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The Daily Eagle, October 13, 1903
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Daily Eagle" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Sutherland, G. H. D. (1874-1931)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
PDF Text
VOL. AQ. NO. 3266.
► We are showing the largtot and most complete line of j
Heating Stoves
I ever shownthe state. All. kinds and sizes . Air j
« Tights, Round Oaks for wood or any kind of enal, Soft J
f CJoal and Hard Coal Heaters.
A pood Air
' Jost
like cut (no chenp sliect
iron tiling) but made of
rood shcrt st«el. has cast
iron draft in front. »erv«’
dRtiip<T.'Visl inin l.-ra. will
take is.inrh wooi1. for
i 'l li. v- lUiirr rifflil nions up
T to OIK-of llir very U'M .Mr
base. lu-hTv
' <'V>. tup witii ]p*iiMle holes,
. Mviiitf l..|> i.i,-kle.L whole
nilviy urusiuroU'd,
; iv-l' (alcr '.•l-iiuOi woo.l. for
oi.(> S'.I.i
A Large Line of Round Oaks ;
, good, lit,I. Ko„.d 0.k. „ill ;
bum wood ur any kind of coal for. 86 T.V
From .Uu: ri^Oi; aluni; np to urn- of
We I :
II M-. fi--- S,if;‘Coni Burner. I
.................... clmma'y of ilie .lirtu-st soft J
coal willimir
til-' IcwM. bil Ilf gas •
.ill -UI.I look
; tUriall and Wbolcsalo.
Practical Hoim- nirHixlM.'r.
PoH Huron, Midh.. OeL IS.-Charlea
RUSSIA TELLS WHV SHE STAYS Hyde, aged 17 years, was drowned In
Lake Huron yesterday afternoon while
hunting dneks.
Youn^ Hyde, In company with Ja
CHINESE .HAVE JOInED THE ROVcob Grow and Daniel McMillan, atartINC BRIGANDS
in the lake In the morning.
About 1 o’clock yeaierday the boat up
set. throwing all three out Into the'
Grow was the only one who conld
KWlm. and although ever a mile from
T nniion, Oct. 13.—I^ron Hayasbl, shore, he kwt the boys afloat by help
.laitan's minister in London, says be ing them to‘ hang to the boat
|ia.s rweired
He paddled for three hours, aad when
Japan, indicating there Is no need for
few rods fre^ shore, young
nlarm regarding the far eastern situa Hyde sank. Grow s^s he thinks the
tion. He added: "This is my first boy was dead then, as he had gone
message in three weeks and was prob under several times, but was rescued
ably sent because, of the alarmist ru- each time by Grow. ,The other
curreol in Europe which have boys suffered from exposure from hav
reacliwl Japan."
ing liecn In the, water so long.
Gives Her Reiaen.
Si..retersbutg, Os. J3.—The offlelaJ
simouncement has been Issued which
stales that the reason Russia did not
evacuate Manchuria on October 8, the
date set for such action, was that
large numbers, of Chinese have re
cently Joined the Chung Chuses, or
Manchurian brigands, and are making
depredations on towns.
troops, says the announcement, arc
needed to protect the peacebil Inhabitants. It was alas officially announc.
oil this mi ling that naval enfommeoLs now en route for the far east
coiisist of the torpedo destroyers DsanMANY. LOVe.LETTER8.
idaU and Gaidmak. the torpedo trans
ports Amour and Jenisael and 11 torp«lo boau with crews aggregaUng 47 She Will Try to Prevent Hie Marriage
to Mrs. Janeway,
officers and 500 men.
By Qlseharging 5,000 Hen From Re•pair Shops.
New York. Oct. 13.—The Erie rail
way has decided to reduce their work
ing force to the lowest posable Um-
(From a Special Correspondeot.)
Elk Rapids. M^h.. OcL 18.-»rhe
strike at tho bla^t furnaoe Is over.
Work was resumed this morning. Che
men returning at the reduced wages
which became effective October 6.
Last Friday, notices were posted
about the works, informing the em
ployes that unless enough men report
ed for doty this morning st 7 o'clock,
out and
the furnaces would be blown out
there would be nothing mori> doink
until next Hay at the earliest
The company's ulUmstun had the
desired qffqct With the excepUon of
possibly a ilozen men. everyone was
Washington. Oct. IS.—Mies May C.
Wood has left Washington accompa
nied by a legal adviser and taking
with her a hundred tH-more tender letto discuss matters with Senalor
Thomas C. Platt whose eng^
marry Mrs.Ullan T^aneway
tober 15 wJ vecenttf- publlshei
Miss Wofd Is a (fprk in the pQstofflee departpient a^ was transferred
here from New York about 18 months
----- -—THE DOUGtAS SH0E=“ == =
Parker Bros.' Old SUnd.
if yon don't give them a chauee
to try that »aal ersin Bb»e of
It Is made of good
made without ri
Step in unfi ace (hem.
Who Wants
The Best?
You want It. of course—the best
clothing that you can affoid to
buy: We have IL It is made by
L, Adler Broa. A Co- the great
wholesale tailors of Rochester.
New York. It is Just such cloth
ing as yeu paid your Ullor from
*25.00 td *50.00 to make for you
but It cosu only from J15.00 to
*25.00. If you want to see the
best efforts of the
tailors equaled In ready-to-wear
cloUiea, let us show you the
new Adler models for (aU and
LooMng here Imposea no obli
gation to purdiaae.
“The Home of
Good Clothing."
«t Save a Rm Clan Shoe Naktr'i.Sheg,
You arc not doing your fi'rj
Bachant & Roscoe.
206 Front StrweL
New Shoe Store.
Enterprises Floated, He Says. Were
Only Wind Bags.
Hill, president i)f the Great Northopinion on tho financial situation.
"Within a y<wi I
tklce sounded
warning." said. Hill, "an’ t care to
ly no more at this time. We got
UiIngB too high In price to sell to any
people but ourselves, and if we would
to the world -at large It mu« be
at prices other people will pay. That
means'we must sell cheaper. A great
r things were floated which
sisted of wind and nothing else.'
To Divide Helena Townihlp.
Manceloaaj Mich, Oct. 13.—The
question of the division of Helena
township, between Forest Bome sod
Custer, will come before the board of
supervisors this week. Public opinion
seems to be against tbe propoeltion.
sddttloaal Habllltj. $60,000
H. S. Hull, President.
H. C. Davis and
A. V. Friedrich, Vice PreaidenteC. A. Hammond. Cashier.
n. S. Bull. A. V. Friedrich.
Cbas. Wilhelm. William Londou,
Stephen Lantner, F C. Desmoa,!,
U. C. Davis, C. A. Hamniood.^ J.
O, Crotaer. G. W. Lardle, W’. P.
CaUcina. J. M. BenllmmnteL
Miss Irene L. Getty Carried Day With
neods im introduction to the people of this city, but
we call 3'our attontirm to the now iall ai)d winter
styles. S:L00, iwinO and •‘f^.OO.
the^^mlr shops and from the mainOfJTEOPATHY
trip to Europe for Ute benefit of her
tatnance and way corps. It Is under.
health, and many of the senator’s letFtoo.1 that other large "railway lines
illeged. were Indited to hpr
will follow suit.
during this voyage She also
other amatory missives, which
strong corroborallve, evi
dence of a verbal agreement to marry,
A. 6. CURTIS A COMother and Son Die Together in New
.Miss Wood resides at a eeml-fashREAL ESTATE AND LOANS.
ionable boarding house in this city at
No Ta* Clause.
I•'lrc Insurance.
New York. Oct. 13.—Mrs. Margaret
1114 H street, and is a woman of great
Kuoms 9 and 10. H. & L. Blcmk.
Connally. aged 66. and her son Rich
jiersonal charm. She Is about 35 years
ard. need 36. wore found dead In their
of age and well educated. She did not
niiariinenu at No. 312 Bast Thirtyinform her friends here ot her New
'•ichth street early this mbmjng. 'Thev
rk address, but has Intimated that
Inrl been suffocated hy gas.
would not return until she had
obtained complete satisfaction for the
•Moe" Cha
V Has the Gout.
alleged decepUon perpetrated upon
Birmingham. Eng.. Oct 13.—Former
If necessary she will institute a
Colonial Secretary Joseph Chamber- breach of promise suit at once,
is confined to his bed with an at- meantime will do all In her power to
Tiikea Look at thorn displayi'il in our oust wiiuloty.
break off the engagement now exist
ing between the senator and Mrs.
T. W. T H I R L B Y
Mn the Lake for
Three Hours.
CITY lOrnoM.
started up. this forenoon. - The few
vacancies wUl be easily filled. •
Much satlsfahtion^ and pleasure IT
expreAed around town today on the
of the strike. Two
lundred men who were In. donbt last
light as to employment for the winter
ire now sure of steady work at last
icason’s wages.
Berrien Center Min and Five Children
Weigh 1.400 Pounds.
Niles, Mich,. Oct 13.—Henry Young
blood of Berrien Centre capii to town
yesterday with bis tour bnxom daugh
ters, whose oombined weight is up
wards of I.OOO pounds. Mr. Young
blood himself weighs better thkn 200,
but be is not "In It." when it comes to
slxe, even with the lightest of the four
Hiss Lydia, who has
mers. weighs 226 pounds; Ida, the
weeond daughter, who U the h|^W
-JSrtZtta thM-in orfier
blrth, is Jnst a shade heavier ta
Lydia, while Anna, the baby, who is
Just sweet 16. 4s also a 200 pounder
and better.
Mr. Youngblood'also has one son.
wlio weighs as much as the four girls
average, hence the combined weight
of tho father and five children Is about
1.400 pounds. •
(Frcm> a 8
Kalkaska, HIcb. Oct IS.^Calkaska
the first county to get in Us report
1 the normal training class, so says
the superintendent of pnbllc instrnctlon. and the proep^ts for a training,
school at this point are^very bri^t
Mias Irene L. Getty, school commiasloner. took hold of the proposltlah
and to her energy is due the euecees
thus tar. She asked to-hnve a special
meeUng of the school ^ovd called
Saturday evening and at this meeUng
the proposition met no opposition.
Yesterday morning the' supervisors
met at 9 o'clock to discuss the feasi
bility of esublisbtng a normal train
ing class here. Nine
present and
favor of the, project MUs' Oett;
once wlred.^operlateDdent DeLos Fall
and received an encouraging reply at
Rev. T. P. Ullom and OtI
wm Attend.
Rev. T. P. Dllsm. psMor of the
Church of Christ (Dladples). left toMUnd tbe Iniernatlotial con
vention of bis society in Detroit
Miss Maude Troutwlne. Mre, Minnie
Dawson and Mbs LiUlan Simms,
other delegatee, will leave on Thurs
day for the convention.
Five tbousajid delegates Dom'all
irH of the world, representing LSOO.>0 r..'»p]e: the best speakers of the
■nomluatioD. presenting the Interests
of the various benevolent and mlssloBary boards; this Is 'what the e
imittee promises tor the coming
international conventioa of tbe Chris
tian church, whose sessions, commenc
ing next Prid^ afternoon and last^ '
till Octo^ 22. are to be held In the
Woodward Avenue Baptist and Central
M. E. charches, -Detroit
The Christian church, being in !U
PHYSICIAN SAYS HIS END 'll plan of government similar to the
Baptist and Congregational denomina
tions. the«athertng will have no legis
lative power. Tbe delegates are not
elected, though an effort Is being made
Soldiers and
Tbe different boards of the chnrdi
which will be represented ar?: The
Christian Woman's board of missions,
Out of respect tor J. C. Richards, the Foreign Christian Utasionary soJanitor of the court bonsb, who lies
dying of plnro-pneumonla just across
lotorests, and the National EdnesUonthe ball from their meeting
board of supervisors adjourned this al society. The magnitude of the
afternoon. Tbe finance committee, work dofie by thMc organlxatloas is
however. Is looking over the olg bunch scarcely appreciated 4n Hichlgan. ow
o tbe fact that the d
bllla which demand their attention.
Hr. Richards has bMn Janitor ot the ls oompandvely wMk In this state.
court house ever since It was first oc- It to. bowever. the fourth Protestant
IgnptedjaBatteur jesffjgy. .Ashe to etereh In the world, in point oC Mae.
from tbe first against his dtoesse.
This afternoon his physician announc of tbe peculiarities of Its consUtnUon
ed that the end was but a qnesUon pf Is tbe absence of creed outside of the
few hours- On receiving this Intel Bible itself and the continual' stress
laid upon evangelization.
ligence the supervisors adjourned.
Best Report in Its History.
The board of snpervtosis met this
?1ie American^ Missionary society
hxwning in regdar session though
morning in regular session though most comes up to tbl^ convention with the
of (he work done was committee work. best report ih its history. During the
Relief assoclaUon tor Grand Traverse year, 12! new churches have been es
county was presented and referred to tablished in the United States anJ
*102.246 has been raised. . The board .
Decline in Live Hogs' Doran't Effect the committee on finance. Tbe report
stated that during the past year th«e has assisted In the san>m of 389. misthe Local Market.
alpnaiiGs; received 6.951- persons by
Although the price of live hogs took haJ been expended for relief the sum
confession and baptism and 7.836 by
a great slugip last week In Buffalo of *360 and asked for *100 for the
coming year.
and Detroit, dropping more than
Tbe for^gn society is doing work in
dollar per 100 pounds. Wifi..Trontwlne.
tour continents and 12 conntiies. It
the local live stock buyer, will
has altogether 338 workers, mission
tInuG to pay the same prices as before writer which has been on trial in bis
and native preachers. These do
the decline iNTicn asked today as to office tor some time. Nothing was
large work in Central China, with
the effect the fall In prices would bhve done about It tbte morning as the
mnebers wished to examine the ma about 20. eabstations outside large
upon the local market he replied
chine and Us work before deciding cities. Last year 30,000 people were
•T shall conUnue to pay the sa
.cared fw In Its hospitals in that em
prices as before. The market Is ral upon iU purchase or refusal.
pire. ■ In -japan, there are over 40 mje- ^
lying and In a week or so will be sS
sions. and Incinded in the work in
strong as ever, as the cause ot .tbe de
Central India are two leper asylnins
cline is no longer dangerous. The
for boys. Misewsy' Items From That Little
only effect upon the local market Is to
slonaries are at work 750 miles op tbe
make advisable the postponement of
Ckmgo in Africa.
Burdiekville. Hlch., Oct IS.—The
The Christian Woman's board of
ev. M. LewU.of the •■Old-time"
ned for this week, unttl next week."
misaloDs. entirety Independent of tbe
Methodist church preached in the H.
other miaslonary organizations of the
GIRL DIES FROM CHLOROFORM. B. church test Snnday.
church, raised last year *139.000, be
Mr. Randall and son of Ridge View
side several thousands for state de
ere In town Monday.
velopment. It helps sustain 119 mis
Dead In' Bed.
sionary pastors; evangelists and tew
Greenville, Mich., Oct 13—MUs from her severe attach of Illness.
in' tbe United SUtes, has 43 mis
Lottie Weils, aged 23. was found dead Frallck of Maple City was the attend sionaries and assoclatf misslonarie*
In bed at the home of her brother-ill- ing physician.
in India. 16 in Jamaica. II In Mexico,
Miss Mary Totten of Maple City
law. three miles east of this clty.'yasin Porto Rico. and. in the last
terday. from the effects of chloroform. passed through town Saturday oj
named place, opened tbe first Protest
Miss Wells had been suffering with stage.
ant orphanage. Its headquarters to
Mrs. Putney of Honor and daughter It Indlanapotls, and it publishes two
toothache and It U not known whether
ere Burdlckvilie visttors t>n Satnr- monthly papers in the Interests of Its
she took the poison to relieve the pain
with suicidal intent. She seemed
Miss Margaret Hilton of Formt
In good spirits when she reOred Sun
is la attendance at the Toacbera’
day night •
Institute, which is being held In Sottons Bay this week.
Tbe sad news of The Jeath of Mrs. Samuel Nelson Meets Death-in Lans
ing While at-Woric
Will Prove Fatal and All Hope Is CUerles Hill which occurred In Chica
Lansing, Mich., Oct 13.—While
go last week was received- here, much
working on * 60-foot pole in front of
BaUlmoro. Oct 13.—Ardibtohop ' to the regret and sorrow of her many tbe state bouse yesterday afternoon
friends and. her relatives who re
ifnne Is very low this morning.
Samuel Nelson, a Uneman in tbe em
'and hU heart action is side here. She was formerly Miss ploy of the city electric light depart
very weak. It Is probable that he will Jennie Daley, neice of James Dunn, a ment vras electrocuted. During this
lire through the day but alt hope for ;r«ldent of thU place. She. leaves a time the current was cut off, but tor
husband and two AUdren to mourn
bis recovery Is abandoned.
'some reason, not yet fully eelkbUshed,
her loss.
a fellow workman on the ground tele
Mias Lulu Patterson, teacher in the
Today's Markets.
phoned the statfon pal had the isnrDetroit. Mich.. Oct J3-—December Fritx district is attending the Teach rent turned on.
wheat 86: No. 2 red, 85: No. 3 corn. ers' Institute this week.
Nelson was abont 60 years old. He
The Rev, Holmes of Empire wlU
60; No. 3 white oats, 38%.
leaves a wife and three children.
Toledo-Cash wheat 84%; Decem preo<* Id the M; E. church next Sun
ber. 85%. .,
VanOstrand is having his house
CWcag(v-Wheat December 79%:
May. 79%: corn. December. 46%: May. renovated.
Hiss Edith Atkinson and Miss. Henry Cha
44%: Oats. December, 87%: May.
Berrien Beard 68 Years Age. '
37%: October pork. »ll.28ylardj,^6.85: Marlth Ahton of Osbwne were Bar8t. Joseph. Mlt*.. Oct 18—At the
tllcmilie callers Friday.
ribs. *8.75%.
Mr. and Mrs. William Ziegler left regular session of the county board ot
Grand ^Rapids—Potatoes are steady
supervtoori here yesterday Hemry •
at the oU figures. 40 to 60 cents, and last week R>r a two weeks' visit In Chamberlain of Three -Oaks made an
there being .no indlcatloo that ibera Ohio among relatives.
addrua. be having served as a mem
will be any "l ody improvement la
ber of the Berrien oounpr board 68 .
thelf condition Iheae prices are exwin pay 80 cento pm- bubal for yean ago. At that time Chamhartoln
treirclv liable to obtain for some time
weu Hpei^ Irnit deUrared at the fiae- said It to(A a day and half to (^
tocy. and ntan all pa^fM________Cliyi-Potatoee, 40 cento
for good Stock; poorer quality' seOi
down to 86 osoto.
The Daily Eagle.
Batered at Trarane Olty FoatoBoe at
SecoBd-olaaa Hatter .
center,' ..........
mail. ..............
by mall. .
Oftoe-lU Wait rYmt atrert.
BoOi ThoDee 68.
W. M. 8HSB7.
City droolator.
NetiM to Subaeribera.
Sabscnbere to The Dally Ba^ are
isvMBtad to notify tba^-offlee at onoe
of any failure to raoalve the paper
prapatiy or on time no that the laatfeaUon of the canter boy may be
. adled wUhoot delay.
Coming a.venta.
Oct 14.—An elaborate rertral of
Dennian Tbompsoa’a great play, "The
Two aiatera"—Steinberg^ Orand opera
While the dispoaHlon. to compare
the work of this year’s Michigan foot
ball team Vtth that of last year U
natural, it must be remembered that
last year’s team was a remarkable
one. and if it bad been leas effective
it would/still have won all its games
with comparative ease. It is hot like
ly that the team this year wlU be as
good, biti it is Also apparent that the
Chicago university eleven is not re
markable. MianeeoU at thU writingis not to be feared. The score of 79
against Beloit is sofflcient tndlcatlon
that the Ann Arbor boys have speed.
U Tost could work such material as
.he has Into form to roll up that many
points, there Is no rhason to despair
that be will not work improvements
In the next three weeks which will
give foundation for the hope that,
while Michigan may not score as great
a total of points this year, the show-'
ing wUI still be creditable and the
; prospects of a defeat remote.—Detroit
One bundred times mwe money U
ppent for liquor and tobacco than
for missions by protestants In the
United Sutes. TbU statement was
made in New York by Bev. A B. Simp
son at tbe annusl convention of the
Christian and Hissionary aUlance. He
aaid that for every mqn. woman and
.child in the United States *40 -was
.spent annually for liquor and tobacco,
while 40 cents was the average contributicHi for each member of Protest
ant (Biristlans tor mlsslonB.
What Editors Say. ’
It doesn't take much to tnal
hero of a college student. One or two
Ann Asbof policemen can do IL—De-
Texas Judge Colls I
a of Rs>
public But a MRtter of TImA
Dallsa, Tsana. Oct. 13.—“The Ameri
can r^bUe Is doomed,’’ said Jndge
John H. Reagan In an Interview today.
“The dilution this union of states
is sure to come and be succeeded by
a moDarcby." Ilien he ttimed to Tex
as and pleaded to have it kept atrcng.
so as to be In a position to care for
lUelt when the final eraption came.
•T do not, want Texas divided Into
five states, as the annexet1r»fi a
ment pertnlta,” be saU. "We are
Idly drifting toward a monarchlal iann
of government and I want Texas to be
big enough to stand alone, to
more be the republic of Texas, when
the day <rf monarthy arrivee. Texas
wlU some day have 80,000,000 more
people at least titan-are now In the
state. There should be no dlvlslcin,
but let Texss remain large, strong and
free. The hope of a free people and
leputOlc U Involved
in this condition.’’.
If It 1* fnly wounded the "paujl" usu
ally eeca|>es.-tbougb It canoorfiy mneh
better than the ordinary domestic
fowl. It I* very fleet of foot and will
s Production One of the Town's outnin the hunter until It to lost to the
Principal IndustrieA
dense iinilen.-rowth of tbe jungle.
Id the inallug soasou the male “panjl”
Boyne City. Mich., Oct 13.—The
manalacture of . potash from, wood
ashes Is no mean Industry in this
them. Often the fight ends In
plscA The old time artunsn of boyhood'd^s .triio doled out a plethoric
bar of yellow so^ tor thq contents of
the ash barrel bas (
In its moKt widely practiced form the
tbe alleys and streets of the large basis of the Japanese game of ken Is
cities. Soft and hard coal has taken that the fully ouistretriied band sigthe place of beech and m^le. and nlfle* paper, the fully closed hand a
what tbe ciUee have kwt the north s^e. and two Angers alone extended,
rest being closed. sclssorA Each
woods have gidned.
'of thejilayer*. counting one. two, three,
The ashman with his heavy load of throws ont bis band at the moment of
feathery white ashes is a common pronouncing three, and the one whose
eight in a hardwood mill town. Pot manual symbol to superior to tbat ot
ash ^ow commands a price of fM a the others, nccordlng to tbe theory of
ton and a scarce market is the fea 4he game, wins tho trial.
Superiority-Hs determined on tbe
ture nowadays- Potash made here Is
forwarded to New York, whence It Is hypothealK tbat whereas sriasora can
transhipped to South African gold not eiil a Mono they can cut paper, and
whereas pai>er to cut by scissors It can
fields, where Itjs most highly prized wrap up n stone. COiiseijucnUy srisby miners and smeUing companies.
sore 1* Inferior to *ione. but conquers
papl>r; stone is Inferior to paper, but
conquers scissors, and paper is Inferior
Casiil Carriacea.
scissors, hilt conquers stoDA There
Camel carriage* are not common
lunumernUle vnrletles of the game,
conrr-yances In most parts of ludlA
but on the great trunk mad leading to for it to not a mere method of delerminliig
n <li<iiu(c or priority, and they
Delhi they arc ffequentJy to be
constantl.v. added to by iDgenlous
They are large, doable story’wagOM,
drawn sometimes by one, sometimes young todies, the tlnudng girl ciass especlallv.
who play It with exquisite
by two or even-three camels, nocorfudlcious
Ing to their size. Iroirbars which give
them n cngellke appearance were orig
inally intended as a defense against
robber*, and tbe carts were probably
During o
also nsed for tbe conveyance of pris
oners. ‘Tho mfwt picturesque ‘proper- rill be 01
nmeot" says
: “Is 8 huge
char-a-banc to wbtcb Is bameosed a
team of four or six fine cameU with
leopard skin bonslngs and gayly at
Dd Uiemfielves much
)ck cart
iveler, but in out
a^e w<
tbe way places, the
he lilatter
found vety useful.
fact that there is a female mall carrier
Took aim at His Word.
In tbe state. It isn't so wonderful af
In the year of 1033 the forces'of R3ng
ter all. Bbery community has had
from time to time msd^ supporters Alfonso VI. atiacked tbe Moots ant
drove them out of Madrid. Id
connection there is n legend that
ScgoTlans, wlio were :illle* of Alfonso
had been checked by the snows in the
Senator Tom Platt proposes to take
off Fuenfrla
and v
‘ no chances with any hoodoo days for therefore lale^ln overtaking the main
his wedding. When be found that Oe- body of the'-prmy. which bad sat down
' tober Ifi came on Friday he made It before ModrH. “Blre." they Inquired
one day later.—Battle Creek Dally of the hlog. “where shall we campr
"Inside the city,” returned Alfonso,
with a aneer, being angry with them
because of their tardiness. They took
It being setUed tbat an extra ses the king st his word, carried the walls
sion of congress will be caned, noth- and the next morning the banner ol
^ing rdmalns to be detsnnlned e^pt Segovia was floating from a turret of
tbe gate of Gnadalalara.
Tbe Smperors of Rnsria and Austria
declare that they will go to the reUef
of the victims in Macedonia. Most of
-them are beyond relief.—Grand RapIds Post.
A Chicago man, aged 82 years, com
mitted suicide because bis sweetheari,
a girl of 19 summers, refused to
ry blm. Too bad tbe world bas to lose
such amblUeus men.—Bst«e Creek
Dally koon.
a*th For Them ts ItoAe
BM Peeaii le tbs An* AU «f the
A Pee^tor to
From Ctottun Psbrle.
All of'the cloth used to tbe btodlag
Tbpre to a queer blid In tbe fnnglea of books is made troui cotton fabric,
of northern South America which la yet one would not a,y so on aeetog the
called the ’paujl^ by the nativea, but flijsbed product tiome of it looks ex
is known to science as the galeated
actly like couree IIiwa Other styiso
curaseoD. It to dilefly remarkable be •have
au appearann- of tbe finest kind
cause It slDgs,lU own death aong.
of sUk. while others have vartons Mtts
It does not really slog, bnt makea
of flntobee that look like leetheret, candeep bumming notoe which sounds TOA watered silk and a tbotuand dif
very much like the Spanlah words -r ferent designs.
mnerto eata aqnl” (thecogiaeUtahert
IVhcn the cloth comes frofll the mills
•Tt to while uttering this Idgubrioi
It to .treated to various w§#s to pre
chant." said a South American travel pare it tor tbe dyeing prqem which to
er, "that tbe •paujl’ usually meets Its tbe n^t'Important. Different kinds of
death, for tbe hunter can then easily ■toiDg are used to tiiiv^erent gradeA
track it to Its retreat, and It fall*
and after this Is done'it to ready for
victim, as tbe Indians say, te Its ov
the color luacblnea.
deatii aong."
^eseore -n-ally tbe Mme sort of maIf tbe “paujl” gets suspicious it im
calico Is made on. They
mediately <vn*cs bumming, and that to
great steel rolls or cams
a sure indication to tbe hunter that
to a high temperature
tile bird lin* aeon him or scents dan by arqjj^ted
means- of live steam passing
ger. In such a <-n«e the only thing fW
con.«untiy. Tbe cloth
the Rpnn*mnn to do Is to remalo per
boxes filled with the
fectly still. The bird may
aniline color tiult the cloth to expected
to be colored with. This to mixed with
"Laura,” aald Mr. Ferguson, “tl
Mr. Kllpplnger of HarldnsvUle.” the
town where I used to live. lie's tbe
editor of the Echo. I was telling him
we bad tbe flies of his paper for the
last ten yeara. I'M show them to you.
Mr. Kllpplnger. ’niey’re”“tVhy. George.” Interrcpted
Ferguson, with a meobanlcnl soi
smile, “I ought to have told you, but—
but Uiev'rc under the dining room
She Be««WMtoed Hlio.
of a city dwelling when
went by.
•That man 1* on i
ene of the little girls.
”‘Eow do you know I" asked her com
“Oh, because be la tbe man wbo un
much udrniiced UDlll It fouud a borne
,ta Btiglai
jglaud. The date of this cvcnl Is dertook my gpritdnwtber.’'— Uppinnot quitee cl<«r. but Is l>ollcvcd to be eotfA
about tbe your 1200. Ohuuecr wrote of
Its culclxstlon lu 13Si; fraiD wblcb date
jt has been wmaldm-d a florist’s flower,
a lint called carnation by Henry
“Don't hang back on my account," ree in UTS and <1
pUed Mr. Henpeck wearily. "I know a
woman who will come to take care of
the children for her board and clotheA"
then she flared op and wouldn't go.CUengo Becord-EcreU.
son ate'our «
lodes to It in *■
to lljf
tng Meu nscU In Ui<' tlnya of .tuci-.'l
Ca.-K0r to give u rpiry flsvo -
kind li fine, but you has to be . . ..
kmkoot f<di toBastoolA"-Wasbtogtoo
tng sewed together, are cbewed well
Everything Is poislble. but wlthdut
by the -wonien in oider to make them labor and talliue nothing ts adilev^
•oft. About a bundled sUtis are re
quired to make a ahlrt. and the labor
•t chewing tbe tikins which form their
During tbe dvll v
^rmenta Is <iulte enough to accoont eanaerlptlon fakir who m
tor the massire. yrell deveiOMd Jaws Of doUan btfore the*.
strained him.'’This rascal would send
letton brndcast wherein be said he
would, communicate for g2 a sure
He-Tbe astrologer-described yon ex■etiy aid said that I would marry means of escaping the conscription.
Lettara indoalng two dollar notes pour
yWL .
Sbo-Dcm't yoo think It wan a warn ed to on him, and to midy to each let
ter he would send a printed slip read«( xoeoey to cooenlt htanT
"Jdn tbe nearest volunteer
*q «onld have bid yoo «be —™»thing
mniU tt yon had atiud mA"—etisy
Removal 8ata PrioA
1850 BtwUng; eaee marred In toaiwpOrtlOD, IWO. ORINNBLL BROS.,
*8* B. Prat St. Beadle block to i
steam heated cams und to finally rolled
up at -the back of tlw machine la a
heavy roll of tbe desired color. Tbe dif
ferent finishes are given In a second
procesA Tbe cloth Is passed Uirough
very bciivy and uiiisslve steel rolls
a-lilcb have been nigravod wHb the
slgn tbat is wanted. Fine lines run
ning dlagonslly across the cloth will
k effect, and there are many
A Sniavr and « XUna.
On tbe celling of one of tbe rooms In
Bans Boucl. tbe world renowned palace
of Frederick the .Great In Prussia, to
the patotlng of a huge spider with Its
1s odd
web. Tbe reason for Ibis
“ decora*
lion to tbat one niornli g just as the
king was about to drink
morning eup of cbocolate la this room
he t turned aside for sometblog, and
when, a moment later, be took up the
cup be Doticeil n small spider, bad
fallen into it. Imntediately upon giv
ing an order for a fresh cup a pistol
report was beard, and It was discov
ered llml tbe cook bad shot blmsclf.
The reason for this. It was laterTound
ont was tbat he bad poisoned the
chocolate, and of course when a fresh
cup was ordered be supposed hto
tTMchery bad beeh dtocove^. It was
In remembrance of ibis narrow escape
tbat Frederick ordered a spider's web
to be painted on tbe ceiling.
DUa’t Kaew That Vrlek.
TbaVa a werry kiwwlag anlnud of
youn,” said a young cockney te tbs
■ the coolT
"Be performs strange tricks and taate.
ticA docs bel" inquired tbe cockney.
9lng the animal criUesUy.
"Snrprisln’r’ retorted the keeper.
"We've learned him to pot money In
that box you see np there. Tty him
with half a crown.”
The coatney handed tbe elephant
half a crown, and. sure enough, be
took it to hto. trank and placed It tat a
of reach.
very bextraordJnaiy—
bastsDlsLlng. inilyr said tbe green
one. opening bis eyes. “Now. let’s aee
him. take It out and hand It ba^”
"We never learned him that triric."
retorted Uie keeper, walking away.—
Glasgow ‘nines.
have been In town^
only a short time,
but already have many
friends—certainly no ^
other hats of our ac
quaintance deserve the
attention these receive.
rlagf. A bottle of whisky to opened,
and as each guest drinks to their hap
piness he names a date. When each
goest has named a date an average to
struck and “settling': la complete.
Neither tbe bride nor bridegroom ever
thinks of prnlostlDg against tbe date
60 cnrlonsiy cboecn.
a question of climbing above poverty:
It to a qnestloo of understanding life.
again and flgbt along against
t ttremendous odds, and1 yet with all that
D be made a suecesa, for
Its 1
yon C8
of experience, of aorrowA ot chanceA
of joys and of hope. Fight nntil tha
eoi.-S<- -
A Great Sensation.
There was a big sensation In Leesville, Ind.. when W. H. Brown of
that place, wbo was expectqfi to die,,
had bto life saved by Dr. Kihg-s New
Discovery for Consumption. He writes:
"1 erdnred insufferable agonies from
Asthma but your New Discovery
gave me Immediate relief and soon
thereafter effected a complete cure,
limllar cares of Consumption. PneunonlA Bronchitis and Grip are numer
ms. lt’8 the peerless remedy for
all throat and lung troubles. * Price
by S. B.
50c and 81.00.
Bugbee, Roxbugfa «
We wUl pay SO cenu per bushel for Waitt &.Sons.and
•ugglsls. Trial bottles 10c. Imw
well ripened fruit drilvered at the tac-,
tory. and return all packages.
Boston ^tore’s Brains
For Tuostlay. only, wliile
tliey last: we ont}’ have a
few of then) that we wish
to close out, so don’t lie
too late for ttiese bargains.
We h»’-v a nice line of
Baby Robes
Cdti sad get pricesF. VOTRUBA HARNESS CO.
Nicclv finislicil Golden Oak Pc
Case, like cut. glass doors, just l
thing for library or dining roc
Wc offer this tomorrow only at I
remarkably low price of-
for a quality of fur
and excellence of style
and trimmlfi^;ta-be found
in no other hat at the
price—both derby and
soft styles—all colors.
Clothing Company.
Carpet Cleaning
Making and laying, feather renovat
ed. Work thorangbly and prompU.r
executed. Agent for UJeblgan Rug
Co, N. B. .Chapin. Prop. Traverae City.
All the laietit styles
of Hickey aud Kreem a n Co. 1 i ii e,
Koches ter, New
York, are di-splayed
on our tableK. tSuits
bought of us are
presBed free of
157 Front St
Beadle Block.
9fhea yon are using
tamps or any kind at light
yonr home or office. 'J'herv
is nothing like ELECTEICITY for illominst
purpoevs. No smohv.
smell, no grease, nodaog^
from fires—it is tliv mo-i
lhai can l<c procured.
Buardman River
Electric LIftht &
Power Company.
A bw priced machtoe b an attraetbe baH, >ut bow many
— “
there are who part widi theh
' mooer and have 0QI7- a sad
experience to ihow for H.
Tliis Beautiful Uohlru Oak Center
Table, quartered oak top exai-tly like cm.
onr price Tuesday will bo
When You Buy,
get a machine that is known to
be fint-dao, one on whbh 700
can d^end for service erery ^7,
and year by yt^-that means
a WHITE. Ve have ft b
dther movement-Vibrator or
Rotary ihuftle. Let tm tubmh
a machtoe for triaL We're aure
we can latftfy yoo wfth eiir
reaaonaUe tenna.
Always in the lead. We offer
this lundsome Ooldeu Oak Folding
Desk and Book Bbelf. sxtoe os cut.
lor Tuesday, at tbe ridiculous price
Ne Eitra ClarSe for CitcUt !
It’s a
Still Keep Talking It Over
This time It is
One third of a peraon'e life is spent in bed, why -not be joat as eo
tortoble OS poasible? lO^ourbasi;
to help. ItUalwayaapleasnreto handle money, and we know 1
will youre as eoon aa you «ee these splendid
We have sold a Cbtton Pelt Mattr
aUreae before. 1
nothing os good as this new make, and never any as cheap.
The Boston Store, j
If you agree with us that nothing is too good for }’ou,
then this is the store to buy that new
Suit and Overcoat
■o, IS, IS, ie.so, 18 to ass
TAM Si in white, red, blue, green, pink, graj'
and fancy at only 50e aiid^1.00. New
ness all over this store-cloves—Sweaters—-Hosery—
Ties—Handkerchiefs—all at popular prices. See that
»• BENDA 8 Cq,
This is the
Cotton Felt
to be pure
Cotton Felt
and Will
Not Bnnch.
sleep on, no matter bow tired yon are at nlghL If
you sleep on one of our Cotton Felt Hattreaaea yooTl be rested the next raorfflng, feeling like a new person
C.' G. Bhugart left this morning tor
Richmond. I^d.
Chas. Thompson left today tor a ; STATE NEWS IN BRIEF {
visit at Portland, ln<l.
Mililken la captain of the Olivet
Muskegon—While Hr. and Mrs. B.
baseball team for 1901.
Duellette were away ttom home Sun
Mrs. H. K. Btlekmen went to Hen day afternoon, their little threo-yeardon. Wch., this morning.
Mrs. Leroy Gerard and eon MaH left
UilB morning for Mendon. VIA.
E. N. Olobensky haa gone on a visit
Plalnwell—Saturday the CItUena’
tag and hunting trip to Montmorencl 'State Savings bank was organised
' here with a capital stock of $20,000.
C. A. Edgecomb left for his old hom'4
In Lima, O, today afier being ahsejtt
—The feature of the meet
for,20 y^.
. ing of the county board ot supervlBorB
Mrs. J. w. Marsh and daughter^and
which met yesterday afternoon, was
Miss Amy GUchel have gone tcriBnmthe report of the county road commis
mltsvllte. Ind.
sioner who reported that In the last
The Knights of Pythias will have a
special proglRBfieY^er the regular year there had been expended on tho
roads of the county, the sum of $12.
lodge work Thursday nl^t.
■tXedlBti Col«thAlmle Ool-
PIRDO TiiBtr asa
....... ...........
Milton 8mui1h«*alte went to ManntsMe£^ Utee tbU mornlae on bnaineu.
MIm Rbto AWn «t South Frankfort
to Muncle. ind^ todar.
which"are onexeelled for shelf, or window trimming, just in. Some
Mr*, and Mlat Krntzer havb gene
exceedingly pretty de^ns.
F. W. CABVER- to Angola, Ind.. for a abort vlait.
The latest also In Paper Napkins. Dainty colors and unique styles.
O. P. Carver & Bro.
Mlet Mabel Batea left tor Qrand
Sperdal price*»by
by the
the hundred.
Oa aCQOimt of the last
Rapids this morning. ■
■‘FiRh and Game L.aw'*
Mrs. L. A. DeVelln went to Clncinwill
in their ofBce dnring buriJ GRAND OPERA BOUSE
ness hours, each day, ready to wriu natl, 0.. (his morning.
Mrs. E. S. Pratt has gone to Grand
^Ids for a few days.
Edwawl V. Palmer left tor Muneie.
Ind., today to visit at hie old homi
Wtdatsdiy. Ofl. I4U.
i- probably showers In
Nn Behlesser and wife left today
the Bonth portion; fresh untheaat
Blosc patronized the excur
sion to Richmond, lad., today.
Mrs. E. H. Pierce has gone.te Kalalazoo to visit relatives.
Omar and Tony Rotea took in the
Mrs. C.-Hoxle has gene to Decatur,
Ecuraion today going to Winchester.
fll.. for a visit.
a the excursion to Vicksburg,
' Mrs. M. Cole went to Wii
Miss Mary Bldred left today I
Our Pall Stocks Are Now All In
todsjr to TiBlt relatires.
Sunday and while stepping out of the
visit ii I Indianapolis. Ind.. wUK her
Mrs. W. M. Wagner has gone ti
And tho department is in “ship shape”
the First M. B. dinrch wlU boat on their return. Lyon's gun was
catur. Ind., for a few days.
accidentally discharged, the shot etrik.
W^es■wn of t
F. J. Brown
for a big fall trade.
Levetand and vrite 'left this
tag him In the neck with fata} results.
<:ay afternoon at half past two.
momins (or Kalamazoo to visit rela today for a visit at
The reception.to have been held to
' Kalamazoo.
Mrs. E. O. Strong and daughter, night at the boine of Mr, and Mrs, A
A. Shorter and daughter went
o Auburn. Ind, thlh Miss Daisy Strong, left for Htckevllle. \V. Und, for the congregation of the
nrst Presbyterian church, has been State bank has just been organized
O., this morning.
Mist Vera and Lula*Jones, accom postponed to a week from tonight, Oc- here with a capital of $26,000, aal
C. Garn and wife and aen have gene
tober 20th It will lake the form of a there an 56 sto^olden. This is
to Ashley and Stooh, lad., for a 10- panied by their mother. Mrs. R- B.
;farewell to Rev. Wiley K. Wright and the second new bank to be organlz,ed
JoneB.-went to Bzcello, O.*
s Vlav tor Youdj;
days' visit.
bt or heavy sole, patent
here in a short Ume.
of all Apes, by
Miss Georgietta Morgan left today family.
Joseph Morrow and wife of Bute
solid leather aiul a goa
street have gone to Marion. Ind., to for Cincinnati. O,. where she will visit j
1 Wallace Eddy, ths
visit their daughter.
Mra. E. Rinehart and Mrs. J. W. !
.. .Anthor of....
Mrs. J. M. Meintoeh and Mra. Levi
Strickler end daugjiter left this mom- Rinehart of Maple City, left today to | Dcoman Thompson’s peerless and .. spread the report that he had mur^
FOR HOY'S Satin Calf Shoes in the «Or- ^
ot real life, "The TVo dei«d bis wife, has f>een arrested on
lap for Richmond, Ind.. for a visit with visit at Port Wayne. Ind.
N. E. Strong and M. N- Craiiry of Sisters." will be hexenomrorow night, a charge of forgery. His parenU are
f last Wodnesda>-.-October 14. at-Steinberg’s highly respected residents of PorUand
l-rese.U.i1 With Every AdMrs. K L. Havlland went to Grand
rantape NOd Many Extra
Grand opera bouse. To an Intelligent
Rapids this morning as a delegate to IghL ,
EVatures Including...............
Mra. C. W. Bowen and children were n,pairo-£oer a glance at the mes of married but does not live with his
the State FederaUon of Woman’s
arUsu is suggested. Many will wife.
olube. She was acoompanied by Miss passengers on the Hooslcr excursion i
this morning.
Lottie Havlland.
Velour Ki^.
Mr. and Mrs. I. Dill and daughter of
Miss Gertrude Sprague and Mra. W.
%^wVFw.F shnes that are corret-t ta
II. FuKicr have gone to Grand Rapids
1 the excursion.
the persons of Mrs. Fred Klump. a
delegatee to the State F<
25. 35 50, 75 Cents.
Mrs. Chas. Crawford and Mr*. Anna
prominent woman of Grant townMiip
of Woman'a clnte from the local «lub
.Seat sale now open at tU*’ box
and owner of 300 acres ot land. She
and Mrs.'O, P. Carver as delegate from Crawtord have gone on the excursion
ofiiee. Telepliono CilisenV ilt.
omb^CItj-. Ind.
was yesterday fined $49 or 65 days In
the Ladies’ Library association.
Mrs. 1/ M. Kern and children of 901
the Detroit house of correction.
Randolph street left today to visit
friends at Converse. InJ.
Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Jahraus left today for Urbania. O., for a visit of a
Brilliant Actor. William Owen, to Be
week or 10 days. .
Seen Here Scon.
J. E.^ Reynolds and wife of Eaet
Willtam Owen, supported by’an un
Eighth street have gone to Richmond,
usually strong company, which
incl.. to visit Mrs. Reynold’s brother.
McConnell, will be here
Mrs. W. G. Thompson and son, Phil
I a projection of real magnlfii Pratt, of Pratt’s sUUon left today
distancing b41 former eBorta
visit their old home at Wabash, Ind.
of thla-talenied actor. It is a roman
The Ladies’ guild of Grace church
tic drama fonnded on episode* of the
111 meet with Mrs. Faxon. 415 West
court of Louis XI. and is, said to be
■Tm the boy,”—say
Tenth street tomorrow afternoon at
U U p dromaUc
What's the nse of anything?
be found there who bau achieved pn- ipost intoreeting.
t or atr Walter Scott’* inMra. W. H. Petherick and daughUro,
Nawthin’—but, Tli teU yon this
presence ta a "cast of &ar»cters” as teresting novel. Quentin Durward
I don't agree with ma aar sis.
styled, "When Louis XI.
s spend the sures
remarkable artlsUc results,
Don’t see so use In wearin’ shoes '
"The Two 'Sisters" is announced Was Kinp." It I? Mr. Owen’s first
ork as a playwright
But—If I must
Mrs. Mary B. Ingeraoll and daugh-' jj," „ companion play to "The
Especial stress Is laid upon the
I want Sblz Shoes.
ters, Emily nml Mamie, left this morn-1 Qj., Homestc.id." and k would be
tap for a trip to. Wabash hurt For. |
,o find a strouger endorse- scenic arrangements, which are most ; 1
Sols on ahoea meoAS whe.t otorlinB
varied and romanUc. The fifteenth
Wayne. Ind. '
| mcni for It.
dooa on silver.
century style of the nemtalf. Frcncn
Hose Co. No. 4 will give a benefit l
. ----------------------------It'AAbsAgcot bettemca-A lakes of giiiUly.
Burgundian architecture has i
dance ta SecomI street hall tonight ’
^ Thoaghful man.
Mrcfully studied and the general j
for Chas. Zeran who has been confii
M. AuaUn of Wlncbesier. Indwhat to do.ta me hour of nee.1. effect tlmi has been thus obtained ta
(to Ills bod for. the past month with
i unsual
most picturesque, the prolqg and i
I scumach Irnuhic.
.lublc. pbrsIcUns last act both transpire in the gorgeous
M. F. BrazIngton.Svho has been em- , pl,"“*notTelp her
etbou^t of and
Life :PillB
and audience chamber of Charles tbe Btdd
ployed by the Bell Telephone Co, In
j>r. King’s New _...
The OUl RcHablo Sboe Mouse.
Burgundy. The first act shows the
'-and was finally
this 'city lot eight years, left this (she pot relief at once-and
Only 25c.
25c, «
at £>. E Walt
Fieur de Us Inn. a favtwite hannt of
taori.taR,for CtactanatU.O. He Ib not
ahd Biigbec. Roxbufgti & Co.'s drug- Louis XL. seated ta a dense forest
reriain whether he will return.
) stores.
•£*'l E- Front »L
New StMiKl.
- '
near the historic castle of Pleasis. the
famous castle iueU showing ta tbe
the oOuntry over are careful to
distance. Act second lies ta tbe court
yard of the pripry of St. Dominic, the
look for this stamp when buying
old priory forming tbe background,
surrounded by old crumbling ivy cov
^ 7%/{ 4^
will find in our overcoat assortment tlie most desirable styles as
ered walls. The climax of the scenic
Queen Quality
It&WmII well as the moat Rerviceaiilu clotlth to be had. Ail our medium
equlpnienL however, is reached ta the
It’s the mark of quality.
third act, which 1b enacted ta the re
guarantee of comfort and
grHde.s-$7.50 t<»
are tbe best values to be had anywhere for th • mon-y Our better grades are finely
ception hall of the palace of the car
dinal-bishop of IJege. It la one of the
hand tailored and fit yon at every p->int. You don’t know tlic sutisfict! fcciint I'f a perfect fitting ^iirment
Its an assurance that you’re not
most -beautirul and effecUve scenes
paying more than 1s neoeesary foever produced, showing the arched
until you’ve iici’Ji in oiieofthe.se coats.
all that’s of value ta women’s aboes.
and domed room with its canopied car
Queen' Quality shoe* have ele
dinal’s throne. Its latlced windows,
gance, and with It they give a
heavy ,st>mber tnasotm'. .massive
perfect fll and glorloqs comfort,
bronze doors and rlc6 furhitnre, all
and they are ®nly
illuminated with a myriad of candles
and blazing fiambeaux. A terrific elec
trical storm, one of the most realistic
ever produced, rages without during
the progress of the act, hlghtentog the
(A few .Specials $3.50.)
effect and adding to the color and life
Of the strenuous action. The producThe eyeleu in Queen Quality shoes,
for y«u>:g inpn at $8.5») to 118.
tk)o ta its enUrety Is one that any
like all the other trimmlnga, a
star might well be proud of.
finest to be bad, -niey’re "fast color"
O^er style**, $5.(K) up.
—never turn brassy. The new fall
styles are very #w^. Step ta and
sec them.
Boyne City to Get More Tanning and
Chemical Plants.
City Mich., Oct 13.—N«# in
dustries aro.ta Store for Boyne. A
tanning concern as large as the pres
8«Uer of 43ood Shoes.
ent one win be erected next spring$10, $12.00 an-d $15 in lacing
d plant capitalize^
Tomorrow Ni^t
Decorated Grepe
Our Shoe. Department
Has Taken on ISeM Life
A Few Specials for this week
The Old Homestead
eastus and • Banks.
1.25 k
i .Z5
T on
m ,
The -V Boston -v Store.
^ i
Frank Friedrich ^ Comiiany,
Half Belt Coats
Men’s Coats
Alfred. V. Friedrich,
Cheviot, Melton and Kersey
clothes made to fit a.s well as
though cut for you.. Ouf ^ne
grades at $18.00 to $24.00 are not
equalled by
ifooda at $25.00 to $35.00.
An i:*”"-*
Theslaplc m^ium length.very pcipnlair
f""- young re
plants are the resulto of Ji
le’B promoting. -He Is the town’s 8L
Houses are scarce, residences are
going up ta every direction. The
•chool board has grave fear* that the
new echoed buUdtag will not accom
modate the Urge school popnlsUon.
even though the <Nd building «U1 also
be used for that purpose.
will find staple styles that are not so. extreme in'(Resign as the
younger men demand. We aim to meet the wants of all, and
our immense stock is so well selected that you can’t get out of our store without “just what’’ you'>rt^t.
Helm « Diamond'a .
give a dancing party in Forester’sB halt
Wedneodi^^ening. Oct. 14. Ew^_
4 ■
Hamilton Clothing Co.
Traverse City
s after the IStb. j
Cal.l or Knd cheek.
hOn Qm B1|U^
You will find more of it in less time
in a poor flour, than in any other thing,
we know of. Therefore when baying
don’t stop short’ of the ‘'BK8T.“
Manufactured by
Hannah Lay Cp.,
THE HAHi'y BAHIilii, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1903.her sister. Mrs. Levi Strichler, and
children wbio have been visiting her,
Gut Long went to Geneva, IncL, to left today for the IgUer'e .home at
Richmond, tod.
There-will be a meeting of the I. O.
Mre; M.^Neablt left teSay tor PortQ. T. tomonbw ni^t to elect dMe•Ce, Ind.
• L. W. Henderaen left today tor Hleh. gates to the district convention.
The steamer Charlevoix ran aground
ttona, Ind.
. - A. W. WMten hat gene to Richmond, in Petoekey harbor yesterday momtog
but was floated by noon by unloadtog
lad., for a TicH.
Chat. Thompaon left.thit morning her cargo.
Mr* J. H. MeGough and Mr* Uvi
for PortJanJ.
Howard 8. Miiaaelman hat gone to Sonie went to l,ansing today as dele
gates -to the state aonventlon of the
Grand R^dt.
Or. J. A. Snyder utd Al doyee went Order of the aastem Star. •
Wm'. Sehenkel and Mr*. Dan Schenkto Cadillac today.
H. E. Baker and wife left thit merit- el retnmed to their hratea at Bendon.
Hlcb.. today taking with them the lit
Ine tor Harloa..Ind.
Geo. Wikle of Elmwood aTonne hat tle dau^ter of Jacob Schenlrel whose
Kewart and Lyle Shorter went to mother recently died.
Mr* Francis Snow and Mrs. Henry
Hodeen. Ind.. today,
Wright, mother and sister of Mre. H.
gone to Portland. Ind.
D W. Hcnneay hat gene to PoAland. B- Gamer, and Mr. Henry Wrighi left
this morning for Bnmswick. G
Ind.. for a few days.
C. «, Stover %vat an exeoreionitt to where they will spend the winter.
E.*Lyon of State street is confined
Richmond.. Ind.. today.
Sylveeter Baker hat gone to Rich I hit house on account of a bad In
jury sustained by a fall yesterday In
mond. Ind.. for a thort time.
irehouse at the rear ol his store,
Mr*. M. O. Carrel went,to Quincy.
was made over bis eye and bis
Mlcb„ to rlslt relaUre* today.
D. A. NeleeVhat gone to La Grange. left side is badly •bruised.
annual meeting of the CongreInd.. tor a visit with relativea.
Ladles' Aid society will be
Lealid Heath of Nerthport has gone
held on Wednesday afternoon in the
to Uma, Ind., tor a thort vlalL
Mr. tnd^Mr*. J. Morrow took the ex chxreh parlors. Every member is ex
pected to be present and all who de
cursion to Marion. Ind.. today:
H. Mormon and daughter have gene sire to become members are invited.
Election of dffleers and other business
to Fort Wayne, Ind,. for « Titit,
C. Gam, wife and ton left today for will be transacted.
the clerks’ ubion meeting last
n visit at Strow and Ashley. Ind.
Bom. to Mr. and Mrt. EJIcwerth nlgfat It was decided that the next
meeting shall be followed by a sodal
Hale, a baby girl.
Johnathan Hodgeon and wife have time and a fine programme will be giv. There U considerable interest tak.
gone to Leon. Ind.. for a few days.
by the clerks in the union and there
Mr*. L. C. Baker wat an exeuralo
are several candidates for Inlation at
1st thit morning to Rome City, Ind.
Mrs. Henry McKinley left today to the next meeting.
There was a very pleasant aocial
join Rev. Henry McKinley at Geneva,
gathering at tiie home of J.'H. Stainberg last evening to celebration of Mr.
Steinberg’s birthday. Els parents
and -some friends were Invited In to
■ Mr*. Clara Craw and Mr*. Ellsworth spend the evening and a most deli^twas enjoyed. Mice refresh
tjox and son went to Winchester,
ments were served the guests.
About 35 members of Traverse Bay
hive'. No. 85, L."0. T. MM., pleasantly
surprised Mrs. E. H. Pope of Bast
ton. O.
BIgbtb straet last nlgbt Mrs. Pope
' Mr*. Hi
the recipient of a bMoUful piece
. log tor
of china. There were the usna) games
J. U Stanton hat gene to Winchu- anQ social interconrse, ice cream and
being served as refreshments.
ter. Ind.. for a visit w«J» friends and
The steamer Illinois cleared from
- Min E. Weidoft has gone to Cln- this port last nlgfat with a full load of
einnaU, 6., for a 10-days' visit with freight Sbe wUl call only at LndtogOD her trip to Chicago. Sbe took
her Bister.
1,000 barrels of apples at this port
F. W. Carver went to Angola, lnd„
this morning to vistt friends at hit and the same number at Bowers Har
bor. She had an Immense quantity of
taken on at reverse Bay
are vislUng their sli
Hewitt. 535 West Tenth street
John Heat of Monroe Center pined
tbroDgh the city today on his way to
Wastes Oaea Wet Pnele Seas
Decatur, Ind.
Over a MUUoe a Year.
Mr*. Effie Wright It Uking the ex
An experienced clerk lo a b^cb
cursion to Muncle, Ind., for a visit post office uptown says that Uncle Sam
with friends.
Is In pocket every year mote than
. Mi^ Zura Cox and children left to fLOOO.OOO by purchase of postage
day tor a visit at Winchester, Ind, stamps which never arc used.
“How many stamp*'' be say* "do
with relatives.
Mrt. E. W. Butler and children left you lose through c«rrytog them
losly In your iwkets and flsbing them
, tod^ tor a visit at Joneevflle, Ind., out again glu^. together and useless?
•. with her titter.
How many ^ypu put In a comer ol
Ml*. Wm. Louden and daughter Jen your pock^book. Boding them again
nie have gone to Grand R^lds tor
months IsteV looking like uo)'thltig but
postage stamps? Of coarse nobody
tew days' visit.
Mrt. Leuit Culman of East Eighth ever thinks of sending sneb stomps la
str^ hat gone to Indianapolis., Ind. for redemption. Suppose tbe waste I
n speaking. of
averaged 20 cents
tor a short visit.
iDOally for cacli
buslDeas'man. The
Mr.'and Mr* M. Lindsey of Wil- total would be cnormou*
, llamsbnrg took In the ezcnrsl^n to
"Hot weather was o great revenue
Coldwater. Mich.
maker for tbe government before tbe
Mr* W. M. Fair and aon Joseph of little oiled books came In; bot many
persons lose tliclr book* and tbe
like Ann took^^the---------*“
age 1s about tbe same. Some persons
tor Arvllla, tod.
Rev. U. A. Moser, wife and baby of actually coiuc back to tbe stamp win
dow and ask if lost stamp books cso
Sk Rapids went to La Verne, tod.,
•be traced like bank book* AnoUier
- on the esenraion.
way Id which Uncle Sam gains Is
1 Stallman of Suttons Bay was through tradesmen sending oufalettm
a passenger throngfa to Rlebmons, Incloalng sts«i|>ed addressed enVelilopes
lnd„ this momtog.
for replies, which in the majority
T Of
Mrs. L. Lyon of Williamsburg was caaes are never used.
“Some business booses collect soeb
one of the excnrsltmists today g
to Coldwater, Mich.
Uke .the trouble to do tbl* Think of
Miss Ina Bowen left this morning the thousands of return postal card*
for ^nebeeter and Indlan^lls, tod., too, that are never used. Lott of perfor a week’s visIL
puttlng stamps on
E. W. Hall and family went on the letters or paper* and they (all off.
excursion to Sturgis and Coldwater. Then tbe matter.la held up for double
cod 6f tbe line.
Mich., this morning.
“A gr
Mr* Graffmlller of Central Lake
much postagr.
passed throngb the rilty today
etampe on a letter that would have
route lor Ugonler, tod.
gone for 2 cents. It is amaring bow
Mist Victoria Steimcl of SuHont little Inform^Uon usually well IpBay left today for a visit with rela formed perBotl$_^ve about different
tives at Richmond, ind.
classes o( mailmktter. The pay tor
Hr* Demas Cochlln took the excur- It. too, and pay wdfl. Tbe beanty of
n la 1
alon mini Agy’InrlnnnM O.. where
she will rislip old home.
Miss Allce^eith left thle morning -New Tortt Fres*
for RlriuBond, Ind.. where'she will
id the winter with a conaln.
1- m Ba* War.
Ir* H. Brown and daugMei
Mary—rm sorry to bear that yon’vs
Provemont paned throngfa' the city not been feeling well. What seen
be tbe matter?
today en route to Ridbrnond, tod
Jane —I suppose I am run down.
Mr* Ethsi Pratt and Mr* L. B. Car
penter and aon bave^goae to Wafaasfa. Why, for tbe last raontb I baven't'been
able to put any heart even Into my
Ind, few a visit irith their mother.
Tho* W. Stanten and wife, accom ahopplng.-Brooklyn Life.
J ‘
panied bjr his mother. Mm Aaron
Stanton, left today for Wlnobester, Ind.
Earl C. Breckway and Eugene Car'penter of Northport passed throng
the city today on tjielr way to Angola,
DmM Ccx of toe Northern Michigan
'Asylum left .today on bM vacatic^ He
will Tlalt his old home at Wlniabster.
Ml* William Adslt, Mr* J. R, Btlll. well and Mrs. Fred Acres were a party
on the excurskm today to Rldtmond,
F. Kinneysalesman wHh Orinnell Bros, rekmed
to hlB home in Quincy, Mich., this
John Blacken and 'JakS Witkep left
this tnomtog tor RUgevlUe, tod.,
after a shirt stay there win go to
points to Peassylranl
Mr* J. w. JaekMMi, woompanlsd by
Ike C>lt«a SIMM.
As to ttm kistoiT of wire* the IsfMd
nms that U was first found giowlBC
Wild In'AraUa. Hadji Omar, a dervish,
OOWEITES MAKE READY discovered lt>a 12SB, 61T year* ago. He
was dying of bdnger Ja tbe wiidernes*
when, ftuding eom small round bei^
rie* be trieffito eat them, but they were
FINAL INSTRUCTIONS WERE RE Wtto. He tried .roasting tbeoi, and
these be finally steeped In some water
held to the hoUow of his hand and
found the decoction as reCrcsbing as If
■ He bur;b be had
been banished, and.L lorittog tbe wise
., they
.rtake of his
Evangelist Saya He Expects 25,000 were .so well pleased with it that they
Converts In Gotham.
Zion City. 111.. Oct. 13.—Zion City
this morning teemed with activity InddentAl lo the march of 3.000 members
of the Yestoratlon host on New York.
Two thousand pieces of bsggage were
hauled to the depot in wagons. Seven
thousand persons ettended. the meet
ing for final instructions last night
which lasted-tilt 1:30 o’clock this
morning. Dr. Alexander Dowle bless
ed the host and homeguard Md de:
Clares the reform of tbe-world begins
with New York .in which be expects,
he said. 25.000 eonvert*.
Missaukee County Child Who Had
Strayed Away it Killed.
Lake City. Mich., OcL 13.—13ie two-'
ye*r-oId son 'of James Shannon, who
llvee five miles from this city, while
playing In an orchard near the house
Satiirday afternoon,' was butted to
dfeath by a pet ram. The child had
strayed" away alone. The parenU are
heart broken.
Will Be Blown Up Today for She Can.
not Be Saved.
Detroit. Mich., pcL 13.—It has been
decided that the sunken steamer Glldden at St. Clair Flats cannot be sav
ed and Major Biiby, tor the ande^
writers, will begin today to blow her
up with dynamite.
Pleased Grand Rapid*
Speaking of "The Two Sisters"
which appeared Sunday evening at
jew Powers theatre. Grand Rap
ids. the Post says:
‘Tbn Two Sisters' proved pleasing
t large aodlence. Tbe drama Is Interestlng In its theme and possesses
good rieal of human interest. The
company presenting the play Is a
balanced one and includee some
capable actoTs."
of the most iioiortous criminals
Vh* It wonld.hardly be thought paid
tbe sUgfatat attcotion to omen* good
M bad, nave the greatest faith In snpeirttlona of all kinds.
The burglar is a believer to tbe algnlflcance of dreamt and has been
known to leUnquiah a big buigUngtoat
l^t before has wakned
him that be will be to danger should be
disregard'the warning. U he aaw a
rainbow be would conaider It to por
tend that, however reckless he may be.
he is not likely to fall Into the hand.
of the police for a space of three
month* itorglars have been known to
carry a ilonkL-j's shoe la tbelr pocket
beforv liii-ning out. believing that this
will |)roiici tlioiii from danger, while
P'" "'el'’
f° a Piece of coat
m tLclr pockeu
throughout their career and afterward
“ confederate.
t ^he pickpocket Is eqnally supersHhe will not rob a per'
a*tol"t>*- «hls being accounted
• *'«“
'l*s“>«er- ami If » happens
robs.coutalus foreign
cotns It is believe lo atfgur that be
will travel =‘u eood
good deal In the Immedl“te future, whether In the company of
“ «>UP>C oT offieers or uot there la noth'hP «o show.
and funerals are pregnant
with meaning for tbe
To pick a iiiK-kct at n funergl would be
court liiiiiiedlale dt* tier, when-ns If
purse iwcli-ii at a wedding eoiitalna
port.-mls (be beet df luck for
the thief during tlie ensuing six mobtb*
Sonic iitciii wkets have a favorite
pair of bcxits liiol the.v wear as long aa
they cun kisp them on their feel, and
if tlic.v jMv not arrested while they
"'esring them they cut the boots up
wioare pieces and give them
^ •‘U'*!' toketjs” to tbelr pal*
------------- ^---------THE EYES.
-----------i 'Black or very dark eyes denote a ca. pacily for extreme ardor In love.
I Greenish tints In blue or hazel eyes
are Ihc
of wisdom and courage,
steel colored eves usually denote a
cold nature, also deceit pnd treachery,
. The Irtob way of courttog to th* old
days and In quiet country place* even
to the piwent day was and to very dif
ferent from that style of thing whidi
mokes the subject of many finely point
ed romances. There were no stolen toterviewa. no twilight walk* no thought
of kisses or even hand clasps-^ short
no lovemaktog whatever. But if they
were at reaping or baymaktog Peter
took fall place next to Eoale, helped to
bind her hbearee when bis own were
done and at noonday ‘ook bis thsre of
soda cake and tato draft of milk from
.. 17.60
Her par ton ........................... 13 00
tog meal was over. I’cter would rise
ai^d look out of the'door and say to.l
father or atot«»: ‘"Tto a fine nlgkt
think ru go for a bit of a stroU." And
the bit of a stroll Inevitably ended
tbe narrow path through tbe whin
bushes up to the stile, over wblcb/4t Bran, per 1
was but three stops Into Alee McCrosfian'S baggard. and then acroaa to where
the firelight shone welcoming through
an open door.
Around the fire tbe family circle was
widened to make room for him. as a
Buying Rato*
matter of course. MnylM- be took a
-odDced Into' th
by ClUra'iv^ F^ch’ pbyatdan who
gave a Norman genUeman of the'name
of Dc Cllcux. a captain ofHnfadtry on
his woy to Martlalque. a stogie pUnt
The sea vovage was a stormy one the
vessel was driven out of her cours* and
drinklng water became so scarce that
it was distributed In rations De CUcni.
Willi au uffectlou for hli
coffee plsnt.
divided lUs portion or water with It and
snceeeded In bri^ng
bringing it to Martlnldn*
although weak, uot In asbopeleas condltlon. There he planted It In his garden.
prou-cted It with a fence of thorns and
rontoniod fur Imig enough, talking all
watched it dally until the end of tbe
the time lo Mi-l'ro*->mi or tbe neighbor;
feur.•• when be galliered two ppnpds of
men. but with <|uU-i. Iiai>;>y eyes watch
ree. which be d
ing Rosic. th>- loved and chosen one. as
if the uian.1 to be planted
sbe sat in the IlichiTing H;;lit or moved
by them Prom Martinique coffee trees
about the rooie. And lln-ii. was a gleam
Santo Domlugo.
laloupe and other• neighboring tsIs
bade hii:i Wa.v ions and '«
The coffee tree Is aa evergreen shrub.
:o a height
fouru-en to eighteen feet It Is usuHarrying, tligt he would have Uosle "
ally .kept Iriramrt.'.'Lowcver.’ for convenlence in picking tile horrles which
Tbto. in spite of all that to written In
grow along the branches cl.ose to the
story hooks' and silly romances or
leaves and resemble in shape and color
shown on tbe stage, to the recognized
ordinary cherries. The tree cannot be
and seemi.v Irish way of courting.
n above the froat line, neltlicr can
Donaboe's Uagai^ne.
successfully grown to tbe tropic*
The roost succesafnl climate for producAPHORISMS.
tloD la that found at an altitude of
about 4,000 feet. Anything much above
In all thlnga it to better to hope than
We will pay 30 cents per buAel tor
this is in danger of frost, which is fatal
to the tree, end when coffee Is grown
Adversity borrows Its .sharpest sting well ripened fruit delivered at thr faemuch helm ,W. It cc,hlrc. nrtillcl.l
tory. and return all packages.
from oar Impatience.—Bishop Uome,
.Lh.lc. ,vb,cl, nht.th.llr Ihcrc* th.
„ .|,„hmht. .lU soDtl.
He_ alone 1s an acute observer who
oea not produce gignosliine
cna-**ol>serj-c minutely without bring
It to owing '
" eyes while Indlcnttog af- olxtoTved.-l-ivater..
this psiticular requirement that coffee ,
Uh. never heee ieee.W-pmdmi
lady's golf
in the United Btatcs.—Buccess.
Cape between Cass street bridge
Variable gray eyes arc highly Intel- building bouses fur Uiem.-A. B. Al■ ■ ‘•
locCunI ami Indicative of an impulsive eptt,
l^rn and State and
and iiupri-sgloiiabli- tciupcraoicnl.
d to never
streets to Front street. Leave
;Ie office-and get rea-arJ. '6612
Blseult and rolls require a bettor
Clrar IIligin bine eyes, espedally If ae- worth its tost, while a good coosclence
companici by steadfostness of dlpres- never costs as much as it is worth.—J,
VCD than bread
Breadahould rise to twice Its original
auitobility P. Semi •
nantity before It to ready to bake.
line coi«*lou(-ji
j The one who will be fonnd to trial
capable of
if groat
acts of love to ever the
T3. sponge should be
at night to
one who is
ii always doing considerate
Shades of gray and blue, go wlib lym- small ones.—F. W.
phatii- dlKpositions,' characlei-izcd by
To be bumble to superiors is doty: to
coldncs* scllishnesj and Ustieaanen.
eqiuto to courtesy, to Inferiors to noBread and biscuits sbould rise in a
blenea* and to all safely. It being a
for if too cold
virtue that for all Its lowUnes* comIt w-lll tie beaT7 ^
hot It i» likely.
mandetb thoee It stoops to.—Sir T.
Mllic to I
i for mixing. In I
some cases tbe quantity used will have . Itohed London west eo'd club
Removal Sale Prie*
............ f;
..... r ............•. S
Creek RMe*
We learn that the nose of Socrates
waa Dot Greek, but such as Greek art
ists usually assigned to astyrs. Ocea- "ri” "
: “T,” ~Tuv” S ™3 .to'S •
sionally. as In a beautiful group of a
satyr playing dice with a uympb on a
bronze mirror, they gave satyrs
*.,^.0.1.. ..a
water and liquid enough
er kind of nose. The noses of the la
, hours corrcspondlDgly irregular. Tbe
squire went to 'jed-at an early hour,
dles in tbe Taoagra terra cotta are of make a batter. U sbould be left t
all agreeable ordeto of nose, not neces rise till li^it.-BxcUaDge.
when all was quiet and decorous. If
sarily Greek.' Tbe chsnces are that the
there were a racket to tbe night he
At th* Theater.
Greeks varied as much fas we do In
their pose* while tbe tradition of their
art preferred the courdnUonal straight
nose. In tbe same way the kind of Ro
mans who had their portraits done on ,
colas and gems were just the sort of |
.rz': -
miAn„L-BV HAN...
.-------- ---
ts: rr.r3.“
I by
the London News. Tbe captain of tbe
Pteaner Beoaldcr of Leith, on a voyage
to'Chlna. threw a bundle of old letters
overboard to the Mediterranean. Some
Spanish fishermen of Agullas.
letters Inside. The.v took this to tbe
mayor, who mannged to declpber In
one the name and address of tbe super
intendent of the sieniDshlp line to Lon
don and thus to restore tbe lettetb to
their owner.
r. “ert'h^' ,r pia^L“sL^ a ■
man was greatly annoyed by the occupant of the stait lo from of him talk
ing lu a loud voice about wlul was
going to happen on tie stage. . Finally.
.n-hen the Ulk became Incessant be
“Whst au luferua) nutoance!"
The man to (rout tnrned arouad and
said In a Uircateuiug voice:
• Do you refer to inc. slrr
"No, Indeed." replied the man In tlie
row behind. “I was almply saying
what I thooght of the actors. They
ore making so mud noise that I can't
hear one-half of ysur Interesting and
valuable conversa^on." — PbUadelphto
The Taloe or a Thoatioo.
A vacation.pays ns much from.tbe
standpoint of character as from any
other i»olnt of view. Just as "every
man Is a
when lie to Sick." so the
best iiitcniiuned man in tbe world may
be a brute when lie Is worn out phys
ically and working nud planning or
trying lo do so with a fagged, weary
brain- The -brutal qualities to a man's
nature come to the surface' when be
has dfaltied bis vitality to tbe Orrg*'
He loses hto self control and bto pas8loii*%ti the better-of him. He does
things which la his soul be condemns
and says tillage for which he aftc^
ward hates himself, and all because he
lacks physical stamina. The Idng strain
of the year has made him so Irritable
and exacting that the merest trifle up
sets hiip. He goes all to pieces over
little things which he would not even
DoUcc if he were in good bodily condltion.-:6ttccc8s.
Am She (sleratood It.
A pretty rosy clceked country glri
entered one of -ou- larg^uartmeot
stores. It was bargaNfl|llM'tl
crowd was greeter th^Kmat. 81
bad wandered (Oboat from floor to
floor, a little beVlIdered at tbe magni
tude of the esUhltobmeot the largest
sbe had ever setn.
ReelDg ber. a toprwalker approac
and said. “Is lOiybody waiting
"Te* sir.’' saldlthe girt, btueblng to
One or the Other.
tbe roots of ber fitxen hair. "He's out
“Gee whl*“ exclaimed tbe nervy side; be wouldn’t come in.”—Philadel
caller. "1 haven't another mstrii. and phia Ledger.
A* I'Btoir DetU.
my cigarette has gone out!"
"Tried to skin m* that kiribbler
"Well.” replied the polite young wo
man, who could Wand It no longer,
"yon would 4iave had to If It hadn’t"—
"Wanted to
Catholic Standard andTUne*
> write tbe b
vertisemenu. I turned him dow-u. I
wasn’t going to do all
jury handy. But we captured tbe feller workr'-Baltlraore New*
on Wednesday an' pnt off the bangin'
containing >4 to silver. I
till FiMay, bo's to have it accordin' to
C«r« For s Hoaely Bel.
1 reet
custom.''-WashiugtoD Btar.
Floorwalker—I'm very sorry, madam,
but 1 can't exchange this hat for yon.
'HB PARTY who strie the lady’s
The Bride's CHlIes.
Ur* Smithson—But my husband doe*
Columbia chatoleas wheel from In
"Now that wc are married, dear.'
front of Tbe Racket store Saturday
like It:
morning should return It as soon as said the bridegroom, "yon have a Kri-1
r-Tben I'd advise 700 to
task before »ou."
possible and get their own wheel InRemoval Sale Prie*
I setA divorce.-SyraoQse Herald.^
Btead. or suffer prosecution to the
"Why. George, what to itr
>400 Crown Piano. Case damaged in
full extent of the law. The party
a benefit to tbe greatest
transportation. SS50.O0.' OEINNELL
who will furnish intormation leading
e wrvthy of me.'’-PblIodri.
,t i,
IIBOS.. 339 Front St. Beadle block to
to the theft will be fairly rewarded. phln Press.
a few day*
and true.
■ A record
of heaiing
fM* sixty years.
- Selling RMm.
Mre. Patty-Do you really think Dr.
Ducktnnn Is a skllltnl pbyslclan?
Mrs. Glhlln <tbe patJtoit)-I don't'
know so uiuch gbont that But be has
Bueb a quieting way with him! When
I said I hoped I Wouldn’t be buried
alive he-^ld he’d look out for that
Wasn’t that tbonghtfni of hlm?-Boston Transcript
Good for Man or.Beast. C^res
hurts and pains anywhere in the
txHiy or on the' surface.
Specials From the
Carpet Section,
straw Mattings
Kver.v piece of Straw Matting left over from *he season s solltog
must bcelosed out during the next lodays Winter goods *r* crowd
ing to on nit and we must have llu- room Measure- up your rooms and
come to tomorrow or aiiylimethto week. The assonracui is good and
here arc the prices that will muve it nut lively,
12^chlndat 9c 18c and 20c kind at I2^c
22c kind at 15c
23c kind at
• - 19c
33c kind at - - 23c
Made Up Rugs at About 1-3 Oil!
♦ill connection with the Matting Sole we wHl place on sale oJkiuI 18
rootle up rugs. Rugs made up of rernnsntt of Brussel* VelveU. Axuiinsu-re, etc. The sizes differ, some large, some small. Better bring
the size of the room and wv will help yon,seIect a amUble flU.ng.
1. serviceable anil will
..................... il isvl
have a filling that
not h.ari- to come J|p every
Foot Stools 29c, the Regular 50c Kind.
Penetrates as no other liniment can penetrate.
Sinks right into the fevered skin and takes out
pain. Good for everything that walks.
Keep it InyourhfMise.
Keep it in your shop.
Keep it in your office.
Keep it at your stablea.
Keep It at your car bams.
Mexican Mustang l>iniment
VOL. AQ. NO. 3266.
► We are showing the largtot and most complete line of j
Heating Stoves
I ever shownthe state. All. kinds and sizes . Air j
« Tights, Round Oaks for wood or any kind of enal, Soft J
f CJoal and Hard Coal Heaters.
A pood Air
' Jost
like cut (no chenp sliect
iron tiling) but made of
rood shcrt st«el. has cast
iron draft in front. »erv«’
dRtiip<T.'Visl inin l.-ra. will
take is.inrh wooi1. for
i 'l li. v- lUiirr rifflil nions up
T to OIK-of llir very U'M .Mr
base. lu-hTv
' <'V>. tup witii ]p*iiMle holes,
. Mviiitf l..|> i.i,-kle.L whole
nilviy urusiuroU'd,
; iv-l' (alcr '.•l-iiuOi woo.l. for
oi.(> S'.I.i
A Large Line of Round Oaks ;
, good, lit,I. Ko„.d 0.k. „ill ;
bum wood ur any kind of coal for. 86 T.V
From .Uu: ri^Oi; aluni; np to urn- of
We I :
II M-. fi--- S,if;‘Coni Burner. I
.................... clmma'y of ilie .lirtu-st soft J
coal willimir
til-' IcwM. bil Ilf gas •
.ill -UI.I look
; tUriall and Wbolcsalo.
Practical Hoim- nirHixlM.'r.
PoH Huron, Midh.. OeL IS.-Charlea
RUSSIA TELLS WHV SHE STAYS Hyde, aged 17 years, was drowned In
Lake Huron yesterday afternoon while
hunting dneks.
Youn^ Hyde, In company with Ja
CHINESE .HAVE JOInED THE ROVcob Grow and Daniel McMillan, atartINC BRIGANDS
in the lake In the morning.
About 1 o’clock yeaierday the boat up
set. throwing all three out Into the'
Grow was the only one who conld
KWlm. and although ever a mile from
T nniion, Oct. 13.—I^ron Hayasbl, shore, he kwt the boys afloat by help
.laitan's minister in London, says be ing them to‘ hang to the boat
|ia.s rweired
He paddled for three hours, aad when
Japan, indicating there Is no need for
few rods fre^ shore, young
nlarm regarding the far eastern situa Hyde sank. Grow s^s he thinks the
tion. He added: "This is my first boy was dead then, as he had gone
message in three weeks and was prob under several times, but was rescued
ably sent because, of the alarmist ru- each time by Grow. ,The other
curreol in Europe which have boys suffered from exposure from hav
reacliwl Japan."
ing liecn In the, water so long.
Gives Her Reiaen.
Si..retersbutg, Os. J3.—The offlelaJ
simouncement has been Issued which
stales that the reason Russia did not
evacuate Manchuria on October 8, the
date set for such action, was that
large numbers, of Chinese have re
cently Joined the Chung Chuses, or
Manchurian brigands, and are making
depredations on towns.
troops, says the announcement, arc
needed to protect the peacebil Inhabitants. It was alas officially announc.
oil this mi ling that naval enfommeoLs now en route for the far east
coiisist of the torpedo destroyers DsanMANY. LOVe.LETTER8.
idaU and Gaidmak. the torpedo trans
ports Amour and Jenisael and 11 torp«lo boau with crews aggregaUng 47 She Will Try to Prevent Hie Marriage
to Mrs. Janeway,
officers and 500 men.
By Qlseharging 5,000 Hen From Re•pair Shops.
New York. Oct. 13.—The Erie rail
way has decided to reduce their work
ing force to the lowest posable Um-
(From a Special Correspondeot.)
Elk Rapids. M^h.. OcL 18.-»rhe
strike at tho bla^t furnaoe Is over.
Work was resumed this morning. Che
men returning at the reduced wages
which became effective October 6.
Last Friday, notices were posted
about the works, informing the em
ployes that unless enough men report
ed for doty this morning st 7 o'clock,
out and
the furnaces would be blown out
there would be nothing mori> doink
until next Hay at the earliest
The company's ulUmstun had the
desired qffqct With the excepUon of
possibly a ilozen men. everyone was
Washington. Oct. IS.—Mies May C.
Wood has left Washington accompa
nied by a legal adviser and taking
with her a hundred tH-more tender letto discuss matters with Senalor
Thomas C. Platt whose eng^
marry Mrs.Ullan T^aneway
tober 15 wJ vecenttf- publlshei
Miss Wofd Is a (fprk in the pQstofflee departpient a^ was transferred
here from New York about 18 months
----- -—THE DOUGtAS SH0E=“ == =
Parker Bros.' Old SUnd.
if yon don't give them a chauee
to try that »aal ersin Bb»e of
It Is made of good
made without ri
Step in unfi ace (hem.
Who Wants
The Best?
You want It. of course—the best
clothing that you can affoid to
buy: We have IL It is made by
L, Adler Broa. A Co- the great
wholesale tailors of Rochester.
New York. It is Just such cloth
ing as yeu paid your Ullor from
*25.00 td *50.00 to make for you
but It cosu only from J15.00 to
*25.00. If you want to see the
best efforts of the
tailors equaled In ready-to-wear
cloUiea, let us show you the
new Adler models for (aU and
LooMng here Imposea no obli
gation to purdiaae.
“The Home of
Good Clothing."
«t Save a Rm Clan Shoe Naktr'i.Sheg,
You arc not doing your fi'rj
Bachant & Roscoe.
206 Front StrweL
New Shoe Store.
Enterprises Floated, He Says. Were
Only Wind Bags.
Hill, president i)f the Great Northopinion on tho financial situation.
"Within a y<wi I
tklce sounded
warning." said. Hill, "an’ t care to
ly no more at this time. We got
UiIngB too high In price to sell to any
people but ourselves, and if we would
to the world -at large It mu« be
at prices other people will pay. That
means'we must sell cheaper. A great
r things were floated which
sisted of wind and nothing else.'
To Divide Helena Townihlp.
Manceloaaj Mich, Oct. 13.—The
question of the division of Helena
township, between Forest Bome sod
Custer, will come before the board of
supervisors this week. Public opinion
seems to be against tbe propoeltion.
sddttloaal Habllltj. $60,000
H. S. Hull, President.
H. C. Davis and
A. V. Friedrich, Vice PreaidenteC. A. Hammond. Cashier.
n. S. Bull. A. V. Friedrich.
Cbas. Wilhelm. William Londou,
Stephen Lantner, F C. Desmoa,!,
U. C. Davis, C. A. Hamniood.^ J.
O, Crotaer. G. W. Lardle, W’. P.
CaUcina. J. M. BenllmmnteL
Miss Irene L. Getty Carried Day With
neods im introduction to the people of this city, but
we call 3'our attontirm to the now iall ai)d winter
styles. S:L00, iwinO and •‘f^.OO.
the^^mlr shops and from the mainOfJTEOPATHY
trip to Europe for Ute benefit of her
tatnance and way corps. It Is under.
health, and many of the senator’s letFtoo.1 that other large "railway lines
illeged. were Indited to hpr
will follow suit.
during this voyage She also
other amatory missives, which
strong corroborallve, evi
dence of a verbal agreement to marry,
A. 6. CURTIS A COMother and Son Die Together in New
.Miss Wood resides at a eeml-fashREAL ESTATE AND LOANS.
ionable boarding house in this city at
No Ta* Clause.
I•'lrc Insurance.
New York. Oct. 13.—Mrs. Margaret
1114 H street, and is a woman of great
Kuoms 9 and 10. H. & L. Blcmk.
Connally. aged 66. and her son Rich
jiersonal charm. She Is about 35 years
ard. need 36. wore found dead In their
of age and well educated. She did not
niiariinenu at No. 312 Bast Thirtyinform her friends here ot her New
'•ichth street early this mbmjng. 'Thev
rk address, but has Intimated that
Inrl been suffocated hy gas.
would not return until she had
obtained complete satisfaction for the
•Moe" Cha
V Has the Gout.
alleged decepUon perpetrated upon
Birmingham. Eng.. Oct 13.—Former
If necessary she will institute a
Colonial Secretary Joseph Chamber- breach of promise suit at once,
is confined to his bed with an at- meantime will do all In her power to
Tiikea Look at thorn displayi'il in our oust wiiuloty.
break off the engagement now exist
ing between the senator and Mrs.
T. W. T H I R L B Y
Mn the Lake for
Three Hours.
CITY lOrnoM.
started up. this forenoon. - The few
vacancies wUl be easily filled. •
Much satlsfahtion^ and pleasure IT
expreAed around town today on the
of the strike. Two
lundred men who were In. donbt last
light as to employment for the winter
ire now sure of steady work at last
icason’s wages.
Berrien Center Min and Five Children
Weigh 1.400 Pounds.
Niles, Mich,. Oct 13.—Henry Young
blood of Berrien Centre capii to town
yesterday with bis tour bnxom daugh
ters, whose oombined weight is up
wards of I.OOO pounds. Mr. Young
blood himself weighs better thkn 200,
but be is not "In It." when it comes to
slxe, even with the lightest of the four
Hiss Lydia, who has
mers. weighs 226 pounds; Ida, the
weeond daughter, who U the h|^W
-JSrtZtta thM-in orfier
blrth, is Jnst a shade heavier ta
Lydia, while Anna, the baby, who is
Just sweet 16. 4s also a 200 pounder
and better.
Mr. Youngblood'also has one son.
wlio weighs as much as the four girls
average, hence the combined weight
of tho father and five children Is about
1.400 pounds. •
(Frcm> a 8
Kalkaska, HIcb. Oct IS.^Calkaska
the first county to get in Us report
1 the normal training class, so says
the superintendent of pnbllc instrnctlon. and the proep^ts for a training,
school at this point are^very bri^t
Mias Irene L. Getty, school commiasloner. took hold of the proposltlah
and to her energy is due the euecees
thus tar. She asked to-hnve a special
meeUng of the school ^ovd called
Saturday evening and at this meeUng
the proposition met no opposition.
Yesterday morning the' supervisors
met at 9 o'clock to discuss the feasi
bility of esublisbtng a normal train
ing class here. Nine
present and
favor of the, project MUs' Oett;
once wlred.^operlateDdent DeLos Fall
and received an encouraging reply at
Rev. T. P. Ullom and OtI
wm Attend.
Rev. T. P. Dllsm. psMor of the
Church of Christ (Dladples). left toMUnd tbe Iniernatlotial con
vention of bis society in Detroit
Miss Maude Troutwlne. Mre, Minnie
Dawson and Mbs LiUlan Simms,
other delegatee, will leave on Thurs
day for the convention.
Five tbousajid delegates Dom'all
irH of the world, representing LSOO.>0 r..'»p]e: the best speakers of the
■nomluatioD. presenting the Interests
of the various benevolent and mlssloBary boards; this Is 'what the e
imittee promises tor the coming
international conventioa of tbe Chris
tian church, whose sessions, commenc
ing next Prid^ afternoon and last^ '
till Octo^ 22. are to be held In the
Woodward Avenue Baptist and Central
M. E. charches, -Detroit
The Christian church, being in !U
PHYSICIAN SAYS HIS END 'll plan of government similar to the
Baptist and Congregational denomina
tions. the«athertng will have no legis
lative power. Tbe delegates are not
elected, though an effort Is being made
Soldiers and
Tbe different boards of the chnrdi
which will be represented ar?: The
Christian Woman's board of missions,
Out of respect tor J. C. Richards, the Foreign Christian Utasionary soJanitor of the court bonsb, who lies
dying of plnro-pneumonla just across
lotorests, and the National EdnesUonthe ball from their meeting
board of supervisors adjourned this al society. The magnitude of the
afternoon. Tbe finance committee, work dofie by thMc organlxatloas is
however. Is looking over the olg bunch scarcely appreciated 4n Hichlgan. ow
o tbe fact that the d
bllla which demand their attention.
Hr. Richards has bMn Janitor ot the ls oompandvely wMk In this state.
court house ever since It was first oc- It to. bowever. the fourth Protestant
IgnptedjaBatteur jesffjgy. .Ashe to etereh In the world, in point oC Mae.
from tbe first against his dtoesse.
This afternoon his physician announc of tbe peculiarities of Its consUtnUon
ed that the end was but a qnesUon pf Is tbe absence of creed outside of the
few hours- On receiving this Intel Bible itself and the continual' stress
laid upon evangelization.
ligence the supervisors adjourned.
Best Report in Its History.
The board of snpervtosis met this
?1ie American^ Missionary society
hxwning in regdar session though
morning in regular session though most comes up to tbl^ convention with the
of (he work done was committee work. best report ih its history. During the
Relief assoclaUon tor Grand Traverse year, 12! new churches have been es
county was presented and referred to tablished in the United States anJ
*102.246 has been raised. . The board .
Decline in Live Hogs' Doran't Effect the committee on finance. Tbe report
stated that during the past year th«e has assisted In the san>m of 389. misthe Local Market.
alpnaiiGs; received 6.951- persons by
Although the price of live hogs took haJ been expended for relief the sum
confession and baptism and 7.836 by
a great slugip last week In Buffalo of *360 and asked for *100 for the
coming year.
and Detroit, dropping more than
Tbe for^gn society is doing work in
dollar per 100 pounds. Wifi..Trontwlne.
tour continents and 12 conntiies. It
the local live stock buyer, will
has altogether 338 workers, mission
tInuG to pay the same prices as before writer which has been on trial in bis
and native preachers. These do
the decline iNTicn asked today as to office tor some time. Nothing was
large work in Central China, with
the effect the fall In prices would bhve done about It tbte morning as the
mnebers wished to examine the ma about 20. eabstations outside large
upon the local market he replied
chine and Us work before deciding cities. Last year 30,000 people were
•T shall conUnue to pay the sa
.cared fw In Its hospitals in that em
prices as before. The market Is ral upon iU purchase or refusal.
pire. ■ In -japan, there are over 40 mje- ^
lying and In a week or so will be sS
sions. and Incinded in the work in
strong as ever, as the cause ot .tbe de
Central India are two leper asylnins
cline is no longer dangerous. The
for boys. Misewsy' Items From That Little
only effect upon the local market Is to
slonaries are at work 750 miles op tbe
make advisable the postponement of
Ckmgo in Africa.
Burdiekville. Hlch., Oct IS.—The
The Christian Woman's board of
ev. M. LewU.of the •■Old-time"
ned for this week, unttl next week."
misaloDs. entirety Independent of tbe
Methodist church preached in the H.
other miaslonary organizations of the
GIRL DIES FROM CHLOROFORM. B. church test Snnday.
church, raised last year *139.000, be
Mr. Randall and son of Ridge View
side several thousands for state de
ere In town Monday.
velopment. It helps sustain 119 mis
Dead In' Bed.
sionary pastors; evangelists and tew
Greenville, Mich., Oct 13—MUs from her severe attach of Illness.
in' tbe United SUtes, has 43 mis
Lottie Weils, aged 23. was found dead Frallck of Maple City was the attend sionaries and assoclatf misslonarie*
In bed at the home of her brother-ill- ing physician.
in India. 16 in Jamaica. II In Mexico,
Miss Mary Totten of Maple City
law. three miles east of this clty.'yasin Porto Rico. and. in the last
terday. from the effects of chloroform. passed through town Saturday oj
named place, opened tbe first Protest
Miss Wells had been suffering with stage.
ant orphanage. Its headquarters to
Mrs. Putney of Honor and daughter It Indlanapotls, and it publishes two
toothache and It U not known whether
ere Burdlckvilie visttors t>n Satnr- monthly papers in the Interests of Its
she took the poison to relieve the pain
with suicidal intent. She seemed
Miss Margaret Hilton of Formt
In good spirits when she reOred Sun
is la attendance at the Toacbera’
day night •
Institute, which is being held In Sottons Bay this week.
Tbe sad news of The Jeath of Mrs. Samuel Nelson Meets Death-in Lans
ing While at-Woric
Will Prove Fatal and All Hope Is CUerles Hill which occurred In Chica
Lansing, Mich., Oct 13.—While
go last week was received- here, much
working on * 60-foot pole in front of
BaUlmoro. Oct 13.—Ardibtohop ' to the regret and sorrow of her many tbe state bouse yesterday afternoon
friends and. her relatives who re
ifnne Is very low this morning.
Samuel Nelson, a Uneman in tbe em
'and hU heart action is side here. She was formerly Miss ploy of the city electric light depart
very weak. It Is probable that he will Jennie Daley, neice of James Dunn, a ment vras electrocuted. During this
lire through the day but alt hope for ;r«ldent of thU place. She. leaves a time the current was cut off, but tor
husband and two AUdren to mourn
bis recovery Is abandoned.
'some reason, not yet fully eelkbUshed,
her loss.
a fellow workman on the ground tele
Mias Lulu Patterson, teacher in the
Today's Markets.
phoned the statfon pal had the isnrDetroit. Mich.. Oct J3-—December Fritx district is attending the Teach rent turned on.
wheat 86: No. 2 red, 85: No. 3 corn. ers' Institute this week.
Nelson was abont 60 years old. He
The Rev, Holmes of Empire wlU
60; No. 3 white oats, 38%.
leaves a wife and three children.
Toledo-Cash wheat 84%; Decem preo<* Id the M; E. church next Sun
ber. 85%. .,
VanOstrand is having his house
CWcag(v-Wheat December 79%:
May. 79%: corn. December. 46%: May. renovated.
Hiss Edith Atkinson and Miss. Henry Cha
44%: Oats. December, 87%: May.
Berrien Beard 68 Years Age. '
37%: October pork. »ll.28ylardj,^6.85: Marlth Ahton of Osbwne were Bar8t. Joseph. Mlt*.. Oct 18—At the
tllcmilie callers Friday.
ribs. *8.75%.
Mr. and Mrs. William Ziegler left regular session of the county board ot
Grand ^Rapids—Potatoes are steady
supervtoori here yesterday Hemry •
at the oU figures. 40 to 60 cents, and last week R>r a two weeks' visit In Chamberlain of Three -Oaks made an
there being .no indlcatloo that ibera Ohio among relatives.
addrua. be having served as a mem
will be any "l ody improvement la
ber of the Berrien oounpr board 68 .
thelf condition Iheae prices are exwin pay 80 cento pm- bubal for yean ago. At that time Chamhartoln
treirclv liable to obtain for some time
weu Hpei^ Irnit deUrared at the fiae- said It to(A a day and half to (^
tocy. and ntan all pa^fM________Cliyi-Potatoee, 40 cento
for good Stock; poorer quality' seOi
down to 86 osoto.
The Daily Eagle.
Batered at Trarane Olty FoatoBoe at
SecoBd-olaaa Hatter .
center,' ..........
mail. ..............
by mall. .
Oftoe-lU Wait rYmt atrert.
BoOi ThoDee 68.
W. M. 8HSB7.
City droolator.
NetiM to Subaeribera.
Sabscnbere to The Dally Ba^ are
isvMBtad to notify tba^-offlee at onoe
of any failure to raoalve the paper
prapatiy or on time no that the laatfeaUon of the canter boy may be
. adled wUhoot delay.
Coming a.venta.
Oct 14.—An elaborate rertral of
Dennian Tbompsoa’a great play, "The
Two aiatera"—Steinberg^ Orand opera
While the dispoaHlon. to compare
the work of this year’s Michigan foot
ball team Vtth that of last year U
natural, it must be remembered that
last year’s team was a remarkable
one. and if it bad been leas effective
it would/still have won all its games
with comparative ease. It is hot like
ly that the team this year wlU be as
good, biti it is Also apparent that the
Chicago university eleven is not re
markable. MianeeoU at thU writingis not to be feared. The score of 79
against Beloit is sofflcient tndlcatlon
that the Ann Arbor boys have speed.
U Tost could work such material as
.he has Into form to roll up that many
points, there Is no rhason to despair
that be will not work improvements
In the next three weeks which will
give foundation for the hope that,
while Michigan may not score as great
a total of points this year, the show-'
ing wUI still be creditable and the
; prospects of a defeat remote.—Detroit
One bundred times mwe money U
ppent for liquor and tobacco than
for missions by protestants In the
United Sutes. TbU statement was
made in New York by Bev. A B. Simp
son at tbe annusl convention of the
Christian and Hissionary aUlance. He
aaid that for every mqn. woman and
.child in the United States *40 -was
.spent annually for liquor and tobacco,
while 40 cents was the average contributicHi for each member of Protest
ant (Biristlans tor mlsslonB.
What Editors Say. ’
It doesn't take much to tnal
hero of a college student. One or two
Ann Asbof policemen can do IL—De-
Texas Judge Colls I
a of Rs>
public But a MRtter of TImA
Dallsa, Tsana. Oct. 13.—“The Ameri
can r^bUe Is doomed,’’ said Jndge
John H. Reagan In an Interview today.
“The dilution this union of states
is sure to come and be succeeded by
a moDarcby." Ilien he ttimed to Tex
as and pleaded to have it kept atrcng.
so as to be In a position to care for
lUelt when the final eraption came.
•T do not, want Texas divided Into
five states, as the annexet1r»fi a
ment pertnlta,” be saU. "We are
Idly drifting toward a monarchlal iann
of government and I want Texas to be
big enough to stand alone, to
more be the republic of Texas, when
the day <rf monarthy arrivee. Texas
wlU some day have 80,000,000 more
people at least titan-are now In the
state. There should be no dlvlslcin,
but let Texss remain large, strong and
free. The hope of a free people and
leputOlc U Involved
in this condition.’’.
If It 1* fnly wounded the "paujl" usu
ally eeca|>es.-tbougb It canoorfiy mneh
better than the ordinary domestic
fowl. It I* very fleet of foot and will
s Production One of the Town's outnin the hunter until It to lost to the
Principal IndustrieA
dense iinilen.-rowth of tbe jungle.
Id the inallug soasou the male “panjl”
Boyne City. Mich., Oct 13.—The
manalacture of . potash from, wood
ashes Is no mean Industry in this
them. Often the fight ends In
plscA The old time artunsn of boyhood'd^s .triio doled out a plethoric
bar of yellow so^ tor thq contents of
the ash barrel bas (
In its moKt widely practiced form the
tbe alleys and streets of the large basis of the Japanese game of ken Is
cities. Soft and hard coal has taken that the fully ouistretriied band sigthe place of beech and m^le. and nlfle* paper, the fully closed hand a
what tbe ciUee have kwt the north s^e. and two Angers alone extended,
rest being closed. sclssorA Each
woods have gidned.
'of thejilayer*. counting one. two, three,
The ashman with his heavy load of throws ont bis band at the moment of
feathery white ashes is a common pronouncing three, and the one whose
eight in a hardwood mill town. Pot manual symbol to superior to tbat ot
ash ^ow commands a price of fM a the others, nccordlng to tbe theory of
ton and a scarce market is the fea 4he game, wins tho trial.
Superiority-Hs determined on tbe
ture nowadays- Potash made here Is
forwarded to New York, whence It Is hypothealK tbat whereas sriasora can
transhipped to South African gold not eiil a Mono they can cut paper, and
whereas pai>er to cut by scissors It can
fields, where Itjs most highly prized wrap up n stone. COiiseijucnUy srisby miners and smeUing companies.
sore 1* Inferior to *ione. but conquers
papl>r; stone is Inferior to paper, but
conquers scissors, and paper is Inferior
Casiil Carriacea.
scissors, hilt conquers stoDA There
Camel carriage* are not common
lunumernUle vnrletles of the game,
conrr-yances In most parts of ludlA
but on the great trunk mad leading to for it to not a mere method of delerminliig
n <li<iiu(c or priority, and they
Delhi they arc ffequentJy to be
constantl.v. added to by iDgenlous
They are large, doable story’wagOM,
drawn sometimes by one, sometimes young todies, the tlnudng girl ciass especlallv.
who play It with exquisite
by two or even-three camels, nocorfudlcious
Ing to their size. Iroirbars which give
them n cngellke appearance were orig
inally intended as a defense against
robber*, and tbe carts were probably
During o
also nsed for tbe conveyance of pris
oners. ‘Tho mfwt picturesque ‘proper- rill be 01
nmeot" says
: “Is 8 huge
char-a-banc to wbtcb Is bameosed a
team of four or six fine cameU with
leopard skin bonslngs and gayly at
Dd Uiemfielves much
)ck cart
iveler, but in out
a^e w<
tbe way places, the
he lilatter
found vety useful.
fact that there is a female mall carrier
Took aim at His Word.
In tbe state. It isn't so wonderful af
In the year of 1033 the forces'of R3ng
ter all. Bbery community has had
from time to time msd^ supporters Alfonso VI. atiacked tbe Moots ant
drove them out of Madrid. Id
connection there is n legend that
ScgoTlans, wlio were :illle* of Alfonso
had been checked by the snows in the
Senator Tom Platt proposes to take
off Fuenfrla
and v
‘ no chances with any hoodoo days for therefore lale^ln overtaking the main
his wedding. When be found that Oe- body of the'-prmy. which bad sat down
' tober Ifi came on Friday he made It before ModrH. “Blre." they Inquired
one day later.—Battle Creek Dally of the hlog. “where shall we campr
"Inside the city,” returned Alfonso,
with a aneer, being angry with them
because of their tardiness. They took
It being setUed tbat an extra ses the king st his word, carried the walls
sion of congress will be caned, noth- and the next morning the banner ol
^ing rdmalns to be detsnnlned e^pt Segovia was floating from a turret of
tbe gate of Gnadalalara.
Tbe Smperors of Rnsria and Austria
declare that they will go to the reUef
of the victims in Macedonia. Most of
-them are beyond relief.—Grand RapIds Post.
A Chicago man, aged 82 years, com
mitted suicide because bis sweetheari,
a girl of 19 summers, refused to
ry blm. Too bad tbe world bas to lose
such amblUeus men.—Bst«e Creek
Dally koon.
a*th For Them ts ItoAe
BM Peeaii le tbs An* AU «f the
A Pee^tor to
From Ctottun Psbrle.
All of'the cloth used to tbe btodlag
Tbpre to a queer blid In tbe fnnglea of books is made troui cotton fabric,
of northern South America which la yet one would not a,y so on aeetog the
called the ’paujl^ by the nativea, but flijsbed product tiome of it looks ex
is known to science as the galeated
actly like couree IIiwa Other styiso
curaseoD. It to dilefly remarkable be •have
au appearann- of tbe finest kind
cause It slDgs,lU own death aong.
of sUk. while others have vartons Mtts
It does not really slog, bnt makea
of flntobee that look like leetheret, candeep bumming notoe which sounds TOA watered silk and a tbotuand dif
very much like the Spanlah words -r ferent designs.
mnerto eata aqnl” (thecogiaeUtahert
IVhcn the cloth comes frofll the mills
•Tt to while uttering this Idgubrioi
It to .treated to various w§#s to pre
chant." said a South American travel pare it tor tbe dyeing prqem which to
er, "that tbe •paujl’ usually meets Its tbe n^t'Important. Different kinds of
death, for tbe hunter can then easily ■toiDg are used to tiiiv^erent gradeA
track it to Its retreat, and It fall*
and after this Is done'it to ready for
victim, as tbe Indians say, te Its ov
the color luacblnea.
deatii aong."
^eseore -n-ally tbe Mme sort of maIf tbe “paujl” gets suspicious it im
calico Is made on. They
mediately <vn*cs bumming, and that to
great steel rolls or cams
a sure indication to tbe hunter that
to a high temperature
tile bird lin* aeon him or scents dan by arqjj^ted
means- of live steam passing
ger. In such a <-n«e the only thing fW
con.«untiy. Tbe cloth
the Rpnn*mnn to do Is to remalo per
boxes filled with the
fectly still. The bird may
aniline color tiult the cloth to expected
to be colored with. This to mixed with
"Laura,” aald Mr. Ferguson, “tl
Mr. Kllpplnger of HarldnsvUle.” the
town where I used to live. lie's tbe
editor of the Echo. I was telling him
we bad tbe flies of his paper for the
last ten yeara. I'M show them to you.
Mr. Kllpplnger. ’niey’re”“tVhy. George.” Interrcpted
Ferguson, with a meobanlcnl soi
smile, “I ought to have told you, but—
but Uiev'rc under the dining room
She Be««WMtoed Hlio.
of a city dwelling when
went by.
•That man 1* on i
ene of the little girls.
”‘Eow do you know I" asked her com
“Oh, because be la tbe man wbo un
much udrniiced UDlll It fouud a borne
,ta Btiglai
jglaud. The date of this cvcnl Is dertook my gpritdnwtber.’'— Uppinnot quitee cl<«r. but Is l>ollcvcd to be eotfA
about tbe your 1200. Ohuuecr wrote of
Its culclxstlon lu 13Si; fraiD wblcb date
jt has been wmaldm-d a florist’s flower,
a lint called carnation by Henry
“Don't hang back on my account," ree in UTS and <1
pUed Mr. Henpeck wearily. "I know a
woman who will come to take care of
the children for her board and clotheA"
then she flared op and wouldn't go.CUengo Becord-EcreU.
son ate'our «
lodes to It in *■
to lljf
tng Meu nscU In Ui<' tlnya of .tuci-.'l
Ca.-K0r to give u rpiry flsvo -
kind li fine, but you has to be . . ..
kmkoot f<di toBastoolA"-Wasbtogtoo
tng sewed together, are cbewed well
Everything Is poislble. but wlthdut
by the -wonien in oider to make them labor and talliue nothing ts adilev^
•oft. About a bundled sUtis are re
quired to make a ahlrt. and the labor
•t chewing tbe tikins which form their
During tbe dvll v
^rmenta Is <iulte enough to accoont eanaerlptlon fakir who m
tor the massire. yrell deveiOMd Jaws Of doUan btfore the*.
strained him.'’This rascal would send
letton brndcast wherein be said he
would, communicate for g2 a sure
He-Tbe astrologer-described yon ex■etiy aid said that I would marry means of escaping the conscription.
Lettara indoalng two dollar notes pour
yWL .
Sbo-Dcm't yoo think It wan a warn ed to on him, and to midy to each let
ter he would send a printed slip read«( xoeoey to cooenlt htanT
"Jdn tbe nearest volunteer
*q «onld have bid yoo «be —™»thing
mniU tt yon had atiud mA"—etisy
Removal 8ata PrioA
1850 BtwUng; eaee marred In toaiwpOrtlOD, IWO. ORINNBLL BROS.,
*8* B. Prat St. Beadle block to i
steam heated cams und to finally rolled
up at -the back of tlw machine la a
heavy roll of tbe desired color. Tbe dif
ferent finishes are given In a second
procesA Tbe cloth Is passed Uirough
very bciivy and uiiisslve steel rolls
a-lilcb have been nigravod wHb the
slgn tbat is wanted. Fine lines run
ning dlagonslly across the cloth will
k effect, and there are many
A Sniavr and « XUna.
On tbe celling of one of tbe rooms In
Bans Boucl. tbe world renowned palace
of Frederick the .Great In Prussia, to
the patotlng of a huge spider with Its
1s odd
web. Tbe reason for Ibis
“ decora*
lion to tbat one niornli g just as the
king was about to drink
morning eup of cbocolate la this room
he t turned aside for sometblog, and
when, a moment later, be took up the
cup be Doticeil n small spider, bad
fallen into it. Imntediately upon giv
ing an order for a fresh cup a pistol
report was beard, and It was discov
ered llml tbe cook bad shot blmsclf.
The reason for this. It was laterTound
ont was tbat he bad poisoned the
chocolate, and of course when a fresh
cup was ordered be supposed hto
tTMchery bad beeh dtocove^. It was
In remembrance of ibis narrow escape
tbat Frederick ordered a spider's web
to be painted on tbe ceiling.
DUa’t Kaew That Vrlek.
TbaVa a werry kiwwlag anlnud of
youn,” said a young cockney te tbs
■ the coolT
"Be performs strange tricks and taate.
ticA docs bel" inquired tbe cockney.
9lng the animal criUesUy.
"Snrprisln’r’ retorted the keeper.
"We've learned him to pot money In
that box you see np there. Tty him
with half a crown.”
The coatney handed tbe elephant
half a crown, and. sure enough, be
took it to hto. trank and placed It tat a
of reach.
very bextraordJnaiy—
bastsDlsLlng. inilyr said tbe green
one. opening bis eyes. “Now. let’s aee
him. take It out and hand It ba^”
"We never learned him that triric."
retorted Uie keeper, walking away.—
Glasgow ‘nines.
have been In town^
only a short time,
but already have many
friends—certainly no ^
other hats of our ac
quaintance deserve the
attention these receive.
rlagf. A bottle of whisky to opened,
and as each guest drinks to their hap
piness he names a date. When each
goest has named a date an average to
struck and “settling': la complete.
Neither tbe bride nor bridegroom ever
thinks of prnlostlDg against tbe date
60 cnrlonsiy cboecn.
a question of climbing above poverty:
It to a qnestloo of understanding life.
again and flgbt along against
t ttremendous odds, and1 yet with all that
D be made a suecesa, for
Its 1
yon C8
of experience, of aorrowA ot chanceA
of joys and of hope. Fight nntil tha
eoi.-S<- -
A Great Sensation.
There was a big sensation In Leesville, Ind.. when W. H. Brown of
that place, wbo was expectqfi to die,,
had bto life saved by Dr. Kihg-s New
Discovery for Consumption. He writes:
"1 erdnred insufferable agonies from
Asthma but your New Discovery
gave me Immediate relief and soon
thereafter effected a complete cure,
limllar cares of Consumption. PneunonlA Bronchitis and Grip are numer
ms. lt’8 the peerless remedy for
all throat and lung troubles. * Price
by S. B.
50c and 81.00.
Bugbee, Roxbugfa «
We wUl pay SO cenu per bushel for Waitt &.Sons.and
•ugglsls. Trial bottles 10c. Imw
well ripened fruit drilvered at the tac-,
tory. and return all packages.
Boston ^tore’s Brains
For Tuostlay. only, wliile
tliey last: we ont}’ have a
few of then) that we wish
to close out, so don’t lie
too late for ttiese bargains.
We h»’-v a nice line of
Baby Robes
Cdti sad get pricesF. VOTRUBA HARNESS CO.
Nicclv finislicil Golden Oak Pc
Case, like cut. glass doors, just l
thing for library or dining roc
Wc offer this tomorrow only at I
remarkably low price of-
for a quality of fur
and excellence of style
and trimmlfi^;ta-be found
in no other hat at the
price—both derby and
soft styles—all colors.
Clothing Company.
Carpet Cleaning
Making and laying, feather renovat
ed. Work thorangbly and prompU.r
executed. Agent for UJeblgan Rug
Co, N. B. .Chapin. Prop. Traverae City.
All the laietit styles
of Hickey aud Kreem a n Co. 1 i ii e,
Koches ter, New
York, are di-splayed
on our tableK. tSuits
bought of us are
presBed free of
157 Front St
Beadle Block.
9fhea yon are using
tamps or any kind at light
yonr home or office. 'J'herv
is nothing like ELECTEICITY for illominst
purpoevs. No smohv.
smell, no grease, nodaog^
from fires—it is tliv mo-i
lhai can l<c procured.
Buardman River
Electric LIftht &
Power Company.
A bw priced machtoe b an attraetbe baH, >ut bow many
— “
there are who part widi theh
' mooer and have 0QI7- a sad
experience to ihow for H.
Tliis Beautiful Uohlru Oak Center
Table, quartered oak top exai-tly like cm.
onr price Tuesday will bo
When You Buy,
get a machine that is known to
be fint-dao, one on whbh 700
can d^end for service erery ^7,
and year by yt^-that means
a WHITE. Ve have ft b
dther movement-Vibrator or
Rotary ihuftle. Let tm tubmh
a machtoe for triaL We're aure
we can latftfy yoo wfth eiir
reaaonaUe tenna.
Always in the lead. We offer
this lundsome Ooldeu Oak Folding
Desk and Book Bbelf. sxtoe os cut.
lor Tuesday, at tbe ridiculous price
Ne Eitra ClarSe for CitcUt !
It’s a
Still Keep Talking It Over
This time It is
One third of a peraon'e life is spent in bed, why -not be joat as eo
tortoble OS poasible? lO^ourbasi;
to help. ItUalwayaapleasnreto handle money, and we know 1
will youre as eoon aa you «ee these splendid
We have sold a Cbtton Pelt Mattr
aUreae before. 1
nothing os good as this new make, and never any as cheap.
The Boston Store, j
If you agree with us that nothing is too good for }’ou,
then this is the store to buy that new
Suit and Overcoat
■o, IS, IS, ie.so, 18 to ass
TAM Si in white, red, blue, green, pink, graj'
and fancy at only 50e aiid^1.00. New
ness all over this store-cloves—Sweaters—-Hosery—
Ties—Handkerchiefs—all at popular prices. See that
»• BENDA 8 Cq,
This is the
Cotton Felt
to be pure
Cotton Felt
and Will
Not Bnnch.
sleep on, no matter bow tired yon are at nlghL If
you sleep on one of our Cotton Felt Hattreaaea yooTl be rested the next raorfflng, feeling like a new person
C.' G. Bhugart left this morning tor
Richmond. I^d.
Chas. Thompson left today tor a ; STATE NEWS IN BRIEF {
visit at Portland, ln<l.
Mililken la captain of the Olivet
Muskegon—While Hr. and Mrs. B.
baseball team for 1901.
Duellette were away ttom home Sun
Mrs. H. K. Btlekmen went to Hen day afternoon, their little threo-yeardon. Wch., this morning.
Mrs. Leroy Gerard and eon MaH left
UilB morning for Mendon. VIA.
E. N. Olobensky haa gone on a visit
Plalnwell—Saturday the CItUena’
tag and hunting trip to Montmorencl 'State Savings bank was organised
' here with a capital stock of $20,000.
C. A. Edgecomb left for his old hom'4
In Lima, O, today afier being ahsejtt
—The feature of the meet
for,20 y^.
. ing of the county board ot supervlBorB
Mrs. J. w. Marsh and daughter^and
which met yesterday afternoon, was
Miss Amy GUchel have gone tcriBnmthe report of the county road commis
mltsvllte. Ind.
sioner who reported that In the last
The Knights of Pythias will have a
special proglRBfieY^er the regular year there had been expended on tho
roads of the county, the sum of $12.
lodge work Thursday nl^t.
■tXedlBti Col«thAlmle Ool-
PIRDO TiiBtr asa
....... ...........
Milton 8mui1h«*alte went to ManntsMe£^ Utee tbU mornlae on bnaineu.
MIm Rbto AWn «t South Frankfort
to Muncle. ind^ todar.
which"are onexeelled for shelf, or window trimming, just in. Some
Mr*, and Mlat Krntzer havb gene
exceedingly pretty de^ns.
F. W. CABVER- to Angola, Ind.. for a abort vlait.
The latest also In Paper Napkins. Dainty colors and unique styles.
O. P. Carver & Bro.
Mlet Mabel Batea left tor Qrand
Sperdal price*»by
by the
the hundred.
Oa aCQOimt of the last
Rapids this morning. ■
■‘FiRh and Game L.aw'*
Mrs. L. A. DeVelln went to Clncinwill
in their ofBce dnring buriJ GRAND OPERA BOUSE
ness hours, each day, ready to wriu natl, 0.. (his morning.
Mrs. E. S. Pratt has gone to Grand
^Ids for a few days.
Edwawl V. Palmer left tor Muneie.
Ind., today to visit at hie old homi
Wtdatsdiy. Ofl. I4U.
i- probably showers In
Nn Behlesser and wife left today
the Bonth portion; fresh untheaat
Blosc patronized the excur
sion to Richmond, lad., today.
Mrs. E. H. Pierce has gone.te Kalalazoo to visit relatives.
Omar and Tony Rotea took in the
Mrs. C.-Hoxle has gene to Decatur,
Ecuraion today going to Winchester.
fll.. for a visit.
a the excursion to Vicksburg,
' Mrs. M. Cole went to Wii
Miss Mary Bldred left today I
Our Pall Stocks Are Now All In
todsjr to TiBlt relatires.
Sunday and while stepping out of the
visit ii I Indianapolis. Ind.. wUK her
Mrs. W. M. Wagner has gone ti
And tho department is in “ship shape”
the First M. B. dinrch wlU boat on their return. Lyon's gun was
catur. Ind., for a few days.
accidentally discharged, the shot etrik.
W^es■wn of t
F. J. Brown
for a big fall trade.
Levetand and vrite 'left this
tag him In the neck with fata} results.
<:ay afternoon at half past two.
momins (or Kalamazoo to visit rela today for a visit at
The reception.to have been held to
' Kalamazoo.
Mrs. E. O. Strong and daughter, night at the boine of Mr, and Mrs, A
A. Shorter and daughter went
o Auburn. Ind, thlh Miss Daisy Strong, left for Htckevllle. \V. Und, for the congregation of the
nrst Presbyterian church, has been State bank has just been organized
O., this morning.
Mist Vera and Lula*Jones, accom postponed to a week from tonight, Oc- here with a capital of $26,000, aal
C. Garn and wife and aen have gene
tober 20th It will lake the form of a there an 56 sto^olden. This is
to Ashley and Stooh, lad., for a 10- panied by their mother. Mrs. R- B.
;farewell to Rev. Wiley K. Wright and the second new bank to be organlz,ed
JoneB.-went to Bzcello, O.*
s Vlav tor Youdj;
days' visit.
bt or heavy sole, patent
here in a short Ume.
of all Apes, by
Miss Georgietta Morgan left today family.
Joseph Morrow and wife of Bute
solid leather aiul a goa
street have gone to Marion. Ind., to for Cincinnati. O,. where she will visit j
1 Wallace Eddy, ths
visit their daughter.
Mra. E. Rinehart and Mrs. J. W. !
.. .Anthor of....
Mrs. J. M. Meintoeh and Mra. Levi
Strickler end daugjiter left this mom- Rinehart of Maple City, left today to | Dcoman Thompson’s peerless and .. spread the report that he had mur^
FOR HOY'S Satin Calf Shoes in the «Or- ^
ot real life, "The TVo dei«d bis wife, has f>een arrested on
lap for Richmond, Ind.. for a visit with visit at Port Wayne. Ind.
N. E. Strong and M. N- Craiiry of Sisters." will be hexenomrorow night, a charge of forgery. His parenU are
f last Wodnesda>-.-October 14. at-Steinberg’s highly respected residents of PorUand
l-rese.U.i1 With Every AdMrs. K L. Havlland went to Grand
rantape NOd Many Extra
Grand opera bouse. To an Intelligent
Rapids this morning as a delegate to IghL ,
EVatures Including...............
Mra. C. W. Bowen and children were n,pairo-£oer a glance at the mes of married but does not live with his
the State FederaUon of Woman’s
arUsu is suggested. Many will wife.
olube. She was acoompanied by Miss passengers on the Hooslcr excursion i
this morning.
Lottie Havlland.
Velour Ki^.
Mr. and Mrs. I. Dill and daughter of
Miss Gertrude Sprague and Mra. W.
%^wVFw.F shnes that are corret-t ta
II. FuKicr have gone to Grand Rapids
1 the excursion.
the persons of Mrs. Fred Klump. a
delegatee to the State F<
25. 35 50, 75 Cents.
Mrs. Chas. Crawford and Mr*. Anna
prominent woman of Grant townMiip
of Woman'a clnte from the local «lub
.Seat sale now open at tU*’ box
and owner of 300 acres ot land. She
and Mrs.'O, P. Carver as delegate from Crawtord have gone on the excursion
ofiiee. Telepliono CilisenV ilt.
omb^CItj-. Ind.
was yesterday fined $49 or 65 days In
the Ladies’ Library association.
Mrs. 1/ M. Kern and children of 901
the Detroit house of correction.
Randolph street left today to visit
friends at Converse. InJ.
Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Jahraus left today for Urbania. O., for a visit of a
Brilliant Actor. William Owen, to Be
week or 10 days. .
Seen Here Scon.
J. E.^ Reynolds and wife of Eaet
Willtam Owen, supported by’an un
Eighth street have gone to Richmond,
usually strong company, which
incl.. to visit Mrs. Reynold’s brother.
McConnell, will be here
Mrs. W. G. Thompson and son, Phil
I a projection of real magnlfii Pratt, of Pratt’s sUUon left today
distancing b41 former eBorta
visit their old home at Wabash, Ind.
of thla-talenied actor. It is a roman
The Ladies’ guild of Grace church
tic drama fonnded on episode* of the
111 meet with Mrs. Faxon. 415 West
court of Louis XI. and is, said to be
■Tm the boy,”—say
Tenth street tomorrow afternoon at
U U p dromaUc
What's the nse of anything?
be found there who bau achieved pn- ipost intoreeting.
t or atr Walter Scott’* inMra. W. H. Petherick and daughUro,
Nawthin’—but, Tli teU yon this
presence ta a "cast of &ar»cters” as teresting novel. Quentin Durward
I don't agree with ma aar sis.
styled, "When Louis XI.
s spend the sures
remarkable artlsUc results,
Don’t see so use In wearin’ shoes '
"The Two 'Sisters" is announced Was Kinp." It I? Mr. Owen’s first
ork as a playwright
But—If I must
Mrs. Mary B. Ingeraoll and daugh-' jj," „ companion play to "The
Especial stress Is laid upon the
I want Sblz Shoes.
ters, Emily nml Mamie, left this morn-1 Qj., Homestc.id." and k would be
tap for a trip to. Wabash hurt For. |
,o find a strouger endorse- scenic arrangements, which are most ; 1
Sols on ahoea meoAS whe.t otorlinB
varied and romanUc. The fifteenth
Wayne. Ind. '
| mcni for It.
dooa on silver.
century style of the nemtalf. Frcncn
Hose Co. No. 4 will give a benefit l
. ----------------------------It'AAbsAgcot bettemca-A lakes of giiiUly.
Burgundian architecture has i
dance ta SecomI street hall tonight ’
^ Thoaghful man.
Mrcfully studied and the general j
for Chas. Zeran who has been confii
M. AuaUn of Wlncbesier. Indwhat to do.ta me hour of nee.1. effect tlmi has been thus obtained ta
(to Ills bod for. the past month with
i unsual
most picturesque, the prolqg and i
I scumach Irnuhic.
.lublc. pbrsIcUns last act both transpire in the gorgeous
M. F. BrazIngton.Svho has been em- , pl,"“*notTelp her
etbou^t of and
Life :PillB
and audience chamber of Charles tbe Btdd
ployed by the Bell Telephone Co, In
j>r. King’s New _...
The OUl RcHablo Sboe Mouse.
Burgundy. The first act shows the
'-and was finally
this 'city lot eight years, left this (she pot relief at once-and
Only 25c.
25c, «
at £>. E Walt
Fieur de Us Inn. a favtwite hannt of
taori.taR,for CtactanatU.O. He Ib not
ahd Biigbec. Roxbufgti & Co.'s drug- Louis XL. seated ta a dense forest
reriain whether he will return.
) stores.
•£*'l E- Front »L
New StMiKl.
- '
near the historic castle of Pleasis. the
famous castle iueU showing ta tbe
the oOuntry over are careful to
distance. Act second lies ta tbe court
yard of the pripry of St. Dominic, the
look for this stamp when buying
old priory forming tbe background,
surrounded by old crumbling ivy cov
^ 7%/{ 4^
will find in our overcoat assortment tlie most desirable styles as
ered walls. The climax of the scenic
Queen Quality
It&WmII well as the moat Rerviceaiilu clotlth to be had. Ail our medium
equlpnienL however, is reached ta the
It’s the mark of quality.
third act, which 1b enacted ta the re
guarantee of comfort and
grHde.s-$7.50 t<»
are tbe best values to be had anywhere for th • mon-y Our better grades are finely
ception hall of the palace of the car
dinal-bishop of IJege. It la one of the
hand tailored and fit yon at every p->int. You don’t know tlic sutisfict! fcciint I'f a perfect fitting ^iirment
Its an assurance that you’re not
most -beautirul and effecUve scenes
paying more than 1s neoeesary foever produced, showing the arched
until you’ve iici’Ji in oiieofthe.se coats.
all that’s of value ta women’s aboes.
and domed room with its canopied car
Queen' Quality shoe* have ele
dinal’s throne. Its latlced windows,
gance, and with It they give a
heavy ,st>mber tnasotm'. .massive
perfect fll and glorloqs comfort,
bronze doors and rlc6 furhitnre, all
and they are ®nly
illuminated with a myriad of candles
and blazing fiambeaux. A terrific elec
trical storm, one of the most realistic
ever produced, rages without during
the progress of the act, hlghtentog the
(A few .Specials $3.50.)
effect and adding to the color and life
Of the strenuous action. The producThe eyeleu in Queen Quality shoes,
for y«u>:g inpn at $8.5») to 118.
tk)o ta its enUrety Is one that any
like all the other trimmlnga, a
star might well be proud of.
finest to be bad, -niey’re "fast color"
O^er style**, $5.(K) up.
—never turn brassy. The new fall
styles are very #w^. Step ta and
sec them.
Boyne City to Get More Tanning and
Chemical Plants.
City Mich., Oct 13.—N«# in
dustries aro.ta Store for Boyne. A
tanning concern as large as the pres
8«Uer of 43ood Shoes.
ent one win be erected next spring$10, $12.00 an-d $15 in lacing
d plant capitalize^
Tomorrow Ni^t
Decorated Grepe
Our Shoe. Department
Has Taken on ISeM Life
A Few Specials for this week
The Old Homestead
eastus and • Banks.
1.25 k
i .Z5
T on
m ,
The -V Boston -v Store.
^ i
Frank Friedrich ^ Comiiany,
Half Belt Coats
Men’s Coats
Alfred. V. Friedrich,
Cheviot, Melton and Kersey
clothes made to fit a.s well as
though cut for you.. Ouf ^ne
grades at $18.00 to $24.00 are not
equalled by
ifooda at $25.00 to $35.00.
An i:*”"-*
Theslaplc m^ium length.very pcipnlair
f""- young re
plants are the resulto of Ji
le’B promoting. -He Is the town’s 8L
Houses are scarce, residences are
going up ta every direction. The
•chool board has grave fear* that the
new echoed buUdtag will not accom
modate the Urge school popnlsUon.
even though the <Nd building «U1 also
be used for that purpose.
will find staple styles that are not so. extreme in'(Resign as the
younger men demand. We aim to meet the wants of all, and
our immense stock is so well selected that you can’t get out of our store without “just what’’ you'>rt^t.
Helm « Diamond'a .
give a dancing party in Forester’sB halt
Wedneodi^^ening. Oct. 14. Ew^_
4 ■
Hamilton Clothing Co.
Traverse City
s after the IStb. j
Cal.l or Knd cheek.
hOn Qm B1|U^
You will find more of it in less time
in a poor flour, than in any other thing,
we know of. Therefore when baying
don’t stop short’ of the ‘'BK8T.“
Manufactured by
Hannah Lay Cp.,
THE HAHi'y BAHIilii, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1903.her sister. Mrs. Levi Strichler, and
children wbio have been visiting her,
Gut Long went to Geneva, IncL, to left today for the IgUer'e .home at
Richmond, tod.
There-will be a meeting of the I. O.
Mre; M.^Neablt left teSay tor PortQ. T. tomonbw ni^t to elect dMe•Ce, Ind.
• L. W. Henderaen left today tor Hleh. gates to the district convention.
The steamer Charlevoix ran aground
ttona, Ind.
. - A. W. WMten hat gene to Richmond, in Petoekey harbor yesterday momtog
but was floated by noon by unloadtog
lad., for a TicH.
Chat. Thompaon left.thit morning her cargo.
Mr* J. H. MeGough and Mr* Uvi
for PortJanJ.
Howard 8. Miiaaelman hat gone to Sonie went to l,ansing today as dele
gates -to the state aonventlon of the
Grand R^dt.
Or. J. A. Snyder utd Al doyee went Order of the aastem Star. •
Wm'. Sehenkel and Mr*. Dan Schenkto Cadillac today.
H. E. Baker and wife left thit merit- el retnmed to their hratea at Bendon.
Hlcb.. today taking with them the lit
Ine tor Harloa..Ind.
Geo. Wikle of Elmwood aTonne hat tle dau^ter of Jacob Schenlrel whose
Kewart and Lyle Shorter went to mother recently died.
Mr* Francis Snow and Mrs. Henry
Hodeen. Ind.. today,
Wright, mother and sister of Mre. H.
gone to Portland. Ind.
D W. Hcnneay hat gene to PoAland. B- Gamer, and Mr. Henry Wrighi left
this morning for Bnmswick. G
Ind.. for a few days.
C. «, Stover %vat an exeoreionitt to where they will spend the winter.
E.*Lyon of State street is confined
Richmond.. Ind.. today.
Sylveeter Baker hat gone to Rich I hit house on account of a bad In
jury sustained by a fall yesterday In
mond. Ind.. for a thort time.
irehouse at the rear ol his store,
Mr*. M. O. Carrel went,to Quincy.
was made over bis eye and bis
Mlcb„ to rlslt relaUre* today.
D. A. NeleeVhat gone to La Grange. left side is badly •bruised.
annual meeting of the CongreInd.. tor a visit with relativea.
Ladles' Aid society will be
Lealid Heath of Nerthport has gone
held on Wednesday afternoon in the
to Uma, Ind., tor a thort vlalL
Mr. tnd^Mr*. J. Morrow took the ex chxreh parlors. Every member is ex
pected to be present and all who de
cursion to Marion. Ind.. today:
H. Mormon and daughter have gene sire to become members are invited.
Election of dffleers and other business
to Fort Wayne, Ind,. for « Titit,
C. Gam, wife and ton left today for will be transacted.
the clerks’ ubion meeting last
n visit at Strow and Ashley. Ind.
Bom. to Mr. and Mrt. EJIcwerth nlgfat It was decided that the next
meeting shall be followed by a sodal
Hale, a baby girl.
Johnathan Hodgeon and wife have time and a fine programme will be giv. There U considerable interest tak.
gone to Leon. Ind.. for a few days.
by the clerks in the union and there
Mr*. L. C. Baker wat an exeuralo
are several candidates for Inlation at
1st thit morning to Rome City, Ind.
Mrs. Henry McKinley left today to the next meeting.
There was a very pleasant aocial
join Rev. Henry McKinley at Geneva,
gathering at tiie home of J.'H. Stainberg last evening to celebration of Mr.
Steinberg’s birthday. Els parents
and -some friends were Invited In to
■ Mr*. Clara Craw and Mr*. Ellsworth spend the evening and a most deli^twas enjoyed. Mice refresh
tjox and son went to Winchester,
ments were served the guests.
About 35 members of Traverse Bay
hive'. No. 85, L."0. T. MM., pleasantly
surprised Mrs. E. H. Pope of Bast
ton. O.
BIgbtb straet last nlgbt Mrs. Pope
' Mr*. Hi
the recipient of a bMoUful piece
. log tor
of china. There were the usna) games
J. U Stanton hat gene to Winchu- anQ social interconrse, ice cream and
being served as refreshments.
ter. Ind.. for a visit w«J» friends and
The steamer Illinois cleared from
- Min E. Weidoft has gone to Cln- this port last nlgfat with a full load of
einnaU, 6., for a 10-days' visit with freight Sbe wUl call only at LndtogOD her trip to Chicago. Sbe took
her Bister.
1,000 barrels of apples at this port
F. W. Carver went to Angola, lnd„
this morning to vistt friends at hit and the same number at Bowers Har
bor. She had an Immense quantity of
taken on at reverse Bay
are vislUng their sli
Hewitt. 535 West Tenth street
John Heat of Monroe Center pined
tbroDgh the city today on his way to
Wastes Oaea Wet Pnele Seas
Decatur, Ind.
Over a MUUoe a Year.
Mr*. Effie Wright It Uking the ex
An experienced clerk lo a b^cb
cursion to Muncle, Ind., for a visit post office uptown says that Uncle Sam
with friends.
Is In pocket every year mote than
. Mi^ Zura Cox and children left to fLOOO.OOO by purchase of postage
day tor a visit at Winchester, Ind, stamps which never arc used.
“How many stamp*'' be say* "do
with relatives.
Mrt. E. W. Butler and children left you lose through c«rrytog them
losly In your iwkets and flsbing them
, tod^ tor a visit at Joneevflle, Ind., out again glu^. together and useless?
•. with her titter.
How many ^ypu put In a comer ol
Ml*. Wm. Louden and daughter Jen your pock^book. Boding them again
nie have gone to Grand R^lds tor
months IsteV looking like uo)'thltig but
postage stamps? Of coarse nobody
tew days' visit.
Mrt. Leuit Culman of East Eighth ever thinks of sending sneb stomps la
str^ hat gone to Indianapolis., Ind. for redemption. Suppose tbe waste I
n speaking. of
averaged 20 cents
tor a short visit.
iDOally for cacli
buslDeas'man. The
Mr.'and Mr* M. Lindsey of Wil- total would be cnormou*
, llamsbnrg took In the ezcnrsl^n to
"Hot weather was o great revenue
Coldwater. Mich.
maker for tbe government before tbe
Mr* W. M. Fair and aon Joseph of little oiled books came In; bot many
persons lose tliclr book* and tbe
like Ann took^^the---------*“
age 1s about tbe same. Some persons
tor Arvllla, tod.
Rev. U. A. Moser, wife and baby of actually coiuc back to tbe stamp win
dow and ask if lost stamp books cso
Sk Rapids went to La Verne, tod.,
•be traced like bank book* AnoUier
- on the esenraion.
way Id which Uncle Sam gains Is
1 Stallman of Suttons Bay was through tradesmen sending oufalettm
a passenger throngfa to Rlebmons, Incloalng sts«i|>ed addressed enVelilopes
lnd„ this momtog.
for replies, which in the majority
T Of
Mrs. L. Lyon of Williamsburg was caaes are never used.
“Some business booses collect soeb
one of the excnrsltmists today g
to Coldwater, Mich.
Uke .the trouble to do tbl* Think of
Miss Ina Bowen left this morning the thousands of return postal card*
for ^nebeeter and Indlan^lls, tod., too, that are never used. Lott of perfor a week’s visIL
puttlng stamps on
E. W. Hall and family went on the letters or paper* and they (all off.
excursion to Sturgis and Coldwater. Then tbe matter.la held up for double
cod 6f tbe line.
Mich., this morning.
“A gr
Mr* Graffmlller of Central Lake
much postagr.
passed throngb the rilty today
etampe on a letter that would have
route lor Ugonler, tod.
gone for 2 cents. It is amaring bow
Mist Victoria Steimcl of SuHont little Inform^Uon usually well IpBay left today for a visit with rela formed perBotl$_^ve about different
tives at Richmond, ind.
classes o( mailmktter. The pay tor
Hr* Demas Cochlln took the excur- It. too, and pay wdfl. Tbe beanty of
n la 1
alon mini Agy’InrlnnnM O.. where
she will rislip old home.
Miss Allce^eith left thle morning -New Tortt Fres*
for RlriuBond, Ind.. where'she will
id the winter with a conaln.
1- m Ba* War.
Ir* H. Brown and daugMei
Mary—rm sorry to bear that yon’vs
Provemont paned throngfa' the city not been feeling well. What seen
be tbe matter?
today en route to Ridbrnond, tod
Jane —I suppose I am run down.
Mr* Ethsi Pratt and Mr* L. B. Car
penter and aon bave^goae to Wafaasfa. Why, for tbe last raontb I baven't'been
able to put any heart even Into my
Ind, few a visit irith their mother.
Tho* W. Stanten and wife, accom ahopplng.-Brooklyn Life.
J ‘
panied bjr his mother. Mm Aaron
Stanton, left today for Wlnobester, Ind.
Earl C. Breckway and Eugene Car'penter of Northport passed throng
the city today on tjielr way to Angola,
DmM Ccx of toe Northern Michigan
'Asylum left .today on bM vacatic^ He
will Tlalt his old home at Wlniabster.
Ml* William Adslt, Mr* J. R, Btlll. well and Mrs. Fred Acres were a party
on the excurskm today to Rldtmond,
F. Kinneysalesman wHh Orinnell Bros, rekmed
to hlB home in Quincy, Mich., this
John Blacken and 'JakS Witkep left
this tnomtog tor RUgevlUe, tod.,
after a shirt stay there win go to
points to Peassylranl
Mr* J. w. JaekMMi, woompanlsd by
Ike C>lt«a SIMM.
As to ttm kistoiT of wire* the IsfMd
nms that U was first found giowlBC
Wild In'AraUa. Hadji Omar, a dervish,
OOWEITES MAKE READY discovered lt>a 12SB, 61T year* ago. He
was dying of bdnger Ja tbe wiidernes*
when, ftuding eom small round bei^
rie* be trieffito eat them, but they were
FINAL INSTRUCTIONS WERE RE Wtto. He tried .roasting tbeoi, and
these be finally steeped In some water
held to the hoUow of his hand and
found the decoction as reCrcsbing as If
■ He bur;b be had
been banished, and.L lorittog tbe wise
., they
.rtake of his
Evangelist Saya He Expects 25,000 were .so well pleased with it that they
Converts In Gotham.
Zion City. 111.. Oct. 13.—Zion City
this morning teemed with activity InddentAl lo the march of 3.000 members
of the Yestoratlon host on New York.
Two thousand pieces of bsggage were
hauled to the depot in wagons. Seven
thousand persons ettended. the meet
ing for final instructions last night
which lasted-tilt 1:30 o’clock this
morning. Dr. Alexander Dowle bless
ed the host and homeguard Md de:
Clares the reform of tbe-world begins
with New York .in which be expects,
he said. 25.000 eonvert*.
Missaukee County Child Who Had
Strayed Away it Killed.
Lake City. Mich., OcL 13.—13ie two-'
ye*r-oId son 'of James Shannon, who
llvee five miles from this city, while
playing In an orchard near the house
Satiirday afternoon,' was butted to
dfeath by a pet ram. The child had
strayed" away alone. The parenU are
heart broken.
Will Be Blown Up Today for She Can.
not Be Saved.
Detroit. Mich., pcL 13.—It has been
decided that the sunken steamer Glldden at St. Clair Flats cannot be sav
ed and Major Biiby, tor the ande^
writers, will begin today to blow her
up with dynamite.
Pleased Grand Rapid*
Speaking of "The Two Sisters"
which appeared Sunday evening at
jew Powers theatre. Grand Rap
ids. the Post says:
‘Tbn Two Sisters' proved pleasing
t large aodlence. Tbe drama Is Interestlng In its theme and possesses
good rieal of human interest. The
company presenting the play Is a
balanced one and includee some
capable actoTs."
of the most iioiortous criminals
Vh* It wonld.hardly be thought paid
tbe sUgfatat attcotion to omen* good
M bad, nave the greatest faith In snpeirttlona of all kinds.
The burglar is a believer to tbe algnlflcance of dreamt and has been
known to leUnquiah a big buigUngtoat
l^t before has wakned
him that be will be to danger should be
disregard'the warning. U he aaw a
rainbow be would conaider It to por
tend that, however reckless he may be.
he is not likely to fall Into the hand.
of the police for a space of three
month* itorglars have been known to
carry a ilonkL-j's shoe la tbelr pocket
beforv liii-ning out. believing that this
will |)roiici tlioiii from danger, while
P'" "'el'’
f° a Piece of coat
m tLclr pockeu
throughout their career and afterward
“ confederate.
t ^he pickpocket Is eqnally supersHhe will not rob a per'
a*tol"t>*- «hls being accounted
• *'«“
'l*s“>«er- ami If » happens
robs.coutalus foreign
cotns It is believe lo atfgur that be
will travel =‘u eood
good deal In the Immedl“te future, whether In the company of
“ «>UP>C oT offieers or uot there la noth'hP «o show.
and funerals are pregnant
with meaning for tbe
To pick a iiiK-kct at n funergl would be
court liiiiiiedlale dt* tier, when-ns If
purse iwcli-ii at a wedding eoiitalna
port.-mls (be beet df luck for
the thief during tlie ensuing six mobtb*
Sonic iitciii wkets have a favorite
pair of bcxits liiol the.v wear as long aa
they cun kisp them on their feel, and
if tlic.v jMv not arrested while they
"'esring them they cut the boots up
wioare pieces and give them
^ •‘U'*!' toketjs” to tbelr pal*
------------- ^---------THE EYES.
-----------i 'Black or very dark eyes denote a ca. pacily for extreme ardor In love.
I Greenish tints In blue or hazel eyes
are Ihc
of wisdom and courage,
steel colored eves usually denote a
cold nature, also deceit pnd treachery,
. The Irtob way of courttog to th* old
days and In quiet country place* even
to the piwent day was and to very dif
ferent from that style of thing whidi
mokes the subject of many finely point
ed romances. There were no stolen toterviewa. no twilight walk* no thought
of kisses or even hand clasps-^ short
no lovemaktog whatever. But if they
were at reaping or baymaktog Peter
took fall place next to Eoale, helped to
bind her hbearee when bis own were
done and at noonday ‘ook bis thsre of
soda cake and tato draft of milk from
.. 17.60
Her par ton ........................... 13 00
tog meal was over. I’cter would rise
ai^d look out of the'door and say to.l
father or atot«»: ‘"Tto a fine nlgkt
think ru go for a bit of a stroU." And
the bit of a stroll Inevitably ended
tbe narrow path through tbe whin
bushes up to the stile, over wblcb/4t Bran, per 1
was but three stops Into Alee McCrosfian'S baggard. and then acroaa to where
the firelight shone welcoming through
an open door.
Around the fire tbe family circle was
widened to make room for him. as a
Buying Rato*
matter of course. MnylM- be took a
-odDced Into' th
by ClUra'iv^ F^ch’ pbyatdan who
gave a Norman genUeman of the'name
of Dc Cllcux. a captain ofHnfadtry on
his woy to Martlalque. a stogie pUnt
The sea vovage was a stormy one the
vessel was driven out of her cours* and
drinklng water became so scarce that
it was distributed In rations De CUcni.
Willi au uffectlou for hli
coffee plsnt.
divided lUs portion or water with It and
snceeeded In bri^ng
bringing it to Martlnldn*
although weak, uot In asbopeleas condltlon. There he planted It In his garden.
prou-cted It with a fence of thorns and
rontoniod fur Imig enough, talking all
watched it dally until the end of tbe
the time lo Mi-l'ro*->mi or tbe neighbor;
feur.•• when be galliered two ppnpds of
men. but with <|uU-i. Iiai>;>y eyes watch
ree. which be d
ing Rosic. th>- loved and chosen one. as
if the uian.1 to be planted
sbe sat in the IlichiTing H;;lit or moved
by them Prom Martinique coffee trees
about the rooie. And lln-ii. was a gleam
Santo Domlugo.
laloupe and other• neighboring tsIs
bade hii:i Wa.v ions and '«
The coffee tree Is aa evergreen shrub.
:o a height
fouru-en to eighteen feet It Is usuHarrying, tligt he would have Uosle "
ally .kept Iriramrt.'.'Lowcver.’ for convenlence in picking tile horrles which
Tbto. in spite of all that to written In
grow along the branches cl.ose to the
story hooks' and silly romances or
leaves and resemble in shape and color
shown on tbe stage, to the recognized
ordinary cherries. The tree cannot be
and seemi.v Irish way of courting.
n above the froat line, neltlicr can
Donaboe's Uagai^ne.
successfully grown to tbe tropic*
The roost succesafnl climate for producAPHORISMS.
tloD la that found at an altitude of
about 4,000 feet. Anything much above
In all thlnga it to better to hope than
We will pay 30 cents per buAel tor
this is in danger of frost, which is fatal
to the tree, end when coffee Is grown
Adversity borrows Its .sharpest sting well ripened fruit delivered at thr faemuch helm ,W. It cc,hlrc. nrtillcl.l
tory. and return all packages.
from oar Impatience.—Bishop Uome,
.Lh.lc. ,vb,cl, nht.th.llr Ihcrc* th.
„ .|,„hmht. .lU soDtl.
He_ alone 1s an acute observer who
oea not produce gignosliine
cna-**ol>serj-c minutely without bring
It to owing '
" eyes while Indlcnttog af- olxtoTved.-l-ivater..
this psiticular requirement that coffee ,
Uh. never heee ieee.W-pmdmi
lady's golf
in the United Btatcs.—Buccess.
Cape between Cass street bridge
Variable gray eyes arc highly Intel- building bouses fur Uiem.-A. B. Al■ ■ ‘•
locCunI ami Indicative of an impulsive eptt,
l^rn and State and
and iiupri-sgloiiabli- tciupcraoicnl.
d to never
streets to Front street. Leave
;Ie office-and get rea-arJ. '6612
Blseult and rolls require a bettor
Clrar IIligin bine eyes, espedally If ae- worth its tost, while a good coosclence
companici by steadfostness of dlpres- never costs as much as it is worth.—J,
VCD than bread
Breadahould rise to twice Its original
auitobility P. Semi •
nantity before It to ready to bake.
line coi«*lou(-ji
j The one who will be fonnd to trial
capable of
if groat
acts of love to ever the
T3. sponge should be
at night to
one who is
ii always doing considerate
Shades of gray and blue, go wlib lym- small ones.—F. W.
phatii- dlKpositions,' characlei-izcd by
To be bumble to superiors is doty: to
coldncs* scllishnesj and Ustieaanen.
eqiuto to courtesy, to Inferiors to noBread and biscuits sbould rise in a
blenea* and to all safely. It being a
for if too cold
virtue that for all Its lowUnes* comIt w-lll tie beaT7 ^
hot It i» likely.
mandetb thoee It stoops to.—Sir T.
Mllic to I
i for mixing. In I
some cases tbe quantity used will have . Itohed London west eo'd club
Removal Sale Prie*
............ f;
..... r ............•. S
Creek RMe*
We learn that the nose of Socrates
waa Dot Greek, but such as Greek art
ists usually assigned to astyrs. Ocea- "ri” "
: “T,” ~Tuv” S ™3 .to'S •
sionally. as In a beautiful group of a
satyr playing dice with a uympb on a
bronze mirror, they gave satyrs
*.,^.0.1.. ..a
water and liquid enough
er kind of nose. The noses of the la
, hours corrcspondlDgly irregular. Tbe
squire went to 'jed-at an early hour,
dles in tbe Taoagra terra cotta are of make a batter. U sbould be left t
all agreeable ordeto of nose, not neces rise till li^it.-BxcUaDge.
when all was quiet and decorous. If
sarily Greek.' Tbe chsnces are that the
there were a racket to tbe night he
At th* Theater.
Greeks varied as much fas we do In
their pose* while tbe tradition of their
art preferred the courdnUonal straight
nose. In tbe same way the kind of Ro
mans who had their portraits done on ,
colas and gems were just the sort of |
.rz': -
miAn„L-BV HAN...
.-------- ---
ts: rr.r3.“
I by
the London News. Tbe captain of tbe
Pteaner Beoaldcr of Leith, on a voyage
to'Chlna. threw a bundle of old letters
overboard to the Mediterranean. Some
Spanish fishermen of Agullas.
letters Inside. The.v took this to tbe
mayor, who mannged to declpber In
one the name and address of tbe super
intendent of the sieniDshlp line to Lon
don and thus to restore tbe lettetb to
their owner.
r. “ert'h^' ,r pia^L“sL^ a ■
man was greatly annoyed by the occupant of the stait lo from of him talk
ing lu a loud voice about wlul was
going to happen on tie stage. . Finally.
.n-hen the Ulk became Incessant be
“Whst au luferua) nutoance!"
The man to (rout tnrned arouad and
said In a Uircateuiug voice:
• Do you refer to inc. slrr
"No, Indeed." replied the man In tlie
row behind. “I was almply saying
what I thooght of the actors. They
ore making so mud noise that I can't
hear one-half of ysur Interesting and
valuable conversa^on." — PbUadelphto
The Taloe or a Thoatioo.
A vacation.pays ns much from.tbe
standpoint of character as from any
other i»olnt of view. Just as "every
man Is a
when lie to Sick." so the
best iiitcniiuned man in tbe world may
be a brute when lie Is worn out phys
ically and working nud planning or
trying lo do so with a fagged, weary
brain- The -brutal qualities to a man's
nature come to the surface' when be
has dfaltied bis vitality to tbe Orrg*'
He loses hto self control and bto pas8loii*%ti the better-of him. He does
things which la his soul be condemns
and says tillage for which he aftc^
ward hates himself, and all because he
lacks physical stamina. The Idng strain
of the year has made him so Irritable
and exacting that the merest trifle up
sets hiip. He goes all to pieces over
little things which he would not even
DoUcc if he were in good bodily condltion.-:6ttccc8s.
Am She (sleratood It.
A pretty rosy clceked country glri
entered one of -ou- larg^uartmeot
stores. It was bargaNfl|llM'tl
crowd was greeter th^Kmat. 81
bad wandered (Oboat from floor to
floor, a little beVlIdered at tbe magni
tude of the esUhltobmeot the largest
sbe had ever setn.
ReelDg ber. a toprwalker approac
and said. “Is lOiybody waiting
"Te* sir.’' saldlthe girt, btueblng to
One or the Other.
tbe roots of ber fitxen hair. "He's out
“Gee whl*“ exclaimed tbe nervy side; be wouldn’t come in.”—Philadel
caller. "1 haven't another mstrii. and phia Ledger.
A* I'Btoir DetU.
my cigarette has gone out!"
"Tried to skin m* that kiribbler
"Well.” replied the polite young wo
man, who could Wand It no longer,
"yon would 4iave had to If It hadn’t"—
"Wanted to
Catholic Standard andTUne*
> write tbe b
vertisemenu. I turned him dow-u. I
wasn’t going to do all
jury handy. But we captured tbe feller workr'-Baltlraore New*
on Wednesday an' pnt off the bangin'
containing >4 to silver. I
till FiMay, bo's to have it accordin' to
C«r« For s Hoaely Bel.
1 reet
custom.''-WashiugtoD Btar.
Floorwalker—I'm very sorry, madam,
but 1 can't exchange this hat for yon.
'HB PARTY who strie the lady’s
The Bride's CHlIes.
Ur* Smithson—But my husband doe*
Columbia chatoleas wheel from In
"Now that wc are married, dear.'
front of Tbe Racket store Saturday
like It:
morning should return It as soon as said the bridegroom, "yon have a Kri-1
r-Tben I'd advise 700 to
task before »ou."
possible and get their own wheel InRemoval Sale Prie*
I setA divorce.-SyraoQse Herald.^
Btead. or suffer prosecution to the
"Why. George, what to itr
>400 Crown Piano. Case damaged in
full extent of the law. The party
a benefit to tbe greatest
transportation. SS50.O0.' OEINNELL
who will furnish intormation leading
e wrvthy of me.'’-PblIodri.
,t i,
IIBOS.. 339 Front St. Beadle block to
to the theft will be fairly rewarded. phln Press.
a few day*
and true.
■ A record
of heaiing
fM* sixty years.
- Selling RMm.
Mre. Patty-Do you really think Dr.
Ducktnnn Is a skllltnl pbyslclan?
Mrs. Glhlln <tbe patJtoit)-I don't'
know so uiuch gbont that But be has
Bueb a quieting way with him! When
I said I hoped I Wouldn’t be buried
alive he-^ld he’d look out for that
Wasn’t that tbonghtfni of hlm?-Boston Transcript
Good for Man or.Beast. C^res
hurts and pains anywhere in the
txHiy or on the' surface.
Specials From the
Carpet Section,
straw Mattings
Kver.v piece of Straw Matting left over from *he season s solltog
must bcelosed out during the next lodays Winter goods *r* crowd
ing to on nit and we must have llu- room Measure- up your rooms and
come to tomorrow or aiiylimethto week. The assonracui is good and
here arc the prices that will muve it nut lively,
12^chlndat 9c 18c and 20c kind at I2^c
22c kind at 15c
23c kind at
• - 19c
33c kind at - - 23c
Made Up Rugs at About 1-3 Oil!
♦ill connection with the Matting Sole we wHl place on sale oJkiuI 18
rootle up rugs. Rugs made up of rernnsntt of Brussel* VelveU. Axuiinsu-re, etc. The sizes differ, some large, some small. Better bring
the size of the room and wv will help yon,seIect a amUble flU.ng.
1. serviceable anil will
..................... il isvl
have a filling that
not h.ari- to come J|p every
Foot Stools 29c, the Regular 50c Kind.
Penetrates as no other liniment can penetrate.
Sinks right into the fevered skin and takes out
pain. Good for everything that walks.
Keep it InyourhfMise.
Keep it in your shop.
Keep it in your office.
Keep it at your stablea.
Keep It at your car bams.
Mexican Mustang l>iniment
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