The Morning Record, March 23, 1900

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The Morning Record, March 23, 1900


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text


Third You-—No. 899

Mngt and Sura Bat* Bn«h«Md Tbatr »oldi«n.






T»wb Md

«n* A«*.

OrdlnanenWOl BotJ
Intnd on Front 8^

Telephone Go.

a«mMvU«, ImA., lUreh «s. -atUui
t» VIcM OatU U« Ui(- rnoMYiU* WM« fla ohA bU Um Baadlac Xraotad ea BoatruaXoa for
rmij «e A«fM4 »rop«tj Md
Siaaa Sbootiar •allary Ordered
BCBlMt B aob Of BBiOB OOBl
Tbkaa Away OoMrattad Witbiwt
y*mg ui AacUtr is Valt tor n«aBlBBta wbo ■
I of the
Aathoalty tfoai^tha OobboH-J. N.
WE Balicf tocoi nElt«r«i
pwa. Tbs m
ttowsn Balair
to Xanrta U« ad late towa la tba
nantaa^a BaOdlac aot BaboUt ta
tarad a lanra aasbar of acaaBloa mb
anployad at Ua B« Foar aad WoaUay
Leaden. Nareb n.-Vb» toUovtBr nlaaa. Tbaaa ware dlMmed aad
ttlaCtMB wBB r*W*al lodsy • froai takaa to the fair r«aadB,wbare cSorti tba eity eoaaeU yaatarday aftamoea
tm* Eebaru- M BtoMfoaUte:
■ to laia tba for tba parpcaa of appolsUar tba aleetioa coatBlaatoarra aad aooaldariaa
* etfaar MUata of la
tba lattar baiar Uraatoaad.
mr Iwt proUaiidoa that I ba** aaat alfbt a BMrat saatlaic was bald at
tars apoolatad are B. L.
Har» been oampletod from ^
J «aBU«dB«M ta *BfHo« dirwiBai to wblah tba aaptarad mo ware praaaat.
Traverse City to Grand Bap- f
- *«W UBtf BBM aad to tak* oror
Oaardaaarreaidadtka baUdlaf- Tas
ids, Kalamazoo. Detroit aod ^
3%a mattar of -tba ataata abootlac
aatborltlaa ware waraed aot to la••Tho Batalry bricad* baa torn* Basttartsra. la aaaarai debu last ai(bt raJUry oa Froat atraat. aama ap for
intermediate atatioua.
ward to Taafaa Noba aad a dstaa^asat
dlaeaaatoo. and tba eovaUllaa oa fir«
(ran Barlarfoataia baaoeaaBlod toltbQoiokSerWoe
acd water raportad tl|tt tbry eouU not
Md. wbara boom TraaBvaalBfa aad a
dad that aoy aatbority bad baea ri«ca
Feiieet 8«rrioe
wacoe with amt aad BBaBattioa
for tba araetloa of aaeb a baildlof '
waraBapUrad fh* fcoia ra»rt* are
wlUia tbe flra llaiiU. at It wat etoarly I
at Sdeabarr aad Reddareborc Oeaeral Permibblon UrnnUd by the a vloUtloe of tba ordlaaoer. Ii was I
OUneaU' Oricade K marehlac 'blther
laaraad that applieattoa had baaa >
Snpenriaon Te*t«rday.
by way oJ PhtHppoJ'a aadFoareMaith."
nude for a prrait to araat a baUdlay. 1 „„
OoaBldtrtblt aazlBir U (di f»r tbe
bat that ft was andaraiood to be
br within ' .
' •
of Oratral Flanar'i aoBMad. I Board Fiatatd It* Work aod Ad}oora
d la tbe ordiaaaer. | {
Miller’s Cash Store.
wbtab htf b9an puthtaf oa ^ tba
«a-»»alouoBa oa DaaU of Lata aa to aitr. Ibe mattor
------ ^- •
r- Jfoaawtb^ralUf of Malakiar•aaarateor Tbaekar—Work of Oona. tore tbe couaell, bat ii waa after the < r
reaalrad fro* bl* foraU dayt. abd tba
adjjnraaral of a naatlny. The meta | f
ty Clark «•
last dlapatahaa ware of raUiar|a dfabendlaeaaaed tbesnh'aet. aod.wiUiou
aataUar eharaetar. repontsr Mveral
Tba board of aeparvlaora AaUbad oBclal aeUoa it waa Uft -with the
•aaara aklr*lt^a« ta wbleb a
n.t. ^
tbeir work yaalorday. Tee natur of chief, within whose prbriaee each natdby the utepelltloB of J. O. (kotaar. Ralph Uraare. Itderalopte. bowarar, tbat
Boeia. wbo w«i laawiac at LpbaW Qato aad L E. Oibbt, a^lay par- Mayen A FlanacaB bad araetad a
>ea»tfa ba< '
fltooa Hareh )(.
mtoakOB to da* tbs Boardatos near bnlldiay *aeh laryer tbaa they oriyiaraaairad. aad T. U Uaerb>it ilibat a Reyatoae. forth# parpoaa of fareiah- ally iatoaded.
lay power tor tba propsaed Trararaa
On Mtion, the report of tbe eottmliTbe report fr >* K oooatad tb^t tbe City A Old Mtoaioa ral.road. waa re toe was aeoeptod and tba bnlldiay
Bearaeadar Uenaaadaai Olirl# bad : ported faroraUy by tba eonslttaa oa ordered removed wltbia tea days
dafaatad tbe HrltUb urboM oader Uea roada aod brid^ PannUalon to oonAldermaa Bmllb broayht ap
aral tlataera la tbe vlalnliy of ll4thBlle atniei tbe da* waa yrantod by tbe mattor of tba repalra on tba baUdlay
baant. It U auoalatad that tbe dam of J. N. Martioek. Be eaU«d
ia aot beliavad here- A Dally Na<
ahall be prorided with a flab 'hhato. teatlonof tbe ooaadLto tbe fact tbat
aa. aaya that with Oenaral UaUoia "all
tbe paraiU latucd prodded only tor
Fixtures, Wagons f
to waU.” abd adds that be and uianeral
tlooa wore rc-j one-atoey alraetarc. bat that tbe front
•nbaet bava ooi lost a do«n mb in ported by a oommittee appolatod to of the bnUdlay la <iaeaUoD waa two
and Sleighs.
a fertaUrbl. Tba last adrteaa also draft then. and. were aoaalmooaly [siurlM la belybt- On motion it waa
pland Oaoarel Oataera w allta
Com« and take advantage
' decided to aoUfy Mr. Martioek to conply with the tera* of tbe pernlt ylvea. ^
«f Bathallc. wbara tba Boar ireporl
of sellinrt-out prloes.
aaya tba dafaai wat ladletad-j Tbla
After adjonrantat tba board went
into eomnittoe of tbe whole to yo over
wWarl with tbe taat that ab
tloa of tba affair to made by Lord Bob> of me T. C. A
Bcaolved. Tbat la the death of W.
•rto la bU dUpaleb of March Si,
ft Thacker the eannnalty baa tet a L. Railway.
ArMtka ballet that tba Erooaatad reapectad eltlrea aod oar tMsrd a compalaaiaad tteitwortby oS.-lat. aa tbe
special trwu eoaflaed to bla care tally
A diayatab fro* Krooeaiad. 0rar(e attaak
Beaolvad. Tbat we ladlvIdoaUy aa
Free Btata. aaya;
••Tba Pretoria Fadaral ao*aaaadoa menben of tbla board axiaad to tba Saraaat Salaoikl. iMdfrmerly of Co K WHY .NOTTR.ADH WITH
are bare They era Is irraad aplriu. oemben of bis family oni - heartfelt
Mlw a Oorpoiol of Troop B, SS
sympathy la thalr bweavemaak and
Tbay are ready for tba aaewy. aad are
V. 6. Oavalry80
wraa daftaauy awalUay tba Britiab
Raaolved. Tbat tbesa reaolatloas te
Barami SalaaBki. formerly a mem­
ber of Compaay M. who anllstod in Uae
•■Freddanto Krafar aad Staya adfamily.
OnltadSutoa royalar army, baa raAraaaad a vaat aatop maeUBf today.
O. W. Ci;*n».
salved deserved promotion. He to a
Tba Traaaraal praaldaat atada aa I*B. D UAKi-Baix.
member of Troop B. 8Ulb U. 8. cav­
appeal to the barytaara to
a also preaaatad the alry, aiattoaed at Fort Leaveawortb.
aaialalBtbalryaUaai Byht tor tree
go. whiab wm adopt- A lattar raealvad by bto brother stttod
4o* Be Ibid tba* that It was aartaia
tbatontfaeMtbof tbto mootb while
tba elUmau raault of war woaid
M dsty, Baroeat waa eallad oat before
tbat tt>a Baer rspabllat woaid ratala
bto oompaay by bto eaptala aad pab­
ttslr ladapaalaooa. daaplte tba to*
Uciy aomaanded for czeelleace of dUporaiT BrtUab ooaapatloa of UloemfooOK AU- KINDS.
wblle aetlay la Mi?
pertorned aervlaaa of yreat elpllnaaad strict attooUoa to duty.
Tba captAla autod tbat be coBaldered _
‘•Pmldaet dtaya followed Praeldeal valaa to the people of tbe
bl* one of tbe ^ry beti mBmben of|F8IIC)f SDli StBpIS
Erayar la a atroaf apaaeb. Be told fore be It
Bsaolved. Tbat wa taoder ..
tba banrban that tba Free BtaU wat Newton a vole of thaoka for tbe jait the compaay and la commeedatloa
tar fro* eoaqeerad biosate lu capital aod layally vladloatod stand betook tp preaentod him with a eat of oorporalb
•• •
ebevroaa. In tbe rayniar army aucb
bad baea oeeaplad by the Brltlot
" the late
lay asM
rapid promotion U rare, and only ae- _
• iaformed tba borybera tbat Boylaod
tbronyb axtrmsrdlaary DellVefeil tO BII PdflS Of thfi City
bad deflnltaly rafasad to allaw
elrcamataocea. Company M boys will
rapnbUea to ramala ai indapaa
be ylad to learn of tbe y^ foitaae of
-ataua Tberetora all the rapabll*
bad to do Qow waa to Bybt to the laai Three M rw Cease ta Cbtaatowa, Baa tbeir late ooarade.
-Preaideatidieye atatad tbat la tbe
Fraaeiaeo—Tartlble Lose of
ala moatbi the war had barn y^o
Ufa la ladle.
Ibaboarehad loet la* thaa l.obo
lakmed, aad tbat the flybtlny
•aa Fraaeiaeo. Oat. March :2-The Secretary Fetoia of Hieblirao Laayar
really ooameocLny now. Aa preatdeat heaKb offiean of thU city aad tbe an
will Speak at April Ooaveatioo.
be waraed tba Free suto borybera not tire Cblaaaa qaaraaVlae to ia a atate of 'Mayor Bamlltea baa raoelred a letter
to balMre Lord Bobma' proelabitloa
otte. owtay to tbe dtoeor- from Chaa. U. Peters, secretary of tbe
aad aaoapi bU lavltaiioi. to lay down ary alaaaSuBdayof three eaaeaof baboo- Mleblyaa Good Roads Leayne. wbo
I have ha.;'my huiUiinc
Ibalr armt. Be a*ored tbe* that tbe leplarne.allaf wbleb were fatal.Or Kla- aa entbMlaat oa yood roads. 1
rebuilt ami pot iu cnhI
BrlUab bad failed oaarary oeeaaloa to
Patarabaa aaBoaaoed bit wUIlnyacaa
ahtpe and am now read)
keep tbe aolaaio treaUra taay bad
Bofyeraa to some here to tbe yood roodi ooaveatoreceive alt old-polraiu.
Md* Sir Alfred Milner, tbe Uorer- from tbe bodies, deelaree there ia no UOB la April. Be hat been an active
Mr of Oapa Ooloay, Mr- btaya atatad, doabt tba three CblBM die.. «f beboale
rkar la tbla dlrwUoo May yeora
ted pabUciy prodalmad )bat tba Afri- playna. CbiaaUwa U white with chlo­ and was lastrasaatal ia tbe appolnt•aadaie would be axtorwlaatad, kaow- ride of llM. as a Mali tbat aoae ol
mi oftbe yood i
t^ tbat tba repabUea woaid Aybt to tba Qai—n.i. * allowed to leave tb« Be atotod tbat owlay to eoadlUoM dartba aad. Be elosad by oryUy tba
trtan lasFeeton are oo natd ai lay tba past three years little baa baea
• bwybara to plaae tbair west la Ood.
the railway dapota. oo tbs blyk- done la tbla stato for bettor rerda. bat
••Frwldaat Siaya’a appMl roosad tba waya tedlay ^oB tba ally, and at alt be atatoa that at tba Bextaomloa of tba
terybaratoa pltolt of wlldeatbaal- tba ataamabip doaka. A rlyld
l^tolatan be will ask tor aid tor tke
ovemeot of the MlebiyaB roada.
H now lookh aa If. wblla Lord RoV
Ton will find • fine line of
Jaat ataua. tbare to a aoaaptewto to MTcblay on Pretoria aafl Oaau revival la latormt aloof tbto liae.
«al Bailor to attaakiny tba Boars U
Mr. Fetara will be a valaabla maa
the Blyyarabary. a third aolama of I
amooff tke apaakem at Ike aoBolay oaoI Lineua, all aizeAof Sofa
•6.000 MB. with Elmbarley aa b.,baar, I
♦entte __________________
iPillon, Down PUlowa, Cushmu
will awika eastward fro* Kduisra',, ^
Cords, Sattenbnrg Btateriala of all
Gklmaay Baroad Oak
Miaaiatotba Traaaraal. wM %b.l**^
I kinds. A full tine Balding Bros.
AteoimldBlfbt tet nlyht tba fire
u«^ warpoas of drawlay off tba Boars
r M^klay aad tkrMtaalay ProPatoteay, Mleb.. Mareb si-Aa aodEmbroidery leaaona given free.
•» Poaiar% adU near Conway. that StoiBbscyto Oraad waa oa flra.
S37 Front BtrMt.
Ubaowatalad that Lord Bobar» »^»mU*mate!Patoakay today ^ttey ttnat from Iwd aad wan on Abo
ia abort ordto. It waa flomd tbaa
eriUnotb«la«ba fiaal MesMat oalnnltadiBtbadaatbafJobaMatowaBFiamrto ter at teat three wotki. Ko |>8/»*• of aye. «bo waa Ibaamoka whMi aaoaad tba aiara som
trom a ablmaay wkte wm teraiay
toyteaa oAelaUy.tet tba Mel
oak Noflaaamye wu dans •mf^to
tbat BtrAltoadMUaar loft Oapa Towa,
ttefaaUayaof tbaflrvmaa. .
Bloa*tBntaia.'teda to Tor tkflUttifl Soji
itewnjwmratbM Lard koterto pro!Mma
_____to to ap a yaewt tor tte
BaUa tte beat oyatorathat art rtlpjil
Vna Btato tefan lanawiag
inm Biftteiaa. toll
tteBartto toena.^ arto, •••. par qaari.


Four New loig OistaiM >



How To Save Money
in Buying Wall Paper
l^’t it a reaaouable way to

that a ouoceni

that bnya wdl paper direct from the^mbanfactarera in car load lots can bay a great deal cheaper
than a honae to booM canTBMer, wbo bnya only a
•mall lot tioffl a jobbing home in Chicago, and
baa it aent by expreas, C. O. D.?
tbe City BexA Store.

If ao, call at

We oan snrely plaaBe yon

in quality and price with onr imoieuae atocA.


is-i '"'"5

; Oul of Business;
Stock of

j S. BENDA & CO. Fashiooable Oatfitters, 124 Froai St


W. W. Miller's Cash Stote . ,



We pl^ on Mie this mominK

izen CMldren's Black Cotton Hose
• Aboilnlely fapt .-olor—tine gaug»- —aeamleoa—all
WM*-value lot—at lOe a pair. The greateat
value ever offered in children'e boaiery.
See the window of "blacka.’'


?D8. CARP]

Nice lice oUaateD Goods.


I i



Jacob Furtsch,

liolon St.

Both 'Phones. 34


Ultm .Shijfs ple.n«c faslidioxis women, who have
horctol'orc paid fhnc> prii Cs — and hi^' pr<»lit.s. Shoe
I goodness doesn't alw.nys nieiin high prices.
per pair buvs the Ultra Shot- — p.nvs fur the best


the new shoe

The Boston Store


Good Line of Jefolrj



School of Music


Our Line
of SpriRg Shoes
—For Moo ls.Now Coofleto
A few of our many styles may be seen
in oor window. If yon want the best
tootweAr made call here.


KOBraro bsoobb

tafOrtMi 10HrMMMlatte PhO^

um atklag a< ao valaa ay tte pa
>mtteMa> teay are parMaaaa aaitt
Mtateaatad teat tte aattoa at tea

A lutli blazm


fin in a Barn Imot Svaalag Bnlty


TkaprtMiylo of tna trate
MAte lorrParto Btao. aad wUtette
yiMlilaal orUaaUr hopM la «aa tea
teaao vfooaU. tea. tterate*. jMM
«. BAMiirjJP i. w. HA—m a«l7<orlte tteabotac toa
pertaat priMlpte IteaaoMlty of tte
W. Mammmk. mutar t»A
iaa white lad to tte aow laMO an
faaaklT raaegaliad. Tte pnatdaataajiraalam that teteatt toa largaaai*,.' .
Mat ralj apoa Ua owa partp la tte ad
tolaiattatieB of pablic aSalia. Ba la
teaadto walff^ acalMt aaypaneaal
hrteaah tte dotoonlltotlna aad dlaer

teatawnato at tea tospayma And
teaaa worthy oiUaaaa daalara teat the ■ Tbo fin daparbmaat was aallad oat
caly ramady b to tara thaRapehllaaaa last ataaing to attead toalitUsblsss

oat. aad to lat tea Dmaowato ran tea in a bam oa Baat Blghte atraat. Tbo
elty. Bat la doaoonelag tea adaUala- banli owaad by Mn. Arar^d of Aema.
tratba than b no eafgaaUoto«< • bat b oaod by M. B. Oroeaoagh. tea
pranloal ramady.
I'orsome one that wants a good -outfit •
Tte bias 1 aaamad to have atorud from
Tte tospayara will aot ba laflaoaaad
cheap-foods enough to furnish a 5>room
hyteeafforto to ermU prvjadiea, bqt aoaw aahoa near tea ban. Than waa
lateor by tte optaWw of «aa of rolia- bat Uttla burn, wUah boroad a bela
house compietfr—have' been used just 4
htllty who have mada tea ebaatlea a
atody aad who te^Uto la'tenat of tee
weeks^ Parlor, sitting room, dining room,
elty 00 maeh at hoail that teay woold
bedroom and kitchen; carpets, mattings,
aof M
^ tehala- aot attempt lor laay eoaeidaraUaa to
tlva teaarh o< tte l
toroa upon tte dtya water works ayal>aafama naaaat biOnndL
window shades—everything you need in a
wWeb te maat dapaad- Bo-rnaior Moi whieb woald provp a bad lavaotBy loaal appHtoftem, aa teay aasaoi
aalaad^ eoald teppaa ttea to teot
reach tea diaamad pontoe of tte aar.
• 5>room house. These must be sold at
Than b oaly ana wag m eon daafhkpartr wajarity fall dowa oa tte
PwoB to tM adopUoe of the protoet- ama. aad teal b by dUtitutloaal ra
once, as I have no place to keep them—
tvp tart* la tea Oolud Btetoa the es adtos. Daafnna b earned by an I
m blaad gaiiflcme Oadar tteaa
ports won almMt alwaje laoe than the flamed aaodltlea of tte maeow Uaing
Cash or payments. The early bird gets
iwtaaaea. tea preaidaat dfl what
BaaUtaa from oppaeteu to teadlaf.
bapona, and by tte tlsM tea protaetive of the Boetotelaa tohr. When thb
gob Inflamed yoo have a rambthe «'orm in this case.
Tte lalaat eteat la tte qaaatloa la teat te teoa«ht araa right, and wa baliava tariff wae wtoblbbad by tee Bapab- tahe
Hag eoond or tmporiaet boartag, and
ao aattor wtetter tte pao^a vola tte thatUmaarlll vladbato tte wbdom of Ueaa party the balanoe of tnda agaiMt whoa It b aattnly elond daatnme b
■pona-MaU aad Bapc
tehd or aot tte elty aaat tote tte
tte United Statoe was mmy than two tea reaalt. nnd nalam tea Inflammation
can bo taken eat and teb uba rmtoad
OaapteU pUak Tbta oeetoatMa la
blUioae of dollan, aoostteg from tec wltaoermal oondltloi. haartag will
Mot a pahtmal aaaatlae.
teaad apoa aartoU arorlaloat U tea
data of the adi^tloa of tea Ooaatitalaalaoatraat wite Mr Oaaptell raUKatt Wadamday the qantloa of tloe. dIOM tee protteuve tabff ha- atM^na^^ntoim, *whlch*b
120 B'ronu't 8t3?eets.
Ufa to aabtoittiBf tte aattar to arW hoadlagtea dtp far tea parehaatof
e a panpasant foatara of ear lawo, nothing betas inflamad oosdltlcm of
tea maooss snrtbees.
laatloa. Tteecwuaat U aoaatraad to tea Oaoit>ball pUat will
howev|r, the bala&oe of tnoa in oar ‘We will give Ooe Bnndred OolUra
■aaa ttel tea flalag at the prlaa »y tea' people aad tte Ranmo b aaraaat
Ivor liu bean nearly for any eaaa of Deafnma leauaed by
tte arWtiatora M atrtoaUy a tala aad lalwoblaloa teat tea dafnt of the
catarrh > that eaasot be cored by Hall'i j
Chlarrb Cere. Bead for clrcolara. frer i
oaly tea maaaa of raUiag tee moaay to propoaitloa to vote the boeds wUI
pay far tea proparty ramaiaa to ba da place tte elty la a vary aad
larailBod. If tela eoetontioa n traa. poeitloa. WfaUa tea qaeatloo
a bUIloo doUata. Yet there an a few
Ball's Family Pills are t
ttea teara la all tea more re
Into which polltlea aboold aot eater, people who otill have the asasraoee to
teen b a parabteat porpoaa npoa ter tell volets that a protocUve tariff will
LltUfi TfiTtrn- LlttU XsTtn.
IKin’t you t^iuk it would be vi»«- on
It la alao atUl arraod that the qan- part of teadera of tea ao eailad CUIzaaa* lojore oar fonlga mariceu.
your part, if in nt*od of any footwmr. to
ttoa otroUorla oaly ooe place will oiovaaeat to arnica tea matter a pollti*
> W. 3. agjfixa. C
.'jimiibr the wonderfnl line mf aboea we
aoatribatoa legal otetrneUoo. At to cal laapa la Ub every e Ron b made
rweived fr<*ni the W. L. Uonethia. tte city attoraay b ampl
to kill It, bat aa yet tboee wbo araery
laa Shoe Co. We think it is tbe pretti>‘at
Mr. Oempball acraaa teat the charter log agaloat tte admiabtraUoa aad is tbe wat«r works estimate, Incladlsg
pro<la<'t out in Gents fine ehnea for aptioR
proaldaa teat oaly oaa polllog plaae la fighting to defeat the
Had fleorei of tbe varies* portions
i>f IHUa They conwBl of black and Un. in
Biiaaairy. Mr. Oampbtll waaooa of not esplalned how they propoce to oftteOampMll plant, the qossUtyof
eetvral different gradee of leather—the
tte frataan of tea ehariar aad-b poai paovlde a aaltoble aratcr worka ayi
wood and Iroo maths, maebtsery asd
pricf-r, are stamped on the bt>ttom of every pair—|:f.50
tlra aa to tea iataot Ih thli ragard
U teelr deeigaa are eairled oat. The avaryihlng appartalauig to tbe system
I-louglns makr of ahoea are one price all the world
Tte matter of eUgibllUy to vote la eitaatloB m each teat prompt aoUon U Tub report, while it doa^ot the
We have Jnit pot is a sew *
over. If you don't tee onr line you are puyinR too much for
tteaomlagapaelaldtottoi) baleoagi- demaoded aad tee parebaae. of thb Tslua of aU of tee varlou* ptfcai of ma- ^ line of np-to-date sutionery — z
yoOr footwear. Ruy ymir nest pair of W. L. DooRlaii make,
tattogagood maay. It hat baaa ar
b'Botoaty wb# bat tea only eblnary, pipe, etc., b eomplaia and . bos paper aad toblru. etc.
be aun* of R.’Uing value reoeivetl for your raoney.
goad that toKpayon dhoald have beea telag to be doaa ' at teb time Tbe sbowstbe aztaal of tbe plant whieb f
«o old etoek-Price^roaeon- f
We are the exclusive agents in this city.
givoa aa oppartaalty to ragUtar before Oempball eoatraet wUl aspire I
tbe eoubeil raeommasds teeeity to pur.
atelag. bat the oSoiaU hare daoldad yatro. Uthe ptopaallloa to bay tbe
« for fiii.WT
that that b aot naoeatary. that tea laa plant b defeated we moat baUd a new
nib are enadeat aaa ragbtry. *
Thk trpaiury i
t for we
plant bafore tte end of that parted or
aaaaoM baa saqhlrel property elact make a aew eoatraet with Mr. Gamp moateof February sbowt ibst tbe
tte laet toa roU arae Compiled, te eao bell. The'UUarplaa wUl maetwlU rooalpii of tee govareomst ware fiiii.
InetanidleappravaL If webaUdaaew 03i.MV0«. while tbe aspaodllores
Tte Bkded belUvoi that whlU thare plaat Mr. Campbell wUl etlll do boolonly fiiT 8IT.000. leaving a aurpla.
are teebtaeal teateree la the qnaaUoo.
to prevent any peoelb'e nf fi^.lUM SU us Kor the e:gbt monibs
/%§ graateat dia»Up wiU be awept profit apone maalelpal eyetam. Tbb • limg Ffbeoary Mtb, tbe eurplos rcnMa by tea votteg ol the bmda The
proportion b tea aatjeet. how.
•aA matwr to eoaelder will be tee ever, of eome qaeetloa, bat la any eaaa
mmmmrf axtaoelea of tee eyetam.
rsiiLB prlnwd
Brads treat'*
aayoae can aee teat eoeh a eoodlUoa
a great deal of napleae* Show* teat I SU New
BO. Which bad on tbelr pay.rolls
Aato Porto JUaoaatama and ondojbtadly very ezpen»u.et7
Tteaaaebavary almpla oaa. Tte etve litigation.
ad tbe nnmber w
while tea in
pnaldaat taade hb roaommaadatlim
It to be neoeeenryto
laat Daeembar to give Portolltoob pro balldao independent plant, teeqaea- ereaaa In wagaa In IHW a* oomparad
wlte ISM was over »!U OOO.noO.
daau tree aeaaee to ear markab baeaaee ttenofteer
teteltavaeU waa right aad beat, ooahaa baaa ahowa that to provide eaeh a
Bdmosd Rostand w XU.
Mdartag tte eoadltloo of ttet blaad. plant ne bae bean daamed aaltoble, at
aad aot baeaaee ItaraaraqBlrad by tee
Pans. March *t—Edmond Rustand.
fiaetMT, aboatfiMO.<ieo weald be re­
itear of "Crranude "
aoaaUtatioo. Be bae aot ehaared that quired. Dnder tbe Uw we naanot bond
nl -t/AiglPn. " tte oe<
yjusipn I
Maw. If that ware tea aola prlaelpla 1 ho teat propo- .luo.d bjpiUarah Usrok
b 111 wUb
lavolvad, we are antborUed to any. ba
altioD maat be aataelda for the praeent. pscnmoala
araaU laebt qpon It thoogfa be etood Ilw.UMtrgnad teat than an otear
A Pissdisb Attack.
asareea That b tree, bat two epeelal
An attack was lately mads oa C F
Mowavbr. anotber prteelple haa been oommltUee,
iposad of moat rell-; Collier of CherDkea, lows, that nearly
tavpkad tttvoivlar the moat vital able mas la tbe city, have made thor­ { oroved fatal. It came throagb bb kid.
vs. Hb back got ao lami
qaaatkm eonneetad with tte w&ole ough Inveetigatloua aad every
■attar of oar new tarrltorial poaim- of bote atroogly argaad In favor of the tot stoop wlihosi great pah
« chair ezoept proppi
propped by coihloos. No
•taaa. Tte praeldent baltavai that Baat bay plan. Now aa tea Baal bar 'rmedy helped him >■
aaagTom haa tea ceeatUntlonal power proposUloo b not faaalble, aearly. It Tie Hiller* which rfl
to levy dntba npoa tea prodnela of not qalla. allot tea msmbara of teoae
toanawtarriunalaeqabtlaae. .
aradeeidadly Is favor of
d kidney
Thbb dented. aapaelaUy by Dam- tea protest plan.. The opinion* of thcae ourlflM the blood and bulldt op your
arate. Itteayeaa pravaat lu aaaarat 4at (1. Jobnaop
and many otheru rqually relia­
Itea; atUI more. If teay can have aae^ ble sbonld ba aoeaptad aa of aona
aatim by aoagraaa aa daalaa lb as valoe.
Potalor* Waolrd
latoaca. teen they eangotothaeonnuy
Bnt a new alameat ba* entered Into]
QKp French Percale -- I’nlaundried. $1 25 The Bayadere Stripe, a beaukiy to nun-liase pou
with tte argamant teat tte admtabira-,
P ,y fru D IS
teequeetloD alooa tbe Inaugurat loo of'
with negligee collar—full line of
tiful new goods with ,white
ttea bae. by lb oollcy. acquired new
MJUland IS to
SUiseDi'movemenb It b ebanred
sizes from 'jr to 4’.
pique and lace stripe. The French MusApply to Mirhirar.
popalatlona nofittod for aUtcbood yet
that ter city cooDclt U tryiofr to foist
arch rvino^p*
Malblag tee rigbb of fall etilzwablp

A'Big Bargain

Slater’s House Furnishing Store

$ Bran' New
I Stationery



A. S. FRYMAN, 136 Front St.

A Shirt
Waist Story!

A most mod«m story—fUll ol tbe utmost interest to
every lady. Tbe season ie fast approaebing for these
all important articles of the feminine wardrobe,
in fact for many it is now here. No one
will sbow-a greater stock, nor many, handsomer
patterns. Tbe great markets have never manufactured such beautiful garments as are being ebown this
year, am^e picked the cream of their stocks. We
quote a few:


pad tbe right to Inadelb oar merbeto
with their prodoeu free from eostomk
daty. thni Impalrtns ibe value of our
awn labor by eampe|.iUoB with tbe
'ahaapeat labor in tbe world.
Thequealioa. tbereiore. la not be
twaen a principle and an csprdi*ncy.
It b a queatioD between two priodpl-*.
aaa ol ibem fuadam|-i>tal. It b brtwaaa aeaerilng oae of them In Uie
latoraat of I’orto Bi^ alone, or> the
pthartn the islertau of the whole
aoaatry now and heraaftar. In tbe
lattar oqa» aar departure from the
right oonatltutlonal prlnelple canaot be
taeilfiad. and the daiqara done will oa
IrrPtoadUbU. Net a aiagla atep. onea
lakPP. can be reiraetod. la the former
toaa. It win work ao tijary to the In­
Rieo. .
That blaad b today wlthoat reveoee
aad tea people are aoflarlag. Ithaaao
(ovanmaataseept a mllliary one. It
WiU be eome time before any maebioery i
lor fablag revenue aaa be pat In operaMea. MaaaUme, Porte Blee maat be
•akae can of and aaablao aa rapidly aa
faoMbla to fmrabb tte nraanea lor lu
•wa aspaaaaa. By tea bUl which tbe
Maaaa haa paaaad it.bnUavad from
aa«7 other form of las eseepi tbia IS
par aaat of tea asbUi^ tariff laid upon
Maprodaeta aomiag'lau tea Dn.tni
•■toe aad tea pndaeta of tee Calua
P«>W Eleab PM
Mvory AoUar of teb b taroad back to
|■•waBaa. Tbommaare b for rev
imaa. aad oaly tomporasy at teat, aad
gaabeteUmvad by traewade aa aaew
a« tea gnat prtaMpla whlek lanognUei
tefifo»ar«f OsagTiM tolagblato tor
ihtesaawtocTltorMsIavtodMaWd Th

aaasrtlgfltteb iteanratotfamof tea
jMMlIfiaMdM. afHT teadabato la tea i


J-x- gives your choice of
some r.vtremel) handsome goods,
ami liursf! are all lavin<lrii-d.

As Ever
.\ml jurt Hr f-ln-ap — It
fi<r h rt-t-oii'i
l.> >wll'.- (.b'Huthey fonii'l
liiuh pri<-. tl Ht other stor
♦w r»-l'iii-/hi-r>- for at Iraat
a third cheaper.

We Ciueht Bekii'
Prices Weet li|i
[and arc aatisfind w!ih email profit —that'a all

Mft kid Dppen, owd*
ton aole and heel—Slylaa that
ara dpsaiy ahapea that fit.

Alfred Y. Frledricli
The Leader iu Pine Pootwear.

^ “ i'Vench Perrah-. fanq,'■i:i|>e in :.lnk. Mu*-, lilac and
l'lack-- = a sj.lenditi ^;.irmeiu
H-'t <li:aliiy i'’rein.h Penile witlr
OftacliaMr pnint»;d_stock collar,
nuely iaumlrinj.
<|‘'*‘lily French Percale with
-cluster luas^ tucked fniot—an­
other style has the round yoke
aie. made in all colors, and- will be ^reat
$ 1 00
"'*=ntion a few of
syA.<v,/V,f our great stock at this popu­
lar price. the fine heavy percale
with lull from of inch plaits. Another is
« beautiful chambray with embroidereii
insertion front. The Iteauiy is the Cham­
bray with lattice work front, yoke and
sleeve — and no ©ne will overlook the
white lawn with graduated uiiked front.

A tine Percale, with graduatblock front, with embroid­
ered insertion and tucks. .Another has
inch wide tuck with insertion between the
stripe, bow knot pattern. Come in all

lin with Meur de lis pattern, made in pink,
blue and black. .Another beauty is tlie
White Lawn
with tucke.l l>.nck and
RQ><-n work inscriioti. tiuk.-d back, in white

and colorj.

''•'h front of
tucking and pufting, tucked
uacK. 1 lie sdjm «uii lacc insertion iroiit
-•-both wiile and narrow tucks. The tine
Dimity with white lace yoke, anil the
style with Trench lace, and pointe<l lace
stock collars.
RO 00^*rs'»" .'l-awn*wiih corded
tuck front and back, and the
VN'hite India Linen, with full front lace
insertion and box plaited back.
0|^ French Dimit)’. platted and
insertion front and back.
Rjf) Persian Lawn, tucked sleeve.
tucK and insertion front with
tucked hack.
Rn French Chambray in either
pink or blue, with white lace
yoke, full lace sleeves and stock collar*"
A most beautiful garment.

The Hannah ii Lay Mercantile Co.

tk« (odtetW *r
*W mil, l»^MrMfm.
«k« eaUotAr for th* fmlt «rap U
Btrrtaaaou^ kvaryaMticnflaff.
Ikwik McrT<i*w.
la tfa*
TUrtf-tnt a. S- wlaataM. «bo sat
tett to the PfelU^ptoM. «•• bartod at
aMCktoa Wadaaaday.
At Stoadiak tba Ur*a tern boMt at
Ufa. p. U. Aafiawaa tatallpAaair^ad
by tfa. tofatoar irith Ua eoataau «f
tha Bppw part of tea koaaa. Tha ira
dppartnaat aoaU aoi raaati tea baOdafUaa. teAW- OaoBa, dateetlaa
Oaotfa Spowar. wkUaatarorb to tba
Ohaaa aawniU at <)aiacp. ^ atraak la
tba baak of tba baad and ioataaUr
kfOad kp a alabtbat Saw ft«m the mw.
■k taaaaaa widow aad oaa child.
Laetoda Bakar. aa a(H raaUaat of
OaUwatar. brlaft aait la cha ebfBlt
aaart for te.ooe danacaa. aaaaad. It ia
alalnad, freaa laiariaa raaalttac Iron a
tall aa a delaeUra aldaa
At Lapaer "OTaadna"Oreaailt.aaad
let poafa. diaa Taaadap fron ^d affd.
•ba waa bora la Oloaeatar. Bof.. aad
had llaao aaar Lapear with frtondi for
It baa baaa daeidad bp tha Oatholloa
of OadtUae, to araetdariaf tha aonloff
aaMar a brlek ebareh poaUapaboot
|ie.eeo. Tha uxaei loeatiaB of tha
ba^lnr hat not pat baaa detarmi
■ona of tha fralt rrowarm nf Vaa
Sana aeaatp elaln that tba praeh
traaa wara badip danacad bp tha reaaotaM aoap.
Mra. Cbereh Co«, afod ‘t. aa old raa
Idaatof Mile*, toffrrad a tell Wadaat
dap oa aa lep walk, raeaiflar tojarlaa
wbl^ will probablp ptiwe fatal.
Tboaaaada of doeAtta, plokarrl, baaa,
pareh. ate., ara batog tokaa throngL
tha lea oa dagteaa hap. Thrp are
abtpprd to Bap CUp aad jotbar petota.
At Ohalaaa Mra.' Oaof^ Blebarda,
. agad M peara. allpped while geltlap a
paU of water. The tell biioka bar hip.
. aad aba wUl not ba able to walk again
A. B. MatUea.ap
tonwpof Jaekaoa eoaatp. waa' killed
bp a telitag traa eo Wa^aadap.
waaaU. of M. gradaata. .

raagamint riprwtod agraat deal of
mate King PenCWAtetotbin.bard work on tea part of tba partW.
Thr fntbrr uf the pooRg King of
Oara Impartaat raatbaoap to Monk paata aad Ue managaBast. Tba ra^ato oner igUd: "1 ahookl Ukr to be
aaipto of tea eetslag amadad fl*&o
an nO'-rewn«A king, kart- pUntp of
The partertoanaa wm ha repentad to monrp and lira in l*arta." 'Aifooao
Ina^. Mlab.. Maireh K-Oeloaal MnnMtoe oa tea eeaniag of tha M-h.
doaa not bold tba aaar riawa. F.Tao
«nttb. aaatetaat •
aadar tba anapteaa of tha Bike at that aa a vorp email child ba U aald to
Oaaaral W. L. WbUa. waa tba prtoelpal
hare bt<ao totular of lha ap|ilanaa of
arltokaa oo tba atoad for tba paopU to
tba pohite than uthar eblklrro era of
tba Maamh oaaa todap. SnIU taaUdad
■awaata. Ba oprned iiarllamaot (b blba
to tba dataU of tba tnaaactkna wbM
and torkatn. nod want to racee and
•ivaa bpthrPn
atbildtionB befurr ba
lad ap to tba aaU of tba atata nOltorr
aonlil walk- Ou<-a. «l«ti ba wan baiwX>aat Might.
Ip -I pran elil. an abirui «a> raiiiad In
taaUAad to nU lha . proeaadar* within
A earp plaaaaat aMair wto tea aoelal tea tmlac-a ibai ba waa toci.
Sarhia knowlcdga. white eaana to baeon- gieaa laat ataaiag to MoatagM baU raau oeartead for bim aTarpwbare. la
aidarabla. BB toatinonp wnaiapor- hp tha Chitotoln Bedaaeor aoetotp of ararp room and aoraar: tba gpanl waa
tvnad out and axptoard tha gardana,
taat to tea preaacatlte.
tea Praabptortoa tearte. Sapper wm bnt hU llttlo mairstp waa eowbara to
aaread dnriag tba aeaaing, for white ba toond.
.\t laat a croarmau-tnBO teaiga 4M Badfc Aa aaaailaat waJUng. bnnplng ont of tba petora
pragram eraa proeldad. white waa
Ibtoaad to with mate plMaata. BaTHE 8TAOE
tora the partp dliparaad. an opporta^
nitp wna glean tor teoaa who ao da- tee ropal apartmaets. Looking rotind.
aired to add to tee fond for tea re the rartler mw hla poeng nuutar
perrbwl In n bnlconp of tha palace
Aa aenrlp ararybodp knowa. It waa bnllding of tea tenreh. A nant earn kUaing hU hand to the eotenalaatle
Mr. Walkw Whitaalda that opened waaraalUad.
Stolnl^'a Onod. tee date balag Dae.
Oarman atudauia aie ratnniing to
11. ilM. Tha Oread Tbaeena Bamld HOVOM OAMADtAM PmSbtBM.
t» of wandarlug
of Dec. It. aald of Mr. Waikar WhiteTba moilrm Ool
Inarier Map be Maned to tba Paeraga alMHii tlia wtifW.
lania an- prraouallp roodartad and
■*Tba opaniag of Slainbarg'e Oread
know baforahend i<rr<-laalp wbai tbalr
Opera Hoeae Taaadap aranlag waa one
Loadon. March ts—There It a atrong Jounii-pi will <ro«i tbam.
I-mit prar
of tea greatotl aoeeawcae and neat rewor In goearaaaat drclre teat iliap vinitid lialj:; thl*
ibl< apring 1.UW of
brtlliasl aodal eeenu that TraTeraa among the flret to be hoaorad for aer- than, will go
CitpbaecTer known, and Mr. dtoln. etcc in tee preaent war will be Str Wil­
berg UkeptbaapraeelTingeoegratala- fred Ltnrier. ter Canadian premier, li
Bverpbodpta Inritod to ettaed tea
I neon hla etitorpriae In erreeting ia golta llkclp be will be ralaed to tbe maetinga on tha'water worka qoeaUoa
•o floe a bnllding and aworing for tee peerage. M eeer alnee tbe quren'e Jab- thU ereniog In tee Btata atreet aebool
opening night eoaminent a tragedian Ilea tbe Canadian premier bai bean bonaa In tee P fte ward and' In the C.
aa Walker Whitcalde.
•loaadlnglp popnlar with bar majeatp. R. K. i> S. Ball In the SaeonC ward“Toonneh cannot fcs nid of Mr. BU work In connection with eendtor
WhUealde. BU acting baa reaebad the eolnntaere to hemte Africa and fall
point where tee eetor la leal eight of ie recant apeaeb in tee CanedUn parlia­
tee ehamc'erwhieb be aaennet. Ble ment haee made him ^ atllb^^reaUr
delineation of Hamlet held tbe.aed!- feTorlte. ■
. ■
^apellbonnd. aad fw three boon
tbe r«»b ned herrp of an Aneriean
a wa* forgelua and aearp ana
Bred again in oldnn dapa with Baulat, Tewo to Ba Ooraraed "Aa
tbe melanebolp Dane. Tbe breathlem
Whooping Cough. Ae1
ailcBto of tba aedlcaer. broken onip
Monadavme. W. Va.. March tt-MapConeumption. la
bp ineeluntarp bersu of applaaae.
or Parktnaon baa giaen onl tee Infor-'
abowed bow deep waa tba Intoraat
matlon teat ba will eooe adopt tea!
takea la tbe pUy. Mr. Walker WhltoSheldon plan for mnnieipal gorernmani |
elde waa fortennte Id bia-wepport. tea
and run tea cUp ■’aaJaaaa wonld.- Tba ;
entire e^npanp being abbre lb« arrr.
new more U tee reault of tee reIlgio< e
*‘Bolwer*< great'plep. -Eicbeliee," mealing whleb baa raceotlp effeetid^
000 eonreralona here.
ena glean bp tbe aonpaap laat night
and waa, if poadblc. better rendarad
cTerman R^EDY'
than the plap of tha eeerlng brfore. The aadlenee waa a laost aoLord SelUbBTT Will Fropoaa Thnti
tbnalulte oae. Mr. Whitcaldr. In tea
Crlonlae Me Mepreaeated.
great ‘xpree aeana,” raeatelag tbraa



Irrtog PhUIipaoa of Dowagteeeertain eaUa"
aaaafallp panad thr flnal enaatnatloa
Mr. Walter Whitaalda wUl baaeen on
abd baa heed nollfled of,hU appoint- hUereood elell here toatorrow ereoMat to a Weat Folnt cadMbIp.
log. Marte <4. la hia lawat aaecaae.
A. D. Roateman of Baad Otp, baa The Bad Cockade "

atrealaUoaof iOe.OOO and wUI renora
Ittodpriagflald. O.
Tba laearal of Corporal ^ward Harrta of Biehnond, who dlad at Haoila,
waa held on Wadoaadap hod »« of a
nllltarp abaractor. A Ktthdofaoldlara
iron Tori Wapne aoMttpaniad
MMtai to tbalr Ual raaUag pUoa.
Pater Daaaaa. wbUa digrleg for gold
aappoaad to bark boon bnrtad in a bill
aonth of Orasd Baran, oam apoo’tha
ranalna of a hanaa bodp It la tappoaad to bt tba ranalaa of Indian. Tha
bodp wat tevod aboat to feat In the
alda of tee bill.

London. March St—11U beUaead Lord
SalUbnrp inteode to appeal to the
eoenirp le Jalp, In eaae the war U than
urminatod. for ae tmpsrial narliameet
and eebeeie for imperial federation bp
•bich tee great eel fgOTemlng eolootoi
It waa a packed h >uae which greeted will be giep^rapreaentotlon la the par-,
tea Bopa' Bead mlnatrel teow io Sulnpair, and at Iraat ■I third
,u>iu <i.if wnat
w>i>, otbv>uberg'a Orand laat plgbt whae tea eertele want ap on a aerp prettT naaal
tUgeaatUng. Tha pardelpaato wara
clad In aerp neat, aad ahowpaaller aalto. Band, prprloea to tbe performance laat j
Back of tee circle the orcbeeua endar night
tbe direction of Bobert Price wu aaat418 Delna Sr., n
Little T*t*tb—Little Tirera. ■ i
ad npoa a ralaad dale, ne Brat part
■naiatedof bamorona repartee betweao
Bart MeOop. tea inierioeotor: Daif
McDonald and A. L. Jopoa. bonaa: Jim
Debartp -and Oao. V. Jopoa. tomboa:
gi bp Daff McDonald. Bart Slmae. Jim Oobactp, W. D. C. Oerlae, Oeorgo loeea and A- L Jopee.
Toe repartee waa aplrited and gtrea a
ch% Vxtt h Tkb&^ *mhit sVVtI
local fiaaerwbteb kapt the andlenae
BaUatU. Tbe flrat part cloaad
I mix VAk& Ait& «oo&
Xnmtot& vUK kvrVXitae hXVV
with tha aingiag of America bp tee
I Btt& 60T& Xti A Wt&home ktbW vbtttTrt—^ tVaXt \Kk.\ no
ipanp aad a baaatlfol aleetiical
dUplap at the back of the etogc. a hoge
' &Tekhmk.V«T taoSi. vto&mm—X\Ai>t tto obottid. tiq catc, m



W r«.l,«u»*

.bt.t —.
it Imh
TMtI. «.» It.
tt. K-0.1.. tt. te .
If “
o' l—t'
U“ “»« —
death of Mra Wuliv’a moibrr le Mi!ill 1 One Do (o Keep Mp
araekea. Tba aad Udioga. howeaer.' 'l'raU.>tAUl
m." tefc Intent eoon eocig
l«™.olJ.l r-t.b.1 M.V Wtlu.t^ii"*"-'""'
the probablllip U teat th^ aoiber wJU : ^ one of tee good Ulngt rendered bp
ba bnried before tee relaaka of the Sa-!^““^ fn«s. "A Mateinmt and the newa ot-t" A«*te „;“'*»*> Veoiora.- waa pet oe ia good
teamed bp tee daegbter. Tnaabore
““ ebmmrtefa bring
lenU 1 toe bonne and tbe*Ur
ba*'*“®''’ ‘'7 Coanea Jopen. Jamea Uteerip
•tar ferrp ha*'•““''“’y
Oaorge Jupea. Will Uermaioa. Aegoat
^net pel eeatered ont.
iBen-najend DeMMcDmaU.
^A nek
. .............^■-.] The Ulaatrated aoaga bp George

•r IT.W biU-i »r -not

TVi -tu

Tt, ttirb.-.
hie check forJ.ltt-On.






Piaak dehaitt of Ana Arbor, had a
aarrow raetee fron death Paeadap
aeaatog. Ha waat to taka a drlek of
aldar oat of a Jag. and Inatoad of eidar
batook two or tbraa ewaiioweofa
waahlDg aonpoand eoaialelDp Ipe and
aaaaiie poUab. Thr deid li.fl!>.-ted ter- red. wbica and biea. Tbare war* aa*rtbla feiareel palna. aad :two docutn araleartotecallaforteUMwea. which
warahaatllpeanaaoead. ^p panard waa a arrp effactlre eioae to tea flrat
oat tee atonaeb aad gaverlum an aeti- part.
dow Be will reeoerr
Tba aaeund perl cootolnad good feat At BoeghtoD, C C. Uetkcll. ageaTTe nrra. a^mc of :b<-m eapeelal.p cleaer.
paara. a rotiraii toiler, and '>ai-i.r thr Rs.>* Traukioi-rarr a nawaketcb le
bnl known Urnaaii* of tor oopper die- SwedUh mu i»i(vu- and Ibr apMial
iriet. «ai fatallp homed in
ba-iinairnmot-to. ^•«tera waa a finr trou:
tweet. K and Co'clock Wadi.twdar after jboucaolo
Jap MaeMBicn. Kan WicBoen Ur waa aloea in (hr boui- and ! ola waa itu- eau« - of repeated applauar
probably art flre u tba
banginga le bU aatramaip diUeult and clcrar
bp a epark fn»m bU pipe] Baing bed- jnggl’Of of tea batoaa aod Indian
ridden na con'd not p»-Apa tee flamea. .ela
LiUlr Corimie Slieera ga»r a
The Crca‘ p ateamrr bJoroi U
' WP P«tty akin dance and UaMie and
lee boeud -oota of Muikegon. Oe 1with n new
board nretw.iiadp pa..«i,;,-rta «,e of .
wtemU Mm Clare Wb.wi of Mileae-ietruanceda bakee Mm. White waa oii her way
* railroad


Give Me
Your Shoes

w. D C.O.I.UX itd'A. I.

af toe anew, ibeal.dtohet^ i
paeiallp lor tea o
Whet'B Tenrrena Mertb.
•oMtimea a fortene. but eeear, if
The rneaie nndar the dlraeltoB of
pea hare aaallo* eompientoa. n toan*
ilaed took, aeete paiebae aad htowhea
aa the ek«e.-aU atgaee of lirar troabte.
Bto Dr. Klag-a Krw Lift PiUe gire •tewd etolto; Joeeph Batoer. ee^
Oanr Bkla. Boay CbaetoT Mtok Com rtolto: A. C. Aptae.rloU: Mim SbwUng,
ptogioa. Onip M eeattl at Jan. U. p«aaoi W a. Campbell, oontot- Bart
Jetaaoaaad S B WaiVaidmg
Oeroi. eto{t et: Jap Maaeeainh. tmankoae, rmd Wartb^, bam.
Tbe pragtnm wm a toag aae and
Uttlfl TATin-Uttlfl'^Ti
wallglfca ter toml mlaat. Tba ar-

j no ATtitoQMtct, ATi& X>tt euotnst Xs Xt&s \Kut XVtt m&XbTUV
jM hn4 totV mo.\& tosX—Jfc.OOr



S.'VC.mVVvVeTv I


Don’t Wait
Until It Is i^oo Late
To get A good eeAt—bnt


11.50, ms,
Injiltove lots we have "rounded up" coats
from our cheapest up to ogr hit;h priced,
goods and put a price on each kind that
ought to close out eve^'coat in a week's
time—it will do it too, if interested people
takelpains to look at the gootls—They are
lined|up on our front tables, «vherc tt'i no
trouble at all to show you.

Hamilton ClothiflgCo.


SlddwAlk Ltunbor'in All BiBet.

RnooMnnor* to Trawnr** Oity r.ambnr Oe

K w oniK nisKss


One door west of the Brosch Block,
242 Front Street.

Wc have several hundred pair of shoes that
wc are closing out at ciit prices to make

(Ho 118. eitber phone)
for tbe

room for our new spring stock and opening.

Most Notable
Engagement i

Frank Friedrich,
The Old Reliable Shoe Man.

Byer here.

Satorday Evening '




at Steir\ber^’s Grar\d
and big oompAuy, in

«. Vf. Tte. $I •■r'-»v«« »-au, AIM

I have put in a shop in connection with my hard­
ware. and am prepared to do any kind of sheet iron or
tin job work, driving and repairing pumps and any kind
of iron pipe work—also all kinds of repairing usually
done in a shop.
You will find my prices seasonable.


KIBffln.l.*MBOtm WAMTg

f nm^frwtwpiip
IP $aoKT tropia J
K A A A]iLJkiitiit MUiiJiuiutLjr
TW t«U rnmtmm o( ■’Tto AMtCM
OM.” wUeb to M to mMWw« at tto

r C.B.aad


Maw M a IIM M the MwMg aad a^

ttoto torttad trtaoda wUl aojoy a a
ttoa to tto etaroh portora thla araotog
tto naawO * toy tlar-»-rtOa

It M


beeto to tto aty Ubrvy.
M Miiufut Btonh Oo. toa bagaa

Ceapad] BIch-a
4*00 Out Jm

« ae

Mtoi MmA* Adat. U<
a, «M (to MdA M« If BatoW lo boy potatoaa. aod

1 M

rmm T«aMb WM tto Malpior-. Tkr,
•totw. Maud M,lto toM. vlU to ds
All tbeaa wha haw aiffaod tto i
«Ht U toalcbt. tto Iran balac of Mtoa harahlp roll of the propoaad athlatla
A^m$’ «w
It waiCho ?» alah aad othara lotaraaiad. are argad
Maafi. ato tto talUoa wad U wteW to Mat U MeKaaafatoU thia arealng
toarrangator fto orgaslt »U» of tto
to WaahiariM loftaaa»ttolaa Uw^
EayHUlikar haaraalgnad hla peallkMtotradawdaWU prafUlw for aa
W^tlas at •(. Lwla, Iff.. IB i»t to iOB aa Bight elarh at tto Botal Oolaaioilatoau tto looto aaataarwrj of tto bla. Hto plaaa la takaa ^ Balph
fwahwa of tto Loatrtaw tarritwr- Biaaa of thIa allg.
Thu btU freaUta for a fotaroMot
TboiBM HoBltao ASoobaratto
toudtoff toaaatttOO.dM. aad aUe for tnot for a BOW booaa for WaltocllBU
tto aspatoltm of
tto of Aeaa toernablp.
fnwMwt irtoo tto aapaaltioo mBlMrJV..ito UtUa aeaof Mr and
thormoi tora ralaad tlO.OOO.OOO. ProMra. Arthmr BlddlaeoMi. dlad ^
oWoB toatao Mda for tto eraatloa of a
Boddaely yaatarday aaoTBlag at itolr
afMtoakw aad for ottor taatouto gl*Moa iB Mayflald.
lof tto atpoaHtati a aotiaoal totorsaA teas baloagiBg to C. W. Wbnalook
OkioalaoopannStSfi. « Wtacw trora lajimd
aad took a rma. a^aahliig tto aielgh.
atortlg aftar e e-afoak Wadwaaday
Ho OM waa berk
Moraiac by «Ba ton of a fratcbt atoWadsaaday ewnlag P. -D. Marrla
rator to tto raar of a baUlisf a* Mar
aa alaoMd aod loatalled aa aoalor r^
kat atraat, trbara tto rtctlmof ito
KBBiaBder of Mef^areOB Poak Ib plaoe
tto late HalaoB Ctottordoa.
a tboagbt that
■oaoa of tto Irjarad <rUl dU. althongb Joh-B MlUar of Walton, and Idn M.
Usdiay of SoBtb BoardinaB. hat# baae
aararal are badly bart. Tbe
workad all Bight aodcropdad totothe Uoaaaad to narry.
atoratwatthe aiirth flow. It nond Next Monday the ooaoty otB»ea will
dowD obUI Ito third floor ^aa raaahcd to reaiOTad into the new ooort booae.
tboB aoBothlog anappad asd 1b aa Ib. At two o'elosk tUa Morning a B'.na
atOBtlator tto lift, with| lU mats ol psnad boy made hla adrant at the
▼taUBa. eraahad dowB laju) tto baaa- ome of Mr. and Mra- Areble Orlatt■aat.
WmiaiD Lowrle. a raaldeot of Ula
Hm ofietn aad araw of the Itollod city St ycoie ago. bow of Etnernld.
Stataa aoiillary ervlaer. ibairia. which Wla., la is tto city rlaiUsc relaUrea.

haa baw aaed to traBoport tba Upitad
■tatea ribibiU (or the Pa
« preaaat Wadsaaday arc rttog at a
patformaBee of the opera -dlegfrlod."
at the Theatre daa hrta. E^as, Prasee,
os toritatiOB of the BiBBtolpalUy. Tba
AnaricM BaUosal aatben. followed
by tto -IfarBeitUiM.'' wea played be-

ferv tto rlae of tto epruto asd tto

endlaBor ebaarad the toUote, who
ware tollghlod with the ezpariaBoa.
aia ir*ea.weraaa«ad by M 8. Aadereao. a yeeog aolored bob.'daring a flra
la a flat booae oo Waat I3lth atraet,
Baw Tork. Wadaaaday. , Tto flacaaa
kad gained eoaaldarabU Headway,
tto window OB tba aaoond Ifloor atood a
■«B baaed Nalaon. with bit el> IltUa
* ahlldraa. aaoapa haring haea cot of.
With two paaaanby. AodataoB ras toto
tto balldlag Beat door aad op to iha
third floor. With hla ooapaalooa bold­
ly kla laga. ABdataoa awnag.dowB

Taaterday atMooo tto
wbieb elab waaobamlagly antertalned by Ure B 8topard.aaiiatad by Mra.
John MelBtoah at tto bom of tha
tormar <w Bute atraat.
After tba ga«M the manbera aat
down to aAalBlUy proaarad "Darll'a’'
apread. the fawn being UtUa "darlla.'
ofnBlqna arrangamenk Tto mean wai
the abUdraa aa they ware bald eat to aa fallout:
DrrlM Lobeler
him by tholr father. All waaa
raabaed wtaly.

Mora thaa iaoa.OM worth of bow
Baahioa^ for tba ooppor aalaaa at
a la hang ep la OhioaaD by
tto atrlke of ataeblalaM.
-Aoeording to tto roeordt, alnoa tto
AMarlcaaoeoepatloo of itoPblUpplBaa.
troM Jaae I. lett, to fabraary It. laoo,
tto aetoal aurlanty la tto army la iha
PhlUppiaaa baa baaa u oBoara aad 1.«ae atea, a total of l.iti. or at tto rata
Of 74 daatha per moath.
Uaaaaa Paato. the graabNt Tarkmh
■oldiarot raeant timaa. la deetd. Bb
dafawe of Plawaa agalaat aa orar.
wbalmlng Beaalaa fore* la life gave
him oaoraMW praatlge.
. ^
Wadaaaday Joha B. McOooald, who
boa the coatrael for bulldlog
Bodargroead fallway la New Yorl
had hla Ufa laaared for fls.doo.ouo. Thii
la the largeai amooDtof lataraoee erar
plaeod on oaa maa. axebodlng that
aarried by ioha Waaamakv by aaarly
half a mllUoo doUara. Prom an tcaaiaaoe auadpolak Mr. i MeOooald'a
life la therefore the soat ralaablc la
Uawwld. Mr. McDonald did not Uka
oat tbr policy himealf. Anguet Belmost. bead of the eyndleate that will
flaaaea the building of the Bapid
Traaait teanel. had him ^aaorad atd
ttoayndloate will pay
Uie prem-

N ■


Jno. P. Boyd of WllUaMbarg. was
Ib tto dly laat algtak
r. J. Porter aad B. J. HUtasa O
aland were la the dty yaetarday.
F.C.^ was la from Cedar ymtarday.
MIm Norris baa arrlead from Lanalag u take a paaltloa oa trlmmor with
Mra. Aabtoa.
J. Uiaay of Sattooe Bay. waa La
town yaetarday.
Dr. L. B. Bast of GroBd Baplda. waa
at Park (7aee yesterday.
e. W. Kramer, a leading marebast of
OadUlae. la a ga«t at Park Place. Mr.
Kramer bae not been Lb Tnreiee City
la eight yean aad expramia eurpriae at
ttoebangea aad improremeota which
bare Uben place daring that time.
Oaear Thomaa went to Grand Bapid*
yesterday. Mr Eras* la atteodlng to
bk mall ronta In bla abaeace.
Mitt Barde Alta Stemberg ha* retnraad from a rtail with ber aUter 1a
Bc«- M D Carroll eraat to Alanaoa
Mto Chdatlna McDonald be* relnraCfl ffBm^ a two week*' vlail with trianda
Maa I* tee.

Briilah corraapoadenta la China leer
aaU-torelga: morameat foraidermaa lathe 8eeoodWard.road lasl aighi fnw » baaioaM trip
■ay tore aarioaa eonaeqaenoai ter
to Adrian.
ArtbarBlUlker haa gone to LoakMlaaAbdal Bamld lalrepwtad to d]la.'Ky.. where to haa aeeaptad a
towjeathaaiahad eight |Mre of hla
good poaiUon on a laadlag aawepapar.
wlrw for allagari ptoUtag agalaat bla
Ban Wilbalm retaraad last night
paraawal aafety.
from Cblc^ where be baa bees at
taadiagttoArtlaaUtaU. Hatoabaaa
Banker Meate a Bobber,
ogarad a very good poaitleB there bnt
y. B. Oarrieoe, eaehler of Ue bank of
IhorariUe. Ohio, bad boeo robbed of w not aeeepted tt oa yak
Fred Noteware waa eallad to hia
toalihbyaaertoaslBnc iroebU aaUl
be tried Dr. Kiagt New Dtaeorery for boM In WiUlamabnrg last aeeatag by'
CoaeampUoa. Then be wrote: -It U ha newt of tto illaaaa of hk mother.'
Ito beet laedlciae I crer aied for a
3. B. Aadeteon of Biagbam. waa la
aarare oold or a bad oaaa of Inag
troabla. I alwayi baao a botUa oa tto dty yaatarday.
haad.” Don't aofar witboongto. aolda,
Hovy Bhombarg of Good Harbor,
or asy thronk toaat or bug troabla woaaTrararea a ty rid lor yaatorday.
whoa yoa eaa ha oarad ae ^aaaily. Only
B. C Oompton haa jaat parehaaad a
Mf aad it. tVfai bouata » eaata
Jw.0. Jobaaoa aad 8. EWalt'a drn flaa drirtag horaa from fadlaaa


BMla tto bast eyetam that are ablppad


tnm BalttMo. BalaeM. ate: obSl— U it fa
*°°* ^
*** n aolA
ftriiiMli liMi MB QalWi SMto hoMlato

Uttii Tbras-UtUi Tim.

. cewpieBi b»lpj»a.

Be Pooled the 9aTgeaaa.
AU doetore tedd Baaiek BamUtoa of
'eat JeffereoDa. 0.. after auflertag II
moaito from Beetal natale. to weald
dlauBloaaaooatly operatioa waa per­
formed; bat be ehred blmaelf with
Beeklan'a Aralw Salra, tba boat la the
world. Soreat pile care oe earth, tie a
.at Jaa. U. JobaaoB aad & B. Walfa
drag a

auiiaa hayw'

m £;i-;...



And Tiiey Jonne;
Froi iUl Sections:g^?fm^srE

Call potatoaa. It to 14 oaata. Plaid
At Baiotk Wla.. a aboektag Midaat
ecerred Wadaaaday at tba faaeral of
George Smith. brathra--ia-law of Patter
Pdimar of Chicago. While tha ralatirea
weralakiegalaatloakattba reiaaiai_
at the gnra. one of the eroea aUcka
.orUogtbPeaakFibrokc, laniBg ft
plaoge forward,braakiag the ecfllR and
expoelag tto. remalaa la a ahocklng

5c Pig Tail
Havana Smoker
delerminet] ib. «wt,
tbe cigar^flhoold r<Utl |nt 10c straight.

*Pw r»eiral be«w_____
VT cionJi
far coavewel Mp Ware*
■ prrWrl. Pe vaabtar er imlor. Kt4*».
-------»taculr*0. Wfa.r^ DramaaA. 4» autfe


Foaod in sDoking a

oa atat*

iwa Bixiuli aunal-



, »> ■-eiactoaalraw


Be wise
- and try one.


aPTkD—a aw all or brfroo

To Be Cured by the Boy Phe-'
eemeoon, the Greatest Maeaerie Healer of Modero

XNstolnUon Motiee. -

_ - Vtr
LnsN-Oe rttr or far*
r UedrrxioC * L'wlar. Bl«

The cit'zena of Traverae City bare

>banaa-l.\\ Boban uedvrlttvarweaM

^o"'i'£V:3EK';'.sf H* J-

r VOO WAirriiMUfni

ainCIa a
I nr la bur aboaaa, loi


BMrfaprrrtalalra Um- hoot •lailnurr), u^ij;',■„‘*.2sr.j:"s,‘:;„lKS5;

viru of tbr begrtstr evacerM iu.a r.^lwUa« llw
auveoBlp-iiir rortiroDi-rre
tw-forr Mr A
a. a « Botari. A. V. Botan abS b'
W Oirrlirr rtuuli-ucBr »• purit.«r. unSrr tba
bau.. oIUu‘,lV»<Urrl'<,. tiaiUro.pbnerr-

HU Kkoy Remarkable Coree ^---------------------------------Tataas
UieT.Uk ol tlio Country |
! IS!

lanbtle power and aa opportablly
to judge for ttomielTee. Siy peraoaal
rratioQsaad Interviews with fnaay
of oar prominent ciVzrn*, relatire to
tbe permanency or good or bad effects
as a result of ibelr treaimeat. both npon tbe public stage and at hi* private
irea hare been performed npoo
ly well koowB clt tens, that-riral
Iboae of anrieni time*, so remarkable
A. B. DePlneot.editorof the Jonroal
Daylettowo, O., suflered for a noab.r in fact, that tbe piedlml world sund*
of yean frem rbeomaUam la tak right agbaat in niter aarprioc aad bewilderabonldar and aide. Bessy*: “My right
!ot. while press aad pulpl: ealoglae
arm at times waa entirely nieleaa.
tbkgrandbumaaiUriaa work
tried Cbamberlain'a Pain Balm, an
The Boy PhcaomeDon etaada aloae
waeaurprlted lo reeeire relirf almo
llately. Tbe Pain Balm has been on bk mcxlu and wUbra to be Judged
BBl companion of mloa ever by tbe work be perform*, and pelou
id >11 nerer falls.'' For mlc by with pride ^dsaikfac'.ion totbe oeoie
alk dr^giat.
mire of well known cilisen* whom
be baa cored of rarioDa eompla
Sella tba beatoystera that are shipped
a sick we need the beet adriee aad
from BaUimore Beleeta. 3Sc; aland Irealmeni, therefore we eay inform
arda. JOe, per quark
yonmelrea: yon who are sick, visit tba
>UoB parlor* any dav aad wii
with your own eyes tbe baallag of
time ” OalBkos Clastic Floor Varalah yonr own friead*. go to Uieir bomaa,
ulk with them, aad then act as year
T» Omf m UoM m Dm Day. judgmaat dlc.ataa Tbk layoor op
rake Waroer * Wbiir Wine of Tax Syn.. porUnlty to to enmd. Yon may never
ibe beat coo^ remoly on eanb. S-'> *’■ bava aneb another ebanee; no matter
wbai yonr cooditioa. bow long yoa
Mtti« T»Teni-LltU« T«Tm. have been sick nor bow many oiben
von may have triad, no matter wtol
yonr double may be, if cerable at all
' there U hope to ttaoae who will uka
tbe trouble to icTeatlgata
Are Realomd aod kclullxed. sad
Hour* 10 a m to r. p. m.. bvenlngs
tbe Body tilled » lih rrew Ufa
7 to s. I'ark Place Hulel. Traverue City.
ami Vigor, by Using
MIeh. As bk time la feat being aeld.
and only a limited unttoer treated
each day. it bebeorea tbo*' kbo dMire
■enve AMO BLOOD .FILLS. treatment
to perebabe tbeir tickela at
once, and then von w.ll not regret all
yonr life that yoa bad tbe opportunity
to be cored, bnt failed to
U take
' adrao.
tage of it


littlfl Taveni-Uftle Tareni.



lloliart. Brrv^r A TlH.mpMb.

Consultatioi unit EiamiaaflOB Free aad Sirictl|i Caafideetlal.

The Celebrated npeetaUet.l'anaerly or New Vera.

How President at tbe Ottman ledicdMtiite Co., Inslegan, llcb.'
Sottll >Ar>r» -4 -tvt ft

Thursday, -

.rTNT>aa.-w»-A:b-Fwp p Qi-ty,

- March 29,1900.

OMoeHonrsfromB a ■. toSjk m. One day only each month.


Hltotlon Jtottce
Toibrl.-E*l Tutpr. ol ihr t>t} of
beaiUebc; leacbers and
. Mk-bUn
MuiWol* would not be exhauited by (.'>l>..,raiHrrn,f,-rM.«:outiij
Yi.i or. Iirn-V> ootinnl tboi si Ihv r««rr«l
tbeir work, and women
rb-clkni lo t.* bob] it. tbp lltp . are. of tbp Citx
pair, weak and iiierruua. and snllGr the ou tl>, nr*I HuuCaf iup A|.rU IMJU. IbrPv wtll^
for tl.P wl.uW CItj.lhp <nllnalB<aamp.l
mieeriewcanseil by
' '
of tbeir plpoip.l

prulisri) (emiDipe organum,
• >o<MaX..r <liw«rbuolto>np.-uw.lbi: irrm
To get at tbr cau*e of three lioubl«
III... p«.koe: lu.ppcuir fiw oop reap to nil
>u must n.runsb aod restorr tbr wasted
aerve cell* « I>r. A W. Cb*w'* Nerve ^T^’o>p.ul.r.olii.p B.Mtrf|ol IMMI* Work.,
Tha Xoai Baocaanfai and ScfonrifleTraeitmaat of All Diienaao aad Waaksaana
sad Blood rilli arc tbe grcalal mtora- full fprm
.1 III. Ppvp. full iprm.
of Mnakfod Poosibla to Obtain.
live* known to modern science. They
MbcplppIrtllBoarb of thp ttn
« purEalive, nor b*ve they ibc
At .aid rlrriwn^tk. foUowIna narapp
Tbr laaAt wid»u nDd favcrablr known S|>*nlAll*t id tbr United Siaioi
eniog cflect ol a porgalive. bnt rt*“
PABb'CablPAkUl bad DDlrernAl sdccoa. Id M* Ibrfpol bcpIiaU Is Me
by liRil.hng up tbe avsteui.
A>u«-BsiilnrfBll tom.
IPAAtAUCBn0XIC.I(KXV0Ua,Hxn<af>dlL<X10 uinpno** BPOD Me :
A- W. Cbsiw'* .Serve and Bleed
I.i.p, rlor of KprUot. tuU tprw,
plan, nnd *nUUr* bla to lb* lail vobaeonc* of tbr A0lctPd rvorywbetv.
erlor Is Cacno.ieg
diarnooUig and
Pill« are prepared from tlfc ftrocile preMrnU-r ol. Hoard of K.luiwlioi, foil
Medical aad Bnrrical
____ __
mripiioo of■ Dr.
A_ W. Cbaae. X e lam

Oo^iol-lP lor oe* jp.r
on* intbor ol Or. CbsM'a Rccif c Hook.
Ti.f rp
aIm Op oIpvu.1 In
wont Mat bn* D**or failed Is Mennandn of ease* Mat I
and here provim Ibc greatest curt of tbe Aki.l rip,” ...ij
aM rrvrr r*ar who iclgbt bam boos
bealM had tbrr
age for .diacasca ariHog from tbia.
ptarMiboIr CAosnln Mr bandnef ripenn
TbP poll-ol AAld *l*r-Uos k —
watery blood sncl cxheni
Uid rtpciloB dAj troa richt o
u ih*
A few we
forvonw until ttri'.- rlork Ip tb* Anerooou AM
to tkn new rM^. OI.tTS Bl^BBOWTW esrw to
thU popuU aid eeeflr applied OewanlMUon Viwa and
pek. weak, nervoos me
cblldrM to nbnat bcailb. By iaIbr rirbt Ware, is^
M MwllaAbtol. n^M___ iing tbe corpuscle* in tbr blood.
aad creaiicE new nerve force, they fill
tbe body with new life end vigor, aod
♦h diaraoc from the system.'' There
Id lb* gourth Ware. So ib*
>* Xaxia*
Boune ee
o gncsi work sbeat tbe resnlts of Dr. Souih
t'bUe aUvci.
ee's Nctrr and Blood PilU. Yon In ibp FlfM Ward. In th*
leeiagf Asrlr vto* aad the anaui* nlivpi
on tbeir rasterativc anlMlbC on BaaiwbOTAor.
Id loALDonr, Wbeirof. 1I bnr*
tlaa. Fifty ccaUal tnvbABd
Ihl. 901..........................
III enrol Marcb.lK
all dealers, or bv mail on receipt
price, to Di. A. W. Cbeae Madirii
anUBECCBBtor aU afgaato waakaeaem
Baifsie, N. V. On
box ol
the gconlBetoill be foond portrait and MoUeeofMaatingof Boatd of Mega
bmotal mu
nWBBparanned enmd wIMeei pain or 4eeimile eicnalarc of l>r. Ju W. Chase





S=35a.*“ — -

*^Snrri£T OTMSD
i^'ls faorato fiwb Mai a opMiaJ------ rni

rc-s ffttsgffa.'ajrsisasfiS

Psmato W*wk-

and bo^. *aai
Mas aad aU daUfWW dlaertri* aoenUar to armaMace.

Motloa of Spoelnl Bcotion.
.tbrtai eattnevlrctors of lb. eliref Tra>

' m> tat nartM blseiw* W bsM ^

A Card,
nndaraignad. do

a kr™»oi

Tmr P»e«Oa—



Senator Dari* foond aome nlee. glltteriaggoldla the aasda of the mill
creek that waabea bla ooantry place la
r Ilea. The eenator. being only a ttaW
•eaator, did Doi lake it to the mint at
Waabiagtoa, bat ahowed It, Inataad. to
tba Jeweler* of Mlebigaa. Tliey
delighted. Mr. Kay of Wright. Kay A
Or. bad it malted to eeparau It from
£r£0T9 IK S0CI£Tr.
the bad company It waa la. aneb aa
wmmw mm-mwmwmmie aand and grareL TSe aaad and grarel
MimAana-Baaly of Ninth atreet waa aeparated all right, bat tfei. gold. O.
glraa a rery plaapant aerpriw Wedaaaday erenlag in hoaor of bar birthday the inreallgalora that It wat “all." and
the tardlct waa "fooT* gold '■

A large samber of tto trlenda of
MIm Fraaeb Ctopuan met Wadaaaday eraalag at bar home on. WaatalngtoBotraatto help celebrate ber birth­
day aooireraary.
A rary plaaaant
time waa eajayed.

C;£rr.2a-r pleasure

e^ mr »rMt«a. Kateh


I of M* ellr of Trarm* Citr, Wt
tar. -■a/*'' »»«t.
wea. *i ttw
t»* IdOowlM




IsMonmt Ward. isibrUbaUBaelol Bn
te at Me. tU Kasi Proot oitoet.

ta M. Third Wart, tb Abo Pnm* naltdlag at


tba vSanb Wart, is Um fasglao Boum
^laU^SjJJwn^taj^ PrtaMry an





SntlU) n BODfiHT

woaUaet fallnaah toorklf aay.ed
,hMt «f pn

■ tb»Ounp-

rU* MaU b« MiU7

_ .. __ •«(»«

• «lty pf 5W.eooja>^li.mA
ttantoaaMM (hMeoaU k* MU7
UR>w* t»M »hli If 11 *»• •*»
tbai woM mmxij doakU (ba «ac«»
ofwaw. rnm tkJt W» p*p
■ u Tr»»te 1»U M M7 dMlf

Mthaaawiiitrd**^ "P*

«M a*F «k«n »
weald baMw

awiMoa kadoaa tsrttmi Wa para,—.
aam «ctaiHl«a apataa of
thaa kaaaToar plaai kaadp M
^«pplp.«ehhaak.aaaa»dl. a weald fur aadfaal aappUaaaeaU ka

la to aa aaaaal affair aad ao let
'YeawfUtaatonaWtopratiT aw
toon la tto aaaa that aaaaet to diapal
ad.adlgnaaaa of f».0D0 per aaaan
la raselag axpaaan la a water worto
aay axira
amt ef pattlag la tto grarity xyaWn
Itoaa wa weald to aonparttWaly a Irae
inepU. kat with aay antan^ panptba taxpayer w^ toee W wear a
yeba toat weaU a^ Ut a^ How
Btethar Taxpayer think tbla natter
varafallv.eenparaaouawcU befera daatdlac what w do. aad to rwdy
W aet whoa tto lino aonaa Wacaoaetaltatm. waara aenpaaad w aek
aad to do ao wlaaly wa wUl toy tba
prnp' water werka aad that will
laah ewtrown »d periwpe
migatloa. Tto plaat baa done aa
good aarvlaa aad aaa to nade w meat
all rc^lmeati for a few jmn wbos
wa will to la katwr abapa w' eagara
U tba eoaairaatioa of a aaw plaat aad
wa will tore tlna W look laW natwre
aaddotnnlaonorafnllywbatto beet
for saw do. f

m tan. I eebex, eine to*.
IwbdMOMT. -Iter.''
aw tnU wr ewWovvM Mbn
Ww ka lunvw «tae "
B. kMC wr tti». w wy ato km
Ww U «e week jwl mrw

•t oalr for ■bariiic iiWrvtt
■ tomn. He felt • aratarniarT rexret s«
be ree h>> Bap-n eloos il> fined edgea
tbit a Bia vritb hi* nemd fboaUI be
; lobUxed to niske bU eM rriih mo mraa a
eefM. The Mg ««»«dc In a memeat of
- d raixd
-•d fall pbi
pbud a* U It bad
Jux. nriax. “Weil. iwji. bne'«
iiyr ^nl be bad aet
The «dd Iron eeeord to ruul the
;' rasboew of bla brain, and the mlrafe ef
▲ •MCrcrttoAlkaB . hope lurrd tben oe a day funber. '
■j After the ervund day tbe MteaoariaaY
[[talk hnm» t>i Xivn Ic-aa. bia reriac
. aided loto a* oeak.
'' At laat it r«a>rd ell<«.->lirr. end be lay
, alorta'c’Stdc eyed Inl.. Ibe irk-otleaa ekj.
and' Aa liwy had dooe rrerylhiux eUr they
with 1 *****
did *■“
tbi. rilfOtly. a>oe-»ll}.
hiinrk of aicns■ witb

Etsi Slims



John F. On & Co.
SacMssars ti
lianrse Ciiy Imbi Ct.

otl» U" “ ^ aada largioariag nadatapdwar.
>»i41« p.blk,
m the water w tkla petal, wbara
»»l<»dlorU.o^lo. Ua
mt rTWtaaliy oena. toaldn ^
aw *“
be weald here aa para water aacaatoebtbr beat of Ibem. tot there erea an air' ^
, a lndiux abeet.
of Mp.
torinuarfhaeiain ---------ib<Wt --bln. that a^
_ , n Deo tor onim
___ otkawkava aawrad taW. talBadfronaaypenlkUaoaraa.
sorted Ul with bU aurtwutdJnx*- AnO.'j^ ..p^n *reTr. tbc U*» cleared bb
tka MTlta of ikc aaaa. aad wada rwd
Bxparla aad aU ettora agraa that
altbourb be drank harder. awo»e better ,
and aeid; “B«ya, befoie we ro-aaj
Mato M »kay waav aloac. akewlaj whaaitb poealkla W ektataawa^
amat make a prayer.
and went rwnxber than
that tkap tod pat ataah atadp aad Mn>)y hy the graniy aytwm that laky
be bad urrer heeu al.le
aicknaiiH- of -fiaat .Kido’ Tl
TIm-t aaUd^tot. altliirtieb rrery man »
thoarklealto...................... torttobnt thlag w do. Oaawagat
..-d with a votfelen
ir idalnttotwaaaa. Oattoaw^
- to »KUr i-ie. r aboTe blu.M-lf for tbe
•OM dlraetlp beaw « aaary taaparrr. ef tab water aapply agltatlea a wild
and. arooriiin* l.i all pre.t-doiit an.1 re*-'
..f.tbr .lc-|Wfted »oul au.l release
eoti, Ibr raiu. ta..uW tore --1 in *>'rks
,|| dumb
M to (a tto owa Utat aatt (oat all tka ekaaa-waalad.aptaa Boaidnaa rlrar.
before, lull thry had «rM. The praw that |
ropfrimt.^ ailh tbc Iboiixht of
htUa. Tka aTarafa taxpayer la a told waaktaf .Btirar laka aad Lng lake,
bed epruix uf with tbe Bret early abow- j
,h, of tVod recrn-oll... laimefaaltitaa. who alwat alwaya loebtag fpr a gravity eyatan warea of
leeto ea aad law a few mo tka bail- •apply. Long take waa declared in- ayatam ta not a praeUoal thing. It rain cauw tu k.Tp
. mballoa-.
__ i .f.^
it 4ll»e. Ibe
aballo*. I
b eluxP*b mile >lreaui> of aaH-rij^^j
Best to be bad in
•MBMdbto too. became be la aot pracUcal oa acaoant el dbtaoac aod (onndaotnlcel|Ota*«taP«^Ab^
lltUa nboet the aoat of enltabln pipe that crawled alou* the la.ii.oi. of »b.-lr ^,^ i..«anl tb-...........
-----------------------------1.4,—MU. aad
tbe city » at
tbc darp tmaebtag aaaanary w lay
beda. which tbe year b. ha.l <>eea ;
„r retteiona latoaaa laUowa with lota at ebaak aad pipa Wall, anybody that b at aU aad ether malonal
•woIIpu taT..»d ibHr l-ai.k*. Imall.. «»«•
jt|..wlt tbn.ticb bi. .l.-alocetcd
(»U are: aad ao yea ataad back aad let tanlllar-wllb tac aliaation weald Ml
cut UlteclJ. lu--.erj
the *b.te
j„|ial a hue from a cblltTh
year noeay where It toloage. naUI alkali plaiua xll»t'-«"vl a»a>
Ib«' ti'cel-t'roln < Im-ulaiHl'a l.-r Mono«baw do Ik
ufroo ooc nlaata ga that aeama. Thao
In* lln.-of Ibe aky ill au inlit.undr of i«e I
alll>...iffb ll.r ih.Hisbl waa
■amplea in window.
■ew X waat to aay riffit bara. wake bllrer lake wm rated oak aa wallet yon raacb none petat beyond
D B. 0aim:a
UlioD. Tb.- ..Ideal iubalMiBiit in all «be ■
1,, tbi« l.nn.iu* rtr-.-rt. tbc word*
«», Hr. Taxpyer! Yoa to*a fol a
coontry rr-uml .-..uW irot trwall a wintiT
aboeld to. for it la only an lalaad pend
(mpetoiMUiy w face ilkal arUl aot
.............. .................It. II.-•
wlU ao lalab. ntd U aaad taraa or
tototef aay aktrkloc ea year park
»'»<r,.wfnll>. “laihclv-rtuulu ' li.' Ib.nixbl
toar yaare It woatd to drataad dry.
,1.,... rirht b-a.l
and IlH- ,.,I.i.laii..u ji.i£'Ul..ry. \»u- h,.
Oamatotbatroal.aaeaadkaow what
Toaa B nrdaiao rirer waa rej wWd aa
)«.finiiiBS <>.k1 nvaUvl"- Hut afalu
eutt. tbi- U..a >1 tb<- .lutlst. bad bi.iwd to
to fetac to aad bare year my abeai ik
l i.f tbc •a*»h .-m-nlry «nd |.i. aa> alii.-k au.l ■-.'.ilil c» do fnrlfacr.
tolox aatt. «« aoeoeat of aomaeli
too ■.•
Daa’t let watwn drift |law a ebape awaap drainage, and no nany froga
-Ka.i Side.'" Ibcj
^lkc”'tbi- t'allf.
That roily cyea tkalic hj tbc M..I ...
ttot yea will to aerry fof. The writer
TIhki Ib.- Ii*ht l.n-kr. Th.- Ieta. aod It wai desldad by taoae doing
..lit. hut lli.n- *.« «« n
■roliiiie had bi..»ivhl liiin d.tvrn
haa kaaa a taxpayer bare aaarly >»
tba talking tbal tba bty waa the only Too tnuied row Xiorer a
00.1 tbc j.Wiii. lay io ..IR-u
yean aad doriac all that Una we bare
Day efti-r day th.-. auu r.—'. wailed
.tppt, enrrfnt nnd conrteotie nttaa*
a natter tofore 01 utat wUI
down uiNui til. |Mir.|..-d liiilc buu.-h
Tbc atroDgeai and oldeat Ere ta*
Noa. Mr. Taxpayer, I do Mt agroo
au.lmttlc H hu.s b>.ur.*« h.-........
MUkatbla Ian a dm believer le
'*“'^land fmirtb
enranee eompanlea la tba world rape** ’
wita that aagiial body of axporu aad
aa a . h.u.ll.-.^ *ky, acreurij. im-oui
|,i, „i,ir
l^ank«*iriec «bj.
• Biim.r<dywor.iwn*r"it r
liberally for a good tbiag.
itad In my agaoey.
a palllagpo'ithilana. t Claim
elaln tba>
eri-iM <if ih.- inaWhliouv buried acainat
Uh- l.uruins wui. wii.rae only
^Tklan that we need aad bare got to
bin>. Wbil.- itH’ tore, buriilu* |H-aitic ktar-{|,y the B.a-kv >.f rarri-m
JikBSHUMt Tkma
baea. Gat tba beat bet doo't pay Wo
•d hack ill iibWiukin* d. iiuiM-c.
,|,d ri„.l,,I aU-r.- the rrmoaDl uf
that would gif* o« a» pbre water-‘ne-rr w-f. *.ire.-.H>. wiiiaet* eT«TT.,|,r u„ihi. th.-y w.e-l ..vcr ih» *rare of
fc tor than- 1 want ralaa raoelvad
tor what we pay tor. la my opioioo eatf be found In thU region, aid U b Onm B.d In my Wv". <•> wak.e »
»i.iiid «iill t.i *lrc
I., ilnir
within roach at about tbe aame coil a*
wakaTa already paid for naeb prelim
.«>■ dmpidnxj
r»v..iea |u.ibapa bi-ruic tbe brealb
the propuead ayetem of bay anpply. I
I.f «ii;bi. ei.-l with a Uiila> limeli inm j
,',t u,rir
ibr >ix *in
toary that will to of bat lilUe aae w
m»anflr»tCJ»lof plant randy for bnalall Ibe *<4ld ■•>*j K"ld. But tu tbc ^ m,.,, «.i|b ti»a.v}. Iiur'.cpred bcada. wbi
m. I anaaeddaat that we bare anoa«
Bwa 111* praclloallf known that tba
play.-.! .nit O'w jMiU'-ber auowl meant |
In B<ili-mn *
ear ewa eltUaac aaa Who etuld bare
gravity ayatam most have from *» to
~ laralabad aa with all tto tnfonaatloa
* nsu
nt fast bead to give •nfBclant hydrant
pra ver H. "Kasl 8ldsthat haa beea acqolrad Iron riperU
force for nil Bra purpokoa Now tab
AtidihiDC llial Iv-Iiau w iib -tord" iu rev
dr...IV I'udiau'V.
• iadateaa-feartb tto ooai- We bare

c kmbrr of an
o aad naa
t0mm* rUhlax •
da), mum bard, a iiraycr. Hi- Rraiidfarii. r hod Uvn a
we have tocn lad to tollcTa. Prom
Of reed aenaorratWe araae and aipari
and Ih- bad -aid U. thciwrorv
the anrfaca
When Ocorral Milt* * w. a boy. hn more i-111-h.-.l. « lu'M. -. The raftls it wa- man.
OMO. that eoaldglrena tba exact an
Bi>pr-|.riiiii- .uj thi- .«-ceaitm. Tbv
—mrrv ai>vi..itiK*l c-baria 1/ thla lla»—
of the watar la the rirar under the O bad few eompaniuiia near fal.
c olhcfw. for
•raaj .-irclcu,
.-irclra. cge.1
ib .-rasi
w-b-Uhalyabef all tbc wawr aroend here.
A L railroad bridge aboee Keyaloae it waa afamimR n-RLUJ m>il aiwracl.r tn-i «rak lu l■•‘>•l wall'll
lie three X'sl tbe w.HlIv a11.nek.1l ..t iIh- t>hr*ac<4.«} uf
Ikay aaa «g«ra and Bod
' ■ Itbe
«and.-ili.e .-\h..i1er. ilu-y ha.l hrarJ.
i-.-.l'i.v.l <U halt ih» nrifltbr wand.-tin*
I* iniftat higher than the aurfaoaof •PUh-d. HJa onlybr«itli.T. 18 >-.-ar* .ildBr on lllcir
llleir tliiil,'
aoat Of a nlla of pipe or anything alac
tbe M
111* of tlie hide, or
taawktartatae bay. and atove tab tlyta hlnw-lf. left bomo twrly. atid lit< nal |.Ur h
yarlatalag to a wawr werka piank
jrrii 1«. riac again.: then iNia CVI-.
two ristcra being rnneU older Nclenn
point taara b a atrong enfrantla tba
after iuau> M-av«uv .if auii abd vlmwcr. as w.TV niiTc la.iiiiri) with cu.-h erfber. but
M don't toltpra 11 loot adrortlaa a
was loft much to hlmw-lf.
rlrar, ao that wa would have only a
It— pr.faolty
tolOn Hatnrdara and idlno bnlicbye the
plaat to to kalH aad aaa bow naay
.wlBR wn* nriu..*l I- a na«n elumet BiiiKiie ibcni. pi»ril.1j lau-aiifC they bev
abort dbUnccabova-taaTallroad bridge aeb<»)lboTi fn«|0e»ily iin4 by uiiroiitikito yen will gat from Trararw City
unian l« il- u.i-..|,. f..: I.......... voice tlicir ativurb nJi.rr ical..ii>l)
to go to get oar iu laat of bead,
m«-nt«t tiu’ hoiiiH of one of ib<-ir untu..r lai
nan at akUUy aaongb ta know wbat
omCD'iD It. ah .i.-al.vl Ifaiuii-. aiiiiosl or th.-'.-vi-rtioa WU» .......
b-r. Th.yf<irn>«lth-Mn--lv... an.. luMida
tUdr .....Iifba ttvtv
dry to artivntots
uiuau. I» ib|- \-i-v -I -oiB.-riu*.
tkay are talking abont In a matter ef ihb point, or nt aome point below
where the btlb would permit, pntla and clailoEiKldrilled or onrtii.l t«i winTbc Ui.-niiiti.. a Rival, bnlkm* youn* bau> w.inl- Uiswa u-w ais-w.i^ki
'tabktad- Tba wriUr ilirad hare be
tatnre warfare. Tbir re-enacted an ut« fellow, wa. liral ..f Hit- Iimii hi «h..w at*ns
fnrataadnyaefany waur works eya
-uk'-uiii*. That la the
] r,ii'KSs®ag£SPa ss*
tllagbaalnt Two woold to necMitr) of tbe Didian and Ri-T.doit.inary wbi*.
n al) Ilk.' cx|M-ricii.---. when lb* laud have
tan axeapt drira walU. wbao we bad
Tbe It-adera dr>-« hua to a. tth- wb.)
In order to clean one while the other
ataonld to "Ibe Uniiali.
ta gghl Bra wttb aay old tblog. and It
watlDuav. Akorstaaee lay yonr In cr "tba’Merimita"
waa dona *aiy euddeBly. too. Tbae
. Tbi. had li-ii au ill satake pipe. Boardmaa river, like all
Kelaon Mile* fr.<iOentlT one baod.
‘ SSSBSSa««8B3«3kB :EBB8«
anna tto two lllUa old band aogioac.
other riven to tb»eoau-.ry U made np TbcTinede<-x|ailiuoua tiirntiRli lhi> open Mirlcd ..iiihi wiicii iIm-.v atartrd out with
=S--* ......................s—. a—A- -Kait 8Me" lay on llie.KP..ind h-.kwblab did axeetlenl aerrioe many
the i-aiil.- ai-r— the lilaiiia. hni auudln*
from inuumwahle epring* pu’.tlng loto
tURVllirr. vhoiiJdi-i lo -li-.ilklct, dcrjlug iuR up ihT-.ueli thr li..h-a in la- bat—they
_____ Tba next atop !wae the «^pI at-nil uprichl and walkiil p<> Dinre thau
tafniiaely«« roniiR Ut<l*u»K >1‘*7 >
death aeam-t f.urfiil mid-. Lnili
kall watnworki. wbieb baa proren lU Uallnlonc. eome of which arc very
. ft* that
deeply ini- ri.e life -f hi- f.-ll-w
Witb tab large. You woold not bnva to go vary
lu.-n ib.Tv wa*
U« »-i-ikeu
a* u«
tar in order to barnma enougb of tbaM
i-hioc Ibe n- ha of tbit awoop
-r klndi
■yetam wa base been wall aeread and
I. atlark..! vtr<iiii:hnlil-.
■prioge^ eupply any city lo the aiata.
Ill the
ini' air al.i.e
ai-i.r biin.
uim. be
ur di-«
thi-ir very «illenii.w. wa» llwi erimmlft
«nr alUsano aod property owner* have
tored partita aod did manroth.-r
clOBV° ta<'™55^ul4a*‘«nd r«
L,iBdb~che»p op there Buy enough Tiintnruoa thing. Tlieir wtnni.-a a
of all MiTsliii--. .-aeb l-nli eli<liirtnc 1^ ■rwv*.r,-l. I. clmiiRlit hr did. that they t
laWCa aad chair ea
lu* .«r Cblcwsa to nrew4 KaW
roaaon to taaok Maawa. CamptoU A
stoic ailrorv in olth-r tlial he sm*bt not a ahad-w acJio-l the -ky- a tiny x
tar Ike taltbfel Mrolea tbetf
IM hr
for the ut
talrude hie -wn -iiff.-fin*- u|e>D hia al- abad-w IliM
protael the plant from naelata db- BUil nutaivKil
readv .ncn-r-w J.-l iingfai—r. Thr cliocb. lack <if aji.'tliiui: rW u. wal<-h. ttbee
ptaal baa raadarad. tfaara U ao qncotarbaneen. aad yoe . have got aa good 1813 and tralnlmti.l u<iif.>rtu>—f.4itnv- tag of Ibi- li|- I- -iifpr.--- a grtwu wheo the bird- H.-w l.iwer. the aliaduw
yoaaboat ib rffeetlfr eoDalmetlon.
0.11 p ar a. uraaSBeaUn
muimiiti 111 old New IhiRlubd fuiui- one ia thln-t inadd-urA may require tn.ire to *ni» laiir.-r. bm wlivu linall.v they
watar at can oovatb y to bad from any
aad while tba aourea of supply baa
tiu-re we- -till Hi- abadow.
___and iiuitivil.its uf iIh. tlniai of Uiu brr.i«U. lUui. la. in* a raup.ui witb flafa ..
> effort baa ever
and darker. Willi a wUd whoop
.fnirTrT aomewbat qoestlonablr from aouroe. Tbni
■TTWRanaill audlr>iqDotii liiilianB. The Ey-iu* an.l drum- beeliu*. iua-much *a|Ui
ntadc *o Inveatlgate wbetber a
.ran* In
to hi- feet. fnir.-lliiic the value
abaaga ef enmiaiidlDg*. ao one can
ssponB wN« .■•Id Hiut l.ick moBk.-tii. ••be that nil.-lb hl» own -pirit i- rretlcri be apran*
plan of tab k.ud oould to carried out

tbau Im- that tak.-lii a .-itr ''
of h.irl-.riue
mj tot what U bee bean an exosllent
n Ravsjtlie
Al T«-i .lue .h.j lbi. Ml—..'iriati
*avs|tli<- tmp-.rl
imp-.rt of ilial aliadnw, It was a
(Staffer OB and tto ^t that oould or not. If It could be. that woald car- bowa and arrow*.
I'.iw-l-iy ci.imt: K'.-rv man -prau* u|i at that
out uil.-rly. II.- wa- u-i -f t:
It U cacy to iiif.T that ll>c hlilta U7 huil.1 to lUi- br-t pl«ri.. hut In . -ph-udi
did lini afai-k *Ti.l went to work with while
k»sa keen done tinder all elrentnaua Ulnty to the thing to do.
Now Mr. Taxpayer suppoae a lltUe bad Biilttary aapitenmiv. and Uiat tbc b<>r*euinii>hi|. and enthui
I badI tl
tn faec and uaalcsd.r hamU. The apeck
lareer. aud the men workul bardr*.
iDcastlgaUon to made Id tab dlractloo. promlac of an ai.iximmcot t.. Wmt dnevt WilMiti
.. or-Vaokii- BUL"
Bat tto Uma toa arrivad whan a rad^ TreremCy 11 Bawl
Waeertalnly waot the b«l tblog wa Rmnt wh.«i to abnold la uf tto reqoir« ua be. waa called, lo lake him
- --*lpw
•baaga mut to made to mori tkc
ba.ln Wii. Hranil f<-r arthm a- that oot
ma gat for our money, but aome wiU age woold hove bc-ii heri.ll by bitu bla delirium bcTay and crii-l f-r water ooc pni-loua dr-|. nii*l>l Iw bwd. Tbeir
tntara demand* of onr city and give at
day ami ni*hl lie l^ll»hl>••^■•.l aod l*f*cd
sand np a wall that ws can never build with dchRht. Bot a feru.. ra l»w with- tor wai.-r and i-ull-l ii|e.ii ih.-aiam.-a of word- were few lint kindly ea they
n totter .jnalliy of watar. Volontas
oot relauvoh or fri.-inU w itb i«dilirail
that kind of a »yetam on aoeount of tto
tboai- be bad ku-wo in hi- .-liildhwid.
ooald to writtaB on tab snbjBel tofora
inflnctxw bad no h-qa. of
.-loadralowooak AU most admit that It would fa* j poinliiiMit lo tao—deya, wl«« cad«- Every man '
M. tot apaoe would ani permit. You
iilaiiii* of III Imt iininUiakatily gtow-in* Inrrrr and
thr beet- No* let us make some com stupa Went I7 fav.r aud U'lt by enu- which wa* lani.lj the fora ------- .w.
their way.
are all famUlar wlibtae preacot ultn
fcrvrnl aud cK-tii«iil .lalbporlaou. Suppoae you go oa and band peUUveuiatnlnaiixo.—Ni-wYork Brw* hest. the dnnichl and the dc1a>
- Imriii* the niubi tln-a- aue aorehed
•atkw and tbe qataUca comae aquarely
a pnmpiog sUUon at Tborola You
Water dtranw-n. divani.d of moirt winda and
do <iii<- b.-eid
bafora yoa. Mr. Ta*payer. wbeihar w«
reiu.-l-iotfore*ulb.iin* *«,« the mooo.
will bam to have two aeto of boltbr*.
k«y tba <kBpbell pUnt or not. II
It b very bard ta stand Idly by and
after they th.11 -f ruio dr..|>. patK-riu* reutly until
could n.1 *el.
bin* be 10
aaama to me that it would to very nn- two asto of ongioss aod two aats of saa onr dear oMa anffar while awaitI pill biv ho- umler bl- facad.^ make they made B voakin* downi-nr. But they
pumpa and one-balf mile of Intake pipe tag tba arrival of tba doctor. Ao
dreamed that -ilreaDMg - It 5J mJiurita'.'j
wba Mt to do eo at the price named by
AlbaoyiN Y.t dairyman ealled at a
when their imrcbod looRuea bun*
tto vkitratora. wbteb U undoubtedly ood two miles of main, before raaeblng drug stare ibsre for a doctor ta eomc dsr onlinarT
i-nekcd fur
s or Iraa « aa of o
aaaaarnjast prieewi could to. Tbb a etutamer for water. Tbb lataka and aae hli child, then very ,Alek with
"Yenkee Hill." hut Ibi* lireak In tbs' Hi thiv time they had tt-iwii
weald aattlo nil controversy of righto pipe costing double tbs same laagta of croup. Not flodleg tbc doctor In. ^c rmnka abatlcred the iial vr.ii*. of bops. Ei.-B in tWir sleep th.y were on their
oao ^XMAVxif.a.r A..,
akent tto praaeot eytacm and plaor tba mala and tbb woald to equal ta tbrea left word for him ta eome at once on Whatever may have Imhi d-nc efler IbaC and OOt I- be l.cxulled into bcOraad Baptda.
hb return. Be ulao bought a bottle of Id the effirt to keep up f
plaat ta tba bands pf tbs city, jnet milm of main bef ore you reach a eon_________
mherlaln's Cough Remedy, which
Wh™ St laat In the striy ia..niiuf tbe
wbaso tar owaarshlp eb»n>d be. With enmer. Now tahe tbc aoat of yonr
bopto would give some relief uptll'
rain did CHue. with tbe litirt pattertn*
pumpmg ontit. building «to.. nnd ex­
s doctor ebould arrive ta a few
-The Mlaaouiian had been S <|uiet sort dr.11. ey.-ry man Tors-t .-rerTtbin* to
tto plaat bought wc would become
returned, eaylog the doctor la the--niiip, aud uu one bad ever ben^ tbr world hut the all
. .
owabooa Now let u rcBsci a little. pand it In pipe aod you eau raaab a henruhe
peed Mt come, us tbe child wna mneh blm talk much, but m.u be talked Incas- tu -ixkt hi. iKirmi.* Ihtrvt. IHUI their
Tto plaat aoawara a [vary good preaant
belHT. TbedmggUt.Mr OitaSehoU.
n thr aiift. thirk Jruwl of the bat- had «wnshl en<.u*b to drmio. Ihsr
pwpoaa and by actaadlog a few malae tbe reeervolr would b» t am oo( prw •ays tbe family baa alnoe tecommendsd
lid alaava of buii.r ao n.-a. of the auek.1l their rhlM vlesree. Then, becaoas
' '
• of boyhood that whetted lbs hi- own need for Ibat laat rbirxv wea
with fbo* plpaa abd making some parad ta give maoy exact Egaras In tba Chamkarlala’s OoBgb Remedy u1. ibclr
edge of tbeir i.iniirc Ull it wa. beyond : m. lonyer Imperati.c. the oulfil boas
ptaUmtaanr talk tot suppoae yoa speed nelgbboru aad friends nitU be
. which may ‘
for It from tbui part all eodurin*. Now be wa. fl-hinx along
aloo* drew
dr, * ■a bead <>u
<m tbe llkelirvt
likelieH sulmal to
copetaot demand
pMEad at a email ecta ws can gal along a lltUe and End out wbetber they base of tbc oOBOtry.
uotry. Tortola by S. B. Walk
lod terms . the herd,
be . and they feaalrd royally. }oy
iln-BOi and -winrin* to
e«7 waU wUl f eU preparations eao be oe
o atesk aud water,
~fal head uiceer"
jser’ for acarioc ou-ly,
tin- exiiiihmnn- of Ibclr glee no
the Cab. Now be Wa. la echool atrug- And inr
JaElabiaaIr m»*l« Add a mv plant eon- suppoae that yon have both plaoto com
nulH-il ihai tor vuvenienir they
stmritf of n aaltobU eharactar. yet ta plswd. plaaas look at tbe eost of main- OMtaMjitlaB OliPW-WarMfB gllu* wllb some problem be could uever bad chmwD
the uowsod that civrevd the
•oire b>-y>md “carry aeren." Alwaya cokadotormlMd. rimt decide wbat you toioleg to ran ibegrnvity lystam plaat WWta «V1M *f Tar ftyrap.
in cull up niruorie* to kita-onriaii for Ibvir uMe.
ta cvwigh remedy on earth, ctm* a cold bereut cnooxh |o
snntwdoand tato tbaway tadolL AU that would to uaotaaary *oald to to one day if taken ta time. ttandbOcts. tbeir (
After llie f.-a-l every man lay down
Qiiod. of a yolfta. Bi.tpmt for
hstpin bi. trepeh. wbi<-h wa. m.w fttled witb
part. They coaU
Tabs Uma ta aoasidar all matura waU.
eWW to»!
they were tamped water, and woaked. anakrd tbrviti^
YanlHT away Iwi-ei
Do Mt to haaly and ibea aorry. Mach I era. all at an sipaoaaofnot toexeacd
UttU T»rtn—LlttU TErtn. under the only shads lii aixhl. T^ the marn.w. muaing hlmaslf only
ta baM taBt. WrittaB aad aald akont pdr annum, Tbsre la BO
ttosgbt of dragglag bliB off lavoOd SUV .drain hte bsl. Ibm falliDs totb ui>d
tat propar aonrea of watar anpply aad ahtaary and tot llttls ta do. Praetl
shoe bot. wbUe every oas wuuM have a-nklng m-tv. ,kpd wln-u. after S4 boom
luld of aoeklBg ^y

glad to Uve It dooe, ..
tto MnUmant MW aaama to to Beat cmlly U almoat mns Ittnlf. Most let no
4e It himself. Tbeir horny batids bed Ireecb.--.
oooaldar tba coat of malmtntatag a
recy of prayer
Too mast have at. Badnoag ftataa to •nad-BapUa win grown gretle ib tbdr mtoUtsHeg luUcbea. fim beiieter in th.«Uh a pnmptat atottan near the
E-cipe wa. ion* ainvv oet of tbr qnse- Argnnaul.
ianat two practlaal pngtaeacn. two Era*
tiou. for tbe borasw were wvfos off tbae
nw tba CMriatlM BadanvOT i^of tbs men. Not ucc of them nwld tuny a
aod aoaaootbar roandabout help.
H^»7ib. MibnndM-A tto e^R. A saddle, mesb le*. a rider. Each mam
ta wtoat b itodbad. la my optaion. You-mast have oil. waste packtag. 1.
» wUl tall
aKanlOB Utoi
bed eevsd a laat rtorgs to Us rrvalvsr, thing,
Kpw*** 9^^
taapamptag Ugftteand maay other tblags about
kwnrtog thnt tbit psibaps wooM to
llooee- ltoeed it la.
ibaplaoL Than eoMu ynw-tooibUl
Us eely dsUvertoie tram a death «eei Jenea-Taa. ladred. I mH oy tbU
wUab la ita leaalHy weald raa late
totiiUs w Mto*. Al hot •’■ast
tontog. end to eato ae t&-DsflnH
IbnMMli aM Uwadi mt daUna'
igBadB*>k>»* rnkMUah

Trtrgrst Ciif, - - litU|U




For Fire Insurance

onDd Ripidi I Udlut R|

5 i :


Tbe Fere lanjnette RiiliNl



:it i

I :s :

unsia iDMiminBi ll







fttooku Friday. ilAfiCfl 4i iwo

r:;:: s^irr: IE»lOIAtla. -


A*.*. -

MMA4M. '


MM M •

•"•"•I*. '

»**■ »»

« A4IB.

■«MB «. Oak «• DHMMBI


fbtrrtooto B^Writ^



M>nakicit.\to ito*t

0*B «;
TMiMMlM*- Mi

M A A 4 to


k Oak ta WoBafl»A4to *■ Ml
«< iBMUirtf UM r*?ort of %km momMUM *t tM wbola mimU rMWM lo MAfto.- ir^^bMM*
htfWMB U« «fw Mi tkm
»iM*iB RIvm KlMtrfa Ltrkl ui MOI a • ta »«•*, M Praa* to ObWb to fork a4

•M M Mka BUM MMMM7 to mMU
MMMByllof tka «ltj tiM dmMM

«aA*to. - ^O^tot'BtostoWMHar
ito? at la. “ to PbIm to 0»r»tob WTMlb

" sSra.'

IWMtMit Ikm fTMMt w.tar wwrto

t« n * to *■
-/ Mbll_______
mwSbMm _________



iPB a ■ to ~


' -


■■It —


iijuin B. C4WM.

•to r«a aa**r*tta* *t tor prrH
■■ .1 fl 4B
l«*or*a**M taM**aUM * tllto .. .tMto
4*to iiMil brwr* *14 to aarto .........
to to

toMkrlrk takvikr lt**Mb (Mil* .


Uiu> H Uamim
W. J. HaiuiUi.

■ r1rra*r luaa**
•' IH*i...............

ItoMBd. Ttot to* r«p*n of to* *B«'

Motloa oarrtol
TroroTM Oily. MM . Nor lotb, iuoo.
To Hob Mayor and Uoabtos OobboO of
TrB*M«* Uity BBd U D GotootoU
•WBtr of IrararM OUy WbUt Work*.
Tra**r«*Oiiy, Mlob
UoBtl*MB: Tb* BBdaralfMd bb
yetaiBd arbltratorB, pvraaBtii w bu

BCNBawBi totvM itoiitraad U. U

ptoll, BBMrpud by Mr
Mr. OaapMil.
BBd*r dau of J»o. Mto, IMU. btr*by r«
B* follow*: Ttot par iB*uuettoB»
1*01 WB~toT* r


Marrk II, IHD


traaata aariaa Bara I.
aatlBataaTTB* artalra
larluOto Uta aaal af U

AMXt. tall Mu* aad mok laabar

Bun awBlrari Hr,... ...
IBiaBnlah lusaar . «i par <>
. .

4t *»

... .1 Ba»rtM *•
a a-ir*. Itaanay *t fir I
nilllaalllB«*> ■***
Mp^i* r*U'a#f I.W tal
a ataJuBtoa* >r

iMfi ilia " tol II *:

t«la iroapmie >«»«•
apwlaltla iroR walk.
: tiB. Illa.x<ta taaa.ftotl l>,r.
to Ml t i IB t< la If la tf la rrw^a .
•to I IIB iMn ttcia tra. IS
« to ttla <• lo i»ta •■aruo
to <U e*lo It la. ••■a. >• la ’
------ »«IB taflu foaurrn
HpaelaUi la* laala*
S4la ifta tf ID. Waa, 11* ......SI
SI lo If
ta. U
io -

kkZ:; sE
Han, sM BotBaa**..

toflo.ifle itio

tila. »f 10 It lu. If
tf *10 Uta If la u
'mo i«io. If III It
t jo. UIO »MD ir.

i»lo i»io’ tota; ■
ttla tola. rtlo. t« >a X ■>

• ita ••la.
la 10 la X ........
lartarauU la laxap 4.ara*r. rw.

»9Mt Mil *at aad

4«*r^ar Uarka la I*
«0» II rull ptaak la *>






In ikr ivotil dlae-ltaalou aa
Btclilal rea|>ec(ively *0d retallTHy of
wlilir and liroan breail (lierr appear*
to be a welcUiy leauloc uu tbr pan of
la favor of ibe fi
TUey arv firm in (liHr iR-lli-r. afivr bavIny made elaUinue iuti-aUKailoDa. that
w-lilu- bread U inorv uuiriilnua tban
lie- bioaii xarl.'iy
.\u driiial ta made
iliai tbe biller ba> lu aterlto - oamely.
Ibal II teudi lo retiHive the torpidity of
tbe difeotive oyateui aO rnR)iK-Dt (O
lu ku peraono of aedeiiiaiy linblia. ■npplylnf
. • ..
l» ..
»5 alou mloeral niBiier*. eajieciBlIy pboa2||* plikle of lime, au impunaot for boor
illdlng. Tbe wLlle bi-ead alao. It
„„'Claimed, aiipiilteo iiiun rai mailer and
. IS O' «o reganlo ini It amo lu aDuni a laryer
!*» PA>ia>rUuu of Ihio <-oaeaital food IbBR
. fioj tbr liruwn bmnl. Htii ilie Rrrai point
n|MMl wbicb flreao lo 1*1(1
. BIIU cusaluu la Ibe Di<<H.-a«ll.v of ludylDt lb*
value of a food by a |ili.valnli«ic*l mb! wiu er tban liy a purely eln-mieal cHtcrioo.
' ll I* one tblus lo asouuie ibal a certain
-fond sboHi iimlei analyi-U n larpr.pi-o-■ ...
ponluu of Ibla or ibui miinim-m and
, gulte auoibvr n noM.n Ibal ll can be

Tbat tb* r*pori b* Bocepiw and adopt ^
uuiticuu cau U-caoil> obulned
•d and orderrd ptaead on d
by tbe bn<ly for (be olllmale purpOM
MoUoo earned.
• latter n-apeci
YBBB-'Aldermen I'arker. MonlarB*.
l> IB
UWftraratMM IBr
•atlBBU* Bt fl
a Bi
rallick. Uoatlaf*. Cook, dmlib, Itordto wblle bread I* cvnoldefed auiwnor by
many lo Ibe bruwo or whole wheat orarrlaoo.Bnd Wrlybu
Couptofl BBd oiban
Moya—Aldorman Keayon
JiiM* T. bMat.
Wnanaao, Id purauaao* of a OMiBln
Spa Cotoplalafa al Ba*.
•I tu . Wtr«e. b orlBir daw tba liDd day of
lUaiBf. W. Mb*i>
VBBoarr. A. D
talliury jooreala la
O.'.. IWO.
IMO. by aod
and betwe*
oM fratoaa ...
I lU iJoBoarr.
B. D Campbell aud tb* City of Trar-1 Kmuee call* ■iieniluD lo tbe fact that.
? “
4 tottaa *M
-----• City,
of (be
relative to Inirnolty
ir worlu piBBt of aald fl I) itomp-{ ilcbt used <>D board lueo-uf-war. ib*
boll, aad diiny (be price tu b* paid : men are fregui-ntly alfceted witta eye
I Molrwar
tb*r«for. by arbltratloD. tba aroitra-'
• luia which lu aome c**e* bav*
tort daly cbaa«a by vlrtor* of sold aootout bnodm-o* .(ccordini
WB«v have *abiBlu*d aod died tbeir
report earufyiny tbat they dad tba
v«l** of *ald waur w -rki plaol to b«
tb* *BR of forty-ihrae tbOBoaad alx
M*rB.B •>«. IBB
BUM* la.
m - bandr^ nod *lBt] Mtaa dollac* . tdU.- blur eyeo^are more likely, lo be liin*
Paa> oka*
l&yurluiialy affn-ted. Tlwae eye
bir* are referred lo two can*-*—i
Bogalr* by parehi
ly, tile loienolty of tlie Ilybi aud (be
*Bid water
w*t«r world
work* plaat.
OWB*MI ofasid
anioa or Ute ultra vlolel mya. Ucu
ProaiM *Mt t* Boto* m! laoMwarttoataUA* topar*!. 4a*. I.IW to owBarabtpof
rltb oil tbe iD'ereau, lifbla baia bare recoiutm-niled ibe loterpool^MlaiB M to* M Vat
liriweeo the eve and aay powerful
aad for *itoh par.
poac it U deeaied B*c.-*«ary for aald IlChi of
will iDlercepi (lie olir* violet raya.
city to borrow tbe aald aam of forty
tMa*lB. - m%^MMb tUiB* U Blw■ wa** tki* tok «ajt .
'aixboBdrodaBd tlxty Buch aa Tor looianee. uranium ylaea.
MB <1*. *■ •• a«««aia u fra* Uah m Matak.a n Ito*
wbk;h to yellow Tbe i->eiicb naral
Molved fur'l r, That for **eb ]
aoUKvrlilea auppl) dark blue Blaaac*
oa 1WU * fm I'aMS ka
Ca*«. I«
for Ibe nar of tbuM wbo b*re to ilo
•cm of forty-thr** tboniand alx bustMtniw. *- aataBar aj. Ba/ tainalUrk .
I. Bl. raaraau..
elr.. and tbe caar*
drod BBd aiBtyoeveo (bts A7T) b* cab«• A * M. ^
«iu*d to tba iBipityior eirctor* of IB which Injury baa lieeo cattaed lo tbe
iboM of oien wbo bad netwldelty. atB apaolBl olocUoa. ea'Ud
VaJiiMU^ ta BubUi
ftnaaeB. which,
for tbat parpoa* oy ttalB BoaaeU. to b*
M AtUi *.Pat ta T'aiM *
bold iB tba flaailmaBtei baildlBcat however, are aiaied not to afford any
^ByraaaA WorMiaPnm
Mo. tilBaairroBtatroat la aald eliy, proterUoP anliuM tbr ulira violet ntyo.
MA4IB. 1 au ta(*a poBto ■•* ItotOa U
OB WadBoatUy. lb* U;h day of Marob
A. O. iwn. from I o'oloeh ». ■. to T
maay dbrWr 1
Mt *2* Btow ta • M
e’ektoh p. m. BBd tbat tba dark '
Onath Remedy In o«t bom*. ”'5?**k*rp
?W*Ot f* to* ta ■
Om au ayaru %, p raaa.
a bottle open oil tb* time Bbd wbea
iwntta, ■ J5, ■
nay of my family or my**If baffla
Blaoto iB told eliy. trrltua or priawd
cBWb Mid w* twria to bm tb* Ooarb
J^i^apaawil to a
• tola-iitta. ta band bUla, *tBtiBx tb* tin* nod ploM w
Bemndy. a* a r***lt w* a«ver bar* to
of*ald*l*eUoo. tb*a»oaat oTmoaay •aod B*TBy for B doctor-BBd tacar a
Ta a apaatal» M. alia.
OBtotalt ta. IBto wtU UU4 Boitoa
to b* rotoed a* aformeld. aad tb* par- l«m Aocior bill, tar nbamborlata’a
pa* far wkleh It to to b* *xp*adrd, Ooofk Romody B*«to folU to mro.
aod Blao OBO** aald MOtle* to b* pab 1* cortBlaly B m
mediclB* of
llab^ iB Oto* or mor«of tb*A*w*aBp*r« •tod woPBb.—D.
iMtobod U iold ait*.
MmoboBt Bad fformBr,
liatMa. Rod ford
Mo*id, My AlimmM Oaok. Ttel thB r***:
^ R. ft WaU.
milAMll Ab BAopBod otod pto—d.
lIBBXI MllaM niaf* li

bBodr«d bad *l*tf Mr*b dollar* i04t.


m ft






w;a; ^




a!!£; sursb “

rtK X. X PLOOD. OStv IKDVW TMatotar
U Bl«k C*IU auwetM avooMlr «M *r
atr*> a*nk<r*-|ikta».to: ArD. W.

-cSxv aiul rMtacBW. Hw Ti.


D« ‘..■V..T."C,.''S2:'3£2r5 J

doamu- sDiBial* I.; ta* taleM dM bmI apl>e»vd iDiibadK (^jVr mfki ralA prutojaly
Dliraded. TeleakeM 14

mtaTTko oewnmA
ionncc* at the beta. l.jice flebn* flynre
uu oueb dreoBc*. Kedo, ocarleL crimBuu. plaky maore aud klotlred abode*
an.' more a|ipn>|>rlaic |irrlia]Hi fur dull
srlntcr ilayo. They are trimmed wilt
IVrslan tomb. brrwiliBlI aud aitnikluiu
Tilt- beat UHxItoir* are uilag
cut iMii cloth over oailu for ereninx
^'allletlei are ran-l} aeen 00 an.v
fiKMl lopdcU now uiileak llxbtly apHukicil ou tulle
The} nrr- adiulMlhle
a* a t-ulrwoo »r pnuiiler. ■•ui Ibe cheap
net rolR-o willt *e<|uliii'<l iwlterii
liruxeil llieii .h-alUbluw.
Kieullii: IrrIIiv* are cul lower (bail
iMTetoTun- at iIh- luK-k Kor day wt
mauy iMMfIceo an- dninu lijrbily lo
Ibe tlxiirr all niiiud IIH wltbln ibree
or fuur lucIwR uf ilie ceiin-r. when (hey
arc allowed to tall lum a pouch, comInk ll> « imlol well below tlK- walk!,
th-t-aohiitalii the Jiouch ta n-|ieau<d at
the lui<-k. Iml Ibli-'U a livaluieiit becniiilliE to very few Ileum
HiylUh i'n-nch wataio are atrol emlirolden-d, the *i<h-I riitiiiiuc lu a ihiti
noaiKlerlnx paUi-ru all over the (ilalo
polp-hed fruiilo. whlcli are olakbed
at the oldeo mid al Ihe h<-ck to abow
an iinden-oroelei of oiIk-IuhI white
A coillilite orleifUilly dAiIpned for
abailni;. hut a very i-hio ev|H>iH-ni of
•man w-liiler iixhIi-o In xencrel. I* of
malucliHe urveii clulh. with culler.
>rrcni. cnffotiil lieiii l«tid lu chinchilla,
like the quiIT. The inlu uii tbr Jacket
arv of cn-eii velvet ll|>|H.d->vlth old *11vei biinono
The »e«t l> of wblle
cloth with xreeii imd the
»-*rf of while oilk with Eni'U
while (-licnMW friup-. Tlic toguc ta of
Kni'h velvet and <-hln<'bllbi,
Nuvel irlnimlne l« «howii on • Jlirtit
eloth dn-oo which hflk extendlDS down
Ilie front and round il
uaied wriiuin-ii of cloth one above the
other. tiM- widen on ihe oiitolde. rarh
with a line (if BtilehlDC. (be
center ogiiare luwrlnx lo the middle,
an ap(<lh|uc of a white lace dower,
deed, lh•>«c cloth *<]narea ulnea-d one




■»*'» DP* ckllCrMW *b—«» aa**«tol». 0>.

.. .b* mbi.

Wbltr aa* Br*wa Aroat




r B.TUOAm>N M. D OtoasUtomoBtoB
i. A AUbkm Bl^^B«ar«.»to uTmTl

I :s sr

IlSIn W)rk*( aoM a.
M a la- .....................


tM Oity OBdbB<
t*to*r la *l>B**ta
a fall BBdc*r*fal •xBOtliiaUoo of wbi
ark* prri riy toBaceriata BBd1 d*tor
LMto* I inml rolB* thrraof a* pw
to B* lb
W* toapMtfBlIy rrpurt toxt UKlof
tsio boaoBBl to* pr**ict tbIb** of
WBlar work* MtatarlBl. with prooer
lowBb*** tor toerwlbtloB Wc dad tb*
BOWBl «BlB* WitoOBtI rprard lo frab








Wm Uala* kultar I«it tea* « inia*.Mr.' uy br Rlad* lb (toaa (broucb the akin
Bbd iDio Ibr mt-iuber Miat I* affected.
Bbcumaiic loliii* may Ir- in.-*ied lo
like manner, aod ilii- dcmoip-mtiyii ,of
Uir atomac-b by laklus mt<dlclnr In tb«
I *IB Aaa««
naual tray will lie avoldtd
I 4la pUa
Cooaiiopltoll It ln-flli<d by uxlDg a
• (tairh.tota laaM-iraw^
igieelally conRnxned potlilxc elictrodr,
p«aa«auati ta fill* fix* >i. ro
trbtcb du over Ibr cbrai. Uedldor ap­
omotoB *uui_.
plied lo Ibla I* carried lo tb* Innc*
wbeo tbr oi-gaiivp pol* 1* placed ai
lOint IP ptpa:
ttla « 1' ralrr.
tbe.back. R*|M rlm<-«ta are nuw Itrlng
BUide St He l.uke'a liimplul for Uie
cur* of cnniumptbin lo ililn mnnner.
Ponnaldcbydr li uactl, and tbe reauiu are aald to br very' oaUafaciory.
aai Ball rM^tatar U ham i» ft tao*. K Mop.;
Aa ao luiportaoi adyuDci Id ibr treat.
OH'DI of diM-aac* liiia cumpanKiTcly
Arw methud <if adinlutalerlli( draya
bB« couir to aiay.



rmaiK HakiUToa,
Oao- W. Unx*.

Businse CtolUM.


I «to<lla»a r*l>r.
Itta. rlJa.
I <ta U*
Nfllla pipr itplaaM)!



■tUM of tb« wbol* OMoell. r*Utlf* to
. witb
^lr»r MUctfle ILIrbt ___
Hoir*r OoupoBy.
.. for tb*
ooi U b.
■oitokieUy. tooto
oai Bitotai. oto to* Mayor aai CUrb
*•) toraoMl* to*
rod. b/ Aidaroiaa ttorrlaob. Ttot
toarMoli■ itoo to odoywd and
HoUoo o*rrtoi
V*M-Aia«riMa f«rb*r. MoaUC**.
ArwUafc. (.oob, oaltn. Lirdi*. K*oyw.
Uorrteoo. Md Wrlfbi.
Ilay*-Aid*r«aa tftoUafa
B; AUMmo MooUfa*.
Itot to* Mayor opooloi i »*«tor* of
ttoOoaoou B* iB>p*ctot* of * *p*«lBl
•la«to/B to to Bold tor ito pBrpOM of
BBtoolulBf to to* pBopli
pi* to* q*i •
of bjodiBtf to* eliy for
ootobBilnf to* pr***Bi


-Uot PitatolSoBAdflM.


•4 tb*

ItoOBbt osiMTliamU In .Sow Tork
bBT*'*bowa (br poMlbllUy of CMvcy*
-tb* nedIcUtra tbroucli tbr aUti Bbd
toUi any porUoti of tbr Uumso body by
plbtiBc tbrm lb ibr iwtb of bb rlrctrlc
ouiTKBi. Ueoi. rbruniaitam obd
BuniHloB Biv bwu hriBB
OUlitlUC rlwIrtHl.v lt> .-oov*} dracs
to Ibr Bffectrd pan*, ood wbll* m
iHioltlT* car** barr lM<ro trrou£bi rw•ult* bav* btfu tiulunl Uiat oeroi to
ietnonairair tb* valiiv of

■ “11* *lpa:

Kloctncliy ba* luoc brr« uard by
pbyalcla&a lo inwinirat of bcttous
tniuliic* and for ti* ionic *R*cta opoo
t ItaB bMat Ip* *ta. t4aa*ta*Mi*<*toaUpai
paw*.‘tbc ayairai KenenUy. but lu employ..■rr;«*A-iTita..Bt-..
1»«« •• anateni lo carry mecbankal
ltail(rMta.aUati*r*a.*t(ta«*tto«tna«taola: ly panlrlita of Bicdbluo* I* Oew. U U
I ■■w-nnL fur luaiaocc. ibat by lu nar
Oar Ukir 'p. ■ala* >Btar taka toUar. all u-' Uir driukItiK of lllbla waier fur (be

toioIyrsM«Mto^f»^ ttor*to. Ito MM atoll to «Mla to* oC

^MM eorrioi.


I4ta caw ralto asItoMl
. a I* ralra.

T 4Jlt(
4 titktsi

______i IMt MW «r
OlMk to iMiractMl »ai •
«toraM fa totolf <
Mli My. Mi ttol Vtoc Mid OMUMt

> ooMptodl oto ertoroi



• *i

s -ii'S'





o. k woiuMi.




C ft R««y»i,
fi.Akaar* L tloi

BCiIs -


awTakU. into. MOBk to Bkto** to Bfbto
1 ta ■■ M Oata*. Am to a ••*
MtoUtBor . tab

tt Bf MieriBf IBtO » M«l
irttb tb«I HOMiMW
. .
Ufkl Mi Po«M CooiMar- fo*’


•"•CjS^krk'sa.r. s


SSiS-k’.. “—■•

as PtBBkUi

-voaTw^u BntiF to ^"bte^

roBlel afaBdM aye
Ib tbe bniCBde* with mtoty ml^Unc
of BeveiAl iiHwa to tbe patter* wbleb
BbBBc (ha OotopbeU WBUr worin
prlM iBod byU*
' are betof btrfvly made ap for er«Ala(
detail I- Tbe yronadwork to acmi
rtbor, Itet wAUb tbta tbMa white. BDOicUmco biaett. btot
•OBBBU t* pOW*rttoto to fOOTMlM tb*
worii of tb* iBOOtotoc ooitosU, It wOl
«M Ita bcu •adBBvor tofmrtbar tb* Md tbBS^tbe rraund lactoae natural tlatad
ib rtew, rU. of flrtbc to tb* pfUsaaiof
Tr**«r** City b •titolbatery woMr a*r- Bowm and form pan of a Bowlnx
*i€to BBd It 1* b*r*by tb* mmm of tbM amdl wtilcb meander* all over tb*
eoBBcU ihbt mpoB tb* to^otolUon of width of tbe fabric.
ib* *aid pUbt. tb*
aolb to the aame dellcaie pastel
ruAlbc MBt to tb*
ttoe* Is employed fi>r day aod ereslnc
•ototoit. will b*mb<
wear, tbe tonic* trlmnted with stltctal«*t prMltekbl* Hata.
tnf* auil tiordered with a trelltowert
Mn*«l. By AMtonbbB Wrifki. Tb*t ed Barrow vciret. «-ltb'a fruu fro*'
tb* r«aolBtkM b* odoptod oad paMtd.
YMB-MdortoOB P«tkor. MootacBb
OrUllek. Ha*t'-UarrlMie.Bad
—Ald*rtobb Rabyoto.
o of AMoroiBB Btoltb. i«ly

Bwvellle* tw Jrweirr. A*e*ea. tot*.
Ill >UllJ« liee > taDllluUi. Id The JeW-pler*’ Circular M-cur Uu- followlny:
Qulie the ■well affair of the momcot
In Ilk hoe I* Ihe very lliu' clialii of ex
Ua lenrtli pum-tunied with eaiiorhoD
torgnutke* or carbunclea And
irer* w bo, note eavb |«k>'.ui; ware
of scM-laUcapidw atiarU. al most, two
pendant* to tbelr chain, hut these mMt.
be of Uie ncbckt aud most heu itiful or
guaiiii and rare
It ta u«t uoiunal for Baihliix feina
to form a contluiioti* Hue of light tad
Mdcr acmas the ImicL of Ibe baud, -oa
ererj Bnxvr may be allowed h«'goou
of rlnxD. provided alwBj* thiit ibey
takiefully cbuaeo wtlb refereoce to
one iooiher.
S'ew-iRii aod dalnttfot ia dxBfettc
1W-* fur (be fcmlalae cOBtloceoi are
1 n uf Boft. oodrcaard leBlben la
del. rfte gray or uo tooca. wltb faatea
.Ilf Jew.'led wltb a turquoise.
Bewilderlnx. faBClnaUac tbd BltofMber

iWe«*ill kr proapvli •Itai
D pk(D*.otoeeltI krlBra:l
iT>l«eDre. Ul.

Cash Capital $200,000
The OoDllBoctol AosarBSoe Oompaxy
of North AmeilcB totxet oil np to dxta
m'.lclra. laaarlnff xfBloat BoMdest aad
•lekBMB, pay* iBdemaliy from M to IM
VI aka, both abort Bbd lOBf torm poUcirt. Btoo lieketo oo b11 tbe l«Bdl&f b«B■duU Id tbe tlsliod Stateo. RorfaU
narUealBra sec

toaaBffer Northweatera MieklffBP.Tne*
imCIly. MIeb. OOe*. room 1. Itoiiellrr block.



UonI wh»I.Ior.U.oh«p
on time or for coBh, at -

E. Lange's Bicycle Shop
Bll South UatoS

-Cy locatod In thU city, wtll ba la
biveSce at ibe Hotel OolomblB. tba
Ont week of eaeb mootb. fl* boa tbB
hMtof retercaeea. Hto prl«M BrerOB*

Half Soled
In 30 minntM wkttto ypa
wait -Prices 40 toad Me.

t. S. Fqfflia, 135 Frait Straat


ww*etBifa*np*«iM*fr*«B. ftolpiH
work akOMlaby.

Vow OCoc. MoftoABS RMto.


fire Insuivei.
L. L. ft. Bnlia

John R. SantOp
Gmral liiiram

to employed with very Hoe Jewel* la
Tb* fancy for arttlnx dtomood* or
otber brtlltont atooew lo tb* Jaws of
B ertOU or UoA to B atrU;tfi« oaa.

■tacy TArtMy or
to M Ito Ugb MMy




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