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The Morning Record, June 28, 1900
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
PDF Text
■ '■*'^• IP3SR5W '
Mbar te Tamaateay Atera Intiy
lYssillnnlt 1& thi BspubliosB
•tsU •oBTsntlfm.
Boperted With tb* PeUn
Pratorla. dnaa
anpplaraMt W
tba OMolal QaaatlB aaya (bat BO paraoB
leallowad to raolda U anytowB^x Tea Ballata Takaa Cor 9pnrmar Xmat
■UaaabofaaraIxtaMBllaa balowPraPim TIM IM U4 om
0b« torM. BBlaaa poaaaaaad efapollaapaaa Br^alsy Vodar Qroat Bxeiteae
Two Om« Lofw ad»if»i Hr yiaatod only to tbOBO who. aot Pritlab Pony XM WbM tba OnarMtlM
taka tba oath of allaylaBaa
Adjearaad. With SSO Tetea-BUa
MI Bh LhI M AIM tmi aoe anbjeata.
BBdBBrraadar tbalr arma Tbarataa
Saeaad with S74 and ateana SOSWauM-UalM mam Cam Han aottarabU iBoranaa la tba aambar of
Dati^t aad Saylsaw OaadldaWa
Ito Mora MUm Mb MlIUi^ MrUlaM In Prateria Maaa dnaday laat.
Tba railway tram Pratorla to Voraaa•alaadPromOabera aite O DpasalL
lay la now rnnalay. Ho aowa raUUny
arwtoi to TM Haraiaa boMte.
•PMM «*«h( Mmiw Bm««.
to tba ontalda wwld baa baa
Oraad Baplda, Jaaa 17—The etate
WiiUnM* ^«** *^-‘^‘*^*^ Ob** baraalaMtboMtryof tba
eonrenUon eomplated ita pm
ftr Md M oMr loralffB Blmii
aryanUatlan wbaa It ‘boaranad at
nforM wlU-U* waUat u^MIUm mt o'clock aad than took a mam till
tNMM • bUb tran TIm lUa. This
(oar o’clock to await tec report of tee
Ittka am oOMl MWf FMtlMdr*mlttaaoB eradantlala, wbeae reportMtolMr Oomtat aimaa Jom It, Paffrioa fftU riybt Tietef of Bbarkoy
delayed by tea aonWiU In Waabtem4 U gata tU fmradhat bop* that
AnfMt S8U If Xte Arm Xa
aawaad Urinyaten aonntlaa. Wbaa
tht vUitMr U alM ud vlthla rMOh
AU Elybt.
report wna oKcrad by Chairman
fl« tha taUTMUeul foroM bow la TIm
Bfwla) to Tta Horalaa BaaaM.
Weaaltna it raaommandad aeatiny WUtWa. ThUnportBOOMitroaAdmlia}
Haw Yerb. Jnaa ir-Jim JaBrim Item Jadaon and tea otbar staarna dalKMpff aad wu nnlvid Uto tbU ataUtei that ba will flybt Oaa EahUa ayatea In Waahtenaw. and alybt of the
MraoM. HUdiapatebdatadatObafoe,
mi atnd, prorldad bla (JaTte) arm.
nittea neommaadad aalmllar ac
warm -*Tba Paktn toroe pad nlnUtara
which baa baoa la a pteatar caat alaca tios In Lirinyaton. After eooaldarable
BIB nportad wltb tba Pakln raltaf #«•
padltlM MMaebad alfbt mllw (ram May I7tb, te In condition at teat Uma. aklrmUblay tea aoarantion aonted bote
In nay areat ba wUl ylra Bahlln tea teaStearni dalayaUona
Homlnatlona tor elate effieare ware
TUl diapBtflh (ram KampS la la a flrat cbaaea.
than daclarad In order, tba apaeebaa
mBjeoBdnaateiTof a dtepatab raealvad'
belay limited to tea mlnntea IneallB tba OhlBaaa lafaUae today aaylnc
iny tea roll of dlatriela tee Pint yara
that aU (ha (oralffB mlalatara
ay to tba Ponrtb and tea brimanl
aboat to laara PaUs with marda. Tba
Wenid Accept Nomination na Brynn'a
leterM.OoraofBarrlaa, in poliahad
OhlBaaa Blaiaiar aallad opoa SaeraUry
Bonnlny Mata on Dtmoorntlo
dlcUoo and foroefnl ymtura, nominated
Bay tbla aaeralor Md aommaBlaatad
Dexter M. Party of Detroit Ha wai
to him tba ooalaota of tba dUoaUb
TIakat If Offaradfollowed by Cbarlta Blair of Jaekaon.
a,welal to Ta« Moralaf B«c«nl.
■Bid to ba (ram tba Tanif LI Yami
BBdar dau of Jau It.
Datrait. JBnat7-Uanlal J. Oampau eon of tee yraat war yorarnor. who
nominated Jamaa O’Donnell. Watu
U a anadidata for tee
Tba Ballot ofHaaTUo.
Bnmphray of Sayixaw nomloated Cor
LoadoB, Jasa i:>-Tan dalalla of tba inatlon for tea rlaa prealdaaey. Speak- Btloa, Palmar of Maocate aonnty named
•Cbtlac at TloB'TalB ban BOt arrlTod. InyofUbaU noB-oommltal and aoy- SUarna with yraat obaarloy, Laraon of
ymta teat Bnffalo BIU onybt to bo
bat It U ksowa that U laatad tram dayOalhmat
nominatedoiborn, and Turner
' aa an eftaat to Booraralt.
braak bbUI boob, wbM tba yana of tba
of Coldwater praranted Cbmpball.
but bli political aaoratary, Jamm
BlUad (oraaa allaaoad tboaa of tba ObiMid aeenea of enthnalaam onparal*
BOBB baaordlnc to tb< Boaalan ooaaal Walab, yara oat a lony Intarrlcw to laled in tee blaloryot Mlchlyan BepnbBt BbaBybal It waa tba Enatlaa traopa day in wbleb te oat forte tee fact that llean atete oonventlona tee Brat
who raiiarad Tien Tala, altboufb amtU many praminant potiUelani of teU formal ballot waa ordered. The towdalBebmasU of Iroopa of tba otbar atau and otbar middle wralara atataa aiiay form of Hybrant Weaeeliua and
bare written paraanal l«^tara to Cain nearly the entire btaarnt atranyte
poirara antarad at tba aama Uma.
otbar raporU nay tba Bayllah and dm- pan. nryiny him to ccnaaat to tea pro- fiybtiny ayalnat 1C Tba roll call yara
peaalolbtenamafor aec»d place on Blloa 171; Ferry, MO; Stearnr. aov:
BrieaBa aotarad drat.
ddUpatobto Dalatal'a nain ayaney tee ticket wltb Bryan. Oampan baa O'Donnell. tS; OnmnbpUT~nr~Qaborn.
(roan ebaaybal today aayt that ddml rapUad aaylnc If tba nomination
84. Prom tee flrat c^e aeTentb bal
be will not decline It.
ralBaymour aant a mMiaya toTlan
lot tee ralaUte a^nyte
Tbla Monday. Ha waa a milea waat of
chaoyad aara tea fluctuation i.............
that plaea and aoold bold out two daya
upper panlptula and one or two oonn■ora. Admiral BayHwur atatad that
Uai of lower Miehlyae. Ai tbeie
ba had bad 6S kUIad and too wonndod. Iffirac Prominent Xnanryent Prlaonara ebanyea and yalna were called pandeThe admiral did not mantlon tba toAoknowladyed AmarloapSofaralynty monlnm wonld braak looac In tee lucky
(roa Bbanybal. AjIUquartpra. In tee eatante ballot Perry
and Vara Balaaaed.
patobof yeaterday aaya ^t Pnnea
took tee lead with 3!>0 rate*: Stearna.
Taan baa boon aant to Sian Pa. wbleb apKlal to Tta« Uaniliktf Rceord.
tae; Bllaa, *74; O'Donnall, S«; Otborn,
wlU boooma tba capital of Oblu If PaManllm. June K—Oaneral MacArtenr 84; OampbaU. IS; Patton. 1.
klB la oaanplad.
In tea ninth ballot Steerni (ell below
wlUyrant amnaaty to the prlaonara
Vo Mora Traopa Aaallabla.
oonflnad In ManUa npon tbalr teklny 800. but rallied In tee tonlb, thd tote
WaahlBytOB. Jane t7-Tbe war da- tea oalb of alleylanea to tec praaent being: Bllm. 880; Perry. 800; Stearoi.
parimant wonld not know wberato yorarnmant. ranonnelny tee rarolntlon 20C; O’Donnell. 88: Oiborne. i7; Camp
ton (or traopa If It waa daeldad to aand tnd aoknowledflny Amarlonn aorar- bell. It.
PierceefCorU to oaeura an adjourn
awratoOblna. Tbara araeo.000 troopa elynty- Tooar tee Inanryant yanarala
In tba Pblllpplnaa and tba InaorracUon Oarela. Conception mnd Plo Del Pilar ment arara made by tea Buarni man
la praetleaUy andad, bat tba aitnatlon and aixoteara complied with tbaac oon- at tela jnnotnra and wai na flaraaly opdlUona
teaBIiai and Parry foreaa.
taaotaneb that troopa can ba wltbA roll call wna aaenrad amid yraat condrawn wltbont eraatlay tba la
fnalon and raanitafl Wayna taUay (or
BBMBy tba PUlplnoa that the yorarn.
an adJenramanC whan tee Stearna
MBtlatlrad of Ha nadartaklny and
mady to abandon tba lalanda. Oanaial BntPapnllata Want'Towna Xndoroad maaatampadad tea eonrantion wlteant waiting (or tee raenlt to be naOtta aad Oaaaral MacAnbnr bara adby DemMrnta.
-"--BlaidtbBaaantaryofwartbat It would apaelal to The MerniM B*eonl.
The ndjonrnmant la oentldarad a
Omaha, Jnna 17— It te an opaa aaerat
from tba PblUpplaat at tbla tlon, ba- ■ Nabnakn fnalon elrclm teat Bryan Steam more and It la now bellatad
Moaa of tba wreny Impraaalon It woold not only prafnn bat iaalata npon Town (omorraw wUl daralop a new aitnatlon.
ylra to tba ruiptana.
bnlny latt on tea Popnltel Uckek Tba Theworkon nra bnaUluy and talk of
Tba war dapartBMt takmtbaoama tenlnyby Chairman Bdmlaatea aad Wy laada of money (or naa are banded
Tlaw of tba ^noatloa aad wUl not wlth7 of tea national Popultet nronud. Tbara will ba Utile real for
draw treopa tram tba PbUlp
m at Lincoln yeaterday of aa tea dalMitea. Tba aon
oarrlae in Cbl
ml to bare ^wn retained, nltear at 10 o'aloek tomorre m.
M tee Indoread Bomlaaa of tea Damoand any oonatdarabla nnmbar of troopa eratle oonrantloa or In tea powUon oeb niaaaaaTy to prataet Amariean Intar- enplad by Vataoa In '»«, It te ballarnd
aata In Oblna tbara wUl bara to ba pra- te done altear at the raqnmi of Bryan Ko Ancrnm Oonld ba Obtaiaad far
alaion made lor %a laereoao in the or with bit fall eoaaant. At tea i
■amloB of Board of BdneaUen
time Bryan U aaaertiay with yrent
Laat ViybC^
0^ Town. Jana 17-It la officially ftrauMm tent be baa not aaaenacad tee
Board of Bdneation did not bold
aanonnoad that no tra^ wlU laara plana of tea DimoenUe oonrenUoa In
ita rcynlar maetlay laat night na
Sonth Africa UU tba and of -tba ^
ndranoa or made any aflortto laflaaaea
for when Cldrk Blckerd
London, Jnna 17— In tba bonaa of tea daUberBilbaa of lu mamben. That
oommona tbit aftarnoon Uadar Sacra- ba te frinndly te tea nomination of W. eaUad tea roll only Praaldaat Priadricb
aad mambara Foote, Hoyt and Patebin
tary of PoralyB ASalrt Brodartak A. Snlaar of Haw Tork te no aaerat.
atatad that tba yorammant bad two
I alee praaent with n '
Tmtarday’a Baaa Ball Onmnt.
bAat taloyrama oonArmlny the aUtalooklny report which ha aubmltted tor
aMttbbtTiaa tbla baa boon rallnrtea next maaUay wbleb oeenn tonight
Od. '
at 8 o'clock. It la Important teat
Parte. Jnaa»—Tba (act that Baar
mamben ba praaent na noma mattara
Admiral Aomay tc aant to Gblna to
mnatba aontldorad bafora tea aad af
anaanad Admiral Kampd te command
tea weak.__________________
of tba Amartaan float. U
TannabUlnnd Behrlrari ClUannA
whi* li mayrnM mgk% mnm
Fourtli Year-No. 982
Wfl girfl prarjr 1900 babj tbe
fint pair of aboee free.
for the
Fireworks, Flags, .
and Hammocks
A moat complete end de.
eirable PMortment.
12 to 2
*W^ole)Baa.e cb33L<3. SetalX.
-------nt ths-------
Old Reliable City Book Store.
HOBABT 'dt BBEOHEB 00., Props.
Red Kid
Tan Kid
Dainty abapea.
color; S5c and
$1, S5c and
‘'What WiU
Benda Do NextP’^
fEH al KDAV RBOOEO._________________
Black Kid Slippere. several
pretty styles st U3c,
H.« and $1.
You'll find Benda “on deck’’ with a splendid lint- of fine and
medium prii-ed
Umbrellas and Rain Goats
And the moment the sun comes out, here you find Flannel
Suits, straw Hats, Oaps,
Shirts, New Ties,
Underwear—that’s right for all kinds of weather.'
Look In our Window.
We are doing a great business—There must be some
reason for it.
The Ijeading Shoe House.
................ ‘J ;
PradSmory VlU'Prabably Kara to
Pay for It Today.
Trad Baaery get Into teonbto yaalarSi Snya a Horwnyiaa of tba aalooBlat
aiUBicaji LExam.
day by Utehlny a hone balonylBy to
Aratle Bxplocor.
QarmalaaBre|.rioatraonttea aonar
Bmatal to Tba KwBlat Baeora.
ad State aad 0am atraatx Chief of
Oauar aM Brakla^ BaOny aad
■mUB.Jnna tr—TW Lakal Aasalyarb
raaMor- nabar.
tbara, and alae aaw tba plaaa wbara
m a dtepatab from
tea bark bad been Wtten off of tea
Vardea. atallay Ibat Aratle Bxplcnmtree.
Aadioa.wbe attaoMod to roaabtba
nary wOl appaw ba^ Jadya
sertb pate la a baloOB. te Mfa.
........ ......... 1 i 7 Bobarte today, and bla flat wiU donbtlam bairaptly paid.
•'Tbtete tea maab. Joba, I i
, duty opaUa. ilrad (<
t. kldBM^ Urar tn
ran wallaU tba yaar.
Bma and MClar: 8kaw aad SplM
I ■; !
Union Made Hats
—The Chiaami-D, stand uo more show with the nations of
of the wurid, than do our competitura when it comes to
Union Made Olothiug
ITfrequcBilyaatUea dIUeulUea that
I would olborwiac lead to tee waste
of mueb time, effort and money"A«k him orer teaa tele,._____
telepbone," ><
_ .
ird lu every boil.
words frequently beard
neM office where a letter baa been obsure OD acme poll
:preaa themMany people do
aelvea clearly
.ipondence, but a
canyenarally make biraeall
daratood If you can yet within aj
dtetenee of blm, by i
' Come today—if you can’t como during tbe day, come at
nighk Extraonlinary va!m-» at
?7.l'S f-V.ir*, and we glVS
pick of any suit In the store at $11.48.
Men’s tine satin 9slf bale and oongreM flhoM.... 98c
Women’s fine kid laoe and button ahoee............. 88o
Women's fine black and tan oxfords.................... 76o
Women’s slipperi and buskine.......................... 86o
Women’s westing top kid laoe shoes........ $1-80. $1.78
Boy’s sstin oalf balm. Solid......................................$1.00
Youth’s sstin oalf bals, solid................................ $1.08
Men’s oanwas bale, leather eolea............................ 98o
Men's fine kid bals.^ew styles............................ $8.00
Men's tennis bale and oxfords*.............. 80, 65 and 78o
Men’s bicycle shoes.....................$180, $8.00 and $8.80
PAINTING-£s now in order, and if you
want a good job, done with gbod
material, come and see me before
yon let your work.
I have first-claaa wurkmen and
use nothing bat pure lead and lln
seed oil. Colon to suit you.
BeU Phone, 323.
man avenue.
Shop 32*i Board-
New Store—848 Front Street.
The Leading Shoe House' of Northern Miohigan
I Used
to Pay 10c
*«»»» aaammaaaaa a* ««««(
For Pig Tails, but ainoe
I bare tried
Pig Tail
I hbTe oome to tbe OMtclofioD that 6o will boy a first,
claaa, delioiotu smoke. Ttj
one and yoo wiU nerer pay
10c for a Pig Tail again.
for a pair of
Minor’s Monogram Shoes
They're as good a shoe as the money
can buy.
AND COMFORT they stand without
a superior.
New styles in black and tan, welt and
hand turned soles. For ^e only by
Fnmt Street
atwAra/iiag j
Zmmmm* •«««»«»« «*»««««:
feK T. fttn^AaD
X. w. UAMMMf. MUtti mi Mmh»-
MW tha f«
war fMowir a
aaaaa of tba OatalraL
Tbo TOM for oarakal qaaaa
ppirilad aad tha raulk naUfyiati aad
thaiaaaeial rat
aeiBalttaatoeafTy-OBt thair pUaa la
•laborata dattU. araa aora aikaalra
ttea at drat ^aad. WhUa iba
Maadiorthaoypoaleraaadidataa did
•TPiytbiaf to alaet thair larorltoa. all
«ni araa that Miai WUhalm wUl
b«r thaJioaora of tha azaltad pokUon
lm& eharmlBC rnaa aad tha dhralty
aharaetarutle of a qaaaa la raality.
' It k aa ioaor for oaa of Trararaa
aty^ baadaama yeoair woaaaa to raakfatha................................................
dbn aad tha raat aoTBlnl
MM of Ita apiaador with Mlk Wllhalw
Mthaehoaaaqaaaaof tha faaUrltlaa.
Bryaa'a Oomadlaai. la a apaelal rat, will U tha neat attiMtioB at Btalabaigk Otaa4 They
wUl berin d wMk’a
Monday. Joly 3.
The Bawtar Olrela of Traearea Bay
Blra, Me. 71 wQl BO to Oaa Hellallan<a
tom rriday mocalaf. Baaeae will
laava Mra. Barfy*a, oeraar Blyhth aad
Oaaa alreaU aad Mra. Jaseaoa’a on
Meet Mlath etmt at i> o'aloeh. 411
memhan are reqaaeted to be ready on
Tha ladle* of 4maada Blra. Me. 133.
wUleerre lea ereaa and etrawberry
abortaaka Briday aranlar at roraetart
BatartaiBOMBt will aleo be
The ladtae of tha BapUet ehareh will
aerra eeeale on the trdaad <thof daly
In the bnlldlac fomerly oeenptad by
tha BaTlnfe Bank Bauar on thawaat
aida of Dalon etraet, one door aoiah of
Meble'i photOBtbph fallety.
Mka Myrtle Hoaria and Frank Stafford
ofOUUPiar wore narriad yeeUrday
aMtalar at the brldab home at Bataa.
and loft at nooa for a waddlnff trip to
Id Flaher of Blatham ~goi hk hand
In too elooa oentnot with a aaw Tneeday and one of tha ftnyere waa aapntoted by Dr. Oanar.
~Mra. Banha 4. WhlUoek. euta dapnty of tha Royal Olrela. SMt with tha looallodcelaataraainff.
WlUlan Londra k qolta earlenaty 111
fro* atoraeh troaUe aad tha reealt of
Be k
will need an extudad raet balora ha
f——arlU ba able to yo to work acak.
4n aeeantrie pUta on the O. B. 4 I.
naylaa thkt waa brlnrlnc la the «:30
train yeatarday, broke when the train
erae about two mUea from tba city.
Bffeat Merray aent baeaee ont for the
paMoaffara and aa anyla* from Walton
br^ht la tha train.
Tha qaartarly maatlny of tha Fernwood UalOB Chapel eoelety will be
bald Monday eraalay. Joly 6 Tha
tala of tha ebap*’. will b* eoneldered,
4a awmt whiah k alwafi mini
«CTu4l.>H>«»l1i»inr ■Ml*'"
^ i.
Intuit nr k U* aaaaai
ItoMftkalwifaat Ik prakkat
la Xns aai tka BoMlac ttM balk aa«
hnkaedHldreaaaManad a wtkaki
to aMriy a baiinii Ia4ka who tote
oatk«ktowaaarl7ia tbo afknoaa.
* - tba hoakn aad
bwMtk.MkaTBnar.andtha faaak
attharaaerv tha rir------------- fatoff to tha baanh
and anjqyad
tnaknaiaaa wamwrw taw iwo/ lad
toambnt an sntherad nt half pant ftea
Bdna Wilhelm
WMF th« Boyml Bobsa.
Ohamn >y a Iniffa Toto to Fraalda
Dear «a VwilvMm of tba Mlfht
of Jaly Srd-Bha BaoMvad 8.4B8
▼otoi U tha Oentmt Whlah Sadad
Lato an«hi-Mtoi Baltaar. 1J»6.
Mka Man WQhelm «rlll be tha earalralqi
Tha popalar aad pratoy operator
of the M<
wan oat laet alyht la a eptritod eentato
which aot oaly yaTo bar the royal
nathortty to dlraet tha aaralral tmUrIMto of tha alghtef Jaly third, bat
A bar frlaade were detomlaad that aha ahoald wear tba
erowB OB that oeaaelaa.
Front early aeaatay It
that tha fiakh woaU be axaittay. althoa^ tha TOtae ware aot depeffited
with mryCyroat alaerlty aaUl the
at ballot wae etarted. The friende
eah candidate aeamad to ba waitlay to do thffir work andar eorcr.
•KTa«a»kkr«abUa apnad la Iba
ally aialBfiooM aad flathoTlaa-------adptaBM.
,4a lataraatlaf ■kaloaaiT katara of
Ibaanvm waa tha «aibllloB
M. B. B^lay of a larpa aawbar ~
eea. hlM
luw by
vj Dr.
4fbobl. tha nattre paetor of a larn
ehareh la Laffoe, Went 4frlea.
4a offarlaff asoonUnr to abont toO
wM taken lor tha Twantlath Caatnry draw ont of the coatail, kith lei votae
to bar credit Tbia left ibe ramalnUy
_________ ■
eandldatce at 7 p. m. aa follower Mlm
Baltaar. ie7^Mlaa WUbelm. x79; Mm
Battaahary. tie.
WUUa S. Tettan Died Froa Xffaeto
Crowd* Bcyan to yatberat tbe Wnrxbary atore early In tbe aTaalny and
of lejory Oaaaod by a FalUsc
wbUe tbe ballote were not caat rapidly
Llab Tnoaday.
tber* waa a yood deal of qalat work
WUlie B. TOttan. the is-yanr-old eon
done, aad MU* Wllbalm bald a yood
of Mr. aad Mr*. 41oaw Tottaa of Blair
lead. Tbav
townabip. died at aldairht Taaaday
half hoar anUI 10 o'clock. At that
alffbt. from tha effMt of aa ln)nry ratla» tbe vole atood; Mka Wilhelm. «t;
oalTod froa a falUny Itab Toatday
Mka Baltner.1 SSt; Mice Battenbnry.
eeemlar. Tbaboywaa la tha woode
with b» father who waa paallar bark.
At 10 O'clock the eecrat ballot bcyan
Bk tothar bad jut failed a tree, and
aad from that time on there waa exatartiaf toward the trank whan
eltmeat and tbe atore room waa
tha boy aotlead a limb that bad ai«bt
jammed with people. The Boy* band
la another tree aad Btartad to tall.
eame arooad and played aararal qnlekBa eallad w hk father wamlaf him
atap* to aUmnlate tbe roUny. which,
of the dantar. bat tba limb eama dowa. bowavcr. waa not neecaeary. aa whil*
atrlklBff tha boy oatba bead aadera*h<
.Ic waa plaaaant no itimnlatlon
laf bk dkall. Tba fatbar atartad to
Beery CBTalope deearry the boy borne, bat bad to tarnpoiltad lo tba ballot box waa aayerly
acasnad by tbe crowd and whan an nnThe lajerad boy
maally bnlky paekaye wae hander
Dr. Qaraer wae called hot
tbara waa mneb> apaealation aa to
be dona, and he d lad at
which eandldaU waa to profit Jaat
bofor* tha eonteat cloned Bart BUk
Tba fuoral wUt be held from the
picked hU way tbroach tba crowd and
town hall today at 11 o'clock nnder tho
aqnaexad a wall filled aaralop* Into tba
dlreettOB of Ralph Rndoraon
box and ayarybody knew tbatrthk
ylra aome one a bly lead, while
a few knew well that Bdna WUbelm'e
Dr. Oaear M. Chasa anfi MIm Bllnabeth flyarae woaldjbeawellad oonaldarably
by that eaTelope. There were a few
XoadOB United Laat BroBlaff.
other well filled CBcloeare* banded In
4 qalet marrlaye took piece laet
and aome were clenriyTorMtta.Beltner.
aranl^httba raeldenoa of Mr. and
At that time, wbilf meay ware con
.Mra. William London, whieh nnitad
fidant that Mia* Wilhelm woald win
MlaeKlIubath London.
oat there waa notblay^iara abont It
to Or. Oaear S. Ohaaa. Tba earemony
When tbe eonteat cloned at 10:30
by Rat. D. Ooehlla of
there were >s anyelopea eoaUli
tba Oonyroyatlonal ehareh In the
money. In the box. and three atnSad
with paper. Aa tbe oonntiny proceed
traetiaf partite. Dr. and Mra. Chaee
ed there Waa a eroeh and erery enrel
will raalde on Oak atrimt.
ope wee eayerly watched. The flrat
beery amount abowod 450 for Mle*
Palnten’Vaioe BlaeUoa.
Baltnor. and thoa* ataadlay nbont
htUemaeUayef Local Unloa Mo.
where they oonld aae tbe oontanU were
94 of the Brotherhood of Palatare and
ready to bet on bar. A little later,
Daeoratoro of America laet nlfbt tha
howarer, tba beery eareloM depoaitad
foUowtar officer* were alaetad:
by Bert Bilk waa brooybt ont aad
Praaldaat-Wm. Champion.
m«ily raeoynlted by tboae who aaw it
Vie* praeldeat—One. Ootary.
when handed In. It waa a anre thing
Financial aaeratary—C. U. Bobluon.
that it oonulnad a larya amoaat but
Baeordlar aaeratary—a F. Maketbe aye* of tha mwd balyed out whan
tbaeommUtoaooantM ont tits, mak
ing In that anralope alone, t.sso rota*.
Wardan—Wm. A. Broratt.
At tbi* Ume It w'ae known almoat poalUrrly that MUe Wilhelm waa tbe win
ThaalaeUtoot traeanrer waa laid
ner. After tbe box waa cloned for tha
orar nntll tha next Baaatin!.
aaerat ballot there were ss enrelopc*
topmltod.a<whkA Mka Wnhalm laaelrai • mi Wm BMt—■ IT. tkaca
I aa rntos emt tor Mkt Battoakaiy
afur tea ekloto. The toml rmalt at
ton akaa Bf tha eaatoto wm aa fdllowa:.
Mka WUkelm, S.4tl: Mka BaUam, 1,tie; Mke Battoabary. Its.
theca wma eham aad Imiaadlatoly
thanwma each fim tha door. Tka
tmeak aad a Uac
fiarmad'la tha stoaat. la a tow mo>te tha crowd atartod fee the rmldeaee of Mka Wilhelm wherathawlady
wmeerdlallyeoiiratalated «pea
reealt af the eeatast aad a amai
Friende Son^ School Plenle.
Tfacanaaal p'.'eaU ot the Frlaade
Sontoy aebool wfll ba held at Bait Bey
b preaent.
today- BaeaMwlUUafetbeeaarehat
The maeUny of tba Willard W. C. T.
ibek tbit aftemooB. with 9:90. and all are nryad to be praaent
promptly. Tba paraakof the eblldren
lathe Sanday acheol are eapeelalty
attemoon .
_______ __________ nryad to yo to the pkaie•ha had been married only a year, and
laaaaa a bneband aad one ebUd.
Bay Boata on Bayalar Bckadala
Fnaaral eerrioee will be held at leland today.
Tba abaft of tba Oraaeaat, wUeb waa
- Membora of Traverae Bay Bl*e Mo. tookaa a week ayo, hae been repaired
71 arareqaeetad to maet at Mra. Sbil- and aha will atart on bar raynlar ran
000.% today at 9:10 a. m. to attaod tba
toamalof Mre. BalMto atiO obloek. today. TbaOolambla will bayla her
raynlar moratay run ont of tha city
BaeHO wiU bo proridad.
■tion yceterday
r la 1 hoar and
Tha hoaaa of Saaator MilUkia k beUainnke.
iait haaa|lfied with a fraah oeat of
Tbomei Oermody. ebkf of the tradai
mnkkdIrialOB of the Fourth of Jaly Pbkt
■Ofiit daoiroe that aUjoaoMe of alede
4 Ufa aafi Xkatk Flyht
at tha aarioaa oairwe ba reported to
Mr. W. A. Blaaa of Maneheatar, la..
ktentenoa. Ba alaoreqaaak that tha
alta»aatlBtha&8.P. 6. hall atoiso wrltlny of hk almoat mlmealooe aeeape from death, mye: “Bxpoeara after
•ikkffkOfwlBfftomaka final
maaalaa ladnead aeriona laay tronble.
whlto ended la nmnmftlaa. I had
130 B’aroaa.t Stareet.
41f my dooWcamid I
mMtwoB dla. Than I bevan to aaa
Dr. Day% ^w Uaeorn wlOto wbbUy
aacad ma. Bnadndt baaa mad It «
‘ ’ and aU aay It aarar toll* to
at, Ohaatand Laay troablm.”
la toa teorw for momaen. inear. &uB«alaraUa
tie toe at*
aonk '
BMtdls Block
Phon* 149.
ProDt 8t.
Op-To-Oan Gneenr.
That will compel jroar atteDtipb—and an
examination of tbe roloes of oar shorn will
sorely make yon n parebaser.
In this issae we will qaote only a few of
tbe shoe bargaina.
Temptation No. 1—196 pure of ladiee’ fineaboes, all sizee—a
variety of styles, inclauing tan bicycle shoee—none worth
Ba*. W. M. Bdwarde. Baptkt Minu
ter. Beffalo, M. Y . saya: -I do i
lees than $2.00 and aome were formerly
merly »50. for....................$146
«cDr .J -W .
1 No. a-Over aOO'pairs of ladijm' aad mimm' fine
Ointment a poaUlre core foi
for blind.
^oes, sizes 1 to 4—a variety of atyles^ver
iteblsgpUe*. Itbaaemredma_______
quality—a apecial anap for small foeX^ost
yaara of almoat oonatant annoyanae,
aad frequent ayony from tbe terrible
for S1.50 and $2.00—to tempt you,...............
lieblng. I ebell recommend It and nee
my Isflnenoe to makaknown lU woaderfnl meriu.”
to eenu. all dreygUU or Dr. A. W. Chaee Med. Oo.. Bnffalo, N. Y. Free mmple box for etamp. 136 Front Btroot
Tbe KlnkterU Bridenee,
SKmP oriheL^Sd
Fraotfeal Shoe Man
That ever needful article.
car^ a large line of the best
We quote some of the
popular sellers—The Cashmere
Bouquet,25c; the .Musk sells at 25
the Pears’ Scented at 25: the Unscented at 15: the Milton at loc:
the Violette de Parma, 10c; the
Oatmeal, loc; the Savon_Lilas
Arc needful.
Sponges are nec*
Toilet sponges from 5c
up; the batKsponges from loc up
to the big, elegant soft ones.
We ha\‘e the grass sponges from
15c up; the sheep wool from loc;
the Mediterranean from 5c.
home should, be without sponges.
We supply all demands.
Blanc, 5c: the Jap Rose, y:; the
Cuticura, 25: the Resinal. '
There are brushes and brushes.
Now we're talking of hair brush
There is something akin to art
in making perfumes.
The per
fumers of genius are few.
from 25c to a splendid one for
the “Keep
has a solid
Clean” brush?
Our bulk perfumes we sell at 40
back with no holes to absorb the
Wc have a
dirt, ha? a composition bristle
fine line of perfumes in fancy
setting not affected by water, and
bottles at loc/ 25c. up to Si.00.
a pure aluminum face.
Toilet Waters in bulk sell at 75c
sells at 60c.
are Florida
Water and L.ivender Water that
sell at 25c the bottle up.
Selling a
Tooth Brush
es. We carry a large assortment
and 50c the ounce.
the pint.
So Good, aod thei
So Choop.
This Week
We Open a Sale
btola to make final praparatloaa for
the yrand reeepUon to the qaaen to
Uke plao* after the Wy na^ on the
nlyht of the Third. In the mmntlme
gnaen Bdna will hare plenty of tim* to
pr«mr* for the yreat erant.
Tnare^ robe* and crown wlUb*
proenrad atonce aod itUa foregone
------‘nalon that
>t tba
tba magnlfieenea
magnlfieenea of
o bar
apparel wUI excel anting erer aeen
In tbU city before, aod ererytblny elae
In eonaeeUoD witn tbU erent will be
In accord with tbe appolotmenU of tbe
Fresh, tleag and
-When considering with
wbat to replenish tbe mrages
of time npon tbe*iimer man*
give onr sroosry s caIL
It wul Improre ronr sppetite to see sU the goM
things we bare for the table.
Slater’s House Furnishing Store
hjlrn B^SUd^b^
(I have found
No more danger to operate than a lamp.
Any child can-light and use them. I have
a full line from a 2-bumer low stove to a
-fine large 3>bumer with oven. Little^at^a
time payments.
MteDtov Skadak...........
Mlm Mary Bamer..............
Mka Myrtle SsaahaU..........
Mki OocaWhmt..................
Mka Bthel Biaxlaytoa.. .
‘Ike Cora Trark..
Thai ie wbat tbe people bbj
when they see oar nice
line of
Quick Meal
Blue Flame
Oil Stove
. i.m
Mka Mlaala Baitaer........
Mka Rhode Battaabaiy..
Baby Marka Bmda ..........
Old Pienaar Gone.
Banjamln S. Smith, of Maplatoa. died at
home there
Tnetday at the adTaaced aye of B'J.
Panaral aarrioea will ba bald today at
3:to p. m. and intarmant will taka
place in the Oydenebnry cemetery. The
f nnaral will ba in cbaryo of Banter 4
Bombanyb. -
Tpicii sin furkiiMi,
Too Ml $m piir tim,
Too Mi sin pMf tmpwi
Tmou Mn INI mill
lid fill b|bipii{
Can be the property of almost
May seem a trifling thing, but
every one.
the$e trifles are most imponant.
to you to take care of.
Nature gives them
We have brushes from 10c up.
this properly yo\j need Rubifoam
One that we want to call your
—sells at 25c the bottle, or Sani-
attention to especially
is* the
tof at soc, or Ethynol Tooth
“Prophylactic.” a patented brush
Paste at 25c;: Zenweiss Tooth
To do
—The bristles are shaped to fit
Paste costs
the teeth.
celebrated Tooth Powder sells at
The tapered beveled
you 25c; Graves’
point prevents injuring the mouth
25c the
—these sell at 35c.
powder in bulk that
you'll have no other.
If once used
setts at 5c the ounce.
have a
WE ■» mm. iui
Hanp Boat San Baksaad and k
B» JFfwrMMBCtfBoMr Pvta
if o*«w«HtwriHraMacM bj »
■•mr wWik bi c«l Im boil if.
ball Mian aad aOnr
Mta m la ibMatiM IB lanti
ifMathMitk barf
t> lliMtaUb tba bit- wlM fnm «ba
■bMi a
dan aaf Vn^Ua
rnaba lift «Mr bnaa te a UtUa
walfefaarathaiFMb. Kanttattoa
aa tnaa baa baw laaaf a( Atbn e<
tha ihlUna aad tbair par«ti an
Tandayaftarapeaaaaaf tba baraa
al Bnar Onta*—. >wa nlln acrtb «f
Mfilbnak. mwbi An. AU of bk
bam aaf abaia wan faatnTad, to-,
•albar wflb flarmqaaamy of tam
taote. Tba bo«aa »aa aand witb fUBaaltf. Tba ftra U aaapoaaf to ban
Mm U. Htaaaa af OUatoa wiU ba
sea fmn «U Ban Mdiv. EaUUna
an nacnfiSbif tban to balp bar oalabrata. Bar faasbaad aemd la tba
Ooa of tba fiadaataa of tba Adrlaa
HIcb aebool k u yaan old. It laebn to
balfht aad wairba bat 40 poaafa 8ba
k brtcbt iBlallaataally aad k flttlu
hanalf for a prefeaaioaal Ufa
A baaqMt at wfaleb tba Kaaata win
r ■■
took plaaa Taaadaj attaraooa at Datnlt la eakbratloa of tba alz^olztb
BIT of Joha Pater
>a Ttanatta.
Ttaaetta k 04 aad bk wtfa la pean
Hra 3. L. Oibba of KaTfeld eater,
lalaed Mlu BUtabeth Oharab. Mka
Obareh leh ^tarda; ter tba
M. M. Keith baa foaa to bk old
ham at
Taatardaj Mn. 6. A. Vbinblld, iTbo
baa baaa vkiUnt bar aea, W. W. FairihUd. raakrad a talarram traa aaotbaraea. Bar. B. B. FairebUdof Battale. aaaoBaeint tba cHUeal Ulaaaa of
bk little daocbtar. Hn. Falreblld
wUl lean tor Baffalo tbk moraloK.
Mn. A. B- CbnrebUl who baa baea
▼kttlaf bar daorhter. Mn. L. C. Mor.
rk of 8Uta atrbet.wUl lean tbk
lar for 87eaa»on, IIL
Mr. aad Mn. O. C. Moffett weet to
Bdjtewood jraaterda/ tor a few day*
akit with Mn. B. P. BUliaca aad
MUl Aldrkb of Cbloaffo k tba rent
Mr. and Mn. CralTMka Once UForra dton onr tron
1---- -mk Rapidt yoatardap ter a abort aklt.
Prof. 0. B. Bora will lean today for
a abort Tklt at bk fatber'a hMaa bafenrelafto Battle Cbeek wban ha
wDl mat Mr. B. B.Bydar and torathcr
they wili proaead toChkafo where they
wlU both take a aU weaka oenm U tba
Obkace Uatnrelty.
Mka Oroea Ohaaa aad -Mta Mattie
OreOiak of Borrkrllla an la Oraad
Baplda for aa eateadad vMt. Baton
their ntihi tbay wUI rkit Datnlt.
Mka Ceraell baa baaa called to bar
hem la Mnrkrilla on aoeoBat of the
lUam of bar motbar.
Dr.Jann Loadoa earn ap from Oraad
BapMa to attaod hk akter'a weddlar.
Mka BUsabatb London.
- M. & Dedre waat to Oraad Baplda
yaatorfay on a baalam’trlp.
TbefeUewiar rant* are *«tUad at
tba "Cionn." Oiaeaa, for the ■nmmer;
MTa. Bdward L. Colmaa. aod maid.
Mki Bath Oelaan, Mka Anna Colmaa
aad Maater Joaaph H. Oolman of U
Cbom. Wk.. and Mn. John M. Mott
aad Mitt Jnaa Mott of Cbleare.
Miller Hobba aad WaUla
Olorlou* Newt
Onme* from Dr. O. B.
waabUa. I. T. Bo wrltn; ______
Uiten haa eared Mn. Brewer of eerof.
Ola. which hadeaoaad herynat aafferiac for yean. Terrible com would
break oni OD her bead and faee. and the
boat doetore coold rln no help: bat
BOW bar health k esoeUant-" Bleetric
Bitten k the beet blood perifler kaowa
Ita the eopreme reaeedy for ecaema.
tetter, aalt rbeam. alnn, bolk and
rvaalar aom. It etlmnlatea Uwtr
UAaaye aad bowel*, czpek pokoaa
wa* ^ J^i-^r^ _ _
is«f BAmsst OhiiBtUa Tooac Pb^a
tarka," by Ooorfa LnUe of Bntkpert,
wbkb waa ton o« bclptal tboofbt.
Tbs eewnatka -tlmm dleidad Ute
fear dcfaimeak. with leaden aa fol
-jpaitmal ef BpMtaal WorkLaadn. Bee. Hwh Kewaady, Trawaa
Bkbap >10*% Addma Uet Bnal^ a»y.
tha Banina, acriead la tba Mty ye
parlmat cd Mor^ aad HelpAny. BahnbaaBaatahtactnaaaatb- Was Vmy laMHaf aad Helpfal—
kr. Mks Wnteett (Dcaecaen)
na laarM team, whkh haa dkbaadad.
Abu Taprn aad Aalmated Dkoos enad BapMa
Mr. Baat k aarieoaly nnaaldnii
Dcpaitmcat of Utanry Work —Lead
mpnitte taecfaalat a gaod baU *»• Ohatactariatd Tactaefiayb
er. Lkat. A T. Weelpart. Kjkaeba
taam la tbk elty aad bepea. U tba pka «ka.
mataroB, to ban a taam ready baton Xha amka of tba Oraad Tntmas
dktettb ^wntb
Claibe rint
M. Mokonb. wttbabeat POO earsam ~ b the enatef oaearred tba tnat ter
labarata Tradn Dkpkya an Aa yoatf paepuot tbeUsBwe ready bo ■bleb all had baaa lookl^. Attar e
I rlbn tbUr beet ideae oa tbe Lecdb eert dCTOtkoal avrka. lad by Bee.
Tbe emkaa ef tbe day ban Lock Omnbaaffkof Petoekay. Bkh^
OhatrmaaCkmrof tboparade
foUof aalbariaam aad belptalX. Blade, the "St. Jobs of
mlttaa ter tba Wr Foartb of Jaly eale- . . aad all of tbs dalsfatas an earnMatbodkm.'' fa«« aa addnn Uat all
eat la tbeir efforts to make tba eew- Ikteaad to with npt atteatioa. I^e
natka all that Itabeald be la tba way
DP k a Tsamable looktay maa. aad
_ laetltBtioaa of tba
aad baa ef bcaafit to the work of tbe Uaffan
bannryeaaaanfalla aaeortM*
B of feata and other dkplaya la the The moralBff amka opaaed with Bk addnee was aloac tha lias of
pnMcal, eeery day Christlaaltydenttcaal acnrloM lad by Bee. F. J.
Than an tttU aom otban
ban Biyaa ef WUlUmtbwff. tbe maalc be- ^a*ekaofthkday of the yonaf.
wbea ae maeb ot-tha world'a work k beaotyetdoeUadwbat tkaywttldo.bat lac led by Dr. O. A Holliday.
tUtaUtwiag ban anandCtetmaa Tbe flnt paper of tbe acasloBwaa to lac done by tbe yoonc peoplg He apake
Ckmr that tbay wlU ba la tba panda ban baaa "Tba l^wortb Uafoe aa a of the crest moeemeak with whleh the
an IdaaUfied. aad referred to
with teata:
tlalfykf Power.** by Miet Jeaala Walk the noble work aad the practical reOroean.
ofFnakfort She wae OBabU to be
Balaea A Joham. Lawk A Lemon. preeeat, ao Bkbop Mlada apoke on tbe xolU that an balnc aeeomplkbed.
Bamlla A Oe.. Batorprke Oreecry. 3.3. eobjaet. In a naanaar that was nry He dwelt at leafth mpoa (he-qaallfiBrdriaa. Seboolemft A Co.. Haaaab A Irelpfnl aad faU of praetieal thoafbt. oatioBsof theefBUent yonne worker,
Uy MareaaUle Co.. Herman Cook. Tha aobjecl of “Splrltaal Work*’ and oatflned tha ebaraetar of the one
Piarea A Fnemaa. Prok^ Xyaelka, wa* iatrodsoed by tbe firat elee pmi- who eoald aceomplkh most la ths
work of God.
8ekoyler Adaley. Jacob Partecb.
daat of the dktrict. Bee. A. F. Moflar Be declared that many yoaoc people
etCbarlenlx. Tbk woe feUowed by took tM formidable a eUw of tbe
J. Slelnberr. HamUtoa Ootblar Oe., a nry helpfal paper oa the "BeUtloa CaristUalUgas a Ufa made ap of
ofthaUi^ to EfsaFeUatie Work." crest deeds aad terrible aacrldeae Tbk
J. W. MUUkeo. The BoetbaAton,
by Look J. VanSlekU of Kalkaaka. he declared was aot ths elsw thst
Boada A Co., WlUialm Broa.
Be empbaaUed tha need of earneat la- ihonld be had of ChrktaU work, whleh
W. J. Bebba. Baaaah A Uy Mama- dleidnal effort on the part of t^ always eoeskts.priaelpaUy ef ths UtUs
^^ Qg. J. A Montacaa. JaUaa Oam^
thlar* of life that make the world
Tbe aaaoal flaaBoe report was g
brichter aad UppUr.
OIrara. *
by A. a Beldlnc of Clarion. Thk wae
A W. Jakraaa. P. A. Claaaea, Carl followed by aa exoellant p^er, “Oar la eonoladlnc hk deUneatioa of the
anacmafnl carktUn worker, he de
clared that mech of hk effioeaey
Book aad Bbon.
Fnak Prledrieb. A V. Frkdrleb. A. of the Chorch,” afteo/-*Eieh~wame weald be doe to falthfnlneei In prayer.
8. Fryman.
Be spoke ef the reply of Bishop Taylor
ont come additlonal( polata. Am . who had been asked to pray to God for
F. & Thompaea. B. B. MlUer, A B. other thlBf«'^P^^la>*«ald be a penoB who was enflerlnc cnat pain.
Bead la the roklnc of moaer for chorch "AU richt, 1 will mention U to Him."
work wae dkeneaed. The idea of all After tbe close of the meetinc. the
J. W. Slater. Baaaah A Ley Meroaa- Cbrictlaa* rlvinf a tenth of their is- andlenee were clean a chance to ebaka
coma woe fieu hearty eapport, and the hand of the bkhop, who will leave
tha plan ao otun carried oat of haelny for Detroit today. He k beisc enter
W. A Aadanoa, H. L. Carter.
and sappers *‘for reee- tained dnrinc hk euy here by Mr. and
Boe only" was dkeoBBlenaaead.
Mra. H. S. BnlL- .
F. Breaek A Bone, Sleeper A Co.
» at the openA very iotereetisc feature of thk
Inc of the afwyaoon nseloa was eon- eoBvention k tbe dkplay of forelfn
B. B. Ulbba. Aaroat Petaadar.
dneted by Eee. Freeman of Frankfort. enrioa. badpea aad other eonvenlre of
A boslaem aanlon followed, la which earione yonne people*' oreanlrstlons.
Baaaah A Uy Float MiU: Steln- tae foUowkc commltleae wen app<
berra Qnad OpoM Boom: K. G. Heo- ed by tbe preeldcat of the dktrict, by .y.-B. Holley, *ecreury of the
Eleventh C. B. Dktriet.
maon, Tailor; g. A Boafhey A Co., MnP. E. Waltmaa -of Ncrlbport:
Tbe procram for today wiU opes
Arrieoltaral Implemeota; Anna & Cole,
Finaaee—Dr. S. B. WIckt of Charle
Ptuoiben; 8tnab Broa. A Amtottp. eolx. A. C. Beldlaf of Clarion. Mke with tbe John Wesley Moraine Olory
at e o'clock, led by Rev. P. E.
Candy MaanfaeUran;W. W. ElmteU Smith of Frankfort.
Whitman of Morthport. after which
Oo.. Piaaoa aad Ortaaa: M. C. Barnee. Bnrollment—Mrs. M. H. Bober
Joha F. Ott A Oo.. Um of Bast Jordan. mIm Andertoa of Bear the procram wlU be eontlnned as
ber: Welk-Blfmaa Co.. BeakeU: J. B. Uke. Mke Mona Shlelde. Tranm fonnsrly annonneed.
Grellkk Oa. lalerior Fonkhlafe: Rol- City.
An odd cyrllnc freak is to trim a
fbam Maaafaetvlat Co.. Toned Beaolatlont—Bee. M. D. Carrel of piece of brown i«pi-r 'to fit the lens of
Work, etc.; B. L Aahtoa. DenUat; Bar- Tneem City, Ree, A F. MafUr
the lamp and in K cut tbe eyes, qotd
aom A Bart. Jewalen; Sqalm A Bm- Ckarlevolx. Mka Clan Woelpart of and noutb. Tbe olTect is surUlsA
aer. Barben.
la addition to all the other See fea- Beekloa of ConsUtotlon-Ree.
l«m of the parade, there will be elab- eaaedy of Traeerae City. A- T. Woi
onte dkpla^ by the loal tradea an- pert of Kalkack*. A. T. Jobaion
lone and fraternal aocletke, and the Boyne City.
fin department, bealdn a lonr Uae of Followinc thk came an excellent
aehool ehlldna with fitc*.
paper on "What I Bxpeet of th<
Uraare haU Wui be kept open alt Learnars of Grand Traearse DMIriet.'
day by the local O. A. A for the eoa- by Prealdiar Elder Carrel. The paper
B&leaee of rialUnir ntcran
Coucti. Asthma.
The ctrcel raoica will ba
aloBf tha Use of f
Bronchltla and Inolpient ,
ont of ^ nenal ran for each ereoto. Chrktlaa work.
Consumption, la
The elz-lcnad race for lOO yard* will Tl^ aanaal report of Mkt MloaU
ba made np of team* of thm
illow, eeperiaundeat of the Jnnlor
each. The barrel roUlny race for ^0 work of the dklricl. was foil of Interyardeaad retara; the wheel barrow eatlnc Information. Aa open parliarace for IM yarde with man in barrow ihent on junior work wae coadneted by
tba back to back race for ‘S yudt with .MUi Lilian MlUer of Manktee.
theacF earrylac nee for the b^ Many InUreetlnf autktlee were
make a Ikt^thatt will ytre ami
. resented In tbe report of tbe eorreeto all. Liberal prUte are provided for pondenee aeeretary, A. T. Johnson of
each race.
IlDyneClty. The report was foil of rCom«nAatAVW ivatMaa.
All enirke for thm raeee eboald be ealnable information. It wae followed
«de to Fred Curtk at O. F. Carter** by a piper oa "Consecrated SeereBee, Mo. so: Eut Front etreek
The committee cepeelany Invltei
yeniif menjand boy* from the eoontry
to parUeip^ In tbeee etenu.
WlHin Yoi
Tip Your Hat
Tip s good oneone that’s not only strictly
bat also becoming to you
—ot every
styliBb shape wiil become you
—That's why we sim
to carry a
line of sises in both large
and small shapes
—Same block of hat.
Represents a combination of our two lead*
ing departments, namely—
Fine Shoes and Children’s Clothing.
Each one has its individuality not often
met with. Look .well and notic* facts.
Clothing well madb, well tailored and ma
terials of the latest fabrics.
Shoes of a warranted stock—styles of the
latest lasts and toes, at prices positively
the lowest. We invite your inspection.
Married at Unaiay.
Mka Alu Morrk. well known here a*
head trimmer tor Mn. Ashton darlo( vne
the net
past snaoo,
season, wa* married last
alrht at the home of her mother. Mn
Dr. Morrk of Unsinf, to Mr. John Btaas ofDetroit,
Detroit,aa yoo*.,______
yoony i
at the eute capital. . Mr. and Mr*.
Braae will uke aa extended weddlay
tear on the lakes.
\5.o\ 'MDb&WvCT
? The Boston Stofe
0^ oot tbe
>Da\»U ior \9c—’ftroktu
UAb—itpivb ODbT it ViieVts Va »Via.
Kimball Pianos
and Organs
SVvrts-C\(Mk 'T>rm
\o 81.1b.
Something new
in tjie tan and pearl shades
soft hats—
Would Uke to show them
to you.
Wa, tba andat^<
acTMtonfand tbe moaey oa a S«amit bottle of Oreaae’s Warraatod 8yB. 3. SUrera. tormarly of tbk elty. ar- ro^TaMf It fallMo^
Head from Moaklac yeetwday. Ha bottle
baa many tUare to tall of tbaaaw refoaded. A B. Watt. Boybn A Boxbare. Jamas O. Jeheaea, F. C XbompFoaad Kaw Tooth.
A tn$ dmoBstntio&
Mr. LemoA 8. Townoaod of Myeaaaa.
Crwabed Cmeat Coffee Cake will be
B. T.. oaya: “1 foaad new akoafth, of
FiTcoAtHaaBah A Uy McnaatUa
^ aU^ week of Jaly t. F. Oardsee i^ey. Teeaday, Jnly t aad
tank mat mtnatin tar rmadowa s.
B. Bilan Tbanday. Friday
mm lad wimia Fbak aid baOda in aadW.
fiatarday, Jaly #, e aad 7. OM St
««Onik^ Obtnl Caffes Oaks wt
Va vAu Vom S
Are oaed by more people aroand the world than any
other goods madeP WhyP Beoauee they are the pro*
duet of money, brains and 48 years experience.
Sold by the makers.
YaTaaoXs-' ^Tt
«8Tt TffvXAVt—Com* qoXck teXott
art fiU t«a«.
*aH» bVw8 Xo
U aX
S. AD. mtvWs.
W. W. Kimball Co.
188 Front Street.
V.E. STSOKO. Managw
it wtr iTOBie$
T.T. I
Xaltonof0iataldfla faMiwaia Oa.«b
. tM Mhpor «
CowaeU afVmCiU/of Jtmmrm
M. X.Mni«TMMtddF.
Aakartaaaalwof Vnitft om
kdd la (ka aeart taoat yoatooday, wUk
JBdfoM«yaooa(kob«ak.ka haotaB
muMny.y luoAaadaiWBMl
~e iMBMwrafato, Ott Atoper ondCiw
Comuaoftkt COp of TVooereeCttp.
elrealt apart af Laalaiiaa BOMaty.
•tMa M« kU tt-wttk a kalabat
iaWiai baaaat baas
ItauLtfolMoiwwa Oo.
ahartcMotaaaaMtoatalha Ivpwlal
«aN. B.
*b tha loUa*.
Ika OaaatoMbo-
vMaObalak. kto
fnki twnli
_ -- .______ I MurAto. J
WOoMtlott.DMeImehlan.8M Brown,
John OOlto. Anyoe MoCML OhM ■
UmprlAL Mn Jana A Buid. Mn W
B Tteekw. Louto A SkUnar. A WtodootL MalMlm Winnie. Sr.. M ~
r..JADoyto. J N Martlnel
ahton. F Hamlltan,
Mornd by Aldonun Moalany that
(hapoUtloeberoeelmdaad pUeed on
A Kneh Dabmc* la «
▲ronnd th« Oltjr.
arlikdiawtroa aamarioa
nradaUaroafar aartlAaalao af tka
■aw datofB tea# oada tkolr
ftnt aa- NaoM aadTra
* Uomd by Aldarataa Moore to amood
^Boaae of Howard S. aidlay •tmek the metloa by ratarrlu tka peUtlaa to
aarweto boai
p«raaooaMtakaa (ka plaaa o(
M Irao to aU (tommt
ikaoaakraoB. fkafaatataaf (kaaaw
■otatoaUrfotrptoal Xadlaa kwd la
•ka aaatar, wttk a blaa laal aad a larro
Bamed to tha
Balldlaya dtraek. BoiuM Silled and
latoar "V" wUh tka word "M' alto la
Other Damaye Done,
Maa. raaalaf la a eamd llaa aaraaa It.
Uybtolay played oemml mry ua-
Aa aa artlatto prodaetlea tUa
covardad aa tqoal l« aaj
aeu to pleaaaat aatiea darlay (be etorm Tuaearar tosntd day atyhL aad many doUare' damaye
% (ka rcworBBMBl.
waa done threayhout (kto aeatioa.
ftOOana bon North Dakota. Ifaalto.
ka aad North MlaaaaoU akow
One bolt etmek a poU of tka Board
that maa Bimr Bleetrie UyblAPower On.,
whoat aad flax ara a total tailare. toor almoat la front of Dr. Aekton'e
4ara'v'iBda karlar baraad It
Vo aw»Qt»Bt of rala eaa rarln It.
deaee, and foraome time the doctor
Tha amelled amoka and looked for Are to hto
M&aUeatoaaarlratbadlaBoath Dahota.
be fedred
Fan^ la tha aorthwaat will etmek.
kaoUifadtobnjwbaatfor aaad aext
Two haadrad thonaai '
The llyhtnlay burned out about too
fueee tor ihe Korthera Telephone Co.
of wbaat alraadj haa baea plowwl ap and a few for the MteUyna Telophone
wad plaatad to fodder for eattta. Grata
to wholly daatrpyad oaat of tha Utoaoo
A tom of ahontdl.OOO wae euCorod
by the bnmlay out of tnaafomeen for
rl rlrar.
rdman Biror Eleetrie Uybt A
editor WtohoU Kaltraber hat been PoworOo.
Toeterday momiuy (hreo borsea warn
IworlaM of Poaaa, ter tarorlaf (ha rea- found dead In the oomor of a flald
the Ballet farm near AayeU.
Liybtwtreetlaa ot Polaad.
Mtaatod for Ufh traaaea at
aermaaofieen hare baea hired to
nlny had eridently etmek them dead in
their tmeka
Two haadrad .tbooBand
baahala o(
oora for fatalaa
tera raaehad Boabay, India.
A diapateh from Parto aaya:
Oae of them waa owned
by John Boyere, who to worklny the
farm, and the other two belonyed to
About 10 o'clock, u bolt etmek the
A fatal
houae of Howard B. Qldley near Tuba.
awaidaatooeerradattka eapoaltlo
The bnUdiny wee eet on Are and
Tbia burned to the yround with alo^ all
•tractora to built orer the rlrer, aad
of tbeooateau. Inclndlnytoo la money.
aa a |aalrermlty ptofaaaor, hla wife The fiAQy aaeeped wUhont earlone Inthe ahow kaowB aa '‘Old Parto."
Jary. thon^ aome of them were forced
oftke topatorlM, the balaatiado i
aray, and all threa
tato the rlrer.
Ike protaaaor and wife
arare flaked out allre, bat the ylrl
Not a alayle Parto paper i
•tone the affair, beoauee ihe ehow to a
to Jump from the wladowe
The benue of .Mr. Gee near Elk
warn etmek by a bolt, aad Mra. Gee wae
The bam of
Lowell Some,
near the came place wae atoo etmek
and Injured eomewbaL
Both the houae aad barn of WillUm
Helmforth were etmek about S e'eloek.
Heimforth Urea
Took aa a Bride Ktot Booe Uoaard of One of the elx honee la the bam tfaa
kUlad and the otheta warn ehooked.
The hern eauyht An. and wm Mved
Veaterday at Peatonoeenrredaqnlet
only by the inoet elreoaoue efforU.
■arrlaffe oeramoBy that united Miia
After the exeltemeat eauaod by the Are
Boot Leonard of that city and Proeebed anbelded, It waa found that the
«ntlBy Attorney Fred H. Pratt of thto
honee had elao been etraok and
oHy- The
oonple left Immodiataly
rafurt oonclderably damayed and the
•ftarthe eeremony for an eaunded
pUeterlay knocked off up euln.
•rip OB the Ukae, after whUh they
wlU oome to thto city, whore they wUl
er£M7t m toeitrr.
tta Fire Wm Onuaed by the Baokinc
wUl eombUe
Inraa with admaead afforta alony
■of Two Beye.
the enltnery line
_A bam on the farm of Wlillam Pratt
ofrthe -peolneBla
oryantoedht the
heme of the Mtom Bemum TuaodAy
homed to the orealny. A eery pleauat eoeUl time
The oauae WM eajoyod, end the foUowlay mean
betkeemokiny aerrod, whleh ebowa that the Udiaa are
(ronsd Tnaeday aftoraoen.
oftbebUutoaald to
•f two boya who had entorod tha bnlldUf.
ter from aerleei la the enUaery an at
Theloaaon the bnUdlnytodtOO
AM^ut^^^^ai motion at
2b IA« flononibir. (hr Mayor and OVp
CouneU of On CUy of Trootnt C\ty.
We Uo uadonlyaod,
I tax payore rmpoettolly
hoaomble body to adopt
the dock Uoe of Bo
________________ the eonth aide of i
riror la the mr of block tl, orly
plat Tnrene City and belay betn
Park Place
aad Board)
roaa-Aldormoa Montayae.
TrarecM City, Jane le, IMO.
7b the tfmorahto. UU'Mayor and CUy JuaeMlh.
Motion carried.
Yaae-Aldermea Meatayue, Moore.
HMltnya Sladar. Boayhoy. Ktayon.
EeuBdrWriyht aad Oarriaou.
^'peutte"^ nMd^
tnayan for an aro Uyht at tba ooraor
t Stato aad Oeea etreote, would rooomooeUllon on Wadaeeday. Jane lOth,
mand that the potlUou be ymneod, aad
1000. to take part U a proeretlon on
that aa are Ityht be placed and mail
the abora deto at 1 o'clock p. m. Wo
talaed at the IntoneeUoa of aai
WlU foretoh oerrtoyoe, aad wlU deem it
a yroat faror tor the Beaemble body
BeepeeUully anbmtttad.
to faror ue with their proeeaoaoa thto
Goo. P. Garrtoon.
Jm. Jabaaloa, Free.
T. G. Shitaen.VlM Pm.
M. a. onath, SeertUry.
"°;S.S.‘pobrO. L.
lt>00. We atoo deelre
<th. IDOO.
to uec yeeoline etore for the pnrpoee of eerrlny
hot eeffee. We eyree to leere the
yround la M yood eoadltion M we Sad
.'Ire. J. A. Breedy.
Mn. J. T. Shleldt.
Mored by Aldermea Moom that the
peUUoB be ymated.
Motion carried.
Mored by Aldermen Moore that the
the Branyelleel
Boeletyto oeeupy.m portion of Lake
aronae OMt of Uaiem etroetoe July 3rd
aad ttb. bo referred to the--------a parka with power to aeL
MMlon carried.
Mored by Alderman Hm(
arreet tamporary bootha for Jaly S
andtthwltblo the Are Umlta. be re
ferred to the oommlttM on Are aad
water, the mayor aad ehlaf of pollee.
rllh power to abL
Motion earriod.
7b (hr HonvroMr. (Ac Mopor oitd CUy
CouneU (tf ihe CUy of Traturae CUy,
D. E,
Gentlemen: 1. the nndeniyaed. re-We, the board of pui
ebeetfuUy Mk permlMlon of TOur hon
orable body to-build a reeldenee oo
South Spruce etrMt oa lot T, block
eeroM Oau etrMt on tbe aortb aide of
r. Deanafa. Ley ACo'e. Ninth addiUon
Front etrMt to eontorm to tbe etrMt
at a eott ot about tooo.
yrade. ^ new crow walk ii aeeem
Pruak Oooh.
at thto point end we think e oonci
t/,f UoHorublt. ihc Mayor and City
7b r/,(
alk will add mneh to tbe eppeen
jtinell of thf C»|( of Tnii'erne Clfi/.
I Ihe etrMt.
Board ot Pebllc Woi
GeatlemeD: We. the underelynad, i
BrO. P. Oarrer. cbeirmaa.
apectfally eek permtoelon to bnUd
A. W. Biekerd. clerk.
I s eiory honee !C»so on etoae found
tloB oa lou 31x31. blook n. H. L.
Moved by Aldennao Moore that
Co'e.' lOtb. to ooet >1100.00 to build two roeoramendetion be adopted aad
[34 orer all oa lote walk ordered eonstrueted.
T.\. l?Md 18, block 3. Perry HaBaab'a
MoUea carried.
Seeoad. to eoat about Sooo each. Atoo a
Yeae. Aldermea Moore, HMUoye.
la atory honee oo lote 13 end 14. block Sleder. Bonybey. Bound aad Garrieoa.
Perry Beaaeb'e tad. to be 14x46 orer
1. aad to eoet about ri
W. L. Brown.
TnrarM Olty. Mtoh. Jane ifl. l»00.
To the UonoralAe, Iht Mayor, end fllv 7o(he/i(»i»nU>to. (hr Mayor and Ci
I of ihr CiipofTiorerircau,
foUMoil of (Ac CHv of Travtree CII
We. the uaderalraed, board of bnUdlay Inspeetore. do hereby oertify that
The Utter
OUlUd Wafen
Lobater CaUeta
Staffed PotetoM
Olayor Paatald
eared by Ball'a Catarrh cum
F. J. Cheney A Oo.. Toledo. O.,
We. the undermined, hare known #.
J. Obeney for the Uat it yeare, aad beUoTC him perfeetly hoaorabU U aU
koolneee traneaellone aad flaaaelally
Mbto^My out any obUratlona made
^MtATmaa. WholomU Druntote,
DorU'e Food
be l^wa
TmrorM City.
Oolny to Buropa
Mtoi Mary Boekar left thto weak for
OB axtonded
She wUl oUand
ttoe U LecUtoa oarly la Joly. and rtolt
Badeamr oxeureton
a Baule/oi
whtoh wlU rtolt Parto, apond two WMki
U Italy, attaad
(he Paaalem Play at
and wUl aUe rtolt poUU
of Utaroat U BeeUaaA
totolbdu| Ifmabtaee
A WaalthofBaanW
tor aJe by the W. W. Kimball Co.
M«w SlBooTMy for BlooA-
BaakUa’e Amtoa Salro wUl ylorpolyoiiiaf.
" e faoa by outlay aU SkU Kmpalee Cato. Bruton, Buna. BMle,
Dlaen aad wont forma o<
OrSBVBNOOEBS, the Gnat Oanear
ranaody. and ter all dtoaoaaa of the eku
•ad blood, from Oanlaet aad Boeoedary
Johaeoa, dmyytoL
8mld 0«ntv7 Oeok Book.
.A limited Bumbm’ fw mU at »s e
WUl be mailed poWaye i
•nreee^ of the prtoa. Addiam,
«er^ATmmraa QUy. Mtoh.
Woodbine Cottage
Pleasau Rooms. ShadylUwa.
58? State StreeL
^yAWE^A gwrf a
HKDAoousTo anrr -a> imoi
KOM but fint eUw rulen v,
VtrANTO- Dar'< ''«vfe or anrslBr lo^CnrUICall or sdarvM 4B Konb Co^T
ITOk CALX- Pour aMoaC
eblBoa. ibree Blucvn
Pne*(realKto >a Addrr « Box ML City.
Thoe. Moaltoa.
Edward Boeaer.
Oa motloa of Alderman Wriybt. duly
earried. tbe nport wm aeeepted and
ordered ptoeod oa Ala
Verbal report of olty clerk relative
to preeent eoadltloB of bond toene with
Seaeonyood A Meyer, wm made.
Moved by Aldermea Moore that the
WANTXD-xiood rin (or peaerml boaaoTv *ork.roiBpatoiiib«]p and beat vara to
bto I
;belM U(
dy toemr
orncx OBSU
thowMt ride <
ii Lx:
^ ^BMfOMratoy^'oQM^^
W. J. Nelaaa.
peeeda t eta per hue.
to (h« Mayor and (A« Ciqr
CovntU af the
c CUy of Trooom CUy,
lily ClMk.
tbe yenuloe Bocky Moaotain
made by the Madleon MedieloeOo., if
thou Ukeet thy fair face. 35c.
GeaUemen; I. the uederely_______
epMlfnUy petltloa
body to order the oonetraoUon of a ce» maataldewalkoathe
• ----------------------------- eonth
■* aide
of 8nd
S atroot adjeeant to lota 6 and 7. block 4,
Hanaab, Uy A Oo'a 4th addition to BTSTKMXXT OF BOAXO OF PrUUC WOBKS
TraremOlW. SaU walk to he elx
fMt wide and Afty fMt Itmy, aad to be
boUt in aeeordaBM with the ordlnem
rulaUre to the oonetnotlon of eeeui
pox XALX( OB SX(aAHUB-Tb« Donb
H to
of eald eity that tbe foUowlsy to aa
eldowalka BeepMttuUy oabmittad.
a»t eaaiMr of aaetm U. lowa W
canto aeooant of the eoat of repalra
Tony Mlkula.
1. iMteaaa eeuty- 3elis Tarir.
Btaueta aad the eoaetrueUen tharaot
7b (he HouoroUc. the Mayor and CUy
tha amount of matarial aaed' and tbe
CounrUpflhe CUy-of Traveroe CUy.
tM thereof, and tba etrMt or
MkAtpanwhen eeeh matarial
warkot pHcv. Jobe Verlr.
O4«ttomo8-. , 1. the uaderriy^, ^
Ottk^oaaeQefthaOlty ot Xmrono
Boynlar voatiM of dw eouneU bold
I oooaoU room,Tnna is, loeo.
.a Kenyon toemead
) the eommitlM on Mwere,
Amendmeat and orlylnel moUoa M
ancM taken el tl
meetlny relatire to referriny the mat
ter of ereetlay temporary
mporaey atande
in the
Are llmlteto
the CO______
Are end water, the mayor end city a
abel. be rescinded.
Motion lost.
On motion of Aldermen Uerrtoon,
Badooeer eoamn-
near by potato, aftorward Jolaiay
7b the Honorabte. the Mayor ci
t'ouurif of the CUy of TVaivr
" The
natteaal OhrtoUan
Wabdiny. Klanaa A Marrla, WholeMUDnyytoto. lblado.0.
BaUb Catarrh Cum to taken Utermolly, ootiay dlraeUy unon the blood
■adtouoona aurtaoee of the ajetniu.
Tballmonlala oant free. Prtoa toe par
?Jloi“e-__ _____________
____________1 Moatayne. Moore,
HMtlaye. Sleder; Bonybey, Keayoa,
Bound. Wriybt and Oerrtoon
Mored by Alderman Wrlyht that tho
qneetioD.of yranUay permtoelon to eetabltoh a eanltary can syelem for tho
of thd oilIty be referred to the eommit-
built on Front eUaeL aad bey iMre to
back thrM fMt from lot line, to hare e ratpMtfully report that we And tbe
new atone fonadetloa, and an addition aema to fullr mMt aU the reqolre- Bom to wa<M paid ■
buUt on the rear 10x10 fMt: the total menU
of ue ordlneaM pertalniay ^^ANrXO^ n|«Ce-Oood. alranc. asi eald improramaato to be about thereto.
Mored by Aldermea Eeayoa that the
th attach a ieehodnle of
mtee which.
In oar Judymat.
-J. in
Judt______ to a petiUoaa be yrantod.
MoUen oarried.
Oofloe at aoir
The elab will
Mored by Alderman Bound that tl
Mored hr Alderman Bleder that tha
lariuuen be aeeopied aad the OounoU
lake part in aald prooemlot
Motloa oarried.
MoUon oarrled.
"•e. Aldermen
Mored by Alderman Bleder that the
. er,
Odd Fbllewe Aaairereary aeaoeUlloa
frlyht and Oarrtoou.
be yranted permtoelon to ereet th- Naya
leye, Alderman Mentayae. .
at the aontb abutment of Park
baanere oo June »oth. two aoroM Fr
To Dxc Bonoru>.le. Iht Uayor and CUy
bridye to enable teame to pace orer
etreet and one eerow Uolon atreeL
.'ounril of the City »f Trxivcrtr CUy.
AU with aaad upon Mid dock lUe.
Mollba carried.
ToOic U'.HornMe, rhe Mutn<r .i»«l C
a reaeonable price from t&ie
itlemeu — Vonr
C.iU»ulJiht City of Tratvrte C
pmrlded thto II
to whom wm referred the bid
Perry ^aah. 3 M
Patrick Burden,
ot the Beyle Preae to print 4» ooi
.Uil, 3 N Martlaek.
^of the proeeed!
, mpectlolly requcit permtoi
the board of eduoation.
and bind
llay^npled by
y Mr.
the bnlldl
- . -r the
form, for the
the preemmlttM
Ul. li>00, and
ant location on the pro%>
. of J. W.
liny May Ui. IMl. ^
MUlUcen acroM the alley on the prop
ommand that the Mme be awarded
apor .
erty owned by came party.
the Beyle Prau at 80 oente per pi
Cou»M.ll of the <ntp of Tratvmt CUy,
Jamw W. Umiken. Prokop Kyaelka,
for 4S eoples of eeeb, in accordance
Anne A CoU. Q B. Bouyhey A Co..
with their bid. the price belay the
We, the nnderelyned, neldento and J. W. Slater. B. J. Moryanepme M that paid iMt y
taxpayere, reapeettuUy peUtlon that a
Mored by Alderman Moore that the lowoit hid reoelred.
erdtowalk be bolU on the eonth aide ot peUUon be referred to the committee
Ninth etreet at the InleraeeUoo of
D Are and water with power to aetUnion etreet.
Molioa carried.
Tu the llonorai'U. Ihc Uayor niul CUy
;tM 00 Printlny.
Iht City of Ttvverne City. ^^Hored by Al
Aldermn Kenyon that
port of the
Bi^ J Lee.
land adopted.
QenUemen—We. tbenndereiyaed msiMh Vader. Blrt Jemeaoa. W
Motion carried.
iby, Learence H De/.sete,
Anton Ideate end taxpeyen Inwreeted hereby
YeM. Aldermen Moatayne. MMre.
petition your honorable body to order
the coattracllon of e eewer on Monroe UesUaye. Sleder. Bonybey. Kenyon.
lod. Wriybt and Garrison.
etreet from e point about flflr (50i feet Bonad.
,______ _____________ jdtotJ
lye, none.
couth of Willow etreet and runoiny
etreeu and aldewalke.
by Alderman Sleder tbet the
Motion carried.
. . _tl enwunt of SI50
SISO be appronri7^ Oxe MuiivmJ.Ir, Ihe Mjuu£.4md CUy
Cheee. W. H. Crowell. Mn. N. W. Orel- ated for the improrement ot Lake
Council of the CUyyfTnii'<nt' CUy.
Due perk.
lick, T. D. McMenus.
Motion eerrled.
Aldermen Moore. Bm
Gontlemea) — We. i^e nnderelyned,
Sleder, Bonybey,
The Ladlet-Aid eoclei^f the M. B.
Wriybt and.Gerrtoon.
church of Trarene City, reepectfolly
ler meeti^.
Neye, Aldermen Moatayne.
k permtoelon of your boaonole body
Motloa carried.
Trarene City, Mich., June 10. lUOO.
nee a portion of the foot of Cate
. II
• ................................ to be "<i (hr
the City of
eorrred by a teat and n
poae of eerrlny
luncbe* on July 3i
3rd a
The dmymea
tmekmea of
Chiliad Fralt
Lobater OatUto TmroTM belay deelroM ot oetabltobInelnded rmln, hay aad farm ImpleNat SeadwlebM aad Brown Broad
lay and weeerrlny aalfwiaaadreaaeaawmtoe
for tha tmaaferrlay of
Mr. Pratt'a hoeee eauyht Are. bot waa
aarehandtoa aad othMoomAapwayae Timbale
reepaetfully aek thtfT'yoBr
eaaed by the hard work of tbenelybBtnSod Tomato Salad Sorred U Noate
bom. bamral other bnlldlace namwot LeUuee with ebaeM Wafen
Md on the oontenta Itoo.
Mer^ by Aldarmaa BMtaye that
tha poUttomehoyraatodaadthat eald
walla be ordomd ematructod aadar
•apmrtotoa o< the Board of Pablle
JamwJ Bakar. J W
■ottooferaaawtrtolU the
tha Aatoriaa
I tor wbtok
of . tka aoart,
will aoaraaa July 11.
of yablklatarootwaa the denial of tka
U to aAtoaOr aaaoainail that Ai
«*a rnn VarttoMd,
k, aad (key wU be triad at (ka adjearaed awalaa
taeawad aad
4ha nao*«7 of tba bar ia doabtfaL
latAafbawlU wad
od at t£SnoSmef ttato add 0
ralattoatathetoatltoaf tha
AKbaaaribOf toaiafaOi«a4 tar-
dtebM aathaiaday.
fciii II
todbj^ (ke apart whtok ham aa
• UlM br haOrtOM* te rfn bon
aV%MBi0lo» hM'a anr.
'I. tAe aadereiyaed. mpMttaUy peMttoayear heaeraWa body to order
thoeowtruetkmofaoemaat eldewalk
adjeeoat to my pcemtoea fnmtlay Na.
111 Froatotroot: Mtd walk to be taa
teat wide aad twaaty alx toot loay aad
to bo bout la aeeocdaaoe with the or-
• TT
" TrtorWAJtTiMBmaeatoaarUMlaXra
uPnikrtece ..
TH« avBHnia Mkoom, thpbbday, juhe as laoo.—fast i^o
that y aW saUod to every grade of la-
MOKO tb* T«y
int (m«UJ« M
rt •« b 0*1
for Um NS
M«m wtn tto,
Ombwt ■«4!
tb* IMtIm I
y 4o«ttfBl if e
____ tb*T « »b*i
MLI nm
(mU hU «net-!
wbf tb«7 h*a
cio»d tb^r ton
I tb^r biioMW* if lb*7 Iwd ben *cAbd. urw* •*k«’ »«4d l»*e
of ermibt tbe otkfr. Th*
_t 4od Darte* il*»d VdiCtmtt
, foloc the wlater. bat It eo bap_.d tbol tbt7 bad aeleeted OocUn a*
f cboteoM apet OB the (rnt Ukea tor
air -«»«-** oadnc. Tb^ bad triad it
r tb* flrat tiM <m tbc prarioot r**r.
A H «u ia that var that Jack
tt aad roUr DarU flrat meL Tb<r
tbair tadance exerted oo tbelr re
tire faBlbea that tbe flitting took
• aa aarig a* bUr. And arban tbej
tb*7 liDiDediatalr began to a« aa
i tber bad kBon caeb other for mra
> aeqnainied and think
r a great deal And their
ip rlpeni }n*t ai onieklr when
, are apart as if tber ireie aaaocUl
rack n^ Tollr pronptlr began to ntha beantles of Ongiara In rorapanrorganlicd botantdng partiea of two.
‘ "ag and flablng, and disc
went iMtlng
at no time of tbe dar U tbe
Inrigarating or long walks I bcaltbfnl
it in tbe early ereolng.
Bat, nltbongb they were inaeparable,
■itber of them was aware of tbe fact.
( Botbing bed happened to mflke them
' tbc Mate of their faearta. Of n
__ _ _______ _____ f the platonic charof their (riendsblp that they didn't
mind in tbe least One ereUng abont tbe
falddia of June, bowerer, aotnctblng n
expected happened.
n hare made up my mind." aald Pol.
AI abc swBiig in the hammock that Jack
kept in moUun, "to etiebrale the first
foartb of July In tbc new cenanry by
aoing tometbiug unnsael. tboegh 1
. blTcn't deddrd yet wbat It shall be."
"n'ell, )-ou have picutr of lime to make
M roar mind.”
‘Not ^ao verr Bmcb—oolr abont two
_______ , __ Polly retorted, with a
l^fht show of temper. “Now. sorely ron
%tf not one Of tbe cranks that try to
Prove that the new century does not be^
^ Ull tbc beginning of the year 11*01."
*'Oh. I don't know that I am so panlrn
krir cranky in thinking so. and. anyway.
\navc tbc majority of the world with
-WM. blattbew Arnold naed to uy
^t tbe^i^t^ty is
wrong, and it
' **1 don’t ace bow on eanb yon can say
1^^^^ argument is Jtutt as dear as
"WcU. I'd like to have a look at that
|l|M»taff. I suiiinoc the arganent you
feter to U tbe one about dollars and pay^ them out one at n time until you bare
»w tone in which this was said
Mterated Jack by its condescenslou.
fie answered In the aatuo strain.
•■Noi by any moans. The argument I
PM is much simpler and nlted to any
jSde of InteUlgence."
-Indeed," aald Polly. -Would you
prettlinc It ontr
*Kot In tbe least. Let us soppooo that
K« have lOU Tolumc* of 8G5 pages each
^ each dirided into 12 ebapiera. Tbe
Mt volume would be'volume 1. and m
j6» to roinmt 101^ and if I started to
feed them 1 couldn't say that they were
an mad until I bad completed tbe three
bvadred and aIxty-Sftb page of volume
100. and In the same way a century eanBOt be complete until tbe three hundred
^ alxty-fiftb day of its '
' ''
has elapaed."
-Ibafs no argument at ali;',aald Polly. -Booha and years are ealbely dlfterant tblnga."
__________ _ __ t y abetraet.
! U poaaetbiBg Bteract. and tbe
anmeat of it sb<^ be cwpaMd
didn't MppMe yw WMld.
.figTs A
«( biptolatag ay
Bat 1
*’%dM4,” said Ja^b tsMlllag bto ««a
angry remark and bar reply to b.
jjWo^roa Bind prattUag it for ay
IM BUM nmM •faWriblFd tho Fl
vmUtap Bat* la This Caaatvy.
Mr. John E.
AsMtlcaa cm
at Stettin. Oemaay. In a recant report
y tbe kasc. I Boppooa yM bars
yotteid that an
glTM many statistics in regnrd to tbe
M my
Bv IUcyeie _tbere k a
It endsua
Biha ewBig a crclaaete.
M paid to woriUnfmen m Ocrmv-t-f
of a^ that I travel.'
y and oatna up tbo mnner In tbe
foUowlttf worda;
•IK'baa I travel ea* wUt. it regktare 1.
-American labor k paid treble the
nd wbea K has registered 100 ay fitat
Joaepb Rodmsa Drake's ode
k aeaplited. In tbe same way
nag" ranks next la popularity wages paid Oeraian Ubor In tbe i
U»0 mUaa it maau » "Tbe Star
kar Bpanglfd
Banaef" as a vervbaa It
It was at tbe boose of Ooietum O^fillory.
■tad 10 cratarlea and
U anything B
that I •
tborpe in tbe early dnji of Oeergia,
_ D my twentktb. Kow, _ _ _
that precocity has
we bava fMktetad IKOO yaan, a^
been )asilfl«l is oar insUaee at kast. tlve tariff pntoeu them agalnat tbe «yi a wriHr in tbe Borton'Hanld.
ebat nama 10 ceatarka are complete. It He was a poet In bis cbildbood. U bk labor of Elirapo. protects tbe prodact
In tbe evening Boi#a Canotoowaa
k lost tbe satot whh tbe age of a penaw.
ond ysar be wrou *Tbe CalI was 18 OB ay la« blRbday. aad I say prit Fay," tbe work upon which bis repn- (ff tbelr labor againot the prodneta cf tbetu, and tbe general had beralegfnr
mtaenbiy paid labor of otbre tbem aome old love eoege et England
tbu I aai 18 yean old. aad tbe Owktlaa utlou chiefly rasta The data of bis spir
era was Joat L0OO ycaia old on its last ited ode k net certain, bat be attached coontrleoT Of cottroe JoBt at tbk and Beotland. nod OMtOm from tba
Uttk value to It. Wbea h bk deathbed, point tbe free trader wlU ROlad u opmw at London. Btaa dnnoed. too, Md
-Ob^'l Mppoae If one baated arottad a friend bruagbt It to bli^ with other that Oermany la a protective tariff
reeUed. nnd oom^ately overwl
for it they eoald flad some exoeptlu tbpt fugMve pterea. aad the aatbar amid. conntry. and that waald prove aaytbiag. bat I can't aee -Barn Ibca: they arc of no value." They amd flgurcu presented by Mr. Kebl the ploaa yoot^tb &er beaaty and
W life of am that mUes am a Ut
ptore aotblag (or protection. Aanral
That night, nnder the pnlibatte treas
Hke years than books are."
tbe free ttadera oet np a man of stnw near tbe gorertMT’a boue^ with tbe dadc
elU If you can't It k because yoa
don't know any better." said Polly b^
eyed, bendaome girl beeide him. aad
I she Jaaped oat of tbe a-—
witb bet entrwolng voioe in bU eatA
-Wril," aald Jack, with aa air of lofty
witb tbe Cyprem wine and Orlmaldi'e
-I may not know mndi aboot
deoaotton bot in bis blood. 36ba Wedey
they teach la
better off beciiwe of Germany'a pro beeame aware that be loved her.
tective tariff, or to decide bow moeb
Tbe rmlatiaa waa a y to^
wone off he would be under free
-I Mppoae yon aeaa that for ae. Hr.
trade, or to detennioe whether tbe
Sreabam. WeU, I don't know that it ^
■ of yoore kaowlBf
Oerman protective ayatem k a wlae eeU wedded to tbe Icbnroh.^to hit great
ai^iblng about me c
and well advlaed ayaiem. Tbe only
question (or American workingmen,
am glad yoo tbfak eo. Uiaa Dark,
tbe only question for tbe Americao
and 1 hope that your cekbratloa of tbe
people lo decide. Is whether or not a
lost Foartb of July of tbe century wUl
protective tariff Is a good and oecesbeanoUbleone."
^ .
tary thing for the United Stales,
-The first la tbe new ceataryr obe
whether or not Itjs needed to protect prodf to tbeir friends that marriage
American labor. When It it tbown oertaia If more proof was needed, h<
that foreign workmen get only n frac- raved of ber in hUdeliriom.'IdiH Can“Woofr
tloiial pan of what la paid to American ■too brought ber annt to bw him, aad
Having thus rede^ their vocabnlatla
workmen for tbe same grade of work, between them they fancied him qnlte
when It Is true that ocean freights are decided to marry Sophia. Ho asked ber
^b dudgeum tdly rcsol‘^*^t aeve'r
•o low Hint they amount to but
many timea it abe would or could marry
again would they speak or recognise one
flnttealmal fraction of tbo value of him. "and if he abonld indeed many
r tbe Fourth of July t
the goods transiKirted. tbc only concln- ber." He went tbrobgb with the mar
both s.
aioD which reasoibaDd aoand Judgment riage ceremony of tbo Cbmeb of Eng
ly avoiding each other and
can Justify U that the .Kmorican work- land, for the benefit'of imaginary ooareason met a
mSD needs to have a barrier placed be plos who stood at his bedside.
tween. him aad Ills fellow workman
After bis recovery Waelty's friends
across the sea In the sha|>c of a pro- camctoccmgratnlatc himoa bisengagekept away from them.
"Now all my summer's fun U spoiled." I
•“ ISM.
tective tariff, unl-.-ss he wisheaI to be meut. Bot over since bis mlracnloos
reduced to the condition of the foreign
from fire in his cliildhood be bad
Polly aald to herself at least a doicii
■ ,
like Key 's mBstcrpu-vc. "Tbe Amei
b^tt reurinood that be bod U-eu singled
Flag" contains many kifly flights of laborer.
It also appears from the report of out by bis Maker for some special pnrMr. Kehl that the Gen
)taen. and new ho was prewtrating him
self before au earthly idol and for]
> tbo disadvauB asked Mm wbkb (our food I
lines uC poetry be considered tbe finest
In (he uintlu-r loiigue. Tbc antwer. givva Kchl. 'Tin- cost oT food Is frotu in to Jiri yje bishop and
ainl the Moravian^
missionoffband. was a <|Uo(aIion of (be first four per cent cheaper In the I'nlu-d States j
for advice. They had
tbe same
Unca of Drake's isl.-. .kfi.-r luJiadpg than In tiormany." .And s« a black b^Q^rcicatiDgconvicti
_________ „......... ioQswbicb
wKh breBtblit.H adrutinn the Itriion said.
ere is given
clvcn lo
to the stock free trade ar-'
ar'"! ueuted W
mIkt. and the*
they advised him
"Ves, 1 think I uuUc agre-e with jou.”
gument that, although tUroiigh tlio to gtru up his idol and Jam to bis God.
protecilve tariff the \merlcau work- Wesley kntjw not what to da He wanWkea Fictdura (com tin RKnmialB ki-igkt
Vahirlcd Inr suadsrd (Ik sir.
Ingmau receives higher wages for his dered in (bo forosti praying aloud for
■be ton U.c sxme robe o(
lalKir. yet the tariff sq^Dcr(?a*os Hie iigbt w to his walk before God. He
AaS set the stars ct glocy tlicn-:
cost of lleiug that tbe adv-antage of inolt under the blooming grape vines,
SIk adasbd sita-its goesre-us dyvs
TWniUkr laldrio ol tbe skies.
higher wages Is mon- than neutralUod ^id shielded by the long, gray moss
AnJ Orii.dlti pun. wlnUil wUte
hy the higher cosi of living. As com-| from any living eye sought wisdom
Bilh steskiDcs (S the nKning light;
pared with cendlilons In Germany It is ■ sod comfort
Thrs (rom liis auasion is tbs lun
manifestly true that wages In the Unit-1 xhat night he'askod advice a soopnd
8bs allcU hrr rssic Uam dova,
Asd gsvt lato his ntgbty hstxl
od States are high and the cost of Ilv- time of tho elder,
Tbe symbol o( ber ebsses Uad. '
lug low. That makes a jwc»l comblna‘'Webavoeonsidcrod your case, "said
tinn and one whk-li Is sure to win tbe tb« bishop "Will yon abide by our4«UsirsUc noosttb of the doadl
Who Tvsi'sl start tfcy rtcsl (.vm.
battle for prviecilou.
To brsr tbe Iranrst-inunpingi loud,
f.wUl abide by your dodsioa "
tbr Ughtuliig Isam driven.
- Old fiaidlrr* Remesaavred.
Then tho bishop said, "Wo advise
It is to lie eS|M-cied. of course, that
I farther In this matCfalld ol tiK sun! to tbss 'tls F><vn
Democratic eaingi-ossiueu nnd politi
To guin] tbc bsoarr «( the bis.
cians should iH- loud lu their denuucla--so be Jti” said Wrelty, and that
To hovsT is tlir culphar-miaks,
lion of Hon. U. flay Evans. ITesldent
tb© end.
Tb msrd csss ihs l■sttls-lUobs.
McKinley's commissioner of iienslous.! poor Siqihia was bcarlbrolraa. Her
times. "And ail on account of that thick
who. they assert. U unfriendly to the rolatives were incensed and compelled
beaded Jadt Gn-abam. Well. I'm glad
old soldier alid the soldier’s widow, for | ber to marry a Mr. Williamsoo, though
I found him out. anyway. If. we bad
the reuaoD that they are desirous of.sbo begged Wesley to intercede In ber
been togetber all tbe tintc, there U no
tecurlng the veterans' votes. It may.l behalf. Even al
knowing what might bare happened, and
Just think of baring to go tbrongb life
however, lie of Interest to thest' aelf : ^roioto Wesley andcastpitiful glaooes
witb sneb a atnpid! But. ob, dear, 1 wUb
constituted chBtnplons of the old sol-: *t bim nutil lu his desperation one day
we hadn't quarreled just now or that
dler, as well as to the vetonns tliem-j be forbade ber to attend holy oornmnnthere were aome other young men In town
selves, to know that during the first, ion. Ho explained thie afternoon os
that were any fnn. But all tbc other
three years of Commissioner Evans'! technical grounds bnt tho tide bM
TMng men arc silly, and at tbc wortt
adminlsintloD of the pension burean | turned and tbe people of OiKirgia were
be b only stupid. Dear me. but 1 am
be allowed nearly S.OOO more widows'| ngainst him. A charge of slander was
claims than were allowed dnrlng tbc' institute^ but the assailants, knowing
Jack's (
corresponding three years of bis Demo-1 that they had small chance ot sncCMS,
jnigfat be -------abont as follows;
craUc preOecesfier, During the fiacal. delayed tho trial from week to week
"There is no getting around it, I was
years 18M. 1895 and 181x1 widows' at-[ antillire in Georgia became unbearable,
tailing In love witb her. but it is a good,
lowances were 02,85.x against S7.MS He made arrangemenu to leave the oolthing I fonnd ber out when I did. Whew,'
during 1807, 1898 and 1890. This. too.; ony. Bnt uren in this the Canstbns
what a spitfire she Is! And then think
In spite of the fact that tbc deciMse thwarted him. He waa forbidden tq
of baTim......................
through death of widows of aoldlcrs of leave the province,
c kno
tbe civil war U rapidly Increasing from
do never went out that &^a did
of Isdks iBUIlscteal.
not pass and repass him several dmea,
and often she was known to look in
-Qnets I tl go fishing today. No. HI
Our Tru4* Wlta BuTuuu.
upon him when be was at prayer la bis
be banged if 1 will! I’ll go botanising.
Bnt dani bounlxlng anyway r
own bouse
The total value uf merchandise,
During all these trials beoootinued
and silver Imported into Havana
Ing tbe three months eadod March 31. to conduct his parish as esnal, although
yet decided on ber unique celebration.
1900, shows an Increase of t3.815.2$l be was a sort of prisoner at large. At 6
She had thought of exasperating Jack
over the same period of 1899. Tbc to o'clock one evening tbo little flock
by buying a lot of set pieces, caeb put
tal value of merchandise ImjKtrted Into gatbered in the church for prayers.
ting tbe number SO In aome different
Havana during tbo month of March. Wesley led as uxuaL Delomotto was
way. and geti‘ .
J'-OO. was $4,333,220. The total value there with the friends who still re
them up in some consplcuona place where
Jack could not bel|> st-clng them from bk
of merchandise Imported /rom the mained loyal. After tbo service Wes
home. But still that would not be
United States dnrlng March. 1900, waa ley wu seen to return tobiehome. Bnt
very much fun alter all. Jack, on
nearly as much as the total Imported tbe faithful Delamotte bad planned an
other hand, discovered during the two
from ail other coontrles combined.
escape from this slow tucture. Three
weeks of tbe quarrel that not only bad
faittaini friends led tbe young clerical
b* been In danger of faUing in lore witb
Wfaut Tta*F Are Xet auBerius Prom. trough tbe darkness to the pier. Theca
Polly, bntt Lthat be was inB lore
with ber,
Senotor Depew thinks that the pres anlndianskifl bore him down the river.
ent Indnstrial situation "may be de A sailing vesaci was in waiting, and
that if tb^ could only get Into tbe new
scribed os an Indigestion of-prosperl- soon John Wesley was leaving tbe land
century safely they would have a hun
dred years ahead of them before there
Senator Depew may or may not of bis love forever.
would be any chance of anything arising
right the people of tbe United
so exasperating at this end of tbe cen
SUtes may or may not be suffering
tury dispute. After be bad atilrad fit
Shakespeare, who was bom in April,
Indl^tloD ettber tndostrlal
tbk condoslon an idea came to him that
gaatronomlc. but one thing is sore, and l$e4, was in his nineteenth year when
ra retSfirkaWy bright, even Polly after
that is that they are not auCertng from he married, wrilM Dr. WilUam J. Bolfe
ward admitted, for sneb a •tapid fellow.
Tbe Ladies' Home. Journal.
On tbe fortaoon of the Fourth of July
sr Qv duU Mflilly turn
fered in the days of Clerdand and Anne'a birth or baptism we bare no
Jack took an Anwrican flag in ooc band
TO vhect thy sky-besa gkeiss bon.
a^d a flag of truce In tbe other and
record, bnt the ioscriptica on ber grave
“tariff reform."
ABAsshisrerts '
Cbtdi ww sad t>
informs us that she was 67 yean '
whan tbe died, Ang. 6, 1633. Sbemnst
Wheru Rutarm Is KMded.
Tammany Is anxious to Inject « therefore bare been at least 36 at tbe
Aaftocy ■bsrs rlss sad tsU.
-Have you dedded yet oo tbe unasual
ra" cry into the nation- timeof bermatriage. Somebiographera
Uks sfaeols o( Asm es BldsigU-s pall,
etM*aOon that you were tblnking of f*
Thsa msll thy mtsor.(lsMcs gVre.
campalga At borne. In New York have taken tbe gnmnd that tbe "smart”
tbe last Fourth of July of tbe eenrtiryr
lad cevetisg (res shsU sisk brecstb
Tammany hna to defend itself young woman of 36 entrapped tbe boy
Tot tbe Ant of tbe new eentary,- oald
Eseh gsUsst srw Uut strtfess belrea
afslnst lu record for tbe higbeat tax «f IB into thia match, which, from n
Tkst torely BMsMtr «i Asstk.
worldly pednt of view, was ao Impru
ftte an' '
^ever mind that" said Jack. -I don't
nsr cd the SCSI! ee ecsss ns*
care when tbe nrtr century beglna. AJl.
dent, but I tasoy that tbe boy himself
_ . shsU glittw e-CT the tnre;
dssth. isiviflre to tbi ask.
s darkly sood tbe betUed ssO.
le for bis conduct
attktsd osses laA srlUIy bsdt
Wby wMKMKuta tbit ffbartb kg
Btusv tbe bresAlds's rwMsa
4>g uadigcdT A0d wa MB calefarate tb«
Mlatca for ^Cuban postal fkaoda Is
teb dylre vsoderw •( (be sea
^ by gMliiw autclad. and tbea well
Several trnoksof an extinct spee(s <ff
C^*.- Tlgoronaly cootinned by tbe adghsll look SI oBcc to msTsa sad tkss;
te sure of celebraUng tbe right day."
lad BkUs to sc« thy spiradon fty
ratkm and wip not cease tin aco- gigantic bird have at different kUnea
PoUy was ao taken by mrpriae that
fa ttbopb o'er bk doriag eyv.
baa been pronounced a tbe been foad in tbe staoe qnarry at Bol^ ditoj^rt^aay, -lU U ao aad^enr*
yoke. Mam. Tbe last set dirooverad
Bbowstbnt tbeUrd faadnfoot 11 inebea
Shy start (uos lit t)
*sd agaia. they bad
looA nimadwltb tbree nails or claws to
Tbe total amotmt of money In
-------- ----- that they didn't eui.____
endi tot Tbe tmAs average 4 feet 10
has locTMsed by 182 per
two FwM'
iBCbM^aut. and 11 of tbem have basn
I ttelss bat (sib bslassmt
t'tO yean and tbe d«v
nU btatatb oor Ittl.
■ iMBwMMamkgVwml
- • ___ _
___ ________
HSJ: iiir.tiu;
Omd * Oillatt in tba Hnrkat WUk
Tbalr Flrat KUn of Bri^
Tbs Trevane City Brick Werta,
rend A QUlett, prop^tors; innmibn
that they bava bvsad tbelr flret kttat
of brick and wlU be ready In sap*ty
flret of B'—' —•- '----- **—
The new brick yard la sltantad a half
mUa wMt ot Garterb mOl and la in
to tba elty, and wall toaw
it. bnt It wui come'' up amillng aswy
Ume " Oalman'a Eiaatie Floor Vanisfc
SB Walk
A Grefft DJjooyery tor OAnoar
WisDSOK. O.S-T., Job. 31. 1000.
Dr. C. D. Warner. Dear Sir;—I baveuied «our Compound ot Seven Corea,
the great eaneer cure and blood portfler, with excellent resnlu. 1 do not
bealtate to reoommead It for the j^W'
posM for which it is need. lU eff^
are Is a short time so manifest that Iff
cannot fail to give the i
Why Go to the Mot Sprinp?
If you are anffering from any form of
rhenmaliam. skin or kidney dlSMM.
obealty. or any ebronie dlseaae. tbe beat
treatmeatyoucangetis the BeU Hot
Air treatmenk It it not a cheap bath
or fake affair, but the latMt and moat
ancceealml Invention of meoern medical
aciencc. It it curing many cooes atl«r
all other methods ot treatment have
failed. It cosU nothing to see the
paratus and InvestlgaU lu marita. It
Is in operation at my effise in tbe Toa*
ntNqr block. SIC Frobtetreet, Travenff
City. Mich.
B. E. Flood, M. D.
a 8- BMOWM. fitteruer ana Oei
OSc** MW Toucher U«ek, ttS Pi
T\K. W.X.OW.O.K___ _____________________
■ ( as4 ■
o. sjssfs.;
Xu. ap *uln la Prosk Prledrlch'* Mw H*cfe.
BnIdoM* ni WMaiogtea *tMtv WeM'U
OBd eklldrea'* dU«»s«i • •poelsltr. Otfiso
kear*: 10 lo Cs. m.; t u 4 sod T U fp. Sb
BeU ■pbsu*, Nortbera -pboM Ro. I.
Y\R. K. X. PLOOD, Oac* IB_____
■■■■miTiillllillllltllillllllllllllllMlilllilii III! illiill I III lllliliITTT——-TW‘T'—--------
TNC MMt •ouurvARoe.
•TT ------------- ------
kwcteitoMtifai ttewMtvetU
\tm M«cfcwMt7P«WflBte
&Uooa aoMB tti$ cMift jrtiiT at
b tfaitad with a
|b« an iatbtbMrtoC
; teolMi »d .
_j jwt nwh 9PM M ZoU tew
j tolOf book «ttU«d "Mmer."
£ 5srSL«*diis?
1 «ba •tnoTCtewat
k To^ipadatoitjroB naiidai
B Tirw it tnan as ostrite’a li
^ Yoa Bite taka part la tt,UT« in
Lite for tba tUna bels( fotfat that
■a aBTtbingbnt a eoaibBte
I. follow mj Bdrioa, aad I wUl
that TOO wiU aaa Parla aa
ia and not aa toarlata aea or da8it down with ma «t tha terof roodtt cafe ^ wteh iha
of hnnaBllr u it ikm bjrtanttuaesl^chand
BriU^~blaae JoaniaUrti.^lookiiig aoweaaaa, ebio Uttla Parithapetlta bootgaoiai» n
aggata—aje, and Amaric
‘tooohlng elbowf,” at the
uj. la it not dilute lode BpOD,
ruling aoUTitr. ia abandooad
laatfMrbootaT Poorfallowl Ha
uialaid hU brain and might find it
He la ima of the aode9 man of
witboat hif pet nqwratltion.'
“B# oonatanUr have people who jeU. oi
___ toptoba^tbaBbaek _
M Wea WMhe-t te Ow.
tha orplanatinB that they hate bad-bad
at* tern tha aala «M aada ate
rtwmU hata good tookagalB tetU FnlMvKtdnr I. "TI» BaMai.
of Caarate Kaiaar," ate tea eowate
‘•OWteteTwho bad aoM « her ■■baoMaiaed only aftara earatol ta■adtethar’a akxk &irty wept ba- qniry into,.aU the oiioBinteBe* anr«Ha it waa gw bafoaa ^ eoald bay roandtaigthe paogooad aUiHoa. flnl,
itU^lB. IMaldaaiBBOtoontoedao it the yoeng lady anStahle to aeaooiaar ignsant paegla-tayaay ttoa with the wine of the otb* (dBernl
Saaote. WiU the bridegroom baablato
“At tfaia t*7 tima I know a Loaia- ttre raqwelaUy aad bring ^ hia tarnTiUa tiaainaai man of great ealtara ate
aadnatnaatwho la '
aa dd woodaa dank wMeb be owMd 0 that ho ia not liabla tT^aSaUadS
mar yaan ago—* daak aateikhba
. yl Tba oteaorfflmade an rooraona amocBt of moM ‘
aoiy ooelal advatagaa njoyed by tba
a faw ia^ ataokaa of bia pan.
Gacmaa ofSoar and tba paonaiaiyiedaak pamed fron hand to band and oat apOBBibiUty growing natnrally trcaa
of Ida pawwion. He ia oow eatMatly aaab adrantagee
email pay.
ea make bit amaU
■tearoaing to traoa it and parehaaa it. vUeh amo.................................
e only to abont 91 a day
baUoTlagtbat xeoaat baainaao'tew
and hard tiinea wiU See away if be can amaUar than it ia
An Amerioan lady who bad bean
that ■amf old deak.
goading a winter in Dreadao told Mr.
Bicelow tbat all tbe baobelore of the
ganiaoBwere fnmiabedwich a Uatof
mairtagaable weeien. each nama oraa• of eeieide bare thv
Btetad with tbe property ahe might be
teoagfat aboot by Beane of baning aapeoted to inherit Thie no donbt waa
ebarooal. of which one ecainple Bagr
on her part, bat it ia a very
reffloe. that of aon of Bartbollat, the
ne. Qerman afSoera Mhtloned
eelebratadehonict. Thiayrmng:
OBine affected with great Btcotal depreaalon. which rendered Ufe ionppartable laaving the army In diagiva or marry
to Um. Betinng to a mall room, ha ing a rich girl
loted the door, oloaed npererioeawbioh
Mi. Bigelow addi: "From my own
Bdgbt admit frMh air, lighted a ebar Bsparience in Oermaoy the ofiloera would
ooal braaia', and with a aecond watoh appear to hare married for lovo and to
before him noted dowif the time, to ba happy in oonaeqnence,” and yet "the
gether with faii aeuatiana aa tbegaa ae- number of thoee who get into debt and
tail to aecnre arich wife ia comiderable,
He detailed tba approadi and rajdd although it makoa no paiticnlar ripple
progreae of delirium ontil the writing In tbe Bnrface. Such men aimply diaapbeoame larger and larger, more and pear and turn np aooner or later in
) oonfoae^ and at length illegible, Anmioa, where they take employment aa
and the writer fell dead upon the Soor.
waiter*, teachers or instruct—Note! and Qneriee.
on in riding acboola The ohauge of
Ufe ia very violent and ia adopted only
Uncle Sam'e new 2 per cent, bonde aa prefarablo to roicida ’’
are quoted at 104, which establiahea a
What It DMn't Improve.
record of high credit never reached bj
any other nation.
•The lit(l<- busy l>co.” commentea
the poetic maiden. "See how It' ‘im
prove* each HbiDlng hoar.' *'
Hr.Ligbtweigbt(airily. to oondootot)
"Mebbe it doe*." reuimvd the practl'—1 wonder what that ababby old codg
inner, "but you'd iK-tler
er Sndi to attractire In tbli dirootioo.
:li- lanideD.
Eo'i been eying m« for too mlnntea.
Coadootor (tbonghtfully) —1 gnoH
tUnt folk* that
‘T’:‘r<be’a woodering how yon happen to bo farmer.
cot ton elow- gt^'mliy fotiod that the
traveling on a paea Bo'e the preddeBt thing that iuii>n>ves thr Khlulnc hour
of the road.—New York Advcrtlaet.
e/wMr'i iiltv-iv« iTutm.v,. tli.‘ tru-t'
I Guntlemen of M Taste
Lmvb Travotaa Oty ak «40 b.
jaB«aflrateBanidBaAOp.M.. Iteha
goa BTiep. aa. tala •t.ao. Oraat at
traetkaa (er Snad^ vWtera.
AiQtfwi gnats
far Qraahad Ovaol Ooffaa Cbkaa.
I Oaps.
- All caps made of Fancy Cassimeres,
etc., values 50c, the whole lot 0.P\f*
tocloseat-^...... .................... .
Mil's eadimiai 25c and 35c.
At BOc about twenty styles to select from.
^; At $1.00 your choice of handsomest patterns
made by
Wilson Bros., Wachusett SKh-t Co. and Monarch
Good Line of Jofoliy
G. F. Makepeace.
III Kinds oIReiairiie.
Waukazoo House! v''
Hunter & Baumbaueh. The m^or^npozt,
The beat fomlahed and beat 1
bouM on tbia penlnanla'u
la U rea^*^
,, ----Open
irronn-------round. Good
Livery in connecUon with the bonae.
EUtceI made
mi ’ known
on application.
Fire lnsurance. i
L. L. A. Building.
We Make the Prices
and De the Business!
Compare our offerings with .anything in this market and see !
how much money you can save by supplying your wants here.
That Wear
50 per cent, longer than
any other make.
Wash Dress Skirts made of Pique •
aud Duck, colors white, black, ttarj.
$1.00 Yalnes at 69c,
$1.50 and $2 Yalaes at 98c.:
White Underskirts, ^
The 50c kind at 38c.
The 75c kind at 68c.
The 81 kind at 74c :
tJorset Covers at Sc, 19c, 31c, 47c and S7c.
Night Gowns, cool kind, at 25c, not 39c. Better
grades a1) go at special prices.
Ventilated Corsets only 25c and 50c.
For Boirs 15 ind 25c
For Mil 10,15,251.
Gold Dollar Brand,
Attend onr Ladies Suit, and Jacket Sale ;
—the assortment is here and ptices about
Ladies' and Miss- 1 0/9
es.'cost.............. AvU
Wayne Knit
Equal in finish to tbe fin
est imported and wears
Misses Stockings, 15c
and 25c.
Ladies’ Stockings,
25c, 35c and 50C.
T. F. Hunter,
Cheaper ones at i6c, 25c and 30c.
Straw Mattings, 5>^c for the 12c kind; i8c for 25c kind.
Suits at—$3.50, $5.00. $6x» and $7.50
Belts......................IOC, 25c. 35c and 50c
Hose........................................25c to 90c
For Cooking or Furnace Purposes
Mil's Suits It $7.50,
Fine Wood
And Float Draperiea, Flagt, Boot
ing, and eveiytlting in tbe line of
display deooratiou can be proSMnralk LnmtMr In all diM. '
enred if ordarad balbra M^bday. July 8. of C. F. Makepeeoe.
I make anything in tbe above Une Soeegesen U TrBwarM Olty iMsthn Oo.
from a child’e flag to ten-foot tis
ane paper balloofl, in bnman, ani
mal, or regolar form.
Note—I offer a prize of a free
I have had my baildine
order for anything they want to
reboilt and pot in good
the amount of ten dollara, (f 10.00)
werfc at hlahM pennlW* grmU. Plat |
shape and am now raady
wark a apeeialtyin the li^e of aigns, from a aimple
to receive all old patrona.
New 0«M. Markham Bloek
float aktrtiast* to a ten-foot silk
banner in Rold lettering, to the
locky Snnday School or Ghnrch, SiS Front Sl.
Telephone 304
Industrial, Charity, or Frataroa
Oiganization, giring the order
drawing the nnmber for it.
A postal card addressed to Box
^334 will call me in oonsoltation.
Easily get their wants
supplied here.
Men's Suits made of all
w<m1 Cassimeres
i Bicycle Glething.
ntehaareaaodaM Itate^tin ncteJuriaMatiy^wteTfS?
AU am enedkUy tavHte tn Wait bjaatndlp.ate toot hM ahUii^ aa u np to
Carpet Department.
Th^ are the greatest val
ues in this market and we
are selling them to young
men who are the leaders
in fashion.
utiA A radutd
Or. W. f. BcflBi. 0
No hard up uleson backward season with us. We
buy for cash and quote low prices. Just now wc__
we are
giving special inducements in this dept. For instance:
Lowell and Hartford, extra superfine Ingrains at................
Cotton Chain Ingrains, all wool filling,
$8.se aid $ie.ee.
X. uidiiaiUy
Cor. Union and Eighth Sts.
6HAHD eaphh * M UtXBaeH
18x36 Huck towels locor two for 25c,
16x30 Linen Damask towels 10c!
18x36 Heavy Cotton towels 10c.
Smaller Sizes 5c and 9c.
Children’s Made Dresses, white and col
ors. 26c. 60c. 76c to $3.76
IrrmgMients an Ml CompM. Ml the Coniiniitees an Busy Finishing Their WnA
ntLe IEia.ces
The fan will begfin on the Third with Horse Races on the re>built and best half*
mile track in the sute. These races will b«»n Tnesday afternoon, July $, and will
also be given on the afternoon of the 4th and 5th, and will be under the auspices qf
the Traverse CiQr Driving Park As^iation. The purses will aggregate $1,000.
Salsbury's “Tommy M," the “Guideless Wonder," will be on exhibhion. The usua^
gate fees will be charged to these races.
Many entries have already been made and this will be the best racing event
Northern Michigan has ever had.
Silver Bros.’Tent Show
Silver Bros.’ combined Novelty Show and Trained Animal Exhibition will be
hereon luly 3rd and 4th. This combination has been grelttly enlarged and is now
one of the best shows of its size on the road. The customary popular prices will be
charged to this entertainment, which will*prove
A Pleasing Feature on the Program Both Days.
. Traverse City is noted all over Michigan for its magnificent holiday parades. None, even, of the
larger cities can equal the Queen City of the North in the magnitude of this display. The outlook now
is good for something this year in this line that will surpass anything ever seen here. The merchants
and business men are preparing for elaborate displays, while the mills and factories promise substan
tial aid in lengthening the line. The G. A. B... Co. M., and fi-atemal organizations and trades unions
wiU also be in line. Quite a number of features in the Carnival parade ot the night of the 3rd will be
retained in the great parade of the 4th. An interesting and attractive addition to the parade will be’ the
street pageant of Silver Bros.’ combined shows, headed by their fine band in the gorgeous new chariot
just built for them. Every child over seven years old in the city and the surrounding country is cor
dially invited to join in the parade. Hon. J. W. Milliken and Drs. G. A. Holliday and J. A. Snyder with
Captains and Lieutenants will have charge of this, part of the parade, and parents need feel no uneasi
ness in allowing their children to join this popular demonstration. Every child in the parade will be
given a fiag to keep and carry home as a reminder of the happy event. The committee have in minH a
way of organizing the Children’s Parade th^^U be something new and novel. It is hoped every
child in the city on that day will join this p^ade. The parade will start promptly at one o’clock on
the. afternoon of the 4th, and the children snould all be in place before that hour near the comer of
Sixth and Wadsworth streets, opposite the residence of Hon. Perry Hannah. There is plenty of grass
room and shwle to make a.pleasant resting place.
the; gre;^t cahnival
The night of the 3rd will witness one of the most brilliant carnival scenes ever organized in a Michigan city. The fea
tures will be so many that there is no room here to even name them. A great voting contest has been held during the last
week and one of the most popular young ladies of Traverse City has been chosen “Queen of the Carnival.” A most elaborately
constructed and decorated chariot is being prepared for Her Royal Highness, and she will have the place of honor in the pa■rade, clad in her elegant robes of state, and after this is over a grand reception will be given in the City Opera Hou.se, where
apon a magnifloent throne the Queen will receive her loyal subjects. Admission to this reception will be by ticket foi' yvhich
a charge will be made.
The Carnival Parade will be brilliant beyond desciiptiou. The line of mai-ch will be a blaze of electric- lights, colored
tire and flashing rockets, while during its progress great bombs will be shot a thousand feet into the air from mortars, and
bursting there will send a shower of fire earthward, while guttling rockets will flash in mid-air, and the night will be madfe
into day, and with music, and rockets and bombs and flashing Are and waving flags and fluttering bunting of the national
colors, and the tousic of bands and noise of happy shouting of thousands the night of the Third will merge into tho great holi
day of the nation and the morning gun will aunounce the beginning of the Great Day itself!
Everybody who can do so should be here the evening of the 3rd to witness the Great Carnival Parade.^ Many unique and
unexpected features will be introduced dui-ing and after the parade to amuse and interest the crowd.
On the«venins of the 4th there>jvill be a great display of fireworks far ahead of
anything of this kind ever seen in this part of the sute. Last year's display was con
sidered very fine, but the committee this year have arranged for a display that far
surpasses that. It will be largely a mid-air display, but there will be a few handsome
set piei^. Improvements are consUntly being made in the manufacture of fireworks ”
and this display will be in keeping with the whole celebration of the 6a!^. Come pre*
pared to remain until after this part of the day’s program. Arrangements will be
made to b^in the display jest as soon as It is dark enough to make a good show, and
there will be no delay “between acts." It will be a consUnt rattle, and flash, and siz^ and roar from beginning to end, and it will be something to remember for a whole
year. All special trains and boats will wait for their passengers until this exhibition
is finished.
create a
lln' “«<*.'after the parade, on the aftwnoon of the 4th. Greai
*P?"l,!I“t«'yhnd gracefolly.nhae morurs will 4nd
into the air, queerlooking paper wads that will suddenly epen and
4l'"( h”'
and human
huta^eds of
All trains and boaB will give one fare for round trip on the 3rd and 4th rood t.
return nntd the 5th. The Bay Boats will also sell one fare round trip tfekits m th!
Sth to enable -dl who cannot be here before to attend the great races^on the?th Ar
‘■“■'"““t's where such sinrii
M H tae ttfiaa. •h* V MM k m.
WtnttMl tfkMtrt tte W tPt{
BMW w dfM M «■ wwa Mat
« «kr aato ffMa. .
Laiiw M pcnea B tti tartb I lM«
VUfc Mr tmur M kla* tfeoTC.
dediw et a (bat
TV (faUd Mm* kor bead ap Ma
tbroagfa tv glaa.
*Tf&?-aVc«Ued. TcaaY raa.
d HKb Mk, Mew tfar ■iimIm Mr.
M Mia 1M Mawt M ar eM «Mi
e «f dHU«d I
■ «• trwt«« M (
« ocfnpt (roB bIBui7 dstr. t
dad «Mt atat hwMi m4 the Mwr t( tia
tfa’ tafala. u ^ 1 gM sr «ow nitlo lag
an adcfc It tfajoogh thi* bolt daddy cat
It for me^ as I can It Hr pattoBei
ae ware tt. ao doddr caa aee h waj
dowa tb* road, aa tfaea fat kaowt emr>
tklag It all right.’“BBt poo r«a oat a&d plar amotiaaiT’'
gaeriod tbc targeoa.
world kaowi & ftMT tfsBd* «*
IMm thu dwt dtaptarrd far tfar Bom-
Sw woM an M BOMH aad eooka
i^. bw BM Aghtar* a* wdl aad aa,
Km at tbdr tro«faaw aad hahaadt.
^CUrf aMt Ifat aaclMrwMMB wfaa
dMi bmt at Wat amaMd
Haacfct for tfae frailiwi a( thdr poopto
rat Qwn Boadkca. wife of PraaoU-:
M. AnertfacdeaUof Brr teafaaad. la-'
•aad far tfae oatrmaeo ot tfae promntor
ktoa, abe took ep amt agaloK tfao BfrM «>l(«lau aad tfadr aUioi.
It wat a diagr Uttla boow a»d ataad
pad to gtMt tfae praaitad faoliW, *a adtfaapa 100 foot froa tfae htghwar. A.
ok poltM a^ faer eaptar*. To ^ ^id earand patfawar lad to It add'BM,war waa a well. Tfae grMt aargion kU
aae^t Mgkt ot tha wril boa mod Aa
He wat a eoagoiBav _
to tv pOMiblllUM
tblo Uae of Israatigi
The CriDDfed Moumi
It cap lau It. TV watar «
aanplcd It wlu a anuio
fapB be drank foar capa
rnpld aaoeratlon. As V fioiabod tV
« he loVrd toward tha Vote. Hp
^ni to taBenVr it Tfaat watar wat
«v good to loae track of.
n irae Joit an anconth, one atorr
t and window L
aralk oa mraelf. Tfae bora call tae *ctofatoot,’ an tber Uogb. Ifaiddr Bade at a
ume taut, an oa Biadart V dnwg aa
oat if U-doa't rnla. Aa fac'a goia to wUp
tfa- bora it tVj langh at loe ear Bore."
’’Will roo let BO aee roar feetT* V*
aired tv grtat
"Toall Ungfa.'
' * ' t aaiaouB gtarrlj. *TI1
................................ not laagfa.”
Bo board ber dnwltig a ^alr to tV
He brard fare oeraBb
t latar aV Upped oa tl
aad tbea be nw tV diotottod feet la
tbeir coaree ram etDckinga polaad oa tV
window aUL
"Tao." V untd to bar. ‘TVt will do.
Aad bow." V addod. "1 latia go." •Oh. bat ro« Joat caae." oM tV
, H Toa tova A dwantit. •-------r .--
*...1 *
Fiinal Dimcnr.
grea's walk as V swuf oror tV
ao on aerem tV rMge to tV captta
borne, and a freab sparkle farlgbteae.
dear grar erca.
"Br the war." V said to tV ri<* m»
fVl erening. "1 want to borrow the Wr
Booms at 4M Booth Cntoo Brest.
VatopfasogHs. M
I Into tbe rillsge and np
t bUcksBlth shop, and
It ended wbei
in a ker.
Tfaat rUe In tv low phaeton was tV
.rest erent of Martha Johnson's rathn
prosak life. To alt In the sofUr cnshloned mrTfagc bp this wonderfnllr gray
boired man. who knew and Vd s^
erernbiiig. waa a pleasure of sui* im*
nltudc that it quite took tbe cblld't
rath away. Bhe waa rerj quiet for
time, and then she broke forth
chattered like a magpie. And- the
1 lieride her related
of tbe cbildicae
when be heard
would hare been quite imitoasibl............
which wat enjoying the ride tbe bett'er.
And wbHi they returned and be tied the
horse at tbe roadside aud carried bc-r inahe was only a fragile little bundle—tbc
was quite wlillng that be should make
ft eareful examination of her erlpplcd
When it waa finished, be burried away
to meet a man with whom be bad an ap
pointment. Tile man was the Uackamitli, nnd tbe idaeksmitb listened to bis
Ktor.r with ft truubk-d face. He was a
slow mao, was tbe blieksmilb, and not
of a hopeful disp .
"Understand.'' lie said at Ilast In hU
alugglsh w
way 'Tm a poor'man. and I'm
la <tcbt. I tried
farmiu. aand It didn't
'vrHHi lamiiu.
poy. and lila<icksmilbln Iso't
great deal
•11 have
l|»i« lime
better. You'll
hare to wait
lor your money."
“I>o you Imagioe I a I fiirciug toy
iinV rrii-d tbe surgeon
re’ll be nothing
. to pay."
. .
Tbe ilia....................................
iilacksmltb'k lean face clouded.
c it
iTtH-ated. "IWt
'Nolbln lo payr* be
• you duiu this tor?"
. ‘oWn pleasure,'
, _
"Well." grow^
Ultic t>anse. “f
understaud. k
world. There's gain to V
“And iberc's one tbiug-yon
onmt the snS
/roo taw DO Men ot lUr. aad. ihes hit
i^r caogbt tight of a face tVt appeared
a,moment at the window. It was a white
little face. tV face of a child. It disa^
pcared and came again—jost n coi^
risioD of babr tcatnrrs and flaffr blond
bair—end tlira was gone.
I "A shr Uttic glri." thought the siugt^
at be wared bis Vnd toward tbe bo&.
A alender Vnd fluttered aVre iV ilUu
be toned awar.
Tbr great torgeon bad come down to
.WUlUmttoo at tV earnest sdldUUoA
M0U.Y rmam at uontOL-m
af Pmiicc owed bis realm. After a threet of tbc rapiulift wbnon sammer paia«
Bonths* Biruggie shr wrested tbr scepterr crowneil tbe..............................................
troBlhe British and crowned him king[ town. Tfae < apitalitt '
It be needi
At Belma.
Ons- of tbe most famous Americ
great surgeon was deepBen addieri In the ear of the Ui-voluhii case. Besides, be felt
itiou was lifdiorah Hauipnou. who i<>l 1 lri>
hat V tienled a change blrasplf. and bo
the Contlnmial sruy in 177H nndi-r
asm.- of IhdKTrt Bblnliirr, Hbr sen.d :uew then- wasn't a U-tter place to rein tbe Brny fur thnv jrsn as a prirais
aoldier U-fore faer w-x was dikcnrered. ,
Itlrry lAn^lnu of tbc CaroliDas was well ■ l•bysiciau at tbe palace uu the
aoe <»f Marion's most truxird sronU. ^rUge.
u wla-n she wns
was supi
suppoa-1 Tbc surgeon waa a great walker. There
KIght after uidit.
, ot thinking,
- no gymnas*
ti to la- asleep in her own room. >be c • Lwaa. . fair
Geld and iwatnii
iwatnp to the tJca to eouiiwrc
coniiwrc with this natural ..
psertied news Mcrr field
hurscs placed (o
•ABPriesn euuip. Tliougb tbc llrltish I'die ot the legs. Tbe horses
hit disposal had no ntuacUon
him. His delight was to wander
] nway -acrou
the ri^es
und along unCre,.gcr. loo.------- ----------, ,------,
—--------------------------_------.-------------- ■------------------------------------ ..............................................................................................
of the IterololionBiy
limes, j qaentctl roads, breethihg In tbe aromatic
-aslun w ben she »-us carrylog '-'air, and shuffling his feet in tbe pine
. IV contents ot wbirii sV Boedks. nnd then to come loping Vek at
........... ........... rsl llreeuc to 8ntnler.! A.brUk jiare
'Vc wat ioteireiiii-d by sumo Tory w^)ui* nugbly appci
And taken prisoner v sospldun. Lett j He bad cujoyed the road
road orer tV hill
r the louely home, andd he V'd enjoyed
^Mic fo[ a few minutes, she ebvwi-d into
L-11. and the next
■Mu the writlcn luessagi
It that way again. The
^rrylbg. When s«-arebcd
dingy little bouse seemed e
i-WBa uotbiag tliacorered.
Imltted to pursue, ber journey, fabe de-' aitraetlre than It bad appeared tbe day
ilrered to Humter. verbally, tbc message, Vfon-. Tbe Burgeon looked toward it as
• klr.
•- •
•; he drauk. Again the Uitle'face appeared
. B lut
On the VId ot klomnoutb Msdly 1I'ilcfa- ‘ at the Wilson-. Tbik time It did not ranit riilld in a duU old bouse like a c
t from---Isb.
the littlcfaead nodjCr made beraelf fatuous. A shot-----_ On (be
-- contrary,
fled as the fluffy curls
• shook.
- •
~ aui?IV enemy killed‘her husband, a can-• ded
Mum, at bis tsist. The officer In com- geon nodded back and went a few paces
Ofafand. baring n« one eumiH-tent to fill nearer and smiled and nodded agaluj
-tu. put
• Tfaen tbs little faie beumed all orcr. and
ranry. ordetv
SV raeanry.
ordifvd tbe r
' * "
fiugeta of tbe eurgoon an eloquent
: tbe big blue eyes abut and closed rapidly,
(drawn. 8b>- beard lbs o
: ffnally n-solriug ibemselrea into two star- pressure.
iiied tbe fight. '
teie rammer, eontbn
erening tV surgeon said to tbc
Ing c-trrli-s. while tbe little inouib became
areugv her bu,
tVt she
abe would
n. “I bare an imiwiiant surgical
perfect O. Then the Cense lines relas'Aealb. TV
tbe elty op Wednesday and will
rip]ded i
the ebild'a
.er by Oeneml Watblug- ed. a amile
two days.”
; face and tbr tbln hand
Mou In lecogniiiou of her
lo ■•eraonal fists that shook themi
Just as all aoldlen do u
I. BO oil tbe ormy of deroted Amer- geon in mori: defia
of tbe ralln ny
women could not enter tbc lists of, Tbe surgeon Viidn't “made faces" for
ieauly shared aud atiin,<d In bis
e cieauly
iny years, but now be let^s UMCcnaitlk heroine^
r-s. ___
like II
... •
nH fraiurvs twist themsefres into gro- best, aud there was a bright nnd hopeful
1 Mullle ITtcVr; but they ppored
Back of the platform
tost fill^^j^ child audb
ludi___ olMs In pailenee. In watchfulness and ,
stood tbc rich mao's carriage and bandlb patr(ol*c tpiril.
t & 17U8 the Kdonlal women ahowad Muc to ri«f« to7bc‘’dlw^0M^t‘to totue boraea. tor tbc great surgroa bad
gone up lo the city tbe day before and
was expected back on tbc coming train.
ic window.
Pn-toWly it rumbled up to tV llUle plat
........ ........ . _
0 ttjert Bohsa.
''Hello." V aakd to tV face wilhla.
a brav
brand ...
of —................
Imported tea
then to—popn-1
A thin
* ----------- ------ ------------ - form. aud a momeol later the tv
------ ------------------------------------------------------jbr. and chose tbe Vlaatnic Hyperion, a aa a muflkd roiee said aoBrtUiig he eoerged from tbe single passenger
Ifluneatk manotarture prepared from tbe Mold not uudersund. But V obeyed On bis arm leaned a slender little glrb
Mried leares of tbe raipVrry plant. Tbs the motion and looked bancaib tV alD,
. . Vv.
JVka who thus denied themselves were and there was an opening a few Inches
but whose bright face was radiant with
iknoWn aa tbe Daughters of LiVrty.
long and perhapt
t When husbands and tatben wen- away througb Ibis slit
"Daddy"' abr eried aa tbe blacVmith
la cV Continental ranks In ITTA tV wo- protruded.
, inea of Wyoming jdowed. sowed and
"I sec you." said a thin toice through pretaed forward and she threw herself in
scaped, and not only tVt. but they made the opcnlug, "I see you atealin onr wa- faU arma "Look, lookr she added, and
at ber feet. And tV bUrkamilh,
gnupowder. i.w, for the supply waa low tor."
•t tV fart.
Urn tvir vny- »aid iV great aor- looklh
laC t
. In I7W) the dlRteas of tbe American geon with hia tDouth close to tV silt,
br^ was Terr great OH account ot the
"You're juK Miry 'esutc I aaw you."
'Tie did it." said tbc child
Tfae women formed an cried tV tbln' T<-lee. with a laughing
Vek of elolbi
• in It. “Yon knew well enough It touched tbe surgeon's slecrc rcrercntly.
“Thank him. daddy: thank bim!"
» tlBBsea foe ■ «•«» ••
distress of tV
tbe great surgeon drew away.
^^"live m'onev. Tbc'hlghest danis '^Thc atITgeon fumbled In hU pocket and
“roob. pooh, btocksmltb." be quickly
____________ ___ with tbeir needles and ^ught forth a‘ bright new dime
dime and
said, “a man ducss’t want thanks for
Variii^ tbeir trinkets and iewelry. Tfae , thruR It throngh
through tbo oppnlnc.
act of bumanlty aa let
bdks ot Ifailadelphia coo.riVted 2.30U - "That's S cento for water and 8 centa
ting a crippled mouse out ot a trap.*'—
fafalns. wbkh they had rut and sewed ' tor line." be grardy announced.
ClercUnd ITatu IN-oler.
Ves^ees. On evh garment waa tV I TV chlW Uugbed merrily.
hZat of the maker and In a number of
"I ort to tend you right atral^t to
<«aca tbit led to eonttahlp and marriage. | Jalir aV cried and lambed agato; t^
Mr. E. Denison Ross, professor at Pp*! Ou tbc retreat of (be CoollueDtal army nV suddenly added. I a> Martha JohnbUd in Unirersity college. London, glrea
VuB Fort Edward Mrs. Philip Schuyler. aV. goiu on
WV wife of Oeueral Schuyler, rode from
"And I’m Bobert Meredith, gdng MS lo TV North American Review ao hticreatlng deaeriptioD of a modem Persian
lAlbaay to Saratoga, and gave orders to M.” said the great
. Mt tri to the extcnslTc fields ot wheat
TV chUd1 looked
looked at Urn thiougfa t^
“la every Mg basaar a certain num
ber ot shops are set apart for tbe Bale of
booka lu these one finds tbe bookseller
'&ae tbrengh tV opening:
—In hto kmg. dark, ooter mantle and his
*'B«w do you def*
During tV terrible winter pamed t
" thank you," r^Ued tV bl^ black. Umbakln Vt-seatad oa tbe
Forge. Mrs. Waablagtoo endon
bow do you do?"
priratioo of tbe taanp
to V out yet." laa^Md
•nay from menlng UU t
like a butcVf’a while hto booki are eb
I can rit up an vt."
V^orta for the rick aoidleifa.. 8V diemtber amnged la ahelvea ogaiast tbe three
‘‘And why ean’t
't yon go out
D that
llL'with great riiupUcity ao
'ber priwaffs or In heaps upon the floor. HU
d for tV pw
^.-Caue v.ad lo^
iRce. _
Beam eoald V iiaed
eoUectioa usually eoaalsU of Uthagraph
'dth dow*
_^of teUsf.
_ la
- to' amnln V
sr- editloas of Korana. ach ” ’ *----- ■^Bni from tV Udblu of -torial gearip
-thing np with BselMldc. An so 1 {fiat
Kuded dosra-ln eoloalal aanab It to eriy Vre aa take tore o' thinga-^ 'oept
Bfit tVt tfae Una ot tV women of tVt
tn s eoreer. be often bat one or twot___
Stod srere not always beeloodad by
BseripMjrhlrii be baa either bought as a
Sm and tobenmaa. BinUea now and
•pecuUiion or U trying tu dtopoaa of for
baalabcd tV teste. Refreafaed by
_______ I ain't." aald tV chUA *1
{Belr fragrant Hyperion bererage aad
it ay idetsto booVv ay dolUea. an 1
' by noble aealBBtreas and imUs
■ aaw an dam Mb. as ODM to a Iteg
t|IM tV needle and .
Brasil Vs practlcaffy a monopoly of
■ by. MV yo«i. '
Vrty. One
STanay and tor UVrty.
tV caifaonado. or bUck dUmoaA vfalrii
U used Id diasond drills and for
> tv ftral flag giraa to
abrarive purpOM It to toand la Giv
Oolooy and some otW placiajg la
Three Binge, Half HUe Baoe Track, 1,000 Featuree,-100 Phenomenal Acte, SB Olowne. 20
Hurricane Kaoes, 4 Trains, 1,600 Employes,
6 Bands, 60 Oages, a Drove of Oamele, 16
Open Densi a Herd of Elephants.
John R. Santo,
Gaiiril lisirtin.
oonra aouTH.
Lv Harter Sprb
:S; i:s.
'•id; si'
B. P. HOkUUBB^Acil^^Na PaesecgrrAft
The Purest, Gleaneet, Mightiest and
Most Magnificent Amusement In
stitution of the 19th Oentnry.
6rud SipUi i imiui Rj.
wiaam ajk.faU3
$iaS£A SSS8US8£ 88
The Greateat Ferformere in the knowu world are with the Great Wal*
lace Shows this season, inclading
8 8 ««
The 8 Nelsons, $10,000 Challenge Act.
888E R S S S£S88
ab rta.1sIbtb.
The 7 Stirks, Bicycle and Skating Experts.
10 Principal Male and Female Equestrians. 10
ess£ & I
l|:ISa. m. train bM ebalr car to Ofae4
BaylUa 6;B a B-UwlahaabB8n parlor ear
•rprr* fresi
Trun W..T1.VU I'JO p
tappulor ur
lUBB ns mmuiai m
V aenT faeO th' VtlU uTS
The Sisters Vortex, Triple Revolving Trapeze. S
^ «
ib«*t o(
At 10 a. m. daily, ia the fineat ever pot on the streeta. A annbaiat
of —
nieDdor. A Triumph ot Art. Money and Good Taate, withj Laviah
Greataat ProfeaMottal Eeaturei
HCoUtuDnlM MnM
w.ronnxiUlt'iiSnIth. o»
Mbar te Tamaateay Atera Intiy
lYssillnnlt 1& thi BspubliosB
•tsU •oBTsntlfm.
Boperted With tb* PeUn
Pratorla. dnaa
anpplaraMt W
tba OMolal QaaatlB aaya (bat BO paraoB
leallowad to raolda U anytowB^x Tea Ballata Takaa Cor 9pnrmar Xmat
■UaaabofaaraIxtaMBllaa balowPraPim TIM IM U4 om
0b« torM. BBlaaa poaaaaaad efapollaapaaa Br^alsy Vodar Qroat Bxeiteae
Two Om« Lofw ad»if»i Hr yiaatod only to tbOBO who. aot Pritlab Pony XM WbM tba OnarMtlM
taka tba oath of allaylaBaa
Adjearaad. With SSO Tetea-BUa
MI Bh LhI M AIM tmi aoe anbjeata.
BBdBBrraadar tbalr arma Tbarataa
Saeaad with S74 and ateana SOSWauM-UalM mam Cam Han aottarabU iBoranaa la tba aambar of
Dati^t aad Saylsaw OaadldaWa
Ito Mora MUm Mb MlIUi^ MrUlaM In Prateria Maaa dnaday laat.
Tba railway tram Pratorla to Voraaa•alaadPromOabera aite O DpasalL
lay la now rnnalay. Ho aowa raUUny
arwtoi to TM Haraiaa boMte.
•PMM «*«h( Mmiw Bm««.
to tba ontalda wwld baa baa
Oraad Baplda, Jaaa 17—The etate
WiiUnM* ^«** *^-‘^‘*^*^ Ob** baraalaMtboMtryof tba
eonrenUon eomplated ita pm
ftr Md M oMr loralffB Blmii
aryanUatlan wbaa It ‘boaranad at
nforM wlU-U* waUat u^MIUm mt o'clock aad than took a mam till
tNMM • bUb tran TIm lUa. This
(oar o’clock to await tec report of tee
Ittka am oOMl MWf FMtlMdr*mlttaaoB eradantlala, wbeae reportMtolMr Oomtat aimaa Jom It, Paffrioa fftU riybt Tietef of Bbarkoy
delayed by tea aonWiU In Waabtem4 U gata tU fmradhat bop* that
AnfMt S8U If Xte Arm Xa
aawaad Urinyaten aonntlaa. Wbaa
tht vUitMr U alM ud vlthla rMOh
AU Elybt.
report wna oKcrad by Chairman
fl« tha taUTMUeul foroM bow la TIm
Bfwla) to Tta Horalaa BaaaM.
Weaaltna it raaommandad aeatiny WUtWa. ThUnportBOOMitroaAdmlia}
Haw Yerb. Jnaa ir-Jim JaBrim Item Jadaon and tea otbar staarna dalKMpff aad wu nnlvid Uto tbU ataUtei that ba will flybt Oaa EahUa ayatea In Waahtenaw. and alybt of the
MraoM. HUdiapatebdatadatObafoe,
mi atnd, prorldad bla (JaTte) arm.
nittea neommaadad aalmllar ac
warm -*Tba Paktn toroe pad nlnUtara
which baa baoa la a pteatar caat alaca tios In Lirinyaton. After eooaldarable
BIB nportad wltb tba Pakln raltaf #«•
padltlM MMaebad alfbt mllw (ram May I7tb, te In condition at teat Uma. aklrmUblay tea aoarantion aonted bote
In nay areat ba wUl ylra Bahlln tea teaStearni dalayaUona
Homlnatlona tor elate effieare ware
TUl diapBtflh (ram KampS la la a flrat cbaaea.
than daclarad In order, tba apaeebaa
mBjeoBdnaateiTof a dtepatab raealvad'
belay limited to tea mlnntea IneallB tba OhlBaaa lafaUae today aaylnc
iny tea roll of dlatriela tee Pint yara
that aU (ha (oralffB mlalatara
ay to tba Ponrtb and tea brimanl
aboat to laara PaUs with marda. Tba
Wenid Accept Nomination na Brynn'a
leterM.OoraofBarrlaa, in poliahad
OhlBaaa Blaiaiar aallad opoa SaeraUry
Bonnlny Mata on Dtmoorntlo
dlcUoo and foroefnl ymtura, nominated
Bay tbla aaeralor Md aommaBlaatad
Dexter M. Party of Detroit Ha wai
to him tba ooalaota of tba dUoaUb
TIakat If Offaradfollowed by Cbarlta Blair of Jaekaon.
a,welal to Ta« Moralaf B«c«nl.
■Bid to ba (ram tba Tanif LI Yami
BBdar dau of Jau It.
Datrait. JBnat7-Uanlal J. Oampau eon of tee yraat war yorarnor. who
nominated Jamaa O’Donnell. Watu
U a anadidata for tee
Tba Ballot ofHaaTUo.
Bnmphray of Sayixaw nomloated Cor
LoadoB, Jasa i:>-Tan dalalla of tba inatlon for tea rlaa prealdaaey. Speak- Btloa, Palmar of Maocate aonnty named
•Cbtlac at TloB'TalB ban BOt arrlTod. InyofUbaU noB-oommltal and aoy- SUarna with yraat obaarloy, Laraon of
ymta teat Bnffalo BIU onybt to bo
bat It U ksowa that U laatad tram dayOalhmat
nominatedoiborn, and Turner
' aa an eftaat to Booraralt.
braak bbUI boob, wbM tba yana of tba
of Coldwater praranted Cbmpball.
but bli political aaoratary, Jamm
BlUad (oraaa allaaoad tboaa of tba ObiMid aeenea of enthnalaam onparal*
BOBB baaordlnc to tb< Boaalan ooaaal Walab, yara oat a lony Intarrlcw to laled in tee blaloryot Mlchlyan BepnbBt BbaBybal It waa tba Enatlaa traopa day in wbleb te oat forte tee fact that llean atete oonventlona tee Brat
who raiiarad Tien Tala, altboufb amtU many praminant potiUelani of teU formal ballot waa ordered. The towdalBebmasU of Iroopa of tba otbar atau and otbar middle wralara atataa aiiay form of Hybrant Weaeeliua and
bare written paraanal l«^tara to Cain nearly the entire btaarnt atranyte
poirara antarad at tba aama Uma.
otbar raporU nay tba Bayllah and dm- pan. nryiny him to ccnaaat to tea pro- fiybtiny ayalnat 1C Tba roll call yara
peaalolbtenamafor aec»d place on Blloa 171; Ferry, MO; Stearnr. aov:
BrieaBa aotarad drat.
ddUpatobto Dalatal'a nain ayaney tee ticket wltb Bryan. Oampan baa O'Donnell. tS; OnmnbpUT~nr~Qaborn.
(roan ebaaybal today aayt that ddml rapUad aaylnc If tba nomination
84. Prom tee flrat c^e aeTentb bal
be will not decline It.
ralBaymour aant a mMiaya toTlan
lot tee ralaUte a^nyte
Tbla Monday. Ha waa a milea waat of
chaoyad aara tea fluctuation i.............
that plaea and aoold bold out two daya
upper panlptula and one or two oonn■ora. Admiral BayHwur atatad that
Uai of lower Miehlyae. Ai tbeie
ba had bad 6S kUIad and too wonndod. Iffirac Prominent Xnanryent Prlaonara ebanyea and yalna were called pandeThe admiral did not mantlon tba toAoknowladyed AmarloapSofaralynty monlnm wonld braak looac In tee lucky
(roa Bbanybal. AjIUquartpra. In tee eatante ballot Perry
and Vara Balaaaed.
patobof yeaterday aaya ^t Pnnea
took tee lead with 3!>0 rate*: Stearna.
Taan baa boon aant to Sian Pa. wbleb apKlal to Tta« Uaniliktf Rceord.
tae; Bllaa, *74; O'Donnall, S«; Otborn,
wlU boooma tba capital of Oblu If PaManllm. June K—Oaneral MacArtenr 84; OampbaU. IS; Patton. 1.
klB la oaanplad.
In tea ninth ballot Steerni (ell below
wlUyrant amnaaty to the prlaonara
Vo Mora Traopa Aaallabla.
oonflnad In ManUa npon tbalr teklny 800. but rallied In tee tonlb, thd tote
WaahlBytOB. Jane t7-Tbe war da- tea oalb of alleylanea to tec praaent being: Bllm. 880; Perry. 800; Stearoi.
parimant wonld not know wberato yorarnmant. ranonnelny tee rarolntlon 20C; O’Donnell. 88: Oiborne. i7; Camp
ton (or traopa If It waa daeldad to aand tnd aoknowledflny Amarlonn aorar- bell. It.
PierceefCorU to oaeura an adjourn
awratoOblna. Tbara araeo.000 troopa elynty- Tooar tee Inanryant yanarala
In tba Pblllpplnaa and tba InaorracUon Oarela. Conception mnd Plo Del Pilar ment arara made by tea Buarni man
la praetleaUy andad, bat tba aitnatlon and aixoteara complied with tbaac oon- at tela jnnotnra and wai na flaraaly opdlUona
teaBIiai and Parry foreaa.
taaotaneb that troopa can ba wltbA roll call wna aaenrad amid yraat condrawn wltbont eraatlay tba la
fnalon and raanitafl Wayna taUay (or
BBMBy tba PUlplnoa that the yorarn.
an adJenramanC whan tee Stearna
MBtlatlrad of Ha nadartaklny and
mady to abandon tba lalanda. Oanaial BntPapnllata Want'Towna Xndoroad maaatampadad tea eonrantion wlteant waiting (or tee raenlt to be naOtta aad Oaaaral MacAnbnr bara adby DemMrnta.
-"--BlaidtbBaaantaryofwartbat It would apaelal to The MerniM B*eonl.
The ndjonrnmant la oentldarad a
Omaha, Jnna 17— It te an opaa aaerat
from tba PblUpplaat at tbla tlon, ba- ■ Nabnakn fnalon elrclm teat Bryan Steam more and It la now bellatad
Moaa of tba wreny Impraaalon It woold not only prafnn bat iaalata npon Town (omorraw wUl daralop a new aitnatlon.
ylra to tba ruiptana.
bnlny latt on tea Popnltel Uckek Tba Theworkon nra bnaUluy and talk of
Tba war dapartBMt takmtbaoama tenlnyby Chairman Bdmlaatea aad Wy laada of money (or naa are banded
Tlaw of tba ^noatloa aad wUl not wlth7 of tea national Popultet nronud. Tbara will ba Utile real for
draw treopa tram tba PbUlp
m at Lincoln yeaterday of aa tea dalMitea. Tba aon
oarrlae in Cbl
ml to bare ^wn retained, nltear at 10 o'aloek tomorre m.
M tee Indoread Bomlaaa of tea Damoand any oonatdarabla nnmbar of troopa eratle oonrantloa or In tea powUon oeb niaaaaaTy to prataet Amariean Intar- enplad by Vataoa In '»«, It te ballarnd
aata In Oblna tbara wUl bara to ba pra- te done altear at the raqnmi of Bryan Ko Ancrnm Oonld ba Obtaiaad far
alaion made lor %a laereoao in the or with bit fall eoaaant. At tea i
■amloB of Board of BdneaUen
time Bryan U aaaertiay with yrent
Laat ViybC^
0^ Town. Jana 17-It la officially ftrauMm tent be baa not aaaenacad tee
Board of Bdneation did not bold
aanonnoad that no tra^ wlU laara plana of tea DimoenUe oonrenUoa In
ita rcynlar maetlay laat night na
Sonth Africa UU tba and of -tba ^
ndranoa or made any aflortto laflaaaea
for when Cldrk Blckerd
London, Jnna 17— In tba bonaa of tea daUberBilbaa of lu mamben. That
oommona tbit aftarnoon Uadar Sacra- ba te frinndly te tea nomination of W. eaUad tea roll only Praaldaat Priadricb
aad mambara Foote, Hoyt and Patebin
tary of PoralyB ASalrt Brodartak A. Snlaar of Haw Tork te no aaerat.
atatad that tba yorammant bad two
I alee praaent with n '
Tmtarday’a Baaa Ball Onmnt.
bAat taloyrama oonArmlny the aUtalooklny report which ha aubmltted tor
aMttbbtTiaa tbla baa boon rallnrtea next maaUay wbleb oeenn tonight
Od. '
at 8 o'clock. It la Important teat
Parte. Jnaa»—Tba (act that Baar
mamben ba praaent na noma mattara
Admiral Aomay tc aant to Gblna to
mnatba aontldorad bafora tea aad af
anaanad Admiral Kampd te command
tea weak.__________________
of tba Amartaan float. U
TannabUlnnd Behrlrari ClUannA
whi* li mayrnM mgk% mnm
Fourtli Year-No. 982
Wfl girfl prarjr 1900 babj tbe
fint pair of aboee free.
for the
Fireworks, Flags, .
and Hammocks
A moat complete end de.
eirable PMortment.
12 to 2
*W^ole)Baa.e cb33L<3. SetalX.
-------nt ths-------
Old Reliable City Book Store.
HOBABT 'dt BBEOHEB 00., Props.
Red Kid
Tan Kid
Dainty abapea.
color; S5c and
$1, S5c and
‘'What WiU
Benda Do NextP’^
fEH al KDAV RBOOEO._________________
Black Kid Slippere. several
pretty styles st U3c,
H.« and $1.
You'll find Benda “on deck’’ with a splendid lint- of fine and
medium prii-ed
Umbrellas and Rain Goats
And the moment the sun comes out, here you find Flannel
Suits, straw Hats, Oaps,
Shirts, New Ties,
Underwear—that’s right for all kinds of weather.'
Look In our Window.
We are doing a great business—There must be some
reason for it.
The Ijeading Shoe House.
................ ‘J ;
PradSmory VlU'Prabably Kara to
Pay for It Today.
Trad Baaery get Into teonbto yaalarSi Snya a Horwnyiaa of tba aalooBlat
aiUBicaji LExam.
day by Utehlny a hone balonylBy to
Aratle Bxplocor.
QarmalaaBre|.rioatraonttea aonar
Bmatal to Tba KwBlat Baeora.
ad State aad 0am atraatx Chief of
Oauar aM Brakla^ BaOny aad
■mUB.Jnna tr—TW Lakal Aasalyarb
raaMor- nabar.
tbara, and alae aaw tba plaaa wbara
m a dtepatab from
tea bark bad been Wtten off of tea
Vardea. atallay Ibat Aratle Bxplcnmtree.
Aadioa.wbe attaoMod to roaabtba
nary wOl appaw ba^ Jadya
sertb pate la a baloOB. te Mfa.
........ ......... 1 i 7 Bobarte today, and bla flat wiU donbtlam bairaptly paid.
•'Tbtete tea maab. Joba, I i
, duty opaUa. ilrad (<
t. kldBM^ Urar tn
ran wallaU tba yaar.
Bma and MClar: 8kaw aad SplM
I ■; !
Union Made Hats
—The Chiaami-D, stand uo more show with the nations of
of the wurid, than do our competitura when it comes to
Union Made Olothiug
ITfrequcBilyaatUea dIUeulUea that
I would olborwiac lead to tee waste
of mueb time, effort and money"A«k him orer teaa tele,._____
telepbone," ><
_ .
ird lu every boil.
words frequently beard
neM office where a letter baa been obsure OD acme poll
:preaa themMany people do
aelvea clearly
.ipondence, but a
canyenarally make biraeall
daratood If you can yet within aj
dtetenee of blm, by i
' Come today—if you can’t como during tbe day, come at
nighk Extraonlinary va!m-» at
?7.l'S f-V.ir*, and we glVS
pick of any suit In the store at $11.48.
Men’s tine satin 9slf bale and oongreM flhoM.... 98c
Women’s fine kid laoe and button ahoee............. 88o
Women's fine black and tan oxfords.................... 76o
Women’s slipperi and buskine.......................... 86o
Women’s westing top kid laoe shoes........ $1-80. $1.78
Boy’s sstin oalf balm. Solid......................................$1.00
Youth’s sstin oalf bals, solid................................ $1.08
Men’s oanwas bale, leather eolea............................ 98o
Men's fine kid bals.^ew styles............................ $8.00
Men's tennis bale and oxfords*.............. 80, 65 and 78o
Men’s bicycle shoes.....................$180, $8.00 and $8.80
PAINTING-£s now in order, and if you
want a good job, done with gbod
material, come and see me before
yon let your work.
I have first-claaa wurkmen and
use nothing bat pure lead and lln
seed oil. Colon to suit you.
BeU Phone, 323.
man avenue.
Shop 32*i Board-
New Store—848 Front Street.
The Leading Shoe House' of Northern Miohigan
I Used
to Pay 10c
*«»»» aaammaaaaa a* ««««(
For Pig Tails, but ainoe
I bare tried
Pig Tail
I hbTe oome to tbe OMtclofioD that 6o will boy a first,
claaa, delioiotu smoke. Ttj
one and yoo wiU nerer pay
10c for a Pig Tail again.
for a pair of
Minor’s Monogram Shoes
They're as good a shoe as the money
can buy.
AND COMFORT they stand without
a superior.
New styles in black and tan, welt and
hand turned soles. For ^e only by
Fnmt Street
atwAra/iiag j
Zmmmm* •«««»«»« «*»««««:
feK T. fttn^AaD
X. w. UAMMMf. MUtti mi Mmh»-
MW tha f«
war fMowir a
aaaaa of tba OatalraL
Tbo TOM for oarakal qaaaa
ppirilad aad tha raulk naUfyiati aad
thaiaaaeial rat
aeiBalttaatoeafTy-OBt thair pUaa la
•laborata dattU. araa aora aikaalra
ttea at drat ^aad. WhUa iba
Maadiorthaoypoaleraaadidataa did
•TPiytbiaf to alaet thair larorltoa. all
«ni araa that Miai WUhalm wUl
b«r thaJioaora of tha azaltad pokUon
lm& eharmlBC rnaa aad tha dhralty
aharaetarutle of a qaaaa la raality.
' It k aa ioaor for oaa of Trararaa
aty^ baadaama yeoair woaaaa to raakfatha................................................
dbn aad tha raat aoTBlnl
MM of Ita apiaador with Mlk Wllhalw
Mthaehoaaaqaaaaof tha faaUrltlaa.
Bryaa'a Oomadlaai. la a apaelal rat, will U tha neat attiMtioB at Btalabaigk Otaa4 They
wUl berin d wMk’a
Monday. Joly 3.
The Bawtar Olrela of Traearea Bay
Blra, Me. 71 wQl BO to Oaa Hellallan<a
tom rriday mocalaf. Baaeae will
laava Mra. Barfy*a, oeraar Blyhth aad
Oaaa alreaU aad Mra. Jaseaoa’a on
Meet Mlath etmt at i> o'aloeh. 411
memhan are reqaaeted to be ready on
Tha ladle* of 4maada Blra. Me. 133.
wUleerre lea ereaa and etrawberry
abortaaka Briday aranlar at roraetart
BatartaiBOMBt will aleo be
The ladtae of tha BapUet ehareh will
aerra eeeale on the trdaad <thof daly
In the bnlldlac fomerly oeenptad by
tha BaTlnfe Bank Bauar on thawaat
aida of Dalon etraet, one door aoiah of
Meble'i photOBtbph fallety.
Mka Myrtle Hoaria and Frank Stafford
ofOUUPiar wore narriad yeeUrday
aMtalar at the brldab home at Bataa.
and loft at nooa for a waddlnff trip to
Id Flaher of Blatham ~goi hk hand
In too elooa oentnot with a aaw Tneeday and one of tha ftnyere waa aapntoted by Dr. Oanar.
~Mra. Banha 4. WhlUoek. euta dapnty of tha Royal Olrela. SMt with tha looallodcelaataraainff.
WlUlan Londra k qolta earlenaty 111
fro* atoraeh troaUe aad tha reealt of
Be k
will need an extudad raet balora ha
f——arlU ba able to yo to work acak.
4n aeeantrie pUta on the O. B. 4 I.
naylaa thkt waa brlnrlnc la the «:30
train yeatarday, broke when the train
erae about two mUea from tba city.
Bffeat Merray aent baeaee ont for the
paMoaffara and aa anyla* from Walton
br^ht la tha train.
Tha qaartarly maatlny of tha Fernwood UalOB Chapel eoelety will be
bald Monday eraalay. Joly 6 Tha
tala of tha ebap*’. will b* eoneldered,
4a awmt whiah k alwafi mini
«CTu4l.>H>«»l1i»inr ■Ml*'"
^ i.
Intuit nr k U* aaaaai
ItoMftkalwifaat Ik prakkat
la Xns aai tka BoMlac ttM balk aa«
hnkaedHldreaaaManad a wtkaki
to aMriy a baiinii Ia4ka who tote
oatk«ktowaaarl7ia tbo afknoaa.
* - tba hoakn aad
bwMtk.MkaTBnar.andtha faaak
attharaaerv tha rir------------- fatoff to tha baanh
and anjqyad
tnaknaiaaa wamwrw taw iwo/ lad
toambnt an sntherad nt half pant ftea
Bdna Wilhelm
WMF th« Boyml Bobsa.
Ohamn >y a Iniffa Toto to Fraalda
Dear «a VwilvMm of tba Mlfht
of Jaly Srd-Bha BaoMvad 8.4B8
▼otoi U tha Oentmt Whlah Sadad
Lato an«hi-Mtoi Baltaar. 1J»6.
Mka Man WQhelm «rlll be tha earalralqi
Tha popalar aad pratoy operator
of the M<
wan oat laet alyht la a eptritod eentato
which aot oaly yaTo bar the royal
nathortty to dlraet tha aaralral tmUrIMto of tha alghtef Jaly third, bat
A bar frlaade were detomlaad that aha ahoald wear tba
erowB OB that oeaaelaa.
Front early aeaatay It
that tha fiakh woaU be axaittay. althoa^ tha TOtae ware aot depeffited
with mryCyroat alaerlty aaUl the
at ballot wae etarted. The friende
eah candidate aeamad to ba waitlay to do thffir work andar eorcr.
•KTa«a»kkr«abUa apnad la Iba
ally aialBfiooM aad flathoTlaa-------adptaBM.
,4a lataraatlaf ■kaloaaiT katara of
Ibaanvm waa tha «aibllloB
M. B. B^lay of a larpa aawbar ~
eea. hlM
luw by
vj Dr.
4fbobl. tha nattre paetor of a larn
ehareh la Laffoe, Went 4frlea.
4a offarlaff asoonUnr to abont toO
wM taken lor tha Twantlath Caatnry draw ont of the coatail, kith lei votae
to bar credit Tbia left ibe ramalnUy
_________ ■
eandldatce at 7 p. m. aa follower Mlm
Baltaar. ie7^Mlaa WUbelm. x79; Mm
Battaahary. tie.
WUUa S. Tettan Died Froa Xffaeto
Crowd* Bcyan to yatberat tbe Wnrxbary atore early In tbe aTaalny and
of lejory Oaaaod by a FalUsc
wbUe tbe ballote were not caat rapidly
Llab Tnoaday.
tber* waa a yood deal of qalat work
WUlie B. TOttan. the is-yanr-old eon
done, aad MU* Wllbalm bald a yood
of Mr. aad Mr*. 41oaw Tottaa of Blair
lead. Tbav
townabip. died at aldairht Taaaday
half hoar anUI 10 o'clock. At that
alffbt. from tha effMt of aa ln)nry ratla» tbe vole atood; Mka Wilhelm. «t;
oalTod froa a falUny Itab Toatday
Mka Baltner.1 SSt; Mice Battenbnry.
eeemlar. Tbaboywaa la tha woode
with b» father who waa paallar bark.
At 10 O'clock the eecrat ballot bcyan
Bk tothar bad jut failed a tree, and
aad from that time on there waa exatartiaf toward the trank whan
eltmeat and tbe atore room waa
tha boy aotlead a limb that bad ai«bt
jammed with people. The Boy* band
la another tree aad Btartad to tall.
eame arooad and played aararal qnlekBa eallad w hk father wamlaf him
atap* to aUmnlate tbe roUny. which,
of the dantar. bat tba limb eama dowa. bowavcr. waa not neecaeary. aa whil*
atrlklBff tha boy oatba bead aadera*h<
.Ic waa plaaaant no itimnlatlon
laf bk dkall. Tba fatbar atartad to
Beery CBTalope deearry the boy borne, bat bad to tarnpoiltad lo tba ballot box waa aayerly
acasnad by tbe crowd and whan an nnThe lajerad boy
maally bnlky paekaye wae hander
Dr. Qaraer wae called hot
tbara waa mneb> apaealation aa to
be dona, and he d lad at
which eandldaU waa to profit Jaat
bofor* tha eonteat cloned Bart BUk
Tba fuoral wUt be held from the
picked hU way tbroach tba crowd and
town hall today at 11 o'clock nnder tho
aqnaexad a wall filled aaralop* Into tba
dlreettOB of Ralph Rndoraon
box and ayarybody knew tbatrthk
ylra aome one a bly lead, while
a few knew well that Bdna WUbelm'e
Dr. Oaear M. Chasa anfi MIm Bllnabeth flyarae woaldjbeawellad oonaldarably
by that eaTelope. There were a few
XoadOB United Laat BroBlaff.
other well filled CBcloeare* banded In
4 qalet marrlaye took piece laet
and aome were clenriyTorMtta.Beltner.
aranl^httba raeldenoa of Mr. and
At that time, wbilf meay ware con
.Mra. William London, whieh nnitad
fidant that Mia* Wilhelm woald win
MlaeKlIubath London.
oat there waa notblay^iara abont It
to Or. Oaear S. Ohaaa. Tba earemony
When tbe eonteat cloned at 10:30
by Rat. D. Ooehlla of
there were >s anyelopea eoaUli
tba Oonyroyatlonal ehareh In the
money. In the box. and three atnSad
with paper. Aa tbe oonntiny proceed
traetiaf partite. Dr. and Mra. Chaee
ed there Waa a eroeh and erery enrel
will raalde on Oak atrimt.
ope wee eayerly watched. The flrat
beery amount abowod 450 for Mle*
Palnten’Vaioe BlaeUoa.
Baltnor. and thoa* ataadlay nbont
htUemaeUayef Local Unloa Mo.
where they oonld aae tbe oontanU were
94 of the Brotherhood of Palatare and
ready to bet on bar. A little later,
Daeoratoro of America laet nlfbt tha
howarer, tba beery eareloM depoaitad
foUowtar officer* were alaetad:
by Bert Bilk waa brooybt ont aad
Praaldaat-Wm. Champion.
m«ily raeoynlted by tboae who aaw it
Vie* praeldeat—One. Ootary.
when handed In. It waa a anre thing
Financial aaeratary—C. U. Bobluon.
that it oonulnad a larya amoaat but
Baeordlar aaeratary—a F. Maketbe aye* of tha mwd balyed out whan
tbaeommUtoaooantM ont tits, mak
ing In that anralope alone, t.sso rota*.
Wardan—Wm. A. Broratt.
At tbi* Ume It w'ae known almoat poalUrrly that MUe Wilhelm waa tbe win
ThaalaeUtoot traeanrer waa laid
ner. After tbe box waa cloned for tha
orar nntll tha next Baaatin!.
aaerat ballot there were ss enrelopc*
topmltod.a<whkA Mka Wnhalm laaelrai • mi Wm BMt—■ IT. tkaca
I aa rntos emt tor Mkt Battoakaiy
afur tea ekloto. The toml rmalt at
ton akaa Bf tha eaatoto wm aa fdllowa:.
Mka WUkelm, S.4tl: Mka BaUam, 1,tie; Mke Battoabary. Its.
theca wma eham aad Imiaadlatoly
thanwma each fim tha door. Tka
tmeak aad a Uac
fiarmad'la tha stoaat. la a tow mo>te tha crowd atartod fee the rmldeaee of Mka Wilhelm wherathawlady
wmeerdlallyeoiiratalated «pea
reealt af the eeatast aad a amai
Friende Son^ School Plenle.
Tfacanaaal p'.'eaU ot the Frlaade
Sontoy aebool wfll ba held at Bait Bey
b preaent.
today- BaeaMwlUUafetbeeaarehat
The maeUny of tba Willard W. C. T.
ibek tbit aftemooB. with 9:90. and all are nryad to be praaent
promptly. Tba paraakof the eblldren
lathe Sanday acheol are eapeelalty
attemoon .
_______ __________ nryad to yo to the pkaie•ha had been married only a year, and
laaaaa a bneband aad one ebUd.
Bay Boata on Bayalar Bckadala
Fnaaral eerrioee will be held at leland today.
Tba abaft of tba Oraaeaat, wUeb waa
- Membora of Traverae Bay Bl*e Mo. tookaa a week ayo, hae been repaired
71 arareqaeetad to maet at Mra. Sbil- and aha will atart on bar raynlar ran
000.% today at 9:10 a. m. to attaod tba
toamalof Mre. BalMto atiO obloek. today. TbaOolambla will bayla her
raynlar moratay run ont of tha city
BaeHO wiU bo proridad.
■tion yceterday
r la 1 hoar and
Tha hoaaa of Saaator MilUkia k beUainnke.
iait haaa|lfied with a fraah oeat of
Tbomei Oermody. ebkf of the tradai
mnkkdIrialOB of the Fourth of Jaly Pbkt
■Ofiit daoiroe that aUjoaoMe of alede
4 Ufa aafi Xkatk Flyht
at tha aarioaa oairwe ba reported to
Mr. W. A. Blaaa of Maneheatar, la..
ktentenoa. Ba alaoreqaaak that tha
alta»aatlBtha&8.P. 6. hall atoiso wrltlny of hk almoat mlmealooe aeeape from death, mye: “Bxpoeara after
•ikkffkOfwlBfftomaka final
maaalaa ladnead aeriona laay tronble.
whlto ended la nmnmftlaa. I had
130 B’aroaa.t Stareet.
41f my dooWcamid I
mMtwoB dla. Than I bevan to aaa
Dr. Day% ^w Uaeorn wlOto wbbUy
aacad ma. Bnadndt baaa mad It «
‘ ’ and aU aay It aarar toll* to
at, Ohaatand Laay troablm.”
la toa teorw for momaen. inear. &uB«alaraUa
tie toe at*
aonk '
BMtdls Block
Phon* 149.
ProDt 8t.
Op-To-Oan Gneenr.
That will compel jroar atteDtipb—and an
examination of tbe roloes of oar shorn will
sorely make yon n parebaser.
In this issae we will qaote only a few of
tbe shoe bargaina.
Temptation No. 1—196 pure of ladiee’ fineaboes, all sizee—a
variety of styles, inclauing tan bicycle shoee—none worth
Ba*. W. M. Bdwarde. Baptkt Minu
ter. Beffalo, M. Y . saya: -I do i
lees than $2.00 and aome were formerly
merly »50. for....................$146
«cDr .J -W .
1 No. a-Over aOO'pairs of ladijm' aad mimm' fine
Ointment a poaUlre core foi
for blind.
^oes, sizes 1 to 4—a variety of atyles^ver
iteblsgpUe*. Itbaaemredma_______
quality—a apecial anap for small foeX^ost
yaara of almoat oonatant annoyanae,
aad frequent ayony from tbe terrible
for S1.50 and $2.00—to tempt you,...............
lieblng. I ebell recommend It and nee
my Isflnenoe to makaknown lU woaderfnl meriu.”
to eenu. all dreygUU or Dr. A. W. Chaee Med. Oo.. Bnffalo, N. Y. Free mmple box for etamp. 136 Front Btroot
Tbe KlnkterU Bridenee,
SKmP oriheL^Sd
Fraotfeal Shoe Man
That ever needful article.
car^ a large line of the best
We quote some of the
popular sellers—The Cashmere
Bouquet,25c; the .Musk sells at 25
the Pears’ Scented at 25: the Unscented at 15: the Milton at loc:
the Violette de Parma, 10c; the
Oatmeal, loc; the Savon_Lilas
Arc needful.
Sponges are nec*
Toilet sponges from 5c
up; the batKsponges from loc up
to the big, elegant soft ones.
We ha\‘e the grass sponges from
15c up; the sheep wool from loc;
the Mediterranean from 5c.
home should, be without sponges.
We supply all demands.
Blanc, 5c: the Jap Rose, y:; the
Cuticura, 25: the Resinal. '
There are brushes and brushes.
Now we're talking of hair brush
There is something akin to art
in making perfumes.
The per
fumers of genius are few.
from 25c to a splendid one for
the “Keep
has a solid
Clean” brush?
Our bulk perfumes we sell at 40
back with no holes to absorb the
Wc have a
dirt, ha? a composition bristle
fine line of perfumes in fancy
setting not affected by water, and
bottles at loc/ 25c. up to Si.00.
a pure aluminum face.
Toilet Waters in bulk sell at 75c
sells at 60c.
are Florida
Water and L.ivender Water that
sell at 25c the bottle up.
Selling a
Tooth Brush
es. We carry a large assortment
and 50c the ounce.
the pint.
So Good, aod thei
So Choop.
This Week
We Open a Sale
btola to make final praparatloaa for
the yrand reeepUon to the qaaen to
Uke plao* after the Wy na^ on the
nlyht of the Third. In the mmntlme
gnaen Bdna will hare plenty of tim* to
pr«mr* for the yreat erant.
Tnare^ robe* and crown wlUb*
proenrad atonce aod itUa foregone
------‘nalon that
>t tba
tba magnlfieenea
magnlfieenea of
o bar
apparel wUI excel anting erer aeen
In tbU city before, aod ererytblny elae
In eonaeeUoD witn tbU erent will be
In accord with tbe appolotmenU of tbe
Fresh, tleag and
-When considering with
wbat to replenish tbe mrages
of time npon tbe*iimer man*
give onr sroosry s caIL
It wul Improre ronr sppetite to see sU the goM
things we bare for the table.
Slater’s House Furnishing Store
hjlrn B^SUd^b^
(I have found
No more danger to operate than a lamp.
Any child can-light and use them. I have
a full line from a 2-bumer low stove to a
-fine large 3>bumer with oven. Little^at^a
time payments.
MteDtov Skadak...........
Mlm Mary Bamer..............
Mka Myrtle SsaahaU..........
Mki OocaWhmt..................
Mka Bthel Biaxlaytoa.. .
‘Ike Cora Trark..
Thai ie wbat tbe people bbj
when they see oar nice
line of
Quick Meal
Blue Flame
Oil Stove
. i.m
Mka Mlaala Baitaer........
Mka Rhode Battaabaiy..
Baby Marka Bmda ..........
Old Pienaar Gone.
Banjamln S. Smith, of Maplatoa. died at
home there
Tnetday at the adTaaced aye of B'J.
Panaral aarrioea will ba bald today at
3:to p. m. and intarmant will taka
place in the Oydenebnry cemetery. The
f nnaral will ba in cbaryo of Banter 4
Bombanyb. -
Tpicii sin furkiiMi,
Too Ml $m piir tim,
Too Mi sin pMf tmpwi
Tmou Mn INI mill
lid fill b|bipii{
Can be the property of almost
May seem a trifling thing, but
every one.
the$e trifles are most imponant.
to you to take care of.
Nature gives them
We have brushes from 10c up.
this properly yo\j need Rubifoam
One that we want to call your
—sells at 25c the bottle, or Sani-
attention to especially
is* the
tof at soc, or Ethynol Tooth
“Prophylactic.” a patented brush
Paste at 25c;: Zenweiss Tooth
To do
—The bristles are shaped to fit
Paste costs
the teeth.
celebrated Tooth Powder sells at
The tapered beveled
you 25c; Graves’
point prevents injuring the mouth
25c the
—these sell at 35c.
powder in bulk that
you'll have no other.
If once used
setts at 5c the ounce.
have a
WE ■» mm. iui
Hanp Boat San Baksaad and k
B» JFfwrMMBCtfBoMr Pvta
if o*«w«HtwriHraMacM bj »
■•mr wWik bi c«l Im boil if.
ball Mian aad aOnr
Mta m la ibMatiM IB lanti
ifMathMitk barf
t> lliMtaUb tba bit- wlM fnm «ba
■bMi a
dan aaf Vn^Ua
rnaba lift «Mr bnaa te a UtUa
walfefaarathaiFMb. Kanttattoa
aa tnaa baa baw laaaf a( Atbn e<
tha ihlUna aad tbair par«ti an
Tandayaftarapeaaaaaf tba baraa
al Bnar Onta*—. >wa nlln acrtb «f
Mfilbnak. mwbi An. AU of bk
bam aaf abaia wan faatnTad, to-,
•albar wflb flarmqaaamy of tam
taote. Tba bo«aa »aa aand witb fUBaaltf. Tba ftra U aaapoaaf to ban
Mm U. Htaaaa af OUatoa wiU ba
sea fmn «U Ban Mdiv. EaUUna
an nacnfiSbif tban to balp bar oalabrata. Bar faasbaad aemd la tba
Ooa of tba fiadaataa of tba Adrlaa
HIcb aebool k u yaan old. It laebn to
balfht aad wairba bat 40 poaafa 8ba
k brtcbt iBlallaataally aad k flttlu
hanalf for a prefeaaioaal Ufa
A baaqMt at wfaleb tba Kaaata win
r ■■
took plaaa Taaadaj attaraooa at Datnlt la eakbratloa of tba alz^olztb
BIT of Joha Pater
>a Ttanatta.
Ttaaetta k 04 aad bk wtfa la pean
Hra 3. L. Oibba of KaTfeld eater,
lalaed Mlu BUtabeth Oharab. Mka
Obareh leh ^tarda; ter tba
M. M. Keith baa foaa to bk old
ham at
Taatardaj Mn. 6. A. Vbinblld, iTbo
baa baaa vkiUnt bar aea, W. W. FairihUd. raakrad a talarram traa aaotbaraea. Bar. B. B. FairebUdof Battale. aaaoBaeint tba cHUeal Ulaaaa of
bk little daocbtar. Hn. Falreblld
wUl lean tor Baffalo tbk moraloK.
Mn. A. B- CbnrebUl who baa baea
▼kttlaf bar daorhter. Mn. L. C. Mor.
rk of 8Uta atrbet.wUl lean tbk
lar for 87eaa»on, IIL
Mr. aad Mn. O. C. Moffett weet to
Bdjtewood jraaterda/ tor a few day*
akit with Mn. B. P. BUliaca aad
MUl Aldrkb of Cbloaffo k tba rent
Mr. and Mn. CralTMka Once UForra dton onr tron
1---- -mk Rapidt yoatardap ter a abort aklt.
Prof. 0. B. Bora will lean today for
a abort Tklt at bk fatber'a hMaa bafenrelafto Battle Cbeek wban ha
wDl mat Mr. B. B.Bydar and torathcr
they wili proaead toChkafo where they
wlU both take a aU weaka oenm U tba
Obkace Uatnrelty.
Mka Oroea Ohaaa aad -Mta Mattie
OreOiak of Borrkrllla an la Oraad
Baplda for aa eateadad vMt. Baton
their ntihi tbay wUI rkit Datnlt.
Mka Ceraell baa baaa called to bar
hem la Mnrkrilla on aoeoBat of the
lUam of bar motbar.
Dr.Jann Loadoa earn ap from Oraad
BapMa to attaod hk akter'a weddlar.
Mka BUsabatb London.
- M. & Dedre waat to Oraad Baplda
yaatorfay on a baalam’trlp.
TbefeUewiar rant* are *«tUad at
tba "Cionn." Oiaeaa, for the ■nmmer;
MTa. Bdward L. Colmaa. aod maid.
Mki Bath Oelaan, Mka Anna Colmaa
aad Maater Joaaph H. Oolman of U
Cbom. Wk.. and Mn. John M. Mott
aad Mitt Jnaa Mott of Cbleare.
Miller Hobba aad WaUla
Olorlou* Newt
Onme* from Dr. O. B.
waabUa. I. T. Bo wrltn; ______
Uiten haa eared Mn. Brewer of eerof.
Ola. which hadeaoaad herynat aafferiac for yean. Terrible com would
break oni OD her bead and faee. and the
boat doetore coold rln no help: bat
BOW bar health k esoeUant-" Bleetric
Bitten k the beet blood perifler kaowa
Ita the eopreme reaeedy for ecaema.
tetter, aalt rbeam. alnn, bolk and
rvaalar aom. It etlmnlatea Uwtr
UAaaye aad bowel*, czpek pokoaa
wa* ^ J^i-^r^ _ _
is«f BAmsst OhiiBtUa Tooac Pb^a
tarka," by Ooorfa LnUe of Bntkpert,
wbkb waa ton o« bclptal tboofbt.
Tbs eewnatka -tlmm dleidad Ute
fear dcfaimeak. with leaden aa fol
-jpaitmal ef BpMtaal WorkLaadn. Bee. Hwh Kewaady, Trawaa
Bkbap >10*% Addma Uet Bnal^ a»y.
tha Banina, acriead la tba Mty ye
parlmat cd Mor^ aad HelpAny. BahnbaaBaatahtactnaaaatb- Was Vmy laMHaf aad Helpfal—
kr. Mks Wnteett (Dcaecaen)
na laarM team, whkh haa dkbaadad.
Abu Taprn aad Aalmated Dkoos enad BapMa
Mr. Baat k aarieoaly nnaaldnii
Dcpaitmcat of Utanry Work —Lead
mpnitte taecfaalat a gaod baU *»• Ohatactariatd Tactaefiayb
er. Lkat. A T. Weelpart. Kjkaeba
taam la tbk elty aad bepea. U tba pka «ka.
mataroB, to ban a taam ready baton Xha amka of tba Oraad Tntmas
dktettb ^wntb
Claibe rint
M. Mokonb. wttbabeat POO earsam ~ b the enatef oaearred tba tnat ter
labarata Tradn Dkpkya an Aa yoatf paepuot tbeUsBwe ready bo ■bleb all had baaa lookl^. Attar e
I rlbn tbUr beet ideae oa tbe Lecdb eert dCTOtkoal avrka. lad by Bee.
Tbe emkaa ef tbe day ban Lock Omnbaaffkof Petoekay. Bkh^
OhatrmaaCkmrof tboparade
foUof aalbariaam aad belptalX. Blade, the "St. Jobs of
mlttaa ter tba Wr Foartb of Jaly eale- . . aad all of tbs dalsfatas an earnMatbodkm.'' fa«« aa addnn Uat all
eat la tbeir efforts to make tba eew- Ikteaad to with npt atteatioa. I^e
natka all that Itabeald be la tba way
DP k a Tsamable looktay maa. aad
_ laetltBtioaa of tba
aad baa ef bcaafit to the work of tbe Uaffan
bannryeaaaanfalla aaeortM*
B of feata and other dkplaya la the The moralBff amka opaaed with Bk addnee was aloac tha lias of
pnMcal, eeery day Christlaaltydenttcaal acnrloM lad by Bee. F. J.
Than an tttU aom otban
ban Biyaa ef WUlUmtbwff. tbe maalc be- ^a*ekaofthkday of the yonaf.
wbea ae maeb ot-tha world'a work k beaotyetdoeUadwbat tkaywttldo.bat lac led by Dr. O. A Holliday.
tUtaUtwiag ban anandCtetmaa Tbe flnt paper of tbe acasloBwaa to lac done by tbe yoonc peoplg He apake
Ckmr that tbay wlU ba la tba panda ban baaa "Tba l^wortb Uafoe aa a of the crest moeemeak with whleh the
an IdaaUfied. aad referred to
with teata:
tlalfykf Power.** by Miet Jeaala Walk the noble work aad the practical reOroean.
ofFnakfort She wae OBabU to be
Balaea A Joham. Lawk A Lemon. preeeat, ao Bkbop Mlada apoke on tbe xolU that an balnc aeeomplkbed.
Bamlla A Oe.. Batorprke Oreecry. 3.3. eobjaet. In a naanaar that was nry He dwelt at leafth mpoa (he-qaallfiBrdriaa. Seboolemft A Co.. Haaaab A Irelpfnl aad faU of praetieal thoafbt. oatioBsof theefBUent yonne worker,
Uy MareaaUle Co.. Herman Cook. Tha aobjecl of “Splrltaal Work*’ and oatflned tha ebaraetar of the one
Piarea A Fnemaa. Prok^ Xyaelka, wa* iatrodsoed by tbe firat elee pmi- who eoald aceomplkh most la ths
work of God.
8ekoyler Adaley. Jacob Partecb.
daat of the dktrict. Bee. A. F. Moflar Be declared that many yoaoc people
etCbarlenlx. Tbk woe feUowed by took tM formidable a eUw of tbe
J. Slelnberr. HamUtoa Ootblar Oe., a nry helpfal paper oa the "BeUtloa CaristUalUgas a Ufa made ap of
ofthaUi^ to EfsaFeUatie Work." crest deeds aad terrible aacrldeae Tbk
J. W. MUUkeo. The BoetbaAton,
by Look J. VanSlekU of Kalkaaka. he declared was aot ths elsw thst
Boada A Co., WlUialm Broa.
Be empbaaUed tha need of earneat la- ihonld be had of ChrktaU work, whleh
W. J. Bebba. Baaaah A Uy Mama- dleidnal effort on the part of t^ always eoeskts.priaelpaUy ef ths UtUs
^^ Qg. J. A Montacaa. JaUaa Oam^
thlar* of life that make the world
Tbe aaaoal flaaBoe report was g
brichter aad UppUr.
OIrara. *
by A. a Beldlnc of Clarion. Thk wae
A W. Jakraaa. P. A. Claaaea, Carl followed by aa exoellant p^er, “Oar la eonoladlnc hk deUneatioa of the
anacmafnl carktUn worker, he de
clared that mech of hk effioeaey
Book aad Bbon.
Fnak Prledrieb. A V. Frkdrleb. A. of the Chorch,” afteo/-*Eieh~wame weald be doe to falthfnlneei In prayer.
8. Fryman.
Be spoke ef the reply of Bishop Taylor
ont come additlonal( polata. Am . who had been asked to pray to God for
F. & Thompaea. B. B. MlUer, A B. other thlBf«'^P^^la>*«ald be a penoB who was enflerlnc cnat pain.
Bead la the roklnc of moaer for chorch "AU richt, 1 will mention U to Him."
work wae dkeneaed. The idea of all After tbe close of the meetinc. the
J. W. Slater. Baaaah A Ley Meroaa- Cbrictlaa* rlvinf a tenth of their is- andlenee were clean a chance to ebaka
coma woe fieu hearty eapport, and the hand of the bkhop, who will leave
tha plan ao otun carried oat of haelny for Detroit today. He k beisc enter
W. A Aadanoa, H. L. Carter.
and sappers *‘for reee- tained dnrinc hk euy here by Mr. and
Boe only" was dkeoBBlenaaead.
Mra. H. S. BnlL- .
F. Breaek A Bone, Sleeper A Co.
» at the openA very iotereetisc feature of thk
Inc of the afwyaoon nseloa was eon- eoBvention k tbe dkplay of forelfn
B. B. Ulbba. Aaroat Petaadar.
dneted by Eee. Freeman of Frankfort. enrioa. badpea aad other eonvenlre of
A boslaem aanlon followed, la which earione yonne people*' oreanlrstlons.
Baaaah A Uy Float MiU: Steln- tae foUowkc commltleae wen app<
berra Qnad OpoM Boom: K. G. Heo- ed by tbe preeldcat of the dktrict, by .y.-B. Holley, *ecreury of the
Eleventh C. B. Dktriet.
maon, Tailor; g. A Boafhey A Co., MnP. E. Waltmaa -of Ncrlbport:
Tbe procram for today wiU opes
Arrieoltaral Implemeota; Anna & Cole,
Finaaee—Dr. S. B. WIckt of Charle
Ptuoiben; 8tnab Broa. A Amtottp. eolx. A. C. Beldlaf of Clarion. Mke with tbe John Wesley Moraine Olory
at e o'clock, led by Rev. P. E.
Candy MaanfaeUran;W. W. ElmteU Smith of Frankfort.
Whitman of Morthport. after which
Oo.. Piaaoa aad Ortaaa: M. C. Barnee. Bnrollment—Mrs. M. H. Bober
Joha F. Ott A Oo.. Um of Bast Jordan. mIm Andertoa of Bear the procram wlU be eontlnned as
ber: Welk-Blfmaa Co.. BeakeU: J. B. Uke. Mke Mona Shlelde. Tranm fonnsrly annonneed.
Grellkk Oa. lalerior Fonkhlafe: Rol- City.
An odd cyrllnc freak is to trim a
fbam Maaafaetvlat Co.. Toned Beaolatlont—Bee. M. D. Carrel of piece of brown i«pi-r 'to fit the lens of
Work, etc.; B. L Aahtoa. DenUat; Bar- Tneem City, Ree, A F. MafUr
the lamp and in K cut tbe eyes, qotd
aom A Bart. Jewalen; Sqalm A Bm- Ckarlevolx. Mka Clan Woelpart of and noutb. Tbe olTect is surUlsA
aer. Barben.
la addition to all the other See fea- Beekloa of ConsUtotlon-Ree.
l«m of the parade, there will be elab- eaaedy of Traeerae City. A- T. Woi
onte dkpla^ by the loal tradea an- pert of Kalkack*. A. T. Jobaion
lone and fraternal aocletke, and the Boyne City.
fin department, bealdn a lonr Uae of Followinc thk came an excellent
aehool ehlldna with fitc*.
paper on "What I Bxpeet of th<
Uraare haU Wui be kept open alt Learnars of Grand Traearse DMIriet.'
day by the local O. A. A for the eoa- by Prealdiar Elder Carrel. The paper
B&leaee of rialUnir ntcran
Coucti. Asthma.
The ctrcel raoica will ba
aloBf tha Use of f
Bronchltla and Inolpient ,
ont of ^ nenal ran for each ereoto. Chrktlaa work.
Consumption, la
The elz-lcnad race for lOO yard* will Tl^ aanaal report of Mkt MloaU
ba made np of team* of thm
illow, eeperiaundeat of the Jnnlor
each. The barrel roUlny race for ^0 work of the dklricl. was foil of Interyardeaad retara; the wheel barrow eatlnc Information. Aa open parliarace for IM yarde with man in barrow ihent on junior work wae coadneted by
tba back to back race for ‘S yudt with .MUi Lilian MlUer of Manktee.
theacF earrylac nee for the b^ Many InUreetlnf autktlee were
make a Ikt^thatt will ytre ami
. resented In tbe report of tbe eorreeto all. Liberal prUte are provided for pondenee aeeretary, A. T. Johnson of
each race.
IlDyneClty. The report was foil of rCom«nAatAVW ivatMaa.
All enirke for thm raeee eboald be ealnable information. It wae followed
«de to Fred Curtk at O. F. Carter** by a piper oa "Consecrated SeereBee, Mo. so: Eut Front etreek
The committee cepeelany Invltei
yeniif menjand boy* from the eoontry
to parUeip^ In tbeee etenu.
WlHin Yoi
Tip Your Hat
Tip s good oneone that’s not only strictly
bat also becoming to you
—ot every
styliBb shape wiil become you
—That's why we sim
to carry a
line of sises in both large
and small shapes
—Same block of hat.
Represents a combination of our two lead*
ing departments, namely—
Fine Shoes and Children’s Clothing.
Each one has its individuality not often
met with. Look .well and notic* facts.
Clothing well madb, well tailored and ma
terials of the latest fabrics.
Shoes of a warranted stock—styles of the
latest lasts and toes, at prices positively
the lowest. We invite your inspection.
Married at Unaiay.
Mka Alu Morrk. well known here a*
head trimmer tor Mn. Ashton darlo( vne
the net
past snaoo,
season, wa* married last
alrht at the home of her mother. Mn
Dr. Morrk of Unsinf, to Mr. John Btaas ofDetroit,
Detroit,aa yoo*.,______
yoony i
at the eute capital. . Mr. and Mr*.
Braae will uke aa extended weddlay
tear on the lakes.
\5.o\ 'MDb&WvCT
? The Boston Stofe
0^ oot tbe
>Da\»U ior \9c—’ftroktu
UAb—itpivb ODbT it ViieVts Va »Via.
Kimball Pianos
and Organs
SVvrts-C\(Mk 'T>rm
\o 81.1b.
Something new
in tjie tan and pearl shades
soft hats—
Would Uke to show them
to you.
Wa, tba andat^<
acTMtonfand tbe moaey oa a S«amit bottle of Oreaae’s Warraatod 8yB. 3. SUrera. tormarly of tbk elty. ar- ro^TaMf It fallMo^
Head from Moaklac yeetwday. Ha bottle
baa many tUare to tall of tbaaaw refoaded. A B. Watt. Boybn A Boxbare. Jamas O. Jeheaea, F. C XbompFoaad Kaw Tooth.
A tn$ dmoBstntio&
Mr. LemoA 8. Townoaod of Myeaaaa.
Crwabed Cmeat Coffee Cake will be
B. T.. oaya: “1 foaad new akoafth, of
FiTcoAtHaaBah A Uy McnaatUa
^ aU^ week of Jaly t. F. Oardsee i^ey. Teeaday, Jnly t aad
tank mat mtnatin tar rmadowa s.
B. Bilan Tbanday. Friday
mm lad wimia Fbak aid baOda in aadW.
fiatarday, Jaly #, e aad 7. OM St
««Onik^ Obtnl Caffes Oaks wt
Va vAu Vom S
Are oaed by more people aroand the world than any
other goods madeP WhyP Beoauee they are the pro*
duet of money, brains and 48 years experience.
Sold by the makers.
YaTaaoXs-' ^Tt
«8Tt TffvXAVt—Com* qoXck teXott
art fiU t«a«.
*aH» bVw8 Xo
U aX
S. AD. mtvWs.
W. W. Kimball Co.
188 Front Street.
V.E. STSOKO. Managw
it wtr iTOBie$
T.T. I
Xaltonof0iataldfla faMiwaia Oa.«b
. tM Mhpor «
CowaeU afVmCiU/of Jtmmrm
M. X.Mni«TMMtddF.
Aakartaaaalwof Vnitft om
kdd la (ka aeart taoat yoatooday, wUk
JBdfoM«yaooa(kob«ak.ka haotaB
muMny.y luoAaadaiWBMl
~e iMBMwrafato, Ott Atoper ondCiw
Comuaoftkt COp of TVooereeCttp.
elrealt apart af Laalaiiaa BOMaty.
•tMa M« kU tt-wttk a kalabat
iaWiai baaaat baas
ItauLtfolMoiwwa Oo.
ahartcMotaaaaMtoatalha Ivpwlal
«aN. B.
*b tha loUa*.
Ika OaaatoMbo-
vMaObalak. kto
fnki twnli
_ -- .______ I MurAto. J
WOoMtlott.DMeImehlan.8M Brown,
John OOlto. Anyoe MoCML OhM ■
UmprlAL Mn Jana A Buid. Mn W
B Tteekw. Louto A SkUnar. A WtodootL MalMlm Winnie. Sr.. M ~
r..JADoyto. J N Martlnel
ahton. F Hamlltan,
Mornd by Aldonun Moalany that
(hapoUtloeberoeelmdaad pUeed on
A Kneh Dabmc* la «
▲ronnd th« Oltjr.
arlikdiawtroa aamarioa
nradaUaroafar aartlAaalao af tka
■aw datofB tea# oada tkolr
ftnt aa- NaoM aadTra
* Uomd by Aldarataa Moore to amood
^Boaae of Howard S. aidlay •tmek the metloa by ratarrlu tka peUtlaa to
aarweto boai
p«raaooaMtakaa (ka plaaa o(
M Irao to aU (tommt
ikaoaakraoB. fkafaatataaf (kaaaw
■otatoaUrfotrptoal Xadlaa kwd la
•ka aaatar, wttk a blaa laal aad a larro
Bamed to tha
Balldlaya dtraek. BoiuM Silled and
latoar "V" wUh tka word "M' alto la
Other Damaye Done,
Maa. raaalaf la a eamd llaa aaraaa It.
Uybtolay played oemml mry ua-
Aa aa artlatto prodaetlea tUa
covardad aa tqoal l« aaj
aeu to pleaaaat aatiea darlay (be etorm Tuaearar tosntd day atyhL aad many doUare' damaye
% (ka rcworBBMBl.
waa done threayhout (kto aeatioa.
ftOOana bon North Dakota. Ifaalto.
ka aad North MlaaaaoU akow
One bolt etmek a poU of tka Board
that maa Bimr Bleetrie UyblAPower On.,
whoat aad flax ara a total tailare. toor almoat la front of Dr. Aekton'e
4ara'v'iBda karlar baraad It
Vo aw»Qt»Bt of rala eaa rarln It.
deaee, and foraome time the doctor
Tha amelled amoka and looked for Are to hto
M&aUeatoaaarlratbadlaBoath Dahota.
be fedred
Fan^ la tha aorthwaat will etmek.
kaoUifadtobnjwbaatfor aaad aext
Two haadrad thonaai '
The llyhtnlay burned out about too
fueee tor ihe Korthera Telephone Co.
of wbaat alraadj haa baea plowwl ap and a few for the MteUyna Telophone
wad plaatad to fodder for eattta. Grata
to wholly daatrpyad oaat of tha Utoaoo
A tom of ahontdl.OOO wae euCorod
by the bnmlay out of tnaafomeen for
rl rlrar.
rdman Biror Eleetrie Uybt A
editor WtohoU Kaltraber hat been PoworOo.
Toeterday momiuy (hreo borsea warn
IworlaM of Poaaa, ter tarorlaf (ha rea- found dead In the oomor of a flald
the Ballet farm near AayeU.
Liybtwtreetlaa ot Polaad.
Mtaatod for Ufh traaaea at
aermaaofieen hare baea hired to
nlny had eridently etmek them dead in
their tmeka
Two haadrad .tbooBand
baahala o(
oora for fatalaa
tera raaehad Boabay, India.
A diapateh from Parto aaya:
Oae of them waa owned
by John Boyere, who to worklny the
farm, and the other two belonyed to
About 10 o'clock, u bolt etmek the
A fatal
houae of Howard B. Qldley near Tuba.
awaidaatooeerradattka eapoaltlo
The bnUdiny wee eet on Are and
Tbia burned to the yround with alo^ all
•tractora to built orer the rlrer, aad
of tbeooateau. Inclndlnytoo la money.
aa a |aalrermlty ptofaaaor, hla wife The fiAQy aaeeped wUhont earlone Inthe ahow kaowB aa '‘Old Parto."
Jary. thon^ aome of them were forced
oftke topatorlM, the balaatiado i
aray, and all threa
tato the rlrer.
Ike protaaaor and wife
arare flaked out allre, bat the ylrl
Not a alayle Parto paper i
•tone the affair, beoauee ihe ehow to a
to Jump from the wladowe
The benue of .Mr. Gee near Elk
warn etmek by a bolt, aad Mra. Gee wae
The bam of
Lowell Some,
near the came place wae atoo etmek
and Injured eomewbaL
Both the houae aad barn of WillUm
Helmforth were etmek about S e'eloek.
Heimforth Urea
Took aa a Bride Ktot Booe Uoaard of One of the elx honee la the bam tfaa
kUlad and the otheta warn ehooked.
The hern eauyht An. and wm Mved
Veaterday at Peatonoeenrredaqnlet
only by the inoet elreoaoue efforU.
■arrlaffe oeramoBy that united Miia
After the exeltemeat eauaod by the Are
Boot Leonard of that city and Proeebed anbelded, It waa found that the
«ntlBy Attorney Fred H. Pratt of thto
honee had elao been etraok and
oHy- The
oonple left Immodiataly
rafurt oonclderably damayed and the
•ftarthe eeremony for an eaunded
pUeterlay knocked off up euln.
•rip OB the Ukae, after whUh they
wlU oome to thto city, whore they wUl
er£M7t m toeitrr.
tta Fire Wm Onuaed by the Baokinc
wUl eombUe
Inraa with admaead afforta alony
■of Two Beye.
the enltnery line
_A bam on the farm of Wlillam Pratt
ofrthe -peolneBla
oryantoedht the
heme of the Mtom Bemum TuaodAy
homed to the orealny. A eery pleauat eoeUl time
The oauae WM eajoyod, end the foUowlay mean
betkeemokiny aerrod, whleh ebowa that the Udiaa are
(ronsd Tnaeday aftoraoen.
oftbebUutoaald to
•f two boya who had entorod tha bnlldUf.
ter from aerleei la the enUaery an at
Theloaaon the bnUdlnytodtOO
AM^ut^^^^ai motion at
2b IA« flononibir. (hr Mayor and OVp
CouneU of On CUy of Trootnt C\ty.
We Uo uadonlyaod,
I tax payore rmpoettolly
hoaomble body to adopt
the dock Uoe of Bo
________________ the eonth aide of i
riror la the mr of block tl, orly
plat Tnrene City and belay betn
Park Place
aad Board)
roaa-Aldormoa Montayae.
TrarecM City, Jane le, IMO.
7b the tfmorahto. UU'Mayor and CUy JuaeMlh.
Motion carried.
Yaae-Aldermea Meatayue, Moore.
HMltnya Sladar. Boayhoy. Ktayon.
EeuBdrWriyht aad Oarriaou.
^'peutte"^ nMd^
tnayan for an aro Uyht at tba ooraor
t Stato aad Oeea etreote, would rooomooeUllon on Wadaeeday. Jane lOth,
mand that the potlUou be ymneod, aad
1000. to take part U a proeretlon on
that aa are Ityht be placed and mail
the abora deto at 1 o'clock p. m. Wo
talaed at the IntoneeUoa of aai
WlU foretoh oerrtoyoe, aad wlU deem it
a yroat faror tor the Beaemble body
BeepeeUully anbmtttad.
to faror ue with their proeeaoaoa thto
Goo. P. Garrtoon.
Jm. Jabaaloa, Free.
T. G. Shitaen.VlM Pm.
M. a. onath, SeertUry.
"°;S.S.‘pobrO. L.
lt>00. We atoo deelre
<th. IDOO.
to uec yeeoline etore for the pnrpoee of eerrlny
hot eeffee. We eyree to leere the
yround la M yood eoadltion M we Sad
.'Ire. J. A. Breedy.
Mn. J. T. Shleldt.
Mored by Aldermea Moom that the
peUUoB be ymated.
Motion carried.
Mored by Aldermen Moore that the
the Branyelleel
Boeletyto oeeupy.m portion of Lake
aronae OMt of Uaiem etroetoe July 3rd
aad ttb. bo referred to the--------a parka with power to aeL
MMlon carried.
Mored by Alderman Hm(
arreet tamporary bootha for Jaly S
andtthwltblo the Are Umlta. be re
ferred to the oommlttM on Are aad
water, the mayor aad ehlaf of pollee.
rllh power to abL
Motion earriod.
7b (hr HonvroMr. (Ac Mopor oitd CUy
CouneU (tf ihe CUy of Traturae CUy,
D. E,
Gentlemen: 1. the nndeniyaed. re-We, the board of pui
ebeetfuUy Mk permlMlon of TOur hon
orable body to-build a reeldenee oo
South Spruce etrMt oa lot T, block
eeroM Oau etrMt on tbe aortb aide of
r. Deanafa. Ley ACo'e. Ninth addiUon
Front etrMt to eontorm to tbe etrMt
at a eott ot about tooo.
yrade. ^ new crow walk ii aeeem
Pruak Oooh.
at thto point end we think e oonci
t/,f UoHorublt. ihc Mayor and City
7b r/,(
alk will add mneh to tbe eppeen
jtinell of thf C»|( of Tnii'erne Clfi/.
I Ihe etrMt.
Board ot Pebllc Woi
GeatlemeD: We. the underelynad, i
BrO. P. Oarrer. cbeirmaa.
apectfally eek permtoelon to bnUd
A. W. Biekerd. clerk.
I s eiory honee !C»so on etoae found
tloB oa lou 31x31. blook n. H. L.
Moved by Aldennao Moore that
Co'e.' lOtb. to ooet >1100.00 to build two roeoramendetion be adopted aad
[34 orer all oa lote walk ordered eonstrueted.
T.\. l?Md 18, block 3. Perry HaBaab'a
MoUea carried.
Seeoad. to eoat about Sooo each. Atoo a
Yeae. Aldermea Moore, HMUoye.
la atory honee oo lote 13 end 14. block Sleder. Bonybey. Bound aad Garrieoa.
Perry Beaaeb'e tad. to be 14x46 orer
1. aad to eoet about ri
W. L. Brown.
TnrarM Olty. Mtoh. Jane ifl. l»00.
To the UonoralAe, Iht Mayor, end fllv 7o(he/i(»i»nU>to. (hr Mayor and Ci
I of ihr CiipofTiorerircau,
foUMoil of (Ac CHv of Travtree CII
We. the uaderalraed, board of bnUdlay Inspeetore. do hereby oertify that
The Utter
OUlUd Wafen
Lobater CaUeta
Staffed PotetoM
Olayor Paatald
eared by Ball'a Catarrh cum
F. J. Cheney A Oo.. Toledo. O.,
We. the undermined, hare known #.
J. Obeney for the Uat it yeare, aad beUoTC him perfeetly hoaorabU U aU
koolneee traneaellone aad flaaaelally
Mbto^My out any obUratlona made
^MtATmaa. WholomU Druntote,
DorU'e Food
be l^wa
TmrorM City.
Oolny to Buropa
Mtoi Mary Boekar left thto weak for
OB axtonded
She wUl oUand
ttoe U LecUtoa oarly la Joly. and rtolt
Badeamr oxeureton
a Baule/oi
whtoh wlU rtolt Parto, apond two WMki
U Italy, attaad
(he Paaalem Play at
and wUl aUe rtolt poUU
of Utaroat U BeeUaaA
totolbdu| Ifmabtaee
A WaalthofBaanW
tor aJe by the W. W. Kimball Co.
M«w SlBooTMy for BlooA-
BaakUa’e Amtoa Salro wUl ylorpolyoiiiaf.
" e faoa by outlay aU SkU Kmpalee Cato. Bruton, Buna. BMle,
Dlaen aad wont forma o<
OrSBVBNOOEBS, the Gnat Oanear
ranaody. and ter all dtoaoaaa of the eku
•ad blood, from Oanlaet aad Boeoedary
Johaeoa, dmyytoL
8mld 0«ntv7 Oeok Book.
.A limited Bumbm’ fw mU at »s e
WUl be mailed poWaye i
•nreee^ of the prtoa. Addiam,
«er^ATmmraa QUy. Mtoh.
Woodbine Cottage
Pleasau Rooms. ShadylUwa.
58? State StreeL
^yAWE^A gwrf a
HKDAoousTo anrr -a> imoi
KOM but fint eUw rulen v,
VtrANTO- Dar'< ''«vfe or anrslBr lo^CnrUICall or sdarvM 4B Konb Co^T
ITOk CALX- Pour aMoaC
eblBoa. ibree Blucvn
Pne*(realKto >a Addrr « Box ML City.
Thoe. Moaltoa.
Edward Boeaer.
Oa motloa of Alderman Wriybt. duly
earried. tbe nport wm aeeepted and
ordered ptoeod oa Ala
Verbal report of olty clerk relative
to preeent eoadltloB of bond toene with
Seaeonyood A Meyer, wm made.
Moved by Aldermea Moore that the
WANTXD-xiood rin (or peaerml boaaoTv *ork.roiBpatoiiib«]p and beat vara to
bto I
;belM U(
dy toemr
orncx OBSU
thowMt ride <
ii Lx:
^ ^BMfOMratoy^'oQM^^
W. J. Nelaaa.
peeeda t eta per hue.
to (h« Mayor and (A« Ciqr
CovntU af the
c CUy of Trooom CUy,
lily ClMk.
tbe yenuloe Bocky Moaotain
made by the Madleon MedieloeOo., if
thou Ukeet thy fair face. 35c.
GeaUemen; I. the uederely_______
epMlfnUy petltloa
body to order the oonetraoUon of a ce» maataldewalkoathe
• ----------------------------- eonth
■* aide
of 8nd
S atroot adjeeant to lota 6 and 7. block 4,
Hanaab, Uy A Oo'a 4th addition to BTSTKMXXT OF BOAXO OF PrUUC WOBKS
TraremOlW. SaU walk to he elx
fMt wide and Afty fMt Itmy, aad to be
boUt in aeeordaBM with the ordlnem
rulaUre to the oonetnotlon of eeeui
pox XALX( OB SX(aAHUB-Tb« Donb
H to
of eald eity that tbe foUowlsy to aa
eldowalka BeepMttuUy oabmittad.
a»t eaaiMr of aaetm U. lowa W
canto aeooant of the eoat of repalra
Tony Mlkula.
1. iMteaaa eeuty- 3elis Tarir.
Btaueta aad the eoaetrueUen tharaot
7b (he HouoroUc. the Mayor and CUy
tha amount of matarial aaed' and tbe
CounrUpflhe CUy-of Traveroe CUy.
tM thereof, and tba etrMt or
MkAtpanwhen eeeh matarial
warkot pHcv. Jobe Verlr.
O4«ttomo8-. , 1. the uaderriy^, ^
Ottk^oaaeQefthaOlty ot Xmrono
Boynlar voatiM of dw eouneU bold
I oooaoU room,Tnna is, loeo.
.a Kenyon toemead
) the eommitlM on Mwere,
Amendmeat and orlylnel moUoa M
ancM taken el tl
meetlny relatire to referriny the mat
ter of ereetlay temporary
mporaey atande
in the
Are llmlteto
the CO______
Are end water, the mayor end city a
abel. be rescinded.
Motion lost.
On motion of Aldermen Uerrtoon,
Badooeer eoamn-
near by potato, aftorward Jolaiay
7b the Honorabte. the Mayor ci
t'ouurif of the CUy of TVaivr
" The
natteaal OhrtoUan
Wabdiny. Klanaa A Marrla, WholeMUDnyytoto. lblado.0.
BaUb Catarrh Cum to taken Utermolly, ootiay dlraeUy unon the blood
■adtouoona aurtaoee of the ajetniu.
Tballmonlala oant free. Prtoa toe par
?Jloi“e-__ _____________
____________1 Moatayne. Moore,
HMtlaye. Sleder; Bonybey, Keayoa,
Bound. Wriybt and Oerrtoon
Mored by Alderman Wrlyht that tho
qneetioD.of yranUay permtoelon to eetabltoh a eanltary can syelem for tho
of thd oilIty be referred to the eommit-
built on Front eUaeL aad bey iMre to
back thrM fMt from lot line, to hare e ratpMtfully report that we And tbe
new atone fonadetloa, and an addition aema to fullr mMt aU the reqolre- Bom to wa<M paid ■
buUt on the rear 10x10 fMt: the total menU
of ue ordlneaM pertalniay ^^ANrXO^ n|«Ce-Oood. alranc. asi eald improramaato to be about thereto.
Mored by Aldermea Eeayoa that the
th attach a ieehodnle of
mtee which.
In oar Judymat.
-J. in
Judt______ to a petiUoaa be yrantod.
MoUen oarried.
Oofloe at aoir
The elab will
Mored by Alderman Bound that tl
Mored hr Alderman Bleder that tha
lariuuen be aeeopied aad the OounoU
lake part in aald prooemlot
Motloa oarried.
MoUon oarrled.
"•e. Aldermen
Mored by Alderman Bleder that the
. er,
Odd Fbllewe Aaairereary aeaoeUlloa
frlyht and Oarrtoou.
be yranted permtoelon to ereet th- Naya
leye, Alderman Mentayae. .
at the aontb abutment of Park
baanere oo June »oth. two aoroM Fr
To Dxc Bonoru>.le. Iht Uayor and CUy
bridye to enable teame to pace orer
etreet and one eerow Uolon atreeL
.'ounril of the City »f Trxivcrtr CUy.
AU with aaad upon Mid dock lUe.
Mollba carried.
ToOic U'.HornMe, rhe Mutn<r .i»«l C
a reaeonable price from t&ie
itlemeu — Vonr
C.iU»ulJiht City of Tratvrte C
pmrlded thto II
to whom wm referred the bid
Perry ^aah. 3 M
Patrick Burden,
ot the Beyle Preae to print 4» ooi
.Uil, 3 N Martlaek.
^of the proeeed!
, mpectlolly requcit permtoi
the board of eduoation.
and bind
llay^npled by
y Mr.
the bnlldl
- . -r the
form, for the
the preemmlttM
Ul. li>00, and
ant location on the pro%>
. of J. W.
liny May Ui. IMl. ^
MUlUcen acroM the alley on the prop
ommand that the Mme be awarded
apor .
erty owned by came party.
the Beyle Prau at 80 oente per pi
Cou»M.ll of the <ntp of Tratvmt CUy,
Jamw W. Umiken. Prokop Kyaelka,
for 4S eoples of eeeb, in accordance
Anne A CoU. Q B. Bouyhey A Co..
with their bid. the price belay the
We, the nnderelyned, neldento and J. W. Slater. B. J. Moryanepme M that paid iMt y
taxpayere, reapeettuUy peUtlon that a
Mored by Alderman Moore that the lowoit hid reoelred.
erdtowalk be bolU on the eonth aide ot peUUon be referred to the committee
Ninth etreet at the InleraeeUoo of
D Are and water with power to aetUnion etreet.
Molioa carried.
Tu the llonorai'U. Ihc Uayor niul CUy
;tM 00 Printlny.
Iht City of Ttvverne City. ^^Hored by Al
Aldermn Kenyon that
port of the
Bi^ J Lee.
land adopted.
QenUemen—We. tbenndereiyaed msiMh Vader. Blrt Jemeaoa. W
Motion carried.
iby, Learence H De/.sete,
Anton Ideate end taxpeyen Inwreeted hereby
YeM. Aldermen Moatayne. MMre.
petition your honorable body to order
the coattracllon of e eewer on Monroe UesUaye. Sleder. Bonybey. Kenyon.
lod. Wriybt and Garrison.
etreet from e point about flflr (50i feet Bonad.
,______ _____________ jdtotJ
lye, none.
couth of Willow etreet and runoiny
etreeu and aldewalke.
by Alderman Sleder tbet the
Motion carried.
. . _tl enwunt of SI50
SISO be appronri7^ Oxe MuiivmJ.Ir, Ihe Mjuu£.4md CUy
Cheee. W. H. Crowell. Mn. N. W. Orel- ated for the improrement ot Lake
Council of the CUyyfTnii'<nt' CUy.
Due perk.
lick, T. D. McMenus.
Motion eerrled.
Aldermen Moore. Bm
Gontlemea) — We. i^e nnderelyned,
Sleder, Bonybey,
The Ladlet-Aid eoclei^f the M. B.
Wriybt and.Gerrtoon.
church of Trarene City, reepectfolly
ler meeti^.
Neye, Aldermen Moatayne.
k permtoelon of your boaonole body
Motloa carried.
Trarene City, Mich., June 10. lUOO.
nee a portion of the foot of Cate
. II
• ................................ to be "<i (hr
the City of
eorrred by a teat and n
poae of eerrlny
luncbe* on July 3i
3rd a
The dmymea
tmekmea of
Chiliad Fralt
Lobater OatUto TmroTM belay deelroM ot oetabltobInelnded rmln, hay aad farm ImpleNat SeadwlebM aad Brown Broad
lay and weeerrlny aalfwiaaadreaaeaawmtoe
for tha tmaaferrlay of
Mr. Pratt'a hoeee eauyht Are. bot waa
aarehandtoa aad othMoomAapwayae Timbale
reepaetfully aek thtfT'yoBr
eaaed by the hard work of tbenelybBtnSod Tomato Salad Sorred U Noate
bom. bamral other bnlldlace namwot LeUuee with ebaeM Wafen
Md on the oontenta Itoo.
Mer^ by Aldarmaa BMtaye that
tha poUttomehoyraatodaadthat eald
walla be ordomd ematructod aadar
•apmrtotoa o< the Board of Pablle
JamwJ Bakar. J W
■ottooferaaawtrtolU the
tha Aatoriaa
I tor wbtok
of . tka aoart,
will aoaraaa July 11.
of yablklatarootwaa the denial of tka
U to aAtoaOr aaaoainail that Ai
«*a rnn VarttoMd,
k, aad (key wU be triad at (ka adjearaed awalaa
taeawad aad
4ha nao*«7 of tba bar ia doabtfaL
latAafbawlU wad
od at t£SnoSmef ttato add 0
ralattoatathetoatltoaf tha
AKbaaaribOf toaiafaOi«a4 tar-
dtebM aathaiaday.
fciii II
todbj^ (ke apart whtok ham aa
• UlM br haOrtOM* te rfn bon
aV%MBi0lo» hM'a anr.
'I. tAe aadereiyaed. mpMttaUy peMttoayear heaeraWa body to order
thoeowtruetkmofaoemaat eldewalk
adjeeoat to my pcemtoea fnmtlay Na.
111 Froatotroot: Mtd walk to be taa
teat wide aad twaaty alx toot loay aad
to bo bout la aeeocdaaoe with the or-
• TT
" TrtorWAJtTiMBmaeatoaarUMlaXra
uPnikrtece ..
TH« avBHnia Mkoom, thpbbday, juhe as laoo.—fast i^o
that y aW saUod to every grade of la-
MOKO tb* T«y
int (m«UJ« M
rt •« b 0*1
for Um NS
M«m wtn tto,
Ombwt ■«4!
tb* IMtIm I
y 4o«ttfBl if e
____ tb*T « »b*i
MLI nm
(mU hU «net-!
wbf tb«7 h*a
cio»d tb^r ton
I tb^r biioMW* if lb*7 Iwd ben *cAbd. urw* •*k«’ »«4d l»*e
of ermibt tbe otkfr. Th*
_t 4od Darte* il*»d VdiCtmtt
, foloc the wlater. bat It eo bap_.d tbol tbt7 bad aeleeted OocUn a*
f cboteoM apet OB the (rnt Ukea tor
air -«»«-** oadnc. Tb^ bad triad it
r tb* flrat tiM <m tbc prarioot r**r.
A H «u ia that var that Jack
tt aad roUr DarU flrat meL Tb<r
tbair tadance exerted oo tbelr re
tire faBlbea that tbe flitting took
• aa aarig a* bUr. And arban tbej
tb*7 liDiDediatalr began to a« aa
i tber bad kBon caeb other for mra
> aeqnainied and think
r a great deal And their
ip rlpeni }n*t ai onieklr when
, are apart as if tber ireie aaaocUl
rack n^ Tollr pronptlr began to ntha beantles of Ongiara In rorapanrorganlicd botantdng partiea of two.
‘ "ag and flablng, and disc
went iMtlng
at no time of tbe dar U tbe
Inrigarating or long walks I bcaltbfnl
it in tbe early ereolng.
Bat, nltbongb they were inaeparable,
■itber of them was aware of tbe fact.
( Botbing bed happened to mflke them
' tbc Mate of their faearta. Of n
__ _ _______ _____ f the platonic charof their (riendsblp that they didn't
mind in tbe least One ereUng abont tbe
falddia of June, bowerer, aotnctblng n
expected happened.
n hare made up my mind." aald Pol.
AI abc swBiig in the hammock that Jack
kept in moUun, "to etiebrale the first
foartb of July In tbc new cenanry by
aoing tometbiug unnsael. tboegh 1
. blTcn't deddrd yet wbat It shall be."
"n'ell, )-ou have picutr of lime to make
M roar mind.”
‘Not ^ao verr Bmcb—oolr abont two
_______ , __ Polly retorted, with a
l^fht show of temper. “Now. sorely ron
%tf not one Of tbe cranks that try to
Prove that the new century does not be^
^ Ull tbc beginning of the year 11*01."
*'Oh. I don't know that I am so panlrn
krir cranky in thinking so. and. anyway.
\navc tbc majority of the world with
-WM. blattbew Arnold naed to uy
^t tbe^i^t^ty is
wrong, and it
' **1 don’t ace bow on eanb yon can say
1^^^^ argument is Jtutt as dear as
"WcU. I'd like to have a look at that
|l|M»taff. I suiiinoc the arganent you
feter to U tbe one about dollars and pay^ them out one at n time until you bare
»w tone in which this was said
Mterated Jack by its condescenslou.
fie answered In the aatuo strain.
•■Noi by any moans. The argument I
PM is much simpler and nlted to any
jSde of InteUlgence."
-Indeed," aald Polly. -Would you
prettlinc It ontr
*Kot In tbe least. Let us soppooo that
K« have lOU Tolumc* of 8G5 pages each
^ each dirided into 12 ebapiera. Tbe
Mt volume would be'volume 1. and m
j6» to roinmt 101^ and if I started to
feed them 1 couldn't say that they were
an mad until I bad completed tbe three
bvadred and aIxty-Sftb page of volume
100. and In the same way a century eanBOt be complete until tbe three hundred
^ alxty-fiftb day of its '
' ''
has elapaed."
-Ibafs no argument at ali;',aald Polly. -Booha and years are ealbely dlfterant tblnga."
__________ _ __ t y abetraet.
! U poaaetbiBg Bteract. and tbe
anmeat of it sb<^ be cwpaMd
didn't MppMe yw WMld.
.figTs A
«( biptolatag ay
Bat 1
*’%dM4,” said Ja^b tsMlllag bto ««a
angry remark and bar reply to b.
jjWo^roa Bind prattUag it for ay
IM BUM nmM •faWriblFd tho Fl
vmUtap Bat* la This Caaatvy.
Mr. John E.
AsMtlcaa cm
at Stettin. Oemaay. In a recant report
y tbe kasc. I Boppooa yM bars
yotteid that an
glTM many statistics in regnrd to tbe
M my
Bv IUcyeie _tbere k a
It endsua
Biha ewBig a crclaaete.
M paid to woriUnfmen m Ocrmv-t-f
of a^ that I travel.'
y and oatna up tbo mnner In tbe
foUowlttf worda;
•IK'baa I travel ea* wUt. it regktare 1.
-American labor k paid treble the
nd wbea K has registered 100 ay fitat
Joaepb Rodmsa Drake's ode
k aeaplited. In tbe same way
nag" ranks next la popularity wages paid Oeraian Ubor In tbe i
U»0 mUaa it maau » "Tbe Star
kar Bpanglfd
Banaef" as a vervbaa It
It was at tbe boose of Ooietum O^fillory.
■tad 10 cratarlea and
U anything B
that I •
tborpe in tbe early dnji of Oeergia,
_ D my twentktb. Kow, _ _ _
that precocity has
we bava fMktetad IKOO yaan, a^
been )asilfl«l is oar insUaee at kast. tlve tariff pntoeu them agalnat tbe «yi a wriHr in tbe Borton'Hanld.
ebat nama 10 ceatarka are complete. It He was a poet In bis cbildbood. U bk labor of Elirapo. protects tbe prodact
In tbe evening Boi#a Canotoowaa
k lost tbe satot whh tbe age of a penaw.
ond ysar be wrou *Tbe CalI was 18 OB ay la« blRbday. aad I say prit Fay," tbe work upon which bis repn- (ff tbelr labor againot the prodneta cf tbetu, and tbe general had beralegfnr
mtaenbiy paid labor of otbre tbem aome old love eoege et England
tbu I aai 18 yean old. aad tbe Owktlaa utlou chiefly rasta The data of bis spir
era was Joat L0OO ycaia old on its last ited ode k net certain, bat be attached coontrleoT Of cottroe JoBt at tbk and Beotland. nod OMtOm from tba
Uttk value to It. Wbea h bk deathbed, point tbe free trader wlU ROlad u opmw at London. Btaa dnnoed. too, Md
-Ob^'l Mppoae If one baated arottad a friend bruagbt It to bli^ with other that Oermany la a protective tariff
reeUed. nnd oom^ately overwl
for it they eoald flad some exoeptlu tbpt fugMve pterea. aad the aatbar amid. conntry. and that waald prove aaytbiag. bat I can't aee -Barn Ibca: they arc of no value." They amd flgurcu presented by Mr. Kebl the ploaa yoot^tb &er beaaty and
W life of am that mUes am a Ut
ptore aotblag (or protection. Aanral
That night, nnder the pnlibatte treas
Hke years than books are."
tbe free ttadera oet np a man of stnw near tbe gorertMT’a boue^ with tbe dadc
elU If you can't It k because yoa
don't know any better." said Polly b^
eyed, bendaome girl beeide him. aad
I she Jaaped oat of tbe a-—
witb bet entrwolng voioe in bU eatA
-Wril," aald Jack, with aa air of lofty
witb tbe Cyprem wine and Orlmaldi'e
-I may not know mndi aboot
deoaotton bot in bis blood. 36ba Wedey
they teach la
better off beciiwe of Germany'a pro beeame aware that be loved her.
tective tariff, or to decide bow moeb
Tbe rmlatiaa waa a y to^
wone off he would be under free
-I Mppoae yon aeaa that for ae. Hr.
trade, or to detennioe whether tbe
Sreabam. WeU, I don't know that it ^
■ of yoore kaowlBf
Oerman protective ayatem k a wlae eeU wedded to tbe Icbnroh.^to hit great
ai^iblng about me c
and well advlaed ayaiem. Tbe only
question (or American workingmen,
am glad yoo tbfak eo. Uiaa Dark,
tbe only question for tbe Americao
and 1 hope that your cekbratloa of tbe
people lo decide. Is whether or not a
lost Foartb of July of tbe century wUl
protective tariff Is a good and oecesbeanoUbleone."
^ .
tary thing for the United Stales,
-The first la tbe new ceataryr obe
whether or not Itjs needed to protect prodf to tbeir friends that marriage
American labor. When It it tbown oertaia If more proof was needed, h<
that foreign workmen get only n frac- raved of ber in hUdeliriom.'IdiH Can“Woofr
tloiial pan of what la paid to American ■too brought ber annt to bw him, aad
Having thus rede^ their vocabnlatla
workmen for tbe same grade of work, between them they fancied him qnlte
when It Is true that ocean freights are decided to marry Sophia. Ho asked ber
^b dudgeum tdly rcsol‘^*^t aeve'r
•o low Hint they amount to but
many timea it abe would or could marry
again would they speak or recognise one
flnttealmal fraction of tbo value of him. "and if he abonld indeed many
r tbe Fourth of July t
the goods transiKirted. tbc only concln- ber." He went tbrobgb with the mar
both s.
aioD which reasoibaDd aoand Judgment riage ceremony of tbo Cbmeb of Eng
ly avoiding each other and
can Justify U that the .Kmorican work- land, for the benefit'of imaginary ooareason met a
mSD needs to have a barrier placed be plos who stood at his bedside.
tween. him aad Ills fellow workman
After bis recovery Waelty's friends
across the sea In the sha|>c of a pro- camctoccmgratnlatc himoa bisengagekept away from them.
"Now all my summer's fun U spoiled." I
•“ ISM.
tective tariff, unl-.-ss he wisheaI to be meut. Bot over since bis mlracnloos
reduced to the condition of the foreign
from fire in his cliildhood be bad
Polly aald to herself at least a doicii
■ ,
like Key 's mBstcrpu-vc. "Tbe Amei
b^tt reurinood that be bod U-eu singled
Flag" contains many kifly flights of laborer.
It also appears from the report of out by bis Maker for some special pnrMr. Kehl that the Gen
)taen. and new ho was prewtrating him
self before au earthly idol and for]
> tbo disadvauB asked Mm wbkb (our food I
lines uC poetry be considered tbe finest
In (he uintlu-r loiigue. Tbc antwer. givva Kchl. 'Tin- cost oT food Is frotu in to Jiri yje bishop and
ainl the Moravian^
missionoffband. was a <|Uo(aIion of (be first four per cent cheaper In the I'nlu-d States j
for advice. They had
tbe same
Unca of Drake's isl.-. .kfi.-r luJiadpg than In tiormany." .And s« a black b^Q^rcicatiDgconvicti
_________ „......... ioQswbicb
wKh breBtblit.H adrutinn the Itriion said.
ere is given
clvcn lo
to the stock free trade ar-'
ar'"! ueuted W
mIkt. and the*
they advised him
"Ves, 1 think I uuUc agre-e with jou.”
gument that, although tUroiigh tlio to gtru up his idol and Jam to bis God.
protecilve tariff the \merlcau work- Wesley kntjw not what to da He wanWkea Fictdura (com tin RKnmialB ki-igkt
Vahirlcd Inr suadsrd (Ik sir.
Ingmau receives higher wages for his dered in (bo forosti praying aloud for
■be ton U.c sxme robe o(
lalKir. yet the tariff sq^Dcr(?a*os Hie iigbt w to his walk before God. He
AaS set the stars ct glocy tlicn-:
cost of lleiug that tbe adv-antage of inolt under the blooming grape vines,
SIk adasbd sita-its goesre-us dyvs
TWniUkr laldrio ol tbe skies.
higher wages Is mon- than neutralUod ^id shielded by the long, gray moss
AnJ Orii.dlti pun. wlnUil wUte
hy the higher cosi of living. As com-| from any living eye sought wisdom
Bilh steskiDcs (S the nKning light;
pared with cendlilons In Germany It is ■ sod comfort
Thrs (rom liis auasion is tbs lun
manifestly true that wages In the Unit-1 xhat night he'askod advice a soopnd
8bs allcU hrr rssic Uam dova,
Asd gsvt lato his ntgbty hstxl
od States are high and the cost of Ilv- time of tho elder,
Tbe symbol o( ber ebsses Uad. '
lug low. That makes a jwc»l comblna‘'Webavoeonsidcrod your case, "said
tinn and one whk-li Is sure to win tbe tb« bishop "Will yon abide by our4«UsirsUc noosttb of the doadl
Who Tvsi'sl start tfcy rtcsl (.vm.
battle for prviecilou.
To brsr tbe Iranrst-inunpingi loud,
f.wUl abide by your dodsioa "
tbr Ughtuliig Isam driven.
- Old fiaidlrr* Remesaavred.
Then tho bishop said, "Wo advise
It is to lie eS|M-cied. of course, that
I farther In this matCfalld ol tiK sun! to tbss 'tls F><vn
Democratic eaingi-ossiueu nnd politi
To guin] tbc bsoarr «( the bis.
cians should iH- loud lu their denuucla--so be Jti” said Wrelty, and that
To hovsT is tlir culphar-miaks,
lion of Hon. U. flay Evans. ITesldent
tb© end.
Tb msrd csss ihs l■sttls-lUobs.
McKinley's commissioner of iienslous.! poor Siqihia was bcarlbrolraa. Her
times. "And ail on account of that thick
who. they assert. U unfriendly to the rolatives were incensed and compelled
beaded Jadt Gn-abam. Well. I'm glad
old soldier alid the soldier’s widow, for | ber to marry a Mr. Williamsoo, though
I found him out. anyway. If. we bad
the reuaoD that they are desirous of.sbo begged Wesley to intercede In ber
been togetber all tbe tintc, there U no
tecurlng the veterans' votes. It may.l behalf. Even al
knowing what might bare happened, and
Just think of baring to go tbrongb life
however, lie of Interest to thest' aelf : ^roioto Wesley andcastpitiful glaooes
witb sneb a atnpid! But. ob, dear, 1 wUb
constituted chBtnplons of the old sol-: *t bim nutil lu his desperation one day
we hadn't quarreled just now or that
dler, as well as to the vetonns tliem-j be forbade ber to attend holy oornmnnthere were aome other young men In town
selves, to know that during the first, ion. Ho explained thie afternoon os
that were any fnn. But all tbc other
three years of Commissioner Evans'! technical grounds bnt tho tide bM
TMng men arc silly, and at tbc wortt
adminlsintloD of the pension burean | turned and tbe people of OiKirgia were
be b only stupid. Dear me. but 1 am
be allowed nearly S.OOO more widows'| ngainst him. A charge of slander was
claims than were allowed dnrlng tbc' institute^ but the assailants, knowing
Jack's (
corresponding three years of bis Demo-1 that they had small chance ot sncCMS,
jnigfat be -------abont as follows;
craUc preOecesfier, During the fiacal. delayed tho trial from week to week
"There is no getting around it, I was
years 18M. 1895 and 181x1 widows' at-[ antillire in Georgia became unbearable,
tailing In love witb her. but it is a good,
lowances were 02,85.x against S7.MS He made arrangemenu to leave the oolthing I fonnd ber out when I did. Whew,'
during 1807, 1898 and 1890. This. too.; ony. Bnt uren in this the Canstbns
what a spitfire she Is! And then think
In spite of the fact that tbc deciMse thwarted him. He waa forbidden tq
of baTim......................
through death of widows of aoldlcrs of leave the province,
c kno
tbe civil war U rapidly Increasing from
do never went out that &^a did
of Isdks iBUIlscteal.
not pass and repass him several dmea,
and often she was known to look in
-Qnets I tl go fishing today. No. HI
Our Tru4* Wlta BuTuuu.
upon him when be was at prayer la bis
be banged if 1 will! I’ll go botanising.
Bnt dani bounlxlng anyway r
own bouse
The total value uf merchandise,
During all these trials beoootinued
and silver Imported into Havana
Ing tbe three months eadod March 31. to conduct his parish as esnal, although
yet decided on ber unique celebration.
1900, shows an Increase of t3.815.2$l be was a sort of prisoner at large. At 6
She had thought of exasperating Jack
over the same period of 1899. Tbc to o'clock one evening tbo little flock
by buying a lot of set pieces, caeb put
tal value of merchandise ImjKtrted Into gatbered in the church for prayers.
ting tbe number SO In aome different
Havana during tbo month of March. Wesley led as uxuaL Delomotto was
way. and geti‘ .
J'-OO. was $4,333,220. The total value there with the friends who still re
them up in some consplcuona place where
Jack could not bel|> st-clng them from bk
of merchandise Imported /rom the mained loyal. After tbo service Wes
home. But still that would not be
United States dnrlng March. 1900, waa ley wu seen to return tobiehome. Bnt
very much fun alter all. Jack, on
nearly as much as the total Imported tbe faithful Delamotte bad planned an
other hand, discovered during the two
from ail other coontrles combined.
escape from this slow tucture. Three
weeks of tbe quarrel that not only bad
faittaini friends led tbe young clerical
b* been In danger of faUing in lore witb
Wfaut Tta*F Are Xet auBerius Prom. trough tbe darkness to the pier. Theca
Polly, bntt Lthat be was inB lore
with ber,
Senotor Depew thinks that the pres anlndianskifl bore him down the river.
ent Indnstrial situation "may be de A sailing vesaci was in waiting, and
that if tb^ could only get Into tbe new
scribed os an Indigestion of-prosperl- soon John Wesley was leaving tbe land
century safely they would have a hun
dred years ahead of them before there
Senator Depew may or may not of bis love forever.
would be any chance of anything arising
right the people of tbe United
so exasperating at this end of tbe cen
SUtes may or may not be suffering
tury dispute. After be bad atilrad fit
Shakespeare, who was bom in April,
Indl^tloD ettber tndostrlal
tbk condoslon an idea came to him that
gaatronomlc. but one thing is sore, and l$e4, was in his nineteenth year when
ra retSfirkaWy bright, even Polly after
that is that they are not auCertng from he married, wrilM Dr. WilUam J. Bolfe
ward admitted, for sneb a •tapid fellow.
Tbe Ladies' Home. Journal.
On tbe fortaoon of the Fourth of July
sr Qv duU Mflilly turn
fered in the days of Clerdand and Anne'a birth or baptism we bare no
Jack took an Anwrican flag in ooc band
TO vhect thy sky-besa gkeiss bon.
a^d a flag of truce In tbe other and
record, bnt the ioscriptica on ber grave
“tariff reform."
ABAsshisrerts '
Cbtdi ww sad t>
informs us that she was 67 yean '
whan tbe died, Ang. 6, 1633. Sbemnst
Wheru Rutarm Is KMded.
Tammany Is anxious to Inject « therefore bare been at least 36 at tbe
Aaftocy ■bsrs rlss sad tsU.
-Have you dedded yet oo tbe unasual
ra" cry into the nation- timeof bermatriage. Somebiographera
Uks sfaeols o( Asm es BldsigU-s pall,
etM*aOon that you were tblnking of f*
Thsa msll thy mtsor.(lsMcs gVre.
campalga At borne. In New York have taken tbe gnmnd that tbe "smart”
tbe last Fourth of July of tbe eenrtiryr
lad cevetisg (res shsU sisk brecstb
Tammany hna to defend itself young woman of 36 entrapped tbe boy
Tot tbe Ant of tbe new eentary,- oald
Eseh gsUsst srw Uut strtfess belrea
afslnst lu record for tbe higbeat tax «f IB into thia match, which, from n
Tkst torely BMsMtr «i Asstk.
worldly pednt of view, was ao Impru
ftte an' '
^ever mind that" said Jack. -I don't
nsr cd the SCSI! ee ecsss ns*
care when tbe nrtr century beglna. AJl.
dent, but I tasoy that tbe boy himself
_ . shsU glittw e-CT the tnre;
dssth. isiviflre to tbi ask.
s darkly sood tbe betUed ssO.
le for bis conduct
attktsd osses laA srlUIy bsdt
Wby wMKMKuta tbit ffbartb kg
Btusv tbe bresAlds's rwMsa
4>g uadigcdT A0d wa MB calefarate tb«
Mlatca for ^Cuban postal fkaoda Is
teb dylre vsoderw •( (be sea
^ by gMliiw autclad. and tbea well
Several trnoksof an extinct spee(s <ff
C^*.- Tlgoronaly cootinned by tbe adghsll look SI oBcc to msTsa sad tkss;
te sure of celebraUng tbe right day."
lad BkUs to sc« thy spiradon fty
ratkm and wip not cease tin aco- gigantic bird have at different kUnea
PoUy was ao taken by mrpriae that
fa ttbopb o'er bk doriag eyv.
baa been pronounced a tbe been foad in tbe staoe qnarry at Bol^ ditoj^rt^aay, -lU U ao aad^enr*
yoke. Mam. Tbe last set dirooverad
Bbowstbnt tbeUrd faadnfoot 11 inebea
Shy start (uos lit t)
*sd agaia. they bad
looA nimadwltb tbree nails or claws to
Tbe total amotmt of money In
-------- ----- that they didn't eui.____
endi tot Tbe tmAs average 4 feet 10
has locTMsed by 182 per
two FwM'
iBCbM^aut. and 11 of tbem have basn
I ttelss bat (sib bslassmt
t'tO yean and tbe d«v
nU btatatb oor Ittl.
■ iMBwMMamkgVwml
- • ___ _
___ ________
HSJ: iiir.tiu;
Omd * Oillatt in tba Hnrkat WUk
Tbalr Flrat KUn of Bri^
Tbs Trevane City Brick Werta,
rend A QUlett, prop^tors; innmibn
that they bava bvsad tbelr flret kttat
of brick and wlU be ready In sap*ty
flret of B'—' —•- '----- **—
The new brick yard la sltantad a half
mUa wMt ot Garterb mOl and la in
to tba elty, and wall toaw
it. bnt It wui come'' up amillng aswy
Ume " Oalman'a Eiaatie Floor Vanisfc
SB Walk
A Grefft DJjooyery tor OAnoar
WisDSOK. O.S-T., Job. 31. 1000.
Dr. C. D. Warner. Dear Sir;—I baveuied «our Compound ot Seven Corea,
the great eaneer cure and blood portfler, with excellent resnlu. 1 do not
bealtate to reoommead It for the j^W'
posM for which it is need. lU eff^
are Is a short time so manifest that Iff
cannot fail to give the i
Why Go to the Mot Sprinp?
If you are anffering from any form of
rhenmaliam. skin or kidney dlSMM.
obealty. or any ebronie dlseaae. tbe beat
treatmeatyoucangetis the BeU Hot
Air treatmenk It it not a cheap bath
or fake affair, but the latMt and moat
ancceealml Invention of meoern medical
aciencc. It it curing many cooes atl«r
all other methods ot treatment have
failed. It cosU nothing to see the
paratus and InvestlgaU lu marita. It
Is in operation at my effise in tbe Toa*
ntNqr block. SIC Frobtetreet, Travenff
City. Mich.
B. E. Flood, M. D.
a 8- BMOWM. fitteruer ana Oei
OSc** MW Toucher U«ek, ttS Pi
T\K. W.X.OW.O.K___ _____________________
■ ( as4 ■
o. sjssfs.;
Xu. ap *uln la Prosk Prledrlch'* Mw H*cfe.
BnIdoM* ni WMaiogtea *tMtv WeM'U
OBd eklldrea'* dU«»s«i • •poelsltr. Otfiso
kear*: 10 lo Cs. m.; t u 4 sod T U fp. Sb
BeU ■pbsu*, Nortbera -pboM Ro. I.
Y\R. K. X. PLOOD, Oac* IB_____
■■■■miTiillllillllltllillllllllllllllMlilllilii III! illiill I III lllliliITTT——-TW‘T'—--------
TNC MMt •ouurvARoe.
•TT ------------- ------
kwcteitoMtifai ttewMtvetU
\tm M«cfcwMt7P«WflBte
&Uooa aoMB tti$ cMift jrtiiT at
b tfaitad with a
|b« an iatbtbMrtoC
; teolMi »d .
_j jwt nwh 9PM M ZoU tew
j tolOf book «ttU«d "Mmer."
£ 5srSL«*diis?
1 «ba •tnoTCtewat
k To^ipadatoitjroB naiidai
B Tirw it tnan as ostrite’a li
^ Yoa Bite taka part la tt,UT« in
Lite for tba tUna bels( fotfat that
■a aBTtbingbnt a eoaibBte
I. follow mj Bdrioa, aad I wUl
that TOO wiU aaa Parla aa
ia and not aa toarlata aea or da8it down with ma «t tha terof roodtt cafe ^ wteh iha
of hnnaBllr u it ikm bjrtanttuaesl^chand
BriU^~blaae JoaniaUrti.^lookiiig aoweaaaa, ebio Uttla Parithapetlta bootgaoiai» n
aggata—aje, and Amaric
‘tooohlng elbowf,” at the
uj. la it not dilute lode BpOD,
ruling aoUTitr. ia abandooad
laatfMrbootaT Poorfallowl Ha
uialaid hU brain and might find it
He la ima of the aode9 man of
witboat hif pet nqwratltion.'
“B# oonatanUr have people who jeU. oi
___ toptoba^tbaBbaek _
M Wea WMhe-t te Ow.
tha orplanatinB that they hate bad-bad
at* tern tha aala «M aada ate
rtwmU hata good tookagalB tetU FnlMvKtdnr I. "TI» BaMai.
of Caarate Kaiaar," ate tea eowate
‘•OWteteTwho bad aoM « her ■■baoMaiaed only aftara earatol ta■adtethar’a akxk &irty wept ba- qniry into,.aU the oiioBinteBe* anr«Ha it waa gw bafoaa ^ eoald bay roandtaigthe paogooad aUiHoa. flnl,
itU^lB. IMaldaaiBBOtoontoedao it the yoeng lady anStahle to aeaooiaar ignsant paegla-tayaay ttoa with the wine of the otb* (dBernl
Saaote. WiU the bridegroom baablato
“At tfaia t*7 tima I know a Loaia- ttre raqwelaUy aad bring ^ hia tarnTiUa tiaainaai man of great ealtara ate
aadnatnaatwho la '
aa dd woodaa dank wMeb be owMd 0 that ho ia not liabla tT^aSaUadS
mar yaan ago—* daak aateikhba
. yl Tba oteaorfflmade an rooraona amocBt of moM ‘
aoiy ooelal advatagaa njoyed by tba
a faw ia^ ataokaa of bia pan.
Gacmaa ofSoar and tba paonaiaiyiedaak pamed fron hand to band and oat apOBBibiUty growing natnrally trcaa
of Ida pawwion. He ia oow eatMatly aaab adrantagee
email pay.
ea make bit amaU
■tearoaing to traoa it and parehaaa it. vUeh amo.................................
e only to abont 91 a day
baUoTlagtbat xeoaat baainaao'tew
and hard tiinea wiU See away if be can amaUar than it ia
An Amerioan lady who bad bean
that ■amf old deak.
goading a winter in Dreadao told Mr.
Bicelow tbat all tbe baobelore of the
ganiaoBwere fnmiabedwich a Uatof
mairtagaable weeien. each nama oraa• of eeieide bare thv
Btetad with tbe property ahe might be
teoagfat aboot by Beane of baning aapeoted to inherit Thie no donbt waa
ebarooal. of which one ecainple Bagr
on her part, bat it ia a very
reffloe. that of aon of Bartbollat, the
ne. Qerman afSoera Mhtloned
eelebratadehonict. Thiayrmng:
OBine affected with great Btcotal depreaalon. which rendered Ufe ionppartable laaving the army In diagiva or marry
to Um. Betinng to a mall room, ha ing a rich girl
loted the door, oloaed npererioeawbioh
Mi. Bigelow addi: "From my own
Bdgbt admit frMh air, lighted a ebar Bsparience in Oermaoy the ofiloera would
ooal braaia', and with a aecond watoh appear to hare married for lovo and to
before him noted dowif the time, to ba happy in oonaeqnence,” and yet "the
gether with faii aeuatiana aa tbegaa ae- number of thoee who get into debt and
tail to aecnre arich wife ia comiderable,
He detailed tba approadi and rajdd although it makoa no paiticnlar ripple
progreae of delirium ontil the writing In tbe Bnrface. Such men aimply diaapbeoame larger and larger, more and pear and turn np aooner or later in
) oonfoae^ and at length illegible, Anmioa, where they take employment aa
and the writer fell dead upon the Soor.
waiter*, teachers or instruct—Note! and Qneriee.
on in riding acboola The ohauge of
Ufe ia very violent and ia adopted only
Uncle Sam'e new 2 per cent, bonde aa prefarablo to roicida ’’
are quoted at 104, which establiahea a
What It DMn't Improve.
record of high credit never reached bj
any other nation.
•The lit(l<- busy l>co.” commentea
the poetic maiden. "See how It' ‘im
prove* each HbiDlng hoar.' *'
Hr.Ligbtweigbt(airily. to oondootot)
"Mebbe it doe*." reuimvd the practl'—1 wonder what that ababby old codg
inner, "but you'd iK-tler
er Sndi to attractire In tbli dirootioo.
:li- lanideD.
Eo'i been eying m« for too mlnntea.
Coadootor (tbonghtfully) —1 gnoH
tUnt folk* that
‘T’:‘r<be’a woodering how yon happen to bo farmer.
cot ton elow- gt^'mliy fotiod that the
traveling on a paea Bo'e the preddeBt thing that iuii>n>ves thr Khlulnc hour
of the road.—New York Advcrtlaet.
e/wMr'i iiltv-iv« iTutm.v,. tli.‘ tru-t'
I Guntlemen of M Taste
Lmvb Travotaa Oty ak «40 b.
jaB«aflrateBanidBaAOp.M.. Iteha
goa BTiep. aa. tala •t.ao. Oraat at
traetkaa (er Snad^ vWtera.
AiQtfwi gnats
far Qraahad Ovaol Ooffaa Cbkaa.
I Oaps.
- All caps made of Fancy Cassimeres,
etc., values 50c, the whole lot 0.P\f*
tocloseat-^...... .................... .
Mil's eadimiai 25c and 35c.
At BOc about twenty styles to select from.
^; At $1.00 your choice of handsomest patterns
made by
Wilson Bros., Wachusett SKh-t Co. and Monarch
Good Line of Jofoliy
G. F. Makepeace.
III Kinds oIReiairiie.
Waukazoo House! v''
Hunter & Baumbaueh. The m^or^npozt,
The beat fomlahed and beat 1
bouM on tbia penlnanla'u
la U rea^*^
,, ----Open
irronn-------round. Good
Livery in connecUon with the bonae.
EUtceI made
mi ’ known
on application.
Fire lnsurance. i
L. L. A. Building.
We Make the Prices
and De the Business!
Compare our offerings with .anything in this market and see !
how much money you can save by supplying your wants here.
That Wear
50 per cent, longer than
any other make.
Wash Dress Skirts made of Pique •
aud Duck, colors white, black, ttarj.
$1.00 Yalnes at 69c,
$1.50 and $2 Yalaes at 98c.:
White Underskirts, ^
The 50c kind at 38c.
The 75c kind at 68c.
The 81 kind at 74c :
tJorset Covers at Sc, 19c, 31c, 47c and S7c.
Night Gowns, cool kind, at 25c, not 39c. Better
grades a1) go at special prices.
Ventilated Corsets only 25c and 50c.
For Boirs 15 ind 25c
For Mil 10,15,251.
Gold Dollar Brand,
Attend onr Ladies Suit, and Jacket Sale ;
—the assortment is here and ptices about
Ladies' and Miss- 1 0/9
es.'cost.............. AvU
Wayne Knit
Equal in finish to tbe fin
est imported and wears
Misses Stockings, 15c
and 25c.
Ladies’ Stockings,
25c, 35c and 50C.
T. F. Hunter,
Cheaper ones at i6c, 25c and 30c.
Straw Mattings, 5>^c for the 12c kind; i8c for 25c kind.
Suits at—$3.50, $5.00. $6x» and $7.50
Belts......................IOC, 25c. 35c and 50c
Hose........................................25c to 90c
For Cooking or Furnace Purposes
Mil's Suits It $7.50,
Fine Wood
And Float Draperiea, Flagt, Boot
ing, and eveiytlting in tbe line of
display deooratiou can be proSMnralk LnmtMr In all diM. '
enred if ordarad balbra M^bday. July 8. of C. F. Makepeeoe.
I make anything in tbe above Une Soeegesen U TrBwarM Olty iMsthn Oo.
from a child’e flag to ten-foot tis
ane paper balloofl, in bnman, ani
mal, or regolar form.
Note—I offer a prize of a free
I have had my baildine
order for anything they want to
reboilt and pot in good
the amount of ten dollara, (f 10.00)
werfc at hlahM pennlW* grmU. Plat |
shape and am now raady
wark a apeeialtyin the li^e of aigns, from a aimple
to receive all old patrona.
New 0«M. Markham Bloek
float aktrtiast* to a ten-foot silk
banner in Rold lettering, to the
locky Snnday School or Ghnrch, SiS Front Sl.
Telephone 304
Industrial, Charity, or Frataroa
Oiganization, giring the order
drawing the nnmber for it.
A postal card addressed to Box
^334 will call me in oonsoltation.
Easily get their wants
supplied here.
Men's Suits made of all
w<m1 Cassimeres
i Bicycle Glething.
ntehaareaaodaM Itate^tin ncteJuriaMatiy^wteTfS?
AU am enedkUy tavHte tn Wait bjaatndlp.ate toot hM ahUii^ aa u np to
Carpet Department.
Th^ are the greatest val
ues in this market and we
are selling them to young
men who are the leaders
in fashion.
utiA A radutd
Or. W. f. BcflBi. 0
No hard up uleson backward season with us. We
buy for cash and quote low prices. Just now wc__
we are
giving special inducements in this dept. For instance:
Lowell and Hartford, extra superfine Ingrains at................
Cotton Chain Ingrains, all wool filling,
$8.se aid $ie.ee.
X. uidiiaiUy
Cor. Union and Eighth Sts.
6HAHD eaphh * M UtXBaeH
18x36 Huck towels locor two for 25c,
16x30 Linen Damask towels 10c!
18x36 Heavy Cotton towels 10c.
Smaller Sizes 5c and 9c.
Children’s Made Dresses, white and col
ors. 26c. 60c. 76c to $3.76
IrrmgMients an Ml CompM. Ml the Coniiniitees an Busy Finishing Their WnA
ntLe IEia.ces
The fan will begfin on the Third with Horse Races on the re>built and best half*
mile track in the sute. These races will b«»n Tnesday afternoon, July $, and will
also be given on the afternoon of the 4th and 5th, and will be under the auspices qf
the Traverse CiQr Driving Park As^iation. The purses will aggregate $1,000.
Salsbury's “Tommy M," the “Guideless Wonder," will be on exhibhion. The usua^
gate fees will be charged to these races.
Many entries have already been made and this will be the best racing event
Northern Michigan has ever had.
Silver Bros.’Tent Show
Silver Bros.’ combined Novelty Show and Trained Animal Exhibition will be
hereon luly 3rd and 4th. This combination has been grelttly enlarged and is now
one of the best shows of its size on the road. The customary popular prices will be
charged to this entertainment, which will*prove
A Pleasing Feature on the Program Both Days.
. Traverse City is noted all over Michigan for its magnificent holiday parades. None, even, of the
larger cities can equal the Queen City of the North in the magnitude of this display. The outlook now
is good for something this year in this line that will surpass anything ever seen here. The merchants
and business men are preparing for elaborate displays, while the mills and factories promise substan
tial aid in lengthening the line. The G. A. B... Co. M., and fi-atemal organizations and trades unions
wiU also be in line. Quite a number of features in the Carnival parade ot the night of the 3rd will be
retained in the great parade of the 4th. An interesting and attractive addition to the parade will be’ the
street pageant of Silver Bros.’ combined shows, headed by their fine band in the gorgeous new chariot
just built for them. Every child over seven years old in the city and the surrounding country is cor
dially invited to join in the parade. Hon. J. W. Milliken and Drs. G. A. Holliday and J. A. Snyder with
Captains and Lieutenants will have charge of this, part of the parade, and parents need feel no uneasi
ness in allowing their children to join this popular demonstration. Every child in the parade will be
given a fiag to keep and carry home as a reminder of the happy event. The committee have in minH a
way of organizing the Children’s Parade th^^U be something new and novel. It is hoped every
child in the city on that day will join this p^ade. The parade will start promptly at one o’clock on
the. afternoon of the 4th, and the children snould all be in place before that hour near the comer of
Sixth and Wadsworth streets, opposite the residence of Hon. Perry Hannah. There is plenty of grass
room and shwle to make a.pleasant resting place.
the; gre;^t cahnival
The night of the 3rd will witness one of the most brilliant carnival scenes ever organized in a Michigan city. The fea
tures will be so many that there is no room here to even name them. A great voting contest has been held during the last
week and one of the most popular young ladies of Traverse City has been chosen “Queen of the Carnival.” A most elaborately
constructed and decorated chariot is being prepared for Her Royal Highness, and she will have the place of honor in the pa■rade, clad in her elegant robes of state, and after this is over a grand reception will be given in the City Opera Hou.se, where
apon a magnifloent throne the Queen will receive her loyal subjects. Admission to this reception will be by ticket foi' yvhich
a charge will be made.
The Carnival Parade will be brilliant beyond desciiptiou. The line of mai-ch will be a blaze of electric- lights, colored
tire and flashing rockets, while during its progress great bombs will be shot a thousand feet into the air from mortars, and
bursting there will send a shower of fire earthward, while guttling rockets will flash in mid-air, and the night will be madfe
into day, and with music, and rockets and bombs and flashing Are and waving flags and fluttering bunting of the national
colors, and the tousic of bands and noise of happy shouting of thousands the night of the Third will merge into tho great holi
day of the nation and the morning gun will aunounce the beginning of the Great Day itself!
Everybody who can do so should be here the evening of the 3rd to witness the Great Carnival Parade.^ Many unique and
unexpected features will be introduced dui-ing and after the parade to amuse and interest the crowd.
On the«venins of the 4th there>jvill be a great display of fireworks far ahead of
anything of this kind ever seen in this part of the sute. Last year's display was con
sidered very fine, but the committee this year have arranged for a display that far
surpasses that. It will be largely a mid-air display, but there will be a few handsome
set piei^. Improvements are consUntly being made in the manufacture of fireworks ”
and this display will be in keeping with the whole celebration of the 6a!^. Come pre*
pared to remain until after this part of the day’s program. Arrangements will be
made to b^in the display jest as soon as It is dark enough to make a good show, and
there will be no delay “between acts." It will be a consUnt rattle, and flash, and siz^ and roar from beginning to end, and it will be something to remember for a whole
year. All special trains and boats will wait for their passengers until this exhibition
is finished.
create a
lln' “«<*.'after the parade, on the aftwnoon of the 4th. Greai
*P?"l,!I“t«'yhnd gracefolly.nhae morurs will 4nd
into the air, queerlooking paper wads that will suddenly epen and
4l'"( h”'
and human
huta^eds of
All trains and boaB will give one fare for round trip on the 3rd and 4th rood t.
return nntd the 5th. The Bay Boats will also sell one fare round trip tfekits m th!
Sth to enable -dl who cannot be here before to attend the great races^on the?th Ar
‘■“■'"““t's where such sinrii
M H tae ttfiaa. •h* V MM k m.
WtnttMl tfkMtrt tte W tPt{
BMW w dfM M «■ wwa Mat
« «kr aato ffMa. .
Laiiw M pcnea B tti tartb I lM«
VUfc Mr tmur M kla* tfeoTC.
dediw et a (bat
TV (faUd Mm* kor bead ap Ma
tbroagfa tv glaa.
*Tf&?-aVc«Ued. TcaaY raa.
d HKb Mk, Mew tfar ■iimIm Mr.
M Mia 1M Mawt M ar eM «Mi
e «f dHU«d I
■ «• trwt«« M (
« ocfnpt (roB bIBui7 dstr. t
dad «Mt atat hwMi m4 the Mwr t( tia
tfa’ tafala. u ^ 1 gM sr «ow nitlo lag
an adcfc It tfajoogh thi* bolt daddy cat
It for me^ as I can It Hr pattoBei
ae ware tt. ao doddr caa aee h waj
dowa tb* road, aa tfaea fat kaowt emr>
tklag It all right.’“BBt poo r«a oat a&d plar amotiaaiT’'
gaeriod tbc targeoa.
world kaowi & ftMT tfsBd* «*
IMm thu dwt dtaptarrd far tfar Bom-
Sw woM an M BOMH aad eooka
i^. bw BM Aghtar* a* wdl aad aa,
Km at tbdr tro«faaw aad hahaadt.
^CUrf aMt Ifat aaclMrwMMB wfaa
dMi bmt at Wat amaMd
Haacfct for tfae frailiwi a( thdr poopto
rat Qwn Boadkca. wife of PraaoU-:
M. AnertfacdeaUof Brr teafaaad. la-'
•aad far tfae oatrmaeo ot tfae promntor
ktoa, abe took ep amt agaloK tfao BfrM «>l(«lau aad tfadr aUioi.
It wat a diagr Uttla boow a»d ataad
pad to gtMt tfae praaitad faoliW, *a adtfaapa 100 foot froa tfae htghwar. A.
ok poltM a^ faer eaptar*. To ^ ^id earand patfawar lad to It add'BM,war waa a well. Tfae grMt aargion kU
aae^t Mgkt ot tha wril boa mod Aa
He wat a eoagoiBav _
to tv pOMiblllUM
tblo Uae of Israatigi
The CriDDfed Moumi
It cap lau It. TV watar «
aanplcd It wlu a anuio
fapB be drank foar capa
rnpld aaoeratlon. As V fioiabod tV
« he loVrd toward tha Vote. Hp
^ni to taBenVr it Tfaat watar wat
«v good to loae track of.
n irae Joit an anconth, one atorr
t and window L
aralk oa mraelf. Tfae bora call tae *ctofatoot,’ an tber Uogb. Ifaiddr Bade at a
ume taut, an oa Biadart V dnwg aa
oat if U-doa't rnla. Aa fac'a goia to wUp
tfa- bora it tVj langh at loe ear Bore."
’’Will roo let BO aee roar feetT* V*
aired tv grtat
"Toall Ungfa.'
' * ' t aaiaouB gtarrlj. *TI1
................................ not laagfa.”
Bo board ber dnwltig a ^alr to tV
He brard fare oeraBb
t latar aV Upped oa tl
aad tbea be nw tV diotottod feet la
tbeir coaree ram etDckinga polaad oa tV
window aUL
"Tao." V untd to bar. ‘TVt will do.
Aad bow." V addod. "1 latia go." •Oh. bat ro« Joat caae." oM tV
, H Toa tova A dwantit. •-------r .--
*...1 *
Fiinal Dimcnr.
grea's walk as V swuf oror tV
ao on aerem tV rMge to tV captta
borne, and a freab sparkle farlgbteae.
dear grar erca.
"Br the war." V said to tV ri<* m»
fVl erening. "1 want to borrow the Wr
Booms at 4M Booth Cntoo Brest.
VatopfasogHs. M
I Into tbe rillsge and np
t bUcksBlth shop, and
It ended wbei
in a ker.
Tfaat rUe In tv low phaeton was tV
.rest erent of Martha Johnson's rathn
prosak life. To alt In the sofUr cnshloned mrTfagc bp this wonderfnllr gray
boired man. who knew and Vd s^
erernbiiig. waa a pleasure of sui* im*
nltudc that it quite took tbe cblld't
rath away. Bhe waa rerj quiet for
time, and then she broke forth
chattered like a magpie. And- the
1 lieride her related
of tbe cbildicae
when be heard
would hare been quite imitoasibl............
which wat enjoying the ride tbe bett'er.
And wbHi they returned and be tied the
horse at tbe roadside aud carried bc-r inahe was only a fragile little bundle—tbc
was quite wlillng that be should make
ft eareful examination of her erlpplcd
When it waa finished, be burried away
to meet a man with whom be bad an ap
pointment. Tile man was the Uackamitli, nnd tbe idaeksmitb listened to bis
Ktor.r with ft truubk-d face. He was a
slow mao, was tbe blieksmilb, and not
of a hopeful disp .
"Understand.'' lie said at Ilast In hU
alugglsh w
way 'Tm a poor'man. and I'm
la <tcbt. I tried
farmiu. aand It didn't
'vrHHi lamiiu.
poy. and lila<icksmilbln Iso't
great deal
•11 have
l|»i« lime
better. You'll
hare to wait
lor your money."
“I>o you Imagioe I a I fiirciug toy
iinV rrii-d tbe surgeon
re’ll be nothing
. to pay."
. .
Tbe ilia....................................
iilacksmltb'k lean face clouded.
c it
iTtH-ated. "IWt
'Nolbln lo payr* be
• you duiu this tor?"
. ‘oWn pleasure,'
, _
"Well." grow^
Ultic t>anse. “f
understaud. k
world. There's gain to V
“And iberc's one tbiug-yon
onmt the snS
/roo taw DO Men ot lUr. aad. ihes hit
i^r caogbt tight of a face tVt appeared
a,moment at the window. It was a white
little face. tV face of a child. It disa^
pcared and came again—jost n coi^
risioD of babr tcatnrrs and flaffr blond
bair—end tlira was gone.
I "A shr Uttic glri." thought the siugt^
at be wared bis Vnd toward tbe bo&.
A alender Vnd fluttered aVre iV ilUu
be toned awar.
Tbr great torgeon bad come down to
.WUlUmttoo at tV earnest sdldUUoA
M0U.Y rmam at uontOL-m
af Pmiicc owed bis realm. After a threet of tbc rapiulift wbnon sammer paia«
Bonths* Biruggie shr wrested tbr scepterr crowneil tbe..............................................
troBlhe British and crowned him king[ town. Tfae < apitalitt '
It be needi
At Belma.
Ons- of tbe most famous Americ
great surgeon was deepBen addieri In the ear of the Ui-voluhii case. Besides, be felt
itiou was lifdiorah Hauipnou. who i<>l 1 lri>
hat V tienled a change blrasplf. and bo
the Contlnmial sruy in 177H nndi-r
asm.- of IhdKTrt Bblnliirr, Hbr sen.d :uew then- wasn't a U-tter place to rein tbe Brny fur thnv jrsn as a prirais
aoldier U-fore faer w-x was dikcnrered. ,
Itlrry lAn^lnu of tbc CaroliDas was well ■ l•bysiciau at tbe palace uu the
aoe <»f Marion's most truxird sronU. ^rUge.
u wla-n she wns
was supi
suppoa-1 Tbc surgeon waa a great walker. There
KIght after uidit.
, ot thinking,
- no gymnas*
ti to la- asleep in her own room. >be c • Lwaa. . fair
Geld and iwatnii
iwatnp to the tJca to eouiiwrc
coniiwrc with this natural ..
psertied news Mcrr field
hurscs placed (o
•ABPriesn euuip. Tliougb tbc llrltish I'die ot the legs. Tbe horses
hit disposal had no ntuacUon
him. His delight was to wander
] nway -acrou
the ri^es
und along unCre,.gcr. loo.------- ----------, ,------,
—--------------------------_------.-------------- ■------------------------------------ ..............................................................................................
of the IterololionBiy
limes, j qaentctl roads, breethihg In tbe aromatic
-aslun w ben she »-us carrylog '-'air, and shuffling his feet in tbe pine
. IV contents ot wbirii sV Boedks. nnd then to come loping Vek at
........... ........... rsl llreeuc to 8ntnler.! A.brUk jiare
'Vc wat ioteireiiii-d by sumo Tory w^)ui* nugbly appci
And taken prisoner v sospldun. Lett j He bad cujoyed the road
road orer tV hill
r the louely home, andd he V'd enjoyed
^Mic fo[ a few minutes, she ebvwi-d into
L-11. and the next
■Mu the writlcn luessagi
It that way again. The
^rrylbg. When s«-arebcd
dingy little bouse seemed e
i-WBa uotbiag tliacorered.
Imltted to pursue, ber journey, fabe de-' aitraetlre than It bad appeared tbe day
ilrered to Humter. verbally, tbc message, Vfon-. Tbe Burgeon looked toward it as
• klr.
•- •
•; he drauk. Again the Uitle'face appeared
. B lut
On the VId ot klomnoutb Msdly 1I'ilcfa- ‘ at the Wilson-. Tbik time It did not ranit riilld in a duU old bouse like a c
t from---Isb.
the littlcfaead nodjCr made beraelf fatuous. A shot-----_ On (be
-- contrary,
fled as the fluffy curls
• shook.
- •
~ aui?IV enemy killed‘her husband, a can-• ded
Mum, at bis tsist. The officer In com- geon nodded back and went a few paces
Ofafand. baring n« one eumiH-tent to fill nearer and smiled and nodded agaluj
-tu. put
• Tfaen tbs little faie beumed all orcr. and
ranry. ordetv
SV raeanry.
ordifvd tbe r
' * "
fiugeta of tbe eurgoon an eloquent
: tbe big blue eyes abut and closed rapidly,
(drawn. 8b>- beard lbs o
: ffnally n-solriug ibemselrea into two star- pressure.
iiied tbe fight. '
teie rammer, eontbn
erening tV surgeon said to tbc
Ing c-trrli-s. while tbe little inouib became
areugv her bu,
tVt she
abe would
n. “I bare an imiwiiant surgical
perfect O. Then the Cense lines relas'Aealb. TV
tbe elty op Wednesday and will
rip]ded i
the ebild'a
.er by Oeneml Watblug- ed. a amile
two days.”
; face and tbr tbln hand
Mou In lecogniiiou of her
lo ■•eraonal fists that shook themi
Just as all aoldlen do u
I. BO oil tbe ormy of deroted Amer- geon in mori: defia
of tbe ralln ny
women could not enter tbc lists of, Tbe surgeon Viidn't “made faces" for
ieauly shared aud atiin,<d In bis
e cieauly
iny years, but now be let^s UMCcnaitlk heroine^
r-s. ___
like II
... •
nH fraiurvs twist themsefres into gro- best, aud there was a bright nnd hopeful
1 Mullle ITtcVr; but they ppored
Back of the platform
tost fill^^j^ child audb
ludi___ olMs In pailenee. In watchfulness and ,
stood tbc rich mao's carriage and bandlb patr(ol*c tpiril.
t & 17U8 the Kdonlal women ahowad Muc to ri«f« to7bc‘’dlw^0M^t‘to totue boraea. tor tbc great surgroa bad
gone up lo the city tbe day before and
was expected back on tbc coming train.
ic window.
Pn-toWly it rumbled up to tV llUle plat
........ ........ . _
0 ttjert Bohsa.
''Hello." V aakd to tV face wilhla.
a brav
brand ...
of —................
Imported tea
then to—popn-1
A thin
* ----------- ------ ------------ - form. aud a momeol later the tv
------ ------------------------------------------------------jbr. and chose tbe Vlaatnic Hyperion, a aa a muflkd roiee said aoBrtUiig he eoerged from tbe single passenger
Ifluneatk manotarture prepared from tbe Mold not uudersund. But V obeyed On bis arm leaned a slender little glrb
Mried leares of tbe raipVrry plant. Tbs the motion and looked bancaib tV alD,
. . Vv.
JVka who thus denied themselves were and there was an opening a few Inches
but whose bright face was radiant with
iknoWn aa tbe Daughters of LiVrty.
long and perhapt
t When husbands and tatben wen- away througb Ibis slit
"Daddy"' abr eried aa tbe blacVmith
la cV Continental ranks In ITTA tV wo- protruded.
, inea of Wyoming jdowed. sowed and
"I sec you." said a thin toice through pretaed forward and she threw herself in
scaped, and not only tVt. but they made the opcnlug, "I see you atealin onr wa- faU arma "Look, lookr she added, and
at ber feet. And tV bUrkamilh,
gnupowder. i.w, for the supply waa low tor."
•t tV fart.
Urn tvir vny- »aid iV great aor- looklh
laC t
. In I7W) the dlRteas of tbe American geon with hia tDouth close to tV silt,
br^ was Terr great OH account ot the
"You're juK Miry 'esutc I aaw you."
'Tie did it." said tbc child
Tfae women formed an cried tV tbln' T<-lee. with a laughing
Vek of elolbi
• in It. “Yon knew well enough It touched tbe surgeon's slecrc rcrercntly.
“Thank him. daddy: thank bim!"
» tlBBsea foe ■ «•«» ••
distress of tV
tbe great surgeon drew away.
^^"live m'onev. Tbc'hlghest danis '^Thc atITgeon fumbled In hU pocket and
“roob. pooh, btocksmltb." be quickly
____________ ___ with tbeir needles and ^ught forth a‘ bright new dime
dime and
said, “a man ducss’t want thanks for
Variii^ tbeir trinkets and iewelry. Tfae , thruR It throngh
through tbo oppnlnc.
act of bumanlty aa let
bdks ot Ifailadelphia coo.riVted 2.30U - "That's S cento for water and 8 centa
ting a crippled mouse out ot a trap.*'—
fafalns. wbkh they had rut and sewed ' tor line." be grardy announced.
ClercUnd ITatu IN-oler.
Ves^ees. On evh garment waa tV I TV chlW Uugbed merrily.
hZat of the maker and In a number of
"I ort to tend you right atral^t to
<«aca tbit led to eonttahlp and marriage. | Jalir aV cried and lambed agato; t^
Mr. E. Denison Ross, professor at Pp*! Ou tbc retreat of (be CoollueDtal army nV suddenly added. I a> Martha JohnbUd in Unirersity college. London, glrea
VuB Fort Edward Mrs. Philip Schuyler. aV. goiu on
WV wife of Oeueral Schuyler, rode from
"And I’m Bobert Meredith, gdng MS lo TV North American Review ao hticreatlng deaeriptioD of a modem Persian
lAlbaay to Saratoga, and gave orders to M.” said the great
. Mt tri to the extcnslTc fields ot wheat
TV chUd1 looked
looked at Urn thiougfa t^
“la every Mg basaar a certain num
ber ot shops are set apart for tbe Bale of
booka lu these one finds tbe bookseller
'&ae tbrengh tV opening:
—In hto kmg. dark, ooter mantle and his
*'B«w do you def*
During tV terrible winter pamed t
" thank you," r^Ued tV bl^ black. Umbakln Vt-seatad oa tbe
Forge. Mrs. Waablagtoo endon
bow do you do?"
priratioo of tbe taanp
to V out yet." laa^Md
•nay from menlng UU t
like a butcVf’a while hto booki are eb
I can rit up an vt."
V^orta for the rick aoidleifa.. 8V diemtber amnged la ahelvea ogaiast tbe three
‘‘And why ean’t
't yon go out
D that
llL'with great riiupUcity ao
'ber priwaffs or In heaps upon the floor. HU
d for tV pw
^.-Caue v.ad lo^
iRce. _
Beam eoald V iiaed
eoUectioa usually eoaalsU of Uthagraph
'dth dow*
_^of teUsf.
_ la
- to' amnln V
sr- editloas of Korana. ach ” ’ *----- ■^Bni from tV Udblu of -torial gearip
-thing np with BselMldc. An so 1 {fiat
Kuded dosra-ln eoloalal aanab It to eriy Vre aa take tore o' thinga-^ 'oept
Bfit tVt tfae Una ot tV women of tVt
tn s eoreer. be often bat one or twot___
Stod srere not always beeloodad by
BseripMjrhlrii be baa either bought as a
Sm and tobenmaa. BinUea now and
•pecuUiion or U trying tu dtopoaa of for
baalabcd tV teste. Refreafaed by
_______ I ain't." aald tV chUA *1
{Belr fragrant Hyperion bererage aad
it ay idetsto booVv ay dolUea. an 1
' by noble aealBBtreas and imUs
■ aaw an dam Mb. as ODM to a Iteg
t|IM tV needle and .
Brasil Vs practlcaffy a monopoly of
■ by. MV yo«i. '
Vrty. One
STanay and tor UVrty.
tV caifaonado. or bUck dUmoaA vfalrii
U used Id diasond drills and for
> tv ftral flag giraa to
abrarive purpOM It to toand la Giv
Oolooy and some otW placiajg la
Three Binge, Half HUe Baoe Track, 1,000 Featuree,-100 Phenomenal Acte, SB Olowne. 20
Hurricane Kaoes, 4 Trains, 1,600 Employes,
6 Bands, 60 Oages, a Drove of Oamele, 16
Open Densi a Herd of Elephants.
John R. Santo,
Gaiiril lisirtin.
oonra aouTH.
Lv Harter Sprb
:S; i:s.
'•id; si'
B. P. HOkUUBB^Acil^^Na PaesecgrrAft
The Purest, Gleaneet, Mightiest and
Most Magnificent Amusement In
stitution of the 19th Oentnry.
6rud SipUi i imiui Rj.
wiaam ajk.faU3
$iaS£A SSS8US8£ 88
The Greateat Ferformere in the knowu world are with the Great Wal*
lace Shows this season, inclading
8 8 ««
The 8 Nelsons, $10,000 Challenge Act.
888E R S S S£S88
ab rta.1sIbtb.
The 7 Stirks, Bicycle and Skating Experts.
10 Principal Male and Female Equestrians. 10
ess£ & I
l|:ISa. m. train bM ebalr car to Ofae4
BaylUa 6;B a B-UwlahaabB8n parlor ear
•rprr* fresi
Trun W..T1.VU I'JO p
tappulor ur
lUBB ns mmuiai m
V aenT faeO th' VtlU uTS
The Sisters Vortex, Triple Revolving Trapeze. S
^ «
ib«*t o(
At 10 a. m. daily, ia the fineat ever pot on the streeta. A annbaiat
of —
nieDdor. A Triumph ot Art. Money and Good Taate, withj Laviah
Greataat ProfeaMottal Eeaturei
HCoUtuDnlM MnM
w.ronnxiUlt'iiSnIth. o»
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