The Morning Record, October 28, 1900

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The Morning Record, October 28, 1900


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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' • .-T"



'°TSS‘ *P

T&Amsa CUTT, KICIL, IM’KtoAT, OCTOBKB 98. 1800
M0 POimC«.Mff


TUi*>. gM.‘ff7-A UxptUkm» •*■
DmmmI « the

Many PiandWr OrtoMs Com>


Boer war Seems Per Prom
Pinal Termination

rMa iii<l»9w vltb



MTOMklteU tUo dtrtM« Maxl w UttW Kiri


NrwTork. Oel r-Ttae tseeptbo ainiBtera ol ttM Powers In
to ViUisa J. Brrae tariftal mt Modierenoe
mm tSqow Osidce esrpOMd le entbsesiia the cMtlsi; Ookrr sod
---------*—aouiT HsU tore Ub a arrek Hire 1
^ M<^r Tbwe ws. a«e Red|cORSiDERHI6 PEACE TERMS
UmwcrowdeMd asar
■iWffnrm-Ti------------------ - thb

08m AaerboM killed wari Mr.
lanor aed Mr. Md Mrs. htasea aad
three eMIdree. who Wire aarrwbed
% Itae Besen la iheir htaae. wblih
waeeMM*i«a«d (hey were taraal
tetesb: Mia Meerew. who wav

Miwe Iteaote ■< ape I^eUee Law nai*
Or la na« x«ar nanm-BHI.
alaeTertaa to Ivaofi-lleieeaea.
aei^ to IS. Mwalac Mecved.
LauhMi. Oot «—The alUlary aiMatSoD to Hooth Alrbs U a bad ai
an be tBHMrtBed baa the Brttbb
point of new. The Boen hare >'f

a Tiobied sad (bea habnd•d: Dr asdMra. Hodfe aad a wo­
mb ma( whe w*ee laned ia the
hosa: HbaOoaldwIadlatlerM^t
m bf^ darted *Ma the tama.
WMla wtae

wtM he wa etbrkad sad i


I ibMiv of war. aod the insveM of all

facturlng Go’s Plant

Aa attempt to woil BritUh reinfomnrstt
nmgthm Uw line* of txsmmnnieaion in Uw aoothm. j»rt of the
Orsage Kiier Bolony r U.I..
There haa hem i»r»i« ■I aaiplag
Car aoolh aa tbe Fma

At 4M> yeateeday aftamom the
dwiU BOM of the aroeklagbird ailed
the Are departnamt ia donbb q«iek
now a the pBlgbaB 1
Oa'B faoiary. The taaau aade a
to the mie cd the Are.
fast balatc (bay raacbed the ^KM. Om
high afaoee the
roof of the bstldinga. aad it looked
u thosgh tha mtire



Virtual Agraamant aa to tba


Mr. OreaB ww Mat ta th» Jaed eed
wsawiAostlhe ■twatla sT sfAr■ <bte aatfl reamed by Um Fnaeh.'
The balbi wai tbm essrseted bsi be



Wm CIv8»i to th* MurOor of
am MRlTai Om ppikM. He m
bM M«o. AoMti oPTml
I will bo Bwon Ml ItaidBr. Um
lad kb oy* CMcwl Mt, Mother
tedtdehMdMt Ofm, oaetlMr lad
hb oeek ripiad caeo b (he tab
tb- IMtrea » barp ^tbk. O
Mb. OM. ». Tb tearhsL oec,"*;^


In Meiiiwo. Sqnsrr at ne ciar there'
woeld bare been twice w aauy in
the aiianre itaU ae there were m FHday nijtht ni the BMarrelt reception.
Maee. lUv ttonle PeecM le w
Bryan tfek* at the Broadway Atbleti^Clnband inOooperUnion befoee
be MBC W Mndboa Sqaare Garden aad
as both tbcae pUewand in the nr«b
P< kiu. Oct. SO Tta Taka Oct M md
hbasichat Ort. n-Thr
IpabwiBCt of peopb. The llieworiu the rariosf |«wm’held a meetuig
HBicfal ware wonbrotBy a Icai; db- .by at the hotw of the SpanUh wlnanea to aaa. The (tepoblima aeetiait iMrr. The Ofilr qeeetiuo diacaaad
of the night before at the pare and
ne to the punidunent of Cbiaea
ly tried ila beat to
»l*| <^eiaU
tor tb' Boxer
to it and erea go it one Miter, Aad|^„,,^ T^ n»«-«aj: waa harmos« one better it did.
iuua and Ihrie waa no arriooa dimgn.-nieot ai to the t-xti-nc of the panialimeot that ahoold be meted ooL
An adjoammeiit sraa taken antil Oct.
S. anti llie intention ta to hold farth­
Democrati« Cubemstorial Can er TDcelings before a mfemiee U
hrld will. Prince f-Thiag and U Hoag
dldate will Speak
Otaag. lire tYiitM-«- l«iarv commU•Icmen. AI Ihia roaf>-r<-nr<- IlM-nii)Ulrr> hare agn».l to unitr in n |a>'.HIc MeHiac M the ti«» Or-rm llnew


ptirte <>f the iii^eatiua uf the tibiaece
wtretT hand. The Oa|i- Ihitrh prwctlThe Ih-Dortala liaee made elaltntale u. deinw Vin-roy Kankin ahd Chang
iKily my “Ualtm yoa mat Um- Burra
belligtwtmla. we will preimiwlicna for the reoMtlioti of <^hl Tunc, viomiy of ktnrhaag. who
make yonr rndtUera aaffer " It will M
Maybnry aad Rte
<»e.trg.- liarr lirfa Ti-ry frittndly to Uie foriapotaiblr to Biin<re« Hi' dimffi-ctiou Klleen luoiormw. TIm-cMimitler on t-igm-m •lorinEnll tbe recent Iroobia the oorlh of Um- olony If fami- arrangementa. coeaiating of iliai, A.
s;-The Chiaew
Hhanghai. Ot
deportrd. a. waa <kcne at .Jag V Frledricl.. Hoo. H. C
Ibelihe (hew. ViUiaa Oaofvr aad
ktoww thing that nade aaltera
|«ranlnR the reimperial tn>o|M
Mr. aM Mta. BmmU aad ehiU Sed lock atill wata wsa ilw laet tlai ratr ««rfamriB. after Uie attack fnaa
t» the iapwial ireata for (roterlW ittk water eosU be ohtainail froa gsiriaon tlten-, the Boan will be able | k. Cooper and IVur WarstMig.-------- bela in Uie anal
battle iM-twnii lli<- reliela and Chil
the Ohiaea Ktldbce twraed thea
A new cnutoctlcn
reliela were
u-n--1 —■ *—
eper ta> (he Ihnera. who hehaded the wse jut taaiag aade with the water
nnih-d and IKK «f
parlira of Iroopa if any ml-'rreaae the-----------------„
^Ib aad epaand the child to death.
that M laat baai laid Oh devtroy
London. CK-l «-A Ccoira! N.
•iri .____ ,.
Mladaaatba Uram aad Oeenr aaert
airpere MarqncUe traio. and will l•eidl.|«udl from Kbaaglial of today'*
iMt Fbatai Tta« Yaas wai the tactiirted tea ntnalM later, tbe
^ler. they ay he alatr ordered that oectiaa wonld bare been Aniibed. Aa Gape Town an- gmwiag aglr ami! met by Uib Bora twnd and a coamil | dale my. Iliat lh<- Chinew
H.ibd Fo ye«t«rdar.
-e poaoible aalear they retom I tee ol prominent DeoincraU. and e. ] i
they MooU be killed The (SitBea.
waa, it resdered the water wake
corled lo Port i'lace
Lnring the telegraiti fr-.m lai S'in b'n Mate, that
eaavarbet Paotiac Fa aaan tiai jwatea u be of any graal aaii to Johaoneaborg aoon
Londooen and Um- iMuidoo |vew .hnuer hoar. Um-Bu>> laud will for
aH the oablab wha wwe la power at ISO in handUng tbe blaae.
for ne.i.tinc the
the Ubm* (beee aanbra were euamilTbe ebenkal engine war oa tl>e
anil will afierwanl i-*oorl llu- Bnaeric. enmmllle.l ..irlde (>rl. S2
tad Mill held oMea,
apot. Md tbe Mg engine wae faeoagtat ity of the latcat new. onlil after Muo
day’a welcome to Uie City of London apmkem to Hal place, wher.- the i»-e by .wallowing gold 1-af.
Fnaioli are sow aeaditiK aa«s- to the coeiMi. It waa Joel
padiUoo to teaae Her. Mr. UriBthi QtM frtan tbe IkoM- the order Mae to Imperial VoluiileeTH. mj niacli m Ilial pie a ill lie waiiiug in hear them.
Ilou A. V. Kni-lnrli will rail Um- ^5S^5^S^5^S^S^5^S^5^S^^SB
luaiiT do UOt tlie Inm ot Jaaad wife BBd Key. Mr. Bioara of (b.- gel oat tbe engkne Ull the marhine
mi-eiiiig u> order.and will invile H»n
ChlaMe Inbuid niabMi at -dMaMKIinv unpiat water, and U amta> laid for
KatoMlell.canihikale fur lieoleii
fta, ai Well u Biv Italian aad Kelrlai ntwlr in tlie few rnioole* tial fulkowOcL ST—Tbe Gap- Pohrv hod a aiilT | am g,u«nior. lu pn-.ide uud UiIt-mIikv
aad Preseb railwby eaplo.m.
Tile two dry kiln* of Uie {actory
llghl wiUi two Boer conitnaiidaccl Uie .peaken-.
> l-y tliU tiaie in Aaiuec. aad-only
of the ni.-et
tha bigenglae could'hare wred iIkio tha ofteniubn and .hurlly after-Ing will Im-that ol Uavur Uarhunt.
of the plaJit from dectmetion.
Ibu Boer, attacked the |iolice. l>ol ; K. v
Ueorge Killi---n. Oemocmlic
Aa it wsa, tbe blaze waa a hot me.
It teqnired plncky work cat the part M tTe'rrpul’W'd'>'Ub >bw. Uii teach-i oandidatr for eoiicreaa from this <ti>
Ing higher rttkith) o large body of i tnct. and other., u-lll .p«k.
of tbe Aisweiv bat tho blaae waa
Boen. mcirelod the 0a|» Mosnted
Mayor Maytoty will leave on UmMM nader epowel.
RUIc'aeotil. anil pounxl in amortcsiin for Maiii.n.-. wheni.
Tbe new ‘ ■
LohMa. OM. K-Kerer before did
dcrou. rifle fin-. TIo* Kifle-> a erv • billed to spwk in Um- •-veuiiig
for the deportment wom naed at their
comprllMl u> niamlun two calling: ,\ll an; tiivli.Hl to Uii. iio.-iiiil'. oiol
the soa-srrtirml of a
arol fire on this oeeavtoe. They wmi
ixinia Jaat h-forr ibirL Um- iiolire in |t.-ar i>m-s-- liulod .|.wker.. A
goldva opfaioaa from all who mw
-re relnforrol. the Bimt» aen-re-' ap-eial inMiaiiou i. eiieudi.l ii> UoUmm. and cdporially from all who
Folly t.ow.aci 1
eoiivor reached tliia | la-he...
omd U>em. So light are they that I
dawwB werd waiting to welraoia
miaamaisBwiibooc <dth»m aboai|P>^' The Brtnal. cawialli.-. were j
' (Bly of London Imiwrial Volaotarra liwbaistiig ballding with aa unie | ■''en‘.ilhil. - a
nonileil aod
iHm-t.l •-Tb-W-mme H--cd
wi^oweoflhw exploaiona of BHBj'iparent effort aa he woald hare ear-,
| Chloago. Oct St-Beiw- i.
tl* mUnaiaaa whieh are all lire

to|> of one of I
them, whloh.bcld Itaeir weight with i At-.- .vli
oMee at 11 o’etook tbia nrorslng that perfect mfety.
the procMakon woald be poatpautjl
is dlfficall to got at the exact |
Min Maeday failed in OMcel the
Yom the Arr.,bat it UN
‘ M|»«.1 M-Tb.- Unnniw
popnlar progisin. A large iroportion
at aboot '>C.«10, fatly covered by in-'i WiUeabam- tkcL
ta take two hnlldaea. tbwefote they
qairfcly deletinkoed to play Hamlet
witiHMt UmprlneipM eharneier.
ne beary ^ower at noon did bm facloiTdampen the tpiril. ol the malUtade
aad tbe whole city waa givea emr to
tta aingligt and rbeeiing of tlw
■afdtaiag mllUoiu. The celebratioa
SMI carried far into the oigt)i.

’ all the colllerteall




»mal *e Tbe SUealBC hma
BhwhamtcM. K. Y. Oct. tt-lii
hli qnwehn thrmgh New York and
PmM«1raata-t«6y''WoieiBor BoowTwll baa omertMl bit Iwlief that-lhc
smrk from now on wa» to we liiai
Mow Y'fBk waa not oat dote by Maine
Is the smurr of roUtng ap Mg BOaiwI
swaey' malorilkeaL Sjawbra were
PSMle. MiddleFort Jarvia. Im
CtohoMM. Cbloooa. aad loav Kdily
to large aadienem. While many
BtyaailM weie in rrldenc* there

Honday morning bv Uir ti-.uni|.tloti of
; opcmiloas id the plaut of Ihc lllinni.
I btcel Comiiaay of Sooth Uliicago.

IW wlU cm to the


*“ ■•'

Patontod March Bth. I BOS




new sam^rg-*^




Beautifnl Uilorcd aoita in black,
of walkingakirla
bine tDd Oxford gray, uicriy juat teceivod Uo not buy a
itimmed io block
Uoiieeiy kkirt untilI you have m-ea oar
atiuke out uf every oescD. Made
liUL-. We have ail eizM and
tohrllal |1>U0. at uiily


$8.00 $6.50



For Cooking or Furnace Purposes

Hardwood Slab%, Hemlock Edgings,
Hardwood Clippings.
lings, nttniltjck
Siove Wood.
Hemlock Slabs. Hemlock. KiodUng.


Always in Demand

Not only la it repaired In the office
r Um- boatling mu of bonneoa. Ini,
kMm>e. where .. ___
menu of buaitieaa. domauii
Boi. b
dal acttvilii-a.
At Now Yoft-Yate It. flolambia
the teU|ibiiDe mvet a mu'* time.
expeuditare of •«>y, bat
a womu'a
ergy a-- -~—j,
— -------------At lUmca-t'-utaall U. Dm
Cim* la often oa Talnable Md imporall smrta of tbe eooatry.---------- tMt oa a mu'a
Al iMmhtidgto-Harvard k. Oartiale |
In ib.- aorUiem diWricU Uie
SeptKMC TOO demonitreto tbe value <
nUI-'BBd Otilitv of the Telephone in the
lowtud* are flooded ud
j borne by ordeving one today of tbe
Al FfaiUdcIpbia—FanaCTlvaaie
... .ni.rlr imim.
I «Uk«* ore oiKbw water op to the flooM >
^ oftbemra At Krwcaetle. Hartlo-;







At Weal Point-Oltota «. WUIMm



Collar UUItrs and gtticiw.


The Old Rellible SboemAB.

Ihi* reguai » til iSIm-touche* ftrxl al Oilirallar
ly *1 Um- advi

1. llliiioliO. I formaUy extend the offer

SSrytoa ^foM?li!"°"-QaJ
follows toad difototam. Kodol DyaDuWHt'i Uttla briy Biaan are

Beware of Sharpers!

Moot of the Kenmcky haa aailed from Tompkin.


iMt avoBlM from Maplr Cbty. where
abe'taae bmn aetlag aa KiaMov tev and dooMn totilati Marty all Um

Babart-BMCbtr €«.



Oolambaa. OeL K-Tbe <
to tbe Ferrell mnidm trial at MntyarlUe eloacd 8iU afioiBaM aad enan
afi)aamad aaBl Montoy mnrataif
wbM Tbe arpuMoslB will to«lB. IW
BMa wtU go to tba iaiy Tkaraday.

Ib onUr to sroMl a part of the big rash which ia anre to cpoip
latsr we will mke the abm eal. Now U tbe,time to
place jrgsr enters

, 342 From SL

at tlamearraol KMf {( I.ev FLAKII M .1V I : l-KK-llirNT
■ YmswWay arum.
ortimaiamoa d Lee raUeeWtr-ti
Cblcawo-OcL r-Thegameof fooi.lsp-'^*-'^*'
kmll here today taetwem Michhmu I "
aad niiooU drew a tremendaoo.l
crowd The game waa one of tlie , drocy of WaBhlnglon and Ue oniver■•ardeal fOMbt Md fiswol ever *een ] Mty. made vacant by tbe diwU. of;
iM-re. and waa WOO by Michigan. If i William L Wllaw. will be uffered to
Io 0
I formt-r im-oideBt Grvecr Clevelaad.'
Folkowiag ate tbe ■now* eff the 1 A conanttlce from Um-univeraity will The



, Uiiiflnev.(.

And.llkin.lsof PUninx Mill
work- Special orfers prompt­
ly looked after.


o Traverm City Lamfaor On.

Health Shoes
You should see this line of men’s fall
and winter shoes. Made in all the pop­
ular leathers. Tbe price is $4A> for any
style. Surely tbe bat shoe ever sold at
thb price.


W. L. Brown
Pine Street, between 9th aod


M. araw BicTcuc wobu
km. to

■ ■

■' £



A good tbiog <o lay away
for a Cbristmas present.
We have over joo differ*
eat style* of Kocken—
ranging from a'good solTd. embossed back, brace
nrni rocker at $1-35. up to
as fao^a rocker as you wish to see. A large line of
^ain from $2.75 per *et up.




Ole are so full
01 new Shoes


‘*T5SS5 T.




^ —^sssrft5^J-Si.5r-^

.... ....................
Dortt—•• March of <hr Dwarfa" HoUt |
a«>. W. ttmnir. tif OW..U towMlitp
Hbfat Maitlil, Connor bilrm.
|tanw.>m>q|i<.ttai.Mto ibc (rt.
Mr. and Mn. Charira W. Whcrloek { "OlirrafBlnrat"
Mar Bray [
ibni of liwlr
MI. BiMnml
-Thr Lnndirr"
Cari Hrioa |
.M. «Uh Iw
iBbT boy.
BTrlyn FlnA^
ivrwaisl qasUtW «sd-» maa l
J. I>nr«r1d J
(topMplean ««t <sU7 wilk-tto> Thr bnrxr Thomaa K. Sootl of I “Oindlr Boor"
Cortonr glUtwa.
fuMhoftiM- eooBty. Hr ■■ r»eo*- Claroland haa arrtrrd with a canto of I
oil for tha Mmanlilr Co Thr carRo I Auldrrof HooR—Walts
ooeslata of t;i InirrU. rgniinlrnt to
Retli Roland,
nbont II (wrliBda.
Dnrtt Piano and riolin, Jnutir Pol- {
oo.rlactioo day thr aleamrT |
Irr. Oanie PiUlrr.
Onrhama. Oa*!-al*> Kmory. will Irarr ! RradtoR-Liltlr Boy
Rncmr Pirld I
for ite acrooiooda-, TlitoRa
tloB of honlrra. Thr farr for u»r
Mlaa Holtitoo'
Eoblrr E
roan.1 inp will br *.1.
[Two scndlM
■ William A. Norton and John
, lira
Lonnxrr nddmwsl a »rry miheai- Pairr Dancr.
astir RathrritiR of roerra at Inlrr-,
Ploy Walah
loehm laat ol«bl. and pivarnird to ' Blar Bird Polha.
thnn. to a oonrlnrloR manorr. ih. 1.- Polka-BrilUmnt
of ItMi caolUiRii froB a Krimhll ,
Jrnnir PulhT

^***5*Tn> o. CHAXMJO.
*'^o5t*OE W imtWAB -

paiRB last nlRhl at ibr LuOR lator '
KTfn lu Htnnlon. IV. Ufa- han lla'.
n hall. Thry had a lantr an>l '.u_____
.»t. Mn. Kabo, who IIvm nrar ilu




tb. rit,

'^u!s«ul B- »>BI)

rturixm uei*kki> ox uuvax.
K*t4M«r mtlaar*. to mnlltplr

ttaf tte iMdfrnU it> the PhUipptew u» ews«m«r^ by tbr *d£cri
Umt Met4vr tran Um- uiU-eximii•taiUMa aod thoae vbo opfK«r\tbr

porar. Hr waa bore to Drlrwarr
ooonty. Ohio, in 1K», and two yrara
Uler iiU family mor.d to Brnaonla.
And arrm yrawa aftrrwarda thry lo.
raltrl to Ihia county. w1ht<. Mr. Btrwanl haa for iwi-nty yimra Iiron |wdd)'
loml amtaiR tlw proffterterr farmrra
of thU icffioo
The pomtoatloo la a Rood
only brewaar of thr prcallar fltnraa of
thr BOBlarr iximaily, bat baoaoar
hr baa born cloaaly

p|iUl,>|tof UImmU.
BOW bHmtiiiR io »pt«
(laws ■liovliuc that thr hofm of OnFiUpiao «»niir Uchr rlrrtioo
Birao. and Uial the KUpiDO* har<- •hip.
A. voir tor Omi W. Btoword tnrana
bM adriaad thtoqrb thr Hooic Kc
a voir for an oAobil to whOB ihr
pro|Ue oan twpoao tho MMOt eoadgwea nntil afu<r kWXIos.
in be
•ctoowbxljp- that liwir eaaar wit\
loM If MoKlolry U -alaetnL t
aUai «up*ur thia l« thr fart
wall aatablUhrd. that (hr Malhm
ooMfMWntey wat kopt sUtt tor a y<«r
by thf TOooanKeBMtit raeelr^ from
a la Aorthfn atatt
nil not UtoJy t^ tha paopW- of
tkit eooBtry air fotait Ao^ivr aM
•Mdoomfset to tha PlUptaea <ii
aay ]»opta arte aia to ayiapathr t
th«B hMo by votiBK acatoat
R^wUlcma t^aL


rasf ?s

M* tba wertto* <ten wMally hoi«

aae we fanTen'l any



ly toftea«h|

s Front Street.


Practical Sboeman.

i.iry niTTIK
win bo a aourea cl comfort anO


onjormont- not annoyanco - If
pureriaaou at J. A. Monta«uo'aIn tho flr*t plaoo It will bo a moat
trihtitor and
uaooMual. In tha aoeond. It will
ba (Hit Into Jrour homa. aol up
and In sood working ordar hy aa-no aolllns ot rioora. acutllns ol
walla or lumitur*. I>ul a cortalnty of aatlitactlon pvnry way. and
at pritiaa aa low as tha lowaat.

John R. Santo

J. k. KOItTACUE, 127 Fml St.
Traverao City,

IIThe Hannah & Lay
^ Mercantile Co.

"ii—j; “j:“
Thr acorn l« wnttfD with .l.-llRhlfnl diaflRBrd of tlir linniaiiona llial
natorr haa plaenl upon tlif avrTacihuman volar, and thr inmi who can
ainR It aooepaably. i. rah- tndr«l
Mr. Oamblr howrvrr, muir K will'
(Bar. with a fell rirhi.cM. of tone,
earn fb iu anUrmiuaui batrowiuR*;
•or «liJ hr olacurr a noir in in mon
Rlibly akin>inR cadrnsa-likr lauMaRra.
Tltr audiron- waa Blird with enthuaiaam. The apidauac caiur like a
aMnabarsr nf liall an r uirtal roof,
and waa [salaCRrd without a lull
cutil Mr Oamblr. allrr rrniTuiuR to
bow twice. teally-conarnUHl lo aliiR

real .-hiKi- bat not In mcn-aw
iDirli till- total a«..wiin..iji a|.>i>

irir niatrm
r of «Aid •

OoUiar ot Cberakee. foww.that aaarly
nroved tatoL It mmr thiouRta| bia
b^ya. Hii tBck nC ao lame he
‘ ot stoop witooot frmt |bul. u
---------- tried Eototria Blttwa irtiteh
ataetod an^ a wnudartnl cbanRe
tba* he wriUB tfau ba fee al like a new






Is always an attractive place, but never more so than to
atl book lovers. The newest and the latest works-of the
most popular writers were never more entertaining, and
the gift books in dainty bindings are the highest types of
the printers’and book binders* a’rt.

3 ’’The Master
\ Christian”
lit'. 3 By Marie Corelli-$ 1.40
'■"! H
In vigor of style, in daring of con'.Ih[ 3
ccpiion, in tenderness and pathos.
and in its wide appeal, it is one of
tht- most remarkable books of re_
cent years.



tha OenBana of Balfimore.' when the
rota at thia popalaOon U vary WIha list ectaliia the naniM of men of
iiiidtoihTiiil boaaaty and IntaRrity can I
wtehava haMofere baaa Damotaata. than
be of real Rixid
M waU aa RcpabUcana It abowa Oat
tba OfCMUM ar« knklnR lo tbair
with whM we conahbr'~fi^ af tte
Terr faM teweilira at the ■■•hat for
cooRb*. eolda. and that ahrmlie
................WerafwmClBmBirUaaoi irnadcrall adminiet
beriain't CVwRb Rma^y. Wa bare
aaad II with aneb Rt»d - ' to mr
itoUow tba utrtkaa are
tamt^ ao Iobr tbni B .

Which we can offer you that
simply have to unload a few facts
These facts arc in regard to Ladies' Shoes j
which we have just received from the j
Marvin Shoe Co. Our new styles range ’
in price—Sa.00. $2.50. $3.00. $3.50—and
every pair has our name on. We were
very particular in selecting the stock and styl«of lhe«
ooc^s and you can rest assured they are made right, fit well ^
and'wear good, ^■ou^ inspection is invited before making
lyour selection. We can- save you from 25c to $iJx|on each
I pair of shoes you buy of us. Sw our window.

And you will W a ronot happy
and runtcnlrd

"" ™eb ..i-1 ,
«wy and dn»««l haT lt>m- f.« t tnt..
iloR at 10 o'clock
aric* Protdiaxka U botior iu(i>
the new Banie. cottaRv on Jii»th ;•‘“•“tocal .mlv fnn.riR
Collin Ctec ha. *old > narloaal of
llaaker Kmi* a ttobUer.
potaah to BaRinaw |ianip«
i J. R. Oam«m. faJiia-r of ih.
bank nf Tliomvitl.i. Uhio. Ine Wn Wurziiiin: Blk.
linaltli hr
le-trianim Kins'*
mKovi. for I
which .nw. M lb. 11m nomlwT ow wroic:- Ii i. ili. 1
UK-HIrI. School U^tnn
“riuuR "mt^lT '
Oonnr loBorrow a-va«itoR. at Iba- fur I
„„ ,y„„| -Cptwa Hoow. loallnR i
maktnibc hlRbcrt toon*. All four j Inns ......... . <• h.-u ,va.u ran IoI Ih. ™i.m.. lb Ih. *"■ 1
of the hlRha-Kt order.
U JuiimAn >
Uf Mr. Knical Uaiubla . tlH- l)<iil
Trltencof Novi-ml»r 4. l*»'. ««v»i
HiRh honors were bt.i|it«l uj«ni
BroMt Gamble. tauM. at itir tiiauiiuR
oOBn n of llic Y- M. f

Ciolo at LonaliiR. alxl Mra. J. H.
thr itccmnll '
McOtMRh and Mnu H. B. OaniM’. d«lDual cntl ronrlunivr
RutM fraa the Waman> CloUratomod
dav of iVtoU-r,
iyeatarday. Thry report a very pltwaA W Rick
ant and (woflablc merltoR. Thr
Oorof Bryao a farortir aHmiooi mmliiR nrki year will br held at
Ann Arbor.
thti yaar. braldra thr dlrr diaairr hr
Ufflorra for thr foUowtoR T»ar were
pradteta to <»ar tbr i«HrT of ripaorlrclnla* followa: Praaldral. Mn*
aicai U eoottoard.u (hat thrn- viU br
Bell M. Parry. Charlotte; Ural Wrr laM parrr in thr world lo . acifr rii
a-BliUtary |io>l at rrrry lantr loaro
intldral. Mrv. Joaa|ihlin- M. Oonld. thaalaam.thr whole aoiiR on one Icmr.
Wbtoh trill otrnwr Oa- |««plr of thU
eoaatiy. Bryan wwma to ft-rarl that (»woaao: aronnd virr r»raldoal. Mft. BnleOB cans by a maalrr. Mr. Gnm
bla mndr It niiR like a chorrh lirll
thr wholr Borramt nf (hr Auxin- KlU W. Bliank. I
M. A. Klltaoo. I K^dinR acroca a atormr aiMv. ahd thr
Bason tacr haa brrn in an op|Biai(r aitutary. Mra. E.
btllr Ctm*
Irl Ro of him till
dinetloo from ttet.
Mra. Ella W. Owdoa. Hawaii. irvaa- hrMuiRaa
thr parpoar of Ih
Thu lime it wna ■ VoonR Rirhard.'
(•or of lb* xlohr to so tanh<-r ao>l urrr. Mra (Vnlr E. Torrrt. Rorhrnirr:
aa old Somrrmtahitv lallad. tad
tarthar towanU »rlf xoTortunrol
of Ann Arbor, Mra. ClraMet Bmitb acain tha andiaaec toaiated on hla rrto Tadoor thr nllllarr t» artsal i
OMltin. It >* ttOt pOBlhlr tiiai hr of HaatlBRu. Mra. Andrew Howrll of spprarwnte.

Thr aptdaaar waa prrhapa a ahadr
frigbtM* anybody by n^kUR of nlli IVtroil.
leaa toaiataoi. aa paoiOr were bcRintary poala at oTrryt own.
Jaaior tVorkrr.- OWtmw.
Thr followtoR ofUeara bare bom alMR to farl that perh^ Uuy were
opem thr aioRir. but at Ian
ll la erideot that thr OmtBan totr drclod f(» thr Junior Wockwa of
BBC out tcato with a Scotch
tel net baenoonplrtrly rortallrd hr Otwer (%urch for the anaalnt ytar;
aoBR. "Ite BettoU Banka of Loch
preaB^nn. Thr Baltlmora Boa. a pa|>rr
and." Than hr wM,para>itt«d
blmi. Mra. ElU Bowre; aaecwlary.
wU(* Wte blltrTir
to rral
Katiwnur Van Vi
There are Mill aoau dmlrablr aeaua
la tbr opera honar which can br -bbmined for UiU eonom. Tboae wbo
J Oorman-Atnoritana of Baliimorr
1 Chrlatoac box fv tbr wtah to hear it ahoold mowe
wlw Will rote for HeKtolry. ^ my
BO orar Ibair own almatunia. Thia
: AabarUle. K. C.
ViUlmrea oonaidtrtlr rSact npoa

anew ■•* tbr worttoc i
4ar Pamncaatic mtoitoti

Pig tail

,h, .m.
Ih. .na, or .ib. «**'■ U»' rlO^.«.i|~ll,ba .br..,h


jiown nftrr yoo bnm had ■
royal mml and oiBAkr n

Jo. U-l|




3 *‘A4ice
a of Vincennes”
1 By Maurice Thompson-$ 1.40
lie has drawn a delightful love
' I
story, a charming girl, a chivalrous
' 3
and romantic youth, the best InH
dian and the best frontiersman since
the da>-s of Cooper, i .sopoo copies
have already been published.
: “The Cobbler
3 By M. Imlay Taylor—$1.20
A delightful story of love and hero•
ism in the days wh^n the HugeI
nots waged their desperate fights
for liberty of conscience against
Louis XIV.

:<! ; ------—--------------- —



i “The Circular
)i i study”

i By Anna Katherine Green-$1.20
1-or genuine, thrilling deioctive
stories, this authoress has exceeded herself in this last production.

'j 1 “The Footsteps
53 ; of a Throne”

; By Max Pemberton—$ 1.40
A most thrilliog story of an -Idl^ ’
aod of his work, aod what be did
in Moscow in the bowe of exile.

”A Friend
of Caesar”
By William Stearns OavIs-Sl.SO
A most fascinating historical ro­
mance of the fall of the Roman re­
public. One scene. "Agias and the
Vestal.” is alone worth the price of^
the book.

Gift Books
Never have we shown such a splen­
did stock of gift books in such
dainty bindings. There are $ dis­
tinct lines, in different .styles of
binding, all retailing at 2^c the vol­
ume. Two other styles in watered
silk and fulj leather at 75c.

for Boy's
We made a great spetialty in get­
ting a full set of the Harkaway
series, the Heoty books. Oliver Op­
tic's works. Alger, and others.
These books .sell at ao. 25. 35.45
and hoc.

Two series that have over 200
titles of the best works of Corelli,
Holmes. Optic. N'erne. Hawthorne,
Ruskin and twenty-five other fam­
ous authors. These book* we’re
■elliog now at 20c the book. -


Books ,



Laigest^ock in the dqr—from 5c 1
to 35c aind 50c.


.;• -’Tniii iiiiiv

ad-2.eMgi4 U<wn. BrkM*t*d«M
the a«m.
aM. Utrim
Ukyiag a gagar aa tha a
M waMr aaeaam •* read M.
aiTalawil^. I aay.” BakM- ----------hmkfi}. ‘fall. me. hat 1 dUA
a* w bw Mam* •• Mbt.
gw IM a* mL *B IM m* M* aai^ hM yaw omM dv WTiM •
waa ***• mraa vaaigk.t* limimlir aS>
w 1 tod gM yaa the ^MawM that t

■A V


■ ai lom

■ ^ f


Mwliw ,


la >M toMat'

a^d H amll be GiTcm.*'
Bandar athooi. It m.
gpwmthliOMratfiidkjlt m.

1W Hbn dllwrWr. n«l>*maMW>k
WW IW WaK Mat cmm *t^ km. « M-

Baamkag mgrtea « f.
Bamdag ta^

wto aaaM tor* aaU k m yaa tot%”
Aad aM by aw* thr attora m Ch« M
Wajnarrk^ WTM hia hato.
PriaaMir gragi* kawna m a

''Tba SbigrMw



**■ i~t« tkM I k*** tw:
mr Mknd WWtwtt

that tto aaMy b* kto aMaad dartog
tNsaa'* laagjtoam aad grM •*** th* bw

I Itor aagad htot. try a atoag. tarkwto*. i ^ ^
that ai-. tto. Dte-

■nrr|-~ “ ' "



w^abM DUuat^^ aaay yan^^

W. K. Wright will p

r r- -1--------g

Tbe aniy raaaolaUaa hr (and wm a
nrw awuanaaa la ITIalaa Phigimt'a maane^. Ihr goaalUllty ag toUnr*. ta wto




l baad> aad kwki at ■
I that b. am* Briag a Ur. ato y*t haw &
acrakaUy Wtoal li waaM b. ta tag toa

■> adM gaatboM g

wa UpM’a aPootHl rbaUiDar and |u |irMUpt arrrfX
r tbrra a
>W-tiw BmHHl llmr ►
>. wllli (nia a|i6naiiMB'a crtl.
. IVmmall, hf la prebaWr
■I po|ml«r Bntcai wfae rt«r matr otrr all<.r ibr ailrrr tropbr at M-blrk
AflMTb-ao /iK-htaaMi an- m fnad. Th>> iik'Hirr almn a hlBi ataiidlilK VD tbr
4ark »! bla aleaM yarbt wllb Mr nir. thr iWtsiior ••! Ibr KbaBirort.r«K*».


borof BattlaOmk.

haa <

•D«rt ear (nek. He bad it o«i laa
night for tbe. flrei ttae and gaO' a

n. Wtoid iril brr aU abaat it mm.
m.. Bb. waaU (ora>*e aad gl0. Sto
moat torgirr. wkwom- Ii aw* to*, at bar
Bewtoy aafTloea aiv aa fpUowa
that made
made him
bira toi.ha>.- litoan.'
• *fc«>
PltochingM IO«)a. m.
. S“**
mmk lu amign.liliB
v . lMta*iT> • T**
*’it« ib. ■aa (bat be toted.
Bandar wbooi u ll-»>a- ■
u-D<-il sntil 1 ^1 IHxoa tbe obaiartr. lie k>**d bar
Tbe •* laleaaely Ibal H
ftaacdllng at 7 p. m.
! Ihii*r*aa. euihb.r
Wadnradararpniug ptayaw maatiag. a*n atnAe of lUe kalfe »-oM I.eve t*k- 1 erTtbiat. ato ta Im^^Uoa to t
at j n. ni.
ra a Ul of bl* finger wbee be caBt:n hto ^ «*•
kb neck, and herchaak
.j, *,.L . ...- ,»4
, gnaaedbb ta aramatby.
be gatbrred y|. Ibe IrtlU ^ la Imagma.ton It ww ao aaay to tail
yrtTdiilr lakiw I ^ hU lave aad lu aab (of ber* tbat a
RerrC. T. Btooi. rector
M tot Vbew ta Ibe wa-eba-k.-t.
I tornwt^ word* (alrty rWd
' by abiMkJ be aat *Hte I.Iiod'* oUi- ' b> rvalfty ft «*. e. banl that b* flaally
and Wa*b-i
auJ tbeti *allf« trrerla^ fur
1 He roaU afietil
ingtam 8l
Ibongbl' tboarb trally
-Urar Mr. TValawrigbl.^
Mnnilag aerrice awl BermOD lodO. I CBledty a
^ freely o*
Hwutoy Bcbool at it


ss.‘i&r=s-ok«.i5^~. ifa;

Bvening aarrirv and aeynum at 7.
All are eontialiy invited to the*
Hrv. D Oochllo. p
Rev. Theodore Clifton of ChKatgp'
wiU ajwak at lotio^, to on ”01111*.

Tba B«.T HItaif l>owber Ootapur toai hofor* a large crowd on tb* taliUaa BdatotlmCand the Raimbllc.
of liaBMalitra. haa tai«hMrd o-or^* road track.
Dr. Clifton la an eloqneot nod timplr-■
than IW.Oao.mD fMd or atniHheg ploa
Mr*. Imae Wllllama. a dotamtaid
naw Aahluid. uni SOO Mi will be Pinaiah wonaa. baa been tnlaalng log Bpaaber. All are
Invitod lo Imar him.
It icnrarh eaulng i(.
from her borne at Orratal Palli. for
Bouflgj; achool u uoo
it Kalm Rapid*. llloBlaA Broarl- three daja. She barned Iter elotlilng
Junior C. E. aocletr
lag lam< a wiiil* voodchoek oaptarMt befon- laetrlng tbe bonae. and it U
Intermedtate O. E. at
hr Cbulra Km? oa bta farm acmih
thooghl baa made awn* wUii beraelf.
of ban-. It* alar la ahnat limt of Itir Hb« waa laat areo in tlir ricinitT of
ordlM}’woodrbiirk. Ini it la a 4r- Baakle take. TweaC7-«*e men onder
laancb. All are inriiMi to brar tbe
rhM fraak
i aaadcmy.
r prekidaut of Bea
iradeft Wub- Jlf VmilltUla w*«>
ber all day b
oaeof tba haartral paaoh ahippiBg
One day UiU week one of thoae old
OutMT of Pifth and Oak atreeu
ttrau ee tbr Uk* Hbon* ihia amacm. faahioaed eUmneya <m aa abandoned
Kt-v M. A. K.-laey will cuntTade hi*
Tbeir tMk»( bill amoimtad to«l.SOO beuai' neu CUatax, northareot of Bat­
■ad tbi7 ahlptwd aboai ftftr ntrloadt. tle Orvrk latrat <>|«w. It wn* tocnd apectal aarvice* ioTe Banda*. PreocbTb* Hima Handh- OA.of
e moT ing tbfir



tliat the ureoreuee «na rniin-a by Me-

Una wav

V of (!■<«•• alwrr.

aad the aidetnek to tbe w


An Ohio bra ha* «ffe»*d

t«. wrUf

Brm ruima

to do a big baatnaa.


tlrul <|Uiin.'rlr




by <he ■tcnum.nt of tb.- Lavd'a Bop.


Mu,hurg aad moal of hi*

IrallpelloB of idctiuv* were taken at
uJ„,„ „„„„ n„„min dab ihew.

aut remenilmr baviac /rand
aaytbiBg »» niu-b lelure, rad be ba.l
U-eo afrad <•( IHtoli hinwelf t. ------ - ,.............
r. afraM of bi* niani
bU tatHUgeoee aari hU Ua. warai liean.
•• ‘bad
• ■hern erni mor* afraU rf li.efc



|m». I hmel
jvw eoiM tdiw^
iikta- It >M om.
•*.< *L.r* ,»
»k.i I ndh •u*p.o >■> etn

; M-led eitb
a it* uiUfactloa
MlUfactioa ituii
lhai .m
aln .dy
ady a.
b. , ^
: «*< ibtaklM -r fMvoa ta Ibr P*.I |.er(en a.a
I tra*e
A* biHir *g.. be w-mU b«»i- **>d.
-IKxna I* a ainkuig figarr
Rlraare tb.< rafl-

I that I*, t
. Mill rooe.
Hal I •r aalaral Mvare la bim >

liH‘ i-veDing


ad r.iol fn.iu tin- •iiafplBc •>( lb. atrain
■■•I ri'i iil.eui of (••-liag. Hi- fill a-rry
jr im.i4. Hr eouU rea>enil>.r ■>-* tbai
r bail l•nil r.iKil ■■( bli» U-f-re tUU il.iae
-r Imiv liin. |■.'lb■IaaUy i-ui ill *111. bat
• Ibal liiiuo bad beeu *o tuirriblr ta

liw paaUw


a. bad fur
■ ed}-i l-<llr
r aU.ut Ii

Uul he
a* If nln-u .Bteriiui tbe valley uf

fat met* thi* ymr.

City Clerk H. P. C}iaddoek. of
Bight and blew apa amaJI aafe wlih^, Banton Harbor, betierea tlial lie haa

Job waa bddly
Tbe other -lay

ntu*ulsu.iu lu b>> lu.iiber. but
letblnc vroadrrful and uiy.tlfjtag tu
Kcv. Lnola MilitT- IwaRxAt Iwlf paal aeven Bnmla.v evening ! W rrh-uda
” “‘I
*' P«»*W Walna/^bt taor.
tbore will be w. Kngliah aermt*
at} ^

..^rleyerlyeaeeoted. tail addeftv«;^^rtding along the rami mwr
the tJermul Lutlb-rau cliurcli un Bev-'
EUta-.'l^r^ut*^ tMina b'."d
IBMi^aotm aggregntlaga
igjM Imke* and aaw a
inwt hole
enlt) *ire<‘l.
j tuM bim w> hlRi«eir arnl tb<M plaeied tbe
aiAmalilc anm. no booty waa ««“"•«-j»,«. *he aide of the blghkny
----laved* nf munln Id kli beaii. fur with
Haymaar Hampaun. of Manngo. got i
^ enormou. atXo in
flVKVT* I> oot irTV
' lllxae hwtag bee vbe would in time him
U* band into* eon. boakar Pri.lay I ^«,-u,r of the hollow. The big roek
A ,-h- |.l.~u.i Wnliltr pu,, w« ‘I";
".•'i“»tritbatand that Ivv*
aada iaig* piece wu tmn from H»|foraab<m in tbe oeawr was brt*ea
given lu Mia* Floaaie Oompbcll on : jirliiL.
K< loved
patm and one finger tmkim. Tlit. I. ,
i, ,«,hablv eight Woat Eighth atrtwt veaterdar after IH><in. Wlibnut rienict
Dt hlDiai
K lie o >■
five or rit feel wide
number of ta-r friend*, who I Immlrtlble. Then
f,.re. Waiuirrigbt
t Dixiin -•> himnir
nnmber of waoka
g like n potaloe. helped her to e.-lelmto ber ninth
. of all bi. *ur.e** wa* iiierltaVBlIe I
I It coeialn* varioa* minernU which hlRhday.
lib r>i>un out of tbe way. hew■wtlou of the Btate ia the
like coal, iron and copper. The aritb pottcal plants and flower*. Nn-|evn
a-otilil laki- hi* oara ehtnee* wiih
tukcij log* from lakba. Jo*'"
. and be av.uM not f*:l ritber.
aiwm. to he nmS^op of BWitma gunet were played
Knnk i
Rluloe tntun love bliu. Hr b»dU make
of LcRoy ez|.«t* to get AOOO.OPO feel,
Wildraan won (he (wk.- .n th.- coke________________
, ber. b. Iboagfat
Of log. froiu the bouoto of Bnnrtae ' .
----------------walk. A number of t***cnt* were left' Dat ai*>ui the obiiaary. He waald b*
tokr Btol be luu |iat ap a omall mill ^
to remind tile iKntem of ihe pleamnt ] J*«l *"■! d . bl* be*t a itb it
Dlxoa bad
to tbr tonka an hu can mw tbra into j
willtom Omnd ha* gow- to (Vmral
time enjoy«l. TlKto ,weton. «rrei ^
V™tamber. He I* Imt one of opvcral to ,
on haalnem
Paul Bavage.Halto Wilhelm, Anna
He V.^ld ,...t
wbomihaloto-. ofihebtglambenng
Prtoldlng Elder (Tamtll went to
Uarl>e.JUr>' Morgan. Gladya Mor- (b.t ,»
Mitoa b.d been *. baadaoiut
film. eonatilDie* a gam.
; Ctorlatola TeateediT where he will laau. Helen Youker. MaC'lie Oaw>r »• a UreeV *.-i .u.l a. warm b.wned .*
At Alkiun M|aTtut.'udrwi of the | ig^atcb today.

let «



J. W. Wllaon and wife (rf BtoxtoUp i

ee 1.1. anik I mw
rvrtom It laifM ha
aid .1 .> i. rv« tot I
1 I Mr. IMI. I Wa >«
Wic«l*i nrelan* *a Ha


w’l r« HO
(*.>* IHl II *«•
Him hr *aaH Mm f

ewer irbnber ii
III l>«g ago re i«d
11 Uitut.
iiuM I- rirbt li
•r a»i«, l*rvelil..tic»',
1 oiTUeriiio* aiul ouiul|«-leul a.vm?
I ika.rt*
luinr plsU' auJ •<-!. at

will give BO odilieiH apnn ' HMing i.vnibtag lull
IHtui had lien
ta tbe haanta of the deer uhI aad Uutal Literature."
Suday ll:4&n. m.
Ibe) bad told !
apmr««*ed. eaagl.l their
b. bad m.l *n.i
Bpworth League al <1:1S |l in.
ahlighi MpwTborattoy—Prayr* maeting at 7 :<0

Baqrlarf enieml the omtv of tlie
Lodlngum Mililng comfny k'rtdaT t

„___ ^ ^

«m.. u.o.i„

Mtotolng •^ ia.wtau.d 0^1, W urvitoUbg their rtata^^^ Mr* WU1;r^ Romtocher,
. wniie naniiag Ttmnday vioMia.
1 Claude Ctampbell
harlBg drt^iped the valoahle* (itnu
jcr aad Mr*. H 8. Hall tov# .—

am M.
It M rnIM tarn tnmb
im»<.> w


a to


lie ba.1 been aeeniupll.b.d. nad br eonJ^k Vllnman. ‘
i/or tbe bea-fti of hi. frieoda

iVsiiiorlgbl wulbid Id > aie.i.uigieaa
\ii*taiuii'ulir be dtea hi* band
*ITI.«S hi. fi.n-lira.l, thrt) |in.*>.*l lb.
lid* diiau I»ri tal. *(irlug rye*. B» that
«K. al.y l•l^aa bad auillrd al deilbElaia. Iu.d refuaed him. Hut an: it aa*
II j.i.l a bilataLe. ________ ______ ____
.. Waiaangbl. ab-. bad

All the tur. of lb- world I* r*gmeuied ta uaturr'a lerUrg ilealgo*.
boue-tliue* a lllllr b>.|T *>U ba.r lb.
«pl- »mnre of au .kralT* ahilr teat a*
11 rldio ou a deaen looking *ra
er. it* abarp outlibe* MiftnnvJ ta Ibe vap.fvm* alueia|>bere. will •Pi’e.r Ube *
domed moaaue la cieea warble A HaaIrr
<-hlDe« pagial** come, drtntag
alual.v d-an tbr -urreal. folloaed '
.7olbb-ntb.dral.eariy.tylr. 1
a (vliarum and ta'yund a I

L tbb e
lalim.'rgrd. with foaiD brvaktag
tbr Fieru To (ert aloft.
I'trrr rabir foot M 'cv abore waIV* ate *»*ea towr
toUv leer
(eel beta*.
I When a Urpa
Urg. bwv ta bhi. It I* Iberr' lore auHe imp
le tu te*ltae It. full
hardly ..tueelve lb»l
■ all Ibr appraraoee
luBlIy riding ua Ibe aartare abould
shiv ual) U- rai.lug unr-eiabtb u(
It. hulk abovr rb.
Ev^a Ibwe abu hare aludled h
rli**.. guartiT* (
Ibeir rolinaal bulk. A berg thM
abuuded In Ui-lrill,- bay. I«r luaixarr,
It wu
leep. .k»aground ta water half a mllr deep.


Htoatow.of (Ueriing.

age eaytfatag.
Vtoit tieaa whirh btuaaom a oercard !
tfatoiaaaingle’aaaaaBor* frvqomitly]

■ ■
Wbtol per ba foMi
A vnwbrrwumaa opplKd fto help ton

tkne time, brtweto .two
a larUy indwxl. John
BiimkA. 4rf ML Holey.

Mldlaml Un .


X-tld* woanto
Voy tomtly tb* toOtorBir—Idore

has aa npfrfe mw.whtrh haa Baa* tfar to* draw, bat 1 dtoYbM^i*.
triek th* paat aaaamey.
tW w(»k o(
a ptani wbMi will

Ball per bt
ban per iu
Baefewbtot Ploar per bbl

Ry« par bn......................

WbtoS loto Par* Wtotor
tottsto a ftotaae. bat net
additfam to (he taxhtaMal latmtoU of vto Imve a aol.......................
wbto yto eaMOt sleep (or om
X. Jt
Jalkina waa tognn thia weak. U ^11 )asidM look. BKMb Pom^
tolB-*ai ol)m
blotebeo tot tbe toln-dl
ka a tocloty fto —_________________
Klis'a a few faaaoa al
•Mltlsr^mabtoiaMat.attoala(|te|Utw .T^h^. Bat Or.
gif* OltoreklB
____ *_____- .... .------ w.
he aa imponaat:

ia good.

Try it


The c-taltobal H..riok >klr Ontolon TruM will b*ri«ft«r b* eurtad S
aba-k. aklUoUv fitted and gnamnlmd
by K. E. WAlt. aole ogwL

Print Kigil.

Money To Loan

B- Jl. Ctdtrit,


m oab. St.



Lotl-H»D'a itiito-ThU U
tbe heat Uiiag ever bapp'o-

Lots—Men'* attito
~ up totiito —
dale patlema. In
thilomi lo p.Uil
tlS—cboic* of the
ttie lot at...



' waa ^tiog ta nixaa. 11* arotfcfd or U
^ hb wbate prertao* (mtaiag had braa t*
I« I Ibta tod. lie erttlrtod. ctodemard. n-



in bUck. brown aiul Oxford


-Jra- think
-mr ,«s.,.l.meal. a day rrg’lar"'- *lgb(
Aigbed nodding
-Vea." *D*wercd kirtnderinf Mike,
bate* 10 *rr 'em waitin deir opporti
(fa*. Dry cnaw p-' oa ea.y bare tkra*
toon rot* o dny an ea< *11 dr Ulnora
•->r." -IVaahlaruB 8

; Ua at t» r
Chat Wah
It wo. nn nrdioBi.
nrdia*0 •Utnary
wrigbl waa making
TO bad etoM
. btoT 111
kl< eye* btaaad: hb berotb
artUi ta love with bir
U to r Be had I

"ts.'Stsws «n Jj.'ss

m kM$ «t

Bitfdt Btpairing

•• In length awl two mllei In breadtb.

gsrTTri'fou, :

grtolar than in tlw aemmer toatoh*. . w--------- u* ylaUlv ntative* in tlw
Tfato* bn* btM no (roat TK( to dam-|eitT.

Clothing Co

BIcfch Sundries

ily awl tlM bia beat
tto ctot carried upon bta arm. Mach ; ou a visit to their old home to Ohio. |
TltAVKHak cm- MARXr
brother, Noae of ihta
pagatotrwl searching woa reworded by : Otiy Lacmard rvtnrned to hi* home, Below i* a 11*1 of the buying and
be k-fi out . II- had liees afrad
inBt Ignace yeatetday. after a v1*ll|*aUing frlce# of yeateiday for aroe- ,h.,
oHra. iworiattoi
(woTiaioni and
Cte hnndred and iwentr-fivv *tu- ' „,th
with (rt«,d,
frieada in the city,
farm fwodacu ^ *iah mion
iHion la
ta tbe
Ibe bark, tad he <ra> <
lor Traverae City;
(bat tyiibord pBeunwaia bad^ipate
dotoa of (fa* Owoaan high achool *ej
rw-pWll retan
aaillog rilaa
' bit* Ibh temrutloo that be . .
tad by their lewlier*. paid • i« Petoakey. He to* be.u fllltng the
116 00 eery }oy .. hr g« .tit * frioh peoeil and
Clear Port per bbl, n*w
Tb. rtr« Dnllo. • e*a* KoA*.
vlalttottoC of M. Prtday. Dr. poamon <rf Coodachw Peek <« the O, [ctaor Ptwk ier 1
•-Ob. ye*. I luvr alway. kept tbe
lb. firm
ir. CD *^'e*wrolr t^ ^tp^ “Joati.* In Dixoo"
Aagoll mode tliem a dion mU and « * i
luh« Cut
b a bad
<• aliM-t unmiiwl-<o*ly and then tbndderrd dellar I ner mad. : ll wi
tfae Oolnmhtait orgnn wo* innted nn
Mtw Wrad boa retorned u.
P> ..r.
her home
»•«Co* Port C* '*•
Bdlt.*4 7t at tbr grim truth mod gtanug IsitFmprtriy •iact e( wnrb tbai I ecnlda
(to ktoir beoeSi.
in Ohitogunfbcrn visit with
An.] the eoantrrtellei laughed b-artlly
4 W nf It
lU.tllr be tore up tbe toper «od
PfailUp Bnuhorl
of Bnrlinglnn.
Jamea Morgan M
1 M bean -m a (Te*b «bm. He need not at Ibe rreonaetiaa,—Dtfolt Journal.
U tlie Fhrk _________
R. L. A Co. Bern
I 06'bother abont a iltir anyway. lielwBik
U fiS yean eld aaii Clirtatraa* day. pf^e. Mr*. Mtogaa aceomimnled
Peed! h
vmimnled her |; Peed.
H.! U A Co. Be«t
16: would attend tu Ibal. Ile wneM cooreu-,
He ta at hale a. a man of «k>aad hide „
10 tratr bl. whole effon titoo Ibe aobieet :
p,ui were never m mtirt
----------- -------------- --- --------------j^Oo^pet lb
tair U live to he n hnadred yv.
laud |ier Ib
to «W(e. He attrllmle* hit I
I take a pooiti
Ade* wfabd.
ao anecA^e.
whbb abewed
abewrrf tto liable av
Br^uw are
i»r lb Dairy
are i.iltaiw
inrttalw fbe
fbe lewtlemtUf
able leogevlty
Cecamery Bataet p(« lb
, to temiavule habilB.
---------------..rr ou tba Hieblgon Oenal.
article, bevnim- they on ta- adapttriBe* ta tbewarlvea. t
ra ia tUe yielnlty of WUlowl Martin Brown of Uland wna in the
mr many aad vgHoiu purpuava.
B0l4r Briag. They w...~
my (hi* t* toe Q.' liw amat J>htoom-l citT yaatarday.

eieM and IlfHlkr Dig- 1 Opals flad gnat fatb* tt.
.Core per bo told).................
■M *ee tbe craadeur <rf : *
rtol folia that Itaa been kwrwo. Vegg«T. WUItom HlaBmw and
ettble vtoe* and paalmnle Aelda at* !

Lained-Carter'S Overalls
Hamilton-Cailiartt’e Overalls
Berkahirs Pants
Nelaan Bros.’ Shirts

Her. Hugh Keiiiiedr. laalor.

wild ooaMen-ntv yeM
Lut e fraat U t>:t& a. m.
,dctor*. ai U«- farl. *xi«mOoo
PlrachiugBl lOAlB. m..
^**.1 awarded a gold modal. Mr.

lltere la a gnat .bmamd for the nut* i
good prVwa- The city
alr«mly aold ntanv ebectnat tree*

and all In

i«r-uii of the bouey ttol a ewam of
: bee* had hir*d Wllfalo.
Mhlra.' exbibll of

*«ay* for Ho|a> eolirg* *ti«l.«li. at »
gndaaled aeab- of fclo*. f.» eaaay*.
pelUleal ajieeela*. ami aermpna Tie

*^ **'*'
St. Joarpti'a nheataol

tog at II n. ni. and 7 it ra
Suiutat w-IhioI at M :/• a. la.

OliriatiAii Kndenvor at .•<:4f> p m

‘Rwy will emploT lOn imm.
la bdag poahed ra|ddlr to

Waim Back Ulsters
Zero Ulsters

Lot •>—Boy's Hrhnul guiln —

Low Prices
on Stylish Garments..
Imdiea' .larketo - in black
only -PWfolar valoea ta.
Cl fXI and M.60-to .lean
tbein up. only.. -


Lmdiea’ Btyliab Jacket! —
in black.Oi'tmlgr*yM»d tf» F AA
Ufi- DtoX
btot ox
of workt^
obip. well worth
at '


When tbe artMe woa flntabcd. be raatlird that br bad dato. far non San
wr«* a akerrt of Utato. Withia S*
abort Hndta ot nrwapopw miiiliiaHni*
h. bod ptudob
■Cm m*d tortala* iMtoitod aa a brotok. wttb
bcbd and fbet o( dtasoods and aha*
boadfd ta U* tto>y and wsl bom.. Ba
eospoacd Of to* large apal.
- ant k»ow« hrCoCT that b* wni tiav
Tb* otbar M a btuocfa to tb* tarn d«
amirHy enald
owU haltavr
haitav* k tow.
. arnirHy
‘Bg h* .bsBB to wiaiii U kfa

Iteliable Dry Goods; Carpet and Clothing Houaa


m MuMinw mmcoMB, Twnammaxr, mm, «trsn»AT, doroa«« •». mfc_




mat* Wifciliy tttm


nAnrni. :On.,«,nndOBlrfl»ttopBeotorpal- -fciy.-to* aaH H • bn« Mm.
U.. Attairtle
bpaM-lsmofttettnawr. ltbate«fTaada!..,^^7^ivnMtaxhbnk. TtoM
tidi P«* ; atnnto oto. from ft. lUck*. to Madtom
ti^ nwv-*'
a abatdbKmr’ Tmkn
Tmkn ;^oBa.bBtttodc::xb

eff too ttaam te tha a anaqxf AnirinR)
_____ ______ With •• i
«a bort to Pew Yoric m wall aa tor
tbm a* itor dime all tha <
emtamd jownay, datptta tto tact i nr down from U^1
Ak. Hb la ; -Dn't talkao bad.** van thanteotha coa; of tto arifcde i* snaiar . aauslblni; hi>
the djatamn
.—iiAmd tot mmator. **lfa
toao abroad, aad ttot H 1* aspto• m su tunc-»:tcw
a, —ra on tto pir- "Bkt
•iMtoie win to the tor to
Haff to ktnp Tto raond trip ecto'
I nzt dw aattobra an boA bdaa
pirn to Inal thnewato*. and tha nmm.
btoiad tkaebaadwto
•to iA|il«tor1 U» ttopateto
hto ta bat ttol pariod. one waak to • mew tr*mu^nmi tie *• tome maitoad ’4^ blind* waitito fv yda to oomn
UtoAtoiwr tto

ttwtoto that tt»r toBM t
whkh the Aip t* tied ap in dmk. wftb
tonn mS Wmo.
Htor to Ih0 canal M <mt whto tha
a aatoiff tq> Re in the rtorirrAlidrtoe ^batort Aa* deagibae hb <4torym hwte.*'~W^ilitoHrtfttotto. P>r«toto«l U
J» to—to».ttoWtoltol ttoir •pnxlirioaa we. Utom tbesn-. seebod to wmiuz a Ixiuk: "I writ*
tmiUtt ito to»«toto to tto 4io.rht.
alun ly. raty •luwly. and toriw aad
torttoto Itoto—«■ to» Itotofi
^ ttor nt mm* *etr
Then will
rr kSCiifM-______,
«-ii b my worit
_______ _ n the
... Umil. the '
of lee neun Abb carried
My norrbl alvayr tmternymll. I aer- Batonto’’RnbAtt'toVoodlnnfV this
Wood—n toU.
Mato. It to acetotorr for ^eiT' Attporiandkepi nc ImmeTOwoatate »ooald dictaiaan.rtcl ** “•■Tpbya.
toaonttownniroyatcc b a ^iwm i naed fonuerly tojliclal. them I had All fellow topUmta an tofwnity fe­
ta tto ptoriatan acoaont Manykiodato a eertaln taktil it) mr i.-;;.. jatl a. Ka- aarotedlotota«a<«(.nmiatun* aad BBppUoaan •'-heeper in tobuo had acenaiu leuub. te thf-k«a
r. a»l MV I
Chropa than tore, and to thcae tto of laa *oldior»- Mr Luut> ga
---- -_ _
•ILlhtov it • fatoiv tor drb to tonth |
le U to thU trot. Ttorr wtll —n by In a dooblrmakat ibe£o- maB^prunan *Tu IxinBTAilh. I 811 my
nm** aT-ii^n
__ ^
AMto. tto rt»rtOB it fMltoMt by tntobir to dur who trill toe ttoir n—I inria Ire .Twam. loo. bclenpw pcKrbuub. litoh mile a* it b a«d b < “I droned my wWeh today, and tt
•rtothml afTwmmt. «to tore mUmir Toto to ■PfitoBi <* Btotoettoir t«
ta Eorope. tot 11 fas* cb-fxul diaad-' nrnrhed uui lu btoa i« rad peociL haa been aainiav tan mtaatman tomr^^
ttod to ttoir nirUomtito. ItUaetor THtair that >t tr m* in> ommaa tha i y>uu, uriuoinuce* and the tabirv; mid u-alch
l.. a yewrkr. Tto jewabr
I. mom t* wtiMB H* mm of fBKtorr UiU jmr or ttoe
Amwicaa Toaatd* thi anicb
of my wrnitr;—'ito ck-ltui >f uiy weo>'1
be bm eocie |.i be hm uf a n-irelty or^'—J wnlc ..ul ta oupybooto il»‘ fira ' nack a rIsjoi iu hu *3». lookid into tto
taicnor to tto wairti. p ■
m tto tabb in Enrope tu remn yearn.
,rf c.r novel
.........................................^ '*■* ■ to wtUi fair mamly. d.«ble». benwae to Ito inai.1-I «n*. thU toid eripy .ai alt«-a3U .witha*maUtmionmo>«tbeW—
tiploM to tto Chl-i ^
Ma«to ttolhoammbofAmorwatnwhu
to oiv n»j.fWd>. au-l k-»«ellK .by a wmUur, end handmf H mA
Xtotok Odd nd tilr toato'^
maka Earapa tbeir fnmmer pbyftKJend. uppWte etor^ bloak. ^lYini Ito b>uk >1 mid. ‘It'• ulUrtafai ncm. and I re ml II
tofatodar. TtoBrttotopattotodtot'T*
Irecraom. ton. yoncan set ta mn«t to anulwd ta He ruatfb bair. I nwiiie ■' by the oortect lime." "How m^J
•to no Htotn an to tto verktotoi'
tto ba clltav. rwrn lu Rnaland. Bel il |use to {nan ib the bliii L chertK. Tht aaid the cM.imer. mlterad. "hcabinf,
HO fan totow tto toHtor.
QcaallylacdJ. He-mala. radc(tiiabb.n,aal- pa](e ni the riittH-.te th- lue-aded cn|W wa* ito anewer. "Bat 1 can*1 tel yim
tt.llir t
ilin that make It •> anrartirc at home, of tbe po«e <» <to left Ttoti mr wile wmi f* me wtlbool paf-'' "wenerm
Bartipmu* may talk abigl tto iuiiniltob lonbe at Ihie wv<«il ciprsed *c;Mr>4* . riiarsc lOiy lax- f<w itncfa a aerrica: why
bauiaet to (iMiiT wiunt. bol tto UnuiBet to ne- who; unprvoainit* miithl be ' abmId we riianr
‘Rr baUBWtaff
ibno d<Rn>.
, wa* doubled.
doabled. ai>d lhal mwb the walrii
to Aiiewican ice rrrani b beruod Itom. mulr. 1 iM.i.-.lbraie
Pint ward. n;.
A e-ucle loarh ae< it Tliftt'
Thb b nut a nutter *■» • -total a.tvanvTlieo 1 n-wrli* tto wtsd.- buick acaio ran :
Tm KTctoJ DlcfctB |M a gtowt haa
imim and fadlKie*. uat* oalmed fur the* viih tie- yrr
a wte-dbi.T « hi> l.vU . —N- Y.rk Sau
toto kaaptof totoito Tlllaaat. sg Be«<md
wta* and otliev AiniO, hr Rwitxerloid it>al bu<-..e>*<me ink i>'ixtad. Hotbji.
Tkltd Wtod. Hh.
Fnapnrt. U L. w
haMlr. It li
b faU to tor miped in.mnfain*. and her apati fp.m inr
my li're...
ii-re... 1 write ea
ewh man
Poonb ward. 111.
aa totalUftot i^ito and artopu It*
ral^-----------an flbd with. .vwr.
ll.nv limea.Kr,
limea ..i.r, tad
and tf
tf I roaU
_-n|i« llinv
Pifih ward. 171
tore oaa*ed
▼todat tdCbtoir li U tbtoribto a.
A mried-aod recral cxpinn>rc wiA f.j *,1 | v^.mkl w rite It ae ms iri: «^““>hbyewr.
Be mmThe narbRalion next tbrarday
„ I Uve mi<l. I at
towiat tone ana* and laatoto* ryn, [aubably be nmeti hearier than yew* tto ko nwam* to Earupe ludona tto
Ae yeunlne. Obawre the .......
ccm-laaiOB that only lb-"wirbNtu" <an Nui.ffHd vtiA my w<wk- Bell ^
ato it Wtttovt alaaa viUi a« «lr«
when ros a*k for UeWUt'* WiU
lerday. owtnr to lu tminjc •» w»rt» aeU «a tto Piaan to 6t Mark * ta im«uUr in tny my to wuriiuB .'kan~
.■Iran- Haxel ftilre It i* a mfe and. oertalaatlto ato t^km tto totoldn M.irn the alectica. and the b*t
ar trUh tomr. torml old-ttoie tomaca for the name to be nwislerad. • Tfatra appnwbea Ito deto i.iae perfev ,tu<« I wivk IS fa.«r> a day. wJ *tf care for pileii and all Ata Blma»e*
rion to the irdtaaiy emy day lee cream
da*.*’—BtrVland 1 Ho. 1 ^bou.
^rtatm Urlnit to ihU rlUaie haw
atod* arv fmmm*t ottm aaetoff tit*
gtoat. > It baa ctoawt Wayelbaa. and POTATOES DECAYItO BAOIY
haa toraad etoar tii ttotr vato irith
. Miaaaa'titotraaapitoltoc.
ttoa nrtn fraai Alad> myt: Tto
v«er I 'afrCtoU.
gwalto potlaMh ctrto Iv awnT
yaan to Ababa U aov to latuffia* at
daa«eraai rm teem* to hare
Ktoekwati. aw Pyiaaid Hartor. atnei a bi»c nnmber of tto potttoaa
Oacaia Ktortoh. ito rietoal Alatoaa dU Ihl. fail. Tha Miehi«mn tttareh
. aMaftolB .who made hi* moot:
nadtot. todritx a««r
ot taaatj ytor* that hla aaBH- may tronbled wllli the dtaraae. and boytn
bahaadto dmra aa a 'ltRioroaa chtef- an- hariDK a rood deal of trc
tol^ Two tboaaiid todian* an ja**. Yrilh II.
tto. Praattof. danotoa
The Starch eaa[nnT noently porMb* ap tto irttoltomr. which will eiowd orer H.ODO haatoU of flrci ebaa
IJtw arrivals of a!l th*
Oar gsrmtais art mttttnq
tto for a tooBth. Tan Itootoad dol- ftook al Konhport. Omeoa and Hal*
latest ertafiorts aimvst
with grtat faoari thtf art
bn* wotth of bbakato. flooz. trau. ton* Bay. bat before It eoold ba
Itaaa aad hymn booto wiU to dlatrih- Aippeil Ap rot ^ok it. and in trad
tvtrf dap-Bontst valats
makiag fritads hr us aU
atod. Br tto time tto ftast U tmtod Of ahippiiMt ll loChieairo itoy wera
OhM Kbrdah will to peaBibaa. line obliited 10 lain it into llie aiarrh fae*
priced law. « « « • «
mast tvtry dap. « « «
ot tto ohiof ftoana of the ntreb to
Ito mabllw bam*, in which tto laditoa an ataklnr owrythliiir they
1 atoek leaded cm the can
owa. anua aoaw naf* Itoir wiaawa
amit to Ghienffo. bal thU alao
Ttobotfy of Captain De Ib^. rot^ and had to br aakinded aad
tamed Into Ae factory.
cfPnunoa. haa
The rat i*a illamar dae to bte
bottom ofapr<
tin* and proloafcd warn weather I
le od 8t
tet. in tto CO
till* fall. Tlu Starch coratnoy woahl'
D'Aro. Oaptab Dr Pnon
(anaen who an |>baata|r id
paarad bat'orratna and it waa to- |«t Aelr potatar* In plu for tlie
Itarad ttol to tod imo aianbwrd.
winter, to watch ttoan rery clow-ly
. Pew* naehrd Anatin. Trxa*. Pri■i|tii* of Vot. and if they hare \
toy* of a imtbUi' hailatarm which autak which b baffUnlBK ta rot. il:
pm—1 o»«r a lam portion of Wnt
lid be well to ^n« II la Inmevll-.
Tana two daya are. Tto liailktoiuw •eily. a* the factory cna am them if |
wan tto aiar of a too'a rn and kilt- (her hare not rotted Wo badly. Many'
•d handnda of wild antrlope. tank fanmm who woald vtliiawlae fln-ii
rabWta.' aad other anlmala Tto their Mock alinan a octapMe loa*. an
toil— eorend Cto KnMiad
caaRnUaUtilw tbemartvea oe Ihlt
Of every description. Our department is well lighted. You can
market for ihclt poor potatoea.
see what you buy. Courteous treatment is extended to ail,
, Many fanaen make il a faacHce
Kwlait cm Uw floor of the main to tarn the calla orer Co the childrtii
whether purchasing or just looking. Our garments all have
o«or of tto took of Moatnnl at New nr the family,
I Itoy I
York Priday wa* wtot looknl like an from them, aad oie taight little I
character, style, fit. finish they are made by artist tailors—
low ha* alremly Ihi* fall aaraed orer
a waa In faet,> what to i
every-garment a model of perfection.
gU on oalb which he tox cold at tto
kaowB aa a "klnc bar" of -cold. It fact ry.
watito M.(MO oanoea and to rallied at
The Michigan Staftoi On. noelrcd
IIM.OOO. It npreaenta tto Uai elean- orrT«.flOD haAeb Priday.1.000 hr tto
ap of the OmaoUdated Cariboo nittie Creawit and Cainmbta. — by rali.
b Britiah ColnmUa. It will be melt­ aad nearir S.HO hr wagon, and orer
ed at tto aaaay oSn.. Thto to mid to tolf of them Aowed tto hlnok rot.
ba tto lamat bar of ffotd rrer •hip­ It *tarta in with a btaek
We make a special showing of new arrivals in $5.00. $7.50
ped from one mine. Tto aame dauik tiaa.lookinga good deal like a tratae.
and $10.00 Jackets that are unsurpassed in style and make-up
bat aammer rMr.ired a bar raloMl at and in a reaple of day* the pomwtr
and unmatch'able in price.
ha* roiled almoat eotinly away.
Aa expreaa tnia apenlinir toward
The Smr^ C.c- bad planned, not to
We will also show a nice line of Collarettes. Scarfs. Boas.
Willbmaimri. Pa., atnek a hnire ■mn the tancry cp nit btar In the
bowlder while mioic flftr mile* an «ea«m. lilt they had al laaal 80.000
Muffs, etc., at especially attractive prices bought cheap on ac­
toar aboBl 1 o-rlor* to the maninr. baabeb on hand, bal la ofder to tweA atower or lighter train woald proh- TPOl loa* they will begin work Mod
count of the unfavorable weather.
ablr tore faera wneked. tot aa ll wa* Ar moralng. _______
We carry in stock a few extra fine Fur Caines and Jackets.
tto boalder wa* tomrd from tto
Hack, ll tod been looarard by nAT llt> Ol.D TRIf-K*
We also take your order for them and guarantee you a perfect
cant tain* and hod rolled onto tto
fitting garment on short notice, and save you at least 25 per
taeofH. J. Mymaa'* Hare** inMeda
At Oaaxlee. K J . Mra Obva Peocent
on outside prices.
pba raated foor ann with a rotolnp
One to B. J. Mocican'*Aan*a erratohatrandaii Amarlom flac Pridar.
Tto men Imd made a bole fdr a leletag cn Proni atieel n«nr Ae O. B. B
OURmph pole ID front of her beoae
Tto bona- look fright at A* taMm. People* pbaied Ito chair aad
coantag O R. A 1. crata. and after
flaiC orer It and dand aortody to tear
making oerryal ananocomfal attamiba
Ito brter down Mu told tto fort
to tan raond. he Am htamalf aad
••til tto Icmnan lauimeed a trace
•ad went to nmralt tto ofhreta of tto lay on tto graaml. dpparmitly nearly
dmd. For a good while all affona
eamtn.r.wbo nrr ap the Bifhi.
gel him ap wm irlthiH effect*
’'Look wlml I foaad. ' llaped 4 mr
mid Cbia Hoffman, a* »>ie me into bal bye aad bye to made ap kU mind
: with tto loa<l ihai be had been down long amoogh.
___arw. apparenllr Done tto Worm
fortbeiraatde. Tbbba «rtck that
Sell for $5.00. $7.50, $10.
tto ohild. a* ato was bn^.
ammanu bter ato wa* hcariSed w
$12. $16.50, $18. $22. The higher grades
•aa a Mflir ptat —ka wrapped aboal
the —and body to Aa little girl,
are perfect models. None but skilled work­
wha •• tofftaatag to cry becataar of friMiffallT." WTitra W. H._______
men are employed In their mannfacture.
Aa— to
reptlb aa hn JonaarUle. Va.. "wfate cnnaaff bcRt*
Meaceea teHye^bM Btelaa'a
Mn. UoBmaa qakAly
Our skirts are very popular they range
AmieaSdlra wbtoly aaodma ‘

-MtiMrMrMbMiS.'* told
Ah— wl*
III Mill toMm

• II -- Miiirr- blko^ to haw
ctoMsIuiEc qwatitr«f Thmim)

to add*. «MT ««•
mmmmt* tkrqtoUl
ttmtttt* toetotoi vko



ta ta

ta ta

ta ta

ta ta





elm t2tad.*' fata

sss jr


ooU, fWlytoAbnMy. anat Ae

--------H battle to |M*a mttatarwey ar

mttlnnettodao Rwi
Ar new town to Udy—lA,
gwwa eoBBty. Win Tba tmmita will enma from Ae ytataity to
Oda—. in aooAem Bate.


in price from $ 1.00 to $ 10.
Have just received a new lot of Walking
We solicit your inspection.

The Boston Store

]%tah~Phhtta8p—Iff.** omx;
no to tto Aop te ttonha. nad •«».
fhto Aa MB and n« ^ a

sSJ&vS: Bane*.'.* OMolaa

tRmtofaBmtanhatalMdbmtadlL Br

iVWhat her

«f tha aannatlTe.



■aa dtaiT apeUa. ttiaf feattafi.
____ loh . kldacy aad Uear traaMea.


Axk yoat dftatlitat_________________

1 to tone taytoad
twa arl*nto|in|t

Rul Estati OMlirs.



_ taa yota waffUA I'U amto H eota
JOB at Imat ffK to fat oat to U. aean «
JOB tet pay tor tto treak'
-BcUta^ aad defled aw.*'aald
M man to the seoaerx. "bat tofora 10
. -ekek tootau to Ae betel andcOatad
mefTtoaactfe. ItoakawTinea|roBiWmhbpaittohmidlealUra^iriA

Tndtn, Huts Luntrs.
211 Frwit St.
Travaru City, Hieti.
______ ininked m uaiuwwuM,
TMtibiiW . and 2 ckmela, ffood
celkr, city ntor, lante tot. rloM
iB^^roperty. low prioe. iMoe

clmad Aa cane. HeadmlltodlomathH
to bad tawtohly damacad 6.000 trttalm A
hb life, bat that nocue hwl erar kicked FOR8ALE-7H0-44 Bcran, N
btoore. Hedidn'taappamatrankoWBtr
nul« on Peolngaia. went nhora,
bad tto alifhteai bfol right tn eaiA.
go^ hotur, welt water, 160 fruit
bly didn't gel orar looktar
treen, 27 acres Mi-dcd. Rood bam rk.DMroit Plea Pltaa.
•Dd all neoMMiy oatbaildiDitB.
Piioe tl'iOO
HALE—688 — Large boeso
Aecitetally a UU to an tan at
ud 66 foot lot on Bute ekreet.
atom. Tyral waa dbeorend among tba
pnpata to • fecently dmaaaed taenhtr to
8100 down end $10 per month
tto totoial botanbold to Empmo WUUam L which giraa aa idra to tto com
takes !lt. Low price. Pnee
to Urtag at tbu time. lalhMWiUlam.
then wan to Pmmta. wi^ a aalt to. FOB SALE—887 Good boeae.
m camtauuan*. awppad at tto inn. Tba
comer Jot, comer to Rosp and
lodging f<a- tto company amoonted W U
SigbA strpeL Honae has flve
bentmr—t reata Tbe bnakfaat coffa*
rooma down stairs, can to fin.
labed for two or Arm an aUira.
mp-l e.. *>,
aa I «a>i. Atm
AU finished in hard wood beki«f. ...
New. Low prior. t«ay tenna.
Price Bt-V).
POR HALE-H14-Hooee and 4
___ *iu BpHcn. Tto total expram
lota on ramor to laiko aronite
iodgiiw. bttnkfaat and dioow for tto
Eiffhlh alrcH. Houac haa
pany luuuaarid to t Oortaa and S6
1* laiw ronma, alone foondakmHan-. nr abiml Manta.
lion, clu*- in
bard, room lor 10 horaca.
W*oirf.rOB*BBBdr«d Uolbra Re­
Thia property is well wnrib
ward for any eaa* to Oatarrti that
^ot h* eoitai by Hall*' CatarA
^OOU, but owner for apecial
reaatan makes low price and cuy
F.' J. Ch«i.-y ff Ca.. Proita.Toterms. Price 81000.
Wn. Ar DDiWalgnrd. bar* knowa FOR HALE 7ir. House 10 moms,
F. J. Ctoner for tto laat 16 ymn.
all in guotl condition, also honae
and b-ltarr'him perfectly hoaocablr
4 rooota wime tut, clow' in prop­
erty, Eiglilli alre^ rent* for 818.
Artesian water bidh bonaee. A
WcM ff Traax. Hlratamlc DragNo. I prop^y at low pri^.ea^
i*U. Toledo. U. Waldtag, Klpniui
Marrln, W-holemlc Draggiita. ToFORHALB-782-Hooseand laivf
do. U.
comer lot, Webster 8t. H.>nae
Hair* Oatairh Care b tab«a tateraally acting dtrecUy aia» Ibe blood
ban 6 rooma all finiahed in hard
and maraoaa *Brface* of tto *y*ieio.
wood. Cioae in properly, low
Hrioe Tic iwr bottle. -Bold by all
pritw, easy term*, taifl down,
ruorlata. Taatimonlab frae.
balance monthly payments.
Haifa Family Pllb are tto beta.
Price 8800.
booae, 14 rooms, atone fonndatioii, fnroece, large bam, eorimr
lot 60x150. eloae in property.

crvgSAL BmiiDgxm >* digeiwu i___
9 i<—
.vri«rai.. Ata wwrr
III tnen ><e r*M —let* era-urltr K.fVei rteM^

T'S!^z^ 5SI,
ptm KBlf-Hmeir bow
r |«r Mta ta Bee

PIH RBIT-A «ell iraie la
r matnlr* nl H g ItW*M. IS ' : Mb MiPH

lil*.A.u«h Hmta wyhta. mrm.
‘ nmif



pi-MAinia-Hi^tam. r*

aat^CHEAP-Itoaera wamta s*to



This is one of tbe lx«t boirt and
finished bomee in tbe city. Will
take farm or anmller piece of
property part pay. Prior 82.'>00.
FOB BALE—828-Good lot on
State street, 66 foot front, sontb
-aide of street. Price 82-70.
FOR BALE — 784 — House nod
lot on East Ninth street, just
off Union. Honae has 8 tarn
rooms, good well water and eta*
tern, connected wlA tower,
good bem. lot slope worth half
what we ask for property, boildinga could nut to pot tbete for
leM than $1000. Trice 81900.
- HALE-819-Hooa
, and
>r of
Maple and
Randolph etre , good ba
and well to water, comer lot

w»d lohUm. wul 1,1 p, rf

thia propax^ for 850 down, bal*
anae86 per month aad iatoreet.
We're eding yon Ae lota aad
Arowing in the bnildinga. Price
Tbe ootlook for iacreaee in ealne in real aetata in our opinipn
for Trarerw City and vieinity for
the eoatttg year la brighter than
it bae been at any time daring
the past two Beaaooa. We muht
gi«n yon a nomtor of good reaaoea
why we think ao, bot anm Aem
all np in Aene tew words - Onr
Aanaactiou and porebaaen show
oar faith in Ae fatnre to this city.
We-are boying ereryAing Aat
we can_____.
handle, ereryAins Aat is
offeied A
ia real eatata at foir price
and tarns that we can carry itbeI
liering that u tbe near fntiInra it
will net ne a nice profit. Voa o__
doAeaaneifyoowaofo What
^ aay neighbors, we beliete.
What we ewear to is to oar beat
knowledge tbe Imtb', bnt if we
wore a Mv «rm wlA Ae ahallow
brain to an imbedle, and Ae diepoaitian to a emm, a emrora and a
for,' vilboBt moral regard to ita
•Mi. we ahoffld nto enmiderit
good policy to lei tbe maUdoan
iatoinetatbat ebafaetarisriiSki *
beast, tiare ccmtrol to tba extant
to criminalixing Ua fatnre.
Always on ^ botofo, alwm
gfodloaeopoff, make nMmaaJata
than aU tba nto

Wade Bros.



latest Plans For Reacli tie Nortl Pole

BBtvboabgnldtbii taetfsteMM
todmMUh .ttbeMilSttSli tat
•D old friend- wtan I vlQ «bJ] Ur
SpeeUkr. H« Urn it Uoou Ctalo. ta
bm pMd •
ta* plat; <d atattf. be nor* tu Ita
CmIbo errry d*7 and «nc7 ennlair and
be BVTv pl^ • pent Ituhiioompetiaoiii life tobr u obeinar cd ibiagi
•ad to mark tbewar* of Mta aad «oaDkiad la tbe suuMr ta «1U laark
tarn at Aia-ta^Balaa, at lainamw «<
>t TroariUa Be know* evecTtbl^
bool nbta li Rtdnit on Jnat now at
‘Uaat7.'’ what BoMiaa priaaat
paviwd tar diamnadi la« wmk aod
whatCBbaaaiMCBr plaatsdld pot die <d
I90|ilez7 at tta Bote) Oambole. tat
mlMned hiiaerlf edtb pn^ acid.
-Be wwt a fouL lit." qpotb Ur. 8|>a;uter. "WhrdidD'ita into tta adalatantioar
didn't b« atata bi* im
laratlcn? Ita? knew weU enaoifa that
ta bwl loM SOO.OOO fnan iu tta eovrea
(d («■ dopa 'Rmt wenU tare paid Ua
ttarrllnc and bote) nx|miM back W
T'-nrIl f-nhn Hialta
<dthaL Be«raaafool.atrr
Ur. tipKtan* went co to tsplaia thta
wtan a ekaunl not plaptr laadaaCBBdid admuaiaKd bU iiapemal<altj tta
adatiautntiao gare him a aam cd aioaej aamcitot li> d«fntr Ua toBtotij \if
nilwaj- to Um. pbtee vtanee ta
aad bia inridnilal erpmw. «n mala
He meuliooKl i4k< raw hi which a whole
family ad Sir. pamoa wwe allowed Id
Itait ajiiere l.> lata ttaeu fram Uenla
Otrlo to Lmxioo. tta aole nadltioa at­
tached to tta lariPB betiw that tta
radiueni idtoBld not rr-auler tta
nntaa ta •* ata neonped tta adminiatraurai fer Utar intlay. In tta ewe
wbb'hta cited, leuxd tta party, a lady.
wbo bad nut guae tarttar than Mire.
i>ta afterward a baodfrotn Kagland. Hta
wetrt tack blitb.-ly tu "llooty.” repaid
tta ii luaK tr-ruiMed tta Ctalao. and
back'Qg ItaduQte drmire. out fuTgPttint
auru. won tauO. ate not to tallerc •' added Mr Sturtalor. "a titta od
the •tDuiiuual a><rta> pnated atnat
raiOMl saineal.n bangiliK ttamaairm to
tiw* Hi Um Kanb oa. >» bluwiog oot
; ttait Imiu ID Uie nadingratau." Ita
Diaj-riiy >i( Uhw naatda are art im foot
-dje-ure IVitM-h iM-wiipa|a«« which
bribed by
lo puff Monte (hrla
UlxKd Ita |>
uf I.iy friieul Mr bjKtator i. that avaty
y-JO iur.4 him ta baa a freab «giy
lly.iQ lUeil atilafalllbleayiaaaiftg
wiuDUig atnaitali-. aud tblatima ta i*..
gated III.- with a an'iin-t narretlre <£

: Ptu. and by tta Hue ta t e flte^
: t.aly ta<l pUyed a«ay a baodaunm fur:<uu.L AtappytboDgbt^awamdtublia.
I U- alwar. W.ev W.-llinxtiai tajla Hie
•apUal wan ynut 0 loaia. Tbli ba'
I .haui.'i.l ...... ... franc piio*. and ta iwter eiokM uiiev tJiaii leiupbre at a time;
and If lx- w.ei ta wlibdii'Wbla atataaaft­
er tta< (bird naip Hiiwlimitigetacat*I fully pUred in a «ido poih.l, aud wta»
I wvr he liad «lei fuer piM-re be rhaaied
I a luou aud elli^ tta cutii
.if III. {..lU. Ur played fer
»-.iiiiv.. buiirii bi'fiati bu atock
ilalwa.i-ilifluid«»l. nntitarrinnied
S'lou, amn nUat lieary <d fiwtatf^
and drawing uS bia bum., fuand that ta
bud eiai HKI bniii.
Mbu wu. twu yean ago. "anotlmed
Mr i^iwuiur. -and mily Um weak I
I found UaikuD at a third rlwa w*-i m
I Mir.-, ill- wa* ID a dniaaiig gown and
■ eli}>|.-n> nod b.hiiig by oouvwna etaarI fsl. 'Huwebiail tta WeUiugugi bm
1 .y.l.ui 1 ii>d.d 'L'iiercnlUpB.’ta
Rfdicd. ‘('Utifuiuided run of bml Inch. ‘
■Aielltab.«.: lwemon. -TtabooUr
ta r< |.h.d
I pewuedthrm rWllaj
af(etu-'«i.' "
S. till. M •■M.-I.iy’-in full awiar—
"Niiuiy.' MiU. II. ape and dowia. iu
rcareb— whirl •J geyriy aod dlmi|mu... Ttarej. n.>r.*t at MoaieCtalo.
Wta„ .re tired of play, there «•
dniuiuiii |.-rbruiuarae, Ctate are ooarret.. itan- .. i.i*p«o abuutliig. and ta
lb. .]<riiii; Mid ninuui-r ttare la (dentp
uf yacbuuc Hut all itaai-are tally aide
iwure. Tta (iruud Trook line uf
Udil..l.ud.i.. tta tiviplerd----- in-m
It I. .-i.mduH night aiid day by paupl*
lo.rf'iugf.ii luiux-y wbicb tbv bare not
wind, and It I. Umj read loreta —
U«(h4i Tekvrapb.
a.- }ui w.Ar a Ureud Ai«t* b«imi. " reid Ita man la ttactair
-Vua.fab.- aaid Ita barlw. whh a
" takaig lo arukawd pom. lavppoaar
"Noaab Tta cnliod pQBt belo^p u

-Koebtag bo
wixt. weak,
nut aoinda.
' 4ri*e. and atar that jenTi lire In «
md tvnrr.—Kww YoiA Ea^.

Ita mrtalaa •c4anilaia' atarta It etna
, utan an a ptale n ieriw* aguarr, and
li preMwared by eUwTta
«C Ita taMAcreataata.
gUilagreili ema tatan at I a tatar waa ti«)lr hrigbL br M.
r of Ita cnniaM aa-



li ir:-.'—”,v
rS"?csoiTi “»ivsr
ss ; ss.’s.'iiJ'S

We Ibal ta rear ta able lo preaanl Mi fetber with a tat eWha on hto UmrArat

a .

The water la thrived trws laadreeala
cKtmw and bemekuh
brtnigbi arreiad dallr lo barreU aod
iMirheta. whta the onty proriUo
tta aceage la rennd la the night carta
whl. h go oat of (ta gate* laden erllh
and rrtiim wltli freeb
rram ita farm* la tta umralag. fknre___ t (ta city rattan an prevailed dp.
en ta •priakl* t
atafra U tta I

alao cnlbd hdte ^a«i U
pure in tta (t
there u a vaai diflrrenre Untreet. t
dwetllag. (he aapere w«m
out in 0»r

tta ABechany rirervaa talUd
ttaPeUw IndUta tbeVaUktannA



I CUT, moB, «r?CDAT. OatOWKH M. 1M%:


Cteed mhirnttory^


S. Benda & Co. j&

' Mr. Matitm tik«> dw aO^Mi e(
bs taUtWMi ■>>««•
hem tk.7 tew tMB taMtMhirU.

aa« Canto esa aei an oyiMr-

Potto* CwMiot Umvai

It’s a Pltisure
to Look Ttniitli Baoda's Ad.,^'

I taalty to tox bant all they nay wlafc
i to. Mr. Moaltoai ■^ra hr wanto toe
On Otak to take hoM of ikla atul axe


I lint aa tonun kUl ffator tody la tonMr. Oottia worda it abnat the
Kow. Frtende MosUoa and
Oartia. yoo do toat and wr will «>ve.

irch lot TMr Bodi**'

toe maw tin plealy. ihkw wr taa aet
a tone a aanber oT dan auat eoam-

Every item mentionckUs Bood newsto those who desire to practice.economy, and to those who are compelled to make every
dollar buy its full worth.

itot for alf tint wlto to take ]aiK and

li 1


wr’Il kwreafalir haat 1 will fflar
Prirod MeoUn and Corti. atoldr |
for torir horwaand hoard for:

w Xmt ■

U they eaa pat
cmr bill of tore, free, while oat ai my ‘

We Need Money, Toe

ptoer vau^iw tboer fellow tortneto J
lakM • UUk ortv rwo ^tW{
T»a>w 019 ^ ^ wr«ml wifmm- '•

Who mlitol abool mine eat of acm
Kow brotorr «poma»ii 1 boi»> you •

tau tmmfnmtm Omt
it mxmU k»’
wwtii m M‘* vbib M*mT«llfUj

may eoarider pa Mt to tor oot of the


BU UM« «• MM 0( ttM I

llMIMTOMi* M7>**rteM


maff be rrry nate

«d ttM. dMMb It la alv*ri poa-!
•IHa IMt tbe aaoMa mmM

nladed.” Thla faeiaff thr war
ahoold uoc Iw ezprned aa maob of aa
each aa

It mem* aliwMl
thlat*R<rf toe

teiMaalbb ilw to
worM *

liopr oor



But’we never try to get it by advertising a certain articte we j
have not In stock, and when you come, switch you off on some­
thing else. Such questionable methods are never employed by I
this store. Tomorrow we offer fifty of th

way aa yotf nay hare Jodard. Yoo
aafMble deptre of al- 1
u Mr. Oartia nya.; 1

Bocaaeri are.

take w.nita aad aoar

atoMdrtoBXMi or wtotoBoa. ao Ux \
•aoMMMa toe «Md •teuoi bkoi.


Genuine “Zero” Ulsters


op to rxplniv

Each one worth ten dollars, at

the atan and tiamae the earth
from oar rod to tbr other, patlterinfi
knowledce, uofoldinp hidden aiyalr-

imtim Ml toe allitotoai tiMe to toil
«r kU whMtobooU. nor ofth* way

riea and rmwl il to the Veal Oaiileld

.to vktob ke wok hlaaeU oof of the
«ay or nMAktod. or waa token off fay

Kamrra’ CIdK
Aa we toeuid liebrotorr aperltmeti are pen-

Da li ptayint tbr part of Eoakr Iff tbr eUifr |.ru.lii<^tlnn of -Bra

Mfiiniy tltoi toetr work i^U to
wtoM, to oonoaal toalT ertian. Yet

ilrmeu of broad tninda. willi a nadrfftoe-of Jodsmeui, they
thoald br tlow to



Min'l T,p CMts. IS, $7, t9.
Silk Flamd Uademeti. SI.

to tliit n«iaa. toon

leu li>to the bartwr. or
Tryor and been oarrie.1
Una or tor ayttorlta toat toe inltee er. and thue killed.
or tola tofflto oa weU aa tor frteoda aearrh of the oootcota
nnd ntouret of toe toaa who wu and of tbr aabce that
Mff to the worU, hare erer ler thnn- falUtl 10 rreoll lu tor
aaWto to eiUBVoL


ally Friday. AaJtaal

fl, hr

tooofft evary aSort tint iiu- h, go car on wluim to platyi aaeidnoo. .

Ilaa rigilanoe Mid darlar orheotlirr-I*^
ly tore ooold fffatop




■ Brealni waa a ttotat,


yoaaff nan. Ho tor aa
pot an onemT tu toe wtobl wl

tor totoer


wberrabuBia ||B» not rraallcd

and uuw 1: u wiTh ill


[tlial it woe a laail llnnkI track (■-.Icller, s|•-arluc :t/di ley.
1 Moueoliitu
|ib.«a,tiii.^-v.ti I.Uuiiiiis


aer for the leal

ja luiuild. Id ,«T>Vl- lliol Wt- VX'TV lid
: ing a wrace tlimg
Mr Com. kiv

whon br dmriy

, In- dfcire. 10 «»y n fi-w

All theorica

mar avoli. intat iroQldi-


t lials- l»-

.....h m...
will be neeJaNow.;
frau airy ttel i oae tome of toe aaylmca of gatoa opm nn- iini .i«.riei...-ii
l.m.« |
bnitlier ukattaarnaa mac foun. Yrii-nd Onrtia. how may
dattoa few reply to their caotealioan tlwm from tra<- s|>oru. 7 Th. • anaVhad not anoey riioe«l> to nakr 1 VIII rty to atay aa dloee l« the nib- meo Uk.- oorw-lw., enrrv iin.- pruii*. i
kind of rIotlitiK;, tinvi- tarqneation oa inmible. wilhoat
tkalaaokteoL -Tho^hereir
The' idee eolMl on both oideo.




dcwllnp With Weal Uarileld track ped- nltiesof male tor wild
beeanr of dleia, flab fryeo. flJkliiff aa tokoa.etr.. {No« exerelar a htiwmnM.UhariM ttreitaa will alwaya temain a U thia lime. Ia defenoe of the Weal of anllwrily au.l Jinet wlmi luu.t I.a^inry- There hare been rnmara of Oarteld Kartoeta' Clab Offaiut the ; done the oune aa m.u»- olli.-r. <1.., Mr i
wbodenOBBCeoBTaolioai tolCanla aaya tomt- so. i. w.Wi U-.-1- •
kU hariiv bew area etoee hla dinppjnifale hae htMi eihaaefcd.

a«ln pmlablr that whal

mcoi'a appoivl



and with litem a note- toylBR:
"1 an
fv rrmn frievda. No money

Vrile (bra Rralaord.









VHer vn<

Omm AHmtemm mrate


.J .. mmi
-Alh Imle
1 ho-. .... ... u.-td.h,.ive my«-lf.

1 1-" y-o
-........ '"-a
“krai !<■>■
r,.u.. IN-V-.;
li'.h. lar a- w.«e-a
I will
i,.r II.. m-iKln .-T.e -i a ailly
I .lull mO; y.w 10

we hare betoi oomTwIled to take Uda; woa't atay OOt of iaih. am! atat.- pr>a
'c»» bemoa- they wouM iml lieeielcid-

the aasBratloo of nyotny, rln
aad a rained life, war toe ffnrUigr of to be from Tiavrrae City hare been hope I^h.Hid Cam. do-, not tliknk wanaar elolhimi on the doto cm Momby ranntug orer OUT fanna ahoollng. and , air on the frtuiiipry.i Inins 111a
terk. cwi-.if.wav plac-»l»-n- llm«;«
Monlait. AoffBat t:. tkeretal orlirln


Vcwailtori ttero waete bafotepor-led.
triclge law wv to eScet lanlee kaown
Aa to IN- ehoof of ih.-eocuitrv 1

pMailiar occamnee,

Ibat II


pmaaee la rarioiii ptooM. bei when cvmrd toffaneoa oorfannal take lelOkicl. al Imoi not uuiil ilila eouniry :
Bifnd to toe bottom, thw rnuion tor lllierty of Riving tome leaaaoa Why lehanaea tome. Y. .. and aoni.- lu-u


Not made
by a


kM ao eoeny in all Hw coonny.

arefoaad to hare no nlBrietil feran

Not made
by a


wcuvl* Iha

---------- ------ - .-".-iSEXTTl'ESDAYTHETISEFOHi

Of natdfff eeona BBreaaooablc.
On tool that be waa not


W.wl tiurtl.'ld Kann.-r'a Cloli

kto Inrtaff beeene loat ate la-lM IlM-lrny we now lake site Ubrrtj of
by kia faniUarity with tbconwitry. to|>)yin)t. and ritow the other aide. U th.. 1.. ..U...I. ... .............
rl.uoh ..
ttM ptolaaen of thr rood and the fan to doioff 1 hope to be aadcnlocal to do U.J ho • Ch«l. hiw ...........
that he waa within aighi of hia toth- II with all tolreetotoall iiartlea inlet .h,«».,l™, ......................... ....
•r’a haoee when hwi aeeu.


uum of »ews|a>|k-r lu iryii.u loetpUiu




in llu- hia farallioa notrert foi -unoiou
Thia ia onolher of the Iwetnees on hia farm, d... II. Mr .id.-. 10 .Iraw iln-ir njmniiar.- to remain a Oania> 1 nofier ihi.«. lo ih* .................. w
loDK iiitw- II
not ninv-r luu Ukeii f.y U.lli irpU.-> a .-.d- msiiW— With

The toeory of Me

away aaotoa akaard.

NBrto» m»nc|.-dtn"a».l.-Mi<iln.-<-e.- llion of III.' rlnh. Init indirnlunllv.
I .Idea 0! tliK. iiamllou.

larily coimeUif any act of »hevwdm-»».

IcHK-of till- Kanoin.'Club of litviu,


vaa oa hla *ay

thU ibroty-

Mtnte of ruur hrolh-r
aeie.1 UM- to do
e. >

uyaterii-a tlial

•k)eM (or norder.
ni to ran away, ae he waa in cood
ootoUton. war aarroamled by frieiHla,
Ind fftad

Imlr to canflnu

A toward ..f tlM fl.t Ihr rrpnrrry of aay an of home i*olrcii.m. lion..tlw bodr or liifortuaiion aa to Ita . trteaU well i«ln-» rer>- of and all
aUffhiret rluU

..Vito bia drath. H. I
oaoaffh to nakr


124 Front Street.

Fashionable Outfitters

1 wiiuM nay 111 omiclunim.
had ben. killed, and a* b.- waa known [and how to do It. If wr wrn- plialdr
iul of ^rnooffh for Ihu. jrrrly Mr. I'nrue I11I nuke loc drirea n« Ibrv ili>
■anadietoe hadalde of liU dTiopI
•Id to tl rifflil when br laid In- thinka ili» bi my opinion fiartriilm' an-' Mioifrel
fatoaralKaat Jordan, hr war -cai ,n..n.T 0.1 l.i. i»ra«u. ib» U hrlri
lOlUr for tbr rnnrdrr. norr waa atartrd h> v.-ry .arrow •diootliiK ■dinuld l>rKi>i and rim.- tor:
tg. and aiaer that limr 1 Kut nt> tram- of chr bMr nor of thr minda. It woold lir romt-t. wonldn't l.ull ml Ihr mmr time.
Iliave WTillen lbl>. iini !•» dir>r•at toe alightaat Onee of him can be | man- baa bmu dlaeorewd. and tlwre it. Mi. Cnrlla?

WlhM Br«. Fincy Shirts, tl.

S. Benda & Co.

iulo the con- j toiodertnee. you don i waul to aay to a|nl‘ all
BrMhera. three >a piruty of |tc<>d
into iIh> bom- oe that wv are uw raialdr of takiuc
A ilKBooph 1 rare of oor oonuoou farm affaire. tl«l haolinK Kmand* all oroond oa where
of the bower, wr inoal not id.o* auy .iie|>«itioii aa Boiirea hav<- iiol yrl lierD iinaii'd
ORBiual hnolinK. Thr rlinncea an- lie
ic enotalned. | to what nay br door

more TOO nffltale tlu> t|0eal>nti Oliil
cUtoorrry ofldoyoa?
wlihuot any ludiialion tlial end. a tolr had; Whal niaini-r of u luai. or farmrr Itteaa ‘hr matter thr fiiatrr 11 will
)wtolln> hito
■ woold 1 hr to In all mm ronm on my a|vrad amoop farrarre nBa»<*' 'he
Tbrrr wae a anapirion tiuil hr | tom and din'd wlat m«>l





tlirrnu apalnat
tlirlr wrak
I aad lave
ft tallhfal March hae tallrd. Iww-. tbr taoye and a
ton* one lllftamiloa of the toet that rrrr. to teeull in llir dlwertery of tor tlow with them. Xow. Im.lltcr tporte. farotoen. outll a brcter noderaundiBR mifftn l-e brooKht eboal. B.'lter
y ibo|i oat of toe worid Hal ■Ilffhteal oner of hie faodr.
.nat., how pliablr do tou want
Another theorr waa lUl hr tuul fal- far. lu Ihr name of noaou and tolr- liMF a f> w woeka lu the atari tiuiii
Ikato fanrr faeao.






iImu it ooked to alkoald go a tiiii.-n-ekle...
My fri.-ud,
III- finrat
atay off woold try to srire farmeia to yoo on- Htiqr
rtitoat fiiey liad oa mote ao- eitlee in Uiehigan and I l. ii. v yon '
(boritv to my wtel thoald br dcMii-a« ahoold la- i*oad ol il
Tumi t»-in«




na, tome of

Tell her I tried lutol. IMI it Ihr owner of llm fartn. Kol three
week, ago a hunter made hU a|H>earicBoato. 1 am aony
aner on a (arm al toe faimer'a nwlciB
Um wcwld. Jim. "
Bvvy effort waa made by lh<- iioliee latch. .Aa the (arawr imve ehonr the
Iinnler ke|N good oat of .reach and
I > Alotoyertbr bndr If a men had ml

llw roar wr ahoold
adviine.- alep and iliat


Iffaomtatemmomnk temn-amm l-te o. p. «e


o. p., mil mHmpmm mnte oolorm.
I Interior talophones for for houso, factory or store.

U- n-ady for on


can wir« anything from a call belt to a whole city.

rtrji 1. tor .wr

in qaeatlon. aa H l> moving ihi.
vrmy. don’t you- Mr Cum. «» ..
-Keep off the man who de.lror. rro)..

lAte tef-ova«


ly diDwnMl himarif off the dork
Nni when mar tor linitarr teld op hia gun , and ohoota stork. ' Sow. my fn-ii.l.
tlie aliffblMl trace of oay body ool.l and floariohed >1 al toe owmt of the [ that la Jaat whal wr tevr atan-d oui
(anna. If 10 my. -aonie cm. I am' to do. and 1 we no way only I.' k>--p
be ditoormsl. an^ no reply wi»
reealred to the laeatoffc laat to the addnoi mcaltoned In the note.


ready (or yep '’

Again. abOBi etghlen menuha ago. owner, do yooYou true siwri. nr
two well known knolen (lam Tiar- honlera ahoold gel peemlaaiou to hum
ererCftvweni oat in lb.-Ticutltr of cm (anna where tioliee. are up if voo

The klodlT face of the awetyr l.ia
obo firai led the Kepubl.rsn

cMe. Albert Olofaeatoy lold of a man

u„ Lhk, ..0,

»'■; “

Wtaritot rlotoloff Itet looked
timi wklek ted beni foand ot

dm: Itel


«.« h...-

had been aaed to lion lug

Wlto Ihfoe doga followed them, to a
.laek. faetoa to J U. Jokana a drap few lioara tor neigfabor't dog come
aaare Mwnal Itoaea on ffanday
bark Blled erith abut and toali appeartbe abol and the water
Bytag ta poretem- iteaoo.

Itet hr was tiiad
to klU kimtolt.




Kannrta' Clol)

TiM lawos of toe


will not bum 00 rarh other, farm.
witboat ffivl gelling ]n-nuuiaion o'

Trayyrae CityUon ClaU

white ore to terooded la myoiery
(tet of Jtoa Haaacm. who waa in toe

each other in homing waam and eth-'
^pproral of ibe ^eodid admloi.era moat do llie minr Thou wr know tral.oo oF rreaideal McKinley ate


Puwla bare narrow-mtoilednrmF Aa for fox iinut

1 thiDg

»1U of toe BU Bopadi troa Ga after

the aigkt of Thartda.r.

hk hedy that waa pat ttete by Ibe' nmketa yea knew made a kw aome

Ottekar itth. alnce wkkk time no ooe

haniet. Kewtmdp ton Jadga kpat- ' yaaiaage topeteet him few a while,
ttogap kk nottoea ggalaat hnottog lkB'l fcoew wlal good they had dia-

Ho waa might fotatosn of toe am hk torm. A load af ffhM waa j cnetrad abnat him ttei waa ao talwted
been In toe Mw» tel ledgtd ato («M aterra Ite teod te bmaalam it waa hia UiUe mck of
Getase Htoward.
; pavtama tool te aarrka aador hla One
llmoa moitot and Imd oM yto

Kow, hratter niwmai, to the' baaky tail 1 totokiiif 1 lad toe oplight oC tight and iaadaa ood laoBim. poRoBlty of ahowtog tooae oOetola a

fatoily . tN

iiUoin a patent" aeot spe* nqneri.

Bubko Piol



aecared toroogb at adrcnivcv] for mk
---------------------- '

PatffBti taken oat toronyli u. raerivi

OUuiiiril g.u>-al I


om voat Ugkt. and tte tbowy of wlto Ike beyt. that won goatdad with I he wooU kny hk riethlag and get a
mtotofthoM who torretigaMd toe akot gou and doga 1 Mppnaad the oew natt. Skao. too, te ia a tekken
B«k at thk Omr k*d oU it ooald do
aMttowaetel be had tolka
as mte mxe ad iia pg9 awd

folly |«U it toroagk, tet li

B«r U »tod U., Ou tl..l .. ™ B1 yo. 001 .ilh lb. JM

oomr tn mtoa we net laai wc eoa oi yon 001 wito itwttatf




Jas. 6. Johnson, Druggist.

u«. .. B. pB-innllr.DoN-T B
e Foolcdi ,
irito aodety ate utter noetkm omw ;
TtoaMgMa.«teM I

totor:wletUmcoatn*yttom. Mr. Her. Tcmnc mal<Uo.toat toea iteap
OoRk fonter dkarmpto tooot them
mm ate wtte. Too ttet Imve ted tea. UMcrmb., tlir fUrlM.. »e.
te to tea awimartte ttomtopatoiaa weaMmami aatodo

toe OMo o>d kM drowMd and dvfird

ool tato tte Itea wkkk ttemUlnn^HaAteirnte(Mto«temlU. TW



to toe dkaoadoa of tte mafaa patte kattag pHtome of aote a oatmie toat

a plaok


owaaiw. a yu» ewmiri. w-


km. wkkk M M been wockl
wotL To Note tte baiww teiiad

to aac to toe irfoac

^ffOdf Noficff. witoemt

Tif mtkiag VourStketims

•MteotoUlvaaq «■

Vito of toe mill


Monm ff. EVAM * eo,
{.Patent Aaomeya,)
Ermmm BrnUmrnm, . WMaHmOTOK, O. O.

..SfJSi.J'i.W ‘


Out- ociticcs mure aiid B'e* with ererr yi-Of bow toe age u oftener and erfloieT iBvJKad feton ch-atb anniaacamestt. Tkul. toatricIsnwtdBneewito
irwi..i ><ae>
tor growing naerveerf toe indiyidaal
wbo keepa hia prirale a«alnH-i hiaoeU
m<wc ckeolv. evf» to matioa erf "


by Manafartorwri and laycMora.
Sa*dl«rtBm|4a««pyFRKB. Addrw.

ftaMdlO S*U feT E. E.
mtoded: polaaat arlto kk mil tatond and to me* tiiipietanre. Il la odd that mok a
ptwae#wJto*abuaWwaxaUviug-a4de :»“““
maaahow toot we have takoa aaiter:right laoge a»d dtotanee 1 ooold eonteaMe wito to.- gfaatrr pobliciry <rf
MlUCr tSd Jte. fa.
fantealepo. aa toe Eagk get it to bla, vtoee him that Mr. Polecat waa of ooa’a teairr toroo^ toe vrtdrr ootkr I
- ---------- ---------------------------- I.
editorial or Oet. A wtea te eaotarad j Uttk tewtei, cmle to pat w mte a

1^ vpa kaow* to tere gooe In tor

A07 OM Ktkdiag teetch aod Ai*<iT|diil* ot

uir inTCBlioe wiU proenpOy reeava ov t^iimae free ectetewilig tba |«Ute.

mark a (Si In ibe eirRepubU^ rigaette.
nwaaa a *ole for ever; Hepabli-

been Lbol by tte road aide to the Um- tog I ahoold aay UU him at any lime„b candidau
Ate toot yoo
her. If 1 am oonertly infnnned Jaclge aafor ihepolecai or akute. do toe ha*« done yoar duty.
Ramadell hod a how with lead to: mme, altoaagb aome of oor wiae law

tea dtevrand toe aUgbeet


Oor fee ratomed if we (aO.
______ ,

la tin. nay you •rill rto‘vtef

show that they ww the aoee that did in the light of fanuers, wliai won- **,
it. and I belief» lliey bekog to tte thoald be aaknl. cw do yoo ihuk ihia |



,.;i. _,|i

of Ufe aad wanted ihe dag bad a haig otrwggk lor hla' wbo ta oa ear (onu.. >
Mr. OlohMiaky
All eircwmataaual evidew by age br done we Vuow wlto ■
lorriea wbo were near waahl go 10 held tee|«maiUe for ii. Now. fni-aiW. .

wkoee etotoaa arato foaad


all off, imlv by prrtniwiou I'V Ih.- laud

Aad yet. aa llkoairh to ceoArmaii
of toe tdto ttel toete had tarn a a



^ .yMM.

M- .


i wbaa.


moB, nnrsAT,

. auaiNina CARDS.


Vah ar bwtona. 1 Ua« nlaa bar. aa
yoaaof. niMihtbanatadtbt IMaa
•aa*« laal rmf* hetata.'*
'^bar'a a end Uaa.’ aaU Mta AaotataM -Bn wkr *m't raa nod aana ad
than abhd to ne> Pn bvrtUr baM
la vlnlaa.'
■■htm naoUa latar Adatoa Bal.
Uniac M bn laoHr bmktnt. apmU a
bnT7 reniMT «hM nanbaad Ur wa«dlaa eard. af Aacn MUaM mi Mtr
8hr eaUrd at tnt. aad bar baada
ItMbled a liltlr Tbn abe UafM
. aleod. aad Ur lean eanr to brr rrn.
; “Tha daor Ula«a.~ abr aaU. -fr» Uwart bees amaed of briac
nakar. Ini I made Ula vm I

OMuTt AMO oonaeoue wtfeTi
HKHi gewitTum or oold.

SlTiidtin It DeUjing the
Pining rf Order* *17

Hlsfi Mstos «W imtmmt CmUmr.

«* nrrtT m Bfi taciu paoi
tfmrnrdVnfa Bor* ciM baasM tbu
tw- ap to d<tf voaaa. «od sW «a
«qp wttl. coU bgHoo*. mm her
•tbrfcthfi BD4 (ten to h*r hat «mra

TikiHl«ObuMtofitta ftmt
bUitf of the Bsetios of
the lebmktB.

■ SSt.
tarr of tWastnoa i

Sub e CeUmlty.



a|fotan aad a food aianl bnab pi
|s||S^aotcB behDp la two lean

It baa br.-«,,^.^ «h,rti anionta bi
rdt Boat fnuB tkr ebwr menblann Ik
brar w other .|•e■'>e«. Tb» b wbai b i
kaowB to uatnrsli.l. at pMerlln feambUnce. ami i< u alnoal iarariahlj I
: toned aniou hanniest waeeit. aiuMla :
.or Urdt sbe-b Uwr . rw likeitea. lo ‘
'Ouile ddfereni tie.tee sbb-b bit.- non i
nr let. p.nrerful lueau of telf prMertKBL i
For lottaiM. ta>t I>esr>.si't WeeUp.
then 1. . t|.o.
.,{ iMjiterflj (onnd In
Boulb Ameie-.,
bani.le... «Ucb ab
' nnt exarfi, reteoibbt aieiiber apedn
• wbicb |>r.»e<nt iiM-ll bi Ibe eiulukw "t a
I rime, uiiflrataiit odor sb-o altaefctd;
b^- Ihe.r .•.■. niiet lake ibe fomer for

fa aaplr (hove b; lb«
the ontora that an beJaf n
naaafacturtBc iaiUtattea*
aaaatr}. J(nrlr all of the Urfrr or- i
tfan ha*t loarned ia Urn cUuin lo i
tha (Oael that Ur order ta to Dr <
aaartltd U tb* e>rat of Urj-aa-a
alratlaa. laauam oitbeat aonOar
aaa be (Irra wbrrt IbaM ’'Biraa"
idiawi harr baas aecrpiad
Ur prodaeisf elaaars, btfayaa buprn arr la
he Meed to ukr rbaeen ea tbr roaditfaaa Uat weald rxUt afler (be CU
of Reaanbrr If Ua .NebraUae U aereaaafa).
la Ula Uaa rrfrraaar ia nadr to two
or Urea eeetracta of Ur aert aaord
irsaa* ■UN.'sk.
la diSmsl aaelloaa of Ua rouotrx.
abowiag Uat ibr. ftrllac la eel leeal brMdrrr will aland wear and woaibw.
tVbnr II la oolf a i]t»ntluo of tohrwbp aa7 aarana. bat la widaeprrad.

tln‘'Anliiir I'ns**! "lie na> formnl.
trr of Ibe laie Mrm I'aiixi jii.. .•i.e, liaa r.-

ctirr K, ............
a Biu.-ti fi>-i’..i
bad lawn thai

ba daUnrad ta aaar Mr MrlClBley U
'—----Tbr Hataratar atnl plaat and Ua
rail adll of Ua tlllnula airel wxtbt al
•oulh ChleafO ban brra elund down
dor rapain and an onrliiullnp. The
MlUa rmpley aheal I.WS men.

■ IMlT In ri' Iiljll.t IBtwIf.
and !'m lUJct'

rlrctrir power plant at MaaIhal Will driekip IM.Oi'n
They will nol go ahead
rjan la defralrd For the
• ion la held up.


of Fary
u abimlon
nd sniiouncr that he .nF for Mrkinlei and I(<x-bF-

rrli. Beaa;
“U Ibr fliai
’« place, a a
alirmpi lo .i.
.. ,
•land on Ibe
Urr* parties, isn't going i,. keep tbr
promlara of any of them II. i. not
•orbing tor pnnciplr. Uul for rmrs.
Tbr rtqnibllcan party premisrd u. pre.poritf and sound monry and wr bare
both. Mr.Bry.nten tademoeroi.iirway. aadanerbatbern. 1 do not like
bis oArlaon. Croker. Altprld and Tllb

aol<\rol (a Ibe Teaal.
“TbrPhlHppinea. likeCubaand Torui
Mro. were Intru.ied to onr bands by


the nurthcni I
Ibe cl.w


Ibe IrsDi: »ertn-nl. a • n-a ..f —
and the i.iwer le raaS- ■ .sc.


Brine •■Ilk s elH. wiili a s.i.L
and aerir near at baud, .k .
hmrlf In nriliutii'U with slisl i
mid ali'l mad., tbe l.-t -I le-r
etber say. Tbe dk-s ire-e d.-licb:-l

bare Ua

d nf a link'
nk bi. bal a


u> .....Ions sbali-eer

rroutwrsec, Tiaiaiw Ctly. Mb*


or picture tall ivotid I
enOaki. PSb. eTEt.'~MpefM atmtaaglm



i.-s lur rc-jl |M-n< In la- abb f
list W^ru-.

Ufe la crowded with careworn aad
worry rtdib-n iieotib-.’ TliouuHda are
I orcraDtI.iHa alanil iimwI god drink and
,i«. cuorrow wlm imec ao om

' fern about IIh- great fulun' liry.Mad the
I grave. Kni nol ooly amonc ibe un

I aareil are tbow who worry to lie fooBd.
lie Ibat i hot they also eslat amonp Ibe pe«|<lr
.aa XT>'
Hupluae you plma ' I of tjod. Tlila abuuhl nut be. tViwry Is
pe u'Ihrni. I'hiladelpbla I’reoa.
I a alD ll la diatruai of On! and uf Ibr
■proiulMw of tbsl. It U a reaull of
f life. If «

aU in.-n.ui.' m .li.^dng
I ui'l lo-' lox'l,; Mr.
•Vn|«-1 li|l, ...iludvr.





lia.l .'idy

He wbo glees due pruuiloeBce in llir

It I splriiuBl wUI Hod Ibal he will nol ne.n1
r I to s-urry abuut tbr idupora). for tlial
Spec feesEfreeBCTKee
will lake care uf ibat
rhriRt In Ibis part of tU amnoo oo
tbe uiuuDl 001 ouly warns apDiost the
ll would be pracEBPZSBBSKBen-eSBBBee
folly of ’Worry, but alau abowa tiy n
auu soil by lllaaTnIioS Ihv Dnnlia
■ >. r imwcnt ponlerr. ,
„ Uc anggesla three reaa.
’|il’-l for the II *.j,j
i,. „v,raoil’iua
i-.ii. IH made of a atrip | worry about meat or drink or our ;
r froiii a bn<-krt iwlo I lure <enip>’<wl
fiMigi-a from the door | 1. fV'<- aUmlil nut•t worry Jieraaac l^pd
me l« ISHirtl over tbr Clrea us our llrea -'Llfp la Diiire than
:lie body Ibao- raltuetii.
Ood pave ua life liori made our IwdIra. Tbca.- arc toorr than meal fur ibe
life aoil ralrueni fur Ihe body. Tberwforr. If
baa pl>eu ua the prtwier.
we rail dc|ieli(l ou Him for
VCtlB *l«eSM«BtKS»C

He abii crcaiisl life cni ’riilnly be
ileiirfldeil o« to SDalalu
Mr SM _l___i_________ i .. •«
made Hie liorty sill lim alinw li lo
«« BKfflllWIltfaU
want ftir clultilap (IsvIbI plroB Hie
pnwier. se ran Mfely friy U|«fl fllin
fur Ho lets
■i. XVe aloiuld
»n| worry
Worry Iwr.uae
liertlHe tiofl
flod ,,Ja^tSl^a■n5'i4^
IM’UKI tet
rarea for ihal wbicb la lens valuilHe | tena* •Tlfab m_hw inrho mr w. tiraai
■ an’l will provide r*^52li arrirtneVi 1» p**, harkgiraa^ m
He rmata tbe fuwla of Ibr «nlh.n ^aarnemcai t hi yi. wTlw. Unk
•owr. Iseaprna

: =j-



::: i J

Hut Whai are the fowls of Ibe alf, what
are Itn' llllc. of Ibe field, romparod to
man. who Ua* 1*^0 crealcil In Hod's .
Image and redix-uiivf hr the precious |
bU*a] of Ibe ten of Hod? If Hod canw
for the graas of th.' Held, whkb today
ll sail lomorTOW la rnal Inin ibe oven.
I.MW .wo we eeer douht Ibal He will
care for and i.roelde for uaT
.1. U'r abould n.
rnH'lean. “Which
u. by Ilk
tteufbt. can add o
It lo his ai
Worry la oaeleaa It la worn.'
tban ow-leaa. It not only does no good.
Vm It .kwa bdra. II unflu o> for tlw
arvouipliahmrnt of tbe very porpoaes
orer wl.kb wr worry
tVbai (kid dm U a full pturantre of
<iod Will


i Sr
hue Th.. up'iri;i,;: BiajeBu’ .t I." c_i..e her,
he. riie.le.l.v, .he i-.-k-d

vphilt.. cud b. began lo
■us a. bi- liv>l he noula
nlii. h »,-iretnk.
' “l"'
br ba.l no par.
> lumw'ir that
In. W..U1.1 lo- gU.
• j.'uni.-y was
orrr and be cvuld sni Uck !■■ hi. wiwk
amt away fnim ihi. taalallaioz ii.uia ai
yoolb and )ot.
Xlr>. Pall l••r’ Ibe ship ..u retafoing at
tbr bm llrtlUb r<dusibiaD port.
"My d. ar, ' .k uhl |., Sail’ Aphktsn
■ ia pariii
-ni Biway. ■.ou.'inh.T yim
■ with b.ii
' aul> ate your seoeroally and yoir dlpnl.
cl. kindly
ways. Vua
ki me haf a lurk IS'

bobilo: paiRTs.
floe, flevihle rualHng ga ll It moTO
(hall) h.Vii.Ikd. aya Ttie Dealpner,
«bk-h pr-a.oia tbla and tiro ibe followliis or:i:lul UW for aemrna that
may In- made by a borne earpeoter.
A a. rT-<-n .trolgncd for Ibe diolsg
room I. Hin.-fol'l and la rovered o«
bo*b slibw n IH. aufl OoJahed tan eeaiBM clolL. which
clotbesiloe Biaiea Ibr
Kati off Hie Qprtphta tbal ef

lotyd almve tin- lop of Ibe frame, tfaao



ooaio hoCn

i a »' y ic
ksii maw
lalD 4 uil a>
Ilia (mum

■iill ii

v'eranztolu eteui ibe Ikraeot o
foot from ' tbe ftnurr TrasIfuIiH-aa bccumeu tb
tiiamag 1. atlicbed ! CbriatUn moefa better Hits overaDZla
■ch .hie (Dd vertical- i ty. Let oa irnat and nerrr ba aftwid.
mld.ll.. al Ibe upiwt
^nr rmarta wHTtiic.
Hare a roll call acfrtce, each ooa ra
magaslnra. elr. Can cpoDdlapas I

U Idea-ODI t'l "W Qi.-Bnl Hie looer part of tbr fraBO
Imr. I'm s.uus bimir now to be .inile re tbal he cvvrrrd wilt Ibr eaaasi
of tbr ablp.
:( gieing tbr b
: abe
pain I" '< iuUldi.ciig.-d and da’y kilng aud rkilh.
--- — “
.Miiwar MBW a dl__ _
bead, sod »he J bre -vkut aud at) Ibr re.i ..f li 'TbiaS
Cot 'be material into sU pkm. two
aad Idnr
artaaj aback ef aurptiar rtro ..«• lof me ooiv in awLlir.''
far each |WOet. Tbe Icqi asd OOtalda
Timy will elaaa.
eerelag aa Ur atoml akoe walcbing tbr
Ur. M. lul.aih put her in brr .-irrita'. . _i__
,1.. r_..„ „ „
•_ . . . .
aeh, laee op you Uyer mA ngalali watrr ibaklsp loto great a**ber pads labored au artifcU of mae. after her. ■ rurof or when enttine .ee.e eie.h .1
Bkr Ibr kamof a mammoth lUy. Mrs. 'di.atied oet hi. g..O f..r a
•>»«> «»««« f«*r <*>«»•
SDITDAT EXCUSSJOKS CX>KBalL a yemag widom. *<a> 10 l-r and , >„nro.-y and M bark «u H- l«.t, tbr ^
U.t man aer.*. Ibe gaucpiatd.
turning la at (he boaom aad
▼fa. M. * H.-B. & K. TVarmo Oitr
“My drag. I khro tom le ask a (aror Appkuie ctrod near, grave and iteogbi-loaidF rtlgea of aD tbe paDria. Par­
. tt liMfatew. OoL MU. aad Koe. llU
ed yoa.“
efaaar aume Iratber taeadad taoki (Oa
ImaeaaJOaB. Began toain IraTe
Mbw AppMoa. alwiy. drdirbird to do
-ff I apeak lo ber, '.be-fl (uu away." ' cwioredl. BBd -wllb OiTM fasteh tfa
____ rioth to rocb MTOd of
“Pm a lonely Woaaau. Miao Appkum. : .b.. I*«u,ned bhn to rotor la bet.
! ''777' ,j,rtnr ih. ..efcTvIw-w (^
fpf. A. MlltAoU. O. P. Apo^
My I
ated as if it coold arm be empty.,

ST.L “T, T.
pa«li 1 fasM M harq dM at I


ll la afam beat to hare twn Al^hawn (ram g le W s m and (nan ^u, 4
I mrea lo rarb pirinre. ao ibal ail of
II Brirotiroa.
' tbrm. If oboefeed U all. are am to br
I In Bt. and tamp ] porallcl.
.aul Mr. N. 1‘rck (t Ibr ,
-----------------------.InmcUc dianuamn aa be
Ondaatr uf (be Uaivenlly Hoapiul.
esln.lng fl
•• aat.1 hi. wife. “If Tnple -ne (br B
t by hrs. a. M
■ll trick aa ibau Joat
Amt Arbor, is opes for ««ieapeaaeota
i.d pul nil yoar eU
Tara.. Do a<M oani -Ikik
where Tnined Nnrae ia ns(Birad. •

’ taucl.!'

rgLrrrOOAT WTTB .le.trmrweaAS
skin, of pale blue rloiu aad U foil Iblwr mik walk •■ii
upon a deeply polatrd yoke of gold
..Ue Ml Ibe ..
traced lacf.
Tbe ftierpolap are afluoc strtklnp Alaskan •
aesreb of a K«’-i gr-eo lake
fasblona reooonled Id tbr .New York
a i-nnou. acttlewrat '.t
■ >f Ib'I'SD. sm'«g
Son. Sblcti la alao auiborlty tor Ur rf
Iteir X'lrai. and 'l-i’
A Mark Aptolaetle flebo Of ■ooaai'
IlDF slib tucked frilU. topTtter wlU
elliow frllli for the alccrea and a oarruw lelvci ptnllr. la all Ibr irUomlBg Ibr men .ie «.th ,
he her e. It OB the o.
mvded for most brtrllrblBg UOM boOM aa opportunity
gnwna of |iale i-n|a-. nob's rrlUnp raalcm. wbra lb.- .bi|> la lU pun f.
sod lb’ pa-onro’
or an.t ooe nf tbe aufi w ooia. and aocb fp'ig'i’
Ibe d«y f-r eti.|..mi..Mi.
froi-ka. rleanlnp pcrteeily aa Uay do. al all •urprl-.l ik.t they •
are moat ai.rvl<xwblr Iteua of a ward­ Tafrmil. saitine i'll .be •

robe. Kven an onlloary dfraamakef brrakfa.t .sMc tb
•wo make tbwidalB roood walat aUpbtly hiU in frooc. and tbr alapta aklrt ah and It wa. panv t-ii'l>
abirred a trifle arraaa the Upa aad wbea abr den.' l" walk .l■■l ■
Jiark aad flalabM with fakda oa Ua liltlr wrwian ml.ikmaie -r nilti
apiaricr n bokaslkd .b-- ;
bMtoDi. The flebo nod potetad flfrdfa Usb
low Cblnrar rc4i -wat who ■ ii. making
rile all Ibr* ebanctef to Ur boefea ber
way rouad lb» W.wld
tude.d ereer
and ibrwe can br taahkiaod ^ tbe
elw look h a. a Bsfier
wearer bmi-lf. or ODder bar fpa.
and bad pteatnlr in we’-biog ’be
Tbe flare it Ur Uln botbaao la «a- girt and b
Uoctly toodOed and Ibr mU gowaa bad a '
bang raUtr tteply arooad tto laM.


I'.Mil.lan.e al a abort dls-j n
lasniu and pridtiary spar- II rrywliife.

■ I iIi. .1.,.,. sk,. I..:,.!


B flat tlota. t
Deflor and
drsifs with a oanow
oatllor uT I
Wbro Ibr palBl baa
bccooiF qollr drp. (In-raiicb paoai a
real of qulcilp drrlOK bnw
iwB rarnlab.



lesk ,
s m au l.Ukl
•^(iwn ,
ii|wn tbe iMwi.-iii "I
N'H a .1'
rend it
Ok bel X. f'dl.iu I’
llir bui.-lt hill. I.
itwl f'.i her A«
lh«e iHirib and Ik kiHltll’ •Isi- -f >ha
ther sky Im’Ap u

rilam.;ii’ |.e^adc I kci .-reiy li.. I,
rl.’i. ihiili.'^.-i

jur '

Umr for rro|iriilnp will depeoil entire
ly oc bow iha orders for rails rome
Is. Tbr itrel tradr in penrrnl ha.
barn bealta.Iop for ttie pa.’ few
weeks Ofm at this season of tbe
pear sr bate orders ahead In keep ua
boar for aerra or right fflonlha. hut
Uta yrsr At la trry dilfri-rnt
larpc.1 eoAmer. in .11 line, tdl u.
Uat Ury don i rare to plare any or
drra ostil ti ry know what ihr reauK

lected I-

f..r nn ..ij-.y- i
...D wbl.h Mr. _

«. m* ul -ii
H.-.I1, i.i


BAP. P1XK>1>. OAaa la new TiaiH r

* piettim lo liaBC nkvl;.
mall wairr colon. U It Fatradal
Uai they abooM not hang forward
from tbr wall Id a well llpblcd yopm
there la little If any adrabtape to ha
palBisI l.y alkiwtnp tbr iwlntlnpt m
IIh- mill to proKet lo tbe «M fiabloaod
» of I
whole, tbr chtwpeat. maBOcr of polop

bc-re I raonot ernaio liuMt. ilie kannlea.
a«T-iM ufl

K.. I rase
i «»
msir If the foid IB
Ibrir irlmnilnfa pitfa tbrni false.
1.. frsiil. s
cnllrelx nf rInU of
iHe rtSTSI
one nf lb
fold Of fnlil IraU, mil' a line of erlrrt
D<coI b>.
around ilie ibmai and a
Oa R»»; .
buckle, inaaiitma and loilaia of potd
B* rerf ***a 1«it aad
TW h.i«iw>
elolh einiteoldeted la oiieDtal colera
■ h.
be. a lU rvluLi t>wcs.e V
are abnwD In Ue abofw and are rxeuediDCl} c-ff.TUtr Inaldr dark nwl bodkaa
IWa Uen la U< Marlon fUnt flati or
slib Ibe pufiuiar wbite farge cow
•srha al Mtrion. Ind. whlrb It aboni lames.
w hWI m rilarena >,
dMUhiac up. Ibe orders Ual II baa In
The relect llUAtJaii blouae abowo to
baad. and n'll clear Anwa tfaouid Brp
aurwii. I
aa br ritcird. brinp usable lo pel anj Ibr cut la a pttpnlar amdel l■ecomlllp to
ardrra fm from ibat elantr.
Se'^ "
blouse In igiH-atloB la of black velret
Al I1ttab<ireh Ibr Urpeat Iron aad
atral worklif roorern. bate bearp I1BC<I miL srbllr aallo. aud Uie blpb.
collar liand dos u the left side
aaadlllonal orders, amonp Ihein Jones atislcbt
and shailnoda are of Iteary gold a.o«04.0M««A-oo<-o*o4-oa«ai.o«o*' <
A Laufhlis. CbsHani A Co.. Uenbead and purpcuua liued vmbruldery oo
Brea.. Sable Iron teork*. National inbe wblle aailu. trhile a wnnipbt gold pirmorka aad ibe rarioui Caraeple
die of rmibcr maaalre dealpii rooSnea
tbe pouching fullneas. The bloiisr
dewa or work on abort line if
Is anltable for wear will ap.r bandheoe od-e< OA o«e osor-i
fa risetrd. aa Ibe; ure anal
some ponn aud baa tlic ulr of roaUy
earr} tbcm alonp
alropliclty ectnblntsl with lozbnooB
Kali Bros.. Ibe waallhy bnwerV of comfort that la lacklnp in many'of the
liatlnp lot more omaie eoala.
Mslid. wk-n- .Uc gull
A gown »r iwlc blue clou baa a
tnmc a l.uic
bbek tcivel coal cdgol with oeeiiaptime apu llml he
and they Ml l" nisi
plnp foMa of tbr blue clulfa an<l tbe
icy and would.niin.
vglret. Tbr blpb aiglon culUr la faced Tboiiei. ui or au"ilicr in -kei
aafa wonld hare been isade moolba 1
Ibe edee with lieatj taee
aflu bol for Ur fnr of Ilryanlam.
' tombi-d wKli gold and Ibr underetadrbahrr Bros- Ibr seapon mak-. alerm are of lace. A scarf nf tbr make Ibr
an, wboae bnainraa rxirnda all o*rr aatne laiv |aaai-a aronnj tb<- abooklera,
Ua eanalry. batr piaerd an ordrr for la drawu tbrmipli Ibree guld bocklea slRiukl a t
a mUUon farl of bardweod mib W. M. oo each aide of Ibr fruBt. aad baopa Is
Bitur. of Cnlnmbaa. O. Tfar wapos scarf cula. Tbr Ueaac la, Uk» tbo
(■clf.-.t ,
■CB mil Ukr a hundred tbeuaand fm
aa Ibr Jat'of Noermber. but the other
tao.m fret an not to far drlirrred In
n.i liACI' • 1
aaaa Mr. Brpaa Is rleeled A funl(ara Mtanfaelunr of Grand Ilapida.
th Ibr
pul her at her

----- --------------- dlamaw a w "■■HT-

Tbrre are al». Diet shlrb reannble
IsmiUi'le-... m. .|r»ul> tbtl' lbrp hare
bow bnooii In lax ibrir efKi~lu Ibrir
.nrata. iruh ifar ri^tiili Ibat tb>' Is'o fanUm beer lr>Kirbi iiti meelhrr.
Tbrfe ar.-.,-. Iltra whii b caiu protec­
tion fnmi . W rewiuhUnee lo Iba
dreaded ss.|. 11, U,xl.„ ibere an twn
apnie. .,{ tnab-t ..r ten .Inllar appnr^
ancr-lbe .-b,-.. poiMoou.


n.HHierfolIp and >

lad., ia briar brid up
Maa bp Jo: ■I D. Brijn
Ur ObWa ISalliar Mill roapan}, aed
Oaargr A Carnap, of nodU;
BdU U to Mil abeui
aad Mr.
Ckraty la now In Pittaburph bujinf
Uc areraaarr anrblnrre. but lo aU of

id."—ttilUam UrKiu


. > uf tbaae brIwilrbednofibeniauBe. Hesllr. be* odd
Itiu: And «bat a tool 1 an; Tbr «nr
llhlaor-Biiflale Coorttt.

latir •afM AMUai I

iBneuisir dl lUery

«ip «r
mmm. IMa Uda od Uo
aoaoh li tbt rtgbt Uda aad tba ana «
ba Aaonaad. FlhM Ua ba«aca br
tataiw Of) Ua rWU sMI It taantr ao(spaa Ur bear aBd tdhhlBK ttlo plaeo
wtU Ur laatbee baa dad taeba. wbkb
an baU aarsndr br ferdv tha potat
ad aaeb urbr tale a bmB ptaea
aa Ur wteoc aUa or tte cMb. Tbla
watt a brarr daaa bUm Ur rlaU.ta
faunifl to Ur paaai
Wbaa poor i jim baa mebad Uda

'tlS f Sr ’ I

j ni dnee dom afler bmktasf
Urn a rreernu aed 111 aU ben tednp
: ia and tee nr f.r a fynBifbli^wbetad
t Ibetf artUdiBX foorwef
bate a e

•mnn>taatiSlntDow*u4 0tbonWiUBcUtteBvtMet

auwe isr






Bi«i± BgabiBot.
,w» aa
Job mrm. 41: Ps. zrL 1-11: zxUl.
1-6; zzrll. 1-14; Lake ZU. 2MI: Bom.
nil. >■«; rtn. it. &u; bu. zui. &.«: B r.""

MiBlstM i NortheistVB R. R.
w-e.-w. - W41W.W. once


«my and prirOepe of hli Ufo coMlaud
lo tHoriap farwvd tbr lamp of Ufa
tor bla taiber. Bo. I bnUera. you ood *- n-ia. «-|
I abooM lair tbla lamp of falU tbat
cor tatbm Upbtrd. aboold fill It aad
flfaehen u and make It nwra plowlop.
aad abooU aot oely ptaai K talUfuUy
to cor broaata. ,tbac tt may puldr o«r
fadlrldoal fm fa Ua drrtooa poUaW
tifr. bat we ooifat to eona on wlU It
aad enry tt Into dm daU coghato of
poverty and abamr and ala aad bBaao
aaad aad •oCadap. ao ttoit It may baeoB*. ladaad, aot oaly a Ugbtto n.
b« a “Hgbt Uat UpfaMb erny
wte eoMU fata Ua •oaid.-_Bn.


. _


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