Grand Traverse Herald, August 17, 1905

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Grand Traverse Herald, August 17, 1905


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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Wk at pcepMnta. hts sarmaM are
FWrsM FUntUig ta k
rben taof-were detag maeh Mate
one cf tbese ceUs and aDow the water
Out la Bortaweafera Nebreafca tfc^e nU to be powurM In their wrel
ibaagood. laauad ef ^tag a
>w ouL Next day it aopeu one
Hta. whta. aod forva a antall globule, whlqb
ro more eeUs. and' ao U gm ea crop, taey weee actually ratateg tme. I a regkm known as tae “sand hm both ta the iatrtlact aMI the maidhai
s It to bend to one aide end thn
Botdaada Craaoe. aad oar boat It
AMtaer Bwliah boy wboae pulpit
mw ludf By nshtag wUb oxygen, . day after day until the whole supply Then. I bare son many a fanner M
kaal I hope It It.” tkt
career began Un yeurs ago. WhM be
opporitmlly to do the maut leas deaert, imAl far aaytaiag
doing away with tbe coatlnaal anaff- U dtaaasted. In (bis eurious way a
a ebM «< 1. to Mr. Tboreas Bid­
effewire work pass because he bad too ttodc giaxUg. aod not rntxA good
neeea“J am aoiTT. Mra. Craaoe.” be tald.
rdle to
dle. of Dolwtoh. Mr. Biddte
k aot
ly iruas In tbe Are. I have ween that even. About eee-sUtb of tbi
without drinking M alt. and so U able
Wbm »• air u cJ«ar «a erxawl.
lUllBg Id *llb bcr kanar. “I am the aarr.
• aad'pwwef el
enillvatora sundtag Jflie la tar Ul sreu St Kebrsska Is euiWraced la oaly. a. preacher
Aa4 tke'Blat wreatlu Bax aot aUf.- Bar. PblUp Hardmas of Boaloo. tomThe many aopercuaoee end oboerr- Id irnne! qatte easily tarougb the des­
cupttU ergaaiaer. ta aMh
TiMdBC lU wbltM*|>pea WIkrwa.
00 tbit Itlaod «llk ox tao-' ancee clnatered aronnd the candle aod ert. wbete tbe wells are odea haafouadUg
a mranl a full hundred butaeta to
b beasUfal Traren* Bax.
other IljtaU tuggeat a mo« remote dreds of miles apart.—Detroit Tribune.
tae crop, while an hands wero busy the soealled^klncald Uw was passed gailoasl tempte. be has started a Urge
Naa gatped. ”Whx dldat joa thlak origlB. and are douMlm to be traced
tectlBea til a HiieM dt dl*ar,
hsrveeUag s hsU wheat crop. If oor by Congress, a Uw wUcb permits tae BuMber of most unergatie agatalaa.
«r Moklag to tee If ihare waa aax <»e > the once proyalent woraWp trf the The Pastor, the Qirt, and the -Pdta.Bricet la lb« awuhlaaa «knr/
to take ap UO acres of gm- loctadtag a BIbU setawl. a aeetal«ufU.
not making Us tarmUg a sutxass.
A Mory Is (dd o( a sboc« reedred
Uelag tberef” abe demanded t* Dare. n and fire.
ahonld seek ourtae reason. It will, eniBMBt Uad. Oalensibly tbe U* was aa oprnUr mUslea. etc, wWA ba
Tbe Bomaaa twriied caedlee to tbe r a Daluta pastor, lie makes It a
”r0o told* me it waa deaerted.” be
t be dlScult to hoi. Any. sacecss- engcled to eacoorage srtUemeai and j roaducu hlmseir. He has exadaetad
■■and I aoppoted you goddeea Febnira. tbe mntber of Mara: polec to welcome any strangwra cc^
devrloptDent of Ibis deaoUte cdu^^ services ta many parts of tbe eoanfnl
comand Pope Sergloa turned ibla cuatom
•MPtiBMU the Usbt^ rin>)a
. I oolx came last al^V
fsr Its operation has wor^Jtry: but perhaps his most effectlva
Ohrtattac Boroont by eajaining a plelloo of the scrrlce. he haniod dowa asked ta tae right spirit, point out
a Ka «atm Uaa,
added la caplanatko to tbe clergxBBD.
to ensble Usd grabbers to a(s
weak spou ta tae management of
lira Craaoe forgot to tell me about eimitar offcrlag of candlea to the Vlr- tbe aisle to station btaiseU at the door.
farm and sot tbe -aaluii)- one ta qalre Isrgr iraeti at government Uad
A Swedish girt eras one of the stran­
glB Mary.
X tide and tbo boat floated avay-'
tae rlgbl timrk. I yell temembor a for graxlag or spacnUtlve purpoaea. has reaped a rich harvest ef eouVerts.
-Cooe orer *d bare tea.” aaggeet- .An old doeoment of the lime of gers la the congregtateo. Sbe is cmNorth CarolUs boasu tae youagast
casny sad more extenslrrty than
Aad «• waliA ibc (DTiaoBt anaaeU
farmer who frequenUy declared that
ed tbe. derxxoaa. bocpiubix. -and I Meary VIU, now ta the arrblrea of a ployed sa s domestic le one of tbe
ordained dergymaa la tbe world In
<N iwx and ccMeB dxea.
at -uBloeky” man 1a bis before tae Uw weal taio effect.*
hare a'boat that will take yoo orer to
(kat oTcr lu vatan.
aad If the
aettag that she was a straager.
rjdng of candlof:
tbo botel.n# »atb to GIOCT Uaa.
hasd“On Oandlemai Daye it aballe beVdeBe etrode off. leadtag tbe way. and
r of tae Chnreb of SballoUe.—Tltsand bill regtae of Nebraska are
He welcomed bcr to tbe charcb. aad g« II ta tae neck worse than any of
Wbea iU Ma^nea warca aic 'tMalas, Naa aad Dare Wlow*d; Odco or twiee dared that the bearylng of candlea la
pressed the tarpe -that ebe would be bis neighbors. He did seem to bo hav- BOW being plaalcd to feresu by tar
in the memorle of Chrlate, the
aha baeiated aonly to bcrtelf. asd
Hkv trBahlx tk« b»w*e* Wo*.
Tire forestry drhard lime of II. Two cf his best
rwgBlsr aileodaat. Flaalli be said
LHce Uw braath cf UTe to tbe biaUac Dare could bare awora It *at the wed- aptmaill Ugble whom Slmcoa dyd
Keep Thasa TWtiga U MUd.
s died Just what br-needed tbrip panment has tbls spring had
diag-oiiakitromXoheiigTlo.” At laai. propbccyc Ca llghlo to Ugblea toG« (bat If abe would be at heiae some
U th* atBoaek ferrU glow.
Th^ vUoe of lime. Imui qepittl may
(They got Into the catsdda one lOOAM Uck ptae seodKi
at ba waa helping her orer a rock tllea') as It la redde ta tbe cbweb tbal erenlag duytag tbp week be woold
dog up and shipped to Nebraska be restored by diligent see of asptrlBighl. aad gorged themselves—the
Bat Ika viU iriadf wakt iU btUova
whiefa barred her p^. abe held Ua day.”
ttate lost to tost (orerer.
fansbCwaagtag triUi aallw rear.
la Scotland. Candlemas Day b aUll
band tn taera na Bx lightly dropped
and ta»« flne yeartllg steers that suie. boplag thereby to reclaim
Tin tb«x daiA ta Bittx ftagMta,
one of tbe foardena days appdnted Illy, “but“ay bare a fella.”
Throe of the members of ta^ eon-, died, and tae tans amounted to aboot from tbe deaert tboosaads of acres. :-Keeping uverUetlaglr at ft* brtnga
»kr « tto aandx abwa.
”DaTe”-^'Bbltpared. “didn't be (or the annaal paymest of iax«. Inter­
governtbe Imped-for result.
bundrad aad flfty doltare. (They
est money, etc.—the three olber days gregation beard tbe eoarenaUoo. aad
eay bo waT'n dorfyoanr*
AkI BtfaTcd bx tha foarfal taaweat.
. a repteuenUUve el Ibe'Forestry
Tbe ptouore of wwrktag. The ugly
were turned Into (he sUlk-fle<d bnagry
Dbto nodded. Tbe Ber. PhUlp belBK B’bltsanday. Lammas, and Mar In spite of tae (act that Ibeir pastor
Or ealB la a aaBBafg dar. > . '
a them to secrecy, oae of them yait as soon as tae husking was done). Bureau of (be Department of Agrleul- really unhappy, rich ur poor, ure the
Haidstan.” be nfltmad.
lu Mood* «ax pletar*'
under whose dlrecUon tae wdrk Idle.
Twenty flne pigs died of -cholera”
“We eoold fool' that goHlplng- Kumeraua omens used to be drawn
•Wi fcaaatlfol Ttareiat Bag.
The dIgnHy of elivBcdty. Wh« Ihe
when there sms ao cbtrfera to tb. U being dose. aaU
B.H.P. wwd. pretending we (Ud It on par- from candles, which were also uneff as
”ll Is a settled itrt that the forests -frills- are off tae MSB Is ■ton.”
iborhood. (They were given a
Thwamallcst terms.
aa la Brttaln. If a portion si tbe
<Tke abort poaai «M gabUahad ta poie."
wU teduec molstare. Tbe pine to
The worth of ckaimeter. to the iMt
The founb Jewel eerew «d a watch fall feed at ae* com to mart with Jost
erer Dare marrelcd at.
« tba Smld MBax rtaraacD'aad ta
the only rani valet U a ctoM
on as It eoold be bnked.) 1 exald
j so onall that to tbe naked eye it
tbe waya of woman, bol they were
. |BlM kx fae^'HM.r
Ian a dotea other lasUaces
hit it win grow and flourish taeiw. T1
Mrrled before tapper, ter Pare cs- ogaised as a aare sign of deaoh: while rill not locA like asytatag more thee
pines which ure are seadlng to NUnaeThe power at ktodaere. B trhw
-bad tack." Ul slmlUr to those gin
Bd to tbe elergyman that be waa a bright spark at (he candle denoted a bit of dust, aod U probably tbe
A neighbor gut out of pstleaoe vltb ka are set out on what to knewD aa tae wbsm all eoerelve meaauree tofl.
afraid abe mf|U| cfaaage ber mind that the persoB dbweUy oppoalte U stoical sete* made. It mast neces­
Tbe Influenee of asemple. Pinetlee
Urn one day whlU he was reUUng bis
. 'i n Brigkl awlB (or tt." aaggaated agatn.-eaBLjiB^ciaoo Call.
I roeeire a letter. Windy wcptber sarily bo perfect ta every respeet. and
t out ta oca More taaa pnoept to ahtrerteg
TbedtaPd. The piami an
^TMBar wUh tka aooMt oT oae wbo
Kopheaied from tae waring of the (be ebarnrier of the wortca»asblp re- misrortaaes. and told him pUlnly Uul rows, in order Uut they a
all he larked was homo sense, aad
(be wnF
kaoaa tka Ifagraetlkllttx o( what ha
flame, and M weather U the wiek Qulred on H U IlluaUated by looking
The obUgatioB at duty. Tour eqgMtaa of#w CaruUa
It under a powerfol microscope,
fUd not easBy tight Caafles were far­
iretessaSse sad fooIUbnese. ThU -K has b
rra ebeuld not ao much be what you
Many and taaetaattag are the le­ ther srfppilbed to trigbtea tae derU sad
en U Is seen that tbe threads aver­
l.-Tor ail tbe good It wotUd do. gends nnd auperaUtlOBS grouped all other eril spiriu away from tSd age SM to tae loch. H U exactly foor set Urn to talaklng aad ncUeg. and in tbe pln^ will grow ta thoue aaM hills. eteswhatyoadetorwhetyougit.
few years ho became known as, one and as the trees grow up tte needles
The wisdom of ecMCoy. The mu
Id tbe candle, which, like most of persons srho carried them, aad tao
Yea ttooM hare tied Uie boat.”
laadredtas of an Inch la dlkmeter
of the “lacklesr men la tbe nelgh- wtU faU off end make a maieh.
bo sevee makn more thaa be Mvae.
artier taatltathma of comfort and ouaea In wUeh they were placed.
-Too torgM.” be pleaded, “that
borbood and a good one to go'to for this way a tod (ff foil win'ta time be
The virtee of patlepee. *AH ttobv
. «aly cMW laat night, and hare not y ehDlaatkta. la being almost nactala oldcD 'days, if a royal pernonage
lo Urn wbo waiU.”
hkd oppertanlty to become familiar
CoonUog tbeao staewa la pever at­
wbtU. end caime springs and nrtams
The imprevemeni ef tatouL Thtoot
.wllh the Hde taere. Bow waa I to knew aarprtstag and JeroluUoiiary that we
tempted. of course, but oiae bnndred
its tae only eeglUi which tampoMfli
reckon tbe (oasea we are saatkW yoa bad a ragtdar Bay od.Ftiady
weighed on a delicate steely^
Demand for Oiphana.
Haelf br exereUe.
talBlag tbroegh tbe lutroduedan of
tlda barer
and tae total number of an output is
A strange featare la tae S3d
TI yon knw* aa much aboot geor many of our taboraaTlag gppliaDcea
arrived at by comparing^ tae gross report of the CUldren's Aid Society
the stage, a custom tta
age tae settlers In that twUoa to take
At aHiMiaii
uightfoU tnii
our aaoeatora a^ wont
raphy aa yon do abont aeme Ulaga.* jn
weight with tbe wcdgbt pf these. Suefa
It wbkb reports a
plains tae rroacb ssytag. The
op (bd work ot pUntlng pine irece
( ffiyt. The crentive toattoct
abe hlated darkly. ”yott would knew to ataemble tbelf familiptrahd. aatkey
Id be eoeouragud Mr toe flhre }M
reooon the U not worth tbe candle.”
that tkU it tbe Bay «t ruady tMa It Mt In tbe gloamtagTlo recount
intnbers by mariilnetT. and tbe operm* irphaas to flil Uiesn. For tbe UM . their Und. 8oa» of tbe farmers have
d U ns demotteuadoM. The anb' doMB't come ta a tMW ware, but It day's ddaga and uiportenec*. eomc of Tbero are will aomo tatclaslrc, aria- tloB attending tholr tnanufaclure la three years, says Sterctary Braee. the Uready done so. The BuriUroa rUIloeratlp
sequeni ftneacUl reward brtkm m
Tfaaa at high.”
Of tae most delicate iblngi 1a
Hew World waa made Id the shadows
as that ffrdt OM Ot
He glebced rneMiy at tbe (.
h-maktag.—Boeion iludgcL
of the Du^r of eblldreo
atmoetartag Mde a new iblng er OBBealTed
mt diaappaartet
tbe tide, aad ogtbened ta these early Atecrlcaa
tbe .-society bad to tend, and tbls year
pherw-moat roattol and soothing 1a
aeaaned tbe ebore to eee If U offered omes.
Stranper to the Flag.
Dumbo- of applications, over t.OOO
We. the taberllors of so many the hl^-bred repose of these dlghfA man was discovered la Coosa
Many dslaty loaches
leased aaaodallana. are fast ellmlDSt- ...........
county. AU., last winter who bad la the early days of tae society's his­
The WsoHh of
tag tao eeeeottal tarlllgfat hours fram <d pemoal boeplUIKyCare also yet aever even the American flag. What tory great difliculty was experienced ediy H will, tae people of Nebraska
There are gnua aad gold U Btblta Bagllsh eouatry'bODSbs.
oar eager, raablogdays by the otaMiat
U more, hr bad not the least pcrcep in flndlag fanners who would adopt' will soon rcUlte taU the Ktakald Uw opU. wrHcs Bobert P. Sktoudr. ta the
naiTernDl iDtrodDcUon af.ffaa and eleetIOD or what it meant and was moeb tbe children. Now there U tae «n- srlll be a great detriment to ta<
'orU's Work. The geos .
trle U^U ioto oor dty aod yOlDge
astcmlshed when t^ was ciplatacd
of choice, and the deB (bund senuered over the
candle fo'r yoa. and
Tbe pc^le of other westera states
With a twlot cf tbe key and sarcly tight
' two atoctas Ugb beeaaae eg tbe fall of
to him.
from all paru of the Cndeaert wastes, sraobed down from the
should see to It that all attempU
I nwrameni of the hand we express the hopc-thsi you may
tbe tide from the Bay e( Poady. nnd
The ineident happened in the longing
OoM to hMdsm away
to yOur
peas -square mile” botnestead U
he had auppuaed that whea bo bad tora night ^o dax in an Instant of
leaf pine country la which a lumber
and others
time, sad flood wHh u taleuse light
drawn the cam well
company la oporating near the Itttlr thoujrtri and anxiety, the steadily d<^ to apply to other seetJuas of tae arid
«ftag bank tbe kmg
ta the bow orerx nook nnd eornv of our npartbackwoods tawn of JunUU; says Col­ creasing size of tbe Amrelcan family,
mel prodoelkm of
fecilvcly defcated.-^axwell's Thitomenta, lenrtag no quiet, shadowy seat band; used to escort the newly arrived lier's Weekly- A party <rf the goveio.
mid not poaWMx be n^H.
sany parents.’’ ssys the report,
gold by oelboto ae oM as Moaee
He threw blmaeU «o^ bealde ber. where, without hartng eeory chaagtag guest to his room, to see that crery meat foresters, under Pranklta W.
have bat one efalH aad ask tu
aobaalf prefaeUy to «M0.9M. Aa for
-Kaa. dear.” be crtaCsTlDOt take thought and maaele of the face ttlam- appotatausu had been perfected.
Reed, waa encamped 1a the woods be­ for another as eomimnlon for tbe one
ordinary uaula.
When Bmperor WllUsm left the paV
H to heart. It wiU oomd oohail rIgU taated. one esa aatarally apeak the
side tae road. A Urge flag lied
however, tbe one or two
their eitractloB ta merely a qaartlBa
and tbe near Ibiaga which ace it VemlDes ta IS70. tte single sapling ptac anaouDced the site as
<tf I hare ta ewlm orer «)'tbe matachildren bare grown old enough
The work taaL u being dCM U of flodtag faclUtleo for shlpMt and,
I to the Ups (m tbe heart's taker pleeW eg booty that be carried with goreramcnl camp.
laatf aad ttaal a beat.*
leave (be farm and hare
Wales by Mr, Evan Hoberta. aad aev pntaablp more Important atlfl. a mar­
We bare lonied. oa (or aU time, him from tbe conquered couatry
me xm la aU ber flte fwt <d lar
One evenlnp a little old man can clly. and the old people arc lonely rreJ other evaagellsu. wbo gre Mtbei ket eapabU of ehaorblag them. Pot■ Jarad ■Bgatty. T do not eee. Mr. tbo glare of aa deetrle lIlamlaaHnB Ihe caadtasUck wblcb be had need dur- down Ibc road driving a yoke
without childish voices aad artJvc lit­
have recently relearn has been disceverad to larflo
SBdtar.” ebe mM aoldly. **11x1 tbe Into oar wary bratas aad aoala. aatll
vtcrr*. and stopped to inqnlre whether tle fret to run errands about Ihe farm,
qnaalllies. but the emperor U carreub
1 from theta, reminds c
o qelet
attneUeo thould pertaJt the terity you' tberw reaalD ta eery
tbe party would like to buy sumr pork. and glailly take o/o of our cbildrra. (b” promliK-ot part boys have ^syed ly believed to regikd as the meet Im­
M boars for iwItacUao aodd medl- lagdaUe.
neeume. It may be all right for yoa.
portant of AhysBlaUn aetlrtUea (ha
taUan, .or any aofieaed lights for tear- ' la our own Und oae of Its oldest Slutnp, and after a moment's oemversa acbool and In every way (rent them as
bm a womaak fair
of hto fertlU UMeUnda.—
Seollaort lits Its boy revivalist ta
. htaff broke forth afretb at the thought aUlaed oyca. The ttmutacca of dear,
they would ihelr
Colla UvlogMone. ao earuesi. Ihougbl Free prets.
edafkahioaod. candir-llitated roomi
. «ff wbai might be taU.
The toci.-(> during the year speat ful-looktag ynutb
IT. who bss tIoDv
" ;TehBfa tbe uie of taking on m>r and hours arc fast paaslu away:
' and'ki<led over fiu.mvi ,ffluefa cirelleDI and stirring work le
dureh Censpeaed at FeuMU.
I... u
' Be deBBBBdbd. Toe told me la*i wta- ate we really likely to be safer for the
persons. The dally average at'end
There U a ebnreh to the quiet HUM
the places of tbe two glass ones capperpetual drctricaJ stare
lar iSatAt thetead ot the
Joking, but it was s*>oB aiipanmi th”
in Its industrial MkooU .-.a T, >
I^mdoB I rllUge of Mamlord. near tae Nto^ra
1a 1T4C by Captain Creebn twfao
iccuatoming ounelres to exist—If
qnestloB was ta good faith.
^ No< long ago, __
Hesidi-s Iho rbllilrefi - * ------ ' j pulpit*.
which to cnopoaed enlirefy, of
- It Tta jn n^oee 1 thought then that not derdopT
-Thai's the American flag, msn |
tl... « flnds cooBlry 1WHIK- Povll? was'crea.tag a fc»^^
At flrst gUnce tae walls ap''.;-r<tUBkwhatl|btaknawrihe '
Id reality, the eaa'dle baa beca a tar gary) taorn a .Freoch vcusel. Thero Hsrcal you ever .ecu tae flag bc^ Unmes, with w«.-s. for older children, j
powerful! prer to to ooostractod of roofh smUchandeUera were ialcoded for a Span­
.hffttarleaiir. ”»> »»» auppoee that I more important tnrtoT In past days
preacfalag B'illlc Is described at "pot- i stooe ameared wllb an uneven eeatJag
. tmagtaed that you would abdoct ne to thaa wo who ana aalog It-oblefly as aa ish convent.near.the 6L Lawrenee
No. he bad never seen a flag of apy ciet.v has plac.-d
i soasod of a ma»zlve and well-formed,' of gritty, coarse plaster, but e rioeev
' b deaert taUad to forte me to maRy oraaaKwl for our ancraooD-tca ublea, rivefkind before. He had beard Ihcr.-'were ■
-•'•”*•‘•Icranlum. he has e pleasant counie-' view reveals the error (ff this flrst ooe-_^
As the busy years roll on. and we'
you? NoTB.”
and a dceoratloD for Cbrlstmas^rees.
such Ibtags. and once he had sreu »{and n-sionri ."I.i-.SJ rniiaway rhtldfen naae- and very vtaeloK ways, aad be elusloa. Instead of pUsier tbe eyes
mad rush or events
ta>r want ofea
apptedaie. How llitle. too. we-rrallze
traceries of driieale
speaks wlOouT notes of any sort.
aearchnd aioag the nbore tor darna. eren tbo cbcmlod crolatloB o( the lied into
'---- a long time ago. and he had ,al-;
miiniry have luxntoe farmers
k very Hear and distlaei iiuer- IleavM. Ueework of taterwovea (wigs.
g a few. bat deddtag after eoe old-Umc -tallow dip- lato tbe gon oriicr of thiags. we ahall think often
forgollen alswi it. Hr had lived
wives. No cbarlty makes '
and U d>-m>craie to bis manner.- |blU of broken btaaefae
that It would be better
geoualy colorod or hand-patated cylin­ rcgretfnlly and tovtagly of (be candle- In (he woods all hU llf>. and had never
days. while their glimmer win.
Tbls boy ta knlekcrboekers vat aa- mossy bark, aad spitaters at wood, all
too late (or berriea der of wax, which Is (he c
,to adapt Shakespeare's words, throw
doubtedly to a certain extent (be pk>- pretened s|AlBst the wasUng tff time
apareatiy;' aad taere was anotacrX^etccnta-eeniury ^ndle!
noer of (be revival which Is today'
decay by bring tented late tae
guaae and rcdeetlob. He had Just de-' Candles
- ' _________________________
. of. Ullo*.
also of;
‘ their beums.'Uke-a good deed In; cue meant, and lisfcood 1
a - made
swerpiog so unnlstlWy over Wales, j baidesl of flinty llmcstoae, Aa a matta.
dded that It waa aa irea that Naa
Noble Wentan's Monument.
wbcD this was explained to
)v>-jibful evangelist li
of fact.wvcry block of stone ta
Carroll would bet nanT him. wha eoanat oil, blearfacd wax. spcnoacetU.
_____ _____ ______ ____ ______ 1 Mrs. Mary A. Beckerdyke, known s*
walls ii
that changeable
young women and paraan. together with oily sub-| Bo*»n'
ato had never beard that the Foufta' “«ber Bcekerdyke, I* to have amooa-' Locnic Dt-nois, a boy of 14. wbo
^Mbped berselt dawn optM tbe Moee stances found-la coal shale and gas-1 \
erected “
tr »•' ----------- .----------------—„
_ .— ■ '
, i™. «" ™
.. »«■«
bare by tbe nileols veterans of tae i deeply-mored
Ur. while all csindlea are formed' by ]
'A Camcito Stomach,
c^r day.—Free Pres*.
clrtl war. Hri srork Ss a nurse le the oonb of Loodoe. and wbo a little later'
toeond Siamset T<Mne.'
bring either dipped, rolled, or moulded .j ' The atomaeh of e camel to dirided
Do Things at the Right Tlnte,
boapltais and on the battlefleld U caosed a great seesaUest asdoag tae
Two young ladles, daughters o( A
Into shape. Great imprevemenu tn'lnto ao Ices than foar compartment*.
Reading between the lines of a lei-! gratefelly remembered by both those holiday crowds in tbe Isle of Man. It 'Bohemtaa farroer. wbo are JMn«d to­
taw-Maantactarc ot euadies have been ! aad tbe waRs of one of these are lined
by s Farm and FlrcsidB' who wore th* blue and ihose wbo won is ssW that he preached hit flrii scr- s*-th»r after tae msaaer ef the SlamTudter gasped, bat tor a moment be made through tae developBcat of: with Urge cells, every one of wbirt
says he ha.* not nmde airhe gray. Sbe tnslltoled the cow and mon when he was barely 4 years old. esc twins, were amoogst the potoeadid DM dare veak. B’h^ be (onad BdeeUfle chemistry.
j can be opened and closed «t will by i reader wbo says
wards It was ot casual aflalrs be
_ , , _ ai%-th^m-|mrepa
_ _
' snceess of farmlag. I can come very I ben mission, by which *hc wa* misbled and stare tast early debet ha« con g*-is.4rrivlog at Dover hy a chanaei •
Varioiu aad ingeeious
of powerfal
•poke, but ofhlmacU uor of tbelr pre- Irtvanccs for ohrlaUag the old-U^, ,l«ow. when a camel drinks. It drinks near gttoe^g whet Is ihemaiier with j to send one huadred cows and one qMied revival pervlce* -la four cob-^neamer They are about » yean of
necessity of candie-satdtoc. whlriTj a very great deal. Indeed, it goes him. He aimply fall* to do things st thoussnd hens to Western hospitals, ttariiu. even carrytng fat* gospel-mes age. On some eOBtlneatnl nllwaya
mast be aomapUsbod by making theidrlaUag od tor each a very hug Ume.the right time. eH does them, bol ■She was actlkc, too, ta Soutaern how. mge to Egypt and Jefusalem.
they were required to tahe twoOekMB.
candle's wick brad over and care for: that really yon would tatok that It aot when they should be done. Good | pltaU. and wa* with the armtes. Fred Marstoa. fciiewa to fame as but weri permitted u> eros* the ehaaKsetf. One taMhod U tbe twisOng of; never mmat to leave off. Bat tae fact Jodgmeoi aad prxnaptneo a-*c as net-1 ibrodgb the flgbu at Vicksburg, book- the -Suflwdsilre be* preacher, ' has ne! with one Ut*«. They stalk toThey were etill talking when and- the wick sfJth one strand ohorter than i to that Jl Is aot only aaUsfytag lu essary on tae farm as anywhere ta tao lout Mouataln. Missionary Ridge and still to see hit sevenf^alb birthday.; griber arm-tourm quit* cnslly. They
denly thCT bavd (WUUpa behind,I tae others; aaetber it to aM to <»e ; thirst, but is BlUag up its cUtera as world. To get ahead at bis aelghbor*; Cbattanoi^ making no dlsUactlon sltuongb It Is sasac years itace he aa- are two dltttact tadlvldutls so far aa
them and tav atnac to tl>«>r feet. J side to the wi<* a imsu made to borax.: well. One' after another the cells la or to -rush tbe ses»oB- I have teen : between Catoa and Ootoederat* ta her nonaced bU first text from a pulpIL : meaul powers aad likes end dUHkee
'Jest b^nd the* was a UU elerieal:UMBUth flour.'and charcoal: while a »U xtomata arwfllled with water, end; many a farmer plow wbeu tae loU, works to mercy. Mrs. Theodore A It to *remartuWe featare of this boyhjare encCTned. Oae cna sleep srbOe
imhla Uue ovuralls and checked cull- third and very eOeeUve way
to the as Boon as toch to quite fen it Is tight-:
was net ready tor pkrwtag. To hurry: Baggies IRtacm to Boston is the de-nreacblag that he rarely prepares his I the atari- plays tae vielto. Oae Hkee
BP jampar.; y
ceettog to one to the'threads to the:ly cloaed. Thee, you tee. when the the work along and get u'fet to the, signer to thisseemorial to on* to God's ysermoci. sad does not even sriect htojsweet talagi and the other does uM.
*T he^eTdeBt lutnde,” he |ald.,wlek with e leeuniceavetw*. «enaed; animal beeoaim thttaty.u fewtoon i way of other tasfca thel were coming langels to charity and good-will.—Bos-: text untu he Is actually face to face The young Udiee have ewe ta ^*1 by dlMdngtt-taiD fused
Wauih.TTie I U!er, ell that it hhs to da leto open iehag I hare aeefi tanaen ptowtagl top Budget.1 srtih hto congreffilra to eplie to this
1 land ft>r exhibttloe purpeaea-—Th-afta.
A««y from tte
Mte< fer Ife«
AMI Ox CTUV tlppi* f* wpodtam.
Bax «JW»» ««» •»'“«- .






-( -

that she'wasak a man. The woman
appMeaM for ftrat and aaeoed Made huAbeea rrnued whb thM effect. ^
fmrw. SOU ^ tllJM.
In their genealecy. It U known ^re her name a. MalUda Abraham,
y bareiwo trlak In tbe eame joar oU>v portion, ebe baa placed ander
A Me
ae«l wm« oca
WOllam Brewrter, tbe rOiag said she was from Vaaaar aad that eho
^ralkm with hind brip.
. Wlt«i IB (M«kl tmnublp M «
get off a lialp tt tbe tunael. thinking
ae^ etaadtag* (tan elaeathU cooDtry la KM on tbe Mayffower. It was Wsdbama Sbe had been wan­
Uoaal bMUtvUocia. Pspen nV be
and that be was one of the atgaera of, dering around la that kKnlily fer eer.
rron one . coaotr to asedhv
and probably mkff«- the oeJeteuted etui heura, trighleniag people. She
M. W. PV^ at «aa Barea
Mr. Uawikian !• tmiMe* pp ht* »POd»
placed oa a train and sent to Wad
1." whl^ baa been called “the
the Mty joaterday oa boalaam
MV *»d iHH ilre powevtm «
a. a Baylor «t Batea waa la the
_ la
In the world'.
wriltaa la Uo aaM ««ty. L e. ther city yeatorday aa a sweat at HoUl
tlMory." It b art ■otmILbnown. howbe exaalaad by the caaatr hoard
B b OM «< tb«
;rly tbe
the dkceodant.
aad If a»rorad *»at a oartlfcale of
tMt Is Oiind TIP'
Mr. aad Mra. Wnilam Preeae of are related
date aa thtf oilstaa) (a dnof 140 matt, the gimta pvt
tbionsta tbe the eounUT
M vUeh i«
«aiumum thi there plkaie of datea.) Tbeae are deald; city today on their way to Lake Aaa, twelfth prealdeot of the CnUed Siatoa,
k oMo ooM tnOL Tlie iMid U rieli. Bated is the departacDt a* traaafetB. where they wSl rUH friends.
came from the Brewster pilgrim Mock
A rale whieb la of preat eosreel(MiU« ■aO >mloeUT« bbO the whole
Mn. M. H. Miller of MllleFa HUIM u did alao Jefferaoe DalrU. preeldent
eee to aaaj teaeben la
WSJ excoUeoUr kept np.
jpwdlDC a few day. here, tbe sneri of tbe goalbcru Coafedemer. and I
r ndea whereby a eerUdtate
Mr. and Mrt. LfiB«ftore wID lewre
td ber hoa and made the Herald of­ Rotberford B. Hayes aad a bust of
tn • tew dar* for Lake ceoatp. CaUfice a pleasaat eaU.
Judges, senators aad repn
(orola. where thex wtl prohaMy V>- two certUcatv wlib an arorase of bS
Mrt. F. E. Hnlbcrt of ^ Bay left AH thU. together wllb the record, of tbose who have been cured
who at tbe eane time baa
Mte. Mr. LenpAor^ bedon he aet*' •
tbU noon for a rUtt to eereml p^U four or fire thouaaad Dn-wstcre, ba. heart disease by Dr. Miles*
durtns tbe period.
«lei down BflB. wIU
and who would
la the eoeibem part of the etate
beat compiled by Ertnma C Brewatrt
TbU caaoot bo tranaferred.
bntlag and flOlad.
Ral^ Oonaable. former manN
Jones of Norwood, Clncianafl, 0-, and
Both Mr. aad Mr*. LoBsabore hare oad Friday la October U eet apart a. the City book atorr In tbit Hty. and now sbe 1. after the recor^. of ibe
a taiCB Bwaber of frleade to^rtr pioneer day.
Mlcblgao Rrewrters. ‘.Jo.i bow manp
now of Baffalo. K- T, U .pcadlnE
ftdebborboed asd la TrareiM OV
Btewitcr. there ap: In NicbWM 1 do ______ __________ , vrotild pop*
few days In the city.
Death fieU.
who are not o«dy aoirjr to aee them
not know," taU as Oakland county xilatt a large city. '
Mra. Cyroa B. StocffweU died at her Flem fridayk Record.
\\T»t a rcmirknble record—
kare bat wlih then ahoadaotaaoi
Brewatcr. “hot 1 am certain that Mlsr
a breathing, thinking, moving
home Bear muUaBlabars on Friday.
wfeemer thetr sew hoMe wUl be.
HUa Bmma Oberiln of Blogbam
will fiud thU fruitful i
monument, composed of human,
Harriet A. Carpeater waa bom in pSMod tbroosh tbe dly laat erenlas
ids lb Clnrianat] at
lives.—that for which every
Kaad Wv «ew" Off.
Tempklaa county, New York; Dec. 27. oa a week'a trip to Peuakey aad Mack aontbrm rilies U coacIusUe.
Cbarlea AsderM ased SS. aad aln- 1434. Sfaa reatoTcd with her pareau
other earthly possession is aa>
fact that of il i»rmai»ent gu«U now.
who hai
iB the employ <rf to Bprinsport. Hkh.. In IMS aad waa
Hry Charles Joyce of
It AHondslo boU-1. null Uke. only
"S' MHes MtSical Co. rethe BoardaaB Blrer Sectiie Ugbt married to Cynu a Bioekwril (a 1171 who bsa lK«n spendlns two weeka at
throe are mts>. most of
cch-e thousands of letters from
Md Power eonpaar tor ilx idoo^ They llred la CbvloUe the W
Birch eottase. Northport
ItHag marrU-d.
these people like Ute following:
met iBitaat death oe Wadaeaday tbeir married life. Shortly alter the dly tUa week.
stgU at laat week by ' tbe
Prank laCimsc. a lumber tboret.
remoral to WUliamabors in ISM. Mr.
Mra. J. W. Oaaatleu U ependlog
deo'dlwAarpe of a dynatalie
Btodtwtdl died. Sbe U aonirod by ireo wWfca t Ibc^ Old'MlafloD 75 year. old. ffll <5 foc-l from a lumber
TtdBe wbSdi he bad pived la a aat- ber brothor, Tberoa K. Carpentar. aa. borne.
pile tl tbe -I. Siephcnaon Co.'s platit
wertc tt roeu at tbe aew data tor tbe miofleA BOH. Hobart C. SioobwcB. and>a. and iMja-d- with
Mias Martha Johnson of Blk lUpid.
p«k-. « extonateailoo. HU bead maayfrienda She waa a memhar.of returned borne Ibis sftcruoon nrtet
liniUwl iicvl. He landed on the grmind
•waa eoMMoldr aereiad (kmb tbe body the M. K oburch and had been active
la the city with the family of ftlrty on hi* feet, aod all the lime
wUb the eieepttoD at the lower jaw la the work of the W. C. T. U, tbe Hn. Vabey. Ninth sireec
si* nlaiue* reqnlrt-d
H aad In all probability he serer real- Ladlaa- Aid aoclety aad the W. F. M. 8.
climb back upon the lanOtcr pile.
N. MascDich Kli
^ bed the awtalaeee of tbe death <W
^e l^enl waa held Sunday at todv to furnish music on the riollu Crosv I. one of the oldesi n-sidcni.
° orectsOkbUa.
irf Escanalm. That many bancs were
10:«0 frcaa the home of T. B. Capon­
danoe which wlU be held
Cbarlee Aaderaon, with fear fellow. ier of wniiamabuts.
broken by Hie fall U eonsiden-cl al­
tUlderenlnsworkBee. were employed by, tbe
FKd Oeosaman-aad H. DanlcU of most mlrafukjuf.
‘ Prdnliim- Blrer Btoetrie LIdbt aad
UeoL BoMphton U Raeovartnp.
BIk Baplds were la the etty yeslcrdas Moor.-, of Pori
Kuhi-UK Term.
Foww oompaay to Ua«t the roMi om
Mra. C. if. Moore of »2 Waabtestoe
E. J. StrSens of Lclaad was la tbe
at the tunnel. HK.k In ehari.-.- a ;
fyia Is aald hr
j )Mt below tbe new drau at the plant atroot, woh ba. been abaeai for the city yesterday.
jaat three week, at Detrat. where her Dr. Shank and wMe of Empire
of dmamito cartridsoi tb«t erenlas eonte-tow. Ueut. BMaad ttoOsbUm. In the dly yesterday as picsu at Park carried a' jmekase ut lolmren lu ber Wiles Ucdicai Co-ElUMit, lad
arur the otbers bad salt wotk and lay.eertoosly lo)ur«d by the aocldwtal Place.
elutbes. Sbe uid her only regrel was
•eV bla oompankaa hack to the dUcharso td a ten^rer. returned i
woods out of danser line aad atattoned this anomoon. la apeaklas of the ac­ From Batardby’a Record.
blmsMt alao la a safe place.
cident Mrs. Mooro ataied to thc.UerW. M. Oomcll aad wife of Copomlsh
Tbe report of the Brut etploatan waa aM that It waa doe to the aeddontal wore la the dly yesicnUy.
aot tonowetf by tbe second u be bad dUcbarsi^af bU reroirer la bit
William Habbclcr of Lake Ann
aaUdpated. so after a few .memeau
I (be dty yesterday atuasaetlDg '
p.'WbB the yodas aaa went bcUiy rer of “dolns tbe roll" whkA cooslrts
d aad orldeBUy stodped dlraelly In twirttns a reroirer around
Edward Aauloec of Soloa war In the |
ow the Usbtod fate to examine it for thumb at tbe same Uoe cocking 1
dty ysstenUy kxAlag after business
the oipiatlaa which followed tore hU
misias It aa It reacbea a boi
bead PMtplettly from tbe body, learF. E. Brakel of Orasm waa In town
: Ms the lower Jaw •tnlaoL Mo other
yatorday and returned home todvbrOee waa foand-on Wa body and bU
C E. Romua of Keswick waa a Trav,8TOOK COMPAHICS.
watch was stopped at S:I6.
cTsc Oily visitor yesterday.
The ima exploshns were beard by
Miss Laura VanValkenburg. who Is i
irwrf^* back tn the downwart course‘and coming out low spcodlag the summer at Ne-ab-ta |
Plate Class, steam Boiler and Accident Insurance.
'iiaww-Wtbaback. He U eonralonclng waala, returned this momlw aft. r ,
11 aWibnrw to him.
4a tbe fort buepllal wtiboui any'.
tafcliig the county tcacbery' fexamlaa-,
the asMl reeponee they hurried for­ pUcaUona.g'
ward and ptBoet atamWed over tbe
Mr. and Mn. M. Van de Walker of'
X awful maaMed wrpee of tbeir foreStruck by gririL
Oolmaa, who baro bees the guesu of
< mn. A meaease was Immediately
Fred aruM, who Utm with bU fam­ I». aad Mra. Van do Walker pt Sui' Beat' to ^ dty aad the etaeriff.
Room 819 New 'Stote Bank Building.
Traverse City.
ily at 415 Oarfiold arcBuc..WM ai
tons Bay, passed through tbe dly ihl.
aer sad Jaa eaa«oiied. tbe coroner’s ly iDjarcd by being atruck «m the head momlag on tbolr return borne.
Tordict roaebed at > o'cloek gtriac the wtth a paring brick Tharsday afterMias Bimo CroweU. formerly of
. enme of death tbroosh tbe dlicbarge
Maple City and thU city, but now a
of a dyaeoKe cartridee art by himMr. O'rcM U onplo^d by tbe Colum­ resident of Clcreland, Is ia tbe city
aeK aad la all probabfllty aoddental. bia TraBBler compauy and is at piW the gucal of Hiss Lottie Nath.
Tbe ronalaa were taken to the Andcr- eat worklag. with three other men. on
Mrs. W, B. Wolcott <rf Leland. who
m morsae
Bay alreet wtaera the cars of brick arc baa been rlaitlag frtcads la Big BapAs tar ea Mr.ffAMdoB U ahte to aa- 'being naloaded^J>BC"man atands la Ids. paased through the dty today on
. - .esMaU tha yams »*« has a sister the car. »u«w4 the Iwiefc to a n
aer wsy borne.
In ttto aoahtry aad a BWther and two the door who. la um. passes lb
E. Clyde of this dty spent the day
brothers tn gwedsn. He cau oror a thsmsnonthc'sragim. Cross-uras oo I jAk« Ann.
until llii lioiist- is till lo liiiif
Vsnr aso and worked la the city for
wagon and was stooping
Dr. Lacore and family d Elk Rapids
that yo«S;^v»iil too miioK f.>r
■eu eU monthe, Us ehlU ae a stone when hit fellow workman, who could passed through the dty tils momlnp
your Jumuer or llint it isof inameon wlniriss bln recosnlUoa In ce­
on their way to^^Smplrc, where they j
.liffcront .(imlity. h'iti.l ail llml
ment laylBA tar ceUam-and
spend a few dkys with tylmds.
outU-fon lmml. Wc iDiirttho
tlcma BIX montba ago be enldred tbo another tot of brick go la his dlreelloB.
Ilm Anna Nelson of this city leti
fuHi-st intx-atigation of the vnr
aapbiy of the a E. B. L aad P.
Hr uafarotiate maa was stralgbtcalBR
. morning toe Carp lake, wborc die
iiiiiS Roru of hunt uii-i soft
pony and had the mapeet of hlx feOnw up wbcB be was struck aad tbe foroo will visit fricuda,
wuulswi-Si'll mill of till' |iri<i-8
wcirkmcB Is a remarkable dogme. Me «< the blow fell aguarely oa top of bU
F. P. Barp and Miss Sdllh Dare uf
We elmrge. you will liuvr no
voke but meager BngUah aad
Los Angelos. Cal., who have been
rivrets if you »h-al witli ns.
mrOg aad trnsal tn llrlog. BU pay
apetflU^ a abort lime in the city.
Tbe blow rendered bim unebns
Cbeeka were not cashed except m the aad be was taken to bis borne
$Mtb Side Cumber Co.
- need of money amw and no bad babita
- werewrer fcaq^’^lHU chnai waa
Mlsa Bmma Carver left tbls morn.
yonag Bwede who/ loft here thr< thought to b«r sertoua la ruaulU.
lag lor Buttons Day. wbye sbe will
wnski ago for Cbt^gn but hU addrees
remain over Sunday.'
Is not (Mdalael^ Two Mien found
PrahMa Court Hatfuru.
to bU coal poebt were tatorpreted by
state Nears.
Probate court Friday afternoon
- a Mk>w memb^
iheee did not aa the bualoat oOce ia the dty
Seven raised from the dewd-ai Trav* throw light on ^famUya where- though today It Is qnIcL Tbe Brsl rac City and. of courwe. I>y this llmo
ahoota. one Jetter^bclng from a young case to cooie betoce Judge Walker wa» Included in tbe asylom (own's most
* girt In New Oatltgaard. Denmark, aad tbe bearing of elaims la tbe
populatloD report, and a pair
the ether from a young man wntklag
ersoa estate wbicta was probated of deaf oars, lacking .drums, unstopped
oa a farm la Freano. Oal_ adlher
Cadlllse. U Scbtotld's.latcM. elglm.
tkmhw any home addrean. Ybe effects
aceo^ing to (be Uknisice Nows. "At
wore tuimed over to BheriS Cbarke
Travm CKy he said (bat be had |
Jabaaota. who will place the naeashed the cotate doued at Its fall s
raised seven persons from tbe dead j
i cbedca U the bauds of the private 21.0M.
and could rcf^t
' fidge.
wUl.’' la Ihc MaiUrtcA petUkm was alao filed hi ibc Anna
The fuaoral nerriee was heM Tfani
Butlar estate to; determine the bdra lervlew. “Hti apdlcnce there
* day aftemoon at 2 o'doek from tbr and a further pdtUoo sraa totcr filed gives the opponuuhy of pomlnsilDg
Oothes Lines from oc up to ■J.’k; Tin Measures, pinis.
K SwedUb ehufcA. He waa buried In for permtoatou to udl ccrtale rod
csudMatea for a return from the alher |
‘ OabwoU.
quarts, half gallons and cations; Wocxlcn Me.isurcs. 2,
worM. but Ibe people seemed to be
da priikte court Tbbradw afterpeoa
The tost estate to roecire aUealton perfectly wlisllcd with tbe mortaary
4. S and 16 quans; Wash Boilers, Nos.
and tl. from
, apeUUon was aied by CbertgdiuTka was Iho filing of the final accoual
record, for no member of the andlenre
ordinary at 60c to all copper at S'2.50 each; Wire Fly
' Jubaaoe for the appolDtment of Peter
Ibe adminfitiator of the Hcary C asked for (he return to life of any per: Bsvtiom of the Bourdmaa River Boiler estate by the wMow. Ueary Ms. Me also claimed that at Cadillac
Killers 10c each: Oil Cans from 1 id 5 gallons, price
Beetrie Ugbt aad Powsr eospuy, u C. BuUer died Dee. 9 of last year tear be restored hearing to a man who
18c to 5^: Kettles and. Sauce Pans Sc to 12c; Jelly
aapeeial aad gsmeral admlnlatmtor of log aa aBUtc of »7.725 wtiieh waa. how a rank unlirilerer and who hafi no car
Strainers, Dippers. Dust Pans, Hatchets, Curry Combs,

the eSecU of Iho young men. ThU ever beavUy IncumbermL The widow dninm.'’ It haa alwayi been the genwas tbe only way by wUeh tbe estate.
Tea Strainers. Frying Pans. We have very interesting
three yotmg sons lmme< cml optoton In those parts that TravWhM eaaMaU largely t* uaendorsed atdy rmllM her forces and bmn
eiue City waa the home of ''Jiad
prices on the above goods. We can only name a fewiy cheek, eonld be handled.
tyatemalir redoettou of. the locum ooea.’’ but. that (be aaylam (own would
bere so as to let yon know what wc are up to. We inrob (be graveyard* waa not even
UBin yealcrday ber fiaal
cosauni dlacMaed Ute lad that Ac petted. On the other band that
y-ttf'see for yourself. Don't 4o^t the place—
off during the iaterrealag lilac mah. wbo had no ear druma, or
. From rridny's Beend.
it is on corner of Front and Cass,
Thli to a fad which red not believe all be' hears with
laareludoa- edresthe
baalneas men for she had no help but bit renovated llairiiing outfii. I
titowlr worWag out mulhe
ftoktoais at the soanty huUdlag today, that whlehsha was obliged tohlre^ar gultea faith In the giAtoner scheme
the rartely tn ages being more than (hiue ilUlc sons. Boy C, Robert J. lU cf heallag. and. If faith la lacking,
. ortMaary. aaslBf from It yuars. which Huary S. bring only 15.71 aad 8 rests nrither the aeven^ead nor the
of aML na satate oonalau of a farm dramolialag story can he accepted ia
to pcutalWUTe. to U years.

Patriok H. Kellay. tbe
; m of publto iBatnOJoa. ia the lata
Himdiuds of Brewsters to Oattoad
V (sMs aad reguh

A Living

Traterseatr sue Bank

Summtr School



k Geieral Btiklge Bstlscig Bic
ff.'ll. Bw«. Mo.

A E. BarcKfrU.

md sy,fWmim^^ ^ arm a-wrms

J. J. T^^gOO«-».;?perCe«tfiU>wegiTlMel)sngtn.

“snsrss-rDl. W. A. FAUfSWOBTB


OfV>' hour* uul lam-m wd T I" «»■■>
Bom-.,i>tblc U*i>nl Prart>* uul

sar"! p. °Jtssss!jsrvusjs^

J. W. emMt, isrs."2KEBksac^W:
I____________ __
-C«^ taaltmdia


- •*«a.





HR. w. j; mCGDIS



. 239 E. Frmt SU Qt. PkW
THOfi. g. BPffAAWfi '-a gOR.




Wsyw Ctualy Bank Bldg., DBTBOIX I

fire Insurance!


Money, to Loan on Improved Real Estate Only.

Don’t mait

— —...

TWs Week We
Have Reeeived



pertainiiiK to Lnoiberaiii]
Building Uatorialfi ot aD
'kimU. wo will be j^. to ood*
for wiUi you at any time.
VooH find ony <«Umatcfi and advice will nve money for yon
when iilitoning a Intikling.
' •
Our iirills torn out ercrj-Uiing'for iutcrior fintah—obryaid
cviTytliitiB for iLe outgiihi^^^

CItlxwnsPhona. aSi Boll. 109.

W. UBrown. Manaaow,

fiitii you i.av." iri.d tijc 1904 Automatic.
r will do tin- work .]ui«-ktf. bottcff. ^
csvsi.T iliaii fllli. r timcliiiiM, KfibemU-r w«! 'aoU them
on ini d'lys'tiiiK' ('ome in anil m-e thiB taacblDe befon- t'.i. Iitiy.

F-RANK-TRODEg 146 Frost Street
Wo havo a firat-oliigs Tin Shop.

Have you cv« tried the

oyail nrisir


They are tliebcsL

Boid ody by

Ktoia* ,gr-r«wn*

gaa eswiU. asceptlDi
the dtoeredJt of be­
LMi** lUeh-An*
»*• a«- sad to lagbato county, etsee^lag two
ing the hatching groead Of the (»ltrtM t* tUi stale was ««netsM la towaOiips aad the dty «( Uaatog!
can boysoli. The OilIt
tb* snml guae tev Oiaetad U Ox.
says three wsnlthy
ttemi »*M«w et tbs tuliUf its. It fs extreiae to which the BtisAtorOBS
Chteago Chinese wtw were barred
wtMUi la tlx flnt awb*. which ttm- laaeiioe et local legbdatioB Is eatrled.
twom bttogtog th^ wives bom China
and will we not Btahe aa ead oMt to
talas bat thi»e Ihxa: *AB wU4 onlwere so laesssed tbu they startod the
joutlnillaa nest ytarT
Mlf aa4 wDd birds, both rosidcat
ad^atoiT. la this state. shaU be. oad
spread to China, aad there did the btisan fewtbr dsaarod to be, tba prw

a special meettog of the board
pcrriiurs lx called to oonrene
eoort boose to Traverae City. Wedneaday. the ITUf day d Uar. A. E, IfW.
at ::00 o’cloefc p. m.
Dated. May. »rd. A. D. 1M«.
a B. Monroe. Blair.
Bdwlu Black. Basi bi*
M. Dnvls. We Uke-townshlp.
3. H. Buell, Osrfidd tdwnaUbCeo. D. Brans. Grant township^
Chaa. B. Dye. Green Lake lowudblp.
& Brows. Long Lake township.
L. 3. Trdman. Paradise township.
E. O Ladd. -..................................
Wat ward. aty.
T. H Glllls......................
8. C. Darrow. Second
Second ward. City.
W. W. Dewn, Third
— • • ward. City.
W. P. Hsrstx., roufth ward, Cliy.
U K- CieretaJsd.. Pint) ward. City.
John H. Bafford, I'nioQ
H. R. Beveham. Whites
May 17, A. D.. 1905.
o'clcck p.

Sy Cutieura AfM, th*
MOU Awful SmiUrlng
Ewr Snwriunoud

iBses by Us trade propoganda.
No nors baa ‘
lynx aad wild ^ are
The fint martyr among the Wrd pro­
diaeorercr. »or the owner cd the land lor a wdf over three laotAhs bdag
opoe vbli^ ther mar be totmd. ear twenty-tve dollars. The law persaKs tectors to Gay H. Bradley,
riCbU et owaerahlp to erep a chip- the rwlag to captlrUy o( any cd the of the Naihmal Assodatloa of AoduMHk or a eblefcadee. Tber are the pMeeted spedes. and aalnals so kept hon sodetls*. who was shot to death
Oyster Key. Pla, while trying
«X the state, to be Wlested to an eadosare Buy be killed by ibe
e a cotoay of white egrets from
______ tor hU own oae. or may be sold
betoe cnenainaied bv faimiers wbe
aad shipped alive apon permit issaed
getUag plumes for tbe hau of
eerdlng to ralea which the state shall by the game warden. This U a reversal
northern women. The asussln was arlaMWtIbr Tbs doctrine to souad, and ot the tow prevtondy cxlsUii
it is wboleeoate. It taralsbes a ra- for vloUUoo of any of the provisions rated and the Aodeboa societies win
supply the tnnds to have him coortciBotrd met In pursuana of the
*v«i aad effleleai bads ttpon wbleb of the taw is dae of ttm to <ye
of the clerk, made In eompllaace
ed and hanged.
to bond whaterer legislation as
drod dollnre for first offense, aad
fortwoluR request to wrttteg.
•Boose specials" are the latest Ih:
deaSrod tor the ptotecUon or prodoc- to two bondred dolUrs for secood of­
d ailed to order by chali —
to Engtaad. The Imncashlre
Roll call. All present, ciecpl Mr.
(IM or datrociioo of wild ereataree, fense. with
te tha’pnhUe beoett In, either i
both, in ath <»ae: sad all persons
’The foUowInc bids from the vartoui
tertol or an aaethetle aense. from eoala viotatlons shall be equal­
opeoed and road:
ddesatlou pecnatoir and eamnic
Which Will be roserved for .tbe «cto-,
.Traverse City. Uleb, May 15. W5.
ly Itahie. whether as (irtodpal
e eu Ot passengers whose bUarlir
Honorable Board of Supervisors
likely to aanoy more aoflale trav- {
of Grand Traverse County
tlemeo:—The Peopk-s Ssvlags

elert. A nla approclailon of tbe
of Tiaverae City. — r4>.
- •hereby
The ad divides the Mrds toto etaasTbeM peaalUM will be needed, and Bltlve feelings of tbe oeeupanu wlU be
of *H per
offers iuterat at tbe rate
as, gsaie birds, aad Bonesme hlrOa. they are hone too aevere. Tbe game shown i»y drawn blinds to acroen them
ally balances of
per anoaiu
The gams birds are embraced to four taws are among Umm which targd from the public gaie sad lowered tborouniy bank aeoouot and a rate <t
such temfiumes. the first esmsuttog of geese, eiassa la the community regard
lights to prevent matual rocognlUon. i ( per eeni- per
porary loans at the conoty shall
‘braat sad docks: the Momd. falto,
isonabta, and wbeaever oar t
An ladignanl Amerfean. who lives to! the power to make.
«ODU and ^lUales; the third, snipe. pie eoBfider a law aaieasonable or Jin- Paris and aw \he John Paul Jones
fntoresl on account to bo ereditoj
‘ woDdnoek. plover, aaadplpnni. Wieti
txrade, wrlta: “Tbe eourtay ot the monibly or quarterly as you may re­
quest. We will also furnish free pf
Md oariwes: Ue foorlh. turkeys.
French popuUce win* never be es> Ptannau. «roose. ftnlrle chldtsai speet for that taw. lathis
ceUed. for not only did they anluie
has already been observed in thto cor hdr own colbro when carried by
nad fffidl. Thepe may be killed
perooaal ase at thde to manners and
there to very mile re­ FrcDch troops, but every man uneov
Bornhw* prescribed for each spedes spect tor taw to the abslrael. sa4 very erod when Old Glory was arrlcd by.
C. A. nammond.-Caahleris the act. AU other birds ar
Utile appredatloa ot tbe doty rating
la MuW conliasl that ! nodarod ^ongame Wrda. and may not be upon an man to oburve all laws at all lleed 'the Americans who sauted their
' klDed. or had to poeseadon Itvlng or tima. aad to dentaad soeb
own cnlort. bnt ke|.t their haU rtoydlv
<-l^. Michigan
dedl wbatber iwsldent or migratory,
■npon Ihclr hoadt when the tricolor j Cv Sir:—In answer to your
•orifimy any person porAase a
often or too enniaUy insisted upon. .A., by.
Kn phrase,
«.hr.«e name
name or son-1 qnat for bids for the d^U
of tie county ot Grand Traveriie. I beg
4ar part of the plumage, skla or body Almost daily wrbave to the aorspatonce to tirang cnongh to qaalify such to snbDili hc-realth the auihorlied bid
at SBOh bird, whether cs«ian
perr reports of oommualUa sur
o fihe First National Bank
Ultad withto or wttboirt tfato suu. dcred to demaads that laws shall
\Vo will pay on the avcrnci- deT.v
Sir .Edwin Landseer, the famous ani­
nor Hko or deotioy or have to poMSS be enforced, aad.that tadt etmsent of
balance and credit to the account of
mal painter. wa% able to use both
the .county treasurer tbe last day ol
afam theW or e«gs of any sneb Mrd the anthoritJa shall be had for disre­
bands In his work, though ho seldom each month. Interest at the tale of 2
asnspt to certain preaeribed maa- gard of taw. Sooth HavoD is at the
lade a practice cf doing ao. On one 10-100 per eenl. per annum, and loan
Msa (or esrtato spedfled adsetifie pB^ present time a fine lilostratlon of thto.
occasion he was praent at a social at the rate of (S per qeni.) five per
poasn Bsgileh sparrows, black birds. wher^ the mayor and the abcrlff find
cent, to the county any funds aathorgathering when someone passed
jtoed for their temporary needs during
suppress the
CRMt Cooper’ hawks, sharpabin '
mark upon the Impossibility ot doing !|he im- at Ibis contraci. Ibat is for.
. hawks and grMt boned owls are
mday rwvelri
twn things at once. Sir Edwin re- Mhc
.........yi-ar nommf ncing May IT, 19or>. i<i
-iwptod tiem this protaeilon. bat not
>wn Is reaping a barvat. and tho taw
*............. the rale cff
marked that «neb a thing was possible ;aie Jt" ftom >»«
>d order foica seem
.and npest being tornUbod with paper j
aapromtoe open a partial obeervanec
execnle two.jj^ ghoni.j n ik- aecepi>-.l. hai this
piftnra at the same time. «-Uhout bank shall handle all of il
haitatJon be aketebod the profile ot
Voora respectfully,
deer'a bead with his right hand, while
Leon P. Titus, ra.-.hirr.
bis left wa ^gaged upon the head of
Trarerso Oly. Mlcb.. May 15. 1905,
Williamsburg. Aug. 'll.—There oeLimited and doMly cnarded permtaa horse, and with such perfocUim that to t£e HoBotahle Board of Supervlstt tor to
taktog birds sad tbdr aesu euned Wednesday . evoilng at tbe BO one save thoic who had wllneased
___of Grand Traverte County:
borne or Ue bride's fattar. Wm. OavSdaidewS
the feat ecnid tell which was the prod- Obas. H. Monroe. Chairman:
pfftpoaa to pMted, tt^(m eertlfieata ■sm out <ff theb retUest woddlnga of ncl of the right hand and wbleh bad
Ccnilcroen:—Tho Traverao
t** eontractlng parties
Blaie Bank respocftolly submits the
toned by • board of tlM persons to. the
been drawn by the IcfL

follouliu: bid os dcposiiury for thhe appolMed anaoally, 6m by the being Wilbur SUt6s aad Miss LotUe
■ r lh<- period of one
inty fii:
pswaMent of the nntvetaliy. one by the
10-Sf as-anllDg •utm-'.
IPealdfat of' ths Agrlealtunl college.
IMT coni, on dally lala with pluk and whltcrosa Call for Special Meeting of the Board nnee*. and charge i iw-r cent, on the prealdnt <ff the
loans ta-uly auiburlrcd by uid
oaOege. Bat one pnir of birds aad at 6 o’eloek tbe bride, attended by
’TO'the Clerk.rrtOrnod Trarerse Coun;ber
eneh neetoa mentlo^ to the artlfi- tM groom by the bride’s uncle, tor.
Garland. Cashier..
•rtr «< the state.’'




cotnosto soteept upon wrtun tesU- swung from an evergreen arch where
mimHli of ohaimrtsir aad fltoda (ram the Ber. toeCtme spoke the words
two rspmahta omlthologtoU. aad the which made them man and wife.
AfUr oongratutatlans U^th^ happy
btoehtrd. Klrttoad waihtar. aonitet
tuasar and fM-teoaalod grosbeak arc young'couple the caB^.ndloun«!d
the dining joomjXS^was lighted
ctomfipfi tons thto pwmtaakm.
by Chinese lanterns, where about
forty partook of a dainty supper.
The presents were many aud varied
tm the praeOee- of weartag wings.
aad ranged, from a cookie tomb tied
hanfiaaadplamageetblrdSBpoBwowith baby ribbon to a sewing mpchlne
msn-s hnta to tmmedtataly evtdsmt. and
from the brtde’s parenu.
thslr tocerpnSitlfW lau tbe tow may
tor. and tors. 8tl|a are well known
be aodtoal to the tofiona of the Auto thto commualty. the groom being a
I thair
aom ot Kossuth BtUa. and tbe young
tody haying Uved tor muy years near
Aadwtam aaebty. awxQary to tbe aaBk lake, both ot them^^ rapeded and liked by all.
ft tbe tows ef tbe state and ffivwa

uty ffbme watoens, and aSaigB them

their home at Crotun tor the presai.
where they srffl be at borne to their

.FtoWant at Cha

Cbnaunqna. K. T, Aog. 11.—The
speoMsfi terfltoiT. «k^ the gai
praaldat aad -hto pony reached Cbanwarden to ruqalred to bueuntosiao. aad
Unqoa In a driving (ala storm. Os the
,WhO AiS rupreeent the sotoety to carway to the grat aadltorlnm the praiCTtolK out tbe ptwrtolon^af the act.
dent passed thrtwgfa a itae of SOO boys
wUboM tOtopislMlIfm flEfn the stale
or couBtlw. abd to performaaee
that daty the sodety to reqnlrwd
eaecute n bend of one tbousaad dd-

aad glds who satiered flowers In bl«

A W. Bartak
0. A 8
H. Bracken
I ________
K. J.

fcahwonUgethardand break. There t<-w. MUIlkea
1 c V. Aahten
would be blood Cowing from at least ; E. L. Ashton
fiftv*pl»ocs on each hand. Words could I P.
, , Kvselka
, .
BCVcrUU the •nffeiiiiE I endured for
C O.^l’otote

I C. I). I - ■

threw years- I tried evgryUitog. b«
ccmld get no- rclia. I tried at 1^
dght Ssermt doctor., bnt none dd
Bie any good, as rnyhandswcfeas bad

F. H- Barwim
E. McNamara
Geo. F. on
H. Hyman

6. F. 8asi
8. a Wa«
E L Spiagu)
Jno. G. Sirau
A. F, Straub
II. D. Alk y
C. K. B»ek
C. P- Bock
J. B. Patoe
C. 8. Cavto
U K. Buck
A. Hlnsdlll
A. U Joyce
H. 11. Memtague
Ui.-rott \ttoltney
Chat. 8..Va<lW
Jna R. Santo
Frank-A. 8a>tt

' OwearSlmpsaa.
Balph S. Hartlaga

Edward Wella
J. A. HahtagM
A. H. Honidar
8. D. Aahtan'
3. w. ciiffe
A. J. Scott
3. n. Paige .
ed by Mr. Brya. the petkioD was re­
ceived and referred to the ttmudlttee
on roads aad bridge* to report tomor­
row al ;:00 p. m.
moiloQ of Hr. Qfwetand. aop- ’
ported by.Mr. Tedmaa. tbe ehalr was


The chair apfAUhted to
Mr. C


If sceretary. for the use of '
icsc for eiocnllve sessloSS
s of Veterans during tb»
'state eacampmeat to bo hold JOM
I»th. ?>th and SlrL
"in motion of Mr. rievdaitd. supliy Mr.-BncM. tbu reqoert was
I ported by
motion ot Mr. T
On motl
by Mr. Clvvaland. tbe board look a rec<-u uBil] 8;>» tqmanow morning, for
cummlilco work.
Cbas. H. Monroe. Chairman..
. Bobt. E. Walter. Clerk.
tOontinned on Page l.J,

bnt wone Of them ever did me one
25d morttiags. to th^nk 1 had to go to
morkand stand the j»to for tea h<ya.

—----- -------------r:

have to wrap every &i^ op aep-


tow.irElova;in £s«t,I
hadlo-------iCl, 1 nao
K> wear
. But thanks ta


•• After doetorinjt for three ycaro.

UAo AjioN.;-


- .cry SL.


forred i
ways and moans, to report tomorrow
stornlag at 10:00 o'clock.
The following pctltkia relative to
the John F. On Co. was presented and



He Best
and sold
at tbe

wS5 tore luiads’are now, and never
lat a dsy-s »-ork whUe nstog Cntl-

U Price.

He Uien

touched npSB a qnatloa of domestic
'eecoomy. the recelaiion ot eorporsOame Mtda arc farther prateeted In tlooi. He asM that tbe barm ihai
thtotoad other acto tff tbe presort leg- done the public tbroiiito these combiutioeu was not tbe only tronble but
kdOare. making U unlawful to
qaall naUl October il. IMT. and tor- also tbe mlsgnlded poffnlsr deauncls■ Mfidtog tbe kining of p^rte chlekm. Uop wbleh they aroused. He wanted
. tonngoBaa or fingitoh phesaaats, wild tawa as fair for the big man as the littbrkva. hnail grouse abd wfid plgaobs atn 1*1«: aad It to torUdden
UU tomslag pbmoM and moaning
deva al any time. It to made natawttot^^dser to tweaty.thi
ity-threc at lik

Loodon. Aog. n.—ParUament was
wrogaed this morning after an alIt w emfw BSfw' >o«t TrelUeaa sestloa as tar as remUs
antral sad aortbecs eonatla of tbe are emeernen. It Is expected
lower ptmtosata natUiSM*. aad
doatog seaka to the hut at which
kasha oosmty antu l»ie. Bearer are Premier Balfour will dbeci the^l^ttaalso proteetad. sartll llie. and
UCB as premier. It to anticipated the
dk and oazthon untU Utt. Baatlag Best lime pstltomeirt meets tbe ilberdeer- wUh dogs, or wKb aitlfidal aU viU be to eonirel. King Edwd
Ugbta, or to the eratac. to prehIbItM. to hto apeeeh prorogntffl partis

~ as to also tbe use of ferreto to bout said. It was hto earwot hope that the
i yabUts to twuaty-tme cmatJa. to one


To Core a CoM in One Day

Vila dtoasdnaArwln.
When her syatesn to to
a darmnod eoadition.
or she to prcdlspaeed to
apoplexy, or <
ot any organ.

Aspinwall Spraying MacMnes

—, 'sr
i?sr:.... SSS

- •
e a burden- At thto
ne. also, caaeero and
mora are more liable
form and begin their
Such waroliig- aymp-

we^er country that bad called ni



thn mat eritial period
ot a woman’s extotesa.
and the anxiety felt by
women as-it draws wofr
to not without ran.
Every weman . who


rassed people of the island.

ronslder tho resolution flossed hy yourj
iHrarii so far as It requires Ibe John F-;
Olt l-umbor coir.ptny '<
or pirt-ilon of Its log bo
nitll in U

A Time When Women Are Sasceptlble to Many
bread Diaeases-rlotelligeot Women Prepare
for It. Two Relate their Experience.

Bishop V’toccot introdneed

Amerla for aid . whkh.eras being
tended to the great benefit ot the ha­

These machines arc carried in stock at our, shop- and
can be seen in operation “buiaing" wood,

raverse Conoty. Michigan:


le pcoaUIeaL
The praldenl’a epeoch first was de­

tars with approved surettas. Nearly
voted to tbe Monroe doctrine. and
nil of tbe stnta have now adopted to
what it meaht to UiU aad oUnr eonstbeto tows ths provisions arged by the
tries. Santo Domingo was shown as

fiamhlp ^ Van Baioi,.

Cbas. H. Been
4. W. Blekerd
[a Reaib
Reamaan W.*CcSta"*
J. W. Hanaen
Cbas. WelU
C. M. Bell
C. G. Sherwebd
J. N. Marttortc
____ ItaritoBd
A. Stftoberg
SamW Oartand
J. B.
Frank Kafka
h: Montague i
H. UorrtsoD
Lotto Boberu
C. S.Vader
tUiiHn 8b<
J. M. Gillctt
. Pbinp

«I wta troubled with ofeluroas. ao
aoie that when I-wonia pnt thcin-ln

They wlU make

boat ef triads.
■pon it iptbortty to nai^ four dep­


ta flo ff Cart’s W«ftta
«t Good

Tbos. T. Bata _
W. T. 'Bostaoril#


eate may be taken by one perwm. and NleboU. entered aad took their pieces
no tmn shaU be eUglble to bdd aticb under a bentolfal white wedding b^


re do on wUb to eompri Ibe osmimay to vacate or remove, lu ptaat oaF. Votaha
tfl h baa fibtobed ita cut <ff loga.
S. W. Hasttoga.
Charles Wilhelm

aches backacbea. dread
ef Impeadlag evil, timid­
ity. soandsto the ears,
palpitation of the heart, aparks befeve the eyo.
imgularlt^ eonttipwtkm. variable s
wcaknea and
tnda. and iiarin«^'«
ei«it___ ___
approaching the period
to life when woman't great change
fbea ^mptou are all just so many
calls from natnre for help. Thenerva
are ervioff-ont fer auUtana and the
cry should be heeded to time.
Lydia E Ptokham-s Vewetoble C<«>ponnd was prepared to mat the ne^
of womans aysUm at this trying
period of her life. It invigormta and
Btrengthcat tbe female organism and
hnilds op the weakened nervous sysu-m.
It ha carried thonsanda of v
oafcl.r throngh this crisis.
FOrspoia odviee regordini: thto importut period women are invited to
write to Mio. nnkham at Lvun. Mass.,
and it wiU be fnraUhed atoolntaly free
Bead what Lydia B. I^^am'a Com^nd^ did for Mia. Hyland and Mrs.

AElGM^lQ /? d^

“ I wrote Ten for sdrire snd o uumen'-ed
tresttneni w^U L.vdit E. Plnkbsm-*
table Comround at von <lirrried. snd 1 am
baony to mv that .11 three dtoraidnc rymptoiaWt me and I bare (MTd wferv thrnneti
tbe Change of Ufv, a wril wrenan. I am
Another Woman’s Case.
“During obaacr ft Bf» word, eannot e»iva what 1 wifffnd. Mv phydnan mid I
badaraBownaanmUtionoftfaewoiBb. Oae
dav t rewl ttxarij the textEKmlab of womm
wlio bad b«« rerrt by Lvdia E. Fmtbam .
VegWable Componnd,

--1 advtoervwv-wnoMn at this rwM of life
o tak. Tonr medlrine mtd write tcw for adTj<T.--M<a Uine Binklt, Haha. lad.
What LrdU E. l-tokbam s Vegetable
Componod did for Mn. U.rland and
Mrs. Btokle it will do for aaj vroman
sritbfsm^ «< ^ at this time of life.
It ba conquered pain, restored
raltlu and prolonged life to casei that
;Urrly Imffied ph.vaiclaBa .
taM* HkMB

tthm M

BEHER 1,,-^


You cannot aflord to let the insects, blight and .rot spoil your crops when you
can get on^ of these "Sure Shot" Machines- that docs the work right, and at a
(iKHAT SAVING IN TIMU. LABOR AND MONEY. A trial will convince ybu
that the above statemenis are facts. If your acreage is not large. f>erhaps you will
want a hand sprayer. WE HAVE THEM—ALL KINDS-KNAreACKS. COM­
PRESSED AIR AND ATOMIZERS—the greatest assortment ever shown. Now
is the time to -get one and be prepared when the bugs come.
Yours for "Quality and Satisfaction."

Farmers Supply Co.
127-135 State Street

Traverse City, Mich.


R 4 t t. at CM

•MCiAt husniio.

i ea BoUflo of Mr> C
witodnw an Mbay depoaltad with I Baud ex<
_ .. ___________
by Mr. Hanha, ne-Is
aaM HgMIlMj- aad In naefc aaaa dbaiawto taU-------------(Cootiaaad f(M Page S.)
iseraaiy-Hghii esptad aad adopted by yaa and
boSka rnqntawd to be kept by anM de- MO Tnrda;
be pnntaaaed for tbe --------------------- ------------noMtory ahall be donmed Into the appn
-------- obpirs
bnMody Of the dark af sMd aooaiy by eoart tOdm at an expanas of ton to ax-. _ .
Ttninday. May U. A. D.. UW, «:M
aaU party at tba Aral part.
.. Honorable Board of .SaparrtaOB:taoaoa,arSr.'S
WRBIBO^. tba anM
Board eallad to order by (he Cbhlr
aeS| on of OtajM Trareme Oonaty: ■
•y Mr. an£ tba
parties hare eanaad tbrtr 1
epgad AM ntogtad by 3«n and! Ceatlaaww:—We. yonr coBBltiae
BollcaU. AO SMBhan prai
A aafl^^sHUtto ginn po wari on Aaiacw. ways aad Banna, do certify
(ha ewepilOM of Mr. OlMa.
1 that tbe (onowiag is the pay roU ;(or
MlM ta tka feru aad otsmUIbc rer»l^laatea of yeeterday'i
Charles H- Monroe,
hniOBVT tPiMtlw. The gnateM ae- read aad uopond.
J0:M a. B.—OcanaiJtlaa w Saaitaa.
tMtlH «B the part of (he aacborttiaa
Robert B. Walter,
war* aad Bcaai reported Urariag the
bara heap po*«qaaa to prarept (ha es- bid of (he FB(9let SarlagB Bank aa
• U_. UlHsi
sto WS4I« «( Manas g
' abbUag «f the paaappu.
eetmr dcboaUorr.
Mileage. Dayn. Per DUb. Total
Ob boUob of Mr. aevalBiid. i
•t. Fetarabars. Aag. U-—Aa oSeial
I 44
I S44
ported by Mr. BaSord., the report wu
aota vu pobMhaS today la refcrapM
accepted aad i '
to the pnpoMd BhikBal aaaemMy oo iota.'aif praaeaTyotiwy^ *** *
Ih#: bead Of the Peoples Sartngi
vUeh the bopai of ell Rouia are oaa'
y. la (be
r vai read. naUBg iatatad. te the note the
tola ilIBca. to. sBd u tisriVr spgi^Md ta
*■ arc uaed
. unae.
J. M.
for (ha axpraaa porpoaa of ftaaUj ra1 TrarerM eouaty. for Boaey
Haellmaalel as euretle*. was preeeatBOirtag atiat the Blads^ all Uberals
the BaJnteoaaee of Oaorge Draper, -■ --J reed.
(b(ha tnndawaatal law of
___Botlon at Mr. Ctoretaad. anpoantiag to S7IA0 (tare '
aciSh Aeniey T
0 of the autoeracT,
thirty). Oo Botloo of Mr. Be
crtiied and apprerad by yoa and aay W. W.Dean............. .'.----------- ........................
eopported I7 Mr. SaSord. tba
. UA^a—am.
Wm. F. Harsba .
waa referred, to the oanuail
On BOUon e? Mr. Hanha. sapported
J^OgniAQg^ KAU-IMsan enrlac tom Tv^
Tramia iXty II :W v ta, toacooaty poor.
by Mr. Braae. the Batter of a
. AA ■.
Tba ooBUBKtea on Sbi
r«ft^ ta, r SBiq
K. m.Aog. lA-Tbe Data* nbBlltad (tie to llowiog report. bond (or the ooonty treasorar wa
coBffilUea on flag
Boben B.-Walter .
Mr. BcadiaB.
Japaneae peace aaroya (brough (hair chairman. j»r.
ns.dsMltb. l'.rto«ihd»ur Um^siW.a.
ana by yea and nay rote,
which Ml BOtloB of Mr. noma, topIl ISaj.sKlrr^U-^lsitocAnrafilM- Bwle
at the aary yard here at
I1S4.C3 Irf o( Umli. l-r lan^Btr o( UtmBdTismw
ported by Mr. Dart*, waa, accepted aad ail TOtlag yea
8:00 p. CB.—Tbit belog tba Ubb set
-reta amvta T
tor (Be report d the cosnBlttee oa
roads aad bridges rdallre to ibe peUOWea
» of cradaaUalf a
on of Orand Trtrtft Opuaty. Mieb- Uba Of the JdiB F. Ott A (^ the cooday of May. A. D. IMS.
alttaa prcaealed the followfag report, Tfae Board of Saparriaon tor Sdld
• H. R. BceebBB.
OooDty: •
through theta- cbalimaa. Mr. OllUt.
Oawiaiaart:—Tonr ' eoBBtlUae
E. O. Ladd.
which oa BOtloa of Mr. BeeehaB. MpTnyerae Cliy. May lAtt. IMS.
Jaanee. ware aad laeaat mpaetfa
Bdwla Black.
ported^ Mr. Boell, qu ace^iad aod
t^ of Hlehlfan, County of Grand I
rbporl (hat ia order u> coalana to t
(My will be fadooed and I
taqalreneau of.tho law In regard
aM winiMipt thaa.'
the aosaty daposltory. lad that It
Oo boQb of Mr. DudJ. supported'
required of tba beak whoae hidt hare
by Mr. OUllWjhc board adjourned ua- Saturoay t**^-^
November. ==-.
. •
baea accepted, to sake a
til May 31. 1
a oa claiBs aad 1
tba Raaalaa eBToyi ia wridiig at the Bceordanee theiewith. for tfae faUhtul
s body 1
perfomaea of doty la a

' _j ._ ._ _ :
itoDt. It Waller. Clerk.
maatlpg tUa ■artlag. U waa thea Alao to gtre a bond ia nieh
!d by ntu
' dacUad that the BnartaBt .will cudy thia board My Street.
w-«i„ to. .ito—H SiMoclock p. B.
Trvta. ItaW Travanv Uty tatMtowa:
Wo hare tharefora. drawa op a eoa'the q«eeUoB aad win at tooe u poaal'
Also, that ibc clerk
bM glre a» aaawar la vrtUag. Dalll tract .aSMdtnUy. Alao a bond., the
I the Boath Uaioa Street bridge, yoor lowed to dnw orders on tbe county
paaal aaai of which h Ifiy thoidMd
________ iben preaaat srlib
iamlttaa<oa roads and bridges rc^iorl treasurer for the
' ttaa (be meeUaif of tba. eontci
(Sd.OOO) doflara. which we preaeot (or
o( George a Beans and
yoor eoBtlderaUon. Tba bleak Tom
of eoelraet and bond
3alB No.
Claimant and Character of claim.
Claimed. AHowed.
The bond of Mr. P. B. Brow.
1 RlcbBond A Backus Co, odlce supplies for clerk..................I S.OO | js.oo ! treasur*-. In the aom of llifr
e alto And It a
W. W. Brower, burtal soldier............................................................... «,00
40.00 1I (twelee
(twelTe tbeosand) with tbe Halt.
e acikm la reg»
— SUtea Fidelity and anaraniy
3 Ihling Bros, ft Bverard. o«ee auppHes for-rterk ................
t of the eoaaty treaaan
’ 1«ona»oatb. M. H, Ang. iJ.-The
iBallltDon. Harylanf
4 Doubleday Bios, t Co, oSca supplies (or roiiniy clerk
._tot inretles deeUae tot.
I presemed and ra
'BOBlaa poaM wroyi haadad-to tba
J. K. Orelllck Co. cross trees for flag
■ boadi any toagor. fa riew at the
On BotioB ^Mr. Ladd, stfpponod
The Gibson BoapCo., for coan bouse.........................................
. Tapaaceo ootoDlaMoacra BeaaU'a rate (roa the (omer cutlOB of this

5 .: by
Brown, tbe bond was accrtxed onnin-a HxLS-Ry nrnM at u
. ' piy to Japaa-a detaasda at ihla a
' by yea and aay toic. all presoet «oUng
tag^ aaeotoa at the nary yarda bere.
' ••James HuF. he
m.-lB-tbrat>lr.>! UlrKless. slsmd an (to
fiofi l^^Tie'followIrg )dll#were preheated Bth dsT -4 Hetrtmator. A. It. IBM. ta ta.-Slr>cl'Rtaala obiected to eertala coodltkioi
I Frank W. Csrrer. two dsrs with ti
- CltwBt Oaart l« tto
ad aa>f dallvand In (ainr <4 (to IJawasIto
tapoad by Japan aad tfaaae wlU be (hat the uaacorer be required to naS.M I Monroe ft McWeihyott. arttlng irees la court bouse yard ...............
dUeaaaed atTater ateatliisi which wUI eata.a bohd to the couniy In the penal
;oo '
Coal of U. 8. FMellly ft Onaraaiy
:. 8. Moon. InresUgattag smaUpox ease.............
aom of SU.OM. and Ihat the ezpeBM
be Asad thla aftetaooa or toBtoroi
7f« j
On. bond, tto.090 (eouaty treasurer
Bros, ft Co.. oOee supplies, county treasurer
.4 00 I
to tbe slate). .1114.00.
’ cardlag to oOeia] atatdtoaat. tl.toaa- Of inch bond be paid by tbli cooaty.
16 E. O. Ladd, serrlces on board school examlnen
. 300 L
of-U- S. Fidetltr ft Ouaraaty
1C Chas. E. Taylor, deputy sheriff espeases
riartoDOd the Moei aarioai dllerc
H. K. Beertiaoi.
1,70 , - Oo, bond. Ill.OOO 1 eouaty treasurer
17 Fred R. Walker, sump and e
reel wpaa JnM'a dcoaadi (or the
B. 0. Ladd.
' to (he conniy). I7J.76: total. gtM.TS.
Bdwln Black.
oeaaloa cf Bakbaiia IMaad and raCoamTuee.
k Svernrd. clMk's asp- pra^aiaMtuUad. ai (to
Baaantioa lor war aepanae.
laa 8. Johns
2Sih <lay Of August. A- D. 1606.
8.00 ; piles' HVcNam
11 motion of Hr. Dean, supported
by Mr. BoeU. (he board took a
. 14.78
aatll l;«) p
75 OS : tay Mr. Tedman, the bills were allowed,
Bagle Press, for prlatlag..
. 75.08
1164S :aad tbe elerk anlbarlted to draw an
1:30 p.ta.
33 Grand Traverse Hirrald. (or priotlng ...........................
LdMiac. Mkh.. Aog. 11.—U the of. 11S48
lorder In pamenl of the fade, by yea
34 W. W. Brower, for burial
U o
of Msnia Markham. 1
M«1 crop report laned yealerday.
AU preyeal except Mr.
40 00 i sad aay vote. tIJ present,voting yes.
. 46.00
■cMler ...,.........................................................................
Baeratarr of Btato Preacatt aayi that OIbb*. y
8. C- Darrow, tbe chairman of the
Or- L. J; Tedman, Investigating smallpor case .
7>,n icnmmllK-e on eroiinds and bitltdlngi.' of mogih.i. l!w*w.too«Uiii- lotto gavarthe weather daring Jnly waa rarlablc
Sm:ld4..-diaimen of ibe cmamUR. L. Polk ft Co, futalshlng Stale Gaz........................
submitted a verbal report recommend- Dosilaa-'TOT tbtavor.
aad fairly laToiabla for (am work.
3 00 Ing that when-tbe grade of tbe atreet
to the bill ^Beade county (or Booey 38 W. W. Oeaa. oae day in probaie court .................... T
The laiapfrat lira, aocordlag to Mid
paid to the Awtbern Mlebigaa AsyldB
aad width Is established, the countr
•Payable iff village. ••Payable by towasbip.
Mata weather baraan. aranged one for the Mra or (lanrae Uraper. etaUag
_______ ptaee curb on (he aide of the grouads
oposlto the CongregallouaJ church.
^•wrea below tba aemal. The praelp- (bat M a FBaK <d tbeir iaraatigatioB.
^'Mon aTaragad lAl taebaa abore the Ihe ooBBittae had kamad that the toat they bare again Inrestiga
Oaorga Diaper Bentlanad bad Barer
•KBaL T%a weather dnriag harraal baaa a raaldaat of Qiaad 'Trarerta Batter aad And there Is so s
. Chas. 11. Dye.
I Bccepiea aua nuopu-o. aou in
Um wm aafarorahla. m eondlUoaa eoaaty, b«t wat a nwldeot'af Moat- wfal^'

On-motion ot Ur. CJeveUnd. sup-] tee empowered to place curb
ealB MBBty. Mich., and that the com- that
sued by Ur. Ssfford. the report was] mended,
' ' e reeoeuaead^ that the clerk remerited and adopted- by tea and nay \
BUI of Anna Ross for nursing -fcaal
a tow bill to the clerk of Beotie ^^al (be Q. R. ft 1. R. H. be allowed
Me. all voting yes who were preseal
preseaLl,|»x case in quarwaUn& <M 618X
cooaty with this explanation.
leave Its bridge as It Is at present
The propoBltlco of tbe dUzeos “
Tel-: (eighteen dollars), waa pr^senl '
Iha araraga eallBatad yteM per
On Botloa or Mr. OereUnd. tnp- (orr
irate I «ti
' iinpporte
. Install
on t.....................—
moUon of Ur, Cleveland,
tar as our former action is eon- epheme c:o.
5*t“i5ui W*uSia
Ilnei Instead of one as at nresent
■esent In
tc'‘ fay Ur. Beecham.
allowed by yea an
■SI. It U
la ■a^'vrd'uist
nrCoivd iJist drtndut
acre ia. In (be auta. aoathora aad pertad by Mr. Tedaias. the report waa
aatw lue aimaraac. - tB iwld rssaaoawto
accepted aad adopted.
--------boute.. placing
vote. ...... ...-.......................
That if wltblD twenty lays from Ibis _________________
__ ______ _the register nay
..... ................
present voting
, yes.
.. .
aorthan eonatlea. is bathdt. and ia
(araHvainaolh«rnatto data >4 tlii< erdar. tkal by vtrtaa c4 ito^awcr af
After dtaenaalon. ^jaMod by.Mr.
ate the Jno. F. Ott ft Co. will clear land treasurer, the court room and the!
Moved by Ur. Cjllii and suppoi
thaoaattat oouatlea l< boAaU.
ta bTp^ftit i^^'^reed
r all Ion. refnse, etc, from their | county dirk's offlee. the Judge of pro- by Mr. Harsha that the clerk Iw
boom that the river may have a I bate snd the Janitor on lines by them-' tborlzod 10 draw a check on the Slate
Rye «ni ha a gdcM crop thU year.
Oonnty tTonaaror be raleaaod.
had saebstnieted passage of Itilselves: to install a general phone with; Bank for all of tfae county funds In
Thaamga aBMaatad yiaU par am
waters for sewerage purposes, thereby I pay booth in the court room corridor. I their hands-., said check to be In favor
- It, ia the atate, lOBthan aad nortber«i
The tollowing contract between the keeping the river at lu normal level with phone in the saperrtsers' room,; of the eouniv treasnrer; lald amount
eotaUea. IS boMiata. and la the caatra!
so tar aa Ibelr boom. logs, etc. Is con­
con- and call belli In the oSees of the eoun-' to bed epositd^ In the Peoples Savings
. ,
county stioof com-{ Bank, the aewSIOunty depositor}-,
cory, ana ue twarn m bi
cerned and so keep It that action un­
aonatlea 14 boahMa.
A-ld«aa, Trsf
and it- der tbe (oTBer resolution be post­ mlssloner. at aa expense of |IK (one >rted.
The weather dartag July waa rlry
twenty-six) per year, was presented' Thio coimntttee on finance, wars and
(arorahle (or cora. The coadlUoa ^ ed by Mr. HoxMe. that the contract
be committee on grounds and,
snd, means -presented ibe foUowiag
That tbe roads and brldges'eommil-! by tbe
I iBSlrocted
lings, with
eadaUon that j roll, wfalcfa on a>o(><» «( Ur. Cleve-:
tee be
lasirocted to Investigate this hnlidlzu
cora, aa eoBpared with' as avmge, fa.
r tnm am to itane. aad if in It be adopted.
I land, lupporii-d by Mr. Tedman, was SM!?u/«d%rtAlata5toM?-i^!h^aari
------- ------ opaaty deposUa ..
ia the aoathan coqatlai. SI, la the
J tbe said Jno, T. Ott ft
On motion of Hr. deretaad. sop-: accepted and adopted.
Oarriad by yea aad nay
------------^ nvas by In-na
--------<4 tto
oBtral oouatlea. W. la tba -nortbeta
lowtohix i4
|4 OarSrld. Urvod Trtrwrm- Cnaoiy.
meeting these require- ported by U?. Darts, tbe report of tbe i
Bta. mil TotlBg y^
NorrU. aC (Mac Rim. Ulrii eonatiaa aad la the aUta. Tg.
to1-a. foUowa ta wU: ^
committee was accepted
>ted aad adopted'State
f Michigan. Count}' of Grand MVft..ta00arUa
THIS AOWBBforr made a-»d eaab>^ taoftgVKj^atadata (to ltahd^ U Ifc.... tba total half (W‘,1 af It_____
ecqvened and It
tared into tbU lOtb dir or May. A. U..
Aata bare bean harraatad and
_ isl this
this 1 jmpgny. the conn-;Ing y
Htmorwhlv IVien! of SupervUIMS,
nearly all eecuied. - Tba eetin
On motion of Ur. Hoxsie. si
nrs of Grand Traverse Cudnty :
clerk tb-nptlfy 0 t ft Co. of this ac-:
paean, on ito ttod day of ItownW. A -D.
HnaV of Trarerse City. MIchlM of
araraga ^ald per am ia. la bai
Gentlemen—Wi-. vouj coiniDltlee on IlSB. .. birli .old tauReaCF WM by danl o4 aa
the Srtt part, and the Board of 8np<Tnance, wavs an'I means, do certify
Further, that Inasmuch as 01
la tba aontbara epafites. S. la the caa- rlsorfl of the Ooonty of Oiand Ttarler resolution was based solely on a' work,
■at the following li the pay roll for
. pal oonmln. sC a^ in the aortbam erae. Ulchlgaa. of tfae second part.saaltary proposition
sad . that the
IiSO-p.m. Board called
lis session and recommend that <be
Tb« whereas, toe
•r* of this city hare la their; the chalnnsn.
derk beauthorlxod lo-dcaw orden. oa
eald nrty of tba aecond part has by
Roll call. AH present whh the ex- j the
^rpatatoeaa ia^ (D duly antborlied Tote and action of eolomas uM stated onr position IfslHy {
1> Ido, w-hlrb laid r-i.rtcavr wm to
clerk to
■at aactkia^of
go .of the rotat» The said boaM dsalgaated said Am party that they be requested by tbe cle
thle laatti.
Batter to
present this
. tbe public
aa the enonlr deoosltory' and baa
Hon of pot^M aa
1 Mileage. Days. Per Dlcm
was token up by thU board el
with an araraga l^%i tba cute ad
panl the
(be depoall
depoalt of all Oonere boteng•ootham eoaaUea, r7. la tba caatral thg to the u'd conalT of Grand Tiavkaneaeim. ae pafI (a., un tb« ZWd day c4 b'orrubar. A. D. mS. .« wkjvb n. -'ior' (tow to
woBBMaa. 71. and ta'lba
eraeor (n lu cttatody.lfroBi the dale of
rtalBod ta twdoaat tto dal' torwaf tto aaai
p{ Itowoly'tbrM and 73 iuJ IMlan, mrti
thla eonIran onUl the
nary. A. D„ IMT.
awed aceUet Ito laiiil 'o.'T-d l>y aaM
t The nondhloo of baMs raMaa Uke
norttsca. aad baav-i.’tev paid ey mM not
Itow. therefofw.
^a eondlU^ of eern aad potatoea aad











P55I Marquette










?sr“'.............. . ’



. (or alBllar raaaona.

Tba cendlUon of
: bagaa. coapared with aa araraga la. the eaeoad part.

it the atata and aaather^oaaaUaa. S4. Ooonlyc'"
the rata
, la the etotial aoeatlaa. TS. nod la.tbe
iraBBOB os dallr I______
' northqra aaaadiea. as.
beloaglBg-to aald county of
The peoapact for aagar baaU la rery
. fararabla at thb UBt. and so doabt
the yWd wtt ha gdod.
The mmaai lor appiat U rary poor
at tblpUBeaad aoaa ecneapoadei
' report that they are Mill drapplag.
iha ptnefa crop wm be a targe one
thla year. Ttaea of nearly aU rarMlea
ta an aaettena of tba atate are la
The eoadttloa of deivar at ooBparad
wiU an areraga la. la tba atate aad
ceatfal conaUea *7. ta tba aoaibera
nooatlB M and ta (ha nonhen_____

■ tMpin.


_ V--

Naithpprt. MKB, Aug. 11.—The apatW aiaetlea bdd ta the (own haU bare
ynatnrilij ta decide whether or not
the eopentiaw aboald be raeated re■ taltad ta. a rou of aaraaty agaiaat

"I SS'toS;”.::::::


clodc a. B.
Board called to erder bf the chairaa.
Boll call. AH preeeat with the . . John M. Safford ...
, H K. Beecham ...
eepUoB of Hr. GIbbv.
Obaaty of Oraad Trarerae aa said
Mlantes of yefierdayU proeeedln , ,'Bobert E. Walter .
1 B. Gibbs.................
noaaty toall hare power to aake. dar­
ing the eonttananea o( this contract
The BtoUer of prlaUng copies of the
nt^ rata of An (6) per
seal Act antfanrlzlag tbe county de- esprlon of Mr. G:
M K. Beocham.
porttory. was pi
presented, sad on mm
Moved by M?.*^eland.
apd sapd party of the
tioB or Mr, Cle
by ported by Hr. Brccbam. (bat tbe counEd
Hr. Safford. tbe
a to CTMly s
referreJ ; jj- treasnrer be required
to give .............
On BCtioo of Mr. Beoebam. support
>toe COBBlttee
bond In tbe sum of MO.000
MO.OOO (forty thout
ed by Mr acvcland.
boa.'d ad
. by tbe veetal Act of
On motion qf i
Jouroed sire d'tbe Laglstatore of tbe ecalc at tOeU- by Mr.' Hoxsie. a rec<
gna. authortslag the Board at Super- til in-3n a m for v
_----------- .
-------------- nontrad for
keep an aecaiale acouat la a set of bookt to
nrder by the chairman. AU present,
a^ex^iM a?d rewt^ a*
piOTided (or that porpoae of all ax
eya betoagiag to or la the costody of
aald eoaaty. tefoaM iriih eald deporttomaoA books to be prodded by
aald cognty of Oraad Tmmwe. aad to the VMl Act be prtated.-wbleh H*

brtoag to told eoaaty aad to coaitlted cimM
tate a part cf tbe pabUc taeords tberef al^f
86.00 (Six do:- '
S007T3 HMAJM4 smsaa m a
cA. and apoa tbe expbBdoB of thU eoar. Safford. sapportod
unct to be dellrerad by
- '
taMp. Is ony ft. -rekssad mi



aad adopted by yro and nay vote, all voting yes.
rwgatlagsM borpeantlon to tblrty-gre
present voting yog
Moved by i'r. Darrow and «
Mr. Darrow, as cbalra........... ..............................................

the goeatian U abown by Ibe (art tloA ... y of the aecoBd part shan
Bittee oa groandt aad bwlldtoss. sub 1 to tlw rtty^ouBcato
e(ty«uBcll to dpe^
that Ue iatsrest of said coaat. .. sained Ue (eUowtBg verbal
rrbal recomTVcom-ibBsa jMttiar
Jantior as saectaJ
sac ' '
(bare ware o^ 14«.*otaa <■ the poU
qatre It. (be aald party of tbe aecoad --------tattoo, that a cork
____It jiar. carried.
book. The a)aetle*.waa rary quiet.
part Boy terBlnata thla eonoaet and
td tor Ua g»nrt tc
The toltowto* paj roO was prtMit->


ic li


evradto aaM m--rtfaea ar aay psn
Mow th'T-f..r.. woura to hawby
Zlvaai, Ibal by nrta*- of th- poa-r-r -jf mto la
aald owirtc^ r.aa(ata,al. and •< lb. atatwi'a
Id Ito-Htalaof awSnran.aaid apetnc' will to totoWtator. A i< ma. ta

day of Septamtaar. A. D.
«e)oak In taa farasoei of «14 day.

B K tostja-


da<r o5 if-wrnb.^AM?^it'by toS
IreaaP. Bnanito Klual--tii Alford. o( Or.oa.Uatlaad ('-,iily. Hw-blzaa. aad rwweM
lataaoBio '4 itolbmat" -4 iJa^ for ttoOtaaty o! Crwnd Ttvwm, Kaduna. ta LZba'
a; o< Mon*me~. .4, lAC' a, «tto gsUi day i4
gorataUT. A 1> laM.whKb mortgoca Waa by


~ '

1. and rwwwdad in aaM a«r

yZ^rS etri e.y^_a

_____________...- ItP-dTcvvww-t^lyjOrarM
taMCouaty to told. (to i^rito ii drawltad ta
' efy (Iw oBoeat itoadaa.u



vbTtald>taF«afw ttopetai

ftwysd Vtoi. Msat ■■ lisaa flai

tor. That there wna a deto tatanat

.-.:ru.v i- .

MV. A4MMMT 0. (

BamU rtm§ f*Ha im*m»
«b*. '
l«M«f7 •mmtt «wiT »

»«ra« tto liBtok.

..wtoirodefcad. ato aibbtei. ato
oMkAMiu Um geaenOy (hat
■aU. *T Udah Hi
•tap bora fora weto. (hara'a aack racy
toad Jtoar .
SoftaMttey Bead ato
Wto BB*te <to Jaek'o po-

taowt Mlttaf unto or robhia. their dea. loo. He aaked -ao Baay qatotea*. fou 100 largo wUd aalMls sadi
Mate, ato teU Ub there to a heary ato really got la foe way to oftaa, year." said m agta^ teceaUy. -For
iae aad liaprtoaaBeet for orerr ooe ihai onalir foe aa<
UtUe idaoe at oae Ude. Md (oU him iBcUace. car eecoeds for -ooe -year.
teaad dote, tbla- TUI him. top. hew
wUck I kappM to have at haad. show
Bach favpior the whole world vfR be
that we iaponed la that ptfiod twen­
Ato a very aleo bed be Bade to
If we do hot do tblefi which pot foar
ty elephailg, twenly-Bre csmel*. twteil
foto It. Jim (htek. dear to>ya. vtot a ato had h ready to be pleatto la
ly tigers. dve'H^, rorty-«yo'leopards,
toaatlfol vorM (hto voaU to tf Ihcie toortUBA UetbooebtheehoaUUke twtate psmas. ^ue«B pwifocrs aad
■twara aothtef bot Uto>d^ ato letbntoreds to birds gad monkeys and
beltaf .ward! la H! Am ertoy Um oae
■ttsU things. Cube—Iloo. aad tiger
to' ytoa dooB a klto aot/or laree U>e tar. aad fou he telfht Uaat
ato bear eaba-ere 1a spedal dcBMd
Itfoto one Ood'e HtUr crMarv. he
vcalfoy (BBllles B New York, aad
He worked, hard erer U all day. patto helptec Mta. kbo.r the happy tttee
la foct.fonmgbont foe eouairy.
vtaa hrra vUl to ttoa.niUw pawar. tlag down (be earth orar foe laad*
BotaeUmet w* leedre aa order (qr
II (he vtoe Bed w(m ^e oar lev* wiu Uf Uttle fot haada, astil lie was Urge BOBbar to UetoMtA We tcl»
(htek It worth white l^re Um bird* ■o dirty ilBt Ua mbwb doabted if graiA foH-order to oar oMchaa in the
aad aataato. we TTnrrtr Tiaht •- be tfm eooU ova each a «rlBy aad beq- elephut eoaauy. who. after orgaaU^y-toolOag lliUe (Ulew.
praad to help thCM. oacht we ato t
ARer foU to watched the bed* lag foe aaUt^ lat« a hoatfag t-ad,
Jmw Ann.
erery day.ato daally bad foe ddlght proceed to.eoUeet foe desired auBtar.
-“WcB.*l do declare;” ato Mn. Bat- to aadM mile polau of ftaea prick­ A boge iB^ioe^ Is built la ooe to foe
: (toto petto oat caaUoaaly bet
ing M thraagh foe dark eaafo. Thra mala elophaet paita. and at algU
the' alttoily opeo door ato the oaatef whea It rahted, bow they gm! Why. irbee foe big animals come to
beaa-etalk la foe etoiy that foey are drtroa tifto foe ladosur
at A baaket aose one bad pot oa Ue
(ivat porch dOTtef foe Btfht
ibto op to the aky cooM hardly keddah. by Beans d( dree sad shoals
New. the Bauertv hoM Mod te tore grova (anar. It taeawd to Jack. aad foe trlag to gnag,. Beaten Oa
the nbarto to LAvreaecdnuf. for foe
Bot what do yoo think hnppntor tOM eiepbMU foea rMe-talo foe tacloenre and rope foe beasts, and la a
Why. oae day. vbca Jaek (tad
the city to rteH hit eoosla. Hn. •hon time foey beooBM acettstOBcd
lag led aboot. Elepbaats ere aat.
ato her two ehlMree
amily bM. aod were this not the case
eoBe atrelltag ataag.—like tiaape.
te 'lto dty flBlu. and (to prueat they were Md. bdag Ured. foey they aerer taoM be captored. beea
ovaen. HeceUab Batterby aad Ua etawtod atoer foe gatoaa (eoee. ato to their gnat hulkins strength.
Pnw t‘teiTi<
fOto wire. Haaaah,- were daaato
lay down atoer the skade to
veBtodo toured fanaen, ato as He- to take a nap. They atept mUI the
rtodah aaM. The late geaetafo
aaa gu enato so a* to ahlge foil la
the BoUarfaya to Urr la foe oM to
four (Beta, aad foea got ap. etreldud
(or foe good Lord had ato Uataed •VeBselTea. and foe Utile
try. when ba cam rvaalag l<
then with dUldrea.
U ^ wHh banger.
Bother. boUlag Us Anger ato so
-Why.yaa sUly taUdteal” foe Bofo. lag at the top to bU eolee. “Why
Tet. owtaf to foe baui to tetmm
tmn. jm thia heaatUal aprtaa ao^ nr saM. -H yoo are ao baagry. why whu te foe Bauer. Oeorger asked
tag ttar wata ap wtUi foe lark. Heap 'dde*t yog aat? Here te a gardea foil hte itattar la alarm. a« the wiped
kteh hto goae eat to foe torn to feed to foe Madeteu klto to thiags. Help away foe W Uare itoltag down hte
Blaek Beas. foe pcBy. vbca Mn. Bu ioaieel*—.?
cbeta., -O auBBa;- scalled. Oeotge.
lefoy. gotta late the parlor to talie
Ato she eel foes aa cnapM by he- "a bee eieppcd on m: a'hae ateppto
the wladowa M Mt la foe pare i
gtaUag topnaw u U
Jack's baaaa. The UtUe
4b8 Ur aad eanihlne. heard a ae
to6 cry or watt, foe coaM aat detan rto hoppto ato skipped wllk Joy. ato
Why to foe Bgara • Ilka a papeota'
Ml o« Uttle hues froB foe aloa aOv liansa K to aatWta wlfooal -tts taU.


For HQdil^ Boys khd Girb;



bad. ato laatoto tor hto tordto. mUI
U looked BB Ui^dn: tod fi!B Uiroato

kept aaytef. a* ata canted h teu the
Bd caalloitoy taleel' '
Wara Jaek c e h<M^ hit HUte
I wfll trr «• k* M tam m I eriaf. She aearty dropped
Mtoua. Bto he ran
prtoe. tor la the tosket lay a Uay haw
otytef Utterly, to
die. troB which a pair to'HUto ayae tcO h«r IhU to.thOBgbt traapa a
|wmtry«ib*lMiiW,iNtpM. iMkto <» wtotfaliy teto her
kind « •MrjM]' mt M
the Bpe Bored ea d to eay, -Oh, keep
««wy IMKf tMn«.
Mwhhyoaltotal Nanea Mean,
fill hi tnrtia to to
OoiBf to the fcUetoa do*, ata
ttaM tW^ I wW n»y. mr
called, loodly. “Heiekleh! Oh, Otm- aaaaa te Babraw. a Uly.
Ataa te Lada, foe Ktedlyhtoht Com beia rlcht evay. qalefc.
Fraaeb. foe Leader.
•ed doa-t vaU a aHaotar
MaitaM (• Orefo. a Peari.
Oa kU arrirdl a harrted
ttea ato aa teapeeUoa to the baaket Job te Hebrew, foe Hoaraer.
BaefaU If Hebraw. foe Laarb.
took Plato
paU te Latla. foe BbbII Oae.
rWall keep It. Heoator
Bdwta te 'Baxon. a Oqaqaeiar.
' -Stop. Heaafclab! Alat It a dearr
Lloael. LAtte. tea Ultte Ltea.
ato Hra. Bouerhy
“• ««*•
te LaUa, foe Brttot Oae.
Htab te Datek. the Lofty Haa. .
>H BMOt to aetoed. Haaaah. ato
Manta te LAtta. foe Mantel Ooe.
thlak TOB woald to a -wd aaai
OUben te SasoB. Bright ae Cold.
•tart, aad ao aiUniaatef to ItJacob te Hforew. foe SapUaAter.
Bayta Harry wooM to beUer."
lAidus if LAtlB. foe 8hla^ One.
‘Wea aew. Hoaehlah Bouerby!
•eaU thlto yaa'd kaow hatter thaa .»aeu IrOreak. foe Bertaos Ooa.
Polar te to toilii origte. foe Rock,
■ aaM a-K Tha or Harry. Duet
te Greek, the Pair VMory.
yoB ear a word, bat Ita fotef to aaae
The toy they cot tto toto^ talf
Jaae Ana—iaab (or By atoter thal'a ' PtorfBce te LaUa, foe BtooBlng Oa«:
iBoeard. a OerBsa aasA te UoaTIM torn* WMSU A-MlM:
dewa eatt. ato Abb («r yoai tea. vho'i
, Swb.
Uwr "Mto, TOO *«|M hto* dato aad toae. ato thocaH be aa tel llha.
BUh te Hebrew, ato Boato BeaaU .
08 to ellber aaM (or toOrC
Sophia te dreek. aod meane!
8o Jaae'Ana It waa aased. aad with
iha eara lavlahod ao woadet Jaoe Aao
Born »Mled 4MI. MM wMted (tot:
ArabUte te Utte. foe BaaaUfal Alflew. Hra. Bouerhy viote to her oleSqm tlMBto^ (tot II -to frtodtal
tar aboot (he aadla. ato aaaUac to ir.
• To toy • toto kpok «“ tototo
Barak. Hebrew aaM. a
Jaae ABi. a tetter that tUd. or aMaat
0( an ttoi pndeu bekdfto.
to coarep. etooBea to the kBdy woU Sasoa. foe Boae o^
WMetoton mU. to teato lito onto
00*0 uree way.
Aa tooathi paoied by ato Am Jbm ■eato.
,leanMd aaay mue.lhlafi that ea- CaoMr.-Li^ aaM. Beaaa Hairy
. ' '
deatad the predou-Ue to the worthy Ian.
Agatha te a Creek mm. foe Good
ooapte. thto’-woadetto bow they eooU
The tortefe «toto« vwt toi^Mtop. erdc thtok to setUa. akiaf wlUxwt tae.
leaac. a Hebrew aaM.
The foltoo i«B «M totoa;
Qfvto-Mtor tof a tNvMtef Bp,
•T tattere youVe foee 4a8y orer BatoWrAnd *n]it<wM Blmoet artef.
onyer te of BWBaa ortgla. w
Jaae ABa.' wrote the aliter from Uie
•nte MO Mto mM.-mr. talto. Bm*. Bait, “tor ihere.ii perer a word aboot Tree.
Lucy te foe (eBlalae to the Latin
yoB two aay aora—loot Jaoe Aaa
Toa'ra toeWBf Ive toy* oMer!"
Bm Botker Uld tke atovto toto
Bdith Ato Bdlfoa are Banw. HapplAaa had beea la the Batterby
OtaMi, ctaM wtout tar Bboelder.
hOM aeariy three yean. It woold to
Dongtei te Oaelk. alfBifjIng Dark
Ak. wtol; the amt bmUom tte hlrd*. three yean la ktey. and . thU waa
The cradle yWd tu Baapare;
*lfofcfa, nw. bteetertof March—aad Cray.
I God is
DMid te Hebrew.
- TlM vBl ato atop a atefle day
jaae Abb had'tahaa a Mearaoold. aad
ftor aay pleader^ pteatore.
tey.aUUto (tot Bleep Ubi kaewa tw Jq^
woold her note ^ JaBoa te to Hebrew orlflB. foe BeAad aMa that boar^ vorh
foet totter orer the door or the-piato- goiter.
/ Odllc. foe Boariag to
« ay«e iMk o^ tefo thoae to her
TIM aealM vara area, aaj^:
Fir teCher .atead A Utila-aa
It wa» dee daye aRer the death to. Agnea te to Oergun ortgla, foe
: Wbto iDoltor teat bar ktoy!
—81. NItoolBA laa Abb wbep Hr*. Btowa. Mra. ButMous. a Hebrew
ttohy'e atoter Itoib Um Bbk. cbm u
aBfioaaaad_>8o Jaae Ana to dead' Drawn Oct.
MaUbew. A Jevteh noBc. flMldto A
WeB. I'eaM aU' ihU dlouaee
TUi veak ymr prealdeat la seta. M foe Hide btoBf^t oouM opeot two Gift.
te a Persian aaatc. foe Day
talk to the taya ad (to Saatolae took, oM people like yoo ato Heaekteb have
ato aaxt weak aba vUI tore
beea. Oto a ptetoro to her. ao I
«i& to ny to
flrta. Oa v
Harold, foe Chaatptaa. to Bum orlMS wtot eh* waa litor
ran to the HermW la aa teUvaaUa.
-Tea. auak ai it Ia One to the Mtfb- la.
article teHla. to the aav lava vhteh
Ualdah. fioB foe Hebrew. Beans a
bar hurt took it with his eaaMra,” aad
foae loto eCeci la Mteh
Mra BUterby took a BBall ptetsre Waged.
' rafardlof Mrda ato yrild naa.
Bageala and Bugeale are Preach,
(rou betwoea the teavea to a book aad
aovrie oar eBBahlae -eaitaii da
Wdl Bora.
baaded It to'tar UMr.
Cauiantlae U LaUa. ttgaltylag foe
aead each lava, for te tbair idadae
-WUl. U1 erer mv eato old—The
.foarkaTa proariaad to ^ klto to Urda Mea! BOtktef bM a Bcaaly. i
aad aalBBla. bat there are loU to oth­
Cafoerfoe. a Grata hbbc. Beans foe
Ato” ato Mra. Browa aadoatc
er bm aad mb. too. vho are b« rate 'to hide her ehagi^,-Pare thin
kted, aad U ti (or tbes that the teva
Doborph to to Hebrew. afgaUylag a
tore to to Bade. The aeat Um yoo
JeekW Barden.
aee a b^ fcilltaf ooe to (ha heutirai:
DorcM te froB (be Oradb algaUylng
IkHe bfrdi or apalnvlA whoa the Wtaa the teac aaaay 'days
e Wild Bate.—Detroit Free Preas.
dear Hearty rather aihit hare ato foe cardeaer beau toipade.ato
toaad. or He voald wx bare Bade rake, aad shape the bade. Jack, who
CMchtag Wild >
a bmr liuto-teilov, wMta^ sar(hea.'Ja(( taU him .what the, law to

d pat to<kla,ABd

MB for tta Stadl The a


A'etoaM aotod^ABto with aioctoa. mi. iAfoatle or
forlUtac. to foe dooda to oar Mkhigaa beyy la foe war. A taw
iBoldsatB, tehea Mlaly ItOB the htetory to HleUgaa la foe war
aa paUtetad hy foe ttata. are here rtoatto:
Job belace and dtaiag foe Arm year to foe war. foe hon to
fUaL like MJeUgM boya arerywbore. imed to delight ta pUylta
war. UtUe realtoag foe earacBM to It aU, or. thla^ taw
aoM to them wooM before taaTtry iu stent nalltlee.
A eboeea leader aiaciog foem wae Chariw Oaidaar. Ja«
folneaB yean old wtaa foe war brake oaL Hte aid aehoolaatM
(iMriiiliiir Ub etUl u a MlJ. «><le awake. stadMu bar, (to to
wtB. a trae (rieto. ato i«ta«o(«d by to who knew Ub lor hte
otarllag qnallUea. He was foe IdoltbeaMes. to a load Bofoor
ato Meter, ato foe prMe^qf hte fafoar.
• Chartey wasaBosleaceUcatsBaredrampteyec aaolW
bta could ptey foe ate; ao. beedM by tUrrlag Bualc foe boya
.grUtad .ato aBiebed and aiincted Bach atieatloa. -awkward
aqaad- ae foey were, la eoUler teagaage. Ae Ume vMt on. foe
Borttal spim to foe boys grew more lateaee. Bom Cbartay ato
hto dram were ta dcBsto at pobUe Meetings la foe work o^to*
ItatmaaL aad tho beys thU played eoMlera ba^ to. look Ub
with reapect as bUag a real BfUtaiy character.
Hte lather weot to foe (rant la foe Arsi eaU (or treope ta
the Baeoad MIcklCBB. camricys keaeber, Simeon C. GalM. a lae
yoaag Baa. oae to the boat kaowa and most loved to Fllafi
yoaag people. Joioed-foe Sth. regliBCU as csptal£'v Charley was„
devotodly atlacbed to htan. Md U ooor begged te ta Ulowed to
go viUi bte cMtaia as foe drammer boy to foe rogltaoaL
”1 can to ta foe «ar vtid M Utua. Md take the place to
A BBB.- was Ms consiau pica to bU aothw. ~1 think ft By doty
te goi. espMtelly u ytra dp tat need ao greaUy at home-'
Hte Bbtbcr, her bean already ataiag over foe Imo to bar
( haabato. U test gave a itHurtaat eoasoai. Tho regteieat was
aooe oederad to Port Royal. As U was Barebing ttnxifh Wasbtegioa. Charicy saw hU tafoer la a groop to eoldlen etMdlag '
asar as they pasted by. F<>rge(Ung where be srss. he brtae
ranks dad rushed Uto bis anas. They a'crer tact Otala. the
(aiber dying mm atiarward at Alexandria. Cbartey wioU to - hte amther:
■ -Dsar Hofoer;—I am near brtaea heanod. I try to ta
taoerfal. bat H to of no asc. My mlad coastMUy raas in foe dlreeMM to home, a (reek gash of loan come* to my eyas Al I
• base to weep. But moUlhr. if this te m bard tor mo. wbU bum
It ta for yoo? Dool take it too Bacb to heart, (or rMeaber
yoe have M left, aad I wfll do my bret to help you. tahaUeeaq
all By money hereafter, for really I do not nrejl moBey bere.- >He kept bte promise well. HU dear eaputn was tafoer to
him how. aad foe love between foe two grew dally atrooger. At
foe letrlble baUlo to James IMaad, Captata Qnlld. U (be tato
to hte aea bad seUed (be wall before bim. aad as be stood oa
r the parapet to foe eneay's votas, a that strata him. ana ta Ml
ovw tato foe baada of (ho caomy below. He was aover som
Poor Charley's grief burst out afreih. but not folaklta toWmaolf la bis agony to soul h" ronelantly munnunsl, -(». bow
I pliy bis pt^r moibcr!’: (or Captain "SlBny' as all bU friends
caBcd bIm. wae ibc only sen of bis mother sad sbe a widow.
Charley had to be a man tbea. He 'passed ihroagb auay
aevere eagagcmcoU but oaeaped witboat a wound, oftca as by
a rntraOc. He was wl'fo hte rcflisont at Vicksburg. *llh Bn»»Mde. IB BastTeiinetsee. aod » itac mountains. At the Mega of
Katnvllle he wm slnick by a ba,ll in the sbouldrr aad bte tang
lajarcd. Tbd sargeoa wrote to hte mofoer.
"He has beea in a dangoraus cMdlUoa. hot te fast reeovor/
lag- ■

There was MXloty aad beartaebe foea, bat hope cUD. ta
foe mtle FUat hekae. Joyful sews came. som. The reglBcni.
ordered home oa veteran lurtoort. was on lU way.
Mows caase fast ahead. They were at Laotevltle.-At la.dteaapolte—to HIchlgM City—at Detroit. Now every hour foe
tavtag Bother and sister looked for Charley. One ^ taacy bow
foe hooae was made benoUfol for him,—(be bed for\^ stauaded
aoUter boy sralltag him. soirt Md (rcsb and sweet. Bvery knock
at the door might be news to Us coming. One came at test to
te aaswered wttb swift steps aad fast bcaUng heart. A iclcgraa
-Charley te dead. "
He had beat bte last Ultoo. HU drum wu sileal forever.
Uader tta sBarlso red. foe wbite sWdc to tho Here, tbe Hue to
foe sky. tbe breve Drummer Boy of tbe 6lb slwps a soldier's
dreamless ele^.
. pa foe batUcAdd to AnUctam was found tbe dead body
to Captain Alien ZaefaarUs. to Monroe, to Company K. 7Ui HleU­
gaa. In bte band was u envelope on wblfo wna wrttiM as fol­
-Dear Pareau. Brothers aod Btetcie:—I an wooadod mortaUy.-i Uilak. The Agbt rages arouad me. I bave done my duty;
this te my eonsotetloo. 1 hope to meet yqu all again. I loft not
foe lipe natll nearly aU bad fallen and colon gone. 1 am geulag
weak: ay aram are tree but below my cbcsi all Is numb. The
eacBy tratUag over me: foe numbocss up to my bean. Good­
bye SU.
Yom SM.
OMvral Kearney, one of Ibe braveat to the brave seMkre
la (he war. when In a battle on tbe rrainsula. foMd hlmseU la
a desperaU eoadlUra. Md eboated furiously to bte aide -Bead
me a rfglBMt;- then foiaUag for a moment, added. “Sretd m
a MICHIGAN reglmeaL OmCKr On ibofore oeeastea wbeo be
bad beea la tatUe all day Md was too worn when Ugbi came to
|BV« aay ears, be ordaivd. “Pat a HIcbigM reglBeai on gaard.
M (hat I can Bleep teoighi!”. This Inddeat was sftbrward woven
lata foe (amoas aiau war saag.
-Wta weary wntehfhg traitor foes.
Michicaa. my Mlchlgaa.
The weleoM night brings swael repoae.
. .
Mtehlgaa. my Kibhitaa.
Tta aoMIre weary froa foe Agbt.
01*^ aouad. nor (can tta rebetf* might
—^^-----Flff'^MkWMa'a ea gaard iMlgbi*'
la im. (ta MIcUgM itUi aad ttad. ware Jn ^
Xeataefcy. PoOoalag tta aoldleta waa a little (ea^eartod boy
oaM JahaarOeB. He bad drifted la. a Uttle my waS. Dob
Ohio, bat asbady ssamed to Imow why or bqw. Tta Er« fcaaav
to him. got mack bigger foM hte drma. ta was beatiag tta kmg

ttorwaaearregrtoMtotta aacasyv
mA tta eo»
■gatar to foe hftgaAe had taaacd a special eeder agataM kfUag
tern, oae bswUm: (ta caleaM taard foe report to a BMkto
MarttaaaMtattantedaattaftalttaoaMa HaaewMaa
ggaw dabny Oam M A
to tataaa. Me gaa alB iBcMim
aad a taad bog iytag aa «B groaad baaMc him.
-taka.- mM the cataaM atanly. -DmT yoa kaaw Ibat B
to ktaiMi a*«M to kin tagsr
-Tm. OoteecL I kaow tt.” aaew«rad\Mhaar. aanmatty
( addteg -Bat. Ooloaci, I dMi latead to let a# bogs Wfo m!"
\ .
At rhltaaMnga. U the kM^t to the SaadayV hatUe. ta
-> loMdhteoccapattaaaeadraBBrrgy. He teak ap a gM (raa
dMd aaUtarh bead Md begM'flaslag away .oa hte an aeeaeaL BMteely tali eaoa^ to shoot over tkg^ v^-Ae.J|ta
. can was gtoag dowa ta toaad UBsait ataeat aloae
to foe battta. All at oaeaoat af foe emeke dashed a coafederate
mMbM oa btoaebata, toobsd down m Mb aad shouted. -8B^
reader! yoa little rebMr Galta as a Aasb tahaay ewaag hte
gaa to a charge bayMct. The rabd oAtaer itftad bte aabre to
atrflie. foere was a Aash and a report, aad ta toB lUeleas (raa
hte boroA
JohMy was afterward captored. hot wbUe wlfo a, targe
body to prleoaert ta was bMag marahed to foe rear, fo^ wore
Brad apM by aaottar eeafedsrate forae. Ha dropped la foe
graaad aa fooagh shot. aadJgtag foere tm night tbM made bte
way to ChattaannM. a dlMaaca to sum eevMtaea mUee.
At (ta ctaae to foe war Geaaral Tbeaas seat kta to aeboal
at hte own expstae. Md afterwafd obtained aa nppelatBMi for
Mb u West PoteL He to aew M eMecr la ita UMtad Btates
(To ta coaUagaU

Bute Hair far a HaM.
“hie laafoer wron. wtfo her Mocy
tall tilled Bi a aaacy angle, lovod to
around the taulces and porcbes
to (be bouM to maU her bom^^
ller la the ^IsxlUo (MWrJoamal.
gray-hain.<d genUemaa wUUag
quieuy reading ea hte frMt porch eoc
ling wmebed her wUh a mtetare
BBseBCDl and aBectiM' UK abe
Allied out to his view.
Preaeatly be (Mt ita Anttsr to
wiags aroBBd hte head, aad
pair to email feet rested foere. U waa
Ibc wren.
A BOB vigorous pnlllag and (uggtag
at hte bair betrayed foe purpose to
foe eourprisliig Mute bird. Hlwn
she had aoeured wbU she cootd of foe
soft white hair she Aew away, reiuratag now Md foea for aaothrr supply.
, Afire foe leaves bad falleo mud all
was brosm aad bare. Ibe
(OMd. with lu llBlag to white hair,
swinging amaag the branehea of
bop TlBCi oa .the porch.
The Kind Fraphefe Gaiaa.
The playera ataad la a rev. cat
hind tbe otber. Tbe aeeoad one la foe
row lightly pteces hreTtaads ovw foe
IcaderV eyes and aays;
-Prophet, bow much to a prophet
foe same aoBeat aaoihcr play
loaks out to bis or her plaee la
tho jwv Md toadire -the peopbel's
hUr or check. Tho pni^bd then laeulrci:
■Who distorbdh Mr
in reply (be dlsurber mpst makt
Bome soand. Sbe may eoogh to gW
>oM or Bake aay tobre Mad to
sound she pkases.
Tbe proMid amyt try to idcallfy foe
sound and aay who Il ls. U sneeeei ‘
the prophet Is released aad foe e
1 ooe Buit take, foe plaoc.^
s in the A



tirtiig folag nndoobiedly btoaaga to
<UM to foe gteat treea. and mnay etleiBpU lo loeue K aad dMcrBlaa Ks
been made. A cesiary ago
Oe Caadollc fooad i.wo y«vs-r<M at ^
FortlagU. 1b PevfosblR. and i oae at
Hedsor. la Backs-thai wree aaUBated to ta respeeUveiy UO$ aad^l.HO yeara aid. -Befo are sUU Boarteh
lag. Md Ita oUre tree has a treak lT
(Mt la dreuatferaBM. A gigaatle bibab to OeatrU ABertca. wtfo a Iruk
S» feet forougb. was foooght by Hmboldl to be aat Mss lhaa SJfO years
MexIrsB bolMlsU beOevc foey
ered a Jlfca
grreier thaa this. end frtm (I
legs a cypTMi at CbepuMepec. wtaa
trank to 111 feet la etreamfereoM. te
arelcnad m age to aboat IJM raara.

For 10 year* Mr. Irolaad. mechMlMl
laveotor of LoodM. has bsM worWag
at a Agnre whkk wlB do alBool arerr
thing bra talk.
■BBigMrcIlc.- as he calls It te a
og^ BMbaDkal doll. MBAdlag. orer
lx (Ml high.
Wbca set gnieg It walks Mia^hS, or
t aagire. or lo ctrrlcs. wtlbovt fW
lightest assIstanoF. It ewre eaa writs
IIS ara MBc OB a Uatkboard..
-HalgBarelio- Is partoy Bctotaaleal
'aad roBstew to aeariy aa maat'mmpooret parts as a M horse power T»crer, and eon aaariy 10 tlmea as
murb to build.—Detralt Tribvae.
s wall es a
ptessiag aae to AmrelMBs. that foeee
threw ctoon sre la (ta dags to all pregrpMlve aatkiM. srllb for Magte nsrepuon to GerBaay. to Britain’s Bag
bat tbe relora
to (br-nnIniL tn Ibr nporr Itol-bsad
eorare to tbe iteg. are blue aad white.
Praare-s three nprigbt stripes are
red. wblir and blue; Md fof Japaaose
>-tbe YanhMa to tbe orlcai-adopted(^

.'■T5I brld lU ArW »bow to
docp for srsr and ambolanec service,
medUtdy after they coaqaered Ita
The hlghcM oBcres In tbe a
m-wu-d tbr performaarcs to tbe dog*. ChlbcM.—•xchaagaSoldier* had dtepersed sll
'The Berea Ksepera.
Arid of Bctloo, and wrec cooeealed be­ ; Tbe bear^ to the f-yrartod heir ft
hind bodges, amoeg abrebs i.---------bouse bad been detlghlpd by a
ee. These were aoppeacd to be ILcj promt to a tialB to six ears. The don ftwnd Uirra all.j
gu niaal
and .-lih/f »tav«-d wlih l*>em and
harked If foe ixslner. wt-e "rsr,
soogb t
l&em. or ra
oae Hte BMbre wemt to ktes Mb
the dl«tanro was lo-j gDod-nlgfac aad found bte betoradreala
aiare wbca
Igog. Tbrn foey were scat with messacps roninlord in a Inrkor (aaieacd abd tbe boy replied:
lo foelr etolare. to which iho}
; they are sleeping can
Detroit Free
briag aaewre*.—KxHiaiige.
rrcMBWdy. Ml. Apple Women.
Most mile people wgl like lo know
Dortor (U> Oitbert. aged loori—“Pat
bow to make "Biddy, the Apple Woiangac out. ptease."
tnan" out to a big ox-eye daisy. Flrsi.l uttle Gilbert .protradod tbe Up to
no must rut oD sll the fringe to while I bu loagoe.
petals whkb coclrek- foe big. yellow i Doctor—“No. put H right oou’':
dt«k. with foe t-xcrpuoo Of (aro. wUcb '■ "f cMt. doctor: tfs teMcBcd o* to
will serve aa tbe iirtngs of Biddy's me,-—Free Press.
rsi>. foe sboncr white rays rrproeni
I'vr hrord alswt the oneerest btU/
tag Ibc inowy frilled cap Itself- Thai
A boy wbn has two (aces;
s pen or paint brash we draw s
One face te round Md (ufTto Joy,
on the yellow eeaier. eyre. bom.
As out-of-doors be faeas. motifo preplBg from foe while
frillsI •
' But whea hte mofore catte him la.
He (kaages lo tbe oftar,
This Is a favorite. aBuseaMt iritb ,
Irtsb cblMrwa. and quite a aumbre to, Aad Ibat te kng. aad nooraad thlB—
I’m softy for bte BOfoer.
spple WOBM ms> be nsdr to the big
dallies- wbleta grow so aboadanily 1" 'teofv Juae.-—Ex
MifM Hare tan Warea.
Papa OoQklBS over eebato ragect)- • ;oaiae. aad aaked what H t
-How Is this. Jehaay? Aceardtog t<
tta-report yoa are at foe feto to a “Well.- remarked foe Bttte tedy, -be
. OBgbt to tat bbtaU toted.”
ctesx to aevea puplla"
Jakaay—"Well. It ■
LttUe Alieo bad tost arrivod m bar
(all to OM bow U eoo« |WTlMttofoeeoootrT.A«p*rpooied
sre hsM aoy wcraelMowly. hor bell topptog wkh oota
JM»,_-Why. focro Bight-have*toWh “O Bofoarf Dues foe «m riog
MB more poplk la for cte«.--ChH'‘* tteB whea she woafe tbe ciU to
jeometocapperr ctaotaed.



home cheer.
Tt9 are life's fore ttet grm

wonT hart yoe.


Tho tBeBt window tAore I tot
U ftM wtto vmttod dreut thmt flit
o'er tbo pean new
I tee ttor • toad mkDowB.

A butolfiil <Mj Wroad U,. Udo.
BoK *tode of the (loriflad.
At 1 Wtoch

the wetoen cutoheot

Berlewtsfl mj hepw youth.
I pie** o'er lu raseatolied -proBlee
Of lore, mhd hope, aad tnrth.
M bopee will tode. I tan away
the naoatMe^ coee et tparUilw day.
- Tot eleaar totog ^al I may bur
The Totu that wblu«a -rDo oot
"Ok. troBbUiiK heart.’' it hayt to bm.
"Best to the love that totogt to thoe,
rn light the ahadowt oTthe Utle
With touiro gkwy aad Hia hunaly

The doada et asaaet aow nafoM
And to toyhear^ eyed with gtod.
I hare not claaKW at the goldea gate,
O bteaaad

Savior, I wOI

toaad and


or red ones may te ased.
Toitoty Ptoil^^-Qe^BaUoa of
Mew Tomare Btoaae—Te make a bate flaely etaopped. talhsqnoB green
lee tomato btoqoe yltboat m«U molt tcmsloqs. one
Aad to night. If y«^ faal tkU yea one eonce of batter la a saace paa.
chopped flae; lour table,
iimt amdd tba Urad Imasa for i
and two flarly caopitod oaioas; atlr tatd. two
Bktodaaas or deceit, do it gently, and aad cook flve mtoates wltboet browawith the amsraliM that *TomorTew tog; and one eaa of tomUoea. oac
eetory eeed, two peonds of sugar, a litsrtB bring nnoiber day." Thaa say taUemooafal of salt, oaewoarter tealie salt, ooobair galhm F»d rtaegar.
"good night,” with aaehenged oonfl- spooatDl pepper; cook flfteen talaatcs.
Mis well; txdl thirty ralautcs.
denoe la the real gnodaeti «( the self tbim pcess tbe tomatoes throagh a
Baltlfflote Ptcklee—Two quai^rtpc
see pietered there.
store tato a dean saneepan; U tbe
Holdah says, "Yoa'vc got to be same time boll one plat of milk with lomatrwB. two qoarts grnm loMtoes.
ds with yoorstof before yoe ou oatshalr ouBcc buucr. mix oac teble- ane large bead W cabbage, twelve me­
do eay good." and ao real or pretend­ apoooCel of floor with one gill of cold dium sized onioaa. three red peppers.
ed aeon or the Image la the mirror to milk, add llio the rnoee pan. stir and Chim flae: salt over eight; to the
moralag drain, odd lito cuarts via*
j to help "tba aoul oo lu toaely
ttoee mlantee; add tbe tomatoes
ogar. one aad one-balf pounds sugar,
wny."—Myrtle Koon Cherrymsa.
servo at once. Serve oyster
one-half cap of yellow mustard seed,
crackers with II.
one-half cup boroeradlsh; one lablcOeed Com Reclpaa.
FroKCO Tomato Salad—Take oec
spooafnl celery sood.
Boll opedtalt
Cora Fritters—Seleet eora that
can of tomaKHB, Mason arlth ult. pop
wtol Ailed out, hot not bard, sock as per and a tablespoon of sugar. Freese boor or antll well done.
Cbow-cbow—Cot up and mix lo
to bast lor estlag on the eob. Soorc aad aeiTc with French dressing of
gclber half a pmk of green (omalees,
«r kernels deeply with
ms)-onnalse. Froeic the (oniUoes in
iSarpkalfe. For tbraovlec li may be glasses^ thu have ^ags tops, or la urtocn onions. iwcDty-flvo
(hU aoorlng Is done by bold­ baking powder cans, by packing ill ke and two cabbages. Put this la layers
ing ibe ear aprtU>t. the bott resUag on ami salt for three hourt. ^rli oot of with salt between and leave
aJ^L Drain off the brine and throw
platter, aad coulag tbrwsgb oetoh the enn aad slice.
row from top to bottom. Now scrape
MacartmJ and Tomaiocs-One eaa it away; cover tbe pickle with vlnegat
aad water, equal quantities of each,
001 the palp. This to done by bolding
r tomaloM. two opI^b alioed aad
nnd let it stead till morning. ibiD
the knife etouwt flu against the ear,
led Id a little bouer, Ml and pepper
urala k off. and poi'r. over the vege­
edge UP. preasteg the back of U>$ kalft
I seasan to taste. One spoontsl of
agalest the kemete. beglaalag U the whole Utopicc and one spoonful (hcap^ tables a gsllOD and a half of scalding
bottom and drawing It op to the top. ing) of flour. Boll all together with a bot vlBcgar whteh has Jnst been bollod
the ear sllghUy. ao thu the slice of bacon for iwenip miautea. Re­ tor throe minutes with a pint <rf grated
praienia li brooght a«kinit the next move baeoB mad add a pint of boiled faoroeradJsb. a half pound of mustani
rowf. and repeat the proceu aniU ail macarool; broken la small pieces.
the milk'and polp la extracted. This Stew together live mlnotes and aerve. half cupful each of pepper. lomcHc
Pl^k Toast—TTito dish Is a pleuaai aad gropad elbamOB, and four pounds
r. Let It Stead Ull perfectly
pbepatod change from the usoal milk toast of
which iBTalldt get io tired. But 1 cold, and tbea mix all togdUter with

will take ahoot three complete r^oItUoas.

To a plat of


palp add baU a teaspoaatol et salt.

very milky It will start to spread oat

Ireen Tbmato .Catsnp—One peck of

Onore. aad hope, and tralh.
- Bn kopaa win fade, we ten away.

to the pan. A cake torner baU teaspoon of salt aad Ulr la grad
ahonld tbea be naed to press the edgev ually one and oae4mU cupe of tomte
The aoeatlde-a goae of eparkUag- day. to toward the cealer. Ute to the
stewed and stralaed la which MO
■m. wbea the corn beeomos very silS. quarter teaspoon of soda has been dls
I cannot ten If lo«g the way
It to aeeeputy to add tvro or three eolved. Add one^iaK cep ecalded milk,
By which I da throagh eight to day,
a of milk to the palp to
Kir. over six tllcee of loatt aad aerve
Bat aook or tout I know aiy feet
mUe K thta enough. In tbe winter
wni wato to aoaaklho. broad aito
canned epra pulp can be obuiaed,
Tomato RabUt—This to a welcome
which Is good to Die la frlUors, hot
vartatlon from the usual Welsh rabbit

green tomatoes and two rirgc unions

Place them In layers. spHnk-

llng sell

bciweeit; IM

Father, and aeerst of tbe m frtttors. the
(tocuve feature tbU makes them

rhem stand

ivreniy-four hours sad tht;g srash and
drain them. Add a qnarter of a pound
loaterd.seed, one Attaco allspice,
ounce cloves, one ounce ground
mustard, one niuee

ground gtngcr,

two -ts

ecoialalag the' whole fccincit and can be made eaUrely on the chUshould, of eoarse, be aaed.' TTic greU log dish.'hot the tnmslo taueo can be
kaoweto, O ny
sboaM I

celery seed, a quarter of
brown suimr.

Pul all in

preserving pan. cover wlih vinegar
trod heforeband. Oac-balf ea
oonquarter amUl oaton. three ^d boll two hours: then strsln
cloves, one hay loaf, onr-thlrd lea- through a sieve and bottle for use.

Weary hl^ heaven with leeUeae UrsJy different from the weU-kaown
com flitter of commeiw. Is ths entire st»OD mustard, oac-half teaspoon sal!
praynaad teare;
Thoe fcaowMt all my hearta emttered abaenee of. floor. Not a grain sboald be
dash of cayenne, one-qaarter leaosed^nnd^ any eircamstAaeca.
Un- spooa Boda. Slew all togeihf'r for ten

Topialo Soy-Ten pounds of gni
Uimaloos, Ovc pounds of old onions.

fortonalriy. os far as known, ao cook

poonds coarse salt, one gallon vlni-gar.

Bath BBared beyead the

toah and

foaad who will follow
reatowd thy eaie:
I due not «towr at the bwrenly this roeipe dSicas sbe bu flrst earrtnl
U oat ander the cold eye of peraonal

mlaales, thteken

with onc-half


spoon of cornsteroh. strUn sad pat
■ nnta ready fqr use. When ready





pounds Agar, six sticks cinttaquarter cup cloves, quart*

ake tbe rabbit, put tbe sauce
mace, half cup little red peppers, half
the ebaflag-dtob and when tt Is afaeo- cup eolery sood. ball cup white
lately hot add six onaoes ehoore tard BC'd,' Slice tomatoes very
and then tho cook win insist eh adillng brokea hilo tmUl pieces; Hlr oera also oplons. Pul in crock for Isrnty■towly on tadtog the aenh tost
flour. Which, Indeed, is noeessary to slonally' till It-, to all mrtied and
fonr hours—lln-l toj er <if oolons.
Wad Ibe mass totmthcr. when tbe ker­ creamy, then ad.d siowly two beaten layer uf lomslixw, . thru Salt,

BofUy the geU <« «y wMew
nels have beeta cut off. Anyone nafs- eggs. Cook iwc to two minutes longer,
crock to full. i«H on lop \Vb<-n ready
• gieaato. . .
mlHar 'wUb these frtUers who sends
> ea (oast or eraekers. It will lo fix, wm-h tb«ro«Bh1y In ■v.ld esu-r.
The etoeds et anaaet now aatold.
the roeipe to the kitchen and to not
r be striagy and if a tltlto to
ihcsi boll until they look trnsRiisrc-iil.
Aad to my heart ere edged with gold.
driigbted with the rosnlt raay rest as­
It Is almost as good warmed up Pour oB the water, cover with the
No toldaight toiade, no eloaded ena.
sured that tbo dlreeti^B have
pext day. Thb quantity serves syrup made of llic vinegar, sugar and
Bat eaered Ugh etenal aooa.
been tollowed^^^rWfi pepper from the four-people.
spices lK>tled together, and cook a
Oreat Overaier. I auke my prayer,.
grinder to-lfiTtoM, of eoone, and
hour In the dynip- Put awsy in
Whoa ertaaok btonha .the wtadowW daib of paprika may be added to adcrock or Usson to,r*- l< Is better.iii
.voBtege by these feud of high seaaoa- toro and aud carefully remave
stand for two months iK-fore using.
'kly Alpha aad Omega be.
Cm twelve
Keep the proiiurtlnnv exact If .Italy half
Opee the gatee and wtoUue bm.
Sdolloped Oon-Stewed con. which amsll pieces, add two Isbln sp
or quartcr of the given quanlliy
or foe a tattb wU^ 8o^ Uke
has been toft'over tram a atgU. ran be fiilafals of froth hresdrrambe,
Bllllaed in this maaaer. Pat a spoonbutter, one-balr
Green Tomato Soy—Two gallons
OI fora paaeelogmu'tbebri^t for- tol of corn la tadlvidoU faakera. then tul of ebopred ^lekcn and a Ilgbl
maloos, grer-n. aad sliced wllhniu p<-e|.
layer of crnAer and broad enimbe seasoning of salt and pepper; -have the
Ing: twelve good sizes! oulons, atsu
mtoed. aome bite of batter, ibcn i
butler melted and the enimbs soft. 5llr«-d; two quarts of vinegar,
mers eoni. aad le^m until you have Mix weD and flO the tomatoes. Itokc
quart of sugar, two ishlr-spoonfii
toed all. Bake la a not too hot oven. for thW alnstes. basting often
Mil. two Mblespotiufuls uf ground
.* • "There to ao UtUe bU to the best
When garnlAed vrtth a aprig of
mclled^ter. Whip three laldesponn- mustard, two laldcspi>-nfuU ivf ground
ley this makes • very appetising
JulB of creani. add ono tablesiKxmfnl |M-pi<cr tUlackl. one laiil.-spoonfiil
No eeksonlag to Beeesaaiy. as the eora of lueiled butter and place a portion
allspice, one tablesivtuDfuI of cluvi->.
ebookl have be«n seasoned when pieu cncii tomato.
MU all. ipgilher and
' • Thet tt hardly bekdovea any o( aa
vtoosly icrved.—Selected.
Tomato Sauce—I’m a pinf of tnmador. stirring oflin, lest they should
« TV> talk ehept tbeM o( aa"

loes over the llro with a slkv of onion,
scorch. I’m up In small glosr ]sr"
Ahead of Patent MsdicluA
bay leaf and a lliilc bit of mace;
Soaking up siiatblae to more pleas cook cor flltebn minutes. Hub togrihr-r This U a most useful and picasani
<auce fur almuvt every kind uf mt-a'
aat than pateot medictoe. and
one tabtespooaful of batter and am
attd flsb.
effeetlve. It beau nay infanU' food flour: tUBla la the tomatoes; Vlr
The edHorto) thu4atoc waa wrUtea
ToMto Catsup—Pul two quarts u'
tbe market for potUag life Into the (II boiling: Ukefnnn tbe Are and add
tor Hearn Cheer by'Bra Myrtle Kooa
to pulp, c
flncl) chopped onh.n.
UrOmfryiBM of Grand Bapids and Is In
of salt and
tpnons uf nit
her brt^test vela Her advkw, tf fto- era, a friend of laughter, aad wbli
|1 of pepper. This
uf bruwn sugar Into s pntovad oat systcamUcally, wooM vevo- tote a trot (be bkiod of old and young. also be touDd
quite aa addition to an
MTTlng kettle. Ihdl lill thick, ih.i
Soaiblne never eassod a death In all oraeiet
to'tloalse toany a wocaaa’s daily ti
poib through a strainer or lai.H'
: Its extaicoee. It aevor totehed .
aad toear her mental atmosidiere
1. but do not
Savory T
masher, reserving Dothlag but <h<
dtoeasc germ nor rode Hi a beeroe. II boil, a'plat orTrosh-or euDed
^6 tiawy tevkwl 1 win etaad and


It Is maeb castor to cot

daaeos with tor aad watka with p»- toes. Into a frTlng pan pat a tableThera are aeate wemtn who think H icnlment. There M act an unkJnd
- a aert (d vlrtee to toewa at their mir- thought In II. nor a-frowa. nor aa ache oDloa rot Into dire
tore, as tboogb the ail dtoelalaed vaa- or pala. It to a toalc aad tbe
brown. Salt and pepper the loiatoes.
y.bst thu to as sawbolesoaic a habit .elixir of life. It heals wounds,
tuni them Into tbe pan and wbea very
wounds of die bean,

tt ph^s with bm serve.

«Hea yoa rise la the i

No BMTO healthtBl vegetable than
trmmteesTna be foaad u this time of


seeds. Return It to the stove, and add
ISO tablespoons of gr^d mustard

Prruaseorvvrlswll IhtobyiUlVMBe .
peraUon on all tbe mucow aMsktosAca
r tbe body.
Oas to-tUr erlll eoarlm aaycae. (taro
•ed and Perena becomee a tlfe-lo^


month and AsWcRAaCMBe]
low «s vrrll
os 1 ron he at
ibcageof eighty.
fooryewTw. 1 ibai ( you tor7vwrvmlaa>
d advice. IflrsiBsnl

Col. Bea}. r. Hawkrs, of fill G stieet. 8. W- Wsshlnglon, D. C-. to ooe ef '
(be three living eoairsdi-s of Uenersl <jraalln htoesdridsys at West Potei.
la a recent Inter (hUvnu-rsblegenlleinaastys of Pt-rons:
•'fAavhfrferffVntaaAAerAsvtar fried la vala other rrmfifftoi tor
urrh, aad/.cazaasy w/a>ovf resqrvaciea that I or*-erMta *ympiataatro‘
ttel oata I hailgiven Pemaa tbe oImpletHal that k* adrocateo a^l/a. J
do not helleit II bss a svpertor cither ao a remedy far cazair^Haa a
ABfc fine (be deprwssfqraed exteBsttd eomflKtae wAto* to ezM of toeVtaett

Ptondto OentelH M lamctok. -

aer ol PeniDs for cstsrrh. J bad
We have
ebrnnicesM of cs{arrh of ihr stomach
and my system was so flilnl with differ-' rooDlaUllke (be oass gl'^cn here. We
eet tcm«di<-i> ihai I bad taken., (bst f can give uur readers only a sllgh
sii-ki-nivJ SI UirsiiiMol a medIciBc bot- glimpse of the vast array of unsollclud
Ur tVnini »s* a l»*i n-—Ti
«ui tall mr, Ull cured i:i. lo -IjuuI three




irge eocumbers cut la haKro. a peck

tag. liva the alow image a Jeeuad tbe year. Below arc Mrcn a anisber of ijrm tomatoes cut in ^uanen and
groaUag. aad day. "It's all tl^i. of wipes eompilod from vartoas
half a peek of sUverNunned tmtons.
friend. TouH have a Troeh begtaalng sooreea. '
Put the cacnffllMTs and tomstoes in
today, aad yeall probably make a rceRggs ih a Nrot on f
strong brine fur three days and skiu
erd." .Dortof tbe day. when you can —Cut a tike frem tbe tiem ad of
hoMatlydo aa.c>Nynar mlrvW'doable eaA temaio and after seoaptai
a capful of table salt. Ptaro half a
a tdl «ff pMee aow aad tbea. as very tol^Oy. bake la the osiml
gallon Iff cider vlaetar in a large graa"Tea're toUdag very wMeawake ttf^ •ir. Remove from the oven before He saneepaa. adding Uree ouBces of
day," or That dreai to beenmlag.” tl duMc done and mooad a shipped nhke wtifle Btuttard seed, one oanee of

used say leagUi of Ume without seqqlring a drag habit. Pmaa dom an\ ptm
dnoe temporary tosnlla.’Ills penaansM
in its effeet.
Addreae Dt. Hartmaa. PrroUeql ef ,
The HanmaaManllarium.C^bas.a i

He took from a Ua a UlUc cake.

Novv-r hdcc Ib-lhe lime Ibo’vebccn- "stirring areuBd,’ la boiiecwork m
marrtrd (eomr two yuan, nowi hasher nreoasary.
If yon do wear cloth things, at any

"AeaiB teste." bo saM.


Tbe mile roks was ricb aid «oo«.
"It to made; Mr. of (he flosr of ti-

rate make yonr aipn^- the kind that

cover you «P from throat to hem; aad Doads.” 'said tbe cook. "Ptfsh. sweet
uiakc tbrzn as pndtllr aa ym can. aiBKHids. gronad Into a wbHc imwder
aprntrt-i-greai, full affairs. -l-rtweea (wo millsumes. Boeb a flour

ItV S d.-flnltc I«rt tvf lt< r creed tn I-- AriL-U'

ts a flner telag thaa your flour ef

sulUMr ilrv-cM'.l for «<>ri. afiil lb pni
en Jbe cU-.lirs .(n- w,«f.<W»i>t It.

the wrhq and aivka that fii,ffai around

whral. etar

‘Tlicti be lifted a Croat IU o»d rot-ooM.- in a* trim a *a. as Jijb knom-R. j )our cidlar—are easy ti> nuke and arc
She's a rank h.-relir as rvTards tying ih(^ grcaics! |irot.-cll«a i;v(>r Invented. retied some M or «0 -eomawtiacbU.
oae (Hied wlU a pink floUr. aaother
up h-r Lair when rlie d<ifl, or trikes. Aud ihcj'ro pretty l>ealdi».
She doc-R make a idcf!rc..que prtaenso ‘
nf 11. hut lets all the soft pretty flnff

If your work Is racher bracy make zrith a yelhiw obe. a third with a
your apnm. or even ymir dress., id brown oar, ^ fourth with a white; a

escape xlKiul lu r face. •'It's bot hitich heavier stuff— llgbtcr wrlght' di-a­ artk with a rode croda. a aixlh wUb a
iroiiMe ... v^srh my hair If It. g.ts lms have -.R.-an» " uf wear In tbom'.
bloc, and SO ozi.
And when yviu tU- op ynur hair <ta^

"All (boro are Cblaiie floars."^

l-e sfrali! to bring Ibp k< rchk-f
It In a pretty way.


"la Oilsa. sir, wo

the womaa wbo kinds of flour.

ovef M '*

Wc make floor out of

Lav tin- cwiiragi- ti* rorry a womanly, rtro. out of pcaants. oat of beans, out .
wiib .tans lhat toM —aiR, with coq-ii i'j Inm her everyday "dolagx" of poUtacs, (M( of swort potalncs, out
as. oot of eoraohals^aut id nlllel.
eh-evcj: fhai enit in button- <1 cuffs (so aud rkiihve. wlibout brtag the kind
f pulse, out of Otis, out (if b
[iliai aegiccu cvenday dnUce. has a
ran roll them up well woodcf-1 ,nss—(bc facl ts. sir, wu znake flnar la
with cdlarw airvaty a-l)uKlcd or J quality of charnoier that
All hej- wnrMug .tf-.r-. arc made

out uf everylblv bti wbrot.'
For In ntiBB,air, wsnu H> brrod.aad

^I.K-kK that g..,mi "(l. a Jiff)." and with
hr«ky and ev.-s in Ju.i ihl- right places

-Ream Mads by Cl\|ness.

watoi arvl :k:rt logvihor.

^a)» rxii-l h-- ya.Cc. lt»ri ihal li :

Wh.-ii I-V- r.v w< that l''»
atnii: ar - a: ] f- look n- u:
|„ b. -in

Tb- CliincK- cook stock tb-- .VMj -I I •brat to osbicss to ro.”—Frss Pross.
!»pMlck IT:'" a snvsH 1-t-isu I


it. -Mv-lttrin cdh-rz ar»' te-ei- --I-I l-Jiitiogham.-. -r h-tl-

- cl.-r.k-.


Ths.WorM Nssds.

[ w
sir." hr ssi-l.

•This bbu-,m. .Ir.

(iroie. coifrtrvsu

. .

The Wsrtit wa. warm. -vl,,-. rt-h: !
.1 was liclit. wvii Mil--!.
l-lscou, lo a wor

Whl1.-M - (n Is,-mto.ll-l-. an-l h-m-worfc I-wvi-s It.- -uarks u»i plainly u|»-n


v-s tbe l-hils-l.-lpbla Ihill-';

' U».'

thly tli'V- H lie a that to I
wartb while.

• (liRfvforv the enarro. tastcdsro flour of

Womsn wbo have

lost (be W

art <d loving.
stlnrt ism
of flour of 1
w.«t-n who »-lt-v<

tb-y have a

l-n-il.." Mid ih-- (Jut-man
-T«n.; hj,hcr d.-vUti) rimJ. » Uf-- of Idlearos
ku-w IcnttUf
ivt,,.. : r- n P-rtata. i „d

or dark l-hu/ and white c7-:h-- au-l ^.•.IUbHyfIa.t,n-.l. hk.
Wroro w^" w I tl u.-rot. apeak uarhinirr.i. K\i-n whl’c. wiih -tripe;tds.rco«-i.l-r-.|-h-li....... miir1l».e.s -f H.I-’s tutUtiato.- of
d-i(.. surma 1.1 l.<-.-p l(s frv'.-he*-vs
-If all th.- luod. ...................
Thu ou* jfrt-tr »<-x • i-toHtoog«-.
ter than alt whit--.
li-aill l-l-rut:. .-I- i. -O'*' ‘S nriurisb :
.......... Shirtwaist -iilt- an th- in-vl


tng iiuwi'r (II a

uii-I a half uf

Cao-ui-'/l— ivill bavu first grand fury

Boll it up agtln and [r<ur

hot .Into bullies.

The flavoring

tatsup depends very largelyr on I
dlviduat taste: you i
»h* <rth
r less of thOM
given. This reelpo U merely s guide
te a well spiced catsup. Catsup may
be made any time of the y<-ar by urlng
canned tomaUH-s.

Tso cans would '

caougfa for this reelpe.—Sclceu-d.

Or cB.-pl-c. ...h. can



bought read) ii;e.l.-i w-mtii.-nt like a
wrapi-r. but <»'.her--J ir.t- it.- wai-i

El-, an-l


.;rl. H-tar a lifle

Bni.h-d -ill

collar t,n.r wh!.-h
wfcll- tern.,-.,-. -v.!lar..

Tb* riBM u4 Or^ Utyts* CmM*

ei tt-

rta«Li p-i- u
a flat H-t pwnasswr^BTsr Swvwty-aroyMra.

But (krn't w.wr an .-ta clotA sklr, n.

isn't blessed with much nf ibis world
gooito. and w> f be does her ua n house
wort, calling In a woman to d<

wwk in. (-’pnrialK If i-Srlcd jiror

washing and fbe heavy pens of th«

test.- te w-ar as aaytfcixx could lWear cl-uh.-. lhat can t-e put Ir. li-

In tbe way she does the work—U

Orinnell Bro'thors


Om- of the cICTCfesi women llvlag

wort. Her cleverness lies, not so much


acting as ihi fn-U.

Oowwstaf the Woman at WR
to a mite of a erroture. wbnM hosband


mind sad body. I give IVniqs my
After speadlng htctsI baadied dol­
"I am now 111 good health mad haven
anqnslioed endorsement."-Wm. (i. lars for various medlclnee sad durior
good apiRlite and sleep well, t eaaaot
bills without avail, your wuodrrfBl rvmsqy loo zhoeh for Peralta sad for whattt
«ly, I'rrnna, wa*recommended to me.
saver. 1 found relief, and I am again
capable of cnndiKUag my ancUoa sslra.
Onereaeua why Peraaa has foaad
I wish to eonvinee oiliep, Itkewtoe permaaeol uae IBM many bomrw to lhat
afflicted, of Hr aterils of your gtest
remcdy."-fsmis Ryrei
mas tai bsTiilg ts-en

tall tb--:. can !« iui-I-.m- iha- -l-> glosi-thi r
-'--rkwvir'.:. .Ii.viiw-l -.(

ground elovos. half a teaspoon of caj
enne. ono grated nuimcg sad two ru[>i

^atomic Cetarrh.
UaedPeraaa ao IteW Resort Atom As
Oead Health.


fan-ry, Uv-i:zh-a unk ha-1 n.

teaspooii ol


Sathrod a Hamhar et Yeam'l^om '

Ute. E. aebroeber. A. Olive «L ,
Los Aageles. CaJ, iwealdeni (JlriV
FrtaBdly Hoeiety. alec eroietary Ho^ttoLee Aagalec Travalets Cl^errtlrot'
The OreateH ramfly I
"I was foe a asmlicr id years a
remedy aad gladly give my exi»r
rotarrb. r
frum iU Bsr.’'-Jas.T. Jqkemaa.
very aervoos and run AewB, my a|»
non. Wm.
North Csrollng lirglilsture, write
petite bad failed me and my sleep was
the Censns Office lintldiag, Washtegtea.
air. ismis nyreas, mBcucseer, comD.C,MfoUow«:
mtoeiuD mrrehaat and ImsIaeM broker,
"The grestea fsmlly'medicine ever 4JCS Hichmoad sinel, LoMoB, Uat..
dtonvrcrcd, In my opinion, which nimes
umpetmty reUet
from espcricnce as well es obaerrsUoa,
"J tried a bolUe of Psroaa as a last
to Venus. The most common affiinioD
morl and was greaUy pleassd to fled
tn hnmankind to a bad cold... Peruna
that 1 Mt mnefa Improved la a gtatma
drivesit out of doots, vratde off eatarrh,
way and tbsa I tamght roveral betttao
iDvIgorslM and gives freeh sirengUi lu

one of

cinaamon, one

•UylagraaBy dsys.and after using ill
began loplck up. it hashnlprdrr.«ever
etace. t feel well, tan will always hero
IVnaa as my aampaalon."—Chazto* F.


one of altoplee. one of black peppt-r,

of vinegar.

ehildrea, Uektos the fu sides of mUur- Get toto-ibe baUt of betag friends tty. and smiles wHb old age. It croeps
Tomato Rrllshsa and Piektoa.
wlih yeer Bltror, so thu la passing through every tiny craric of a rollon's
Tomato Butter—Sixteen pounds of
you wia give tt a oordtol took whleh dlsposlUoo. 0£d tAaaes .dtoeontent tomalbos. el^ pounds of sugar
aays to the Image tbetela. "Howdedo.
quart of vinciAr. Peel and eul -lip to­
Ckomt bep gotog. aad yoa'H arrive ness. It Is the best frtoad of tea moth­ matoes,. add aagar aad vinegar and
to time." Instead e< doing this, too er aad the only eompanloff -fit for ehfl- stew until quite soft. Then aild
erica wa aeewl at the refloeUoa aad Area. It giree all that to good, aad
■spoonfuls ground cUmaxcon.
any. "Ogly tUag-bow aid yon're took- asks bothiag in retora.-Bxchaag
■spboaful ground mace, a a
lag!" ar aometUag aqually dtohei
leaspoonful of grttnad doves. Code
Umnwal Tamate Reclpaa. .
owly until quite “thtok. and teal

F»«»Vtoa Qktazrtal
dalto A4aptad to tbs XtoeH^
\ PvwanfffOUlo

a off te (ho o


as the imdM t

- Says: “I Do Not Believe Pe-ru-dia Has a Superior.”

On the eeatiary yoe

il of popper aad two well- think anyone who tries It will Bad It half a pound of greand mustard
Aa we watch from weetera eeaeoMat. bealea eggs. Mix weO. sad try by equally popolar anong well people: cupful cf salad oil. and put into tors
once.. This is good served
Jterlewtog oor happy yoeth.
itoli la a bot frying paa la a devLbree Ubleapooas o( butler late a
,Wo wtove o'er Ha vaagotohed p
d meats.
pooafo) at butter. If the corn 1s



will flad it most bearUome aad 1

At tb«r did to dvt look put,
OoU to toe cu-t tost BUm'rtoc deui:
Tltot dotk «W the dtfMalnc dmm.


ceuer of meh moimd. nad replace la aad temorlc, and a ubiespooafto of
ipSH haroerodtob; bring alowly to
Ibe even ^ aU Ike UtUe peato are
bdHag potot aad simmer one to
HBrtlr browaad. Serre U oaea. uralMitog wltb toaet and paraley. This Poor boniag bot ever th»Arolaed
eaa atae be^carrtod oot. astog peppers eumbera. toma{te«a~Wd ^hMis. aeal
la place of Ibe tomatoes; ritber groen and set In a cool ptoee.

. uiri w«i«« wtadPK.
Wrtttie tor Home CkMT.
I took fmn.Ufe’i
0i 4be atedcnn kB«tbc*li* toM.

egg ea eadL. Drop a yolfc. of ^lefc grromd moatard. two peuads of brown
of eetory
(be skto mou aof be rwptarad. in the si«ar. «a« oosee

to cmAlr-g Ytoii K tocaud tn >|.a I'
and a r;m-ied dr-:.«. 1, shoe: as ha.:

'T'Tuw wiO e*4 tl VC8T MI'CH TOTM'B
A»V*»TaOE k- M sr WMWSSksta wvth

IdcUSu-t UuUaS hsSc Bmm. 15S X rnst St.





Pates 7012


MlcWgan Indians Assembled to WorsUp in “God's First Tempks”
Abs. lt.~Tb«
gmt ladUa cwpnMtitw oponod Iwt
•TaataK « Uie euap srooBdi of (ke
Xctbodtit Cmao) HmUb« •woelalbm.
two «fl« aMttk or Nortbport. PtdbiMt uKmx the cpeaRen in uiesd' «M BTC Bto iBdiM minuui*, tmme

Blibop K. X. KIbM. Ho mt*. .“The
time li p»»t tor that wild Bplrtt ot
hyjtcri* whieh eh«r»rt«ri*ed tb« decoUew » tow reon a«°- Tbe indlaB
of lodar ta too well e«oe*ted and too
IMe)ll|ccBL lt.mo7 not be iP onr dm.
bet I prediet ihel oqr joaht people
Wiu DO tooxcr «S09. Iter oiH com


woKcrB Medicel whooL The dare aathe pcDpast wbea be eon
doeu the decoO^* bda* Anrwt
l»: Bad BoDdar. the totb. Amoc
the red me*. haTla* printed eeeeral
or Bbllea] n(b)eeu. the
Liord'i prarov braai and other
saeiod inb>ec» t Nab^w-ja* of
aah. WU. The doxotOKr M the
Ottawa U thie:
-lU moo rob wQb. pab dab tnah bob.
te ahab wala dab tto zc odes;
Wa roo M nlBd. «a swe to nlad,
Kob ra: pab ae Bid. O )e ebop.*
Pr. C. If. Potu of tbe Chrtotlae AdToeate. Chkaeo; Ber. Hell Trotter of
Bocoe MlMton. Graad Raplda.
Hh^ aad fadse rrederiek Marne of
Cbarlerolx will attend aext week aad
delirer ^tle.addrcatea.

aa). part alaetr xeara of ape. li
the oldcrt aarrlrtap member at tbe
Na-pDB-e4>e band. Sbe la tbe atepdaatfiter cf Cblrf Sbocko aad waa a
realdeat almon within a atnae'a throw

me. tboou rend tbe air aad tbe antoke
of naar wirwaait rise lOic IneeDte to
tbe akr- Probably no aatloD ever pt«aeo^ eaore dlreraltr « eharaeterla-

tbe casp pronadt oow preoeat Tbe
aeed paadparoata. with alaoat pasaaOR. CARLOS MONTEZUMA
belieta. oUet tbe apripitlr seeenitloa of todar. who ataaber
Member of Bnab Medtol rollepe fanof tbe ultr. Cblcapo. Captured In Soperatletaaele achool aa Dr. Cbarica HooieMbutimlna. ArizODa. ISTl. after
tuma. Her. WlUlaa Olac. or the flaeot
aad elOQueat Nabeaer-eah.
r and phruWan.
Nerthem BanM art HIctaric.

L. Ibna belBp Bor. WlUlaa l^toaker.
aoa rt oM rtiM Folaw^opar.
awn of tbe LiUle Tnwerae band
' m Ottawai. who held tbefr’re*
tto OB the aborea of tbe bar aamol
Ibaat, where Peioaker now
i KmBs. The prtedaoB. WMIan, retotrdd a eotiae ia tbe prlnUap depart, mmu or the Cailtele aebooJ. bat beb«
«r a eaimaas toa of tort rtadlad
aMBMlr aad wai ^alaed for tbe
UtTT Bve rear* ^ br
r Warrea. He . U towa!t coQOtr aad
rartto ia a flae,eoBaUr reeldraee two
» tnn PMoeker. Rev. WIIUsb
w te a Cbtoewa. belap a Caaadlan
r «r kWh otrt edacetto. a pradaate of

here, to be aara. bat tbe teat-YHI to
br naort ooti
arpameat U'ripbt The teated aadltorlam baa dtoitoed the ^eep aomber
Bbadea of two roan apo aad tbe birch
bark torehea hare beea dbplaced br
aodem -paaolto
bau tbe eaapen . .
tbefr cook atoaea-da t^lr wapwa mau
art tbeoa «p aaar theopaa tertt. where
tber eoatlBoa to do^ntoeae la the
tame old war.
Her. IbwIa Ur-da wlx of the Braidkr Mlaaloa. aad Rcr. John B. Ke-warpoohlk. a Carilale pupil, will oeenpr
the pulpit at Unea duriap tbe aer,
rteea aad Impart their 1
tbelr boiBble bretbern,


nnr rean a<<>. aortbera Hkbi
aa tbe exelaaire baae of papan In­
diana Ilrlnp b) baada ee reienralkma
a of aena. held
br them UiroBpb tbb ueatlca of 1U6
m& Fire banda realded aloap
tbe aborea of Gnu>d Travene bar and
tbe adjolalap Lake Ulehlpaa aborea
liad practiced tbelr papaa orplet oa
tbe exact proaadt made aacred br tbti
(cUPoaa patherlns. which bolda
In Ita graap a ai
trfbal memben ef baU a eWtarr a^

proonda aevenir ftan
•to. Sbe waa a bcautllul duaicr In­
dian maiden whom tbe aepbew. Pa-acqua. of an adjoinjne ebief, Mac-aau-bn,
la marriape. He waa drowned
In Grand river. wbUe tronlnp tbe lee
at Grand Haven, and abe later married
Me-lls-tn-o-war iBlp Bad Itolc) and
U paaamk ber life cbildleaa. ber onlr
bwins hla life abDe a member of
Companr K. nr«t ukhlcaa ResHaeai
of Shaipabooten. Tbouph now a demt ebriatlaa, the waa a papaa oaGl
Aftcen reara ago.

ladlaim Pend «f Of* Hymaa.
The ladtoa at a race are eapecl
food of amrtc. aad the aerriecaare re.plete with aonpa aanp witb perfect at­
tune. led by an Indian piri at a reed
a tnrvouDded by an ladlan choir.
Darins the aervteea maar of the famil­
iar brmaa audd«nl|r resound ihroiiph
tbe deep wooda In tanea familiar bat
la worda atranpeir at varlaace wHh
ib« old text. Btpeclallr taktnp to the
red people are tbeae brmaa; -Jeeai.
Lover ot Hr aMl.- aad 'wAcoa
Sweet Oar of Rert." aad ther Map.
-Jeaim. ke be aab » kooa.
iwB ae mud ala >e chop
Ua pwmb ewb muh rkmis ab thkop
Kuk jB ewb ke che boo dlap
Kata zhe tbla a peak ma gwab.
Nee akah dnk pe mab de zlac:
Pub pab me with aim )e ebo^
Ala dub Ibe Qh rar awab tlpp.-

ANDREW A BLACKRIRO. Harter tprinaa. $7 eVara OW.
Tbli picture WUl Ukes 40
10 yean
a go. while be oerupied i
UaiCed Stales iateriimcr. le'waaa keea. Su^t 'oorveapoi

palat and prerlap upoa one aartber. the week will be la efearpe Of Dr. Oi^
Bvee tbcB it li coaeedod that they had km Hoaiexuma Of CUeapo. tbe fal
tbe faith ef tba white maa without Us blood Apache wbo waa takte prtww
by tbe Pubs ladtoa to Saptambar,
ISTI. whiles llule cMM
-Mee pwalch. anb wa wa an.
fail irtbe la
ITTa give abe aoo mob pak;
Aritoea. Ite Puaaa look Um awsy.
Hob dnh ah anb me a kab lUp
later ariUng him to F. OM0VA ItoCbc be zah an ah ruto"
toprartter'who was tnvellas U to
west; Mr.OeadleplBeedklathatoeL
la IR7 and la ISW be eaterai tha IW- ,
LJphti. Waa-«a«ham (Sblalap
vcnlty of imarts. praduatto la ItM.
and Optms-pa-abomoke (Weat
the oalr three oripinal membe
Ibe Otiam^HileDce band wbo reaidad
flfir jean apo m tbe'abore of Lake

a or the 0«oiiH>“Beother“ Wert Rejolcea.
aienea band are la dUeadanre.
aped mm rt tbe ebleL.OId Waa-aaA-poDs-ge-abe^moke . f a m 111 a r I jr
Mher^Weat." la a valued
ebum (BbtalDS tee). Ua mm. Ber. Jax.
Waa-aba-ptorttic. aad hU prettr member of tbe CampMaetiDpaaaocIadauphur. Alice Waa-aba-pee-thic.
tlflli. aad tboupb ao full ot religlona
zeal, waa In hi* youth a porfert tfpe
former pnapfl of Haakell Inatltute.
of roonp aaruETr, bl* oDly dredi unlll
ea tbeae tbona were tbe Shob-wa- eight rcarc of a^e l(Clap tbe dark brown
auap (Seelnp tbromb tbe ireet) band, retreat of tbe forrat tree trnaka. latcr|
located at Omaaa (Far awar coan’ Bupercoded br the native dreaa of lep-j
trr): tbe 0«ea)-»aieaec (Red Prtet). ptna and ablrt. IK- la. a perfect trpei flrrt letaona In ebrlaUanllr from tbe
oa Lake WcUsaa aborea
of Ibe great evolntlou nr pacanhim to acbool bouae. wlilrb did duty for miahead of Carp lake: the Na-pao«-ber Pbrlnlanltr HI* father. Old Rlap, tloaary work oa Suadayu. These
_____ __ B ____
abow .1__....
the rcauR of
(Head Welera) band oD the ahorea of Noee. alwayu wore a ring In bU nose
Sbaeko«<e-ahik ramp pronada; aad and prtniod hi* face, though ibo Uicb- that trrtatDK.
(be ade of Igan Indian* *fldom wore palal. atJII
Nortbport: tbe Kewadln band at Elh. be bedecked hlmeelf. ftlled hla caru- Tbelndl
HleU^ are br aa}lajildt:'Uie Hocka-Uiwawa. be-pee- wlth ringa and bore the tnarkt of tore aenalUve. kern la ludgment.aad
DO«bee.'whJcb. rtmplIBcd: rteana
many baltlea.
iDslpbt. Ther diacern aa time move*
Black Uoutc band, who lived on a va»i
Service and Equipment Perfect
on the alpnlltonde of character aa art
ibr mouth of Crunil
Tbe nervtee to the ramp grouada 1* forth br tbelr reptearautirr men aad
TraTerae barperficl In lu vquipmeni thi* year, and women who have left the wlpwi
Tribae Praaent
with a rcelaurwni In tbe hand* of borne for tbe clear educational atmoaTbe Olfleat <h<».ber of tbeae (rlhna
'pbere to ereci a atandard which can
I bo In ■itondantoN Ibe aped Chief
BCTer bo overthrown Coupled with
Hetfi- 1* amply large (or the aitcndaorc and tbla a deep and searching lewardaca*
odial divine, whoae hoary head liar the givwnd* an perfi-ci Id their re- baa been made Into tbe aplrttoal life
vl*linr*i UDIII the mr'iery ha* Ih«b cnirrad
buBrted one hundred and (our ndnhand ther are enfolded by It,
.wlntera. praeticallr In the aamt amnng the n.-*or4rf* MmalT *'>"k
1—Prter Sbow-an-da-aa iSuutLcrn IJehlt. - 2—Old Wai-aa«fcam (SUalocation. HeUvillbaleandlKanraB.I granted thrt the iMWuilful while'(lirehThe ta«l ImEeriog rhadowa of
wbicb HtaSiJ 111.0 trim m-uiidi-U of eartr pagan conecpilon arv awept tag lee), ot j.-tr* "l<!. J—A-(>ung gn -ha niok--. (flrrrber Wert).
eajori wHb dlgaltr the dlatlnctkn at
away by tbla maglral inception and
bcins tbe oldert member ef the
e iD'diral «ehool of Ibe HortbwMln
and In thi* h»i
mectlap. lili bead U white and bit
airipfu-d of their utlo-llkeB univerilir aad graduated 1a IMSrace aeatacd and bronzed Into a pareb- bark. Two di-p'iiy sheriff* will be la I* IndcpcQdccit of Individual character' lag (ourVcn>-fw'inn' ar<- i-i- •<«>.'
ter M-VC^ yeurw o
mcot-llke akin laid In aoft delft folda aiieodaoe,. thl* rear and no *ueb rulh- in It* origin, but paradniically ipcak-jasod cz-rasan '■hi-'f -i'.- I-*1
lc-»i d'wininloni of naiurc'* anlaflc tap d'-pendem In a great mcaaurc oa i young ktalwan Eraifuaii- iii-l .v.iil'
that no arilrt could preiduee.

work will lx- pcnsliu-d. It may aot^ characlof. Furtbermorc It doc* not I the <-arne*t woriU of ib<Old Na^ofho^e^aa en.OtHxrt.
I'ftarer and phyalclatl.
ncceszarily originate In odnrailon. but! boner.
Old NS-gona-le-ooa (Head waterr generally known that once the r



UvlB Madawts.

Jotm Jawto. Npribpen.

.ftr. Car
. prtwlort of Indian apmkera
|.d|MataM aad dMoelas tbe aiork of an
allendaore ia tk. Carloa Uoo~
'Her. John Jaooba .ta a tezDma. uic full-blooded Apaebr. of
^.'tocher. Interpreter aad Hotbodtet ex- Chicago. He la a praduaie of Cartlalr.
bortcr. betas orditaed at Her %1ew br the Vnirrralt}- of tlllaoU aad NorthTte Indian Camp Meeting.
Monbport. Mk-b, Aug. If.—Tbe
At : o-elock Rev. Jobs Jacob*, who
wtoa at Sha-eko-gtraUe camp prounds has - always evinced
Saturday evrtUnp were coadoetcd'by spirit ta all Ilm-s of edueadonal wmk
tbe Kortbport ladlaa dlvtuc. Rev. among the Ottawa*, gave
JobD Jrtxiba. wbo gave a typical In- dres to hit Indian brethren. During
Cto exbortaUoe oa mlraUoa through hi* sorvtce a young Indian mother
Ihe birth of ChrUL Sabbath day
calm- forward with a fat. chubby
•pei^ ta pnyef. and aervtecs cover-1 Nr-}uD-»ay Hlllle child) and prcecalcd
the entii* day. Ooesidcp
for bapllata ta tbe aame ot Julius
Beaver. Young Julias failod to cajoy
la ebaipe whoa It 4to
bla JolltaUoo into the traasacUon. The
- Irte to raaeb tbe puhllc. UiA.t Dr. J. C. cventag serylee was In the bands
Patu af Deitrti cxmld am be ta aiii-ad- Ret J, h. OeeU and an czpcrloacc
am ytsterday. owing to bU tadap mt-rttag waa held after tbe tepalar
aaOed to C*7»tal toe. where a Metbo- vtcea ia wbICb many of tbe aged
dlit cMBp meetlag 1a bow In aouion. aelona of the three triba oa the
Be wiu be aa tbe grouad* ta a few
active part.
choir tfaU year U compotod of
dan. to rataafii ualll the aorrlce*
rtoaa. la hla Mead the Rev. Joba D. thS-'.'.following
graves aad young
DcAa. wbo haa charge of the detail* ’ women: Thomaa Sekoto. John Cobh.
of tbe camp meedag. e
S Ite Naacy Wanihawee«blr. 1
I Lewi*.
monUag aerrloeA apeaUng to ibc red Aaraa Pa-quab-pay. BIlu aad Lucy
brethren from ifce text. tTfot by |6aa<ta and Jam««. Show-an-da-aay. tbe
■dpbt. itor by power, but by,mr spirit.; two tatter playing tbe organ at dilferA Ite Lord rt b(wt»- HI* ser-jeel Ume*.
WM «Uy tiaartato by the eda-j teut year Waa Bliaxrtb Flater ef
eauid Ottawa ladtoA Rabwn -Apoaa. lte~Gte<rt peverameat mtaool. NebraaWho te tbe n
r or lbe|k
■s al tte ramip merritag..<ibtata-

LSfi evening ibr tucat Bto patbrred h«t-ihcr the firm aueaden aad ‘
loulgbi. owtap the abacace at Nstoa-.
a-raab. wbo la detained at Odaaah.
WU.. tbe aerrlcea will be la charpa Of
local apeaheru. Tte pTwat •oadw.
which m Ibe culBitaatto at

Robert Apoaa. the well-kbowa l
of Nortbport. wUl be oBdal later^
preter. .He U a pi^aaie of Haahefl
lasUtnto and U alto a Tocal preacherla the Metbndln aervice, bavtap
eieeted oac at the cloao of tot pearY

Camp Orooida ipHeg Ma t^a.
Tbe cteea woodt of ibe ladlaa caiap

MtCHMANT UtNDMARK, RE.V. KEWAMN, 104 vitarw Ot*.
IWhoM eontlaMi rMMeoce at Kewadln datM Mek part tbe olden laR teb|wrt,.,oooue«ion.rt«yr-«.*«o.

Imrk rt a white Urdi be atilpped from
p edueailcB for lu
tbe tree
I of tbe wbert •
MSai« aad the tree la cwtireir dertrored la appearaaee. oalp a
ta time
Before tbla tbey nre the wild cUlT tha dcEctoer ao iipht- drea of the deep adlderaeae Uvlag In
wtpwama worahlpplap aa'ankaowa
aplrU. bedeeklap Umlr taeoa la war
Itov. A a Oeata CmnpinE aa Oraawda.
Tte ‘paaeral
prto patheriap baa bean perpe
oader Ue dlreeOon of Rev. J. O.
Deeta of tbe Nortbport Uetbodlrt
ehat^. wbo la teellas oe tbe crouada
with hla famllT. He bepaa In the earif
winter to patber bla forces topetber.
arranpe tbe amall deuUa wbto
caifleance aa the time djRwii
That everrtblag haa Hpbted ItaeK la



^ ^

tag recniHs for the acbool. her work lasted for lhlriy.*ta hour* tbe tented tamlUea do not enter the ground* until I Nortbport. Ml-h„ AIV K.. 'ni.; *e.':
there winning twenty^ono pnplla. meetings of ihe Indiaircamp meeting j tbe lati tfare*- <tmy* and (eel well re- vice* yt-ster-lay at ta- In-!,an ,am..
»g them betas the IC-yuar-old son have oooitniied without ImemiWon. 1 paid then for the long trip and trouble meeting wer*- larc- lv at’<r-l-l Ip.v vis
Loals Bbow-an-da-say. Ao waa all servh-es (nr tbv day today and last' of camptag. even (or aa..>bon a time,
aeoi borne two atontbs ago in a dying evenlag havinc been eondirried entire-I Owing t. ,[jp
^ e orgaalal
Yesterdar bis family
a Oiiawa lancuage, i
' Miss Ella Agon. « n after last year's
staked camp oo the grouoda and
y native*. Many IV.UJP mwiinc. the muaic thi* ycar.J*'
brought the dying boy Ibere In a bed aew arvivaU pitched their team m*-|u,
^ lou„ ShowaHta^. who
tomorrpw an-1 <»m|i on tin (ground*. _
where he lies ranked with lllmsu but terday aftcnjooa ta the pouring
happy bcGSoae be has been spared
At the n"rtimg ,t-'rv;~ .t-*tar n-v.
' voice, tbe reed organ being played by
loop tmougb to agata me« with the
Rt.-v. M^ •*** I two ytMing Ittdiaa women. Eliza Lewi* Oarvfl Pm;-h
graal rellgfami gatberlag. He-|a very bedraggled but fun of .-n.hustom for |
Smlih I* fr.>n, ta..- I.'.«q!» ml*s|r.-r .,n

low today. A young giri from Honor
c week's Bland for religion.
Ibe *bor-. -rf tel- 8up.-r«.r In fh..of Noohport. who V
Itart evealag the Canatllan evangelwho weot with tte pu'plU taa'l year
pewa county. Hi- f*lh-r was Jam*
la DOW dead, abe baring also been seat IsL Rev. William Ella?, oondneted
Ahbnt SC!;-f; of Marklnac. the n»nr.
tbe servtcee, taking a* his text the
borne a few mrmtbi ago in a dylop'
having le-n cfv. p him by a rtri man
word* "Look UBIO me and be saved."
(romxe. Y-rk. Ho u a full I4.«ue1
Today tbe aervleet wev^ tbrea In but owing u. the ecarclty o^lie* ini “”1- ‘“O": Martha Way-artap. Chlppeu-a inyisa and Is
year, of
Buinber. Rev, Jaran Wau-abe-ge4ble'
age. He rt-clved hi? early .-duration
' • Waan-a-pce-rtlc.Geeeruau Soloof the Soldiers'.borne. Grand RapMa.'
Joe BedHrd aad Joba Coon.
deUtering aa exbortalloe to all Mnnera
B. NouJU talent^has-been found
>p muy -ex- at
rf the regnUr «ewlc^ path- »»*« to memben at pr«*.-Bi on the
f^ theltl
Dd tbe iliUe reed organ and
Llghtaky eondarted tte | alaplag the bymni which have beea; Beptaalap toaigbt tbe Nenbporl
anereooe aad eveBlac aerrlcaa.
. iraaslaled ta tbe OJebway tonpoe by \ *erv1ed for camp prenads wlD be on
----------iearly mlartOBary traasision. Tte;for tbe we«k. Leave IVarerae City
Nortbport. HkiL..Aop. 18.—Durtag CharlevoU ladlaa* have not arTteedjatCo'rtodltortteeBmppnMiidB.reihr steady downponr of rain whto ha* I but are expected icaanmiw. Many ;taratap after tbe meMtap:-Hila afternana Rer. William Ellas

_ di

pruarbed. taktag as his t«cl the alily-~
rixtb Fftalm, semnd verse. Hla sabpv-t was "Slaplng as a Method of
Un- '?r tbe m»s> oolqae orgaBlia';-i,s e»i-r gatlj«T.»l .•.gHth.-r to atop
'hr prate, of IM I* < mhodled ,/tbU
*—K at ta- Ska-*k- ge-*hlck ca^
met'.ing 111 ta- large Indlaa chair
rotr.rxv'-o --ntirvly cif Ottawaa aad
riii;.;'-«** who havfi )olerd la •ptrit
u.‘i d'V-t
sing Ibe praise* Of tfealr
and g'od Rl.ebe Hooetou.
•T'.n- onr lips o. .ing iby praise*
'tan-. u« cLair p'alh'ively OBd rtar.-—:y It... invna.i-m 1* aectoo^ Ff
I Li' ma*r-d r'lnEri-catloo wbo tto with
Ixjw.-I and bumbled bead* aad repaat
Tb- p-t:i)'tn to^tbelr God of aortb aad
,).y_Bniil in iraaaparls of Joy baada.
‘•Wris and voleeu are raised ta Baton
and rime, p^ Joy. grief. Ufe aad
d-ata'are fontrttca.
Ho*«a A. Droprte ot PbllldrlfbH
iWc a fartnae of more thns «MBJH
for the endoumeal of a oiMca for



' CtadftarcrscHcnM

« ta ftelMf ror-Womoci

tavestmewt ta buds (or tbe prodwedoB ef limber Mtraetire to capMal.

,I p, Mvum
aw. ai. witi war jasmm
with raa Lake Crange. Ko. m. Brpi. mtoT

■avsrariuradred mea bare alrawCyrtod tatenat U tbto amvem—t b>
dwlBis-*mdag memben ef Ibe aaeoctaUtui.
ivMfag by Arthur Depew ef De­
poOBd by-lba Trareewa Oty Comrini
there certainly AoaM be a (boueompany. Tfel* la dro to tba Caer troit. naUted by tba beta botta talen.
qdaUty edtba beans as it takas a Httle Tba price of tba tkkau has ban a pand Mkbiroa aamae ta Us
membeta befptajlito-'
more time to kiek them oear than it
sbsll give other details
does tba eoaraar ctlaHUaa. ThU soaa decldad‘10 make the price about ibc adjonn.


KEL, •. •. ■e:


•WWW Cf*W 1W»
BwiT Wfc. to W«
•Ml 8U«rdv. revten (ka crop cltw
Mloc 8cd qoPUc from tb* ^Froromeiit
nports r*»»«Unf the comln* Jmrrett,
■vbfaA It U prodlcuad vlU ecIipM all
prarlooi Maaoct ai U tfea Cttaat ot
- tu jUU of eon aU wheel. Tba
•aqoMea aaBinwi a bair fall, both to
Manfactaren a«d farmeri, the export

ware takea la today aad tba compaay
rapaeu that «M0 itonade will •

•es. He was taken to fhv Oread
Tba sarrieaa cf tba local stagers are rmverse hocpiul. whorr be reeeivod
led for (be orgaii and Hr. Depaw's inmtmeet. Tbo man perslslenil» reHe
ees are a doBattao by erinaell fuaas to give hi* asme.
Coarnd 8chaff>-r. LanvlBg coafractor.
sprint down the allay In the rear of BrWbera. We hope tbe frieada of tba
Tbc tnta stopped for orders at the died ftvm'abvooM of brnta. LuBvt-^
mirm aad of moate ta TnTCne Ctlv
(be Henld oBce Saiarday nooa.
Jonclkm sad pulled part ibe niai dgeh wife and nine chlldron.
doasTba beraa wai waadlai by tba plat­
at Iba rate of about twuatyrilTe miio
form at the esA end of tbe Hannah h
ta bodr. The yanlmn saw a mss
(kket. tr Dot Bora.
X A^tarv'e FopcRaae
Hereantlle eompaay't store <
Tbt tickrts will
roaU for Ibe run out OB the rear ptalform p( llio
tbe driver. Harvey Urbaa. was loadUs
eaaa from M.OOO to B.OOO cane a

ahoim that the emaUT to to ha*a a yardi\(oriher dowa the alley wbc
hamper con barveal aad almoat a tbe drtrer fouad her.

la« PnUmsa and sUempl 10 rrswl
over Ibe gnlcs.
He got over btii

iert. At sU Ur

stone and coal of tbe roadbed:.

Ecmm7 d^TIm HtAM
Ecm^ *r Kam M»b«7

Be was ideked ep bleedtag prefasely abd apparently dead.

Tbe dtr nm-

batance area eummooed and be was

“I give my lllttc girl 1250 a
week that *br is taying away,
snd'h^en abe has raongh *av«--i

Forestry ta^khlpro.

one of the most Importsint objects

with statocraR in HIcbIgnn.

saye tbe Mkbigaa Ti

All the Stnager bad to say enorertilag liio aecldcBt. m> far as eo»M bo

up Bh^ going, to buy a piano

Iraruod wa*. -I wa* seeing a friend

to ns by u geotlcaaii tbe <nh> r

off." AI the saaiisrium. It was found
thal ills Hriit arm was lirohon. also

morning uu our way downtown.
We said to him, "H.iw old iI ropiici:
your lUllo gtrlT'

with It." TbU remark was mafle

two had srwip wound* sod n cut on hk

that abe waa -nearly eler<
How many people are- doing
this, same thiag. we


able hours and years of her life


Io study mask, and we know

PERE Marquette

0 light Dorthen MIcUmb

The little girt could have a good
piano delivered as once and at
the cash price, aarea small rate
of Iritercst on the deferred pay­

r (or Ibe
It sale Augn«l

Is ptid for.
Tho Kimball sysum-bf piano
pricing and jdano selling means
more than the free use of the
piano while you save the mane.'
to pay for IL



ilcin* we have bad to hrae a great many opiarionHleB (or waai ef graduaii-r.
IT nay vff our grednalea ran accept 'the paaltkm abera referred
call at once at the eoltege oflke. The posHtaa la -wHb a lanre

Traverse City Business Coliege
Traverse City. Michigan

-We are sbowIngAn elegant

c*t cla.** make*. In all the fancy
light and dusk wood m-oe, Al*o-

ongbly reiiaireti In
mir sorKsbop. (Mglng in prlre- from llio.
5I.W, tl'hl/o 1:2s. r*ym'eu'« to
suit >MU. If yon can't call *oon,
wrile (or


jinies and



^-----ONLY .

obntth. The ladke have not aolfcttcd
ttate. They are: flrst prapre.
a dollar (ram any oa^ bm by tbelr -bnalneas like aetta^of-tbe Rate with
lad fault wtu extaUag tawx teaching own etorts have amed and paid regard io lu targe boUtags of lighter^
the tataroats ef (Mr oronpathm
«tow. and Inferior lands: second, better pro- j
tan emnaa. to taror rimngaa ta
wgaaNm- teetlim of all ktads of foremry prop-1|

35c Each


arty, espaetony prataeUem from Are: i

aad third, a reanoaaMe .method of
pnenamric taxattau of forest property wblrh shall ]{

nw -I

~^wS‘S<TeC»H> mbliitnw


I ‘

For Ml« t»y 8. E. WAITa bona

3« HoOgaa BoUdlng. Ootrelt, Miohlgan.

Grain, Provisions, Stocksand Bonds
Bought. Bold anocarriad on Margtna for Future OaHrary. =
Rrlcrtae*. JehtLHrtperAee,Amh*rt.IlrtfaH

Uqp OMm MMe M ]]• .

.crvkc arc untiupatacd. Wa pay'all meaaageaim
T m«ilf■(. Irrw U ebarga, ua applitaMya.

Knit dure At T. PrMlnct.', tbo, wire

Do you need them 'f
NOW is your time
to buy. We have a
quantity of ^Oc Pur­
itan Corsets in sizes
from 'IS
to 2^.
WiU dose out. this
entire lot at : : ;

Caiman and meehaaku and^ae


IMu«ie Mous«

H. B. EARNER, Prop.

mploympnt Contractor and
Commission Salesman.

Writ4'. jihonc. ■•all. or wati-h tliiliulh'tiii Ikuird for Ixir.'uiije iin<l
• 'uijilojim-nt.
Ciiizi'ns iilinnc 171. Hiiellmnnb'l
B1(1k .

ch^giag: They may not altogettaar time when there mlghl be such an 1
wllb oar foreat cover.
plaae that claai of importers who atnment ta seme of itr cburchea.
At this iBlOal meeting of tbe rbresvro»t most when most g^s a
was only by tbe gmte« cllon that tbc
T aCTOctatke. there are three eubhutaght tram abroad, but ^y il
Indies srere aMe to ptaec a floe Bstcy



a number uf cxcluiiiged ugirigbl
piann*. a'blch bate broil thor-


ctdar to asslat a two par cent forelpi ehank. W. A. Campbell, full tastrue- wfll be aMe to boM the many Industrade.
Uoos as 16 (be work that was (% be
depeedeot open »e raw mtiertal
Tba M buylBg aad tbe ben aeUlag
rrom_ (he .(OreaC which are now rniridyean tbb coobut has ever known
1y -afipptag away from os. A farter
have been aajeyad ander bwi m
Pipe Orgen CanearL
also to be txmsMered ta this relatkosmr aaUoaal abdute books, u
The king of moskal Instrumei
not be aaaumed tberefore tlml our the pipe orgnn. Traverse Oty has
prasaat lawi aeads radical rerrtaloa or beea'for yean kmUng forward to t


some of the wry best and hlgb-

inml l)U9im«8 ronexTus.
Will en[di-avor ti> fiimieh .-mjjloymunt or
irniployrt'e; sell or cxcluiiijfi- nny' thiim from u birych- to a sow mill
at n vri^' nioil< rat<- rexnmisainii.

te bAalf of thdr own great market.
Hr. Johnson displayed great -n
fonot growthT fhjt is n<x a Cleplan <
Sometlmcc la tba past thceratlcal aad took the whole thing as calm ss.U
m. Under s proper forert polky
It were a mere scratch. Before feav- Mkhlgan wDI la tbe uear future again
alaart-at^t par oaat home trade
tag tbe ahop be gave tbe other me- hare her home supply of timber and

Mo Trace of OlseMa ,
aB>'cmeerthe(bree}-eaiu.l90LI«aerIMal<gbaM^ ^


\Vi- iir>- in touch with more lliaii
.^.1)00 ta-lcphoni«. mills. fniltiri<*s

led ef our. forest gramh. and 1
aaroloB at CUcago thb week so far lids. aitbonM bUokenod and bamml. pre^ aad rartoek tbe vast attu 1
as h ^ ee^ to make progress ,1a had proleetcd the eyes aad
4«sihded lands. What more Importai
the dlraethm of aeeuriag batter Belds could sec without dllBculty. A pfayslcan be undertaken ta onr auic
lor Americaa goods ta other eountries eisn was summoned and tbe Injured than to utiKxc properly tho more fer­
wlihcMrt latBaaliig tbe ability of •
man taken to bto borne west o
tile of Ifaeae-'waxte land* for agrkuiborne people to eemanme aad prodi
rilytore and the kaa^enlle for perniaueul

aad beat tabular

WASTWrUrt. AlBMH dally wercerivealrtrersimltartothaabovw.
and while we hare pUnrt a targe number of studewta la'imA pnl-

stock of fine planoj.^mprislng

Have you reccIvivT
sn.ri dally byy (he Commercial SiivW '
A Telegraph Co., uf IburoltT Money
makers should M-nd for U:


WoMtmn and aoisninen to approve
His fellow worken rmAed to bis as-,
-at-tba dbcnwaloaa anf ceoelatlo
ekuaee with the tbcmgbt that bis ej-etbe aatioMl nelprocity eoaferaiiee ta stghl waa sorely dealroyed bot the


We Sir puhlWring (be alme trtu-r m an tHaatmtieet of Uh> may
rail, roerivod with tbc'hupe of grliieg Baqsea -am oar ‘TOrtnOKB

1t means plain

- Sgures. oife price, based on. fac­
tory cost, it's a prtteetJoB

Tickets on sale in sistlonH distant
am ntore thin lu mile*. Mnnilav, Sepl.
the last tUleen years have clearly 4th, an rate nf one fare {ilns
proven otherwise.
The state has..........................................................
for the round trip, good tor 1
changed from the greatest lumbering j-toicr than Tuesday. Sept. 5th.

OB tbe part of ^ctaxsee of Americaa


• T*»T truly.

pushed pianiKLwhen her piano

FOr'many year* this great

-Ore upper portion of the fare, (he hair
ad aad minor bums s^t

and minmec aad day lahoren at tl
TWlad SUtas' bars littb reaacm

Awalttag ao ca^|(iil|

and probably be quite an accom-

■umad by Oaaetina.
la tarmt or slva refoaals
Joroph. Jobaacm, head maehlalat at exporting district ta the world into an 1
to tbair forrtfa^cUaatx, who are i
timber dtotiicL Hnndredsj Canadian National'1
lasmebirsdiiey. Theaa indteatioM Bmmdoir A AlAardt' nmehtas aiop,
of (honaands of dollara are paid by the roati . Canada. August 21
of dwnBd for Amartcan wheat i
Tlrkets on sale August 2
people for freight alone upon imported
maeii to tbe Amerieu^ tanoer.
Sopl. fiih Incliiflvc; gtjod for
Mcmday morelng..

raw material which aiiould be grown aniil Sept. 12th
Itnc tan' I>
A tea-borae pow^gaaoUna cagtao ta abundance within our oim state. cents lor round trtu.
u Jost b^ Bdiaplaled at (ha abop This is bat a feMIe tadlcslloo of ibe
G. A. R. St Denver.
and Mr.^Onm was preparing to give great riiangcs that have been wrought.
Tor the National Encampment G. A
U a trial thto morelng. With UUa ea- Probably no less than of R.. at Denver. Colo., Sept. 4lh
Ate it to Btaroiary. to nea a sparking
>wn capital have aoughi lovasl- tarluslve. lickeia wiH be sold Angiisi
wUbla Ife of the I
ooU bot. this morotag, as be was
during the It*i flftoen years out­ 2$ to Sepi. .ird, inriusler. at ver? low
rate for round trip. Good for muni
bony Mr. Johnsim aeglectod to aUacb side ot our borders, simply because
Sept. I2th. or limit maj l>o exiieided
the eoU And tniaod tbe/eaglaa over Ibe timber was n® longer to be found to October 7th if desired. Ask local
seven] Umae without result. This, of ta the state. At the samd time mlU- Pere Marquette agent for Information.
H. F. Moeller. G. I*. A
Rumtoacapere are already adrtalns eonne pomped a large efaaiga at gaso- toas of acres ef laad which hare been
Stripped of thfar forest cpvor still lelamii^.ta rertrtet ciparu. wbOa line tato the cylinder. Wbro a
aemayrtl^lili antboriOm ataia that •alls ware obtalnod tba coU was at- mala drouded. having been wasted by
Wknlrelcoratoanmaaiaaadtbaawure Dean- taeftad and Mr.' Johneem peered liiio eaatlnooarcoaflggrellons, and arc now age for iswial eli-i
blu vafir b marti behrw tbe avaraga. the exhaust. WUita was la .aa taKta- anVunproduellvc waste. Tills caidtal
•. itast W giK
rrlier. Must In- a »ia«cr
la addltton to bumper, eropa. tbarefon. Ishad ooBdlUcia and the latarlor of the is nMed ta our stale. Hardly one
wants a vacation uf two
we aye roaaeaably aaaund of a Rood cyUader can be plalaly seen thi
third of'obr imid is improved ud teas
til* io while away time
: faralga demaaAcu la ton txmtbuad li.ipafl at tbe same time turned l6e than oae-hair U acttiplly settled. The
Ion for the right on.-,
for our export
I*. M , Honor. MIeh.
to our BUte wtaleb result* frroi
(allowed w tcrrlAc la foree and
taeh of


.whii with ibc help of our prewcnl bookkeeper eould do the woril saUw

ey, little by little, to pay'for It,

took (orwan to great prosperity tbU tion with trait growing, aad this sa&e
na ooBBoeUoe with the taro
Spertal ■■»nin‘loB on Augn*t 2Siti
crop praa^ tba tndleaUaiu of pu tall, tbe n^ben 'Michigan farmers kind of a movement must lie Inangu. and SopK-nilx-r iih. on which <lsi''s lh>
.tMUre ftiralsn demand—aome expert- batag taneb' more tarared than tlieir reled to enlist tbc people to Oils greatproblem of forestry.
era claimlas erMeaoea of a torelsii brelbrpa of other pans of Michigan.
f™ Information ask Pero Mar
Ptor over half a eeetnTT t^ eiptotla^^E'lha-(aimer enjoying praaperity
queue agents.
the bustneas pe^le of Tnvena atg Uon of tha anomoos foreat growth has
-4). P. Moeller. G. P. A.
griathaflnaadalsItimUaa. Amer. are aore^ Improved times. Already been the seeood greateest tadusiry of


r. nr wish to tagulre

If you have none wboee mrse la flnlabMl^ perhapa you have (ma.

ments and have ibe use uf the
piano while sbe saves tbe mou-

The Uichignn Horticultural socicly
If pleaeant weather boldi
niMO boabeU aa tba total wheat Peaches wlU be heavy all over tbc aecompllabod a great work ta briagiag
to tbc raaases of tbe people the
ylitod an tocremm of taore tban 1ST
sr tbe tanner m
Taking H
Jllltlca of the state in connec­
tfOMb boabalB.a<rar tbc 1P04 hanreet
bcdbato; tocatta«pr tbay tedloata TOP.

caught the nafortuiiate man full ta the amounlt
face. .Tbe Ata was taken off the en-

Trnverae Cliv. Mkhlgan

If yon have a young Indy usoag your stodcats
tmtid fnribc predlto*.

would take advj^nlage of ,

■iala of wtoter wbaat jrMd, asc
•MsUtatlra latarpreialioa slreb.-tbe than 1^ other part.of the aiaip. Oon
ttfrtng wheat pramtoa la ttfhn.OM shows up floe and loomism a good carefolly planned methods of acilon.

bosy autui^a.—Record.

Traverse City Itarlaiw* tklb-Bc.

FALSE bX:oNOHYi lor If (hey

Mutkeopn—Rate 52JXL
. Grand Rapids—Rate «2.0a
Sundsy. August 27.
Tr^n will leave TraviTw*. City at
lerUI are BO tar reaching and of imme­ «:3d a. ni. See pusu-rs or ask agents
for partlcnlars.
diate Importnooe that there mint be a
H. F. MoclIiT. G. P. A.
movement looking toward

teoM mUfra w« tWdac aaw wtater odieettoni loealty are Improving and (he stale.
buslneae mro look confldnUy to

L^ter WrittcB to Professors RadiadUl ft Rote 4

also that her parents aro using

feeting (hat tbe problems con-|

whkh depend upon wood (or raw mff-'

4M.M0 boibeti ai Ita preUndBary aatl-

have 110

means of knowing, but we do
Know this, that the aforreaM
•M tittk girl It losing the
t valu-

kisbeat raeord baretofore waa
north part of the simta aad below nacted with the eutilng off ef timber 1
fantobad by tba cenaBa bureau aa the the BO
and tbe matataiulog of manufactories;
crop of im-l.CM.fWMt baabela i|B other portions, while (niU ebow
Tba coranmaht JUeU fumlsbea 4».-

G<-ailemeB;—We are Iniiet-d of a


right ebCek besliha some bruiser
There has (or a great many yean.
and probably Internal Injurlea. He rw
IMNO an ngitatioa of tbe grant proUboi
' fused 10 give bis namr is ibe hosplul
of forest coDscrrnlioB In our sUle.
Aoeoidtai to tbe Ukblgaa crop re­ whkh baa resulted ta the organlfalloo

aover is sbore aa avenge crop


■«!S8S-. ! l

->Krr Uanlndill A Ibx.-.

lag OB hta band and face M tbc cniihe.1

way has been attempted. There 1
tana at the eloae. of the year) s<roe vaace of iba central aad aoutfaern see
thmt and the same Is true of beaaa. Is awakening, however, among the peo- j
^laa of 1«M i^Ulim btmhda.

The (toaicgelty CoManwa.


misesd bit (ortlug and slipped slrlk

forestry nmmlssloo, haring c4.T'
(by a ayetam of Iswlas that haa ta port aariben.Hkhlnh leads tbo state
A the tadkatlms for tbe (all harvest tain limited powers given H by tkv.
raeaU yean baaa remarkably aeeai
Experimeoutiae in a \
erhaa compared with- deal harrMt ro Potatoes la this aertioa are far in ed laglilslaro.



that'thay have itivesled a IltOe ta lu

rtootly iBlnred but ha cecaped without

Tbe bona ttopped iwaalns a r<

the ntwtrtaae of the snla arttaasae


•ay Had Narrew Caeepa,
John Urban-a datlrery horse look a

penid. The wasoa .oollldod with
At &rnnd Rapids oe Tuesday and
Wodaeaday. Aug. B sud linrihe Hkba»allable.AowtasabrUUaaCsndo bar- J. JL Hemtasuo-a dray, wfalch
warn oolktok. that the chanctar of the etandins in (he rear of bis store; and. 'igaa Forestry assortatlou will be orthe fnmt wheris were pot out or com- panltcd. It will bSTcJor It* mlsslou

taecwdwaktBS yield oTwIwaL Tte
com yieu taterpMad^loto baabela I?


IbuttaP toward the organ. Tirt old. fell off Pere HarguCIte paMcnp.''
eooeett wQI pan bot the orgsa will train Ho. 6. south . bound. Huadar
abide m a aouree of pleasure and In- aad ausuiued a broken arm. 1
Ida about Ua bead and
■(dmioD. We hope maay wUI tael

parlors and leaerrtd scats in tbe aar Backs of bnn iato tbe wnson.
betas astnatelr teroraMa.
a rons will be M cenu. 7S •
lUOcnrliis is aa extract from the re- Without wanitns or apparent causa
tbe antmel atarted cm n ran down the and n—a wide cfaotca la seats and
priec. We have tried to briag the
-Hie fOTfnmant*a aaeatUr crop «- nlley.
within tba reach of all. f
Touas Tlrtaaa lumped for the neat;
port ea Thandar faUj wmflniiad aacan be reserved at Oftaaall'a musk
tidpatkiM; aad the tact that U exert­ mtaludsed tba dlataaoe and landed bcstore after Tbareday. I -p. m.
ed ao sreatar laflamma cm prtoae U ____ s the IbllU dtreeUy behind
D. Codilte.
nadUr expUlaad br W*U etraefe at- rannlnc borne. To tba bystaaden It'
d as thottch the boy would be
mott laTartable poUer of dleoouatinE

Mrs. Bsaale Doaa. af 1
) 75. (eU (ram bad » lattt and

regard 40 the progr
program of the
m> wraet Meeday meciilsc and at name as any Mgh gtsda cadertatamenL with rc0rd\lo
ibcri or the
The pnpnm wiU be fuU value for ibe maattag ta poreWtagnmoi
that time MO more women an wa
Tbe market letter Issued by tbo
Commercinl Stock A Trtogrepb
of __________________________________
price ef the unel. We wtoh. however, Tredroman.
The CMtnry to crowded wbh woTO
(bn the friepdf <d the church and
aad iBicada to etUJ^nither toeraai
levar of muaie will renTO the amaoat
Write for It today.

- ■ - '
man. apparoiUy about 45 yearr
not ao much ai tba price of a seat as a
Twealy tbonaaad ponnde of b


fatara cvaaii.

< aM 7. AD hwrtb degree members ,
coidlslly tavKod.

Front Si . ui>-fuini.

ibr rr-dwv, Coon ter iwi-l
_____ , . b-kl *1 tb, pTTdwt, one. >B th--'-lly
ofTnnro'CUr. so tb- linb day <d Ad«u«i. p.
.v.--------hoadradoad lr>
Ptwii: riwd U Waikw. rate* or Protwto
Is Un wTww M tb« fovsrt of t^aj(«
Ob nAtacandOUar tb, sMUl
d-d. -X casrlc n rcAiwro. (wa;

m»T b, reqoi'-d bt >«• oUlsto
malu asU rwOTdod

B»ot Wantti-

J? dammock
b*ii neglected to uct u ' Well,
then here is your chance to gel
r stock at
any one ii

Ont’Tourtb Off H<sular Prke
TTtey arc all brand new this sea­
son. too, and arc as good as can
be made.

0ity Book $(ori

THUft lAV. AUOurr tr.

0 THAVtme


Circulation this week 2,750

A Tewhing Story
I* the saving frum deaU cd the baby i
girt of Ooo. A. Bykf. Cumbcrlud. HA
He write*; "At the age of 11 monih*.
MUs A. Darta. Kotoen Sbllaer. Mr*, oar little girl wu la dedinlog health.
vrtU nerions Uroai troeble. Ud two
l. A. Eewmercr and two children
Lancaster, Ohio, wbo hare been vtolt- meal In devslr. wbe
tng at Oedar Bna^rctarned to tbdr try Dr. King's New C ^
Witl «e te CMeago. .
samption, Coughs and t
B. H. Pope, who ba> bead the pwl- home today.
tlOB ol aceat la Trarene City lor thr
DasOi Roll.
Northera MlchUaa Ttattwonet^
Mrs. Helen Wekerton. aged 711. died
a eongh or eoW. At Johneoapaay. ha* reilpBed hto portOon. the
Drug Store. F. H. Mead* ud S.
real4guaJoi> to lake edeet SrpE 1. Ur. . the home of ber daughter. Mrs.
E- Walt A Boas' dreg stores; Mr and
Pope baa aceeptod a poriikm Id the Oetwse Whitson of Bstea. Monda! 1100. giiaratiierd. Trial bnnto 10c.
Cfalcafo o»ce of the TiaiueooUo
tetter and tbe w** here on a dv
Prelahi coBpany at awtotant i<
BaBaaef. Fred Heddea. formerly of It having been here since June
was the canse of her death, her ni­
thto city, to at the bead ol thte com
: pasr and it to through him that Ur. nes* being very short. SI* children
J. D. Runyan, f Butlervm*. 0., laid
Pope baa wonred the Chicago place •orrtve ber. tbe children being
the peculiar dlu
thrtmgbout tbe
wbldi to a rery good cae and noe of
held It Bate* chorch Tuesday
. Dr. King's New Life Piltoribllliy. Mr. Pope be* tail
says "They are a perfect remoj,''
ch*rge or the' Tnir«r*e City bo*ine»
Inest. sour stomarb. heoilachr.
of the Northern Michigan TrantporU
isilpilliin. etc.” Guaruteed at JuboI's Drug Store. F. H. Meads ud S.
t^ company tor nine year* and hat
John Robert* wu call«<u> Pellston E- Walt A Sons' drag store*, price 2Jcbeen a ralnthle man to the company.
He will lean for Chicago the firet ol londay raoroiog by Ibe eudden death
next mooth ahd make that dty his lo of bis brother, 'Wllitom Rolierts, He.
tare hopM. Hh family will remain In took tbe remaiu to DuruA Mlcb, tbe
borne of h^ parenis. for burial.
Trarene City lof the winter. _ _
l^iUs K«l« A. Duekcnr. b«»“«
lor J. W. 8Ut»rt booM far®lrt»n«
Mure, reUnwd Uat crcalnc
Bwkar Crort. »bere tbe bts bees
■pMdIac bcriwUaa.

n» Her»M to Uidebtod^ Uxt. Join
WhlU «( BcilOB for bcMtlfal flenrer*. Pram Monday's Raemd.
Mr. and Mrs. & B. Wynko>v of thto.
lor Cedar Bun
Vtuk Wrw»kl hu porehMod the
where they wUI spend a short timf
oU^bAkUI whtdi «ao« Is tbe narx<
with friends. They were aceompsnief
the ecMBUr ibiiby A. A. Lyno* and famOy of Bprin*
A. n. BuMi. plomber. bu f^red Held, m- who hare been rtolUng then
eo««et *or toettiB*
N«r We*’ and who are ^ Ihclr way home. an<:
Miss Mary Imdd of Perry. HIcb.
lord KtMMl born.
Mrs. A. Beabnry of Korthport speei
The -im «*r W pouto* were Sunday la thto dty and returned tt
Alpped from ben towd**. Ther her borne thto oMrnlng.
Mlsa Edna
of thto clly lef
beta* thirty «p^* OB tbe teee) BMTkeL
this morning tor ttorp take, w^ere
■ F.-M. Jemtt of Maple Qro*o FniU will spend a short time.
Mn. John Saseb of tbl* dty left for
Thrm Wl&S* the Hereld enormoai
Aerriet IroB bU flhe InK oreherdf. Copemlsb this morning, wbero she
win spend a few ddys.
Tradk Oeowman and Harry LewU ol
the teaBOW butIiub bard ven ehlpped Bk Ra^ds were gneals at the VUli
to n. J. Fotoer e( CoortUad. N. T, by lag yesterday.
P. B. dart and family of Bottom
Bay wwo la the city, yesterday and
C. T. Itoter vent to Bk Sh^ai lato spent the day at Park Place.
Hr*. ''Pearl Days, wbo has
Bi^rt to look Biter X W. SlBter’e I
fwatohlac Btore «hlle J. M. BeoAew vending a few day* In the dly. re'
turned to ber bnme In Bingilcy this
Mra. Blanch Stibu of thto dty 1et‘
tor Hodge thlt morning where *he wit
■pwd a short time.
Mlw Minnie HobbeU has reti
from a tisK to Detroit and Cleveland
UIss hUrlan Roberts, wbo has
dotng settlement work at Cbleagc
CasBons foe tbe past-few months, ar
IBptdA pawed thnratk tbe etty Mob- TlW Bauntoy night (or a rlsli at bei
«ay ereabip <* bto way to Onad Bap- -bode-berei .
W. A. ttolen.a»^i1 family of Woder.
Obto. and R. U Latch of Washington
Harry M- Qalan ot Galta. nt.. pawed Pa., passed through jfio dty thto moi
thrtmth the dty yeoierday oo hU lag oo their way home after spendinp
«ay tABk RaiM*. where he wUI lake a tew weeks at Leland.
cliani« e« tbe oBdertakliic departwOTt
ad 3. W. aaterto beoae faraiathf

The funeral of Mn. Harriet Blockwell. wbo died, at ber home at Willlamsbnrg Aug, ll. waa beM from the
■home Sunday at 2 p. m. ud tbe In
terment took place In WlltUmsUun:

the eUy yeMeiday looU^ after baalna-Traw** City BIO and dram MB IntereaU.
August Partadr it Cedar t
' «grga IMt this noon .for Kalkaaka.
they will attand tho tetakm. Trareru Cliy vtoitor yastentoy.
R. D. Biggs of OM MtosloB to In Ur
Thv were aeonspaaled by about a
oa bnsloess.
dotw member* cd the local poat and
Ml*. J6hn Vu At*dale ud-cb'ndreti
n)M oorpa. ^ .
of Buffalo passed tbUB,£ Ue dty to
day oo Ueir way S> Old Htosloa when
they will spend a sbort Umo wlU Mrs
maiy. Batorday night Abonl alzty Taa Aradale's parents. Hr. and Hr*.
M«n* bad ptonned a aorprtoe and a!- 8. 8. Walker..
EKtagiley wu
D. H. Power of
tbovb thto w dtonorarnd aQ bad a
dty yesterday.
Twy pisannt time. *
Or. Q. W. FralhA of Cedar City
In the dly yecterday looking aR« bn*
Ptaak Bmltk -ha* |
bakery bailaeBa of Luo-A Xdama of Ineu Inter
V. C. Tnghu ud T. C yangfasn
toath Daloa atraec Mr. Smith hat
beaa In tbe employ of tbe Ann u Jr„ of Ann Arbor who « vending
driver on one ctf the wagons for the Ue snmmer at OM Mtosloo, were
eily yerterday.
tost two yn*r* and to very popular with
Ovuty Pood OommiBsfewerDamc ol
bto.eattomers. He to as Witraig
vw ntTalght'NorUport wds 1a Ue dty yesterday.
r^tfujand s
torward. upright yoaag^tfM
Hist Lola Peet of PlaUe Is in Ur
dty 'yesterday.
brtfcs* sooeena.
Hiss HsnnJe Meads of Seottvllle to
y vWQng
at Ue borne «( Frank Heads.:
Two antnonbUe p^Klgs pi
Mtos Carrie Wolf of Xanstog passed
throat Uio tity on tbelr-w«to CadibnMigh Ue dly today on her way to
Bton and Cbartotta from Pe^tf^ 8uday. Ona party in a Regal tonrtoi Oment.
High Chief Ranger McDonald of Ifar
ahaatotad «f Mn. N. T. Oerrtoh. Mr.
order of Forester* passed through tho
and Mn. F. G. Oobb of CadUlac ud
city joday <« hi* w»j to Petoskcy.
Mta* nuabetb OnoiNr of tadtonapotto.
Boyne Cltr ud Kalkaskn. where he
Tbe other party in a tlPbUe ttcaincr
goers In tbe Interests of Ue order.
wu Bsade BP (d R< A. Owen and wtfe
Mrs. B. Busierak of Detroit, who ha*
«d Ootanbai. Ohkk Mta. Loo A.

Wlltto ShMda, aiv H. aop of John
ebMda. 141 Baat FOortevtk street.
AaA Uroe ribi bndran and hi* *ptnr
Mared by tolllv down Ue elevator
Uaft At Ue banket faetory Tuemtoty.
. Tbe boy«ru M tbe aeovd floor uJ
as pear u eooM be toaraed wu leu' 'ti« over and looklag dosra the ahafi.
b laA hto bataPM and fen Uroo^
UUeltM floor. HtoinJudaaareveTTi
palatal bat U to Uonght lUt be wHi
recover troBi Ue eSaeU.
Teatarda^ t^e flv on Ue Stale bank
lower floAtod at half matt. Its
■marefat fistterlnc to tbe breese
brtoga t» mlad Ue fact that Jut one
Tvr ago the
t that Ue Hoa.
perry Haflaah>
muy days ef
' tnffertu bad ffoleOy slipped away
uran the vlvu to the great bvood.
, to oonupemocation M Ue evvt Ue
flag over tbe baUdlng abeUerie* Ur
‘ '«r«u bB«pM* that M toonded, float-1

Is It Your
Own Hair?
Do you pin your hflt to your
owo bfllr? Cto'i do jt>
Haven't enough hflir^ it must
be you do not know Ayer’s
Htlr Visor i Here's an loiroductlool Msy the acouaint*
.Aaee result Id a heavy trovth
orrich.tUek*.CkMsyhaIrl And
weknow you'll never be fray.

Aug. 2S there will be held onNhe old
'ah' gronad* a Otugo rally for all.
wbelher Granger* or not. A bukc
tinner lo the grave. An mldress will
be deUvered by Mortimer Wbilehrad,
nut deeliirer of Ue NaGonal Grange
Addresses by


Advance Fur Sale


Tbi* ie the feattm- of
luuik. ■^'onr
onr nioncy ta aecure.
Out nsaoU are Uio
U»p iarffnat of
yrtUern Michiany bunk in XortUern
coini»und ingnn. Wepaycomimi
......................... rincra DepnaiU,
coBipouni]e<i Bomi.anmutnjrBt
ety vat
three per ocut. Safety
Dt only ivroilolla
boxes to root
We e ■ intcrus.
with our own. and omlitator.
to guttitl them carcfnlly.

Beginning Monday, Aug. 21st
During the balance ol August we are g(Ang to sell all furs and fur lined garments »t
a straight discount ofl5 per cent.

Too early to buy furs ?

Not at all.

tainly wortft^saving.




Among the very attractive things in furs that ff|||pfrer . this season are the
Broadcloth ami Covert Coats with squirrel lipings.

Yo^ct the beauty of the doth

garment with the warmth of the fur without the bulk. -

Traverse City Markets |
ThJeraportlatnade upenWednea-'
Vy erucK week. The Herald la not ,;
reaponslble for changee In prlcei

C^aoerse etty State


The shorter garments

In those with fur collars we

show Persian Umb. Beaver. Jap Mink. Plain Squirrel and Blended SquirteL Theie
combined with the blended squirrel linings make a garment that few women can re­
sist buying.

These garments are everyone of them new this season—just unpacked

tbe last few day*.

I ThemtPlace
to Buy
the ash Crecery. 201 So. Union St.
226 E. Front St
; 10 111 Rolled Oat*. 25c
H.ihl Rice.
t 0 lb fancy -lap. H.-ail
• 10c {icr Ib fur best bntclK-r


are without fur collars, and some of the longer ones.


- _

Prices Range from $15 to $65
In Neck Furs we show everything in the new furs that will be worn tfab -sea­
son, and in a variety that will not be found outside of the large cities.

This sale in­

cludes everything in Furs and ends Saturday, Sep^ 2nd.

M.Wl11« Boot Cane Grannlalcd
Siifrat. $1.00.
lOi) Ibe Host t’aneGraiiulativl
Snipir. $>>.20.
OH Ud cet prices before ^
Osylnp elsewhere.

11 Elp C, U«is,

€. e. Cewis
^ees ^ut Of Ibe


Ole bought bis entire
stock, baoe mooed it to.
our store and will close
it out. w w w « *

Bargains for
Shoe up now. It is tbe
fight time, w » w *

And who dbosn’t like good cheese. It is a dainty delic6c^-ft>r every meal. No
outing or picnic dinner is quite complete withoni it. There are so many ways
of serving cheese it just makes your mouth water to think of them. Cheefle
Sandwiches, Cheese Sticks, Welsh Rarebit or English Monkey. You want the
very best creamy cheese for these. Just now we arc selling it for sixteen cenU
a pound.

Bricto: Clreeee
is the creamy, spongy cheese so many prefer.
ver>- (inc indeed at I'i cents the pound.




Imperial CHeeee
The kind ih.n all cheese lovers like.
glass jars, sells at 15c, 25c and 5Ck.

Comes in three sizqs of air tight .

Roquo'for^ CHooso ■
The great favorite with so many. The kind» that very few firms carry.
They are sold in glass jars at '20c the jar.

Edam Chease


Something very fine. There are customers who will cat no oiher.
They will csst you just a dollar a cheese.



That is fast becoming so popular. . It contains all the nutritious prop­
erties of the (>eanut. and able physicians claim it is one of the best pure
food products known. Just the thing for the table, picnics, camping or
the cruise. Sold in two sizes of glass jars at 10c and 15c.

Auers i



We Shaw them in 30 inch, 42 inch and tfi inch lengths.
The exar of RussU ud bls mother
each Invested $730,000 lo tbo YalJ
Timber compuy. ttc venture which
sonlHbuted most towards bringing
about tbe war with Japu. Wbea the
bfimpur's accnuBCs were made up the
Imperial 11.500.000 wu found to be

By buying

now >t)u will get ibe best of the assortment, get betm furs, and the diaeount is, cer­

'rWAVEMBB Ot-rv. flMfOM^


Or?md TVaverse Region”

Beaacb.jstobas faeea <ra aDiaabaihc MaM a
«MbAa.apsaM-a earr bMaaaaa aRar.
_ _ i TMt with ridatiTts la the; olars <d which I did aav>6a.
Booa ih the srwre east of Jared Fm's
soatbrra tawt <d (Us Mate, haa iw-j
Mr aod Mra. Ear of Cfm Ra
bona, ian Tborsdar. Ads. Srd.
Mra. Hovaar of A<M>e ap« Sstar--------,---------- Tbelr cDCSta were tma there-p
dar. Ans btb. ai Bates with friceda
CMr.iierU. Keswoed. LoteM Lodce. tdb«-'
sad es Baadar called ea the alek la
aad nuavDOB
WBdwDod ran.
Park, aaMi
ahoat sw.}
UBV hima PTtaar.
l R%lle
r»m..e aiu
SOaek of BaM
TX A. OerMta aad tiMlr drwre (a la aon^. The coier ^ aOraettaa ,
Mr. a^ liii’Bdwfa
Mrs. Ri___________
Baj' apeat —daj . Aas «(b. with
wllb Mrs. Isadora jasttadar to chotob.
BOek’a abtar. Mrs. Oca AnoU.
Mba 8>ala BaM eatartflaed bar 8.
a. dees M^bar bniid last Taaadar s(-

Tba »oMk la nwetd to a feba
Oder of 'iha caratlra nswiu a( that
•dirtaal raofe.
lb, Oeecrb BRiera. '
_ Mek sumach. Uw aad kidoers.
AMinc tha rsesU at Traseree Lake
tweert Ihb wnk Own Cblcaco ate Mr. Mar? H. Wabars. of kM 8L.Clalr Asa.
and Mra. *•
J. W.
Blaser. Walter True.. Oolambas. O. wtHm: -Ptar artanl
"• —
nnabe- of orr dOaeu rUMOTICB TO CORItUAON
i.tnoaths I wasclraw DP todie. I *ad
apUa laM week aad took n
(teree aad a«*t. atr aerres were
(ha atran (air.
tor rajisai last wrecked: I c<nM hot sbap. aM nr
Priaea.'' Oaorce Lardla'i boree.
letoaneh was so wmk. fran artacwo*laur thM TMMar MM «r «Mh WMti. «M IM w«* ai the aae (d tt xaara.
baa doctors’ drs«a. that I eo«H aot
« coad. MUXDI
«M berae. al•M H MffWplAOiW Ml A fM He «M«
8om aBer.......................................
iBC U the
ae he waa
. tbeM M. ttar MX beAMWMBMil aoet drlag
tte harDcaa.
uewree saioamia-none —

.iSbeerw Btiters I eblMoal raOeC. aad
-Jr a abort time. Mr. Lardle
e Bor^bJIaMtoa Itl
In a e^ tine I to CMMely rtired.*’
owaad kin (or M rean. ao rerr aat«ar of iMMtt MK
eiQaarmaVed at Jobaano’a Prwc S(«A
After two ttrr basy dars spew;
Miss Qb SersOD o(
araUf ha will be nleaed.
ln(aat dauebter «f Mr. ■
t bare. Or. UoUldar. dmtbl. lataraW * 1* ewiertalalac Mrs. SebaDbercer _ i,T- H. Meade aad 8. R. Whk • Sobs’
Mra. GaaBClattaf Tiarena Qtj is
atv Bekwa SbeHr eoBMeed
.T SoadleT was
drup.etoree. prbe Me.
I to hie boae to TTsTerse CItr.
\ ‘ her two dsjcbiers. MUds aad Ulltc.
speBltBk a few dare here.
tedilDtc tbom ID Bnaeod towstblp
anentooB of last week.
Mrs. Reddy pare a eery ««)arabl^ '
Prsd AlUaaoo
Mrs. Pood of TolaAo b rlattloc at
cbea to tbV odd r^lcwi at’^SaJm^
Eapens tamst that the PlIuAil m
thU (DorrlDr
Mra. Wai. Duns who has beat
Itea party bet W '
lilM Msrr 8uobm of Tnma CKp the hone o( Mr. asd Mrs. Wse- Mar- for aeeeral weeks, died PTidar
City PHday clcbi
Tbe ludees la at-; >sa1 h
Aas 11.
If vWUac with her biwher. Wm. ahall.
I prised Satnr^ ^ *^beUif Se
leodaare were tbe 1. O. O. F. Bf Cedar (
Mbs Ron Lardle has reuroed (toib Inc. An*, mb. The nokeral to held
StfOhB. esd'wUe. for h few den.
.Sondsy afternoon at Wimarnilniri
[CIty.'Maple Oily aad Bm^ie.
a week’s Tt«n at Elk
k Rapids.
U oflen^wM^^^^Veen a»i
Rm. W. a. Shellr U hoMlBi! rerival
* cborcb. Serrlcei were ooodueied by i ™ ■*
Au. H.
I the iKOcraai fttr the eveatafcaseen. that eat away ynv ttla. Wm.
seeilBci ai BlmbM and ti hariasl
' Rer. Hamp of Bates V. R ehoreb. M:
’The fanaen bare
have been kept very r Oahlnao
bedell, of Flat Bock. Mich, Mys:
Bwal reanll'
ralDC potatoea the batlt^ke rest
a bad B wide
Mn. A. nelacfabner M>d ebiidren
n are worve than they
a daac
wm be plrev
I Bhalda’i baiv rwed bneklen'. Arnica Sadrs for
of -Efcoire '
nd Mr*. Bapperi of Reed Olf are tU:hait ar
atunUy nbbi.
DacD and ramlly SonM lUttoi u .1. .la «u. U. !
SSJ”’- ""
best ^iaa dreaaiag I ever fowad.”
KlBc w»l Mr» J. n Weiaa
Mrs. Schenaerborn................. .....
bf jtiena p
' Min Anella Dodact la cet
Mra. Wocdnif and lUUe daopbter of imdud rhe kunwb<- pariy pHen it. Soxbe* and beali rnU. bmsw and Mr. aad Mrs. Pry <d Traverse,
tbe UcbtlMiase kee»
Mr. Fblrbaaka Sobbed dHrlac the
. Olive Dapu at Pori XJDrida. Tbe alphi •raldi: 2V 41 Jobamn's Drv Store.
er of (
ocr iBiand. tUlted wllb Ons
pOn«a the new brldie Tbdrkday last. ame out Sunday lo «ltesd the
Lawreorv of New Turk b visit-, wai. tpcoi In daari&p and later tin kv P II. Meads and b R M'aU * Soaa'
Mr. aod Mrs. BoB Siites west on the icralur Mrs. Durxa.
drng siorev: guaraauwd
r dauebrer. Mra. Wlllh Ramaey. cream aad rake a»"r >ei
Mrs L. W. Green
czcDTsloe to lAidlopioo Sunday.
talned a few
Satarday eteolajt I
Aoirfeby will morn to> bur
Cvbl* I'^nk VUkurbll lauacbea:
w friends
Tbe Acme Kid nine beat (b<
B. J. HoTt aod BOD Roas drt|pc i
.- Tbnra
boDOr- of
of Mb,;
Mbe M^a
Marilla MIxson of
mimItsrho^j ISSte'”
Rapids Pirates la Ibe Satorday i
y Salunlay.
ree City

Caaaadalpua.'N. V.. wbo Is vtsiilnp at
Mra. Jennie Tlbblin b aick e
8«=■ Id at oraat
their home. Tbe t^be were eei and K
frl^s iU tbb pbce.
^ T«e«Uy was well attended
y test
arte City ooa day

Mba Ida Johaaaa rlsltad Mra. Ur- nfreahmests nerved on their roomy
dauphlar Oladyt
. A. 8. Pray and
1 and enjoyed by all. «pertally the max:
porch, which was made very sdrsetCity the J»b Inst. Inpslon over SoBday.
-o ’Ttserr
-ai AnnoB
' aemons b the afternoon and evealac
Srv-eral lor.k In tbe escnrsloi
by being llctated with Japanese
Min MDlRooney of Elk Rapids srlll
Mba Shtache Avery, who has bees
Lndinahin Sunday'
1 to Rev. Coefall
"tJr with
VorMne at Skepeipoc tor the past few
Rev. George
M M IXake lor a vnlaable borne
Wbtfcs. ranned bone Batordey and
irii' family ca
Laat w«ak.
Traverse Clly.
b^ taaohlac pe^ In the Sooth
Mrs. Cusii-llii aad rblldren reiorned
EhRHet today.
Lodlninoii bit wvvk after i
' jnas Oon Pray, who has been atweeks vIMi
alllag for
MadiBii BCbool at the Qraad Trarerse
TwoA tl
ist week, but was not. couldered
Ir. aad Mra. Moore vbited at Mrs.
RaMarn Ualrerslty at Trararse Oty.
idlng.scrrral days at Wy imubMsome
r oelRbburbood t
isteadfs Sanday.
Mariiad hose Saturday.
acrecRl days.
nilb Silies Is papeHne (or Mrs.
fliiwola Lackey made a boelness
Traverse CMy
Mr. and Mra.. Can>eoier are camp
>;S0 o'Cloek. The remains will ho
Friday al the home of Mrs. Tre-;
Ml to Trarerse Oiy (he Ktb.
- 'Saturday
log At Green l.ake for a (ew wudu.
er dauebter.
daitehter Olfre
flKre Irene
Irowe A*h-,
• quiord Pray. who,U worklit* al
Mr. and Jtra T Howard aad aeret- . Mr. Fraaler la the name of tbe ae^
An*. U.
ley, ard Wllllain Fri»t of ’Travers*
Vnyerse CUy. whaaM boaaa Sunday
betn tro^ here -----------------------------went la-Tbompeunal «be<*
-aaent at Rendon.
Oty weve snited
10 the show last. SatnnUy. ■
Hot weather tbe lail
Mat Moore haa p
^Aa%rl»aks of 1>terae City rb^
H. Burnias will lead tbe bacnr
Luther Andrews ani.
MAPLE efrv:
to Joe &
Ling next Sunday evening
:the cuests of Ruben Cat
Tberoi - ______
Rer. Wto. Minty of Lantbc. for-,,--------.ftod Averr «s< famil
IR. 14.
' day at Ounp Senjamln.
b hnw oo a vtalL
nerly pastor of tbe CoDgn-eatlunal.
The Sliver show last etenln*
TiBnrse CHy Batnntay.
The IjulteV Aid leel with Urv wilij:
AhoW thIfUea ' doliark t
haM of this place, yester-| onjoyed by a lar*e crowd.
At the
. OaHIa Ole '
; Carpeaier last Friday- and finished a
atorday lay.
tnm the^ aoebJ hdd here
I close tiart of tbe ctiSMiaai- west tu< ‘
How's ThtsT
Ilium for Orandam Schafer, who to |
Bmmeu Amldon fe on tbe sick lilt.:
list.: Ray's ball, whe
where tbe Sllrers farnlshetl: vreekie On* naadr>d DuUan Reward!
tl?rf‘’^dgi;1:d .b.Mra.o,
-WflilliachireousU.'Mn. HwS
T IT. moMa wllb Mra.
were oilbd as wtiawsiw in tbe EiaMerabi a next Wedneiday afternoun,
ao-Manio trial FMday laat.
lie McLMa left
l for Alpena last
Mrs. Host of tobor Hill speot Sat- rapidly.
________ ______
While near oao of their horses. Mrs. last even ..
-1.00 Brioktana o( Mobile. • D-. and DTday aad Sunday at Acme.'
ipmi-al at LadlocUm. of which
Rhoben Biltea bai rne with silver
the show aad returned this mornlag. . obUcsiMi wade to ^ht Ijw.

u a me«ib«r M«>
His frtMuis
friimds nve
gave him
Bros. show.
^IM’falMlvtw H tbU oiae^
Bonnie Uviacsl
knee and ankle. She also reeeired
- Mr. and Mrs. Jewel of Chlcafo. after
I crew Ino passeBgersi euasisivd
_____ — .'dsei.
d of two lans.i1Bs Tnlulu Dtiln
'. ' a ten days’ rlrit a*, the borne of Mr.
.................e lUher
HaU'i thurrk C-wie B IaIpiB twi
I aod Mrs. CummlncB. bare iwtnraad to
I eight;
thU moraine.
sow le« a secoad time after ban
. :
thalr home.
........................ klaac and from toeBdrw^ T .............. '
rI tog the
' Rar. Perl..
la* boea released from buepital.
ttdnryi^to rhlracn. They ‘M-ePamto FUl
Icfcere f
don. Cbanaincs F




-W u --U,

I trT.s; .’“'Kss£“31

m" sx.'*?ik’;s?'«


lPepk’iC4wtos.Bfiel.) ■

.rs:..... .........-■



Stalagen Uimra

otDtDotliniet ftotl]
Bitoar" >«t>l».,

..on.. &-iai!r“a.-vsi»*g.t3a-a5,...

Uletor DinteaCe^te
Oarry their own leavea, ocs not wajp oat of ahape nor be aria*
Ton do not haye to clear tbe taUtf-to (attend H. Joat
sow yoD maf bare one d tbia kind bt leec than tbe |moe on «


We are forced to sell all staple goods. Most any price will buy them. They simply must
move. Our buyer has purchased full car load lots in all staple lines in order to get The
maricet’s best price. These ariU begin to arrive in a very short time aod we must make
room for them.'

Tl ibtrt Is anything In beusvlurnlsbing yen art cenlcmpieHns getting
it Brill mere then pay you Is get It n«B. Bit arc net asking e prcflt,^
but enr mency back.

Wf nmlixc that what wc don't t
•rilfrf theme la .tbo nest 30 dap
wc will have to carry to aBothef
seasoe. A big line to cbooee
(too and at your osm price aniT

and on
$ieycs and

Several Breken Cines and
Odd Pieces



6o*0arls and
Baby Cabs

That to close we yrill sell much below actual cost. These include I^edroom Suites, Odd
Dressers and Commodes, Iron Beds. Wardrobes, Dining Tables, DWng Chairs, Side­
boards. Buffet*. Cupboards, Rockers, Couches, Parlor Stands. Kitchen Cabinets. Kitchen
Tables, Stoves, Ranges, Mattresses and Springs.


Carpets and Cace Curtains
Here we are willing to sacrifice heavily.

A sweeping reduction will be made oo entire stock

Xb Jlrt. ... jn*.' no won;.
E»y u,
Will ».*.
pri.* U.

Cawn and

Perch Ooeds i)
llainiDOckg. Iteata.

Dinitia ebairs
Tbe largcBt and beet BMortaxnt in
tbe dtjr- As qsuititMB in which
we buj
tbM bfir^na At the
feealar prioe, and
tocae ftoedal
pnoei ifi w onartsnitj yoa. wiU wait

Remnants in Floor Coverina


I Fine beayy goods. Moct BMiye^ Eren it
yoo don’t es peel to bay b^oreoat fiiwiiit.
j it iriQ pay yon to icet it now it yoo bnye
I to ctore it Away. Cooe in and nee tboR

UallaUM CreOtt Extesded Dniit tlie

more at nooif prioe.
tare you

It irill

many • doflar to


step in and look around

loduding Carpets of all grades, Oi/cloth, Linoleum and Matting, will go at much less than
cost. There are a lot of these remnants large enough to rovi-r an ordinary size room.

^11 OHndow Screens and Screen Doors
and Bunets


in faev. iho t«tin» linr mnst

At a big sacrifice. These we »re irilling to turn over at any price in order to saye carrying
them to another season.
'PICTURE FRAMES made to order, any'sizel at a reduction of TWENTY-FIVE
PER CENT during iKis sale.

Vour credit is good here


*re-Mw«rw» Ol*^, ’Kite I

B Refiiflcrater
Tj t Summit BttatUf
If iMJol one, wby nbtgiE it
iMiw, wbesi yoB oon tmrily
suve 3o per eemt? Oar line
^ is the bJweat and W ia the
city. boBdxtdy is ffoing^to
^ toko advaatege of this, why
not yonf

Sdlu aiilbc Saaller Dexia's FiiW Cwt
Bets Us xFxlr. Pram.



Wnmk Crowk. ^ eU Us k
holdiw. U laWmvteK tw. sod tk
hs vffl i> w mk is sbow 0 wa.



_______ FSaftaadPraakKleBlsn
for Nottt Dakota laat HatBsjr.


Hk. Md Mrs. Ftad Dans af Port
nsHa aaeoi a few days ef ihU wnk
la town.
dm farm Taeada;
Hr. J. DeLea*. aaeeaapaaM hy hb
COM Kaha w d BOB Cart wee* L
atelber. Mis. Ortna» dnto «rer tnw
AhB callen Tk
Aeg 41.
atomee P. R. Darts wM Powers

Joka FhsU was a Kttsalesr calk

OMMMeelwaddhHk place at the home of Mrs. aV
■thel Raagsr arrtred
Jast* Oiab was a eaUer la Otaat
pertomtog tV eeremoey. TV bride
aadar etraaisc.
was sticadad by ber sister Hyrtlc aad
■am. Bartta ef
tV giom br Roy Holmes also of OM
Mlaskm. Tbe brtv looked beaotira]
Waiter has the Ut«o
hi ber gen of white silk, carrytag
Jfaasn J. POi
OeUttat —
white roaca aad vrastloDi. TV bride
joa choose
far iastaace as doaeN M of IV Tneerac CMy Ugh school
*^'aad«n. fc^rta BaarUa«B wisUai
Haodamea Jamsa aad Mward KcU gl£. TV groom h oae of OM MWU Baya^Bn^. - ^ ^
At every afad or far a atoacb befeca Mu]g,«heE
stoato most vpolar youag ana. They
»ok a trip to Chleage this weefc.
tan rrr»Oraat. whom the has beta
joe ted tbe aeed of aa appedifaf fate to fiO ap a vacaat
glass. The Mremooy being priUfM la tv Coa^rcvtlonal et
Tbf (sate bnweeo Umc lake sod etUac for Bra W Broadway.
ssae. TVy will oot go to boosekeepcoraer. in the amaioi wrbeR Joe wrabe hoaBiy, or .«
Plsrtr resQltsd » to U is tsvsr at Xtaciley sad HaBaab will erost bau
tag at present, bm will spead some
tvr. P. 8. C. E gare a dime i
Ana. to ea the Haaaab fro<
Lav t^eaiiht i|BM before, jaiat to be4- Soda cracken ve so
time rtslUag leleUrn aad trfante
A««. M.
The esw* hetwees Alah» sad
aad eadly ditested tlUt tbey make a perfect food et
Plstte ]1 to 14 Is tsTor of Platte.
A eorrecpcedeet at Christlasa deaad Mn. Wintam Darrow
(The some betwew AtnlrosM Bast
times when yoa could aot think of eatias apythinf ebe.
BOO Raymvd of Tiaroise City spcai sertbea the foar Iraden of the Nor' Cart Brower apd 1
• la tsTor of
( llssi
lawday with relatlres
■das bare arrtred fr
r BirteiuiaUotheithiiist.thereifadifierenceittsod
**lSVt Bnfeu Botes west i» to TrotUortaad aad Nausea. Hlcbels&B. mtoone OKr to tee her dosiWer. kfrs. .. kirs. Brewer.' Her endlUea la >e«ti la Tt
endwis. the inpertative be^
Uler ef state. Is the res! bead of the
otae this w< _
aUgbtly laprated at preaeat.
Aretiie MIh, •ndsr.
Mn. W. P. Baberiana Is la Iowa, the movemeai
Hr. sod Mrs. Praak 'Sayers bsre
k(H. HsakSstto of loAs An
s tesr dsT* Is one rIeiaU)' last
their fann sooth of tows. rcceoUy
Ttdtiag wtih her ssele sad oW. ttr. eenptoted
such poor bmth ibai be think*
by Heary Rose of Oopemleh.
sad Urt. C P. Bates.
of learlag CbrfstIgaU because of
kflta MartoB OIbbs has bees eater,
klls. Flora Lake is sl*le to be sp sad talalag
the MIseee Adele aad UOIaa
eaerrathig'dliBSte. Berner, pmildral
sroead the haste after batst sa- sa- •'-'—a
at Cblaago. w
of tv storthing. It a man la the
rerelT tiek laM weA.
le ttae at tbeM
Jin Darii hat retaresd Wn IBs
'CO'S, eU-CasbIened la attire. deUberBfoda cracker.lo tCi^fically baked that aO the aatri*
Bear OU kUaekm.
iavsolIgBtlM Will Oelr Strwng
TO. Ue U*cs at Osdsr Raa.
ate la speeeb ud arthm nd stnboraMin kfahei OIbba of
. tv Proof We G*«o bi TmThe Alialn teas wUi plar
— «Jnai
tire onalitief of the wheal are retaiaed and developed—
bare Isai week.
ly tenacious of hiU vrpoaea. LorlaoiL
voe cup. '
George Booe of Copemtah. who has
• soda, mcker in which aD the ocisual joodacm is
sad Walsh.drate beaa
rtsUlag reUUraa here, retimed
How eaa doobt esltt la tW face of
la TrsTorse CHj Bsadej.
He TO a schooHeaebrr sad se
preserved for yoE
anV -erldeace’ Bead here Ibe ea
. Keetm msetlan will be held at
taUre of Trar- editor before,br catered paltllcs.
the Atnirs sehtMItinnse tUt wnk is paaied b^kS?‘tt^ Orey aad eUl■eCUy.
Is a coosnBBiste dlptomal. who Inowa
M, hare been easnlag at RasDey
or. C. E IClapp, of UT E Frooi
street, says: -My hsek aad fcldaeye psrtiralsiiy how to bide his time. ..
*WtU Clbbt was atroek by a piece of
for years sad despite all for Nvsea. be belpcd~cblt.-By by Icndrood ar tbe nUt. which barely ae- ...______.^te of tacdtcloe was uasble log bis popolar name to thcmoi
. Mr. and Mn. U Ooos spaBl 8s
sped bis ayo. tsklsg oal
to cheek the (rooble. let aJoae core It
He Is. V be always was.
iwb lestoh^lt
Oe learaNt about Doca-i Kldaey Pills
r. and has ao political asplrsthis way. If they perform^
A. J. Wbue aad ranllr. Mr. and Mn.
loeUL Mr. Rose ef CopemUb b
T. M White aad family. Mr. Charles th?tan
PeeMt aad ■> aaad daughter. Mr. aiM tbelob.
eiass from other maeofseturers guar
Tbe saw adli o
Kllllag a VId-up man Is all rifAt.
Mn. Oeorge Peerti of Ttatetat City.
V sore camel for UVsy accsmllag to Jodge W. H. HcBwen of
Mr. Oiaa, PeerU aad aoe aad daughter
e^lUot. after faUtag
aad the Mbaea Mary, AaUe aa« MagChicago. Mrs. B^-a H. Oakee. a
, gle Gate. a)an their eaaUn. went to
hall sieger, killed a htgfawaymsa
eoaie to ui
PoBCfa last Prtdar. They eoeat the dItkM s^t BO improrsa
salTSIIon for me. when
dey on the lake, alee bariag a atCBte
HIM Te* VaaDerrott hi
tayself. It certalatr speaks wel
dfaaer. Beiaial saap shots were takt
for Doaa-s Kidaey «1U wbea they Sbe waived a )un irlel and lefuhe Uc
af the grosp. All report a 8ae Ubh.
lo-'tbe Judge, who- bas ordered
bnNgbl aboot Ute mack daslred
\ The fsnaera who bare bsaas ai
Jica release.

' wanytat abeat fattn« \Bem plehi
a aecoaat of the ‘
Mllllenairc-a Peer Btemeeh.
kfrs. Spray Wheeler has retoroed New Torit. pole ageatt for the) Dolt
Tbe worn-out stomach of the
.the peat v
fro a rtsli at Maiknhf
fed milikmaire Is often paraded li
Mtse AAbo tden bsi iHoraed from
public prims as a horrible egampic of
bar raeatlon trip asd to agalB la the
tbe evils atiendvt on die pmscssloB
poatoMee. She was
of grvt wealib. ~ It mlUloastres
The'Lcffisiature ofthe Stateof Michigan has enacted the Kesotiable lottro*
wot the.only or ■ who are sOlcled
; Wade Bmllh asd family aad !
ments Law. “being ao act to esiabiiah a Law anUonn with the Laws of oiher s'ales
with bad sttomaeba. The . .
Tyler of kUaton were rlslllv Mr.
tar greater among the toller*.
Mr. aad Mn. Mb Aaitebaehler
subject,” to take effect September 16ih,4S»05.
VP*ta ud Indigestion are ramps
e retaOree treat Pror^oat r
her eooalD. Mist Pion Bathbaa.
ttie HNoas rionmee HlgglM
among these people, and they snl
Bora, to Hr. aad Mn. C. B. AH- Etbcil Saeage of TtsTene City rtsUed far worse tonnres than tbe milU<
Your attention is particularly called to airticle V'l, Section 87, as follows:
all last week with HUt HlgUni'graad sir^ unless they avail Ifaemselves oi
her slater. Mrs. Ctaypool. Ssaday afterMioau.) Hr. aad Mn. A. M. Smith.
ataadard medleies Ifke Oreen s Angi
lairf were gaeat* >* tke Pb. -BonTV Uadlea- Aid meet* aert Tbras- Flower, which has been a favorite
-every, nevtlsblc -lostruami li paysbk- et tv tfav Axed .therctn with­
lay wHh Mn. E V. HRl. A full at honaeVld remedy for all stomach
Mdaatie Is deslnd.
: troubles for over tbirty-tivs yean /
Tiaiaiaa ciiplast week.
out grsee. Whew the dey erf msturtty fslls upon BuVy. or m Iwrfldsr. tV "
gust Flower rouses the torpid llv
Aug. lA
Msa. MayVallmah of Soolb Boardthus cresting appetite and InsorinR
Inslrsimeni 1* paysblc on the next swroodlng bnstness dsy- "tostnanests
mair is the guest of ber tistrr, Hi%.
perfect digestion. -4t lon«-» aoU vital
IfTB. W. r. Gaaau aad bob. Harry. Dbrtdgs AUtIdiM.
Izcs tbe entire system and makes III
(ailing due on.Ssiurdsy ere to V prsuvied (or vrmcsu'v tV DM swe•
tnm Fife Lakd. are gB«sU of W. H.
Ber. aad Mrs. Bardge hare goee
worth living, no mstier wbst jour sti
Ota's aad C. S, Ounta.
rtorthpon to rlslt their daughter. H
tka, Trial bottles, Z5c; regular slo
eeeding hn«dn«s dsy. eyept that InstruBHBU psyshle on demkwd met. St
ni Bamtey U tbratag la tUs le- J. r. Mathews, aad to atteed the ta75c. For sale by 8. E Walt f Sons.
S|Sir with Us aow threaUag maeUae. dlan eampmcetliig.
IV option of tWider. V presonied fonmyrnent brfore ft o-clock noOB <*
people are wdU ploaaad with Us
Mrs. A. E. Baraes dellghUully eaterThe automobile is making Ita ws.'
. . .wenh. as they always are.
Saturdsy when thsi enUre ds-y Is not s boUasy.’
lataed the ladtec of tbe Rebekah lodge
8. B Waft A Sees are reeommvd»'>.,>
Mamie Mart led the Jeakw laagoe last Tuesday aricraooa at her be
lag to thrtr castomon as a cure for to tbe ends of the earth In the up
per part of Trunskel (Kaarlssdl a
' last Saaday ereolag at Oraai ebafch.
Hr. ud Mrs. Oea Elmban
bay fever. Kycmet.
Belle Ramaey win lead aazt Saaday caned to Bciyv last rtertc'
dc by tbe
It la claiaed for tkls remedy that It serrlre of motor ryrie* hsi recentl.t
' terl'
Please notice tha(pAYS OF GRACE HAVE BEEN *ABOLISHEI>oo idl Ne­
who has stops tbe spasmodic paroxysms, tbe been established, ridden by natives. l<
ous Ulnasto'of their sac. Max,
—""lag. tbe smanlag mail ranolng of
carry the malls fKiai Mount Frere !'<
gotiable instruments, including Sight and Time Drafts. Acceptances EodNoteEBo
T«s sod atme. aad other i
to cnadya Hamltea VMted la
tbU disease.
tbe ouilylng idalionf. and so on tr
Klagaley a f»w days Vt jraea.
all mch paper dated on or after SEI’TEMBER 16, 1905. is payable and protest" Airnd DarU has a
base' «trt
Many persons have
Mr. ud kfrs. D. C. Hu^lns
Kokatadl. s distance of ':e
*i Biles.
also a aew drirtag barveas that he 'Bmtty ai« rtaltlag rMUta at
bay fever br Hyomel. and tbe discov­
able at the time fixed in the instrument.
parebasad of O. R. OoaUae of Wes.
erer of the remedv professes lo be
To Corn a Cold in O
Vesper JodKliir has gav ta Oread able to prevent both tbe
The To
RapMs. where V has a poalUv ta ef tv aaacal snack vd
was held at On__________
pregreas -of the disease, t
csrvlR/wrQcoTi's dgBStBra Is a
aad was M^y aticoded. Brerybedy
nnil ehro"lc forms
Aim. 14.
o^ed K rerr madt.
A. Hamlin, of Weatford. Mass..
bat Ifareateil the
^ maay Meads of Al Rsaiaey are
a InfaBium, drees
pteaaad'io see him e«t agsla afur
In one week's time, t ecnslder It a
r-r E Bxiraci
aoch a sorere Slaeaa.
duty to tell ethers whb vffer bom
R. Darts- folks and Bder Oodege ■uawar ef My Irtbads. la honor of this dlBsav."
TWs endorscmeol It only
buodredt that have Been rweclved by
the proprlelon of Hyaniel. asd B. K
Pope Plus said it
(• Rev. Felix
Wall A Sons offer .to iwfuV tbe mooey
AeclileutK roini- wUh dliimifliiK tivthe Oraage pkale win be held U
V HyowMl does wet do all tbal is ward, provlneisl of
Wexford grore. Aug. fL Breiybody peodlag bis vaesUoB la this village. claimed fdr U. Is Ibe stroDgest proof dnr In this county-: -Fnr the Amert- (lu.-iicy <>n the term. I'liu. l.nii..-*,
lartied to come aadt eajoy
' day.
-Mr. Jaha Plaoh M Cbkngo arrived
ean people I entertain the most kindly *llue*. s|irsln> Iw nuims*" Erli'<‘ir:p
Basket dlhher.
011 n-Ilwes \he lisin Inslsotly Never
Ts power to cure
.................................. jplete omat eostn fe^ngi. I admire them and their free ssfi- «I'.hniii it
but *l.m. while extra boUlea ema be InstlUiUon^. sod 1 advocate tbe AmcriH
procured for M cents.
can stsedsrd of liberty (or every va eloaad,^ o
During ihHrfurUiugh o( ce >li) * sRor
beatlag;^ <
ihr war vlib 8|ialn, llenry-C S Ha>
Bghl Maat ^ it w^'l
wIlL be pw
iHigr. \V. 11. Cnsles and C» lUlur S<-«
Tbe Teelaad Lumber Oo. will Dnlsh
VIds wore the York voivteers sxy they pt-rfin-im-d
Mlaar Parnat. wh* he
Juaerille. 'WU, arrived here Tbnrs- their cut this week.
Was slmoA wild.. tnilMary vcrvltH- 10 Hasrsll. Ttc-y Uavt(■ hie ncalloa, retorin
day and arc guests pt tbe Budd borne.
Mrs. Rnby Wilson broke her ^m plague of
Dean's Olnimeet cored
Mrs. E E WUaOB. wV has been HI. last Thursday while pleklag apples.
permanently, after done
2ad‘’fsll”.- ,rtsn<-d sill' In A!l*snr sgmJnsi tbe ,
kfiB. a /. HUter hae biv aader the
tv road u rswery.
Hr. and Mrs. Hutcbler relaned
C. F Cornwell, Vallcy street. Saugvr- Doited Sixin (or their pey.
doctor's cars- this WtA. bot U Im__a A. Jobaaon was pMasaatly aur- their home la southern Michigan l
prised-tm Monday erealv:. tV oec*- da^
ties. N. Y.
prortag aad ahto to be At agsla.
Leopniil Ttnnry. sn snmsie of WbllWH.BMMt is knrtag tke-lamber aleeVittbertdUbinhday. A pleas
. Christopher will move Into Hr
rnibustem In Hons <une Vve ley coupty. lod.. poorbouse. hu (sllen
at eveUag waa spoat In music, after Hntrhler's boose.
cut nad ata -taortals gettee
aether. MMgSiweo baud a aow be
bleh refrashmeaU were served.
been detected in s plot to ship m.OOo heir to s lioo.noe fonuv in Belgium.
- John Hnv lost a valosble horse.
oe Us preoeatMiar
Hr. saS Mrs. Mathews arrived I
Mrs. Ad^ OlbV rtslted at Lee r«v and a mlllloa rounds of smmn-' but r. (u*« to riym It, isylnB 'hst oe
Pred iCorae aad aoe of Bmtdn are
OibV Thorsdsy;
Sltlon to Ssmar snd otVr reVUlons would isihcr V a vu|>ev In Amcries
^ kr^ palatliig a Btimbar of housei to ^MTs*t. D Dasae aad sea Oriv left
i tbsn s rollHonsIre In RirepeThorsday for Graad Rapids and De­ Hilk?SwD4^yAbe ICIagiley Vyt mtlpptv OUtrWX.
Prwk Beoaell. surfmaa. has baeo troit Mrs. Dame hat gear to eoatult
tnasfetred from Boelh HsaHoo sUPrsDcea Pierce I
Uon to Sleeptag Bea
araet a booso there.
Aug. 14.
A large golf party epr:' Uio afler- wrftlBg.
nocB «e D. H. Day's gott IWts Friday.
Mrs. Oec. Lae and daughtw Rasal
P. J. Snlth at this pMoc Is coeieai- 1 OMstev, Hina., are visitlag tela- . Mr. aad Mrs. A. C. B'vnkoop spent
Matlag hUMUtg s aow htame aa hli tlvea and fi
Meads In this rtllageSsturdsy snd Bnsdsy in
- Hcaor risltIM la.the rlUsge nertty.
0. M Dm_ ------------------a few days
- at this tog Mends.
TV Sydtey O. Nrtf loaded a large wvek Is tivwn with his family.
M '« rock elm here this week tor
----- JnUx Miller srrived home from j bsdly Bnsdsy morelag. fslltsg from
TIetor PocervHif Tratetie City.
OetraR BstuiGsy.
' the hey mow In Hr. Rslvion's barn
BdMol Is exposed to start Moaday.
^Ketaen spe« Mosdsy la TrsvRobert PSTV threshed today.
Septeaibar 4th. lUaa Cadham has
Hr. sod Mn. D. Wynkoop sV
beaa eagaged as teacher. Tbe aeboelr. E Wolf* <rf
wo It In town. tas of Traverse
Ciiv sr* vlililmr^
r. HSTTter
- -- of
* Kimball
1H^ *om brother.r. A. C. Wynkoop vd tkmily. loSu*iL-tLl.
«Vr V ps«y
w- be la town next weSk;
y wOl
^Waa vi'isM'Mawoa‘ I Bttn Kelsay returne
Mrs. Mery Ladd of Parry. Mhh, and
I wish to uy that I hare
«n baataaas ana day this week.
ay sfter t three lilts' r1
Bvln Ktagsley ef BnmmU City rtslted
gufTered for 1!< yenrs; my
tv fotlowtag party came oree n
theta- nephew. A. C Wynkotro. tor s
tv taan boat tram KoRh Haaltoa
eyes wookl also blof and I
few days last week.
Satarday and aafoyed a rUe oa OHa
Mhn RHevI Wh to« Tmvene Oty
would hare Ui&d spells.
Inkooa'tV AUee J. Day: Profita
esBet Prtdsy. .
. tinicw I was forced ts stay in a dark room. The (Haases
U. J. Cos. af the Dalted Slates W<atk>
D. klorgsp started for western Csner Bmaa. Cbtcage: Dr. Joha E.
fitted by DB. PAl L8<lX. et DE. WOLFED BRAKCH
9 lto^wwm°C
Isdk WMeesdsy. where V wW spesd
Rbodaa. Jr, WlaVM -Dtr. Heary RUOFFICE, entirely cored my heodachos
_______IPS and
snd .......................
restored both
- .wmd
I s few mootV.
stag. Miser RayssnsA B’m Stark. Jr.
Oeorge Gray has pitched Vis tent
ing and ilistant nsion. _
'm' this I feel better than I bsre
Jacob Stoat Fbasen. Prsak Toosley.
e vd is hnatisg for
Mbs. HRNhT Oildver. Mnnton. Mich.''
Oscar Baynead. A. H. Taylor. Bart
Wnaoo and
-------------- Pctort
tv Hl» sartag crow
. _ platen, muu Du
nd! eater
Bnr PaSM ware called to Bmptre Baa- Hevn Osorse D----- and 1. E I eh.|Thur
day to aaoM M loekiag for (he bodV ■Mrs. Jessie Bnfeui snd ehlldn
128 Front StroGt
Joe Buriten sad 8. H. LsWyer slor (»« kMan aad Aatoa Praoplag
4 the I O. O. r - ■ - who wf«e drewaad ficaD a sallhnat <
e City Tneeday nl
ra, Qslie n a
U A. Jsoao. •!» hst ksss rUttbti bet* for Iks »SM t«o weeks, reWiisd rssterdsMo Us Um la Ha*.

was a Klmsslt


Uneeda Biscuit






goimiiercial Prinhiig
jm Kinds

Berald and Record £o.

Read What
Patients Say.

BIIF.1wIIUE,P[e HiB.LFMIUn,initiat


Well Known Lines
Milwaukee Corn Binders.
Farmers^ Favorite Crain Drills,
Weber Farm Wagons,
Kalamazoo Buggies,
fniternational Gasoline Engines,
Empire Cream Separators,
Syracu^ and Peerless plows.
All kinds of implements and HSrness




inriu PMM
htod*ia»«»*TrT*rtb«e»t» o-«to«*
tU* wralBC ud tke dlKowh* <d
JMMB't propoiwd pwttcwtmw W
Kor« *fcU* *M been M BM«rt«y
wmt nmed. It wn *Ut«« tb«c
wooM Mt b« nmb dltfanlOr b> meblac M aerMaMt <m lb* Konu «w»
tka M Mb pwtl«i *n oBlud
MtD qaartin. BoUl tbe
Md tlw Bootaa CDTors v«re
UBbtle thl* aonolsnortir •tue 1 o-cloek Uriw H wm
■amaeed br tbe Runlu Merauir
that to Bowto to to Japnew aaTojB bad astod apm to arUcIe r
' UUax 40 to Japaaeae praUetora:
<nrer Korea. The eoafereaea then a
fooned till ] e-eleeb tbia aftarMoai
wbea to qaeatto ralatin tothtJapaaaaa aeqtolUoB tn behalf of Cblaa of
'to Cblaeae eafUea raJIarar «aa
PortnaoeCb. Anp. IS.—The tollo*l^
•Belal atatetseat wat ptrea eat br to

artlde fonr ef to peaee treatr provldleg for tbe Buadaa transfer of I<
at Port Arthur aad la to Uao Tang
palasDla to Japan.
“Mot befng able to arrlTc al a oaaal^4D0« dertiioo oa article Are wbkb
' «aUs for to aamader of to IMaad of
BagbaUea br ftosela to Japan, tbe eeTors proceeded to tatk up tbe other
aitkSes and reanne to Bagballes
paaitioa teler."
Many Drowned owBuoday.
■n^ra. Mteb.. Aiig. 14.—While out
sailing yesterdar off Bnpire, aboot
half nDe troa to miage. the boat
enpalMd aad two of to fosr net
abqard to beat were drowned,
mere dng to to boat aad were
waebed nabord. Tto doad arc:
Itatoee aad Aatoo Drooping. Sober
aad Jeba BoUen were mred.
Tbere wae not a ttreag breese blow­
ing at to tine bat to men Srote la
to rklnttr of a high bins aad It U
toogbl tot a saddea agaaUtstnA
ton aad orertsmad to boat.
Partiai frtsa Phaplra are palreUag
Boar poiu id. alw i

Mb BaloTits to Breert W. Grelliefc.
Ms ll-U-lS-14. MM S. Otmdricbh
Astoe Preebtt aad wtfe W <tob B
Hwat. MS SS41. btoek g. Wltbdm's
sdd; tUO.
Mtole H. Hsrr to Besry C. Bart,
M U, Tillage of Bladiwood: »4M.
Henry C Byt end wife to ttneet
H. Harr aad wUe, M 12, rtltece of

ins.' IC-A fatal aeM BeOalfe Baadar
a Braton* dresi
vai tdaa oaloaM. WBlIaa Haalldrlver of oae cd ibe wa«oaa.
loaM vftfc tot polaa. belac to tIotbae. At be vai letac talo to fair
soaade ow e< to potca «e0. atriUex
Ua OB Uie bead aad baoeUiic bin to
tbe grooBd. He erne aiwwinfciu* »bea
M. Robbins sad wtfe to
pfcM op aad4t wat found tot bt*
ekell wae fraetered. He died at S:30 Phebe J. Carpenter, parcel, tee. 2.
a eblpped town 28. mage 11: $400.
Pbebe J. Carp*«er to Lewis C. Nelm pared, see. $. town 28. range 11;
Frank M. Hotdikiss to O. A. Nelson,
Antboar nala. to areUe exfdorer, aad et al, lot 3, fcc^, tows 29. range 10;
(blrtr-alx other peraoat who aeeoa- t.
paaM bin tera boeo reaeoed.
Ellen 1. Hebard to O. A. Ketsoa. et
aetabara are veil despite pnrs; al, lot 3, sec. 28; town 29. range 10; $1.
tioBS. The ateaner Anerlca, which
John Bnydcr and wife to Elinbcib
took ooftbe partr Iron Franc Joaef Rlcbarda..l>eK of nw 14 of tot «. soe.
Load aereral rears ago for the north S. town 2G. range 10; $800.
pole vna ertuhed la tbe wlaier of
John A. Loraager to Richard Van
im aad was lost, topether with s Denburg. lot 2$..bk>e* 2. Goodrichs
Urge psrt of to eosJ aad prorlil
3rd add: $200.
Oae member of to partr died
tomond H. Prsoklla and wife loOsaatnral causes. FUla .sad Bost of >r & 8c«fidd and wife. lots 67-«S.
to partr are Anertoani.
Oak Hclgbu:'$U»00.
James Dawson to Blen Dawi^. wH
•pIritualM Wae
of twM, sec. 7. town 27; mage il; $2,Beltalre. Web.. Aug. 14.—Tbe
-Prempet Medluai.- ae the blUa call
Lena Tromm to Arvlira Gardner,
Flnner. the aane by which lots 28-27. block 2. Ooodrteh's 3rd add;
rodoeed to folka. has bom $300...
BTstimag (bis burg with se
Wm. O. Fonie and wife to Samuel
to last one be bsd a circle of tir<«>tr- Farrow, lots 8344. block f^and lot 22.
doly Instructed to clatp block :. Oak Paik: $2on.
hands before tbe lights were donsed
Auditor General to Cha*. H. RarraR.
and waned
aeK of bc14. set 29. toah 26. range
eptrUs might gel Buiened. One of -7: $153.
O. W. KIbbr. a plala
Auditor General to Chai. H.'DarTstt.
spoken, bosky engmeer, wss not only seK of scK: $3AS.
eorfoos, bnt skeptical. When the IdPhilander Paris and wlfo'to Wm. H.
loDM point Vss resiAied vboe tbe. OraTcll, parcel la sec. 28. town 27.
twang of s baa)o and tbe toot of A mge 1$: $118.
trumpet—done by mlHU. the medinni
Philander Fsris and wife to Rosa
'Klbby itnck a match,
Wilhelm, parcel In see. 2C. town 27.
was Finney who was banging and nage 12; $112.
Tbe medium was disposed
Burfyd E. Ormsby and wife to to­
to talk fight ontil Klbby. who had Jon ward Laotner. nvl4 of swK. m *
him as a fraud. oSerod for towa 28. raoge 11; $1900.
two eeats to throw him through the
Kicholas lauUfnrr and wife lo Bnrsnadow. The nedlsm took the first feid B. Ormsby. wH of se4(. sec li
train eat itf town. '________
town 26. mage 12; $2,300.
Wslrlet Attorney Jerome of .New
Tork has afiaoinoed that be U a
Bora, to Hr. and Mrs. Cbis. Stonck.
dMaU t« soodsed hlmseH. bat that be Aug. 7lb. a daughter.
vUI net kaocUe down to may mi
Miss Bra Hyet of Aldcn aTrlred Sat
group of men by aeeepdng a party urday to spend a week with her. coat
•brntnatiaa. He says that if 2.000 elec'- in. Mias Ray Lannln.
fisvonb Fergosoa returns home
tors will sign a peiiUoa be vUi Bid It

Sfatahall: John aouimrt. a magasbe
artist of ChlcagD, wss drowsed la
Cerwy lake, aesr Three Blren; tbe
body of MaUbaw WUson. aa aged rto
tmi of MBskegoB. was fOaad ia the
serf: Bytrester Pieros
at VIeksbwg aad Mstalo Beartare b«
' 4^ ia the watsr at Hwwport, Web.
Jootod to Daslh.
Kslkaska. Web, Ang. U.—Abeat 2
sYloMc this ammlag PtHtonnaa
' *00^108 Botieed a coat sad hat lying
tm tap of a Ugh4lTe owMt bdag uiod
by the eamlrsl oasspsay kern,
-started aa maaBsatlea sad la to tank
d tbe body of Waller
Ferguson, a yooag man of tbu plaee.
No ooe aav FergaaoB maketbe Sump
bat It Is Terr arMeal tot be leaped
from tbe lop ot to tedder.- toiler In
to evealag be had been oa to ladder
. and Wd sereral of his
tot be was golBg to make tbe dire, be
bteag of the optaloo that be coold do
It as wen as a profeoslooBl.
Tbe tedder te aboot tblrty-fire feel
high and the tank In ^teh the per­
former Jsmpn Is between ais and
Mgbt feet deep nod filled with water.
There was asl a ’mark on young FerSWsoB'i body aad it Is thqiiKht Umt be
atrwA the water la the wrong poslUoe
- and drowned. He bad..aM been drtakiag bet wns regardda'ns^aomewhat eceaadrie..
The yooBf asa wa^ years oU aad
WM to tabia sdppM



Mich.. Aag. 1S.-0.
41. F. Waiher.

aad Jaaaa Cravtnrd. aherts, of Ftnakfort were la town yssterday Inoklns
after erldeaee to be psed la drealt
' eoArt next week.
Frank tngma was bMote Bgnlre
Nortbraph eoort i
booee aad mlteag merry Cbla vUb
tom innu U in Owoeeb sWUag
with bis Marlly.
On ndeount of tbe rain to ball g
srttb' to •Cbenricee Udlaas wss
Gas. Maaeld has plaead poM iahlt
«om fieM tor ears, of eora'to alt oa as
to sulks oaanol hoM sll cf than
Mr. and Mrs. J> C.'Stewnrt si
LDdlagioo this week watidilng
stats tiwopa msneDTer.
Sam wnus U exearsting for a ooU
•tongs. Ilrery bare and lodgee rom
balMt^ oA the street wM of to
B. R. OB to north side.
Mrs. B. E. Brseey bat retuned to
Marrteaa. Web, store she win suke
hrt boma
Hnch Ingnliy is beteg made for real
•sUU by peopla la to eoagaated par.
tKtes of eoantry eontb bf as. We bare
a IMrdea of Bdre for freit

Real BatdU TreiMfere.
Orson J. Plteber. ini wife to John
W. Patoln. e-22 feet lot ». block E.
IL.>U A CO.-S Itb.add
' OsTld Crsnt and srtfe to John C. UpdMDTe,.acVof aoK and sH of nwK.
e. 18. town », range Si'ITfS.
Bsansb A Uy Oo. to Floyd U
Smith. Ms «•«. Mock 4. H.. U A
Oo.'s 14th sdd: tSOO.
Odie HaOsrry sad wife to Freak
Hsnson. eeK aC aeM. teci 11. town 2^
range 10! $200.
Biwene O. Brtnkinan and wife to
JosM WoU. lota SSiH. Old Mlsstoa:
Charles B. Hunter to PhtUp Roach,
ireel, aeo. 23. Iowa 27, mage U;
K.'b. Ifungerfotd u^Arife to Philip
Roach, parcel.
Clly: $1^60.
DstM Duane to Philip Roeefa. parcel,
town 27, range 10; $176.
Wte. L. Brown and wife to Philip
oeeb. lot 81, Oak Hcigbla: $7M.
Coin Crego Id Emma U prions,
0: $»A0.
toward W. Henderson and wife
aneom O. Lang, ct nl. parerts, Cicen
Lake towaahlp; $1. , .
John if. and Maggie Flack to BUiah
Porter, «t aJ. Ma 11 and 12, block 3.
P. H.-s 4th adii; $1,728.
Howard WhlUag and wife to Oscar
BorknuA^Jr.. e-40 feet lot 12.-block
O. H. L. A Oo.*i 7tfa add: $1.2M.
Janee H. Monroe aad wUe
Charlie A. Bkeiaier. parcel, Trar
City: $880. Amos o: Longsbere and wUe to Rob­
ert Bartx. parcel, aoc. A town 27. n
Tl; $8J)D0.
Leri Lefoatsle and wife to I
oranson. lot 18. block 8. H, U A Co.'s
AUie-B. CMrett to Mllloa C. Shep­
ard. parcel, tee. 2$. iowa 28. mage $;
Frederick Paige, et al. to MiUoa <
Shepard, |mrcol. aoe. 28. town' 2

_ :

lomaJi Ohertng and family.
Jodaon Kitchen of Trwrersc <
me down oa the auto Saturday c
a and speut Sunday with Ms parWalter Bimao |« speedlns
days vllb hla cousin. MastUorver.
Mr. and Mrs. Heprr Dohm are
spending a few dayatbU week with

A nnmber from bore attended
Suadsy tcbool coorentloo at Arrbfo

• . Ali
jind evening,
report-a good lime.
—ere all very sorry lo hear that
EHIb lu ralyik- siroknday. V
rceoTcr from It.
day and Wednesday. August 29ti
30lb. Everybody Invited.
Tbere was s game of ball a
Harbor Sunds)- afternoon betWee
Copemlsb team and Pierce's <
Hnekert. the uamc slacdlng 3 n
fsTor of the Husket

Deyeai«i»sM»stsclisel»nibt8(Bia a lewdaysT
Sour b»ys tsill
new entms.
dtit Is Ytur Opporm
tuttilf te Sd« duff
tr nitrt!

-WchaTcabiglolaf lirokcr lot*
-only a fcw of Uiu aaiuc ,|K.ttmts,



Ttr JttStuMt
Stfllsb Suits for Ibt Dftk Ttllcws

AUwt»IraIiMa.nptot(;an<i$S... 3.SO

.Another lot


up to Si and $5 | .98

SIO atyiiab Black Soits .


1500 yards of Plain Colors, Changeable Colors, sod Color Combinations, in TafTetas and Louisines. A conTpIete
beautiful collection of bright, clean, fresh, fine, high-grade Silks, and the most astonishinfi feature of this Great Silk Sale is that the prices asked arc hardly half their real valucs. Silks really worth tec, $1 and
at................... -................................. ...................
Silks wonh 69c and 66c, at 3»o

Everybody should sec these silks and uke advantage of-the opportunity to secure a pattero at about half the,
usual cost.
' jf


, They arc going fast—soon they will'be gone. If y^u think it is a good investment to buy Summer Wash Gc^s
now at half and even one-third of early season prices, come quick, for sissortments are rapidly diminishing. Three
great lots to which practically eveiy piecc.of Wash Goods in stock will gradually find iu way.
LOT l-Wash Goods-This lot con- ' LOT ' Goods that were 15c.
sisls mostly of remnants of 10c. ;
iSc and 2f«: a yard,
12jic, and 15c grades,
, at...................................................

LOT 8—Wash Goods that were 20c,


Not ohl. rumpled up slock, but new. cboin- Khmu-iit*.
great benefits for Iboec who rcail and i

tried with la.-.- or entbroidPiy. worth :K>e. .y0c,“.5c .-vnJ
$1.00. at

Besfitlfol suits, elalxtrately
sertion, worth

irirat. ..... 98c

23c, 33c, 43c, 49c, 69C

OUicr Skirta. trimmed with
laoe or embroidery, at

NbsHb Drawers, Irimmod with
laco ami embroidery, tucka
or insertion, at

$1.25. $1.50. $l.r5.
$1.98 and $2.50


Special Values at lOc, 25c. 35c, 45c, ana SOc

Dere are

BeaBtirol Cersei Cnven, trim-


fe ' i

Boautiful Knife Plaited and other atylea that
aR aSaaon at
nod $6.00. every one this aoason'a make. '^O
»■ choice'of over fifty skirta for unly.............. ^0,wL/


23c, 33c, 43c, etc.

FAEHEBSamY CO, Tianm City.Akh.

Win Ctnse Stekness Unless $tom«^ Is Strentthened
Witb Ml-o-fii
One tablet of MI-ch tahpa before ] nervous system,'
-stem.' This remarkabU«

_ the
.. summer
moatha.^ remrdy will make tbe whole dlgeeiivr
wbesever the sfoniacb Is out of order,. system ao taeaitirr. cl
or to dlgesiloo weak, will do more that foodcBaaot feme
thaa say other treaimeat to-prerent case germs which may
to_dlseases caused by germs at thU: aeh win be destroyed.
Just one small
-n to stomaeb u weak s
h before cBilni;. sim;

Worth 25c j Q,.
8iHi:&-,at loL

Drc^ea worth


Dresaes worth
oo1.2.'> nml 1-'.0, at wC
In aiblition to all these wonderfol Im

LADIES’ (5Al'ZE VESTS, worth 2-V an.1 Ik'S;-


2-V and ;kV. at......................................................................
MEN’S AND BfYVS’ BALBRIGGAN rNDERWEAR, worth :i-5c. at.......................................................


BeantifM SvHaer Wnapers.
lace trimmed. QQ^
worth $
Dark wrappen worth 75c.49c

Giviiig Away Free
Beautiful Dinner Sets tuu? ^
FINE UFEUEE DOLLS to please the CUidKB. Btbmtdy Trtaned UNDERSKIRTS fer Ladies. Upbelsiered Seat SLEDS
(or Beys. SUIT CASES for men.
VV.- gi L- ;i j.r< mium ticket with ev.-ry IH cj-nt irarnhaae. For ‘M
of thfi • tidc-u vou can get a liuaulifnl 4^1 (vieoe Dinner Bet. V't
•V) tiikfts you .•an gi-l a Suit Caae, Doll, or I'lidcnktrL Thunia no rcEtsoD why yon can't find it intorcating to tndc here.

Elsewhere, IT YouJWIah, Before
e Buying Here, But Be Sure. Abaol
You Consider Buying Elsewhere.

f Bure, to Look^Here Before

ceitditkhr for germs to cam tereel• neos,'or’gresreVdebim'r^t
tj^^. d.^ or rther
Wtu soothe aad be^ tbe lr.| Take Mi-o«a Bow. and 8. B. Walt A
natao mucous
themomstom-j Sous wui guaraatee to retaad U
-----------------------M aad digesate tract, stimnute to,„
ie>- If .It d«os not rare. The rirk
alter idexua. aad atreogtoa to whole 1 au totrs.


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