Honest Opinion, June 19, 1919

Dublin Core


Honest Opinion, June 19, 1919


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Honest Opinion" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Lautner, Edward (1867-1930) and Coxe, Thomas H. (1874-1936)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text




■ntAVMlie'<T». I^WGAN. niNE B. »l».



5 cents


Forthfaweare aony that oar|
aras lasumdent to toe

wwdeifiil opportnnity for the re*‘*%?C0NVDnmi the
pajment of the greatest of aH dopl

do not imderatand that sacrifice. The
-pity is that theaa men cannot p
altogether firm) their own men
them of the herloiam and ped9.4^
their tnlodi the days td danger,' de=preeeion and misery before the vic­
tory that was theirs- <iut viet
OBdaow it U their time to rejolfce for
the battle i* won and peace astt ie
-underetodd is here. To tbeM. gallant
men and ttieee noble women we
everything there is and cannot,
'wordeto espress bur appredatioD of
them. WtSFambiUoni have been too
BobU, Aeir sacrifice too grwat for
mere (words to cover. Actions are
wbst count .and-the people of Traverse
City who have, been and wffl be the
greatest beneficiaries in-the long ran
rom what ffley have done are not
particularly proud of what the dty baa
dooe for them in this week of tbei
outing on business and pleasure bent
'ijheve pertmpedM*

I The Dummy |

to It follows foal be is few that, to the
hmiL But be does hot stand for the
DOW u a
misuae of that flag by pirptes. bueean- v
Ituf.we bad better capture
(thk eoimna la darotad to the chatter ccaoreommercialparasitet who try '
alive, for as iwi* a* we have got of thoas who eow to contact with the to foitt their debts which should be
iri-m'-— hv've cot the
paMforbyfoamsfovestotbe woritfog
AH wfe «UI have to do
• 111 be tu hi>lJ hcs In reserv. :i«aluxt isiyoodea beac. raanoBtog noone is dasi which is least able to pay it. He
NHibta. Tofat tha fneta yon must baa aa bonorabie discharge from tb«
Tan Bnuu and bis r-'«y“ '*
ari*tti. r tese of shyw- approach Tha Dgiainy aritea foe moon amy af the United States and defiea
--------- T--T--T7- "tbsss li: Pown »e can piay bnr and Uke the and foe hour tarf^aahrqMaksatDo most of those who ire sttMkiBg to pro­
duce siinilar evidence dl foeir pstroit2f bSS^are n3lea trick. Ihey would give np the ir«* other timr)
Hidden beneath all this Us per­
mm ms sm. iwiir
u i««
• *
" are in the Sake o?a lamb s tall rattmf
than see anythin! happen to her.
sona! Ytodictiveness and <
•Tbafs the ticket." eald Boper.
l7 Iboae Wbo aro trying to/'
“A tody came to me thd ofoer day done every mouth tiial dares to oppoae
■Let-a all tuifa her at once before she
or do anjlhlnf and aMeged ' that Mr. Bbtub when tbemand their anarcfairtic campaigo
Mt OcWr.eriiic wtffl DO
despite." In a body the gang^>re twffledasto the attitude of Honest f oppresskw and suppreidon. Coxe
fe fce^ ll^
Opinion on his attitude toward his I openly oppoaed to these tactics and
down upon her.
IWIr eaiBy'aatf
. But Polly was hot line tf the kind employees jumped some Isebes into
e is afraid of neifoer their vauhmamsM before #
to be IntlratOaied even by as desi>er> foe airandBaid. *I'm laying for that fel
sodden and lidoi
Bte a gang -as was Searfaee and bis low but haven't been able to get him •ted erains nor their threatened phy£eaifaee. and the:
followeta. rinding berertf all alone yet becanae be sticks .too clone to foe. aiea] vidence .Hiis only proves bow in
^vss devoid of all forthnr
^e^sible foeir position is and proves
fold with her safety dependent upon
truth.’ . Sight old mao. that's just what foe wavagery of foeir natures. Cbxe
the pteservlh! at their i
her own resources foe met them wiibTeH who was not a good
out fonrblng. Dtiwlng her revolito we are here for lo tell foe troth and* only asks them if tiiere to any chivalry,
was making bad v^ of tt.
she braced up against foe rsll, nnd we know that >o^ and ofoen are lay­ an atom of common decency' in
was eompriled to swim to Us
ing for foe editor but that makes not them or an ounce of moral J^teous-covered them with the
support urn with «• »nn ^
foe least differenoe. The exercise wffl n^ that they wiU leave his famUy out

“Hands up. Too know how I
peddled TlgorDUiVy with tkf- otn«.
she shouted, but they came osi do you good, and in the meantime ■ you
How it Bli would have ended tf|s bart
migtat rea<ftbe article "What Christ
to tri! had not
Urn,' - Further than this Coxc is at any'
foe arm. Ber enemies then relied wffl say" on page four. If you pay
an object that premised
their hands sod Uaed sgalnst foe rnll. attentioo thereto you trill be mved time open to debate this ouestion
ary aupiKUi.
either in publC or to foe press with
folowing h« to torn foe schooner op worry and suffering, tftiter here
-m sseam Ug btonk ,
=toto the wind, soon ovsrtsklng Wck tiiere.
any of tbe self styled - community
'Oome SB. yoo fellowr, and wfi
and bis companliMW. They climbed
botatm or mongrel, patriots and let
aboard and wasted no time In sw .nr
tbe pubUe be jo<^. There wu a
be outlaws. / brief council was
time wbeu small, ipeasly specimens at
began swtmmlng vlgorensly
EdHor, Honest OpiBion
and Dick asM
the images of Christ and the muI of
abert time beil reached the
As a matterof eonsislei
Sc "We are In • bniry- Well set tlien
Cr and its publfdtv miRofortoer. him mtank; majesty bad ' foe opperdlnglag attoat it with
only a few months ago that
%lrifl In the foUf and they can row is a mao who triea to mt<foe indivi'wch
tunlty to refusa to publish bis aide of
4.uck to Uedco. They never enn c-'
finals to the commupi^ aod foe»..m
tbe rtw'betthat tiirie to past aud
to^ buBdnd doDars fora .
. ' “ticaifBee «U1 have tp
the 9nlf In thi« wind and sea."
mooity ItseK from foe iordly tor^waniAthem that tbe least enort \o
aMetios aatewhafoeror not the city -thlBf beUdcs ftt* asd
graftdoB. A bodstoi^ the other cany on this unmanly, false, cowardly
aa." gtlB^ IHcfc at U
It was tote foe following afternoon
abqutd pardmta foa B. R. £. X, .A “Wben It comfs to
hand, on foe same aufoority, is one and fayprocritical crusade will resuH
FfmrPtaaL Now some of the same
be all out tf
who talks community bettemeat with to a eompariaon of patriotism of the
p^ie ufffler a dUtorwit hand ^
«« tfi aiodg foat tfo-aW
the mouth while the band is out to grab grefter and the shark and'the men
asking fob dty oiMtosinti
'•Knit to play the tort bp#4
t^ more fotfvlng sharply to towering ' off any coin that may be in sigtat
who stand for jaatice. equality and
BBottaer apadal etoetton at pradfeliy
-d I mm gedng to an»e
the payment of debts by those who tbe mm eoet to gel an exprestfaa.
owe them.'The woriUng rtaas whicb
from tbe votan to gnat foam a Ugl ~
is the only usefi^ dam shall ksow
gas rote. Aa.folato no cnaceni
ours; why sbould we hear tlw expeom

that we owe and we b<^ font they
wffl overlook any ahort dbninga aod
The BMaben oT the Qrud Artoy of give tis ahother opportiiBHr to ahow
ttaetUipaUuuid eU tbeofniiited or liiot we really are and whitwe realty
KubaUou tMi ftve beenorsnted think of them. Oor’laat wort to thpip
isBU revotr, not good hye . God afcd
iagtettfor se»er»ld«ys l« Tipveiw wbervever they tn^
City ' Tptyerec aty h*s opened its City it the better for tbeiricoaiinf and
trms to tikem and hss pieen them the itUfaopedtfaat their visit wffl teach
rraedQBoftheclt; insotsr u such a man^wbat real patriotism
pradeedis^wat poaMble. nuiaas "
“to do yourself not A shout and have
abofhid be tor there never was n
offlm dotbrt which you abould do
nevbr wffl be a chance to do homaee yours
to tone of the older «»es again. To
these men we pwe anjrthing and every­
what eosnta aod these
thing and ootbing ataouM be too good women have teen and are seeing action
for them. In fair weather and foul Therefore to lh« we again say that
they have been the ooee to be on the you are the mlvatioa of the world and
b to make life worth the living,
we uritdTiniJi *uei> with every beat
understood, noreaa fflese be Imagined o<
ourmind/^lbwffl alwayabea build­
bythoae.wbo have not suffered them, er while the tidker wi^,-be the flntdcer
thereftwe ^1 they can do is *he be« aodthegreatesliBeDacethafyou wffl
fliey can to show that-they appreciate
the aacrifiees made even though tbe>'



W«T HJU OOM *•«««._! !;;

Eu*jsj rttrJTiJSg









if w» acevfA.t

■' 1
tiittE™ ,
people of Tra­ tEAt ais
verse City and
vicinity foe




The Best in

Owing to foe fact that at foe tort
minute ae have dttfded to publish an
eight pi«e paper Instead of four foe
coDtinuation of tbe atory The Han of
Might to incorrectly paged. Thistoattfroent of tbe stor>- rtarta on page one.
then to p^e Durand ttolahes oo last

bands iiLsympathy andtflence for
we cannot speak a word that can
,asaiiage foeir grief. Detectives report
dues and send detailed reports but
nothing tYdflnite has been uneartbed
that throws any light on the mystery.
Stories of aU Unds are to circulation
bul foe pubUe wlU do well to treat
them with the oontempUhe)-deserve.

At Pricei Tint At.

Yeartlng H«is 32 ctt.tD.
Spring Chickaan 55 cin. Ik.

«mn eridr. erlmd! vice and v

tot ns take them by foe haad,. unruly


cbBdren that they are, aod toad them
i^t timt fo^ may do some ,
aonefliihg but be found aa did otben
w and be ef some benefit
that it wav talking orgafltostion net
a doing one. His removal to just anotb- to the work. This to not an adverttoe- '
er evidence of wbat itbasaceompltoh- meuL it to frqn news and does not
edandofoeiswfflgo as tbto one has cost them one cenj. 'In coDdnstop let
be said that while tbey.-^b not spend
doUar with Coxe that neifoer does
just a tittle lon^. The city to sorry
to see Mr. Scott go but it is one ef the Con or'' any of bis friends beve to
inevitable things under tbe present spend one cent with them. It oper- ‘
‘ le-aud hia removal wffl leave a ajesbofo ways.
more bustoess for tbose left un­
til more bouses ardemptied. Sure we
hope it wont happen but Hr. Scott
5 one of foe optIffitoU that depend
tailuures to-----------------------It ought to be'a warning to other busi
ness men that higher wagtf mms
more bustoeys and to Jolt them from
foe Mustelmanic, Straiibistic, Orelicktoticoombine tf tfieap tabor akates for
their hopes lay in the woriter not
worker tof tbe wwterv*'


SSIiU AMNG ussm;
The disappearance of Ralpb'A. Andrson to stUl one dt tbose baffl
mysteries that occasionally disturb
in this every day worid. Totheemual
Dbserver they may mean oottiing but
eveiythingand -to t
tbe sympatiiy of foe ei

..-I. UeMuulptod, 12B h. Ibfo
IraveraeCuy. djfb.




Bid imiHry SMf
Get foe present Ugh priem
Csalkett's31t8. UntonSt,' Otaphone 68 or »L

Harry L. Caulkett
3U S. Union Stc
Cite. Phone

... _..J




^ '1



•There to Methinn Left but to Try tf Mret Death Brovsiy.*
rd • fljoumnd tildes rafoet bare bet iK-hInd shrobbery. prepared to w*t
bete to foe sea with tbe chance of lor foe echooner. Kot two hours totei
■d into foe bay
Imr being grabbtf! up by s sbsfo ^
beck there In the dutfoes of that dropped anchor near the cllffi ani
Tboae wbo pffooM and ^ose who act
peek tf hyenss."
* tight under the eyes tf the walUni as Uclmpitttot and toadies to the system
- "Dent yoo worry ■»>«« y««r wlfo uniUiw*.
Lnte 'that night, while all on the of profits wiU war on women or ba
Dick." gikped Teel as bto breath came
togain their mids. Last week we
tack to him. "That girt to s boat In schooner slept, the outlaws froni fos
to example of it ri^l here to Tiahersdt aba TU bet abe will find a top of the dig tl«w thdr tortuts
way to take care tf hereelf against above foe tops of tbe nusts and .««cClty. No act to too low, no net
too dirty.no depth of Infamy tooMeep
aU the Scarfoces and heteweyea tbU through the darkness.mnde their
to prevent these foe* to foe right lo
side of Tophrt."
“8h* hasp brsTs girt. 8be mtknm
life, liberty and happioeat lo attempt
ig to
floe wife, for Ctolnsman mandarin."
in orddr to make aacrey of paper out of
that roused Dirti wh<v-\ li<o he the law. foe Constitution knd tbe Dec­
said Chn. "Polly reUy floe good fel­
tried foe door and fottnd It fti'-i-ned.
imation oflndcpendenc e.
irhUe Dlfo and his eompsntoni kntfr that hl« old t-nemlw had
Jiist tort week foe state agent
w«« strng^lng for their Uves to foe how aAtfn gained the vesw-l.
sea. wbmee they bad been cast by iu«. he heardI tbe men above <mt- ef foe Pictorial Review Co. entered
into a contract with Mrs. T. H. Coxe
Senrfaed e--------------to handle foeir magartoe. at wholesale
compnnlons. saylui;
On tbe ichoboer. and were In Ignor"We're tefoe.l to. hcartace U on and retail to foe city. There are five
knee of Polly's brave defl«ice and her
flight to foe top of foe mast they deck and ti;ey p^Tu to iet ns adrift msKaxine tgenries in Ttsreree City:beard ber shoot aod Mw^foe body tf after scuniing tlie adioooer."
H.-.E. Donley. A. Wilduma ft Son. The
Then be inspected the cabin for City Book Store. Hanoah-Lv Mercan­
hestface buried'throogb foe air. Then
above them fdl tbe shadow tf the mrens of escape and ftnally directed tile Co. and Hn. T. H. Owe. Ihe Pic­
airpUae. an anchor enu^t firmly the his eeapauions:
torial Review man then began to noti“Drop oof of these iror windows
plank on tfolch they Were
lythedealere. M. Donl^ said tt —
^wnd foey were drawn throngb foe and swim asboto. Teel and Srriiblns
caa take Chn. Tomsk and 1 wUl look aD’ri^l, Wildman ftSoa were ag
water ^cwfcy frees the pinte craft.
ake but foe Btate agent said two
When Searfaee feU tram tike.mast aftae Ftfly."
They dre..:«1 into the watie and tbe dealers refused to handle a oopy if
unhait-bowerer. by Ptfly*. foot tbe
ontUwt mhed to the nU to tfd Btrack out for sliore. Dirk leavingjast foe controel was awarded. These two
him. forgetting for foe time PtfU and fwmlcs only tong enough to cut dealers gave as foeir ransoD that Coxe
atm up la tbe maat Seeing bsr chsne*. foe anchor n>p- ss hecpawd the was not patriotic-ar-*»>-—-t*
abe qtffoiy slid to foe deck nnd run- bow..'qn:n‘"" foore. they ennibed the person making any
ning a|k covered'Lo»m with bm pin ellff and b- 'v'-'l *'nm the eifrtto
untrotirful ana
and a con*uiuui»« uyi«>-<‘«
, hnV «- w-piete-l 'ha i
tol-snd tofo pkammliwi tf the wheeL
, f.-oi-i.e <"0^010 becuae he knows fost wuchn atatemeitt
By this ttBe. Sesrfoee hnfl been resto not the truth.
ened by tbe ontiawn
Coxe stands now and always ban for
“We're got ber now, men." crie*
;■ .r:?
tbeDedantiontf Independenoe. foe
gcariace. seeing that foe glH
Mwe and apparanUr Bt tbtfr men.}

Try the
300 CASS ST.


Give Us
A Trial
413 State Street.








lUEii cMi moors



InfemiatlM From BnHin tndV
«tei: «*rmMy^Wllt Sign U

C. iiisfiis« nrw

PkrU. Junt 16.—Tile petet Wtr
wffl Tirtntlly be wwrttteo to ts to mbody the ctumges dedded upon In the
Praitfls ''^. Garran. former alien
• alUed reply to tbe Genntn
propb^ which now it being fmiaed property custodian. ha4b«n made spsfor early deUrery to the Oennao pl^- (dal ato the attorney general
potenUarlea. The-treaty wiU not be m have charge of aU luvettlgatioo
altered In principle, but rirtuaHy a work and special criminal
new document wIU be pretMted to the for the department of Justice. He wIU
' bare g«iwal superrtalon orer the work
It was commaited In peace conf^ of WlUlam-J. Flyna but It la hU pur­
ence drdes that thla acUon rend^ pose to give Flynn a free hand. •
obetdete the text published In the
United States.
latest American diplomatic Inlortef
tlon from Beriln indlcatee an Increaatng prohablUty jrf the treaty being tLUIMOl* IS FIRST STATE TO PASS


iniMJiam aiiffli mills



3 600 Wen Cross Border te ten

Bneral SkintihliM' Ocuur on
OutJkirtt of City: Federate



O... P»n KUlol.». U'S. »S. <•,
«IIU n.ld m Bid 0""dBFi«. Ottdr C«udltl« Id
^ ^ American City.

TUi«nty.Fourth Infantry RuMieS F«
Coiinnbita. M. M, to BortaeStmato of Juarez Ordatod
CIserod ef dvlIUM.

B Paso. Tex, June
:M»iidd «th.
■07. Ddlted sole* r«.jm
tte interodOoDBl bride to Jodie* •!
elevai o'clock last night.
The Fifth and the Seventh
(regulars) cwssed the •"♦-matlonal


of Kations U promised.
Gavemora Urged to Call Special SeaThe council of four deroted bdOi of
slens of Leglslatupoc tc Act
• ItB seseltmt on Friday to tte rovlsiTO
on the BUI.
^ of the text of the treaty. When the
foraooo session ended the council had
m, June li-Ullnola be­
- iu«
.V- retusduid
-evision wo.
sent lo
came the first state to ratify the
out of eighteen reports.'
Sosan B. Anthony stnendment to the
Among those remaining to be passed federal Constltirtltm giving women fufl
upon are the articles dealing with the riehu -of snOrage when both houses
Sarre valley, Alsace-Lorrajoe apd the of the general assembly on Tuesday
League of NsUona The revisloa com- adopted a
s Joint
joint resoiniion.
resolntlon. The vote
mlSrioo Which Is in constant'sesslon. In the house was 182 oyes and 3 nm.
Is beaded by Andre Tardteu of the The senate vote was unanimous.
TYench .mission. Mr. Hudson, to the
Madison. TVls.. June 12.—The fed­
• American member.
eral suffrage amendment to t^ OonThe HiiaBeW'«toOBeB>wm be amend suratlon has .been ratified In Wtoeon«d to giyi tbs reparations commission sln by both houses of the legislature.
dtocretiaD to antfabrUe Germany to The vote In the aasemhly was 64 to 2.
Tatoe working capital lor restardng Th! vote in the tonate was 23 to 1.
Lanring. ;Mlch.. June 12.—Mldilgan
her Industites ahd enable her to pay
adopted the national suffrage amenfr
The original tm established an ab- ment Tu^ay In a close race between
and senate to see which should
•oJnte first chaige upon German as•ets. and revenues to meet reparations get It BCroBs first. By requesting
Httments. which condition the repara- chaplain- to “make It anapp^’ and by
«ciecoinmtoMoa eonU not waive even maklna the vote unanlmoue without
in instances where a waiver waa ad- roll call die bouae won by 60 feet
lUdilgan women apparently we
Ttoable.trom the vlewpotot of Oie ab

“S.2.“.r“™~rid«t.>r ».»«>
iidOrieta tri«P.^d

minutes after the order lor taeir
ovBidDg was glvt
asoD pv«,
at mUltaiy head^e reason
<l^nen for ordering the'troopa to
cross was “to prevent firing from the


Seventh cavalry
to command of
cavair» wai
was m
- • • Bdes

Dritu. .t 10:55.0. m.
The American treopa crossed toto
jusrea to stop the Tills
firing further shots Into El Paso. This
was tbe (toclsraOon of Brig. 0^..^
B. Erwin ii^edlately after he Issued
the order for the advance.
OenersrErwln added that the m...
was not to, be taken as an ‘0™*“*“ «
Mexico; that the situation was Wly
nnderrtood by Gen.
sales and the other Carrania omctow


Juarez. Mex,. Juhe
Gen. Felipe Angeles are on the
aklrts of Juarat,- and there have been
•everal skirmtohea betwetoi. led^
tro<s» and those of Angelea.tap to a late
hour Thursday aftemooa.
These encounters took plaee to tns
▼Klnlty of the Joares Agricultural eoV

SSS’.r^ rr.it »«■•-«



A Mexican psymastm f«eral stated
C. Bnsxcnyakl, the first consul, ien- that fighting'was also to
enl to the United States from Potand. about tt^ miles cast of Juaret and
ha« recently arrived in Washlniton. that apparently the forces of Oene^
Angeles were superior to those of the
pared to give legal and general mmlstIn sddlUon s conriderable nnrabWante to 4.000.000 Pole* In this country of Angeles' command was retorted
and- to work for the developmmit of coming in from the west. Americans
---------- ctoi intercourse between Amer- boldine nassDorts were jeavioa «u—
lea and Poland.
and crossing toe Bib Grande to BPaso to toe late sfteenoon.
It is rejmTted tost sU rivOlans are
to be ordered from the streets of Jua­
rez and ell establlahmaW dosed by
FEDERATION OF LABOR OOE8 ON order of the mlUtarr.
It was not bdleved Ooeral Angelsn
would attempt a serious attack on the
defenses of Juares before evening.
Resolution Is Adopted by • Vole of Tbe Twaty-fourto U^ S. Infantry sts26.47S to 4.306 After Long
tloued at Colnmbnt. V. M, Is on a
•pedal train coming to El Paso.


Atlanric aty. .N. 3, June li-Or-'
ganized Ubor went on'record against
wartime prohibition end In favor of
the exemption ^ 2% per cent beer
trom boto the wartime prohlbltlbn act
and the federal prohibition amend­
ment. In a resolution adopted bn
Wednesday by the American Federa­
tion of Labor.
The remlutlon was carried by, a
tronr the Villa forces." General Brwln ■vote of 28.475 to 4.006. It provided
that a strong protest «nbodylng Its
points be sat to Freridat
AH unknown
wm jhrt
Wnsa and Gongreaa.
Introduerion of the remlnUbn pr«^tated a dtoiRe toat Iwted two
GrandA «a the
border. Thla was toe teat fatoU^ on

me). I2:ia i«ew iora 1—.=.
Both puot and nsA-^W

nod wirlts. but terribly
•SSy mpe of toe filght was a tm^
battle a^u«
human Qualities that combined to coo-

Mamber sf J. P- Morga"'* C*. Gave

Washington. Jiibe-M-^Tbe responBlblllty for tbe •n«k” of the peace
treaty from- Parte to WaHJrtreet bu
been definitely traced to Thooma W.
lODont a member of tbe commlstoon
on reparations of the peace conference
by appolntmat by Presldat TOtoa
membw of the firm of J. Pi* Co. 7.

tt,, Ui ™ u. aw?

nnrr the air OB ms Uirwi

oc route unshakable pluck was nn(raestlonably toe decisive toetor.. to^^tdy after landing. Captain Al-

'^r*weie «red,'belng alone to tto
fog and drizzle, gometimes
ourselves flying upside doyra wMe
T^oped in toe heavy blanket uf W
our wireless war useless for the
greater part of toe fllghL the wtreless propeller blew off soon *f»
started from St Johns. Our r^'
was much Jammed by strong signals
not Intended tor us."
Both Alcobk and TJeutenant BrOWb
wereUn good spirits when they msd»
their landing. The mschlne snffe^
aome minor damages throng cemter
down rather heavily, on toe sandy.
Miore. but nritoer Alcoto por Brawn
suffered any tojnry.
The rorarkable flying time, aveng­
ing dose to two miles a minute, to
Citable to a favorable
at tlmeo added 80 miles w ho® to too
9oed of to* Wptona. .
The landtog waa ruugh.
loe bowled into toe aaad and

7t was Mr. Lemont who gave «
copy of toe treaty to Henry P. Duvlm of toe same firm to Parts May «.
Tbe espy was ureugo*- ««> *•;»”
Jby Hx..Davtoou and gtrta to t
Wmrirrntn BoRk who tenwet I It to'
ft ms ttos ei«)y whk* Senstar
Lodge bdd to hU bands and studied
-for an b<^ and a halt* « ha tofonued toe.saato-to praattog tlto
tdiatge that the treatr ww* to Wall
street hands.
These facts were deariy •
tlsbed on Wednesday when the s
committee on foreign reiatlons in
lar tbe tavestlgatlon of tbe - “leak*
beard toe testimony of Mr. Boot, Mr.
Dtvlaon. J. P. Morgan- and Frank A.

^1,1*^ ^
■ di* tact to Iba'mtoed treaty asc of g -------------------- rieiBa.
^ tod^
and tototo
NSW tofk. ymto iai-^ty^
' iMtoOT natath tom «»w m important.
casualty ™ »«• —
This to BotaMp traetf the Mbood par­ gawmw are asked to caU
•MloDa of thrir legtolaturas imine- the syhrinf startod.
' The lll^t was a trtufcii* of air navl-agraph «r article 2S2.
FbUowtog the wowthe federal suffrage
raaon. lieutaant Brown plotted o
The Jngltob'text of the <dd doco- Ai«triy to ratify
In a telegram from Mia.
Mrs. ward Brilly ot a motor
amendment to
cone toat brought toe alnteine to a
mat umiioo compmuauuu
Carrie Chapman Catt president of toe pany and Corp. Earl
nfidiwtat on toe west Irito coast Oll^
was to make to damage done the dviFAmAf.
n uuuktj Rnffrsee
..tM..da is a-seaport and market'towD 2»
Ijilten popolatlon of the allied and as______ Donoced here.
mllea southwest of Westport.
•oriated powem and to their propeMJ
port eloaed and the interaatlotial bridge
Shortly after the plane took the air
fdortog the ^period of the belllgerdtaaiT sesalon of the New Tort leg- was taken over by the mlUtary.
at 6:18. Greawlcb time. Saturday ,af- .
qt earii as an aUled or associat­
No one. U permitted to croto to
iMatnn for Maday nlghc June 16.
temoon UltlS K -m.o Chicago tone),
ed power agalnK, Oermany."
waa called by Govenior jSmlth In a juares without a military pass.
the propeller of the wlrdess •adlnjc
This wording exdnded Ameriems prodamstla Issued on Tuesday, r The
TMexlcan girl was struck in thMeg
gaerator blew off. Thla explained too
loMes dnrlng the period of theneuttal- purpose is to act upon ratlBeariqu of near her home In the Meil.^ quarter,
aUace of tbe radio tostrumwtfs- w
■tty of the United Stater and Italian
woman suffrage constltuttooal whera bnileta Wl during toe fighting.
recelvliig apparatus remaiua m wyn1------ daring the time whan Italy was
An addlttonal batUUon and two conBIB ARMY SWWDU BARED lay trim, ani tofougfaout the l^t
<ut war with Anstria, bnt not with Oerpaoles of the Mnetteoth (pegiu) towireless dgsals ^fe picked up. .
-many. 'The new text covers sarii
Sutry were ordered to entrain at once
A bravy fog eDvdoped-toe ship d^
Forged War Rlak Cheek Wot May Relosaes and reqnlres Germany to pay. ' 75 . DIE IN MEXICO BATILE at Douglas. Arts, ■end procoded to El
lug part of toe flight and made nsvl_iH InD ATTWI—
ArvMtB—WoahlnBWn HaadThe Ptenri) text contstoed no sudi
Paso for duty to tbe patrol district
gatton dlfllailt and at tlma impoolMany
limit clause. The drafting commlttet
along the river front. The re-enforcele.
Adhad used the^ords “may” and “sbaU’
mats are expected to arrive tomorTbe conrue flow*' wus the am*
vanes In Throe Columns.
Chisago. jiuim
June, U-lhe United
totercbangesbly In translating the
bea osEraoueu
etates goverumat• has oea
which Harry Hawker plfihBsS:.
■ame French expteulon. Aside from
Pattallon of toe Nlneteath InB Paso. Tex, June 18.—Forces »»: tantiy was martoed to El Paso early
of 81.000.00a it was disclosed, ttroi^ bomber flew almost dlrectiy abovrtoP
the dlvergenriee here noted, the iepaforgeries of army allotmat chetoa. spot where the nttle Sopwltb floKied
ratlont clauses wUl go Into the new der Generali Angeles and Villa ap- this morifing.
Army totelllgace ofBcera and tbe se­ Into'toe Atlantle. '
parebtly have swung from south of
-treaty vlrtnally tmebanged.
Artillery was .ordered from Py>rt
cret’service have bea InvesOgatlag
Bamalyfaca. northeast to three aepa- Bliss to take up poatUont overiooking
Wbfle a toouBMd peyeons witnessed
for -three months and arrests - are «x.- toe tak*«ff.o?a/^ handful (tf Martled
rate columns to the vlelnMy of Guada­ .Juares.
pected. Wasblngton la aald to be too vlllagen -weretwitoln seeing dlstMK*
ASSMU REDS BEFORE LABOR lupe. 82 miles east of Juaret. Md-^s - Macnine
Matotoe gu-As
guns un-v.
have, bea
—w, placed
of the
hand opet^lng wha the plane'crashed to Its landing.
a clean sweep toward the border «ty. along the riva bank, and the artlUery
neaaquanera oi
uic —
Information was received In offldal is taking up prepare^poaltlooa -~'Seerator/Wllaon. In Addrasa to Contoe swindle, which has rcv->v——— Several fishing vessels off to* west
vantibn, Urgee Worksra Not te
onartera that 73 persons were killed
In every efty In.toe counOT- Chitogo coast sighted the altahip as It swept
the vaUey and Mexico.
B—— P.p-ris declared one of the chief cater*. to from the Atlantic.
Join Mooney Strike. .
10 uir
-i-'f —----raaa to Oothsm Seised- Chiefs
Information of toe conspiracy is raW
fighting that started «*wy-------Within a few mlnntee after toe land­
first to have bea received wha data ing aifda's thousand Inhabitants
Atianttc aty. N. J_ Jane 16.—Secre­ morning, after the election Sunday.
Skirmishes between advance eleI „*~-irinp toe allotmat roUs dteck;- were pressed about the iaane..The avLtary Wilson-of the deportment of la­
New York. June 14—Bn«fl» was ered paymate to toahy p«wna,whoa
bor. addresstng the conventlOB of the menu. of Villa-Angeles troops and re- Cengreaa -Passes tos (Buck- In Olsators were carried tn the town .on the
tribiitloo'of MAriel Captured
American Federation of Labor on Fri­ conuolterlng potties of toe Juares ^names did not appar <w toe. govern- thbuldera of the athnslastte reddata..
by Americana.
day. counseled organised labor not to enl garrison took ptfice in toe eas^
mot nlla.
Captain Alcoto flashed to Londra toe
participate In the.proposed national dutaklrts of Juans.
tjews of completipB of toe flight. The
•trike for the UberatioD. of Thomas
Tltoefs-TImy eeopa^ has wired a re­
of war trophies captured by Americans
Mooney, convicted of complicity In. the
that he a^lteown wait Ut GUfFINISH
San Prandsco bomb plot Mr. Wltoon
da for the arrival ef mechanics who
lution passed by the senate, which
Employoss Win 20 Pe; Cent Wags will repair the piaae. It Is planned to
aald the government was Investlgqtlng
Raisa. WIto Ho Faro Ineraasa
tbe evidence In tbe case with i view to Agraamsfits In PrinelpU UaVe B^ transfers to the states the problem
have Alcdck condnue the/light to Eng­
for ThraeTlontha.
Rsaebsd on All Pointt-Fcch
preeated by the fact that the reqnesu
granting Mooney a new- trial and ^
land and give an exhlUtloa ova La­
received from several thonsahd dtlcs openeo.iu
Ready If Enwny Balks.
working men could not properly touden. •
lam In the dty halL
considerably exceed the supply- Oetrolt. Mich, Jons 1*,—The utrast
•Utote thems^ves a Jury to try him.
Both Alcora and Brown stood toe Paris. June 14.—The allied reply to
The secretary of war Will apportion
car utrtke whlto has bea In effect
The secretary also referred,to the
----- weU.
•hotohevtota of the United States.” toe German connter-proposali Is com- to toe itatM and territorisa, tn tbe TAWNE-i- OF M'NNESOTA DEAD sinee Sunday came to an end last night
“Except fa dlOcsItla with-l^^
«faa toe employees by a two fo one
wte. be said, were klHet
killed wltti the L blete It .was stated In a tesponslWe same proportion as tost boroe by tbs
Quarter, jigreeoats In principle hkre number of ma servlog from each
vote sigt^ to *<>«ePt • comiwonilso toe Ion of our w^elea propdta. toe
W. W. and for whom .toe wwhlng
wage offer, of about 20 pa cat In- trip'was uneventful.' Captain Alco^
of America bad no sympathy whqi------ bea reached on all points. The ques­ state to the total armed forcea, “aU
eraase from the. company. Tbe dty air. • '9oto engtoee pafbnBM~ In
wha they undemood the bolabertet tion- of Germany’s admission to the cannon, gnu carriages, matolne guns,
anto^es and toe.stsset ear company splendid fashiesL Finn Uk minute we
CToed. Bolshevism, the secretary said, ieUne of nstlons has been settled, bnt mlnnawerfers,-fflortan. bomb throw­
M be no doubt
ers. flame throwers, gas prqjecton and
had agreed on a nnlreraal flra«at took off there ap|
fiimtlnl’T created obligatory labor, a, ..t., oMb. —■«,
or vlrtnal alavery; and all working dosed. Marshal Foch and Gaeral otoar war devices." with the excpptloa
tare with free tranafets on all Unas of our snceeo."
memhad bea fluting against slsvery Weygand
of those required for mcpwimatal
’^‘toe i»« three mbntos, at toe end
•t whidi time a board of arbitration bomb Beriln. The ermtedee waa
mnes toe day of Moses. Eecoostrnc- Tburaday with Ptemler Qet
purposto or actual use by the United
itary added.
States and for national mnseimis,
wm' fiedde whether toe company la signed before U-«oald be put Into war
tton problems, toe i
If boatil- cemeteries and psirfea.
Htoer mas
-tortlfted to one cat additional for earvlce. ft bos a ernUIng radius <ff 2.can be met by eriynna
MO macs.
Transportation toarges win be borne
by revolution. The power of the bal- Hl« and a concerted advance fiJ 5*
M be said. wUl enable labor to get
by toe federal goveromat. tLOOO.OOO
Reds Hsve Lets ef Money.*
being mads avallabW
—y t^jums It destrea.
..ettM. June g7.-Mrs. BMs Eud.,v»eB*onte.: Pa, ' June Ift-Waltar
wife of toe Hnagarian dictator, and
ftoea Rlota to Engltah Ro»*A
Dutth Wont AW AIHSA • ,
UWntda. htor
of tota'<ae toe aonet mlntoLadon. June 14. Oertoni raesriots,
at Bdleftonte acatek* waa. kUM
PariA June 16.-^Hdila»d has noHten came from Budapest te Tteuna to'
oecaslasd by tas
toe piusuuw
presence va
of peuv
pace conferacs that the cor- oecsslasd
Twsfrty Thousand Join to Dmnsatn
W'f« ^ mlnutek- wha his automobUe upset aekr berw do e little abontog. Mrs. Kun spent;
With six Otoa rtudats Wlnta was
Znmat-viU not participate tn a grass brought from A«« and other
■UM to CiMtond-Datoy to Ito82S.^iUr tata, Itogate end gewnA
against Oennsny in the evat parts of the world during the war as
teiTing rapidly to State college.
. patrtoMwi is Causa.
occurred stMOVJj'^ewtosnl sf Oermany to Mgn toe labor battolloo*-ma Jtota Tedlhpert Waldariaa.
H •
-ral ports In England and Wales.
’’ From* Chlir to BlSvakis.
: Londoa, Jute 1&—Twaty tooussnd
• Waite^.Jiinel7.-Dule«st^h
~-~».-»MmaU WWW JMt—« “ - Mcujuuteuwintsrtert-tos tontooit Graf Walder- Bnk Bandits Bhaot^
votes Anny of SDtmoo,.
8L LdUla June lA-rThree armW tloD at Whltl«y:Camp, protestioc'the
•WbOMc l».dtfcteta«f
. washhifton. June Ifl—Wlthont a
h the military iinatia Bsadi. near New Yorit, wU! be raised
nbbeis held vp the Meremee-Trust delay In their repatriation, whldi la
due -to labor troubles at LlverpooL
to a weA. toe navy dupartmat has
here and wounded two pothero. He formerly
More than twelve shops, toe garrisao.
bea Informed.
Itcema In ittemptoig te escape. -The
rraoto troops in BlberU.
a -theater and a Salvation Arm* hut
pobberm, two of whom wSra captured.




giTblH. —niM •



HosEsV opiNiOif.

Down TO> UNIT.

'a BrlUeh aqnadron te bombar*«
_ bolshevik bane at KToneisui
Kronstfdt wlA
heavy gniis. according to a -report sh­
•OILED ushed in the Btoctholm Aftonblad.






*Dw6 tua4re4 Mo^cwi ’fOTemmwt
troom were WUed '«*« the train on
»hlch they were trareUng to QJhn*bua wat wredced bj Unklii* of to
tract no'^ **
Callcntea. MO.


An accottot of the mutiny of e**^
of the French Bla^ sea fleet at Od^
sa in April was told In the chamber of
deputies In Paris by Deputy Emlla
iSoode. h socialist During Jbe trouble
a'red flag bad been nm up on the battleahlp France. ■

Eeaa^la paopla no longer expect
to take a riOroad Joumay without baa­
ing to look at WUboards advertisto
BoIUnd has noUfled the peace con­
soap or loatbpowder. eat M to
ference in ParU that the gOTcroMt
midst o« the d»olc«t scenery.
will not parOripate In a blotow
It lends a abnddar to to theflght of
against Uermany In the event of to
of thS/alr tot socm.
refusal of Germany to Sign the peace
perhaps, we shall see to skyplari^
lamee A1 Tawney. former eongresa- treaw, , i
over with a»ew!iig guB ada. a wrtto
man of to First Mlnneoou district
Chopping Him OF.
lamanta With
Oen. Bobert C. Purls 6f to Frent*
and at one time chainnan of the bonaa
«Wow, Mr. Gloom, TTonteod—
at^roprlatloBS committee, died at B*-, army, it is reported In Prague^ going
“I agree with yoa Mr. DlrgeC Im what regr^ shall we look bar* to the
. cdMor SjwlngB. Ho. Mr. Tawney was to Slovakia In connection with the terrtpied J. Fuller Gloom. ..*T agree days when we could Uft up our eyea
military sltnatlon there. He forra^ with you abeolutdlyr
alxty-fonr years oid._
. ^ ^ to the clouds as a reUef from to grie^
.Ko Frem* troops In
••Why.' air. you haven't evea heard ona handiwork of man. BotnotjnoCh
Pomer United SUtes Senator John Siberia.
what 1 have to say. and-r"
. longer. The dai* underside of a good
C Spooner of Wisconsin died at his
“No.-^t \am in a huiry to atten" Ma<* storm clond Is too good a blUboard to be ne^ectad. Directly, to
, home in New Tork. SUteen years
if importance.”
Countess Marklevics; a Sinn Peln to a inari
art of throwing letters <rf light agal^
ago John Colt Spooner relinquished leader and member of pniHament. was
the heavens U perfected we ahaU need
the position with ahlch to leglslaw arrested at Dublin. Ireland. She was
' • infarwatlon wanted.
of his former state had thrice hw- taken to Cork under escort.
-We hear a good deal about the - "blue sky" law with a eengerfbca
Within certain UnlU the billboard
ored him and retired In IWT. Me
arms of Morpheus.”
.4LS its proper function. <v»e which no
was Etom lu
American motoC Unndies, manned
one need resent It U Istgoly s que^
by aallora from the gunboat Yankto
tlon of “the eternal fltneas of things.
are now ecH)peratlng with the Britlah getto.8ieep.too.”________ _
tVe do not resent a acreachlng m^
flotilla on Lake Onego, says an Archstrosltv of lumber and paint which de­
(angel dispatch. The allied fiottlla haa
EneuOh to Hill Him.
without a record v^
Btudent-There goes to profato*. files the serenity of a placid Undsetpe
put to ^ght four boltovlkl
or the prlvacy'of a residential atraet
passed and sent to the fcnate to 1920
talking to himself, ns usual.
army appropristlon bill. <*»;^“* *
Second Student—Tes, I should took by attemptlngto bladtjadc our tnlMThe reply sent by to counefl
iwu into boylng some particnlar brand
total of ma.000,000 and jwvldlng for four
of the peace conference In Partly be would have died of boredom long or some ^Icnlar article which we do
a temporary array of ^.000.
to the note of Admiral Kolehag ex­
want. A public opinion which toltend to him and his associates In the
tes this wholesale disfiguremeat
Following an appeal .to congress by
U-Russlan government at Omsk the
oe In a aoroewnat
somewhat ruoimeniBr,
Attorney General Pslmer for nn a^ -uppdri set forth In the original lett«
Neighbor (sarca*tically)-Of cowsa ■must be
ns regards Its standards of dric
proprlailon of *500^100 to run down tne of the council to Kolchak. This aebeauty?) Eyes which hr* forced to
authors of the-recent
tion is Interpreted here as meaning da
■ aasslnate public oIBciala It became facto recognition vt the Omsk govern- **Mott«"%ngrily)—How, can ttW gr^eemstomed to^^physl«l^• ; neaf^w desenaltlsed to ugliness of
known tot 200 secret agents of to
i-h^ they'ro twlosT
. •
j all torts and are prone to tolerate ugly
navy intelligence bureau are
|tpe4ch end thought end action.
gating a glgantlc plot
Us Evldkne*.'
In OUcago and
“The wor« of this hot.._other large ritles on July * next.
mth the arrest of Charles P. Maas bnsloess U one fluds ^ so hard t
of Chicago federal aothcrltles of both
lie responsyiUlty for the
Claveland Plaimlng Hot Only to Pn).
ciril and mllltaiy invesllgktlon de- ' -Ay. thSe’s the rub."
. to peace treaty /rom
Vida Hamas, but Wholsaomi
pnrtments believe
‘ "eve they
now nave lu
«reet^8 been deDnltely
Amuasment^far Citlnna
the Surtaea.
custody the entire Coterie of the gang
Should Be on the
Thomas W. Lament a member ^ tt? of forgers and counterfeiters who have
-Beauty, my deer, li only skin deep.
conifnlasJeai on reparatioM
O, which Baa been ona
roaUsed more than »100.0(» an fraudn-Yes. honey, but what #»«<*
lent #100 snbtreasury clfecka Mort of do me! It might Just as weU be 20r of the flrst dtiea to begin building <»
hOd • member oi fte
an axtmdve aeale. wUI not only prothe members of the gabg Were federal 000' leagues under the sea.”
firm of J. P. Morgan ft Co- “
of its homamakOT
prisoners in Fort L^venwortji. where
Lamont who gave a copy of to tr«W
who must bare dweUlngs. but will
Unwilling Victim.
twenty P. Davtson of the
all la resldena have
•I can tiaea my deaeenl a long way Hi.a. mn tot
- - -- ------------- mohto
in Paris May 0.
bS aad from a very high source.”
« to dty a hatto New Tork by Mr.
-Welt da yon expect me to fan far
• 2vsi to form, senator
ttr '
^.Tto Mmwfl u to^Stotor. W..



atractlva te E^ StandiM
of ClfTlpaauty.

ru*nf» of to Wariil ComplM
te Brieraat-and Mast •uadnek.
Farm for Quick CantumpttMk

joor «roctf fOk « pKfagp todiV-

Ubby. HKNeifl * UhbT,CliicBr>


.• •



«hSa ««H>« -It-



t«- or la* -Mr simnsts

S. Vtu-Wl lt-“ . .






uasm •JBWJW.WO ft» use <d to

1 aaaaltnfl Bid aat Adda «se«f»0 ft*
I to purpose ti providing tbega isMaanon csDtait wban the dty goes Bry.
Six of these wUl be opened on |*todpal comars and vrill be fltted up to
a moat tovUtog and artistic style. A
#10fl00 log cabin has been aracted In
Qsifldd pakk, and a boathouse coattug
#180.000 is to be bnUt in Bdgewalet
park. New parks wlU also be opened.
ThU enterprise Is suggestive of the
development of the idea «rf communllj

adminlstntioo in operating to
nST T«^fon*tiA conto. ad



secretary WUion of tha departmait
of labor,.nddresslng to
of the American FedemOon of I*bor
at Atiantic Oty. N. J., counseled «*»
smph,/dephone and cable wlrea.
Ued labor not to pnrtldpate In to
Pj^ of Missouri proposed national strike for the IlbetatlOD of Thomas Mooney, conricted of
SSto Pieddeot Wilson to Istoe n complldty In the San Frandsco bomb
prodamhtion decUring the war toded plot
•Bd demdblUsatlon completed to preBusiness ^ “Interrupted” at to
▼ant wartime prohibition from going
InW effect, ao far as U pertains to New York headquarters of the Bu^an
soviet bureau when a squad of-d«teeBaer aad light
Oves invaded the offices, took poaaasMon of all the records ond other pa­
pers and served subpoenas on A. E.
The council of four In Paris devot- S. Martens, head of the soviet embasay.
«d both of Its aeoslons to the r^rion and four of hie aaslstfnts to
<a the teyt of the treaty, Vhich will be witnesses before to Lusk coutoW
entirely rewritten. The original of to which opened lu inveatlgatlwi at Deltrtoty eidoded American losses dor-^ abevism In the dty hsU.
lug the period of the neutrality of the
United StatM, and Ttallan Josses dur- The giant transport Leviathan, htor
• to to time when Italy was at war mg 11^ troops from Franca^MTlto
with Auirtria Thp flnaodal clauses to the New York harbor. .towM to
Leviathan were the Plftytflrst Flftyr
.will be ameided to
•acond and Fifty-third Infantry
to talae working caplt^ ments. complete, and aeveiul a*ta
for restartliig her IndusMH and to •linadrona.
, ^ ,
miable her to PW her wparaUona.
Organised labor - went on racoiid
A secret sasslop of the dtliensf tutalttftwMtime prohibition and to
council of greater Beriln held June II h,or .J m. OB«>tla. ol !» »
dedared In fsvor of a citizens’ sWke. beer Am l»th the
according to the
to Independent
newspaper Die FrelhelL Some of the
manufseturers and commerdal inter- to American Federation of Labor at
a»«r Die Prehelt declares, advocated Atiantic aty. N. J. The reaolntlw was
■ to utmost severity “as the only means toned by a voU of 2A475 to 4«>S.
of overcoming the laboring clasaes.”



Hundreds of Buwtans who refused
to contribute to a levy of #1.000.000 Imnoaed on the dty of Odesto by the hol■hdriU were forced to “walk the
pluk” from a yacht formerly owned
by to esar, according to Angust Dan­
ner, repreaentaUve In s<hithern. Busto ox
of UJe
to »um:>upuvii»i
f-ny, who anlTed at New York.

-Beauty la only skin deep." ^ re­
-Tea." 8he replied calmly, “abopt as
daep;as some meiCs stock of wiadoim”
Maretnary. *
A ttpor man I would sat be
*Ai«p»w O.. bounding toto
wn >-ihar slow - farm, you see.
Ne’e Wise.
. Tbe Clerk-4 cannot Uve or
<ne Boas—Ah. then, yon must be
ffci-wng of marrying. When does the
happy svent occort________
-If we lived to former times this
baby .of ours, n>y dear, conid have
flUed an important town position.’
"Whst U totr‘_
-Tow® trter.”

«,Uy rapUad Gap Jok^ -W
my wife has been aarter puny, yur «
uk and aevwal of to chUdren have Fhiaoelpoia lawy-i,
wot to mesle and mtunpa and one the days of hto uctlva PtoOe^
♦M— and another, and tbe lightning aotwloas for hto loBgwtadedDttL,
On one oceasioo be had been mie^.
struck the corner of to house tuthw
night snd like t6 have t«« thrf’whole tng forth hto conduffliig err?P«*^
place to pieces and one of to Wds ttx honra. and to end w no^waa
wbw to tttpotiu attttny
feU out of a «e and broke hit snn. In
and a feller took a shot at me day be­ beckoned hto tasodate and^Upetwls
“Can't yon stop him. Js*r
fore yesterday end ventilated
•ni stop btm In two minutes. Jsek
as clobbquses of to and such as that, but I swapped for. mlied canfidutly. Anti- he wreta
future, where dOsaoB may assemble a running horse tost weefc anil a 2d?«.ed to to orator to foUowtog
to^ evdntogs in healthful relaxa- couple of my bounds have got atx
pups apiece. Aw, I tell you. they
SSk k-^ a good man downr-^an- ““^My Dear Oo»aod-Aa aoon as yon .
fintob your wagnlficent argua^ 1
sas aty. Sto_____________ _
Advertieements on Trass.
would Uke you to Jdn me rt to !»►
Already to nine states the nailing of
tel In a bumper of rare old Bour^
Well Kflouvn.
advartisememts onto trees, aides of
The lawyer baited to the mldst^
bams su'd fences within the Umits of
an impassioned period. P«

hl^ways and oh property of persons
ft..—, and read the,note tot had
o»-nlng land, wltbont the owner’s per­
been handed him, then he removed his
mission. U prohibited by law, <»t Mguises again and. taking up to Ut
ward S. Oomell. secretary of to Nar ”"^^e yon seen my pot* ks mansg^ and bag, be said;
tlonal Highways Protective society,
-And now. may It please to court
:ed at Boston wnsn
when cumui-ubii^
commenting «"
— ^-T^-rknow your pa, Utfla boy." and gentiemen of tbe Jury. I lasvAto
the work hto society Is doing t^besoUfy and preserve the highways of
U was procMdIv 1*
**!*e^ooked at me to ronpd-eyed w6nstately fashion to to dlreeOon-W to
United States.
Aside altogetoer from to-stai^ der and hto pink toaks lalriy etw* hi^ *"■______________
point of beauty, said Cojonel Coroell.
nauiog of advertisements onto trees *’”“You don't know my pa J" ha aald In­
Who'd Go toe woA
to world 11
is harmful to tfie trees themselveo a^ credulously. “Why. I know pa Just •rervbody were BdiT
o^ the -fact tot heavy nalli are left as easy !”-^«hanfu.
embedded to to wood renders to
work of sawing ibam Into lumber dan­
gerous to to workMU later.
Oomeu «lded tot a bill ta
twoUblt untowful signs on highways
bad recrtitiy been Introduced to the
lovrer house of to Illinois tagtitowrfc

A UmsI One.
-My husband had part of his toech
ininou was first to ratify the na­
tional suffrage amendment. At Bprtnr cut out yeatarday by an operation.
“Who was the oparatorr
field, after passage by the bonae, the
-The teiepbona girt”
senate Voted favorably 4t 10:« a. toTasaday. At Madison notice of pa»
sage by to Wisconsin legtslatnre was
given by to lieutenant gov«n<* at
U:58 a. m.- -l-ne
Tbe micnigan awmuw- “^ell. he Is an old ialt with a pep­
rattfied the amendmto Into to the pery dlQwalBoo.*________ _

Adricee reedved at T^yS train
rsrfw- tow there baa been .a sarlooa
-Btod of antl-Japaneae agitation. Sev^ wanhlps of to Japan«ae-Ohtoa
have beatv^burrled to Shanr
. , •

peal of the -dayil^t saving la» was
dtoatsd at. to aanaal coofmaoea af
the Attertcan Padeatloa
raoeaaoa of lAboc
^ at Atiantic aw. *L J.

Workers' Home Uffied.
The war provided a giest Impetus
to to movement for decent homes for

of New ToA.


less an#

wttt“g^eSSto^onay.-*^ sd^
-nlants engaged to war work nnderS* to Crete riltogea
model lines to bouse their wwktten.
•ad ao radnee ahlfttog af hbor frem

Tha Basalt.
-I bad a friend who went hunttog
nrapeachofawtfafuture ealculaOons will be no less than
-Whst bappenedr
n»® holda hto home
-He pl^ad a lemoe.
saood thovo nU tidito Tak« “•
ESfaiay or to rtS? to, ouata .
Whan mot la
heme and you will prodow vrandarw
IMng nndar conditions no* fit for anlanto- lh« remilt to new membert foe
Uvaty uu

Two Bsn ware kUled and
to. lUiabal Foch add Oeoaral Weygand
Wd fwo contenaces with Premier torad when a Watartoa Os.) Back
. cimaeaceau. at which they diacamad latoqd train from Mlnnsapolla ter Oh#
cs«> and BL Lroola. strack thtta
SH^lwSaUi&yand a couewtod^ 'bofto at a eattia «nard norto of to
noca by to alllas, aaya Marcel Huttn switch at Waahbnm, to.
ta to »cho de FarU ^ Parts.
Batnm to Germany of about
fonner oDcers and aallota taken mm
octman vessels when ths Unitad
seized enemy shlptoag at tha And 1 dW beer tot U began Um as
baa ^vototod a rwuitosten to vtMt
oothiaak of the «-ar wlU bafto ahofit
^Mtond and make an
wUh a view to estsbltilung-M Amor Joly L Those to be relesMdviiow om *
tot wns the
at Foits MePhsraon aatf so quldx to nnsw the bellA
«u sir force,-SH»at*t*
“• •*"
w fisvy.-lt was tosnsd to Loadem.


Britten the
Homing Meal
^ a hot drink mat gtves !»•


bonus eveiywbem.

"IS "bS-^




- • . . '

Two tiM. ssaal^ mU si l$c ani rt^

tottsehold's health and comfort.


of the
the r _
Honest Opinion cover
man i^oww cradSed \ty th^


___ The whole hietory trf liis
lifewouldindkate that He will
Dotbe their friend before Wa
IM UMr wa. te» • "te* “
Father and, if not. what tiMO? If
they really Ibdiere these things
T.a«0KB;--- -----they profess in public theymuat
have some very anxious mom
ents in the solitude that surrounds
wbteta had boos iBBdo BW
them at times. Peihaps it is
bis terrlMo oxperlMCa. Aa
tiiisdesireto torget
awful COPVWMMT. tpy. Kf WrABRAPH •
tbe only wbltw*Blr.d
redEoning to come that prompts
trtbe be wM toowB
<CraUnaed tra« paRe oo«)
tbe White

them to spend their ill go^ «o*«r th«lr «aeap«. «!• f«e.
l»- 'BSr roS-wEf ToTeT tEe5T-i«o«
pardBlly dotooed by ti»
gains in monkey dinners ana creaMS wb«B b« diMorend tb*t U>« bOTC ttilr ton. Bo down to tbe deeU been
periencM tad be could give W tMhUnc ■AoMcr wu drtftUif •od ■>- you
W tbo vdesso roato. Asd f
of wbat bad befallen
out «t tlM b«7. 0»- bcgM yoB wfl] enjoy your trip to tbe bo resenibered eaongb to c»vlw
tlisc^ition. We pity them but Mdybe bad bit
MB iW oat
IsfwBs] regtoo*.tbei that wtat be Mid was true Pd
we tannot pardon the hypocrite •weept asd aU haadt befu a
BOcst bst fsHy .{whored t» die. bU atnry w« handed down ftoM f*a>w
tard Ssbt to t^ala ^ Won.
Uy tbe troo*»e.hoDtert. Dick tsnied to eon ftronih tbe genon
Oneoftethmgs with which andUmooey is At tl^
over utd' exchanged o IMk ol Wbetber It waa «o or not that U
tbe capitalist system reiyarts transfonns ^ human into the BaHoe fooDd Dies aad bli rrMoSi partly
ondylns Ion with PpUy- Siribko one tbe way tbe «dd aaUor got It. «ad
anlliypiiiotiiaB iteyictinB isliie demon tiien we are mistity 6^ noktnf tbefr way *
taatm rose from tbe pit below. Sad that la tbe way be repeeted tt to we.
doDly the BOB obot blood-nd into elen Tbe way the Matter atande la ftia:
salaiT and wage scheme The that we haven’t got any more Pasolng. bo Mid:
Bftd tbe ’<d>ief gan the olgadL
Ifa a long diaaca-bW
inttntioiiiatn erect a class line than tbe bill collectorVrants and
prioM brongbt blo.fword acrofo tbi OBA This Hrer may jb nader ^
which wOl keep the necesssty aometimes not that We ^ in­
tbong and tbe nft with Ue .Hvt
and take na to U* Patffle,
away Is i
bi^eti obot' down into tbe BbyM. f
eet one o( clined to the bdief frbm whatwe bidden
«o edsld Sad them, wo al^i boy
' thcdseses to scabbing on the
food and. bones.*
Aft. which drtttod to the <«cb1bi
other. Of-tfie wnge slave and fnoney, whether inhented or H^i word* proved proptaefic. for sn OPfDyOI^JrWELPTH EnsODB) tt>e
and ^e^pcared.
tbfere spposnd to • nlley
aalaiT stave the tatter is the scrat^ed together by starving honrioter
iSE Front St, ItevarHrCfty.
below, s oetUenwnl of enrioat otooe
most to be pitied fmm B moral
*' EPISODE NO. 13.
Standing on tbe brink of tbe mde
bemoes, oboot wUcb men tod wc “
•down wblti IMdt, PoUy.'Btebbtne
fiMipfnnt for be cannot attain is the curse of the possess^ and coaid be oeen.
and PeUr boU «« <X M> pteni «
such a podtion without coining ^uces a madness that crdcifi« “Arteco." bo Mid. ~Kow. w* will ADial
eben iWc. 0>* only key u tbi iwaiteD
*Me to c« btip." And be
at e bulled treeenre. Bcnrtnee bAdi e
the flesh and blood oif Others allthosewbo oppose th^ In be
hU eompuiloDi fofwsrd. walilsc aUde eecond, end be IHIU Mlye tetber. aeU
lar Has end etartd afur tbe tnaema facdoo of tbe pair at eedng tbelr
intothe doQais witii wfaidi be any event tbdr day of retribution fMn expeessod by Toima
Other faoldrra Ma Dick .and they purMu ricdmi go to tbelr' dMtta was grent
Sear&ee to'tbe-kuU. vber* they Gaptan
No mm with. a con­
ichooBgr fraa tbe ouitewa ■ Lesdle*. for now Scarface bad no fear of Adr
science and knovriedge of ecoo- warped minds and soute will toUowere. greeted the 'liiltoro In • athey
are eet opon by a Wbe of Anece. to- ever returning to tntetfere wlA Up
rtied by ecarfece. end placed boiim1 ec
omic8canaa^8udi a sale of ay fertile mercy that cannot te
a hurdle aed pluneed Into a boUinc »a- saari^ for the treasarc again. wUle
tbe dd priest gloried tn die tbowht
his principles without serious
that be had npbeld the tradldona of
mia^vingB and tioublus tiroes awakened ’ too late. Wl^
tbe ocean yonder. , We want
KeoBod as .thongta tie toortal- bis andent race and mice more be­
. for that tamer sdf. Only by
power could save them. Below them held tbe awtpl ceremony. Not tor an
and water."
did thdr eyes leave t^ pit
tile knowledge, the intent to crowded in those few words Tbe chief wae conaldering the re- yawned the frightful crater «f boll- Instant
-fliiert in a favomble aifirlt when a tng lava and deadly bream, abd* Into until tbe victims had dlMppenfed.
atpenA otiiers fnm the fruits too late" and “if-”
Thdr bnman McrlSce baring been
pHeat frightfully pid and wrinkled, this Inferno they were eupplnr
of tbar toil or theabyity to drive
joined the group and proteeted stoutly a raft goea down a rapids. Neither bflercd..tbe Astect and Scarface and
other men at a lu^ speed than
against any barter with tbe 'Inter- coolneas of Jadgmeot nor phyaini] Ms ooUaira raturnad to the vUls«e
lopera.V Tbe two wrangled, but the •aeogth conld avaU them here, for lAare Lopea was dlwatched back te
some other man wiU wanantan
chief won his point and the horses die eiemeDta Into wblds they were tbAidiooiier wlijomaa to await thr
.' «mpkiyer in jumimg a man into
and foot but no weapons w^ pro­ m'sooi to be plunged woold etnarle otbera. Enraged ft-dUs bratel tteet
meet the Indian that tetet tdl (A
^ aahrv. class That is the All trusts are good trusts and vided. and Dick and bis companions and wither them as a fnmace doer die
HexlGan_aM left blm bomsd ^
away under tbe glowertog eyor moths, leasing no- veetlge of their
f first class line -usuaUy results in all-trusts are bad trusts. That
a tree. Turning upon hit captive
charted bones as sn evidence of thtbe priest
( snobbisbnessot the mostfidic; may seem a ctmtradictory state­ ofTbe
addressed him. tbe edd ^ow
chief «nd tbe priest
face tbat they bed ever eglated. ThentdouskiDd. Nomancanhe^m ment and one that will n^t wrantims wbw Scarface and hU ont- woald be a andden reap Into the tbroa: of a ebbre In Ua eyea:
-Ton." Mid Tomaa. "are one of the
reedve more ihoney titan his witii more or less eriticaam from Uwa eanie in view, hot on the tmU of die crat«. a moment of-writhing In creeping,
poison rbipge of tbe eardi.
of tbe tremauredwintera. Enreged. .tte
- mnpk^ until be can prove to
Ton ire like tbe anake that has the
tides. But it is tfue. A prloet.pointed at tbes and cried:
, him that he. can get more dollars both
at tbe Md of bis tall, and Me
trust if it is a successful one is Too see, O Obiet bow one white Son and tbelr aabes wonld be nUiigtei* ratUe
the acorplm that atUkga and the
‘ and cents that emidoy^. In always good for the stockholder man follows tbe other, aa tbe day ane- with ^e molten Sow. E'en Dick. I&e
centipede that bitea. I abonM treat
who'n#t7r Mid die. nearly Io« hope you aa my anceoton treated aU thdr
order to do this be must stretch andbadtin tbe public. It wiU eoode the ni^t"
aa hU mind Sashed over Uie altuatlon. eodniea." Tomas drew hU knife and
But tbe thief intmm
tbenilesof honesty and moral be tbs best thing timt ever hap­ -"Peace.
T«»dor..l recognise Lopea. With a sad amUe be tnrped to Polly.
laid Ua aide against Ae otber’a Upnat
ri^eoumess. Tbe commissioQ pened that someone conceived for love of whom ^anU. tby
"Looks as tbongt we were up agaluef
"In tbe daya of my fatbera#Wn
tt this time. doeiaT It M girtr be we made prlsoaer of e maa like yon
plants eciually as l*d vid in the idea of organising tntis ter. forsook «A” wbo bad married a d
Mid aa be looked. Into her dear eyes we steked- Urn oat «e-the red. ants’
■qme cases worse for ta tacita if the people ever decide to take jJnopaa,
the Mbs. and Iba otbeca^p- and dwngbt bow wdl Ufa svenid be
or boond Mm la ths- NS b
owne-^ proadwd ud bo apeko wodhUvlagwUbheratbissida. P»- of MwUda.


Phnlo Pl^Pruduced by Vifejraph'



Johnson D




115 S. Union St

bnpmccrnntnre ktalf
adnkfornn intanntiM
nature la vilita Oteir aar It to private cojporatkma. But jf
would be to admit tbat nmre tbs paople get in^tigent. ttice
waswiong. .To ate a man Moat them over we shell havetotiiank
up with pride Ifliea atnffed toad those who organised tiiem for
wboi be is promoted to ww putting
in shape fm-usand
s he has been taught is sametiiingi inalring it easer to fulfil our
higW ia one of the most pitiable want at less cost Letus there
'ohjeciB tbe worid is bar ro. He fore not condemn them but
has aborted the brain tbat nature gin, to educate ourselves to
intended for good work and has ownthem.

set it at the beck and call ofothermimless capable than himself
for their enrichmmt and the con;
aequeit h^yul
others} If
sudi a man will tit down ai^
looktiiematter aquartiv in the
Aace he willimmediatly recognize
this fact and cone^xindingly
HARbLD yt. EOBSirrs,
siidf lower in his own respect Cerporal, Company A. 8«th Sateven though be moy muster the
tallon, Tank Coipt.
courage to present tiie i^e cid - For deliberately going to bis
death to Mve a companion in
■ bluff to a worid already weary
the Montrebeau wood^JTance.
witii tbe struggle for gain, for October 4. IVlS. Corp. Boberta
was awnMed tbe DtstingiUdied
' tiie coarser ^ings of life at tbe
Seivtce Cross. Carp. Boberta a
estocnae of all othtf human beingd
tank drtvar, was moving hli
and all tbe finer cmotkns.
tank Into a damp of bnsfam to

ptng to nor dMtba, at feast
-Blood! We will McrlBce to thee. O fjofgf mera aUt ^ aids throngb bo
Bnn God! U U a long time atnee taalt of «hr own and wtibont faar.
Qaetxal has arat of oStringa tor tbe
taco and his crowd may gain tbe
mra. but I have a feeling that If
do tt will be a cnioe ratber than
' Led by Scarface. the; ontiawa and a blesalog tn them."
Axtec warriors bad no dlfficnlty Jn
*T am only eorry we did not do for
whom tbay blm when w« had a chance." Mid
MebMsa. **nifs ctHsea of opr b«lnf
which two Axtecs were kUled. Bonnd white z
andI having
a i
hand -and foot, tbey were brought be- to kflltng anyraie wbo was In
fora the chief, «bo had worked him- power. If I hod it to do over agala
•eU Into a rage at tbe death of tbe It wonld be Scarface and Seteweye.
who. wrre taking tbU ride instead of
"We treated you with kJjidDeas." be
na. Bat we have the aadafactloo of
cried, "bat yon have died the blood knowlag that we did not show tbe
of my people. Tomorrow; when tbe wbltAfoather and « dying garni."
light wakes, yon shall die."
Dick, glanclnc back Over tbe way
CaUlng'" Tomas to him. tha ebleT wiliefa' they.had eUd. saw tbe priest
and 'Scarface peering down at them
"Ton are no child of Quetul.
over tbe ledge from which "^bey had
shnll be epnrAt." And’the fcitne riem- been aboved. Alreody the fumes of
enty was ihon-n Chn. as "coming from Ita pit below were winding around
an andMt >ace acrom die grehter them In wreatba. filling tbelr eyes and
water, whence onr people came when
tbe worid was vwy yomig."
Dick aml^ihe. othen »-ere than a sudden biric's heart gave a creat
bound and placed around tbe camp fire bonnd of reUef. Sliding over the Uva
bed. the hurdle slowed perceptibly as
It tipped tosrard the crater, and Dick,
who never deepalred of Ufe, was able
to bnrat the ropes at hla wrists, frayed
by oonuct with the rharp lavA Ora^
Long bdfore the first streaks of a rock be held buck tbe hurdle and.
nlford proteedon td another tank
dawn, tbe dilef end tbe priesL fol­ at the same time, released Stebblna,
whldi had been disabled. Tbe
lowed by tbp natives, in sscrifldal wbo Qolcklr freed the others
tank did Into a abdl bde, ten
garb, came from tbe temple and tbe
At the left wae a ctmtinu
feet deep. Slied with water, and
priaoners, the bonds about thdr feet tha ^upe. to where the aieam -from
was . immediately mtbmerged.
freed, were forced to'march some dis­ the relwoo ran oS Into
Knowing that only oue of tbe
tance to where a ollB overlook^ the stream, and In thU they luuncbed the
two men In the tank .conld e*.
emtw of a volcano, which was emit. hordle and were ewqit froui'die ocebe.
cape. Oorp. Roberta mid to tbe
Tbelr sense of reUet however, was
only one of ns
Chanced to alarm, for dead
quickly ebuead
can get out and out yon go."
wm-en withes, was then produced,
> which tbe
Uead was a
wherenpon be fnubtd bis comand horror aHsed Dick and the others stream
of hot water dlsappe
aa they
poolon throndi tbe back door of
iltsrd n-hat their death waV
tbe tank and was blmself
to be—that tbey were to be placed ou darknoE*
diecoMod tbelr predicament
drowned. Corp. Roberta' bsme
tbe mat and plcnged Into the bolH^ Oien^c* made the declalon
addreM was 6 Ilaiket street,
•rnie old aatlor of whom r spoke
San Fraodaeo. Cab
Tbey were placed aide by aide on -who was ablpwrecked upon this «a«.
me mat and bound tiiere by rope*
paaslDg beneath the hurdle, which was told^ me other tUnp a and this
-: A Real'^TCnhHhm:
tlcular?pmt of ibe country. He got
rilS by a tbong aectired to a tree.
Is be ambldontr
this .tnry
itory from the Indtaim;^ ^
"I abonid aay so. Be aaya beT
t* believed titat tt wna true. W
aevar ba Mhteot onto be can drive midst of the Asteea, approached Dick wane 4t may be a myth, bat 1 wUl
and Polly ud uemd tn their facet. .repeat It to yt?n and yon eu deride
a gnU baU 300 ynrda avecy Uma."
“I warned yon time and again you
hU better not croa* my path aw
MoUilng «f th* Sort.
told him ^t ^
"U thU loopasldna of yottra. Ur, mow." Ml^ he. -Ton may be very
bad long begn •
smart, but yon have leaned by
a tentative oner
that In ancleht daywone of tbrir m»
time tiiat yon are no match fm
-Laws. BO, brotiMr; U'a meiMy
had been captured and condemned
Several times when I have bad yon at
tryln'«nt of tbe Ideia.even as was dtme to ne.
my mercy 1 have 1« yon esc^ rather
of the Axtec tribe wlw
tbu take yonr Uvea, but yon wooldm teneod b m boopd him to a mat mad
take the hint but alwaya came back l^rblm over tbto slide and In ammfor mpn trouble. And now yon are my ke vaa praCpitntrd into a rive>
INing to gat It good gnd plenty. Bvep

Oliici I vrffl Bof pet yoB to tha «artnra. I trill leave yon M»a and aae
wbat bappeas to yon." Tbaa T<
retnzned to tits vlUage to mm wbat
bad becottb dfbls trianda and tee Gw
Cbnl lot was m>t mote happier, for
be wae forced at once Into a Ufe of
riaveTT, ud wbu Tomaa feond him
be wna workliix In a field nndet gnard
of a brutal Axtec uH tbe old priest
Waiting his time. TOmu was able to
whisper to Om. wbo told blm;
"Him and little misty ud otban
fall ovw rilg." He theo dastribeA




We have Often wondered what
answer some professed ChristtanswOliiBke when they face
tbe Lord their God whom *tiiey
professto wofstnp. U is periectly
ail Tight fortiieaito tell uawhat
the bible means taut we wonote
srhethte they wi)i be able to put
tbese excuses and
Bcrosfi vftaoi tiie^ come-fate to
^ce wkh Him- vWe wonder
also wbeteerChritf wotdd inter­
cede for Mtis of tiie ppQflteers
endtfotepUbor advocates who
driven 80 many t>f Hts
diiHren mto lives
timpdybecauM they could not
OMketiie wagte pud cover tite
cost of living. If tbeyever tiunk
Cf tfalaataU tbey mast tiiink
>ipeifidaIlyforcertii^ by no
gtwteh of tiie itnagirtatioo can
tiieir aSaal actote

, uxJUl iiL:«x.R9sst te^Mvfi. xfis,


3ia 8.UNION8T"j

Conttaned on oext page -





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We can^ftve the Best Possible Servk^ on

Letter Heads, Note Heads,
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O0ice 312 5. IMoti Street.

[CeattBB^traB«M(»A*pwto> lb


■eeofira^ wfoorasbi ollb Sbeta.
And While they Uwt Tomna ahd On
eaOM tspw their cnsp aad rode off
with dheir hOTMi. Btddle ba«i and
OnSer ***!«»» «f . HurtiHa.^ ^
rtBtfn ^ hoHH* HOa H«B^ ttr rifln*
At dawn they tad teaebed m wreck
ImrUti NDd tbr two «taHM nr w
of the Uon and nearliy a rooae«
^caao brtot. iUklns « aUkjT
Mtxtede. VbiiA ttey proceeded to pot
lundkenrblct HWlONt Ute «n»«ae
•It t defenaire conOltloB In caae «( an
lynn. loawd Wtn*^
nfcck by the-sCtlaw*.
the tareie hjfl
, The latfetr cnnda« the loaa of fhrti

-oe ceBtper
Moa or three iseoes for ^
of two,
^ ta sdvuice, excepting
wUdi runat«Mcentp«r
_____ per word eedi Utne.
'ented” nut
ton Itbm of diuge.

the UWMD to NrtiMe «
utdencrooMl. end SoeW^ IW«*
hi* Weate ttwt l»re «**P*d tliBt
w»y *nff that the rtwr htd •» ««‘-

John A. Wad4

OPMtly„«lle»ed. he Uartod to^tnh
p vU rfJff *J*ff tad f«H<*ed • ledse
me., the hHta »ta« ta be«a^H «
-fron Chu. aod looklof ap w* «"» 1“
p of the old pitwt.
Ht* mm
pite*t. who ww
inc to hnri hiB Into ttie W»-

219 East Front St, Traverse City, Aflcfc,

H Real Estate and Loans
IF YOU HAVE the security, t CAN FIND

Intat oo cwryinf out thU thmt
the creel fanatic Irened far o*a over
the-edfe and aa ta did ho. Totnae
ooe of bU epafe larlata a»d att*-'"'
bln .boot the neck dreoed bli
the fate he bad f«aai>ea for U«
new- OHlcklr salnln* the top. ToBa*
■sd the terrlSetl Cho «n»de aU ipoed
awar from the Aktw TlUage.

MCYOOR CYtXES - M kindi Xooriii, tlm. «11
ktauh. Motor tnicks,M ton, 1 ton, 2 ton. Intertfctiond motor ttucloi. Vd»et in hendt and tnlTcn in ho^.
when the kiclmnU othert-BQiieai. Norotdtoo ,oodi.
nohiiltoo itrong'tokeep thittmck irom moving

MeanwhUe IM<*. PoII.y. StebblM
I and teel were bartn* tbc wJldeB ride
I or tbdr Hrta. Borne npon-tbo erert
1 dr aie reahinr twrenl tbeW raft diced
into tte bowela of the inoontaln a*/
chip U aw^ Into' a cnlvert. For a
tew Bomenta after they tad ea|ered
the tpnnel they could edU aee eaeb
other’s face In the, pay Ulbt that
penetiited for eome dirtaftce Into thb
I atence. but eoon flinj^ftd^nnd


Poeticd intpimtio.i and mechanied con^cnon, m
Oporto none, superior to dl (Imeui the trucks)
'msaufsctu^ by a concern that has otw half a cento
.-ry toits credit in the ihdustriai field a^ neve'
a strike amoiig ita employee, never adismtiafied costomer. fair dealing, fair terrna, aatiafied cuetoinera
their motto. Over
inverted ter the ben
ifit 'of employee and patroniaera. The higheat priced H
mechanics in the worid. The higheat gmde oi me “
diihdtiirial construction in the world, all for the peoples
beiefit in all parts of the worid. AH sold on ea y terms. .
Call at office.

John A. Wade.
CiO. Phone 4T9 -


2» E. Front'St. |

get Scarface hy Aa threat----- "
Indian eaaasd speaking smd drew his
long knife wtA a grin.
-Oo to him." tUtmd
aparta Urn before ttas keeatae ^ are
White peepie end don’t Ufca to kffl «
enendee except it ta en «<>» filht
It* nnw tmconsdona paaaengera Swlm- where Aey hare a ehance to defs^
thtoneh the «urf they tpwed t themaelvea Bnt after the wmy ta
Rdcd- find rerlved' It* tapleai crew left as Aere in tte rend I wouldn’t
tihoiw fate became, a «nb)<wt of dia Uft my. Anger tota« hlB «7oa had
m In your powm."
ruaalnn. ended by Scarface. who
Meanwhile Chu. within hU atoAmtAed:
*nron aU lonk tired and I am pdu •d^ tad been a hoot untb htoaMt
Knowing that tannU ta uurresider or
to five yon' a pxMl. lone reiit.BeaUsinx what f-r- romin*. the cap be 4>teipu»«red ta ebolfl osport noth­
tleee could not nefreln fr»ni abnddep ing bnt deatt at tte hahda.of «>e d^
inf aa they contemplated what wai perate ones xrttbont he fouri«t on wtth
to be their fate. It would hare been the stolid IndUfsreoce of an Ormatal
Md enouffa bad they been fcownef who belleree that nil Alngs are foee>
like' rata In the depfba of the morm ordalnedrend will end to the for^
tain, bnt'to be bnrled aUre In them dataedway. The taUef that hto ahtte
sands and left a'pr^ for the ohoeep friends had come to ttelr deaths at
loe tide was cAo^ to tnm the brnr the hands of Scarface mads him taO
eet heart cold. Tet they were Incap with rage, snd nothtof wonld, havs
able of reslstlnc. and taowlnf that pleased him hotter than to tare besa
It would be Dseleaa to asik for mercy able to extmmInBte the wbde'ontlaw
they faced the ordeal that lay beton gang u he wqpld have tramped ont a
nest * ^pers. San, Jilaylng
them calmly.
*H3o ahead and bury wa and bt
he wen anew tnot.iu vu«
B." arid C ■
think yon
aei .
the white feather yon arevbadly B'e
taken. We will ahow yliu idw decent
women and men can die. Ton are a
pack of mlaerable.hyeoaa and we ban
Bothiny bnt contempt for yon.”

Sir Im^netreMe dark»'e». Aboo‘
•>hen they could hear, the re«b end
roar and hl»* of the wafer ai It ewept
pant the rock wait bnt the hladoieM
tad become w> denae that -they conid
not nee their hand* beftwe thetr facea.
Abeoluteijr powerlmn to pilde their
craft they conid but affhelpleerty aa
th<y were whirled on to whaterer
fate ml^t Ue In ctore for them.
their raft st
et caroled Tlolently. B«kI aeen object
tax It need..
acb other fer
they be swept to death In the tor
rent bnt eads time ihe traflle craft
Steadied Itself aa4 whlrilnx and aptn“■"« went reiWn* on tto way. DIA.
iwlii* the «lil doae to him. spoke
tn hd eat.
. *1 thita we are going to w!t

packed tight to their necks. And Are i
Aey were left to the paA oMbe ria i
tog tide.
. ' ,

tmong the Astecs when the fste of
tti.- prtcNt was letreed from a rl-llrt
who had seen him dragged Into thToleano. -War was dedared and i
isrte body of warrloen left st once a
(he trail of As whites.
Srertoce'i gshg found Ae wreA A
Ae Uon and were making, for Aa
aeaihy stoAade when Oin opened
The outlaws rstrested. UWe knowing
one lone FTilnese was holdtog Asm at


tSraataaa^ WON ’sdkaMaamt
ta* joareoHwAMMSAOTTa m
vduvsach ere wwM
waiTwn.»toasrt«OMt -aMscih <
ill ISM witBMiMt. omw' ouV
V renesTtw’ wTiwa*. ta tfcouaat
>da<s aoeMCAsat < aUa.nnrTwc
«ot 're«»*ot*dtsiswd>wa«M
,«are< MUMo aacK -im* momsw .
^ atcuu MU. ueareoWK. vs ' y
\ WnLttKVY CadMt


The Thompson Restaurant
Harvey ttanspm. Prop., 119 S. Uidon St.
Mare Your FrlmtOs Ihre. Homo CooUug. Don't miss U.
Vndar LMtner's Shoe Store. .


West VirglBir4;sal, Maple Bleck Wswl



' Farms ASpetialty

itbem we can }a^ <*« Aeir badk B

ywn barer* amoD —————


laqnire at 729 Lake ave. for

• ToTradn-FsrmwtrKtfor.Mssdcar
ea^ty aerre. 8oW .lor NOB. |80a remnina unpaid. First ptymeBl klOO. and
interest doe Dea..l.Box«HooestOpin-





Wanted to Buy Farms—Hava savcrul

Wanted to Buy 1




fsnre. What have you? T. H. Coxa.
lA S Union street
to trade for bouae and loL Inguare
B» Esw Ei^A SirMt.
or rent at East Bay. Tel. ISO.
be peninsula Toi' aale or rent L. G

tlnnsat Ophdon.

u, .an rere fuar ——^.r
■*»-? tmt-i, rtim
aahd above his bred

tide. As A wave receded, he recognlxed
bis friends nnd Aelr weak stragglre
told him they yet were tlire. '
Sliding orer Ae edge of Ae cUR
•Ue doara Sat or we win tare «n to a ledge, he ran alonfe to where
hreds knocked off by Ae roof ol Ae-water deepened end leaped ont
this place. We are folng abont forty Into Ae sea. Swimming to shore, he
Biles sn boor and Ae top of AU Ao- seised one of Ae boerdi Scarface had
ts clbre over us." Warned by hU used to dig the graves and started
to dig Dick ont. but DIA mottoned
^rei up^he ruft as It ground and to aave Polly fl^ The Indian re­
bumped Its wuy ever d^yper Into the leased Ae girt aid dragged her to a
heart of Ae grret BountsU
place of safety and Aen dug <>« A«
to Ae Wsekares benesA A
oAeia. One mlnntc later and they
taina Ae hurdle bearing DIA and would hare been drowned hot Aey
Ae oAers swept steadUy along, wd aoon recorered their strengA and Ae
Men they iwoke the morning of ^ firing having inwetaed. aU started
third day they jfotpkd themaelrea to down Ae beuA.
Ae Padfle a mile oB Acre, but too
BriPlly DIA told Tomaa of Aelr
weak to attempt
-------- - the mouD^ they araltei praying Ant n kind talus on Ae bosom of the subterwind wonld hlow As raft to Ae >anean river, snd how they
rived at Ae ocean worn ont r Aelr
Me^whOe, Scsrfsce and his fata long fast and tenlflc expe
bad left.Ae Artecs apd headed f« total dsrtMiw. The InAan listened
tha_acafl,_e»rnt'tog.Qtt j»aa»t sLtta sUcrttiY udUI be tad flttlshetL Am

The Farm is the Placet
to Get the Money'
All you have to do is to get the
-right kind ,of land. Here are .
some bargaiiis:—

, TW are only a few. Have many other bargains.
> Ihese are
look them ovm.

1 r-I ^, ..s?

TheBuckskm Tire is Tried, Tested
and Guaranteed. Why Pay More?

Korker Service Station
Subsenption Blank
Enclosed find One DolUr. fot which kindly i '
nuU HONEST OPINION for one year ta the
foilowin* addrew:

It will pay you to

T- H. COXE, 312 S. Union Si, Traverse City, Mich

li '

List Price 30x3 1-2 Less 10 per ct^$2.30
tax _____ - - $19.91
You save on each tire 3.09
Other sazes in proportioit /

Advertise-rBusiness will Grow



Slnen*eT«*^I^re 'abs had the
vainest reason for It..
•'4 lb(m-the reason amertM Itself.
A coalr toy orerthrown. a Uttle way
nom die Aair a mg was crumpled
and dimwn bs«*. the Ink bottle whh*
bad been upon the table lay

0rMpd»-8aicr ABtoalo it to
OuwnL. k Sm eU -Sputerd IfMat
OB bU —catMa on. UM
Amerlcu rid* o( tba Mexleu bor-

ont KBdlns tt. *Xos As
himself. "Bensrs ds Dl
take TerealtB swaj tR

' 'Vske me some pretty- speethes,
ISeoor Bflly." she Un^ed B0fUy.-“rhey
Amt up to me bm through the moon. ai^t like the pafnme tram red roses I"
She bad drawn her mantaU closely
Bhont her tor so other reason In the
- -world hat to tantalise the man bHow
aiiT by hiding heraeU from him. and
there was only herToice and the eagne
ootliDe of her young body thcongfa the
Mnes to teU him that'she was there.
Bnt to her his face. npWtad in the
. zxxmllght. .flushed and eager. Was nnSudden.
) -Ion arrrfllTtrh* Cried. seAlng
,tb makThU Tolce aavage and angry,
and succeeding admirably in filling it
>rith adoration.
*^ot DO." abe answered him from
She diA abont her. -That la to he
oneL And .1—1 am so sofMietrted
that to make^ snflar would dlstrass
ron your rM at ms like that
ngaln." Stanway -told b« T«*y posl' dvriy. -1 am going rldit in and tdl
the (Ad- genSeman that I am going to
BAny your
She landied gayly at bU iBStetBOBa
-U wmtd be Uka a fday." d>t said
•ftwi UUteaa ttendi-sba

pgafn In. the^eyes he could not i
imoot you With tneir guns r.,
-And yon find that tpnii^r demOd. M Stanway.
- ^ *-Is It.notl It is Uks tbs'<QWrar
-Ton are dytog for ^ operati
ipeeoer HU voice stlU rang with the
eagmuesa. within him. his hand was
npMt the vlnm whlcii clambered about
her balcony. -Let me cUmh up to
wfan must not!" she eriefi quiaoy.
And then, seeing that he hesitated.
Ae added U^rtly, again settling hersrif comforinbly upon her cushlooed
' seat ‘“OM would be only mualcsl
- comedy. And 1 ahorid have to flo in­
side apd shnt my window and run
downsuirs/to ^ gtande.
, 8hl" • 7
He codid make ont Ote gesture as
Abe told her fingers acroea her redUi
conld see that abe turned toward t
open window behind her.

raee Plan^

She stood a moment bsritsy. hmeteA a Uttle pato. Ohen the thnght
STeven nowStanway was .on hU
sny around the great house to the
rwdo drove her la haste first to her
mlrtor and the rearranging of her hair
'the rose Tine h»d disturbed, ftm to a
quick descent e( the broad stairway
to-the main floor.
Ths utter stUlnees of the tbawing
xun note her as she entered.^ The
mndles were like shimmering ^osts.
He ia Guerra was not in the room,
{mmcdtotely she was dimly «on-


bar ayee saw.- her Into under­
And as she stared, betee ms smee
iDMit wkM I aty When I Wl yoo that
Ill way to her Ups. abe
I dnt gold* to m*T^ you."
heard n sharp knoddng at ttie .ftuat
B* conld sot Bee tfaft fl<
crept isto her eireeto, nor the U«bt In
it swiftly, threw It wide
her eyes, bnt went on^wlftly. vngnnr<ledly. his Tolee slmost stem with the
emotion npon him;
•*01ie bhrder U nnsiift. Ueilco is Lootr
He looW the way her pointing finger went, a moment in frowning fallTon need aomeone to take care of: Ce to Comprehend, then.ln s«"
^on forget papa granda" she re-, "Inu mean—" he cried sharply.
■TCfc" she whirred, (dinging to
ilnded him gayly. - Ton eeem . to
his arm. rA moment ago I heard him
baea a bablt of forgetUag {dm."
. “Tonr graDdfatber." be said |n the caU ouL I—1 was'talklng sri^h you
and did not heed, bnt there was.anget
jame quiet tone. "U not the man to
protect you now. for three yery good in his voice. I mine down and—look,
. He is too
the border he to gonel There was a at
see the chslr thrown down, the mg.
rich a> go unmolested by ‘
the Uik splUed there!”
nds. who hark already n
Staoway left her-ride. Striding ah______ u» <»e raid Into American
mptly to wbere the bottle lay.
rttory under corer of night
.There wss a dark ameer on the ea^
-And be Is too Spanish. He wok
bom-In Spain—bis father kept him- pet near IL Be leaned oTer It. stoepthere until be was of age. Be is a Ing. seeliwHhe candles reflected fmm
Spanish and not an American cIOml" the dark surface.
•And bis face,, too. was very white,
“How kind and thongfatfal you are.
as be straightened up. drawing a deqi
Seoor Stanway," abe mocked him. tl>o
breath between .his teeth.
you And It necessary, erery time you ' He managed to stand l^etweai the
come' aeroes a young woman who
girl and the dart amdar.
to marry herr
“OefPedro,”he commanded Sharply.
His mood did not soften with hers
"Have him call the servants, the vathis time. Id Billy Stanways 'own
qoerM. every roan of them. Have
w*ds. “be meant business."
them come armed."
-Tonr'syandfather has already lost■ Ttoe girl turned and ran owtfBy
_ittle to the raiders." be told her. “U through the great rooms, down the
is known all over this end of the state long baUway to do bis bidding, a sharp
that Jie is bis own )»nkerr-that be fear clotchlog her heart. Stanway,
alwajle has a large amount of gold when she had gone, stepped quickly
and sUver in the house.
the room, snatched up a
“Some oi^ he is going to be call^ thm and threw It down upon the cari
upon for Bomethtof more thani Jiwt

pet, covering the dart'hpk near the
cowB to feed the hungry trials. And botUfc
Tbmi be stood stOL wmlUngt
.••nten I abonid1 be* protectedr Ae
As' he walteiL there -came to him
r^. T ehouM be tium the rilence-wiaiont a faint drum­
thnrmured demnr^.
married to an^Amertcas woow nugnv ming-sound, the notoe of horses'hocA a ,
hatkm is tiM hy.IlM Ktsteansl in a msd tattoo of flight thxuug^^ 1j

?ober^ H.rioul^oK»


The three roots so dng up were ttrow*
BO a traah pUe ,in one corner, of the
rard. with the Idea that, fflnee tt
wanted to run on the grouad. It wotfid
pow and eooceal the trmah pUa
It not only dld.tbto the first season,
twt continued to rroefa out until It cov­
ered all the adtototng frocea flnsUy
reaching the boro lot, where the fam­
lined to become om C< ily hocse wi«k«L Aceocdlng to ta
the leading souroea of (iwser, tho boikk. Utonny woro .hto
wealth in certain oaetloDS mane off tooriilng «dor.. m Imro

HONG the many sdentlflc
discoveries brought abont
by the war to the fact that
In kmdeu. a. leguminous
iptont, this ■^country pqs. kroses one of the liardteat
end moat valuable forage
plants known. Indeed, this

hart aerusa the -hafdar.A t ^
Be ran to the wtnddw. The
tttetewastom. l^Ught and asndto
ll^t abowed hlm'wherq wood and of roughage that )aots throurtiout t
plaatar were scrau-bed as In a bur
ried edt
Then Teresa bad come bade to him.

-1 Must Go,” She said SoMy.
“Sehnr Dempton has gone. That to it nof Bueno. Hoea Senor
The master says that in half an Wnr Stanway know my kmaman, Bdnaidtr
he wUl be glad to -see the BenorlU Bamon Torrel Be to a Bpantard. of
. Tpesa."’
• •
bloeblood old of Castle, aenor. And
“Bueno." abe answered Ug
he to a natnraltoed American cl
hear, Pedro." And Uten when she atoo He—”
beard Pedro's light tread on the stair­
“to a d—d young puppy r mapped
way, descending, Ae turned sgsln Stanway Irritablyitoward the man below her.
-With ua,” said Mtoa Torasa stiffly.
go," she arid softly, '‘papa grande -OM does not swear In the presence
wishes me."
of n tody. Nor does hs losolt hw
“Not for .half ah hour,” he said throngh her klnamen."
qnlcklr. “I heard that”
-I beg pardon—honestly I do. Tersas though aha imre heritatta.” BtaniVay baatesed to aay. -Bnt
Ing. “I should go now.' It to very un- you ahouldot mention the young rep­
maldenly of me to .be here with yon. robate’s name If you doot want me
If 1 had known that yon were ccmiUic to Ihrear, and yoa know tt. Now rm
X Aonld certainly not have came ont coming m^”
to look at my stan."
Hto hand was again amoug ttte vtaea
-Ion an a Utae*humbug Tereelta.” aeeking a bold oomewhar* and being
hs Usiflisd at her. “Ion did know that mocked by the smooth adobe wall.
I would be b««. and you wtfe ^d of
do U GnetTa, aUrmed. wai
tt aad yon came oat luet toBoe
upon her feet proteatlng. And thro
•To see your And be could Imsg“Shr rile called down to him. -1'
me the airiilttg of the brows above bar to
grande. I heard him call. An­
other time. Seoor'BlUy. Some
gnat ayaa-AndAd'teaaame. Bat look teu—” eight—vBBThB tomorrow, who kn
am looking, aanor. Ham
and I ritaU ateal.0Ht tor a Uttls rialk
hut you are handsome dn ths
light More so than by day 1”
-I did sot- CODW hem tonight to
naka yo* pretty «>eertea," aaU Stan­ theoaraoof.ttte--------- ----------- -I am eomlng, too,” Ite-caltod up
way atnbboroly attar hto way. -I-----her. And she knew that he meant
irtet be seld. -I ahiU come around
to the petio and no to Om ttbat doew.
I am going to talk with your----- '
«g- bm lioghlng faee, «f vriitta arms father tonlriit. Teresa mine I”
A laugh floated out and dOwa to
and throat ttua which the manttlto
biro a rose fell, ewiklng against hto
^Sk, there was the rilaun* “A
-That 1 love yoih^
«(ttr She lOHnsd to toda Into
^ again bar Caca was hlddm.
: -Amd Oat Z actually and porittvaU

It; the number of farms on whldi It
was crJiwn was Inslftrtflcant fn fact.
It appears ndt to have been studiously
coltlrated aoywhwe untn a. riorida
made the aecldeotal discovery
that Ws live stock seemed to prefer tt
Their master-was not here; tbrir to soy other kind of forage plant and
waxed fat upon It As this
young mlatrest' eyes Were'-tnmed with
intent eagemeos -npon the ybnng was at a time when the hlA coat of
.^erlcan owns- of the Painted Bort feed forced many fanners to reduce
ranch, and'oo the servants, eadi of the dally allowance of their anlmato,
them, turned to Stanway expectanUy. be hastened to plant a number of acres
Stanway waited in silence a momat to kudsu. with the most mtlsfactory rendtU a new set of faces lo the doorway, enlts.
. Builds Up Poor Land.
((artei^.-enn-klssed. bearded faces, told
It was nofooly as a feed for hto
him that the vaqneros bad rtom to
farm anlmato ttiat be discovered vlrPedro'a clamorous calL
the plant. Wever. ^ found
Then he spoke to thcfii all, swiftly,
with rlalng emphasis. caUlng npon that by reason of tta power of ertrattlog nltrogro from the air throngh
the medium of the bacteriajm Its roots
and adding this essential element to
the soil .11 quickly built up pbc* and
they would gi;flsp.
-Oaoebo,” he called as s very tan. woro-out land, making It fertile and
aloewy. Arab-loofclng man pushed hto produetiTC- 1“ «"■
way throngh the dutterod door, rm* lleves It4ren superior to Hover, alvaqnerae have wort to do ttmlghL Are falfs and other leguminous pUnta. Last
season he made the, beat corn ever
they all here—todoar
grown in Florida, averaging 80 bnsb“No, senor.” he
to the aero, on land that the see-Los otroa comlii' muy qdeek.”
before had been planted to kndsu
-Ustett, then, while they come,” ren- and thii without any f^llier what­
on Stanway. “It it thcHeileans. J. ever. What made the experiment nxwe
think, who have taken your master
There was the noise of cabeUoe run«
nlng beck toward ttie border. They
of any sort, being
are not ten mlnotee abrod. How
manyt Quinn aehu, OswAiI Prob­ "iUI twr»»e abont as the result
a band af raldera. nbt many. . (ew vines which bad been planted
men. with riflca,'cnn you « the lawn of hto home for omq.
gri to boros prontnr
mrotal pniposroKndxn makes

Eiitfir Eduardo Ramon
Torre, who addi new oomliiieatiene to an ^larfidng

tawB of this Florida man U was grown

town. makUmlt Impoofl
meats whlrt eoold ben
tageoualy- But it took a rturt* paper
to C0er the moat original ose yet:
-Waated—A mlatoter who baa been
married *4 yrors to very Arntrow of
Tieoble la rite Faturo.

«h.« . «...

much in uttle

. ,

Marshall Smmoo of Banroi

of the giaseea, hays or foddeca dar>
Ing the period 'of curing means osrious Inlnry if not complete ruin.
Kudxu's Hardy QualIttoB.
Kudin, however, possesses Dcoo.of
____for maaryean and It may be
cot or putured at aay ttoae during tbe^
teaaon. In north norlda. from abemt
tte middle of April untf^ tt«*t como.


. have 1MB oriLTood vroriiM
BMmfing alarmed, toat ttie ptont until March, whro tt wu AgMed-M *»
Bright be potoonb«s. «ho owner of the bedding, in prrierenee'to tbe boat My
that could be bourirt. The viaee do
not bloom or bear aeed. and tta room
peaetnte tbe sofi deeply, for which
r^son they remain green and fnll
of life during the ntlre growing sea-.
Accordingly, the bay can be cut
__rimantlng. with the rasnlt that It
waa found by repeated analro«« to coo- __ time when Iveatber coudltlou ere
suitable for curing hay. ae kndxn to
; tnjpred by waltkit for good weetbaa other hay crops are. In faev
of protrin In alfalfa la 1A8 per cent even if kndxn is thoroughly soaked
On ia measured space 30 feet square during the curing period. It wUl after­
wards show little efiect of wetting.
be cut during one season at the
of 11 toBB cured hay at four cnttlnga.
Most people might Nttitok jhat bees'use kndiu is a vine, tt mo« tqyOT
This, however, was an exceptional
Torable season, there being no
dlfllcnlt to cut and handle It as a ny
frosts, and the first cutting was ready crop. On tbe conirory. experience has
May 1. ‘Rie second cuCtiDg was made shown that It to no more trouble to
June 11. the dfird the last of Jnly, and cut or handle than a heavy crop of
red clover. Mexican clover, crobgraas.
the fourth early In September.
WhUe It to not claimed ^t kudsu or any other hay that makes a matted
will make four cuttlngi every eeaaoa. growth, while U to much easier to ban- .
nor jlrid 11 tons PW acre at a cntttng die than either eowpes or velvet bean
It Is beUeved that a safe estimate la hay. Cnllke the cowpea and velvet
from two to three cottlnn with
bean kndxn la oacbored to tbe gtqnad
yield of from tour to six tons pet every few tachea aad so ttie vinea conacre, anywhere that the plant may ' not drag abend of the mower blade, os
grown under favorable cirenm
1 the case of peas and henna,
ices, and experiments have preved
Kndn should be propagated by
that It to perfectly hardy aU ov«- the meant of tbe rooted planta. for when
United States, enduring ttie wtatera as these plantt are removed to new fields
far north aa Nova Scotia.
they carry with them tbe bacteria, on
ttte tnberries of their roota. which are
'Needed in the Ssvth.
What to needed Isf the South etpe- neceroary td Inocntote the new sofi la
(flally. to a forage ttiat stock can live order to secure the best results. When
and keep fat <n the year antmd. There the pleat becomes well estabUriied It
are many valuable cultivated crops needs no farther cvltlvatlim; .being
that make imroeoee ylrida. but tbelr able to control native weelb' and
period of mature life to abort making grasses wlUiout oastotaace. nte roots
frequent ptentinga necessary In order live tor many years and do aofl require
to have a complete snccearion. Tht replanting after tbe first Moatn.
vHvet bean, for Instance. U an all-eeaJbe proper time for ptoaUdg kndxn aon crop, bat |t to not reedy to N«d to two or three werts- la edipnce of
until Novembeit The eowpes. eoy com planting, or a fflitte earUer if' .
been, and the varioua aorgtama and one can get the;grouBd>aady.- A-yntb'
millets are good fong* enpa. but all crop of com may be'-gntora ori^tbe
must be planted In euceaHlro and cul- rome land during ttjjr flMt-*aab'by.
tlvated for best resultu. mthermore. rimply «------—
------to the case of crape that must be liarveeted befwe feeding, tbe farmer has
only a tew daya ia
to get tt
la Itaialme oondltioii. woMdag that
to ImpoiMbte if nlai are treqoent
level et’the to« o^tt|NM»'P
or n»
Again, an tbe legnssea. with -the ex- e^
cqitloQ of kndn, are opes to ob)oc«oa axmgh drepidag tbrir leaveo sad
r Che^SteB will not need
rittfteriag while curtag aad haiweatMl qt hlLiM fiM viaoa iriU
lag. Aad a heavy fain oa tbrna. or
A vriodpode for two Ms bon derigi^ 4o eOBOtneted that a «aaQer
txv no ride ntriy bebiDd a toffer
ooe. who amfllea tM motive power.
A nittuod in BraM! utOisea im
old nlla, Mounted in pain, for telegrepb petoe la t reglao where Insects
destroy wioodw onee.
A dead irtole that drifted sabore.
ta^g Jc&M bay. has been blown up
by dynaatt*. Tbe eorcoM was 60 feet
long and wM estimated to srelgb mors

ry keneroe oU for wasbtng wM
a. Dampro a doth with tt «Bd.
a tt>e gtoan tbrobrilfh wUhariiy

Jects la good ooaditloa 1 __________
vtood .by Dr. OUdmahlga prntwaaa
of ttie Kyoto ualverrity. tt Mb provofl.
very elleeilve in protaettag wan Mm
BMS and ottMT Am wotta «fl att. •



_______________ nthtbf.


tboir tet men tb»B
v«fa» tb* frefl-------------frc«(M&t aw«l
Tat intbem wk«t»
AOmH TaafSut, tb* entiMptie. b«Bi«
powdfer te be ehibra into tiie Aom eid

int. U'taka the fVietkNi Iran the Shoe.

Always Ask for Genuine
“Bayer Tablets of Aspirin’*
The Rutine PMelen.
Vm Tattertoo-Oh, dew I I -wleji
tbm w*» M»e
to -break Uttte
Oledya of neklug ter ttnmb.
Her Hnrtend-r-Dont worry; ^«n
die eet» a Utde older eheni noti« tt»t
K tnterferee with ber talUns. 31i«

____ -WSowlNcla

-If yen Me the “Bayer OresF* on ftie
padtage yen are anre you are not ga­
ting tnlciim powd^. lemons, of frandulent Aspirin Tabteta -toece recently
•old throurtient the country. A^Arinto

Buy • Finn Now.
Bemme lead l>

•BdaMfi^asbKBa; «B»r Ufotmetlbe t©



alnhlp which bears his name.

witbifae BoAdM to FtMlIiMd
-The way of the

Tim Cutlevr* ToWet TrldaAtoto hM made tUe taMW fMdtebM HavlBs eleaicd your Ain keep it den
ao Nooe«foi.4n tiw tnatMt of by DwklDg CnUeora your erery-dn
toOet prepnetioaf. Tbe MptodeuM
und pnHfy, rtm otatmmt to epoOm ead
teal,.the Tdcain to powder and P***
No toOet table ia '
wiaioQt tbeai. 25e ereryrtw
Crowing Old.
X eo be can ptQoa
n get!
make the chap called eore. but <
alone in they answer his argummts?
■s he 1iB’gettUigE along
already n^g hard words
' «nr the tax[ on soft drlnka.

a Wtaod oostg only
A fay cent*


». 19^ Tribal <

TVlth the lowering of the foiT«*.
• cording to Mr.
b Wojta, Tartes from
as a rule. Their
greatest interest Is In root crops, gar­
dening. poQltrying and horses, and
these topics are discussed at the agrh
culibral schools.
•The ««*ools for the Indians are well
anended," says Mr. Wojta, The at­
r«S^y e»«y bottlej<
tendance varies fnmi 75 to 800. At
famIUee who live the meetlnES-when Mrs. NeHle Eedzle
itui chuoren. ano we uw^
Wlaconaln farms. And there afe J(-nes tells the w-omen about the best
Bean the
«dy 10,000 Indians left In the entire ways to keep ^oose, there te mat in­
Signature ofj___
terest ,
Btate. _
“Moving pictures are’shown to the
txM xvx
In TJee
for Orer SO
W) Xeart.
“The war was a gredt sllmalas to
Children G7 for Fletcher’e Carton* the Indian fanners,'' says J. F. Wojta, Tstilans on such subjects as building
•who te'saperrteor of the one and two- fence* and tend clearing. Theyare-ln^ A daughter te an embarranalng
day agrlcaltnrat schools which the col­ lerested In these and their lntere«
lege of agrienttnre holds for the In­ changes to great joy when I show them
dians eai* y«r. “They were deter­ slides of Indian life in Wisconsin. A
scries of OB slides Ulostratlng Indian
mined to prodnee enough food
themselres In order that they would life In the state from early times nntU
be a burddn lo their country. today are shown during sebotd ses­
They planted gnrdnia raised poultry, sions. and no actgpss ever received a
and tried to grow their own food." - greater and more enthusteHc aKOauae
4he Btee of the farms owned and ithan theae-aUdes bring."





Maglet JUt drep
•M that touchy corn, tostantly It atopa
aching; then you lift the coffi oS with
the ftngera.-Trulyl No humbug!
TryFreesonel Tonrdragrtatarttea
tiny bottle for a few cents, aufident to
ltd yoor feet of erery hard core, soft
corn, or com betwemi the toea and
' ealloasa without one pardde of peto,
MrencM or irritatioii. Piaezone te the
dtecoTBT of a noted CtoetonaU genius.
OuMial Ferahingto War.Mep. In iiwtoiiiiig GgAetal Perahlng's war
loamx musnuu
uuxxvrtap in the old National
Museum buDOing In Washington. '
---------rocn at the front
IS to actual uM. te'
wba the map was
being reproduced as a eetttog. • Here
wtll be rite chalra used by the gaeral
and hla -aids while they studied '
map. srikldi riianged hourly, night
day, as reports came in and were
corded. The table at whKh the offleera
looked over documenta Will stand as It
used to ftt one alda and the walls wUl
be ooteM with the idenUcel Itoeoleum
that was a background for tl^e map.
The map waa bronrtit over to ptecea
now-Joined togetber. and the conven­
tional dertgn of the Uneolenm te said
M give an odd kltcbenllke draeatlclty
to the room in which General Pershln*
umtehed history writing Itaelf to a
vary Uteral oenM on the wait.


■nd I want to marry yonr daughter."
•Do yon realise that «3,000 won't
• teat long powadaysr
-Oh. yeA air. But lk ought to tkke
care of us for et least alk months and
'nt fte end Of tjat time If I haven't
convinced-you that I'm an ideal sonto-law yon needn't do a thing for ua.*'
As We hava to Uve v--------■ Wa Mould see to It that wa alwaya
teve good company.




that they hire the dieaM. It is on esk
at all drug steits to bottles of two sms.
AuthorW Handwriting.
If raadera and admirers of the poV
IMed sentences of popular anUioTS
could see the original manuscripts
from whlch< their works are printed
they would be cTven interesting side-'
lights on tbb character and personal­
ity of the writera. The handwriting of
G. K. Chesterton has been described by
an Bdrtteh editor as “shocking." W.
W. Jacobs, comedy writer of tbe sea.
bss an his Uterary work typ^ and
makes but few coireeUons on the fin.
tehed msnnacript.
Other En^teh
writers whose copy te r^ted t
neat and quite acpeptebla to'a pr....^
are a O. WelU, Bndyard KtoUnff
Arnold Bluett and Sir Arthur Oonan Doyla Editors say they never
know what to expect from that Im­
aginative genius, a de Vere Stacpcdto
Sometimes hte wortf-is neatly typelfin
good paper, but often it Is serlbtoed to
■heeta tom from a copybook.


"BowSv^,^tf^ wish first to test this
kihner * Cb.. Bin
The eratee on the left wwa harveated frwn two rows, whiob had bewi
•own with untreated SMd; tooae on the right wwe grown from .treated

ritteg be we and

Divided Blame.
gb»r-“ToD ouMt to be ashamed of
ateallng a ktea.", He—“Tgn ere equal­
ly guUty.
Ton received the atolen

Wiaconato onion growera are bring
urged to insure-their crop agatoet
smut by treating Uie seed at plentlngle lege of agrlcnltuTe, *1dlte the
With-a total acreage of onlone to the
> from 1,000 to 2,000 acres and a eporea near the seed and' allows tha
-We must not be a nation of NK>Pd by the stout keepers." said the man of genwoua
loss of SO per cent of
smnt. often the need df'i
“No. But while th#M luxury taxes
------------... v..„ - ouftn
through a rioth to rmnore tbe aedient.
Soak the garment to tbe'cbld aolntlpn fpr an hour to remov* the color.
To hsiMea tbe bleaching, one part of
vtoega^ to eiarf IS parts of solution
No need to fret over the faded drew.
be added. Heating the solo '
It can be made to look like new—et
hastens the scUm and the
least as tar as color te concerned. tertete to be bleathed may be brought.
Bright summer sunbeams will fade the
Heard on the Train.
colon from many favorite fsbrtca. nr
Tb this Mr. RUeyr ,
“Eh—wbatr said the deaf old Map. as hard as you wUl to keep the rotors
Ts this Mr. BUeyr
The art our grandmothers' knew M>
“Bileyl Oh. yesl"
well—djetog—has been revlvbd to the
T knew your Isther."
home today. That the revival of this
-No bother."
custom win Bid milady to keep her
T say I knew your toOtar.*
trdrobe looking new is the opinion
of Miss Agnes Boring of the home
ecoDotolcs department, the Wiaconato
“Oh. did yet Bd did'
college of agricnltore.
' To achieve success to household <ffetog. aceordlng to Miss Boeing. <
is ninally best
remove the rolor from linen or cotton
materials before redyeing, nnlees the
color ,i* to be the same tbe second,
time. For toetanot Mlae Boring aaye
it te hard to dye a *re«> jlreaa a pretty
shade of red. udIcm the gruen dye is
flrat removed. ' ,
“One of -the-brirt ways to remove
the rolor from linen and cotton goods."
saya Utea Boetog. Ts to boll tbe mr
ment in a sotatton of water and. wash­
Dyeing Clothaa Itv the Ham*.
ing aoda, two or‘three tableepoonfh'*
"Why is It young Boppa iooka m
of waehiu soda to every, gallon of to the boUtog point and ttm rgpoved
the flame and allowed to-ffaW 'gn^^Maait opr T .think It te beeauM
thorwater. WKen ihe'colqr te gone thor­
ough rtattog to watOT te neededf.tore- five mtootea, or until the color, is guqm hte bert girt threw him down."
more tbe vteshtog soda 'wateet. Ri the teat rinsing water
Jure tbe tebric tf left
An even quIMer way to-take -the add one-half cupful of vinegar ftw *w
calor-trom faded UMna and eottou te ery gaUob of water. Even though ttN
color te DM all fODA tbe garmet^ wOl
•Tmi wants it'made a Uva iasnA"
soabi them to -a
flnIM. bleadilDg If spread <mi the grasa
Procanttena rouK be taken in rtnslni
te remove all tiuces of tbe bleaching
der. which may be purriiaued at any powder from the others, for U te Uk*
drug store.
Sttato ' • the • aotnOou ly to weaken them.

why so iriany
people, make


nonnnds Have Kidney
Trouble and Hev«
Sn^ectlt ■

An essBteteg jhyairiM tor eao cf tto
proniuent Lite
lAto IiiHrsBee
Insarm Oomrenlv,
____rw of tbs sahjeei. made the M
tooiihiag lUteamt ,that sue nun why
ao BSBr 'snptinBU tor tesursnee sn
jArt^Teeause Bdnvy trooble h
eonmn to the Anwtieta people, sad t

There's a J^easort


itutb 8. 1917. He was tarj to 1»8
and was a Ileotenant of cavalry at the
age of twenty-five. when, to April.
1068. be was sent to the Onlted SUtes
as Prussian mlUtary attadte of the
Dnloo army In the CIril war. bring at­
tached to the Army of the Mtesteslppi.
In which Gen. Carl Schura command­
ed a brigade. It was at that time that
Tbe Traders.
Count Ton Zeppriln had bte flrtt exEkra' Wlnroi^I hear yon swapped
inplna autymobilee wtto SI Skinner yeaterdi
Who got the wnst of tha bargain. E
HI Hoifttoa-W-a-I-l the one I got,
thrust on me te sufferin' horribly from
ague, an' balks quite a .lot 'count «t
Twas a cold wlntw’s day. and Abe mlasto' on eadi and every cylinder off
and Bee bad been walking together an' on. but I heerd this momto' that
for some considerable time, to the SI te huntin' fer the JesUce uv thu
usual Jewish manner, with their hands peace to order toujreer .ont e warrant
tucked to their sieeves, muff fnahion, fer somebody.—Bnffalo Expreaa.
and firither bad spoken a word the
whole time.
Couldn't Dq that.
Said Abe to Ik^
TPhto you grow-up, toy little man. I
“Vhy don't you'
•up^ you will contme yonr talM>
____ er-B bnstoeaa."
“Vhy met Tou Jolly veil get your
“WeU. 1 guessdiot: ha makes a
own hands cold," replied
ness of lldttag me“
don Ideas.

•the rediilap part, of at
.least one meal each day.
It's because of -trie
1 ftovor, and -won____ I -values of Graperiuts
qs aheaKh.builder.





oHUm' Mm Own tnhl

"' M — Uar a* Itoalns ate IMb
an fn dtnte «a tee •■■■.

Rev. Chas. H. Vail

Photo Pl^ProducEtlby Vitaji-aph

toe We*hi« «»»»**«»
may come, to ! In toe twlmldteg.


onteome ot'-mdcrc indostrbJ condi-:
tioiM. Like mort sreat movtmoits. it
*TOese ien were truly
fau puMd tfaroudi a Otoi^ |Aase.
Iltiaperiod beeao aarly in the right- their age. They did wdl, 4PvMy
well. conaidenng.tbfc light they ^
•anth centui? and was cha»»cteri*ed
seed, but they were not in pniirWinn
by toe 'Utopian atoemes of Owen, SL
ofsufOdent economic data toeoahlt
.SiBM and Fourier. Tbeie men were
Sodalistsin that toeir ttartln« point them to perceive toe genesis od. cajA_
eritieiain . of toe sMat exploitation, or co^rehend toe ;
law of economic evolution. They per- exiating aoeU aystem, and toeir object
eeived'toe evils qf onr toduririel otdw
toe overihrow of the capitalist economy
and depicted toe a^ w(to clea«e«
and toe suhatljution therefore of collect
andsatire, hot it w» toft to the grata!
ive ownership, they werelUtopians
becanaetoey did not grasp toe real of Kart Marx to point out the geneaU
olaurplus value and the tow,.pf eerafaetora of Sodaliam. They aawrmed
ul ttm . ■»!«• ,
that aU that wu needed to bring in ibe
Socialiaffl from .Utopia to actonce. '
newordea.^ enligbtenmeut. They
nn>ea!edto men aa a whole, -expecting
toat when the matter was rightly
undaistood, all wouM wish for the
change, aid those enjoying special
pHrileges would divest tbemaelves
of toeir possessions and usher in toe
The Utopians ignored
the class
struggle and consequently failed to
recognise the fact toat a part of society
the ruling daaa. wu satisfied wHb
toe existing order and desired tts

Socialism upon a aoUd f<u»ndation. U
is now no longer a acheme or de**»,
of anyone, but aaciratlBc pUtoto^y
and re^pon . an historic, economieand scientific bssif.
We need, however, to ^quiah
between SocuUm as toe future state ed
movement, which is an effort .
to'realize that state. The SodaUst
movementmust. uf neceaaity, he carried
on sritoln the confines of the preeant
social order, and so possess^ sevatpl

all that was neccstary-proclaim aloud




■; S i

••or: •- I ■■

Kvt V B •

. • •Jia-s «oold hr

,ar;ea up ihe mt-oniiao trail.
l«d eesreriy got under W,
Torons, to the lead, twsed hm
n cry of alarm, rauve <
the some null could painty '
Lopes, the Aztec riiief and a h
of warriors approaching tattidlyfrantle baste the horses ware tm
about rad tori wm^. ahont 'to i
lack, when a new peril was iScartoce rad hls gang 1
the same trail.
The trap to whhto They how
tbennelves.was peilloua to
treme. On two aides thrir race,.
cot off by toe nntme of toe cow
whiltr both In their front and i
were timed bands who would a
them no m'en^. To give open battlB
to either one of toe hoatlle fWW*
would immediately faU upon tbari
from toe rear, while torir party
not large enough to divide Itaetf Mdf
•fight to both dlreotlona at toe fi—
time. It seemed as toea^ they e
to be massacred to toe last one. an*
-It was at tola time that Tomns shOwnT
hls gBlIsntry. He tnnied npda Dito
rad Polly.

“Ue teU yon what yon. do. loM
holly good feller and whlta ,wesliiVe you heap much. Too two take
. aU tor gold you can carry rad
fam as yon van into toe mounti
Till you find a good place. Then
hide and mebby they no find
When they go away , yon get
again all right and be heap '
-But what will become of

Ortw QuIeUy Swunfi the Machine Gun m 1
Hlled ^ overpowet^HR torWoeSade most have recelvedTfKe.V
r cried
only hope was that he mltot MH'a retreated back into the woods to form
a new plan.
Bomba' of hls foes before this
They realized toe
Scar^, waraVnciQg idle. He o^ toeir Blthatioo and were, prepartoi
pened. and enconraged by that
ered fhls men to biJiigvA couplT of flitot to the last man when toe
be never, for an instant relaxed hls
n cnAa-aiwl with sticks of giant pow­ aioo was broken by a Innidi fro®
a of the. stockade.
__ fthooting
_ from < e place, nnd der and pieces of fuse he soon had wtm called from toe ed^ of to
vine riml he bad a ruse wblrii
thra-another, had up to.tols time kept fashioned two forroidable bombs.
Hsudlng.one bomb to Screweye. he sBve them.
toe dntlras at a distance, but finhily
told him to throw it from one di­ itND W FOURTEENTH
ficarface suspected a ruse.
rection. while .he threw hls frbm an1 ten you. it’s a bluff." he said
other. Creeping to .toe edge of the
Bereweye. “Ibere canT be more thHCwoods, Screweye United the fose.
n behind that stockade atnJ ’..v DIto was on the top of the bairi«de.
CUT hit anything,
watdilng and
Guided by toe sound of the riiootlng
nnd bis party, 1^ by Tomas,
•aak Hams Again.
THE TOWN A vast*plle
____ jont'later, Searface's bon*
came rapWly upon the scene of toe
of toconinuna '
valiant defense of toe stockade by the dropped Inalde tbe ntotoade Diok.
one of toe Urge Tumdna
C&toamau. : Secreting
tbmnsalvES hearing-.toe. rimtJ»Hng-.ft®?, .dgata
ina' wKaetra ihia attenttoa i
where toey erald' wetch toe aOJlr nvedlhe day by aehdncAt 'ri*
puranaiia -it trito ita. ow .
wiihovt beliy aeraraey toM^-wnBade aad. bedding, raaats of diaweto
wtl^ lindlet removed rad toe drdwen
•Thatto Chu to. there boMlag to"® law fiat. Able to gala sbritar. ba
haUi down by otitpo of wooden Into,
at bay," announced pick. “Of dourse shouted In'rage;
nn^ motes cratatatag mqpremes and
“The man .who tbrevr that bomb was
we have got to go to hls'rescue. hot
pillows, tine btto tuba filled with every
eoocrivabte domestic property, are U> need to send a 'poUea “tookont" warn­ we u-ant to do It to such a way that Van Brunt I They mu« have esc .
Kinebow. We cant rush toe fewt
bried “Belflaa refugee." and the name ing.
An laiander. when arrcsteil. we will abt lose any of onr party.
of the owner, toe Identification num­ would go to toe little JeQ and tofonn We had better remain hidden here DOW. There are too many for ns."
for a' few moments and see If someber. and toe {dace of
tbe keeptf be was tmprteonad.
Wash, hut do not
Diaz, tmtihd agnlnst Scarface in hi
clearly Indicated among toe dliwcUons.
In andent timea toe Mand was 'tolng doescT happen that .uTlI give
peel toe apples, aa
This is all a silent testimony to the called Hcrtoa. A temple of Foesta. ni an advantage. As long as CIm heart, arrived oh the cliff ov^riookin
green apple i»n
nalns where he Is ihey cannot hurt the stockade. anxlouR tq help Did
effect of war. Tbe tnigrution of all a FrtaUn goddess, was theca. From
cooks weUsnd adds
these tooQMnds of people beck to whkt toe tenth nntU tbe fourteenth centhe
in the rileed appl®
rimilni of toeir native towns cannot tnry It was Indapeo^t Then toe the oeceeslty to making
cook until tende,
but evoke sympathy trom all tboM dukee of ScfaleeWlg took it over and der to get at him; Wril. when Uint
1« toe alrup co(*
whoae homes are> cstill Intact, whose need It mainly as a pawn for loans takes ptoce we can rise up and give
he made a ru'le paratoute, und cll(pl>- down until quite thick and pour over
fields and ortoai
until‘the ttaoea acquired It 400 years (hem a -volley before they know we Ing Into the sapUng he severed the them. Seal In amall Masses or Jart.
gay with white a
Uter. Denmark ceded It to Orest are anywhere allont Thn- surprise rope which held it. Like a cntnpiitt
Cheese »alsd.-Dissolv>e s ttblewin kno<* them off their feet and
Britain eariy to the
1 Parable.
will be able to clean tham out before be was *hot ont into space above the epbonful of gelatin In four tableTUry and toe
they ®n regain their wits." Toroas, stqrkade. the parachute opened nn! spoonfuls of-hot.water. add half s
worst type, was testifying before
however, had anothm- plan, rad they he fell Into the top of a tree within pound of gtowtl toeaae asd a pldt of
6r«M Travorte RabbHry coroeid- at an Inquest over a suicide In
an Rgreed with him, after be had told tile barricade. As he descended. Dick whipped cream, seesoo 'wril with salt
seized him end .he started to ekplaln. and paprika with a few daahes of cay
an eastern Indiana town, and waa be- and. steri. at a cost of S3b.000.000 and toem of K.
•‘Scarface. he lie to me. He 'ray
As the roflUns argued, Tomas led
le. Pour into a wet mold and allow
tog queetloned as to what be knew .q>»t mllUoni more on turrets and big
toe otben to a bluff toward the ri ar other man la old Capltrao Bahsome’s
to become firm. ’Tura out and col
about tbe shooting that edded to the guna
slices, sene on letufee with mar
Vtsiteff by so
Dlnz then produced Polly’s note­ onnalse dressing or vrttli any desire*
“Now .bout how tor' were ^j
ahs^‘^rt<^.“lri7d^ opened fire on Boper. who stood senbook. which he turned gver to. Dick. boiled dressing.
from tbe deceased when yoji beard the •
i- lends. ’
shotr asked the coroner.
Sawty nice and l>ege«Wea.—Peel
to p filet
-AS near AS I ^ remetuber.- rebed e turtous quirt in their Satan around to the rear of the atockade, ■ ^e took in. book—find map and and -dice six large tomntix.-* nn.l clisp
gold nnd bide It In other plnee."
Advwtifi*--They shave : pUed -the-yoato. ‘1 u-as about tun
wooden lea—so painted in a plc? Tomas gaining It openly.
rwo su-evt peppera fine, huttet a liiitConvinced Dias was-.^temng the mg dish rad put in a layer of ivo»Scarfsce was not a bit discouraged
dgarettw Awaj:lure of toe “SJnpution of ChrlsT la
That'S What
meon by Two cigar- toe historic chnrto by the Island artist by Tomas Joining C9iu. He bad not
too. cover with liulf a cupful of cooked
■ further qnea- of toe seventeenth century. Andrese seen toe others andj Impatient to end mounted the stockade ahd waved s rice and chopped peppera. repeat with
hondkerchlef. aod -when . Scarface another layer, aeaaon each layer with
Ameltok.'* B^ce a Schleswlf saying: toe scrlmthage. shouted
AT W S. UNION street!
-Come oo—euah ’em. There’s only cane out to parley, .shouted:
of boner, a sprink"In Helgoland the devU goto on
•^Ve are sli-k of It. We depart If
you win let ns go away unmolested."
Scarface agreed and riiortiy Dick cover for IS mlnutea.
NO CHANCE FOR PICKPOCKETS riwiter. toe outlaws set up a riieer .and hls party rode ont from the stock­
and quickly prepared to follow tbe ade and past the ontiau-s. wbp Jeered
Woman Can Carry Her ValuaMw and plan of Scartace; ' With toe Idea of at them in- IHumph. As soon ns Chop a cupfiil of dates^id three goodglzed applea. odd a ruptol of chopped
tori had dl»ppcared In the woods. celetT, a chpfuV of broken nuunesW
Scarface produced tbe piec® of flag- and a halt pound of. seeded and
of toe oklDDed gtopem Mix afl together ^
<Tbe tradlHonat bank In. which further resistance, they flrod several
heap on a sttce of pineapple arraagoi
womra keep their money Is not al­ ToUeys St' the place and then ScarDp to on a letttfee leaf. Serve with may"He Said I looked tweet enough
aototfia.'iAMA.as ra*
ways a very «m- face reined hie voice.
o a_ dead onnalse firmiiig. A few toarabmaleat and he'd like to bite a piece ont
Bide of a cliff they went to
veAbBk'i w». »h MAfet P«
venient jdsee. al
If yon ftdlowB in thae wlU-lBy tree, which held a human skull in lows may he added or sohstitnted for
of me."
«orawa.u.«i|OAjf rTtortipra.iT
toe fork of a branch. Directly
“Be wonMnn have to Mte very deep.
----------- in.*,, —■------- ^-«oj
the nut meats If deslrefi.
for toe money vrlto y»f hands. In the sir. ,we will ueato this skull. Id a ®ve In a to'
I hole to ]
I let'
iNitra «y» *A
Rerin.-4eat together *1 half cup
hat a tendency not hurt '.von." he «lle4. hoping .to vine below, was toe treagure. aceoith ftl e«cb of lard rad other sbortenlo*.
dearie."—Blrmtofham Age-Barald.
to ritp down, bnbe toe® Into aurrvoder by bis lylnf tag to tbs Riven Flag.
add s cnpfnl and a half of sugar, two
and then
(rondaea. -Pnrtirennore. If yon e-lll
eggs wril beaten, a cupful of sour
vntr has ® dig Join os Ite vrQl ttke yon along and
Shaking vrito exttemrtit. toe outlewa milk, two eopfols of «tm®l and three
perhapa as Hr glv# yon yonr share of toe loot." Hls Talned the ravine and gave a abont of cupfuls of flour, slftifi with a teasp^as her shoe topa only answer were two wboopa of die- rniumph as they noticed . thece a. fnlofsodsradoneofcinnaiDon. Adds
togetit Tooh- A«tp rad defiance.
ahallow cave. They entered and look­ half cupful each of raisins and u-sivUte this dlasd-He heap liar." Tomas told Chn. "If ed eagerly round. There waa aa nuu chopped. Mix and drop on s but­
vantage Leonard be could get bis hands «« os he would treasnre. only broken iron boxes nod tered pan and hake to a moderate
ritn ttsetllve rad laugh while be tras foomrinto.
Paul. Ml
doing It. If they make an-attato we - "Tbe treasure’s gone,’
tavented a pn«se wlD hold town off until Dick and Ua
Roper piried up a Mlver matdi-bax
which U atmeb- people Jump on town." .
vrlto toe name '"Jura Dias’’ eagr
ed to toe pend­
rife got nm big atick knife all on It. They saw they had been
ent garter and gharp tor Searfacn" grinned the <V willed.
-It makes me angry to think of i*
may be fastened lesUaL "When be corns here Chn
“Ttaat Oreeser dottbleHmased uA* anarchist waring a red flag."
eltoer toridc or hU bwd off all Mmec chicken."
Cried Scateface -and enraged -and
mused Ml»
outside toe stock loading their weapms toe cniuegenus fiaraente. toa outlaws rushed from
UoUtlng a danger aigtial seems to ha
pair calmly vralted for the beginning
invsntor of the atttck which tog? weU knew toe cave.
toe raazwt decent thing be does.
- Diaz chnclded as though greatiy
<mM not- long be deUyed.
pleased ss he led, Dlto ud hls party
erived a patent
The onflsvrt nisbed out Into
olong.device, the dettUs :<* «pen. to run into a bail of ballets' that
•Tbst Scarfsce friler • g« Tleuty
-Why, his .vrife'oapght
I rMdOy be
•ent them acDirying gback. the Kid nad wbeo be find that I heat him
with a bnllet In hls sbonlder. while It and earn- away all to# gold and eltari la chAnu pit at a sweU rerira
^aafi arai Irih dattaf hnabld MlJ
i' Seartace had hls hat shot off.
ftJe to uDderetand Jhe relnforcamcnti

w«rldngnieii of Travorw City.

IWW it every wMk.





nuMshbred Rabbito


’ywa TKs-f irtiC-


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