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The Morning Record, October 07, 1900
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
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' 1,280 ;
•>r>*o» Up T» 3 0«sac* BvMV ■pmtig.
OttMT* Soverttly Wotmdad In
rioht Amons Hurwartprw
ipflif, Vta.. OeL H-Tbr lUcbo- Bo<ra in Hands of British Urg*
Brunile be Diaoontlnuei
today M 00^ ao« ad>om wttbeat addt« aaocfan btaad
to tbr are of diamdan almd; niard
heawrr* ibr TYoMataata and Cbtbolis la tbii aonaaity by. attaobt oa
BaaaaaiiB. h amr today la tbr
I Operators FMl afaapr of a afvrefa driivmrd by Dr. Methuon Had Two Battles wi^
W. U Oarb. arerrtary of (be Aarri.
immsr^ Forem SepL 26
Into Une Yestorday
Uolreralty at WaafalairMt. wbo
dMdarad Ibal thr eeeflict betwera
BiDBt br
bt oat at tba eapttoL That tha
wv >■ wMeh CbthalMan U tn^lat]
iflaraMr InrlalatieB at Waablaa-
AO Oam»m
a-yry M* trm. Ban M-V Kkm
-Wm* ~e a PM w*o Bad Am
Iff Vf VAVggrf
On One Board
Bowliay OiM9.0hio. Oet. 6—Ftaak
BaA Oottrrek,
ayedk yean.
beiny lynched or tmnwd at
cm—fw • pzir af
the atakr by a mob of a Aesmad jM>- '
pie before Ae oOcm meemled ia yel
tlayblm away.
dotMtml by Mn. B. K. KmiA after, v
It. aad Ae quickly yave the I -S
S Bttcbtr Co. Prop*.
Fall Suits and Top Coats
It costi nothing to look, but to look (Qayrost you
several dollars.
New Shirts. Ties. H osiery.
V. S. B. SKidT,
Satlui, Nick. .
Sntlnn: - Pina ictql .(
tints lir SI OGtwtkaliinlT
|MSirl.-J' N- ■KhX'i' <Ai
maJi ft« im * rMi*. ■<
tm ihnp tw {Im priict nt-
Mam pm Mit mi«at na-
:.,U aampii'M'h'
rm, ud lldUlu4, 1UM.1V
Dealers in all kinds of games and
sporting goods.
You are cordially invited.
£"ta . .
These are the new things for the
winter season of *00-'0l at the
wh™ u„ D™»hk». w>
On One Board
To suit ami fit anybody. Goods made especially for
us—made the way "Benda wants them.” That's a good
deal different from the ordinar>' kind. The prices start
for line
fine suits at $13 and^o^up
andjvq^up to $33. Good
Go(^ business
Mits we start at $7 and working suits as low as $4.
Now then, if you are thinkifig of buyii^t a suit
S3L5.?:. ■sTLins?'
On One Board
20 Oartios
Free-for-alL trot or psea. ^ •100.
C. B
Fred Almoat
« I I 4st
d f ff
. He wn cmn
Udy Herauatr
I a4 I4(
William F. Lroa of Loay Lake wa*
TimerdB;A:W:S:S;:SJ:ia; Id»;
Ml V. tv IMIai BniM.
Half Mile B jaalig Itaee. Psrae r&- . Krjr York. Ort. ft-Joha Md
mliioBl eooditian
itlrrly paralyacd. Be U VletorSam
of WaAiaytaa and iBilo yon baek to
wa of the forlietf
of Ae Bay
•»t7, _________
It dalls the aiyAe of Father Time.
t FURBHTBBH will yfre a aodriTw-away -anakUa of approaeblag
a putT at Aalr ball Taaaday
ayt—AwaUsw «f Ufa. that psti
Mb. AU an terttad
30 Oamos
i Prices
Wain <m thr ndlroad aad
I A hot panalt of Ac faglliTc wlA Ae ceclDe.
. at le» tfeta
Mr. SBiAaad tbr (atber of Ac
child, who loHl followed A a basxy.
after a drire of 11 uilea lauded Ae
Samrl ir Tbr M<nUM Kmd.
The reiriBeViea eamrop The
o tbr berU
the <
Ihirlan. Uet. C—Detalb of Ae dia- mob faatrord a loBa rope aboot BaAVlUMtarr*. Oet «-A Mrilc flybl
o< Dr. HeDowall «f OUoMro, Aal
tay'e orck aad tiisTAe end of it to
rm drift Aow that the early leriae. --rilaiiA him a mile.aaioi rdamtra la iasdtMr
tn Bi WyoMiat bmiiriii trioltM! ia <■
wbleb waa aharply rrpUod to by
tj> were SBder (otleiaMl la rzteaL
Baylotw Wooteff. aad if
brbw abot d««d. o»- totallj-, ma4
OalboUe ptb-ii of tbio elty. ooaapl^-*
Am- U aaythiiuf Ml Ae oBeira ewa y There are aU Sines Iw an
•smbrr l«41y arosad^
Uses aad OccasAas.
He threw tbr lever ood
Hasstaa. Occ A—All iadltldosl
jumped forward. The ; s Imparted Piteat CaH
sasl Oprtsicm fall la liar- todar sad
AU city.
topewaailrewatlyfatwhenaa omcer| |
potUA aoUaw
Imported ESBUAtl Csli, ^
catfI aad depatbw pieki-d ap BbA.!.;< rinrn tirrr. rif
SMil adnai* aad a irdartlaa Ui Mw
!«,. IW. M„ 1.0. ™», ooj'!:
|rt» of tinwdrv, The U
Velsar O
CalC Bsz OIL
laehrd Ae berm Ato a RaUopla. |x
Jiadaaa Oaoal Coatuy vaa the taai
ae omeer killni. and ait
ward AU cily. where be wae {ilaoed | '> J5.00
of the bgr eanratstiooi wLleb
Thr Boar* took A3 |iriM»er«. who
aciMd Ui thr |BO|iiiattl«ai sad tbfj Buildings Leveled at the Vil
----- ---HOOalioesror
wm ealaaqumtly rrleaard. 'TItey
poMrd BoOrrMi toda;.
lage of Bewabik. Mlipi.
captun-d our HotciAlm yaa. aad eet
.wilkratana. <icL «—Half thr aUtk
fln- 10 »* wSyaaa TIh-V OBTrird off
aaata thr a|i|>« ooal Drida which
StS3,l(,4,4(a»l S. 4
tbr (aiiplirs. toyethrr wnA oxr«
MHBiriar .l.aacnH- aad tecAawaana
moire, leavtay oor wayoo for tn
W. J. Saxton Brings ChaivM
aewatirw, Uklay la itw Mitin- (on;
portatlno of tbr Britieh wounded.
yUWw (naa Foam Oily to HhickafalnAgainst Reuben Aylesworth
Loadon. I let. tl—A dlapalch from
hy.havc now br>ra offmd aa iaenaa*
Blaamf<mteA mye Ae Bom prieor 10 pn eoal ia wayaa Tbia >ald
It Orma Point, (Mpe Uolony
of thr flfat. aaoaad.
Aird Bud foenii i
Ae ■*« diKrtril o( Uailod Mine {•noao. dratroylaR tho Oaatoo power
lllr limm
boorr, ahafl lioows. taillt and other Uh- BBBiqtle. If Ae <«d II Bol laaeb_ iM-tboa MafOm
-rm Loaev in Good Shoaa. Q
Ibt- priaaoen will Imae .a
Reahtm Aylenrorth «i la jail A de
balMiaxa. torr ap thr 'Uelath taior
faqliofSl.OOO tell, rm Ihr ehanre of
sanber ia the Mtctn- aaAnwiir Arid. (lower hoaar aad tsfried away a noni- paUie ivoteat.
IxmdoD. On. S-Tbe war office 19. amoult widi intent 10 do yreal bodily
'Of Ai^ aa.UOU havr becD offernd aa ber ci( nrn ear*. •oaUrrinu llirni on-r
iBiry for a mile or more. Tim thr foilowinyfmoi Hobertr amhirilklr bam U-m thaa tbe crim.- of mitnirr.
iBFTmar.aarl Ibr iadtaadcaM art- that
ofOet.&. "MeAateamrrdat Rue- Hr wa* anaiyBMl in JuMier Drown*.
thr nayafty are wilUac to aooept'
hotuil•■BerF yeftrrdav. He had two im- eoBTt yeaterday aad wairr-d ezamlnaM. Today tt iadirldiml o)irniUi rtefc work* v
Lem. liOU. tbr hood. Iielay Sn-d AtSl.flOO.
hI aa advaarw. (ollowinit i
met. force Hi-in. 8S. tie- caeoallinr.
Iti.eharyed dial Avlrawnnh a.lead of tbr (oar bty coal mniBairr.
were noi- wven-ly and iwo .liylitly malti-d William J. Haxirm, on Ayliwdadrr Aeae ooudilloo* llu- sltaa.
woBB<li<d. Hevi-n Boeru wi-rr killed wordi*. farm aror Inirriochrn. n.lny
ihrn iu thill rtwloe i* very pUln.
and iwi-nty .fonr jdi-d nti' twirnarra. and tlirruu-iiluy lo uw-very rlanyrmn.
The atrlker* are waiClay (nr thr off.-r
ITIrmirala] 1* arodiny Iwenly four wraiaw. when In die ImaiU of an'
to brvwwr yrueral. aad whilr aearly
all of
3B.C00 to ,whom a 10 imr Traverse City Horses Secured rriwmer. from MayalinliBry. Tbc anyry man.
tntal nuBilirr of Boer iriNOer. now i.
Thi- ironlilr h<-rw««<a thrw- IWo
orwt adiaaor lw« Iveii imuih-d would
More Money
0. Buryhen ari' .unvndrrinB M-B i. nf WHral year, utaadlny.
mani to work tt woald (aree tbrothdally. Kelly.Kcnny teporta llial he
Ayliwwortli foruMrly lived for *ix
«r oni raniiBOir. UI yiut a aimil^'
nn enyayiiiM-nl laulay three yrantma fam owned by Haxton'.
adrannr. 1'hrr tyiiald laAiw all lb
.Ilaw«dlr«d' binr>bl3alir<«t4-in vrwtr-rday wid>- fathi-r. and tlirrr wa. nol IIh' very The Telephone ‘
ilrUu' iiBrr. TJirTv K Aarrtwt
utrmiy fnrtv of Boer*. Tbe caaml. heat of fn-Mlrwhi-n he left thi- |iUn-. 'Always in Demand
BSt tbr Irul dnubi llnl if Ihrltawfadlira, Ave offla-rm wouadt-d amt nor Hinee tl>eh Aitv lia. brra aier-- or
basaa. IVUwan- A HadinR ap<l lYaaV
Nol uidy I. il ri«|ainvl in Ihi- ofDee
Nrw KaBBlBC Track timed.
miminy. TIm- Boer, lori Iro* diftleally, and the trouble cul- of thr himtliny man of ImBioru. but
ayltsnb rawiaaire nffeted aa rxira’' Thr iTTrtilh anooal fair of thi- Aa- oSerr
mhmid Friday.
10 fe-r mil thr Mrikers woald at oon- irini UouniT Ayrimltaral aacicl.r taavily. ■■
il find. iU .}ihi-ii- nf mrforiiin. in Ihr
It apiram that Haxtoa had bmnyhl home, wh-'rr il mi-el. Ihr nvioirt-laalii U|Hia i’nwtdrni Mliehrll call- cIiwmI yeatenla). It .waa ratln-ly lorboy from ih-' AyIi-.wonli fanu, mmt. of bu.inin.. linaetaie and k>bay a fuoreailua aad wHtlimt •■>•' rrrafal thooyh Ibi- coodilioni W--rr
makiny the dmi with Mr*. Aylr*.
very uufaimlde In many w-B.v«. All or thr |i ; t aln-nnhw Won TWIr wrvtli, aad dial wlu-n Ayli-rworth rial acllviliea.
ttlii-aaailraili, IViia., «»el- A—thrr
,r olvr..
UI*. time.
TIm- wrallier wai Iwl.'liut in Hpih- nf
tlaoMo VcMmar twl tbr Wean
hiwrdofll. l«- .i..rlajvd that Hoxun ^.,„*.„uay an .xi-odluire of ea
nou nrlkiuy mim-re aad lirrakrn iMi. lik- <-zhibltlcM>i well- Ti-ry ymirl
hod a My iwnul*- hrre tliie afirni4Mia
•lioald not have Uir hoy. Haxtonmonev. l-uf a woman',
mvlii to thr nnuily. Thr
went after it Friday.mail mot Aylc ,ime 1. ofu n n. valuable and Impor
aad afterward lutmed hi an aililrm prople of thr towra of UrlUn> and Hymi t-.TIe- ■-•nur ib*e-«d.
wort), wbrn a quam-1 rn.ued.
by Preeidrul kfilclirit of tbr UoilM
(Miiayrx. Oet. S—Ali of Ihe biy
nf thr KBnxmndine nniairy
Mine W'ltrkrra. Kvrry miatay (own out ill lanrr Bombera aad pave lln- iverriiti-. won ilH-iryame* .ve«ii.-rday,- whtrh Saxton ili^lare* tluil Aylr>*HspiioM- yog d
till- value
worth tbrew a beeili- at hint, which
for tea 'mib-i aroouil ernl ilrlryn. fair vr-tT
in Ac
iol.tbi- Kvin- wa» aul larye. Folio*wanleil iiff M> that il did m> H-r. liumr by nrdi-riny iitir Inlay of thr
Fori-iyu aad AaM-rlean laadi
Thr ham- taem wttv fall of AUir- lay an ihr mull.;
iouadamayi'. Aflerwanl il UelainM-d
ware ia llm- . Haan- of llir
At Ciilniyii-f^hirayn K; Hunloe 5.
Mt and ^1 w«rr liotiy oimtMCed
At Ann ArlKW-Mirliiyau II: Kalthnayh Ihr track waa very muddy
l4-d axe, whirh'did not land *n a« to
Ttsc Itay 'i W.irk Frir a Trur^ Itay'■ and rinw.. lo fan. m (irwir were ilxWbea AyhwwnrA
Pay": •»> An- FiitiillDK
liKy ccodiliaoB Uml ilie manayetw
went into Ac houv and veored a
ThattiJaal aad Blyiil-(Wr Dr.
nf Ae Toci-r would have li-eii |■■rfrc|.
revolver. Haxum made up hi. mind'
nnd JbiUcif and KoUiibk~KIw;"
ly iusliSable in iMilariny. the race,
that It wa. lime to yo.
«' Will Nil LaaRwr Ih- t(law.;-* off. Bujtliry Miid that Ihe vi.ttom leraa 0.
When AylrcworA wa. hrauj;hl lie■-riuir.t We Htaul, Uirtdrd Wr
At Iowa City—U. of Iowa 4uyUate
raev. Aal the mouey wa.
fare Justice Brown, hr ueled raAiT,
Fall; ' 'll Ua Fall Dinarr Fall Wr up and dhould l»- larvd for «i Inoy fiwqul 0. ' indeprnilenl.
to fivl
Waal;" "Tin-KriH-mii Tbry an-Trr- a. Him- wen- liorMt. that woald yo
To be discnsse4 by
tbe m-eemilT of Aowitiy the ronrl
iay 1.1 Wnrk |hii,-| Un Willi iIm- III tlietruck 111 till Iheeiitrie.. Ho Ihr byrii-ultnral cotli-ne.
Hr did
"Til.- llutim Mori Hr rarinua i-venu were (lallrd off in IIk>
Hob. chase S. OSBOKR
Ai Ma.li«n-U. of Wu-gmaia A;
am care what was door wiA him.
• WrOuyhl to (h) lo mud.
CV>Ui-yi‘ l‘hv>ieiaiia and Huiyeoe. d
and did not propnae at first in make
BebruiLBui WrMu.. ;W.wk.- Iltwak
AbMlotiiwpoll.-U. of Miaan^ &:
Thr track U a .eerv fine new one.
any effort to fnmiA bomla Wlwn be
rr Boy.. "UV Uanl Our Uinair
ml would hare bnen fa« hail II ^not Ami-* 0.
PbilpFilIod Will, SuUianital Fond,
At Hriaortoii—Hrion-toa if;
L teamed that Ihr next lem of court
Imra for llir ccDManl dowonour of
dorsnof convene till next January, he
Net tViat Baruu'r T.ffi
••Htaad by tala. Aa il arBa.|lhr time made wa. hiyliS.
Btatril that he eoolri yet a bnadsman
Fnwldml Mlh-lu-ll and tbr fmoo
At New Haven-Vnle SO:
vr-ry .low In every evi-at. list wa.
ia Brozlr eonaty. and would pmAbly
-‘Ompmir Wrallb I'Uliiu Ihr Kly^l
At Idiaca—Oi>n>i-ll r>—KMlbrl K>.
faat caaui<t<«lB|t Ihe condltiaa. an'
do ao. Unk-M special eonw-et
MOomlilnc. llBI Ih-Oirr Uh<» Ihr
At Camfaridye-Harrard l>: Bowdrr wkifb Ihr rarm won- |ialh>d off.
yivra,.for it. preacatatlon at thi.
Biyfat A thyanlxr;........Ubor lYiwh-.
Thi. U the w-noad nee mcetim; oa doiaO.
All W«]lh aa.1 Demaad. a Miare nf
temrof eoan. Ae eav will have to
At Phil
wait till Ihe January tenn.
F. B. Kile, of Maan-lnmt wu* .tartttKIlKIIRII »
TIIK lirtTW* nbAMTAHiUlllK
iay Jarlye fer the ram and yava et-llrni mtUfacilim. The other jadye*
■abimm * OMa AwarSrd a Ilia
At WmS Foini—UArt* U; IVaaayl-ere h. Bam of Aldra. W. M. Daveairm i4i 1‘^maal a.
inrt aad Jew. Dewey of BcIbUn- aad vaala Slate nnUeye 0,
At Orawfordmillr^WabaA md
Jrwi-tA Jeukhu of-Ml
19 imlWTWlfcdBaw Hiwed.
Travrnr- ihiy hone, fated very well
Ballimorr. iV-i.n -Il U aadentncKi
A iIh- exrnl. rnatmiaT. Vii-trv Ham.
that the BallltaalT A OhAha. a.
odibe Pallman'A'omiauy a nmtnwt thi' came llttir ranorrof MeCoy aad
ChplaA Albert, whidh miled from
lor X(KU fn-lylil ran. Thi. U llir itermaln.'. won die Imlf luUr ran in
Hambum at I o'rloek Hatardar after- ;
atntyhl hraU. A tbr acetnd htwl mlaaaoad laryi- order for r«|nl|i
BOOB, tun sAore at Fayrtuend, dx I
liny a new rrmnl fiw Ihr track of
ytrau by Ihr enrapaay withA a «
In. O...; til 1001*1 U OR lyi I* MWoti tbe eoad of Oldeabury. i
unM.At IM> yvKKt K»;t> IIOMKr
Thi- free for all trot dr |«ce wa. the
*le t'lalia It-riM llma<iri»ua
hotly coatemod race of dm 00Ac had no flnt clam. 400 awond
m aad PeMaiom nt« MUrntty.
in- mm. renutiiny at* hrato to ffa.
clam aad 400 ileemye pamsoyera Hhe
BarT-aite (arpdiw .VMr
loTbr Hinuu B.W4
A It. Fled Abaoni took vcoad
wa. to atop at SoatkliampKai Ai.
xmi-y ia tU. race. C. R belay juai
Topeka. 0«. ft—Tbe DemooEBtie (Saadayimamiiiytolakeim 4» adaprmluTV-M.miiir Brr4Wd.
mamiltre in 1
WxMv dldoiml firm dam fameiiyfr..
UalvrM<io. llct «-By IIk-acIlMs of br-hlad the maaey. Find moner wa.
Acerotnl cuaunlitee Unlay ffSogoo takes by Toraarto. a kUnirori-' hem-. derlanwthal Biysa will have ever;
of tbr relief (uad wa. VI aaiile fur Traverm City horw-mes an raAuid- itt-OOft majoritr ia Kaiima Tim eom-j'TfMTBRnAVhi BAa* maM.uaM
the n-pairtayof wmeked bourn, aad aetir over the (hm Umtmrai aceortletl
them by
M«.an fnr iwbaildlay
•Followlay i. a asmamty of Ae
Tea tbnoBBBd 1
MWaot KHrwiA aM^ lon-4-t
Eiapn iWM tail n pnMiH. bad innkkkBa
“Think of Benda”
Mata.Cap«. Juy.
Collaru. Cuffa. Braoa,
Call in and See These When Up Town.
Another Big Lot
i Tiannel Ulaists
We have had a wonderful success with these
goods thus far. It seems Tike we cannot gel enough
of them. When you see these you will see how use
less it is to make them up yourself. There is some
thing about the appearance that you will Tind impos
sible to produce. l’erha|>s you have made the at
tempt. This lot ju.si received is of the medium
priced, so that now we arc able to show waists .it
$i.oo. $1.50. $1.75, $rx». $2.50, $2.75 and up to $5X».
Call and See These When Up Town,
KtlioMe Dif Goods, Cnptt sad Clothing Goust.
Pingree & Smith Make
New Lasts—New Toes
Welt Soles-Kid Lined
Just received another shipment for
fall. One price to ali-three dollars
—no more—no less.
Rranl^ Rriedrich
New Shoe Store
242 l=^ront Street.
No IS/liot^oRo
Cb« « a •
‘Xry m«”
. lianEzetlkatSIwt
From whatever point you criticise the
"TRY ME^’ you wiii find it "toe," the
mark. You will find no fault in style,
quality or price, 'truly the best ladies'
shoe ever product at diis pruie. We
are exclusive'ag^ts ib this dty.
Parker Bros*
McNama9 Block
vtu to chnc^ dd« whu
>'eloto. lMMd««T«M to
T>R>AT.«A«»-i‘AW. «*IP«
HwiT •ll.OOO.OW vtott «t vM
a««.M<rto a- Bto-lto to—-
iMfM «fU
The cort
wlU hrtac - -_
lh«n^«r to*""- TtodepaitB«a( of .^Itor* teporu to
Oart^ to «r>« «erk of 6rpT^Mkto^ TH«toM Oa
teaitor •• auwe >h>a to-ble «hW It
jMrUatot Bito
Mt «toH~
Id I'M >iul noefa blybrr ttoa at
to Cirliwtir. I iiH«t ■ Htol M
any corrMowidia* d»ic »lo" ‘hat.
Ito ThU lacTTMed prtretodaeholb I
«r il.lM tomritoJi en to|A
U, tto laewato eoa.o»P»to.t>W
Tto toto TtoftoM B7«av. *Woh toto trcMBK maA SI7 piwmfrT..
DB<1 the e«i»rt» wade by toeretwy WII-,
IttftoAn Itoi eoMpM?- tvpM
pnoeal toad of the depaH- ;
- t. to Btotoaib*.
OCB bM «rlT««l U GopitoM** 1
toon. ... .jrTieahote. for u eotarr*-I
atotoi • totol B»tor of lU. tT
Best of Aaierica. aurkeM .to.to.
«< ikto «7ftoM OB tope, ax
Wilt bo.iw- w-tlTitj aa>l people
Mi. Badtor to* nttnwd fm XorUae »<
of iadtatr} .cit«elj '
n wkBcnrB
■n U«e
«od. aottonirUlto tontoy itoool tow Oape Towa. Utilato • topreo. P>> ttl. the boBM B
by f.
ImpoTUnt o<
» Blaatot aoeth. to A«aA* LaaA
alto boor e(t«)p. »■ All we to;^ile oiih bitoaei
« d^ToM *i atot
t^r» etoed. Bioet
Bine rooa.np «> half
A A Oeok aad KMyRodew* tare
tilor. Tatotrt with tl|rbt rariUnir* w»d
ttoftoe of foot tall that «to
faBM BWiTiod at PWTldiaoe. Eaa. a reduetloD of em|d..*evtto ei>D«>npaitaaB,4 for Mxt Fritoy totww- tto by Bee. Ml. Grey of WolUaifto.
U<m wa) pTKi-o in the touae Bwkel
Avlaa* ha* wa* tto Mirialre eoatiaot that Mra
hMia toalatad off to a tlML
imet that tto hotee [
toald take h«r weddlM trip ilhntr.lFd befihe
Dr. Sadth. tto eatoetamy «rto*. atoe. while to ptoow lawatod
cenioaplioD «l .«>ni fell off WM.OOO.- |
4tototBtad U. toft toaUar
090 la, IIKM •» cooi|mred oilh IMB.and ,
•o Mta Bo(w» loft for tto 0
P-ttto 9TW hy a hofw.
:br price of c«no I•t Orfe.Ro in '
atoe. Mi. Bqaer. will wwala at
It fbr clo»r of thcdci Kxn-etic and
dolaff the botueworfc while hit iwc.
a* kk* Hub oarlew tarlB period, wa
wife take* her weddiep trip. Ropei*
half what U i» l«Hdaj.
Moll BetUy aad Kto AtoUa Olnrt
batolor aw) Mra Bopm%
The table wbkh follow* *how» tto
rctewBRtodlaMeewtaBat O o'eleto
widwr. Both are riefa la toir .owa borne eoBkomptloa and rtportaUon of
at to Fim Mothodtot ohan* parwa- rlpht. iHIt and
aod the
The eoa^ a»et ooly two
af. hy Bar. Ww. laatmaa. Ttor
opoal.lton only ia «*», the homeconwin twdto oa BaM Bljtfath itiaet.
Tto doWhgrr cmpCM* of China ha* ■utuptlon agtire* lor that year of
inr not bring obiaintbk:
ttoae will to a n«alar oaoMUi
dapated to hlgheat ofBcUl of the
tto of Trartaw City to>l«c Ka m,
rfir to make all aereeawy arreageto ftotac M
Vo. M Vctoter
^ »to Bar. J. A
ton, By., ewtottto
•totoyAfto ttotMto,
ItoMMMtopCttT <i tototto to.
.1 B M.. Vato.. (« Bto|^
eny. Atoto». wlto «l.«00.000 to Ktoi-
Aad they are go
ing at bargains
now.Must reduce
stock by October.
IS. Hull lineol
air tight stotlU.
Kou n d Oak s.
Cooks and Steel
bMid tto totwtto tto
to «p«Utica «ito~d Mto aapp
“T3fi T. toto*. «* toto—
F.. A A M..
»uw«>Totr oewtop.
,U for to moat laportaat faneial
' ‘ »-"taarsrm.-E-A
. ^ ““■wH?r wflss^‘t2
a* taatoaw. honor to to late Baron roe Kelteler
to eoto tatoa aad haa gleo utdeiid ihe .rrectioo of
a aaitablV temple at the taidlol m hi*
AU to aatoa. of ttoe ol9 w «> memory. The .aperloteodent of timkat to C. A
at Tian Tain ha« beeu ordered to
P. AhalL Alltoeiatow *«• res«tameet to body oa it* amral th<-te and
tohlgheat offlclaU of oth.-r imrt
A. oyriw wtO" »H1 be gteaa will pay Ibe greateet honor to Ih
Wadnaatay erealag at to home «f
dead. An ImperMl edict degradMra. C. T. 8tot by to tadle. Gaild troB al) rank* and office*
of Gran ehareh. AU are laTlud.
Taan. Lan Yi. Kang Yi. Tang.Fnh
Mr*. KlBlaa Paehard had tto mla- Slang and other* coaoemed it
fortane to faU oa tto back atep. of
herraaldaDM cb Baadolph aueet Fri
day eeoilng aad taaak hw arm lut
aboee to wrtat
1 rititolicm
of to
kiaalng bag or aome analagoa. itmect.
Uon doll.r* a d., for .................... . mer
The atlng U inrariahly pUntcl open
,e wbkb they C...O... |.e.«l«-..
naaUng af tto Kothan Michigan Odd to faer or apoo the aeck above toFellow'. Annlrerwry ***»'
The letiou i* difflralt
tfaU olty Mat Jaaa, wa* awt to that
tnat and toaUalowly. The doctor
twB yrotertay by A. M. Oobaia of
bai had eight patient*, bat ba* n
Patotaoy. Tto oap wat aajparad I7
grade*, fr*. gnu..,
had lime to make a celtarr yet. I
J. N. Martlnek. The cap won by
believe* to woond 1* to rerall of
tto degioe uam of to OadiUac BaSaraaite, and aa two Egyptian* w<
bokahi will to *Mt In a few day.
affileted with the plagae, ao the docTto Infant daaghwr of Mr.
GhioagD I* threatened
Mra Otrln Barton of Old Mlaeloa
with an annmi occoimic*.
dlad Friday Bigh t of cholera Inlaa
.^c i«ere.*.dd. n.*n.i .hr..o*-», Mark Taraln left Loadon 00 Sotar
A faU aalioad
fRBB to Elk Baptd*
ttocomrany In Ihla oUy.M. APaige
Foar year. apo. whoa he wa. ato
for tae
tae .
lag hU waeaB for
B. J. Motgao will rreeirr
a nam
Sse henca oa to atcaam
Otarlerola from thuago U>U morn
day to Bpke hU hoate in
the Untieit
Stata* after a fire year*' rvaidenee in
Barope. He retatn*. to mn- feellnr
boy. rejBTejiatod In body
iiupIjMl In tnlnA
Tto gaeat
Ut will *)Mid tto winter In Kew
York, and will go faaek to hi* old
bom*. HartfonL Oaan., in the ajiriDg.
p..i»n..“rr:XS;’.o“ c.a. hammond
w«k PiaUM a
t**rr Tawo ItoaU be amewMle
to bootr of a relative a«wr Slou
that everr City and wm aot>en«toaied to bmt
r. A HaawaU and a gang cd alae totality la Noritoca Mteltigan wUl to Ing hi* wwy. HMvy atarma throaghoal Fiance
amtoveynal ma^rfewd to i^ey.
ted at tto Oaad Bead* Oca
fkr tto Ttavwrw Ol^ * LaaWn
rerae City next
wvek. have dime maeh damage to (T0]ie7ty
railroad as tar a* -SottSaa Bay. ThU
U oa* M to meat Impor- aad Uve atoek. Many of to riven
Tto •ftadiiunyi
tovaa leas than threa , mila* of to
I Ito Mlthigan
rant* ananrvayed. to a«««Ha
tolas to ToUiag land'
Tto ooat of thU
on tto aahtoM, to the end ttot
to. toea abota S1800. to to- to may an inflacace kU raral Maada ribty iBjnrad. Tto vtoa have been
down, and in taany caaea to
[ thna tar being itot their aFarta la tto matter c< bet
inalmMt'ndarA Ita damage
tor road* may to waU dlrwetod aad
mltieal la
^viMad and Mia. M. t Back wtre
•tactad deltaam *» tiW Miehlgaa
FodacaHoa oCWomaa'a olaba. 10 «*M
atlMMiBgOetatacM-SA Ma. A a
Bat amiiT tto flH poa love to
to mlniaMwof war.
Do'NT BeFooleoi
»T MOUdraM Tca
PoWhCa^Mtoa Ea^
Blame are
Tn the Union of Our
Our Prices then is Stnngth.
Our rw/T effort is to phase our customers amt we
are meeting with gratifying success. We shall
continue 'carrying high grade goods at prices that
meet your approval.
Ami Cuffs, and Neckwear, in fact all
Men s I■■urni5hin^?s. Want ibc new
est? Always found here. Want
the latest shyres?
shown here. Twenty-five dif- ferent styles of 1 !>c collars
besides an endless varie
ty of cheaper (trades.
SaiDc with Cuffs, al!
the newest shapes
at 35c the pair.
An extra pair
of cuffs is the
Will aln^j's be done - as lone
lures are made. So brina them to
tis and we will help you preserve
them. We are showine all^
the newest patterns for fall'
iraming. Step in a mo
ment and sec the n<;w
• beauties. U will only
/help you choose a
frame and have a
^ beautiful pic
ture the soon■er for your
Always the newest in Fall Shirts,
iliev are all beauties aod so\ are
fast sellers. We give you your
Always the best of diese hnpottant
article- ih) soaps the Savon Lilas
Blanc shlls at 5c; the Jap Rose at
oc; the Violletttde Farma loc;
Fear's Scented 35c Al! the
popular odors in Ferfumes
at 40c and 50c the ounce:
Florida and Lavendar
water at 3Sc- A big
assortment of
tooth brushes at
IOC, 15c, 25c
Brafsady, Aaverge.
Rtaaa *md to taone vtoyarda that
apoaat to to aigaat regaeali of
the Batmab & La^
Wercantik Company
mplUh the sMaltoi poaaihle good deae la to Haste Pynmaaa aatonnU
te a dUaamr.
Tto alnmtoe 1
oF VIolIra
Trav.ew (Vti
A Grind Fork*, N. D.. diniatcl.
wy* that within the |..-xt foar
K. W. HaBtlage and J. W. Patchln
week* between «X> and aCD Bo<t*.
twrtfylap. plotared to hU a.dto.*. addrwaed an eathBriaatle n
r* of *000 or mote Trati.vaalto dlwMw whloh to Bid woald Old Mlwloa Friday erenlag.
m. who have In-eu ivdaeMl to
Jute. gum*, -piev
WHI to aaUoa If ftee .Hew wa. meeliag waa largely attoaded and
y by the war. will nmve iw New
lopadlatLl at the |<olU. HU |«e<Ue' to Uaar* of
'ork ahnrtly. wtoon- they will |*t>- A.l* *nd «bT»<ii*. «>>«! 'he r.
ttoe were alamto and pewlwUtle.
Cved by way of Chiogo and the Twrln • rtlcle. of -h. li.t *rr
Thay atlrterf to people deeply. Boine
aixl .i:|.-trojpi»; .-c-.in'r..-*.
Cilie* to the ferllb- veldt* of Dakota Iroplol a
ballaeed toy woald ootoe to
and Mtnaeaota.
tawau Me aewt.kf
BBl*Balarltydoobted.^d tto adIf Mavimo (hmira. th. lal. e..n.iii*BilTto enrtority of Jolui Hannerlach
eoeateaofa aonad Boaetary ^atewi
of Chicago, aged li yean old. wa*
wtae eietorioni ai to ilaotleea. .
ie caa»c of hi* death. Die Imv
oa hU tor Mr. BomwUml ha* aapaied tto aar
never *een a wedding,
Ihioagh ladUBB U maklBR propheale* eto*a of E. A Eoger* of Paw Paw,
rbeodold by *ome comivinion* tliat
la tto WBe aptrll, aad with to taw* an eiperWd'di*-. good. aaleanBc
,hk .-...rntr, .10: Mo.uiJ f g.l 001
mairiage-wa* being celefanied in
and Imvr the UUnil n> uimrcl.}. o
iU—gaed and todiaereaoe to the |ia*- wlK> wtll take cimrge of the defari
home at *30 B'ect DiviidoB
aboul.1 .t fuimi it- |.l.*lg.. made li
aibUlty of ttolr fnlSIlinent that he
irrpaiation* to w tore* the gauC faith tu to Cutou peupir?
dM ia I8ta He apala U oodaaeoriajr
The Good Templar* gave a very
V-..—ay. Aboat S o'clock at night
to Mithtae tto ooantry with gloomy pliwMt aimlal laat erwalng. at whidi
Haaker KoM. a
when llu- interior of lh<- boa»>
ptetarw of the fatnre of to repshUr pie of mlto Mad* ua> the center
tomiaatly lighted and gfgH*
ri*«n, r*»lrfiT of
J. . K. Gt
U to It adt eleaied. He tried to faam- of atttar«(B. A rary oiOoyable time
Ohia lia* U-etl
Btnwming into the tarlor*. the- boy took of Tho .Ullc.
baoaU to people foar year, ago; to waa had by tto la«a aambesw^o
of h. nil hv a eerinn* lui
ellmtod a leleplione pole in front of
tronlih- until In- tried Dr. Kiug'»N<
- Utryingtodolt bow.
___________ _
to hon*c. He *oOB nwrlied tbi- top I)i*oovrrr for t^wnjininloo. Tli.-n 1
Tto hltury of to laat foar yaan
and there hr jierclin!. waiting Jn
wrote: "It 1* ihi- l.-«l niHliciix- I i-v
kveFt* lit aocirrv
taow* him to tore beeoi a falae i«>lleallT for to event. But the wrd need for fl M-ven old c» a Iml oe
pbetln l0ta. aad oa erery haad to
Mlm Edilto TiBblln gave an ele
of inng iTonlile
I alwev* Liv-ii
ding |«rty tarried no loog that l«- wai
Iwitirnn hand.” -Ihin'l »ulli r «i
gant birthday luity ywtfvday aftorwank and tired, and. loeiug hi* iiold, eouglui cold. Of any throat. ch--*t tir
BOOB ea to lawn Is front of her realto boy fell to the pavemeat.
He long tronhle tUn-ti vvm enii l«- mre.1
And at eleetioa thU toil to people dtaoe on Stata atoeb Sixteen of tor
■track liead&r*l on il>v hanl eurface *oTw»tfv. Onlv .Wandfi m
will agala ahow their ooaBdeace I
girl frietul. attended and they
totlh-* i.-n rent* al S.' K. ’
land hi* akall wa* fnetnred. He wa*
U. JoliWHMi * drug >l»iv*.
B**rT Uae. Her gaeau left with
taken to a drag «torr when- he died
tor ntuaeroa* memimtoe. of to oeaawithin a few minnto
Tto body wa*
_________ __
taken to hU home }n*i a* to tnarriage
Thoawndi of RepeUlean* all orw
MlwEtol Themaa gave a
■tamony wa* being performed.
irettv to* laiy at her booM- «* WebEdward A Akimin. of Manning. LADIES TAKE NOTIl'E.
*ler .toel yaataiday afuwoon in Imra. wa* .tealing n ride on a Chiai* taking little acHre intereat in to
t)cl. li'th. n r«-|ir>---irinuve nf
-II .A r.. . imr of «T|iiraK<>’>
caBfatgn.beUeTlng ttoi the elertice bonrwof ber.caaalB. Mlt* Bdaa Thom- eogc. Mllwaok«v A SL Paul train en
wonl.-n hoi
s will )•' III
aa. of Elwood. tad., ato arill retam
Bte to Sloox City and to feU a.lee).
M Mt. McKinley aad tto reimdlntton
iiM-«ioiv of r. G. :
home tsaaday.
Ttoae prrneat wtoe:
the box car. Hr dreatped to ww> In
of Bra * falM>le«are aatared. In ito
a line of wi>
a rwllraad wreck and towrd to moan,
ooaSdeaer of R.
---------------------” Muae* Edna Tk
from Ihi*
BdlUi Haatlag*. Cm McCoy. Fannie and (Tie* toi help of to' !>«•<»• in
and «nit*. |ik;-3I.
to chief danger. Bepoblloaa* a
jured- He went to todr **.l*tniicc
bear thl* In mind, and altitongfa Uiey Rntaer aad Edna MaitiL
Sot lie.
and climbed thraagh Ibe end iloor.
tolUve McKinley will to mlected
1 U- *lii«-nl from the city niitil
falling under to wtoeU. Both of
Itoy atoald make It a point to aee
NoUn will
to*.Tto Stark Comedy Oa eloaad their
hUlfgawere ent off.
A brakei
of niv office tuid apiminimeiit*
ttol every vote 1* caat. and not allow
Bgagement In tto City .Open Hoaae aaw to mnn tall and to train wa*
rk oui l>- tuiul.- Willi her after
thalr better in aaceeBtodewr tlmm
Inal Bight with to lavaentatloa ot'A
te. S. O Sawyer. Ui nti»l
wa* broeghl
treaf'MsrtlBg ev^ry efort to bring
* waa wry
Sloax City, and died three faonn bter
ataal that oad.
well atagtd aadgivta la an extremely
at St; Joaepo'* hoaptlal. He told hi*
entertaining amaaet 10 a fair aUed
atuiVET in «xiMrumu>
«d MfA
It.'.il -lui-.riarvd giicM
f lbi» r
WllllaB J. Bryan, la a naiiaer tnly
•gd IMatotatowB.
thU tdty yraterday for local •«
ehanu. It wa* aold by to agcai «f
Dr. a Prayn StringSrld of Oliita-
kpy degrae tCBB for work daring ito
**' *' ■ ultoKiB w. mwaaai
O. B
redwed to ftMtore.
The twirfiy cap wcB by to Pewa-
BBPwr w. Haamtci*. of o»to
• **" ""uiJijfDoo Mutpatt-
’♦aawrt r>Ko*r« «Te r«r ftocal >*»>»
at One Dollar the shirt.
Best garments for the
money ever made. Not
our own “say sb”. but
our pleased customers. AU sizes from
n« tat M «r ItatOM tt> to
totarthrtht ici*ta» 8«w«* o* tto^ «Wto tto liqtoctoB I
MMwhwW to hr C. a
M VMMtar •ftt—to■ Ite totavb* brfaa tto taiad wM
r. 8r hM M Mk •
» If to U ls(*r «M«h to flM <»• Mr tortom «to aato Ito tal tad to
«DadtoMtoMu nAm tow
tto taUiT Mat taaagta Tto eoajMr1ttaF«ftoto»d to iMiTr potov ttoi«( toltorltol h(w B toU I
Mia. Fraak Mam^. «ba wat taiad hadeboD «
ftMai. bat ratafoed to tor taemr at
toKtodtay. o . BJto B«n|. Itoyta
totvto MMtoB. HMu TBBAttoM
« at ttor ii4-
Lato •
Tltit to Abb Arbor.
Hr. aad Mra. T. B.
I tall.
Prto. Boebr'a ftni ytag ta
wbo bat baaa
Bt> wat ta lar He wtwt ibw*
tbtwBgb Mr. Hitahl a»d Mr. .Otaarwa
to tbr C. AT. M. RalljtalOa aad
tto Ian
BotaL Hla work ta Its----------- ynornd
No previoos seftwci has
^ t«re
Klffbt OUtSI^Bll.
»r tiitt ttoy
able DOffdties to shapes
and colors See our »iadow—50c to $4- No 6ner
line shown anywhere..
Handay acAoto. 1» ta
Epw«nb Ltagaa at ki4t p.-ta.
Ertwlag aetrttr. t. 8ab>(«t. "Om
Ifaa pmnwe to anlmab afant cto«h.'
awl rtonae lo batorr tnaa i
ttat tboe ««■"«.*. war act thaw
■•A yoong womaa haring awe b
igbleoed bytbr t
toaabitetaaaar hat brail
blad fa ytsi. by ta-tug tbit taoow
BUgi abuBt ha. apm ba clothlBg- apn
tMtawa tbr Boarae to ClrtaDtat, "
Miwwiag •
Holy Oca
SaaiMy achool at 11
All aiT eordtaliy. iaritad
The early (all purchas
ers express great pleasure
at the new paRems we
are shovmg. See what
Otawr to Fifth aad Oak «trr«ta.
Haaday tebaol • :4S a.-BL
ta dlnta Mra-lf to ito toUef that it U
PnbUe Wonfatp 11 a. m.
real IlwTobntiaoaaiBMwabk-to
C. E. Praypr awrUag at 6:45 p ».
titan I laMM that anch fantoed Bgaia
wrap »« ita fay aaking tfaaa to pwdi aPabtie wornblp at 7 a bl
Ota- ryrball a« a btlb- with tto ft
Paltor Hedgiaa will1 taarr
ittait bU brotbn. 8. H. Hardaa Tlx- Tliu wakiw all toijecU abuat than
to Ibl- awning ter
dcaildD. at any .tie eaa pore to bin
lattrr hat aoU oat hit
ta il Ata iKd Amble Us fabs itai.
tooji on Proot tuwt aad will gu to
tto pngtort to Ito mind,
the yvme
Hurt Uohta. wtorr to totU <-ator into
Haada.r-Pi«tohiag at lO-JD a
waaaa ynti mruiiind wat taaMi
botiaaat wilb bit brolbar-ia-lav.
furlodbytht* dericn."
aadal 7 p. m.
Mini tomiB PMuiti«taa bat
ClBM Bsatiag at V :16 a. m.
toitntaialait Mr.aiid Mra Jeha (Mtap-
$10. $13. $1$ or $18 will
toll to Ptoatkar.
Joha M. Harto* to Bmaeeto it rlt-
trhMi. UihUtorivitr.
Itavr oota hoUov aottad. ThU an
; to« bu cartntoty ht toukt it to !«<•
. ttading Bitarlmi to caw to tto tarn
a t|an abiial ««o tocbn to kMiiHlikalf BB iBch trito asd at eUv at larr
BBtiitr. vlitio tto rmt to tto latmor
. Ugbllraiakiac
taat at tibtk-at mnr—tto Mate oa
Ito flBUntl.; Uiiita at Utto at tboay. btaater BUtara.
M. Wlaalr bat rrtarard fron a batVam Mr.- to.-b-y amat to kamr if
aajrbodyvmtKlIbiiu'wtato bat.
iant trip to tto aortb.
do here. We allow no
poor goods a place in our
KaiulaT ichool al 11:46 a Bl
Epwo^ toia|tnrate:!&^ BL
and Ulsters
Thartday—Prayer ntaing at fdHi
A endial iaritaUaa Un
nor rraf. J. R. Roeto
------------ ,„-i I aa al(aratr. lu
Mn. K. L. biratfai' U
all tbptr wwTjert.
war. rfaaagliig." taid tbr pBhtUtBhaamaiir t«|«f1nMf ooe nUtbl latt Mn. OtoKVf H. Pnirat aad MMa
Korkr Moaanin Tea.
Madr by
' moTP Usa tatitfactany.
Thit I
tmA. lU- baud toob bb
aaanal Jtm Ktowa. to Ohk»«a
„.i- Maidaoo Mcdieinr Oa aie. A«k Bpt. D. CochUa. patior.
I to made a wailpd nen
iciilt lowU tta
Krr. KlUna to Hu totat.
yoBr droggltu
jiniaf of tto oldeat rtadpou to Chardnwd bb4 a It <>Bl toto Ibt I
HuniUy acbool at Bonn.
(IrToii. whewr iMtimmialt will bear
thtaajtfa tto cllr jntoitor oa hU war
JoalorC. E. tnriPtl at 8:31
aakp roar own rhnir.- fron an
lOUi i toakp
loot hit ttaleaipnu Prof. Rorlie baa
frocn Kiaffakir to UId MUtioa. vhnv
-0. E. toeiftir atftpi i
iDimruM- liar i ■ wnolm. fa
b-ra W y<mr* in AUilclie work and
atrai tto rroooU, and b|icb pieklag it hr atado
" •
fall aad wiui
V, P. R C. K. at
i bat aadr a tperlaliy of waching
Ion A Ca to Chicago, nl tlir irtor>
. Bp taw a wraarl faaMn>d to lU tbroat
Mn. M.. DoaaUaiid toe'. Artliar,
ll&OatM tlnwt.
of K O. Hpo......................
' tarklur lu blaod. Thr WHurl im- to IViroit, an- ritiiiiw Hn llrMaa
High Artlttir Tailoring.
nadiatrlr fatlnnol Ittrlf to Boadh-'t BnxKAMhrDI.
P.IU, Look. Up to
John Ki-leb of Krtnrlok U in tto
Aa«rr. and draidlr rvrrr rfert
. iuku IkatUr a (TUtaai
eiir na baMant.
W. P. Nrlacta to Nortbpert wat at
tto boon and tali Ito aaltod rffortt
to hitaarlf aad wtfr wan- net aalU- tbr Wbitlnp
to |«ll it
tbrn took a
tint jni-
hi-anoird tomr
■Cello aad Piano.
Tiiini sum,
| Pluyd Mattor bat iManed
laera aad tto
lil t wilhin tto altotlMl.tlrar with hi* la-Ml
Chariot Kttorllaii. wbo
•M|ird from
tin- jail
Ti.ll to III. l.-at pirl.
Tix- IS-n- Marqurllr
lino rtnul to Htanton
alniiiK «tol lli.iiita wat aa ra.T
tl.-ir cunvortaiitn tainod
Tar la Witn
Honda sni “toakod'’. ami nfli-r dolor-
Hasllton Clothing Co.
tafnailto Hmda’t rtoro jasinp in
llii- window atHhe rtoe* with which
Thor WMP tanma. aad ibi-y tinod
hat bmi oa|ilur«d wliilr iwylni!
532 Sute St. noDda; Oolyl
re. I have
ildimillna to
kldnry.. I havr rtn|i
(div.iewi. and (riM dlffm-oi
i-oi n-n
with oatv tcmiic
ic«lv Kor ncvrinl Tiwr. I htvp
ih^l tod long troabh^ with lopugagpln Manual 'latmr. I v
MitioifJToogh t^uir. V. C. Thoniji- .Indoo.-.! lo try Mr J. R lUidi
ty.iPB to i-ln-iric idivtiral eelton-:
•(mA rlrvpji or twelve tnaUnrata
with vi-rv grnlifTiiig mmtta I an
feeling toltrr than 1 have fi
■lif 'r j/rj f /yy ry y x f r r/
good o-cultc, ani
of It aliaett Itatardlalrlri Ii
.......... not
W, Q. O. Omtatai- rrtamrd
.Pra( On»b-T ayt to mmol rcnii- ^rnitoii from Ballaltr. wb<«r to W
plrto Ito tatk to ' ninraitlBir
tto|b„M. nttn
(wnpr-ny to nllroadiL. trl<-|ihonr aadjtoir.
b.-ti aanorin^ from
dioTiw. p\iT Miim-;
"tluard Wliitp I Hlerp "-M
Mr. aad Mra. R J. Morpai
^ed yntonlar »rom
{iolo aad qaartrt aeena
hnnl Tliilt to UrtmiL
wat pom) fw
pardi-ii aad a|l|<linl II to Ihr wotoi.l Mr Morpaa larrlawail a
tto tvrilinr aud lalMtaBlhu/'fli
...................... .................
bmetor katfr aad Mwrd
Uw aattaal'i toad off. Tto eair<-r
fai«Ui to twrll fatoorv auntar and
for tto (taat tii yran.
iPtadtoig T»BM»MCHr arc MTli
t amr i.unl pndartHM. la
U. J. Oorrin to Lnland wat la ito
Our second lloorovcr*
crowded with this (all's
purchases. Any kind of
material or Color that you'
may wish—$500 to $35
in price.
vnnld ant nloatr it. •‘Hr faarrlrd
duiniy Inncfa-
to la-rtniR of tglcntarv haldtc. or
thoM- ndffcrlng
from all chronir
iio»-». and t. h. vp il
bI io itvKDuio grai-ral hralth 'nnd
R. R. Wllkcatea.
LrolaBan cooaly fanaor
Prof^John R. Korhr.
Tto toimol for tbo
from ito John J
Rllod^ bat
Urnad Rapldt.
or pry tiiinv. aad I'll rolr for Btyaa
laating an both ran- and
I,- w-iid till- man
.1 .l.-iqiPil ai ■ fanuboUM' lo I
. Ihcm-. "Bf n-ii yi-ar. ago a pour
) ptHMrtHM- Ibl.
ibU way and you took blni
Tin- ttun Nornal al Y|wlbtoli lia.
lark of a
osnlpiml halldiag for iit
m4h.iI TIm- ftaal exiOMdolInn to IhitolUiut; to aonord
-•V.-.r' iiophPd ibr fanto-r.«.ii»-wtuil
natu |•>m•al
wnt brpua
X/ / ty/y-yyry r y i./ i / x x xy^
IS. P»tt.h
Bidletug Htrlag qpanrl; >Vh
Dec. n. Knit KrrUU«. tiu-oddmn
ad Aa.mnn Tiuilni.l: Jan
S-V ito;
Per lb 15c
r eui.r
Urr l.ge*
'J /y. xy/yyjyyyyf^
./ J xy X X X X xy xyyy y rix yx:^
Claw* have
faM-n nrgaattrd for
boUi ntPD and womro. Homing damfwtam lino 11 JO;
4io6;90. At{VT-tal ebua tor ladhw
from fl jk ai. to 7.
<-Ti-ning cUttPt
tarn 7:ao to V:snii. n.
the honn. In conuui-cthai^ilti
leal cnltuR- wc liwcli
pparring. f<'OC-
lag aad tnc
library Hill. Front St.
(hr cbliAitaa.
l-mkr.rii i-eniMt...
ata IMiiionyl. piaao recital; Marchlvim UK'Al. APLMC.kTIONR at P*
M-: llipy rauneg rrMh (hr tral to (hr di- {-------16. David IliiqihaBi. M«g n-cital. Th.-:il
tbtarrh it a Wood or otmtrttn-1 p-etgfaUi antiaal May
ftaivni will con. ‘ ~
T «■'
Wnnt Bay Blrtoel. City.
alto to
tbr Beeuw KpRtivnl cgrh<-tttw taking
0 iah-mall;
lit catiotuary ai-tirc pan
Mhi- land net.
V cs Ibr bloo.1 and
•t OataiTh CoTP
HcbaimBB-rti-lnk. who civai.-d tuch
_______ p. ll wmt ti«faror liMd yftar. Iw. tan n-g-ngwl;^,
............ uei'of Utp tott-|*)ytictaiu
at Uir tur BBtarUon
HenA-lwhou t ^ ■ta -■
ihi. muntr for yiwrt. aad U a
drataalic onloriu. "Elijali'' and ttnl- iTwlar TWcacTltkics.. It it onnnoard r*g '
priarlpal ntewal offprtagK
^uertlr m tto uneeat tartaea. Tto
Hru Willtata HotpiMd. aa eld rpt- {wefert cnabtaatioat to Ito Iwo
gmlirau ii'wbal p
tacb woedrrtnl
rptalta ta eartag Oattirh.
toothing (WBgbt ftie fraw a tamp' aad C^'^Y AO^IV^VTiAedi.'
tow wat bonwd to a «wtep before help
Ural living arar Kew Ikatra.
baracd to drath at lirr home.
«aC. P.
OoUler to Oberokec. 6
nwred fatal. It eaiar thrnagh hit
ttUaern- Hit hack got no latar to
maM BOI tlooi> wiibowt great rata.
■akp Tonr
roar tplretlee
tplretlet for taiu e...
eeai or
_ troBtert
tan Mallra A
Oa't liar to wotorat at tbr
toP. O. HcBaoBD. 116 Cbn I
- la tb«
aatil Iw tried Ecletrle Bium which
tofeeied tneh a
wcaderfal ebaagr THE Q. R A I $6.00- EXOUBSlOK
Usi *^^<^** thal hereto, liken a To BMuaftad UtaTet al 6:46 a. ta.
TaraUy. Ocu Wh, tfaerr will be at
________ ir aad ktdaey tonahl
to J. o.
gjAaSikki -ra.-ii'ki______ '
H»iiiiK«i llm
at Steinberg's Ctanl
............ —. -
Fall Styles
yon giM*
If ilip psii-nruco to myM-lf and
i-nd> will nid ToB in yonr
work, yon arc hdvby |«-nnl
mitirto to sne
BIT iiatiM- or n-fi-r to a>p.
Kmleriok W. Mayaa
Coiidnoc to iMwllh.
Jntl rrorivi.l, try tlipai.
e»m uitxT-i*.-
^•.iHH OTeei at
' Travanai
Aiavriw Olla
Ih- >inii>E<-r
~V«u f-d hliu. gan; him
worU of ..... ...
tnik an toil
(iih of plottM-.. |ta<
Mldlllng* In bl.
gup. iIh- training tobciol a |.vkrt aiHl iwot Idm ..ti hi. aay nU
>.Mi al Ibr tliBP that
bmai- Worthy of llir aaBir.
TIm■I furgd yuor kliata(-Mk
tahling 1. R inodpi oiH- In orory
Am I rigUi
. {wnipolar and lU- irluad ttarla Iliio| tolh-tr yon arr" wa. ibr nidy.
arw iror in Um- fi-iih-Hr aahl Ihll If to iinto'wr'l to
Maj Vorunn lia. b..<n di-Mllpd by wmihl M. Ihul you upcrt tod onu.loii
to n-gn-i yoor klndn.wt lo a poor.
tto M-pn-tai. of w»r n> iwofrawr of
MrngcIlDg lad."
tathurr tch-nn- and tartlra at tto • -wuhV. Mk.
..wr -irlaliu.-.l tbr farm
wife, psdti-dly. “Il Miunib atanwi
a fairy itir. A.n't ltr>
c «*htwil
iVcll." rontlniw.1 (be ttraagar, “to
■-rii-. i*f nmn-n.
!roU mr lo Idl.you Ibtl tar M atlU
B{iiiii whipli It
ShI MfH Cain
aAai'o.. Why Jiooldn^l^'
. wliioh 1. now toliiK dltuiboloii by
John N. llaxior. Th<- |dooot toai to
ago 1 To^od for lirraa. and wi- ham
tod icimmI timra aad ideaty to inottry
giT> 7BB [Btimpl aad caftoki an«-n;|
Onb Ibr mart roUabb- tooek larar-1
Rain* TTT7 low
tto WoEfnid maatrdlBo. ••Koar yrara
llapliT ^ooITtatou
If 70a ham n dwtollag. >t(tok.«roro.
ban. (w aajr oUxw troptotT lawr-
lAwr Hir:-At (hr ronrlnciou to Wy
fim tprtn onA-r yonr intlrnctira. alU>w w.- to I'Eitvie niy apiwvctatioa of
m-atiui'ui and (IkwhichI 1 h
ha«- iwlvwl.
Abtaopavat. la
ral to my
•ndnl y«>o
0 B««l to
friPiKU whom 1 tlH>ughl
yonr tnwinp-nt and in i-wry Inctaneitlx T have t-s]neaovl lo nw thair <-nliie
■tatigRCtion. Ti> iIn- iKiaiiKwa or |WDiu good or
McKtaloy tliUfalL"
"(Vrtalnly tiot." tairt the nuin frora
__ ------------
Fire Insurance;
Well. I tappcwr yon will Totr for
*tto I', of M.
_ tto imtoart to ba mind. She w
Ipt haiMl. aad ba ekuhing firqoRitly
. rtnriand ttol tbit
ObarinS. Tadar baa tto aiBcd fTtm
Tto tooot boto a toarknl
nBfsbbtoatTp. ta.
K>to<-.«)tlant agitacifaiM
, BMt to oBWn't wtmk. fame ymt*
• affo to (tctoA B|> Mr ito abort of
whkb it pwblltaid ta tbU artltoa.
'tottoir. waadtoltoirTtoMt
at t^ w»»* to my wa. I barn aero
U A. Ptat to Am Arbta M tpaid
toff tto tor wBb fait ivtat la tbM
»*“■ ■
prannnp M>
vbe faM toes
rtaittec bar toMbw. V. Aataa.
tarsn) to tt9 boaa ia Oraad Ba|ddt
lto>|Ars totory. Itvtott Bw'Olfard.
kM to hu inawtoB a Biii(|i
aarr lov.'M calalar tlawtrH. H. Bali wtni to CbIcMO jmXM-
ymn to toBkarnttoUm. H. LdcAvoto
t to »«*
--------- -
rATUB R B. wiLCnrsciK.
Pnaebtogat lOJOa w.
tbit ttaagiaair ««■*. «»d «■*
a muexnt that tto Ann B ■»
CBlUr Ifaanaaaaitnuattalkiiicwitb
bar* Mat vaak hr tto ataoat ill
to tor tootbta't vlfr.
Mra Bart
A1 A-lrtto 4W
tto iBBflhtoi
f«f«to to the (rakito «( tto‘*PUto
tacVWmto" NicktoBB <»*>i*y}iito
WB* ito ant ■t’KtBg to ae
Criewdi ta
' At br hta Jaw iwtarad a M«Hr tttaa
___________ ___ -m antad U u« emir,
tad nay arm bav iiiiiarlri taadrbr
ta. to. B»d tto IBM
ABBBBrtatoMh Bff Vata
tataa riTidantt at taiaafj pttot|ia‘
bet viitoai aoy acwjo»avM» tai
tatoat is a«7 ^aataty bath la eaUa.
to toU or tat eUta ataortrd
Hwtau' Otrttota i
TMttattaa Bt Aaa Artor too* thto
kt ar-«l itotato itoM M ft—
I rrltoiw Bto
•1 Just arrived a fine
lot of Horses-some of all
kinds and all prices. Come and see them.
1 C2U1 please you in price and quality.
tto Bonk S
two fifood fanningmillST as good as hew. price
ten dollars each.
There are soohe new de
partures in both suits and
overcoats, on which we shall
be glad to post you as fully as
desired. The swell merchant
uilor effects are faithfully and
completely reproduced in the
read>'.to.wear garments made
by L. Adler. Bros. & Co., of
Rochester. N. Y.. and which
we alone have on sale.
It 'Would do you good to
sec tl^em. for they well illus
trate the folly of paying mer
chant tailor prices.
Oxford hnd Cambridge irill
be as pedlar this fall as they
were latt season. Mpny neat
I effects are also shown io strip*
I es. checks and plaids for suits.
I The covert cloth overcoat eontioues to be a strong favodta. We recognige that there is a
great variety of tastes and we make it a point to cater to alt
this we are greatly helped by the lajge assortment
fabrics and ^Rems produced 1^.the “Adler” house.
Careful'dremers are urged to'inspect our showingof’
high-class ready-made, and to see for themselves how H ia
prtoiihlr fw os to promise them satitfaetkm at an expeasp of
half what they have been paying for custom made dothiag.
Wilh©llTI DrOSa
' 'i
!U»>A nircHC Cfff, MicB. <r«oi.ir, AenmcB i im
enartm T. , Harmon,
Ba to a laol wV thtoka R
ir* a anod thing n
I------- *-------------------*-* •
I wV to wadded «• bb
Ids] to sore or wn i i|
IHtaansee are aot aartoUe: se wvtor Vbii of usilag .
A* MS pa
asB- hem tight a* a tick. R dhlat ar CBd* two «riVs tegetoar.
kkk t
laerrtn his. Vaenr. fras b«Bg eSa
TV ateraie bmb aato yes 988s
Miitiy aj(|« ia 8wtak«t’s 0
emsh not to gyi oat to fraM S sandy to get a clMMe to ato hto.
bbowsdoar. HraltgbtedaitVhaMe
Same leartoar* ere ebraper ^ Ba w»w i^ihMjdifcal ds tba gtrl
tan mom are a
O^MB «rlU 4etiTtr M adJw Kc- vaackanMd. Aa tkay caaaaS<4 tfaa
cnepe away Vf.wr aalkttg lo bit ewB
To harder-for eesr peopie aet to
araty tsM«
rrahlrare nae nse at wboor daer 4e a am art tbaa H M lo do H.
__ to gel aoto*
Haay a saa wV to able to cto
ay y
w«ar. TVgiri toldabos
V erar Srpped dowB pad far blsaau to aaatde to aaaka a |
«d vlU4iacMi
t<AI bis
ttn sUdlf ««M. aa^itManMM asmb'* bat. aai haw
',ea| s-nr bis V weaU tbraab his and
Mt read MMar of <ae yam’ «■^J-dto^-KlpItog-a ASsSa- : haoi ua lat-t hto wife-* p
Big word* are HV empty hat bom
, Birtaad to [ to stattto. Than . wi
take ap lor* of nos aad
1 be ratiwatord ibr m«t gate of tBetorr
fkaaity la*t aralnc. to MjajMi to a hr a» Baya-baad a«d i
TV. FBttal Ukr Jartgbbar. ThU sen. too. Saod tt Is U MUbb la U
Un* ot saa walk
e. tsi wben V beard
__ __ Sid JatA. Wlto toe to hto Beat of a Pragias,
BW ttou his totbw. Oaknal Barrtaaa.
apeerb wV
a weaUa'i walk a
^ ■ It'• an right ter his to V loniy.
block la bear a
tom al that ptooaaad aaaUa to ba •RTASV GBSEKBACK DIU.
0 (or bb drwBkra
AdTeraJty rrta* a saa ate abawa ap
it to >a« Mch UtUetotosaa tototoat
htoas faaaaas. M/. Baniaaa will
TV potter Jadge
wtato toe trtoMltolpaf a UfMiBa.. tbr rirnrh expinrar : *l.ool
idlk bis aad toawa op bla want -—
jitKt mnroed t>> I'arU. h> re wOdl
__ dl.r to
Bead raadi caaatm aalil tba aictoal
'tally Newa
Mid that V look* forsiad ynnr getttog draab
at Ue lattor, who to t'jpi'ctad to be
bwaaad dallTer the prtoetpal addraaa
TV BfyaB deaariartoviwa to a|varVadan. aa tbe ton^ wiiwn iwrwy
S toe eeagnaa. aad ^ce ebaiM «t allr tV greed «M M»a Ikai----“It________________ ____ ____ _
Veis fekDDWB a* tto Chair <d Urto. m ywr*
iSitcal'. i
‘rt BW •wU year altoallee lo tV
aB) V my*. “BDii tl wm V poUticalclrorvh <s tbr nimar tlrl uai there.
Cads Uxla. a* tV WaWi people call It.
T* hneliw*P***‘,
« aa rluae 10 Vs« a* sy real- | by palltog oW ptirt of
ha top 1* haUowrdoat likeu
In ibe o(B.t of tv tot.- CoRi« r. dm-r. and yoa
• eoBch. Aoeoidtog to local Oa■ witb H.
tloBal ^bi ead V»e
lliinttnetwi f.w sany y.wre a |.Rtarr 1 ibr ,i.*rarl.-r of
Tbit brealirel tbeegbt Vd e astodty
of Kbbd> bane. Il> title war “Ichluai before tl'*
la tbr cootrsl^ea that ecimlBaird VyI n gronDBa ptocb of mlv
Khun V'ani-e" II raa a-altl. It repre
das atate.
j. H. Bmt, who oeuraad Itlatr. Thr artoal ceatenatv milk
toil cotoca lu IV UtOtogja^t ^
mjt.-d a puur larraiur walling for an
la IV
iBtrrrW wltba'rn|>>UlUt. In a IrOtr 1
to aapartoMtdewt at toe gtaad dlrto- IloB rrfrrrrd «o waa Ibli:
)Brt found Mf. Ilaaliagtts atatre iVl ]
Karijrrtir Onrabaekrr oprard tb*
tm aatacitog UltdiigaB. Uhe B. 8.
Id/to waa swVb he bred, tat
»|.;m of tfito-.pinBrr — “
Xart. wV ii aapdrtBUatkBt for toto
witb raalllB and place wVra tV caaI’^of*-' life.
yea tblak >oo mi aosr sore BSaey \ Vre best a giant if hi* Italy we* to Soll’^oTbl*
». prrf.r*
r* boiublr fare, and ti- Urd a-IU get cold. Jaat befon aertt. Vtowei
poportkai with hi* ortolntrd "rhair."
Oil] time nmoir locm will rcrall tV (or.-o 1 a.xvpl a paM on
lag llsr brat tV wbltra of fV rgza
• BMsy a eeatary^ ter ItoB'l yon iblak ar ell oBffbl lo ban Mn. Hrsan* bs a flar punu with toe anbiii.'
•.mrert p.-rfursaBm I "
SBH- Borr meoey-r’
iwhtoh he pnadly abinn hU feadgaa
ic iia!<-blm.>a
„„ K«bbt KulVA Workmaa. a ebrs lain (V caatnrd. *'-----Seewad Clilww toprekle|t mlldlr)- (kalr at Idrta aa toe toesr. and Tramy-•] early ttr* of tv
si* hoM to to Raw Jtney. whtodi Wrll. yea. 1 tolak IM HV lo bare eeaw
atoto-cakr la every aad
acak ptrcH
ptma of atoto-rakr
tVm >“
Id •
a dito. l’‘“W
iM nrrtod eetootlfle rtnl baildtog to
lalag a rrpota-! I"« »*»•“
aad soautala' tV cold rnatard aad aratirr orcr tbo
ah^harpotot «f patfeettoo toan aay
■^tlr Clitora ead Laedleg Vbic Maarbad
y.-ir! top rwrt graird
Shar atate to tor aaioo. aM rrea ocral' Writ. ibrn. why doe'l yewbrip
yuugir esMBiry, aft-1
The prim* paid by tor Baltlmme po' , uttrof tbcYu.
aaBd V hM a* Vrr li? WVt an yoo ataadlag
I rr Wins ii.u-to
rrcuttl in •'Umbliig [
Umate: f^omrutu. gSOcIwaaeoaS.
WVf* Year Tara Wortbl
had a lame erpafiaaea then a* weU a*
8 iV ilmtaUyas laai year.
Iwvi.i ipBiB of Rymn r. atrr. Mkb.
gl.M; blooimi. $H; atuamrr tniom.
iB May etoar part* of tor tlottod ead 1 eaBI sorrsoory. If wr ell My 8k.l>: Wtatcr tmaacra. TOyi TVw* rtoiiur. to V tv ol.lcet l»rto.wrat In ;
r ^^.nut^5.
.hutn. Hr to
I* 1«>3
ycara old. a: Ibr nhl 'KIt.-lil : rallvay,.e(fUoa lo TM hare a silow eosplexia
■MSB. Tor eight yes* of toe pa« *o «r raa tarr It. cae'l wr? Aiat thr mtoca, toe eomsiaunom ray. are low.-r
laeadlflcd look, soto pairV* _
«M V haa worked wlto bia. faber. preplr.itolag lo relr ibU ro)i"«r7
................. .. rxncp- rrt.-nib of Ibr Urikwa war. and ba* I Rmt.
wrali-'lV ff
Colehr* on tor akin-all aigtia cd
- • - tbr Ii.-m.««Uc tkkrt r-------— •
ly i.lud lOuig
■OaloMi Hairlaw. aad tbelr method*
~ ible. Bat Dr. Klng'a
• •* r M*' priet fbr weary
V iMcaanr of age.
iUr<l nialra.
niair*. tV blc Urer
ilm.- In tlir t'DUr<l
and wbm toe tm-n air
Ufe mu gtrr OIrar 8Hn
«a Ttotaally IdaaUoL Both of toes Ibry-ll priai li. woB't tory? Ym V
.•ti.r<liig tlir only idare la B...- Rew
John noiid. aor of .'V Isat Irtob rrr- :
Rewy CfaeaAa Rich Gomplcglaa. (
raqatred to pnnbaae new rkgbra i-rrrr
Will V V bm dartog tor eoBgraea. ' long right *dtb at.
olaltontou to IV Fenian sov.-iihti: of , lot> toru.- si-uki. to a.-.xKnwwair uw Ueeato at 8. B. WaitVandJ.
ttMi. db-d tu BoWon rormtly- ' Hr «n, ! croyv.l. liun .-aiur to bear brr.
- Mr. HarrtooB atotra that tbe daal
ly smetoaa lo tor Balttemr w.lim.— *0 ■■•••r (bat III* iMdy a iatl.l bar - torn ^ TlH.tna* iVci-i -un tbr Arrl ni-gro to Jobaaoo'* Drag 8twr«.
aaUtka of toe qsaatlM of good roada: drrintogli? Hew eboal paylngit ep?
<egolo»-r •
l.iirlr.1. In jbe p-'Hcr’a Bel.1 tmt for tbr* Mert-irr tin- rii:l.l'.-f aaffragr undre
' MB« V eltber BattoDBl w atote wM.
I Wbal tbr drrll do yoa wanete rd>
lnlrn....ltl.m of a Val Iran
tV- lifl.-enili acn-n.l-nt. r.-l.-1-ratrd bla
ttm foTM hr daea aoi oomlder raala. .uir of lll•■a<' wto- '.-li.»i-tl to pqh l.litlidjir nl I’rrlL AmUiy rrrent■rsnior? Let II wear oat. and prtol
to.'. Work.
' ly pnotisl. toe lattor Vtog tor plan
of J..1.U V<vlr ;|,. II,. «rar. a S-ld nir.lai gttm biB
In a dingy amra in tV braii uf ftoa
; by IV
,if fi-nlYVilm}
wlU '
toal V. tbtokt
Row. that «ae thr grand o'.d way of PVarlaco CotanrI Oarar I'. I.atig. V. H.
adopted all orer tor ootmtiy.
paying thr national debt in 'St. It A., gmaral ruiKTintendcai of IV roil
-.................... Attn Maru ami Ma<at a *|ir,-l
n» work of road Vtidtog to V- dortn't look anllkrly iVl Mr. Rryaa ed Rtaira tranrpurl orrvlrr, dtoiialcbra are loading IobVVTv (*1iicagn at the
day> after IV asendomt HOU8B8 for mlr In SI isrta of tor
r<-sleity—all prlcea.
bWpiubedA* rapidly a* posible «a- alb harr to agikr ybattbr paras
lumt* bate sart-brd by ta tta- odya- dvk. of John K. 0» A- fn
— A long lUi of VaUaMr
dar toeOBfaeomblr wratorr eoadi- iMiir In thl. CBspalgB after ell
mot atrrrta. and tw- witbuut tlir r|ai.VVmua KIngaford. wtai died a aban FARMS
there elll iK-.wlWdre In thr weed*
aad etoor Uada.
B.-.I mv f«« wtdlrap.aiOm.-go..VY..cmtolntcttbsa TV eity'a atonr eraaher wet about tbr proIrriOTStr In tbr Philip and anrt wbirb lia« arci>Ri|ni>l<-d ..th
Wlim a cl
FRUff^^DB^oa ^^^^taaalaen to wjn promotion.
Hr, baa
writra W. H. K.,da. of <*l with hto own liam
pint* nod tbr Monror doctrine IB Aaia. arm roinnrto ruse Imi k Vlili ibo-in-o Imirarillr. Vo., "wliirh
j-d hnrrl- liv.--|>-m-r iiieiv flr>l ruiphiyrd lo
L tt. Oap to Lrrlaisa oouty. —Murat lialtlrad.
atar* of a ainyor grtwral ami a mm- t>b- anr,-* for S6 rmm. bnl BeoUmV 'Ir- m-wiy dl~..»r.-.-,l |.r.«a-« of r»- BAROAmS-Vr Vrr tors
wbere tor arctic* «f atoar road to lo
Sttoilv wUli III.' tour alnr. of an adaSalrr wlmtlv rap-d nn-nfl.-r tni.-iiiic: •mr.-b fniiii liullan rorn. Kv
slral Our hundred and ten thouinnd
thing rl«r fit'tU-d." |„toUn.l.-. * '-•■si .vn'’h.- »•. in n-dii.-ed
b* bailL Tbr tnaelitor will br aet
Orer AlKin.niU of tV Antertnia
sea gu bihI >MUir arma* titr I’arlfli'
r br wa* utoklog bli
Bp temoRow. aod toe work will be atoriao ara aaid to V
and itol a life bial from n luallcal
K wl.Vl'oudj'’^! ,
bo' tlH-rtarrh ytoidrd
H. A M. Block
and artnallr irertrr
paabed there aa feat a* pcwBible.
fctaid of ror of thto am n-try. tVrtalnly
00. AV.
--fa.ni great Wcattfa nltlmalrlyireord for any nary :
TV Ug ttiUar waa eaaploiyMl cs
Bultdw. Arr4v«l y«Mr
toUowtog pawgiBs waa rewdtndr
■">"*! K X -■S'ri‘'SS .^^.'“2
Grand Traverse
Land Co.
Grand TrarerseXand Co.
Boston Store
Tn Our Fall Purchasing
Ole i>aod Jlitned
SRttt V4NS HDnulNb
44 io. all wool Cheviot Seige, in
• blacks and blues, worth ?5c for O^rC
Thursday and Friday, Oct. I Ith and 12th
Uito ninclin tf U. S. Rti. Efint Rnl Mto, Ua b U. nunWE
At not only having the up to date assortments of everything in
our various lines, hut to have them all practical, desirable and popular
in every respect as well. We are confident we have the goods you want
and that our *prices- are*Just as satisfactory as- the goods. To satisfy
yourself on this point come in and investigate. , You run no. risk, we are
always pleased to show our goods «nd quote you our prices. Our goods
are right, our^rices are right and you will be ri^t if you purchase of us.
Come in and (et^ share our good bargains with you.
io. Mohair finith grey Home*
•puns and*'
Oxfords.''extra value
glue ^
Yn CaltaH Ml w Mikinf
When you itx the elegant styles and
learn bow little money it requires to have
the correct and the best of headwear. I
It’s the busiest department in the h^se. .1
3610—A nice line o( the new
shades of all wool Venetians,
Homespuns and Coverts at. •
56 in. extra heavy all wool Homespun Suiti^.^inj^y, dto^mal
Justrecei\*edanewIineImiUtion 1 Rn
French Flannels, at only...... A OO
M UN's FunMinp DpifhHnt
Is better equipped to furnish all the oobWot of everything that goo to make up
a man's attire than ever before. A neat
hat is essentia! to good dress.
We have Stiff Hats in all the new
fall shades io browns and blacks for $t.
$i.Sa$34x>. $2.50. and the CamonsRoswelie for $54)0 (thelwst hat in the wtiM
for the mon^).
lo Crudners we have tans, pearls,
browns, blacks at 50. 75c, $1. $i.sa
Fedoras in pearls, cans, brosms and
blacks at 50c. Si. $i.sa ts, $2.50 aod $3.
New fan shapes io Yacht Caps, for
SO and 75c
| \\
Nobbystyioin Four-In-Hands, Im. |
pbids. Tecks, io fancy stripe aod polka 1 ^1
New line of Strings and Bat Wings
•tasc- .
A. beautiful -line of Four-In-Haads
and Tedts for 25c.
Fancy Hosiery
Fue Wonted Hose in solid colors,
15 aod 50c.
Men's Union Suits from q8c to $5.
L Cbe Boston Store
AmmuM.- at UruMto Hall.
Dctallcid foctmua wiltt ibw
ibm be aoBOBOOrti.
The olllran of tbr “Road Makaca "
onraBlxatioD will hr la ehaijrr of tb<taMtlaa.
AiMmw of Weleomr br Maror A.
V.^Frtrdalch. •
toaiooM and atatoiaml of ihi- obJaei* of toe roarralloB. by Hod. Mar
tin Dodir. dtrertor of tor Offior
offliv of
ntrad baildiBic U
Here is wbere we strike the key-note.
Men's fancy Worsted Hose in stripe. < i|
ftttka dot aod' fleur de lis patterns at Pl
i$ and 50c
FOB BA1X~619^Bopm «od
^ kite OB coraar of Oak aad
Bsnlol^ rtwoU. good ban
dad writ <M water, eomar lot.
good loeatioa. Wfll tet go of
tkkpnisrtj far ISO down. hal.
•Bca |8 ps Boath aad' iatens.
Wa'v adlteiiFOB tbo fate and
tbrovfag tetbe boildia«a. Price
FUK SALE - 814 - OoTMT of
Lake ayniv aad Ei^th atfwd,
8iae of lot. H8 fas OB Bgbtb
Mraet aad 1G6 oa Tsb» artatme,
ht 110^deegoB^.
far 10 boiaea, rosa oe W far
tbrw qwre booaaa faring oo
Lsk« avmae. EtOO down, Islaoce on mootbljr pafne^.
Low tofice taOOO.
FOB ^E-7m-AB A No. 1
property oo eemer of IsTjjo .lot, two lars*. boosa,
large bam. raoni far two more
booBM. Property now rente for
•S6 per Baotta
ICdl feet (s
Eigblb atreet. 1G& feet on BaUro^ arefloa. OooA locatwn.
low prim. Price 13300
atreete. room for ttaiee booei^
ooe OB Webster aod two ow
down and
oonth takv Utia. Price |MU0.
FOB SALE —0f<l— Hot
______, large lot 0l5xlft-'i feet, jast
aercsi Roar atreel, property well
wortb $1300 but owvr wiU sm-
of alreet, ji^dweat
icaab, balaaca
of <W
00 time.
win be iBTalaablr to erar cIiIm.
MeMn. Haniaeo aand Dodrr oosr
brae dlrrel: frein
fnun To._____________
Topeka. Kanraa,
aad Bl Loot*, Ho., where rtpertBeota tomdioakiafftiare boM te
Ma for toe paat tBonto.
twrauur araaiae.;
eafiaelaUr iarllad.
AddrrMeaby Rob. Martte Dod«a
.......... ......... ................. the BOtirrOBtflt of* tor Port RaroB £meli>r A
bw Co'e nod heildiiw oBtfii.of
torer tnelioB rflattM*. dirt CBn.
waeoBt. aiMBraltor. Alao toe 1bdi*M Road MaefatorCo'a road na.
fomitord for all.
' wlPbr »adr lir*'ool*ir’G. KuStooT
it expm to road tnlldtoK
Sm WatoiainoB.
D. C. Be WiU
wiU terr
--------- •'
etante (d toe work and wtU 8irr p
tital Jdrae oB tbe method of r
Mldtoic aad toe mw uar ed b1!
kiate ofMateriaL Tbrn telka alse
te ^ral pit,
tteM at
Vteii te toe treaatM__________
. te of ctaral road to beli« balU.
wtaora a drw week* *r - waa rwamp
aad wbM a— • vlUiteaAbMa-
OoL HanteoB will there glr* aa
addiBM OB QiBTal B«mH Bad bow te
FOB BALE—7Ut—4U acna :t|'Stea
mitea from dly. 1,300 braring
peach, pear, plum aud apple .
treea, gnod new frame booae.
mmttr !• vel. .1 arrea timber, all
1,-uud aoil, well worth $1,000. hal
aa owser ia railruad mau will let go at rerf low figore.eaay terms
FOB BALE-817-Lan,-e hoi
aod bam.
grunod, *’
8<*v... 3 aerea
« »."p Kcuuuu,
enleenlh atm't, go^ big pooU
tirboBaeaDd yat
FOB HALE -8ir.-r.l aenw, lays
OD East Iter 3 milrai from city.
good fnuoe booKe. 30 aerra im>
proved. 76 beariog fruit trees—
[»rice $1,600.
FOR HALE-«lfi-G6bd « room
boose, comer of .Spmcv
aud '
Wayne streete, reate far f«> per
moDtb. will take good hdrss
team part pay. low price Prico
FUR SALlv-78<.<~3& acn« clcas to city, good frame bouse aad..
bam, 373 bearing, appple, peach,
pear and plum tr^ all und«v
_ It
... .1 jjy Well
Dining this Congress the Road Machinery of the Port Huron
Engine and Thresher Co. wiii be here wllh Three Engines
9 One equipped with elevating grader attachment, one with road roller attachment and.
?-the other will-be used for hauling dirt, road cars, etc: also two dirt road cars with
I spreader attachment, tank wagons and a complete outfit.
. These machines will be used during this qongress and will add ii
:ly to
I the interest and profit of the occasion,
The most modem machinery now in the world for road building will be in use
during this congress.
No citizen within a hundred miles of this city should stay
Trimmed Hats from $1.25 toSiS| rl]
Railroad fares from points within 100 miles, one and one-third fare.
Onrtrimmercan make your hat just \ iii
ts.you want it aod for a reasonable price. I li|
Look over our ^>ecial valuo in Patj
Ifcm Hats.
tMl ESto Vten.
mosUy lerel. Will lake hi
and lot IB good looBlion aa pat
pay. Unst be at cash valo<
«me as above. Price. $2JX)U.
FOR SALE-815-10 acre lU
Are to awaken and promote a more general Inleresi in the improvement of the pub:
14th Bl, part sandy loam, part ,
lie roads, to discuss the various wa>-s and means of securing the necessary funds for
i; Jast the plsre for s few '
this purpose, as w^ll as the best methods of .conducting and maintaining them.
oows; garden truck and jioaltry .
The Sutc and.local Road Improvement Associations. Granges. Farmers’ Clubs..^
Will take boose aod lot at caak
City and Village Offictals. Highway Commissioners, and Path Masters, and all inter- A
valno ia part pay. i’rire, $1600.
ested citizens are most earnestly invited to attend. '
H FOB BALE-MI -Nioi' borne oa
Webater BUaix room boiwe ^1'
ia No 1 conditiem, targe lot 68'
fi^ good _bani.' Bot^
New Street Hats are a
every day.
just placed on sale a neW lot of Draped Street Hats from 75c to $2.75Also an elegant line of new Turbans,
TnWn, Buna Lnwra.
tu Fran St
Timrn CIti, Biek.
65c wiTr
$6 in. Waterproof Suiting, two
The^tizens oi Traverse City and vicinity will raise sufficient funds to build
sections of .macadam and gravel road, serving as object lesisons in good road building.
These sections in different stages of construction will be shown on the above days
and (icn. Harrison will explain as the work progresses the'methods used and now
cmplo>xd in making good roads in the most eeohomical manner.
I go far
low price of $1A)00.
FUR KALE-810 — Good, ..
bonae, six rooaM SlbSt., in good
coodition; $S0 down asd $>i per
mooth takte this. Price $700 '
aeigbbor, we never
go oat of uar office to chase down
boysn or seller, If yoo want to
do btuiaem with ns yoo wUl have
never go fa you
ntodoao. But
we are aiways | ^wed fa show you
property and always glad to li
in tbe regular wa
coune, that f^are
ap aainst tbe gang, aod '
_____ we
_ _
_ enoogh
enoogi for- them.
Onr advice is to listeD to all you
hear abont ns. bat take it with
qalts a grain of Allowance. Evety
' ataa has aa axe fa grind, aod tbero
are other liars as well BS 01
Ws ate willing to admit that
we Are not quite up to our job oo
that acare, and not quite as proflctent'as aotae of those that claim
we Are. It is one of tbe arts we
never cnltivated very mneh, bat
when we do lie we oalcalate to do
it ia a shape that a ,tea year old
bow wouldn't eateh as at It: Too.
wiU And that it pays to see os befare yoo boy. as sbont all tU
. .
for sals it UMe4
at tbs vary lowest price -we eoa
getoait ifwethiaktbsprioefa
too high we toss
toes it ap for
far tbs
ibe otkotk
er falSw.
fallow. Ufe is 1too short. aad>.
fa this good coontty borinste fa
■ ~ • - to waste tiBs <m ia.
paoi^dttties. Always on tbe baa- .
^ always glad to see yoo. aska
more ales, bare farm tist tbaa
oU tbe rest pat tagetbar.
Wade Bros.
r m wHI tnen tlMl 0» f
r BBB today ita i
’ tk» Tvun 1
d Ib* oomnlrr
■ tad mipri—d ChiM» far aarrrui
itaru*. «vTv anally dftvm «M tm
tain* Haw .ilw aaanwr U M a jcrrat
anar wImm ita pUiv. aad arfem b*.
Ite valla ta tast to lafona Ooaoral W« that Ub acta fatbrr. wbon M
b*M in itaaody. votad ta
that ta allovta t
of Ita tapltal. and wtan ta
lartail tarfe It vaa loo lata
~tald tta fon." and tboy tar* raatJiiA to hold
tta iMtavt day. U
IB anall) n
fta by Ita tataaairy
4 bV faibiT. b* r
U. and BO Ita oi
U> tta MtclBai tauBla of tbrir anraMrr
III* Mir rtir at MBkd*«
mrdinc to Ita tatm lta>*d. a ■
rtilrllalB Ota rirro
4rm«<>*i tdmlB. bnrn
* raoUtwd Manutae and CbiMta
I tor bU now capital of IV. Th* oily oontalna a popuUiMi ot
Marty »M.M* and b
. ------------------------------- than l«i nllra ta
cirrall. Wltl^ u anoltar wallrd >Hy.
---------- '— —mhifh wua
UM ta M ita >taa.______ ___ ,,
and Ban**Ml ih* Tala malan. aboMl
wtOta lb* Ja|«aw and
kvaa. vtarr tta sitai wall of Cbita
Onda lu taalm lortnlBa* In ita vaim
of Ita «vlt
«alt of Iv-rM-li.
IV-rM-ll. and a raJIrtad
rma Ihroncb a bnnrfa
tbrawn Bp t.«* yran
n-ar Ita B|»t ua abloti ita fatbor of
tta oaflUal Wa waa tabradta.
Hskdrs. Ita ancimi raplul and taly
Cblna, I
Chaac. I
tkaa. and ivob tbe prliaan ct tta ndgn-
InctaotafC ttanlni. vtaaraoTpletataB
aricia. tta a---------------------------------------------of tta ItataM
SoicDer ia Ita UbHrI SUM ttaa ta B
idSA 1* y -Amiwiema iceUwA. la a nila.
vhp baw tara ttafaMwl vltli tta vrd'tern ct roybhy'a Java.
Itatafvltebata knryvn and a
(C aU t'
ti«a la Karota baa tau Dr Tta
■naa ta Parte, vta hta bul ttab
(C tiiOudaiitat bla ffanra ia*o all
royal BKtath la Chr
Bst pertMfn tta sward bctate wiu
vtatatawMoad tattaata darlM bte
- " •
Raptlasi m
Bd Esfavaa Bofsate.
a Oau ha
waa Bunakthail by both at iniHiw of tupartanee vhlfii Mlalblyliad noMilac to
do vUh teeth, vhlln the raiipss woald
baqoMit^ arall hlsianlf uf tln<fc>tor*B
to fstefftMoate to In-
Afirr tta <«|iiun' uf rmorte by Lord Botaru Mr. Kra(«r and tta Bon
rawinl l-d a irry lucHIv* nitainMO. Oimac from ptaro to plar* Ib adranrr ot
'.-.r'"""U-.i« wbm u
•n d*|ilrlB a •
>«k. In a railway r
P Tnaard tta rod Of bla auy Itara
A ilrtllah a. Ilvlty taramc ao fmaiwnt Hut cnwi ran- waa Wd li
ar fimn tta Dr- In ita op*a air abould aiirart ih> ati.-nilan of tta rnrai)
II dM ai la«l and fta a Unw aoMd provlataaui wrv auhalllatrd fur II
rry luirlM u. . and Ita r-llut cam* whm (teMral Frmet o ivtruU. .
of Ihrir rml.U, iwpiurrd Ihr rc-prraldrBt'a fai-orttr rook. Ttan Ita cm
I. h««ln« lorn tNlclac nrarrr and nearrr to I-onucurar irrritory. ma<
Ita (Inal i'luac" that rarrted him a
to LMirraco Mardura. «n ll
Bi I
power that rnabird
Hhunrhth, Ih.* cran<*«m of Marharhu.
In hm.nir Ita .Yii|a-mr of China. Wan•
lairl of Ihr population aarrtbrd lo o>ltia. and 11* aoldlrni wrv nnt pnnliularly fanagiA I"' bravr'ry nr lla .Iradrlw
for KTralmw*. >n ihr<nicl> a •'unihinaIhin ot foriuli.ai* rirrumnanr*-* Ita
rul..f* tmiNHud thrmarhea ufa'iia <r*an*
U.«l<lr n hirh Ihrtr own to a* a moir
anor te thai.U bUM Obaa>
rvmta U n^bod u|«ii ITki .
than a inllllon
• by l■•ltlnc UmM.- ihr vativa ..f lb*
|»n>r lu Bull
an md th.- cr*ai Mine drnaBty. wbl
. had ruP-d China Binrr Itak
TMK BBAiro w«n>niirtT. clack.
Inelodrd amotic Ibr ehiptivd at nurteallh-a and crerral l.rV-a-hrar am
• homr lo IVrabi by ita cmai «hah qulh
rmraily waa a wonderful rha-k madi
acpnwBl) in hla order by a Lrra.l.Ni
toJtIn BBlan' apn tta half may qaraa.
wmlebed enndlll.« uf hi* |»or |n
A* hr ha* civrn lo Invrnllac l.rniv
the inc'nulir oi
a pervrrtrd no
It 'll nald.
I. yrl *ol
la *1111 I
inanna. Ronw. Ilritln. ra^Bi"tVtemd l*«d.* All tta llcun
---------- -
Unai^eor ita ilkr ot abtrhte n..| to I.
•MBd anyaiiiT. eta- In Ite- fcacM.
armrtty of tta alabr in north iThUu. It aboaa a wnrahlp In aintrr nearIrra. perpared lo wlltataod a airrr ritbrr ot an arm) nr at Ita rinnmu
Aflrr Ih.' rt\vr trrrare «nvr al TMi-lain Uimr I* no hopr S r*<«|w until the
Ire ciaa Mil In Ihr aprinc-tar any >iw' ao uatanupair a* in hr raachi. MakInc Ita br« of Ita aUaalloo. Ihr aallor* ..f aU aatlunalliWe...........................
mud annied Ibrlr vranrto, wbicb aaon f
and alTotd ptolecllun
tnon tuntar iBlarbirt.
The cold I* utroar for lao or Ihrwr mootha. Init tta winter
dttmi|.ra. aed
d J
Jack Thi •a rrirwrad flora hi* prtw.n n llhln lh<-mud walla murh
■T than hr wiKild deairr I.
If fal^ own InrllnailoB* a
A nonp AoaiJiBinox n
thm« jrta^aads
ekm rratraiiil in nor id Uw Rhine caatls rd bar brSher. tta Prince od WM.
anoUacAmiTitoui (toattot, tad.
arta aimoat liM to Che depwittst <d the
late klnx of VurttomtavR. over whoa he
had aoqulied nofrreat a |mnr<d |iiiia
Msi that the Idiwciit hlmarK adrift
(Raa aloKvt aU tta Mtslatlsv <d hto
jrampre daya.. IkddlBK al>*d fitm relatlrre and noblm Tta klnir vaa Saally
hto Anwrlcan
The cuerrea of nmokrtovi |«wder In
m.idem aarfam haa ta.-n sneh a* lo
imtapt a man of an Invrrallve inm of
mind to manutaeiBm a powder which
to aald to br ata> iMlarlnui. It la Ita Invrpllon of a ('.rrman workman who
alBdlrd Ita rhemtolr) of r»plo«lyr» In head rarept at Ibr rraaai and .
imry. Hr ha* *lrra>Iy civrn
abavr alihln Ibr nnelrtto. a* the
le-IUuMralhth I* dolnc
hi* dtoeorery wUh rtmalderahlr au.-e.iu> eirnnre euntrarti-l) of Mr.
A ahell loaded wllh hto powder wa* ITilnanuin |r<-feni to hai
dr*d al a lar«r| W yard* away, and
: mewl rtvllto.ll men deolm lo
Ihr only round Indlewiinc Uw rxploalnn tain aad ehrrtohe. ibe piclall. that
ralltoc.ot tta pluncr.' of the ilninitohlnc alcn of wrvKu^
How at Trtarnn
maw. apriaalaeto
1st a
tta qoesi
haX amuiiiwd tatvraai bar
twfih'nr. (>tiwn Pmwe Prrdlbaad. asd
.....................................ot baaVacarrara. tar salsty bad
I. n prey to tta mnS TioiMt
L to Vrailee. vtam tar «m-
Mr. John Chinaman had di-v«
kaiBKLEB* powny^
Orm. It into Ita
■bsi tbe aoydre VM
omthiwB. atar eta fatatle <d tadan. It
Who. fits ttf
PvtaUh manadsi. and l
Virnd bar S pmal rtek fioto the
trofnUalo tta araatde. vtaone abndm
totad to Rsrland oa tta ytobiorwar
John Thumijuft
Ttamva* aa Ansteaui iWvftea vSb
a* iatpUciaUd in tta SMewbat Msatlsial lacddsita that lad to tta -ubten
ll S ttav
ta frean Vrtilcv a fnr jasa s
Aflrr tta X
Mep <m airivliiic vaa to Alatola* her rotlpn
stir* situoi
situaracn. (S*> tvotest
nf whk!h.iMt to
tbc' mala nf tans,
i«ary. XL SetoVs. aad bar Aktad-
ChliM-ar prrtcd.^
ttto* faun with a
vhlefa eoold ns vaU ta mr^od
.................... ehannek And.*
moch attraitlun and to h
Mukdrn to ah.Mii SB» mllra
Arthur. lh>' maiirm Irrmln
rnllaay. a i-dllni
.iiruimii Ird, Ibnuch l.rhlcr*
and ira< k« am al iwvnrnl of a temi»:-hara.irr Tta Vllmalr la c-md.
X' alnlmi am anom. Tta pnrtarrntei. t.«.k Iskinc In
if Ih- aarTirairflnc raunlo am
mainly Ihoar of ihr 'tetaprrai.- ann.-,
Ita nral klanteh.... raian
and many mtnrraU arr tound In ih.'
fay hi* auardlan and rtvrwi un<lrr ita mountalna. iirp* of ibi* i‘Vrt«.ua apn-f*
of Khunrbili. H« waa vlriuallxCta inma of a r.n»r»«iir anhllrrium In
(ram-lrr of ibr Manlrhou. dynaaty. Uukdm I* Ihr ITmbylrrten >-humb. a
China Iplxlum of Ita iSofhlr and Chinrar.
ihn.uch <teri'>-llon nf Ihr Chli
Thia wa* hulli many y.wr* nan. whm
•a-ltm find ihr urtlvi- aaMaUin.-.- nf a Ita rlty ana Ita rx eter of a «h.un*hina
t>>rtlon nf ttair nrray llbaahoBimnerr hnld t•■la>'U|>m tboaffn-lloBanf tta
Inan a-ac d
a vary taauUmi atoir irtrt artnha Thin U mM In ta Ihr tmly nmWHO had tam rnamird ii< tVo Itenk- Bbte Inatanv of fl||al Imbteiy. aa Ita
wrL Itan dncollnc Ita Chlorar fna- I Chltirar rrcani Burti aa an. on rrrard.
Iter a1 flhan-hal*kwan. Thla Ctrl war |
Ita taltir wml acalnal LL
Cirrn li) la lu an olb.'rr In bla artni’. f fw tual
a rrtik-al mmirni Ita MainanJ tvii MankwH frit an raamiful ita' '
ta ami nwr m tta Mniitrb.»» laic of* doayi uiaai hir rai-alry and mmipm”i
TIm' latter bad tav trylni Ita u-ork that Wn bad brcun Tb
far yrwra to cn i*»r.wi.i.ai -f IS klhi artalra numldnrd drm.- LTa dim
and Ita Chlnror crorminmu M u', of
tend nddlrra l- f.irr llteiti »n rail
fbr-le moililnr acainci hu ^dnnrr rt.an
tte' aa>U nf ISHUnc. tahind ahin
aaa itaivfirrr Joy^ly aivrpi
d ml lirr to ranrr lo llHnn l.y drfauU.
Hrrr am Ihr ihrr.. hala which arr
poiralar anunc orvanteira ot
nrmiaTailc rani|.i.lcii irumhlnc rluta** *® *“ •
doarn. and moat U itain am made pearl cray iTcoUr*”
' tmubira. nfid
brine aluut ita cloimrBlI of Ihr H'int«»*». dyMBiy. I
a w-nuui
who Wnichl It
II lnt»|-m
srlBdr.1 In'
bno bm m a rinnut M
i>aita (ta tta FNtaA ab|w of tta P:
drarrlbrd. and I
. . . ./, drrafHlailorx
y Invoked a* lb ailrwrt
^^Onr of Ita IB-Balllra of
_ * ffo»<n>r ktadJvr liad tta hatdt (d
Tte line, with only h
d art iMU on Ihr eir
prrailtort) Irrtiailne r<wm of |
arnt Iwrtleutorty In tlyilmr. I
nna a* well a* the topa a
■hr culiirti raanot fenl I
a ewncue.
.n morr helpl.m. for hr
no< move about, and UlUraa wimr
Inc ITHteUI take rampnaak
hi at.
llBuato rnasl have tor^n atadylhc
•rtailoB torthoda of hrr frleada.
Ita Chtorm. IIMCII
vrhlele evolvrd for mllllary IrmnMl oa
the MUrrten ptolna and Ibr Hanrtiurtea
Illualralloo renrmblro very maeh a
whrelhamw to uae bn ween Tlea-lMa
aad IVklnc It la aoi Intended for bu-
A *rw *K4L Foa UlIKkTrWRITain.
The <dd crrai Oral of the llmiah rm*,
pirn hartne hmoow tta warar for a-rar
mcravrd aflrr dr-
favwile r
XatanOly ha anepted tta fsinir. tat
ta sikM up tta jilU fs hi* fltead by
staff him vfth tmsB Md
Pinally data ww Ita AasleaB dtattotof tta late Khedive Tewflk at Chin.
The mildtalpunlahmrni. that of
on hto vtoiu b> tta divtiM vrnoM e
o hr to almoat dally
■ tabadbttiodiaesllyip
(d tta AvUat tta m
tarartrd bTUiekfafdjre'aVBiK.—CURanrd.
Tta nllMto <d Ikuraal.
wc bad a port who had ata4 hto*
ea]lin«ran(lbtoaD.-antart>lB(stts. Bakiwarrasiw apedinsv at Id* fanaM
"rbyratne epitapta." aamptoa id «hM
aia Mill to be msi fat CtahtttoaMasT
adjola^ tta town aMstkamdi
saiL's.-'isrsE ;
taOpt-rty Mwr ll* roMtelr in a town of Ftiwm. i.._______ _____ ,.
qalm by whal aoibortly Mr. Crapaad dor* curb a iblnc. Mr to rrw.«.m «
dw tsdr at tbal placa. Huahlra. W vary ralual.to to him. ami. to tart, tbai <
town U tta pilnrliral renlrr of Briltoh tomtoerrr to XVrau. All tbto tta Er*.
lirnhobty ktaw beforr. and U to vraaltamd k* qtair a Cntther In ttair rap tl
they ware abW to aerar* prswrty that had ta.ra prerloaaly rrUmd to b.
ta toll Bt- Ml
hart. vtK. am amed with toner and
ennee- Arnoad fta aral runa tta !<«•
nd. Ttrtoru. Ort Gratia. BrtlL Retea. EM. Drf.. lnd_ Imp.Un tta oouBWr mi Uw qaera to r*pKtaBiad a* novbted an twr palfrey
^,to nu oo porthr aa oa tta "patarty" «Me. whlto tar to defended by a
™ Iranrtnfl and a aalltoc wvart
ad of tta aatou. Ber auiiCMnarr
“ Taibie**
lond to pnwimlly plaend
at bowdah. atllnc oa aad al
the aaddle. vUek I* m4* S
bard wood, areordlac lo Ita
The teos prtetftlva aad at tta ■
to ChUto to hr m—at Of tta aatlrr
loaded, la tbto maatraltoe.
a the city of Bbanchal atone—I
wtriete donkey* a:
Ml-aad V
L vaa fs aevml yeaimorU and tta faiHUly with wkSrb Ita Ftewb cMatnaaSoa et tta mpertA tta wlaiacru any. airtoo oonw atal at aa Bdar*
r VUh the Stokt a*e. wta li tta diiitoat Eover M tSu pan «r tta
of ftwt at BbancbaL C
V envally rmdy to truaMae povar to aa*4 f
taVmaoawUne* klirt
WtarL which la tat
•arork. aad to <ai ble of eArrytec a toad that vmild atacerr a niBto.
la tta benee klad < barrow ibe pasiacira ride atdewtor. bat to tta **«•
they Ml lasac the tneL vllb oar krp only on tta
• kta oar-teat la a awUslac
SitaStalJidtete’S*'**^ <«r d
Bteraa. Uae ayteaia to well ^
Bad vtap vrlHM ta Bmda JaM tBm
kMMvriawto.a^ad* rtator «snhetaff tate pstafv. to taap ft etamand
I»ta Tta wtostacd Stas latffBly Inm
aaiktoff* food denied ft. Tta
fti*aT*taailyt«a« BO tamftn
Say. m
ftMOafnl S a total ftattayk.— .^-
••* fs tta wdlisu kdaft ft wU ta
—af a'SSat^
an itbiAnro maoouv
cut. kick,
Vto V. u
«wi|U >*«.
Ute X. krCBB t« CM a mtv»art*».
tot Aa cUB Irtad «» CM ito afaU M «■»•
fan ttol tWa w«a anm- -illr >«ka. ti
wma —*.■>. Tto «1<U pr•«ia^Tl ttol
aha vat iaaat. 8ba vaa aac-Tr^ ai tor
Isa it qaaXhoMl nd atM »to X. mot
•aaU Iw niBS • Mtr* that kn kM
STM«r^ ikn.
tW MMi
harr kcn ani ta«M.-OiewB
anoiN or
Tteko«Jo*»tB toattocMtote
day id itjt
I »M rn»%mm§mm mw%^ OK
It dWB latad^
jkMo OAs ntcTum^m.
mmioot-m mw%^
umlmr aaw waa nndc la *VaWi»t
A kar-a ipxiilaoiTBBdwitharBWtoi^
Rbr mma iaka« tona. ud U»-ra Mk. 8
atimc ta tbr lbfa.T7 Itol it -»a a.nr anil, rarrrd f® tba drma. axd tb« atfiaiP
plaaa at UBchttoa. x alU.iiraa a. N» BXBcd hiBBatoir. isUad (KB a «bMB
nk'a part, ttotob ato narard itol k XM tonr ataU U had xOy r<to alna«a. 1
qato a« XWlaa >«. Nx.b-a oaixl
UB eoDfidnil tbal Swaxxy added tb*
h^Tigr. TV tVa -a* -T.— aiaxmaO.
bMBtniq: My ttbera aairi adr dtif
toRiad. trtAMma*. bar aU thtamth to.
loBp’piayar Hap>a.«^t»®«
Mra. K b^ht ^
7'tTnH 1- »• I—- “
•'!(OTmk‘stwfei<MfV. rniin»««ta"a^
■hr** ti«a ar Btl atnM r-o n< Mra. K**
. 8n far ai h fcana* \<inik'« «*rT0t«.|M4
•aafbrrckM. Jj 4a arolk aXiM. ••>.
that ffce arnnl K-cafc b.»*t a|.*a .<
-Un. S." Ska alvcn «aM har -math-
•nrniT, oero»«m ». m
IM—It tta an mme
"Aaa vko% JnrtT* wkr
Otoffa%lxtom»to d^A
^ 300 t
o. fto, tall tatota^tata taiarf ooltarta.
Innrtor talephonM for for hooM. factory or storo. W« |
can wiro anything from a call bell to a whole city.
Jx SwartK?; f* tha fl« ttoe
""t sSSkrt oSiS«?
n‘!in-rtr\Sah^ Baoa- if «mi Ilka ; ^
M*Kbar. J® led t« U«a Ttotot t an BX Kxak. fiba
r«; ! Uo aod Jtain pta.T«»
..aikdufBll .
8ba pirfcaal Bp a pTBafl aad wm*a iba I tonlorr <d _
aama qalrCly aad xilbooi kaXialioB. Srao X Uiia dlaCtot day I
1W tba iwa •nicxB ktw^ Itol axaa- I „oa id tba TBOto ibrj aanr—"Old
IhlBC xra. WTXIC. tot tba “«*'»“ ••'*«• i Tnpkx." "R. JidmnW- Bwtar.” "JkM-
-.Ti.'S'i ■
•taO fTftaaa* .
droppi') ihaqBrXax af idamiir nod talk- | W* * Rai
edl.hi-rabuniXt-Tibisev Khrxaid |
»Vo I a»w Ito »
prrfartty rra-mal*. la.l lr«. quW. In : thaimrtrt id tto » Ibnti Xnral. i
; (toutfinL <nud «
BB-lmilaBdI ttaicri
Tba ixitork. rtUI-
to I ««. Ubi-r. _.ad
_ _
-na.t It
If aay
maw vaa aoticrabla aawBC • baaa ladoecd. Moacy aaa oara c*a^ ,
: BBd a
«b« bamwfB« claaoea. boxa of
■ ttot kaaa baaa raPalla.
t at Gtm
Firm! naltoaal
aatvBd BM a tram Sabnafca. Mr.
Moat.; “Rank dapealU abox aa ia- i
aa-a o«a
ilart. ic IT
trraar In oor o«BXab>t7 “ oo»p«rrd I tkai • . , .
that «be
•Matihr Xaa c«<t«
■ ------ d iMi ai
Pmir yaara ayn <
towp t .
Xhlrh aoxpriard ■ilMxt wholly oar I aick muaa ia^a»- la. aaiair a
tbr liaia nf IIm
flul a.
r prrvbaly afii^
a of tba rapUfo. ia brtat <
iMBara of tnooay, tbay ax far boa
l»kku> Aai.iu: aii u>ir inta,
! tod rrxr xanxi iHtcnnc la ix nna.
. atioa- 1 la dabt. aad aa a c««aral rala ai
TV«. like • »X to-d J .T. i.« Ito mia
•niMB tow. IX cl.od.. Ml
I ■ IX
XM aX^ xank a. IlM^ianXa n.th
rWMMC d»OBI«. <1)1 IX kat'X ••"k
Xxd HXir >XI xtX<I mr Ma
papar wu paid up oiox proiapOy
thaa to*ay: our notary eompUlna
that bo bu ao protuUnir to do. Tba
rata of touxal to now xry tow. Thla
to to deaW daa to lha oddlUnoal earxaey toauad «ndx tba nrw tow. Iba
■ - n of rdd to Ihto
: Unitabto' a.. kiiTB tu.
' wa*
ua.xul. aad. bke Pott
I MilkT.'W-TX iBTodid hta wxfc. CbW<d
• faia (itfiCBatn'ii afvayr Padtad ta| ptotw. n.i> ■•Id Virduiia'bredkdnwn. a
he .Umd. aud laade hU own
rb In Ito In
ttol tLb tod ........ .. w
.r .illTBilly- for
fo: S ilto
rw f’.
iBixil.-rpic that
ibr dtoappeai
)M lUe dbuipixaianx
Ibi •nnM-iu*
did not call to a dor—
Nnrah appareotly enmtfrtrty tecain-d
niK.lx-ntrd. tat bo vu natanlly
' brijrht.
briffhi. and bi- oflrti
.ifini BBoli’
BBoli' aBiart
aOiart local
, bite tr.ai tamitot dcivn Ibe brae,
wxib trux ma.Tirty to the tan>oaod
, ..
tann:)>< It to'op'ifwbtfttxr BUhabiU
e.,o iBiav<rfcli«t. and bewuiboabb,
tmiioxidna, Ho Uxd a
Tbto hirtnry of a n-- of -.1-i^ i-r- !
V toAenr PAia.
_ pxttoa xlaadad
8.. and a !• Dot arx
nta of totamt.^ X tb- di-laili « tok «x B-naltl like
fiaboto. — Ualni
bare. Itnl iim in it.
it> lmi-.rt.'rt'"•me
IminX-rt •ixip
.■n.nV •
aak. Grand Porka. N. O t
r htolnrj
*““* Ihe
htol.ay x»-ln. In lie' In 1.11*0111 f«enl
dapoalta to oar eenuannlly. u coai- larite* «blrb oiakril ivniariald.. I mill
po^ with four yean a*o. hax sbnwa civr it to iwn pert. llii. riml part .wn
-- - *“ --- --'Bi. toerxx. to- ibId. Infnraiati.m •ii|>|ili.ii l.r Ml...
who Orted a. Xnrah'. cnime*. and at a
later rx'Hnd «. ln*r r.iin[iaiiitKi. Tlii.'Jady
' BOW loanad
by aulara bank* on xtUa. wfcrre <«•
Borly tbto paper
Bpon with taror. Tktoof eeni
'‘ivt bmak dapoalta to oar ramaiBalty
MOdall xry taoeh aaaiw for Ito
read iBcraaee exr foor yean
Xto obtain hto atonry. thaxky >
toota eotlla. and Inataad of aailk
A goca Baany
oora ba kapt^ tbto tx fxd.
paid op Binea IM. aome iBon^*ea
for ralalnr
b^Altofrethar It wbiek cooW not In IW« ba xnaurd at
baa ba«a qolta a xrolnllon for tba tan per xnl. nan now ba roBawed
ro»a»ed al
tarauT all Ibroairh •»>» wxl. aad wa tlx and a half to xxaiparxBl.
par xbI. Tba
MO xry avx ir baa eooir to atay.
bu helped oat
of oeatoa oa coadllloo that wa xtain
niw- '
I atala woadertiilly
aoaod moxy and repal>l>b*b. ndmli
fx px.,d.
to recanl rTiklM. a. ft.iaaotb- na.l :.)..
Brnial 4rraiie.nkm:i a> divnxful. 1V-.
Uiulr Mn. f I«il- Ibe toiler Txw. Kba
wa> x>-nrMl to dad the rkild rreiored In
het>Hr. and .hr 1x00.1 >lto. S. lo aax
wxarw at av 4cr|«lr- Vm k Ik AlXrll la X«V
tocttoc. Wa coo aately aay tbox to ’faraw at tx par oral, tolamt. while
wu dlBoolt *fx
totVtabort., toto to tba.............................................
Btoto of (oar yeax
i , It —
Pour yean ago
Cbluado (who dxixa tobor) who to
tohla fx a bual.
Ml (a datooerai)
,k to tba rtly of Ltotoln, while
____________ illoaal bonk: ”1
• wa ox toealaa u low u dx par ;
a a lima when roameretol
I tawabiai ui B ixBBettf frxn fiBX to
tM art worth twjoa bb maah Ba tbay
reara aco. alxp taro or ; dortac tba put BX yroia o« per Otot.
ward toor yeara
u xacb. Haay of iba'i Kaxr to (be biatoty of UUa aiate hu
tMaoara for raaebavB) tox paid ap ^ aonay bean ai ao low a nia oa r>ad
aclatlar yxx a«o.
Col- • noarillaa aa It to at tba pxweat Uato.
' narfa x.lar to axl
•aka and' • Paraar* « i borrow all Iba tootoy
I. aad rdUBi taoofifat U
tnthaaytBof Chaaadiaox- J»Uwt«y
vaa Btiox lb>- nnliUB liar. aad id
Tbr aUU iaapi BBtfl ma aftx bar aao-I flaa
He had lijtbt Vlr tod
at koor nrti ixai.ine. Wbao aln- -oke. 1 , rnddy ttauidenio. He bad woadxfal
toe tod no lB..»lndee X an.iibii.r ftot | larial povitv Ha ooold eton«B bla «•
bbrrowiaff cUaa. wara baartly la dabt. ] {t^Tj'hT'. iIZTn d a^. i rtr x ii
k * Xo.
maya lor tha Flm Katloaal baek: j rylair iBcrraaad dneka.
-----I ot Ibla part of lha ;
Kfbraato.-S d. Han^
ooaauy baa aaoUy I proaad todar I dast Mrat natloBal hank
_______ ,__________________ .trallea.
r«i-1 Uacola. Sab.:
-Bank dapoaiu tax
tbr VBks""Ii>ibBWaa
I diHamrra fraa l|» 1,„,d ••Kik« B«yw." oitb wto-
AetAaed dmwlfiteer
OerftaMtawdUwdWL A>7«w>
IftaodeoeniRtboieMMai»T toririnw win
Hov u> ohttia a ptat" owit opoe raqomt I'Mata
afaUity td
tacta^ tkroogb a* adrerti«'il fiv tale at
Pateatttakta o« tkroach iia roeoix ^tdsl ito/ia. wUntol etergo.
Tkb PATWT Itooows ba iBadratxl aod wiiWjr «weUto<l joanial. ooealdb
by MAafbctwm aad laraatora.
SawltaraamploeafiyFflEK. Addrata.
VNrnW al. £¥MK9 « POta
(Patent Attmneys,)
m, • WMMHnmrOKg Da Pa
7n making Vour^:^ltcti()ns
far CalM Soaps
B«er in nind tlie Eaet U»l vn cm fit yon o«t with tbe ImiI
<]omiity of tal(«t(<d neep* al pricea from «c to ICac |»t. mk«i.
Wr bay in qoanUUec. nod make Uir prior risfat. AU the
gooda in this line nie from veil knoorn mnkm
tbr hau.U .rf twrlen enrrrn.x—. ^ v* Wly of AttbiuU.^ I ban beyl
(aen» In tore been a falriy imirial A=5.
ai<»T»l"‘OI lam. 1 So oX aimdi tx
a lliilr eranttonal petkapB. bai with x> ; iU trtil)i:
IrBdronm t- m. lanrl>.dr. fniel nt opaal. .
Bifiov l>i> lUnl. liw lutod Bnodoriiw.
«cni In MT Ibe enrld.
t beioid to hi. rvlX '. "Uauetox. Hie
anl Mix X. tx* ita j „1.1
h, ,4it .4 tnw'. the aeiwra i
r mx*_Jfe^ doubled
I poat four ytwn. AT'leoBi IS
Bor not. ot the mortcapn on forma
Li tbto leeoUly bare been paid. Tba
iBdlaaa aalional bank. I
B (Ua commoniiy ban almut doubIbA. Intaml rale* on
btada bare *mlly dxllaad. Tbex
to oeooldrraMy mxr money brta*
toBBod oa mort*are« by tMlI iaatat-
. _____ jr time BtllTi.le.1 Nii
Xnr«l.'« iwtxil. di.'.l Btom toe o-sa
•> ih-it/nm
Mr came In lyiiKhm. i. here'toe ba.1 , ftonenl
m>BT Irk-lid.. Knlla- of tlH*e tr.
a to bax li|.r
tier lirr
lire a.ilb ttani,
.a f.Jid of b.r
nte I.. M..1 X. a
tbem. Tbry
aide h.ntv i
BJid Ifao tea»i tnxifm
i> laanarry tnodte aa ho
a l*an<r
Banua.—In I' Nyr. eatoler naItooal tank. Ruxka. Kan.: -Depoatta tan lacnaaed aboui tS per xnl.
•tawa twa. Than bu beea an ImBoatimiat (n oar loni crrdlla ot
hota •» (o tS par xnt. Farm mbrtx •aoa tharaMnaa UM. Tba pHnrtpal
. by a wix and Jodietona
jenrral pr
w'^utleal uaw* Mon* (be tabi^
In* eluOM hate token their aottora.
often oonalderable to bbodbI. to foInc to Atoaka
lb tbe a*Tiraliar«l
arenod on. boweeer. the
s::. cs
and Ibe butt
Tbe a*riealtural Intereata to
tbta whole ximnualty hax Impeotrd
to ooeb an extern u to really xmirhaad oonientm,
a OB all handa and c
hop# that foot yeora mere of
xeoparttv eaa be oltained. for tbta
oeuaniiy bu nrxr before been ia
MtoblffBB.-M to
Mtodeal. the rommeiclal oatloaat
Qmk. OetTolt. Mtab.: -Roth marimga
........................... bax ■
ssdTkTiSyxrssrT-Had bra oBMalr Mta daxBT
Ou max pua tx ta»*a>aalitr-
la moatobtateaiBUt.
* to TnveTw (hty U>mb<« Co.
a iintiiina
»„.H„ b..* a OkM.. BC..A 1^"
--------- -
Il.-r.. al*. I
' wa. an Ki.eti.h ..ti-l; the neoW n«. ' amt parti,-olart.f (.wd
iha., l.,-r l.ni ' twrteacx
.t ihi> tim.. eucacod
.iii.aiM{iuf<'a I'abiwM Ibe
;. |h, rxaK-r
; autrrt,.! lu • dwdiBcniabnl unmialtol nnd
rxal,-r iiarf nf
-f. ibe
the year
tear. li
.. aa.
My t» i^-liUr rruixd ber uivk. nitd putot
. iiten-Ito
uten- Itol Ib y diM. nitotn a ten da: a ; tranTer, b^ bibb BhrMH^m'
r. m wtoiiB toe *11 derat'd iv lx r liiupT ul tlx' cab rttnarkHl Ic
of nx anniher, «.f .-ahr.i.i.
ino'd that ifix III, marri.x ' mr.''TTuI'k JpiU.-n IlilPoi to tbateah."
frrpr. Kuiab ara> tunJirl:) I
I. In a,t a« bar bnu*4:e.'irr.
| Srery.-ir- iiiSlMM-jr l>>*i-d at IbfOrrO'
a» 'o ipont .'f iIx-,-bK Tto-n Mh-t»ik tar iiitf
Fifth nalloaal taak. 9nrtnnati, O
The .............
f»lh,r I
■“' ‘her eia,fi,l,xr'" anti rrtaib'd'Borh fart#
a I aide. inmbmIdc btTxir
to-nelf wtib
nito iXbtoa ,n
.i„ iriil. ihi-.tnry. lira
Vpoclto ai
r‘n-ri»**“* *'•
i to like BMlfhbx.
, noum-nplii.r llitir <i
I. ' It to ud ■ r-«d ni.-blr
ly ba»a Iw
n ba<e b
' fpan lm«-in tlir impnj*.
d of U per
.. eaal.
u ai
j eoerntto iB hi. pr..f.—1.
the Uroaaway
the d-it. , la he«l b.Be-* But \-rah we.
dl- 1
Ii •• ror
Pre ur-BUid the
ooBdltloM u tbay axtolad foar yoMa jUriix .od .limid.a.S v
r., n./i7. a x..-xd; J.......... . Ihe x'i-o l« ■ ditof-d «xe leT a!tf.:ti..u nu diciW. and
- • • •
,k ban tomrf I.U wife ii tomH-,
toi-liri I1»
bimI di "d to b. r •!*(.
j «!»• li niii’C iWui' K..klli«iitoiol Ibe^nM
in-. IV.ih
IV..h :
N..-niatiTe ,.f aay U
b.1 eoold ta f.mrtd ■ amd ihn fiini* v. I.<xi We |iaiwed a Bp
hall® IroBTirtton. and ..f a kindly iirtiin-.
a n^ mucB new j
,|„ rtild. Tht> lired to . tat Ibr an at iba lime, ami Ibo an«l i «aa rfui. v.ixluw <«i vlitrb wu
aa tbay ban
a Buborl.-f a north o..intrT tuoiifnclor. i xidln «*• reUiro..!
1 tit«iiir..| lu wlutr eniini«l leUef*. "i
"OolThe iarxaaad hal- ;
n.< Ioh ».II toe lefl It. Mto. X. •! — ,ton uul (toffe laiaiidri.TU' "If tbry
taaha Indleala tba 11:|, lo Ibe ace • f 8 Nnrah ixeirod a r,-r-I aniir bb,I all b<-r Untos nad |w|
1 <Ii«i-t oaTt.l that luiMatW v®**
tito (Bioiint of <b-.Blii,ry leai-liiuc from : Aneuic Ibe Utlia wa* a Inindl,' of p
>*«.•• Me .'i--b,ii<iod."l Khali armm.”
Mx 8, Tbeo B rreutor p.rernea. wa. i-xerei-' l-A. lie>l op "i"- •tH-’C
y. ar an-! Ertvyla*!}' InriM-d and l<adud ai tbe
• aneart.l
luiirkid -Noi tr, I.. xad
• xatoer
xwTie, at
o. ' er .ay o.
.......... -,«rl.r. Mi'* ! frtwk to •arh>«ra|*5- Tbrti a mail who
Mta X. wa. ai ibal time a
no-ai. Sarah I X. made n*. luniiW of librae ai ilie ifi- ! w« watebii,* lli-wotuan tnim the xor
<aa a Htikl ■■r qneKl. Il h toon tbeoi fibnt the brief ptolfitnii raiut- III mel l4>p|a'd hx to the
8. D.: -I taka morh plauax in to• Miwcerlo aeetuid pari of S-«ab'> hiator. ia beiv :
(ormiD* yoo Ibot tba dapoolto of oor.ij^^
A« iJi>-Jat-vadoot thi'men 0|i|igaite
....... Mb. X. «« promt of bx pnp I ; wThten. 1 hate H.K Iwea i-raiitled r•Pe- oldkl woaf.1 j xad the »hto- «f iIh-kt to.rka aa yei. ,
[ with fear yaon I
pntoe.1 bar on
. JoIxbonraadBy a. n I
I and (be mlly did
talnfatobm. One i> leil >»i|,rto<'
that toorlly^afi.-r S,«ih'|^i^ birthday
............. ceelterun. an.1 be
11,nidi ontelawifc ia whiek
hir*. of me.l''-al Mid
r .I..',!:, of S’lrnh aa
1. II,. fenB.1 Ibal to.. aa.1 had
'. tal
blTln’ibe «me. K.w ihr' rear
«eem* to n toyman
hax I
grn.lM.- emmeb
He entr her a
imlr. Bilk'll pr-iuldt did bx no harm.
He ircutoK.l bx dirt.
He al-olnlet»
William Salbte. atafctor Ameriran
aalional hank. PaoMwond. 8. D.: xenttb.l
nity ta oot a rrilerioB of ; temi.
-Thla «oi
For Cooking or Furnace Purposes
Hardwood Slabs, Hemlock Edgings.
mxk ri.-sfi-r Hia'i H In I
nom..*.!,' Iinrta*,v,-it}|,lii.i tm U.^ uoil wot*. Hto
Hardwood ClippinRS. Hemlock Stove Wood.
■i C3».
C3vr ..Xo- -----------lipabiT —....................
Sji.t tio» lu lb*—“
ba BcwlJ leaii' U'hiBd iiiin. ii
Hemlock Slab. Hemlock Kindling,.
nil an la.iniin nf tilnHii t1.T>» a year, ilxini; ll>e t.'V. Bo (iftiv plcyrd fx
to lira a"
to exry ooa ibot *oaa oa roeord.
wbila tbeo (four yaano*o) Booe warn
paid a«. abd «nal qatatitioa went oa
iolraral toe
I, B*.r!n 'fall" n»«-AV<TrlhelBrt vxdacdthe
pton. a^ .b-ha.Unken<..l ... . ................. v
... ^rU. JlbI elomwTl
.e' Ei! r.E'S’eVt.T'r.rr'.,.. ...t-, i w*....
ladlaaa.-rC. T. Uadxy. rubkr'of
(ha flUaroa' aalional bank. RonCb
Bood. Ind. uya: “SaVlBca and eom■xrdal aeeouBla In Rotilh Bend ban
Uar«aaad over four jaan t*o U par
oaaW aad 1» par xnt. each. Ia »*banl <nr tormcn ax well to do. manofaetorm ax aniployto* a wxld of
taao. rannlBC full lima, and to aotao
3as. 6. Johnson, Druggist.
Amertean llae Btivmmlilp .(oenrta VhtorU al Ibe pfer la Hobekan. .OI that
to nx-eauty In he done to tTmuart Ibe
oleaieer wllb Ibe tele|>bnur aytoi-in to
to iuwn a plB* to lu praiiar plax ob
Ibr deck. Tbto to tbe Work of a BOtood. No anrailoa fnm ibe iale|>tMae
eompaay'* emiduyeB to raqalndl
rDBMrtlon to made vitb Iba liuliiikea \
eeatral uOre. Tbe ■yateoi glTi* puaencan Iravln* for Rorufu-opponanlly
mmilY EVBM6
moiaeal Ibe linra ax eaat off. If Ibe
aebenae vorki weD aladtar aiattaM will
hr ptaxd on Ibe olber ateamcn of tba
Ilimbarc-AmertnD Itor.
Poiwmeoi toBriatoeU nwembli
here conned
anx to one
deoUia thia yoor. Be aox
oie ro
the *n>Blor. Ubaerre tbe ,aame <sx
when TOB oak fx DeWiu'a Wllrh
Haxel ^re. ll la a aafr aad extoto
eon fx pHao and oU akto diaeaon.
P. C. Tbxopmm.
t Sorah** lit.'. Tliej I
b oei
her »<T.iU'I |.*
IK,.- ;
nnripaiiy bub
ililt, Janet, nod ax mil «.m~.'Bti-IniiC to|*ea ..vBrHn* brtwxo Ihe datra' i nop, hinm-lf
liinm-lf i.
«r Ihe diffexBi tamka
ti^ toll
Lari .Mil •‘milimily P
at Stcinbers*s Grail
•rof. J. V niaiitnan. Opttciaa.
Will he ill hto olBx. iln Prtml atreel.
'anm-li. r bloc*. tV deal
■ No. S. Ton
_____ _of
- Ortolan—A
................ Alao 8rat weeA <>f
each cscreinliiiK nuialh.
an 2 -Ull h
J. W. (»li
A Mda wUI be reoelred fay tbe
naA City Olork of tbe City of
» City. MidiiffBB. at tbe lAx
„ „.. City Clrrt of uld city. Bbtll
»tb,'lSoO.’ fw the'lBj^I^^if ^oS
t bonda to be toaoed by the City of
TBTerse City for the pon»x of ermdlB* oad tmnxnrto* the water
■crfci plant ovneri hr uld city,
tolliltaaita to be dalmi Noaemhor
let. IHOO. to bror totexwt at the toM
of 4 per xnt rwraannm rayable aemi,
BBonolly and to iMontr tlar to thirty
tr«an with an opt**”
^fter lareoty yeora fttan <tate of tatae.
Itald bcaiia to be luaed to dcM)
inattoo <ir
each, aad Ibe^prtm
eare Innl.u.-lk'r,' that toe wa. 1« flay
iml and inloreit to lie layable at tl
«1lh .rtber rblWreo. He boliord. l<y lb”
br fxto
i-b, may al ar.y Mary 1, U*je ^«d. to.Kl.Bi
oOce of till-(TIit TxaaaxrAfTtnvc*
fxto that
qar_or xnrx lief-we tbe day. atoa tblnr-ik
nn-wmalky that Jaart nxi-t fiwa,r at Ito'M iitmiQKtx diuTwanaeml- City. Michli^. with cTfteatiipi ,
imrb Ihtan !«••"»• a .peetat xa ly-that time W
Hbr freto li a di«rax ibal ! oary .4 « E.lmn»dV Wax. He wu New Y ark.
la a wnratiar manabe aooto u .ni-et head to
iNotah frowned, and Iwtoi* bet fax If
I Bb, wex aatod a qaedioa that rl vaa
- - , afae to not like.atlier pe<^: ab.- l, Br> f-« , afterward ihukHo to Pnru. Bo faek»|(i
help Btel arn>|ialhy. jm not for wurtda . ^ t|„. obmik-bi family. The
wrtltad ehe<***<i4*?
t,*l«eoU ot nopleBaant f,>r her to DBM
•r traoUe ll
ube speak of
omooBl of tbe bid oa
Tbe ebIM we*l l» le.Bert.ifl with her would
-------i He-'ata a rarb ha, X m-w oikI -.rgrfhaad
air.-t* I cle aonL
i hill—>-.•
ayor sad
and City OWk
OWfc xaerre
The doe
Pb, nppeiri l„ bax
f xiniBankwttoc with I
the ri*hl to n)ect
xtaci any oad a
tor had e<xB Mix X, tbe ranch lAle <4 Mkwirtt
f Ilela
bla ttocue
In bh nrtetaok he ay. '
B lu OU all tbeoCbeea, A. V. Friedrich.
of bx •• -tbe hirtd axualn." Kb,
e bara lu ctamnar «»
Ira tark rxxpi
B*eB Noral
S<Kah .U al ioe ot ; aolteto
trapi wteea
I -"r.
rtoaf -I tro. Jaiirt in niy ali.-p
line imeina:
.. iK-ay ant | w
b*I liirllt.
dll. ft to bn e»al i'l
' B brn I BIB , k
mnx. .One
•erryl^Jy btii an,,*, anaioun: raewiiw im i. ,ue-y ,oiuic.-e .,w
tbry Bill alinl nr
m up aouir* hex and ray , numality aiu,«i* oced memhxB tg the
toll 1 am tnad.P'-alrd
.-,11 ; ____
Ttat not., i.f borrof to ref
(branch the to-ika. Slie mat.,-* lutxra^ ] aBaaLi Euvlieh toA^ly n
tat mtk-imthrtlr teel.
2^- «>«»•■ Utartodl^ rtinxh to the
Ttaw wo brwr bo mox of tbex
take thranch Isnaoranx and that
• • * ax ci-ierrt.'l 111 a
’ ad,i(i(ltr irndber had abartd the leno- j (osterratinoa.
nnx n^ eoennniatd Ibe orxiirrxux. bkwi mallx of fi rt way. ami aool'ix
saw. IXK Ibal tbe i-bUd b*. tery I boXBr aprinr* op. Jaart niosna to niia
W apeak,
.....J of bx and ibai it wooU be Iwd f-,r f b®, 8bt wfU ncxr
aptmm. bai Sorak
the ebUd to part ibrto at tbto juartox. knowa.
Mto. X. IB bx di.tx« bad rraicord W |
,hal come, a period
ixrt. bat the Ooftot woold not pxraii bx ;
j„rtBC wbirti Ibetv ax
I to cn. He told bx Uontly that obe bad
Tbto pertad earioridx ariih bx te*idooe raack barm arilboaf ttat. 8ta !
toandoo and .neindra Ita few
' wu BO* aa eux to a«ax Korah and : aneths «f btr encaexDrat. Indeed h
bx hork to bcBlIb a. ebt had (BC I
,, doubled if S-«h
ora bx iBlo
fx Hie neii xlry. wbi
*-f« to ram
tai^ aa
ita Infant
infant •j
acain. fx
Bd r< rapidiT brttx.
i. ,b, lart. |. writlx in the bmklos eta
am of 8e(B- ^ HW4| b^d h to a niirrar ami read:
by a Irttx Id Utoa N.'a , _|
,„eM- Inek fx-a ynle.whi
tern tatffriy
ttair debts, eome who
mnoh bri
•ny uexhaata
yoBNa tarn atoupT
wbo bar* aot '
bmowtoslBlWmtaatadbmteWrTott qC touI tatad
tsoM aitaHaiA "Tm *s(
proead tbtor poaltloa.
A. to AJaeaa. presideat fcoadlaa taaaltod
•lu-Aaaritaa bM^l. Pbol. Miaa.:
I Khan lake blm away fr>.n yon. K-l-e,
Sarah. It to I tbit be will marry. I
Bondx E^l ym tboo^l. . For a hny
Tbex tbe neoteoee bxaka rtf abewpata
It Iwora the da:i' of tbe day eo whki
Korab moitnilted aoirMe.
A< a tmat of dootae pxnaaalliy ll to rtpArable dmbrt-u m Ibr tbeocr «>» ^
gTvaiaihBH- bat h aogntma ^x
84.000 Bnildlv. dae Joae.l ini, fi
^jw'rcftiBdiB*. doe Joae WO. I«M.
S?.0Od''pbi*, dae Dae. 1. mi. •
Laivotatatat, dta JoM I.
WofkA Am
Dyspepsia Core *”l6.«rWMPr Wo^ dMioly I.
‘•ih.Jr?SrW.temdM,Uy I.
te. I. Ml »
H^Dw'Balldtaw. ^ Joly I.
( fartt mcCu srxoAT, ocEom f, mo.
ui Udu txM4.«
;>Ut«te( ma^. aiWat cm tW m
I wmod a«r ms4 twM U> nr IM
'a*M- •«n’*WMl4ti'
CD Ml Ur.
r. Itwtca.*
ftcRca.* TWc na (h*
b>on «(
«t ItW otWc^l^
*TM «Mbcr bc4 fc»on
tbcr nAucd
'Si rsi.* taSrts
Be .Q- taTt
d kb Iridwr lo pdi «>oi» taOtj. It
» .lr«d like-*Vat 4c Jtw c»0 tt. •
halT tricml
KbF knkcd >he«t tor •» «■
.ir* <• tbri^fccrc ■ ot»» of i
i«r «a4 corjrt*. l^rr bed
[Uttlr »ny froo Benoo. ced
BuaAae aCDm*! Br^T rm mr o* be
fan-. TV fete bad tmd arhlt* »**•
- - . .
I w cmnMtr
■«» *«■
, mM Is be • k«7«Me *«r tbr pn«m
u U vcrtbr o' cWdj. u It
cd br u
r^^oTpcUt. like •
I ^^cMR pqoBl Peru of rhven asalut
: ''•jir bTi^f. reosd. falaa c(ba Icchrd
}vt a 'linlr rjdlr Utc bK
i,dd Unk "I iktok r>» ^ aU«Bk«. It
:|>Ur.Orer{!lr'-«daBn-.'' A>d ibc tB»rd
land UW b*T hand «• Qti-rlBa’a af^-
Mi cirr LutH.
Tit Ilia «• III IV •». I iimU
•ic Mr II CTI I am iliT.'
M.fMaia.naTiWcvaMTM. .
tte Dmwenta Till do to Uie erroi o(
BrTBO'a Mcnhn.
Tbr U-Bwcntic oodliUir la ao a«t. aiid betb pniailBr
an- ntattna nf nverd. He- opmLa atoa
out otdr for bltaarlr akor. bot for Ua
pert}, aad bla aUtrArota miKl br
andebnT br tbr aetlaea of bla partf la
tbr t«at.
Fow Teara mko ibla foeiic t>n«>b«t
of tbr TM drcUfPd tbit tta- fotd
Buadard tooU laakr It nerracarr
- MoUle
adm-atr Ibr riealac of
rl .1 T«-
brfuiv. The pro|»bmy*TOa faUc.
In bla aporedi of aterpuarr bo aald.
Thmir arEiir tbat AtaoMru ftilr Is
tbr Pblllpplnr lalasd* will rnHdl is
tbr bpttrr mImsiIoo of ibr ruiplBoa.
BroolilrdrlTrd. If Tr rspivt to maliirolaolBl inUrr. w.- ahaU col Db«I
it l^onr adTSSUer to rtlocalr tbr pro-
iBf tc a erftaia raimt. ! aa Uircn I
No. abr :
ailrd and abirA bn brad
dn'l lUsk that <t did.
«nr. ibr karT hmrlf wbh-h not abr i -4i
WB«rd to birr tIb. Tbr adlctBBI ad j-"Ulttnl tbat Ibal «dcfat poTlblr f» iwt t?;'
Mo Ur lerfl>4r at
a> iotrrrTlac for brrarlf aad ibr
oato loan. Aad wbirfa wa> brt if br
All hoildieca hHoadnr lo tbr CUar*
■lafal aaV. UW Uiran ibook brr brad
^li aaacTthm UBSt bare brrs Tblamprror an- rrU-^- and It b a eapHal
and aiaJlod asala. Na.ab<'dblu'ltbiak ba.
potwd Into tbe apiecb byJtw aoutbrrs
aicbl aak. Aa tbr naa lumii-if dUn*!
Tliic of tbf- psrty. wbo oiwDly <kx-lai«
ban*, ahr nwU bardir irfl aar oar rbw
that tliry nrr tlrod of laylcs usra to
jen 7rt. mcl.1 dirh
fibr bad brr owa
M'KINLCV. WE'LL VOTE FOR TOU mluralr Hu- cu-sm. wbo by rdneatloo
l^a aboot filr plar.
tTvatrr ruror.
alinply limiRM-a a ■I rBB adiocc a rart-iar nrarlf,*' ihr
Air; llrd. Whiti aii4 lUa*.
told thr cdioiaai. with brr rlrfl r
HrKInIrr. Ibr (>rWr of thr mIBibI
«>Br IraArr unCaaBIrC arT tnw;
~01.r aaM tbr adjataot. .“And wUt
don ilrrrm.- Ibiek abrl ItT* Thv adjntaat wai martM. an br irai oat uf thr
«1a«lr n
I of Un anrrr i
Mr IM rtt, wb
Kxtan 7«an1i
tbr asle •»« tbr H«bt le fstwi ar
eoe ms aMwe la Pawoe.
•orrTB tbr pKopIr who Mwad tbm*a.
foMa are area aa a tOmFire mOUea Adbtn wsa paid, aad GcT mlas M mMT c( iM Wl «
ml 4arkaoa wai erst to svrrfB tbe
tarttaer. Had tbr poap^ rebrOad it
b SM tUMt to IswelM- Tbat -OM fvn BDd tM Wlbnrlx tnm c
fiktTT- TimU barr door, and hod
AaiBBoa aad Cms pmr aboBl pa
TDsld bare
I a seek «lo
c arm . ami i
As BbaBhRety pUs a
mar. UiandeVBaBotBentic.irmx the blpa sad f
•ttb Irt ts^
fata la s efel
TTraty-MDr -yran Uler rsrlr Bam
_ Mri. sad wltk M emplce
Dsdr aaotbrr Intratrat-at la wrTrra bodlee aad aoTi esaitke taak tt mskas
land ami paid Uexb-. SiHjaatei s*d a* a CBiM tbR ta }s« fht (BsMtBd
•ecratn-] citir u> tata laad asd.paopto tota«(Vs«tal tapOelty.
ef Xrw Urslea and CsltferBlB. Ttaa
The 4MMUS oC Bkbrm Is iMaet aa
proplp of Iboer Ihra dMut iwcloBa,
UrSiretta. Eosia. IsdlaM SBd an tbe ea k tba gsaetles «< alaeraa; bsLcistba
ft It. WITT tax rtmuilted, bm w«fe •bait, tbe sew aklrte eber ta ef tbe
pen r«rd ami irrD pormiTL asd tbe I paostated fsIt^M iwq. was eziMCWd.
rarbiB bar hemop tbe r>Me of tbr ss- {The abcCr asd
tk« aial tbt cardra epot of Ibr TotU. ! CrMwaanr .hir.
Flrr )rwan Utrr aoatbm Aiisaiis Uadk. bst tbe brarlar fowsa keep tbe
sad Ita prvpir wwrr anpttred Is the fdd eUBMsc «irTM seroae ibe blpa SBd
aasx- maniM-i Tliboot aaytac psytUsc ttaa isrmtT] plalI back aad rely spas
Sboct Ibr ndwmt nf tbe sorrrprd.
nti-bijnW|lii aad bsada for masMw
Foartm. years aftt-r FTJOn.000 warn______
Tobe. ef Mm. atltebtsrtatiil In Alaska, smirlnr tltkr to I «d «imi, „ bimldta are Mtd Is —
, Bitar la > UM
sai .
8ir?sss*-Bfaon Obi fSk.
., .
! 1^. H. L. * Ob. Brat
iPotL IL L. AOw Bm.!
M ‘
Batter per IVEtaiiT
isibi i; BotIre per tb ...
emr |B« Ib.
Bras per lOD
Btasrfaral n<ar pm kW..
^nwst per ba fold)
Wboat pre be fsow)
UataKo. I,per ba
Oars per baiold)....................
PotatooB per b«..........................
$$ toM
taoimuln. rUoicr. mla. flab. Isdlaea. | Mtta. asd ta aoeb esaa. tbe sldt>
Bnaslaes aod aU riar Ibr Uod motals- i m4 Mefc «t tbe aUn art sUcbtly fan
rd Titbcmt tbrlr ooasmt faelac aakrd or ; bb tbe yoke.
lioim. Oood food veil dlpetad
iwquirrd. Ftro tinra ta Ibe I'Dltid : Tbe moM puiniuiBi ail liiiMinlliai ts
rea atrenptb. If yoo mtat di«a«
arqiilrrd tHb- to lasd and ai>r. ; akina la Ibe fnmt paaet wbldi la
yoo rot. yOB tired Kodol Dyqieppetmlr by pttrehaae. more asd BMfr Is erUeiKe. ll appm
paid HpBlo fSO.-; Is lace. btaldlDc asd cmhetildety. asd' Yob dit-1 not'd
Otatun for tin- ri>lU|>)>,iH-s. It •lid what as tbe ttsoo adrasces cowsa la two
tea difp-st all rtomra of food ib •
was .hme la HUk'In IMfl. Is'isth. Ib itBatertak are Dare eBrnmos. tbe oiHrr
Wile. Ko other twepantlinas will
IK^a rtid to IW7. Trf Bryan aays k ta : sUn falHnc orer a prttlmt froot
J ihU ll Inetotitly rellerea ta
Tbr oreraStrts beraUrd IB Ibe (vly qnickly CBtra atratomaa* (raabtaa F.
• Tt.r.----forrrorpim-haT. •
! ftasmer hare awsiwiUy fallen by the
Tb.-rrls a roarki-d *—------------------------.
tbr tl.-pQliIU-an aii.l
Ladies, “you can |uinp on tt.
trauidroo it. bat it TiUeBme 4p
dales fair rh- prt-sMn>rr In tlielr aldllly ! Be
smilinf evtwy lime."
to n-mam fullbfBl to Imponaot Usuea : nsUy kmcs for Ibe role. StyW are
Floor Votslafa.
tbreuch nil Ti'i.irt atnl Food niacL areU wttbln the Unrs of
' afttaUe
......... rarlefy.
UrKInb-y U rrreenUrd ns tbe apirtta leSecttac tbe rtrturs of nnplr«. Louis
of pnx.e-tlon. Hr lielb'r«« Ib 1L wwfk- XV. USD asd t»brr mode* wttbont etoe.1 for IL voted for H nod aeron'd tbr
paMAxe of Ihr i.nXr.-llTe fartlf mroatire
kunsra as lb.- UrKli.b-y hUI. Wbrn tbe
free trade luiny triutnpbrd and a bonae
I- w.-re •4.iri>sl |n--v**
t*-lcrd to rr-
ixMitliiUed .
te.'ilon and T.ymr«l tbr prci|il.' tbai
il|>rrlmeol on *w»ilrb tbry wrrr aAant
to i-Btrr would imive dlsastrona. Besuits pnirmt 1U.- w ladom of bla poolUoD. ITa- fuapli' mme to tblak aa be
tlKiucbt. nij.1 III. ns-oHl la Wb rlefory
aiul «b-f«al lia. l-m raastatmt. tniae
M.-Klalry adroeatod |■mt<•ellotl Rryas
defi-ialrd fni- tradr. but wlien fire
trmirwas r. i>ndlnl.sl Rrj nn drdpprd IL
III- con.iiIt.il wKb .-x|.ilb-nry and
Imund blijiwlf to thi- alli-i-r worsblperB.
aUnwiHF frei- trail.- In iJilfl fiu- Itsrtf.
Tb.a In-tum silver was dropped, and
aft. r Ibta y.ar lm|>vTtaltam will abwp
l»-«td.- five trarb-. and fni- allrer and
•itiw- ntih-r |v>|iiilar err i> 111 lie a.bi|itrd
tlH- Nrhrsska eolaoi-l-onta be it
plllnrb-a (br Repalilkans for w bat be
sOnus tbry will do aod lodorwrs tbe
Tirmarrats lumtiBe tbry havr door tbe
tbluB. <»(e oaorsr of coiHlon ta
all rotr IT yawl
I. tbi- nllK-r ta simply antiiiRd.
ir yrais aco Bryaa ml.l “tbr rtdd
EtartTi war aaCr an tbr Cantrl raaar. i MrKrntrr. wa'll all vi
j^lTua-m;N>T tat. UTerrr brhiad Ibr bCrracka. Uiai UiraK «r tbr cuni Ibal tw
prdOT bare tbB» BtaDdatd would destroy tbr ll■■|-lof tbe
aad Orernir »ml ia Ibr oihrr ilirr-rtlna.
toib-r. It ToiiM ^totroy H.r opiortoBll.r
Tfc'rr ii alaari tnnil.l.- «t cor con or t-7 tbr bark of tbr oBma‘ raw. .-m b UrKtulry, wr'll all rotr It y<
lo Tfirk. it would InowBAc iIh- oumtwT
a»rilirr abi'B a vucuiu mnMIra irlib
Toubl dlTournFJ- rou-rTour vairr fw cor wrltatr baa
Huar tfcliifa TblrJi do not r.ia<m !•.« tbr fuotbBU amaa tbr
Thr iriaJa cl rUX- you harr I
aallrd Ibr ln|< of a Xie
-prtar. It wobM paral)w lii.iustry.Mlaa TlMjr atortoua
bus to Uir 1
RrtmosDir ropdill.isn loatay t>rore tlM
Ac.1 hallow.
UlTBJI hit ii <«<v oat of HI tlior»-wbcB
rabdty of rrrry one «.f tbes.- |in.|.h«-iea.
■ly. J
.Vlratt’i menII. If ata- frft tbat i>ir ahi- wai alBina at tl
tbr brad of a praiilr
And aU that iTprraaoi tbr r
( Tbr tollrra bsrr U'lJr. tbi-n- ta ..|>i«>r.
kad to |4ajr With amnai ibr ahcelJ toe at Inrt 20 frri
ray to Ibr ri*ht. For inuTph o', r rrrur and trra
tBBlly to work, (lirre arc frw.-r Idle
<» Ki-da-n rillic.
Nolliloe TbrotbrrlC.
Braiim-d aiBoiIc
M.'KIulry. r ......................—
for- ycol
«bat ab<' lo.M tbr
. ..
on ornc lAtper znm.
.t BiMi iDdaotry bis sot liren p
b«ni lo abtnt a rart-iar. and il>r
Tbrii b-r ibnuldrr ban brr an that
i brartntt lln-lr drfrria. The prinri-sa
frady !•> cry. tln-rtllr woold Ttllh lUawrerll yaliaBlly aldlnc.
TTIIb the tloa. Ben Ttllu
Inipl'tnc your trarlna rommaad.
*1^ : cowo ba. uut oHue forward so prvidl
Mr. Ri-ros. bowirrer. has falleo
«a.l rat ItortoB
ao that lhi-» S^r liked I- hare In-r rry uirv bU .•
With r.n..ra of clory uBtadlna< fwaily as waa foirlold. altboucb. witb
ai abr dWii'i br did a..
km M |.■B.v •^rt• bim our ................................................................
tbr baldl of li-mine lauH-DtalbJBA <
los acelo.i m."110rat Inc, ||.ta ofiro m-n. '
raalBM«l. SB>1 b>- had In Ti-k IraoifiT tc
Tliilr Dot makliic so Bumy
• niM.
oroira of tbe wewHe. fho : Tben- ta no doobl that Ibe Inbeo'la
|■nnll.-Ullnt. (rarfol and dark,
■u T-t-yT-v n
nd Bllnl It full .•! fanir*. Rbr I For Biauhcad tn'lil»-rtr r maartoa.
j (o b<4d Us Impulanl) durins Ibe nuswlib rulD<-d linmeo an.1 starrlnc fn-ot nbal klU. Ulran
lUF m-BiKin. asd (be Eton ala. aMsara
BH-B. Iir soar. t.i a hicber ptaD.- nlonry
«d wav d.«H' III |>ori»y'.
4 ••la•albllllr.
to bail- a luBs lesAf of life. Mm-^ m-tob-ne- XII WTauTWa HraM Wii—W
Ib ttaw ta omiy Inm- and assan-s na.
fiwni Ubrrr abr aal Bow on a Urbre cot
ikTwht sbal It wai a |4.iv of tdiulr villi
leiitbs of Ihr smart antuniB lalkr AA.1 rhiklrra'- <1MT—> ■ araVAH*. titooe'
■rwi. Th.- lalli-r baoil llirlr amiDcul rrcl onk ab- roclJ a.a- tb.- iniillUtivI i-SD
Cuwii. Blnady alvwn bate U--o lua.biMimlslM-d
ItH- ti-iM-ral fritol»nnirT of low sbtt-Tius iB Ibr aas orrr la-roud (br
with an Ktun nr a bolrro of smue aurL
If la- Is tan i-b-.-tcsl -wlel.lv
It AllnwM TelMiT Hewiy CSar «
•afi auit upoo Ibr liitr>r.nirT of 1it/ 4hmyi- Ho abr Ihinttrd for frrabrr aruand Un- laimr Jaek.-t. sarr ia tbe lanta
of the Founh of July wlU iiase
fDouA. tilui* i*r«o-. ‘ Ttu- f"r
tbr brOrr Ibal Mir Uiran
•Ouetif •urliiTboil naulbr-liunA,*’ XV roBU of Alik or rt-lrel and la lb.IbvT-.w.ihoa fj...rt(<w cf f.oiiin.- wb..' br bold u|< tlir- tnurbronm raa fur brr to [
Mbat tbe people tv-faiu- aafd (h-nrm Waib-Hiunr<t'*L "ndm to outAide null.. 1a nMwpkaooa by Ua atJs Its
I H MAimK. iwranusiul Tiwraa. ti
k cnrlrr foUn IbaB th.-f an-. Th-T Inifnvt tta- rislil b<dn br bad Biadi- with;
Untry ClaT. He wa. a fnvpw-ul
4, •llh a rrnain abow Of rraicB. that ‘vGrr abnia. “b'l n»- Ina* u|> year bat, a
A EOWB of ttramy cray ehxb baa an
Tfariw arc tailliuaalrra aail BiIIUm4B>v*n.lto«l-ara.hv ;i.
Vv« makr a hob- Ibroturfa tbr tradrua
w-n,rh .UU Ik-I rrttlcal
of ll>e prupb'-t to at,iiyf.llH i«h.«w .»H.«U.Carulina. i
noil. Clay r.ad my faUwe wvrw ardtat
rail A J N<v>TT. Vi-)rat*At7 H«rr-«. at
TbMw ia Ibc caar of Ur. Uatibew tbat wliirli will sun-ly come to pom.
ll waa a nirr. Drw olMW bat. OrrLJ tt-ene'- Iwrs. Tnou •fivwTa •< all
whurt Iilav-rv, lUnl B.abinir wa. m.ee to ; imt a bnad baml of ituliMir.- and but
kiD.-i- Sim.*!- to Its- lAirat soil BuUae. ia aperrb of
tillr bad a..|ii rail for II. and It bad C. 1). IWnlriw a nilUunairr' mULowumow by ilaer Ibr day Iwforr. ll ba4
aoee be arralcu. tbe It>-|>ubllraa larty thoir Iiiiiidv than Uie mlleeticBJ >4 a , tuiiluc arttb small cold buttOBa ly Ibe
Bird ranralc-ahrllacl in rrr wbni
not ...............
paid. H.Tb. Tbia. tun, amons bU frirad. and
tan- <4 p ntb lUiTD «-<{na>^ utbiicU-d to { otllebed band aivural Un- bottom of (be
Ib tlir (cdinwiui: mnnnt-r
Mill.- elria Hay wlli. pnihad faunmH-.! annre l-n of tbr buck ralla at a.tiui.' wh.-a oBylblBC b>- bad irft BfiT aa • Moll.- r^ually a
•111 atlompthiS *0 !'"•» rronomle wbi*. and iIhw Ibe <}uut<-( Wimld play }«fkeL Tala of biark v.-lveL''llpfwd
BrtUiiic III! lu. V. aud aulbk'r and taflor'a thr millinOBlm of 1b -dry F
rations upon tin- eomitry t.> tb.- ez- few InarK.
Ti-bile tbe mono <4 wblat : * l«b pdd, knot Ir-.w-tj arn.M tb.- rblf- tR-. IMI— IM SI I.. Wur- iHor H>--n Iiri'iun
bilk Broi inio vlbkiiin. ainl rasdy aad
Of..* <:•»■ tars Iinian.<-Ika t.v rAlsat*.
i«;.in of tbrnu- whirb iBxilv.- tb<- very lulcht aerre u. imply a puue wbem.aiwbrrw.ai- ii fun
r>*n real aiul bntd tbr Jai-krt (ronls Ui tWlUb-ri *1 lto.Uuurra'. —KM>- '.ab-Tal|bo
boka an.1 nmdr and ridliie wbipa fT irief of .\rw York.
■n nf luw
irtrii.inre of flur govemmeol Ibe n<-- Uvtv r. ipnd. my fatlw-r and Clay ! Pl«rrwti) l«•)■-■v|ai) sUet-tol to. huetlomiaaTa,
Uin Ulran. Rut br li>nk off (br bat
bad trro KnintBrr.. faHain Winn
t ta always
puldi.-nn inmb-n- elrreii^ rvldrnc.- of
andxatr It to b.-t witbont rvru a Unerr- ruuBl of thr >brk driMnd
tnwbrad.d alrlkrr. A frw y.wra
.. ..........
........ _ _______ ,
It tbm-<|uarti-r
kovdiac arbont lui.-k raA maid Bot bare las staan- at tbat blab pArod Iradrmark lain.kln.U of prinia, rrrialB of tha Ihrlr aliandooni.-ut of tin- .arller ideals
Airl br Ml llial it waa wonb milla aboutd not rloar down.
Ur, of till- isrly siwl of tlielr <i>mi>h-|.' aule U.'.e tawital.- ttb<a Uicy wvrt- playitic ai b»nc rViaks
Hraldra. fbr k.^n .ir.Uao, win. baa foor UIB.-> f I.?'. wl>ru ab>- pirkrd Up the
Bi-rvlenry to [S'runtary.i-oii.UIrraitunA.- partie-n. to vi.dmlly lailm ont lutatakiw “> !■'- A»'de from tin- dremy doot
■rilrn tb.iUFhl BOl.
Brtri naar iirnrtr M a nrtiior than to
Thai eziirraalvli fnmi tlie m-wlb- and (be utiJer bad mmle and allriljotrd d>- cloaki. tben- are tbr “I'aijclaD-And tbr niANo n'NiKu. J —’ ■-T |- • i-rr
,r o'er, who bad a year nr toorw
•alrb a Tnunb ..f July nUilU ra«'>.-. mUhl birr lb.-iu M bans >i> b.-r r»du.
bleb lirietn of an t-eoeomlr .lursthiti, leal U, the rtbrr'i ipicraiin- and nttar {ncUn. banctnc loor-ly la front to r jo*B<.isi-v.<nil<W *■ KiTLslitv., Ui
krn thr lead la raiaioF (hr pa<
Tbm ah.. C.AM duan at b.-r sriv
Ml^t mta.aal.lr br'VM-oi't.d I” bBow tiy
wbo furred 11 down Ibe Ihruat. of tbe -lark i4 nalBral inb-IUpiiii-. Indrd.tm three-.ioorter taoetb aod dttliic-mofe
haod and r-raablrtid Jbr firwt Sagrr,
iBIBHbT that In n lanoH pra.tW
dek-caiea wbo nooilnati-d blin. wbo t«5ud.uw porticBlarly tiyuts, they wpa ; rtoody In the ba.-k. aud tU-re air lalltMi rrrry trlRrr baa ft le paU-iBit (Tonkinc It .’prn aa.l abtrt. “L think It’a rauainc •» tbr othrr mill ownrra of
pd^e I-. awrll." dM- 1.0011^ l^at Is a Fall Kirrr tv follow anil. TbU timr stands fur atlver. firs- allrer. unllialted m-n Liiown 1.1 aiddy bard namniVxsie’Btmerable half Ottliic Ibrer-guartrr taiuk.. nt- sT^c? >^vtAi'iiu«iku> aiM
br aaid ibai pmlitrtloo ouffhl aet to allTrr and nolblne but sllvfw. ta a d.dl- <UK«h<-r. Tl.ta tbry did tn no Handnooi eoata Hi bbwult aud cray rtotb. with
a^ nisbt barr alo).. that Ihr tnllla oofbl lo br krpl fi-.U! bit of aarvaam wbleb must bare ainrit. lat b> bricblvii up and aliarprtj braided, embroldnx.'d or for yokes aod
at b—e tnm sv. W A IU sad fniu
brra.i'Ma-rK'd to do-U- .'sucht lU. lund irtiiTiF. that thr tncB oufI
Uiad.- Ibr kiionluc ones tunib- wbrn tht-wita .4 Oie utlwrto the imirorr- eoUars.
and klaard ll. Uir UiTaH>l(«*.-.l air llnurd TO br paid it lb
thry beard IL It ta simply a |>IM to mi«t« <4 iiii idar. Aa tbry were aluiac ' Small capn barr aoared Into fa^
Ihrrr waa t
r\ W •WWAirr. Vi-IiuM ‘Pw-bra f
Boiat.-jy '•n.voa-i.uu
It. Kb.- iiiicbl
talk n!«ut Tuorlbinc elae Iban *Jlrw d.nrti b. a ipun.- as partnenmio rrentat ««bta. ««1 three, four or eren Bt-e litbar.- l-.wi Iho ndk-a itnay b>-rM'lf.. tlnfallT
, tie capes fall orrr (be sbouhk-rs of
l.sju- be Ac'ired that (brrv Was bo I tbI. year. br<-ausr tb.-n-are tin votes to Clay rvitiarki-dt
Bb-aa H-rbapa it wa
tUI.- ikorrMr.- lb.'Ophi that
wa* anhidr
•• 'Ife a sB-at oatTBtte the way we ! msny of Ibe neweta rosta. bttad.alne
rtub'ika. arm- I.A
art. ar.it bla Wan wai flUod with ron- prrai Hrmrnt of ri.k in the traBsat- [l« made by adror-nlinc a dtaj.roved
Cmilb. 1
Hon: yet if tbrrr was any. hr took it lUseorr. and tl>m l.-rauw- Ibe lU-poUKv talk to rr-butber. undtuy Mrs now. the abooWer line la moat desirable
Bat lion . ..........................
v:.l tltor
..r it. na.1 fi......................................
tritlnn. Yrt br wna oM an.l wiir
Hr ordered Mitnr $600,000 an bailers n-fow- to allow blni to l.< at tbr ootarf. U f.e rorb of r» to pot up ^ fashion and oSertBf raBlasr ervund
kb teatlMI nanr «.-n(
«.-nt fiw worwr
worv ibaa
(.■ bp a nrwt
drat iM-iiiraaBt.
iM-oireaBt. Mr walk.-d
leaeO .-t SAW —BiauwT. etUsv
•Otblac at all.
bdr brr lark I- tbr peat la a
worth of retton (>ooda ao IbaL there I sUv.-r alooe be rbarpes Ibem wMh bar. Mb. to bt-baift lo the one wbo is flt« {tor the Inerltablr wtllcfalnc. braldlaf ........ fu*«*al> r-e usl.ofliur fr-^ rae- sod
dMeiUuii.i,--. —riilu -ir-*. •l.ailBsi.T.
Tbat. tb-acb. waa ikr rad. And tbr huiiil.lr d.'irnioa
•iroliun abr r>wU an
ta BO iMBon «hy tbrrr shoold be in {Inc altandoned tbe esrllpr hbata of ealbd hard urjaea by tbe «ber. If y.iB i or embroidery.
kreiBOian -i-.cM I>1 me, lie- raiae-y ia mineiI'all Hirer any d'.t^oXlnc labor alM j tbrlr jiarty.
pianlut WM win-n
mewlf. yno take it *
lion for a lone time to ««B«.
rounded pRtoOa:
Hard >4 Wit-r ■ -oiiui
Crrrillr waa orrr on tbr ratip- ii .w.'r.-iiti“Tbe coofiruH-d lort-r of sblrl walils
ly ttyina l" t-rbic bia rrrurd up to wlntfr ■ %Vr lirN.-j. that there I. adeeplrtson -YVbo will drawn line I-tween (be nat
iM.acrt-tsbl- mn^ UeTMCcai- - Till bare ao orey Id tbr fall if presesl
nurtnn'a waa. TUa tlaw Ulai Mivnn In ibb ili.xi.UFbly imirlotlc arlioa <m - oral rlcbta of tbr I'nlwns and tbe KUItion s-lBS
Mr. Hordeii's )>art for all larcr rm- iplnoe? tVbo wtU aay Ibal tbe funnrr tl<initbpw.raldiiev.-raRait)beat>Tyto mdlcatlOBo cvuilnur." says tbr New
•aa nt aU
Cm) at a T
r waa ja- jilnyers. The mailer of employinc i bare a rtebt lo Ulirnr and tbr latter Ibe hlicbUwt impulw to iTs-ot bambly ' York Boa. “AU tbr propbet- boQon-d
Ui It thri-p liiura i«il
-d to I .v.i up tb.-rap.
I. AiaJ
..... . waa Ibirtuo. brrsocr abr
I'b bUaal.
’. and eqaatlr l|k matlrr ^ !I bare so
no riebta are are bouDd to re- to h» 'tl.wr friend Ctar. And. UoiileB, it J » tbe faihloD world barr faera de
r«.p. Blnl to llchiro ll
■iiskiiis aorb prweroT tuMb-r bia tui
sraa bi. r«..lbxrfi.ai that Clay wah tbe ; dobdcIbc tbe skin walaL but Ibe itrvkemnwr
orkinc’for another, tain.1 a* mneh a ' apreir
Thm- won- Ihrrr n.
mao wls> miP-V and did tb.- kind talk- : ote««. like tbe *ur baby* of btasird
■neens of citinp nnd takinjf aa tbe !
inc. S)myfathiw.-b.TrfullyptaeulthelcD«iKitl. -kap' os aayla noBla' and
mple«( or the 1
avlrd ai thry
MO f* toi> (4 Clar'a
Be Umouht it ! boufbt murr abirt watata TTir BaDuH
m all haul t" pnll IW trtssrf.“
No oav ran do all
e |j>-en easy for the white wupkl i>- u end b«D to tbe blni- rtm I wabla of last arasuo arv lo at>|war Id
•c. bb4 tln-D tbrtv wa.' I.. la- n 1nc hc|plaaml at bi-i. aod Mr tart Ua
Aa Uht fmr.i-d.-d , brlthter -and mote allractlve . $«•»n makr alt Ihruionry. Noriaployrr
of (bos.- atatia. wbo altooL tralie to W ic
Emy -or Im-w .1 .ao-. vb.y. tbir.-a ryn irB.awD(ly. “IC'a Jait Ukr aay olbrt
obl chase
Bw4 flrrrttw rbr with Ibrir
Iljal tncerr." br tuld brr.
R tnakr mor.- ihae a ernain |wTceol- i terrify and dicfraneblwi.*^n witb tbe KBme Clay mad-- some ex.iws- | Tbr lattenia and rotors of tbe new
tbr ott-vr-' r-naiwllii-a o.-rM' Cu- U“V.-i,
mum-. And la ibaijjir twry
if hr tries to do . open rVdolion of tbr spIrK and rxpn-aa ireiy thickbmrted aud iU adoerd lAijs. I flanneta oITee a rartety and heoniy orrtwrra ttwm Thl. luadr it lni.i»Tlnc ta BiSi. .or!.lie y.ui car iB lb.' mmprtUioo- so.n(hrreaplla)i<ta.e<]UBn.rMdid8BaB- - words of tbr consIttBtioD of Itir rnitrd 8e led Ihv wnim cania; be trnmj.id : et before attalDed la that material,
■awr Tail thaa •«.. limu>r tbr ittalrr ita- .p.' y.Hi ibnt with yrctrt.Iay wad wlU
■aa Ihrv are I tbe wrvsc Iriaks; be did tntrytliin* 1 Tbe IVtslf-D dndcaa are portlcularly
ciully and n|unlt.-i brainy, will step in ; ptatm. Thi-j
•a. ant iv.nbind t.- lb.- tursrt ratn.-v. bnt •or till-, eft.-m.ojo wbn yuo flalab Bpr
•bl<-bl‘dlu!i. —----------------------------------iuwl.i.tlhBlbewTllwold.
1 effertlrr, and rm.reollt.naltaed
and rut hU pmflla down. Threfnphrye specialists In deOnloc rlcbl» -....vi----------------- —
; -...........................
•atradr.1 i.. tbr uim lnc -d Mi.. Mnan'.
II. i. ld brr thsi It waa.
ran b> no proem oUtoixi more than br u^j- tefnae to lTS|«ect and Mr Hryau faUa-r'. blond bepan lo l.uL Aa be and , dowers and kavea on •lelkair croonda
Mad BUd h.-a.l. and .■w-ty
I.-Kryrd ; “W. !1 - .h.. aaal mtsHannUr. "I tblnk
ouchl' in hair, mere than lb. bo.inem to tbr maB who b<H»a to prolll I.) U«-tr 1 day hiat jutne aftorcamehta wralhruB
I Of Ifta. ta«H “m. ^rer creea.
that Ikia w.old artH. B noii.y .b.- .lU riA d.Hn: wry nlrrly.
yoBt I bd
Still he bit bl. Up
;•» beBOIlfnl both in Oanoel. and alta
•Ol anwar l.< br alA- lo a-(lb- f.n b.-r ' lb- Ii'
fiimw. oad my ftiT ftaerr WAn will .toad, f.w tbr rmplorer will melboda that Ularrarr thr alaua wlilrb ! hicber and hicb.-rBrtf, Not that -br WB. 1.1 bdaiar fT . Ao-.ii't bnn A Idi-ibhi «onuns.“
.-.n>H> shut down rather thanronllBor ;»aj aeodeolld d.-leeatlona to eoncreiia ; aud snUenil in silmn.-.
It wtal un fuej wbUe dta W& Itttle.
Any .ar. rw-o a |a-tmi nnirb
hr the snnnrswainn of the Ttennljliran 1 bW- o3f‘l L'lay mode amne pUy <4
; rarTlO* la atse. lb two eotos asoea
Tbat nilr.-B..a lU- rotu(BTiliM mmr Ir tone t.. run at a lor. In a wotd. tbr
MMW rnfslA ->r hrt owe lulnH Ibaa klir BU rod. with llon.a a sudd tuay |odoti raHlaliat mnnet tar anylhint better Me
, rrowniiic imtavility wlijr* ket him aad j bsekcroond-erery rartety of dot ImMKait wai. w.-ulJ ha.r Wu pat to It m ,alira.l .vT Co-rllh. end that bisbl Ibrn- than a ‘sir tblny. II.- iv a fool tv rxof Bryna'a addrew. bow- >“? ^'H**'*' lbe.-VM-nllHmm'‘ Fbw*> “*d j aylnablr ta reparaested io (be aUrt
: * av Ibr Hr bop. h ba.l turn eadrtwHud peel II. aad the laborer, tm tbe other
M, fathm : watal atalla
TWy WT.' brb Aral lH-ul.-oaBla and fmn tbr £ni that tbr man who won wai
“ *^ ■**“*_ **^!**.,"**y*“
loth .w.abywwai aa.1 laib B--»l t;- I--* M I.Vr Uli. Unm t» Ibr hr^v H.. abr ta..!. raauot pet more tbat. tbr bnal-: te drt^bta^lHpplDe^pUey.
"'Why.' said <-X»-of-mlnc hta RTsy ; watata are lo fire way alm^ Wtlrely
afar. Iteit.a woafalr. am! t.rrtllb-wai wwM.wrrwtihRiir.aBBdcstTh.noBr- nes. will stand. 1hon«b he OBfht IB ; ».^i„.kv. Lam. of IhS^ttieanre. 1
yuT efc4H. ll said aad
i if^S^tarbU
, t^wa wttbal,..k >4 tore.myemH.m,.se- ,ta more aemobl. ^ pM^ alto UttoutaavAAw
4arL »al Bbr bod
ritr.1 1-tvjad.m ro thw of hrrdaBm. UiryiUr hadanatlwr ewr, esse ,o bare wbat be desemew
to to ToUy dmaaLaad
It i. easy to arfwe from Ibta point.
,hc AmertAV (taf until after '
»^*’yuado Ihatf yooharrmH prefcAbly mtta aeopla of a M gatab.
par.UBC tbat
Hbr bid .4tra «bl
Ihlfd. Bmlthr rwt wrrr cp.a to Ibr pnM
•tan U4h w.-o- n. iaa.-b in b-tr w-itk lor at lirc.-elerOOB and la
In tbe ermt ;' ****
and we beliere Ibal nobody will deny■ tba Korember elerUoP
f,UMr -bBt 1-- !
• br rtmld hair wtabrd Bial wrtv
ISr-yilk .Ud B.a l~* ha|vy at alL ll that Ibe better emplo.-«w and em-.’■ of,
„f Rrywa's
ftrnn-i trhimph
Mumth tor
fm eUbt
elabt montba
r.t<e««J tay fathw. bat I m ; tb^ and a ^ watal dyed to
• ibiB sDluk: (hat
ftotot to Ml yiai. air. that yuo are the ; soft daL madt orer nson and arort 404 Eaat Front SL TBlophonaS4«.
that Iall Ibr twiM wa-n.d tbr isrerl n-rtird br taW.r.b 11.' ptoyr* undenlatid one anolber.
U ms- 11. than wbkb
wbHb n.
DolhiBC kMUT Brm Ih-Lth: alamt Ibit. H wwi haTioc
mmt Bb>vt idNjt. ibe' raoT tsmadkim artcb a dotb skirt of tbr same Mtor. ta
mereK pettinc better
•niualnted per-, *"?S,eTer may he tbe optMon of
r •rqualnted
risbl MiTird „ CO d,.ww IV bmH *alk to tbr hop
soaally. hot
It BBdemaadlBp what a selfy, a*
Bryaa aa tbe ca» imbaelethaterrrdenUafaBiidatwhtat- ! all ttaU tbste la o4 lha
Itan-ia and la watrb Ml..
- employe waata.
(a vhief c4 tbe anny and nary T«m air: I nyiol IL yon
TV- riBe .iTlist ta.i.-d tea days, doe Mi.„n
on hi. atm and l.-.ktos un
a my Ufa. ”
IDte-aytaf baa hwome a
tala trtfb
.nspen.l bootUItie* and recall ottr fooll
- taa rrbi.b l.iur tbe air bummed wUb tbr i„iA|,iv fnv fna; ouder llu- wfailr mi-ti ta experts, ond deserve*, and spprreaterpriBIBC Bmn of New Toak. Half
piac and .iaf nf twlb-o over oa tb. ~of h-.r tara '
' “
I tbr other band,
■*^';forrea Indeed he atanda pledped to do Timaa-Borw!i
• DT nrnon
doatUis orer Battery Park
.iw v^tiv nf tbe markers -• -u
lat.. bii o
very iblup. Tbta la ctrlap aid |
iuta taftwars bare p
w atH
atH muitdt
iiimidt fM eveo Bs«.- sweHly st tbe bOefBatax most make sonwihinp. deserve* some- ■
If fJiaen. oSee tmlMlBi
In the *t4r H'A- OHy.oiwre*
enmfan to tbe enemy.
rtv nnnr a 70 mw croL redacthm M *“ '
eorb with aa appeal toe tbe pobUc
rspeeially well o. ne-,
paid Xapoleo. tb*
the Jttbltae
U ; ^
Tbe blfbeot U»
MM had
bad • Boop
----------...... SI tW aresod daaee had ben.
to Ita ua
u leJktobalBTM
- beetle. OX.
MX.-. .i„.
Mirered aorerrlcn rlfbu oTfr
_ _
______________ _____ ! ...____
Rbe erru WM a* f.r
(ar >.
as to
to bet
bet -•___
(ta- .ki-i
thin! —TV,.
was iUrtsa'i. Tbat ®*f^*beti all this is nnrtersiooa. tee.
laiPfe van spots. ---------------------- ■y. I Utoed a Wbte toft
afaoald be on tbe irrpe at lca.1 ofcHie ^
popotalkoa. tab aarape-----. oa both BarKia and an-rOr at enm. «a- tbr wa) it bid l-m arranaid. .ta
laard '.i>r rztremo h««t IhU samwn.
York H.
vw BdJstsBt B^enook to eiptalo to her 'tbr (ta l--:aa tl>r waits Mir Uirart millrBBto] period, when there wooM pirlllaed. of that fimt teiiilofy, and
ad •'..tan dMtlare marir all tbe
nnt aided to ctmeeot to (be
’. of tba Dofca er
ttat tbat was railed *VvlCta(” and wks :simd tuoUe nrrrlUe to the eeaiir of »w V a st^heoraloohent.lMaMmefr -teas were indooed br dtoorIta* **>aU serer br eaose for ooe.
Had they rebelled they tas 1 tbe aimiiirh
................ — quite a craoi. TV- comma^ialtaz efbew
•at tanked apoB
Oood tamlth
time, bat baa (alM to ____
B^wr^waa hart.
!wa* to Ike cruiu>- •«
Rurtm's rap
wooU bore Iieesi forced to rreo(iilie fotb -a foeddlfmiKa. Kodol Dye______ wwatad
The wbotr of tbr sUT
Ibr BorcrelcBty of tbe rnlted Htotoa.
Mt titot be bad bem oekiad.
-The eimoenl of the ROtetDetr w
MB dtaedtotcad. witb tba
aasBir bar tbu h
w>:i qataklr loUeae aad
tatani Mn tbe oreoaoL and y«t <
tbm of tba tbef ta tbe awa
.£<' mt ilibwd la ikt Imbi: only tbat Itfcat puMttao. «It may stogdy bare bapewe yon. V. O, Tlwmpi
tltto to ttaat nat tmrltorT ta ooctadci
abd tba itowi ta to ba ftafC
> toa> away Ctato tbe ir*fmt a< tba Ipawdao.
‘"ir zv. \
To b^dlscBSsed by
“The American”
r. L'XSSSMrir'-?^'''!-- s
JAB. a JonaoNi. On«in
9m Konfnra notnuti
One North Free!
•••I a^ God-a peprtdmtial eva of Bla
peafde. Ih IV toUto of avk a fUa-
•tcrvtkrr «(
rtnUrmt MrCiaWr't
IW crowd Mth* Stork M«Btr
MtraUSc l•rstoff.
Annr aaan years af srtladc atrtrtac
' the f-Bpfrr posrB has woe Its waj toto
taakfae’a affcrtloM. tNmctr appeaaS
to tV Sawtec liBwa ahd Bierr nvtehe
ampUtsiW Of IV Laola
the rlbaaksl toiapUctty at tV rtnptoe.
(ar tv Fsprowolac of whMi aB tV
B« WTjmi k
Mkoeb ««d eoOwto. •■i
«rr barwad i« aMk
w«Bl JaeraU*# aaptof
»aat. Br aWo apokr q[ tfcr ptoapwHr
of famfra at a riaaa dartaf tW park
toar;ranaad oMbWrbrtykt praapaeta
far «hr (stora. dwrlHar at kafU a*
what prod Beta et ihU roaatry tka pa*>
OBdlwbat iWrcaatBraUhtetkla'
try. Be aaU;
-TV raO>«* aa« oalaorWtr af aar Sap
auk> aw«t» arovutrai aa« aaaaad aapM
rapaau for Vrrrrbadr kal (ka taraar. XT
tto roona aaa la to cwiuoaM Ifea aaO ka
r. te ooctaw to too IBU(ho BoM
taMrlbal WlU Ikolrkwila
la iVBaMarwMfe
kaow wan at too
tW bard Wa
aroaphtj that asaet ao aantoau aa
------m oBd boa to ferttfr too aaS
■ br kaatoac II tuU a(
.-aiber tV toerni aa ],
; Vot V cwebl.
liryoasW Uoli
Arnrd I.. tV tale, hi* eyrs I m- cnteiwd a unite
„ fol|..ws. or to tbM • I
I Wsrikc
WarikC >"«t to aea. He V hU Bv •* be ;
it all tueabt to tV piri st ; ^
arm itlun.vi.
itlura.vi. TV V.
tTslts fW."
fch aide.
Wbeo tokliuc tV <
-I an s-wry-tootr- iVa aoCTrr" V MM p^_ , r
I r Viuioooj u. ctov to
Is a.leriiy t.iae at 1V fiatoh It aeeae-d \ tik. np •ue- if tbr sew UotS In p
terrfliiy tone, bat they wree tV only | ttnineb br vn*-<l I"
»be Horn.io.ll> asked to ww IV Ko>k
W.«,lr V —M
I entry
et Ibsl icw'l IV waisir oV nM._____ _ ..
mre V |.ls..iof
wilb B IHtIr ooB. -lewrine tv irctoetit d,rti a the ftill
iwire avl nsrrM
woaU ted br w> <na>-b in ll*rl( to Trd. n |„.,Br
But hr niV tesre H to dole:
He I.Hto i TV
■ Xrw IV IsMubui district
me V V* twea estoMiac
idiac and own a m^v,] .
bwlinStioDs by 11.0 UW
.. .iV of tbr .® ,u«t
|B> of iMoao Ir.
. . tv
r>>-nlae. aad, .-nrbaisly
r rts'l |tay. aad
eB.-.>eb. IM* n.mrto artirli. a>lra-1.-d tV
hroak bU beanr
all.ntion of bmwi- than •>»' InAtusn. ...
.TV noB at Vr aide
. _ . ...........
^ cl______
rttofVd_bb l»«h.
n ..-ci.e* tb- iwyt iBonitoe on onihastot
Ur did aot apeak. Vwrtce.
' fmo. lb.'.n-otb.-rn liehlsof louid'W otarlB la lb.' fall .-oetidenn of
vtoMiaer cV erted.*^ f.
tto- rarity.
:hot do y<Mi iblut
Hr urrit.-.! at IV IsoikmloT
|a toore l-.y
J liV Ted idai ultb bla ..
kinucir with
. .
•uiiulr? tVbal
I V awes .ibadreds
.d |ou
It.i «a IV d.o.r*tr).. Ily
ibiak orbvr sV
bid arrirrd.
R oVdock f
O^towt Ltooi.wB. wM tme
ftVb. Urd W htos w CM.
TV Xtodw'r
V pwrwr am V
I wrw* tv
W w
. .
cl tsr .tow w aw.
•V nw. to fccr to kani sad
U^. wirtoI.-V
y It
Tm bnp
Huw MMO Uaar
TW wot •< cw ww sMto aow
*V IcoiBsd V «>•)» at owctoTc kwo
"If I tantod V wiwr I nir
Ibirtt Vworar. to aa
- U aa taoch w
a wa botwbl to mt
-Vaoral of Umw<
ra CM prodoea
.Itbotowr caoprebIMtIan. Wr
caa prndBoa our cme auccr.
ar, wa coe pro4ncr wata of tba hbara Wrr Uir. aad
and touch
11 we
wa Uoporl
of tba -swaa
tnilta auu
and auu um
Ibtok It to toilr
aalr a uunilon
lltoa wbae
o of lltoc
wa caa prodoea aa Arw lobacroa to w
pari^ of Iba
tba I’altad
■lalaa sa sra
ora pr<4ucad
asrwbcra In tba world, or at sa> rats.
If tbrra sra autor da^lrlr-ftarorad asrlaltoa wbirh wa cahoot produce wa wUI
bala our brown nan> tn IV |■srtflr ocase
to prapan Ihaia tor ua <1 bava no doubt
IVI wa ran produn our own Isa Bs^afro asprniwrtilsttoo to beina roedartM
eew. with IV VIp of tV I'nilid I atca
•orrnaianl. to anulb Csrollna Ttf da■arttoaet of sctocullurr to li. a-iupaltoiloa
with IV akpanuanl alsllont of aU (V
Ibr oenc W-l MCMto WWbW biucd.
PrrVto dnr iMd. W> torpr 1.
!•(.. Itoioioc.- toH»d to. V.
iblak bV a btorLeuaid.*- saM Prys^
I dab
^ act tW^^
Sm eaiVT toaasdil
-DartM Ihla odmlnlat
, tv I'BlIad «lslr> Vi b
LW aasa asd bv el
craal rantaea i_____ _
POtot. froaiwbkb AtocCTcseeet
IV tulura wtll V daali out
w—M vaaw. rwno lurTL. caawsu soo taa
PhUMsa tstosda bar baaa crowUw nrr
rapuir la Wt u waa <U.«UK. at whirh
•wr lUtom waa to saTtouHatBl
la UR It was new nu — -u
t af whicb onr I______________ _
at wbtob onr mnMto
faitoir to alnadr totrraatad to
’ sra Islrlr uolatrd
dews sad
--------- with tv saw cctoditioa at sSsIrs.
TV ranv huiaa cm sail eooda to tbaoo
Wcadwa V lower iwiaa iVs otVe esOoaa CM sad aOar tVa Viter wsrkais
IbM afbor ttatlono cm alter. TVIanerr
li touroated to IV pnapantr of aur b
terr paopto. Atocttoae tocceuur bv
■atfoclad tosobtoarr IVl tV Wa to.
kat CM V ciWpMid. M U to to epcral
•baw VK Ibc tUV Wc touatchpoedour
at tv W." **
"" fectoctoa pan
' WItli Kiw nonban dUappaub am
•r tbnlaai snat botokato
•r autn. Xaw tbera rraaio ooly. ss
* ERpenir Prthdli Joaepb of AMtria aad Oats raal,
a arw klnx
af Italy
atta: tha Uac* af Orme*. af Baatuau
af SwedM. pf DcwBBik. the mart ..
Bhlgarld ahd the Xmperar B’UUMi
•veka aow a etfar. «•» • dSi
b«t TTI7 trtacklarir.
arrtiMtin to WdiaSatfV
Bwm aC TO par <Mt anr
mVore tV bem aDd iV Hp e( «te
daeolietape. while ieweted dupa csteh
tV aleeve drapertes arroto tV top of
IV srm Afirr letotnrUInc toot srith
.. Tsrkiiino* of tus style cootorlrres Vve relnrtu<d In tV rrAsed eV
ICBDcr ut IV niietlial tavy Md
IV pnufotini: pora of lace
BMl soft tolln. smneed to Vlf rcreaj
•Dd Vlf eooval IV cootoar of IV
tV beni at IV- akin, a dcvt^riit% note
that I* irti.-air.l eilV-r lo iV.forn of •
baoU n>ui).l tlir lo|. nt Ibc Oftire
tVl abort yoke lodlce an rttararferUllr nf'ilie perlcxl. TIk-eharmliip pews
lllDs1nilr<t dlaplaya tV toat DbUied de•tore wUA
ames a slicbtly full
• Vn. both cV rrl
laetle of spricc-l n>‘t. lo perfect harni.rtiy an- Hn- b.iie. " Inae fmiDR aleerto,
ullb III.- ■wall .'loplre hdIT of uaaaHryidale . -fhmdns iVocir
: f'rrefioU apl.Toarbicic
|iBrt-tn y at tb«- elioubler.
I tiiCT to bis fe.S.
.Miimiii.- tV- IU.M BtrlUnp atylea of
i -You BIT- uail.- rtebtr V uid
jloer. "tir almubl loU V toreix
tbe |.arli. si.u'u l.iilhb-m are IV dhecTHt UNSEEN WORLD.
m.-ol* bl.-r V l.o.l
-ftillte lolbts. of nblrb IV aeeoDd cot
to giy„ ao .-utinnl.'. Hem the coal to of
iln •''’r' ’
l>uw.l.T blur-clotb aad the akin Id
Hr^ui ,
Th.-*.-k.flJ*t.i. l. .liu>i« Tftai. the Ivory doth with a foU Vlt of ptoca
i Marmlnut »*.•. l> l.fluMu tVesrlinf Bilk.
lu 'rtu.
or ni-csI.lilt.Ti-D
II.- I»4j pp
op ! won: *“
li 1.1
„„,.;ualiou B> i.-jtr.bi;e- .uv> i. » .fW i>
.•lalmnitr. tliaDFrerbcfonr. Early
uiaiiiriwt. - Uaiiy nf liennh.i: .l.-piii
In l-Svocb OanvU for polftliediM .if f^--.-Anil -disn aWak". mln.- IDC. ya..|>llt.s ainl eioeral otHdoar
to cn.-rha-tiiiie
:*:i.l s-nni'l > iImiin- atwr sli..w iW>.,-l'Ble4oo- bark w«b
anl ■•v.-rl.iMiiiit •'Cit.'iuiu.
Aial iIh-v- nvcrlayine half sto-ve or a modified
Uiatl*-t>»e 'toll sluunae iIk-l.e1|rtiV iliiwe si}l<-. rtanui-l waists Lavi- aprlooewi-.rf tV llmioiiH-ut. uuil tb.v Ibai kk-.! I.ullntis.
la a roan af a Qlbrsliar hotel vt
Rerrl Katolaer, l^iie wbHe aad aai-
..................—. IViyoa
Ill yoa. Bel7lT“w
-N.rt so in.irb to aw b* to yaa, Trd.
dear.- sbr caU Imrety. "I toall V abto
be a core
iremruc or aoawthtoe. bM yoa
bare to clre ap the rcflaieal—
•t-s IV tSiU-l U.i.a." eaU Trd >B.l
droly. "l►r>..lol.-■. .... I«wnl. He *el
dealy apidb-d f.w a r..H..isbf*. I.W.e a.el
nar biii.iins
has B..m- »-at
biiulias b. M.».-v... !
euuMn-l me blm. an
.. bs.l t.. learn a leiier
a eVIr aV borM
temlriu. u<ti>
u<tJ. sletis t.wdine Inward a
ftwirtiT aiHl .-viT.''
T.ifui.l a nuc*' 4- leiiriiM- us., nf sotd Id builoaa mad to: laib-d ui»fliiii •< liaili-* w>- iim-4 iiirtt In wnrk.d .l.wicnA
; llu-1..*, .f IV A|>*-npl>a. unll.-n lit
ll.'iioiM.-binp.. very Ov* tucks aad
; liovL. aixl |.T>-*tol l.y i.toi. imC i«v cord*, irlidf lucks aad dusters cfamrac;«iu-lv Ib-lWic. tot H.-lk-t.lM..-.
tertsc- tv adraDcc^intards of Mlk
j,, ,..„„.ql;tr ito U.4 .rf Ttonch,
| „
«* tefs ..f tie* ttliitiT*!-. si*-ake III
il.C.iil irf llHifnlum.rf nclilcMca.
'‘"b^TdarmueTtotr a.krd Hern quick |
to UN It waamtlttoimil wsa SH
to mtlV tacraasa to IV nuieVrc
to IV (Tallad Slalaa was tS.m
CTOaaa waa broaebi oVut br-ina
aeaaiatit to lha braadlec of boraai
Im froto too ^‘CTa Kow ivi pi
raiuvrstlva iV darrrua
ad It to ocilr a uoaalloo <
acrMaa wlU Vein aealu
_arsat tool >nr l» fnrnc
tumraS BAUm lor Ibato
BriirT datosnd tn loivlan r
boron of all Vtuta. oopotWU)
•shir oiwa
"TV pnscivl nasoe
pttcaa for dutoralk snlnsia
pasbla sra si work avrrruj
Wbeao sra batee itoid Wasrr
-toaitoaau el Vin l-no-u—
sm Astatic
Asuilr cauntnn
A faw into sea
rbUnnu at tVt biod would Vn Vee
osrr pralhobla. but si W praamt ilmr
tv AtooMtoB wacktooe wt« aw bbiiar
Ud na»ri awrb
b auud pr^a
prtcra that It nalla
.. . »r tlo- smaU en.wd
ulll BOt dwrlt u|on a .lowrilCow of
iVIr fodiaes tuichl bar-- In-a or
tb--lr laucuac.- irTtaialy wo* wb.ii
dlacoronrl that tV lood
Ind ua* r.a*
they diaeorond
TV lo.AwlW. b-wi-r. l.nrao.1 that
iV r.itle .laarto war ouo ..f dtriwa'c
rveol 10.0X0 and worth unbr Mill
1I -f feel‘s It I vie IVl Bth." «V Mid.
otar to IV wortd."
»Vore <Vo
tVa .or
aay muo
llryodalr uOb Mill tonkiae .«■ a
• ■ f to Bo. ey.
in* sisirr weat le hlto aad Iwtoed Vr
iraal aetlrltr. aow astatine to sb
aipanawaia oc lotfuotrr lu tba I'Viad
Mslaa baa bad a ataai VaaActol aflaet sa
IV prtewa of (sna uliaaU
~TV lotsi torraaaa to tV aalaa ol lha
(an* aaltosla ol IV Cnltad Sloiaa Ire
Joauarr U NT. to Jsnuarr I. Itoc. H M7
me. TV drrroooa In iba nunVr
beraoo durlnc tV taal ihm
Ihm rnra e
ptoaeobrod. altbauch
altbaueti It lla barf
haaa ptoaeaarod.
laao aad laaa aaarr rasr. I>un
I>uni _
(■aad. TUa was a lepal gafatkin asd
Wbd la tv coons of JtMtlec
toMU. ton hack of thto aspect of
«v a totoal qaeattoa waa terolead. TV qataUaa was to^bad tay ear-
« ibta ton aad
towb BxptwfUoe. I» V bnid In HuBalo tmiu May I to Nm. I.lkfl. wflloffrr
TV rcMuplelncI Ktai|llBB for t V
ifWtfkMBi aad rrloodld arena ernr nCTrlml Id -VtxH-rlCTi. Tlw aibh-th- wnlTbl la V
ta iV larers at iiporu IV
rtliea sriS V tV nwal iwUUr le IV bUtory of .kun-rbwa w]ain. Tl><- cwapmlkMi of
at alblrtlr caiaea bas Ven OCT-omd. VlritcKr lo tV Kxiraollbiu luu) tVn-rorr ex|inn to
■toby of IV Val p
IV veetlDC of tV meat (atoouc tlUetra af tV wcwltl to cx«Bitolllb>n far |ato.-s wanlij nf tb.Hr Vto fealA
II to told ttat IV eioat f’etotocaa ai KcMe citold Bcp..
- ----------- - ---------- '
‘------- ' —
. bowpctr. wtn
V 19 (ret toapre aad l«t lo (net mmiwer ttaao tV bti
Vre a larpre arwM. aad tV aoaUBd cwfrlty to eallmalrd for gsiWi propki.
«aC tooC rf amcrr-i cwtorlr
aa aeraaai of aro««bta,.Kaaaaa wUI ba«a
•MtoMi baabala laaa at eora bicaaaa at
draucbi. af.d rat IV aaoto baa rraaa ••
m torbra ol
ol raMaU.
raMaU. wblla
wblla Kaaa^
Kaaa^ baa
baa iboaa ai aueh aa a full rora toap cm
aaa. « aTaboraiiaa eaaW V eaatrallad ar
Mailed ail Uibw of ratotall W aboat
wbai the rroa uaao. ibr real to oaatad.
- Tba I'bllad ■lalaa wIM haaa Itottotoi or
aaora baabato of aboat laao thaa as ao>
arasa crap bacaaoi wa 4o BOt iitomO'S
-Wa bur tba pradaru of akin fraw albar
eouairtra, and wa
r bur raw walartal.
■aiartal. tba
;i of rbrap tabor. Wa aall Iho prod*
>r oblll
— to ____
olbrr _______
a. BJad
ajto wa
saU raw Maurlal. tba praSsci at rbaap ta>
bor wtthu our owe toed. A otudr of ibto
coadMIoe of aSaIra WIU load ua to •« a
romn aotlBola oToar atsn«la«eoBiporad
with othar rouslrtw. Wblla wa aoM CK.ni.tB worth of ’SoMaotIr produeto frow
tba I'BlIrd Slalao to UN. wa boa«bl(BlIHJhl wonb af scrlrultaral predtwu dortoe tba ooiaa 'roar Wa poM IKMMM far
aatsr. W.<w.«o for colloa. tCl.MMH far
bMoa aad oktoa.
far attk.
«» tor Bvra. tu.tto.tw tar fraHo sod eau.
wlio tod Vm lUaktoc of wacitUy
thtofi whV Ckrtoi bwl bee* wptmktopef mMItolthtops. TV iBlerrwidrt
asked Chrtot lo mV bla hroOmr dlrUe
-Wc Biiut tblBk." aV taU Boftly. "that
H laeaec more to tV dear old father Ibsa
bay ouc dsr. We shall hare lo try aad
do aur bm to pet tUacs Mralcbl for
.............................................. hard lesrlac the
reeiiaetiL to|-*
-|('c Dot that.’' V burst out.
-n-hst iVd. Tad. dearr tV aaM aai-
'^h. V liapfsw* tc.-V tV mao I -we
br ai.wry t..; IbctVali:ftv nwulaed |vrfr.tlf stUl. TVo the
teauiac ..Mb.-tboie .-saw bear i.i her.
lUi ueutlli* Imlrr Ili7*.lble’s taar.- .amr
r.«ad. ca.1 V f.mn.l himmlf la l-.aJ.-n
----------------------------------- .
..................... u-
r, aa.l a* V «.*>t !
1^ sliui<T*i will U-n ..... t >Mi .—V L. ,,ii I k..k^ ' walditae IV rr-uded e»aa n f.x-liBi: -f I mad- to d.-«x«.d-Imo .dvil. and Ib-y
-rii'^^Va b!i?^Jra.^a atS! |
VM of haunr:
-IVe caiaMed •ad
_ laatr V eaottoued
CtoMDily- “Tbe«e-i
Uct BipbL
Mly woek
■e fac
far f.w my etlrsTaeanm -Hew miirl. dn
“Fire bn.
*'!<’ !”■
•Ttorb.d. ami enwi w ill
i] dect.-.Mn I he ibetr tTTtolaii.ia, aiHl iiitn .lorkunw
■ i-iw-wbrrr Ibto lo t-*. j eu,l a Del and p tomine
i-«i rrrwecd lb- rrrfai t- I there
latrodiHv ,..o : ^
{ liiai* .if tto w.wbl. '
iM«r I
"Mre kindred paaakL" aV Mid. wHh
little rasp.
ea»p. “lie
“He tot y^a^Btoia
yoa. a
iiil yno cn^ him “
. Ml ksM M atot I caald af.
fcH It."
A Imcte raae oat from iv far cad of
tVinwB. Tatiat Palktocr spraac to bto
la fix' f.ainb Ucdi.rf Bedrw tt to
imid.rf iV .Vniiiw <rf Hid that*‘lbiT
ahall d'vur iii •x«fu*i.ci. and !■- na.
samccl w ilii cliaiii. . aial witb<T lU fror.
ibey arv iV irliry <rf/Ih.. B<*«
1 wb.'iB. elirbt lliejT| bid wlji'l..
alive." Uni-b liinumv<u)lal.T
J.wuili t>i.mi:)il was ex.-n lis«l by a wtH
ktentu |ii*s4R.. Ilf tto IuIit Ua<ab:
i ss;;
ritVr spiAe f.w a Vicoesi.
Twa III ibara^TAnox.
rleb (Old to Ihla paiaUt tapreiV naa wto eaea hi Hcbfa tV
cMe( fod aad alai of life and aot
DMana to tV rod of aerTlac Ood u
Ui (eltow meiL He Urea tor hlmsUf
and dralna to V rteb for ptuwiy aettob
Hr pUcw «nUy wealth
•bare bearwaly tnasare. Tbla rasa
was WK a fool beeauar V was riefa
aor ticMiar be rwtorped bis baiwa
vVe bla crops preaUy lacresard. He
WAS a (oal becaaae V looked apoo bid
rtcbca aa bis and oat Ootrs. becaiwa
V tbeogbt V could feed bis aotil apoo
mac V
look DO weroimi of tV (act that V
bad DO Indcdnlle baae u|*>u «(c. Bo to
errrr one wto. Uke tbla mao. lays ap
tnaanrr fv blaueir aad to oat rick
rai AmtCATiint.
Thto pataUc art* (ortb what It to a«i
Ib br rick toward (Vd rallirr tbao
wbkl tt to 10 V rtrh toward Ood. Rkborss toward Ood dues Ml euoalst
BiaterUl wMltb. -A man's life «aalaietb aot In tbe aViidave dt -fto
thlnca which V
may V srvalthy sod at iv maw ttaa
rkb toward God. but tuerv worldly
rteVa do pot Insure aplrHual wealth,
btn an- ofiro a Imrrter to IL Bkhaets loa-ard God Is *|ilr1toal ureaKb.
To V rich toward God tre miwt V
*Ticb In faith." "ricb In cood wa
rteb in tv uplrtiusl favors uod IAmInci of our Gud.
This la iV iras
wealth. It to pot loki-o from 1
death, but to an el.-nul poasCT
Let na aeek to be rtch toward Uud. to
ttWi'aE ataT
Bid* mast be (v hMfa boilers ato
Attiaita. incladinc M(..ty valves, twti
watv coluana. t o low water aUnna.
k imUe tamriac hart.
TiBverae City.
jnt kMt »f
Bicfch Btpahing
Bicfck Sundrits
Prim Wshl.
B. J>. Ltdtrh,
11$ anion St.
own aeiaiib alms sod purpuaca Uutbly treasorei may vanlab la a nlfbL bat
bcaveoly treasurm endure forever.
■sBistee I Northeasteni R. R.
Tttr paavxn mtennu.
Bare tV patwlile ex'|rfs|prd. foUowM
by ao opeo voluntary aervlce. ^
atBLX akAMcoo.
1 t'hito. xxix. 14. U; Job xxxL S4-to;
Ito. XX. 7. h: Hi. t-b; IVuv. xxiil. 4. C;
Hath. vl. IP-21: Hart x. S3-S; I Tim.
Vi. IT-IP; Jam a ML
ThtawB Wa Kwww Abawt Heciv
UeSTOe bekiOpB to tV tuiasea. I
lonxB lo IV apIrUUBl. aad. Itorr-fure.
caouul to* fully fcaowD a* loac aa wa
•re lu tin- uiaterlal. It Vkuixs to IV
lt> a.^ a Ol.
tiaiunil luau fauaut know tblnn of tto
8|drU of Hod. fur ttoy ara'aplrltually
dviwued. No uor retorwa to teU bto
espertoocr or draertV lo us what Iw
La* wuqL Aucida’ feet are alwmya apoo
the ladder itotoc from V lo Cod aod
rctomliif; to mluUter to ua. but they
TDlalster in sUeaev. We bear Do roiew
•a ihej serve. Ttora are many qoeaUoDs w-e would like to ask. maay qaewlloos wa do bMl bat sylcbsr by tto
wrIttM wonl DOT by rtoloD In *tto
klpbt to any aatwn- rraa. B«rca
Um beyoad tto domain of tto pi
lUc. ato we most wait tmtll we
Into tv fDUaeaa of IV Bpim. nniD wa
ewter tv bletor apbewe of tolnp. bwfufw wo can know or raapfrbifDd lu
romllUea and ptortea tad Uewdacs.
livch kDOtoedpe to ai yet too wotorr
ful fv aa It to blfh; wa t
tala IL-Caltto Presbyterian.
ttkmiiis-. ItiU
H£ris, ■
Mcr. *S^
OlUMti MlKmi.
One my bealtate to apacolaie aboat
tv elrmautUDcva of tV other world,
but ooa can never erttah out IV cow
; vlctlop tVt there moat V one placa
a.MdLlne na It.
ly ardhMed
; niq: tmu. all fl-di.''
lor tt. John, wbo wa* Jraos' ftoeod.
"I hate takea tV vtt." V n
*T hare lb tn.' V MB haarMdy. '“Ill
He made hi* way not to a p,tac«, j Ibeir primary m.wniHRyrfiT In tto But
and unolber tor Judas lacuHoi. who
xMc aad are yob mpbla after Imch.oueb bl*
hi* tcrulbud»«.rfitoibw.t.toi>DitoBcl
TV W«rf memed tn daoee Ifaraucb
waa lilt betrayer. Ov baa seen sheep
A IlitIc Utrr tV m«c Boniac
e Cap. sdbs Hr bad met ber aealo-. ws* Bn- ' bwtotir ociapi' tliey w
wm- iMxiiif the fotam
ato BwlDe fecdlnx In the same Md
( wac stmIHac to lac to dance with
:h her!
ber! Whst
What woold aV w.wkl of sjurilA
And tlx idduiv .rf
till veetac ato bas tuUuwed notU tto
tV Alameda Unleas.
Hr wac ■ food
■ la him?
which IV .wlliv wa* Ibu* sk.Vtocl i
c„ ....
■beep were catVred Inlu their (old
brnktac man of
r iWuR BL
kO. He dtabed
di ‘ '
tv hallro^ and toooi , wvIt d.im*wfllkd ii. fnuu mm-Hrbl.-I ^
1V pstv Irtoatriy. apparrally deep la
ato tv awlne ran CTeedlly to Gtor aty.
iVuicU. IVueaiiy
cyru feO
fed M
cm tVI
tV ^ - " *1L“ ' , - X. iTu
tr-eally hto syr*
. a ''=•* «m*w. Hut tbisfintuR in w.mt at
la no dnubt later oo there wU TV laxt conjptoint tVt woold have ac*
Biri wto WW ailtlac a few [
-be n creai dcoiaod tar plaid (nhriei of enrred to ov'i mlto waa that Itofr
r Bp. Br tacacatoed her fab-1 •‘'T ^
tWr cy« ««cL atul
tarritmuM: .rf tto Chnn.ao
mil kliKlA for 1‘Bilstana mre wildly owvni Vd arparated tbecn. tV laat
medtstHy. and b aaddM pleam
- "'
•he smOrd.
• .
I want e talk-tt ttoV ynu.“ sV Ckm
hki CT"
piunetoc Into crery kind of check aim“T..n tot tor nor oU fr_______________
frtead. Ura. Crra-1
terUL d-Ucbtful for alilru mad mora topetber. What t
Ttoy stopped danciac. awd be led her ;
eeur V asked, sdib a loach, droppiac
ine w.-ar Wid.- pUld r1UB« beiu mad
tots IV seat Vetde her. “Whea ta yoar
r worn with acaatd*
tor a aecapd. TV« she Inracd aod U
rtsh npr"
I FjTa.-«*e. II.- adeertte.*! r..r
Rrryt mode no reply. Be (toaecd at
le .pile of emi
“I fottad It oat a merntb. acu.'
- V •" •='4.1 mix] In- la* Van tiesk-eed bj I
tor ••J *•• IVI bar faes was tnntod V
II lo V kept 4W j
bkkt to BtOl In erlwart] Earepa. Re walked that aV waa
There's Mt
Ppesideot Porter of Take eoOeft «wew
wotU wwoU hare d.
TV uoe point apop a-blefa It appean pave IV toOowlac lacpaJc advice to
-tt wa* anthlBcr V mdled. -I am.ivtoxl b.r li
probahlc tbat Uie cowTUpakcru wlS tv atadeats in tto ctorte of an exrrmlly tV catoer. I metidymtoi antue of ; Icva ' I ani
addrma: “Don't drink; doal
to Vve I
■ly mcmey wbicb
was to roosal*
llattody-Tf 1 «4 to a( bay ST'
‘ it ta year fatber-a hrm. I bow
mti.v kind of bnaapwnrk. My borne to tha ta IV elaborattoa of tV toaettal chew; don't apMke: doa't swear; don't
FV waed ber toad, aad Uefr ^v*
deceive; don't read aoveto: don't marry
taalMd of SV
tn Itlnsbanil.a. and i look'my Orac alc*-ve wl.k-h ur POW aa —
■eL Pb.- lad ooty kyawa him • w^ 4 per cemt tai
CM otopuH a wife; to ear*
pmttiax it"' toe • jnsirtKlhiu in tfonieab- *.tcIit- fpuui
yvl b Uwd nf lautaM atocrsiamUM bad
WMt; V aelf rHlant: V cporrofm: he
----------------------- my imUber at tome.
«Vn 1 iiecaD
apruM ap VWsa thaM. tomeVw V eirtaimed- “Yoa Mred him
There I* a vw efotb of floe taxtaru «fvO: read tto paperu; adverttoe your
to kiuk alnm fv a oun'e .mwimUoi:
aeel^ diScrcM ItoM amol af Ibr MS and dtaciacf cMbled blm W
aU ptmltkm.
I f.uiiul .-verytblac full .-a.-etd this ato tiau bMOtlful Milo aVra wUto. tt
»*k» nmvy ato do pood
baaliiea*. and I detefinlnccl In UV ap la predlrtad. wUI pfava pnpidar .tm wtth K: lovr Ood aad yoor (Hkrw m*W“
^It was oaty TVp»™<k»-“ be mU.
r la
to my Hfe Vve I M
"IVI erne rM bc4»- iV said, wkh a Uaehcaard at I did tVI
nnk calck b bar vedet. ^torv la acto- Boeda. Ever stoev- tV tkeo^t af
“What I* a dljdoatatr oAto tto
PeH ato cere flrwiunapptcB.- Pat
lacteVdoM. Waveialvdr
i*Vs. dtolnc
hoy'* stater.
•err tv fire In J6at enot«b wtoar
very hard aeiy read." aV lap and rannluy fruit. He aald dbCNm. A nddea dcMra M
"Hnh; Inal yoa know thatT* to-My tomrs are (n>D R o'rM In tV
icf] him ber tr^ 09! arv tor.
••toy with white aacar.
Cook slow
He looVd at Vr latMtIy.
Bontlnc to tl at nlyrtit. lun I «et marv
“Perhapa If ytm laU ac^ to bc«aa la
twin wave af r«v *w~
ly at IV back of IV drr MtU tV ap
wurt duV tD that tla>e tVS ttitwe
ples are lendfr.
Take then out with
hired fcMa ran tV I pat Si s wtek
ta hha B^aaUy. Her cVvh. Ttoa ber
7 baoddaa aiy buatiL and
a kpUt tpoaa.
Brio* tV Ibtaid left
la ccMMws dV mat bto.-------vtary.............................................
tin* by, tV Vj tl.9. I havea't
VwdnfatrmotMedpiePlii, Be was
(Tom then to a boll ato add.tn It a
tto with tv ba
(ettluc old aud hto-aBawad Ms fMlsr
aay fault to ti
taMHpoawM of celattv wUefe has
aoMelmdy. and V ebeato ato prto aU
in iuM w*« I
tor half an toar V a
IVheao/yoa.^yoatttotta« bsea aeaked
Tie looked rwtrvatiacty at Vr. Be saw
COM water.
WhM thk'is
ato p t aad aboM IL**
pbad-ttoL aakameataM
■RtrlrdtT ua a Motor tot ru«aiar
patodtrbadwam Matoly Atoat Itopto.
ly. had tool aad la dimiriil
had apptaprUUd Moaey b®MM
the •rw's
-.-SvCAtk I>w*j;
aRway tSa ^ Vaa to^ IS p»
■nv. II. V toa'i a dlplMf.t B>
at Cto tto VM of yea ato as
itok 90B Oka tt. thto to to."
Let Rbao kiLtuii in caU tofuey CTswtag itb^ tot wtth crkaa(
|Att |P M|p ei.A M
_________ __ ______
........... ....................
.................. ..........................
dale polM bimadf tocetVr aad ma.lc . |;mcasl nsuliiM na'. f.P iV-ir w.eta
-V c»em.|yrwd request.
i shall tsd di.-. vilber shall ttoirfimto
Smo. yvato togatomsdil. toav
-huraday.Oot. I
: '»« > w al.-d: "AllRorioce* ui>rt y^ aial
< rI-*?' aiv |ir.TKinsl f.e lliriii and an
! uTiiieii d-tvii te tto spirit* <rf tbractrln tot." di«l lu ricbli«si*i><»«. and
• niamf.d.l R.**! will V iimii l.> vrw in
tal.es. and ytetr
Sr';,™/™!..;:’ nX,. )■.> ■■
kd to lactaaae Ua taaiat to baU
bto eotorpad peadacta. Be exalted to
hto rtebne aad daetded to Ure a aettab
ato vBsaal U(e epoa them. Rot Ood
mU: "TtoD (oati tUa alcU abaU thy
aotd V laqalnd at thee. TVa whoor
ahA tbeae Ihlapa V wbleb tbea haei
ndftMT do to V that tayeth ap
tf3m for hiBwU aad U BOt ricta to
ward Ood.-
»a* t th
lam I m
|Pii ip tt.A mill
B.P. MOttUjjB.'
' 1,280 ;
•>r>*o» Up T» 3 0«sac* BvMV ■pmtig.
OttMT* Soverttly Wotmdad In
rioht Amons Hurwartprw
ipflif, Vta.. OeL H-Tbr lUcbo- Bo<ra in Hands of British Urg*
Brunile be Diaoontlnuei
today M 00^ ao« ad>om wttbeat addt« aaocfan btaad
to tbr are of diamdan almd; niard
heawrr* ibr TYoMataata and Cbtbolis la tbii aonaaity by. attaobt oa
BaaaaaiiB. h amr today la tbr
I Operators FMl afaapr of a afvrefa driivmrd by Dr. Methuon Had Two Battles wi^
W. U Oarb. arerrtary of (be Aarri.
immsr^ Forem SepL 26
Into Une Yestorday
Uolreralty at WaafalairMt. wbo
dMdarad Ibal thr eeeflict betwera
BiDBt br
bt oat at tba eapttoL That tha
wv >■ wMeh CbthalMan U tn^lat]
iflaraMr InrlalatieB at Waablaa-
AO Oam»m
a-yry M* trm. Ban M-V Kkm
-Wm* ~e a PM w*o Bad Am
Iff Vf VAVggrf
On One Board
Bowliay OiM9.0hio. Oet. 6—Ftaak
BaA Oottrrek,
ayedk yean.
beiny lynched or tmnwd at
cm—fw • pzir af
the atakr by a mob of a Aesmad jM>- '
pie before Ae oOcm meemled ia yel
tlayblm away.
dotMtml by Mn. B. K. KmiA after, v
It. aad Ae quickly yave the I -S
S Bttcbtr Co. Prop*.
Fall Suits and Top Coats
It costi nothing to look, but to look (Qayrost you
several dollars.
New Shirts. Ties. H osiery.
V. S. B. SKidT,
Satlui, Nick. .
Sntlnn: - Pina ictql .(
tints lir SI OGtwtkaliinlT
|MSirl.-J' N- ■KhX'i' <Ai
maJi ft« im * rMi*. ■<
tm ihnp tw {Im priict nt-
Mam pm Mit mi«at na-
:.,U aampii'M'h'
rm, ud lldUlu4, 1UM.1V
Dealers in all kinds of games and
sporting goods.
You are cordially invited.
£"ta . .
These are the new things for the
winter season of *00-'0l at the
wh™ u„ D™»hk». w>
On One Board
To suit ami fit anybody. Goods made especially for
us—made the way "Benda wants them.” That's a good
deal different from the ordinar>' kind. The prices start
for line
fine suits at $13 and^o^up
andjvq^up to $33. Good
Go(^ business
Mits we start at $7 and working suits as low as $4.
Now then, if you are thinkifig of buyii^t a suit
S3L5.?:. ■sTLins?'
On One Board
20 Oartios
Free-for-alL trot or psea. ^ •100.
C. B
Fred Almoat
« I I 4st
d f ff
. He wn cmn
Udy Herauatr
I a4 I4(
William F. Lroa of Loay Lake wa*
TimerdB;A:W:S:S;:SJ:ia; Id»;
Ml V. tv IMIai BniM.
Half Mile B jaalig Itaee. Psrae r&- . Krjr York. Ort. ft-Joha Md
mliioBl eooditian
itlrrly paralyacd. Be U VletorSam
of WaAiaytaa and iBilo yon baek to
wa of the forlietf
of Ae Bay
•»t7, _________
It dalls the aiyAe of Father Time.
t FURBHTBBH will yfre a aodriTw-away -anakUa of approaeblag
a putT at Aalr ball Taaaday
ayt—AwaUsw «f Ufa. that psti
Mb. AU an terttad
30 Oamos
i Prices
Wain <m thr ndlroad aad
I A hot panalt of Ac faglliTc wlA Ae ceclDe.
. at le» tfeta
Mr. SBiAaad tbr (atber of Ac
child, who loHl followed A a basxy.
after a drire of 11 uilea lauded Ae
Samrl ir Tbr M<nUM Kmd.
The reiriBeViea eamrop The
o tbr berU
the <
Ihirlan. Uet. C—Detalb of Ae dia- mob faatrord a loBa rope aboot BaAVlUMtarr*. Oet «-A Mrilc flybl
o< Dr. HeDowall «f OUoMro, Aal
tay'e orck aad tiisTAe end of it to
rm drift Aow that the early leriae. --rilaiiA him a mile.aaioi rdamtra la iasdtMr
tn Bi WyoMiat bmiiriii trioltM! ia <■
wbleb waa aharply rrpUod to by
tj> were SBder (otleiaMl la rzteaL
Baylotw Wooteff. aad if
brbw abot d««d. o»- totallj-, ma4
OalboUe ptb-ii of tbio elty. ooaapl^-*
Am- U aaythiiuf Ml Ae oBeira ewa y There are aU Sines Iw an
•smbrr l«41y arosad^
Uses aad OccasAas.
He threw tbr lever ood
Hasstaa. Occ A—All iadltldosl
jumped forward. The ; s Imparted Piteat CaH
sasl Oprtsicm fall la liar- todar sad
AU city.
topewaailrewatlyfatwhenaa omcer| |
potUA aoUaw
Imported ESBUAtl Csli, ^
catfI aad depatbw pieki-d ap BbA.!.;< rinrn tirrr. rif
SMil adnai* aad a irdartlaa Ui Mw
!«,. IW. M„ 1.0. ™», ooj'!:
|rt» of tinwdrv, The U
Velsar O
CalC Bsz OIL
laehrd Ae berm Ato a RaUopla. |x
Jiadaaa Oaoal Coatuy vaa the taai
ae omeer killni. and ait
ward AU cily. where be wae {ilaoed | '> J5.00
of the bgr eanratstiooi wLleb
Thr Boar* took A3 |iriM»er«. who
aciMd Ui thr |BO|iiiattl«ai sad tbfj Buildings Leveled at the Vil
----- ---HOOalioesror
wm ealaaqumtly rrleaard. 'TItey
poMrd BoOrrMi toda;.
lage of Bewabik. Mlipi.
captun-d our HotciAlm yaa. aad eet
.wilkratana. <icL «—Half thr aUtk
fln- 10 »* wSyaaa TIh-V OBTrird off
aaata thr a|i|>« ooal Drida which
StS3,l(,4,4(a»l S. 4
tbr (aiiplirs. toyethrr wnA oxr«
MHBiriar .l.aacnH- aad tecAawaana
moire, leavtay oor wayoo for tn
W. J. Saxton Brings ChaivM
aewatirw, Uklay la itw Mitin- (on;
portatlno of tbr Britieh wounded.
yUWw (naa Foam Oily to HhickafalnAgainst Reuben Aylesworth
Loadon. I let. tl—A dlapalch from
hy.havc now br>ra offmd aa iaenaa*
Blaamf<mteA mye Ae Bom prieor 10 pn eoal ia wayaa Tbia >ald
It Orma Point, (Mpe Uolony
of thr flfat. aaoaad.
Aird Bud foenii i
Ae ■*« diKrtril o( Uailod Mine {•noao. dratroylaR tho Oaatoo power
lllr limm
boorr, ahafl lioows. taillt and other Uh- BBBiqtle. If Ae <«d II Bol laaeb_ iM-tboa MafOm
-rm Loaev in Good Shoaa. Q
Ibt- priaaoen will Imae .a
Reahtm Aylenrorth «i la jail A de
balMiaxa. torr ap thr 'Uelath taior
faqliofSl.OOO tell, rm Ihr ehanre of
sanber ia the Mtctn- aaAnwiir Arid. (lower hoaar aad tsfried away a noni- paUie ivoteat.
IxmdoD. On. S-Tbe war office 19. amoult widi intent 10 do yreal bodily
'Of Ai^ aa.UOU havr becD offernd aa ber ci( nrn ear*. •oaUrrinu llirni on-r
iBiry for a mile or more. Tim thr foilowinyfmoi Hobertr amhirilklr bam U-m thaa tbe crim.- of mitnirr.
iBFTmar.aarl Ibr iadtaadcaM art- that
ofOet.&. "MeAateamrrdat Rue- Hr wa* anaiyBMl in JuMier Drown*.
thr nayafty are wilUac to aooept'
hotuil•■BerF yeftrrdav. He had two im- eoBTt yeaterday aad wairr-d ezamlnaM. Today tt iadirldiml o)irniUi rtefc work* v
Lem. liOU. tbr hood. Iielay Sn-d AtSl.flOO.
hI aa advaarw. (ollowinit i
met. force Hi-in. 8S. tie- caeoallinr.
Iti.eharyed dial Avlrawnnh a.lead of tbr (oar bty coal mniBairr.
were noi- wven-ly and iwo .liylitly malti-d William J. Haxirm, on Ayliwdadrr Aeae ooudilloo* llu- sltaa.
woBB<li<d. Hevi-n Boeru wi-rr killed wordi*. farm aror Inirriochrn. n.lny
ihrn iu thill rtwloe i* very pUln.
and iwi-nty .fonr jdi-d nti' twirnarra. and tlirruu-iiluy lo uw-very rlanyrmn.
The atrlker* are waiClay (nr thr off.-r
ITIrmirala] 1* arodiny Iwenly four wraiaw. when In die ImaiU of an'
to brvwwr yrueral. aad whilr aearly
all of
3B.C00 to ,whom a 10 imr Traverse City Horses Secured rriwmer. from MayalinliBry. Tbc anyry man.
tntal nuBilirr of Boer iriNOer. now i.
Thi- ironlilr h<-rw««<a thrw- IWo
orwt adiaaor lw« Iveii imuih-d would
More Money
0. Buryhen ari' .unvndrrinB M-B i. nf WHral year, utaadlny.
mani to work tt woald (aree tbrothdally. Kelly.Kcnny teporta llial he
Ayliwwortli foruMrly lived for *ix
«r oni raniiBOir. UI yiut a aimil^'
nn enyayiiiM-nl laulay three yrantma fam owned by Haxton'.
adrannr. 1'hrr tyiiald laAiw all lb
.Ilaw«dlr«d' binr>bl3alir<«t4-in vrwtr-rday wid>- fathi-r. and tlirrr wa. nol IIh' very The Telephone ‘
ilrUu' iiBrr. TJirTv K Aarrtwt
utrmiy fnrtv of Boer*. Tbe caaml. heat of fn-Mlrwhi-n he left thi- |iUn-. 'Always in Demand
BSt tbr Irul dnubi llnl if Ihrltawfadlira, Ave offla-rm wouadt-d amt nor Hinee tl>eh Aitv lia. brra aier-- or
basaa. IVUwan- A HadinR ap<l lYaaV
Nol uidy I. il ri«|ainvl in Ihi- ofDee
Nrw KaBBlBC Track timed.
miminy. TIm- Boer, lori Iro* diftleally, and the trouble cul- of thr himtliny man of ImBioru. but
ayltsnb rawiaaire nffeted aa rxira’' Thr iTTrtilh anooal fair of thi- Aa- oSerr
mhmid Friday.
10 fe-r mil thr Mrikers woald at oon- irini UouniT Ayrimltaral aacicl.r taavily. ■■
il find. iU .}ihi-ii- nf mrforiiin. in Ihr
It apiram that Haxtoa had bmnyhl home, wh-'rr il mi-el. Ihr nvioirt-laalii U|Hia i’nwtdrni Mliehrll call- cIiwmI yeatenla). It .waa ratln-ly lorboy from ih-' AyIi-.wonli fanu, mmt. of bu.inin.. linaetaie and k>bay a fuoreailua aad wHtlimt •■>•' rrrafal thooyh Ibi- coodilioni W--rr
makiny the dmi with Mr*. Aylr*.
very uufaimlde In many w-B.v«. All or thr |i ; t aln-nnhw Won TWIr wrvtli, aad dial wlu-n Ayli-rworth rial acllviliea.
ttlii-aaailraili, IViia., «»el- A—thrr
,r olvr..
UI*. time.
TIm- wrallier wai Iwl.'liut in Hpih- nf
tlaoMo VcMmar twl tbr Wean
hiwrdofll. l«- .i..rlajvd that Hoxun ^.,„*.„uay an .xi-odluire of ea
nou nrlkiuy mim-re aad lirrakrn iMi. lik- <-zhibltlcM>i well- Ti-ry ymirl
hod a My iwnul*- hrre tliie afirni4Mia
•lioald not have Uir hoy. Haxtonmonev. l-uf a woman',
mvlii to thr nnuily. Thr
went after it Friday.mail mot Aylc ,ime 1. ofu n n. valuable and Impor
aad afterward lutmed hi an aililrm prople of thr towra of UrlUn> and Hymi t-.TIe- ■-•nur ib*e-«d.
wort), wbrn a quam-1 rn.ued.
by Preeidrul kfilclirit of tbr UoilM
(Miiayrx. Oet. S—Ali of Ihe biy
nf thr KBnxmndine nniairy
Mine W'ltrkrra. Kvrry miatay (own out ill lanrr Bombera aad pave lln- iverriiti-. won ilH-iryame* .ve«ii.-rday,- whtrh Saxton ili^lare* tluil Aylr>*HspiioM- yog d
till- value
worth tbrew a beeili- at hint, which
for tea 'mib-i aroouil ernl ilrlryn. fair vr-tT
in Ac
iol.tbi- Kvin- wa» aul larye. Folio*wanleil iiff M> that il did m> H-r. liumr by nrdi-riny iitir Inlay of thr
Fori-iyu aad AaM-rlean laadi
Thr ham- taem wttv fall of AUir- lay an ihr mull.;
iouadamayi'. Aflerwanl il UelainM-d
ware ia llm- . Haan- of llir
At Ciilniyii-f^hirayn K; Hunloe 5.
Mt and ^1 w«rr liotiy oimtMCed
At Ann ArlKW-Mirliiyau II: Kalthnayh Ihr track waa very muddy
l4-d axe, whirh'did not land *n a« to
Ttsc Itay 'i W.irk Frir a Trur^ Itay'■ and rinw.. lo fan. m (irwir were ilxWbea AyhwwnrA
Pay": •»> An- FiitiillDK
liKy ccodiliaoB Uml ilie manayetw
went into Ac houv and veored a
ThattiJaal aad Blyiil-(Wr Dr.
nf Ae Toci-r would have li-eii |■■rfrc|.
revolver. Haxum made up hi. mind'
nnd JbiUcif and KoUiibk~KIw;"
ly iusliSable in iMilariny. the race,
that It wa. lime to yo.
«' Will Nil LaaRwr Ih- t(law.;-* off. Bujtliry Miid that Ihe vi.ttom leraa 0.
When AylrcworA wa. hrauj;hl lie■-riuir.t We Htaul, Uirtdrd Wr
At Iowa City—U. of Iowa 4uyUate
raev. Aal the mouey wa.
fare Justice Brown, hr ueled raAiT,
Fall; ' 'll Ua Fall Dinarr Fall Wr up and dhould l»- larvd for «i Inoy fiwqul 0. ' indeprnilenl.
to fivl
Waal;" "Tin-KriH-mii Tbry an-Trr- a. Him- wen- liorMt. that woald yo
To be discnsse4 by
tbe m-eemilT of Aowitiy the ronrl
iay 1.1 Wnrk |hii,-| Un Willi iIm- III tlietruck 111 till Iheeiitrie.. Ho Ihr byrii-ultnral cotli-ne.
Hr did
"Til.- llutim Mori Hr rarinua i-venu were (lallrd off in IIk>
Hob. chase S. OSBOKR
Ai Ma.li«n-U. of Wu-gmaia A;
am care what was door wiA him.
• WrOuyhl to (h) lo mud.
CV>Ui-yi‘ l‘hv>ieiaiia and Huiyeoe. d
and did not propnae at first in make
BebruiLBui WrMu.. ;W.wk.- Iltwak
AbMlotiiwpoll.-U. of Miaan^ &:
Thr track U a .eerv fine new one.
any effort to fnmiA bomla Wlwn be
rr Boy.. "UV Uanl Our Uinair
ml would hare bnen fa« hail II ^not Ami-* 0.
PbilpFilIod Will, SuUianital Fond,
At Hriaortoii—Hrion-toa if;
L teamed that Ihr next lem of court
Imra for llir ccDManl dowonour of
dorsnof convene till next January, he
Net tViat Baruu'r T.ffi
••Htaad by tala. Aa il arBa.|lhr time made wa. hiyliS.
Btatril that he eoolri yet a bnadsman
Fnwldml Mlh-lu-ll and tbr fmoo
At New Haven-Vnle SO:
vr-ry .low In every evi-at. list wa.
ia Brozlr eonaty. and would pmAbly
-‘Ompmir Wrallb I'Uliiu Ihr Kly^l
At Idiaca—Oi>n>i-ll r>—KMlbrl K>.
faat caaui<t<«lB|t Ihe condltiaa. an'
do ao. Unk-M special eonw-et
MOomlilnc. llBI Ih-Oirr Uh<» Ihr
At Camfaridye-Harrard l>: Bowdrr wkifb Ihr rarm won- |ialh>d off.
yivra,.for it. preacatatlon at thi.
Biyfat A thyanlxr;........Ubor lYiwh-.
Thi. U the w-noad nee mcetim; oa doiaO.
All W«]lh aa.1 Demaad. a Miare nf
temrof eoan. Ae eav will have to
At Phil
wait till Ihe January tenn.
F. B. Kile, of Maan-lnmt wu* .tartttKIlKIIRII »
TIIK lirtTW* nbAMTAHiUlllK
iay Jarlye fer the ram and yava et-llrni mtUfacilim. The other jadye*
■abimm * OMa AwarSrd a Ilia
At WmS Foini—UArt* U; IVaaayl-ere h. Bam of Aldra. W. M. Daveairm i4i 1‘^maal a.
inrt aad Jew. Dewey of BcIbUn- aad vaala Slate nnUeye 0,
At Orawfordmillr^WabaA md
Jrwi-tA Jeukhu of-Ml
19 imlWTWlfcdBaw Hiwed.
Travrnr- ihiy hone, fated very well
Ballimorr. iV-i.n -Il U aadentncKi
A iIh- exrnl. rnatmiaT. Vii-trv Ham.
that the BallltaalT A OhAha. a.
odibe Pallman'A'omiauy a nmtnwt thi' came llttir ranorrof MeCoy aad
ChplaA Albert, whidh miled from
lor X(KU fn-lylil ran. Thi. U llir itermaln.'. won die Imlf luUr ran in
Hambum at I o'rloek Hatardar after- ;
atntyhl hraU. A tbr acetnd htwl mlaaaoad laryi- order for r«|nl|i
BOOB, tun sAore at Fayrtuend, dx I
liny a new rrmnl fiw Ihr track of
ytrau by Ihr enrapaay withA a «
In. O...; til 1001*1 U OR lyi I* MWoti tbe eoad of Oldeabury. i
unM.At IM> yvKKt K»;t> IIOMKr
Thi- free for all trot dr |«ce wa. the
*le t'lalia It-riM llma<iri»ua
hotly coatemod race of dm 00Ac had no flnt clam. 400 awond
m aad PeMaiom nt« MUrntty.
in- mm. renutiiny at* hrato to ffa.
clam aad 400 ileemye pamsoyera Hhe
BarT-aite (arpdiw .VMr
loTbr Hinuu B.W4
A It. Fled Abaoni took vcoad
wa. to atop at SoatkliampKai Ai.
xmi-y ia tU. race. C. R belay juai
Topeka. 0«. ft—Tbe DemooEBtie (Saadayimamiiiytolakeim 4» adaprmluTV-M.miiir Brr4Wd.
mamiltre in 1
WxMv dldoiml firm dam fameiiyfr..
UalvrM<io. llct «-By IIk-acIlMs of br-hlad the maaey. Find moner wa.
Acerotnl cuaunlitee Unlay ffSogoo takes by Toraarto. a kUnirori-' hem-. derlanwthal Biysa will have ever;
of tbr relief (uad wa. VI aaiile fur Traverm City horw-mes an raAuid- itt-OOft majoritr ia Kaiima Tim eom-j'TfMTBRnAVhi BAa* maM.uaM
the n-pairtayof wmeked bourn, aad aetir over the (hm Umtmrai aceortletl
them by
M«.an fnr iwbaildlay
•Followlay i. a asmamty of Ae
Tea tbnoBBBd 1
MWaot KHrwiA aM^ lon-4-t
Eiapn iWM tail n pnMiH. bad innkkkBa
“Think of Benda”
Mata.Cap«. Juy.
Collaru. Cuffa. Braoa,
Call in and See These When Up Town.
Another Big Lot
i Tiannel Ulaists
We have had a wonderful success with these
goods thus far. It seems Tike we cannot gel enough
of them. When you see these you will see how use
less it is to make them up yourself. There is some
thing about the appearance that you will Tind impos
sible to produce. l’erha|>s you have made the at
tempt. This lot ju.si received is of the medium
priced, so that now we arc able to show waists .it
$i.oo. $1.50. $1.75, $rx». $2.50, $2.75 and up to $5X».
Call and See These When Up Town,
KtlioMe Dif Goods, Cnptt sad Clothing Goust.
Pingree & Smith Make
New Lasts—New Toes
Welt Soles-Kid Lined
Just received another shipment for
fall. One price to ali-three dollars
—no more—no less.
Rranl^ Rriedrich
New Shoe Store
242 l=^ront Street.
No IS/liot^oRo
Cb« « a •
‘Xry m«”
. lianEzetlkatSIwt
From whatever point you criticise the
"TRY ME^’ you wiii find it "toe," the
mark. You will find no fault in style,
quality or price, 'truly the best ladies'
shoe ever product at diis pruie. We
are exclusive'ag^ts ib this dty.
Parker Bros*
McNama9 Block
vtu to chnc^ dd« whu
>'eloto. lMMd««T«M to
T>R>AT.«A«»-i‘AW. «*IP«
HwiT •ll.OOO.OW vtott «t vM
a««.M<rto a- Bto-lto to—-
iMfM «fU
The cort
wlU hrtac - -_
lh«n^«r to*""- TtodepaitB«a( of .^Itor* teporu to
Oart^ to «r>« «erk of 6rpT^Mkto^ TH«toM Oa
teaitor •• auwe >h>a to-ble «hW It
jMrUatot Bito
Mt «toH~
Id I'M >iul noefa blybrr ttoa at
to Cirliwtir. I iiH«t ■ Htol M
any corrMowidia* d»ic »lo" ‘hat.
Ito ThU lacTTMed prtretodaeholb I
«r il.lM tomritoJi en to|A
U, tto laewato eoa.o»P»to.t>W
Tto toto TtoftoM B7«av. *Woh toto trcMBK maA SI7 piwmfrT..
DB<1 the e«i»rt» wade by toeretwy WII-,
IttftoAn Itoi eoMpM?- tvpM
pnoeal toad of the depaH- ;
- t. to Btotoaib*.
OCB bM «rlT««l U GopitoM** 1
toon. ... .jrTieahote. for u eotarr*-I
atotoi • totol B»tor of lU. tT
Best of Aaierica. aurkeM .to.to.
«< ikto «7ftoM OB tope, ax
Wilt bo.iw- w-tlTitj aa>l people
Mi. Badtor to* nttnwd fm XorUae »<
of iadtatr} .cit«elj '
n wkBcnrB
■n U«e
«od. aottonirUlto tontoy itoool tow Oape Towa. Utilato • topreo. P>> ttl. the boBM B
by f.
ImpoTUnt o<
» Blaatot aoeth. to A«aA* LaaA
alto boor e(t«)p. »■ All we to;^ile oiih bitoaei
« d^ToM *i atot
t^r» etoed. Bioet
Bine rooa.np «> half
A A Oeok aad KMyRodew* tare
tilor. Tatotrt with tl|rbt rariUnir* w»d
ttoftoe of foot tall that «to
faBM BWiTiod at PWTldiaoe. Eaa. a reduetloD of em|d..*evtto ei>D«>npaitaaB,4 for Mxt Fritoy totww- tto by Bee. Ml. Grey of WolUaifto.
U<m wa) pTKi-o in the touae Bwkel
Avlaa* ha* wa* tto Mirialre eoatiaot that Mra
hMia toalatad off to a tlML
imet that tto hotee [
toald take h«r weddlM trip ilhntr.lFd befihe
Dr. Sadth. tto eatoetamy «rto*. atoe. while to ptoow lawatod
cenioaplioD «l .«>ni fell off WM.OOO.- |
4tototBtad U. toft toaUar
090 la, IIKM •» cooi|mred oilh IMB.and ,
•o Mta Bo(w» loft for tto 0
P-ttto 9TW hy a hofw.
:br price of c«no I•t Orfe.Ro in '
atoe. Mi. Bqaer. will wwala at
It fbr clo»r of thcdci Kxn-etic and
dolaff the botueworfc while hit iwc.
a* kk* Hub oarlew tarlB period, wa
wife take* her weddiep trip. Ropei*
half what U i» l«Hdaj.
Moll BetUy aad Kto AtoUa Olnrt
batolor aw) Mra Bopm%
The table wbkh follow* *how» tto
rctewBRtodlaMeewtaBat O o'eleto
widwr. Both are riefa la toir .owa borne eoBkomptloa and rtportaUon of
at to Fim Mothodtot ohan* parwa- rlpht. iHIt and
aod the
The eoa^ a»et ooly two
af. hy Bar. Ww. laatmaa. Ttor
opoal.lton only ia «*», the homeconwin twdto oa BaM Bljtfath itiaet.
Tto doWhgrr cmpCM* of China ha* ■utuptlon agtire* lor that year of
inr not bring obiaintbk:
ttoae will to a n«alar oaoMUi
dapated to hlgheat ofBcUl of the
tto of Trartaw City to>l«c Ka m,
rfir to make all aereeawy arreageto ftotac M
Vo. M Vctoter
^ »to Bar. J. A
ton, By., ewtottto
•totoyAfto ttotMto,
ItoMMMtopCttT <i tototto to.
.1 B M.. Vato.. (« Bto|^
eny. Atoto». wlto «l.«00.000 to Ktoi-
Aad they are go
ing at bargains
now.Must reduce
stock by October.
IS. Hull lineol
air tight stotlU.
Kou n d Oak s.
Cooks and Steel
bMid tto totwtto tto
to «p«Utica «ito~d Mto aapp
“T3fi T. toto*. «* toto—
F.. A A M..
»uw«>Totr oewtop.
,U for to moat laportaat faneial
' ‘ »-"taarsrm.-E-A
. ^ ““■wH?r wflss^‘t2
a* taatoaw. honor to to late Baron roe Kelteler
to eoto tatoa aad haa gleo utdeiid ihe .rrectioo of
a aaitablV temple at the taidlol m hi*
AU to aatoa. of ttoe ol9 w «> memory. The .aperloteodent of timkat to C. A
at Tian Tain ha« beeu ordered to
P. AhalL Alltoeiatow *«• res«tameet to body oa it* amral th<-te and
tohlgheat offlclaU of oth.-r imrt
A. oyriw wtO" »H1 be gteaa will pay Ibe greateet honor to Ih
Wadnaatay erealag at to home «f
dead. An ImperMl edict degradMra. C. T. 8tot by to tadle. Gaild troB al) rank* and office*
of Gran ehareh. AU are laTlud.
Taan. Lan Yi. Kang Yi. Tang.Fnh
Mr*. KlBlaa Paehard had tto mla- Slang and other* coaoemed it
fortane to faU oa tto back atep. of
herraaldaDM cb Baadolph aueet Fri
day eeoilng aad taaak hw arm lut
aboee to wrtat
1 rititolicm
of to
kiaalng bag or aome analagoa. itmect.
Uon doll.r* a d., for .................... . mer
The atlng U inrariahly pUntcl open
,e wbkb they C...O... |.e.«l«-..
naaUng af tto Kothan Michigan Odd to faer or apoo the aeck above toFellow'. Annlrerwry ***»'
The letiou i* difflralt
tfaU olty Mat Jaaa, wa* awt to that
tnat and toaUalowly. The doctor
twB yrotertay by A. M. Oobaia of
bai had eight patient*, bat ba* n
Patotaoy. Tto oap wat aajparad I7
grade*, fr*. gnu..,
had lime to make a celtarr yet. I
J. N. Martlnek. The cap won by
believe* to woond 1* to rerall of
tto degioe uam of to OadiUac BaSaraaite, and aa two Egyptian* w<
bokahi will to *Mt In a few day.
affileted with the plagae, ao the docTto Infant daaghwr of Mr.
GhioagD I* threatened
Mra Otrln Barton of Old Mlaeloa
with an annmi occoimic*.
dlad Friday Bigh t of cholera Inlaa
.^c i«ere.*.dd. n.*n.i .hr..o*-», Mark Taraln left Loadon 00 Sotar
A faU aalioad
fRBB to Elk Baptd*
ttocomrany In Ihla oUy.M. APaige
Foar year. apo. whoa he wa. ato
for tae
tae .
lag hU waeaB for
B. J. Motgao will rreeirr
a nam
Sse henca oa to atcaam
Otarlerola from thuago U>U morn
day to Bpke hU hoate in
the Untieit
Stata* after a fire year*' rvaidenee in
Barope. He retatn*. to mn- feellnr
boy. rejBTejiatod In body
iiupIjMl In tnlnA
Tto gaeat
Ut will *)Mid tto winter In Kew
York, and will go faaek to hi* old
bom*. HartfonL Oaan., in the ajiriDg.
p..i»n..“rr:XS;’.o“ c.a. hammond
w«k PiaUM a
t**rr Tawo ItoaU be amewMle
to bootr of a relative a«wr Slou
that everr City and wm aot>en«toaied to bmt
r. A HaawaU and a gang cd alae totality la Noritoca Mteltigan wUl to Ing hi* wwy. HMvy atarma throaghoal Fiance
amtoveynal ma^rfewd to i^ey.
ted at tto Oaad Bead* Oca
fkr tto Ttavwrw Ol^ * LaaWn
rerae City next
wvek. have dime maeh damage to (T0]ie7ty
railroad as tar a* -SottSaa Bay. ThU
U oa* M to meat Impor- aad Uve atoek. Many of to riven
Tto •ftadiiunyi
tovaa leas than threa , mila* of to
I Ito Mlthigan
rant* ananrvayed. to a«««Ha
tolas to ToUiag land'
Tto ooat of thU
on tto aahtoM, to the end ttot
to. toea abota S1800. to to- to may an inflacace kU raral Maada ribty iBjnrad. Tto vtoa have been
down, and in taany caaea to
[ thna tar being itot their aFarta la tto matter c< bet
inalmMt'ndarA Ita damage
tor road* may to waU dlrwetod aad
mltieal la
^viMad and Mia. M. t Back wtre
•tactad deltaam *» tiW Miehlgaa
FodacaHoa oCWomaa'a olaba. 10 «*M
atlMMiBgOetatacM-SA Ma. A a
Bat amiiT tto flH poa love to
to mlniaMwof war.
Do'NT BeFooleoi
»T MOUdraM Tca
PoWhCa^Mtoa Ea^
Blame are
Tn the Union of Our
Our Prices then is Stnngth.
Our rw/T effort is to phase our customers amt we
are meeting with gratifying success. We shall
continue 'carrying high grade goods at prices that
meet your approval.
Ami Cuffs, and Neckwear, in fact all
Men s I■■urni5hin^?s. Want ibc new
est? Always found here. Want
the latest shyres?
shown here. Twenty-five dif- ferent styles of 1 !>c collars
besides an endless varie
ty of cheaper (trades.
SaiDc with Cuffs, al!
the newest shapes
at 35c the pair.
An extra pair
of cuffs is the
Will aln^j's be done - as lone
lures are made. So brina them to
tis and we will help you preserve
them. We are showine all^
the newest patterns for fall'
iraming. Step in a mo
ment and sec the n<;w
• beauties. U will only
/help you choose a
frame and have a
^ beautiful pic
ture the soon■er for your
Always the newest in Fall Shirts,
iliev are all beauties aod so\ are
fast sellers. We give you your
Always the best of diese hnpottant
article- ih) soaps the Savon Lilas
Blanc shlls at 5c; the Jap Rose at
oc; the Violletttde Farma loc;
Fear's Scented 35c Al! the
popular odors in Ferfumes
at 40c and 50c the ounce:
Florida and Lavendar
water at 3Sc- A big
assortment of
tooth brushes at
IOC, 15c, 25c
Brafsady, Aaverge.
Rtaaa *md to taone vtoyarda that
apoaat to to aigaat regaeali of
the Batmab & La^
Wercantik Company
mplUh the sMaltoi poaaihle good deae la to Haste Pynmaaa aatonnU
te a dUaamr.
Tto alnmtoe 1
oF VIolIra
Trav.ew (Vti
A Grind Fork*, N. D.. diniatcl.
wy* that within the |..-xt foar
K. W. HaBtlage and J. W. Patchln
week* between «X> and aCD Bo<t*.
twrtfylap. plotared to hU a.dto.*. addrwaed an eathBriaatle n
r* of *000 or mote Trati.vaalto dlwMw whloh to Bid woald Old Mlwloa Friday erenlag.
m. who have In-eu ivdaeMl to
Jute. gum*, -piev
WHI to aaUoa If ftee .Hew wa. meeliag waa largely attoaded and
y by the war. will nmve iw New
lopadlatLl at the |<olU. HU |«e<Ue' to Uaar* of
'ork ahnrtly. wtoon- they will |*t>- A.l* *nd «bT»<ii*. «>>«! 'he r.
ttoe were alamto and pewlwUtle.
Cved by way of Chiogo and the Twrln • rtlcle. of -h. li.t *rr
Thay atlrterf to people deeply. Boine
aixl .i:|.-trojpi»; .-c-.in'r..-*.
Cilie* to the ferllb- veldt* of Dakota Iroplol a
ballaeed toy woald ootoe to
and Mtnaeaota.
tawau Me aewt.kf
BBl*Balarltydoobted.^d tto adIf Mavimo (hmira. th. lal. e..n.iii*BilTto enrtority of Jolui Hannerlach
eoeateaofa aonad Boaetary ^atewi
of Chicago, aged li yean old. wa*
wtae eietorioni ai to ilaotleea. .
ie caa»c of hi* death. Die Imv
oa hU tor Mr. BomwUml ha* aapaied tto aar
never *een a wedding,
Ihioagh ladUBB U maklBR propheale* eto*a of E. A Eoger* of Paw Paw,
rbeodold by *ome comivinion* tliat
la tto WBe aptrll, aad with to taw* an eiperWd'di*-. good. aaleanBc
,hk .-...rntr, .10: Mo.uiJ f g.l 001
mairiage-wa* being celefanied in
and Imvr the UUnil n> uimrcl.}. o
iU—gaed and todiaereaoe to the |ia*- wlK> wtll take cimrge of the defari
home at *30 B'ect DiviidoB
aboul.1 .t fuimi it- |.l.*lg.. made li
aibUlty of ttolr fnlSIlinent that he
irrpaiation* to w tore* the gauC faith tu to Cutou peupir?
dM ia I8ta He apala U oodaaeoriajr
The Good Templar* gave a very
V-..—ay. Aboat S o'clock at night
to Mithtae tto ooantry with gloomy pliwMt aimlal laat erwalng. at whidi
Haaker KoM. a
when llu- interior of lh<- boa»>
ptetarw of the fatnre of to repshUr pie of mlto Mad* ua> the center
tomiaatly lighted and gfgH*
ri*«n, r*»lrfiT of
J. . K. Gt
U to It adt eleaied. He tried to faam- of atttar«(B. A rary oiOoyable time
Ohia lia* U-etl
Btnwming into the tarlor*. the- boy took of Tho .Ullc.
baoaU to people foar year, ago; to waa had by tto la«a aambesw^o
of h. nil hv a eerinn* lui
ellmtod a leleplione pole in front of
tronlih- until In- tried Dr. Kiug'»N<
- Utryingtodolt bow.
___________ _
to hon*c. He *oOB nwrlied tbi- top I)i*oovrrr for t^wnjininloo. Tli.-n 1
Tto hltury of to laat foar yaan
and there hr jierclin!. waiting Jn
wrote: "It 1* ihi- l.-«l niHliciix- I i-v
kveFt* lit aocirrv
taow* him to tore beeoi a falae i«>lleallT for to event. But the wrd need for fl M-ven old c» a Iml oe
pbetln l0ta. aad oa erery haad to
Mlm Edilto TiBblln gave an ele
of inng iTonlile
I alwev* Liv-ii
ding |«rty tarried no loog that l«- wai
Iwitirnn hand.” -Ihin'l »ulli r «i
gant birthday luity ywtfvday aftorwank and tired, and. loeiug hi* iiold, eouglui cold. Of any throat. ch--*t tir
BOOB ea to lawn Is front of her realto boy fell to the pavemeat.
He long tronhle tUn-ti vvm enii l«- mre.1
And at eleetioa thU toil to people dtaoe on Stata atoeb Sixteen of tor
■track liead&r*l on il>v hanl eurface *oTw»tfv. Onlv .Wandfi m
will agala ahow their ooaBdeace I
girl frietul. attended and they
totlh-* i.-n rent* al S.' K. ’
land hi* akall wa* fnetnred. He wa*
U. JoliWHMi * drug >l»iv*.
B**rT Uae. Her gaeau left with
taken to a drag «torr when- he died
tor ntuaeroa* memimtoe. of to oeaawithin a few minnto
Tto body wa*
_________ __
taken to hU home }n*i a* to tnarriage
Thoawndi of RepeUlean* all orw
MlwEtol Themaa gave a
■tamony wa* being performed.
irettv to* laiy at her booM- «* WebEdward A Akimin. of Manning. LADIES TAKE NOTIl'E.
*ler .toel yaataiday afuwoon in Imra. wa* .tealing n ride on a Chiai* taking little acHre intereat in to
t)cl. li'th. n r«-|ir>---irinuve nf
-II .A r.. . imr of «T|iiraK<>’>
caBfatgn.beUeTlng ttoi the elertice bonrwof ber.caaalB. Mlt* Bdaa Thom- eogc. Mllwaok«v A SL Paul train en
wonl.-n hoi
s will )•' III
aa. of Elwood. tad., ato arill retam
Bte to Sloox City and to feU a.lee).
M Mt. McKinley aad tto reimdlntton
iiM-«ioiv of r. G. :
home tsaaday.
Ttoae prrneat wtoe:
the box car. Hr dreatped to ww> In
of Bra * falM>le«are aatared. In ito
a line of wi>
a rwllraad wreck and towrd to moan,
ooaSdeaer of R.
---------------------” Muae* Edna Tk
from Ihi*
BdlUi Haatlag*. Cm McCoy. Fannie and (Tie* toi help of to' !>«•<»• in
and «nit*. |ik;-3I.
to chief danger. Bepoblloaa* a
jured- He went to todr **.l*tniicc
bear thl* In mind, and altitongfa Uiey Rntaer aad Edna MaitiL
Sot lie.
and climbed thraagh Ibe end iloor.
tolUve McKinley will to mlected
1 U- *lii«-nl from the city niitil
falling under to wtoeU. Both of
Itoy atoald make It a point to aee
NoUn will
to*.Tto Stark Comedy Oa eloaad their
hUlfgawere ent off.
A brakei
of niv office tuid apiminimeiit*
ttol every vote 1* caat. and not allow
Bgagement In tto City .Open Hoaae aaw to mnn tall and to train wa*
rk oui l>- tuiul.- Willi her after
thalr better in aaceeBtodewr tlmm
Inal Bight with to lavaentatloa ot'A
te. S. O Sawyer. Ui nti»l
wa* broeghl
treaf'MsrtlBg ev^ry efort to bring
* waa wry
Sloax City, and died three faonn bter
ataal that oad.
well atagtd aadgivta la an extremely
at St; Joaepo'* hoaptlal. He told hi*
entertaining amaaet 10 a fair aUed
atuiVET in «xiMrumu>
«d MfA
It.'.il -lui-.riarvd giicM
f lbi» r
WllllaB J. Bryan, la a naiiaer tnly
•gd IMatotatowB.
thU tdty yraterday for local •«
ehanu. It wa* aold by to agcai «f
Dr. a Prayn StringSrld of Oliita-
kpy degrae tCBB for work daring ito
**' *' ■ ultoKiB w. mwaaai
O. B
redwed to ftMtore.
The twirfiy cap wcB by to Pewa-
BBPwr w. Haamtci*. of o»to
• **" ""uiJijfDoo Mutpatt-
’♦aawrt r>Ko*r« «Te r«r ftocal >*»>»
at One Dollar the shirt.
Best garments for the
money ever made. Not
our own “say sb”. but
our pleased customers. AU sizes from
n« tat M «r ItatOM tt> to
totarthrtht ici*ta» 8«w«* o* tto^ «Wto tto liqtoctoB I
MMwhwW to hr C. a
M VMMtar •ftt—to■ Ite totavb* brfaa tto taiad wM
r. 8r hM M Mk •
» If to U ls(*r «M«h to flM <»• Mr tortom «to aato Ito tal tad to
«DadtoMtoMu nAm tow
tto taUiT Mat taaagta Tto eoajMr1ttaF«ftoto»d to iMiTr potov ttoi«( toltorltol h(w B toU I
Mia. Fraak Mam^. «ba wat taiad hadeboD «
ftMai. bat ratafoed to tor taemr at
toKtodtay. o . BJto B«n|. Itoyta
totvto MMtoB. HMu TBBAttoM
« at ttor ii4-
Lato •
Tltit to Abb Arbor.
Hr. aad Mra. T. B.
I tall.
Prto. Boebr'a ftni ytag ta
wbo bat baaa
Bt> wat ta lar He wtwt ibw*
tbtwBgb Mr. Hitahl a»d Mr. .Otaarwa
to tbr C. AT. M. RalljtalOa aad
tto Ian
BotaL Hla work ta Its----------- ynornd
No previoos seftwci has
^ t«re
Klffbt OUtSI^Bll.
»r tiitt ttoy
able DOffdties to shapes
and colors See our »iadow—50c to $4- No 6ner
line shown anywhere..
Handay acAoto. 1» ta
Epw«nb Ltagaa at ki4t p.-ta.
Ertwlag aetrttr. t. 8ab>(«t. "Om
Ifaa pmnwe to anlmab afant cto«h.'
awl rtonae lo batorr tnaa i
ttat tboe ««■"«.*. war act thaw
■•A yoong womaa haring awe b
igbleoed bytbr t
toaabitetaaaar hat brail
blad fa ytsi. by ta-tug tbit taoow
BUgi abuBt ha. apm ba clothlBg- apn
tMtawa tbr Boarae to ClrtaDtat, "
Miwwiag •
Holy Oca
SaaiMy achool at 11
All aiT eordtaliy. iaritad
The early (all purchas
ers express great pleasure
at the new paRems we
are shovmg. See what
Otawr to Fifth aad Oak «trr«ta.
Haaday tebaol • :4S a.-BL
ta dlnta Mra-lf to ito toUef that it U
PnbUe Wonfatp 11 a. m.
real IlwTobntiaoaaiBMwabk-to
C. E. Praypr awrUag at 6:45 p ».
titan I laMM that anch fantoed Bgaia
wrap »« ita fay aaking tfaaa to pwdi aPabtie wornblp at 7 a bl
Ota- ryrball a« a btlb- with tto ft
Paltor Hedgiaa will1 taarr
ittait bU brotbn. 8. H. Hardaa Tlx- Tliu wakiw all toijecU abuat than
to Ibl- awning ter
dcaildD. at any .tie eaa pore to bin
lattrr hat aoU oat hit
ta il Ata iKd Amble Us fabs itai.
tooji on Proot tuwt aad will gu to
tto pngtort to Ito mind,
the yvme
Hurt Uohta. wtorr to totU <-ator into
Haada.r-Pi«tohiag at lO-JD a
waaaa ynti mruiiind wat taaMi
botiaaat wilb bit brolbar-ia-lav.
furlodbytht* dericn."
aadal 7 p. m.
Mini tomiB PMuiti«taa bat
ClBM Bsatiag at V :16 a. m.
toitntaialait Mr.aiid Mra Jeha (Mtap-
$10. $13. $1$ or $18 will
toll to Ptoatkar.
Joha M. Harto* to Bmaeeto it rlt-
trhMi. UihUtorivitr.
Itavr oota hoUov aottad. ThU an
; to« bu cartntoty ht toukt it to !«<•
. ttading Bitarlmi to caw to tto tarn
a t|an abiial ««o tocbn to kMiiHlikalf BB iBch trito asd at eUv at larr
BBtiitr. vlitio tto rmt to tto latmor
. Ugbllraiakiac
taat at tibtk-at mnr—tto Mate oa
Ito flBUntl.; Uiiita at Utto at tboay. btaater BUtara.
M. Wlaalr bat rrtarard fron a batVam Mr.- to.-b-y amat to kamr if
aajrbodyvmtKlIbiiu'wtato bat.
iant trip to tto aortb.
do here. We allow no
poor goods a place in our
KaiulaT ichool al 11:46 a Bl
Epwo^ toia|tnrate:!&^ BL
and Ulsters
Thartday—Prayer ntaing at fdHi
A endial iaritaUaa Un
nor rraf. J. R. Roeto
------------ ,„-i I aa al(aratr. lu
Mn. K. L. biratfai' U
all tbptr wwTjert.
war. rfaaagliig." taid tbr pBhtUtBhaamaiir t«|«f1nMf ooe nUtbl latt Mn. OtoKVf H. Pnirat aad MMa
Korkr Moaanin Tea.
Madr by
' moTP Usa tatitfactany.
Thit I
tmA. lU- baud toob bb
aaanal Jtm Ktowa. to Ohk»«a
„.i- Maidaoo Mcdieinr Oa aie. A«k Bpt. D. CochUa. patior.
I to made a wailpd nen
iciilt lowU tta
Krr. KlUna to Hu totat.
yoBr droggltu
jiniaf of tto oldeat rtadpou to Chardnwd bb4 a It <>Bl toto Ibt I
HuniUy acbool at Bonn.
(IrToii. whewr iMtimmialt will bear
thtaajtfa tto cllr jntoitor oa hU war
JoalorC. E. tnriPtl at 8:31
aakp roar own rhnir.- fron an
lOUi i toakp
loot hit ttaleaipnu Prof. Rorlie baa
frocn Kiaffakir to UId MUtioa. vhnv
-0. E. toeiftir atftpi i
iDimruM- liar i ■ wnolm. fa
b-ra W y<mr* in AUilclie work and
atrai tto rroooU, and b|icb pieklag it hr atado
" •
fall aad wiui
V, P. R C. K. at
i bat aadr a tperlaliy of waching
Ion A Ca to Chicago, nl tlir irtor>
. Bp taw a wraarl faaMn>d to lU tbroat
Mn. M.. DoaaUaiid toe'. Artliar,
ll&OatM tlnwt.
of K O. Hpo......................
' tarklur lu blaod. Thr WHurl im- to IViroit, an- ritiiiiw Hn llrMaa
High Artlttir Tailoring.
nadiatrlr fatlnnol Ittrlf to Boadh-'t BnxKAMhrDI.
P.IU, Look. Up to
John Ki-leb of Krtnrlok U in tto
Aa«rr. and draidlr rvrrr rfert
. iuku IkatUr a (TUtaai
eiir na baMant.
W. P. Nrlacta to Nortbpert wat at
tto boon and tali Ito aaltod rffortt
to hitaarlf aad wtfr wan- net aalU- tbr Wbitlnp
to |«ll it
tbrn took a
tint jni-
hi-anoird tomr
■Cello aad Piano.
Tiiini sum,
| Pluyd Mattor bat iManed
laera aad tto
lil t wilhin tto altotlMl.tlrar with hi* la-Ml
Chariot Kttorllaii. wbo
•M|ird from
tin- jail
Ti.ll to III. l.-at pirl.
Tix- IS-n- Marqurllr
lino rtnul to Htanton
alniiiK «tol lli.iiita wat aa ra.T
tl.-ir cunvortaiitn tainod
Tar la Witn
Honda sni “toakod'’. ami nfli-r dolor-
Hasllton Clothing Co.
tafnailto Hmda’t rtoro jasinp in
llii- window atHhe rtoe* with which
Thor WMP tanma. aad ibi-y tinod
hat bmi oa|ilur«d wliilr iwylni!
532 Sute St. noDda; Oolyl
re. I have
ildimillna to
kldnry.. I havr rtn|i
(div.iewi. and (riM dlffm-oi
i-oi n-n
with oatv tcmiic
ic«lv Kor ncvrinl Tiwr. I htvp
ih^l tod long troabh^ with lopugagpln Manual 'latmr. I v
MitioifJToogh t^uir. V. C. Thoniji- .Indoo.-.! lo try Mr J. R lUidi
ty.iPB to i-ln-iric idivtiral eelton-:
•(mA rlrvpji or twelve tnaUnrata
with vi-rv grnlifTiiig mmtta I an
feeling toltrr than 1 have fi
■lif 'r j/rj f /yy ry y x f r r/
good o-cultc, ani
of It aliaett Itatardlalrlri Ii
.......... not
W, Q. O. Omtatai- rrtamrd
.Pra( On»b-T ayt to mmol rcnii- ^rnitoii from Ballaltr. wb<«r to W
plrto Ito tatk to ' ninraitlBir
tto|b„M. nttn
(wnpr-ny to nllroadiL. trl<-|ihonr aadjtoir.
b.-ti aanorin^ from
dioTiw. p\iT Miim-;
"tluard Wliitp I Hlerp "-M
Mr. aad Mra. R J. Morpai
^ed yntonlar »rom
{iolo aad qaartrt aeena
hnnl Tliilt to UrtmiL
wat pom) fw
pardi-ii aad a|l|<linl II to Ihr wotoi.l Mr Morpaa larrlawail a
tto tvrilinr aud lalMtaBlhu/'fli
...................... .................
bmetor katfr aad Mwrd
Uw aattaal'i toad off. Tto eair<-r
fai«Ui to twrll fatoorv auntar and
for tto (taat tii yran.
iPtadtoig T»BM»MCHr arc MTli
t amr i.unl pndartHM. la
U. J. Oorrin to Lnland wat la ito
Our second lloorovcr*
crowded with this (all's
purchases. Any kind of
material or Color that you'
may wish—$500 to $35
in price.
vnnld ant nloatr it. •‘Hr faarrlrd
duiniy Inncfa-
to la-rtniR of tglcntarv haldtc. or
thoM- ndffcrlng
from all chronir
iio»-». and t. h. vp il
bI io itvKDuio grai-ral hralth 'nnd
R. R. Wllkcatea.
LrolaBan cooaly fanaor
Prof^John R. Korhr.
Tto toimol for tbo
from ito John J
Rllod^ bat
Urnad Rapldt.
or pry tiiinv. aad I'll rolr for Btyaa
laating an both ran- and
I,- w-iid till- man
.1 .l.-iqiPil ai ■ fanuboUM' lo I
. Ihcm-. "Bf n-ii yi-ar. ago a pour
) ptHMrtHM- Ibl.
ibU way and you took blni
Tin- ttun Nornal al Y|wlbtoli lia.
lark of a
osnlpiml halldiag for iit
m4h.iI TIm- ftaal exiOMdolInn to IhitolUiut; to aonord
-•V.-.r' iiophPd ibr fanto-r.«.ii»-wtuil
natu |•>m•al
wnt brpua
X/ / ty/y-yyry r y i./ i / x x xy^
IS. P»tt.h
Bidletug Htrlag qpanrl; >Vh
Dec. n. Knit KrrUU«. tiu-oddmn
ad Aa.mnn Tiuilni.l: Jan
S-V ito;
Per lb 15c
r eui.r
Urr l.ge*
'J /y. xy/yyjyyyyf^
./ J xy X X X X xy xyyy y rix yx:^
Claw* have
faM-n nrgaattrd for
boUi ntPD and womro. Homing damfwtam lino 11 JO;
4io6;90. At{VT-tal ebua tor ladhw
from fl jk ai. to 7.
<-Ti-ning cUttPt
tarn 7:ao to V:snii. n.
the honn. In conuui-cthai^ilti
leal cnltuR- wc liwcli
pparring. f<'OC-
lag aad tnc
library Hill. Front St.
(hr cbliAitaa.
l-mkr.rii i-eniMt...
ata IMiiionyl. piaao recital; Marchlvim UK'Al. APLMC.kTIONR at P*
M-: llipy rauneg rrMh (hr tral to (hr di- {-------16. David IliiqihaBi. M«g n-cital. Th.-:il
tbtarrh it a Wood or otmtrttn-1 p-etgfaUi antiaal May
ftaivni will con. ‘ ~
T «■'
Wnnt Bay Blrtoel. City.
alto to
tbr Beeuw KpRtivnl cgrh<-tttw taking
0 iah-mall;
lit catiotuary ai-tirc pan
Mhi- land net.
V cs Ibr bloo.1 and
•t OataiTh CoTP
HcbaimBB-rti-lnk. who civai.-d tuch
_______ p. ll wmt ti«faror liMd yftar. Iw. tan n-g-ngwl;^,
............ uei'of Utp tott-|*)ytictaiu
at Uir tur BBtarUon
HenA-lwhou t ^ ■ta -■
ihi. muntr for yiwrt. aad U a
drataalic onloriu. "Elijali'' and ttnl- iTwlar TWcacTltkics.. It it onnnoard r*g '
priarlpal ntewal offprtagK
^uertlr m tto uneeat tartaea. Tto
Hru Willtata HotpiMd. aa eld rpt- {wefert cnabtaatioat to Ito Iwo
gmlirau ii'wbal p
tacb woedrrtnl
rptalta ta eartag Oattirh.
toothing (WBgbt ftie fraw a tamp' aad C^'^Y AO^IV^VTiAedi.'
tow wat bonwd to a «wtep before help
Ural living arar Kew Ikatra.
baracd to drath at lirr home.
«aC. P.
OoUler to Oberokec. 6
nwred fatal. It eaiar thrnagh hit
ttUaern- Hit hack got no latar to
maM BOI tlooi> wiibowt great rata.
■akp Tonr
roar tplretlee
tplretlet for taiu e...
eeai or
_ troBtert
tan Mallra A
Oa't liar to wotorat at tbr
toP. O. HcBaoBD. 116 Cbn I
- la tb«
aatil Iw tried Ecletrle Bium which
tofeeied tneh a
wcaderfal ebaagr THE Q. R A I $6.00- EXOUBSlOK
Usi *^^<^** thal hereto, liken a To BMuaftad UtaTet al 6:46 a. ta.
TaraUy. Ocu Wh, tfaerr will be at
________ ir aad ktdaey tonahl
to J. o.
gjAaSikki -ra.-ii'ki______ '
H»iiiiK«i llm
at Steinberg's Ctanl
............ —. -
Fall Styles
yon giM*
If ilip psii-nruco to myM-lf and
i-nd> will nid ToB in yonr
work, yon arc hdvby |«-nnl
mitirto to sne
BIT iiatiM- or n-fi-r to a>p.
Kmleriok W. Mayaa
Coiidnoc to iMwllh.
Jntl rrorivi.l, try tlipai.
e»m uitxT-i*.-
^•.iHH OTeei at
' Travanai
Aiavriw Olla
Ih- >inii>E<-r
~V«u f-d hliu. gan; him
worU of ..... ...
tnik an toil
(iih of plottM-.. |ta<
Mldlllng* In bl.
gup. iIh- training tobciol a |.vkrt aiHl iwot Idm ..ti hi. aay nU
>.Mi al Ibr tliBP that
bmai- Worthy of llir aaBir.
TIm■I furgd yuor kliata(-Mk
tahling 1. R inodpi oiH- In orory
Am I rigUi
. {wnipolar and lU- irluad ttarla Iliio| tolh-tr yon arr" wa. ibr nidy.
arw iror in Um- fi-iih-Hr aahl Ihll If to iinto'wr'l to
Maj Vorunn lia. b..<n di-Mllpd by wmihl M. Ihul you upcrt tod onu.loii
to n-gn-i yoor klndn.wt lo a poor.
tto M-pn-tai. of w»r n> iwofrawr of
MrngcIlDg lad."
tathurr tch-nn- and tartlra at tto • -wuhV. Mk.
..wr -irlaliu.-.l tbr farm
wife, psdti-dly. “Il Miunib atanwi
a fairy itir. A.n't ltr>
c «*htwil
iVcll." rontlniw.1 (be ttraagar, “to
■-rii-. i*f nmn-n.
!roU mr lo Idl.you Ibtl tar M atlU
B{iiiii whipli It
ShI MfH Cain
aAai'o.. Why Jiooldn^l^'
. wliioh 1. now toliiK dltuiboloii by
John N. llaxior. Th<- |dooot toai to
ago 1 To^od for lirraa. and wi- ham
tod icimmI timra aad ideaty to inottry
giT> 7BB [Btimpl aad caftoki an«-n;|
Onb Ibr mart roUabb- tooek larar-1
Rain* TTT7 low
tto WoEfnid maatrdlBo. ••Koar yrara
llapliT ^ooITtatou
If 70a ham n dwtollag. >t(tok.«roro.
ban. (w aajr oUxw troptotT lawr-
lAwr Hir:-At (hr ronrlnciou to Wy
fim tprtn onA-r yonr intlrnctira. alU>w w.- to I'Eitvie niy apiwvctatioa of
m-atiui'ui and (IkwhichI 1 h
ha«- iwlvwl.
Abtaopavat. la
ral to my
•ndnl y«>o
0 B««l to
friPiKU whom 1 tlH>ughl
yonr tnwinp-nt and in i-wry Inctaneitlx T have t-s]neaovl lo nw thair <-nliie
■tatigRCtion. Ti> iIn- iKiaiiKwa or |WDiu good or
McKtaloy tliUfalL"
"(Vrtalnly tiot." tairt the nuin frora
__ ------------
Fire Insurance;
Well. I tappcwr yon will Totr for
*tto I', of M.
_ tto imtoart to ba mind. She w
Ipt haiMl. aad ba ekuhing firqoRitly
. rtnriand ttol tbit
ObarinS. Tadar baa tto aiBcd fTtm
Tto tooot boto a toarknl
nBfsbbtoatTp. ta.
K>to<-.«)tlant agitacifaiM
, BMt to oBWn't wtmk. fame ymt*
• affo to (tctoA B|> Mr ito abort of
whkb it pwblltaid ta tbU artltoa.
'tottoir. waadtoltoirTtoMt
at t^ w»»* to my wa. I barn aero
U A. Ptat to Am Arbta M tpaid
toff tto tor wBb fait ivtat la tbM
»*“■ ■
prannnp M>
vbe faM toes
rtaittec bar toMbw. V. Aataa.
tarsn) to tt9 boaa ia Oraad Ba|ddt
lto>|Ars totory. Itvtott Bw'Olfard.
kM to hu inawtoB a Biii(|i
aarr lov.'M calalar tlawtrH. H. Bali wtni to CbIcMO jmXM-
ymn to toBkarnttoUm. H. LdcAvoto
t to »«*
--------- -
rATUB R B. wiLCnrsciK.
Pnaebtogat lOJOa w.
tbit ttaagiaair ««■*. «»d «■*
a muexnt that tto Ann B ■»
CBlUr Ifaanaaaaitnuattalkiiicwitb
bar* Mat vaak hr tto ataoat ill
to tor tootbta't vlfr.
Mra Bart
A1 A-lrtto 4W
tto iBBflhtoi
f«f«to to the (rakito «( tto‘*PUto
tacVWmto" NicktoBB <»*>i*y}iito
WB* ito ant ■t’KtBg to ae
Criewdi ta
' At br hta Jaw iwtarad a M«Hr tttaa
___________ ___ -m antad U u« emir,
tad nay arm bav iiiiiarlri taadrbr
ta. to. B»d tto IBM
ABBBBrtatoMh Bff Vata
tataa riTidantt at taiaafj pttot|ia‘
bet viitoai aoy acwjo»avM» tai
tatoat is a«7 ^aataty bath la eaUa.
to toU or tat eUta ataortrd
Hwtau' Otrttota i
TMttattaa Bt Aaa Artor too* thto
kt ar-«l itotato itoM M ft—
I rrltoiw Bto
•1 Just arrived a fine
lot of Horses-some of all
kinds and all prices. Come and see them.
1 C2U1 please you in price and quality.
tto Bonk S
two fifood fanningmillST as good as hew. price
ten dollars each.
There are soohe new de
partures in both suits and
overcoats, on which we shall
be glad to post you as fully as
desired. The swell merchant
uilor effects are faithfully and
completely reproduced in the
read>'.to.wear garments made
by L. Adler. Bros. & Co., of
Rochester. N. Y.. and which
we alone have on sale.
It 'Would do you good to
sec tl^em. for they well illus
trate the folly of paying mer
chant tailor prices.
Oxford hnd Cambridge irill
be as pedlar this fall as they
were latt season. Mpny neat
I effects are also shown io strip*
I es. checks and plaids for suits.
I The covert cloth overcoat eontioues to be a strong favodta. We recognige that there is a
great variety of tastes and we make it a point to cater to alt
this we are greatly helped by the lajge assortment
fabrics and ^Rems produced 1^.the “Adler” house.
Careful'dremers are urged to'inspect our showingof’
high-class ready-made, and to see for themselves how H ia
prtoiihlr fw os to promise them satitfaetkm at an expeasp of
half what they have been paying for custom made dothiag.
Wilh©llTI DrOSa
' 'i
!U»>A nircHC Cfff, MicB. <r«oi.ir, AenmcB i im
enartm T. , Harmon,
Ba to a laol wV thtoka R
ir* a anod thing n
I------- *-------------------*-* •
I wV to wadded «• bb
Ids] to sore or wn i i|
IHtaansee are aot aartoUe: se wvtor Vbii of usilag .
A* MS pa
asB- hem tight a* a tick. R dhlat ar CBd* two «riVs tegetoar.
kkk t
laerrtn his. Vaenr. fras b«Bg eSa
TV ateraie bmb aato yes 988s
Miitiy aj(|« ia 8wtak«t’s 0
emsh not to gyi oat to fraM S sandy to get a clMMe to ato hto.
bbowsdoar. HraltgbtedaitVhaMe
Same leartoar* ere ebraper ^ Ba w»w i^ihMjdifcal ds tba gtrl
tan mom are a
O^MB «rlU 4etiTtr M adJw Kc- vaackanMd. Aa tkay caaaaS<4 tfaa
cnepe away Vf.wr aalkttg lo bit ewB
To harder-for eesr peopie aet to
araty tsM«
rrahlrare nae nse at wboor daer 4e a am art tbaa H M lo do H.
__ to gel aoto*
Haay a saa wV to able to cto
ay y
w«ar. TVgiri toldabos
V erar Srpped dowB pad far blsaau to aaatde to aaaka a |
«d vlU4iacMi
t<AI bis
ttn sUdlf ««M. aa^itManMM asmb'* bat. aai haw
',ea| s-nr bis V weaU tbraab his and
Mt read MMar of <ae yam’ «■^J-dto^-KlpItog-a ASsSa- : haoi ua lat-t hto wife-* p
Big word* are HV empty hat bom
, Birtaad to [ to stattto. Than . wi
take ap lor* of nos aad
1 be ratiwatord ibr m«t gate of tBetorr
fkaaity la*t aralnc. to MjajMi to a hr a» Baya-baad a«d i
TV. FBttal Ukr Jartgbbar. ThU sen. too. Saod tt Is U MUbb la U
Un* ot saa walk
e. tsi wben V beard
__ __ Sid JatA. Wlto toe to hto Beat of a Pragias,
BW ttou his totbw. Oaknal Barrtaaa.
apeerb wV
a weaUa'i walk a
^ ■ It'• an right ter his to V loniy.
block la bear a
tom al that ptooaaad aaaUa to ba •RTASV GBSEKBACK DIU.
0 (or bb drwBkra
AdTeraJty rrta* a saa ate abawa ap
it to >a« Mch UtUetotosaa tototoat
htoas faaaaas. M/. Baniaaa will
TV potter Jadge
wtato toe trtoMltolpaf a UfMiBa.. tbr rirnrh expinrar : *l.ool
idlk bis aad toawa op bla want -—
jitKt mnroed t>> I'arU. h> re wOdl
__ dl.r to
Bead raadi caaatm aalil tba aictoal
'tally Newa
Mid that V look* forsiad ynnr getttog draab
at Ue lattor, who to t'jpi'ctad to be
bwaaad dallTer the prtoetpal addraaa
TV BfyaB deaariartoviwa to a|varVadan. aa tbe ton^ wiiwn iwrwy
S toe eeagnaa. aad ^ce ebaiM «t allr tV greed «M M»a Ikai----“It________________ ____ ____ _
Veis fekDDWB a* tto Chair <d Urto. m ywr*
iSitcal'. i
‘rt BW •wU year altoallee lo tV
aB) V my*. “BDii tl wm V poUticalclrorvh <s tbr nimar tlrl uai there.
Cads Uxla. a* tV WaWi people call It.
T* hneliw*P***‘,
« aa rluae 10 Vs« a* sy real- | by palltog oW ptirt of
ha top 1* haUowrdoat likeu
In ibe o(B.t of tv tot.- CoRi« r. dm-r. and yoa
• eoBch. Aoeoidtog to local Oa■ witb H.
tloBal ^bi ead V»e
lliinttnetwi f.w sany y.wre a |.Rtarr 1 ibr ,i.*rarl.-r of
Tbit brealirel tbeegbt Vd e astodty
of Kbbd> bane. Il> title war “Ichluai before tl'*
la tbr cootrsl^ea that ecimlBaird VyI n gronDBa ptocb of mlv
Khun V'ani-e" II raa a-altl. It repre
das atate.
j. H. Bmt, who oeuraad Itlatr. Thr artoal ceatenatv milk
toil cotoca lu IV UtOtogja^t ^
mjt.-d a puur larraiur walling for an
la IV
iBtrrrW wltba'rn|>>UlUt. In a IrOtr 1
to aapartoMtdewt at toe gtaad dlrto- IloB rrfrrrrd «o waa Ibli:
)Brt found Mf. Ilaaliagtts atatre iVl ]
Karijrrtir Onrabaekrr oprard tb*
tm aatacitog UltdiigaB. Uhe B. 8.
Id/to waa swVb he bred, tat
»|.;m of tfito-.pinBrr — “
Xart. wV ii aapdrtBUatkBt for toto
witb raalllB and place wVra tV caaI’^of*-' life.
yea tblak >oo mi aosr sore BSaey \ Vre best a giant if hi* Italy we* to Soll’^oTbl*
». prrf.r*
r* boiublr fare, and ti- Urd a-IU get cold. Jaat befon aertt. Vtowei
poportkai with hi* ortolntrd "rhair."
Oil] time nmoir locm will rcrall tV (or.-o 1 a.xvpl a paM on
lag llsr brat tV wbltra of fV rgza
• BMsy a eeatary^ ter ItoB'l yon iblak ar ell oBffbl lo ban Mn. Hrsan* bs a flar punu with toe anbiii.'
•.mrert p.-rfursaBm I "
SBH- Borr meoey-r’
iwhtoh he pnadly abinn hU feadgaa
ic iia!<-blm.>a
„„ K«bbt KulVA Workmaa. a ebrs lain (V caatnrd. *'-----Seewad Clilww toprekle|t mlldlr)- (kalr at Idrta aa toe toesr. and Tramy-•] early ttr* of tv
si* hoM to to Raw Jtney. whtodi Wrll. yea. 1 tolak IM HV lo bare eeaw
atoto-cakr la every aad
acak ptrcH
ptma of atoto-rakr
tVm >“
Id •
a dito. l’‘“W
iM nrrtod eetootlfle rtnl baildtog to
lalag a rrpota-! I"« »*»•“
aad soautala' tV cold rnatard aad aratirr orcr tbo
ah^harpotot «f patfeettoo toan aay
■^tlr Clitora ead Laedleg Vbic Maarbad
y.-ir! top rwrt graird
Shar atate to tor aaioo. aM rrea ocral' Writ. ibrn. why doe'l yewbrip
yuugir esMBiry, aft-1
The prim* paid by tor Baltlmme po' , uttrof tbcYu.
aaBd V hM a* Vrr li? WVt an yoo ataadlag
I rr Wins ii.u-to
rrcuttl in •'Umbliig [
Umate: f^omrutu. gSOcIwaaeoaS.
WVf* Year Tara Wortbl
had a lame erpafiaaea then a* weU a*
8 iV ilmtaUyas laai year.
Iwvi.i ipBiB of Rymn r. atrr. Mkb.
gl.M; blooimi. $H; atuamrr tniom.
iB May etoar part* of tor tlottod ead 1 eaBI sorrsoory. If wr ell My 8k.l>: Wtatcr tmaacra. TOyi TVw* rtoiiur. to V tv ol.lcet l»rto.wrat In ;
r ^^.nut^5.
.hutn. Hr to
I* 1«>3
ycara old. a: Ibr nhl 'KIt.-lil : rallvay,.e(fUoa lo TM hare a silow eosplexia
■MSB. Tor eight yes* of toe pa« *o «r raa tarr It. cae'l wr? Aiat thr mtoca, toe eomsiaunom ray. are low.-r
laeadlflcd look, soto pairV* _
«M V haa worked wlto bia. faber. preplr.itolag lo relr ibU ro)i"«r7
................. .. rxncp- rrt.-nib of Ibr Urikwa war. and ba* I Rmt.
wrali-'lV ff
Colehr* on tor akin-all aigtia cd
- • - tbr Ii.-m.««Uc tkkrt r-------— •
ly i.lud lOuig
■OaloMi Hairlaw. aad tbelr method*
~ ible. Bat Dr. Klng'a
• •* r M*' priet fbr weary
V iMcaanr of age.
iUr<l nialra.
niair*. tV blc Urer
ilm.- In tlir t'DUr<l
and wbm toe tm-n air
Ufe mu gtrr OIrar 8Hn
«a Ttotaally IdaaUoL Both of toes Ibry-ll priai li. woB't tory? Ym V
.•ti.r<liig tlir only idare la B...- Rew
John noiid. aor of .'V Isat Irtob rrr- :
Rewy CfaeaAa Rich Gomplcglaa. (
raqatred to pnnbaae new rkgbra i-rrrr
Will V V bm dartog tor eoBgraea. ' long right *dtb at.
olaltontou to IV Fenian sov.-iihti: of , lot> toru.- si-uki. to a.-.xKnwwair uw Ueeato at 8. B. WaitVandJ.
ttMi. db-d tu BoWon rormtly- ' Hr «n, ! croyv.l. liun .-aiur to bear brr.
- Mr. HarrtooB atotra that tbe daal
ly smetoaa lo tor Balttemr w.lim.— *0 ■■•••r (bat III* iMdy a iatl.l bar - torn ^ TlH.tna* iVci-i -un tbr Arrl ni-gro to Jobaaoo'* Drag 8twr«.
aaUtka of toe qsaatlM of good roada: drrintogli? Hew eboal paylngit ep?
<egolo»-r •
l.iirlr.1. In jbe p-'Hcr’a Bel.1 tmt for tbr* Mert-irr tin- rii:l.l'.-f aaffragr undre
' MB« V eltber BattoDBl w atote wM.
I Wbal tbr drrll do yoa wanete rd>
lnlrn....ltl.m of a Val Iran
tV- lifl.-enili acn-n.l-nt. r.-l.-1-ratrd bla
ttm foTM hr daea aoi oomlder raala. .uir of lll•■a<' wto- '.-li.»i-tl to pqh l.litlidjir nl I’rrlL AmUiy rrrent■rsnior? Let II wear oat. and prtol
to.'. Work.
' ly pnotisl. toe lattor Vtog tor plan
of J..1.U V<vlr ;|,. II,. «rar. a S-ld nir.lai gttm biB
In a dingy amra in tV braii uf ftoa
; by IV
,if fi-nlYVilm}
wlU '
toal V. tbtokt
Row. that «ae thr grand o'.d way of PVarlaco CotanrI Oarar I'. I.atig. V. H.
adopted all orer tor ootmtiy.
paying thr national debt in 'St. It A., gmaral ruiKTintendcai of IV roil
-.................... Attn Maru ami Ma<at a *|ir,-l
n» work of road Vtidtog to V- dortn't look anllkrly iVl Mr. Rryaa ed Rtaira tranrpurl orrvlrr, dtoiialcbra are loading IobVVTv (*1iicagn at the
day> after IV asendomt HOU8B8 for mlr In SI isrta of tor
r<-sleity—all prlcea.
bWpiubedA* rapidly a* posible «a- alb harr to agikr ybattbr paras
lumt* bate sart-brd by ta tta- odya- dvk. of John K. 0» A- fn
— A long lUi of VaUaMr
dar toeOBfaeomblr wratorr eoadi- iMiir In thl. CBspalgB after ell
mot atrrrta. and tw- witbuut tlir r|ai.VVmua KIngaford. wtai died a aban FARMS
there elll iK-.wlWdre In thr weed*
aad etoor Uada.
B.-.I mv f«« wtdlrap.aiOm.-go..VY..cmtolntcttbsa TV eity'a atonr eraaher wet about tbr proIrriOTStr In tbr Philip and anrt wbirb lia« arci>Ri|ni>l<-d ..th
Wlim a cl
FRUff^^DB^oa ^^^^taaalaen to wjn promotion.
Hr, baa
writra W. H. K.,da. of <*l with hto own liam
pint* nod tbr Monror doctrine IB Aaia. arm roinnrto ruse Imi k Vlili ibo-in-o Imirarillr. Vo., "wliirh
j-d hnrrl- liv.--|>-m-r iiieiv flr>l ruiphiyrd lo
L tt. Oap to Lrrlaisa oouty. —Murat lialtlrad.
atar* of a ainyor grtwral ami a mm- t>b- anr,-* for S6 rmm. bnl BeoUmV 'Ir- m-wiy dl~..»r.-.-,l |.r.«a-« of r»- BAROAmS-Vr Vrr tors
wbere tor arctic* «f atoar road to lo
Sttoilv wUli III.' tour alnr. of an adaSalrr wlmtlv rap-d nn-nfl.-r tni.-iiiic: •mr.-b fniiii liullan rorn. Kv
slral Our hundred and ten thouinnd
thing rl«r fit'tU-d." |„toUn.l.-. * '-•■si .vn'’h.- »•. in n-dii.-ed
b* bailL Tbr tnaelitor will br aet
Orer AlKin.niU of tV Antertnia
sea gu bihI >MUir arma* titr I’arlfli'
r br wa* utoklog bli
Bp temoRow. aod toe work will be atoriao ara aaid to V
and itol a life bial from n luallcal
K wl.Vl'oudj'’^! ,
bo' tlH-rtarrh ytoidrd
H. A M. Block
and artnallr irertrr
paabed there aa feat a* pcwBible.
fctaid of ror of thto am n-try. tVrtalnly
00. AV.
--fa.ni great Wcattfa nltlmalrlyireord for any nary :
TV Ug ttiUar waa eaaploiyMl cs
Bultdw. Arr4v«l y«Mr
toUowtog pawgiBs waa rewdtndr
■">"*! K X -■S'ri‘'SS .^^.'“2
Grand Traverse
Land Co.
Grand TrarerseXand Co.
Boston Store
Tn Our Fall Purchasing
Ole i>aod Jlitned
SRttt V4NS HDnulNb
44 io. all wool Cheviot Seige, in
• blacks and blues, worth ?5c for O^rC
Thursday and Friday, Oct. I Ith and 12th
Uito ninclin tf U. S. Rti. Efint Rnl Mto, Ua b U. nunWE
At not only having the up to date assortments of everything in
our various lines, hut to have them all practical, desirable and popular
in every respect as well. We are confident we have the goods you want
and that our *prices- are*Just as satisfactory as- the goods. To satisfy
yourself on this point come in and investigate. , You run no. risk, we are
always pleased to show our goods «nd quote you our prices. Our goods
are right, our^rices are right and you will be ri^t if you purchase of us.
Come in and (et^ share our good bargains with you.
io. Mohair finith grey Home*
•puns and*'
Oxfords.''extra value
glue ^
Yn CaltaH Ml w Mikinf
When you itx the elegant styles and
learn bow little money it requires to have
the correct and the best of headwear. I
It’s the busiest department in the h^se. .1
3610—A nice line o( the new
shades of all wool Venetians,
Homespuns and Coverts at. •
56 in. extra heavy all wool Homespun Suiti^.^inj^y, dto^mal
Justrecei\*edanewIineImiUtion 1 Rn
French Flannels, at only...... A OO
M UN's FunMinp DpifhHnt
Is better equipped to furnish all the oobWot of everything that goo to make up
a man's attire than ever before. A neat
hat is essentia! to good dress.
We have Stiff Hats in all the new
fall shades io browns and blacks for $t.
$i.Sa$34x>. $2.50. and the CamonsRoswelie for $54)0 (thelwst hat in the wtiM
for the mon^).
lo Crudners we have tans, pearls,
browns, blacks at 50. 75c, $1. $i.sa
Fedoras in pearls, cans, brosms and
blacks at 50c. Si. $i.sa ts, $2.50 aod $3.
New fan shapes io Yacht Caps, for
SO and 75c
| \\
Nobbystyioin Four-In-Hands, Im. |
pbids. Tecks, io fancy stripe aod polka 1 ^1
New line of Strings and Bat Wings
•tasc- .
A. beautiful -line of Four-In-Haads
and Tedts for 25c.
Fancy Hosiery
Fue Wonted Hose in solid colors,
15 aod 50c.
Men's Union Suits from q8c to $5.
L Cbe Boston Store
AmmuM.- at UruMto Hall.
Dctallcid foctmua wiltt ibw
ibm be aoBOBOOrti.
The olllran of tbr “Road Makaca "
onraBlxatioD will hr la ehaijrr of tb<taMtlaa.
AiMmw of Weleomr br Maror A.
V.^Frtrdalch. •
toaiooM and atatoiaml of ihi- obJaei* of toe roarralloB. by Hod. Mar
tin Dodir. dtrertor of tor Offior
offliv of
ntrad baildiBic U
Here is wbere we strike the key-note.
Men's fancy Worsted Hose in stripe. < i|
ftttka dot aod' fleur de lis patterns at Pl
i$ and 50c
FOB BA1X~619^Bopm «od
^ kite OB coraar of Oak aad
Bsnlol^ rtwoU. good ban
dad writ <M water, eomar lot.
good loeatioa. Wfll tet go of
tkkpnisrtj far ISO down. hal.
•Bca |8 ps Boath aad' iatens.
Wa'v adlteiiFOB tbo fate and
tbrovfag tetbe boildia«a. Price
FUK SALE - 814 - OoTMT of
Lake ayniv aad Ei^th atfwd,
8iae of lot. H8 fas OB Bgbtb
Mraet aad 1G6 oa Tsb» artatme,
ht 110^deegoB^.
far 10 boiaea, rosa oe W far
tbrw qwre booaaa faring oo
Lsk« avmae. EtOO down, Islaoce on mootbljr pafne^.
Low tofice taOOO.
FOB ^E-7m-AB A No. 1
property oo eemer of IsTjjo .lot, two lars*. boosa,
large bam. raoni far two more
booBM. Property now rente for
•S6 per Baotta
ICdl feet (s
Eigblb atreet. 1G& feet on BaUro^ arefloa. OooA locatwn.
low prim. Price 13300
atreete. room for ttaiee booei^
ooe OB Webster aod two ow
down and
oonth takv Utia. Price |MU0.
FOB SALE —0f<l— Hot
______, large lot 0l5xlft-'i feet, jast
aercsi Roar atreel, property well
wortb $1300 but owvr wiU sm-
of alreet, ji^dweat
icaab, balaaca
of <W
00 time.
win be iBTalaablr to erar cIiIm.
MeMn. Haniaeo aand Dodrr oosr
brae dlrrel: frein
fnun To._____________
Topeka. Kanraa,
aad Bl Loot*, Ho., where rtpertBeota tomdioakiafftiare boM te
Ma for toe paat tBonto.
twrauur araaiae.;
eafiaelaUr iarllad.
AddrrMeaby Rob. Martte Dod«a
.......... ......... ................. the BOtirrOBtflt of* tor Port RaroB £meli>r A
bw Co'e nod heildiiw oBtfii.of
torer tnelioB rflattM*. dirt CBn.
waeoBt. aiMBraltor. Alao toe 1bdi*M Road MaefatorCo'a road na.
fomitord for all.
' wlPbr »adr lir*'ool*ir’G. KuStooT
it expm to road tnlldtoK
Sm WatoiainoB.
D. C. Be WiU
wiU terr
--------- •'
etante (d toe work and wtU 8irr p
tital Jdrae oB tbe method of r
Mldtoic aad toe mw uar ed b1!
kiate ofMateriaL Tbrn telka alse
te ^ral pit,
tteM at
Vteii te toe treaatM__________
. te of ctaral road to beli« balU.
wtaora a drw week* *r - waa rwamp
aad wbM a— • vlUiteaAbMa-
OoL HanteoB will there glr* aa
addiBM OB QiBTal B«mH Bad bow te
FOB BALE—7Ut—4U acna :t|'Stea
mitea from dly. 1,300 braring
peach, pear, plum aud apple .
treea, gnod new frame booae.
mmttr !• vel. .1 arrea timber, all
1,-uud aoil, well worth $1,000. hal
aa owser ia railruad mau will let go at rerf low figore.eaay terms
FOB BALE-817-Lan,-e hoi
aod bam.
grunod, *’
8<*v... 3 aerea
« »."p Kcuuuu,
enleenlh atm't, go^ big pooU
tirboBaeaDd yat
FOB HALE -8ir.-r.l aenw, lays
OD East Iter 3 milrai from city.
good fnuoe booKe. 30 aerra im>
proved. 76 beariog fruit trees—
[»rice $1,600.
FOR HALE-«lfi-G6bd « room
boose, comer of .Spmcv
aud '
Wayne streete, reate far f«> per
moDtb. will take good hdrss
team part pay. low price Prico
FUR SALlv-78<.<~3& acn« clcas to city, good frame bouse aad..
bam, 373 bearing, appple, peach,
pear and plum tr^ all und«v
_ It
... .1 jjy Well
Dining this Congress the Road Machinery of the Port Huron
Engine and Thresher Co. wiii be here wllh Three Engines
9 One equipped with elevating grader attachment, one with road roller attachment and.
?-the other will-be used for hauling dirt, road cars, etc: also two dirt road cars with
I spreader attachment, tank wagons and a complete outfit.
. These machines will be used during this qongress and will add ii
:ly to
I the interest and profit of the occasion,
The most modem machinery now in the world for road building will be in use
during this congress.
No citizen within a hundred miles of this city should stay
Trimmed Hats from $1.25 toSiS| rl]
Railroad fares from points within 100 miles, one and one-third fare.
Onrtrimmercan make your hat just \ iii
ts.you want it aod for a reasonable price. I li|
Look over our ^>ecial valuo in Patj
Ifcm Hats.
tMl ESto Vten.
mosUy lerel. Will lake hi
and lot IB good looBlion aa pat
pay. Unst be at cash valo<
«me as above. Price. $2JX)U.
FOR SALE-815-10 acre lU
Are to awaken and promote a more general Inleresi in the improvement of the pub:
14th Bl, part sandy loam, part ,
lie roads, to discuss the various wa>-s and means of securing the necessary funds for
i; Jast the plsre for s few '
this purpose, as w^ll as the best methods of .conducting and maintaining them.
oows; garden truck and jioaltry .
The Sutc and.local Road Improvement Associations. Granges. Farmers’ Clubs..^
Will take boose aod lot at caak
City and Village Offictals. Highway Commissioners, and Path Masters, and all inter- A
valno ia part pay. i’rire, $1600.
ested citizens are most earnestly invited to attend. '
H FOB BALE-MI -Nioi' borne oa
Webater BUaix room boiwe ^1'
ia No 1 conditiem, targe lot 68'
fi^ good _bani.' Bot^
New Street Hats are a
every day.
just placed on sale a neW lot of Draped Street Hats from 75c to $2.75Also an elegant line of new Turbans,
TnWn, Buna Lnwra.
tu Fran St
Timrn CIti, Biek.
65c wiTr
$6 in. Waterproof Suiting, two
The^tizens oi Traverse City and vicinity will raise sufficient funds to build
sections of .macadam and gravel road, serving as object lesisons in good road building.
These sections in different stages of construction will be shown on the above days
and (icn. Harrison will explain as the work progresses the'methods used and now
cmplo>xd in making good roads in the most eeohomical manner.
I go far
low price of $1A)00.
FUR KALE-810 — Good, ..
bonae, six rooaM SlbSt., in good
coodition; $S0 down asd $>i per
mooth takte this. Price $700 '
aeigbbor, we never
go oat of uar office to chase down
boysn or seller, If yoo want to
do btuiaem with ns yoo wUl have
never go fa you
ntodoao. But
we are aiways | ^wed fa show you
property and always glad to li
in tbe regular wa
coune, that f^are
ap aainst tbe gang, aod '
_____ we
_ _
_ enoogh
enoogi for- them.
Onr advice is to listeD to all you
hear abont ns. bat take it with
qalts a grain of Allowance. Evety
' ataa has aa axe fa grind, aod tbero
are other liars as well BS 01
Ws ate willing to admit that
we Are not quite up to our job oo
that acare, and not quite as proflctent'as aotae of those that claim
we Are. It is one of tbe arts we
never cnltivated very mneh, bat
when we do lie we oalcalate to do
it ia a shape that a ,tea year old
bow wouldn't eateh as at It: Too.
wiU And that it pays to see os befare yoo boy. as sbont all tU
. .
for sals it UMe4
at tbs vary lowest price -we eoa
getoait ifwethiaktbsprioefa
too high we toss
toes it ap for
far tbs
ibe otkotk
er falSw.
fallow. Ufe is 1too short. aad>.
fa this good coontty borinste fa
■ ~ • - to waste tiBs <m ia.
paoi^dttties. Always on tbe baa- .
^ always glad to see yoo. aska
more ales, bare farm tist tbaa
oU tbe rest pat tagetbar.
Wade Bros.
r m wHI tnen tlMl 0» f
r BBB today ita i
’ tk» Tvun 1
d Ib* oomnlrr
■ tad mipri—d ChiM» far aarrrui
itaru*. «vTv anally dftvm «M tm
tain* Haw .ilw aaanwr U M a jcrrat
anar wImm ita pUiv. aad arfem b*.
Ite valla ta tast to lafona Ooaoral W« that Ub acta fatbrr. wbon M
b*M in itaaody. votad ta
that ta allovta t
of Ita tapltal. and wtan ta
lartail tarfe It vaa loo lata
~tald tta fon." and tboy tar* raatJiiA to hold
tta iMtavt day. U
IB anall) n
fta by Ita tataaairy
4 bV faibiT. b* r
U. and BO Ita oi
U> tta MtclBai tauBla of tbrir anraMrr
III* Mir rtir at MBkd*«
mrdinc to Ita tatm lta>*d. a ■
rtilrllalB Ota rirro
4rm«<>*i tdmlB. bnrn
* raoUtwd Manutae and CbiMta
I tor bU now capital of IV. Th* oily oontalna a popuUiMi ot
Marty »M.M* and b
. ------------------------------- than l«i nllra ta
cirrall. Wltl^ u anoltar wallrd >Hy.
---------- '— —mhifh wua
UM ta M ita >taa.______ ___ ,,
and Ban**Ml ih* Tala malan. aboMl
wtOta lb* Ja|«aw and
kvaa. vtarr tta sitai wall of Cbita
Onda lu taalm lortnlBa* In ita vaim
of Ita «vlt
«alt of Iv-rM-li.
IV-rM-ll. and a raJIrtad
rma Ihroncb a bnnrfa
tbrawn Bp t.«* yran
n-ar Ita B|»t ua abloti ita fatbor of
tta oaflUal Wa waa tabradta.
Hskdrs. Ita ancimi raplul and taly
Cblna, I
Chaac. I
tkaa. and ivob tbe prliaan ct tta ndgn-
InctaotafC ttanlni. vtaaraoTpletataB
aricia. tta a---------------------------------------------of tta ItataM
SoicDer ia Ita UbHrI SUM ttaa ta B
idSA 1* y -Amiwiema iceUwA. la a nila.
vhp baw tara ttafaMwl vltli tta vrd'tern ct roybhy'a Java.
Itatafvltebata knryvn and a
(C aU t'
ti«a la Karota baa tau Dr Tta
■naa ta Parte, vta hta bul ttab
(C tiiOudaiitat bla ffanra ia*o all
royal BKtath la Chr
Bst pertMfn tta sward bctate wiu
vtatatawMoad tattaata darlM bte
- " •
Raptlasi m
Bd Esfavaa Bofsate.
a Oau ha
waa Bunakthail by both at iniHiw of tupartanee vhlfii Mlalblyliad noMilac to
do vUh teeth, vhlln the raiipss woald
baqoMit^ arall hlsianlf uf tln<fc>tor*B
to fstefftMoate to In-
Afirr tta <«|iiun' uf rmorte by Lord Botaru Mr. Kra(«r and tta Bon
rawinl l-d a irry lucHIv* nitainMO. Oimac from ptaro to plar* Ib adranrr ot
'.-.r'"""U-.i« wbm u
•n d*|ilrlB a •
>«k. In a railway r
P Tnaard tta rod Of bla auy Itara
A ilrtllah a. Ilvlty taramc ao fmaiwnt Hut cnwi ran- waa Wd li
ar fimn tta Dr- In ita op*a air abould aiirart ih> ati.-nilan of tta rnrai)
II dM ai la«l and fta a Unw aoMd provlataaui wrv auhalllatrd fur II
rry luirlM u. . and Ita r-llut cam* whm (teMral Frmet o ivtruU. .
of Ihrir rml.U, iwpiurrd Ihr rc-prraldrBt'a fai-orttr rook. Ttan Ita cm
I. h««ln« lorn tNlclac nrarrr and nearrr to I-onucurar irrritory. ma<
Ita (Inal i'luac" that rarrted him a
to LMirraco Mardura. «n ll
Bi I
power that rnabird
Hhunrhth, Ih.* cran<*«m of Marharhu.
In hm.nir Ita .Yii|a-mr of China. Wan•
lairl of Ihr population aarrtbrd lo o>ltia. and 11* aoldlrni wrv nnt pnnliularly fanagiA I"' bravr'ry nr lla .Iradrlw
for KTralmw*. >n ihr<nicl> a •'unihinaIhin ot foriuli.ai* rirrumnanr*-* Ita
rul..f* tmiNHud thrmarhea ufa'iia <r*an*
U.«l<lr n hirh Ihrtr own to a* a moir
anor te thai.U bUM Obaa>
rvmta U n^bod u|«ii ITki .
than a inllllon
• by l■•ltlnc UmM.- ihr vativa ..f lb*
|»n>r lu Bull
an md th.- cr*ai Mine drnaBty. wbl
. had ruP-d China Binrr Itak
TMK BBAiro w«n>niirtT. clack.
Inelodrd amotic Ibr ehiptivd at nurteallh-a and crerral l.rV-a-hrar am
• homr lo IVrabi by ita cmai «hah qulh
rmraily waa a wonderful rha-k madi
acpnwBl) in hla order by a Lrra.l.Ni
toJtIn BBlan' apn tta half may qaraa.
wmlebed enndlll.« uf hi* |»or |n
A* hr ha* civrn lo Invrnllac l.rniv
the inc'nulir oi
a pervrrtrd no
It 'll nald.
I. yrl *ol
la *1111 I
inanna. Ronw. Ilritln. ra^Bi"tVtemd l*«d.* All tta llcun
---------- -
Unai^eor ita ilkr ot abtrhte n..| to I.
•MBd anyaiiiT. eta- In Ite- fcacM.
armrtty of tta alabr in north iThUu. It aboaa a wnrahlp In aintrr nearIrra. perpared lo wlltataod a airrr ritbrr ot an arm) nr at Ita rinnmu
Aflrr Ih.' rt\vr trrrare «nvr al TMi-lain Uimr I* no hopr S r*<«|w until the
Ire ciaa Mil In Ihr aprinc-tar any >iw' ao uatanupair a* in hr raachi. MakInc Ita br« of Ita aUaalloo. Ihr aallor* ..f aU aatlunalliWe...........................
mud annied Ibrlr vranrto, wbicb aaon f
and alTotd ptolecllun
tnon tuntar iBlarbirt.
The cold I* utroar for lao or Ihrwr mootha. Init tta winter
dttmi|.ra. aed
d J
Jack Thi •a rrirwrad flora hi* prtw.n n llhln lh<-mud walla murh
■T than hr wiKild deairr I.
If fal^ own InrllnailoB* a
A nonp AoaiJiBinox n
thm« jrta^aads
ekm rratraiiil in nor id Uw Rhine caatls rd bar brSher. tta Prince od WM.
anoUacAmiTitoui (toattot, tad.
arta aimoat liM to Che depwittst <d the
late klnx of VurttomtavR. over whoa he
had aoqulied nofrreat a |mnr<d |iiiia
Msi that the Idiwciit hlmarK adrift
(Raa aloKvt aU tta Mtslatlsv <d hto
jrampre daya.. IkddlBK al>*d fitm relatlrre and noblm Tta klnir vaa Saally
hto Anwrlcan
The cuerrea of nmokrtovi |«wder In
m.idem aarfam haa ta.-n sneh a* lo
imtapt a man of an Invrrallve inm of
mind to manutaeiBm a powder which
to aald to br ata> iMlarlnui. It la Ita Invrpllon of a ('.rrman workman who
alBdlrd Ita rhemtolr) of r»plo«lyr» In head rarept at Ibr rraaai and .
imry. Hr ha* *lrra>Iy civrn
abavr alihln Ibr nnelrtto. a* the
le-IUuMralhth I* dolnc
hi* dtoeorery wUh rtmalderahlr au.-e.iu> eirnnre euntrarti-l) of Mr.
A ahell loaded wllh hto powder wa* ITilnanuin |r<-feni to hai
dr*d al a lar«r| W yard* away, and
: mewl rtvllto.ll men deolm lo
Ihr only round Indlewiinc Uw rxploalnn tain aad ehrrtohe. ibe piclall. that
ralltoc.ot tta pluncr.' of the ilninitohlnc alcn of wrvKu^
How at Trtarnn
maw. apriaalaeto
1st a
tta qoesi
haX amuiiiwd tatvraai bar
twfih'nr. (>tiwn Pmwe Prrdlbaad. asd
.....................................ot baaVacarrara. tar salsty bad
I. n prey to tta mnS TioiMt
L to Vrailee. vtam tar «m-
Mr. John Chinaman had di-v«
kaiBKLEB* powny^
Orm. It into Ita
■bsi tbe aoydre VM
omthiwB. atar eta fatatle <d tadan. It
Who. fits ttf
PvtaUh manadsi. and l
Virnd bar S pmal rtek fioto the
trofnUalo tta araatde. vtaone abndm
totad to Rsrland oa tta ytobiorwar
John Thumijuft
Ttamva* aa Ansteaui iWvftea vSb
a* iatpUciaUd in tta SMewbat Msatlsial lacddsita that lad to tta -ubten
ll S ttav
ta frean Vrtilcv a fnr jasa s
Aflrr tta X
Mep <m airivliiic vaa to Alatola* her rotlpn
stir* situoi
situaracn. (S*> tvotest
nf whk!h.iMt to
tbc' mala nf tans,
i«ary. XL SetoVs. aad bar Aktad-
ChliM-ar prrtcd.^
ttto* faun with a
vhlefa eoold ns vaU ta mr^od
.................... ehannek And.*
moch attraitlun and to h
Mukdrn to ah.Mii SB» mllra
Arthur. lh>' maiirm Irrmln
rnllaay. a i-dllni
.iiruimii Ird, Ibnuch l.rhlcr*
and ira< k« am al iwvnrnl of a temi»:-hara.irr Tta Vllmalr la c-md.
X' alnlmi am anom. Tta pnrtarrntei. t.«.k Iskinc In
if Ih- aarTirairflnc raunlo am
mainly Ihoar of ihr 'tetaprrai.- ann.-,
Ita nral klanteh.... raian
and many mtnrraU arr tound In ih.'
fay hi* auardlan and rtvrwi un<lrr ita mountalna. iirp* of ibi* i‘Vrt«.ua apn-f*
of Khunrbili. H« waa vlriuallxCta inma of a r.n»r»«iir anhllrrium In
(ram-lrr of ibr Manlrhou. dynaaty. Uukdm I* Ihr ITmbylrrten >-humb. a
China Iplxlum of Ita iSofhlr and Chinrar.
ihn.uch <teri'>-llon nf Ihr Chli
Thia wa* hulli many y.wr* nan. whm
•a-ltm find ihr urtlvi- aaMaUin.-.- nf a Ita rlty ana Ita rx eter of a «h.un*hina
t>>rtlon nf ttair nrray llbaahoBimnerr hnld t•■la>'U|>m tboaffn-lloBanf tta
Inan a-ac d
a vary taauUmi atoir irtrt artnha Thin U mM In ta Ihr tmly nmWHO had tam rnamird ii< tVo Itenk- Bbte Inatanv of fl||al Imbteiy. aa Ita
wrL Itan dncollnc Ita Chlorar fna- I Chltirar rrcani Burti aa an. on rrrard.
Iter a1 flhan-hal*kwan. Thla Ctrl war |
Ita taltir wml acalnal LL
Cirrn li) la lu an olb.'rr In bla artni’. f fw tual
a rrtik-al mmirni Ita MainanJ tvii MankwH frit an raamiful ita' '
ta ami nwr m tta Mniitrb.»» laic of* doayi uiaai hir rai-alry and mmipm”i
TIm' latter bad tav trylni Ita u-ork that Wn bad brcun Tb
far yrwra to cn i*»r.wi.i.ai -f IS klhi artalra numldnrd drm.- LTa dim
and Ita Chlnror crorminmu M u', of
tend nddlrra l- f.irr llteiti »n rail
fbr-le moililnr acainci hu ^dnnrr rt.an
tte' aa>U nf ISHUnc. tahind ahin
aaa itaivfirrr Joy^ly aivrpi
d ml lirr to ranrr lo llHnn l.y drfauU.
Hrrr am Ihr ihrr.. hala which arr
poiralar anunc orvanteira ot
nrmiaTailc rani|.i.lcii irumhlnc rluta** *® *“ •
doarn. and moat U itain am made pearl cray iTcoUr*”
' tmubira. nfid
brine aluut ita cloimrBlI of Ihr H'int«»*». dyMBiy. I
a w-nuui
who Wnichl It
II lnt»|-m
srlBdr.1 In'
bno bm m a rinnut M
i>aita (ta tta FNtaA ab|w of tta P:
drarrlbrd. and I
. . . ./, drrafHlailorx
y Invoked a* lb ailrwrt
^^Onr of Ita IB-Balllra of
_ * ffo»<n>r ktadJvr liad tta hatdt (d
Tte line, with only h
d art iMU on Ihr eir
prrailtort) Irrtiailne r<wm of |
arnt Iwrtleutorty In tlyilmr. I
nna a* well a* the topa a
■hr culiirti raanot fenl I
a ewncue.
.n morr helpl.m. for hr
no< move about, and UlUraa wimr
Inc ITHteUI take rampnaak
hi at.
llBuato rnasl have tor^n atadylhc
•rtailoB torthoda of hrr frleada.
Ita Chtorm. IIMCII
vrhlele evolvrd for mllllary IrmnMl oa
the MUrrten ptolna and Ibr Hanrtiurtea
Illualralloo renrmblro very maeh a
whrelhamw to uae bn ween Tlea-lMa
aad IVklnc It la aoi Intended for bu-
A *rw *K4L Foa UlIKkTrWRITain.
The <dd crrai Oral of the llmiah rm*,
pirn hartne hmoow tta warar for a-rar
mcravrd aflrr dr-
favwile r
XatanOly ha anepted tta fsinir. tat
ta sikM up tta jilU fs hi* fltead by
staff him vfth tmsB Md
Pinally data ww Ita AasleaB dtattotof tta late Khedive Tewflk at Chin.
The mildtalpunlahmrni. that of
on hto vtoiu b> tta divtiM vrnoM e
o hr to almoat dally
■ tabadbttiodiaesllyip
(d tta AvUat tta m
tarartrd bTUiekfafdjre'aVBiK.—CURanrd.
Tta nllMto <d Ikuraal.
wc bad a port who had ata4 hto*
ea]lin«ran(lbtoaD.-antart>lB(stts. Bakiwarrasiw apedinsv at Id* fanaM
"rbyratne epitapta." aamptoa id «hM
aia Mill to be msi fat CtahtttoaMasT
adjola^ tta town aMstkamdi
saiL's.-'isrsE ;
taOpt-rty Mwr ll* roMtelr in a town of Ftiwm. i.._______ _____ ,.
qalm by whal aoibortly Mr. Crapaad dor* curb a iblnc. Mr to rrw.«.m «
dw tsdr at tbal placa. Huahlra. W vary ralual.to to him. ami. to tart, tbai <
town U tta pilnrliral renlrr of Briltoh tomtoerrr to XVrau. All tbto tta Er*.
lirnhobty ktaw beforr. and U to vraaltamd k* qtair a Cntther In ttair rap tl
they ware abW to aerar* prswrty that had ta.ra prerloaaly rrUmd to b.
ta toll Bt- Ml
hart. vtK. am amed with toner and
ennee- Arnoad fta aral runa tta !<«•
nd. Ttrtoru. Ort Gratia. BrtlL Retea. EM. Drf.. lnd_ Imp.Un tta oouBWr mi Uw qaera to r*pKtaBiad a* novbted an twr palfrey
^,to nu oo porthr aa oa tta "patarty" «Me. whlto tar to defended by a
™ Iranrtnfl and a aalltoc wvart
ad of tta aatou. Ber auiiCMnarr
“ Taibie**
lond to pnwimlly plaend
at bowdah. atllnc oa aad al
the aaddle. vUek I* m4* S
bard wood, areordlac lo Ita
The teos prtetftlva aad at tta ■
to ChUto to hr m—at Of tta aatlrr
loaded, la tbto maatraltoe.
a the city of Bbanchal atone—I
wtriete donkey* a:
Ml-aad V
L vaa fs aevml yeaimorU and tta faiHUly with wkSrb Ita Ftewb cMatnaaSoa et tta mpertA tta wlaiacru any. airtoo oonw atal at aa Bdar*
r VUh the Stokt a*e. wta li tta diiitoat Eover M tSu pan «r tta
of ftwt at BbancbaL C
V envally rmdy to truaMae povar to aa*4 f
taVmaoawUne* klirt
WtarL which la tat
•arork. aad to <ai ble of eArrytec a toad that vmild atacerr a niBto.
la tta benee klad < barrow ibe pasiacira ride atdewtor. bat to tta **«•
they Ml lasac the tneL vllb oar krp only on tta
• kta oar-teat la a awUslac
SitaStalJidtete’S*'**^ <«r d
Bteraa. Uae ayteaia to well ^
Bad vtap vrlHM ta Bmda JaM tBm
kMMvriawto.a^ad* rtator «snhetaff tate pstafv. to taap ft etamand
I»ta Tta wtostacd Stas latffBly Inm
aaiktoff* food denied ft. Tta
fti*aT*taailyt«a« BO tamftn
Say. m
ftMOafnl S a total ftattayk.— .^-
••* fs tta wdlisu kdaft ft wU ta
—af a'SSat^
an itbiAnro maoouv
cut. kick,
Vto V. u
«wi|U >*«.
Ute X. krCBB t« CM a mtv»art*».
tot Aa cUB Irtad «» CM ito afaU M «■»•
fan ttol tWa w«a anm- -illr >«ka. ti
wma —*.■>. Tto «1<U pr•«ia^Tl ttol
aha vat iaaat. 8ba vaa aac-Tr^ ai tor
Isa it qaaXhoMl nd atM »to X. mot
•aaU Iw niBS • Mtr* that kn kM
STM«r^ ikn.
tW MMi
harr kcn ani ta«M.-OiewB
anoiN or
Tteko«Jo*»tB toattocMtote
day id itjt
I »M rn»%mm§mm mw%^ OK
It dWB latad^
jkMo OAs ntcTum^m.
mmioot-m mw%^
umlmr aaw waa nndc la *VaWi»t
A kar-a ipxiilaoiTBBdwitharBWtoi^
Rbr mma iaka« tona. ud U»-ra Mk. 8
atimc ta tbr lbfa.T7 Itol it -»a a.nr anil, rarrrd f® tba drma. axd tb« atfiaiP
plaaa at UBchttoa. x alU.iiraa a. N» BXBcd hiBBatoir. isUad (KB a «bMB
nk'a part, ttotob ato narard itol k XM tonr ataU U had xOy r<to alna«a. 1
qato a« XWlaa >«. Nx.b-a oaixl
UB eoDfidnil tbal Swaxxy added tb*
h^Tigr. TV tVa -a* -T.— aiaxmaO.
bMBtniq: My ttbera aairi adr dtif
toRiad. trtAMma*. bar aU thtamth to.
loBp’piayar Hap>a.«^t»®«
Mra. K b^ht ^
7'tTnH 1- »• I—- “
•'!(OTmk‘stwfei<MfV. rniin»««ta"a^
■hr** ti«a ar Btl atnM r-o n< Mra. K**
. 8n far ai h fcana* \<inik'« «*rT0t«.|M4
•aafbrrckM. Jj 4a arolk aXiM. ••>.
that ffce arnnl K-cafc b.»*t a|.*a .<
-Un. S." Ska alvcn «aM har -math-
•nrniT, oero»«m ». m
IM—It tta an mme
"Aaa vko% JnrtT* wkr
Otoffa%lxtom»to d^A
^ 300 t
o. fto, tall tatota^tata taiarf ooltarta.
Innrtor talephonM for for hooM. factory or storo. W« |
can wiro anything from a call bell to a whole city.
Jx SwartK?; f* tha fl« ttoe
""t sSSkrt oSiS«?
n‘!in-rtr\Sah^ Baoa- if «mi Ilka ; ^
M*Kbar. J® led t« U«a Ttotot t an BX Kxak. fiba
r«; ! Uo aod Jtain pta.T«»
..aikdufBll .
8ba pirfcaal Bp a pTBafl aad wm*a iba I tonlorr <d _
aama qalrCly aad xilbooi kaXialioB. Srao X Uiia dlaCtot day I
1W tba iwa •nicxB ktw^ Itol axaa- I „oa id tba TBOto ibrj aanr—"Old
IhlBC xra. WTXIC. tot tba “«*'»“ ••'*«• i Tnpkx." "R. JidmnW- Bwtar.” "JkM-
-.Ti.'S'i ■
•taO fTftaaa* .
droppi') ihaqBrXax af idamiir nod talk- | W* * Rai
edl.hi-rabuniXt-Tibisev Khrxaid |
»Vo I a»w Ito »
prrfartty rra-mal*. la.l lr«. quW. In : thaimrtrt id tto » Ibnti Xnral. i
; (toutfinL <nud «
BB-lmilaBdI ttaicri
Tba ixitork. rtUI-
to I ««. Ubi-r. _.ad
_ _
-na.t It
If aay
maw vaa aoticrabla aawBC • baaa ladoecd. Moacy aaa oara c*a^ ,
: BBd a
«b« bamwfB« claaoea. boxa of
■ ttot kaaa baaa raPalla.
t at Gtm
Firm! naltoaal
aatvBd BM a tram Sabnafca. Mr.
Moat.; “Rank dapealU abox aa ia- i
aa-a o«a
ilart. ic IT
trraar In oor o«BXab>t7 “ oo»p«rrd I tkai • . , .
that «be
•Matihr Xaa c«<t«
■ ------ d iMi ai
Pmir yaara ayn <
towp t .
Xhlrh aoxpriard ■ilMxt wholly oar I aick muaa ia^a»- la. aaiair a
tbr liaia nf IIm
flul a.
r prrvbaly afii^
a of tba rapUfo. ia brtat <
iMBara of tnooay, tbay ax far boa
l»kku> Aai.iu: aii u>ir inta,
! tod rrxr xanxi iHtcnnc la ix nna.
. atioa- 1 la dabt. aad aa a c««aral rala ai
TV«. like • »X to-d J .T. i.« Ito mia
•niMB tow. IX cl.od.. Ml
I ■ IX
XM aX^ xank a. IlM^ianXa n.th
rWMMC d»OBI«. <1)1 IX kat'X ••"k
Xxd HXir >XI xtX<I mr Ma
papar wu paid up oiox proiapOy
thaa to*ay: our notary eompUlna
that bo bu ao protuUnir to do. Tba
rata of touxal to now xry tow. Thla
to to deaW daa to lha oddlUnoal earxaey toauad «ndx tba nrw tow. Iba
■ - n of rdd to Ihto
: Unitabto' a.. kiiTB tu.
' wa*
ua.xul. aad. bke Pott
I MilkT.'W-TX iBTodid hta wxfc. CbW<d
• faia (itfiCBatn'ii afvayr Padtad ta| ptotw. n.i> ■•Id Virduiia'bredkdnwn. a
he .Umd. aud laade hU own
rb In Ito In
ttol tLb tod ........ .. w
.r .illTBilly- for
fo: S ilto
rw f’.
iBixil.-rpic that
ibr dtoappeai
)M lUe dbuipixaianx
Ibi •nnM-iu*
did not call to a dor—
Nnrah appareotly enmtfrtrty tecain-d
niK.lx-ntrd. tat bo vu natanlly
' brijrht.
briffhi. and bi- oflrti
.ifini BBoli’
BBoli' aBiart
aOiart local
, bite tr.ai tamitot dcivn Ibe brae,
wxib trux ma.Tirty to the tan>oaod
, ..
tann:)>< It to'op'ifwbtfttxr BUhabiU
e.,o iBiav<rfcli«t. and bewuiboabb,
tmiioxidna, Ho Uxd a
Tbto hirtnry of a n-- of -.1-i^ i-r- !
V toAenr PAia.
_ pxttoa xlaadad
8.. and a !• Dot arx
nta of totamt.^ X tb- di-laili « tok «x B-naltl like
fiaboto. — Ualni
bare. Itnl iim in it.
it> lmi-.rt.'rt'"•me
IminX-rt •ixip
.■n.nV •
aak. Grand Porka. N. O t
r htolnrj
*““* Ihe
htol.ay x»-ln. In lie' In 1.11*0111 f«enl
dapoalta to oar eenuannlly. u coai- larite* «blrb oiakril ivniariald.. I mill
po^ with four yean a*o. hax sbnwa civr it to iwn pert. llii. riml part .wn
-- - *“ --- --'Bi. toerxx. to- ibId. Infnraiati.m •ii|>|ili.ii l.r Ml...
who Orted a. Xnrah'. cnime*. and at a
later rx'Hnd «. ln*r r.iin[iaiiitKi. Tlii.'Jady
' BOW loanad
by aulara bank* on xtUa. wfcrre <«•
Borly tbto paper
Bpon with taror. Tktoof eeni
'‘ivt bmak dapoalta to oar ramaiBalty
MOdall xry taoeh aaaiw for Ito
read iBcraaee exr foor yean
Xto obtain hto atonry. thaxky >
toota eotlla. and Inataad of aailk
A goca Baany
oora ba kapt^ tbto tx fxd.
paid op Binea IM. aome iBon^*ea
for ralalnr
b^Altofrethar It wbiek cooW not In IW« ba xnaurd at
baa ba«a qolta a xrolnllon for tba tan per xnl. nan now ba roBawed
ro»a»ed al
tarauT all Ibroairh •»>» wxl. aad wa tlx and a half to xxaiparxBl.
par xbI. Tba
MO xry avx ir baa eooir to atay.
bu helped oat
of oeatoa oa coadllloo that wa xtain
niw- '
I atala woadertiilly
aoaod moxy and repal>l>b*b. ndmli
fx px.,d.
to recanl rTiklM. a. ft.iaaotb- na.l :.)..
Brnial 4rraiie.nkm:i a> divnxful. 1V-.
Uiulr Mn. f I«il- Ibe toiler Txw. Kba
wa> x>-nrMl to dad the rkild rreiored In
het>Hr. and .hr 1x00.1 >lto. S. lo aax
wxarw at av 4cr|«lr- Vm k Ik AlXrll la X«V
tocttoc. Wa coo aately aay tbox to ’faraw at tx par oral, tolamt. while
wu dlBoolt *fx
totVtabort., toto to tba.............................................
Btoto of (oar yeax
i , It —
Pour yean ago
Cbluado (who dxixa tobor) who to
tohla fx a bual.
Ml (a datooerai)
,k to tba rtly of Ltotoln, while
____________ illoaal bonk: ”1
• wa ox toealaa u low u dx par ;
a a lima when roameretol
I tawabiai ui B ixBBettf frxn fiBX to
tM art worth twjoa bb maah Ba tbay
reara aco. alxp taro or ; dortac tba put BX yroia o« per Otot.
ward toor yeara
u xacb. Haay of iba'i Kaxr to (be biatoty of UUa aiate hu
tMaoara for raaebavB) tox paid ap ^ aonay bean ai ao low a nia oa r>ad
aclatlar yxx a«o.
Col- • noarillaa aa It to at tba pxweat Uato.
' narfa x.lar to axl
•aka and' • Paraar* « i borrow all Iba tootoy
I. aad rdUBi taoofifat U
tnthaaytBof Chaaadiaox- J»Uwt«y
vaa Btiox lb>- nnliUB liar. aad id
Tbr aUU iaapi BBtfl ma aftx bar aao-I flaa
He had lijtbt Vlr tod
at koor nrti ixai.ine. Wbao aln- -oke. 1 , rnddy ttauidenio. He bad woadxfal
toe tod no lB..»lndee X an.iibii.r ftot | larial povitv Ha ooold eton«B bla «•
bbrrowiaff cUaa. wara baartly la dabt. ] {t^Tj'hT'. iIZTn d a^. i rtr x ii
k * Xo.
maya lor tha Flm Katloaal baek: j rylair iBcrraaad dneka.
-----I ot Ibla part of lha ;
Kfbraato.-S d. Han^
ooaauy baa aaoUy I proaad todar I dast Mrat natloBal hank
_______ ,__________________ .trallea.
r«i-1 Uacola. Sab.:
-Bank dapoaiu tax
tbr VBks""Ii>ibBWaa
I diHamrra fraa l|» 1,„,d ••Kik« B«yw." oitb wto-
AetAaed dmwlfiteer
OerftaMtawdUwdWL A>7«w>
IftaodeoeniRtboieMMai»T toririnw win
Hov u> ohttia a ptat" owit opoe raqomt I'Mata
afaUity td
tacta^ tkroogb a* adrerti«'il fiv tale at
Pateatttakta o« tkroach iia roeoix ^tdsl ito/ia. wUntol etergo.
Tkb PATWT Itooows ba iBadratxl aod wiiWjr «weUto<l joanial. ooealdb
by MAafbctwm aad laraatora.
SawltaraamploeafiyFflEK. Addrata.
VNrnW al. £¥MK9 « POta
(Patent Attmneys,)
m, • WMMHnmrOKg Da Pa
7n making Vour^:^ltcti()ns
far CalM Soaps
B«er in nind tlie Eaet U»l vn cm fit yon o«t with tbe ImiI
<]omiity of tal(«t(<d neep* al pricea from «c to ICac |»t. mk«i.
Wr bay in qoanUUec. nod make Uir prior risfat. AU the
gooda in this line nie from veil knoorn mnkm
tbr hau.U .rf twrlen enrrrn.x—. ^ v* Wly of AttbiuU.^ I ban beyl
(aen» In tore been a falriy imirial A=5.
ai<»T»l"‘OI lam. 1 So oX aimdi tx
a lliilr eranttonal petkapB. bai with x> ; iU trtil)i:
IrBdronm t- m. lanrl>.dr. fniel nt opaal. .
Bifiov l>i> lUnl. liw lutod Bnodoriiw.
«cni In MT Ibe enrld.
t beioid to hi. rvlX '. "Uauetox. Hie
anl Mix X. tx* ita j „1.1
h, ,4it .4 tnw'. the aeiwra i
r mx*_Jfe^ doubled
I poat four ytwn. AT'leoBi IS
Bor not. ot the mortcapn on forma
Li tbto leeoUly bare been paid. Tba
iBdlaaa aalional bank. I
B (Ua commoniiy ban almut doubIbA. Intaml rale* on
btada bare *mlly dxllaad. Tbex
to oeooldrraMy mxr money brta*
toBBod oa mort*are« by tMlI iaatat-
. _____ jr time BtllTi.le.1 Nii
Xnr«l.'« iwtxil. di.'.l Btom toe o-sa
•> ih-it/nm
Mr came In lyiiKhm. i. here'toe ba.1 , ftonenl
m>BT Irk-lid.. Knlla- of tlH*e tr.
a to bax li|.r
tier lirr
lire a.ilb ttani,
.a f.Jid of b.r
nte I.. M..1 X. a
tbem. Tbry
aide h.ntv i
BJid Ifao tea»i tnxifm
i> laanarry tnodte aa ho
a l*an<r
Banua.—In I' Nyr. eatoler naItooal tank. Ruxka. Kan.: -Depoatta tan lacnaaed aboui tS per xnl.
•tawa twa. Than bu beea an ImBoatimiat (n oar loni crrdlla ot
hota •» (o tS par xnt. Farm mbrtx •aoa tharaMnaa UM. Tba pHnrtpal
. by a wix and Jodietona
jenrral pr
w'^utleal uaw* Mon* (be tabi^
In* eluOM hate token their aottora.
often oonalderable to bbodbI. to foInc to Atoaka
lb tbe a*Tiraliar«l
arenod on. boweeer. the
s::. cs
and Ibe butt
Tbe a*riealtural Intereata to
tbta whole ximnualty hax Impeotrd
to ooeb an extern u to really xmirhaad oonientm,
a OB all handa and c
hop# that foot yeora mere of
xeoparttv eaa be oltained. for tbta
oeuaniiy bu nrxr before been ia
MtoblffBB.-M to
Mtodeal. the rommeiclal oatloaat
Qmk. OetTolt. Mtab.: -Roth marimga
........................... bax ■
ssdTkTiSyxrssrT-Had bra oBMalr Mta daxBT
Ou max pua tx ta»*a>aalitr-
la moatobtateaiBUt.
* to TnveTw (hty U>mb<« Co.
a iintiiina
»„.H„ b..* a OkM.. BC..A 1^"
--------- -
Il.-r.. al*. I
' wa. an Ki.eti.h ..ti-l; the neoW n«. ' amt parti,-olart.f (.wd
iha., l.,-r l.ni ' twrteacx
.t ihi> tim.. eucacod
.iii.aiM{iuf<'a I'abiwM Ibe
;. |h, rxaK-r
; autrrt,.! lu • dwdiBcniabnl unmialtol nnd
rxal,-r iiarf nf
-f. ibe
the year
tear. li
.. aa.
My t» i^-liUr rruixd ber uivk. nitd putot
. iiten-Ito
uten- Itol Ib y diM. nitotn a ten da: a ; tranTer, b^ bibb BhrMH^m'
r. m wtoiiB toe *11 derat'd iv lx r liiupT ul tlx' cab rttnarkHl Ic
of nx anniher, «.f .-ahr.i.i.
ino'd that ifix III, marri.x ' mr.''TTuI'k JpiU.-n IlilPoi to tbateah."
frrpr. Kuiab ara> tunJirl:) I
I. In a,t a« bar bnu*4:e.'irr.
| Srery.-ir- iiiSlMM-jr l>>*i-d at IbfOrrO'
a» 'o ipont .'f iIx-,-bK Tto-n Mh-t»ik tar iiitf
Fifth nalloaal taak. 9nrtnnati, O
The .............
f»lh,r I
■“' ‘her eia,fi,l,xr'" anti rrtaib'd'Borh fart#
a I aide. inmbmIdc btTxir
to-nelf wtib
nito iXbtoa ,n
.i„ iriil. ihi-.tnry. lira
Vpoclto ai
r‘n-ri»**“* *'•
i to like BMlfhbx.
, noum-nplii.r llitir <i
I. ' It to ud ■ r-«d ni.-blr
ly ba»a Iw
n ba<e b
' fpan lm«-in tlir impnj*.
d of U per
.. eaal.
u ai
j eoerntto iB hi. pr..f.—1.
the Uroaaway
the d-it. , la he«l b.Be-* But \-rah we.
dl- 1
Ii •• ror
Pre ur-BUid the
ooBdltloM u tbay axtolad foar yoMa jUriix .od .limid.a.S v
r., n./i7. a x..-xd; J.......... . Ihe x'i-o l« ■ ditof-d «xe leT a!tf.:ti..u nu diciW. and
- • • •
,k ban tomrf I.U wife ii tomH-,
toi-liri I1»
bimI di "d to b. r •!*(.
j «!»• li niii’C iWui' K..klli«iitoiol Ibe^nM
in-. IV.ih
IV..h :
N..-niatiTe ,.f aay U
b.1 eoold ta f.mrtd ■ amd ihn fiini* v. I.<xi We |iaiwed a Bp
hall® IroBTirtton. and ..f a kindly iirtiin-.
a n^ mucB new j
,|„ rtild. Tht> lired to . tat Ibr an at iba lime, ami Ibo an«l i «aa rfui. v.ixluw <«i vlitrb wu
aa tbay ban
a Buborl.-f a north o..intrT tuoiifnclor. i xidln «*• reUiro..!
1 tit«iiir..| lu wlutr eniini«l leUef*. "i
"OolThe iarxaaad hal- ;
n.< Ioh ».II toe lefl It. Mto. X. •! — ,ton uul (toffe laiaiidri.TU' "If tbry
taaha Indleala tba 11:|, lo Ibe ace • f 8 Nnrah ixeirod a r,-r-I aniir bb,I all b<-r Untos nad |w|
1 <Ii«i-t oaTt.l that luiMatW v®**
tito (Bioiint of <b-.Blii,ry leai-liiuc from : Aneuic Ibe Utlia wa* a Inindl,' of p
>*«.•• Me .'i--b,ii<iod."l Khali armm.”
Mx 8, Tbeo B rreutor p.rernea. wa. i-xerei-' l-A. lie>l op "i"- •tH-’C
y. ar an-! Ertvyla*!}' InriM-d and l<adud ai tbe
• aneart.l
luiirkid -Noi tr, I.. xad
• xatoer
xwTie, at
o. ' er .ay o.
.......... -,«rl.r. Mi'* ! frtwk to •arh>«ra|*5- Tbrti a mail who
Mta X. wa. ai ibal time a
no-ai. Sarah I X. made n*. luniiW of librae ai ilie ifi- ! w« watebii,* lli-wotuan tnim the xor
<aa a Htikl ■■r qneKl. Il h toon tbeoi fibnt the brief ptolfitnii raiut- III mel l4>p|a'd hx to the
8. D.: -I taka morh plauax in to• Miwcerlo aeetuid pari of S-«ab'> hiator. ia beiv :
(ormiD* yoo Ibot tba dapoolto of oor.ij^^
A« iJi>-Jat-vadoot thi'men 0|i|igaite
....... Mb. X. «« promt of bx pnp I ; wThten. 1 hate H.K Iwea i-raiitled r•Pe- oldkl woaf.1 j xad the »hto- «f iIh-kt to.rka aa yei. ,
[ with fear yaon I
pntoe.1 bar on
. JoIxbonraadBy a. n I
I and (be mlly did
talnfatobm. One i> leil >»i|,rto<'
that toorlly^afi.-r S,«ih'|^i^ birthday
............. ceelterun. an.1 be
11,nidi ontelawifc ia whiek
hir*. of me.l''-al Mid
r .I..',!:, of S’lrnh aa
1. II,. fenB.1 Ibal to.. aa.1 had
'. tal
blTln’ibe «me. K.w ihr' rear
«eem* to n toyman
hax I
grn.lM.- emmeb
He entr her a
imlr. Bilk'll pr-iuldt did bx no harm.
He ircutoK.l bx dirt.
He al-olnlet»
William Salbte. atafctor Ameriran
aalional hank. PaoMwond. 8. D.: xenttb.l
nity ta oot a rrilerioB of ; temi.
-Thla «oi
For Cooking or Furnace Purposes
Hardwood Slabs, Hemlock Edgings.
mxk ri.-sfi-r Hia'i H In I
nom..*.!,' Iinrta*,v,-it}|,lii.i tm U.^ uoil wot*. Hto
Hardwood ClippinRS. Hemlock Stove Wood.
■i C3».
C3vr ..Xo- -----------lipabiT —....................
Sji.t tio» lu lb*—“
ba BcwlJ leaii' U'hiBd iiiin. ii
Hemlock Slab. Hemlock Kindling,.
nil an la.iniin nf tilnHii t1.T>» a year, ilxini; ll>e t.'V. Bo (iftiv plcyrd fx
to lira a"
to exry ooa ibot *oaa oa roeord.
wbila tbeo (four yaano*o) Booe warn
paid a«. abd «nal qatatitioa went oa
iolraral toe
I, B*.r!n 'fall" n»«-AV<TrlhelBrt vxdacdthe
pton. a^ .b-ha.Unken<..l ... . ................. v
... ^rU. JlbI elomwTl
.e' Ei! r.E'S’eVt.T'r.rr'.,.. ...t-, i w*....
ladlaaa.-rC. T. Uadxy. rubkr'of
(ha flUaroa' aalional bank. RonCb
Bood. Ind. uya: “SaVlBca and eom■xrdal aeeouBla In Rotilh Bend ban
Uar«aaad over four jaan t*o U par
oaaW aad 1» par xnt. each. Ia »*banl <nr tormcn ax well to do. manofaetorm ax aniployto* a wxld of
taao. rannlBC full lima, and to aotao
3as. 6. Johnson, Druggist.
Amertean llae Btivmmlilp .(oenrta VhtorU al Ibe pfer la Hobekan. .OI that
to nx-eauty In he done to tTmuart Ibe
oleaieer wllb Ibe tele|>bnur aytoi-in to
to iuwn a plB* to lu praiiar plax ob
Ibr deck. Tbto to tbe Work of a BOtood. No anrailoa fnm ibe iale|>tMae
eompaay'* emiduyeB to raqalndl
rDBMrtlon to made vitb Iba liuliiikea \
eeatral uOre. Tbe ■yateoi glTi* puaencan Iravln* for Rorufu-opponanlly
mmilY EVBM6
moiaeal Ibe linra ax eaat off. If Ibe
aebenae vorki weD aladtar aiattaM will
hr ptaxd on Ibe olber ateamcn of tba
Ilimbarc-AmertnD Itor.
Poiwmeoi toBriatoeU nwembli
here conned
anx to one
deoUia thia yoor. Be aox
oie ro
the *n>Blor. Ubaerre tbe ,aame <sx
when TOB oak fx DeWiu'a Wllrh
Haxel ^re. ll la a aafr aad extoto
eon fx pHao and oU akto diaeaon.
P. C. Tbxopmm.
t Sorah** lit.'. Tliej I
b oei
her »<T.iU'I |.*
IK,.- ;
nnripaiiy bub
ililt, Janet, nod ax mil «.m~.'Bti-IniiC to|*ea ..vBrHn* brtwxo Ihe datra' i nop, hinm-lf
liinm-lf i.
«r Ihe diffexBi tamka
ti^ toll
Lari .Mil •‘milimily P
at Stcinbers*s Grail
•rof. J. V niaiitnan. Opttciaa.
Will he ill hto olBx. iln Prtml atreel.
'anm-li. r bloc*. tV deal
■ No. S. Ton
_____ _of
- Ortolan—A
................ Alao 8rat weeA <>f
each cscreinliiiK nuialh.
an 2 -Ull h
J. W. (»li
A Mda wUI be reoelred fay tbe
naA City Olork of tbe City of
» City. MidiiffBB. at tbe lAx
„ „.. City Clrrt of uld city. Bbtll
»tb,'lSoO.’ fw the'lBj^I^^if ^oS
t bonda to be toaoed by the City of
TBTerse City for the pon»x of ermdlB* oad tmnxnrto* the water
■crfci plant ovneri hr uld city,
tolliltaaita to be dalmi Noaemhor
let. IHOO. to bror totexwt at the toM
of 4 per xnt rwraannm rayable aemi,
BBonolly and to iMontr tlar to thirty
tr«an with an opt**”
^fter lareoty yeora fttan <tate of tatae.
Itald bcaiia to be luaed to dcM)
inattoo <ir
each, aad Ibe^prtm
eare Innl.u.-lk'r,' that toe wa. 1« flay
iml and inloreit to lie layable at tl
«1lh .rtber rblWreo. He boliord. l<y lb”
br fxto
i-b, may al ar.y Mary 1, U*je ^«d. to.Kl.Bi
oOce of till-(TIit TxaaaxrAfTtnvc*
fxto that
qar_or xnrx lief-we tbe day. atoa tblnr-ik
nn-wmalky that Jaart nxi-t fiwa,r at Ito'M iitmiQKtx diuTwanaeml- City. Michli^. with cTfteatiipi ,
imrb Ihtan !«••"»• a .peetat xa ly-that time W
Hbr freto li a di«rax ibal ! oary .4 « E.lmn»dV Wax. He wu New Y ark.
la a wnratiar manabe aooto u .ni-et head to
iNotah frowned, and Iwtoi* bet fax If
I Bb, wex aatod a qaedioa that rl vaa
- - , afae to not like.atlier pe<^: ab.- l, Br> f-« , afterward ihukHo to Pnru. Bo faek»|(i
help Btel arn>|ialhy. jm not for wurtda . ^ t|„. obmik-bi family. The
wrtltad ehe<***<i4*?
t,*l«eoU ot nopleBaant f,>r her to DBM
•r traoUe ll
ube speak of
omooBl of tbe bid oa
Tbe ebIM we*l l» le.Bert.ifl with her would
-------i He-'ata a rarb ha, X m-w oikI -.rgrfhaad
air.-t* I cle aonL
i hill—>-.•
ayor sad
and City OWk
OWfc xaerre
The doe
Pb, nppeiri l„ bax
f xiniBankwttoc with I
the ri*hl to n)ect
xtaci any oad a
tor had e<xB Mix X, tbe ranch lAle <4 Mkwirtt
f Ilela
bla ttocue
In bh nrtetaok he ay. '
B lu OU all tbeoCbeea, A. V. Friedrich.
of bx •• -tbe hirtd axualn." Kb,
e bara lu ctamnar «»
Ira tark rxxpi
B*eB Noral
S<Kah .U al ioe ot ; aolteto
trapi wteea
I -"r.
rtoaf -I tro. Jaiirt in niy ali.-p
line imeina:
.. iK-ay ant | w
b*I liirllt.
dll. ft to bn e»al i'l
' B brn I BIB , k
mnx. .One
•erryl^Jy btii an,,*, anaioun: raewiiw im i. ,ue-y ,oiuic.-e .,w
tbry Bill alinl nr
m up aouir* hex and ray , numality aiu,«i* oced memhxB tg the
toll 1 am tnad.P'-alrd
.-,11 ; ____
Ttat not., i.f borrof to ref
(branch the to-ika. Slie mat.,-* lutxra^ ] aBaaLi Euvlieh toA^ly n
tat mtk-imthrtlr teel.
2^- «>«»•■ Utartodl^ rtinxh to the
Ttaw wo brwr bo mox of tbex
take thranch Isnaoranx and that
• • * ax ci-ierrt.'l 111 a
’ ad,i(i(ltr irndber had abartd the leno- j (osterratinoa.
nnx n^ eoennniatd Ibe orxiirrxux. bkwi mallx of fi rt way. ami aool'ix
saw. IXK Ibal tbe i-bUd b*. tery I boXBr aprinr* op. Jaart niosna to niia
W apeak,
.....J of bx and ibai it wooU be Iwd f-,r f b®, 8bt wfU ncxr
aptmm. bai Sorak
the ebUd to part ibrto at tbto juartox. knowa.
Mto. X. IB bx di.tx« bad rraicord W |
,hal come, a period
ixrt. bat the Ooftot woold not pxraii bx ;
j„rtBC wbirti Ibetv ax
I to cn. He told bx Uontly that obe bad
Tbto pertad earioridx ariih bx te*idooe raack barm arilboaf ttat. 8ta !
toandoo and .neindra Ita few
' wu BO* aa eux to a«ax Korah and : aneths «f btr encaexDrat. Indeed h
bx hork to bcBlIb a. ebt had (BC I
,, doubled if S-«h
ora bx iBlo
fx Hie neii xlry. wbi
*-f« to ram
tai^ aa
ita Infant
infant •j
acain. fx
Bd r< rapidiT brttx.
i. ,b, lart. |. writlx in the bmklos eta
am of 8e(B- ^ HW4| b^d h to a niirrar ami read:
by a Irttx Id Utoa N.'a , _|
,„eM- Inek fx-a ynle.whi
tern tatffriy
ttair debts, eome who
mnoh bri
•ny uexhaata
yoBNa tarn atoupT
wbo bar* aot '
bmowtoslBlWmtaatadbmteWrTott qC touI tatad
tsoM aitaHaiA "Tm *s(
proead tbtor poaltloa.
A. to AJaeaa. presideat fcoadlaa taaaltod
•lu-Aaaritaa bM^l. Pbol. Miaa.:
I Khan lake blm away fr>.n yon. K-l-e,
Sarah. It to I tbit be will marry. I
Bondx E^l ym tboo^l. . For a hny
Tbex tbe neoteoee bxaka rtf abewpata
It Iwora the da:i' of tbe day eo whki
Korab moitnilted aoirMe.
A< a tmat of dootae pxnaaalliy ll to rtpArable dmbrt-u m Ibr tbeocr «>» ^
gTvaiaihBH- bat h aogntma ^x
84.000 Bnildlv. dae Joae.l ini, fi
^jw'rcftiBdiB*. doe Joae WO. I«M.
S?.0Od''pbi*, dae Dae. 1. mi. •
Laivotatatat, dta JoM I.
WofkA Am
Dyspepsia Core *”l6.«rWMPr Wo^ dMioly I.
‘•ih.Jr?SrW.temdM,Uy I.
te. I. Ml »
H^Dw'Balldtaw. ^ Joly I.
( fartt mcCu srxoAT, ocEom f, mo.
ui Udu txM4.«
;>Ut«te( ma^. aiWat cm tW m
I wmod a«r ms4 twM U> nr IM
'a*M- •«n’*WMl4ti'
CD Ml Ur.
r. Itwtca.*
ftcRca.* TWc na (h*
b>on «(
«t ItW otWc^l^
*TM «Mbcr bc4 fc»on
tbcr nAucd
'Si rsi.* taSrts
Be .Q- taTt
d kb Iridwr lo pdi «>oi» taOtj. It
» .lr«d like-*Vat 4c Jtw c»0 tt. •
halT tricml
KbF knkcd >he«t tor •» «■
.ir* <• tbri^fccrc ■ ot»» of i
i«r «a4 corjrt*. l^rr bed
[Uttlr »ny froo Benoo. ced
BuaAae aCDm*! Br^T rm mr o* be
fan-. TV fete bad tmd arhlt* »**•
- - . .
I w cmnMtr
■«» *«■
, mM Is be • k«7«Me *«r tbr pn«m
u U vcrtbr o' cWdj. u It
cd br u
r^^oTpcUt. like •
I ^^cMR pqoBl Peru of rhven asalut
: ''•jir bTi^f. reosd. falaa c(ba Icchrd
}vt a 'linlr rjdlr Utc bK
i,dd Unk "I iktok r>» ^ aU«Bk«. It
:|>Ur.Orer{!lr'-«daBn-.'' A>d ibc tB»rd
land UW b*T hand «• Qti-rlBa’a af^-
Mi cirr LutH.
Tit Ilia «• III IV •». I iimU
•ic Mr II CTI I am iliT.'
M.fMaia.naTiWcvaMTM. .
tte Dmwenta Till do to Uie erroi o(
BrTBO'a Mcnhn.
Tbr U-Bwcntic oodliUir la ao a«t. aiid betb pniailBr
an- ntattna nf nverd. He- opmLa atoa
out otdr for bltaarlr akor. bot for Ua
pert}, aad bla aUtrArota miKl br
andebnT br tbr aetlaea of bla partf la
tbr t«at.
Fow Teara mko ibla foeiic t>n«>b«t
of tbr TM drcUfPd tbit tta- fotd
Buadard tooU laakr It nerracarr
- MoUle
adm-atr Ibr riealac of
rl .1 T«-
brfuiv. The pro|»bmy*TOa faUc.
In bla aporedi of aterpuarr bo aald.
Thmir arEiir tbat AtaoMru ftilr Is
tbr Pblllpplnr lalasd* will rnHdl is
tbr bpttrr mImsiIoo of ibr ruiplBoa.
BroolilrdrlTrd. If Tr rspivt to maliirolaolBl inUrr. w.- ahaU col Db«I
it l^onr adTSSUer to rtlocalr tbr pro-
iBf tc a erftaia raimt. ! aa Uircn I
No. abr :
ailrd and abirA bn brad
dn'l lUsk that <t did.
«nr. ibr karT hmrlf wbh-h not abr i -4i
WB«rd to birr tIb. Tbr adlctBBI ad j-"Ulttnl tbat Ibal «dcfat poTlblr f» iwt t?;'
Mo Ur lerfl>4r at
a> iotrrrTlac for brrarlf aad ibr
oato loan. Aad wbirfa wa> brt if br
All hoildieca hHoadnr lo tbr CUar*
■lafal aaV. UW Uiran ibook brr brad
^li aaacTthm UBSt bare brrs Tblamprror an- rrU-^- and It b a eapHal
and aiaJlod asala. Na.ab<'dblu'ltbiak ba.
potwd Into tbe apiecb byJtw aoutbrrs
aicbl aak. Aa tbr naa lumii-if dUn*!
Tliic of tbf- psrty. wbo oiwDly <kx-lai«
ban*, ahr nwU bardir irfl aar oar rbw
that tliry nrr tlrod of laylcs usra to
jen 7rt. mcl.1 dirh
fibr bad brr owa
M'KINLCV. WE'LL VOTE FOR TOU mluralr Hu- cu-sm. wbo by rdneatloo
l^a aboot filr plar.
tTvatrr ruror.
alinply limiRM-a a ■I rBB adiocc a rart-iar nrarlf,*' ihr
Air; llrd. Whiti aii4 lUa*.
told thr cdioiaai. with brr rlrfl r
HrKInIrr. Ibr (>rWr of thr mIBibI
«>Br IraArr unCaaBIrC arT tnw;
~01.r aaM tbr adjataot. .“And wUt
don ilrrrm.- Ibiek abrl ItT* Thv adjntaat wai martM. an br irai oat uf thr
«1a«lr n
I of Un anrrr i
Mr IM rtt, wb
Kxtan 7«an1i
tbr asle •»« tbr H«bt le fstwi ar
eoe ms aMwe la Pawoe.
•orrTB tbr pKopIr who Mwad tbm*a.
foMa are area aa a tOmFire mOUea Adbtn wsa paid, aad GcT mlas M mMT c( iM Wl «
ml 4arkaoa wai erst to svrrfB tbe
tarttaer. Had tbr poap^ rebrOad it
b SM tUMt to IswelM- Tbat -OM fvn BDd tM Wlbnrlx tnm c
fiktTT- TimU barr door, and hod
AaiBBoa aad Cms pmr aboBl pa
TDsld bare
I a seek «lo
c arm . ami i
As BbaBhRety pUs a
mar. UiandeVBaBotBentic.irmx the blpa sad f
•ttb Irt ts^
fata la s efel
TTraty-MDr -yran Uler rsrlr Bam
_ Mri. sad wltk M emplce
Dsdr aaotbrr Intratrat-at la wrTrra bodlee aad aoTi esaitke taak tt mskas
land ami paid Uexb-. SiHjaatei s*d a* a CBiM tbR ta }s« fht (BsMtBd
•ecratn-] citir u> tata laad asd.paopto tota«(Vs«tal tapOelty.
ef Xrw Urslea and CsltferBlB. Ttaa
The 4MMUS oC Bkbrm Is iMaet aa
proplp of Iboer Ihra dMut iwcloBa,
UrSiretta. Eosia. IsdlaM SBd an tbe ea k tba gsaetles «< alaeraa; bsLcistba
ft It. WITT tax rtmuilted, bm w«fe •bait, tbe sew aklrte eber ta ef tbe
pen r«rd ami irrD pormiTL asd tbe I paostated fsIt^M iwq. was eziMCWd.
rarbiB bar hemop tbe r>Me of tbr ss- {The abcCr asd
tk« aial tbt cardra epot of Ibr TotU. ! CrMwaanr .hir.
Flrr )rwan Utrr aoatbm Aiisaiis Uadk. bst tbe brarlar fowsa keep tbe
sad Ita prvpir wwrr anpttred Is the fdd eUBMsc «irTM seroae ibe blpa SBd
aasx- maniM-i Tliboot aaytac psytUsc ttaa isrmtT] plalI back aad rely spas
Sboct Ibr ndwmt nf tbe sorrrprd.
nti-bijnW|lii aad bsada for masMw
Foartm. years aftt-r FTJOn.000 warn______
Tobe. ef Mm. atltebtsrtatiil In Alaska, smirlnr tltkr to I «d «imi, „ bimldta are Mtd Is —
, Bitar la > UM
sai .
8ir?sss*-Bfaon Obi fSk.
., .
! 1^. H. L. * Ob. Brat
iPotL IL L. AOw Bm.!
M ‘
Batter per IVEtaiiT
isibi i; BotIre per tb ...
emr |B« Ib.
Bras per lOD
Btasrfaral n<ar pm kW..
^nwst per ba fold)
Wboat pre be fsow)
UataKo. I,per ba
Oars per baiold)....................
PotatooB per b«..........................
$$ toM
taoimuln. rUoicr. mla. flab. Isdlaea. | Mtta. asd ta aoeb esaa. tbe sldt>
Bnaslaes aod aU riar Ibr Uod motals- i m4 Mefc «t tbe aUn art sUcbtly fan
rd Titbcmt tbrlr ooasmt faelac aakrd or ; bb tbe yoke.
lioim. Oood food veil dlpetad
iwquirrd. Ftro tinra ta Ibe I'Dltid : Tbe moM puiniuiBi ail liiiMinlliai ts
rea atrenptb. If yoo mtat di«a«
arqiilrrd tHb- to lasd and ai>r. ; akina la Ibe fnmt paaet wbldi la
yoo rot. yOB tired Kodol Dyqieppetmlr by pttrehaae. more asd BMfr Is erUeiKe. ll appm
paid HpBlo fSO.-; Is lace. btaldlDc asd cmhetildety. asd' Yob dit-1 not'd
Otatun for tin- ri>lU|>)>,iH-s. It •lid what as tbe ttsoo adrasces cowsa la two
tea difp-st all rtomra of food ib •
was .hme la HUk'In IMfl. Is'isth. Ib itBatertak are Dare eBrnmos. tbe oiHrr
Wile. Ko other twepantlinas will
IK^a rtid to IW7. Trf Bryan aays k ta : sUn falHnc orer a prttlmt froot
J ihU ll Inetotitly rellerea ta
Tbr oreraStrts beraUrd IB Ibe (vly qnickly CBtra atratomaa* (raabtaa F.
• Tt.r.----forrrorpim-haT. •
! ftasmer hare awsiwiUy fallen by the
Tb.-rrls a roarki-d *—------------------------.
tbr tl.-pQliIU-an aii.l
Ladies, “you can |uinp on tt.
trauidroo it. bat it TiUeBme 4p
dales fair rh- prt-sMn>rr In tlielr aldllly ! Be
smilinf evtwy lime."
to n-mam fullbfBl to Imponaot Usuea : nsUy kmcs for Ibe role. StyW are
Floor Votslafa.
tbreuch nil Ti'i.irt atnl Food niacL areU wttbln the Unrs of
' afttaUe
......... rarlefy.
UrKInb-y U rrreenUrd ns tbe apirtta leSecttac tbe rtrturs of nnplr«. Louis
of pnx.e-tlon. Hr lielb'r«« Ib 1L wwfk- XV. USD asd t»brr mode* wttbont etoe.1 for IL voted for H nod aeron'd tbr
paMAxe of Ihr i.nXr.-llTe fartlf mroatire
kunsra as lb.- UrKli.b-y hUI. Wbrn tbe
free trade luiny triutnpbrd and a bonae
I- w.-re •4.iri>sl |n--v**
t*-lcrd to rr-
ixMitliiUed .
te.'ilon and T.ymr«l tbr prci|il.' tbai
il|>rrlmeol on *w»ilrb tbry wrrr aAant
to i-Btrr would imive dlsastrona. Besuits pnirmt 1U.- w ladom of bla poolUoD. ITa- fuapli' mme to tblak aa be
tlKiucbt. nij.1 III. ns-oHl la Wb rlefory
aiul «b-f«al lia. l-m raastatmt. tniae
M.-Klalry adroeatod |■mt<•ellotl Rryas
defi-ialrd fni- tradr. but wlien fire
trmirwas r. i>ndlnl.sl Rrj nn drdpprd IL
III- con.iiIt.il wKb .-x|.ilb-nry and
Imund blijiwlf to thi- alli-i-r worsblperB.
aUnwiHF frei- trail.- In iJilfl fiu- Itsrtf.
Tb.a In-tum silver was dropped, and
aft. r Ibta y.ar lm|>vTtaltam will abwp
l»-«td.- five trarb-. and fni- allrer and
•itiw- ntih-r |v>|iiilar err i> 111 lie a.bi|itrd
tlH- Nrhrsska eolaoi-l-onta be it
plllnrb-a (br Repalilkans for w bat be
sOnus tbry will do aod lodorwrs tbe
Tirmarrats lumtiBe tbry havr door tbe
tbluB. <»(e oaorsr of coiHlon ta
all rotr IT yawl
I. tbi- nllK-r ta simply antiiiRd.
ir yrais aco Bryaa ml.l “tbr rtdd
EtartTi war aaCr an tbr Cantrl raaar. i MrKrntrr. wa'll all vi
j^lTua-m;N>T tat. UTerrr brhiad Ibr bCrracka. Uiai UiraK «r tbr cuni Ibal tw
prdOT bare tbB» BtaDdatd would destroy tbr ll■■|-lof tbe
aad Orernir »ml ia Ibr oihrr ilirr-rtlna.
toib-r. It ToiiM ^totroy H.r opiortoBll.r
Tfc'rr ii alaari tnnil.l.- «t cor con or t-7 tbr bark of tbr oBma‘ raw. .-m b UrKtulry, wr'll all rotr It y<
lo Tfirk. it would InowBAc iIh- oumtwT
a»rilirr abi'B a vucuiu mnMIra irlib
Toubl dlTournFJ- rou-rTour vairr fw cor wrltatr baa
Huar tfcliifa TblrJi do not r.ia<m !•.« tbr fuotbBU amaa tbr
Thr iriaJa cl rUX- you harr I
aallrd Ibr ln|< of a Xie
-prtar. It wobM paral)w lii.iustry.Mlaa TlMjr atortoua
bus to Uir 1
RrtmosDir ropdill.isn loatay t>rore tlM
Ac.1 hallow.
UlTBJI hit ii <«<v oat of HI tlior»-wbcB
rabdty of rrrry one «.f tbes.- |in.|.h«-iea.
■ly. J
.Vlratt’i menII. If ata- frft tbat i>ir ahi- wai alBina at tl
tbr brad of a praiilr
And aU that iTprraaoi tbr r
( Tbr tollrra bsrr U'lJr. tbi-n- ta ..|>i«>r.
kad to |4ajr With amnai ibr ahcelJ toe at Inrt 20 frri
ray to Ibr ri*ht. For inuTph o', r rrrur and trra
tBBlly to work, (lirre arc frw.-r Idle
<» Ki-da-n rillic.
Nolliloe TbrotbrrlC.
Braiim-d aiBoiIc
M.'KIulry. r ......................—
for- ycol
«bat ab<' lo.M tbr
. ..
on ornc lAtper znm.
.t BiMi iDdaotry bis sot liren p
b«ni lo abtnt a rart-iar. and il>r
Tbrii b-r ibnuldrr ban brr an that
i brartntt lln-lr drfrria. The prinri-sa
frady !•> cry. tln-rtllr woold Ttllh lUawrerll yaliaBlly aldlnc.
TTIIb the tloa. Ben Ttllu
Inipl'tnc your trarlna rommaad.
*1^ : cowo ba. uut oHue forward so prvidl
Mr. Ri-ros. bowirrer. has falleo
«a.l rat ItortoB
ao that lhi-» S^r liked I- hare In-r rry uirv bU .•
With r.n..ra of clory uBtadlna< fwaily as waa foirlold. altboucb. witb
ai abr dWii'i br did a..
km M |.■B.v •^rt• bim our ................................................................
tbr baldl of li-mine lauH-DtalbJBA <
los acelo.i m."110rat Inc, ||.ta ofiro m-n. '
raalBM«l. SB>1 b>- had In Ti-k IraoifiT tc
Tliilr Dot makliic so Bumy
• niM.
oroira of tbe wewHe. fho : Tben- ta no doobl that Ibe Inbeo'la
|■nnll.-Ullnt. (rarfol and dark,
■u T-t-yT-v n
nd Bllnl It full .•! fanir*. Rbr I For Biauhcad tn'lil»-rtr r maartoa.
j (o b<4d Us Impulanl) durins Ibe nuswlib rulD<-d linmeo an.1 starrlnc fn-ot nbal klU. Ulran
lUF m-BiKin. asd (be Eton ala. aMsara
BH-B. Iir soar. t.i a hicber ptaD.- nlonry
«d wav d.«H' III |>ori»y'.
4 ••la•albllllr.
to bail- a luBs lesAf of life. Mm-^ m-tob-ne- XII WTauTWa HraM Wii—W
Ib ttaw ta omiy Inm- and assan-s na.
fiwni Ubrrr abr aal Bow on a Urbre cot
ikTwht sbal It wai a |4.iv of tdiulr villi
leiitbs of Ihr smart antuniB lalkr AA.1 rhiklrra'- <1MT—> ■ araVAH*. titooe'
■rwi. Th.- lalli-r baoil llirlr amiDcul rrcl onk ab- roclJ a.a- tb.- iniillUtivI i-SD
Cuwii. Blnady alvwn bate U--o lua.biMimlslM-d
ItH- ti-iM-ral fritol»nnirT of low sbtt-Tius iB Ibr aas orrr la-roud (br
with an Ktun nr a bolrro of smue aurL
If la- Is tan i-b-.-tcsl -wlel.lv
It AllnwM TelMiT Hewiy CSar «
•afi auit upoo Ibr liitr>r.nirT of 1it/ 4hmyi- Ho abr Ihinttrd for frrabrr aruand Un- laimr Jaek.-t. sarr ia tbe lanta
of the Founh of July wlU iiase
fDouA. tilui* i*r«o-. ‘ Ttu- f"r
tbr brOrr Ibal Mir Uiran
•Ouetif •urliiTboil naulbr-liunA,*’ XV roBU of Alik or rt-lrel and la lb.IbvT-.w.ihoa fj...rt(<w cf f.oiiin.- wb..' br bold u|< tlir- tnurbronm raa fur brr to [
Mbat tbe people tv-faiu- aafd (h-nrm Waib-Hiunr<t'*L "ndm to outAide null.. 1a nMwpkaooa by Ua atJs Its
I H MAimK. iwranusiul Tiwraa. ti
k cnrlrr foUn IbaB th.-f an-. Th-T Inifnvt tta- rislil b<dn br bad Biadi- with;
Untry ClaT. He wa. a fnvpw-ul
4, •llh a rrnain abow Of rraicB. that ‘vGrr abnia. “b'l n»- Ina* u|> year bat, a
A EOWB of ttramy cray ehxb baa an
Tfariw arc tailliuaalrra aail BiIIUm4B>v*n.lto«l-ara.hv ;i.
Vv« makr a hob- Ibroturfa tbr tradrua
w-n,rh .UU Ik-I rrttlcal
of ll>e prupb'-t to at,iiyf.llH i«h.«w .»H.«U.Carulina. i
noil. Clay r.ad my faUwe wvrw ardtat
rail A J N<v>TT. Vi-)rat*At7 H«rr-«. at
TbMw ia Ibc caar of Ur. Uatibew tbat wliirli will sun-ly come to pom.
ll waa a nirr. Drw olMW bat. OrrLJ tt-ene'- Iwrs. Tnou •fivwTa •< all
whurt Iilav-rv, lUnl B.abinir wa. m.ee to ; imt a bnad baml of ituliMir.- and but
kiD.-i- Sim.*!- to Its- lAirat soil BuUae. ia aperrb of
tillr bad a..|ii rail for II. and It bad C. 1). IWnlriw a nilUunairr' mULowumow by ilaer Ibr day Iwforr. ll ba4
aoee be arralcu. tbe It>-|>ubllraa larty thoir Iiiiiidv than Uie mlleeticBJ >4 a , tuiiluc arttb small cold buttOBa ly Ibe
Bird ranralc-ahrllacl in rrr wbni
not ...............
paid. H.Tb. Tbia. tun, amons bU frirad. and
tan- <4 p ntb lUiTD «-<{na>^ utbiicU-d to { otllebed band aivural Un- bottom of (be
Ib tlir (cdinwiui: mnnnt-r
Mill.- elria Hay wlli. pnihad faunmH-.! annre l-n of tbr buck ralla at a.tiui.' wh.-a oBylblBC b>- bad irft BfiT aa • Moll.- r^ually a
•111 atlompthiS *0 !'"•» rronomle wbi*. and iIhw Ibe <}uut<-( Wimld play }«fkeL Tala of biark v.-lveL''llpfwd
BrtUiiic III! lu. V. aud aulbk'r and taflor'a thr millinOBlm of 1b -dry F
rations upon tin- eomitry t.> tb.- ez- few InarK.
Ti-bile tbe mono <4 wblat : * l«b pdd, knot Ir-.w-tj arn.M tb.- rblf- tR-. IMI— IM SI I.. Wur- iHor H>--n Iiri'iun
bilk Broi inio vlbkiiin. ainl rasdy aad
Of..* <:•»■ tars Iinian.<-Ika t.v rAlsat*.
i«;.in of tbrnu- whirb iBxilv.- tb<- very lulcht aerre u. imply a puue wbem.aiwbrrw.ai- ii fun
r>*n real aiul bntd tbr Jai-krt (ronls Ui tWlUb-ri *1 lto.Uuurra'. —KM>- '.ab-Tal|bo
boka an.1 nmdr and ridliie wbipa fT irief of .\rw York.
■n nf luw
irtrii.inre of flur govemmeol Ibe n<-- Uvtv r. ipnd. my fatlw-r and Clay ! Pl«rrwti) l«•)■-■v|ai) sUet-tol to. huetlomiaaTa,
Uin Ulran. Rut br li>nk off (br bat
bad trro KnintBrr.. faHain Winn
t ta always
puldi.-nn inmb-n- elrreii^ rvldrnc.- of
andxatr It to b.-t witbont rvru a Unerr- ruuBl of thr >brk driMnd
tnwbrad.d alrlkrr. A frw y.wra
.. ..........
........ _ _______ ,
It tbm-<|uarti-r
kovdiac arbont lui.-k raA maid Bot bare las staan- at tbat blab pArod Iradrmark lain.kln.U of prinia, rrrialB of tha Ihrlr aliandooni.-ut of tin- .arller ideals
Airl br Ml llial it waa wonb milla aboutd not rloar down.
Ur, of till- isrly siwl of tlielr <i>mi>h-|.' aule U.'.e tawital.- ttb<a Uicy wvrt- playitic ai b»nc rViaks
Hraldra. fbr k.^n .ir.Uao, win. baa foor UIB.-> f I.?'. wl>ru ab>- pirkrd Up the
Bi-rvlenry to [S'runtary.i-oii.UIrraitunA.- partie-n. to vi.dmlly lailm ont lutatakiw “> !■'- A»'de from tin- dremy doot
■rilrn tb.iUFhl BOl.
Brtri naar iirnrtr M a nrtiior than to
Thai eziirraalvli fnmi tlie m-wlb- and (be utiJer bad mmle and allriljotrd d>- cloaki. tben- are tbr “I'aijclaD-And tbr niANo n'NiKu. J —’ ■-T |- • i-rr
,r o'er, who bad a year nr toorw
•alrb a Tnunb ..f July nUilU ra«'>.-. mUhl birr lb.-iu M bans >i> b.-r r»du.
bleb lirietn of an t-eoeomlr .lursthiti, leal U, the rtbrr'i ipicraiin- and nttar {ncUn. banctnc loor-ly la front to r jo*B<.isi-v.<nil<W *■ KiTLslitv., Ui
krn thr lead la raiaioF (hr pa<
Tbm ah.. C.AM duan at b.-r sriv
Ml^t mta.aal.lr br'VM-oi't.d I” bBow tiy
wbo furred 11 down Ibe Ihruat. of tbe -lark i4 nalBral inb-IUpiiii-. Indrd.tm three-.ioorter taoetb aod dttliic-mofe
haod and r-raablrtid Jbr firwt Sagrr,
iBIBHbT that In n lanoH pra.tW
dek-caiea wbo nooilnati-d blin. wbo t«5ud.uw porticBlarly tiyuts, they wpa ; rtoody In the ba.-k. aud tU-re air lalltMi rrrry trlRrr baa ft le paU-iBit (Tonkinc It .’prn aa.l abtrt. “L think It’a rauainc •» tbr othrr mill ownrra of
pd^e I-. awrll." dM- 1.0011^ l^at Is a Fall Kirrr tv follow anil. TbU timr stands fur atlver. firs- allrer. unllialted m-n Liiown 1.1 aiddy bard namniVxsie’Btmerable half Ottliic Ibrer-guartrr taiuk.. nt- sT^c? >^vtAi'iiu«iku> aiM
br aaid ibai pmlitrtloo ouffhl aet to allTrr and nolblne but sllvfw. ta a d.dl- <UK«h<-r. Tl.ta tbry did tn no Handnooi eoata Hi bbwult aud cray rtotb. with
a^ nisbt barr alo).. that Ihr tnllla oofbl lo br krpl fi-.U! bit of aarvaam wbleb must bare ainrit. lat b> bricblvii up and aliarprtj braided, embroldnx.'d or for yokes aod
at b—e tnm sv. W A IU sad fniu
brra.i'Ma-rK'd to do-U- .'sucht lU. lund irtiiTiF. that thr tncB oufI
Uiad.- Ibr kiionluc ones tunib- wbrn tht-wita .4 Oie utlwrto the imirorr- eoUars.
and klaard ll. Uir UiTaH>l(«*.-.l air llnurd TO br paid it lb
thry beard IL It ta simply a |>IM to mi«t« <4 iiii idar. Aa tbry were aluiac ' Small capn barr aoared Into fa^
Ihrrr waa t
r\ W •WWAirr. Vi-IiuM ‘Pw-bra f
Boiat.-jy '•n.voa-i.uu
It. Kb.- iiiicbl
talk n!«ut Tuorlbinc elae Iban *Jlrw d.nrti b. a ipun.- as partnenmio rrentat ««bta. ««1 three, four or eren Bt-e litbar.- l-.wi Iho ndk-a itnay b>-rM'lf.. tlnfallT
, tie capes fall orrr (be sbouhk-rs of
l.sju- be Ac'ired that (brrv Was bo I tbI. year. br<-ausr tb.-n-are tin votes to Clay rvitiarki-dt
Bb-aa H-rbapa it wa
tUI.- ikorrMr.- lb.'Ophi that
wa* anhidr
•• 'Ife a sB-at oatTBtte the way we ! msny of Ibe neweta rosta. bttad.alne
rtub'ika. arm- I.A
art. ar.it bla Wan wai flUod with ron- prrai Hrmrnt of ri.k in the traBsat- [l« made by adror-nlinc a dtaj.roved
Cmilb. 1
Hon: yet if tbrrr was any. hr took it lUseorr. and tl>m l.-rauw- Ibe lU-poUKv talk to rr-butber. undtuy Mrs now. the abooWer line la moat desirable
Bat lion . ..........................
v:.l tltor
..r it. na.1 fi......................................
tritlnn. Yrt br wna oM an.l wiir
Hr ordered Mitnr $600,000 an bailers n-fow- to allow blni to l.< at tbr ootarf. U f.e rorb of r» to pot up ^ fashion and oSertBf raBlasr ervund
kb teatlMI nanr «.-n(
«.-nt fiw worwr
worv ibaa
(.■ bp a nrwt
drat iM-iiiraaBt.
iM-oireaBt. Mr walk.-d
leaeO .-t SAW —BiauwT. etUsv
•Otblac at all.
bdr brr lark I- tbr peat la a
worth of retton (>ooda ao IbaL there I sUv.-r alooe be rbarpes Ibem wMh bar. Mb. to bt-baift lo the one wbo is flt« {tor the Inerltablr wtllcfalnc. braldlaf ........ fu*«*al> r-e usl.ofliur fr-^ rae- sod
dMeiUuii.i,--. —riilu -ir-*. •l.ailBsi.T.
Tbat. tb-acb. waa ikr rad. And tbr huiiil.lr d.'irnioa
•iroliun abr r>wU an
ta BO iMBon «hy tbrrr shoold be in {Inc altandoned tbe esrllpr hbata of ealbd hard urjaea by tbe «ber. If y.iB i or embroidery.
kreiBOian -i-.cM I>1 me, lie- raiae-y ia mineiI'all Hirer any d'.t^oXlnc labor alM j tbrlr jiarty.
pianlut WM win-n
mewlf. yno take it *
lion for a lone time to ««B«.
rounded pRtoOa:
Hard >4 Wit-r ■ -oiiui
Crrrillr waa orrr on tbr ratip- ii .w.'r.-iiti“Tbe coofiruH-d lort-r of sblrl walils
ly ttyina l" t-rbic bia rrrurd up to wlntfr ■ %Vr lirN.-j. that there I. adeeplrtson -YVbo will drawn line I-tween (be nat
iM.acrt-tsbl- mn^ UeTMCcai- - Till bare ao orey Id tbr fall if presesl
nurtnn'a waa. TUa tlaw Ulai Mivnn In ibb ili.xi.UFbly imirlotlc arlioa <m - oral rlcbta of tbr I'nlwns and tbe KUItion s-lBS
Mr. Hordeii's )>art for all larcr rm- iplnoe? tVbo wtU aay Ibal tbe funnrr tl<initbpw.raldiiev.-raRait)beat>Tyto mdlcatlOBo cvuilnur." says tbr New
•aa nt aU
Cm) at a T
r waa ja- jilnyers. The mailer of employinc i bare a rtebt lo Ulirnr and tbr latter Ibe hlicbUwt impulw to iTs-ot bambly ' York Boa. “AU tbr propbet- boQon-d
Ui It thri-p liiura i«il
-d to I .v.i up tb.-rap.
I. AiaJ
..... . waa Ibirtuo. brrsocr abr
I'b bUaal.
’. and eqaatlr l|k matlrr ^ !I bare so
no riebta are are bouDd to re- to h» 'tl.wr friend Ctar. And. UoiileB, it J » tbe faihloD world barr faera de
r«.p. Blnl to llchiro ll
■iiskiiis aorb prweroT tuMb-r bia tui
sraa bi. r«..lbxrfi.ai that Clay wah tbe ; dobdcIbc tbe skin walaL but Ibe itrvkemnwr
orkinc’for another, tain.1 a* mneh a ' apreir
Thm- won- Ihrrr n.
mao wls> miP-V and did tb.- kind talk- : ote««. like tbe *ur baby* of btasird
■neens of citinp nnd takinjf aa tbe !
inc. S)myfathiw.-b.TrfullyptaeulthelcD«iKitl. -kap' os aayla noBla' and
mple«( or the 1
avlrd ai thry
MO f* toi> (4 Clar'a
Be Umouht it ! boufbt murr abirt watata TTir BaDuH
m all haul t" pnll IW trtssrf.“
No oav ran do all
e |j>-en easy for the white wupkl i>- u end b«D to tbe blni- rtm I wabla of last arasuo arv lo at>|war Id
•c. bb4 tln-D tbrtv wa.' I.. la- n 1nc hc|plaaml at bi-i. aod Mr tart Ua
Aa Uht fmr.i-d.-d , brlthter -and mote allractlve . $«•»n makr alt Ihruionry. Noriaployrr
of (bos.- atatia. wbo altooL tralie to W ic
Emy -or Im-w .1 .ao-. vb.y. tbir.-a ryn irB.awD(ly. “IC'a Jait Ukr aay olbrt
obl chase
Bw4 flrrrttw rbr with Ibrir
Iljal tncerr." br tuld brr.
R tnakr mor.- ihae a ernain |wTceol- i terrify and dicfraneblwi.*^n witb tbe KBme Clay mad-- some ex.iws- | Tbr lattenia and rotors of tbe new
tbr ott-vr-' r-naiwllii-a o.-rM' Cu- U“V.-i,
mum-. And la ibaijjir twry
if hr tries to do . open rVdolion of tbr spIrK and rxpn-aa ireiy thickbmrted aud iU adoerd lAijs. I flanneta oITee a rartety and heoniy orrtwrra ttwm Thl. luadr it lni.i»Tlnc ta BiSi. .or!.lie y.ui car iB lb.' mmprtUioo- so.n(hrreaplla)i<ta.e<]UBn.rMdid8BaB- - words of tbr consIttBtioD of Itir rnitrd 8e led Ihv wnim cania; be trnmj.id : et before attalDed la that material,
■awr Tail thaa •«.. limu>r tbr ittalrr ita- .p.' y.Hi ibnt with yrctrt.Iay wad wlU
■aa Ihrv are I tbe wrvsc Iriaks; be did tntrytliin* 1 Tbe IVtslf-D dndcaa are portlcularly
ciully and n|unlt.-i brainy, will step in ; ptatm. Thi-j
•a. ant iv.nbind t.- lb.- tursrt ratn.-v. bnt •or till-, eft.-m.ojo wbn yuo flalab Bpr
•bl<-bl‘dlu!i. —----------------------------------iuwl.i.tlhBlbewTllwold.
1 effertlrr, and rm.reollt.naltaed
and rut hU pmflla down. Threfnphrye specialists In deOnloc rlcbl» -....vi----------------- —
; -...........................
•atradr.1 i.. tbr uim lnc -d Mi.. Mnan'.
II. i. ld brr thsi It waa.
ran b> no proem oUtoixi more than br u^j- tefnae to lTS|«ect and Mr Hryau faUa-r'. blond bepan lo l.uL Aa be and , dowers and kavea on •lelkair croonda
Mad BUd h.-a.l. and .■w-ty
I.-Kryrd ; “W. !1 - .h.. aaal mtsHannUr. "I tblnk
ouchl' in hair, mere than lb. bo.inem to tbr maB who b<H»a to prolll I.) U«-tr 1 day hiat jutne aftorcamehta wralhruB
I Of Ifta. ta«H “m. ^rer creea.
that Ikia w.old artH. B noii.y .b.- .lU riA d.Hn: wry nlrrly.
yoBt I bd
Still he bit bl. Up
;•» beBOIlfnl both in Oanoel. and alta
•Ol anwar l.< br alA- lo a-(lb- f.n b.-r ' lb- Ii'
fiimw. oad my ftiT ftaerr WAn will .toad, f.w tbr rmplorer will melboda that Ularrarr thr alaua wlilrb ! hicber and hicb.-rBrtf, Not that -br WB. 1.1 bdaiar fT . Ao-.ii't bnn A Idi-ibhi «onuns.“
.-.n>H> shut down rather thanronllBor ;»aj aeodeolld d.-leeatlona to eoncreiia ; aud snUenil in silmn.-.
It wtal un fuej wbUe dta W& Itttle.
Any .ar. rw-o a |a-tmi nnirb
hr the snnnrswainn of the Ttennljliran 1 bW- o3f‘l L'lay mode amne pUy <4
; rarTlO* la atse. lb two eotos asoea
Tbat nilr.-B..a lU- rotu(BTiliM mmr Ir tone t.. run at a lor. In a wotd. tbr
MMW rnfslA ->r hrt owe lulnH Ibaa klir BU rod. with llon.a a sudd tuay |odoti raHlaliat mnnet tar anylhint better Me
, rrowniiic imtavility wlijr* ket him aad j bsekcroond-erery rartety of dot ImMKait wai. w.-ulJ ha.r Wu pat to It m ,alira.l .vT Co-rllh. end that bisbl Ibrn- than a ‘sir tblny. II.- iv a fool tv rxof Bryna'a addrew. bow- >“? ^'H**'*' lbe.-VM-nllHmm'‘ Fbw*> “*d j aylnablr ta reparaested io (be aUrt
: * av Ibr Hr bop. h ba.l turn eadrtwHud peel II. aad the laborer, tm tbe other
M, fathm : watal atalla
TWy WT.' brb Aral lH-ul.-oaBla and fmn tbr £ni that tbr man who won wai
“ *^ ■**“*_ **^!**.,"**y*“
loth .w.abywwai aa.1 laib B--»l t;- I--* M I.Vr Uli. Unm t» Ibr hr^v H.. abr ta..!. raauot pet more tbat. tbr bnal-: te drt^bta^lHpplDe^pUey.
"'Why.' said <-X»-of-mlnc hta RTsy ; watata are lo fire way alm^ Wtlrely
afar. Iteit.a woafalr. am! t.rrtllb-wai wwM.wrrwtihRiir.aBBdcstTh.noBr- nes. will stand. 1hon«b he OBfht IB ; ».^i„.kv. Lam. of IhS^ttieanre. 1
yuT efc4H. ll said aad
i if^S^tarbU
, t^wa wttbal,..k >4 tore.myemH.m,.se- ,ta more aemobl. ^ pM^ alto UttoutaavAAw
4arL »al Bbr bod
ritr.1 1-tvjad.m ro thw of hrrdaBm. UiryiUr hadanatlwr ewr, esse ,o bare wbat be desemew
to to ToUy dmaaLaad
It i. easy to arfwe from Ibta point.
,hc AmertAV (taf until after '
»^*’yuado Ihatf yooharrmH prefcAbly mtta aeopla of a M gatab.
par.UBC tbat
Hbr bid .4tra «bl
Ihlfd. Bmlthr rwt wrrr cp.a to Ibr pnM
•tan U4h w.-o- n. iaa.-b in b-tr w-itk lor at lirc.-elerOOB and la
In tbe ermt ;' ****
and we beliere Ibal nobody will deny■ tba Korember elerUoP
f,UMr -bBt 1-- !
• br rtmld hair wtabrd Bial wrtv
ISr-yilk .Ud B.a l~* ha|vy at alL ll that Ibe better emplo.-«w and em-.’■ of,
„f Rrywa's
ftrnn-i trhimph
Mumth tor
fm eUbt
elabt montba
r.t<e««J tay fathw. bat I m ; tb^ and a ^ watal dyed to
• ibiB sDluk: (hat
ftotot to Ml yiai. air. that yuo are the ; soft daL madt orer nson and arort 404 Eaat Front SL TBlophonaS4«.
that Iall Ibr twiM wa-n.d tbr isrerl n-rtird br taW.r.b 11.' ptoyr* undenlatid one anolber.
U ms- 11. than wbkb
wbHb n.
DolhiBC kMUT Brm Ih-Lth: alamt Ibit. H wwi haTioc
mmt Bb>vt idNjt. ibe' raoT tsmadkim artcb a dotb skirt of tbr same Mtor. ta
mereK pettinc better
•niualnted per-, *"?S,eTer may he tbe optMon of
r •rqualnted
risbl MiTird „ CO d,.ww IV bmH *alk to tbr hop
soaally. hot
It BBdemaadlBp what a selfy, a*
Bryaa aa tbe ca» imbaelethaterrrdenUafaBiidatwhtat- ! all ttaU tbste la o4 lha
Itan-ia and la watrb Ml..
- employe waata.
(a vhief c4 tbe anny and nary T«m air: I nyiol IL yon
TV- riBe .iTlist ta.i.-d tea days, doe Mi.„n
on hi. atm and l.-.ktos un
a my Ufa. ”
IDte-aytaf baa hwome a
tala trtfb
.nspen.l bootUItie* and recall ottr fooll
- taa rrbi.b l.iur tbe air bummed wUb tbr i„iA|,iv fnv fna; ouder llu- wfailr mi-ti ta experts, ond deserve*, and spprreaterpriBIBC Bmn of New Toak. Half
piac and .iaf nf twlb-o over oa tb. ~of h-.r tara '
' “
I tbr other band,
■*^';forrea Indeed he atanda pledped to do Timaa-Borw!i
• DT nrnon
doatUis orer Battery Park
.iw v^tiv nf tbe markers -• -u
lat.. bii o
very iblup. Tbta la ctrlap aid |
iuta taftwars bare p
w atH
atH muitdt
iiimidt fM eveo Bs«.- sweHly st tbe bOefBatax most make sonwihinp. deserve* some- ■
If fJiaen. oSee tmlMlBi
In the *t4r H'A- OHy.oiwre*
enmfan to tbe enemy.
rtv nnnr a 70 mw croL redacthm M *“ '
eorb with aa appeal toe tbe pobUc
rspeeially well o. ne-,
paid Xapoleo. tb*
the Jttbltae
U ; ^
Tbe blfbeot U»
MM had
bad • Boop
----------...... SI tW aresod daaee had ben.
to Ita ua
u leJktobalBTM
- beetle. OX.
MX.-. .i„.
Mirered aorerrlcn rlfbu oTfr
_ _
______________ _____ ! ...____
Rbe erru WM a* f.r
(ar >.
as to
to bet
bet -•___
(ta- .ki-i
thin! —TV,.
was iUrtsa'i. Tbat ®*f^*beti all this is nnrtersiooa. tee.
laiPfe van spots. ---------------------- ■y. I Utoed a Wbte toft
afaoald be on tbe irrpe at lca.1 ofcHie ^
popotalkoa. tab aarape-----. oa both BarKia and an-rOr at enm. «a- tbr wa) it bid l-m arranaid. .ta
laard '.i>r rztremo h««t IhU samwn.
York H.
vw BdJstsBt B^enook to eiptalo to her 'tbr (ta l--:aa tl>r waits Mir Uirart millrBBto] period, when there wooM pirlllaed. of that fimt teiiilofy, and
ad •'..tan dMtlare marir all tbe
nnt aided to ctmeeot to (be
’. of tba Dofca er
ttat tbat was railed *VvlCta(” and wks :simd tuoUe nrrrlUe to the eeaiir of »w V a st^heoraloohent.lMaMmefr -teas were indooed br dtoorIta* **>aU serer br eaose for ooe.
Had they rebelled they tas 1 tbe aimiiirh
................ — quite a craoi. TV- comma^ialtaz efbew
•at tanked apoB
Oood tamlth
time, bat baa (alM to ____
B^wr^waa hart.
!wa* to Ike cruiu>- •«
Rurtm's rap
wooU bore Iieesi forced to rreo(iilie fotb -a foeddlfmiKa. Kodol Dye______ wwatad
The wbotr of tbr sUT
Ibr BorcrelcBty of tbe rnlted Htotoa.
Mt titot be bad bem oekiad.
-The eimoenl of the ROtetDetr w
MB dtaedtotcad. witb tba
aasBir bar tbu h
w>:i qataklr loUeae aad
tatani Mn tbe oreoaoL and y«t <
tbm of tba tbef ta tbe awa
.£<' mt ilibwd la ikt Imbi: only tbat Itfcat puMttao. «It may stogdy bare bapewe yon. V. O, Tlwmpi
tltto to ttaat nat tmrltorT ta ooctadci
abd tba itowi ta to ba ftafC
> toa> away Ctato tbe ir*fmt a< tba Ipawdao.
‘"ir zv. \
To b^dlscBSsed by
“The American”
r. L'XSSSMrir'-?^'''!-- s
JAB. a JonaoNi. On«in
9m Konfnra notnuti
One North Free!
•••I a^ God-a peprtdmtial eva of Bla
peafde. Ih IV toUto of avk a fUa-
•tcrvtkrr «(
rtnUrmt MrCiaWr't
IW crowd Mth* Stork M«Btr
MtraUSc l•rstoff.
Annr aaan years af srtladc atrtrtac
' the f-Bpfrr posrB has woe Its waj toto
taakfae’a affcrtloM. tNmctr appeaaS
to tV Sawtec liBwa ahd Bierr nvtehe
ampUtsiW Of IV Laola
the rlbaaksl toiapUctty at tV rtnptoe.
(ar tv Fsprowolac of whMi aB tV
B« WTjmi k
Mkoeb ««d eoOwto. •■i
«rr barwad i« aMk
w«Bl JaeraU*# aaptof
»aat. Br aWo apokr q[ tfcr ptoapwHr
of famfra at a riaaa dartaf tW park
toar;ranaad oMbWrbrtykt praapaeta
far «hr (stora. dwrlHar at kafU a*
what prod Beta et ihU roaatry tka pa*>
OBdlwbat iWrcaatBraUhtetkla'
try. Be aaU;
-TV raO>«* aa« oalaorWtr af aar Sap
auk> aw«t» arovutrai aa« aaaaad aapM
rapaau for Vrrrrbadr kal (ka taraar. XT
tto roona aaa la to cwiuoaM Ifea aaO ka
r. te ooctaw to too IBU(ho BoM
taMrlbal WlU Ikolrkwila
la iVBaMarwMfe
kaow wan at too
tW bard Wa
aroaphtj that asaet ao aantoau aa
------m oBd boa to ferttfr too aaS
■ br kaatoac II tuU a(
.-aiber tV toerni aa ],
; Vot V cwebl.
liryoasW Uoli
Arnrd I.. tV tale, hi* eyrs I m- cnteiwd a unite
„ fol|..ws. or to tbM • I
I Wsrikc
WarikC >"«t to aea. He V hU Bv •* be ;
it all tueabt to tV piri st ; ^
arm itlun.vi.
itlura.vi. TV V.
tTslts fW."
fch aide.
Wbeo tokliuc tV <
-I an s-wry-tootr- iVa aoCTrr" V MM p^_ , r
I r Viuioooj u. ctov to
Is a.leriiy t.iae at 1V fiatoh It aeeae-d \ tik. np •ue- if tbr sew UotS In p
terrfliiy tone, bat they wree tV only | ttnineb br vn*-<l I"
»be Horn.io.ll> asked to ww IV Ko>k
W.«,lr V —M
I entry
et Ibsl icw'l IV waisir oV nM._____ _ ..
mre V |.ls..iof
wilb B IHtIr ooB. -lewrine tv irctoetit d,rti a the ftill
iwire avl nsrrM
woaU ted br w> <na>-b in ll*rl( to Trd. n |„.,Br
But hr niV tesre H to dole:
He I.Hto i TV
■ Xrw IV IsMubui district
me V V* twea estoMiac
idiac and own a m^v,] .
bwlinStioDs by 11.0 UW
.. .iV of tbr .® ,u«t
|B> of iMoao Ir.
. . tv
r>>-nlae. aad, .-nrbaisly
r rts'l |tay. aad
eB.-.>eb. IM* n.mrto artirli. a>lra-1.-d tV
hroak bU beanr
all.ntion of bmwi- than •>»' InAtusn. ...
.TV noB at Vr aide
. _ . ...........
^ cl______
rttofVd_bb l»«h.
n ..-ci.e* tb- iwyt iBonitoe on onihastot
Ur did aot apeak. Vwrtce.
' fmo. lb.'.n-otb.-rn liehlsof louid'W otarlB la lb.' fall .-oetidenn of
vtoMiaer cV erted.*^ f.
tto- rarity.
:hot do y<Mi iblut
Hr urrit.-.! at IV IsoikmloT
|a toore l-.y
J liV Ted idai ultb bla ..
kinucir with
. .
•uiiulr? tVbal
I V awes .ibadreds
.d |ou
It.i «a IV d.o.r*tr).. Ily
ibiak orbvr sV
bid arrirrd.
R oVdock f
O^towt Ltooi.wB. wM tme
ftVb. Urd W htos w CM.
TV Xtodw'r
V pwrwr am V
I wrw* tv
W w
. .
cl tsr .tow w aw.
•V nw. to fccr to kani sad
U^. wirtoI.-V
y It
Tm bnp
Huw MMO Uaar
TW wot •< cw ww sMto aow
*V IcoiBsd V «>•)» at owctoTc kwo
"If I tantod V wiwr I nir
Ibirtt Vworar. to aa
- U aa taoch w
a wa botwbl to mt
-Vaoral of Umw<
ra CM prodoea
.Itbotowr caoprebIMtIan. Wr
caa prndBoa our cme auccr.
ar, wa coe pro4ncr wata of tba hbara Wrr Uir. aad
and touch
11 we
wa Uoporl
of tba -swaa
tnilta auu
and auu um
Ibtok It to toilr
aalr a uunilon
lltoa wbae
o of lltoc
wa caa prodoea aa Arw lobacroa to w
pari^ of Iba
tba I’altad
■lalaa sa sra
ora pr<4ucad
asrwbcra In tba world, or at sa> rats.
If tbrra sra autor da^lrlr-ftarorad asrlaltoa wbirh wa cahoot produce wa wUI
bala our brown nan> tn IV |■srtflr ocase
to prapan Ihaia tor ua <1 bava no doubt
IVI wa ran produn our own Isa Bs^afro asprniwrtilsttoo to beina roedartM
eew. with IV VIp of tV I'nilid I atca
•orrnaianl. to anulb Csrollna Ttf da■arttoaet of sctocullurr to li. a-iupaltoiloa
with IV akpanuanl alsllont of aU (V
Ibr oenc W-l MCMto WWbW biucd.
PrrVto dnr iMd. W> torpr 1.
!•(.. Itoioioc.- toH»d to. V.
iblak bV a btorLeuaid.*- saM Prys^
I dab
^ act tW^^
Sm eaiVT toaasdil
-DartM Ihla odmlnlat
, tv I'BlIad «lslr> Vi b
LW aasa asd bv el
craal rantaea i_____ _
POtot. froaiwbkb AtocCTcseeet
IV tulura wtll V daali out
w—M vaaw. rwno lurTL. caawsu soo taa
PhUMsa tstosda bar baaa crowUw nrr
rapuir la Wt u waa <U.«UK. at whirh
•wr lUtom waa to saTtouHatBl
la UR It was new nu — -u
t af whicb onr I______________ _
at wbtob onr mnMto
faitoir to alnadr totrraatad to
’ sra Islrlr uolatrd
dews sad
--------- with tv saw cctoditioa at sSsIrs.
TV ranv huiaa cm sail eooda to tbaoo
Wcadwa V lower iwiaa iVs otVe esOoaa CM sad aOar tVa Viter wsrkais
IbM afbor ttatlono cm alter. TVIanerr
li touroated to IV pnapantr of aur b
terr paopto. Atocttoae tocceuur bv
■atfoclad tosobtoarr IVl tV Wa to.
kat CM V ciWpMid. M U to to epcral
•baw VK Ibc tUV Wc touatchpoedour
at tv W." **
"" fectoctoa pan
' WItli Kiw nonban dUappaub am
•r tbnlaai snat botokato
•r autn. Xaw tbera rraaio ooly. ss
* ERpenir Prthdli Joaepb of AMtria aad Oats raal,
a arw klnx
af Italy
atta: tha Uac* af Orme*. af Baatuau
af SwedM. pf DcwBBik. the mart ..
Bhlgarld ahd the Xmperar B’UUMi
•veka aow a etfar. «•» • dSi
b«t TTI7 trtacklarir.
arrtiMtin to WdiaSatfV
Bwm aC TO par <Mt anr
mVore tV bem aDd iV Hp e( «te
daeolietape. while ieweted dupa csteh
tV aleeve drapertes arroto tV top of
IV srm Afirr letotnrUInc toot srith
.. Tsrkiiino* of tus style cootorlrres Vve relnrtu<d In tV rrAsed eV
ICBDcr ut IV niietlial tavy Md
IV pnufotini: pora of lace
BMl soft tolln. smneed to Vlf rcreaj
•Dd Vlf eooval IV cootoar of IV
tV beni at IV- akin, a dcvt^riit% note
that I* irti.-air.l eilV-r lo iV.forn of •
baoU n>ui).l tlir lo|. nt Ibc Oftire
tVl abort yoke lodlce an rttararferUllr nf'ilie perlcxl. TIk-eharmliip pews
lllDs1nilr<t dlaplaya tV toat DbUied de•tore wUA
ames a slicbtly full
• Vn. both cV rrl
laetle of spricc-l n>‘t. lo perfect harni.rtiy an- Hn- b.iie. " Inae fmiDR aleerto,
ullb III.- ■wall .'loplre hdIT of uaaaHryidale . -fhmdns iVocir
: f'rrefioU apl.Toarbicic
|iBrt-tn y at tb«- elioubler.
I tiiCT to bis fe.S.
.Miimiii.- tV- IU.M BtrlUnp atylea of
i -You BIT- uail.- rtebtr V uid
jloer. "tir almubl loU V toreix
tbe |.arli. si.u'u l.iilhb-m are IV dhecTHt UNSEEN WORLD.
m.-ol* bl.-r V l.o.l
-ftillte lolbts. of nblrb IV aeeoDd cot
to giy„ ao .-utinnl.'. Hem the coal to of
iln •''’r' ’
l>uw.l.T blur-clotb aad the akin Id
Hr^ui ,
Th.-*.-k.flJ*t.i. l. .liu>i« Tftai. the Ivory doth with a foU Vlt of ptoca
i Marmlnut »*.•. l> l.fluMu tVesrlinf Bilk.
lu 'rtu.
or ni-csI.lilt.Ti-D
II.- I»4j pp
op ! won: *“
li 1.1
„„,.;ualiou B> i.-jtr.bi;e- .uv> i. » .fW i>
.•lalmnitr. tliaDFrerbcfonr. Early
uiaiiiriwt. - Uaiiy nf liennh.i: .l.-piii
In l-Svocb OanvU for polftliediM .if f^--.-Anil -disn aWak". mln.- IDC. ya..|>llt.s ainl eioeral otHdoar
to cn.-rha-tiiiie
:*:i.l s-nni'l > iImiin- atwr sli..w iW>.,-l'Ble4oo- bark w«b
anl ■•v.-rl.iMiiiit •'Cit.'iuiu.
Aial iIh-v- nvcrlayine half sto-ve or a modified
Uiatl*-t>»e 'toll sluunae iIk-l.e1|rtiV iliiwe si}l<-. rtanui-l waists Lavi- aprlooewi-.rf tV llmioiiH-ut. uuil tb.v Ibai kk-.! I.ullntis.
la a roan af a Qlbrsliar hotel vt
Rerrl Katolaer, l^iie wbHe aad aai-
..................—. IViyoa
Ill yoa. Bel7lT“w
-N.rt so in.irb to aw b* to yaa, Trd.
dear.- sbr caU Imrety. "I toall V abto
be a core
iremruc or aoawthtoe. bM yoa
bare to clre ap the rcflaieal—
•t-s IV tSiU-l U.i.a." eaU Trd >B.l
droly. "l►r>..lol.-■. .... I«wnl. He *el
dealy apidb-d f.w a r..H..isbf*. I.W.e a.el
nar biii.iins
has B..m- »-at
biiulias b. M.».-v... !
euuMn-l me blm. an
.. bs.l t.. learn a leiier
a eVIr aV borM
temlriu. u<ti>
u<tJ. sletis t.wdine Inward a
ftwirtiT aiHl .-viT.''
T.ifui.l a nuc*' 4- leiiriiM- us., nf sotd Id builoaa mad to: laib-d ui»fliiii •< liaili-* w>- iim-4 iiirtt In wnrk.d .l.wicnA
; llu-1..*, .f IV A|>*-npl>a. unll.-n lit
ll.'iioiM.-binp.. very Ov* tucks aad
; liovL. aixl |.T>-*tol l.y i.toi. imC i«v cord*, irlidf lucks aad dusters cfamrac;«iu-lv Ib-lWic. tot H.-lk-t.lM..-.
tertsc- tv adraDcc^intards of Mlk
j,, ,..„„.ql;tr ito U.4 .rf Ttonch,
| „
«* tefs ..f tie* ttliitiT*!-. si*-ake III
il.C.iil irf llHifnlum.rf nclilcMca.
'‘"b^TdarmueTtotr a.krd Hern quick |
to UN It waamtlttoimil wsa SH
to mtlV tacraasa to IV nuieVrc
to IV (Tallad Slalaa was tS.m
CTOaaa waa broaebi oVut br-ina
aeaaiatit to lha braadlec of boraai
Im froto too ^‘CTa Kow ivi pi
raiuvrstlva iV darrrua
ad It to ocilr a uoaalloo <
acrMaa wlU Vein aealu
_arsat tool >nr l» fnrnc
tumraS BAUm lor Ibato
BriirT datosnd tn loivlan r
boron of all Vtuta. oopotWU)
•shir oiwa
"TV pnscivl nasoe
pttcaa for dutoralk snlnsia
pasbla sra si work avrrruj
Wbeao sra batee itoid Wasrr
-toaitoaau el Vin l-no-u—
sm Astatic
Asuilr cauntnn
A faw into sea
rbUnnu at tVt biod would Vn Vee
osrr pralhobla. but si W praamt ilmr
tv AtooMtoB wacktooe wt« aw bbiiar
Ud na»ri awrb
b auud pr^a
prtcra that It nalla
.. . »r tlo- smaU en.wd
ulll BOt dwrlt u|on a .lowrilCow of
iVIr fodiaes tuichl bar-- In-a or
tb--lr laucuac.- irTtaialy wo* wb.ii
dlacoronrl that tV lood
Ind ua* r.a*
they diaeorond
TV lo.AwlW. b-wi-r. l.nrao.1 that
iV r.itle .laarto war ouo ..f dtriwa'c
rveol 10.0X0 and worth unbr Mill
1I -f feel‘s It I vie IVl Bth." «V Mid.
otar to IV wortd."
»Vore <Vo
tVa .or
aay muo
llryodalr uOb Mill tonkiae .«■ a
• ■ f to Bo. ey.
in* sisirr weat le hlto aad Iwtoed Vr
iraal aetlrltr. aow astatine to sb
aipanawaia oc lotfuotrr lu tba I'Viad
Mslaa baa bad a ataai VaaActol aflaet sa
IV prtewa of (sna uliaaU
~TV lotsi torraaaa to tV aalaa ol lha
(an* aaltosla ol IV Cnltad Sloiaa Ire
Joauarr U NT. to Jsnuarr I. Itoc. H M7
me. TV drrroooa In iba nunVr
beraoo durlnc tV taal ihm
Ihm rnra e
ptoaeobrod. altbauch
altbaueti It lla barf
haaa ptoaeaarod.
laao aad laaa aaarr rasr. I>un
I>uni _
(■aad. TUa was a lepal gafatkin asd
Wbd la tv coons of JtMtlec
toMU. ton hack of thto aspect of
«v a totoal qaeattoa waa terolead. TV qataUaa was to^bad tay ear-
« ibta ton aad
towb BxptwfUoe. I» V bnid In HuBalo tmiu May I to Nm. I.lkfl. wflloffrr
TV rcMuplelncI Ktai|llBB for t V
ifWtfkMBi aad rrloodld arena ernr nCTrlml Id -VtxH-rlCTi. Tlw aibh-th- wnlTbl la V
ta iV larers at iiporu IV
rtliea sriS V tV nwal iwUUr le IV bUtory of .kun-rbwa w]ain. Tl><- cwapmlkMi of
at alblrtlr caiaea bas Ven OCT-omd. VlritcKr lo tV Kxiraollbiu luu) tVn-rorr ex|inn to
■toby of IV Val p
IV veetlDC of tV meat (atoouc tlUetra af tV wcwltl to cx«Bitolllb>n far |ato.-s wanlij nf tb.Hr Vto fealA
II to told ttat IV eioat f’etotocaa ai KcMe citold Bcp..
- ----------- - ---------- '
‘------- ' —
. bowpctr. wtn
V 19 (ret toapre aad l«t lo (net mmiwer ttaao tV bti
Vre a larpre arwM. aad tV aoaUBd cwfrlty to eallmalrd for gsiWi propki.
«aC tooC rf amcrr-i cwtorlr
aa aeraaai of aro««bta,.Kaaaaa wUI ba«a
•MtoMi baabala laaa at eora bicaaaa at
draucbi. af.d rat IV aaoto baa rraaa ••
m torbra ol
ol raMaU.
raMaU. wblla
wblla Kaaa^
Kaaa^ baa
baa iboaa ai aueh aa a full rora toap cm
aaa. « aTaboraiiaa eaaW V eaatrallad ar
Mailed ail Uibw of ratotall W aboat
wbai the rroa uaao. ibr real to oaatad.
- Tba I'bllad ■lalaa wIM haaa Itottotoi or
aaora baabato of aboat laao thaa as ao>
arasa crap bacaaoi wa 4o BOt iitomO'S
-Wa bur tba pradaru of akin fraw albar
eouairtra, and wa
r bur raw walartal.
■aiartal. tba
;i of rbrap tabor. Wa aall Iho prod*
>r oblll
— to ____
olbrr _______
a. BJad
ajto wa
saU raw Maurlal. tba praSsci at rbaap ta>
bor wtthu our owe toed. A otudr of ibto
coadMIoe of aSaIra WIU load ua to •« a
romn aotlBola oToar atsn«la«eoBiporad
with othar rouslrtw. Wblla wa aoM CK.ni.tB worth of ’SoMaotIr produeto frow
tba I'BlIrd Slalao to UN. wa boa«bl(BlIHJhl wonb af scrlrultaral predtwu dortoe tba ooiaa 'roar Wa poM IKMMM far
aatsr. W.<w.«o for colloa. tCl.MMH far
bMoa aad oktoa.
far attk.
«» tor Bvra. tu.tto.tw tar fraHo sod eau.
wlio tod Vm lUaktoc of wacitUy
thtofi whV Ckrtoi bwl bee* wptmktopef mMItolthtops. TV iBlerrwidrt
asked Chrtot lo mV bla hroOmr dlrUe
-Wc Biiut tblBk." aV taU Boftly. "that
H laeaec more to tV dear old father Ibsa
bay ouc dsr. We shall hare lo try aad
do aur bm to pet tUacs Mralcbl for
.............................................. hard lesrlac the
reeiiaetiL to|-*
-|('c Dot that.’' V burst out.
-n-hst iVd. Tad. dearr tV aaM aai-
'^h. V liapfsw* tc.-V tV mao I -we
br ai.wry t..; IbctVali:ftv nwulaed |vrfr.tlf stUl. TVo the
teauiac ..Mb.-tboie .-saw bear i.i her.
lUi ueutlli* Imlrr Ili7*.lble’s taar.- .amr
r.«ad. ca.1 V f.mn.l himmlf la l-.aJ.-n
----------------------------------- .
..................... u-
r, aa.l a* V «.*>t !
1^ sliui<T*i will U-n ..... t >Mi .—V L. ,,ii I k..k^ ' walditae IV rr-uded e»aa n f.x-liBi: -f I mad- to d.-«x«.d-Imo .dvil. and Ib-y
-rii'^^Va b!i?^Jra.^a atS! |
VM of haunr:
-IVe caiaMed •ad
_ laatr V eaottoued
CtoMDily- “Tbe«e-i
Uct BipbL
Mly woek
■e fac
far f.w my etlrsTaeanm -Hew miirl. dn
“Fire bn.
*'!<’ !”■
•Ttorb.d. ami enwi w ill
i] dect.-.Mn I he ibetr tTTtolaii.ia, aiHl iiitn .lorkunw
■ i-iw-wbrrr Ibto lo t-*. j eu,l a Del and p tomine
i-«i rrrwecd lb- rrrfai t- I there
latrodiHv ,..o : ^
{ liiai* .if tto w.wbl. '
iM«r I
"Mre kindred paaakL" aV Mid. wHh
little rasp.
ea»p. “lie
“He tot y^a^Btoia
yoa. a
iiil yno cn^ him “
. Ml ksM M atot I caald af.
fcH It."
A Imcte raae oat from iv far cad of
tVinwB. Tatiat Palktocr spraac to bto
la fix' f.ainb Ucdi.rf Bedrw tt to
imid.rf iV .Vniiiw <rf Hid that*‘lbiT
ahall d'vur iii •x«fu*i.ci. and !■- na.
samccl w ilii cliaiii. . aial witb<T lU fror.
ibey arv iV irliry <rf/Ih.. B<*«
1 wb.'iB. elirbt lliejT| bid wlji'l..
alive." Uni-b liinumv<u)lal.T
J.wuili t>i.mi:)il was ex.-n lis«l by a wtH
ktentu |ii*s4R.. Ilf tto IuIit Ua<ab:
i ss;;
ritVr spiAe f.w a Vicoesi.
Twa III ibara^TAnox.
rleb (Old to Ihla paiaUt tapreiV naa wto eaea hi Hcbfa tV
cMe( fod aad alai of life and aot
DMana to tV rod of aerTlac Ood u
Ui (eltow meiL He Urea tor hlmsUf
and dralna to V rteb for ptuwiy aettob
Hr pUcw «nUy wealth
•bare bearwaly tnasare. Tbla rasa
was WK a fool beeauar V was riefa
aor ticMiar be rwtorped bis baiwa
vVe bla crops preaUy lacresard. He
WAS a (oal becaaae V looked apoo bid
rtcbca aa bis and oat Ootrs. becaiwa
V tbeogbt V could feed bis aotil apoo
mac V
look DO weroimi of tV (act that V
bad DO Indcdnlle baae u|*>u «(c. Bo to
errrr one wto. Uke tbla mao. lays ap
tnaanrr fv blaueir aad to oat rick
rai AmtCATiint.
Thto pataUc art* (ortb what It to a«i
Ib br rick toward (Vd rallirr tbao
wbkl tt to 10 V rtrh toward Ood. Rkborss toward Ood dues Ml euoalst
BiaterUl wMltb. -A man's life «aalaietb aot In tbe aViidave dt -fto
thlnca which V
may V srvalthy sod at iv maw ttaa
rkb toward God. but tuerv worldly
rteVa do pot Insure aplrHual wealth,
btn an- ofiro a Imrrter to IL Bkhaets loa-ard God Is *|ilr1toal ureaKb.
To V rich toward God tre miwt V
*Ticb In faith." "ricb In cood wa
rteb in tv uplrtiusl favors uod IAmInci of our Gud.
This la iV iras
wealth. It to pot loki-o from 1
death, but to an el.-nul poasCT
Let na aeek to be rtch toward Uud. to
ttWi'aE ataT
Bid* mast be (v hMfa boilers ato
Attiaita. incladinc M(..ty valves, twti
watv coluana. t o low water aUnna.
k imUe tamriac hart.
TiBverae City.
jnt kMt »f
Bicfch Btpahing
Bicfck Sundrits
Prim Wshl.
B. J>. Ltdtrh,
11$ anion St.
own aeiaiib alms sod purpuaca Uutbly treasorei may vanlab la a nlfbL bat
bcaveoly treasurm endure forever.
■sBistee I Northeasteni R. R.
Tttr paavxn mtennu.
Bare tV patwlile ex'|rfs|prd. foUowM
by ao opeo voluntary aervlce. ^
atBLX akAMcoo.
1 t'hito. xxix. 14. U; Job xxxL S4-to;
Ito. XX. 7. h: Hi. t-b; IVuv. xxiil. 4. C;
Hath. vl. IP-21: Hart x. S3-S; I Tim.
Vi. IT-IP; Jam a ML
ThtawB Wa Kwww Abawt Heciv
UeSTOe bekiOpB to tV tuiasea. I
lonxB lo IV apIrUUBl. aad. Itorr-fure.
caouul to* fully fcaowD a* loac aa wa
•re lu tin- uiaterlal. It Vkuixs to IV
lt> a.^ a Ol.
tiaiunil luau fauaut know tblnn of tto
8|drU of Hod. fur ttoy ara'aplrltually
dviwued. No uor retorwa to teU bto
espertoocr or draertV lo us what Iw
La* wuqL Aucida’ feet are alwmya apoo
the ladder itotoc from V lo Cod aod
rctomliif; to mluUter to ua. but they
TDlalster in sUeaev. We bear Do roiew
•a ihej serve. Ttora are many qoeaUoDs w-e would like to ask. maay qaewlloos wa do bMl bat sylcbsr by tto
wrIttM wonl DOT by rtoloD In *tto
klpbt to any aatwn- rraa. B«rca
Um beyoad tto domain of tto pi
lUc. ato we most wait tmtll we
Into tv fDUaeaa of IV Bpim. nniD wa
ewter tv bletor apbewe of tolnp. bwfufw wo can know or raapfrbifDd lu
romllUea and ptortea tad Uewdacs.
livch kDOtoedpe to ai yet too wotorr
ful fv aa It to blfh; wa t
tala IL-Caltto Presbyterian.
ttkmiiis-. ItiU
H£ris, ■
Mcr. *S^
OlUMti MlKmi.
One my bealtate to apacolaie aboat
tv elrmautUDcva of tV other world,
but ooa can never erttah out IV cow
; vlctlop tVt there moat V one placa
a.MdLlne na It.
ly ardhMed
; niq: tmu. all fl-di.''
lor tt. John, wbo wa* Jraos' ftoeod.
"I hate takea tV vtt." V n
*T hare lb tn.' V MB haarMdy. '“Ill
He made hi* way not to a p,tac«, j Ibeir primary m.wniHRyrfiT In tto But
and unolber tor Judas lacuHoi. who
xMc aad are yob mpbla after Imch.oueb bl*
hi* tcrulbud»«.rfitoibw.t.toi>DitoBcl
TV W«rf memed tn daoee Ifaraucb
waa lilt betrayer. Ov baa seen sheep
A IlitIc Utrr tV m«c Boniac
e Cap. sdbs Hr bad met ber aealo-. ws* Bn- ' bwtotir ociapi' tliey w
wm- iMxiiif the fotam
ato BwlDe fecdlnx In the same Md
( wac stmIHac to lac to dance with
:h her!
ber! Whst
What woold aV w.wkl of sjurilA
And tlx idduiv .rf
till veetac ato bas tuUuwed notU tto
tV Alameda Unleas.
Hr wac ■ food
■ la him?
which IV .wlliv wa* Ibu* sk.Vtocl i
c„ ....
■beep were catVred Inlu their (old
brnktac man of
r iWuR BL
kO. He dtabed
di ‘ '
tv hallro^ and toooi , wvIt d.im*wfllkd ii. fnuu mm-Hrbl.-I ^
1V pstv Irtoatriy. apparrally deep la
ato tv awlne ran CTeedlly to Gtor aty.
iVuicU. IVueaiiy
cyru feO
fed M
cm tVI
tV ^ - " *1L“ ' , - X. iTu
tr-eally hto syr*
. a ''=•* «m*w. Hut tbisfintuR in w.mt at
la no dnubt later oo there wU TV laxt conjptoint tVt woold have ac*
Biri wto WW ailtlac a few [
-be n creai dcoiaod tar plaid (nhriei of enrred to ov'i mlto waa that Itofr
r Bp. Br tacacatoed her fab-1 •‘'T ^
tWr cy« ««cL atul
tarritmuM: .rf tto Chnn.ao
mil kliKlA for 1‘Bilstana mre wildly owvni Vd arparated tbecn. tV laat
medtstHy. and b aaddM pleam
- "'
•he smOrd.
• .
I want e talk-tt ttoV ynu.“ sV Ckm
hki CT"
piunetoc Into crery kind of check aim“T..n tot tor nor oU fr_______________
frtead. Ura. Crra-1
terUL d-Ucbtful for alilru mad mora topetber. What t
Ttoy stopped danciac. awd be led her ;
eeur V asked, sdib a loach, droppiac
ine w.-ar Wid.- pUld r1UB« beiu mad
tots IV seat Vetde her. “Whea ta yoar
r worn with acaatd*
tor a aecapd. TV« she Inracd aod U
rtsh npr"
I FjTa.-«*e. II.- adeertte.*! r..r
Rrryt mode no reply. Be (toaecd at
le .pile of emi
“I fottad It oat a merntb. acu.'
- V •" •='4.1 mix] In- la* Van tiesk-eed bj I
tor ••J *•• IVI bar faes was tnntod V
II lo V kept 4W j
bkkt to BtOl In erlwart] Earepa. Re walked that aV waa
There's Mt
Ppesideot Porter of Take eoOeft «wew
wotU wwoU hare d.
TV uoe point apop a-blefa It appean pave IV toOowlac lacpaJc advice to
-tt wa* anthlBcr V mdled. -I am.ivtoxl b.r li
probahlc tbat Uie cowTUpakcru wlS tv atadeats in tto ctorte of an exrrmlly tV catoer. I metidymtoi antue of ; Icva ' I ani
addrma: “Don't drink; doal
to Vve I
■ly mcmey wbicb
was to roosal*
llattody-Tf 1 «4 to a( bay ST'
‘ it ta year fatber-a hrm. I bow
mti.v kind of bnaapwnrk. My borne to tha ta IV elaborattoa of tV toaettal chew; don't apMke: doa't swear; don't
FV waed ber toad, aad Uefr ^v*
deceive; don't read aoveto: don't marry
taalMd of SV
tn Itlnsbanil.a. and i look'my Orac alc*-ve wl.k-h ur POW aa —
■eL Pb.- lad ooty kyawa him • w^ 4 per cemt tai
CM otopuH a wife; to ear*
pmttiax it"' toe • jnsirtKlhiu in tfonieab- *.tcIit- fpuui
yvl b Uwd nf lautaM atocrsiamUM bad
WMt; V aelf rHlant: V cporrofm: he
----------------------- my imUber at tome.
«Vn 1 iiecaD
apruM ap VWsa thaM. tomeVw V eirtaimed- “Yoa Mred him
There I* a vw efotb of floe taxtaru «fvO: read tto paperu; adverttoe your
to kiuk alnm fv a oun'e .mwimUoi:
aeel^ diScrcM ItoM amol af Ibr MS and dtaciacf cMbled blm W
aU ptmltkm.
I f.uiiul .-verytblac full .-a.-etd this ato tiau bMOtlful Milo aVra wUto. tt
»*k» nmvy ato do pood
baaliiea*. and I detefinlnccl In UV ap la predlrtad. wUI pfava pnpidar .tm wtth K: lovr Ood aad yoor (Hkrw m*W“
^It was oaty TVp»™<k»-“ be mU.
r la
to my Hfe Vve I M
"IVI erne rM bc4»- iV said, wkh a Uaehcaard at I did tVI
nnk calck b bar vedet. ^torv la acto- Boeda. Ever stoev- tV tkeo^t af
“What I* a dljdoatatr oAto tto
PeH ato cere flrwiunapptcB.- Pat
lacteVdoM. Waveialvdr
i*Vs. dtolnc
hoy'* stater.
•err tv fire In J6at enot«b wtoar
very hard aeiy read." aV lap and rannluy fruit. He aald dbCNm. A nddea dcMra M
"Hnh; Inal yoa know thatT* to-My tomrs are (n>D R o'rM In tV
icf] him ber tr^ 09! arv tor.
••toy with white aacar.
Cook slow
He looVd at Vr latMtIy.
Bontlnc to tl at nlyrtit. lun I «et marv
“Perhapa If ytm laU ac^ to bc«aa la
twin wave af r«v *w~
ly at IV back of IV drr MtU tV ap
wurt duV tD that tla>e tVS ttitwe
ples are lendfr.
Take then out with
hired fcMa ran tV I pat Si s wtek
ta hha B^aaUy. Her cVvh. Ttoa ber
7 baoddaa aiy buatiL and
a kpUt tpoaa.
Brio* tV Ibtaid left
la ccMMws dV mat bto.-------vtary.............................................
tin* by, tV Vj tl.9. I havea't
VwdnfatrmotMedpiePlii, Be was
(Tom then to a boll ato add.tn It a
tto with tv ba
(ettluc old aud hto-aBawad Ms fMlsr
aay fault to ti
taMHpoawM of celattv wUefe has
aoMelmdy. and V ebeato ato prto aU
in iuM w*« I
tor half an toar V a
IVheao/yoa.^yoatttotta« bsea aeaked
Tie looked rwtrvatiacty at Vr. Be saw
COM water.
WhM thk'is
ato p t aad aboM IL**
pbad-ttoL aakameataM
■RtrlrdtT ua a Motor tot ru«aiar
patodtrbadwam Matoly Atoat Itopto.
ly. had tool aad la dimiriil
had apptaprUUd Moaey b®MM
the •rw's
-.-SvCAtk I>w*j;
aRway tSa ^ Vaa to^ IS p»
■nv. II. V toa'i a dlplMf.t B>
at Cto tto VM of yea ato as
itok 90B Oka tt. thto to to."
Let Rbao kiLtuii in caU tofuey CTswtag itb^ tot wtth crkaa(
|Att |P M|p ei.A M
_________ __ ______
........... ....................
.................. ..........................
dale polM bimadf tocetVr aad ma.lc . |;mcasl nsuliiM na'. f.P iV-ir w.eta
-V c»em.|yrwd request.
i shall tsd di.-. vilber shall ttoirfimto
Smo. yvato togatomsdil. toav
-huraday.Oot. I
: '»« > w al.-d: "AllRorioce* ui>rt y^ aial
< rI-*?' aiv |ir.TKinsl f.e lliriii and an
! uTiiieii d-tvii te tto spirit* <rf tbractrln tot." di«l lu ricbli«si*i><»«. and
• niamf.d.l R.**! will V iimii l.> vrw in
tal.es. and ytetr
Sr';,™/™!..;:’ nX,. )■.> ■■
kd to lactaaae Ua taaiat to baU
bto eotorpad peadacta. Be exalted to
hto rtebne aad daetded to Ure a aettab
ato vBsaal U(e epoa them. Rot Ood
mU: "TtoD (oati tUa alcU abaU thy
aotd V laqalnd at thee. TVa whoor
ahA tbeae Ihlapa V wbleb tbea haei
ndftMT do to V that tayeth ap
tf3m for hiBwU aad U BOt ricta to
ward Ood.-
»a* t th
lam I m
|Pii ip tt.A mill
B.P. MOttUjjB.'
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