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The Daily Eagle, May 29, 1903
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Daily Eagle" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Sutherland, G. H. D. (1874-1931)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
PDF Text
yOL XI, NO 3150.
of DISHES ever shown in Traverse City, at
Lowest prices.
teraoon by n
Stewart A 4
Mrs. W. 1
Sprague were c
be elected ^ t
’Tbe P
Julius Steinberg, the well Icnown
merchant, announces today that he
Is going out of the mercanUle buslFrom'bis statemeot It Is infer'
red that hie drygoods buslneo has
not been as proUtable as he could wish.
That be Is not s^ously Involred
evident when he says he will pay 100
cenu on the dollar.
T<i.The Dally Elagle Mr Sttslnberg
made the following statemmti this
• I am going out ot the mercantile
boslnees. The statement made by F.
D. Fei«u8on yesterday to The Dally
Basic was correct, I have several
large accounts, some now past due
several mtmths. My largest creditors
ace to Chicago, exe^t one In the east
1 could see no sense In borrowing mmey Bt'a high rate ot Intereat and hold
ing a stock ol merchandise that was
depreciating in value every day.
"1 have no idea at this hour what
the Ferguson Adji
Co. intends to make of the atock.
Mr. FerguBW may sell It in bulk. Ha
Is now negotiating with outside parties
with that end in view.
• You can say this for me, however,
that I will pay 100 cents on the dol
lar. even If 1 have'to sacriflee my
opera bouse building and other prop
erty. MFu- Ferguson’s coming here
was no suriHlse to me, as 1 had
known for some time that be had aom<
large otaims in his hands. I repeaL
ly. that I am going
out of the mercantile business.”
Mr. Steinberg further stated that
the stock of goods he hasJust receiv
ed from St. ignace from his
law’s store wme brought hatp to svei!
bto.aaartm ^
io t^rerj Uteot s^pes. for o«ly
/that to *7.75. W.75. »9.75
Then wc Iiavt* a full stock of all kinds of odd dishes,
in both plain white and decorated. Some odd dishes
in beautiful decorations to' close out at less than cost
we also carry a liesuti^ul Flown Blue in both open
stock and sets.
A^f.-pieee Dinner Set in be^Btlliil Flown Bine, for
A loo-plece Dinner Set in beentUnl Flown Sine,
$ 13 75
A besnUfoUr dooorsted lOO-pieoe dinner set. BivUsh, all
inUieverj Uteetaew ahapee, for only............................ 4F7.#*7
itot Tcdlet Seta. Abeam
A beantifta «-plece deeorated Toilet Set
aiblonop toWBne'ofthe
ever saw.
'Water aet (6 tomblera and a pi
dor p^a^anye rig^iioi^^in this up to S3 for either Water
A large liDe of Blue Steel Enamel Waie at Bargain
B«tatl and tFnolemle.
Practical HooAeftiruiHber.
iwfeetlnft with Great Favor {
5 Bachant & Roscoe.
The riae$t light In
the bnelneee.
For tbe current ot IB G«tO c. |>.
The only litfht
by which
colors may readily bo distingu-
Campbeli Broa,
The crowds that have daily attended
our big unloading sale. Although yes
terday was the fourth day of our big
sale the public responded in large num
bers and as Usual every customer went
away satisfied
As there was no un-
desirable or job lots of merchandise of
member tbe same prices prevail until
ctosing time ^turday night.
1ft# aWt '
Comer FroM .na Omon
The rt^th grade pvpdB triib pass
into the Hl^ acho^ next year, ab
WHO WON THE PENANT FROM tracted a good deal ot attention this
morning at Steinberg'^ Orand. sdiere
the commencement exercisee
‘held and* diplomas
to the
BY 21 TO 8 In 8EVEN INNINQ8 OF large class of H members, to whom
Gilbert gave a very
appropilate talk.
’The programme woul^ have done
Unton Straet'ls Now Invtted to Line
oradit to a much older lot ot pmUp for a “Rep."
formers, each number being indlvidaally worthy of mention bnt especially
-merltorioua was the violin solo by
north side ot Front street today, for Louise Hale, which was a medley of
of tbe atreet has popular songs and jigs. She was
been wrested from its old abiding companled by^ Mrs.' C. E Hafe and at
place aad the es-taU-players of the the close epe^ved aa encore to whK*
north side are using liniment and tar rtie.respcwded.
Hiss Josephine Davis’ piano adecing to account for fhelr reversal of
tlan was a diSeull one and was brauform.
The game began abont 4:30 yester Ufully rendered.
Bong by the t
day and ended at 6:30 wtth only alx
girls and the garland drEt by Mgbt
and a half innings, but those
nings were enou^ to demonstrate the kdrls from the Central building
Tbe boys and
bet that the baaeball team
the interesting featiifew.
south side of the street beloags In the girls who bad orataons and essays
dass Whh Boston and Chicago, while handled their eubjecU with great
a full knowl
the team from the north side are
only lit to Play with such others aa the edge of them.
Tbe High school will have quite an
alumni aggregation. Tbe eouth side
aUuted the ball rolling in the first addlUou to its talent next year when
Inning^ when they scored eight times, the frwahmen enter.
and from thra nnUI tbe end, the northaide players had voy good -practice
in chasing after files and grounders.
In bet. they got such a sample of the
strenuous life that some
them were
beCore the end of the game
and had to be replaced with frMh
‘lEe great feature of the whole game
waa the regularity with which the vistors found Pennington’s curves and
the regularity with wUch the.northsidsrs drtqiped the ball when It
their way.
The players and their poalticm t
Morth BMt.
South Side.
CorMlia, Smith ..C....S......... Kroupa
I^nnlncton ............p................. Ludkn
.Ewaneoci, Oo&^.l^...
Radewald ie the Owner of a Pine 4
Note* en t
.Loranger slmwed up la grew fioTm
in ronalng baaee and It la impased
that If there Bhootfi ever be another
dty flda day. be sh^ go in the 100yaWdaah.
There was certainly a pretty dlspla.
of the different UndB and colors of
baseball suits belo'ngtng to the differ
ent teams of tbe dty. and there were
even soils which had been uaed by
teams that have been dead for 10
s. ’Tbey were worn appropriate-
tte^le battle Met evening, with s
tramp, whom be had Jnst engaged to
pick berries. The tramp became in
censed at Badewald because asked
to do a csrtaltt kind of work, and
struck him twice with a knife, tbe
blade once entering his neck and tbe
other Ume bU left lung.
After being atabbed, Radewald
Jumped on tajs advenary and nearly
pounded him to death. Radewald has
a wife and three chlldrmi, and Is tee
owner of a fine 4Ga<Te fruit farm.
TTie tramp waa broc^t here to tee
Jail last olEbL his wounds bandaged
with part of hie own garments. Bade
wald will die from the lung wound.
The man who assaulted Radewald
gives his name as OUo Fells. He to
18 BvnHncrL-F v
(Special by the Scrlpps-HcRBe.)
Indlaimpolis, lud., May 29.—Cra«rl
s worry uvor the massacre of Jews
KiBhinetf. Max Feldman, aged 28.
Is restrained at his home hero. Two
weeks ago F^dman received a letter
from bis mother. 'lEc details ot the
masacrc in the letter preyed on his
mind and be Ib now the victim of the
lion that fanatics
Greek church are after bis life.
|| We have a rjrat-elcraa
:era shop.
Cut this ad out an pot it in k
4 your pockeL tben you will re- *
J member the name and where it K
’ is sold
^ mcriuof .
Vouna are-III Good peaWeit for
th. KrlppMldU..)
Jackson, Ky.. May A».—ItJa peralatenUy rumored Uat the n
gathering and wlD make a deter
mined effort to capbHS tbe Aaekaoo
Jail and release J«U and White. ‘Hie
number ,of men In the dty Is largely
Increas^ within Gie .bast 84 hows
ud Colonel WllUaai believe the <dtuatioD iB a ortUcal OM and !• taking
every posalble preoauUon to insiwc
the safety of the priaeaen.
OaUlng and
planted In the nogt advantageotu
slUons and U tbe aiMolt is wade
of life among the attarlrtag party
be fearfnl.
The trials tor ^ and 'White are
set for next tfeaday for
of J. B. Marcnm.-'
Jackson, Ky., Mag 29.-Jni«e _
an ominous quiet hen lart. idght aa
ootnpaned with the evmita ot Wetee>day night The
and the darkneei waa inteosa. There
Small size lOc.
Large lise with dauber and ht ttM of the trooMea*]ot ite p
5 8hiner.55c.
k night and the gnirdelhad been. dwtt>
led. Not a man vaaiartir after dark
^pUng with a «uW qC oompen^
fama and.the cry ef-akuaMa and oor**
New Shea Btere.
^ -ponlB of the sodift ^Itoch went echo
tmtBL A ing through the UttU vMlage. r
^ BOHland DeuXIass k
SO oooooooooooq
We Desire
ttie bnslaess of
Fsrmera, Merchant
Tsachera, Manufacturera,
Laboring Men,
Prefeaslonal Men, LaMee,
fered; bnt'iiew and seasonable goods
Bfld just at the prices advertised.
Hoycrolt acbool. t
Mrs. J. A. 4
in thought with,her o
one of Uie chanhfhg]
ed In by her hasbandj
nearly every ai
Mrs. J. F, aiHespla J
a glimpse
bistoric places.'
’The programme «l
solo by Mrs. C. B. t
IF attack 18 made thI^e will
ClerkF without CMts go to
SOc to.<3 will do It and ycuU!
50 Candle Power
of her child life In II
of tbe little log.ai
she went to, bnt e
given iriace to a
She described a t
MaiSanae Island, a
land lake” tri
be tbe only o
Mrs. OamUett 1
AddresMd the Clan Upon
•“Man of Oeat^."
at the City open house Isat evetOng
fittingly closed the hi«i echoed caner
ot the 38 yonng men and women who
oompoeediheclaasoflMS. TheciMs
the local schools and in every way
has bemi an honor to ite
’The opera house was packed to the
doors and as osusl, at
ttane. many people were unable to gain
’The clast colors, red aad white,
made a pretty scheme for daeanOliig*
At the toot of tbe stage were peU of
geraniums with red Moasems, the Jars
being covered alternately with red ,
and white crepe paper. ’The drop cw.
tain was festooned at the poOcm with
red and white bunili». maklag a pret
ty effecL both before and afChr ralsWben the cuitaln rose, the ciasa
were seated upon the etage in willow
rocking ohalrs and a pretty en asnble
plcuire they mada One oouH not
help being Impressed by tbe brl^t
faces filled with joy and aniiaaticn as
they were esperlenciag one ot. the
moat deligbtful laddents that can
i.bj Stewart and .1
waa given by Bev. C. T. StouL toUoered by a selecUon by the. High ecbool
$3.50 and $4.00 Shoe H
is matfing ■■L.ife's W.lk Easy” ior hundreds ot Traverse I,
We have just received another large aasigninent of
^ thits popular.shoe—the fourth in two months Thai’s how
the<rroRBett Shoe stands with the ptibKc.
cal solo by Mias M.
panled by Mrs. C f
The ouUlne'trf.d
of Travels" and BOILtook part t^d InAj
trips i
benntlful Uichl
Mrs. S. C.']
trip taken by me
I to alL whether tl>e busineas be
; large or smaU.
Bauman’s method of swinging a bat
is a very iretty <me but would be
better appredated If he would bit
thb ball occasltmally.
CM oourse thwe was the ususil ragehewlng which lasted about half an
hour but then, that is to be expected
Pennington should go on the platform
as an orator, for bo certainly has
great flow ot words and la a very
fordble speaker.
McManus, on third 'base tor tho
south Bide, did some very pretty work,
picking op somo rathrt' warm mes
without an error.
It kept Bauman busy watching Pen
nington BUbstltajUng playera. ’The lat
ter tried to put in some ringers but
was detected every time
•A certain fruilt msn on tbe north
dde said before the game
didn’t see how they wkid be in need
ot finders but now be has come to the
condualon that be must quit handling
bananas if be Intends to play ball.
Another fruit man on the north
dde made a bet with a toneortal aftlst
just opposite his place of boslnese but
refuses to settle, as he claims tho
north Bide put op no semblance ot a
ball gpme.
Aa he could m>t poiallte the players
tor kicking. Umpire Monroe quU his
Job in the third innlac. He aaid be
•couldn’t stand tee chewing matcher
for fear of contracting lint on the
18 OUT.
(Special by the Scrippe-McRae.)
Lansing, Mich., Hay 29.—Got. Bliss
has commuted to
years the life sen
tence of August 7‘anto, sent to Jackson from IngMHn county in 1889. for
murder. Tbe prisoner was rtieased
Delivers an Addrecs '‘In i
.Special by tee Scrippe-MoBae.)
Salt Lnke, Utah. May 29.—Rooaevelt is Utah’s guest todv tad at S
o’clock this afternoon wUI depart for
Tbe special arrtvod In
Ogdmi at 7;30 this morning aad waa
boarded by the governor, two United
States senaton and other ofllcials. The
wide streets hera through which tee
president and his party were di
were paired w(th cheering erowdy.
At tee tabernacle tee president
Uvered an address.
Presbyterians Oselds to Alter
Los Angeles. Cal., May 29.^n the
1 put them in t
Presbyterian general assembly ysMerteat tee bays lefused to take their dty sfimmoon a motton tor the adopbases on balU but would take a
Uon ot tea report of the revision com
steps forward to get a swipe at the mittee BS a whole prevailed by unani
mous votev
Lori's days have been over tor
long ttme and now ha knows It
Tbe north
rth aida player from Cedar
Textile WorkersI Co <Out at PMIadsL
a iduMdan after the game
____ out of it
A %rious aeddent was narrowly
averted when a fly bail slipped thraugb
Conritia’s ams while playing flsld.
Union atreet duold pay tee aouthMdCmCora“fep." TV mote aide
'(iee tortake thmi on antB they
make a-sbowlng.
Colby played a clean game at fii*(
bnt let it go at that
Ludka in tee box frir iha poetb
Bide had tea tVpoMng batten k bU
meroy. rrtlrlng ihete at wUl.
(Speclsl by the Berippe-MeBaa.)
Philadelphia. Pa., May 29.—Tbe
L In tee
Kewlngton mlU dJstrieL By Monday
moroliig It to expected nfiOO atrikars
win be ouL ’Dm worksn.aak tor 66
bours per week.
to your liUereai to
In behalf of tee cites abe,tbaBk»l
the school board and taeolty for plac
ing befiore tee oMss high Ideals as
their guide.- She spoke
tee great
changes in the achooU during the past
30 years, and of tbe superior advantagte children of today oDjoj, In com
parison to thoae their parents had
daring 12 years, she said, the claas had
been serving mt
life's school aad had lenrned tar* vary
essential things: punetnallty and ooncentration.
In closing, Mias Ford said the class
ot 1M3 pledged their deeda would swar
show in part tee gntitsda they felt
toward tee Traverse City
Class Oratlen.
Bmll J. Lederle, gave an esesEwt
onttou. “American Ideals .and Dangert.”
. He said we should rejoioe that we
have been Imbued with the wlrtt of
liberty. Our pi Hlwesalra'i, aterdy
aigland emigrated to this ooontry,
across the perilous watera hecanse
they felt a true govamment mast be
of tee people, by tee people aad tor
the people. Tbey came trm the mld' their posi
tion In life and were not afraid td
work. Veriuntary exile seemed to be
tee beat way for them to secora the
freedom ot speech and actapo, and in
1776. in the great ClvA war teegr fought
tor tee prlndplw which have made us
tho greatest government on earth.
The «>eaker said he thought the
American people of today give too lit
tle sttenUoo to tee governmenL toler
ating evils wbldt tend to the abolition
of tee fundamental inlnciples under
lying It What seems to be most high
ly eojight by tee average Amecteaa to
day is wealth accmnulatlnu. The de
sire to make money to not o
but tbe method ot maklttg ft must be
rl^t. Too many are robbliig the poor
for tim sake of filling teeU own oofisn.
"Corruption, political
' “
be said, "to oDdangertns <
Mr. Lederie rafarred to raesnt diecloenres of dlshonsaty In Ugh pohUc
place* wUdi have been gtven in de
tail in new^aper vepocta and said
that lying back ot these erUa ta a lack
of InCMWrt by tea Indlvldanls. U onr
taU, acre bttter
tern would be- Aed than ware s
ahad over tbe lost graadanr oC Bone
tor beiiatte.par rotes wooid be baled
the grandest and pnrart palaolplaa up- ,
on wUeh a naUoo was paariaoNteL
in cteateg ha said ha thoniftt tee
breast Mtoold. be "our oounter, onr
whole eonatir and aothlitg bat «nr..
Country: that tea
thi D^ly E&zle.
ftife I
___ wrttot.
^g^.-JdhiH*, and a.
If yon Will iBSko tMolir
Um of 'Union sinet to now in
haada for etOeorion.- Hie fiiot asi
DIaastreua .WreelB.
BALARIEE OT CITY OPFiqiALB FIX -ax« »"«k<"g hnman wreeks of i “
SIseovsry for ConsomptlfB^ Oo^
4tpUe»t» «MbMffbM
Nrfben to rtt Dally Wnio m
n«MM«d to Botttr th« oOae at
ot aar- Mtaa to Tooriw O- aali
adM wIthoBt dalay.
cewmft- ■vENT». '
May 2S.—WIUIaK-Owen In an e)abocate prodaetloo oT -The Sduxd for
B(«Bdar—Btafsbvs'a Qrand opera
June 2.—"Wlw ia ^nio"—<»y opera
.Tbe recent masaacree of Jews in
RnsaU. aeoordlns
reports, vote provoked by wliat has
eome to be known as tbe “Blood Aoenaattan." It U charged that Bie Jewlsb
rotate kmed a CauiiUan chHd fOr Its
blood, to be need In the
bread of the Paaaover.
Tbto Is not a new dkarge acalnst tbe
Jews. It was first made agidnat ttaem
In the twettth oeotuy and has been
persisted in imlU tbe present day.
It nsaally err^w np at Bbater time,
whldi gmmlly oocois dnrtly after
tbe Jewish paasovar. Tbe orlsln <d
the distge Is soppoeed to be based
opetn the notion that as the Jews oeas' ed to make animal sacrlfloea aflo' the
' dMtmeUon of the templA tbev wooM
CDdeavcw to find a SDbBtltnte In
thiisUan Child, lU blood Is wed for
' mlxiic tte
a haa been fomally
s of timea. reenlting in
riots, crtmlnsj trials and swreral msssaeree, and atthon^ dlsOngntataed rab
bis have pnbUdy and s<deninlr sworn
that human blood Is never nsed In the
Jewldi rltnal, and many jiopee,
' perors and dlstingnlshed etailstian
schidars have OEpressed their beUef
reiterated In eastern Bnrope eve
this the twentieth oentnir.
-fThere is a similar soperstl^
among Ignorant Chinese, who have
been tuj^to bdieve tiiat the Chris
tian- mlwlenmtw UU Uttie children
and beO their bodies la order to
tract oU ftar medlotnal pnrpoees. Sev
eral riots have oocarred"In China
.this pretezL.. The anU-chiiaUaa rtois
da ifiN WM ytaitad by an InindaAt
intHmsry. who took a UlSe chfld
away tm n motha-, who was beating
tt, and oarried It to bU home. Tho
aoUier started the story that tiie
■ aMmsiy had stolen the chad for tite
poipoce ahove^described. sod caUel
npon the ruAghben to awlBt in Ite
rescae. Out of this grew a riot In
vhl^ a ^nreh and sevmnl honsee
were bnmed and several people kill
ed, and tbe tioable spread nllsver the
The old women goasips ot Qilnn:
need to reprosenl—and iKotaibly do
olL^^Udren to Qneen tlotorU and
•-tfau tile Catholica sent thriia to the
The Hl^ sdkoed gradoatee who
have been aring is the seventh heav
en of hspplneas wlU now have an opportrmlty of facing the world and pat
ting into pncUoe some of tha pre
cepts they learned In echoed.
The sen£cra w^ be ashamed to
form. If the 1 .
firm th9 wlU win ool yoL
ioiige^ neceas^. Hrt. Lois Oragg of
Dorriitotsr, Mass., to erne of JW
life was saved by Hr- Bn^
After some hustling on the part of whose
New DIscoTery. This groat-----City Clark Beers, seven members ot to goamnteed for a" ~
‘ '
the city ooonell were gotttsi tegether - - - -yJ.O.J.
test Al^t sad the approprisUoi
the irear was passed. The aldermen
who re^tonded to the roU cal
Traveling Is 0
Ramlllon, -Winale, Leidie. OlUett,
Constant motion Jars the Uda^
Bto^tam. MiUsr and WUbelm. Only which arc kept in gdaoe In the body *pressing busineBs ws# oonsldeceC
ddleate attachments. Thlsisthei..
s<m that travelers, trainmen, street
ear men, teamsters and sQ who drive
very mnch, snfler from kUnor i"
In0 some
the ways and
strengthenk the Iddn^ and'-cares aB A. B. ^XIBTIB.
forms of kidney and bladder disease.
Geo- B Hausto, locomotive f—------A. B. CURTIS & CO.
No* 1, 2. 8 and
Urns, 0-. writoe, “Ctmatant '
and In street district No. 8 a two- of the engine cessed me a gi
Real Estate & Loans
mill tax , be lerled for the g»enl ot trouble with my Udasys, and I got
street dlkrict ^d tor ihe general DO relief until I used Foley's Kldnv
Sold by Jas. O. Jtdmson and 1
espeues of str^ work, and that a Cure.”
S. B. Wait A Sons.
tax of oiM mUl be levied
and parsed estate in street districts
No. 1. 2, S and 4 and *>■«« three mflbi
be i^ed in No. 6. for improving and
repairing streets.
T- w-
^ for Batnrdsy deUvery.
Printing 1
-......... 2-MoS;
Total...................................... 864.196 00 ’
Sslarin P1»fl
The following stlarlto of city tM- ,
elals and e_
_ _
__ _
Bstlrely Bewrittea.
trip ............................................. L200
I Prices,
2^85. 50c
; F.
Heslth olDom-, ........................
water worim. ;
Clerk of wate itorkB. .
A oommnnioatkm was reorived from
tte aecretsry of the board of trade
calUng the attention of the oonneU b
the'tact that two dlreetors ot the
appointed Aid. L. K. Olbbs ASd A. E.
- hen. The «
The bond of Blacken and Rokos tat
a saloon Ucense was accepted.
Tbe plnmhers' bonds eff B. ITBsres,
Wnu P. Hunter and J. A. 1
were aooroted.
The reaignation of Frank Hmtiey
as night poUce was acoroted He wiU
e Bucoeeded by Frank Umlor.
The board of pi^Uc worta were wdered to purchase'1,600 feet of sewer
pipe tor. Btoth tsreet
The appUcstions of Barney Anddrm and the Hidiigan Starch -Ca for
permtoskm to erect buUdlngs were
referred to the board of building tnspecton,
The PortDguese attempted t<
tsbttob cattle farming In Newfound
land in 1K3, bnt all traces ot tbe
animals they imported hare been tost
that tbe avenge mao who Urea to be
seventy years old eensaBes gKMNO
Bboftly before bit 70th birthday worth of food In his Ufa.
BJornaon tried to.jalse a fond fm tbe
A year briore PhlUTdelphto rang
aid of indigent tearbers In pnbllc
ariwols. Only 8,0(K» crowns wore sob- bellt on i^cniuui of the Declaration of
peadeoop she made tbe first piano
werfbed and H U esld that he to now
trying to pnrehaae one of the edoea- ever prodecfvl in this constry.
tkmal periodlcato to cany oat hit
Twenty-iiliie per cent of the n
bers of tbe senate and 18 par emit of
Sir Wntism P. Ttelotr mys tbe tbe bonse fought on on# ride or
^>enlog of the mnaemms and art.gal- other in tbe civil war.
- •
isries of liondon on Bnndaya was tte
uni.*jniie utiKes. tnc piooeer wuice
best thing pofUament «ker did.
cman of Montana, died at Hell Gate
A link wia Irelaod’s literary Uat^ last week. She settled in the twrttory
Of rite, last cmitiwr' bu been ocveced In 1817 and was married'tkree times.
by fbe death of the wife ot Cekinei
At Niagara FaBt aBJBP-feorse power
Bobertano, of the Gordon HigMsndcta
is naed In nemily dIffmtM riectrfeal
Over one 'tbMMod dwriUngs in: proeesaes la producing Brinto
» ^ i, ^ Mjim .bo lb
iiovse 1
SIve your Snnday orders In time
Contingent fund.
Fire department P
Sewer fund. ...
Water fond.........
PrAlce ■ ■
The city coonkl'a bndget Shootd
The eating of snakes. Uasnto, scor
give eattaftrtlon this year. It is bnt pions. centipedes, tarsntnlss snd otbaUihUy ^»ve tl^ of a year ago
reptiles to now prohiUtod
Many EngUab docton ate nerw conelneed that the eating of pigs’ fieab la
dlBercnt forms Is greatly reigwnsible
lor the Inereese of cancer. Tb^ point
out that K U most common among tbe
pom-, whose chief mest is that ot pigs,
while the disease It sstrsmely rare
iim^ the Jews.
orwhA I
Mayor Firisriunsnn, who 1m been
riected in Ctnclzinatl, bus for i«
years gtvn sway five bundled loavM
«f twead dally to tbe poor.
«.v pntiag aaKle tbetr weekly pence
the school chUdren of AUonta. Oa.,
TPhvihB T« Horica.
For a suit of clothea worth
ftom ten to. fifteen dollars.
5% . , Mest <rf tha?e are emau sizes.
S««e,hWeTer,run as large
sm. ui
CRy Trsasnr*
Pgidng Tax NoUoe.
usmamdr^ifor tbe paving
of Front street ftran toe cast ^ of
stroetaad Unit________________ jaoHh
UaeotlotJoffUt^ 6 in Hannah. Lay
A Oo.‘B fifth snbdtflslon of Trarene
Gtty to the north end of Sooth Union
et bridge are now In my hands tor
ooUeetlon of the second,-aaseat____t, togetoer with the aecradd inter.
est « aU nnpald iBStsOfflests, the
same to be paid on or betoro the Erst
day of July, IB».
H. B. HAflKBIA..
tones are 1— ---------------------.
ventton of articles of minor import,
anoe. Many of the moat ]
gices are thosd designed to
people and meet popular
and one of the mewt Inb---------these that has ever been Invented Is
Tr. White
T.K r •«„.
’ <nre dandruff, hair
______ __ 1 when nsed In oosnet
with Dr. WhlteY Electric Hair Brnsn
ere posIHrriy gnannieed to .malm
straight hair cnrly in 25 days’ time.
Thonsands of theM electric combe
have been sold in the vnriou cities
of the Union, snd the demand to conBtantly increasing. Onr a^ts —
rapidly becoming rich aeltlng t
comba Tkey poritivriy aril on
Send for sample. Monk size SSc, to
dies'! 50c—half price whSe we are
introduring them. See want coinmn
of thU paper. The Dr. White Hectris
Comb Co., Decatnr. m.
A Runaway Blevele.
■--‘ d with an ngly r~ n tbe
jve. m.
leg of J. B. Orner,
r, Franklin Grave,
It developed a stubhorn nicer unyleldIng to doctors and remedies for frmr
yesw. It's lost es good for Burns.
Scelds. Skin Eruptions and PUes. 25c.
at J. O. Johnson's snd Bnxbee A RoxbuEgb's drag stores.
If Ifs from TRUDE- It's right..
J* ■
asU2 breast measure. Qnly
one of a kind. Our very best
, makes in this lot.' Price is
less than coat alone is wortli.
Oar ^tor Sprtag itae
gammer and oating suits for men
at pricM fttim *7.50 to $18 appeal
to the good taste of all who see
them. The man who insists up
on a perfect ^t will look no
Clothing Company.
toasi Estst* Broker
Is firowiBg Better
(guccessor to Hobbs.)
Use care in selecting their
Toaterials. Be as careful
in«electing your hardware
jan-y6iirlumbefWe»*nntyon td see our
line of Builders’ Hardware
whether you bu / or not.
We are pure you will .find
what you want when you
do WAht to buy.
Everything first class
and at the right price
This is a good tiiqe io
look at that lawn mower.
It has got where we have
had to put in a first cla^
tailor to take care of onr
work and fn>m this on any
one buying a suit fixun uswe wilt keep it^in .repairs
and pressed ftvo s« nfieo ns it may need it.
Our spiHng lineAeems to be
just what the young men
Thanking you for your kind
patrond^e, we remain yourn
to please,
Miller Bros.
157 Front Street
Special Sale
1-4 Off Regular.
4 Great Specials For
“If you want to enjoy a gqod day—rgo fishing, but
—you can’t fish unless you have the right kind Of
tackle. My friend thought he had but he’s played OBt.
Look at my end fit the boat, it’s full of fish. Just be
cause I used the kind The Mercantile Company' sell.
Vou can depend on them every time.” And thiB man
was right, we only carry the-best, and we hftge every
thing a fisherman wants—rods, reels, lines, hpoks,
flies, landing nets, fish baskets, bait boxe^ fly m>oons
and trollers.
In fact it is tbht alltbe time,.but now even more so. Your meats must be
kept fresh, your vegetables and milk sweet, and everything in a <*ool place. Tbe
celebrated Leonard Cleanable Itefrigerator is the kind that you can keep clean at
all times—ban clean all parts thoroughly. Not ii taint or smell about it afany
time. 'It is the best you can buy and y..u’<l betu-r buy one right away. We have a
- Splendid stock to select from and we can s:iv.* you
money every time.
Ou> Hicsosy
Chrira. BoAera, Settara. TriJra. Etc.
“Old Hickory”
■; is the coming furniture.
A'l fraine work is made of
r jfGung hickory saplings with the bark on. These
f are all Chemically treated 80 that all germ and in'ftectlife-is-destroyed.
It is most ai-tistic.
Ymi ^-an
;«nd a place for it in any room in the house, on i-ie
Qcafs NcgUiee Mlrtt
TOranda or on the lawns. The action of the weather
to 17><—riwayi w
tomorrow yoqzs a
has noieffeot on.it
Yon can let it stay out doqrs
i^-aUsugimer If necessary and it will not be hurt in
.f t^e least.
erara B4ae
It is epay and comfortable and sells at a
. very reasonable price.
gri^toriMftSft. Htooolto Sr< >
abowlsg gp welL There are several of
them at tbe race track here where tbty
oan be seen any day—they are a grand
At the price be to offered be will
pay forbinmelf tbto Beuon.,.
Also for sale, a 2 acited anrrey. good
at new, canopy lop phaeton, road cart.
Toomey bike, good as new. entier. ee>
of rieel roonen for rosid ebrt, saddle,
top buggy, set of hobbl^ single her
wirii pneumatic saddle, doable hsrnees. booU and btonkeU of all descripUana.
It Is Refrigerator Time
-JS frtnn the blood,-uia anlesi riray do
Beadle Btoek.
Bed Deer has a trotting rroord off-p made in the third beat -of a
race orer half mUe track,
rired by. Bepetition, 2:1414. sire of 2i>
standard perfoiyacra wfth records from
ftUM to S-AOst id years of ege. Bed .
Deer's dam to by Bobert HoGr^or..
2:17M. riroof Creeoens. 2:02k. Cbsmptoa*trott«r of Um world: Bed Derr is
one of tbe very beat bred ataUiona in
the eoantry. perfectly kind in or out of
baroeea. A lady can drive Um. hts
, “Listen to Me!”
Of Muslin Underwear
line of agent’s
samples of dainty and
nobby mueliii under
wear. This is an unAisual offeriBg, a^tbe
styles are exceptionally fine, qualities *re
of tbe best, making is
perfect, widths .and
lengths of garments
are very generous.
You .can get
BED DEEB, Nti. 20137
Every Day.
Frank truile
Tbs WIlhSS McBregor
Trettisg •lalllon.
There are all mann*-r of
_ Shapes in both ohaitB and rockenL ' ,f^--fc-- -
Dr. j:w. dAUNTLETT.
»U*. It. 3: TteBLMR. o. o.
4c«.4cn twubeim X
Carpet Cleaning
MiJdBs Ud teTtas. /tether
ed. Wort thoro^gl^ Ud'prampUj
executed. Acent (or WchSctB Bdg
Co.. N. B-Oeptt. Plop., Trerene CJti.
csjpet aenlnc ^orha.'ttS Wartinr
toD Btreet. ’niane No. ug.
Boy* cheep pieno or
nrfren «rhen yoo can
bay a lii^.grede
1y ;.'Haranleed. Easy
it rinti if desired.
Small instrumenUi.
>Iit'ul music, talking
uia' '.iiii.sanil ivoiirds.
123 Front a
m. E. Strong. Man
Wi.ea you are asilg oil
lamps or any kind ol light
yoiir home or ofliee. There
's nothing nkc ELECTKICITY fur illuminating
pnrpofies. No smoke, no
smell, no grease, nodangcr
from 6rrs-it is the most
that can be pror—-si.
Boardman River
Electric Light 8
Powe* Company.
S ATliiellneoTgenta* |
I Pocket
ooooooo oooooo ooooooooooo
(OenUnned tram First Facs4
pactaheot of thn pnlversKy ct MlohlO. P. CABVKB.
gan. «M Usta:.aj to idtenUrriy. iriilli
Ok P. Carver Ss Bra..
On aeoennt of the last
be addressed the olaas upon "The Man
*'Fl»li and Game Latv’>
of Destiny."' He said in part:
wUl'M iat^r
their office
I “
during'hnd• •
"The Han ot DMtiny! Who Is he?
day. ready to trrlte
________ IN^RANCE.
In history and biogr^lhr he vpters
at long intervals with imposing figure
da Cjjns.v Alexander, Caqsar. Crom
ORAWINd ON ART-8^0L PRINwell, Napoleon, Wartlngton. Grant
among military leaders: Pericles, Ci
Miet H. Thurtell.
cero, put, Llnaan as statesmen: Ho
Orednete o( the Ontario School; ol mer, Dante. Shakeepeare. Goethe In
Alt, (also a student at Bonmemooth. Uterature; Phidias. Michael AngeJo,
BttsUnd.) wQ] be dad to recelie pn- R^bael in art; MehdelBBOhn. Beeth
pUs tn dnwmg trom ohjeets* and
oven, Mozart in music; and many an
other in science, law. medlrine, theol
(ReaMence of the Mteaea Carroll.) ogy. and in receot years In the indus
lESIDENCE—Cor. PIneend NinthSta. trial arU. Thm'e were giants te
TERMS—For beglnneia, S6 per 20 land In those days.
"But today all are giants, and the
man of destiny, the woman of destiny.
The Weether.
Is YOU young graduate, if you please
Rain tonight and Sstarday; high to have It so. and thakjulte irrespec
Uve of whether you live your life la
the glare of public station, or In the
humblest walks of life. U ir'someUme* said that man is the Tnasler ot
Throe earioade of paving brick for dreumstaneqe, and again that be is
Sixth street hare arrived.
conditioned wholly by bis okvironment
The Traveree City Eagle* will hold Both uw half truths. The problem
their first tneeting tonight since the oonfronUng you of this class of 1903
as yon look out upon life tonight
Aerie vaa instituted.
The Mercantile company haa receiv how In your environment, with, all it<
ed a carlo^ ot oats and one of Neway-' limitations and opportunities, to mrte
the most of your Inward powers end
go -cement.
your outward clrct
of the Comdo, not well, but toe beet Such
mandery tonight for work in the tem
hlevement will make you a
ple degree.
a woman, of destiny, whether you be
The posteffice will be open Satur- artisan or scholar, business or profes
day (Decoration day) from 7 until
sional roan, woman with public mis
a. m. and (nnn 4 nnUl 4130 p. m.
sion, or noble, glorious, indisptesEffiere will be a morning driirery mad.
ible. mother and homemaker.
by the carriers.
“To do this you must be willing
m come singly to Mr. > pa$ the. cost- if
and Mrs. G. Radke of
lust rise in spite of your poverty and
14 years of wedded life they pos y means of It; if ridi. even then there
sess a family of 12 chlldreq, half of Is bope for you it you have the grit
whom are twins, the last pair arriving
resist the temptation to seek ease
rather than usefulness, plcssure rath
Peter Tonnelier, A. Tonnelier and
Jane Addams wbo
Charles Brandenburg, all of Benton 'gave Hull House to Chicago, artleved
Harbw, hare organized a stock com- true greatness in spite of a comfortable
capllallzed at gS.OOO with J2.000 property, and Booker T. Washington
paid In to engage in the retail dmg was not prevdntcd frcHn rising by bte
[luslness here, under the style of the poverty.
-In the next idace you must have
American Drug Co.
adequale equipment and education.
News of the .Theaters.
Huny will get on without a ooilcge
If you don’t want W lough; It you training, but the college-man te 'every
don’t want to scream; If you don't day acquiring greater advantage over
his fellow without
U you don't want to grin; If you don't with toe remarkable increase in the
want to holler: U you don’t want to number of college men we are rapidly
give up any part of a dollar. Don't approaching the eondltiouB in the Elaet
oogio to this show.
and In Europe, where few untrainAd
But if youVo got the price, if you're
in'reaching ^
feeing blue; have no plane to go and
nothing to do; want to feel fine, satis
fied and Immense; take our adrlcc,
you've got any sense. Don’t miss lege bred man. yet of the-leading min
this show. At the City opera bouse, isters. tearters. lawyers, doctors,
Tuesday evening. June 2.
The all- bankers, editors, merchants and mam
fun show, “Who Is Who."
factnrers in 15 -of the principal cities
of the country 55 per cent'are collegeWilliam Owen Is credited with pos bred. More than half these leaders
sessing more versatllUy than any other among men are furnished by the oneyoung actor the stage has seen In balf of one per cent who are college
He has frequently played Ham bred. Gerinany In her recent wonder
let In the afteriiooD and Cliariee Sur ful military and Industrial progreae is
face in "The School for-Scandal" at a powerful example of what college
night, two ports In whlrt the widest training can do for a nation long
Ible difference exists. Be ^>pears laugiied at as a nation of book-worms.
psny /u It is not that the college man knows
e in the
-usually be does not—but he
haa acquliIred POWER, has learned
bow to use himself and bts talenU.
Must Be Modem.
You may be able to succeed without
If you have a GOOD HODBB close further training In the srtoole. Many
do and some always will reach emi
nence In'splte of snch lack, but It te
Y’ou never beard of any oge using well to ask yourself just now iriietoer
sley’B Honey and Tar and not being you desire or dare to try to ptey your
satisfied. Sold by Jas. J. Jrtnson and part in life without the best equip
S. E. .Valt & Sons.
ment eecurrtle.
"And do not overlort the increased
richness -and fullness of living, the
added saUstactlon and beanty ot Ufe,
the increased worth and nsefulnesa.
that come wth true cnltnre, refine
ment and education, whether secured
in or out of college.
"TO BE coats,effort. Tm moat take
yourselves for belter, for worse, for
time and for etebnity. What shall yon
BBf You can be. if you will be. toe
man. the woman, of destiny.
"Tlie person who te educated gets
much more out of Ufe Qtan be wbo
In Honor of' the Old Soldier, the
store of J. W. Milliken will be close(i
uDtii»NOON on Saturday. May .30tb,
r^Memorial ;Day.
Vhe Ms^rwsM r. ifsa.TiM.d«»>s«
■*l» Bencf)
^ alter h was aU oret-when the
TSOow flames had eeaaed to
• iUuee Id toe ei^ty window qwoa%
When only toe white steam smoka
a*w«*b the yswnlng coc<
Ifmsm BiBLEG
pmndng bate to yenr taense. 'where toe
one desk man waited paaently
Hon. JohnB.«
board of edncaaolC
a spedaJ
H. Monttgue, a
of education, to
White the class
Mr. Montague
talk In the sidrit of
on their finished
He said toe {Act
there, the laigeet
here, showed whsi
■»ra‘jrrrr«P3r-to<irify~inr» rrrrergpjri>gpgr#>gnp|p»»r-
No kmlng nsb lu*. toe'h.
trip. The need for haate had passed.
Now came toe parade. Too might
poor Usd, arch your neck and use aU
tbtff'B*' many I
I yen ahow oS a bit lam men on
Mck. smunyot faoaaad. bands, iokrt
aerow the Isddera. The atraln was
orar.' It was a tone of relaxing, dor
betdod was duty weU done.
Then esn^ R>e nice accnracy ot
‘ fwlnglhg B Mxty foot tcnck in a fifty
toot btreet and ot bacUag throurt ■
toorteen foot door whMit which apan, Md thirteen feet from bub rim to bub
; Mm.
w the rub‘ biBg and tbe extra feeding of oats that
> idwaya follow a long mm How good
- -bedded
-- 1 down
0 bq
. hmg stretcbffig. leg limbering worfclCall at Jiffus Campbeira South
; flewell FWd m."Horsei Nine."
do for every boy i
log to work.
Uiat had
books; a bahit eooBd to Nature herself. He aaid "Ba fiMful to ymirself, your friends, ybv diploiu and
your God and you will fiw^ hold ah
honored place ai
After a sedeeton by toe oRffiestre.
tbe class sang the toaas song,
words composed by Mr*. M. R C.
Bates, the mualo by Was Alice Boberts. Rev. C. T. Stout pronoupced
tinted from a Roman custom and
came tbe common custom after the Booceupatipn. Thus, Jolla and Oc-
Notice In tbU sapor latM^
Adloonnont Co„ Chlcato.
Stending in Mount a<«>e cemetoiT at
Loganaport. Ind., is one of tbe queeteaf
' the I
William.H..Beigbter. Tbe
ftatoe port of the tuonument repreienta
Mb Beigbter as be waa attoed when
stricken with heart disease. Mr.
Belgfater wa« a ditch contractor and
It) bis locality. It was on
lalny day that death came, and be was
well priced foPtbeveather. He was
wearin».a brosd brliomed hat. a martIntoeh over his suit of clotbc* and hla
tRmsers legs were lu bis rubber boots.
The membem of the fauiily. wishing to
him os ba lookm] when text
he bede them goodhy. employed a man
about the some Rise and build as Hr.
iter to bav)
by the deceased, and wbeu he bad carried out
toe idea they r^teced tbe head ou t
' with the bead of e Ukeoc
of Mr. Beigbter. This picture was aent
to a aculptar in Italy, with toe request
toat a Ufe steed itatne be made from
U In ItaUan marble. The sUtue is t
to Ufe. Itcost|S.00a
were called by t
Pompey and Octarte of Cicero, and in
later times married women in raoct '
Karopean countries rigned their namea
in the same manner, but.omltted the
FM^ Boney and Tv te peenlterly adapted tDr actoma. bnmehltte and
Against tote view It may be mentloo- hoaiaaaere. ■ 8M by ^as. O. JOhMoa
ed that daring tbe sixteenth and even and 8. B. WmM Sam.
toe begbmlng of the
century -toe tiaage s|» dpubtfo),
since we find Oatberiitolftrr ao sign
ing hemelf ilftor aV Mid bees twloe
MestliR of Board of Review.
Doesn't ftaspset OW A««,
It’s ahamsM rtsn ynito firti to
show proper regpeet for old ags. twt
just tbe cxmtzary in toe esse of Dr.
King's New Lite PUte. ihto «M «> '
mstediee no matter how se*«a
t yield to tote partect HaTHSciri J. O.
. Johmonh and Bugbee * Bosbargb's
urug Btoraa
at 9 o’clock in the forenoon and c
tlnue in eeaalon at least ^ days, or
to comply “the etmalixatlm
clw. Any person ta persons desiring
uoeoi auoDio oe cataogeu.
Dated tote 14th day of May, 1903.
“AS. M.
Clerk of Board of Review and BqnaUsatlm.
4r a. DUMOND
AatlM »«4ntator.
With W. to. KltoteaUCo.
1M FfWBt •«.
P. «a Henoaia U5 Caas St
Hw tailoum; •
Opera Houae
Biehaid ^B^tey SheridanV
Laftse Soar Pickle,
IOC D<a.
Swret snltxa Piskle. k
Sweet m«d PkUea.|
aoc a Qt.
rule of Uw^ao’ter
(died 136®. and It was decUed-lh-T^
ome of Bon renraa Bpilth»da.rta ttogn
of Elteabeth, that a woman hf mar
riage loses her fonaer name uid legallecelves tbe name of ber^grtasO.
Itogether tbe-ciwtom-te iarMred to
much obseurity.
UHte Bl«
* '
Suwarow, toe greatest ot RussteB gesernls; Predarirt tbe Great. David Gar
rick. the wonderful actor, and AlexanTaUcymtd pououuced one of ^ three-gregtesttosn
be bad ever known, wwe slmder and
below tbe middle height The btavo
General Marion "waa Id stature of tbe
smallest Bte^ /bin ns weU as low,*’ and
Dr. Kane, wbo soqueed all of bis are
te hravteg towld beat
and pqiar cold, waa but 5 feet « te
bright and wrigbedat hl« best only ISS
pounds. But m<ie dwafhsb than any
of these ghostly hetegs. was toat pbeBomcnon of toe rigtftotoitli century,
toe Abbe Galtanl «f Iteplcs. “Penoawas but 4 feet 6 IndMAte riature. woe
the prettiest little hariiqniu that Italy
ever produced, bat upon the sbonlden
Of that hsrieqote snARe head cf a
Cbltdrai bore
and Fehrnory i
state, twtasttU
mer ond^irteg
Of ebildren '
March till
grow rapidly qp
then there-4* a
Deiintf little watches
aad.cbaielaiaes Corthe "
some fobs and watches
for the”ybung gentle-
Kr. J. W. McConoell
lltss Camilla ReynoMs.
The Scenery
An opnlent InvesUtore, Kperific
and complete.
no better gift can. ie
given than a watch.
The Coetumea
Smokers I
. Try That Celebrated
Yon wUl discover one of
toe ricbcsi smokes you
over bad Sold by all
tbe leading dealers.
Traverse Bay Tent No 126, K. O. T.
LaPotete, R. K.; A- Bobmtaon, P. K.
(M. Friday algbta te Forester
A. V. Frtedrirt. Com.; J. 1
tea. R. K.;-«. A. Evans, F. K.
day evening, May 12 and
day aftenUHm,
n. May U.
Telephone 157.
To Builders of
New Dwellirigs
Tbe man triio comtdetea a now
■nlldteg new without fitting with gas
pipe> falls of consnlUng bte own bast
Interests. No,matter it gaa nmlBS Ve
not just at tob point. Tlie axUntoou
extensive In the next
year or two. when you will than be
able to realise what it te to have a
perfect, as well as cheap llrtL to
as, be sure and have
of ga^ or yon 1 • •
never cease to regret It Twtore t
ary dweUing.
Do i
Traveree^to Lodge^^^m, P
to cost or qsalUy <rf « .
light, nk your nelgtiber or friend wf«»
ays ot
of every
weak. H. O; Joyst,
Joyst, W. usw them, ...
...II than lean
you wlU
H.: M. B. HasbsD, Socratary•* reliable, perteet
pm* ' gaa li^ can be
Id oi three or
o four frid quality, tor
little over half the coat of other Mrtt
Grand Traverse Lodge No. 20 .
O. O. F„ moats Tneaday evening* te
their h«U. O. O. Millar, N. O..; C. 6.
Jedtsson. Secretary,
O. B. S.. meets te Masonic i
>14 Froul KUeet.
Also sonie ni.^ Home 5
Canned Apples at ^
35c for a Qt can. ^ ^
Prices: 35c. 50c. 75c, $1
It appeara tost
growth. The first
Blxtb or righto yqdT:
rapid growth; lb* ai
ri;'Von to fourtesn
Traverse City
Qas CompaiBr.
Trsverse City.
Pricp, good service aod fair
treatment, we cm meet any
eoinpetition. T h ere f o r e,
doubt on tliose pomts will not
form a logical basw for yoar
.mglect to use:
■ H
',rirr»r,fvirv#»#r»irwrt»rw(Rw»wv»rif»rw?;■vrrw?;- i,.::,'.
AMBBlCAN HeaKh and AoeWt %
auranoe Co -"'**“'* »•««-—*
2» Frtmt
<L—A goodsstore balldlag 1^
gnod Itvtag
ly town and
cL Clear f
price and reaeona
222 Front streetbw* Moek. W*8M 14
Mne. bot exp«rieneod
«SR a chBr^fofian ti&t aboriTa
^ m. new WOhdm hlod^
msURB to*w fof
ftpirte. am. to T. a JUfon
gle top oarrtege, we U^t
WAKT»>-=WoB«ji eook; blr wsffai.
Botet DoosUn, Laka Ann,
■T T Rktartwtt, Prop.
FOB SAUB-Twoiinnier, U« Ram
oil stove, nearly new. Take it fo
26. 619 Fifth street
' 804im
tak«n «ltber for table c
126 :
SOD FOB BATJil and aodding done.
goannteed before rou
par for your lawn.
Bast EbKhtb Btreel or telopbone 79$.
fl^ iob press prefstred. Addiesa,
Ptogiw omce, Blk Baplda. 8l47t8 FOR SALE OR EXCHANOB-For
bonse in or near Tiaverse City, a
WAKTBD-Oood girl for general
doe smaU home in Benton Harbor.
Small family.
Uttle'a II
Snutb Onion street.
WAinmf—Good oompelent cook at FOR SALE—40 acres in Acme town
od: good smges. Fbr parship; 89 acres deared; 8S2 cberry
apply Ur Mrs. Oeo. H
trees; 117 peseta trees; 100 apple
uo<M 6 years old; log bouse and
barn. Real Batete Bxdtanga. 882
Front street
work. Mat
I reqnlreil; no care of FOR SALE—Two vlolla, one an Im
tiiltdren; wages, $4.80 per week.
ported instrument WUl seU them
Mrs. W. C. Hull, 446,State
cheap. Enquire of Willard Wnrs8144m
burg, 118 Front street 8126-t-f
WA24TBD—Good glri for genwsl TO SELL—Brick cottage; good locabouework. Mrs. C. O. Sherwood,
Uon; five rooms; drive well; .........
614 Union Street
' ins. I
leated; cheap ...............
Real tagtatf Ex.
'-WANTED—Pony, about UOOO veisn;
not over eigbt years old, sound and TO SELL—A
gentle. W. Zimmerman. 986 W '
mere aveune:.
_____ Dg mi
threshing machine horM power, a
enare drum, a baritone horn, and
el^t-day clock, a watch and a jackknife. All chew for cash-and at
UtUe's Ins. and Real Estate BsI tor 16-lnob cedar
city. J. E. OrMUek C
WANTED — FaiT4lted eeq^-han
safe tor canning foctory. Hwld i
6. KneMand._______
Rapid :
- Pardcnlan Free.
Inter-State Cor. Inst..
pretty a place as there Is in town,
consisting of
it about
three acres oi
.1 of 26 lots 26x166;
fraettonta lots adlolnlng it
the east; also five___
res with ei)
orchard adjoining it on the so^th;
also twelve lots on north side of
same street,. all in one block.
H. Perry. 210 &st Front
at streeL
3189 m
fencing; cedar block cellar;
. WANTED—Live agents to seU Dr.
1; water. UtUe's Ins. £ Beal
White's Electric Oombe, patented
Estate Ex
Jan. 1, ‘99. Cure dandruff, hair fallleg out, aiek and nerroa beadaetaes, TO BELL—We have several good re
sort cottages to sell, finished or unyet coat no more than an ordinary
finished; also large tract suitable
on sl^t. Agata are
for a summer colony or to plat for
wlM with aneoeas. Send 60c tor
apeculatton. UtUe'e Insurance av '
' I (half price.) Write quick.
Real Ibtete Exchange.
—A young i
1 to work a
Also young man as dedc and bookkeeper. Otve references. W. H.
Omtw. Omena. Midi.
1 and 86; dtisea of Dnlted
Stata, of good rbaTader and tmnperete.bBtdtB, who can speak, reed
■ad write BntfMh. For"*
apply to
_ Officer, 86$
Front street,
Travera aty.^m^.
tracks, and everything.
. _
on exchange grist mUl, bay. grain
and feed store, with yard rown for
canylng on ooiu, cement and brick
bnaineBs. Sidetrack in yard. Terms
^y. LltUe'a Real Batate and lu.
TO SELL—Houae and two acres on
Peninsula street on bay ataore;
six large rooms; kitchen oellst plastered; hardwood floors,
___jne fire place down atelrs;
4>ani; flne water; pump In kitchen;
Little’s 1
WANTED—W^nan for a summer re■ort hotel as cook and bumdrea or FOR SAl^ CHBAP—.s good flve-room
bouse wlUi good cellar and lot. 60
both. Answer, w. H. Dewey,
foot front by 160 feet; 10 fruit trees,
Omena, Web.
neurly aU bearing. -Inqalre ofW.M.
SUaby, 210 North Ebn^^ avenue.
FOR BAliE-Beettlfol email iweldence on Bast tdgbtb street Small TO SELL-18 acra, 7 milM
from the
payment down, balance eoy montb.f TO
dty. with orohurd of
T plum frees;
-nrlnymente. Bee John Eelley, 220
60 (Oierry trees;. pea^,
^ple and
West Serentb street.
plum trees. Part cash. Little's B
change, 228 Front streeL 8096m
FOR BAI£—Sis room' UUUBB,
bonse, BW-l
central location. O. A. Jduuan.
West Tenth streeL Cltlseiis
near Roae streeL seven rooms «
tate Be.
TO SEU^ew map of- Grand Tror.
erse county. UtUe's Ins. £ Real
FINE large summer and winter hoteL
Ktate Ex
3618 ' ~
did a balness last year of over <12.600. and can b$ increased by a pood TO SELL—18 acrw, near city;
party with some addltiou and recleared; no bnfldlngs; 186 peach
trees; some gnqies; gc^ soil; easy
Cleared. UtUe's Ins. £ Beal Bstal
Exchange.________________ 86»m
'O SELL OR TRADE for good b
in town—flne farm, good houae, poor
bam, orchard, amall lake, wood,
good eoU. Hi and 8% mUee to luUi Bsebange.
road BtaUons. Easy terms. UtUe's
TO 8BLL-40 acrw, 7 miles from city,
Insurance and Real Batate Ex
some ordiard; smue wood; l(«
change. 282 Front streeL 3106m
bouae; atmie amaU trait. Utile's
insnranee apd Real Batete Ex.
Virginia covered with black wal
nut and white oak; also oatcropFOR SALE or will trade for dty
plngB of coal, reported to yield 26.property—SmaU fruit farm with
000 tens to the acre. WUl aeU tor
bouae and bant and 9W young bear
cash I or will trade for form and
ing trees, 1% aUee from dty. TravvUlage property, or form property.
STM City Wagem Works. S097-t-«Cl
UtUe's Real Bsute £ lu. Bxdtafige.
FINB new brick
In good town; twoetoiy, giml root,
on Main afreet and beet locatian for
Uttle’a XnsnranM as
te Bschange
and la________
nMle and brua Arlmmlna and
bargain at US's ~ ‘
iMven raoma and pan
CecM. little's Real B
Front efreeL 8D9«m
TO SELINA beCntUol realdenea In
a oanfral loeatkm, Bteam beat, deo. trio UghL 10 TtMm, plumbing for
bath. gM. flne yard; oneottheflneat homa In the dty. ftu-Bale dieap
or part oaah and negotlahtoaeeurlty. little'BInntraaceand
. BealBi
“ ‘
......... ..
HOUSE on Wdister meet—etx hun
dred doUaru-^ilee little home, in
nice location. Insurance £ Real
Estate Ex, 282 Front streeL S066-tf
Front StreeL
. Ut-
TO 8BL1,—6 or 10-acre lote near raUen forma. 86 oaah and 21 a mcmUi
OwUl buy one.. Uttle'a Beal BafrA;
F(» SALS—164nth oedar wood deUvered to any part ot the city. J. T
W. -U Breww went to Aliya tela
morning on budneaa.
Rev. W. Heath went to Lake Ci^
this inmnlng where he wUl ddii
the Memorial day addreaa.
Mrs. J. L. Gibbs and aen Harold rotamed to May^d this morning after
a ahwt visit in the dty.
M re. A. E. Beyer of 429 Cedar street
is very ill and Uttfo hope is enter
ed of her recovesy.
j. W. Slater ww at Thompson
yesterday, returning on the late train
ynforrad to toe
last night
by a vote of
17 to If
■nniiai banquet at the Park Place to
Senator KeBy'
bUI from toe eq^tWaa aad {dace tt
, Rev. David B. Hall, D. O. of Lane- ttimtoeBUMnijiilar. Senator LodtIng. will preach at both sendoea ^- erby moveil In
to refer It
day In the Prebyterlan church.
The city clerk and city treaaurei
moving to their new office rams In the gow^ ' Olasier. TltoffiMl. LMterby,
BletoM-, fkwad|w, RiBite, Tan Aklu,
Wilhelm block.
The barbers wlM keep their shops Tangban. .Wato(tair. Weeka, Weto.
open all day tomorrow but wtti chMge over, Woodmatu-i^ Fuller. '
Nuy»-«Mrd, toiWn. Butm. Curtis,
Holiday prloee. They will dose MonDoberly,
Kelly, Luflamdaj- afternoon.
boy, Motett, MtglarUy. Sotlppe. Soulle shirt walct eontroveroy la callton and BliMns.'
Tne senato oom^ttee on taxation is
composed eff Benstoru Weeks. Keffiy
Cannon. ScoQen and Sleeper. It Is
J. A. Montague launched his big
poaMble toe biu toy get out ot toe
eommitto£ as Bemators KeUy - and
Scnllen me in favor erf it. and It le
also poestble teat in a idndi Senator
CaBDOB te vote Vito them; but '
for a better Northport and elected B.
ebanoee on top ficxx ot toe senate
J. Gray. pre^danL C. B, Kebl, e
seem to be as good as nil.
tary. and G. M. L SeeUg. treeenre
Jacob Furtsch was elected delegate
Maple Olty Notse.
and Otto KysNka alternate by hose
(From a Bpedal Cor
oompany No. 8 to'tbe State FTremes’e
Maple City, Mich.. May 89.-Mre. H.
awoclaUon to be held at Alma Ji
Haron left yesterday te a summer’f
10 and 11.
The senior exeuiulon etartod for vbdt uito friends and rdaUves In
Charlevoix at abwt 7:46 a. m. with
the full quota of 200 c» board. Many
took Uieir dinners and tbe rest will
go to the hotMs.
C. C. Saunders of Sixth street wae
attacked yestmday by a email dog
which he thougbt showed sympteme
ot madnees. He aetted a club and
prompUy despatched the animal.
A banqueL the cost of which la to
be d«^ed by tee loeers, wlU be
held at tee Park Plaoe after tfte ball
game between tee Uete-ezlraeUn
and tee plU-preecrlbera next Wedaeaday.
Mra. Elba Hillman, wife of Joeb'
Hillman -rf wullaaMag,o'aode Thurmlay aftmocB oT b8»S
pcdscuilBg. The deceased was
years of age and leaves a one-week’a<dd baby.
Mrs. Ella Payne, wife of Maruhall
Payne of Cedar Bub; died Wedneaday,
May 27, at tee age of 40 years. Tbe
funeral was bNd today at 1 o'clock
from the church' at Cedar Bun, nnder tee dlrecUco ot R. L. Curtlf ot
UiU dty.
The aldermen occupied seats at their
new desks last night The desks and
chairs were furnished by tee Hannah
£ Lay HerctmUle Cto. and are all
to those provided by this firm fix' tee
board of supervisors.
The Asylum-TncmpeonvHle bas
game will be played tomorrow afteri^n at Twelfth afreet perk. It wUI
be the hotteet game of tee season, as
bote dra good fast teams and are
prepared to put up a firsimsss game.
The seventh grade' of Elmwood
avenue school! pleasantly surprised
and entertained tee eighte grade yes
terday afternoon. The tables we«
derated with class colors, gceen and
wbite. Ice cream and cake was
'ed. A« tee teachmu ot tee bidldlng
ind Hr. and Mra. I. B. GUbert were
A crew of the men working or
Tj C., U £ M. railroad to'NorthpMt
went to Cadillac today to stay over
Sundej- at their homes. The new road
U now witeln three miles ot Nortepext and would have been into tee
town last Monday, had It not been te
lack of Use. The tlea ei« now ex
pected to arrive next Monday.
The first msu wbo used tee ezpreeMon "Don't be a dam" ebonld be cred
ited with a bit of advice chock foil «C
Wlsdoln. Bomebody is after tee dam
la season and out, day and nlgbL U
Is djTonied tn soft abeUed Infancy by
aahv, sea fowl and crows le sealed
In cans, made into stews and diowden,
baked In big pies on the seashore and
dug for flabermeo'i belL
The dam fornlsbu food te ™i»y
men of many lands and also for seals,
polar beam, the walraa, toxea, crewu,
gnus and fishee. and teete.neva was
a balL with tee exception poeaibly ot
porgy d»um-L
ground up porgleetbat eqaled tee dam te aea flshlag.
Am trir I
"Woidley tdlk me lie has been w
tot r.:i bis family tree of Ute."
"1^:1, It keeps blm pretty busy."
"Batea e«»iplicated worfc,.dir
"Wen. I believe be found u ncoe
oae of the brunebes. and bCe having
Fleuant acme trouble awing It o4L''-PbllaAelloeuUon. Inquire, 843 V____ ____ ptaia Proet.
^StreeL Mra, M. Dougla,
.. . . out at a nap MRS. FRANCES B. SMITH. planlsL
- - aand vooallBL .Oradiiate of
bainrin a owner wants to sell and
leafadfae eonnurt Trout atrease,
. frnffi Ifoia, log bouae. etc. Uttlo'*
IsaarahM and Real Batate Bzo sui
plmilsK. AJ
Addren, Mrs. Fra&ea 8.
OKr: mdL, 827
for aale «n
. l^eifPRana.962.
Bdaa WONBURM yonr fl
change. 288 I
0 810 each at Benda's.
60e pleoa do tee -duty of a 1
, ____ _______ r at tee Bae
■ten: See band bUto. IkaH
O Bays Ban rat contentedly upon bet
a^ beeU and nodded in toe ■nnablne
taneato tbe fragrant dmy bloaaomf
In tbe piled up maraea of her jet Uato
, O Bays San. for tbe
d bad hidden-her remain
ruler of toe email domain that be bad
taken over from young Barrongba
There bad been some anxioa moments
te O Baja Sen before ber fate was de
cided; then young Buraougha went bis
way after tbe manner of tbe EngUib
driftwood that goes up and down tee
Chinn *eui* and- Wclladay! O Baya
Ban had sorrowed, but that wos yes
terday. nnd today waa today, end. like
a wUv Iltik- wonmu. abe rocked to i '
fro ou ber heels clad lu ber best kli
no and swaying the huge fan to l
(ro. From noder her long Uabes ber
bright eyes look stock of the six feet
of sinuous flesh uud-blood that swayed
and swung to the hr.tomock as tee
breese flung dowu u wonderful enow
Totally oblivious of :
eternal blue of tbe bay. Uie straw
roofa aod gilded kiosks of Teddo town,
enralug tbe gods with mighty curses
for the sake of things existent and
most of nil for tto- Bake of things that
wore exactly like a scene oij a Ji
uese fan. Re hud n dim, ei<
sUken U-iuner covered with strange
Bights of Mrd and beast and
bouse, with
Btrutomlng upon some spurious fora
Of gnitar. It bad been brought from
somewhere oversea, and his mother
bad valued II highly. But there
he could sUiid the si ,
loucer, mid. with InflnUe
trouble, be had luounied chair nnd
table until he tore It do>vn iiud rended
tbe Kilk into ribbous, oud then there
waa no afterward. Before htm lay the
rame blue ot hay ;:iid sky and the Im
possible lillie tea ligiis.-. and. wont Of
all. he could not aump out this pic
ture. He turned to shot It from hla
aching eyes and beheld O Saya Ban
peejilng at him around her fan. Tto
would be uu afterwaivl to this plcti
also, and ugalu he cursed tee god .
folly and aliuust cursed the memory of
Dorothy's face frnnied to the gold of
tbe Kentucky suiiseL
-He had not deserved IL She bad
listened all too readily to tee half lie.
more deadly Hum the blackest truth,
that UntthewH had tajun care a^e
should overbear, nnd hc-^be bud
too proud to defend himself.
The brat-beat of the “D^' waltz
came back to him. He could almost
tbe perfunie of ber
tee loTfly. launhiug face ai
it <Bose to Us heart teat nlghtl with scorn as she t
away da ber fatbcr's'aym. Tbwe bad
been a certuin ]>oor ratlsfacOon tbe
next day when be bad forced MaiteewB, by tbe virtue of his strong right
arm, to write the letter to her retract
ing tee aptdien He. The ravage bad
rioted within him as be saw Uattbews
prostrate with the mark of his band
The Btoek DoUi la EaerlaaU.
acroas the abject face. But eveo that
In England tbe.iriadi death In toe could not efface tbe fact that Dorothy
fourteenth century made in first appearabce In Doraetsblre and quickly
ir tbe west tt reached Lon- uncle's offer to go out to Veddo as his
representative and lake cliQn.’c of
immense Interests there, Shrewd old
Waliaoe Uoyoll bad a notion of the
trouble through which tee Ud
ed and smuli tovM ulmost wiped out paaalng aud hurried him Into It lieforu
of existence. Tbe dead lay nnbnried Boyall knew #Uat he was about.
as th^ bad died, for prletts had been
Royall £ Co. were u power
swept Away with their flocks, and In
call way vwhere tbe urniy of coolies
many paritoes there was no one left to
ant up au down from the great
celebrate mass, while eveiy ^de and
the sea aud the tra
craft was vq^ieiffiad In toe tmlreral chests went la a cousiaut stream from
terror and eufrienee.
tee gray fields, gntliered In the gray
To add to the ;lMmr of tbe
dawns of orient sklra. Ibrdi
buDdi of manudere roamed about nn- blare and light of Veddo mart
Dolertad. fobbing alike toe dead and
o busy.•. practical
America. It
toe Urtag. and dco. deprived of tbair
iiigdoiii. V mlgliiy trust
null kliu:
maatera bf death, came togetber in for tbe man that was yet o boy.
pateA made ferodow by hunger, and Jim Boyall would have parted with tht
aeowed tbe countiy Ifos to many bunds whole of ills pn-siK-cis. would have
of vredvea.
gone forth tbe veriest beggar, could
have undone the mnd moment when he
bad returned a certain little blue
relope unojiened nod sent back her let
ter*. He bad kept li. r picture; wliy. he
coidd not have told; but there It
cased in the big sliver
ni. He U'
M- to bix li
y« pregusiit of a thooRnod funcles.
As tec lust lone lingi-r of the sun
set touched the gilded mlling « Saya
Ban crept Hmldl.v >>ut. Boyall looked
at the little yellow bund, with
dyed Auger tips. Hnil rested upoi
and -drew a luug br.ntli. He )is>kcd
at O Saya Ban, and he th-.-ughi long
thoughts as tbe soft velvet of the
gray gloaming abut out tbe gold of
tbe Asian aky and wrapped him into
tbe arms of the old sweet mother, the
witching, wonderful casL One.by i
tee atars woke up aud. ans«v«lng
twinkling lights of Teddo. thre£ long
.... “‘s
throat with Hto abeen «C
ffy wtogi scarce onfolded;________
dellfbL when tbe only tolng pcohlbttad wae tbongbL
Tbe attuatlon was a perfectly jwtaral
one to O Baya Ban. she -knew teat
'here, eome day. a
, UtHe
pagan, wbat cares the bntterfly. so toe
Jirraent roeee btomn. teat otfor rosra
are Ceded, .that teeee, too. will fode
when ber winge are ernrai^ and C«lora? Her lord^waa too great a person.
-there were bonn.wi
was upon blm when she dared not ap
proach. And teen she went eoftly about
the house, bnabing the oowlng aod
gUd lltUe noises of ber mall ddigbL
and always he bdd tbe sUver heart
close to hU <
Then rame o letter. An irid college
friend in a goealpy mood babbled of
dead days and other friends whom
Bayall held as dead. And ont of tee
past there arose a gbost a nl^ty
thing teat clamored through tee
watebra of tee nigbt when O Baya
Ban and tee boby sl^—a thing that
lifted self manacled hands and waved
him back from tee.racrod things that
were. Oace again tbe aUken banner
lay in ribbons st bis feet Boyall
The CelUornla was la. Royall watch
ed tee crow.n come down the gang plank
from were force of babIL There would
be DO face'among them teat he knew.
Long ago be had resolved, since tbe
coming of Urarfa Delight
email bouse ou Ibe hill, teat be would
sever all ties and never retain borne.
He was daily cdocatlng himself to for
get; at IraK he boneaUy bdleved
Out of tee crowd walked one alone. He
took a step toward her. and the a
aod sky wrae a blur, melting into me
background. There was no mistaking
the Bllm. erect young form, tee glint
ae upward
gold in the bronze hnir and tbe
flash of tbe bouuy gray eyes. Kutnral■•ailing had been but.
yesttfday. he went forward, not of hla
own vollilou, but drawn by an IrreBiatlble (cwiv. She hdd out her bands,
and tbe patutedi>lcture garden with Its
geisha rolled away.
An hour later they wae In the sKtlng room at the bold, aud she
telling him aU In a breath bow ber
)le had died and drifted away
til she ' Woe left al<»e and tede wne
to check !!«• mad projecL Uoyall Usieued. not taking to tee sense of
what she was saying, only
teat Dorothy, bis Dorothy, was eltUng
there, the gray eyra shining Into bis
with tbe old love strong aud true.
Xioratby babbled on, "And. Jim. here X
g Ifift for you
am. and there is liothlng
> buy. but to
to do. you
Graduate P. B. * "rilninr inhntfl.
Claaa TS..Grand RaptfiTcitto^?^
-phone 812. Rea. 221 Pate streeL
Price 111 to 214 per WMk.
J. M. THI-i™,
lAnd .looser, and Umber esttonator.
Hardwood Uffibeb and atubUe iaaia
for sale. Ratldenoe 860 Soetb Elm
wood are. ClUsena. 'phone 712. June 1
Andittect and npertaUndeat. Office .
at residence. 4!7 Fifth streeL North
ern 'phone 4U. Bastimatra made and
bill size details gives wltk all plana.
New offiee over Pot^ue's Barings
OenttsL Crown and bridge work a
speclany. Office new WlUielm him..
DentisL Office 606 new Wilbelm
blote- emseas 'tdKrne No. 682.
Graduate of 1-oronu universliy. Ofll.e
in Munson blnek. 'Pbonea; office.
103; residence. 104.
(Alfred Friedrtte block.) Both 'pfaunec
Bar, nose, throat and flUfog glasMii.
salatant surgeon for eyi'.
nnd throat to tee rtiicage PoUcimic college and boe- ,
liitai. Practice limited to eye. car.
node ana throat and flUing
s'People's Barings bank.
And there , to the doorway stood O
Baya Ban. with the moaoUig baby
against ber bosom. RoyaU covraed bU
eyes. The afterward bad come.
Thirst a word of Anglo-Baxon orlglii
end aklD to tbe Latin toneo and
torrid or parched, dcscrlbra a peculiar
in of dryness aod brat located
•nscquence of a tack of
liquid In the a) »t<‘ui. The agony of cxtteme Thirst la due to the fact that all
tbo tlssucB syiupothlzc In tele dfrtresa.
lit to then us a refreahlng relief that
supply of water comes to thirating
what baa been lort, eoolllpA, replacing
ing the
te parcjiod polalc and rapidly re
moving the cmvltig which has de
pressed tbe sjRleiu. In short, water
quenches ihitvt Just bocuusi' It ni|>pllra
what at the luoiuvnl Is wanting and to
most eagerly desired, so that Solomon
could ^ropi'rly cbmpnre .the gift of
"cold waters to n thirsty soul" to ‘
advent of good nv .v s.
Thirst Is to »omc extent appeased by
tbe tnjectloii of water Into tbe blood
body, thou-h im fluid touches tbe pari
to which the aeii»atioii,to referred.
The Plret Law of Katupe.
Two Irish soldtcrs slntloned In the
West Isdk-s were accusismvd to bathe
daily to u little bay which was
erally suinwacd to be free from sharka
Though on good terms with each oth
er. they were not what might be called
fast friends.
One day as they wore swimming
about 100 yards from the shore Pst
observed Mike suddenly making tor
toe land as hard as be could wltbon)
saying a word. Wondertug wbat was
the matter. Pat struck out vigorously
after him aaC landed at his compauioQ-B heels.
“Is tecra anything .wrong wld ysT’
inquired Pat fee lingly,
"Nothin’—nothiir at all,'' repUed-tho
Thin what did you make such
snddlnt retrate (or an' lave meT' contfoned PsL
“Bedad." answered Mike coolly. "I
spied tbe fln av a big shark about
twenty feet ahead, an’ 1 thought while
be was playin' wld you it wcoM give
me time lojvacb tec sborer
__ -lAe KnxUaa PheasaxL
It Is Claimed that tee pheasant ot
le gngtiah preserves can trace its ped
igree dlnctly to tbe brilUant bird of
tbe rame spedes in Japan. About half
a century ago a few Hve pbeasanfr
were brought from Japan and croes^
with tee common qtecira. The result
of tela waa. It to aaid.,teat a new race
of birds was Introdnoed. aad the beanUfnl pbeaaanL with its Iridescent
produced and natnralThere was one mystery test O Baya plnmi
tied a
San might not touch, a great silver
heart tbet lay npqn tbe bRsut of b«
Tke.Araerfeaa Father.
Asenm—Another baby, and a girl this
tottL Oaco abe cldtcbed It In ber pieL
fr ydlow fincese. but be bad snattbed tone. ebT How does it make yon fori
tt away with words teat she could not ] have a daughter?
esdenttaod. O Saya Baa new trou
Popley-Grrat! One of the Brat
things yon think obost tt Is bow a totbled tee Mlver heart again.
Mooni trazed and waned above tbs sign nobleman will come eourtlw bar
Utile bouse that looked over tbe bay.
• r aod bow yo...................
and when the frast uf chcfry blossoms
came agato there were three that
■et hr KzeiBstM.
dwelt thero. and U Saya Ban bogged
a bard Him gettfog a good
toe amall bundle of bright eyes and
ptok flesh. laugbtog~ber pratty sUvery
-- - Te teat waa lfoe tbe chUM'of llt-H
led aeTenl thaaa?
do; bet I eonrted ray graraBt
«» A 7~n.--4«>IUd|M. I.WV.
Office la Hunilton-MnUkea Mock.
Bottn: 9 to 11 a. B.. 2 to 4 p. m.
'Fbcne No. 72.
ea/.H. B. OABNHB. ■
diseases of women. Office over
First NaUooal bank. Oell both
e fitted. Bote 'phouee.
for Frankfort, rtenunla. ML n«Asai
Clare, Aioa BL UnOa. Iteaea, OwoerllOTeU. Ann Arbw, .Toledo, and all
sontoera a^ etstoni points.
J. J. KIBBY, G. P. A.
jan. U. 1902.
Trains leave Traverse City as tol
For Grand Rapids. Detr,.a. Tuledo.
Chicago and wml 6;00 a. b.. 3:46 p. m.
For Muskegon, Bay City. Port Hur
on. Tolsdo, Detroit and peaL 6:00 a.
m. and 8:46 p. m. .
For Maatotee, Ludlngton and Mll.ankee, 6:00 a m. and 3:46 p. n.
For nne D«pM«
3^ .
lalre, 7:00 a. m.. 1:60 p. m. and 6:46
p. m. and 6:45 p. m.
Dp froifl.tbe garden eume the languor
of llUra uad the frosliness of Rprlug In
toe cherry blossom.t and a sound of
mnalc bral up in' imlalng waves from
too dty. ttoyall looked at O Saya Ban.
-and the small figure swayed toward
blm. Be had uoi deserved It teen;
b* would deserve It now.
4 10*^
4 SJ
4 38
Neeran City ...jlO U
_____ aSB Cedar
yOL XI, NO 3150.
of DISHES ever shown in Traverse City, at
Lowest prices.
teraoon by n
Stewart A 4
Mrs. W. 1
Sprague were c
be elected ^ t
’Tbe P
Julius Steinberg, the well Icnown
merchant, announces today that he
Is going out of the mercanUle buslFrom'bis statemeot It Is infer'
red that hie drygoods buslneo has
not been as proUtable as he could wish.
That be Is not s^ously Involred
evident when he says he will pay 100
cenu on the dollar.
T<i.The Dally Elagle Mr Sttslnberg
made the following statemmti this
• I am going out ot the mercantile
boslnees. The statement made by F.
D. Fei«u8on yesterday to The Dally
Basic was correct, I have several
large accounts, some now past due
several mtmths. My largest creditors
ace to Chicago, exe^t one In the east
1 could see no sense In borrowing mmey Bt'a high rate ot Intereat and hold
ing a stock ol merchandise that was
depreciating in value every day.
"1 have no idea at this hour what
the Ferguson Adji
Co. intends to make of the atock.
Mr. FerguBW may sell It in bulk. Ha
Is now negotiating with outside parties
with that end in view.
• You can say this for me, however,
that I will pay 100 cents on the dol
lar. even If 1 have'to sacriflee my
opera bouse building and other prop
erty. MFu- Ferguson’s coming here
was no suriHlse to me, as 1 had
known for some time that be had aom<
large otaims in his hands. I repeaL
ly. that I am going
out of the mercantile business.”
Mr. Steinberg further stated that
the stock of goods he hasJust receiv
ed from St. ignace from his
law’s store wme brought hatp to svei!
bto.aaartm ^
io t^rerj Uteot s^pes. for o«ly
/that to *7.75. W.75. »9.75
Then wc Iiavt* a full stock of all kinds of odd dishes,
in both plain white and decorated. Some odd dishes
in beautiful decorations to' close out at less than cost
we also carry a liesuti^ul Flown Blue in both open
stock and sets.
A^f.-pieee Dinner Set in be^Btlliil Flown Bine, for
A loo-plece Dinner Set in beentUnl Flown Sine,
$ 13 75
A besnUfoUr dooorsted lOO-pieoe dinner set. BivUsh, all
inUieverj Uteetaew ahapee, for only............................ 4F7.#*7
itot Tcdlet Seta. Abeam
A beantifta «-plece deeorated Toilet Set
aiblonop toWBne'ofthe
ever saw.
'Water aet (6 tomblera and a pi
dor p^a^anye rig^iioi^^in this up to S3 for either Water
A large liDe of Blue Steel Enamel Waie at Bargain
B«tatl and tFnolemle.
Practical HooAeftiruiHber.
iwfeetlnft with Great Favor {
5 Bachant & Roscoe.
The riae$t light In
the bnelneee.
For tbe current ot IB G«tO c. |>.
The only litfht
by which
colors may readily bo distingu-
Campbeli Broa,
The crowds that have daily attended
our big unloading sale. Although yes
terday was the fourth day of our big
sale the public responded in large num
bers and as Usual every customer went
away satisfied
As there was no un-
desirable or job lots of merchandise of
member tbe same prices prevail until
ctosing time ^turday night.
1ft# aWt '
Comer FroM .na Omon
The rt^th grade pvpdB triib pass
into the Hl^ acho^ next year, ab
WHO WON THE PENANT FROM tracted a good deal ot attention this
morning at Steinberg'^ Orand. sdiere
the commencement exercisee
‘held and* diplomas
to the
BY 21 TO 8 In 8EVEN INNINQ8 OF large class of H members, to whom
Gilbert gave a very
appropilate talk.
’The programme woul^ have done
Unton Straet'ls Now Invtted to Line
oradit to a much older lot ot pmUp for a “Rep."
formers, each number being indlvidaally worthy of mention bnt especially
-merltorioua was the violin solo by
north side ot Front street today, for Louise Hale, which was a medley of
of tbe atreet has popular songs and jigs. She was
been wrested from its old abiding companled by^ Mrs.' C. E Hafe and at
place aad the es-taU-players of the the close epe^ved aa encore to whK*
north side are using liniment and tar rtie.respcwded.
Hiss Josephine Davis’ piano adecing to account for fhelr reversal of
tlan was a diSeull one and was brauform.
The game began abont 4:30 yester Ufully rendered.
Bong by the t
day and ended at 6:30 wtth only alx
girls and the garland drEt by Mgbt
and a half innings, but those
nings were enou^ to demonstrate the kdrls from the Central building
Tbe boys and
bet that the baaeball team
the interesting featiifew.
south side of the street beloags In the girls who bad orataons and essays
dass Whh Boston and Chicago, while handled their eubjecU with great
a full knowl
the team from the north side are
only lit to Play with such others aa the edge of them.
Tbe High school will have quite an
alumni aggregation. Tbe eouth side
aUuted the ball rolling in the first addlUou to its talent next year when
Inning^ when they scored eight times, the frwahmen enter.
and from thra nnUI tbe end, the northaide players had voy good -practice
in chasing after files and grounders.
In bet. they got such a sample of the
strenuous life that some
them were
beCore the end of the game
and had to be replaced with frMh
‘lEe great feature of the whole game
waa the regularity with which the vistors found Pennington’s curves and
the regularity with wUch the.northsidsrs drtqiped the ball when It
their way.
The players and their poalticm t
Morth BMt.
South Side.
CorMlia, Smith ..C....S......... Kroupa
I^nnlncton ............p................. Ludkn
.Ewaneoci, Oo&^.l^...
Radewald ie the Owner of a Pine 4
Note* en t
.Loranger slmwed up la grew fioTm
in ronalng baaee and It la impased
that If there Bhootfi ever be another
dty flda day. be sh^ go in the 100yaWdaah.
There was certainly a pretty dlspla.
of the different UndB and colors of
baseball suits belo'ngtng to the differ
ent teams of tbe dty. and there were
even soils which had been uaed by
teams that have been dead for 10
s. ’Tbey were worn appropriate-
tte^le battle Met evening, with s
tramp, whom be had Jnst engaged to
pick berries. The tramp became in
censed at Badewald because asked
to do a csrtaltt kind of work, and
struck him twice with a knife, tbe
blade once entering his neck and tbe
other Ume bU left lung.
After being atabbed, Radewald
Jumped on tajs advenary and nearly
pounded him to death. Radewald has
a wife and three chlldrmi, and Is tee
owner of a fine 4Ga<Te fruit farm.
TTie tramp waa broc^t here to tee
Jail last olEbL his wounds bandaged
with part of hie own garments. Bade
wald will die from the lung wound.
The man who assaulted Radewald
gives his name as OUo Fells. He to
18 BvnHncrL-F v
(Special by the Scrlpps-HcRBe.)
Indlaimpolis, lud., May 29.—Cra«rl
s worry uvor the massacre of Jews
KiBhinetf. Max Feldman, aged 28.
Is restrained at his home hero. Two
weeks ago F^dman received a letter
from bis mother. 'lEc details ot the
masacrc in the letter preyed on his
mind and be Ib now the victim of the
lion that fanatics
Greek church are after bis life.
|| We have a rjrat-elcraa
:era shop.
Cut this ad out an pot it in k
4 your pockeL tben you will re- *
J member the name and where it K
’ is sold
^ mcriuof .
Vouna are-III Good peaWeit for
th. KrlppMldU..)
Jackson, Ky.. May A».—ItJa peralatenUy rumored Uat the n
gathering and wlD make a deter
mined effort to capbHS tbe Aaekaoo
Jail and release J«U and White. ‘Hie
number ,of men In the dty Is largely
Increas^ within Gie .bast 84 hows
ud Colonel WllUaai believe the <dtuatioD iB a ortUcal OM and !• taking
every posalble preoauUon to insiwc
the safety of the priaeaen.
OaUlng and
planted In the nogt advantageotu
slUons and U tbe aiMolt is wade
of life among the attarlrtag party
be fearfnl.
The trials tor ^ and 'White are
set for next tfeaday for
of J. B. Marcnm.-'
Jackson, Ky., Mag 29.-Jni«e _
an ominous quiet hen lart. idght aa
ootnpaned with the evmita ot Wetee>day night The
and the darkneei waa inteosa. There
Small size lOc.
Large lise with dauber and ht ttM of the trooMea*]ot ite p
5 8hiner.55c.
k night and the gnirdelhad been. dwtt>
led. Not a man vaaiartir after dark
^pUng with a «uW qC oompen^
fama and.the cry ef-akuaMa and oor**
New Shea Btere.
^ -ponlB of the sodift ^Itoch went echo
tmtBL A ing through the UttU vMlage. r
^ BOHland DeuXIass k
SO oooooooooooq
We Desire
ttie bnslaess of
Fsrmera, Merchant
Tsachera, Manufacturera,
Laboring Men,
Prefeaslonal Men, LaMee,
fered; bnt'iiew and seasonable goods
Bfld just at the prices advertised.
Hoycrolt acbool. t
Mrs. J. A. 4
in thought with,her o
one of Uie chanhfhg]
ed In by her hasbandj
nearly every ai
Mrs. J. F, aiHespla J
a glimpse
bistoric places.'
’The programme «l
solo by Mrs. C. B. t
IF attack 18 made thI^e will
ClerkF without CMts go to
SOc to.<3 will do It and ycuU!
50 Candle Power
of her child life In II
of tbe little log.ai
she went to, bnt e
given iriace to a
She described a t
MaiSanae Island, a
land lake” tri
be tbe only o
Mrs. OamUett 1
AddresMd the Clan Upon
•“Man of Oeat^."
at the City open house Isat evetOng
fittingly closed the hi«i echoed caner
ot the 38 yonng men and women who
oompoeediheclaasoflMS. TheciMs
the local schools and in every way
has bemi an honor to ite
’The opera house was packed to the
doors and as osusl, at
ttane. many people were unable to gain
’The clast colors, red aad white,
made a pretty scheme for daeanOliig*
At the toot of tbe stage were peU of
geraniums with red Moasems, the Jars
being covered alternately with red ,
and white crepe paper. ’The drop cw.
tain was festooned at the poOcm with
red and white bunili». maklag a pret
ty effecL both before and afChr ralsWben the cuitaln rose, the ciasa
were seated upon the etage in willow
rocking ohalrs and a pretty en asnble
plcuire they mada One oouH not
help being Impressed by tbe brl^t
faces filled with joy and aniiaaticn as
they were esperlenciag one ot. the
moat deligbtful laddents that can
i.bj Stewart and .1
waa given by Bev. C. T. StouL toUoered by a selecUon by the. High ecbool
$3.50 and $4.00 Shoe H
is matfing ■■L.ife's W.lk Easy” ior hundreds ot Traverse I,
We have just received another large aasigninent of
^ thits popular.shoe—the fourth in two months Thai’s how
the<rroRBett Shoe stands with the ptibKc.
cal solo by Mias M.
panled by Mrs. C f
The ouUlne'trf.d
of Travels" and BOILtook part t^d InAj
trips i
benntlful Uichl
Mrs. S. C.']
trip taken by me
I to alL whether tl>e busineas be
; large or smaU.
Bauman’s method of swinging a bat
is a very iretty <me but would be
better appredated If he would bit
thb ball occasltmally.
CM oourse thwe was the ususil ragehewlng which lasted about half an
hour but then, that is to be expected
Pennington should go on the platform
as an orator, for bo certainly has
great flow ot words and la a very
fordble speaker.
McManus, on third 'base tor tho
south Bide, did some very pretty work,
picking op somo rathrt' warm mes
without an error.
It kept Bauman busy watching Pen
nington BUbstltajUng playera. ’The lat
ter tried to put in some ringers but
was detected every time
•A certain fruilt msn on tbe north
dde said before the game
didn’t see how they wkid be in need
ot finders but now be has come to the
condualon that be must quit handling
bananas if be Intends to play ball.
Another fruit man on the north
dde made a bet with a toneortal aftlst
just opposite his place of boslnese but
refuses to settle, as he claims tho
north Bide put op no semblance ot a
ball gpme.
Aa he could m>t poiallte the players
tor kicking. Umpire Monroe quU his
Job in the third innlac. He aaid be
•couldn’t stand tee chewing matcher
for fear of contracting lint on the
18 OUT.
(Special by the Scrippe-McRae.)
Lansing, Mich., Hay 29.—Got. Bliss
has commuted to
years the life sen
tence of August 7‘anto, sent to Jackson from IngMHn county in 1889. for
murder. Tbe prisoner was rtieased
Delivers an Addrecs '‘In i
.Special by tee Scrippe-MoBae.)
Salt Lnke, Utah. May 29.—Rooaevelt is Utah’s guest todv tad at S
o’clock this afternoon wUI depart for
Tbe special arrtvod In
Ogdmi at 7;30 this morning aad waa
boarded by the governor, two United
States senaton and other ofllcials. The
wide streets hera through which tee
president and his party were di
were paired w(th cheering erowdy.
At tee tabernacle tee president
Uvered an address.
Presbyterians Oselds to Alter
Los Angeles. Cal., May 29.^n the
1 put them in t
Presbyterian general assembly ysMerteat tee bays lefused to take their dty sfimmoon a motton tor the adopbases on balU but would take a
Uon ot tea report of the revision com
steps forward to get a swipe at the mittee BS a whole prevailed by unani
mous votev
Lori's days have been over tor
long ttme and now ha knows It
Tbe north
rth aida player from Cedar
Textile WorkersI Co <Out at PMIadsL
a iduMdan after the game
____ out of it
A %rious aeddent was narrowly
averted when a fly bail slipped thraugb
Conritia’s ams while playing flsld.
Union atreet duold pay tee aouthMdCmCora“fep." TV mote aide
'(iee tortake thmi on antB they
make a-sbowlng.
Colby played a clean game at fii*(
bnt let it go at that
Ludka in tee box frir iha poetb
Bide had tea tVpoMng batten k bU
meroy. rrtlrlng ihete at wUl.
(Speclsl by the Berippe-MeBaa.)
Philadelphia. Pa., May 29.—Tbe
L In tee
Kewlngton mlU dJstrieL By Monday
moroliig It to expected nfiOO atrikars
win be ouL ’Dm worksn.aak tor 66
bours per week.
to your liUereai to
In behalf of tee cites abe,tbaBk»l
the school board and taeolty for plac
ing befiore tee oMss high Ideals as
their guide.- She spoke
tee great
changes in the achooU during the past
30 years, and of tbe superior advantagte children of today oDjoj, In com
parison to thoae their parents had
daring 12 years, she said, the claas had
been serving mt
life's school aad had lenrned tar* vary
essential things: punetnallty and ooncentration.
In closing, Mias Ford said the class
ot 1M3 pledged their deeda would swar
show in part tee gntitsda they felt
toward tee Traverse City
Class Oratlen.
Bmll J. Lederle, gave an esesEwt
onttou. “American Ideals .and Dangert.”
. He said we should rejoioe that we
have been Imbued with the wlrtt of
liberty. Our pi Hlwesalra'i, aterdy
aigland emigrated to this ooontry,
across the perilous watera hecanse
they felt a true govamment mast be
of tee people, by tee people aad tor
the people. Tbey came trm the mld' their posi
tion In life and were not afraid td
work. Veriuntary exile seemed to be
tee beat way for them to secora the
freedom ot speech and actapo, and in
1776. in the great ClvA war teegr fought
tor tee prlndplw which have made us
tho greatest government on earth.
The «>eaker said he thought the
American people of today give too lit
tle sttenUoo to tee governmenL toler
ating evils wbldt tend to the abolition
of tee fundamental inlnciples under
lying It What seems to be most high
ly eojight by tee average Amecteaa to
day is wealth accmnulatlnu. The de
sire to make money to not o
but tbe method ot maklttg ft must be
rl^t. Too many are robbliig the poor
for tim sake of filling teeU own oofisn.
"Corruption, political
' “
be said, "to oDdangertns <
Mr. Lederie rafarred to raesnt diecloenres of dlshonsaty In Ugh pohUc
place* wUdi have been gtven in de
tail in new^aper vepocta and said
that lying back ot these erUa ta a lack
of InCMWrt by tea Indlvldanls. U onr
taU, acre bttter
tern would be- Aed than ware s
ahad over tbe lost graadanr oC Bone
tor beiiatte.par rotes wooid be baled
the grandest and pnrart palaolplaa up- ,
on wUeh a naUoo was paariaoNteL
in cteateg ha said ha thoniftt tee
breast Mtoold. be "our oounter, onr
whole eonatir and aothlitg bat «nr..
Country: that tea
thi D^ly E&zle.
ftife I
___ wrttot.
^g^.-JdhiH*, and a.
If yon Will iBSko tMolir
Um of 'Union sinet to now in
haada for etOeorion.- Hie fiiot asi
DIaastreua .WreelB.
BALARIEE OT CITY OPFiqiALB FIX -ax« »"«k<"g hnman wreeks of i “
SIseovsry for ConsomptlfB^ Oo^
4tpUe»t» «MbMffbM
Nrfben to rtt Dally Wnio m
n«MM«d to Botttr th« oOae at
ot aar- Mtaa to Tooriw O- aali
adM wIthoBt dalay.
cewmft- ■vENT». '
May 2S.—WIUIaK-Owen In an e)abocate prodaetloo oT -The Sduxd for
B(«Bdar—Btafsbvs'a Qrand opera
June 2.—"Wlw ia ^nio"—<»y opera
.Tbe recent masaacree of Jews in
RnsaU. aeoordlns
reports, vote provoked by wliat has
eome to be known as tbe “Blood Aoenaattan." It U charged that Bie Jewlsb
rotate kmed a CauiiUan chHd fOr Its
blood, to be need In the
bread of the Paaaover.
Tbto Is not a new dkarge acalnst tbe
Jews. It was first made agidnat ttaem
In the twettth oeotuy and has been
persisted in imlU tbe present day.
It nsaally err^w np at Bbater time,
whldi gmmlly oocois dnrtly after
tbe Jewish paasovar. Tbe orlsln <d
the distge Is soppoeed to be based
opetn the notion that as the Jews oeas' ed to make animal sacrlfloea aflo' the
' dMtmeUon of the templA tbev wooM
CDdeavcw to find a SDbBtltnte In
thiisUan Child, lU blood Is wed for
' mlxiic tte
a haa been fomally
s of timea. reenlting in
riots, crtmlnsj trials and swreral msssaeree, and atthon^ dlsOngntataed rab
bis have pnbUdy and s<deninlr sworn
that human blood Is never nsed In the
Jewldi rltnal, and many jiopee,
' perors and dlstingnlshed etailstian
schidars have OEpressed their beUef
reiterated In eastern Bnrope eve
this the twentieth oentnir.
-fThere is a similar soperstl^
among Ignorant Chinese, who have
been tuj^to bdieve tiiat the Chris
tian- mlwlenmtw UU Uttie children
and beO their bodies la order to
tract oU ftar medlotnal pnrpoees. Sev
eral riots have oocarred"In China
.this pretezL.. The anU-chiiaUaa rtois
da ifiN WM ytaitad by an InindaAt
intHmsry. who took a UlSe chfld
away tm n motha-, who was beating
tt, and oarried It to bU home. Tho
aoUier started the story that tiie
■ aMmsiy had stolen the chad for tite
poipoce ahove^described. sod caUel
npon the ruAghben to awlBt in Ite
rescae. Out of this grew a riot In
vhl^ a ^nreh and sevmnl honsee
were bnmed and several people kill
ed, and tbe tioable spread nllsver the
The old women goasips ot Qilnn:
need to reprosenl—and iKotaibly do
olL^^Udren to Qneen tlotorU and
•-tfau tile Catholica sent thriia to the
The Hl^ sdkoed gradoatee who
have been aring is the seventh heav
en of hspplneas wlU now have an opportrmlty of facing the world and pat
ting into pncUoe some of tha pre
cepts they learned In echoed.
The sen£cra w^ be ashamed to
form. If the 1 .
firm th9 wlU win ool yoL
ioiige^ neceas^. Hrt. Lois Oragg of
Dorriitotsr, Mass., to erne of JW
life was saved by Hr- Bn^
After some hustling on the part of whose
New DIscoTery. This groat-----City Clark Beers, seven members ot to goamnteed for a" ~
‘ '
the city ooonell were gotttsi tegether - - - -yJ.O.J.
test Al^t sad the approprisUoi
the irear was passed. The aldermen
who re^tonded to the roU cal
Traveling Is 0
Ramlllon, -Winale, Leidie. OlUett,
Constant motion Jars the Uda^
Bto^tam. MiUsr and WUbelm. Only which arc kept in gdaoe In the body *pressing busineBs ws# oonsldeceC
ddleate attachments. Thlsisthei..
s<m that travelers, trainmen, street
ear men, teamsters and sQ who drive
very mnch, snfler from kUnor i"
In0 some
the ways and
strengthenk the Iddn^ and'-cares aB A. B. ^XIBTIB.
forms of kidney and bladder disease.
Geo- B Hausto, locomotive f—------A. B. CURTIS & CO.
No* 1, 2. 8 and
Urns, 0-. writoe, “Ctmatant '
and In street district No. 8 a two- of the engine cessed me a gi
Real Estate & Loans
mill tax , be lerled for the g»enl ot trouble with my Udasys, and I got
street dlkrict ^d tor ihe general DO relief until I used Foley's Kldnv
Sold by Jas. O. Jtdmson and 1
espeues of str^ work, and that a Cure.”
S. B. Wait A Sons.
tax of oiM mUl be levied
and parsed estate in street districts
No. 1. 2, S and 4 and *>■«« three mflbi
be i^ed in No. 6. for improving and
repairing streets.
T- w-
^ for Batnrdsy deUvery.
Printing 1
-......... 2-MoS;
Total...................................... 864.196 00 ’
Sslarin P1»fl
The following stlarlto of city tM- ,
elals and e_
_ _
__ _
Bstlrely Bewrittea.
trip ............................................. L200
I Prices,
2^85. 50c
; F.
Heslth olDom-, ........................
water worim. ;
Clerk of wate itorkB. .
A oommnnioatkm was reorived from
tte aecretsry of the board of trade
calUng the attention of the oonneU b
the'tact that two dlreetors ot the
appointed Aid. L. K. Olbbs ASd A. E.
- hen. The «
The bond of Blacken and Rokos tat
a saloon Ucense was accepted.
Tbe plnmhers' bonds eff B. ITBsres,
Wnu P. Hunter and J. A. 1
were aooroted.
The reaignation of Frank Hmtiey
as night poUce was acoroted He wiU
e Bucoeeded by Frank Umlor.
The board of pi^Uc worta were wdered to purchase'1,600 feet of sewer
pipe tor. Btoth tsreet
The appUcstions of Barney Anddrm and the Hidiigan Starch -Ca for
permtoskm to erect buUdlngs were
referred to the board of building tnspecton,
The PortDguese attempted t<
tsbttob cattle farming In Newfound
land in 1K3, bnt all traces ot tbe
animals they imported hare been tost
that tbe avenge mao who Urea to be
seventy years old eensaBes gKMNO
Bboftly before bit 70th birthday worth of food In his Ufa.
BJornaon tried to.jalse a fond fm tbe
A year briore PhlUTdelphto rang
aid of indigent tearbers In pnbllc
ariwols. Only 8,0(K» crowns wore sob- bellt on i^cniuui of the Declaration of
peadeoop she made tbe first piano
werfbed and H U esld that he to now
trying to pnrehaae one of the edoea- ever prodecfvl in this constry.
tkmal periodlcato to cany oat hit
Twenty-iiliie per cent of the n
bers of tbe senate and 18 par emit of
Sir Wntism P. Ttelotr mys tbe tbe bonse fought on on# ride or
^>enlog of the mnaemms and art.gal- other in tbe civil war.
- •
isries of liondon on Bnndaya was tte
uni.*jniie utiKes. tnc piooeer wuice
best thing pofUament «ker did.
cman of Montana, died at Hell Gate
A link wia Irelaod’s literary Uat^ last week. She settled in the twrttory
Of rite, last cmitiwr' bu been ocveced In 1817 and was married'tkree times.
by fbe death of the wife ot Cekinei
At Niagara FaBt aBJBP-feorse power
Bobertano, of the Gordon HigMsndcta
is naed In nemily dIffmtM riectrfeal
Over one 'tbMMod dwriUngs in: proeesaes la producing Brinto
» ^ i, ^ Mjim .bo lb
iiovse 1
SIve your Snnday orders In time
Contingent fund.
Fire department P
Sewer fund. ...
Water fond.........
PrAlce ■ ■
The city coonkl'a bndget Shootd
The eating of snakes. Uasnto, scor
give eattaftrtlon this year. It is bnt pions. centipedes, tarsntnlss snd otbaUihUy ^»ve tl^ of a year ago
reptiles to now prohiUtod
Many EngUab docton ate nerw conelneed that the eating of pigs’ fieab la
dlBercnt forms Is greatly reigwnsible
lor the Inereese of cancer. Tb^ point
out that K U most common among tbe
pom-, whose chief mest is that ot pigs,
while the disease It sstrsmely rare
iim^ the Jews.
orwhA I
Mayor Firisriunsnn, who 1m been
riected in Ctnclzinatl, bus for i«
years gtvn sway five bundled loavM
«f twead dally to tbe poor.
«.v pntiag aaKle tbetr weekly pence
the school chUdren of AUonta. Oa.,
TPhvihB T« Horica.
For a suit of clothea worth
ftom ten to. fifteen dollars.
5% . , Mest <rf tha?e are emau sizes.
S««e,hWeTer,run as large
sm. ui
CRy Trsasnr*
Pgidng Tax NoUoe.
usmamdr^ifor tbe paving
of Front street ftran toe cast ^ of
stroetaad Unit________________ jaoHh
UaeotlotJoffUt^ 6 in Hannah. Lay
A Oo.‘B fifth snbdtflslon of Trarene
Gtty to the north end of Sooth Union
et bridge are now In my hands tor
ooUeetlon of the second,-aaseat____t, togetoer with the aecradd inter.
est « aU nnpald iBStsOfflests, the
same to be paid on or betoro the Erst
day of July, IB».
H. B. HAflKBIA..
tones are 1— ---------------------.
ventton of articles of minor import,
anoe. Many of the moat ]
gices are thosd designed to
people and meet popular
and one of the mewt Inb---------these that has ever been Invented Is
Tr. White
T.K r •«„.
’ <nre dandruff, hair
______ __ 1 when nsed In oosnet
with Dr. WhlteY Electric Hair Brnsn
ere posIHrriy gnannieed to .malm
straight hair cnrly in 25 days’ time.
Thonsands of theM electric combe
have been sold in the vnriou cities
of the Union, snd the demand to conBtantly increasing. Onr a^ts —
rapidly becoming rich aeltlng t
comba Tkey poritivriy aril on
Send for sample. Monk size SSc, to
dies'! 50c—half price whSe we are
introduring them. See want coinmn
of thU paper. The Dr. White Hectris
Comb Co., Decatnr. m.
A Runaway Blevele.
■--‘ d with an ngly r~ n tbe
jve. m.
leg of J. B. Orner,
r, Franklin Grave,
It developed a stubhorn nicer unyleldIng to doctors and remedies for frmr
yesw. It's lost es good for Burns.
Scelds. Skin Eruptions and PUes. 25c.
at J. O. Johnson's snd Bnxbee A RoxbuEgb's drag stores.
If Ifs from TRUDE- It's right..
J* ■
asU2 breast measure. Qnly
one of a kind. Our very best
, makes in this lot.' Price is
less than coat alone is wortli.
Oar ^tor Sprtag itae
gammer and oating suits for men
at pricM fttim *7.50 to $18 appeal
to the good taste of all who see
them. The man who insists up
on a perfect ^t will look no
Clothing Company.
toasi Estst* Broker
Is firowiBg Better
(guccessor to Hobbs.)
Use care in selecting their
Toaterials. Be as careful
in«electing your hardware
jan-y6iirlumbefWe»*nntyon td see our
line of Builders’ Hardware
whether you bu / or not.
We are pure you will .find
what you want when you
do WAht to buy.
Everything first class
and at the right price
This is a good tiiqe io
look at that lawn mower.
It has got where we have
had to put in a first cla^
tailor to take care of onr
work and fn>m this on any
one buying a suit fixun uswe wilt keep it^in .repairs
and pressed ftvo s« nfieo ns it may need it.
Our spiHng lineAeems to be
just what the young men
Thanking you for your kind
patrond^e, we remain yourn
to please,
Miller Bros.
157 Front Street
Special Sale
1-4 Off Regular.
4 Great Specials For
“If you want to enjoy a gqod day—rgo fishing, but
—you can’t fish unless you have the right kind Of
tackle. My friend thought he had but he’s played OBt.
Look at my end fit the boat, it’s full of fish. Just be
cause I used the kind The Mercantile Company' sell.
Vou can depend on them every time.” And thiB man
was right, we only carry the-best, and we hftge every
thing a fisherman wants—rods, reels, lines, hpoks,
flies, landing nets, fish baskets, bait boxe^ fly m>oons
and trollers.
In fact it is tbht alltbe time,.but now even more so. Your meats must be
kept fresh, your vegetables and milk sweet, and everything in a <*ool place. Tbe
celebrated Leonard Cleanable Itefrigerator is the kind that you can keep clean at
all times—ban clean all parts thoroughly. Not ii taint or smell about it afany
time. 'It is the best you can buy and y..u’<l betu-r buy one right away. We have a
- Splendid stock to select from and we can s:iv.* you
money every time.
Ou> Hicsosy
Chrira. BoAera, Settara. TriJra. Etc.
“Old Hickory”
■; is the coming furniture.
A'l fraine work is made of
r jfGung hickory saplings with the bark on. These
f are all Chemically treated 80 that all germ and in'ftectlife-is-destroyed.
It is most ai-tistic.
Ymi ^-an
;«nd a place for it in any room in the house, on i-ie
Qcafs NcgUiee Mlrtt
TOranda or on the lawns. The action of the weather
to 17><—riwayi w
tomorrow yoqzs a
has noieffeot on.it
Yon can let it stay out doqrs
i^-aUsugimer If necessary and it will not be hurt in
.f t^e least.
erara B4ae
It is epay and comfortable and sells at a
. very reasonable price.
gri^toriMftSft. Htooolto Sr< >
abowlsg gp welL There are several of
them at tbe race track here where tbty
oan be seen any day—they are a grand
At the price be to offered be will
pay forbinmelf tbto Beuon.,.
Also for sale, a 2 acited anrrey. good
at new, canopy lop phaeton, road cart.
Toomey bike, good as new. entier. ee>
of rieel roonen for rosid ebrt, saddle,
top buggy, set of hobbl^ single her
wirii pneumatic saddle, doable hsrnees. booU and btonkeU of all descripUana.
It Is Refrigerator Time
-JS frtnn the blood,-uia anlesi riray do
Beadle Btoek.
Bed Deer has a trotting rroord off-p made in the third beat -of a
race orer half mUe track,
rired by. Bepetition, 2:1414. sire of 2i>
standard perfoiyacra wfth records from
ftUM to S-AOst id years of ege. Bed .
Deer's dam to by Bobert HoGr^or..
2:17M. riroof Creeoens. 2:02k. Cbsmptoa*trott«r of Um world: Bed Derr is
one of tbe very beat bred ataUiona in
the eoantry. perfectly kind in or out of
baroeea. A lady can drive Um. hts
, “Listen to Me!”
Of Muslin Underwear
line of agent’s
samples of dainty and
nobby mueliii under
wear. This is an unAisual offeriBg, a^tbe
styles are exceptionally fine, qualities *re
of tbe best, making is
perfect, widths .and
lengths of garments
are very generous.
You .can get
BED DEEB, Nti. 20137
Every Day.
Frank truile
Tbs WIlhSS McBregor
Trettisg •lalllon.
There are all mann*-r of
_ Shapes in both ohaitB and rockenL ' ,f^--fc-- -
Dr. j:w. dAUNTLETT.
»U*. It. 3: TteBLMR. o. o.
4c«.4cn twubeim X
Carpet Cleaning
MiJdBs Ud teTtas. /tether
ed. Wort thoro^gl^ Ud'prampUj
executed. Acent (or WchSctB Bdg
Co.. N. B-Oeptt. Plop., Trerene CJti.
csjpet aenlnc ^orha.'ttS Wartinr
toD Btreet. ’niane No. ug.
Boy* cheep pieno or
nrfren «rhen yoo can
bay a lii^.grede
1y ;.'Haranleed. Easy
it rinti if desired.
Small instrumenUi.
>Iit'ul music, talking
uia' '.iiii.sanil ivoiirds.
123 Front a
m. E. Strong. Man
Wi.ea you are asilg oil
lamps or any kind ol light
yoiir home or ofliee. There
's nothing nkc ELECTKICITY fur illuminating
pnrpofies. No smoke, no
smell, no grease, nodangcr
from 6rrs-it is the most
that can be pror—-si.
Boardman River
Electric Light 8
Powe* Company.
S ATliiellneoTgenta* |
I Pocket
ooooooo oooooo ooooooooooo
(OenUnned tram First Facs4
pactaheot of thn pnlversKy ct MlohlO. P. CABVKB.
gan. «M Usta:.aj to idtenUrriy. iriilli
Ok P. Carver Ss Bra..
On aeoennt of the last
be addressed the olaas upon "The Man
*'Fl»li and Game Latv’>
of Destiny."' He said in part:
wUl'M iat^r
their office
I “
during'hnd• •
"The Han ot DMtiny! Who Is he?
day. ready to trrlte
________ IN^RANCE.
In history and biogr^lhr he vpters
at long intervals with imposing figure
da Cjjns.v Alexander, Caqsar. Crom
ORAWINd ON ART-8^0L PRINwell, Napoleon, Wartlngton. Grant
among military leaders: Pericles, Ci
Miet H. Thurtell.
cero, put, Llnaan as statesmen: Ho
Orednete o( the Ontario School; ol mer, Dante. Shakeepeare. Goethe In
Alt, (also a student at Bonmemooth. Uterature; Phidias. Michael AngeJo,
BttsUnd.) wQ] be dad to recelie pn- R^bael in art; MehdelBBOhn. Beeth
pUs tn dnwmg trom ohjeets* and
oven, Mozart in music; and many an
other in science, law. medlrine, theol
(ReaMence of the Mteaea Carroll.) ogy. and in receot years In the indus
lESIDENCE—Cor. PIneend NinthSta. trial arU. Thm'e were giants te
TERMS—For beglnneia, S6 per 20 land In those days.
"But today all are giants, and the
man of destiny, the woman of destiny.
The Weether.
Is YOU young graduate, if you please
Rain tonight and Sstarday; high to have It so. and thakjulte irrespec
Uve of whether you live your life la
the glare of public station, or In the
humblest walks of life. U ir'someUme* said that man is the Tnasler ot
Throe earioade of paving brick for dreumstaneqe, and again that be is
Sixth street hare arrived.
conditioned wholly by bis okvironment
The Traveree City Eagle* will hold Both uw half truths. The problem
their first tneeting tonight since the oonfronUng you of this class of 1903
as yon look out upon life tonight
Aerie vaa instituted.
The Mercantile company haa receiv how In your environment, with, all it<
ed a carlo^ ot oats and one of Neway-' limitations and opportunities, to mrte
the most of your Inward powers end
go -cement.
your outward clrct
of the Comdo, not well, but toe beet Such
mandery tonight for work in the tem
hlevement will make you a
ple degree.
a woman, of destiny, whether you be
The posteffice will be open Satur- artisan or scholar, business or profes
day (Decoration day) from 7 until
sional roan, woman with public mis
a. m. and (nnn 4 nnUl 4130 p. m.
sion, or noble, glorious, indisptesEffiere will be a morning driirery mad.
ible. mother and homemaker.
by the carriers.
“To do this you must be willing
m come singly to Mr. > pa$ the. cost- if
and Mrs. G. Radke of
lust rise in spite of your poverty and
14 years of wedded life they pos y means of It; if ridi. even then there
sess a family of 12 chlldreq, half of Is bope for you it you have the grit
whom are twins, the last pair arriving
resist the temptation to seek ease
rather than usefulness, plcssure rath
Peter Tonnelier, A. Tonnelier and
Jane Addams wbo
Charles Brandenburg, all of Benton 'gave Hull House to Chicago, artleved
Harbw, hare organized a stock com- true greatness in spite of a comfortable
capllallzed at gS.OOO with J2.000 property, and Booker T. Washington
paid In to engage in the retail dmg was not prevdntcd frcHn rising by bte
[luslness here, under the style of the poverty.
-In the next idace you must have
American Drug Co.
adequale equipment and education.
News of the .Theaters.
Huny will get on without a ooilcge
If you don’t want W lough; It you training, but the college-man te 'every
don’t want to scream; If you don't day acquiring greater advantage over
his fellow without
U you don't want to grin; If you don't with toe remarkable increase in the
want to holler: U you don’t want to number of college men we are rapidly
give up any part of a dollar. Don't approaching the eondltiouB in the Elaet
oogio to this show.
and In Europe, where few untrainAd
But if youVo got the price, if you're
in'reaching ^
feeing blue; have no plane to go and
nothing to do; want to feel fine, satis
fied and Immense; take our adrlcc,
you've got any sense. Don’t miss lege bred man. yet of the-leading min
this show. At the City opera bouse, isters. tearters. lawyers, doctors,
Tuesday evening. June 2.
The all- bankers, editors, merchants and mam
fun show, “Who Is Who."
factnrers in 15 -of the principal cities
of the country 55 per cent'are collegeWilliam Owen Is credited with pos bred. More than half these leaders
sessing more versatllUy than any other among men are furnished by the oneyoung actor the stage has seen In balf of one per cent who are college
He has frequently played Ham bred. Gerinany In her recent wonder
let In the afteriiooD and Cliariee Sur ful military and Industrial progreae is
face in "The School for-Scandal" at a powerful example of what college
night, two ports In whlrt the widest training can do for a nation long
Ible difference exists. Be ^>pears laugiied at as a nation of book-worms.
psny /u It is not that the college man knows
e in the
-usually be does not—but he
haa acquliIred POWER, has learned
bow to use himself and bts talenU.
Must Be Modem.
You may be able to succeed without
If you have a GOOD HODBB close further training In the srtoole. Many
do and some always will reach emi
nence In'splte of snch lack, but It te
Y’ou never beard of any oge using well to ask yourself just now iriietoer
sley’B Honey and Tar and not being you desire or dare to try to ptey your
satisfied. Sold by Jas. J. Jrtnson and part in life without the best equip
S. E. .Valt & Sons.
ment eecurrtle.
"And do not overlort the increased
richness -and fullness of living, the
added saUstactlon and beanty ot Ufe,
the increased worth and nsefulnesa.
that come wth true cnltnre, refine
ment and education, whether secured
in or out of college.
"TO BE coats,effort. Tm moat take
yourselves for belter, for worse, for
time and for etebnity. What shall yon
BBf You can be. if you will be. toe
man. the woman, of destiny.
"Tlie person who te educated gets
much more out of Ufe Qtan be wbo
In Honor of' the Old Soldier, the
store of J. W. Milliken will be close(i
uDtii»NOON on Saturday. May .30tb,
r^Memorial ;Day.
Vhe Ms^rwsM r. ifsa.TiM.d«»>s«
■*l» Bencf)
^ alter h was aU oret-when the
TSOow flames had eeaaed to
• iUuee Id toe ei^ty window qwoa%
When only toe white steam smoka
a*w«*b the yswnlng coc<
Ifmsm BiBLEG
pmndng bate to yenr taense. 'where toe
one desk man waited paaently
Hon. JohnB.«
board of edncaaolC
a spedaJ
H. Monttgue, a
of education, to
White the class
Mr. Montague
talk In the sidrit of
on their finished
He said toe {Act
there, the laigeet
here, showed whsi
■»ra‘jrrrr«P3r-to<irify~inr» rrrrergpjri>gpgr#>gnp|p»»r-
No kmlng nsb lu*. toe'h.
trip. The need for haate had passed.
Now came toe parade. Too might
poor Usd, arch your neck and use aU
tbtff'B*' many I
I yen ahow oS a bit lam men on
Mck. smunyot faoaaad. bands, iokrt
aerow the Isddera. The atraln was
orar.' It was a tone of relaxing, dor
betdod was duty weU done.
Then esn^ R>e nice accnracy ot
‘ fwlnglhg B Mxty foot tcnck in a fifty
toot btreet and ot bacUag throurt ■
toorteen foot door whMit which apan, Md thirteen feet from bub rim to bub
; Mm.
w the rub‘ biBg and tbe extra feeding of oats that
> idwaya follow a long mm How good
- -bedded
-- 1 down
0 bq
. hmg stretcbffig. leg limbering worfclCall at Jiffus Campbeira South
; flewell FWd m."Horsei Nine."
do for every boy i
log to work.
Uiat had
books; a bahit eooBd to Nature herself. He aaid "Ba fiMful to ymirself, your friends, ybv diploiu and
your God and you will fiw^ hold ah
honored place ai
After a sedeeton by toe oRffiestre.
tbe class sang the toaas song,
words composed by Mr*. M. R C.
Bates, the mualo by Was Alice Boberts. Rev. C. T. Stout pronoupced
tinted from a Roman custom and
came tbe common custom after the Booceupatipn. Thus, Jolla and Oc-
Notice In tbU sapor latM^
Adloonnont Co„ Chlcato.
Stending in Mount a<«>e cemetoiT at
Loganaport. Ind., is one of tbe queeteaf
' the I
William.H..Beigbter. Tbe
ftatoe port of the tuonument repreienta
Mb Beigbter as be waa attoed when
stricken with heart disease. Mr.
Belgfater wa« a ditch contractor and
It) bis locality. It was on
lalny day that death came, and be was
well priced foPtbeveather. He was
wearin».a brosd brliomed hat. a martIntoeh over his suit of clotbc* and hla
tRmsers legs were lu bis rubber boots.
The membem of the fauiily. wishing to
him os ba lookm] when text
he bede them goodhy. employed a man
about the some Rise and build as Hr.
iter to bav)
by the deceased, and wbeu he bad carried out
toe idea they r^teced tbe head ou t
' with the bead of e Ukeoc
of Mr. Beigbter. This picture was aent
to a aculptar in Italy, with toe request
toat a Ufe steed itatne be made from
U In ItaUan marble. The sUtue is t
to Ufe. Itcost|S.00a
were called by t
Pompey and Octarte of Cicero, and in
later times married women in raoct '
Karopean countries rigned their namea
in the same manner, but.omltted the
FM^ Boney and Tv te peenlterly adapted tDr actoma. bnmehltte and
Against tote view It may be mentloo- hoaiaaaere. ■ 8M by ^as. O. JOhMoa
ed that daring tbe sixteenth and even and 8. B. WmM Sam.
toe begbmlng of the
century -toe tiaage s|» dpubtfo),
since we find Oatberiitolftrr ao sign
ing hemelf ilftor aV Mid bees twloe
MestliR of Board of Review.
Doesn't ftaspset OW A««,
It’s ahamsM rtsn ynito firti to
show proper regpeet for old ags. twt
just tbe cxmtzary in toe esse of Dr.
King's New Lite PUte. ihto «M «> '
mstediee no matter how se*«a
t yield to tote partect HaTHSciri J. O.
. Johmonh and Bugbee * Bosbargb's
urug Btoraa
at 9 o’clock in the forenoon and c
tlnue in eeaalon at least ^ days, or
to comply “the etmalixatlm
clw. Any person ta persons desiring
uoeoi auoDio oe cataogeu.
Dated tote 14th day of May, 1903.
“AS. M.
Clerk of Board of Review and BqnaUsatlm.
4r a. DUMOND
AatlM »«4ntator.
With W. to. KltoteaUCo.
1M FfWBt •«.
P. «a Henoaia U5 Caas St
Hw tailoum; •
Opera Houae
Biehaid ^B^tey SheridanV
Laftse Soar Pickle,
IOC D<a.
Swret snltxa Piskle. k
Sweet m«d PkUea.|
aoc a Qt.
rule of Uw^ao’ter
(died 136®. and It was decUed-lh-T^
ome of Bon renraa Bpilth»da.rta ttogn
of Elteabeth, that a woman hf mar
riage loses her fonaer name uid legallecelves tbe name of ber^grtasO.
Itogether tbe-ciwtom-te iarMred to
much obseurity.
UHte Bl«
* '
Suwarow, toe greatest ot RussteB gesernls; Predarirt tbe Great. David Gar
rick. the wonderful actor, and AlexanTaUcymtd pououuced one of ^ three-gregtesttosn
be bad ever known, wwe slmder and
below tbe middle height The btavo
General Marion "waa Id stature of tbe
smallest Bte^ /bin ns weU as low,*’ and
Dr. Kane, wbo soqueed all of bis are
te hravteg towld beat
and pqiar cold, waa but 5 feet « te
bright and wrigbedat hl« best only ISS
pounds. But m<ie dwafhsb than any
of these ghostly hetegs. was toat pbeBomcnon of toe rigtftotoitli century,
toe Abbe Galtanl «f Iteplcs. “Penoawas but 4 feet 6 IndMAte riature. woe
the prettiest little hariiqniu that Italy
ever produced, bat upon the sbonlden
Of that hsrieqote snARe head cf a
Cbltdrai bore
and Fehrnory i
state, twtasttU
mer ond^irteg
Of ebildren '
March till
grow rapidly qp
then there-4* a
Deiintf little watches
aad.cbaielaiaes Corthe "
some fobs and watches
for the”ybung gentle-
Kr. J. W. McConoell
lltss Camilla ReynoMs.
The Scenery
An opnlent InvesUtore, Kperific
and complete.
no better gift can. ie
given than a watch.
The Coetumea
Smokers I
. Try That Celebrated
Yon wUl discover one of
toe ricbcsi smokes you
over bad Sold by all
tbe leading dealers.
Traverse Bay Tent No 126, K. O. T.
LaPotete, R. K.; A- Bobmtaon, P. K.
(M. Friday algbta te Forester
A. V. Frtedrirt. Com.; J. 1
tea. R. K.;-«. A. Evans, F. K.
day evening, May 12 and
day aftenUHm,
n. May U.
Telephone 157.
To Builders of
New Dwellirigs
Tbe man triio comtdetea a now
■nlldteg new without fitting with gas
pipe> falls of consnlUng bte own bast
Interests. No,matter it gaa nmlBS Ve
not just at tob point. Tlie axUntoou
extensive In the next
year or two. when you will than be
able to realise what it te to have a
perfect, as well as cheap llrtL to
as, be sure and have
of ga^ or yon 1 • •
never cease to regret It Twtore t
ary dweUing.
Do i
Traveree^to Lodge^^^m, P
to cost or qsalUy <rf « .
light, nk your nelgtiber or friend wf«»
ays ot
of every
weak. H. O; Joyst,
Joyst, W. usw them, ...
...II than lean
you wlU
H.: M. B. HasbsD, Socratary•* reliable, perteet
pm* ' gaa li^ can be
Id oi three or
o four frid quality, tor
little over half the coat of other Mrtt
Grand Traverse Lodge No. 20 .
O. O. F„ moats Tneaday evening* te
their h«U. O. O. Millar, N. O..; C. 6.
Jedtsson. Secretary,
O. B. S.. meets te Masonic i
>14 Froul KUeet.
Also sonie ni.^ Home 5
Canned Apples at ^
35c for a Qt can. ^ ^
Prices: 35c. 50c. 75c, $1
It appeara tost
growth. The first
Blxtb or righto yqdT:
rapid growth; lb* ai
ri;'Von to fourtesn
Traverse City
Qas CompaiBr.
Trsverse City.
Pricp, good service aod fair
treatment, we cm meet any
eoinpetition. T h ere f o r e,
doubt on tliose pomts will not
form a logical basw for yoar
.mglect to use:
■ H
',rirr»r,fvirv#»#r»irwrt»rw(Rw»wv»rif»rw?;■vrrw?;- i,.::,'.
AMBBlCAN HeaKh and AoeWt %
auranoe Co -"'**“'* »•««-—*
2» Frtmt
<L—A goodsstore balldlag 1^
gnod Itvtag
ly town and
cL Clear f
price and reaeona
222 Front streetbw* Moek. W*8M 14
Mne. bot exp«rieneod
«SR a chBr^fofian ti&t aboriTa
^ m. new WOhdm hlod^
msURB to*w fof
ftpirte. am. to T. a JUfon
gle top oarrtege, we U^t
WAKT»>-=WoB«ji eook; blr wsffai.
Botet DoosUn, Laka Ann,
■T T Rktartwtt, Prop.
FOB SAUB-Twoiinnier, U« Ram
oil stove, nearly new. Take it fo
26. 619 Fifth street
' 804im
tak«n «ltber for table c
126 :
SOD FOB BATJil and aodding done.
goannteed before rou
par for your lawn.
Bast EbKhtb Btreel or telopbone 79$.
fl^ iob press prefstred. Addiesa,
Ptogiw omce, Blk Baplda. 8l47t8 FOR SALE OR EXCHANOB-For
bonse in or near Tiaverse City, a
WAKTBD-Oood girl for general
doe smaU home in Benton Harbor.
Small family.
Uttle'a II
Snutb Onion street.
WAinmf—Good oompelent cook at FOR SALE—40 acres in Acme town
od: good smges. Fbr parship; 89 acres deared; 8S2 cberry
apply Ur Mrs. Oeo. H
trees; 117 peseta trees; 100 apple
uo<M 6 years old; log bouse and
barn. Real Batete Bxdtanga. 882
Front street
work. Mat
I reqnlreil; no care of FOR SALE—Two vlolla, one an Im
tiiltdren; wages, $4.80 per week.
ported instrument WUl seU them
Mrs. W. C. Hull, 446,State
cheap. Enquire of Willard Wnrs8144m
burg, 118 Front street 8126-t-f
WA24TBD—Good glri for genwsl TO SELL—Brick cottage; good locabouework. Mrs. C. O. Sherwood,
Uon; five rooms; drive well; .........
614 Union Street
' ins. I
leated; cheap ...............
Real tagtatf Ex.
'-WANTED—Pony, about UOOO veisn;
not over eigbt years old, sound and TO SELL—A
gentle. W. Zimmerman. 986 W '
mere aveune:.
_____ Dg mi
threshing machine horM power, a
enare drum, a baritone horn, and
el^t-day clock, a watch and a jackknife. All chew for cash-and at
UtUe's Ins. and Real Estate BsI tor 16-lnob cedar
city. J. E. OrMUek C
WANTED — FaiT4lted eeq^-han
safe tor canning foctory. Hwld i
6. KneMand._______
Rapid :
- Pardcnlan Free.
Inter-State Cor. Inst..
pretty a place as there Is in town,
consisting of
it about
three acres oi
.1 of 26 lots 26x166;
fraettonta lots adlolnlng it
the east; also five___
res with ei)
orchard adjoining it on the so^th;
also twelve lots on north side of
same street,. all in one block.
H. Perry. 210 &st Front
at streeL
3189 m
fencing; cedar block cellar;
. WANTED—Live agents to seU Dr.
1; water. UtUe's Ins. £ Beal
White's Electric Oombe, patented
Estate Ex
Jan. 1, ‘99. Cure dandruff, hair fallleg out, aiek and nerroa beadaetaes, TO BELL—We have several good re
sort cottages to sell, finished or unyet coat no more than an ordinary
finished; also large tract suitable
on sl^t. Agata are
for a summer colony or to plat for
wlM with aneoeas. Send 60c tor
apeculatton. UtUe'e Insurance av '
' I (half price.) Write quick.
Real Ibtete Exchange.
—A young i
1 to work a
Also young man as dedc and bookkeeper. Otve references. W. H.
Omtw. Omena. Midi.
1 and 86; dtisea of Dnlted
Stata, of good rbaTader and tmnperete.bBtdtB, who can speak, reed
■ad write BntfMh. For"*
apply to
_ Officer, 86$
Front street,
Travera aty.^m^.
tracks, and everything.
. _
on exchange grist mUl, bay. grain
and feed store, with yard rown for
canylng on ooiu, cement and brick
bnaineBs. Sidetrack in yard. Terms
^y. LltUe'a Real Batate and lu.
TO SELL—Houae and two acres on
Peninsula street on bay ataore;
six large rooms; kitchen oellst plastered; hardwood floors,
___jne fire place down atelrs;
4>ani; flne water; pump In kitchen;
Little’s 1
WANTED—W^nan for a summer re■ort hotel as cook and bumdrea or FOR SAl^ CHBAP—.s good flve-room
bouse wlUi good cellar and lot. 60
both. Answer, w. H. Dewey,
foot front by 160 feet; 10 fruit trees,
Omena, Web.
neurly aU bearing. -Inqalre ofW.M.
SUaby, 210 North Ebn^^ avenue.
FOR BAliE-Beettlfol email iweldence on Bast tdgbtb street Small TO SELL-18 acra, 7 milM
from the
payment down, balance eoy montb.f TO
dty. with orohurd of
T plum frees;
-nrlnymente. Bee John Eelley, 220
60 (Oierry trees;. pea^,
^ple and
West Serentb street.
plum trees. Part cash. Little's B
change, 228 Front streeL 8096m
FOR BAI£—Sis room' UUUBB,
bonse, BW-l
central location. O. A. Jduuan.
West Tenth streeL Cltlseiis
near Roae streeL seven rooms «
tate Be.
TO SEU^ew map of- Grand Tror.
erse county. UtUe's Ins. £ Real
FINE large summer and winter hoteL
Ktate Ex
3618 ' ~
did a balness last year of over <12.600. and can b$ increased by a pood TO SELL—18 acrw, near city;
party with some addltiou and recleared; no bnfldlngs; 186 peach
trees; some gnqies; gc^ soil; easy
Cleared. UtUe's Ins. £ Beal Bstal
Exchange.________________ 86»m
'O SELL OR TRADE for good b
in town—flne farm, good houae, poor
bam, orchard, amall lake, wood,
good eoU. Hi and 8% mUee to luUi Bsebange.
road BtaUons. Easy terms. UtUe's
TO 8BLL-40 acrw, 7 miles from city,
Insurance and Real Batate Ex
some ordiard; smue wood; l(«
change. 282 Front streeL 3106m
bouae; atmie amaU trait. Utile's
insnranee apd Real Batete Ex.
Virginia covered with black wal
nut and white oak; also oatcropFOR SALE or will trade for dty
plngB of coal, reported to yield 26.property—SmaU fruit farm with
000 tens to the acre. WUl aeU tor
bouae and bant and 9W young bear
cash I or will trade for form and
ing trees, 1% aUee from dty. TravvUlage property, or form property.
STM City Wagem Works. S097-t-«Cl
UtUe's Real Bsute £ lu. Bxdtafige.
FINB new brick
In good town; twoetoiy, giml root,
on Main afreet and beet locatian for
Uttle’a XnsnranM as
te Bschange
and la________
nMle and brua Arlmmlna and
bargain at US's ~ ‘
iMven raoma and pan
CecM. little's Real B
Front efreeL 8D9«m
TO SELINA beCntUol realdenea In
a oanfral loeatkm, Bteam beat, deo. trio UghL 10 TtMm, plumbing for
bath. gM. flne yard; oneottheflneat homa In the dty. ftu-Bale dieap
or part oaah and negotlahtoaeeurlty. little'BInntraaceand
. BealBi
“ ‘
......... ..
HOUSE on Wdister meet—etx hun
dred doUaru-^ilee little home, in
nice location. Insurance £ Real
Estate Ex, 282 Front streeL S066-tf
Front StreeL
. Ut-
TO 8BL1,—6 or 10-acre lote near raUen forma. 86 oaah and 21 a mcmUi
OwUl buy one.. Uttle'a Beal BafrA;
F(» SALS—164nth oedar wood deUvered to any part ot the city. J. T
W. -U Breww went to Aliya tela
morning on budneaa.
Rev. W. Heath went to Lake Ci^
this inmnlng where he wUl ddii
the Memorial day addreaa.
Mrs. J. L. Gibbs and aen Harold rotamed to May^d this morning after
a ahwt visit in the dty.
M re. A. E. Beyer of 429 Cedar street
is very ill and Uttfo hope is enter
ed of her recovesy.
j. W. Slater ww at Thompson
yesterday, returning on the late train
ynforrad to toe
last night
by a vote of
17 to If
■nniiai banquet at the Park Place to
Senator KeBy'
bUI from toe eq^tWaa aad {dace tt
, Rev. David B. Hall, D. O. of Lane- ttimtoeBUMnijiilar. Senator LodtIng. will preach at both sendoea ^- erby moveil In
to refer It
day In the Prebyterlan church.
The city clerk and city treaaurei
moving to their new office rams In the gow^ ' Olasier. TltoffiMl. LMterby,
BletoM-, fkwad|w, RiBite, Tan Aklu,
Wilhelm block.
The barbers wlM keep their shops Tangban. .Wato(tair. Weeka, Weto.
open all day tomorrow but wtti chMge over, Woodmatu-i^ Fuller. '
Nuy»-«Mrd, toiWn. Butm. Curtis,
Holiday prloee. They will dose MonDoberly,
Kelly, Luflamdaj- afternoon.
boy, Motett, MtglarUy. Sotlppe. Soulle shirt walct eontroveroy la callton and BliMns.'
Tne senato oom^ttee on taxation is
composed eff Benstoru Weeks. Keffiy
Cannon. ScoQen and Sleeper. It Is
J. A. Montague launched his big
poaMble toe biu toy get out ot toe
eommitto£ as Bemators KeUy - and
Scnllen me in favor erf it. and It le
also poestble teat in a idndi Senator
CaBDOB te vote Vito them; but '
for a better Northport and elected B.
ebanoee on top ficxx ot toe senate
J. Gray. pre^danL C. B, Kebl, e
seem to be as good as nil.
tary. and G. M. L SeeUg. treeenre
Jacob Furtsch was elected delegate
Maple Olty Notse.
and Otto KysNka alternate by hose
(From a Bpedal Cor
oompany No. 8 to'tbe State FTremes’e
Maple City, Mich.. May 89.-Mre. H.
awoclaUon to be held at Alma Ji
Haron left yesterday te a summer’f
10 and 11.
The senior exeuiulon etartod for vbdt uito friends and rdaUves In
Charlevoix at abwt 7:46 a. m. with
the full quota of 200 c» board. Many
took Uieir dinners and tbe rest will
go to the hotMs.
C. C. Saunders of Sixth street wae
attacked yestmday by a email dog
which he thougbt showed sympteme
ot madnees. He aetted a club and
prompUy despatched the animal.
A banqueL the cost of which la to
be d«^ed by tee loeers, wlU be
held at tee Park Plaoe after tfte ball
game between tee Uete-ezlraeUn
and tee plU-preecrlbera next Wedaeaday.
Mra. Elba Hillman, wife of Joeb'
Hillman -rf wullaaMag,o'aode Thurmlay aftmocB oT b8»S
pcdscuilBg. The deceased was
years of age and leaves a one-week’a<dd baby.
Mrs. Ella Payne, wife of Maruhall
Payne of Cedar Bub; died Wedneaday,
May 27, at tee age of 40 years. Tbe
funeral was bNd today at 1 o'clock
from the church' at Cedar Bun, nnder tee dlrecUco ot R. L. Curtlf ot
UiU dty.
The aldermen occupied seats at their
new desks last night The desks and
chairs were furnished by tee Hannah
£ Lay HerctmUle Cto. and are all
to those provided by this firm fix' tee
board of supervisors.
The Asylum-TncmpeonvHle bas
game will be played tomorrow afteri^n at Twelfth afreet perk. It wUI
be the hotteet game of tee season, as
bote dra good fast teams and are
prepared to put up a firsimsss game.
The seventh grade' of Elmwood
avenue school! pleasantly surprised
and entertained tee eighte grade yes
terday afternoon. The tables we«
derated with class colors, gceen and
wbite. Ice cream and cake was
'ed. A« tee teachmu ot tee bidldlng
ind Hr. and Mra. I. B. GUbert were
A crew of the men working or
Tj C., U £ M. railroad to'NorthpMt
went to Cadillac today to stay over
Sundej- at their homes. The new road
U now witeln three miles ot Nortepext and would have been into tee
town last Monday, had It not been te
lack of Use. The tlea ei« now ex
pected to arrive next Monday.
The first msu wbo used tee ezpreeMon "Don't be a dam" ebonld be cred
ited with a bit of advice chock foil «C
Wlsdoln. Bomebody is after tee dam
la season and out, day and nlgbL U
Is djTonied tn soft abeUed Infancy by
aahv, sea fowl and crows le sealed
In cans, made into stews and diowden,
baked In big pies on the seashore and
dug for flabermeo'i belL
The dam fornlsbu food te ™i»y
men of many lands and also for seals,
polar beam, the walraa, toxea, crewu,
gnus and fishee. and teete.neva was
a balL with tee exception poeaibly ot
porgy d»um-L
ground up porgleetbat eqaled tee dam te aea flshlag.
Am trir I
"Woidley tdlk me lie has been w
tot r.:i bis family tree of Ute."
"1^:1, It keeps blm pretty busy."
"Batea e«»iplicated worfc,.dir
"Wen. I believe be found u ncoe
oae of the brunebes. and bCe having
Fleuant acme trouble awing It o4L''-PbllaAelloeuUon. Inquire, 843 V____ ____ ptaia Proet.
^StreeL Mra, M. Dougla,
.. . . out at a nap MRS. FRANCES B. SMITH. planlsL
- - aand vooallBL .Oradiiate of
bainrin a owner wants to sell and
leafadfae eonnurt Trout atrease,
. frnffi Ifoia, log bouae. etc. Uttlo'*
IsaarahM and Real Batate Bzo sui
plmilsK. AJ
Addren, Mrs. Fra&ea 8.
OKr: mdL, 827
for aale «n
. l^eifPRana.962.
Bdaa WONBURM yonr fl
change. 288 I
0 810 each at Benda's.
60e pleoa do tee -duty of a 1
, ____ _______ r at tee Bae
■ten: See band bUto. IkaH
O Bays Ban rat contentedly upon bet
a^ beeU and nodded in toe ■nnablne
taneato tbe fragrant dmy bloaaomf
In tbe piled up maraea of her jet Uato
, O Bays San. for tbe
d bad hidden-her remain
ruler of toe email domain that be bad
taken over from young Barrongba
There bad been some anxioa moments
te O Baja Sen before ber fate was de
cided; then young Buraougha went bis
way after tbe manner of tbe EngUib
driftwood that goes up and down tee
Chinn *eui* and- Wclladay! O Baya
Ban had sorrowed, but that wos yes
terday. nnd today waa today, end. like
a wUv Iltik- wonmu. abe rocked to i '
fro ou ber heels clad lu ber best kli
no and swaying the huge fan to l
(ro. From noder her long Uabes ber
bright eyes look stock of the six feet
of sinuous flesh uud-blood that swayed
and swung to the hr.tomock as tee
breese flung dowu u wonderful enow
Totally oblivious of :
eternal blue of tbe bay. Uie straw
roofa aod gilded kiosks of Teddo town,
enralug tbe gods with mighty curses
for the sake of things existent and
most of nil for tto- Bake of things that
wore exactly like a scene oij a Ji
uese fan. Re hud n dim, ei<
sUken U-iuner covered with strange
Bights of Mrd and beast and
bouse, with
Btrutomlng upon some spurious fora
Of gnitar. It bad been brought from
somewhere oversea, and his mother
bad valued II highly. But there
he could sUiid the si ,
loucer, mid. with InflnUe
trouble, be had luounied chair nnd
table until he tore It do>vn iiud rended
tbe Kilk into ribbous, oud then there
waa no afterward. Before htm lay the
rame blue ot hay ;:iid sky and the Im
possible lillie tea ligiis.-. and. wont Of
all. he could not aump out this pic
ture. He turned to shot It from hla
aching eyes and beheld O Saya Ban
peejilng at him around her fan. Tto
would be uu afterwaivl to this plcti
also, and ugalu he cursed tee god .
folly and aliuust cursed the memory of
Dorothy's face frnnied to the gold of
tbe Kentucky suiiseL
-He had not deserved IL She bad
listened all too readily to tee half lie.
more deadly Hum the blackest truth,
that UntthewH had tajun care a^e
should overbear, nnd hc-^be bud
too proud to defend himself.
The brat-beat of the “D^' waltz
came back to him. He could almost
tbe perfunie of ber
tee loTfly. launhiug face ai
it <Bose to Us heart teat nlghtl with scorn as she t
away da ber fatbcr's'aym. Tbwe bad
been a certuin ]>oor ratlsfacOon tbe
next day when be bad forced MaiteewB, by tbe virtue of his strong right
arm, to write the letter to her retract
ing tee aptdien He. The ravage bad
rioted within him as be saw Uattbews
prostrate with the mark of his band
The Btoek DoUi la EaerlaaU.
acroas the abject face. But eveo that
In England tbe.iriadi death In toe could not efface tbe fact that Dorothy
fourteenth century made in first appearabce In Doraetsblre and quickly
ir tbe west tt reached Lon- uncle's offer to go out to Veddo as his
representative and lake cliQn.’c of
immense Interests there, Shrewd old
Waliaoe Uoyoll bad a notion of the
trouble through which tee Ud
ed and smuli tovM ulmost wiped out paaalng aud hurried him Into It lieforu
of existence. Tbe dead lay nnbnried Boyall knew #Uat he was about.
as th^ bad died, for prletts had been
Royall £ Co. were u power
swept Away with their flocks, and In
call way vwhere tbe urniy of coolies
many paritoes there was no one left to
ant up au down from the great
celebrate mass, while eveiy ^de and
the sea aud the tra
craft was vq^ieiffiad In toe tmlreral chests went la a cousiaut stream from
terror and eufrienee.
tee gray fields, gntliered In the gray
To add to the ;lMmr of tbe
dawns of orient sklra. Ibrdi
buDdi of manudere roamed about nn- blare and light of Veddo mart
Dolertad. fobbing alike toe dead and
o busy.•. practical
America. It
toe Urtag. and dco. deprived of tbair
iiigdoiii. V mlgliiy trust
null kliu:
maatera bf death, came togetber in for tbe man that was yet o boy.
pateA made ferodow by hunger, and Jim Boyall would have parted with tht
aeowed tbe countiy Ifos to many bunds whole of ills pn-siK-cis. would have
of vredvea.
gone forth tbe veriest beggar, could
have undone the mnd moment when he
bad returned a certain little blue
relope unojiened nod sent back her let
ter*. He bad kept li. r picture; wliy. he
coidd not have told; but there It
cased in the big sliver
ni. He U'
M- to bix li
y« pregusiit of a thooRnod funcles.
As tec lust lone lingi-r of the sun
set touched the gilded mlling « Saya
Ban crept Hmldl.v >>ut. Boyall looked
at the little yellow bund, with
dyed Auger tips. Hnil rested upoi
and -drew a luug br.ntli. He )is>kcd
at O Saya Ban, and he th-.-ughi long
thoughts as tbe soft velvet of the
gray gloaming abut out tbe gold of
tbe Asian aky and wrapped him into
tbe arms of the old sweet mother, the
witching, wonderful casL One.by i
tee atars woke up aud. ans«v«lng
twinkling lights of Teddo. thre£ long
.... “‘s
throat with Hto abeen «C
ffy wtogi scarce onfolded;________
dellfbL when tbe only tolng pcohlbttad wae tbongbL
Tbe attuatlon was a perfectly jwtaral
one to O Baya Ban. she -knew teat
'here, eome day. a
, UtHe
pagan, wbat cares the bntterfly. so toe
Jirraent roeee btomn. teat otfor rosra
are Ceded, .that teeee, too. will fode
when ber winge are ernrai^ and C«lora? Her lord^waa too great a person.
-there were bonn.wi
was upon blm when she dared not ap
proach. And teen she went eoftly about
the house, bnabing the oowlng aod
gUd lltUe noises of ber mall ddigbL
and always he bdd tbe sUver heart
close to hU <
Then rame o letter. An irid college
friend in a goealpy mood babbled of
dead days and other friends whom
Bayall held as dead. And ont of tee
past there arose a gbost a nl^ty
thing teat clamored through tee
watebra of tee nigbt when O Baya
Ban and tee boby sl^—a thing that
lifted self manacled hands and waved
him back from tee.racrod things that
were. Oace again tbe aUken banner
lay in ribbons st bis feet Boyall
The CelUornla was la. Royall watch
ed tee crow.n come down the gang plank
from were force of babIL There would
be DO face'among them teat he knew.
Long ago be had resolved, since tbe
coming of Urarfa Delight
email bouse ou Ibe hill, teat be would
sever all ties and never retain borne.
He was daily cdocatlng himself to for
get; at IraK he boneaUy bdleved
Out of tee crowd walked one alone. He
took a step toward her. and the a
aod sky wrae a blur, melting into me
background. There was no mistaking
the Bllm. erect young form, tee glint
ae upward
gold in the bronze hnir and tbe
flash of tbe bouuy gray eyes. Kutnral■•ailing had been but.
yesttfday. he went forward, not of hla
own vollilou, but drawn by an IrreBiatlble (cwiv. She hdd out her bands,
and tbe patutedi>lcture garden with Its
geisha rolled away.
An hour later they wae In the sKtlng room at the bold, aud she
telling him aU In a breath bow ber
)le had died and drifted away
til she ' Woe left al<»e and tede wne
to check !!«• mad projecL Uoyall Usieued. not taking to tee sense of
what she was saying, only
teat Dorothy, bis Dorothy, was eltUng
there, the gray eyra shining Into bis
with tbe old love strong aud true.
Xioratby babbled on, "And. Jim. here X
g Ifift for you
am. and there is liothlng
> buy. but to
to do. you
Graduate P. B. * "rilninr inhntfl.
Claaa TS..Grand RaptfiTcitto^?^
-phone 812. Rea. 221 Pate streeL
Price 111 to 214 per WMk.
J. M. THI-i™,
lAnd .looser, and Umber esttonator.
Hardwood Uffibeb and atubUe iaaia
for sale. Ratldenoe 860 Soetb Elm
wood are. ClUsena. 'phone 712. June 1
Andittect and npertaUndeat. Office .
at residence. 4!7 Fifth streeL North
ern 'phone 4U. Bastimatra made and
bill size details gives wltk all plana.
New offiee over Pot^ue's Barings
OenttsL Crown and bridge work a
speclany. Office new WlUielm him..
DentisL Office 606 new Wilbelm
blote- emseas 'tdKrne No. 682.
Graduate of 1-oronu universliy. Ofll.e
in Munson blnek. 'Pbonea; office.
103; residence. 104.
(Alfred Friedrtte block.) Both 'pfaunec
Bar, nose, throat and flUfog glasMii.
salatant surgeon for eyi'.
nnd throat to tee rtiicage PoUcimic college and boe- ,
liitai. Practice limited to eye. car.
node ana throat and flUing
s'People's Barings bank.
And there , to the doorway stood O
Baya Ban. with the moaoUig baby
against ber bosom. RoyaU covraed bU
eyes. The afterward bad come.
Thirst a word of Anglo-Baxon orlglii
end aklD to tbe Latin toneo and
torrid or parched, dcscrlbra a peculiar
in of dryness aod brat located
•nscquence of a tack of
liquid In the a) »t<‘ui. The agony of cxtteme Thirst la due to the fact that all
tbo tlssucB syiupothlzc In tele dfrtresa.
lit to then us a refreahlng relief that
supply of water comes to thirating
what baa been lort, eoolllpA, replacing
ing the
te parcjiod polalc and rapidly re
moving the cmvltig which has de
pressed tbe sjRleiu. In short, water
quenches ihitvt Just bocuusi' It ni|>pllra
what at the luoiuvnl Is wanting and to
most eagerly desired, so that Solomon
could ^ropi'rly cbmpnre .the gift of
"cold waters to n thirsty soul" to ‘
advent of good nv .v s.
Thirst Is to »omc extent appeased by
tbe tnjectloii of water Into tbe blood
body, thou-h im fluid touches tbe pari
to which the aeii»atioii,to referred.
The Plret Law of Katupe.
Two Irish soldtcrs slntloned In the
West Isdk-s were accusismvd to bathe
daily to u little bay which was
erally suinwacd to be free from sharka
Though on good terms with each oth
er. they were not what might be called
fast friends.
One day as they wore swimming
about 100 yards from the shore Pst
observed Mike suddenly making tor
toe land as hard as be could wltbon)
saying a word. Wondertug wbat was
the matter. Pat struck out vigorously
after him aaC landed at his compauioQ-B heels.
“Is tecra anything .wrong wld ysT’
inquired Pat fee lingly,
"Nothin’—nothiir at all,'' repUed-tho
Thin what did you make such
snddlnt retrate (or an' lave meT' contfoned PsL
“Bedad." answered Mike coolly. "I
spied tbe fln av a big shark about
twenty feet ahead, an’ 1 thought while
be was playin' wld you it wcoM give
me time lojvacb tec sborer
__ -lAe KnxUaa PheasaxL
It Is Claimed that tee pheasant ot
le gngtiah preserves can trace its ped
igree dlnctly to tbe brilUant bird of
tbe rame spedes in Japan. About half
a century ago a few Hve pbeasanfr
were brought from Japan and croes^
with tee common qtecira. The result
of tela waa. It to aaid.,teat a new race
of birds was Introdnoed. aad the beanUfnl pbeaaanL with its Iridescent
produced and natnralThere was one mystery test O Baya plnmi
tied a
San might not touch, a great silver
heart tbet lay npqn tbe bRsut of b«
Tke.Araerfeaa Father.
Asenm—Another baby, and a girl this
tottL Oaco abe cldtcbed It In ber pieL
fr ydlow fincese. but be bad snattbed tone. ebT How does it make yon fori
tt away with words teat she could not ] have a daughter?
esdenttaod. O Saya Baa new trou
Popley-Grrat! One of the Brat
things yon think obost tt Is bow a totbled tee Mlver heart again.
Mooni trazed and waned above tbs sign nobleman will come eourtlw bar
Utile bouse that looked over tbe bay.
• r aod bow yo...................
and when the frast uf chcfry blossoms
came agato there were three that
■et hr KzeiBstM.
dwelt thero. and U Saya Ban bogged
a bard Him gettfog a good
toe amall bundle of bright eyes and
ptok flesh. laugbtog~ber pratty sUvery
-- - Te teat waa lfoe tbe chUM'of llt-H
led aeTenl thaaa?
do; bet I eonrted ray graraBt
«» A 7~n.--4«>IUd|M. I.WV.
Office la Hunilton-MnUkea Mock.
Bottn: 9 to 11 a. B.. 2 to 4 p. m.
'Fbcne No. 72.
ea/.H. B. OABNHB. ■
diseases of women. Office over
First NaUooal bank. Oell both
e fitted. Bote 'phouee.
for Frankfort, rtenunla. ML n«Asai
Clare, Aioa BL UnOa. Iteaea, OwoerllOTeU. Ann Arbw, .Toledo, and all
sontoera a^ etstoni points.
J. J. KIBBY, G. P. A.
jan. U. 1902.
Trains leave Traverse City as tol
For Grand Rapids. Detr,.a. Tuledo.
Chicago and wml 6;00 a. b.. 3:46 p. m.
For Muskegon, Bay City. Port Hur
on. Tolsdo, Detroit and peaL 6:00 a.
m. and 8:46 p. m. .
For Maatotee, Ludlngton and Mll.ankee, 6:00 a m. and 3:46 p. n.
For nne D«pM«
3^ .
lalre, 7:00 a. m.. 1:60 p. m. and 6:46
p. m. and 6:45 p. m.
Dp froifl.tbe garden eume the languor
of llUra uad the frosliness of Rprlug In
toe cherry blossom.t and a sound of
mnalc bral up in' imlalng waves from
too dty. ttoyall looked at O Saya Ban.
-and the small figure swayed toward
blm. Be had uoi deserved It teen;
b* would deserve It now.
4 10*^
4 SJ
4 38
Neeran City ...jlO U
_____ aSB Cedar
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