Grand Traverse Herald, January 19, 1899

Dublin Core


Grand Traverse Herald, January 19, 1899


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text




Real Estate

orncB o cm or«u a

jss. ■ ~“^'issir=:

O. P. Carver sSs=-





SUllPU^ 3S.00U


Plat* Oiua. 8t«am BoiUr aad Aecidant Inaoranoe

Auon*)« at L«w.

lAtMt IdMB Bnd''AppU«acM.

PkoM US.

Business Oarda.



Merchant, Tailor



ud M* tbe elcfaot bf* Ubc of
Bprior SvEm of Woolen* no*
wbleb wUI be Bade op
In lb«- iBtMl btyle*. nnd at
neb Uw Price* **wUl Borpriae


-a. a 07 Y~» u« B..rl (or U>e o^Q|,(roo. of lb* Wob
Mr Bed t
a tepruudb tl aaotber'e .b^rr. ibi band* ot preeidrBU. prirere: 0
• oB ibeir pilrria»*C*» »*'l
IBT oeaire—a [Mlroi
eon* pira.
It w»b\ u> LOrl^o^'
Be of bl* lB*t talbi brfcrl aedorely Ibe old oiaa baHed.
the bean of eekry |
aeak that br aoald Bui! euvlcbtrard ble eluprd eboeldn
^ laaee and earned bin bark to other
eC t am* Ibr *Wry of bi* •
__________ JIB a> br troaU
day* -Srya the coaboy* baraa to
Itaurdlu • eairy-’,’ eaMrd bi* baBd M
ihiah oerr tap pett aod recall thr'r old
• ibriMlBUaad tor orre b ai Beir reailB
,ar e;hcMBraialL* n>L Tbry r<ia*iBbrr..l Um.ij
C ‘‘/.bl‘AuO
■eae Ibr kiatalr llaalf
iMiOdcelT Ibr do pray bairrO m:.ibrt ,..5 • i,r ** d
ber BBd m.
. tboerb hr rxprctrd tb*
rr.e.!abobaabcIi*nd IB rbrieuadiy aoO „•
I * pWeMM To.*

e Uniily o.
torof ibrrFBrrai tunlBre
pad foaadeBcb et.ailuri ib it. bbO of f.ipVr abo
- ibeoldlBlbrr abo b*d
>01 h *
* rmi.0 -pbr" of 'ieD t.*orr. ' Tb*B Ibe Old maa rrmoeed bte Sat
il Mr. daaiBr bieyrrairx
Afirr ibrnralB of the . aod walked dirartJy towardt tbrtlatar.
ir B
ID rredirr Ibr
llbrexel rel»~.
mbiixuin moreO Wbra a.tble aboat tro tael of II ba
. I
HuuBl VrrBoo. r«u,rd
Tbe h*od Eaanar bb Grand
•revbu.rc.ui a«ue*ine>aaO be eBnv* | j.«riDr- >>Bl la breaib
breaiblo* >.»<
■d ai bm aide aad be
___ .- boy* lutasc-d t
U had. tfurbed a teudrt 1
aeenwaiai* b»M
ia ibeiT bean*. *dI b*o tuudiud
sed erce BBd era* abaorblamed tbrm ccoiplrtely. *B0 befoe
rd 'oj the rrrei
roewar.l ai hi* feel
». «B>* arrrj
to CD end tear* eii,ic-i)M It
<l a*c plbced telly Ua B'eaie. ibi ertrena eemalaed
ire ihas OB* ui
a le.i bjdy t
' :&nbr prrMbl luucU
before tbe cUtue la BUeot
•>.•*<1. erowibr
I Ibe rnlBUI
Thru he oocr tour, raleod hi* Biabrrlir epproprlair r>
itraiebtrard up hi*
'ab.iut fared" aad marehed
neaU Ibe »lii|tuir bad awekrard

Money to Loan on Improved Real Estate Only.


lappy m
yrret K

Peculiar Ua* lor Uiblw
leer » UimelbiDg t wiac W Icqalr*
about.'' aald an elderly geeUmaa. e* be
leeleredlhr miabllab'meat ot a dtwler
* ir arliat'a malrriala aad held oat a tley
warmed and eulteord loelr bran* a
"Iboaght eoeargold l««f of
few day* ago. oad oa taralag ib*
anf paper briwewa the tea*** I
Chnmr*miy.^ r^d"** clr”r«
|Tkm Bad *u«v M.U 1
WB. orrarot cebee Ibr
rrrrd that they eoalolaed partica* .
I SerioiuremBad ewmedto b***
irre otacy uf IBtoe gre.r-ba i
,elpe<i ,|,g ihe b.
cul from a port ot the Bible.~
:rd paireir ebu bad tarn led 10 Ibe
by n-m l-'dro i
. they wrre.' aaewerwdtb* dealer,
.1 'old earihj) buoir* bad guoc
there 1* Bulb lag ae extraordlaarg
Opr* becuiue accuitolPdl to their use aod ><>u arp lost,
i.r *B buur. BDd Bu uo. di.iarbrd uiio
I that faei'wb'B yoa aadarataad
b. ya .rao<
wee Uacliah gold leaf yoc bongbt
without one. We have Uiem for teinperatnre, for dairy uae. for nter-'
'ord be g.ii hui lao "^aklcBU 10 .1.I1 >1
hat. a* a i-gular amuor of boalilisintl purpoMd, and fur thermometeni
•iring Ibeir term of olU.-r. They -ere erea. ■* parked la lltUe borka amdr ep
reai.lrcl Ha.Tee aod PrealdeBt Cler*. otpagraofUi* Bible cal tc the MqeiaBrins Pre*:ripUon« and Family ILs i|n* to oa. We fill ilium 1
op auo
BeacOiegTbeir Henna
■' Bitr aod alilched tucPtber.
1 to lire
right, with droge that are right, at price* that are right
| WbeB a traaeJiBg eaBogelial
"md*al*t!liT.lD or |■rra‘idrDt Uraui
•Me peirfelwaoD 1. (deeded, bat th«
dun^ iheir tenaaol pcwciter of pd^.dA* material Is thl*
Dodge Ciiy. K**.. in tbe early
Q ! iiJd /.mb Howera aaa the Aral
that lOWD BDO Arranged to o
way Ib arell eaUbliatird. The BiWr U
e lad Butabie Ttailor
old faaDlonrd teat cis
WlBcIrd (or the parpuar hedhBse a* a
TRAVERSE CITY, MICB- body tbuugbl it awl.
gearrml thing the type la mure reedy
.‘‘he‘^ba“d!^ 1 Tbm
iB^waw ‘Ux. \\ BeUier
great WaahingiuBi I Ibe way art aad Ibepriallag Boeraed better
mb made a eaaeuled lhaa la ulber buok*.
. h<>mage before bia
Uie coaboja, and Ueir ie.i|uai**,
■1-riBtrd eaper bt* alway* barn la
bli dlaeounu
“telioaraare lrmir»Bhea Ibrv , beiag Ibey were ebaugad mro ■ 71,, U.ihfu uid v
stwill peoba- gewrful aae (or earktag the abaeta of
ru - one riviieB wld-aruing' 'Ibey a L adrd the camp mepliag. U, , i». ber.ed lb»idbe gFuaeda at gold Tbe aligbt tBdaataUoBe mad* by
it'rouaboula iay aaylUing 10 i e.ery aigat. aod lb.,<* -ere *» HOiet |
VemoD - ,V. a
rt. n-..rl.l.
le type a- rr* to keep tbem more «rm, they "111 c-eriamly piey the i aad vrorriy aa aByUxly - —
I pla.e.
They alip wbra packed beWith Ue Oum Picker*
reea a aia abeeu Tbe B >ak of Com„ WyL#a»r=»w-----------Vaai^BiT tb-y
,T likely toMo to 1j 111*1
1 b»i weg
wBg wouie
-buih remioaru
.new u.
[i ugg.aia iB eaairrti UaiAe
IIB l-rayar i* aUo employed ter tbs
Ibeir u.d humre, and t.rvugi.1 Wk Uj
I r -orner gum a,
ime purpoar aed (or tee aaBa rabioa
• I he.e 1. 0.1 teiliog- They are like '‘bcoi iLr aurora ..( rLilabo<d and |
■Ujld laef beck* arc med* ap tiem
Urdu ambli.g mean, aucci*.. tear-iJu-th, .juiel. il and .joeard .ihem be ta, drugx'r. Barr oulB'.ted gam t
ICB-down car led. riding taruogb ibe | «a“»F u U-idbed lb.-i-udereai cD. pd id 1
baa-aei.t lUetu away IbU
cnDiregaiioB and firlDglBeirpiaWla-orllbrir heart*. It a-nke id db-■
^ iwceea *-i<i mrD id.
,ting you ••
: lure* Ihr vDc (uDd mem iry "bieh o.. I
V. ar by year ll.e goal
*0 B*J a. *11 that'•
ai.B ecer udgrou. L. me »Cd it* :
.j^llged U/g.. fartuer irt
UuBtacb* la Curl Papara
• lUd: lirul
. .
------------------------------------------"‘*.erl cld;"'^*
I large bloede maa. with a beartag
lefirl.aith lL*t*«eel
old ,
„,p, „p l,-i oMbe M.ier gi.m la
'ofmraBBeaa usder 1
■waaidrrable dlaancUea. aalerad 00*
tii..mpii*Btd ebal *li »n'|voi*w*x lo the ciiy market that d*
th* ihealrre tha other night had
lodge Uiy cuu.d*»e<loae ,'mledr (ir conaumpt
oa ^l.y
uxib a aoeloe the rigbt-haad aide of
1, BB II oy magic. ur«i
11a part of the "crlo '
r paniart. some eight or aia* n>we
ew .
irem -Itb laoer 6rruBlhcatagr.
Hr bad aoaooeerprii.| tbrm
__ je. “Til a vjrlof ga
1 I. ^^orO.ermore. dheae cowboya 1
rd b'awK thaa aeerral aaraea* baibBt Bbr bad dim
ly by the Maine wbulraal
1 be eaaar ^tbe marrielr cor fejl.
,r.d'’wMi b.a rxpeaae* Ihr
lu aaybooj ■ ca-uld aot
Tb. .«
.r,..Dme .. ..b,™. .

Jolnpon Block. Pliobe 7H

Traveraa City. Iflch


• eroi.r. acr.iBg ui til Ibr ■
• liirurd Co MoaBt t.rnon

Ur coined I
id happy b.i

am ebn iB>i birm >e uwieoiart tn

1 ' vDt from Icy pciat danag i ir Ibiri
jearv. uo'..l 1 became a i-k





Icaliar iBU t

war than ebr pat lBiai«UialBi(b( U I ;^V J«rcKi"'*r«b«*uIJJ. ^prln* I


. ifiaBiLiu^tusinsswu,

■adBlaly abenl bar btar^ b«r aole*. |
Sataunc UtitOMOaBBaadar.
bol by derma Ibr aolM anlatded aad
Be -*e Beet tiny yean of ereaad
Bdsand Paeaer. cnea a alaee In tke'
her eater rmcBcd farmer aad fanW
aad far aiina» ball donMirea a eanrraa nf lb* elrli «*r.
oaiorrr ihr lenu Witaia twoiali
aeaotnry___,___________ ___
He •«« a (1 A A bbH aad earfM aa
dcalb-llke eUJlBee* rei(B<d ‘
Uwrve Waabiariue ai Uonai
Tbe eblld'e eotce nat *uU aad e<
to tbe aoatb lava of tht eUy ball
nd 1 doabl
If any priata dce-aa
Parker bad a enBU iralrb box a fr*
tated by a bed of baaa-



e.,u.i.w, ‘»|”^rL^-"b"Tdu^k;rtb'::Tri;!'^.tuBd,mpr^

NO BLirm ssr... ..THE COLD STORAGE..


at J15 Front Street.'

Appl6S, any grade.

BS&llS, Hand picked or acreened.
Pot&itO^S, Empire, Rural and B. Hebr< n


:-Ai-ras; ■

Seed Potatoes,

IP, O.

noW tlii^?

M4 tl


Highest Prices Paid.


Uwra*|M« OmumI
uuM. 0*ew.(nvi wUi c*0*e>>a»mM



Tranm atj Scbool ot Insic!


Chicago Prices Paid. It will be fur your
benefit to trv me. It din isn't cost you anythini:, Address,
732 Eabt Front StreeU

LIIaLIBS.BTC. Telepone 130.
All mtU ordera receire prompt

'--‘A’ •

Honey to Loan

r;;.w'7,,‘'Tr.L' "bl-tb"!'."
r...‘r,„, i


■ ■hmh.

Pbeme «o.

S..b„ ...b

Travel sc City, Mich

! ahorl di.ea aad goe* dahibgaad gua
, oibg aUod naif of ihe Jim-, He doma'I

aSmoubl.d and lied
TLe)^ 1.x k^acau -ell

bi- p..k if gum 00
tomaik ibe change il iLe ca.ebcai
,Lai Be baa mad. lliUe
d*f r.uu.nrd of »'■'V'»' •<!;.' ‘

back fiom "
a acd UI
caatiog ear
lo the aired
tbe latter a
would, cool
a. me k.Dd n
Tbe pre.r



^rpet Cleaning Works Sarreyorand Civll Engineer

------- -----------------------.Ib.w.„a .0...1.b..

iz; .............
Bigbi acrerul cowb..« daio aae. or ILa imag nary lio* drawl. ,„b


. 110 W. KlrrahUi Si.

ad larw aeC clir pr-a-nr

i-(| fuielab
lirqa-Dtly br g. I-, gva.
1 wU. art b<m tin ia Ibr

aiouae Ibe aomio* ly of the Cl" boya. I f
S^Taaticoale iti.l I .hall bare aa, |


F. M. PAINE. Florist

,;'r i;


uaaLletuSbd i

lu. "by a crook

orerd bl* iJ *1 at
H- .pike .low -dmwiog tbi
- lea»l il.alu’Lrrl i
' roatny. liia .u.

‘ 'LVy.

I c'ooia t-ir'e y. u"a pa.u>ral ca H
le obe .,,i,gLt. of Ibr life—tb* ;jDg reniia
LO il.r hrarin where ibe Ire ric
: ihr..ugli II
' .11 aiih Di
( kel pnr-uf dry • ."i^ofUecri.o da.T*
d*a ering* op ihe
the fiodlug of tbe
a placed ib ,
■ Imy. epicy recta is
and ra».j ,
■>r u( the rude food.

Mip|bo*c 'be dau lii
Ibruugb ourcuoiry
jl Cbicagu
1~ X: ai


.aDd aoil
L^wuulbl Le l ij.ji^ay *'^

ugbl tbal he "aa a

.-C .idiei Boy. Leiae KiJliBgv
The v'ol.i r. " Li. "ept down loW tb*

arr o... Lubioe*. inwcTro

elfe-'l up ^

pam tBrougo .Bi .oulioeci
■wl. a Becewii.i mat .ucb a
ue Bt'd acui.where. But.I

u, «l.,o they er re aocealomad.
lj Liialrnug beat
(„f , (, • boor*, were a uecide'l aoeei..apr.ia.iywu.' CB'cago •
cL.u.meO Ovoagu Ib-y «r..oie -rather of loa <

^*( *U klada wa*-or*.


ram. 0,1,.
■ o '.r three m.cuteaBrrgu'ar i
.Diooi M <rl « filled the U-BI
• ler walled palled y ua'i'
kolaided iheB he west qui


., eed

l*uot pa., ikfi^b

llamburr ■'
..(,0 .bo ba.1 r'ld

Plain and Artistic


eeareely got i'artrd agti"


UI »CCM( U riw el Ike aetutt trud.

When you want

— jiii


make thbrirg B olrb.orr. or

fHERALD Job office.




A SMEAR 'a‘5 w
Id Bodpmy onr- of tbe ''SLKTIK '


Idlej aw


_______ _

HOBBS. Tnitnrflli-

successfuCly.** cleah house with



Hack, Bus and Baggage Transfer Line



Th-ybre Ibe docat geoda

made aad tnlly warraDird
Kur «ai*%iy by

UJ if I; SI 0 5



, eref* aed at laat ..Id H —e.
I - If. of DO o« oar*, o y.




A KNIFE ikkl-il' kere BB Mg*.

W* or* tb* peofB* to howdw poo rtghL


Best Livery in Northern Michigan.

lame. WyHeJarbaak m mli^aU

/ood and Sale Smblc ta OeaaoBtiM.




Uua.diohear him. aod before h- baa ■«».» Itog:
Otrered a d.. B wnrc. f.ey ,-ere la.ahd aac
wl'iStpiog Bod yell'Dr tg*1r BCd u.,*.l* P»'‘
addlolhh irrror c( the aliua-ioo twcOoUeAo
or ibree of tb* -boya' begOB lo fire off n » Moo«
*g,^ pwtiooof Iheondir
the teet. (erl'Bg tbal it ._ ..
safe to rrmaiB rbere
< .beet fidgeted
tocot IB Ih-ir aeow. wiabiog tbey
aafeiy *w«e the idea ef
abowlo; cowhidir* b« retrratlog while
Ur preecher rem
Oor brother it
iaUliar Delir the
Ifiy. bet t

ally oparata* from mlod W alad

eyes, end aeubdnrd UlUr raa auaad
that pert of the aadlloriom.
Hraawbile the object u( UI* attaaoa waa calmly-aludylog tbebnrula.
. at beoumiag ouoacluu. tbal bt waa
beliw looked at, be Urew ool hlaebeet
aod preratd himeair allgblly^lk* a
I'remetly hb hand wiught hta
ache, and aa It did a look ef ri.
boriwe fiaabad aorcta kit fae*
and br tuddrely collapaad. Btqakkly
trsoeed the carl «apm aad threw
Uem eoder the aeeu Then bo glAbOad
(artirrlyr.errbla abooldcr aad Moplc
litirred agalo
Wbra tb* cartala mt*
be blonde gcaUemas wa* Maahlag
.ulroUy aad ladtalrkiealy perwalsg
, .be program
Wbee It (all br bU dhapprared—.Vnr rMroni nme flnwi.-


Tfl-r *WeT r*l

that Ib fi.;.bg. Lhd either li
.r... p d out a'lngeUirr
Woetber Ue r-d •> rar I
trelL rtphbdet] UD'Irr tbe iDi

A wldrlj qaoud remedy (or tko rw
r1 nf appaodiclll*. UI* old dMao*
'.UUraewBame. taiwmioil Ukra
p.ih aod (errr are relleehd.
la tddluoo.UepatleatabPhldbekrpt la bed
,,a p
poeiucee hpplmd over U* neat
of pai
....... It le mid that ibt* trgabi* It
lafieqaeatly cxprrlrachd had rpep.ered from
the auSerer b««er
koowalL Ofeoaraelf U* iBfiammaI loeg had a
. ..-.IddhcUrBllOL— --- .................
Impolac la toward t care whoa
tad* th* b(l of fomga body,
wBIcb mey.bcBarUlBg. dm aewmaan- '
It B wed. Bad eery oftaa sbr Beiem
pllahr* It withoBi help —-Vew Tort .

A womBB *1 a liiermry reeoptkia Ik
I. md.« Bsid ah* bad baard U« Amarl• oertaio they
eaa "boairr poer read at garter halL
ibrng bapp.
'■•How carioB. Ubl a bmlerahoald bwil.loga lormeo had
cam B pnet laereol* U America.* eho
Let 1-.. d-gtee. j,
hbid Tbe Amaricaa lo whom ab« Bwoka
.. -ay Wenog ^
giua. operalli
did BOI koow what abo meant aaUl aba
Airuliao ebaia. _
.■i«i-,.og b
aoul that ber Ueorlte amoag tba
•bOBlre poel'i- porm wa* "Wben tba
TtBp'hd'Bi reioroed from I’orto
.no the t-ampklnThoa b*
ho.prol ae.rral mndb* cm a
A°ioy. tlto Booh L
trial C' betw lea C«bh


Th^'^^h.'^B^^-mp. •w.lward *g.
fpilnw* iBr i br hcodreO a

thme acoa. rep



.* krea be carr ed
Hr Kiley
Lh* t me he left
.gab Ur Ai orrkaa. itat ehecat U* am
Aalb'. r''">p •»‘l other X poi ao aluBiiaiim lag atuairtf.J^ Uc : plebhtlon UmtwIU: •Dk.faaei llleh
, lalaoB*
Mol be.oog to Great
„Eg-a* a. bad / roatei aid cor- f**
cl.r-ycBitedU ..oa. ,^^^,,n,ereu.. A.d Urn. key.
et^iag. end
s* 00 JOB call Urn a h^m.‘
' esdUMiUg
r. t>, *o *C
, AealTBlI*. ibr liar tear- a —>d
e eimaed lo
Hie pre»S9.
' u> the e**t w> a* to girr them
Tb. a oorr.xled -bi
pjckeu —
t la a wt_______
____ ^
•They will fbrmt yoe aerr,- lb* i **mr e*lrod*i d*y. U tbee reiarB.
w Rabn* eoold ebaag* Ib :
< Avoir. I'koo.vir
ldi*o*!^h^'% it follow* i^ the Aot»x
ag child
M a laagblag
child iBIe
Islo i^er
c ^ir
lag child by BooapU of d____________
lady Ua
'""I e«B only d' my dtiiy.
UdfiBBor of tb* falrcTBlty og TbSW.*
Imokr Uc go* ; which Urn alxly degree* bryoi.d ti
rr replied "I -ill not (re
looehaedrrd *od rlrbtietb meetd.i
■-Tbwe I* BoUiag wwfarfnl aImM
cl lb*t I may aarr me lit
uo. . lafiBiahed. it will br Stv
I gmag WW.V make* Il iocombrot on ■
t c»B ao U*t arito oms
diTbe broihor **id on f
wtU Ue iBigeet elretric^^BBm
rem*d cat of a naab swtlah. r*« dSM OWB rr»lr»»d
He koe- i ogee oo
it Mam ab U—' .gab* wpUad Ibd
bey* *ad br piUed tcyoae whis wa. *o | Ue d»U h
eapaMr ef reoefslisg *bi,rc * 000,
[aaBtxofU* Ikxw CatoligwMm.
rookie-* *t to cn-e Uem
Tb*t ibry
>t the presoher bewa/flrm
I Use <rf ear bor*r* (oer mile* loaf. Tb*
w** Is b*l( d<—o of Uear great vblnlsg
Wb*B Tbr-TbU** C*
After BObi'e qolrt w»*re*lorwl, aad
' machise* whtro will be pat la m liem
Bgala Ibr mlaiairr tried to apeak. UI BBa*lo**lliag aoap f<
be*r*tb * eiogw rojf iB U* ^ arv
laataaliy tb« habbob arcar ib *11 It* to extoad ba trip w II
boUdiag will br bWc lo reptsea U*
-1^ yell*-*r-lo*«!*r Bad dro,^ bt* wife B* (olio* bMBmrmpl.yid la beallag Uc
ta. ..■.U.ll^ .
er Uaa beforr and pitUI* popped U* railroad be w
(o OB 'iraBd i efiy'e etrert ear* a few yean ac* *od Mr.
■Am off W
Utek aad f*»iSerwal ligbti wr»
-U brauSr'ontw carry to had
oat. UaTtag tb* leal iBarmidark. Tr*ah“
•tloa be foaad'pl'

Oe bi* rourw t
OU*f« of Ue coogT-gaikm aioir
of U*aibatiao
. . i*
Ui*. Cnaby atW m^Mher*. tbe^^
gr wp of rio
rloctrir dyaaopreataoa la tba
____ _________itia iaoperat
___ .jd^aeeo-a^'u* maswl I* U*
a deofdy uW<i»Y»^ *"ttlude, U
■Btryar-UoBC ltb*Mi*r*m I
parlor, ini '--* wlU a pMur A tear
motl^ w hi* «(U* daBgbtor.
jmtbr;o- blm
8^ ca«^»^ etaUed tdagiam lay oa Uo barea*.
read tagtb* stand i
v> Cblohgo oa graad draak.ShraodM ^

y^ttolTMr.”lt^ ? ^laSi




____ jd. Ur*. BWBtebiag
band U eommaad aMoaUm, bsgy b>

ThA VsrtA.




SRAHO ‘tAiyiSaai


F-1 T-*^- hw bM «M


«U dealer aeOaeu





lAHilAitY i6. leta.

la- ^ataab
imllod ap bar aa
tabta took
Sta dldat taara bar
Uadta. that ataddlo* ita BIO Uaaaaa
Mrt. HaU a. Tbi-M. iW»*4 »"►
ftttaby tta
tert>OB*twB wsekB' *W‘ •* '^•
waa aArtborwaF^
I*, mu. «|H> bw M
Will Buaacnar. a wall kaowa yoaar
«« of Maoeelooa. waa laatao»ly kUl- dietad to tta aaa of aortalaa
«M«I •( tb*
Oaorpt Ttae^. aF. A P. «- brmkaI Friday by a falUof Baa.wbUaworkm
1*^, .< ukBiir. *WU4 «>*“—
•>_ UiBBd Frau
Ppmb ftl ‘
ln( ta the wood, a abort dlataooe frou
killad at Olio. Ba waa ridu« oa two
»r. a«d «»- W. J. Farkar tar. «belec awltatad.
At Aoa Arbor Ooorfa Warrro. father
««terBC-M7u»- TbtatatliB*
...Wlata UtataBapIdaata
lahMl wkleh pabllthBBtbB 1bUb4w. unad ■
af A«B<a M. Warrao. tta atadoat from
The body
darlaaBeld. Ul.. who .waa killed la
tta Alauaa* i
AaAoat. IWT. by a MUdiffaa Ceatral amacUd. It U aapooe
Wyaadotta MoiMUy by
tralB, baa oo»«.ao«l aait afalaat that tboarbt tbar. wora IbrM earn taataad
Pntt--------------- -----twefblafatbar.
of two, aad rrmlkod oC.
HU raUUraa
teaarl; adllor of toU Tka lalaod
Mha dUoa S«ta waa aallad to
rmida at BIreh Rae
ftmt I. OM of tta M« acaapIMa
tt and tetuion orer dtocnacfa. |
Tbaraday meraiar a Oermaa farmer,
prlallaf. pablltalaf aad bookhtodla» .wbo-aaaafWli Baald..
eoMlderabla pride la the fact that
olltad^lbofl-rttaf**' ^
_ ofttaHlS.009 eapeadad la llleBlfao aamed Cramar. Who twldea Are mlUi bcwtbum. (oor ftotoKh, Uoadng, i
■ ■■ ■
tta alaM —*****
Hta FaaBl. Falrtaatt of »f»tal.
UtcaeHiaaaod Mr. PraU fa waU qaallMlBeou la the 8rW oely »*».ow earntof cadiiUc. waa toead daad Aa tta tour ertjctatioo. aphnng food, beldi- ’
•aobai taaa TtatUac Mra O B^ai
.1 aarlchbor-i
oeot u. «r»a oatalda lac t»te of Miebing wind. ofTensita te«ath, sick sod ,
cat*. Ha waa la tta city Thi
wlUhauraJaalre etair* and da«« riaoB. relBrtud to bar borne Mowuy
OamUto. aod wit: O. 8h^ Ifao.
traaaactiey boataeom. and at ei
kto aatln a»taa Ui« «o tta baaiaaa
While dririay to Welorrllot Tborm
6«n»r ol
aad Joe Aaaoi»e ware aioom
for borne.
It ki anppoeed be be---rO.T.M aad U.O T- H.
dey. Joeepb Hootala. a Coloua terawr, fro* B<»l
____ bropmbed from oold or aUe waa I d» tymptoma b« pvw t^cr
. of ofiaan of
Monday eeddwily foood ble heary woolee noek Ukea with heart tailor.
Mra. Vaalloder arrired
Be waa «u I Fcnacr’t Dyspepsia Cur«
eharf oo*kre from a el*ar aparh.
Tiarana Bay T«l Ka. «i. K-1» T. M.
troai Port Haron,
yeara old aad aa old ploeeer.
'cure yOU.
■BdoCABaadtUi«aKe. U1. L. O. T. tta dmth of bar daarbter. Mem. Allreri
AiBayCKyMimAoaaBartUnf waaj
You must cooler when you take
U.. taoB piaea Friday araaia* to roraa
itaciety of Mi
uiKlt« toafrleed oa Colombut »»*'' thu medidne >-ou are not taking a
*™***mk. aad wlfa of Sortbport •eiaeapenddis.iwo In the erection of
Albad Frladrleb «aa taatalllac oeoar
Mra. Park*'
academic achool. The plana
Thtted orar Siiaday
teitataelaadKiaJotaaoa aalad la
and Ue work of
pareeu. Oaptola and Mra.
that eayaelty for tta blra. dftu tta
eyaa aa early at puaaialc the Udy oa the arm. beockiaf her ,
Moeroe alreoa
pocketbook from her baaA
Be iheaimaDy yCATS of bard Studv |
laatallatWia eanuoalaa a Bm drill
Coaaty Clerk W. ArNe-toa weoi to
yrmbbed the book aad me. aeeompao 'and Wide experience in pn. ,
ftraa by tbt ladlea.
caaaopolla. Boyene Eby. aoe of
Detroit Moaday to atwad the Ueand
• A pr«*i*Bi bad beea amayod. bat Ctaplorof the V. A A. M. ae a doleifaU CroaecaUaC Attorney Kbj, akatad la- led by hla compaoloa. TbeUdlmpar j vatc praCtlCC, by A phyticua ]
auad the boya for tereml blocks, boi • ^ f«x«iiued erameot abilities,
ewlBf to tta larce ertnrd praaaai
Wedaeaday alybl
fniU the loeal lodfe.
loat track of them aad tees mporied rm mm <o Btrataa a<aara«.. r w Smi
Bd Hocaa will leare ibW week for Uecanabl hold of the edye of ‘he
matter to the polloe. Taa pocket
Aa alabtrata auppar waa aarrad
Kew Vurk with a ualn load of poioloe. solid toe aad mana»ed to crawl oat
book ooBtalaed ataoiW.
ItaBOabanof ttataattelta gm
for Klmball.'tbe Boetoa. pqtato boyet. UeUoalj luyeeraoldand rrM
Near Blag.loa.TBMoUeoBBty .people
(ra tVllllam Benlamia of Orlea reof whleb ttalr wera aboatfoor haadrad Before be retarae be will rUlt bU forat the time.
reooaalderably wr«iugbto»rra WoaoerlUy had aa aDuiual expcrieacw Por
praaab TUa waa a aeiaMa aod ea,er home ie Krw Kayl^i /
Poor meoeroaaed oa the lee TharmI lor tetb tMt aad
»e lime she aofferod from a pale la fal car. whleb baa been made by prayer.
Robert Dewar reWmed Moaday
day from tUU Blanc. It waa a perlloo.
• of her legs
Pfae Anally ooeaulled James Cooper, for a number of year, a
Btuwortb. afur aeerral daja' .lalt le trip aad occaalonaliya loot would slip
a phywema. The doctor cut Into the PMldeat of that month, j
Ibeclty- HewaaaocompaaledbyMrm. ID.
BowllBA Ooowat.
The mea oarried a
. .trkkea with a bowel dlMSM. J
lea belay Arab and eilractcd a large needle that
Dewar, who will.peod tb. wl
1-heloe waa rrry Ibia
A Baa bowllay ooai
liKal phyalcUa. were eqj.nlt
dMply imbedded In the limb. The
took plaea Friday
tb.t place.
needle la entirely black with the ea and Anally aaDonnord ibat a cure •
Uittoa Ida aad Katherloe Farranl “^ll'/^'lkau^lo. ooe of the wrallblaaefa howllaf allay. A team from
•pccUllil waaealled in,
eepiloB of the gu:d eye. Vhicb was a.
tta aaylaw playod a taaa from the af Olea Harae tar. arrired la tta city ml aad rnoml toflaeoUai i-ltiaena ol
Ibe Olaganaia of t
Miy a Bfly laaloc n®a- Tha Utter Mim Ida will attend the Ul^h tcbool, Clayton, waa foaad dead in bed P. idaj .blctoacv-mhllorthepreeanceol th.
dociora. that tbe'dlscaM
mornl^. Dece»»d waa aa old
waa by IM poUla. FoUowlaf U tta ehlle Hlee Katherine will ei
r. The .peciallai declared that
oeedle bat think, .he may baea swal­
aawaat tta wd of task taa laaiaftr
Trarcrw City School of Haalf
cure wa. not pumible, aad adrlMd M
ol C
lowed It a long time ago
Hre. B. P. Billlnya want u
Cooper togelbli bu.laeee eftair. I
Last spring . Marlette lady found ■
Bopidi Monday lor .ereral
shape, lor die be muai- The aclgbbor.BiglUpld. citmaa ha.e premnled
-at eoalalolng ogg*. aad a.
ehit with her aoa Errin !
wlllleg bto glee u
teh member of Company A. Thirty
a Bomber ol Giem
fourth Miebigan with a beantifol fold
claicu them .be Ml Ibem nader oa.
medal with the m.mber-.nameeogme
Ibe home of W
H. I'ranhliP, wbett
berhi-D. The whole II hatched
ad iherroa. IToleamir PerrU ol the her
earaeal piayeri were made
an.l were brought up by Ibe ben.
loauiuu-. delUered the addrea
eo.ery Tbl. wa. repeated aeeeral
Two ye.'rm Uo " H U.rUj.B.
of the little tinhll irlefl to rwl beea.
l.mea. ahd al last Mr Cooper
hlrh elaaa draia»tic actor aod aolhor K large crowd allcoded the eaercUe.
the diet did not agtme with them
l> leaee hi. bed and ba. beea
B >me. the Aeanll
eapedi- '
birpbea Lo.iga. a prominent Pm.
red 18 ibia city U Ik- Jekyl aad
they died tedden death, the others pro
able lo roadoct tbc worl
leiahorriblc de*tb while at work .
tioo of IS ir>o uoop. ba* beea ordered"
Oted by the ra.haM. of their brelbern
(arm. The woadrriul eaM of bealiog
hUaMwah. This moremeal la aathe Calumet A Heels mia*.
He wi
and bare how alUloed full growth
i. eau.lng ooa.ldrrable earurmrr
merit and Mr. Kartlfso "•
I'hey are lame aad fearleu eacept
fl.ct wiib AbymlBla I. Immla
...... ta M ta
feel below the wrfaee rfbec a len-to..
Centoa Thoae who »1
.hep duga are arouad
piece of looee rock came down oa b.m,
will be glad u
Al Adrian a Ttelitkn waa flled by Ibagala. Maaaeer bteiaberg la arraege- killlDg him inataotly.
that a ll'igian m-wiouary. Fr li.-l
counte .nperintendrat of the pour
u by
momi - •ere <*- orouck, b*. beeo murderr<( >-r tbc Cbl
A atarmUf'aad aakiaa aatartala- lag a date for the Dear (ulnre
Uae hondred night shift mra at the .•king the Circuik-COUrl l.-i grant an
oo UK in merrlv ■P'"-lnewal Uuh iVh. Ceot-ul ■.-Lina, and
MBV was ffraa Friday a*ewlBC at tbc
Utile laiae. Segaunee, loat their good .-rder oompeiliag Nm. Klida Sirn., ■
Wsdaeaday alghi the holder, ol
c the outa-oik.o
taMafHr;^Mtm.Daa Loadoa
' '.bat the miL.ioo buv.c there bad Wen ,
clothes aad 1... day .blf i mea their dig
ttekata for tta High aehool lecture
Fifth a«raat.fc»ambata of tta Portia
cioUln. Thutaday. wheo lb.
on Weal Maumee slrrcL to e»ceoarM will be umted to ■ f»«l ol ora­
alak. TtahiAbMdaetttaUdUa
olt-d Stale*
tory U BUUberg'a Uraod. Hon. C. H changing bonaewa. burned, becaum irlbule to the support of her >“i year. tta Itaaau.
Bautlfal BOaraalr
M>me mlnar left maUhea la hli pocket
force, aud Jhe loBU^geola. under Agul
mother. Hra Angeline Cramptoi.
PtsMT U a noted leelurer whom, elo
graaa wws firM «Mb CM.
naldo.ta Il-ulo. I’h l>epu>e.. i. rapi-ct- '
lor him . lofty plm*
Tha tetara of tta matag rraa tba
t» .bow
ouoty charge The caw. which
g tb. brilHaat eprakera
At Hecatar wnlle preparlag dlontt
naliTe* that the American, are.
canlry and U coming to Trmrerat PrWay Mra. George Percleal umd e eauwd a awlal wsMlion. wa. wille.i
Damm.’ Mia. J. H. MeOoagb takiag
■tnpIvoretTrmiing thej friend., but ll-a- no in.ul-ordication
City be U preceded by fl.Uo.iag ea oaaia which, had preeiou.;.* been um-i •wturday by Mra Siai. agreeing to p.v
ttapartetJalUtiMra-UM. BMa.U,
iiior r-mptuma. Tlicie | will be lolrrated. eren If blo.d.hed la
week fjr her parent-* matnles
menu from newspaper, lo many by another mrmbrr of the family for
' OphMU: Hia. A. U Baetaal. PortU;
are plemy of ^ .train. :
miaiog rough on raU
Mra. I’ercieal.
.tnir peeparations
pecpMtions Urply
largely I
' and Hta. Daa Lotaoa. Imdy Maotalb. largo eltUa.
linnng a bl issrri al Hancock la*i
daughter Mattie, aad William V.ndrt
>hol, whii-h give s talm
Hr. Abdrew tamegie aaa offered •
FiarUaBtattataadariDRaftbU lliIMtbofMr. H O-Koyaoia.
(■•fii.y. Mra I ren and her lu- I ............. .-. e.hilaralion loll—»<--i bv
gier a^'W.iaiii to erect a bnlldlugfuro
«la dniaa. Mta. F- A. Daaa. proddeal
Mra. Frank Uamiliia reoeirM batur- .laogeraa.'y.lck.buUlt. thought al
claugbler and son. aged four and | reUpie, but Dr. Iherre’. Golilen Medical public library for W'aahlngion. pro
at tta slab, caesaa addrM of wriDisr-o'-crr a a true and radical remedv.
ay a Utter from Bra J W. Hut on. three will recoeer.
eight re»oecUTely, were frosen Ui death ; It cvutain- noakobol.
coogros* wilt f-irnlab n alia and .
ioeauMtottarUlton. Bh. alta gara a
lhe*odir. wer.-uoi re-->»ered nolllyee i tinule ->r create a envi ng for inlnaicatiag p-XTide suitable maiotenaoee. not lets
from Loa Aagslo., CallfornU. aououi
Will Unllabaagb, an employe In «
ayaagahof ttapUy.
lag tta aoddea death of the wife ol
wday. She went uoi washing a. u.
uimuL-nta. It dues more than overcome
Steps will be
Reading f.etorj, ba. met wtlh .eert
Aabnrmlagmealaetoby Hia. A. J.
... taking Ibe eL.liren.
While re-' the -ruler eyaiplnm.
Boa. Henry G. Bryauldi. formerly
e tbc needed
.eclaeolTuiore orlem wriou. eioce t
DeyU WM baartily sasorsd. aad araeroillua aad rateatlTe fruit
ru-ng borne, they Imt their way TbU .bwvlutrly and cumpletely from iBglsIallos
,a> been working a. a factory banc,
I by Hia. '
grower of the peDla.aU- There
nir- - war. highly apprwUlad. Bo.
aod a peeulur thing about Ibem t.

maay oM Ume friends here who
I.hat each of them ha. occurred wilhio
aial ottaea af tta UdUa addad almaia;
lie f->r "ttoUleti kledlcG Dikov--,.
.he S'ewfouodlaad eoast.
Uare the news of Mra Reynolds' d.
ha l ha-l not been al home .in-- ITlda.r
-at he may Biike a little larger proifiL ,
aambuB ta ita taiaruismaat.
wlU.aorw»w.and whom aympath.eo will
He lu.tltutrd a .eareh aad fooud them
■ana and etbar dalatlsa wars aarrad
le.Lore wio-J. cootionr
ta with Hr. Boyaoldi In bu afhalf a m le from Ibe b-uu.e lo a bugaartagttawtalag.
t. nf n -lurwC. ra.IT c. -t't
pr-ibab'y bl rckade this
fl eUoa. A Lea Angelas paper coo
In. IrtenHr iT-ao-u-l'-nKo*to Pt B V nrrrr
. _
K mlra a few dar. aga by a llml
.1 u-S.It S V
I w.. -uSTriM WTTTrIr .n-l P->'t » I'niD I
^i»>. the following aeccunl of Mra.
TtaMav TemuaturBlock
falling on hia head and ernaUing hIm.HTTTT
rriirf 1 h.d breechin. esurrh, ■ * *.'
OMMster A W. Walt U paahUg Rcyaolda' deatheen aUMSabrefer year., carry e.1 a dci-x a few week.0-1 .1—rr-.c-i (I1W.W 1 Ino» riatu Mlim J ufafT. r..
Cil Truate* Henry G. Beynolde wa.
thswvkcatta latarUr
Ill lltr,* • c-'l-lm Mtdlr.1 micovrT} .*-1
ing r;.«k) In.oraner in V.bat <«der. bui 'ng the trolley wheel o
prcrailcd •
't'iT--me rrmT-jii-no
a.—-on *• ] iis-t takr* bariog pr
tta'aaw ToBBolUr bloek tar tta North- ealled tame from church G m forenoon.
toAaahUwife dying,
bbe was paei bad allowed thn p.illcy to Upae Ihrve rrom jumping from the
•a TsUgboao Oo. aad sight eaipaa- renogalalng him whep be arrired- Tht
Ma.araatwoikfleUbUg tbs aeoood ahochloher family Urrry grrcl. a. or four days at the Gme of hi. ,doai't
ur'jmw mrt yee' ewdlcior did her ' At Madrid, the goTerameot on Ibe
Ibe opinion that It wa* worth a
Rcyaolda wa* supposed to be re thereby prerenWng hti wife gelUrg
atary. ItU aapooud ttat tha baUd, -*-*mbuog of tb,
wm i«mrdi.
• mall loriune (or lu in»enmr. Then he ..-'-iS:?
oorariag from the rffecu of
fag wtU ta asUraly ---------------<1 a patent lawyer lo lielroit. In- • ft«» .iw Ksd^isM yc«i^^m«Uci.»^jjd^n^ atcly I«k. toy. Li K-torms. anlhorily
aeoidcBk aod lo be r«
log train on fUrid Ward'a logging
aUU ol health.
leodiog io try for a patent
A Utile
ro«l nroek a team-belonging to Darid
.uffciing man or woman Uonld
lia* aod the felew i.lan-U.
-bonld jIII
. K-ynoldsOa Deeemtar
itigallon showed him that a mao
Dr. Pierce',
_ drirmg wl
t .-eelan-*. O . bad .pplb-i t-c writr for a ftee^Spv of
thnuMnd-n*ge " ui.icd Common benie ,
lie la Alhambra, -.beir carrU^m wa> W.e and rui-aiiag I
neapfwr story enaalM of U light
to d-fvo.l lOcm
The i
I. m-fur.- (,.r a patent on the kH
It will be wot
.^bed agsinata irrr. and n..U. -f then,
UelK-al Adr-to
r. Lain .
Md airy inoma. Umaa which do sot
- ineeoLioc
It was a clow .hare.
t hare eoit of raailing. >i meat arrired *l this drotsiua It
were throwD out.
M. R
" ’j-O'
thiiuglil loat he can llee. One
taw windows taUg U(hled by Urre Btaaard and aeterely
i|ia. or io hmey, handiirime.
ent ott and three rib. were
tayUthUof whieh thar. ara aaeaa al- he recotered himwII be l-juiid U. wlf.
ly injured. orokrn. Mr. being .*-tite deaf did
MRoltar. Tta raoBM ara dl.ldcd lato lying aaeoatclou. aod c
ud two guabcals w
cal which bad beeo lo John Itock
Sne was oarrieo to the bun euf a irlrnd oolhear th - train or the warning erii-v
floaraaltaa aad teat atesUriog
ur Ue porpoa*
.lhamhraland' remained there until rftheolherleamrlcra. and
lamMy where three eaam ol d-p
tta UUar balBR la tta r»ar of the . „jmber *4, when she wa
It damage hs. beeo
la had appeared, the acareat ease
Fraace U reported to be willing at«
Ibe danger noill t-xi laie U> ae->td lihaUdU«, and whUh taw beeo Uased bar rwldeace in tbU city. N
being a bUck dialaal. and the famitiri
al to **il her Newfoundland shore
arenue. She Lad .uttered
hyJ.W.CUBa. of tta W. W. Kimball
Jultu. Hankop. a farmer lUiog iw
(..lllag there .Iradlly (or U«
Dot mltigla Dr Craae iwcored rights to England.
nenron. anoek
>oek and my.lerloa.
FhaeUo. A. J. Bradshaw baa two at
past f-mr day.
Th* Salior rlrer ba*
1 Injurira
It waa known, ■--•u. from thecal, throat wh-ch
An Austrian io«entor ha. diwivered
tnsMw WOBia. oae to ta aaad aa
u Inst bla bonw with all vta^puawnte
lal nor heart bad been for
riaeo 10 fw-t aod it i. ripreted that It
showed that the cat had diptbrrU la •
method of raplodlBg bomb, by the
atadU tta hU portrait work aad ‘ the lime attecUd.
d great precauiloi
flic Tuesday
Turwday night The family wa*
byr Are
will raise higher Ibaa lo l*vl
malignant form
Tb* cat waa killed acUoD of light.
• her from any esi iiathtawa raeepUes roeai Th'a Croat
awakeec'l just la time
e I. oo-i-jestioe but what the cal
snd. of cattle and bug. atr dro-alng
Ueraucogtb ralur
^ tta baildlag wUl taw two I
Califorol* Asaembly eotrd lU ap- ID Ue butt aod (roc«a are belrg
Thi. their nigkl clothe, and were oampeii.-n -carried lb* diptberla germ, aad in
OBiUa.wofcwtthaUrga Uy wUdi
roeai of Praeldeat HcKialey'i FblUp- washed away
lodrce. ibvmwive. in the .now.
morning, when Hr. Ur.rooldaiand
octtlaVed the Urnily
It bad
IBs west aalta ooooUu of two Urge members ol the family went to rhoi
plar policy.
•hild loft lo the hBildlng during the
la the Seibert where the
t^be progreatlng w»l
la Ur IdeellS-milnn of one of Uc
laeM aad tha east aalu of (hrse rootaa,
en.h W escape w^ ieeeued with mneb
The L'aned 8UU* reeeooe euttrr
d^aM started.
bodies from Ur Lehigh V,lloy wreck
teak of taaas ara Uro atpr. alee
Richard Rash ebatod sad -mplered a
spirt la.
which lay ucclalmad all day tVodam
taaw to ta aaad togatbta.
The Ule mlllioaeire mine oworr.
o'clock sta ha-la chill. Sum
Abonl II o'clo.........................
CMoadlan ^ler io Ue barbor uf baa
day al Buoad Brook Ue tragic rod of
TtaaairaacohaU k wide aad loag aMWlBg bw aUler aod ion.
Henry A Chapin, wboae death occur­
pUlaedof being deathly t»]d.
They red fuor week* ago.dld not lease a will
a romanoe wa* diMloaod
May aebi^ tta stairway a gradaal slope
Bill, hare b.^ lelroduee-] la Ue mnkry. I? year* old. aad Oeorgt Jo­
aUadlagkalf ways*. Tta hall
I'uxvljua to hi. death he deeded all L..
North Carolia*'ore to pronde sephs.
year. old.
g U ofaalalof
imed^ her aiatcr:-I am dy raat pmara.loneto hi. only son aod
wpamte radwaj oosebca tor while* I“a . aoercGy oa M-»d*y oo th* raesryntty daalgB. whlU It U lighted by
My placed her oo her bed aoa heir. Charle. A. Chapin of aieag... U .
slon imlo. They were eogagad
aod black*
‘Fta appar aloir
aged wlfe.whoae bcaltb U eery poor and
married, but Ur imrrau of boU obM proridad with a broad Uadiag aad bat they arrired loo la
who 1. not likely to loag .urtlve her
The pdlie* of Bcrllo
aereiee to her
The doctor say. U
jectod because of Unr youth
So urt
vUs haU raaahv to tta rear aalu of bean talinre 1. the a iM- of her d.-a
hu.baod, will ba eared for by the eon.
are re-ied Ulrty Rumlaa girls em­
derided to elope, gu n N-w York
Off ItataUalttasoaUeodw It U poraible that .be .uffrrrd an fr
By ibl. dIapiallioB of hU wealth it will
ployed Uere a. elgaretle maker*
oal bemorrbagr. but lhal le notkno
and be msmed. aod tbaa return to
a hath raom aad Ueatoej aad
never be kaiwo ju.l how mnch Mr
Mrs. Beyaold. waa born In LouisThe Soaol.h priesta. who fl-d from Ueir reansylranlB borne on--BBday
talU h prorided with hoi aad
Chapin was worth.
..y-. forty^lghi y.
Ue Philipoioee to escape Agniosldo'. eren^ng Uey eroded their pareau and
f Employee Stnehan -wtih
malde. name was
A very aad accident occurred at
LaGnppe -Capitol al tta
wraU. bare arrirrn la >ian Francisco took a trolley ear »
Mount Carmel
Tta talldtag U admirably atTaagcd
bad llred here
err flrr
Are yeara
and wn.
Karcy of the Piagc
Bridgeton Thutaday erealag. Vtil'i*
U-taodara alyU with ussy aoowalTb* uombcr of train robberir. io the Tbrr* the algbi was ap-ol. c
Th* Grip epidemic i raging la Ue
tar boabaad. .be
« bryn an a-.-tlre Cummipga. a tad 1! yeari old. wa.
followlag moralag they left os
Msaattaltaeoaattat aad assAa of th.
In dl>^<Ulai E-iIrc-Jpal Uborco stasdlpg opia the »t'p* of tta store CaplloUlity. and fulic e Ulrd of Ue I'nlted State, in 1-uS wa. Iwenlyrigbt
The girl
gureramrol emplo.ree
tNaaU. lasMiat aamoroaa oleaau. hays one of her frleod.: "She aouglit
la wbich fi
' with a gun. when It
TtafcoatwUl ba Ota af ttamoatav out the poor, ibe sick aad the.aoSrrlag waa diuharged. the aaGre eoatenu of (erutg from the dread disease. Violent
I Are robber* wrr* killed
headache*, feme aad cbilla, ao<
teaetlw U tta alty. ^ with tta ad- aod It wa* one ol the atroageac Im- the goB eaterad the left aide, near the
AcGog up-» Geoeral Joe Wheeler'. „a.h!aad her runaway
neing at Ue eye* and o<
DuUa* of her life to minlalrr
pl«d the ai
Walag talldlaf. sroetod Urw years them Allh-JUgh she wa
with the boae mcking aebea loggeat-o
e of^t
heart, tearing a fearful bole and oau.pains and a general esbaaation
^.thU will form a baalaaa-llka aad bo.leet aurl most rm.-irnl
lOg ia.tant death. It Mem. in picking
-'teportaat addlUea lo tta otharaab- city lo chanuble endearof,.h. waennup the gnu ami pulling it toward him.
best way to Aght
amamlng. aiugbi no rrc.-gnitlou. and
taUdlag. oa tta atraot.
sle Awo Csbar* wbo may bv rreameaugni oar of the step.. stceUirtfaeD the aerre. mi
told not icfhrr left hand wbatbrrright
rqpMtire power, ao a. to 1
■ended by Ue proper seUoritisa
bpaddid.dlwib.rgiog iheguB.
deadly diMas* germs, aod
rt DUoa of Wrslotd U la thU
Al Howeil. a jury In the elccolleoart do this a><)nlcklt aod surely
Senator Dselel ol VirglSik. wbo i.,
State Nava Itama
^ has glrea Samuel UerolU damagte ol Mile*- Nereior. It h*. rrsiored hr*
ow ia Haraua. toy. \b« Amt need of
A Fanaa Boy has trained a coeple of *j;i against Mathew Cullen f-ir prrueo tothonundaof »rip sutterer. after
Cop. 1. charity, aod tbc problem ol
eslesa ao that he ean drier them ia hai- al injutlea reeeleed ta aa accident. »ry other remedy ba. f.iied
gorerameol may be Oltei altorwsrds '
-Wnee the Cap left me I wasabrok
BaruiU wa. dr-vlag home from F.
A. WeaetaolBoatawaala tha eity
m down wreck. boU mental aod phi*,
P*rrtiU raerotly from S.vaU America
Jack Sbich of Newherry. waa .trnt-k with a aiaglc rtg when be a a. run
My arrre .rere .mplctel. an are told to hare latrodoerd typhoid
ywwrtay eUlUag Dr. Hartld.
•Bid not
BdUta TarwtlHgta rri Ita CadUUc by a lalllag Uec and lay aaeonKKMt. from Vhiad b/a pair of Luiwa diirca
It Ual 1 fcreramoDvriaitors to a birdUowla
»le«pand beeai---------------------with a fiaetaret hkull (or aama time by CoUea Cnilra’s ^Ir of berwa paav
despaired of erer gcUJeg well.
compleiely over IplBiei
_____m LaaaOrotaer aad AIm Bsydar beforo being dltcoeered
«*e wiU Ur flr.1 b<
It la eatd Ual tta Grrmaa gorera.
IrrHne aad when I had Uk
Tta goaatoua elUaetta el Laiulag aad .topped uD eltber .lie i-f ihe.ingle
af Kiaffslry.ate yUtUag ttaUmllyof
eompUtaly meal-M prepariac * bill Uat wUl praetare aabaeribed Bt.uo loerard reballd- horse with the aeekyuke aiiil hitched ea wren tattle* I waa eompM
Ot. J. A. taydta.
litoUy ezelade Amarttoa petroiMm
Mr Hamm. wh-> la over to narrd. H»r» b -en well aod alroag
lag tta Pagyim CoatrcgaUoaal ebareb to them
tead OlU. awhUral the Oaalph Pataince aad weigh m
from uat upaaliT.
wUeb waa daakn^ by Am last Hoa- year. old. wa. s«Terol/"m}ofwd.
aatOata Oo- at Boaor. waa U tta et^
Grrmaay Urestoaa to setae Barpe.
Baat-ci-F. rturo
Al Detroit . Aoely dremel womaq
Uc rintaat ot tta Tnago ialaada. aaabonl M yi ar. of age wa* found la aa
All dmggtata are aatkorlaad to eaU
Hra. B. WlBlara al *
_______________Isa* Uegowramtot pays priratetabto,
•a-tatca is ar alley about ri: Hi'e*' Nrrrlelataha pipe Is Lake Michigan aad tnr
moa^n-taadrd. >w*« fay Ue aatlraa to a G.rmaa
lech Fri-tay
Friday alghi. She Va.
ala hoars Thatnday morolag Ihe water, y o'elock
M-l Si***! Wrt>k« C»*> teWUlla«bai*»«apui4U.«rtoMfc* -to-


Dyspepsia dnre. ;

evolved by i


are the statements made by
some stores, but still they don’t catch the
trade. Most people have learned that a
concern, -where truth, honesty, and reliable
merchandise are NOT kept, is a poor place
to look for bargains—^uits claimed worth
$12.00, wind price $6.99, usually turn out
really worth $6.00, etc.
Our system of selling trustworthy
goods only at uniformly right prices is
dafly -winning new friends.

Many Inventory Bargains this month on
j Cloaks, Overcoats, Gaps, Hosiery, etc.

Wilhelm Bros.

/■::h S! S S
t-S 111 “

i lii.


...i i, i

B ri'iikv

ills I I




a d.liklil
•l.iiulii wiO)

.It give, lo
■Ih alike lr<

humble home orapalae* Ita cle.Baii« tooch tkri
---------------------‘ -1 aod dm . wtaMaaeny.



At the ]-rr>iM>Ttion nf (hrre-quarim of a rtip of CkEBM OP WNaATtB
one -|u :rt of water twhuii i.Uicrcci|ie for Hrraklaat Pwridga MliowB
ooo'ir packag.-)

You TI.-. .I lu^iUe onr wonl

it. bot can figen it oat (dr yoondL

At 111.- invaiiaVic rtxii-c which

shown oo all oa^jBeal psdnffM.

Av pfucti.-.-iUv the -mly <-rilln'-.m on Cseam of WbxaT bad beta
that It
(-» < x|a'ii!.i%c. It «-tll pt-y yon loC^prt

Which I-- the uiisr wc toll Icaee oor ctutomcT* to lodge.


Bot -



The .twru-i-o smimcnt that because ostmesl ssUi lor IcM mimtf
|>cf pa-kag.- it 1. the rbi-*j<*t-


had their day.
Tta proof of (ta matterria
ia in
ii thecoohteaf
•re nW
the forri.
stmcal aa a
d by the oatBSal pota.

^Traverse City Wagon Works!


A. J. PETEBTYIs, Proprietor.
I deeirr to snootieceto my old friciida. ami (lie pablic ia («■•
^enl, that 1 am Dow prepared (or banDeos in my new two-stor7 brick
(actor) at the cumer ot State and Caios atre^ at tbe (dot of tbc

1 purpota diiittR all kinds of «B|{dl. btBKj and aicagb irark

r.:LTy ;;:::d. ^ u** Vac’enio;wh*,.


A Wrong Notiw

- maamVlriaahaaff^ v


- ........ - -..........

' Powder


Chp Tikes UK CItj li its ITM Gfisp.

■slat were empty.
Maahegae waa
pile olaU*^tarcU.Uto tor. »»A ,
a^Tw ' ^
dry aad bad a Are oacarite tta ra-. herhaLaWgaffrir. hall baritat. Ita JSSili
Or. telto’Medkal Oa.■taiarXlad. ttsK


B raUren laAiftot mlama U


luy^t .........................................................................
in the

sod satisfy erery costomer

(gperisaoed m*«ha
i(«hania to do tbe work
r maancr. It aba]| b» my aim to plaaaa
. wbatoFer data of work be may kaeo

I shall do an kinds ofI repair wt
Alto general
al blacksmitbiog aMd
ab lo tall tbe epee
that I bare
re reUined
retained in my
ly employ

‘‘Biily" Abbott,. .^e
2sJ borne
borae aboer,
aboer. with
tbe old firm, wbo knowa how
and prac'-icaJ
to ahM a
RtT-va onirenal
onigeraal aatiafactioo to all. Be wUl be plaaoad le
botpr aod girwa
-ww bis old friends at the
(looJ, boneet work, at Kriiw prices, WiU
will be my motto, a»l
abonid bring mu a abare of the pablic patronage..
Work in tbr city will be called (or and deU<
Irered. If you wont
ybnr horse ahod. yonr bogw*
eeat coshiooi pot in. inrt tciepbooe Ku. 190. Ws
tbe work prompdr-a^ delit-er it iost aa orderad.
Too are innted to eali and touk over tha
« now
agm pUnt nWee
yon want any work dona or not. I aball be pUnaed
Mead to
i aae yo«a^
show yon aroand.
Bear in mind the plaea-tbe saw brick Caetarr. at norUi rad of
, Union ai
•ridge, with the aign of Traverae CUj Wagon
'agon Wo^


fti.AirD mi^ra;^:faBlth^.CyAK1TAtiy 1». 1»^.;
Tto OMtoiBto OtoM Traroao BBloo.
AopoIoA CoL. Jm- l.-Tbo
I botpltol Wia tto frippo((Of tto toot d.p of tto poBT
vBooVM whoM eSoo tto aoottor
•otototobooB bold, to fatodwHb IMI broophl to tto bOBM of tor.
SMoto. OOM La Atooloo. 0»l. orer
amp of Uo dcip Brud Tibmcm poe |
I to tto d
t. aooUp froa Tr«oo*M Citp. now!
OA Tto .plirwlc hM . dra ftip oo
iU lo too ototoltp of La Aaroloo.;
tto towa .to aaUr. toalUc. mo (Idi
At Dpmftec Omti* n*bhwA. w«« with It.
WM. pleuMil ro.oloD, ud bmp]
lA wM 4»>*Md l> .CWbyt vami. aW
we tto roatoloooaoa of MlehiiBB^
«too PraL 0. B.
^rMHthaV*tb»«MMft nUUf^V
o.ioac f*T«.bto to 0.)lforBto M>d '
Bdl. to*d ao. of tto toroBth Itor AdI OHMpoU. iraM k*pi«P«a« 1^ oMttot eellwo at BctUc Croto. wm
b«* dopreattop . Mew Yar'. tide
'N..2MrafaUtha uwp> whom .to tod. drtrlv dow« boB Uorut toko, tb*
■to tto wal ■Bstor w*. oowofy-—o. bMO. na .W.T. Bo w« throww«.t alp »t the oed of . o^lekla ea
Mdktokwito tto bato. uidbbtooll
Bat flowoa eat frooh froa tto
At it. ir-to th— Kii/..
Ah dlBMT. unod to bk toolr
tokn. to tto CMl- boifh* froa a. poppor Wj
«,to.o.ttotohtootoltototto toor, tMl.w bmpltot uid died to Id atootoo
la>b f
.llorbl. MTioU- a. WM tto oldat Uo board wito atep a food aiaf pat
tto rtoto todlM. to tntood »w«. protCMOr to tbo C(dlM«. eoalo* Ihrr. able Crow tto plrale baakou
lae bp wh^. aae bp Irala aad too 0
'to«mM.utoCtoto.w«totoctoow «w- wto. tbaeoDcar. wm tooUuted to ttdt
IliAf *---------wM Bstoto tto tow who Bo WM protMoor of botoar ud Hoc

Mto *U oto MO •■»»>»• to *«7 tor tto
BootomotrhMMi; Oto oorOMT.
Work lo Mlfhlf...
Ho l«»r« t
tto rIV* ■■» wto WMotoetto Iwt fto
dnfblrr.- Tho profrroor wM koo
Atodto lh»t to did
.Jlorw tho Ootiod Stotoo .aoo*
■■eo. tor which to

. drowMd.

Bit to-U «

O.BorW Now.
Tto low. towM .1001 tbo tolalalpW rtrM ropo-l tto water Iowa au

nattotottoatoCUr.. Cuba, datof
mjK -Loto U»o tbo Hallb.: Wo to»o tto pMt ano par. bare oqo.lto M
•0M.M Mtocrikon b; ib»t
v>w. paeoBtoftbopopototloD.
.Late DOW. froa daao. t. that do
tto two todod tbit waob B.ktoA )mktor bM bao olMloe aed ta.l wm i.
M ovoo dowa to ibk dtp U<aA’
B. PMotoh. tto, Mleh. probable botwoon rir.l elaiaaota.
Ootottottl""*’ atowtor. wto wmmTbo wak of rodne^ok tto ailltarp
dMU/MtU) tbo llltottootoUpriMo fertMOf toe Uollod totatakoo poaa
torfcrrarp.bM bM ptoord to cbMro footlDC lo prorroalok »lo*lp. bot
•ftto UbfMT.t ttoprtoooM llbcMtoo.
Laton froa Hoar Koop roaioto to
WkUo ororktor .pea tto 0~d top
Mt A
roHnad bridfo »t Hi| Baa Faaetoco ap Oermtap U taacirtoc
toptoo toH&toj. Joto U- Utoaep w. a. Flllplaa to oppoaitloe of tbo i all
todlpla)orod by toUtoroB . r)rd«
1 Blatoa.
B. Ml to iMt. Mrtktoc opoe tto tee.
At Saaiaadrr. Hpale. a .troar art!
HboB Bea)Mto. M«d to, wm Iou.c
AMd to bod .t bio toao OOM Vvaoe
. Motba pcomlBoo
(O tOWMhto. WM louc

Of tbo eotablo eaau. of tbo oeaoioa
It aap bo BcaUaod ttoi Dr.Elac took
two capo of eoBa. ud tbea led the
ilotbelop ofapooDk aoootalo
to trp aad oa Mtcblraa. Krod Hoddro
ra* atoed to rapoad to Ibe toa>l
Tnreroc :itr." b.t blaalf
M belac "too fall for aiteraoM."
Corbto to bit bilarltp tried to »ial •
Iwlcb froa Ur toed of Pronk UrolUek.ndwMpromptlp Mratod bp Ir*lar Mowborrp. tried bp • J«rp of bb
oooriktiDC -of Blacr B*H*y. ►'
H. Tboatoo. Jak Perrj. Bop Herrp,
_ _ J W II ItoB. L
Eoripa. tor»
Bopir. Ha Cbaa aad Hto Carrie
ftoroea .Of OorW. two daufbUr.
aad Hr* Corbto belap rMatad bp ratoe of kar>wlap too aoch about tola i
|urp rrrdletod Ibai a. do>'tor
dhoald b.eoooe more >-b.oa for bit llfr
HealeblUkot trmpofrol.d rirtaal.aod

■abwkto. lwteu>MWfwOcnn.a4. lat
a a WMM*». tto »> BMotoMaw (a wa
Bmwiyv. t.
Wm Mat Witt ri-rtmt fete iM raw


Hr Kntlpa drorr li
loraed. baeiei louof wia old frieod..

If cru.irr Kroiekiro arrieod at He
t.e. Hoadep witb CbMlea U Allrr.
I aMl.lao t Mcrnarp of toe oaey.
'board. The Cubao* will plee a baaquel is boaor i f Hr Alleu toal«hl.

It is not ‘offs" that you want- -it is not ‘'offi" that make merchandise cheap—It
depends lar^ly how cheap one owns bis goods, and circumstances and conditions
which often compels one to unload.
Tba» we buy and sfll below par value has long been demonstrated. Unforseen
condiUone force’s us to do even morer-to unload now. regardless of cost, is our only re­
sort—our ma n aim being to'realize. The raductioos below given are from our regular
f)rices which are always abput 25 per cent below any competition in the country.

82 98




ail wc-l
... wad *: ;.t


tot t—Yeuop a
Keltont lurtoer

•ta On than ONC CENT • Cup.
Tratoo-Marii on Evorp bKhag

U.I.—Mena better qualiU

Etnabdahod • PSO.

bearer Orrrooat.


Lot --Mee'a Wa.hinyu.B in II, hearer i.rercoau
price I-, <» to Clare at


Mee'a all Wr..l hearv Keraep O-er.-oaU former
price fV |>. IP cliew a*

aid Ion.
aaWaUhlaoror to to o Cbieafo
plfaj rearcriap froa tto lojurlm to­
ad wlto a bell opikod with

Lot'r - .Mea'a.ll wool dne Krreey.. Hu. lea aos Oorert
oreicoau former price HI .a. to c ow at
Ixit lii-Hre'a (nr K. raep o.rrcwvt well awle and lla.-d

which toe TolBBla.Up wore M poaaea
lor taactod atoa

tell lii.r.l


Mar ArkaaoM CItp. Kao .. low dap.
apo. Chlof Waoba. of tbo Kawa
BoMtotHtoo. pa>^ to* >rwo
• wtettogotocto boppo. to tto oo-od bariad la ladlaa fabla.
Ub I
toot aad placed a bb r«re. aod
atola o»tto botoa.. cImo to i
ror toot wae erected a aew teal, par.. ttU. Tberooro II beftooer. to tto
taaod for tto oocmIod.
■Mp ot Mtoeap Md ttoy oona
ttototopoo at Ita tUpof^J^oorp

At Ulibboro. Kaoeae. OBalla.
eraolap to Tlralooa aad w»pe. There
:i well deflaed
trtroh*"*- eocot MontaTo allpod tbra dalb. PriItaaoifo toabaacB. hM rooCBtlp m Tbra aew eaa
Bolrol tooportp to tto Wat lodloB
dap Oaeof I t wont fal.roe b toe
bto MW. Lotto. )r..dopMMd Uot irook took of qaarma
far . rhdl to hto BOW pooooMlo
The fara boaM to Fap.tto Heac^aa.
atf M . lOBOfBl toor of Cb. Mid
BMfP.ll.rlH.. WlNwatlD, WM blowa
dpaaall., klUtor HcaebatoBo bp dpi
lip tojnriof bl. wife aod
0 aod Ulallp
foar chlldroa. HMcbaa bad ^rebaaad
taUto rooto toot »
/'^eotto• t
to BM to blMtlDf. How tbe dpoaId wtU pot to . BOW a«too of It
r BBdWtUpOttl
•U tooaiD. tcaliod I. pot kaowB•dpowor. ud atoo o
At 8t Lool. to a crowdto .trrcl ear.
B board of Which WM a pollcei
arM B«1 robbrd W H fiayder. rtaldaat aaaarcref the SailDDal Fire laAt Abb Arbor Horaaa B Ooart. ese
iimacoeoapaop, to.J-waloM* coa«t too too bMVhMWB BrahaaabU to
«btoeoul>r. atotaratad bto airbttoa _>latoE tolwaaa fa.ouu aad fa.ouu
wtirU of Jewelry. The robber. OMopod

tto world ato It ataaeber la
Am. Joho B BpkM. who weal to
htobtotofiaOBl ratlrtoatbaa
Haalla tor tto AaMlcaa Bible Soeletp,
roporu that at proMBl uire 1. oo
At MiHita Ctortot Itolartoa
ebaaoato dHlriboUoE tbe wtriplotaa.
rrilap. Ho alippad aad Ml wtoa r»- b.t lour OP aare will to ao troabla.
H. doMBottblak ttoFlUpiaoaaraaow
OclottobarBBBdatroekoD to. baek
at for arlf-roearoaeol. H* aUo Mp»
^ tto baad. aaor iwralolaf

wm faw the aoaael of tot tto Flllplao. are Iraotaat
^ M hto daatoBb toaU wm Irar
mmt U* kaaa. aad toward braiarrbadte
Ttofateto W. T. ; . rM. a railway
mmmd aaplw. paMpato of kb kodp. aaplopaat BeaBaelUa.'lBd.. eSera aa
Mom. bad abaMa wblob had ben toataaoeota waralaf eeareyed to a
gtentbaabpafrtoadfcaa Oe .
dTMB. He dreaaad that Be bad >aea
Irp tooappaad to h-a baa toe
killed bp a. eaia The aezt dap ha
to aanl boat.'
-riap of Mr. aad WMoaafbtoaderaaorlnc trala bat
Mra. Ctoarla Owtto ' Wat Btp Citp. MTcd btauelf by oUa«ibE lo a rod.
- Boto wea tokn w>.
taeea eroapt lew boeia later he wm etarkt by
- MtoroaltlBf aabonuaaafiarpartak twltob eaftoe aod eat lo pleoea
to tito toiM. Tto proapt all of i

Saoi." hat.‘l)<>rn actiuring lb.'





liavf 80 iiiniKiiallT laru'e sl.K-k


t<> wliq-t fr>.m

4 to irr.

OM Mew to Max OoUborT* Mwa

,prd for toe oocatmOThere la laieai
a Mrim of >

a croaoT Mar. oa tiraad Rlrar
aMBao. DolridV to tto rror of which
fa, M waaaatobbora faaoltdr .tor*.
Be BUMptod to far« oB tto Maw. bat
tto faora to lo-Mvd tto aor. it bl.Md
Thos to triad t. blow It oat, wtoa tto
whela boHaa., w«sl ap aad Ua balldli« WB. BOOB tortof a but Ume.

rarred lo a. rietoily to UooeU'
Boae. a. coaoly uai. wliblo ae l.-t
day. Mo iM. thae
to whoa wore to appMeatiy rohaai
heaia.' bare bene .oddeoly atriekea
aad died wltola a abort lia.- after ae
auaek. le aeery eaae there were aeawBB NMmb. while drietof .
Blatakable eyapioau of polaODley Aa
Baektoj A Deadtoa' team, tort
laroattycUoa bM drreloptd tbe fact
■aabie* lato wia » load to wuod tot- Uai ibe TlcUaa bad to all catM takea
«fd^, had aa aacltlac Mcape (roa
adriakto whiaky abortly'tofora ‘be
- wBlorp paro. Tto Obb brakr thro vb attack. Tbladlaoqeery acaaad to arlthrtea Bad Kalaea wm ar<wa .
Uc ac fact that pola->eaat wElabip
thaWawr. Ba bad a lUalp UaBwatobllac e« to tto aolld to. afta
dMkad aadto Mtaral tlw« bp
Aaaadoftito aalMla, Tto traa
Arowa^ a.d WM oto to O* Ew. -to
OiWtoipaaT'. baraN btoac .al.wiat


WhUa Balpb BaUwla. of Badlcp.WM

- ^Bfar. Laura tea to CbakMweeaoy
wtoWttea by a.M«waBl«Bl. aad t
WM tbea dlaroewod tbai tto brat
Headay Baldwto. who
■uMditooorktoadMtttA buf wia
Oat to amrolaaer. bariad aaeatlro
fai. M It WM toapouIbU to teU wbal
X.J7 S STtl,


liord. worth

trlmuird, worth tff
to-l 'oto at
i.ut Udirr'brat Ja.-kru. ttilor mad-. Har allk acryc Hard.
prrfrci flltoru. told formrrlv a'.Ji.' »ir, and 11*. to clour at
Attrarhin aed Brarrr .'•pea arr rrduced
llrilrr yradr. of looyrr . apru. iriaiaird, worth St tw.
lo clour al




Lot ?s -Heller quality boy'.
price »4 ou to eW .1
Lot ri - Bat qualilp Aatrach.aa Keefer, foraer


Cbildm-t rhlaeblll. Beafcr. to

$2 60


All ar rrotolader of tbr fiaer lltoeUaad Kanep Cbpaa.
up to h. iBcbr. loay. wora from M to »i, rodaead to.....

tfO f\f\

Ybr r.iaaiedcr ut our Hlaua aad CbUdroa'a laekcto at M par
i-rol 1 ff
Our I'lua Cape, wr bare dirldad totoaarotBl lota, ria;

SI.15.SUfl.S3mUS(l aidtiso.
All made of tidlti I’loab. ,dll Herd, aad triaacd wtaforrollar aad
farlarrru' rout

1 Fn M CipE t4kl U PM, sua ui PM.
A frri l ahrulla bum -d Capra to clou


lODt al some of tliese uoprecoileoled baieains in oil stow winoila. and doi'l miss tkis sik ef uln.


The Boston Store,


Enterprise Grocery,
288 Front Strerl.


W. J. ItOBINSOS. Piopr. J

glass block

Front Street.


Counter Full of Excellent Goods J5.65
W.irili. w«H-we’ll sar nolbiog alxiul the worth for fear of Ixifur classed
t\ i h ibose "figure blind" adrcrlisers. But. if you are in want .tf an Overdnat
or Ulster cornu and sca; these and ieam orici-s. They will go soon,

tun . ^

$7.50 to $9i00

Klcgant goods, sold by ns through
for from $10 to $14. All our finer
araotved—Money refunded if you say so.
at great reiluctions—prices are guaraoUet
WiU close two weeks supply men’s shirts aod drqwers-window Ln of
them—have sold all the year al 5’'c—w ill close them 2^0 0 ||Qff|]0R|

One big lot of MEN'S JBESET OVERSHrETSclose at.-...................-■............... ............................................



up to bl. 'r> to eloar at
Ladl.w all wool Bor Krfurp*. Url'.aaa. aad hear) Ujurlrr.
all ratio Hard, worth up 1^ «■« w. to date at

: ^One lot extra heavy XTNDERWEAEat

BMtoM bar. W 80.04 W...WaU

"I'- $9.60

ss {

Ml. arwf <W. H raaeabered to hi
hli qaroroeea enme frar yearu OEO. a
toe KaOMe City Jouroal
Oo ae
allsded to he bad nibered
hto baoa looktor for it all iboe paata.
aetuoer acre of ble frieade to
Itaaaabaektobla laa wwk I. tto
.alter toe rrjniaret of aa elabo­
thaap tor a r Mil. aad wm tdraUtod rate apread. Hr. Turoef'e luaeral aer^aaarb whtob Hr. Aaia bad plaeto
prMcbedbpaaieUler .pr

f.tdlr* youd Hrwrrr. half aalia liard JhckcU.
wora S' .hi. to rloto a>
l.adiw' all J.ckrtr, a 1

toCiR.' dae KrraepL briicr liacU. britor fiolabcd aad

}u tor. Jackal Leao. or tooua.i. do*p
l ymilniM Ueadlichl Oil......................................................
ttoo M.tebeo
(trar'e Bett Batwr Crack.r., per peood
FlDcSJi. per barrel
.it, per
ttoekere’ Hall,
p ai._
I pouod A A e Soda..................
YeMt KO.B, per paekacr
SpBM Read Tobaeeo. per poaad
a ptox* Pruoe Jui.^ tobaauo
ai pouode C SopM
\ w
Ill poaadi Uraaolatod SufM
r pouada Olna* Starch ...
Klee Pleale Uaat. per pooer
aed B.ap olbeneqaallyaa . d a.t poo will flpd by yielay aa a call

Aa eeeeatric HlMoarlaa. oaaed Jobe
TarBor. whedied BOt loocBcoai Km-

whtob to trwwarto M a aearoBlr .
tppaafBNra. Throarbaoddaitl
ptaoto to dtrealatioa. aad Mr Saltb


Until Further Notice We Will Sell

with Itolr booty.



I aatla poke l.wiser |

$3 60



, ur


-Hrn'e luip.rtrd t

Wf. like 'I n.-l,-


U aek forun-r prtre p, .a


l/Ot l.-Mea'a Hearrt «.

000 ton'd to approorUtod bp
CaUrd SlaU. tor tto pap aoat

VtoblfOB. Hto to 44 pMH eU. t I
11 totoa toll. Mto wolfto .boot

Aaca far afaty tidyb.

■e W eojoy i

It WM mooed aod arrlad Ibat fartber celebraliJO. be held to the future
andae(lr»tid TraoerM Ei le Society
forma wilb Hn Hlltoo .ecretarpE sitci.t


Hn Marp Sawpor Potorof Hoeawler

Mn. Urto. Btooq.0. llrl.*
tocoAloC. bM tto ..KM dtatiMttos of
WkcttooatolM atorrtod woaM


A Sale That Knocks 1-3 and 1-4 Off Sales Higher Than a Kite

Black toould'lake bb pirure w.tb I
wattle artp 00 ru.rd dolv
Tbit w
pccoaplitbrd wiihoot the loM of I

—ThiUrra'. Meilon I Uler. <vur rrpul.r price

M. H. raaatlp atobraiod her loOlh
ibdM bp toklBf a .lolpb rldo of 6»o
M la a uaparatoro of fOdoerw
lot**™ *l torooM
pMtcOo.. M^LMtio Boll. Mtotooi
. patoMtoT. tonak . potriotto.loua
faU e( toffo Ptoor O.PO Tto aialro

poMto BtobMMtooptoddMfbUr.


■totof MMto fa Toko Hlfa (fai
etapMi^Tfafad fa CatB. OUTK
CUBA Onto fa Tbra Bopa.

-A FEKFSCT poOC-M Vbolewiae «e « 1» IMflcioa..” ^

qoahr abak at I o-elak Moodap aora

•Bptodrd with . toed oooto, b^ ‘
■wto.>diaiiro anitod.



28 cents



100 Pairs Men s Wool Pants ^
$1.00 per Pair.
Worth looking at.

To close the lot at 1-2 regular price. ^
We have about 100 Men’s SuitS—tingle soiti. which .we #Bat to
close—The prices on these will be cut tremeodonsly low-.<*ood foods—
There are great bargains among them and oi^ adViM is—see them.


OBANl)1TRAt«B«B HBBAU), lAHttlaT 19, 1S99.
Hra. B. M. ViaiMwa,
at of tatenta la* po^la -Bte
MS ■■MeUMraMOUId.'IOHaaMaT. ahaiBu to the jury yntaeAay wua atear.
•a ate^am^abaMln ate bte AteMteetiaretMd'hvvMeeuVr. fmt-M ••■ether had Daaffhttr.Ms.
MaUd»v«7»WaMd VmrtaUwrn
Mary Hayti.
Ir* DdAte kn aanalbiTtewi
tka M« UbiW7
Hhj nrlilnil tbM tk<
ratelar the ■■aarrtace ratedkm wUeh
I wtaV- IMI QacaUoa has.
law r^u*
le tt
eant him ta mate tpadal aBorta
r«t atanet (acta la Ainrea mat. a
wbaa terrubtea dcorua it tea na
. Hba alee ax^alaad '
lead fact that tba ellaaUea tally jatU■oMltttBt AbM*



Vtai X«tMi Onr.



w. Kalkaaka.
itahaaal of dhlrlet llbiarMa
lo:»B-DlMatatea. «. ■- Haylar aad
the object batter
tewnblp llbrarUa baeaaaa tba vtaaMat
feed la faiaad by tba ;»raataat
btular year, a
bar. To koow what a. library witbla
aaa eae seat be tberoorhl:l5-ganUoa boa.
ly la tMOh with tba eoaatry dietriei
aed beat praderilee.'
t-l»-"8iook ralalar bad fardln*.>’>.a« Allre. Iibaea.
tba besa aed aeboel late 'eleaer
IMablp. Tba dlautet library ebeald
i-S-ivt’w''eTi^tta?* What ban
I rolbad from tbe laetltata?
ayatasaad eoa
WomecV>ltclloo lb Baplltt ebur^.
____ Beaty aehool oeykt to oa
afterDooa, Jaiaary ISih.
■rt. C. S. eny.c
Any. Cbtirmaa.
Ubrary. Hooka loaaad may for
tkli aeeUac
aeeUv e^oot to^
•a aem for the porpcaa bat te Icoro
at to Ibt ladlea
to lore reed literature aed tba tbillty
Hrt. Hi
to aaa booka rlfht
jmpU moat'
Ltileu of Trueme City
are enrditlly
aitcbd tbit
Proa tba lllaraty eaetre the book* will
Bad their way late tba homaa where
asayadeaeurea flaoied so be «p)oy
Cireoit Coon.

Md sot pari>r
MOUt «C Meek U wlIl«iM»IM« proBU
aWj, whk* be lUsk* a eerplnperlaBi
Be «aa fraw aoU fosr
kaaaa aa> wtetar -ore «aUla Ikae
ha M aaBBW. Ha Ulaka eatUe
a ban tbaa reaaiac
1 halwr. lalrlr
jt UW7 abeald be let
aattothabanletat alrbt. Cowa. b<
(blaka. ban iee neh asanlaa wbar
' reaalv »« prodaea Ua fraaaaalqeae'tttj el sUk. aad reqelnsmeeb aaoR
^ aa>; ebjtellea te (reae
aaUiat la tba labor lanlnd. bet^
Ikiaka tba labor la wall repaid b; Ibr
Tbeaa wbo ware hi lead tba diaceaa
ka,H. B. HlUvaad (iaalord rallar.
balBC PTMI. a raaaral dlaean
Mlewad. Hr. Otap aad Mr. Hafler
waaa nry Boeb la Uni ot craea
Hr. Voorhaaa alroafly ophol
Oaoathl Fnlt Orowlar.

A. P. Ony r***
••rralt-BTOwiBr la Mortbara Hieblraa'
basldbawMUBOtapraaabl.hb rr-

sarka aa a ^wyar doaa. from oaa aldr
aaly. bat ^Idrn both the adraotar« aad ^raalaraa Oea adraalacawahaVala Bortben Hiehicba b
thatwahbneaa hour more tOBlicbi
la Ohio'aad tadlaaa.
w tba eold dim.
ate. lose wiatan aad dry toll.
Ucmiaarint aabjaet te ba oei
Bl^ croud la Imporlaat lor frail
baea: the eeld aiaha late tba aallara
abd tba boat (reaa tba rallay rli
kaapatba trna
yoaca tn ten had tba laaat n
ten bad tba iMt lals wa bare had
tba -baM trait and Ite rale fheae
yuan waaot tte nry beet qaallly. Ii
«akaa a tear diaarbt to aSaot a tree.
Fnit inaa era aet ct moeh raal pro
•taadar tae yaaia el aca.
fmrtb. bewanr, Meur slntka. lor
■ tnaosalara nrly they dacay
, The tarthar aortb'' fral
loioUerila faaUty.
ftowlar li telac paabed farther
aaohynr. We araraUiacU thb raMr.Qrayopeteefttelapertaiiea of
•elor la tte ralaa of Inlt (or sla
aeaaladad aitt aa appeal (o^tberoorb dke
<«te aUpteed metbod aaed by m

25 Cents Off Every Doltar Sale!


wsa lima I here tboaebi that
of laetaruB to yoooc maa alcm
tbe Use of rraat protooaloot ate«oeapaUon Id life would ba of laaatlmabla
hcB 1»
la deter
detemlalar tbit llfcU
laa to tb«B>
It bat beaa my
that a larrt per orot of yoooc mea
raaclbc lo or* from tlzleco
Bn yearu. hare not been able lo arrir*
at a sUafaetory eoacloaioe ta to wbal
tbeir aeocalloo la lilt aball bax li'j
thiak that tbey would Uk* lo eater I
medial or Irrul profnaioo. otb<
Uiiokthev woold Puerto cater toi
departmeal ol the mercaatlle bozlai
eacace io aome braacb ol meebaaIm. It la aoi perfectly clear lo tbem
The Jtootry.lerm of the Clrealteoun what prelimiaary «loiac
aatartaiameat aa well.
Him Gray
to tbe bicbeat tueaea* aloos ueae rar.
brrta Taetdty. with Jodfe Peter
urrad that wilb 'be aiaiatpace of a li
Dadd* of Ur Ploaaaet oo tbe beoeb.
brarylbe rural teacher Oao^perform
Judex Doddt la a eoorteout aoA dlcaib cepuoD ol the maay eerloaa tad peraaeb bailer work and' aepompilah
•d jadleltl roMplc aod local atloroey* plezioz pcoblema they will be called
eaaSar the eeda daalrtd. Hhe atated
(te'irtble Impmted with bit per- upOB u meet wbea acUrely eafuced
tbalharobaamlloe bad abowo i
la tbeir cbMB profeaaloB or baaloeaa
oouBlry borne wllhoat booka it
At tbe opeolac of U>e teatloa Atior- it la lor the purpoae of belplnc tbe
wUboet a bewapaper. eno tbe
ry K. 8. Prtit. io a few word* in ref- yoon*
Tba laalaaoea aba daacrlbac
pruleeeloB Of aroeaUoa lb life tad lo
•eeL-e to tb* lale Jadr* B L Curbeu.
aa exampleaof mebtalttaiTatioDfer ibr
re<|aetted pormimioo lo pretrat tb' ^eoeble them to tee clearly what the
chlldrabofthoaabomea Maayooootrj
Btloo* lo memo^ of tbe depart^ 'eoadliioBi ol aueceaa arc that tbe ioldlalricla.abeaald.areuiSerloyfrom tbe
coorte of Intare* ba* boea ar­
judee which were adopted by a meetlack of rcadlnC mauer. aad tbe
luc of the bar ol tbe dtelriel
plaa of tbe HlebiyaD buie CtreulaUac
I. Tueaday eTeaine. Jaa. S4. “ne
Jude* eorbelf* doath. The requeet
oorbl to help eolae
beioc craated tbe reoolnlloee were Legal Pfolratlon," K 8. Prutl.
bat the aalue of ibla aa
Tueaday eeeaiog, Jaa. 1
read by Attorney Manly C. Dodee. aad
worklnca era BOt rcorrally uodrratood ordered apread oo tbe reootda
Bate*. Bditor Gruad
She laid Oiat wbercrer there 1*
There were bat two criminal caan rruTcrte Herald.
irlcyilbrary It miybt be freaily ia1. Tuaaday ereniBg. Feb.
oo the docket Ooc of tbeae. that of
tram the ttato library aod reery
tbe People ra. Jay Oaaaot wa* nolle Cbrlaltaa Uiaiiuy." Bee. D. CoebUo.
tebool dletriet tbould be made a braacb proa-ed oa the roqoaal of I'rotacolor paator Coi
library with tbe teaeher aa a braacb
Turulay urealag, Feb II. "The
A fr»<ioeol raebaare
The other w*a alao oolle proa'ed;lbat Medical Profnaion,- Dr. A. B. Kowley.
booka tbrourb tbia plan would fire tbe
of the People ra. Fred J. LeccctV al- AtaUlaal Bsperinteadeat Kortbera
popila the adraolare of a laire
iboorb Ulal waaommxpoed. Larcett M'.rbigaa Aaylum.
UlloB of rood booka
i. Tureday ennlng. Feb. fl.
waa aecaaed ol obtalnlnc property by
Uiat Urayb paper waa loaf aod tiled lalat preleataa. A jury^
bankiag Baatoeat.'' Fruah Weltos.
ite moeb to.louraal aed eOBlaloed
tad aererul witatfacB bzamiaed. wheo Aaxlilant Caabler Klral National Bank
laey ealoatale tucreelioDt. Sbe dwell
c. Tueaday eveolag, Feb. Js. ••The
Hou. w a Foater. ooBuaal for defeod
rreai deal upea
UoaUaet mured to diamiaa the cate upon the HercaotUe
tbe bookt teal late
rroood ttaal tbe firti mortrare lirolr gue. Cenerul' Maoaw Haaaat A Lay
aad La her irmarkt (bowed
ed la tbe eaee had apparently been UercaaUle Co.“
tbtttbe bat become t ttedeoLol t
T. Tueaday earblag.
paid. The court then look tbe eaae
aeedt of tbe eonatrr dUlrlet tcboolt
from tbejary and npoa requeet of •■Tearhing aod School Superaialoa.
tbe matter ol proper lltertUire
a. Tueaday eaeaiag.
Praeecnlor Pratt ll^aa oolle proa'ed,
Tba Bebool aad Tba Home.
“Agrlcaltore ladudlog Bortlculture.
apoa the cronedof lata:
Hon. Parry K Howeru o( Cbdlllae adwarruol and Information. Tbe laforma. ete.dresad tbe Inttllate apaa tbe
Tueadaji' eaeaiag.
March SI.
lion drawn up by Proaxoator Pralt waa,
aad «cboe! la aa elequeet deacrtpiloc complete, bat former lack of aeeeaaary • Pbaromey." C. A. liugbee.J Ciiy Drar
el tba beaeflu of care io aducailoaal
deuil waa reapoaaible for tbe declalob
work aod the clotar zlllaaer b<
10. Tuaaday eeenlog. March «
Ibo borne circle aod the tebool
Tbe next caee lo go to trial trat tbal - MechbDieel EagiaeeriBg.'' W. F Csl
Uowtrt coloeldea with ITufitaot
kloa. IVaaerux City Irou.VV'orkaof Jennie E
Weldrou ea Mary H
wa rarardlur the liberal eompea*bpaakera
will ba aanouPced laur
Walker, link parUe* to the anil are
tatloa of iaaebetu.
Ue belieete
of OldUiaaioB and iheacUoD it brought
there wae ao lereeleieat to rtli
Tba e-m.-ee will be glaea le the Lafjr aboaiSMkt hoard billa claimed lo b.the talary ol
due plalaUfl for board of maa (aid to dirt' Library baU'aa Froal.atreet. Tbia
aeboel taarher. Ue declared ibat
hare been working for defeodaal aod ball baa receoOy bxeu rarpeud aad
cbMpeit eBjoymenl to be bad
furalabed ao tbal it will be a aary <
btardiag wiiti p'.aiatlS. tbe defeadi
wbat WM acqalrcd from oor teboou allegeffTo haee gaarantecd t
fcrfUble aad cbearfal place for
la tbit eoaoecUoa bt deaenbed
' mr.tinga.
of tae board bill*.
rbxre will be absolutely noezpanaa
tlracrlea ol “r* *of wealth la which
plainliSa attoruxya
they deaied tbemtalTat tbe pb
Lsraogar, Manly C. Dodge aod J.
affoteed al the f rcalde aod toDcbiorly
ouui>r. Tbe only coodUloot era tba'
Patcbln, while the defeodaBl'a
tba joyt of Ibu
they cinix for the purpuae of Irarniag
eoBdurtrd by Prutl A Daria,
elaia wtaieb tbe pratUe of childrrc cue wu aetOed.
aod that they altru* all iba Ipctura. o'
formed tbe btppint elemrot
l£> count, oolna* Ibay proeent a good
Tbe Otar* puloeer tbe Verm
bellerad that our tcboolt tbould tallows.
eicuar for not oalag preaanl.
maoa mon
C .urea lickr'.x will ba printed
Krubea Aylmwortb rt. H J Morgua.
do aad that tbelr rtlac
few day* and gir'cn to the youog
trorer appeal.
eCectnally demoefrated
Ueorge Gray. Sr. rt. Doagiai Brower wbodmire to attaod
the pareau knpier la clotar tooeb
will be by lickai and oaly tboae boldwith tba icacbert. Bt compared the
Myron S. Brownaoa r,. George Halm log tlck*^ will b* admitted te Iba hall
■yttem ol eduealion and public beo> fiu Baaacapait.
Tbme dmirlog tlckau abould laara
of tbit eoontry wiU^ tbe ooodluoaa in
The cate of Ola B. Uermain* ra. C. their oamoa.wlih the aadeclgnod Uit
Hezico, where be receoUy trtreled
M. Kellay, replerio AppeaL *aa eon. week Allearoaatyouogwea whatier
Hr. Peweru declared that there
io tebool or la bBaieeaa. or* cordially
tlBued OB aceoaat of the iI1b«b* of da.
problemt tar tbe future which we I
lerited to attced tbii couree.
leedaat. Tbit U tbe eaae which io.
C. T. Ouaw*.
to (ear, but by adberlof to
eolrta tba poaaeaaioo of tbe oolad trot
Meat ntabllabed lo our eductiioDt;
Fred Almint. bv-lougiag
•yUamXbcte ooad-bemo frtr ol Ibt
1 Uarligaa appeared is
Wbea tv
Germaine aod wbicb Dr. Kellay of
Be (poke of the meoace of the
Graod Baplds allegat wu^ formerly tbit city abc It two yeon ago he tcored
loBuz ol ImmlrnUca. but belltred
is Dr Jtkyl aad Mr.
known aa El Hack and srta nleleo a decided b
ikat If tbe armlau oomlar tbFoorb
from him Id Gruad Bapidz three y«ur* Bide aed he prered hlmaalf to b* a
Gattle Oardeo oould be
gaoiua la the dual roll which made
oor teboolt wlib open haadt
Rlchmood MauaSald lamooa.
then would be do qneatloB ol the Croat
Haaaeeld'a worthy tueecaaor la
irial le tbe Circuit
problem of tbe fataie.
great aad wierd drama aod a crowded
of yeaterday
la aa aloqueat relereaee to Ibe late
I productioa la
In tbu eaae of Boburt C Robert* aa.
ar aad lia heroea, Mr. Power* de­
Victor N. aad T/N Sebolrld. a rerdlcl Wleloberg'aOraod next Tueaday evenclared that oar teboolt couiala oor ml
of oo cauM of action waa rendered by
beroea. tad tbe mttenti upoa which
Ifarjurylaa few mioute* after reUr
etUoa depeadt for iu falur*
Pacuaaula Farraer'a Clob
lug. ,Tb* eaae Inrolred* promiaaory
Craodear. Tbe fr*)
te tar »"» withfaceruad laureul ro-iw Hiral*
ar* ar* oor tebool tcaebera.
Old Htmloe, Jau. Mtb.
louatlag to SJl.uL.
Botbior la tbe world belar to ImportClfti met at Orange II al
giren by Ibe SchcSelda for eerUlB
Ue chair aod'ptoc!
-' -' to elect efthe taacher.
(lock la tb
era (or Uf fjliowln
Back of thlt. he dtclared. U the perpetwbicb the
tulted a* followi
altyof tba aaUoa aed back of all tbe
rl.amaa baa baeu. in Traiara*
Prea-J. C Gill.
dallrrred le them. Xba detei
ecboalt the dcallny ol the republic.
Viot Pre. -B S. Wall.
tb* baa glieu good aatitfacUoa
ibatrrUiie tbe note araa giaae le good
aod' dona
Btiea b»ia«a* at 1
8*cy.-W D. Bagiaj
Hr. l^>w*r* ooaUnued earntatly epoa
Dot receire tbe (lock
I'nijo St. aod trill r
theme aad urfed tbe importance
wbicb they srer* eallUed lo aod for
of a c
T lUete
borne and acbool tad arced that par- which tbe note wat gireo.
'A dretue waa giualad la tbe dl
Card of TaaaZz.
eett tbould extend tymptlby tad
rearired by tbe clob frotp^a Aoti
ate of Emma S Arlt r*. Breeut Aril, perialial Club of Wazbiagtoa. alto <
to vtaaak all >bo
belpler bead lo the mebert. tad ta
during our dear motber'a a:
oarning aa lacreate ol the mercbaoi
that way add la a meaaure eacoarare- ala* io tbe eaae ol Baida H. Marlin
iLorioa from Co~---------------»—-c
'raetmaa smltta. both
aad ealuable aid Ip a rmt work Ueorg* HarUn, Mm-Hanlp balaggirec atklog algbali
of iadiriduali of of
lb* rcatody ol their child, a lad Brr
thare la a crate mpoatlbiliiy.
fieial eadotMs
yearn olar*
aaid lettera.
Wa dealra to thank the friaad* aad M QUALITY, first, last and alwaTS.
Uirorec caaeo in which tbe court
diaeaaaed tomewb*
The loUewlar U tbe prorram lor the
aigbbor* wbo ao kindly aaaaatad u* la m
laid oo tba table aatU oazt mee'uag
aerred daclalon*
lata bfreaiamaBl, al*o for for
'armert' lattituU for today:
Babj-ct for dlaeottioo next maeUag.
Croa* ra. Beujamla Crate: Cora B. Slehat...
byitba maer friend*
Trao.portauoB Of oar (arm oreduau
________ tert- Fraak Cook. Ur
ardion ra. Frank W Blcbardeon.
»;» QdcaUoa box ^
Mr». I,-wee Nawharry and family
Sereral eatat will poorer the term.
10:00 “Tbe Pouto' Crop“—Growlaf.
I (ollowe BtUe B.-ewiicr ra. Cbariet
Lowell Soart; HarreaUac. jBartoa
W. BresraUr: Bmma B WilUamt rt.
OalTlu: Slorlac. J C Horran.
Fred W. WiUiama: William Cuz ra.
• “UalBloBtae* ol Soil FerlUity."
apablk Laatallatloa of
Tbaiw w
la tba matt.
11:10 Din
xn of WUUamabarg Oraag*.
1. Lcoaard Baker, A. 0
Mercy Mooroa, el al. lor talc of real
bald la WUllamtbaiT oa T««o-, ^
Hate. etc.. tbepe-Jtlon ira* graeuw. day OTealag, Jaa. Mtb. A cordial leal-1 par
QanUoo box.
le order to the more quickly ditpm
axteadte to tb* tebardlaate |
W „.r,
lOO B^mrti of CeoBFraUee Bzperi- of the cate* paodiog* abort acMiiRi waa Graage* of tbe ooBBly
SMitt. fulluwad by dUeattloea
held laat erebiag. Al ibU I laa Aitor- will be
t:10 Onwlnr aad PecAlac tbe Oira ary J. J. Twaddle entered an nn>lica.
h. a. Our. Sec-y
Crop." C U. Aleord. Acrkeltnral Uoo fur tfirurea, tbe eaae bejrg ibai of
Fanny G^a ra Alrzaadar Ureea
*m Olaeualoa. JAb Wbita. B. 3
U tba matter of tbe adreniard laada
for daliequabl tazae Iberc were oo conteoie aad Uia ut ual d.-erra win be aigek Artthmwtir
od by Judge D.-rll* aud teal to Uscaadilor general with .a ftre d*^
Thia U tbe liut ezpanrace of Judge
wiatedtldaof Farm Itaod* la Trurene City aad be wlil Dr Lemar baa be­
ry B. Mayo. BatU*
Itare with tbe Incal atteruey* a Imt- lle hat doa* oob
lag imprutalou. Be ta a jurial of more tba wtooteblog ai
mad* maay >«*
tbaa ordinary abUti^ aod diaoUr* a
good baaith ■
AftarMoa amaloa le Bapttel ckaruk. keeaom*
aod ' ready
aiui Jab ft. at
.11 F*B
■rp. B. BOrv. Cbalrmaa.
Hru. of
*11 wtabiagbU
raloa SU
meat. To
bealtb the’ra«t I
ita ob* *«
Mary A. Maym Battlo Ckaok. BUU reepat
Bit i
of tteir 41*
lag* are luAe
akiji ateUam

Klfht tbroofta oor sntlrA stock of elaan, up-to-dstA CLOTSIVO. Tmks ths coods httmt
try thsm cn—show tbsm to yonr firlsads- If tksy say yooTs -windlAd.”

Bring Them Back and Get Your Money.
Here are Some of the Qoods:

Men's Suits

Men's Overcoats

Strong, heavy Working Suite
all sizes, price until this
sale $3.96. now onetourth off..................

Good Beaver Overcoats, black,
velvet collar, fiy front, lapped
seams, serge lining: price un­
til this sale $6.00.
now one-fourth off
g j. | 3


Heavy Melton Suits, Blue and
Brewn, metallic lining, great
wearers, price until this
sale $6 00. now onecn
fourth off...................... 04.3U

F*ne fhney wool Cassimere
Suits, also Worsted Suits, in
Sack and Square Cut Styles,
price until this sale $10 00.
now one-fourth
07 cn



Youth's Suits

Heavy Melton Suits, metallic
lining, wonderful wearers:
price until this sale $6 60.
now one-fourth
aj in

Tn slaata talka oa nrtetl
teUewa: Appls. B. 0. Ladd; peaebm.
Mte. J. 3. Bamteall; ploma. A. & Oob■ea: Mall fralte^amn Hilbert.
KO. Ladd toUof'bk
'appU taldar la the Hraad Tr«i
lerlea. Baapoka of tba Importaaoeo'
(mtOaaeilaodotearafB] trtatme

a of Ite pleaaarv
ttelr bUorea aad aBnaaam. aad tbe
la ofaoddaa thaw.
tteaad franlac.
Mr. IMaoa aald that pleaw had
moat eartad term* of rro«<S of aay
WalLBa adelaaa plaatlar for I

■ by Prof, e T. Orawa, “Aa- KzIkmaftbaPuaUe Sobool
i Byttam
Ttera art (we nlimii >ef public
aeheelt(mwUebw.arapayliar tazet,
tte primary aabeela eompoaad of priataiy. remmar aad Blyb aebeolt. aad
the blcter eaboeU eompeeed of tbe
1 MieiBC
aehmd. Bnldet tbeae|ara tba ebarttabU tazUtatiaut; tba ladatlrM aeboel
ferbeya. ladoatrlal leboel for rirlt.
Mala PabUe eoboel. BeboM tar tbe
BUad. Bteeol lor Deaf aad Oamb aad
Bteool tar Ite Paebla Hladed.
aatalbnoeBt of lazet tar BtataiBlac
thaea darlar IWT wat r.TUAte.OP.
Hr. Orawb aald that better aeboel
bnl wgrk eaaa
AoM wbea Ite eeMItioat >r« i
oerabte. Tba teildlaca man bi

and Overcoats-

Youth's Overcoats


AC AM IMl/CCTIiCMT Should you not need anything In Clothing for this season, but are
Au nil in ffCO I niLn 1 able to invest money for next season, this sale will Bave Tou Mon>
ey even if you buy for Fall of'99 -the values are so wonderful.



Traveree City, Michigao.
Clairvoyant. iJ3333333333333333333EEKfi
Un Psj-ClLk Itdlom.



Has tbe BEST Floor made more NEW customers aod kept m


more OLD ones than aoj winter wheat flour made ?

The one word GUALITT explains it all.


teheeli an aet< adequtely
Fifty or alzty dallan
equip a tebool with (be nintlil matartata. fllz mapt, a rood dletloeary.
ate a rlote an aaeanary.
abould ba kept carefully. A library
- '-d bt la arary tebool trltb booki
•ppnprltta tortbatru
nntaftkoteUd. Tea dellan would

wHk Mmlalac equlralaat
U (ht HIrh aeboel aad aeoM apccial
■atelar le a blfbar laaUtatkm. Hoe-

Hr. Onwu te sate la (aeer e< the
(n. teat hook ayetes. Ha kallana It
nnisaMyateUma Ba bepea the

Gores WiMAedicioe
New Methods.


yaplte wke tatek (te dtetrlel aabael
teerk wUl ka teslMad to aoate oea:«al Hlrk aeboel tree of tulUou. the
teepaMbytteeonty. TbovUratelAron tne atrMM ate feraataU

Children’s Ulsters end

Children’s heavy wool Melton
Ulsters, black, extra good;
until this sale $3.76.
Child's Double Breasted Reef­
Brown fancy Cassimere Suits: er Suits: price u^til this sale now oue-fourth
^2 g J
price until this sale $3 26, $X.OO. now one-fourth
now one fourth
|3C Cbildren’sUhinchilla Reefers,
Reefer Suits of all wool fancy double breasted, sailor collar;
Cassimeres; price until this price until this sale $2.00,
now one-fourth
f 1 rn
sale $2.26, now one- 9l PA
fourth off......................g I ,Qg
Reefer Suits.fancy cassimeres, Children's Novelty Reefers,
very fine: price until this' handsome; price until
$3.26. now one- aa j j sale $4.60, now one- f A A n
Fine Wool Beaver Overcoats,
fourth off...................... ▼3(00
nicely made: price un^l this fourth off...................... VAiTT
sale $6.60. now onej ^ Child's Overcoats-plaifi: price
fourth offunUl this sale $1. now
|3C Men's PanU. Men's Rubber
Heavy Black Melton Ulsters, one-fourth off ..........
lapped seams, elpgant fitters; Child's Cape Overcoats, fancy and Mackintosh Clothing, Jito.
price until thii sale $6 60. Cassimeres;. price until this all Included in this sale, and
now one-fourth
| j sale $2.60, now one- 9i An GO AT ONE-FOURTH OFF
fourth off...................... g 1,00 REGULAR PRICES.

off 1


A toaXatteA by M-B.

Children's Suits

and Ulsters

Cea-Viauw Talka.


Fine Kersey Overcoats, black,
pure wool, faced back to shoul­
ders with same goods: price
until this sale $1Q,
97 c fl
now one fourth off . yl,3U
Finest Kersey Overcoats—
Black, Blue, Brown—‘Regu­
lar" and “Stout" styles. A
beautiful coat, thoroughly
tailor-made In every respect.
Value is $16: our price until
this sale $12 60.
aq qq
now one-fourth off.. .. vg.UO

Men's Ulsters
Heavy Gray Melton Ulsters,
solid wearers, price until this
sale $6 60. now one- a a i a
fourth off...................... g4.1 3
Heavy genuine aU wool Irish
Frieze Ulsters, thoroogbly
well taiade all throvigh. The
grandest storm coat ever
shown at the price-$8.60. In
Black.Oxford.Brown, aa aa
Now one-fourth off-.. gQ.gO
Finest Kersey Ulsters, that
are the “top notch" of quality
and style; price until this ■
8ale$l3.60, now one-fin ia
fourth off.................. VI U. I g



'■’oET'.' ■

0 “fl*teBKAtete*Ub tmt Wort.; aor «bteh;ate*B Uat te teo hoMa M


S-------------; We Will Bay
! Second Hand School Books
In good condition. Hirper's Arithmetics. Readers nod
, Geograpies; Barnes' Readers and History; Reed A Kellogg Gnunmart; White's


We carry the Largest Stock of School
Supplies in Northern Michigan.


^a^^yrigit»B5%BBAi4>. VABTIAHT
Rawly akoted ofbc®. to oers. the ht ttto ^
• aaooiac at* B-tha tor tba Bpwetb
^ Oteba® wac
> Uacm of the Breead Methodtot cbsroh j !**»•
laattrtoaadcwMorar to Bow
bar to lay ap aatO apriaf. Tba
baa aada >M trlpa derlac tba peat aaana. wUek to tba blfbaal raeord la tha
htetery ef the Trararaa Bay Liea.


«he lired la ibto



"WloTe 0^ \\vost

Pltat Vine Prsal-Dcwa Marela.
! ■“*>" ^ P~»•» Botloaa
Beeote Vloe Prsa-Mrs Mary Eytan ^
hboal fosrteea years aco.
Third tne, Prew-^teorc. fllto
; Be»«~ bt b®ba»d .be lear® OM
Po«nhVWPree.-Mrs.Meaoakef. '“•
•bo ersdo.^ fro® the
Wtmrr—Marie Bidrte
,Tra*e*se aty Blrb aebool laat yoar.
r—Hra. H. E. E
York sad oae etoter In Oraad Raplpa.
I who are expected here to atlcad tb*

Hra.' Wmiaa BlllaU of B<a'
Per OraeaOharoh Baaday Behaol
lewaablp. art with a aarloaa aeddaat
Oaa haadrad aaw eolaa^ bare facaa
Friday aoraiv
<« etoppiac oat
of tha boaaa aba alippad apoa tba ley taoairad lor lha Onea ebereb Saaday
tuyaatefaU. braaklac bar Up. Ih. aebool Ubrary. A Baaberof tba beeha
iafaat child ef
Tbe fnoersi of tl
aetloa. fro® aoaa of tba,
Kaaalate waa callad aad raporu U U
Death E-oora
Mr and Mrs. Prank ... .
beat writare ef tba day. aad all of tba® ,
ba qalta a bad acelAaat.
N r. Groeer of New York, who baa tb, rreideaea of Mra Cook*, pareata.
will ba a raleable addlUoa to the
beee rialtlac tbe taally of kto aonda . ijs Eaat etb atreet.
t o'clock raterlaeboe). Boaw of tba book, fro® tbe law. Dooclaa Saolabaiy of Cedar, waa
afternoon tbe aerrlrr* were coo
aebool'i old library will be rebocod. foond dead io bed Friday nlcbl- U la aaeicd by Eer 0 CoAlla of lb# Coofl
B plaea lor oaa acala.
Koppnaed br Hied uf heart trouble. Dr 'oaBren.
Tbrer beaelifsl fayana wrre
r book* waca parehaaed by t
Mard wa*
yesa of ace.
*aar by ladiea of the Hetbudial ebnreh.
Jaolor Wwkere
Hra. Georc* Barlow died Prlday The flwsl nffmac were many aod rery
aatlre Uaa to t^a work of balldlac
afternoon at her home on Beolow pretty. R U Carter had rbarre of tbe
Oreenac Is Uitarwet
aptbaordaria Trararaa City aa
' rraalca.
The oBloe rerlral oareleaa la the ttrcel. ul cHp. acsd arrentywerea.
Pirat H E ebereb are prowtac la lo
Hra Barlow waa ooe of the pioaber
UojdJ Hi!', a youcc maa JT yrsra
.rraaccoireto hare baae aada
l^t eirht I
nosy ^
iidrnu of Trarrra* aty. barlaccoac .of ac*. died ef eonasapuan Monday
aartoaofdtaelBf partim to ba bald la
rarj larfa eearracatlee llaiaaed to a ^ »hl» plaea with her haabaad tHrlj. aoralac at bie bone la K>Br>lry
Ahc PorTralar'* ball by a clsb to
-ill br held lomorr,,.
atot of «t aaabere _ Booacb hare all1.
ready eobecrlbed to loeara as<
ter. 11 E
-bo® It waa
------------------------------Tha partlre will be ttrlctly lelonaal
to ko.w ber well aporeclat«J
How t® LooB boot
> well for a aeriea o( rery Beearh of Ibe breoed II E ebureh
Tbeae aarrloa are opeo to rreryoce ;
Sb.i„uk. are rrallc core tbao .km
^ faltblul wife aad a lorlny
aad a oordlal weloome will be eatcodrd ,
P O. HeeaaDa aed wile reiaroed
ronditloB of all
* lar. aod all ber life worb eaalerlnc
you bi
Thaiaday fra® Bay Oty. where they
I ber borne It roes wliboal aayinc ibai I
. .. ^..
eh lie diaordered.
Hla JreeWMarery. w
Lb Banqaev
j »b* made a bappy on*
bare a dytpepilc look, ifyoorkid
waa tojared la a railroad wreck 1
e afficled, you harrapioi'
f Orsod Trareree Ee-I «be learra a hn.baad aad three chilli,
Bar eoedltloa waa wo
Secure food heatlb.
b lode* eo}oyed a apleodld fasn-{^,,
in Geofcn. and two daofblrra.
aoreljr ha»* pond
thaa tbeyezpeeied. aad abe will
-------- -.
.....eni" i.a p>od Alt*
to retore hone for eera
r^aUr aaeUac. to the Odd Pellowa' | .ao® ataoy frleod. rrlrod meet lotiar . Aru dirM'ti.- no tbr XOBarb. lirrr aot
acd bewrtfrllej-Bpalh,
^kidcr. '^■erifl,. .6. bl.«d
i ylrea
The baaqael -a. prorided b; Mr :
lloauo® of Saat Krwot Bl-Wet. !
Kerry buttle coai
aad Hra. Itoacboro aa a aorpriae to tbe
reeiarde,. uorelac. ItreeaBod wa* i antred. Sold at tbr lime Suirra iif I
'"I cent
Bebekaha and ^oaalated of oyBle®.,
wa. a brotbar of ^ K Wall aad J. > Jobo<u»>
tbe ace of •.< treara. Mr. Barfrara
eabe. coffee aad ererjthlac tbatctw «i, itocira® of the Hotel Lrelaaco Tb.
badbaea arealdeaiofCamptOB for More
make ap a flmt elace-feaat. aod waa
----------------------------W yeara. r«oept aboel three yoara
eojjyed rery aeeb by the meabrra
afierooon at: o'clock. ‘
Wood Wanted
apaal la Oallforala. tniB
to 1«M. preeecV Moalc war forolabed by Ibe
v. p> li»i,oorde cr«*n Ibrer feo:
tbrre be laid the foeadaUeB of
tl HRnai.ii oSlra.
yoacrer meabara aad eaj-),ed actll a
Trarerae Ule eapertally aaooc thrl......................

tba larcc fortcer be alierwarde made
rery late boor.
Laa\irre of 8-rdrc aod hla death will be i
la farBlBC aad raal ealata. G. W. Har.
be Year'a Work a
rnraiaaow the only llrtac Member
of bto family, which cooatoted of dftaea
Ob Sdd^ the annoal reports of SL
berj Hr. R. B. Cook, the sell.known
Prsod* ebnreh aad eebool were read borne near the a*ylu®
I)i-eea»ed wa* ! nnrseryniaB. 1* on bi* ronod* takmy
aod Hra. Lewto Miller of Obarle- abd the eOBUBU show both church aad twenty aerra yeara of ace and l®r<a . order* or all kind, of fniil and omaeotc. pareata of B. B. Millar, arrlead la Bckoel lo-bs'lB a rery flourlabisc baa- ^ |buibaod aod three *Ball ehlldree to , mcna. *U>ck. Pl-a»» wail fur him.
tkto city Thnraday aceOBpaalad by tae dliloe. Tbeeaumeauif the treaaurar1„eo„
a short eerrlee wfil
lliaai Lelab aad Myrtia Hiller. Mr. tbowa the followlnc:
„ the hou.e ib» aoralae. and
aad HA. Hiller will aake thla .city
retnaJoi will br aken lo rirl;
tbeir hame io tbe faiere and maey old
__ '____ _
Huron alll IS a ®. for borlal. Tbrj
'rleade aatooc the plooeaia aad yowac•ddo M i family will awoinpaay the rraainv .
Cwaeratlooa aa well, will be«lad to
- iBlereet- Ur. ArBlIacc U foreaaa of tbr apylna '
waleoraetbe® Hr HiUertotheoldat
ploeeer la
Oraod Traearar
and Inf deUlla were Cl*sa a* followk;
Ur aad Hra Frank Schwallirr of
aean Trarerec City aad ether Nnabrr of (amlllM belescloc to
the ebnreb ...........
I Tkotb elrecl. arr nnurolnc the datb
era tawaa prow oot of tbe decaa baptUiD* dorinr lav>
of tbeir two Bonihe-uld cBlld. who died
me® which fonanny eorerad F1r*t w iBUBlaaB
erenlnc Tba funeral Mrrieea ; PtM M CtpfUl.
thla tcrrilory.


m.«. Smos '•‘■rin

Clroi]lalli)ii thte week 2.325
ft I— HiwPMhmrt to Ul, »ltb tbe

___ '

Hr*. Wmi. of P««» ftoott. to qalt*

Hn. W. M. K»u«r kad UtU* dkapbtar Vmej. art qalla 111 wito tba fHoBaat7 L. Kaa*M hM
ptfliiliri/--- Arbor, riea •'
m. n^rad.


B BalwU. Hr*

r. Hn. BalUtr, Mar; Md
niu Ballaar an aU eoaftsad u Ua

a tlito d(7 aa« CbabafCsllar SUBfU Ob. raealred aa'
vAartMMbardar loMhtaa eat loada


ibeacw Hnaaon bloei
iM Poa aat wlU aa aaeidaat
Oral Wood Dtoh Oot toUwar tetnrday pleiad. Dr. Hoetoa baa kindly oAred
oae of tba bolldlac to the ladiea. Toai...............................................
trWah naallad la a haAlf bietoad
Bon® He 8
aakla. aatrewly aacaplac a htobaa !«. Bealdaa tbe art loao azblblv a anp.
per and erealBf eatarialaaeDt will
teuato hare baaa rraat.
rraatad for aa ad.
^ Pauato
probably be prorided.
j D B. Oarwr.
/ JwtabU aitalr aada by
Thoaa who bare the aatlar la ebarc*
f •aUab A- T.
<. '■* ate leraMibboldtr of


UU elan.

b.'.d iht. aornlor lo Rer. Hr Maakaled'B eburcb. Sutton* Bay. Rrr
Cocbltnof tbl* city oClelatinc. 1


and recin-ertfd after
a long trial of medicines that
were recommended, tried, and
found wanting.' now simply
says to those he hmls suffering
in tbe «ame manner: "Go to
Wait’s Drug Store and try their Srrup of Tar and Wild ^
Cherry for coughs, colds, and lung and throat troubles and
you will thank me. I was nearly dead when 1 tru-d it S—
and I now have recovered completely."


■rday #erni*c
BnalaeM'Oollec* Lyoonm.
frtoaBi of Pa- y Bataer c*»* ber
TberWbl^ weekly aeeUar of the
•wprtoa la l->uar of bar leib blrtb- Tra**rw City Butlne® Colirffe Lyeeam
4^. At bee be®* e* Proai atceet Tbe
ibeld Tnredey reenlac to Hc.Saaar*
9®ur ladtai aajiyed r*tr*tbB*au aad ball, wbare tbe eollepe to aow located.
A bllad bk«i«pbieal akeub ef oar t f
tbs yonnr lady etodeota wa* cI*«d by
Tba wtlAMt actor. W. U. Utrticna.
- lerpid acaeav Tbe arUde wa* reaAteAStharof lh* -Jada* Haceabeua."
rad la Ur. aeaeal't orlcloal *iyle
erfU ba atBwtabarcb Otsad Op*r*
d the c*c®lac afforded erwt aBotebowe la Uc wtord aad woadertal
>el t® tbe atudeeu. wbo Anally dr.
piv. Dr. Jte^Uate Hr. Byd*. Tnaacldad that U* aak^wt waa Ml® BlU
Ida Campbell fare aa maay oa "
Tba LadtoB- AU Steety ’of the saeate H. K. teareh to prapartac hw a 100.” whieb ww rery lotsrmtlac.
toAtoAtaapparWba fflm la For®- eeabled oae to draw a el.ld pletnre of
that tamo® city.
"BaaolTfd. That .
to espleratioo
. tbe qa*
tor dsbats. Walter Gray aad C
Arlhar Wlaato ww bappUy an>pr>nad Brown arraad the atermaUe*. wbUe
tetter ociteac at hit boa® oe :
tb* oacallw ww baadlpd by Oealalc
atoeatbyaboatwof bto frlwda OaaMa Daaa aad Warm Dtoksrmaa.
jadff® daeidedia favorof tha aer*MaoapMyaweablad pa®
UraAa l®pro®pta Ulh apoa “Tbe ^na*.
ffitaa by r
Braao UUatha ralatad bto akpartI la cnaalBff tb* oeeaa.
acoaaat of Profmeor Urawa'a

2,388 Pairs Will Be Closed Out.

•1*0 Ltli®' SttM Cuia To*. VcUox T-'ot. ro
1 HH

at ................................ ................
•l to Hia*®' Sbo**. Cola Toe. L*c*aad Bultoa. fo
II 40 Children'.»et*l8tyl®, CO at. > .

1 33
1 Itt

We have on hand about 300 pain
from onr |1.98 End $2.48 sale on which we will gire one-fonrth aff from cut prices.
Ten Oet Year Money'* Worth, ef the Old Eeheble.

Wrank Kriedrichi.



•AOO Paiaat Lwtber Sboea. KetUeton'e sab*. r>^


Wmbve Bieck




^ BHbM *A pteffw te hteente

5o dose 0.V Qvoap,


Afewtwo-seatedPleasure SleighslH
for sale cheap to make room for my p
__ _ spring stock of Carriages, Buggies,
T'TbilWiigons, Etc.

nwBteat of Ibto city. BawMiBielatot
•telb Ubotetrabete. whtoh uwelte
)telfeBla«tteff»faa-«tosaa. Pnd
^BBwwaffbteaaaaeete tb* aareto


ssmmmmwi mmmmmmmmnmmmmmmti

The Man
Who Has Suffered

U a K P
Tten wiU baararmlar eoaraaUee
>aal meeiloc at Trat
r tetoarahiafofTrararaa aiylod«aKo, aty DIrlaloa. No. M. LTaltor® B
n, K. «f P. Than will ba oaa aaadl- Koicbiaot PyltalaaTueaday Bicbt. tbs
teta ba laealva Ua tnf raak.
follewlBC ofBem were elaeiad:
GaptalD-J. V. HelDloeh.
Tba taally of Bar. Barclay doa<
FiralLleat.-lt B HeOoy.
ToU! .......................................................
aMpa^ef PrUada ehBrek. haraarEntire earollmenl In all erte®
Beeoad UnL-Clayu® tacrlcrtrad Iroa Bpiwiaad. lad., aad a
Dsrior lot T**r the acoond sto'y of
Baeetear-a C Oaaptoa.
oapylav a faaidaaoa ea Wat Ptoai
theoebool buildinc was Boobed aad
Treaaerar—J. T. HaBnak.
Bute for aebool pnrpocca.
Onard-J. M licric.
TbaawUlbaaapaelal prmya
Eaner stated tnat many timr* aonBeatlael-S. B Hl'l-'
lap to Baaday abod laaebaa. Prlday
teyr . 1. a. Holliday: Oatholl® harcMknd to be peraiuad
laalaf at 1 e-adoek la tba Pim Math
tbeir ehildren there. It baa
years. H. B
m. CoaBlarbaa: threo
odtot ahareh.
All tba laaebata an
tocrasilbe rrqneata.
years, A. W. Bartak.
arfad to ba fraaat._________
be to able to
Tbe dirlaton to oeauaplattac
dlllooal pnplla. aod any eon-Oatbollea
Abeot twMty f''*ada of Hr.aad Hra. to be ciesa oe PeWeery ttnd.
their ebildrea to
Jaa BUar oallad uoaapacMdly
the Sistera'school ®D do no by arp'y
ttet oeayla-Tbaia ^ •taalap W help
Detroit. Jan. 11,-Tbe Bepabllma
lac to the ■lator* at the eonreiH.
tbaaeaUbraWtbalr< ^ waddlaf.
state oeotfsl eomalttee tbla alteraooe
ear plaeaaat tUar wa. ajoyod.
deeldwl to hold tbe auu ooBreation 'Laat alcbi dtoloberA'e Uraod waa
Bd Thlrlby. Jack Breadtoet aad I® tb^aostaatleBof iatlloea of tba B\led toith an aadleee* which Itoteand
Tteteora Hahaaldar wlU aatartala BaoTsae cegrt aad refaau of tbe ssl. to an elaq'ieol Ireture by Hon. Cbaa.
eenlty at Jacksoe oe Harck I.
Bep. U. Fewer. Hr. Fraaar't eobjeci waa i
teeaiaUty frtoada aazl Prlday a<
tsteaiailee Joke J. Oanoa of Pllat wac •'The WorlC* Tumorrow. or a Urea® 1
. lac W Mealacae hall. A r«ry pi
of DMtlny." Prefeaeor Urswn kaahaJ
aat a>-« to aanred all who attcaA
a bappy euocwa la ebooelac the no®
a S. Oardaar A doac art prapartac
beraeftheHlcb aebool leetur* ooorae
M dtlra aa anaalaa wall la tha rtar
aad laat niebt lb* bolder* of tickru
Campbell aad W. A. Nunoa of
tetba Taaaallar black. They
w*re carried array by tbe elcqoeoce.
Jaat ratord a taa aaw wury wal
»oa>* arteea meabera el tbe c
aatelaa ate ara pattlny It la plaea.
altu* w«t* praaeaiaad the elb'-..
> i-ctnr® of
Tbarteay;Dr. J. B. Martla. for tbt wn* T*pr®e«tod by prosy. C O Ir.-o-r «*a flllwd
Johaaaaaoek Ufa laaaraaM Oo.. paM TowBMad pr«**Blte itokwo's claim* ! Uat>i d . nta of oratory aad tb* audlaed Sheriff JndaoB of Aon Arbor aic : *t<^ <ra* kept la altamat* lancbur
Ml Ma. B. L. OorbaU a abaek lar
that baiat Ua^Beaat of a policy held ooded. 1 C-Shepard of Bay aty aad ' and .pp'*’*c *ed often laoeed almrat
Th»!v tr*r* l.y the toecblBC pefrrmce*.
la thatoeapaay by tba lata Jadca Oor- oUai* ooateaded lor Delreil.
sot* iwealud: Jackson. U; Detroit. ^
twiuM .lib buaor aad plctare.que Qpp{)S|t0 $11986 S Bafll

W. T. (Mbs lefBactaawAU

■5VVS0 a £,o\ 0^

J. \\\ Milliken’s. s

OurSf^-iagB Departmect

} -



I will be &Jld this noroioc at v o'clock ttorttedwildd]
leatbe. childtwn.............................
st Krancl* eburuh.
tilanilre Candy Faotory
leatba adults
Joba Suaabof Hoakrcoa.wlirctiab' Hi. Vrsnoa Eobool.
WIteto, the three wye^k* old con of
tea Obaabariala. tba frail haaoa
llab la tbla dty aa ezleaalre wboleaale
ate Waofod aeraattot aad baajD plapTbe*»er,.noos,»Clac
®ady taelary. Mr. Slraab bai been •amllaent. iboocb recent lapm.e-:
Janoarj- mb, ofmara.
a.kaatakaoifcapaBlUoa of laadaot
laecwd with aoeopasy doin« a bly
aSord no*w a frtAl»r eapsclly “»•Thnra
bMlae® la Uoakecoo. but baa wold bto than beratofore The earoltaeoi Ua* ,***? A»toroooo at t so o'clork fro®
SIo**j*lr»r? l**ra*« an
Atlar Boat Baadaj BBr^
lauraal there aad baa Mlactwi Trar.
jdl PraseU eburcb.
tfata ea Ua C. A ff. H. ter Klk tepMa
aty w a farorable point for au.h
Boob He 1.
Hr* John C*db*®. of Kuace* Uiy
•UltaaraTraraiaaCltj at
a.®. aa aaierorlae.
He baa not yrl folly
died el aly o'clork laat rrenlo( uf
taafaad otjiteaja__________
deeldad opoa a loecGoa. bm wUI do ao
dropry. Deceased wa* bicbly eateemed
Itoa Haaaab A Lar HareaatUa eoa la a day or two.______________
■o Sutton. K»r aad riclnlty and wa*
. paaj ara raalTlar aair im bfa^ela
well kAwn In Tra.erae City
A hn*.
„ ^*Vll I lai Ifl tW
Art Loan EablOit.
Mfrr A aeaba el Um OaraUnd
band, one *on nod two daurbieratur,_____ ____
The Ipdl® d( Oraoe ebureh bare deate KaaWar aaba harajait arrlrad. ddfd to c>** hb k^t ‘bkb azUblUoa
rlre ber
The funeral aertieea were
a e Bull emium. ]<is T B'sai. B 1
of Mfia laaibar to ba abipoad u> baa

alfafUto dtp.



Most people think that**plumbinic U plumbing—
that one plumbing job is as good as another. '
And ordinarily that is true.
Qut a OOOD job is something more than a mix­
ture of material and muscle.
Brains, honesty, skill, conscience—a good Job
cannot be made without these.
And now you will expect us to tell you that oar
work is of the kind referred to aa good.
We won't.
It isn't necessary.
Our work ‘apeaks tor Itself”.
Tbe praises ot those for whom^^we hare done
plumbing work are better tesUmonials^-and more
likely to be baliered—than any we ooold glTe oareelves.
We try to do more thao msrely pleaee oar

ThB Hannah & LayiAarc. Co.


ft&AHDl laUiti&aB HA&4LP. JAKttiitY Id. 1«M.
. bp (Mh Mtabor. lb* aattre
•lab oBttafi I* repeatloc state Cl


Ml* Jbk* Byatei* edty II
Mr. ate Mra -J. A. BaaOl
taaMta tetarfioy.
Mte Bertha B.M* <_____
ho* b**a tb* cw*M o( MMb
llB for th* po. wOTk.
Hr* Otahlac. who hi
Her *clor. Hr* fi. J. B

w UaA 10x017. ate 1
worthy a
w thoa fitokkmi to be w
r.p*Btahto. *te wooUby aM rteh: to
^taa to Mot* ate bird, ate baba*aad

**C«* wlU opte *-—to *tody hard.
Utah q*wt)y. act
n tMkly.
troaUr toU

to Riacaley. tetantoy.

‘ Ik* fiaUT *ur» *p

teoday ...
riead* took advaatac*af
■ tetntdoy *vealnc *wd
Cnlto Tbazter. Eaedloc of
rave him ae
wt Lool* i
Delicate rtfr_________ _______________
text from Steveoeoa's Cbr
the evoalBC apeat aoclally.
A baonai- .
^^*r* h*rlBf «M w
fg| lamp wa* Wt him a* a load t«- DiacoafB*. Tbe bext aiieiing bold Tacteav evcslac,
islBg, Jas.
Jae. mh.
dabbler. Hr* Doacla* ttalubary. Mr.
tb* bom* of Mra Cha*. Wrialcy.
Ururer wa* Bore t* Bdca. Erl* eonBl]-.
N. Y., March ITih. lau
Be ealUMd
Literary Note*
Ueffalo. K. Y.. la-Ce. D. V4 Bef. Be
r very eold w«*thar I* followed by
^TofM»U. U* holt«rtotti« *bli>(I< __«al (roarde. Aoc. lotb. laei. and wa*
Sertbacr't Marailae tor Jaaaiiy I*
Mr Uro
*>y stroag auoiber.
Tbe place i_.
sill bM a* sUtortae* to eat bL dlKharted Dec trad. l««t
larmerlj a reatdeal ol boloe
boaor Uglron to Goeeroor RoMveifa
tbasb Mri/off. wtalefa will lb; bla
H. Crowell *p*nt Sooday to i
lari bat Waal eel wMlaerera:
-story, "TheEoDgfa Ridero.'
K. Btoby vfaitad hU fiaoebter.
yeaiaaco Uroee back to New York,

of equal in
where bl* wile and ooe dauchicr aow Cook. »evei*] day* of la*t work.
la "Tb* toller* of Eobnrt Louu Steveo
Percy Stanley 1
Be caioe back sear hU old
i."edltadby his fnead. Sidny UlHicbican bomr about is mooUiaaco.
fiction lor Ue ooming yeqr
(Ibaa Kiaaat. whoa* aer* btad ,d
asd bnaalBC* lired with b» deorkler.
OPd Prank BLxby *r
ratopad a aytoae oaa* of blooJ-palai
Tbe laneral wa* held at Cedar under
irloc wlU croahed Incet*
Ibe aaapleeaol Uorray I'oat of which
C. T. U. met wlU Mr* Lit cento •ansber.
ibewnaa faithful weabcr ' Tbe folThan will k* a^ a
c Friday aod a new ordc
"Tb* Myatarr ol Hr. (
lowlnf detail wa* Md*. Comrade d
planned It I* hoped ever
I* of tb* eoBiptota nore
H Mctloeer. manacer: Comrade N W, member will be preeeot lb two week
laaaOsy araalnr. Jaa l«tt
7 LlppibcolU- There
-too. color bearer; Cumradee A.
parpoMol raUior m way V
at Mra C r Denamore'*.
>al number of short *t
................ I> McLaurbllB, J Anwn. P.
M a library lor tba dktricL
A »*rty of joonc people fere Hi •krtebee sod essays
It i* ao ail roaod
Louck.. 1. Dmoer. D. Soolt, wrr# pall
Wlaflald Can.
aroabaw-e yonne people a forrwel
maganloe. aad oontaio* eumeUlag for
Comrade M. C. Cate •
Mwaok. Dr.
evary- mood.
B. LippnrcoU Co.
Poal chaplain.
Tbe bur‘al aei
ti cento a naober > ta o<>
A B. abdof iheW B C
■ed at ^e bouac inetead
of UeUdd Fellow*of Ute pi
Coniradr Rev J Crain
Tbe New Year's Lodlm Borne JonrKbtbaa P. Groror died of
aaae <h. waa'feaod partially di
tb* brd lo ibe ..welac) l» Cei


kSk M>pr*.**lUM*>crwho>drintocoatiMtn^.


who te b*d*le^ •!•(•<>( ..............
AM ■amtr M «*«*• •»

Tta ••*«-» btffiM 10 look -Of*
{OTonM* le U* lofrl*f
a. 0(M k bos* li«s KmtM Ontar wbs« b* bs« b*M *t work ter a
\Uaf (or eloIrblBr to ^*1
^•rtail road tar* oat
Ji. bad Vf*. Wabort
Wllbtat raUor
FaUor of
o(, l*U;
iMd ottaodad abarab *t oor aohool
boaae taadaj
A. Jooa* el Baodn aaUad at' 8.
Lawtr laat ■oadar-






ir larniabed thv aincinc
-“•J ' -'

Mr*. Cmio, onr pastor'* wile, arvlv
Onr echoot taacber.
Mia* Harli
la*t week to J»lo ber buabaeJ la I
Breaoh k aiek kllb toaallitia Ul* week,
labor* berr. and Uey ore **tU*d lo t
tktaefora^a kav* Doacbooi
Mim Clara hUbbelta vk
ml d*r* peat It ba« br
loel a pood borae laat aanday.
Several member* of UeO. i
p Tooac people enjoy
leodrd Ihr funeral of a oonm
lonc the aSore Grover, at ledar Sunday.
naely on the
Hr*, i. Ocub btetbor. wlf* aod an
taTirad ban Un Tharadbr oraoiar
teoaObbt. Tb*7 aspaet to Bbka Ibalr
.tayinc with
days, baa mi
I la So­
rwni UKoa.


. . lfenrbOoK.wU**>AebUdot Tn
' «>**a9nUadatbktetbarbla*lB«

Uilver aad Mary lomas. Kioresec
Hr*. Uitlati bad1 Hia. Baardaleyc
il'. Fr*h.-k wa. .-ailed lo I
Bernbart and IVarl Wlnoe enjoyed * Thurwiny by teiecmoi by U<
oa Hr*. .Sorr
TraveraeCity eall.
aoclal vUitwitb Mra. Lnrntp-a cnlldre* of hia father who I* very III.
laat dMday.
Iblldren bb*a Jutl relamed from the Saturdny eveninc.
Mra^Larwo and Mm Myera vlaltad
>tata of WaAlortc

■ 1


AM weak. Haaortbalaa* w* wkb ibas
Uh. aoaaa* bad happlaaaa.
Tb* BaaM* Ooaatr hrM*' laatlkiM wui saat at tb* •taaff* ball Taaa

*0«T« ULTOB.

Hk* Aataa* MaOalr* eas* bon
teMBMaatekandaplaat weak bai

C. a BoUnbaek aeld bk apettad
tetrtaffaaratoa Dr. laBaMdCItj.
Kr. aad Mra. Wm Oa* o( B k Lake

............... -


- -k u-

• at Bealh MUtoa flatardap
iMk with Hr*. B.P.

It uMd to be AAid 'Money TAlks." bnt money
to qutot JuBt now




Bomt Welislberc li worktoc for
Hia Praak Kratocbvil.
C. Rwaoey b*i been < nltlac frlen^i Loellle and Ivan, have jual
la tbit Ticlaity.
MlmJemieOiby weal to Tn
iiy. friday returnlac Saturday.
Hr. and Mr* tieo Coma are prepar}. A. Robertaon hat been i rery aeW* are
Hva vice preaiueuv aecurisC *bon' lac to move to Traverae City .
to ace them yo.
twaalyfire new member* for tbi
Braeet Blimikey bade maar I
Ctad tae Sanday, bad atart*^ fi
troll Monday moraine, to epv
aerrlo* ol bla coaatry oboe mare

Albert Aalelle I* bonnliac with H
Mr*. Sweet visited Irieada here laat

y i*'f‘
:b baa bla/ew b• onlle)
of repre pletad.
aeatauv. tor aamall dlairlei
hasaboul mieei
tea- MlUb aad tat* WUUaaa i
taballnc Ic^ to tbiaplae*.
Mra Welaelbery-* frimdt
lor a*Bi7 Plied.
bar birthday. Monday,
The blc^mlit on the oppoaile aide
bool WllllanW drlflar bora* oat a
-hoc b^loa to 1
amonentoiberolce premia. <*ve
laat nedon her b babatlfsl roekinc ebaJi
W* don't bear anytblBC ol Ibe aear
« tb* *lel«h.
let (ever Jual now. but
* uumbvr
have the enp
Tbraaakalp di ■■li yoaar »*n
They have taken n man by tbe same
Had oar lllUa barroao dap tael week
of M, Coalry to Leland aod tucked bim
with a
daoi CM>* bad oe* e( oat
up in Jail lor the cr.a»r of bam
paapta soara* ibc loa* of pM- Tba;
A. Tboratoo oof Mra Johaeoo are spike* aod die* In the luc* ibal ^'be^
— * - - * alltbt paiebaae aad pre- « tbe aick Hat. with tbe crip.
Mtad a tePblU
OPblTl la parotaab
of dialrictNo I
tne H K. chorv-b
taka tea baaa aacU. tba raaaaiar.
in IhU piacc oo bnadaj
ataiaiartebarawadarad a caa dollar
fiilioainc prociam was rendered.
but. bat tad tb* oo* dollar bUl le
____ ,_______ Tk*7 tbaa reqaaaiad the bnalaaea a ftw daya aco
Mibaseobl ... rataraadtbe
Allred Millinrtoa baa rented___
Addrva. el
by Mr, N
' lb*
barrp a
aad oca*
laiaal moved hia family onto tbe farm former
talb tbap or----------•d tbaladr
aadd aba Jy owa*d by craodpa Hiller.
Ir* lloldea cave o* ■tmhort talkoa
<•14 abort afiar
...r lb*
Piaher'a Mill that w.,
.but di
down Tor
.. abut
.day *cbool Uwebinc
a bnad reMir* atartad np laat Wrdner
leaday in
.r Drvervana. th* preniJrnl. bo<
('rack K.
eharce ol tbe procram and be c*ve I
Clboer, Mr. Wllllami
talk oil tbe lUle cunveolion which b<
laal Tbnraday
___ . laat rear.
foUowta by a
-daya thaw, apniled
IJev. C. W, Wilii.
tb* aleichlac
lac for^rawlnc
Irawinc luff*.
loc*. * l>^e on the test 1 Sami
L CaiaplikU
iptaU read
read a paper
aaaiiar aoaaa eaaw laabar troa Boat --------- ,.mcbi and anowinc.
Inmbermen will amlle.
vit; uf luota.
BapTbe •ap.-rinlendeot of oar school,
Several yoanc B'O atarted
Mr*. W. B. Baehaa baa baas ataflec
r*. Mcloiyre. C*^ * talk ua bow bi
, Iritb bar daarblar. Mra.. Haarr tebet- aiea Lake to Burdickvl.le i
into the acbool by
tartay aaar Trarara* Clip lor aewa Une
other* aoH
tbe parvDU lolcr-------- pwt
Mra. Bobattarlay ha* baaa
ooon wbea .. . .
Sr lU.
toond tbe Ice brok<
lie aanc "Chnai
Hte Ball* Kallj apeat
t dayi
lacky eacape from ; taal oaaabI rklUacM
rklUaf Mi. ■
Aooie ABderaop re<
A ChHd'a'
Oamll aac______
aad Paari__BIU ai
Soldier* ol Ua K.cc___________
march eonc
for Bobt. OarUad.
by lour Ctrl* and * b>y.
Ml*. Cbab. Oartaad aad C T. BdTbe Glen Arbor Sundae ecbuol
well repreaealed. the uateera. tea.
and nearly all the echoil altendinf.
Hia Jobneon. tbe teereiaef. c*v* i
cood r^-l of Ur achoo..
Mr. Eule. the preuiOeoi. c*ve a tall
- liar. It bb* (u - L 8*Uob U eoaawbnt
Ibat place
vole of Uaoka to U>
Tom Pray weot
> Kalkaaka with peopled UurdickviUe aud tior c-mvep,
Aaa^aaddaaaawUlbartmaa- Bek delarday. Be • 1 IV) pound*
UPQ eaiue to a eloe al^ p m . and wi
Aartba aaaptaaaof lb* A. L C. Tbar* ' *.S per pooad.
- enter
dor aeaalac. Job. M. Mtb* raaUaaee'
Chrai* Waruer h halplac Dali
eSted by UUoor first
Prooaada to b* ap-'
•akn bey fwtalom her* aow.
ordickvl le.
We vole.
Bappar. lOe. a
Oeo. Orahami* elck
Dr Clark waa
oalled today.
iciarf* E Dorrioctob dlvd i
S Bock watdravo ** Jury and
bar borne ti-'U.a pl.e-, ..u Tueatay .
to Travere* City the ]*tb.
we»-k. Jau Imb. •*
LU.-U4* '
*b Lu.-li.4a
of kli brother'* w.fe,
r Jtali«(Teaa****r*teld.
«ia old and1 wav burs le
day* *co
Mabal Baiaop ^ aa^Wy^l
ty. S V . ao
C^fof ,
plaee from Cahwco If yean a(u. She
aer 9t Trev.
-eavo* b dauchtar. M-a. L M ichell.
day loct w*
nod n brurher. C DavU *bo have Ue
Tb* boar ter dlrla* aarrtoP
A. 0. Yoauy it e’ek with the crip
sympathy uf nu
The foner*. took
oMaacad bar*, trow |«:M3,
Oeo. Barriata want hom« 8*tantsy place on Frtdey aitbr H R ehorrh
Rev Mr Bamravf £mp;r* delivered
Artbar KUsorray 4 baoltaf BtaMle ^reloraed Ho»day«**Bi>rlb* adirrea.
Oartac aer rtaldenee t*
Ttai.taOMy. _
£'Ba^ w**tuTr***r** Bat Bordiekvilie ah* mad* many frirod*
Joba *ad Mnbaa OarroU pra eautac
Sm woseiei* lone tlmeoad wa* very
pbU^n^iw all bee aaffrTtncoadfiled
Travtae* Olty tetardoy.



.itaaad bar a..

__ s:;



J.W.SLATER.HonstFimiishiijSlore. tevStore. l20Fro«tSl-

imlrranceof IDavid C Bryan,
Mra. Blebard Johnaob. who baa
on tbe aIck Hat. 1* hot ao well
11 af
alUla who died at Ue home of bis dangtaier,
BaP*vtl.of Lake Aan. Jan
aged 7T year*. Mr. Bryan
Tbe Miaaea itorlnide. MinnU and Lu­
-ar Lodi. Ser.............. ..
la Cumueare oo Ue aick
younc m*
COrrull and bl*
Cirl ualle
tb. Steuben CoCDty. N I . where be
1 Mto* Anna LaWlto Sum■day aliei
ildrd iBOtt of Ue Urn* until the fall

Laal lYIday Harry JohsKia b
cood tunune to eateb five Use
weichinc t- ponndi.
Mr*. Theodor* Wo»i of Trmveroe ^Iv
> Tuilior her danebter. Ml*. Frank
Ilea of Ibla place.
Saturday niurolac Fraqk Edeveumb'
orled for Travrr»e City with a load of
but fiodinc Ue road* le a bad
tbe Sir Knlcbuaad Lady Maoeabeee
coodltiDo he decided lo relorn bom*
. of offleer* last
wlU bta load.
Tnaraday alcbi
'. J. 0am* and Ueo. Cam* wi
[laae* Litrle Jobaaon aad Looiaa
It waa all very nice out me
iTcrae aiyrJkturday.
tor Save cube lo Traverae Clly for
oabae* deeerre a creat deal of pral •e.
■ell Uanro. Jr.,
relamed from
r to learn U* dreeamakiof
for their part wee a creat credit to
uiuala, Tueeday. where be ba*r been
them. After the Inatallallon bed d
liioC bi* brotber. frank
the caeala were lovlied to partake ul i
Albert Laekor aad Mike Lnrdle bar.
: l' Horae la apeadinc n few dnyi
OM*! boanllfal tapper after wblcl
moved lo Traverse City for Ue winter
-.tb Mra ff. U. B.oodcw«l uf Tmvare.
tba** who wlabed to do ao enjoyed ai
A nomber of Haplrtoo younr people
boor or two Id daueloe.
All aeemei
went Ul nid M aaioa laet Tburta*.
le eejoy themtelve* very mucl..
E. Cam* went to Cbiracu Monday
eteolnc to attend tbe loatai.atino o
tpend tbe winter.
Hr* Arthur Ball a*d children ban
offleerTof the L O T. M. aod K. u T
Xe.l Monro. Sr , left Tharadey
in* to apend aomellm.
All enjoyed a cood time
Inc tor a Tlail lo tbe aoutbers atatea.
Adriic Ifilaurprtoe wa* civm Ml*
lie ezpeeu to epcad' the remala.ler of
Hka via* Porter hat c<><
Ao;i-« Laruir at her borne, last Saiur
winter lo Kiorida
erne Clly to learn mere
-ay eveeinc. It beioc her aizleenll
loaepb Sonra retnrnM f
MrUday aoolvrraa.y
The eveulo,
UeaiODla Silurtlay,
Oapt. Jobaaoe hat roae
plresaatly p***ed dancinc and playln«
• ■ ■
■ •Ineat
The ladle* of llu Conc'l. Aid Society
will bare a aoclal at Urance Ball Jao.'
•- -irand tUpIda v.aii-nc Mr* John
laat week a
... .-iv'er. Mr* K-i.-brm. where ibei
ttih. lb*
de Craial )* a
si.y until the-.l'd uf Jan-, when
rc*v*r*e City talent.
few daya »
ihev w.ll attend the birUday celebr,
tiun ul Mr*. Jvfaasnn's graed f*tbri
waa will be loi yean old.
Mia* Mac Wealeh
Tb* bealoftkalloc e
Nurthport Daparuneai
to bear It.
thle week

IS'...,____ ...


Tb* Spootota War Serlce in Tb*
lurytopruvinc a Cf«*l suocm*:
ha* very oooaiderably locreser.
-cnIaUoa of tbe macatin*.
-bruary nomber General Sbafui
11 Ue etory of lb* Santlaco eampalcn
d LleuL UoltoOB will follow hi --

Urraiu UeriweevCvaev

Fbratar*' leaUtale

Tb* wars waalbar baa
tar baaUor la tbk rtoiaitp.
tkrk Baou k at Ballatr* worklaff
orltbbktnta. -

-al give, aeeuranee of a parpoan 10
make that macaiia* more oaelol aad
helpful, aod stronger in lu literary
and arOstle feelure*. dariOg D*v« ■'
lever before. Tbe Cover 1* always
< of lU chief altraeliOD*. and Uv Jasi
number 1* 00 rzccptiou lo Ual 1

1 Morro CtoUe.


ra aarrr to aola that . . _. .
. Wboaieo-* eblldroa are throatIthtTpbold (arar.
Dr. Oaaat
M k attaadlar tbaot. bopo*


tm North-

clad to aay that Mr. P<
*^r.‘*8bondanek, tbe Indlaa doctor,
pber 1* celliBC
celilBf alone
came flown to the bench alter medicine
........ .. .*l,ee^
. . fr^
icaa; mack Icaprortd; b
for aome el bia pallvnta today.
soon beoa bla feet bcaln.
baa ibawed away *o oaueb
OBraMrbtac laFotUar poor.
f tbe leamater* have left
Aar* k eottlar eordwood
A. M. bmllb has beeb Dnralec
off benllnc to wall tor belter road*.
■■---*Bd hoaUar U
to tba bow rallrapd.
foralewday* bat lea llivle bei
Mr. Stlbbeiu U*l work for the Bar­
ibl. -rlUnr
A.M. C.L*wkk4alMbkk.>
ker Lumber Co, at Hlncbam.
E. V. mu and M. M. Wealeh bare
S. «. Vaadarfaoof bootbt a naw
adlob aow o( Mr. SUla* iMl Tbofadaj
anoi£^ ben , and alUioucb mo one
' Air. a»d Mr*. W. TaUarud bop aV IDC for bay lee may a ICet It ihia win'Cunerally com. to
Mod anattaf at Oraaa Lake nbool
lekea-looc <
Michael L01
ikhad tbemltforinne
3 recall
Ive a broken ley. a*tbe reauli of
from hi* borae while baulloc
111 laat Saturday.
a Usaalla wtiaaboat two war

Here Are Two
of the Prettiest and Best Rockers ^

await unimilrmi, hairy
urord to tot U* splrtta^
,_____________ M ate
w ap Uroogb U* eota-


eraeaed look
r*. Hesiie eo-................ ere be went tc
work to make a
borne for bl* family
There are lew here
now who can rval)rf and hardUipaof Ue
rsrly settler* of Grand Tr*eeise. bat
takiag Md
piece ol
•reeled e log bouke on *i'i»
1~.« Mr*
Ureau and Ue children c me and 1
morrd ID tbelr Dew bom ID tba dforrS^ where lime and
Mr. Bl'
<lrO aod
.be passed laat i
lb* iiakwuod cem

Tbe Udiev lienrli
itotj 1(111 b*
dibber at the borne of Mrs
Tbe Badie*' Aid tociety will
with Mrs. Ed KebI Tbursday.
Tbe youn,
lOcF’eoPtoof Ue Congrecs
tiaiial cbuict
ch will meutwIU Mia* Clara
-i-1*y eveolog lor
alao to orgamae • rradlog ciri
Tbreugb theiflurtoof K.
Qiv pupil*. Ue second leu
-oom baa been lumished
of ainging book*.
Mumi-nto and
Kebov. " were pneeotedaodAre now.ln
e Ladira'Aul aoclely have elected
— Mn.'Wm Uu^
Tree* -Mn
pup. la uf Ue grammar
give an eulertalnmcnl at Ur town hall
Jan. IT. Irs'.i
Toe following proersa
will be givrs.
Inalramental muvic
prelude tabiraus
Song. -Brmembei
I'm Vuur Hrutbrr and Vonr Friend '
ioauumeotal inuaic.
dvfrm-imenta bung. -.Sc
Inalramental mnaic- Dr*
1 ue Majjr
• Urrr.
Inatnimeutal maaic- Tab
Ue New* to HdUer. Ad:letlckeia. IS cei
cento; lady
n ocDU.
IVoceeda lo
- on organ. Let Ue ball be full.
January i;tb being Ur birUday anBierraary of boU lieu. Itome and s. W
Wilaon a pteaiont lea party wa* girea
IB their honor at Ue home ol S W.
Wileoo. Tb* guceto were Mr, aod Mra
George Dame, Mr aad Mr*. S Dame.
Mr and Ml*. S- W, W1I.00 aad Mrs K
gneato report * pleaeoat
vrcBlogaad we join wiibUrmla wtoh-og-tbat Mr. Dam* aad Hr. Wltooe
oeybe able ucriebraW moay more
.urb plea*anl annlreisbrlee.


Just placed on sale OVer 600 pairs Men’s Panta Bought ’em cheap,
you gel the benefit. Shall sell at the regular makers’ price. Weights and Pat....1* A...

lhep**lfew year* during which be
made bU bum* with bU dingbler.
Deceased leavca three suns and
daughter lo mooro hi* loa* Tbe f
ai wa. brld at Ue bomr ut S. ri
nrll, Tueadsy. at 10 u'c'ock.
were condufled by Rrv C W
i.amv The remain* were brought
frsvcTse C;iy and laid lo reel la U
wood L-rmeto-ry.

greai v mi*a.-d io
U our'iu** I* ber
DOW with Jetuv ■
Fuo.--*l .erTieva were heid at luiaod
ball, br Hr and Hr*. Ogdro of Hen
don. Friday afternoon at 1 ocluek
a preachi-d by Mrs Og
n who choae lor ber text St. J >hn 11
. - Jeto* laltb Ohio her, 1 am the re


S. BENDA 3c CO..
Fashionable Outfitters.

Cell* Grills Tulier, daughter ol M
and Hr* Wilbert roller, died at b<
buiue In Weal Inlsnd. Jsn. 4th tov
vg.-d . minlbs sod :> dsr*.
li w*a
very soddro sbui-k to the psreiiu •
UU liUIr bliiauim. *• 4br bail not bre
betere. and hot considered dsngerou's
until the murnlng of her de*U
au»e ol brr death 1. Uougbt to be *
cold i-augbl while cuiUwr her eye and
• Umiach teeib which flnaJly went to
tbi bra.a Celia wa* * trry bright
ant^ pisyfui child slway* rvaay to

o*E*uVuaa Mmer.
11 ill Fraaklia of Traverae
er»e City vi*

"77 tIESE (xARMEKTS are all ri^t—cut and made right—weitrable. fitaVD bit kind—warm ones—bad for tbe doctors, good for yon—the tailor
isn't in business who can give you a better 6t. Better Hurry, f6r they are
going fast.

bkiD Di*ea*e*.

Tbeoe are .

Nubar Itoch*. president of Ue Egypt ISO council of BlDlstcrs. died at ■'•ri* ,

$ 1.00.

Annual Statement.

. - .
uup. coidbod threat troubles „ Kuisai
lead rapidiT to Cooaompiioo
A bottle
ufOneMinut* <'«uch Care uaed at tb*
right lime "HI preserve life. h^U
>f money
Pieoaant to tai
iD like It.
J. 0. XswSvrsI wrwbsrv sUCv* Cunag to*
; ^4 .-svs.'ii

vih In mr.


ire dead j-el
r liveU sad
r die." In

grvai force
bring a me

sj-oipalhy. kbsod bsrlBg ii

piece* *u
bearu *1 I voice* have been well t
; to many bean*
to isag 1 r Ue choir were.
g Usndi -"Will soy OM tbe<
me." -Beautiful V

The Deadly Orip
agalB abroad In tb* 1*
b-eaU* may be fulgermf Don't n*gleci
rl*cl tb* "Grip" or
door lo Itoeumoni*
loa and invite draU lu
kurv sign* s
ebIHa WlU fver heodache, dull leavT .
Iborre* from
froi tbe ooce. aorv throat and
tot go oougb.
D ‘n't wsate preo.ime irvaUng Ui* cough with
Di»c4ver(. Ur inlbUiblr re^y'
Utol troublea It kilii
germ*, besia Ue long*
Ue dreaded after rffeets from tb* mi
adv. Price SO erntt bad II 00. Moaey
back It not eared. A Inal boiGr free
lb* drug atom of S. E W

Bucklam* Aniica Baivo.
z EczT Soivi lb Uc world for
Rrotoea. Sow. Uleors. Salt
m Fever Sore*. TeWer, Chnmtod
a. Corn*, sad aU Ala
Goceto rvgUtered at Ue Botol Portal
during Ue pact week. Ur. S. u Saw buptioB*. aad poaitlvvly eorea PDm.
rer. Jobn Revolt. A W Jabama. J. W. orbo pariwqulrte. It la |
/ maarman,
B. ClaaaeB. Oeo to give perfect satlafaetioo
Mrcra, Fred Buagbey. Traverse City, rateadad. Price H ena to pw boz
Joan Waltort. SutlDD* Bay; Mm Saa mle br fi- 0 fiotanaoa aad 8. B W
Keonlck.o W. BvoJ.mia. to
Paul Perry, of Co'ambaz. O* . teffer
Mr and Mrs Fnd Andersae.
I ogoay tor Ulny rears, ate Stoa
Albert Saabun. Traverse
>red hU plica by
, osteg
.. igDeWlu'.l
OeWlu'a Vltnh
. . rl 8a‘‘V*. .It bcoU
b -.
isjurirs aad akia
-AclavtallaGoBofoaeen of Nortt- G Job
ori Teat Xu. **•, wo* held at Ueil tw dl***ac* like marie.

La Gnppe 1^ again epidemic

Every .

•peelfic curvtoGse MinatoCoagb
*h*r Agri- . ‘
tarsi Journal sad Adrrrtiser.
... aay*.- No one will be ditappointad ,
I using One Minute Cuugh Care for
Ploaaatil to take.
j_las a. a. w^. ,

I't;; j

Tbr imbllrci iblng* may e.
eaieat Ibfiecnee.

Trr Oxolae; Try OraiB.0;
• to|QHkmaa.* jaaT
[jaa M'-rawOoca P

Cnogh Cure Foowa* ,
allzys coaghlng
wighlog *ad heal* |
Tbe bml oongb con for ebll


m.* 1

Caacy I'atosnie. rare M
tetoa UCCe talhCrs)
Mr. SA Packlrr, aditor ofUeM. ,
coaopy iFto.) UaaUar. wlU bi* wife I
, Ba.a.1 Ovaltw------sad ebadrea. saffrrad terribly from La .
*r *m
Use HiuaSr Coogb Care wo* j
„ rsMa. Mama, saw UM bt
Ur ocly remady Uat faeiped them
bclad qaiekly.
Tboozoad* uf oUen I aae •
oae Uu rvamdv as a aareifie fur La- <



' j Aaz S I AWaD. tor*
Wba, Oa U* Ctataroa Ortakr




•00*^ *?be°BarvUmu!o m'Vw tC*%u' 1**^ ”
•iv* Uraarr a*aJ>* r** dusntou toma*s
“ imizli Sanil. niiito
Caro of Tnobk*.
Otv aazaawa .........................
groaUy appradata Uc klndacm
lag c aicer
At tbe elm* Uey *-erv
* •> by Ue triaad* aad aeigbbor*
need by Ue.L O t M a, of Del
AuzT—a-io. tor.ate...
•o blBdly btolalefi aa la Ue lata
«a* UlveNajs*
Tbe vvtet ended in
vemaat of oar IltUa daogkur
ligbtfol aocltl affair
Three litUe
W» faeltbst lalaafi pimimii
.rise* lend w •irccgUec Ue fratae. telm
aaJ feelleg beiwwn Ue Live aad uot •otot kibd nod nohU toapto.
Ma *xi> Man Wtoaxav Trute bto.yiri'SSm "‘c'llgistolcaBd^tlS
aad are estnyed by *11
Tb* Womaa'e Obb met wlU Mrs. C
TVi laMrv*
i^Kebl OB Taeaday evealag. fiaa-



Prarvam for Ua evnalaci
I tataata*. qaotailorm SSm

leaiflgg Uto’teBw'^Ua'*
ate UtoMtomkU»**fi^


J—a* * ■■*»*% .. ............ . ^ oaa W.

■t’ ta-uJ-TS-.

-------- -------------------- - ...--------

^mATnekfiB iajtALfe.rfAimA&y i6.



, •eith.MMMtMDM

wife toaotof tor tbo aaalltotoi of the
■arrlaroaad it to aUtotod that tbo bar.

'^tOk wttk U* »iii»w« tedv- 0« >«•*tarb*MUttalb«bMMe»pMd»V«t-

twr wM offerad a obb ao* M appear to
At Hptm. OwtoMi iMpMMr OctoM ooan to poaloal tbo oetloe.
Mw — in iMatrr— -* *- wkick to
M Wwr>>aMtettad7 lk* eew
vke »M »ni»h«H wKfe r«lt<>« i«nr om
Tbo Wall—trlB BUrt Oo.'a oootract
«blM«Mtolpc«Wwe< tk* PkUl
JuBur t. 4tod W«d>ndv »>rkA
to prwiar to bo a bnaata tor !«%.
OPMl WIH«M wrtaac fr«- Hom Atpn—pitu eoaetetaaadlt fraaaaa
KoWMJPkttoJftrMM WVMSlOWlO are Ctoployed.- They bare a djowa
parataMPbpBp AoartoM UsrdMi'M v»wa factory oaptoyiait Ito porple
do *«rr volL
Twebaadrodaad thirty doe-a abiru
are nada aad toaedoeed rack ^ay Tba
Pref. OotdMr, m of tb«
««nllr. M AM *i+«OrotoB Mbool. Ofotoo. Oooo.. bw eapaclty wUI be taemato to MO.
,Th> -OTto Pf tk«---------*“■“ - ‘* pioMtod tbo oebool Oitb <;».OOCI Id bo
ptpn boa plaal to etoploy ft baoda
i b* porrlj •«
will be aalabltobod there to aapply the
•tod for boUdlor o ••« obopoi.
U Ttoy
TWy »U1
«rUl «ady
a»d >«t polltoML
Whltoitootior eo Clorifi Ukr odbr Valloratcla eonnoy
■tWM B»d hoMtoOflhO fIBftM.
JoektoM Saodor. Htoo AoaaHola/ato]
A> Preaeotl
tko ■otwtol tiooTBW of tho obm'jj
Otort* TbapblBO bioko tbrooib tbo loeal —tb
mi ito «o««««toi p^ibuiitofc k«i
D.aredaft.oB Tbaraday married Hiea
»tU Bot ottoapt to doBl wlU tbo pnikBeeretly
le H VaB l>w< B.acedi.«
BantoriUe. RlraaDelaao, a
IM of retcnM*!Itoorye t'en DsreB.' aced 4«. Bo'tbHe fell
, Prot. Winmlm bM ll*rf for y**rt to T». died datarday Blfb'er of <be bride, wae toarriad « Barb
tko PbUIpplM. buud «llbtbo>Ud- tbe toe errara: deye’afo. etrlkle*
C. CarocroD. ayrd »e. SOB of thr ofed
•to of Hon» bod itolw. olKBdod tbtor hie forabtod. fraetartor bla ekalL
who oew marrlea
At lioatb Bead- lad . Mosday. OKep.
' to^bol rUto bod otbdtod Iko poHlkol
daarbter. Qirry—What are tbe rrU
to—oayoftbotoUbd. ot okaorMfo Weriak. of Cbteaco. togebed a eVeaai
ms of tbe Tariooe partirer
VahMwrtin • book eo Ibo Pblllp- epll tbatrroaadMl a powerfal electric
At batorraceiUlB local pap>r. to
rrcolr^•«.«hh!b-to eoMidorto: omtowlord
.ob:taa-y«fa—awbobad C
ntoroBoo work Md r—ally ouatrlb- tof 4.000 T<-:u.
le oommnolty, eaid 'A loo* prt
ytod M iBUrortiBC Mrta of ortielfo oo
CarlHIaer. aa Abo Art«r bor
SB f-41oired the remeine lo ibrir
«feo PbUtp^MO to Tho Otalory Mbo ben appulated toepretor for the »
rreeUar piece ~ Of coarse tbe fai
P bnlu in tbe city of UbbIU i
rosbed n ibe "prtat eboo" to ha'e
, pNtodwV SekanaoDB Obtd Ibat thr
"error" eorrectod. Tbe rdl
•otototooloo OBC—Ud to ioU tor Moblto
A eoUceUoa of abooV *00 rare
ad tbat he eoald art do it oaUi Ibr see•boot tbo flrtt of Pobnurp.
hae beea preeeated tothejalreraiiy by ee yeari- back ssbecriptioo ibe deoeaeTbocoaamoa wtU roport tbo *> Wllllaa Latoaart Dorr, of Pedoral
ed owed had beea paid.
•Mtotutkato tbo pi«»WU»t ood coo- Polat. -St. Jofaoa rirer. Ploridt.
At MoBlla tba cltoatiOB to ImpruilBT
(rooo. to ooobto tbo lotlor to fromo lo
—toteprlBolpallyOf BeroptoD eotea
A otliee eorlnrer at tbe waterworks.
MUIfUl pUa* tor the fot<upr>r«nThe AlbloB leader eays tbat a Il-year OQlsIde tbe Itoet. wae merdcred ThorsWatof ibo'totoodb
old boy of tbat dty bac been —klnf day cteDtor by a well orraeiaed rany
arfelt aiooey by Beaee of plaeter of tbieree armrd wltb earloai
Bto prioclpal prbdo'el warn ais wife barely escaped.ibr tame tale
WMbtortOB D. C.Jaa. >A—A fore- pasBla of lead, wbleh he aatd t^ork
Tbe place was raosacked.
The aatlc
to of tbo roport of tbo war-laroruca- tbe tlot Bkaeblerefor petoaBd aao>'
aetborliiea are Inseatiyatlay the affair
Uoowaaobulatol latolcbl
Prince Maa. of daxooy. .wbc
bat tbe PlllplBoe dlaclalm ooy kuow)
90 baltoeod to be aatborltaAotoooo^btot
loaeced hit .ebuoto to tbe tbroae lo edye of tbe oatraye.
i report
titto. Tito
roport will te ta t^ praaloi^erlobrotBea poor prirto-baetai
CoBiracte are beioy mwardr.l lor ih
W wilblB
too daya
It will
doMk habd*
' utraroBely ill of typhoid ferer at
balldtoyof tbeelecuie railwai
tk BO MOM be a -'wbUo-waabiBr" AoeaDrcedee whileVUtlac ralatlere.
win ooaeeet Soath Bead asd
mml. It will vlra U-t aoBolatooM of
Hra. C P. Heotiaftoo of New Vofk. snrrey wlllalaobe sade of a Ui
tbo bawd asaeUy to Iw wmbTra feel
ba* r*»«« the B«aae for a aew plrle' Diatooed Lake. Obb eoesty. aod
that tbo bote joaUty.
: OmotbI UUoa will b* oaaaarad for doraltory at ibeTaikepee N.-nBal aad oa^talleu soBlromBy tbe bootb
trial lattltote. .Taekeyee. "
aad BlkkH-t Itoea arc reported ae fas-hit ooodarl brfore, darlap. aed elnee
orabis to the bsiiaiby of ae electric
Ihowar. llwUlbeabowatbatOoBoBoraara correal at Ckyrnee that Itoe ID buiryie. conoectloy with tbe
iBlIUlMwatdiraetodbytba arrroUiy
other projected tooiaBa and Uli-blyao
otwortoBiakebtoarot laipaeUoe of

Unit WaWiitolliiBeM Tracis.

It to •»• Mtoiwod ttet «

k* Atelrfti Dmj. oUmM. OMml
Otto. OriaMlCh»ri«J>«al>r ^ >^ttoM O Wo«irt* .«K. lltobloB «!•



to ( toegef m OniM DibUh Wa»-«tef ■ to
SitoB Itoit tan ni toil tok aid I—iri

..J ...u..*.,. ir-al4-, a>
tout tomrr. Ike 1^ ^^Is'r^tomil- ssd *«~-<ei.
•«~-<ei. .t»
.t> lU ya.
ya . sr«i i-r h I..SI I s.. rr-sUs L-rs-is .

he.'"and wc bad leasa

II II. rims baai' Al-au t-sir >>an s.-o I S
Mwt It s bsM SIS.
ifcir i.n. n

p- ua '-«ssne> sl-


We kero brwa ukifts; isreetory and fisd we bare «of
T(rtMc«aB we cab aell cheap.
We ba-t this stock before ne war
Ux went oa and wejriyaire jsw Ibr UroeSt of it. Look oaer
tbe list awl tee w€«t)^'«bnt
It >« a barirain. Sis 3-oaii<to
pbckAyea, ur three 4-<>uiir- pu’ksf -a t ir i-'i ceoto.
Tbc— at*
fire and teo feut pai kuea.

Tsan—y. Ttos—y B.

Green Back,
Don Juan
Fire Crackei'.
Lucky Plug.
Eed Crr>68.


' tbo Bray Mtopa and talawd todo ao. rayed to tatillar tbe Iroo tier dispo'to
Bobert Baldwto. ayed SB, the eoo of
Mylar he wBt iB tbo bablt of BakiBCoat batweee Praoob Oclaoa and Bras.l. tat
attacked by Ibe Batirre at Cool- Bes earBry Haldwto. pastor of tbe
htoowB ordea-Wilta rarard totbe bwf
• will prob- aol aad that eertoae Acbtlar baa Ukra Baptist cbBKh at Ki
lace. Nu faribrr oeialU bare bace shot aad killed by Selmoo Parrel.
ly dad that U
Haldwie had trooble with Cbas. Webb,
—Ired bera.
At Toledo. Ohio, phyelclaoe adailt who bad beeo acolded by Ber Mr
Uotat KilaaboBldBot baro bwa pw- tbat tbe rrtp ba» dcrrloped dnrlny Ue Baldwin for dietorbley a mrOllBy.
alttrd lofo to •aattoro. altboorb ■ poet few daye to as atormlof itgn* Webb'sBd Parrel wailed at tbe cbBrcb
ntokih Bf tbto klad aty sot b« inelod- TbootoDd* of eaeee are reported asd door aolll yoooy Baldwto ease oat.
they asaaultod him aod Parrel
a rpideBic to alBoet a piarur. A
oatBlHioiiert UtobeldlbatSenailm ihroayh tbe bnrv Parrel
iDberot proouBeet people are dantary Alfar »••• llltoa tooBBob bto owe
aad Wrbb eacaped
tcroualy Ul.
*»Bo rapert will bo BBoalBOot oo all
Hoskeyoa. Hra Halbcw WlleoB.a
WMlIal potato. It will dodaro that prosed sery asbeallby. Tbc mortalli.v : wntby aaa proffiloeBt lads. 1s ae arIhaprtoaaryaaatoof Ibatrooblo todo- from respiratory iScctlOBS escerded > dent Ssber—a
Is the ssomer sbr

. ._


tbat of aoy ws«k alsoe Hey. besen-1 aoytrs tbe streams aad lakes fsr trust
. wUAooafron to oblrdr to 'blaoK la t^deatbe were directly atulbatcd to | ,Uh all tbe psfeace aod dex-.erlly of
loflorata to 1—doo. io which the death
rate is tbe blybeat for seseral moolhs. j bsilt a B.b shaoiy on tbe lake wbicb
Oeorffe Latoy of Toledo, has lost foar j tbe trIsIts almssl esery dsy. seldom reblldrae la two waeks from eatiByj torotoy wliboat a basketfal ol the Balieoaaad ehickeo BieaV Tbe sersaol U | oy tribe. Tbe sbaoty to faroisbed nebalso Ul. aod bar recisery to doobifal. |, ^ad-iD eecellebi usle.
powdito-la tltoo lor the ordBaaoo
Ittotoppoacsl tbechickeas were affectAl Armsda, J ihB Caldwell, a wealthed with eboli
farmer aad cattle owoer.
■ wtU Asd that 8eerecattle poisoner, bto
It to said tba Freacb sear depart—ol
baa dlseusered tbat larye stores of Wt- rawolarly lost aoimsls i
rtdyta to sartoos aiaeoals are prasiltml- I'ulson bss beeo plsc-cd to tbc fuodard
rawUlbe bUtocd for tiio
Oo Pndsy oiybt. asother sac
ly wortbloB.
It is alleyed that to
•otodlttaBOd tba aray aepa. tbedetBaoy —es traitors base lampered with c—fal attempt was —dc aod s sslu
riMto at whtob woiB dar larpdy to
.bic st«rrjutosd andlsu more are sUk
tbatriOorw—orBapUtaioa- It wUl
sty.betrsc-s bi. lossn
Tbc Chin— salburiiles will setUi
toafead enyasdered by bistryioy w
lor the nardor ol tbc Bedieal aaslstaatbe Aoierleaa buwIoo at Cbeoy Ktoy . yet poascssioB of tbe Buteblnsos tl»>.
estate to a Kaasas eourl to irso.tuii
' paylBff BB Isdemsliy. easbia( bto kaewlrdia tbat toady o«-tora
be has Boi loffieieBtcrtdeBeetoeoBTtrid dtosIsalBy tbe yallty offielaU. asd
■adarUtoltototd trBlBlBf. lOfioeia of
tbe crtmioal,
tbaaodlMl doBartaoBt wUl be erlU- aad yraaUBy a balldlay fur a boepUal
I III7I dteBhre A Wbite
AedforMUre to carry oat taaUary to tbeloeallty wbare tbe aarder
itb. placed bto daaybter
adopti >0. hbe yrrw lu
At HBBdBBky. Oblo. Bsben MUford
aod became a pebllc resd.
aad WUllaa HpellmaB. wbo haee beci
of li.-lle I.-trerea
held .a tbe city prisoB and who ar
Stephen A. Wbite. Jr.
Qwaral Bbcbb today teat to the war wanted os a ckarra of back r<-' sy at
fell to lure. He proposed aa-l
laitotlCatlag oo»ahatoa a rerM KalmssM. Hleb.. dor >H'--ryb tba eceepted la«t Christmas dsy. si
toeat Boor aad i.-. ^ tbronyb tbe
her parents' eODScnl wBSsekrd
baaetoaBV hot were recaptured. Tbe
told she wis an aduptel dsaya
prtoooera. wbo traeel aader toany
ber f jaler parents did-noi kouallaaes are aUo waoted to TtSa. Ohio
daaybter she really wat.- Ad
toat asd aboelre '^•rBe»arA C-yoayoldeM ol J>taa Strobla. lie
yatloD was made aod it to lor
toy eear Usleabary was seeerele aealdbis sister Hae.
ed danday. Tbe child to carrytop a
i tact Became kaowa tbe yirl fsl
.Icfecaldiay waur wben he fell.
n, —.1 hb
‘■OoaUatoaa: I bare
haadyaa bore with ny tstito>ey.wi,tob
to BOW rsMbailUod and rertoed IB aeaartaBoe wltb thortowa rtpr.ieed by
yea to year tetlor to sr of Jao.
Ihao^eoUeaal featorto aad what le
to—Ideral IrreratoBt aattor by yoa. la
whtto optotOB I ooUrely acree. are
la tbit eeaeoetloa I d<
to etaw that tbora was oers- a tboaffat
or touettoo to «y part of aoy dtereepert
. bat I
«ol the «
• to tbc tael that
mmri praelleally of feodlar ibe aol4ton with polBoeod beet, tobteb made



Ou Wmi«n Humphnj dl..
bo— in Adrian Bitoday afternooe. Be
TO eaditor yeBcral of tbe sute foar
terms and terred clybt yeari as srard-

D.rl.B ib.


1 BO leae than l.eoo.w

SB of tbe state priese at JaelcaoB.
TO psetmaeler there deHny tbe BairtooB admiamlratloB. UcBcral Hampbrey sraala bto aceenty-first year.

Doctors Can’t

ship. CItotoe Co., cbsryes two rf . ..
adybbsta with stesliby tsro baye-». k from bla
Wheiher ibry picked ib tn
ap aad carried them rfl in tbeir pu. kew
while tbe owaer was bm looktoy 1- n-stated. b«t will probably br^ceek pr.

ootrtayl6t» Wood petooa to abaoltrtely
akill of the doetora. They
, patient for ye— oo ibdr

oa tbe trial tbto week.
AtHerlio Coeot aod Coaatem *. d
Itot I haea ter., .shed Beat to tbe arsy
Wa'.d—ee (tbe latter seas lormeri
■adar >ratr , .- of raoertmeol.- wi
•karca to .tfeetto eorrapiloB
toorae. betoBMit > •po'disas tbe I
•d the emperor to planetoy
afaeldl'raeeattotbetroDtia a t>
tbc eeent by a special disua'etml ai-alr. read who were d

meiwial and potaA rwnodiea, but ba
will tierer be rid of tbodtoe—j on the
Mb<rr hand, bis ceodition srfll yrow

dNt apv


food aa wat i

to the wtade eoaalry aDcibirad rleo.
baee beea pebllataad and t haea
, ksM ptlloriad to >be proto s< a mas
wbofodtba army oo potooo-d lamt
and eorraptly ao. Tor three we- kt I

lary. afur prerariay

AtCuldwatorezaaremorC (I Leo
has Beea sdeeted pnsWent of -tb.
Coofhs HllUoy Co . aad will uke ac
ebuve of the bnlBess. Ur. Lao
aw oeer
yrars of ay«.bBt to os ac
aa a yrasshopprr and drieea to bi
lane In Uilead twiee a srcek.a distase
Car) Btoser. ayed to. —t death to i

™o»- L. -.1., ..

»— befoea year c—mtpstoa.
arttbatandlay tbe yraetiy of the ae>
. aBnilnai
It is aareuoaao a l
Itaea (bat aaeh m-msteK— eharyca
•paid baea any other eff ct (baa
|e eranh apoa an tamoraMe ma
'—A a leay as to foafi him

low—a. aadtbe sar.

tbe e
c of tbe d
Irom Ibesyslem.



sftoVi??. ^was^dto
btorsraaC.furll w.sieid


..lay too short'ptoMemaae*tbe—-es^mnmra^^^^^

ba ssepped laalde the tree aad eonttoo-1
totopsratk- The t- .pm ap

' amanita,

Colo, a le yearmW boy lietoy______ ______________
-• ihalf tofsUo«.ai>d
oa Heteatb street, Detroit, to Ibsubv |otota. ennainiUm

ly hilled Bataidoy B>urainy by
bat BBtaral, wbM the peoprr oppor- otoetrie wire srbieb was deayliaL
pole liaosauet tlth ibe sect yroaad
Aim. to -B>*1 and retatotb—ebaepa that he sh ield ebar- prcdatodaapatteriByfleae which al■iiCIto tb— to barab laakBsc
traciod Ue boy's atienitoa, aad
wtohiraw tbo toat—rtBo obfei

IHtbaHWitot toUh »ha*y—«

^fto all the

“•Lb.— -ue —b- bej ;

leedlry lostep.ll I -he
asst frWtKr UalO to P
trsto seated she stoppec i-T wsT out .( dsoyer

TO. Youne *«o
t—PW..1, .04 p-r-oototo

C.aa blood meaa- .
jard btoelj- anh.eil il. Caaorets,baodj lalhartw cieaa >>.ar l^ood and
il elesu. b]
ipikec up -n i. e tita. aad tbe man
sttma* oi-Ibe toi) lirrTsod dnv—sil im
atrayt-lcu me more t-ybtly it ww
pwniM Irom lur uim. Kryia toyUj lo
Fieal-y sasbe uyy daod palied. U.e laaiab puri-ka. U'iia Ibieuhm. hUrllbrads.
ilH] thsisKAk iMleruseomMciboB h) uLios
apper twU >04 oo ber abne sod Csaareta—heauiT Iw ico cen-j. All dnydeo y ysee way
She Jerked her foe'
I.m ibeaboeand f-U fsisUay bealde
iC rai: to the iralB swap: by.
A torriVe ciwm rayed Friday to
rest HritaiB and wea-ere Baoip.. K«.
■rts from all paru ol tbe I'niteC K.oy
dum show more or 1— damaye to life
The rale tooar of tbe
leal kjoea in malty yswia.
&elellof dUamaUM boaam. ormfiowtoy rieaia. Uaodai


pySBPy— n~< tandir u. s-

nr ri as ti. .r

‘’^LM nanLA AMS &eOTAl. UU er-«.-?»
OnSrsarasiedevred .liaooi tou •* to
POaiTtTSLT OUUB Stow Weak »oe bto>. ..Stuas tsem (w taady. saateM
orao and aU del.-aw 4i.w«ara areapst w>
aa Ibai
ol toiauw. taieuj


’Ula'to'I—taibas a<




or nu

For Tafanta aad CkUdi—.




ariad- aSbc S .10 tmi l«ea raeeto! rOra
> ertues oaalrau wdl w ylwa Peewn,
•oxrusrd IS ao— k<

‘"23—f '^SalSr*'* "JJIJ


»4 Per Day Snreo SiSg


6RAin) T&LVfi&SE


geiBC to have
1 Juia tbe e*
me. I have
a DM to aad w*

cruiiipi&ibaiiti *:


V.1 a B&ta

••SoBathtor thee sorely aset be doae
Itb mehtof dtohee. wbtob to far jpea
‘Hare yo'a a\r^*^told thooebt that It
• be-Ood-a will
will to heal yoe*Ddrdtbeplri (aiei
bt moeh aboat IL'

roa have to waab art waab ell ktode
la^jwVtlaaee pDac yoo have
Or wttk lor^> tareb l«a M b*

■Yoerbedetonabv. Oh.whet i


Hits Parker
------------------ •------ e Bheaai-|i.^.^.^^B ------ber mother loaead ...___,_______,,
peraooe wbooi the I Yoa have ooiy oue awtb. . ,
Dsned W^n^ey reached the bouse | mw^bBi
- -- yoa eaa ptoddea
prey for herre-



^•Por wbea yeo'vt slept or tried to
Betweea’’ Ito eheeU
(Mb b^lh^ tk»t kMp* tte wptJd
______ __ JB Ulsn lB(» »i

' Odiac aU bunm In ito c>M*
______ it wbarMf >U« la trrohcbl,


Tnm aabtfe tbimd* of daattsjr.
«tnib>r •<*1 ««*•
U bat oaa (rtoad bare eroaaed tb)
la iby -ortal day;
U ssir oeea llle'a beat earpriae

■paabaefUlerUie dear DaweotOad.

wrtokled Id a

Voa feefoocood. the worse for wear
Whea Boratof hreake. I'll bet yooll

'£sz &...

Oar friead will doabUeae hare a life
loap eyopathy, lor woaaa'e work art
ao'e paUence lo hpr work la lime,

slilMIbst roBBd u* wait.

SwTwU wWkIwi'iiiita,. b—raaly
Iraa. OasfriMloaa IriaedT BaUm H

bedaide. the pa-' i
pied to be elakiop away,
fd.v It to JHe or death sow.
iDlrebe declared.
_____ _
dowa with the

edrd el

TUI rvad; ,
ebertoh that nolber. ay bey.

tle ellp of paper tStl-. laches la etoe.
rbto paoer to yellow wl^i a^ Wiihlo
a eeroll-llke fsary border to'a wood cat
ofaa old-tasblooed etace ;Mck with,
roar horses, the drirerfaoldtoc u eaor-'
■soatly loap whip that reacbee alnost
to tbe ear* of the forward pair.
the word*. - I'oil Cbalse.~ ea the
deer of the rrhlcla which to a perfect
oral. There arc 6re paieeaferv—two
oa the ttock scat, two la tbe froat aad
oae Id the mlddl.
Idle-all iookior one
Oo the tock
ck >«atlia*lady with
realheraad a reotl
bat—te.-y likely * youoy coopie <
tbelr briday tour. Uoe of tbe two gr:



She had a dread-1 Ooxioaa care.
Tbe reaiOB we tell yoa
apb, aid couldo't eat Baytbtoe,' thU, la that yoo. dear Eaaab
hille broth, or aimalbiap like ren. har r had to be oefiec ed
“ rttotrTtM‘t^r‘ ““‘'‘toe ^
eat aevtoise. aod foee abool like other ’

woodemif wh-re
•“<* badyea are. Bpt we at*
*ure you will e*co*e all delay, and BOW
ao in-! the airk oae to bei

lily re*Uired
dbe look* well.



Btsayare thereof u» today
bat is eoartolay we do na' . the .BOW. for we hare not had time S
vpioy whea
. np. IVe ocly know ibavoer bntthe uorreaiuiadcDl celled > t ber. Mi**
ox held fire nuadn-d button* and
are petUay ao tbia that tbe bol
prayed wilt
-After ihliybl aecaec
if the box abnwi.: Tudayan order
avs-v to Itfae factory for fire bn


The Kind To« Hare Atnyi Boagfa^Md «U^ has bet*
la we for ova- SO yrora, has borne the signalore of





Roth Adema. Traveree r.ty.
Uertrude Adam*. Trareiae City
Clarrnce J. Ramery, Wexford
Dora iaabell Ram*ey, Wexford
1ms Wheat, tirawe.
Cora K Wheat, tirawa.
Elda Cooper. Urawa.
Jnaie Woevlock. Trarerae Cl|y
Edwin Tremain, .N'orriaville.
WlllTremalB. 5,'orrhivilla
Ito E Seeley. Bi
Leaaa Dean. Elk
' Uedgra. Uodge '
Cecil H-Xfree. Hodge*,
Willie II. Kolwrtaoo. T C
Eo.* Eoberuc-a. Travel.? City.
Mabel D. Eoboruoe. T. i,
AllieB. Roberteon.T r

i«=S« B S=* iSjJ

toria U a aubatldu^ r..r (
Oil. Paregoric. Ibrofia
id Mooihing Htni|i*. 1(1* HnmiU-sa and Plmsaat. U
‘plum, Morphine nor other >armtle
ll* age Ls Us stutraiiter. 1( di-strovs Worru*
•nd allays F'everUhnes*. |t cures Ularrbua and Wind
Colic. It I
Teetlilng Trouhics. cure. Coiisllpatioii
and KUtiileocy. U asslnULUes the Fmwl,
. owcls irt
The Children** Pouavea-

*»•« j;

^ic u-»ri*»T>*-is.oii Ol Pi9p.^aaa

r BewTs the Signature of

- 1. locxwoouo^ "a"“l'/i>sri*ame*.

Chicago —d -'ys.p.iM

AVest Michigan.

j Tlie Kind
You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.

F*t4Wkn . ..

113 Fred A. RobertaoB.'T. C.
lit. Allie beemaa. raboro
IIS. Clyde Canute, Uoricoo.
I Ik.

Jkmil tie flitsr’i Coble.

I Winter Needs


.Cloiei aid lilteDS Id ill Grades iid Prices.
Trunke, Satche’i aod Teleecopee to suit aJl tastes at j
prices thet'iDBuro ready sslee.
-111' lini- Ilf tli.-K.- olI.-rHl lit

159 rnst SUset.

^ Orders for Job Printing left at tbe





______ .._i J


will refceive prompt atte'-tior




Mt. PleauBt OwoMO,' S*gl.
tt*w.'B»y City, Detroit. How.
eU, Ana Arbor, Toledo uid
Headstones poinu Beet end Bontb. C3«M
at CopemlBb with
Markers f ooDsectiODt
K. A H E. By.'
•ml Poa. Bet. Colrto. .


-••'-^ — *

ifuallty of work f


• I ad.aotogeou* term*, and lb
.1 .m'n,
If yoc are IBinking
Be W..I fur y.ju to call or dr

■ auyiBlo
■a brfore







plUow* aad

----- 1 talib le CbrtoUaBUy aad whea
•KbtbaatoatoUto waab the dMy web talk larte ber tirrd A week ago
rtf riultvr wa* at a veryflow ebb. aad
Item aot expeeud that she woald lire
jtadaapUathey fo
M^MVart barBotbaraanitara

Qj^ Gnu Bm



ifiri }:t;i L-»4Utftk-torrtvAor
with hor artjMt.40 TEARS the STA1U>AR1>,

ItotortapeUtag. 1 has* •

- .’:';.'Lr,:LvKsr?iv*2:5i&;

......................... . Propriet
401 Vest Froot Street


Trav^ra* Oity. Mich.



Euaunitioo of Teicben.

^^oTOR P^retiTy^
Carriages, Cutters, Sleighs, Etc.

cuea ooaeTteATioii.




j Traverse City Granite & Marble Works, ■



1 i far- i«'|8

Tievenr CUT, Mick


"ll __

up when Dropped with



w“^‘ uiie‘''o" mro'v'*


! wntohoehlofiCl da declare



Traverse City. Klchi«»B.

.bank the teacher fur berlTlDdly loier.

Jobs T B.aek of East Bay. write, a
eloe 'UU* letter with rerv-pratly plain
wriilBg- Uc*ay>:
"Aa I have BoUiiDg to do tOBlgbt I
WiU write to the Hxaaui. CbriaUass
hart hat It aet want
aeauthlayvar. Wear* aot going to
hsVc a Chrtalma* tree at school bal wa
are going to have a ChrHUaa*
1 the wood* this
eooaheoau My«


•Hi 'W i'iiis




ib.rtyTour scholar* io ibi* * bo
.-rtcLiv. Xi
the u-A-ber * asms 1* Mi** Della
wbo it a good teacher we kn
ranac ber scholar* all llke'bcr
letter* are rery nk-rly wriiiea. aad we


I beBe. bat bees toylac howeekaepla*.
fStoetertobaTb evideatly sot bada health
I towdaoeyto prodooe a Chrfe^ frase to be eon*umKlo^,g!l^,:i
unUI toe week, ago
I •iBtod.ortba bae bent ftwU toto
.. -jabl* to leave her b.-d
<•„. w»*
: «wesaaar«1lef.ofwWrt the foUow- praeUcally
kelpie** aad coeldoaiy .lt

t;U.KIl Xapio. ... aWa-B.

Id filaDlets. Robes, Gloies and HittoDS. i

iflheii.iDy hard.bipa and (
I y* to be take
paaaed larough Oiinng U
taall barefoot boy Is the tow paau•.ring her
be pm Id Uu- bai
art Ilia 0.1 wenuer that I.
xBt taink ihm preeloui certificate
"• Sbeaay*
id carried d.i
cellar si oar trie
AaeUert dearirieadaf fhaaUter roald eome to tbia when be bor* it
u-iog due
rtBauCun wrltae a private lettei
to Ihi* way of
du-y dirordvrs
rnudly home to show hu mother.
Meetraei (raw wbleh' say tad aoB
iy« inracllee
It aod always
■It' that a grrat m*
Bel to tbe moralixlay: has the head
all tbieterm. aad oor Sunday acbool
**..-.1 through a. try,r
nrtw to wbea BOBartoe of tbiny ddd sholar ridden la a eoach'.' Well. yaa.
T*l' up aod leaeher said *be wa* yoiny to yet each
a.r DOS Irarord bow lb-|*e !
peace «ce to Ttaeoree aiy' will be few time* bat tbe rntjorliy of them Uke
...............................n iLintra whea. by a lit- one of eta preerul f-r miendtoc the
MoMoa. Tht writer to Un. Kaaa}
le forelhooght one trip may be made Sunday ecb-col ao rcgalar aod tbe aeid
them 1
- Betdewerth gbemaa. (SbewMadear rerc far from ridm of-pleasora.
■ but frv
Be d'ri yo to -foreiyn eonolrlet aad
Tberr ahould^** Uble io erery bal'
toart Owedilor
a I oid w
aod oa llii* may be placed Ibe ibiog* and me a dlfferenl one than any ooe *
i.m kidn.
rtr toboat toaebar to that far away
yettloy oat with the other token up etolrt. with the BCdcmtoadtlBaof.iba^yWa. Bbeaaye:
iraaad prjiny it ont of the log that Wborrer yoe* up shall take *<'
r tf yoe
tbiay* aad pm them where tbby
mud with fence rail* he fell he would these
A table ooatolri abould aia>
We are always glad to bear from the
laart with tbto?
rather welk-erooad the yooi old farm be prorided, where all tbioy* to beear- Sttoday aehooU, and hope olber* will P'listrr-Milbn •n^''o Kuf
•totthaato Baadey aehopl peorraad ayala toediny to the flwk*
rleddown nia.‘be pul. abd freijiieaUt
mme Doan'. >ad lake i
write abont thelru.
^BCotothaoUtchaol bcaeewhaa
drawing wood to towe fo' a ebaage.
Uaiel Uulell of Kinyaley. wbo i*
BWalaaeoly alto art Oaca Oaodrieh.
la the forenonn will be the only oeceu
In the **i-t
Aa^Ttookerart I wera iwtaelpafe.. Sow he to not ao mach eosmored of aary trip the *tolra aoiil bed time elerea year* old, *aya sbtyoe* tokcbool lid aoldier iforelyo eoBOtri** at tar wa«—he could where hrreloforr. a half .lore-.
war liul^i
prwww. art Hr. Data*
OOtystatedUtb.-aet>ra.or llie cli bLd been deemed needed to pul all
-H^-y*. Ib.rt,-^
ro toilay
mete, and back hcuic a_.-ain. be ride* thioy* to righto-.Scleeteil.
- Hr. OroBb-t
brolber la teaching acbool U a wloiar.
to town OO a load of logs
art -rar
There wa* to be a Chrialmi
tree el
aot apoe the pr^ria." were aoeea ol the I sopposa there mutt be some laeeatheir e-ibool bouae Chr'iatma. ere
Ire held ont to tbe youayatsr*. tor
hope they bad a good Urn.
Bihv ptoaaa we eead to riop They
wwa to the 'HroldaB Cbaia ‘ Tbe rlndlay oat their "lenoat." la thoee
.ure they did
rltniUr* day* a carrlaye wa»aoorelty
■a Tibbetts of A
^ worde I aart bate stayed by aa alt
. .tbato ytoieart If they Beat year ap^ aad a ride io oae rarely takee by oae aide* o'f lw<
rofrUe blaakbto through It
. peweal will yoc pleaaa let theta appear
bne a. ainr y.-ara old dbe a
tellclly of e ride la oae of too** yraad
.cylbwiae. aew each half I
hare a gracd Urns at *cbuol
leather tprlayy tour bone coaehe*. e^of .wool* Waoket. then flTd .
Ike venoB are thaae:
teacber'a name RMiaaArery. We In
TbU form* both ».d.
while the poor bsretoot daacee irady"ChUe Blldly Ue errlot.

and you *ee lb' fan.
bonier wnl run lenythwia* of the b.
-eodps Uoat'a
at tbe aide. In.lead of rroa*w:*e a. U
M to their tc
I ^
end* <■»'be»l <ioalii
I farm.
1 I
mr brother* a
Ite ti
takei all the rlCsa of erery deecr.piloa Plenty of it.
rreeb'peia to bcetow.
yarn aamr color a
lOey paeelbly eaa. The poet who yd
Ihe btort wbtob toetrMee
ip that -rvwarTl of mem." m a rare
yeatua Ue anduratou.- ibc aalure of erimaoe b-.rd'r. Ue with
"Chide Blldly the erriar
color, wadding very light
Jeer botat their fall.
1 I
It Ctreorth be bat faemaa.
Lla sch-Mliog at la reliyl
ri-mfvr1 dii-roueU
a call. scat. *
Bow weakly were all •
there be reward* or puaishm,
Wbat Beml that fooutrpa
all laid way off ,o the iadefioi
oameisP.nk.mycat* name U Msul—the future which fioite m*
Whee teaprete i
t> aod my klUy'a Qsnie la Eitty. our
of, bat alto, koowelb act?
•:buo. ■* draped wiib cbaia* of reit,
■•Cbtde Blldly the errlif■
D keep stares looW.Og rery wi
woite aod blue. • lur teacher read* to
Betreat thaa with care.
o aot black them otunrr lb*
o* about ChiBB aod U.-aaului Joe aod
Tbelr aaurea are Bonal.
leek. Erery muming wn a
Tb* Healing ol Haute Porkei
Tom Brows'* School Ds.t-. Biographical
They aeed aot deepatr.
> toPPOM Uut everybody la ■■eloe- lotb with keriweneend rub'
WeaUbaeaeoate fralltp.
aunea aod X-lmrlu* aod A.ceaius My
We all are oewtoe;
tiudie* are .bi*iory. leaguage. gaog
id it uke*
r*pby-*rtlbiart.r. apellttg
t appear* ia ihi
Monday aad agreea
I be r«l -1 wlib !whiling.'’bear!
-■ report gir.n to
pupil, la
» Bllgro* of 1
a repreesEtoUrc of laer R*s-ord. The
R willp
took while and new eeboo: today air clevea.
It i* aaow
r callad oa Hto* Baittlircia the W.h
toatfrtort. E. H. V. back to Boki
lag bard now.
1 am lo school aow. 1
Orttoi Haay timee baea W» toopad
am lo tbe alxlh grade. There U aBOW
tdUid I'arlydo eabbag c
ulc lad. yon abeulda'l erj
on the gruuBd bow and we play Fox
with her about the matter.
I'e to the
a dl blrdi asd peeaeal
Vrebie-What other way
and .."we, aod Ihig aad Deer '
wrlilug M... HalUe l» doing
well aad spprari to t-e steadily gaining
MiorT.a 1‘almei live* at N.wriaraie. |
rooad. being ppaed around the boutr
art briebt tolUac of tbe eraye l
aai t* ciae year. eld.
Rbe writra ' I
A Local
thtofi. Hay h» abadow. or rather 1 do ber share io Ibe bontebold work
have a kiUve aad a big ea'- There are!
teabtoe. sever be lew Boaa-Canta
Prrosaxx. Mich.. Jan f.—Special —
Higheet Honon-World'e Fair. two cblidrvc In Uit. home I am plec L aimmtU
domeUi.g of a .-a*»Uoa h^Hileo
-Bg a quill. Igototobooloow My
Gold Medal. UlJwiDter fair.
toBMbm byth'.udden reeioratlop
to health of a young wooiaa whom
teacher 1* Bertha Uuldtworth.
I am
Bewtbeceotleatea do. eoi
pbysiclaaa bad pronoonhed to be in ine
going tote my dear gimsdnolher os
a. rtrt Bowa Cana, art oa
wife to away .

' '


^ A Stable Blanket for T6c aad up.
A lar^e Uoe of Wool Square BUskete.
Plusli. Wool and Pur Bobet, aU prieee. j





Fiera^.lmmerman. T C.
Harry Z.mmeridbn X <■
Hattie Uudard. Neaiea Cily
Albrrt KratochTj-. ■]• r.

iy letter telling abmi
no ber atadiesaad her «
bbe hoped that haoto C


Graiid KarUd.
L. ..-w,3a.,4a, .

ll«. Maggie Chum*. Boricoo.

ed bat, button* art epaulettoaof a allItary ijfiirT. be to lookiop rather atoro- the tame exp-rirace. oaly the word : "sal to ace Ihcae all uaed up before
a* If •oarthior weifbed bearlly os
1. the cvBlury oi
» ip.
Do you
my aor.aciou*ir repeat
hi* mlod.
Toe road i* exlrenely
! del
laaMbar aolaBael to-dar'e Boki lOMOth aad you cae tee. look aa
•r friead* a
Where » .11 w, begin ia our .la'
Cwaa will be <ooad aa aaeoaat of elocly aa yoe will, oaly two wheel* to
with our Hills Istler wrltsr* to daj
ArS^y ^jtd I seemed to be *ln
teUar bj prayer. wUeb ooetirTad la tb* eoach. Tory roa oo tbe exact uky
Here .* a good thick letter that came i
ibe fora wheel ba* clpbc. the biail :ay a"*y-ead ihooybt I wa* drlo
Mertle H Wslke*. Kiog.Jt
•VMlfbberlar eltyot Paleabey.aad
Tbe thought came
i.e to me ‘It 1* life
lanotb ago from a! at—well, »■
I tea spike*.
Urer the ptclsrc U
Whtak appaan le be well aa theatbwtad
I hoped It waa
It 1* Wexford. ID. uyb wme of Ue
nb aoeomat U owe of maay which arr printed the couplet
Ihto world
Then 1 felt that I »•*■
Isits.-a are dated at that place. w>me al
I got up aod dtrwpd. tod Im
■Scholar* than ta tbelr cuacbe* ride.
Rartlsltpad aoiue al llorleoo.
.tori wcolto churchjfBrta ti tha eoaptry la theae :
A'bUe Daooea. barefoot, irudpe beside."
arn- not a SuoUioe Club letter ibonyheoms
«iya. Te a Ihlaktac Blad thebe tblaca Coder tbe plrtarv of the eisfe are
« hen U
*^|of tbe writer* base aloce Joined Ur
are a^ceaUra. Tt b erUeat that la Ibe tword* la larye capitals-BEAU
A K i* b.
'dub. and we are aot kjire but wa will
camp fire* of'
Ihaalaat dayaoftha eeatiiry tb
Kite. *rnd them all niemberablp badge* In
Ull if the
• iMBia belac *ada tothe prloJUra I wonder if be to really iDiide. rid ny -/•ct.wl.p ff
.acl U
It wa* probably wrUlen beF thruiigb aud I
ahrMaaily oltba dayeef Cbrbtaad atony la *acb state. Ue •• probably
i fore the aoBouacmeat of tbe >-ub
Sanaa Step*.
-one by biBtelf la the middle juit
, Q, ! reached Ibem. The name* of the writ
Ksw h->utoke*oera bars any idea of
lb Baay thie a
ir the word* -p.iii Chatoe." oa the
Clyde CsBule. Eida
.f mile* they Irarel ouflog
u.yaudeae..K-d i.
•adyarhaiia there
Be to a foeyooby yeatlemaa. i'’we“
tomb. wbUe aiteadiog to
lurard humr wiU
iws. Harold ChsmaatRHaaai
if d»lly houtohild
houtebold done.
done* .,ion, H.ram Borrow*. Ucrlrude H-hably JeuyolnyoDa forelyo tour
wot the tntiaauiyof tbabbrIatiaB
iplelloy hto edocaiioD la
There are
rjea^r, irluTpiog
Era RobertoOD.

little lay .cbool hou*e with Ml*. I'b.-be ' I,'™'”
a lit :
might be s*rr.
. a beOy toy. a laellar •—»t beyoad
Jane for hto iaalructrese.,
fcr.slbouybt knd olaoniog .
bosaaity i
f a Isrys. dal bniotn-d markJt baa
tbto "certificate"-.wat really tc
atlU be U teeah with the DlTiae. that
.iryoany ladle*' -bead scholar"
bf.ncup ereryrellaraod
we bare a beaTenly rather who tola
.at meal. meal,
daedaewrypreeaetbelp la the Heir of proud
lee. rte
towUe. BmaCnsBhepeerJfyoaoa better tbao say one of the other ecbolUiay Ibe table, the.umr baekei. or
tawiy moii oa ihto aad kladrad eab- eru—that be kept the’ little slip al.
Hither krp- for that
Tiee.led for II
)«to. Whehaa batitfiiykt wttoao. .heeeyear* to-be fiibrdeorol.s mooldy
One trio fro
> IB ia tbare •oOa thaae thpoebta ehe« oldaeeoust book and piuralixoi orer
.hie will u*-ii
' I Md)ey. hope art eemfort for all bar- by hi* yray haired wife. LilUe did iLr


All Coanterfe^ ImilbUonii and Hubstltutea arr bat Ex.
prrimmts that trifle with and endanger tbe faraltb rt
InJanU and ChUdreo-Eaitorir-nee antwt Expirlmrint

delffericb. Tbomp*

•‘'J‘,7iee. *Hm “ j*”
It bae eot
ecotlSBlIy tbe . beea a pood week tor TiaiUarwilh you.
! Bor wa* tbe last week aor tbe week be-

cerrespoodeal al*o bad

a. Wexford
Dieald f^amphn. '
Aaaa Champion. Wexford.
Boea May Prek^ Maple Cily.
David Peril. Maple Oiy.
Alb«t Cox. Urawa.
AaaaPctesooo, Aahtoa.
Clara Pirtvreoe. Aahtoa.
Joha J. Burgrea. Trarvme City
Harriaoa H. Burgrea. T. C.
Ileman E Barge**. T C.
Fred Wllaon. Lake Ana.
Roby Phillip*, iirawa.
Vina Taylor. Eiagaley.
Edna Hay.Oanu. Elk Eapldm
Lula C. Uelfferieh. Tbompaoi

Tbto to alwmy* a pleaaaot boor, dear
lemberv of tbe Suaebioe Club, whea
our preeldeet eaa ail dowa sad

•«. btlBentot*ofhcM?lily tie older daojhter of the bone «
dowa *lck with the trip art there ha*
acoat then
Ura Parker
eorretoadeat been a three waeka'6«hl with ii

The Seaa Boholar.
There liee before nr ae 1 write a lit­


JAintAST 16. 1SB8.
HntoUthadpoa ww
b Wall I wMh i
lOablf yoa ph
•M and Altirt h


ta. acotueoa. -._____

- *—

Horseshoeing and General Repairing Done.

•Esrsir av-sstee-^ siia.*;^.


Re Painting and Upholstering.
Sute St, aear Doios.




dsUversd oa BsoMh. Lay eOo% 4D*fe.
oraaygaodhaaklaggMart « tart
Tnvovoa Bay.
ii| nimi oata


L M. WiniB.
OtaBootoU. Marc-Oa
thrt, DtoaOly.lC*.

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