Grand Traverse Herald, October 10, 1895

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Grand Traverse Herald, October 10, 1895


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text



firaBdT^j^Herald'City Dj^jg StQp0^



Wk«B I H*T* TkaA



I. ahd aaU Ibal Vuda .Uaadrjtbe bupu
It* Sw Buru *hm abr--------1—i.------drc-BBlta.
wtbrliwbKij Irr.irbralbr
alBiahrr'a wilr tt^lir.! ST—.abr had


PATMKT uxonam,
atooo nTKinui.

aAiR aacBBxa,


FINf FfHFUlif*


BoBtneM OardB.



9»c. per Box.


Violetle* Ru»ei. ^
Boquet Hommede Co^r.
Henri Rochcui,
Perfutncu' Earn.


Rose & Son,


Fair Prices,




. A-Wiii^STiKSiSP*

Cheap Homes
nr noKWAH.

-jEssssr* half a miluon acres
Carpet Clwning,


' issrr-


A.'SSi' £!

O. P.Car\ er^&


Real Estate


A£03!TE]*S‘ TO XO.A.IT.





Fire Insurance]


. F|oW


rl^e Time


Good Fits,
Good Goods,


ssr„v"t: ^ ■ s'cst"™. ..TTT-

Blue YitrioI,Carl)fliiate of Copper aod Parisfireen



Uradoai:]-thccrcBib- ■ -.3-i l-j

H war.1 tu Ihr alui.- irtcada^Gac Oi« «*^«*» ^ S
................... ->ad lBtradBcT.kbrr to
L He had cauchl i
il brr liirMp ia W------: aBd now eurhud aruDud
Vlllap* Profwrty for! Sal*.
Alaudr "wrat uirboreb. aud w«a dariahd abr bad had
«uyu„iirb.‘'“““““‘----------- •d rvuBd. aad bad a ml plraMBI Irll Mb lhai irbrn I
In hlaaacawmfdr Ibr iqacAbBiMBoB-raa lu Ibr pulpi.
tored .at a littJ*
loo tar. Tba
TSb aaU
The "lark fulkA" alUMBcb they | atiaagr awB.ia lo (L
•oddraly can way. aad ba waa sraotpcould &» all br aa liberal aa thr Kf ] Shr aMVU h.iu b) Ibr ara dra^
Itatrd Ibid Ibr atiaaa. Ur «c^ not
girla. WDir all racer lu Muc lorU ' ly a. br ruirrci itar aialr. aad old .
awiia a alMia Tba water WM M*
Blica: But uar uf tbr* but bad aoa Rilcru.r Irll lack la wida-ryrdaa.
latby fr«
VYuo'il prearb It, w«a1 you. I'rmak*' * » ulIbr .‘tirb.
"llrrrabrM . ba-B a aicbi
Imran tbrarra-a that y,-a'U tud la ' Tbr oapuiaw__________
IWd." Mi-1 Audi llrnay y.jfull
' iburcr.' but 11
Ur UiiaaM aboBV aiM a
AbDrr liil-rvl^-ol ua tbr wet
a>, F'rauki'^nd It will rr
hU rpikr.did uul llkr aorh
■h atniBC duclrnara I tbroi. »'ill t.m. A-raak? '
u U» aibliA
•clad. Ul «.
'..aid I Tbr Bii»l»lrr looked bra il.lrrrd,.
Snnlly beanoarded is
ri.^-TTTa I. I
rira." a liltir di.piraaad; bat ba a-irr>
............ l>ra>T dtoplB^rd .or bud- ,
BSTlplIuo laprf. bl. .ir<. obBOirrd | bad leariMhl i.iiw Iwlotr V) lra«t
Mt them
H, wa. biaek la the faoa. •
k»» tejpnl
Hr a Iitllr diatarbed. proa a
> Ue faiial of alrnacllag.
It I'AriBd}- Ibl. «!Trl w.ioU -qBil M«*l- abamrlaursl a b. D tar Orr’aa tu read Ur
and fail beioewLa tw
•rio- • bim Ui
ihim a bA. haU br arrm.>u; Ita rai-M. which bad rumr
-ould »i.r flrr.
fYoa DBS u> BoorBhobA
uat .If hi.urn heart, waaebaagrd lo
IWcoo llirl Wb«bU had aoant h> trn.Irr pity.
tberc'B tulB' hi hr a doBBtioB
They tulled him. poaaiM bla an Ua
■ aood, but ■•iwb'l B■■oplr bcgaD tu at nar ao.'lbrr. bark, bald hla up by bla faaL Mat
—UMKifb t 4»B'( apiuvrc tif '«a
■by bark folka- llu and by aa.l liy a a are of ,air>>BC emo- down, hj latUr watarrna oak
•t,—U'.Koio uiU-uif ruDl fruoi
twraty trrdolUTB.
doIU>v Uoo awrpi .wrr Ibr bouae; wbru a aaal
The CBptaln grew woria. eboldw
Hr had brra thloklac that
baa been niit into n aermoa; H Oida ita aad napiag paiafnlly.
North Jrru:ho. '
to .liner mula.
Aunt Dru.; I'ilohrr boI ^r^ataa
■1^ IM^a'al^tejr^rrpBBlak^
Urmia^A^\hoojf hr"
that dnjwB IB
Nartb Jrriru; from il data, tbr laallac
Bulr«,-lookiBcdui>o B> hsr.'iDork liulr
L«T llprr —1-arT.hBd aaid l^l
tbrir rw-uuluB and a cf^wlac •
"Harr: ITI Sxlt!-«lad Ua othat.'
BCoaprnly. Tbr BiaHWarr—
B^uBiTb pirr fur th« aiohtor'a doasUoa
e plaagwl a paaknifa bUda lakb Ua
m. aad eoa- anSenng
LmjiIuc oDdrr talM eoW.
iBenng BMU'a toagne. and dngi^
dnegsd il
lr>y.«oe pi« th*rr w», Irfl U*l her*. The call lo H------ arrm. prurl- laallr ibreatrn. to Ir I the inU furwarti They Uaa umad Ua caa
T«*r wIi.'D tbr p.tlT w». u.rr, a»d hr drullal. aud I ahall acud luy acorpt
Utn face down.
' nilta Dw bAUd tor
'pio. Ibr loii.><MwUi' du.o wllh Uc blurroaa aa well aa ul Mdsraa iu Ibr llru.y IM.hrr. ah.. b.M Ur..
nd arrlggliag Bah from Ua c^ea
wnirla. and Ibr labT let-llilii'. Aad lulul.Irr'a ru^.
.... aad Ua oaptala bagaa branU,. Surrinbrr Bichl.
• hr wB* a.iiu' W rburvb 1b m IbiB rum'
lag agnia.
Ha bad probably draw.
Ur Ran n kllla.
urr BBcK, Bud Ihr back of till oubI vb. with ratlhnc alert.'and a crrwaomc
Ue Sab U wbaa br Sint fall Uto Ua
A priaon w liu run. away from a brat creek; llatack la hlaUraaV pta.aaitad
wlad IbalauBDdc) U, Ki.wour Maybrw
B. .klUT'BB lwt>lB'-«U.B.'
ura aut auip lu are II tbr brar I. after ha aarnlluwiag any watar, aad anaa
irhuwlol tbr w..lf at Urducw.
. -The)- WiAoldo-t llho H If pBopIr
Il<ibrw.ilf bad b.-wirdat U<

' ylr«
BBUl Lur;
eaBMiig ba danU frua aapbyala.
"lendarluud" aenil. to
>1 tlial aarlrut paraunacr rrri
Ib a ahoi'krd roiuo.
.r a rather hum*uU Kl
Oaa Way lo Uat Rlob.
builu fur In North Jrrb-bu
-•Miiorj- Wbuj- ’■«.
a. tbj
tbal'aUirUiBc.' i.uurll
e In-ntnrr with
It bad Br.rr brru caay V. talar Ur'
aald Aubt Dro.} IHebrr.

ruled imacl"It a brru hard tiara, aud pei^la'arr nlBl.l^. Mlary. aSd the Uaybew.
okiuK up" land anar •wirunad Boia taw aorel Oaa MB
pllnr rral IB>ur." Hbl
■f. armed wlU .inly wbu ba. laldpgood tonadaHlMlaalppI
"It Ibr ».«i«rl Ua liiau:) that Ihrj
^ uM fualiug-plMW l.^cd altb ala^
Tb« Btluiatora w
o yo aubi.ul- Irt'oB iHuuub tbr
' w oaa baa fonad a fold alaa U
rmu a.T.a. a liugr. black
,B bare gruan
cruwn lu aril and
ai -al
.iaier: laould la- a aitfbt' hrllrr
rill barrel. Ua kM a eeaWBOt
a w ipip w 1*cip MriPM
iioodtuarrk htaa<.iualnU
W ip W IF IF M( W
I liu buBra a. tbry do." hrrr. Frau*, aud It baa begun to
namber of hotel, aad nstaa
Oriiat. Thro abr thrrK like boor. Thr pn.ple bare bard and frpUnev frota that
by which ba Moaraa a lam
dcarriW aiib |u>idIu1 bIiiu
r ^lulnl old b«a.l. aud a.,uar<
ly ul kltrhaa refuea daily. Aa
* It 1. aurpriainc bow 1 bat
ri^lulr chlo. "Tbrrr . tfola' tbrir bmru.
to tir a |iur>r of a.a« douBir.l to thr dlr.1—••
Mrr llpa .juircrrd; bor bor'a gra^ Ur Iioly uliataolr briwrra the bntr
mtulairr av«iDt»rtj” 1 m <...u‘
aad aeia Uem at iaaoy priaaa Ba *
‘■'■‘tv' had born iuad« In Ur blrak NorU Jn^ bia IwrakfaaL Ihia ba.1 a rMy drpraa- aul aloe to look npia wbaa M'S at
lu'; I u Koio'from lao to iWt
Bat - '-‘r. but wbaa ba draaM np tote..... ..
bad ouffhl h< ta- A4d;;i u. Icho orarlcry. aud uoUrrly brnrla Ing rBrut ua my antem.
thr bear waa upua otr; I bad bo lima
ba.1 uebrd with heraunuw.
alar) , bol Ibrrr'ia ai,;M'
Ue ailearwara wbloh Sadi Ua way
Tb ludt up V"'*'*'’Mb/or
I llkr b. acr U illUa practical Banl- tuaBterUIn mrlBBoholy rrflrrlinna. I laui Ur garbage faaa aad akap ksiTsa
r III Ni.nb JrrI.-bu: lul
atl.iB uf ayBiiiaUy. It la oaairr lor polBted tifr gun in the dirrrtu.o of bla be look. Ilka a bappy and prmparuM
m b> wiwp with ua Uao tu pay u. gluaingmuuir and flred. Inalanily aaa of Ue world It ia aaid Uat ba
lUl^lru.) had wo rlaltmit brr
Jua^duaa. We bare glrou Urin br anaroubU bind .(aarlrra witba acually raum. a lea of ailra erery
onrUal. and they are willluc lo aw rf)-if pain. I bad Joataraae
tu know Uni Ula wna mr laat
Uru-jut. calm ouofi^onor.
■al.B on Urio; It
.. all been a mlaerablr
Ir failure. I fori
h'abu.v. Aunt l<ru«) a aui-Jrai luarv.
I aliopiy pull t
w taaruraard !>■ Ibr hMrli. uja u aagoii aa if I euuld BOl harr apukro tbr Uaa- myth.
I nrxl muroio* lirlifhl aud rarjy. trr'i word; Ual .'ould uul bare bean Ur uUrr Ibnw aluga aU
r^dBBMraMRrr Ibr Bsperlmest UallrUu (In*), mil aad iMTryour aaa
d AuBI llru.) art uul u|aui brr oi|l-' a.1 utterly in rain. 1 hare written
\hrin a farrwrll aennun tbal ought al
aad «r will arsd It lotba Ei{aHaeat NUtlaa.
■ open their ryraaa ral.-'la', - .
Uooa Haply.
hire.' that
U . ia Ibr
trr a Larfr, ..I pulalura. Ibuugli lu a)
»■ by uf hla hire.lU-rlBg toward a. wa.
.1 lU
uluJ Ibur* arul Bugrrat brft lu blsi. ~br inlnlatrr'a tunc aud.lenly IcBl
uugfaly drmLMllar.1. I
1 dla»aracrmrnt ■- ------rath
br alBt uowhrrr lu pint, uf d..'Uiu IP'"'*
n. aud. looking nalUa writer uf hyma.
a few arah-Bra IU> tala
■lungaldrwif cJJ fatauB C.walw." Old
r lell. 1 wildly
rio fai.
Air. Jrrr)*ll,atgkin> all'ck bl. a» lulu allh a attarp. drSant
"t>. Frank, that b
dMplayad a«y
1 .-unld fret tbr buliirealhuf mypsrm
fuBdaae fur abowlng, Ihiapowan.
whilr," pleaded hU wife. • Thr d.ma_______
brarri^ to drop
, hi.
h puBtluo |.arl) la'armngtsl (..r Thuraday
Una day ba waa In a auSaani
.M» fn.l tub. Ur rWy lra--k. 1 had. Baaa ft
lo-in. are wbal alll happen
tneaila; baurerbMrdsi
yu.t l.-ft But Ihrar fret behind me. I "Mkakl
IM pwat
atralned rrrty Brrrr aad muaola lo In- IVaiur'
uw. -aald Audi H
ewnmr <ay .pnrd. but r.mid not gain aa
hnddMly whMlIag nrwaad to tom
harr bern eaatiar lA>r prr- tach .uttbr fearful tremplng b-dtind Ue qaaatioaar. Ue doelor. wlU to to. S. BomeOL TniRtMtr.
nuua yrarla of
it alw> tolH .wTur
I.ugb grau.,ma d..u t ruj ■}■ aUln' uu
i:itb.-r bin alfr a npraUed SBCrr or
r l.liu a uiiU'i abi '• Juat llkr lur. and
Iiita brr .l.a'trla.a -.'t out plain and Ur alrikluc of Ur aaolral knu, krral
paralycing. i wM* M ^ -Hero I ID tall to rt
atroBC IVr hare lawn Iblnkiu' auuip Ur d-a.r an.pped lhaaurdun Ur miBBiarkablr.
A. Ur .ari.i_.___
parU- of
■ if IW oUi'l lU.'rtlU'
mete Ur uoana wtU ay apaa.
rlrta 'before
n'- aaaluRi) prcMUted UeBmelrta
Aunt Jlrio’r cnlrTupod to -.1.1 rannv. •^'ti[.r M^uUnc^''^ “ t V^thr
I maat be meaearad by ay aowii
no. ". liirrD,. • 1. l-.i.-biwrlol a lab-ri lt a aa a drlra uf aiu miJra lu UA my banuMOd mental rUlon a. caadlTba aiad-a Ue etaatUrd of Ua BM."
datea tor bear drll.-a.-iea. earh aermed
■ rain.
ha tact that br wna ealy Sea IbM
mor,' pcrrluu. than the peak •“<! 1 *«»•
'■'ann>' wi »it in.ufatly at a c^ |Na-o.
llule dlXemna nllar UnL
A.wD at
Iran) abarlng Aunt llru.) .Coomiiun
Uougb ba urpad awv Ibp asMily.
>n "Tbr Uburer U wurUy of
tbal Ibu aa. a hu,aiiraa oaae Auut
-------Hr Ue fact wa. forced npun me parbapa, lo ksow IL—runllr'I breinaing Uead. it
"I II go .Iraieht frx.iu
CENTRALLY LOCATED liru.ii..raltr-L.d.
ouuld not krrp np Ul. Irrribla
era. bittar. K-aUing:
tUing: ttbarl
the ten­
Ilrrran.'l.) aba a
;h byrr; I wa.'l.wl phyakalder anal uf the mlnlaler'a wife.
I Ukr in ail
•Tie nr..w could bare wrillea IL
c-min' lia.k."
and I’opular.
harIlorr.lo'i« am-B
ba a loBC war
B latot abtokt^ ^t^aerraa. aorta os t
duwB UaiucL aaard by debt." abr aald to hnacif.
Nbpba.1 Iwee Srat lo hartaillpgr . laa
tUr riliagr. over Ur mill nad fur a
• ilaa
.Hy decided that ay feet would
lulle or Ian. aud Urougb IMaiupliBC aod bad written tbr raledicbiryi aha
had beeB Uungbt to bare quite a rr- be tM leant ubyreU^Mr par^^^
- farther edee o
Burkabla gift of rApmaloo. that
keeme.1 agm BCu; aba did nut al all
• l*ok luninl iuh.a|.
alUongh Ua aky wnaalaeat
aa era wa. uSered
'u‘r koowabatbad breome of it; abedid Mndle Of bumanlty
[eloodlaM aad uapastm apto tM
Mule claaritic aiU a recr-. B..t erw tbink of It bow. but ahw fur M-TlBe.. I threw myalf na ay elghuea. Tha apf^tlea wa* dsaaad
■ - '
• llnaa Iroa Up bark, .luck ay frri labi Ur air. rlnaed
Car.irn aud an aUraipl at a
Kiul lain
iBln It. tte ay ryra and Awaited my aaHy dMolagardru. Thera aaa a
gu) grra- arrmuo. and wrote her enul
• Kuy
aonl that bad bean aqotbed by Ur a; _
Id Ua alnduw. uud a cb.
It took
1 - aoea Uaa Bftato atoalaa
1 walled and waited ta mla I had aa. 11
patby tri Ua people wbao little Wynne
■ .-nrird fr..B Ur L-biuiuoy;
died. Ur lortog enul Ual oonld ant been mnaiog agaln.1 lime The Iwar before Ue ctoud bad laaaed Ua fhesod
llru.) bn>llal«al. and M
Agraatmaaf of Ua bnlMrwithhold IU aya,aUy from hnaan lay deed ya.1 al»at a mile brUad. aut UraBB
turned y'auDy around.
fall down. protoHy (raa •■>■•*■ '
kind. A. a girl
h.imr. Ur bad faecu tea rud. fnai wberr I bad abut Ua.
dueau t gu W maelln.' an
UoB aad wer. atosriy
atoirly deromwd MkM
oalird "aufPbanrted;" Ib Ur rlly par
BO Mud uf .•rarj.)." Ua
BM folia, of wkiaiar
iU. from which her haatand'i fnlllog
Moo»yt(.l.e«<io I Itnprair«d Faran*.

Farming Lands


i«B raoHT nuBT.


, xioa.

Front St. House,
$1.00 and $1.50 Hotel

diiiDl Cut ud Cotmots





nmna id am mam


taaia rlrh. dr^BBd ( U rallAaf.
Tlabmad maUIy alth barar HapU,
Aah. B«ck.
L>- ■■ i*"*?'***"*****^ R F< Ba. IMawood.
am »aU WBtawd by
bb j

d* I’laa-'t noi TH t-i -r. CaxLS
Especially adapted to small articles where a good
paint is wanted.
Black aod White Esaaiel Paint.


Ill Mli^^^lmfiilifiti

404 Uaioa tL


SikiBoardlit Stable.

J. -A.. MONTji.QTTB.



188 Pront 0trML

Tnama Oily. Xlebigan.


BiUliitUn If



pllr—aruaa tra*. miliiin

And see the Magnificienl Line' of
Woolens now on my counters, such
a line as will gladen the heart of
the msn who needs a new Suit and
has a laudable desire to get one.
in addition to this large assortment
to select Irom, I will giv^ you the
finest workmanship, a perfect fit
and a price that will make, you
buy. TRY ME.



bealU bad driraa Uem. II bad bera
thought that Urre waa ■oulagTent
deal ufdearlittia Urn. UaTbrw."
T£r donation pany waa expected Ue
it ehagno. aad It mb b
Brxt night, ned Ur oniapM'tUy bMcllyooUe mlnduf the alaUlef'e wile
Ury arrut Uratirt o
Kbr iMred Uat Frank algbt abow bia
kill. The tVoalUi
A gannt and unkempt ana ope:
rerllagawbeu Urr----------------------------lew. the following a
he duor; be luubeu aa if Ufa had b
plytif piiabiM i|od .. •Blpa. a
ieh laprobaf a alni]
alniggle aad lUa ' Ueara wen i
e yarda of
ganeratioa of raadoa.
d-i abr waa
c'ImUo' lor Ur mlaUler'a du- Degno to
(at on a Yoloouoaty raaeh. a few
alao wlU
a of gam al
yrera ag... a email taad of bog. war*
1 aani lu get a .
. . arema a g,aa]- plea
' DU.g
b. give
eoaSaed U a lot frated ta wlU ><«•.
abat yun kD.'W tbr) tr gut tbr
latme part of Ur feoee Uare waa a
Tbr paopla bagaa tonrrira. lawk.
of " iant i^y aaauuird a bruk
hollow log. abaped anaaUhit like a
BBBbrta they Sockad In! Prom l>na|
abr dbriui far. rue bad"
Hag Hollow, fma "Ua Hina Mou
Lidr Ur lot aa?Ur oUar oolaida.
■ Ulok Ual abr bad letlei
lug." Ua roagh back fulka. wbo be
<ae day aalatrlllgrat preker diaeuraa Urerrbeba.
Barer brea to a d.BUiea party befoi
ar\b. but-.-. laUrlr lire.: nropl. frum Ua oU<
rrad Ula taev aad Ueranltrr WMIt ool
.. , .
wlU'Ua Bin- Chnrcb. wbo bad beaa at lead wlU Ur aad raUraad at ba owa plaaaBiw. TM
ed Ua rwaeh happened ta ariv
old eborvb from the
ba day of aapnration
The aan'a raggn). aeyerr face aollcow aodr of egrea of Ue Mg oaa
No pntalua or "r
•ralyhaglaar. _
•d lad'a'nb.V>.
"Harr Jane, abr liruay had Inkaa mre of Uat
Aakca lo rm." br MUl aiowly. "pbe eal) a dainty collalloB lor Ur or
baiol ta 1 anybody beiurr. her aoUer aapic enoogh lo la.arr thr Im.
died juat brl.wc ar Mmr brn^ nod Ual
Ibiu tor the rblldrea
made uingadirmot. IHOrr lulka baa
In a few aeaeau Ur bog im ap to
It waa ]aal aa Ue company wnaaboat
kriugln a. Ulaga tu ludMprrae. after Ur of -BMut hla Banal exit and paaard Uiongb Ua
clutbra f.w Mary daur.—they be the Ue Uul bind.. ’ Uut HaaeoB lt«. .laagine U> aarprW when ba
maaat wr .lidaT own 'em.— AbewB Stanro. lAani I>m.y belag I walked oat Ua oUeraad of Ua log
aod aUla' u. Wg -W rkurob. aad B> amHotod UaaFI allll laaida Ua loL
lb me when
a^lTiB WlU
wbeo tWy ^**^1*^ Ur mlaLlrr wlU a purae of two baa- ! Re louked nroaM U a poxtlad way.
r is Ura
drod dollaiv iwaarking Ual -aaoU'i aurntebad bia ear nad lewd again Nnat
hB wifroo
twaa hard Uaea' br Uungbt moary jraaalL
day. aad they error MUI anyUlag wontd BC na aecepuWr aa aoyUlng:! "FeU. ITI to Mngad." gTwatad IM
mrodlla-. but >e.t aUed If Mary Jane aad l^ bad roMlnM Ual a, aacb bty.
roolda't ooau nud gel n.-t(uniBled irlU aaUatonght lobaaddM to Ua j
ran oat agnia
tbair little gtrl that war J.-at brr age. Uler'a Mlary from Ual tlaa forth.
HebecaamwiR _______ ._____________
bbaS bean Urir ball a d-ara Uaa.
Thr alSkUr waa ill Ue next day Uruagh Ue lugau oftoa aad ao tool
and they baiut a.eddied. nor hinted n
lb aaerwroeoU Ukaa oa Ur drira Uat Ua amokr bagaa lo Maa froa Ua
word lu her agaluat her taUa: and— .. "Ua War MoaaUag - HrwaaahU eiacka. Tbra br gare it np aa a Md
'ea. I d.a l gira np my
}oh. aad. ao the owato of Ur hog Mya.
ubudy; but. if Mary Jana
arrar agsto west bmt Ue famea to Ua
gu lu NoBday acboal wiU •mMoaiabowtUa Ubmor aad hM him.
___ .BoobjaUtcB.
BMartSraaa BM Oto Uat .would do.
•aaaa lolka.- Mid in Ua old box la Ua attk. Tbara wm
•ol oaa aa-i^ Uea Ual Mltatod hlaa. ulB "wmBay- tapraaaha •
batbataekal eaa dMaOBMatodly tote WlU tMt Acg aay Mae had M
Mary Jaae. traakiwlaoed
kla aaMoaaia aid Mb arUa Bbangod ludowlU korplag tba poritar a«aF—
alart. aa^y wrou duwa
it lor Mr rwrtaBd iiiHiB «< Uatobor* •atoa tfom Ua dlagM M SFt at hriaf
brr laUor tedd ban aod Ua mb
•ad hM Urn
pad aat.pTaBk-bUltBtuAaalDrway'a
Uad. It waa dtsbalt tar Aaj^ Drav
Tba lioaiaa root la I
: toxioM Ual ba UosU prMeh Uat Baraca'^Ba algbl^^Utok tt^gal^M^ •aa foot orFxtoebM U M ahip.
Iroa Ua Mitoa-a toi
oaAd aotSateawtoM toWllhhB bniM to Inadna-aad'
pad to Aa-riaa. wtoew
ptayM to Ua aaaatoa
•Ullaoaaar btmtMtMw^ Mrr
Ua kaU talha.- I


A'Jo. SI, Front Street.

Fresh, SalUand Smoked Meats, Poultry, Etc


Hut Ur aaa a rallau
walked uoBlorblngly ar.
fruBI ul tbr IllUr buuM. w


fJU fi


New Patterns


fioaschold faints /






'tirrb ■ ‘

udtd Ortatoaar
lrom;^kD7aar iMaceto8cB. Aad
-. aUbUlty aad wtirliaM^ aa
UaraMBoasItot ahn^ to
lUaa UoyacB
Ibla cualraa.

OaaofUa Oeod-dnr-lexbtogA


Uat werklag bak««w aaala waa to>aHoM to Ua baaiU.

^■al IgoaaOa

aoaU HM to


aa to band Uat aay be icaly U
oag Ua toeaaUaa at a inaFtol
Hnagariaa imdi bat arMI riadira Uta
p^SldMl M Ha Hi—Ha—, Ka Sto
BfMtobla aMnawbr Mb to M >Br '
SeraM. RTboa a fatob aidal la mA
ealy a ailp <d IM paAbifla aM «M
Hay papw Uarlag loDa oX. iMrtog M

■toak9 09; kBOAMtoar.

•IM M Oto |K>rt iMt rrMvHr. Mi H».
•or* n« m4 teck M IMardv.



Heart Cure,
Cures Heart DiscMe.

kp Ika.dar'a tokiod^ Om

larkM.Ilt paW
kkd •.ntoaya'«dJrb»>V
p»plBas apradto toak\abB9 to
atowatrlprlt k rrldral tk.tU- -

H» Mb a»ku7 bM kM *!■
' taa* Ik UlM< to lk« |M« «M


^Jm Bkktot tMkMkto

raaak'aCkrtk. Ilk toar baadrad
tot ol tb, flaat aapl* aoorIkr.wIthlViBob toa.akd k w raaalra a eoat oMIkoard oil oa both alda
batoa toruc Iba UetorT Th, doorlatkUhaaaad U a baUdlar «blek
ba tba larfaat a tba el9 «>
■anki uauBk.
k. H UoC. as old aattlBr llriar
< tba rUlara. died ^tardap.

H rklttM *• HlM» Hfitol, M
hMMta toto.
Hto CUtm Thaw ittotol
V wmattw Ik Ikktow 09. t
«wU»to>*»»® Tf»T•W09 M«tok7 kklntokkd koM
Tbk a B. toklMBk BMtiac tok F*l

Advance Sale


..>.1. 11.^ »cll» '*r«» and

•Mkdfnia lk.«»Mlkf olthki

Ml MUto ku rMll7 (Old bk
Utm am tbk Uk* riuM ud povluakd
Vaaraaeli.X. D* IMto.
B. A. (ka^ dfotk w Mkpl* 09

area W raaia o( at* a'kd baa baea alllar
to aom Uma- Uo'wma a Batin of
York atata and >aa tba falbar of a
larra toailt ahoara all rroon.^tp.
.a faaaral wUI ha b.

Mkater «< UM wall. k> klMd Ito

I n» obiiaad la Mt or u aiH <
knaik. I aad w ataadoa an
eoaidaanijcnalannad. Mjfnaad.
Jallaa C. Vtxai. oa. of oar taadUr paan
CBU. Mkad sa lo WT IB. k to-Baan Ot
1 bad uaad lUUa Bora tbaa a botUa ai

Now In Progrett,

tor. rMantk« kaa* Fridkj
Ibandaf aftarmook. Oct. la I. »bUa
Hn. (W.itoki. at Waai Jsfdam.
fOlnf to tba Hapla «9 <alr Ak
<9Mt kwMk rtoUkf MmA> is tUk
Wrao «aa tbroak ftok bk bacr;.
tOkishif btmt tot TsmIbj.
wma (Arrlad to to the raUdakoa o
Hn. IkclMl Xakl now (roa Tn>-,
CArfHaf-baroadorto—aak^^ Mto k-Ucal
Il.bart. lad.
«ra 09 tot IkWrdk; to koqi bow*
lor ba toha-lalkw. Jko. Ekbl.
FMa Owa« un tot Tsokdkj OB
tko VMosk9 to krWt with trtodo
The BTMtadt array of Lsdlds
Mid kBtkkIkIkkoa Ik bikai 09I_____ _____________A...
and Children's BATS evar
Tbo kMsa hkcfk WUUka Bkdulph
Haktbtoll W. ^rtok-^port^^
shown in TrsTarae City- bnt
«k«a isto tori tbk aorktac kkd k If
.U.baad aod,k.u.
ths piioes well yoa'll hi
tar M
Bns. took to kb<dto.
Hn Wall. WItok Utl Tkadaj <a k
to see tbem; you'll* be satis*Wt with bor okto. Hn <kpk Oito
Sed they are bax«aina ewary
Hkdb Iktont baa boaa takaa la tba aMoai. arbato otbar plaak
akar aad »aa blaadiac prefuaely
tod o«ba rskUra U OtokUad. Obio. dkaoaarpot tbadraodad Banka Uk>nsof them.
o> tea aoaa. moute aad aan Word
Hkk dsUk rokica. abo^ bo> l«a lU at aoranl p>tok la tba Urakd Tnr- •Tba attaatioa oi tba pabUe aalbona imnadlalaly aaat to bk brotean
WHh Hr. mad Hn R. A. OkapbkU klBBi ana rarkn. It k a dasfarooa waad. Un k aallad to tbk natto. Dakr k
Bararr Andaraoa to Hary E Hoopb.
(totM. W> Ito Tkoalkr to OBtoksd.
maa aad area aaUrl9 naj ba to- notear aad akatrra hera who left tor
to fart of lot It. I dk T. H. U A LVa.
Aadraw haa lirad'
rid tba ooanlrj of it. root
bora all bk lUe aad k waU kaowe by
ttW bOetp $16.
Q. B Hkodhka kkd tbaflr ratkinod
M laprip to Prod Sold, part of lot
ach a aa« aonar bafa tbkt Tar; tba aditotel roon. of tba BMter a.arpoaa who daplona tba nd atkhaf
K . H. L. A foV Tte add*«. block
HthklrhaBslBCkkafDtot Tooodaj taw al oar tokMia kaow It ij airhv
■aa. It kaii'>99 leoktecatotr aad
LiTU—Hr. Wka died oa (kurdayy • IMI.
alto k Mar of kkroral wB#k» at tbo TbaBksau> krlad tobaablatorlM
vatilLLM tawa lau ksraaaa.
c! H. Shain toB J Mot
■BaUalta Xo. » ton Iba Uaiiad Tba CbdUlac HlaU Raak, which la See a. TtT N. Raw—•!
• ■ ttoHlnaa8«MkksdSbisd9«e<>)- aaalaUoaolIV Wa ara tndabVad to tba
M arrtoBltara. by aboal tee tnt of Koranbar wlU
aaak A Lay Co. to I------- ----------W «~i i rnok akltor Maada la Otaad Rapid! Braalor lYan to tbk
rich, lot
la t. blh K . H L A Co-a. 7th bdd
B. Ilaway. rt*aa tba M
eeed 11 A. Ulod(alt A Co. la tka I
tnoano 09. ntorslar
It. It waa amai a law dara afo hj
la tela city, waa .u
D. J. Yookartoll W A B Voa
>at papar to Ulaawata aa artlate ton
lota Mlind U. bit It. II. U A Cb-v
kadalanaatiarotaabaeriban I
Hto Aaaa HaliOak «l Okon
klek wa qaolB aa tolowa:
add. lute IT and la.
I» blh a. l-rrry Uat..
atook ol tea aaw bank at a toaUnr
iBk towa Mdap ksd lataraod I
aabb trdadd. luteK II. U aad IV b "
■Iba Raaaka tkktk kaaanra h>ohMonday analar of tbk ■
t of Oakwood add. lou Ml and ST. blk
tba toOktar aaoonfkiad b? Hkk Ftor- tac piaataad IbowUob It tkraataaa
B-baaftar. »koil two warka
.Uekbolden coioprka ininy ol oar B. 1. A Co'a- tte add-Muuu.
laaiiiil k» anriaitlail laaatoal k>- mmiaaltoB. aalanl aka. C—I'l
Piancaa K. Oriftla to Ent Bay Lnalarraat oapitelkla aad aunt aat
Hr. Whlnkao asd wtia ad ■aalt'
-r On. luteiraadlVblk ». Bayaida
aatloaa U oar H9 « baa toad ladr
naa. a eonplala tkt of
jai by ntebta bain la tea ordiHark arttod TbaraAaj analat aad
aakool ___ teaartad
laraa tolowa: r. J. C^btaa. JpoaiUoa ol a rolUar tbaa balm
u t'owta, fr to tUa Fowl!. Iota
will iktola bora to tba wlato,
raoaBt9 aaata
P**i plaat. aalarrad Uiraa dianatan II - W. Cobba. f A Blodratt A Co-.:
Ut. Wk A a. L. A Co-a. lal addPTUrtbakpaaear ootura.
to P»oi. C. r. Wkaolar. Flowar ton aboaa aad te toav abow. Kramar. Jolla Mnudeld. Aaron AndarHInUan Yoto tot tba laat i
A. NalaoB to A SnrakU lot U.
ol tba arrictiltaia] tar tba CBlyi lobn iorminr-------Cbarka Taraar. Uaary, Kaowltoa.
latekdriortnaot wa bara nllnad
H 1- A Co'a. ilb add -AMi.
aoUara, who U
W. W. Hilchall. It. W. Caarnar.
rary turuirr rSm-l aad tbr mull rrra
ISrrj 1
'b rl
Maria Oiaali.
hlAu Mar
rarad aa laidbar la tbafri
aalpinra: *Tba •dnaaktbar
Iiwim-toturlraa aaekiak ufM cUok
Difftea. Win McAdia. 1>- B. Hclotyra.
I IV. bll
i L A R-v II
IS ukplayrd. wr arc arloaiabrd at oarikalbktla.
tea Baaaka
rrad U Raad. Robart Jobnaoa.
aaHn C B. KaUasd daafbtar Onela
arirea In ukiup »u--b a Mpurb 'cdlar•ona work doaa b; tka al9
uhtok rrpmaaU p-T—*
____ _______
marwad Tandap
to daatroj ail tka plaala tbk
farbiona. currrcl,tylrv aad prrfavtl
wban aha had baaa rkltkc two waoha laU-rirht awar loo. At Itot Bans
Uap. hUteiloroada
trilb nkUaaa aad trlaada
keep vakaa looktbk pan bn ret a loot boM oa tba CUHnWnHarlbati
earo AOraad Traak nUa-ara traoki oat to tbk pnt, ^ to dntray It aV
tarly atoaoa. wbaa loaad.
It---whna kali a doaaa plaan w
& E. aoanwttob aad aa)(irk9 • <
Ant dkaerwad bare teal Banner,
na paatodar. aona ol wUeb w
Rnnar. John UaaadalA F.J. Cobba.
dar*' *klt with bar akiar. Hn V
tba rhar baak aaar tea aorth Ui
toy:larra- Thar
to tba
D. F. INrfta Ww. MaAdIa
pair. Utay aad WUte. KM OoUoa
atoal brtdra. aad wa ban al
Tba ofltcar, alerted by tea ttokbnlAIteakan.
waa of it at diSaraat piMak te tea •
pair. Tun. km l ottoo Uaakata.
tee Monday etenlac orraalaato-karri
loaad « Waalteyanaaa aaar FaUarlroaadlar—kT-______________
pair. Tua and UbMa, KM CoUue
igrr-i'-f ara: Pmtdaat. F J.
9 bar
.. ....
la Hn Ykrtte asd UUla daarkto
JO inir. whito aad eokrad, baary.
jam wiU ndaianr to anka tea aabeol a Sadter tka paanpa too roarb rotaraad Ckakter. Kaary Knowltea.0-4 Kliekrtd.
to aad pray. exBa baary.
»w.Baa. P. a.!toaf Iba H.
Owtartoteaeold Bkwn of wlad asd aeo oa^tal. It will 'bare a aariara daWaiJAMBuntnti
- k aiTiradPrUv
ir. Ueary Uray. lo-t Wool BlaakUs ao aarrten ware bald to tea Ooa- panmaat aad wUl domrnneral
PbOBuca Baaaaov.
larattesal ebaiah Saaday. tea tar- naretel aad nrlao baUaan. balnf orraalna aadar tea atela lawa to u
a It k ripacted that tee new
CkanWaaknaadli . .
aldiritot waak aMaadter tka teir at In Dana lataraad ton Fas Ukad snday toma two waaka'rteit te Tiar- raakatlon wiU •noned 'tea praa.
adtw«k aboBt tea drat of lioranber.
Hapla a9sad aUUarald trtaadaad Pridkj.
~ r. W. Baath ratetwad ton aa
FnakUn. aad tafaat daarkto aana
I with bar.
ttte Tta*Doable wUte nixtai
wha heap poaltry aboaM paa^
araaaw Pridhyaitto. rritorally »
----------:. - 1;,,^.,
E R Bpaaan naSaa krip to Trar- tealr poU^_ boaan aa than ara
abroad te tba teta
a teebn Bide Inpurtad Inprrial torp,aaaaQI9 Walanitey .
asan all wool, la bkek. aary. raidlaai
Urn Cbnpball laiatwd Ikterdsr
aadalMba lalaal abadra adrrrtkad
Ololaiaao k^^^ke—«Mt Si
wn Travataa CI9.
.barta. toD. 0. Miltl.
bar terrael Hwinr cktehaaa takaa.
Hn Waller WUn
too. U.Ttori. R 1:
Tba alaan barra Ulkos lay at KaUb mii at
Tbaa. Amatraar. Mfhthoaaa kamwr
dock dlnblad all teal waah aaUl Fri­ •MS.W.
aa toath Maalloa kkad. airtod teat
Badd waatto h
Harparat Dean to Rath Dnaa. wi,
naak asA k tba rM iMbk wifa'a par- araaktoTiallbkaktar.
ol wwt, aad wH of as o( aws, ta
asU. TM N. R tlw-dlOU.
Wk. Ur. aad Hn Eltnbaa. Hn Arwi- E A. CbnabaU taaa
laat of tea laak aad aaada tea tmal—
Parry HmqbIi al al to Hsry E laparBtoar. wbobaa baaa bara to a weak «9 teat Wad
Mr. aad Hn E J. nabbtea rataiaad saoaaaaiy to aaabla bar to teach a dry aoll. torodaoBiatdaof aaS of aaS.
«r ao. WiU iwtaia bona with bto
■r liuk.
n. IT, TfT K, R nw—f7«i
........ . w» a.
ton ttetalo teat Priday.

We are ahwwtac ah HHami
sseortmeat la aU the awv «m
Oons of thSMaBOE

b.M«- ttoa taia. laia.


Trimmed Hats

Cloaks and Capes


Dress Goods.

R»8!!'. S.HKi2-.=STrn:

Fnaon E Ori«a to J. La^.
V,..- Bayaidoadd-^iuf

Jaamb fter—. Traaern 091 E E
Wooltey. Olaaatead; Jai. Ataray,
Oraad BapMai C E Inekwood. BaltebK «. E gaata, HUwaakaa
Report of tka Narthpurl pahUe
ntooktotbaneathawdlarBept. «T.
Banbar avoUad. lUi firk. TT; boyv

aaan. Ui gtita, Wi bqfA tki aaan«a

Kanbar aawJted te Prinary m
. *ti rirte, M; btpa. »; aaaaara te
Hannettbaaawhohaaa baaa pr
Oas Vaka. Eteyl laatw. Bdaa
ana. Haiy Jabs. Ttea Joba, Lanlte
PhanpA Otera IV-na. PteMa I


^aad tA blk V
Salarday with a laad of Soar.
MnClC. Paaawn aad ns
HnateU, whi
toTia»aiaaq9 Friday.
,J. Baihboldrr.
Btaboldrr. w S
TbaUdka-AUaoek9ha«aatekk- Prtay te a daanrad eoaditen by ter B Barkboldrr toJ
aa pk —OB tealr ]—|----ata Oatkaraa. aad waa aooa pat te eoa
Lka J. Jaanlapa to E H. Brown to!'
Jao. Baaborawaat to Traaaraa 09!
Ik a. t'arawuudadd-tldU.
Taaiaday aad rataiaad Friday.
,8. Slaala ooadaelad aarrlon to
tea a RaptaM A *
Hi. aad Hik. UE *. (toOp dnia to »ka E E okarab kal Saaday
Alaitadd^Sbaracaa CI9
Citt Hoaday
HoadaT noratec.
I Baa. P. 8. WhU
HnWlU PiaakllB ntaraad n bar kaaappatatad to thk aharra atebar
b me teTnraiaa 09 laat Priday.
.tatSTtrlraA aad Bar. W. Baath barHnChartn Fata of Eaat Jn^av j
V. k-aaw te^ ^ Mk
!»kn. Rraainp anrlen to tba M-B
* Hn Vn. Harlbat
T*a .
lahata ware eoadaatod byRor. Wn
J. Laalia waat to Ttararaa CKy •‘barbor oftatafa.* n kria
te aridaaaa
o tea C. E raUy. today with tear taiBo
la bar drat trip at barpaaad tea Oraaeast
I deta walUap tba tabaidaaea of tea
****irtoaBlwteduarnwUob kaiprarallad
baaa m to aamrU dayv ara naadtep ! ateea tktarday.
"""T” Tba lafta
“ ftraltbt



« Ti.™.



Hobuiruad Wool Hia-


we might Mj ttigr I
If it wAsn't for our n
are wortti double the prioe we i

Southftlda Brick Uock.

ISo8 You’re Back Aiaifl.
You need a new supply of GrocerieA do0*t
you? Prokop Kyselka will funiah you whh
'em. You'll be satis&cd. too. No pcrsoh why
you shouldn't be—the (oods are all light,
prices are the lowest, clerics courteous sad sccommodsting. If you don't buy your grocer­
ies at P. K's already, a trial will coovine* you
that what we say is true.
. 1 want to bd tbe.grocer that cocks to your
mind 6rst.


ar >.1100 r<sbrn.-<* naay aii|i
la - }aM oat.- and naaot br __
r------- la beauty of druipa and SakbTbrnaraauae to buodtona apd


For Absolute Pure Spices,
High Grade Tors »ui Coftoss. |
Atol First-CUss Chh—d Csods

2S?*:S2 trs srsSo X.JSiSiJi'i:

aaaoiato W TnURTELL'Samyoa wfil tndiban. Ha ako baa Hgh
Grtaa Ftonrtbalk BBaarwatoBd byante lhaW9auaaUJbraoorlaaaA W. kar* knookad tba baaaon ato of prtan bat
Soidaplba9a*daBda<taeda Wa «nto wtoo to a ta arUaiaat


. 109. tba BH9 aad A. a Potto. Tba
~ “■, Ptab9 rastarad oat teio tea Uka
taarl ttean Rata Oaraaa. Raadte Oar
t»^jtok noratep.bat taaad k .......... .
aaa. Bna Itenah LUata UwateE
I to takDB to pert apala.
fMa BwaaaoM BaUa Lackte, RI1
Iba—A (krrte Warto Uastra Inten- tarsad ton tea HlrteTnratn CI9
«A WnUaThanaAmoyTheMA Ptad laairrtayTata. Praak Votaa. Ohaatn Taaa
Hn a U WUn asd daapbto.
ZiwBA arrirad tonOtetaasa. Htea.;
Wadantabatep atota.'ntd a Itowtah naa tea
Paaak StoaU k. te Tram C^-otbn tey.-teal I tbtek oar towa
.BUfan. Aaate (tertbA Edilb ri.... BBiatepJalkCbMB IhtoBpbsaaUtalboltetbataaord. Tba Ian tblsp to ha
Eteto Bartb. (tedl WItos. Ba
atata te ear kaslHy waa
Wmto BarkiaMte. Jann Tb.
Hr. sad Hn a Slaate. who haraU eartatanaa had a>ebH
baaa akay aaaaaal wata rataisat' a aUraati ba baUtItaU rtahkitbabanalaat Priday.
| too tea eenntoknar pot tbna.
Hr. aad Hn a Oapam weal to.................. ... '

10.00, Etc__

worth double.
Ladies* Heavy Coatbinaiieo
Neversold for lea than $1.


SoTE-hta. aiA«


N«ws of the Week.

In Iwo uf PUtiH in

J. & MstHIu'* >


At (Marietta. IB a raaalM raea at__
b* pleaUfml «■ &ra■»ti« torUeeW- fair pTOBBda Krtdej Bcntaa. Tool WUleaplB. a >u«baT. ^ed la oV)
ridla« Cboloa Wlaaa. «ae iatlaa^ bOM.
Tba berae ia fraat of Cbalea Wlaea tall
A MmrqaMW eotnMor uM lo
aad (iillwpie eae twrioBe to altbet
nil* «IUi
A piroe faw ktoportara
Cboica Wioea alao fall,
t*<napk B boBM-. Bvniwlr mlMkor tb* klrbup Ue rUar with Ua trail fart.
At Habile, a dear a-bkA bad prubAt
r. J Kafth'^ b»r* »»A
mW; brM rhaukl br dofa. raa lalo tbe
»».»»»■< bt Br« am Sm- Iowa near the bibo. Aboot htff •
d>T aTiilMr U
at b; tb* (oar- tbe toa-B waa auoo la parautt. aad U
of M r ttallb.
dear ia lu atlraipu to eacapa triad I
Tbc BM>« eram mtm mo Uip* an»i
leap eoiMea opeo pit. ataealcelalat
Klla tb^MMM ItetcMate alUaf fell V. IBB bouoa Itv Cebl below aa
te tve
tbtra ortiM per rallne. ui
«4iOT ere fen ead fer beiiMea at that
■ ■BiiT-aea eeaie aeomir oi kae ruat
Via. W. B. Orarea. liwima Bear Klb- A i>ere Mar^aeUa EallrTad Coaipaap,
bir, ImU dawa eteire backereitle. Nbe di«*W dad Tride; eeeoiiK while
walVlBC OB the kliret. Ue bad baaa
aafleriac aliphtl; fraa atoaweh aad
- - uuable. but bad alteedad lo fala
Jaa>b HUIar, a poaac awB of AArta
I aa OBoal Hr waa aboa>aial;
' ' nmrij aa^bTod ia tba batb
at JMrall. waa klUad U a ra
a Uaoaear. ad
toad arreoh ......................................
at Million. X. Y.. We
baalinc a lew daja
butbetraapaaad'Bew to that‘e1^
ata ^ to ba aaaaaU; plaatlfal aad ae far aa la baowa. w aaj uUi
la<*iab|gfaa eeaat/ U tbe proeaai It bad a bodj aad atrtpea like a cbiptlBa. TW larmark howaear. an lie- aiaak. a bead lUw a rat. pieb epra.
creaa eokwed far sprlaklad wHb red.
Baeb lipbtrr la oofnr thaa tba cblpVkkabawMB are ballac aad eblp- BBBb. aad jaw poacbae Ube a
I*rot. n'n- M Ualmra. forwie^^l’^b


SKrs‘s;sii-Kr..^s; Z

Boat it will laiee aa baa* whkb earn
ba Mttlad oalp bj tbe reinwl <d oae or


I B aot anod
. d.irtrlaa. dacrriare o ar^'a__
pateb Ikia eelaUaco a dnlantioa la
poriUea laarare Ibal tbe
111 aeeer roeiM
a of tbedapati
riiorj la V,
ricbt there

StroBg ud StAAdy

_ UP "

Neglect Them Means'

I^baroe aBOV
Kuurmau araai
the rhdailj of baur

CecUin Ruin.


puBokla w^h a
lie of ((blilotwla

BtTAnyth nnd.Vicor.



e aaao; ttaoaeaade W-da; atiffrr ,

place. Tbe'ha/
of a Trrj Asc<|BaUi
At Mckebarf dofa
jU/ killed to
Laru/ biroafb. of

'Advance Styles.

ame. It b .me at tbe [licid^iU of
leaa life, and yoo a bo read tbeee
are ao doobi use of tbe freai
After tbe da/ b doa. and
IbrBaat la tbe ekdalt/ of Halle; am
lie carta uofht loceaar. voo wikb
eeUbf Jabllaetoter ibelr on------------f wtalcb hare tarsed uvl Aral

Ss*-***'** “*

aealal iraea. It la daeatopiaf toto
................................-* iD»a*0CB. Chk
llllBoia. b Balflac mapa aad ake'
daHaabtadaMqrWexfurd eoaov/ farmem are aailia/
oftbc[dlaaad iBpleBeaUof tbe preM> BllUoa baakaM of paaebaa
bJatorie ei^iper Blacw lo be fooad au>*(.
pd all aaPiraeciae >a iw^,
tbe rasr* Bear KuchUad.
lie baa
Blade a tboeoacb azplocatioa of ibeir
weary eycUdk long for that tlnrd
wcUtlan on tale Ro/al. aad
aawre'eaweet matorer. hal«y. Ueep.
lo paUfab a book, on the aabOira aad polatoca are freat cropa tVhat woald jam not gree tor Pe rw.|
Rorl baa tba poeareat etaareb orpaatbiOB(b Uriartoo cuaal/: aa arrrace
latUtba alata. -bH*a Uaael Ooalaa,
jam bad p the oldea Umea But it 1>
Oaka ruiac* baa a rosBaew
and IS. la tta laralar orraatat for tba
rice with the taka of aurieeY bubria of potatoea pvr acre am report- denied you Tb* long baaiebm full off
H.E. CborabaS pUpa all klada of
•uud aad eblralr/. Twestr
BWla with parfaot aaaa.
All kerpIoacAUIe am belBC boa^bt
da/ brittga ooly bcadacbe aad'
At aaoh Bla. Maria Joba 0. HePbarof tba rUlape bacante eBcand. ap and abi^ ool of Halhaaka ocaiBt/
eartacbe. impaind atreagP aad cere of tbm* two Inad beA hae b/ the cmrSamA.
Owlac to tbe tcarelt/
aueted aerree ae yuo drag ihrungh Ip
_____ .rowB cold la all tbeee loop.
of ha/ aatfarmen am temap Uemdrear//aankbollbr/did Dot ree ibeir
WV clear to be starrled aad ham kept
Mk rale blfb ia the
There U Bu bordea mo piafal. and so
poaUnalBf tbe rreat. Ob W'edoeeda/
ea p WBkUac. It wna-P tbe body
aeeoW tbe o08«BBalloa of tb* much
ad Impalrk IheBlad. It U PV fearful
poaUcBed ceaot wa* tbe
erPager of iaeanity. It bae Ailed our'
eooDfb coBBor refela
Uad paattona.
Ho oaa aa mi '
Baa/ IrieBda of tbe ooaUe. ^ tbe
m to aoppl/-bi
•io Ub> teroufh tbf aeylune with iU TUiiBe. Yoa kBow
aw«bt a fUapBo <d tba aalBBl.
to^^pUrUm atarWy^to rmliae
PU'^aod glooma/dmj^Pc fulure.
aa oa oa* cll/lo
MtBaBlaaa. waa hUtad Wa^
eaient pnietj*|e> you, and
Tbe aralae blow
Iwayawon/tag orer aatklhlfk wlade oeax (i.
n.-o are Bow . .
tend ot^^faeU mS*^Ib 1b^
.VoPiag goee right,
briBftoIdat tbeee
r* tor 10 aad aad cou ofpa feel like deepairlag.
bnaat aad ba died b taw BlaDtea Ul
Mre. Mar/ biker Ke/aoldk of tbi- 1! cobU a boehel.
Yvo do aot f«l ctaal P Pe border
Wat Oorriab bara. la Satoa. a_ •apo bae baqaeatbad MM.WU lo Cbk*fo
tbe Aral peach tree plaaled lb Ooe- ----------oe bom p cakily.
Mra. Jasae U Oatee of Hilwaake.
P a whirlwind uf tUalructiotf. >*uu
laUad to aat It oa flra. ao tba oaly daswaa a Bible that waa broa(bi veer la
are p Pe rerj Niagam at our nerrouk
BfalaairtiBtaaad aldla* aad a daBtfad
Ow Ha/flewer la luu.
Mr*. RHHaaMqitoe. oflVkary, U BoderaUfe. l>o you delay? Akfely U
York ooBDl/i^aitaimaraam tUI- eallbf rakpberrlm.eehkh Uve Jaat fot right at baud, if y.m will bot anwpl it.
tOwaaUp rialtBdaaaUbor
tbaa lap of a aaoA white deer that baa I«e8 r1|>e. Thie i» tbe eroood tiou tUae That luce ul appetip. gaa In tbe aUunacb. Uirpld liw..conatip*tioa, oereouk‘
^iBf im la that mrloa eereral ilsea of bokbee bare burse fnilt tbie year.
area, bmdacbe. ep. am hot the Aral
___ TtbeBtbetrli
dr lataat efeUThe polalu biarkel wse ereer ec
eyaptosu ot tbedaagerlo oumc.
wiM tbaMlIldwi
Idwaadaad. Cana
at su Jokepb beat the preaeot
eao be aeoided. bot ooly by aeiiug at
>J Maokolcl. of
There wa* llUle deBaad for tbe
Aboat a Boafb tr> Oa'Tle Bonar,
Bkauda hare alood where roe
At JoDeeeille. Taeada/, wbUe atab
Uriar aaat cd Lawtoa, l<at Ue bare U
cwotrusted by the kuare frigl
Bra. Ba bLd laat «at Iba BatarUl
queucea. aad bam beca cored —
Bad ktocklafa were wore b/ Mlm arukg bUuew palealcura cutler. Wm
Bra pool*/; of Boalua. lad Tbe d/e Moehaat becaBe roUofled la tbc rralurad to baallh mod happiaem br
caaacd blood polaoirtBp. aad lo aare Ber maibiae. The malt Ik a brukeo ar
that wundcHuleachaaprolklecp. that
aad aeeeml bnilam abool the head.
omreelouk reatorer of oen---------------------*
Ilia, tb* rirl W to kuSer
r BBipalaUoB
^yakal ktrrugtb. Ur. tim
At Qala» TboMa Jobaaaa died of both left below the kaea.
.1 bo.
lx- cut at all The frau aad a II
•*tyaaddaa& eaTaBdar alrbk Be
Ur etriprd
« hare worked haeo
mgetabic aad eoUrcIy harmlem.
BM table aaaal bMith ail ^ aad la
lie chair oo Tbe worio ie elBltar lo the cBe
Mra. 1. 1. CoBpric^t. wbo mi
tbaaftafaooaaelad aa a pallbaarar at aartb. itiar
Iliuc llill Am.. IbwPD. blakk., kam:
■ tta (Baeral of a f *............................... aad tact
.. ealoaofAiu.ouu.
Wkr baring bad an atup of pc
lalalBtbaaraalMput of - Tiw^
a wealth/
- Ai
*------fu w./downward.
1 wak tueliag eery weak and
AIMa^HatbH. WUtUaaay waa
tree* witbla a tew
lorral berk Bear ftil- kl.wp or work I waada-wrek ia ...
CbptaUC.W. Tb.
of Col* f>MD'
Ub larpmi
(/. Mlaaiarl. hai pi
Urpaei OM. hare hewa forced lalo l> by liaiba 1 conU aol walk or work. 1 waa
UeBBtarpaara.tba fatbar doiar tb* wateraclob egrr i
ta —weifbibf
.ad are
aaaBBiot tlie heaatlh
WeifUbf tbe bwU aad
rery Blaemble. aad 1 tboagbl J kboald
piokaoil white ilnia of tbe carl/ dp 1 Icat all inpreat p creryping:
I be baa
bad^|reat diatnak from tbe UtUe food fRAVEUNG LIFE MONOTONOUS.
Baa •atib. a Oapaunn aaw aUl asLllarar/ Hot**
-After tablag Pre* botllea of Ur.
Blxly /ear* ago JaBca E
A. Biagacpe arUde Ibat attracted OrweDe'k Herrura blood and nerre rem*
MaitfamtCbrtkt/. ofSbarob, i'!^___
tbalr lore. H* waa IS, aba to. Tb» wide aUealioB eume B.uilhk ago war edy I waa eolimly cared of all (bear
«a>a]baiB« aeetadaad afsab tbiaa agmad to get married wbeo tbe/ eoaid llanoa Crawi.ed'e prmeatuioat uf tbe cuaiplalap 1 feel like a dlSorral
r the luck.d Imre
iaebaadaapeallahl* bod/.
Id.ruuinilile excit.
alfaed lo TM ether da/ tbe aotogeaa- cnyuf liekLlugUa..Uiuat,ated by As- runiaa ~
A. U. Baadall. of TWoaaba. aaa* riam warn wedded.
dmtlaktaigac. AuPoraud anikt will
iL- luiei xay that it i
Tbie gmad rmlormlire for i
work togrlbcr agaP iu a leru* ol.arti- It- Urame'a -Vervora. dock not conUin
lADle Goddard, a aUloab /mixold
ciee oa .lloBc, aioo to appear p Tbe _ panlele of an/Plag iajurlooa. aa.l 11k AiPnlB lims;i;uli.ui.
laba lo water tba bora, aad bataro ba girl from Uarakide. Ky .. died oo a Cla- Caoiary.
eibaaU Matbora irala. Abe waa lakboraa
Tbe cueapleP aoral p (be (WPlrr Infanp aertoa* cbildma or the aual
iacborAtatridooaamilrtBd in oobpaa/ wip bar Bother w bea tba trala Ikkueof l.ippPcuU'a - Hr ntraogc Ib- dcllmu iaraiu with aldoluW askorrAcpI rcanlta, Ur. Crwrae;
raae adtecturee that
Tba Oltt btrtbte/ aaaleantJT of -uUsbbr plaagad forward aad frlnbt- Metn'HP St. Xcw York City,
led bar to drath.
«bk comoiooplacr. Tbe
AIpbaiB MA. tba alxtb of tba*thirt/
aoi T. Hkboia tboufb the oiukt kuemaful pbmklaa P coring
Uoaananod MIablMlt to ba eala. •Hr' Urge
Barlag Ueed IM/eara to Iralaad.
arnroBa and.chroaif dueaees. dlporer
but would you iK-life* it ill
Ira Mary CuBe/ baacumr lo AeaoH
tell, and kauwe bow u. tell it p a^ay wd it, aad be mo be ooBaultcd fiwe of that 1 mu wake up at any booruf ■
> aaae P* balaace of ber lifa - Abe i
P oal.'h the reader e lalereal ia hie charge, pereoaally or by letPr.
e< tba old Pi/abBiv.
red Ob tbe etoaaablp Aar«aia Thai
night. DU mailer wberr I xin. imll bae
Ai*t paragr«jlAaB3 boldUaaWurPgdv
ber daaghlar. Oatberiae.
ly P tbeead.

FalX of 1SQ5


On. TJa-e S'oXlowlia.B XeShsta:

New London,
Opera Square,
Needle Square,


W« Aboir the only baw snd ooapleto Uao of
Call AtylM in tbe city. Ho old foods At the sew
shoe etore.

Frank Friedrich.




Right to the Point!

No use beating around the bush, we admit these are hard timM,
* and we.propose
to divide our .profits with our
do not In_
pilTw Tc7m- ^i
Of the season before reducing the prices of
m the oipr .lay. 'wad am ««- OUT goods. but meet the demands of the Working Classes and public

rttrjSSiirK z

Our Overcoat, Ulster and Suit Stock


iri»i- —______
of Hii. Ber broper, Ii
llri^ p CuDDt/ Kan/.
At Haw York. Mm.
baraad p draP bad her bed-riddea
BOpar. Mra Mar/ Wriabelmrr.----badlj aotrobad aad tba Am ktor/
B*aV P which Pe/ Umd. aarrowly
In aapcela to be
ba B.
Bot laa tbaa MB /eoia eaeaped baPg wreebad. all Prwi|^
rad oat of ttabar tabd.
k Cil/. It waa laadc
____ . _ ... r copper, aad bow It |
•ear Haanlonk Pt/ le a B/al^.
Pe atom aad-asat Pe Ue
Jdha Abdfwwa. a farmer el/bt/ /earn to era/ aide of Pe kllchc
bM wUeb»iiaBB*
*>r«. bablla aad bo

•rblab ba pleiiil oaar blapotato pBlab.
it ta aajp^ad be ataBUad aad fril lato tb* Am. aad Ibat owtad lo bit (e
waifbt aad ac* wae aaaA to ariaa.

j is
w uompitivo.
complete. jio
No hbou
need k
to» Qweu
dwell upou
upon lus
the maKS
make ana
and quality, it ton
^®^ known fact (they cannot be beat Below we quote a few prioi*;
I have b.xn oc.rPe groLu.i . often
A Wool ChiuchiUa Ovsrcoat worth $10.00. for......................... $ 6.00
=®®^ ^^sy worsted Overcoats, worth 18.00, lor......................
tiwcnumePuiL «.conly
Elegsutly msdo Bud trio^od Beaver Overcoats from AOO up and
ti.« tn«Tem^i^^^
general large assorted stock of Overcoats from 8.(X) up.
Cheviot Suits, 1SSU worth 10.00, for...................... 94»
1 awnybeiorv he hm time p
Extrs Piue Clsy WorBtsd Suits, woith 16.00. for.......................... lOXXl
- - •
A large variety of Elegant XTlsters from AOO up.
Children's Suits from 9Sc. up, and other bargains too numerons to
mention at Prioes within everyone's reach. Come early to

Mra. de NarartviMarr AadcraoBJ bae
pw naupkiAO tbe auloU.«mpby uf
el la. Old Akepmaaa.
ler etage carter, au.lapiim of Pc
la bb "NotM I'pon Loodon* M. Anaoet laPreetPg Paplere from tbe
Baaaeerlpt will be arlaPd P T he La. puun rUon rlalma P barn diacoeered
Ue*'Uome Joaraal la Ibaea artk-lea be naw wumeB P England.
dre. de Hararro wlU Pl|..of ber Sret
ippHuaaoe oa Pe stag*. P* expariace* of ber Peatrlcal life, aad Pe P- cresinrr of the old keepaakea
Duu people in .\Bcri.* aad Kaglead dry end bard, and her f.rrD ie Pll aad
ehoaeaoiuePUaceebe Bade.
| atmpliiThe mm ti dcreiuplng oa
Table Talk for OcPbera’aomber IMrwlnlaa prlnclpl.-e. Men are giring
enjxy llieir ku.u*l>'. Xu. ilk a big luikifboakcbold eabje^c are touched ap-' ap marr/iog. or. at >
takei the tmeeling iimn'k life la tiigbv..j
marry lemtb^ they dl
Pemfom. BO tongcr ke
Ben aa tber did. Tb*/go oat Into tbe;
world and raape.P wli h P. ara. Tbem |
. an 1 -bli. ^ ! S'aub^Tl.'*.^?/ ^Slrf!Toc^


ix5^--;,d:i:s-i^rimb'rL“i!‘, }s^u/”^?L:r‘rr“wS:*;

■i geap-man who 'occaidcd a
of a QaBbrUge profeaaor.aadahebaa gardcD aat ou a '
fear daagbtcra. of whom Pc eldcet
h Ptrty. Tb* BOPer ha* car/ adraaced pollOcal opPioo* and rastaav
.'•Iih*.mc.a..‘wm the reply.



. •
Baa/ entimi aad UaKwical wurka.
"Itb ’
BBuag P*B being -GuaPa aad AebUV; Tbalr Pem aad Wurka." aad -Tbb
WbUaaOOtapUag IdellBbtba fat.. War/of Korway ." He hm baaa a aru- P* Oclolar anmher
*p.r ■at lb*
i tot.
clmmbcm aad b. a. fra a. ‘-K^u.'::;i^‘ t
U tbe Mlrgraada la BrMua with a IIAe enaliibabw to pariodiml llura- iaaa iUrlcw. Tb*................
•loqaeot apim Pc labjcet of
laaded gra. Babr/ ITaa, Tr., wm Mtal- tara. hi* Pat mtorj
-Tb* NUay'a
.........mal Expo. <>»PrT
CPwp- wbtP ba. bra raaaPg P
hlghar aiadha and
I wiP tome Ircay wfaeper E
cPiBlag lor ll a uperiority P' C”— i*
. G
UirtuL Tbe PIrd has loandad a i «erip"
i-a World'* tbP
| at
eoPay tor woman gardener*.
Tb* I “H>».'OW «ia«l/. tir.'wa
Dr. Mar/ Walker. Badwal adeb^r at
Octobar E-oraBpmraU iP read- *
-' •
And* I •»*»•. “‘"rt Itb baowa a* t
Iwg* to Pe general ahterboiM of
______P cleiaa Ural/and muraUeg l~*~ .
England m
a ..■»ii|iu*i
A. m..«
. .
dUEUaaioo* oo aa
—y ..

- '
* bed p aipUP bi. ora
Y.. wM p goP,
nblw a*Tmb^ bT
maeb abd aa Ai
IB being a -r-j-rr ai
deaAd gund.
a* well a*
Vowa af! Mlitac/.
a ham^
to the aew wuraa bo**- I
bInnBar* faeera, ara P Parch aad
.1 Mhar* f
Baar/ Voakv at* «d tb* aaada at lb*
pmtaadtBraaaBUrei beaabMUi* ao raa ^P tmloan^
<c* on.
OnrwoBldacBieel^ezpcet Pe i
do all of tb.Baklngofapa» of chocXI
ag ap aPUu of LPeola and Gmnt p b
of rto^aad i





'« r.r-.'ti'rriVi.’t

truly pro***
ora* P b*
be ii
P McCiur
e*oW. wber
wbem Mr. Cloew :
dc^bmp* loag
. ___
aad |
eailaat Ptaon of P* arpp O-Doaoraa :
TbaMggaleof-Paoaaatof ttara- aad Eakiaa P raakiag Ibra Aa*



Paa at Amt aopputad. Grar Afu raa.1* wmt* Iqat aad tweat/-Am or Airt/
tec* wriUea mj Bobert Loop t

niaeidea^afbPt^^ ___
At nial Mra. WUPb Tab W«

____ toPl Ira B< P* Apeak
CrMabaJ €ntoa.aa«iCBd*l___________
of aboat LAM lea*' dpplacwMt aad
LAMPrpfowar. TbaOrPPW.Cb
torB*drat*dP*A**tef ApaaPb
Pip* draUad Pwmteh Peorat
.. ,<y P^a^ M pramat^i^ hmd-



atera wlU P eoftebad by a **r




You will see a nice line of Furniture.
All tbe very latest styles, not a last
rear's piece in the whole slock. As to
low aa furniture
I buy in car Iota, pay
spot cash. 63 new ttyten of Cbambtf
Snita. Kttf maid, call and nee.



And you do not h*T* to go far p-get* bargain In a Fur Cap*.


T.a<lif>g We call auention to the fact that we are thowins the 6nest line of Fursad
Astrakan Cloth Capes aod'Jackeu er-er shown in this dty (or the moaeg.
It will pay you a good large margin to buy of as; it is to your interest to look us over befote
you purchase. \Miy? Because we can sell you a Cape or a Jacket, latest sQrle at that. «t
just 50 per'tent, less than ^-ou can buy elsewhere, and in (act. everything in oor Uae—Dry
Goods, Clothing, Boou and Shoes. Etc.

The Opeo.Door of Opportnnitir lovitcB
Yonr Entrance!

New Furniture

Clothier, Hatter and Furnisher.' ^

^Our Ad. This Week is Like a Cat’s TaiL |
It’s Fur lo the End.

aMMaaM BaibPiaillBMm Mm baaa





waal Basra taakM. Utaat A^ g 25
AaAUWaaiAjMhaadsPCWwM........ 4,90




LOmrmaa. >!_>




*r.,r..--.''r;.‘t““..r-2.95 i

■ 4'



Grand Traverse Herald,
. E-OaodiM.

rwsea * Jose^ Faelea. w
AliMl»7Md CooeertCA.oMiMteC
hlkC. a- L. A Os's VUhdd
I Bayaoad. who Is as

C. L. Oraitkk. ir. A. «ev
Wem-e Oh*
n* WeWeaebhM He enfmlw
1‘rMer «ttt eboU M Udls G
■ n------ Itineeawt aller—■ sad
M ia^fVee«lliB.d.W. HUihsa. .
b m»t
TW s>cr»e» wseepaaad by MHs ,
betead whoMMsdUeartteto)
dn^ * ■sllead. m vbM sa artM ,
u asasiar laiatrinep)

You’ll wonder
how it’s possible

r UerrUU Me I.
d C Wk 1.

Has. «. R. Cks^fordcd AUefheay

I LayCo.toAatoobUliaa.j""*'^'"*^- *’^v5oe T Beraa.
MeUaad »4. Uk ». R. U A CobSth jur_______ ____________

for us—for any one any where— \
to sell such a fine quality Gash- \
mere, all vfool, seamless, ladies’
full fashioned Ho^e at 26o pair i


was derided tbataartMed aaMrs. KOlihea fare s feeied hM«r
se rmrmmmn b. ado|Aed Vr «
(M* sn
I* hs(taala« as to the hcwdoC paWke wurba. the yaT r«»
auana, there will ha a eoa# aad i
pneaat tiaas. asala* the fleet •seelad apaa kjr the aasaeU every »»
lerital. by MHe Ewilv White, tba pbaaal yoaoc eoptaao. sad Mb*
GeraldIbv Morfas. tba sated J

once you’ve
seen it.

Mhs WatseWy ftTlswsd wMh a P»Ssr SB tbs BssasvT aai art
The iaritaUa af Ra*. W. A
aarts. ivesklafadtbe sat
d board toauaadU

■d la tba LadUe' Boaa doaraal a
■OBib or two afo. Tbay irlll be
ad t^ Iteel Motfaa. the anietic eellbt.
TbkwUI beoaeot the dacat na
lahaeBoaabaelafaft bat
we ever flrao la thb elty.
aaaie at S;M p. B. that day. aad fi) la
7 oaa wUI be fled of aa o|
d iarrdy by the O
aeaoastadtbe bam
tbleywr .
Tbs eoaaeU abtoaiwad t<
a TheartMaaeoantbetr dayavaalayatTJe.

will aoaalada wl* aa aw
Sobaal Dapanaw
by >-ied EBanos Unwke
Tba fUfh ■ebooi Rariaa wUI not be
aadJ. WUlteB Ifary.
yeUlM thisyaar, bat Uluplaesrtbe
UauLowUI ftfsMbool aolB
or two dariaf the eebool
riIle.'wU*pfafadtobe|daariacaa^ waab
thaa baeidaf every oaa Is toaeh with
the food weak done la oar pablie
nap^nawseakaadwHbas asaboola lathe apaaa devoted to IbU
>epaMe soda by WM Ckawload. ahsr
neat wlU be foaad aoUeae ad lawbi* HJaaMaetta
tacaeaseapi ~
o pareale.papiltat
by tba
Bterteaa la Oraafe ball. Case w
lb *-tba aotb eaatary ri
Bail baaday BoraiBC. at
Baadey dehoot at aoua.
CbrteUaa aadaaeor prayer b.
lEvenlnf aarrlee at r
The paetoe. who U alaaal aUaadlBf
baas dhpaiad <d sad Ibara are stHl a ■
Bsallay a( tba Byaod at Adrtea. H
•Bad ...y to ac. ap.' Tb. Amr a
apeeWdlnbeatboBaaad to p
both BOratnf aad ceeataf aaat Soai. bMladtay old eph«>l balld-

Absolutely the best anywhere at the price.



t Kteeeu aad Kideealka
CaannilUean-CteliDv aad
Comnilltee on Police.
CoBteilwe on Hrc end Wi
CoaBltue OB PoaniU.
ColBBlltee os bewera
CoBBltUs oa Pnblic I.lfbtiac.
CWBlltte oa Ordlnancee.
Ittee oo Llceaem.
Ittee oa l-riatlof.
laz Baehot eeid <
ebell eoMlel ol three
hai-noas. Thveoaaril Shall always
tfer meUere to Ihr eppropriete eom.
Bitters lyereiloosor matters which
doBot direetiv relate to any daps
Brat of ear ol eeld aundinf widbi
UM shall be referred to snrriel e»
Bltteaa Eaehsprelaloftmmlllretoor
elsl nt tbne mr-ritwB of the ouaacil
be appointed br ibr mevor
Baitkioa 4. Ev.*ry eomialttea. in tbr
dierberrr of tbair doty, may require
MoeeofaayofBeer of the cily.

R.;lluMcltri <MKnle.CBrpetaodClulhliw llotiee.

227, 829. .231 FRONT ST.,



AM af Dr. IL E PitiwaaoB la
af la aaatbar aolaBB of Iwdsyb Haw
Oab Park, daeladlaf oaa aBall balUaiB. Tbe/Blb«ariaiasl
Tbepwifdava Haary Kayer, lareeay,
Tbepaoydeva Aa
. alof^iaparty.BaUa |
Tba paopto ea Oaa. WHa. Plsad
TWiBaaaafhri daiildiil apm apto



rdially larlt
. Aaraho.

effect after the esplratloa of eW week
dare after Its raeviea.
We hereby certify that the tnvafolnf
" nrdlraao! wee pasard br tbr Coaneil nl
the at* of Trevrree
oo the rih dsy
S of CMtober lel|i,

(BUBip or cwatR (acnarifr).
Brs ■. A aitettti. Peawr.
Aarchwlll beheld aeaiHuaday
>;M a B. la the aew ball over Moa
fae'e hardware eloni.
The ps-bUe la
ccfdlaUy lavlted.
Habjeol fur Best
baaday: “Tba triamph of tealb cear

Lt. LiMcai la Bac}, Pbyaba la, Ueol c
If 11, Pec mi
■Taaperlaf with h
. Tbepobllear aotdUly lariterl
r wall tbs sarrlcea
Latla M. B^iaaiaf Oaraaa li.
Senday school will be at V:M a m.
A aM thlaf B Jaet belay latroda
-braeataeae." wiU be tbe sub>ael
la the lower yvadai la lbs way
Hatars ttady. Tbs am fradva < il dlinaeiiil by tbe pastor at IOi».
Arletlaa BadcsTor at S:M p. t
Smtea at );M. Sebjact, "A Ttcu
for EviatyUiUy.-' H-het time hare )
to baud a palace? Yoa will be oordl
•v.D CevkUe. pester.
Tba Ladirn' All Soalely held lb
Bsp,mlbU toll lawUb tbe
ef atady pareaad la tbe .dlffereai aaaaal Boetlay yeetardey afterauuli
B. aad aeaay are watl-kaewa pat­ la the dar^jiarUaa. Tbe reporU fur
tbr lest year showed aBcaltect work.
riot*, poeam
Tbe odfeae alaelad waia; Hra. A C
Dotprea. praeldeat: Mia. A. Kiay. Am
riee prBidoel aad ahalnaka e
aaadU ooaiBltUei Hra. f. A. Uoata-

e E H«tnastBl.«a Aribar >

B Daffy eamUteB I


r pUatiff ef
m RaIbBwayea Oaa. C. PWe.

TbBMe E UdAaa A On. ea Cbarln
M. Riare BBd Pates Wanbtvy, Bna
*t /BdffMtfvpWlatlff.
fcwwa Draa* Owl Opar te




K ......pril.


It will interest yon. The two grea
latest Debaters on that
much-Ulked-of sulijiiect are

Beealay waeehlp ?p a^

TbeaaUreeeailafeapariWofatl the
BlldlBfeH i,»aa,aadb
oftbe aabaolyearlba m
BSaaadIbia Reariy all tha n»»are
' -iUbow.
Pt^ Orawa baa peaparad the toUowlatereat ae
Tbaaae E Rorraaetal. va AMbar lac tebte dUeh will be
aate Per­
V. Walt. VBaBTill JadffBaBt. tm
th. Hlfb
COBc U, Eofttah OramBW aad OQBpcclUca in, RIoiflffy M.
CJaiud btatCB RletiBy «*. ElcBsetery
n. Adraaeed Alfabta

muaw Dea va Omiad WaWe
MBpril. ■aWM CM ef apart.
Loale Babiw ea. Waller >. CUly
aMfWlBT.Oaeaaa^ai|*t. fadr
Maal far plalaRff af Side.
■aU. Tbe
UwUT^Mya Walter «. Krily at
at. I
I III dadywB* far pk ' •ccUaye. which
•maeLaariBaa IwBaU Vaadw«^
' dadfiaaatfar pl&sUff

HOSWEIluIu C3-- HOUR, of XTew -Z-or-^.
arui •WTT.T.TA.M H. SULS'yTD-S', o*-mdwsr


a Clay Ckmrni plajed farra
______ it itesijoaalm>Hi,ly.,wi«dcd br
all who teW him. Ibet taU JoterpreU
tiua of Uaroa Vuu ilubeclsoSea. tb*
leadlBf role of the brlUiant oumedv
eeoMB. "Tbr Nrw namlnluc.-- eatUled
bim to tbedlsllncUoa of bavlof enrtebed the Amei lean eUfe with a aew.
ulquaj^ lalmtlaf rbaiacter. la
__ the draemy
etodasi. aad ev
mallrealBral ol
llarelB Ilea much »t tqr cbj
eharaeter. othw attribetee belay
BaallncM lu tender lure fur tbr ben>las. aad all tbr plctcrawiea featerm of
a forriyaar eat amid aurel earrouadClrmrnl, eopporud
-*>- Sew II
d Oprm
Oder Iht
Low'aaus loAUenie ExpotlU
Oe aeoountof tbrColtue Nutea aad
laumetluael tlzpuellfa.a. ibe CAW
K. Uf. Iseelllar llukeU at low latee
for the roend ulp
Kates from TravFiae Cily arras follnAa: for tlchrte
fond iweaty days and yuud aaUl Jaa’y
Ask aernu tor fall
On. Daiie.Bx.
U. !•-

between these two noted men (oflScial edition) is for aale
ule at tbe Bookstore.
We purchased a larije quantity, and now, to enable every one to read this
remarkalile controversy we are goin to sell it forrjnst
jnst one-half Price. A
.juarter of a dollar buys the book.

Don't Miss




•ry: Mta. C. UaP
HIM Jeaaie Aa.
Hra J. Q.
Tie east teacdl^

-I bate

*‘^l»sbna aapead
aapeadadUH ywr ea «
af Iba I

Bcmlay tbe arw BeBbare rec
*>y letter. Uada Hoeror. Urire
Ayr b. Ksrtea. fiarab E Heads. ElUabalb
1 Utade: by eoafiaeinB. Oacryla A.

They raportad neba reoa aeald be t
badtola parBcatb.aBd ibaacaaeU ,
ardeead 11 laaaad tar oaa year. Tbe ,
. afarirA head. IMM. wHb Jaaeb Partaeh
ptweEtewaa that af tba n

tftbaiBatedir.WM.wttb R.UmtoRaaaBdJ.EHaaroeaecar*lea OcattfUae iliiii la. Oriieite aad lardte'e
bMii Bteiabaappreaed. Tbe
tf tbeaitekirief Uw board ef i
•wbe ama tied at ilM Mb.
tbe teayar aaneanead tbs appeteP
•aattff.W. HUUkaa.«yM.; C-T.
f Ubrary teatfata. aad tbaap-

Tleaa PraaaseOtaUlek.
•Itawe wU be btfd evwy

Patchta, Ollrar Wat
TUe waeaa
Tba Jaalcr C; E
I ebetety aad llybt
Nl la food form Kaaday
te teaBbereblp H m
atrteltf te tbnse bstwaaa the eyn tf
l« aad It yearn. Ofltean alerted vrere;
Hrvt Haauyne. pretfdaol; Aaale OriWait. I
tatyi Kobla Jobaeoa. treaeiuai.

Iny a laryer part tf the year, and aH
Iwal year over Tec took ■

W«y» aad Kmaw-W. W. Rtelib. E aadtUepeardoabtlMB

CTtcordially lavlted tebayrMCL
Iba lacalpreae aad qltieam yaasial.
4y will dad a baarqy wBlcotaa. Hubiact
tf the Bddrwa wfil be -tba Mew aty".
t by a ealeat tetfa qeartette ecay tf Heaeta tBchey. BaUldoy.
WbltteBaandDoBclaa. ThieqBartrtte
'Mcoteaa yraattevariU with tha
. . aaadtbeywlUylvalbalrbeelaelaeHQaa. RarrteetabtclaatTB'alatf.

fwHY it is desirable to use the
I best floor to zoahe good bread.
That settled; the question is,
WHAT is the bestflour to use?
That's easy, use our “BEST.*’

In the briUianl Comedy Succam

The New Dominion, |The price
IvmitETbbdtf lobdDfrorXHORSBSftwa IsMOtolsftOO 2
P«dui«A. 4 to 7 jmim old. «t

0-cL-ble37’s Seutxl,


of potatoes

Mr. Joseph Adelm^n.

laka Aaa. Oct 7, t aad «.
Men Saaday crmlay a fecial ■
riaa wfll be bald U Iba HaUuMliel
ebarch. The city coaadl has baea
ritedeadwtu attead la a My.

The Ladies Know



Tucaon' neapnea.
• uacbarewfllylre a latept
Ibebaatral baUdlay aa tbs Baa* Ride
PrUayeveBlayOcl. II. d abort ■
al aad literary prayiaa will baylvaa.
TUeracapUcB leylvaB la order that
eraale of papUa aad pawcaa tf
•eboab Bay beacBe bette
aeataiat with the teacbaia who have


Hannah & Lay Cb.

Annual Eiwaycnienl ol
or tba dlffteael

This The Only

Our “BEST”

JI’LIVS .trCIA'nCRO. PraietituraadMnaatKr.

tea. aea't eseralaiy:


Tba tiiteBlnii to weara aadfarsHb
aad faraleh a
also be
«*-e *w ritek ead tveesarir reported yradea.
Prat W. H. Aad


and the price of ehoee are alMut aa near
on a level here aa It’a poaaibla to get them.
Our pricea are Joat aa low aa anybod3r*a
can be and quite a bit lower than moat
peopla’a are. We've a very agreeable cius
priae for yon when you have to be out in ^
the wet

;;i Alfred V. Friedrich

«>Mf La#. >•

Ladies’ f j
Wlntfr * '
wear. f
At 95c 4 pcs. or 2 full suits


ktWriKW. It vuk bnoliloi fttiersiMa
'' aad Ika Um wm soatl; apant la
, lacmMao* Um U«b. wtor* UtOT • e( kW dcotk. k'aarra] <crric«a
at Ik* CuacraCalioBal cbarvh
tbal br wa. iuatriiiocalal la
Hoadar aioralac aod the burial
lac the death of KatlU llelle Coa. bj
M-uui kw bM noelTad cK Um <1mU. pla>« at lUBCham. Hra. Mbcuok aod
liaal operaUoB.
of U>*. M. B. lUakall at ^ howtm la daucblur. Miaa Krllk. ba*> the ajaipaa that the ftrl beiaelf
^GBI. Un.UHbolllia.bM^ tbj of «TW7 uoe ia tbuiaaad
bar death. The Jury d^ided
ia taUlar tMoltk t« »aa. Ub. and kv
Tub G. K. * 1. K'y baa purcbaaad tka otkenrbe.
BOl aawriBctad. Tbe
iKU»7 bv’ldiac aod wDI aw
•nanv ^----------- J_i_________I.
A MutAke or TwoitforapolSlo wi
Looia Huff.
Hr. Ilaakall aad i
of A. at the Tcaeerae t ■tp
it^ jail.kaeaadr biaA. HeCoy A boa. Hea will be pat to wlla iaiw baaed'(roui tbe b
work at oaee oa the repaIra. The par- tbapaddiocia fau cell aad f.
Gould Btakloc aa
»€*>•« h«
Utloaa will be turo duwa, aaw Soon
of tbe Mlwuori Ihcliic rallirB}
aad oeilioc' P«t la, aod freal proof Id- epetoa. He b eo rioleot Uat oo ooa
cat ln« frok aappljr ol
• orl! aod wbat to do
Bar walla built; the aaBaraaa eeatila_____ uaeolted orublea.—
Uoc abatla oo the rouf wiii aleu be re-.
lU atari ap acaU la a few d.,, pad ■ooead. aad Iba aoUra baiidiar Graad fiuphl. ririar.
Tbe abuec oeede a oorractioo or two.
w otkar da|»rtaaaU will becta erork pul la Sm claw akape. A aew aide
Luaie Huff wae oerer ouaBoed lo the
I eooe aa the lofe are broufht laInek will tw put ia OB the aonk. aod Traeerae Citp jaU: Ike jail hae ou pad­
the oaelcbUp rabblab that baa litlwred
ded .alls; Huff dW out oiakr kle wlrkkI’bBo B. Hattrai, the popalar leetka parda aad rtear bwak aad )paea aa
irar, wUl ctra Ua leetore. ■•TbaOoldtka paddinc Uat wae oat
■ naa^* at the BaptHt eharek 8at- epowure fur peaea will be alaaaed awap-. Uera; Uer^ wae oerer aap daocer to
I b^aa c<
Udap aaaalac- Hr. Urlltaa baa a wall
atij ooelo eoteriocaoeU tha^ oarer
daaaread lapaiatlea aa a brUliaat aad eo.DaobaakeU. aod ibeaaio Boor
aabtod. to ooBlrul a otao who wae aer> Bead few elurioc putaluaA while
rd Uera; Urrr ia»r wae aor
eoad wUI be deeolad to ralo aad
bb beat Icetaim .
to eoIrA
There b euek a
;p. McOop A boo Wiil bdria buplaf patlaot at Ike aaplaeo; Hr wee twuucbl
afTB^ATaHaiBWA aad all who auaad wU enjoy
aloacaaodeBpect to bate tkebaild- bare froco Maoieler eouolp ebacklad
lacflllad thbwloter.
d haodoiSad.
Tub UalaaawOoaatp Taachem' AeObb of the wddwl dwlkr of tbe pear
e karraiecr
ariatkiawlll beheld at Maple Qtp.
<d Ua patleol b qaiat aod
wae that of Mra. Lpaob tVioao. of
rridapaad datardap. Oct llaad
kAoc well.
oou .Ojuaeoe
laeBraB Eaat t'rooletreet.Ocl. fad. Mra Pla■atn,
« rri^T aeaaiac bp IVol
A Tbedat
C T. tlTBWB oriUaaltp.
Ula aabjaet Mr. aad Mra O. K. blorear. of Lake
(brboa Uioelde
the l>rtBelplw
IMaelplw of Aae, wae oalp eeaeatreo priia and
uide aad tka
«kaoff.aod laproreaeiTto
aicbl aiatke old. aad wae (Barrii
ia Uelrelurv. which whaa ooapletad
loa <a tkr uk of Jalp
«UI make it one of Ue dotoj amacad
Aaiviaa caUd baa b a ofcaali^ Hba bad baaa rerp abb with tppkold bookator. lo Ua etala.
Tbe larre
feror bat bad raoorarad. wbeo aba wae work n»a lo Ue rear ol tbe elan
>trickea dowB with bralo fetar ou SaV baeo dirided bp a parUUoa loto
aa who jolaa b pladcwd to faraieh ordap. kept. fs. dplac the Hedoeadap r?od aleal ruoaia The bnek ooe
ww artieba ol ercariac apparel followlac. Hobart Croa, of CopreoUb. blared for tbe frmmioA aad eooldioc
I llB pear, btaldce doiac what bar brother, waegjtk her wkc
aad Ue waU paper Block
otbar work tkep aiap be eaJlad apea to died. It wae but apoaa( life
•d Ulo Ue rao. joel back
do. Tkaaeabareklpblare; aad ock- uet CO eooe. aod ber hoelan
ofiu preieat locatloarwhicb will be
friandt bare aoeb tpapatkp.
ataatlp laereailac.
aioelp papered aad arraarad wiU
for a wan paper departtn Waatara raka Tebceapb Co.
ecUac wiu Ue room in
at }aat pal la ealf-wtadlac eloob
froat bp aa
tL B. Walk i- SwdoWre. 3-O. J<b
and wbh la Ub wap to erpraa
raoBlad will be Btied
r. A. hri. W. H. riatehar aad U.
op fora rel
■ooe rooB.
A polbbod
OakBatt aad S. tkllar.
Sbrk IMaoe
ill be pat ia. aod tkr
aad tka Hat*, (fc. alraadp haaa tbe
d aod boac
Boa. B. Goodrk'b. of Ule place, t
Bvaa Uad ol elocln. Tbap ata all r«cA larce bap wlaalatad hoa^ tkro^ the W«
aber of Ur aieauwkui to ^epradow of crackle cUto will oocupp aterlp
'lakaCb. bp t'.'b. Otaaremtorp It
1 Hbkicaa at Ue "Good Bondi"
ax Ue wattofA^aldc of Ue rooaJ A
IB oalebraUao of the aew and haad- -,.BBb-with Uc AUaala. Ua. espial. —-U1 take ap part ol Ue/Wb
J.T.B«,(ad ^ali- BoaefarabhlacoftbeUdlee Ubrarp
from tbe aialo etore. and will
tka. b lia aalaaatip proper and BUIac
«aaaf tiM Beardof PaUla Worta.
rnnai. laet <bUitlap afteraxa Mew
Ua Ko man to. Hbkicaa
daaea Baealaad. Thlribp, CArew. boala
U. L. <H^ baa
hH t
>ra aboat raade tkaa Mr.
fBTetkaladlwof tbe:
O^ribk. bat be tklaka. eonecllp.
-tWe b Back pel to bam. aad
tor Ue waeealeD. of patrcaa. Thel,^
reae will beaBlaponaot o

At $1.75 4 pcs. or 2 full suits'

It is our column.
It is ours because we
wanted it
It is also ojLirs be­
cause we p4y Mr. Bates
cash for it
Dictionary says aeolumn is
placed perpendicular­
ly and lued for sup­
That's it
helps support tbe Her­
ald: alsd helps support
our customers every
time It calls their atjtenUon to articles on
which we can save
them money.
We can save you mon­
We can save you mon­
ey on ULSTEB8.
We can save you mon­
We can save you mon­
ey on SUITS.
We have a very large
stock of winter neces­
sities. Wouldn't have

a-oiitition thItwMk 2.300.


•ddtou.riob.ff«.aiu.rooto.wiu »‘^^®did uot buy it
eopplp of rilemac. hook, plamd'Uem it cheap unless WO Ih*
ladkawmaodiiocoaTmieotpiomto tended to share the

rwapa. It wUIfariaCtocrtkertbe
drop, la aad laat. write Utter a or look |
nad boUdetelaUe world, wbo,
apaapUlBflkep wbbtoBodio . m | eSVing With OUT CUStOerill aBokaaffc Idrai, aad karr a
emrp wap.
T>b will be oo* of the
inUBltp toaBamleeall the bat ro^d
Brit. If oolUe Terr Brit referitoeecn.—
e aadhalldlnc aaUriab U
lolta. aeer claaa la Ihb el9,
opeaedio Ueatolebpa bo>
ak ralaabU lalomalloa will be
T1BU. B. *1. erill brtac la
booee. aad it will be aaeb anwocbled.
alar Vtaala^ teepear-oU blrikdap
taatanacifKaaBaaBlt a^ihkhU parip ITMap atloraeoa. There were obtalaad. Tbe UBBtut bopee. tor the
BoU aid. of Uc aala ealeareoa will
food of Trmrerae lltp aad Ue whole
be oeeopUd bp Ue lar(e etork of
Ulrtpbopaaad ch-bpreerat aad tbap
[%b rooa will
kadahappptiae froaSASloto'clork.
abto to allead Ub
be lo ekarcr at M. H. UuUep aad B. C.
thaaapfartoUe withitwdalate food
«r Baabrraof
Ullliofe. CUrr Corito wUI be at tkeaad blrikdap .ha with lb Bee raadlea.
0. Hatch. Ualmlt; Jobs Weleb.
bcad of tkr wall paper aad eyrtaiaelw
Meet Hap cijp: G. L. AldrkU. bTint;
J-C. HaMBh'i cMaraalU wUl
a Ciroa Ike chtldraa «
partawv aod t>oak Parkre will tokr
W. H. Wallaoe. Bap Ikwt; Chari. U
■f tor ■■ inei •ark tka IM «( tUa
« <a t^picM ftaiBia«.
thtora. daciaaw, bat Hide; H. Jo)
vaak or tbe Brat at aaBt waak.
d. PapS <rf Ue SooU Sid* potaBpriaepcet. and B. Betaa. UraaarllU.
o bat jori recolred a Boe lot cd
troto eallar to fanat. and tl
for Wialer f towinc lo Ur boat*,
pea* aadbaaaawUlao. he.1.
Oar maada and Oaraatrea.
laclodiar bpaeiBUe..rrcd liliea. Baea
•Ad totopbAerreelkbemalac.
Uhn KItUe Backer, who kae beaa ar llhet. aaix-itooe aod amap otk. ratiae wfU her aotker rietiea. Pric. tow,aad<baltaof uml
Thb Kalckb od Pptkbi wU eajop i
erar handled hem. The
tenaaet thb eeealaff la----------- rA Wkkb er«« Brat labed aa as Mn.Brm Mania
retamed fro. Vpaitbalr mcalar todfe etark.
Bortar boildio* eear ay ram
>. UM poor
if poealbto OBteat laatpear. haea tamad oat laaU Satardap.-Mra W. X. Mltohell
kb paar. and Ub b
haeroae'tokerkoMlo SeMlaf_____
to U w,‘
e aap In tiae twae to ilral that
Mra W. C. GaaaelL—B.
H. Ua* will tot poo
kaow. CAa lap earof Ue baaaeand
*1 to Cbkafo UUidAp.
t’koapBoo. who kae baaa
____ ____ __________ ______
WaiiA T. H. A Traaaa aad WtUb
rialUaf her davbur. Mm. HaUaaV
trianeb abarakBatab^ and Bm. »^»>*>fftoa ware enjoplaff a aalltac
retamed to Balaaaaaa.—Mr. aad trip tkroaffb tBe ekala af bkto b
MraC B. & Bffbart k
AaffaUa. Ckl...aiberi tkep aiu lo•>b>«* af toatoottbaBa r haaaUtal bito af
U Uat naerp whbk

Q- W. Pait. of laka Ana
Iba AoahU . — Halm



■» tMua lUTB at Baatoa. abeer
^ K. £ Deeb aad writ hnan to Tiaemm Clip paopU.hae token a pmltka

flaatoBa ••TheKpw Dato^«.-C^

pmaaeetlp.-U B. Hoaffhep M
Libtoa.—Htae WlaUred Diara to
Ttotlias la <todUtoe.-8e.. aad Mra M.
A. Kelwp 1
rtolt ia lad
Mra Uat. Mamkall
tolattoffiaaw tu wmk Madele«ato
to U* Qraod Udffe of Ue Baetom
Star froed tk* Trarau
Mia Botoa WeU aad daachtor ha<
CAkaffo after a vtoH wttk
ad F. Baaek aad r. FriedIks.wkotokeaUkhM'
poor tor Ue part pear, toft Taeadap t.
CaUtcraia—Htoe Blaekaa baa keaa <adac kar wli, Mia flerimdi
QarUa of KoUFoto—Mtoa Head

At $4.0.0 4 pcs. or 2 full suits 1
Wt Judge a Store by »
Its Dress Goods S


our ^

Dress Goods department by m
tbis one article:

' 46 inch, all wool.
Black Crepon at



of Blankets

5 t

= «

Which should have been here 3
two months ago is now on route 3
and wm positively be here not 3
later than .
. ,

KERSEY i Wednesday, October 16th
I Continuous Bargain


At® a Specialty with
US this year.


• • • HMM

Mmntrr rxxxcsAAAs.

Clothing Go.

Alter that date we wiU give .

Sale in Blankets-and every pair 3
will be sold for less money *k*o 3
like qualitiee were ever oSbred ^
under any circnmstanoes.~
No “shoddies,” but strictly flnt 3
class, ^ wool, home-made . . ^ '


Tbe Hamuli fi Lay lercu'tOeGo. I

te«> S^T. Fr^Ee^M Jr- tW. ^ d»rt tl«. he-iU. wJlV
W«. UWT^ ante- HIM l~- Mae-1IW whfcb
m»lH a «.w bo."
•n. «l>b
•*«» lw*:brfpr« hedied.
wrrtTh. -at'w, lgrUr«d.y.d-ttreHe.rf bln.
f. i.
tarn Mtw8dl*tn«aki

llt« Beet>« II 11 d»H>ll iW,>f>:k(i
rwiee^ '*'ly*
«kl’k-StelM*-*eft lorkl^kuw
mt woihehdd— rrtdW eeeii^lVe reilai w«e l«»cmd to Ktoota. 0«- U.
U* taltowlW "bjee* i ley ««.tor,: ike«l «w toeyc^^l Vpailaytl to-t wed
<MU 1i» ilkr----' Edoleed lk»t Uw^aUaded He Wee. * wile Md Itree
lie >.1 M . 4 L
iBdtoa W eggaed Moe. »t U» hwto I wll ekUdww u. ■B.m kb
Mrw K. ff. HeniartOdlieWttoc to
Joka Itot li pktttof


aad Me BetU 1

r»f¥»e*«» »< Kalkaeka krM ik.

We carry more Fufmture than is shown in many
of the larger cities. Everything in the Furniture
line from thei cheapest to the finest. The styles
we show arp new, the manufacture is of the best;

are wdl ticmt wi* iheto

M lot* Lake TM*d»y.

con kuktof.
BMey rkto Beaday klckv
Joka Ila U qalto toakto i
bMofar-eeml WMk*.

el Hr
>leerd troBi .-HO.,
rieraed eoBeiietardeyiUliaaadey.
ekto(le leUl. where be! Mr. end Mr*. Joke Mclt^eeia took to
V.. ______ ._L

I ike ercoreioB to lletniittoel week.

K. W.

oar p^c were eltoadtoc'
eoayt at the elty^twi
Freek Ferrie 1. dek with
fererendtodellrioue doeloMheUne. reBatoi oo ).ry yeu
Mia. Wb. Utlehooeh of Letoad,
Mr. Htoly Moeed Ue totoBy l«*o »r. He to with kU etow. Mre. A. J Whita
ere a few daye ton week rtolttof her
MDls^ reiktoar* ton week.
1 erhibtuoa ehowl^ eleter. Mre
Akiitokdat «rk.lckto« tookto City h
Two ot Ike Mlnee Heiaeford. of Chrp
w Heple Uly teir : e
Ik* «M>V fate ton Tuntoy.
that tl
Lake. Bade e rtoit at Ws- Kewatah
We iHweBleli the food WMlbn rnd place to ede-ttoe.
aad atoo atiiailad Ike fair at
Mon of the lenaeee eroead he™ took
MUtorkHIUetattodhto la the fair at Mepto City toec week aad Maple City.
Mr- Curtoy. of MaatoUe. had ekar*e
t>B>ha JVB< iUitdeee. the tone! report a food Uwto. The epot>e of
of the nntoo dari^ the akaeoee of
Tneoree CHj Bade Ihtof. qmlle Heely
Mr tVyakoup, wbUe at the oUy at
aad tote offoa._________
1T-^------Hnktoki wMbody «l
Mre l>. Ktof.of Empire. yaetotoWB
Matarday. brlafiaf her ttoter. Mre Jai.
Theeewtu bead preadde(here I
MteeCyalUa Keyeato etolttBfHre. Jokaaoe. of the elty. oo her iwtara
two «Mhe ee Bee. White eUea<
BBe. tkto far to fkr care
J. Utaay.
ei MepU aty.
Praok SlBBoad. hae foae to tadiMtoe Wllktoaoa to etolttaf her

Mre. Uurece 1‘kUUBeloal e<iaiaoatol el
mtle tote tkto eeeeoa; tkto
lelber ao off mboo aaybow
iMltee food saoy people paewd
tkroofk Viika Wrdataday end Tkiirw
dey to ettrad tbe fair et Treren* I'itr.
it. tv tVcalek baeboofktaboeaeaiid
dray wafuo aad to ready for bueiaeee
at tVarerae City We wl»h ki« edcraee
AacalHei wood bae left ItarU KeeeomVeaad Edyar Deaa haer'»rto
work for Ooha McDooaU to Sauk up!

Ire. rayaeMr.aad Mie
MM Be^Ooahaernaraad bnae.
doha CM to paUlaf ep aa additkai
na ftoaad to eaeaiad with

eary hear the Bteraal abore. bat >


Ohaiin Btoehaw aad wile bare
aaeadbarat^ladtoaa. Th9 hare
Hated a iai» of BData (M. Tiny hare
aaMflaaeeoaabal hie wUeh health.
■b« On tad Mtoe MMlto torav «r*

■ahadaMrUaw ti it

Mtot hcwe Urdto ae tHCher.
Mn. WiU Ayen- atotor, Mia OoMoll.
«< WailHd.toBakla(hBafa« daye

The tatoat MOd of Mr. aad Hn. Qraat
■riBMAtodedehi^la- '

Mr. Bad Mia. W. B. Millar we
Me BUI rUr woek. ~
We haeaan had «ay tmt ob the
BlUpah hat erpeet erne to-alfht ae K

Wa. Friee who kaa koafkt the Bar
wood laiB. torary Bwektabaa aparttk
lha BHl bM Bja it M am to hM
IMfalto raecri.
CA. WlBahlp.efChkofO. wk<
•haMd tba Moeea toad, to ben aleartof
aMtoabrahaadBtUac ittearaaort
aad aapeem eoBe oDttafai to be pal op

Iaaa( KlMaMf• kaa keaa
Mr. Oeodnira cMMiaB arc p
BtotOIbbiaadaalyiw tolptelhto

1. M&iBb. of Ortatt. dMir.
....^ader Peak to bow arary Ho»«toy eraatof at the ekwel
learee bobj
aadTiMiday maklaf ddar la kto nlll frtoade at Uto place Htoaewappotolto at Alaaeoa.
> kto taUerh tana,
tore Cbrto Kekl aad Mie Bowell ol
HorUport wart the focato of Mre Kekl
Mre U B- Kiekerd wae called to EbMre Ocarwood bae UkH adei
plraoaaday toat weak to attead the
of the cBllioad aaeoratoo to epead a
taaeiat of bar btbar. Hr. UoB. aa old
tew daye with trtoBde la Uetrolt.
' iioflka\riftoa,alatoMaoyaare
Poklto aohool <T«oed yBterday with
Mr. B. A. Woll to
fled to report Mre Carl Bael^toMpal aad Mtoa Laara Votoa to aatofa aery mack betlar, ao Boeh w ‘ ebatoaWa to be'carried back I
TheBer. J. J. Maak.
•ra boww. at Hr. Ilaettofe ki
lei.-Bae.kaU oemBiBattoa eerrtoe to
Mue kow eUrd aad abtaflad.
their ekureh ton kBndBy. The acit
MtB tiara Laodoo wae married laet
Knfltoh eertooe wUI be keU to Ike frw
Friday to Mr. Chaada. aad her graadtof of Baaday Oetoker M.
tatbar, Edward Croae fare a raoeptloa
Tkarewaealarye attoodaooeat Ike
iidayof lanweek. Manyfo '
Bafltob Uatoa baaday eebool toat Baafollow the oewly wadded pai
day. The eebool to batof inaipped
l*._^kh^^S-Fray, bm with
with the Btoatatoitora mapaaad
eeriooe auidaBt leet Saturday whi
Baatoaadleaaoehalpe Thereto:
rapairtof a wlad mUl for Wb. Coo
HafDlhtobaad caafht batwaaa aoe
lad e eery pmBtabto hoar b
: iroai aad kto flafara croaked to a pni
atof at llrtWe m.
lea.aadltto mow ikeoffat that It w
.Bpolala hie fiafar.
Iha dlphlheft a ptofaa at WilliaBW
barf to makiu
Mra. Weat to la very pace health.
<|aatbeara reported
Irwta Muacy teachee the tUraly
ito wriltof
eebool thta fall.
raporled. It eoama ae. thoafb
re Hattie tlyke to rWttof her f»r, Boat be crlBinal aeflect of
atthto ptooe
•t WUltoam hee (MC
Sbaae-atodlf polaloee
rrtu aad Ida Beitaar war
the .aiffat of OcL Sd. tbto baiaf jut
oar nroau Moaday necatof.,
Warraa Coopar aallad oe trtoade at MzV daye from the time we
tml relaa after the loaf droath. Tkto
thU plaaa ttoWnley errata*.
Mia'Wheatoak aad dMfbtec.h«xayw- l^tba elect lenfth ol tome kati
ralae aad froat io tka fall of l»».
WtoM from thalr rMIt to ladtoaa.
Mr. aad Mre Bdfar-WUltome are ai- buckinf larcaUthebot that we
^elad baaoa from Lawetsoa Wadaea- ae good e crop aa kae baaa hdFrBtad
for a aoBker of yaoia. aad it wUI
■ iBportaot faolor
aad Mre WUltome wara called to
tka wlalarto aapply of fa
iBwriaci kytha death of Mra.

lael week, aad;
orlovjobe ol baa
iaw tbelr
bei aow put tbe
the maahiaee
wieter <|aartera.
Tbe flna week ia October wae rather
us tbe wIsdyeUe. bate iorely weak
a bueklaf aad eaeb nbar work
dade to do oa a term.
■rrrr rifhl fled to w.
old imetor Her. J. W. Hiller of Trar*
Oty. who wae oar'tnaobar thirty
aifu. Uro. Miller praaebad bto
aietaermopat Yuka at tbe old lof
booMol the late A T. Allen. Bro.
Hiller to eomawhal aoM<ueioted
prlyatloB* and hantohipa that pra
hHltouaderfo la th.iae daye of pioaMay ihcfuvd maetercoalioae
toblcac him in hie lekote
«a Ba* Dtosppaarn
ilrlloll Triboue tMarelrb.
OadlUac. Mich-special. Ort. 1.
eUarable eucitameat hae toea caaewl
Uearielta by tka uaeupai-ud dieaperaaoa of Thooiae 11. Jackara.
tkreiltocaeoitbcuwa. lie left komr


DiDiofi KtmiB

We show 37 different

42 in the assortment
ExtensYon Tables in
new designs, ash aDd

^ styles.

—an easy matter to find '



seat, at *a so per set.'

Bed Rmih Suits


Odd Beds

Folding Beds




. rin endless
as^nment, from
$10.50 to $90.00.



and ^ak.

Our leader is a vpiece
suit at (12.50.


' —» to »3i43a

i’mbrelU Stands.
$1.75 lojxweaeh.
Bed Springs
..all siies
Woven Wire. • $1.50
- . 1.25

Ideal V• &XD
Good, values at
above prices.

good bargains from
(1.SO to #12,00.
Our #1.50 bed' equals


Trees, $5.50 to 50x0.

Some exceptionally

, Iron & Br»ss Bedsteads


Glass. Chairs, etc Hall


See our high bark cane

♦-$12 00 to S50 00.

—$3.00 to SJS-OO-



$25x1 to iS«i per set.

just what is i^anlcd.

« sawed oak.^-.

Some new dessgns in

Hall Novtdties

Dining Chairs



the ordinary 2.50 finish.



Parlor Suits

Excelsior, $1.65102.^5
Cotton lo,>. i.goto2.75
Sea Griss.


and materials.


Parlor Piece*

All the new designs .

; S



Birch and- 4 sawed

Cobbler. Leather, Cane

Fancy Rockers.
' Chairs.

and Plain Seats,

A large assortment at
all prices.


—72c to 12x0.

From the Makers to the Buyers.

Haariella baeiaeee u

U with him- Ue to
%a old maa aid it to thoufhi by many

Bought in tremendous quantities, coupled with that wonderful

robbed', and kto
Here tbal ke will turn up aU right to
Mr. Jaekaon had to food
atotoof kto aeifkto>4.
electodjuaUccuf tbd
townebip dark paO rUlaga clerk, aU of
at tka lime of
which vfluea batbeld

“cash power,” secures for us the lowest possible prices. Wo
share these advantages with you.

llhrartan and ex'praae agant



The Ideal Peaeoea
lamea U Franrto Alderman. Chkogo.
Bve: "I rafard Dr. Kinf'e Sew Dulaa'Bother.
co'rery ae en ideal Itonaoaa for I'ougha
Coide aad Loaf t'ompUiala hariog
The Keyetooa brtokyard haaalcacd
need It In my family for the Ian fire
few the acaaoB. aad ther are
A. PuffardU malnMi Is Tie
yiarv to the excJueioa of phyeicianto
iwuecrlptkmeorr-’--------------------— "
»si John Fu
Qeorfa Brown of Patoakay to coUinf
tea: ”1 bare
tiet Moaday la Koramkar. with Mre
ibodtol Eptoco^-----------.
Hafar aa teacber.
ra or more, and hare oarer found
Mre J. M. BobblBa. who W
:anylhiageobeaeficial. or thut^re me
ooaftaad to the boaea aaarly all
each epeady relief ux l>r Klag e Kew
aar. toabtotobaeat.
'tolUag Mandto kae monad borna
Saraeal of tbe yoatif people^ttaadad
Krr. Hr. and Mev Barlbat of h'ortb- WuU'e and J. U. Johniou'e Drug Btorea
tbe eadal at the OeraaB abarth
pon took diamer with Mra. PuCar
surer Lake Friday alfkt.
It May XW a* Mack for Tea
Mre Muacy had tor wrtot brohaa
era glad to aaa tbe lamllar laeca
Moaday while kllaklaf up a boraa.
otMtoeatorrieaad'BAelUxbyoii our ------------------------------------------------- trouble
became uaataBafcable aad raa away.
far uenr yeora. with eerera paiaa in
etreeu egmia.
Haaey Brea, hare parokaaad a frtotKar. Hr. Baabaa fare ua a food-bd- bto back and atoo tbal hie bladder wae
mlll aad Bored It to the eUte road, Onaa at the Frln.d e chniah Sonday affected. Hr tried meur ao called MU.
aey curaa but without any good reealt.
wton they era piapatad to frt
erealar. UawUl ba with na afnia About e year ego he bewen toe uee of
ktotoodfaad. _________
Elactrie Bltlere end found'relief ul
•ext Baaday eraataf.
" tore bad Baa waalbar the lattor ooee: Elcolric Bittere to cepaoiaUy
at’miiT citT.
adaptad to cure of all KUaeyaad 1^
>f tbawcak bale ebaafu

tala aad mad laatcad of eanehlaa,
> Y. F. & C. & will bare an a
Baetlaf Baxt. Sunday areBlaf;
to Maatoa Ian Fridayarary OM ooma aad ttotaa to
Hr. aad Mre Oraa Craft aad Hr. aad aohoaa from tto Trarwaa coamtkM
Him. Boraaa MaekB. of Maatoa.
U. a Vaaelyck aad Mra M. B. D<
la towa Baaday.
■ore bare placed raiy Aaa moxemc
Charlie Broara leak la tto axnito.«
> tto aoetb part of the
taraod lau weak and eaya that peopta
are aa toed as there ae bare
Hr: aad Mre Ira Blood fro
TrareraaCkty were rtoitiof Mre
Uka Aaa. Meaday. Taaaday
Mr. aad Mia. CtoiM aad Mre Bm panola. Hr. had Mre J. W. WUaay. aad WadsBday. Wa kopa It wtU to
oad Baaday.
Cmrnm iniiiliil the taanal a<
tto mcaai of aecariag a paalor heew.
Hie Charch trim the aobtk part
....... - Tr*Mra. AbUoo. Ella Amidoa. Mre.
tto elato baa baaa «WUaf bar aea, B.
Jaha Cook kae mpad the a
dam BaUaafer. Flore Bcllaagrw. Fred
■pof hay
hafoltoar Mbb tka Charak. It waesalteaa aadartakl
aad ha
Badgatoy. Elaia Ctoaoa. Ciara FoUea•rtoBakalha)oar«e7ak>M. aha gUI aad EfiaAdairiagtoa look adraaV
baiaf aareaty-two ynra
tortoitMaoda la
Tto hard wlad af u taw daya ego
dswa the twpabllaaB Beg poto
yoaaaaaBad to aajoy the fair.
wUab badatoodthataUhralx
Mra Jeha BaroM to abdMM at
Tto dlaptoy.a>o«*l-**A food aad
VBtor. MM.
tht a «owd
a ttoMrm ol John P. baeaaa. gatw a ai
Mr. aad Mra. Wae Balaaka rtottad a*
toby wao tka prtoa tar batv tto hi
noarlaf. I eoBBt baby there. Mtoa Malba M
tbe foot n
frm aad fiowiag. On peetopa ball
baakad throafh ttto tocMoa. '
Hltoail to bar beam at Watortowa. waMbB iookaaadlaatoH.TWiat .
aaaoBpaalad by her
Bafae Barrett dtod tialU aaddaaly from bto toffy atiUtlar kto hhad
■aMia. MtonaBatBa aad Mary OUa. Ian warii from tto aMacB of aaMag afaian r Irak Whmf tto doctor
lauaet with twacwtkrea VatOB rftad bto heatae wararmaaiag awt
d altbatohaalhamiBlaM t
ha Urad ia that arBdtltoa
*r aMMaadarraaleM a AaMtlf
ardark. UbaUf taaUl Bauwday Bormlaf wbaa ba pi
IBB BlMBMHaaMloMaBa: Pna.
. «»MWBM Waalbaa, Alton Mw
WnbBenKofTraaaraaOHy.toTtoMw Meade at OM place
Mra. Baada, who weat beam ahoat
two Baathe ago, to dead.
Mha Boaea aad Baa W^deak
mm. mOti «a Delay Koak Baaday.
Hr. Ooltor HpeoW top to Haatoa
•anaMatoaoohfcrCMrA Cto
Iwrl Paaatoftoa. Blaaakc KaU;

the fall work.
»cd IMlU to workiaf for Mr. B. V.
Jim tbto fell to the ptooe racaled by
Wealch who bae fooe iew the dray

ection, paftic'olarly ric6
, and strong.




' corering, put down a

All Prices.

#s® to 55x3a


A complet^ine of

nice Japanese mattia^






Kitchen Furniture

fresh goodss at

oi all kinds,

lower prices than could
possifcly be made else­

a Kitchen Racks

Cunains and

Body Brussels.
A lot of Cfaenile cur­

Milton, Velvet, and

tains >o dose out at

aocto »i.25 pet J-atd.

sifcfa as we offer.


domestic and imported.
Fancy Dishes.

tens, all new dedgna,


Etc., Etc.


dean, economical floor



evtir>’ grade for every




Paper Racks.


Tapestry Brussels,



in Leather.

equals itT Carpets of

TtlX Bur la tbe world for
Cato. Bmtoee, Buna, t'lceih. Ball
Bhaum. Frterr bom. Tbtlcr. ChoMad
Beada CbUbluiaa Cgraa uad all Mdo
ErapUoaa uad poeitlralr eniiB PUto.
or BO pa r iwquiiad.. It to gaaiaataed
togira tx........... .. ...........
taluBdel PrioattcoBtaparbox. Fo
alr^yJ-O. Johaaoaaadb. B Walk
b hflAU. MhHBbT.

• :

Mumc Racks,

No other




lallef. One trial will prore oar slolamaat. Price oeir Me. AW. to Johaaoo-e aad ti. E. W'eifu Drag Storm A

uiutoitoaSn Certar^a^me e—*


most judicious sel­

Door Mata



and Cocoa.

but feebly hints of the magnitude of the superb dis­
play we make in this line. It is calculated to meet
the requirements of both refined tastp'and strict
economy, and you can make no mistake in buying
here as ours is the cream of fomiture inodnction.



to tka UtUe Meadt partad. Ted
tp^ tkedtrto fD to aeaool aad Carlo to Ur apea
tka dooratal. pee tar ap. liMaalec for —'■Ok. m pui>r waBhiar bcr taoe."
iBUatlwIUaooral-' .sbe't aottraabthe reutra of kW little naetee.
(krio WM a wl*e dof tad ke me pb- laa bar taoe. tbe watblar ber feet and
ahlk la the armv. vbm f aerted fur
•erred tkat Ted casa beok ererr da* a .Ipiac tkem oa ker laee. '
fw /eara 1 tblak it n. duriue
•h rt Udm alter tke Wc lofra .htat)e
ivretueibaltbeaeediet-ieaDira.kk-b '
dlap oaeda.r <m arorr
bUrr-for llo-clook.
trouble cirrrte Ull
that arM.iudiap aad bare caoied all ■/ trouble
Oae BK>relac bU loarlar to b. witb dodptac on bill aad duaa dale iatn -— allacka
bothered Be. mud at
k Tkore, bialU Tad orereaaM bitfnr ol dU-barlap
W* f(i« tUi »«k. ■wiHfc «*
*t Im I
euc-atru- t^luD
of_____ _
Ko «bea the whirtlr Ue. In tn^
liiMtii, Ik* IM «< Mtfb* hi tk* •'
BUa foMod ber cell haada iritb
olboateaad me^Ted much reaipoalioa.ea.Tiap: --tVoll. I
TkUo oeorl. Balk TWm.-vbt*IU
•' ' aee aoch a cur*/ rued,"
BvfT. AllW Walk
Brerrdar after that loaad bla tralf
faaa ito 11 .ale. .bo baa }aat re­
Inpat the door-okeo tcbool aat diaiBitaad. Oae dir. thr tearbrr. hearinp prated ber rreolap prevrr)—"M'h/
make Bl>ie
a aobe at the door, .eat and i^ieaed doaT Tou aa/. I'lcaue
TIdr. BoU Tkora.
it. to tod a little do( obirerlap apua a puod lluir Pirir •• k air--- Xboae I
1^ aowM. J*M aUoMa
tke tupa. far It teat biun eold. Of caked him leat aipbtaad bedida'ipa/
UaV AlU* Walk
eoarte it iraaCkrlo, wbo had piarra too
Inpatleat to .ail for the blowlap of
po»l •-fti-vta I umO iboa for eoo. Uaic K^l^our
Ike wkitUa Tbe teaober patted bl<
tec hiiu-oe. all left ate aad I here but
ik*V B«U* Onkk. Bor Onkk.
aad larlted hi. la to pet warn. Mha
Coir taofo kMfd fowl*. Jbm flU*^ A. Tarter.
Carlo eoterad tbe tobocllroa.. kt wa. caked liud a furpiereem for euoie act of
PWraall Woo* lowW. Bogr Unkk.
aubedieaor. "Hh/. mamma. I dliln'f
ealc hr all d. •
'• ' '
OoUaetioe eat BMrara. Nabal Oiarpee /OU .Baled it mrauoaed (Mileid>
(MteJoBoma. Bach Bikoolk
•bake of bit bnd. Mated biuMrll t>r
Boaqaot. Uraeo Tarka'K. y.. I
tke Are. (tart lotee'.brt bemiddu
Fkbkwk*. UMomJiCmo*.
BtaCad aaiawla. Habal DrteloL '
Wbea tk. ^aocideauilr tea opea
-'Uuliu;' nid tke aparro. to tbv faertbei
r»b wm iMrk. Bwflo Onibk. Bor
keapraap aad eloMd llaakebadban
■ U ' .boarr/oar'
Tm afraid I'm
\Tbca a boob /oar aat. laid Ike cat.
_*daaapr la all. Lala Oalklaa. two Uapkt to do at bone
PUT r%M or «0Mk Bor Ankk. aaviia. BalUo Saabraek. Itoaa aatriaa. ......................... .be picked It up la bU
/ouarr rlpbl.- Come loalde."
_____ ________ Tied It to tke teaehv. aparro., pobbllap the mat up.
Martae rWw. LaiaOtlUaa, t«o «a. Be patberad ap lermpa nader tbe dcaka
rt d«. OoMOO U4d. a*r
brooklet b a little brook.'
.rook,'laid lluie limliaii.m aaoriao bat tlM rrputiia, KJtUe kMWauk.
aad laid than aaetir la a ooraer, aad
baetOBah. tatl.m of b-in* the Uiiett emlur.i eier
AalBata, ell palaUac*, Lala Ckikla*. .baa a etrar vat pot aakoap the loack“.kat la a created.
He it uvoall/ fooad cUb^I
baakeu la tke eloaet be aelied aad
■allla kaakoMk. tiro ealrlM.
' to roeki nr lopt aloap Ibe'bkotre^Trie.'
•kook bar Ull abe .a* plad to pet
Birda. ell paUilac, Lala Cklktae.
Brea nUrrh. that dread breeder of
rralta.or rerataklea, Lala Chlklaa.

T«oc Folk* « Ik* r^b.

• B rm

CBPOBMmBa. »»» *ry»m .1 ..,,..1

: • fr:



The 0. E. Miller Co.

BETBorr, mioh.


Tba laacbar declared It waa a plcaa
ore to bare bl. la tbe roon. ke beharcd eo bnotilellr aad made blMelf
.bich pralee
-----------,----- ^ eUU for Joj.
I&tor la
the dap. .heo tke Imeber rrae ainplap
.ith tke cklldrea. tke heard Ckrlo
borklap tano.alr la the aert roon.
.kero he bad raabed la preat eaelte-

a*t JiMni*. Btea Oapf, HooBo;
Harrall. Ikraoaalriea.
PaaeO drawlaf. Bdaa Marrall. t
aalrte Hanr IkrUaa.
el>aa. palallap oa plaak a

.. Ooa. Oarr.


iDfl«u».rrb.«u. E

if^ '

a la oU. Lala Calklaa 1


”*^’lie aaotber cat;' abe crlaf, aad

It alBoat took ber brratbamr "kea
aba foead Carlo ataadiap la the middle
of tbe ruus. tarklap orit a pUa of
Bona oae kad dropped a barala*
Batch apoo tbe paper, and bol fw Ckrapaa. Makad Orar.
a obotaelaa kard to oOi
lob keaa aeneof amell la detecUap
What tbe Faoplc Bap.
_______________ . _______ rtorr it told tbe the bnraiap. aad bk Iptelllpoaw '
edWllbv Mardo)e-B tor ol klWaaciop U> tell tbe daaper. the rooIdbTeeooabeeooatre. Voa mar
_*wria oarMlp la traii. A'M aaaloae to tara noaer lor a raar at
tka acrnal aekuol atar. kat J^lacamran Carlo waj patted aad petted hj
B 11. lVH>l-i-t.K. Liataal.
nrad at tka dIBnIUn to ke aamoaat- ip at oooe-caa'l aell
iMapU kaHoaHria anHaWik Ak d la aeeonpInbiBr IV
"a(W tint be eraa adsllled to the
Ula aariala mta pear, aad tka rll- Mkool-rooB ererr da/ aad -iraa called
. MUfaaoBk
H tv. Ki.Uk M.mtrin, tVla I !
Ikiaa larfaM a*|Baa. aaaa aa<
r'e Boor/ aad Tw •arc* me
^iriea'rn to Jola Uu eblldrea la doelOT MIb etrr/.later.
Mirkt Batk Am.
to kin a bar- At latt be nade ap I
■aa/ uf their kladcrpartoe ala/e aad
A. Tuaiita MaatoBO. III.
■lad te aiart at aooa at be ooald, .t
aad aebod/ ni aa happ/ me
»} ». B Wait
to tkt teala Oat radauodt. aad tee
■ IHda't I Ull rou Carlo ooald Inra?'
Tbiaa larraM kaaelMa e< fwpaa, ■oM <rf Ike kwro« camp* wodid aol
Un Ua for Ji noolkt or a jmr.
Tbkre le aatblop better to impart
*Maad aalfht, Batk Thera.
The. kt «oald be able le ear* tono- te’eroaS^B^el^^lw'tom^ bou* life aad eipor tk^ ole/'eSarwiiarilla.
fTbraa btfiaa petolaei. aaM aad Utac for klweU.
Trial aUe. Me.
CMIaoMioot arrtaa. n «o ■aotooo.
taodr mmmi aarialtaa. Uao. Oapr.
Bart Jiwi'ia, LaUa BkteUa. Ba«b




Their Bxoaaea
•t to bit tbe^u.
I cao* Uaphl •eboul la I
"Old Dee Jlltoa It took afala.-be ruuda. aa/e J. L. tiarboar ia________________
_____________________ ______ _____
Awake, aad. w .a* tb* coatom tbea. 1 cared hj the Cliolv KUae/ Cure. Mae/
labeea of Ike old "he
r^airxU a .rittca cx*-a«e wbea a pa^ pb/alelaae bk Ik
h ban oa hb kae
pli .aa abaeal ooc or mar. da/a Homr
----------If to aad fn. mcdi .............. „
aboat bln. kb .Mu hair atrappltap
oat baanU hb fad<d hak Ue oddli/
of the eilIapa.oU Doctor JUaoa. eraa
talUap tke lU/dobo aboat kkdlaeorllrrb b aa exeuw brvapbt oae da/ boIbuI/ aad aa<|uallfl*<lJ/ the beet
ertn. la hb head ke held euam of a
/ a tdli, aabara-balnd Ui/ ol IT:
oooph uudiclee. Aocept ooculatiputo.
.................................... wltbaoartooeaad
"DaaaUa: i'lew to appcoce Uear/
for ekfleato ylatorda/. tVe made amr
FARMKKSwbo arcaeekinp to helhrvat aad ke bad to trump it do.i
Ur tbemM-Ieue eboold po Houlb: Tbr
Alao be bad to Help bucUr i pip
-.-----------.. Creaceat Kooto
(foeoa aad
Koato o«e--------o«er* a millsiMfaJ /ocm.
Hi* Pee.'
lam at *9.00 to
Id /oar fetbemlu thb aaeai

• u):
•• aad _ tbl
blncRT" I aakad.
balfnU exeuielotu to po aad eee W
--'Vo. air.-replied Heorr; "I errit
eold n<
fur him. eaaee be wa't epcll eer/
wilbar alartad efnk.Aaft>n aad
noe ecboob and'ebarebea
ataf .ortk aajtMyJ
ilorma*'Mm plad to add that Hear/'*
Ik Ik anj^do^ la ' lap imprured whlU I bod bim to
chaipa Aaulbar bv^ bnaptat me t*'

".'"i™ “.;i

vaiBkv Oaa. Chop. Bart laataoa,
Viaak Barak..
r Bart liabia. Batk ttaa. BarUa
«rakk,BvOrakk.Ba(k Bakaaak.
Urfaat a«aaak. aaM aad mlrht.
BekWa CWa. X«a Bdaia. Bdaa
Clapp. Bwh Bakaa*.
UtfoM Bat tnlp. aaaM aad araifkl,


Tis dogs’ delight to bark and bite.
But gro^ never letiheir passions rise
I o scratch and tear each others eyes —
Because it wouldn't be right.
I S'l.O'kXX-




1 ca at COS'l’ for a short time, not to dose out but to
reduce slock.

Arc You Thin?


o eatriiA Oar H^aa. <1

The New Era Cash Grocery

. ^

Traverse City. Michigan.





84th Ml-of October. A. U.l«a&.

Up Robes and Fly Nets
Hotm Clothing of Zvory Kind.

Good Single Harness for $6.
m « wn

■ *^^DoaUr, .hat bit pood fairat ul Una bb paaU
■ alaniap. aoU touk

one la Barapa.

Bauaet tnrtk flee ■anoalaUda/k
A bOT of aboat 10 /eai*. .bo
wb^ had
baoa aUratt.o woo^ broopht me
tba lollo.lap:
'doba Hear/ kae a acar tow, al
ia Ue look that Iken
_________ -' iBportaat la tbelafa
mcaafiabcMUBBalfnl lat
A plrl of aboat It, .hue mother afla the doctor^ bouahal flada. aad feoUd a dr^ne of calura and preat
aekadlartbar aboat tbe priadlla. Bat meaul aapOTlarll/ oeer her aelpfabuea.
tbBaamalUlia B<n to Ull. It trae UoQphI me tk* foilo.iop aou:
the Brat epaatBaaka had foaadlatke
Urn aad enat oat apala

"R3i adckl WUbar laid bb plaaa.
Ba ooald bom. a baak paab bb^
a*'^ ar^'^bn...— .
aab>*et to ImaubU lawa, aad
tklp It to Haa IVaacbaa. Bot what alaaU/ o<Aap what n i
iboald ba nr to tbe old doctor, .bo alMl Therofon Aletoae'e
era* boot, aad .oMd ptobab^ feel
il^ to aluad /nurdar * ■
Tkraa aan t.aiaa rearad aaaa. BMk UBB&fteaUUed to a abant Wilbar
a*^ .ma/ BM Mm kae* to
Bdata. Bart Jaaaaea. Healia Wklla. laid tba eaae btfOTC bb notbar.
"ItM^^hartU^jUeaaid. "bat poa limaM
Bark fcktarfcfMl/.
Ihraa aan faartaaa a»Md an. Ban
He 1111*1 aad lalkU IkeluUOT'oeOT
!■■■■, MBHa WUta.
tek- wltb Doctor Jllana. erbo aboerad Bach
.a* Ik* aacaa* broapBlmab
launu U tbe plaa. kat nfand to )ulB
ladeo lluie plrl
Tkaao aara rlsMaa tvaad an Bar- WUbar U tbe ocuai Ubor.
"It b toe bani for Ba. Voa fatker
aard Bl^daaa. MeaHa Wkila. B^ llaadkrtap Ike drUdeUC toBC. 1
ooald aoi be then or *b*
Ulak eba at too
•eUl eaU itlOT roe aad ekarpe a laaacB.
...cope lor brwkfaak
abU aonBbakB. Bat ka^ ap. * - ____
Tkraa anar, hrtAnrMa.
ekaBtdeitapaa.' Plaaaaaaeaaa bar."
thaprtaa .a/ po don. We do
bko. he. wmmt otbere are at t.
. bo/ of le, .ba earn* eor/ Irreptalarawlk af kaaae. Tka^ DataM.
pOTkan la beta. pUoiaMnn
fruaoaaab. tkay Makoa. r


Visit Dr.omen
Opticii Pirlon,


BakM ataaah. Ptaak Matea.

with U. Amre of the artadaila. Ba
Otapiar afIraU. ba arnera ktad*. nrbad alBoet froB da/llpkt Ull dark,
BdnCkpp. BrtkarUrv.iUkalOrar. eooklap kb on Bella, aad elawlw
la a iBall Wbl oa the top of ao^
Bl«lar al)aUr. ala er nan klada ladlaa amaad.
BkaaOepp. lUMOraj
Btagtar a( >aat. ala arnnt kladt,
aecead aa a drriap-uUe Ae'tau w
Ike prIadaHa ne perUaU/ eared. It
IMiplir ad plAln. rta erraara Mada. no paehad le eaekB to ha lakro kna*.
bad BUI tartk. dried for ekl|
Blaaaapp. Mahal OtarAttbaetoee of tli .aabe tke
ni plaked eleaa.
FBkapa tk* beet Mpa of WUbark fa•anplr BU/.
tan BwetB lar la tbe teM that ba
BtkMOrrr. t.ea
kept hb on ooaaeel. Xe oa* bat bb
a. of lb*
■ of tba aeok tra Ut to I—
•kBpU nuop. BdJU Oai

Forest Faiforile
The latest and bMt
Oak Store oat

tew aoUlad oa the kOaod-a fla
Thai n* all there waa of Ik bat a* J
haa. It oame from hb latbar 1 aln/a
O.M1 BUr mmordlaplj.

<na* a k*^ ef
bead ef mtl*. .hflrk an dl____ .______
b/ hb print* bnad. aad the braid b
^urad w kb. la
• •
ol tk*
* Urrltory.
aid* eowboj
a few moalbe ape, bat be b a
aM_norpetbll^elmj. ^ a


Not a do/pann bat be rtdn al boat
traa mill* aboat hb heed. , Be b le­

kat&pnat MuTunaaaa nlanaf'-bleh .aald b, (abakn


j nJU *OT hba.adth both ef .blah arm*

T « bN^ taUafradaaU. tirlap*aad nUlenn to hb


Hm • doara peiBtH of pnetSoa •«.
TMty Ibfluid tM »o wthBT 0«k atom- -f

SS ffu..

He baa kb. __________ __ ______________
bina hbonbolp. tboapb be doeaa
af tb* drlad priadatU. whiek. .bee jcodjUaKdthenrkOTtkaran*


Gontiiis tbe Best Fatms e(
il otbff Stores in oa

A Tooa* Oowbop.
Tk* /ewapeal eowbo/ aad berd-o.oOTlatke.vHdbealdubeLapeo Hal
haU. .bo Hen U ladlaa Tarritorr.aad
who kaa UUl/ pnad kk aUth Mrth-

Battle Ax


ine- largest- piece of
Good IroJoacco
ever sold for lO cents



To SOS it is to be boDTinoed.
TMwm ■•kasaiMkaifywitey *
BM Oak StOT* WttaOB* MMliBg this OM.



Oooki, KaasM aod Ha

taTeevMOaMl«n.ud I IhMfbt
UitoimU br jM» tiM tktar. fa nn
I<d amrvhsnbflUd li U I Mat
UKMfbt yra tmu Ilb* IV 8c yc
Mc, I M > food l«na.~
-I Mfcr IborM or It la that way"
mU CM r<rt aad aactlMr. "Arc '
CD Tcry aaay killed. H>r)c*7r’
"Well, raa caa emet U ap ter yoai'
aaleaa. PariiTiUc la caly CM cmcM'
toera. aad yea kaoar bow acay an

Alta LmubcPows^Lmm V.$.GotH Rapat

New York Tea Co.
No 228, FroBt Str««t, Trovers Citj-.

ntardatb aot the Ilea at

adfair Aad tba flrta.
Bebayath Bobaala oaR atflt per-tbCB oa aUalf <
hadacnrflnaaadiUK>a<bl to
aabcl. baeaaac the aallv canratb to I trcat-pnMt (arrab
lb* cahjeet hrfora. aan deeply-oeaA fleeblBRi parbaahal for all to caa | the aadcr caea erll
obule lot to rut ia a
"Poa UtUcUrdal TottlaW that a^ eaac.aad ftealk bla tba beaded tbe:tar<aod
aoBpaay to that a*eet
Jyhert Ua
Berlratheoaed baeooaaealt. aad!
Deabe for tba Table
lAca It a giaae
"Bo« abcat tbcaadclibda. Harjoaaa of ■■doato" pita
■ in

mbv ^i*


*"**" w'jJn.


AroBBd the Editor** TBhle.
TW ^W«ra aad Blbbaa Laacw.’

tatarday aairla# Koetoty

4 bytb.

mal*^ weekly a
trara balaf pUad bi

floor aaoa^ for'a drop batter. Bake
la a atoderateoraa.
fbr»rr-. Btc.-'nireo plate of totik;
let It euiM to e buU. Beb two appe
baa-Ura, bat whieb ilauVaaiil ter
with Soar aatil la IHUa flbkoe .or
■aaaat to prut aaeb aaw arrleal.
Ufa aaa year tot. Warjoty. erai
pralaa: atlr lalo the allk qaieklyaad
no Mtrmaea of Blbal OiahOB «ae reqaaM of aeratml at tbe plrla. aad loaf x>k tor Are Bleataa. Berre with
Ua edpaal ter a aheraa of aai
and aaracatly U19 aladlad aaotbto
ream aad aapar.
"Ob. Stbal. wtotabaaatj
dalaty bit of BUIIaery. «kUb. with lie
Jled PbAlc.—One qaart of eooM aad
"VaU. Clbal.lbafaetylle
hopped baeto. one q^ -of eiopped
■Waka.eabbape,eae eapfol 3 prated
■'Oh.ln'tli prattyr
lap a. tbe •
tndleb. two captole of enpar.
Bihal raealead tbato admlrlap aoa word.
al <of blaok
^KMfal of oalt. a toaepooefal
"dappoae weerpaalae tbe ‘Flowaia pepper, a luartb of a teeepoofil
«to v^awara that tto dalatyUt
aad Blbboo Laapae’ of l*arkeUla.” aup- red pepper, aad rloepar to eorer.
pntad Bdltb. wbo wae already aa oa7b COK Urupw.—Kii a plaei qoart
tbadaatle eoettrt. "and etoa beopU caa with prapB aad flU ap tbe
that we, at aay rato. wlU aot ooaatoa- with boUlap walar. Let eland
anas aaeb a wroap aad erael peMItoa. boara. tan oS tto water, aad All with
Yoa wm rtpbl la BalBp tboae worda, bolUap water apala. Ut Maad ta
•aaallltoto.-ato acid aa aha draw ea
Tbw U oar brotboca kill boara. poar off water aod bare ready
bbto tbeyeaaaotaayllwaa b
aloe alnip Bade with a eapfol of aapar
ataatadyla b
to each oaa of prasea. All ap tto eaa
irUto. aan praaa aad parple .
"tto Idaa took tto faaey oftto p
aadaeaL Tbaoe are caally eaaoedbad
aftob ttora waa a eberaa of eoteaa.
keep well.
ttoa ftet^ acMRl to Bibalb trordi
ertUi Marjory ae Ito Braal(M/« Oreom Cohr.-For. aay pood
•ibel. hotreetr, aotlead I
flaat, tto LeapaaoBfpoatod by Bdltb
.yer oake sake a AUiap aa toll
Mwd. Mar)ocy ttaelalr. bad aatd potb- BBa latoekletaBea.
lap. olte Uprataoof Uahat. cr of
Tto pood people of Krkrllto warn
id a bait of eold water; etoep aad
>. Paraadb abUlUao ae a
taewtot deablfol whaa they beard
Tbteken wlU oora d
I feel like ace

Aad acalB abe pUaead
tot, with lu wiaaU of Uar

"It'afl pood
of Ue aew «.
a w
j0tA work,
uiap,- waa Ue peaaral eerdlel.
I won't last loop. Tba plrle will lake
IUiiafT» toaelap Urde apaU ae eooa a* Ito edfc
I Btolaad yoa didn't aay aaytblap of Udr 1001101081 bae wera oS. They
atoatU. 1 tbaapbt H woald jaat aalt
pretty aad atyllab Ulapi too
Htolafy btolatol aad ladiad alipbl

"I Uto tt, aUbatatotWap.*.
"Aad irtat any that bar Blbal lapatoad, wttbhMaliaaa cd Irtitotlea
to bortofleatoP Bba amr aa)oyad
"IdiBHUtottobM.- Marjory todtoatod wUb tor toad tto arblia Urd
ttot waa Upbtly poked al oM Mda of
Ito arowa. aa tboapb aboal to taka lu
' tophi. -Twhain yoa wlU to aapiy
witbBatetoylBrlt.katttbtaibll U
arae^ and araatto
tob"Wall. rdaatoral Olrto. )aat Uatoe to

ftatod ItopMaia at towUdarw
IT abUd. 1 didn't kUl tba
kM,ar order It IcIUad '
"Of aaaraa aot.- waa Marjoryb ra^eaaa, "bat tt waald aaear :
kUlod a Ibara hadn't haaa
to woar Ik ttUbatotoc U
alloewItoaeaattyatewUltop to pot
ttoto aa thair hato that oor Bllllawy
atoraa haaa ao many haadiada aad
thoanato of tbajaw UUU tblapa tor

tto RaBtori el tto & E & bad droppadttodraawtopaad patharad arottod
to bear wtot aba bad to By. It waa
aatiJaat that lay raryalaaa to tor bear
and ato had aaew befara had ae tom

. .
Add-hipped ereoB to
Milk may brsaaea'to Ue eoEee before
ulekenlap. la place of ibeermB. 11
like opfitfe loe.ereaB aoda
ediauUwr'r OmiB Pw.—Uaa
pie plate «iU puts; oe Ule epread
baUrr ae Uleb aa a penny, floor
tbiekaeapeBBy. aapar aa Utek a
. aad orer Ula poar aaoupk U
araaaoraUlk to fill ue era
wbkb aflar atlaobapaa to prow ia Bake Uke aay Ida WlU oeeentok A
ibBi and taAaaaoa aod did pood flaeorlBC may be added, bat I aaa I
doaary wort Ito BaBbata did laaet deal of aatBcp. It obdald to
tow Udr foadaite lor pretty
Ur aoBC day It la babed. aad
■lyltob Ulapa It waa only Uai 1
wUI to foaad daliolooa U Bade only
r hanrto badbtaa toaebed.
ayao opeaed. UU Uey bod <
■ Uat
b ball
U ao
a Betty
of Bit; BOkeaweU lo Ue floor
tore ttot ja
elpbt ae Ue dalaty
toaoh la one opt; do not lUr. bat
all kveUer. wiU ball a oop of adlk.
lae air'End 1
aad add water aatn of Ue conea
—ranapPeaptCe WtMy. of liBb. Uleb ereoB. Al Uo e
aa boar, babe iweaty Blbataa la
Mo WalkoU U Uo BoU
a. Boro plenty of dripplapa
Bo ^owoU hbpcoaBdwlU aaail,
pan and tara like a prlddle cake,
ran plow, wbloh b Uko onto Ue one
tolBon KlM Cppc.—Ooeer a platter
I WlU tto ctnlpktWlU perlaet learB at oarled lettacr.
Uo eloM lor the eeator. Fonra
tdttroaacuof Blawa; My tl
canfolly la Ue oaatar of Ue platter,
oaritUapkb lip wlU aeon and
aad eoaeen wtU ealt, pepper aad leBoa
aUtobaaforpottaa Boro aboal
Jake. Boll aloe eppe hard. reBorrUe
lap Uaa tto papera near know.abtlb aad fat cneb epp la Utae alloee.
tellkcU tto ODW Ual b bip. for
btoaeroek: etlt ealt. pepper, a ublcton to enlleU bar to pattoU
apooefal of Balled batter, oao-balf tooBoek Bonay far boat
of raoetard aad one tablegoakdoreU aot tto oat d teadapoanfat of rlaecar togoUor
, tot beet tor tonayyenra. aer
tto oppa. Plaoo Uaa araaod Ue
Met that In aU tbeoe yean Ue bip
MB. CB Ue platter, aad eorre at
sakeU not a Back ae IM Iba of bal>. Tto praaa lettooe. Ue wbite
aad yellow eppe aad Ito idak of tto
EewtalareU kbcalraatUei
Uto dtob aa pleaalap to
Btoek. aad lotto ^wlap racily Ibalr
tto eye aa to Ur palate


Kemember the Fniit Season w-ill soon coirnnenct*. It
:n the rule in Traverse City for Sugar to go up during the
fruit season, w look out for higher prices in
with us- We are going to be on the contrary side. Cotnmencing Saturday. June IS. we will sell

tallelb aoecya aalU Uto <a tbeayrtar.
•They anaotaochbatur. tar
land Fanaer, We pita a few e
, neoattotb uaracewbaaltledead
Bot caay to make a Medb bead I
looba rally utafal, aad the Boat ct ripe, for by ee doiar
Doe'ttaek year«apkia aader year
tbcB Ure real hcada Aadedooanea
ebla. bat Uy It acton yoar lap
Ue eiltetb dowa by (ka tia aad rmU- ^ ~
Uid BB-t Iota la bead wUboat loalaf
Uoo't UteoSlblape wbeal
lb bleaoaa bnaaaa ttoy do act do;^_
u life too.>rddad. nreak tbcBoaUfol
AcalB Ibaea waa
cake. ele.. befoco lahtap li
Be takelb tbe bocae aad bony and
waa brekao by a qaeattoa f
Deo't. doaX doo't tdl aapla
ea waata to drlea tbe boras eaa'I
tblapa or dMaa Ulane or aecideau at
to epared.—Eralffa Ploaebiaiia.
"Woat yo. let aa wear ItoU
tbe labia
area, ttarjoryt' V
Oooa Baelpoa.
-No.- waa .tto doddad JaipWm
AeaBod Onito- ftiddlaff -Oto cap-,
"Motblac bat oalrieb Icatbeca ^ aad
>1 earb of aiolaatto. awrrt sUk, ebup- > '
qalUa. Tbafeatheraantto erorat ' pod tolalaa. or aay olber fiylt dtoirad.,
aU. Jaet Ihlab. clrlt. bacaaea
oapfaU of ptabaa floor, half a
faalhan bare a tocr laatra It tboy.
pooafal of aoda aad bait a antaup |
the bird whaa It la-bitty.
a> Ibrea boaca. Haaea-Oae aeaal| j^.,
tread aad tbaa brtak
catch Ute little eraatareb Mpfalof aapar. three taUeapooafaU ,
prtak o* a bit aad batter It lost
aad paU off tbalr wiafa, and tbea leaea ofbottor.two of Hoar, aad one efp. betuie eatlap that bib
Ibeaitodlaia apoey.Bab tbe eapar. boltor and floer lopelhTbe taader-bearlod plrU
ar. add the wall beaten epp. poar orer
at tbe tboapbv
It a plat of IxdllBP -wator. Boll and.
tto tor bard froteo ieee aod all dew
•tib. Kai>«y.- Bdlth WeeVB aaSd.
Tto, tare aueb a* euft coalarda el al.
"I'B ea fladyoa bate talked to
Doa't bow yoar .bred,to-your food,
tboofht abcml tbo blida
a. half a capful of o
old yoar bead wbrrr il brloofeaoil
ba^ to bo kiUod for oar bate, tbeayb
carry tbe food to yoor m.rntb.

‘SAY BOSSl Them People
Won't Take ThU

Srerrbofk woato flam Cum
Boar wbo kaoB Ue poo'
fc. TTraoweeandyoBwi
~ ■
■ '-idi. toe. So'
Mealy be

Granulated Sugar............. at 5 cents per pound
White C 4*4 cents per }>ound
If you want to save money buy yqur Teas, Cuffee*. Spiers,
and Groceries of thelNcw ^■ork Tea Co. Remember we arc
not governed b>; any combination, we set our own prices and
will give you 16 ounces for a pound.

•IKia'l eat troB tbe tip aad of tbe
apooe. bat from tbe aide of it.
Iloa'l opear yoar food with year fork
and prab II uS wllk yoar Uelb. Ctory
■pooa. aad Ukr It off with tto Ilia
from tbe tide araieel tbe Bealb 1
aide of tbe end of tbe Uaea
,'l eat ap all Ue food oa
pleu al dace.
Prepare each Boatbfal


_A. TSTiu-e-ty 3Da,y

Take rereoly^or trrU~ keep tbbia elcaa. wbllr. healthy.
BrpiD Id Use—bto all U>b acbee bad paiae -and b.Hura
la Ue deatbl'a rbalr.

Odldew, make eoap
powdered eUrrh. add toll aa taaeb oalt
and tbe Jalee of obe lemoa. a^dy
> aad let tbe poude lie 00
piaw a day aod a nipUi. AooUer way
i pour oar quart of bot water
easoB of chkride of Itoe. tl
Urea qoaru of eold water aod
atoep Ue eloU lo boar* la Ula.
aaut will be pooa. 8UU ai
Bli oaa
oaalb acUT citHr aeid
way to to aili
aad Bilk; apply
ly te
toUecloU. rtnoe well
aad bleach it on U

Cr^ Bali!

6LQVE AND_____
Closing Out Several l.htes Below Cost.

Uire Ueca Ito BreeBory bruiMiap

OloYM for fflU work at................. 1 b aad She par pair
Lot Lbtod OlOYM and Mittana........9ft. ftO, 7fte aad »1

S. E. -W- A.IT,




Doat abder aay elrcamet
tootbpick lb Ue tweeraeqo
Iloo't toeeh yoar face ea
wkUe eaUap.

1.1HMUK GMMir.

Hack, Bus and Baggage Transfer Line
Beiht Liver> in Nurthern Michisaii.

Bead aad Bala Bublo lo OOBaooUon.

Pig add Calf Skin OloYe*. worth $ 7fte
Boek <Hotm and Mittana, worth $1 and tlBft
at..........................................................7ftc and tl

Sec Bargain Counter
tor Knit Woolen Olnrnn nnd Xltt.nn at HUf Prion.

.1011.\ T. UEADEE.
Om Tmt bbt Oui tuoau.



UtUklNltte MhflllltDliUwaBU.


AValii Paper




Picture Store




wiU rewtol Are aad Ue actiua of 1
Oaa be Bod peer UlaplB of ate^
reata.<wtoiaitoblefar flatrooM.
: AflU Ol'TLAirr Uo or Iroa aad to


Asphalt Paint
Tor ooaUap tla. Iran or ready 1
Write t<M Prleaa.

H. I. Repolds & Son,
OrflBd S^dfl. Mich.
FbbIo br A. «. Walt Maeata'iap Oo

TraTfliw* City, Mlohlgan.


sum St. nnar Union. '




Samuel Anderson,

PBL Funeral Birector. ri
With a stock of Funeral Supplies second to none, and apracticfll knowledge of the profeMion. and with a lady assistant
when wanted, we are prepared to attend to all deuib of the
profession in a practic^ and satbractory manner
Telegraph and Telephone orders promptly attended to ai
all hours. and night.
TWfjiW ATc. 4JWILL S. ANDEHSOX. M«a«ger.

Brosch’s Meat Market
lofl nosT flThsn.

Choicest Meals, Poultry and Game.

1 ^tiniui FnHCT,
oaiBioie roBtoto

■ ,'V^

First Prize
II hi C>ftlf«PASSED tooth to aa tataal food and lor
> purr0011.
ileal lo loo aad oogea.


For aala by

yn KAMMAM a lat aahOfljrTXLB eo.

flew eocrpMap bathe Uto cF



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