The Morning Record, June 08, 1900

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The Morning Record, June 08, 1900


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text





OpMlftl BBMdltlM BUI WCM« bp

LMtHMdqnutwi of FtmIdoat of TrmaoTML

PwiilMt Teil««ftp>.llftftlp wtU to
TtiftdfMoia ^
•pwW M n« KOTBlec Bcewd.

Two Bor^^aansMordarad by

Every baby bom in IMO wiU
befamUbed witbapairof
eboea FREE if brought to
oar stora.
Tha next two xBontha
will be
trylac on
your fbet imliee you
boy some «f

Fonrth Yetr—No. 965


•oMBftl VWb Ctoitos to ■»*# 1
Sow Torit. d OM 7-Tto •
W.Bootftp ow tte
aOO to ftft Sftntewent—So D<
LwOi ■•u^ brlMlac
BtolM morntj tore bom ttoWftftbtoctawIhtMof th* W*r «B k» • iMt
todajoM bp Daltad (hfttao
I u. te atelnl Xoapf OoBOBlttoc VIU
Wi« Off-Bom
tte WU relftUac to «
• loOftbft.
BMM7 *oe Twi9m» «<
tMOd With ^roolftl refwMei to Hoolop. Wftt olfDod todftp bp tte preiltei,
tbwowlUtofttoplo time for ptooood•pmm *.»*•
to TnJleuiee BaooftB.
laci ftftter ite MW Iftw wble% wu: ■ewiel
Pokto. Jbm 7—a eerp otooftplp word­
tiTT-rr- IBM. « -TM BBBBB|lTC «<•
Iftftd SofttBp Mio U Ooto bp tte litb. ed lapertftl odlet wm te*ed toolcbt
too CbtooM traopftfor
ftrdllaotoftftd ordortof tte rloeroy o(
OMlBMriorirfUBMBBh U> to r««aObi U ftftd OoMrftl ioag Im. tte CU'
wltk ft vlftw
MOO eoMMftftder to eUef, to wepproH
«• tto ftOBtlaCBMtM toftft toTft ft»w ftr- Ooorgo tohUbl* Tmtantly
TtoaTftU. Ju • 7—IttonuMrodhere
XlUbd at OlbB Lakb.
borwM Hftf.
Momen<a Oxtorda aad i
«aw to BM Krafcr. w*» nMl«*d /••• ■orriblp Oroftbad Uftte Xmn « ft toe Bosen ftftd Boms CbtooUoe. Tte
Utter kUled ton* Boxen end eaptaned
^^dft7. *TtotoB^dtotftftt ftao1ili«ft
of~»rate ti.ts*^!^ 69G
Bo^wftp ToiUrdftp Afuraeoft
B* ntoe
loot pipft- H« looted werrlod
Wftftbtoctoft. Jnoe 7-8o tor et tbe
■Wftftklftftoa. /oM *-Tbo roport iMfoe ft Wile ftftd two ObUdffts.
Men'e Canvae Sboea - >f P _
It U ofletollp
leatoar aolea — oool. f hf*
tbftl DftStod Stfttoi Ooanl BoUb ftt Si«ei«l leTh* Hmelto ftwenl.
comfortable, durable | |||#
LensM Mfti^ftM »• l* P«u»Hft tea Bmplfo.Mleb.. ioM 7-A Mrhttal baa been oo material ebaape to tbe
' >. ftftd
aitnatlon In China. A telepram lefteeldeot omrred bore thU ftttor- oelrad from Admiral Kempff. wbo te at
Oanvaa Bboae —
ftia«r»%U ftpooBlfttlOB M io wto be wee
tbleb reeelted In tbe toatont Takn tort, abowed that be waa eonanhare well eUped with
•wittten. Iito w»w euud ftBthc^
leather, elk aolee. tbe
tleelyttettiie ettU aepftrtaeiiv bee workinpoB D. E. Dep'e rollwap at inp with tbe oommanden of tbe for• ktoA....................
sol dlfftcted toe reported rUlt. end II Olen Lake, wben be wae oftepbt nnder elpn aaval foroee at Takn with a rlew
Hare vumo to regard the leadership of this store in fashioa,
Women'a Cloth Slipper,
be bee pone into toe Trentennl. be bee rolling lope. Hie bodp wae terriblp
cjuality and price as tbe standard of “good form.”
jiut tbe totop for
London, Jnoe 7—A dtepateb to tbe
done eo witoont toatnetlofte end prc- eroebed and ble defttb wae toEverything that comes from Benda most be “O. K.”
nonee wear to enmmer
Central Newa from Tien Tain aapa that
nnaabip npon pritote toetoeee. Be
Beblftble wae to pean
eonld Bot ftxerelBe bU offietol fnneiioae old and leevat a wife and eon and it 1a definlUlp neoertatoed that Madame
to tte Trnneeftftl wittent.formal an- da'npbler. Be llred at Bonor. Tbe
ttertoftUftft Ifom toe etftto deMrtmeftU
dapgbtar lieet at BaU. bot tte where- ernl Slab who waa aent to atlaek the
aboete of toe eoe are not known.
BmmneUlmeto have detantad tbem,
______ U toot. U bee bAa neoeeDr. Trnllek el MapU dtp. wae mla­ kilUftp aoa
ftftiPtoftdmeelBb bla to be etrtetip
^ .t«* h.T2«,rtm«nt...................... ..
. be ta W.M
bel hie pretoeaiofta) evrleea London. Jnne 7-A Central NewndtoImpnrllftl to toe dlneharpe of bit dntlen, were not repaired.
N^Ugee shirts................ .................. 50, 75c, $1.00, $1.25, $1.50
pateb from Tien Tbto of todap'adate
oo u U pfienmed that bit ponesal
Everything that's> new in belts uid caps.'
Frledrieb Broe. Old Stand.
aapn tte reporta of tbe murden of tbe
^mpfttoUe bare Ud blm into tte
two mteaionartea. Maeara. Bobtoaon and
' Tte LMdtop Shoe Benae.
TrawvaalHerman, bp the Boxert, teve been e»piftiiili. JBM7-I>f. Upde. tte
flneed. Mr. Robtoaon'o bodp wpaAtead.
Wash Suita for boy’s, $J.25
- Knee Pants, doaMe sent, 60»
, tald tod. to addition^ belnp
dar that toe end of toe war will net Vlrgiinia. IfiBiiMiOta, Banibd
Tbe rebele have bnmed
Zmatmo Umt txmo. altooocb tte
TMterday AfUrnoon.
Anllnp ntation aad
«ternet« of tte flrbtinc
rtirp-^ Be admitted ttel If Boberta
I and Meet «<
ei^^ dtepatob from Sbaapbal
d all toe Been to tte
Mealdenee SeeUon Oomptotaip Da- dated#^eeeape toe membaraottoe
dMbnrr dtotrlct tbe oitoattoB wool
be pttUnl. bet tbonpbt eeeh an toreat- atioped -Manp Feeple to Vrpent majorltp of toe lapatlona at Pekln.-to' I <
eladlap toe memben of tbe BriUab leI ■
patloa. are eeadtop their famUlao awap.
Lmbi» Marqnaa, Jnne 6-It la re- ‘seed.
Mrtod here that tte Been are maktop
> are leavtop the oitp.
a ataad at Batoertop for tte pnrpoae Dnlnto. Jnne 7—Tbe entire bnatoem
At $B.9S,$«.9B, $7.98, $9.98 buj, you suit, worth h.K ogain M
of p^top Ume. Ttep are rnoelnp eeetion and moat of the realdenee aec- Pekin. Jnne 7—The eltnation te prowTO
much. Goods are all choice, but loU are made up of one and two of
BrlUah priaonen to NoeUpedatt to tlon of toe town of Vlrplnla.on toe Mea- lop ateadUp woree. Bvuu move with.
lb rapldUp. and affalrd. owtop to toe
a kind, broken sizes etc., hut all sizes in tbe assortment.
TaUep. wbleb U aald to be an aba Iron Banpe. waa deatroped bP Bra
tote afUraoon. its bnlldlnpa belnp re- axeltemeat of toe neUvee, are ao erltlt$ee these special values.
nnbaaltbp epob
dueod to eebea to atxtp mlnntea. Tele
prapblc communleatlon wae oat oS quent meettopa. Tbep feel tbe need of I.plM ling, Iron Mountain
eerp eoon after the flnt newa of tbe free band for eaerpeUe aetion witbfire eame, and wee not reenmed nntU ent a perpetual raferenm to toe home
Betomenoaaffloaedntd O'eloek Taa- tote eeentop.
Tte path of toe flamae wee aa clean Sir CUnde Maedoapld. toe Britteh
out ae that of a ^elona TbeterTitory mtotetor. it wrlttap for- 7S more metteWerkoftteBoatlon
wbleb tte tre traveled eorered rtoaa.
ftpeenlteia. Iteralex neeocn.
twelve bloeka. nine of wbleb were
Waabtopton. Jnne 7— Both b
toieklp bnUt np. Tonipbt there te not from Faap Tal aap toep left toe Boxem
tMtemadlonmed at i o'eloek tola
oratore nUnd- opealp drUUup to toe edjaeent vUtope.
Mamben bare alreadp bo­ top to tte vlUape.hotel
Tte rmldenoeporand a Urpe Uon te ^ nlmoet entlrelp burned.
wel tbeee who a Bapebllean Tte loaa te aettmatod at
aoon at toe
a will 1
Tte people are to nrpaat need of re­
PhDadalpbU eoeeantloa.
U w« know it. Oompare qn»Uty and. yon wiU ba conlief. Tbaie U Uttle to eet left to tte OBDAdlan Hoom of Oommoas
TteBepeblleana.are well aatlated town, and manp wetaen and ebUdren'
yinoed that our prloea are aa low aa the ao^Uad apaoin Disordor.
tolaaemlon. and aap
with tte
work of tol
wltoont a plaea to alsep. A larpe
ial aala^r 1-4 off pricat made in this city. Our motto
toap am eoaftdent toep eaa po to the aember are -wltoont elototop.
BwmU to Norember on tote record wltb
la—“Not How Cheap, butIHow Good."
I toto.«^
faUaeaeranoeoleaooeeaat toe polU
Oor ahoaa are made by makers ot Beliable Foot­
Taaurdap’a Baae Ball Oamen.
wear only.
apeeial W The Kuralac BmoM
-bat wae
xATtoxat. uauuEYou take no chancea when you buy of ue. We
FlnaUp Paaaed
OoM Demoofat Map be Mamed bp Mehave Bold ahoee the past 18 yeare in thU city, and atiU
HpMlel» TJ|« MOfBlW B««rd
XlaUp f«
lead and let othere follow. Make no mintake.
otuwh. June 7—At tbe opdnlng of
appeal - TO. nvfalaa nveor-i
°*Nkbote aad Clemeeto: Taplor aad todap'eaitttop of the honee of comWaabtopton, Jnne 7—It le mmored
mone. Sir Wilfred Lnnrler moved
bare todnp ttel Preildeat MoBtolep
addrem to toe queen, offerinp tbe eon■mp appoint WUlUm D.|Bpnnm, toe
The Old Beliable Shoe Man.
wboep nomina­ Sepmonr .and Warner; Joaee and pratnlatlona of the Cenadlan perlieOur new etore is now at SS42 Front Street.
mantnpoa^tbe approach* torminaFront Street
tion to be peneral apptaleer of toe port Roblneon
tlonof tbe Sonto AfriiM war, expreeiH.
bom in 1900 we shoe free-Othere do
ftfSewYork waerejeetodbp toe eentop eattefaoUon tool the Brltlih rule
alao Welead, otherafollow.” 8BB!
aw. to be a member of toe oommtenton
would be extended over tbe whole of
anpaped to oodlfpingtoe Uftlud StoUa Hanl. Fmar and Donplae; Soott and South Atrioa and making referenoe to
lawa. tonlacaef Jndxe CnlbemoB. dapride felt bp Canadlana and to
toalr cooparetton with tbelr fellow
Nope and FarreU; Phlllipaand O'Con- eouotrymen on tte batUedeld. wbleb
aaUUed Canada to ehare to tbe prcaaat trinmpb. Sir Cbarlae Tnppw
ICAX Lxaucc.
ended toe addreat.
When toe epeaker waa abont to put
•pMelMTMM. raiM BMre
tte motion.
Watarknrp. June 7—Tte Oeananl.- flabm nte Bnebtep;
portor from gneMc. aroM and to an
tmpamkmsd epsftsh paptontod agatonl
imnni'r iMtraetod tte national daU- MUwankac.....................
tte paasagn of toe tedrsM. Bn elatmDetrrtt..........................
^fftf Bryan ter prtotoaav
najnni, foresd npFor buying a 10 cent
Beldp ate Bmlto: Yeapnr and Span. ad toat tte war
ea tte ITM pwiple of Bagiaad aad tbs
Do you have trouble in getting a new shoe
todeiMd Ookmel Bryan.
eoloftlM bp ambitloiu maa wbojolaed
cigar when yon can get
ledlaaapolis..................... «
that is perfectly easy?
»p,eml le TW Bwalax «-wd
Palter and Ttebsr: Osar. Powam ate
Shelby. Ohio. JnM7-T»
to awall tte Afrlean dlvldaads.
It you do’you ought to try a pair of Minor’s
Dftrliig tte latter part of Boi
« * 3
afttel .............. ....
EasyiShoes. and know what it is to have
apaeeb. tte bonaa became vkdMtlp exWm. O- Sharp of LoraU oouftlp tee
ftatettemUagiAaoteate oitod. Statafluata ware raaalvad with
one pair of shoes that are as comfortable as
ft ate ladomte Bryan terprteta«a oriaa from iba oppoBltion teftobaa.
a stdeking.
of '*Traiter,” “dbame.’' '''Baanadrl.''
The easiest “Easy” shoe made for ladies—
naUl toa voiaa of Benrama waa drowstetoa atormof himeaand wratotnl
Lace or button—^.50,
apKlAl WTM ManilM aMtwA.
.imtoinatomA A aeaae of dlaordar naW7-A oaU waslsto the hlatarp of te Canadian

aaadtoalfht fora masttor«*tb« aa• wbleb
the epaakar baitoaad to ent abort, bp
Maaal rwiaailtm of tan aatkmal (gold) Bnpartor Joaapba,
kpftnp to tWa mtp.JnlpM. aeadamp of toUplaoahaa baan appetat- AaelMtoc toa addfom carried.
ad provtooial anperloreai for toa Vaitad
» McNamara Block
Btataa of tte ordar of ttte Fiai
avoid tod rato at tte Job Ite
•fo ton Job Itot dais at tte K«w York Alston of Parpatnal Adoration. Bar Ate
BtorfftaidaaM win bo to Lftfapstta, lad.




Haw asaortment of, the latest
and best goods just received—
Also base balls and biUl suppUes:at^he

Call and see them.



^ ^ The “Square” Store
Traverse City People


roiH WED ODT er foe


Minute Rates

Prices as hard
to match as the goods.





Upper Peninsula




We Doni Let Them
Undersell Us

is Reducing Prices
on Shoes.

I Will Go Them One Boner, and
make 30 per cent Redecrion on
rhe Besr Shoes ln?rhe market

S-.:::::::::::::::: '1 ‘



Have You..


•ftft* *»**»*»***»H»«**rMHa*


i Feet Tender?






ftftteNHMHMHa »**»**•*


i Momvuio jtaooBD.

MS mmm
Jaa Handaa. Parmarip td thia CUp.

itaA T. lAJM^AEP J. W. &*■■■
j: W. EAan. autor u4 IhiWnr.


riMMOt SooUl ■■■riaa
Iroeia Xrodgo of Blka.

la Known of Va Wba



bmadkpmaapaaa tanurrml
tkh aUg. baa Abnppaaiad. aad kla
Maada bav* no kMWladfa af hla
wharaabeal*. 3m la badU iripplei
with tb* rkiiimUliW. aad raeaatlp a
anbaoripMaa w*a tabaa in tbia altp.
«Ub AManmn Oamaos at tb* b«d of
lb to aaaMt blm to obtain ntmaaa to
tb* 8k Marp-a bOMlthi is Onad Bapida. wbarab* waa living. Tb* moadP
wa* mlaad, and it wm aa^oaad that
do* waa in tb* bOB^taL
Baaaatlp Aldarman Oarriaoa wn* in
that eltp. and want to tbo haopltal to
•oaJoa. Mr.
had gon* to tb* beafdtai aborUp aflar
tb* monap waa aant. bad wnitad aU
dap to aaa a doeter nad bad not aneooodad, and thnt aa avanlng draw on,
baerdatad a back aad drov* awnp.
That la tb* laal known of him. Tb*
made an effort to
fladhim. bntin valo.end daring bla
Btap tbare Mr. GarriaM wa* naable to
dad kb* Bllghtoat traee of him. Wbather b* throw blmaalf into tb* river, or
loft tba dtp aad baa gone wltbont
learlag anp on* word, no on* aaem* to

te OMte'^WoHd-HmU wm Mr.
arTHt pmoul offu la im. aad
Aartar that aaapalfn it mad* th«
^nfhatTdaUy that la th* mat of Mc­
Clain olMtiae tha daprmaloaMd
amoar taa jrorklnf di
weald be wldaapraad. Tbabeat proof
•f the falUtj of thia pro^eej ia toaadmadb* *aat paaaa of th* World-Botald.
A laeant iaaaa at band oootaiaa the adfaMaamaou of two famalea and aaeba
' ■aiaa who waat aitaaUoaa, whU
•haaamapac* lha "halpwaatad” advarUaamaata aak for >07 famalao aod
Writ** that Pel*
lUmalea. ThU la la addlUoatotha
Xaplnaon ia a* good a* Dead Onlaa*
“acaau waatad,” aad doe* aot inelad*
Iba adTOrtlaamaat for mea for
Re ia Sant Hpma.
tailroad work. ThaeaUmltppn
A letter baa Jaat bean raeeivad bp
waa a fall nr* la Mr. Biraa'a own auta,
hU mother. Mr*. O.B. Vanderrort from
■a U waa alaawbara.
Artbnr. new with Companp B.
Thlrtg-Mvantb U. 8. volonlMr lufan
Taa DasoeraUe Dailj B*vl* remark*
trp, dated at Paaanjao. April 27. Among
that it baa net heard aapthiof from other tblnga. b* aapa:
tharaoaaUy orrhBtaad Yoang Maa-a
"1 want to SacU Omz paatardap to
BaeatalioaB elnb. alaee Oaortie B. prom aoe Pate Bvloaon, bat ttap wonid not
aaa* alaetod praaidaat aad the Porto lot me *00 him. Tbedoetor add that
Bkaa bill wa* pamad
Tba I9a(la
too low. 1 wiah poB wobU tall
aaed aot wnnj. Tb* yoaar men of Jod Camaroo to write to blm. and take
the elab wUl make tbamaalrm beard the doetor’a advloe and aak tbe eaptein
bafer* tbe eomlaff eampaldn eloam.aad of tba regiment to get blm ont of tbeae
irhafcbar tb* elnb ladalire* ia tba lalanda, tor be will 'die here. Be 1#
.•Heraherp" aanMteA bp tba BaaU
nothing hot akin and bema now."
■ettha rmalu on elaetloa dap wUI
plnaon wUl be romamberod aa tbe
oeeriBee onr
eontomporsrp that
wbo worked ao long for B. D.
Iba orcanlaattoa baa not eonflaad Campbell A So'na abont tbe water
works plank Be bad a perfect eraza
for going to war. and tried tlm*. and
On anMber pape of thia imne tbere agdn to Join tbe armp. but a alight dcI* an artiela bp W. F. Calkin*, member fact of hearing eanaed him to be rejecta tb* board of pnfiie work*, wbo lo od dorlog the enlUtment for tbe'Caban
tap with bU fellow i
Bber, O. oampaign. He fiaallp eniteted with
P. Oarrer,
InVbatlpa- tbe regnlari here, and gotawap^ the
w of tba water work* apiUm of aeene pf battle.
SatU* Oeek, Jaekaoa and Kalamaxoo.
Oomparative fiform are given which
Traoeree Oltp 1* Good Bn«ngb.
wOl ba latareatlng to taapapar*.
Mr*. Sarah HewItt.i*ho eold her
property and moved lo nebeeuraome
Tu Pbiladelpbta oonventioa
time ago. retomad Wedaeadap evening.
waU afford to ladoiw the BU LonU
Ymterdap aha cloaad a deal for a neat
pUttorm'ln 180*. Iteaube offaradaa
home on th* wmt aide and ha* decided
aa anbiblt of what the B^Ulcan
ti make bar permanent abode hare in
gtartp doe* In the platform promlae
^e fatare. Mn. Bewitt declares that
fllmant line.
there 1* no place like Traveree City.


"At an a
Tonr Onadldataa A8et»^ with Antlm Llad, laator of th* Swadteh Latbann
DMagnlahaS BaOraai Ban Aarak at TmUa, died. B* had bean
aiak aiam leal vrintar, bavlag aaaei
Praaant-Oa* of tba Beat 8amiona In tbaatomaeh.
"Bvaptblng poaalbla wm doM to
tb* Blatcry of tba Dodge.
makablmcmp. m it wm known for
Uat night marked tbe cloaa of tbp
•am* tlM that ba «eald aot raoovar.
anmmar aaaaoti for Travorae Citp Lodge
Hia death bm baaa anpaetad for«
Ho. tit. B. P. O. Elks and OM of tbe
Uma and tbarafore vary tlttla aurprlm
bartnootnl omaKwa tntbo blatorp of
wm aaanlfcated tbU moralng wbas it
wm given aaa ettlagwladwm anaouaaad that ba bad pamad to
npof aaaeaaaatalpaar.
tta otbar alda of tba river of death.
-Bla remain ware Ukan to Chieaffo
with antler* mad tb* tnltiatorpe
Eav. Llad wm highly rcapaatad la
bor of ont of town members baaldas
Travarm Otp. wbara Ua eBergatio and
then* of tb* ally. Tbeaa who now bear
anUera for tb* ftiat time and who Imi ooBselmiUeB* work for tba Swedish
ebnreb wm graaUp apprseiated.
Bightaajopadto the fallai
what U la to ba on* of tba Beat People
"Hotel rptoa nen't be hlgb at tbe
OB Barth are Bon. Phil. B. Waehtal,
en-Speakar of tbe Michigan Leglalatcre, PbUailripblh r-QiiventioD. but you'd
Patoakey: Jot. Zimmerman of this eltp, better not gu utwr I'hltedriphla fur «U
moniba afterward."
and WlUlam MeDeuld and John
"Wliai do you luoanr
Tbompaon of OadiUae.
"Why. tbe town won't get awake
After the inlUatorp work tb* Ella to Ita 4t>mmerrUi1 opponunltlett onUl
tbe thing la over."
marehed Into the City Oj
which WH the aoene of tbe eodal eetalon. Fonr long table* ware teiutingIp arranged with a aplendld^ead^
'hleh waa admirably served in
aWle cbaraeterlatie of tbe Blka
Daring the progrece of the banquet
Mnrtanghb fall orcheetra dtapeaecd
Ineplring muale- Dr. I. A. Tbompaon
preelded aa toMtmmter and diaeharged
ta* datla* of that oSea In tbs style
which afforda good entarUinment In
addition to the regalsr program.
After the good thlnga were dlapoeed
uture s
of tbere wa* an impromptn program of
bright and apiep nomber*. lot
for Forty Years^
With mnale bp tbe orchestra.
For (c«tr )-«on 1 eafiarvd from clrk
Irk Ittod
The lodge wm honored by, tbe pres*
anee of a number of dlallngnUbed vial*
tors in tbe persona of teveral well
known railroad man Introdaead • by
- -................... Mlrlivrtuiiotitbit Jkl
Jamm Keboe. looal agent of tbe'pere that *LiitFUr-d iiiewlll
olbi rv-Mri.
l>. Von Kriirrn.SAurrrtlm. N V.
Marquette. They were O. B. Uw, John
<-elrryKlii(Cure«l ou>titmlluuhiidHlldl>.
nonbera freight agent of the Hocking aa»r»ufibr Nerv<-«,Miuiiiu<-|i. Idvrroiul K idDcyw Hold liydruKxKli. ^ondiU-. V
Valley: B J. Menzles, traveling freight
agent of the Merebanta' Dltpatefa



On all desics; book cases, combination writing^desks and
book cases, and library tables. '1 have too large a stock.
31 different styles of co^ibinadon cases—7 different
styles libraly tables froo^ $4.35 up to $19.75, and in
order to move them bff ^utek I will give you 35 per
cent, from our present low prices, until June 15. Cash
or payments.
There is nothing that furnishes' a room as welt or
is as convenient' as a nice combination book case and
writing desk, and until lyne 15 you can get one for
what you would pay r^Iarly for a cheap one.

Slater’s House Furnishing Store
120 B'xoia.'b stx'eet.

This is the Style
in Women’s Shoes

' CUR5

Black, with doth top....;........................
Tan eolorod, doth, lace or. fancy tepa,.






Lake Shore By.; 'Wei" Klrke, tr*v
eling freight agent ^-tbe Wbmllng
Lake Erie By.; F. K. Whipple, general
freight agent of the Cincinnati NorlbBearp MaitbewB.traveling freight
agentof tbe "Big Four." Ail of three
gentleman contributed llbemlly t-i the
program, *applying< many original
featnre* which kept tbe Bika pleasant' enteruined.
John A. Coffry of Cadillac,'alao cootribated generonily to the enteruinit introdneing mveral Srst claa*
chameter aketebea.
Others wbo aaalited in tbe program
were C. F. Strode, editor of tbe Chica­
go Bard wood'Beeord; Hon. Phil. B.
Waehtel of Petoakey; Arthnr Deapre*.
8. C. Deaprea'^and Arthur Gagne. "The'
Marmielee" In'Franca; Robert Celdwell, BUep Sweera and B. W. Bound,
"Annie Lanrie;" beaidee Impromptu
ramark* by many other membera.
g tbe out of town risilors preae M. M. WaU. NaUonal Lumbar
Inipeetlon Bureau. Buffalo: C. F.
Strade, Hardwood Baeord, Chicago: JFell. Grand Baplda: Fred Bodge*. Eican*ba;J. R. Bishop, D. E. McIntyre.
J. D. Oerpenwr. W. P. GneUna, Wm.
Hapea, Bobert WUaon. Jompb Brother*
Dr, E. W. Colrmae. C. H. Burton. Wm.
McDonald, Johp ThompaMfi John A.
Coffey. Cadlllar; W. A, McGovern. Tuatin; Dr. J. A. Barry. BarrlctU: D. C. U.
Beaver, Mancrlona; John Swain. Dick
Glidden. Dick Bbdgos. Fife Lake; Jo*,
llrauvab, RVut. Caldwell, Charlevoix;
Tbo*. 8har|«-. S. B, WalUee, Dr. J.C.
Oanntlett, M Plannrlty. Elk Bapidi;
Jacob Dillmsii, Howard A. Rrepmeyer,.
Phil. B Wa-htel. Petoakey; Cba*le*


_ by callinf. We are here to please you and alt we
want is an opportunity.

Phone 149.




Mr*. BniBngtoa Dead.
Ml*. Laura Bnfflagion died at a:S0
SEjopadanOntlagon Per* Mar^netu
o'clock ymlerday afternoon at the
Maawap Hear Bellaln.
home of her daaghter. Mr*. W. F.
Por the paet two dap* a diatlngnlabod Angnatlne. 318 Frontetroek She wa*
"'Aadjollp paripof railroad men have 87 years old. Tbe data of tbe fnneral
baaa anjoplng lUe among the wild* of will not b* eat nnUl the arrival of her
«ho eanDtrp between Blk Baplda and aoD. wbo live* In .MUwaekM.
Ballalrf. ThepdoDOtUpclalmtoanp
A Life aofl Death Fight
a«elal or bnalnem attention* whatever
Mr. W. A. Bli^ o
bat elmplp tecUfp to a few dapa of
of hU
lU almoet
mlraealona mfood timr* In a portion of tba moat
cape from death, mpt: "Bnpoaara after
aUraotive conntrp travaraad bp tb* memle* Indneed eerion* long ironble,
Par* Marq Bella Ep.
which ended In eonaampUon. I baa
Tb* partp traveled in tbo Pore Mar- fraqnent hemorrhage* and eoaghed
^aetu alee par "Bap dtp." and eonaUt- night and dap. All mp doctor* said I
moat soon ale. Than I began to nae
*d of Harrp Matthew* of tba "Big
Dr. KlDg'aNewOlsoovcrpwbiehwboUp
fOar:" O. B. Law. trarallng freight cured me. Bnodreds have need it on
agent of the Uoeklng Vallep: B. J. mp advice and all say it never fall* to
Throat. Cheat and Lting troublef."
Maoilee, traveling freight ageot of
Begnlar alze .%ue and 81.00. Trial bot­
the MerchanU’ DUpatcb TraneporU- tle* lOe at S K. Wait and Jat. G. Johntfoa Oo.; B. 3. Hnnter,traveling freight acn'adrog atorea
■font of tbe %pd Line: a. V. Uoodremonk local egrnl of the -Lake Shore; BpaeitlforTwcWaeki
"Haael" KlrVe, traveUng freight agent
Heginuieg June mb we will torn
out arlUtle work in our drea* making
at the. Wheeling A Lake Brie: F. C
parlors at $S 00. S0.OO and ST 00. pro■ Whipple, geneml freight agent of tbe
riding all lha material* are parebaa- B*8u*
Olnrinnail Hortbem; B. A. Treadwey,
And aattend the Job Lot Sale at tbe
- Wavaling freight agent of tbe MiOhigan U-31
The Boston Store.
Hew 'York Store.
Oentral: C. II. Lannlng. traveling
freight agent of the B. A 0.;W..F.Web
alar, traveling freight agent of the
M. C.
traveling freight agrat of
BooLUiei B C. Law. tc*valt»c.<'^Si>i
agaat of th* C. B. A D.; L. C. Ford. |
^ent of tbe Lake Shore at Kalamazoc;
Daule Blelp. oommorelal agont of tb*
Ann Arbor; Capk J. D Kromer. travel­
ing freight agent of Ue G. B A 1 ;
Fame* Keboe, agentof Per* Marinette,
TMveiB* City: Barrp Angall of tb*
A Combination—Groceries'^at insure and proW^ner A AngeU Lnmber Oo.. Grand
mote health, and prices and quality that mean
Sn^da: 3. Williaaaa.ehl*t elerk of geoeconomy and satisfaction.
ar«l freight ofiae of Pare Marquette;
A. K Ashlap, ahlaf elark of general
•npariatandont'e oAae of Pare Margnatte: aad W. C. Hall of tba Oral
Our every day prices are always as low as the
Thaaompoap had a good tlma aad
IhiBlaanIdtobathaficatofa amdaeaf
special sale hgures of others. Convince yourself
Wa. th* nadomlffaod. do hen'jv
affi** to rafaad tbo aoaap on a w
omt betUeof Orwmt'* Warrauud Bynp of Tbr If It taito to ear* po«r eoagr
oroald. Waalaa taaraaiaa a st-e at
boMloleyee** •afltfaeterp or mosalataadaA A K Walk Bngba* A Be s
b«B, Jamaa a. Jobaaoa. P. c. Themp

VBwadlah Pastor Slaiwitedap U Tmatta.
Th* OadiUae BvaningMaU of Wad-

Up-To-Date procer.


----I A. S. FBYMAy. Practical Shoe Man, IM Frail Slnel

Results of Buyinff
At Our Store

You get thef latest and most down to-date goods.
We only handle goods that will retain your patronage.
We buy for spot cash only; that always means the low
est to us and our customers always get the benefit

31,850 MINUTES

is spent at the table eating in a
year (that’s only^alf an hour three times
a day;! why not have comfortable chairs
to sit on. Our unequalled -seller is $6.75
for a set of six. Of course we've cheaper
ones, but this we pride ourselves on. If
you want a good comfortable, serviceable
chair buy this—other prices are $7.7.^
.SS.50. S9.45, Si 1.50. S16. SiS, $20.


Just rest on one of our couches—
got a 4ine never before touched at the
price, $6.75. Your liable to pay $8.00 for
the verj' same thing anywhere else, and
they are fully worth it, but %ve bought
them cheap for spot cash, and that mehns
we are giving you the. benefit. Other
(prices are SS.oo, $9.00. $10.90. $12.75, S15.
$18. up to S47.75.


Those are our rockers. Nothing
so restful after a .hard day's work as an
easy rocker. We have little rockers and
big rockers for little money or big money.
You're the one TO be pleased. One style
sells for $1.35; cane seat with braced arms
for$i.50; Big Boston, big and easy. $3.ia
Choose from these: $3^. $4.50. $6j».
$7.5a $9-00, $10.75, $11-50. $12-

Has been helped on ihfe road to
fortune by his neatness and taste in dress.
We are the fashionable men’s outfitters,
and our sales show that the public appre­
ciate our efforts. There’s bicycle clothing
—best suits in the land at $5. $7 and $7.50and our great line of $7.50 serge suits,
and our unequalled line of down to date
hats—the Kingsbury at S3.00. the champ­
ion at $2.50, jhd the King at S2.50.


And we cannot devise clothes
that the mo;lern bqj- will not wear out in
time, but we are selling some clothes that
will wear longer than many that are sold
for the same money. And those boy’s
knee hose—they have a quadruple knee
re-in(orced heel—the best ever put on the
market and they sell for only 25c-


Hut a lucky purchase enables us
to offer you some suits that for quality
have never been equalled, and. one
line will cost you just an even Four.t for
tbe entire suit. Got another bargain that's
your’s for just Five Dollars, and yet an­
other bigger and better that goes at six
—only the early ofies get these “specials."

The Hannah & Lay Mercantile Co.

Toimmmnwt tk« MMlw ol ««od
im Pwitoad tha wuaQ M« a(.
NMd t« (vstik fmv«) uU
Nr tha MMtrwktM of atOM »»lk>.
him L«1« A«r«rtra «l llwlH«a^
NnMftr* taaUaBt ol Bt Jaatph. oo
WaHiaaHay raeairad ww4 that Bar,
nala. Jaa. Uartlof aw JoM. QO., Ba4
Mt Bar «M,'ooa. BBa wffl fo « tBa
•aaat at aMa to tfala Bar NrtoM.
AtCBfw darl^ a aarara ^aelrteal
atom R. Btiaa^ Banatran atraakBr
l«Btaiaff. TBaBarwaad all Bit tarn
KlmfitmtmU wan a«(R9«l- TBIa la
hia aacoad loaa by ll^talafia thna
' Mn. Baabaa Biacla dreppad daad
wBUa laabMt aaUw baaka of Plaa
rlrar la St. Laato. Tht aaaaa waa haart
At Pen Barea a aaad dof waa abet
Wadandar airht by tha poKea aad w' olBar aal^ whieh it bad blttaa waa
aNoabak .
^arbart Ledaar of Bif Btpida. baa
foaa loto pOBitoy ralalof oo aa cateaalra Male- - Be baa two laenbaton ai
• Work Blrhtaad dayfrlndlnr ontcblokaaa. do^ aad tarkaya.

Aa BBBiaBnerly ear aaiaed aod tore a
lady's dreaa aa aba waa walktsy aleaf
lake Boslarard, probably oblaeUor to
tbaaaurlB]. Thatdof aaedaBMUa.
.•>41. Joaapb Pma.
Wbile tba aosth boaod Detroit train
ontba Para Marqaatta railroad was
walUBf at Cbaboyran Tneaday to paaa
tba laeoBlas Oraci. Bapida uala. tha
latter bnuped lato tbe former, amaablar tba pUoU aod oibarwUa damaflw
both aactaaa. BoclMor Gray of iha
- Datroittraio. badblaAirbtarmbmlaed,
Tba Northern hotel at Bl( Rapide,
wUeB waa eloaed some waeke aso, wUI
probably be reopaoed aooD, a new Iwdlord bavlnr been foud to take a lease





At Maolatee the Pare Marqaetie and
baud a bandsoow new noion depot on
Waahlnirton eiraet. Confiatnlationa
are la order.
AWaekiba a oaac wbieb the health
ofBeer prooouoeee emallpox. waa
ported Wedneeday. *Part of the boi
ie need ae a boardlof bonn. the otbar
portion belac oeoopled by tbe fa*mlly
of the paUent. The bouee bee been
. WUllaia Winn of Dstrolt. who fonpbt
on tha ablp on which Dower waa an
analfn at tbe Mtile of Mobile and be­
fore thJe had eerred io the army under
Uantanant Beaen. Mn. Dewey'a first
Bnahand. will preeent to Mra. Dewey
an arrowhead which wonnded her firat
hnsbaod In a betUe with Indleaj
T*xae4n I8S«. Mr. Winn aMlatcd
oatllac the dint from tbe llentenant'e
ehonldcr and baa kept it aa a aouTanlr
nstll the preeent lima Tbe preeenutlon win eertaloly be e aorprlie to
Mrt. Dewey, tbough whether icrceable
Mt remalna to beeeen.
'~9«eepb Veoderaloat and David Jonea
of Mnskecon were drowned Wedneeday
wBUo fiahlnr la Wolf laka
A yonudster of Danby, Ionia eonnty.
tried to approach a brood of young
•hleken* to'fondle tbetn. but the old
Baa mlalnterpreled the little 000*1 IntwUon end nearly peeked her eyoe
oat. Atfliailtwaatbongtatthe gfrl'a
alghi had been deatroyeo. but fortoeataly It baa not'proven ao bad as that.
Surprliad Mr. Bmitb.
B. W. Smith, who U building tbra
bonea 00 Eat Bigbih etrat in Oak
BeigbietelebraUdhis birthday Wed
nariay by taking posacaloc of one Icr
-bia own raldnia, and the arpenteia
employod 00 tbe buUdings, aomr 1.^ io
•amber gave him a pleaaaat surpna
ta the eveoiog. by oallieg in a body,
and preaetlag him with a handamc

UoalaMgMd fay aU the property ewalovarwhoa lou tha prapoead «a.
taaaloa sveald paa.
He Matad that thit la tba naly wi^
Two PoUtioiiB OlnmlAUd B»- Ml tor the Tiaara City A T.Aalaaaa
raUroad agatotheG. B. At. nad,
aad that nnlaa it made noaaaWBai
Mr. aad Mra. PBlUp BalmfortB «l
with that raad. It aald uMaad weald
Blagbam. are the pannu of a baby
Ona Faeortag tba Bxtaoalea Ovar iBo
not ba knUk Be said that tba Laateaan
BiwramlAMtBar. In Oppoaltton- read wa act a part of tha O. R. A 1.
OooNarobalacroe^ NatbytBo
MarawtUe company. Alrondy tBM
Betb Sicaed by rmmlaant Froparty ayatea. whieh did not and woald aot
have a cent la it. bat that nnlees ^a
arock tbay bavn rtnalvad ena onr lend
OwnartoDr. Enaaland BaglPlara an hoAneetlOB eoald bo made betweoa tha
It. one of fim clay aad fin
all thra of tba
Bmpbatlo Prntsat.
wtek.OM ofaawnr -ptpa.mof matother roads that now rater tbe city,
•BB alaea ManB lat.
ThopoMtlen of tba a B A 1. rail that toad wonld aot bo built
aad oaa of atone ware.
oad eampaay-for
Be elated that tin prapeaad bridco
Bern, to Mr. and Mn. WfU Bnadriek- aMo tMk from the yMfUf of the
woald not obstnet the riw. af It
M ol IBN BgbtB awnnt, n aon.
aeafi bona oa tbo Bortb aUo of the
wonld be only about 160 feet long, aad
R. Aaopal aad fi. Oalal. both of Ha- river, eraalag tba otnamM Omaatrat. would haa only tba eanter abatmaat
rana, Cuba, ate »t tbe Park Plaea. aad rnnalag wat, back of tba .Meraaa- in
ala^ 'angnr planla* tUe Company's atora. to the Frant
Be aid that H the elw wonld allow
lion and a mabc«wy lumber firm of atroM bridge. Is aranalng oonsldaable tbo road a go down Bay atrat. tba,.
oppoMUoa, aad tbs bnalasa moa ol
ether route .would be abaadoaed,
Mr. aad Mn Jerry Skivararo tbe thaalty are taklag slda la tba mattar. tbongb he afterward stated that them
paraaU of a baby dangbur.
wonld b# very strong oppaltlon
Anudna Baradta. w old Oormw wBe
against tbe road uklag the Bay strat
bat boon In tbe eonnty bonaa for a gun an Mtlve oppaltlon to the prajat, route.
Tba fnaanl aad tbra petitions haa been drealatBe aid that within SO days anotbar
cd. which baa been signed by many
will oeenr todaypetition will be praented. asking perreqnatlng that tbe board of snparvlmiaionfatheTraverra Clty A LalHenry Plleb of tbit elty. aSd Bannah
son day tbe peUtion to cram tbe river.
Morgeraen of Ckaada, have boon lloanianau railroad oomaoj to build tbelr
Di. Kaealand ba autod the eaa tor^
line from Dlvltion strat down an nood to marry.
-leoppultlon emphatically. He bcga
opraed alley between Front and Third
Analo Blllman, wife of Gaata Killa number of ol jaUou to tbe proposed
man. who lives weal of tba city, died
stiats, to oonneot wUb the branch of
roafi. and is ary maob in earaal.
the O B. A I, at the Front stroet
yeaterday morning -ol
tbongb be doa not daire to be con­ tbe ageofsi yearn. She
sidered ^e alyone oppaed to tbe
leavaae buebandand eight ehlldrea.
Tbe board of anarvlMra will have a
qnatlon before them on Monday next
Tbe fnncrel wlllooeurfrom bt. FrancU
Tbe fltatobjatlon glva by him is that will be worthy of tbelr bat
ebnreh tomorrow at to o'clock.
that tbe prapo^ utonslon wonld ob- thought and meet earefnt considera­
Word hat been received in tbe city •Unot a Caa slral bridge, making it tion.
from C. M. Bttmeon. who waa ailed to Impoaaible to extad tbe atrat, 01
A Monster XSevil Fish .
Athene. Ohio, reeeaUy by tbe eriUal least making it very ineonanient to do
Uleeae of hie mother, that ehe U dead- a Be aye that tbeataatongtat to fo
He will retorn tomorrow.
extended in the near fntnre, ad a
Today will be Itteatna day at tbe pnbllc dak built on tbe bay franV
Women's Club, and tbe program will
Be alata that Bay atrat is pracUoal- in tbe world lor Stomacb. Liver, Kidbe In chargeof Mrs. J. M. Iagrl(. Tbe ly abandona now to railroads and 'Veysand Bowrls Oolv SS ranUatS.
worka of Oeo^e W. Cable. C. D. War-. that mat of the farmers' traffic that E. Wail and Jar. G. Johnson's drug
nerendMia. Morfawlll bedlaenaaed. famerlr entered the city by that elaet steraAt tbe mating of tbe Congregational now ama by way of Elmwood avenue
Home Mbelonary aooleiy being held in and Fmt slrak To extend the G.
Tske tbe gsMtaa*. •HfissI
Deunit tbit week, at wi>>eb wcK prea- R. A I. a proposed wonld, be ays. be
Mt maay notable dlvlna from all paru a great Inaovenlena to farmers with
of the oonnuy. Rev. W. U. Pnddefai Kcttleame mama, and wonld make it
was one of taa tpakers and realved neceseary fer tbeartfilTarbwid by
many commadatlom for bis ability. way of the auth elfo to get to tbe ran­
in taitE: A«Mpi ao sabstK
Mr. Peddefoote U well remembered In ter of the city, sl^ they conid not
.M, tats. Ask yea Snwitst
Travera City a the one time patqr of come In on Bay nor Vrx»t atrat.
tbe Uongregallonal church here. It is
The doctor claims that tbe plalng of
Bteted that he bss jut retamed from tbe road tbu would be an Injutia to
a trip down tbe Pacific coat aod Into other roads, which wonld not be grant- i
ed tbe right'thu to go throngb the
Tbe advance ale of eatt fo^the bean of the city; that it wouldfonnAltman pramatle Company who are t jnsthoamebnalaeama of tbe city,
appear at SMlnbMg*a Grand next Nloi wbile'Vraatlng a apalal privilege to
day. will open at tbe box offia this otbeia. plalng the raUroad right at
Aeiq to UD
Membenof Travera Bey Bive. No lad their freight right into their wart71. will mat at Montague ball Sunday bousa.
He ays teat tbe bnUdlng of the
afternoon at l:aou> amnd memorial
eerviea la Soraara ball at t o'olak. bridge wonld Interfere very mneb with
Memteraof tbe order with noMaat- tbe river cnrrrav and with the Ira ^
ba borne Id the city areardiaity in- paiaage of awage. much ol whieh an-1
tcra tee river a^ve the point whore !
vlUd to mat witb the hive.
the bridge wonld eroas. Tbia be ays. I
Members of Traarae Bay Bive. No.
would be a serl^nt menace to the pub- |
71. are rcqnated to mat Id Msntrgue lie bealth.
ball tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'clak to
Bedalara that tbe danger from'
arrange flowera for the memorial aer- fire of an engine in sneh clcst proximi-1
vlea. The ladia aa aquated to ty tio tbe row of wooden bnlldings I
bring all the flowera oosaibie.
along the strat would be very greet |
Tbe timber was roaived yaUrday Indeed: aod finally he oojwUtetbel
The laaghiag farce io 'S acte,
over the G. R. A I. atlroad for T. D. grantlnc of such prlvilega for nothing.
McManw. to be need In piling the Be ays that if tbe city allowa tee ex-1
river on tbe eontb aide along tbe docl’^tension to be built. It aboulfi raeive at
line, adjaant to tbe lou of Mr. Mc- leat filt.OOO lor tee privilege.
Manna The bank will be flUed In to
A lansh from etart to
Dr. KoalMd dalara finally teat
tbe dock line.
tee power to grant this franehia rata
tiniab. '
Prlenu of Mr. and Mra- WiUlam with tee United 8tata government and
Bannlc, will bC grieved to learn of tbe not with the board of anperviwa, aina
IP Osp Eyed Hlwioc
datb of their danghter.Lola. who-died tee Boardman la a navigable stream.
yaterday afternoon of oongatlon of
Tbe petitloBs against tbe road have
tbe brain, aged 11 months. Tbe foocral baa qniu extensively signed, alt cf
w.Ubebeld tram tbe Rennie abool tee properly owners on tbe north aide
The Coaat of-Maiue Drama,
bouse at 10 o’elak tomorrow tooroiag. of tee street between Cass and Park
The ale of aata for “Sapbo" oaoed having ilgDcd. as well ms most of tee
wKb a rush at the City News sUi.ud balnea men in that block and a large
yesterday. Heats can still be obtained oroporUon of tboa on tbe other side of;
U taka at once. Tbe play will be at tec Strat.
lA play that touches the heart. It
the City Oars Bonsc t-^morrow night.
In ateting tbe esa for tbo railroad ; baa the merit and. eimilarity that
. Herbert Moaiarae taa ratarna trom compary. Agent C. B. Murray aUted' made ".Shore Acres" famous, and
Detroit where ue attended tbe annual that this is a scheme that he has ban ^ve it length' of days,
mating of tbe Michigan Wholeate at work on for'tee past five yarr He '
Bpetdal Summer Prlcefi—10.
Grocers' association. He atatcn that also baa pHitle^ that be wUI pre-: 20 and 30c. .Seats on sale atbos
lau car only half of tba wholwate sent to tee boa^ of supervisors at office this moniing.
houaa ware ropraeanted. but that this teelrmeg^dg on Monday, which peU-1112 for seats.
yew every wboieaale firm la the atate
was repraanted at tbe mating.
Tbe extra wtrae froalBa Baard—a
Blvar Baotrle UgBt A Ppwar OoapwyB powv Bonaa to IBs olty
Bottwag, tba work being cowinanaad


Fit ^


11 yen wear m ol oar
aev Han, Scbsffoer A
win have the bast riotbes
aeaey esa boy.
They’re worth mere Ip
sny msb than ether clotbea,
bat tbe way we are sclliag
them they will coat yon lesq
than many otbtik

ihi ■ jU
They’re the hind advertited in the laadint maga­
zines and worn by good
.dresMia eyerywbera.


DON'T Be Fooledi



Steinberg’s Grand
Opera House


Two Nights

Jime 11 and 121


'SoviT ADeeKs

“My Friend Tom.’ I ■

The various departments in our store will be
C actively engaged in r^ucing present stocks to preS pare for fall business, and. the following is the

SEE SK'flS','.7,1.

Tro^ram 5 or \\ve Xcxl
'5\oo liars'.



A Walth of Banty
b ofun biddu >y naaightly Pimpla
Xeuma, Tetter. Brwpele*. Salt Rheum
■V Glorlona News
etc. Bakleab Amla tUlve wUi^lorelll glorIn-BrupComes from
la foils. Wsshlta, i.
Bitters ba enrad Mra Brc.wer of aerarula. wbieb bad anaed her grat snfferlag for yearn TerriblcMra wonld
break out on ha bead aad fae. and tbe
doctors could give no help; but
... bar baltb is excellent" Elatric
Bitters Is tbe best blood pnrifia known
lu the supreme remedy far arema.
MtWr. Belt rbenm. nlara, t
.__jine aoree. It stimolau
kldneya and bowels, wals poiiont,
elpa digatlon, bailds np tbe eirecgth. {
wmr ihniogli la* t
leatl- >nly 60s. fold by 8. E. Walt and Ja.:
Ing m^asury utllrinl is hsM m bav>- >. Johnson, druggist. Guarani
gone to him Io n-inotistniie and point
onl that tli<- tn-HKiiry »ns uot ui
bbnir. Wh<-reup«n Id* lurdshtn sahl.
MoFhannn Fast Appn
•Dhl 1 maul It nil for Wrtby." or
Traverse City. June 7. IS
aineihlng to that . ITat.
At tea regular meeUeg of MePht
'■But Vtvihy has aoiliing to do with
sat on Jnu s. a vote of thanka
tt." WM the reply.
^ ^
voted to Rev. Mr. fiaUbray for bU aer•^•bei. is be not at tbe heed of tbe moBonM^nrltalBnndayand to Rev.
for hia addrma on MemorUI Day. also to the bands who helped
Lord ...............
teeelebrateteodoy'wite their mnale;
_ lUe
_ change,
can't vooch tee high sebool ebons fer teeir patri­
mt knew of
fa iWb tale. -It la
• only given to yon otic eooga, Dr. and Mra Mnnaoa for
to allow what ran be aid aboot this the bwnUfnI flowwa fn'rnisbad for the
•aad and rifted etateaman.
oeeaaloo.taad to all otban wbo brongbt
flowora or halpad In any way to eelehcate tee day whloh ta one of tba moat
aserwl days in tee yrar to an old aoldtar. «a would esptetaDy maatkm
teomUoehUdraawbo turned oat In




For fine cotton warp Jap*
anese Mattings, in sever­
al choice designs—Quali­
ties are 25 and 28c -grades

See our. window.

Reliable Drj Goods, Carpet and Clothing House.


FRiDAY-Corsets. Hosiery.
. SATURDAY—Shirt Waists and Ready Made
Wrappers and Kid Gloves.

StitdaV ow Corstts




?2.75 for .


No reserve.

Sole Agent for the Fay Stocking. .

_ J. W. Millfen

aatiKKsaas aakakaa aaaaaaaA-aa



BtMOb ed BotbboM WoW^.



lUrk Or»w. 9. R:
Oook Vtohwt Uo BiMdMto.
t. R. WIIUOMOB Md Dr. Cook of
CtotoM« Md DopotP WftrdOB Mwk
Tbwwil» vt Mow M« mtmiH »t Cnw boro jMt rowniod lro» » trip
nt«iC. Alc«K lor • doiw*l»od *»• tk»l Mwk dMlMM MOMy OOOld Ml
tho o4«uM pow •( Ibo bay»»d»6 WMUt

!» iMOtr iroBia n

Mto. I^oM ot CSon. doM^ «m»tov of the BothbOM UoWn, to ot tho
Bowl Wblttoy Okd to ben for tbo pmrMM of orynkUtay n brnn^ef tbo
kbOM8toton. abobMbod&ktWr-

TWn wUl bo k BMttod to Kklfbta of
ny for. Tbo porty wwt to tbo forki Pytbtoo boll tbto ofWnoon for the pnr«eltb*i»U of tto HoordBM
%t O
oMm' flup. ud poM of effoettoy tbo oryMlxotioa.
tON Boohoor.
bp h« U> 4Mtod down. Itork to » om*m mmo
ItdoItotbooeytM of Fi
tko 4»>rkiii ortM. >Um Asm ud tko olkor two 08 8 roft.^
Irtno owoy wrlkklco of i
SIwpo, anbWoc Mid. Tbo roMll TkoykodM ood of » food tlao. eld oyw-tbo elixir of llfo, tbot pnio
wlU, U to Ihooffhi. Ml M UMt tm.- eoncht 8 kin lot of boat. 8Sd asjoyod boM 1> tbo hkBM bonrwBwky
8 trip tb8t tkoy wiU MW toriol. It MouWlkTao.
J*PM tooo^iac Amrteu Md BvMttor of roond thot Un* «88
•PMO MMto to istoodmooMOOd mUto
«tbkk OM opUl toto tk8 wkttr. k«t MLethdo
oil of thOB oro ctod tkoy wont.
•S.SOO worth of

OK. tho tolipdo rov
otwHi oiUtito otooftoiiy

dtoobnybt by oor oyontwbU
HowYAktsOooo tbodoUor.


Kow York 8Wi

tko itook
wlU Oktokol BBtib to nokocd with Okttook
ten Mrlnd ot ObUftmto.
for Vfbb-to-wkkto.
totopoot tbo kordo of thkt ttoto boforo
—Ikg 00018tol (oto( to SoMpo. 1ko7 Ool. a A. talth wao to tbo ^tP poopTopoootofottbobootgradnof brood tocdoy Ok bto wkp to tl»«b<u-«kkto w
dot tbo bowl to raodtom ter ito foTMl
irk fsr sas
Twolto doro okd twolto booro ootkol opoktorkbokttboMth of Iboaoatb.
■■0 opoitiB tforolto tbo rooord nodo Ho to froktly plooood with tho prooW8pbloodowMn>.ICn. Thonoo S. pMtofor tho eontodooBook. dUtbo
ifohMoy. to bor dytof trip faon Oo«* eotwcookro olroody oondod tortbo wssHof K.F. ■sedrtsk
MB. AUolio. to Oblokte. dton tbp okUorokdtbrM tl»n oo ■okyroiMiliiteftboPoMlKoddldiko ti»T- •ortoti boro ooeorod
otorooorbooBodoaoroplddooooat oo ot tbo bowl to odroon oo ot ony pro«d Bho Iran Dowook to Bnttlo. Thlr- Tton tlBO to tho btotory of tbo rooert- W‘
look dojo' tnvol bdrotofoco boo book
riMVtmtorwCM HKtotto* to«
tbo rooord botwook ttooo two pototo.
Wo Ttod rokr. tho Cbtoon Btototor
SOUt«lr«cweoBsi>srt/. Opplj** “T »S^
kt Woobtodtoo, profon tbo bleyelo to





okyetbormookoof rotttor obokt. In
fctkit kboBl Woobiodtok. exeopt wboo
fOtod okt ot on oMBlDd. be fonorolly
todnooo. . Heory tbkndOTOtorikO to tbo
portoof Prokoo boro eouiod ocrione
dOBOdo to crop! Okd lirntoek Thero
bkw bno oororol dntbo from llgbtklkd. boron pcTOOM boro boon drownod, trotte on tho roDroodo boo boon
tatoimptod Okd o allUon fmnn doaa^ bw bocn done ot l^ton haolf4 oyelono owopt oror the dty of Wtoklpod TttoodoysldbV Oorriodoo wore
I. booto on tbo rlrer npnt
Md oorofkl 1


AtottoLidLtoL tot tottottottotJto.tout

Tbo Boxt ottroction ot tbo Olty Open
Honoo win bo tbo now world fomoos
•*8opho*' whieb boo nnood non oommenl potolblj tbon ony oibor ploy erer
Centrodletlnd oil prerloiu
eborfee ogolnot ibU prodaetlon it to
doelorod tbot the prodnoUon to partly
monl to erery toue of tbo word, horInd ployed o week ot tbo Wolont otroot
thntro to Clnctonotltoerowdod bonon
ot ooeb porforBOnn, Md roeelrod tbo
protoo o( both tho . pron Md pablle.

« Etcklh^«mE
t^X OALX OK XXCHANliX-Tbp oortU S ot
C sealh ES.I HUsncr ot Pertlou » Uiws
N R. ISwMi. Urlsssu nBSl)-. Joko Verly.

MOR OALK-WscrOA rhulc* ISDO dost cUjr,
eoDruusr frsu UM>. vr slU (rode forritr
proprrtr- J. W. Pstekis.

TM oompMj eorry oil tbolr ooi
ooMory. rlrlkd tbo prodnoUon to orory
dotoU. NoUitod to OBlttod Md tbo
boot bonoo oo tbo riror bMk woo oro»- tbootrodoorooftbto elty will horn tbo
tornod with Uo rooult tbot ooroml
yokOdBokondboyo. who hnd tokM plooonro of witkootow n fint qIob prodnotlok of tho plow ttotnrdoy nij^t.
towltor boktod It. wore bodly tojorcd.
OM of tko nuBbtr botoy toownUy Tho AltBM Dnaotto Oo wlllopMO
two klybu oodoyoBont to tbto elty ot
The Obtoooo oorrMt of o Boldton BWmbory’e OrMd next Moadny erenMdtooor who left Ttod Po o fow* doyo toy with tbO dkobtoy tnree eo^tody.
•to, oow fire foroldkwk Okd two “My Friend Torn.'' o ploy roploW wlU
•htoen dood bodUo to tbo ynad ekkol. fanny oltontione Md witty Itoeo.
OM hotod tho body of o fproly® wo- Tneodny oTenlay. they wUl .pnoMt

JIOR WAIJ-W^Ei mll»|h Bo^ls MW. P^

'Flood Tide," k dikmo to four neu. by
Bdwnrd WeltzoL Tbto to k ploy of tbo
‘Bbore Aorca" typo, Md ho ooeneo
told Ok o OBkU Jolkkd jnat off the
ooMtofMotoo. Sorornl Of the eborocton on BMk*. flobormM. of tbo eloeo
M elorerly portinyod by Bndyord
Kipltoy tobtoebomtoy book.“0epUto
Oonroyeono," Md tbo onthor boa
endooTorod to tooorporoW to -‘Flood
Tide" tbo rlyor Md freodbm tbot mork
the llreo of tbeoo bordy tollen of tbo
One of the principol pnru of the
pioeo to tbo ei-iUppor of o fiobtoy
;k. who. tbonyh etUl bole ood
baorty to aplw of bto 70 yeon, hoe
load boon retired fron oeUro life on
oeoonnt of bltodnoM. Cbp'n Onn'l eUU
nWtoi, boworor. bto Ion of tbo eoo,
Md bto otrony cboroewr ond cblldlUo
foiUt MOblo him to boor bto nmietlok

A RAB(iAIN-lB W tool lou «B ftoe'
A Oisio stroeu lor essb or os« wrmA. AUo
store bulldlBC for Eslo- 0*11 si MS Roil

Boonnoo bo roc*«ttod the oelltod of
bto wife. Idl killed Voauto by blowtod
blB *p witb to pokkdo of <
Both nre JopMOor- Yomoto
•d ldl-« wife for »u. bnt.romern ooon
e'rortook Idl who eonfonod Uto
kkd bonyod hlnioolt to kto oeU. AU
tbto to Bokolnln.
Tbo onrthquoko Moy if. wbteh wnt
■dbt kt Yokobkow ond Toklo, JopM.
dldfrooidoBOdoto YodI profoetoreo.
d ond atkky
.....gBoon Okd MlBkto klllod.
Ibo titreoni oyotoa. whlob hoe Imo
ooeeooofnlly worked botwoM Doror
kkdCbloto o oonplo of Boatho ond
iBkkd to bo of dmt nootownn to nror
•Twrooln. to to bo obondonod. Tho
oqnlpmont' prortdod woo for export
0. Joflrloo boo tone to Oormol. Ind.,
to bay now powtooo for J. L. Kooob.
Iltoo Oron Cluk boo yoM to LolMd
to rtolt tbo fomtly of Mr. Md Mn
UbtI Hlnobow.
Htoo Kro dww boa dOM to opokd tbo
jrwitb ibefOBllyof boryntod
I. Oonnty Oloric Htoabow of Le

Be bM outllnd oil
tboayhtof nlf.
lOTOd Md
eooorotod by onry one on the ItlMd.
Unco o Bkn of atrosy pooelone ond in*
doBlwblo wUl. o doop yriof oomtoy
into bto life Jnet ofter Uto low of bto
It. hu M ndnod bto Mtnn tbot
aoTO tbo opirltnol Md
nnotoe. Coaody to oot toektoy in
“Flood Tide." DMy qnotot aeonco oecnrrtoy to tbo ploy.

liadot kes'V *t aI
egOLDlXM ATTRimdlr—It you loeslod
O boBMUAd of kSA ibsB I«J aervE betoM
hsa. Qrs«o, or sdrlSC PrMt * DsOS.-narsM

TO XKNT—Al M.^corsor Vsl|^»Bd
jr vor f KT iSEursBcr ot SBJ klsd Is Brsl
_______ psoMorto buys^UP*. lot or

The Waukazoo House!
. kCoztbTioxre, kCAoXt.

It tnrntohod ond beet kept

bonn M ttbto peotoenlo to reody for
bnetoeee. <OpM tbe yeor round. Oood
i-witb the boneo.
Urery to «

City Opera Hiiuse
Blybt from Kpw York CUy.


Mofltor Leon SloWr. i eomponlod by
bto onnt, Mra. 3. D. Hlotor. loft yaotor•100 Reword. 8100.
^torn rtoltwith frioode Md reloTbo rokden of tbto pnpor will bo
~ tivn ot St. Lonto ond Ithoeo.
pleoo^ to loom tbot there to ot leoat
a U Brown mo to Oopentiab yce- one drckd dtoeoee tbot oelence hoe been
oble to cun to oil lu etoyes Md tbot to In fonr ocU. dronoUxed from Alphonn
Cotoirb- Bell's CsWrrb Cure to the
Dondei's I'omoue Novel.
Bm. C. 0. Tnrner went to Horbor only poelilre cun now known to the
•prtoyo yesWrdoy on o bnetoooo trip. mediool froternlty. Ootoirb being o
Dr. Oornor rne to Wollon on pro- ooneUtnUoBol dtoeoee. reqnlree o con■lituUonol treotment. Boll's Cotorrb
toaoioDol buolnoio yeoterdoyCun to token internolly. octlny direct­
Mtw Kellie Lordle ond Mtoe MiU ly upodstbe blood ond moeoue eurfocee
InWrpnWd by o epiendid oomp^y
Bnybw went to Old Mleelon >nwrdoy of tbe eyewm. thereby deetroylny the
feundotlcn of the dleeoee. ond giving
to epond o couple of week*.
tbe MUent etrengtb bj building np
MHO Ido Piekord ot Letond. wMt le tbe coneUtnUen ond aettoUny notun
Boot JordMycotordoy to epond t few in doiny he work- Ybe proprieton
M FMny LeOrow.
hove M aneb folth to he euntln
woeke with her eUtar.’Mre. FnWr.
Mn. L. A. Bren niutned yeetordiy powen. tbot they offer Om HMdr^
DaUore for ony eoee tbot It
Uw wtotor to Peorlo,
'*8^ to »« of
dnee F. 3. Cboney ACo.,Tolodo.O.
B. Boyodon of Fife Loke woe to tbo
-ilto on tM boot.
yeoterdoy on bnetoeeo.
Mr. Okd Mro. Oea A. Omkor ot Obo
New Md beontlfnl
for BloodM won kt the Wblttoy yeotoidny.
Ooryeono ooetnmee.
Bd. A. MokMon ot SnttoM Boy woo
Tbe yrckt boll room eei
DR. C D- WARMER'S COMPOUND n» world-e fomona aWlrei
kTinreikO City rtol
nmedy. one
ond ww
to m
oil dleeooee of tbe elan
TM Fint Strowberrloi.
Md Uood. from Oonwet ond SMondory PrioM.......... 25.-50, 75c ABd *1.00
aUbortPowltookottbo Pentoenlo to or Berodlwry Ooneee.
OM of Uo fint to brtoc rtpo OrMd
Tinrotoe mtnwberrioi tow the city tbto


OilH tbe linliDibt oI las. D. Fljoi

Miss N^ire'Elting,


ud MR. RlSIl WEST UutVtS


It I OB olwoyt

Snrt will bd i di&M

An eminenUy limed end nocomplinlied nrtiet, A wondertnl nnd
thoionglilj qnniaed Fbotoeinphot.


firon ot tbo Fonown' boll on Botnr3m orentog. Jono o.Mneto by Bototk
loll onbeoiro.
M4 Xt ♦tnot^toS^nmodolod Ukkdpnt Itto ordorte otrieUy np to dnw pboWVotoh
'***'*'AU nn oordlklly tevlwd to vtolt Wn otndlo kkd Wit bto nbUtty m kk np |fi
od. IdOO.


Saturday night will postively see the last of
our sale. It has been a grand success for us in
attaining the end and we think thoroughly ap­
preciated by the public.
We have now prolonged the sale longer than
we first intended, but many people had been vinable to attend the first few days and we are
anxious that all should know what we are doing,
and that all should share alike.
it has been our honest aim to give you the
very biggest reductions in every department that
we possibly could and if you wish to take ad­
vantage of it

Rememb^r'-Only Two Days More

Friday and Saturday
25 per cent off on all our new silks.
From 26 per cent to 60 per cent off on Dress Ctoods
25 per cent off on Linings.
25 per cent off on Wash Goods.
26 per cent off on White Goods.
25 per cent off on Bed Spreads.
25 per cent off on all Waists.
25 per cent off on Under Skirts.
25 per cent off on Ladies’ Furnishings.
25 per cent off on Hosiery.
25 per cent off on Underwear.
25 per cent off on Ribbons.
25 per cent off on Laces.
25 per cent off on all Notions.
26 per cent, off on every article on this side of
the house, right through.
Big line brown stiff Hats, worth $2.26 to $3.00
for 98 cents.
25 per cent off on all Shoes.
25 per cent off on Millinery.
60 per cent off on Ladies’ and Misses Suits.
26 per cent and more off on Carpets.
26 per cent and more off on Jackets.
1-3 off on Wall Paper.^
Friday and Saturday posltivaly the last days of our Unloading
. Sale—Nothing reserved.




THEDMOmnRG RBOORb. KabsY, JblOC 8, 1900
»m4 cC «b> M mnd to wbo« SO fn»
ttaafoor weR throws taka teimy It waa to»ba hoped that I mould
•M-Cira oMot twvMtfol drter*«e» 1 frisbt aad bocaa to tear aad ptnofft la bo natrrtd ta my cconaimtcatloDa aa
U m
Mill *
•MMcted tho bed. Bhc Tbo Iv C
M alamteff a manser tbat otbera w«R tbo matter waa a dtotreaalag acchtoat.
tafected. aad floaUy a team attaeffiad
» ta« a r«*
MU «< MMWtk. ■ b*M
1. wta, bowerer. I Jud» to a iMsry cdrrlsge brited aad in tbrir
«km I «w «<r
cd to be not OR tbaa IS. She waa ta nut. colUded with tbe barouebe, orcr- now practicing ^professloo. Hardly
Mi • wW M Ml •« *r M «tM watt.
a trncoiw. It to
g to aw
tnmlng It. Immediately there waa a bad 1 retnined to tbe yacht I bad toft
a 1 roaurad ber to
IW Ucki
^ wlut K_____
call for a pbyaiclan. and 1 plunged for­ when I waa called to another eoe
no* amUn. *MtU M U>
Wbea ^ opened b«r crci. ward crying tbht 1 waa orte. Way waa where lay a young fellow badly cut la

made for me by a poUcemaa. and 1 the iboolder. I connected tbe two
“*S*?**’m uufco
found tbe yonnger of tbe women lying
a« tbe
on tbe lavement, tbe blood trickling
^meUrroUowcdbrOMoftev. Tom- from a wonnd In tbe bead. A bariy yinng fellow was a Buarian noble, a
'log ber bead, abe raw tbe otbeta ataad- examination amured me that It was lover of Ifi years of the fair one. and
A'VWM* fo»»l lUm ea •_____
iBg about ber. aad there ewept orer not fatal «w rery aerioua 1 aald to the that on tbe night In question be had at­
IT* aWr U4UM Wm artiU «» •» IMirrU Ibow gtortona «re« a (toam aa tf abe
poUceman that abe abould be carried tempted an elopemeat with tbe daugh­
' the altuUoB. Bbe atartabe could be treated ter. having been cot down In tbe at­
eubble hy aappoaad otelaral
' re nlh«r I
ed up with ontatretebed anna toward properly and had hardly so ex^iresaed tempt by ber father.
dbM balbra aomlag to him. U
...----------------- -------- atsuiy ,
me; tbe white llpa trembled aa If atrif- myself when serranu came from tbe
"Blietber tbo affair in Green lane.
Ing for nttcrance, but tbe Impoalng pec French embassy requesting that tbe Brooklyn, bad a rii«Uar reUtkin or not
•gad. tera eomi to hist k
hatoo would fail, aorai
aonage quickly i^ced bit band on ber lady be carried there. This was done. 1 iMve been unable to tell, but 1 have a
has new baea
kbowi te
. _
llpa. and abe fell back on tbe bed wltb I following. Once within, I soon profonnd suspicion that then U waa an
daeiDs tha osM Inearabto. batofraak
a moan, making no fortber effort.
brought tbe tody from her fainting fit. elopement which had apccheded in e*It U telllag Us pattoM M. ;
"Satisfying myaeif that ber pnlaatlon and. having bathed the wound In.bR ra^ng to ibis eonntry. where a capture
raa now practically normal. 1 Inmed bead, wblcb waa merriy that of tbe. of tbe fair one was effected by tbe fa­ asked the
antmtooee l■afked up to the doer of his and happiaeM rwiorad, aa be «dU AH
3 aak tbe imposing p^raonage what aealp. 1
ber golden locks from ther.
Trararas aty^ will be la the prtsata
bad been tbe csoae of thto syncope or abo^ It and drewed It. By tbe time
"I am looking for anotbn- meeting In
fell Id a fit and they air
tbe erenia immediately preceding It Ibis was done 1 made a dtocovery. My •ome olbey parLof the globe."—Brook^ taking him to tlw huspital." was tbe re- to g p m two days Jane ? bad fi. OaataliailoB aad axamlaattoa tree aad
Wbeiber tbia grand peraon did not patient was tbe one of tbe attic room Im Bag‘v.________________
deign to reply to to mean a peraon aa In Green lane, bi Brookl.vii. If I bad
*^l.sfe strange."^ said tbe jailor. "I strictly eonfldeaUal.
Xaklag a Lawn.
vnsloDHT tn gel a fit la
myaeif or waa unacquainted wltb tbe thought ber beautiful then, she was
lAwnmaklug Is not so difflenit as
langnage I naed I could not determine. glorious In her loveliness now. Bbe
Wbat. be did do waa to aummon tbe one smUtngly and gratefnlly thanked me most persons seem to think. You must
begin right If you would attain a satwbo bad called me and turn me orer to
"Tbe doctor say« I am liadly run down
We were aJttlBg about llarrjr Blake'a blm. Ttala peraon aaid be could tell for my attenilon In French, and 1 bad tofaciory degree of success.
but received her courtesies wheu ln
uiiut go away for six mouths."
baopiubto* beard on bla racbt Sea me no mote than that tbe lady bad reThe first thing to do to to grade tbo and
rasbed a man In great agliatlon.
"But, Jidiii. dear. I rau't leave Town."
#»ro^ ooe ereDlbf. llarrr aad tbe celred a aercre nerroua abock and a bold. It was bla blgb bangbUness! ground evenly. Most peraons prefer a
-"iliat’s |isrt of the cure.”—Life.
doctor retalinc ua wltb Uielr adreq- great fright T wrote a preacrlpOon Learning that no great daniage^-wa^ lawn that slu|>es away from tbe bouse
•till ABMhee DeSaittea.
torea duHbg tbe alz uooUia' cratoe and lutlmated my dcaire to Irare, as done and of my service, be expieased to road In au almost lmp«-rv«ptlble In­
•’What to a fiaaucieer
tber had Juat ended. A roniark of my dntlea were ended.
bis thanks In fairly good Fiencb. and cline of surface. Hucb a town to easier
•I. O. O. r. BiUNlOM.
rinliarrr'a auneattng tbtl tbe doctor
1 Went my way.
rwlaapd rates. Sae
•bouM rereal tbe mrairiy of '*Tbe fular lot had a word wltb bla blgb
•Tbat cvenlug, as t fintobed my din­
bills aad aak ageata for parttoalara.
Fair Nnrtbron of tbe UuUen Loeka” bauffbtlneaa wbo bad never atirred ner at the hotel at which I was living, turfaee will be far leas noticeable. To
Wheu Pre«l<b-iil Krugv-r was last In
from tbo head of tbe bed. Tbrn he word was brought to mo that a geuttoset ua to elamorlag for tbe atoir.
’■It amauka too niucli of tbo Antboar throat a roll of bllla Into my Imnd aod. dan desired to see me.' I directed tbat
Duke iif
IM* Knot’ lu
Ively le
alorr," taufbed tbe doctor. ’’Oef with the aaalataoce of antotber, gagged be -be taken to my parior. whither I
'forui.Nl Oolit Paul that b.- bllWM-Jf bad
s been
- Harry to apin yon another yacbtlof nnd Iwona me ■■ before. I waa tod
Imagine my surprtaa
tion made for ibc bouso walls or a biNHj f.w y«-ar« ti iii.-iiilN’r of lli.- Brilout of tbo room, down the aUlra and when tbo gentleman was usbtfed In
toll I..W.T lion-.’, iiud (lull bl« father
Greateal event la Aba atota. Admiral
teed In a carriage, but tbla time I diaeover thnt be was tbo one wbo bad cellar tliere will generally be enough bii.l iN'eii liH-l
But we were not to be denied, and
of In-laud.
earth near Ibe buuoc to furnish all tbo Till- piv«l.l.-lil evtd.-lilly (tHIsUblvd Dewey and Ue great K. o. T. U. aad
d not been ao well blindfolded th:
Harry )otiM>d rlguronaly In the clamor.
left the gold watch and chain.
L. o. T M. Bevlew. Parada at t a. R.
|tr.jN-iit rank was a ofUousaade of military, 1’nlfnfsl
*Hie tbiav Harry refera to," aald
extraordinary meeting flUlDg needed in making the retiubvd Ibat ll>
This soil, which la aluoat al- great riw In life. f»r In- ex.Halue-il. Bank K. u. T. .M.. ladMirial rteata.
tbe doctor, "aerma to me remarkable
again. Dr. Balcoe.’ be aald. 'Again 1
linNiily. "till. ib.n N ui.iblwg; my fa- •to., with the Admiral ee theffaaat d
only became of thb alugular way the observe that It was not the same driver attend on you after you liavc attended
Out was only n t-luqilienir
boBor. Fere Marquett affrata wUI aaU
at bad driren me there. Aswetomed on the fnir lady.’
person tuMt roocemetl atarla up^
good lawn eauuut l>e made from
tleketooaJaae 11 and i: ataaafaia
Into Henry street the bandage! were
rtow at varloui |>erl<^ of my life ai
.’’Again that gesture tbat seemed no
rate, good to retara nnUl Jnua!«.
tbe curloua way.In wiilcb 1 am bronght removed, and my first Impulse was to like a salme. This time bis visit waa a soil tbat It eonrac and lumpy.
if tbe soU Is not rich, it should be
make an outery; but. refieetlng that It first to tender paymeut for my aeo"BPBCIAL BATES JCNB it,
Into pnaaitiB rclationa wltb ber
must Iw 2 o'eloek In the morning, that ices. wblcb I so perenipmrlly decifoed made ao. 1 would advli
Ob train leaving TraveraeOlty atltlt
il In liberal quantity In preferno one was In tbe atreeta and tbet two tliat be would not ivnew its tender.
• iiaa lia b_______ ..
a. m.. and arriving at Oraad Baplde at
1 liail recelTed
never Introduces the te«d« of weeds Of a Busy Profwaional Uie Wae
I maintained Bicoce, conaolli
ttot abeepal
jotigbt that at least
write M. l>. after my name. I had
the Discovery of
peraons or a dUiwslUou to recall the into tbe lawn, at manure from the sta­
my memory tbe fea­ affair Id Brooklyn. Aranriiig blm-1 bad bles is very sure to do. Coarse bowv
been taken na au aaalaunt In tbe office
ture! of tbe driver and poaribly could neither curiosity aajp'ttae-oae^nor dls- meat in the pr«|>urlioD of a lialf ])ound
by an eauuil
Dr. a. ■. Cha*«’«
find him again. Arriving, tbe door of posIlioD aa to tbe^tber. aftn some to eacb square yard will give a soil of
practice In Brooklyn
•treet. One evening near mtdnlgbt tbe coach was opened for me to alight, suave and gracefnl compliments bo ordinary quality s^ngtb. enough to Hanra and Blood Pllla,
1 waa alitlug by tbo offi^ awaiting and as tbe gentlemen courteously bade look bis leave. A W’w days after and produce an exoeilcat growth of grass
A limited namber for tale at *i ants
The New Tiaetment Which tlaa Rev
tbe returu c»f tbe doctiir from a late me good night they rapidly <).tove the ilay before I Ief0.oiidou on my ro- —New York Times.
each. Will be maltod poatage paM
na receipt of Ue arloa Addrera,^
latloniged the Md Method of
caU wlten tbe office uiglit bell Jangled away. - Within doors I dispUyed my
bome 1 was walking in Itotten
Herald. Traverse City. Mleh.

furiomly. 1 went to tbe door to find
wltb our consul si neral of that
Treat ng m.-wasee of the
my I
a forel^er of cooslderablc 01
Ills blgb baugbtliit-Ks'jirauced by
ot manner and wbo wan evidently I never receh ed a foe for a shiglo visit
lilack •cbargi r. wbb-li In uiy eye
much agitaied. Inquiring for tbe doe- so large as ikU. my fltht one. The old was the more valuable of tbe two. 1
doctor aod myself sal by tbe fire a long sked tbe consul general If be knew, told. ’’I’rayi-nt are at a quarter to 1»."
tor. without waiting for au auae
Tbe lu-xt morning be wi-i-ui down In
time trying to make out tbe meaning u
to.bU qucMiun be demanded that
ray experience, but all we could detei
abonld Imniedlaudy accomi«ny him
“T can’t master Ids name,* replied the library aud found klr. Gladsto
working away, .with bit totters ncaUy aide 'iaflucDce oa the ^ical prol^
attend a peilouL 1 made blm under­ mine on was that the people wore Uua- or repteaentative. ’He Is a Itusslan
stand that ibo doctor for whom be bad ■lana.
prince' and of rnyal grade. 1 Relieve; ranged In plbt liofore blm.
"Here is a wry liiiereKllug pamphlet
“A week later I crossed tbe Fulton
For many
l>t. Chase’s
Inquired w as not in and that I waa tbe
say left banded, but a irawer
man< vears Dr.
ferry and saw ou the l>oat tbe driver both as an oitlcer of the realm and at Just reeelvid ou (be Irish quesUou." aud Dr. Cbaw'a
baac'i Kidney-Ltver 1Pills have
doctor’a aaHlaianL
Best to be had in
•aid tbe host uuU. passing It to
idard temedirm kn<
•• ’Arc you a cwtIOeU pbyalcianr be wbo bad brought me borne on that an enviously rich man. lie has a beauguest,
the city is at
night of my first call and fee. He conid ilfnl daughter, about whom there la a
naked abatl'ly
ive h
a servant apiwared and told Ibe vis­
“UndenrtsndIng by bla term that be ti ll me nothing but that be was paid mystery of nlricb no one knows any­ itor tliat the family was waiting for ■llenttuo
..,-RicUn» l*<.
•riled If 1 waa qnaUfiod to practice. 1 iiberaUy to do wbat be was told and to thing. but wbo Is carefnlly guarded by
blin at prayers. As Mr. Gladstone '
8ee eamplee in window.
•nawered that 1 waa. and be deiunnded keep bis mouth closed. He did not Ibe prince.’
Lbo.1 of treating diseases of the n
not stir be went alone to tbe breakfast aietL.
feel bound thereby to declluo to take
~Su eodetl chapter two of this slngoand bloo.1.
that 1 abould alteud blm at once,
to tbe bouse wbenre be bud driven ir experk-iic*Y Two days after 1 was room and afterward said to the daugh­
Tbe old melkod of teanuR down dtsgntben’d up a nm.lciue niid inatrument
ter of the bouse:
ease bv the use of droug. poisonouf
for a fee, and ao I
caac and, dunuiiig my coal, followed
u the* high Isnas. Five yi-ars later
"I waited, thinking your father drugs bat failed to cute. Pu^atives
blm Into the Btreet. where I found a tirceu lane, near Front atrcet. where 1 Harry here |>ensuadi>d me to throw evand aarsaparlllas weaken Instead of
ould come.”
earrtagirawalUug ua. The driver waa recognised the house. Tbe visit, bow- eryililug up aud go wltb him on a six
Dr. Ch«’s
■Gb." said sbe. "my father was at atrenglhen the Imdy.
served no irarpoR. for no one mouths' cruise, iu the course of oar
on tbo box, but a man whom, from bla
-............^ •"— •'’Mis cure by makiOg
prayers long ago! He weu
could tell mo anything more than that pcregrluatioDs wo found otirselvos In
demMnor Inwanl the one wbo
tbe blood rich and pure, and creating
If you have a dwelllag. stoek. atara.
wltb the minarets of
^—Jvcly aumnioned me. I took to be a for six montbi a Ilustlan family of
new nerve timne. As a spribg levtora"This
earn has ao rival
tire this great food corn
•errant held open the door of .tbe whom no one knew anything bad occu- CuDslaniliiopk- In sight. There wero of saow on tbo grouud

• medical acleoce.
upper floor and bad
other yachts flylug tbe flags of nearly
coach for na to enter and when be bad
"Tliat makes no Ulfference to my fa­ ^As a fcstorativ
;lve for pale, weak, nerv- Insuranoe for yoi. aad will giva.yoa
ch I
maritime iiatloii and omong them ther.” .
rery nil
giTCD a few worda of toatniction to
-ompt and earafnl aUanUoa.
en al
and women
at any season of
tbe drlryr cllrnbed In after ua Our my vlalt Ko one could bo found wbo ae of a Englishman we bad met at
Only the nlost reliable stock laeur•’How far la ItT’
tbe year, Dr. Chase’s Ni
bad a recollection of seeing many peo­ Gibraltar and wltb whom we bad bad
way look ua down Henry itreet
»ce companies repreraBted.
a irlnmph. W «nU
Pills hst
"About half a inlle."
rapid i>ac<'. We bad gone bat a abort ple going to this floor tbe night before good times. One lovely evening we
Rates very low.
And tbe old stiitesman. then at tbe box. at all dealers, or by mall oa i
dining with this Englishman on age of TT, was slttlug after bis moru- celpt of price bv the Dr. A. W. Chaw
dtotance 'when the one wbo bad called tbe removal of tbe family.
•Two weeks biter I bad a caller, a bis yariit when a barge pulled along­
liciueCo-, HulTalo. N. Y. On every
prefacing Ida remarka wltb tbe aalog walk working away at bis tetters.—
of the geiimue will be found por­
•uiance tliat no barm would bo done forblgner. using tbe best of Engltab. side. hnlllug us with a re<)ueKt to know Youth’s C'umiauloo.
trait Slid fac-simile signatore of Ur. A.
who. satisfylug blmsiOf that I was tbe If a phyBlcian were nl«oar»l.'»s*Us
me. demanded that I riiould aubnilt
V Chase
It lying out
be blindfolded. 1 protested vigoroualy, Dr. Balcoe wbo bad been at- lees were nniulrcd on a yacht
Thawed Ibe Iteaker.
J a young lady In Orcen lane, asked sonic distance, Of n>ur
vclunteerdariarlng that I would leave them then
for tbo details of my experiences. ed and. descending liiio tbe large,
and there. Whatever elie they were,
these gentlemen were ]>rumpt and rig- At first 1 supiKiscd be was anxious to pnUed away to tlie yacht In quesUon. tor a walk uue duy last winter, accumaecnre knowledge, but finally It ocmir- Tbe petty officer In c harge of Uie boat’s
orooB. for

pauied by a little boy aud girl, iiuUcvO
pnrpoae I waa aelxod.gagged aod blind­ r«l to me that bis anxiety was to dis­ erewcMuld fell me nothing, for 1 could itandlug In a OUeb a wuelK-guiie don­
folded Having aecured and

* cover bow much 1 knew. However, 1 not understand him. "
key. and the little lad. auxious to make
ravcly told-him all I did know wltbont reme belplem. the flrtt foreigner gra'
’’As 1 climbed up the ladder to tbe Neddy niu on so cold a t'uorulug. went I bavtr bought the ciU-brated I*erand temperately again aaaured mec that ikTve. and as 1 mentioned the young deck 1 was met by luy friend of tbo np aud flicked him wltb a twig. Bui
clu’roii Stallion,
no barm would come to me and that. lady and tbe Imporing person be made
'(ilsode aad to our mutual Neddy stood slock still aud never mov­
■ baring cxerclacd my akllf where re- a gesture eacb time tbit seemed like a ■Btonislimeut.
ed a |»eg.
icd borne aate- salute. TS’ben be bad finished. I took a
■.\gain the fair ladyr I asked.
1.1 abould be r<
The woman, surpriattl at tbla went
turn at tbe pump handle, but I brought
’Again tbe tClr bidy.’ bo repUed op to look at the oivuiaat of tbe ditch
t Jt wai
water. He was polite and conrte- gravely. 'It-^s fate—fate.'
. know wbitber 1
tiat 1 ab<
and discovered tliat Ibe |H>or animal
1, but asevarive as an eel. I^'beo I agaia made tbat queer gcwiure so like
*to priwmU fhmiliM.
bad been froxen fast In tbe mud. so fonnariy owned by Peter WurZsalute.
■. a mtlc frightened, though not ao much pressed blm too lianl. be said:
tbat Its ludlffervnce to tbe boy’s wbl|
’My dear doctor, be content wltb tbe
*’He seemed somewhat embariassed was Immediately ezplalaed. She imhnrg, and after this dale said burse' Payable monthly in a4Taaea.
that I did not reallxe that we were
and relucUDt to go forward. Imt I aald mediately returned borne aud had
driving down Henry street croaalng
k'ultuo and turning np to Uie- right. patient. Ask no more, but accept tbla, tbat If the lady bad need of service at
dlg Ibe donkey out. Ned­
But here 1 lost my bearlua. tbongb I which I am instructed to give yon In all sbe probably needed It quickly, aod dy was removed to tbe stable and was State street.
Both phuaes No. 1S«. sio W. Float St.
of your prudence, reserve upoo this suggestion be led tbe way to tbawed effectively by tbe application,
know we again turned to.fbc left and,
Said borae wifi be here Tbura>
.ud akM) In tbe affair. Best coatenL*
tbe saloon. There we found bis blgb of bof water.
aa I tliougbt Into kfaln street
"He Imd a package on tbe table and baugbUnesa Ho regarded mo with
••In Uujc, however, lie eoacbwtpppcd,
Tbd countryman wbo assisted at tbe daya, Fridays and Saturdays.
and I waa led across a narrow pave­ quickly left tbe rooig. 1 opened It. to blank astonishment and without deign­ HBovlog operatloD suggested that tbe
ment Into a bouse ibe odors of which find It was tbe'ransa^le gold watCb and ing me a greeting said In French to the woman by dlicovcrlug the donkey at On Kldmlays at Sottous Bay, and
did not salute my olfactory nervei chain 1 yet wear, with a card bearing other:
tbe eleventh hour, as It wore, bad pre­ on Tuesdays aud Wednesdays at
agreeably, up two pair of alalra and only these words. Tor Dr. Balcoe.*
•How ts tblsr
I have bad my-building
vented the local country folks from
Into a room wblcb. notwlthitandlns 1 Wltb this the episode ended. 1 beard
witnessing wbat Is traditionally one of Mouroe Center.
rebuilt aod putt io goofl
waa blindfolded, areaiod to me to con­ no more of IL A mystery It was. aod a
For myaclt
rarest dead donkey.—
shape and am now r^y
tain a number of i>eo|>lo. llecc tbe gag mystery It remained.
was angeraC I broke In on the converitneham (En
to receive al) old patrou.
■Sbortly after this I was appointed itlon and. must admit with no little
and blindfold were taken from me. my
tbe staff of a medical Institution to
flirt put Into my bands and my atten­
Haw Oae Fas Hcl»*a Aaatbrr.
tion directed to a bed In the comer of the brad of which I subpequenUy came,
" ’Blr.' I said. T am here by request
A farmer wbo lives near Dundee
tbe mom- If 1 bad lioei) frightened and ten years after, needing a teat I to mak-« use of such skill as 1 possess trapped a large red fox and.'carrying
before, I waa aatoumbvl now. Here In took a trip abroad. I vlalted London In behalf of one needing skill . My act It borne, placed U in bts corncrib until
this dingy, 111 aavomd. Iwrely fumUbed Bud was pReent at a celebration of an
voluntary one of courtesy and be­ he could notify bis neighbors aud have
attic room were a nnmlwr of petqde. event tbat drew people from all parts nevolence. Your reception It diaconr- a chase. Tbo next morning tbe fox Warxburg Block
TravcwvCiiv tiTPreatSi.
all foreigners, most of whom, men and of Europe. A epecUtor on the street teous In a high degree and demands bn was gone. Inrestlgatloa proved that
.womea were not alone fasUlonaWy 1 found a good point of view from tbe apology.
nate bad assisted tbe prison
cUd. but In mori eosUy raiment tbe front of the FYench embassy and while
“He faced me with an angry frown,
leg Its escape. The fox liad •
fnra worn by each being worth a king’s Blending then saw an equipage pass but vrben he saw that I did not lower ed away on tbe Inside until It bad bttranaom. Those wbo were not ao clad, down tbe atreet a alngular sort of my crest be altered bis manner and.
a board loose from Its fastenings
not more than tlirec. were quite tbe barouebe-drawn by four bones,
apotoglxlng. led me lo a haudi
Thto. however, was not sufficient to^
Rverse. even filthy. On tbe bed In the each pair mounted by poatillona wltb stateroom where the fair one was sur­ permit It to get out unleu tbe board
■comer lay a young woman as richly two outriders In front
rounded by atteodauu batblng an ugly was lifted np. ‘The board was held np
dad as tbe
.......................... ... ’ two occupants Of tbe barouebe —a wound Id tbe arm. which to m<
from tbe outalde. as tbe tooth marks
In form and feature. 1>R abundant youag woman wbo occupied tbe rear pea red to be a saber cut delivered by on It show. unUl tbe prisoner crawled
golden balr apread out on the pillows, •eat and an older one on tbe front aaat
arm uplifted, but which, the de- to liberty. Tra<^s of another fox
aearif concealUig tbetr grimy and with ber back to tbe boraea 1 psOd cured, came from a fall on tbe wesp- seen, and there to no doubt tbat tbe
toss heed to tbe occupants than to tbe oo. Hdwever. 1 dreased It. Adminis­ mate came after tbe fox Inside tbe
turnout tor It was a novelty to me. tering some medleiRc. I toft lustnic- crib, bad tooaeoed the board and bold
and 1 did not know then, as 1 did later, tlona aod took my leave, aayiug I K up -This to one of tbe brightest fox
tbat It was tbe equipage of royalty. wo«M call In tbe morning.
tricks tbat old hunters In tbe oelgbbar0 tbt baq^ty gestnra of as By MiM means. 1 know net bow. ene
T dM not see bla blgb tangba
. hood hara nt menmlmni Olnd
enaaaga wbo gtood
nttbaHadRlwRRBMwadbna ' ~ M tha etbsr atapffed aa on the 4Mk


i/A m


Pere Marquette

The Crowning Triumpli

amid C»tM7 Cool B«X

bI^^d and nerves.




.Fire Insurance..

NOTICE Reduction
in Icel

General Custer Now 75c a Month
Ghas. W. Merrill


John R. Santo,

Good Line of Jeidiy
ill Kills If Re|Mirii{.

Geuial lisiraact.

J. It HlRTlia

Fine Wood

For Cooking or Furnace Purposes



Sidavalk Lumbar ia aUatasa.


■Bora ta TnFarM Otty Xmabv Oo.






Gonunn nws

" wmM-WHAM».

▼■huKU Itatt Bx»dlX

fMw: oor, wami yo’ Baaal fltohrt
yo’ daa pat y«- friediBT Chat yd ilda
la de meat kjan Inmprtda af Sbka
JM EIOQUCNT SPEECH SV THE HON. falksr Waal, de while Baa baa bad bto
firaadoB a Bi^ity toap tlBa, bet ^



k OBlklM Md Ovw «H«li
iMMm BM M«id I.

Oethaw-Xaa rapid far 'eik 1 a


■ 0f ■y»fi i* dkdHOE.

EDmm Bcoon^-TUakiw lh»i
iu» u> i».» *k»»
la vffldoavay vttb
«M Uwwd >9 tb* d«UCM« MBt
IkH elty to tba UU ■mElelpkl mm' “SS^tSTu* MV
Um M JtotaoB. M-m 0*rm ud
“Do r«« **Ptol to ilr* f8tOT»r oArf
Otiirt— of toa bawd (rf paWie woria
^ tb« follow too cxmversted Ctoeogo wUe.
“Not vtto roa. dew." wm too
IM M s pvt of wtet ibif ebtolMd
tcpirtte mmlto* wm mb«-oiiBl7 »t- Ktoa Babb-Wbat U a adBacaarr? ,
Btoa Oothas—A oitoaehBar^^daar. la
~ ' I aad woromplS'
I fact
bHtof* a tota
■traa mmrty owTou told vpo. tho bacciaw what ba «a^
•Itodotarltoowsotmiwork. la oMry
t-Taa: I bdieve ba doaa.
-DU you mr aat aay Bala Baetr
«M0 foUtor iHltor work forlmtoowt
«P ttan wbw daM kv aoaWpet
Patric»-1 toM WUl If ba ktoaed aa I'd
ArUt to thi aU7 laaUUUaM,lBatodii«Jho wator warka, waamytaWitolaa. Ilia watar to oMalaad fma
HtMtoa vaUa a»d to of anaUaat qaallBUI-Tbat droB Bejor’a a boU loeblac
ty. LataraTtollwaamada to Batda
At toa latter fdtow. I woB^


ptoM. altar loM a«n »<>
Uay hara adaptod to tW tartak para
Motttoaptoa of drat paUtaf dowa a
rix toakaaef eraabad atoM EUad with
yitwator proof,
aad tba haat kei* oa top. Thto pare. MBioaota Sl.M per iqaara yard to•todtar aWM eartolBC. Tba
BTablaf Btoaa to M eaaU par toa iaNadtayall rapalfttoo
wa»nAaotbar aoUalUa
araraatnattotobapaTad arery watar
avrtoa to r^aldwltE extra heavy lead
p^ Croa the toaln to tba carb, thua
Hhtof aara that ao laaka wUl oeear
vadar tba mw pavcMMl.
. At BaUtoOreak all partof. aawara
aad aldawalka aro boUt by tba elty,
asdartba dlraoUoa'of tba board of
paWie arocka. aad to prorlof batter to
arary way than ooatraet work.
to *tow of the fact that wa are
aboat to aaahark to tba water baatoaaa
Uto eartatoly toatraetiva to kaow wbat
olbw Nttai are dolay to tbto Itoo.
Tbaaaaand table will abow what the
atttaa aamad are dotof. At BatUe
Omk. a elty of M.OM people, thq dally
wtolentbaB 1,000.000
CbUom. Alaryaparaaatoftbawatar
to aialarad aad all of It aboald be aa it
to batter for tba elty aad ooaaanar too.
Mo MW tape are pat to mw wliboat a

iely db ap rUto to de atrect kyan far
ea aAce payto WOO a y'ar. aa 1 rwAae
dat'a de eaac wU bom M ya’.
*T*ae tar dis Poaaaa party drat aa U«
iCapiTTlcht. iBk by C. B. Lewia.1
aa aU de ttow. but 1 ato’t pvtoe to dt
OVf* was tbe asnal entboitosUe aa,- too esdied aor to expect too Bueb. We
Aaeee to Paradiseball vhea Brother aebber bad aathto like ft befo'. He's
Oerdeer totwdoced the apeaker of tbe yirtoe to ctaae rouod vid bis bat oa hia
as tbe Hoa. Nickel Plated Has- car aa yeU at us: 'Yere, oow. yo’ Hack
Teuaeawe. Mr. Bsstiaps bad folks! YsU toio liae aa pit dea tarebM record ae a p<dit>rUD. He started UWu oat as do eoae yeUtor Nobody's
SO years apo to make oae ahd woeU pwiae to aay a word back, aa party
tbe aedieaee why be failed. He Se-ft
kaown at “tbe eoloied---------pbUoaoi^
de natter yeieT 'Peen
«f TeBBeascc" sad had wrfttee poetry tike den- aoas of Him am pwtoe to apaet
................. r

kuj de apple cart.' Jl*roloaped applause.]
aad rated
ited Dsl't
Dsfe onr aim so
to objiefc-to
pib de vhiU
blmelf paly as a bumble dttaev.
(OMere maa a iiirprW
inrprW------a. {Cheere
party an act hto> to wooBtmaa BAttoortmAvnu OTT
derto U be bsda'I better dirtde up-aa
__________ . ............ d to be a tau don't yo' be afraid ve woa't come out all
about 00 yean old. He bad a hump to ripht. {“B’e know we viurj
bis toefc and feet which were set on at
“Up dar baapt yo'r amhleB. De cooa
an awkward aaide.
anide. but bis s&iUe was kaowt all de Ipt curafirlds. bat de pdablaad aad his reice full of Bwiaaaea at
i aiat
at Itakfa no Uek aeat for alybe stepped forward aad said;
Applaasr.] He Biay bev to wait
«. lApp
“My r'
a loop tiaie fur wbat be waota, but it
eoBtee to bin at tost Uos't try to astmiab de world wld bip words, aa doa't
wasu yo'r moBfy on braaa faaada.' No­
body an afruU of a<dae. Yo' feat lay OMtol^ldn
low SB totop all de Uack neo iato dla
BilM. -Tto eak'jBBf «It tnspla aa
Possum party, an you’ll find de while
batUwUleoaa up aailtog every
■IMka dola all de worryla. We ain't aay
,e.«OalnBB'b Blaatlertoar Vamisb
In dat d« I'aiied Stales wooMn’t keep


roles drap v
, SB somebo

^JUt^WberTi^d ba' bvT Why, ba’d
be rifbt to tba froot whea the laae ware
OB the retreat—Yoi

Bev to mlad that the above dtlaa
■aba M ebatta acdMi the elty oa aeaaaatof hydraato or other naea aad
MOltbay tare to a larye profit to the
ally to be oipaadrd to pavlny aad

ve'U frow away our dreambooks aa
tonper believe to phosls.'
TtW orator was ratbusisstiralty applesded at the rioee of his speech. Bod'
BBcfa was the peocial oulidcace be bad
tocited that darinp tbe aext bait boor
diUbe disposed <>C 3H bottira of bist d
a quarter a bottle. It 1
lut be woold mora t
r and brpin orpanliiap. aod

. did Bot tovite yool 1 am oa>
traetotoc yoa!"
The trust BBcaata’s wife drew a deeUBwat
iBwat from her
“I bare here." abe aahL -a a
ron the federal court dlrcctio

Thoi atato had Uv operated to t
tr wealth to tbe bastloas of prirUei
Detroit Journal.

Saiiateriap Sim. “You look like
aometbtop preyla on your tnlnd.'
bare." responded Tired TteadwelL
“I done aonetbiap today dat'll haunt
to lae prare. 1 pul so bUned bnnpry dat
I done oeariy baft an hour's bard work
for nc dtoacr! Now I’ll hare to go
tbroupb life band in band with a weight
of remorsi.”-Obl«apo Tinet-Herald.

nEAS cnrsRXD A CBiULsn cm
evto* to a dreus teaipbi sa staadlB
'isr I does, de circus wouldn't bto to it.
iraad applause.I 1 town to my olr^Ien__________
.. 11 bad
' ime
bad ruapind
ruapind out
out toy
uiy propropramne fur de aumioer. 1 wat puioe to
cuteta a few cuoaa befo' de bides pot aoft,
plant a few yans. write aoulber book ^
poetry an exiierirueot a lei-lU- wid ha’r
Ue. 1 bad pot it all pUnned out
lonp comes
dia • .
ober de platfo
ir de

A OrMt DiscoTery tor OAnoer
WixoaoR. Opt.. Jaa. (4. 1»0Q
Dr. C. D. Wnraar Dear Sir:—! have
Md vonr Oonponad of Seven Cnras.
the gTwat caaaar ears and blood pnri
Ser. with cxeallaat reento
reenlu I do not
• • ata to raeommaad It for
fo tba pur
forwblebit la used.
that it
aretonabrrt Umaai
t aaUa-







$1.00 a Month
a apcelalty of ear loU.

J. A- Jackson

Trip. «& eeaU.

Briefs Fewn BiUvlUe.
WbuI tu«l« 9ptr iatlha
p»«Ues has simnered down stocs tbe iBiBbla
varalab aaada
primary. Tbe-tuen who pot beat for the
__ __ _____
bare actoally jerked their coaU
Bskall PtoBct always plcaae.
-k to make a' lirlap
' We hear very few teapinc soaps to Sr. W. 7. SlotBi. Opanttto DastlrtiT
Georpia. Aa a rule ibe.famers are penorally too busy sn'eaiiop at the mule
devote much attention to tbem.
Tbe country is just at bright M tbs
B- BMOWN. Auevasy aaa Uonasauar a would have ft be. -So bright,
lit. to a
O* tow SFaelal.aMUw, t* epUseUas.
fact. iLtI it's alaulnlely
,-Atlanta CoQ^iiiuiiuu.
OSeas aewToaaaUer Uaek. tie Freoi atreol.
■Bigpars. I Ulierei is really aorry ba TvIcFSeec Ma. »u.

aa. No.


Fire InsurancR.
L L *. BeUding

6rud RipMt S ladlim Rj
Arrival aad departure or itaias at Traesre
(tty. IB oReri Ha; TTta. IIW.


As yo'r prcsldeDI has said. 1 .tarivd out !
Ths M-bole ThlB*.
to be a poliiKinn. I walked |
Cbolly-YoB should bare seen ae iu me 80 r'ars
new polf topb this afternoon. Bab Jore. op to de poles an roted dc bull tiekeu 1
tocare whether
“Yes; abe d.wsa't
niund talkto an arpuin an cariTto he sUys out Ule or not. 'll makes him
If I do aay It myaeif. I looked oat of
banaera an torches,
aa wben de com^ ,i„. ,„b..r merHi-d fellows act»i„olbori when they
Pepprey-I snpposa you looked palpa closed I couldn't s|>cak a loud word
-I d busted ,f.. „ut after bodrs. aad he knows be has T\B. W. a. * W. A Moao. graaral prsru«e alat
tbe whole part.
: my shoes an „„
jo aaytbiap of tbe kJad.“-IaCbolly-Ab. bow d’you Bean, “tba
up my h
l|> de—.....................
[*eppivy-“Oal of MpbL oBt of oar. When it was aii ouer, i axeo lur
l>bUadcl{diia Pi
Phrslelan, Cure TbrMiC.
pibwie tbn-e months to jail (nr steslin a
MrJipper Your young medicwl friend
bawp! [Howls and.hisses.] .\rter 1 pot kas startl'd to practice, eb?
out of jail 1 prored dot another pussou ;
miUils-Well. he's pot his alga
e you find a pood .tnei
stole de tawf aii dat I was a. toncreent |
bad one case, aad as. oatoa IM. esMAaoea Ut.
aace to your work?”
“No. air/' said Senator Sorxbum. “Ba- " "
Ute. l«roana.J IVy wouWn't .Ti!
eben ad- I, oMrJiepe'r-Hub!
I caiiD't Imaptoe wrise me to steal a calf to pit squar’ wld'.t,,...



‘‘.^My fr'ee'A 1 her bto studyto de wbite
whore have you
Ban from near by an from fur oS eber
*’Bn-n at Barney Uiasd's wake.“ anatoce dal jail door
bto raadin up oa him store Adam walk­
“Ob. buw staorkinp! Yon tod boy!
ed about dat pardon an ('oin killed AbeL TVhi-u .lid bo dier
Cheers.] Hi'a aUus bin orerbearln
■■Ho didn't die. Ho was ont walking to
bca be bad de buln an nllus Idn sly bis slbop.''-Ci>lcaeu Tribuu^.
bea de other felh-r bad a show. [“IiaCa
mr'] Do lA*-d may her created de
Thrp Too SeMom Do,
wbite man first, but dat was all acci­
“Wbn made tbe best speech nt the
dent Nobody could tell what do prerallln color was pwloo lu be fur do fiiat banquet?''
the last man on the pro­
ira. De btock
along to
ne. Wben ft came bU turn, be aald
was Doibtog left for him to aa;
Uved. np to bis declaralib iu-peace-an
.......................-peac.n harmony. All be i
lion.''—t'liirago Timva-Herald.
wanted was bit cabin _
a fa’r riiaace wid do owns

P-riSK-pE- KSrt'Eft
wna, DB. KOeaWTBAl.-TaoHFaOM; OOoc


aad ehlldrea't dlaaaasa a apcelalty. oiaev
kaura: lOlaKa. w.: t ta 4 aad T to Ip ■.
TVILK. a. FLOOD. O«oc la ac« TWasUer
U aiaek CaUa aaaverrd proMUy day or
Blgbl KoHMvra-pkoae,*; BeU.».

i',!rd,'"o7r';,';;r.lKrX t”r

BlAMfllty IBM. Tka tow tBelooMto
f h all wen cuoapb to its way,
fBBp BBS BilltoB CBltoak la ooly mwla
good forpetter. wbo can efaanpe bia
pmMto by Uw bitb daty type af pump
optoioni on abort aoUee and not worry
«aad. UtbarwanBBtoralB^bkiCb urar prOBatet la tbe man wbo pets OB
pcMBBfB pBBpa tba ladca>
best In my pan of the aUU."—Waahtop- VwaB<«faBBhraarwoBldba»dBfiBlt
iBfUaacI B aradlL Wbaa tka total
. BMt «r OM mUllOB fBllOM Of wbUt 1p
ladBoadtotS.'HittookaM tboafk tka
EikyoftbaalBplapuBp w»
*^^y bd^ad ar^, Bcaayr i
■ tbajato '
d Mr. Uatsam.
“I'm no art^r.“
to BMlB pB^tof aoEtoa and raqolra
“Hot papa says you oftea draw tba
•. Won't yoo abow It.lo meT-—
_______________ ,../ad to tkEMolltoa
to aawan«a worit aad tka dla^l of
One Wbo Tbvlvom
“Tbe strike mast be miktop all ktoda
bOpnI U aaek elty axtaadad. every aid of buatoeas dnll.” rmtured tbe street car
BssMicer with the rillse.
poaNkto to make it pleasant tor na and
Tbe poasenper sitting aext to him
St at IB saUtor toformatoB.
•brupped bis sboaMera and dlanoetly aald
W. r. Calkixb.
Be was a pawotooker.-<nde»po Trib-


Clear Ice, ftta Roarfieae lake.

Ixeuliea to OmosA.


ed hU Jen reward. [Uroans of iodipoa-

milUoDs—yuiu. yum!'') Dar was jest as
fur d.- black
welkin n.un'd wid a cWp
bis sboDlder
an datoiin
own eberytbiae in aipbt as
for de white man. but did be do it?l“No. non Of co'ai- bo didn’t. He
jeat went to boharin1 bissclf an
a spadto
up do garden an takto all dc comfort he
Gonld. No. aah, bo wasn't cniwdiii
body out or steppto hipb. lUuahtor]^
0*11 vss
was goto
wben d
long one day aa aay«: 'Boy. yo' ai
I'r ba’r
ba'r ktoka. Big feet a
offcolor, an yo'r
bUck taco don't go around yore. Betmore on.'• [Groana.]
la.? JV-Uack
bad pot bu cucumbon to pmwla. an bis
wers was cumin up. but he jest
down toln bis butos an departed
Into anulbor lau<l. [Apilatina.] He
didn'i want bo row wid white folk* He
talked it ofaar wid de ole wotoaa. an dey
bilcbed up de mewl an drir off. He'd
jest pot tUops started again in bU new
borne when dero was a knork on de
caUo doah an ds wbite man appeared.
.] Ho didn't wait two minita bebe~aaid 1
my 1....................
it di
. borne wid me an go t»
dlcpto.' (YeUs of indignation.] If dat
black man tod staml up fur bis rights,
he'd ber come ont eben np to do raw.
be didn’t sUnd. Ue jest bowed hls
an went Tong, aa sinre dat lime de
white man bis bad do bulge on him.

Brippv—1 see a Wlacuatto court hat
praated an toJtiBHtoa apaiaat a young
man whose friends don't waat him to
pet married.
Eape<«~I wish to bearen my frieitda
“Now 'boot dis political Uxnesa. raa
bad bceo so Iboopfaltoll-Clereland ^btn
talkto wld black moo 'bout it ebety
Plain Dealer.
day fur y'ara an y'ara to find out leM
d that JOB w«ta
- y wantA Dey don't want bat
-Vm sI
a the reply,
••Tbtops CO in funny rireuka In tbU ■_____ 'bout IL ________
d you saw tombaH''
seems I.. »e merely a ques­ amall oSees aeattered round would make
. _wty of tbem."
M all feel pood. |EnibnaU«lc cheert.’
tion of i^iortluns all round."
•W^mbj^n Bwoaa tbe toob ot
If dc number was »». we'd feel a beni
It's jest like d
•'wtiT'*bere'r a poet pett PXSO for, totter. IMoreebeeritif.]
-Mo. sir. Jullu*
' '
lookin at de same
B poem that be wrote to three hours, 4MC of two bnnten.
dhaik. you kaow.“
and tbe pet^>le ____
make *~- fosa about owa np a tree. Both want bis pelt aa
*^kat'a «»—tbat's oo. Now that you
but dey want It far nnibto. De
ai •
■ regard
------- it aa a vastly. bto meat, iws
totlaa It I tematotter that be wam'i. it
do other SB ,
- • tbliip tbaai
more wonderful
1M aae. 1 had kind of pot Julius meat of a pugUM who w._
of P37.000 la Hgbt mtontco and twMty

Sab witk ywBB motj aboat tosb-

®£=«i) CZ} ©

At rosidenewi—same an Inat ye»r.

U. Quad.

OomptnUTe Wat«r Works Fignroi.

Gasaav WaaeH TBsim
Eka BBS on the atr««t car was talkIBS to B frlcod about Us trip tbroupb
Ottooa and tbe tomba of tbe bbcIhiU
he kBd met with.- asd afur a wbtta
kki oM BM oppoalte. wbo bad baea
IHmIW cioaely. leaned forward and


—oBcc aad rcaldrae*. Mari.;



Aomeatic aalmals by the lawti asA laeal mw
psoreA BCtkoda Day or alpbi calls pcMaplly
altroAed. Tvlepkooc Ma. 3.
toaureJ. » a»u' .
“Yes. Tlial't what hurts tbe worst.
Fb a ittockbuldor to Ibc euB>pany that Uaa.OScaBasi to Vail's DragPlarvaa feies
Insured ft. and this makes the fourteenth
last weok-''-Cbicago Tribune.

.SIT; eSi

l|:Ua m. tralo ka» |«-lor rar taUrsa
lu.aiul •levper Uraud liapid. ta Olaea
parlor rar-to Uraa»
Bapids. and sleepiDg ,r aad eoack Clraai
Bapids ui ChH-age
Tralo are,
neiog at 1 Jop. a. kas aioeper Ola
ta Iiraed Hap.da aad roach asd ilrS|
iB^rar Cbicacaia Oraad Kapuisaad ekalrrat
Tnala arrielnf at F OC. p. m. baa rialr ear ».
rayacioUraad Rapldsaad cbalr car Oraal

lU.U FATA. Oraad Bapni*.

The Fen lui|iette SiilroN
May IS. lean.
A M .V.W F li . A St
! DsaBam
» soaiMpA


After TblnklOB It Ores.
Mrs. Kidgeby-Ouiue. John, pet up. It's
o'clock. Yon said yon wanted to pet up
iriy ibis moruinp and me* tbe lawn.
Mr. Uidg-ley (yswnlapi-WrU. I're
slept on It. 'll' change' m' min’. Bnricb! TjqUtD MOROB. barURnlsb asd house paist Lr Chlrace
[Which, being tolorproted. stands for a
anott-.l—Cbirapo llmot-Herald.
Hla Bptwtoltr.
Prraiimu Travers* Cliy. Bleb.
Wigglev-What: That mtoeriy tooktop
d i^P a cuUcdor of ongrarinpa? He
sp't look as if be would ever apend Ba«aio.rabTf. UBS. Spralal givvo






stewrt. Atb«».lroiDSlalBa.». rad fro- 1
WeSlOLXMOXS. Ufa Fraaeis B. Boil.^
* Maehrret plaaa aad organ- TVt™s m
lee *a leavaea. W1 Waaklugtoe rireet Mew

K'^.^s.trss'.SE' ta'MSrDI. UDITIETT,



i reiry




P.*P. M. Ospot
4 U.At OaakaMS 1*1*8 T
4 B^




«a wart at uphsm fsaMUs grata, yiaapat

M* 4&

TbeyNc pot a new abotl at WaaWar
- It wUI CO tbronpb aaythtor“
like to c It
ta^ ny



FiMial BiiiCtu.

Zm.B a*. aaonil^u^tSWim oa

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