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The Morning Record, February 08, 1900
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
PDF Text
,TU»d Year-No^jeM
WmPMVvoa Vpoan i
Mr. Ttojrlor HsVin« Buom
mm OontoMd
Mid tb«
l«i,mttli-a«»artd ft
■•IhMByi'MM Km
um.wtk. 7
•n Mtat U
ik» mof
aaMoCOMnlMteiM^ tte w
MMito. IW 7—4 «t»onl mA At*
•att^ Dead* *a b* •*« Alaaf VrOB
prtmta w«n tW vIbIIm «f mi»tao
4 elBiM toiO «r», «M a4«
I 9i • MTfWt Md tfms
vrtfM«i.B«naftr««OtMlMd DlaB>
layltoa- Om of tk* brtitw Mtto
read had h*ca ae wiihieei bj «he tathe trat aart toroh*
throwh aad laU late
taaatotoaM tba ear* thaf vara Arad:
am hr a teaa Ud aaarhr.a»Aa
aarraaalaad •«* ^taf war* MUad.
iha laaattaatooatefUcm*.** Albay bay.
AanvaamM bet ArhUag. bat aa
toM to tba 4MTtoaaa. tb*
r to go 0**r PrcFoaad
JtoaM HUB Weak.
BapIdiavieMtoMacaada hyth*
prajietara at tb* pnfoui Hararaa
Iteoh TOO where
to bay
BoadhB by Oota Daniek’tlAO
A nyatory tram eanr to eovw.
▼te Oraete by Marion Oawferd $1.60
Tbaaatbered‘*Oarteeu>“aaato aotal
edtbabaatoaUore farlMA
atr *
rsbtes te auac by Oeorge Ade $1JW
Itorlor. baa bm W7 toMT *u tbto
vaak aaeartaf-Hfbto at way aad bto
baabaaator bayaadhto rayaali—i ^tWUrtw c«
TbaaaaearagaMat tb* proPweMiauMr
f^M7 *»fc.
^ “
jaettoriatiTiagla I
raiy grattfylag aad Mr. Taylor b*Ua**o
M«rwBkMRf,tMiMiNU> thM »
that at tba praaaat rata be wUI ban
Wff MPFianil to U iROgM.
tba right a< way to Kertbp
4 4top»tA tooa 0^
by tba aad of tba weak,
tb»l 0««to Eobwto w4 Kttrt----d waa aaaraylBt MO ready raaalrad daada tor tally aa*
4 4topat;b baa baaa raaatrad tram •yaatoh priwaac* te Llbwaaa aad third at tba dtotaaaa to Marthpert.
day trow
Bear Bead Uagar. da^ yaatarday. vbaa that plaa* waa raaebari.
aad wttb tba aaarptlea et
aMiar tbai alaa* MoadaT tb«* baa
bawabaaa bavbardMat at tba Boar aompUlaly aabaaated, r*roltad, attaak- taw aaall paiwla at laad.- tba
oa tba aypar Ta*aU by tba ad tbrlr gaard with a>*b* aad at»aa*. at wbtoh ba baa baae aBabl*da.aaa. be
aad eflaatad ibalr aaeapa. Tbay aa»- baa aaearad tba right oC way batwaae
Mttoh aaral r*u *•*
TbbtreavaanMd Ibarirarat Itoat tarad aama waapcaaa** >»Ta barrtead- SattoM Bay aad Ueaaaa- Ba baa alao
ad tbmalvaa la tba tewa, wbara tbay proaarad daada for aareral mUaa bom
Q«totrrtob«»*lMaita* . aadMatoa drltto vlth
ateraUac IbaBav paaltieas. At tba arawalUagfortbaaiTtva: at aa 4aa- Blaghav ahne tba abaraetOarp Uka
r waa bald at
dorm. OaaaraV Bitfar beat tb*^ artoaa aewaad that to aaerlaf taward
Pahawhatawo aad tba ladtoM tbar*
baab aad tbay
giaatad a atrip at lead traaataoat.
th* Athbat eoatlaaa* at
Attor a taw at eartata brira aaa b*
lib tba «taad*rtoa aad
Halaadrtft wllk
am tba aatlr* right et way tbroagb
arf aawaaadaa. Tba dto
aaearad. Tha brOBkaua After tbataaetloawlUba
diaaa are vary
Wark batwaaa tba aoaaty Una aad
OwawB of Tlabw Loadf
BtoghamwOlba bagaatbw auraiag.
[!. ' «M a aaattaaaaa raaflaC *U Aay.
Miller's Store
Nr. Taylor to RatUag daada algaad aa
•Bate MMlae lira-aoMRaaead wttb aa
ba COM atoog aad to aaaatlag with UtSaath to Oaa-SbBd ‘
tla « aa dtAnU^. Ba wUl ga to
▼alaa Bear garmaaa Pay Mara Nortbpert Priday aad a waaHwg et toa
raman' etab at that plaaa wUl'Ta
Thaa Ttoair i
^Htlaaaa ta b* aaralatrad. tba aahaU%
tbatnaU Maiebal Lard
PragartyMM pnlbaatiea.
wm arrira tron Oraad
Beb«to aad !!•}« «*a«i ^
Ba^ today aad bagia a tear of Ua
TIT— hava atortad tor tba (roat.
Datrait. aad Parker MarrU) at St.
' foata aa teat. Ba will go
tetadtoai* that aa iabortaat
Laato. raaebad tba elty yaatkrday or«r tba aatire laogU ot.tba aoaaty
att»Boao tram tba aortb to leak arar aad by tba ttsa Saeratary Taylar baa
4 dtoaatab bM> Starbatreav, dated
>Btaatarlag laatttatioaa at Ue
bto werir oa tba right at way
ba wUl-ba raadr to bagia. tba oMelal
an atlr»*^-r
Oataara bom
Taatax eoviatoaioaara are gatUag aairay.
two dlraaUaw. riiinr ^
aartbe aad at tkalr ievatUgatlm
» and tba-aa
aaadlac batwaae tba aatpaato A lata the
of tba atota at
on every dollar sale
agamaat aztaadad by
. dtopatab dated Moaday gaa aad wUl aoaa ba ready to raader
ity propartT ownata, toe proapaeu
aayatbat a body at troapa latt aamp a report. They are jut flaiakiag a
except on
fu aa aarlr baglDBlng of aetive work
rab. I. aad that -toapartaat daraloptaeret tl aaaattoi In aortbera Miriil- oa tba Una are vary bright.
aWBtiaiaaapaetad It to qalta prabagaa aad Mr OAkataa daelaru that the
hie that tbto
oandltlanofatBflataxiatba portbara
aaad that tba
*- ‘- part of tba atata to aoBatblag appal«blaf wtobaa atthv to b* praaaat at or Uag. Tba aomtoatoBara bava toaad
teeaparrto* the Im......................... loaaUtlaa wbara paraoeal praparty to
ant by Oaaaral Oataara te }cda torea*
toSad with the a
eitarly Ignarad aad ba daalarw that
wttbOaaaralKaUy Katoy. aadjb«»
the poer_taraara ara taxed ao that
atreafly to
tbay aaa asarealy tear tba bardaa and
Praakfari, By- Pab. 7—Moaetlae
amplattar tba lattarb verb
aukt a daaaat Uriag, wbUa ralaabU bu baaa taken by Oovenor Taylor oa
286 Fnmt StTMt
ttebar traeta ara aaly aaMaaad tras tba eoafareaee agvaaweat raaebad :. at
M taetb ta aaa-tblrd of tbrir ralM. Loatorau. aad neva wUl ba takaa antU
Oraad Travaraa eean^, ba atataa. to
n. MW
baveaaaataraauwltobtotriaoda aad
legal airtoon tbto avaalng. aad too
rin, b.. .t
»“ ‘"8“’ ;
eontaraaM wlU pcebably
Mr. Oakaaa Soda that la
Btly alalax to Aaah
ttoa wtora.tbare to a elty-at tbto aUe or datmlaa bto aaarae of aeUoa.
tba Babe* bariacbaaabacaa.
• rqaaUty ta tba tbto aeataraaaa ba bu laritad foraar
A bd^tav tro* Loreaao Martian
tba eooatry aad Oovaraor Bradley ane atbaca.
4,1^1 Taaaday. gl** «Aa lataat aawa
to qatat bare at praaaat. Tba
of toa lagtolatera
wUl BOt ratara aattl tbay are- aaarad
nrlrHaedayaadaoBttaaadwbaa tba
of traadaa trea arrut and fraa feralAUfMh. whtob giro* it* datafla,
Ua eoovayaoaa to London.
In aattdatlon of the arrival of tba The famoup EngUah antbor, writ
White to aadaabtedly prafanaral trata of Ooabel. Oaaaral Oalparedta pat ap tba beat
Uar laaad arden tbto aorntag with ing in the North American Beriew
mribUaadar tba alrea*taaea 3mt
drawing aU tba aoldlaia from too on “The Energy of the American
5to bto arsay badly eripplad by dluau
itroau to tba aapltol graaada. Thie
aad taaaaa ta prarioaa aaualto aad aaaPeotde,” saya:
order wOl remain ta affaat nntQ attar;
Inatad by a rietorioaa Boar foraa oht
'‘Nor qton writee with bia dwn
tba body at Ooabel to laid la the
Mbvtagbtoaaa toraa tom tte
hand, if he can dictate to a iteaoLoodoa. By- Feb. a-9enator JoUy
no man dictatea, if he can
(BepebUaaa) aeat tba tollowtag diepateb to Ooraraer Taylar. ta view of telegraph; no man telegraphs, if he
toa rwwrt that the agreaaaat bad bean
can telephone.’
At Maaltag M OmBiU Today tba Itotal.................^...................... »m.70
If yon are a typical, energetic
•IHaaeaiagtag raporto bare. Tba
Aentoltwa vm Wfoot eraattag
Mr. Oakaaa daelaru that the aaaa
■galuttoa np-to^te American, yon already
■r. MartteakV Poactaa.
valatoha ta DatnUk Wayna aoaaty. to •fraamaak It to Impaiatlu tor
nee the Long Distance Telephone.
sj^wnao qporara at tba aaa aabjvet to a tat of only SM.
know toa eoodltion at onaa."
laOtaago too
BepraaaatoUu EeldayaaBt tbalol- If not, e word to the wise is enfficlag at tbq alty aoanaU aaUad tor yeaaglari^aridaaau of tba atagla tax lawiag vigerou lalagram:
____ _
Aldaraaaa Salto aad
Tba taraara paytag tba
-Makaaoeouprautoa efoar rights
«nlUab aad Mam
aad taw.
bat aaald only adjoam. Aa- atagistaxaad tba lambv
IVaaUag toaallad tertbUaftar- baUtax. TheytmaAtaaaaporileaaf tapwamt tba paopto tor a frw alaetloa
that aoaaty aevaral vary valaabla Waata aaaamireonaa
aadatolreonak nnyaswBn*
Any attompt e< - - ptto'aloek.
at bardwnod ttaibar tanda wbleb wren att at ama to aat arida tba raaalt at tba
at aaly eae-toavlb tbair valaa. laattoaetlea by toroa, tr^ ar
latbawaatonspartotthaaoBalytota* UgkAatlaa whboat tba eeaaant at tba
^a^damagad byAra. wrDlrmrtta abtoataauaalanBiaMaauaiiriiwiaaa- toa people to traaaoa. Wa tbaratera
'IMV at pamltttag blm to ut tbs taato to eaa*Attbettbrir valaa. Slm- plodga yea ear aappori aad Uvu If yoa
kUldtagte oM Btory aad npob Ik Oareaadlttou are anaMreu ta atbar •uad by too aloatlea ;rataiM u aaaaV
U wltb traaaad laaktag Uaa
•d by tba alaetoral nwaaitoalnB AU
k Mr.MacrlU axaaUaad
a agru to toto."
’ wUto
Para Prtatou’Valaa.
dbatamIUidaf itovalaa. la
4„U^Mbarg. Mtob-.Tbb. 7-tbday
Haariy aU at tba aaptoyu at «be
Ibawutba vlBtimat aaaakaalpriatl«ofieMa>at taat avaatag
latbaibldtagreemttf tba Baooanaad
tbatrwoA aad wbaa tbair roBeBil Barald aad mada
soady aema vary iapartoat doaalei _________
iloa. Twraatytwo
have ateto* Iba appUiatloa tor a
tar.wMte baa baaa mt far.
Bar.l.L.dfatrlakatAlblaa. wfU
aUateiMeato UaphyMaalli
•p«kta4tenntM.B.abanb» '
paistaa warataaaieadtoau a OUoage matin hr iba laMraata ad i
hemwhkbwmba at gnat adnatagatatbaphyMaalwaritlblai
• 4IWRUh Btattec ttet
Woimi's Rgbton.
Tbto book. Uka»t)se)^.ooaap4«apaoalarAaUii
ataraand botagmada apot abortalertoa. Altola baiwa
mtUtorra aoUd
A Dftsb ter a Throiis by Marahmiot $l JO
la M to -ll’lag u Ito title ladtoatoa^
.8.1 W.tf by Bum. tl.«0
Habut A BMChn Oo.
tor’s Ribtors.
Thi Isnf'Isst
lowest Possible Prists.
■k.beak ua Ckwk-book."
When We Tell You
Alfred V. Friedrich
Beat Ltea
liOMaMiauabMwat s<
• M a>:U. «.WILItM
Out Kates
j Per Cent. S
there’s a time
for- everything
HAY and
W.W. Miller's Cssh Store
Ian Maclaren
........ ....
For Fire Insurance
MaaHi*. Ttaia
School of Mhsic
S. Benda & Go.
and now te the tlma to
Buy Yourself
an Overcoat or Ulster
at th* graat
Fire and Water Sale
Which u now on eo tucoewfuily hereh^—Sacoeasful because.
tbe pMple kaow the SPECIAL VALUES we are offeiteK Are*
genuine and they have takes quick advantage of this fact
Yon have only to step in here at anv time of the day and see
the crowds of buyers, to realise the troth of what we aay.
It will payJyon[to buy an
Overcoat now for next winter
tain to take place nest tail, you will save many'doUata by buy
ing of os now.
d| .
Here is just one epeciti tor your attention this morning—
One lot mea’e fine overooate, valoee 615,117, tl8, at$8.60.
RelMli Rnr Goofs, CoriMitof CIoiUh Hoooo
Before purchulogfjoar deschig ellpper. for
the coming party^on shonld see onr Use of
Kid and Patent Leather
The prices of the kid dipper, m $105,
. $1,50 uid^OO—the patent leather. kU for
Up-to-date Foatwev.
Hmm muMMvn moqap
tu^BpiinTT ; • mOTIOM
n«n> Tun»a MUiA
— »* —
^ »«««— A» J. W. Hi—
i. w. «*jar»difr.;^ ito-f
Otiiiawno SoiMBTwr of Ka« Tork la
ItoakjatoofacMddHlotaattra par
pa^aa la ——*«“ »ltk tto Ir
palDH fa iHRttaTy kai
jtt toi i)i‘—* - r*-------^
^totto^eawaorol Haw York, tto
ilolfld tto Boafk Bldm to tto tota
maUttoatomataforaStttof raa^■atoteriWdaetMaKlalay an
jmWaiil Ha kaa a toUllaat war raaptolMd la to toarty ^a^Mtky wlto
dto Ttawa of tto praddaat rafacdtof
jar aaw potawaiBaa Batfdaa. to poa
paMH w aMUtj aad irladoB wUto toi
. paramadad him u tto paepla of tto
patloa dartBC.aararal yaara paafc
YasMBM aad trait gtowara ara aot
tto oaly oaaa ato aaa raap tonalta
pern tto dhearatoai; at tto farmara'
laaHtataa tto*maatbf bow to pro>jnaa to Qraafa baU wUl totaraat a
. S^maByraaldasto of ttoaitywto
2mp to prodt by tto IdlaamtoB of aabiMlaelmtaal totarpaL Ttoaa
totaMr**t«Mac tto altypaepiato
4aaartoaah with tto farmara wkoai
Iptmataara ao deaaly Idaptlftad wltt
Itotn a»d ttora la a toed daal of proli
totodariradfram tto aaaakma. Tto
^paaawlrai of tto attyaaa fladacoed
of iBfarmttos, aatoabU to tto
toaaa. to tto mattara traatad and aa|py tta pragram aa waU.
Opened Teeterdey
With lATse AttendMiM
fHfttablaDtooamloa-Dpaa Tartiltoa«|pa,«Kwtogef Applaaaad taaU
fralts,«atotog ef Btoap aad tto
^riatieaa ef tto iffebgpl aad tto
g:ma IHcaa Ooatiaaa Today.
Tto Tarmara’ laaUtata opaacd Id
0ni-r ^ ymdardv meming with a
attaadaaea of
aad trait grewanef thaaoaatm, Utoali prerleaa iiiiinnof the
mm mtblawtU ba of giaatprodt.
pga oaly to tto farmara who partial pata
lame proeaadlaia. bat to raaidaate of
& my wto take adraataga of tto
jpameaity rffarad to gat*aloaar to tto
jgihaltariiiB wtoaa tataraam ara ao
Sraiyaitod wita tto paopia oftto
pto. owlagtettolaagthot ttovartMpapmaadtto dataUa of ttodia
pmatea a laU report ia Impoaalbla, bat
Ml* ia takao to gfra the ebtaf f
p| tto earioai aabjoeta dlaaeaaai
'Tto Koraiag Kaatiag.
Tto flratapaakar at tto toraaooB
p^iea waa Prof. 3. D, Towar of the
aollaga, tit anbjeat briag,
/ipeU rartiUty. Bow Made aad MalaBe aaid la part:
••formerly tto baraa ware plaeed oa
Ito baaka ot rleera bb that tto rafsaa
might ba diepoaed of ia tbaatmm.
Itowalltba rafaae la tarad for fertUlam. The graateat aoU ferttllaar la
pomtarr* by orgtale matwr. Other
loatuitan ara aitrogaa. pboaphorle
potdaadpotaab. all hmad ia atabla
pOPirr Bala ia aUa aa Importaai
•liBaot, BB It brlaga; maab fartUtty
from tto air. 8aowia!alaeagraatlar
aiM *• IM» BMk nc^ m rot
tMr «*>. *W tr«tt M
offrait ■
«|^USiC ot bMV if • >9 ienYV-’
MMMSiRle tka prmil••OanakoRM to toka . imvn.l.C.
KMVtnMOla Mallerm
thMfnwtoffc that tto orator! mar
towortod. Omtaocoodcr^fertto
iMcitori ■■ it rr-TT'-rr
I tto araelag
aapoalty te»
Atora uA lira* an w
tetOlMta ta tto ontord.
AflaraaoaUl araalaa. Mayor Ham
•AaflrattotfrawiraUtatUa »te« tlteo ia a dtUag mtaaae aad with
wMl ohaaaa worda, gara tto addrem of
Oratoud. Wao*r<
ta wblah toAeoka of tto
•«Itoatoa«laMata( atoaraa la to •alaemo
mataal ralatkma batwaae
>■ trait to ftoaltoo Kto» a» Ito aeaaty
aad tto baaeBta of aoab a roia. aodlook tnU to 1------------------ torn. Ba ate apoka of ttoaaadte
tiianaUra. •toayto* la tto aU In- good roafr throogtoat Uia aaetfea
paAat tktof to tto orahafd.
Tto fraaHaat ef tto aMaAitliia Mr.
••Oara ot trait aad tnto la wtot Baraay. roapoodad Jo ito addnaa U aa
bcian Ito aaah. Oaa totaUlcwaa totto
tkst wtot
acakard. Tto traU toalaaM mat to a hoaatia tto aity, boaadta tto aaaatty
of Ito ttlaBk latalUnMa alao.
mrattopaad to tto o ataid If yea
The ■ahool aad tto 1
weald aaaaaad.**
TUa dtoarakm of tUa addram aad of Mr. Veorhato aaxt mate
aad tto Boma." Tto mtpoi
tto gaaaral aebjMt wm ably haadlad Sahoel
oaa of aairanal lalaraat ate wm
byK.0.1add. to daatotad that to hla M
waU traatad by Mr. Yoorbaaa Tto
- " ' art by tor tto baat aaaoel aad tto boma ahoald boar a
apptoarep. toargad tto growth of
BialaUowhlp. Start tto teOdraa
oloTor M fartUtoar to tto erotaaid.
orlgbi. for tto boma
•laala waa pUetthUy totaraparaad impertaat. Alargai
oof ear
dartog tto aamiea by tto Arabia maa la high atatloaa wan broaght ap
v^tn. A plaae taraiabad by oa tto farm aad tto I .
dtfoag of tto W. W.KlabaU frrmm to toTlag tbair aooa aad
daagbtan adaaatad la uamtaaafc Mr.
AftraaeOB Saaaka.
▼oertoia’ talk waa totaraparaad wlfr
At tto afteraooatamloa tto gamttoa
boa waa opaead aad prorad t« ooatato ta the dkcimlea. Mia. Bmma A.
qoarlaa partatoiag to frut aaltara. OampbeU gara
««ra dlraetad to Boa. Fatar to rki^ aehooto. aad tto good ate
Vooraaia aad pcompUy anawarad by aril toBmoaa aotad tbara.
Mn. Dr. Martto. Mr. VoorfaaiB aad
••QrowtogaadTaadtogttoOonCOrop^ Mte Battla Gray baeagbt eat team
aa tto aabiaat haadlad by Frol. J. D. aiealtoBt tbeogbu aloag thla line.
Tewar of tto Agriaaltaral Oellaga. Ba; Mia. Martto afiarward frrerad rrlfr
apoka ef tto impertaaaa of aaiafal a aaMtad radtatloa giraa to bar ptea>
Ito aoU maat ba rary lag atyla.
rrarm. light aad aompaet. Ba faeon
Maa Mat Bo WaU fad.
fall plaadag aa to bailam It obrlataa
tto ataU rap*
maalaaaaa. ThM.bewavar. Mra. Oampbdl, oca of
' bar baarara oa
of prafaraoaa aa maay prafar
fra aabjaet. “A Balaaaad Bailoa far
plaatlag la tto apriag. Tto roUar Maa.” Bbaaaid: “Bo oaa will know
•hoaii.baaaod thoroagblv. Ia alhuli^ to tortUiaara ha amphaaiaad the Im- of what oar aatioa la eapoMa aatU Ita
ara properly fad.” Tto aawra
portaaaeof oaiagthcoarMi ta altero- paopia
of a petaoB to torgaly dalarmtoad by fala
pooea pcodaeta. Ptofaaaer Tbwar told
of dltfaraat exporlmaata aaada at tto food.
ataueollcgo aad draw lafereaaea from Oara and toatood jadgmaat an
The Impertaaaa of aaleetlBg qolrad to know tto proportlaa of ditMod waa dwelt apoe. Walart aaaf wbaa
the eoru U bMag eat, aot from the Mra. OampbaU d«at apoo tto ralae
elM of tto oar bet from gaaar^ good of abaarfalnam mt mania, alao upon fra
ef alalk aad leat It la woU appearaaea of fra table. Pood ia more
to azparlmcat by tcatlng tto fora to appatletog If aarrad in good order.
Boaaabold aoonomy ia growtog to bare
The dteaaaiea wm goaeral, m H. D. a rrida datd.
Mr. Waite laeitad, to bla ebaraetarOampbaU ime waa to ted.
prafrat foUewtog thla tto Aiehia iaOe rrar, oaa of Jpmm wbiteenb
aiAtra. frrerad with a bright «alek- *ilay’« Potmt wUab wm graaUy aaloyad.
Prof. Towar to Ua Bab1aefr.“Oood
Matotog of Btoap
^rt» aaabiaab. “Bhaop.” wm aait Beada.” wbieb rraa ebosea tor him by
takaa ap Boa. Fatar Voorbala ballarM fra aadlanea, Mid fra good roada ara
thla aeetlon of tto eoeatry paaaltoriy frahighwaya to waalfr. Hoapoka at
wall adapted for abaap rateag M lapd laagfr apoa tto naacaal^ of a good
food ara abaap The muon peo- fonadattoa, dratoaga and rapalrtog.
diwadbaraiaaapaaiaUy Baa to flaror. His talk WM foroefal aad abowad frorowladga ot fra aabjM
matte may aa to good wool pro- Dartog fra araalag fra oretamtn
JMtaowfronlB a eaU tor played Mraral iaapi^ng aambara.
Baowoel. Wtoa ttmm ara bard fra
Boaad Maw Toaih.
to broad atoap ate Mr. Ltmjul S. Towoaaod of Mycenae,
-f. T.
- •
it to a Bin bateam far thte wto i
mew rigM and yeafr to Dr. A^.
CbaMto Merre aad Blood POto.” Ha: tare'a grMt rmtorattra for raadown
lar. Mr. BaUar apoka af tto rarlatte meaaaSwommi. Paada ate ballda ap
of food approprtola for abaap ate the fra aerraa, aaakMpaw.rtob para Mood.
of ebooatog a rarlaty.
Bbaap mMt ba topt to a thrlrtiig i
diti<m to prodaM good wool.
Oihan foUowad to tto
along frto Una. aaaoag whomrrara Mr.
Moaroa. 8. H. Baylor. John McDonald
ate Judge BaamdaU.
Bmall Fruit OalUratlem
“Bmall PWlta" wm fra aeatrabjaot.
Jm. Hubert not being proMBt, B. O.
Imdd rate bto paper. wUehjdaalt eUafly wlfr fra atrawbarry. Tto Warfield
tobto frrorlta. the Jaaala batog aaaoed
Mr. BUbart beliarM to taktog fra
bMt papara and aoaaalttog yoar moat
aneeeMtnl a^bbora ap« the aabjaet
of trait ratotog. Ba ga% bto plaa ot
plaattog ate adrtoad alw^ gautog
plaato from fra iMt yaar'a aattog
Mitotto food MwrefleBcioMS aad mIidIbip—
Five Cent
Pig Tall
L , ba
w- oaen••Oroaad ahoald' eaaUaaally
atad with growlag plaati. All plania
gat aeoriahmaiA tkroagb their
nefr. haaaa tto aoU aaaat ba kept
tto plaata may hare food.
Praatlea rotathm of atopa that all tto Tto dtoeaaaifm wblab foUewad
gaoi la tto aoU may to aaed aj
lad by D. H. McMaUaa. Mr. MoMaUaa
••Oaa aU Ito rafm la tto way of aa forth fra ImpertoBM of early plow,
pMaw aad fodder for lartmaar. Baal .togateotbarrowtog
froroagUy, na
•I amaaraa tmmadtatafly to tto aoO.'' too deep nor to abaUow. Ba IlkM tto
fr H. ea^ Mlewad with aa ami- Wltoen. Craaeaat aad WarfiaU atra:
Ippt aad aUbermta tHtlaiam la hla
pmlotyla. Haargada aaratal atady barrtoa. Tto graote ahoald ba prmar^aabtrab matooda ptol told oataa od tto MOM lor raapborrtM ate can
ma ralm aaaoatlal ler! fartmiy tto oaa ifroald to t^te to ptont only frOM
ttot bare good oreM roeta.
Tto profitt araraga aboet fra a
■eraatbing Ab^et Ayplaa
Moa.PatarVeerbMaofOaklaadaeeB- MfroM to atrawbante la raiatog
BmaUfraitaaternal vigUanM ia taqair>
p, aaaaa aaat. apaaUag apoa -Tto ad;anaMBMba»a agreU AaalafacApaU Orchard.*’ Bamd: “Tto apple
frttomatBeropef<r«ltgrow&. Oraad argy m wOl m loaa far tto ararh.
^rana h tto trait bait of Mltolgaa. HoeartmiMart ate aMtoamto
miUoraia trait doaa mat aoaBparawitk aaHtoaaUtog fralta.
llmtgrowabm. Orabtaaraahoaldb«
BW la fra time to bare year Bieyele
wsteadateMaaaod ap lody for
frtoelaadaetlagiroaa. Bay aarafal- Many Important idm wm bra
I-. Doa*t gat aheap traea: boy tto bmt oat to tto altar diaeoHte.
Tbaaaatea eloaadwlfr aMito
Free Storage AH Winter.
^yoo wlU bare good froUaaa r»- laotte by Ito erfraatra.
My wtak can net ba beat ate priaca
Mit. - Ibrman ahoald oembiae rrltb
teleitet. Will^ far yoor whaaL
<frU ate ga m prtoaa
frp. o raUaUa amomTmaa aa they
‘pboM Ho. in. ]
irfU got them torapar BadHto DRtaacy- AddnraefWalaocu by>Sayay Sam- Mo.11.^^
. Stem.
BUwOlbaaantaaeadtto boat.
W^mtU^eftnaf ia ImportaV Tto haU ww toad to ttoah
W ffki
Hade to
Please the Man.
a Royal Smoke.
labcaata Prepantioea la Progrraa
faraftaa Batartatamaak
That tto Hatel^ Baa to ba girao ta
tto CHy Opera Beaaafbhraary ll te
ttobmdtafttopfpaecgaafaad wfll
ba a daaaaat aSatr. wa oaa wto kaowa
ttoladtewtokaraitia aharga
aat rriU doaWI! Tto fret fra
Mie. J. B. Martia ia maamrlag tto
aCair rroald laaan tta ...........
If bm kalpan wm aot of tto baav Bat
with tto aaodtet aaahtaaM. a
Obadlah a«aaBh ate Aaa Billy refll
totbara.aad a great maay ef ttoir
da ate aalghbora. ThcM rrbo
attate will aajoy aa araelag of ran
T^O not bnj rovr steel
1-' ra^e from ag^enta.
Yoa win have to paj
more and are liable not
to nt AS good a range«
and when you need re
pairs bow will JOB get
them? Yon tan come
right here and select one
from my line. 1 have 16
di0erent atylea and aisea
—They range in price
frofttS30.00np. Awriftea gnarantee is giren
with er^ one. 15 dif^
ferent aitea and atylea
of cook BtoTes, from $5.00 np. Cash or a little-at-atime paymenta. Yon can pay for a ateel range ont
of your spending money ,and never know how yon
Slater’s House Furnishing Store
120 S'soza.’t Starooh.
WoAtog Might ate Day
Tto baalMt ate migbtlMt Ilu<e
ia ia Dr. K<ar>
Maw Ufa 1
> plHa ebaaga
I Btetol powar.
Oo par box. t
ate a B. Wait
Froet Street
Fire.W* Barr a to* ehetm of Ue :
TaM***M«MUlBeMUenUMel.,^ .
iwotor • qaattcr. «• ha*« bat to* J
toft. If roB **at Ibra bar tbrat BO*, b
Wall't Drag Store, j
Ito elaor Umb «bi qeM.
(bah !• *bat *q woai *at *t ttei aad
bar*. Wa tow alrrady ftoCotTvd
«# Itor tof .tow ato aoarty » etoto Mwort to eotec
lor.prtacaad*«to*.Bot«Mimrtte. XMprte
ma.BO p
ax BOX.
,,,___ i
....---- 'ateu»Mailtto*toMTfaw*toar.Cto-.qetok'aa«;i;aarte
No Man.
Be he ever so tall, ever so short, ever so slender, ever so stout, that can
come to us for a suit of clothe and go out without uking with him the
full measure of comfort and satisfaction that always go with correct
measures, stylish cutting, honest workmanship and good wearing quali
ties. This is true of eT^ery suit we sell from $s.oc^to
back" insures satisfaction.
Here’s a Hesuit
Yes, Sir, a Morris Chair
From oor annoal ‘%tock takiDg"—Foand
that in the great aalea we’ve bud daring the
year in imee Cnrtaina. fUny ladito’ hare
boagbt three enrtaioa—jopt what they needed
—that broke the pair—again aome very popolar
pattema bare been add, all bnt «u pair—now
yon can bay theee aiogle cnrtaina ot odd pain
at pricea nerer before mad& Original pricee,
75c to 16.00 a pair—they’re yome at jnat onebalf that price—Don't forget tbia.
la aolid oomfort, and we hare thoae that
are aplendidly made of aeaaoned wood, broad
arma, excellent cuahinna, richly corered, and at
t6XKJ—(Yea, air. That’a what one atyle will
coat yon.)—are wondera—may be matched elaewhere (or $7.50 or $800. There are aeretal
more elaborately made, and the price ia raiaed
For that tired feeling alwaya om a Mor
ria Chair.
It’s Really Surprising
The beautiful designs that have been prepared by the wall paper designers for
this se^n. Our spring stock Is all ready for your inspection, and as seeing it be
lieving. come and sec the perfect harmony of color. This is true of the cheaper grad
es as well.
It's not too early to make your selections and then you’ll be sure and have
what you want. Splendid combinations in the darker colorings from 12c a double
roll to 40c. Have some good remnants left for the early buyers.
Waste Baskets
Don’t Forget Candy
Are always naefnl—Never too many in
the bonae, and then yon oan find things whan
yon want them. A 6ae baaket for 10c, larger
■izealS, 15, 25c; bntton baskets 26, 3o.50e;
baaketa with sUDdaida 75c; dainty bakete in
fancy shapes 25c to $1.25; jewel baekets 25c
tiie grert aellem. Tfane am seveial grades
cheaper. Oor Chocolate Bon Bona in a dosen
or mace flavors and makes at 30e are the equal
ot any 60 or €0e grades aold. Jnst tha thing to
serve with dainty Innebaons.
We have tons of it Oor lOe eandiM are
The Hanoab & Lay Merantila Co.
^imzom x.T(anr« VB0M4K
ooNDeN«eo iMnvs
WtoWdlMaaaTaatatoaj Attmm
------------flnttmaiadtie K«*tiaff ^ Jf
-• - '•'. • •
RlCOOKl) raCBSBAY; F®SMJ**T8, 1900
avaa: otok to pfltaottr aad pead
hraadioc to jtonmoi to tbr a«aA
Tha Jaator I^aaaa a( tha B%h
aobadp anwd lo to Baktot a rnA
for the bonor to earartiaf tto toantf'
Bt. B«r. Rmrr Jtmtfk Bkkt«r !• aahealh^ttolraaaaaafacotor aaato
ftd Cerdrlto'i *rmadiB.rttot to tto totaf tor toto
work Atooattp
ihMt to «a tor B0M. na %K‘ •ftar
bto to inraed fron. tto poonipT todlrfc
drtemtocd to ihow that he waa w«B
towM»tow«yto.«ktoto«ia tat*
Bataa V>»d bp the Orpaoteatlaathe Brat deip of a ftortte
IBifiii, ortoatotof W' ‘ ■ito aatopto a ftaa ^ocras.
aoaOaat toatraMatol «ato.
AdaaaaatoNeatoBapto Pa|*otad ^ ^
to «B toSUbto *• la to aana^M«i
took b>« ar«. aad bar mb. the
toto aad ptaao. hp tba UtoaM
tto nntor Boatblp aeatlag to the fir
n' blB a look
... CordHIaV
.rdHlaV father, gi"
0 Pirtoah aad Dato^ flhMtok MtoUfaa Bardwood La«twr Aaeeto of nndli«ulw4 ariirovaL
.,^..^aad I* to aalWrtT proto
drier tbrp wen' arotnl he felt ikat
iMto tto* ha wfll tom wtthU a wato opaaad tha pM«Tato«ftar whkto MaUto ptaawwkaMtothaoBMto Saeratarp
he <M|rti» to wy aoBethtng; httt he
Wton. ■tohBp*tohtorwIU*laU»s»a
Boharti pwiardap atwraacaL It waa ceoMn't thiok of anpthtog that Mamed
MMaadatoaaltoal hwtoaaa totp aad ttoa whtoii ptaaaad tha aadto
tha lamataad Meat aathatoaatto waat
he «ronh dlx-naalDg with a lady 78
f atae had been ConSe■m^MMiliaii wtth popa 1-0 Ohivto A«arp faaa a «aU«hltol aaaal tafto tha I
lave had a iboamad
aela a^ Marpant MaOaar na« » i>Anaaff tboaa le attaqd____
tooaMtobatha a
A* It waa. there waa
p^tottototpahtoad It to a
Mbior that be could tom Into an exEOap MaOpwaa thaa tovatad wttb Bam: V. H. Wklla. O. Vos Ptoataa.
ue for cagaglBg her anentfea.
to»a aNfiKtoaao aotoa whtab wira Bepaa: 8. B. Lawk. W. B. (^aadtor,
The others were laagblai aad toiah
faUawad >p Altot Eatto. who paaa aa Bft BMBalnaOa.; B. B. Pertar, W. tine, tot Cotdelih. who aet at the op.
fftaa a Baa latto to thaahapatoaa
Boaile aide of the table, waa farttre.
BJehMaa. Baat Jotdaa LoBbarOe: ly watcblBx bis. He Boat aet let
I toilr
•- •---------^ ha-toa
A atoUa aad ptoM daot hp Mtoaaa Baarp Sriaheia. Chariofoix Laptor Oo : her dierorer tbbt be waa bored. Be
AdwaTt^aaaad Maada Mcaito waa W. p.«m. emkPtor: JanpaallHaa. Boat I bow her that be foaad H a
pkoaere to ni betdde the old lady. •
Baaip OhaBtortala. OwM
He became deaperate. TundBg to
OaBaroa Lam- the Hill beootlfet oM tody be a^ed,
aa totwaailag aad
oierety for the pnrpoae. be it aader.
iMa thfai^ tha Aaatb to Hia.
oraditahlp haadtoi. tba
ptoed. of fettleg aome eort to a cocrarwM, -Baaol?a4, OttAOa..L.BetorfetoralgbBBlfan- ntlon Haned:
qaaattoa .
"Do you believe te the theory that
that tha i
afeetarlvOo..W aBall to tha Oral
}pto«toadi^MarhtohaMlB Kaah
ctoaa hp tha itto aia a haaeSt
Wood DkbOa., ttoracaa dtpaOto. ato altoa froai BicUmw. ap
aoaatrp." Both oidaa ware aUp
it alwaye pays to be polite
PtoB tha raperk gfeea U appeaio
a*ato atoOdraa. Ba waa M paaca to head tod Vtda Boaaar aad Oharito Aahi«a Md had liaad to Ka^aOto 40 tea haadtod the aBiwatto*. whUa thM tto aaUa Bada hara to aem eaaai
BoM haaa iriitoap a dlM BatoaBtoataad VtoaWatohteeh
aa a ptoak wtth a paQ to waur. aad to tba aagatora. Mtoa BoaUto, who alattea aad to ao eaaaa laaa. Tto
toQ tola tha Attotoao that tha paQ to hadateffa totha pronaM.fa** tha awMattoaalaarepertad at tbkBar'
ll agfiagatad lB.ooo.Ooe feat, wkieb
wat« raatod aa tha plaaH aad tha arlttoh rapert
brton tto total oaka to «hk ■tam'a
L Htoarau
eat ap to abeat eo.000.000 feek
la tha atoawt aad kU ton ball
A Big Vapk Tree.
Fwap to tha kaaaa. Ba
!. hkbem.wbar«toHmatoaa. Ua k
Peha Mattaeea. Cbarfej aad Joe
fCath. eat ter Bobert Bareop a aapla
-iaaarittoal aoaAIUea.
It WM tkowB troB tto roporto rato
Kn. aoultob Bieakal to Loaatof. tree that sad# tear aaw
Bltiad to tha aoaratarp that tto oatpot
whOM Aaatb waa aknatotod a few dapa aaaled MBS feat, tbraa aad oaa-loarth to tto preaeat pear, booed apoa oeUace.waaaivTlTad bp ato ehndraa, 44 aorda to bleek weed aad two aod tbree^ Batoo. wlU be ohoat M por-oeat. Uee
naad abUdfW. aad M praat graad loartb eerde to ibrae foot weed. The tbaa tha total to toot pear. tUe aaWIiAt is Celery Kinf^
abUdtaa. aU bat fear to whop aU4Bd total ralae to tto trae dalirerad la
ttabBbHbart«k,sBd We pgWUTeo
tlBato, bowcMT. k «
Travacaa OUp waa gN.0S.
od tto foBorel Baadap attartoMB.
tto weather, whkh if reep fa<
^ tto tea paar oU aea to WUliaa
wUl eeree to rake tto oatpeio
■ tioabtH arkinc eon • di
Ckotwi. rwidl^ aaar Batb. w dead at
tto Bark to Ibal abaHia.
end torpid. Itnr. U to * moH
anaalttotoJerkaMaalrodatew dapa
tto BeBbara oanwetlp dkea
tto kd wta dririaf a-atagfe
appUcatka to tto natteaal I
wafaa wbaa. to a apirit to sk^f,
a ralM to tto Mkblgaa laa.
aoBto dihaol hope erartaraad tha n
berBoa. eapeelaUp la ragard to tto
htoU. Tha wagea atraek tba bop to
ehlto laepeetoftolp of tto Ualled
BMb a aawaar at to toftkt to}arka
SUtea. Tto lllehifa& AaaoelatloD. eo
WlalBB w
faraathk elaU k eoBeeraed. woald
abolkk tto eklaf laepeetor. Loeai la
At Bi Jaaapb, owtog to daepoadawip.
•poetora are eabjMt to tbo chief laVnak thaMtog attaaptad aakida
ewtth XUa
epoetor aader tba aattenbl IsapaettoB
aarip Taaadap aamtog bp ptoagtog
ralob. Tbeoi ralea In tto Bala, ao far
lata tto Batata at bk bom Hasada
Is L. A. Boueuac.
aa they apply to lambar, are aatktae■ ttotoapat > o'Boak. tot that* waa
aotwatoaaoagbledrowakta. After
torp, with a few alaor exeopUoaa
Qaoaai W. Bapp.
■aaiami aroaad lor fell? three
wbkb eaa Mallp bo niaedlod.
haantowea raeaaed bp aBgbbon la
Tto Bootlag wao ooo tottoamat
I Aeed tbaa aUee. Tto
Two waekb age Jeaeph Vyroaaaa. gratlfplag holdup tto aHoelaUoo and
tto BeBbora are highly oatiated with
I. of
t*m**r*«Clte W'
aoelta to ttaolr otgaaisaiioa aad W«r*«Mi>« B'v*k.
baepVttb tto Baa aU dap. aad It
aaat to Aaa Arbor for aa oparmUoa.
the time
Tbdap hcMDetiBie—tfaia Booraing^if yeo caa^to
step in HBKB and kiok at theae itana:
Unrerwe«. 25
and 3Sc valne to clow at/.......... ,
Men's Wool Underwear. $1.00 to
$LS0 TAlneB, few of a kind, at..
■n'8 Ct|$ It 42, H, $St-liliK 7to ».00, II.2S
These are choice new styles.
Reliable Dry Goods. Carpet and Clothing Honse.
Thursday, Feb. 8th
Mathews aud Bulger
U tto Utoat rerkloB to tba Ug vandeTlUabportota.
Sad ©
© “BySeathf Waves”
fire Insurance.
Everythiog absolutely new but the title of the piece
Ran 108 Nights
Herald Square Theatre. N. Y.
35^Stars of Comedy-3.S
Giiiiil IisiraiM.
Tto Utt;e fellow bad boM U1 for esanp
Boattoaad wai opetatadapoa twloe.
by local ^yalekaa for an abeiiB The
btioae did aot eeoB to to eatiBBi-'
fal and be ramalaed iU. Aaa Arbor
itolaM feand ta tto laag two plaoea
of rabbor tabe. wkkh bad beae placed
there wbea ba win operated apoa prorioablp. Wbae the tabo was roBOrod
It OTldoBtlpmho off. prepenOagtbe
Boandfraa boallng. Tto ptaoae to
Hia. BaebolA Weodba^. wife el rabbor waro roBoeod and aew tto bop
Bwhfena‘e oUwt eeutor. 'toorn B,
Watobaip.dkd Moadap. tbep wore
Nearly tto wbede Soatb Atrkaa pUV
MRtod la wraad Bam to IBM aad
tod Ueod la Matoagoe alaoet eear M k ooTorad with a leaf, aloador
graaa. wkleb. aader tba Seree cbb. k
oftaaeo dry aa tlad<r. Nothlax ear
ttoOhkagd AWmt BUbkcaa ral).
: read, tto aaw pari totto Pero Bar- live la a veldt Sro. aad la tu pnaeing !■
qaeBtilifeB.baaaarea V^t. 0 Boa- loavao a deoort. Oador tto oorer to
tto oBoko that arkee tto Boon ear
TCtorp B<wt keaad aa arder that H
MOl plaoea drawta tte bridgeoear BtlliM tbateuatogp for watch they are
the Balamtoe Hear at Hew EkbiooBd
Mito, Ttoraad wwgiMa IlOdapi la
whtob to earry oat the araor. tbo
tkM WlU ajiplfo Poh. M. ato tto
topartBOPthaoit rao...............
that tto raUreto1 hae aot pet
lakod e bead to Aa the bridga. Wbtt
. StoeatooBOBap tok aM kaowa, of
aoarae, tot U tto eapartoaee to ether
paepio who tore tried te Mkap with
toeretarp Boot k aay ladkatloe. tto
Ohktoo *
Mtotatgaa to llabU te
geteoBothlag c4l tto tot oto to tto
•tanbeloro tto oto to tbkiMoetb.
Aa Alpeaa aaa had mow poUi
thaethwdap terdlaaor. Tbop grew
to hit oallar aad wore aadmaad toas
Itoe Aaeer ae aaw polatoao growa oatdoeralaJaaa-
Patrick Bardea baa pwcbaaed Mlehaol Wakta'a latercot ia tto balldiag
kaowa aa the Botol OolaBbk.
Mdrtir I|ii1s
tetbaMtb. OnlpafeatJaa*0.JtoT
tt* MB aen. aad A. B. Walt'* drag ateram
--- ------- |gn73«rtftttoBfeteB. »aadM<
T* Omf m IM« to Ito* Bfey.
TakeWamer'e Wbhr «lae of Tar Synt}.
tto torn aopgb teawdy on earth. % *t>r.
utko. MLLS LB SBYB. direct from
elpding the great Bnrof
e FollfO Brrgere, Park-
. Good Sleighing
See Mathew & Bulger's Entirelf New Specielty.
,Uery, 2
Glow with color of health; new rigor both Aingla and two Matofi
b fleoD to eeerp organ to tbe body, oatten.
and life becoaaea n .pleaanre to tto
Beat ootfite in the city. Try
•lekip. and dcopondent womaa. Weak. ODA
. en.
- sBu
and .thin, pale
Order by ’Phone No. 32.
Sad etreagth and Seah bp a t
aae-to Dr. A. W. Cheaeb Nerre aad
Geo. Cams,
IJverpaDd Faed StaMca
Krery Piano and Organ in our store
VS/Wl't/S V€/t 't't/t.a
In Ibe oeict 10 days.
We (to not want to ship any of these goods
to Grand Rapids, therefore they will be closed out at
your pi ice.
This is your opportunity. Every iostrument
folly warranted.
Seoond hand goods takira as p%rt pay. Easy
FEBY 7th. ,
£ and now in full progress.
W.'W. Kimball Co.
Best selection o^new merchandise at
under prices. Save money by sup
4t Iroa SfooDtata Jobp Ji
aad Ooorn Matoop wore blown to
•Sam bp tto eaptoetoa to aeeee beaee
a« dpaaBlIe at tto powder hoeoe to tto
Oryettiralto ■biaetawdap awraiag.
ISkaetbaewB bewtto apaltowlbaaMMd. Oalp a «BaU porttoe to tto
MMWWoleaed. Both wWa Barrled
T1»e aUeat watrhM to tto Blfbt
•boald be
bp an alan clock
for late rieere.
Some people roBala away from
cbairh wiiro II ralna becaaaa
rellgloo laa’t water-proto.
The urtff make# eome thlnge
high, but old bachrlora and aplnotan
at* 00 tbe free UaL ’
It k a rortoua feet that tto beto
A Blfbt to Torpoe.
way to make both eoda meet la to pm
«*Awfsl aaaktp waa felt for tto ane a etralgfat aad honorable career.
to Ito beae* .........ral
Stood OopthOS.
3Ekdia.ato.. wbea
B B. Mandap, a lawymto BoarfeUa.
Tea. owoofe^ a graec-dignr. Bo
MPK ’’Bp beetber wm eery low wtth
BalBfIal fevH aad jaaidka. J pmMeTVSS^ Bore thsajM aaw Maded him to in Bketrk BlttOM. ato
SS ufe, and oarad tor «f OawMp- « waasoOBB^ bettor. bnteontlaBed
.btor BM mil to waa wtoUp caito.
I am ean Blec'rk Bitten eaeod bk
life.'* Tfck rmodp ospob aalarla.
kUk dinea* germ aajpnriSaa tto
blood, aide dlgeetlcB. regnlatea flvor.
kldnepa aad bowola, earaa eoMUpt^mi
Enjoy the
I have several fine new riga—
1%# oprzpvcted aeUoia
Bore tkaa oace.
The bile to a loethlMt dog might be
fermHI a aofi aatp.
The huagry actor at the table k wl0>
lag to Ukt- everybody'* port.
Hea U-U Borr Ihw about their weight
than women do abool their age.
The foremort qtiratlon of the day I
coavemiog the iiroapecilre weather.
The blU boanl meke* .the a<nor glaf
bat the board bill aiakea him llred.
A "«»■ may eetl bla bnaor for a dob
lar bat to can’t boy It back for a
Wbea two oonls bare but a elagk
thought 'Ibe tboogbt aridom ioteraaU
A Dazzling Chorus of Beauty
with tto eatloek.
Boagbtbp Patrick Bardea.
“D-dttoaadtmeolikdUr laBcnaelp. Tto boo** roared to*
tea and loodly • * • rmlled tbe
prlacipala again aad agalB.”
—Kaw York Berald.
A Ktoeldoaeopo to Oolcr
and Ooataaa
A Merry M^aga to Melody
aad Mirth.
Tto Hr Ploa Ultra to BeSoed
John R. Santo,
feared paeaBoato or pfevkp wlU pet
g|M hlB.
«aakOoatoa aad Bbaataar White to
Oraad Bapida. tore Iwt roaeleed two
allew BOdak tram the Oamiaa gor.
srsaaet to reward thoat fertbeir oorvkaa U tto Oaaadiaa arap dartog tto
Vntoa laUU to IBM aad tSTh. Baokto
the Bodak bean the iBagie to Qoeea
TMWrtaaad both aro baadiOBi
15c each
79c each
129 Front BtrMt.
IT. B. STBOHO, Manager.
plying yonr needs now at
I Removal Shoe Sale I
HUDwono cupnuGs hemock sniewono
■Idewnlk Lumbar In >U ninta.
JOHN F. OTT & 00.
Bowaeet to Tnmns Otty Lumber Oe.
Hot a Tot of sbelf wom aboea. We eaa aaTe yon
‘IW finom 10 to 50 |>er cent on yonr shoe bills the next
80 days—Inspect them—get oor prioee and we will
0 oonvinoe yon that no- other shoe honee ofita’s sueh
0 goode for the same money.
After March 16 we will be at 249 Front Street.
Old Reliable
»»»««««•«« »»•««««« «»««•««
' BQOSB BOB BtrruBmAsr
V giwt 9F fgt 90MLB
i0 tuoMT troMfei \
' ''
tiM Hftenja
hw t
• teftttM ot tM.aM ripm u tto
tetk Atrimm «w iuAAM* SaiVPlUlar. wto has \
MtaiiaOwwM^wtteaoMaf hta«
«f IHM*. »M
a Um fmn ago •
Bmm Wf to mggm' ■awto.
AtOrtolHato Ji^p—wi. tmmr
"Twatoiy IA« aki. «r tool totafCM
mM. Tto'orioi to tho Vormftaa
2tortT> oM MO Ufk port to Uo
' toooto.
A rnr-TT'-—----------- to Aalwgtag
mmk$natnagrmwUk totoon irr
Ug U MOflMO MM MM Mo owM'a
«rtil to 001 amottoili Mlolraotor. TM
m$m iim to IhomoouUm Bratoo*'
^toOrtoloM to Mt) kaowo M M* ooomrmmm. who aUm* Mu bo to o
Mia. «r. B. WbtoaaM l|fa. «. ▼« OOM BOeVoBjounaai^lha boBaaAp
•toalao of Boj
loMoali to Ti
TaolaaoB^ to a UU of bob booha
otoltoA frtooAo Bolto Mo
o«BBAaAM*BtoMwalMa raoaaupraeal^to MaoUjUtoary.
aaA Bbtoh bUI bo raaAp to koaa todarto. W. Vowkirk ot Omwol Uh* woo asu A Oolcatol Woetac^......... Abbott
ma Waoa Ma OoBtOrp Wa* Bob do
to Mo adto JwtorAap.
TbaWOtofBW.aT.T. bUI hoUUa
f^atoTBioHif ot Ma B«aeaAM.B. aiia TBo'BlMaUaCbariT...
ttM AaOtoTo'BOf Mobaa
Marah Mto ofMaooa «t 1:M. BfM tt 1 riaBPdaka#aotoP«aM.
Mia-BoaMaatoBAar. AUanmaaaMA aaaa rbolBoldoatolBUbopOraalAnoa
■OM oartp oa aoooaal of Ma •
Wa. Baytoo had Ma too of htoAanr
tohaa oC bolBoaa a ttBbar aad a ittat,
BbUo Borktoff U Mo Aoak paatoaAay.
miAaidU^ii^Ma^.. te
OMI Cbo V_____________
1 u
i. W. BtotorlMi
babaaaMwito saba rooa todloatoy
Mo toffa llaa of otoraa. .raacoo aaA
haaarrtoa. Waaaba
tae ft amacod it wUl Matta Mo taoU
IBM roBB to Ma eity.
TbarawUlbaa aaaroattoa at *tba
lira OMnr. wifool Mo ulototor to Catrhtiel PpMta* tf x n MU forow
g «1M Mr** caadldotoo far Ma laak
Otofc boo mamf j^lnooil «otto to mr
pan A faU attaadaoM 1* raqaoM
tmhorVU to Mo Orttootol ktofto
orUobohowlUfo^frM Mr Ttoit to
ArraanMoato Bora oiBplaMi toU
•btooewitrjMto toooM. lIMMyoMo
CblOM oro * rooOo. OTBpotboUe M. aifhtfer MobiU to ba flraa i* Ma
••A Mot M* BorM ol torn ooolA woil 01^ Opon Boaa* toaerre
iMio a toaaoo toM Mob- troouaool of Tbo ball wtU bo p
aad aord Mbtoo bUI bo arUtoantoalMolrroUctoato
raacod apoe M* otof* far Mom Bbe
kill otoo toaoBoaii ropiUoa.
A toaUr of BboAm to Dm Hotoaa, do aol ear* to doaoo Tbo retroob*
Borrod to M* Wa' baU.
!■., f%to*a lotnr'aoabar of tvkor*
Tbo Wb bUI BMt at 7 o'eloek obarp
.whtok oMOlly ron^i oo Mo roof of Mo
hOMOoT lu otobl tool Book U rn* Mo toatfht 00 *0 to Aolob tbotr bdolooM to
«eU fw OM olA IfobMor aad obool UBOtoattoad tboMoatro- AftorMo
slAalrtolMOltMMdBptoMa roof of parfOTBtaM M* Bib* BUloatortola
Oka Mtoaaop aoA AaAlac U worm Moro M* Boabon of tbo eonpaay of “By
katoloo top of Mo Aaa aod boo! Mo Bad Baa Waroa."
boom aolaop: Thoro bm a osal Ira
I Blaaobard
Tealfbttbo aparatta, "By M* Sad
toonl^ la Mo bodrooB Bbaro Mo Bat Wara,” bUI ba yfraa to Mt Oltp
gomilg Bar* otoMtoff. aad Bbao a Optra Boaaa.
aatobbor oaUoA to Mo aoratof. Mo
Tbt Bat aeoeartaf tba Moate Qab ol
tbo Bobool of Matta was ylMo laU
ttAhf aoB) no.
alfbv ItwataBaaafaai aadalUb*
B.tofalt by OarBoa
■aabart war* aplaadldly fl
1 Mat Ma
tolly faadwaoMoMNy oa Mobdalo*
-------- . ilafMilOryatol
■to* mw
•aba, by MIm Ploraapo Tboapoea,
tolbUtoB to LaaAaa vUI fohMo all Oo^
Mr. aad Mi*. Altrad Dty w« r*)tl4
A Oaraoao Atoyaiah paWIMad to tof *r« Mo MrM of b oea.
WUl Badlor wa* oartoatty tojarad
VwtoaaU Mai aaafoby arofaltod
yMtordby wbU* drlrtof a Mab at May
WoBaaaato. Baab AliooMaai todlad
Bawlyaato. baoa hoM tairliaail far tttdfarJ. W.TiAttiABaA. AloffaU
troa M* olalfk apoa bl* rlBbtUf.
TofBolBt to toad Mo nrarat
maaoy Tho Prafob NolAoato aok war Oaa of M* boBM to ib* lower lor woo
broboa. Bo wa* broafbt to bit hoot*
Bblpo to bo ooal aVeaa*.
Tbo eottoo plaal to Paranay frobo at 4t« Bartow etrook
tbo yoar aroaad. fatotad Mroaf
Tba f«t«Ur baotooM aaattofofM*
•aacb ooaoos bp ooadlUoao of ooU aad BpwerM Laar«o of tba PlatM.B.
BllBUto Aft. r Mo oottoB I* pWkod eharab Bill b* AoU to Me Uarae loOB
Abo plaal lo eal dOBo aad aaotbor Mondop oraBlBf. Tbora io aaeb
I.......... do
nowa froB too I rooia. Brorp ibo tooM to bo ooooldorod aad a fall atW. OanrebiU
7«aia boM pUatt bad roolo aro ploB. toadaBoe It orradb4 ap aad bob plasta otartod. a taor
Mr. Am HoI* and Mr. N. K. 8trea«
k. dll^
«*Bdo of eottoo rooalttof.
traatad a fow of Motr frlaodt to a
Ml*. UlaodNorMof Chleaoo. wiU dttlrbtfal rtolto aod pUae eoooB-t Ib
Viroa imWIo cxhlbUtoa at bar boa
M* KlBball Oo.'tBoaitOtora laat
40 Aafora oau tbo plekad op afur tof.
Abop had ‘booB abaadoaod. to proro
Abai Mop do aol looa MoU poeallar M Bt MUM. m ttt Bk ttLJBLMLttt MUtoj
AtaiU afior tbop bar* tod M* Ilf* of a ^
BaBBOB oat for aBbU*.
Aooordtof to M* report of tbo Mapta kMtMrWt M* MtWUWTWWtlW'
«baa*tt*oattl*eoBBlMiMat*,'.BM par
MtM Abob Bteior
ttoab of Tit ottil* Bkleb b*t* kU
BBBbtr of yoBBC ladlM at tea latt
Aaotyoar B*r* tMad eaoM of tai
araalar. Tba boast ww bOBBtlfally
Bolaalo The total aiBbor of oatti* ai
aad tBliax.
•Btood waa IM.tto.
k 0. PartBob waa obotoa
ObarlM IdalMp, Bhe for Mra* yoan
■ aad Mo toUowtac tc
ATM la baolBMa bIM AbrabaB Uaoola
la WapaMrUl*. tU . h dead la Baa
Oaady Pall-lrata M. Obaatorba
Wraaotaeo and M pear*, fl* bb* ben
DoUtoa-Vida B. Beaaar.
la VoTBOot aad oooaptod Baay peal
Tea Ooat PaekacM-NslUo P. Pioag^.
AtoMOf pabllo tnak
SBaotboarlo-PraBaM C. Blntoa.
BDroN BanoortBaTaMi a
Beald.OatorBrefa*. Baokloa'
oa Saire wUl care Mo pala aad ,___...
ly baal Ik Oaie* Porar Bom, Uloora.
BoO*. Ooraa. all akta BrepUona. Boot
Pito ear* on oaKb. Oalp ts ou. a box.
Oar* reareatord. Bold by Ja* O.
JotoBoa and B. B. Walfa draf aioroa
A Prtohtfal Bl«
tlma* OalBBM ItoaUe Floor Varafab
Lia. Pratti Toadar, Mra. Ji
Aha whale opotoB whoa oatartof It Maedp aad Mia. Barrp Bast wUl toara o»7
tadap far WMt Mat. Vliytoto. wbor*
aad Mr. Moadp oro pat1^ to a box toetoiy. Tbpp will ba
totood to Mo apetar by Mr. Haak
^Otoda, O.. oeatoW ao Moraary. aad lo
Satou U baydSaairbOtoafTb Oar*
k* ear* yoa nt Me toaatoa. Ufa
Aahoa totonaUy ahd Mad* to Taloda.
0"^ »-«•
Md by OntrMk prta* Tto porboi**^AfaMllyPIHaMaMobMl.
n Om U
Arrttal aaO- dopouoro of wetts at toaMOOl
OMr, la oBooi OMOBbor mb. UH.
fatl The baieb and Qtaiw
W.'.iJSSSi.'Sa-—- —“
O. iti£ffiaiS=£."'.^2N,'iS
k ttittuBLttxttuot ttt jBttuBuBuAi
The aaeb heralded < >at la
—■» sto «aiMto«-« ato»s«i<« S »iwrtshT. oa
to < sBd 7 to t a
a, "Bp Me
Bad Boa Wara*." will appear la Mo City
Opora Bobm Mio oroaiaf. Th* i
paapeoBM with Mo blfbMt ret
.J< l|:Uo. a.waists* ■ortar «arMOtedl
aoBdatloBo aad a raeord of erowdod
BMltesstatoMor OrsadlapU* to OMmb
baaoM to tbo Uryar oIUm wboro M*
eoapaap baa toarod darlsf Mo ooaaoa.
Th* pt*^ 0 sort to operetta aad bifb
__ .•l?Swo^*tu*M^lMaMref •!'
eliM eootodp. lo aa abselatolp bob
eroatleaaBdMalbOBoaadBalror. Ma
JSi“Oi-iS£r--ra sar sa'
oolvM with a eoapaap to lao artloto.
TboaaaM, "BpMo Bad Boa WaTot."
trip totlaatM Mt real parpoM to
Mt attraettoa, bat wbarorar' tbt pito*
bat boaa ooaa boM proM aad aablle
bar* beea load to It* pratoM Tbo
adraaoo oal* baa boaa baory and a blf
a i. UKatwooB.^ra^T^hSaS^fapM*
WtyMfo. awIBBProM MTMt. ■aotoaBr
wtuSTrBBt to Ua<«
faoa Tjmm
• >4 Iwn.
Oat WIM aa Aaa.
At WOUaBaberr a UiU* daar'blM to
Graat Brady was aoraralp toJaieA
thraarb aa aottAaak Bar Uttla broMat ebepplar fas whoa hit afator
foi la M* way to Ma axt aad a rarar*
f*ab to tbo bead wae Me laaalk It
ItaUMeerht Mat M* waaad wOl
lletMMdroeaaMWAaxaBA Whr«
today fraM OooMap.
MU 5SS!vowdaat»ftoado..T”
doaibalbiatoilNr. Oakrtol Baadi
•Mrar, Baearto. aa M* nwd ed
BOWM. OaanaadwMMywaold
b«t. Jaa S ioSSilTT rhSSL
ArOtO Bsptos.
arar* Pleat War* Oatald*.
la the report to th* laqsMt ^wa M*
deaM of Praak Mapbow wbo waa kill.
edlntboBmof M* WpUo Oooparar*
Oo. at latorloehaa. it woo outad Mat
Ike Oid^^
tblo waa Me Mlrd doaM Mat had oo...............................AaaaK.ara*a
oarrad bp aettdeat to Me bUI. Tbo
M* tttp pMterdap, eutad Mat Me
bM^ nabviOMM eMitr Ch«»
oMar two aeeldeata rtoorrod to oc
radeatoid* Mo bUI, wbUt Mo mob
UJaredtBOf* haadtof lec*- Ho also W*SS?-o
Ifaa Wb. B FO
ataiod tbu M* oa^aap ataaa
........................... H. B. BsBbtoa
orarp ral* of prooaaUoa poMihla to
eioty of a OoaaWp Tom
protort it* OBatoyM aad Mat oalp
aaaraUabl* awrtdaait an Ukoly
oeear la Mo bUL Tba doaM to
PiaakMayMBwaoeaato Moo* aottBain doato wbtab aro Ukoly to oeear to aay
'to a baa'i^'
toetory aad set to laak to aaoea
Obia. U M* rsMt of bar aMar. Mr*. A.
Vak I....................................
DoUy PraoM baa laoimod ia bar
bOMoatLttaad aad was aninBpoitod
by bar .frtawd. Mm OBkaAo PI
wbe will Tisit a mamVo wtM bar.
Cbpkd. D.
ayeat af Ms O. B. A L liiUraad «
fHl Botip tiillPfarA C '
aay, k to Ma ttw oo battaaOA
Tbe ?m ItnjHtte Eiilmi
oouio oocra.
FOB BUB- Pw** a CBMpacT,
See aamplaa in window.
inilRifUi I IMluiU.
. Mra. Barb Pra
UH cTlsJ!?’*
Best to be had in
the city is at
tile OaptJ^iM'o Gold
0117 TboPrafoMerb Daafht«r.
jraiAshar Tbo ^bor AaoldaaM at Wplla Oocp-
Bicycle ^
1^ mim
Bipartoaot at a Saaday oobeal toaeb<
r—Aaaa M. Beoter.
tta rauarha abrat Mo PlUi
Ooalaetloao-Btbal 8. Pope.
tor* Baay dltorabt tribra aad May
BoeratM Baookt Oyatbto H. MoAlvatttofroB blfblp eirUUrd poopU to atoa.
Abo BOB abf tot oarofoa. rMty of bead
kuattof. IdoUtry. potyvaBJ aad lafaaMIm Ads SbIM of tofbM atraet vary
.AlpU* ea a wbolooAlo teal*.
aoaaaaUy oatsrtatoad ib* ioaebort of
tbo property klBBood araaao ooboel jMlarday at
Ml AWtto
Klac of I
A rorp «a]tpabls sapper bh
■eU at aaetlOB to -CkiolBlaf baU. Nob f irOB after whleb M* bootoM eater'york.Taaoday. Ikoy broofbt a total iatood bar goooOo a a moU ropal bob•1 m,S7t, as araian of Sl.m for
Pbaoerupb Baote aad otbar
ylttara. Tbo ptok of Me aoUaotkw.
■>-BodoalM oo Me Mareb." a BafaHoeat
Tboaa prsaaat wora, MMom AfBM
aiadp by Bebnyar, boo boafbt bp k Batoa. Laep ’ Gtaaatt. MarMa Cbaoo.
flooflaad for r.M. -k* StUoa, BdIM AAama, Mabal Oadp
«loo obtotoad oodoral oMor aoiabU
.. ytotaroa.
Tba OarBaa dlreptoabUfroB Bradoa
ila Hob Yark. bp Wy of Aaeraa,
dadt* Mapm aad BtoMfrapbor BaakaaaUid by a L^dea aaBpaay.
itba toottoa
toiu oen CMi.oea Tba oabl* wUl b*
el Mo Ctroalt eoart at Ulaad.
A,»M BUM leaf.
Tba otrtoao lltooM «< Mn. MaMaa
SfVtf Mf Wiftoii Mr OUHTh Mat
Ja«akb oaUad Dr. Easatoad to toedob
Prat WeraMtor of M* PbUlpptoo
Jotin F. On & Co.
IrmcM Clir linbtr Ci.
TnmstCiqi, - . Bitkipi
■ ■ £
im Iwut^ u^SUito toM^te
ass.::-: sa
,TU»d Year-No^jeM
WmPMVvoa Vpoan i
Mr. Ttojrlor HsVin« Buom
mm OontoMd
Mid tb«
l«i,mttli-a«»artd ft
■•IhMByi'MM Km
um.wtk. 7
•n Mtat U
ik» mof
aaMoCOMnlMteiM^ tte w
MMito. IW 7—4 «t»onl mA At*
•att^ Dead* *a b* •*« Alaaf VrOB
prtmta w«n tW vIbIIm «f mi»tao
4 elBiM toiO «r», «M a4«
I 9i • MTfWt Md tfms
vrtfM«i.B«naftr««OtMlMd DlaB>
layltoa- Om of tk* brtitw Mtto
read had h*ca ae wiihieei bj «he tathe trat aart toroh*
throwh aad laU late
taaatotoaM tba ear* thaf vara Arad:
am hr a teaa Ud aaarhr.a»Aa
aarraaalaad •«* ^taf war* MUad.
iha laaattaatooatefUcm*.** Albay bay.
AanvaamM bet ArhUag. bat aa
toM to tba 4MTtoaaa. tb*
r to go 0**r PrcFoaad
JtoaM HUB Weak.
BapIdiavieMtoMacaada hyth*
prajietara at tb* pnfoui Hararaa
Iteoh TOO where
to bay
BoadhB by Oota Daniek’tlAO
A nyatory tram eanr to eovw.
▼te Oraete by Marion Oawferd $1.60
Tbaaatbered‘*Oarteeu>“aaato aotal
edtbabaatoaUore farlMA
atr *
rsbtes te auac by Oeorge Ade $1JW
Itorlor. baa bm W7 toMT *u tbto
vaak aaeartaf-Hfbto at way aad bto
baabaaator bayaadhto rayaali—i ^tWUrtw c«
TbaaaaearagaMat tb* proPweMiauMr
f^M7 *»fc.
^ “
jaettoriatiTiagla I
raiy grattfylag aad Mr. Taylor b*Ua**o
M«rwBkMRf,tMiMiNU> thM »
that at tba praaaat rata be wUI ban
Wff MPFianil to U iROgM.
tba right a< way to Kertbp
4 4top»tA tooa 0^
by tba aad of tba weak,
tb»l 0««to Eobwto w4 Kttrt----d waa aaaraylBt MO ready raaalrad daada tor tally aa*
4 4topat;b baa baaa raaatrad tram •yaatoh priwaac* te Llbwaaa aad third at tba dtotaaaa to Marthpert.
day trow
Bear Bead Uagar. da^ yaatarday. vbaa that plaa* waa raaebari.
aad wttb tba aaarptlea et
aMiar tbai alaa* MoadaT tb«* baa
bawabaaa bavbardMat at tba Boar aompUlaly aabaaated, r*roltad, attaak- taw aaall paiwla at laad.- tba
oa tba aypar Ta*aU by tba ad tbrlr gaard with a>*b* aad at»aa*. at wbtoh ba baa baae aBabl*da.aaa. be
aad eflaatad ibalr aaeapa. Tbay aa»- baa aaearad tba right oC way batwaae
Mttoh aaral r*u *•*
TbbtreavaanMd Ibarirarat Itoat tarad aama waapcaaa** >»Ta barrtead- SattoM Bay aad Ueaaaa- Ba baa alao
ad tbmalvaa la tba tewa, wbara tbay proaarad daada for aareral mUaa bom
Q«totrrtob«»*lMaita* . aadMatoa drltto vlth
ateraUac IbaBav paaltieas. At tba arawalUagfortbaaiTtva: at aa 4aa- Blaghav ahne tba abaraetOarp Uka
r waa bald at
dorm. OaaaraV Bitfar beat tb*^ artoaa aewaad that to aaerlaf taward
Pahawhatawo aad tba ladtoM tbar*
baab aad tbay
giaatad a atrip at lead traaataoat.
th* Athbat eoatlaaa* at
Attor a taw at eartata brira aaa b*
lib tba «taad*rtoa aad
Halaadrtft wllk
am tba aatlr* right et way tbroagb
arf aawaaadaa. Tba dto
aaearad. Tha brOBkaua After tbataaetloawlUba
diaaa are vary
Wark batwaaa tba aoaaty Una aad
OwawB of Tlabw Loadf
BtoghamwOlba bagaatbw auraiag.
[!. ' «M a aaattaaaaa raaflaC *U Aay.
Miller's Store
Nr. Taylor to RatUag daada algaad aa
•Bate MMlae lira-aoMRaaead wttb aa
ba COM atoog aad to aaaatlag with UtSaath to Oaa-SbBd ‘
tla « aa dtAnU^. Ba wUl ga to
▼alaa Bear garmaaa Pay Mara Nortbpert Priday aad a waaHwg et toa
raman' etab at that plaaa wUl'Ta
Thaa Ttoair i
^Htlaaaa ta b* aaralatrad. tba aahaU%
tbatnaU Maiebal Lard
PragartyMM pnlbaatiea.
wm arrira tron Oraad
Beb«to aad !!•}« «*a«i ^
Ba^ today aad bagia a tear of Ua
TIT— hava atortad tor tba (roat.
Datrait. aad Parker MarrU) at St.
' foata aa teat. Ba will go
tetadtoai* that aa iabortaat
Laato. raaebad tba elty yaatkrday or«r tba aatire laogU ot.tba aoaaty
att»Boao tram tba aortb to leak arar aad by tba ttsa Saeratary Taylar baa
4 dtoaatab bM> Starbatreav, dated
>Btaatarlag laatttatioaa at Ue
bto werir oa tba right at way
ba wUl-ba raadr to bagia. tba oMelal
an atlr»*^-r
Oataara bom
Taatax eoviatoaioaara are gatUag aairay.
two dlraaUaw. riiinr ^
aartbe aad at tkalr ievatUgatlm
» and tba-aa
aaadlac batwaae tba aatpaato A lata the
of tba atota at
on every dollar sale
agamaat aztaadad by
. dtopatab dated Moaday gaa aad wUl aoaa ba ready to raader
ity propartT ownata, toe proapaeu
aayatbat a body at troapa latt aamp a report. They are jut flaiakiag a
except on
fu aa aarlr baglDBlng of aetive work
rab. I. aad that -toapartaat daraloptaeret tl aaaattoi In aortbera Miriil- oa tba Una are vary bright.
aWBtiaiaaapaetad It to qalta prabagaa aad Mr OAkataa daelaru that the
hie that tbto
oandltlanofatBflataxiatba portbara
aaad that tba
*- ‘- part of tba atata to aoBatblag appal«blaf wtobaa atthv to b* praaaat at or Uag. Tba aomtoatoBara bava toaad
teeaparrto* the Im......................... loaaUtlaa wbara paraoeal praparty to
ant by Oaaaral Oataara te }cda torea*
toSad with the a
eitarly Ignarad aad ba daalarw that
wttbOaaaralKaUy Katoy. aadjb«»
the poer_taraara ara taxed ao that
atreafly to
tbay aaa asarealy tear tba bardaa and
Praakfari, By- Pab. 7—Moaetlae
amplattar tba lattarb verb
aukt a daaaat Uriag, wbUa ralaabU bu baaa taken by Oovenor Taylor oa
286 Fnmt StTMt
ttebar traeta ara aaly aaMaaad tras tba eoafareaee agvaaweat raaebad :. at
M taetb ta aaa-tblrd of tbrir ralM. Loatorau. aad neva wUl ba takaa antU
Oraad Travaraa eean^, ba atataa. to
n. MW
baveaaaataraauwltobtotriaoda aad
legal airtoon tbto avaalng. aad too
rin, b.. .t
»“ ‘"8“’ ;
eontaraaM wlU pcebably
Mr. Oakaaa Soda that la
Btly alalax to Aaah
ttoa wtora.tbare to a elty-at tbto aUe or datmlaa bto aaarae of aeUoa.
tba Babe* bariacbaaabacaa.
• rqaaUty ta tba tbto aeataraaaa ba bu laritad foraar
A bd^tav tro* Loreaao Martian
tba eooatry aad Oovaraor Bradley ane atbaca.
4,1^1 Taaaday. gl** «Aa lataat aawa
to qatat bare at praaaat. Tba
of toa lagtolatera
wUl BOt ratara aattl tbay are- aaarad
nrlrHaedayaadaoBttaaadwbaa tba
of traadaa trea arrut and fraa feralAUfMh. whtob giro* it* datafla,
Ua eoovayaoaa to London.
In aattdatlon of the arrival of tba The famoup EngUah antbor, writ
White to aadaabtedly prafanaral trata of Ooabel. Oaaaral Oalparedta pat ap tba beat
Uar laaad arden tbto aorntag with ing in the North American Beriew
mribUaadar tba alrea*taaea 3mt
drawing aU tba aoldlaia from too on “The Energy of the American
5to bto arsay badly eripplad by dluau
itroau to tba aapltol graaada. Thie
aad taaaaa ta prarioaa aaualto aad aaaPeotde,” saya:
order wOl remain ta affaat nntQ attar;
Inatad by a rietorioaa Boar foraa oht
'‘Nor qton writee with bia dwn
tba body at Ooabel to laid la the
Mbvtagbtoaaa toraa tom tte
hand, if he can dictate to a iteaoLoodoa. By- Feb. a-9enator JoUy
no man dictatea, if he can
(BepebUaaa) aeat tba tollowtag diepateb to Ooraraer Taylar. ta view of telegraph; no man telegraphs, if he
toa rwwrt that the agreaaaat bad bean
can telephone.’
At Maaltag M OmBiU Today tba Itotal.................^...................... »m.70
If yon are a typical, energetic
•IHaaeaiagtag raporto bare. Tba
Aentoltwa vm Wfoot eraattag
Mr. Oakaaa daelaru that the aaaa
■galuttoa np-to^te American, yon already
■r. MartteakV Poactaa.
valatoha ta DatnUk Wayna aoaaty. to •fraamaak It to Impaiatlu tor
nee the Long Distance Telephone.
sj^wnao qporara at tba aaa aabjvet to a tat of only SM.
know toa eoodltion at onaa."
laOtaago too
BepraaaatoUu EeldayaaBt tbalol- If not, e word to the wise is enfficlag at tbq alty aoanaU aaUad tor yeaaglari^aridaaau of tba atagla tax lawiag vigerou lalagram:
____ _
Aldaraaaa Salto aad
Tba taraara paytag tba
-Makaaoeouprautoa efoar rights
«nlUab aad Mam
aad taw.
bat aaald only adjoam. Aa- atagistaxaad tba lambv
IVaaUag toaallad tertbUaftar- baUtax. TheytmaAtaaaaporileaaf tapwamt tba paopto tor a frw alaetloa
that aoaaty aevaral vary valaabla Waata aaaamireonaa
aadatolreonak nnyaswBn*
Any attompt e< - - ptto'aloek.
at bardwnod ttaibar tanda wbleb wren att at ama to aat arida tba raaalt at tba
at aaly eae-toavlb tbair valaa. laattoaetlea by toroa, tr^ ar
latbawaatonspartotthaaoBalytota* UgkAatlaa whboat tba eeaaant at tba
^a^damagad byAra. wrDlrmrtta abtoataauaalanBiaMaauaiiriiwiaaa- toa people to traaaoa. Wa tbaratera
'IMV at pamltttag blm to ut tbs taato to eaa*Attbettbrir valaa. Slm- plodga yea ear aappori aad Uvu If yoa
kUldtagte oM Btory aad npob Ik Oareaadlttou are anaMreu ta atbar •uad by too aloatlea ;rataiM u aaaaV
U wltb traaaad laaktag Uaa
•d by tba alaetoral nwaaitoalnB AU
k Mr.MacrlU axaaUaad
a agru to toto."
’ wUto
Para Prtatou’Valaa.
dbatamIUidaf itovalaa. la
4„U^Mbarg. Mtob-.Tbb. 7-tbday
Haariy aU at tba aaptoyu at «be
Ibawutba vlBtimat aaaakaalpriatl«ofieMa>at taat avaatag
latbaibldtagreemttf tba Baooanaad
tbatrwoA aad wbaa tbair roBeBil Barald aad mada
soady aema vary iapartoat doaalei _________
iloa. Twraatytwo
have ateto* Iba appUiatloa tor a
tar.wMte baa baaa mt far.
Bar.l.L.dfatrlakatAlblaa. wfU
aUateiMeato UaphyMaalli
•p«kta4tenntM.B.abanb» '
paistaa warataaaieadtoau a OUoage matin hr iba laMraata ad i
hemwhkbwmba at gnat adnatagatatbaphyMaalwaritlblai
• 4IWRUh Btattec ttet
Woimi's Rgbton.
Tbto book. Uka»t)se)^.ooaap4«apaoalarAaUii
ataraand botagmada apot abortalertoa. Altola baiwa
mtUtorra aoUd
A Dftsb ter a Throiis by Marahmiot $l JO
la M to -ll’lag u Ito title ladtoatoa^
.8.1 W.tf by Bum. tl.«0
Habut A BMChn Oo.
tor’s Ribtors.
Thi Isnf'Isst
lowest Possible Prists.
■k.beak ua Ckwk-book."
When We Tell You
Alfred V. Friedrich
Beat Ltea
liOMaMiauabMwat s<
• M a>:U. «.WILItM
Out Kates
j Per Cent. S
there’s a time
for- everything
HAY and
W.W. Miller's Cssh Store
Ian Maclaren
........ ....
For Fire Insurance
MaaHi*. Ttaia
School of Mhsic
S. Benda & Go.
and now te the tlma to
Buy Yourself
an Overcoat or Ulster
at th* graat
Fire and Water Sale
Which u now on eo tucoewfuily hereh^—Sacoeasful because.
tbe pMple kaow the SPECIAL VALUES we are offeiteK Are*
genuine and they have takes quick advantage of this fact
Yon have only to step in here at anv time of the day and see
the crowds of buyers, to realise the troth of what we aay.
It will payJyon[to buy an
Overcoat now for next winter
tain to take place nest tail, you will save many'doUata by buy
ing of os now.
d| .
Here is just one epeciti tor your attention this morning—
One lot mea’e fine overooate, valoee 615,117, tl8, at$8.60.
RelMli Rnr Goofs, CoriMitof CIoiUh Hoooo
Before purchulogfjoar deschig ellpper. for
the coming party^on shonld see onr Use of
Kid and Patent Leather
The prices of the kid dipper, m $105,
. $1,50 uid^OO—the patent leather. kU for
Up-to-date Foatwev.
Hmm muMMvn moqap
tu^BpiinTT ; • mOTIOM
n«n> Tun»a MUiA
— »* —
^ »«««— A» J. W. Hi—
i. w. «*jar»difr.;^ ito-f
Otiiiawno SoiMBTwr of Ka« Tork la
ItoakjatoofacMddHlotaattra par
pa^aa la ——*«“ »ltk tto Ir
palDH fa iHRttaTy kai
jtt toi i)i‘—* - r*-------^
^totto^eawaorol Haw York, tto
ilolfld tto Boafk Bldm to tto tota
maUttoatomataforaStttof raa^■atoteriWdaetMaKlalay an
jmWaiil Ha kaa a toUllaat war raaptolMd la to toarty ^a^Mtky wlto
dto Ttawa of tto praddaat rafacdtof
jar aaw potawaiBaa Batfdaa. to poa
paMH w aMUtj aad irladoB wUto toi
. paramadad him u tto paepla of tto
patloa dartBC.aararal yaara paafc
YasMBM aad trait gtowara ara aot
tto oaly oaaa ato aaa raap tonalta
pern tto dhearatoai; at tto farmara'
laaHtataa tto*maatbf bow to pro>jnaa to Qraafa baU wUl totaraat a
. S^maByraaldasto of ttoaitywto
2mp to prodt by tto IdlaamtoB of aabiMlaelmtaal totarpaL Ttoaa
totaMr**t«Mac tto altypaepiato
4aaartoaah with tto farmara wkoai
Iptmataara ao deaaly Idaptlftad wltt
Itotn a»d ttora la a toed daal of proli
totodariradfram tto aaaakma. Tto
^paaawlrai of tto attyaaa fladacoed
of iBfarmttos, aatoabU to tto
toaaa. to tto mattara traatad and aa|py tta pragram aa waU.
Opened Teeterdey
With lATse AttendMiM
fHfttablaDtooamloa-Dpaa Tartiltoa«|pa,«Kwtogef Applaaaad taaU
fralts,«atotog ef Btoap aad tto
^riatieaa ef tto iffebgpl aad tto
g:ma IHcaa Ooatiaaa Today.
Tto Tarmara’ laaUtata opaacd Id
0ni-r ^ ymdardv meming with a
attaadaaea of
aad trait grewanef thaaoaatm, Utoali prerleaa iiiiinnof the
mm mtblawtU ba of giaatprodt.
pga oaly to tto farmara who partial pata
lame proeaadlaia. bat to raaidaate of
& my wto take adraataga of tto
jpameaity rffarad to gat*aloaar to tto
jgihaltariiiB wtoaa tataraam ara ao
Sraiyaitod wita tto paopia oftto
pto. owlagtettolaagthot ttovartMpapmaadtto dataUa of ttodia
pmatea a laU report ia Impoaalbla, bat
Ml* ia takao to gfra the ebtaf f
p| tto earioai aabjoeta dlaaeaaai
'Tto Koraiag Kaatiag.
Tto flratapaakar at tto toraaooB
p^iea waa Prof. 3. D, Towar of the
aollaga, tit anbjeat briag,
/ipeU rartiUty. Bow Made aad MalaBe aaid la part:
••formerly tto baraa ware plaeed oa
Ito baaka ot rleera bb that tto rafsaa
might ba diepoaed of ia tbaatmm.
Itowalltba rafaae la tarad for fertUlam. The graateat aoU ferttllaar la
pomtarr* by orgtale matwr. Other
loatuitan ara aitrogaa. pboaphorle
potdaadpotaab. all hmad ia atabla
pOPirr Bala ia aUa aa Importaai
•liBaot, BB It brlaga; maab fartUtty
from tto air. 8aowia!alaeagraatlar
aiM *• IM» BMk nc^ m rot
tMr «*>. *W tr«tt M
offrait ■
«|^USiC ot bMV if • >9 ienYV-’
MMMSiRle tka prmil••OanakoRM to toka . imvn.l.C.
KMVtnMOla Mallerm
thMfnwtoffc that tto orator! mar
towortod. Omtaocoodcr^fertto
iMcitori ■■ it rr-TT'-rr
I tto araelag
aapoalty te»
Atora uA lira* an w
tetOlMta ta tto ontord.
AflaraaoaUl araalaa. Mayor Ham
•AaflrattotfrawiraUtatUa »te« tlteo ia a dtUag mtaaae aad with
wMl ohaaaa worda, gara tto addrem of
Oratoud. Wao*r<
ta wblah toAeoka of tto
•«Itoatoa«laMata( atoaraa la to •alaemo
mataal ralatkma batwaae
>■ trait to ftoaltoo Kto» a» Ito aeaaty
aad tto baaeBta of aoab a roia. aodlook tnU to 1------------------ torn. Ba ate apoka of ttoaaadte
tiianaUra. •toayto* la tto aU In- good roafr throogtoat Uia aaetfea
paAat tktof to tto orahafd.
Tto fraaHaat ef tto aMaAitliia Mr.
••Oara ot trait aad tnto la wtot Baraay. roapoodad Jo ito addnaa U aa
bcian Ito aaah. Oaa totaUlcwaa totto
tkst wtot
acakard. Tto traU toalaaM mat to a hoaatia tto aity, boaadta tto aaaatty
of Ito ttlaBk latalUnMa alao.
mrattopaad to tto o ataid If yea
The ■ahool aad tto 1
weald aaaaaad.**
TUa dtoarakm of tUa addram aad of Mr. Veorhato aaxt mate
aad tto Boma." Tto mtpoi
tto gaaaral aebjMt wm ably haadlad Sahoel
oaa of aairanal lalaraat ate wm
byK.0.1add. to daatotad that to hla M
waU traatad by Mr. Yoorbaaa Tto
- " ' art by tor tto baat aaaoel aad tto boma ahoald boar a
apptoarep. toargad tto growth of
BialaUowhlp. Start tto teOdraa
oloTor M fartUtoar to tto erotaaid.
orlgbi. for tto boma
•laala waa pUetthUy totaraparaad impertaat. Alargai
oof ear
dartog tto aamiea by tto Arabia maa la high atatloaa wan broaght ap
v^tn. A plaae taraiabad by oa tto farm aad tto I .
dtfoag of tto W. W.KlabaU frrmm to toTlag tbair aooa aad
daagbtan adaaatad la uamtaaafc Mr.
AftraaeOB Saaaka.
▼oertoia’ talk waa totaraparaad wlfr
At tto afteraooatamloa tto gamttoa
boa waa opaead aad prorad t« ooatato ta the dkcimlea. Mia. Bmma A.
qoarlaa partatoiag to frut aaltara. OampbeU gara
««ra dlraetad to Boa. Fatar to rki^ aehooto. aad tto good ate
Vooraaia aad pcompUy anawarad by aril toBmoaa aotad tbara.
Mn. Dr. Martto. Mr. VoorfaaiB aad
••QrowtogaadTaadtogttoOonCOrop^ Mte Battla Gray baeagbt eat team
aa tto aabiaat haadlad by Frol. J. D. aiealtoBt tbeogbu aloag thla line.
Tewar of tto Agriaaltaral Oellaga. Ba; Mia. Martto afiarward frrerad rrlfr
apoka ef tto impertaaaa of aaiafal a aaMtad radtatloa giraa to bar ptea>
Ito aoU maat ba rary lag atyla.
rrarm. light aad aompaet. Ba faeon
Maa Mat Bo WaU fad.
fall plaadag aa to bailam It obrlataa
tto ataU rap*
maalaaaaa. ThM.bewavar. Mra. Oampbdl, oca of
' bar baarara oa
of prafaraoaa aa maay prafar
fra aabjaet. “A Balaaaad Bailoa far
plaatlag la tto apriag. Tto roUar Maa.” Bbaaaid: “Bo oaa will know
•hoaii.baaaod thoroagblv. Ia alhuli^ to tortUiaara ha amphaaiaad the Im- of what oar aatioa la eapoMa aatU Ita
ara properly fad.” Tto aawra
portaaaeof oaiagthcoarMi ta altero- paopia
of a petaoB to torgaly dalarmtoad by fala
pooea pcodaeta. Ptofaaaer Tbwar told
of dltfaraat exporlmaata aaada at tto food.
ataueollcgo aad draw lafereaaea from Oara and toatood jadgmaat an
The Impertaaaa of aaleetlBg qolrad to know tto proportlaa of ditMod waa dwelt apoe. Walart aaaf wbaa
the eoru U bMag eat, aot from the Mra. OampbaU d«at apoo tto ralae
elM of tto oar bet from gaaar^ good of abaarfalnam mt mania, alao upon fra
ef alalk aad leat It la woU appearaaea of fra table. Pood ia more
to azparlmcat by tcatlng tto fora to appatletog If aarrad in good order.
Boaaabold aoonomy ia growtog to bare
The dteaaaiea wm goaeral, m H. D. a rrida datd.
Mr. Waite laeitad, to bla ebaraetarOampbaU ime waa to ted.
prafrat foUewtog thla tto Aiehia iaOe rrar, oaa of Jpmm wbiteenb
aiAtra. frrerad with a bright «alek- *ilay’« Potmt wUab wm graaUy aaloyad.
Prof. Towar to Ua Bab1aefr.“Oood
Matotog of Btoap
^rt» aaabiaab. “Bhaop.” wm aait Beada.” wbieb rraa ebosea tor him by
takaa ap Boa. Fatar Voorbala ballarM fra aadlanea, Mid fra good roada ara
thla aeetlon of tto eoeatry paaaltoriy frahighwaya to waalfr. Hoapoka at
wall adapted for abaap rateag M lapd laagfr apoa tto naacaal^ of a good
food ara abaap The muon peo- fonadattoa, dratoaga and rapalrtog.
diwadbaraiaaapaaiaUy Baa to flaror. His talk WM foroefal aad abowad frorowladga ot fra aabjM
matte may aa to good wool pro- Dartog fra araalag fra oretamtn
JMtaowfronlB a eaU tor played Mraral iaapi^ng aambara.
Baowoel. Wtoa ttmm ara bard fra
Boaad Maw Toaih.
to broad atoap ate Mr. Ltmjul S. Towoaaod of Mycenae,
-f. T.
- •
it to a Bin bateam far thte wto i
mew rigM and yeafr to Dr. A^.
CbaMto Merre aad Blood POto.” Ha: tare'a grMt rmtorattra for raadown
lar. Mr. BaUar apoka af tto rarlatte meaaaSwommi. Paada ate ballda ap
of food approprtola for abaap ate the fra aerraa, aaakMpaw.rtob para Mood.
of ebooatog a rarlaty.
Bbaap mMt ba topt to a thrlrtiig i
diti<m to prodaM good wool.
Oihan foUowad to tto
along frto Una. aaaoag whomrrara Mr.
Moaroa. 8. H. Baylor. John McDonald
ate Judge BaamdaU.
Bmall Fruit OalUratlem
“Bmall PWlta" wm fra aeatrabjaot.
Jm. Hubert not being proMBt, B. O.
Imdd rate bto paper. wUehjdaalt eUafly wlfr fra atrawbarry. Tto Warfield
tobto frrorlta. the Jaaala batog aaaoed
Mr. BUbart beliarM to taktog fra
bMt papara and aoaaalttog yoar moat
aneeeMtnl a^bbora ap« the aabjaet
of trait ratotog. Ba ga% bto plaa ot
plaattog ate adrtoad alw^ gautog
plaato from fra iMt yaar'a aattog
Mitotto food MwrefleBcioMS aad mIidIbip—
Five Cent
Pig Tall
L , ba
w- oaen••Oroaad ahoald' eaaUaaally
atad with growlag plaati. All plania
gat aeoriahmaiA tkroagb their
nefr. haaaa tto aoU aaaat ba kept
tto plaata may hare food.
Praatlea rotathm of atopa that all tto Tto dtoeaaaifm wblab foUewad
gaoi la tto aoU may to aaed aj
lad by D. H. McMaUaa. Mr. MoMaUaa
••Oaa aU Ito rafm la tto way of aa forth fra ImpertoBM of early plow,
pMaw aad fodder for lartmaar. Baal .togateotbarrowtog
froroagUy, na
•I amaaraa tmmadtatafly to tto aoO.'' too deep nor to abaUow. Ba IlkM tto
fr H. ea^ Mlewad with aa ami- Wltoen. Craaeaat aad WarfiaU atra:
Ippt aad aUbermta tHtlaiam la hla
pmlotyla. Haargada aaratal atady barrtoa. Tto graote ahoald ba prmar^aabtrab matooda ptol told oataa od tto MOM lor raapborrtM ate can
ma ralm aaaoatlal ler! fartmiy tto oaa ifroald to t^te to ptont only frOM
ttot bare good oreM roeta.
Tto profitt araraga aboet fra a
■eraatbing Ab^et Ayplaa
Moa.PatarVeerbMaofOaklaadaeeB- MfroM to atrawbante la raiatog
BmaUfraitaaternal vigUanM ia taqair>
p, aaaaa aaat. apaaUag apoa -Tto ad;anaMBMba»a agreU AaalafacApaU Orchard.*’ Bamd: “Tto apple
frttomatBeropef<r«ltgrow&. Oraad argy m wOl m loaa far tto ararh.
^rana h tto trait bait of Mltolgaa. HoeartmiMart ate aMtoamto
miUoraia trait doaa mat aoaBparawitk aaHtoaaUtog fralta.
llmtgrowabm. Orabtaaraahoaldb«
BW la fra time to bare year Bieyele
wsteadateMaaaod ap lody for
frtoelaadaetlagiroaa. Bay aarafal- Many Important idm wm bra
I-. Doa*t gat aheap traea: boy tto bmt oat to tto altar diaeoHte.
Tbaaaatea eloaadwlfr aMito
Free Storage AH Winter.
^yoo wlU bare good froUaaa r»- laotte by Ito erfraatra.
My wtak can net ba beat ate priaca
Mit. - Ibrman ahoald oembiae rrltb
teleitet. Will^ far yoor whaaL
<frU ate ga m prtoaa
frp. o raUaUa amomTmaa aa they
‘pboM Ho. in. ]
irfU got them torapar BadHto DRtaacy- AddnraefWalaocu by>Sayay Sam- Mo.11.^^
. Stem.
BUwOlbaaantaaeadtto boat.
W^mtU^eftnaf ia ImportaV Tto haU ww toad to ttoah
W ffki
Hade to
Please the Man.
a Royal Smoke.
labcaata Prepantioea la Progrraa
faraftaa Batartatamaak
That tto Hatel^ Baa to ba girao ta
tto CHy Opera Beaaafbhraary ll te
ttobmdtafttopfpaecgaafaad wfll
ba a daaaaat aSatr. wa oaa wto kaowa
ttoladtewtokaraitia aharga
aat rriU doaWI! Tto fret fra
Mie. J. B. Martia ia maamrlag tto
aCair rroald laaan tta ...........
If bm kalpan wm aot of tto baav Bat
with tto aaodtet aaahtaaM. a
Obadlah a«aaBh ate Aaa Billy refll
totbara.aad a great maay ef ttoir
da ate aalghbora. ThcM rrbo
attate will aajoy aa araelag of ran
T^O not bnj rovr steel
1-' ra^e from ag^enta.
Yoa win have to paj
more and are liable not
to nt AS good a range«
and when you need re
pairs bow will JOB get
them? Yon tan come
right here and select one
from my line. 1 have 16
di0erent atylea and aisea
—They range in price
frofttS30.00np. Awriftea gnarantee is giren
with er^ one. 15 dif^
ferent aitea and atylea
of cook BtoTes, from $5.00 np. Cash or a little-at-atime paymenta. Yon can pay for a ateel range ont
of your spending money ,and never know how yon
Slater’s House Furnishing Store
120 S'soza.’t Starooh.
WoAtog Might ate Day
Tto baalMt ate migbtlMt Ilu<e
ia ia Dr. K<ar>
Maw Ufa 1
> plHa ebaaga
I Btetol powar.
Oo par box. t
ate a B. Wait
Froet Street
Fire.W* Barr a to* ehetm of Ue :
TaM***M«MUlBeMUenUMel.,^ .
iwotor • qaattcr. «• ha*« bat to* J
toft. If roB **at Ibra bar tbrat BO*, b
Wall't Drag Store, j
Ito elaor Umb «bi qeM.
(bah !• *bat *q woai *at *t ttei aad
bar*. Wa tow alrrady ftoCotTvd
«# Itor tof .tow ato aoarty » etoto Mwort to eotec
lor.prtacaad*«to*.Bot«Mimrtte. XMprte
ma.BO p
ax BOX.
,,,___ i
....---- 'ateu»Mailtto*toMTfaw*toar.Cto-.qetok'aa«;i;aarte
No Man.
Be he ever so tall, ever so short, ever so slender, ever so stout, that can
come to us for a suit of clothe and go out without uking with him the
full measure of comfort and satisfaction that always go with correct
measures, stylish cutting, honest workmanship and good wearing quali
ties. This is true of eT^ery suit we sell from $s.oc^to
back" insures satisfaction.
Here’s a Hesuit
Yes, Sir, a Morris Chair
From oor annoal ‘%tock takiDg"—Foand
that in the great aalea we’ve bud daring the
year in imee Cnrtaina. fUny ladito’ hare
boagbt three enrtaioa—jopt what they needed
—that broke the pair—again aome very popolar
pattema bare been add, all bnt «u pair—now
yon can bay theee aiogle cnrtaina ot odd pain
at pricea nerer before mad& Original pricee,
75c to 16.00 a pair—they’re yome at jnat onebalf that price—Don't forget tbia.
la aolid oomfort, and we hare thoae that
are aplendidly made of aeaaoned wood, broad
arma, excellent cuahinna, richly corered, and at
t6XKJ—(Yea, air. That’a what one atyle will
coat yon.)—are wondera—may be matched elaewhere (or $7.50 or $800. There are aeretal
more elaborately made, and the price ia raiaed
For that tired feeling alwaya om a Mor
ria Chair.
It’s Really Surprising
The beautiful designs that have been prepared by the wall paper designers for
this se^n. Our spring stock Is all ready for your inspection, and as seeing it be
lieving. come and sec the perfect harmony of color. This is true of the cheaper grad
es as well.
It's not too early to make your selections and then you’ll be sure and have
what you want. Splendid combinations in the darker colorings from 12c a double
roll to 40c. Have some good remnants left for the early buyers.
Waste Baskets
Don’t Forget Candy
Are always naefnl—Never too many in
the bonae, and then yon oan find things whan
yon want them. A 6ae baaket for 10c, larger
■izealS, 15, 25c; bntton baskets 26, 3o.50e;
baaketa with sUDdaida 75c; dainty bakete in
fancy shapes 25c to $1.25; jewel baekets 25c
tiie grert aellem. Tfane am seveial grades
cheaper. Oor Chocolate Bon Bona in a dosen
or mace flavors and makes at 30e are the equal
ot any 60 or €0e grades aold. Jnst tha thing to
serve with dainty Innebaons.
We have tons of it Oor lOe eandiM are
The Hanoab & Lay Merantila Co.
^imzom x.T(anr« VB0M4K
ooNDeN«eo iMnvs
WtoWdlMaaaTaatatoaj Attmm
------------flnttmaiadtie K«*tiaff ^ Jf
-• - '•'. • •
RlCOOKl) raCBSBAY; F®SMJ**T8, 1900
avaa: otok to pfltaottr aad pead
hraadioc to jtonmoi to tbr a«aA
Tha Jaator I^aaaa a( tha B%h
aobadp anwd lo to Baktot a rnA
for the bonor to earartiaf tto toantf'
Bt. B«r. Rmrr Jtmtfk Bkkt«r !• aahealh^ttolraaaaaafacotor aaato
ftd Cerdrlto'i *rmadiB.rttot to tto totaf tor toto
work Atooattp
ihMt to «a tor B0M. na %K‘ •ftar
bto to inraed fron. tto poonipT todlrfc
drtemtocd to ihow that he waa w«B
towM»tow«yto.«ktoto«ia tat*
Bataa V>»d bp the Orpaoteatlaathe Brat deip of a ftortte
IBifiii, ortoatotof W' ‘ ■ito aatopto a ftaa ^ocras.
aoaOaat toatraMatol «ato.
AdaaaaatoNeatoBapto Pa|*otad ^ ^
to «B toSUbto *• la to aana^M«i
took b>« ar«. aad bar mb. the
toto aad ptaao. hp tba UtoaM
tto nntor Boatblp aeatlag to the fir
n' blB a look
... CordHIaV
.rdHlaV father, gi"
0 Pirtoah aad Dato^ flhMtok MtoUfaa Bardwood La«twr Aaeeto of nndli«ulw4 ariirovaL
.,^..^aad I* to aalWrtT proto
drier tbrp wen' arotnl he felt ikat
iMto tto* ha wfll tom wtthU a wato opaaad tha pM«Tato«ftar whkto MaUto ptaawwkaMtothaoBMto Saeratarp
he <M|rti» to wy aoBethtng; httt he
Wton. ■tohBp*tohtorwIU*laU»s»a
Boharti pwiardap atwraacaL It waa ceoMn't thiok of anpthtog that Mamed
MMaadatoaaltoal hwtoaaa totp aad ttoa whtoii ptaaaad tha aadto
tha lamataad Meat aathatoaatto waat
he «ronh dlx-naalDg with a lady 78
f atae had been ConSe■m^MMiliaii wtth popa 1-0 Ohivto A«arp faaa a «aU«hltol aaaal tafto tha I
lave had a iboamad
aela a^ Marpant MaOaar na« » i>Anaaff tboaa le attaqd____
tooaMtobatha a
A* It waa. there waa
p^tottototpahtoad It to a
Mbior that be could tom Into an exEOap MaOpwaa thaa tovatad wttb Bam: V. H. Wklla. O. Vos Ptoataa.
ue for cagaglBg her anentfea.
to»a aNfiKtoaao aotoa whtab wira Bepaa: 8. B. Lawk. W. B. (^aadtor,
The others were laagblai aad toiah
faUawad >p Altot Eatto. who paaa aa Bft BMBalnaOa.; B. B. Pertar, W. tine, tot Cotdelih. who aet at the op.
fftaa a Baa latto to thaahapatoaa
Boaile aide of the table, waa farttre.
BJehMaa. Baat Jotdaa LoBbarOe: ly watcblBx bis. He Boat aet let
I toilr
•- •---------^ ha-toa
A atoUa aad ptoM daot hp Mtoaaa Baarp Sriaheia. Chariofoix Laptor Oo : her dierorer tbbt be waa bored. Be
AdwaTt^aaaad Maada Mcaito waa W. p.«m. emkPtor: JanpaallHaa. Boat I bow her that be foaad H a
pkoaere to ni betdde the old lady. •
Baaip OhaBtortala. OwM
He became deaperate. TundBg to
OaBaroa Lam- the Hill beootlfet oM tody be a^ed,
aa totwaailag aad
oierety for the pnrpoae. be it aader.
iMa thfai^ tha Aaatb to Hia.
oraditahlp haadtoi. tba
ptoed. of fettleg aome eort to a cocrarwM, -Baaol?a4, OttAOa..L.BetorfetoralgbBBlfan- ntlon Haned:
qaaattoa .
"Do you believe te the theory that
that tha i
afeetarlvOo..W aBall to tha Oral
}pto«toadi^MarhtohaMlB Kaah
ctoaa hp tha itto aia a haaeSt
Wood DkbOa., ttoracaa dtpaOto. ato altoa froai BicUmw. ap
aoaatrp." Both oidaa ware aUp
it alwaye pays to be polite
PtoB tha raperk gfeea U appeaio
a*ato atoOdraa. Ba waa M paaca to head tod Vtda Boaaar aad Oharito Aahi«a Md had liaad to Ka^aOto 40 tea haadtod the aBiwatto*. whUa thM tto aaUa Bada hara to aem eaaai
BoM haaa iriitoap a dlM BatoaBtoataad VtoaWatohteeh
aa a ptoak wtth a paQ to waur. aad to tba aagatora. Mtoa BoaUto, who alattea aad to ao eaaaa laaa. Tto
toQ tola tha Attotoao that tha paQ to hadateffa totha pronaM.fa** tha awMattoaalaarepertad at tbkBar'
ll agfiagatad lB.ooo.Ooe feat, wkieb
wat« raatod aa tha plaaH aad tha arlttoh rapert
brton tto total oaka to «hk ■tam'a
L Htoarau
eat ap to abeat eo.000.000 feek
la tha atoawt aad kU ton ball
A Big Vapk Tree.
Fwap to tha kaaaa. Ba
!. hkbem.wbar«toHmatoaa. Ua k
Peha Mattaeea. Cbarfej aad Joe
fCath. eat ter Bobert Bareop a aapla
-iaaarittoal aoaAIUea.
It WM tkowB troB tto roporto rato
Kn. aoultob Bieakal to Loaatof. tree that sad# tear aaw
Bltiad to tha aoaratarp that tto oatpot
whOM Aaatb waa aknatotod a few dapa aaaled MBS feat, tbraa aad oaa-loarth to tto preaeat pear, booed apoa oeUace.waaaivTlTad bp ato ehndraa, 44 aorda to bleek weed aad two aod tbree^ Batoo. wlU be ohoat M por-oeat. Uee
naad abUdfW. aad M praat graad loartb eerde to ibrae foot weed. The tbaa tha total to toot pear. tUe aaWIiAt is Celery Kinf^
abUdtaa. aU bat fear to whop aU4Bd total ralae to tto trae dalirerad la
ttabBbHbart«k,sBd We pgWUTeo
tlBato, bowcMT. k «
Travacaa OUp waa gN.0S.
od tto foBorel Baadap attartoMB.
tto weather, whkh if reep fa<
^ tto tea paar oU aea to WUliaa
wUl eeree to rake tto oatpeio
■ tioabtH arkinc eon • di
Ckotwi. rwidl^ aaar Batb. w dead at
tto Bark to Ibal abaHia.
end torpid. Itnr. U to * moH
anaalttotoJerkaMaalrodatew dapa
tto BeBbara oanwetlp dkea
tto kd wta dririaf a-atagfe
appUcatka to tto natteaal I
wafaa wbaa. to a apirit to sk^f,
a ralM to tto Mkblgaa laa.
aoBto dihaol hope erartaraad tha n
berBoa. eapeelaUp la ragard to tto
htoU. Tha wagea atraek tba bop to
ehlto laepeetoftolp of tto Ualled
BMb a aawaar at to toftkt to}arka
SUtea. Tto lllehifa& AaaoelatloD. eo
WlalBB w
faraathk elaU k eoBeeraed. woald
abolkk tto eklaf laepeetor. Loeai la
At Bi Jaaapb, owtog to daepoadawip.
•poetora are eabjMt to tbo chief laVnak thaMtog attaaptad aakida
ewtth XUa
epoetor aader tba aattenbl IsapaettoB
aarip Taaadap aamtog bp ptoagtog
ralob. Tbeoi ralea In tto Bala, ao far
lata tto Batata at bk bom Hasada
Is L. A. Boueuac.
aa they apply to lambar, are aatktae■ ttotoapat > o'Boak. tot that* waa
aotwatoaaoagbledrowakta. After
torp, with a few alaor exeopUoaa
Qaoaai W. Bapp.
■aaiami aroaad lor fell? three
wbkb eaa Mallp bo niaedlod.
haantowea raeaaed bp aBgbbon la
Tto Bootlag wao ooo tottoamat
I Aeed tbaa aUee. Tto
Two waekb age Jeaeph Vyroaaaa. gratlfplag holdup tto aHoelaUoo and
tto BeBbora are highly oatiated with
I. of
t*m**r*«Clte W'
aoelta to ttaolr otgaaisaiioa aad W«r*«Mi>« B'v*k.
baepVttb tto Baa aU dap. aad It
aaat to Aaa Arbor for aa oparmUoa.
the time
Tbdap hcMDetiBie—tfaia Booraing^if yeo caa^to
step in HBKB and kiok at theae itana:
Unrerwe«. 25
and 3Sc valne to clow at/.......... ,
Men's Wool Underwear. $1.00 to
$LS0 TAlneB, few of a kind, at..
■n'8 Ct|$ It 42, H, $St-liliK 7to ».00, II.2S
These are choice new styles.
Reliable Dry Goods. Carpet and Clothing Honse.
Thursday, Feb. 8th
Mathews aud Bulger
U tto Utoat rerkloB to tba Ug vandeTlUabportota.
Sad ©
© “BySeathf Waves”
fire Insurance.
Everythiog absolutely new but the title of the piece
Ran 108 Nights
Herald Square Theatre. N. Y.
35^Stars of Comedy-3.S
Giiiiil IisiraiM.
Tto Utt;e fellow bad boM U1 for esanp
Boattoaad wai opetatadapoa twloe.
by local ^yalekaa for an abeiiB The
btioae did aot eeoB to to eatiBBi-'
fal and be ramalaed iU. Aaa Arbor
itolaM feand ta tto laag two plaoea
of rabbor tabe. wkkh bad beae placed
there wbea ba win operated apoa prorioablp. Wbae the tabo was roBOrod
It OTldoBtlpmho off. prepenOagtbe
Boandfraa boallng. Tto ptaoae to
Hia. BaebolA Weodba^. wife el rabbor waro roBoeod and aew tto bop
Bwhfena‘e oUwt eeutor. 'toorn B,
Watobaip.dkd Moadap. tbep wore
Nearly tto wbede Soatb Atrkaa pUV
MRtod la wraad Bam to IBM aad
tod Ueod la Matoagoe alaoet eear M k ooTorad with a leaf, aloador
graaa. wkleb. aader tba Seree cbb. k
oftaaeo dry aa tlad<r. Nothlax ear
ttoOhkagd AWmt BUbkcaa ral).
: read, tto aaw pari totto Pero Bar- live la a veldt Sro. aad la tu pnaeing !■
qaeBtilifeB.baaaarea V^t. 0 Boa- loavao a deoort. Oador tto oorer to
tto oBoko that arkee tto Boon ear
TCtorp B<wt keaad aa arder that H
MOl plaoea drawta tte bridgeoear BtlliM tbateuatogp for watch they are
the Balamtoe Hear at Hew EkbiooBd
Mito, Ttoraad wwgiMa IlOdapi la
whtob to earry oat the araor. tbo
tkM WlU ajiplfo Poh. M. ato tto
topartBOPthaoit rao...............
that tto raUreto1 hae aot pet
lakod e bead to Aa the bridga. Wbtt
. StoeatooBOBap tok aM kaowa, of
aoarae, tot U tto eapartoaee to ether
paepio who tore tried te Mkap with
toeretarp Boot k aay ladkatloe. tto
Ohktoo *
Mtotatgaa to llabU te
geteoBothlag c4l tto tot oto to tto
•tanbeloro tto oto to tbkiMoetb.
Aa Alpeaa aaa had mow poUi
thaethwdap terdlaaor. Tbop grew
to hit oallar aad wore aadmaad toas
Itoe Aaeer ae aaw polatoao growa oatdoeralaJaaa-
Patrick Bardea baa pwcbaaed Mlehaol Wakta'a latercot ia tto balldiag
kaowa aa the Botol OolaBbk.
Mdrtir I|ii1s
tetbaMtb. OnlpafeatJaa*0.JtoT
tt* MB aen. aad A. B. Walt'* drag ateram
--- ------- |gn73«rtftttoBfeteB. »aadM<
T* Omf m IM« to Ito* Bfey.
TakeWamer'e Wbhr «lae of Tar Synt}.
tto torn aopgb teawdy on earth. % *t>r.
utko. MLLS LB SBYB. direct from
elpding the great Bnrof
e FollfO Brrgere, Park-
. Good Sleighing
See Mathew & Bulger's Entirelf New Specielty.
,Uery, 2
Glow with color of health; new rigor both Aingla and two Matofi
b fleoD to eeerp organ to tbe body, oatten.
and life becoaaea n .pleaanre to tto
Beat ootfite in the city. Try
•lekip. and dcopondent womaa. Weak. ODA
. en.
- sBu
and .thin, pale
Order by ’Phone No. 32.
Sad etreagth and Seah bp a t
aae-to Dr. A. W. Cheaeb Nerre aad
Geo. Cams,
IJverpaDd Faed StaMca
Krery Piano and Organ in our store
VS/Wl't/S V€/t 't't/t.a
In Ibe oeict 10 days.
We (to not want to ship any of these goods
to Grand Rapids, therefore they will be closed out at
your pi ice.
This is your opportunity. Every iostrument
folly warranted.
Seoond hand goods takira as p%rt pay. Easy
FEBY 7th. ,
£ and now in full progress.
W.'W. Kimball Co.
Best selection o^new merchandise at
under prices. Save money by sup
4t Iroa SfooDtata Jobp Ji
aad Ooorn Matoop wore blown to
•Sam bp tto eaptoetoa to aeeee beaee
a« dpaaBlIe at tto powder hoeoe to tto
Oryettiralto ■biaetawdap awraiag.
ISkaetbaewB bewtto apaltowlbaaMMd. Oalp a «BaU porttoe to tto
MMWWoleaed. Both wWa Barrled
T1»e aUeat watrhM to tto Blfbt
•boald be
bp an alan clock
for late rieere.
Some people roBala away from
cbairh wiiro II ralna becaaaa
rellgloo laa’t water-proto.
The urtff make# eome thlnge
high, but old bachrlora and aplnotan
at* 00 tbe free UaL ’
It k a rortoua feet that tto beto
A Blfbt to Torpoe.
way to make both eoda meet la to pm
«*Awfsl aaaktp waa felt for tto ane a etralgfat aad honorable career.
to Ito beae* .........ral
Stood OopthOS.
3Ekdia.ato.. wbea
B B. Mandap, a lawymto BoarfeUa.
Tea. owoofe^ a graec-dignr. Bo
MPK ’’Bp beetber wm eery low wtth
BalBfIal fevH aad jaaidka. J pmMeTVSS^ Bore thsajM aaw Maded him to in Bketrk BlttOM. ato
SS ufe, and oarad tor «f OawMp- « waasoOBB^ bettor. bnteontlaBed
.btor BM mil to waa wtoUp caito.
I am ean Blec'rk Bitten eaeod bk
life.'* Tfck rmodp ospob aalarla.
kUk dinea* germ aajpnriSaa tto
blood, aide dlgeetlcB. regnlatea flvor.
kldnepa aad bowola, earaa eoMUpt^mi
Enjoy the
I have several fine new riga—
1%# oprzpvcted aeUoia
Bore tkaa oace.
The bile to a loethlMt dog might be
fermHI a aofi aatp.
The huagry actor at the table k wl0>
lag to Ukt- everybody'* port.
Hea U-U Borr Ihw about their weight
than women do abool their age.
The foremort qtiratlon of the day I
coavemiog the iiroapecilre weather.
The blU boanl meke* .the a<nor glaf
bat the board bill aiakea him llred.
A "«»■ may eetl bla bnaor for a dob
lar bat to can’t boy It back for a
Wbea two oonls bare but a elagk
thought 'Ibe tboogbt aridom ioteraaU
A Dazzling Chorus of Beauty
with tto eatloek.
Boagbtbp Patrick Bardea.
“D-dttoaadtmeolikdUr laBcnaelp. Tto boo** roared to*
tea and loodly • * • rmlled tbe
prlacipala again aad agalB.”
—Kaw York Berald.
A Ktoeldoaeopo to Oolcr
and Ooataaa
A Merry M^aga to Melody
aad Mirth.
Tto Hr Ploa Ultra to BeSoed
John R. Santo,
feared paeaBoato or pfevkp wlU pet
g|M hlB.
«aakOoatoa aad Bbaataar White to
Oraad Bapida. tore Iwt roaeleed two
allew BOdak tram the Oamiaa gor.
srsaaet to reward thoat fertbeir oorvkaa U tto Oaaadiaa arap dartog tto
Vntoa laUU to IBM aad tSTh. Baokto
the Bodak bean the iBagie to Qoeea
TMWrtaaad both aro baadiOBi
15c each
79c each
129 Front BtrMt.
IT. B. STBOHO, Manager.
plying yonr needs now at
I Removal Shoe Sale I
HUDwono cupnuGs hemock sniewono
■Idewnlk Lumbar In >U ninta.
JOHN F. OTT & 00.
Bowaeet to Tnmns Otty Lumber Oe.
Hot a Tot of sbelf wom aboea. We eaa aaTe yon
‘IW finom 10 to 50 |>er cent on yonr shoe bills the next
80 days—Inspect them—get oor prioee and we will
0 oonvinoe yon that no- other shoe honee ofita’s sueh
0 goode for the same money.
After March 16 we will be at 249 Front Street.
Old Reliable
»»»««««•«« »»•««««« «»««•««
' BQOSB BOB BtrruBmAsr
V giwt 9F fgt 90MLB
i0 tuoMT troMfei \
' ''
tiM Hftenja
hw t
• teftttM ot tM.aM ripm u tto
tetk Atrimm «w iuAAM* SaiVPlUlar. wto has \
MtaiiaOwwM^wtteaoMaf hta«
«f IHM*. »M
a Um fmn ago •
Bmm Wf to mggm' ■awto.
AtOrtolHato Ji^p—wi. tmmr
"Twatoiy IA« aki. «r tool totafCM
mM. Tto'orioi to tho Vormftaa
2tortT> oM MO Ufk port to Uo
' toooto.
A rnr-TT'-—----------- to Aalwgtag
mmk$natnagrmwUk totoon irr
Ug U MOflMO MM MM Mo owM'a
«rtil to 001 amottoili Mlolraotor. TM
m$m iim to IhomoouUm Bratoo*'
^toOrtoloM to Mt) kaowo M M* ooomrmmm. who aUm* Mu bo to o
Mia. «r. B. WbtoaaM l|fa. «. ▼« OOM BOeVoBjounaai^lha boBaaAp
•toalao of Boj
loMoali to Ti
TaolaaoB^ to a UU of bob booha
otoltoA frtooAo Bolto Mo
o«BBAaAM*BtoMwalMa raoaaupraeal^to MaoUjUtoary.
aaA Bbtoh bUI bo raaAp to koaa todarto. W. Vowkirk ot Omwol Uh* woo asu A Oolcatol Woetac^......... Abbott
ma Waoa Ma OoBtOrp Wa* Bob do
to Mo adto JwtorAap.
TbaWOtofBW.aT.T. bUI hoUUa
f^atoTBioHif ot Ma B«aeaAM.B. aiia TBo'BlMaUaCbariT...
ttM AaOtoTo'BOf Mobaa
Marah Mto ofMaooa «t 1:M. BfM tt 1 riaBPdaka#aotoP«aM.
Mia-BoaMaatoBAar. AUanmaaaMA aaaa rbolBoldoatolBUbopOraalAnoa
■OM oartp oa aoooaal of Ma •
Wa. Baytoo had Ma too of htoAanr
tohaa oC bolBoaa a ttBbar aad a ittat,
BbUo Borktoff U Mo Aoak paatoaAay.
miAaidU^ii^Ma^.. te
OMI Cbo V_____________
1 u
i. W. BtotorlMi
babaaaMwito saba rooa todloatoy
Mo toffa llaa of otoraa. .raacoo aaA
haaarrtoa. Waaaba
tae ft amacod it wUl Matta Mo taoU
IBM roBB to Ma eity.
TbarawUlbaa aaaroattoa at *tba
lira OMnr. wifool Mo ulototor to Catrhtiel PpMta* tf x n MU forow
g «1M Mr** caadldotoo far Ma laak
Otofc boo mamf j^lnooil «otto to mr
pan A faU attaadaoM 1* raqaoM
tmhorVU to Mo Orttootol ktofto
orUobohowlUfo^frM Mr Ttoit to
ArraanMoato Bora oiBplaMi toU
•btooewitrjMto toooM. lIMMyoMo
CblOM oro * rooOo. OTBpotboUe M. aifhtfer MobiU to ba flraa i* Ma
••A Mot M* BorM ol torn ooolA woil 01^ Opon Boaa* toaerre
iMio a toaaoo toM Mob- troouaool of Tbo ball wtU bo p
aad aord Mbtoo bUI bo arUtoantoalMolrroUctoato
raacod apoe M* otof* far Mom Bbe
kill otoo toaoBoaii ropiUoa.
A toaUr of BboAm to Dm Hotoaa, do aol ear* to doaoo Tbo retroob*
Borrod to M* Wa' baU.
!■., f%to*a lotnr'aoabar of tvkor*
Tbo Wb bUI BMt at 7 o'eloek obarp
.whtok oMOlly ron^i oo Mo roof of Mo
hOMOoT lu otobl tool Book U rn* Mo toatfht 00 *0 to Aolob tbotr bdolooM to
«eU fw OM olA IfobMor aad obool UBOtoattoad tboMoatro- AftorMo
slAalrtolMOltMMdBptoMa roof of parfOTBtaM M* Bib* BUloatortola
Oka Mtoaaop aoA AaAlac U worm Moro M* Boabon of tbo eonpaay of “By
katoloo top of Mo Aaa aod boo! Mo Bad Baa Waroa."
boom aolaop: Thoro bm a osal Ira
I Blaaobard
Tealfbttbo aparatta, "By M* Sad
toonl^ la Mo bodrooB Bbaro Mo Bat Wara,” bUI ba yfraa to Mt Oltp
gomilg Bar* otoMtoff. aad Bbao a Optra Boaaa.
aatobbor oaUoA to Mo aoratof. Mo
Tbt Bat aeoeartaf tba Moate Qab ol
tbo Bobool of Matta was ylMo laU
ttAhf aoB) no.
alfbv ItwataBaaafaai aadalUb*
B.tofalt by OarBoa
■aabart war* aplaadldly fl
1 Mat Ma
tolly faadwaoMoMNy oa Mobdalo*
-------- . ilafMilOryatol
■to* mw
•aba, by MIm Ploraapo Tboapoea,
tolbUtoB to LaaAaa vUI fohMo all Oo^
Mr. aad Mi*. Altrad Dty w« r*)tl4
A Oaraoao Atoyaiah paWIMad to tof *r« Mo MrM of b oea.
WUl Badlor wa* oartoatty tojarad
VwtoaaU Mai aaafoby arofaltod
yMtordby wbU* drlrtof a Mab at May
WoBaaaato. Baab AliooMaai todlad
Bawlyaato. baoa hoM tairliaail far tttdfarJ. W.TiAttiABaA. AloffaU
troa M* olalfk apoa bl* rlBbtUf.
TofBolBt to toad Mo nrarat
maaoy Tho Prafob NolAoato aok war Oaa of M* boBM to ib* lower lor woo
broboa. Bo wa* broafbt to bit hoot*
Bblpo to bo ooal aVeaa*.
Tbo eottoo plaal to Paranay frobo at 4t« Bartow etrook
tbo yoar aroaad. fatotad Mroaf
Tba f«t«Ur baotooM aaattofofM*
•aacb ooaoos bp ooadlUoao of ooU aad BpwerM Laar«o of tba PlatM.B.
BllBUto Aft. r Mo oottoB I* pWkod eharab Bill b* AoU to Me Uarae loOB
Abo plaal lo eal dOBo aad aaotbor Mondop oraBlBf. Tbora io aaeb
I.......... do
nowa froB too I rooia. Brorp ibo tooM to bo ooooldorod aad a fall atW. OanrebiU
7«aia boM pUatt bad roolo aro ploB. toadaBoe It orradb4 ap aad bob plasta otartod. a taor
Mr. Am HoI* and Mr. N. K. 8trea«
k. dll^
«*Bdo of eottoo rooalttof.
traatad a fow of Motr frlaodt to a
Ml*. UlaodNorMof Chleaoo. wiU dttlrbtfal rtolto aod pUae eoooB-t Ib
Viroa imWIo cxhlbUtoa at bar boa
M* KlBball Oo.'tBoaitOtora laat
40 Aafora oau tbo plekad op afur tof.
Abop had ‘booB abaadoaod. to proro
Abai Mop do aol looa MoU poeallar M Bt MUM. m ttt Bk ttLJBLMLttt MUtoj
AtaiU afior tbop bar* tod M* Ilf* of a ^
BaBBOB oat for aBbU*.
Aooordtof to M* report of tbo Mapta kMtMrWt M* MtWUWTWWtlW'
«baa*tt*oattl*eoBBlMiMat*,'.BM par
MtM Abob Bteior
ttoab of Tit ottil* Bkleb b*t* kU
BBBbtr of yoBBC ladlM at tea latt
Aaotyoar B*r* tMad eaoM of tai
araalar. Tba boast ww bOBBtlfally
Bolaalo The total aiBbor of oatti* ai
aad tBliax.
•Btood waa IM.tto.
k 0. PartBob waa obotoa
ObarlM IdalMp, Bhe for Mra* yoan
■ aad Mo toUowtac tc
ATM la baolBMa bIM AbrabaB Uaoola
la WapaMrUl*. tU . h dead la Baa
Oaady Pall-lrata M. Obaatorba
Wraaotaeo and M pear*, fl* bb* ben
DoUtoa-Vida B. Beaaar.
la VoTBOot aad oooaptod Baay peal
Tea Ooat PaekacM-NslUo P. Pioag^.
AtoMOf pabllo tnak
SBaotboarlo-PraBaM C. Blntoa.
BDroN BanoortBaTaMi a
Beald.OatorBrefa*. Baokloa'
oa Saire wUl care Mo pala aad ,___...
ly baal Ik Oaie* Porar Bom, Uloora.
BoO*. Ooraa. all akta BrepUona. Boot
Pito ear* on oaKb. Oalp ts ou. a box.
Oar* reareatord. Bold by Ja* O.
JotoBoa and B. B. Walfa draf aioroa
A Prtohtfal Bl«
tlma* OalBBM ItoaUe Floor Varafab
Lia. Pratti Toadar, Mra. Ji
Aha whale opotoB whoa oatartof It Maedp aad Mia. Barrp Bast wUl toara o»7
tadap far WMt Mat. Vliytoto. wbor*
aad Mr. Moadp oro pat1^ to a box toetoiy. Tbpp will ba
totood to Mo apetar by Mr. Haak
^Otoda, O.. oeatoW ao Moraary. aad lo
Satou U baydSaairbOtoafTb Oar*
k* ear* yoa nt Me toaatoa. Ufa
Aahoa totonaUy ahd Mad* to Taloda.
0"^ »-«•
Md by OntrMk prta* Tto porboi**^AfaMllyPIHaMaMobMl.
n Om U
Arrttal aaO- dopouoro of wetts at toaMOOl
OMr, la oBooi OMOBbor mb. UH.
fatl The baieb and Qtaiw
W.'.iJSSSi.'Sa-—- —“
O. iti£ffiaiS=£."'.^2N,'iS
k ttittuBLttxttuot ttt jBttuBuBuAi
The aaeb heralded < >at la
—■» sto «aiMto«-« ato»s«i<« S »iwrtshT. oa
to < sBd 7 to t a
a, "Bp Me
Bad Boa Wara*." will appear la Mo City
Opora Bobm Mio oroaiaf. Th* i
paapeoBM with Mo blfbMt ret
.J< l|:Uo. a.waists* ■ortar «arMOtedl
aoBdatloBo aad a raeord of erowdod
BMltesstatoMor OrsadlapU* to OMmb
baaoM to tbo Uryar oIUm wboro M*
eoapaap baa toarod darlsf Mo ooaaoa.
Th* pt*^ 0 sort to operetta aad bifb
__ .•l?Swo^*tu*M^lMaMref •!'
eliM eootodp. lo aa abselatolp bob
eroatleaaBdMalbOBoaadBalror. Ma
JSi“Oi-iS£r--ra sar sa'
oolvM with a eoapaap to lao artloto.
TboaaaM, "BpMo Bad Boa WaTot."
trip totlaatM Mt real parpoM to
Mt attraettoa, bat wbarorar' tbt pito*
bat boaa ooaa boM proM aad aablle
bar* beea load to It* pratoM Tbo
adraaoo oal* baa boaa baory and a blf
a i. UKatwooB.^ra^T^hSaS^fapM*
WtyMfo. awIBBProM MTMt. ■aotoaBr
wtuSTrBBt to Ua<«
faoa Tjmm
• >4 Iwn.
Oat WIM aa Aaa.
At WOUaBaberr a UiU* daar'blM to
Graat Brady was aoraralp toJaieA
thraarb aa aottAaak Bar Uttla broMat ebepplar fas whoa hit afator
foi la M* way to Ma axt aad a rarar*
f*ab to tbo bead wae Me laaalk It
ItaUMeerht Mat M* waaad wOl
lletMMdroeaaMWAaxaBA Whr«
today fraM OooMap.
MU 5SS!vowdaat»ftoado..T”
doaibalbiatoilNr. Oakrtol Baadi
•Mrar, Baearto. aa M* nwd ed
BOWM. OaanaadwMMywaold
b«t. Jaa S ioSSilTT rhSSL
ArOtO Bsptos.
arar* Pleat War* Oatald*.
la the report to th* laqsMt ^wa M*
deaM of Praak Mapbow wbo waa kill.
edlntboBmof M* WpUo Oooparar*
Oo. at latorloehaa. it woo outad Mat
Ike Oid^^
tblo waa Me Mlrd doaM Mat had oo...............................AaaaK.ara*a
oarrad bp aettdeat to Me bUI. Tbo
M* tttp pMterdap, eutad Mat Me
bM^ nabviOMM eMitr Ch«»
oMar two aeeldeata rtoorrod to oc
radeatoid* Mo bUI, wbUt Mo mob
UJaredtBOf* haadtof lec*- Ho also W*SS?-o
Ifaa Wb. B FO
ataiod tbu M* oa^aap ataaa
........................... H. B. BsBbtoa
orarp ral* of prooaaUoa poMihla to
eioty of a OoaaWp Tom
protort it* OBatoyM aad Mat oalp
aaaraUabl* awrtdaait an Ukoly
oeear la Mo bUL Tba doaM to
PiaakMayMBwaoeaato Moo* aottBain doato wbtab aro Ukoly to oeear to aay
'to a baa'i^'
toetory aad set to laak to aaoea
Obia. U M* rsMt of bar aMar. Mr*. A.
Vak I....................................
DoUy PraoM baa laoimod ia bar
bOMoatLttaad aad was aninBpoitod
by bar .frtawd. Mm OBkaAo PI
wbe will Tisit a mamVo wtM bar.
Cbpkd. D.
ayeat af Ms O. B. A L liiUraad «
fHl Botip tiillPfarA C '
aay, k to Ma ttw oo battaaOA
Tbe ?m ItnjHtte Eiilmi
oouio oocra.
FOB BUB- Pw** a CBMpacT,
See aamplaa in window.
inilRifUi I IMluiU.
. Mra. Barb Pra
UH cTlsJ!?’*
Best to be had in
the city is at
tile OaptJ^iM'o Gold
0117 TboPrafoMerb Daafht«r.
jraiAshar Tbo ^bor AaoldaaM at Wplla Oocp-
Bicycle ^
1^ mim
Bipartoaot at a Saaday oobeal toaeb<
r—Aaaa M. Beoter.
tta rauarha abrat Mo PlUi
Ooalaetloao-Btbal 8. Pope.
tor* Baay dltorabt tribra aad May
BoeratM Baookt Oyatbto H. MoAlvatttofroB blfblp eirUUrd poopU to atoa.
Abo BOB abf tot oarofoa. rMty of bead
kuattof. IdoUtry. potyvaBJ aad lafaaMIm Ads SbIM of tofbM atraet vary
.AlpU* ea a wbolooAlo teal*.
aoaaaaUy oatsrtatoad ib* ioaebort of
tbo property klBBood araaao ooboel jMlarday at
Ml AWtto
Klac of I
A rorp «a]tpabls sapper bh
■eU at aaetlOB to -CkiolBlaf baU. Nob f irOB after whleb M* bootoM eater'york.Taaoday. Ikoy broofbt a total iatood bar goooOo a a moU ropal bob•1 m,S7t, as araian of Sl.m for
Pbaoerupb Baote aad otbar
ylttara. Tbo ptok of Me aoUaotkw.
■>-BodoalM oo Me Mareb." a BafaHoeat
Tboaa prsaaat wora, MMom AfBM
aiadp by Bebnyar, boo boafbt bp k Batoa. Laep ’ Gtaaatt. MarMa Cbaoo.
flooflaad for r.M. -k* StUoa, BdIM AAama, Mabal Oadp
«loo obtotoad oodoral oMor aoiabU
.. ytotaroa.
Tba OarBaa dlreptoabUfroB Bradoa
ila Hob Yark. bp Wy of Aaeraa,
dadt* Mapm aad BtoMfrapbor BaakaaaUid by a L^dea aaBpaay.
itba toottoa
toiu oen CMi.oea Tba oabl* wUl b*
el Mo Ctroalt eoart at Ulaad.
A,»M BUM leaf.
Tba otrtoao lltooM «< Mn. MaMaa
SfVtf Mf Wiftoii Mr OUHTh Mat
Ja«akb oaUad Dr. Easatoad to toedob
Prat WeraMtor of M* PbUlpptoo
Jotin F. On & Co.
IrmcM Clir linbtr Ci.
TnmstCiqi, - . Bitkipi
■ ■ £
im Iwut^ u^SUito toM^te
ass.::-: sa
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