The Daily Eagle, May 07, 1907

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The Daily Eagle, May 07, 1907


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Daily Eagle" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Sutherland, G. H. D. (1874-1931)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text



• Our want MlUfnn h«» halpa< •
O buadrada
p*epl« and may halp •
• you If y«u witl paly give it a O
• trial.


HAVE just received a big shipment of
couches, containing all the new shapes
and patterns of the^season. If you have
been waiting to find a couch that is just the
right color to match your wail paper and car­
pet come in and look our ilne over and make
your selection before the best ones have been
sold. We will hold It for you until you want it.


.... ...........---- $5.75
aH steel consltucted couch, tow
An extra large cou<ih, 3 rows of springs
set onn steel
steels^slats, at.
A Boston Leathcf OMich, full size, ail
steel construction, at — -------------- $9.75
^ good velour couch, 27 in. by 6 led
2 inches, at......................................

A good .corduroy coucK filled, with

XeMenifier, yoar creHit u gooJ.

J. W. Slater

Spring Underwear
We are showine the new line of underwear for
spring. Everything fro® the-cheap cottons to
the fine cashmeres. We have some especially
fine things in medium weight. We know the line
will appeal to every roan and now is a good time

to make your selection—you will find the line
one of tae best in the city.
Fnm2Sctof2.S0 At garment.


Union St gotlileg

^mltri->Re^lt>' Co. Have Some
fine Bargains In
Real Estate.

wlU leave
the mi
Mts.'G. a.
Trp'int on Bsltlmorp A Ohio Road
and Un.
Were Oeing SO Milas an Hour
the local
Whan Craah Cama Naar
Whaeling, W. Va.


(SpacUl to tha Daily Eagle.)
Whealing, W. Va.—Train No. 7
the Baltimore E Ohio, weat bo((nd,
collided with a faat freight train, east
Reby'e Reek. 18 tniloa;^t
of here today. J. L. Pointer of Ben­
ton, W. Van
C. G. Warn, baggagemaatar, of Bellalre. On were killed outright The
engineer of the paoeenger train wu
fatally injured and will not
hrough the day.
The accident waa due to a mleunderetandlng of orders. The two tralna
ire going 30 mllw an hour when
the crash came. The baggage and
expreas ears of the freight-and the
engines of both freight and paaoongor
trains ware domellehed. The pase«ngera escaped with a aeverc shaking


M Siore opp. Wbiuae uoui

Crawford Shoes
$5.00, $4.00, $3.50
io all good leathers.
Box Calf, Velvet
Calf, Velour Cali,
Gun Metal Calf, Vici '
. Kid and Patent Colt
7cf« JTi« Be More 7%an
Headed With Jhevi.

Office Telephone 311.

They add to tb« reputa­
tion our suits have made
for good values, made- by
best manufacturers in the
business. They combine
the finest of materials
with the best wearing
qualities Bod the style is
strictly correct. See the
papers and you’ll find
the shapes we show are
those pushed to the front
by all the leading cloth­
iers and furnishers of the
large cities.

Bed, Iron
and •

Residence SHQ.

will help that


a Planned by
Bedallty for


Speckled Beales and Rainbow Va
rlety Taken.
A party ogn^iung of A. W. Miller
and wtfp-Kfl ItaiMftlApd W. B. Morton
and wife of Uof.n'e C«tep w< i Cshe first
I ing-fot trout Ob Adams erecTk the
: day .of May and made a fine catch of
'speckled beauties. aJao two rainbow
trout weighing eight and eight an-l
one-half pounds respectiveiy

Attend oor 39 cent sale, c
menclng Tbureday next. Globe •
Department Store.

Try oar new brand

A Pint of

Smitli Realty


yeate^a.v. and
Jon made
members of tit
the event a
The .Yonn* liMei' Sodality plaifnert
a surprise tor 'Um In the
The vacant aelioi^ room In the church
building was prettily decorated and
BOt with tabrea'lii the form of a croi
At the appotetgd hour. Father
han and hN^ler. Hiss
yere invited ow. The scene'a-hl)^
greeted him 4aa‘a menr one.', They
neverend «e^tleniau
»-lth a spray at beautiful rose
atur refreelUBeBU w^re served,
enjoyed. amon|.tf* entertainers being
Father Sheehits^ifho sang a solo.,
conipanled by tA sUter at the piano
The Ladles’ Altar eoclety remeniI>erod the bl^day by preseuiing
A. J. Brown, light diaying; eOlee at Father Bheeh'ifi with a purse of
llty Newt Stand. ClUxcn's phone 47.
money and the 3il|dren of the church
may 7-tlS.
Id the monlBg«av« him a handsom<

Rowland Douglass

SO Cents



144 Frmt Street.

“Makiiic a Kan of Him”

a man's hat. inade for
worn by menyoiii _
old—in all pans
of the world
Erary StaUon Bwa (ha





Beady mixed Painu—IBc ««■
Canvaa Gloves for ladies, man
aod boys—all kinds sod siirsa
Sc pair and apwardn

patteno - Best on
earth—all seams allowed—IBe
and Uc caek. Bwrybody
is delighted with them.

Drug Store
Never Have to Take
Baek a Sack

We Can Talk Caps, Too
aod not fear that anyone else can discount the
styles and values we‘show—50c to-$2 00—You kno^
[or ought to] that we are offeritig about twenty dozen
choice sample caps worth 50c to |2 at from 38c to 1.50
•r^v.efything that’s new in caps




A very delightful muelcale waa
given at St. KrancU school last even­
ing which was very largely attended.
Two pianos were used- and two differ­
ent orcheetisis also furnished music.
In this way the public waa. given
something different from the o^nary
musicale. Thl* waa the flrst'pi^llo
recital given by the St. Francis school
of music this year, ihe following
program was given:
Trio itwo pianoF). the MUsea B.
lluellmantt-I. .M. Huellluanlei. R.
Huellmanicl. S- Avirkiev. S- Brown.
N. Moblo.
Inetrumpuial duet. .Mins F. GriOtfa
and Mlae C. Murebie.
String quartet the Misses Dock-av. Slater. Sheldon. Moblo.
Coneerto. the Misses R. Carter, R.
WadendelSEOhn's march, Roy Straub.

fSpeciai to the Daily Eagle.)
Butte. Mont.. May 7.—-Tha North
Coast Limited, the eraek train of the
Northern Pacific, was hold up at
Welch's spur, about 14 miles east of
Siek.Man Will be Operated on Wed- this city early today and the engineer
nseday^for AppendielUa—Ph;
was killed.
The sherlfTs force here was noti­
aiciarT^l^U Investigation.
fied of the event and otfldaU lift at
once for the scene.' The object of
-Ifipe^ to the Dally Biffla.)
hold-up was to aoeure the eonLstnslng. May 7.—Dr. B. T. Adami, tnita of the special carrying's e«nUgialator Cbas. E Ward’s pbyalclao. algnmcot of currency from Boattle,
has expressed himself in favor of
Portland and Spokane to oastorn
rigid exanilnaUon of the With Fret- parts.
This suiement has served
Fourth Time In Thm Vases.
(0 cUmlnata the teallnr that Ward
This Is the fourth time the Orest
is feigning llluess to escape an In- Northern UtiiUed has been held up Is
three years. The last time U was 81
Ward is to be oiwraled cm for ap- miles west of here. The hold-up topendldUs
wss near where the Burilngton
The rumor is that the Detroit
flyer waa held up two years ago. It
thortties have secured new and Im- is in a mountainous. rouA section of
iKUtant evidence which makes Ward's the country.
presence a necessity.
General Manager’s StatemenL-

N. McGarry.
Plano. Miss 31 Lafayette.
Butierlly polka, the Mieses B. and
the*foIInii-|Bg atatemrat regarding the
N. Slater.
lUempied hold-up today: “No. Zi.
Mandolin ei-roiwd.—Wane 1. Leo THEY SWUNG INTO TOM WILKIN­ east bound, with Bnglneer - Frank
Clow and Conductor Culver, was held
n the east aide of BdUe by two
<;^rg<' Groves. Claude Hcrrlman;
men, who shot and killed the engi­
vlullns. Charles Huellmantel.A.Gerst; Wont Datwoen the Traes and Hm
neer. They did more shooting but evlconcprio. Miss R. Mania and M>sa L.
dently became alarmed and lied from
Without Doing Much
the scene. They got no money.
Vocal Bulo. --Fiddle and I." Miss M
”iAlille there have been sevml
liold attODpts at robbery on this rosd
A rather peculiar runaway oeeurred in every Instance the men have been
Belisarla. Miss M. SheldMn.
CoDcerla. Miss C. Nelson and SUaa this afternoon on Case street which ca^bt and are now doing time In the
fortunately did no damage. The team, penitentiary. Our loss has not exG. Groves.
-Angel 8 Serenade." vocal solo. Miss which belonged to a farmer, whoao eeded » counting all of the
name could hot be learned, became times.
M. Halverson.
Gertrude frightened on Front street and dashed
Grorea. Helen Straub. George Groves. eoDth on Cans atreei.
i At the corner of Bute and Oasa ihc
Anton Straub an'd Leo Cainpeau.
- Siailighi Soreoade”—VRSiBS,. XL lorjKs eurted turning the conier. but
BWimg enotigh to tnia tnte Tom
1. Moblo: cornet A.
■Magiian: clarinet. I. Slartinek: plano^ WilklnsoD'a yard opposite the posloOce. How the frightened tean
Roy Straub and Nettie Moblo.
roDcerio, Miss M. Lafayette and ceeded In going between the trees and
bouse and not damaging them Is
Miss N. HtiellniantelREV. D. COCHLIN’S CDNOREGA-InstrumentaJ trio, two pianos, the puxsle. as (here .seema to be hardly
o drive one horse without a
Misses N. Slater. R. Wade. S. WelaWON MANY FRIENDS
-lur, L. Seofleld. R. Huellmantel and wagon.
Only one tree wSs ^lightly scraped
Z. Amlotte, .
by the frightened team. The tongue
Five Teachers. 9S Puplla.
The local school of music at St
Francis now has five music teachers aide of the woodshed which was
and 1'5 jiuplls. All Ihe pupils at the across their path aod they were shut Evening Was One of Plpasant 8*one aide by the house and
n-clial last evening did exceedingly
oiabllity in Which Cengsnial
the other by a fence.
Spirits Mingled In Per­
A strange freak In connection with
lAst Saturday the school gave a re­
fect Harmony.
dial, which was by Ihe younger peo­
the path of the team, but the
ple. iind wus a very enjoyable affair.
Mure than 30u peraons aitendad the
Miss Eva Muyon of Kalkaska, t tongue. Instead of striking the win­
dow. struck about four lochee'under reception given at the Coi
it and not a pane of the glass was church last evening In hon« of the
broken, but -there to a jagged hole In pastor, the Rev. Demas Cochlln, it
the Bide of the ^ouse.
being tbe eighteenth anniversary of



itmiiB) IT SI. MS CHmen

Pricea te to SSe per.
St ahect»paper and 24 envel­

T he iiKiFi appiojin;!';* rift
aiher raii.e-veTii* siai, as h
passes ihe charmed Jiiie'c
21. IS Ihe


city Opera Heuae Operated by tha
Twafltlath Century Club.
The Twentieth Cestnry club will
give their annoai Hay^party tonight
ITFUU PROGRAM GIVEN BY in the at; opera bonae. The hall baa ENGINEER DF NORTH COAST LTD.
been very prettily decorated for the
occasion and the auendance promlaea
I be large. .
The club members have exerted
themeelves In making the decoratiema
pretty and also In ahUclpaUag the
its of the friends who are to
I Booty Waa Sacured, Though Train
School EfKploye Five Mucie Teachers
lent and a number of alirpriseii
Carried Consignmeht of Cur­
and Has Fifty-FIvs Puplla—
In store.
rency-Third Attempt on
Two Orchestra are Being
This Road.

RRST nauc imuitt


Fapms fop
L»et us repair and enlarge your hou^.
Prompt and courteous treat­
ment to all.







Grocers never have a dissataafied cuslotuer when they sell them BEST FLOUR. ,
There are never any disappointments
when baking day comes. The flour with
all the goodness of the wheat


Fair tpnigM and
aaeept ahMm in aeuthaaat par- •
tion tpnipht. Coplar tpnlght with •
light front


H, TUESDAY. MAY 7, 1»07.


NO. 4375.


Father Bauer Unites Miss Rackara
and Vern Ivea.
Si. Francis church’this morning
i o'clock, the llcv. Father Bauer
performed ihe rereniony which united
Miss Brelyii Knckard and Mr. Vern
Ives, both of this city. In the bol)
bonds of mairiniony.
They were attendi-d by jbe bride's
sister, Miss Vldilh Rackard. and Mr
Howard I.ewi8 The bride waa attired
gown of cream silk pnd oarrie.1
bride's roses and the bridesmaid also
gown of cream silk.
The conple lefi^oo the 11:46 train
ir Xfhlcago and 'oiher points for a
short visit-and u|MJn their return will
Join I,.>c Ix-vani s High Class Enter
Ulner* ai TlioiiipNonvUle..Mr. Iv.
violinist Hud .Mrs. Ives as pianist
They are well known as Aral class

Issued for the Event
Tuesday, May 14.
The annual charily ball of the Trav­
erse City lodge No. 323. B. P. O. Blka.
Tuesdax evening. May 14. for which
Invitations have bes,n lasned. promlaea
to bo an exceptionally well patronitod and enjoyable affair
VlBliora from Suttons Bay. North'itort. Bast Jordan, Kalkaska, Wexfoed.
Manton and other near-by towns are
expected and some have already
promisod to have delegations prfflent.
For First M, E. Benefit Concert.
The first rehearsal fur a concert to
be given for the benefit of the First
M. B. church, will be held tonight In
»“hurch parlors'Md'^ memhera
.. Ihe chorus are requested to be on
hand promptly. Otbera who «Joy
“inging are'’asked to ^
A and
asked to Join ^th «s

Simen Shafer Paeaed Away Monday
Mrs. M. L. Updyke waa called
Pomona loday by tbe death of her
father, Simon Shafer, which occurred
.Monday morning He waa about 78
years of age and for a week had been
Buffering wUh the grip, which caused
hie death.
He was an old resident of Pomona,
coming to Michigan about *8 years
ago from Pennaylvanla, and bat lived,
nearly ever since near Pomona He
to survived by three daughters. Mrs.
M. U l'i>dyiie of thte city. Mrs. C. E
Wateon and Mrs. Sw Griner, both of
whom live near Pomona, and two
sons. Bd Shafer of Pomona and Dan­
iel Shafer, who Uvea near Ludlngton.
The funeral will be held tomorrow.

(Special to the Dally Bagle.)
San Franclsoo. May 7.-W. C. Da­
vis. In a fit of insanity, ihot and
kiUed a family of tlx -persona early
^ay. He used a ahotgun.

e sold. Every sale
Supi>cr Ml tbe Baptist cht
— Wed
nosday. from 6 to
0 T.
7. Hot bblswlt___ _
maple syrup and plenty of other good

thmrs win be served. Price 25 cents.
may 7-U

The early part ortbe evening was
devoted to the reception proper, where
everyone shook hands and I
better 'acquainted with each other.
After this a program waa glTea.eoBBlstlhg of the following numbera:.
March,' organ solo, by Harry Har-r, organist of the church.
I.adlee quartei, Mesdamea Titus, De­
gen, Bachani and Miss Moore.
Tenor solo. Voices of tbe Angels." .
Elmer E. White, scrompsnled by Mrs.
I. B. Gilbert, pianist, and Harry Haroer, organist.
CboruB, "The Heavens are TeUlng,"
morning and evening chorus, with '
Mrs. Degen as soloist
Plano and organ duet. Miss Buck
and Mr. Harner.
Soprano BolM, MrB. L. P. Tttnn,
Udira qiiarui. -rherc. Little Girt.
Don t Cry:"
' Beautiful GIfU Preaanted.
After the pn)grani, Mr. Frank Hamlllon spoke of .the reasons for the r»cepUoD and the great pleasure it had
been to the ladles and-all conaeoted
«1th the work He aald that Hr.
Cochlln had once told him'that a oer^
tain well known verse in the Bible
should te rendered 'The Lord joreth
bllarious giver. - to get the original
meaning, and he felt that all who had
helped in the gifts were truly hUariona
givers. He then presented Mr. and
Mrs. Cochlln with g purse containing
835, also a doxen silver knives and .
foi^. a dozen tea spoons, dosan deaeert spoons, two table tpoonh, a Silver
bandied carving set. and four gold
lined souvenir epoons for tbs fonr litlie dsugbters, each spoon hetag
marked with tbe name of tbs one tor'
whom it was Intended.
Paster Makes Reply.
Mr. OoehUs replied to Mr. HaffiDton's rezoaxlcB and. accepted tbe gifta..
In a simple and pleasing manaar,
which 1a chsrecteftstic at him. Be
said that b» ooold only apaak la aer(Oontinnad on Paga flta.)


rsE DAILY SAOi« Tuesday.

Hie Dally Eagle

<3nateHr>-€ltiMu. 4SE
BatioHen—atteu. 476 ud S.„
SubMribm U tiM Dally tasla ar«
raeuaaUd to r*p«rt any irrasnlarr' tn tha aarvtoa at anca.
Tha OaUy Ba^ vlU ba foud oa
#a<a at tha toUovlns plaeaa: aty
Nava Stand; City Book Stem; B. 3.
Sana * Son. Ml ~
Joaeph Omior. 910
Oao. Oolamtt 819 .
____ ...
aTaaoa; JRAba J3u9/ Oo. OaSce
ttraat; & K Tanbatra. tU Waat
naranth ab«at; J. W. Waaaa. 6U BandDlph iU«ot I\>r tha oonaanlMoa «4
, ^iS at anyrf tha aboTa plaoaa
May 9—SI HInnkard and hU Farm>r Band-^rasd Opera Bonaa.
The machine polltlclaiu -hara evi­
dently heard aomethlng^drop. The
vole for congreaamaD In. the fifth diatnet to fill the place of Wllllan
den Smith aeeme to have been aomethins of an eyeopener to the success­
ful candidate. G. J. Dlekema. - The
miing of the Grand Rapids non-partlsan eiectlm bill by the house, after
It had pasM the aenaU. It is believed
had more to do vlth the maJorlly
asalnat Hr. Dtekema in Grand Rapids
tban anything else.'.and tl
aree beglnnloK to underutand
that the
' people of Grdhd Rapids know wbat
they waaL and are In dead esimest in
their demanda.
' The result Is likely to be that the
Grand Rapids bill will be again Intro­
duced, and the members forced to
decide again wbetber the fears of the
poUHclana of possible danger to party
organlMtloo shall be paramCunt to
the overwhelming demand of a munlcl|>allty for non-partlian elections.
It Is said that the relntroductloa of
llie bill and lU support will have the
backing of Mr. Diekema and bis in­
fluential friends in the. house, and
that be win do all In bis power should
it again be wnbmltted to further Its
passage. Sptmker Nick Whelan, it la
clalffldd, has also agreed to give his
aid 10 the bill should it again be Intro­
Id cur oplolon the (oare of the party
machine poiiticlans that the pauage
of the Grand Rapids non-partlsaa Mil
! would be a menace to any party or­
ganisation. are enUrely groundless.
On the contrary.-we ^Ue^ that II
I he provisions of the Grand Rapids
bin were extended so aa^io pmbrace
every municipality In the state of
Michigan, the result would be for the
beneflt and strengthening of party
ganlsaUon. Local figi
. frequently very bitter,
do with disturbing the ’ harmony of
party drganlutions than anything
else. A bitter local fl^t over candi­
dates within the party is seldom con­
fined to the locality in which it orig­
inates. but is, very llkel> to spread
until in many Instances It aff^ts the
party In the whole commonwealth.
Make all-municipal elecUons nonpartlsan snd yon have remove^ ene of
the roost disturbing factors to party
peace and unity..
If the membere of the republican
liuiisc of represeDiativea at Lansing
wish to preserve their party orgmnlMllOD Intact they wl'l, in our opinion
' make haste to undo their suicidal ac­
tion in defeating the naasage of tbe
Cnmd Rapids non-parUsan elecUon
bin. It is said that “whom the gods
would destroy they first make mad,
which was evtdenUy the state of mind
’ In which a majority of the membere
acted when they voted.-^dnst the
bill. There Is now some hope that “the
sober second ihougbr will result In
correction of the blunder then made.

aon that It proiddad
so fad»TOeal damamKa. v^ U to ha Infrodooad by the eenata commlttaa.
The railroads are maklns atrasvowa
obieetlon to neariy aU of the speedal
featwea cE the blU that )ook good to
the piane,-aare aapedaBy to the reThe niinads are parteoUy aatlsfied with proMOt conditions. They
may oemt^ to deliver a ear of foods
and by aldetraeklnc and delays cause
0«tt loss and trouble to 'toe shipper
without relmhnriMas him (or the dinace eansed by (ha delay; whUa. on
the other hand, ehould the ehlpper
delay to load or uultmd, he must pay
a demurrase.
This Is a vrons wUeh the bUl eeal
So far as ve have been able to
amine toe- prevlaiaee of tha hUl
think It if a ^ood one and ehonld
omne a Uw, notvUhstaadliif the
foru of the railroads to defeat tL





eluding the Reading of Import,
ant Reports Raeelved At.
Mayor A. V. Friedrich made the (o1losfing appointmenU at the regular
meeting of the city council which
held Iasi night Before making the vpointments he stated that the council
bad the affairs of tbe dty so well Id
band that he would not make any reclendaUons at this Ume. but might
decide to leter.
He-aleo explained that Dr. MarUn.
who has been health oflicer for the
past two years, did not want the peel
tloD. another year, but that bis work
had been very satlstactory to the city
The foUowlng appolntmenis of tbe
mayor were coaflitned upon motion
of Aldennaa Lardle:
Ws^ and Msane—Winnie, Lardle.
and -Pslmer.
Streets knd Wsiks—Winnie, Lardle
snd Account*—Palmer.
Moon and Riekcrd.
Water—Moon, Abbott bnd Wlnfile.
rirs and PMIce—Lardte, Abbott Md
Pounda—McCormick. Shuter and
Ordlnsncca—Lardle, Palmer and
Public Ll^itins—Murchk, Winnie,
and Goodrich.
Bridget Goodrich. Shuter and Mc­
Lieenaes —Abbott,
Printing—Shuter. Abbott and Mc­
I^ark*—Winnie. Meen and Riekerd.
Chief—Thomaa Murray.
Aalatant Chief—Albert Petcrtyl.
Regular Paid Men—E. C. Jfulghum,
Jas. Baker, Henry Lafayette, Jermie
Cody, Orin Lerkini.
Chief—C. W. Aahton.
Regular—Allen Orayten, Peter Sny­
der. Will Jennings, EmfSt Saleneky.
Speeial—Thomae Murrev, JuUue
Winnie, Ira Blood,' Alex. McLaughlin,
David McOInnta.
O. W. 0. Factory—A. D. Drum..
Wm. BeKner Factory—Jamea Steve

T. C. Manufacturing" Ce.-<Charioa
We print In another oolumn a deci­ Hovrard.
sion of the United Stales Supreme
Baekot ractory—George Metcalf.
eouit. which holds that wbat la knows
J. E Greillek Co,—H. Wieo.
as "reciprocal demurrage" Is just and
Wm. Beltner A Sen Butter pish
can be enforced. Railway Commis­ Factory—Frit! BcHnor.
sioner Glasgow has prepared a subeUJohn F. Ott—
tute to the original railway coo
Special Polie^Lewis Gauthier, A:
Sion bill, which was found not to meet F. Owen.
with the requirements onUlned by tbe
Asylum—Ed Kent. -B. P. Bums.
Grand Rapids hoard of trade and
Union School—H. J. Curlie.
other trade. orgntxatloDa. for the
Union Street Seheel—George Bek.

Tour Selection of a Good Bank
la importsnt—Dol only for the preaent, but slao
for the years to come.
The right Ban): connectioa will be a ■n«b*ial
hdp to you in ev^ day buabeat.

Beertfmaa Avenue


towt afiPatoriMerha. .W. It Cal
City EdfiReeT^W. 'R. CaMvwh. City SenUMisar W.’ Ci'JRHMa.
Library Tniatos Mre. E. R. Miner
(ef three yaara.
WaiinMadtor-^fahk trinMav
City AttemayT-H. C. Davis.
Hasith Offlcai^ A. Halllday.
BMa of Tb^ Banka.
Bids were received tram tha three
b«Bi.s (or keeidBE dally depoalta of
e city's money sad alec tor making
e citir tamponry loans as Mlova^
First National bank, by Lean PTitus, cashier. 2 1-2 par cent on dally
balancea. intareat aa^ mooth. dntt
<diarte, and 6 1-2
temporary'loans to tbe
Traverse City State baak. by Sam­
2 1-2 fft
per cent
uel Garland, cashier. 8
dally balancee and E S-4 p^ oi
temporary loans.
Peoples' tevtngs bank,' by C A.
Haramood. eaabier, 2 1-2 per
daily bMancaa aad 6 per cent
pomy looa.
Upon moOon of Alderman Lardle.
(he bid of the First National bank
was aoeepted.
OmsglsU’ Bends.
Tbe dniggist bond of the Johneon
Drug Co., with Tltomas T. Bates and
W. P. Crotser, as snreUee, was ap­
proved upon motion of Alderman LarThe drugglat bond of Fi«nk H.
Meads, with Wm< F. Hareba and Dell
Squires as iureUes, was approved up­
on motion of Alderman Shuter.
Tbe druggist bond of the Raifnah
A Lay Mercantile Co., with Jam
Dunn and B. P. WUbelm n su'reUea.
was approved upon motion of Aiderman Goodrich.
The druggist bond of tbe C. A. Bugbee Drug Co., srtth Bmanuet Wilhelm
and J^D W. Patchin as enretles. was
approved upon motion of Alderman
Draymen’s Licenses.
John Danford was at the co
meeting with a nnmber of other dray­
men. in behalf of their Interests,
which they said they bed an axe
Igrind. He aald the clt}' made them
pay a license and he wanted to know
If (he city could not be made to pro­
tect them. Re’said the chief of police
was chasing them up about thslr IIeensei and told them that the license
wss due May 1, but as yet only eighi
licensee had been taken out when
there were many more diuymen.
Licensee to be Enforced.
Upon motion of Alderman Moon,
tbe chief of police was Instructed to
sttend to the
at once an
asrest those who bed not paid tbetr
begin pioceet
agalDsi them.
The matter of the opera bouses pay­
ing was broogbl up by Alderman Lardie. Mayor Friedrich said that tbe
matter of lieeaM bad been a pretty
loose matter, ihd be said that. If any
licenses wwe too
Alderman Pal­
mer thinking that the pawnbit^er's
llcensr was, now was the time to de­
termine. Tbe motion passed was
fixed BO as to cover tbe enforcli
all licenses except the pawnbroker's,
which will probably bo taken up
InapMtor Ooekeray'a Report.
Milk and Meat Inspector C. R. Dockeray made bis annnal report, whid
was received ud filed upon motion
of Alderman Shutor.
The report covered a period of six
months, In which he seld be had vislied all dairies once a mmitta at least
and tested sempIes of milk twice; bad
three direct complaints made to him
of milk dealein smd found nothing
wrong. For a time be stopped one
from selling and three dtiriee were
stopped seTBng for eight days and
afterwards all were allowed to start
up again.
He showed that 2S delrtes were selltng milk, seven persons were peddUng
and 21 sell to aelgbbors.
Tbe dairies were In good oondlUMt
with the posslbe exception of rentUaUon. Tentflatlon be spoke of in par­
ticular. He eald that owing to toe
cost of feed and the vigllanoe demand­
ed In keeping everythltig in good
shdpe had caneed a number to give
up tbe buBlnees. The price of milk
he said was cheap here, 17 qtaaru In
winter for a doOar and 20 quarts in
summer. In Grand Iteplds tbsy sell
14 quarts for a doUar the year round.
Th* Marfcsta.
Of the 18 meatjEBBikete doing busP
ness when he be^, three had gone
out of buatneM, but the IB now nmnlnc are In good ■bape. with the poeBible ■•Kceptioa’nf eoe or two. but Ml
are in a eaMtaiy emdltlCB.
He eapreosed hlmaeU In favor of
having meat tnspeetod before aad
after kUUng, to better oonjltlons.
There ere MMU slan^tor bouses
topplying the nerkeU and to the
winter they are good but to summer
U Is barder to keep tiiein from tmen-

Hia Bank hai a tucceuftd record of safe, conaervative banking fimi ^ day of ita ofgBRna-

‘tkxL ITefag&r«BrBigte9g.

v.'m. DBPOOTTOBnr.

City Welgbmastor Prank Winnie
made hU annnal rtirort whlto showed
tbe foUowlng:
8.674 loads of pototoee weighed.
1,624 loads of bay walMied.
482 loads of-grain watgbed.
881 loato of ooal. coke. Iron end
•tone weiiked.
2,283 head of Uve stock welded.

. Avrnimrtmuu.

Tbe ngaK »agT*nMTed aad ^seed



r-16ca! aWUoatloBs, as they ca»
___raaito the aeat dl (be dlseeee.
Catarrh Is a blood or eonsUtnUonal
m, order to care it you
____ take biterea] iweOlM. Hell's
Catarto cere is takea btientally. and
petit dtagp^y on toe Mood and mneo« surfaces. BalTs Catonli Cure
of 8744.16 end the superriesse of tbe RECIPROCAL DCMORRAQE LAW fa not a gUBMc Mfadae. It was preliuaMnlBMnl
SUSTAINS :OA»’BCmO‘POUND­ ■sMlbed by one of toe- best phyaP
-dans In this conidry for yean and
ED ON common EENSC
_________ _____ jng tbe iatorM sew­
er bagtontog at F^fe^tito street to
acdlng dIreeUy on toe mneons surfac­
Rallroed arenoe at'in'esilmated eo^
es. Tbe perfcet cembiBation of the
of '828gd8. whs^*tom*d ngCB jncMon
two ingredients fa what produces
of AKlenna^VtiMBasoA woBdeifnl results in curing Cv
tarrh. Send for testimonials free.
ReeoIatlM for toe latdfal
F. J. CHENITT 00„ Props., Toledo. O.
Hear Result ef Test C«c
wMcb It fa neUssafy -to oonttmet
Sold by druggists, price 76c.
from Front stMet'to-^*e-«»0t.-ww
Brought by Keystone
Ibks Raff's Fbmlly Pills (or Cettadopted upon BtoOtor^'iEMMUn’Palstlpatlon.


BuMtr ffianawBTw

street from toe
to ntWon
stiwet as there w«M 'no 6t4KtBB4.
cording to toe "dlgtorts, ■pneifien'
tlone. etc., fixed at tl fMDMw*en tbe
eurba Upon motion of Aldermen
Lardle this resototion wss nBogted
but tbe width; sf'lMSsss eUifinstM.
B. P. WUbelm urged that this street
be paved with britfr Mbfle Ike Wtonie
and A. B.'Cook ptotested'ind wanted
toe council to wait until they bad
time to call a meeting and see wbat
ResolnUoD adoptod to pave Wash
ington street from Oass street to Bar­
low sreet, 80 feet wide, was edwted
upon motion ^ Aldermen Palmer.
Upon motion of Aldermen Moon,
Malcolm Winnie was elected presi­
dent pro-tem of tbe ooondl.
Upon motion of Aldermen Winnie
a report was adopted to purchase
Beiding cement mlxen at a cost not
to exceed 6100.
Maiyr J. Donovan rodionttrated
a^nit paving BIgfatb sp«et to 1207.
She has 60 feet of property. R«noBatrsnee filed upon motion of Alder­
man Winnie.
Thopas. A. Conlob asked about
open^ Thirieentb street to Union
street %pugt a letter to. toe clerk
eleo to change the name of Bohemia
street. Upon motion of Alderman
Palmer referred 'to committee -on
streets and walks. .
A petition to Improve toe alley be­
tween We>-ne snd Cedar streets was
referred to toe streets and walks com­
mittee by toe mayor.
Tbe Btartti Co. reoMimended tbet
Clarence Sherman
wclgbrnasier for them. The recom­
mendation was made by H. Grettenburg. manager of the company.
Properly owner* on Fifth street pctioned that the street be pared with
and gutter. A.^L. Baebadt et al sign
ed* toe petition. Befarved to
streets and walks eomlttee npon
motion of Alderman Lardle.
CbarievtMx asked fe rant toe <
roller. Referred fid the streets and
walks committee aad toe city engin­
eer to report at tonight's meeting.
A large nnmber of cement walks
were ordered built in various portions
of (toe city upon reeammeadstlo
the board <rf public works. Report
adopted upon motion of Alderman
April Report.
Milk and meat Inspector Dockeray
r^rted for the month that be bad
visited 2S dairies is the city where 40
cattle were kept; vhdtod 24 dairies
In toe country where 341 cattle were
kept He found eyerytblng la good
condition, toe cows and bsras cleaiL
Tbe meet markets were visited. 16 in
all, and found is good shape aad tmprorementa shown over prevtoue vlslL
Report filed npon modem of Aldermen
The report of toe claims aad aocounts committee who audited the
bins were ordered peld upon motion
of Alderman Shuter.
The blU of H. C. Davis for 1250 for
compning the city otdinaxiees wa
lowed upon motion of Alderman Palme_r.
Alderman Moon again called etunUon of'toe light committee for a light
on the corner of'Roee and the ralP
Upon motion of Alderman Lardle
the conndl adjourned to meet toal^
at 7 o'clock.
yon keep your bo««ta regMar VUb
Dr. Klnrs New Life PUls. Tbslr aotion fa to gentle Uut tbe appendix
never has canM to make tb«
MopUlnt OnarontbM by B B. Bil­
ler, 8. B. Walt * Bou and Jtfanaon
Drug Co. 26c. Try them.
Tbe sres of iLc provlnn- of Ontario
U'322.000 square miles, or. dedccUBf
water am. Ztg.OBO eqnarc mllca. Tba
am of tbe state of PennsyWaMa Ja
absdt 46,000 square miles, or Mtgbtty
ever one-ftftb of ttat ef ODtoite. Que­
bec has a iSQd arts about E900wqnar«
MDss greater tban Oatorio.

Mo., hod a aonow-wftmr .___
ogo, when ba ran a jlmsoB bur fate'
bis thumb. Be. oaya: "The dooUr
wonted to ompufate It but 1 -moM
not eMs«L"l'boSit
of Die
■ I boight a box d(
ten's Arnica Solve nnd that enred tl
Bd.’ 26c ■

Msny custemere were disappointed
••‘‘“'•‘•F by nov being waited on ut
the Big Bhoe Sale st toe Hannah *
Lay Msroantlli Ce.' This ••■• will
Tbs Northern
Trsnsporta^n bc^ win isara Chlcsgo <*
wadaasdays sad Botstdays at T
Bitamanng and repMrtog, til Frwtt Bfc


A decision banded down’ Monday, Saturday by iwl being waftbd on al
by tbe Sspreme Conn of H^ssfattp^ tbe Big Shoe Ssle st the Hannah A
Lay Mereaatile Co. This sale will
wU) have national InteiesL At toast last all the week.
may 642
twenty statee have been awaiting
the findings of this court

It Served Hbn l^ht
The Vdlain StiU
Pursued Her

■■Who, Wo Won


It was a test case, brought by the
Keystone Lumber Yards against the
Yaxoo and bOsstBSIppI Valley Rail­
road to compel toe company
6100 a day or fraction qf a day for'
every frelMit ear held for more than
twenty-four hours at any point on tbe
The demurrage chargee, as they aW
called, were originaled by the ralP
ways themselves. Receivers of ship­
ments were compiled by ttoe oompaulee to pay a penalty (or
an imreasoBable time In nnioedlng
the cars.
The Ulssisslppi oonrt saya that toe
same law must apply to the carriers',
and bereatfer in that state, and In
many ofhera which have enacted laws
on the Bubject but have been waiting
to have the principle tested, railways,
will have to keep their freight
Chambers of Commerce and Indi­
vidual. shippers tbrougbout the Unit­
ed States have petitioned the Inter1 this
Stele Commerce Coo
subject, but that body found Itself
without authority to acL It will be
good news to the bualness world that
toe conrts can enforce toe expedition
of freight In this country.
Tbe decision of toe court In Mississlpi includes toe followtng paragraph,
which taas deep signlflcence now that
prosperity has caused a blockade of
"The law of reciprocal demurrage
Is founded In the eoundesi common
sense and the highest spirit of equity.
If such laws are rigorously enforced
we Witt bear no longer of tbe freight
congestion that has been so prevalent
throughout the past winter, of toonsands of empty cars standing In railroard yards In one eecttoe of toe coun­
try. and coal famine in tbe otoer (or
the want of can."

TTS easy enough to gel clothes (with “style” to them-both
in design and fabric

Biit it is NOT easy to.-get clothes

that have both style and quali^ that assures pennaneBt value.
There are very few tailors that make clothes wdl,- ^nd only ,
ludf-dozen reputable bouses that make clothes that you' can ahsolutdy dqwnd upon, or that WE would sdl.
For tbe moderate fmeed clothes, good enough for any man,
we reewnmend to your favorable consideration dur SWCEJUTY
dOTl^, \^ch will give yo^dhe greatest sadsfactKHi in fit. i
style and wear value.

$10, $12.50, $15, $18, $20



1(W Bnss Skirts at Little
Prices for Seven Days
fTCTN account of the extremely backward weather,
manufacturers are willing to dispose of their
mital goods at some very small margins. By taking
advantage of some of these offers and adding numbers
from of our stock, we are able to offer you some exceed­
ingly great values in Women’s Dress Skirts. We know
you will appreciate these values now more than you
wou^d in a month or six weeks for now is when you can •
use tbe goods to tbe best advantage.

There are S4 Shirts tiiat reteal


There are 46 Shirts Aat retml at $7.00, $8.00,
$8.50 and $10.00, for . ......


Materials are Black and Colored Panamas, Voiles, Mohairs, Serges, Fancy
Panamas and Fancy Mixtures Sises are'35 to 44 length, 22 to 28 waist Every
skirt is a 1907 model. Your good judgement will t-11 you that these are ex­
ceptional values, and cannot afford to miss the opportunity.

This Sale Opens Wednesday, May 8, and Lasts One Weeh
Owing to the fact that many, .customers from out of town have not
been able to get here during the SUIT SALE, we have decided to
continue this one more week. If it is a suit or skirt, do no^ fail to at­
tend these two sales, it’s dollars in your pocket if you come. We
liave adM aboot thirty more snl^.to the line, which otiU
makes the sdiectloa Rood.

n la always la
|»-s«v Be stilpn tof eetioii.
^ hopea to oonguer the
Men eW.ttos taeln strenger
I hie dMo to ehnootobririp kosets laid
aside by Jetties, ha .earefnlly eondltioned UinBriff at Lehg.Beach for
winner with nmnU gans as thalr boat
raaUng. pwMttg Sglhl
w« towed twek through the eoare..^
MtorepcJtton handicap la the
About MS.000 was pieced on the „ext Wg race In the Immedlnte fomce et even money, and et the lUlo4 tellowers of the beet in
(red. As raclnr todi
Indlridnal bet between the h
fleera cf the.^ngUah Ship Oeod Hope
1, Dr. Gardner, is entered
and the United SUtea Connecticut,
oile o»«it and hla reoc on 8atw
ir— tor K.OM.
day whkfthet n In a gallop, makes
The eottdRlOne under which Prince him t)M UMst fancied of the long Uat
Lonia of Battenbnrg offered the enp of CBMtA Brause of the
wna that It abonld not learc the Ainer- raunlty «< iatoreat arrangement be­
loan navy, but it woe by a foreign tween the owBSTs of Dr. Gardner and
crew that crew should-be honored by Roeeben, It le tmllkuir that the UUer
the memben iutring their names
horse win start in the big racb. Should
grared on the cup. with date and
RoMben bMQine a eontonaer, a great
orda of the race.
contest is looked for between these
two. not to menUoa other high class



JH: WniSi 28; naiCMS ».
^ Crew Frem CrulMr Argylle Han^ll)>
Beat* ininaia Tara for Cup
—Both Cre^ Ware

Norfolk. Va., Uaijr 7.-By
lonstha tha rowing crew Own the
BriiUh ablp Argyll 'defeated the tars

OoD the United Btntee aUp QUiKda,
tberebr. winning the BaUenbug enp.
which was tne priu offered for
petJUon br the nsTlea of the worid. nt
the JaneatowB espoelUon.
The distance of the race was three
Qillee. ihrongb the doable Hm of
American and foreign batUeahlpa.
the ttme was 21 mlnntea for the Brit­
ish boat and 2« 'mlnotee for tho BUDole crew.
The BriUehers started eS slowly,
allowing the Amerlw crew to lead
for the better part of the raoe, then
raining in with a fine burst of speed,
the Argyll’s men made a spurt wUch
they kept op, snd which oarlred than
under the flnlab Use one minute
ahead of the Americana.
The crews of both batUeships
cheered loud and generously In honor
of each other at the sound of the final
gun, and the other sbtpa sainted the

A Woitderful Oil Stove


Entirely £fftnta
from all others. Em*
bodies new ideas,
new principles,
Easily managed.
Reduces fuel ex­
pense. Beady for
bu^ess St moment
of lifting. For
^ur summer cook­
ing get a

inck Blue Flame Oil Cook-Stove
Its beat Is highly
Boca not orerheat tha kltthen.
on always at a msinUlasd lereL Three sl»a. Fully warranted.
It not at yonr dealer's, writs out nearset agency fw dwtrifrire

Lamp \

I U the beat
Umplnranround hena^old oae.
ei! brass throngtaost and beaptUnUy nickeled. Per­
fectly eoaatnicted ; nbaolnteiy sale; nnexcdled in
Bght-gtni^ power; an ornament to any room.
Brery lamp warranted. If not at your dealer's,
Wriu to our oeareat agency.


UarriMU firid.' The other three
Nsw-Basabali Aulsa.
four gsmto, it now derNops, wUl be
If any player other (ban the ptt^er
acila a sew bait, elttaer by molsttnlng
fOn^ out on foreign territory.
It or robbing It in the dirt be wlD be
fiDSd IS.
If a pltriied baU strikes tba gmund
rtt SPORTINC WpRLD ba(6n
It cremes tbe plats. It counts as
a ball In eveiT case.
Runtwr Melvin Sheppard.
The batsman will be declared qot tf,
Probably *bo ftbiret all roand run­
ner or the l ulte.1 States ir Hefrtn ba changes from one box to tha cNbsr
Sheppard, tbr ruUadelphla iad. now e aftsr the pitcher has taken the pltcbaris bex.
reatdrat of Ne« V«rk.
In garnet wnere twonmplreaofBelato
He bun riiu ibc half outdooia in 1
eball be agreed on and aononnead
minute 63 :i-r iwraDda...iDdoon be baa
bafore tbs game on which .parttenlar
DUyt sack shall rule.
A. catcher interferee with a batsFoi'e the iUetance from a etandlug
tan-^ls itrtklng at a pitched ball,
the batamsn beramea a base runner.
If there ^ rao base ,Tanners and
__remiB anofbec In an'endeavor to
inaks a ran whils the first base runner
U betng ’’tagged.” tbe base nnnsr
who passes shall be declared out
Tbs last two raiss held in tbe American league last year, .but not In tbe
National league.




Jo^ey 1
tog aome clever riding, wiu be ■__
trader tbe silk of August Briraont aecording to good information. Mo«stato rode well at New Orieana last
xrtotor snd showed eonshtorable ttUI
aervlees of this hoy. as the wall known
coloTW Witt .be seen often during tbe
opolftan season. Alexander SUelds
and B. R- Tbomas were after Uotratato. but it looks as if Belmont beat
them out.
L« Tsfleshlll.''
-Las Taunehill. one of (be hitless of
Ito bltless wonders, nays be is going to
>e a slugger this season. He has been
dotog all forts of stunts to minor
league pitchers in practice cam«.
“Tanny” says be bss got orer tor
habit of pnlllng nwnv from the ball.
He Is a grand fielding third aackar.
and if he could only hit arooiri tbe
290 mark alt the third baaamsn
uoantry would have to take a pasp at
(ba White Box’s afrjwy teBeldic.

Nuakrit' HarvMss “String.*
Tance Nnekols now has fourteen
bead at the GlenvUls track. Tbe tiotare Jack Wilkes. 2;l2i4.
rU. by Guy
y Jay Bird;
Sbea Alcone; Guney GlrL 2SS%. by Grtgoiy
tbe Great; Kenneth Mac. 223> Bob­
Th* Last Straw.
by Burns; Panllne Qmmona. by Btm-Van MUIyou U complstoly' rulasd
and a colt by Moko. Tbs paeen
an Oaliagber. saxti. by Boyal Rya- financially. S» was even compaBed to
s^ his automobile.*
dyk; Ciaa B..
*Umpbi Hassit a aegnt left. ahr->
TaBBj H.. 2J314. 1.
. ..
Too: Sir Datr, Jadga.


In the big baseball toegnes the New
York and the Chicago teams continue
to play Winning baU. It ta'« batUe
reyal betwM them. Uwt .Iruek In
the Naitoaal league. CUcagb lost one
game, and po*to<mcd. another be­
TWO IMPORTANT FIGHTS AND cause of bad weather._w1iileh permit­
ted the Oluta. wbo played and wen
all their gamea to creep Into the lead
for thA-pOnant The Chicago Ameri­
cans ai^ on^ game ahead of the New
Torks. In-both leagnea all other
clnbi except the two leaden are far
down In tbs percentage columns, the
Wcek'Promleae to be Lively I Brooklyn Nationals being the worst
off of all, with a record of but one
Sprung Worid end Events of
gam's won and 14 lost
Usuaf.threat Sehaduted

niKS n Hsnu no foiiiHG

New York. May 7.—Much sporting Bums Old Net Peat Forfeit and
blstory iiromues to be made during
O’Brisn Rsfuasd to Sign.
tbs coming w^ nearly every day
Chloaeo, May 7.—Hike Schreck is
having a scheduled event of uneomto have the fifst try at Bill Quires.
tnieresL On -Wedeesday Jack
Jimmy Coftroth of San Francisco hav­
O’Brien and Tommy Burns will clash
stan’tnliDlmiteaud-SSsecodds. Like­
ing wired an offer to Hike to meet wise ill the Indoor tulle be outclassed
at Loa Angeles for twenty rounds or
the Anstrallan 5I10 has returned to everrliody. Ijist spring the former
Iw for the light heavyweight pugi­
listic cbamplonehlp of (he world; on this city after his defeat of Ross at Quaker City |:ul reeled off mile after
Dayton, will accept the go.
mile under -4 nilmitec and SS aecMids.
Thursday the Metr««»Utan racing will '
' Coffroth already has Squires' signa­ acoomplhdiing 4 iiiiumes and 22 sec­
move to the conrae of the Westches­
ture for the match. He was unable onds bn at l.'MM three oc-caslona.
ter Radng assodation at Belmont
to sreore either O’Brien or Burns as' Outdoors 8he|>|i:ird line uot done so
park, where the opening feature strug­
well ut ilie mile eiiiiidy iKHiiuse he has
an opponent for the Australian, Burns not ewterod i<. Hint distance. Judging
gle will be for the Metropolitan bandrefusing to post a forfdt and O’Brieo from liiii iii.l-ior 'vovk. It U entire^
Itop, worth tlO.OOO to the winner, and
refusing to sign.
Shepi'-irrl’M limit to t.reak Conon Fri^y nlgbt at Loa Angeles Jack
nefTs 4 nilunlev unil IT, ;t-T> aeconds if
(Twin) Sullivan and Hugo Kelly will
he outs get*-after it.
Sbsrt Sport Items.
setUe the dispute as to wKo la entitled
tlie'Quiiker lad a big track to
Adriaii, Hlch.—Tecumseh's South- ^
wear the pngiiUtlc middleweight
ern Michigan leaguers played their' stretch out ••II mid In- will do M secdhampionsMp Jaurel wrSath.
oQcls for a qimner mlh-. At the east­
flist game here Sunday ajid trounced ern inil"i>r ncels Ibis uitiler hut one
week will cloK Saturday with the
the Adrian Uuee 16 to 0.
> uiau has U-ii-d him In a fair race at
struggle between the Harvard and
Chlcaao — Chicago patrons of col­ ■ Ills iIKliiiice..flint thiU luati was HillColumbia crews for aquatic honors
lege football probably will not haw'
1 the Charles river.
an opportunity to witness more-than' Sheiipiird 1* a flier at longer dis­
R^rts from Loa Angeles aay that two games at the Midway this fall.: tances too- He has run two miles well
both O’Brien and Buree have (rained and there Is a possibility of only one | uuder in minutes nud was a member
hard and are physically St for any contest of Importance being held on ' of tbe TlcloriuiiB I. A. A. C. cross coun­
try team last fall.

Brer dement neccMBry for tbs
development of bodily vigor and
endsxance is found in correct pro*
psKtian in the soda dicker.

b ^e perftet soda cracker, fredi,
el*an. idialesome, with all the
9»p, flaky goodness preserved.
InduMt titht,
pmftvrt pTvof paekapt*.

The Hannah & Lay Mercantile Company
Cotset News Always Interesting

When Vou Can Be Informed as
to the proper style to use and the
proper use of the corset Itself. It
should be thorouptily known.

Warner’s Rost Proof Corsets

We Wonder if You Have Noted
the marvelous fitting of the corset in the magasioe illustration that the makers of the Warner’s Rust
Proof Corsets are showing. We did, and thought these
corsets good enough to stock in all the necessary styles
for every type of form for this season’s m:des. Wfe now
take great pleasure in placing, before
you this
line of
. .. j you
___ ___
eoraeiIts—a line
not excelled in1 Europe
or here and
doubt if equalled.

are proving their trustworthiness for delineating
a good figure, for sprvice and for comfort, .and, by
means the
least, their rust-proof
'-----' feature.
— Known ttbe
world over for this fact Something not too be over_____ It is a satisfaction to know all these things
when buying. You can, if you wish, laundry this corset
without barm. Then they are so moderately priced.
You cannot resist the purchasing of the second pair.
Many times it is a relief just to change corsets. See
these prices. 50eto|2.50.
* '

Big Three-Fifty Millinery Special
Wednesday and Thursday will be two days to be long remember^ by the ladies for they will
have the best chance of the season for getting an originally designed Hat for the remarkable price
of THREE-FIFTV or FIVE DOLLARS, One thing not to be overlooked is that there will be no
two designs alike. That ft the feature of our designers. They are so original that you need have
no fear that someone else will be wearing a hat just like yours. See these exquisite creations, it
Is surely a treat. '

Remember^ $3.50 and $5.00
Wthfte Wasti Suits
A-(Lost wonderful display of the newest ideas, and such
a stock to select from, and tbe prides are from
93U^ to SiOXlO
Something that is"well worth con'aidering and-the styles
are -so new and the stock so large. Both leng-and ^ort
-and in Crepe and Silk.
Silk Gloria A.uto Coats
See these.beautiful garments The swellest that is dis­
played. There are several very handsome oattems.
The pnesB are from
'SIS tO S23.80
A big line to select from. Mad© in grays, tans and
'oheebs, and yOu can buy them from
S9.80 to S16.80

House Drepaea
Most serviceable, and so many styles to pick from. The
prices are
S1.80 and S2.00

S. R. Smmons & Co’s Saperior Fire Kindlers
Something new and useful to every family.
144 Fires for 2S cents. Try them. - They can’t
be beatl You do away with all litter from the
use of shavings; haviB no litter on youf carpets.
Stiredded Sponge Buatlea
Something that will be appreciated There
are several different sizes and the prices are
. 2Sc. 4»Cs 5flc Slid 75c


. teal

Polater. by Star Polntar. otrt of-=JareUa.34)Si4. Tbe BUble will bs «Ut up
as Dsnal. and every borre Vfl] bs need
where Nuckols (hlbks (Iwy can wtn.

Your ChUdren's Qothes
Should be carefuHj considered and we have the
stock for you to select from. It is tbe finest and largest
in the city, and the styles ai-e the most up to-date that
are made- You can rest assured that when you buy
your Children’s Clothing here you are getting-the best
that money can buy. The double breasted Norfolk,
“Tbe Dudley,” has two pairs of pants, the bloomer style,
and sells for’H-75 snd the sizes are from & to 17. We
have othev prices—12, |2 50, |3 50, $5.50 and 7.
All those gCod clothes that you read of so much can
be found on our counters, aijd the best of it is, that
when you want good goods you don’t Jiaye to wait .to
send for them, but ^y them and have them delivered to
,your house at onoe. .Better try it now.



W b*a bMB pturltd bat
«bM I wu obUfwl tP l«iTe
•ev Mutftn 00 o bolDM trip to tb<
•tint 1 orpwrtwl to’ bo goM
ooWdo, hat wos obrnt
•1^ I bad frtflooot Wttow fnm m;
VIA and knew Qitt the ^v«a~lB «aoaUnt bealttk. ae I bad aotblng to
1 raochod Kaw lork at & In tba
ttORilnt br atoaiMr and at 10 drora
. op to the door of mj booaa I had.
canltd lb« latehkar with »a m mr
bar rtac and let m/aal^ >n- Bootnc no
OH balov, I ran opataira to xdj vUo'a
rocto. tiilDidng onlr of tba tranaporta
« ov niMtlnc after
hn>( alvenco.
d to find tba door locked.
, rattled.tbe kno
made oTeir d
Inc to g« In and take mj bokrred one
in my acna. Preeaetly I baard tbe
B tbe other aide of tbe door:
o awayr'
e mice
waa not my vife'e. but it
van a vomfin’a. I bad no mind to be
Cbni treated on my return after ao long
an abeeoce and kept on knocking and
rattling tte knob. PitMntly I heard
a aound Inaide that reaembled botblng
I had erer beard nnlaaa it vaa tbe
•rat effwt ot a young rooater to crow.
X vas poaaled. Wbat could tt meant
X fare a kick at tba door with my
Coot lA another moment I lieerd tbe
■tmo mice eay:
“Do atop tbat noiae and go avayr
•-Wbat doie It all mean ri ahouted.
But tbero vaa no reaponea, and after
' ftTlng'aaotber kick I concluded to ac­
cept ^ altoatlon and vent downetalra. I toothed a button in tba li­
brary for Peggy, tbe maid 1 bad left
at the bouae wbrn-^l went abroad, but
Instead «f Peggy a new girl anavarod
tbe mnnmona.
“here's Urs. Bnddr 1 aaked.
"Don't know."
"Don't knowT XTon're tbe maid,
areo’t your
“Don't k*.w,"
"Do you
"Don't know."
"NeTer mind. Tbat'll do. Co back.
1 don't want you."
It took these four eentencee to get
her ODt of tbe room, and 1 was trying
to think up some other method of aolrlog tbe riddle when I baard tbe front
door open, i went into tba hall, but
not In tlma to see wbo bad coma In. I
beard or thought I beard a footstep gojr upetalra, but t ,
ways dark. eb% mine U darker than
moat of them, ao t couldn’t see who It
vaa. I beard a light knock on a door
(my wife's, perhaps). Tbe. door was
epmed long enough tor aome.obe to
peas in: then it abut
Tbit waa maddening. A woman bad


•jewou—the step sounded like a
wbo /COUM say nothing bat "don't
loaat I auppoaod t^ ^^i
vetutra and looked into erery room.
_WbOe patwing my wife’s room i beanl
'at Effing chicken crowing again. I
mt back to the library and paced the
or.ceaoirlng to waylay eify one wbo
Ight hare gone into tbe room from
|rhlch I was debarred-tbat is. if any
« bad gone Into tbe room—when be.
jeout-tbatlklf he. she
ft erer did come out
didn’t hare to wait long before 1
d tbe door open and a man's etep
Q tbe ball.
air." t aald. “what are yob
B"What are yon doing herer be r^
1. bristling.
^am tbe owner of tkle bouee."
e deuce you-arer with erldent
uv ■ twuj M/uj. A uvrr B ucD

kvbat Is golug OD and"Bust excuse me. sir; I'm in a
And be went out and abut tbe

rweii, ril U

hanged;' 1 said tmtny-

K. This U
I vent back Into tbe library. It
t than ten mlnatca more
• I beard a ring at tbe telephone
Oman's mice enevered
k rlag. This was one-half tbe dieTee, Pm Slaa Arbuckle."
■'Ton don't mean It"
I, ha; Clererly managed."
jht. CoodbT."
f ,
! Another tea minutes passed when I
■ keard tbe door open agalo and a rolce
f «UHod to me to come up. A unlformod
le nahered me IMfi my-wife's room.
' Martan was lying in tbe bed and be­
tide her ■ nine pound chunk of fleab.
. After I bad taken both mother and
child In one embrace, neatly emotberteg the child. 1 asked a few qneatSona.
"Sbe wished to glre yon a pleasant
nrprlae." aald tbe nurae.
“It vaa certainly a sotprlse." I repiled. “Tbe blggwt pah of It waa my
tang abaence.
aet te tbe hall was the doctor."
“Tes; he culled me np by telephone
and told me bow be kept tbe eecrst."
“And you're tbe woman wbo told me
to go away from my own doorr*
“I vaa bathing tbs baby.”
“And tbaft tbe little rooster that
■fovedr '



It U badly arranged. Tbe
parlor U too far from tbe dining reel
•tW wall pkper U beaDtlfbl.“

taw WeWler
BU »Mt.
• “An «dd mao 1 knew when 1 wae-a
bey." said Major McDowell. Herk ot
tbe bouse, "came to Wgablngton when
Webster vas alive to eeh'and bear that
great orator and statesmin.
, "After be antred here be conW hard­
ly wait for tbe eenste to open
eton. He had a seat In.tbe old senate
chamber, which Is now the enpremy
court and be feasted bis eyee on the
Jove-Ilkc dome of Denlel and -watAod
eagerly for bim to get into acUon.
leaned forward to dA

of fortune, salt n

Jack Antiild was bis uam^- It wss
be an aasameiLjuime. for
v<lucbted snd not lOiely to use
bis own wlille a cowboy. U wus -not
known ibai be was a college bred man
mhlpto, for he never told tbeni
? was not a gradnate; he bad
taken vu miicb Interest in foils and
boxing glovea tbat he had no lime for
anidy- When he was -sent away from
university bcMlldn't go borne;
went west and look Ibe flret Job offered
-puucbhig cows
Kitting In tbe Albambrs sa­
loon with a bless of whisky before
blot. A party of men were at tbe bar.
among tbeni Trapbagan. tbe worst man
la tbe terrlii>r>'. A little Mexloen girl
rame is wiib an empty beer boUle
awl asketl for a quarter's worth of
"your most.'’ mcsnlng tbe most tbe'
barkeeper woold Tflve for that s\ftn—
pooreeL 8be pushed
agalBvt Traphagan. wbo. lookisg down
Bod seeing n greater girt, batted her
with the palm of bis band and sent ber
sprawling on tbe floor.
Arnold was a fool to give way te
Impulse with a man like Traphagan.


! Walter M. Paige




•d Witt


—Dealer ln»-

'3 Aalomobile, Uonch and Gas- i
oline Engine Accessories.



Brcathe'T^yomei't Heanng Air and All
Irltation Will be-OuIckly Cur

The Oldest and Best Known
Cough Remedy in
the World


action and pleasant taste makM it
preferable to violent pnrsatires, todi
Oue Iniras taciturnity beet ameog
as loii^ tablett, etc. Get tte boittlet
Md A ample wt Orteo at a & Wall people' wito bave aone aad Inijif Hj
A Song.’
- ‘
among tte tMthn—Bfebtog,

toniiuJU^ranee.' State-Bank build­
ing. lYurerae City. n-»46

severe case
kidney trouble Of adv.
_ the aerranu to fetch IL"
to a
Waa Rbodes a wosiaB batert Mf. era! yoan stAadteg; U
Hark craw,
TOllert aaked bis eecreUry and cot grand, go^^^klne. and >
1 ,
tte answer: "No; noneetuef He Uksi
S. E. Walt A Soak
'em wen enoogt. bnt I think be Bdvtr
d car*. SMALLEY marine motor*,
Ifends to marry twesuse be haJ|-w
BAny-Kbemee oe' band that if fcaovacm. PtotcSTl.
b«ton they were quite rip# might At
Travcm Chy.
tofetter fall. Be knows that aoeaaay
b% vesturra hive come to grief by tt*
toUser^ of tbe fair sex: tUrsfore
Tha Popular AueUonoar of
bs woold rsiber not ylsk mstrimony.
TravMBo Ooonty. .Ottos X80 E
in. J. o.
SlrooL Trav*r*o-Clty.
40Ad^ Wilhelm
General Cocltructor, Tar or Graval
rood* Staoka painted, toeneral ro
PMri&S. Me.
in. M. 8. OBteixnT

ne nve him a blow under
tbe Jew and sent him after Jbe tittle
greaser. Trapbnean
qnick tn cbtal. pMple anbject to tttonoklal
draw, f'-cn thouch on the floor
trotttlea whenever there Is a change
le of thc..pnrty caught his arm.
in tbe weather or they are exposed Qfllee ever the People’s AavInQS eank.
e ImiIIpi went tbrongh tbe roof.
Bott pbooee IfiC
draft wilt "catch" a bronttlal
-FI-1, or nothing;- cried tbe crowd, j
which" to .... .
and Traphagan. accepting tbe lasuo. I ritatlng and annoying,
went at Ids adversary for a boxing
Bronchial tronblM cannot be cured NSW Bartak block. AperisI s
^mteb. He was done np In tworounda. by etomadi
atomadi dosing
dosing. The medicated
to tte eye and ear. GlkM
He acknowledged hla defeat and set up | *ir of Hy-o-mel 1s tbe only treatment
- round of drlnka for the crowd. In. ^I----------------that reaches—----------the affeetod
parts and
J pal
DIL B. leTaiBinr.
cltullnc AranM! iDsIstlng that the ric gives relief and cure. It desti
Special Atuittlofl to Olaaaeee of Chll
tnr shniip! drink. Arnold areepted. the disease germs tbat are present
dron. Boom 40* Btatettaak bteMieepin-,- Ills eye «n the roan whllu
nose, throat and Inngs. sooU
tes- Both plkaoeoi .
and relieves tbe Irritated mocous
DR. W. ■. MOON.
One day later oh Arnold was riding membrane In all parts of tbe bron- bMiro.XT>«Bu.
after cnitic. Traphagan was following ' chiM tubes and quickly
on this ronnd g1ol>«. carrying (be flag him nl r. dlatnnee with * rifle, rrea- |
la raally an 1
of these fnlted Sutes and demonetrat- «ti, the 1«„^ came upon the l^yj
log the prowess of the masterly minds |v.den„:,. .be;\ad-i:”."mri ^
Oflloe wHh Or. a S. Chne, «tats
In my stale, great Maisacbosetta. In
Bank block. Bott {ttonaa. tSUr.
tbe fields of commerce. I present a Iraphagnn looked at It am] was -^ase, ao that It needs a local
sti-iu-k l.j- an Idea. , Pisinouniing. he meat like tbat afforded by Uy«-mel.
- --------- n4 Weat Egbtt
petition that relates to a topic tbat la took ilie murdered man's belongiups. a
IB any donbt
doubt iiin your mind
If there la
L phono T81.
uppermost In tbe mioils of all our cltluiinll nrticles. then rode on.
as to the) power of Hy-o-tnel
to ci
- honrs later he found Arnold bronchial tronbles 8
Practice limited te Kjre. Kar, Nom and
any other measure now or Hereafter to
throat and Itdng daosoa. OAm
■tial vay
BOX Wiltodm btott. CHtoona pboAo
be before Ibis body'—
Chit A Sons should dispel tbat donbt
“The old man was all excited.
. E.. Walt'
Wal ' A
- Sons
agree t
- ■
■Goodoeas.' be said to himself, 'that
..................... ....... ........
most be sometblug wonderful. I'm tbe
the imirderer. They alt
luckleet dog that ever •■auit out of awakened the sleei>er. aeanlied him nf tbe reeults following tbe nse ot tbe
ley Uke all tbe risk and
PennsylvDulH. Got here Just the right Traplingnn't sugge^iion and found the
If th remedy ‘ IS not help you It
time te see Webster st bis beat.'
penny. wbUe If It
" T refer, sir.' continued Wet>stcr aftI MentlBed. and cures, tbe expense to nominal^ for a
m. a. B. MiNtn.
the arthlea fouud on Arnold were oomplele Hy-o-mel ontflt la sold at Eye, Ear, Neae and ThroM •pMiallat.
tbq duty o:
prored to liiive belonged to him. This, only |LOO.
''■saaM' fitted.
Over AMlma
And." aald
Major McDowell, "after with Trapbagan's eTidence tbat be --------------------------------------------tbat nutlclluax my old frleud left tbe
1 seen the murder, waa fuOeleilt. !
OisturbBO the -CanBreaBtlDn
senate chsiober ami .took the first oonthe nn.leretope,! state of Jnstlee\ The peraon who dUtt^ tbs'COnveytbce for borne.' -New York World.
region, to satisfy tbe nnnitor- gregfitlon' last Sunday
y by 001
ed self eoDstltoted '
those ooughlng is requested
to buy a bottle
Opera Hoom I
asred the A«t*.
I bad seen the fracas between of Poley't H<loney and Tar. S. B. 'Wall OantlsL City
Boon L
Senator Fllnn. tbe Repobilean leader
Iirlsoner and hit accuser gave aii A Sons.
of Pittsburg, KmiUngly denied tbe otb- aci-oum nf It and. showing a motive.
r day ttbat he was a victim of autodUiTedlt on Trapbagaa'a.iwtiOfllce.over
Aevhige Benk
lObile hheart. the new disease.
"Here, tboiigb. Is an
goml for .vou,'’ said Senator
Fllnn t^the reporter who Waa oneaWhile he waa deliberating v
"A nitn Id Altoona, the owner of a ilo- who aboold appear but tbe little erse City. In said county, on
& 8. 8MTTH
very fine forty borseeiowt-r I.linouslse greaser girl whom Arnold bad ebam- , day of April, A. D.. 1907,
motor car. failed last moiitb, and while piooed and aald abe bad seen tte mar- ' Prusant. Hon. Fred R. Walker. Dentist Stats Benk Bldg, Reem 207.
bis affairs were lieing settled tbe car
In tbe matter of tte estate of James
As «oon as everythlBg
"tVbo doue ItT" asked tbe Judge.
A. J. HeFHAIU immBT.
Snllivan. deoes*ed.
bad beCT.adjustetl. tbongb. ilie ear re­
File pointed to Traphagan.
Anna StiUlvan having filed in said Reome ever Jehnaen’e Drag •tore.
appeared Id the Altoona man’s garnge The Judge. If he bad been poxtied court her final admlntotratlon account,
CltlMas Phone MM rtega..
Iwfore. was now thrown Into abaolnte aod ber petition praylag for tte al­
'bit angered one of ibe rrcdltors. confusion. •■This rase Is t bad an,'' lowance thereof and for tte eulgnDR. EARL C TTLEB. DENTIST
and Ibe first lime be siiiv tbe bankrupt he remarked, "aod I see po wsy onten meot and distribution of the residue Room 6 PIrat National BMt Itolldlng
he took blui t'llterly tn task.
Citliant phone.Ml
it hut to bang 'em hoth."
•"A ul<-e hiiiikrupi:' be said.' -How
"Why not let ns two wbo have been
Ao»< It liapiicn. If joii're u litinkru]it. nocnaed of the murder fight It outV
tbat yon still have that eiitmuoliller
snid .Vrnold.
“ 'Wetl- l oH see.' said the ether, sioil‘Tbafa a good Idea, Jadgc." one of and allowing aald account and bearing 'raverae
City Mate Bank BuiWlnB
Be men wbo bad seen tbe tracaa be­
third fioor. Sidle IU4U
it round." tween tbe two ami longed te see an­ Mid petiUoa.
It to flutter ordered that public noother. "I-et 'em decide It with fists.''
thereof ho glv« by , ...........
"Make K guna" said Trapbagan. "and
copy of ttU order, for three suc­
^erelV • »•«.
I'll agree,"
cessive weeks preriooi to *tld day ot Colleeuon WasSrtmWMttimiY
0».Y Witt
"We had an orator oi{( Id CallferelA"
Underwood A Tftnlor, BnfbeAand Bto.
.. . __
_ .. a
- news­
sald Ibe Judge refle<-tircly; bearing, la tte Daily
Mid Franklin K. Ijine. InteruUle com- “I've bearn tbe witnesses tell that the paper printed and clrcalated In said
meree eouimlasloner. "who was somewboy. Vwho's a leetle feller, topped county.
what nf a tslker, but the moat coucelt'
n. a big
ilg feller, wllboat a gun. and I
Menay te Lean. (It Slxta BdnlrWMed msB I erer knew l{e was telling think it'a for tbe eddtcttiou of this
- Jadge ot Probate.
A true copy.
apr Sfi-U-lew
tag. CHtosas pboaa'OOl
about one of bis trlnmpbs.
couiinuoMy to have bim abow us
“ 'I flulsbed niy. i>emrallon.' be uid.
My decision to that
‘and stood there with ilie ibunders of tbe weepons be fists and tbe fight
amdaose ringing in my ears. It was a
0H*t, tbe man that gets
grand OTttlnn, ami tbe Jieople crowded licked to Iw banged."
op to shake me by tbe band and to
Tbls satlsfled all parties except Trap­
tend) iby garments, so impressed and hagan. who saw tbe tables tamed
Mthoslastlc were iliey over oiy effort squarely againat him. Nerertbelest*T>e
I waa graeious siiil shuok liundt with waa obliged to snbmlL A Hug of on­
all wbo made the iiniffer to me. Final­ lookers was formed, and the battle bely one man. weeping liec-ause I bud gao.
pUyad BO.feelingly on Ibe liarp m bis
Arnold asw the advaotage of pleas­
amotion, leaned forward to kits my ing the conrt and played with his aotboe.
tagonist. .Now aand again
n be permitted
"I draw back. 'Stopr l>sald. T am
but human.’"—Washington Cor. New
every advan­
Turk W«M.
tage pe gave bis
Dot eoougb to ksock him
skill. It wasldterestlDg
knew uo wespoo nre
It usy oDe bus uny doubt us to the lajwder nud ball to eee tbe big man
virtue of Foleys Kidney Cura, they to.ved with by his smaller antagODtoL
j Mr. Alvh ■
oumpson. oi muiimanuc,'V-mio., woo, I'lnally when Arnold saw that Trapto
after uliooBt losing hope of racovary, bugan was llkcl.t-to fall to come
on account of tba tullore of uo many tbe Kcratch he laniled a blow that sent
remedies, flually tried Foley's Kidney
wblcb be says was "Jut tbe This eiiili
' for him. as four bottles cured
that he was safe, wm
blm complete1y<^ He Is dow entirely -unwilling
s bto eneisy branded for
Thio remedy
and tree. Icpm all
the : SDSertng
- :-b tbere was eocb sH
ioddeut to acute Itldoe
iDer tronble. 8. proof that be waa gnllty. He tot*
(8 not ■ -cure til,”
E. Walt A Soot.
greaser girl aside and uked her tf
' but the original preacriphad
private fdjyNdm. whfch
The glntlOD Is always tklnUng o<
wbst be Is golug to eat the dy^eptle •“No. llr." tbe replied.
tnet wiBi such succeeo to reUevinc
of what hr b*ji Just eaten.
and tifkrtot and curing diaeaae tbat it
“Have you told this lie to save i
became kbowD and used in every part of tbe world.
itob Sim. or b othr
Metlea to Our Customers.
"Both.It is the game today as prescribed by Dr. Jayne
pleased to anuonnee (bat
AmoM. whose skin in the ring had
loney and Tar for Coughs, won him great favor with the Judge,
limg troubles Is not affected used It to secure Trapbagaii's sennitny the National Pure Food and Drug
law. at It oonUlns no optatas or otter
harmful drnga. and we reoemmend lt
Unleedsd <
at a safe remedy tor children and
aduiu. 8. B. Walt A Bona, eodw
'' For aaery teeb ot sUtun a bo
Dribbles-That’s good. Wbat did
being glvaa. ont eigbt additional (
ItettM of air by a forced e^jintloa yoD get for tbemf '
6crlbbles~Hev much do yon^fc
'■fter a fuUdnspIntJou.

K -^S?SS.^^--uUO»m.nVlK.

Why Rhodes Nev^ Msrried: ■Tedsrtck Tmurt-toet tdcfl’VlMdM
to Ssott Africa sud- was iBTittr UP
HctaQiT. which
fives ttte fojicnrlBr 'Tn tt* Un 'li
Mtt esetn wss rlia(. slttar M a-«hsdr
«r taUe-»ld bats of aaCt Hit Off W-.
aetly tbe same pattern and cOMe Ttio,
Ob tbe Isle Of Man coast tte clMt:
I feoBd. otn tater, was OedI BbodM' ,mo ot tbe water It raaerkatee. Qb«M peculiarity, tVbeuever be left tbe 'Ml as large as s ladlf ^»r pidee
hetme. from the -mdln entpence or nay be'seeu" tWrty fattWba'Aedp. *
ttaftftgb tbe.numeroas windows leadtbe balconies or to tbe veraada there was always a bit at band,
and there was no oe<<en<lty for bter-U

« recogntaed aU over tbe world as a standard remedy
i for relieving and coring Cougba, Bronchitis. Ctotr
ft. V^ping CoQgK Pteorisy, Asthma, and other i
of a aijniiar nature. Sold to three tM /
bottles, $U0. SOc.. 2Sc

Teak Tvneifes. i. » s~«...
fcr an tt* ktnOvJwae's tensdv* Htt

(^sel Ftra tnaurance, Plate Glass
ADdAeeldeoL Indemnl^ bonds fur
ttlab^ Protect yourtelf sgalnst lot
tag tte savtags ot a Ufa time »T
Bast Front street1-147


E. A, WeST^
Yard Md 4MUe«:-

Northern Mich. DocK



•Oval Wood








Leave MANISTEE Dully (cxecpt
Sunday’ at 5.-SS nitd 7M p. m.
Leave I UDINGTON DaUy (except
Sondayi at 19:00 p. aa.
Arrive UILWAtlKEE 9M m, m.


yon THREE ttalsfla-

c. t. nnn ceu co.





tioruSouble-edtaa blaSci
iSo (t
(S4 keen eutUfi* eU*e* with triple
•Se seed far as averase of wore lhan :
to be periect in

Olltotte Sales Compm^" '


York wty.

Piano Values




CaNi or %6.00 Monthly

A NEW rr.^„ra!!; for $215
Sells Elsewtocae

GnNi or %7.00 Monthly
^1^0 dcmonstrel^ur popular ONE PRICE srjuarr dpaliug of^isno
PENDABlI upright pisDOb for buven> who draire to purch^'^ o reMD
’ -»de piano, at an axc^tionan.v low prieo. much lower

May B* Cteamsed In Two Yci a Towarda ibe I
Of a UMBAU or otter hlgh-arade planoa we Dandle.
Our small payment plan nutlcef^ piano buying ea-sy.

M. B. Harner. Prop.

124 Front St

Now Is The Time and
Here Is The Opportunity
Do you want a home, free from noise, free from
the annoyance of others, with pure, fresh air and
water; where you c^ii have all the comforts of a coun­
try home with the nearby pleasurers of city life?
If so, now is the time and here is tbe opportunity.
I still have 6fty acres that I new offer for sate at
price§ ranging from onv hundted to fire hundred dollar^^per acre and in lots ranging from city Jots to five
or any other number of acres as may be desired.
My terms are as follows: Ten per cent of purchase
price down and ten per cent every twelve months with
seven per centhnterest annually on unpaid balance.
These offerings include farm, garden and fruit
land, with desirable building and city lots almoet in
the city limUs, and is within the ability of any ener­
getic, industrious person to buy.
Let me show you this property! ’

E. S. F»paf f.


mmi w AND mm

ThOM Shipper* Who Ca.< Um the
Seat Line* are Able te Do Bualneaa Bean* Decline

Monday wa* a good day for aowlng
.. and in wusequeuce few farmers
e to market with poutoes. The
lou] rccelpu on the Trarerse Cltjmarket for the day wdre bnt 17 loads.
Other farin-preduce marketed wak as
follows; Three loads of hay. a cow
and several bogs.
Tame Potato Buying.
Potato huylog. was a tame affair
Monda.'' and is likely to continue to
Im- a tame game until news is received
from Chicago that the price Is going
upward. Then the buyers will Jerk
off their coats and scramble for' the
stock- KTieoever the price is advancing each buyer tries to gel all the
tubers be can. but when the market
shows signs of weakening each buyer
tries to In the other fellow do the
The potato j)rice Monday was 40
renla and ibe first load received this
Tuesday morning brought the aamc
£ar Shortage Again.
The car ifhonage has become a serltms matter, and unless someiblng Is
done to relieve It the Grand Traverse
region farifters are not going to be
able to market ail their tubers this
spring. The shippers here are simply
unable to get cars. Yestei
vest^k c
that could be had
which one of the shippers ^k and
converted into a box car by boarding
II up. Those shippers who have
forwarding their stock by boat
getting along nicely, but those who
cannot'use water transporiailoo mathave to quit buying, no matter howgood the ouUlde market become*.
Potatoes Lead.
The annual report of the Traverse
Cll}' welghuiBsler shows that fiT the
year ending April :tfi. farm produce
was weighed as follows: 3671 loads
of potatoes, 1531 loads of bay, 182
Igads of grain, two loads of turkeys,
one load of rhlckcus. nine loads
wool and 2283 head of livestock.
The price <if bran Is now 81.20 per
IVO poni^ instead of 81.26 aa quoted
Idt atjfr-Hay be coming
more valuable.

The Interstate Products comiwny
bas been formed at Cleveland; Ohio,
to control the bean Industry. It is
said that the combine, for such U la.
has Uken options on mOFr'of the ele­
vators In western New York and
southern Michigan, where the major. ity of the beans are grown.
The Supreme court of Mississippi
has decided that a reciprocal demur­
rage law Is coDStnuttoDal. The
thing Iq for the people to bring auflldent pressure to bear on the leglsUlors to get the leglalatlon.

$V*lu:& voq, ask fur the

and ilo not gi-t

Kemplj Balsam
•x-^no more than any other cuiigb
reiiiMly, ami you are entitled to the
bert when yon a»k for it
Kemp's Bitlasm will stop sny eongh
tut can be «luj5><-d by any tuedieiiie,
and cure ootiglis that canuot be cared
my otU-r medirine.
is a’.wnys the l:-~l ft-ngh Cure.
druedsts. 25.-.,
^,d $t.

c, one earThe market was «aM*d aa fotiowr
Car lots, per bn. In bvik. on trsde;
While etbek, fair to
t$acy Wlaeonsln.
6S06»c: fuey
Ult^lgan, flseeoc; Klngk, eboloe to
A dtapateb trom Oa
fancy, M96ae; ooaree. «eSSer rose.
that the boine grow crop vt i
46e60c; mixed whlU, dSeSSo; red
lettuce and Cucomben haa
mixed, 40@46c; mixed red and white.
from the flood*, troet ud bad
lOeiSc; common, small red and
and baa been largelr cnrtaDed. There white, Ssedbe.
will 1w enough for home
New potatoes are ruling steady.
r will be at leaat Supply good of Florldaa. and they
60 per cent below last jrear.
Att1t«1s ^oder
The cracberry aeaaon la orer on
! or Louisianla.
the ;^ew Tork markeL The close was
a quiet alBalr. Some line* of faaoy
The Livestock MarkeL
Cape Cod berrlea brought |U. whOe
Chicago. Uay 6.—Cattle-Beeelpta,
the beet Jersey berrlea broogbt $7. $3,000; mtrket ■trong to a shade
The. aeason lasted nsnanally long.
higher; beeves, $4.80^6.40; cows,
A recent Chicago dispatch la to the $1.80e4.80;
effect that the tree ai^ early traits calves. $«&6; good to prime steen.
lu sontberu Illinois hare been praod-, $6.40e-6.40; poor to medium, $4.30®
cally rained by tmseaacnable weeper. 5.30; Stocker* aod.feeders. $2.80®
«og»-^lecmpta, about 32,000;
Hundreds of acres of young celery
market steady to a shade lower; U^L
heavy. $6.10®6.47'; rough. $$.10®6.26;
^he frost loss Is the
pigs. $6.Tuv6.40; good. to choloe
heavy, $6.40®6.62tk; balk of sales.
IS In 26 years.
Onion shipments from Laredo, Tex., $6.40«r6.60. aeep—Recelpte. 20,000;
amount to-440 cars. There la yet abont martlet steady; native. $4.40®6A0;
forty, eera to be shipped. The weak­ western. $4.4066.80; yearlings. $6.76
©V.66; lambs. $6.60®8 60; weslero.
er has
onion section and the stock wUI be $6.6068.

The first 1907 cherries have been
received In New Tork dty end
Philadelphia. New York's first box
sold for $10.60 and Phlledeipbla’s
first box for $30.
Reports on 'new potatoes from the
Carollnaa show severe frost damap.
and after the Hastings, Fla., crop is
there will be a lull on new po­
tatoes. In Virginia Ibe potatoes were
big enough to be seriously In­
jured by the frost and that eUU
promises an ordlirary crop.
venty-tbree hundred million bush)f wheat are required annually by
517,000.000 bread eaters Of the
- '
The Lettuce Growers' assodation
.Ashtabula. Ohio.
the production of lettuce and
turn lu attention for a time to
cucumbers. The production of letis about 1.200 baakeu dally,
and this Will be reduced shortly. lu
^ut two weeks the growers will be
. 200 baskcis of cucumbers a day, which will
marketed in PiiUburg. Cleveland.
Chicago sod in the east

Ths Grain MarkeL
Cblcago, May $.—Wheat—The mar­
ket today opened weak on general
selling which was based upon
rains which fell Sunday ibrougbout
Kansas and Nebraska.
cabTee 'were reported- off
market steadied the end
of the first half hour on buying by

These quotatlone
4cee given
very morning and «
le hour e<
re thei
leas and eometlmee an
lee In the manning
»d at one pries
ling at a Mgher or lower figur*
before: the day la through.
: bbl ..................118


Fresb flab, per Ib
Spring ehl^en*. per Ib....................lie
Kent, per Ib......................................... ISc
Poutoes. per bu
Apples, per bu........................60e to V
Cahbaga. per lb.............. ................ ;t*
Butler, creamery -................83 to 8k
Batter, dairy, par Ib..............M to SSc
Cheoae per lb......................................Ue
Rggs. per doteo ....................16 to 17e
Oleomargarine, per 4b...
3alL per bW............................76 to 86c
Hooey, comb, per lb................ 1$ to 18c
M^le ayrnp, per gallon........ :..$U6
Maple sngar, per Ib............................ Ue
RETAIL PRICES—Flour and Food
Corn, per bo.................................... S6
" , baled, per ton ..........$16 to »16
OaU, per bu..................
Flour.H..L.AOo.'i Bo*L per bbI..4J6Coremeal. ooem. per 180 Ib*....lUt
Cornmeal, fln*. p« bbl-..................SSAS
Feed. H.. L.ftOa'eB*tLP«lM.

MlddUg*. per lOe........................ tut

Bran, per 160 ................................ $1.J0
Rye flonr. per U Iba.......................... He
Clover seed, tested, per bu........ $9.86
Timothy seed, per bu.............. . 2.60
RTienL per bu ............................... 76e

BUYING PRICBS-Dalry............ .

a««n« white......................11.0(1 to ft le

Ev6B Better
Than Frunwnly


tlsg years. This cmloe
Tlkee the very keynote
ead atrengtb.
There t
bracee a'



. The Potato MarkeL
GrenevlHe. Hay
C. H. Wells &
Co. quote poutoe* at 4Sc, rye at 60e
beil^ In water and cooked In atew and beans at $1.
Chicago. May 6.—Trade was very
good and there were sales at 66'c to
68c. Buj-era were qolta
yet they were, not alt willing to pay
eakesi etomachs.
former pefoee. Reoelpu were fMrly
j liberal, and b«dd at foimer priee*.
,Tbe tone of tbe maricet was
-Bales reported were: TFo

Bod elabotated proeesi of the old


weather, but became firm on covering
by shorts: July, 42H642Kc.
Close: Wheat—May. 83c;
8634C, Corn—May. 4984c; July. 49(14c.
Oats—May. 44^4c: July, 43c. RyeCash, 7lH6*2c, Barley-Casb. 676


WhU* BOt a Ihrge.iuriSIra,it wlU fur­
nish emploraest to If aasa; •xeluaire
of 'tsmnsten and
getting oat the
Peteekey—No qnon^ la the invariab'le samooneement aifthe half dozen
or mote adjourned netelngs of the
council slDoe the b^tVot the repub­
lican aldermen, -nie rep
dennen are all out of-the dty, except
Cnill. *
dlspnU and he. of
>urse. cannot be.oomled on to make
qnorum. CiUz^ an divided, and
the dtuatlon la more generally de­
bated than any polWctl fight in ibehlBlory of the dty.
the chief tuffems, as they dare
not open without
of tbelrrtwnds.
ATLANTA-Jbe hair of Arthur
Glover, under trial a second Bme for
the murder of Maud Dean Wmiamson-.
has turned gray stoee the beginning
of the trial.
CHICAGO—Cashier John P. O'Brien
of the department of the city collector, as he flslBbed taking
than $2,000,000 In enrreney from the
saloonkeeprt of Chicago, fell trom bis
stool in a dead faint Tbe steftln
counting and sorting proved too ^at.
NEW ■foRK—One hundred
seventy of the dngtng membera of the
Tlenha Male choir have -irrtved
tbeir first American Umr. They
sing in muy American cities. ‘
choir,^^p<^ ns it 4s of men
wealth and sedal standing, sings al­
ways for ehfilty.
MARYSVIU^. O.—The funeral of
Man.- Ann Hatfield, tr. years old,
stopped for a whUe by the onslaughr
of an army of rat*. The Hatfields re
Bide in a tumbledown shack. Undertaker Moorey's aBsistanU fought off
the rodents with brooms and clubs,
while a quartet sang the anthem. Th.corpse waa carried to the front yard
before the coffin was opened for the
view of friends.

Alexander Benton, who lives or
Rural Route No. 1. Fort Edward. N
Y., save; "Dr. King* New Discovery
Is my best eartOly friend- It cured
me of asthma six year* ago. It bas
also performed a wonderful cure of In­
cipient oonsumptlon for my son's
wife- The first botUe ended tbe ter­
rible cough, and this accomplished,
other symptoms left one by one,
until1 Isbe was perfectly well Dr.
mg's New Dlaeovery'*
■ry** power
lUghs sod colds Is) sIm
simply marvel
. . " No other remedy
-medy *"
equalled IL Fully guaranteed by E.
" E. Walt - - Lake Ann—A now ecboolbouse Is to - ........
‘ erected In district No. 4, three Johnlon Drug Co.. dnigglsU. 50c and
$1.00. Trial bottle free.
loiles west of ttiis rtllage.


Maniatec—Tbe wooden
Grand opening of our new bakery
light poles along River street
Dd Ice cream parlora, Wednesday
being replaced with Iron poles.
orchestra from 7:3n i
Sherman—Tbe Manistee Navigation by
Everyone will receWe
company has resumed Its log raising
operations on the Manistee river.
Ludington—The annual encamp
ment of tbe state troops will be belli
at Ludington, Angust 14 to 20,
Style*, at tbe Ragie office.
Peteskey—A movement bas been
started lor the examination of the
large number of tramp dogs that
overrunning this city.
Empire—The new saw mill of the
Empire Lumber company began opera- Machine girls and girls to pack
week. It is running night
dishes. Oval Wood Dish Co.
and day to make up for lost time.
Apr. 27 tf.
Manistee—The land about Canfield
lake, two miles south of this city, Is
being bought up for peach farming
purposes. Alrtedy a Ten-acre orchard
has been set oOL
Bault Stc. Marie—Tbe Sault Ste.
Marie Gas & Electric Co. bas floated
$100,000 bond Issue In Chicago and
tbe company will now continue the
extenslona of the plant
Alma—Blxteen new houses will be
built here. A new bridge across Pine
river, an addiUon to tbe ^Ucopal
church, and a factory buUdlng for the
“Giant Hay Pres* Co." are planned.
was grmit
cltement In the city the other dajbecauae of the finding of tbe Index
finger of a human hand on the street,
without being able to locate the
rner for the find.
Frankfort—At the regular spring
election In 1908 the peiJple of Beaxl*
county will vote upon the propoattlon
of adopting the county road aystem.
preseot twenty oonntlee in Michi­
gan have this system.
Frankfort—There was a strike ot
Q Arbor car ferthe crews of the Aon
ise amounting b»l
ries last week. A raise
five dollars a month) was asked lof
and the boat* were tied up for sev­
is passing the wonderful
eral day* pending a setUement
-selling records of Model
•Tbe Teacbers’ assoeUtlon elected officers at their recent
Three. It is clearly tbe
meeting as follows; President, B. E.
superior of any writing
Irwin; vloe president. Frank Craig;
secretary. Mis* Bessie Trautman. 1116
machioe on tbe market in
next meeUng will be held t CadUlae
app^rance, ease of op­
In the autumn.
North Boyne—This vlUage is suffer­
eration, durability and
ing ‘berause
time saving devices. You
room. Tbe pupils are being taiqStt lb
relara. School begins at 9 o'oloek In
needn’t take my word for
the forenoon for one certain bunoh
it Try an Oliver in your
and at .10 for another, and then the
home or office free of ex­
•affie thing Is repeated In the after-



iron Mountain—Tbe Jones Explor­
ing company, composed of Lake Sopsrior buMnesa men. Is a new
cern organised to control u InvenUon for the econonieaJ treatment of
low grade‘copper ores, which ha*
been successfully tested. It Is pro­
posed to acquire land holdings in the
soathwestern states.
ML Clemens—A hoop factory, with
a capacity of 86.000 per day. will
be started here by John R. Snook.
The mill was moved bodily from Dear­
born. Mich., where It had been lo­
cated tor many year*, until the own
ere of Umber In-dhat vicinity put
prohlbittw prt« on tbedr outtto

pense. Compare it care­
fully with other makes.
Yoa enn bar
tor M * raomoa. or real
rest U appUed on parehas« prie* U yon bay.
I baVc oomo bargain*
In *U^tly med ma-

Ellsworth Hale

“0«r little bor kafi eoMna for five
» N.’a./,Ademr. Henrlet-

Post Card Albnms

other doctors bnt no benefit TMulted.
By chalice we read about Blectrtc
Bitters; bought a bottle aad aoos noUeed ImprovemenL
We conttoned
this mefUelne until several bottle*
had been need, when oar
lUIy cur^." Best of ^blood
nee and body bnlidlng health
Guaranteed at E. B. Mlllerta.
8. IB. Walt A Son's and Johnson Drag

day aveninga at 6 o'clock. -A. Lang­
worthy. W. P.; R. L. Thadar, Bao'y.
Dncheti Camp. No. 8346. W. M. A,
meets at Woodman ball Monday even■ Chaa Defba. V. C.; Frank W.
n. Clark.
O. F-. meets every Tueeday avaaing.
O. 1. ArmlUge, N. O.; B. M. Franklin.
meeta every 'i

Our new spring line of Albams is just placed on
sale. We are oertafn that this is the largest and
finest assortment erer showo in the city. Any
price Jrom 5c to 15.00. .

Qty Book Store
The Hobart Co.,' Prop.





City Lodge No. 222. F. A
catlOD Monday
the moot. C.
Tl LAngley.
Traveree City Lodge No. 73. K. of P .
Regnlar meetlnga every Tboreday 1
ling. C. B. WeQer. C. C.; rred!
1. K. of R. and B.
Travers* City Legton. Na 119, Na'looal Protective Legion, meete third
Tuesday of each month, at 7:80 p. m.
Woodman ball. Abram Smith.
Gayle Griswold. Sec'y.: NattM
T, IDepi
C. Gray,
Traverse City
. M. M.. meet*
Han WlUdn*.
”L K.;





PillCES 25, 35, 50 IMS

Tent No 871. K- O
every TbnisdaynlgbL
diet FREE
rice* 15c. aSc, fiSc. Lsdii
eommaader; B. M Monday night when acoompeni.
panted by a
B. A. Evana. F. K.
paid 35c ticket. Seats on sale Satur­
day, May 11. at the box office.


We ai-e still in business, notwithstanding tbe repor
circulated to the contrary.

are' being

Our Stock
of Doors,-Windows, Gl^s, Moulding, Porch Work, ete.,
largest and most compete in Northern Michigan.

Liigln Grade Flnlsli
stair Work, Grilles, Store Fixtures and any and all kinds of Cab—
inet Werk,
etc, is our specialty. Our eq^u
. . for mill work of
all kinds is the best, and our labor is skilled. If you need any­
thing in our line, let us .figure with you.



The Installment Idea
To a great many people is distastefuL It should not be.
You rent a house for a year; do you pay the year’s rent In
advance, or do you pay for it in monthly installments?
is just as dignified and just as wise to buy something that
you need or like for your home and pay for it In monthly
installments as it is to pay your rent in this way.
Many people deny themselve. home furnishings that they
would like and that would add to the comfort of the home
because of the mistaken idea that they would be lowering
themselves, in the minds of others If they purchased them
in this Way.
The goods you buy of your merchant were .purchased Dy
him on the credit plan. The only difference is he pays or
his at the end of thirty days.
We extend our credit over a
longer period and allow you to pay a little at a time as you
can spare it.
Just now at housecieaning time you will probably find
many things you would like to discard for new.
We offer
you this chance; a small payment down and the “goods are
yours and you pay for them while you are getting the good
of them.
We are offering you an entire new stock of Furnituj e and* House........................the
.....l>e«t■ goods
' that• money
could buy at prices that we
are willing to compare with any in the city. Everyi mg marked in
gures. You sec.just what y
plain figures,
u pay and
and, what your neighbor
will hav^ to
^ pay,
F • for we treat all alike. It would be wise on your
our prices and let us explain our easy credit
p.*rt to drop in and

We Want Your Account
TWO STORES: , 123-125 and 417 SOUTH UNIOS STR^T








Bachant & Moscoe.
Eagle Want Ads
■ ooUuno
it _
a wort
M luertsd tor oo« cent
___ for
•nt InMitlon; cme^aU oenl a word
tor •nbaeqaent Inurtlona. No ad will


I'Jcs, tack signs; good pay, ataady
no canrassiDR. OlWer^ Moaroe
Bldg., CtUcago.
may 7-tl’

WANTED—Man wilb I
work around mill.
Manulacluring Co,

le girls and girls
Oral Wood Dlsh
apr ST-tl
WANTED—Good preparer
Place Mimaery store. / apr ti-tt
WANTED—Wanted <

WANTED—Girl compeunt for general
Small family
|£ per week. Mrs. f. C. Desmont
41S Sixth street.

People Fro 1 Out of the City Buying

Th» will or
filed today, with'
of prabeu.
- Harold CeepelT M et Mr. and Mrs.
fact Cooper of Wi
111 with the mesale..
Grace church guild will meet with
Mrs. Morgan Paige, 806 Sixth strOeL


The court £ouie Is a busy place to
day. the tax Sale Is on and Is being
conducted by County Treiaurer F. B.
Brown. There are many people from
out of the city preeent and many
pieces of propeiiy are being taken up.
and save 20 per cent on any ar­
I'P to the noon hour today tbe aale
bad not been as large as In past years,
ticle you may want but this siRemoon the sales are i
lively There are still many places emoon with Mrs. J^n
F. R. Walker, Judgs of probi^.
Plymouth Bock Egg* left
made an order today determining
(or hatebing. Si and
heirs In the estate of Vincent NeaSl.50 for 15.
novAL autiNo powoee oo- Htw' vomk.
The decorators are new at work
1412 Onion St.
the register of deeds <dSce. which ti
the first one oa the first Boor ti
FOR SALE—OddlBg N>b preaa, 18x11.
FOR THE CHILDREN down h all you need lo place any
Bijiy termi. ^e Preea. apr Mf
Judge of Probate F. R. Walker held
of these aitides in your home.
nine ¥
FOR SALE—Four good work hors
What the Bird* Bey.
a bearing on the petition to admit the
(Contlnned from Page One.)
1 standard bred brood mare a
Pans made of sheet Iron are better
Those who know ranch about birds
will of John Hendricks to probate
B before an audience and a s
to bake bread In than those made of tell us tbst the lilrds' notes are quite
yesierda)'. 'Ilie will was admitted.
would have to be very brief
river, 1 light brood mare,
distinct and smiud like the following
beaii. Inquire at J. W. Slater's Ond willing listeners on such an.
The CengregMlonal Ladles' Aid so­
Bottles and croets are cleaned nk-ely words tVhnt do the.v say to you?
louse Furnishing Store, or Tsnn.
caslon. He thought his audience would ciety win bold their regnlar meeting vrith sand and sotpsoda.
Robin—Quli-kl Quick! Elo you think
may 7 If
like ibe smstl boy who. when bis at the home-of Mrs. J. C. Morgan,
Iron pots, stoneware, jars and crocks —whit .von do. do you think—what .von
should have cold water and a Uttle soda do. do .vou think?
ROOMING HOUSE FOB SALB- mother seni bin to tbe store for dried Sixth streeL Wednesday afternoon.
Blnetrird-rurllig Purity! I—«
Flnest furnished, best located In the Ix-ef. told the store keeper that bis
A runaway occurred on South Un­ placed In them on tbe stove and allowcity. A money maker. Rooms all mother wanted chlppeT beef and ion street last evening, but tbe horses ed to boll before using.
purity. Dear! Hear! Think of
rented. Will take out personal fur
Scrape the dough from your rolUng think of It!
were dually caught In the vicinity of
nttnre to suit pnrcbaser. 0. E "she wants It a good deal more chip
pin and wipe with a dry towel rather
Eleventh street without any damage than wash II.
sr than It was the last time."
Bam us. Call 836 Front street.
Sherman ft Hnnter.
apr 80-td
Mr. Cocblln cemmended the Idea o( resultingCrow—Caw-w:
Steel or silver msy ternlsb In woolen
All young people of the city Inter-; cloths. A chamois skin or tlrooe peps
'tw^r btrd-Txe. txe. rte!
esthd in miasloanft work are welcome i much better.
Bob-ii^de "luain —Rob
FOR RESiT — Desk room In State
--Doldfificb lyellow birdt - Ker-cheeBank building. Address "Q." Eagle said be wondered where the chickens Glenh tonigb't at 7:30 o'clock at the ing nntU It Is tboroughlrcleened
. may t-tt
Presbyterian church.
turkeys were coming from
In cleaning tinware there Is nothing
Humming bird-Uonsellke squesk. ,
Mlaa EdM Wilhelm, chief operator
? with the teauiiful knife and to
Oriole—tVlll you? Will you rwilly,
beO» thsD dry flour applied wljh
steam heat, water, eiectrtc UghU. pick with the forks, but the purse of the Cltlrens Telephone Co., has re­ newspaper.
realiv. tmi.v?
third (iMr, front 68.
solved the problem, and it was very signed her position to accept a place
Do not allow tea or coffee lo stand
Bong siHirruw-'OIlt-oIlL nlit-rtiip,
.Saving! Bank.
Cltj- Book store. Mis* WUhelm In tin.
^Ip. chip, che-cbarH^e-wlsa.
He said thb church should have the has been with \be telephone company
FOR RENT—Two good houses
Gsselin* Soft Boap.
Thrash-Drop II. drop It! i'
number of year* and baa a host of
credit for keeping hlpi here, when he
Eleventh and Oak atreeU. Inquire
Into an sight quart kettls shflve at up. Cover II np. Pull It up. pull It up!
t fresh from college. He beard friends along the line who will mUs
finely a* possible a bar of bsat laundry
at H. E. Tumbull'a Cash Grocery.
Bluejay —Jay. ja.v, Jny. wliee-dle.
after one of his first .aermons a her cheery voice.
soap. Add to tbs shavings two quarts wbeCHlIe!
apr S3-tt
regular meeting )Of Grand of borwstcr. pm ovsr tbe Are and almnumber of the congregetloo remarked.
This tle Oak Rocker g
Soarlei tniiagvr—t'hip-chirr! I.*sl»Travepe^
Ain’t he green?"
mer nntil tbe soap melu eoUrsly. lift Walt-watt.wall for me. wait!
roll seat, high back
FOR Rent—Fine i
Blackbird—Kong-qner-ree or bob-a­
three nice ^Mr. Cocblln has married many the World, will take place In Monta- tbs kettle from the, fire, take Into
Into Ibe outer air, and lec. a-bob-E-Iee!
$1.00 down.'' balance can be paid
couples, so many that could all be gue hall this evening. Deputy Su­
gas connectlona, and altpated on brought together once, as he and Mrs preme Commander US. Price of Man­ pour Inie tbe boiling mixture s coffee
per week.
paved Union street Call pbon
About Canery Birds.
Cochlln often wish they could be. istee will be presenL There will be cop full of gasoUns. Tbe efferr
may Nt€
hr ksitle. I>sve It
Canaries are exceptionally sffectinn11 the second largest towni iin' la(^Llat^ and a program. Refresb.
doors until It U cold, covering It close- ate birds. a« every one knows who his
he servedFOR BENT—To right party, good the Grand Traverse region. These
had them f<>r peta. but tliat they are
BiM vegetable ana fruit garden; people always remember him
wriug them and put Into a tubful oif Jealous of their master'e or mistress'
good Mil. well worked and watered, have shown many UndDeaseB to him.
t water, to w-blch you have added tffectluD Is not generalty known.
convenient to city. L. u. Bryant
In conclusion he expressed the wisli
enough of fills mixture to make a good
Many Incidents whicli tend to prove
•odi. Tou may add it to the a-aler In this fact have Wn cited by bird sioapr IM86
' h.elp and that all should be breth- Bmall Top Peile Greatly Redui
tbe boiler sIko wiihout danger ol
dents. partlcnlarly attacks madg upon
For Centeminatien.
dogs by a little ,relb«w creature so
Tbe nvolilamv of iiimei-esHary milk
ebureb parlors were prettily
I the sods tiPT tltat tbe dog ',-ould have e>vallowed
docortted' in flags and tbe national contanjlnalloii Is gening
c made from It
gulp. Thej are Jealoua of
colors.-all being arranged In artistic subject. 1 >lo not pro|>ose lo repeat
Grwge ball and City 1
etch biber. too. and If yon have two
ilready ihtvaJlinrc slsteuieuts. But 1
style by ilr. CIrek.
Carrot Pie.
Buch pets you will nolb-e how grieved
want to '-nil aitcutlon to the fact that
The dining
To make carrot pie add to two car­
will feel If you i«y tuo much at­
most of our <l«iry jiitk1ui.-i*, rep
Ice and cake were served, also looked Ing in value hunJmls of millions of rots. boiled and mashed, two tabie- tention to the other. One little hh-'l
spoonfuls each of cracker crumbs and whose inlsiresa owoeil-lier mate uscl
very pretty. Toung lady members of dolllUre, are made on our dairy fi
Ibe church w^ted upon the guests.
and are of Inferior <|iialiry.- More than bnttsr. four of milk aed three beaten to pnab her mate right off the perch
MONET TO LOAN 00 penonal prop
this, most of the hiferiorily of quality egg*. Sweeten to taste, aeaeou with when tbe. woman tried to talk to him
'.y and real estate. L Newiand
In both farm and faciory products is nutmeg and bake lo an opeo cruet. To in the cage ami m-t In hl« plare herself.
ler. RoaSD '608, WUbekn bloek.
dne to milk 'T'ntanilnation. Ths Im­ make a meringue me ke. like tpe pie. where she ginnceil luu-k liiiligimiiily at
f cows, sts- omitting tbe whites of the eggs. After Dickie and iiilt^ sweet little sounds,
to her mlNiress.
enslU be
LOAN on real eetate;
Canariea wcie first broitglit
SO often Hint It oughi o l«.known to
In the MxteeBib century. They
State Bank bMMtng.
bacame most in-ihiIht In lieniian.v.
momlDg on a business trip.
But one of Ibe newt-r Ideas of rsdocof milk U nott genDr. L. J. Tedmsn of Summit City
very large quartefed O

Outlet of the President,
)( the
cover against any loan or damage by made a business trip to tbe city yes­ Kslly known,
I oak back,iU a buuty
nteorctli-'ill^.' the pivsniclil
Dre, collision,
explosion, sinking, terday.
small (up oilIkltH; pall. 1
Cnlted Kt*ii-s Is (he
stranding. UUnt dafecu in hnll or ma
sound fommu
i«e (bat t
^00 down, balance can^ paid
Charles Hedge and Newell Hicks of
cbinery, n^lgenoe of master or crew,
tliat Is lo v'.v. llic nj, in vvlorae liusll
la better than • ure. ibis la tbe coming
salvage ahd general average diarges ife Lake were In the city yesterday Idea In Muitaiy milk production.
Is to eufon-e- lbi> I: iw« |ini«cl by the C,$I.00:per week.
and all other perils of navlgat'
I business.
repreneniatlvtts uf the people.
member that half Ibe ordinary
restriction whatevei
The sovervigt^ |N'..ple. tbroiich .... ..
Joe 8L John and children we
getting Inin milk Is soluble and that tag exceedingly simple It reqnlros little
use or etorage of gsMUne. They are
lu eou^ripe.-, ex|>n~*s tlielr will,
the beet poUdes ever written cover Alberta this morning, where they will mere than half of the teeming mllliona
and tbat will ll Is tite I.iikIik«s of the
of bacteria readil.r pass through strainmake their home.
Ing this olau of rlika. Fire insnnu
proaldeot to carry oof.
plate glass, elevator, steam boiler.
Chris Rostand Phil Bhermer
Ibe presUleot. ntNX,rdlng U. the «
Te Avoid 8tebl*.^irL
to the Manistee river today for a two
ctitutloa. has no rl0il In make laws
Doring tbe mllkltig dust and larger
Money to loan, real estate for sale or days' fishing trip.
to pass upon Umiu afler they are made,
dirt particles are consUotly settling
exchange. A. B. Cnrtls. Justice of the
Anns Bega returned to her home In into the pall even though cere is taken
aave by ibe excrct-e of tlie veto power,
P-'ace and Notary Public, apf 1641mo
Solon this morning after a visit In the to clean the cow aud to avoid dust In
eole uimI oiiI.v liii«iiic
cute tbe laws as j«ssH by cougresj
city with relatives.
the suble sir. Ii la moat reasonable
and aUJu.lic/itod.I.y Hie supreme i-ourt
Mr*. William Gerlseh of Manistee to reduce the' slss of tbe opening
Bui-»i I» til.- tli-orv .0* laid down by
passed throngh the dty this morning throngb which tbe dirt
Che framers „f ,|« -f.
tal law."
milk. It should Iw reduced just as
on her way to Boyne City.
mneb as tbe lutereat tnd patleneo of
Miss 6. Dsizetl returned to
Albert Berger Had Accident at Oval
the milker will permit Chance for
home at Hatches Crossing this i
Weed Olsh Factory..
Ing after transacting business In the one-third when tbe dUmsisr of tbs
Albert Berger bad the tip end of city.
opening in the milk psil la changed
le of bis fingers on bU left hand
from twelve to nine Inctaee. and St la
I uuicle .........Id, ii..i,e •'
.ken off this morning by s saw at the
1 crn-eul
dty this ledoced three-fourths when thee open
tbe work uf Ibe l>,ar>l>.
lx inch
Oval Wood Dish factory. Tbe
morning on their way to Mesick, Ittf la changed from twelve to six
ss atlempUng to clean out around where they are looking for a place
prorement can he made without an^
e saw while It was In motion when to locale.
Inconvenience to the mllkerw. Every
e accident occurred.
Mils Emma Wilson of Northpert. inch of reduction helps.
I bud a Invel.v dark l.lm- felt cal.
Mr. Berger went to a physician's who has been ipeodlng the winter In
On III,' iMi.-k "ere ibe word*. Il..anl of
We hive become so accustomed to
office, where the mangled finger was Toledo. Is In tbe dty on her way ordinary milk for butter sod cheese
raerc-ve to wimkjw rtuMS.
Ediii Mloii.' |.rliiie,l In dark Mii,, nls,,. I
dressed, and aside from a very pain­ home and while here visited
did iml iliink I 'w.iild Is- iiveil v.t.v
making that we fall to realtta what tlustratlou. ihis Suser tunil
ful Injury and the loss of a small p^r- MlBsee Jennie and Margaret Ander­ roally good milk means for tbeoe prod- tached to lUe oouWe of the window mucli. Iic nii-X> I nas ko new *ud Ih^huA equal dfol. I,111. slas. tlie children nW me
Uon of one finger, be will soon be able son of Seventh atreeL
dlatance* apart, are lupiwned by Iron all day. an l lin.l to work verr hard In­
do bis usual work.
Or. Fred Munson arrived In the New York show that a larger yWd and brocket* at each side. Tbe aids frames deed."
better quality of cbeeee
city Saturday night from New York from sanitary milk than from tbe prod­ art Inclined, so that the foliage ol
state, where be is in diarge of a med­ uct of the ordinary dslry. To hla own flower* on the lower ehelf will not
tooeb tbe sbelf ebove. Tbe three
ical research department, and left this
•helvee thus afford a support for over
morning tor Carp lake, where he will
doteo pots of flowers, where former­
camp out a few weeks.
Manager Bennett Haa Two for
ly (be flower lover was limited to ieee
Ed Barber, outside man and man­
Grand Coming Soon.
ttan a half dosen.
PoanoD In Kimball's Dairy Parmer.
ager of the
for . ..—I - S- I,Manager Bennett of (he Grand has of the ClUtens Telephone Co., and
Furnitu'w Pelleh.
.. l-..,y M.i...
Planting Abaitdensd Lsi
two good muaical attractions booked Miss Lovells Weisler went to Ovoeso
ibeard, Jr,." a musiesj .comedy, this morning to attend tfie convention
will be here -May 25, and Roaelle of 'the chief operators and managers notice long lanes leading from the milk Shred half an ounce of white wax and
yard back Into tbe pastnres. Many of
Knott's "Alice Sit by the Fire,” sm
•neh appear to have been in osa for two onnccs of beewBx Into half s pint
St (be ClUsena Telephone Co.
other'musloal comedy, June 10.
many yeat*. until from ihq, exceai of Of turpentine. 1-cl It dissolve !□ a
There are 22 people In “Bluebeard,
plant food present there Is scatealy warm place, then pour Into tbie a mixA Literary Treasure.
tor* made te follows: An ounegof pure
Jr.,‘ and they carry a large amount of
any grssi visible This practiro
paswhit# eoep, a piece of roeln tbe slxe of
special scenery. The attraction has
k* Improved by maklnr’ on* p
eages in Locker'* i-olun>e of remlnls- aaot
nutmeg aud bait a pint of water.
center fence, wire preferable, and
drawn big bouses In tbe dUes.
etnees describes hlS search for a pot op a movable one to one aide, betM togetbar nntU melted. Mix tbe
other attrackoD has alM made great Bhakespesre 'Flmt Frolic" in perfect
and keep In
ctuaing a lane of liberal width which
condition. He ended
ended'by buying
a splen­ abonld correspond with size gt dairy. abotda.
did copy, licking only the leaf with After three yearo more tbit fence over
father .poke ver' kimi ...... . loving
Ben Jonson’s refnes. with tbe under*
Helpt Fer the Ceak.
words to .1,0 |,r,,.:igiil ii|-n iliv Hiicr's
t» tb* other side of the center on*.
Tb* amatWir Hie eak* tb* hotter tb* return horn.. ,\..v . «lu,i .f. ,..n .op­
No. L 21. Notice the high back
long get him tbe missing leaf. Locker, Hant tbe abundoned lane two year* In 0T«n sbenld be.
y,.ur lu.'llio,- .V,.ii1il vn,' if ,v..,i aft•Bccerolon to com fodder. Follow tbe
la creaming butter and angar It but­
strong construction: $1-00
Marlon Lewis, tbe
young ^ the way, bad an amusing expert- next year with gralo and stock to
'her In "1!^^' i.llrtor
loading lady of tbe SI Plunkard comdown, baJance $2.98 can be
dorar; keep on making these three Oie cake coeree. Warm tbe sugar
•pany. te a dever artist and an excel­
aUe |«ce ;,ad whe resolutely refused year rotation*, and with but t very tba bowl.
“I Ih'lnk 'hat ibe rii'n ihii.g liiai I'd
lent voeaUsL She has the past four to dispose of the precious lest, "Some •Man axpenae wbat now is ■ e^stant
To keep froetliig from crocking a<ld bear." answered Tomi.,' ......... .. be.
seasons Bueceeafully played the role years after," eays Ibe poet "the deiler
see teampoonful of cream to each wUte •Have you wiped .'„nr fcclV"
of “Dora" with the original Si Plunk­ who sold me my Shakespeare 0888)
of agg.
e a knife wet with hot wats
ard compny, wfaldi will be at the was at a print Mle, and be ebancod to
I froeted cake.
Grand opera house Thursday nl^L hear a man te the crowd of buyers say
In whin pls'-e sro two boa,is Wtter
A good many years ago, when WcedsMay S. Pricot, 26, 86 and 60 cents
tbtnone? lu a barrel.
Th* flple* Pe«Ri*a. '
pasted into _ ^urth wu poet laurosta of En^and. a
Boats now on tale.
- How Is a poultry dealer cooipellod to
faold scrapbookl-aod that be bad been worthy Cumberland yeoman walked
Mm hla living? By fowl mroii>.
told It was worth £80 or £ioo. It haa oaoy miles lo response to widely scat- ■or In tbe aickmom. It Is pleassnt to
Why sbout'l a spider appear l<> have
The Nortkn iCdtlgan TVansporta- ended in my becoming tbe poascMor of fared notices to bear ifie "poet lanre ISO and easily made. Mix tc«eto*r
wingiT Bectue* it often tak<e
this leaf for tbe Urger sum. So I sup- •ta" addrea* a meeting. When he dis­
poee 1 may now consider my Bbake- covered who held tbf high sounding tllug? When
le between a man and a
0*010^ p. DL
apr g^f
Mware is perfect" Theu the enthi
t>*. be left tbe ball In indignation.
■ •
adds. "One hundred “Twi, nobbot Old Wadawor* *' By- tbe proper consliteocy to qiread. Dou­
Wby aro ffiKsyman Uk* SHikKDeBf
pounds B.
a large
efter awr be aald scornially on ble and beat a piece of old eo^ Bmm ttay ft* a groat AatTM wopfM-aalnfl*
spread the plakter on It and cover srlth
mutiUrtiUJeaf. but
return to hla family.
itissanrlff^^ Wban wid. raoletw wHB
have peld mor* than that for
srbMky and rabeat
tttUp or a bins ribhoB."
daily caolb want am fay.

LI n

Those who do not are
not gating the best to
be had for their money.
Cost no more than oth­
ers, but what a differ­
ence. Better investigate
right away.



>AT. lar f. im


Made from
pure grape cream of tartar, and
absolutely free from lime,
Alum and ammonia-






Thi. No! L '25 OJ ' Roa»r


FOR SALE—Nursery stock from
Greening Bros. Nursery Co..*t Germay 6-tS
FOR SALE—10 to 12 cords stone. In­
quire 516 Washington street. J. O.
Crouer. Phone 1296 Clu. may 6Kf


POh 8A1E—Mr. Printer, do yon need
a lead and slog rack, good as
s of the Eagle Prw
FOR SALE—Steel gas range and
Garland steel range for wood
eoal. Enquire of J. B. Paige Eli
trie Co.. 126 Caaa street, or C
tsens phone 602.
apr 26-tl
Good thing (or printing office,
quire of the Kalkaaklan. Kaiki
apr <7-tf
FOR SALE—White Wyandotte eggs
for hatching; |1.60 for 16 eggs. Mrs.
Jas, Harris. R. F. D. No. 2, C
phone 1291 l|.2s.
apr 29-tl:
FOB BALE—Lot at Eesla UoksM
.Jid one in BaM Bay park; One lorn
thus. AIM lot on HasUags niMt

R. F. D. No. 8. city.

may \-t6*

FOR BALE—Dry cedar fclnaung In
btmdiea, delivered. Drop a card-to
G. Ftaoke, Bos 877. Ttavene City.
fab 16-tl
FOR SALE Bocond-hand bleyelea.
Employment Burean, *1# BaM Fnrnt
street. Clta. pbou 486. mdi
FOB SALE—Qu arc lamp. See it;
boy it at yov own price. Eagle
%pr « tf

BALB-Conleetlottery stna,
good loeatloa. Engnlra 881 Union








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