conlermi.g no
alum. lime, any uawbolctoiM meicriiL

CtoBTfr. Hotafra Al-WWA
Laid SCAU AAaiyst.
F« a number of yean put I
bald from to lune annlyred
toe Royal Baking Ponder Abd
have Iimionnlv found it to be
high ia leaversing power, and
composed of pure mgrrdieCB.
Ohio 5tatc Analyst.

tfapt Toeb
ic^thotSontd ,
Outt So^ id
SiHttst Idboevi
Mvtx^ intxtta
tio^of the


•tpeagth, «v«
bo time, MIX
bo clotbcA
Tbe Bterits oC


The N. h. FalrbanK Company. ■ CAlcajo.



After examininp ininpIn of
toe leading brknds of bating
powder 1
arrived at toe
conclusion toat the Rloyal it tu
|)«TOr in purity, leavening jower
mad keeping quelitwt. It p a
cRtm oftaiur powder, e^irely
from alum. lime, ammonia,
all delelerioui ingredirtita.

ttaoald take ad ran tape odour tlreut Sale of Mesh tVialer
Oototag. Sfll.mcatl.ra than taholeaeta l-rwra the tttrak
ofJe. K.W.XJ AC. tVbolraaUn.uhlera, Bratoo.tW*
aourht ml eoe uo toe4»ltar-all sew tota imie kATBST






....... IliO


V. iS.OO
a w.ctncDtoia^Anrav

I havx submilted toe Royal
Baking Pom der to careful cbemici! tests, and nnd it to be per­
fectly free from any suUunce
ID any way deleteriow or injunouaH. A-HUSTON.
IndUna State CbunUt.


In's Oisaits.


Men’s Paata.




o arnr aKWiiax kAftwev
OioBd Hopide. Ohtaopo, Drtiatk

Be^*'SBltd. OremU ud YJlrtna kt tht 8n« BhlacttdM.
lewd lor erlf-Baeariop blaskm Al I guade ordrod. at adilaiOiwy. SH
roedat.wrt.apeoeraodBoaeyrefaodrt Pmir.taatll?

The j. L.
Hudson Co.,

1 Kave analyied all the ptindpal brands of baking (owdet
eo'l in this Slate. .Roia] has
the highest leavening povetv
and h composed of pure and
wholesooB ingredienis. No


niinlyws of Bating
..wder. and ha« found
be an abeolulety pure rrealfi of
urur powder, entudy free from
ammonia and all adutlerationa
aod impuniick In lavening
power it is of the very highest
Ute CbenUt Minn. Food
and Dairy Coaffilsaioa.
















Fresh Oysters;


the Royal E
find it gvar



lYSTEBS. OorfHirraaiup
Bulled Udar....
. AppieBotta...
n YoowUiOMB
■' .little of oor BoUed Odra.




, free ofailuUeration orimlice of any sort.

. trkHAV-^J


Grand Rapids R Indiau L R.

m'fi.-r ( »rmtllra.

Uoiverslty of IIUcMiit.

be .aounal
pooli aamplra which-.. ...
freely to tadlae by tor big retail etorem.!
it at I asked a ,f oor of toe Wpprat dry |
poods Brme ta the eonotry to. otoer {
day it this was true aad be eaU he'
thoupbl tor dparrs wrtu too low.
raid further that ot










Hack, Busand Baggage TransferUne


pood ad.rrrltaeBrut aod tor prartku gw^.
, prrat pame—-lirre. Jack. at<^ o.B.aCXFaT.
at are you puUlop that haodkerchief into WUlie sBoato tor?- “WeTe
playtap ChrtalBae dtaror. WUlie'e toe
turkey. Tb tor rook, aod tbe haodkrrebtaftatoertuBop.-


rapsBiuthrttaC. A w >,e » a i. M a »-R.ood nera Uoii ee
Trarawcatf' w. are toe peorte to totafa yua ripke.
Imetra. ^
1 * J-

Btad sad Rato MaHt ta Ol


Bi^ ItaUM It QMS ui *a

We want
Your tooth brush
trade. We think we deserve iL Have the
]^ge£t and best line oi tooth brushes in the
city, including all' grades aad prices, and
think we can fnniuh one to smt anybody
that may want one. AnjihiDg m drugs
and dm^ists' sundries.

Best Liver) In Northern Hichlkn.






of Ttaveise City and vidnit>- are roost cordially- invited to
visiiourstore. We have now the larg^t stock, largest vari­
ety and best assortment of Crockeiyware. Ounaware and
Glassware ever shown in Traverse Cit>’. »«1 oor prices are the
lowest in the sate. A loo jwece Dinner Set for *5.5^ and
they are dandk^ Remember the place.


S. S. TBEVErr. Pmn-

AoriOpootTaoDBASSk Aflarttawtaklaa(l.taudltlialtle«.aa
a. the aetaraert leoto. tatok tta tortma to aokra to. «B0 tbe kart mrt
oltoet.;. Tiyto.

.as Front Sona.

Tra™.« Or,. MSrki,uv

Brosch’s Meat Market ,

Choicest Meats, Poultry and Caine.

lA DwMprm

Fresh, SiK tnd Snwked Metfs. Suiss^ Ftc. .


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