Grand Traverse Herald, August 31, 1899

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Grand Traverse Herald, August 31, 1899


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text



T^VXRSE cmr. grand traverse COUNTT. lacmo^. At7GU8TSl. 1890.

Dr. J..A. Snyder,


tUBW 4«nMM



0A(>I1AL *l»K».WPO




CAU.08 —


A \
O. P. Carver WM

rawali lB».ra4w« of TSMM


^■ar had forat ia rlria.' wito a toaa<f,M effoet to daatnd bor^
‘TbaBka for the beneflt rf toe eaaia aelf that *»l lay boart toaatolac wito
F." retorted
>be airily.
inly, "iraly
-T>aiy II didn't J y. "Yoa-eacaewd**
-------- ----------------------for alaor. either.
i. ...------Ii’a a pir»
-Tnuach you etiUnc *
. lelce to he
of adelce
be lakra fltorally. I II ea
ea : -x>b' I toonftal Toa awaat ioar
plain—tooneb ynu don't dneeee lay; tolar rlae* .
aueb couideraii
uideraiioa fo
ily., '-binar
"Sioae itb
ilb elear
eleai year rapalar la-'
be Jalmciar will not be aeailaUc Mday.l

ftoi Toar TeMh as' Coma A«U'

Real Estate

U; -.........


bi» whole heart;
Tom. iru
•uly I pity j. l"'
aid .o«;
oe malw av 1 rao -’dial
id W.
with a moch aaleion Uiakr of i». if I ac
to.idrr myeetf definitely
•F head .lie wa. rune
: enpaaed
M to'beaaidaearac
I BUWBed Ufi Into tor hullmrdmoa.
eBuiie^y, Tam. tay teai '
. torB toe belli taka oa a
tiepe »uie- .(O.'Olly I war la fiy b-at.-n «..a Ur.
aaly and rafn
niy Uyorold eou.'n llar,.,alna, "IV ih anr p~i.|
Ilarlytoe peali rosat tba^antn of toa
lanctmi Bp'yarue.
Ii>. fiukea were'.I.mD ' atki^l I us
Imb. while ibr onfae and toa ebair
|.iuibi>w yon m
le prim .to« toe aval c
^ -Say. Tom. yftu'iw. » l*ii < ^ rolor to-1 .io,«l-- '
narsl Uoalaro. uonisiaaiy. X'etec law you make .i’’* '
wunoded in a reeenl bntUa with toa
a ruttea .bon m my life
ilui wi There waimucb prap-toa
burniae of caodlea and toa fmciaaen
and toa iaunorieUM..
Mmiou i, Wn

PUt« Olwa. BUftm Boiler and Accidoot Idouraoce.

Money to Loan on Improved Rea! Estate Only.
Aw«r»«y. »i l*».
OAtm vrrt

Bnsme* Cards.

p's” r


Merchant Tailor
and arc Ihr elrmuit srw liar of
Kprior Styir* ul Woiilrna now
onsalM. which will hr nadr up
ie Uw lailrBl hlylrs. and at
aueh Low Ifiora aawill aorpriae

no BLUFF! 2SS*ai
at 315 Front Street.

uae, A...1 JOI

On<f iMun.ine nix-iiali.iuwilliout on<s

• .Inirj- UH...

We linvi- them for teinja i

ifiuiib; iJUrjaae a. mid for Jliehia iiielera
Urint; l'rea.:ri|>lioiianiicl Family Uen|a« In na.

We till the

ri|;fat, with clruiir that are rii{hl. at prie.» that ate riirlil.



l^noW fKi^?

■ .■ta’k.Tra''

Tka4AaBIII«'<nr.r*u»’ <• a


L Hadn; contrachil wilh a Bosi*/ A MTtrrri
™ "’>""'“'“""6
WANTED! 1 loroisii200,000 Pounds of Wool
[annul mori
1‘lean.' I'ah

pyi«1 will u’lvi- one
ill jaay Ui
than any niil
lraieliui:"niair>'>oi i>ay you
for jour o»Ti lieoiefil.

1 mnat havA the Wool.


PkrswiM aM



J( » •mo.OMsrslla

ifatiBa. enui noui iN M «!.


TnicneCIti school or lisic!


Of«r riWi aM Oms Ws.
M«»Mrvhlw.aissJwIa «. telUvl*.
PrrtO.a Hahs___________

char, toe i-i Wbo-.
■ff-r,vi no .'..Iiimeni au-li vy


We wiont n lew relinlile men (/»
repree.oi Uie •irontp'ht bdH hvat
AoJdi'Dl and Kicknee't iDrumitiv
('4>m|nny in tlie world.
»*Uled williuot Uie uhuhI htnoutil
of nil tiipp.

Ooited State BeoeiolentSociet}.


J. I., Htt. SifL
Traverae Vi'y i



When you want.
tokinr ordria for,
all Medaot Kralt
and Ursaairoto]



in and hoy oar of ll.r "EIXCT&IC"

They arc thr floral puod»
I lOPp .he bad p

mule and fully narrmnb d



All •oWl«™ Aiid lallors U«t serrad
• Um Unloa Army for po days nr laor.
1 I<« tbaa ini aerrs
prior to Jaaa Mad.
ew w ehUdrOD U CBilUed to moark
toon laad to Bakr np ibc leoaem
wttkoBi BoUlMsaal. wbailior hr pmrd
«por BhaadoDad bWbaoMaiNJl clain

toPoi.APd can inuialer I
will OMiytwe d.i'lanprrao


, learuiug to cycle.' .b.
a .-..mplain
- iiiFuTih.' , aiwajh feel. «. n. Ipx


"Toe only rau.mi

-e |

IsMiSg 06

don't firnilt it and.
off the
f.VC. UsiYGnl.JPlISt
Washine P.
acfurilio^ to dirt-c•tions printofl on
//evt-rv pa< k.itr<* an«l
yon will Im
with llio rumilts and
irnrisiitl at Ute
ivintr in lalaor.

iireaFlj you alinwa lets

retomte apdti wbleB to glal Ueir
Ily appetite. Tbe loag tralM nl
ir caraUalelattor wralwnrd emp
.nd rrura dally to the great mam. i.len with juicy gram led baerm.
would brebasdooed. aad maayaloog
double sinab ol real weald gaUar
wbriT the gluteelpg ralU new ledufy
I the eeutity Of -eomuiarea.
, b. rruml.le tbe beat
Ureal Amencaa Iteaert" woaU once
of thrtarli,
Mrrc become a reality,
uram m Ue oa^ piaat Uatialadf.nd frt.m
-noul to every eouBUy aad eearv alP
til PB Ue giose-*Dd ao doaA all
r great plaaeti UaVroll aad ablM to
( tor tine. •( the Wki, for '.uogalrrleb.l
e aoiar ayalea have beea auwa by
were Wloiljy chaaged. aod toe work <.(




eetoo..a.lM: .'icli..—,

ei'b Mim-H-iiii


ire. aad UeaaUin.
today ia,followlag Ue Im ptm
_____ eisaUscl 'ol maaklsd la awtlx.Dg^hc oUerwiu waste of lead of ike
wMtern plains by paiisrlag It wlU aaP
>Bo'w They Died.

■aid I qoIck'T.




.'r'd-J^trii^e I

r V ' raie.1 yu (or 8.

ling more
rei^ie.1 Bn

Ue lan'l one of your 1

■d i.wgh.

1. pet rabbit bit a Uioeglb boy bpg
lied IB great agoay.
hare g,« n Ia ll .ylaJM. leuiO'di hotel a.ked for
0 eogllib annenaker fell dMAmta
I a«hl .f I a e.i
e faord
top dqik eraibad a BceoWya
.nr *a'i 10 a deieeihtoed ■
ger arA-----------------------—
mas'a dager^aod
paralyaia nmalle^

rp* am


illgaiori beforelSayto.
lady draaba b«*^

wid tbe porter, and

' repeated Ihe lady empbaUe- *Tto*‘a i!S*bw“* “ * ^ ***
A Colorado womaa fan Unm^ g%bb.
ooilungmoreglo'ioubrougtn in to
Tbe ri-,,mau.m .Itoek mr aa being
The la-y i
■omeuh.t IncT-dio.e
Iru.k'ig cp n. mal.ea^ronili

■ >( coor»r yen haven


Order* for Job Printing left «t the


(oreat repaam lu fret where Uia gtorloua carpet can earn Unm.
Let Ue gram perlih. aad Ua graat
pistol wokid br Jepopslatod. Keaa Ue
lawuir and Ue


ito ..f iheni i. to

tn 'Washing Paint

Wo »fO poinf to rirr awpp


wqrtd. Un
hackgnmad of a<l Nature's Imaauru
■ecnery ^Tbe muat^ delmaie flower m


oS 0 =


led IB tbe (alU ol. to
ebarcb.-1'M.xigu Hk -

'.'to. IheiT. ^iny*'“y *Pd °*ifp' for eealurim Chlorar
were mouoUrl on the tower.
•.le.l-1 Tunuylit
tonuyl, jib*'''rert.pp,,ed Uie wall, and Uiey al

Sarreyor and CivU Eagiaecr


,c oi.appiinliFHr f.,[prna.-,^l as ei.'-my liarraon* w^
.wered, mv op. »«*to.ned at ererj r«to and naUrtl
iita «r u peraus you Ltm.-d to Pa-umrro IhrouKh toe wnllu, and tows,
►pranedtod "
really helped
la to about place*
.hinic itai
a anaeely. <^'"0* *“
ir greal
HOB. for ,
10 keep
1" Still. I 1 barrier a
,you an ;
.-unfe.. I wu,h y.iu
IV, ■ were gel. |jd.l sow. 1 didt. I aai
ir together

i hripry in.

id f.un. tfo'u uiirninp t.l: nipl.l
ai prei'iou. hard line. .>1. Heel!
aylu yei it wa. toe rn'ornliy a ■

A RAZOR and STROP Hiai mil

For Sale enR by

" P‘lr“''l"i “

d al, top 0.1
l.iua as.rooneof 1

be poor uM touia.i.i.e.1,f.

A SMEAR "aay to rot wlih.rniBr

Plrmwc- Waast

M. a.CUiPOR.i^f.

■’H. f.


A KNIFE l>‘«v»i"'kreo an rdpr.

Carpet Cleaning Works

' r;;p'

'tot'?J:sru ‘ir: i

All UoeMc II fiiir si tie Eietirli Krud

[oney to Loan

r beataaaad toe


thrr lo.lani'eu- whenever .befell



Bui all are sot and Uatoa in Ue
Kacrnlly a procaMiqa of
girla wai going to .'onfirmaUon. They
ore vella that were long and White,
i' l"ii
id drmera that were while. Ion. Keen
I'm w. late. Him Hal
nr k-elleaaalippera wan while, ttn
-Some .Il.y Idiol
n o.T-a.ion tonrr waa a brnm bned '
Airbed uir li. mv be*lrooin line
tbe yooBnUTro’ei
adlna- the proceaalna—a braea baod
ruloay ,.f
>r and i; t >.k me
t'y loop lime
Ith two drsBU aad a pair of cymbala
to.uerew ..ff
lock with mr peokelfe
..walUhU might have gone.witbosl
- LapL Hoi
..ul mule to
I nyi
sore than paaaiog eornmenl If Ua band
•Kolber ihr fn low" I niollcrrd wtIre oor tor patieiiraAn
adrxatiaed lUrKto Ue maalc dealgapely ' Ju.i when I'd uurrwi-d up my
:'ipi Holton " laid l.mybaodro
aiad by toe niual.
Bel oae of Ue
oe.»e» alBioalto torp..lnior pjiliiuf uearkrs to loeidaptally. boweeer. he
.ra Uat went
tor .lufwii.m, and warlilme my fair hapBened to meiilioa that liir bedronoi
very ebnreb door waa -'Aftor Us
unr w^y'or Ibr other, here hr uuit of ihe eeni eoiaB In -ii.e.l.on opi-n-o
It ll not to be believed Uat
eomr aud upaei vra-ryiiMiiir Mill. hi. out of tnemm- ifallery a» mine-wa ,
F waa aay Bailee or Uoagbtol a«e-> ’
eonlouBdrd •iiur oaure. MIm HrLiny- indeed, aeii but one to u.
named tiii.pnriieniar muni ou
r in the heart of Ud laader.
er. I WiirYc”
l‘la*|ur lakr too wan.
bw-rTe;"-' ‘eft
Hot 1 11
my way up 10 bed, I .etianoed loobw-rTe
and bi> daov.
. loch ; pay him mil ler tl
that Ihi' key pr. i.-et.
t (riildar <ild-r. run I
paaaed toronp
IM- Oe HF-XIBder. .f I- no
le to be^i
laiiebinreBd oa into tbeebj^r^
uimi towa.d
laser it' w.
great portal and 1
ten.'.l loput in
akiDfr iu»B after daybreak. I
• of alalnrd glam wtodowi
• ipped ..Ul into 11
they came to Ur fool of Ue altar.
nnlBp. ' IVMl.
IVwlI I puemied Knurthinr
r al ih- cantolni
All Ue
a goto ebureb, or at
ihe Ko«iko°amo.iFur her, if O'-iOinK |
eb- S. ni leaeeyoo. laundered pina
gowi aad sfpokea bathnperu'uoinfhl The Volru.lini: '^y. j
grade of cigars
.bemlaave «
iheir huabaoda at b.
> Thma are Ue
-o.liBir into .•« WL lcrl'n^auTui'a wuud e
They brlag
lal CBiniM Yl'all
that a.i Iheauariluglitoni. but ibeir aoai alay be'
'• l.,iuie uerv lilted
U UetT (etorr. who aratobea
atopory^po lU- proeerto.^ Kro'n^Um
icaa. areaaid to be Inirraal
1114^1, roei. bavji4r in
toyatoreand BBiaee hie leeu TbeoU.rpemi.i:'ary
; i" V-’' Fro.-i'w'd'uatinc-oowb o'
" lipioo women are aoeamtroo of a wor^n Ktei-m ario I
M I iliUered 1 irroat w... ..f I' I ue wail ha|
leir baahaadi e
O. i., uii.L'b r to he in the bell Mai' of refail
uyH'lf upon ihr tviiie.
L mr kdoel { tr.cU are m^i aureai.ble a
baodaare sattveiaDd who have 1^
•ruugbl up IB Uecharcb.
— ■toa.
.a> den
to lliOM- Who may uecure tor m
imiable i.eoipni. .
lIonTl iDdix"!'
ew ehe, than 1 lo.
"Vou rouldn'i. ron
lalliBg far below Us watal. bat a
d ilippamU'
,'hnd Joan',line fr.iui the i
inc.udias in many wlnaiofi timea ll la (anUaUially eolled aad teakll'.' Anxiety al
rned with a comb. .
There are geitiag to be s lew pro tee
"Oh, hanc Aui
oeapiYM. Uywif uiiMU-n.!
me end tlir wall wa. a failure, lor
id 4ieeu j
>sl miB.iileia here bow, aod Ue mia"Tou,-T..m"
uBB arr begioslngli bewelleatroaed
Hr. Hoody'a aoega are Ue oam
•w .i,iouieu she reappea- 1
toe.cunuy la the Uir Uej alng. Tbry bold ttieee meeOaga
ele. wtiuu the irupdled | toenib e-oiury AfU-r that liine toe Ik vaeantetorvruoBia
They eall them,
leer, prari'l'y pith - be-1 •>! Cenu.
to harr any .iratefrie Immi. aad MeUodItlaad Prmbyw.iie waivl. tnpiiinp Ibe 1P•rtoo.'e- no; f>r f-urieen realsriei
.•rn'eo’ .'^..011.1 *eX,.d ly with ih. toe . f her I before itii ff^l


Tflt-phonc 130

E.'-i^Srj&uSL^ •• ^



y“‘’r"'l "

Traverto City. Mich




■lolinnnii ItWk. riKmt-'i

Auraatine. and to____________ ___ _
Idea da «aa tVaneteOa. toa
and toa Idaai y Oola liabal. ^ Knato

nniucidrace. Lam
Ineariabiy In the or
obp.»ite ward mpij, and I boon I ahait
.Vow doran-nbalalnl-yoB
inke yoa he ab e Ii
hr'me-R '•----------------’
' White
IVhll*, -I'beo
yeo are larTla*
irTlae in brd-uniem
hare mended y,>ar babiU of
ibrlU from toe baiUaablpa f
',n op-, Keep you Iheee firmly, arc------ ; amona loam.


OharohBaOaailtoaiU. -



Hack, Bus and Baggage Transfer Line

Bes^ Livery in Northern Michigan.
/pad and a»to 8MU« la OawMlkip.


XelepHone 70.

*4r^rbved to my word. .1 ail. ■>"/e«'rd -its
lb- non 1 hetrip to aoderui
jaed my »i»ler. amuwdlT
- itii-»,i,pa pnrieo. *0e *1000 gar ag who

tot W190 bi.iw., :s
You re |»park,.og ete« aernw lob grevs.ward
‘ ‘ ‘’',^i!!tojto'‘b^ne^to l”Tm^nw*^‘towa'X’^M br.mghl Is
A.img ihii.uetoh of rtmd ite .idy lef . the room iLdignaaiiy.
Vos forget a‘tndem bi.^e.e wmi r.ildeo al a •"* oorler drew ber hurrtrdly
Me biB B ruog w
thrvabold* pkllrd a rone,
TOO haven : bad an opportsBiij of wi
letroae aatoambmaat. tbe
lemlng that yeL "
• eleeaior w
-1 doB'i care iwopenee whom hr It ru
wito ao long ■« it i*o'i Hi- Meilinger, Hi Heeded a Mip
reptled 1. "bwl'Ir*. it irs'l fair to her cafi't he-'
So maa ba« a rtgln 10 mnsepo. e- env
Here ll the dirvriloe giees
gdrl^ bv doe*. ooleM he .evi^l)
••Hvery moeniog they go foe
■ e..d,red Srw
aipln'a> far a» Bral-a.vy and
' li vdlog a cenaio mai who had acme
"Aed bow do tuukoow C«pl Hu
■,1 •»- kioriou.’ iBe Mn
a doiaa'ir' Bertna psl In bai^.rdiy
J.y. of Funaol'ayBe-igate—yoabi
-Ob. I've come acroaa (hatlrpr br- Me a
,ner. of-of— Ob. bow 1 low what own. J'm Uray—tern to year
n—iba irrta.lible. Mlf-c«yfepla«mL
left and ride cn two or ibrve bandrrd
FofMaed ga ItoL who never—"
I rrpMled eon yard, t.ll yoo
Kvery norolng"
F.nib.ngwmrlrt Hrr.ha atamped her faaARy
Hevibe and Captam Hmtoo'' 1 lorall gvo. .
Juhn. yon hnow—lierd 'lob tbe
I doB't
I't Ibi ,k I quite aodcru'and •
► -Hai
laae't 'l-rtoa told you-' She led and some Knglito neopie lived ■
Capii' Hi .too haee beee rw*i friead. mme Ume ago, be» tbey're goer K«ehkeowJoaa like, bus—la eery (,,
long, aod they
become —'oil ii'a rented, (nr I eaw a bawg la the
Ubr told me ao b.
tog iirloi booM yard
Tbea kerp ap tor hill i
have aa.d ill yoe 901' to a Me*S over ebratoi
And If
- .
Fbin ifaar-aaratr.
and bit
,vor" Here Bertha
wyki’d bare bild ber own brother '
! lora is an* keep the aaonauia road (or
faigb pitebed giggla
'-Thai'* brr wav of inform ag me of . two milea aad then Urn to
' '
■ n>mnit wirry for yo
If you Ibfi *ac'." replted I, potoliag towardjami you'll rrw to toe bol'o*. andl
CteoL Hoktos I can amure lb* fiviag Srurea
"And all toiaga 1 reekrm li^aali he there—-Ynr IVt
yi aV ba*e to gvl ap eery early ia Mkamered. aM might have ebnace a ('Mnmrvrkil AdnriTiMT
la soaawira move
ibr morning.
bar credit for.. I
Thia oelbam waa Jadecd a facer for
mr; bat I dU not taae*4 that my tormemt al a itetaratenald nolaiiarCeela.

WbiiicuraiBg btedaaghtarfor.mar'lag agaiaat bit wiabaa a Taaaa maa
caablrickeB wlU t- "
her broUar'a clotW a
apallad Uaaa«iUa4ao
Ugbl and was auaagmd.
...kvlBg fallen
fal lee bad
aad ha
hart bar fcaw. aa






blaaulu.a HiaPfaraad
I Ue next day
’llllam •’hiefof t»e#Ter w_ ______
ea by dabU wbUe praylag Uat ha
migbi )«a bte wife, w^ bad dM
iwaaty-foar boara befwa —Atmtoapv.
Bu Baade r»U.
TbereteneUlag Ukeafim for Mg•|^L*T *ba^

peoplm^ gjaBjj

story to the record mf berofa daS^
A Kiw York farmer
-Aaia. aad one-■
of aammer boardeia.
oaa ■ nlij
was bamly 'engagad
la kUllag al
decapitate as

ding Ue baa aader bte arua. mad
doiag aotolag wbaleem Inwgrd pav
liag oat Ue damca.
At la^U.^




skABS TBATUte »teai-i», ATOHBT


swtmi hnw sbbb.


Ohinrhi Aw- to.-Tba Tribate hn

aa a oharca at laroaar. Tte on
tloo ad tte famarwnbaM raatardar.
aad te waa hoa»d <mr te Ua Oraait
aoort la tha earn of Kdo baO.
AmM tom fa
Tbto tea baa almdr aUraetad
Ikaavto-M. BalapmktoatcrftiM
■ a( rarmn' Q
vhleb Uar an abartad to
%mi hat faMtiT ban aapelaM hr
aoa. Oathaalvblof Jaean.UaMorr
oamavnaraa a*oM«f tha Maat B. S. Jaaaa. eo Blavoad area
CM to tot NattoMl tuafwat ea
■n brteaa lah>. aad a qaaaUtr
MtoaadeotoMaaUew toht bald la
lean, eaadr ate tobteeo «a« atot
Tha tve raaac rare rate-1, P
aadarhaot, acad alzte-. ta 11I-TV

Un. t. W.

Mr. WUUm M

teg. Aag. M.-W1U I
balto ri^flag. V
aC.laC.wariac.ate ba

laarateeaUaaaUnfto etaa atoaial
vhen eeaaaetton VlU Ua boaadaa eonad bona tedap. mflar nan t
ate. aeol- paat^ gaUaatnrrin la UePhmpi
Tbelr nctpalBa vOl bt ramawbaead
baraaaeaeof Uagraanat danac

Aeattol. Uata aaeM
beratwebiil, nttaw

Tba crowd Uat Hate Ua atnau
va cl>~ I
nld. Uat U Uap alaer Ua note ol tba panda Im
I Ittonld.
vaiallev Batten to raat aatU atur dapotlaAHagbaap to tba rariaviag
at Sebaalap park vn bepood
UaChBtelaa alaetlen la Oetober
laaa. acad aboal Blaaw .i -r- hr
1W »:» tfalaoa tha C* W.ILThaia
eoteUag. It vn eatinatod at Me.eoo.
dW ted a tomk4owB aw Ttesp arraatad. etaarcad viU Ih -rliaa, ate
aoa*IUa.datorlactotaaaateaa toalat Vateerttoot bad bto aaan, .ail«i raat Fmklaat Meablabp
Tba haato of Ua acitoaial. t
tedar. vlU tba raaall aoi I. Tba axKialep aad Oaeanto Hvrltl
of Maaa baa brra flrad for pntpoaeaaBt of Ua naatiac oi
vkkh tte auatfiat aetafrad. wat (te
Ucaaoa. Tba daeoratloaaof Ua atnau
toat weiloa ct tear amnlae tralat aact Wadaaadar at • o-cl~ k.
« Sir WUfrad Laariar ate balldingi. vara OTerwbala>lag>7
Ite aeamd aaeUea braachi ia Ite rar
The ebaraetor of tba tv-> n
laaaeUea aad
Tba roate of tbe parade, flea
alaraad Utemi trtoa, hath toratter dteBOteaeaiW be of ib l
■iiiln loeg. vn practtoallp aa aabrok
aerdiat to ibe ttaUw .n • of Fiord
liute io drift lato l<ac^ Kan for ^ eeHoeofflaga flivaca. fntoon ai
OvaUln. vba vn vlt'. tbam
leaaCotaUea. The third aad loarth alrbl of Ua robbrrr- Uai two reav aapran pareoaa el iadadac Ua eolan beaUiic The larievlag ataod vn
of Caatea to pat Sir Wilfrad Laariar augalBeaei work eonpoaed of ai
Mtate eeatetod et alat can aadi BeaWBlartetbaataraforelMr. la
ploab aod'danaak. all blaedlaf taat
aUthweta alee koadad to tteir falUat pmaaea of Ua Ur- ToansOvalklaa atehtoanaelatelaBrmp
fallp Id Ua eolort of tba uUoaal ai
to oalr tvalf* rtea old. bat tall* a

atraicbttovard aurr. Hr alao
that Uaaa aaara roate ^ verafniltr
of Ua ataaluv of tva btoreto Uat to to meat la gaebee. aa orictBallp la
dtoai^aared abeat Uat Uwa. Oaorca taadsd. aod Sir WHfred ate fait poUt
Md aa>9ed a aora reaat aad a leati of
aaal a I Kaaa^ bad leal panaara will Uanba faate raadp
aawalaa lhar had a fiat Ua>a
0 Ion tbair vbaato a
wd rataraadaheat to «-claek.
fav dara tefore Ua rebbarr
carte tree teaparaaad ^ Him. C.
Joan- atora. Tbar terarttoad
Manar aad Ulat Peaad, aad
net of a
Tbto waporarp ai
Ian ate otaicd a revard for Ua i
farwdaftbatoUawlac: Mteat Delia
t the Ca
of Ua vbaato. Tbar vara ptonpUr • eleendi will prxreide Uat
teaia Aablaa.
t.«ata rptareed by Ban aad
liaaaabaU bare tba
raitoeh. teaim TMraa. lahr Kalth.
tba Lpaa caaal. Ppraald Harbor beiog
vboclalBad U« ravard.
<terte Bari. Blaaab Baraaai. K..
Fiord Uvalkiaa Uatidte Uat Uaaa UaBoatlikelp oaa. Tbto agreemaa'
MOlar. U-ltaa-raid. Bal.e Stoat,
rooBf BOD bad awlaa Ua vbaato vUI prortda, bovaeer. bj moaua of
Kalltr: Mhttan JlautU
ate tbao lalarpad Uew, apeetol protoeol a dlatioel declarr-'Martlaak. Irrlac Morrar. Bor Wood.
that Uto taaponrp oeempatloa
elalmlar that Uer >ooed Uam
Waite Palfa. »rt* ‘nakha*. Wi:oe Ue Lpaa caaal bp Hriuah
vooda. vbara Uar bad baaa blddaa.
.V«alaav. Oharlia dabtoa. Braart
oaaUanbla In- torn oOean aball la ao vap affect
Watoaad. dUiad Hoara. Bahar Stoat.
Baal aalUeaeat of tba boetenp
pamaaa. u Ua ofleon of vbleh Uar
Ari^ Will
' an aaicaaiwl to a rar/ cr*** eaa. *
qonUoB. bet boU Britiae aad Ameriatemu aad alaiau vUl' be fallp
Netbloc Mot Eloqsaat Tbaa Faotaeed. li'adarUto taBpararpagraaba aaomeoa Ipcrraar la Ua baaJ. naat, atoo.Cbaadlao vbiie ptea low.
. of tba aaantrr
aot draatad. toogate or groored. bat
I arar laes. tba bapoar jmr. to aar- laelDdiegloctateroogbbaarda. to te
prtolacate tosrapbicallr atuawad op be adalttad free Into tba L'eltad Si
Dea'a vaebir reriav aa foUovi:
retara for Uto ci'Jnaa of tha
■NoUlBC to mora alaqaaat Uaa Ua Uaitod State ai
Staoad fiada-L. a Baal. Baal; fiela. detBh]'te7«ot Urearb Ua
kcena to Ue CaBadlaa flcberlaa.
Ortaa Pateabar. Taba: Mia. Baser. priaaltel claarier boote far Ua vaak with rlgbUoflaBdleg toiaeareballor
Btatra: Haada Ball. Wastoid; Laara vara » I per eeal- latirar Uao laat > Frann the eateh fof tbe market.
WQar. SartBlt at;; Clan Braaa. Will- rear and M S pei oaat. lariar Uaa la
Great Britiao atoooanau to a wadFnUa
totefaarr Mte Cola. Pita Laka.- Laalla
Ifieatlon ol tba tmtp regardlag Ua;
•a ofpaj
O-Btel. dUaa Anbrt. liiula
betldiagpf vantaipt oa
M I per eepb larfar Uaa Laat taeb a war at to perslt tbe eraatioo of
dalfa Baadhaa. boar Brava. Jaaalarear ate K.o par eeat. larcar Uaa io a maoeable Heat of nodar-j ablpt to
Ban aad Maaia Taaac. altrTaoaacafrecB Cfatoaso la Urae
Tkbd crada-Blrdto Beaa. Oraaa Bidballt aboea Ua Mtogan Falla,
ite. Btoa lad OHaball. A»j Olteballi vaak* bn baaa W T par eaeL lanfar gaabac aaal to to bare free aetnoee
Uaa laat rcar aad 14 a par eopt. lar«ar
l«a Krauar.
Ue New Boglate boaedarr.
Uaaloiru:. it vil.1 pot be aafcntad vbiek will ralieee Ue Bllto of that
auaiet-Barr Bard aad Mlat Bard,
TTIlllateban: OUrtea Eeaap. Ida
thrito aad rradTabbertr. Klacalaj:
aad Ua BabMaa. SbabersaB


tfeaaa la tba
oHr. vtedUaaii
wdteliai that Ibar vlU raaain thm
•ataaaaaate taa r*tlhas(wai Ua<
Mac, M the aaaa>r aha bad aa baoddid
aatbeld aaU JTbaaai at leva laaab
an trva aarplltd fnt, bat than la tba
atw mfa ratera thain at aaea n
aawltaate an ranlfad.
ArraaUd tor Berea Bteatlai
IraaOoaaBbeldlsralaaaefberenvktobbacnaaradla a iradt vlib
' aaaOtertaaBaraalto. who to aev la
jail la OadOlaa aharfad with ataallar
toauantnaiOteriaeSurb at Wailardaeaalehbfprt tone waakaafa Btarbatorler'
a aa tha nillaad. Be lafi the lean wlu Baraaldt
aad treat betoa. Bat htarlac trata tba
aaltt, atowdaftace te vaaita late
ttonatteaa.aadvn told that Bar
aatdabadfeaa oBvIU thauaa Ua
darWtoW arcaarad wtU It. BabaCM aa Uraatifattaa aad atarad a re­
ward at IM fat tba ratara of Ua eatdt.
■tertf Oae. A. Trar at UadlUae. alto
aCand a nva*d et«u tar Ua aaprabaaatoa at Kartetda.
Tte tea wn aaaffbl laat vaak Wadaaadar to Nteekar- Ba aoattaaad la
tteUattetUaUanaadBbariff Trar
waai to Itotekar aad laeand hla waa.
Wteate had teld bto aurr tUarUt

atolad that Bapaolda drera tba la<
lUealth aad traded It to Iraa Daaa
toratoaUlaa. banr. aev barwanaad
•Mtateh. rrawbara H to ni
waat to Pauabaraed traded Ua
ItoatoraaeUarbam. vhlob ka aold
aad aqaaadatad Ua ateaar to hllarit;
Iraa Dbbb to avalUacdaralocnaato.
Dtod a Baiaral DaaU.
paraaar Maaa bald aa laqaaat Bat

nefUadtoUot (
actewtedM avttefamot Mika Fiaa•caa rrtdar naralBc. aad Ua
at vhte daaU vn aakaava.
waa tte ana to- vbaaa badr a bartal
idaetba teaad
MetdaaUwnBel^faa laUa
tto at death.
of B.U
etolete ■aaaidar i
WlUmil had baaa aabcvaaad to aaraarattbat hear. la Ua maatiw#
Dadartokar Carte had taaa oat to Mr.
Vtoaacaa*i to eeadaet Ur
Wteate natete bto reoM
tte aftorpeaa Ua atainw
latbaravaniartoUa a


Tbe traiB beariog Ua Pbilipploe
beroea arrieed at Allagaaop
aeeUoaa The liee of nareb
gae at s o'clock. Follovlag
Hiller aod ateff of tbe Feaaapleaaia
Batloeal Uaard rode I'rnldeot
RiBlap. Ueoarala H imlt aad Ureaae.
Col. tlearge Tcatevell. raprnaataUre
otUneraor &ooaa«elV UiTeroor Stone
of Feaoarinala. eiaiUng aeaatora.
•Uar diatlagatobad
Tbe rwineat vaa delaped oa Ua
road aaarip flee boon aod did aot
reach New Brtcbloa. Ha. oaUl attar,
eooa. Tba. trala aiopped at Kev
BHghwa -tor breakfaat aad at 1 o’clock
alarled lor Hiuaborg. It reached
ibofgaisiio Tbali
had Uroogad Ue aueeu alan
aarlp itaia noraisg -vn o

] I


Six Ottawa Beach nalifaaa want*
inlab at Bollate.


Call Ypur Wife

ad. AaoUte aaw kept la a atoete
hard vn nqalrad to to qaaraatiaaJ .
ate tmud. M Ua dtoe*a vat oalp U

Jaat aa Uap bad

And tell bar to keep a peotece
of Pudding or Heety Jellycon ln the houM
endabewiUhave no trouble nbout des­
sert fot^^nner when you bring a friend
home unexpected.
Try a package of Puddine once end
you never will be without It. 10 cenU s
package. Hasty jelly con is quickly and
easily prepared and makes a delicious
6 and 15 cents a package-

aeloa. ate to add a Buiog vite wf
tbcaanatoppadnaelagate Ua fair
raaorton had to boot It all Ua vap
OarAald baeklaberrp nanb ate Ul
farm adJohaJ. Tbontew- Andrea
J. Welch ate Cbarin 0. Watarmaa.
enr NerUrUle. an ac Bre aod oUen
an Id danger. Hea are bariag a hard
time Bgbliagit.
Horace C Banrlp. aged 70. pc
ter al Hill Uro«a. died Thsndap aigW
while nitUag in a .ebair. He
tnemberof Uc.SieU Hkblgaa ietaa-.
trp ate vn a prtooacr la Ubbp priaoo.
He vaa bigblp mpoeted.
Al Hukecoa Hr.
pean old. vaa na down bp a bicpi^
and btelpbart. Be raogbiebeUai
-to tupped to Ue right ate ha tareed
WUa right, kaockiag bar dove
lag barHgbtarm ate dtolocatiag bar


ntn-l-Ufr ~



AtJacInoea boraredrleaB bp Hr..
fete.r bteklegaa oaa el Ue atrect
cart aad no avap. Uroviogon
Itep aad bar tvo cbildreo oe Ue bruk

front and
and Cass
Cass St

traverse City, Mich.

L PH. Hltto XHPlt Ai.

ioj.rad. bot not taute. Mra Comfl
waa dragged a block b^erdrenc
ie Ua vbecla


Fine Arti.stic

Jolb Printing

a droaU that baa preralled In
0 eo.Btp for arrermi vrekt abova'
Sparka from Ua ibrnbloc nacblM
BO algat of bmkinr Tn* bean emp
Ignilte toe alrav aod caoaed Ur total
iaaafferlaf aadlp ate tbe i.u<i acr
dnineiioo of Ue hanu of Ste
Ua leva of MolUa. io Hreaque lale cooDlp. uwetbar vlU tbelr
J C Corvie.of Saadaioaa tovoablp.
eoateeu of graia. .-nacblBrrp aad farm
it •lalte a factor 0.1 Uere aSoat haraplcBMBte. lam t-'.uoi
poiotad at Ua loag delap.
Al Detrolu ArUar ' l>. Urabam. ^ ' rmt time. Thia-pear. be baiag t>: tnra
>ld. bealackr.1 10} aem j lal to gite
Tbia CbtettaLopal.
elaclrie liaeiaao eoiploped bp Ue pu^
(be bo.n a cbaaec to learn
IgfaUag eommlnloo. vaa faul^
Waablagtoa. Aug- !»•—The follow
iagdtopatch receiTadalUe war de- abockadbpgraapiagavlrevblte paiaf
tneat from Uanenl oUa. dated lag Ue top of a pole. He died thorU/
Tha wire of a pnnte
coat Zf. appeara eoofoaiag to U< aflarvarda.
ligbUegbompaap bad becone <-nmed api-.nuaKpsr tMdiar rovrarlt wf it at
:tola who are aoable to aaer
D—f, r-.o.-'. Urapante
.. lar
vbo Date Heodl. apokaa of bp ^Itto. to.
It to UnofbL boverer. Uat be li
AaoUer sew ■Daautaetora Uat wit
of Ue falUlal amallercbiefa:
JO to HnakegoB will be Ue tio ca'
"Uato Haadiat Ziabnnga bn at- mill, to be operated in coeearlloa vlt*v»rt
lacked and deleaied Ue iaaar
Ue tin plate atlll. Tbrp -vlll make al
Itdate. L
blDdiO'tio caoaootof Uermidaro
tbe Kpaolarda be a.
aed Ui I
Ueliaplalaa. After larae plate an
of tbe eoUre amlb veatero paelaaula prepared for ablpplag. tbe trimmlagi
ofMledaeaotolaad. He n.ltad (leaer. arc l.-li.^Bd ioalete of vaatiog or re'
al Ham at Jolo to girr faia adfaeaiaa
mriliDg Utve lr.mmiDgi Uryvillb
br aarhbdr Uat aoab aa
UeUolted State (b-orral Katn
oaad to malie freit.,baking povdnr aod
blis toa aaiall lalaad near
all olfapr kloda ol Uoa. Thej vill em­
■pleaoia ted Wnl Vlrgialt. la
There is nolhinjj finer in the Musical Line than
ol roan axeapt Ua laat vi
ploy balveea three aad fonr b.mlred
rilorii for Ub Ua vnWra oool. lu
d. Moat paopia radllr manlrU altelBg Uat Iren Ue bUoailBOWSeldr
Iniurgrola, but
buyaaod glrli.
int raar'a rxpapaloB n aoBat^la
told Uat troopa voolri be eaot to 1
Aa Aon Arbor mao ebaa^ a blaeka fnte.Nor to tba didaraan la ai
boaiigaaooe. Tae leaurgaate Uan
aeaki loto a braab brap Io blayard and
of p*7to«0M etealr dM to rtoa la
farad a- r jral vaeka ago to (an
tbeoaelDreto tbabruali to bura o.l
•rfan. for p<ton of larani baadrad
tba eltp oe pronite la eaaa Agalaaliiu Ua reptile. Tbe latter vae burned a:l
antoln aataallr nafa lovar aev
e aaaeaaa fal la l<ur le Tha propoa- right, for (be Bre traeelrd faater In UP
Ua vhela Uaa la dasnt. t«v9.
ItowHuniilla aa able dry ’graae (baa Ua anahe aokM. auf* '
"It to a eootawari' berlaan alae.
I. adueatad abroad aad Uoroogblp faater alao (baa (be (paa ounid a(aui(
Forbapa Barer bafare bare danaadafor Hrfttob Ooloetl Secratarp Obanbarlala. lapel to Anarlcao letemla.
It out UBllI tneral permte arrirrd t.
aeiaal an aoaireUad bnlean
-Hanrni Batea tear# on the Ulrtlalb aaaiil hloi. j-iat Jo lime to preeeal II
Ua goeeraaibBl nf Ua Tnaaenl bn
I vlU aa Utile apaaalatloe t<
eotlOad biw that it teham to Ito lateal to alaaa troopa la the Kulu tolaada aad •Pttleg Ire to lili houte
lie blfbar narkaia. la fact
Plata tr.«pd,
offer aad will act nabe aap farther
Kdvard A H<u, af '»;lea tovB.hi|.,
a neat artialn bn feaa farUar aaepnaloat- Tbto raplp to earp nooh and Inballa. a nalire aUHuo of tb.fall fr-B a load ol bay- awlbleg on hi.
la Ua aatora of aa aliiwalba. aad r? Hallaa lalaoda”
bead. Ue vaa oouipletely paralyz'd.,
The trailemark Ktamla for tml worktnaaiihip
ruwd. Itat eearr da/ maa an
Beglaad laalBtalai bar praaaal bold
Caba Want, to ba An-iaxad
aad. aa be la :i yaara ol age. bla rrt-nrand cboia-Ml malerial.
oriBf for lamadlau dallrartn of
fraol war wap nault la Ua aaor faKloabtf.l
Haraaa. A«g> to —The ap.iuiaent In
ateabon, of taxuia fooda. ate aapafaror ol aaeaiatloe to. or. at l-aat. the
elallr of Iraa pradaaia. baeana
arg, Aog tt —la a apeeob eatebllabnaBtof a protaetorate bp.
■re But gelllDg mora (ban oee-balf tbr
ware eBaael bt loarar dalarad baea Vlea Fraaldaat ate OaBwaatoBt
I'nIted Hlate. vblob bn baaa grnwlar ml k (hey need. Tbe paatureoare drlrd
viUoal Ion, aad rarr larfaaawt bare, UaaanI Jeobart nld ba hoped that
alovlp aa ina mall of Ua work of Ua tuacriap and fodder ooro la gating
baaa eald bj var ol baaai to aaa
natton wlU Beglaad voald ba
AoiarkniBabara. la dallp baaoBieg
bronn. Fiiea are buraleg on all eldea.'
efatpnite pradu la order to CM Uad. bat ba aoald aot np Uara voald
apearaai. Thejavalbllllp of Ua vlibBe-ala ilraot. aa ampleye a( tbe Ha* !
Ceadtarderad bat aot pat dallrated.
• paoea whaa Uara vn daagar.
dnvai ol all tb» Awarlaae troppa. Btf lainidrv. Kalamaaoo.- bad ooe >
FraatUaUr all lednirtn an 'nna
Ua added faab If tba people »i lollnved bp IbeaWit: No lictler make known
A laryc'Hoe ' of umall Mnnical
f-«rfally a.UlaWd by gel
MUa btbite Ua rrqalroBaal
Jobappnbart or Laedae Uaoghl iba< of the toiaed, bn led
* faeerlBg
ting It iBugbl Id Ibe fallan of aa Iro^
Merchandise always on hand. Catl.and ins(>ect our HtfK'k.
Ua Traaaraal vn fflrlBg la Uraegb
fear ar vaokaan. tlitp. vara aitoukae pnlat a aninwittee to ri>< Wnbiagi
Tbe-blg veil at tba vatervorba a
He woeld. bevaear, aaak paan aaUl to aaak Ur dnired rnd
Tba won
'Ooldvaur abich vaa --bulir abo*
matotool AetopUin.»iD p Tlsrm
Tteteadaa Slattot eannenU apoa Ua drat abotvn Brad.
Ue groued and tbeo asek ba
Tbabargbera at Virgil hare tal»- aad Haren Harela.
Tbe lotoier
gn aabjnt of Awarlaaa arneallarr
gnat apreaaa. It la '■n fp. t io cle'
itoaooitotof laSaeaet aadar Ua
UattbaeoUate to aaf.
cBireraBee. la an fapt depp.
Meatlr pwwtolac to varraPi Ua vt^ reran to Igbl ualan Ua dpaa- Spaotob ragliBa. aad vaa Hacralarp
rater la it remaisa auteily I .' f
oplBloa Uat tallrate iraBe ate all atefli-wopolptoeaanllad. PrtooBtti Ja-llaa la Ua t^tooooiiat Cablaat.
daap. aotwlibataadiof ao areraga
oUer femi of trte* la Ua Uaitod who vara nrrlar loag aaetaeon la tba Seoor (larala vaa' elell lloearpor of
I.oou gallaaa !• toi.g puapaJ froa
Baaucian. Tbap viilaurifar Wnb.Ua vUI Uenaaa. Tba naaaer fort bare bate baaa qatoUp rsaoaad
laerdartoanitdtroabte lagwe tooerrev. vub Ua iBtaotioeor
vbtob Ua lubjaai to tnated vill
viU Uaei la Ua gtaat of war wlU anlag Hrnideel HeKle1»p_
Darld C. Srorla of Maryaellle i
arnt Ua vniara farenr. ate
Oraat BrlltoB.
kllladalBtef Uland vfaiie irylag
OaaUa at Porto Kioo
Aag. ta.—A dlapateb to..tba
atari a water wheel uaed to throw •
vlllbaearrlarraaaparta of
Baa Jaaa. F. rto Blao. Aug- *C —Aa tar froa a airab la tbe iaiaod to tba
Oallp Beva frew Jabaeanbarg npt
aantUadaoaadaof Waatara
b*‘»ff eBelal rapert bat baaa Inuad bp tba rlear. Tbe eaglee vb>cb operate tbi
AnarlaaB tonaart an dtopaapmldeat of Ua taparlor board
ol vbael atorud vblla Hcarla vaa b^
l■re<lbBlre^lparapUIrateal talarbaalU. abovlog Uat Uara bare bate tveoa Ua ptedlaa.
baa ea:Baad aWcutloe of
raod prien; Uap vill ba ablo to rictloia of .tbe raeeal
At Ctelllac opcr S.uio people atipodbap tres
Beat ate Beropa n hllp Uao haterte faai:iln an U raealpt of
barrleaaa Oae Uonaaad tanlUn ara ad Ua S.teay acbool rally Tnuraday.
n Uap bare bare baaedoLar Uto >nr■Inlag. togaUer vlU tUir bootea. and 40 differeal Sceday acboola were
Tbe l-altod State bn taada rraat pro- Uat to net raporud. Ualan aona.
The report atate Uat Ue .BLBbcr of raprooootad lo Uo parado ie tbe
Ueeafran of late pnra la BaBotbatarl
aSilaefBrittohaBtiJtelivill ha allao- dnlitate panon it Zto.ooa .
ate tradlsc. bat It to atlll aa teaatl
frowUalraUaglaoaato Kaglate.
IpacrtoaHarial ooealrp ate lu pr
bon pronton Uap an laaiag eoe- iS.aou.iuu peaadt ol riea aad baaoa ai
parllr dapaoda otelalp aa Ua harente.
4.«M.00U poaada ol eodflU to allow
Tbanfon. fair vbaat ate good barratlee of a poaed a dap balag toaoed
' oUar
eatll enpt eaa be gatband aaeaBUee
Triamph of JUBlpaz> of Ua vell-balBfef tbr
Bav Vorb. Aag. M.-Aterlaelearal- vaaka baeea. Tbe aoai of Uontaploo. Ua rapeaaaatatira of Ue Saato pllm voald be mt.ooi)


Brosch's Meat Market'

-[t:^Choicest Meats, Poultry and Game.
lA Bongton.. ^


Fresh Salt and Smoked Meats, Sauugy tic.



We have jiist added a car load I


I The Traverse City Music Co.,
GRACE M. CUNNINGHAM, Rroprietor lid MiniGer.

: 8M Front Bt

Brosob Block.

These are Busy Days with us-

aiaoe rarelaUoototo la Uto <
Wiped OolHUtodalt. Blab . ABC » -A Bra aarlp
itoaerolBC at Ratelac. a leva of
l.MO labaWlaeu la Uto eoaBlp. dnteepad tveetp^ae belldl^, iaeladli
airhl brtek ate tvo voodaa aloraa.

roaahiUoo to ta Ua aopItol.Tba

For more than four
years Mrs. Bender
has been T«ing Dr.
Pierce’s Gkilden Med-

State Nava I
Baraoa Btoaloaarin an al
la Calboaa eoeatp aad baee

1 Co., Ohio, ami fr.mi i


Bano eeaalp wheat Baida
good rataraa Uto aai
llTarpatablaatedvemaca. Tba Ian
U Har^ fa Ua raprenatatlaa of White of Plgaaa Beeragod aplald of
trow ts term.
vlU accracate BIOO.OOO, vltblaaaraaaa
•eJlBlararerolaUaptota at SaaUago
Loalt W. AtearteB of Alpaaa. I
ai abeat halt Ua ealaa of Ua
da Caba. Be dalalla baaa baaa raoaiadntrepad.
Hlltodala aod
ntnnad fron Ue Kloedlka
ed pat.
•d to lor balp. bat tack
Baato n.oiinp- *! n. ao». ?« — %b'i< fto.000 cleaned op la that eo
Ue will taba It eaep for a vbUr.
aaaaotihe rar .| i.. - i-u ara facaoed
laUa Ubtiac c

The tn broke eat la Ua BelSac*bead liearp liable aboat Dloaicbt. The
ban vn loeatad la aa allap raaelac
laqant at bto ctoea. aad ted
U a fav
aoBttod tte bedr to tte frata at Oak- parallal vlU Mala atraat.
wae^ aanatwy. Thteapoa Oeraaar BlaateUaflraaprate to tba adjoteHaea. tte jarr aad vltaann tealrad iac baUdlBca ate alaa baalSte boaan
ate fear dvatUan baaai* a roarlac
to tte tanatwr. Deaton Wuaali
Df flaaiaa;
dadama wan aabaeamad aad Ua
aaa. abadaate biara. aaacbl aad

T Baaaa Oaeaaat. aod Baratto TaaW. H. Baetlap. ua aged tomn linag
aai. TbatovMofSaarraaelaeo.Da- la Blnwood tovnablp. Taaealaaaaalp.
Baeorto. largal. Babal.ate GeUp ara
foute la aa aaeooeioBa aateittoa
la pnanaleaot Ue raaelaUeatota, who; la oaeofbtofirida Ba died abartlp
atanarea'Acoa Utocitp. Tbegoans- aftarwanL
BMet bn aaat a eonmtoalea to neat
Hollateafateerea tbe tinner
then ate Baaenala tna Ua rnaola- Baa atpnaght oaa high tpriag pile
tleetou what Uap waat.
Kol a alaBav aroate. atrtktog Bdvard
gla abet bn ban ffred hare. Shoald ae Wnteeer ate Joba Ttoda, paniagtr.

Tba fomar'a akall vn rmbad aad
bn atated that It will ••taba aa*gatie
» latte laat aigbl toaU.
bar^ Ilka Uadar. Tba elltocab oalp 'BUfaateatrtoBatFeaUenap tollev.'
Dortag bto 47 poara n aa aadartakar
•ra pr^^oa arn aa olid hate aaciaa.
Tba Oaltod Slate eratoae Kav OrSiln Al BUafltId of Moraaet. bn
lean ate Ua Fnaah ceatoar Oaellla
4.PTT paopla. ar naea Uaa Urn

Aaaatln pa an agar trmla Ml lato
aot-ban for Ua callaat vark Ua riaer Haaoeba.vUeb ran Unogh
SahUago d^lla. ate nup lien vna
te rardlat n Mad. Tbto of tba bean Are daaarttant ate a
Iran JaaneiUa. kaadratoaf
a to white Dr. dad.
atoteltencaaefdaaU.aa illn veald ba boBMlan.
Ureagboat CbOa eeatiaaa. Una baa

to( haaaB at ite laWto ptoab


Tbe -ColdCB Medical Ducorery-'u a
medjane UaJ viU hc^ toq oo matte
ail* Tca. Tbi* ia trve t^uac it
1 Jirectlr al Ur roouW .11 .litem
tlj blond, Ibe
---------a. Keep them in beaJUy ooklitioci ate you cnaon Iv nA.
Manv of the cotv* q^ the ■‘Coi.lra
McOical DveoteT ”ee^ abnov mi '
viooa. lu effect ia
11 lake, bold at oae,
otomacb. larigoratea
tbe bovcb
It gcu right into the btood aad carrim
Bnsgth aad octean (o eec^ fiber of
tbe vrakmte.

..----- pjrtecl uoc.
re aalidm.

: Large invoices of all kinds of merchandise suit- i
: able for Fall and 'Winter wear.
We contracted for most of our goods early ~
; and although there has been a general ad- ^
: vance in prices among manufacturers we 'will ^ \ ,i
: be able, until present lots are exhausted to B
sell you dependable goods at lower prices than S
: ever before.
, ~
We would suggest that you do not buy a H
dollar’s worth until you see what we have to S
: offer.

Sric for adolw

bol m da^SCTOVt opi1 doea net <x«nte a!
sn. li
ztivi»pUp '

WilHelm 3ros. i

vdcalgtrieotorafaUira I



TaAVlBgiflttlBIUTdD. ATOU8T 81, IMf.
Bsffalo. Aag. M —V
Hia. Eafrr Miller of mahtort, la
M rMBt of Mr. aad an. Maalj C

II !• t«. n>
Mir id tkt <
mr. tat klao ot troops who took
pulta-AaerkM w»r.
• ta*D Buwd Canp
^wkfft. Ttatt taTo
« Vl^
I bM tam

WtaBMtar- taf>L )i. «i1l M Mt sport

«. a. Balae aftba Bealoa etc
aoiartatatackMaMta'. Htalda Baiaa
of Wbitahall.
Hra. J. 0. Oatar of BIk BapUb b
abUiac ^iba faailr e( J. W. IBatar at
Slata airaaL
B. Meara of Ormad B^da taa
led a poalUea ia J. W. dk
faraitate Btora.
W, J Oraea baa maraed fron as
elait la Iba aostiHra pa
daafbtar are TblUaf P.
UMra. VoeWoIibai

of tb«

foUeiTMlt. Tten «U1 olM be ppcdsl
tajt for the <1. *. B, olP (rulm pad.
traUraJUn. aad tbe arbooUaDd iadaa
Mai wetoUea. A etaai battle beoeea
(kseUeeuaad the j^oaf »e1«. ballaoe ■—iiilnai aad borae (aef* will be

•ootarro Hbbigaa.
dta IdaParraatof Clrw Uaeea Is
iting frbads and rebootmatea la tbe


t. W. Rennd and family are rijiy: a emit from Juba Budge aad
tfaaal aa well a> eiaie r«>puialioa bser dangtlerof Port Hpree.
Ira. H. H. Krackea l« (atertainiag
roaitoad tt atl-ad. laeladlac talk
ber sbtcr. Hass LIbbb Miller of Graod
Oeaeral Alferaad Ooeeraor Haftpr.
Hts. Daafarth Pike baa retoraed
A VataaMa Wbrk
from Uadaoa.JIad., wbcreabc baa bees
'Waara miaaMad br t|«arw>r-Waatar cbiUag ber soe Ibr past three moatbs.
Oeawal W. L. WaitP, to aaaooae
Mlm LeHotof Detroit b eisiUng C.
ttaHIUtaiT DapartMOtol Mleblraa
. nomiae aad family at Mat Hay
taa eoaBMloaad Barrelle’e I'rea* QIp
K HriAol. faioily mad cnesla.
^af Baraaa «r t>e« Yorb. to eamplle a
i. C. Stokoe of New OrJraaa aod Hr
Weaapartf Htatorr of tbe Mlcblrae ttail Aagns of Coronaa. left Fridsy
Troovaad Naeal MllltU Uttoarb '
fora week's ontiag on Torek
' apaateh-AaMrtcu War.aasetobe tek They rajMt K> ^ juiaed by M
fll« of the Miehlcaa Papeia Hra W. H. Clark.

today ttare wna a

Hra.8srsefBltaaHd b tb« fwnt
•t Hra Saga
Hra. B. J. Bareea arrieed “naraday
from Beading to risit tbe family of ber
brother. H. C Barara
Black'of ameer. Colo , aad
mother. Hn ft ack of I
lad., arrieed Pbareday eeraiag toeWt


an addram by Breator WHlMm UaAaay
of Kpotaeky.
Bpeaklag of Ua rigfau sod prweri
of tbe U ailed Statasyiader tbe eoreii
tntioe. in the matSir of tta acqobiUoc


seatlally a dbereLkma-y power.
With etagreas lo my wbeYber any
Mrs. Jamro Cayier 1. eatartalalag people resideal In a Icrrilory shall caI the rignta of fnffage to the
Eira Brooke ot I sioo «ity.
Mrs.'Wbae'oek b epter'alaiv Hra. rlectkm of their local • tt mm. aad that
right, when granted, msy be freely
B. Paddock cl Beading.

WE BU'i'Us.


Jerome W.Ibelm. wbo » Dow Bnalr
msiiur s s ^,'ilrShU oseIrtfT lu it-ae S:
this, the pecaanal aad e.vil rigbM
issuer, isdss.,.-. e.«,:. irr.i_u,JsAt
setacd at dell engineer of the O. B. *
tta Inhsbjiaau of tta territories i
opfromitrand BeptdsSatnrdny
scenrad to ibam as to erery miisen
eeeoing toapead Sueday
tbe priacipIasofeoDttilalioaal litar
rwloe of Wiiliamsbnrg. Ind., wbleb restrain nil afenciss of gnyei
Snaaay Schoo. Associauon.
bybilingj sepO Hjun of ftoDoeilb.
pastor of tbe
"We raoaot presnme that an offrr of
Friends etaurcb of <irm Held. Iod..bas
arrieed In Ibe city for a eisit aiUi bis law and order through a aiahie govercand Mrs. Usrelay loam nwnt ton people who have utver en
Abuul sixty drlegaba
of West Front stmt
lored lbe bievalogs of either would be from various schools of iheroup-ibul
Hrv Miltnn Hodges o' Lynn. Ind . r. jroted oosld they taaff .rded an op
lie peu le.'f ii.d Mi's*.IK.
Is eaitinr her sister. Mrs. J L Mandror* aod msdi- rouii
ton of FiftB street
lc..nje r»r >11
insol Lya«
m. Ind.. b Irerly rapreaa their will.
•e held ard much
"Insurgent cbiefjaias miy cbsllrage crowded Into a short spare or
lisitiBf her cuui,. Mrs J I.
' Stantoo
,f F.flh aireet,
lar Sitin ratiuo and arouse onr symsa With but ew excrp'ions toe pro
'as carried oni as printed
MtaHanvK Ilyrr^
-hy. but they esnnot pt permiUco to
Toe tBi^ra rlecled fur the eoi
lecidr fur s.i»u irsi persvns whether
ear wi
o and her brother, tauis WebPcca
they sre eiiiiog to accept an orderly
H Kstea, Balm
. -K 11 Imdd. i< il Musi
WaitonTnea- ^vrromrni. administered under
SaUtary w
K e'y-llibea Karney. Travers., i;,
■at of AuiTican
day topea-n the
Trros-Ksroey AoderKsu. Tfsse
tWlliam n. Ko.ggs,
AguinaUo aad h'is chleflaias drgo. AugOsl :b.
iirreased wasrl rears lerminre! to reatal the Uaasfer of the
The 1. oy wss bningtat 16
i I’nitipaioe sllegbnce from Bpaiu
bis old


>f nil I'inii.u

Superior io Workmaaship. Dtai^. Pintail, Ton* uul borMbUity.

vff in sH lli.-M'.IIII.IH1.-*. still >I'I ilii- |ir*r.'i- •>■

Wliv •


any like iiviK'. rn 1-11 .-srili


llist i-.>mpetili,iii



lU-sn-- 111.- KiioliiH fn iury is ibe Ur,.'rot in ilu- worM aii4 iUi ..uljKit

Tin-is.m|iaiiy uwii-its r.-re«is from mliich niaterial is takeu for the

♦ tiisnnfs.'iiire of ii* iii-lriiint-DU

En y tliiiiu' lu-itu: 'i-oe un a lonj.- #.-nle eiialtW tbe «.qitiai)
... .............. b r. wUea vmi buy a {>iaii.> nl lliel.roni L 129


i-H il* If ssl* hi a »er> l..« J.ri.1-


Tr,.iit -tTe,-t. you,^t th« ume priea you would at the factory.

♦>-.-el Die Is-oelil.


ia doable Ibat o(

N.. toi.klle oiaa'a pn.fil-

\V.- CUi-M> uliat ue M.l alien wJ l.-H l,.u I lliyt me imu pave you moDey.


Ar-”" "«" ........

dsnrhter ' ^ “'ird Stales they elected to Co
f Hr. and Mrs.
Irs. F. J. !.a oar Rhbb the dpsabn govci
|kau sotemitly renoue
Mrs Botart Dwjggih of.rfnned. Ttary tendeita ai



re... i

^tac'y Home .Ihrp’i-J B iiarary 1 ^ Sheet Music department.
Iiiw-tiiiat.Hra. JordsB of Jolirt. III. is the
CnestefMrs K P HilliBca.
Mr. aod
Prof. E U. Hyder has arrieed from
ilymooib aod b hard si work gelling
, io doing so they assumed
Aaf. maaim pletaraa of acoMB. laei- thingssetUnd Id tbe High Kbool be- C. 1*. Dooscr.
d—0 y
wife are vbiting
t^at cime
daab. vroopa aad paeanea, as Ukaa br fore sebool brflas September 4.
flally Sundsv,
| ippine 'penp>. from a coot
aSaen aad wa aad tbe object of tbU
1 I. J. Hoell and Hn. B H friend! lo the city.
suuoid do all ID tbeir 0'«srt.> brii,g ^
thrir'ppri is as lecacnaa
aaMaaeagmaV b la oak that all
DoBglss are eniertalnlog Hra <; U
abool ih -vofuri.-ing of •
iting bb si sler. Mrs. a. U Clark.
aere to aeelrlbate to vbe eeork. aend
Dd'toacousr ai
1 dangbier. Pearl, of Clyde,
1and luvr fur I
tbairpktaraa. tnooMaBicd prrfarror
'l* right ...............
a;roas the Psc Be. bat we have
F. JobasoD of Waefaingtoo.
Brenivrd. Toai •re
ni urge a gresi
Bctarl Waliass and family
, Uaalar. or direct to P*»k A Uur- D. C.. Is eUiUng bb brolipbr sOd a^ George Duke and fanulv arrived on the ctissgyd the naiure of onr govcrni
of tbr II luie II
rxenreion Tuesday plgbl They will go or ihe 'cbaracter of onr inslUulions.trnr
raiu. U Park Baa, N. T. AcooaipaBrrw.J B-aodJ.U. JobDkoB.
t-,e shurea nf Loeg lal
policy, onr iradilloos. oor Intereau,
iat aaek pletare skoald be a Denoraa'
Hiram Thompsoa baa relnrned lo bb
htarw^pro.ruur'iesVleifc 7~ HE
Hra. Fraak Kticoia and cnlldrea.
,.uf»lory; alike'furbid tbe admlealoi)
daa atatlaf ptalair abo from, addrew,
tear iotbleo;.afters eblt esiifa bb
adianspolb, are e-sitiog the family of ipio tbe nnioBof ai
abae aad abare pblorateaa takes aad brottar. U. C. Tbompaon of «
That -we talieve it tn taj^ (<) WMi-Urcael
er ancle. A II Usil. nf s ate strerl.
North Amerima alale.
vbator vbos It repreaeala.
doty of Sunday acbeol
H. P. Web.b r of KsbredUpidi
ss pussib.r, to s. Ijusrlll .. _______

Aaptbiac alte la priol oe paper that
Hta Ada Benedleb formerly ot ibb tbe city
with Ihr read'Dg nf tueir pupil- sikI i >
'taaaarbblorlcal ealae lo eoeaectlop
Cobb of CbsT I )Ue. is In tbe city who stpire to orderly aod atable
ty bat DOW of Lansing, w la' the city
do all In tneir 'puiver in put a gi*>d inen the <
plU tba Ute war b aoIUUad aad
rraiBre in their bands
risltiag at tbe boms of W. F .Caibiaa
ind U*a Cbarle^Daneaaler rebate pepper cradlt.
If aertblDC
Busclvrd. That inisounlv oaken
and otberacqosletaneas in tbr city
I'etosMtalod b Bot foead will Hiss Bsnedtcl beld tbe posllioii of prln
key. Hay Vlee and Mackinaw.
hislea. sod iiur arareury. Mis. Martha
alpal la the Board man Aeenne aobool
Tarney.onr bearur and losing sppnIldiowsyot Iie-aiMr.Ind.,
. Tta booka wbaa flabkad ^eooiDe the
atlon of their sbun la-u sml fFiiii.fii:
ras here, now sbe has a aim- U eulliog U-a Coaries Uusleof >sM adhloisiraiioa under j
d ^nal labors in behalf of i
i^apartp of tba duie and opeo* to ibe liar pislUoB at Blgia. III.
Kig-ntb street
of Ihr cviinty
Jease and i»«ssr Hoppes came 'll
Mbs AlU Cuiseof Oio^ b rlsIUng
Resolved. Tfisteui
the esesriion Toe. isr for a ebil
Hits llobT Dean.
Vissiiin chutehr* si.d S.u..lays-h
tbeir brother. Ora tioppea. aa emi
rtiysliy^oiiien«in,.l the .-.,i
Hta Uaoaab LIbabKi of Cbicage. b St ^he asylnm.
tab Barlaad teUracd Atudar nichl
Gsaersl Newa
tfOB a Lbree waeta' trip to CbkBT) aad Tbiilag her paraau on the Went Side.
,r aod/family of iHartford
^nbn-T. Flsvlo. preskfent of the W;i.
K Hrirker and wile and soa. Boy. of
Lata taparior polata.
re vi-in'ng with H
lODsio lewbvrs' aasooiatloh aod for '.'S
H Somrra. er's talber. " J tawer.
W. M- Brde and wifa. wbo hare been Port Unroo, are goraU
11 coaniitler. iHir aff -rliunsie sndjfc
^grateful thanks.
rears auperiateodeti of educaUuo of
William Thom(BOD of Cbleago.
abtUacMrat kf.G. Lawrence, raliirped'
. W. U. UHer ot Grand Rapidi.
Hoadar to ibair botae la Cleerlaad^ and Prof. Page, principal cf Jbe Ctaica- M visiting her dsuyiiier. Mrs. A. i.. bia county, banged faimaelf on bb farm
\V<- altiii i-iin supply yon witli otlier crmti-a
nearWalcrtowD. Wia
High schobl.are goesU of VictO' Peek of Washingi, a'sireei.
Hm. W. a Lawreaee baa fooe to
Hootagneand are eriiying recrea'lon
OiaMaad to rialt ibeBmiaer Bark<
e pope, according to Ibe Borne
•Wolv. riou, and family of WioBb. Vilbaiin bM poae to Chieafo
at Ur. Huelague's camp on tbe Krard- Chester, lod . with. Urs. B. correspoodenteonfrrred Hondaj wiih
SteinHobbs lor a short t mr.
partaeae a latr* aloekat gooda for Uje
-fariin. the bead of tbe Jranlis,
W. W Bougc aod wilr nf Uontpelter, with the rletr of persaadmg tbe Freova
Dr. A. D Wtrite. p
■rjiaodad^artabat of tbe Hercaa"liod'r the Dsn..- navi
toff Chemical Co. ot Spriogbcld. Mich.,' ird.. who fasve been visiting Mr. so
loinedy drama «hicl. «;k h, Msusgi
Ira. George It ni. have gene loChi r e
AMaraaa Hoatarna traa irooe to Cbl- b la ibe city on baalam>.
Slelntarg's aUrsef-m n-ii
irening, Keptemee- .'. is i>.
Hra.Hsrab'Waiaoa 'aad MtaBrdlae
aaro to parebaae pooda tor tbe HercABi at lbe trend of erent! la France
Mrs K B »e and dnig- t>rof HnntaOOat pn-tCDtiuus SeeniC prolu
Wsisonof Toledo. Ohio., are e^sttlDg goe. Mieb . arrived Tuoday f.>ra visit
CrypiK-masooa of K lawo'rlb. Kaa.. •he year A. tiie arusin tsk-s
Hta Ue W«l, wbo taa beaa ealileg Hra. Watson's brother John S. Homan with Mr sou M'S lalius .i.e.ioberg.
cut iut/> the sol d granite OG lbe sum- icier* r.f the play lo Apia si
Mb. Uns Jakeivsy of H.sbaw.ks.
Mn. J. B-MarUa, laft Hoadar lor of ils Sonlh Diebioo street.
Vike's Peak, oseriuoking lbe of the hurr,.-»or whl,
ladbm.amveii Tmsdsy evcuingfurss
Orsad Bapida, an'bor war boat la Bal
Mrs. Lake fassretarned from Ksiksa- leivdsy. visit iviUi thr Hisses Ircoc and talloiuloss pit. aod Iberein sealed tbeir sidestrui'liir toihn
■car war ressels a-sei
a where sbe baa bean 'riaiuag her llerde Xus ^ueiB0vrg
priip-r InsTiptionaon lbe •ipporlunity fur inn.i
Hta Jctab Viriaa. wbo baa bom eia■other. Urs Ureea.
in»fo.-iiuo. that iheyhe play is BbuudaDl
■e suih
Mac HrA ff. N. Kcllar. left Hoadar
liiro '1^1
Hra McKay of Wealwood, b TblUag
rreUired to Ibricrslt althc end of I'si
. opporlunife
Hr Belialt* where ab^ baa accepted
:ra. Lake.
Mr* Hall and eon Raph are visiting
irting in the m.■rei'k of the Tri-nl/.o
Earl Tyler aad wile (tree retarned
ToHttoa ta Ua aobool aa leacbee.
•e fsimly ol P. If Harr. Of Kimsuud
H.llionsof feeloftimtar have
from Uieir wedding lunr to Ckiesgo.
Bbtard aad Will V.riaa were U
rsuoyed In the 1' alte raoyob.t- miles j
IfHBb Of W. N. Kalbr daurdar.
HIssm Bree and Lillian Briueh and
U HcUoagh. of Filth street,
from Denser, i-y lireu which were start- '
Hn. H. U CaubbT. tarmrrir of breeelriaga eblt from ber brotber. Hta Addle Csoe M Innis. who bave
town of Deer Crerki
0 vbiting silh Bev s,..t Hn H K
thbeitf prilh Hra. I. K. Pembaia.
Howard Long of LoekporU N. V.
iscb uf bpruiT slreel.reiuroed Tore bsrruwly escaped sod seseral raorhea
*&IUac frimda bare aad alariaf wHb
WiSB Alice Wait, wbo baa beeu spendscoretaed. Timber Brea
great .'ity in Srw Vn
Hm. Barler. tit (Mate aireet.
log tbe anmoier la Jacimoo baa retnraid
J. H. Hare hi* mnrned eitent are reported io tarauiie county. lolat tVssLIngi
A plaaMat partr ooaalaUor of Hr.
ia 81. Jubn a'u r s visit w ih bbbroib- Vyumiiig. and in tbr Two Ka dblnci.
bad Hra. P. K. d*ao. Lee beaa. tbe
and Mrs'lias,.Hsopar ot Da'.la*. er. P. II. Harr uf RJmnood aveunc.
irar Drailwood.R {>
Dr. Baldwin, wifr aod ciiildren. from
Htaa KUa aad Itatb Hwaa. Hra.
t.are TliltlDg Hr. aod Hra. H.
Ikmvrrsr. Ind . are visitiug Hrs. UtioA Tacoma
Wash., apeeial aaya.
OfMO Haralaad add Hta Dell Hare Bieh.
•Vio's mother. Mrs. M, A. Uornlw.
KUacT or RUdder TrouMca.
tViiilv gradibgoD tbeCanadian DarlUc
P. Dray and family are eateruin
laad of Hilbdale. aad Hra. Walioe aod
Ur.Hlay and Hr Ssossi-rand wife of
U yes .udsi fr-.s. tia,..,. Wsddei u, nrtssUiBsl'Fii 10 Briiish Colntnsia.t*MltrsiHtariOTMca Valtoa, apaet daiardar lag W. E. Ursy and family of DaloCoovene. h>d . sre registered at the
jy teuuMss. w from u>. frr«|ui-nl or e-snlr
ora M -K-uairaod Ms^o bare uneor
Hra tiwitrudtol Kaabrllle brislt- Hotel Columbia.
it Beah-U waata.
iMsa Dr. Peassr-s Mldssr seS IlseSsebs
eredgr i.i Icige. of ore ruaniog high
Mia. K. C. dtaraea. wbo baa beee lag ber aisler Htv Fraak Helm.
you ,USI>t by
Genrge W Child, the f .rmer prnprieeoporr, gi.ld and a isrr. Tbey are ! Chlldrsa
k spssdi eursd by ous Of . ^
Flora HwtOB orNashrllle. b the ioruftbeU'St market .m the west
ipwadi^aaeara) peekeat tbe a jrtbera
rretay. •r~ii....«isls srv ^ I’*'
side of sosli, r iiorr street, expels lu inikioggouil proBis .in rmllrnad cm ! ““ povsrfol
<«■' "
raaorU. it acala at Park Place.
gnest of Him LolUe Helm.
atss*gsidsd.mssy psnpis douhtlsr Uis bus- pB
leave so»D fur uh. ..Id io lonii.
Johason. Walter and Hta
a. M- OaoMof Koritapurl waa ia tbe
‘^"‘Issty ssslsesrltysf tbareWs tbsrvlviv s.oid
where he RiU reiab.isb-g'iueat hiirkct.
Uiioeral discoveries is
Cora JobasuD of Dstroit. are the gi»ts
glvtsa say hire. Vst tarsM tssm b sMsIs*.
ailr Hoadar.
Hrs M. M. Cui.lin aud ehildreu uf
C. B. TUlay, tbe mill owaer. of A. uf Hra. W. d. btrrens.
West Seveiiib street, have retained, (brm fa.-ta.Ier. A mining expert who
from KriGsb Cobimbla
daaaaa. Beaear Island, was la tbe clly
Cbariea Hannaford b eDtertaialag from a abort visit to Kingsley.
Hiss E'lXitalh Hums b the gural of says that on* ledge alone will mate
Co boatasas Honda}.
Mr. aad Men Uanoaford of lodmaa.
Uc'i . M-mrlhing
her friend. Miss Prall.
them mlllioaaires
S,-rofula. salt rii.'.im errsipeis. so,
Hta Babr l»pD and Hta Kellie
B rwlaad Tiougisa and family are enand Mr*, 'w. II Garrison.
tbrr dUimaing eninCre n .--ase.
,'hl.d. worth
(Hllraa wmi to ttoloa Hoadv
clmr. high sberiff of DoneItrtaiaiog Hta Lneiada Aadrews of
Rap.ds. are rbitii
ritid qoieuly aoil peraiaoentlv i . ih.
*d.' com oilted sulc/dv hr
aeea toopend a lew darselalUnc rela-' IbUuit
d George P ■
rleansiDg. pnrifying power of Hc-.l»-l
Upw aad friends:
aad Hra. C. A. Cnrlb of Ut.
Bnperinteedent .Waltaef of
Ibe sboniipg biins-lf OD receipt of lbe anthat blsriioghler. i*yea s
Bart Hmedir baa felarotd from i
Lbe gnrau ol Hra. Peuie Wrlls lligmso basket lactury. is enter'aiogkii broiner.
rWt of a law dare wiib fricadtat Som uf I amp street.
of age. had been drowoed io anolber
lobfik McDudCii. MB er of one of part uf tfaeeiuatry. Fas latter story
Mlt City.
Hra A P Hougb ■srHerd Tfaaradsy
F ynsllce c..ueU i.f Detroit, is ti.iling
Ita tamUtaof Fraak naCmaa mad fur a riall with frietiU.
out Ui ne false, aqd has
tbrtsinlly nf Wil.iam Lire, acrompaotaaad Usdaao of lliekse.lie. 'ubin,
1mm-Bse seo-mlioa in lbe
ark cul ire.
Mrs. Uiebard Hopeof Beiiritir. b the' led by bis wife.
are riaiUacUts family of K. O. bUoag gnest of Hra. J. Jameaoe
George U. lisraid and wife, of Wyan­ oouoly. where the fsm ly lapriminenL
Biria Lewla Win> bat been sprodle^
MnuH. E Black b.otertaining Hra dotte, are gncMsuf Hr.MDit Hra tVill- Tbe autbsr of the Isisebood wblib
part of bin eacatiop wlib friends la
cansed the father to commit suicide is
Adoic airaler of Kcodallrillc. Indbna.
_________ Torads]
OadUlseaad boyue City. relnriurU to,
Llooa Staclcy of IV,>H Lake. Ind .
' spid City, Kalkaska-and R ‘k
Banco Mslalesla. an Italian anati hand Hus Dorr of Anbarn. Ind.
I of General
a D. diaalar. ot douoosffsr. toads
George DrHarea of
ou au<i 4-A- hats
t who recently scaped frjm a orisoa
Mrs l.,]a Cole Ist-i j ,y»ug a visit term
lhec”4*W*H on bis way
a banlaeat trip to tbadlr'H jadsy.
la tbe
I Ins own eoBBlry aud came to the
rrsoo. C 0 Uiee. acd Mrs. J K ng
,..^seuger ageal's private c
Mn. K. W. BeUer of west deeaatb
t'niieil hTaiea. addrvosed a French an^Frank Wilmea ot Graod Bapidt. ii ia
atraat. b natartalninc bar brolber, Hr
archbt meeting at Fateraon. N, J.. and
' GtartaBtoaotrf JaseseilK
Miss Hadge i|l.ydep of Kalaotroo Blew boors latersooke to you Italian
Hn- T. I). Hobbs of Kalkaska, aad
aa are vbitiag Uarnsuu Iticarrd aod
rrived 10 dieeiiy lo visit frieoda. . poarcbuisioNew V..rk- Ue told hu
E Men's .'rraey r btad uaHerwemr. I
HrA Harry Bote of tta Laab. Mo.,
lloliao aod Spaalah
.Misa J.niechine Vsder arrived TotarWtbv Mrs. C H Haaler.
Eddie Boyer arrived from Ypsllaati day from SB exunded trip to .Niagara workingmen were getting ready tor a
Hta Kosalg left oa tbe Cbarlereix lasievaaiag to spend the winter wlib Fsib ai.d other polou ot loierest
reToloGoDi and that they wereorg
lei' lot if srn c ..hue Uuodrrvd
Baaday forataaiaam trip to Cbimco
.Oubb. and attend, the
r for a great aorisiog. He said
,ris. ihD sale
a»d ottar polBU.
High sabool here.
would itay la ibi> country ,
lu large n
Obaries H.-Ba<
Van kmVI
■ee months to orgnniie nnarebisl
Ihar er»i if erateria;
IlL. left Ssaday oa tbe Colaain s after
badaagbter bvre
ipsmdint ois'eMatioa with
I Jessie and Hsbie Corlta and
: Mr' - l lsi-W a-’d brown good dres* sc«.
danca. li s ndclr. of Umeaa
Carl Bnerwood,of Coldwatm. are'the
I'nele Tom's Cabio" b a famllbr


J.', jJir.",

r Small Inatramant; amd


•‘y- «fi“ •

..... i
- N £ STRONG, Maiiagei.



m fan stmt. Tuns caj.'liu.



. ..d s.„T,.“C!±5rii

i i Utft toftaiii ol SMMi Up Site,

of nami'w at $6.60, $8.00 and $10i00.



Tremenilous ReMions

And Extraordinary Low Prices

riun ...J p-ri:.v,^

i-cftlavirii: liavH'li.TC
P<»w. Mowmi;-flowfi ami slashing priepB tigbl aod :
We mU8t
iiimul nurcy
nurev "We
muBt liave
have room, an.1
ami wc
wtf shall *have"room. ■*
alT'iril to throw olT oiir tnliit-jirofils, A'l'cn lose money on all summer
\v. wv n-ai> thf iK-nclhs later—The iliscounts for ready cash during the
1- Iban iiiiikc u|i f*«r lltt- In**, ami \vc mean to make an unmcitiful Klaugfayear
TV <l.g>arlitunt. Carluails ■-( m.Tchamlisc ajre on the way'for. u*. We
~ niii-l virliiiillv throw M<im- of oiif
away lo make place forthem. Corah aad
' .f these harirain*.

We Suriendei Oui Eslabllshnienl to Baigale Saeleis for the Ifait Few Oafs.


Comiiincing with our Clothing Department.


Herald Office far Jobdiintiee.



In Out Elegaol Millloei|i Department.


Denis ladies' aod Children s Foreishings.



Hra. W. A. beaddsr b ritiiing tar
aaa,.E. K Waaesr. of Ibb pity.
tin. Percy Oibora aad aoa <.f .Niolb
atra^taea gnat to Hnllaad. M.icb.,
wtara tfcg will rblt rclatiees
Hr. C A- Oratay aad daagfatcrv Ida
aad Orpta. bare rauned to iheir
taprn la Uraad Bapida after a Urce
WMka' rbit ia tbe rily.
HtaJalb BobMas ard Hta Elitb
MbbaatnlaMiribUfor a lew dayi
> «W1.
Hta Hklm Usisia'. of
«f KaU
«mrad last Oatarday for a rls^lU
Hra. J «■ U
. a. Fryman reUraed ftotarday
a Chbagu. where be taa taea boy

•to In tta dty.


Hall and family of iBu

tertainiDg H
Hlate street.
Ueotan Bari
Mr. aad Mrs Monroe Horae of HrvHra JainmTibbIta'aad R.
enth street are ealerlainlag Hra. Boy
loomlngdale. Mn
lbe gnenu of
Moore aad three cfaildraa from the
aoatta part of tbe stato.
C. W I'M
Ueorge HcDinaldof Wayne coonty. b vbitiag hta davburf^V’A*^b
an old rcaideal of th.. reglro. Is
>c He Fnreas of Lyaa. Ind..
tbe elly
•g with Hr. aod Hra i. U Ma
aad vlsIbLg his brouirr's (snily, aobp
IcTimaiAjtf Vsbs.
Hra. KaUrao Hredaer of Detroit, b
Tbagnseiet (r. ao^la
ssJ.<-a*se< RStre .Wlh ISAl Se I.
____ F usnse, u( lUe Bnu •■'r J I SSS*I 4__
roaWt Webster
knsu,es> lb iSel'ifj «.r T.Uej!.. I.uJSlI
villr; •■'■ioalTlB tbe elly, tbegnsat ol saU eref^ i-sse Mij'aisrrs iSsi esbsul lie eurvU
bj me use at HslJksl 'ATiSBs I'.'SC
' ' A. E.A. and
gKssKj iTKgxrv.
Seies te telote or ssU s«la.eimu In at
prewsrA th..ais *s> el Dereal^r, A O l-m
Hra. Harrmt Uataof Laniiag b tta

gueatofHra.H. G. Barnam
JilT, rmuu.

. tatatar. FroL H. B. Cpta.
{ Hr-ata Hn. Hartata of DaifeU.

“lilus *.r ISi

ue to patron* of tbe tbratre. yet the
fjrmsoce of tbi* play. atraogB at it
in the habitoal fmjaueier of
pUyboikic. I* always
■J .ynd and
-ally ptjroo zed by a
rare r, il ever, atleno tbe boose of
ipBS ueleeo |l ba wta
hd 1* given.
Tbe scfc
vanerd Uiinker" msy eostlane to paironii-the "Magdas" aud lbe "S*
Hrv Tanquerayt." bsi tar people
patron v;- L'nce Tom'* Cbbla" regard
sorb prays as but Utile more then
scuriil'ias aad llceotlaus exliibltiona
It', tbr good. old. staid folks, lbe borne
bodies, and masy oTtbe'aocalled old
faahiirei meu aod wom>a tbal 'Locle
Tern's Cabin,- with lu pure aoH aimpie
story, moat oowadsys depeod npo^or
aupeori; but it ia to the credit of ibta
repobUe's morel aimoapbere that ttare
an a large numberof three people left
-• isorrrwbelBiagiy evideneed wf
ever ibia play cornea u> ibU city. TbU

E L*oio'boar, g ICC brown, worth

See This!

UdU' f'Csi black hree. tbi. *a>...........
1 rie*. p r pa r.......................
Cbi drei '* '! base, all sisre from S to • .
: fh *arrn sJlc hose,
^n-.*lc pricu^.^^
tbls*ale prta .......................
A good so'id corset



uy U-^tb

extraried al

The Boston IJeDtAl Parlon.
ool pniti.


1 never thougbl *f>i-h a

tiling pOMsiblc, but
can he done

I know it

735 Slate Su City."



l.adlrs- limgula lace nr bulUm ahoua value
S| ;,M. sale price. ^.................................................
Ladles' black kid shoes. fsirsUtebed, pataal
Ups. lace or bntloe (I r*i valoe, for.........
ladles' rhoroiate kid ereUag or tweb topa.
laee. valseBI tt. sale prioe...................................
iiadta' cboeolate tAd iac« 'sboea. new toe.
good r.'Ui value, for.............................
t,*Hi-s' OBUOB. black viclktd. McKay sewed,
suck or patent tip abora. genoloe tt 40
value lor
fancy vretlag tta
arwed and turned
■d about, valuu I


I,sdies' aou Miree* Oxford* Ineoaparable.valao rang­
ing'from'.ise. (1 T'l to tl 4v, worth >}>< morn. price below ooM of


Ladies'gaurt reaU. valueUc .
Sale price
■..adies- ranxr veals, vpiiiv Ike.
IhUs.le p-iee
.' .........................................
lAdIrs' game venu. valne Joe.
this aale ptiee.................................. ..........................
So r*i Colored taecr rasb ribbeaa. 8i. 40
qsalily. eholo* tor................... ..
(rood American wash prials. Ibis-sale ^ien
per vard
*:t iccb percale, this sale price
G<^ sl.Mtiug. Ibis sale price


Ata hcBdradt
id* oFuU
orulbenttpire a
' prr ceeL off all mee's straw hi
aome tain . all •> Oil andgl.U bau 6
Wall paprr
Lowell rarpet*. the bunt, tbiaea)
A'^o^'cBi^'s. ibia uaiu price
dlJaof'M plliowa tbM ^u
B-mnr'u* f slltoiloe aVus oa ttadoUar.
«l U black aklrtt. this ualu
r •ossmmercMoaUila
ChiUrem^ackelsatkOc oo




A Large Assortments of Remnants at 50c on the Dollar.
Ho nimqter goods Of any d*aeri|
8ti>ck ap now. ( Tan trad» sappUsd.)



i roBorvod. Wo moat dote 1

STORE TraretscCiU.liiclu

asAiri) TBAybbm ,

AOTOTT >1, 18M.

TFm. Dm Hm ftataroad.
mmar awop ta foard tbalr piTwtj.
Tto lataaM toot aad Iba drp. teatp
who tod aa
oflhtoraaaaalptaatoal Bowara Barbw. BetwlibatoadlM ih* laiiait'
tool of tto dap.thar* waa a ooa) braai
tottoabadprroor.aadll wa* aa oar
B» Hi U ^ fartabia a apot -aaooaU to** ba<
to tto ratlea. Baiip to tha
B ttopaoptobarto ■«
Ull bp tto Itow Ih* Oolanibto
tha doebwito bar toad *fbappp ptoato
Bear*, aoraral hoadrad hod ararwbtod.

«^»^thitarrrb>u*ww Hr..

,nmtr^i»^ rkt wH*
--------- ----------------».^Wto »■
• MkMrtWb

aad thair faalUaa for a.
la ardor to haap lhla..->
thV « •»» -~
ta «kl> mmMV «»

tt-lr ftlrr---------- *-------------"*
M UrilMH MMtr,
wW> »b»
br44« T»rtd.

nac U
b. I faa
M Bowe

feea Old Mlaoka.
aad fortoo* tar d*aor*ia oalat*. tha
•oar* raaalUar IT to la >a f**or of old

olrbbarlat rlltotaa Thwa wata
to all aboaioeopoopla pmieat at the
rallp aad'all tto townahtp* w<
■aeated except tba Peetoaala.
Aboat 7t were ptoaeatfiam UapBald,
U from yammll aad MO from Ktac*-p Trararw Qtp had a rerp email
All were mat bp the reeepUoe
iluta a* ttop an-Irrd. aad tbalr topepe aad Ineeb baekrte carefnllp totoad alter, while tbcp w<
Itoproaad*. Bar* ito
odaraled bp the dallpbtfol abode
rp tbe eool braere that wot blow-

IrtlM* — ««f>> *» ^ ■’»»*'""
lha rroWM. H* *m‘
MSMiteMMirt* AprU m4 W A. lleltoBaa.J. Carroll, !■ Keltop. &
Oarroll. W. MeMaDoa. I> Batlo*. F.
•iMttartMteyb. l-» ^
wgBla ft tir-‘------->■
ftMatr bUa*. L. Ztolali. A. Carroll; Old
Mtotoa. C. Vortor. C, Dai... C. Varkloa.
AAvterM*WM tUM »4bM
E. 8-aaep. F. Iltoer. T- H*aa. T.
lalftM l> holr *^' Bartee. F. Badxlla. A. Wall. Batiof:
to: Old Mtolon. B. Hwantp. pilch'
'*^M*MrbftMa* F-fAk hUtAftf T. Bartto. eahdiar. lUpU loo. U K
tumM top.wltobar; F. BaUaa. oauhor.
It waa aaarlp alcrrao o'clock wh
.utoftftMUwUl b*
At alerac o'clock tbe parade woe
Ibilf inn------- ‘>b« MAft bft* Prwldaal Browa ■DooDtodihetpoakor'*
formed oe tba proBada. aad beaded bp
plaUena aad ealtod tbr aaatlos
the KiBpalep boad. marebed tbroaph
tto toWB. There war* ataap rarp
proltp Boau. aad aboat 60u 8aadap
ttetfMWOMiBMMtftad ibft I
eebool workam aad eblldi
MMM«w»ft. It ImM Mt rm
liae. A
rarp pood Imi
», It *i • ‘
made totberllUpa
MWftCMlb'M-tbft «r«UlW Mr. ____ r Olalro*. rallara: Woltrad B
aad BapBwaaaoa. rlolto*. ThairaaloeBawralap to Ue prota after the
ttftftDftafarM ftMMdftd trip •mi* itoaawocaadailrablpfKao aad noeb parade, a flee prepram wax plTaa. Tha
tom pertto* at ttelr Um» will to oo>oped both BorotoB aad afteraooo. mcatlap wa* eallrd tobrdcrbp
l^to^MttoMfttbM ttotr M- apl«Maalfaatar*belBCtbe atorlto bp BeUe, preaideat of tto eoaatp aaeoelaHr. BrtkaoD of the Uo!*eiallp of Chica- UOB. After a Sae aelcettoa Br
Elapalep baad. wbleb waa rnacb
M«»«UdlM tor Kitolcftft Bun* Oo. *^aHcKtal«p dob ball**** to oo«Joped. aad a toor^lap prapar bp Ke*.
TU MMhlCM to**^ Co. li M* to- bletof boatoa** wlib ploaaara. and the W. K. Browa of Detroit. Be*. Tbarw
toMtor to fttoMT to vbftt osuat ttolr aBDoal atoettoo of olHeer* waa tba next too of Kicpelap wbieomed the Snadep
OMMtoAMttoto^ thtof oe tto proraiD. rtaalUap to tto aebool worker* In a taw well eboara
TMftrrttotatoli totorqalcli- rawlacltoB of K. B. Brown, ita adnlrword*. Be axUedad tto bmpitalltp
able praaldtoc oaear. aa praaldant.
of tbeeitp to tbe rltltom. aad wtabed
K.D(<irawwaa*lwi*d aaerotarp aad
them a rarp bap^ Unu. Bat be aeJoba J. LatdlA traaaarar.
•ared tba aadlaoea that a vein
F. C.Hilbert waa than touodaoe
lebacw ran tbroopfa hi* Wrioc
ffft** oae of bb oharmelarlatle aad
he exprclad ttot Kiaptlap would pat
pp apawibaa. wblob waa Itotonr
far mar* pleaeore aod profit from tbe
wUb maob Intowt. Bcfarrlnc to the
rally thae IfJtrld ai any other place.
aaoM of tba Blob, ba paid a plaw^rn
C. B. Betm reepaadad to tbla addreea
irlbave to HelClnlap. aad tha work
e beaall of tba coaBty aaaoelailoa.
toltorftftdaartMtoMftto oaftrip — haaaowallcarrladoQt darlnp hla ad(e amnred tbe pood people ofJUopiley
■IraUoe. lie brlafip rarlawa
bat tbeir weleome wa* approciated.
l ibe rallp
aad expremed the hope
« of toe
mipfat be a* helpfnl to all a*
elBb.a»dp^dotodogt Ibeeaeaeaa In tbe
pl^wnl to tbe rUltora.
Inaw world follooioir Ito cadoao- illMUatlaaot the8aaday eebool work
ilof the Bcpoblton pollcp. will bptbr nee of ttaefband. Tto tbnmb
faelorto orer n» wlt^ ordeia an< rapraaeau booae-to-booae *lallatloe;
Idle and nneoplop
Ibeladax fispar alaadt for tha bo«<
adnaaatblep ofthe paev aad tbe clam: lb* mMdIe fioper etaade for *Upiwatoa wade bp lha |Wtp Bora thae UaUm: the rlap fioper for tbe
faldltod. BederoWdaocBaUBCtottae
elaaa, aad the litUe fioper tor tto prllatotopa wbleb eoafroet tbe Halted marp clam, oo wHcb tba wotk of the
Blato at praaent and laaloqaaat word* whole eebool mut depend, aad for
arradbl* bearer* to to Iro* ip lb*
whoa all tba work of tbe aebool U
pollcp to which all Awerton* ooainrll; rectad more or lam.
tad tbamaeira* whan tbap approred
Ba epohe of ito rapldlp prowlop
aadapplanded tba hravaaelof Dawep teellap ot totordenomlaatloBal tallawto the harbor of Uaella. aa act wUeb abip. aad expreaaed preat pleoaore
Ito wb<8a world teaun boaariad.
the part ttot tbeaa ralllo* aro playiep
wbleb auhae tto ptaaaot pollcp of tba la tbla work. Ua eloaad with tto

Htotoo. Tto

from tto ooalb port of tbe eoaatp. aad
all who ware thor* wara aaplp ropaM
frrall tbalrlaeMraalawea. Beacpthl
aarofal thoo^i eoald pfeelA* I
baaa atlawdad to. awl ao oatoQ •
omlUto that i
> Ito oeaafart of the altaiora
Bpatoeoao-elorta almai aU of tto
AoUeata* had arrived. BowaMma bp
fall, bat far tto BMat of Ibam bad^>oa la from ttoaarroaadlaraoaBtrpaad


1tatam«<>P>*«U' ““ W« tor

taWfttoM4«tofc to towta prerto.
MltoaotlM. TtobrtoktroA rtliii

ptoMa»4-mto Mftdr bf tto
Ihft toMK7 to rM4r to oparftto.
fto >tow fttorp atraetor* orlflBailp
tar tto toxtrtM taeurr will
wttoMftdtettot pwpM*. bfti *m
to Mto tor pfteklftf. fthlpplftc ftto
MM. Ito toftta toer will to toad

toptodtoto tar pfttolftC ft«t drrlto
Ito MOdtar to totlPtod with Ito tood‘ to* to^t hafttar ftto blowtr.
whtoktofttorbaiftr«t op ftto whleh^
i^fttoplytbabathUtardfyta* par­
te MMoat at tto itoofft l> tto
ptato rmrdtar tfto tolMtaf. *brr
totodatomteftdto taUd ft tolldtar
dtolto MiftfiUTi Ot doKtrlM astotolto)/. ItoMTWUfa wlU to
Mtop.ltoMtatoMdwfU to to tolek
MdbtollhMk to tto prant

Tto piftfti wfH to roftdr to barih
totototo wlifcia ft taw dftto •
■totatotor UW ftftd to tbw tor tto
teptolft ■aUtedfttoodday Toa*dtotoatotolMiaaralMtooftarrla* to
ttoPUllfptoB. Ttonwaran ftpplltoitatowtooM to ttot mawhar t>r.
OmptoU tooto u wto won phpoHftUp
toifOto tortoltoML Thkkft*a>7
totaiaiftbfttom awbar .


«t« tow toltotad tor tto rantor ftmr
aaiUa aod U will fo to tto Perlp-aaeoadtatoftlrpto rtoafttaafs. Tto rarwteftitorMftra Oao. A. HaOartftop.
■waop Diihir. Jaaaa Ooftto. who will,

■ft toto tto totofttiT •M'Opdft Olbba
lata tto Oftralrraarrloft.
TtotoUowlM toaa aoltotad to tha
oatofttaaia mad ftra aatlfoad to tha
>tol| aaaiwit totoatrp atotlwad at Pan
Arthw a. Bono, Baraap P. Wfttktoa.
Albart Boktolar. Bart Bartoo. Joha
Bwd. TtoMM Materrp. Ctorlaa A.
Otoaotd. doto T '
■ - CtofitB Oarpoator, Ttooaaa A. Wjw

telttoap ftaatotof at WaM Potot. Ba
hw toaa to aatlaa aarrliw aftap pafti*.

totboa«halUlpMac.tod •• * tpptoal
aatdtor. Ba araa taraarip attootod to
Ito Third totofttrp. ftto far da« pava
aftWMttaaowrtoato tto wat, eUcdp
to HtotoM, ftto far two paoia waa to

BftM-hrlffttewhlla to teha ato ww
otoar drafttn Ctoap a>d toatia^
la aoMpaop waa atoltoaod at tha aaaoaa Wtellto haarlwa arap ba-'
la* laar^ aadUa'aoaMad leal,
aoaoahl aaa whlla to *otka. aad aw*
to wmiOtAdalrftl Oaraatah rapid:
Baa tatodtotoBtha toarlaat of tha
•rtof. OatoatoBall’arafltoaatlaaow
tototawdtoteba aad to la doabtfal
athatoar to wfll to raqolrad to pe to

torawaptoi Baa for Ito voloataar ai^
flaa Tto UailaMtoUoww
^Banlwartop. WalUr

atotta Pari Btofara toat otatoac aa 4
pated. bat wffl protoWp«o tedap.
OModttoaaili* aaaabw anwto


adatp aada naoaallp. aa
andertbe ewap otiba
a»erton fUf-a Baf wbleb atooda for
aa la Haaito that It
doaa in Hleblfah- Ueapoka-la hiirbeat
tons of pnlae of Alper aad bit work,
daclariar that ba bad doea hit dntp
aoUp aad well.
heapokeof tha pood to
ba aecoaplltbed bp taeb bodto at tbe
FaolMoU McKlDlep Clab, which bp
Ibalr perBaaeaep make It potalble to
bf tto dap earefnl-.
1 walUap for
taaeUm Ull the beat of political
hattlA Haartp appUoaa poalod bto
roaarka. which wat followed bp the
atoplac of Aoa^to with eoaomMol■aat bp tto oretSatra.
Owlor to the tailare of F. 4). Brto>ar to qaallfp
d toBll
F. L. Urd^ Jj
a apaeial elecUoa watoallad for BeploBbar H.
A baeket ptoato dtoaer eecoptod tto'
next boar, aad a abort time wi
to ploaaaat KaawiBf of aoqaai
aad praallap frlaad* from all o
paniaanU. Th« aftoraooo wat
to a tame ot ball wbleb wa* aa
tto waatbar. aad ae rood apaB
plapad la aortbara Hicbltaa tbU
aotaod. aooordlBit to tbe oammenu ot
Travoioa Clip want to bat ataloat the
Old Hiaatoa team, aad tto
tbrootboal tUl tbe flrat half
Btb Inalat. ataadlar at that
•r* to e*r. At tbla atac* of tba
llaatoa look iba bit totwera
lit toetb aad ran aronad the diamoed
a** tlma*. aad lb* Aaplom Mm. after
tow with tto amplr*. daeidad that It wa* almoat time
tor tto boat to come to. aarwap. aad
owB to tbe dock.
bplaalBttwM: ■
Atplam..............:..c 4010000 •— I
Id Hhalea........... 0 1 loooot I—)u
Batterlao. Old HUetoa. L. Iwaaep p..
ULardto.e. Axplem. Mortb. p.. KmtIw. e.
aaad* ap at toltowa.
OUHMoB, U.Lardto.e.. J. Bwaaep,
I b., Bmaa, a a, Daea.r.f.. U Bwaaep;
Boaraaw. 3 b.. ExUae. 1 b.. BaaUan. c. I.
Axplam, Oox, 1 b , Eeeeer. T b..8waa.
a.BmHh. » b.. North.
Keatler. e..
BUtp. r. t. Lae. e. f.. Patrick. I f.
late to the afleroooa before
team lata tba troaada aad tto
>r* alroadp bactoatoc ta .ptoa
taltobtoM clab at ttolr aaxt aaaoal

wUb that tbe rally mipbt be ool

Tottotorpeto of U* WMda aad IK of Oroad kapUtr whe to** baaa
UMMowalmaabaatBlh Ba
o«M U* wU*. WUHaea Ito. fionaaHp
ehlafofpoOat oftttaaitT. anltad
oavetotertto-tatolpadB- W.Booadtto alty tram Alaaka Keoday.
Http Air tto Btonrtap.
tamllp pat* **rap, eaUtap oo aa
rtaraUr- aa ttot Hr. n*t
dtdaotpattoaaalhom at oa
UaeldfitodatoafeUmta baad. ami
t from leaaaemaM wet attaottallp.
Badidaotalap loM «th
Itobopa. bataaoaamdehHerap
hh family, who bad
tbraopb tba aelpbban that to bod rara br-ttH Um awaltiap
Hr. Uat eemm back tt* pietara of
pb^aleol boaitt.
Be ha* leal aboat
fifty pooadt la Saab, bet Mpaba It aU
the bettor for ibaL He baa beta «
tt* **ap borne **ar elaee/alp H
Hr. Ila* tap* ibat to boa aol bcoopbi
Witt blm aap praat amoaal of wealth,
betthatbebaa aama ralaabla elalma


old to tto oaBmiar Parte Bieaaa Sappllm*boaIdb**tMto<M. F.B. Jooe*.
Aroip boUdlap. Wbltohall atipet. M*w
York, aad aheold to maikad "Ferto
Blcoa Bellaf."

all day Tneiday and Wednetday. Sap.
tembejyl and 6. rn account of Hebrew
Newyear Store wlU open Wednetday
erenlnp at 6 o’clock.

pioc* and baaatp of Trai
aip-a JareaH* aoetatp aod am»Mr
Itoalrieal lalaat «»m la ebanalap r*l
dceee Uat alphtat tha

| meat of Hr. Hilo*.

Thar, were m^rr

that tola aboat to aell that will taeiap j tbaa oea beadr«d lluJe people lo the
him a alee aam. H* U la partoorabip | coat add the troop* waa admirably
Witt bU two brotber*. who were with imaBBced. while tbe praeWoo wHh
him of tt* claim* that they owa. aiv I which tbe parta were pirea diaplayrd
Bated OD Jack Wade Creek, nine day*
latelllpeoee. pood tralainp aad
with a paek from Dairaoa Clip.
of pleaalap taleal. It It a
L*tI. the posapeax brother 1^ atlll oa
iBctloa. mad the lItU- pirU
tte proaad. nepotloUnp lb* aala of tto wbo pai-ilelpatad ware act merr'y
St clalBw held bp tbe brother* at Dew1 falrit*. bat the real thlLp.
aoa City. Da*id It lo 8c*Uta. where be
will probably remaie Ull next Pebrea>7. wbee be aad WilUas eriU retoni
to tto Eloadika.
aad iBtoatrly laiereatlop aad ,«*idt
Hr. Ilea tell* temeLrerp toaehiap from the liilleembarrammeola which
atortea of aereral Biea who were rrtara- Ptaally attaad tbe beplaalap of a Ja*lop to tbalr bomea eilh enoopta to keep
partormxnc* the Hu e people
tbam la eomfort all tbcD II***. and m.|Biltcd Urmtelre* admirably, and
who were drownad while abooUpp Ibe tbeir lltUe mlaiakm oelp added to the
rapid* at Plra Fiapeta Tie party that ca]0pmeat of tbe eatortalnmeBl. Tbe
Hr. Ilea <*at ta m-aed loorortbem. Uap toU wbo Spared la the Tariooi
bet aereral **ere dn.n aed brlore tbeir eceaea performed tbeir parta ebarmvery facea, wbtit they were powerleu loply aod the aodleaec waa bald with



to a


001 U

Dearer. Col.. Aap- —
Biimih .iJKhAUi—We bavejutl left
Dearer at C:3u p m.
AU tbe boy* are
*0 dirty that yon caa hardly toll them ,
apart .Tbe alkali daet I. *o thick that
you can hardly open yoar cyea. W*
raaeboitof water for bathlep purTbe boye think that we had
tee It to drink tbaa to waeh
Wearepolap from OenTaY id
CbeyenPe amid rerp fine ecenery. Tbe
OB tbe
wmt. with tbe
ttelr wooded eidm

I bu*y tbe part few

We've placed on sale-Tbe prices are 69c,
69c. 76c, 90^1.00. $X.26. $1 36. $160.
$1.76 Very ^ice styles.

from all qnariei
•r *pnru
Intereau will I
erfBlly i
('or day* and day* the m

ermine tbr nnilcal propr»m for
■ Da** w
Tacday. Septa Mr 3. will be UanI*'
and Grriaeb't Dor
one did well aad iadlrldatl menlioo
rapaped tofarnitfa,
woald be iBpertooat. Npaela) meaWrdarada*. September n. I* Ludlap
tloB, bowe*rr, I* dcaerrlnp for Hie*
Blaaebe tbe prince of tbe ioB day. and Hoyt'* band will be in e*tdejm^ltt larpe exenreione by train
Pixic baad; MlaaFlorroce Hiller, at
goeee Tiuaia. Lon. Uolliday lb hi*
Thuradar. .SepL T, tbe Koy*' Rand of
toop. ■yankoe Dewey Dandy.- ihr Trarerae City come* to tbr Salt City
of Corinne Sil*cr*.Hlae Came
Oliia*. S.-Dl 3. tbr CaJ.llac Hand
Arery aa Aopelica and tbe work on the pir.w cunerru and it will be a prorral
plhso aa aorampanlet by Hla* Alice burrah day.
AHiioe. Une of tbe **ry crrditobl,- ^ 'I'b-- N plat Carniral fraturra of leal
year will b* cn- tianrd oo a ior*re clab
faaturca wa* tbe duel between tbe
Tbr proaad* are to be
prince and the qaeon. Tbe caieruic lUominatad
tad by electricity i
Amrricaa War Piclu
meat will be repeated totipbi and...
Grace ehorch-III rmp a ecbatahtial
*>-" ropmfed to .bow

ercBU make a _»*ry benefit from it. Tbe fillowiop lithe
fine picture. Tbe boutca era made al- oomplete propram. pirinp tbe 'part*
cnoateatlrelyofrod brick. Tbe boye ateomed by tbe parileiptnta:
.lap all tbe nolee tbey can. l-rlnr* r>en_rl. IIi, Irr f,f Ik* IH ,* Itao.
IIU —!■* IU,t*ll
aenffl ap./elllnp and laophlnp.
inllyCliriunltraliii, IrnB ..................... .


Trarerae Kay.
We hare Joel paaeed
U4 firal field of potatoea that rrc bare
wa tinea we IrfLUiclilpte. .
We bare two enplaea oa oar train,

We are showing
New Tapestry Portieres-



CnIIrpr will

of Dry Goods, FurpishinRs. HsU. Clothing. «tc.

' Hew Goods aie Beiog Heeolied Eionr laji.
'ear Shorn
^.IVr .11*. „

sSzB---.. !M2

Ctimi- BDll OHV tlll-IIl




IL-lihlili' Dry IiikkIh. Cnr|a-I am) ClnlliiDC Hi.usfl-

below It h tltt of tto baytop add eel'
Ip oricee of yotterday for procariat
and farm pr^aeu to Tra*


a Gar Load of Sho^!


ami r>alon aale aa mtar *» »* *«*ld '
piMib.y KM lo*
la addltkm
to oar tal i aloch of aboto. t bare boaKbl
ia Cblcarn latt week aereral haadrad
pair* of factory lampta aboaa,


.A Gu,*mi'.':“V::

per tt................
' I Lard per tt.......................


al40eoe ttt dollar-, aad w* t*H tbhto
at pri-vw Bcenrdlcirlr
It la 1HPU8SIHLBtodomir
jartaea oa naper. They matt hr .rxan,ned to to appredeled, tfaerrfW we aaramtly rm
qoatl erery one lelerrated to taelwtor
tocallaad examiscoor larmaWckpf

Lbeeaa per tt..................
Oau per bu (old)...........
Corn per ba.. old...........
, FoUtoea. per ba............
i8alt per bbl......................
Bran per loo .........
stm>* BATsiorTtiA'


Wbrat. old. par ba...
Oau. No 1, per ba. (i
Corn, per Eru........... . .
Fotatoc*. per bo. loe*
Hy*. per bo.....................
Bauer, per tt ..............
Bpp*. per doien............

When tbe 000 who aat at tba toblm
ere all aatiefied. tbe bead parp a ecip
ojopable eoaoart at tbe proad ttaad.
Thea tba andlenee wat colled to order
bp preaideat Gele*^ aad tbe BaaemUy
proseded to tome tetotoBilal meau

Bought, solii and eichaaged

Wr carry all kimle as<*(l in


four counDe*. and

in^hiDE else Dial'* inihlishnl.
pUed with Free Text Boohs.
Ink by the barrel.

can urt

School DistricU sup-

Tablets and Wriiiru:
IVne by tbe Urn.


IVnctiK amt



Women's 75c Slippers.......... .....................28c
Women's $1.25 Unfonls.............................-68c
Women's ♦1.25 aml fl-50 Slrap'Sandcl8.’69c
» «»» Ta» Shoe., cloll,.loi,... .87c


f**i cenfidrnt -* .-.n .tuppiy roor
want* ir our 'in* as loweil piwtible
pritve. We shall. a« In tbe patl. aim to
topply the b«*l qoa'lty that money
Mil bur. truttior that oar pa*t drality* htre Itaen of »ueh t nature a* W
warrant your futare pauoaare


OteEje witness is Benenhai Ten Ueaisais. Gama Tiwsalf
A. S. FRYMAN, Practical Shoeman.
aad ere tbe 8iiai£8 aad kaow tw I'klClbt.



TbeTjest -*>c IVm il and Pen' Box, with k,-y

- Orders for Job Printing left at the

XiU MUn plras Frsmpt AttMtln.
•••riiw Oln itnitnm..--

C±-b37- Boo3= Stxji-©KALPHCON'SAJILF. JB.. HKr.



'' j

will racehre promi

t*e iotellaetaal
that It It tba proriaae *1 tto Saaday
aeheol t> aapply.
Attorannlhertal-eUa* bTtbreVnir.

"W. F. BI.A-BSTT.A..

aBdatclmii..n »j ti- -p«r ,bp ni.ta
qaartet. Prof. C. d Id .ra wo* eaJled
npaa and be raapoodto la hit uaal
happy manaar. Hla topic wa. tto peapet of pewn. Be apnlm ot tto 1m^
atioa ol tolly day. bat arpad that ttta
power to oacd wfaM all bad ratareed
to ItoD own aetooU. Jeatia* cmald
■M be dOB* to tbla ^aadid addram
axcvt by a OBmpUto copy *l li
rrm fall of InplraUos aad tolpfal ap.

Real Estate, Loans and Collections.
Matbnic Block.

Our School Shoes ’
Have a Record..

Traverse CSty, Ml<*.

Farms and City Property for Sale.
price nun.
im eoaaty:
wr; prieeStoO.
eu rooBty;
iproremeal; rcodeoil: p.-iee
• toCbarlevoIx eoaaty: email improri
farm baildiaci
liac*; gooi
m-;riisa. ■ la cbarleroix eoaaty; lOo amt» Im,
aolL; coly fire milM from Bi<t Jordan; prMeoaly tlU per am*.
IS—340aer*s<mly firemllm from Bacl Jordae. prioeaely SIO par
rdwood; price OBly
to Cbarl
ISS—40aerm to Cbarlevalx cooBty;---------------,-------------------- ,------------------IM—M aeraa oaly 3 S mllm from city; frame baildton; food orebard; will exebaoca mme in (mrt ter timber toad or city prapeny.
IM-MaoM tear milt* arntt from city oa rood rami; oadar mod feaee; from*
baildlaft; wtodmill; orchard, rood ooil: olaaty of rratar; will arrhiote
far etty property or aell at M.sno. ooe-ttlrd caah. balaSm os ttato with poymaarn of ssno a year aod latmaat at ( par aaat
ll.sitt. OomtUrdcMk. tolaaea
111—Boaar aad two lorn oa F,ttb etroeli prtea fil.Si
g au^ wOl Mttsaca to port tefarm,
tofamaS attorn
Mo^^LiMMtoM maallyKaitor. Bosd



wbleb we bare no hand la e*r*r al>l*, '
*'i»..(iallly aad price
We ara knrtI'tir f *r ytrar trad*, and If

rentail the *
r K M,-X*m.

Vi hi* Eaadquutsn tar tH Bebeel SappUM.

Bcapoheat toma leapth of tto beefia
of Amerieae eltlaeaabtp at tbe preoaet
time, aeoartlap that It It not eeoepta

aaa*al Boo^^^pd^ rollpi
"oeraatwaaaa oapeelallp
AWllacttal It bod baaa
prtdltabla cmr. TW* **•*
at Vp'oJ mooUBioerar
,t lb* oatact at to tto advHabUltp of tovtap Ibe rally at RlapaMIm Mar* Pobatol. wbo Ima baaa
lap. eerlapwibediactltpof taoeblap Tbllttc <ritt M(4 O. P. Bactoa at
tto plae*. bat all each doabm vaalobad Wblto Ooad for Ito pMt two otoalto..
Witt lb* ireevUoa pltao tba nallora M rotafoad.latt oraolaf. 8to wm aettapraaohadttatowa. mslad by Hra. H^bm a>A abUd.
ttlmaewplndtahaap tto
• below aihal It wooU Witt hprtaattsr. tetta tensK asd



tkal line in the V

T,:nr'.-r::*s, .C.WI4.*,.!.«•*.,«.l..*

Chalk by the yard.

Watch For Our Line of Cloaks
It’ll Bp a ftecord Breaker.

There wl I becontinu
10 tbr Auditorium,


by the (nose.

$1001« tSAO sBCh.
They are vary pretty See them.

I from of tbr pr*ad etaod

Trnrrrae City (
till Sep

lop the train po by. We alto J itt patt­
ed a brrd of antelope, but tbey 'laemed
la a preat berry to wid(n tbe dietonce
themmlrm aad tbe train. One
of the boye ehnt at ibem, bat be had
not practiced loop eaoepb to make a
p^ tbot.'
polap tbroaph the moil
worry. Ub. if we only bad!
Wben we reaelird Cbleapu |
of tbr racra|U from Hattie Cheek j 'ji''
boraeleia ean-lape. and laid.-Ub.
I'Wk at Ibe elreei car. toyi!' We are
all well, and bariop tte bp>l time we
Will writayou epma when
e pel to Fritco.
WUb brat wiebm tohll.

IV. J. STAi’i.aic

$3 00 t« $6 00 ths pslr.

New Tapestry Spreads-

. Altarl ll*.**ll
Willi* Vvitui-A I The woma*
.'Arrof atrracUoo Ihit year and .11 will

and are polnp ap tbe moBBlalDi at a

MV line of

Fall Wrappers

Uanmar'a Bip
Henielee hat:
aod «. or raltor
with hranltt
rnrataet apricnltiral aod
•r auempicd U It


En Bonia u Haaila

ool* »qyp pleaaoat. bot Ihoronpblf
balpfol M waU.
Aflor a ealecllOB from tto Klop»lrj
cbolr, tbe meetlap odjoaraad t>
or. .
Aad tbla wat fonad by no aa
laaateajipabl* part ot tbe tally,
laaebea bronpbt bj tbe 8nadap arbool
worker* were taetelnllp arroa^tipto
tableacaretnlly *el. aad tbe par*U
were aeatod opoo oomfortabi* »r*U
while they partook of tto dalotlea.
Mr and Ur*. Tnornburr and Hi*
bam. lemoeade aad u< IT -r.
Oblekee ai
rail and fried eakea.jim l**Tl Nirictly of Btahowod. led . ar
aaadalehfo. oak* aad blaeulu rltlliaphlr and Mr. J.mmJackeon
dlepoaMl ot ta a wap very aatlafaetoTMo all. eapaeiallp to tba eater*.
cplrit ot boapltolltp wa* la e*ldeaee. aad tbe fact that aap bop or
plrl bad Bot birvipht a haeket eeemed
MObl. laoeDtlVr for tbe
^ple to aee that tba appetite

aad eplrltoal diet. After a eelccUoe
by tbe cbolr. Be*. W. T. Woodbooee
waa called apoa. aad be addreaeed the
andlaa^ie a *arp foreefni manner. He
tpoke of tbe eriticiama Qial were tolnp
arped apalatt tba 8aaday eebool at tbe
preaeat time. elUapaa aotleable examplmof critlmBdoord W. Bok. editor
of the Ladle*-Home Jaamal. and Be*.
Da*tdWateoa.K)t UUpaow.' SeoUaad.
While be admitted ttot maay of tba
Icoeber* of 8endap aebool at* iatellectaally below the etaodard ttot mipht
to wlabed. he epok* of lb* praad work .
that U tolnp don* by ttme eame laeompetcet teacher*. polBliap oat ttot over
4S par oecl of all-ttot jola tbeebarebe*
come la from tto Snadap aeboola.

riCE ...

am* Aeia*.

Voi tile 10 cbucas ihei im bij Iba lEIER ULWAIllEE SHOES far Bojs ud Girit
I Made for wel weather: orill not rip? made of ItBATEBE. '
Wb Rise pUte oa



i .j

Oar pricM r» aa low u can be foond in tbU dty. if OnRUtp ento nay fican
Vot How OtaR^, hot How Good. Orttbptoof


Frank Friedrich.

tatMii. TM.TManiBltHmT.T)i ipaaOT 81,
•WMkhaa M««d hb
e» tack
fact Bar udA
••d «rui talU M addUca vttk Mo
CB the tracu Mhl«
a(j to fraaei KckU) atreM froai Ur
COM rat* of U* Oew-Urr to
Twtadiy B. a Cbaptau A Boh' tatii'WyUui of tta B’k Baplda
road, abort tair a aOa Tbb t
•Ur werta pcapta l.UJ.flW
of water. Md tta «OM ^aacUtr tM taacTaatMcaeakaaecto tta fanaert
loorlew tay. “IW irtHitta taot b of Bat Bar. Aew* aad ffhilaaater

U tta Un aaaba .

civ «


^TATE Bank.

Tta pbtaa waa i
n ar> tat b Mill a

A dallfbtfal l.terair aad w<
acadraleol laWaMoo wbib Ital la tta*aa*taa* b a loac artaie
rat'OB wa> (Irro tart oVbt ta tta •aprea* depoty b ber*. Tta oew rau apoa U* coereaUeoef tta
-tart DMc. a a»tar o( OoMiway
Hwadiabtaar-b b/ aoaae of TVarorar will best, iaeledlariaidiul ezaaiaa- to ta bald te DttrMt. Sc
M.wbBcoIbtcdis the r«*«tar ar«7.
bat UlML
Tbe erofraa dr- Uoa, ialtiaUoa fee aad oa* bmU * ia-Iaad m
write* frea Port L^u. (Me.. Itat
ae. Tta loeal eoart b already
IlCblad a rood alrm) aadtroea aad Ur
ffiMetbetaetto bet* lor tbc
Cbalbac* tor Old Kaaoct
■cot tta
ftlllpolaca a* b a weatar el Troor
Tta HkB*u> b la racMpt of tta
lowiBC coaaaaitatioo fma tta
Uroacb Ue prwirBt cfarU
ball Vraa U*l *UI b* of e*.
Blrh<7-toar of tta CarbtlaB Baprclal latareal to Ue laeabcn of Ue
arcren boa Ur Prtaeta aa<j fVa- tbeu wte aabM
Daatb ofOU-TTaw RoBtHaat
rterlas ■eeieUu Bade a rtrT pbaaWord wa* reeeirad yaMarday
Tbercbacbrreacexodaaftow Bdr«iowlrdc* Urir
Jadca H. D. Caapbell fraa Wa.
woodUbwerk. tereatceo r>Ux yra
iaroe tta Cola Bbia. They war
MetfUip of Haekagoa of tta d*aU. ' be Ue uTd
old Htaioe
traa Bof tta ArV
beday aad a oBaber awe tta flmcf
feraJ»llyr»odUair aad bad it.
lat -'—
ABC. i*>bj>»WKl>oa* la doaU Chico-' laa* aii I barr Ua Idea Uat
ibry cilc
tbe weak, aakier orar Uiriy la all. rttofitairold-ilaelrieod. Caet. Mrr. , "Jv bMl To ^k that Idea
idea Ury
HaporialctaaBt a B. Boro aad Prof. jadre Moore aad faally. wbo bare
laa. Ttar, are aereral oUar oii
B. R. Byder. priaripal of tta Birb
fatare. ae
oeearylo* tta COrbeti eottare
troa »J
aetaol. will beat ItaefBw la tta Cro- baec al*o rriareed boat.
Tbe reeort
(bpt HewiaaB.
*P We hope for a tprady aod faro
(ral balldlac erary day Ub work ba- b by ao aeaot eaply. bowerer. a eoa
twaaa tbe boar* of « aad IJ a a
berof rMtuatili rraaoiar.irbile ar
paplb aad paraab to eoafer oa ral hare arrlred wlUle the paat few . Umad rrarerae Bay .riu Ue acboooar
lacrr Aarlaa t
1-rareru City
aeboel work.
h aad I
Tpaia-a OraaUat Head.
April '.'.a.
11 a Perry Hi
Ita B'k Rapid* Iraa Co. baa raubI'raak Prirdrwh BOd pariy bare 6e Mr. A T Lay war* oo beard.
iwbad aa lad*e*edaet electric llrbUac bbed Uelr rrebe oa t e yacbt U S wu two year* after Haaaaa, Uy A
-.'rrca bad eaaaed arere pale
Piafree. Jr.
Tta yacht eaae troa U bad aUblUbed Ueir eew
aaw^ alii-back
of hb bead.' Oa naUg K.rclr.
SaUrd.y aad Mopped
plut here. Tta Telerrepb
Teleyrapb wa* owacd I| Rltie
Riiiaa. Aaenca'a rrrni mi K'ond aa.
KorUport oreraiffat.
....-----Olaat b la dec eo dIUoaaadef wodera broBcbt to tta city Paaday^ Hi*. Krad•sd childrea aod Ma Heary
ed frea Ue lakea a food aaay year* | porir
At tbe Oread Udre of licod Teoip Bloeekar of liraod Hareo caae 1
-.b. atreag-ikeat Ue :
JCIDC hb boa* la Ckkago.
Ur* tald io (Sraad Rapid* Ub w*rk. troa NorUpMoa Ur Colaabia
1 rifur and oew life loi
rrrrr mm
erday aftarom.
Tbr yacbt ha*
W W. 0>Ue of Tracer** CUy. wa*
I oerrr aai oTfan £
body ■ If «
ilaiaf *boal aoiocr tbe iraorta
Dumot C. E. CBaraBUoa
I tired
or nil in'r yoe t
I It. .Et-ri I
elretcd Oraad Manhat. Uwaaabedc
etdrd to bold tbr Best (rand 1edrr la CbarleriHB a* brr headgaartar*
BCetiorof-Ue localC. B aaioo wa* j V'
Trarewr City, oa Uefoarh Tbaday
.AafaM. l»M._____________
ooyrataUoaal ebareb. for Ue parOrebaatra Be-orCbMzd
poae of clecliag efieea tor tbe enaaiay
rub Sapper*
Mr abd Me*. T. K Biarbaia of ChlTbe (iraad Opera H-aae orcbcalra
apd to laaka arraerca
eaco arrirad la U* city bat
ha* baeo ra-orcaalt>d. wlU Prof. t. B.
to rialt A. B. Biacbam.
Tbaraday BorM a* leader aad director. Tbe araUry reealred a telrffras froa Brae- bam held a rebaaraal SatanUy wreBiar. be held here Friday, batarday aad 8*aaioot. Taaaa. aaaouoeiar Uat Uelr Tbby will faraiab airkl^y fiat^cUu day. Sepieabrr n, ;i aod r«. The folA «rt«ad of beren far L
« vftiiara were lihaBee for Ue <
aaak for attraettdaa al atelaberc *
Uraod dariacUb fall and wUter eoaPreaidral—Prof. C. U. Bora
Hepiy WUkln*. coo of Uao. Wllklaa aencloc with Uocola J Cbrter'a "I'dBoaal trip *S eaata.
derUeUeae" arzi Trara city, b liriac oe the old tens la
M Uat (UUrday Ue UolaabU ba*
Clty Uratrarorra will be pleaaed
Uraat towattip. tbla ooaMy. aad
t »irte* o
at Ub arTaacraeal for kawarea Uaa
•. Witt oUercooderopt.ber
• Of me r
of a faatoi* io kecplac wiU tbe r<
M» boabaU of eab oo aerra ^
alleaoe of tbe theatre.
Croaod. tta oaU walcblac « pc
^ CoaCffelinaal
U tta baakal. tea poaedt abore a
Ol Iniamtt v> Cuaaarorar*.
Jamie UUaaoic of tta Prmbyterlao
Hba PnoDk E Iktt of PoaaUia City. ebarcb.
m. of Ue
tie* D T>lcr. tbe ptpniar barber
adbOA b eapected to ta here Ub
wbo haa lor aereral yaara beep aao- eteoloy byibc Ctirbiiao Badra^raef
■lloBi were began fa
eUtad wlU hb brother Bari la Ue iUrk U* Frkad'a chareb to addr^ (Sea od
Tb* tollowtf
Him Blllott Mittee* wu.._______
Bo*. J. Paulameo ata iaMly taea TUee barber ebc^ haa left Ue atap for the work of Ur aoelety
.Keecptioa—Leri T PaaaiogtpD
a ttort eaeatloe before learioc few Chi- bluet oat brUrC E roioooflodi
■oaad Ulo Uotr i
SilkiUUOE. Alice Jennar
care, wbar* ta will aaUr the KorUYearly Heetlec of Frkada u dlaiWoralioo. - RiyTfaomrpon
Maiic Cbarim Brim.
wealaro Oaatal oollace. aboat Ue Bat
.Ueeeedaaod tta Intcat help* for
OU*a naraa. widow of tta Ute Oapt of Ocuber.
Program of eoa*eeuoo reeeptloi
ki. anawrnag
q-imtioo* aaked
Oao Plwea. kta baab ffcBolad a paaaioa
by Ue worker*. Tbr arrtUd will be
-Spragae Pratt.
••I’oda tta Doae,- Lltaola J Cbrtrcrsirr I'xkxrgLLto
ylBatT;Uo'cl-rk. All are. laeiird U
Fioaorr -Bay Tbacker,
Uri* aacoriifal aeeole play, w be preOcrlac U tta Bataaw New Tw tta
attead Ue aretlor.aaUry willrecaiee
Tta pnwldeatof Ue aaion will e
aeatad at Striaberr'a Oraad aext tai>aw York Sum will b# cloaed Taioday
haaelt troa her year* of experi a meeUeg aooB at which Ue coma
ata Wadaaaday of Beat watt.
tea* will be Biled Tbe eolem ebmea
B.a B*l,. Pr
Double of Ub aaUor’a loog Ibt of
for the cooTCnUon arc parpic aad gold ‘ Ber*ar. flee
oA oewattewalkbnlrun laid la float
1 aeeok prodaetkaa. aad ba* reMew Store on W#*t Sid*
B»eryibiogpoiot*uUe beat cobtcd.
orObBaebu'apreparV ot tta corHae-lowky. aad bb brother uoo eeer bald ta Ub part of Ue Mte
•« ad rroot ata Park ilrret*.
Cbarlca Wbn in. DOW in Cbiengo. bare
oartaerahip aod w
Hr. aad Hra. Chri* Looebard aad
ebildrea rMiroad to Detroit yratrrday, open a general More in ita Urge doable
ttaueaebatBofttaO B C elab.
a rialt wlU Mr aod Hr*. J. i. bailding oa Ue ro D -rol Baadolpb aad
almeia. earryiag a atoek of
. Hr. Loacboed laaret at ooae
. dr good* bnoia aad ataoea.
for tta Natloaal Uttar (bn-iar*- Aaa>
cUtioD. U be held la 8eraaUo. Pa . K J. Baoilornliy ba* been aUliooageol
Blmc Maaltia LIcfci ItararAOe
H*badelcoU<roa Ue
Tta OtacUaoU Joet .tta Oattraa Detroit letlar earrlera.
pwilloe aad relerned to
.■aar Old Mbatoa tbaiBday - aorwlar
AMbaheoa«BaBUV-ot oppba for
HoaUc*e the eoalraet for a Aac cabio
Hr. UannIT.icy eaoee a to have the
aloop. u be bollt Beat aeaoM The
rw atdre ready for baaiaena In abo
J. A. Hoalacaa baa aeld tta moo* maari b to ba «: taet la IrfU. aad Un data,
lie left ditarday >
bacomto simple aod practical The
pmbtOoawataDr. Tadckaa of Ana will be a floe ooa. Tbe farnkbleK and Cbirago to parrha>e a al-vk of go3d*.
Kodak ayatam usoa film cartridge#
Aftar. who b apaodlac tta aaaw
dec<rnoB« wUlbeof Ur be.v
which caa b« lo^ d i.nd unloaded in
boat b u ba 'reedy for Ue beriaalay
Fore»t Fire* at Santnii Citybroad daylight Tha Folding Pocket
Ponat Bm that eery aeriontly me
Ttar* wUl taaoeain etarr* fa of Ita-beaUar aeaau Beat yter.




Circulation this week 2.275



OarSapines Departmeot



to r

* the: lines are broken and thev must go



6ht SLot Swqbl edorti eWVs .
?LVV «aoV \Ve« Vane bttft
co\an \i^. tUa»i vp


\nt\i aU wamer a\ Ibt a ^art.
m \Vt»



&oo4^a\V 5\'aVtb, aU oooV bk »tVea wait-TavtUt tb totlVtU.
Cktatt up prut

\1 C«iv\s &
ZfA TdeAvuta C-oVors,
'0vT^weaU'T>TtM Swods. Vane.Vttti «ood^Un a\ "be
Vt\\ vTv iVu brt CUaaupprk«


6<A, AP eawta a Uari

•iVtit qoodb eubtT io\A aav»Vm Vest \Vaa 4\,bb attdwpko %IM
pat ^sTd. CieaTvnppnte da \Vt \o\


6wV^ as CctvU aDark


10 Dozen at........

3c Each

10 Drzen Bath at . . .8c Bach
10 Doz. Linen at. 12'TcEach'^
10 Doz Bath at .. 12-tC Bach



All Extra Sizes
and Extra Qnalitf |

i klir lNi«n !«■ u fat u I t*T In MB

By the Kodak System




rvaarrwlaaau lor-Tta Pialm" toolcb'
Them wa* anoUer big mtb of exroi
ij part of tta boaa alooUu froa itaacaU Tncaday la the
eraalng Ue (1. R A I 'broaght la toar
laebea crowded wiU 800 |--------Maaof Daria of tta loeal foot ball

Mitaiar Barry of itaMkbltaa Tale
phkM Oa. rapairta Ttaaday two
. laaAa of potaa W be naed U raoooau
- If ika ayataa la Ub cUy.
Pariar Bna tare Immd tta aUtta HcBaaaia taUdUr lor a Ian
yarn* aad will uo*a ttalr abo* baal
Itaam eo tta Aim of Hepuaber.
. Chart Trarar**, I. o K . will rt** a»
aiaaiaha |e Haabtae daaday. tapteatap 10 AllaraUrllad Tta fara will
to awa dollar for tta roaod trip,

bred Ur Tillage* nloag the line of t^
W. E A I. here been barslag for eome
dnya. Tbegreeteet danger haa been

inttaekiDUyordBioaili Oty. where
not oalyUe lumber near Ue city bat
la OB tba C A W. H. t large aaatar Uecily^lfwaatoraliae Ureateaed wliP dmlr*«ioB. The fire wm
ataylag bare aadl^en red* going na
brought nr.der
coatrol yeaterday
Dortk. All itaeoaeba were crowded
by .the digging of ditebe* aod brek
Tta eootrtet ba* Jaat brrn let by Mr Bring, and the uwa b now praelkally
J, H. lagrig for Ue erectioe of foor ootof danger.
AaaoewheMoo WadtworU atrect.
Ue eoma of Fiftb.
tage* are u bare all aodem esnn
Hoeb damage b being done to Umber.
ltd will be Robbed io hardwood alUongb BO oUer property ba* aaffer.
F. B. Walker diww tbe plaaa tor Ita edeayet.
(oor belldloga. and no two of ttaa wll

Kodaks ar» flt£«d with achromatic lenses, and have iha
impreved antomatic shatter are msd« of alum'inum and
covsrod with fine black morocco. Kodaka and Supplies at

"Wai-t’s X)ira.g S-tox-e.
Some of thoM

Left to Hell you at 50c

ablagle m:ii of


S. BoltaworU Who baa beee
Hoaod. which b located at Col)b-. did
Hag tta aaaaoB at bb collage
log.waatoullydcatroy'rd byBrcTbor.
I of Btgwnod. ba* beea aaked by day moroUg at 1 ocloek
Tbe ori'' TtoOolaabla will cir* aaoltar af. friend* to ttow aos* of bb akeicbea.
lof Ub^fire
He baa lefka 'ew water colora
- UWWTDWafuraoao. laarif U* dock

where any one wbhif to arc

Eatrr wlUooi
ftaraday aad Friday.
Benda lorea tbe boy* aad glria. aod
ba-wabowiagUatloreUa aabataalul way.
Be baa j**t placed wlU
tmaral iarito leo b
Htraab Kro* A Aulouc aa order ter
a.dou dalaty popaom halta. wbkfa ta
Tto BtaaaaU IhatrUt W, C. T. II.
will dbtflMte. trie of charge, to all
maiaotha will-a at with tta local
tta ttildma of Ue city w.., oail
Mbwa of ttbeity aboat tta aiddl* of
atom next FrU^ aflrn..-. a b<
tta taw* of i eo* 4 o v-.ucK
O. W. Ufdb baajast eomileted ■

Bert BtabaUy.

Oaorya Jcyoe U tta

r. ArooM. aOraod Aray rrir aa

Tta ait^akJa to Uaau T
ftaf ky tta Ormoait kaad. w

•utetaryS Mora

w.ll ta


tallt nnand two aide* ol the b
pert of tta tailding rabod end c n
added, ueklf It <ue of tta amt

aide agalo-t Sre.
Tweleeempi ryea bee la a bmrdlng
booae Bcaruemin. and they
awakened only u are Ue .atractarc
wrapped In B Knee BreryUlng went
na In am dee. wiU Ue excepUon of Ue
biller and enrlac which m ly be aaved
oearaace waa oely 8:40 A .ery
amallamoap of atpek waatareed alao.
Fit* m-lli-in ttiflea were being caj
T C P Reed at Ue miU. wiu nmriy
half ofUetammar'a run completed
Tbere b a large amoant of ahiegle
hrlta la the rirer at Ub polat
Ue mUI will brrebaillatooee.
gaiV Boy* Pixy Good Bali

DfUemoM latemalieg. tboagb
oertalBly not Ue eloaeet ball gatce
--TtaraU Kiogalcy waa wiumred
tortableand roomyboneaeae Ucatrwt
ilerday at Ur grr-aad* at Ue edge of
Mlcaohla for lb plenaaot taaaa.
tke uwa- Tbe game wa* betweca tta
A and aeddaal c«earTed at SoaU KrofakyBand team aod Hobaoa aCbaiee
of liUlc feUow*. wbo ne*ertbw
aardaaa Tbaraday aoraiag. rmali
If U tta daaU of eieraa yaarold Bert
owbowioplay ball a la*af anddaabtayof that Uoanlleagae.
BawaaaUtiBgoBttatratt a*
eaaa la aad i

Itwaaaeee aided eoatcat from tta
•Urt. The band boy* were big eacmgb
uhare eaten itair'notagimbta. bat
Ucy wear aaable lo dn te-U lag clac
wlU Uum. The little |. II, w- ,'aotted cut Ut«c piichcrv and poaaded Ita

ToaaAayataWadoaadf.Saptauu . eat off. DenU^
afAmaeaoaBtoftta Uabraw New
Toar. Ttoatere-wlll ka wpaaad at j
B.Hr.^Iiabary-. ^iT-ePa, “Wotball all orar tta dUmead. TbetrAelddar.-Tobay H. a>taW no b.. fall
Bg wa* Aac. and doable pUy* ware ao
' Tto taw a lint Uu^
_____ _____ aaapalga < tta ataaati r Char- rarity, Wbea Ue daM had elcartd
«y lb. CrUary aad opentrd by H l*>o X Tta AiMVrm at whieb tta away it wa* fttod^at Ue aeorc tiood
Mlttaboa. tarari u tta cnm. d 8ao- bon* wUI gire an exUWtien will be
W7ia ia*ar otBobaaa'a boya. A
tay.aooB aftar aaa. Tta baaa of
llacUu tfmaaatif wO wa* takaa
Heabirw. Aipnoa. Bed Axe.. tbginew;
«ta Ira b aakoewa.
rfm-ltaboy*. makif aboat 1*0**
b*o eeet. retmieg to AUcgi
Ucy now baee la Uelr trveaory.
Tto 1 If* Af alaC wkltt wm ralmd Oember.-Begegammb arc AlMd
Tta TkimSoo* teaa* b looklf fora
«Bttaai.B. oaap ftaata wa* rw
da*a wHh actaa team from Ub city,
tooaad pultalf. It will ba dt*^''
pratarabiy U* Bla* Boyw tto, wm
iM paUtal ata rabad aa tta (LA.B.
Aeabatoagtttta tola dm


For Ladi>« am] .N.-a at

$1.98 Pair
ar- -iiliati, u.-w.
pi-rf.-i l tittinu.
aail iluraiilc.

A pair ttciau-

Bhlogl* Mm Bnned.

Our Famotts

Bargain Shoes

'in the city
' know it.



these pricoa;

' Sbott. 41*c, R5c. 75.-.

' I1.2S

You'll want a bushel or two of Timothy Seed, or Orchard Orass,
or Red Top Clover. Want to mahe a good lawnP' Use wzwmH
Lawn Oraes. or LitUe White Dutch Clover. Special Prices mads
in quantity lots.
DID YOU EVER feed your cattle Ground Oil Cake Meal or
Flaxseed Meal? It's excellent to m»x with tbe other fodder
Ever use Haivell's Condition Powders; or Prof. Flint's Reno-,
vating Powders, or Happy Fancy Condition Powders ^made ex­
pressly tor us), or Anti-fever Medicines lor horses and cattle.

Cbildrwi'. >

Miaaea' Shoes. T-ic. 9S.- ^

-School Shoesrm THE BOYS.

t These are the mornings that you want the best seed.
Have enough to supply all Northern Michigan. You can have
your choice of

If yua'rc trim] th««.-j__

If y<ra bareo'i triwd ttM>n ooe '

^ ptir will oonrincr'yoa . Beniwmbwrinc the '
' cioalily,


Anticipate the Fall Needs

Tliey're ioL-ndm] for the b y.

\ to wear, aod boill to aUm] the rarkeL
^ do it. tiio.

Tb.-v ll


I.itU- Oenu' aod Yoniha' aiz<>e !»c, yv.
$1 35 pair.
Boya-fiaet iWe, II AMI 60 pair.



btat to
i .
*1.00. *1.25. *1.60
A pair.
l-hayareaU aoUd aad \
crest wearers. Laos, bock-'
le or congreaa.


^SSI>3. S225. »260
A pair.



f wnalbe-.'keep tbe dirt uat
f aad give yoo a>^ wear.

Alfred V. Friedrich.
It K1.WATB Pay* ta Tra«a Bar*.

and look at our Agricultural Implements. Yon may not
need a threshing machine or a self binder, but you broke your
plow point or need a new spring harrow tooth. Broke a bolt in
your wagon or your hay fork- That chain's no good, get a lar^
link next time. Anything tbe matter with your cistern or year
well? Got all manner of repairs and we do all manner repair
work ‘*while you wait”

Potato Digging Season
' wUl soon be here and you'll want a Potato Digger or a Po­
tato Fork, or a Potato Hook,or a Potato ShoveL Tbe best stock
of Hardware in the state.

Tbe Hamab & Lay Merc. Ge.

ATOPfit »1, IBM.
A aar^ e< tlyta (mm Hu «a
riiilillnaf Hm.HafyA.Bn
iaaykbma Ktoata Ottee. Aid
erf O -

_______tau hto retidnee
net. J. B. Ball aad wUaof Ttaenia laye.
BeeJ Rtadalr sad (aaUy have-------a repnttba firetofibe woabeatbe
Ball farm, takiar lea pUaaaat drtee to ad rMaUeta from Laaawee coaaty eitlttay th^.
Tbeynaece CMcftha
Mute BIU.

MoffM lift te Beta. OU

Tkreablap to peetty well dewe ep. la
Mr. UMl Vfe. W. O. BaaMlM of tbenperu It wnae^ydoaebyTtaa.
[•otetMOBd Mn.O«>. Itreford-bare tey. wUh Mane. Dtaa. PetUacUl aad
.Ml vWlilir (rtaoda for a few daps.
Daacaa Horyaa aad Bay Drew
Tker TMarsed Hoodar.
parrbaeeda bay prenaad after a __
Bon U Mr. lod Mr*, r. A'nrd.
lor tbeir owa. of which they both bate
a qaaatlty. they have the cootreet u
potiau email bolkaaomotr ot toot
far (armera la thto eieiBlty. Tbto wiU
Mr«. M 8. (MU «

Mra. W. B. Oardaer aad ber Ihti
yoaayv daartaure. wbo baee bean el
itlay U BUladale eoeaty. retarm
borne oa tbe oearaioa laet Tbvrtday.
Mrs. J. O. Holeklatof Bapid City,
wbo bat been b«re two weeks eariay
for ber eyed father. B............................
bet been terioatly* 111.
cselanity. Hr. Bmith baeiey
pro^ at not U eeed ber loa
ilrr tad wife of Tneerte
ty rrlatoretaad
City are eislUa,
_____ - bare.
They spent rridtyniyfai «
A aember of yoany mee from aroa
Bobertaad Oorab Walter aod cajo
here propoeey olay to Hriyht'e l^ke
a taU oc the lake la Uc eeeeiay.
fieb tome day Ui« waek. There to m
the b
J. B. (Jrere laaaebed bit new
lake ofasy lake aroead.
boat Setarter. Thto mtkee tbe foertb
ebowi what prndeaee
•ail boa; on the lake where there oaybt
win do. A few yoga
■o caofbt acd to be tweaty
pot loU IMid lake
BobL WaJur yoes to Traeerte Cite
leeioiay with Salardty to reeame bit tloaiet Ie tbe
Praak Altau rUud at K ijak Cos'i
hlyb tebool.
BmJuI KoBworthp ii Wf lew with
tetardaj-----lest week •toiiiny la Urceewoed.
ford coenty
an Lladlar
Bala U needed eery moeh.
B C. Hlutsw of WlocbettM.
tte eo«Btr taada;
Ktlie WitojB retaraed from
BaouBle He
arrlred here iMt werii.
ie menlea.
.Uord Eaet ead fitaUT hire sored
-SaU wu bSM Iron
Hr. Tlreerr of Cblnffo to eintlot
hack u thle Wwa.
CU U LaBfrbU bi. m
Jobe Uelm-a
There ie qelu arood drwl of et
ooe baroed Iwt
Mr. Dimy called oa frleode at tl
-cholera aorhee and sraalM.
wialer. aearlycom .leud.
Tbe lo<
lace Bataiday.
Mr. aad Hn. KcaworUiy'e daechUr
fl»r bat been real.d to Ileal Klne
IlS»rX«r><»f «7~*^ Tbed*. _ad
Nal Uoldeo left for hit bime U Cbl- t meat market sail tbe apper one
child are eUlUor Uua at - lyolttt Friday.
iheK.o. T M for s lodyr room.
Piiblny to becoming qalU a sport
Cbaria Welboen M balldiir a aoiic
tTetaarek oo FrIteT •<
Mra Horaee lirera to etoiliay ber old
lany fitb treo^ht la lae Itke wbleh borne io Ubk).
litUe bone oa the farn he bn^t laat



tadiaa Camp MawOny

W lltb. IMV

Hln fine Keaworthr of TramM
at; atker boote la Ule place last-^-

Bee. Brooke filled the palfdt at Yeba
last Baadap.
aai Bkipperroeh aad wife are at


u at HapletoD the (ore part oi

SSifiM-S Tr.»« OUT »W«"

BarrUoa I-oldpber It doW* ^
A. M. Bmlth took la the ^aadar eaeralM U Bay View.
Mra. J. P Oraat has retaned U her
daophter^. Mra. Hoelarer.

•^boir h wi^i^€ t<* tils-


Uadc BUrea Cburcblll U eUltiac bit
daa^bteta. Mra &Hea aad Mn. New.


The weather It to warm aad rettiar
to dry that It it bad for plowiapaad


iHtthandvMn. WtUku) 8««fe ta eojpyiif •

TbecoueenUoo tt Bmpire left week
rat well. atUoded.
A camber h
thto place alUaded. .
J. TtrmtlB win preach ic tbe M.
cbaiob erst Wdossda y cIpbt.,Anr.
Many of the eblidrca of tbto place
re baetpy tbe mrealre.
The fooerel of Cbaa Biep’
held la tbe cbereta oa Friday
baby wat 11 medibtold Mr. Wllllamt
preached thr fseeraltermoo.
BdDt Helm elated ber um of tehwii
ia the Frlt» dtoiriel today.
Mrs T. Helm aad rwadtoa Keaaetb
are eltillay fneedt tail relaUen oa
Poreet Uill.
Mra MeTayyeri. who wat Tlaitley
frieodt at tbto place, retaraed U her
borne la Ctaictyo Balarday Ittt
iber of the people of this piece
d...------------------------------the yroee meetlay atthe
rows last Baadty. wfai-Ja wttdclleered
by Mr. Clark of Chicago.
Mrs. Moore aad too of DeUpil
etoitiay at Hr. Holdea'a
a. L. Cook toworklay oa bit liee'ry
bara at tbto pin
which will be completed by faU. _



d« LMtuitqi
■ are nry thick akiwr the
this puSaod report rood

Jolo bln aad they wUl aakeit
their home here.

Tbe barye Behroder loaded with lua
erand tblaclte from Ptober’t dock
alorday aad Btaday for Hr. Uberlla,
rbo Wm here from Rinyham.

Mra Jod. Camerea of Tnrerae Cnty.
xanpaaled by ber eleter-ln-law of
ip Bapide. ejtited Mra. Fnok ShaUr
place. retnniBBUlVmeerBeCUy
Mia Mlaa Marta of Cfcariotte la eltlt Baaday.
yOiMU, Mpawd |lra.Oaerrr
Mhe Nellie nnii
especU U leave
ThaiadayteVpeiiliao^ to atuad school.
Mia. M. MOltr M elMttar ralatirs We all wkb bar o
Mta auflieeef
will teach the
^aa^ Khool thlt u<n aad



MiaOod«oo(Bs»7 atr>* rWUac
The Mom «aU te the aew eharch it


from Balt Lake.
dtouibotlay uaeu ia tbe H<
talU. They aboyaee two eeeoiaydii

Cheap enough tor the kitchen and nice enough for the parlor.
You cannot rest well sitting up. There is faothihgi^ a nice soft
couch to rest on. We have it right here and it will cost you but
Well made, full spring. We have a very large compiete
"ITo' ^
Couches. Lounges and Bed Lounges at bottom pricek

iBTiialkie to eztwoded to
o isJI
A email
admitsloo fee of fi<
be ebaryed
ebaryed u> tpectau
tbe proceeds to yo to pay tbe
ezpeatet of the camp

■-r. t —------------------- ----------------


Hn WllUt Baoney It e

B. EcUty h
well eared;
D. & Crippeo and wife with their!

«rtata%UiteiWuha iMdof

daad Palnr bat coae to Oraad »ApItaaadpelauaeath lor aahert rlilt
Mr. aad Mia B. Wyebofr hare beee
ipiMIlfA lew dayt rtalUar oa the
Mn. J. Boatftyl of Maatee apael
BMdyj^har panata. Mr. and Mra

A. H. Chareh ot Brom Qty la


Wn. daSny aad (aaDy of Torilr
(Mkatara haM apaadlir a Uw dayt
eMUIar (rUadt hera
UhM btao the eaaUta o( theOeo
^MDy for a aonbar of yean u bold a
MnOy raaalae at the bone of aoow
Mabar cl 4hc (aadly.
This year ii
waabald at the honeefHr.aad Mra
i.tL WOear. Wadaaaday. Aar. Urd
Ataatfi^^en^t. qalua nn

Hr. aad Mra Kbaordy wereca
.■toekey by the illDeta and di
Mra Keooedy'e brothert wife.
The nlatloD haod a>et at J Be



We all hope (oraapeedy

! yoeap people of tbit riclolty
raoeed the oon roatt beld at 3.
Sebtu-t latt Taeaday eeealn( a decided
Bladley. I
d theepralaercf
Ceioo aty. It riaitiap P. aerelaed. bit
frteodt bore.
W. Blekt hteh I Job of eetUny eipbt
temof Boderbrx h for Allen Btrrowt

bet we fear Me drenth mayten pou
Jo it it

Mra. Woaeh


Udlet- Aid neeu at the pami
Wedaeeday afureooo.


picale at Elk teke Tnesday.
Waataianll^ rail eanr badly.
Jaeca Woodnas of Paw Paw. Hieb.
JlyaJadaB ot Batuah Bay naaU
epokeat Ike eekool hoese Friday otyht
-tawa today.
Ie theiotereatof Uedranye. At the
Mr. aad Hta Can-iaUraad (ran
Mn liirtit rinemnn TTMlt MrTriT hall, nie Hllloa Genier Uraorera an
tU hali^rUlT
alealb at B^atport

They weal

jjtewfi*^ Mamayaa uiair^rayto
Tha DtaMOia Boaaa It raarlri^a
■awaeatal paiat thk waek. Walter
UhUp M 4et^ the werh .
■■ She Htete Alice aad UeeUDiMMre

ss.S5’4s,t ’•

k -


------------- . Beery aeeuoe
raooB bapi tonal
eeheld al
the B-e J,
MOT. Bee. I
Uk. MUdra

Milt Lala Wloehanabof tbe .Viekar- where tbe will rrmaio lor some lime
toB aeiybborhood to eltiiiDy ber aaat. vtoitioy a titter.
Mra. Prank Btyera.
Mr. tad Mrs. (1. W. Kills and yraad.
Mr and Mra. Dyer and daayht* lea won tiro. Boyera of Toledo. Ubio, ar-'
•eu^lted ^Mr. aad Mrs. rived Friday for a vtoii with Hr. aad
Harry Uanlnr
E W. Wlltoo aad family of this
SP*ot Wedaeeday
Alfred VUIier of Lootovinr. Ky . arWlncheombln the I
rived latl Tberaday oiyat for t vait of
several mooUis -Ufa hto brother and
m. J. L Oibbt aad daaybter Harioa Stour, who bare teen here forteverat
Lbe Hbwet Jeople Mtcy and Asyie mootha
auende.! ih, H-n-lty •eboni eonMrs John Baobora sprat a week
xas' "1 ' Vto-t .
-a- -sc Citr rtoilioy fri
a reloro>r > or Tbartdty.
a TthSrrrr. -> <
yoltolakiac trre-nratfar
Mr I'lomtuad of firiroit. impera
etemed home mneh improalor and bariloae tiot«v, yave aa _
L Uibta lost one of hto camp bamt urtalemeet ia tbe Cooyreyaboaai
ebareb Tbaradav eveoiar aeder tbe
toeTxpw'f*^ alphLowlBy loalaa- aatpleat of tbe Y. P. B. C. E which waa
atmmtraat for all wbo were to lortaHtoe Blanche Kelley ereet to
aau at u bear blm.
Bapidt Hoaday to attend tebool.
Htot Mabel Gibbt yaee aa afk
tea Uat Taeaday.

[_ yava a fr«e ride to and oior at barryiny Perfot Uti Wed'hieb wat very tawmwfnl io
every way.
Mra. P. B. Whitman vtoiud friendt
^‘^verte City Ttaoraday. reualay

Dr. Sawyer of Traverae City retaraed
U hit home Monday.
: Mra. W. H. Porur l-fi fkoradv te
a visit with friradt in LodlawtoC MUtheir *>b birthday.
waskee aed other plveesla.Wf
Those wbo wsto bere -fitblnw ■—« . _
vrv J C Dmylat and Sami n 'I Frank Frirdricb of -rw.—
Traverse City rto
from OUo: Hr a^Hra B S' j
'*» ’'»>■
' ' Stainum.Arehi-'. Mm. Nellie SueUof AIMog.
. brnnaoMstinyUlherareof ber ttoUr.
< Hn B. A. OsmphaU. left te bm heme

sv™;.n; s..?"i.'"J2J2n:

120 Front street.


Traverse City, Wicb •)


Tbaakfol words written by Mi
C. UaruM iralon.b U. .Was
with a bad culd^wbicb setllrd <
'ooys; cooyb set in aod finai'y b-rn
tied Id Consuaptioe
Poor d.a-i
faeemeap. tayioy 1 meld Iiee butt ^w.*
short' time. I yase ntyself up to my
Savior,delrrmiaed if I mu'.d oot ttpr




unlil yriii'fc
sfi'n J
you I'.nn do
at tlii> Xcw SlATC.
Kt'cry pair frosh from Iht- I'aclorv to In- sold at oncf.
HVm c'
3£ 48c, 63c, 75c, $1:00, $1:50,. $2:00, $2;50. $3:00, $3:50 3
Kvvrv >in>rlf pair i.s worth .nl kasl dnublo. When in Traverso City t»c
r.! ^ and sec these F.inls. Big Vatufs m Shirts, rmlcrwi-ar. Jlals. etc. etc.
" :S=.
- E
(24 Front StreeL ■3HEW STORE.
sfssiisrzs vi uw. Traierse Citj, llicli


PANTS“ w":; s=

U) yet
Kiny't Now (i

rt llr Kii
orrery lor noDsomplioo, i«airh. a
Colds, l.ytvr it a trial, look <u
It bts cured mr. s
.Ihtok <ioJ 1 sen ttved sod tm mi<
well aod'betithv wumso TnsI b-iti
lOcU. ttS. B Wait's and J. <i Jot
sot's llray Stores.
Beyultr size bi..
sad tl. lintrauwed or price n-fuedi-il


I'tiy any


\Vf ImujjhlVm

fUcap Jtl.i M'HVm clu-ail,

lired. It it yoartatetd
toyire perfect ttliaftcilon c
-efoudsd- 1: cenu per boz
•ale bt J U. JohctoB tad B. B R


' ^iumuiiuiumiuium uiiuiuiummummiu uiutuiutui^3‘


Hr. sad Mrs. Omnato aad ana
ofsilybuetolud Hr. and Hn.
a Bariry
The Htoeee lArtle aad Oertlr Rarieh

Card OI Thanks
0 tbP frieods tad neiybt

from Trseerte City.
Bee, Aayuitu* Ctnaai
Dd falaily
ilrota Wii; yii
left last week for their I
e >0 Ohio
Fuarierolb Apoi
ouio Kz. aUi.TT.
itur tpeodiny trterti weeks
W.-doe^y, O.-tob
«tb Tic'ue-s »
■Carmaa Coiuye'' ia lait piste.
to Xr-**"'r““ '
Mrs. Wetuo rctomed last week from
>-sold to all priocipsl p-i
.Scion, where the titcaded ber daayaWtlcli this paper for furtl,i.r
lei for tceera! wecki donny her illneU
aod death.
Bieb rzcursloo tickets wil, I
Hits Ploreaee Thomat. who bat been
baeiey a escatloo 6t trerral weeks,
H s ninoiny. ilcbiny sore on rnt
lor it with btr ps'eau io tbit
• off.-rrd lor ures.
lijtb's Omt
,____ left for Cblctro Sundsy to ayaia
lOk twty thr borninp snrl 1 .-h
uke ap ber work tt aarse'in one of thr
It sod quickly rff'-clci per
b'wp.laltia thavclly.
rr •• C. «. UabtfL Itow
Cobom died tt hit borne io tbto
place Friday niyhi afur an illoest of
il wrekt. Fooetal tereiert wi
AFplei Vasui Elgtazt Market Fnce:
o tbe M K cfaurtK. eoaOucied
- want all lbe apples we rto yri
Wbluaaa. attioed by Fatl
w-ndfalls and coils, in tsr'dr,ivrrcd a-

M lietlie aad family,, t.-eompt
by Fred tad Tbere-a Stoke*. Irti
Tbartdty lor Ibrir boaic io Brsi^
tfiertpendiay aboat tiz weeka la
Hr. aad Mrs Freak Todd at .Cblctro ibit place
^^eiaitiny their mother, Mrs L L
C A Ixiockt of rhiimyo arrieed Hon.ityfurttuy of tK npleof weeks at
ihe Wtaktz el.
days here last week with
A Sler-I.- aad wife of Ntabeille,
Irui; , rm-ntl) lutiri. ii. tra tpradlnr
Urmndpa Hill, who earrln hit
a few dsjt With ihelr irl..vieea. Mr aad
year* remarkably
Mra. K A. itomptwll
tbe Bpldiert-Home .
. ____________
Hn T J. Ilnipphrcy aod too Joe
tupdaoyhter. Mra. Bams left bere Ittt Tuesday for their bume
IB Bl 1. iBit. Mo. -Mia Kompbrey ar
a bad tbe mtofartaai
riewllatt Jane in ftiliay bealib bnt
ti late bit hoate byflrelast
ysiaed for terersl weeks after ber arbare ctbybi from tbe
rietl here. Before tbe lefi- boweeer.
e family
mlly bad roee to a oeiyb
iDCb worse tod faiiiay rapid.
. pot ttt-K'in time to laee
'^M[ra B. A. Campbell bat beeo for the
Mra. blarlsa R.idioe aad Mra. Adell
three weeks macb amre immforu
Bodlbeof Plial. ttoten of Jadye W
-tbe bat io mootbs. Friday
ilamt. of Kauoo. were bere Batarday
moerd from ber bed to ibr
ealllay oa friends
Mere from aiee a m. to •
deou bere oeef to yean .
M”oe that
bad not done
caaie to eitit their brother
■eraod family before le mualbs.
aad old (rieada
liyhl rzeursi
Taeaday Biybb it watalovriy
WllWacktoa of Trseerte City tpeal lay. with tbe ezcepiloo of lis teioy
raiber cool, aod ever)-ooe rrjzyed Uir
a ab^ time bere recully.
Mr. acd Mrs. W. s, Hnietu aad
-HtotJaUo Miller rvlnroedfl-om
daayhUr HatjorU drore to TtmesJtor
Bapidt let) week Mooday. where
City Bnaday.
Hop, D. C Leach of Wtitoa w» al hat beeo ttund.ioy tebool lor the past
tiz weeks.
Mra. jachtoa't ooe day receoUy.
• tebool U thto place will teyia
Tbe Him BobWot of Bbeboryae,
Moodtv with fear leaetert to ioWla. an etoitlay Mre J. U Uibba
Biubeock of t
lat“ weSS”
hto ttour. L..
The Hlttet Loetoa aad BIU Braekra week, whom be bad ool sceo io tblrtybary etolted frieada la Booth boardman Itet week.

W. Ponad bad tbe miefortaae_______
bit tbUylr mUl by Ore Vadaetday
Be to prepartay to-rabaild
Miai Rlaaebe Kelley yaee a fanwell

MiaCkaaah laat ThanMaylO taw I.
Mra B. P. DeMncre k tmiofimt ;
•MtftanbaraMaraad haT^^
(AttafBtea eeaaty. Mr. aad :


i J. W. Slater's House Furnishing Store,

eotire Camp mectlay eomaiilter. Her
John Jsoite. Mark Heifycwiaaod W

T«p Har BttTa la kbe world for ^
Oau. Hrotom:-8omt’. ■Ole.r.;
Oleera, ■Bait
Balt ^
II. N 1-iel
of Cblearo left tbe Wanatoo for be It MuBdty eor.D.
fire Htldwia of lUinoii nceapied the
,ulpil ia tbe Cuoy'l etaarcb ,Baadty
Ann Arbor to eto-

ThelitUe daayblerofMr. sod Mra
Cbu. Blyndlrd laat Tbartaay wfter a
tbort maatt <.f aeatlea They bare the
eyiapaiby of all.

Mead aad eUaalchi

*7W. W. SMH It bene acala fmt Al
dM.haelvekiMd kh ^ te the aea-

Utriiner tod A
Blybt from I
Mtatolee, where they
y hare
beeo tpead
rnyteeertl dtytfl*biar They rrp:
tyood catch, taotity of yraelmy.

ttm eery hot aad

id~. Mra. TMeodore
’ b^ '
Hn. N. U. Bberldan left Friday for a
harinr the whoop-: ritit la rraeerte City aad Cbarleeots.
that rnnnl
loc eoiyb In oor u
The new tbicyle mill at Doral etarv
(res tkle plMe will te to Pio*«ed ap lest week.
Mn-n. HalbuT
aeM tor ln~”~y tUe week.
teaM» Lake, where ehe bat been
dlay yeeterday with
lamber ■» the Lamber 0o.'e dock.
MIkt No1tn it petIkiB ap t Itryc lieCbarlei
ery tuble aenwe the streeL appotlu week for

Mr. Qt>
The Dewey SUre Co. are yolar to nod Mr. aod Mra. Ferris made a bcti
baiid elz new hoaeea two of wMeb are
trip to Treverte City last week.
MMl tetfe WWBOi
mBetie KilwyofOood Barto-r to
l«emwfc«fttbili»ia»eeltltiny her brother Hoeet and bit fan


Com. pniatoet ar.d bo-hwhrai arr
tairrriay from ttar li<>1. d-y weatb'r.
aad these erdps will br tenuuily d»m
tyed if rala does oot c me rrry tooa
Cootlderable amuteoirpi to tsperW
bere to^moir.w.tbat brioy the date for
the hall yame between the taU and tbe
leant of tbe eillaye.
Hr. Brytol't dteybur. nnle.
diaet. it home for t rtoiu Sbr J
butaed't two iiltle yirit wiib k

it Kewph aad closet

i they are adetoed
notirted tpesk.-'ViS-:
... ____________ d U ladisn aad
Qyiitb th
thraayhoot the mwuoy Tbe
dUa pn
pnaebcft ezpeeted to br pres
Jl. Fetwr
Fetwr _
Hasktw. Joseph B-dblrd
laky, Wm. Petoskry. Jibe
... ________
tiood laoea stand no Me
yeoaod by W H Apderwia. Be<
tar. A J
E dred, of Traesnw City, >1,1 hsee
caaryeol tbeSnoday sere
by Bee. V B Wbltmaa < f

BMUa an e
>UMi so lb« e

I ONLY $4.75!

____ , ___

bae'ay bad a merry time, cookipy all
their mmlt by the aU of a bemflm oa
Ihe t^ of Ctap Lake. -t%ey m-



WlsiZiSsiS d I l-l'Ki: VKSINnl'I.A

The o.Tsl drliylitful way UirrtVh tinI pprr IVnitisols u-'W IS via Frankfort
.sod ilir Ann Aruur Ksilroa.1 < .vupoay's '
Car Frrr.m Toesr lUKornsr sleamera i
til-roporu 00 tbr r,iper Peoin- ill »iir fill.-}iiir of Tinsnri-nmi nit 1I1.- Util.•tjwiiai.-u
.. .. • and
..a Ii
Ii I.......1,1.1,,,-1,.
a Kay sbore. near j.>bL-li.>o t>f I'ron
OrooeriM in lanpou FrsokT..r;
-rri Bid i-cnin.ult roa.1
H fl."-s madedoriny I
Th- |l•s.T.| prio-r., ^
,svu..i»u:..-s osid
Rsady lr> r.ceie.
iiaiu on tbr Ann Arbor
Pnirs on sod after Any. i:-:
h .srrirt asirrp.rf car from
HHusk ,t iJzSNkl:.
T...rifo t.. K
Jl tf
I'raverse l itj 1
lbe f.-ry ir.v-s
lilsdrla.iie al 'J.H
. for Mei.uio,



248 Front Street.

I VtluT's sorfifle for .lywol
II and sutomrr compialot

'br tbnVDyli
lUy traic
Krtokfort carrirs a

Xraveree City.



Frankfort da-'t. .-zerpt

I Mskioe Osud Bboss Mtsai
Th. lU-t
- - iirporli
>s Cto . s

bi*l|M Uiat
rariedy yl

ywdsdlrecl urruiler»'’a6r other

To the citiz^K^of Traverse City, Grahd Trav­
erse (Aiunty, Leelanaw County and adjacent
: points.

Bodily palo l-wrs Tu 1 errors if you're I
a bottlrol Ur. Thomas'K.'lrctri.-iiil id]------- -----

arfi. iss.

Traverse City Wagon Works! whereaT


On Ibr 2.Ar«l day of Mayivls'W. we-porr
chart'd from K McNamara Ksq., retired
niercli.-iat, his -tock of bools, shoes and riiblzeri^at '60c on
tiie drillar of manufacturers’ cost, consisting of light gfKnls

A J. PETERTYL. ProprieWr.

ruitaliie for summer wear,'$4.0.T7.'itt; heavy goods builalde
for faJI am] winter wear. ♦2.'J55.00; RublH-ry. JlBron>. Kur

M.n.l» ...r. Hn.-d..., W„,„, ,„J sl.-i.-L. „f .11
IVurl. lL-i«intiUk'. Vnraibfiiiic au-i L'pb-rlst> riuu Frumpttj:
Alan OeoFml MlmkBiuitliiiu; ADcl 1-ori.riDi;.
HiimefilioJini; t 8pr-ia1ty.
"liiliy - liiu .-liiiri.-w of ttiie
di-|ianinent. nod hit fvp-iintioii fur knooint' Iikw tu du a leKkl jo4> w
Uk) wfII known tri
'v.itun- iif
Work in tbr-city will l>r failed for an<l iWivcred. Tt-I»-plione

Arctic ()r,r.b..-r .,n,l liehl
inakf>: ihi>loo, Candee. Wale.s fzoiKlycar. Woons-zcket,
,Gol.lSc.ilaml..tber,. tl.OIS.OO.
, .

' The light goods are mo.-tly sold and wc have yet lo
I hear of the first complaiat about wear or value.
............... — —.J.T.





Iplai^cs wnlun trailing distance df.lhiB point, that on

Trawwrsw aity. MlehlRan i



wc wil! remove from the McNamara store to tbe Biftftdls
Block, northwest corner of Front and Cass streets. Re* ‘
,mem!>er the location,


Our n<;w Fall Stock is now ia. and our motto will be ,
Small profits and larger sales, aod will guarantee .yoe a
saving of from 15 to 25 per cent, on up-to-date goods. '
^ ^
The fialance of the McNamara stock, gposisting of
J.' ! heavy shoes suitable for fall aod winter wear, we will sell
: for half price, and in some cases even less.

About the

■'“‘Rubbers we will have more to say when the season opesB*
But a word lo tbe wise is sufficient- don't bey your i&ibbers till yon get our pricet Trade al tbe Bargaia' Shoe
Store and save $ $ $.

Remember the location, J57 Front

Friday and Salnrday will lie School Ch'ildm’s Daj.
Onr sUxtk of School Shoes is very comi^te and can nave
yon I5'to :f5 per cent.

|B. I.. WBB8TES. Msnj«er.


o<Aai> <nu.TiuiisutAU), Atmun >1 im.^
UsUby wbewas dral aaawdto
rest sditlraL
Bb pataab lisa la
PbOadalpbla. wbara tbs litUs fellow
wwbonBboBtaywaracs. Tbs fsUsr 'whowras b Drakaeb, tea Us
Istbr writtSB by Adwtral Dswsy sa■ Mki tk* WffM i> ■
prswisrkb Usaks far tbs boaor
fwrsd aad arpraisr Ua bapa that
t.«. WeJUr «*
H».. died
Us IlHb tsUow woald prow Uida ass•dfital
falaadhoaonbbsltlaaa. TVs toUsr.
■awr *>Wre dM M WivulM*. hasbsrBfrasdaad b bow baailac
Wk. Wei««rf>7- dtMT hie
OB Us wall of lbs Ojwabaeh boaw.
bM htaadlat
la Ue iMttuysan. i.eaa.«oo aalort-

I Traverse HeraW

Then»iri»ietlea»yti^ fmi«Ma

Mthsalraad rsUsss Ua ssffw
pass fra Uwsrs wtthlaa radlas
of IS wIU Ira Saw Bras show ttal,
Usy wW hardly wake sssogb W uy
Uair debts outrsewd Ub sswww.
Osn awd potatea Will ba alwest atallarsasdUadrosU baa dswafol Us
smrar boats.

a A. Lsereu's boras ru sway
atKalsBssoosadeoltided wiU a rif
Is whlea EsfSBS Webber'was aHUaf.
WobbarwasUrowa laps Us air aad
wisa Usa bess wadswaad to aril- atraek oa bb bead aod sbnoldara. rw
iflbtallsJsrbA 8s bss a faailis SIbsrta by tbs Bassiaa gossraaMBl.

the PhUln>UM aad diJKiO . der •«
«Mb e«ael thei euviM H«ope-

laoldsbBMh la Reas, asrshwdCaclaiid. than are two ibrirlsf
ra. wbleh BsUrally aproeisd
MvBeaUaref H»lai*mrr, OoeB-. fraUaparasBt of Us sdlBes sad badly lajarsd at Pllai by bslbf UrowdM fm the WU or e kle^ h»f. sUadoBsatssshsadofa pew. This fra ba bicycle.
The forbs brok
mmi aeaeel BeA irf Woan-. K V.. I.
»aa. BMy ysais aco. oeespisd by walls be was rolof dows a hllL
la a aMM eoadlUea fra Us M*
e badly swasaa
JabaThrls.wbespaataraal daalof
—* ta Ua Ualt ot CUl- ■eB.yalaaUs<alMla Reas, his asImla. whlah was eas af Us last bora Ues W«a.
bow eCsrad
saslsa Bawallaa Loss will V
dw sals by UsaSfSJ dadrsdo.
bald at WaUiSftoB. thwb «■ Us birUasUTSS It for Us.....................
ealvsrwryol czgissa LllaokaA aswiyrarlsd eoopls is Portlaad. laal. PHses OavU Kawaaaaalo bss
Ms., whs siB boU dsaf. aad are uyisf Jastarritsd wlU I.Mo ptwsds o(
heMSksawlarwiUasta sarraoV have
Uer Ulafs asadfol for tbs I

•t Us ■adsra sasaibal. Is

dosrb^ Wbaa a saltsr prase i
slaslrts halloa all Us Itfbu Is v
hSMs dsU ap. aad bh 'praoes

lowiBC tbs risBiplt of Chleaco
aad i‘ar1s. Rowe, tbs City of tbr dena
Btlts. has derided to bold a world's
(air la 1910 aad at Us aawe UaedsdI, oillaiMl aasawsot to Kiac Vie-

Bltsa Day. aelersd. scad M ysaiaa
paMsat M tbs Oslawbas (O I dials B jsThe pstbetb eiodos of PIdbs fra
flMl. who was rsssltsd fra Uarioa. Usir oatlre laod foes etosdily od.
a. tsa ysan apo. disd fra psHlosltls. b uM t.oau have left PiBlaad 'slaM
aad aa aalopsy rsvsaUd
Pefaraary. AfeoU ars oow Is Asatraau Us haadlas of its sUear spooas
p aad AwericB srlecUof laads oa
aad inyesja brie assdiaa. aad la Us
rbleb UoMsds bm>t* of Rossis's
bswsis aasHr any woss Bssdlas.
hardy, aspalrbud aoas will setUe
dlactsdoraads borws bed s herM
BaUaasaek. N. 1.. a few days
____Mass fersstfraaarsrariaraboet
^ iBwhlah Us lauar saws <ff *leLaiawie Pwk. lo 'As Bortbeni |Brl of
Larawb eeoaiy. Wyb. The «ras bsvs
A SIIU et dyaaalu saplodsd is Us fasrs baralar for Ue past 10 days sod
haau e« Bsety OHbart at Us Kartarsl haea destroyed a Isrft qsaotlty of ralMi-i-y Oa-saUl BSar ChnarrUla. Ho. oabls Uwbar.
IbsssidasioB of a ease of dyDaatia
Boar-Adwiral Wsboa b rsportsd ssr.
WkiWBd aad baaldss UUtMrt. dawaa
iOBSly III at HasllsIraoerroosshock,
Balaa. Vvaak nddlsasaa. Ww. Hess
I, was caafbt Ids
typbsoaea board.bis lasaeb. wbteb
191 Mows vIoIseUy spalstt a aaiUof
RsssMIw U rsperls rsesivsd Ira
ewsrllB Msells bay. After bb retoro
ObUL propsrty ealosd at asorsUas <1.lo bli Bagsblp ssrleos heart teosbls de­
MSAOS bss bsM destsoysd dariaf Us
ed. It b hoped soforsed qslrt
•sssw atsrws that have swspl Us
welore blw to healU.
aeaairy dariaf Us last forulfht.
.. OabBaadFodoBMo Bsadubayaa-:
aaally •l.oeo.ow worU of shoes of
Mpadtoh aaaalaetaia. aad a alaawy ar>
isarssalUBf laUs^fs

wlU twolvs aarvleon of Ue
IdMiaa Ml frw Wtaaffsl. Alaska
lUstslUswaia issUUU aad badly
ai^pMdra UsiffsetaorssBrvy.aBd

aad ba wss foaad lylor sec laseioae et
Ue railroad track.
Prmak T. Uidpe had seet to lb
rprewc eoort st Iwaslac s retara to •
writ ot error la Up cbos of PrSBeh as
BewberTT. but U wrat vp Is sactprwi
car la whieb s woakey wee bslaf for
ikey fot far eaoafh

*ns{>rciiow sayUlDK aaasaa] it
r iiB make <w its appearaaer. W
Ur bat
rs-tarani to bini Ue
seed it cm ibt- flew la tbe i
ootof (bcsfr toretst Ue bof ooe
br atawe to foil new of bii
UlalwUe retcre. Hpp<rd it opes Bad dieore. He tbea prucesded to lake fruw
ap ibe retara
Tooradsy tbe bat rsoDcm Ulb ippareotly wiibgt onmlirr. sod rolled Ibeui srrciw the
Uidfc called et Us ewnty clerk'sofflw
•w iDto Ibe wines Wublbu Ue perlo Oiolset sferMl bB rcLore I
riusoc-e ti-rtalBsled.
-woak.yed- wRb
Tbe dix-fs *lbm coaimited among
At IrSBSlBC, o7u> Birkele. a to
Ibenirs-lrrv aod came to tbe roarli
Cowpaoy K. Thirty-frat
Hkblfaa V toatoers. aesfly lost*Ue ti.,0 luan army

fTbeiltUsTmBfBof Pieaaaal PlalB.
•psslal prrsasiisoa are bale# ukss elMBlsd la Ue bllb ot Us sorUers
adaeaUaapUB aadeUsr Rsfllah pons
part of ladepSBdaaee owaty. Ark..was
la nrsra is Us eaboals pUfas aad etraek by p etorta dalaidsy slftat aad
ytfWwbsw. AlleaaasUamvIac frt«i lltaraliy wiped oat of ssBteDce- Ko
boaae was IHt sxaodlsf. The towa,
baa BslUsr tsiecraph aor teir'pbooe
ooaasetioa aad dslalbofUe stem raa
Bot be baraad.

V«lor. Col., where Caley was pracUclaflaw. Qsley aarrowly eeespM wiU
bb life. He loet hie law library aad all
ot hbelotbiof.
Ura. Baaasb Noarry. U yean old,
la of Ue sarllMi ploaecre of’Bereilb.
u beeowe aoied for tbe larpe awoaot
r kelulzuf she has dose slaec she be­
came UUlly bllod.lT ycawsfo. 8laoe:

Dr. Siib-.v. abu has J.i.t died ,i
Dillillo. was uDi- of till- tort of tbr mUI.
miiury Irjsh wits, sa.i« ll.r tV.-stnjlnsirr «toirtle. Tlw sl..n.-s ,t.4d hy and
Sl-nt bis- sTr iDUtiuirral.l-. Dor br
UMil to trU asalu-i hlui>-ir S|iro|»s ..f
bis Iiwn irrdl.-al ufn.rnililp nf
Ua Uirtn}|>4lUID lailliv. Du.. Kull.Uy
sftprucsin A iTiia d was i
sldr a pid4lr huuvr Iwfi.n
loclcsl m-urni amv.lL fir. .Nnllsy
nppma. la-d. and was iwmwnltr.1 by
• mir vC 1b>' lyiiwd. vrbfi-b o|s-d.-.I nirl
to li-l lilai lasa. oar nf tbi-ni tvnisrking: ' tli
i. U>,i: sur
br lias till UJ
a all tbr lu

.Iiiful 'rss<. Is-f..^
r a mau cl)SD;.id



«« a njef* wratch. a jampia. or l^min

Gn FiM It List.


own MX the Cnncwr-may 1.
blivd, and pranipUy brvoki


afrvah, with

of S. 8. S. in
mmsiiifnii uii'iinib!t'. iiiJucaiJ?le^d^
—— which ..t.c. ,.nmi..viii.
eiuiirinif nuflan-rw
nuffan-rw to
to tryti it Ciion-r. after ckiiauxtim: th.* skill of
ta« phyidinau* without _______
Mot ..
t.i thHr iMipht S S. S i>MToii
eqoal tu till' <liiu«iw huJ pr»m;>i|v
■W The K>a|^ m
apruad raphlly. mjil it wns asid Jem.
Iwyu^ a.iulrt yinl a cun- liml «| Li.--n i.svi
found fi>r disiillv Cjin.vr. Eviil.-n><e hoi mi-uinuUtod which is iiiomtT..vcruhlo. of wluch
the fulluwuij: is M e|w-iinr|i :
►CSJKWT is hrmliury in our fsn»llv. mv fsilrv. .
aoer sod an sunt hanne di-d fr.«i Ibw drruJful
Iwww. Uy frelinpi aiay )• lotagined wh-n ihr huaa malicnant I'ionrr. ratlu^i^,^?

skill Vif Ilir d.K-i.ifi, (or th<-ir Inwlroral ,lid i„.'
whstemr llir Csnoi-r prow mg > sll tn'.- wlulr
Numerous iwmvdin wrr- osr.1 r,u n l.m ih.. i am- -

wlien uihem<sl



flrrt itov. (oi sd I'uUhr jsiloin J C.iiti’iui-d i1su--uiilil 1 lia.1 ukrt, ricLtMei
hdtira. wlir,. I. Wss i-qrr.| oHind Ul 1 wrJI aal luivo ha,I m, s. iiii.i..m. ul (Iw

i.irril..- tow
lilniwlf bail fiv.iiH.iiily
i- uf sauidiiii: bis a l.lsiuaii> iN.rwiis Id .'.uri
IIh- Slim-. .|--rli«|- Ihr


0,1..., swim.,oui. ,,,.,1


$J .00

CoDSultatiai and aamiaatioo Free aad Stricilr Coifideitial.

DKS. B. S- & CO.
Tbv rvivbrsied 4pwlslisiB.«..nBerly of Ww Vork.aad aow of tbv

AniericaD ledical and Surgical lastitgte of losltgon, lick

BColtodl 'W33.±ti'l-ns, Xraveirse Oity,


Sept. 14, 1899



roAOK BALK pyrACi.T asviAa
wss. Is U. osdllbn.M s ssrtsls wwv


CSS.h.dsbs A Irr.durd Jssrsn II. inc SOS IS
csrtrt IS lbi iWbr si tbr wrrtg. u UssSalw
OrsM tuirrsrisssU.MMlBsri^ ISA. iwcs^
lo.urvr m .dibsiisT.i* co-rwui ■lirtwsM..
slr'ls?r^"isr M^u£rsSM*7us!*sl^w
rsall) bs.lss bru Isr<lls3 u. rsmrr UsMS
ll»fTl|J.^ SS^)M ^IbsrwC ^SUMs a


Ibr SWbrsl I.USrr. ss
BaUKUy. OnabvT T, ia*t,
■ l„-.'ns t s a. sTvksl sri.sius WI 4is« rt
grrsli lisarv lu MM msvi Us yrtSliii as

...................._:.nd for 000.1
ils-m.^. bum. iesvr KanisUr 5.4II
I flod for lourlsU and salesi
m . arrive si Traverv Cny ,.iu p
pereoos Glliog uSlix positUias,
vast rate, one fare round vr.p b>is>
where hradacbe. and fenrral bad teelII Blatiens not U esciwd gl. Ex.
recover. At anseathv Urvellaf oksly
oge from irrefnlar babiu eabt, that
on from HanUteson sUamato r
Three wlUv anaib of 11 .res a rosHnf irsea's Aucust Flower b a frasd reia- days.
foiul tre b refinf .Tbe smoke of tbe
r. A. Hm-iiux. li H A.
taralef timber can be eoen lor mtirs
ilomaebs sod indigestioo ''
aronod. It f- followlaf tbe peU of Ue
ObsmpioB Mot o( Us Werlq
gottles free si Js». H Johtisoa's, Traverdooeof foare afo There are for- rme City, or H. E Poles. Cedar.
veb for mill s armred, asd aalew tbe
Sold by dealen la all elrillsvd covBAtu-U. r.s.1 as... Ik. IS...].. ....bskr Iru,
an b SOOB r'lrwksd U* IcU. which al­
The physlclB's cUlca Ust saleW a se­
vere type of braia fever aeu lo be will


Tb.. Alea w,m-.nTn Japan tsit.w IbHr
AtDssr Orask, III.. Priday frissa fares to irirr 1ln-m tb^|i|«-sreB<-e uf
u» n wit* abl.l,.t..
trashera. werklof oa Us farm
sinl In
David Wolber. were poboaed by sallaf
■1 I'.j^
abieksa salad. BIfU are Is a erlUrol
MUMafyC Bosksrof Lo^.Oat
oeeditkw. aad srvsral will db. DoeBelciin s..rl
dMa*tw*atUBeBOwpaay bar woUs tors dsdsra Us allwsaib ptowalas
aa a trip M BsCalo so sbs took a swell poboolBf.
0|^ »- ll IrsiiMjj »4r.l itoi
dess ad Paris fTsss lo wake bar airk
TVesslUB of Uoreeso ba> aotlfled
Thr.v oni ..f ih,- .Is Ureest sbipplag
Tbs poaloa
ports Id Ihr wurM on. Euqlliib t.iwn.Uspowsre Uai
ww slroagw Usa abs ibsafbl aad abs
dM at widalfbl attar boars of ssfsrt^. HhaBosbsrwwMyaarsol afs
^S|»nr."rr'^hr hTml snd soW of
lb., tn-i s.-.. |.,.iii)v,s,sl i.f ni«hluli«
Leah D. Maaoa of halt Uks City.
In ..nlrr Ib.i n<, luiiirj may hr duiir lo
«W at Aaatla. T-ssA ob tale way bnwe
py at dsabrifbu N J. kilUDf Mbs Ilir^DUuU and I..U..S urlrRu-slb by
drew Maatao. wbtrs be elalwi lo hats Loalae Trrrr. afrd S ; it-vala Tarry,
sv." fur w.'sr I tbr shoes
•blaUad a wsbiwIbb for Us r>U%
seed U ssd Cbsrlm Trippr.
■■ris bss Uvn I
Itabwsat a< two larfs Honsoa soloolsa
■ u ABMWIrss ls.l>.- it has smaTl sn^
taUoBssurlvar valley, sum of l>swslba.“ai.i'’'i^i lilp**^l^.brd‘lo'ue lik'Ts
rai«e Ho aspesu U IteaU ao) Isa.
tllfbUy iBjsrsd.
Usa W.ddo Mofwoas at Us plaM ssPI, PII.II.S*,?. USWM tastaal^ hUlad. bol Us twttab
bawar awa laraad Ua swiisb jast Is
Mwstikasa lbs trais os Us aiali

li. A K.



'’l-|!s' Vrtr***Ur wu> bsIMb.W Ur surUesM
, .<«, -ersiUo lv.w<| Ursr IWI. H (SWB



'•Onr baby wsssick for______
congb aod catarrhal fever.
we tried many remedii. she
ting worer uoUl we aaed One
Ooagb^Cara.-it rvlisvsd at


n t of All DtsewoM aad W«

of XauklDd Peasibto to ObtaU.


■ :i*-r.:A2“/r.Sr's.5^sXifTr
jS—mS.I -SUM ... ..,.,,..^,1.



TH..U1.. W.I1US


fe. tSs sriul od—V-Dt rsrtg -Ur sod tbs be
iVsTK at-MD A^P Mr* 0UBA-





JR. SPIKNEU^VrVrrr^p-^^l?
eoaalder It a m.isi wonderful trairloe,
quick and ssfe '-W W Hertob. Hsybaw Wla r C Tbomipoe. '






DiaOASna lUUi .svicir W *is Si.utui

uu aisd aed beSy viia IMI,



a. r-iU^ IbrsjrtSM wsuosnaMte^«U

r-^T STTfiT



lows, lur.lbr Ic ,d Vbi 1,1 rs' Users ur IM'
elussu s usr d.rl bad all edbw syr ipmi
'bPEriALTie'- Cwlar... a.

PiBbIri. Sr->'ulb. Blosd Ts
Wnw. rurs sad UlMTM <4 W»
itwil U Ur Uu
rd tvlrsdUfi

. m Uosr seunsgsa vkoi
psrsisal SvbUivy. qsleSI}
O <n'*R servoa «v
irr-gls«. wvsk.paw

£ito Twos^, uMTaSrt

Issibsi swnsrU biuss Sr-sssdUumsduiv

umt I a,, rw* Ulto sasurs bsseStrj W UBMS
CATAbMU Of Tlir *o*g. SrsweSIOs and ,X vst S« Ur bmsd mww S loSlsas aw Bsa.
UbVtm«t>lrw.raasr« riww cotarTb. psWUralr

wa J r*CTri?rtom**


IHSCHAkOIAO KAk* enrsd u viwry
A-kws errwossuslrvsc fee •rdual umx
rler nssi pss-ra ina Is tss wseauc prr


• •-'^uiale.Su.ha ^AltoAsn.*

wrivnf Enr
mnmenn miHi
teilPs Come to.I «TbeI rnHEBALD
Office for Job Printing

ffiv.T'.-arj'ra ssi

Rsaitlton Oark. of CbsaaeST. Os .
At Ooldwatsr HU Hsiee Ns«
saya ba aaffered wlU ttehlag pUa
of Ihr radnsul (n!m tbr *..rrrtia»mt
twoaty ysars befora trying Dawitt'i
reds b4T WeyeM iato a awara of bass «»•'sa.p. S<«« rnlwns
Wiiab Basal Halap. two bons of wbleb
asd Uossaads Ufhlsd oo Ur wbsrl.
Bawara of
Wbarres sinl r-lsewi^ruiW siTrkialn* eeaplvtely Ca^ blm
tatUs^nUebesdid Bot aup
USB aboat wrsa tast leaf wsM ^
>wu kept stiti ss I they few away
raara Us roar 0snwiv*U
The I.TSI nns of AiUnilr linen In IK*
Nsl^r tVilhHm dvr l.rosse. westi asaUw of Roebisi-^ V..
Ln«ls sverace snee.): I.n.
P..ioswaa^iMws wis
C'aapaaU. »>J«. Eirvrl..
■*OcS2rtiw?*Mrwas sn pw* US bwv a
Aast%'OSrhardl. ot Rwd C>
Hajesisr. ip.1t:
...•maslr. H1.TT; Bb
isw of Oowpasy B. Sscu ' O
tw soblslw wbso be eaapbt sipht of Vslseieera. Us arrU^ bows fra
Ua sMb*.
(fbUs be was csuiaf alia. HeparU-ipatsdlatOSf U
»«»■ Kaliwr trilbvlBi dvr Crosse.
fwdywaaiaaewsboyru ap; Utaw
one I Haalla. DsHaf Ua last
bb bat star Us pyUeab head and earbs'bwfalaU ess posed eaeh
rtsdltu BatUsaaaba r-ies wi
Perla. lAAI. Tbv tart that
apHUiamsI. It b brilasad tut Ua
tnr Elraris and TwIwIb an foirtrea
yean <44 sad ha
.their yiugu rtv<
plsostof tutaOablaad soosty bass
hadaaattash of hay twew. Usaldss-

The Herald Job Office

Largest line ruled and unruled flat.
Linen, Bond and Parchment paCASTOR IA iSssjjkrsgsrcTkgfaWi •“
I>er; Envelopes of all kinds, and
TklUYwImiUniilnMI w%»^ :r ^ Swui’i!.'gaa Card board of every description.




■ss. isibr bIcbM MSSrt.sitbr VSW
01.^1 Is Ur C«r «e Trsrsrss 0*»,

ipt of tbe SBaasl u. A. R.
It at Pb.ladrlphls,
Ur C A
. H. will M-ll llckvu
>t Ul to
It very low
11 -lui
irn Pnill
re of e]
liept. fU. wlU prirllrge
UBrpt. Mth. Ask sgraU fur fall
. to lieu IMIsv
GAasral i'aaaenger Agent. Uraod Rsp



14-S ur .11. siW Ul >ns-w ill, HsrS IWS ^IjW

wSi” Z71


.11.9. .m tin I.,in. uf tbr slng'Blpw Mews Items.
Inc Uni.
.ti. lH-nsImr.1 .It qiirru|..iis
rs-9»-B WiUI lursriiiM.
hsrr a rsMlke
Dosald tirasi, a H>y City Waa. I
quality In iK,.
lb. T.,vr, nhlrb Is per.-.rlllH(
irvwoalUoa of as early end. TBrwr Id slurinc iiufl
. infill ss mu.b as m sg-'skln«.
a UeAnn A
teekr Bfo be made arraopstoeals for
fiimn-d Istrs. rsusls. etc., uflen
bor R R and arrive at C-arv ■
bb laaeral, and dlre.'le-< Uat bb reKsh.
I.. Hi Pleasant. 7:15 a m. A
fppraadlair fatally. All pewIbU prsn U asm lo bln oH li < ne lo Csaa
birds Wbiiji.
u-di fii-dlos on Bdi. m . Owoaso erdi a. m . Sagii
watliws ars bslaf Ukaa.bat Ua saws*
Two dsya sf ' he..|.d. Sod hi> s|ie«n ■l~-ul...n.. alicbl uii U.. D'W
. a . Laaslag lu;40 a. a. asd Uetroil
papwadswftwsallsi Us prasssis of wbbee were eDreplird wlto.
bo.yas baewUai Utstrale camea
Rslamasos An lo Hansel
alaeplag ear, which mas Uroagb to
Tbs ba basis plsfse b
aasdy fsetory did fs.oMdemsfe TbecsTOLD cry FIGURES.
.V ado and tbatUc eomBsay cnarfee
CRwaaf. Cblaa. Tbs oatbraak w
ilfbC AmoapUe foods dswaped
oBly 08( dollar for double berU?
d lo tbe relinl Bute
. trafSfdsdwssrloas. bat It Is feared
two sarloadi of peasnU. whieb
Jii-lnber wrrr velo-d a
Ue dlwaae will apraad %0 Tlea Tbia
M4.1»l. s»in.i KM.riU tbi- aSBr muntl
Eirtnl Dyspepsia Cura Uoroafbly dl
aad oUsr pUow la Cblaa.
weau to d Wltbooi aid from Ur elom.
Betwose tbe ravapec of a par
and reseb, aadat Ueae:
A Raw-aa eipiditlos wlU sl«ii Ua aad faul dbaaee. aad bee eboiora Parorgana
.. . Ue'deoaaed' dlf^tb
ww BlberlaB UsBds seat sprier. wlU
rlBlostefaetbeiaf dopopalatad of in ef 1N». It as. inrvr tln-s as great. it ia Uc only ivmady that dove both ot
Us obj ct el fodlsf oat the traU
benssaod eblekooe. Tbe tmt wae- These linn-, srr (niw a <i-vmsn statuaboat^e.wystartoasBaaalksw Uad.
d dbeaes laMa off Ue boras wlU- lltal paisT. Tbr trual drW. A’>40.UUa.V0a,
ia n-rg «man as cu' Is tbh agv.
rtUe) bass
eat any alfea of prerloai llloeas aad
AU.S! ”»a> I'ulwo. In llar.n. have

kwsstaU BUS a hsasy rabr 1

RnttsFMr h Rise

fiBft Alt of Tm____ A
iP Attmct aoT
WMB* Ml VI Hi—« notKM. until in nuinv ratMo. the daaOJy

"It bssurprblDf fact.'.' says Prof,
The H. A N E. R; b Co. will run
gutoet "Ibst In my travels In all Suodsy rscarsioo trains lo Manisier
ru uf Ue world, for Uv Iasi ten on Ibe (-iMowIng dsirs. May U, ih.


Tba Roses sorrsswtsdsat of tbs
DaOy Hsu asaarts that Uaia ban btsa
. wtaral aaUs of baboots pUfas rsaaol
ly dt Palarwo dad Haplea. Ursa or


] to toy oa watnea's wbv
w as beary as ihst oa me
Bd It railed by a aary rti

dnriog Ibe lira! year uf bii
it)i tbe daoKfatrr ef a twlsin
9 woold pmerve a rigid vilence
wbea 10 bet |B>wncr. and. in fec.1.
Would w>(. ppeak a •incle word to her
Tbu m-rloilrm Is- fsiUfolly krpl. bat
tlie fdet Uat tbs WBg«r was
pabllc. some very coriims ebaI ensaed.
fe, bellcTlBg bim to be iawse,
r smr u,
ei-tils brain rireclalbt tuva9 tscilan Kmtlcwso. He was
jg conveyed
ands___ _____
iriou when br dlKlueeO
diecluerO llte rea• ID of bb befasvicw.
Wbso tbe year wt. by rvH’lU's Wltcbllasei daive.'t _ .
SV..W. When
a^ be claluied
bis Wager, which wet aod safe applicaUoo tur tonureo fl sn
areofconatarfelts. P. C Tboa^g

ls rrry gresc wli| bsoour eaotHa<).-Abd-BI AslAUetsllas of Wor-ItrWIU's Ultle Karly Biseri did m
Hany farm boaiws are la daneedo. bad a aarrow saeaps darior a rsre food ibSB ail biood OM-diclae
dSptttaodsratorw'wbao as sleetrit fer. aad UvsriBatrpe b Urvateoiof.
i oUrr pUU." wriUa IW II Jauub
len^ Kainer. sfed abnni at years,
bolt Wiled sserral people, laclodlap
Tbompson. Cood Prompt, plraasn
-V gripe.—Uey cure cousUpsIlM
laieel of Hope a rllefs. whme ptrler toe torpid
lorpld liver to setiua an
eels nalde lo KalsmssM, la tryiaf lo aponc
five you
iieady an
rou clean
elf- - blssl,

swim across tbr ebsoorl la tbs barber clear'brain
' r braia aod a beellby spprtiu
Utntdsy afieraooa. eadctenly sank sad C. Thompeon.
eras drowasd. L ts savers recovered
alMo( Us wpr aad Us Isenaw of
Ue body wlUie elfhi mlontee
Us tacalar arwy bw .ksreiss la If*
Uat tt can'
can't help doing so. " Tbe pub,
PhUtppdiw. Thras ba'Bdred aad ua
At Hay City a coUaf- bslonflar to lie can rel r npna II as a mwu
lister remn y
Usoral aad sUtT'dvs appllad aad
Hrs.- Haubew Wlialeo eaufbt Brr io few all dbordera arising from _
wsrsTsJsoisdtbeasllaraboal 1:90 o'clock Thsrsday digestioa"—Jamiw H. rbomas. .. .
■awa Paris Muds irf ops of Us vie- of a Uks Kris A Wcslera frclfht trala awraiaf. Tbe boaae quickly bscsma in Ataertaan Journal of Uesltb. N V
<i. Thompsoa.
shot aad killed, daUrday ooralaf « lad with smoke, sad wren persone
ballet laeposad to bate beea a
UrsdUssawol BU.oM ass toward
bo ware asleep is dlff.iraBt rooms
ipatioD and rrbi
tm say sa* who wtll flea as IwpsUa stray sbot -fra boom beaisr lo tbe
irrowlysseapadsaBae.tloa. Ooe of s.^“i«irS
. igorale toe ealire st.lrm—I
UttaillWSHTod UfswaTlar appsra woods Uroufh wfaleb Us trala
them was swaksnU by a «aby' erylor er gripe aor Bsasrsie—lteWlii'. l.iule
He was eoasdoss fori
aad a^wsed Ue oUera with dlfBealty. Early BUra. r' "
a dssalllBf awilUepsBabead time aad did Botraltsse bb bold oa Us
afUwatllUbara JaasUoa, osar To- Urottlsof Ueeoflsetillh# bad sbat
Isda. Ubs Sbors Baflaser Himoa Toll off straw, sad sailed for brakse aad ia
rasansd bIssBrtss aad )awpsd. Tell formed tbe flremss wbai bad acppestd

tba f^aal aatraga stslca.
talaly hava bean quoted as an exaaplt
ot Us -fnak legtsUtkge- Uat i
be aipaeted troa woaaa. Tbe

aiunianillKO ln<measys
tbe r.qo
ot f lut Slnkier blw <0 Ue taee. cot li-partod t
tiaf bb ch'wk. asd eye. bet fortaaalely desert Ijf the woDclerfal
Intaden.—Cincinnati B
ool destroylB( Ue elrbt.
■Bill-; Caley. Mlcblfav'r frost foerd
aad fallback ot last year's football
( Aavtrian nobleinsn. wbo
Uc recast Br«
rolstiuD uf being a Iwil
whieb almost destroyed Ue towa of
le a wsKrrwIth a dob f

Use she has ssdearsrly l.ocio pairs of
socks. mllUDS, etc., many of wbleh
rca for ebsriuble psrecats.
sows weeke awnooe mbeloBariw
;t c'-IUreo. 15 crt
bwa koldiof blfbUy o^ air sad M frasl frsadehlldreo.
I llVInf
wsetiBCe Id sad sbost ClDeiBDmU. Word
fra CbBUaooQfB that PitBldeat
WmiBB KntI fell itowB tbs' shslt'm^
RIeb.ofUe sooUerB mbsioc of Ue tSe BouU a«1s braoob of tbs Ostamrl
oa ehareb. bss ssDt Bios addl- A Heels alee and fracUred bb ekoll
sUcrs iBtepblo. aad betprsB tt all Ue way sronnd dtrsofs to say.
aad 40 cldeie iHU be at work Ib Ue slt^oi-fbAll Ue rpUre <wala was eselate Is Us orat few days
It b rc posed. Kitti still l/res. He was Uken
pwted Uat the wbelo^ary hssdqBsr to Ue boapllsl. bb wosneb dreasrd.
•111 be rswoTsd from CUttsaodfi sndbltsknl' placed back lo posllloe.

OwrisfUs Frcacb ccwqaaK of AV
farts(IBSO-ins)BafotRlifaslar peace
wtre caland apu wlU Us Urtksol
ewtsin Arab tribea. aad a wsvtieg few
tbesrttlcwrst of tenaswas arraaced Is
Uke tdsee at the Preoeb bssdqaanefa
Tbe Preact] oOkrti raceiredtb^fassU
with freat bosydtsmy. sod after tba
baaqnet wivea la ibeir boow. at which
tbe otwort qdeedar was aployvd. ia
Oder tu dsnle their eyes aad captltsti
' r siiDitle otoda an sdjaoraaieBI
Bede to a Urea bsU. where H
Boodia. tbs ccletwalad najara. wfac
had accompebied tbv Fivncb sCwcu.
■wan eiblbitiooafhUskilL
Tbry stared ia
I aU
.11 Ikie
tnclu tba
.. of awe crept over them as
they wli
■ '
aaceand diwp irsranrv of vsrlnos ob­
it aiTvared
I* tbv apparent
A Ulls H Hoad]


j“--=ai-=a!S s


jtiifcwmt, AU&OBT 01,
beam tbm Boat Barely be aaayV«»
(jUttlaa(B(ayoa ODalduUnt.




.TbatlabaMbiwtbr-laqalrM bllttegotber." wisely aaocanoad nMtbo
---------------------------- neeer eeee a ekia’
-H/T~aid tbe.-wbe erer aw
aoA a aclbaalea dipper a* that



. - grealBt
laelaad la tbe elaanalBg of hto
________ Bren tbe Boat carnfally pro-

MHrtobop*«tach th*«kMMl*tiur

I B*w • Blfki witkoaiktey.
•twlM wtUKHUkWaflBI-.,
AM tM Mitiaat hoar, (to ff®*arl>


k j£Ttolan (to towaiac.«Wak Mayacaa U (to toO> o'

Or (to Mkrt toa*tod tmwira.
XI my to (to h>«a af a litUa ehOd.
Or a IMItork arayar (a toavae.

AM (atoOa^toll wllk^a raMy hM

AM aU *a cHara aM voMar.

aM aatoadlafly raad.
Kaap I'
yoa ean nM It earatally. daar k
tomr kto WMtor fell to
wary. aM laara tow to to

MntlMa.daa’1 forfallo ooaat la tto
yamrtowanTtar. PaaalWyyoa
■am laaiUtoail (to aWU^ to worry
la (to llfki to a yririJata. Ifao. lot
Bralaado Bot weary. SafidaBtaalo
(today to (to aril. Wtu (ton. Ttolr

Om to fa
eeaetraleg tbe eplatoa^ > . jiUan: (he
oUw. by tboorbt for (hr ntpp
ottort. Oaetobydtorage lot
n. by «ara for our po
oee to fay leaa luT . ib<
by Bwa.
Oao It by a .«tk
etoaer; (be other, by a »i ooger (tllta.
Let at get rid to worri-*, aoi by der to (he ttepld brute, bat by
rtoleg to the traetlal dtoolplr.

Boiled Froeileg—Boil oae eapfal of
igar aad one tbird eaplal to wtler
eetll It IbttMa Poer tbii geMaaltr
OB tbe wblU of oee egg that bae beeo
beatee bdUI ellS aed dry. Kiaror wiib
------lllaaM beat eatil oool aooagb

----------—gar. oars^~ifal of ereaiB ol tarier. and ei
if eapfnle ol waUr onUI. wbi
tried Id cold water, t ooli ball It fori
•d. Do sol etir It while boiliog, bi
e eaa that tbe\aBeepas need bae ■
trlol tbi-enainel wore away, ae U
igsr woold be eore to earaBeilu on

tM work wlib a epptoU bbUI ereaB
KbcM wlib the baoda notil aBooii
whieb. perbese. will take twenty bIoam. ttaea add oae-balf Uaepoo^fal of
. nrlor, t._______
to pteneet the foodao l froB
graanlaUDf after •
DGcb working
ftra late a bowl, oo
with ollaj pn

of dlffirealktadato froetlng anil many
iDoU paper. It will keep
---------------------Kreatlng—Meli ' om
hatltottobattvttaadatyiar It.
eapfal' of foe
foadaot. aad wbea ttaaroagbWarty efuo mfagi Inn aaatoly for ly btaud add tbe whiu of one wrg
(toaoaaaaetal aaaowpItohiaUt of tba bMUBaliff. aM tilrorer (heBretwo
warkOodhaaglraeattode. Ttofar- Biaauo. Beaoee froB tbr range.
eootlBae1 bcaUBg
bcaUag bbUI tuff eaoagb u
thape where ll will.—

ttoa*t ■toeadoeiaaJ om.
baA ottariy bM, bot Itetiaa bat pret­
ty gaM aataeadtoU. aM tba writer
bwaaea. la hto day. auay a bu
iadBOBia who ww aot eaxtoaihalf
eangh la earttoa diraelieat.
•at to aoarae wa Batie-tatop herr.
toalH do aot worry, I md. Bat(toa.
atolMr do amab wtory. Worry to oae
to (to aseoBtertaUi aM aril ayaptam to ihai'^taU-way ataga totwam
(to braito aM (to aagalie aaa.
Warty Btaaa (orotl^t, bat not foraatghtOMgb; aetfoMgbtto tba (aldllBOBtottha proBtoat: oolforotlgbl
to IbM Prataaae who wUl he with at
bwaaflart pt to to with at sowi i

-jeoBT thegrrwB rlM aod eat
the plek poriioB froB the letlde c
wsUrauloB Weigh, and wncb^i

When Baying a Carpet.
WbOD baying a carpet get an ei
: quarur of a yard for rorellogt to B
iwitb later. Afura carpet to laid
there are aey places where the eri
packer In metchlng tbe fignra*
ilrlpee. rret Uieee places with c
waur Bsd they will generally <
sBoolb. Tbto to etpeelally ■■
ca*e of rag earpeu. wbicb arenftei
eeauuly alrlped
Key a yard mr
n to neceeiiry tor a suir carp
pMlUon can then be changed
lelly. asd Uine to eared the wear
edgea of the atalra
Tbe rxl
length eon be Msoolbly tacked and
the earpeu at tbe top aad hotiom
Ibe suira Col a eectlon irom as t
twdqalk a eery lUUe narrower th
the width of tk# carpel aad luni
enoogh to gotbewboir length of ih'
' I Tack tbto in ploee bafore
be carpet —.Vbr»«l

Bar lltUe loiM benMib the earea
It iwept aod aweni again
Tbe only richa It can toteil
it a niee al tbe uioduw pane.



Vet I think If erer ebe were ni l-xe
To tbe teekr before brr tel.
***■nieg.i- light

Aagnet Sii. ii
Another bu«y week el Ibr ban
precideni'eAoiue. end now it to s
day arurooon end the prinur* abould
bare had Ibelr "oupy" for tbtodi-peri
ment boars ago
K/and-by pll thto to
going to bediff-rent, deer duoaklnera.
bet j tel DOW we mu*i d» a* wa* talc
lael week, -keep right on being paitoot.". Nowand ib~a there Boeu in a
llRte bit of banahUenewa Jatlenoagb
to keep eoer pretideat sure tbtt t
SuDbaama ore Ibe.r lety beet,
etaay rale herlnga go.xl lim> tbeee
braatifni ia*t day* of ibreammer.of
Uiaaie Hrownof ihril lit Fier :inb
rrou Ur a good letler Ibi. w.
ay* wbea acbool begin*, wbl b will be
■0 <K-iober. the SonAiiDr Clnb
■tart itaeir w.irk again
That wl:
We did om rtpret Bucb I
lour in the *umm«r rtcatiun In
rty of Beellnga
Gf couroe. tbe i
>rt to be krpltaBmrr or wiob-r.
t^l to work
roeb Sosbena mutt do
In tbi* matter <
bring lorlag aed Find and Helpful —
'.ryieg not lo .fret or wurry. erery boy'
>od gir] bat tbit work to do alone tad
firoaeh oae'»aelf.
And tbel you wil
111 do tbtt. alwty>, we are rr-ry tore.
FrBt,aod Alice LMbrri write tron
the liingbam nub.
Kroia to the ric
irealdml an.l will barr lu aot t« prra.
teal at l->nna Lrwrir. Wtmto preai
lent, to goiog to -rrerrrv City h

>• their mrdiclB.. Ju*l befon- 1 r>m .
meoeed to u*e ll *n'. K-doey ll.l'» t
weeelBoet ptraln*d. Urat omiring .i
In ehnreh .me Sondey. when .1 r. ij.i.r
edlee rff >rt to gri on my feel, sml
'wbr-< oo oiy fm I con d *e*rr..|v eland
for a oumhoe.* and lock ot rlrcaialmr.
4 knife been tbruil I
tbe pare coul.
Sleep V)
3T lo which I tew ..|.iirrrlv b r.1.
dtotorted Bgurre
A* m.gui toexes-ted, epnuriag d.Bl u.ty wm, tnr
kidnry trerrUon*.rtwled end 1 w**
acluellf >0 Uirure fruoj iblrtu Sue
1 wen-the pre-ilrof Tarer*. I'ny n.
reed Ihr lr> I <win|; I iivd teren li *e*
of town'. Kidn-y l-il*, Ibr bi.ifirr
wbi.-1 p.-r»i.|.-iifly H-ing lo hi" f r' jrar* gr».la*il .li>tpp--ar. .1,
un’li I w»lgnr-l iwipnin.l. Ir-*. .invil I
r0Jll*to.'p llki-a churl, until 1 .-wl.i
re id for ih'er h-or. rrrry rweiiiug. »utle' lmpr>.u.ibililj Ik-fore I_nomnji-n d
the ireettcral. 1 wUI gladi;
ouu-r ptr-icii'er* of rur rsp.r
opdi'..n. i.f D wr.V K-lory
• ar-y
ledy whi' all* on mr perwii ally, if *>-r
real.y ti.ifr'a ( kl.lorr
en.l «i»l.<-» lo know whe
pur».ie lu bring r«-l ef. "
D-ien'* Kidnry rrltoerr for •
ell.lceirr* I'rkr ti. ceeu. Uei
FiwU-r Htlburn On . Il.iffeln. N 1
egrnu. for U»- I' Mi
r near. Iiuan't. and
take DO other.

rf pns ijguFjji -1


.Vegetable eoe^ i
ot ae-bMUag ae
■arto aoa to (to raty ■mtblagt wo

eblP.orUI Men ■


Learn Telegraphy.

-I. ule Alllr Wrecott two and m half
Special low rat* Telegraphy ai
rea' .lid, had learned fie aaar of (be Short Hand. W-llr (pr trrmt.
pill .» loa
Tbe trii time be noticM
Tbi WlMaHa Sebocl of Tolignpby.
ibc new moon bn pMaud u 1l calllag.
Ill Main St., usbkoab. Wiacunii
'•Haasa. ace: moon bohe' Fepe bos'

Bste to awthsr story wo bmid
olber day of one of oar litUs a
Uertrode to atacsl four yrarmiHd. Sbe
aM bar next older ttoler herealwaye


s ». I.-CI lai SMXB
II >. « IS-^lAia rod -

t. l.-ln.ll
I.. thicagc

* a M« •

^ Wliips. I.;i-lics. <Sl..v.-s .iml Mitu'n-.
8 ill


k'l.nlOa^. ' I* SAI fm



I . T.«<*r—.i:,
*rBI. ■!.*.*>

« IV

8 ISt Fnat atNM-

TraTam City, HichiewD.


^Vllal is ihc

I iisuAvn.o r Al.raa* K*c>Ca

to VVI................-...........

t.rtm WadsMar.daa.
*< imia’.lar* a m-

r n*»

'< h>

v,a. .



< ll»! (8
ll B.



I* <V

* |L




I t U'


1 ( B_l •

Thu CMcaar
Ik* pMtuana at
kai«i*a ikr ii** al *>•?* irofa* B Ikasi




.x-...-.ik...uii......J .-.ij aeH 1.U1.




■irrpl Saiibar.

(>r this (sonipanv?


IS '*5

a iu irn> I It

A. 1

i 's^H




« B.Dwk
<1KM •hnob *r~,
**■*•> Poadaf.




Fine Artistic

Job Printing

. T<Baw


to houMkeepera-



Carriages, Cutters, Sleighs, Etc.

Extract of BeeF
COOKBOOKtailing bow to proparn Bsay 4o»c.t - aM dellclaai diobsa. a Urtwix.p U too Sia. Km terk

auBUutiN iFliieHn.



■****». .B*»«»l....
.MUaaawlartairB *<—

Mt. iMAABt, OV9M9.6 af i

Be-Painting and Upholstering.

k*i t***"-*.
Par X».

uv, Bay Cit7,l>«troit, How•U. Aaa Arb«f. Tolado and
pelntB KMt ud Boflth.

Sute St. oar UaioiL


■•otloBa at Oopuiiali wltb

WbowniaaM Maereet tbe brigbt
Mylofeed tbe iltUe WMT M
t-l'iVriilbiiiiM ^Bi (noM

•oni>IM.AcL TMsH*.






- t

I »i * I* '
.-Wl *M





FlyiiM ami prico.

.II to.
't Bi


I Trunks. Satchels. Telescopes at all Prices ;

i One Harness Line tlie Ver; Best that Gnnil Lealber and <
Workoinsliip Cin Pmdnce.

'.". il



goes talbefciMecganeaHoBdayaebool
logetber, bat tba older om
Boud IO tbe prlauryaM lisrtnide left

t. Tr».rr—■< .

Horsesboeing aod Geoeral Repairing Done

.( bright U (be dear liule

aboot ft aM wbea ebe got borne ebe
was naked. "Did yon cry. OerUMe.
ere left elooe?" -.So."
aald (be IllUe ooe. eery dMUadly. "I
dldatcfy: I J leMot and •affrrM.'
Dear little Ooi: He doubt ebe felt
ebe braeeT

Chicago — —
West Michiggn.


re. Mary.



Can Reridrnt* nt Treverte Cily Ge.
menu M..rc Conviucuix Pn«g .'
Mr*. A Rxre A Jx-kki.a, ..f K Front
• irrev. brronJ Hwlow nreei. my*
a far.n m.u. wnile my
buibtnd w
Aar* a'tei
(or twenty j
g^ hrsllb
Errry pbyticiBn euntull
e-l said 1 hex lirer trxmble. bnt I migbt

A playhouse lor a farm.'r'a gir]
AUootidoor oei>-e->eiu-:
A fairyland more b-*uli(ui
Than any lend of di.amv

Dee of oar grows-ap. friend* tead* at
tbto little tuwy of e lillle boy. which to
-real cnU." we tbink.





iKSinoto Sigtielurr ot

^ ""7^


You Have
Always Bought.

Apnfrri Rmnly rorComilpBlioti. Sour Sloiuch.DiarTtwcA.
bVonns jCont-ufeio ns. i itrr I sh■Ksswol Loss or Sleek

•STW •^•OHK.

Hat (be Udy Hoon look* lo at nlghk
Her imie friend to ee-:
And the *blDlDg »ier> gu irarrllng by
A royal company.

(M thing for. and I tell them that 1
belong to tbe Saottains Club ie Trarcfu City and then they make tun of
ms. Hat I doo'l care oae bit 1 bare
got an old ben aed cleran cbickrnt a 1
ay own. and a eat aod kittro too I
bare told about t dollar aad a ball's
wcrlb cf bsrries tbtosammrr."
Haybs Tosr liltlr fririid* coald be
iraoMrd to J>ia the Sanshiae Clab

|Ri=ASEs*s? a 'xanearflff«



ebrnld be remorrd by *
one In raid weler for di
o er twenty
minulet briore
nar. en.l
...... -.,u . .well trr.>bl
krt-n Irmorr*. piece in a jar
Bd pnl in a CTiol p eee. 'li.r
lebonld brlrfi wiiboal, and.'
• water rhei'ged r»rry day.


Bears the


brawn tperkt whlrbcifimi
She oends her mether oal toTcat
- Keneate the maple tree,
Tbea brlngi tbecblna vupeaod plates
And eprcadi tbe doth fur tea.


allepiee. ibe etaie of eleotBon.
uUty of eloTB.
Oio qoaeUty
rionea. half a U
rraand -Mne. a
A Cheep Ubrary
of gtoger HU al I tbe e aieat togMber;
Make t good eeleeUoa •
aeparaUtbeBloto (car equal paruand
bred norel* that ere eelling
tie each part U a piece of cbeeeeeloth
nth* el fire end
Pul the waUrmeloa oner ibr Cm a
« each, end rexorer them yoarlUf. bring
bUUog point and
b peeUBoerd eoeertcoi from
lUI Ilia
to traoepareatDrain K
■oxee. let oomr linen deck In the nnt
^eeagartnd nlo^r wUh™l*t
iral tnmde; e yard will_____ __
teleot Into a poreelalL
PnaU tbto em.witbly orer (be
Wbea boning Md the
board oorer.
tbe regular corer
er. ntlng tl
Btide llBioi aod pe*ting It
------------- , orer tbe ed.
of (be
that bare been tarnrd
hook* wxT
may 'be IrtUred
tide. Tbe h<x>k*
ling, aod Mr It oner tbe wau
- OB'tide wlib
with tbe name
of title
til and
Id. Dotbltfar nlareonwe
ibor ia gill point.—B-urrhul.l.
lingo, tbe latt Boraing bee
rind ogals In U
ik» and boUlog tbe Jaloe down ontll
w the rind —f.ialio- Uun
In tammer tloucblldreo and glrto of
larger growth ere apt lo bare their
white dre*er« lrji~dnf great •t'ln*.
Blnxa ana Drain*.

Worry mane a ttroog eooaeti
■Ue.« aady allee. ta
hoi n maM a Beak laUb-a lalU (oo tneb—-Vtoctnl
WMbte% bnUia OoreptoBfa
fBMm «M eCtra to help ta

libe wnebea np'lb# dinner tbingi
WiU motioae deft and spry:

• ibool Uto winUf. Soe •*>* *br think,
For Digbl sweaU. cold eage lea.
tt would be pice tor laeir rl lu u. I.*.'.
For nearalgia. wet cloibe of alcotao
laodanuni i -C-uae Box.' which to a li'.il~ b .a
belUc am eitb a b»le lo toe ieerer j i>t bg
acAabotwaur rooogh b> pot ie e Beooy. mod wbeu
For palm ie ibi
eter e ae.nber' aty* (.eroae word, tbry
■■*- ; .-.Hoc .rile vn:v /gW f f
For pneamonla lymptoma. bot r
■>a*U pal e p.-nur lioe io. Hbe weoU u>
boltleo lo tbe band* under tbe A
Know whei we Ih-.ik nboat it
ondwtbearma nod at tfaeeoleecf ibbare to lliak a little while
nroey toiogoio
For epralnt
ir Uie biKpIlrIk >11.1 .liber cb»rliy ■ .nmP
wTirl .in lu.
ufk. ,Tbei wm. i lu- • r be Dice.
and tbe heart.
Mary ro(t«e of Giro lleren wrote u*
For bllione eolU eod* and ginger ii
bot water.
egoodletur ia Ju'y
Wr will try to
FnrpJld In IbeAeod. powdered borai wriu yon e letter waie, Mery. Skr be*
-nnffdap tbe ooeuila—Dv'«f Jluuu
e p*stoy po
pony Beard KU which *br ealiT/.ill.J
joy^ry n
To Preveni LocKje'wIlcM Cenfirld be* written tA n* too. ■orul^srt. Durtra Ptn.*ri
A eartoeaeodeot of tbe Weekly lawt thto week, bbe Ull* of ber twin bruib
ceaikkeDde tbto valnaUe bint for
er end etoter. Itmeld end Dora, wbc
ten moetbe old the clerenlb day
-In n cnee of Ibreauined lockji
ponlUceol green peacb tree leeree will o( Angnit. A Boatb before Dora
glue rvlirf at once, applied to the fool wrlgbrd twenty ooe end e half pound,
hand when lajured by a nety oal. eod Dmeld nineteen end e quarter
any other eeaee. Found
md up t
they not nk-r big babi*?.' W<
oogkly end apply atofi
d ell like 10 eee them end.'Uou
1 b*re known It
Stoves. Tinware.
ll tried ie many cat
twice In my own famllr—aM i).
be rrry proud cf ifaea.
Paints. Oils. Etc.
knew It to fall
I bate been more
a and Hory - Tbompaon wrote oi
u the
ding t
cj.w to
my bulloo recy moeb aod I
Iwnrof the inlrr
* for tbe take of
iBoel wrerywbere Ugo. and
tbe girl* nek me wbai I wear tbai old

Worry Baaaa leer, bat mt 1
lint, to lo ro..
tooogb; OM that atrow lera to i
Wb. lelUeg it reBaU
mbWc potath or lye. ball a eaa tfamoogbly.
whtoh towUUagto tatroattoblB
are waebed la the Banal way.
M that atroag lore to
U will
that tbe dark
lerMleBMwUehtowOllBgloglraMes aolbexookor boaBkoeperl. «bQ;i“
I bolter ptant than oori>^
•‘>>^11» eball not be need natil
lalleaey aM aaaalIn pl^aM trap.
(laiattttolaatlag. bot
■at ll hat aet rtoee forae a eleanalac eoao. wbk?
beat dtob elotlB.\
to to Mrltaallv to teUeg.
atureereral boor*, be Botfaed
AamoBla and, water iau exeeUcnl
Warty aaeae regard for the'opUtleai water. oCbloride to liae to exe 'Uent to aatidou lor Booqilto Uuo.
of athm. bat oe( aooagb ^Mgacd for deelroy odoro. bet not to goodadtolDfecUBi ex
Weehleg tbe honda le bran •
topplaoto to elhera. A ebtary UBper
ill Whluti aad eof ten tbe abls.
la OM to ear dial dattot to BtaklM.
Flannel tboald 'be ironed ae little ae
Warty Btaaa are for (to aaoBato
^lUe aM wta B aManttoy bot
•arwork. bat H mmm-------------------- ra-


Aontlr: -Wbat to
w^^B I wai
doB lyoa kDou--'
Anntir: - I borra'l
Waa *tr poieruird* '
Niece: -Sob
ell. laa'tgMa-rW
IrrMfol Ithing bee befellrD ber?"
NIcce: "Sbr growrd Into a at.'

e ofUB seen ia eoaawy wnyn
r her proud (ather'a sidr.
jonof cT>ryday
le laqaileeataBr


lYoanlcs Di^lknOmfid*
Opauiii .Morphine nor>fincraL

Bwr fool waa aeleep

flba lintt tBoeg tbe Brigand flowei
And they cell bar MigBoaette.


The Kind You Have
Always Bou^t

AVffftaUrPrcpwHkBftrABstinOdlingllicroalandlMutaIBC UK SkaMB And Boaeb cf

UlUe Herjorir bed bren ellllagoa
her foot for .lelUAwbllr. At laltbr
lumped BP aM raa acroa the raea.
Wbea ebr rsnebed her Bolhrr. e> a
' asd baraa io cry. Wbre aek

I know a gay. eonunted girl.



Worry etloa ayrlagt fisae regard lor
(to eptalaa to othora. BemUawt ll
maaaaMBtragenI ter ttolr epialee.

•eartnrlal (aalto. eoraUew aaeraCtlae

call a bottle elean.-oaya Hra. Bell
lo her aew book. -Baby,"


bat water <r toap. and
of the -waiwy' (king* bi
bolUt broib it otad.
good brlttlet aM atiraag baodle.
..._raJI tbe Bilk hat beeoriDtM froB
Ibe bc»Ue tbel eaa be wlib cold weler.
IbM pnl le eear powdered boeax. eed
with Ibeelrong braeb U eta be ioMe
W eblBC bow pleea the bollle Id cold
weUr lo oompieiely eoner It. end let
tbe wtur kret ilowly and boll lor
twenty bIobUs
Tbcn let it cool
Ooldea dplee Cakr- Cntia obr-ball esoogb oo that yon ean oomfortably
epfalto baUar.MdI to II oae cupral
.. ' I batl well.
Add bBBdle It. TTudaytotopply to food be* browa--------------aggB bad ooa whole
(ilir le oae-hatf rap­
Aboul ten nlaaue
fol aaeb to Bilk i ed oMlaeaCa.
before taaby't BcaJ Use place tbe bot....________ leatpooB/al of eodt
with two udai^atriereaplali to flier, ina Bitcber ol warm water.
wars eeoBgb roBore tbe abeorbeot
add oaa-htll tcatpooofal u> eloreu. out
eottoo. pat oo tbe.wlpplr asd It to
(aatpoopfai to ripatBoo. ooe ijotrier
ready for tbe beby.-terirrtol
of a grated aatBeg. a tew graiat of
ayaaoe. aM a lew grtUBgi of ue oslBe Dm Not Ltkc'strugcra
tlto laBoa rlM. lakloc tare tbtl Boot
Then Ull a charBleg etory orer ie
of tto wbllB to iDcloded
litka ia b
loaf la a BodartU ora aboel as boar Brooklyn aboal^tbe ebarBlng Mre
BleaDor Kirk-ABee.
Hra Abm to e
Walast Uoltan IUr>~ To oor-qnar
yoeog looking old ledy, wlin a ekiu
lerof Bcaprol of bailor bad oae sa*e
like wfalu and pink r.-M petal* A>
ter of t eBBiol to Urd Md oee-q wlpr •be Bade tbe'perilooa ) lurory to '
oft eepfui or boiling water, ooe-ball boBe to a terry boat <>u« ercslag,
eaplal o( broWD -auger eod oae-belf
waa marked br one ol the eapfal
well dretard
•d tongl
tonghr, who
orer U bar. and rea -kedwwaliy:
uagbly. tbeaMd t^racrae
"I eee yon are all alone.'
felt to Boar, oixud wiiboat-beir Ubie
-No, 1 am not al.oe." replied Hra
tpooBfal to glarer. aed ooe third ol e Aaea. aercne.T. ted tbe tongb prompt
taaepouafal. o>
.1 gaud bataier, <oae ly departed
Hut br waubed the lore
I teapoootal of clora, i
ly plnk-ebMkcd lady for a while and.
'll toalL Lett
toeing that no one eeoBed lo be with
brr. be tried egaln. ttato timr with
more bUdneua. U force bhuaeif opoe
at IB baa^ ibrae aM a half her. Gooe agnlB Hra Am<a eeld ae.
laebB long by oae oM a bait
.If loebi
loebet renely that ebe wat not aloar, and
wide, aod tpraM wiib ehoppad
agilB be drpe
Bake froB eJgkt. ' '
were leaning u
WM not joined
Oraaga Oake-OreaB oar helfeaplel •tnrieBp to tof batur, add ooe eapfal of angar. two
wall beaUB egge. ooe-balf
oerud yoB."
Bilk, aod two asd a b^f te
ot.taakiBg p'lwder miaed
wfth oeeabd two-lblroeeapfal of iluar. eeiebUBc to the Itel. replied:
tUke Id a tblnabeet Ib edi'- ’
"They are Hod aM bto holy aagrie '
Oat Id halreo. epread ooe b^with or­
WbcrcopoB the tongb. reelU ag bl>
ange flillogi-eorer wiUi the olbar ball!',
oad tpread wUta oasge frotllog.
parted lor good-Nrir V»r( II

Oange ('illlog tor Gauge Chke—
MoUd toOM kaaw aotUac o( wriakU^ Thto fraeUng le etey lo Bake, aeU
bleb eeldoB faili
AM (to am (klM'to (raa to bi
Ulz oae-bair 4iap*al of lagar.
Utoma. Pert to ttolr toalality
aod ooe-ball Ubleapooafult of Boar,
toakilBttolaMttat tbaytoraaoi
tbe gaud riad ofone half ao oaoge.
ooe halt tablaponnltl of leaot jola.
■oaM aala le worry. They taki
ttoafht lor (to mrrow, aittor aaxloaa aM oet egg. tligbiiy bealea. Cook tea

aratoirwlaa. It rr<|alcaBa Uaiilyde- fyatpaMlog.
aala^ad am or woaaaa (owonyanteOraage rrotUag—Mix the gated
(iMlIyl Worry to wrow. atoelatoly nod of one oaogr. ooe-taalf teatpouaaM aMtraly.aM yatU^aiwIan
fol to leBoa Jtiee. aM oae Ublupooetol of orange >iloe. and lei tlaod fifueo
■omaarytoad (Wafa.
alanUa dirale. aod add to (be )
Worry edIaaapnatffroBito tower
r ooe egg. eligbUy bealeo. Then
I eoefecHoaer'e etearaotU to rigfai
BaieUDcy toaproM.

Wmy ohaa mlaffa fras a toowlMtatoaeslvera To baoan
aaatbw a«U racy aeUoa arrirea. tot
(to ktoMadca that It auy eom nakre
toyaMkli lor w to protide afalaet IL
Worry torn miagm (rois a loriac
Wpmwiat Bow Botoi to obi
yy to bora to (aar for oar lotad
Kaltora'Iota the Mt. aM they worry
dtomat. toUrMworry toaa
. to tore. It to a»t (0 M dea^aad.
Worry aftaa ayrtaga ftoo dalieecy
jaM aMPHlraaoM to feallag. A am
wilh a aalloaiad haM wUI aot lalM
Madllag roagh aleaa. bat haeaaaot do
aa totoy bare



a w .

7v iBflmts Bad CUMxm.

A llule boy eoae tia agn. srblle
coatog oowa etahm. wm
hto Bother abeet loting
RtoqcetUoo wbicb followed wotapactier: "Hoiber. If I mboo<d icot ay bal­
ance where would ll gu? '



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