Grand Traverse Herald, September 19, 1895

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Grand Traverse Herald, September 19, 1895


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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Businees Cards.


M. ’jj5fgsa.ara.rtJr'

Real Estate
Mm IIL L i. WMtM. iw«Bj L 11. BMt
auk jM MLJSUiuM J*C Mr


at Ml AjM A Mi jfc A

j l^eit


are the twin charaticn^
tics of <wr gooda


can always depend on any-



Fire Insurance!




thing coming from *:


jK A I*-. AIM Mi

I atack

rr»rc™r CU'. »frf>

k A at A A anwVariM A M


Rose & Son,



■aAi Bat

Tnn» GB}, U.


flje Time

Tl> took M,i vnwwnaU M

Blue Vitriol, Carbonate of Copper and Paris Green

Good Fits,


If ynu do Itot reueirr the E

•t w W;» 1;» H>

Good Goods.
Fair Prices,

las noarnun.



Front Si House,


■ 0, M8TMA Prtprirtur.




^ and $1.50 Hotel


Cheap Homes

ni THX otrr.

nr ueBioaa.



Carpet Cleaning,

and Popidar.

Oool Care Hit CoantDOS
' Traatineat.

Farming Lands


a. a ouaxB. ffimm*.


■. r.



pioascholS faints

masm m am Mnutt.



Pioneer livery,


Tm cae do tetter wUk ie«

Unto rtek. dr? aaiS'lteUF raniaf.
TUterad nalsty arlth tefar Mapla.
Soeh CUk. Banwood, Atit. Ba^
and are weU watered tgr

KjEik-b aiid. IPljcL-b CaazLS
Especially adapted to small articles where a goo<l
.paint IS wanted.
Black and W’htte Enamel Paint.

Trw Bocka. Mkpk. etn.. kddrwa



a. .A.. XiCoxqT'.^a-'CTs.
laa Front Btraoi.

Tmtoim Olty, Kiehigan.





And see the ftagnificient Line\of
Woolens now on my counters, such
a line as will gladen the heart of
the man who needs a new Suit and
has a laudable desire to get one.
In addition to this large assortment
to select from, 1 will give you the
finest workmanship, a perfect fit
and a price that will make you
buy. TRY ME.

« ii»«l I b W* IM* Bae aBtahk 1 the
ffinnr U*er». Tea woa M enerttne Bar.

nn TOO WAtrr

VBCjr ror veurr

JUrkiBbe. (tetoygaa aad M. Ig•my Taaeday T a. b.. aad Weday at lb |>. B.; anie« erery 1
day aad WadBaaday 7 p. B.
FkABk Fbibmicb. U. P. a.


r.ttf«eBBrSMB«nirfteNr. j

-4^f, ^mroKibisi,

I atoB ten Mm n* Mw.' Im


Tlik OrkkWki Thm« a Uik World.
U WBk Uw BcakBUbkcunBly tek.
Hbryarvl kB.I Ksktr Adkou. arrr chat
eariluul hvcUirr |>-rf. BiBg Ihrir- n
u tkkkk rklhrrbbkD9 w dirid* I
urk kBd br krparmWi
Ml. Thr dm
uai atarre tbry wrrr at
1 rBlar|,*rJ by IhruaiBg tku Urge
■ BW oar
uuuld CBliUk a
r of a y
—for Be. Mia
likck brr kitchcD W o;aa
ilirav-Uj IInto
bIo brrdiBiay
ruoa—Bad farUier •«. rv«. uf nilk
■esuul U* walU of k
• uu» nnlk hooM- Tbrre
.aikkuuuldcud thr ab
The derp eloMU lu (be wkll of lbs
diBia(Ytuu bkd b*«o B«« I; "atrititbl.
eard." Bad dukta,
Suub. who bad duuv tbr
____ _ ____ kloud ■
MoJied the effect.
• Ukr^ot,
doo l
ik rather
klher Bice 'fur' two ffirU
ervd bb
out u< klBKal authfiiD8f
i‘w. lodred. 1 e'en to I
r fkth<
B.ia: niu ahead, pirlk. bat bu {jaintUff
roUiuf |dn> ksd khorrlel Ercrythia^
"VVbea wr cane back trocB k.-hacii I
Iboutfbt Ikhuvlddir. ererylfaiuc vke
eo dnxdfal'
A/1 tbe sice chiBe. eo
deer to all of ak.Ta-ke ‘---qi------- '—‘
bile. lk> you nrnnnlier boa le;dk
> tel tbr korvcBk upcs beuku»e
Bled 'pleol; kir klrcltj?' Asd
UiUtlu'l kk hri|d<akkmuuK it kU kib k
•rlotbcrc ktlear. but ebk raa'I
ukBy lbiiis but lot.- Uk. khd eky ^lu't
r.BVfor l«uly, kivB t y>BV
Sukie peeped Into tbe eUip uf nirrur
kl tbe bach of tbr- kideb-ard. kud made
tbe tButluu kilbher brad kauHU ke
-1 kbuuld kkv ko! Fascy being kk
-ufflT kk Mikk I'erklne. dbe wak oalled
|d.rlri, but I think khe Wkk kctukll;
rluined with uglistn,. llun ae girU
_kted ber wKee klu- ■■—» U> Irk-tor- —

Ijr erck. aad board Ui bin
ml wlfe fur a phy»l- .
Jikl Mi.
fkkhKB. kBd ted
kcwBrd a
kMdof -idlB'-Ihrir Ubw . "I h.tpr
W_. dorurr-k wiVJkarrtirh^i.
laaay i
MlBByafUTBOUB. IlkWkk: IlkbkArdBBk •
Thrill • -*
iBg uf Urns that'Tc«7 BKawiagl -|Wt te frdyl
.' khr wk^lag.
Ibe.c w.-ra-rbaWiBg oT*r Ibcir! I.v taid. -you
wy ialeadod rle- ' the a^ <d a —-•*------drlriBg lUWBTdillB"
1. hxi. kk fkki kkk tkiht-r
bbe uafaxlraed a lockrt from a lllllr *^A"w"I!i^f ——___.
BokWdlMrw-euBld tracrl.
chain wbi. li war twitted
ig up_____________________
IroBi bar work
, of t
-1 w-rmrd a a flag al half ornki to aaboauee the
called Ul Margar.-t! pari of to.. oTcryrday
garb, and piiabed :,ow.;
look or death of w
liagd.Kwa wber«>brr;il U.aaid him.
i Wt----- - tbr fiagialowerl^
Itallghtring kOuw fiowrrw
. kind face loidird
■IkUag II again to> Blala
uiiTbV.-i.r----------------------------------------“.ly aad thee
-Houl •
-x----------- *
JS r'*?
' * '•
the l alled FlatB
you tiraU'. till 1 die. if lir'k
. A0.0
b< the
door -r
t want kite caUad ■Utrta. wr
how it to. Ilefure long Uarrar...............................raeml—c-blrogo Jfege.
^Bbd I woe'l
at will br alosr."
curacd to a mirror with that ' '-Ate—Miak-Margaret?"
iowdunury moretucal of her hasda
■Mb! bbe'a rrd-baind. and latcaae.
Tbe whole i'hillipiae arehlfatoge to
you eee. Sbr lovea people toeroad '
the amobrr a parteU. rJaaatlUB u<
waya makra 00 aach <kvakiu<&. Tbry dearrtk Hui khe too ran make q>
tofaaocu of the flarwl fiaroce grow Is
CBOOQBterrd a dsat cap. wbirb abr rr- Jelly aad cure cruqurlUa." abr a<
Bwrrd. aad khrBW a a],in girl wilb klyly,
, tremic laeeriaaoe on the aptoacto. aad
ry oae to aa adept at aaokiag. Bon
rtrugb brown bair and alaoul a yard oi
And a>-ateap it wak MargatwV who
girU of 10 aae the wmd hearty aad
efaruk.' cloth doalrr thruaa acTMO her after an idral c-.«urtahip waa tahea to:“~*J
their owa
cigaraltB with the tefu
kboulder. Sbe aaid to b.-rw-lt that ahe l»r. Uilberfk toaoliful city borne. It |
their pareola lltoaoummea
bated -fUlng." aod aaated alttay. u. waa grape tlatr again aod Mrv Jaaara I arok ol *helr
•ec the crery -day aide al |wuplr. ber pulled every- grape the -applebine calico drM waa g>skl enough for trre Tine" andkcnt thrui to "Hlee teet uocaaioa. aj ahe went to lb« door in aa 'aad tbry were wrap|wd with the wilb eaurmoae elgara la their moatS
• war to a rather braluUng rap al eery napkiu kbe ba» eo admired.
Alai ate followed by fire or ela cblldna,
rarylag la age from 10 to *0. all amokr ectaoB..dukUr and all.
tbry arrr a.-romtuDi.'.l by
lag At tbr lltUe Ihaatre la UaaUla.
»bc botlcodi that tbr --iDechaaleal -dear alkhok" aad lore.
• -e a ”
few performaanB are giraa ia
■ow" waalrB prompt ttah time, but
To Suklr. kitting in brr rramimd 111wlBlor-km-------------------; tel came us kl laat diaelaalag a
r forrbrad' wilb glrllab dark curia
oky air caa poea qa^Sy*"uny^ *U
up»B lu bukie looked at tbr card au and the dear borne folkk. tbr wide •»oky
UiiCTMgly offered and corJUlly iarlt- fielda aad thr blac borixon. Tbea aba e.rry boom, wbrlbrr la tbe ooutry or
wid to b>-r«elt that abr had gladly, la thr bean of MaaUla, tbare are al-Ko, stoiber U out at borne, but prr- gladly IrtVthem for krr-ugit doobw'k wara beapaof dried lobaaoo teiraa. tied
hapk obc ol Bk will do." Tbe doctor ore. aud waa. O'-l >o»r -tlic grrateat IB hunebea, upoa thr floor or la a abed
—irlhr tomar. aadlbe prorldeat TaBt down in the carted old chair aad blag la tbr worldT''—.tgrU-uUiotol.
a aiuc-k ol tobaoeo for to
brbeld a rtaW of two dimly lighted
Cdd' parprwm aerera] I
nwBik with a lighter ODC at thr end
Tbe Wateenagi of Driftwood,
earofully aa thr Amer
where a red-telred gtrl aal os tbe car­
pet putUBg Daatnrtiume tatu a bowl.
la flcptriabrr, I'lC. lire dau^lar of family aapply ol point.
;iag them witb their owa gray the blateamilh la Tauaa. ao lalaod of
learea, aiuoag wbicb the maay- tbck.ilehridek. waa waaderlug ua the hacou to aaportrdl aad thr'
owa rmoolurad blcaeoiae glowed like film
' -a. gathering driftwood fur lael, to that tbe Hpaatoh. lor Ihalr
ate raiaad tha
-I am Sukir Adaoia." weaiuB daale
-Biaakmmll bay. abuat Itai yanto eooa. hare dtooooraged
a of the WBd.~A'mr Ter*
drmarriy. -and tteU" pulaliag to the dia^l from her falher'e bouae. abr eipurtatkia
girl OB tbr floor, "to UargarrU''
piAed ap a pirv-e ..f wood braring the
uiacTipUob. rut wllh a ktiilr. -fmet
tolag to Bleep by Oi
I'bmpbrll. Uilkwpi. March r.t. I*
' pbyatolaae ate r
appareat Miy to Snaie. Tbr doc- im ukiog it
fnml with the aahraadiag
louhad amukKi; he b^aa to be macb ouacerjatatemcnl that a maa guM lb alM
more ateaee.
ol brr ova am, w bo wa> a hoili
Inatead of albigeihar ate
in Spain, aud. aa would br ■
te Thai K
the (m7'lo^y."heBid. "ab^Mra allb lookt people, ceriaialy wilb iligb- ' the eoaeaa d.
. . . .loootlull___________ ____ _
-------to In grant danger. There waa laadrra. abr euuld But g.-l orer tbr auat home al
at BBT
any h'
houaej irralilluBa dread that tbia m. iigr tely^ BKmoe^iBloaataloof alnm-

JSSir mT SS:r‘l:SL?n?^^



kUt(>ped at till
1 Cl........ _.rr. Jaai.. _
from Ibe era waa tbr harbinger ol eril
iiigafrom brr a..a Tbe family ol graaaally. one after another. *”***™**
at tbe fair loo,
too. la charge of Judge FarIT aiybt eeaim ate apxtlhe
ley'a atoi-k..
k. Ifuaruf
y.m ouuld go
pniprlrbo did their brat V< calm
to-mu-. cabortiag brr to waitaarx- uaUt I frUh
my aaaU I khould ta-gtei. There to
iteleidaal betag btwo-moatbk'oUl teby Atei: eriea all tbe
llag to hrr w.u. abr UdJ
bad bapprard. aod waa
Janarn waa a farmer .« J ndge Far­ greatly rrlirrr.1 on iwclriog a reply o,
.tc U-r life, hrr Uclh aluck
ley a piai-r. aod Swale piclarr<l tbr
irrag brrof hb well Uriog. but waa*\h.r
. .nigbt ‘ifrteBaUy"tLe!^^b,^
ko.-or Up Urrw-lf -filthy, forrigu. and
lug goaw, tbea bearing, ate finally
•qualid Iwyoud dracrlption.
'“toy. ; ihourkv tbr nailre btey " riam
•I will
Bid^Snair. "^atoler^
If W..d I 1 bad thru,
would lira hrrarlt onu"
kidr likd tan bnmd pBiiwI a m
era fr,m.
nwk near II
further ihaa tbia ate they By tl
*-Vra; and rrrryoae rlw-," aaorDted .now the
o|WDiug ^a ikux'b. al
he power .if ikxaa curraata. aad aenaB wake wlU d«roB of prt
Margaret h.>n.aily - I will help you
rt hr aaTriard at thto piror of BOB. 'Tbr teaae of tom-h to owat
get aiiui- tbioga to lakr urrr."
aruuae. arxl tbal of beariag. thoa
Tbr d.wlor wondered at tbr alie of il mimlbe;
i aighl. ate Uale «te amrlHag laaU
aaakblolBglyclraa. lu ihr middle of tbi- buudlr. bulatuwrd It away uuder x.'rpt umloublra rTldcacr. the ia- I Bleep ktoatouathe
Uidy grteoally,
it Wkk a rug about Ihrrc yanlk aqoan Ifac Mat of tbr buggy lb allrauc- Tbry
—tola pane of tbe maaelee b^toalag
allb a UuPy Ii.iut,'.'aruuud it. u->t luo found the wouuia dellrioB nod tb.
taby kcreamlag. FoWU were walkloa drilUag. sb.mid bare l.r«o waehedim mearaa at tha lu aud uul ol the two-ruomtd b.>aec al tbrkhore wiibla Ii«>
will.. Sukir took up the baby, ml
r wriue'k m.ill
• ..aya aeoeBory to bent tha (oM
f..ur ilii.'kanaca ul burlap in tbe oat amrlliug aa It wax. while tbr J
khould hr id. ko.1 up toy imc of blk*'
bb owa warm. —itoteape.
ural color, laid tUl and cUb-bed cUprty •lopkl hrlpltmly watebiog htpr.
family and tokre tom>r. Had ac^ mv"If y.iu will laakr a ffrr lu tbr k___
oua laacbiur. with thread of tbe aarnc
•Itot dared Ul |>iclure a mreoage drtlrTha Oraat Trwaa to Takta.
c".lor. Tbe fringe aak of nrrl or bpr- ea kU-«c brlotr you go for Mra. Uillicrt, errd kk thto wak to.> mcaok of an ocean
Wbra tleaeral (iraot ttoiled Japas to
rrnly, iu orerUpidbe I kball U-obliged.'
inmi br waa the rwelptoat at mtm aV
Hr obeyed Re waa a rb-h maa aud
Ity. and kept lU pla.-r
leBUta ate tours onertoey Uisa irai*
adiBirably. in tioutoftbe aidrbuarU followed bik prufooum for lore of IU uBtragroo«drm«u-Joo faith, Ate yet aemwdsd luaay rtoltur to the btotory
waa.auutbt-r rug aiadrof OMtling, with aod bei-aukc bto Iruiprranieat made tbeapparrotly lui{koalblr a oally ocaumr kiud of work a nrormlty. but ha eerred la I'anaa —Jyiltoub';
weal Iniu that dirtr kib-hea aad kiud- ym/A.
khadr loiiBg plauta. aUu-b ntadr a Ir.1 a Hia in tbe ou»k mbpre. while Saal.grateful abow of grwDrry iri cuntrakt witb the uapleaaaal baby orer uo'e arm
graetelplaatadtoCTsdonarb. Takto.
-frumaira Jaaglos.
lUrd tbr idakrltlr abd teaUd feu
to the parctanl Wield ouikidr. yelloa
great oerrsoof. ll to hale ate
Kamalra to a rerltahle dime________ —
broBB uBder thr gold ol a Mpteubrr
oaa today, and It to rtollte te
"Vou need not he frightesad ab at •I aatsre. la uo other place to there tb-MBada of pMle dhlly.tor Uywao fa
MB- Thr kidrboard. made of an jild
Ira. JeSMB. abr baaioalbad a rbill >urh> eollacliuB of ted aaimali
tbr Boat popofv reaort to Japtm
am alwaya drUrkma when I 'eblll.'
fceliraU are held hm fnaa Mae
The eanbear to ope ol the <g
to thr ^Illk^ G»r]<oBlrr and Aod Jukt look at that bed."
U> time, ate It to the eblef lav of the
It Wkk aiNnrlhlag of a apectacle: a male. He toaboot Ibree fert
adraainguf Buale'a otru
crowded caplloL The tree fa eaeted
aud kluod upb
p boldly kk If kBoalog U- perfect mimalaio ol Icatbera. Into wholly BBtongbt can pmform
with iBBt (aacaate aa lasmtollM
aril worthy of
a Tbr atrip wbicb thr womaa bad annk oat of lag trMca.
HraUraaL who oathe kakaag to a cartoB aalmal the tolle lu btotory.
ik «f the loa klgbu exorpt wbrrr a bloadw bead lay
imimairdl^ gwernl. atoo plaatoda
Wkk tbr rrrened dour of as uniiuictly 00 the dark Mae pillow. Tbe »i*e of a bU It to brown with loa-llkc
-rratrreaoat theeatoetlBa. Ufa
mar; it rvffectrd and doubled duciur would tala hare remaiaed to bBd ate |swa wbicb it bob aa If ll
magpie ate to fioaifabtag aplteUthe oulIrcliMi of old chiaa khd old flag- walcb Suale'adeft mlatotiatioBa. aod wercamoabqf.
ate yellow.
ucu art upoa the khalf below iu Tbr when he at laat ata.ncd. be aald to him• bird to the atoe of a
draatrra below held a kupply di h^wry aell that hr bad actoally bera haatled
Uak a loot
Igfl alone SuMe emali turkey, but haaa
tor prrreal aac. Tbr Ubla wak no nra off the premiaca
<re the plaea
rakull two ate oarfanned affair toatarrout of oooale- Wkkbcd. I&l ate dreeete thr walling long which Joibk tbe>
9 talk of IhoB.
thto to aaotbei
BBhOC tbrdldctelrkaBd dark walha bathed the woman e hot taea. ball inebee deep Orer
mUfar with the
formdag a map or hal
cuL bot tbr a,Barr. aui-lrgge<l Ublr ol hr. a led bar hair, ate pel oe bar a
htetury ol oar u.uegwmwao BotBor,
.dd dCcatucky waluui. haary to euoi elrao while gown Iwoagbt from hume.
baabB of all alxB afaoate to the Ha- wbmw meBorr fa that prBerred.—Sabroukoraa. •• bi.h had bees oBo of tbr Tarn kbe fialUaed down tbr fcatben
Moaater lUanto are
preciouk po^rwioni ut the Adanu under e beery comfort ate aprete orer matte JuagiB.

■“'•“".'f;.. ".CIS 2,




rrrmt-gTBBdBoibrr aiily yrmn ago
Tbr ebalra. too. were watBBl. qaaiblJy
carred. tbr girlc had galberad thru)
BprfrvBi AdaiBk kinfolk all orer tbr
eoBStry. Oar of ttetn rtuod in an al
ia U>r family room, aad waa a rrrIc ran.«lly. Therr waa a lageod
lactod with lU whirh had oomt
____ kk tbr waur. aad waa brlUrte U
by tbjoe who BDdaiBlood-or who had
iBtagioatioB. which ib aach ca.n dura


^fragt^l while aheeU corertbg her

he b.Mtae lUa^ to aboal Iweirr laebB
mg ate makca a aotoc which
Ob! ll adimale like bomm" B
ike the bark uf a toy lerTter
oaa. opeaiag ber teery eyea
There to aa eaorm.>ua btoeb .
llto laretem; ate wralwaeapal
lerbradk ia the bagi with the Ur- three iaebca long ae to body ate witb
atride of toga that would almcM cre­
...lar. fio wateeeaammersBoltothe
plate. Ilawcb a
year roate "
m eighteen yanto
db« bad tidied the
ate mother ate bal.
-deadly- apaa bwa to laulr
qaietly wbea tbe doctor
ilb a Utok. dark )mrk wUek
a^ in tbr brw^
waa art a hrmry auri ebata of ediy, "but I left a mniage with the
BOB by thr aatlraa. 1
Unka It waa rirrted U alruBg- boy. She will omae after a wblla la
cJiagU to the rtogoa
a trae. Rhcm
a tbik wilb the heary. tbrrr eur- the mBBtlme let me lake yoa I
t with ao ax a ahower cof milky field
^l eome lahcbi yoa mBt te

aod BMt__________________
lag is aumagr far Usd*. ... ..
part of the cram had herb brters off.
aod Hargam had drawn a gray alltea
-------' through the Btiddic llsk of the
and thrown It acroa the roagh
______ thukcurrriBgtte darh Meraia
ol the old world wlu the triroltte of
the a* I
aad the girU
pruad ol lu
a graoafal oor of
raltaa. khd thr nbluB profovly thnsdad thresh lu back waa of a bos lu
wiu thr Bab eanalBk. aad

No. SI. Front Stmt.

Fresh, Salt and Smoked Meats, Poultry, Etc
ehMMM RBi M AImf* «B BaM.



llqald.ate teafao Ugateed air. Be
bee made the aaggBCfaa that ptebly
(rgaled Mara al tm............... ..
taaoc or of arbalueemaUer atote rowecnlrnUag to to etejv aetremuBM tea
arrtTcd at a
' ‘

" te eoJ


tareaaale wBt are la aelaal got randy, she CMmnBlert a iwn:!
aaderharapraoatewMtoat her.

chair waa a tratdly while rag; tetwaen
her haebaad'a old chair ate hU dealt
wa* oae of com maulag. It woald
be pleaaaBt to ttewrite the wteU pmeBe by whkb thoe two yoaag gtrto
' id (roB aa agly. bare, aagiUar
uakO. tbeir ooBlortabU hoBS.
... .pace wUl not admit of iU Is the
BMgbDorhoud. Uey wrra lappueed to
be rafddly -btaaklag ap ole ms Adaae," tel tbe glrla had omo ae alfh
of a^ BUBityaboal their Mther
"--iBcrslag whemtehaddrirBisway
dr their |umMy mndker to the Mir.
'iBg-thereaBglsdlBlethalr orra
Itey-ia all right bow. thsB aathor
sBlIe^ tet )gu wait twill real '—■


loBor Dewar, the ehemtol, te

"Yea. I am haacTT. ate ao are yoe. I
Bat w^aat not dBrrt Owr
poataow. Iwilleaokyoaeom-lBB a "
Bke WwTbrtae AmsA
-ho. CtoaT yoa drira hoBa 1
iBce me le care few Mra. Janaear"
aotmceethaatfertSiBeheatohi _
"Tbe teby might waba I aeaara;
aleader ate yalo. drtra two taruaxte
I taa^mtec eaoellM^i^lem^"
ate hardy eowboya wllh their flueka.
(rum ber graxlag gruhsde at the imtot
.t leaglh WB bad tte Mol the IWTolrer Hbe hod real the klrte ,_____ _____ •laatloa of wtBteag lha
of iu ate baag from ate to ate wilb maa oat lu tell the totrwdBi to m
atelhtofaltewM*b*«^L B

with a fouy to '
os >U yellow ate rwd. oe a
plate with feat toPiU dalal;
whieh ate bad made of
toy^whlU ••
____ mt )aUy.
aochlagtrom home hot
tely. Ate .gMlatr
11 waa mare thaa haU aymrd eqa
yallow. ate eUMy BBitAed. wit
graoatob btaete^otcatote tew

ottMtog appa/alB; Tte te pM te
alB* eherttogaaJlteaaertaf wig.
gia. ap ate haekwMd. ate while wa





"Will yoa more oaT"
•■Xa.BOI------- -- bet the MHoaee waa
lafiatohte. lor tha men loate tlvm-olrar.

^luhteate -M.Jtete. te


TWO by which they eoal______ ________
id themMiraa. bal they kwow that the
r«bt war OB the woMh rtda Ha
etrtMMt to the Callforato tow to re­
gard to lim|M III that ehe aoald bare
ahoi thM ted to thair tiweha ate the
Saeliy Mb twratenr^tfurward lyta|

w'teBd BaUvIifa. te
.................... «—ffW.b fftep*



TbB aMemad tejarimlle war tost
a iwetofa. BawBltektoff U«MT. -

a«B«<lwrtag It ante M>

. -WtlL thee, why date

rk wr BT* tarK)B«
f**' *“,
tf to pita mora htcidp. apoba of Ua
4a arcrk mad aapaalallT o< Iba Bata
oar r^kB o»d oMBlf. lie mj%lairoatilacpdlkToftoaKUlaK. B
ABaaalBtk* to iB tba loBla daflBad «■ tl>
«ra BlBt. rti; ».*A Hmodar aaboi.l
•(thla roBob or aea>7 oblU Ib tha otato;
coaamlkB ar laatitala •'

C. K.
A W>o»
wHh V»
DW (or til* soaTMtlM «wl «M sot
mrcon ntrauuL aAtAnr-


mtk t» Lfl—ty fll. tt^tmrUT tnmlmt.
M. 14. CMMtcote br Oas. J.

M7. OmmatkmiH. Lot»
V. HMltaCik J. T. Buaah. J
Tn«k. rxMk 0»pb*U

jtruwa .-.ha a-l/Uill.n-.
- Mamma, to « fair lor Um to alap
.me twta wbre I •«!; .lap b<Y oiKwr'
prtaaWd BBd nd.<pled.
Kf-.lrrd. That ■» r<ijnrel tba pab
- yM’bo.4

' nOTT.'.'.-"-. l£"al.

octal J. A. ItaMCM. urf D«

Bid. to Joiy *■ »"«•
Joly 4. 1**«; JobB Verly. to July
Mol tapeetore ware aamad latta
way aa foUowa: 8 V. U<

April IBB! t 0. tadd. to April. IMT;
C. T. OrewB. to April. IMriDBBK>Utao{Dr. KnoaUad the i
bm of Um boaid of pablle worka
BBBMd by waida. befisBlBf Witt
loBCtattata la wanto ooa aad
tarn la warda Ibrre BBd
lacis la ward Bra. For ward .do.
I Ur. Loresrarnaatad JobnT. Iltadir

for tern criSlBf April.
Ur. lUattan BBtaad 8 Ooodrisb tna ward >0.
t for tataa tare
Ida by areUMUoa. Ur- SlewidtaEotaif. W rotaa.
Ad W. W. Raan for ward No. t.
Itad WBrA-BoaoM U Oorbatt. Oeon a^lBC April HOT. BBd Ur.
a OorsU. W. W. Staltb. a. W. piaalac.
3. T. Waanah, A. 8 Cook. Oaa BaS. U.
W. HeWalhy. A B. Uoaroa. P. C
tat. Q. B Boofbay. W. W. Daaa. C. &
T^ta. V. MartyL K. 8 Strooc. B. 8
- BIswbiA. Oaerpa Oaaa. UUta Oftaa.
OBtai Wpann. U- 8 Oataa *0 '
tairtt Wtad.-C G KaowltoB. 3. W.
<bw*to. 8 H. BaBloto. 8 H. Popa,
G CMatt. J. ▼. SoWBaa. Wca. Imdoa.
3. A. UoBtaoo- On. W. Lardla. 8
ntfBD OToaaUl. BALLOT.
BBlfkam. W. P. Kansay, 3. Paria
W. H. Baald. Oao. Hoyl 8 QOdwaU.
a 8Trarto. Wta Qalklaa. P. 8 Harota llrolta.
JV» WorA-A W. BlaiA. 88 PiyMB. H. 8 Pale^Aar. J. 8 Baalla. P.
a OBspbaU, Dob Daaa. Uaa Oar

Ata. Boaa. Ibha BopklBa. Oao. Uakay.
8 W. AabiBta. L. aaraaeba. 8 C Bo^W. J. Umar. 14 rotaa
Tba eoBBlUta foportad that iw ‘of

ltd tba dolapatlOM.

Tba ra-


■ BBdnadarofbaalBam raporiad
■aporary oagmaitatioa. and tba
taaa: raport of

•EtacblBf Op>- He 1
lowed by Ur. Beyoolda who
aired Ibe fTtat aeeda of tbii work aad
tbe bhat oeaaa of acoompltoblDr It.
Tbaraday moralnf the county
brorkera obbw toratbrr asd
(MOly map belora tbeo. noted Ibe
rr of townahipa. their reUlIre po■ aod
BBd apparanl
apparanl ooeda aod apaltioea
pointed n panon in aa
downablpa ae'.^rBCtkab'le. rellrd tbe
rice prcaidentea-oecioot tbe county
HBOcIntioo aad for n time prreideat of
the towoablp BmociaikiB, with nod
tbroofb whom tbe rsecaUre board
tbe eoanly Baaoointloo caB work, loi
ing toward tbu tborough orpnaiantlao
of tbe lowoahl^ and nllimatrly tbe
whole oianiy. The nppoiotaeota were
nr fullowa.

Hayflcld-lir. U. L. ttacb.
Kaat Bay-J. T. Demdli^
|•eBLnaBlk-Um. Setb Tompklna.
Treieree 8 O. Imdd.
lAog Lake—Un. U. 8 (HUngnr.
Eaat llarfield—Mre. R. K otUnfer.
He Thnralay morning ecmlon. probablr «be moel Intrreallng of tba
eectlodL opened with a darotiaaal
Ttoa and then Un. W. K. Wright reao
paperi>repared by her bnaband Ear
W. K. Wright OB - How tbe Bnndny
Bcbool may help tbe eburcb.*- A
UnaUng dlacnaaiop followed.
C. a Ealea tbeo pmaenkd the asto
Jerl of "Hoiae W> hooae riaiUlion." Ife

apnke caraaally of tbe grea‘
tbbi work. A dioeaealon felloired.
Ur. Eeynoldagaee a Ulk on "T
Model MnpL.’ natugUieieltere of I
Oa moUta Ibe eoarentioa adjoarsod. anbyeel u inllUla of what a ••U«
HnpL~ aboBld be.
U.-Uu. Un irntal aenat)
U.—Orer atlrrR.-Uerolad.

BaaaaCaadmy^ ai
Iba^ adTiaenaararloB
'naw to Newnrao.
e tatira dtotaaea
uia to iIbe
ttbat we
____ ^
4 baUdlar ap'tbtoehr'S'
My taitoaatdtalretotbattbeerfaalm

dadga Homaaearedtbe Boor
■appeatad Ibr BoaUBaUoa tetbataUre M rota of UMaaeoBd ward.
MUlShta «aleUy inUowml for tba
tatn Id Ibe Orta ward, aad OB motomi
•f Bob. 0. Q- Oorall tba
Mr. limaagw tbta prtataM tba
Mata of ImrlB Bobtato tor Jadga of tba
ntcrtwto taBtt. which
by P. G OUlmrt. fortba third aad 8



IB^r. Iirrrliy rztrodi
place f-c neat eooeentK-n.
Gty. Amonol -I ataW p'.-dfe »*
At tbe cU.*.- of. Ihi. baaUw. taOk-a :h'.- ri.wken«- • b^r
iravd «tlba«ncal.
auerr il. v.-ii ..--a.
Ji.HX IVurr*:. Prre.
|ri-iok whro y.m «f.o:cl c

Uiu I eouioeB.-ed ulM O'- tollaa-K.
I Bare takee are boUHa aod belleea
well weenan.awd I bare Ukaa new
(on la laMtaBeedlM all or lay trie
taaKarVaa. Voa may paUlab tU.
It you -Id., and 1 hope n may ^ lb.

Laelanaw oonniy Sunday 8obo«
Tbe maet ealbnaiaaOc .» wrt! aa the
amt iotermUng county Sunday rcbool

by J. Sulliran. aod one In
tl.wn.t. .td. werv ti.teoed to
TUfo fotiowed the rreputae by
S. -ALdrn.m. after whieb tbroonrentkm waa reaily for won-k.
Nombrr of whocito n-pritaated. tm enty; alt aot brerd frem.
Drpominatloifk. Erangelical. prlenda. rongrrirmUonal. 1‘rm.byteriaB aod Mrthu.ltoL
ihirlnaaorer reported all our pledgee
paid for tbe pnat year, and money lo








1 The Cup That Cheers
Tre m^ caltad from the errd la Cblna la aenrta
aemto Kin cT .-igbt ore pot la pot. abool aa tab brloe
.urtarr. fret apart, aad pon-red with rire hi
Searrely oar in fire of tbr reed. grew.
When tbe oureliae. are fe
treaeptoBted. Tbe p

jr^s^ piece
ever sold 'br

re Uld eel la the oarty
y Ibreopieta rriaa.Baad

There are three regalar ptoklagn la Ibr cemme of tbe
year, tbe Brat yae. la April. yieldiBg a qBallty of IM wbkh
torimply anpetb eoeatoliagof theyorageeL toadifmt leaf'
buda. Rftalrereia eireetaed. Tbr tea-pk-hera. for weelm
before they brgle Ibrirwork. are net allowrd loret debar
anything atroog. for Irar Ihrlr brretb woald enotamlaate
tbrlraere. /iluare are .wore dariag the pickiag-

F. k:.

fatting ideoa: the neat ten to aprol lo
•umber of qaeatiota were tbta
well an.wrred by U. H. Beyaoldn.
-bleb elored Ue erenlng remioa.
The Bril paper waa read by U. ^r»lyn Clearer, on ••I’rogreoaiTe Monday
dcbool Work."
Tbe Snnday acbool
work baa been like a tiny mon

age of the Snaday acbool •rork to sot
yet raacbed.
“feiaeituanee io Snaday Bcbool
WorA" waa preaentod by Jooaa llur•Erorything to pooriblo with
Penereraaoe laagba at ImpoaalMlitoea. Bomedtoeturiaa foUowed Is
wbieb Bre. Beyoolda told we needed lo
gettremnu^lt iseariMet. and then
quoted a definlUoa to tba tarm wbieb
aa tbto: “tiribold. boMoB, atiek to

■i te 'fi-e eoBrideretooB to «> import

10. CENTS Cozy Comfort

couch. Use it where >"ou want it—don’t have io nany it
to the side waU—as you do a

with a bade. Couch will

last a Ufe time-body will-^ cr won t, frf duw htii any owe


«n reriXri-CT a Wfcito jOj'Ntmpered.sied springs ia our

af. W. SLA.TB1R',


Tbe toltariw rieepnetdcM wma .
ritatoAtme ter each towtabfp: Kaa

'^aiJr—:^). -Hta I wtatUe toarerltadl: -Wby.jtmtal •»« taa8 Joha Porton L



';i*xu“..s.L a.

.arrerletfu.“Tbe Bnaday School tbe Phmeerof
driUtatooB.- waa tbe tabbed-of an
r by Prel. Harrey, wbirii
with tbe exoeatire board.
A rttalotooB totbe efiect that the eloaadtbeeonrtatooa prepar.
of 8 8 coppUta ba reqaeatlaboatata aoaakmUie deto«ato-l«•d topabltobosert
ported the followlag edBeon lor tba
mbelpaoaly. omltUag
Prim-lobn Whita. Bohm.
Vice Prea-sfoba Porta. LelasA
lewjUU Bpoa tbe table. Bot Ibmb 1b^ cf
Bee-y atod TtaA-Mre. G A. Uaaaaf of'tataeeLbalfreta wtatefUam toglre

TbafaUtCortaL BeOeytaBj):

Will oinrcai aif aiher male. Said n
Papalat Prices, ta

Ftaaneto -.bmhl a'-ay. be -waidiol i

B__ StndcBL
f—Under aU.
He u imaury.
Ure.V.'lA- llannaford.preeenl
T.-lbacher of tearbeea
anawertothe • What
The Ber. Joaiah iVan^ngtoa f.dlowed here for?- after which qaiteaBam»T
with m few brief reaiBrim oa.-Tbe Mod­ of delegale. gare brief ao.wer> bat all
al Tencher.",
agreed that they
The eoDrestiou bow bereme a clam ; aad to be able lo
>1 b> o'l
asd with Bee. W. Pryeat tctaber tladC. VanSJyeto rewla-papw.
led jB^tborooghly aa time permitted day achool irtwk. or more
tbe Itata for the followlag SaadayUhrtoliao yrork. (hri haa a claim opon
I aoBg and dcToUoBBl aerrire
■ llto. but wrare of
ptalng of the afternowi aeml
ami. inradneted by Be.. «. 8 Kortbrop.
tardli^ Reynold, then preaented the
•Normal Clam Work." In whlehjall
Uck: lodf tarm. 8 'OCmdreb.
Iwpaetora of Eiaetioa-rmboet term, roe much inteteatad. Ue klndlyf of­ J. 1>. Kilway- We m-e.1 moi
aemlnnar SandayaefamM
t JH. Allyn: long term. A. 3. Brnwn- fered f6 atatot in tbe organ
■1 clatae* in tbe city while he re- eecd lo do it aa for Chrt.L We need to
'Haaban Board of Edneatlan—tant
taalBad. After tbe arerion there
du ileo that it will ataad tbe
tall tor the booka on Bormal
training of which Ur. Ueypolda bad
“Bow to Btacb and Hold Oar Young
•apply. Thto to.wtaji of wbioh -e fer^e.'' won preoented by Bcr. M A
Bead to kaow more In onr ce
Ketoey. of Trmreree City. Tbe apeaker
at took Into It asd lee that Urnnd Trer- eralapoke of what we aluMild N-d do.
eita ooanty to not behind in tbe
We ahonld wk u>m meoa. that are in
if normal elaeaea earoUed doriag tbe leant d l.hoooriog lo ChrinL' The
anawer proper wa.dirided Into tbrea-j
T eallad lor frem dria- ^rta. l.Ltrland beyourerlf.-bbe joni,
cAat Hod wonld hare you be. Jif you
lletccata « re preoenl from eleren of are not bolding the aebolara,
yoniaelf. * Ro
twenty-fire of oar fifty ■cbooU.
Tbe rrporta of tbe oeeretary and
treaaarer were hregd aad aocepled.
B. Crita. O. W. Rafl.
The TriKM of tbe iKtalnaUag oom1.11. Beynold. thro gaer a Ulk
mtuee waa aecapled and the offleera
-mal eudy. Inclndlng a abort non
Baptariaor—J. A. Mobtarna.
elected for threnaalng y«ar w,
_.k>o on tbe blackUmtd.
Aldormaa-obort tarn. J. W. Treriw folk
Harreythco fare a good l
oagteHB. 8 J. Falgbom.
a. ErtoaBatta.

ta.ltaaU tbta pita
faUuaed by 3. W. UillGea wbo estemdM. WlBBia ta tiMBito. Mr. tnadna
•d a btarty wrieotar from tbe ritr Baa■amlanid 8 8 Popa airi V.
day tabooU. firlBg wota td adtlta
taUbaotaltatad T. PatartyL Btolloaprta-

Nothhing but the best Amerlean and Australian trool
is used in the manufacture of these goods.


.........~ ^,-r;;;

iB tbe.oonauy. keeping in misd tbe
fire-told aim of the amociallon.
with the motto "Organitallta for
ratoon" a> tbe watch ery to rally round
tbelr prtrident and co-operate
him to tbe aetlre campaigB along aggremlre Usea whicb be propoaea t
ry forward daring tbe coming
Omd Tbar6ta Oo. toaBdar Btawl and may aorma^ork. tbe borne
rally day asd bm to botae rtoiuttoa
re fBBdIiar aabjeela to oar workoar Bent taorestocm.
roltaM the eonreatooB Ibc time
asd place of tbe BextmerUarwi ' "

^ We have placed on sale and
Strongly recommend tjhe ^
above brand of . . . .3


»».0U to RKTUmT.

tbe one held at the thriring
tie rillage of Cedar un the -led and Sr<l
of tbit month..
eoneened at S'l
Sod, wHb nnit.
number' of ddli«nU« from diXimt
mruof ibeoHonty.aad we were
ed by the preetaoe of the aUte
lar> , U. 11. aeynoldt, - wbok<o
reapeul and appreciate- 1
i-wch A material part In the Sun-1 3-tii p. m .
day Mjhool eonreatioBr of tbit aad olh-, p i^naa
- lk*uvit will arrirr al
____ .k.l ;• •on.l.l eoeiu elm-wt ilBTmlD

Vice IToa-8 O. Ladd. pity,
. C. KbowIwb: loaf tarn. 8 H. Pope.
r—U. Barney. CSty.
eWethy. aty.
Mambon Board of BdaealioB-oboet
Bta. 8 B. Htaloai loaf tam. wmiam
■ talii »1 ilic of the great raponLoadoB.
aibUity already rretlng ,
CoBotabla-^Ota W. Lardle.
loaeber af bin Sunday aebool dam and
Ward C*mmlttae-t J. Pol^tuo, F.
Ident of their townabip orgaBlaa8 Uarria. Wm. Baald.
aad fell tbaftbto added rreponairtrTB WABO-bUity waa almoat more than be
ilrengtb and tl>e to andertake.
«retoor-8 W. Black.
aeeotait of hto tborengh nnderet
lag of tbe work to be ilaDe bMrerar

Factory South Bemd — 1 no.

■Si-T??U. jf

.Oaaatobyalldrnrcua. Book oa nren
aad Neree. arei FKE8 4>r. MUm MadleU
Cka. Elbbarv lad.

8 G HofBB: lOBg U




loBC tarn. W. 3. Hbbba
a( ta^Mataa la tba foUowlBg odar:
H^nr. dadga of Ibo raeorderb eoarl D. r. CBmpbaU; knw ti 1, G W. Aahatak. toaaaartr. }aaUma of tba
tab<a»1 laaimob-ai iiiaiiilKiiaiifllii
Uambare Boned of BdoonUoa-abort
«< pabUa wdrka. Tba raport waa aena. J. D. BUllpffai loeg term.
Bta. Baabta Ooodrieb
BtaUB-Worlay SbarmaB.
aftaad by tbaohalnDBaabd. la bard OotaBitlaa-}. W. UiUlkan. R.
kali ettba
P. Chrear. 3. 0. Jobnaoa.
flny Haatab ta mayar. tajiar
Wr. fftam tad qaaitoBtat of .
Itaaato«aa>-Ia bahalt of tba aaUre
. Mwalkm bare tba aaaead ward (of n


enly fntbef to r«nu<
..f labor notir^m


BBBao aj areiani«»»«i ••
W. CartU. to JBly «, !•«: -lotiB* «*■


ia^to all <
cdianA asdSaadaparbaol: i- The ll
Win. n*e<tanu>dr
Ue tB tha bBBdofararj'BBB. woaol
aottoo of Wr. Dodpa ttoa bollo'. •ad -MM la ibc ^noBwaBUh." .
That tbia policy otlrbt taka dataiw
teSBl BBd Mr. WlBBia
BBimowIr. Tba f<dlo«- abapa la Uiaad Tranna eoBBly tad
paiMacd with................................................. tkk; L. BobvM. 8. C. Oirom. P. C ta raaotatioB wBa then odoptad:
•, tamm»i «■
4be dilIrraBt parto of tba cotaty br
rtad to Sll aey ■Blled. Tba annraatloo waa aocapted
BBd Iha.aoolertaorCBlIid V> at
U. m (BiaudteM
__________ ________ iwanl ooBiBill- elfbl o'otdck Tbaraday nonilair.
I ba aad are hreaby aoUiortad to fill
■ eraalnc aetatoa «^cd «
^ BBd aU TBCBBelaa on ibc ward
aoBf aarrloa asd rterotloDal aerrk
ei. R. Cocblln. ITof. C U. lloni
W. a. BMi UclB Betate. Jobs Vc*.

1 H. Uctolar«a. C. W. Aabtoa. 3.
T. Stadia. 8 OarioBd. 3. A. ItaBBfWa C HaSaH. Ola BoatoiMB. P- O. HaoMB, M. WlBBia. C A Boaseiid.
O. Aahtota. W. S Tback*. Oao.
HbUUbb, C. T. OrawB. H. Irtak. Ool.
. 3. D. BUlinfa. Aicbla CBataoa. W. «.
Ita4r. U. C. Dadpa. I. U. WlBBia. 0.
r. Otator. JohB OIUK. Praak Haalltoa.
a 1. taOpy. J. w. PatahlB. »? rotaa.
«HBBd ITaBd.-BaBbta Ooodrta. B.
W. BtaMatB. N. V. h. OaA. caaraBaa
tliJIldi 8 a Darto*. F. P- <M
B. »owB. ftad UbL ». C Tbaapata.
' B. nriMda. 8 PoUar. Jaa ZtaBi




nbUr^ Vi «•____________
. CUnroudUtlraahM.
Al McbAob u cSEitsd crowd tfam^
“ill n-in
<W ^Ble. the cMW7<wwitd chM of
■!•«•• mte. ol Mr. nd Hn. &B WhiUaf

B. BBd

k of YCBtUati. »rMl «A
- aariklar
-------«aa Ikfowa eat
od bb wMeo.


117. eoctof Bcottraio. orImU at wbokt troB Sro
A. M. ToddAMpvehBMd S.IOOb. ..

<d Biat Aad atltn Uad la Allccaa

I b^oo«lBr to WiUlM^C^
The Complaint of Tho


Mb 8lBm.ud
citlJcMwith Htdko

Upon ThonBAods.


^ aaar Cadillac ^bc ..
harr barrBt^ •erralT-Bra baahali to
WUtte Paibar. of Siaediab. who IbcBTofroB hiarTC Aald.
At M Tbwaa. tbc naBtaj baOf lafbbuaa TberadaT Blfbt to drira
naalrlBlcbar^erPetoakarla pickaraia badlr tbocM I7 a atroka ed boBctbacowa-aDddU aol ratara til]
Ufbtalac whteb abattwnd U>a boaaa
•BdaeattaradlaiekaalleTar tba ra>A.
w aatkk at a bcar^eeb aad
tba <dd bear, which took hiB
BoUad Morrill, a
Daaab Radoned. afod W, trbo frit
la bar arna aad ecarir agoai
■IroaU ilawaafoeod laaa
real peach orchard
blr ooeditioa. Aa abota wer beard
BlaekWrda aie«oator baroc to (be
the eroalar It !• thoe^t
fielda BearThrer Kirrrm, aad (be
Mad aomc oaa drorc the old bmr awaj
aoperetooTe talk of.peytor a boaaty ter
as «ha back of bU eedt. Sc wiU die.

Within Yoor Grasp.

Sr ttSwTaSX


ia daaabcIlibitbaMt-----at Ha«>BlDaa. Thm tar* \
te Aiaace for anwabiaBaeL

tbaaaarad tbr bor-a '


Dr. GreeneV Nervnra Mat(^
You Strong and WdL

ibeir rttcnalBatioo.

Ollra. of Krn LoadiM.
t iolairr I
CaU are rerr food of tbli. dalicac;. ao:
what war IVlIliaB'a aorpriae oo aarlaf
Onmalkio lap Uc meat aioead tbe
coracr. FoIIowIbc her. be toand that
Irrl^. Uta UlUa mm of a-fchM] aba had phteed It carefallp la firnit
I waa aoddcetallr a Uipr rat_______________
who aid Bot kaow Uj la wall behlad
a barrel aatilpaaooatilpa
•dad. He will re--------'


TbU year baa beea'a eeeere tMt apoa It U the Great Restorative
leaaie oraoly. *0 aaya the Haooer. aa a
fraltrrrrwior repioe. but it baa Blood
of Nerve And Body.
the eeeere weetber.
Foor booaca. l.too baabela of r>UB
weol ep
od alaty-loor
all- ■

The world to fliled with paople. who
io aBoke at Albloa deriar the barairv
while act exactly Uek. yet lack
of Fred Hrowa'a bare.
Kewark. I.retlqt Co.. Arm hare atreoru. They are weak. Umd. laaBled orer tbrr* aerca of weler- ruld aad aemma. cape^ly at thto
broke hla Deck wllb a »lBr>e ahaka
IM. tbe i-yaarBU aoe of A. a
ecaaoo of thr yrar. and Uee loet their
■ar. ofAdrlaa. waatoeaddaad aadar
II. if. Beyder, who to now Itelar •
old-timr elror end rnrrr.v, and
hale of tow
___ _
to Jbe
the tbara. n Bllca weal aad a mlJr enrU of Al-oily barAlma. T. F. Triabj
biB wbfle be
Ba. to theowDcr ofaperay wbleb-led Blaly pcM frra
tree ead about tbrlr work to a ItotleB man
loade aioonteyof t.Tto Bllca.'*
wltboot amUtion. and frerllar
tir oer day'c reak
Hr. Beyder iip^ to^e Uilrty posnd mark.
nd diapirlte.
froB tbcCbleeaw aalioD. Iato tbto eo
Mlcblrma p^uy
diaa tcrrilory. March IT. aod trareird
their cathroBcfa the OKictaw aad Cbcn.kee oatioea lelo Oklahoma, aa (ar a> Oalbrla: UbUtoa ^e 000 liorwiotcr. aad (bey Beld, Maaa. to tbe tody'a own worda:
hack Ibioairh thcCberukar oatloB to elwaya aocceyd to what they oaderaee been airk for two yrara. and
riBT Blica SBtbeaatof Hlddleeinr Port KbIU). tbro to Uttle R.>rk. Arfc..
bare dieeu a rrmlaafferer dorior all
a waU tblf^toeldarp cared to oa
The -blr00m.
irao Uto yrar to belac larpely bereeetIppi. AUbama Trn
ed ly tbe eld of- a oew arrtraltaial lia- and coold yrt bbl little sleep.
laaaaaeteBlly. ^
aaa, aa to fort Warac. tbee to Joece- plemeal which esu the cum by boiB eonsUoUy worryioy s1>inl soiB
AtUraad Ba^ Aanst Bota waa Tille. filch.. froB which plaorhccaBe.
My bead ached nearly all th* ti
eta laaalefF. to hta prierat locatloa.
Daatol ttolrk baa a l.<lnu acre 1,
Uat 1 c
where he airired AareatO
Mr. S07«r
ear Ypailaall on which hardly a w
dcr^ oaly eoa>eaaloB oa tbb loar
Atlabaltoeed that
terrible amdiU.m,
Ml be foand. It toooe of tbr arai
and I coold eatbut my litllr. I auf.
aldrnxl. to the auu.
fha IliUedaecterofOenrte Sbatta.
fered awfally froB Ue little food I did
-------t. pellad orer a blr pall of
llcarfnr^arnBt dtolertanee
- adiaroa the kltcbca laleiy.'Cbarlec Camlmnt. a farmer
-I wnafriyhtfnily
Tboaaa O-Brtoo, a niladelphtoa.
Ua. aad war ao
- badly
----ly b<
baraad that a^
awoke to fled three rae- odBlIUetiBe.-aad.
aieaaeoaoaaabod aad baa afa^tto ____ aAdriab.
maaiDy away from the bara- work at all. 1
(or Ira yean.
They had ktlU Tk lowla. *
Aadrew LoteoBb. of Bertoa t


«. aad Ua wile er.
drcantofedowBalt-foot ea----------It. aaar Vltot. Mr. IntiiBub

to to a ertikal co^Wna.
Hr. aad Hra CtoaidB CtiBreb. of Hlaaeart.«raraUdtoAJbloB.adbdaaee

At WaabtortoD Beaor dc Lome,
>— deliecred to Adre.

lolraleat of (l.cti.ino to aculc-

jooiptor from a foortb alory wladow
to lb* rroeoA arrmly feet below, aod

• a- A.,

A tftodaaa Bit iitarkeH DaUal
Md hS
haMtarawIcdBadBatatadcraBr by
dtBBUdpro^rteeebUtodhlak B«
BMMceAybnltoadaall waa

At Ito tBipk. nyak Mryera,


to a be .
Be wa* aiM

WWto itdlweaaMafaptotoe the
TyB*ado»aof Meaa BaaUiae.
biiilln Itoa ■itorbBMaad hto toft
A fleead Mbpldi A ladtou «
^ato aUaamaatba Mack tMrto
■ aad Tba lartoa Taa lajarad.
OaaMC. a l«-yaareld boy. aow coalaBB thM ba plaead thl (to ibera:


It to aaid tbe potaloea -Bre 'tomlny
oot -to atreaki- tbia year.
tanaen report yond erupt and otben
aay they hare to dlynp forty bilto *
Benton Ka>-

______ totbctroi

.IbedadlBtcd oa Be
AltwtU be cupped

_________ a nuto rtri of Cl
AatoWe warked ee«r tbe tluto «ae
Blghtaadseed her.
Tha' aaw deer law preelAaa aa epaa
aMHB faOB Koe. I to H. TbekUIlat
addaar la the rad eoatortowa to tbe
at to probibitad. aa to
efdMT wbUctotba w
aU ed ^


' STealytre da«
lAtAttoato whDa ‘1a<*l^ Uadi
C BMItotacaad A.
CBar----------------------Reldikto ------killed a

BaBeboeolor. 12 yeanT^d^ died at the
cHyboapItol Teraday from tbereaolt
of a ptotol ebot flred by Hd. foley.

I her ewe are- Bbe waa tiytor to
tba life of a pel dor wbee abe re
d tbe ptotol iBitot to her ttomacdi.

Herrto declared

UeaBarttody to tbe Blate. tibetoi
tywtoht yrara old. yet ab* lleca
aaddoseall ber own work. Inelodtoy
iBwIny aad aplluioy wood for her ftrre
and plaaUny hw ymrden. Kbr krapa
bona. Uktoy all Ur care of them bereelf^andderiny Ue Inal year abc baa
spaa «d0 abeliB of yarn.
AtAndarnoa. loA. while Ukloy an
rumoaonap iBanapatalrm room at
-er bdoe. Mamie. Ue Ik-year-old
danyfater of dcaepn I'eeee. lost brr
wealU of hair to aom* 00* cotUny
offcloeeto U* bc^. 8be eoald a
that ber UIrty-Iwo leebre of yoldee
bmSd was clipped off her bead while

and bB*toUB'£a**^ to bran braken
--------Ua Tlllato If eaaybt. **
UrrfbU Uonder
_____ ejumitenued to aany year*
A bto heatder with a Berk ea
Had belUatc. &. 1.. aad •».»» wtoU of
BbtoAtoBka like tbe track of aeoM ><- piofiOTty has beea deslccyad to Ur
Mttocaiaalltoaocarlda. A cM^
hw wltkatelaldtoiaoi« tor tba
Charles II. I<aye. The
talara Uto, Aactorca that It to a petriI Uafeyrtte tree wna
•ad bbyalatA. aad
a Ur bear apllt to twa _________
• Uronlybi••
ualbad apea h betore the pMrifytor toric eoe to Rhode Island.l. aod to Ur

‘ bU?1ie“Sm5toS

t^ayehiny froB Rhode

toMeefOaU UBkallat Plmv waa
b-V U tU paper araaad
A Mh of ttoar. wkkb ateod m tbe
MtohaaCea. Tbe tear •» aattoaly

>e OUaBbton Uberty beU will___
la trip aroaad Ue world Friday
atoff. ItwlllfirstyoloUeAUaB-


_____ to iBeialn two_______
_______ win be taken to Kew llrleai
nndUeOltyof Mextoo. Uence
. . to
.. KanKa
BTBeae. nay., woere toe bell will rtoy
to eaaiBeBoratloB of Hayna Cbarta.
The rent of Ur Joamey ba* not yrt
been pUnaed. bat It I* Ito tatentkm to

Maaadbtowila. They araSaeto

erUeb abows th* raradty of Ue bast to
Ibkltoka. A party (rum U* Kennebacemrefiaktoy^abcat wbeaoaa

iBBa, wbe attnptad toBOB tbd rirer

that wriyMttpouiulatothe boabeL

aad oBployod doctor* tat yot no

bet Ue
peescriplioo unbr most iuoi.-esslBl
llralel Hr.
Iny speoialiat In enriny nerrnua and
ebrook diaeaaea. IV. (Ireene. of Ji West
1«U Hk. Kew York Uty. He has thr
larytel prscUi-e to tbe world, aad this
yrand mediml dl

Ue beorficlal action otUis wonderfol


..... .


ccx. flBdla Umc
has yrowlay forty aerre u( as fin'r putatoasBS am to be found to UI* reyka.
Hy Ue way. iwrUerB Mkblyaa marebaau fara It for profit aa well a* recrratlon. aqd. by Uc way. Ury cbb
yira Uelr mial nlnmi potoierxoo tbe


^ At the New Shoe Store. 118 Front Street. Wurzburg Block \




^ I

Special Announcainent!
‘ I wish to announce to our many patrons and the public in
general that I have bought Mr. Hertes' interest in boaineu

old stand, 124 Front Street, Friedrich Block.
Doling Qur recent going ont of bualnasa fisl# wa oloaed i»t Baariy ovt
' antlre stock.

I am now opened with an entire new stock, oomprlaing all
the latest novelties in Men's, Boy's and Children's Clothing.
Hats, Gaps and Furmshlng Goods, at Book Bot$pm Prioea
. My aim is to retain the reputation of the old firm in giving
every customer value received for their money. Ton are
courteously requested to call and examine our new stock.
No trouble to show goods. AT THE OLD STAND.

ir to Hoot a Itertaa.

Clothier, Hatter and Furnisher.


Are You Coming to IheFair?
Of Course You Are



Lhdies’ Capes
.nd Furs.
Also take a look at

A better poait^^ our lives ^convince you that^^to^r^^tatwr^ Oa|U^AU^ to^bay
__________________________________________ _ ,
. ........... Jtuing tha Tnlr. Sr* hAT*
aMarad.itAlArgaaAcrifloa. thaanonnona atook of Dry Good* And Olothiag of »mmU
Flald a Oo.. of Hew York, And $8,000 fitook of Bhoas and Bobbara ot Btranaa.Sro^ * Oe.
of Waat Brookfield, Mesa. Tbaaa are antlraly ftwah gooda, not batog in a*ook *t th* aaol
over 4 month*, the above firms having gone to the wall on aoooont of hard times, sad ws
hsve aecorsd tita good* at leas than 60 esnta on th* 6011*1^. OaU and Sae ua. Wo shsiM
notbi^ for looking them over. Th* foUowlng are a few of th* low prioea w* qoots on tbs
.bova Mdaa.. a* ranch a* apaoe will allow.

Dry Goods
yds. All Wool Fiiie, Fancy Cuhmere
worth 76c, oor price
• *40

0 j-dn. Fin^t AilVooI Dnsfi FUnori worthy
(KM *dn. Beat Home Made Flaooel Sbiitiw
worth 60 find 6(k>, oor price
1000 yda Shaker FlaoDrl worth 7 to 8c, our
dOOO ;da 4-4 Sbe^mc [10 yda. Unit]
aOOO yda of ChoiM Beat Print*
1000 7<la neat best PrinU •
The New

Capes and Ja<2ket

SO^ Ladiea- Fina Kid Show, Goodyear
Felt, worth 3.00, our price
900 pr Ladies' Oalf Skin Otoe* worth L40
Our price
SOOpr Mrnb Oork Sola Shoe* ststh BBOL
oor price
. ^,*7

Blankets, Etc.
600 pr Lediaa' OorseU .
9U0 pr Men's Elba Haary Ootten FMde
worth 125, oor price

900 pr Men's
en's Wool
Wool Fhnta worth 140, oar
______ ,
ifeour price
900 pr Children-* Kse* Pant*, siad* cf th*

Foot Ball Slcevt


BatohailoxrB KoTBeCIty eMrehant. al­
so has aboat tweW acres of land plaav

onr price
100 Miimi’ JwketA. Fine Bmvws and Keraaya
worth fiBO and 6.00, oor twice
Lot of CbUdren'aClaaU worth 3X10 and 400
A bankrupt lot of ludies' 38 in. Jacketa. aoM
laat year fur 18.00 and ».00, onr^^



FssBsa.easxsr maarsceia>aai ks B Be
■Iibii ssnser a< Uw Sns •< r 2 Oassir a CV

At Bell's Dry Goods aad
Millinery Store to see his
Complete line of . . .


froyv UrttB and uapolB. He
lemwaedril to drain the toJ nnd UI*
yBT be taksd toe boabel* ot '
atoCMMittASP rtorniort.
(toB icncreasad Aooobaabcu
Kf aoaa. Uc tand na raoc
qaartar dwtaak uin siybt a sixcrap, and nafax con. hk 0
^oder.^^. noU^^ faltoM hay
----------------- -uaapply a
ad. aa? Uars'ima'u* watch,^^1


You Arc

Use it—ItwlllBakeyoBatmay and
well—yire you lark yoor snap, earriry

When properly tilird Ur
srUeni Hicniyan rrtoras ai
rield. erea to off years.
' d farms to Clarireoto
of H ilrrrinytoo. of
Ur baa a fifteen acre field
of yellow denture; Ur finest of an^
Barker ot tleldlny ranety we hare aren Uiaycer. It will
lakes Ue eake on com
ilk* to quick-, ................................ to_______
.. Ue acre.
nmof yrawUand mn
at. He .
BUlkb Will aeeray. om eiyht feel
elantod JnlyllU.and
iber tU. biyb. aad Ue crop abowe rxoelleet rolft*.
tlraUan. ^ a weed belay noUomblc
____________ iweire feet and
L, He pieced an Amerlean
and Irrooyfal Uem to town.
The Blate board ot africallore complatodtla Bcetlny at Uraqd Kspidslaal wbu parchaivd a toaore farm nlor
ayu. payiny furilfil.Mbi. Three
week. Armnyrmenu were pcaelimllr
later be bryan Ur planUny^of
for alxty-flre taracn' Inall-------------Kc ‘ ■

t which wUl be held to Ue
b^orebard. flftoeci
leee in pnutoea
upper penioanla
A yiaod -wind op"
wUI be held to (Hand Rapida doriny a^elybt In cam. Hk to aerra are
Th* (arm la aald
tbe last week of Febeosry, dnrtey BOW raloed alfil.uui. Tbe
which there will benyenmal dlarns-' tobelB ahlyhalatredcalUTati,B.aod
mloaof ayricolural and bortice'Urai: erciyUlDy Tooklay Unity. -A llut.
farm well tiUed.- aoaaa to be aa deal*
. by peeeoas whobare bee
able aa ercr. and obeytoy Ur iDjanc
mt to Ue,to*tlut(B
of Uc iBBorial Jack Banaby.
■oot the state.

ndred aorasedm
.eUln a lew j


IK-ine to Ue w
t wllL I adT

lion of Hr. Oreenr is a yuaraalee'Ual
lie also yets a Bill by bU medlrine will cere, and Ue fact
_____ n site that bewillatlMie for Irrf- Uat becsaheeoDanltedbyaayane at

ahooldm Into wtotar qaariate
>Uent Litton UU tall. We
always bsee yood fall pasuraye to
newUera Htctalyani bei It waaeUlmed
Unt U* droeU and forest fires beraIny orer Beadows
h^ about dBtroyed
-d ereiyysTB of life.
Tbe lateJaly and
Aayeal tZt
eeanaedall ktodaol
aaa to Babe a woodarfal yrowU.
U* pastare Bay be aald to ba brtbt Ula aeeaCB than lor aeeeral pee-


This Nev
BBt la
ondar the
Kra. Bell, who wUl be plesaed
to see All the ladies At tUa
Qrand Opeotag of Auttuna
Trimmed Hate aad Boimetf.

loallr I beyan Ue nae of l>r.
------ .se's N'eyrora blood aod nerre rrmody. aad laBrdiately there was an Improrrment I yaiord rapidly to bralU
aad atrrnyU. and eerry one ot me
iblrs aodo left Be. - I waa rntirrlV
rd of Uem all by U*l wondertn'l
IV. liroene's Kerrnm blodd

If our Shoes do not satisfy^ our onsto* £
. men they do us no credit Our aim has ^
^ been and stili is to sell such goods as would give to our pat- %
^ rons the most satiafketion and service. We do not bid for E
^ transient trade, butaeek rather to serve the same people seas- ^
^ on after season, and to do this we must seU good ^goods and ^
^ we do it



ar that lorCed ont
reandacrop of a

: Adrian Joaatban J. Woodman,
itaer of Ue auto lire stock aaeluiy
mtoalaa, dtooorered a bad ease ui
-Jawtoaenw belonylny to L II
am. Hradrlsed lu belay kUie.1.
A cow owned by Meniy Kaiser. ..
enioseb. waa fopnd attl
Ikted wlU ..
bm.'olosia. alter it bad
killed at



iny feWre droeth. like that of
far. Bay be


MbrarhUtod Ibira '



llmncb coonty farBMe harr drcldrd.
lhal tbrlr tolemtlt will be*
by oryaeitstl.B. and dunny tbr
I), flroeer. the ioeeotor of
of Sepiember »peaker» will etolt
the Uroeer aad Aaker aewlnr loarbtoe.
aehoid district and i-yluic Ue
haajaatdiedlo Uererly. Haaa.. al tbr
aceodTl. Ha Bade a (ortoae oei of qaratiooof a coooiy oryaniuUon '
_____________ ______ atUl a youny man. ]y on Ue plan of Ue yranyr.
and at cmee retlrrd (nm baatneea. de*0^ ^ Ubc to reliyioua
' "
abir dum not lead U<
antbmplc acUeItte.
Imt iBwto Ku. of Will
of niee
otosptba twelec-rmr-old danyfater of W. U. and Ue straw aremyed opwarda .
Brace, a proBlaeal mercbaal. waa abot Ume feet to Iroyth.
Ueorye Itorker. of
Stemaad kept
notated a WlncbBtor at bar atoter-a
.< DaeUs.*Bd alllK
bend and not knowiu it waa knded .. dorr wa* nut reryipiod.
Ury yatorery
pUlcd tbe tityyer. Ttoe eirtim'c
ed two aad oor-haKI
I welybt in
■hat UmoIlea, of i^liet townahip.
alk of. brans
from his tora
Meet KewVB. Fa. Hr. Wakefield to Usiilolw »ai.e. wiU T; p.idt OB "
waa Bid to be tbe oldiet Maaon and aerraytoy six b.-aos-to the
tbe oldest prmcbrr
brr of tbe Mrtbudtol Ulohs tbe ratirr field will a
h. likely U
>ld«Bt of lusbel* to Ue am.
rlt Ue
Cabbayea. Ue brad* of wl
oietoorto fire feet la rim
Uraity almoet errenty-fiee yeara.'
r lialVn
ylleer larlla. repteecnlntlee of tbe,
b UlM yeara ayo was a east
Defa^B syndicate, reeeieed aa oOcial 1
■ pworU abootfil an a-ie. Kow
notlficnlM by totter Friday altcmooe
cap ooBBitlre that
I tbe wtoBB-od the
FreA-flrcbBU-ld. of Bbyae City, reasnfty rooeired from Hr. landy, of
Fraston. Oak. a pair of Oerman barea.
r^eraoe Ur Aiorrim cop woold rbey are serrn monUi old, of laryr
in to pnBnihe of Ue-NewYork a sc. and fine speelBeoa ot Ue family
Ury repremml.
H. KellSyy. of Ionia, baa bnuybt a;



Weal Nerm, Tind, Exbaisted


» pr J__________
L.di>' Xld______
8b«. nO Ln, on
aOOpyLadiea'Vkl Kid Sboa* worth
lOgr LadfaB; Patent Leather BUppan wnrth^
» pr Mra'a Satin OH Shoe*, worth UQ, oar

. 1.10
KOpr Men'* Chlf Shoe* worth tJO. osr prie* 1,48
fiOO pr BafaiM’ Soft Sol* Shoe*

100 Children's Siiito. audaof fina OaMsut*
and Worateda, worth IXIO aad 6X0,
8BSaa4 848

Men’s Suits
M Men’s AB Wool Chariot doobU fateaUad
Suita, worth 10X0, our prioa
M Meu's AU Wool
brrsrted Suit* worth ItXO.osi
■0 Men's All Wool doable bramtad artt*
werth 7.00. our pcio*
60 Men'* AB W^aary Twill SaiM *««

60 Man’s Woking Saita wortt 6X0, em
S Man's Finest Cherlot Soil, taOerawda, werth
ISXn. oor price
- . 8J0
n Manb Osfod Gray baportad
mnea (.aswaar*
Suita, worth fOOq oar prioa
> and OretuoA as
ngofatlmrt SOmt


WM Um ihy «TM Um »
trlCktMdnrm. Tkrimjr* w t

oa4 tolotlth.
crowd ta tto frtwUwi goai
ttprtapb^kto: Bnehford. »,M;
elow4 tto wotia
t *«
irWek Wm
eoUoBi laaole.
WirtoBiHy OTMlar a Owar
mcfnt. «Ut»
to)al^ o* tto CToaato. ao4 tto *n»d ^ Word baa baao
lewM« alUw that ralapa of rtdwa will
WwtawUUoM. mt • fMitral
wot fualir. U aartU^, Itoa '
forttodblaaew pfrea
I ito rtuna
.-. ptav
rd«f tryO
w dtp. ta oiUaa; Haat tsH/ U
b». t. {tolllUc.*«, A.e; Taaba, 5; (bd■ttraalTtaatottolrwarttootob t
lllw. n. 1. ;k^ Up Baplda. A lu. Morflartac Hftit* UlamiaaUar tto aa
&!}» bwa
* '*
Mp. 1-.
Howard dtp. T, *;
tto, 4aep atodowt -aador tto n
M»rM. oJ WillUi^bwf. otl*r^ W
.Bpriapa. T; Koelford. •: Uroad KapOa.
TW taf.<rf(h»
M- >
B&. tto tMp dM rUBBorlar
«..*4 Mr.Ovnr
tto rnwad*. tto oalla hoB taal t, t. A Tto total aaMtor of
irodwad (IM Uiw
fUmMfc. ftbi>
•at. tto aaaaalaai baa '
w.laoM< U.-14U««»i »lU««d
Tnraraa aipTIMlapa will anmapr
if of haaao totafo- «ba ooa«a»t
arricab of Ioo4a4 ba»B aad
HMItn ^fW Or««l Arm‘>t 0^
Ut ralap. Hol.lawortb aad Kafka,
tto toatcbto of toer tto taa(bIMMir
tod rvUp. Xp« aad llrowa.
tar aa4 aboab from all aide* B*4o op
I b wiib
Uut t*» e)i
trd ralap. Cbrror aad BUUlapa.
d TO* woleoiM to
•ero* loaf to ba raaiaaitorwl
Tp*»«~C«7 W“
ttb ralap. Ilarltead aad Atlr^
Tto dial tbiar oo lb*- profTM wot a
ytot ood
cob n-lap. CamptoH aad Paipo
laalUUua bj Mn B d dtopaid. of
M. fair fTOMA. btO> «• P« <» » ^Mh ralap, F aodC Cartb.'
o4iair*blpr*B4«n4 aad baortlI^touu £t4"Tto7 ooloolj 4«oB *t] Ui
?tb rdUp. Kroadfool aad LoapworIp appUadad ‘rtta waa CoUowad bp
fj«a •Tvry dlnetbs. u4 tb<
tnmmit W«n SM mrt; «« U>< >1
------- wttb <ne «( tba torr«t aro«<U

wHktto *■!>«* at l«aUi«. Kro<7
----- -■ Bata Mtd toot »owWo««bl a
MB*. Lootaao. 0*4 Kolhaoho. boMatotttodr«*ola Tbaia w*. bardIp Itoa to tto faaapUaa oowiBittta.
wHk Ibair baadaoB* «a« ato tbBr
torlO Bbaad tattUar dnaa toataa
BUb a iHU bp tto proup draaiaBr
ftrta, totokaoM itatloa or aoM a
tato a* M to* batoa tbap *to* oallat to aaolbto. Tto biao ulfina*
«r*B tbitei Tto bopi bad totoa
tto totra. ato. oTtdoallp. ttoj Utod »U tto towatlai*, **trp Iblac tod
tow toda nadpatltofalr roaada
1Wtoata.ltolaaa»bar. prorldad bp

bib urn (hack. t:U; Uia^BApUa. t.

On Thursday.'Friday & Saturday, Sept Bl-23.

pklow. wblta. blar and atripadn. ..
bn;. Eaatw btltw. Lillra of tbr VaUap. 1
Kanto*a.aad oibcn of IhrarpopaUri
aad bwatlfnl towarv wba-k an an'
- ao waUp prven that ao
r coa aS-wd Wv do wltboai
tbam All of wkirb br ta rradp W torotab ID Ttoaaraa dtp enabnoora at Ibr


to- . Owing to Hebrew New Year, j

store open* Saturdap ErenJug. 6 o'clock. ^

New. Goods

I* toa alwao extra tor
(or bouM- Uiutaior dur
rr. al*o plawi boa'U for tbr
water of IhcfkiacortocTail.

low tip ,
kta balla
Itartlaa wtablap to aap h.
drop hiB a poatal canl at

........... Insrary Uosof^.....



tto wwawi aad at tto wwt. t^art
■aMtotoaMwaiMaUwadla tto
■wtotUMf aad ball oat ratioto. 1
r bow Hfttoarowd •

abow bulto aod prkw Itau. bulb of
. wbleb to will rruintae to

wop troM tbsdUatoe W. K. C. pi
lUBltj M >to« Itol/ fOo4 will toward*
elub 'nibaoopwaawnuea bp dalta
Utctonlac 0 4*bl of mbtud* tbot
H. Bp. ta Millar tickau at low ioir>
nh ralap. t
of tbbpraal a. Moor*, of Hall*. tb« forawrlp waUl(W tto roBod trip ' Balaa fn>B Trar■mb retay. H. Itarrp ^-----koowa "liwMrt Hlapar of UlchIpaB.';
WfW Clip area* follow*; Fortk-keU
llU ntay. Waurbary aad Hall.
who wip oa Ito plaUora.
Kteallwt apeohlap followad bp W.
Utu. itUUt^Xj
D Tottaa. of Balkatka. P C. Ulibart.
a ^ Craaaad I. KoberUof TrorM**
Ap. MlM BUaa Abbott of Alto aad
a* If ^
It ....• bat pcaurdap, y^r *11*^
W. Uokam of batbar para
E5l^’,iM-.W.r, a«l I- .
wrIp thi BonilBp. Tto fir* WB* '
M»tbM llkrp^ oftlaeaballbarc
I aborllp belur* » a at. Tto
nllad axoaad, poc aad 1 will tor* paid
rail Bodar wap at that
atopet aaai
CbarlwoU.aBOMbarof Iba MU lad
.. .
Ua raplsaot tbal. wlU tto POtb
tore dowaaBdorwIaptoUa bwrp
wada Ua faiaoa* abarra wlUoat
fall of rrnlo jiwt before Ue tre aad Ur
ordan. Mr Raldparaa lltba oowrildirartioB ul tto wind belup larorablr
lao btatorp of bow Ua charpa erw
Urpe BBUUBt of >oo.»
wlltnrlew^a papaaof pour htawaa weed Tb* low ta •IJ.uoo, _ __________________________
... r.MU laaaroaoA
Tbta ta ‘k'
aad parpauatad Mf I
Uitd Bill uat to. buraad oa U* WB- - — .
---------CM ail to^a lo-dap aad to bappp
aita. Tto ware of Ua Hrrf ta uakaowii
U Ua tojojiocot of
rlrti^lo Ito
The mill ba* not bean noolnp fo
tome week*. Some Ulak UpbtalBi
The pnprtBi Uta a
tto wue. oom* Ulak It waa irteendli
ir brotbara wbo foupbt atao
rp.' Mr Uatfadora ha* larpe tncU c
hardwood and baiul.«sh land* near bee
•)or B. a
and WlU nbuUd at oaae ao a* to b
>t tbal wa will to rwdp to oleiid
r.*dp to raa Uta winter.
UB tto band of thaodablp and (orOBA looblap forward furarMaflar^
Rt*l Ktla-i Titifci
BWWWb to ■ O tot*. Bniwer al DM**
prlaelplMlbal laaka a Irae aad haH>p bald at Cbarlari
k4.alKM*wi:r***) Hi* lt.UA rbla «l Uiak. wo* paaaad to Cobaadar Carrar. itoTrarrrw City peat.
N la LoatarilU.
Itaoaa aad *4} wbo eoatribeted u> tba
.*4 lota (I aod U. Mock i
«^tb*b^Bad*awp^ raot l
pood bBA
aab’.Srd adA-S31».
Soue aflar Ua BWUap t^ crowd baa tblrd of a aaatarp pwaad. Tto aaaW
pao to aaalter. laanp retorolap hone
on tto aarl.r iralaA Tto Fife Lak* aad
Uab bad MUaro ralor prarallM. it lalkaUa |uwU wtll naala la oaBp
woaid ban baaa Ul praalwl niafor- 111 lo-Borrow Bornlep. but bp Ul*
taaatbalCDaldtoraoeaarTad tor alUaraaeboa
Tb.r know Uiat It waa a araoiap awrlp ararp ooa olw will bare
labiroad booM. Ua baabe aad UeaxAndilor Itamonl to R R. Holt, lot 1.
12, HuaUnfe.Leka. t2.lA AIw>
eUamaiil of Ua *o>l lew dapa will
aarrad to
prerallad, aad ta la full
, block 12. HuuU Fife lake, tt <W-

I For Fall & Winter KOW HERE.


aiT^-iK'Kr. ■



Ruliublc Itrp- ftaMMlm Cnrpct nmi (UuHiiiqi tlouiw.

= se27. 229. 231 FRONT ST..


at ito Ttaiawa Otp W. B. C. Tbal
ttoto toad oBoUai waa appraabtad
BM pwaad bp tto Mwwd wbo to|>l
tbM bav btw ^p-ontac UU UK
Tawdap BBttoaallpdateUdto t*V
Macaaibod, Tto Uaaaab Elflt* waa
Ma lawp at aaaa. aad war* topi baap
tor ttonatddttoiapdeiaf Ito roa
Itoa Bwbatttoaa^aad balplap la
Wtarp piitobli wap W .awh* tbloft
llBBH Mr tto oU aoldlan. Ttoli
MM WMO plMbadtatba eirtoa aaai
tta fwad ataad. aad Itop wan top
Bto Mb ttot la looUaf at <
iBWWBitbtofpoatb. Bpaltbtttoar
bwii bad Mr axoaadad ararp oa*^ cal
I—-— Tto uatowara CUad. tto
Mia baildMt-aaarwwdad aad
tto *a«i wan dUad. wblU aaap
•Mwadatto at
dtp betela Tto
•Wb^ tbiwUood to ta aUnp aad


rcroot Jadpinaatare aaallr ackoowl- a Ulnp of U* pa*!.
adpad or forpoilaa. Tbep do aot laa.a

Tto aklrmtab 'drill bp (be llaaaab
falBc* Wedacmlap oftoraooai waa
^ Uelr Botbaro.------------Tto Ilrlnp faaoe prarad ao prwi aa
atbocUoB .that aoma' ef Ue pouap Mdlw alBtoal forpot Ue ball pamw.
I wapoa Icndof wounaalos*. prolied wiUUaeoeTplemeBta'ol J Vf.
UllUkaa. wBcprwbp oppraetotad.
Kalkaaka ba* raawia to be proad of
barbabd. Tbeir mwlo w*. oo* of tto
aa)op*ble twti
**M aoUlop


•«owlnp Ua WinA'
Tto mwt biauUlnl iif pUp*. Kpdnrp
Urondj'. ■•i^j.lur tto tnudr will to
tto alborboD I


Tto amlUnp faaw i
pwtwdnp prore Unt th* old aoldlen
ipw* tn lat a little win apol
Uair fan
Tto nepw atnpliic sU plaatatMe
IBP* and pUplap oa a booM attroetad
aUoalaaUa crowd* on U* proendA
aadwjled back war *M«w to aaap old



taato woeod a** bp *Ma wiU tto aav
•oto obodowp Mrow wbow awnalMaw wwt aotta Ua Mop apo. pfroa
MaowUtowoaBp. Urw dwr to MrhMM laA bohlad WlU oalp oa
WtoWSUUaw. TtodtoroldSap
BOi Bw* Uaa a apBbol. it ww wbal a
tolMo row to wn a Mw abart potn
aga."Oad whoa tto old atroiw roap

aad to ntaro Ubb la kiad. ban w
aolled apen to aooU* Ue
' -M who
wka h
bad *odai-.lap btoio of' Uaw
tto fii
fir* of totbe.
UawwlTw to a*I U Ua
and bp tto w
fiiA tb***wen dark
tpota. Imatwaad ladatlblp apoe Mr
Blad*. Ap^a Uaro wwn brIpM and
pleaaaat barn la oar taidlar Ilf*: Uv
W* brlaplop a* kind word* from borne
aad trUsdA waoaiBpiat aad Bppn*tabrr mawap** froa aBlaanl mw. aod

Ito old wrrto. aad

iWBonU* “aap
HaaMbtapalaaaa l“hwrdUa*BU
■wp. tba bap* an

■Mad MtatoapUallnaaaa rebel to
tto bantablp* and lodlaa of oer aner
•errioA Aad *o w* tad. Unnpb all
Ua p«an ataa* Uat airf*l war:ttwio
ban b**B aaap dark and trplar '
toe Uoa* wbu rataiwad boa*

w Mb «MWpb bwrt atlrrad at tto op troB weoad
In Uewrrl.



. tea. Mi*M Citp, Baatfart. Uka Clip.
Mlata*. lUTtbparv CtoataaM. HaataM. MM lakA Ctorleeala. B*ombIa
Tba4M.AMaa.QwW*] Iwln.batdaeAaa. Btrbar SprtapA IMrtor OroMi.
■Maartb. Many of tbaa* wan aell~nr' • bp Sow at Vataow aod
Bomb'* taUM Oatpa BaaUW tbla
tbanwwaaiddtonfnBdotatoateU•rpMawaadlateat Mob aU onr tba
MUa.a*natroB aoatbaraaad watira

Uoe to tto Unaaui. eoBlnp oeer
Olea Sana an aa IsdUa troU.
UerbaroDB PwV owutatlap of awrlp
101) Ttomo* CUp retanw did llaalf
prood In lU droai oorp*. Hr Millar aad
little at«taMaWHarep HoeoA wiU tto
Himw BUM Miller and Uxxi* Uodpw
w droaaen. wen -'tot of alpl
A roll* of which Ma)oeMel
Obwa I* )B*Up pwd Ic a wd
laU* Aroipcd Ue CaBtarlaad bp a
eerelrr aetteua. O* ocad It In Ue
parade pwMrdap. aad ttaaiphtof
m ttrappad <& behind beoopbt bank
p to ooteta tto*
B Obto. la IrciB I'OB*


Atardapt a* la
«o«M« U* botU* arp fl( Iraad
•war. tamo on brl^ epota
tthi iBpoBlbl* ta pin tto
f eat oicM U* Ha*, aad I to■ambai pn**al tram *aab poM. tot _______ at I mAwtSc awtiweata of e»eep old aaldMr aadwitor wlUiu U*
Bwa^ Uaw wbteb a*Bt qolwa
bwriap e< ap eetoA wbw I aap Uat
Uaok poa Mw tto worm rrwUaf w*
toe* rewired fioB yo* and bop* to w
JJXSTiXtoMdto toXUta
peodip bwpUiIap, tot tbal It Bap to
M poiar Utw w wall w oer* * b^ht
M*} R H Oreeo. of Ctaarieecdx ww
Ueaaaaoeamdaad bdded hi* Beetlap wlU U* eld eoldlcn of Ue Bla*

^ to select trom. by actual oonut.



I. froB MalBA Kew I
Rhode Itlaad. 1
Iowa Celando.
lead. llanaoBbendai
oto. toeiap aoltated ta tto poabtol
otA Tton an «n aarolMd
■* anoM fiou
who ton ato i

aod tto Oiv> Bl LaatartUA He era*
followed bp Ml** J. Veaa BopoA ef Bv dap anoeltooitpatoelkB ta ozeiUac
MMir* «dd awolMd. aad a Mw ■pnapo. who read a plwitnp aad wall
otatA Piaddtot Marry, at tl

Qai.l»*H*vui,«. r.



in the Wuriburg lllk. ■

Ob'ieape and Batura. $7.0a

iBAddlboD toUe roeta rl* S.t Joa
and lioat Uohet* will to auld for Ibe C.
A \f. M eacur*lun Ih totor Ut. loChl-



•ccurerv up * tximpatanloumpaep <>■ cr Ue tllracbun of
______ ThUpUp tuurba*
Ur bwrt Itatbue and eomedp are *ub■: tbr climaxw
llmelp blended tupeUar:
Tbr plot ta
art eurnrtalnrly tlronp.
----------- Ua quaint oaalaid Is Wland.
epecla) IwtutA
l*|Me of Uat en____________

Th* kep nob. *f tb* eacaaipawt ww
tto "WelooB* VetaroBA'’ wkleb prwtad eewj oa*'* epe* la the blp baaner
at'iie wtroao* of Ue rrouudA
pa* b*T» ^kea-taoi to-day........... —
Job* Dwwp. of Oton Ua*«B. M
tlarlap oer aoldlarTB* Uwr* w*n
aaap dark ead Irplap tlB*A Map and BBcap lb* etalton Hr IMewp broapbl
tadtooi Barebw. abort roUoa*. U------ ttofimtaew.olLlnaoM'caaaaad '

nu patr-' at tto ataerp ■

We wka A boBineu of It, and can aerre yon to your entire aattoldotion.
Onr new Fall atylee are all tn.. Someofthe handaomeel detlgue yon ew aaw,
j Those haU Inch atylee, In bronae green, pare white, chocolate, gUt, aatln aUwi the
5 ln<ih wide aoUque Oak, burnished gold, aUver and white. Rosewood. Cherry..........

ilallo{X‘m-(l II


. reapoBdad w follow*
___Protadftu vf jyaawn £?Ur;
addrwtaof walaoB*. .It falTa
aa aaBBaadar of Ue Oroad
.. ttot pbarpodopalaap bUlaUw
________ *BBH.II.tinii of SoldiaiB and
tto rotola- Sn Mop *rk-bot bnr*
ItailorA M napond. Bad 1 oalp wtab I
b^atabaad a beat to to pro«d-oo had Ue Pitt Japaaati to *a*blr o» la
tocodat To tbaaeofUk
culap wordA to expn*e to poa. Hr.
PrwMaat. aad U* eibiaaa of Traeene
it wM afola dap, a dap

And the Framing of Pictures |
Are All Our Specialties.

Frank Friedricti

, “Ipala. tap faUow aoldlora. I Wd' poa
. earad w UtUa far It w for
4. fol^ afabw aadatoll la tto old
dnB . Tbr old tniaier* Ulak to. t.
Ua Man of p^ bwiu aod Ua tall a ' '
tlwtA «p aU-t
baowlap Uat poa bar*
Tto Bop. Haad taemad M be am
tawM atoUaaaMatirriap ataoMt of aoaatrp wall.
wtora at oaaa. aad Ua rtaltora an
mIMI mocM bapoa to tu tod ta
noa* la Uelrprataaof tb* fl
MBAaaM. Dawa ttop cobm at tact
Mm iBwptBtaacUaaA “Old OtawT



Bine badpw an In afUaBce oa
a oaaUrp apo a
oUan' band, la
Kalkaak.'* oaaaao Bade Ulnp* M
ar la prolosUap. deraloprlral web oUar
lelap a cootBoa barliapa. rarp taallatle.
lap and adroadi
wordaolwalT OBBBOl alow

---------Troraraa CUp taplad aad prood to
aOBa to POB wHboat rafarrtap to Uoar wcloomr tto old aoldlan.
ICTlap Uaiw Uat area* fraab la tap
Th* proprOBA priatad la pat
Mlad aalflVBan todAp. wbac band
..............................maa pattorad , eolm ware pnaoatad bp Dollop A BiUrw towaUer troai tto thee

Ren wwi
tot bto tom pawad awUbp
dare Uaa
plMaallp br. la rWlliW. Mwp ulllap _____ ________ up aoa* aad bai
toad* lor UMt eountrp * pood. Kota
tod rcMlabtoap. MiapaaiWdd*
of poo an at bora* aod before aw b
win* lBttotewB.aad"tapt” »<
dap- To oUan It WM aan Uaa pood%
o'aloBk bp to------ — pot aa aad le |b« toa.-H wwalaal farewell. Sob* of
ooUa woaea are wlU lu »U11.
ipwwof Klaplad tottltap OB Uraupb Ufa'* ladloa* )oar-


Pictures Unframed,




Pictures in Frames^I





z'z.r^ isnz


w*. tto oBoaca oeoapylof tto
Mato la tto row, wbUa tto
I waoa pat ap at tto aiBa«


iSaabap abnald pu loto U<
prooBd la bnw to raorlre Ur toardt of
(befall rain*, tbml.rroaUwaroouut
aa wrip aober ta d.wlnl>lr Mr. Katrboakawtll touuluf Iowa for a while

III MlM. Tinea on, Ita.

Steinberg’s Grand Opera Honse.
j-ONE night I-a
Wednesday, ^September 25th,


Eversrthing in the way of Rye*
Buckwheat, Graham and Wheat
Flour, also Meal, Feed, Bran,
Middlinga, Screenings, Oats and
Com. , .............................. •

Hannah & Lay Co.

The New York Empiiie Theatre success,

BidnoT Orandy.

The Wind

n«aw.' te jfgotui fits.
Presented in all its accuracy 'with a well selected cast

Prices, B&o. 60(^ 750, and $L00.
Bwu to wM at Box oaiw. Hoaqap OMrUap at a o-dock.

MF&.F.M. Ashton
Invites the ladies to Inspect the
large and stylish stook.of

Fall-and Winter Millinery!
ytunual Fail Opening, Tuesday, H'ednesdap
and TJtursdtir. Septmher 2i, 25 and 26.

* * a.
The Latest Koveltar'-FMther Boas*


6O0, 750, $14)0 and $1.5a

No boom,

simpiy scarcity
-------in leather. Yon who have hides to sell get g
more than double last Spring's prioea How
much longer will you be able tog^ .ehoee ^
present priceef ^ what we're drivtag atf §
Want you to get your shoes before you have
to pay a great deal more tor them~wsnt tou
to get'em where you can get tbemoii tor
your money—that’s here.



State Bank.

«aaaipiodroNn.m f.Ajudt.
bdd pcaterdap afuraoee aV oiaMlM.
drtkar W. Clark. Uimad Laolaar.^
1b( pnaaet m wera proMV laeladtatrip area. Vt after
iacrUlomfraa lVk>dr«aal Prasbtv toortk. tv Vcaaaha alao wrat I
fock Aauaoa Vp. Kaal Itap. KIk Bapud tVeanw woaV ap IS to
Ida. Torch l«ba. Vllaln. KaMportaod.
waa a blf crowd ga tV (roaod
Maaloo. At
tv (taad ataod Vlaf oowdad
Vlltat tapaoltp.
Ilriaoolt WM
badlp hBndarivlVraBa,'tat plwkilp stack l« hla post aa oateVr till U
TscaatoadUtiBr Ub woah

Clreolatlon this *e«k 2,m
Ou«—II c< Ti)-d«r* H«r»ia.

» fUi 11lMii

tv Wm*

‘lararaa Cltrk "hrlfbtaat aa>
> VtterV IcKdap will V Watklas
IV Joale Titaawnt oa Moodap to|
UaalaodM eollc«c. Waahlartoa Citp. *o aad UetUalep. Hocnai aV hrisoull.
AltVcfb IV (VaaaV team U plapoollarlate adrtatlua.
lac to lose lUa •nwk. It b a rood 1
aad It b dmplp tV twtaw of
tVl lack b afSloat tham. W« Vre
»1M ter «nmlMU<a. nit •
Vra then earaatrs abd kaow h
of obotm
Tta* nosii


tbOMfrfBwToidorVol*. Ukno BtcUion Honru leoT«
rocwl OUoBealBoit.
OiMlnit IIOOMCW fuaa
CM wnlv to Um caOMTcVwt of aa- deals of tv dip will V«e an
OVrtlii collifa. wbri
to attend Ibr (air thda pa
pal la a paar^ pnad wort oc
d Vforr aiarc IV carlp bbtorp
V OmwmMm 09M)
la whfek rto te aliaadp ao iwoVImL
TV martinca of tV
Honpaid Wirt* U>aa woaia tU IV tllatr Uortk-Bltoral aoeirtp la ooai
fuwfUi -«arrMa.-fiMc aad lion with thr (air will V of Intern
Om. tVo. tWn OW!
enhlUlioa of (raiu
will be laaib at tV fair, Vt the
inaa will oceor la Uhrarp boll.
of flowm and
MO tVt V b propcrlp re«Warad la IV aracd la wklrt V mow planla will V vada The lueal fbrbta,
will lake part la
la ortar V role V tv diat dtp
uptam erceoalcetVi. out Moadap. Plaaa of rccao arc; Ward Mo. 1. Ubraip hall: hoacBbaabec^aaeared.
fltatiiMlijB wlir VbaM Wi
No. t. Hlioarp aobool VUdla* oa
. Haaaoa ataadi aa hoar aa tV
Arc.: No. ktHd Orttial aeVol
precroB of (V fair map BaVeoa<
VUdiac.oaWadawtwthatrcaii Ko.
leaUaV theta will VaecMdOo <
Cntaaooa and afteraooo dartaf IV
PrVarp aeVol VUdlnc, «ala ai
can lOfbler froai » a. b. to
TV rwpeic aad lopV are aa follows:
w. on Vlaidap of Ikb weak. Look to
"HbUicp of Frail tlrowlnc ta tV
tlrmad TmecrarJbdhB.' JadeeJ.
1. of TVtcrae dtp.
UansLa lUraaa alraicbt-oot poMVt t Bw ta Weihera Mbbican.'
HthMl flehU Thb BOMCicJ ticket BllB. H. KeUivr. of loaV
-TV Futara «f Frail Tiaasportatloa
tarar with tUa pi
m Mirtifan." UcB B. a OraVa. of
••TVMhUtaa tVrt.* adbenain
poa COBS V bU IVb all op It b apt
of tV tenoral oabjael of peart prowbad wees
TVn map
*t«a» V B»c MdOoj.
McOlV. Itort BODOOd
lac. tad kp Boa. D. W. «tVp. c< Do^
te tV t:«o paetac raca at tba law. (VtbptbbtlowtVpare Blpktp
TV VJaat wan aol (clip andeMoad.
• iTtotta davofamy w
aad to aoBc wont Into It aol fallp aev
aola Mat HcMday. aVI V aoM Ui «tehaVat of wVt it Vpltad. Aa it now
M Mnlrhi. ' TV <m dip alvllcM
staada IV npahliw Vre ^ tV
■■revBa nrea." 1‘rol. W. J.
rioollarml aoltaca.
-Mew FralW at tV rta
pcari’-fea. T T. Lpoaed S
V not Iivn, to thap arc ->t*a%kla.‘aad don't like a ndn-op like tUa V
-&BaU Fraita lor KcrlVra »lbUlor
rtiPlj. TWc wlU V a Vaap plaid
aa.- dVoBkB tod bp B. M. KdlacB.
la amkebb partp
tUa paaraMd tV prtoa li carT^wod
,lafiptow. wood Maaad baUc paU
•-. ar.TWr.C 8.
■- &
'• C
____ fl.(W


n H. K. Altrlckl. Fawar.
<%areh wlU V bdd nest Kandap
l«ii> a. m. la tV new hall orcr Mon
C*^ hardware store- TV peUW b
co^lp taritad. Vbiect lor
>p. -Jwhaa Beaewiac the Core

HapUat rtarch Meal Vnday aoi
nndewralnc. TV W Y. P. T. a»
•qaadatc^lto'etock. Mm. Northrap will bad. . Sabjert. "TV Hapta
BiacolA'brbtlaBjIkMioaaat Vtiort.'
rnnaatNii* n^Aiau.
Bar. O. M. NorthrapwlU pmeh at
te chapel nest Vadapn(-l:lt p. B.
Sandap school will lollow. AUarsta-

VbUth school. a:4S a. B.
MeettaC (or worship. 11 a. rt
BadBror maeUac. S:1S p. m.
teinc warship. T JO pm

1 arc eordUlp taTiled to Mtewd
serrkaa. Charcbcwwsr of (M
and h-Uth ttraala.
Local. iTiKia. ■■

May not need them a1) at
one time, proliably won't,
bnt we sell them in any
quantity. Come in Fair
week and astonish your­
self with a look at onr
immense line of crerything pertaining to a
first-class clothing stock.

TV Veal C B. t'nloa will hold
piaper maattac V tv Frieoda- char<
now arantag. AUare arredylo

Braatag aarc V at T:M.
A Twp eordial taritaUoa b

rB ta aa aneaad-

daces a grc.. _____ ________
bVorp af Ttarccar Otp. Of IV
Uagh wVa tV diuatiat dsa
debcalaa aU VI tkiaa ware preo
ofpark arena.- Dr. Beak "TV awakeslaaghter.wcrpwbee V .
tti afaar« eooMdl to lock V the
aadlVtaardlVVll was faUof boat pard aV walks and drlraa.- Prof.
wsMted te
«l Mn. Kawaarek. wV wai taivad ta
lota. AH Vtthiai
Talk "TV liehool PicBbea.- Mr. llraU.—
It of thoas
•‘U aaa dateeUaa rtVwalk. Va
"Uae at Ftawera.- B. C. Vld.
•dhpS0M.pBrT7BaBeoaaaopoo IV Bma Ufa.-Mr.
V K J. KBai.Vli«al^BiBU» a

you will be mote as-1
ionished when you j
enyuire Prices oj j
same-A Dollar will!
go so much farther i
than you thought it I
would. . . .


■arttaop TaiMp. TVaanan loaf,
diliia fawa. arMk a laita. toll ta
aad«v*t*thoroa«tilp rtp^
parw of Onmi Tiaaaraa. wall V ■

ct Baps of tv atp V had
taald V Ua. aad tV mobI- tv eecalac aeaalaaa. a»d
s dean InaBanvr to re- eal^eeta wUl V taken ap ta nart
M kb Ufa shall Vapaiad ton.
MoabaadotVr plsaatapalrt
war axpaclad tV atraede lor prerroB ^ V aappltad bp Ue paofda
athm eaaeaaebrt aad trawWbBC twoorBoro arc ta tV
hoaal ruse Vea b.
ftaid V BOBtaatloa It BBt Mlaw that
UandqBMnnia cl IV
Fvk Plan heart


TMadaai. dari^ rak waah. <

The Perfection Washer


^owtaB tv Wind.*
a C d. -WiuTaiT aad m'
id Irea Martarw paaMrtap. oMd

Caps or
Furnishings ?


We want every one to
come in during the Pair.
It will be to yo«r inter­
est We have sorpasaed
aU previons porebases as
to vahies and assortment
Jndge for yoaraelves.




It is conceded to be the best
by thousands of families who
are using them to their entire
satisfaction. .So simple and
easy to operate, a c^d ten
years old can wash with it.
Yet more durable than any
washer in the market. It
has a Steel Bottom, Metal
Gatohestohai^the rubber on.
Rubber Paoki^ between the
bo^mand sides, which re­
lieves the strain on the bottom
by the oontraotion and expan­
sion of the sides. It is hwdsomely pmnted, perfect and
complete in every partioular.

i j



Bm b • turr thM «tU asap
wHk ttao* ■< U* au witk »■
AvaalAlMtoanudWte K
Waalirf tiT r
------- ‘----------- -

Ib^qaaMlaefarAabaUMIb* Good
Mr. BUM WM ia Tra*M* Otj IM Tiaiplarb ImIc* lo-alfbl b. -B*aol«*d
ta BMabaaaAl la a bi
la ba**a iMert laealad
* daapkur
Bd.Wbita*p.a(HapU Objr. b pla»>

Ml aCabs «w • aviblM r<*« M'- *>

Ha KM ««r pMlOT. M ib* lom bi
rrtter Malac. » bHv lb* eloa
MlMM par.
Abeat M •
«0Wa WatemtlM npM*. lo wU
•U «U MifI* )ali«.
rrima* BI
Hr. Hm W« bap* Mr. Mm aad

Hlah t*a4*d bb beta
MbUlaan Ibaatba 4aT.bat >»«><
M U*t lane"
TaAap ap*a*d ap vltb » *eU
U bprabaWj tb* eb*ac*b*lwM
«rbU*atboa* BcfOiataa.
Mr *Bd aataasB.
Baptd* tb* ar*t af lb* «*ak
Hr. Clark ol MlathaM a


aaraial wadt* at
Fir boaw IB Ub* View. Iowa. «a .
ap. Darlap tb* »*r*r*l *BBB*r«
Mr NiwdbBB BBd tBBUp bar*
•imt is tbb plao* U*p bar* aad*
BBsp trtaod* who bop* lo wdouiM
tbaai book apalo Beat pear.
The fullowlap are t&* arrlTal* at tb*
Hpriar Uosae darlnp tb* lad two
knak*. C MacKep. W*d>lBpV>o; F.-^
IMSbar. a**elaBd: P. W. Watt*. Cblto; r. P. SUealp. wlf**ad*blld. C..
VaaRraebllB. P. V. Uollldap. F. E.
Ab*Ub, P. Wclw Tiartrae Clip: Plot.
.. Ut. TorkTille; Ctanoe Warw.
Abate Warorr. Jao. VarBeraad wife..
UlaBd; B. a Dowsard. HUwa*kee;
U. qbrk. ProTldeaer: J. P. Tieoklar. P. l\ LMraadwit*. Oraad Bap-

with tb* toBlIp.
Mnlbw Ikbaarakaf «llb L.
***MlaMT*aad PtbelUa BacM>
O.BHia taa*h*r. Mr. BaM bi
atleadad tb* & it. dbtrtol aoaresi
Ml* Oaae aad daa|blar of Wbi
foaial&aaBioai vbba* e< aU totar1 <ear«aad at Aem* ibtardap
r*rblUaf atCha* B*ToU'*(ora t**
aab*4. tbal bb ■■»■■■ at laat r*ar at
aad aneiap. Bepl. Utb. with
leOa* Ua IbraaCb tb* aaailaf p«ar.
r.17 pl*a*aal*>ebl w.* bMd la
Morwapbl LaUUfBB ebercb
w aad t>a depraw la iba abode la*t
wert.wbieb baedaaeeora aad pouton
edertol anoaat of pood toward*
0*0. Wall**. 8r.. ha* b*caa op*
ripealaptbea. aadalatf* per**
loa* ta tb* «r«etiae uf a aaw bpaie
rB ha* taeeb eat is tb* past few
tb* «a«aBt lat *a*(af J. Uta*p Cob.

Allee Marl BraaebrUp. wb* luale
Baallac coustp. Hlob.. April Cl. liMt.
BBd died at her father-* booM ta Uraal.
Itwt. apdd to pear*. I outotb*
The deoeaeed cane to Oiaod TcarCTM with her pareat*<wbeo lire tbari *
pear eld. where *b« reelded uuUI elpht
ape. wli*o, In^tlred bp the iitceeBlapb*B CbBrchlll. wbe bad Ur* of a aotale aad pure Ufa. (be went
ooUmUi, a drarrbtot
aalllapforaloBptlB* witb baart .10 Rraad Raplde
■aj b *paodla» a few dap. —
B. Madlp a< Lak* Aaa b Tblliac tab
« Yurh Clip ^.jble. died of drot>p of lb* heart
waaUl baoM a**r New
aad taeipaatadlo
Frldap ereBlar *boat A:W o'dodi. at
Tb* Uraad Trarenc Bcaaui bp w*1ape.of VI PIBI* like a ahoek ol
; from the Otaod
I ripened end teedp tor tb* Macter,
ga*w**klp*bltartooarbo**«* .«
tok !ar It a* w* do f(B- a IrtUr tros
top B loBBlp baalwsd and a tarpe
eartrlaad. V* adnlia It aot oelp taw
Turaer A Carroll *, aad boldlap pcalMa* of Bie akodlaatqaalllp
Unai'ol treat aad boeor. *b* ar^atred
ofleB called, hat be*B
clMrtppaaadTklaable laadlac
Wm. Bano** at CblUaa aaoatp b
a-^ttioo ia the
the UimadTraraiaeeuaBtp tor ore
Brttlar. bat Ma.Up b.
Hialbg aa* tte* la Onat. balaf
of pjbr* BBd dariap hm aojoom et Wl
cana« hM br tba ..laa Ola*** a( bb
natll fallfap health, lait *prlDp.
here BBd* a bast of Mead* who
M«M. Hr*. B. Barraa. Hk*b
■ted her sertpBaUoo. She Ibeo
•addeawlttbrtr^^k*'death. Tb*
laa*t«rMt»Uh BtU*bapa«< bar
for the benefit of ber
a hel<r«ttb* efaerefa Hoadap.
HofX. It. the Bee. Mr. HUU of Elk bcallb. whieb araUed lllUe. aad two
weekt apo abo retamed lo ber huiae to
Sapid. oPtoUUap. Altboopb
aad reek lit-1
r*lap dap a Urpt eoai
P. r. OaakrbltadTiartMOHp paw
tie Ibiaklap bar final itatao near.
patherad to pap tbdr last triboU
Tbedewwaed enlled wllb Ibo Bpiw
*Wlb« habkiHbMr. Ml*. M. B. Dafrtood aad Bdpbbor.
Mr* Aaderao* b at BaWaa* Baj tb*
ebildreo of tb* deoeaecd that
Ht waek.
learp of
ol OadUlaq' »»«" b'f
aat wer* Hi* Dearp
I, B. BabUebIppadaaotbar gar load
iber BDlU ber death.
Hr. Albert ChBnklll aad wil*. Mr. aad • «»i»t»*‘
brother bare poae
tJoFdee.HB. H. NA Bolber ood
.•albard*ad*ea*r*Tbltiatr*l- Ml* fbotber* of Bait Pordaa.^i* El­
tad three brotber*
atlM la tbaaaatbaia part of tb* *lal*. ba AlUa aad Mr* Aadp
her lew*
Ml* Oaba*. f
Tb* (blafl* Mill *t tbb plae* b *bBt Ysba. alsositoUrasd i
*w«at b«m> Mbfldwabar* A*b
Tort who ware bwa aakisp Mra.
dawB. bartap Baiabwl tb* *e**oo
Tb* hapf**Mpatl*atoara »U laar- Ctaarcblll a rlell el tb* U»* of b*r
death. Thar* wee* two daapbler* end
iBp for tb*Ir bon** wblab mak*
Mr MHr* DU.<rf
leap aad palatal Ula***.
Ia tb* d**tb of Hrotber Wlphtmaa
tallp. Hr. aM Hi* Ibwb. bar* lasurer Lake pmap* ba* lost
*ft*ld* Oca* pramb** ta b*
of iU bipblp eeteeoMd member* belap
iber and aerrlap eontla.
P. B. Faaah b pr«panac to Mora
aoBSlp M Cbaplaib alaa* iu arpsaltaCaMilp toWoblTalaoMo.. at wb
tlea. ThereliM.
plM thap aapaei b> mak* tbair b*
Jhaoleed, That
rirtuca ud erer ebarUb tbe metaorp of
Marriad. 8*pA It, J«a*a roaeb
brotber tor
bb faithful
aeaeto oor order,
■rder. for hb
HtaMlaabKaUU** Waaateade
Maratta DaSM arrlrad ti«a> Fox
ebaraatar kaoera
kaoera to at wortbp
PiM baanU tea Mtad bb
fralalattoB* aad wbh Omb baaltb aad
of imltailcm.
bappiaM* aalhepaall aloaf la tbb
>. PrtB 8*bta<n it rWUap fitoato
Ha.Bbbba«ba*f«Mta Ttaahbrt wortd at toil aad atrlfa. Tb* aa^lp
la TraeoM dtp.
■arrlad eoapi* will b* artilcd at lb*
a. K Dlx BBd wito. of CUeapo. arrieid Unape Vbltor for pobtloaii
Ctarp taka boM forth* wlalar.
ad at tb* Wankaaeo Frldap.
a eopp br ibBt to tbe fauilp end the
at* beepreedd apoa our pranpe n
Mra U F. Uoxle It etollihp raUU***^
B^ f rlasdlJBTiaecr** dtp.
E. E. Beebe aad wife ol Chteapo
B*ato at tb* Waakaioo I**! week.
J. WII.1U...
Tb* W. C. T. ir. will bold a iBot
Bdwaid Oar bad lb* larrart
■ertiap at tb* WIIm eoitape tbi* afof vrala of aap oaa aroaad boa; bb

A etna mak-



Mm. Bap*wtaadHi*A.t
BaaA Ch^ ar* *bWM *bb !

rtaia WB* aoMaiQf o*ar BOO b*
W. O. BaaUac* b r*aalac bb plaaalB( BlU q*ll**l*adp. bat with tb*
■toek oa haad lo fdaee U wiU b* eoU
weather betorab* *aa oMpteU hb
TVm* PahMa b pwhlar lb* work
ea hb a*w beaaeaad *oom of tb*
aeifhber* are ebowfar iboir apspatbp
tor bla Ua«*tT
tap balpiac bUa.

O. b%bt «< Sbaibp. Otaai
•M lb* faM ef Mr. aad Ml* C
■aa «» a «•» Aap* laat w«afc.
Aaalk« of tbaaUpkaaeti o
Mr* M.Pb«**Mi*OB> *ad Oha* Maalp taa* pateed awap. Poka
W*M tt WbitbUr. tad.. dia*A wMb diadlart w**hHoadap wlttaoa*
HJ*a.aaaabbat«ate*adbP*d Muank abaBweb dbrtii
TWBIiia»7 1*1*11111 aftb* T. f. A. ll**d far aloaf tlMO* tb* abore of
Boaad laba. at lb* pedal kaowa a*
fladth'* taadlar. U* wUl b* *adlp
Mtoad. aat oelp bp hb own toatlp
bat bp a brf* dial* of aalrbWaa, *•
b* w**a«*rplrtad beartad Baa aad
aa obllrtBC aeirkbor. B* wa* b
BaclaaA aad bad Head a tow paara to
AiMKalb. a* WB*« p**n of .
Th*a H taMcbpaaelb* aa** aati**
Mrt at Oraad Trama* ora
tp tb* baaaaa aad asperlM
^AabMBb aWMatbb p

Hr. BoMcpb
w aeUap a* eaptala
Chea Webb.
Eer.-li. Steal* aad wif* Ufl Frldap
tor a *l*lt witb friend* is tb* *oatbwa
part of tb* ttate.
Mb* Wialtmd HafabiaaoB mad*
trip to Tiarcr** Qtp Frtdap of lea*
art.rrtamiac Satardap.
Mb Lottie Baebaell •
aeadap tmoi TmT*i*e Cttp wbera *b*
had been for ecteml week*
dboat twaatpoMbeU. A. B'*
lb-dap for Trarene CUp wbara Iber
wDl attend tb*
B. uniaodwile.aiidM.far. Mb*
Jeule. arrlred Wedscadap eeialnp «*
tba Alio* M. UUI from Chtepo.
Tb* Uili*.’ Beaefil aoelrtr of the H.
E. ebarrt will mwt at tb* bom* of
Ml* Abbott Frldap of next wart.
- * eararoaUawblebtaarabaaBao}op«d bp saap tor lb* past few weak*
aia BOW oaoaMd BMoap tba pi
af tbepaat.
•ra wlU beartirtaa pi.
piraa bp lb* Ladfa* AU aoeirt
B«nMoolb. Tbe^ubi
•-dad apo* a. pat.
Mr* Barbal Krtl aad ao* C
Trtrarto Oip bara bees Mabtnp tb«ir
- ralatir«a aad friaad* is tewa a
rWt tor the part tow waak*
trt. Mr. Bmtb aad wU* M iba H. B.
nrah l*ft Taaadap tor Fraakfewt
whan Hr* n**tb wUl

u. W Fuller, of Oaaajobarie. K.
••petbat b* alwap* ker{ie Dr. Kinp'i
New bbeorerp la Uir buen end bit
familp ho* *lwapi found the rerp bnl
malfa-follow Iu u*e; that be woold
BOl be wlUioat it. It proeaiBbl* II. A
Dplceomn. Drnirrbl. Ctatrtill. K. V..
*ap> that Dr. tTlap* New Ubeorerp U
nadoobfadlp the twet Coogh rt^p:
that he ha* need It ta bb fatallp f<w
«i^t p*ar*>ad it ba* BeTcrfaOrt todo aU that b elalmed ftw It. M'hp not
top a naiedp la loop tried and towfadT
At t. U. Johl^-* aad li. E Wait-F
Dr^ Star** B^olar abe. Me and

erv mm m rwacup loc
out. prt a bottle now
lU medletae bu been
larip adapted lo tbe
nitof aad cart of all Feme],
If Com
platau. eaerUaf * woadrrfol dlirewt ta■acaee ta plrlrt •tneptb aad
tb* orpaa* If po* bar* Lo*. of AppeUlo. Coortipattaa. Headarb* Faiailap
ItelU. or arr Nrrron* Slenlea* BxeitaU* Helaaehoir Xjr troubled with
Diop Spell* Btartiie Biller. U tbe <rtdieta* po. aaed. Unltb *ad etnnptb
•OB'* Drop (tor**
To* Barr Salt* ta tbe wo^ far
at* Brobe* Sam. tneer* telt

$B.oo iHHTJs;

___ wurbTcirtJi


«a*a liibMi *< Hr* Orbttb
• b **fT ta«r.

does not interfere in any wsy with the sale of any of our poods
in the Grocery line. We sell nothing that is not absolutely pure.
This is especially true in‘the quality of our

We have tdways taken pride in knowing that “Ours are Pure”

Pepper, Cinnamon, Cloves, Allspice.
Everything in fact, in the spice line is of the same' high standard
of purity.

we handle only the best. Our blends are not experiments, they
have satisfied lovers of good coffee thoroughly. We can satisfy
you for less money than is possible elsewhere. We certainly

with the largest assortment that is shown anywhere. Anything
from the English Breakfast to the cheap Powdered. Too much
cannot be said of our regular Japan Tea labeled
H. M. 3 TO 4.
We offer this brand to the lovers of really good_____________
tea. It is not of that weak, tasteless, nerve destroying quality,
so common-among the many kinds of tea, but has a stimulating
tonic effect such as no other tea has. It contains less nerve de^
stroying taunin than any other known, and is therefore the most
perfect tea grown. It is fragrant, rich and of a satisfying fullness
wherein lies the true worth of all tea. One pound is actually
worth IJi poimds of any other—it really makes that much more
liquid—this is due to its richness. “H. M. 3 to 4,” is therefore the
cheapest and most economical of all teas. 'Gse this brand and
you are sure of most healthful, satisfying beverage, very stimu­
lating and bracing, audits extended use is growing more and more.

The increasing demand for this brand is of itself suf­
ficient evidence of its superiority and should recom­
mend its use to you.

50c Per PoundWe sell Barker’s Hasty Lunch and Sandwich Chocolate,

rtptloaaaad tndUn]p aara. PQ.*
orap imrt^Blnd. It to paaimataod

- bp J- O. JahoaoiiaBda B Wait.
lo-dapwlIbHr. BmiM
MtarUebbaM afUr
an nfaleiaplobearef the Im--------n dap atBp^TBJi B new Tart.
Tba HiMa an ■
pnrfd h*aia of Matbaa DaOaUar. wbo
.. .0 Dalnlt. ria
Mb* Uabard af LoaeTba* mAo
MTKOIT ^•dBapUtaUHirtleft last ipriaptorOalwBdowkaf
ptoaaaat *bll bar* Urt
aw tUaki h* wUl m^a far tba wtBMr* B. J. BrlakBaabai r»* to
law* to rtdt bar paraato te
Ht* F. r. HaCUUaBd. farMrtp
trmta. oata
wBl taar* Tnnraa atr ataJO'* m..
laaldaat of tbb plaea far maap paai
laahaad halap 4 paauw af tba Ort- anfrlopat DetrtaHMtoM p. to; auppncaUaBBl eharak. b mklap
Mm. «** Taatar
trfabdi ta tUi plea* a rWV
eababwW baaabaM «bUiB( at Ihb
Mb. Mlaota Hmtao*. who baa
gbaa. laMMd la tbHr baaM la T>*rwrttap at tb* Waakaao atae*
TtaeO. EALwfUrwB
Srataftbb p«ar. tatl taol Thandap tor
0-Ma«*M btb.o*A** *(tb* Aap
Hr»* MBaaA *aaa haaHar Ibao«» af«M aHM
Iba a*p* ar
baatlbMbwtaat Ibapap wbialbap
Mart ban bea**. bat Ibap 4aa*t
aap BaM irbaa tbap labar*.
IH.aiA MmH. C

Now in

___________ > tiW * to. arrMrt at
> raeost a* lb* oeeepwal* Mn.
1 aad daophfar. Mba LaMK
- 'U'far Ibab ban* wOl taa pwad ntomlw oa rr«atar
bota* BBtU Oct. bd. Ttarrmrt miim
totof^ Ptonbepaad^Saf^

Von HQUten’s Baker’s BppsHavley & Hoops -


Baker’s Premium Chocolate. Gherman Sweet Chdcolate
A Iways the Largest Dealers in Everything.




a«aj. WHaa
WHea ka raaaM ^
aiaa iraa u> baa.
_____ _
aaaaa hiadwy la. I





s= Q.E.Boughey’s

«M« Itodtdk. Okic^_________


a*2TL*!JlLa^ ***■



OmU M Wite I
-Yaa-rp a<M» a* tha ataak ap faUa adth Ika apraadbif^ Ba atn^M
nllaaila. aad nd klianlf aaraiaJr
aunch^ a>d aaaaaadad ta kuldiar Ika
• Wa-f» alarlar (ban aaa. bal i
•at Ua-fk ap." n*M,d<d Mtala.
a tidn. whkk Maria raeimlaad aa kia
-Yaa-d ferlua ffl to work Ilka
"I arad aratabTar Van. bar
•raa (ankrr a>ay tkan ;
Tha aril nnorat Mr.
kklaca flaaklafvltk ta^Uf hrlping «n Bykt Uia tUmn la a lr«
“Wa aaaar Ibaarkt al.a.1 lalauM, Albart rama raaniay ap a>d
ad.lrd hb aiabUara.
Iba Bid lamer aad arr■ ^aa pear pramiaaa aad aaaar UAba
da oaiaa nakiar ap all
tba On <raa alneM ooa■ K.M aa fa.1. /oa aaaa; raaaolar. uaarad. pkaaka b> Iba pr^iaiM arUua af
aalfrd laa ulfl caaa; Ikaa laraiafto
tkadarbaadd^l: -Tlfar. paa nl-k
tkwUiiaalacnxsUaaklla. Tka;'rr farnar. altUaf uBlkaWpuf the rail

wWi oar RB
doaa b« nur
kuha A. Wallan. I »m
rttmolt Jl K’alkra k
t'o . dulu hi nine m Uaam, tic., ai Kd
iir Ikna-i.
dinai. ICak
KBbaBX<»bkdirii> I
Bkk- Fcribei
_____ I bacaliatlad
ilai iBtlarka of kklanuaB
a U BV M



■BHu. .midlianlha orlae waaacmal; aid
Ibon train Ibi- ftauBl woold Weaomin,
aial a illRIctillT nl i.taara alaara cxlaUaL
I baard id th«.'a KUara nib al a Uuc
BBBtm oBa! Voa'ra iBaiid ■}- c
drlda roB harr. aurr. bb' IkkI mn .
not r-Ypt IP kpPY p> bpfP. l.uBdrate u' dullBn nred II Ike kra'd i
an jroaT- >rM arria.
yd alarted rtrkv atUi Ihb anal alnl. i an aa. ktdiiig aw) muck lader.
nganboi baa n-gilard a kb
• a, e-aldo alnpi-Uv Wb.


yiM mad ka|H a alyUaiit apa oa tba

IHiiting up price* don’t pay in the»e time*.




. sdiftiS-

Ki ft'iSr„“fXX'4“:if.

{ 0. nir a fmauoit bmI aiaxla mia. I
caadikM t Itaaf.
^YTall. ihb a nortilYlar. haailliapnia aa a roaody fnr aQ kt
tlay, lahr raa op a taaa bradoaaad
IWC km Ilk* ILia-' dacUnd fiacla
iH.ltH-M. -kraaul.
■■aed ImbreallKI IbWan "
In s naalp. avratybllmrard
raiMowanj i| ^
“7 mat ibak Ihtot Itoab'a
npariail/ abta w'rr ala«jp
Albaat><ld tbr abale awry Kbl«7 «»• m litUy to* iw b^
tekaar uanaWra." dllmtalhear bm Irand b. laar
-II harto a M’ar'a-^ -a-wall, aril•5b^-«!dMr.‘<>ard.a,al Ihe 1
4, au u diaa
Uarta. -f
•Tlwm Inafb.
laaianl a load i
Ian] away. Marry Uoaa

rr.';s,i;.ir —' “

.. anytblor
• rrr kjya.

ii iill


■''’w~n”tbii tmyaruatrafd la joar bBudi inluewl to aratrll^^blkonhard a ona|.lr fd aeaka ay>. aad <•« pdag aaa; ahnralher I aai oai

j i'n!i.tzsr!.Kr-“

mraa. hot

nal-aa Mdl«ni_ IM BuBalo. k
. ... pppil PPP I-l. PO U ,

-Mall. Tlgar. y.Hi aukr a .No. I teal-aal.' ha aaid. toaykir«.
-Itoaw aaaalkiur. (hvto-btobt. or.
away bow aad kalUiaa l».. >Uuk ap raal moralay. lor 1 aaa IVa br|
1. .ya
tel>^ramTi’l!'d^»'Ia%aTrkwrVi^ Tlia Bail all_______
yoa eaa. aad di.n l lab m aw- yoa ao al tba old fanorr'a
aiy prambaa ao aiota. Ilyoo do you'll aada Ikata aoaapl a Uaabil
baabi ol e
poalkwr Larmt a].f»lra. a I
a-H rat ••« ao oaay. lalad iball'
<twU*« Is fp tc
Famor Itaniua—l.w tl waa ha-bald arud bnoH' la irraal glre.
rU bribe >oa tome m
by CkeoidUr wblla Iba boya
M art eiwa, ' be nid baa
alitokad dowa Irua tboir mat aad barni'nlnm
' olvkanrebard
. a rryalar old eariBBdcaoo.’' n
naUand Alban, wbea iba Voya bad a
‘■Mm imt'mmny Um rntr'^^mg^ laand Vbr orchard item.
"Tba idea ol briaf vmi.
M«lK9i><af u, towMok iwkmiKir
ara VkUraal " Oaiaed Marla
» T-»
"U.m I'd Ilka Inyataars
-Wall, I dua l kaow aUml
*nk •(«■>• «k* LOWMM'
Renaway Sophie.
•rsad Marl
aMW d«VB UI iMr iwr> <••*•>
Yob baaa oltoi. aona a partly rwl call
tied andrt. a abade tnr. aiol vrbipa
>«ili fcli'i^ te ttm momtk. Md .»«7 to-n. ^I'a prruy hard b> d^i. anow- P<w bear l.-ll aorry for the call b~-aow
U eoald out r» whrrraar ll wUkwl
■•; doa'l baUrralnado tl to Ihu'
1 ba..w a ruaalBf IllUe flrl a bo Laa
1^ tW *■«. >i«l 4>roB UiBkofk nuw,- Maaad Ailvn "II I akoutd arc
hb boaao «a Sr. I doa'l Udtora I'd toll
niaay. "tbry laaton oalr
ap reawaar tkry run away aad rrl iu
MVlIlUr gir\» ta-ttoi
Midi. Hart* U«SIU1| »M
rladtoUra ' ll wi rirb""*
Vn. anme Hitla i-teb du, bal I a
OM’ielwr aboat bnplar ouala o
'rmiil tbboee dora ooL
riu-y call bar "ICuaaaat IViphic."
“••1?^“.'Id jaal Ilka lo pat a wbola
Alltomrb her laaioma all.'wcd bnr Ui
abnrrllol oI__mI dn-caala oa hU bald gu aaywbrn out tof*r. aell-abaiird
town, and r*rr bar laaay braaUlul
fk*Ma4a«T Bl (Mr adUn Iim>b, m1
KtolBtanai **Albort ^aa toaaarry V. ba anraid loya V. play with, abr waa wd emtoav
wllk. addanHorlraaidboaim. Wbaa b4t would niB away, lar bevubd tba
tba hoya f.d lo Ike park aad v.ld tkaJr tbaaonad ol bar ouiibm
Itoeday ahe waa pM
MMtoBfcWteWarBMoaalirUia paraau afikelr adnatarr. Nr.
•aaa. who apprwdatod b )ok*.
.M la •>> Tory llUl.i, bar na|r
aot raaliBla hb toarbtor.
tboarblaume diawdlul ibior
■Mayba'Tifar Ikoarhl it w
ba.l happrard to bar.
“VMiSrMI m aaa a*«al the Uida
tara V. laU U> Mrdraatof." . abr Bald b. brrarll: -I wanlH-iphle
aarrad. wanlly.
. uat ol
to the < aak aammar
uaun.rt ruuallor U.-r aop.a.h.
d-waa^ -1>h«.ggjr;i^ aadtot
aelUirr <aa I watob brr .-wry alarle
■ larlua.
too aad yel
*~dS rlBbt. praliaaw> ap|dU tba wnlbrr. waa aowvblar
waa an lotoal ..a
no Iflrdaludy
tkal mr aad aUy oo the town like a pad
toV.fMy- - nidotba boatIna lor Marla...........................
ehild, I maal mat her Jaal at they d.>
„ crao|dBC day bloag a thick the luollaL llUIr calm who do oot
bedre that acparmtodudaol M.«fh b> d.i aa li.ry arr b-ld._______ ..wl brr up witbs liuir rnpr•rtoom. aad taally dod'a torfa uit Itolda Iruia aa
Thr kn.dlaa rrry banloucao.l
r tk. apaci. Uay iarlana. A aubber of baada
work to IboUardMi dcldnular ibU. eauBol aallr ll. allboarfa ahe trloa rary
Id thM BdtBfBl klaton alddbo.
Kao baa her dollt and brr Viyt all
MM. da ttin adU. pl^ally. adab par- cellar aom blrda, wkaa be heard the
oid (amor Iwtobaiiir owe at tba woek- a'aoit brr, l«it abi- b llnel <d IbriB.
la toy barab. ImIUot tomu. d
Mw ptoka alt Ik* daodelloaa awir by.
pud would like lo rnl V>>'*w Ikut are
Aboa d waS^ pamd dl lha taacut elartar that be waaa.A d.dny ball
Tba Biao blmarll w.
lartber ..IT, bal abe ouiinjt tjulto reweh
^ to«a hdd Ib^ tPWBl aU-day BbB'a work.
Ideally a ruagh rhaiaeter. lo
on aaaaraly; bal ba liwlatad
Ibal adiBrllulr rirt
lia pHy
waa duiat tkr baal ba eoalA
nanl tw iruatod




Gale Plows, Gang Plows,

Cutaway Harrows, Drills,
Seeders, Feed Cutters.

».a . . AWr.a. iitr.a.

GiurRipidi A Mui


Cot. Cass and State Sts.

Y., acie a

p pp



imtm iawaw



We hate

put ours down *o-they are within .reach off all

. ?'£!=

k..iii=l«i!s The New Era Cash Grocery

t^LJal. l-iSdiSs'.-P-


Notice of Be«istruti«n

U not cloalar out only uartblBllaa*
-lay llyouplBMu.


Eurrka A ITour....
llrBoulaled Kutb*.
Xi- nurar...................


near b-at Itoek I'

............................................................................. TKe

'y-. B-arw' o^aa BapUBi-ii. “
Y. aac la-vci. lUKiaak mia


w'JSSj'La.,, P„UJ





~«nY Ka. Mbamaa opw kla ayaa. aadB^-^uJIlKl!!^’ Mr““firtdi2*'Tl
(hadfk. wbaa wa nport to kla that y«a aoB^dbiaonwurkrU doth yoa

Lora Koowa Me AsaIB ol BWIl
marrlajo. we** prrl.wwal
ed wlUi B?
e Itoptlal cliun-b al r.ial B
Ky . rmaUy'by
rmaUy by lUw.
Ibw. Dr May la a]
order "tioclr la-.i
le*vi Th.i
Th.iraby. artal
led toMrm. f.iada

dtMF* aatod iLiim M ^ id Uyfa
«d «a btoi dOTT. MriUlw Ua

d^SerSS 225?““''"

"I woaldaY w.
par na twaaly Au
cmltod teek. wUho
Aa heatolkadaway bi
*d|Mddi^ bddt Bd aaUdtad as^- aaa* (be plan wberr M
«• dMM Ifai aalUralad dt
______________tba hadra. ^ k^
Wi IIMit dday Par pway adl»
bla ■Buttrr AefBaly b> blsaall:
-Wbaa an yaa rotor aow. bonr "
"ll*-|| Sod btouBl Sold* to aabaa
WMdd tka iMdararaHka pa^ wVm
boa be wake, ap la tb« ■BoralBrl"
The BUB Icaikcal a« II be uirkl
*^%BdbMiar aapidM
iMd.-Marta naltod.
^Ua oldnlBralBoadBey Seapen
-Ak b Utot •3''*1iaUaa'otoy oC Mr. dead. Harlcculd notteubt lur as
tooat that k« woald toy Id be nrai
OB Ike lam. Tba bqy lor ooea
Dll totoiBBi la bto ImknwdI IriNula.
■m MM virtt Ma dap AawB tba hUL
and harrlad tui« lo tb* park aad
and lold
ikealury lo kla brolkar Albert.
"I oouldaY rMlIy leal eery wm Ic
Mve M MdrtkaM aplD ibo topol
Wa ^
aartiillpI faaaa tba old Ika old OBraiadraaa II bk oau wai

- i^3Sii.J?£rs

Wttad aaa abort dlatodoa. Pnaaat-



•! arr bil.Mrria.

A Juuela Fiuhv
A faunter waa huuUar itr tbr Ka.1
India juerlra. au.l fbiirbr waaibne
be taw Biauy alraBa-r alrbla. Tbiaiiiao
not only buatod will, a ran, but be
baaled by toyiur aria aad Irapa l.w
noi*. Iiocdaybe w.-i.i.mi iaiotha
iuBfflr toexaiainr the tiBPa and a
"lat M- had pla.«.l Ikrrw.wWii bUc
rre auddriily aweilcd by Ibc
bl.taoa. n.ilara. lie hurried l» Ibr a|ait
with faU altoadaBla. aud tbrry fa*
> bare bnr arMlo( Willi an rr aerii^ TYii- likalar ol lha arrnrnl
and tbr nwriac ol the bear tillrJ tbr
entire liwral with uolae.
At laat l]„.
boar oon.|urrad Ikr aorpi-nl ao.l drayredltUiroarnikal.iurrraaa.riBltUur


nigh Gmdc Tea* «nd Coffees,

ll waa Ikr anal aonl weddlaf
eror known to Ibeouaatoy 'nac!
WBB Sllad wlU. pevto.
The I
the aaual iBnaBiBla plyla
Tka two old ladliB wore
I mad IberMa aallor'kaV
llta W.M falailik
aa. wblla tb.

Aod Flr*t.Cl»** CRHBed GooJa
Atop iBWW.THIlBTBLL'BBBdyo. will fladlbaw. B* ktoa ksa Hick
Grade Flour that to aawpaned by aay to tk* elty. Try a nak aud
TaawUlbeoaBirtoeed. W« Wae ktoekad tka boUoa ealot prtaaa bat
koU ap tba etoadaid ol fooda. We qaoto prtoe* «• k law art' '

atiaet Iruoi a oorel: "Tb* aotory.
BcaawbilB. aa waa bU eaaum. wa:ked

, nOgraAOk SAl.K-iiiir*atn.y iiaviau


Uwal to* I... tow 1 oaiinl. wUl toKcrM-a

Tnika Taiaaly ToU.
"Foley'a Hoary aad Tar to on* ol Ike,
Itoad^ Budlrian aaad to Ik* Work“ '*?

iimlk tdrtoato^Chtoago*"'*' **'
Da Buaa. Med Bapt
••Fol^-a lloaer SBd Tar fire* tb*



MwlAStokn nihablU.
■W'aartnasltod hafrlly.


oaetv O-sooex-.

SorxtUx Bldw.

piBmfall«RBd ^tla« FVBMM.MDTW, ■•Vfto*


| aa Ike Aauua w*tr baraiag Serodly laaddaaly laid* tkr. r

roMya nanu|uriiie U niom tkn* lo
sit* year ortBd Marta.
oatora aid. .
'rrratly relCrid. bowerer to aee L lea tiiaaa *m«frr to bliaid oUantar .
altod aaly a
' ' ouaruBtotbeeaeapaaenn qaallUta Ibaa nay olber pnwirtary
wedlelaa. Trial aln Ue. b. £. Mail.
TMfMUurlkl^wkM-nrnda- Ikaa Albenaiartod at lall qawd toward . barato« balldlar. tb* bra*
tk wy orahaMr wbM Ik* into Ikr (amer'a koaa* loriaa Ik* alara. I ap Ik* a*ca|w.
mm. rrkaa be rwua tonnih tba while Merle bnraly
aped lowaid Ik*
Ike braagkt Ik* eat dowa
No fatoUr akooU be wltbaal Fotry a
ptoal wbtou tba Srr waanea. bolk of ,
b tk* 1*71 hod •
> tViUe aad Plarratoa iton. lor all bowel
Umb aboaUnf a* Inadly a* tbry ouald. ,•» ■
I mtopUlBU. a E. Malv
dldat latoad Id Btoa) aay I sa they raa Albert
. .
dradad Hcrta. ■■«* won. or'* r*M. bal iben be waa aUipfud by
•—IkrWrM.Ilka eoarttog. Mrktor balldiM wkua*
w-tolliar n-tol, 1. a

OMR T^er Bteras, Bdftig—tdw.


—in ic&ssm—

I'HUi. . ...........

' ....


Aa tftokauD who waa ahlacllar a •
ll M tk* wiBduw. aad a gmK eolo*
bar* ful VM arur tba adp* aad roltoa I
. M^aly'^ appM at 1 "'*vfbat ea rurtb'* Ik* toaUor eat at. aad.laU tolkapnaaA "Ol was
iikanr•arMrh Mbart llitln* to lalaiaY '
Ira* ranadr to eeartipaltoa aad kla- {^*1 _
f d^
dead uTYtaoto^nS^S^
UirTttoa*,dlia^*B»M bow-j
how- U2*^

JiJc; S:sx£'Silr‘“



Tbr rwlto r<

■atom ir a am

Builders' Hardware, Mixed Painta,
VteUiic.ltekto or>n«7 DdMVfpttOM.


anuuralaar to to*



Samuel Anderson^

..^. ISSSAffitlfer

a kayuauU Ihaatoa.
to aak ndwnd-iaaea. HI* oi

Uaeaa Am. Lotoou. AtoartoM Sroen. Jam HollHr OasB



a., rut rnut iPtueoo war.
FARMERS who an anktof u
e the atolb* akdalubbi* alwcad aa
ler thnnnl^ abnld go (kiolkl
Tk* Oat Wa* Mol ForroUaB.
Uaen aad Manai Roate oBtn a
A ”1^ pulkatle b^aat Pwayi^
■nuolfarBtoai SS.uti to Ss.ou aa
_ . (OB cuey toraial; aad lauatkly
bairht at Anouv'* Tke nowd wan hall-rale eacaialuua to go aad aee lur
aoddraly altochcdby IbacrlaaaJaeav roumll. Nobllaaanta Na cold warn.
'*Thto*ad aiWan. aa<* wbea Ike kuoUar »f aai aod.:
' luoklar up tk^ aaw at tk* tup KaeachoDtoaadekarobn BoapItaUe
aro^ Head tar boohaabd tob-maUiD.
W. C Riasanoi, II. F. A.


9sHlinto Freled Pmdtoa...................................................................
CkUlorala Uapaalad INuehn............................................................ .


C F. UKXBAKd Baaelaad. IU.


iMf=.'.sris2cstLrs *-.«i

. SbM^ dowa loward Ikm al lall ackaaw ut maar*Uusaach war aot U

ra - ifis


Marta waa oiKfal-


r^sr s

aoM. )wlk.iww<WT WaaMiatBSl w gatai
ir.iwB aarar. hall a cup ol wator. a
lnp.a«Ial ol rlu,«ar and a big toumlulal battor aad boil lor tony
irintobattorwl |a

RoUed Ckala. < eebto poaad.........................................
flakbad Cora................................................................................A I*. ll
Ctopaad Towalcoa ...T..........................................................d. Id, I

‘ .“S-E.s.'r

;-SI^^ Al_^ lot'ajMitetetkaw,

Manly altor dark Ik* toS^WaA Ikeir
Ab AaToya rawilaai la Ika anhlpd IkVkw aa a hMl oranooktog Ika
ktow thaa they had frT-* ' Id. armoi'a oat Sold- A brtoh arml wtod
bhrwlag. aad Ite waUAwra kaew
wsialilst Ika saaay Mr^ ikM tUlad
Bfcal.^ yarUMu Um
I. wp. Ibt If a Sim ahoald gala aor headway
OB Ika waalcnt alda ol ike ield. aolb-




*. Fowler'a Mat. at IVild Hirawlwny
taera uied lor liwty yean aod baa
*r yet lalled lo cure a caae ol dlarrd, dyaoDlory. or aummercoaiDtotot
ay al Ita rarluaa loraia.
St Iw

Tb* ntaalalnr euspl*
luall*. ^ I yii. ol llk.-rlll

balaHartthebftilbenarraedViwat'h }"“ ’“**'.2*’"^


Are You Thin'.’
rVwb wad. aHa.nna.Yhra T.14rs> la ar'Sea.
lib-Ta.i r.ral. ,--.1-. . •-.....l.ia-.
a(r..eyJu« cl BN-miar lac

m aurrlrdArwtlaww p
UcT. ttowurl ttaf. a^
■arriad to> Miw Martha 1.
nro. Nellbar had Iwari

fuss’d MdM .M^a^^^*MAlM0d
WWdtMli ■ lrttoar>



r toWaiiTMi to With R stock of Funeral Supplies second to ncoe. «ad « pmp.^
S tkal knotoiedee of the prolessioa. and with a Indy i



■oi betho.

Bov tall UbWorUteol fimiob
of tb*Atn* y*opl* wbo
'> Iw.
ttat on tn*b o»l dototy *»d lodo- ioridloc tbte taiowor. hnoM* It te
iomm le tM tsU taiwth ud Mi>
Tbaa te ao potal b*t*
,\ Ob* o*nr iMh* flo*W*d
lwlb« 4aM*r »laa( Oc trgal »ad
aaooiri lb* alaetlnlbot oatU U
•MiMl with ib* *0^*10**.'
' tiM fotlOT. Ai^roU *r Uc Ui»d«
Tbol bb* B*T*r trite boo Md
wdMlaf tk«tcdl«- y-i wlU hottodo.
bj thb MM* bTMk btrtk
Tbol lb* o*«w d»nrib** b*r o*b**
r. ih*7i«U*l>tnMth*Ml*U*.
« (boaU *I*D ta Uk*a. mow <bt
M*M of
vtiidowB Md
It woald ad.)
d*o *boo(m I* •> bMd, U*t «b*B
■b* a*nr apol<«la** <ar tbe aad detract morb fro* tb* MUl tM
• ikxr* on oo*Md tm U»
dMcy to rw old II w* woald otrtn
•bk4*t oholl b* U^yy ~»*d. otb«f
That ah* b aanr a ■oriya.i
• tb*7 wttl b* qviud befor* yoo
r tb* iaeriuble. Tbe truly bappy
Tteotobaa. *r Wrari* tb* ablldr**
o«on.-^<iuwN ilU«rb JfafOMM.
tb* bappy-«o-l*cby> »ko take
of My Parana, aw
•rytbla* a. U aonaa. aad nah* the t
of lb If It ralat all that te left to
ThotdteoiCar ofataapararyMb
TW pop*r«onof MBbu wall «•
te to pat ap oar anbrrila. U we an
loa* wat rtelbly dtetarb bar.
uo*a<* *Mblor baaofno^
tortaaate a* to bar. oae, aad trade*
That >b* aanr tall* bar hatba
.ootMlya-ltbltelookim wall. ‘
aloaf- Wet f«l aad badranled >blr1*
aaytUac eCtb* laaat aaplaoMil ak
AMud tb« Editor’* Tabic, witb tb* i*airu> of tia* wUeb u io*t*.
woa-t kill oa* aay nor. tbaa pomty
CMbaa ad mri. wblab on ranly
Ttet wW tb* taa>Uy dteirib* aad dnuKery will. >1 Ibatu te
b*D( oat of doun.
tbiar wltbio a* loo aaaakioy fca pooTW* te aoUlac tbotoAd* mon to
:«rtytorioodOad taoaori* lor diwdr>
daftly Obaaf* tb* *abi**l.
tk* *afy acytanri of a nan ibaa
•rytodolwa Tb. penoa who apead.
Iteot tb* balM* Ultl* eaaj
tagte aad I WUI tril ■aratal way* ta
bte III* *ooIdlac baeaine tbiae* doot
oat of dril UbM a>ad faralri
cutoaatl bln te Uk* tbe ty OB Uc
U9Mha**rt****oteU lacralaaorblae * oberlol wb**L Tblaf* nay aol
That abate
IbMatastrty* tefUwte* lb*
be pUaunl eaeeOy lor tb* oonlort of
Tb* atrip* aaty tea o» oay
That Ob* *M play a ran* of Oban or lb* ay. hat hte pn>t**t will aenr atop
tiWtb. IteawootlbalbnadaoBritbIbtet lb a way to nab* a no* flad lb* f-......... Tb* beat ter tin for
trriia. abtfl tb«n or* mlj* law l*n
am aad rranblera to potaue te to tube
wheo h* win* tb* lana
tatbonlMi*. Caw lb*otr^ bV*tb- Nil La tb* *ad U will b* a aarlac. a*
Tbott)neMr«t ridolarant who wbat eonn aloa* aad be *lad U te bO
m Hk* aorpat ngm. roll ia ball* aad baeoan**OMW*araaltb« elotblac bom ber by aimply foldisc up a %*<
nntaa.—t-hloHiu Tban iimld.
»a wmnt. wbo wtU waanit aonrapddly.
opcu. Obd tbe other **nr outpMU.
Ooau aad riaaha aboald dlwv* >>•
i»aaiv*oip*v Of aMia* tb* aarpal
That Ob* leu orery oa* bon oflalc* , Wbar* Waddtoa* ara Mrianoboly
•bMUhowaU baauabtfan Itteaal. •aac oa tbe lllti* wtn fraaba. 6»Ua* of Corirowa.
A Japaon* weddlB* would appear lo
It te Dot r»d
C» plaan *1M* «an»i <«
That ahe te alway* po>i(* aad eordlal bo a neUbobriy alfair.
ao4 tmMtr to tt« baaW. ^
• Jiat parpo**. Tb* trata** tboaid b* W tb* ebildree'B triehdo
tunc fora bride o*er tber. toaJirit
Srat aorerod with toft MOierlal ta prohW»M«f*tetb*aodo
That W arrar oonnaaloatn aoy that *be te flad to pel narried. Wbea
AaotW wo**B ncte laa
aba te told ri Uepnwen *be U eapeelad
aew* twfor* fUuaer.
•ot**ial.ritb*r rid
to bowl loudly and lc>«.
Alao eba
That Ob* te aenr la a bony.
Oat lb* ft**** Mo*. Tbroad
That obe treaU enry oae wttb rw nuet keq> U up by day aad by itirkt
a •MCI* vUb agon* tbnod aod (a^
aatll Ue oeruaMsy takn pleoe- <dfwr
(baMrtpatkfBB^tbaakUdU. .............
^ ba* beea rlriily droned lor tbe
areal ebe nuet rraew bar abrieke aad
•riMrlft**bf1>*tra«a. rioply Ibp U*
baac kaok aaUI oae ri ber atteadaale
«mM. tteM abaald b* Ml Jaat loon
Urow* a roll orar ber lace,
T-rr- mtb*Unrad telwtetapUb*
old womM tok** ker OB bor
akMlI* Kriltb*«tk*r*a alriralBld
earriea ber U> a *odM ebBtr. WbeBU*
n—Afw York Hoar
acuwdad tOfoUer
Wio. aM *Md to lb* w«am. HlaaU
ajMdwtdaaad oaaaad aball yard* la a kiMlI ria**t or wacdreb* tooa aoif a dronol wooUa antartal
any wUl hr fcond to

Wb*lb«U* rve>«*d*r»t< *



a (act It tea
•Mi iMtMtbn of a BnyrM raf. The
aiMM nay baaad* *f bit aadittea.
wMb a ptala berdn.
I nw a faulty
•■aMtiMC ifowlUt browa aaaur
MaWdn of caaara. rad aad froM
MoMWaad; llwa*«Md**loUdro*aM dyad wfU AkOMaM dyao
d »ro«y aad Mrial ru( fcr U* baU
*MMaayb»nadaola wtdUol '
ly WW*M natriaf.
Btad Iba adfn
vtth MtfM ri browa Umoa.
tMbl« rla* Aaatfa all aroMd tb la
■kaltei «< kawwb. rod bad yraaa.
dnoMterocany br and* a( a*rap*
af IMtar* plaab or brand.. Saw

BuUdttr's Hardware,
Snllding Paper, BeiMgerators.
‘‘Bellable’'Oasoline Stoves,
Garden Tools, Iron and Hails,
Hose and Sprinklers,
Stoves and Tinware.

Tbe Riest Uie if fithii^Tadle n bin Em $hm..

A. H. PERRY. Jlansrfrr.







kma by pneticsl, tbMMtk
tots that far MMhday or every,
dsy use there it no soap iu tte
vurM that ueaiiy equals


The N. K Fslrbanlt Company, * CMctJo.

.A. Uxn.e-by IDasr-

Cloring Out Several Lines Below Cost


OlOTM for aoi work at.................IB uad 9fte |wr pair
Lot Lin*d OlovM uBd Mittens....... SB. BO. TBc end $1

New York Tea Go.

Pig and Oidf Bkin Olorw. worth $1....................M TBe
Bock OlOTM end MlttMU. worth $1 sad $1BB
»t...................... ................................... TBowdtl

No 228. Frost Street. Traverse City;
Rt-nieinber the Fruit Season will todn commence. It has
been the rule in 'I'rat efiM; City for Sugar to go up during the
fruit season, so look out for higher prices in. Su^ar, except
with us. We are going to be on the contrary' ude. Com­
mencing Saturday, June tS. we will sell

See Bargain Connter
for Knit Woolen OIotm end MltUna »t Half PrioM

Ognp rrmt ui Out ■tnrii.

TruvoTM Olty, MUhlgua,

G,.n»lat.^ Susar............ • at scents per pound
W h«e C Sugar................a 14 i* cents per pound
If you want to save money buy your Teas. Coffees. Spices,
and Groceries of iHcJNew York Tea Co.

Remember we are


not gjwcrncd by any combination, we set oiir own prices an<
will give you i6 ounces fur a |>ound.


keep iu fmkoco* macb !<««« U tb*
ta b«id ormrioaaUy tb dUfarMt

oB atrietlj
.1* frilow her arrirri.
loao WlU b UtUe proetlo* Md ___ __ — rioBT froBi B.UPO
Ute will b* **rily doae. aad U. Uob.BBBBuUy. UwwylBbBeB
Cara ri Towel mage.
n protaalad ^leb oun* *o qalek.
do yoo do * hoB Ue big pile ri
Barrier wbo te oaly iwdhty-two
r*alaUeb**lotBbt*rtal*. bwm year. old.
(ibe atefcee a forty-aUe
wte-nlle |< baud
buod lowqte appear* la Ue eluUn
U* (rid. baaeUf alwoy* tb* •**>• tpBle Urae Ubm* b wnk oa ber peay. | baeket aUll vaooatbod? Do you *U
way. boU wb*B ta wear aad wb*a aoV
ae weU. Oa* ] dowo aad patieDdy work ■
K***r oil lo a daatp dm* U It na U ri Ue beatorekeeua laadera iBNew|til erary laugle te
arotdad. lor a^ll'^tiy *o
I -nte te ^ old-f*ehiosod laeUud.
be lakea
It aboald at
black-; kuioeUiBg eaeier and betur.
Tbera te la New York City
oS aad haag la a r»d poalUoB to dry.
WbeaUetowal te dempewri ready
amlU abop Maaaged eatirriyby
(teretri attaalloa abeuld alway* be ea. Tbe laUer died wbUe Ue child
a iiualag you ha»e oaly to pick U
Maadfariaga. If a
... took ' m-. glee it a good »lgor«ae riap|dac
and had^agriuri the kiwbpa Ubl*. aad yuai
obaite of Ue
r, Ue taoluga wUl. U bar girl* loelracted la Ue art ri bom 1 Irlac* te la trial aad tbe lawri te md.*
naay latl
eryUlag porulBlagtoiforUelroL of ooaiwe. Magn teael
A Aran braid aboald alwaya be pal
Darlacu* raolag aea-j be daaip. The baneckeepri wbo tea
M by hMd. aad Is auri IntaiMea na U*y opaaed a tewaeb at Ueatesutb.' atiokler d|ua all Ubm einet aab^te
‘■triled oa." 11 aewa oa by ateoblae K.J MaayriUelargntmesbooeeaiwUI BO doubt he glad to accept Ute


Tbst^ why

tboraandf of tbougbtfbl,
thrifty vaoMn


IwM are ail *pria» goods nicy wUl aH be lufd by son
ons. Do jroo know whors to boy tksm end buy them
rtfhtr Corns UBdSM US undTCwUltsU you.


ordiusry ■
•id ool)-half tbe e^KOM

Carriages,Bnggies, Cutters,Sleighs

Several Sorts
Bristle Brushes


•............................................................................................. for the hair.
Salesmen's samples, they

were—Una of each sort, of

Bought at a liiscuunt -sell same way.

25c to $1.75

.Masonic. Block.




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