The Morning Record, June 21, 1900

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The Morning Record, June 21, 1900


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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mooch Bidtf wm AoMpt
TIo* mrMidaattol VomlaM

Oub Tiltm^Tbmt wm Alw
basBoya’ Eae»
Batph Hacuan. a Z Bala and
GaocfaSaff. Jr. Tba eosBiUaa a*
tbaMajr^araati tOr tba Foartb ol
bara pnparad for aa
aaeltlaf road raea for foor eaab
prista. Tba reata to ba eorarad la tba
ooataatataruattha ooraw of Daloa
aad FroalaUaata. tkaaea to BUweod
aToaaa. to OExtaaetb atraat. ta Ualoa
aad OB Celea to tba alartlac pohit; a
dUtaaea of atwat tear laUaa Sataral
of tba beat ridara bava lapraaill aa
tataatioB of aoBpaMiv aad aoaa oat*
aldan ara aapaotad.
Tbara wUl alao bo a toyo* raoo «hleb
will tarntob tba roaafor ridan aa op*
portoal^ to abow tbalr apaad.
All thooa ifbo dealra to eatar tbaao
Haaararaqoaatodtedlatbalr oabrlaa
wltb Balpb Bootlaca at

Tijsn Tsin PiAotiMUy In ths
Ennds of Bozen.

Shm Mm WUMnwA ZM Ofpe>
tmrn udOtbtr OMdUif Z»T*
PbIM ^-fyoiOlhU W Vith.
.•Mstf OfowlW Swttewt ia Fam
«( Zaw Tarlfa <
Baaebad brlr «Ua Zoratbc.
■aMbi w Tae Btmaa award.
PbUadalpUa. Jaaa tl (t a. ■.)-


\tthjChairaHaaaa at tba eloaaafa eoafarDolUvar. WacdraB aad tba
bara pUoad tbatr
«»bdn«rala ta tba baada of baaa
add Baaaa »IU aaaaai# tba raapoaaiWUtr forbariar Booaaoalib
Uea ndda tj aaelamatica. Ufa
' jroaar Of Iowa, who waa ta baoa aoS'
iaatad DoUioar, wUl naka tba iptttk OoDYMttion Did Not Seeob
aoattaaUai Baaaaval'
tlmrtldBtsff Yeeterdey.
wm aaeoBd tba aoalaatlos aod Woodraff wm bora a proxj la tba oaoToa*
tioB to aaeood tba aoBiaaUoa for Na* ■aaalaa Devoted ta BaoapUoa of Be*
York, nooaaaolt wlU aeaapt aad tba
a aad Adopttoa of
I aad U harwaaij aad porta of On
wltk triOBpb.
PUtloTB—Doelaratiou la Xdae With
-A tolartaa
TbOM of tees, Xaeladloc Aat'
algaad bf State offioen lha aoat today
to OoToraor Wouat la PbUadalpbla. Trut. BxMMioB aad Plaaselal
■aklat blw to aappdrt BMaavalt for PlaakaT-ZeiEialay WtU bo Zsbob
a tba aaaaof tba
Baa la Bot ^opoaad. Tba Iaatad by AoelaBaUu.
akpraaaod tba aaaii* awcBlleTU Kenilae Bwerd.
BwttbatBooaanltlatbaBaator tba Philadelphia. Jbbo to-Tba BapebU*


■ M-Naltbar HaaaaoorPbrtt aaa pravaat Ua aomlaa*
Uoa of Emavalt for rtoa protldaat.
Baaaavalt Boy doeUaa tba aealoatloa
attar Itia
bat oalaBthatoaboald
aaatlBoat wUbla tba aazt it b
gaoaarolfa aaata wm awa^tba
laatloa whoa tba tiaa to apaOaata a
aoadidata for
aad tba aetloaof tba Mao York dolaBattoata 'aador^ tba oaadldapy of
Woedraff laat Blfbt wm bara aada ao
laproaaioa oo tba imtara dalaff
oat of tba watt la &»
aod wBlara bob ara plaaaod that Mow
TBk'u aot to ConaaUy praaaattba
aaaa of tba fororaor.
•'Placaa oo aU boaaaa," la a oobboo
1 today. "WadoBol
wiat Bsoaaralt aa tba oaadldate of
PlaU Bor a eaadidato who la Bot aalteiBktory to HaaBa." aaid
MB of tba Kasaao dolairatloB. "wo
waathlBbaaaaaaba io tba
{ BB oalMad that i
tlolba of tba dolacatao la Vbaaooraa.
ooaallyffaairo tba i
alao baliaro that If ba roaoirad a bobIaaUflo troB tba paopla ba woald
'~>P0BpUy acoapt Ba
bytbaooDflielbatwaaa rival poUttaal
Basna makB a potlUaal Bla
. oBaBlay that Boaaaralt la tba
OBBUdate of Platt asd Qaay. Bo oorht
to baow batter, guy. at a abrawd p>
lltieal obaarrar. uw that Eooaaoalt
wu tko oaty ataa apoo whoB tba
TaatloBoaold oBlte with aathaaiaoB
for rlea vuldaat. aad ha doeUtad to
dotu bln Bat tba aantlBaBt
Boooorelt bu ffOBO away bayoad tba
powarof Platt aad Quy. Tba paopla
Baau Uoald au tbta aod cat oat of
the way. If be doaa aot be will be asabU te eUlB ba bad any inflawot la
tba cosvaotloB. tor It wlU ride oraraay
Baa or mea wbo fete la the way."
TbU bnieqae talk froa tba Kaaau
.laadar Wu approved and ra-oeboad
I the wuterD delecatlOBa.
Tbore wu appereaUy bo dlvletoo of
TU waetera
before the Boauvett aoBUBeak tbore
araeoly two vlea
loft la tba flald aad they ara dapandeni
oa tea ability of BooaavaU to pot hU

order at ll:M tbte atMraooa by Tbbporary Cbalraao Woleott. no report
proBptiy adopted, alao that of the eon' brcaalntioB,
wbleh BOBod Sawtor ^edra M pema
Be WU oaeortad to
the chair by Oovaraora Shaw of Iowa
aad Booeavalt of Mew York.
ObalTBaa LMca'e addreu wu aleaf
tba aaaa caaaral llau u that of Tanporary.ObalraaaB Woleott. Ba apoka
of tba BtlBlOB of tba Bi ' "
la the poat, aad of tba aaad of It la the
fBtara Joat opoBlsr .baforo the aatlOB.

ly adopted, dealt with the Boacy qaaatloB. the Batter of tTBtte aad BOBopo*
Uaa. deelaraa IB favor of a protei

DateUadZepwtPipB Bbaachal nat
iBlral SayatoBrU Oolaau bu Arrlvod la Bakia. Aftar Balay At
tanbad Plea nau^nva ^nini
Cniaau Ware nUad-XMatartaaacu
Bapulad at Oaatoa aad P«irB wUI
lira oa Bor^ Wartelpa.

Childrtii's Slippers

Fourth Year—No. 976

Odd Fellows
While In Traverse Olty you m most
oordiaUy invited to visit ^

The Old Reliable City Book Store
Bring your wives and families and
make yourselves at home.

Arthur S. Hobart
Honest Clothing is the Best Policy

A Fit Time to Fit Up
Is the time to purchase your outfit lor

....July 4th....

Children's Shons

Childrai's ShMs



apwlAl >0 Tka Heralee Becord

Loadon, Jaaa to—U U ayain nmorad in Lorwao Matqom teat tbara
bu ban a My flyht at Maebadodorp.
wbleh tee Boon abudoned. rotlrlny
Lyadubnry. There U.
no autioa of aay ueh fiybt in the
ofieial dUpatebae. ud notelny to iadlenu that Rolierte bu bau enyayed
ainca Botl^eaped from bla oa Jsne
nt raporu of the flyht
11. Oorro
toy of Jane U. It. aad 13 eut of Pre­
toria. are now arrivlny. nay abow
teat tea Boon foagbt wite yrut vtyor
aod partlauUy. Tba. Britlob borne
artlU^ at ooa tkna -wu ia dan
yar of eaptnra. Tba correopaadoaU
dala teat at laaat 3«0 Boon ware

Minute Rates


Ispbeming, Iron Kouatain
and other

Upper Peninsula
Raw IjBee

Low Hat.«


Fashionable Ontfittera. '

Hots, tZopo.

-BagliDing of Hie EiH

That Big Suit Sate
Wpn’t last much longer—so take advantage while
you have the opportnoity. Any Suit in thG
house for $11.48. 'Men's suits worth up to
$7.50 at $4.98; men’s suits worth up to $13.00 at
17.98: men's suits worth up to $15.00 at $9.9&


Make No Mistake
We have not gone out of bueinees, but
have moved to our new store,
242 Front Street.
Whttn you want BELIABLE FOOTWEAB gat It of
as. We bsye placed on sale

A NEW $2.50 LINE

Which we want you to see. For a better shoe see our
Composite $3.00 shoe for ladies, and the Governor $4
shoe for gentlemen.
New etyles^snd goods arrlTS daily.

The Leading] Shoe

Have You..

House of Northern Hlehigan

This cut shows the style
. of onr


For baying a 10 cent
cigar when you can get


Titan Calf
These shoes fit the feet perfectly—wear well, and do
not scuff up-or peel. They are made by Thos. Emerson’e
Sons. For sale only by



Out prices are in order at

Stntal Styles

of SiantaryUacby
It u toteatod ^futarod by tea ad- Xuarcut Leaden Will Soob be Beady
Iowa Ban have to Acru toXeroieaada Oootereace
aeaUanadte aboatlor DoUlrerutea
waatUB eaadldate. aad with Boaec- With Oweral Za^tbor aad nuealtb aoM ent of tee ooovuUoa tbara ippUe OoBBlBloa Will be Held U a
woald ba a vary lateruUng eonteet ba- Pew Daya.
twau Ubc aad D >lUver with tea odde
la favor of tea Iowa onn*Mdaaa. wbo ■peMol taTke ■evalec Becord.
Manila, Jue $0—A procUaaUon
t oftM «M«n
CruUac aaeauw to tea luniyoaU
eetu. ne <
Ube Uaaad
tUi BBBlac doeland lor OetUvor.
SewyoJeNCewSuOoBBoeticat bad
a proeidoaUal eaadWate U Soater
a tee rebel lead
............................................. daot acBotea'e oaeape. aoeordlnr to tba
MftbU M tba eaadldate of Bow Bac- day teat t^ poUUeal borlsoa abowa Staadard'e norroopendut, wu a yrut
Uad.bBtpfaaaated Sntetnr ndBaad*.
It had bau hoped to
teat tee iaanreut leaden aad tea Ma^ tea wu by ooa euygariny blow.
a.-*oem^ni Tlir-.*-ni •«>• be ready Aaaardlay to a dlapotte to tea TaUtrlaBdalaaU’.ea
itO confer «lte MuAnlinr aoO ia* yrep-i fr'B L>r~w Marqnaa, dated
b « u tbe eaad date of
Jaaa 13. aa iatoraal five daya’ aimla-.
Bambera of tba PUlipplaa


b^r^mlfiM aad Mu%ara won
tekaa prUoaarm.
prUaaarm. CoBBaadaat Plot
Vil}oaB raperta teat so bUm of rail­
way U tba Otaaco Blvar ealoay bu
baea dootreyad by bU bob. Aoetbar
aocayaBaat oa Jana ll raoalMd la tba
—Tara of 31 BrlUab traopa

for Children.


ProclsmatioB WiU bo Zssnoa
in XaniU Todsy.
•Otea abow of atroQCte to tea eaadldaey

aad a toooBoUve aad i

6,000 yura have we waltad far tba
yraiUaet Maulay aver efforod. It
donblu yoor Joya and halvu year aor31—Bayoad tea oficUl aowa
TkM'* what Bocky MoBaima
pabUe today tbara U bd doM. ate. Aak year drnyylata
antbaotle aawa troa ObUa. n# re­
port of tba arrival at PakU of tea la
A pair of baby’s shoes Free
AdBinl SayBoar U aot aoafliBad,
tea detellad atory
to every 1900 baby.
Bwt froB Bhaa^aLTk
the eoliBB wu attacked flve tlBOa by
a yraat fern of Oblnau. who dUplay.
od ynu ooaraya. Hut of them ware
badly arsed and ladtcted trlfllay leu
oa tea oolnaui. wbUa teOBUlvu loaiay
too killed. A dUpateb aant froB Tiu
TkU Uat Friday bu reubadSbaayh^.
ItatateateatTlu Tain U praeUeally
In tea bande of the Boxen. Local
anteority U paralyaad. The civil aad
luva tbelr eadan ckaln aad Kow Tow
to'Boxen la tea etnela. na ckapeU
have been bitraad In tea foralya
Black kid, patent leath­
qonrter. Tba fata Of tea Bnropeau U
er, chocolate kid, red kidnaknowi
very pretty styles—cool and
Paria, Jua 30—ne foraiya offiu raceivad tea followiny dUpateb from M.
damty-65, 75c, K5c, »1.00.
praanefa, Praneb eoaaal at Ynnaan Pn.
wUab wu aant froB teat eit; Friday
lut aad traaamlttad teroByb tba vim
6to8-bUckkid, button
aoual-at Monytaee: ^'Wa were at—patent tips—48c.
onJalylO aftar luvlnctYnaaaa Pn aad obllyad to ralan. AUonr
rifled, ne
a ul oa Are. Wa
6 to 11—block and tonI with rlflaa la my
new goods—toe.
dkftar for^-alyht honn tee
arriv^^^t-laaiaUd that
teay taka u ta tea^troatlar, aafeynard
In our celebrated shoes
u m ronta and arya tee yovaraBant
to daaaad onr r«am u wa were
for children—block and ton,
prutioaUy prlanoatCbat they would
neat, trim shapes, light and
aot allow ttoopa to aroaa Into tba Chlaa
medinm weights — 8-5c and
trooUar. na Praaob ara u yet all
Bony Koay. Jaaa 30—Tba Cblaeu
at OaaWB axputthat dUtnrbaneaa will
break onl tbara wbu LI Hnay Obany
luvu for Pakla in ebanlanm to tee
erdan froa tea covarnaut. Tbara
DO foralyn wanblpa at Oaatoa, and
It U rnaerad teat tea fsrB bava bau
ordered to flniB aay tent
Pnodrlcb Bros. Old Stead.
Tba Loadlay Moa Boaaa.
teat 3,000 Baaaiu and otbar yaarda
rapalaad tee Bexata, kminy three bandrad. na Baaaiau fired flftua
rosnds troa tbalr biy ynna. nU U
apparently tea-fiybt BuUooad by Dadar Poraiya Sacratary Brodrlek U tea
Honu of OoBBou ymtarday.
A tel^raa from Chetoo ramivad at
Sbaayhai today reporta the Aaericaa
eoual out a otuaar to raaeau tba
ABarieao and Britiah mUalonariaa U
weetara Sbuunyaad Honan,
ne Sbaogbai
aarratlvce of tee flybtlay at TaVn. accordiay to which tee forU, wbu o
pled, preanted amnee of gbutly carHASOUETiE,

vice ayiten. tba bob affaetlvo raatrlotlOB of forelrein*>r<«iln<
teettoo of tru troB eOBviet Ubor, aad
tba raWac of affo limit for child Ubor.
ne pUtferm alao deelarae ter the radoeUoB of tba war tana, the aoaa'
UOB Of the UtboLlaa uoal by the yo*'
arsBiwt aad the adharuea to tba Mobru dutriu. ne raaolatlou deal vary
atroocly with the Phi
aad advoute adheroBce to tba policy
tbu far paraaad by tba

neeoDvwtloB adlooraad at't:ll tUl
toBUMTow Borslac at 10 o'clock.
PhiladolpbU. iMldalchti—Booaaralt
wUl ba caodldau lor vloe praaUaat.
BU BOBlaatloB wiu be made^wltboat
coBteeL Plau are nader eoulderatloa
to sake tbU Booilutlon with a grt^t
dlepUyof harBosy. ne Iowa dele
Catloaouy aoBlnate Eoouvelt and the ynu waredUataatied.
ita deleyatlon wltl
aeeond the nooBluUon. There may be
bttt the roll
call aod aoQd vote of every etate will
be cut for Rooeevelt. ESmtt to etem Beports of Usspsrate Fights
the tide of the Be
Bstween Britiah and Boars.
aofnttle teat toniebt Haana uw be
wu buteti and In yrut dancer of lotmu That Two
lag control ottee eoBventloa. and be fluted by Cor
craaefaUy eorreadered and uld that Handred Boen Ware XlUad at
mvFotion Bboald be a
Meebadodoew-DUpateb Prom LorIn lu work. Be had no oandidate fir
enao Zarqaea Uivea Bnrghan’ Yerviu prpiideBt and If Roeaevelt
;eboleeTtteeeooventl«ibe ebonld be alon of Tnair •ueeeu at Xwonw
the oandidatr.


tiu wu teu U oparatloo, bat at tea
expiration of tea CBrreal wwk Bobarte la rdne to take vlgarou action.
ABnarr^ertfroB Maebadodorp. by
way of Laraneo Utrqaca. yin* tU
bnrrbara' voraido of tbalr aacoan at
Laeaw Spralt oa Jaaa 14. It uye


Front Strert




*.r *

rmm mommimo jkboobp.

Hn. A. J. t>0^ ud MB hwrc gCM
loW«lerAfer»Ms d«7B*«M.
ftMfcPwto,larMrl7 -

W. t. Ha7m of OlovolOBd
Wosta Tlmo to HofOtUto.


Tlwri is 10 chair as camfombis

I Tkink Thcr
Won Uafalrir Treated.

ThaniaaatnBC laaUar on the part
cdthetowalaaBBaa of the aoathride'
that tker ’«»
treated fairly ye»X. am aad wUa, 3. Paaai
tB^ la tha Batter el the Una of
Mr StahUaa aad JaBaa Xahl «
Will Take thaBaearltiB In TIbc fee ■arah of the Odd PaUowa parade.
la IroB---------lealaiBod that OTBrkaataaB hoeaa
Mia daaa PoWenoa la riaMaf talatkaOltr to Taka Plant tor Jalr
toetweoB Senath aad Blffath atroeta eb
tleB at Seat Jordaa.
Thara aaoBc to toe a atraatf ptotoaU^ OaicB. with oaa riaflo ejwapOoarlBd
B.A.Booharoaa>acara< tka Oaalt
that the water worka toaa^wm too
to hrip aloog <he
SB. Marie coaca
Itia nice
takoB rirot here at hoae add it
and they all axpeeted, aad
B tM ri^b Bfrir a atw^ c< aaewal
toeUerad that tber caa toe
the parade
weald POM by Uelr plaeee of touuuoea
Jack LltacyofSatleaa Bar waa la
tha water worka vatoB oo tha flrrt
the parade tuned
You can sit or recline in any position. 1 have a
lha dtr f9»ur6»j.
north OB Oaeistroet aad esBedown
Paari •chooahofaa of Btaatoa daj of Jalr ac origtaallr intoadod.
very large tine, trom the nice large 4awn Morris Chair,
Bowtb to Ualon. without paeaing a
airleod jaetaenlag «or a flMk.*ttt
painted red or gretn, for $2.75—just the thing te sit
torokor atClenUad. when told
and aTcddod fiftooa bnriaHa hoaaee
Ura. Bereraaoe of Btaatce l» rialUag
uadef the shady side of a tree. Then I have the Solid
;t hlffbaat to that of Baaaoacw
without any
hB mother. Mra. Patteraoa of OaiOB
Oak, with a pair of reversible cushions, for $5-75—just
MajB. Mr. Hajaa aaha that ha toa
ladignant, aad axatraot
glraaawoakorae to an If ha eaa
the thing for sitting room or parlor—and you cannot
Mb. WaiMow aad Wre.ooWearer at
iod a caatOBB for tha tooeda.
It b iaat oeaalng U nnabtakabU teraa
an|the focata of Mr. aad Mra.
duplicate this in any other store for less than $6.75.
sot toaUend, howenr. that thb propojohaProtoarto
Aldermaa aad Mn. W. W 'Baith mbon oMhb year's elaaa at the ueleardealratola that the city
taraadlaat araolag 1«b a Baathto
M»*m Itatwul Wl»
slty to peaetiea. Tneaday moruing. Tbe
of the waur worke aa eooo aa peaalfala,
atodanta came by apaelal train,' aw
riait la the aaat.
H further ^elay U Dot ooly cxpeBaiee.
Dapatr Oraod Marebal A. J. Btroad
pnnisd by Profaaadr Meehea. Tbe
%j tt. UpiUlcu ..Uecnl oo.»oiUo.
MPUUililpbli J«WnUj pcoorf* 1« of Hortme Bar. arrind to the eitr jta- at a great dbadeantagu. Bealdea, aa boys woregtTea a pleaalng
Chief JuttleaMoctgOBery, aod »nbw-i
BMi>utUl>wiUi «h« pUUirn oI terdar afternooB ia Une to p
the sale of the bonds bare b praeUcalU tha ealebraUoe of the I ) O. F. laat
UM. »«1 th.
ly aaasred nothlog can be gained in
.III t» p.i~ud. JUnr U,
waiting for the ClaeeUud flra to placo
m htatorj of Uw cowiuy boo o ol»Uor
tho toooda It b probable that a epocU that which cxicU at thU raatardarA Life aod Death Fight
iat meeUog of the eouneU will be eallOUtoart Bodrtc of Fife Lake wM at
Mr. W. A.'Bloe^«l ManebMter. Ia..
«M bMs prcMatca: u»d am hu a
to take the matter ap.
writing of bb almoal alracaloua «•
»a« haw «ca»Bi«d mare Uiofo«hly thaWbltlncr
We eileod lo yon a, welcome. Hake thia atore
cape from dealb.aayt: "Expsiare after
JotoMataadcrthaa WiUtaia McKlalcr Ic
your headqaartere wbile in the city. Thia atore
Bcaalca lodceed aertou lung trouble,
He hM carried oat €w»y toaU. Mr. and Mre. J. A- BrkB, A. B.
which Iended in
I bad
ia truly MtUfactory and the moat economical
mvie aad the CMdiUcaa which Ballinger aad John dail ware in tte
Borrbagea and <
frequent hetni
boot and aboe atore in Traverae City. Every
■be Mabel P. White and Mr. WlilUm night and day.
All myr doctoraai
_ . _____
•he ladaatrial world ca)oy» ia thto cltr froB Maple Cltr r«ct*rdar.
^r of aboea we sell ia the latest and beat pro*
muat aooB db. Then I bepan m nee
ceastrr now arc aridaaeaa of the
auction of ita kind, from the lat^’eat and beet
Dr. King'a New Dlamrery which whrily
witfoB of the pollelaa of the admlnl- O. O. Barth, C. J. SteffiBi, Dr. aad Mre.
Wore Merried Teelerday.
ic*d me. Boodreda have used It
shoe factory in the land. In men’s aboea we
ateattM. The toUlac maiaca who are F.J. Ftaliek. O. M. Dome and W. P.
er fall* I
sell W. L. Donglaa' make and many others—in
Arerypret^ wedding took place

Ike »aUc in NoeaBbar aad IndccM the eltj rceiardarMre.J. T. Heidte.that uniud in mar­
Mra. Mend Hodget and her tbUr, riage Miw Mabel P. White of thb city :eon’sdrugetorwpeUc7»klehbaei
* ---------------------We alwaya hold the pricee down .on everything in the foot*
With McKlnlcr »leader and Thoodore MiB Blanche KeUer of Marddd. were and Mr. A. M JobcetoDe of Bralnard.
line, and tbonaanda Know how we give them great bargeini
eins in
NBbr DlBcowery for Blood 1[ wear
XMaavelt. the hero of Ban Joan, and la tbacttr recterdar.
Mine. Be». Wiley K. Wrigbt perform
aboea, and there ore others that don’t—These are the onea weoori'
tko pride of the Bough Bidan. aa rice
Varllo rhOBU b home froB Cbleago od tbo prMeaoe of only
invite a well'aB our old customer, to visit this atore. and at least be*
- i. the BepntoUean where he U attending the Boki Medi- the immedUu frlende of tbe bride.
tMat will oweep the eonatrr again.
^ College.
Tbe room lu which tbe eercBooy remedy, and foi all diseases of the akin
Dr. O. W. Frallok of Mcple City al- ■ae perfanned
beautifully deoe- and blood, from Contact and Secondary
teaded the I. 0 O. F.
here rated with palou. reea and eyrioga*. Herei

The fliuplaeo la front of which tbe
Mr. aod Mn. Blw^d
BlwM B. Stanley of Towu were talmn wsi banked with
136 Front Street.'
practical Shoe Man
9aar ToatTaer
Ae Btreew
inrable varnNh n
Maple City are lo the city- They will palms and oroblda.
•grlnkled oaBaodar. aad Bpaak
leaee thb morning for Charfeeolx axqnUltely gowned in whit* figured
U Defease of the Sabbath.
the E. O. T.
uUk, trlBBed wltb aniliqne and chif­
The mnggeatloo eojlnatlng froB e Hebration at that place.
OCB* of the laharlaf Ben of the eitr
John Btoner of Lueae. Mteh.. te In the
Tbe bridal couple ontered the parlor
that the churehei are deelroni that the city ebitlag hb toothen, C J. and to the music of tbe wedding march OT'
atneb toe eprinkled on Bondar, kae Win Ebner.
haes^t forth an eaphaUe doalal and
Editor J. M. TerwUllger of CadDlae. tbeatralasof Sohnbert>’'s9renade fiU^otBt from alBOit all of the ebnreh. wae a etrlktog figure ae Aroa aajor of od the air, Miss Josefa %l. Withel& .prcm. They are a nnit in elating that no Uarrlngion'a band yeeterday In tbo aiding at tbe organ.
aaA dotire bM erer been expreoeed by parade.
Thongh only intimate frlendt of tbe
the ehnrchee of the eliy. and ^t aar
Mr. Wtaegton of the Oadlllae News bride warm prewnt. a to^e^umbtr of
oa^euteaent of their attitude U the aod Ezpreee, wa* io the city yeeterday exquisite wedding prqhents were gleen
wltb Harringtooto band.
by other frleods also.
It b enggeeted that it b the pleatnre
Mta. J. V. Mclotoab aad tob Donald
F.roltowlng tbe
oookere. not the ehnreh geere, who de- west to
refresbmen ts were
alntheeprlnkllagoftheetneta Her.
evening tbe happy couple left for PeD. Ooehlln
Oflleen Jlleciad.
tsakey. From there they will go to
jh aald that the beet friend* of the
The following ofiieen .were Reeled Mackinaw ladlnd and other poloU on
yhftftay man'* Mbbatb are the ehaMh
laet eeenlog for’ the eaening term ky thelak», their erentaal desunatlon
•loaeat. who are nnaalBooely oppoeed
being Brslce*d, Minn., where Mr.
the Brleklayer aad Hatona Union:
to aU work on Bandar that b not ab
Johnstone ta eeUbllahed In a large
aoUtolr DCoccMrj. Be declared ihet
Viao praeldeat-Kathan BU).
tho Batter wac brought to the atten
Mrt. Johnetone hae a boat of friaadi
Baeording aaeratary—Jack Protoart
Maa of the ehnrebaa e>ae roan ago by
Financial ateretary—Henry Caafie'd. who will deeply regret Uat she is to
tha ehalraao of tha eoBaittea that
leeve the city, bnt who will follow her
Treaanrer-NorBan BUL
had tha cireet tprinkllng in charge,
with hearty good wishea. She wUI be
Deputy—Joe Melaon.
.gsd that the uoleareal aeoUaeat wac
Bpeolally aimed In ausical circles In
Altomte Deputy—Mllot BiU
that there wet BO rwh dwire ea the
Door Eoepor-DaeU Murphy.
this city.
part of the ehurehaa
With thb esatlaent all the other
MoUeo to Looal Ualona.
ahaiahB of the city eoea to unite
T. Deraody. chief of the diriaioo of
ABoag othen of the patton who ex- labor aniona tor the parade on tbe Mobody Was Hnrt, Bnt It was a Naf’

WM to «■ tka arnica froB Pcinkqr


Slater’s House Furnishing Store


Odd Fellow Visitors


s. jH’H'srjkC.A.Jsr,



And when we make a statement people always believe
it-We never quote quantity or prices uniess we have them to
show our customers When we buy cheap (and that means
nearly aiways’in car load lots) you get the benefit in cheap
prices. Our prices on many lines cannot be duplicated for this
very reason. We're quoting some remarkable prices on many
lines. Hers are a few of them.

Irorx Beds

agalnat tbe^prlnkltng of the etroeu
am Sunday were Bee. W. T. Woodhouee
•f the Baplbt church. Bee. 3. A.
~~'~Traat‘j of the Flrut Methodbi church
sad Bee. W. K, Wright of the Preetoytarian ehureh.
There aeeB* to be not the ellgbteet
gmod for the idea that the ehnrisbM
of tho city would do u thing to toroak
to upoa the laboring aan'e eatotoatb

Fonrth of Jnly. reqnoeB that the lc«al
onloos of the city eend as .early as poaslble the oaaes of tbe commiuece apMlnted by tbes for the eelebratlor.
The oaBSB shonld be seut at onsc to
Mr. Dermody at P A Clanten's cigar
faetorv. _________________
A Wealth Of Beauty
Is ofle^hldde^by un^gbtl^ I^mp'.es


▼ote lor Carnival aneen.

Mall Onrrier J. J. Shier participated
InaeollIsloD yeaterday morning ihst
was very interesting to the early spectators wbo were on tbe street. He wss
coming to th* postoffic' from the wett.
and Miss Cota Wheat was goieg to her
work at the e»ody faetorr, when they
jeolUdedon tho comer of Front aod
; Union streets
Ify tbe face by cnrlag all Skin ErnpB9th rider* were thrown heavily,
'lott. Brolees, Borns, Bolls.
tlooa •
roBt f
Sj'IW ;
Cur. gnatan- ! Wfcuuf -b.„ u.m. ou, ul Ihu ml.
Id by tf. E Wall and Ja*. O ,w;<hout damage, but the bleofile of
Johne 1. dragelet.
Mr. Shier U in tbe repair shop, being
V V.
tttod with a new front wheel.
Dr. W. fi. 090k. ^ SpBiailst.
wheat's lunrb was scattered
ib. .UU.C w .b....»
■ • • telephoning to No. vld.d for by Mr. Shier foi the noondey
I seal.

One Minute of
Your Time, Please !

gu. MyrtieSnutbaU ............

SS^jShadek.. .............

tom charge of oonetlng tbe ballois
Mtod to do eo lest night, eo that tha
gain am the above figaraa at the elaelsg
hour Is not known.
At Muskegon the body of a boy
■amod Prang »as ibaad in the Maskigen river. Clrcaort’Meeeatfoagly laAkalathattDe boy was drowsed by
tma boy eompanlons._______
A pabUe marrisgu wtB be a of the
leelniB nTTfmiti Bavea'a Fourth of
awareWa Mb nsaan^gBofi.



ntp •<
u it fails 10 ear* yoar ooa^
ar sold. Ws also gaaraatos a ts-ooat
loMlo to prove aadsBetory at suoaey
Mtoafied. B E Wait.BagbeeA BoxBn«. Jams O. JohasM. F. G. Fhomp-

We do not wish to appear vain-glorious
but desire only to remind you again
that we are still selling groceries.

0-CL3? SixcMDess——
bdneto new ideas, correct methods,
new stocks and continnal -thonght of
betterment, which enablcsius tb^fill your
days’ wants, as yon desire them, “down
to date."

Cp.To-D«t« Grocer.
New Pkone 149.

BEADLE block

For instance—a full sized iron bed, well made, brass ornaments, for
$2.75. We sold hundreds of iron beds last year for nearly thi^ price, but
iron went up—Now the market has dropped and we secur^ this phenr
omenally low priced bed. We haVe others at $4.00, S4-25. $6.50.^8.00,
$9.25. §10.75, Si 1.50. $12.75. up to the finest brass beds in the city at
$28.00. S32.00, S58.00.

Wood Beds
That are good wood, well made, full sized, put together for hard-wear
—and all for S2.25. Our next grade sells for S2.65. and the greatest bar­
gain for the money is our seller at $5.75. If you want the full bedroom
suite we'li show you the greatest display from ^^-75 to $59-50-

Just a. Dresser
Is needed to complete your outfit, just unpacked some beauties. We
are starting a wonderful sale at $9^50. We know this is marked else­
where for $12.75—Its identical, same number, style, size and make. Our
other grades are $11.«5, $12.60. S14-00.

Tables are Necessary
And our stock is enormous, but we had to duplicate our first purchase.
It’s pleasing to know that we can’t keep our tables. Quality and price
always tell. We have a good kitchen table for $1.75, and a fine break­
fast table for $3.50. We’re selling a six foot extension dining uble tor
$4.25 up to $14.06. Our library'tables are the admiration of all purchas­
ers—s«ll from $8.75 to $i6.oa Our hall "com«'" stands are beauties
--sell from $2xx3 to $4-25-

Tbe Hannah & Lay Mercantile Go




Ottf Wm in Thalr Hands
tolftooMMo OMtar. Eft relftr»d to
toftiftvU frawto ftftddftftto of Bfttiy
ortaH. tot dftfttorod toftttoft prtoel.
Itokanto (WoktpUoB PortMpsM to ptoft opes wUto Odd Mlomftip to
kp Baadrvd* of TMton^Zapo^ ■udftd ftro otorsftL
Oft tohftif o< toft Trftfftnft Olty BtFkndo ft rnton of toft Dft7->K«Wle
btoftb*. Mrr. Nsrtoft HaUtotor, NeUc
Hftftttos Wlto Bsoftltoftt AddrftM
GfftBd of toft Tiftvftnt City
OftlftbrftttoB Owttoftftft Today.
Lodn. watooMd toft Ttoiton to a wy



ItMa wttfc rmj tnlaff word*. Bo opako
«t tkociwtebjomof tSooiteMtb*
■Urmtaatkotdfw tofMkoroeMaj

As idftft) dftj. ft iftifft fttuodftM ■••t^Mto. Stoftpoto of too srfttitadft felt that to. BwoelBtloB had
tooftftsTifttorMClty m ttopUeft of
, eftoft^tot ■ftftttoc, ftto fftftltorly wcleoBftd all to
yed AMlftfts Odd Mtow- toftfttty.asd totoft bom.. aadbMrtft
of toft loeal Odd FftUow. »od Bfttokab..
sUptotoli city ft I
■ad CM tost wm BOt ftOOB to fOtfOt' A. W. Johtotea nspeaded to tto adrcH of wBloftaift. apaakiaff for damM

Tto toflftft of Odd Follow, tovfts
MTstor did to«y toffto «e ftrri*. to
totoft. OntoftUftto. toftt Oftmtotoft

nui Xmaeo the 0!^
Today tor tto toy
liVT. aamM of to. E. O. T. M.
wiU leoM thtf^ today ter tto Hy
diftMet mofttinrHo b. bdd at Cbarto'
today aad tomorrow. A oory
toft ftatiia diatrtet, aad a Am time ia
Both TiarwM Olty Toat Mo. 8fl aad
TbatotM Bay Toot Ho. m wiU
larfftly ropcBBeatod. Tto Creftoeat
band will aeoompny toas, aa will alao
a laryo aambw of rUitoci not maatora
of tto order.

I Uaimyer of a
Mow Territory.
H. B. Baldwin hM amvod In tto ally
to take a pMitioa m ftosir lineman ter
Barry bM> roeftaUy baaa app^j^
if a naw
new repair
rtpalr diatriet
dtatriet od^
manayer of
e territory aad iaeladlay
iny a large
eleven toll Itnae- Tbe diatriet teandm
toe Snttena Bay
Unaa. tto territory m far aosth m CadmaeandtotarnortoMBaatport. "
Bald wto wlU look attar toe Ubm of the
entire diatriet, maktoy bla home to
AtPetoakayat the m^I alMtjM
had Taeaday. It was voted to bond far
AlAOOOloraMwaty hallato jai by

Steinberg’s Grand

Aftftoidittoo fia
of too tect that
ofWB BMd M a
• rwyo
TknuUll Ud
dty, and that U to erar yot to b«aimantmg. boworor, tto ftzftiinloi
I to ftspeeiod to do it a. a aabiUtaM
•ftiM by hiodrod* ffo» ftO dlreotloto
■■d by BOOB to. city wm foil of Old
Folloin. Bftbfttoto and otom wto tod
1 lottorMfttatftkftti ftdvftatac. of toft loo rote of UoatoattbUeftybaa for heaplullty.
1 > 1
aod Mid that BOW b. bad hao toe op-. Jiu^aphid.......... ...............
fare to to. eUy.
Prar.M dMotftUou OB an tto pnaei- portBBity toTwtfy to. r.porM, wbteb
pftl.tTMU and by altaaA ftvftry ba»<
ore act exuyeratad.
■M. boat. Is toft el^ (Bva tto tows a
Mrs. Clara B Atorer. preeldeat of toe
asKKcaJi utaocK.
Kebekah AaMmbly, yaeft an excellent
Tht parade wa* foraud os Uatos addroi* on the work of toe Bi
atrMt, aad toto up the Itoa of mareb She expreaaed yreat appreciation of the
Denzwaad Boeklayi Baityer and
aharUy aftu » o’eloek. ItwHaslm- work of tbe loeal lodye In preparlny D«lne.
paaloff array, ipad wbes tto bMd of It for tbeyatberlBf and of tbelr work in
rv’a Oraod Optra HoBM all other llsM. She referred to toe
Bane, and and Power.: Baker and
ttotoar i k aim oa deranto atreet feci that tbe Odd Fellow, were tbe Spear.
Aral of tbe yreat ordera to admit woOMt of Uni
Tto parade*’ wm ted by W. B. Oao- mes. Sbe apoke of the apeelal adaptaAeld, martbal of tbe day. Tbeo eame tlOB of toe Kebekab work for women
In complete prodnetione of
tbe Boya band followad ey toe mayor, and declared that nowhere ccnld wo­
eoaneilaad city ofBriala SextoBma man And a work more In line with her meveland................................
«J 7
tbe Ate ooparuneat. followed by tto natsml qaailAcatlon*.
Yeager aad Shaw; McKenna and
oSeerBot toe Uraad Ledyoand toe
P. B Andrewf. Grud MMterof the
Bitokab Auembly la oarrlayc- Of Grud Lodge, followed with an cxBreritiet.
toft former there ware Grand Matter ceUent addrcM upon Odd PellowablpF. B. Aodrewe of Adriaa. Uraad Secre­ He tpoke of the prlneiplM of tbe order.
tary B. U. Wbltney of Ltnalny, Oraad erloeiplM that toe whole world meat
Bepreieautlre Bbar 8 Aalrew. of know aad adMIr*. Be referred to tbe
WUUamelob. aod Aeaoelatioo Sasre- rapid yrowto of tbe lodye. mpeclally
S. B. WiUibae made aa inganloae
taryM. H. UrifBto Qf tto ofiMraof tbla year, and of toe (act that it ylvea water power motor to run a fan

for toe work
tto AaMmbly thare wore Mre Clara
toe ice cream eoda comer ia hie drag
B. Ateear of OraodrlUa,prealdest; Mra. of fratemizlag tbe world,aad eeubllebilore.
IdaM. D.eia of LaaaAy, aecratary; IngMB fact and not a theory
Grant Bamala. who *>ai arrmted by
Mra. Lifloa MUebatl of Blk Bapida. nalvereal brottorbood of man.
Chief of Police Bennie will be tried to>
Grand Secretory E. B. Wbitney folMUabat; and Mra. Hartoa B. Brown of
morrow to Judge Eonerto'court.
tola elty, oondnetor.
: lowed with a abort, bright addree* that
Jnat after the parade yeeterday a
Mba Mabel Brown atUnied on horM WM mneb enjoyed. Be .^lao paid
- 10c, 80c, 80c.
hack, m lady aarahal of toe parade.
itribate to the underlying principle* of Aye photograph of Canton Traverae
aeenred by E H. Moblo, in front
.n aalr at ib« Box Office.
FoUowiny lo Uoe eaa.411 earrlayee toe lod^ and of tto work it doet for
aoatidaioy memton of rariou Bebe- it. membera aad tor the world.
tob lodyea. aeeompanied by a Boat
Immediatoly followloy tble meetley toe membera of toe cMrtbn aad^ntoer I A.H MAKINGtoatrepreaeated Btbekab at Jac.b'a at Stetobery* Grand the Grand Odd Fellow, have orde^ eopica of the
Lodye heldaBcaalonln toe I. 0. O. F. photograpb for mcmehtoa of the cele­
Tae next dirUloo of tto parade wai
ball, at which 3b Paat Grand, received bration.
headed by thdCreaceat Baod, followHarrinyton'i .MUitary Band, which
tbe Grand lodge degree.
lay wbieb came Cantoa TraverM, wlto
Tbia ia the largeat number that have wat lo toe parade yeeivrday.wlli go to
M Bworda. With their tonaaome anltoken thie degree in any city to tbe Charlevoix today. A band contest
term* they made a very impoelns ap­
a pri^ie of 'SSO will be one of toe ;
atote toil year with a ainyle exeepiion.
A apeelal aeaatoa of tbe Bebekdb objeetetoat they will bo interMtodI
A. H. Browo, Grand Marabal of toe
Aaeembly wat held at tbe eame boor in
Grand Lodye, accompanied Cao'.on
Work waa begun yea.erday oa aj
y^e me at Shop,
TraverM on hoiMbaek. e. ooloaelcf Foreater* ball, at which aettlon toe fol
Ave . OF CaU
toa Second Beylmeoi of tbe atate. At- lowing reoeived toe AsMmbly degree: Am new realdenee for Dr. 8. O. Sawyer g-g
Mra Kora PetUngUl. Mra Flora Pet- The bonae wlil be bnlUon a lot recent- ■ ®
taadlay him on borMback ware T. A
lyporchaaelbyDr. Sawyer, between , «*P Bell Pbooe 388.
Tbereoa. edjatant with toe rank of tlnym and Hattie Smith of Lodye Ho.
104. PetMkey.
HettieGleaaonof Lodye Ho. 61, V:ekaaoryftOB with tto Mbk of mi jar, and
Dr. U. W. Fraliek. aaryeon oa tbe yen- bnry.
The Are department wm called to
Hattie Hooker. Ltaale belnkc. Min
. orml'a tuff with toe remk of major.
toe We quc-iocy ctob booM yMterday
Haxt In order eatna toe Feioaluy de- nle Laneaeier and Mra A. A. O'HmI of
joat before toe paradr. A aaall Are
gne team. t< U nomber. They were Lodye Ho. 1»*. TraverM City.
ataried to tbe broab near the build­
Lavioa Mclotire of Lodge Ha 167.
Aneaed la.......................................................
ing. Itwd* extt^Ubed with paila
bats, wlto a green bonyh in
of water.
band of eae^. aed with rod bandaoM
amed tharnocka. They bad with of Lodye Ha »7. Fjfe Ltoa
Dr. George W. CroaUrof Charlevoix,
Viroysa S. Wauoo of Lodye Ha 169.
toam a goat and a. doatoy, and
Paat Grand Maater of tbe Graao to Igr,
I. U O .F.. arrived in tbe C'ty las*.
f ^MMyjuioyed bat gave a very jilly time Manletoe.
Carrie Fry of ftodge Ha' S4. EaiU>U.i»nde.
Tben eame toe Petoakey Lodye Na kaaka
Sarah Paataye. Bliea Bigelow. Mag­
M2, with nearl^ 100 member, la Uae.
na Barth and Eittie Weatorn of Lodge
Hortoport with a good reprMantotion,
No. «8«. Hortoport.
Frankfort lodge Ha 4». wlto to momBlanche Myere of Lodye Ha 247.
bora to Itoa. Brk Lake lodge Ha S!>>.
Sberoiaa lodge Ha M6. and Monroe
Mary Brauehle and Alice Eayletoa.
Center lodge Ha 111.
Tbe next dlvUion waa beaded by
Katie Garver of Lodye Ho.
. Whooping Cough, Aathma,
OadUlaa Viola lodye Ho. 8»* f flowed,
Bronchitia and Incipient
Mary Shea of Lodge Ho. i9t. Frank­
Conaumptlon, la
namberiog aboat so. then aome more
Bek>aaba in earrlayee. and toon fortBmma Powell of Lodge Ho. 19.
Traverae City lodge Ha 203. abont 100
The Most Sensational Man
of whom were in line.
LMt eveatog at tbe City Opera boaae
Tbe parade .topped at Ste'inberg^
eompetitlve Initiatory deme work
of the Hour,
Oraad Opera Hoate, where the pobiie
was done by team* frem Petoekey and
MMUnywai bald. Tae opora booM
BaazMto. The former won in the
wai Ailed « ta Old Pa.lowt. Btoikabi
ooatMt. aod toe Petoekeyitoe were eorand non mtmben who were eager to
reeoondlngly jaUtaol oa tbe eU-Mto
\ 'bit ^DWAN ^EDY
toar aomeibtog of tbe order.
World’s Greatest
A. B.B.-ove. Uraad Marabal of the kttor toe eeaiion.
It WM expected toat there wonld bei
Grand Lodge, prMlded at
eooteat to tbe degree work of tbe Be-1

aSlK,::::::;:,: --; '5 it

Opera Hbiue


SSSi..:::::;::::::::;; S


SSSr”-"S !S ?

Mondej/June 18,

Big Stock
■im Hurt unit iilifliules,"
“I ietlois *»,■
“Ito Bitoji,”
i'Oilj a lama’s Hurt,"

‘The Buckeye”


Patterned Shirts
Which we are placing on sale are remarkable, not only
for the beauty of the designs and coloriags, but also for
the many improvements in the “shirt tailoring" and the
changed treatment in tbe stuped patterns. Last year,
it will be remembered, the stripes ran across the bosom
and around the cuffs, t

This Season the Stripes
Run Straight Up and
Down oh Both Bosom
and Cuf[k......................
The striped effects this year are aisp not quite so
startling as they were last year, though in our assert*
ment will be found many daring color combinations
and effects. As sizes are soon broken in our stock of
.fancy shirt novelties, you should make your selection at
the easliest possible moment.

60, .76c, $1.00, $1.60.
with Separate Link Onlb or Cuffii Attached.

Hamilton Clothing Co.

SIGNS S\vot\ l{lessa^es

Wm. H. Petlierick


Steinberg's Grand

Infant’s Short White Drawers........ ........ ............86. S9.49C
Ladies'Night Robes................................. .........................S3e
Girls’ Overalla............................................ ................
Ladies’ Cotton Hose, per pair...............
Special Une Black TafEoU Ribbon. No. 88. per yard........ lie


Opera House.



be fooledi
and arooBd toa oitv.
Speolal aebool.

OTMiMMa jw.
'both toa Odd Fellowaaad Eebebaba
aad daetored toat aU koaorod toa parpOM for wbieb It waa oryaalxed aad la
At toe review Friday night Traverae'
aarriedoa. He paid a ylowtoy trlbate .CiwTeabKa «Tl. wlU diaeam the|
Oft toe three llaka friandsUp, love aad jmaitftrofbadyuaad M. B. Hollay'a
'biywdtofttioaofl.OMaWftalr badgM
la eoariariaa. ke mM toat U la om- wUlbaptoaadea «xbibltiM, toeldeatternary oa aaeb oceaileo* te prftaaat
toakeyeot toe city te toe viatton.
Tkia ba aaid WM aaaeB—ary at toM
titea, M toare wm aot a door eloaad.
Bat ha appolatad Oraad Marabal
A. H. Brown m Mayor of toa dty. aad
ThoMM O. SbUaoa m eblaf of poUM.
80HDAT. JDHB 24.
aad told tbe vlaltora that It they did


•at kaee a good time with tbOM M dty
■Aeon it WM tbelr ewa faalt.
T. A Tkenoa. KeUaGnad at Giaad

Ikato wm iMve TmvetM City at t;00
7:00 p. m..

and Matinee Wednesday.
Starting June 25th FURNiSHiNGS


Henry Starr Payne

HM Reader

Night Prices-25.,35 and
SOc. Matinee -Children 15c;
Adults 25c.

Fine Wood

We are ihowing a very complete and swell
line of eTerytbing that goes to make a well
dressed man.
Our line ol summer Shirts are the very best
to be bad—the Monarch brand. Notice our
window display and Judge for yourself
All pattoms in all eolora.
All styles of 4-ply Linen Collars, 18 cents.
Visit this department—we can please yon.

The Boston Store
Glass Block. Front St.


For Cooking or Furnace Purpraes Ad eainenlly skilled and acoompliabed artist. A wosderfol sad

SUirwdk Lumbar lu aU alaaa.

JOHN F. OTT & 00.
Men to TrsTene Oltr Lnsbev Oo.

tboroQghty t^nalified photoffrapber.

...o^uWILLlAM A. SOPER ^


The kilty of pbotoyrapbftra to poatog, l^ybttoy. draptog aad amaytoy ki.
aaUaeU for the praetlriBy of bl. truly woedarfal art. pboteyrapby. Mr.
Si^bM Mcurftd tbTnmto buUdtoy opp^te toa Hotel Colal^oa Front
■Met aad baa ramodetod it aad ^t It to order tor iririetiy ap to data ptote*'**^araeordtoUytavitedtevteUklaBtodtoaS& tete Ua abDlty m aa m »•

•nnritatr WeSdtog.

■Brito'S TinauBBs wow.

f Kwt »r THC wnu
II iitiT tniict ,
Tkamni7<n»n-«tb» «rt«iwTtrit-"r Otib» neest order
|«rW4dlot portoo* U0Tta» OtUSoni*.
MproTi^wlth ftbcoltb earilflTb« pl»rw ■«" ^ wWded.
Bmt7 r«iM hov« I^CB in MBM ports
«-si> Mart wlU aodciote the f—

•or«of TtumhM
MM»a^doioc p*» *■"»■*> tP<r«ltud

»0 an« BOrtfc »d M«U OM 40 BUM
MfoOlodMOM. widow of the grMt
IHIMBW. WM fcMiodtep M of ter hMtead is WoMBiBh
«i ttet of ter testete. WbUa It wM
•MMtpMdtokMp iteHTtiOB Mprf«to M poitfbU. B>B0 kEodrodt of
IrtMte oUesdad. Tte qoM udtte
A Moatuo dticfou ot PhiUdolpWs
tadte ia • rooB *h«r« ob •Isetrle
•tote WM Uod bp o,wlro to tte tete of
Hi ted. It ted tew pUoed ttere. of
Mono, to noble Urn to reed ofior he
ted retired. Tte Modtooo men wno-t
ned to eleebie Ilrht. He oouU sot
told OB7 W07 to atop ttet thinr ihlti' tv U hie e/ee. Be tried hidlaf it
nder the bed. FlnoUp be fot np ud
petite the boreoa drowerood then
toetjte drawer on it. The dBmberBold found it there wbn ete mode up
toe room, while Uie Montono men
vent down to tte clerk ond ewore toot
te woe folv to ebonce bti hotel.
Llule MotU of CioeinaoU. need IS.
iBt her Ufe oi toe ruenlt of on oet of
•oMteneeetoopoeeenfer on o etreet
nr. The eor etopped ot o corner end
■te AotU rot np to Boke room for o
• paneaffer. Tte cor etortodwlto o
prk before ebe eonld recoin her ent
^ ete feU from the eor and factured
JoBoe WUtbonk of Block Lof
met e
0 roiur
ntoer queer experlenee. Be
k. Bei
woec^ down o eteep port of tte
itoek Lor BOUBBin
Bonntpln wnen
when >>•
oe enurot
Mdof o rropoVlat ond ewunrout
-•-■t eior.
ildr. the
•rer toe
»e Tine
toeke looee ond he loaded la tte top of
• treefartherdowa. ta the tree woe
m eorlob aeet and both tte blrde attoeked him. Ha eueeeeded la rettiar
It hU knife
and' etraek ot the oirue
ateBoaMredtokeeptoaaoB until be
ate eerombled to toe ffrouad. Tte
Bale bird toitoaed iU taloae la hU Utt
tooalder. With o well directed blow
of DkB'WUe
hla-kalfe WUtbonk
oaeoeeded in kUm
hk^ It wten tte foBole rote o
an/ldewowor.■exleo la the poet ainepeoiuhoi
donbiod Iti reteuam. doubled lu enporta, donbtod tte auabor of ite foctoton and aultlplledbr three lie teak«MT eo^tnl-oad the ooatiaaoaee of
w quite oe
a durinr the decode.


Tte teBO et B. F. Cburte vrae tte
eeaeofaprottyboBB wtedtef when
Ian*Botocr Vei
OP MIOHIQAN I BenaAChurehete Gterlas A. Wood
■jSLtouditetoutotejntAududutok of Cbleago were ualtad la aaaniege,
TtecnneetboU plnyed yeetateny
EWteatfoyod toe bancee abop of Jane l*. 1900. The house wb nicely
•tweaa Baado'e Twirierb pad too In- W. O. Brown and tte rectauna'
cutte with evergreea*, fav&a and
inten teiy
’iHebord Broe. ot Meneelono yentarone. oe it woe too one aided
Fromptlyat 4:40 the weddtog march
toe Twlrlen bod mode e rone ia toe
I, of QaleeburB, made ue played by Mto* Boro, sfd toe
fint two inalnro, toe crowd beroa to
il atwmpt at enlcide by bridal party aatared and s^ under
Icoc interect, ate cantoned te teaeae
He feeteaed a rope un arebwuy ot evergreens unp roe**.
•dtoeir InobUlW
to toe,ban aad Tte bride wa* given uwuy by her
totter. Thomas Qiureh, brethar of
with toe other end nooood about hie
Baaare.totoelteepeteaato. piteb.
tte bride, waa groomtmaa. ate Mary
naek. epnar <ram the box on whleb te
teoldrceae, but hie capport wee
wueatondlag. Anupper palrof fatee Wood, elater ot the frooB. waa brtdeeraiy imrred.
Tte' teeB will te tooth olipped into his tocoat, where it Bald.
tor toe roBO with tte •tote foot ate kept toe Dooae from eaThe glrla to CteB Mo. I. white hea
been taught by Ml** Church for yean,
UnioM today, ate a rood rnm la «
Urely eloelnc the air pOBBce. thna promlUtof him te breatoe durinf tte hour rara Sower ftrla.
The bride wore a dore eolerad gowm
of hto
triBBOd to «*Uto allk ate earried a
C M. Puny of Ooldwutar. heard to*t
of white toaea. Tte hrida*laoBB OieoecBt Ited up for BepolB
toe Bteool board of Sbarweed wn
I gowaed to white ate earWteo a abort dintasee out of too ahent to Un a prltelpal. HaBountad
rite pink reaaa. ~
barber ntBortoport
hto wheal, eprlntod 40 ~
d by Ear. Thureton of KtogeInr. tte eBomer Omeent brote ter hie eiadanttote, nte got thq Job. Ha lay. After eaagrutulatioai toe wed­
abaft and woe waU elfh dlnblad. rede bU whaal. fanrtog ttet tte raU- ding gueeto tejouraed to Mio. OeBon'e
Her apaad bad to be rteUy redeead, reada would ba too slow.
when iee eream ate eate were aerred.
ate ate bnneht too load of e
AtPetockaydeoopb Stepbaoarin. toe Tte dining room wua deeorutte with
lata tote tote pert Buto latar thaa ate
badly toinred In a ool- ferns and iteea- Bate gu'*l .reseired
ue eeheduled.
Uelon between toe work train ate pay
re ot rotes at a aonrenlr ot
The roBol wUl be laid up for renairu ear ot tte Grand Eapida A Iteiaaa
for aoreml daye. and,too Oolumbia wUl today.
The teppT eosple left oe toe erentake her place- There will toeraforu
At Hudson toe Infant danghWr of lag train for their futare home in Chibe no Bornlnr boat out tor oome time. W. Delong, Jr., ent at play Monday eago. They, were aeoompeuied at far
with toe famUy eat
The parenu an TiuVeiue &ity by Mies Mary Wood.
heard toe crlM of the teild. end oa Aloe Wood and Baby WU*on.
The gifts were many, nsefoi end
going to an tejolniog ri«om found toe
chewing on toe tiny Sngers of the beantifnl.
lUtiw 1*1 m m-mwmwm-m wtf eat
little one's bead. Three of the Soger*
Glorioue Newt
A Tory enjoyable bonte parW wee
lied end bitten to
Come* from Or. D. B. Oargile of
riren Tueeday erenlnr and yeeterday the bone. On belnr dieeorered the eat
at XlB AbbotVe cottare at Bdfrewood. act her teeth flrialy and did not relax Weshlu, 1. T. He writes: “Bleetrie
Bitter* bn* cured Mn. Brewer of acrof,
by the Miaaet Merrie and Beaa Abbott. her hold nntU ahot.
uie. which bed canted her great suf­
Tueedey ereniv woe deroted to wlard
WiUlam Mentcy. of Lanalnr mistook fering for year* Terrible sores wonld
Cboit atorie* told by toe yonne ladle* carbolic acid for eye water toe other break out on her hate and face, aad the
and yatterday woe epent on tte bay for day ate dropped oome in bia eye. Hie beet docton eonld give no belt
now her be*K____________
Ito U exoeUent "
It part, the entire time belnr
in hnstiinr to a phyeieiaa Bitter* U the beat blood puriSer known
Thoee preaent whan he dlaeorercd hie mUtake eared It* toe supreme remedy for cczeme.
tetter, eelt rheum, ulcer*, boil* end
iHieoea Louie SbepoKi. Florenee hieeyaelrht.
ranking sore*. It stimulates liter
MUler, Helen Stonte, Ibo
btweU. expeU poieou
Geo. FetUr. ared is. bee been miae- kidneys end' btwel*.
help* digestion, build* np toe strength
iac from bk borne at
OnlTSOe- Sold by 8. BWi
A eery happy home weddiar took Wedneadoy teak It to feared te mlrht
ptoeolaaterenixirat s o'clock at too be toe boy wbo woe kUled by the elrhome of tte brida. oa Boat Xi^to ena train near Bir Eapida.
Wheat looka wotua aad trotna in Oalabtet. Tte prlaelpal* ware Mr.,
Liborty T. Bcardolay and Kte Anna D. hona county
of acres will never be ent
Sealey. Tke ooreawny wu porformed
by Bet. J. 8. Eenm In the prccaaea of aad toe beet Saida sot yield more than
St9 Stats Street.
only near relattec* and tntonnW 10 bnshela to the aero.


frfim IH toc/Err.


Wew Tolopbone Syetem.
lew teephqeo *yetoat ie now in

wSl te exwndte to tola ci^ in the
nnar fntuie.
•irie. if yon wieh to be o Jane bride
Vito red iipe. Uerblnr ejae. o iorely
—wirrinn take Eocky MonnUUn Tee
WcBonth. »se. Aekyonr dreccl*

fm entolda anm «a Odtean'e BtorU

SIS so

Near Dalton, Henry MUler. ■rfartnar.
atortte ont to Sad hie oow ute did not
retaru. Bis body wae found the next
day to the Beld, hto faee and hands
haring been entirely eaten away by toe
Bogus halve*k^d quartan are pnennsatBoyd Oak ate toar* to a

1. R. uumia

The Waukazoo House!


arextikpojro, acioto.

________Opaa tte year ronaT^ote
Uvuty to eoaaaetloa with to* houes.
Bate made kaowa em applieattnB. A CAMPBELL




•atfeaiUtUtatpnambtearoe*. riMsei*
vwk e spoelslty.
Mew Otoo*. Hsrktem Bioek.

nrid run, 1'

A Koaslar DevU n*h
r its victim, to a type.ot
ConatipaUoB. The power of this mel­
ody to fell on organ*, nerve*, matele*
and brain. But Or. King’s New Life
Pill* area ■ate and oartaln care. Best
in toe world tor Stouiecb. Liver, Kid­
ney* and Bowels. Only $i eenta at 8.
E. Wait and Ju. G Johnaon-a drug

g l^BUOn. Atto^y^ Ma^anowra^
»••*etata»*eetoa^tnlriwak* vitoeitoBi

8onf-”Only to Know Him” by tte
EeclteUon—’The Band” by Paul
Bcadinp—Supw and eehool.
BeduUon—-How Doee the'Shepherd
Cell'' by Allte Eobertaon.
8onp-"We wUl fWiow all too way”
by *ix rirla.
Extfclae—"Llule temtaeof the floek'
by aevea primary
Sonp—"Make each other happy" by
Bar. 3. SaUbery re*e e very latereetlnf talk to toe eehool which we*
enjayed by aU.
A collaetloo wn takea durlni: which
a eery pretty duet wa* plren by Mabel
and LUlie Wilhelm.


Fire Insurance.
L. L A BuUdlng

Fuieral Director.

DVi5iS‘5i!'.f;£a.7SKK.;!3K: unsns in Himisnti i ■

OCkM DawTnualirr Waek. SU Praat sunat,
Triopboae No- COO.

is4T •« &


Cr&.‘‘iS!3llSi£TSSi&,’ 'niiS
=13 ”3
O. J
^ ^csrssnsL'SSi-irssa
■vvrBrs '


^^AMTSO. ■ A coo* Ctrl (er (cavral Iiousf
^-•rk A* rM.orto.,elrem»^^^IOlk

norenee Bari, Edna Milter wd Ora
roaot ot too We-que-toar elnh houae
Tucaday eeeator in tenor of their
frieade. The ranto were:
Ore Shepard. Edna Millar.Fl9ruBee
Bar], Edith Timblln. Winnie Baker.
Harold ntue. Oeorre Petrie, Aten Pet­
rie. Don Cameron. Earneat Welcasd.
Ludne Patehto, Btea Martin.
peroaad toe party.

I hare'had my biuIditiK
7«bailt aad pat in good
shape and un sow ready
to receive all eld patrema.

ill Kills 8 Ripairiig.

Pteasaii Rooms. ShodfUawi.

Crlanda. The raoaa of the dwalUnr
toatefuUy doeoratad with fane
aad a pretty ar^
Harry Parkla*
eerred at beet man white the brida
idod by.har aiator. Him Era
ly. The eonpte will rueaira tte

**..D0DI6 BOSDKSS i6&H.w.

Good Line Of Jefoby

Woodbine Cottage

Tte Michigan Woman's Stete Wbtot
asMelatloa wUI hold its meeting to
Pori Hnron os June t» and $0.
There anal Grand Eapida stndent*
to tte several gitenattog elaaac* of the
university tbto year.
Tte body of Froak B. Arm
Battle Creek eoldiar who dlad to tba
PhlUpptoca. haa arrived at Ban Fran
eiseo, aad wilt be shipped homeet
ones. Hewn*toe Sret Battle Creek
Children' Day at SUver Xtece.
ChUdren- Day waa obaerred ia the soldier to die to toe PhUlppinee.
Ivor Uke ehnreh Sunday. June 17.
ebureh woe beantUuUy trlamed
itoLtoLtoLtoLito]totoLtealite.)dLAi with CTcrrreen* aad Sowtre and the
Program of Sommer ■eeUogofMiekiStelnberc'e foltewlnr ptorrem wme rl»ea:
.gan Stste HorUcuUnrul Soeiety.
Hread lost alcht wltaeaeed o nrj
Prmlae eerrter.
9od pwforBoaee of “▲ Jeoloni Wife."
The mid-iummer meeting of the
Frayer by Ee*. 8. Salabery.
-Ito W Ouk^ Btoek Oompenr. The
Slnriiut.-'‘Feireet of Deyt." by eehool. Mltelgua SUte Hortienlturel Soeiety
Dialvne-"ChUdreaa' Day” by Grant will be held et Neweygo, Wedneedey
Warwick. WlUle WUtelm and Boy aad Tbondey. July ll and is, commoncisg at 10 a. n. Wednesday.
--teBlrubljr br the Bomberu of toe eoa- Chain.
ponp. Tonlrht ‘'The Buekepe'' will
Eeeltotioa--'Tbe ChUdrene' Day” t^
•100 Eewurd.ltOO.
le preanted In on eqnollj good atplr. Flora Zi
The reteeiu of tola paper wiU be
Smit—"The Ohildree*' Pipyer” by
pleased to learn tost there to at least
Tte Ohieoro Chronicle of Hop S5 Clameesand*.
dtoeaee ttet science has been
npiofProf. Parne'eexhiblUon. which
Dtalorue—"Thu 1* Cbildreo*’ Day” able to core in ell its *tage* and that i*
. to to appear in Blelnberr’e Grand on by Mabel Wilhelm. Mabel Eobertoon Gatarrti. Hall'* Cttarrh Cure to the
toe mb. teihond :Tto:
and LUlle Wilhelm.
••It it eoUed mind reodinr- end most
BaciUtton- The Children*- Day” by
■ itproperlp onourhM to oU appeal- Bode Boberteon.
ancee. Bat when a eomnittceman
Cure <■ ttksn internally, acting dlrrotEecItetioa-MinnleFehl.
writeeoqneitlon and pate it In hU
ly upon the blood aad mneont inrface*
Beudlnr-MUa Brtkel.
of the tyttem. toereby deeiroylsg the
own pocket, a queetton to which the
Beadlnr—Sant, and eehool.
fouodetioo of the dUeaae, and giving
iwer he doe* not himtelf
the patient *lreDgto by bnildtog np
to>^, or, if he oter knew, hat wholir
d ***<*Ung nature
EocluUon—••OneHuadredYearm’’ by toe eontUiuliOD and
tonrotten it, and then, etondlnr :n Anne Zimmermeo.
ling ito ortTic. The proi
tev* *0 moeb fsitb in it* curative
toetowoT from the reader, role
Reciiation-Oeorre WireUburr.
Mwen, that they oSer One Hundred
•Btwer ioTolTinr two nnmbere of fire
Eaedtnr-Mr. Crain
boUars for anv ease that It frils
•rare* each, which prure* upon inre*are. Send for Itot of testimonlaie.
BeduUon—Fioyd Crain.
Addres* F. J. Cheney A Co..ToIedo,0.
•rotion to be oorreet. it wonld aecm'
Eeelutlon—"A MUlionot Diamonda”
^ Mildred Zi
* are to* best.
toon toe mlod, elnce the onewer wt
BedtaUon—Lena Pahl.
Mt in toe qaeaUooer'c mind ot oil."
BacltaUone-“Bad Oolla” by Edith A Qnst OUcoF6*y tor OAnoar.
Aid Soeiotp Blectloo.
Tte Lodlee did of the Second M. B.
cherehmetot the pereonokc Teecde?
eAenoon ond elected cfBeen for the
nauier jeer ot tollowi:
Pieeident—Mtu. Oertrede Sooit
firei Tiee pteildent—Mte'A. Perruat
Seoond rice pmldeat—Mn Nettie
•eeroMry—Mra BlU Ucaockey.
-Mie. Helaa Heath.

Mow to a IMt Of tte Burtog ate mU-

T OPT-Bnnr** silk eaVF slth eklOe* ruSe
i_l MSMvhrfe wr«l of I'Bteo •Work BMaro
w Record »ae« *Bd roeelfv rcvanl
*a «
F aaeklM vllk xeKop
4EaBt««tUa: aMofeetom
ive iraak* 'Add,^‘utoMi*‘!^ar,^'^.;
TraTVtaeQtT, Hleb.

u 'pbm. Nonbrre >000* Ne. I.


a*Ki,s^..“-sr'J5ne“Llf day or

ttan*BllM tcvaeltr- Addraaa ec call aa T J
~ icme.'Sa Santo Calaettraet.
attcedad. Telrpbear No. A
E WANTED - At toe BhUaoa I
trrrcBEN and Di-rixoBOoii oiRts m^-MM^son'te Wolt'a bru Sura oatalob
JX Waatad at Lakcrlew BOUM. Elk BapMa airoot. Good bon la tcoBooeitoa
trenoaeun (for
ot BiUenta
Beal cfnaxea pal*rilit
l*ta®pnipSV'ot>5adod to.Nortb*
rre pbeoa-oOIrr III. Z Hoy*; Nonbera pheec
realdrneo. ISI.
i-Rond iraan*. Mr*.
Erllrr.MI Blair >11

rpo RENT PIraaani furslabrd r
A board. T«tbh r*a»onabl».
•r State audOaaa
^^ANTUD-Oaod cir^ far^^Mral bouoa

b aad beuM paial
P.IW haealB. I


Ohla«o............... . » 00 jlOM 7 (Oj **3,

PH i
11*0 <
t I* A M S«t .

L.V WSttacn .............IZ..St..


Bsy VI««
Borbor *

PIANO TfNISfi^. W. CIlBr, S^^fMleo^
3. BtoBOa A<
r. MOELLag^^^D^On^L Ps**rn«vr S

«t. At bona from tto lOo-w
ne Baataa Stare.



Mm. AJ>ard, SR SiaW Mracl
«n> tf
T70B RALE OB EXCH.\NI*E-Tbr aonb S rf
V aauih e»it ananrrof «.rrileB 13 ii>wB S
N. E i: *r«. Lartonan counlr- Joba Vrrlr.


Lartr lot*, will br *ald at Im, ilmL

tpreprrtr. J.W. Pawhin.
lar. laror lot, aa
BcrrnUi nraci. rbeap InrjQlr* am Wmi

WgVUlC Lsseose Nr* rraorit 0 taiUh.
uL trarbrrof piano and iirrao. Trim* t*
ZI Iratonv r:i -Waableyloo atr^. Nrw
flUJU dram* aaklDK P*

SfUlRipidst ludiuiKj.
rorsiTlTSlsed d
rnr City •isitob. Is cfloel Junr ITto. 1

EnamelingBest to be had in
the city is at

j^oerr—Oa)4 rloc^wt
lanrc ascibrs^a^


WiKMoR OvT.. Jen. S4, IMO.
See aamplee in window.
Dr. C. D. Werner. Dear Sir:—I tev*
gOLDIEBS ATTBimOH — It r»« lecaird
of Seven Oure
C> baarMcadaf Mm than I4i aem tefor*
toe gt«t eanem- cure and blood pnS
with exceUent resniu. I do not
Ser. V
hBlUteto reeommeod it for the pur­
poses for white it I* need. Its efleett
ere to a short time so mantfrat that it
laealMofM Loeaa. SO WcM^ «
cannot fail to rive toe grei
Ja* Cri
Bobeaila mria't.' JtaaV,

Di. GiDnun

A BtBOAJN-ln SO (oat lat* as Itaai and
t{^e.”Oalman'B BlacUc Floor Vonlab ^ BtAU-trarto Car aato nr aa^. t«^_A:aa

Emld OfBtniy Cook'Boot
A llmllte number tor Mde ut ts ei
Beruld, Truvereo Qty. Mite.

for *al* by the W, W. Klmban'Oo.
>. W. t. mgglte C

Motetato Tea. made by Madten MedlaonOo. SSc.Aakyour,dn«^
SabaB Fl*^'i''w-

John R. Santo,
Wo»*b'T« M «ck



If yon have e dwelling, atoek. store,
rr YOU WANT laaaraBea at aer Uad le drat
A rlaaseospaetmorae bufaboaar. lot er barn, or any other property tosurubla
ememfawl want to writ* to*
fara enU as A B. AUra rnaa T aad *


........ • •

p.- obr 71.

■rt-ooi Orand isi***
JohneoB Bl<v-

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