Grand Traverse Herald, May 18, 1905

Dublin Core


Grand Traverse Herald, May 18, 1905


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text



. 4MglM|t It A 4<potftei7
awMip^fgM»tf <k«>i
It«tfc* Tim Nik

nlw tkli ymi do not permit oT
m «auhag WBlaw tker
MMoI » TMT. JUotkW
S. tfMk IMP toiP TMn prertOM

- PelmMlBdktfeHr. takikevlllbe
pnmt «■ tke-TMk Md nst of Jmie.
It ta putable tb»t <Munl DvBeld
- 4M«wk* ta aMmm «t tke Mmp
In Ml ttai ereitac oC tki llAL Oentke ipMilrti Amerten war, nd ta hli
Mttar or emeipAnw be calie Atteotta
to Wo ptaaeawt nkHcM with Oomimar
teore ftaae tkk -dtp aad exja
poet plnean ta the mitldpattaa «t
■ ikllli with the QpvWM Cltjr aol«m A thalr hocM tota. Oenenl
Dotaalt va* a paai tamtu. aad he
wIB be wanOr walcOMed bp the bmbban oCOoMpav M- apea Ui arttm



WafWep For electric Newl.
doa. Was. Batris at Nyrwood was ta
town MoadAp, toavtap for
nalhen MhAlpan Taeedap
CharienoU Omrter. Hr. Harris saps
that Norwood has nieed tUSO mad
Ue rtpbt of wap tor the electric road
to rna tram Tnverae CUp to ttaart*;
vota. aad tAV-ttaartevata baa
toed SUM and the riphtbt wap whea'
the raed U boUL He has wrtttee tbe
man ta eharpe cf the pra}eet that the
ripht ot wap and tram fUAW.ta tS«.1 tor ^e coorom CMlrtaroIx
Riaettoa cC the raad tram
to Tiavetne dtp, ead tbep are
waRtap ta hear from tbe eapltaiuu
brfon laktap .aap further atepe.
teems ea^atae that the road will be

«m am the Tnr>«* cur eoUac^ WM
Ktke «IT TMMPtar anuitac tor tmatnitaiali .ta the .TneatM Otp

Ip. The oectal oommltjee conpaea
Thoa T. jMtes .kaa b^
«. .
sat* ta tto matter of Awakm. Ameap
tboee oomtap an Ue Boa. J
m Batrowe, wbo wlU ba h«n K
to to fa the Mate at Ue time; Ooamaa A. B.' Oairaph, Oaa. Hmup
M. imaeU, Jadpe DaboU. Jodpe Allea
Mae, O. A. Jaaee. Dnlted Statae
M apot tram Detrait; CMpreaswin BiTivn here the IHh of Jane ta
mn WItUam Aldea SmtU awl Waah«v* hla panaaal aueothm ta tto tooai
B Oaidaer aad L. G. Fa
eMtapa Ba wOl hrtap hU familp and
mamsa Btohop will alee to pcee
aahe ihN Us pmaat homa

ot.tbe altmm U ptaB«a^ ta thair
eaqacai. IW A^-^ woctaadapn.
too M dana-opam tt
win to wUh tha Idea at tatprwn
^ wMm acapa at the oMImm.

■ Ttonttaato made Uto pact Tharadap
wntap U I e'otodt wtth at leaat pSM
wocU at tnipht. whlah as geaeral
■MehmafiM maaa a Oaa toad. CapNda BnbMtaca atatea UM Ue etrike
attaahna to worn Un aver, bH toadtap btoap Suae u^dM ptdlee protaoOm. An Ue wbelcaale tram. Uke
Bead A Horde*, Hanhall Tleld.
Bean A Beeboek an aader the police
protatahmu Oaptata RobMtaca atatae:
too, ttot Ua aepraee who have toes

lado Spetapk who wUI apead Ue m
»ar «t Lone Tree Fotat. adcr To
Laha. Hr. aUverttorM ot Cbieapi
a^Mid aa hto wip to Hacktaao toto
wton to to a rapuiw aumiM Vtoitor.
Waw^ta w Qdtoi -nppad Ower.
TUa Ink*, Mich.. Nap ll.—The
Wlitag ta whld( the FUe Itofce Moal
pHtttotod ta nfe Lake bp Win A
Sot tipped orer ta a Uph wtad about
aaea aa Wedaaedap. p
tana which wet^ aearlp
pna*. UHdap erar cases, atave and
Bhmaa. Tto ma* vdU pcohaMp daSkp
tto ^kathm % two taeuea
Tto buttdtap ^ botap a*T«l aad
WM an raltora when Ito vriAd Mra*
tt. drlvmp It.orar eldhtaen feet whte
R tto aC the nitlfn aad smashed
ttmaph tto tlmbeta Tto tawr was
teaaed ap about ata taetoaato whole
toopU ot Uc buUdlto aad.tto



FitS,fiien '

* *» fiMt Ifcth^ W


mjvTmvmmv, may n.

nep len New Torii aatheimaae, 4k* BMA mm MfMl bott
At'a epetal eleetfem to behdd HoatwOaar. mU tkkt k* aedMi K U tk* tkm at >:4I p. to. aad on tbdr wap
tbe tralB with Aba dpaamte dap. Map «, tbe ooaadl wta i
rteUttr at ika Onl Wood DM mbto
it. Mr. ItadM faappeaed ta took the Tolen ot PoCtcrrlDo tbe
^aTf dock TMUrter tiunoam.
rapeeWnp tbe ordtaaaoe pnAlhHtas:
tk* «TMlv u «>■ bMk adOa to
Ike tnta atapped aad ataadtai atoai- ,_tooaa ta the TlUece, wbM has bees!
*a«dM T(M ud tall wen ma- aide tbe paateamir trata were two ear* ta tone ror-twatp«ee pean.kad alee
tk«d aleo eev tka mmh'tf tke rirer. ot dpaamite wbk* tawr added tt the the appraral of aatooa bonds.
n«« ta » *>*11 *Md l«U>d tkere borrar of tbe wndt. The tnta wai
A laree white oak toe. la.teet toas{
nm ta tbne aeetlOM. tke Cnt leettoa aad II taehee ta dtameter. m fonad i
tke AfteqMo* »kto wai
Dc. Miles’ Kestoratiwe KcrT>
Which be aad hU etoter-totaw were Iptas oa tbe pavemaat ta traat ot Q.
IB tka
ine bos been so aucoessful is
wu asaU oet o< water ae anek ai raaataf to raMi«Mii aad’tbe eeeemd H. Ttaas- batter ebim at Btrmlafham ( enris^ these bnin-wrcdiins
llCB. wbtoh wBf wreMed. rttaatac
eemeat pavemeat waa badUj diseases that there ia every
■ pkeaooaeaa wai plaialr appar ta Ctoveiaad. Tke am be kaow at brakea and toiled m If the toe had________________________
to believe that ev-en
at M the rtrer aear Ue moetk. C.K. *tbe wndt wae wbtn be read It to the talien tram the ract ot tbe buUdles. | ntoat bopklesa cases, can be
Honar kad pulled kla tanacb oet oa Oraad Bapidi MPen. That wae aUo b was iaio- dueorerod that tbe tap, ■ benefited, if not fnlly restored,
tbe aotitk kartt to make itaa* r«air«.
had been taken from Mlner-s »ntpard.j
We trill be pleased to refer
Tneem dtp, havta* bees aw
Wbeo ke ntamed te tke orataf
the mill poadrbnt bo« U aoi ap-1 aor one thus afflicted to many
(oukd that it wee BP klpi aad diT aad week.
wae a mpmeiy nnlU Mr. Tomej mho «ow
now enjoy the blessing of
Mrs. Lowe ii Mn. Loadoa-.. ehler pni la an appearaaeo. and be ex- health, after years of hopeless
tbe watar tome dlitasee betowne eoBM U made ptata tram tbe a^wUlvtalihere. Oa her wap acraei plained It ta the foltowtaR manner: suffering.
tdlewtair dtapauk aader jeaUrdar’e tae ooeaa. the weetber wai vetp had. ,Tnak Hapenaan told me tbat 'Zip- w2nfK?e£?oSS*?.aiWa?:5
the captata at the chip saptac that U Hortbnrt bad epeand a I&ponad jdke
date itaa to tke Onad Baplde
wai the worm pamace be hid erer at the pood, and ta mp otDclal capac(ramCtaleaco:
••BeporU of a remptkeble tidal ware kaowB. Nine toeber*. were ea
Hp as pame^rdcB I went down
alec tke WMt abode c( Lake bUebl- tered aad toe bearp acai a
refi Urn. -Zip- BOt awaj. bill I got Ike |
mp akoul.
saa ware reedred toder. Ike ware
pike aad ihrew
itimmi ta be tbe blpied at Keaoabt
bnmpbt btai up
•ad Badae. WU, when a wall rt
and dropped him oo the
trout ot Ue door. The 1* ot Uc flih
water ewept to caaataff mock damace
atriklap Ue pareaient woke me
•ad alarm atone tbe doeke.
earn. Thondap alter a too* 111- Dd 1 touad I bad bewu dreaming.''
-At Oktoapa tbe ware elmply raieed
lhaemwe ot hU death betas eaalike dace ot watar aad taaaed eerp
The fact that William rarkn. of nap
He was S3 pean ot apt
bearp canwai dewa the dratab«e
aip. seH-CQnfMMd llKmal voter, ha* i ^
—Ml Beau naPisatad tke river with leavea a wife and nine ^Mren.
IT cSilIdren. was Ue principsl nasoo ; «■& week and go uTwtofr.. Iranroi
preaieet dlSenltp ai a rcaolt or the funeral nervtoe wae at 2 o'etoek FW- whr he will not be harshly dealt wlU.;
dap aftanooa froni the Oonprep^
kick weler.
HewmieotivietadtatheWreaUoinirt ^
"ICatker MBdlttone la (talcafo tbU
Ud.« ;
Babeoefc MBeiaUap. He wae burled „
•netBoon were eodi tbat a n
ta the Sreoad ward, where be .
_____ Id
or tidal wavea atoaa tke wcet eborc ta’the Bnreetl cemeterr.. H. L. Carter beloBtt He says Robert Uoaohui- imv>
Uiiet Medical Co, Elkhart, lad
ot thU eltp had ebaipe ot the foacril
wat aaOdpaied.'
him' tl tor his (sic vMo.

nportto that up ta the preeeot time.
Ua beet rate tbat oooid to aa
wae erne aad oaeUlrd ten ier Ue
1 trip. Tickets wlfl hp aa sale
Jane IT. 18. IS sad SO pood ap ta and
tadudtap June S3 for rMoimlm Thle
•eoompltobed bp worktap wUb
depanmeat eommlttee oa traas.
portaUoa. The committee wlU ask
tto beard at trade te aastot ittaeep a tanker aitaastoa at the time
Umtt. Ito matter will to taka up
at Ue meettap at tto Aula Pameaper
datka Hap 11 aad tto depan-

Ttwtaaaral N (he old plo
James Heauskp. wbo died
taMeptotoaoaMeadep montap.
was held oa Tharadap at 3 oetoek.
Demas CoMIta
tbe Ooa
■ad waa ta ebaipa of W..8. Aaderacai.
Injured In thioewey.
Mrs. Whn. C. WelU ami daupkUr
wore bedlp ahekto up Fridap epeatap
abom 4;M bi a dimmapemeat of ■
urn oa'tbelr Uphl wapoo. The borse
Cnloa to Bar street aad just oppothc
tbe potat shop or Caldwell A Loudon
the outat overtoTwed, Urawtag Ue
two ladles TlolMily to Ue ground.
Hra. Welle was picked np and taken
home and a phpaielaa called but aside
b«m a severe brnise oa Uc tacc and
aa talarp to her hip abe Is not oUcr
wtoe tto wor* (or Ue aoddcBL The
left w^eB It ovenuraed
sad U badly amiabed. the seat and
. The bone ran to Ue Oti
milL where tt waa e
Fifth Ward HOM Co.
The TlfU ward now has a boee
poap and Ben Hosste U Uc foreman.
At a ataeUnc held at Ue store at B. J.
Haas A Boa. Ben Hoxile acted
chairman while Cbarlee Bvereit
Ue secretarr. Chief Marray was also
preaeat aad supplied Ue boys wiU
emokea. Tto follewta* aScers and
lembess were elected:
Foreama. Ben Hoxsle.
Aselstaat toremaa. Hanr Carr.
FMt Hydraat mao. Chariee BveretL
Seeimd hpdraat maa, William A. HeOolL
First plpcmaa. Alexaader VogL
Tint asaiataat pipeman. Gi
Seooto asatataU pipe man. a
Third aaslMt pIpcmaB..

aad Ue board at trade will be repreBcatedat that meettap.
A eommlttee was app
pram Tharsday's Record.
drcalar letter ta be seat o« ta ' Hr. aad Mrs. B. II. Franklin rr
every post ta Ue alata. This tetter (uracd tbie aftCrnoao from a rbori
wUl eorer mord eampletelp Ue <>«• Tint WlU her pafeota Nr. and Mrs
talU ot Uo camp than the peaeral T.'^B. Piero* ot Angel aad will agnta
orders toued bp Uedepanmeat. Uto leave tosaotrasr aigbt tar a pe
axpaetad tlmt Ue board at t^e wU SMt htesUan ta Lae Angelos. Cal.
lUee bp
Frank O. Allor wait to Cedar Clt;
eeadlto a Travene Cttp eouveair wlU Uls morniag oa a bnstaees trip ci
Uto letter.
pieettag to retnrn agata this evening.
Tto eommlttee was aathoHsed to Mrs. J. Hockstod ot Btagbam a:
faratob eatenaiameat tor Ue speak. rived In Ue clip .Uls raeretag on

■hort baataees trip.
George Bigelow of Noitbport am
ap CO Ue annitag OiUa for a day'r
mpaap M toa been larited to Mbnataeae trip.
Otoeral DsSeM ta (to parade.
OMeral DaAeld was eommaader at
Ue. brigade ta wbkA Oompaap M bcn at Old HlsshiD wa*
iMgod during Uo Bpulsh AmcrldiB in UW dtp today o
Tbe parade wOl be cb Jdtw l» at Eroign Ml tor U«(r home ta Klngnicy
lue p. ta.. Oa Moadap cvMtag. J*e Uto mwatag after spritdtag a sbon
1». tbere win be a .iweepUm to tto ttaw ta Ue city
the guest at Mrs.
eaoder ta cttlet, Ue depart
aaoder. Uo Sees of Vetaram
Mrs. J. W. Taylor, wbo was in Uc
W. B. C Oa Tueed* and
WWtaaedap eveatags Were win te
> tree to Ueteera faou* at whi* tamed L
' nm aeade* w* Ml Iba mon
speanrr-'^lraadr amaed
yaaslva Uto week as Urae aatra larce
Mra J<Aa Aadeiwea Mt UI* mora•* were to to prtatad to Uto wwAtt Mhert WlU Mke Bddnas*.
tag (or a abort vtoll wttb ber pareoU
foam, autor K*l had Just taicbed
Narrow Eaeapa Frem Sasth. .
i Waltea Jaaetiim.
"* * tto tatt Bm e( a haK page ad.
WQltam LoodM and alstertadaw. JcMpb TlUe at Kta*ler who has
Mrs. Botort Lor* ot Saticoata. 8eot- MS at week w«M e( the ettp for U*
latid. arrived ta Ue ehr
jwtaler. returaed heme Uia
-n«l WM* in B*.
tam Nnr Tost cttp. Th«r loft Uttt
met travecM cup pe*ie cttp M the and aaetlaB ot tto
that the bar wae ■ptfaala tnja that was -wreU
Mh Harrtobnrg uarly pM
us aM D. Jemea at KIk BapUs.

Tire Insurance!
Aoncr ID Loan 01 Improrcd Real Estate Only.
Jtoom 310 NSW Stats BsBk Building.



Boi-f. Iran nn<l tVrnir-jfr-iin old anil useful pn-piimtion.
article we have sCiwdhint m-w The Sln-nj' AVino rou..
aeed is rai^aced wilh ^^no madi- from Pomelo—Grepo Fruit.
It is a enperior praperaRtm. If you feel iho niicd ot a tonic,
' try it. Ifc per iMnt

219 €. TrpMt St.
H. R. Macdonald. MnnaKcr

SURPLUS, sasioop


iKf CeaUDewcdbalttMUefirih. '

---BUSINESS cards:

Vary be«t 'of dcatal •OTvie*
OBip. Teeth pear ta prartieu.
Tour patroeag* •ollritod. ta
New Muaraa buibUtis. aader Kta P. ball, oa tour wlU Docker
ay's Bodaea Ootlege and over
Stager oacB.

Tmv.'rsi' City. Mich.

Going to Build?
If so, the South Side Ltiinber Co. at Traverse
City is the place to buy your material. Shop
'. aod mill work done on short notice. Give us
. a chance to figure on your wants.

South Side Cumber €o.
Craotrs* eitv, micb.





PlAtAQtaAA,steam BoU*r*nd Accident Insurance.

Iravcisc Qtr state Balk
tala or Ctacttaatl. Is an heir lo *150.
» be paM out at Ue ihaiw ot Hiss Ida
McDowell, alec* at ihe captaia, wbo I AT. MAI
wtll rccwtve tbe rem at the propert. :
and 81M 1a laah. prarided sbe doeu:^ !


W*a* Oratap Mi Bldg, DBISOIX .


That Draws
prndeBl bmldon to ow
atodi—isOta RnatMwrt.
ttMotand imifonDljr i^t
prices on

Lumber and Building materials. Framing. Sidthg. Cor­
nice, Sheeting. Flooring, Door and Window -Fftoek
Ceiling, Doors, Sash, Porch Co1onins.\Balu«erg, Stair
W^. in fact everything in wood tor the bnilding.


citizens Ptiohe. 32; Bell. lOO.

W. U Brown. ktanoBar.

If yiin an> tfuinu to do any Iraiblini: tbisaamufr it will
|ziv you 1i* call ami look our stock over and get onr
l. foiv buying, for w<- win mvcyonacaae BROCMy.
\t^' (invc a very mm]ili4i- lim- nf boase trimintiifN and
onr jiriri-* art- iivy b.».
purcbaiti® yoop fam
i1<»*r bnnvv’ni rail atwl e<v wlial w«- haro to offer BOBTill- bangord wo iin- iiuahiug pqsitivdy wiBsiot got off
111-' imrL., it is iTisy ninning, and costs bot little mon:
tliaii till -'rrliliary linngi'ns.

F-RANK -TRUOSe, (44 Front Strttt

We Bnve Wore Peas
than Itloneo

been able to work yet but expects ta

and if you want the peas it will not take mui
. money to bu>' them. We have more .Ameri­
can Wonder Peas and First and Rest than wc
can sell unless wc put them down low enough,
so If intcresteed, come-at once. .'\t the price
that we offer them to you they will not^
long. We have some garden seeds on hand
)•«. Now is the time to get them at right
* prices.
, We have just received a car of fresh, tine
ground Land Plaster, a lot of Paris Green.
Sprayers, Sifters, Corn and Potato Planters.
This is atnhe comer of Front and Cass streets.

tad Cass Sts.

<U nATBtse


\V. fiavc a firai.cln* Tin blioji.

OUgyil(9 Ttoiarcmadetoeieacwdlasadl. Thcyai*
of <Ue^ mattfiol, and fiva a ioiliy
9IVl y IJ9 - finaj, to catch the eye; bat a» thnbto «*fcrtaUc, ami ocaL The dicapai oa the miritat. qaality omadcrad.
Oacc tned aad you win buy no other make.

126 suit sirttL a Uicter Peterlyl.
Rave you ever tried the

«oyal -riKtor “T^mm mn^ Coffnnm

Hofal tiger


They are Ue be* Sold raly by


Itelaf irt aSmoes 10* ABoa
■ar para a praltr ptaao ado art
Omeo Ramar fsrarad vHh a ptaaabc
• pow&to ■> tMr •!* is

nt eitanl* *M«. A- «*•" i»«f-

Tka cmaMs terta d A, W. Bldnrt
ea Bay atreot ban kata raedTlB« cxra itapavTBBMta b tka ahai
apranad atr pbat vMA vtU op-

ftmt fKIS « ssU BIMA DMA*.
■ta tk« BoflMra psn o< M. ▲, t
•» trtiMMIr ««m. «UI« tbt
IB------M> U frlchtfinr «««• as
thirty ftat a BJaato aad tka tooU
ttowMtars. Is tiM cantn. tto «totm
each see tram dn to alz. At praast
^ arfsllr W»p«st«, wkh .noWMd
ara tbrea pBeamaUe bamawra
te « MSmMlr e<M CM. SM tlM
sBpaMfs an t*Ut COM ssd teL Is Is see; they an of the Kottaa petal
an awaataetared by Koua A
Iks MSU. tka vtstan si« stes ssd
d Kav York dtr. The p
ths SHUMfs ars prodU
■aad b daeWdty aad at a pra
tony-Ore paste a ralra rdoasea
> praaara frasi tka eamprooi
tku tka motor ia pmetleally rm
tll^ils. Is tks entre. sad is Ik*
Miitt tks sesaoM an tvrfblr boC
Itoik. «s ten assB, ts osr AMpariacia.
IkM'tks ellatatsa cf Ikew m sostK

Tbs HteteM Hick sAool att
an at^ariSf to satar ta thraa tnek
naatt ikU arpias, an ta oCktr dtlea.
TM ^ ^ ka hdd at TraTena dv
' aa «at W. tbs aeeBSd as doaa t i
Sssd.cttr. aad tha UK at C9ikw>.
Tks Wterta* aatrtea hart bai
BUdt for tka Tfararst Cttr •tai:
IM Tart Dsih Battaa. PMcsm
t*o Tart Daak asWW. Palstaoa.
QMBttr XUS Bn—Alwiur. Pau
Half HUa Kaa>^WBT. P. Okrla-

Ob7 Ahnv li oaiUla a( tka «
fbr tka CUcaie naat. tka iai
that Xaalttaa bogrs bare partlaip
war art FManar. vdTte tat u
lasnt raan oar atkletaa bare sud^
aarts Tsrr aradltabla raeorta at ike
tatsiiakalaailc mata. tad it ki «t-

THdaj arai raetandtr dar at tka
Tftnaa^ dab. tka nrtlar Ubw U the
dab year wkae as eicbatifa d dab
MBMlstrtarad- Tka leader «aa tka
IfKIijt. Mrs. W. n. Tamar. A
aatedid aaaer. -Th» lAaa««e ct
Mr I*. Jana Otawan. tasabar tt
. AinAvbthsdtyaehooUdOsesm.
araa faad br Mn. U Roberta. Tbe
kasar baiaa vUh tbe etatei
two tbkm apeak trom erery palatlag.
tka aitttt-e laiaeaeBtailrai d Ui
tbesfht thnawh hU patotad Unas aad
■Man aad tka tkoaikl ttaelt. tkd
«*IA the pataMr atmra to azpmaa,
the sod d tka pktara. Bka apoka d
iB^Mtka or arraaMMM d odor
aad term, uta* Bapkad-a BlMUs MadtMs aa aa siaaipta. abowtac daatly
tkaaitldb■ataagr toaa. Shaatatad
ttet aona mm hat aald that a good
pletara U a Boed ]adie d oa. aat VO d
H.«aaaa»rta. Ae«oeatlosIt
«BM the ptetara set apea yo«T ISnb
tka graat artU tera as aaatBdaf
tbaasht la yaw aooir
-Tka Daty d WoMak Qaba Tavart PaWle ftsaatkM“ by His. POaitk. pnaMskt d tka Wenaa’a dab
s( CksaWta. «as raeid by Xra. E. E
• HMls. Tka pspar vat MB d lood
tbssBhta. 8ba traaad tka r«vth d
tka korooia tron tu aowea la f '
Uad. vbara li vaa fomad by
darotad to eharlty. hooplUUtyi
Ue^^d^ratlBka te

Mr, Ridtert mya that a poUabar vlU
M be laitalM kM tt U aot daeldad
here the pover vUl be oWabad
from altkossb tba poHaber takaa ao
pover tbaa tbe oeber todi art
>en. m oely three hammei
dalM at preaat tba
u oaty
bartibB aboot one half Ua aapadty.
' Bpraaart air b seed almost atlralyb ikavarka.vtth moBstBai .
It abost doables the capacity d vork
vltb tbe same naiber d mao a
mock easier oa tbe toda.
Aa addUoB lOzBO baa baa M
Ike aaddUe d tbe bsUdtac «Ueb la
wad tar tbe eaclae roam art aaoiker
KzM baa baa ballt oa tba veal
vkleb la aaad tar a slock room.

Eiliam Write n. Mrs. Boerera.
vbleh vaa to bare aoaw bataa Jodse
Hayne tkb aftsraooa vaa takra eat d
. art amkaUy esllM tbe dual
cemat babf tka direct raadi
tadte sader vhob tka tanadMloB d
lae came, tka eaaa ia flaally aettied by tbe aiqmbtmat d Bdvb B.
<Hbba d Mayfleld aa Baardbs d the
r. Row E WrfsbU art a
vaa siBBrt by CrtrlM H- Barrett
tar Ike Baardlaa'a fplthfal dlwbarBe d
'Btlea. The cosrt rooma vere tora sp vlik
tbe oav rtsasea vbleh are bov
tor the aombe eoart art b ca
qwees the court d iodye d ^obate
vas Qsed tar the brye crowd d mads
d do btoeatad partM art it looked
M tboscbbll d Kbestey bad tai
m amsaa. All pantao to the


sarau-aja^ SBf^

tAornoay. may


eadby April 38.1808.
Rsmber d days taate. 30.
Nsssker earouad. U.
Anrata dally atteodaaee. M.
Knmber adtber abapat aor tardy.
Bdvta Hkfca. Cbrt Prieau Aithar
trIeUaBd. Ranoort Mmrim. Barry
codb. Mdlth Ebiiiinmb. Ubria WlaAcamb. Ckanw Keaaady. Clalra Chaste.
DBris. Lale- KMdw, Parry
KMdar, Besate- Crtppea. Aibb Paris.
Crippea. Irak May Zae. UbUe
I. Botha McOMba. LacT Hay
- ' t HeOemht. Ralph Dlsea.
I. Mabel Ceaete. Carrie

OvkspEt oar moig art mei
Irbr. art the aiainaikaali d

IsU SdU« ft IMb rt

Sis WM Bril IMbcM

NBmbe^ d rialUBe. 7. ris;
Hr. Sears. Mrs. Oeo. Hai
teeby. Un. Deris. Mrs. i
I. Shell. Hiss E Deris.

••XT Uttk aaa. atsey *7U bnfca
ootvithaitertaKtasE Tbnedo»
tonpreaerfirt fas him. bW he kept
lettiarveswmstil VC eoatd aotdrma
hlmaarmoic. TheyfiaaUy sdviacA
We wish to eapress ow
meto try a ostaiB medkal eoUcfe,
tbe mete aad s
bothsbestsKntdldBoyood. At the
tor tkdr klad kelp sad armpalky da­
te the Ulbcas apd deuk of oar dear Hbm 1 was irtaert to try CWiewa
DKMbrr, aad to all vbo sal Ike beanti- hevoanbadthatlhadteevtUs
oven aad alao to the ckotr.
hair e< art |mt
Csdiean OiatF. H,telU
meat ee Urn a bsadafes. as it was
Mr. and Hn. J. Osborn.
impoeaibletBtoack him with the hare
Hr. art Hn. E & Bircb.
____IceeBaaiam, art thhbtbc went
Mr. art Hrv S. H. Osbora.
Stab Neva.
n D. RotAdeUer has ^e a bid
tror amoas tbe atrteau d tbe
eeriiiB departinat d tke Ualrer
rity d MkklBia. tar tbe Detroit
ayesey d tbe Standard Oil cosipaDy
doaalrt a too d peiaOBe wax to tbe
aybrrrs tor see la maUny seodeU d
ebipa for tbe "mariiio eaybeeriiis
coarse. Tkcoe saodele will be Vsed la
tbe nev urat tank, which
ready tor uae. Tbe BtR was
tadered tbe departmat tbroort tbe
Two menbeis d Ike tamlly d Oeo.
Ooesaa d Avoca are la a critlal coadltloo art tbe Ures at others are banr
iBK la the balasee as a reeoU d whole

___j^id^dliffwematoit thei^iml'
niaal iiiabiim or oTarlaa teoedea.
Irritability art o^py diott. take
ol pleeeeetnrw, art all sodsklae b driva <mt d tbe bocpe. 'and
line are'wieefced by wryisa's (reat
Bart this UtU*

art la remoste them H oaed to take



Say Pbliily^to Your Groeer
Dmt yoQ vte UOS 007FEB ilvm art

Writ AM m IMU Mpnl ri IMri
-,1 >.i.ih.r.n .1. M _a LiDx oonaa
teem • quartar of • sentufrr


la Ibwo aax sfrtMwar^KK/q^aorjl. Ahrt ikt

uM cmnm u •

iTta^ita^MrtfTe •aMaafirl

8am frtaXiomrtadB tori

EOOUoa IPIOIOO. Tiiaia, Oto

sppIkSa off ewkwa OlMaat I
cataeao the eoca wassrtrd te dry
Mow I oa' wy tbst he b entfady
eared, art a etrooar K>d bealtUar
faoy_yoa eesw ww tW he Utodsy.*'
Atc Chka^ UL, Dec. 30, l8t7-

Jlr. WEtUm write*

•^’ow letter of the • I et lo leyaid to
tbeoaed mvlitUcboy at hart. I
sntnlyUiakfBl te aay that the ewe
effected by the Cotiewa Rcmedka baa
been a moat tbortM«h and eoeectaftil
ewe to date." Oticaye, Feb. Sk >Y>}-

At tke first
tu win.
U*e morrell speclor. Sine of tbe
petahl or im«nlar meastivatlaB. |tam1ly partoc* d the fonyl and la a
pain ia tke ride.teadaehe. hackarlie,; short
chon lime beesM so seriously aSecI
aSecltbe fiaea-a^ at ooee'^b;^ S 1 *1
T.-ji, B. nakbamb Vesetabla Ooo- ' oioacd troA port Huron. Mra. Ooegaa
liniiill8ir1 *“rf^ -------'aad her dauBhler Peart are affected
I more Oarioosly sM Uielr recorery U
; reported la doebt by (be pbysiriaiu.
sometklBC like aetav «»««« Muehrooms kaova a. -Byramelramtecs d taslrocthm vlU be offered
A 13«t«y oSee bolMlay ta to be
by tbo retear faealty of tbe school. ^
rtetahy. Mr.tBoyxaa Is one of the erected by tbe E A 0. railroad ia Bar
^ g,. c,.,,
Amoac the featwn d specUl laterew
tbeoee. to replace the oae deauoyod la
are the tollovlas: tasUUile coanas ^
the bly fin last year.
destsaed for review art laspliatla.l ,
ta»aa*er of
manual tnlalay. kb
^ like Vale Caaolac compaBy. felt frara

d fowtea leetures by e>
I arteriea aad NiehoU U la a eriUeal
tbe leadte edocaiors d tba CaltrtI'
[CartlUoa from Maa d blood.
la an nb-l*
tbe ns.
rest m
of ineu
Booe. Mra Bovera, the father art tbe lecu Mdlne to credits «*■«• naoly on- When '"r
w—./ beoelorer over whom the liUsatkia vpa
Iwrent of ImmiRrantx. ttetejm the
started, bat as tbe atatter staads Hlia
•es. 7‘eacbers aad others deelrlDK
svUcb art send
Rose will bereafter ronb vltk tbe
laalioo In detail may Ret tbe same
HicUgan. We b
bBtllr d Mr. Olbba. her Boardba.

drw raportrt by the sebeel li
U Oraad Trarerw eoaaty taaMby b
tke toirttep atnied to share b the
d pHmety
steMl meaey. Tbe i
at tbe rate d sixty oau per
capita. There are C.<tt aekool ehUb tke eoasiy art «A10 an eotlto share b tke apper
The tDVBskipi. anmbar d
tar each tovMblp and
tbs any are as tallovs;
.... M4
1 146.10
.... t»
• PlAO
.... m
.... tn
.... tS»
...... H7
May8te .
.... m
aho ted that MM.
...... m
HoBSte b tka dru vw that brae^t Trarene Ctty............EM
thM b ooatact vitt tka vwtd art
......................... 'TT
ett d tka teMay oomer to kdp.
labr .......... 284
■aalrtrt, Ska atatad that aa drt Ute.
daraiepa badaaw akillty, saacattra!
aMsateMt. art tdeaaaea It aatt be
recartrt b tbe Hsht d a ttekbi
s^oal. ttbtkedstydadsbBmta
• Shermaa Pteaer, nrter the rct■ab tbe und^biii d tbe psHb
ena edttet; E D Ftrterick. is )an a
IsdMase MaaieBMit aad dbertUi
tartny npem Ua tUttytawth year art
tbn api>E patbaae aeaamrt vltb tseoee a fine aBatrersasy aomber. em'Mim kdort aafctte tba psbUe IS resw- beiliabed with half tdaw of the bosi' aba Ra tetan n «M set ertene
aad potatecsul ma d BbcrbMnary protscta. Wcasee are dies maa art eatt d some d the pUoa d
tteea mm dear art br elcbtad. aba
aHibail. b kiofcbs at psblie aaaatlaiba. beeasee tkay ataad aled art
art ad kaiMnd v«k panaaal aw
rba. or «e M hMk at Bseattesa tiM
Bar laadbi
a eeatwy, te ted its fiftletb aaBlvetaary aam&r woutats <d a'34.paee
tka oaRlTaHaa d pebito natluaat pate.lirtntrt a fine book paper, art
that ahan eiyBUlln b Bood verks tar
ba kiartt orteaa brwrt asea.
Tka pspar Data Ow Pus aw Sye4M « Osatec EM Crtrtasb Lte
mo. the itate laitUiiaaa Mated ai
Hta. V. U Raed d U
lay. bottea koacE. etc. A val.BbK vaa isrt ky Hia. TbsMa O
> taaton ta toaebed apa la tk«
Tbs pspar ahovad Mck ihoeBkt «p
fiesolpUa of idooecr Omm es.cxmOd stead. strbB at a ranady I
traaMd vuk the Uaalay cT toeoy. vtih
asbtbc arOa ta Ike pnste prta
ma half uma lot te laadMarfes.
apdM tka bdataanktata atese
The edUla ta all ktee work, aad ta a
Vkkk aka PaaeiRitd at Mctk. 8
ereUt to tbe pabitabara'aad to tke ed­
tedi *T» ivetBaaba sw vbola pda
tydte tdrt It akan ba kaaad spas <
Ceetral MoraM Baaieilr tmalie, ■
Thl* eEce has received ea aitraeioCsader d radadac tesbood bdai
. W the fitlk aaate
afantete tu vtn ka a tsMibak
aer eaekm ot tte Oairal State
■iMsaidwt.* The aaa vko b
te eekool Mated «d ML PloaaU
Mtahlte- Dwiay the tern, vktah keH
»—i »dM. ate d
l«ae 88 art ehwa Aay- 4. «.




ne UoViekar AatoBBtie
iOaBoUrt Engirt is tbe bte
L ODe4kiitlUM>DS»ber
'«< parta.
2. Ko crtfB,
.cearttricB. toBbliag
nds. <M fritpHtesd ae.
BBf kiad. 9.
An deetrical Gorenior gaanotood 10 tuBM as q»A aa mtj
1. Osring to the q^it^ gomnior. engirt vtD stand 90 per
«mt Bodden ovcaioad viUMOt Bhi-king- &- No fidjudunti to
gdimtof ord« or pode tbe opento, .6. Antoaatic wireaetkm. *. Autocnatic cariutretkm. Tbew ara atetemre prtntB
of the HeVidter Automatic Ostelirt


116 And tI7

We edl ibrdwBTv-. sB kirts d Farm Machinery.
WaBoat.»ecyies, art Henees.

To Core a CoM in Ope Day S^\

aeos d ibcm at ihe si




The Grand Traverse ft Arizona
NininI Company
HBOC OffietTrtfme atr, ni^


Bies si Ckve creek, Arlmfi

Over 700 Acres Rich MM Lands
Eor^^aovB ora ledges.


Power Plant in i^mration. •

Ores How 111 Slrbt Hike Success Assved
Fair treaUnent to all

No better than the best.
But better than the rest

Stock par valoe. SI p^ Bhare. We will sell for a abort time
ticasniT stock at 20c per diare, cash, or 25c per abare, 1-V cash,
and ten cents deferred and to be paid from dividends. No sale
ie« tbsn 50 shaKE


Try one and be convinced. We do
Repairing also.

129 East Front Street


' •;

Tnyerra Citr, Mkb.

Farmers Supply Co.


1 %7-135 State St.

Traverse aty

Every farmer knows tbe
wood wheel windmill;
last longer than' any other wind*
min made. We plap »dl Pomps,
Pipe, Fittings and Taol^

116 and 117 SAte Otrnrt.

We Ben Hardware, all kjods of Farm Ma­
chinety. Imptonenta, Wageau, Bog-


The childrcD** friend—

Drives ant blood itnpariiics.

Makes strong nerres and moseks.

Ctves tone, vit^ity and soap.

•MMO-nuy^MiiniMA THumyVjiAV a. tm
Tbe eoMofl ef ftaltard. n.. hee
,toeod wtoM awBMa «a MMK aM
wfll graat bat Ma. and taM toU tolar

|m WAinnatAsri

bef eereral totoaiea.:

s wsi Mt Mabd to thia Tbe
towpiaktogsp-ceai oa ch« nUwbd
IS thaa It soold be to eowiiaee
nlelnal Jadgee cbeoU not be itoartaoiHel
IB wotoeo that waartag rad
br dbeel rote. Tbto loeeai that If
trrrj one M tbe Mgbtr-tbree enntlei
a the aUU were a adopt oAoen ew» traetire biwsa beads is decrltocsta] to of the Pmbrtvrisii i
OM voBid hare w bold caBTeotlOQa tbe raUraad aerTtoe. Half a dosea PmbrMrtaa Amvbn has bees «•«•■ i
tar piateie ledges TUi wnld not be trains bare toMr bees Saggto to this Udsed OB tbe m tf tte BMtiM «((be:
br Jnd«e vem.,
MtMMtocr to tbe people and b aet Maaaar aad there wes antbtog to do!tw«
l£b Ktat TPM Vmw AImmm PbmkM. pad ortikk Md MB
pleaee tbe bopw. There are to It eseepl tosbasJ* tbeeoal wp-jM. uaalBg of (be U. *. dleiftot eoarti
to MBP ftr Mf«r a» Tapro- Me Wbo too Siinstiire mt
MTcnl other featBra oa vbieh the pir M a needy yM ttobbleeoeie cMtla- « New Jersey, who deetorea that
■ ebarrt ibas nailed coaid -Bot bare a;
booae «UI bot agree wUh ae ceaMora geal.
_________ ^____
legal right to tbe property «< the Cam-1
lonee relomere wr they ace
-AMiera Near HOrtbport.
, bartaad bndy
BOS than sb«i tber pawtd
Nonbpwt. HletL. Mar 11—Tbt -Doat peart, or IfU *a bstd wHb;
(M VHdlTOeU* Meadwi the DIeUiiaOB MH tber are ItkMr to
•rtoooer C C. Barae* of Toledo., ,«,.■■ deeUred s dsebtog. marted fe- ^
iBibt Ibat ibtngi tber «aot be la
loaded sUb coal, west ashore at CsijMle higbasytosn to issee S'alMer
Mv 9TWilli I
MM--light la tbe ibkefc weather last | of iUrerdale. K. i-, sbo with two coaLaoMac. Hleb.. Mar 11—Afler —------Unvam tbe BMKa.
fercBCW a tbe ganr^t cOec be-jalgfaL Tbe boat U oat about elghlees, puilaBt
had robbed bio.' s Joaeiy i
iTaiTTt d tbe boaee aad aea-jlaebee forsard aad b hard oe a rorky j tpot it Pompua. of bta aurntj. books
T6\Ho. Mv Hi-Tlw Briitah lUsiDer
bottoa. probably baK bet lengib beUsjind key*. Tbe police are loMciat; tar
tlUrasi tand tnan Xev Oiwsag to
caetlr wtlafactoer to all. buljoa tbe bdetoo. She it ■ iirtmg baal'ber.
'MwMtoa aettlMr Optow. Marphtoa toor attow KarartJp
Kobe, ttmek a wlae oB Port Artbar
, The «reat aloataao etitoc d ibc
•nd ww4;dowii. A boat ftow Port ootably tbe bwt that CM be pot tactb i and ii aot leaklai say.
AithortWOMd all Bhiopeaae bat it l< at Ibis tioe-sefs agwed on aad pat Tbe eteaoer Bnate Cblpoaa cleared | virgiB Mary, riretad to the
. __
„e suiiuBil of tbe Algaille da eGaai.:
I City Ibis 1
IwHTTfi ibat wreral o< the erra awl tfaroogh the eeaate yMterdsy eflerHsd tbe I srrtuerlsad. liaorfeet abore sos ler-:
Tbe bUI esae orer to tbe bow
sa Id aid I el. has fwored a fatal attmetloB to;
and was referred to tbe decA Dffi^liMlioB deOartDB awrtlal
a of mcalasny sorsblpcn. Tbe body of the'
eototoWee. sUeb win go orer K
tov'btte.lelabd of Fanwaa
aiefaUy to look to ertora la wording,
aooiiclns MM «d «ta*e ibnMK
liland «oea teio eMa. lodar.
toy waraing. la alt Uktolkaod li
KNM Vlw AdmIrM.
Hsrip OhsrioitF. tbe atod widow of;
ft. Petirrtmff. Mar it-^ orderir adH go throagk that aMrator
Ue late Btopeto MaxlmUian of Hex-j
«bo vaodlanloMd (JOB dotr awl <M- The prorislOBS of the bOI are as
srerMs of Ibe' ft. Joseph rirer aad ka ii dyfag in tbe royal castle cif;
streaais asnoaadlag tbU city has ftiBchoBt. near Triesle. where sbe has ^
Party earonaest.
klBeA \1eo
Mara non Wftr. n U ballerad be Party pritoarlea. each party deehl- Actoe gresl daauge. Ox creek, Sirld- bcM eoeftned tor 2S yean. Sbe is a;
tog tost Mala street ia tbe ^toess sister of King Leopold of tbe Belgians.
ig to UsMf U it wUl-ow tyatea.
vat angarad at hb dlsmMal.
ftawlMa of nawinsilag goremor ■eettoe. to oa a rampage aad ^ street
d water. Nearly IcMcy of ttiM. Mrm. Mar)- Qaberty. i
aad ItoMsuatltorarDor. to be dwided ______ __
Oklabawa Otr. May 11.-A d
by an partlw U Jowk IMM. tahwhsiea tolf a soon of baslaesi bonsra bare aged Ti. of Chkago. and ber sm> |
Thomas. S5. bare disappeared ftoai
been tareed to etoae.
Mtag wmede atrvek the tewa e^ bdlag toaBdatorr.
--------------------Ijeescy Oty. where they had geme to
•ayder, Okta. a twee M UM IMMkL .Ooraraarabditoateaaat goreraorto
get it. It is feared they may bare |
tasts tarty mliee «nel d tbb city, lot be aototostad at that tiaa, naalaamet with fool ^ay.
•tpM Mtd arraaked abeaawrwir I
ties Mt to take eSaet It party
Maxim Gorky has receired perrslF'
to thaplaaa. A rapot weeirM hara it does not at saaw time aeeep
ttaB to lire laywhere ia BaaaU except..
appa an oMlmMa Uib matnieg p
lagllab Marrow, cooper hawk, ebickrii
the naobar of Ulidt M bet
plaralUy vote, over M par eewL eaf^ev the capital.
aevew» W a bvndrad and tbe H^irad efeat for aatolaatioc. Prortotoa to hawk, goehawk. ehajpobtaned hawk. ,
uembartt always eu like!
at m BHoy of wbem arlil die.
■tala ecaraatloa If ao taadidato geU tbe great homed bwL the crow, tbe]
■aaildto aad the mlUdae. laclodlag the ^
Sbe baa lost been pro-]________ '
-------------ftesan anderialora left Oklahona 'tUa rata.
This to tbe reatot of tbe ] rtrioaally eleeCed a asember of Ibe So- P*S^<i*oStofe
City rritb a oarlaad of caMota far the
wet Botolaatloa opUoaal la aB po-{
I»»« tolt
1 Hety of Men of Letters of Paris.
atricMi city tMe oortUag. A ralief luteal dtotrtota aad tiKte aabmitted to
Praas Joarf has BO Bse for The AastrlaB goremmeat la taking T
Me aoe bufrled to ftiydta^
roten of any party when la pM^eot;
murderer, royal or e
Bcticm agntost forelM life Insarsace,.
•e tbe Mtoi d the dtoeter wae^.re- of that party's Toten. shown by roto
CMtly. when King Peter of Serrla.
OB geremof. petltlOB for yabmtolea.
aewwlB of King Alexander and hla the esoeptlrt of Oermaa eoaecnu.
queea. asked Ihroogb the Serriaa eooWaaatah. lad- a.lDwa of 2on lababpntll 1M raids Mo ths <
tall eltettoas la INC.
. OMyAW^rtalraM trail
Oandhtou tawirtag giaateat tram- eal at Vleaaa. wbeiher It sroBld please itanu. boasts a “Stark club.~ wbotc
leertre him, he was
W«f wotw to any dtotricL aaeaptlag
taak a «
told in the ptolnwt poeelble maaaer deal Eooeerelfi
la patUen of tbe town.
plaa. to be eaaiidarad nototoatad.
that he would better reasalB away.
elde qaastloa.
Only elgW buHdlags are left standof a sbee toeiory ia
^ aeaadsl la the aaUoaal order of
li« In tbe imie town of tnyder. Tbs aad ooagiwaakMl oSotoi to be aoaaSpiapwti low rdU waeb SKftaeO. Tbe BSUd by dlrM role U dtotrtet ae- Uarages. Pmnee. who tar aereral days {Abraham. Lerrle Lertn, out
treasurer, baa been or***t^“'*^atom teas set oMtaned to tayder. «a eepttog ptoa with arte ataaptMa of
the Meanlal eoaroailon nns---- -------- • •fte «ey to tbe atrNtes tows tMs dtoiUJadgaa
Tbe bSI pawed » to S. Ooremor has beea released by the geodarmer.l___________ ________________
WMSbto Uto deM -end-lnjurad
-pMd is itato.eIgM «f the r^ Warner ia giwatly pleased rrttb Ibe
The famSy wto'ewartod «K of
Of aU great aaUoaa the Valted
--«ddw. owe. Mey n.-Oeav of
Stales of America hare la Ibelr peaccThe Chkage Strika
PMeea trataiBid. who sera
Chicago. Mat it—Awtotaat Chief ttme staBdiag ai
tf apeeU tntaa, are elearlag tbe
ley-of tl
t.iao prtlee rmW guard nearty t.OM
t^thetoraedo W<
1,000 citlxena. Tbe oppoeite
Mm an idtaatog to rrtolW and a w- wagoai which the employen expected
. enrioosly cooorti, Is reached by
Utf MMttlea BiM tbU moTBlag to to WBd oat with aoa-anloa drirere
■aka gMb tor htadllag the aappUes during tbe day. CoadlUtma remained another rapublic^Fraace—which ha*
quiet la Chkago today thoogh a few, one soldier for erery aerentydsro of
- •
' lU popBlaUon. Italy has cme soldier trOublesOme.
to erery 100 tubjerts: CennaBy. —'
Utot fte total Bomber of (atalltlcs U
. ' . Prebete Court Mattora.
to 107: Auatro-HoagSTT. one to
Piebate eoart was a busy day m ■ad Great Britaia. oi I soldier to erery
day. trro cases oomtog ap before Judge tts subjects. Beigina. barlag a
Walker to adJoBimenL Tbe era! case ,ulatlooofBOt mom than 7.000.000. has,^ WeU OS a CUrC.
Mtartabyrg. Pa, May ll.-Tha barrt
patitloa to the
____wldier to every ISO Ir——lag Of an air bow an • fertgW rfain
ior Ibc estate ofisnsala hu one solder
eaawd tbe low of abawl twenty lieM.
who died at Grant; e( Its aabJceU; Japan, one to SSO.
tbe- injary of ■ hungeod paopto wit
A dtltea who U InUmately neqaiat_______
train, tbo asateuettoa by
Sm af tba paeasngae train awl the thiaeawaad two daughters, to ahWG I cd with George D. MOellaa; mafor of;
taMWng of a pert af the frelpM train la a M.00# etlal*. Tbe potion Sled tn 'N,, York, declares that he baa am • when coWs abound muu
lyou’ll have nocold. Take it
early tMs fnaming on the Penw
rta mUmed In Sewth Haretobweg.
Ttoe oaeand ewtien d the Cleveland
I least eMoamed.' he adds. -He may{and it cbecks intlamina<
MM CInrtainMI asprwea. vM to
to fcertrc altealioo [tore woaadt to nuno aad numes tion_ faeals tbe membraOCS :------------ptaMid into the wraoMd frettht-traln.
throat and lunira
aiiplif l MB aara at dyvumlta and from Judge Walker was a communi-:,hcm. bot If he does be goes Into s , ,u
ealloa trow the mtailalflmtor. Mary! tack itmm to do It. Just oocc since be
alwwtag the grawnd wMh tbs dead and
■B. iMckn-of tbe Oitehel wtn«. Sbe: h.. been in o«ee hw he qunlled •• and dnVCS the COld OUL
ItaasM baptoa.. Thera vnra 1M paw
to a UtoMe to artl rart Tbebenltbc^
A-n ^
crtata rttaatad la fraeUoaal lota e
rwre lartBamtad.. Awang the paaaanDaini St Tiwess exty, mirt
tlaaie can* SCOTT t lOWHE. CbMlstS
gan on the train rww many praaai- LoagLaka. Tbe petiOoa waasmnied., after will t
Brooklya girl, rrbo
see-tu Psect aweea lew Terk
nant peraaim.. Mr. aad Hra. Tladrtt.
VkTllJ”To’!lTwlo.!«««««rtn, from, aevere attack of i Atoertl.M . . , AakrtglM
tbe Ibtter the dawghtor af «•
every year the stole make, adlttribu-'' i
_______ -------------------------------------KnM vrara anwng thaw rwperte
of tbe primary aebool iaiemmj
jwead. Mm. Atbart A SatTand Md
trw daaghtain. tha family af the fund derived from apeoibe taxes
adRar and praprletar af the PHttowfe among tbe towartitpa sM cUem of Ibe I
h*«r appoRl^BmenL wbicta:
Pert were laJurM but net arttouefy. cute.
1|-t ' ShitoerL A theatrical man rws wqs made today, la at the rale ef sixty |
atoa hurt. Mart af the injorto are caato per caplu. The November M-;
New York people- N* Mkhtgan peo- porttonaent wUJ be tar a largm auai.
pk'were in the rereek ee far n knewm Acoordlag to ibe prvseot apponiooUp u neen elghtatn bedtoa have meat Uere wiU be dIetribMed MU.batn raoaveeed fram the wracto Five KUO among tbe aeveta] eoamtoe of
tbe etofe. GraSd Tmveme eoaniy will
baaa been MewtiBed. They are
C Sthmrwiaii. Phltodelphla; Hn. Mary leoeire »».K«. there being S.«ie cbi:We are willing to tak« all the risk, because we know what VITONA has done for others. You have
Oaugberty. Phlledeiphtol C. Kahiman. dreo lb tbe eoirary.
everything to gain and nothing to lose. VITONA is positively guaranteed to cure that "Wor~
AHaana; SngirMae H. K. Th
- Wemm nag Trrtrw.
Out Feeling,” Malaria, Rheumatism. Citarrh. Dyspepsia, General Debility, Neuralgia,
ttoaver. Hay It.—Dearw raff was-1
IndigesUon. Eczemia, Sciatica, Female-Diseases, Nervousness. Heart Disease
ten, as well as freltht eoaduetom aad
art in Uw wreak.
and Kidney and Liver Troubles.
eagiacers. hare oeders to keep tbe
trarts. wtthta the cHy UblIU and be­
Primary HI Pawed Senate.
' Laaalag. Hkb, Hay 11.—Tbe aeo- yond lbem..olear of U(e womea and
rt primary Mil baa reached third read­ children wbo Mke h a hnMt to follow
FETEK? ? y
TITOSA k- • Ptartj ".’tatl, nmdT \
ing. karlag pa*Md the commitlee of Oat ears toded with coal la order to
the mbrte tort algkt after a Arc koars' pkk «p blu of eoaj that laU.
trip, warked every toeb of the way
with S^Uag. BeMor Browa leadtag tke coal wfekb tbe women arc able to


•rtkTMk ooemred li>4»7
■eltl nd tortr
m npoiUt
UM. Th««D*f«»
dWarUMMi oeeat
•a* ttot K tab dtM
a tbe uwn» wUi *re *i U« •«*.
K ou'ta orrM «u Mor* taMUaad



CCvifiiiSU :




I Bun tin Stomm. at


The Kind
Yon HaYO Mways Bought
In Use For Over 30 Yeara


PERE Marquette

iSKS-'-jajr.J JL'ItB i









K%j=r.y fs.srwiW!

„rrrr,sr.i;r,'^ s»tt.

Did You Get a Bottle of Vitona?



100,000 Regular Size $ 1 Bottles of Vitona Free
Vitona is Guaranteed the Best Spring tonic in the World

to a raiing by Uealeeaat Goremor
are itoltaae and
**-»•»—* tbe bBI woaM praUhly have
lU dress they
wy are ool la tiiU
1111111 (be senate last alght. As M
e a liae^brdaai sl|rsm)s
R to likely lo pass ihk ahenwon.
the track aad
ttoagh there win be ab cSon made to
ef tbeir red
add owe or two ameadmwu even then.
oomlag app Uke
Ul fate be aeeaj
Srtoibrt Ue bOl win |was the bouse
a. U pnwed>^ arntta is SMthei
death atortag himi to
in the face it he
lar: It to art Hkrty Oat It w!D. Tbe docaat Map bM atop qnirtly.
nn-Ti^T- waatnri tostoted anaam- Bto hfivy tmla k at a dead
apgrade brttre be to
Jertty V.M as a SarttteaUoa ta

to nSM. in oat tbTpeepm U Wrt
wmmtertweUU tarty.


Friday, tha Puaiwiawi ut

July. A. o- leoe.


I wUI try MMT « 'mrry *r
i W0I try i* >« w *yf» I
M«rM I MA.
i.«U try to kt ttoriMft M|M
•« kM to MwjMy «to to
•tory.iNtof tototo
X a I «w toll to trytot to <•
IttoM thiRCt, I «UI "Try. try

Mate cur. Apru to. i»».
ar Prteidtei-1 aa aotos to write
D and M yea kacrar (bat 1 aa aU
rlgu.' I bare M aniitoe lor a ha«
Uae. 1 tera a toetbar aad a elatte
who «teld Ute to loto tte BneUaa
etob. Tbdr aaate are Beairtce aad
brt. pm* tend thaa rardi aad batae. wen. I win dote tor ihlt Uae.
Ayr I!.
Wimaa H. Borenih.
BUteU. IttolL. AprO tt IM.
Dear |>n>aUeBt-i aa totof to mo
tf n>a *01 aaad no a .SneUae card.
(0 atteo) BO*. I aa to tte
thlni reader ap*. «.
B.A.BryuL My brother aad I are
totoc to awd Utatter.
ac a card ate bettoa. Well. I am fotog to claw tor tUi Uao.
Toart traly,
ift %.
Alloa Ooaiey.

■•tototAMdt to tte W>. pMkiac dir
onr tkMi traly Md «M».
‘■IT litter ftoOite toe. I eM Ui
Uto 1 dfoptod tltoto »U: ted tkoM to
tte koto *01 wter itov tktor \
ft«to ateee trend. I la »etoito%

Patter «ae aick *ltb a »lo« tarer.
aad editoc ae to hto badalde ac I
eaae to. be atootely «aeattoaed ne Ir
retard ae to ho* the aeede -teM oat.'
WUh toHly. doeroout eyae. I uM
hito I ted ptoated tte aallra doM ai
te dtreeud. cteepttoi the tota'i
Ml yoa dropped all tte eoter he
•akte hto vu face loohtoc ap trea
tte -white pOlooi.
-Tea." i aoawered to a low toae. aai
the* weed to tte vlado*.

vuud a lev leede badly. U w<
bad any to apare. ‘ I thoetbi eurd)
there «oeld be a plat-or
TeU Joha to ptoet beaaa/a
cl tte rowe that eoeuia do paa^
redaKefMtaa. Mich, AprO St IM-U I ted oaly kaoea te toteedad
Dear PraeMt I haea aote a hsTlac teaaa plaaud to oae
tototer^ Saaebtoa bauoe ud card
to Ihe beat. I aever wnld
•ad bopa jM *01 adad ae a bom* teee borlod tboee eecde." i thooght
•adcard. i te»a a pet tat. bw I la»e
4tog. I hue ibrea hrottera UJ
ae there then eoeaed no help ter
tve atotore. My beotter to stda# to what I bad done.
Mtevltkaa I ihlak thatl wUI etoee
day ter two weeks i cecreUl
rtoltad that grave ot poapkia seeds to
Tawa (rely. el (te eanAMd. to
Ate t
RatodI Coarj.
no craektog d the cartk to
garaa Uroegb toto tte naTte SteM«l».
Bk BapUa. MUh. AprU 9.-1M.
, Tte toy ttey qrt
Pter rptedew-^ (beoCU woeM j nght. bat teead no etoa (hat there
write a««A u t ha»e tot wilUte tor life beoenth. Tbn I relaxed ay vlg
Tte teni «te iB »4dcKi
Itonce. ate to a tew weeks bad forgotted ton Iter aide, yn waM ten atoattltoe. Ia»-ftodte« tn-iKX ay sto. bta tte poaelbUtty bl
. toH
here agato aad I thtok all tte
Be vu I ktoi—tke ald«M.
Tte tost d Jnly. toiher was able
aad got gaUe a ie». Thto to Butor
•mm wutod ikto «te* nand ttet; •nday aad *e Wt a good Baater toe- mp over hto Adds lytog aear t
• -•■II told toit tt *n dmdtol
eon to oar Soiiday ecteol aboet whal _ons.byahe help d hto eaae. la ooe
To tar I hud am on anad
happened <m Bwier Senday. I like aty d hto wdks 1 teloed blB. ud ugelber |
. 0( AU ttet pradoto teadbiL
assed thnxi^ the conteeld. the
Saaday acteol teacher rery Boeh. t
got a prite tec leamtog tte boa bllto DOW wavlag with cue a foot to
While otten add. 10 tone Ito nrU
wrete oat fli the Blblp. Cteool to eo height, ud puapklD vtoa te»>
WtoaM be tte tetohi «( foUr.
oat and I am glad boeaaee 4 «U
tetog over the groead belwea
Halm tter pathta viU tte drta
¥toU erlth By gtondtaiher ate pateAad MUtod Ua Sae or HourOar toetatepa were ametod by
aotter (hRMfb vacattoa.
Tte barbel^ ■
getog to Bove oei bare thto weak. As nrlMt toggle d viasa. whoae matted
thto totiar to geutog toag I thtok It Bstworh covered a large circular spot
wUl take ep too Bneh ioob to the pa pUlalrvUttrie to (be eon.
nad aaat wai al^ cxytoc.
par or crowd acne other tottte. Please
-Why! how to thtor ntd fWher.|
. Tte antoltenld.'Why. hdlo. Beet. and ay Mater Htoale a card ate hot- atoeplDg to erlUeallf exaailiie the
ton. ate *UI he Mght'yeara oM. Good gronad. “Here are vines by the eeorc.
dwarfed beeaeie eo thltely planted,
bye. wiU tore to aU tte Boa
but puapUa Ttoa. surely."
Tear trvlr.
My bean gave a great thump as the
Ah. won. (te Btet aoM tote Ito Urd*.
troth flashed across my aBd. Tfati
. AageU, Web.. April 14. IB*.
Tte etadto ytoU Ito tiaanre;
Dear rreeHeat-l thoegbl I woaM ww (he very spot where I bad hlddea
Tteaafil a« (tar a atogte day
te to te a BnahBar. wo. n wooJd tone eeedA and owlagto tte dedh <d
rwaay htoadteh pitenw.
M ptaaaa aead Be a eard aad bab sol! that covered tbeai. they bad gerBtoatod slowjy. bet bad Anig^ed loto
Ate Tkn that boart *oik-*ai act B bu ben a baaatifel day to- tbs light at last to coodemn ae.
toy. t «aat to aebool. My (eacber-#
dated Boi speak, ud falber reSpear, ttetoveryktod.
Tte ecalw vara araa. aayte:
_ to bae* aaerctoee at oar Mtoed eUept. poking bll caae Into the
fW tatoar gtoaid a Wtla au
oa Arbor day. Tbto to all grond aiDoag the vtoa oatlt be hail
Wtea aattar toil ter baby.
anemthed a bes« d swolleo aeedi.
. -Waaey Byrd Tmr. to SL KMholaa. ;farthla tlae.
daarliig. bat more with colling,
Age 10.
long pale aprootx cropping from their
Tnverae Ctty. Wte.. AprU M. IM. •hdto. aad ottea with well-developed
Whn year preMini got down to
Dnr PrsMdtol-1 I
cMyledenow leava.'
tte oaeo .thto mratot tee tend let- Tiuf thto. hecanss I
At laet. he looked ap. and keealy |
tM n b« Ml f>«B two d her Bb» -ut to' te a Uttle _ .
annlng ay criaioa. oonacloei face. i
telna glrto, and n tte nvatape Tte Plwse end ae a eard aad bettoa. I
•aU. "Daaghter Helen, to this year]
wrtttn a twto Ban tbte teeteer. Wee
to tte ktodeigSJtea tor test ote workr
Batvenoa. aaylng there were We week. Mia BUItogs to ay teeteer. aad
There wu sate a rtop d love ud
bean d ftowera dot to tte hall bteto^ I Hhe her very mote. I was very site
grid to -hie Uaea 1 was eonqecred at
tte deer. U «w alaoet •• eadttog ai tact weak and tte doctor wn vp to aee
once, aad thiewtog ayselt at hto feet.
ChiWawe. to go.oM and hatt thca ae (WO or tbroo ttaae. bet I aa get
I sobbed forth tte whole story.
apaad cm tbea. tnaldew
ttog better. I want to gel wMI te I
Father dU not scold. He said my
titel Mtee. “hem aad glrto," oowallpe «u go te steoot and toare to stag ■m reacnstol tboagbts aad lots o(
and great Un paaataa. *n eo prettily
1 qan tnte ay
armied that It wM n added pieesvie
Bcnga. I was flve yeari dd tost bat going borne be toU Me In' bis im-;
to lookaltten. There were
Matte. I wut to see thto-to pHat
preoslro. beaatitol way that bad hab-j
that tte dret tbo*^ wai to ehare
Tonn tnrir,'
lu and bad aoUv— to a life may bc|
tiM srttk ethere. 00 after a trig bweb
Joy Rill.
bU. like seodt uad— gronad. from Uiej
h«d teen pel ce yo«r preildni'a dM
of toe wortd for a time, bntj
mneiter was tokai Into tte editor^
a TSist WHI Orow.
er or later their rank grosrtb will |
retn. and tte mt were divided bo
push toetr way through uy cloak <rf;
twen two Mck tadtw who love
hypoolBy that bad been carefully!
nd wte wID not be aWe to go oet to
drawn over them.
tte woods thto swlog end get any ter
Wtea 1 see young people indulging Jhimnh^ Tte Booen to tte oBoe
I toiempsrato haBlu of any ktod. ae-'
ggve iHnna to every one <
to; n Oo ooBstane that etorted whan ,aBar ac. as i etoend tte cUp^arA
TThuPt Ualveaoo end AJaa Brdihbox aad dlivar to band, on ay
way te the cornfldb.
At flrat ay ute aoeaed aethlag but nat of Wiated. eprauling pumpkin i
play. The com had already been plut- seeds that sr—Id not raaMa out of.'
utua white <nas too tale U
ed. and the flat hoe mark oa the tte Mghv Bod bow. like ihent. toe livtog |
this week IMI d good work doM la d nte hlU Ptatoly showed whore I
ms of bad tboughfa and habits will
sekaM yards an Arbor Day.
was to otewd t£b poapkto seeds toto very soon crop above ground la the'
ptoa bdorteud neat year, and see U tte Bellow earth.
we nnnol get ah ’(te eeteols whB*
Bow adier row. I fidiowed ap ud
then ate Saatetnere to ptaat ttc< down the floM. aktpplag aaa, pluUng'
- Hto OrtloBU-lfomofy.
M aake tee yards aere bcaaiTtol.
-T—lhrak ago—deal of your mem t
and etui the box d seeds did net
ory. d—'t you. John r
Ortati. MMh.. Apru U. l»W.
4 ar m-T—. ay dear."
Ten tlaa hnd I P
-Th——ppMe y—stop to a depari-1
(to tin dlpafr-tosa tte seed-box.
bring me t— yards <d
woedn box to white window gtoss.inent
bMMM l have not written to alow had been packed, narrow ud deep- pale blee beagallne. two yards d yelttoa. I aa weU asf «o to steoM ud
deep It did not seem to have any' low etaatoe. ptola: a eeUar frame, else
•BA k^ptKty Mayflewsra. I wtte J
puapkto i Ko. II. with mended potats
Mt^tty weted pet ane aose to|„rts ogata ud agda. to sec U they id h k sHk. No. •«. mad a yard of;
». Oer school
almost gone.
lauTowsd fsalherlKine. Then get. a
Foertsee aer«.n>wa. seveh d them poend d alxod tea. ud while yoe'ri'
My etadtos are artihasUe. phyMaMgy. to be pluted. ud toe oppoaiu llahs^dowa itei way-y— may u well pay
gMteMphy. laagncs. leadtog ud eg too 'eocafloM would te rea—ed—' tte ptoao r—t and aak tosm wsead np
ipelUte I aa nine yenra pU tte tut and erory rota— lo'boHovo that tte j a taner eltoer Toeoday or Friday nftcr^ r
d Jdy. I will have to deu Oood- aosds sr—M Bat till tte whrte fleM > no— bslwe— two and (our e'elod;.l
vu pluted.
* And see' if y— cu And a e—Me of
Agnes Bayern.
to—tw—tj cTBto-had If ihere'a I
■St •apMs.-Mtoh.. AptU 'lT.
hlB toll ■
—y Bint to tte market—why. John.!
eheoM ptont half tte held with p
wbat'a the aattorr
baton. 1 wnoM Hko a iota yonr Bu- kins and halt wUh beaaa
■Oe y— expert ae to ko— ell ttesc te wuu ae to drop
•hbatete. 1 have lea brothsn My
inuotewlter tonu yen and eto theas Bsi sevea mwsl* I argoad with thb«stoatadr
-You brag ah—t y—r aemoty, d—T
■sute dd. tfy otter brother to six ayeeit. -I aa-ea-e^ ant-Ured I
rears oid aad te woMd Uks w ieto baUete I will go hoac." aad heeptag y—r
Uy porch door.
"T—. hot do p— thtok t w—t U:
tte a—^vw deb. Pleaao nend n'.a sharp kokoat
carto utbdau. My bietteca’naans thd op—ed toward the Bold, aad a srreekodr-Wonark Kesrs *.
are BobflL ten. Vtoent and Neble | gaUty gBace aroead toe prealsea.
tte sUpa of tte Vaited todes
TyrreO. r hare tor pets a cat end a te —1« an vas was loofctog. I fclehad
hUty- Frea
la deep bole to the adow nil with ay nary en bd— sappltod wtih smd lar
Heary Tynea I ban foot, ud poend into It tte n-^hUa.

Stories Fioto ibcU^ mooiy
For HOchteaii Bws and Girb

After toe dose of (te BevoltitloaarT ^ar the cloods of lUfedag becwen\Engtand ud America never faUy cleared awny.
indeed u tte au c—lary opened, they begu to gather aen
thtakly. and soon aaother etora «f war was ready to bom apen
*• '
The Ittdtaas wen all sUrred up again. Tte tegtleh ooottonally seat eaUmies aacag tbea to lodtc them agalan toe
Amertesas. and they had thdr wrongs to aveage. also: Pontiac
was dead long age. hM enotoer great ladlu dilet had arisea la
toe aerthwat. Teenaseh, of the Shawnee uUoa. a powafel
sebaraeter, per^ even etroager to Intellect aad will tbu Poatlac.
FtotoluUetr. Oen. WllUam H—ry Harrlsoa. the governor d
territory at this Uae. was brave aad eoergetlc, and
knew bow to dnl with both nd-ekloned and ndcoatod dwtalee.
la Un. be dMUed the Indlus oa the Wabash river ti toe battle
of Tlppeeuoe. wbh* kept ttea quid for a Ume,
Oov. Hull amai ttaf winter of lIll-lJ to Waditogion. and
was vary anxloni over toe dcfeneeleu sUte of Ulehtou. He
foreeew the CMnlag war. He was eSered a mlliiary oommud.
and with an nray of flfteen hnndred men. left ftaytoa. Ohio, tor
Detroit. wUeb pUee he naebed toe sbeto ot July. I81A Menuwhile, war bad been declared with ButUad. though Unogh neg­
lect Oen. Hull wu not Infotaed ot toe tort until two weeks tour.
Orders Vere given to Cfou ever Into Cauda and take Fort
IfaMen. He went, but alowlp ud to a balf-beaned fubloa. HU
ogteert and aea wen t—dy and uxioas for aetloa. but after a
" atgito »P—t la Cauda to InuHoa. be recroeeed toe river aad
retomed to Drtnll, bit oommud furious with rage at what Ib^
oouMend hU cowardice.
Oeneral Brock, the British coamuder. at once tfoved to
Budwkh. oppoMte Detroit, ud prepared to commence bosUJilles.
A suHry Angurt moralag. too aky covered with a base
thrimgfa which (be sun sboae with a pale, sickly light; a lUUeas.
uthappy Bcralag. to which nature sseacd to syapntkUe wlih
toe moods of men. was toe one which toe flfteenih of August.
Ult. btod^i to Demit. Even the children ceased their play
and clang frotinlly to their mother's aklns. while oa the areet
ceura thrtr tolhen gatoend to despondent groups aad talked
of what tbs day might bring.
The sue was not half way up the eastern sky, when toe
cUller of a bone's hoofs na slug the streets, as u oflleer from
toe fort dashed through toe town. shouUag a warning to all to
seek a place of safety, as a Are would donbtless soon be opehed
oa toe place from the uemtes' batteries at Sudwicb, acm toe
- i
At once, a pule prevailed. HonmtoeW articles of vatan
wen hssUly packed for carrytog away, or concealed la some ute
place. Woinrt ud children sought for hiding places. Some
steller a; the tort, a^ t^ri found refuge la a deep ravlac
•ear the towp. mldltf then' were brave women whb stayed to
their osm homes, ud .guirtly begu to prepare budages, and .
■aMte rudy W take care bribe wounded.
At aooa.a boat bearing a rlhg of irnce from toe cneiay was
seen coming across the river, and soon arrived alth a ceasnd
from Oeneral Brock for the immediate lurruder of toe post.
Adttod 10 toe enrt snmmoM wu u InUmallon tort If It wu re
fased .-toe anmeroua bodies of Indlaas who lad aliscbed them­
raid be bey—d hts c—irol the momeot to-.selves to bis ii
S General Hull wu tom with c«mOa receiving tbls a
d bU pride both urged him
toflght. His great lendereeu of beat towards those wbo
belpleu to his charge, ud toe (snr of the teMblc fate (hat might
He bed
c held —t.
come up— U
—ly a toouaud men who were to good flghttog order,
ar—nd him were the aged- belpleu women.* ud tittle cWMr—.
' hto ova daughter And her ebildree belcg aa—g (be haaber. and
the with her arms tfarosm around her old father's neck, had
begged tfim to follow toe dIeUlos of buaully ratoor Ihu of
pride. His provisi—s were growing soiree, ud bis way to Ohio,
where were supplies ud reinforcements, wu cut uB. He blBscIf
sru growing w—k with the foebicners of coralns age In mind and
For iwo hours he ilctatocd the flu while trying to decide
wliat It wu best to do. At length, urged on by the force of the
argumenis of bli soldleri ud ofllccre who galheri-d round him
eager to meet the cacay. be refused to surrender.
At four o'clock to toe afterno— cunonadlng commenced,
ud shot ud she!! so— begu to mskc bsioc In the town, while
toe h—ru of the poor, helpless non-comUaiaoif grew sick with
fear u they listened to toe to—der of the cudob mingled with
toe cruhlag of the roofs ud walU of ibeir homes.
Daring the bombardment some curious taeldenU orenrred.
to —e hoae Mtusled — wlat is now th- corner of Wordwsn:
Bvenne Ud Ooagreu street, the (sally, who bsd remained In
tooir own home thinking U wu uaafe as anywhere, ut down to
cal their sapper. Sadd—ly there wu s terrifle crash, ud a targe
then «*me tesrtag torongfa the celling. Its fuse burning brlghily
and cmlitlng aohower of spuks. ud making Us-way dlrartly
toroagb too tahta hod toe floor, landed in the erttar. As may be
taneled. toe medl cune to a sudden end u all arose and fled to
(he street.-wbicb they had acsrObly reached before toe shell ex­
ploded. abaitering the bouse into fragasnis.
Another tocM—l wu very amnslng to those who —w It.
wteuvsr h aigbt have he— to tor princlpm a
booae down by toe river lived u old Freortta 9 who. baring
lived through more (bu ou of these or—tful se—sa la Detroii'r
history. Koksd at this u a rather trivial aSalr. Aa the toU'
bsrda—t coma—eed. ho leued eardeuly against toe doorway
of bis bo^. smoUiig his pipe and wstcblng (he Uellg u they
whlued in kmg. cnrvlng Slgbu overhead. Pres—Uy s great mis­
sile took lu wsy directly toward him. He puffed ser—tly — nntU sudd—ly be felt hto pipe knocked froa hU lips ud amt fl—lp
la ^ik— ptooes to tbs ground. He stood dusd for a moa—t.
' to— beeeM turtous with Indignatl— st the InatL Hr msbed
toto tbs house, aaaiefaed dosrn his anskel from where It hug
— the wan. dashed —t agato and wsdtog Into the river — fir u
te could go. Bred St the battery which wu tor beyond hU ruge
serosa tos river. getfU—latlag wHdly la his wrato. uatU bU aaaaaltl— wu aU gaoe. «h— he slowly made bU wsy bMfc boar,
ponalag verari«»eity «o shake hto flat pt tte eeeay. aattertag
mcOBwhlle toi—ta.of veogosnee aoUnsi ihe rurally rrdmau
^who had brek— hU vreehna pipe.

All nl^ lengn«»—bon-nd sad nhM and ntell nhrtaknl.
•ad bowled ovateaA. Then wne UtOs sleep is Dsmk that
A height aad tannilfnl Sabbath annlng —at nt Iasi.- ^
Then waa not a Cdote to tte aky. and a M ht—ar rtptead tte \
nnrtoee ot tte river toto npatUlag waves Tte uaaaadtag
naaaad. and In tte hnsb thnt followed the aomtog mag <A ton '
biids same bwMt and clear tram tte woods behtod the town.
But no <ae ehred to Ustu to song of Wrds or brense nr rtppltog.
water. All srcee f»*"g ui and down tte river, for la wide expnnu wu dotted with ennoee and boats flUed with uarteic—ted
soldlen. ste toe snnllgbt sparkM brtgbUy on handrods of pMIthed bayonets.
A BUe below tte town tte BrRtah isnded. foeaod. and
iMr aarch. Steadily onward to^ caae*. tte anldlsra ia Slagle Ble non tte river, tte tonst heyoiul ton swumtog with todlans hastcnlag u toward the doaByed town, toclr
savage hearts fliisd with wild Matioo.
The AaeiiteBs'wen welt posted and bad gresUy toe ah'
vahiage of toe enemy. Part srere stailoned to tte fort, a detach
a^t to tte apper part of town, aad the naalader behind tte
Iowa's paUsades. Oa n little ealtieoce etnoe by two Sf-punndctv
WON to position to sweep toe ndvucing eolnan.
At last toe while length cf the rand glowed wlih aosrM M
foma The firiUsb had ranched a petot wUhto flve bondrod
• yards of toe fort, and whare a shot from toe atfraiiecd baUetF
Would sweep the whole line.
O—Ide each gnn stood the gnaner. lighted match to hand,
waiting the onlsr to flra. It did not eoae. hot toatead. to tte
aasnaeni of every one. came u Imperatlre order tor tte troops ’
to retire wiihla the fort. The a— almost wtni toto open aaUny.
. so—raged were they. But as good aoldlors they obeyed. Ihoahh
every Ibought rabeiled at tte dtograes.
Tte fort wu now so erowdod that toora waa acnreety.rooM
to move wllhlB It. All toe aonilng the Britlsb hauorisa ted
been Bring oecuionally. 'but wiiboni aueb sSoet. Sudd—ly-a
large bill eaae over toe wall, ud cruhlag tbroogh a group of
oflkers killed almost every one of them. Worn— ud ehlldron
standing nenr srere spoUered srtto blood nnd auy were cnivtod
fslnUng nwsy. Another shot tolloM nnd tsrb noMtam tell.
From too s>Tiods behtod the tort sraoe* —vsge wsrwboop. The
•dvnnclBg .troops were do— to tos gnisn.
- Oooerel Hell pneod up nod down Hfce n aoB dtouwMcd
HU isce wu while u death nbirBe-dmric with nervow exdtoa-t like s BU with u ague. An oBoer Boa toe Hlchigu
allKto poM to the town csbm toask him U ttey akae srere to
ded—d iheTrtaee. for toe Brtttab ud Indlau were ctow ap—
them Oenersl Hull —swered not n word, but stepping toto tte
bnmcki hurriedly wrote n note whhA te handed wHh n losri
toned dlrertkm to Us s—. A aoa-t Inter n wUie Bug swung
a the wind above tte fort, sad soon a best with o flag ot l—eo
w— so— ooostog tte rtvor to too diroetl— oTite BrIUah genOrol's headquarters
Tte gona of toe enoay oesssd Bring. IB tte ton and
among toe troops and toe pecqrie ontaMe. the eartend— Ml Uko
a blow. Ko one bad tor u lastaat dreaased that dl srss lo be
giv— op with—t a atroggle. ladesd. no one wu more nstnaUbed (tea the British g—era! blaself. wbo had by no asus
looked tor eo easy a victory If. to tort, be sfa—Id wto toe vMWry
•t all.
As (or Oea. Hull's own soMlars it was —ly
(telr eoBjMBdsr'i grv hdrs ihu kept .them from personal vlolearn. Huy born low tonn of liidignstt—. ud «h— tte.BrUIsb oOeers gathered to receive toM0>—>1 nrr—dor of tte post,
more tou one of the Aaeriew sJbers broke Uiclr ssrords rstoer
ibu gire them up.
Tte reign of toe white flag was brief, and ao— —oe acre
tos red craal of 8t. O—rge wared over toe fort. IM<g*a wu
sg^ under British nils
(To be cMttoiieA.)

with ti nk*. or-hnsktog in tte a
Fatal Nut CreoUfify one Freqoeotly’h
Tbe Uad— Globe warns ehlMr—
not to —t pesch-et—b "a—u.~ ud up— a train as It to ready to otart. ro>e (stal esaaplc’ aatolBg Just 1—g eaough to say goodand toCD. map"A boy wbo knew that aim—d ker­
nels were good, and wbo bad —t— tog oS St toe tower hone or st •——te—th street, be retains to hto
—erry plu. secreted the sti
maber' of p—cbes which tefl be—' diosoB boms, At times, bow—er. Jln:a—t to his mother from the —eairy.' gcring traces cf hli old way of Hvtag.
: ud poeseulng blmarif of s hammer.' seem to Mkc posaeaal— of Ida M
j when left akae. broke tbea op— la- be allows blaself t
qnUe a Jonrney. He hu made sersrsl
’ duslriously. ud to— set to np—
j solid feui. to which be did baaty. bvt trips to MontfmHer and not loag ago
complete lustire. The taste of (te te returnod after u aim—ne ot n—rty
kernels wu not perhaps — a par wHh three weeks. He bad been to gt. LmIs.
prcvloBsly —tee-1 It wu discovered. The irelnm— saM
- ulnrd. but It woultf be ridl—kMU to go : be had tak— In the fair, but Toa himthrough with the eevere labor nf! self vol—teetal no tofermsUoa.
cracking such hard abrils witbont — ! The pet of'ite euttam tea oev—»et
, tertng Into the biiitlon of (be labor |
froai a dog. Me Ja
when once Unload. So toe unlucky ^unn—ally Bociable and gnodastorad.
child wu found by bi> parent on her['c»— for a riU, and Is ge—reUy • —4'
return writhing ta the grievous ag—-;
pf dodlHr. But now abd to—.
IcK pro-'—■' by prussic or hydrocyanic ' ,f p, ^rts he to bolag le—te. goa at
'aria ..nt- arrival ami eRorts of Ihe
realise that he poeseti— Bbll of
doctor were jo vain, and uotot-r lu-m gghttag blood.
For tostaaec. te
had to be kdded to ihc toog lUt ot joeldn'i seem to undoretoad the etl—i *dc*lhs by Impnid—cc.> The writers '
when s F
'on toxicology state that u ounce of ,
p—ch-kereeis contMn about ooe grain < requli^ i
■ of pure bydroeyuk add. ud It is
py railroad friends to calm
known Uiat —e grain of the poison |,,,
temper. AI the word Tom
win aliBost lo s certainty kill uy ,m r„|| over Ukr a poppy. Jump
adult person- Two-thlrds of a grain , .brough a space made by the arms, or
hu very often be— faul, and. Indeed, ,i,od on bis bind It— ud beg.
may Ik- regarded as a fatal dost- for '' -But aren't y— afraid that teTI te
, killed by a train obt of these daysr
one of the men wu
uked. “Ob,
-Ob, I OS—
Tam. t»e Pert Mareorita Cat.
pose so. l-suppose so. wu tte no—«•
Hs Is Boi a railroad employe. b<- wh»« relurunt reply. “He's our —ly
do-a't have to show a tlckei In ordTr studby. and we'd atos torn if Bte: to go ihrough toe statton —te. and «hto« sh-ll >»•»«> ta M. "But.
'traasponailm bu never be- made: ihr«■-«"«'«
toe noi-T-'re a
! oM in hU name. Aad yet Tom, the, preity foxy old fellow, aftar all. aren't
, budsome big tiger cat wbo for some ri>u. Tomt'-DetiWi me J>reet.
|m—tos bu Bade bis borne at toe
- —.
j Pere Marquette railroad tuH—.
; rnamt about and ridef — Incoming
Chiidrea■e Baylaia.
ud ooigoUg trains at bis own sa—t
A putor of —e of (te charetet
' will, aad nobody ever thinks of dispot- here uked his Sabbath aebool wte—
log US right.
birthday we celebrate — (be Fafrib
f Jnly. A little girl's b—4 w— bn,>medlalriy rslecd. end ber answer wu.
btmkry tramp —l l
, iboktag pet of tte plaes Is one whi—
] Bppeert quUe to his Uklng Blmoei uy
I day te may be ss— toisnrely walktag: pto talk of
toe F—rtb c( Jaly
K tte wstttag room u M
I. aad —e day r— to
ways have a kind n ord (or hba; gMlag loraadoro
jnp Ud dowB — a truk pU«d hlgbichuge.




tarn Mo mmg after a thown ta oaer,
Ml eialr a few vkieh poor eot tbeir
UtUa baatU (a aetodr vhUe U» n
ti tatUac. PMatT of Moola an full
faa and saMr-vM* tta hard wort or
tM Uttle W0TT7 comm lo aa ead. Ml
A to am dUtoalt to Aad oae
I a aareae. M(*T tpirit ftofet U
lA tfelM of UUav. Bird aoua.
bam Mae. arc ahrart aeteOBe. bat
. Oarine the aeoring « to a oariaa at national mclpis MU be gIvM In
d by Orawd Trwma haaeakespem. Tboaa raab
tba bM whieb aia^ vbee ibe rain to
talttof to tba beat kwad oT all^Setoct- pea. cavering a wtda map* ef dalMln, am an ghan m arigitaily oaM In the
vnriaaa asqatrlsa from wMeh they wem bmaght by the esntribiriara. or by
roaOMfrleMalntheeeaatriaa aamad. and tbaoe loba try tham
muted ttot they ate the real this*..
Tba otasto of food ai a doMnaat faeFMi balto.
I aagar. oae t^eopooa doer fdisMlrri
tor to detanalatoc baaaa baattb
ads dtb. oae teaspoon eatoito a Utile eoU wa(rr). ptoeb of eelt
» pepper, one egg. onctoa Modalmd piece of breast meat. Ca
aetoaee. aad Ml the aahjeet to ailll loo gtosi w^. oae oaloa. Btoe of an egg.] cabbage t^i dae. poor oa boiaag waiet
caaeraUr toaoied. Hr»toatou
dean tbc dsh. cat to tenHneh pieces, sad leave aUna onlU eold OBoagb U
praacb A wUb am aad boi« forte salt well, let ciand orer algbt. Then j sqoeese. Tbea place to a betlle bslf
aad coealactocaeaa. bat people la fee- vssb wril to COM water, take od skin, dlied vUb water, and add tbe breest
add the oaioa and meat, rtoegar. taUlas. sugar, doa
BoU thine boars.
chop Tcty dne. Thai add egg and wa­
ter fpoutog water to a UUle at a
•oA dmms.
ttoO- Add tbe pepper and pat to saH
Onebair peck beets, one ptoi water
while cbopptog. Make Into balU aad
foor pound| eager, ooc-balf doaea lem
boll ooe boar.^
one.-oae tablaapoua ground glagrr
onebsU posed alBMBd nst meats. BeOoudh for Krcpilek Map.
peeUng from beets, wash thor
To two eggs, add one OB aboil fall
« n«ou 00. m muMM «
ot water aad door enough to roll out oagbly. cat lato small squares, place la
water to kettle and boll. Then add
nicely. Cot U aqaaret
bolt about ooe hour: add lem
bealtb aad that freedom from physleal each aqnare and eloae them.
OBI. after paring and cutUng In smal
misery which to the reward ef the
niltag Mr Kreplick—To one and pieces; use p IHUe more sugar U aecTlght41»or..we mast ebange oar pree- OBWbal! pouada oooked meat, which eswy. Tbea add gtoger and almoudi
oBl atUtnde toward food. vUeb
haa beea chopped Me. add a ima|^oa- and stir once In a while to litep fram
aUltade of cartoaaly mtogtod indWer- km (alao diopped ttorl. <ne egg. aaK bumlag. Let boll unUI beeu arc thor
• MAon. Mm, a
eoee and utterly reckleaadealre fw la- aad pepper to taste. Add a little oagUy teeder. When done sprinkle i
■Biw. so UBO W SUSOISiaC
grease. Put towoop ten mtoaies be­ Ihtle cold water orer sanee. oUr I
«aM aeUcontroL- We
Eartir Mar.
fore eerring. Ia» boll 0»e mtoutea. good, aad place ta cool place. Betnor.
aUeaUots to tbe studynf food to Chiekro soap It eapeetolly good with skto from almonds before nstog b;
(TM ttoM that biota Uto ooBlaf le
“Wa BhoaM aot only aot worry aor iu retotton to health, aad.theo we this, and It la aa tmprevemeat *o cook pooftog orer bot water.
Naairitteafcw tbe
WbN boda an diopplas ebaC
■M ovor (rlBaa, but vo ataoold aot
grmly subject eurnelTee to vhat- a beef soap bone with the ehtokea
Idwakml reetratot the prtodplca when prepartog the eoap
A»d. wafted Cm tbe raeolat rale, wony at all: tor worry win oaly proPsrful »amla.__
Italliy which leads So strong. OMadj
Teat the Toiy ead or reoolt (or vbtob of right eaUag demand.
Ara paapwt odora, ^ aa grief.
To a little flow add tw^
Tbto to a large sabjeet. and I can
e b^er i
logetber Into a dod&i
Nov tbad boah vaai^ a robe of v^ta. we are atrlrlag.
“Worry eraava, mtraeto. dtotorU dtocm only one feature of ooe aabdlOne dosca small carrou. ooe good- better), tbea break the dough lou
t' wntnen.esp>wlally those who have r>
ABd ontoardi blot a leafr aoraai
aad weakeae all the aateral labereat 'tokdi of ft to the preeeat article—rli.. also piece of bresst mmt. one-baU dot small pieces (about the also of riee). haartgy.
t, tlons that arc trying to Ibe aervea.
Wblto tba wtUota drop tbalr toUs of
(oreee of yoBr aatara Ooaataat frat- the byglenk ralae of tbe
J ' l>. runa fural.hes tbe Lwtlag vlgeg
ea potatoes, one cap sogar. one table i ChM tbU dnc. If dough tUcks. sprtnkfor tbe nerves that ssrh people need.
Uag caaeaa a coattooal Mak to the aee «f food.
SPOOB flour (dtasolred In cold valor). | le orer ft a lliile flour before cbopplag.
Abora Use IMpM watan WigbL
of aerroBi aaorgy. Tbto
Thooiaads ot tesUmonlaU tram
A leadtag oaaso of ladlg
Cat up the carrou to small sqaarm or, Hare tcady a dish of boiling water
women la all parU ef the VaiudBlaua
Mav fMgttara ootoa wlU ararp a
leaking growa larger tU ar laat Use the further Uto that spiteg from ladl- pleeef. washing them well. Place' hair: Beawned with a lltUe salt, to a grtd- nerro eensna. The nei
are being received every year, flash
baeoaea eaipty asd yon an geatiem. it the annatoral aad aareasoa- of the eqnartu to an(^tblrt kettle ofjdle near by pat some tot or grease, the reeerroire of nt-rroo.
ansollcltod evidence surely proves that
A ta aarre toroe; to otbar abte Udulganee to oertato arOelea of vaur and add the bremt mesL Cut j aad cot up a small oaioa very floe. Fry eeolcrs become btoodle.
WbUa abtoMwA
reruns U without an equal aa a Bcrve
proper oatriUon.
erorda. yoo baTe aarrona proatrattoo Mod that are hyglenlcally oat ef
up tbe pot^oes in small pieces and put I onion quite brown, to tbe
ThU is e
atbeeprtag tonic and a vlUl torlrorslor.
Before ber tarty taaraa art bom. .
r aorno otbar dtoeaae.
tea. aad the
half of them Into the kettle. Then put place ^r Pbrfol already prepared, in
. KveryaprlBgabcMl of le
-Ae yoa aboold aot worry «rar your aae traMy and to prapoadermting qaan- to Ihe^baUnee of the earrols. placing 1 the dish of boUing water. Let U boll are pndnoed as the direct result of weak
Tba aowtoip aov erlili radiant taoe
met mefrW mil the deneHafcaa toltote aaaabtoe U tba abada, n aSalri. aalCher abouM yoa boil Uty aoch foods aa are nataiaUy to scarest of the potatoes. Boll slowly, and when It thickens, pour Bsn-ea.
Bhafto ef doubt aad latotroat toward ooa; Tbe demands of the palate,
This cos be eaeUy obrtoted by nstog
grease and onkm mto It. Hli thortboaa of foar own. bOMOhoM or af> taadod or perverted, are too often eloagbly together, aad let stand for Just Teruaa. Fernnsetrikesat the root of the
AftMabb aba UMldap to bar ptooa.
dlSbtolty tor Obcroettog the dlgtsUeo.
^ualataaBa. Mr by k> dolag yoo nay towed to aepenede tba dictatea of
a few mtoutea. Sprinkle soger aad
How addarto toBgoa aew gOda Ibe waakae tbalr toreaa aad praroat then
elniiamOB orer top and serve. This U
■ellad Cabbage.
from attainlag ■oeeeai ta tbalr rariooi
to seaaoa of tba year, to a tem­ Two pounds cabbage, one cup vine-1 very good,
half a cupful td water, three eggs, one' with those who grow ihent Theyaro
Tba tana bbtM Utalr woolly colto.
perate dlmate such es prevails over a gar. oaehalf pooad raisins, one cup I
. tabkapoaotol of biillvr, a tea»pooarul| not a ahowy flower. bA tbey have
ABd bom boa beglaa bor tone .
“One of tbe greateat eaaiatoa of greater part of Use United Statce, bat
of any extract yoa desire. Put aagar'other phasing qualiUsa. Me tri Which
Wba^ togpla traaa tbalr Mage BBtold. oiaaklad to doubt-laek of taKb-fallh
Ha osm appropriate and hyglenlcally
and water in a wno-iiaa and boil flf-jls (heir seeming modeety.
la ooraatrea aad la otbon tad to tbc indicated artklea of food. Tt> beglo beaMh» etomach, <ml>. Ttio weak or 1 sooo aa they appear, bum 0« catUnas, Ut-n rolBules. Beat yolks of eggs andj Good brush, four or live feel high,
TM geidtBcb doM bar.aii»aw ooaL
povara abore aad around
with spring there are the early Tcg-Idtseased stoaarh must ailli restrict'and treat tbc mniilated leaves
TM wild baa dioBaa bar loanow
silr into boillug syrup, fat pan In^mskes a good suppial for the swset
BTembiBg touat and tberelOre will elablee whf^ aatum prorides and de- Itself, (bough p.:Aapi noi quite so sltoht spraylnp with telphur,
.boaaanother rrf h.H water and rilr with a] |>saa. Wire nwilng Is agectini aad^
rigidly, to UghV.aad easUyjUgcpMblc i
oat rigbt. U wa bat hare the
ABd battaretoa of barty taea
whisk UDill U begins to takken. then | gaosnlly wad on aecosmt of ns
fhilb. if vo boM ooreelrea to tbe right
ta aiBtol oaaabliw baak aad doat.
add hotter and wbftos of eou- beaten i sees and convenience,
BMUI aultade to all oar letotlcM diet of wtot^. It Is ptotoly natore's
to a froth, lastly the axtroei. flttr on«< The wild cucumber mskas a preUy
Mm wm MbAow pItM bar taat
with tba pbeple wttb wbon
totentfon that the ^lef element of the
mlnuto longer and It it rwdy to serve, j rlas for tbs north rerflads. its ftiUagu
BaBMtb tba vaaa to grora aad Bald.
in eoatncL Doubt aeror s
spring and aarty eassmer diet ehalt be ordertog of diet Few Amertcaas.-S! Insect life, but does not tojore the vegCaraWl Baace—Put ooe capful td ', has a crisp beamy, lu flowers are airy,
Aad btoiayi aU the wouada of Uto
fear, fdtow nature's hints to this rv; cuble ktogdom.
(altb aoTor to raaMhbad.
In a small frying pan and stir on! grocriul sod so prufose that tbc oollre .
epeet, and to doe time, tbetefore. asBust on Iry Oerunlom.-Tbe Bor“Mr
the Are antlt a dark brown. If you Ilk- . Ine^meins flecked wHh loam. OIra ft
By errbart btooM and lUae aeast.
Id doebt. aabaUtoU tbe pociUre scads these pradueti to tbe order la tare cgacu ber toeriuble peaaliies.. deani mlxtniv. properly applied. U ef- a strong caramel flaror: of not. umll: a wire neuhigtncllmb over and It wm
-baba BoiToogba. la tba May Sertb- qaaUltee of love and faltb-tba lore
which they seem to b* needed. Ptrsl It to to be hoped that. In the course of ; lectirr.
only a light color. Add s eopful of go up and dN^ Ha.hMB“^>'l
that bopatb aU tUagH tadaroth
those nneqaalled cleaneen of the Ume. we AmeriosBi shell not only me-j White WOrms to
cry about -------------tacovcond -ubiiv.wlMwra.
holllag water and slmir - flfiM'ii
tbtoge; .tbe tofth that awaato apwart blood and the dlgesUre aystam. tbe knowledge, but adopt, the wisdom of; ful of camphor in s quart of water will
j The paast bed muse be \«pt WSl
oa wtogi td IMt ta that blgbar realm. early -greens" and the! mildly pa^ hyglenlcally rutalstlng onr national | tostantly kill them, wllboat Injuring atee. 8H away lo cfibl. ipfol of mo-1 Bbom the roots If you want Sne flow• We taka ow 'abbre'af fratttog. .
all doato to 4topalled aad de­ gatlre rbnbarb. 1M normal, bialtby diet neeortlng to season. There Is no itbajdanl.
• Of ertdriag aad fatcaUtag;
Uce on Itosc«-8ocore from tbe farfeat to Mkaowa. Vltb tbeaa qaallseb cmves those foods vllb aa doubt that totth a course vouM do
■ The path* are oftee roogh aad ' Uea for your dally aimer, yoa wUl (rot
t flood of palcot lory or zont- farmer's sorting
ftnperBdve km^sg, and natarc liidi ’
as they hrgln t
(be stems and parts of lobacro plants. moo or nutmeg, shout half
aot. though IM Heavaaa ML“
Ifni of salt.* pansk* mas* be Kept moist abodt iba
ful. oOl-doUrih of
• > Aad bMdtoatteattoayton.
Spread thi-sr Ibkkly alroul
of vlBcgar. Boll ell i rooU or Iht-y will aot i>e a aaceest• 3al yat tba days an ebaary,
planu, roreriag the rooU. Also make lirve
(tag Htaeam. w^ betored, waa wMt
follow lettoce. peas and bcsuit.
togv-ihiv iw.-nly mlnutee. Lmua Juice : Plack them every day If you *Ub them
^ Abd alght brtagi red. wbea weary.
Ineaeta arto How te Oeetrey Them. • strong,tobacco tea and syringe the may be addrd In place of vtoegsr U de-j lo-blogm nuillnaally.
which are rfth to gllloa, nnlritlre ruth,
• jg^ aetoiMw tbto oM ptoaat to a
Wboi aagbt veat wtoac or w la­ er than pnrMilve. good for growing
When punu are to be kept to Jar. •««»* “1
sired. Thi* Is very alee for an apple

bor tailed:
TrouMs For Ow Mato.
cblldiM. for tbe nprree. for biate- or poU. their best Interests may 'b' ,
or rice pudding.
Tomonow, trlsadn. wU be aaolber bkddtog and body-oastatotog. Uter oa lecBfud by tborougbly heating the aoil
R*“‘ on Hollybocks aad OladWasTbe two young men rtaebid ibe
1 FniU sauces may be mads- by taking duur m the same Uinc. "Is Miss Wal- ,
day'g the drculst- to whldl they are u> grow. This may Bunt the Ulseaeed
cupful of
Abd to that tolth M alepL and ao ory aystem. gruM com. il»M,e-»«>iwns be done by ptocing id boxes over the “'ey aw>«r.
siCKham ln?“ tr^r asked. TIk- maid
‘frvli. sweetening lo taste aad sUrrtog
looted at them aad sbook her'bwd dia>
and rich to aagar; carrou, promottog
r Id tbe oven ( tbc spread of the disc
Insects Id Boll-Black pepper sUrrud Into a cupful and a half of boiltog milk
^ ____
Uof lira bto ptwratbl' While the idigaeUon: tomainee. toning up tbe- kitchen range. But gulden flowers eaa
,-,olauHy. “She's
to to_______
won a»__>•
olbm “ abe Wld at MM;
world abaU roa.
llver. With the summer heoU come not be thus safeguarded, and winged into Ibe soil will prevent tbe dct.-lup ; previously Ibl.-keoed vHh a Itltli-com
>4arch. Tbea bea< well. Add iwct'i, . i j i ri nin'
TWorrew fnob aboil rtw tioa out alaa the vegatable eoolen. the eocam- Insects may devoaft tbelr larvae to tbe mem of Insect life.
ato at fretttat-Hbr ft to a ala aad aotbesed

•« Vss«. TuU or Pond—
bers, tbe berrlce. the melcms. aad ail bwt of aoll; henca lbs need of the fol
tv ina Hit tba Icdtoaiag adrtoc
to oske-thlnn/lf too thick.
^ Lt Miy. right to.
•oMtfa Datooft Tree Pm wtu aot Aad aaw bapttoa tba todocaftaUe aoal early tnUu.' And from thU point on. lowing imied notss:
With mnge for Ha av
Kerosois tonlskm—DlMilve a pint' Plants sr»- gruwn.^ilr to fresh slacked
—-------------------isjth av y.-. aa' ni Brir Mr to coma
MbL Balactad.
d(K-e not hurt tbc plsnu
Floral Notes.
; down an' pick ye oW."—Chicago Post.
^'^iry toaay paopla aevdre the bMFor iirotougof bloom plan! aujitie
-1 ndd one-hsif pint of kerosene oil. Stir, bin destroys all insect me.-UUl«
TMra are a gleat many birdi wUeb ly meat, with which the stomach Is [ briskly for several minutes This may WorWWalt Wertb Knowing.
bs'ch of swet peas.
Plant plenty of sweet sljssum.
UMd./'Mcb product to its season o(ibe diluted with clear wsi
one of the most salUfaCory plsnis you made by pouring spirti* of ISTcedcr
idnnea U n tfleor indkailOB .of, pinnu bear stronger ires
-TMt bMfai V Mag aaaor
.over lamps of Wcarbouoi.rf smmonft.
olberw. This emoMIca will desiroj II
arary Bttte oetafroaoe tbal doea aot
It „-----------gives the fol : Pansies
sbould be sown now fora tot; A heavy broom should nlwayu ba M
mealy bag. thrlps. red spider, sod cvilent home deparim —.
---------------------bMMBjMtatbtortoaey. ThtoMbtt
I, SnUag beredt to
dcd to preferr-nre to a ligbl •
Me W
lowing reelp<-s for pudjllng ssuecs:
of vigonms bk«omvr>- »li*-n tb*-hoTier IccWd
Mns. fish and milk are aboadant maay other pUnt pests.
attar awhB»sr®*a *® aueag ttaiUbey
Ihoroogb swteplng. as tbe wolghl flU. _
Natrat aad fate vhia tbare to ao roal
la the proeess.
tare toCeods. Md hygicoe teqoJrva. feeted (arts tborougbly with a stlO ter, two cupfuls of powden-d sugar have exhausted (be early i:tuv.
taoaa lor trouiag. Nov If om only
Coxcomb, phlox. sslUs aad petunia
Uambeo foro'ure ra|y bsM be
that'they MaU largely take Jfte place broth, syringe with clear water, aad Beat butter to a errom; odd tOMr
haav hosA-my dtoagtoeable ha madt emtety to dispel tbe aoed'by ca
ooMt of the altnatloa aad <d meat, wblefa U liable to be of poor apply to the trunk sad limbs a good gradusllv; wbro very light add a tea- all do well In a dry climate, and will cleaned with a t-tall brush dipped to
qeaUty and bird to koep to the hot Hme whitewash, to whkh bas been spoonful of vlorgar which bas been bb»m from .•arly vj.Hug .mill late toll warm wau-r and salt, as the aiJt pnbe wooU try vary aona ta au
added a little kcroseae oH.
' made bot, a IlttV at a llmv. Place to ' with but Ulll.- sh.-uUou fr.*a the gar- venU It lurnlhg yellow. TM same
•Wortaaatdy. tboae wba fret at
“1 have tailed to moat af tbe tbtogs BoaihA
pt.eS File*—Where ptonu srv to-. a bow l or basis of hot water and stto deoer.
, ireatmeat should J*- given lo iapaaeae
As nmmer wane* aaotber set of
tribm or* womoa. atoe gannlly Ir 1 have triad to do. and a good many cf
ms have vanlsbed—bat 1 can products begins to be seasonable. Tbc festrt With small blech flies, the ma- a few mloBier It should iheo be| Tbe baby |.roD.rv.e> find mutt tovor ’ end ladlaa maniac.
Bortog what to wpobH an to
Tat tba ffdamtaa air aagarai
make a Joka and take cael
pottoBoa are ^ amagaa to
-My atreogtb to not adeqaate to Uic lo mainri^, potatoea. tnralpa, cab­ posted. Serape og the t<w toll, abteh , Oreamy Sance-ltatr a cupful of battbaa to mea. aad are alvan v«a 'orfc I aep to do. and my eapabCBty Is bages, pampktos. aqaashea. etc. With coatatot the eggs, and burnvlt. Cover (er. oae cupful of powdered sugar, oae-1
benoght oat when (bey have any great etlaa toefctog-bat I caa see a Joi
tbe advesiL ot tbe flm tnmis c< toll- the tematolng Mith with a thick layer, fourth ot a cop ot cream or mlft. ooe
af wood ariies.
' tablespoonfnl eg raaUla pr Ic-mot exprime aad
“t bare forgettea moot of tbe tbtogi
Basl on Carnations—Add ooebaU uoci. Beat the butler to a cream;
All tbe bconler cereoU arc
TM babft 'of ftafflag totom tba‘ Mee tboagbt I had leaned, bat I
bmHb and ccMart cf tboM aboat you. have pet torgottoa bow to toagb.
tbea todlealed as food. Pka aad pastry oaaee of arsealc lo six quans cf water, add sugar gndsally. beailag It all the
. while. When tight sad creamy add ex. biA aheve aU ft tajwaa mom tba
r| bare toct some frlweds W death may safriy now. if ever, take tbc place and apply whh a syringe.
Llee—When planu are iroobM wUh tract aad en-aic. a ilttle at a time.
of ftesh oacooked frnlu as' dessert
Ike. Bse warm tobacco (ea appUod.ThU Is a delleloas sauce, aad when
with GOOiiderablc force to all ptoeea; well beaten will be vblie aad foaimy
D fortify It e
“I bnva aeaa yoatb and a good many
nag tba aecrattoBA tiar Mst
other thtoga i wanted yo keep, ronteh tbe appra^Ug cold <d wleter.
be dlsFoaming Sauce.—One crq^ul of bulWhen vtoter actaally seta to. tbe
Beales on Ferns—These a
SM aad degsoMag tba otbtr. Nova to tbe dtstanec. bot tbc ssaas afhnmar
foeda that, as a role, most tax tbe dk Ungalabdft fKnn seed spovss oa (be ter. two of powdered riaegar, tbc
IM af ecHM trat aad wry pm- bas never degoriad.
fraads by their lighter color. When whites of (vo eggs and a fourth of a
-1 am at tbe present meawt in a fli gssUve powtra are eompatal
daaaa tbe aama iriM, tor trat and
tM plaat becomsa badly aflected the cup «f botllag water. eBat iM baf.vr
worry are a^ mndMmtbms cf fear. of tbe Waw. hot la ibe badi cf my
coly sore way is toent tM fronds dose to a cream flnt. (bee stir to the sugar:
at myoMiarlt.
to the groood and bora them. Tbe now tM whites of tM egg. aebeauo.
aad by UwoRwm'ttaa laagh wU get
ptaat will tMn scad up new tisoda. ooeat a clae. WbeaBlI ta light aad
around to tbefrooL
and tasat vmy sridem I'atsr from the smooth poar ta tM boUlag vstcr skw-:
n have bat UtUe finna. BOt a peat
,iy- SUr oDiU- smooth aad frothy.
-» tM aawttaa ef oar wlU we can aaoBBt of bwltk. aM aimest bo
nriop Fnngnson Caetai Ptoats-Thls fan- whkh wiU be to aboottwo mtootas if
aw tg tbe worWagi of oar ey—bot I eon aaa a }oM!
' rouslgns to (wpsrtslly ,ap( to aUBtft. tM. ost toto a bowl ef bto Micr. For rich
“So, on the wbaa. I thtok I have
lal—f^inbliiiif bn we caa aee
^m« to’rosaft !■«.
Mg wW to Mm ««r waetiMs an la atiwtt ft rfek.-—Myftto Kmm Cbartr- aM Wood, aad Mary looAs to gi


M. 8.

CanMil to tori Tamst tastlBM)

BeLking Powder
Bfcijces CleaktY BreaLd

With Rojral Baking Powder there ii
■nd^izing with the hand:, no sweat of
r ^Arow. Perfect cleanlihest, greatest
. }
sweet, clean, healthful food.


-- -


• umA

9tmamuum^$ tM


The Newest Flower Song.
m'Y w.
ln«r9<iue«:orx ^Hoq» mm»


-glwk «M MMrwtlr. jr mol diaetiB

a. to tM togtmm far tM,




[ cotmrv. WCHMAN. THUmOAV. HAY « «

Atth ttobatl aad d a doobU hairalad
HartAp Seat Catehmiaa.
PkMte cwi. n-fc <W>|» TfcMtat. rival lapoK to tto crMaa
AU aoktlen aad Mfflan an tevttM Motgao. tt AM dlarhirged aM tto panp* doto. at t!aS tto BBC (or tiBt
•M raealVA ttolr
XOtfU. ItoitkA ObUa Mmt
to Baa at the po« TQoM at Maple Otp that Btroek tto bop la tto right
drin aooadM ^ a Ufe beat eAiac
II. Tto USth aBBlranarp d
AUboM It Boae At
tr d tto dartu. At la oteMod the
bUth d the AMorkai tag -OM Qlocp- Saadap. Map r. at to a. b. to attend taarlBc tto afhOA M.
mIOM to tto door of tto eae
a Aorablp at tto CWagiAMtUBbl | kof before to.tooM atoe bla Amp to; deck dto taag Me h
A oa WadAMdap. Saae It.
call In
h at 10:30. Meaertei dap Alll be! bdp be waa ao weak Attb tto kna d 1 toacked the a
rtNAAt waninaBilir argM that
H* tiA*«r a vtta AM m MM IlHac al Ctetit Ftah. Oaliia Tbaekw. atnb
m asaal at tto lair gronad. I blood that to am alaaoat dead.
obaarrtto delegaia ia abMwa'aMaw teasMM. HiA. ntAk A. Hlilttar.
d the dap and ragaeata that tto Tto prograa haa aot pat baaa com-1 Or. rrallek d Maple Cttp t
Aaat. But poA «
TmA et tb«
d at S:I0 the boiit
11 amadaMoUMdrd the iBlarp. Tberefr
plated bat AiU to a
. aM baalaaaa ptoa d the
B« -AM A
ui be polM otfOAglp awAp tna tto Mack
in tto abAAaea of a pent cAAMABder radM be decorated Atth the gag d oar aoUlera aad ttolr triaadi an iavlted te VMp UtUa tope that tto a
jorattea—MmMbm Bla M«n>>>
poM M tlJf «Mr AM n k proAAM* ttat
to taka PAR la the axtrrlMH Codtoe nnd even if tto bop I A. Mr.' kaD d tto «mbm progMIed bp fo«r
MiBHT OA that dap.
tfeA aaM wkkti ooeiftA m rrtdar Matt Hooker. Clara WUUaaa. 1.. K. M tMlor or fAAlor vtea eomandar
Ptootte la a proaOBeat at r aad ia I aiardp aaaaen. TWa ahowi the Mre•A Maaottel dnp AO ba
Id. Tto deparimnt oScera
NT Ttdraaeat hit poet.
MAMb*. At 1» o-eiadc «ta. to hM CWraMM. & Brtetoi and Wright.
I fal atlMtha paid bp (to ceAtpanp ter .
«. Tto Michigan PaaaaAgacnAaoela. prepan their raporta aM tnnemlt a Ihepoat.
Beciaptloo Mtortaiaea Manba Ma^
' AAdto l*Mr AMpIrM Tto
I pnteetka aialnat Ire or other aoeV
la. Harr Cortla. Martha CnrUa. lOA tore AAthatteed for the ancaap- eopp d tto oam to the antataBt advlB to cwi*»lrtil tajr Bat. B. H.
Oaath HblL
MAB AAi lAtoMWl vni to «A ebATfA barter. NeAboaae. Mona aM aanle.
“Beat Room* Haadnanan-Maa- ma aaa and onehnU aanU per teila
,--------------------d frelgbt. laOBdlag
Meinaa Jaaiea U Mamr. ArvlUa Oaid- In anto dlreeUon ktenUr oa tba O. B.
law which ^ alaoat dally «»!
^ potetoaa. d which
aer. Aaa Bala. Btoaadoit KaKh. Vm- * L ntlAv) plM tAaetrtera caata. notial Dap Moonipanr ttoM ordera. at tto boaa d Prank Eerh. foor bUm poned. If reporu are tna. than la | jjjoo ^
(or tto iaaM trip to TrBTcrae Cltr Poa adlAteaU All! BM that*thaM oAt d the dtp ta Long Lake toAaahip. plMip d work for the iiala game wap. [
ta an plMod la tto kaadi d pod tto aged Ban being Antdaa DoevteC
A aU potntAda the loAar paalotala,
Ttatataa Gttr AM WaIua iaIInaA,
.dan bare. U ia aald that pAttardap ai
Wrack Near MahoL
lolBB. Abo AID eu oat oM aaU to an oaogeMrtaa. Ato oabb to
Aseept that fijMa peUU tron Ahlefa
iorga BABber d Ai
•AAA qMA_to»«tollT t»toM Atoe
e. .Hidu Map IS.—The
departBCAt dNpUln <* tto dap dtp Baap penn ago fem Germaap
agnlar oaa war fare to Travaraa
Aatr At iwm tnadAT AfuneoA.*
takea bp gaheraeA and tkla I aoril
V.U.C.K MaMinp.
CHr to lAta than tl.M. the addSUoaal fpUoAl^Heaiortel Dap. AhDe the and made hla boae Atth the taallp
AMlA tto M c< uatottrrlAc tto tor
dtp. Otbaa-are aaM ta have ean^ll tiala weM oC tto tnek near Mafae;
_ jpRbar ot tto dttsaAB Wan
•ACA frOM MA tTAlA to AAOttor W
tAMlT^TA OAAta Alll aot be rdpolrad.
over the legal aomber.
! two aM oaMnU bUm Ctob hen thla
U tto T. M. C. A. teovaaMAt for Trav- Tteketa to be told going lima 17. II. II.
Bbm an alto reponed (Angbt every. afirraocA. Tbe aeglae had toggaga
Ban. Tto taaerte am bdd WedaeataoM* to«r A toATd brtdxiBK tto ana Clip net at Oraaga baU Taaadap apd Id. llBltad to Tetnm to and toclBd- port the poet adlataat aDI gll iM nM
dap Boralng at »:S0 o'cloefc froB St. BlgkL It te aald that an the lalaad I car left (to rail* and roa along on tba
forward the report
AVMA totAAM tto GAtA. lo *Jt»f M avaalag aarliataDad to oddraaara hr
lakM te tbit victeitp. Ughu
ttea for aboai gflna rodt. Nohedp
Tto aOMttea d coouadM la Fraada church aad Imenacat am la
. OaniaoA of Daunlt sad U B.
tto aM OA OM CAT Allpf>* M vredAlevery
algbt and BNap One gab on
Mlled to -Boom SnroUad Aa Na *1 Oakwood.
tAtlM Mr. AMmaoa to tto «»oaM BoHI. atato aaonUir af tto T. M. C. tkkata to ba AOU Jaao IT aM II
apMred. Aloo tbat cerate gaharawa Aon gtvao a barere abokteg up. Tbe
to ratnra np bo aM tadadtag Jona S4. and HoAM tonlled Act No. »9. SeaAkto tto tmk Aklek to aa> MtMg A, of ABA Arbor.
have caught tbem with took aM line!
lappened right of the road
•km d 1M«.“ oopiea d Ahleh aeeoteOaring tto araalag a ManoptlcAa IMS.
ant tto toATd took Afttr ton. UttlAg
itlu d tto gnirdlan. aad opeqlp brought tbea teta tto rll- eroMteg and the cauae U aaIboab naOoMiadaa and frlaada attending the ponp Unm ordera. Tbaae blUa Acre Tboona iteutou d
idM la tto Iv AAd ottoTAlM mjnitAc AM Atad with good etaet, TteAa bMng
~ Tar lOBr obatPACtteu get CAMkt b»
of fengaicr. tat thk
eCaa and have been
toa. Ba tAtanM to U« ton* la tu* fbOAA of tto T. M. C. A. baUdlaga U aoentepmaf aM daabteg to UMili
wd other atalM Both exterton
r than Jana SI jcaa avaU ihaa- approved bp the govenor. Thep are ProMie conn Saturday and m aU real
dtr AM Ma AOik Moadar aaa In
general intemt to aU and ahooM
aelm d the regolar BOAOBer Mriau
tertA or Oaotm TdtotAOA. Uitmmtr aM latortora Aara aboAA, the gp
eatate had been ccaveRed Into ao
^ AAlBBlag taaki. daai n
met, Ahleh an aotd at an an>roxl- be read aM died aAap for referenee.
tbe eatate wm eloaed bp tto papBaaU
.... ag Toona, ate, being ptetarad. , mU rata d one aM ooeiUrd fare for
ANA tot tAAMOy trABAfemd to
ot the ahaicA to the thm bain, a
daughter. Hra. Klter d KtegMlp. and eral d tbe peoag aen aad boja d tbte
A aaw gtaage baa bcM crgaalAM lA
Dcganteant ConoNDder.
ato toQCtod npea. Plana of the
7. Cos&ade T. D. Mirrla d Poet
two aooa la IlUoota. Celoe Monro am plaoe tteve beea te tbe habit d fOBte' Sooth Grant, kaown m Grant Owtar
Oval WaM OtAk Ca. laiprevaa
BAA boUdlDg At AdiCu nnd AIM the No. It AlU aa M oOeer d tba dap and Papette WpchoS. Aaat. Adit Oen.
atao appoimed guareaa d Ua alater* teg OB the tratea
Wge. No. lS4t. It stnrta witb .
Mflodar AA order am Raead wttli
Codrada H. R. Horae d the mbn poet
thare la an MOO aauta In VUieAatar' BM rWlng M ter aa (top dared aM iweatp-thrM Baaben and m i
tto AQIi CkANton AORpaar oC (B
aa oOear'd tto gnard to aarva dart
then JuaptegoC. Wton the 7:U tratej ^on an wolung
hr tto Oral Wood DUh ootapAAT of
Acaiwgmnit Stop aUE rapen
pAliad dot Saturday eight three or foor futon. Tba oOeara are:
tn tto Blaka of the menibara d OoatUa dtr ter tAO baa CdtUm aActoea
Dtafli Af Mm. Oaa
PapAttA wydtdf. aaalaUnt Adjotant
d the poang sen pn on tto atapa and
MaMor, W. H. DUoB.
panp M.Thlrtp4oarth Mlchlgaa Volanto taka tto pUM e( tto tvA onclaM
Bk Ba^da MIeh.. Map lA—Chactea geBtral. at the Pal* Plane hotel
when they got off Mproa Kaiooa
Oreneer. E. B. Chaapteo.
. ia their annoal banquet wtaieh tbe probotlOA d tba aUI d bar late
ooA ia AM ta ttolr tMUry to PiABk- D. TOAM of Ua Bk Baphta Iroa
Taeadap Bonlag. Jnne SO. al I o'dodt
Secraurp. Sadie Oarte.
hna beeoae an oUblUbed caatom M huaband. Auguat BtateoUIier. who died lumped off and broke both booat
Ub AtMAL ThA AActoM aU AOt to panp, baa naelTad a nuAiagii atatlng
Tmaurer. Uerep Goddard.
tto ICth d Mar. Ttieedap marked March SL leaving an «aau eoUBatod right leg about half wap baloA tto
ptMM to tto (Mtor^ oAttl SapAtobar that MiB. Oaxlar Palrhanka. fore
» nmmanilrr d MePbanoa Poet
kaae. havtag otrack oa a a
at M.OOO.
Choate. Rat tla Baaaott.
dmnM it to Ato poAAttdA to taaun ttoa « thU plaee. paaaad aaap at her
Dr. Tadman am eallad t
No. IS aOI daUU a aaBelaet Am
Leetorar, Carrie L. DteCA.
tkoaa at Lake Oanara, Wla, 8at- d gMTda to aarva doing the MoanpABtS ^ oaAMA'a ent to orar, thU
aUa ta reduce tto fraeure
Steward. Blxabeth ChaapteA.
p. A UUla danghlor. tor Aboaa
parted tolac AOM tlaw batroto
The dvll CAM d Wledofl ra. Bate- of tbe aurollcn coadlthB d the Hab.
. Abo AlU rapon to the Mte
CnU keeper. Lae Randan.
Uma pear* latd bdora the eAeUa d burr Ablcb AM triad baton ComateUaMOcLL
tto gave her Ufa aam Alth tor.
tto dap for datp U oaifom aM artth
The aeddeat haa bcew a aharp
an annoal banquet wm eatabUabed. (lODcr George Cortiia and given a atap
Tto aAOiM tocaa tto Brat of JaaoDexter Palrbanha la the aon of N. K.
the bopa aM tbep
Lnkt Ana AccIMaL
tbereftro Mat nlghfd tencUon am the d five dapi to file aa appeal to tto m■ ATT Alto ll^BOOtoO feat of loct AAd alrtABka. tto BllUooalra CklCAgo
Lake Ann. Mich, Map lA-Oacisa
A Tto ananal panda aIU take
» to tedalge te tto dangcreaa
tto forea tea tota rpAAtoK foU.Alto -Np manafhetnrer, and Aaa teneerip pMea OA Toaedap. Sam Sd. at 1:M p. taorth featt and reonlen ot the am preme CDoR for a rrverual d tto denitrter fell thnmgh (to nd of the
tto MA tola TMAtop AtokU ta order one c^tba direeCort la the Bk Bapida M. aM AlU ba ia oharge d Counde bera.
WDitea Hsbbder eoatpnap teetorp ta
Clalon. AM eloaed on tbe eipliatloa d
Than were thlftp-gva d tba-pooBg tba time Saluntep dlenooa bp tto
to Utoiptm tto work. HaraibterA U IroA Aorka. Abont a pear age to aad Oea W. Boae. Odd d atdf. Alth ««*
Flto OrW an Beat.
(to Boor, a dteiaaee d gfiaeo feet.
vatarana ^aaaat, oat d a total d IOC.
hat toto iMpnaathla to abet doAA tar hit AlfA Mt here, golag to cai
At i o-eldefc Sniardnp afieraooB tto i breaklag bla wrtet aM guaeratlp brdapaptegtto
aMa M to Nap appdat. Aa i
Thla Baaber nap appear BBtaj. bat coaU d the aott and the e
MAdMti i ualii bat vHk tto toetol- Aban Mr. niitAato Aaat Aitb tto
atanowr iBteote tied op at tto Konh-. lag bla np.
M can an ngaartM to attaM In
Abea It U eooaldered that tto nato atrlklng out tto objectlosable c
Ouaidp, Palrbanka eompAap. Ba aM a-todp IM bring tbelr Oaga and
latteA M tto •fvasdttoNAt K It 1
AtCa had gone to their aainiiier
to to preparad tor a ato week* ab«
Nd onr twraitp-nilamea aIII be d the eompanp Acre recralted froa tn the land coeuaA Aa tto Batter
varteoa parta d tto amnip. and that aianda now tto defradani will emtuae
dOAA. OAA «mt ttoAbaek for tto bom at Lake Oenava for a a
oecApled la ooverlng the Une d b
calllngi d the inembeta|
tocalni for aB)r MA|tor partod to tba atnp Aban her death ooenired. toe I. The (
keep up hU papaeBU and tetereat
biTkliiAB or tto Btoefc tboAck torpa
oAlp H paara oM.
« that CoAunaadet have taken mmap d tbem to other aa ikoogb the caae bad never come up'
Selda d laljor. a repreaeninllon
PAtAtoAAM AtA AtM la oeAAaolteA
I lev insj.
i DC csve when
wuw ebDCkcii
atoned bewp
ia-Cbtof WUmoa W. BtaOiBiar. and AdMto tto Oral Wood UM on
t». CU-.H C.n
faUnt Qanaral Joha B. QilBaa aIH IblwJl.. ™ u “''7«
Sobart Agon of.Morthport am In
viatt tto AAcaapAkABt aad dao deliver
the dtp Tueadtp oa bit av to I
addreaiM at the caBp tn ee the i----kep. Aban to aUI aoh the tAO
bara of tto panp of UuUana. Wbl Pe- IngdSanaM.
1«a AAA aailAM an tto Mt M to toskor and Bar. W*. EBaa Aha. ac- the citlaeaa d Ttaverae Clip aIU give with accceai.
The hanqMl and Penateo took plnoe;
eteath d 6mpl« Man.
date to to toaM to ttolr BAA AM Aft eonpanlad bp Jodga Patlthrop ef Pa neepUon to tbe national eoBAN
In Modern Woodman hall, where a. (niltem Young, one of the beat
M <•» aad TW torat powar. tto lAisw tookAT Ain team for WaablagtoA to
the reaidenu d teplre.
OAA totac MMO AM tto ■
dMa alalra the dais of the OttaAM
draped with tto aoUaeal colon, wai j paaMd away'Bandar nlgb( al (to boni*
ScUla d the W. TL. C. and-tbe-todleo
ittoAotAiAarA POMIUA to AfttaaiA
d tto O. A. B. Rouaing camp Area tempilnglp laid with a menu which t^rf hla brother. TbtunM Young, corngr
in. 17. IMS. ahd bp the
formed aa acrmbla eontnat to the | of Front and Elmwood areoue after a
|aat Atot tto AAtaal tom poaat of
aSalra San., it. Alll to told oa Tveedap'aad Wadaea- fare forntebed the aoldler bora durtng i dtetrcaaing period d IUbcu covering
AACton an aa tbv era fAaiad aodap evMlagt. Soaa to and Si. aadar
three peart, hli ninew being daej
A0t«« to toa Bmn oandad aM to IMS, anthorldag tto Ooart of Ctelnu the dlraoun d the loenl ctsunlttee. tbelr ardaou campaign in Cuba,
mitedtetlon tt tto CBM of tba alore-bardtndr aad -oow bellr' f<
to pentetent anemia wMcfa bafled alii
• aMttolantA aaM petlttea to ba died AKhla the d the O. A. S. have toaa tavlied to ba the prtedpal dlahea at each meal. The medical akill and In eonaeqoenee the!
I end waa not anexpacted. In good
eartted AID to
iwaaent aad aUI apeak.
TM toTM Tto elato aaa bdora tto eout d
11. It ia bevad that Naap d tto Tavern aM waa one d the tod Itoj health he am a valued emplope d the
«d«i— la anthorliM bp tto Bndtag d
Empire Lumber c ipup
. . ta ecAler ,
raglBeatni aaaootetlocia aUI avail
an oM ddB dating to tto traatp d
Ukaa AA aa
«eoM to Uki
A d tto eneampBaat aad the ever bad aet before Utem. Tto loUow-1 ,^Bter and ovetaeer of the ordmida te
teg te tto meau;
i tumner.
poAada.l^oeiag l.OM bOPJNAtr, 18M and IHS, oM esbracM
Tto ooaabtoM aaI^ of tto too ta-
Sweet pleklea.
Plume ederp, ! wmiaa Young am d Canadian j
Toong onkma.
birth, beteg bom aeM Toroato. June j
■taaa la W,*0A peandt aM a
The kind that* warranted not to ripr-lodc
tBAAdatten AlH to torn. Ttor eoaM
PfP,nmlet daatrlng to aacure' Cold roMt beat
Cold roMt veal, t ISSS. and am In conaeqnenea but',
to tottaa on of tto toetorr to AoraAtr
good enou^ to sell for mwe than one dol­
and. board during tto encamp-: ' Potato anted.
Salad a te royal. | 4« yean old. baring been cot down In
dan tot tto coatnet la for mlitatr for tto Atnlo 0. A. B. aAoaNpmnt
aa aacure tto Mme by addrcaa-!
Cold boiled ham.
l tbe prime of hit manhood. HU parlar; but that’s all we ask for choice from a
to told In tkla dtp JAAa » aM SI.
Macedoine da fmlt.
l mu aa early M the aeveatlee removed
dan tnlac to tto data tor tbla
teg Hon. S 1. Fnlghum. chairman d
dozen nied paiternA
W%(Al bread.
Bye bread.
| from Canadian terrliorp and teUled
on‘a ent totec plaetd at that ttm. Tto ordera an dated at tto
catafa d the
Otaham hTMd.
on a large farm In the vtcteiip d the
:ee'bM prepared i
AaaoRad eakea. Cal* ndr.
borne d tto deceaaed and the family dE
na k. M- ««■« It It. 4A 'gCAttal erdera Na Waah tMB oeot oat to bU jmbu oakteg
tfAM-wWok AID piobabirba aoU h
StriAberry aborteake.
tour boya. Tbomu of thla dty. tehc.
tba eoBfAdaa tn ' dll out. atatlag
________________ Tto teitad d
: Wllllnm were reared to
(he Abethar ttor wlab hotel or prtrate
S:S0 before the bopa tat down ^
Best at the price that mocey will tmy—warttoM AM BMbIIM te im aM'tto
manhood aherv ibey have made them .
eeoc In the meantime i
rantfed not to rip. and to givejtntire satisfac­
mU andM AM btoadd hare ta
lelvea a large circle of frieeda and ne- j
Tto foUoAteg kotd rata
i entered cart ptapliiA avory tHlteg. a *
' xsn turn MibMkBa for thdr te- MBpaant will to held at Traverec boubaM: Park Pteca boteu
tion—only fifty cents.
qoalntancn. Three yean ago the de-;
CMp. jABt S» aM SL HMdqaaitara
drldod work. Wtth tto
a virtekRi wltb the fatal
d at tto Park Place dntai ISO.' Bntea St ta fS per dap. wUihAiD Uule groupa were acAttered malady
gririBiBt ta aotire power tto larger
and later entered (he bow>ltal
Hotel Whiting.
tto haU and tto atlrrteg acenca ^'
OAgtea will taka tto ptoM dfour boa I hotel. Mendap. Jane IS, at S A a.
« im .4 mow “ *“ *'“•
S. Tto anaenHTe eoBBtttea, ceoB- lUi. «« » D p. W H.U C»
Ml AM aM tto aaidlar aOI te um for
imbl..hid, ih.
tlA MA Bin. Tto eoMMAM cod d dl d BdBtelatiattaB. wni- meet at „o.«. Hh...
I fancy col­
Black and all the choice ps
_ .
a hdhh
called h,
to mind.
Park Pteea total. .
tto iBgroreaMt ta adtwilM at StS.At each plate upon the banquet table
ors—extra good workmanship on these, and
r. Jabb is. at is a b. for tto data# 40. RntMtlAOp
WM a CArnottao. and a beaotlful a
1 d aadttteg tto beoka aM ACfull sizes—a very complete line to-select
Tto c«M hM alM bm raoMttp lacAABte d tto
nroeM bp
from—choice of any of these £fty cents.
«e^ WM S-mirpd-: *
brought bto here and pteced
dfiM aM dteatM ted hook d tto : gMcral aM tto AMWaat adtetant gea- alda to fWAiab fonr or five huBdredltj^t d tto late Hon. Perrp Hannah.
' «ate oMca. Thla ia toteg gttM op
la topond help and he died teat e
te lulvate boutaa at:
^ Componp M. CnderM tto pHvate odeet d W. C. Hull and
i Math tto cut Wa4 the following teAMde from a wife and oa# lluie
an tdaallp dtadad tcr
IS. Tto dUMA. d TrnvemCltjjaerlptten: -The late H-. Perrp Hanbe UAr<m a. ..«!
tetVAqr. Tto gnaoM are toteg piaoM
HaiMret Yob
Police and firemens' brace—the kind that’s
wOl glVo to the Mtarndea d tto de-1 aah. wboM mcAierp U ctoHatod bp
togar aM Atth pleatp d aRigetel light
BBd tto three brottoia. Tto wife, who
different from the ordinary ones sold—let oi
«w tto ahon dart aad thm terga AteMUt Cenerva CummUgi before
cordial wetaome and to carrp oat tUa
show you tbe difference—as good as yob
4. Tto a
gbwa teuteg an d dapUghl te trod
•rwp amiabla dlraettaa no batter d- Ite trot aaaaloB at 10 A au TaeadAp. porpoM lave appelated tto tonawteg WM a touehteg tribute to tbe man w1 atop bare and te cnapaap with the
used to get for fifty cents—any cdor twentyfrealp opened hU purae to add ST
Jtaa », at tto Cttp Optra HbaaA
■m aodd to dprtetd. te addlG
brother Thooiaa took the r
five cents.
f. .The oematttaA W cr '
laifa giA pteM adda ceafert
in AOBalat d iTuTTidmiit BdJutMt Botortn. Foot Oommaader N. Ti. Mor-^
toastp to tto room.
gan. Prd. L B. OUbtut. P. C OUberL
■aaral aM tto foBoAteg com
HOA T. T. Bataa. ^ E. W. Haattega.
W. W.C ApgiliAmiiga.
Haa K. J. Pulghum aM BotoR E.
Tto W. a. C. d ttfia dtp tare A
d tto aariy dan d the war. Ttoae
ptdM ttoi» MnMBHni atootetnu
t AlU to ]
I bp tto
a win meat
ipta Cltr. Mich, Map is.—itefTcr.
tto 14-pear-old mb of Imbc Ftonne
InrduM toABaUp. am prAbnUp
i to aisnsum am i
atcA ABtO tto coAVAAteg d tto an,Ua«. JOA KteaMA am
(niipBMt, AlfeD tto ouBmlttAP wffl to
w BBd dwtig tto evenlae an
tound at tto Cttp Opera Hoaba DdaggtMAMmrmbaridttowtamsmnAt
a 40 PAM B beat Of tto b
>Ia1B M MM on pAtaM After tbdi AA



‘tbe new Sm’
Tour Good Ones

eottonadf P«rt»


aiorUnfl Sbirts


Shuman & Jjunkr
236 6. Trout St., Crautrse Off



MA Trarcrsc Herald
MUULD M« moom 00.

a K. Ser rmiTed a pedtese a n.■hart eowlic «( «
•M fahe ma (raa (be etate tn eon"Im the taw
' to *hfcdf be' na pat Into Oton
■un to be eowMmd ■ tnte
ter. tk« to no ewnOM lor Bnrtfetn*
r. berutonfaFna^Tea.

S««y «m> Mtor epent p

ai.u F-n^C :2S

cStor' epnt Bandar *ub nfaiMfa to
the bell rtiw Ufa enir enetber
Mep a adveitfainp fart you e«
all the beneaL . Steinbets

(or both eell end tiM tauf.”
vaaMtofal Is pantos tbe enieliMiton
Wd arransaente ere no* betos BiBde
■ •

_____ on pwtr ToUe ruber thw
the eentra totU rote. pn>«de< tor in
the tetawT to* n
■tire to toiebtenn. to •
. pertp aafan fa beeed o
foeee vttta vbleh tboee «to> oopeee the
tutr here a» rt»bt to pMtJcf—-

> •»« H.' to- Far-' Tbe Dbrnrit Jeernal ba« Made ar-'
aiT 'rtahori Uwt ntoRemeav for tbe enrlaidre peblks[uTdast^^pi^U ^a?7lka-1 tei^bF Mootoeor V^. an lotematloBal i
fad aawrdar eventos' aptonailc ipy. Tbew niorte*. «»eh;
_ra D. H. Dap and dan^tera. Alice: remi the »«m* of tbe treat po»m

5^ ««,,«...»u. T...

;is; a

D. H. Oar fa eetUns o« a sreat peblleaitoo In aereral European eouneboBld be beeed CB the neuber repre- Baar abade ireea and onanieou] trtei
about hU pmrtaea ibU tpitas.
----------------------•eeted throng ■«* dfatterufao* *nd • • •Carr
and tom. Beenett are aleo Are You Uelne Allen's Post'Esea ?
sot w Ibe nstober at tkoee who uke
«ftb tbw.
■tjMMfto tttonteniubbtotetofcn
o^^ikMetm. ItftretoMB'—
•en. Ootnex Drlnp.
Beran. Her It-O^ml W
TbTtoow .eopber took a eareo of
toitotJWMr fa * need o< .
lenaA retaettoenir lender and hero ne tboeeatid feet of bard«tnd lember
A nMtr ektat er ahlrt «Mlet
'•^MtUmendeMlL Tbenoee
toot IlMre^
bwbeto »»m end tbetUfaewibooJd
free with every dfth dollar
Hr. and ton. to. Brownell rfahed
-we tbet tt fa twtaed elans end tfeU
neiK «t ateinbere Brea^
danhter. Hrs. Bd BaiT, last
'Mrtof been wee etnrted. K fa kwt
Mr*, rraek Beenett and eon Oalr
vies ned not eltovid to die o«t ne
<9amUoe wee pertBWiid to an en- Wre been vldtlns with Hn. Betmett's:
VMoto Metatr KM Me. Mtodeu
pamta. 8be was aceoMpanled hoo*c,
deeeor to eere biB. Btood pole '
■e^ e vod fanfatr nnd Otwd-Tre'
bp Uln Haiel Beenett.
Mr. Hauler of Sovib Vanltoo par-!
«ee ee^ eboeld been one ntoo.
ebsMd aeo* of inee Baptooof tblti
place and it was taken to tbe Island to:
a tall boat, tovto bp the snoUnc i
■ bfabre toe m;eofa
lanneb Bdtonce.
ren tovderh BMord.
e. Sim
A eoeple of borne deblert fttn Bee- i
Sundap. May Pi.
ioneph Kolebeck a ORfa Pfar and Mala vere here vlth a etrias of borvea;
t Trata will leare Tmretae dtp at
tfae Anne Krapp a Oood Harbor laatweek.
net to ererr totnktas I
Mr.andHm.J.A.Carttostonar^- g.eoa.m. Bee poetera. or a«k aeenu
paeaed tbraeqto tbe dtp tbfa nonlns
t to the United Ketee
of tbeir daasbien from
H. F. Moeller.
a trip eeron toe fate to Be*
a. P. A.
ebed w tvo ttnMtfane tbet ere
and Mra. Dare faoebe passed:
, the people wu.
M Cure for PI lea
A Cut
lira. A. B. Coek end three ebUdm. tbroesh town Sandap. baTtos made a!
todtf Oen «t nr other ase to the
toerU tbe nfarraW from tbe Kar-1
hfaterr ed the oowtrr- He decUred
fatheettrtbtanorntosCnaiBnrdhtoMap IS. 1*06.
~ nheeltoi ui^lBeebotetetbepeo!De for a Tttit *tto ba daUr. Uto KhM M ben refaed
e It
Iren Knar of Nistb etreeL
Peel Laare. vho bu ben In toe
the ■■■far. **re tbe omelietln
‘tober ni caidiM end Che eseet npoe dtp on a ihoci rttli to blo n
SntUM Bnp U
the peUe troto the ervnliMlnee M Mra. Herr litaoa, Mtorned to tale *orh
at Ktefder
Sheet ;reu ml«ln Just as «sell
uee iKtot mmmm oT'eMtol
tort. Ttoor Oiaett and danshtor BarMrs. RotisaeaB iptot one dsr Iasi
iMve the benefit of that ehanse.
Miser's near
11m tmideel eeld AM be belfared Ito retorned from Btt Bepide todar lokto.
once ehanee In flve of petting a
prattp cfcirt or ahlrt wsiet free
|to enrr Mnd of tmeefttn bet tbe atterarfaitaafavdarrvlth frinda. Trefler PMkp has bees at Hanfalec
J. W, Stoter vnt to Thenpeo
tto toe past two weeks uktoc tbe salt
irt Steinberg Bree.- every dap
b^ for bfa rbeoBattou. He ts intofa won n bnetoen to oonai
this week and all of next week.
ta otodwto. ?MU «
■arias. '
Hrs. ». tolleso was enlled to Ohio
fast week bp tbe serJoos lOaesa of her
Vrl»t to —dtod not cniT ehidini
TntvwM enr Mvitats.
Jerry SuUIrms
PMM TtNidw^ Beeord.
ejJto to* bM wrflee to the pebito.
naH Oaerec retemed to Laa3;neton«ho heeebem np the
tola mmlns aeoMpaaled^bp bfa
TtOmv* of the eootaT heee alas
rarp pretty effect. betSB
/MnAM the dpwtir hr theta ecorto. toother Mrs. A. P. Ouaetop. vbo vU from eeme"l
he edd. to neklns their forttnet. epnd toe week Tfaltlns in LanMos Mil
IIm aereos
speol ftunday li

hneto bne (Mee to eil end tool'tnl- and Pitot
dtp. r
Kedrowto baa purdiased |bc: B
eeti here ben of en to toe netfan.
eMOarrto stand a
Wmito hb b<dr-‘ thet tom rtoU wUb refatfan dartos tbe dap.
and will hare
rm to^
Hr. aed torn. M. B. Oervood of Cwp part
win be need
■ to r«H« to the *
Lake oaaa ta the oltp.thie aontos
orertheT. C.UAH.taradop
Mlse Belm’s mnsic pupils save a recHal Saturday ereola* at tbe spacious
Mra Bfaherd Btotoni and Motordn- borne «ff H. A. Cnlra-. which
law Hiae Carrie Btotoei of But Le- Joyed bp s large audi
faad are Trarme dtp Tfattoce today arete verp beautifully
and *n return borne a^ tofa eren• wetotr to tbto oUr ntaonto be

Pepe Marquette





E ‘ii

Vwk toe‘'l?tot i SEhsr:;;;

■ «n thet eC e aes etoo fas-

Hte. R. Fotnlka. vbo baa been at
SttUni Bap Oh a Tfalt to Mrs. A.
ollht td-thU Bokh aatrto taotoo todap
hr the faUer who wOl spend the day
*fcae toe nilMp^ef todntrj
meertif —dto^.thifanfan
eeentar *n toedns tn it. Be efao Mr. ud Hi^ m V. BsMlns end
tiiwlil ttoth the tea thU rarpoth- dsstotor Lflfaa rWted to Old Mlnloa
tien ere n pood tMop fart that tber Batardap and Sandap with tbMr
daatfkfaff. fafs- Lewis Bvnaep.
■hoeM be eiptoTfaed. to bfa e<
Mfaa Coe Ofngrse M tola dtp arifaed Oft nosa troto Bt litoee. Bearer
Islwd. where tbe has ape« tbe wintw
den betred and thM «ee e reek
bar afatar. Mrs. Owen OUlaside.
wUA thfa naOcn ahoMd not be nllL
Mra. B. Btanpsan of AMea arrtred to­
n fan m MdrenW a nee. ea
dar tor toedUal trsattosBt with
■tottoii or s fautfa. fartoane. i
Mr. and Mrs. J. B. BDer left tola
Bxswtw tor Cedar tor a weskY rislt
bna vttotrfands.
toeprtes.*bkb Mrs. K. mighty toft tndap tor a sfalt
^ kn to ■ eerttto eetnt to tbe to* to her sfatar, Mra. B. BtrltofaiH of
pHeei' a peteton U fa e tons
and little
iton potetow bare dropped to elsbt Mrs. Charfaa 1
onto n fantol end tbe toi
thfa daprentoe In tbe touket keenlj.
Hot^pee at Ine ton twentr-dre onto
tvdre, • dfaHeet fan;
it Bar. Ldito wd\Vlts iff Lerertas
«n he aen tbnt toe tom* fa e«Ser- wore to toe city this week tor a abort
tlue. White toe foronet was takias
Ktonterfanr ibroesb toe potato
Msdieal trsalMWit tor throat trouble.
It nd ivel fatolneai toon lea
L L. OensQ sf WsRtotd aiyfaod tote
B to tbs 'rworU trssrtoe Bltsmobsi tor a rtstt to hit tooth
la*. Mrs. a. Wart of <U Lake ar^
<f » fMbhV


A Great


The Fleet Oep of the Sale Many
IntreeeNd Farttea Taking
AOvantage e« a LHetime.
ItY s VeHtabte Slaughter ef AM
- Farmer Friese>-Thc Stock
CempHeea the Best..O<dtat
and Meat Reliable Makes—
Orgaiw Are Reduced Almeet
Half—All on Easy Terma.
We are agreeably eorprlsed
at (be iBtcrest ebowii is our re-,
aurral s^ of pianos, orgass
aed Dusicnl mettoaiulise. Hany
tostramesu were sold tbe drst
day of toe sale aod a numb*
spoken for. We desire to thsBk
the parchartns pjblic for h«lpJog ns oot of a ditemaa aod we
are rewarding them with
pfanos. organs and nmacal mwebandlso bargains bereu^
onbewrd of ln..^y gbbSdQstywnients.
T ■ '
Of course there are pfanos and
pianos, Jost like other Uingi.
bat when one can buy tbe faMl
makds at these greaUy reduced
prices on egtraneiy esey terms
U's an opportanltp that moat
pecvle In need cf as Instniaieel
feel they can not afford to miss.
We are obliged to remore
froto our present qsaners be­
fore Ji-oe J. Our new store
must be remodekd and decor­
ated end this work can not be
done by (be lime we are obliged
to otore. beooe Ibe Importance
of cloilsg ont tote slock. Cnme
before toe stock U badly broken.
Open erenlngs.'



M. B. HAMEil, Prop.

^Twtrar bas porebaeed an taeoba

Wc are now shoaing many

cbltoea IndustiTWord was reedred test week of tbe
mnlaae ef Vera Van Wie of this,
nfaea to HI
m Btrabel of Sbepard.1


Mltiif M PipK
Chrrlasa-U Bmw Pusw*.

useful irtlclo* for ihc kltcben
In bolh tin and granite ware.

^btan*rtM w^nles*a c»t.

will be found-many Items of In­

Have You
A beautiful Skirt or Shirt Waist Free
with every Fifth Dollar spent at



The wny it wtwkg is thw: For iBStann* il oee lBd:r bojrg
on«- dollar's worth, another three doUar'i vorth. tbe
next cnstoiner epeodiDg one dollar wonld get a *«kt or
skirt Ink., btf doUar wonU make the fifth dollar apeat
fif^ people hart- alrehdy reeeiTsd the benefit U
this spe^ offer. bsadrede of otbeta.
Wb; sbooUn't jrou l>e one <d UutnV A dtdkr ie aU
yon hare to spend to try it and right no* w% are gir.
ing the greafaet rn’ixwlSlbDmcg tor that dbUir.



Traverse City, Mich.

You Can*t
Sell Smut
The stnat v7op in a ein(rie grein growing atote last year
<wbse<l n net iW <d 6rr milUon dotki*. Ten thcioaiRd
tloHara' wurtb <ff bigh-gredc Formaldebyde vtxild hare
pivvviibtl this looB. Formaldehyde io a poeitire preronL
iitive of hU fuiigns growUio- anmt on grainy scab on
putuloea. etc. Vti- liuj furmaltleliydo in urigiuul parkagea dimrt from Parke, itaris & Cii., gnantatee it to be
hill fftrengtb and sell it at 50c a pOUnd.

S. E. WAIT & SONS. Druggists
8. a. Cor. Front nnd Union

Trnvoree Ctty, MiehiBn

Pore White Lead wfll protect
^ and'oroBDeat your home for a loager
time than any other botue paint made. ,

terest la both china and white

id now bas cbar*e of his |

J. «r. eiatiitt

Hannah & Lay MercantUe Co.

Kev pillow case laces. Are
Inches pide. at onlySc per yard.

, Brettp ssdirfailrta and ahlR

6ninl Pnetlei

Kew ValeBclennet laces snd
Insertions et only Sc per yard.
Always sometblBg to interest
you at tbe Bcoeomy Store.

attokni AT LAW.

rf—C^riTt riti‘-*•— t> < M kwL Mw

Elgin C. Lewis,

suds eeiBial pn
calls ta town tofa wMk.


In our crockery department


Stotarfac rseotoa of toe sltsuha
fawM Itowdar bff Bsnir CfaVA the
wcBBfaH aatoorttr.ta Kt* Toto:
^ Hannah:
itoivtoln; toe «np ■HaatSon ee- Mr. and Mrs. John FhaM rfaltsd at
pseMr sa. Bsm or^s are taaek- Baamlt City Bonday.
Hr. Kntehsl ^ dawhUr. Hfas- *ard; hot a tow days tff warm weather Laasnt.
wm^tovsns City eaitett
*10 tally estopsnaau tor this, letter Battoday.
Hr. and Mra. Irvln Bawitase *•«*
good, pesstaimtas ta tofa ramet betas Bn^caitenBataiday.
IWBhli Osaatae of Wexford pseeed
tor a boMpar crop, lha sendltlaB
tbiosch last sreto with hto ne* - owJly bigh Ml. agatast 70 a
& B. Otbbs ct Maleb«u-i wm ta thfa
? psarnv-wbDetoeaarsassfata.TOO.
last week.........
Marly MW.OM sreaier than
and Mrs. John Untea sad dangblastpw: eotoatetopexpenearsao* tsrMr.
Hatsi passed tknrach.test oreefc ca
Bnotas M a yield of «».TM.«00 tbeir way to Trarerae CRp.
Urs. UeOw) and ifaagbter rtelud
hWhefaof wtatsrvbaatioraboat U7.m.ew bnsbefa note tbaa last year. Mrs. John Barts at Hoonie Canter tost
Mrs. AnumltomM of Byioa Cen­
ter fa TfaUtng rrfaWs and rstatiTeB to
thfa Tldn^ torafewdaya.
Hr*. Jo& modrito^ a Kta
caller iHt week.
May It. im.

Tt P ■5'

The Paint that Lasts.

rerp-nlDto pleased t«
-------------r-f entire el

of ^ Ifapid. te to gfre toe





moot Cupfne
0|r pound

Bnihrd'B Calf meat
4c pound.

prr iOO ft*. ]

€Mta meat

Big Spring
Jit the Gtp Book Store
W ALL F.APHRS that range in price from 5c per
double roll upwards.
WINDOW SHADES from 10c upwards
SPORTING GOODS of all kinds and an eapectally
•itroDg line of Base Ball goods—tbe ‘Spalding."
PICT I RH FRAMES made lo order frmn a most cfwiplete and surpaasuigly beautiful array of mould­

II JO per lOOpoonJa

Oil ake meal
f l.tiO per 100 poonds.

201 So. Union St.
226 E. Front 8t

£ity Book Store




r uj. ■■ c OMte.
I MM tlM «Tiae

Clfcutttlon thU week 2,750
A. W. Peck kM wU hU Mtdoiee OB
MbMk-eirwt lo P.
Johumi. CkM
e( Polk* WillUm AeUoft taw tm^
ekMtd the reeldMK* on -WeiUactoii
rtiMt aov oeawM tar 4tlr^«kw

>«M W. BUIIkar ct OrmanL, vbo
Btapotated tar OorecMr Weraer
M the eth issL M cooBtr Bceu of ttao
.'AUU bowd of oonottiou enS eherttte ^eeUBod Setmrter ead Till

' i.«»IM ^**^ «< ^ «*<* *^«
i .,hV the deelta at Ootiatr A«eet W. H.

L. K OerctaM has boacht na later.
Mlaa Ala>a Otukell oTthU eitr baa
teat eoarpieted a pod nadaate coarae It hi tbe lasoraace builac* of W. H.
Oowert bare wltbered and died.
at the Baeiaoa OaQete ed Oratecr at BeUer aad tbe dm wBl be karwa
Tbe BOW dees was plaeed oa sate
Bodta aad wUI apend (he aouMr oader tbe aaae of ClereMad A Skier.
at tbe tooal mask stcree Tbeedar
with (rtaoda ta TTltaartlle. Pa. B*
pan ta the fradeatla* pcharaa «*fllastrated wltb a
elated of a vaptr. “Th» lUeraiy woefc
cd Baenoa CoUcce.Bdar(B C. Kea(. whe baa (or aaar
rean beaa (be apedal oSeer aroaad
the aartna baUdlasi waa amotated
noradar afle™** aa dep«r ahertl
br 8b«1* Chaa. JobaaoB. the mppolal
meat bda* nnaaaarr becaoae a porUoB «C the frocBda an oataSde (he

The repierta eaaea «d Border Tt.
Hatxoa aad WhItUs ea. Barder <
BP for heartas ia JoaOce Kerttagorb
ooort Prtdar wwalag. llie forwer waa
pat erer aatO Mar M aad the Hiter
■Btn Mar *L The eaaea are onr a
bene wbicb otiglBaJlr copt «» aad
tbac abniBk to US. laelodlBK a bnnr- ■elrea. Lake treat aad wbIteAih fo^
merlr combatted wlih tbe eoemr. tbe
Mr. aad Mn. J. M. Blakcalee aad sturgeon, bat aa tbU Ask b todar aleitlael the lake Ash br artlAcM.
suetfa. Mr. aad Hra. A. O. Jooea of
B and tbe seareltr of their *!»>«•
Battle Creek, etartad at • o’clock
« slowlr oa tbe Increase. {
Ford toorlag car for Battle Cnek.
Antious Copper Cup.
wbore wtU rMt Hr. BUkealee
At Miller s dnig store there Is s cop­ When tbe bodr b dearod for aeltoa
br Dr. King’s New Life PUIV Tou cas
bellevea ^ the worn roadi to be *- per rossel which mest date back tell
it br tbe bloom of baattb oo the
oooatered wlU be betweea here aad prettr far into atitiqullr. It was dug dieekt: tbe brighutees of tbe erea:
up from aa ladlao laoaod at east ba>- tbe AnnoesS of tbe dcab end muaclca:
the bnorancr of tbe mind. Try them.
aad U the'propenr cf Ward Bums. At
Jobnaon Drug Co.. F. K. Meads. S
ABMB C. BiaUhr'whp was ocllc The sesael is of hearr copper, which B. Wait A Boas drug stores, ts OfnU.
badlr tajored a few dare ago br a
haatmered out as tb^ Is do
board etrihlag blai U the right aide ■older, aad has two baodics soiaewbai
fraetnrlac two riba aad otherwise la- ta the fasfaioa of a preacat dar lorlnc
flicUagJatenal lajartes was lakCB to cup. Ob oae baadio are tome ebarabis booM at Bapld CHr Thondar
wblch taar be -mTS." probablr
aficntoOB at 4 o'cleek where be wUI
)t for IT7S. or mar be a naaie Id
reaialB aatn be Is stale to retnn to
)glrpbles. Tbe oldest ladisas
Us woit at the baskat faetorrrbom Mr. Hiller hss had acess to
declare (bat the reesel was used by
Mn. B. U RsnicB briags to tbe Hei- tbe medldae amn sad the reason ihsi
Id braaefaes eat from the cberrr trees it bad two baadles was because the
oa the Bsasom farm whleb ere loaded
MtaB brewed wUbln It was so
Onsraalecs a coastaaly lacrcaswHh blcsaems aad promUe aa caeep- strong that H took'both hands to bold
iag bank aecounL Ton add to
UoaaUr bcBsy fruit aeeaoa. Tbe peach
It r*ularly from your savings
Ireea, bowerer. ate la a large measure
. Tbe aerere,winter two rcBTS
aad we add to it regularly br
ago gare tben a art back aad tbe cM
liberal Intoreet rate.
Now Musical Con
of tbe past wipter daubed ibeia.
Safety vault botes to reoL
-ploralla’’ b tbe very appropriate
title for W. Henry Steffeaa'. the local
w^t you sbould bsve to keep
Tbe sBMke stadu on tbe saw milto
cf tha HsbbeiCT-s at lAka Ann are ptaabt and teacher, new eomposlUon.
your pspere aad other valuables
It b ato called “The newest Aower
bavlag their troubles as well as Tnsm;erse atr pedestrtsus oa account of song' and the melodr. which is of ibe
lingering, oaallr lumbered kind, fnlly
tbe hlgtajruds wbUk bsre inTsUed
bears out the title. The Inlenweutioo
tbe post week. On Msr llfib one
blew down and opcrailans were began
ody Am U aon. expreaalve of the
oaoe for lu replacemem wheo on
Aowms ia bad. It becomes stronger


CravtrM eity State

P. H. Jowetl -of Maple Orose fraU
fiuiB la an aiMbe-rear fniU man. He
brtao tbe Herald apples of serrml
■eel rarictled wklcb arc ss tresb
soior. plui
b in the ,a
m. Me reports that hU large fruit
farm never gava better promtee than
utiM iMtat Hiu Aedne
es thU spring, all vaileUes being
loaded with bhMsott bads.
mnltaSe took piece at the booM fl( (he
hiMe*a pMBte. Hr. ud Hn. Andrew
Tbe board of directors « tbe WeCWeneB, end wm eitCBded br Hrs. H. qoe«mg dab ordered aa Amertaaa
MhBKB «t this dtr, who reti
dag for tbe dub bouse Iridar evening,
also a aei of dub eotart. The dock
line oa tbe aoolb side of tbe club
-Chart* Pneeattaal of the Bortaa
s will be «ncaded sad the UmBHre Mt Btaadar ta- a (rip (hroosta . here removed from the beaA la froat.
Itae aoeOMm and WMtan ctatee to , Tbeae were put Ja for s bieakwmier
loekevoBewloeBttea. Hr. Rcmathel but tte waves washed under them
ta* taae fallr decided to retire froa and ennied nwnjr mneta of the bcacb.
taadaeaa ta TmaerM air ead that it
ta oair a aeoatka of Uae
be wUl
H A; Wllsim of Klagdey. brotber of
dttar aaO o« ta bulk or botc
Frank WUsoa. regUter of deeds. wUle
■lack toMa aew loMtkB.
barbed wire. MonIhe Carp Lake Lumber Co.'s clock i
at Bta^mm c
D BaUirdar lelUng | cause of s severe attack of blood
between tt.000 and M.eOB feet cf 1am- potsoB wfaleh set la immodUldr end
ber down Into (he watw. At a neolt that evaalag a message eaaie aanouncthe mUt U doeed aad all hands nre lag that be was la a seriou condlUoa
tmr getting h buL 4be bw will be with two phrddaas ta attoadtace.
, IrtHnc^t 1had (hpre been a hard
wMit( migh
might tere been b*V7. as
Tbs Rstm Brick Machlas eompanr
k c( the lumber wonld have drifted
of tbU dtr has recetvod orders frcmi
oat Mo (be water.
thdr agent. A! H George of Loa Aageloa,
CaL. to sblp two machioot> to bo
a 1. Baker of ML PleakaaL bat a
Bradaati of tbe pharmacy dctpariaent entered ia (he tnlaes end meiallurgr
c( the Pecrla eckool has arrived la eshibit at the LewU and Clark exposlISOB
PortJaad. Ore. Tbe macklnea
the dtr to aeoept the podttoa te^be
Ubnina Drag oonpaar made 'va^t wlU be the ootput of the Traverse City
br the redgnatJoB ot Bd Kdth. who Is hxB Woika aad are Wpoaed to be in
oamtrr ctrenintw now of ibe Bve^ piece br Jime t. Tber will compote
Baeotd. Mr. Bnker comae hWOr rec- tor tnt prM ■■ makers of the best
most naural aitlBeW alone..
wMMBdad'nnd will make a vatnab>e
: —*“

«*»***tai d*mn-

Master Lawtoo DalaaU. aon of Fred:
DatedL ’while teatertng on a board
whk his llUle slater we dsr last wMk
wsp thrown to the groasd and hla right
arm JnS above the elbow bidcee aid
lha elbow Uedt dlslocnted. He was
MmsdUteIr bfub^i n the dtr frtan
thbhama, Iva mllea oat near Bingham.
«hl the bone aeL and aside from the
dIMiunfini of tbe disabled nm Is
hagiF aad in town Meadsr «hh bU
Dr. Jamm B. Cuavan of tbe asylum
Mt Friday moralag tor a month’s vm*turn to bs want ta Msisaftansstts and
miaddpbiB. aad la boasr cf tbe oeeadtoa Ue aaay trteads at the Pere
MiTBoetts Asoorsted hb trunk with
Otd iMss am uck lika. The happy
ovuat * whhk thb waa a forawaam'
oeomred WadaeWay la Phnadeiphla
aadI the M(Ue
b](Ue wai
waa Mba.Mmie Mom
a 8L
Sky af PwmuntBnla «a her weAdtag

arTfred hi tbe eitr erer tbe G. B. A I
Tbarsdar night and-remained at (be
until FHdnr momlBg. when
a Bamlac cKr Is aared
tb<F wen switdied orer to tbe H. A‘Ibr
| BomeBntm.
drnaadUng.a apmm that the Are
N. B. wmo tber remained out oa tbe»!eaa’tesDM. BomeUmee.acouSiImags
feel aa If nothing b«
line nu dar dUirtbtrtlng their small,
..o toag-roa
frruooL Tber aiw> thlpped’Mr cws: jniao^
ttU* wooM
w«^cure IL Z. T. Omr «
’■Mr srife bad a
eoatalalMC abo« two tbooaaads each ;
wkld. kept
of tier trout aortk oa tbe Fere Mar- swakc nlghta. Two phrslekms coiua
quetta aad eight cans south. The corn-loot bdo her; so she took Dr. Klng*i
TJ . . I ■■ ■ ■
f car arrired at the C. B. A New DIaeoverr for Caosuaptl .
Coughs and Colds, whldi eased ber
igb. gave h«w sleep, aad Anallr cured
Birietlr setooUAc cure for broaLa Grippe. At iWesaa
train uodth f<r tbe I
^ H. Heads. 8. B. Wall A

My Hair is
Do T9 like itP Tliea wfay
be coeteated with k? Hm
lobeP Oh,ool Just pot oa
Ayer’s Hair Vifor siid bare
bmt. ihkk bah-; Aoh, e^
hair; beautiful hair, vkbout a
sio^CrarllBeiBlt. Hire a
kBleprMe. KeMyeiutKut
«loot as xoo..^

Trk4rWs Special
Shoe Prices
W« haven't 0pade to deaeribc tiic shoes, or tell j-ou of all of onr
“Special Price*,” but you know what it means wb«i we advertise “qeoinln, nod these prices wc ore quoting arc too tempting
to remain unnoticed.


What %e consider
the best bargain
wo ever offesed.

'Women's patent leather Shoes, (new
styles) many people say Un-y look exact
ly like $8 shoes-wo «y
Aey’re rogukr $2.50 one* tp i *VO

JlKict seftkM
sktM Skot, paU
tat apt, iMt,
light tr http?
tah, A ftgultr
92.S? ptlMt^ftr

Wonico't gi'nuino Kid Shoe, with style
enough for drt?s8 and good L-oough
wewr for everj- day; is a 01 1€k
n^nlar $1.50 shoe......... i • 1 ^


W y

Wcwien't patent Calf Oxfonl. niwle in
the new atyle (without tipsi biucher
fi^L and is lually as slrlish and ss
nice fitting at oxfonU 0 1
that cost $1 more, prioc A? 1 e^C/
Woman's Kill Oxford, black nr tan, with
goodatvle uud plenlv of wear * We

The Wise ones will boy
Today (Thursday) came a lot ot snia purchased soipe time ago
vnth this sale in view.
We cGosider it a most extraordinary offer.

We bought very liber*

ally hoc that doea not mean that they will last a loi« time^t meant
that now the patterns and colorings are complete enough to make
the choosing easy, while in a short time the best w31 be gooe.
The popularity of silks for this season is daily groiringstrwiger, and
we have made the price so

on these that it is within tbe rOch

of all. ^
Tbe lot cofisists'pf plain and fancy Chiffon Taffetas. Plain colon
are Brown, Blue, Hunter and Riseda Green and White, and Browo,
Na\7 and Green stripes and {abdes.

The Price is 48c Yard '


If you can, cOme and see them, if not write for taipides quick- All ■
mail orders will be filled promptly.




petmng,bcahfafa]bmd. ]
■me easily and at less expense than uiy other flour.
Sfrve your family bread made from Mvvcl Plmtr and
meyH never want to eat any other kind.
Marvel Ploar. although better, costs no
more than ordinuy flour.
Bu>-a sa^ from your grocer.
Use H three times, and then if net satisfaaoiy, your grocer will refund your
money for the flouc.yoa have used.
If }-our grocer doesn't sell Msrvcf
Ploar be wiD order h for you.


Otud Slippbr, hand tnmul, with straps awl Inw-.............
Houac Slippenr. made vrith a good {dais comfortaltle foe,
with atrap ornot....................................................................
Women‘a Serge Sli^vT. the cotdeet, easiest thing for


Silks at a Bargain


your late lebsooB in
owking. Pot in
your flour bin i
sack of

and the result will
be tbe hnest bread
y o a have ever
made. Every
member of tbe
family will tell you


men’s and Boys’

Men's Satin CaU Shoe, Btyli^ for dress............................... |,50
Men’s Kid Shoe, very light and easy..................................... | .60
Men’s Satin Calf Work Shoe, good and aedid......................| .35
Men's Evening aippera-embroideped............................................45
Boya’ Batin Shoe, good looking, good wearing .............. | .36
Boys' Calf Shoe, seamkaa, can't rip them ....................... | .60
Youths' Calf Bhob, seamlean, can't rip them.................... | .26


Misrs'Kd Shoe, extra good wearing ........................... 1.00
ChOdren’s Sboea, nguiar $1 ono for...................................75
ChUdreo’s Shoes, sne* 5 to 8............ .............•.............
Childnsi'sSboes.ldackortansuMStofi..................... .30




Mred 0. Triedricb

Good TKiirigs -to Eak
When you go fishing. You want things all ready cooked, all ready to
eat—no time lost in this way. More fish brought home. i



Potted Veal, Hashed Chicken, Pressed ngs Feet, Vienna Saosage,
Corned Beef. Lunch Tongue, Potted Ham, Hamberger Steak, Chicken
Loaf. Van Camp's Pork and Beans. Country Club Sausage, Prepared
Sauericraut. Alaska Salmon, Monarch Lobster, Imported Sardines, Lib­
by's Dried Beef, \’an Camp's Celebrated Condensed Soups, 10c Cann
Mock Turtle,-Vegeuble, Oxtail, Boullion. (Just a little hot water and
your soup is all ready for serving.)


rtn ukKC.
«taa doewea Ml trr Bwdata B
Bitten. Carre dntataia, eoaaUaai
wkwlr «K
aKkeoM I *■ A. Bata of Ml Ptasaa
M tben.
BraiTtMM to taU« «le«)r.
_ Mill— M «otl* ildiiH hu teM eeu. Sew tare itair,■ lew dan wU* Min DaatoU ibto week. M'iTtwtaea tta wtale «a*w.
' towa MTtr. tta atat cf Ibe mba^fi tta l!Ui. a daaxtiter.
I at (hto vrttMtc: **m atoMart tad ottara an ready lo
it to aaM to be Mn. Hetty Cneab
aea. waa clraw ta H
Mr. mad Mn. Walter Watna speei a; Tbe OoraMl diatriet to am te eW; piaal.
ambUkm to make ber aoa. CoMaalM
_ ___a tta new actaDltaeae.
_ - Wbea
-. _
_ ______
■<r dan laat week wltli trWda at BU-1 waee
taa arrlrel a' %lr eot- Moatar erMita. lee c<
cotatd^ tber e»>ta<Jt
ta tta t^. Mtoa Mata^bw ^ d«l>e •>
ward H. Greea. fid Ttaaa. tta rit^
Mn. Korn Trmll I*
r ptanr wetJa* at A. MBleWe dweat la-tta amrtr. We hope to aec atace ttar cane, bei to belter www.
d»M vlih tar s*^^**maa
la tbe worU. He to extaaalMM
rneay erMlac waa waU aiitaaed.
: wre take paitera after tbm.
Mill# Roaeia caw la oa tbe t—
tait UoD«v.
ot a mlaUiare torcal. a aam- taurceted la Traaa aad Meskw lato
Dell Rttkrrd bove^i a «De Jeiaaj Mr. Km baa onaatoed a craace ai ’ naterdar mm Cbtoago He wOI ata«
T«e BDc Uka Bpwarth leagac etoetK. a 0»u MW taw I
^ o( ptaea aad wptoe bariaf beca roadf. Cokwl Gtoew to a typical aw
, Gnat tall, kwowa aa Grast Center V/,« dan.
, ed aew oOMn Wedaawday enala* cd wwrf A. B. Fatrbaaka Met week.
Moek laH WWM<iy.
ArtWoUaeie wbo baabeee worktar Onace No. lit*, whleb kM » Mem-' -Mra. Adama caw op rreaa Tra
»; laat week. .u'kJ "a »..« d.b b !«..

Mr. aad Mn. rnak Baer of m Bap- It Mtaum^ta W. %*er. eetanS ben aad a. aw awe wta wUl Jota city.' bria«ta« Mra Ctoraa aad
ibk. wUb a fwdaan Ur
tta y«n# people rftmraeigbborbood. ed aad
| la tta aear fuiore Tta oOwni^ed; Greer totbe eaHtlaa
tron tkli Bcl^bortapd ta- ,lta
IM Men
w« Baaday wlih tka Mtter*e parcuy-nilag nimrat «ad PM
55. »««
. ,„*d Bneb wde a trip to Trarenc : wet* aa followa: Matter. W. H. Dt»- aea'a. Aboai XD wer. .
Wte. Oarto aad Mallr of Elk , city Marday.
oa; orerteer. B. E Ctamptoa; aerre- |w>d Uaie aad tend dlaae'
)BAplda epeat Saaday wUa Mra. Mary,
rred Arery tad daa«blet (Urr. Sadie Darto; ti__
No aua caa eul-e raaeumpIloB Tos
Ml to pit
. ^lOeeaadtamlly.
Blaach did ahoppM* la Trarera* Otj i Goddard; chapMa.-Battle Bwartt: wife. Mn. Carter.
eaa preveot li ibo-JKb Dr Wool'r NorTaka li
here «U- way Pine S}rnp..cum moglu. coMa. wouad: ru
*••“1 Altart Jobaaoa n Bk RairilU tpeat Sainrdar
' led arer. Carrie U DUoa: Bieward.
Mn. Herrlu or Si. Lmtto U hare
aad a flae'tiw.
i Baaday with Mra. Mary Gee aad fatal on^rhaaka weal lo Oeairal JeUej Otoab^ Ctawtaa; patebeeper. Uo; IKw ber iwialaa. Mn. Bllottiaad Mn broocbllto. athma .Nerer faito.
Blectrlr a
The b.b...,o».,a,«,
toagae ai Qraai cbaita laal Saa- Ttare wiU be awtlag pt tb« Biei
May 1&. llOi.
,h.;rSS-S'"‘'“*°““ I T».
. . MAftkCTOB.

-............ ....... ........ ’ •

— —at U oOo
Mb tad Mra. Oea Swaoer of Oidi
- auaHTS.
Al Rawey baa bow
beeo OB
oa ite tick
alca teaai. S>MHiar icbool at 1
rrwd Domlae tad HcU. daash-i-r Mr. Smith eaagbl tbe dumptaal Mn. AI
Mia. dao.^rale or tbto wee.
tar Doroll

• tow better.
Mn. r '
~ "
irolby of Baat Bay were tta i brook trxnt t^e other day. weigbla* ‘ lui. bat
terrieea la tbe Catbirtie J*
of ber Botber. Mn. ioba Biaw,: m pouada.
Ben Picket to alto very, Tbi
chwei Baadw.
Clayton it worklag for Mra.;rhaBi
dan MM week.
I Alife CM
a PetD Bt
MW iramae v«» came T.we..ii.j.;
a few dayi ago. I
Bhri Carpeater kmt a rmluable borac i b<
da QBlle badly
I lam weea.
. Mill Barker boogbl a new bone MM
A pwle waa gtvw tta aebool by the I «,
teaotar aad a good Uw «•
waa *1tad >•»
by :> ”
Haueabeck aad cblMno. wbo
BwaSTand family ,

f Kr^adf^
Mn. De»lti
of Gn
We gnsnnU<e to cue
j North
Rer. Joba StDckl«^r of
.. Trarenc City bott dlaesse, whkb bad robbed me
Bi-ndbcfaim. fylraiKbicn
ito (arm lalercau of aleep bad of all laiemt In life. I
a* ap auemdlag (e bit
Crow Eyim and Rwtoie
had irM many dlffereol doctor* ana
here MM week
Ftoreiga Mtoaloaan' aereral taedlelnn. bat got oo braeflt.
Perfect V»oti bj the M
' toeiety bolda a apeeUl meeting Tbara- sot l bwan to uae Beeirlc BlUen.
of oar f pecul groBtid lentM
; to^SMaSkT^rday.
” ”***1S?!
' r aflrraow at tta panonage to elect gg jBderfal was tbeir efleet. that la
----------• Mr. aad Mra. Joha Horu of Kta “ja
BtnrrOMt BAY..
kaaki rlalted ber parent*. Mr. and ■
. .
___ _ I am cured of all my troubtoe "
aociety of Inland Guaranteed at Johunoa Drug Co. F It
"Wto. ’rraacea'*'^Ma and “f-i,ho h»,e!
JLobWbTwaS^tallMM rrldaylWyckoBofTrayeraeairwereetalilng .
' will gire aa endetatameat- at- the U. MeadaS.EWsIlB Bona, drag atom:
A.- Bauiha lw Ban-ay. .
I Oifclba. teterned borne Prlday. I
--------- of tta irvreka oader the ten:wo daya' work at BeadoD
e act under the bag—'-'
King Edward td BngMad to about to
the track here thl* i
; take, a Seld worker for the Michigan , pu tbe Mamp <d royal approraJ bo
wbicb detained the tnia
IW. C T ^ Bbe U a brUbtJ^fu^ ^ AmcrioM, typewrltla, machine.
ywr. Ttay rendered a eery pleaalni^
‘ntomaa PraV ta loadlne a car with -toto. .A I t t t t f t I
I I S • « I 4 •• I I • I > • I ^
ore after wpadlag acme Ume with
that labor-aarlag de»lce ta being: •*
t Mra. Bd Glendenalag IUmarker.
*lSa^Hame Wootoey of Nortbpori' ft
dulte alek.
*>«•> ““'.“"'St
Chat. Gerr to preparing to j>tR a wall
made for bto uae aad win be sbipped a inU-ntt (oooi.
cioeed a woowfiil term of arfu '
doing m
J. E HogeMnd to doing
mawn work' “W
Ueto bay Mat waek ud left tor . _
to bclaad ere loag It la to tare
Ibl* wwk
week for
■ E. T. Pray.
VC •
, ,
Owafneea Garvnet be Cured
MB tta Mte train laat ntt^L Tbe aehool
' IMS.
.g pOBttlwlB
Hay \i.
ik» mabwaay frame aad tbe ken will
1 Mtoa WooUey to
board baa e
^ BnBoal!}-)
Our Champaer.
UM tbe M
waTlc«er..daf—«d thatta ta*^ i<Y ivory. '
Ltrety Broee to Tnve
.• Tnnaab Arer
’ '
kUowetl o
''iuUrew Curry asd hto alct^ taiita
A Creeping Outto
ef Itot'l Bay were lo town MM algbi

Grand Traverse Region.


^ 1



"“"•jss.ssxs. iSKrr

CoBsah aa
ialist ta-

Eye Troubkt


Dr. P. A. Wolfe,

i. «ANK .

as ssrsxirir'ssto^

2fMW*W«Jaw“wW^wj^ ^w
■btU Utt departeia of ibc Mte iraia.
Bar. MB t. MookiUd baa aold tala
beoH Kbd lot bn tbe east aide of
Sarnoel Cbeeaer taade a trtp to
Maryto ayeaue^ S'
Trarene City Satarday.
CMreoee Ptoirtaak^ 'aiHI wife of
Travene Oty spwi 8oa^ berw la
tta Beighborhood. •
Mr. and Mra. 3. E Battoa drore to
Mn. CrandaU of Mardoatte apt
Ttayerae CUy today.
Saadv with WIU Oee aad MmUy.


anydar. •


■"ffi cuito —,b, ,™,S.?SWrg.£KS?’SSiTS SfSi'SS r-nScT- Sto- - «»pt™ ^.incr. J.O.C^,. p,. H, B-Gat^. B-j.TVM. -

..... ___ ___________________

:£?i,srjtoto%£ri:!ic“;K, K."«ss&^to.


r.. •.. ■ • •

..................... ■.. n .r

everymey ouid not have a well furnished home. Our plan of selling on easy payments makes it possible for you to furnish your homo complete, regardless
of your financial condition. Just a small payment do\«tn and the balance at your Own convenience. Many a dollar is wasted through tryHIg to do without.
Our stock Is the largat and moat complete in Northern Michigan; our prices ara the lowest that can bo found. The fact that we buy for thra large storm
enables us to buy in quantities that the smaller dealers could not handle. This enabios us to make a fair profit at prices that would prove a loss to otl^ers.
200 Styles

erndto*. Stows

One a


odor, 3Bst tbe thing for

rooma. AUgimabip.

Dining Cables
all slyios, lowest {irioce* our nssortaicat cmlinvcim ail the
latest design ittfs in tobits. n k'orxi solid iwk talflo will ut«t
Only i^S.SO.

iHLim fmn tS3.7o nii.

If yoB are looking for OioitiK
Chairs bay where you can ciiooee
froB thc-Ii^assortnicaL
Op*Ol*l—A hA of Diners
jost like cut, ahajaHl aad^ scat, high'
omb'eani back posts and sfNndles all
tamed finislKd in golden oak


enables yon to - get jnst
what yon want -st jnst
, whatyoo-want tojmj.'

Picture Frames

made to onlor. any Sik^aiUStyle UonUings. WIKDOW
HBADE6 Bade in aU&ns. All woifc execoted by an



Only $}.2(


Parlor Stand*
The most ormpleie
line of
ever shown hoD- at
prices that tin- sainll- r
Iniyen can not dupliratA' On.-a a.ilt.1 welimivlr. all oak stand, rich
• lark pshl.-n
top 24i24

Sm^ll Payment Down

Buntto md SIdekeards

Only $I2.M
A BEAI*T1FI'L Skleboard w.-U.
nuidv. handsomely finished in rich
dark golden oak. UftK Ftencb pfkte
mirroi. only •IS.7S


A ttood faeeeb Wring-

PI Iff


es; strict^


Tub Wfinip-Ts. from




llochiDiM in ISdiSsiat
■tylis frooi f2.T-'> mp.


m»rri» mair*

Tkb city's best assortme-nt at thv
peoidc's best price an clegaiii anlid oak
([narter-sawed Bnffett, dark goldon finish


An cg<x>ptionally fit).
^ lin<- from $4 7.i oji.
Sol-our g5> 'i0. $10 .V)

of styles to

^ ebooBe. froo^ this Cact


Sianie chair with L’o»d
grade imitation

Dining Cbairs


llvJO lo 20.00
Bast in the City.

Oaiy S2.7S

iiqr witboBt be^iBg tbo


Don't fait to m«> our Biediam
priced line ranging from

ed back, jnst like cot

kra^molordoa bak.


Cabs. GoaObiIs and PoldinR
(tOcCarts fron S^T.t up.


shapevl seat, high eminsa-

Banner w, wiO cook a

■Onr^Jino <d fi t o «• I
BaoRMVM noTvrinon;
ocfDsletu than now. A
luge sig-bo)c. high
KTMle Steel Range, all -t
artcBtoa packed, iritfa
high efaaet and reaerreir. ele^7 nieUed.


Baby Cabs
4o differeut styks of Baby

bcaotifol soli<)

wood Chair, all posU ao‘l

Kodost, BO dirt, bo

' nisit inM ^ved.




Huiidmi styles, uny
size, anj color: ewry
iroo'lKd if) our stork
nannteeil to ciw
Roml sprviCK; a 4^k>d
full size bi«w Iron


Th- -.ikicst sitting Choir
told. <-on lx- a<ljosttol to siiy
posi'tioD. B>iriDuing as low
Don't fail to look or^oar
n..imn*oih lin<- r>f CupeU.
Kugs.' filckitii and Li&oleain

In floor coverings, larwc
t-Doneb for an ordinary mze
room at hss than cost

Easy PayhMtiil


MA THUidMr. M’AV It. tMS.

• ni«v

taWMMFTMvudaM*tiar «M ITMMi !m^.
M*akl^ n* «omr MT> It trlli 10
ktB.a» tattfv ftw IT K vu k


llK. 'SiskB^ MiMr 0 DMT0t «a

OukM vWtad Ma. IMS

^nSSSS'^ «Bd Ctaita
•Mlael or StmoM Baj apwi
___________i BatUo »uiM.


h tick «t Uii vrit^


aJB wn ~

or fWNMoal

I MHlto MkUa aad S*a ttrt
ifiUM <E Uia Trarwaa C9(y BwMa
ftMwi ayint BaunEar insw flOlai
kM. IWhadapiMtedtoMr. Mi
oaiifet PH VA, M an rapot a b»Mb4UtWa
A laria on*< tt*m hero attaaied
tfea aatprtat party aW daaea at Ur.
CHMBto IHarMr ^fcL
AHnaf tha party who waM t
harp to Bwr laka anday. Mu^

dn at horn. .
XlllaMr eaUad at tba bone «t
tha totoAClBli'a oa 8oW0. .
Mdk. •£%. WUta awa a Mapla Oty


tbaaaw at^ kaUat board wbIcA to or
. jSw.-Mwrt« odM -at Mr. Bn

m uaot^aai acrsio
for ltd baaet of tba^rsdaii
dalae oaaeee.
■asy wea aad wowse are
________ 1 IrtWto ^ - »• aad faeally hare ly' -nbleaed to what they .
HatarMy to «toh bto
worn ia tbs boaae wttk J6e GalarsA ,
a It caeUaoBl atrsla- >•
teriito —dai'.
Mtoo.JeOPia Bri^ laOinaad rroM
Pisak Tlfltodar bM asaptotW a ca- ms tost WedawdM aftcraeoa.
ate etepphis with Mis. faneaow
wsil seder yatoib Pawleaa- raal-1
K. rbapnen of Tisyetse Oty. sbafbr«ri 'are eery ban potties la »
^^^?OMat^Hip««^faMt at O.
Ibaa baas werhtoc Hr P. liltoBea re-<efopa
______________ ___________ ____ __________
bme tost____________
Siaait Hnii wsa asltad la narrlase |
Prof. Jaeoby aM Prtu Atktotort toat Wedaeeday emtoc to Mtn t
barM wttl be boM aaat Batardw Meade bare tbh week.
of Trsrerar City at the boartof
Mrs. Kretocr waa la Ttsyarae Oto
are etoMore at aebool dtolrlet Ko. Z. Ballcs
raBtoc. May at.
The towaeblp Seaday aeboel m
aad Hn. Mllto s’* Urtos to
mtiea win be beM at Beat Eawnr '^St'preaMt earpt of taaebara ha*eii^M~^ itraaty-slx
deeldad to remata with ae aaetbet aad Jobs KrrttA the teaeber. hae BMt4 Am*, at ibe Irlefc
Idoaed a aoM Mcmrttn tern, AlMllto to so-ked to- ib
aty Brlcl
w lake. wblM ad sM to A blsbly mpeeied youas t
P. J. Brtobt, wtfe aad daaabter were
: wax well BttcMed mad sroauy enjoyed naa: Hie ntay frtonde with the youos
lawwaot Wb. Brtcbt aM taaiily
I! by the older
a* well as tbe
.. ............
ebii- eoaple a brtsbt aad happy Htitre
Bd Skiean aad IsniU ere ompy■»eBloaIIy-.dto|ieH
rata ia Tisrarse C
area. SwtBCf ware erected oa ibe
'^UtS* Mtoiter Bt1«bt war eery ah
Dial dtoiren cans
srovada aad rartoae Mswe wm las lb*- Wloecar booee.
with paeaawato all toat week, bat :
Mre. Janene wa* a T-sre-»r Cur iniuei ilrsia.~ Trial to...- .>
played aad tbe boat rUlas wm« also a
better at thU wiittoc.
Flower, 23c; tesular rlie. 7
~ W. Blaehan had bto bare tatoiae
Hrtau to sirias bto bnex' • s. e. Wait A Sooa
tea last week, wkere be to ben lak-j wai fnrstobad. aad at tbe itoc of ibe
tost Pliipy.
•* bi •

las BlBcrsl hatha. .
pkalc a pioare was takn of all mhMr; lid Mr*, win Pmilce artnoi. J
I iiM- mill- i.or* »ue-r I
J. O. Crotaer aad Salph Case. wbolMi.
_______ ...jl*tbeb«iU*of.
' uiImt uwwdHoz >kln
Weetel KreHx. Ptsak SkaMa aad tbe opars Tboredsy olshi la TrarerwT%« kMMMW tor Alknt Bntker't bays bsM Bpeadiiis acMe ito to op^l
. ne»J (or 11.
per Mlehlsaa. reconed bone laii' joo. Haaii weot Bttaias Sainrttoiy .
e Mtoaes Maoeb- and Udilr
I. CSn'i harm th. m.—
las aid made e flse eateb.
Itar IK. iML
At any dru* ruin-. 7
Michael Myers to shtas hto boaw a
Charles t’tokockll worked for Hart
May 15. 1J«^______________
Oraat easier weat to Leroy Sator
A daoce wa* siren at Freak HOtaMin Om BMMr of Travene Ctt}
to'i faooee Saiordtr slsbt.
to TWtMc hn-*tMi«r. Je» Rstnor. >0 My to rtoft hto father
foha BobertA V. Usdes. Wn.
Tbe nanr rrleodt of Harrer Pbeaii'
--------------tw MMttCm ud ««np new Whrtbers aad coasta. Wot. Wnrxbers Will W srieved to toara that be net |
MOW IMt Itooadtf aWtt **• wall at- of Otsad Itoiddt: B. U HaOrtA CbsA with a aertoa aeddeet Soadar after- •eaeaa of Trsverae Ctty fteMera Art
Hiller. C. Oartias aad D. U testss
west ftbtat to the Boardnas rinr
Mn. W. C A>Uor i* A
blood to the Ktdn«>
4an teTitoiaiaa Citr.
—. —,o return bone.' dotrnt MtotoMt Heno 1
Wbeo they (ail to do thto ib- VW
Tba laraat «lil of Hr. aad Mrs. AaipaebtollL
eery weak from (he
Backache aad meay kidney ill* f<>i
Hash Tbayar weat to Howard Oty ud ahoek to hto aerroot systen
aad ,
Mra. Mary Wmi« wok diaaar with
allsht bopea are eelertalaed tor earns I <o*:
Mr.aad Mw. Wn. AWdea laM Thora- today.
Jrtaarj tronblA dlabelea.
Bvt McCarthy................................... ....
tbe Injared tno.
Duaa'* Kidney Pllto rare then all
toy 1!
Batta Cook or Oiaa Arbor tpeal
air people eadorae cnir
Saadar wUh OnAa PtaUai.
A. B. Ptobar waa a Tramaa C9lr
Hta. H. D. Camnbell.
Caainbell. of IIP Park f.
later Ealarday,
- D-* Kldaey l
"I And D
Jaaaia Phrraat or Otoa Bam vto
tbelr Aelds for com. <
e aa eseellrei
Had BiAoel thto fa
h.. ■
,W,iwaak*oed or orcr-exciied kldne^. I i'
A aoatoar ftoa
Tbe ban nae Bsadar wa* between
5V.-iS?*S 'r*. ^Zr^^ltare n*ed them at Interral* (or «v. l
radtal at Oadar BaANar '
Lake Aaa apd Alnba bora Tea torears. They retlere (he pain In »
Btaow ead
aW wlia
wito Mtactalaad alas* were played. Tbe cane stood *
MWtM Lediaitoa over Saa- 7 to 4 to faror of Lake Ann.
by physhdan..
the Lake Aaa aaeoad alee wUI play -W-I h...L
uxed other kidney reoiedtes. asd
aad Mra. ToM Good or Cadet with tbe Atodra lean May 21st. Cone
Dmn-s Kidney Ptllx (or
atoUdd at Mr. AUlaaWe'a
aaeoad all ta tbe miba
>en discontlnne
mtinne Ihrlr
Ibrlr <
Tbare wlU be a daae« at Wilt tetae'
ire bronsbl ntaui the J
H. C. Kite St LPdlasUa waa to lows rertdoaee Hay SOib. lee man will be
Mtouler-paifTentor. 1 c
bto MorslbE.
serred at 10 eesto o dtob. An are to
•o ktoe III any* tAlr-^
Mra. A Doll to vbdttof to Beat Kaa- tiled to attead
calllns oa me oerwonally. not ou' o
Mtoa Mary C- Potter was rietttos
Idle curlosiiy. but If she really (iiffer
Tban win be toetaorlal aerriere at with Mrs Cora Buttoa at Mabel Satnr- the whole groap.
from ber kidney* and wixbei n knot
Aaaa Hnall ha: _ le to OM 1
wbai neonx to employ to obuln rt
Trayeiae 10 *tov (O' the •nmmer
^rs. Tloia Lake weat
City Friday emtos. retarnlas telor
Harrer Pbeoti me< with a rerr eeri
For aple hr all dealers.
mile Pear: on* aoddent yeslentov while oat boe' eeniA Ftwer Mlibnrn Co_ IbiBak
raa Latbaran aieetlss here
rldlBR oa TraTerse lake. Harrev an<"
New York, sole asrato (<w Ibv rnlie
yaeterday. eoadoeted by Ber. Mr.
another boy had eva* with ibem sat'
The daae* at Mra I
Sbeete or Leh-td.
tost Tbaroday erMlac
while Harrey wax puliloe the gnn ir
Wa hare tHMa omalaad oar »». tMded. All bad a aloe
the boot It some way dlecharsed. the
ManaaM for the
*<»whole diarge paaxlng ihrtnsh bto era-Hartto Brook* of Bni
wlU^to brother Bd Batarday
eveo laxt below the elbow, maktas a rcry
'Oaear iiBailM or thto ptoee. who tot aad B
hideou* wound. Fonunatelr tbej ver.
Tbr Oeraaa emperor and empre**
haa aerm tbraa years ta the PbUlp
Hr. aod Mrs Lake sow oeenpy hei not tar froa Alklnron' reaon and no
plaa totaada. baa retarwML brtoflM beme at thto ptoee. ax ber eoo ano there dleeetly. where Jobo Krletz nod can nnbend oa oceasloa. A Ber
with bln inaay baaoUTM relies.: Ha wUe haea nowed Me tbelr owa bone. Hr. Atklneoo stopped the dow ot blooc per print* a letter from a member of
wlU apeod the aanaMT vtolUas bto
John Martin cane bone fron the br bandngtos bto era end took him to the crew ot the Ittpcrlal r»ebl
asytanaweeksso. He to dates eleely tbe booee. where Ur*. Atkinsoo took
P. J. BarfiPd aad aea Howard a
rery tender care at tbe bor betore
alaca bl« far:rs.
W Tiamae City for a few daya <
Mtoa Haxel Case wa* tbe snect o) noreM* and tbe pbysletoa could ar­ romp of Bmperor WilUnm and the rmwertt TtattteK Meada.
HIM OoMto Bale* Iasi Wedaeeday rive.
prenA After the sallon had reeelr<s1
Mtoa MItoe Otoaoe drore to
tbelr Eaxler css* aad other prenenlt
aoetaw Bmt NTa sartos atathn. ...
Hiss Ntoa Myers cam bOMe Sue- erery dtr

atwto Inwhkto to y«T BL
COM ft Cnnar*a WB was.


Uttia Adotob at


werr ALMIRA. '


j “j.S'ij;:' I” .'S’-----------.......

«>— « rr.era.«Snai

..—.riniir"'"" »n ~—-dirs:s:iir-a

day trote Bohn op the eseaisloB.
Two Canadian barge* bare arrived they were all eent below while tbelr
Oeo. PSeter of Lake Aaa lead oar at Nemeskal'x dock, where they will majentie* hid orange* In the rablr*
pisyer mectiag last Wedaeeday ereo load the xQiurt- timber* which will hr •sd In vsrioDK place* nronnd tbe di-rk
sent to Bopland lo the Uvirrpool xblp- ' The xallOT* then n-mmed and hnnir.l
Tyler of Lake Ano fell froo oae yardA
for tbe oranscK. "You hare fonnd all
ibhela-’a‘'biilldlnes but
la«t Friday
Hay 15. iao6ot Habbeter’a'boUdlDS*
hot two," ulrl the emperor al lengtli,
hi* arm aad traeiartas *ob
I. He to
to dotos Plerty now.
of bto
ami there was a (rexh bant.
Mr. Stowe passed
oed away tost Thnn
I (»e of Ibe aallorx xaw the omperor'"
to ftineral
ftineral wss'beld I
daymerslns- Hto
tbe ehlirch at Lake Ann. Tne pai
era were Jndaoa Pmit. Sannel \
Hr. r D- Hanka la eerioualy 111 al>n<> took om an orani^.
orange The othe.IVben then- to an epidemic of germ tlreagtheaing tbe stuasach with UlMr. Balonsta aad Mrs. Wllllan Habo( Mrs Janie Halllday. <rbo misting orange wm found in il
dlfeote. an4 mon ar.- cauicd o-nA Jnsi oae .mill labM out cf B
belerto father. Tbe
by c«m*. It I* (he p»-rMO wlih a weak Afty ewnt ton betore coiteg. and y«>r
preas' paraaol.
BehhhUer. Prank Btoetolr. Mn. Lewir
■tomach wiiu sucectpbe Arse.
digeaUVA^tem will beoMBe so straag
8-ylreeter Reed | been
U yon anBer with pales or dtolreet that yon will tor the embodlteeal at
He lesTM t J. T,. Wtoybrew.
HtA PaMard at Beaieato la TtottiA
wBp an oM ae
owymew, mao
and lime
little wim
acn a
after eailng.
hradacbe. betebtog of good health aodoplrte, and need fear
bM daoEbtar. MrA Ors CarpMtar.
Of Otodstene. Mich. Tbey rette*
gases, soar fond, a bod taste te tbe
Albert Cos wsat ta AUm iMt Hatai
mouth. dlKlnoxs, pain* in the heart.
Aik"a e wall ft Boa* to X^-PM
bto Blrtar.
>r. H
is. ■
M BasA
Tbe Ladles' Aid xocielv met Thor*iRgeabIc Weather Cawtaa Oleease.
*peek* before the eye*. «ad .a graemi
gnanniee ander which they aefl
day afternoon wUb Ur* Richard Uarreathe HyeoMl and Curs Catarrh.
feeling of di-spondescy and wcaknest,
Hawi HTA Bay Thaeker. oT Tisr' cotta nothtog nkwn It
Hr*. Uaraball pleaaantly suryor: should gel well ai once by
eisa Oty. apeat ton week with Mis.
prtoed tboee attending by serving de
BI Moore.
Mr.^tewna of Milwaakee was In llclon* tee cream sad cake.
Braee'Hesild. who la wortlac at Blk
C. D. Hanks bn* moyed tnio the new. with Us wnra days end cold nighti.
Bapua Meat Saday with bto taWly.
to responsible for n iTeai Increase In
Tba ItehSm boat eaiae to tbli beoae he receally bnlu'on hto Inrm
Hr. aad Mra C -WBl wmi to CadNewt JamlxoD taored Fiiday into Ibe number of cases of catoirh. K to
wertt and Mr. Tnw and Hector Sieb
the roonu ovef the rtoetoSce recenil} now thai Hyomcl. (be imly gaaraDteed
btea spent a few boora with (rlenda.
treaiment for catarrb that caret wlihMra. Bonrto
I a few dayr
Mr. Htaihaw cT Letoad. Mr. KeabKL
rnadervori ba* moved inio the oui tiomacb^oslng. should be used la
Wm NeOto niackbars aad alater Fmrealdenee she purchased
from Mr every home
Bto ot Trsratae aty apeat the after, For more than a ceniury pbyxiclaax
MW ate emias with Bdim TWte
Platt Barnum and J T. Wbytrew have been tending per»o«ia tuRertng
Batarday ereatoA
I Ifv-l the wool nix) nioet hayi- it. Mimoy ia no olijert.
Ollea Tboteas. daofbter of Ur. anc rtolied frleodt at Trarerse Clly and from catarrh tu Egypt. Colorado, or
tarMaikm baye beM reoeim to
e the pure, btaling air
Bowers Harbor Mondar
hnvf made f.nlracU wlih two of Up- larcrai woiden miUa in tho
the narriate of Hr. Aieble Beldlac or Mrs. J. ThomaA posted awny Tbur*
d cure II
dfmae. For one per­
Baat. one for onx-<|iiarfaT lilood mod thme-eigTiUia Uood. ukI
—UooB lAke aad Mlae Beth Carpeit- day ,-ertBtiig at tbe age cf *U year*.
thouPbaaral aetrlcaa were held from lb<
daajblM of Ber. L. & Carpeaier.
the oihi-r mill fiir all tbi- loweat KTmli« I can cet. I iniut base
n compelled to tuy al
lab to to take ptoo Wedbeodar.
I- -pro- home and conUnue their dally tol!. To
io till Ihirtw-n f.t'ir loada of Michigan wod. I am Oierelbfe srtli.
r ITtb. at the pareooate. at bleb
lew ot' ibese cuSererii wbo could not change
Mfa Barney Boou to eeHoualy ill i
inu U> iKiy one cent a ponnd more than «i)' other local boyer
tbelr climailc coodlUon*. we Oder Hyoe Lady of tbe Lake "
hit writing.
; TtM oH
mef. a method by which pbre air im­
lev. C. Vni__________ ..
pnj-a. i.ixi if you will hriuK m»- your wool, aod do not find thw
fv the a
pregnated wrlth Nature's own remedies
L brtd net^ca s
i xnctly M 1 0y; 1 um willing to pay from tl-00 to»3.00for yocr
for the cure of catarrh, ran ,l>e Inhaled
othewiee enjoying
le xcenery
The MImm Bt
tdML *a.
. . .

Inuble in comiiu'. Also. wLo<-v<-r tuvda a aiwxin-r, by marfaine
deau Btoaeb Carpeatar. Ird riee praereturned from BreaUed (b^gb the n
>cKH In
Wterttred BMinom
-------- TMaae CarpMter: tth rice
or by haixl. «m »>-iid mo his addreaa and bow many fleroea be
haler that colnet with e
itilAt, lu
Hodge FrldAv nnd Su
d. Mrs B. D. White: eecistary.
log. voixuii'. eutinepiic
Bar. VanAttken have been a great aoc- l^nnab uf stay with Mrs Irwin
liiis, Sin.1 I will eeixl the atiearer. Alto. 1 would be ^1 (o have
White.- tisMarsr.'Hri. Perry
les the lungs
liing and air passage* w
The tople tar aest BoadaT
you call at niy aari-lioiiee and get- Uie wool I am getting, and
omarh duelng pottlbly can d
May l«. IPOL
____ .to, ■•fliwwtof Dp for Ood." ebnreh and nil have received greai
glre* Immediate relief and make*
baring Mr. Van
y..n will find I am not liltiffini’ Iput mtvl tbie full tbirtften cartm^O. A..Carpeatar. AU are ia- help and enioyed
' nkco with na
Bring your im»«l and your money is ready tor you at Ifi
Tbe compirtc cmtAi contltt
The aehooner Bnraee. loaded with
Rev Leach and wife of Levering
May It. tPOL
onn<->-s to the (apDiid
eooL went aabere at Ughihonse polni vtaillng at Hr Brownson'i aad other tbe luhater. medicine dropper a
tie of Hvomel. co«t« only one dollar,
this week- .
relaltrra here.
and extra bottle* of HTomel. ft needed,
W. Blackman li colte Ul.
Dr. Faatee hM a aew atga bwIbsIds
can be prorurol (or Afiy
Ur. and Mr* Lester Anderson were
troai b'y oMee deer.
Proof that the Hyoc
730-732 E. Front street
Brtbrb... MS«rtlPwthenme.'
Mrs. W. B. KlehA* to TtoiUng (rtendr cailers at Ibe Center yeatentov.
Mr. OeBOlae waa ow from Wexford
at HeMeo.
The league annivenary service toil
Taepdw with bto aew aatetaoWe.
founil In the guarantee undei
Mra. George Purktoi la on the tick nlghl waa largely aileoded.
Ostoy Hnia weat to Fife Lake Tuee8. K Wall * Sou* sell It. an agroMrs. Btorkman was called to Kings­ meni to pay back the price. If Ihr pur
day.Charten Johe apeat 8atnril0 to Le ley Fiiday by the sertou* tUnea* of her
Jaba Bowdes waa does tran 8a
chaser can sar iba! Hjomel M* not
It City Tbersday oa beaiBeM.
gi«en tatltfartion
Albert GagBon. who ba* been Ul. to
Tbere will be at ire cream social in
Mr. aad Mia. S. Asepaeb were
Ibe I. O. 0 F diniag MU Batarday
‘nsTiree Cliy Tbaradar. the caetts
Mtoa Buaie Baambergrt lei
Sonday Bebool CIM* No. : The proJake SkIdBMire left Tbaradav for
ly teoraing for Booth Brad. Ind.
- •«ni
- go towai
wa'rd Mlldlng ebureb
Uleea Lake, wbrn be baa enployTbe Hlese* Beeda and Rorte Gagnor | ,hed». Bvervbody come ana tnvr a
A Tobalar-iSeixir-itor is a>-i<>iice aafely ftp■BMt la the WU. '*
Hr. aad Mia Adolph AAMaeh carte returned borne this week from Ear . ,(oad *cc>al time
(•lied te tBkestl ibe creaa eit ef mOk. Hw
Mary • Oxbo-n was bor- la Cha
Mr. Pleree ba* retnraed borne ftoir-.,,„„„ eonetv.- New York. Jan. 31.
Tubular Imwl is tli- oiilv saf>-—olttoa—mzb
, 1SS5. and died ti Moaroe Ooier. Hay
I w.iy of doing ii.
Mr. and HrA HcPball inent a few . c ,»oS. aged :n years. 3 muntbx and
OiaA HoefliB retorsed tniw Boabdays of thto week la Letoad.
; g cnys Sbe kove* two son* and eJx
aSSarni aow om die ttM* tSrtt
«lo W tor toiM Wtu ud trmsmt <g
Mr. Canto, who travels (or (he Ka - ttepeblidren. ihree xister*. one broth
to KeyaWoe today:
tWraal Blacoll eampaar. waa In town ^r. three smndchlldrea and one er«*uta eats for ber daachter.
i emodaon. After many mciiiih* of pa
Ctoreoee AadeTaaa waa over frbia tbto week.
0. M.
M- Ddme apeat Saaday
Snnday with bto
1,lent snEering
nEerlns she
*he panted poacrtnil
Fife Lake 8
temllT In Ibis place.
Itwsy at tbe booe of be- danghter.
Aft' THE Oiar SEPABATORS in die work! io
a...N. Pickard of Letoad retnrnet' I im, Blrrb. Tbe eervlce waa held l>v
bom Bnndar, after epeadlag a (ew'Ber Oeorwe. and W Anderson
wLir-li ««.ielic>' is ai>{Jicd with ateOlBte BBfCty.
^r. nnd Mnt. Pnd Niton (nee Mobrt
S»' the utaohiue- read tbe catalog IH he
Mr. ^CTiatman^ who
fw Ar
of man- frirad*
laStotoSad U «*M w«*l». uv iwuwUwd to *t>
Schell) are rejolelag over the a '
sural s mmmtmm M mtt rrvi. tou to b>
ideoawLto irivt-yon.
Bralafa' taK da^te- of Mr. i»e
**■1! I^MaSf rt^tbeiKehl^ Agrtb>. wb* too^svsyvrcf to. pMauu touU
eoluinJ college ortlvcd bm loM sreok Mia. G. H. ttome. to III at tbit writing
Bev. TnaAnbeo left Hoaday. otter

May 1&. 1:
aneoded dance of LI
Friday evebtec .the pofrt at the
n 5 and 117 SUte S^t
night. Brery one iarited.
Ugh eebooL a*stem by local tolraL'
Mrs. U TtokoebU aad etm ChortM
Brre Tmntaoi onagi
wBt peodoae brtore the pabUe tbe ptoy
We sen Hardware, aU Und* of Farm Uw-hiemry. Imnte
' a botlncM trip to T
■to Batarday «ot of B
eaUlled. “Jedeftiah JodklOA J. P.” The
Bugriraatoi llaraeto .
thto place, cf Ibe aa
It WlU 04 ten Madoy. They took

Mtoa Biiabetb Keltir
who la tiaobtok tba aprlnc tern or
aebeol rt Otto atoes.
■tea Inan B. Berdeod attMded Ibe
BraaBv0 h____________________ b crade eMuatoatioe at Clee Arbor
fW kto aakte hadty Jauad oap day eaodaeiad te H. DnnbrUto.
Sal «wk whaa iuMiaa,
Qolta A wanber et yoim« pwole
H. draklBo et TiarwM CItp waa
thto ptaee attMded the a—«^>y
•^taa M«adt haramday aad Hat'
r At Ptaak MlkDla-a Satordo
Mb nm hhd a ham c

M&srssi^ "

^a£aM Mt witk Mrm. Kaaaady
MMaftuiSui. Thara wot* orar Id
mMu BpiW had a rwy ptoaaaat
tiaW lea oMMB waa Mrm. Tha ant
w6l ha At tba WMw hatl HM
At Riekat ia aoMa took.
- Ci'OaaBte. who haa bm aid: ler
trattosatM. to afraat dMl woraa. He
to as Abla to ato ap « aH BOW.
' a MeCleaAa aid fawdy vtolt




Strenrtlicn the Stomach and Dtceslloii. ud Yoi WIB



13 ojk.m

atahM ■aiaabarwtoa beaatitorto
a to W. U. toacua
laat araalBK raaatu d«a touowa:
H. MeOeaiba. lat
SeheU. aaeratayy: W.
arar. Hra.AUoaCi'

ins. htoad Browa aad IHUr
Babtrt Taaeboat. ad MaHacB Labe, are
■awa ar Vr.<aad ma.MB. K. Taaebm aad otbarfttopaA
Mra 3. i. Maftart at ftoath Beard'

Mra. Mfir Ktoc m4 Mtoa a«DB
BeawiroT ChdUtoe win Eawtt at thtoP
totbar, A Raaeor, HMWMk.

UfADiabatoar OtoWItor waa da
|m toat weak to tba latamta of A.

Baby otto

rate baitoiiai oaadMtoat weal
ir.'VBMor wai to KaikMhaito b
Mkan^ cbm wm
tte taeat If a B. OabMty toat week.
Jto A AMrtdia to tory Ul wBb paaajOk^ttowM

Mia D. Bo( *to
to Ttowatae City.
-Spaw Straha Mpat Bte
.aaaL Mtoa Bara Dow^,
a^«rMa at Bayaa_____________
tHaada aad ■atottm ip tawa.
. .
Bert ■Kbetaft'waa to Kalkatta ra
. bartadMaaa«mIdB»Btoai;aaak.
Mra. ChM. Btota aad atotef. Mtoa
-a Barstodto'i a
breagbi toaw atn
Tba nta Ipbp Mooiwr Mt been
worn Uto paw aaanen la tba Ptoe-

fart aad ibaa tlppad dews. The type
waa jtotm tp. tba mre brakM aad



What’S the Tubular ?;



4*|lke hMt fBds o( w ts«« tn Cru4
Br the laaeUTlur of the U
»- TnvBB eoBtT.
; tawe FomB. Hr. attd Htl Ob haIMlfeK«»d Mnfcittc ». .i.
o MM; poBlM ^ iir. *D« Hr*, iolie (MiU^ Mate. Fon ttm see what S and I cent
bndaew men
elT eBeoBa tenicn* ei St. Fmete
feelt IL A food price B*aM pleatr of

tWr h»y bwn CrwM <

I IB wii n m uiT ||^'dS!^£



, Mr*.- PTBik WBtlwn. Mr*. Fnnk: t
--------- w,, J._A dimteh to tk«is^
OMttete *er*h
Iinlra M«r
u» gmmu orw 8«i<Ur of Mr. andic
Mr*. Om Domliie of But He*4.
iwpertMftkBtfcoOofBB troop* *«▼«! C. L. DomlM vw lit* eoBt of Hr.: t
.. Mr*. 0«»|e Beeves lui Boeaer. 11
Bd Cb*.«ton to tkie eoetk si^
But B*r U tiie iBOBer wn oo ike i I
M ab« Tbc. CUk*. obere the Oer-I
MB W oa* nM
•eloteil hu
cMd a ffBt >BBUe> here. '
The mwrt thet (be Oermu troop*
OB^ Hd Cho If denied t
Oir—1 foreltn oHoe *t Berttn.
DnaMa PaM. Hanehnrf*. Mar »--{
BbMn IS.«W fr«*h troop* froa Japan
bavn Bilrad at the tnot aad are beiiif
stntMBM hr PtoM Hardtal Orasa In
rnrloa* po*t* U nsdetpaUan of nn
Mdtr ddvnnee. A CUaeae report auto*
that new Mnrmha) Ora*n la direetlaa
tti«e maeaM of troops from FhkoHsn
toward Toanalaken where the ooneeng and the river U
tratkM it p
MBg bridged hr the poatoou.
Bt. f>M«vM«rg. Mar ».-Co.**elt*
loaaf «a^ aa attaek with whip* oa
aitthaieB at th* BeManlkopp
Wka. A great Maar wortaoB were
JDwad. A leeuneaoa of labor uo«b)«
la aoB* pans'«( the eoWrr
B^liahli. A gMral atrike baa baea
it ittanborg. Mar IC-A eotm
aama] Nras haM todar U Warsaw,
wbarw tba wotfcMaa iMpOeated in Um
riota that ooeartod la Jaaaatr w«»*
triad. Thar vm foaad gnBtr^and
SMUaead to death. A r^iiOTe baa
b*«i MWBtad the eoevleted Ben.

atatoa to «k ardnnupoaoe ndvoeate
and Mar brieve that Ke will work
tHtt PrnMdBt Boo*«rdt to noeore
pwoe In the tar Ast
a For LigMIng Plurt.
Mm Tort Mar It—The eeUmatlog
^artasat at the Waatlngboaae U^epia aad MannfaHnrlag eoapanr is
gatUag aat eonpleu ptaa>.spedS«atkaa Md aattMafaa Br their repneeaiBIvn to sabMH to a Travon* Ctty
aOBBlttoa pnMrUIng Bir a SM light
aagadtr U^tbtg.ptanl for that dtr.
No ditalb or tha daa or Mne* o< tbe
are praeBrabla aow nor Yllt
he «aoloeed aatll aahaltted to the
CBMBiWea . It la nadeiatood that the
ABM ChalPMrn ooBpsar «t MOwankee
aad lb* OtBaral Baetrle anapanr^
iapiw*«t*nvB ara abo to Ud oa tnr

BCad is
Mr*. Fred Doaloe» of Ast

ed'n *7*te« of road' Tia>ei» OtF. her t

R Wtaaie of Elk Bapids wa*
viMttBg for a tew dars with bb niece.
Mr*. TAnver

money Saying



We have placed three
tables to oor shoe de­
partment and loaded
them down with dress
hats, street hats, sailors
etc. They are mostly hats that were car­
ried over from last sprioff which- have
been'retrimmed and remodeled.

We offer choice of a
lot of boys* Suitsf all
sizes from three years
up, values up to $5X)0

AdsB 8bi«r ha* coaq4eleg » lOdt
of dltehlag for tk« (owe ea ibe aonb-i
cast aide of the LeaA RBd.
QacHTC Berre* U not aTraU to laiAb
plav sienp* anr aiare tbaa be vra*
•fisU to go Id aar of (be a eogagemesu be was la a* artlUermaa dar k
log tbe drU war. He look oat SI large '
ptae Kump* oS o* ooe acre ibl» .prlng.
H» b maklits great loprovMBeBta oaj
bl* 40 acres to- a matt over CS TMt* .
old. He baa more sand aad pluck tbaa
side log* to keep their plam roaaltig
full blast oe accotmi of a sbonage of
kicgiageats. Oae dar bst week a Sar
rut of No. 1 plae wai rwa out. Joe
Seoor is BOW jard loresBo and Hr.
Otto Bill foremaa. Fni Domlne Is

T« Cvra a CoM in O


dtlM’s Ph«M SM «r 4S.

Fine seven piece china
Berry Set, beautifully
decorated with flowers
and gold'bandt.

49o J®

The “COLUMBIA" Dry CelU are the kind you
should buy to ignite your gas engine.
Grand prise awarded the “COLUMBIA" DryCelb
at the Louisiana Purchase Exposition, St. Louis, 1904.

Dealer in Automobiles, Launch and Gasoline
En^ne Supplies.

^ Wttk $t.9S
You can’t 8« such values anywhere else
short of two dollars more.

"■ I BnyJ values that are
I worth UP to $3.60: fb^
I will 80 quick.
In our MilUaerv Department you trill
Bod the newest and most stylish hats in
the dty at prices that are from }{toy6
lower rbpp aniwhere
for the same
qualities a^ styles.



puse Herald Want Ads

that i s

KA.f% buys the same in gold bands
pw worth $1.26.

Look Here

rNsntiV#c With good solid frame,
IPHtfilnp tRrtaa «id aW dw uoungn,
V!hm4n w otlw you « »MaM foil wrioe live potterns to 4,09
choose from, bxtia bpecial, *
2i»trttatdtecoiwrt on «llBat«*

Cbt B»mmtd(s art Headp

Our window » full of
new summer shirts,
Stc S»M
soft bosoms, open wpric
fronts, silk fronts,——
Madras, etwell
made, good fitters—you never saw so
much style and good values

Lot of shirt waists,
with last season’s

^iSe'";.".. -26
Black silk waists, their
only fault is the last
season’s sleeve, values from $5

oraad Bartds B Indbaa 8. R. Oo.
to Alhart O. Btaa. tou M. Uoek IS.

Fit* lake; «se.
A. P. HnrtlBeitai to Johaa
WMaler. lou »«. Mnek 4, P. H.<a Sad
add: stm.
Baiaar Andarnoa and wu* to
tBaMr Pobnatear. a« of a*H. aee.
JS. town M. raaga •: «»4.
Pkpd U iMlth and wit* to I
naBBoad. alb M 4. bloB N. B. L.
BOo.'smadd; fTN.
C J. Mbaar to Fiaak O. ADor. M
US. Oak Beidbta: ISJO.
AmmH <baa to Ikastaas St. Johna
Latbaraa CkartB, w% lot St Klag*tar: SI.
Pater a-— to Mathias Kal^ sM
of ewH. as*. 14. tdsra St. raage 11.
Jaot B. BaplB, etalrto Dana Boner.
aABbL. aapt H acres of wM «( mH.
see. S. town SI. laaga lO; SIAMW. B. KtBB W sbarit, to TMha NowskToakL a*M of a*M. pa*.
im ».

. BoaaM»«*>
John N. Boasa to A. B. BttnaM,
eel In Kb«d*r; SSSt.
John Arrr aad wif* to K. J. FhlghOB and wtfehrdi MtpjeettgS rdln
AnB. bU ST-St. Mack S. H. U * Co.’*
1st add: St4W.
J. T. Minpalt. el al. to'A. K. Wlbon
aad wae. Ms 1-s. blod: S. P. I^ltb

add: ssas.


B. W. taBh a^ wife to Maarloe
Dadtar. nSM taat «( M SI, bMB i P..
&Y Srd add; SI. Cbnliaa fe. Oraaa and wit* to Mania
Btnrond, M IT. itaaie * SpaaoN^
add: SM.
- OwMl^^MalllstnnblaaBpre**M1«*Am^W*I leave* todar to
Mka hM boM* wUA bar aant wbo
ptm la Oraad Bapte
. VBl Fketea e( Nwvana CHv was


Hr. Ptanoa b an Uriag ta
' naa la fravavae Ctqr.
baa Bovad to Tmven*
•jStgT*. m aad Prad DaMla* an ai-

7ts Jin IM Ibi BMfiMg-Sit

70r$3,CC, 43-4$ sad J3.9S


Where Hard Times Prices Prevail
When the market values on farm products are lower than the average.
words now that potatoes^being only 8c a bushel

In other

Wc Come to the Front witlb Prices to Correspond
The secret of our succen is meetiog emergencies. We do not leave a stone unturn­
ed in procuring bargains that are bargains-=-our search light being ready cash. We
strain every nerve, put forth ev«y effort, to procure the best for least money—and
we get Ihe trade we are entitled *©. Tfade at the busiest store m Grand Traverse
County. The home of the working class.

Udies'* and Miss­
es’Walking Skirts,
made of .all wool
.matertals, neatly
trimmed, special





“r: or«

Samples of Ladies'
and Misses' Street
1 Hats, worth up to
$2A0, hard nime
price 49c and

, Ladies' Pattern
4 tav*, iiiimc VI 4^*i

feilMr beioacMc to . Oa* Be '
wMM Mr. DMdae said to Mr. J
«(tba rMtaaala

Udies’ $6 Skirts
inregular^^ extra siiesT^Our
special price ^


to Oaba: «lb«n to AbbaBs. aen r ~
BdiMt Walter.
tHiBh aad iilatl iw M Tw**»e cttr-



91.25 White UwB W«i^
ing, ipectel ptia-.............. ..................... 69

braid, silk chiffons,
buckles, flowers.
etc, values up to
$7, ourpriee $1.98





A. at Grinnell Bros’ store. 159 E. From Street. C. ^
J. Whitney's entire stock of Musical Merchandise, and ^l^SSiC DOX
99 Schaeffer Pianos recently bought for cash at less
than manufacturers' cost. Part of tbe stock has al­
ready been sold, a good supply on hand, and' more on
the road. "Fire Sales, " "Bankrupt Sales," “Going out
of Business Sales,” “Removal Sal«,” and "Factory
Cost Sales" have oo comparison with this

now on at our Big Branch Store, 159 E. Front street.
In our plan th*re is no consignment of Pian.^. no sell­
ing contracts at a big discount, no commission sales­
men but straight salaries to local people.
For 25 year? Grinnqll Bros, have been buying pianosrj
organs, musical merchandise for cash and selling them ’
oo a closer margin than any other Piano concern in
the state. Strict adherance to tbe facts and honorff-rnrfT T«a*4 Mmio
able dealings with their customers has been tbdr Mag
mono, and their secret of success.
Tw Dbin
Tbe sale uoir on will eclipse all previous Ones in tbe w« th*** MwMe,
Tb«iiamount of stock, and values offered. Do not fail to
«< Tom* «a Wm fmn.
see uS before buying, because after yon have bou^t
OvBgBB*a*4 mats SMelsewhere it will be loo late to correct your miitake. **
*• v*



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