Grand Traverse Herald, July 20, 1905

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Grand Traverse Herald, July 20, 1905


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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(S^tranti ©raliir^e

\ Fates 1 tt 6

iM, JULY li^ tm.

hlttat He MI«M Hare Orwnk
aborrowadef tttett from the UtdMB. and I rwued Tree* of tte aeftut and
cokoltttrhddMMldltioattd ItoMpoaallttdB
w*n.*aova preneher ridteg
■Qaataa had teltea Into tte tub wood ttecUp Bprwag «p ta tte out
tokftt.' •«« lato'^ ^MC." m mm.
Aon omnlbos. ww utnrtatood by a
“Who toU poo that 1 retoaed to taad of water 1 had left ataadteg oa tM'* Iter «f tribe*, fll te dOMBta and cataThlt vw the tut dn*: vitt that
. ajM Mfc* Twr T«r M Pter.
wUeh ww sastataed opci
vbea btreh
I plwM >p a UtUe eoonce. 1 vaotd aapttlag Barer I aiked to aonalae.; floor to eooL He waa palled oat. thorTor mmf am* lb* •«»« tors* 'iw
Utorery TaMe ot tM Jap*.
“TMt Jooea bop: he alopped here ca oaghlp vet aad trigktued. bat ethe^ M bad: and u eooeer bad tbeae tailed
B luiooad'cot et hooae aad hatae oo
R «0^ frea row ■«« «^ dV.
An tealgbt teto tt* HUlMyJt
oahart aad I bad erery pteee ot ttu 'nallBltad sapplp of booput wood
hto wap to tte atore ud toM me all
■A»0 Ufa to *U to «
It tt* Japanese to giru hp B pi
tottatront. Here
Bar Ml row Better that 1 about It: teat M a cbaractarT He bto dottteg to haag op to dry- As
epoa tta Unde cd books teon 'ta Mbegu tte drirer.
poalUrrip u artltee of beyto a gntot take to tte Boutalaa. vl
aald poo Btn^ wbeo bto aother waatat tte Imperial Ubtair of that
together aad
“Tea I'm preup stroag
ad pou to refllF post ova oil caa. I etettUig IB tbe boose. 1 ww obliged to
Haka touu to -cot tato tb« SUM.'
IP him op In u old dteaateg apegae go out u them to harreft, aqoatle Uqoor.' retorud tt* otter. “I're beu eoustrp.
ratotata pon oa gattteg rid of
that I hare so men milk or aoap
While 1S.4K verics rMaUag to ttofor tblrtpAt*
<g mp ov Bond lock him la tte arm Piute for food and asetal la their
•«« isto tb« gMa." B7 trtoatd,
t'waad Bpattt.otogpud
Tk« toTMwn gniM «t life.
rerthMen av eoBideoce uoabled ttalr with aoae paper* to amoM him arts; there, a' OMOtt flpvlag rirer, Bt*.“
Haepad BU lora BOBeM la erideat
“Seared It will rota poor hotlttr ot the total Bombm- of books te IM Uwhich a hide drawn orer a crau
IPko tdlrirwi to drtftlBc •loec.
HoatobBeot. that a bread grte me OB BP o«p boom. What waa a ill- tm hto ova UTBUta were dry. TMa
“Tea. hat that teaX tte mate ttteg.' braiy, were asked tar aeeotdteg to lec1 harried book to hto mother, who bU oCpota* to good uoogh tor a eeracta
A toriMe tm Mods «i oUH*.'
niead over hto dlitp (aea. and be
“Perhap* it RonX agru'wlih poar ords ot tte past pur. then wera 4m
Bted to tte or a ferry boot, bandied bp tte
Witt du to flgU oai wtem^ t< ebaekled.
Adsd bp readers ittJTl toIbbu
rwatared the drirer.
-TbU’a a good tm w mm,' he aaM. And iB UUP vapi Hra Jobb hU aeddeat to uk wkat wu tte matter. aad ottea staatwd-bp a voau
11.C per euL. etessIBed under tt*
“Well. It really dont agru with aapIn aaolber place tt<
She was trrtec oa her booaeL
Witt oorrov aad v«M Md tboat. Witt a wag or the Mad towanto tM prored bereett a good Deigtabor.
But that ateX It. either. Tbe Mad of mstteBatles. educe u« mMbody.
Jod Mp Ow «ortd pad powodf hin: “Iwlll aerre bar Rial right
*T woalda't bellere taru eodi a
I recalled bow abe bad coue te oae
old abe could g(| It at tte atore thto BMBteg.feren U it waa a bonowliig Job.“ tte aald. "I goem 1 woat Hi^
w Utoralor* and taagnga to
to do up more bow, fU tat poa Botoh torportagef. In the aest giUe of Na­ ribta Idu.'
tadie to
tou the tui
0 ud fladteg
Borolag. hot Ba aaM there waa-i
tts aomber of US.Tll—ttat Is. W ^
“A horrible Idu! Wbat U fir
-InM PDM^r Bbtolds.
waadeg Buntogr wbeo abe ooaU rtoe Witt a tick headacbe. haA.^waafaed ’em; R’s Ume I weat boma Come ture* munal tmtoteg ecbool. joo ore
were wked tor. while tt per
“Well, ttlftp-are yean ago I was
to tbe midst ot areblpetagoeo. vbsee
w It *0 poiL BM tiaUr do tte up breakfaat dtohes. set up ktuku loag. -00*111*."
^'ot tte s
r ot Ula^ds loree tbe aavt- etute gte a hotel la America with a
1 ei^ateed about tte aedduL
to righu. and got up bread loto tte
a thto' ot Hto* wnkiaa op a
friend of mteo. and
“Ter ooeMBt toad w a irala o’ tta paatar ‘UU dhe got aad wbeo on ores for me. Bunage that tteea daId I ups.
sayo. Ital’s
iMl’a oite
“Bopi are each a hotter,- eM nUd,. gator to bold attempte.
PletioB, tt* report Mps. fladt u
uTratta aa' a w o' Bilk. e<Bld port
thing.- And he
teem eo eluple awap frooi boue. 'Up! WMt bu-ioB’ geraapoms; par bis canoe, ao that M may reatore
dldat oatTT back bar allk onbrel; and
teg V Booep to b^ Uca te the claaeUed taW* of books
Marla loved ahe’d waks bobb b>-*^* wotddat lend ber aottalD' Bore; aad She ollee bcuated to BM that bar own pard U cme mass 'cr bloom, ain't It? I short dlstaace oat of sight of toad, ud
ta doUBd bp teodecs te this Jngaasne
•Beta* abe had mm» floor baadr '
orfced tte aaaa gag oa Mto' Cob- dtohes remained oaveUed un Beaded. beard Mto’ Wilkins up there batet ao- Anally to erery Utead la tte-ooeaa.—
library, “a earioat eontraat to tM ex­
TM apeakar. a mfh. aakeaM Bha. ada'a tlU tbe .^bieogbt op Itt ber Truth alto coefpeto me to aap that bodp got each genspaua w poa had:
perience la BMSt EagUsk pabUe free
la a trap BOdtoa ttirt «ltt eae
IP Oawl aa’ Ibar abe doee got wte tte weat home ebe took wItt i-poee poo d«t object U I help mpUbrartaa," aad to tbe axpertuen et
. puder adsdag. leaaed auiad
aad Kb* Bobbtea. tte alatoter-* hto mp la«eit bakteg paa. “seeteg self to a few calUa'a from 'em; I kaow
Amerteu llbrariea.
UiMaa doorvmp. aad diavlad od-hto wife, ap, abe last faiwtohed i» 1th that I eboeVl oo( be Ule to use it that thep wool lire, for I doaT oerec bar*
Works on -art. ladaKrtas, teglaserjjIS on a targe seata to I
WMBtlea betvwB hto kalf-eloBed Up*.
lock with saeb wtoter, bat aM kaowt dap.“ tte said.
Ing, military and Mral afoenM ftgure
reWhitt hoM the dirtp dap ptpe he vbb Huu too. DOW. 1 afoat aap poDM atood
-aattut wu orer nearlp aext e
And that
promlneoUp on tM Itat of addltteaa
ladlp trpla* to IlgbL
It hatgeitt Boat or 'em. bet what mall teg. earlp eaoogh to feed the cbickeat bome with a generoae enpplp of clips
te reemit peart to tte shtara* at
I was tola vllh tap haUag aad vu
rake hiralcfaat vllh ea. Hli face vhMi the had rathleeilp broken from
r T doat kaow, tor ttera hatet
eararus of bealtt aad pleasure seek­
hot Jut kaaadtag mf hraad which aobodp''‘twiil Icod ber aapthte' i
if I'd uku thal drink. Fd the Imperial Uhtflrp.
hoieeit germolnms bdore I could
' ttoaldk^hBBBiatt^oewoaahoiuers. wbo will carry with ttem tall aad bare swalleved a dtp block, a grncerp
OoBf oa. -OonM.' to the UUIe fellow aad be Jopfollr aaneoDeed that be had open mp month to objech For a, moA flr*
ileis camp
Tbeee no- Store, u apotteoarr's, tear tavpet's'
MAwa. aad 1 aa atiald mp taea did
I to star all dap. A week we)
wbo ww oat wateblag tte ehiekau,
1 Blood In tte doorwap and
ttelr owB ptaasare,
mat waar He MBwateet BipreBdc
ud It's hard to sap vM^dse.
brlaglag -Oastoa ererp morateg.
“ ■ n. we BOR be gteB' bome.vattted ber retrenllng fom. too daaed
eortted raoentlp In Eomtl. N. M„ te
tr by tM odrta* TMt^ the Idea.. AlnX it horrible?"
guided largely.
whaa I toohad ap at thto gaeatloo.
t atraagelp attracted to tbe liltle
lore. I felt utlertp belpicss be­
r of coaL The rematan of sob*
phpnetow tad CB-Worid.
ftiiow. “WooldaW poor Better be will- gnlek to taam, ud IS dUfereat from fore ber.impertnraUUty. I Uimed-tack
prehistoric ulmal were found tattedntUa taapattaadr, “U was ooSp pederattenduu wbo wItt a
wet ot the taallp. He prored to to my Bitting room, I have i
teg to let- ^ etap Witt se a little
dad ta a round lump of cool woMhtag
He Was •Mrslp'psad,
•ap 1 loaaM pw vUe a «oart ot flow
great taTOriie wlib mp hnsband found out what tte did to my machine
wblter I atlBd u tte little bop paid
poonds. The tall of tto oatRecord
bM, aoBM tea. aad the dap bdpre that
was Witt ui moeb more tbu be wtaUe I vw oat of the room. One
.ao'^taotloo to bU broUiet'e call,
a OOP o( aaiar aad teaw agn: fap-abe
.good borees ud wagons and tte recre­ ua. touded in IIM, beUer known at mal was sUcfclng oot at one aid*, and
at botte. Bat la all this Ume
aa eleae aad bewooM be no troable.*
gtuee at It ww enoogb: the needle
one leg ud part of a Mooldar oat of
be vaatiag to borrow agatii bo qalekbad aerer sen uptting of the otter was broken', thb belt off. ud erery r«c- ation ud health eeekers may tore tte preeut Ume a* Tork Ha^. Me.. tte otter. TM Mad Md rotud oC.
“*Obaree the woWd et poo
orer tte country In iroe cowboy style. eeatalB mup
ud unseal
irr . ' ,
klU; aa- bg glad tar get rid er hla: mbea.
nlaUng screw ehaaged. wbUe the abutI bad boBa In thto HtUe vwtera adTbe temporary tut clUet will proride stortat of tte early Ute of tte tova. aad tte faataaee of IM carcMS «aa aa
I was dbing a large watting
per can aaed hlu boat erbea per
Ue would not more at alL Dlteoard'rpo# a bone.
shelter for those who prefer periodt saps Harper’s Weekly.
SlBBoat M thrao aoatta.- We bad •Doogh *r klH. 0<tod bp; I'b itod- lonteg. li had beu delaped
aged ud ttorooghlp exasperated. I
Tbe for oa tte freat part cf tt* body
barhor a
tataa a Httle brown eettage. with
per got BKaih grit to cob* op with weeks, and mp klicben chain ud floor threw inraelt oo tte sofa, face downw aoft, Satp and white aad Matt.
null nrdea at the hade aad a taw
There are scores ot esses of pertut koM
were Uttered with dottet. 1 was
Aad tfato odd wad wboUp
flowe'm before tt* 4oor, aad I had debaring beu cured of rarioos allauls Nodt. exiuds tome dtotapee Into the TM for of tte tall VW jet btett. TM
MB ot Joaea atoek weat op tte leuortag tbe Aret boUlag from tbe
raeemblad that of a hoaa* -cnti
teBBbMd tt be pBrfoeUr onleated aad bill, whtoUteg to tihe doga.
of tte body, partlcolarip of those ij- sea. from which fonaertp te stormy
■tore wbeo a shadow darfceaed tte
mot wl^ lw the dear MaaBCbuetta
weather a tempotory U^l, te the form and ta tM rooad tamp of coal Beanov. and a moment talar ta TM kitchen wu liiterei^wttt wuhlng reeled with lug trouble bp coming
I Bixed up aofl^a seal aad oarried It
«at 'whWi I BliiTil BO BWdL I shoaU oat to tbe ehkkeaa aad let ■Oattas walked Ui^ Joaea.
Texw ud leading u opu-alr d a lutera hdstod npu u upright ares ataeum tacMa ta length.
In all stages of progress, and
TM Mrioritp «01 be sent to tM
•an gd aaqaalattd, I tboaght. aad teed theu. He w^ -delighted and
B tte ronebea. This to Jut what pole, wu dtoplapad w a waning to
“Washln', ain't per tte aald. as If of dinner. Tbe *ewln| machine In the
hapo ao Uau to get hateedefe. :
the rallwap proposes
woold hare rateilned with them aottteg bad happened. T-Bloog u I middle of tte MUlng t
Dae dark algbt a stoop ww vredtod
ah dap U I bad aot cairlad hla back didn’t bare aottln- partlentar to do, lonaded bp Mae drilltnc orerells. ud a targe ecaie. AU the camp eoulpags.
TM tamp ot eoal tamo tram t|g
Mpawwt aelghber I tend to be
u tteerrodtt. A urrircir. u beteg
boreea. food
totMhoaaator'abatt. Hewuadri- ttooght 1 might u wen cocne down a
tbia iomm Caadlp. Tbw U>«d ta a' icalo lookteg little fellow, bat hto balr eptoL. Kpl-Hatan It hoi tiere. Uiougfa? me te tte teldst^of It all witt.ei
fact, ereryttlng needed win Mpnv
about tte catwiropbe. Vashlngtoa dlstrtet MC-IM Metoa
cloasly red eyca.* No wonder he
ban (M bna»-<iw« great dtotaace aad epea were benatUal. The Uttar Qaeti U poo atet up objeetlae
Tided bp tte road ud tte tiareler will said:
be charged only e nculnal snm to Mlp
*The ressel struck, lanod
r etefl teto tbe other room.'
reuteded me ot tte rmt qoeaU
-OldMt BeH ta AmtotaB.
fairs Ud uxioualy asked
ftagwBt eatto I raadred (lom them.
pay for tte expuses of eondecdl^ ber dde. and the skipper ud uotber
epaa ot up Jeraop, belter. 'Oaatua'
“Tes, do." 1 aaswered, too aston­ sick.
Hie oldeet bell ta tte Oattad Btatas
TMr Miw oet poor. bBt the Whole
tte open-air sultariunu.
barrel of wbiakp rolled orertmard.’
bah- had aerec. been cuv aad bnog In ished
hw beea aisaalred hp OOTtoMr MlgB*l
Then, woman .fashion, I must hare
taullp. .lactadlag alu ehUdrta,
Tbe local
ahtelog carte aboot bU aboaldera atouro of New Maxteo. aad ta ahw te
•httltou had laiF. Mot a dap paaBod ta- a good braaUag. He watched up full of hury drilling, ud I mlMrusted my cry all orer again as 1 poared
charge of John T. Patrick, wbo to took- and tbU aomevliat sttrtlliig rerdtat
her Ttolt had a moUre
Suu re. It ww cost te IMS. and ta
fhat <BB or Bort of the JoeoBB
leg after (be Indutrlal derNopmut of was retarned;
u with the aane look
therefore acaripSW pears of Age. abtohorrted the ctathes Into tte rlns- ud ww eofflfortol ud laugbed at ii Texw also gthe coenpuy’s lino. Be
■d baaa la. aad, attar aukt
“We.flnd thal the deceased fell fraoi dating tte dtecoirerp of AEartsa ^
Jeraep taollp might hare^defle. aad
water BBd Idl them. She had ber le aame breath.
ingthp «dl. BOtwtUidaadlag Ubb or when 1 atooped and kiaaed hto roep
It hasp making arrugeBUU tor tte tte masttend ud wu killed; be roll­
iXI peats.' It eoBtates mock goU ud
su-buDSt oB wbu I fouowed her,
-Doat worry aboot tte machtae.'
) ot tte n
ed orerboard and wu drowned
face, aude roap bp bto reeapt bath, be
mp eowteg ma- aald be. "I cu flx that in no time, ud Be tape'that the flrsl careru will floated oabore ud trow to dedb. ud sDrer. as tt was the eostoa ta oUn*
BBBthlag ThB Ud ol aRkles ao tar
took It aa a matter oC eoone, aliboogfa ebtec.
as for this Btuir—todlcaUag the drill­ probably be Halted ^1 early ta Jus- tte rau ate blm up allre’"—Detroit times for dSToM persons to Mtt tlMlr
todaded WBpttlag froB bp dtobpMt.
I aa goite aaie M bad aerer
foto MiMMtal
prood of it u tboagfa It were prlce- ing—“hero goes:' ud he flung It
Which I had aorer aan. to up dl eaa.
toehifig pots.
through tte window. "And
1 wu dilBowaied aad dupentt. I
TM aaetani retie ww broaght tm
I ww too abeorhed -to thto new Al-•sposc pou-TC got tbe bug of It some good hews for you: tt It hadn't
haattlr tsiwed iriut ullk I tt»U ware
Mswtoing Mldsa.
been for this business yoa'd bare noMio a BMlI tla pan. well kaowlag I
tl Is said that erery year brides are
toMexleo. As tte etoMHga 4Ut bp.
ahoBld Bww tee dtter agala. and Md Dooa aad up boabaad'a couteg et Ume. dut li?“
Ueed I WW borne earlier ttu nsoai.
meaured for leuelea at 8L Cpros,
“Oh. pes.' I uswered.^watttteg her Now. if you could hare the one with
Maned theB Witt a paper otaaleratti ' fooad DO preparation tor dteoer.'
-Come.- be said 10 a wriier for tte qaaiDt little Tillage In Klneabdlne- it wu hoag suecewiTMp ta a aslMloa
ebnreh In mh. cf tte earu ahaithsa
trplag to start tbe wheel the wrou Of your bean wbat would you wish Newark News. In bis quaint
-Wbatr ontalBad up haabi
«b (be wwttr Mad dt tta Jaaes tarnsUre ScoUud. 00 tte brink of
«r. i watthad him d»Be up the bill, paaateg to tM doorwap. “Bare pea
forT“Come, it is a curio that I desire to Germu oceu. The story ran* that of Cibola, aext at Oiaa OolTBe. aad
flaallp la tte ttoreh M Algondas,
“IVe broottt orer home orerfauU
ad to borrow, toor
«MW twwad back to bp braad.
Td go home to Massacbuietts ud Show.'
mere tbu flftp peara ago a natlre of
where it reetod wtU a short tima ago.
} flatohad aad thaa
a a bateh of
“Tea, I-re been taUovtag tte loaee’
tbe rillage. who had bees a pap
u that iu history ta watt sdtiMiSbed
ttooght it would'kare toU of time to langfalag throagh my tears.
where, on s dnll red cloCb, there lay .ler-genrrs] of the Indtan army,
age utteatleauC
edttt *ra. I're bou taUdag up ma­ “DllW. sad that * Jnst what
R wu Mtt u tM toat doaittaat
of ttelr cblllreB; teat M prettpr’
ta crushed folds t piece of ribb gray qowtted a turn of money, tte Interest
chine. for seme Ume. bat It dont toea going to do. t'rc had a letter from silk.
kU to cool ttnl I fcaat«'a Meat t
of wbicb wsi. for oH, time coming, to
“It that Joeea- kldr iaetedateoiip.
Adopted a Leet Calf,
to do np good.'
Botha. Aa 1 oafTtad Bp M kettla ei “What hare poa done to bin?'
tatter: Mr. Batebelder. hto Jonlor paR“8ce,“ be said, “ibr corto. Silk made be dtabamed In Are equal parw erery
Aa 0 d story comes ap trttt Oraat
■ .**1 cut lUtch them for you today.’ ner. It deaO. ud be offen far tbe part- of tplderttuont Into tteabMtooiM I
“Siapir Mm htei a both Ud I aaswered. looking aghwt at the pile
itud. In <>ortlud eonIstud.
of tbe JoDCa bt^ tada(4)wb the tail]
aershlp In his place, affl
hmabed frto hair.- ud I aaiad with of Uoe drilling on the floor.
needoo with (he deer sltoatioa dowa
toward ap eottage IcdtavM bp u
come at once. How soon do you wut fabric ww gray, but orer Its sartsce, meal for tte poor, while tte ra
pride at tte little pUgria upon whoa
there. Lost fall a calf baleagtag to
“Oh.1 hatet ago-B' to let you sUtcir to gor
auap dpcB. TM data wanbaiklag
teiimmered ud trembled many deli­ der was tet ssMe lo be dlrlded s
Frank Btereae strayed away aad, aP
'em.' tte tetempted. "1 don’t know
aad the hope were ahoatlac; while oae aoap and water had vroagbt aaeh
“I Witt we might go tomorrow.*
cate bue*—pale goldi ud bloes ud
ycar-i foar eonspleooiu brides— tboogh dforu were -ode to Bad it.
nothing aboat a machine, u' I're just awwerod. iMing from the window
waTM anettlag abm Ma head.
rede—and Us texture wss quite ta- tts oldest. Ihe yoonge . the tallest
coold not be toceied. aapfc tta Kaabeen tangte to try one. Expect twill rescue a palr| ot orerallt from 1
“WhM>M ttw ^t aowr 1 wfBeredtbly floe.
tte sbonrtt—who
nebec (Me.l JoanaL
be sc^ettlag like my sister'* dangb roeebatt.
•erad wftt ataktag beait. “Whp. U
'See.' said the Armenlu. “the fine-' tn BL Cyrus parish church. Tbe adReceatlp. howerer. eama gaanars
Om areal briaglac beck up eO cn; the lone* boyl rebenrsal cf hto moth­ ter, Alrlrp. She can play 'Amerlcy'
Bat we foud that eren three B«os ' And be rolled II up In hU band miaistrailoa of Is la the
wbo were cot butlng saw tte tong
er's talttags. stol said M ww glad - u' ‘Tankee tloodle- lost splendid on months residence In such a dreary lit­ to a ball no bigger tbu a walnut.
what cn M goiag to happear
buds of the parish minister, ud on- lost calf te coBpanp with a deer, and
Aal lad loaaed thto caa two wetta bad strwtt at tost
tte.cUtect orgu tt eomebodytl only tle place as Oakrlew necessitated at“ThU eilk.~ be said. “Is made of happy at times is bis task., such are
since that Ume the two hare been
We kept 'OoBtns to dlaner and wei , pomp It'tar ber; I goeas I cu manage teadlng 10 muy little doUet when one web* of the spider of Madagascar. It
Mfora, aad M pet MU aerer eeea aap>
the jeotoosle* which srioe attong the seen together on sereral ocrastetii.
Ihtag reuiwad that thep had .bor> taltp repaid bp bto ptaasare at ererp- tte rest It I eu pomp JC'
taares torerer; and b li I three weeks
base, ud stroag. lu web eampetltors. for tbero Is a keA^rirairy sometlmea the caU Mteg with eererai
I was totally unable to teiertere [.befare w«
rowed, thto wu aot a draage ttooghL tttag. ta tte eooi of tte afleraoaa I
It thick
for theoe legacies, which amour
is erldut that tM liUM aal-Sap. uacu.- begaa the oUcr bw •tarted oat to do some earaada. i left She sat den to tbe raitttee ud my hasband tongbed at my teeonatot••Well, there are RtU In that lud In hardly more thu $30 each; bat that
u MOh u be eoald teflpda hto breath, -Oastas at bis ricketp gue with the pleked.ap a pair of orernlto.
]>ney tor testend of getting entirely rid tbe bosJoeoa. They bare spider grorea It quite u important sum in so rwmou mal hw been adopted tip tte dear of
"aa awe «aa ahe Mre a .bar d aoap. promtoe that be might come agate tbe
“Well. I declare." abe wsctalmcd. “If; of tte Jonceet we took one of ttea —aioiea of tte mango tree—for this and slmMe a Tillage. All Sl Cyroa Great Island ud hw now beeoB« one
of ttelr namber. It hw beceroe w
ahan and it boBt towtorrer. aad aattdap.
I batet feegot tbe thread: poo batet

spider tores tte leaf of tte mange turns ow on "Bride* Measarlng Day."
shy w a deer and te fact Urod and
A tooee tooMor ot browa aad white got a extra apoM. 1 aapposerMrWa pper oU «aa; aa aapa'wtU poo
dearly. Oo tte tree* tbe spldere ore ud tbe ocewion is made a bMlday.—
sets lost w they do.
Sn R.agaia ^.ecad It back bp at. eouagea with a cbereb and a brick
I fOtmd tt* thread and she snSered
kept, eren w you keep horses te IM Free Pres*.
'tmmm aM hata\ got throagh Ttt U
tbe Tillage «u- me to ttrenf the atachina
Odd flridgae BwlH of CeeUl« KsCttee.
Here were the three or tobr
had hater let me sUtefa them
tte morning, tbe wearer Veoke flinkiag Into a Watery Or»v*.
Perhaps tte most tWBarkabto
- TM bop had ttrhwa UnaU dowa stores that Ookrtaw boasted: ud <9- for you.'
dering of the West ladiu «uov.
plucks from a mugo tree a doxu or
Prof. Hennau Berdrow. ot Bertte. bridges te tte world are IM hetUe
tte aiopa aad waa aoppiag hto taoa poslte tte Uap greem.“enBBae' «ltt tittle eoonge before this impertaiable
’. writes O. T. Manu In Ooti
o spldero. He pnu
one of the best llrlng uttoriUes 00
aUh hto dinpahlilMaora. while tta iuoaki and taU maple*, ww tte-'Xtak- womu; “1 cab otltcb one pair tor yea Tboogh rcmalas of uctant example*
1—a woodu ewe ud ; the geology of northern Italy, says
othw. a dattatt (Mto Mlow of few rlew Howee,- a great, .glariag pMlow unl^t if poa'ore te a great harry tor bare beu dog from tbe bou of Bu­ now It cu neither fly away
Venice 1* udoabtedly tteklng. and wbicb they are roairtr"'*** ar* IM
or tre, had waadwet iaio tM kliebaa tetUdteg. Thto had beu buUt bp
tte venen ww. par excel“He draws from the spiders gUads nothing cu sare U from lir coming'
^ oookteg hetttas.
aad war loofclag tHtt a wtottnl aad mu who hoped to bona tte townc but
“Oh. I balnX te ao burry. I gaeas I luce. the canoe bemtophere. It* ab­ tte tong thread* of the web and M fate. He has jost retnroed from aigeren or eight li
«w(7 firtp ta(w M ttb paa of doaih- tt* boom had tailed ud the -OU- IB manage It somehow, u' you cu origines, deprlred of rjdteg hi
these slender ud weak threads
B of! der the handles of a asmber <d
View Boose- ww
Batoh you wwtalp' 's U I wuX here,
liai* Uhaliited Bstere'i ntingle ou of sotne streagth. the ground, ud hw o
o the con- iM, aw tslteoed togstter bp a
-Wottd poa ewBh tike a doaghaatr Hea opened. teJai
wtoi-a this ocrur berer girteg tt a toorcu ta this craft. Th^werci *"
cl us toe ttat tbe deqay will go ee ud ,
ropfa t
1 aahad. haadlat ttw oaa. White
of hide. bark, uuks of treu ud reeds
tnereoM. oae baildteg after aaetber ! Bumberi of thcee rafts. toA at vhitab
thep doeoBWd ttanh the Urge bop la enlled oa Hie. Wllites. aM wbo bad
“Ob. yea motinX teach U^' t ex- or cane. Tbe stmptast were little amre TbCB be retaras them to their saago goug. perhaps whole rows of boUd-, wii bear a weight of half a ton. ar*
getoa. aM t&a ittUa Bdto
“got mad orer tte silk wBhreL- 8M latosed: “it's the tenstaa.“ ^
I or troogbs. or bitedtaa of
sd ugMher, aa^ ta tta M*M
pooBg. aad ebe. too. had
Mrttfl WM. I vw tanwtog over la ap
*T(esteX? Well. I're pat U beck ■tiefcs or stems tied togrtter; tte best
■How hungry they ire. harteg lost,
sea which Veateelslaa hoar, brUg* Is torBM oa Whhte
Bla4 .wtou to do. I ua
agBw.* vHh a rigorous tarn te the op- were datatp es u egg-sbell aad i. .
their web! (>h, resy baagry! They 1 bofn. are. be tapo. not foandsikBs
•taad aoBawhara: tMe abooM b^tbe
y ewMaged calls, we hU a___ pedW dliwethte. “Now do yon get like ta moremuL Tet they mede tang
s rareaoas Banner ud next' all. bw water pfilow*. layers cf earth
Jaa tiae I topaed tteee ebUttow BOO Chord ot epmpattp te oar tag- poor work teto tbe ttteg? I euX get
I they bare more web for tM' ud mud aad suweed. white) ben­
. JoaeaB aRpthlhg. 1 ooald aaod Mr tegJor theeaat.
that aeedle op to ure mp take.
idredd, perhaps ttoasaads. of peart
TM taUfWng ef a ahip tototfag
the eoap, Mt aet tt* oO. for I bU “I bear poo hare made a ’IMdatatlu
I groaned. “Tbe vberi gou the ott­
hare formed. TMee tapers are eflee ■OB* praaate tecideu aM Mtalla,
hardp eooagh lor ar owa- aae. I had t tadependenoe* from the jonce torn- er wop; dn.tal se do It. Mrs. Juu
la this barm
froB to to IM feet thlsk. bet vadcr Tiif lii liuih rf thi hililMlili niiir .
IT.^ ahe aald wMa I ww eemnd-tt Mr
hardir reaehed ttto eoadeeka whi
-1^ indeed; It's too bod I'm keei taro tte Arctic Eskimo made
1Mb Is water, oftaa deep water. TM gia eetm MM of taltav. flrw hantoa
tM big bop br«M tar
omr pmrtet. “How I Mr* laired at
you tram poor wateteg. but aw kalata. J^t Mtt of ttem the taoth- ud tte sUh seUs for a Ugh prtea' te
of these water ttU cf floh oil aad aerexal Mmfo ef etel
^• Boatargot; an aaid
B> DWB astawtonees with, then
rve got Started I'm gedag to pat
e»T bash" was the ready
‘ ' ‘
lows la to stelt TM bwIMere cf Teawar* regUrwd. AS ttMMIMT .
pBi eoald (pare )••* a grate bb tbongh at tte time tt didat seen
ttiMgk. WbM do poB 4o nutr
FPesto! the kaiak dlsappeaied aad the cf totaSB' weM Is a recoenfsed UaAa’ lee drore pUes 4amp teto tteee tepen,
Miped Mr Aowa IM «apa Mw
•Bk iM hare naagh to'Bake
ap; poa vonMat beiteTa It. tralp. V Just bto* tMf* VM a wranm and
AtMpaacar dented tte bireh
•ad oa (M pBea tetfit palaeaa aad

ALO. TM0B80AV. JW.Y to, IMk.
- ' PfMt.


AMHial Burri'MMtKw.
trwtM* iK tkc Nflctkm MIeMm
I-t «»k. tfc. »Oo-lNE
ilr— VOT* «Mta4 f«r (to ciitu
7«r: PitoUMt On. O.'A. H«Jt;
B«mUiT. Dr. A- 8. Bovin: tfniuor.
tonti Otfttto: etoflBlB. Her. a

at tfe* iMt Mnh» «C (to Into-

ntil (to ettr avoke le Hs ml cobAI-! isn. to MlA Jcsol« Orrof Bed Oood.
an Wd fOOftrH Ihn vttUa tts i Nebmto. Cantata HnortW, vto tod
doen Mood a fl^are. the mtodiBeBi: arinaBalMad ccuidMable vmmr.
M WkM'ChrtR veoM tore all. oaw)-; bm vttt rermn aad tbto (hrev Wa
•ok. wU-dearliiK Bto atm* wItt;
tmt laui U» #otd aian
bean and haads ever mdjr to lauaj tnc, WtOlc vcA la tbe BoeUaa be led
tbe taltee.
-; a vfid life, drato. (dared eardi and
llooeMleaBd vIfeeateradthleritroi*kaova aad took ctoisa of tbe oorpe.. that tbe epirtt of God epoke to Urn
vbldi (Oder toe broa«bl 600 people
aad ceoaed a reavakeota* (or hie
ahar, while addlap o« of that i earlr Ufa had been tpent vtib ehrle
pr thlnr-two aoldtare, aad aeod- ] ttaa pamte. Of bte eoovendn be
lag aigbt recrolu oat to eater the ear*: "Oae eveelag I wai aBUag at
Mde or ibeir epeetal work. Five bare a Cable la a gaaibltag lalooa ple^iag
aieo COM tato tto fteld ttom bera be- poker-vlib the bore, aad eaddealr tbe
aldet'two vbo bare been ewora In:^ wae Uomlaaied aad 1 eav

Death Ban.
tnolaB Dorrn. aged *7. Uareh S,
tbwagbt (bai^ Tbaradar aftereooa after a leag
Sow or the M^emagm
be eftr
ettr aboald
abeald go atoi#%aad
He leamV
orer tto right of war wbtle otbm
Deeadeat wW
wife’bat BO cbfldi
tboaght that tto dir eboald bear
Ti wae dgared. 'A* eoa-la-l** of ■!*»«
aad war
portloa <r tbe eipeai
(tot ue
tbe ramag
raUlBc m
of to
tbe track, woold ■ r«L^boeeM. hard
« mue otcr »4M aad Aldena
Tbe laberal
wa« <* mdiT
Horrv. oooatderiag It for tbe b
lemt'a ct the ettr. nwred that the at 1 o'clock froB tto Uae of Hn.'

vtife bat tto PftelSiWie



Tba ataaaar Creacaat aMvad Is
port Tbaradar afiemooB .at t:ia and
mantnml aaUl tto U e'doek mp Ffldar owlag to a ^eral repair tor tbe
, aagtaa, tba OoliuBbU laklag bar reote
Tbe ehenr .aaaaoo te aow at baod
aad ablpseaU (tob <Md Waiioe
aoailBg Uili vn. Uw Creacaat brlag.toc la a (am aUpneat reMonl
two tripe. Tbe nuaoto. after leartog
tbie, pan Ttaredar awmUBg
08 tefaa potat br a gaeoUae UmA
traa Old kleatoa aad tbe two bora to
aad traaifemd a load of ebertfee (or
. CbkMo. Tbli wni be oae or tbe apedal (ntom of toat 18a eo Oraad
TraTem bar for the ae« few veefca
aad tbe trait crop will dnriaf tbe week
to bandied over tbe raU of Aeeee mtle
toiatAn that pn oat of Old MUatoa
harbor aad m dovo tba Urge aedata
- leddag ttmmen oe iteir war to Cblnia, tba^traaefer brlaflag the. ablphmtolta Chicago laBaaabapa.

■ 1

Tto ttaaaah It tor KareaBtlla ebst pia Md their uaab aaeetlag laal
' vato Wedaeadar at wbito Uae tbe
MowlagoOeera were elected: Jaliae
Mnato. nw baa aeud aa praaldnt
ili Mtor 4M, waa alaou
that plaea: A. Tntr tor. rlea pneb
tfnt; Herbert Mtotagaa. aecreutr.

on wara aiaeted with ae axeeptloB <8
WnU«hi. |latBMb 1*P Tto todad ta

tto have ' •


Tto t^anraa Otr Btata baak matlag wat Bln told (tot gftanhOB,
totag mmr aa iacarmt matlBi
.maaal ma^ qaenHag la laaaajy.

OM td tto' ut aMBbtti baloi
ta ttoWema'a Camtary awodatlna.
oair abeit t taoh vara praant at
tto waal gieatlac haU Tbaradar
allaivMB. Oift (^ tto US mMbara.
O bate paid tiiMr tea and darlag tto
piar deelag paatdrttr. «1C was ra.
Mind. ,0n Jalr 1, UM, tto naaocUtloa' bhd n hand fTOto aad vBh tbe
<1* MealTad Cbta rtor. the total «a
haad vaa SM.M. b«t Mt ct tUa (bm
ware atpeadltarae^ W441, laariag
Jto aspaadlftiM dvriag tto r«
van tor labar. dawank tovn bed
pliatijbalta, aUT Tto pUaa (or tbe
aatet rear toV^iMt rat been
bat wiU ba aa aeoa to tbe beard ct db
(oeura aweU aen'ltoadar.
Iha (oDowtag o^leeie ware elected;
.JWaUiat. Mra. C. J, Kaeataad.
.. BUM Ttaa-pmUaat; Mce. Chariea
. aaeand alaa pnaUnt. Hn. Harrer

|(-T I '

_^paar be allo.ed WOO. Tto
Uoa was Mat aad tbe whole aratief, who took care of bln. Bwr. W. T
Mfeired to air Miomer Dari..
j Woodh.«.n oBdaled.
Mr. DarD tooked the loatter op aad 1
- .
(oBOd aa old (raaehUa gmted tbe!
Chicago and Weat Mlchlgaa tatlwaj , t1i»' thercwtll not lie • nrr oeavj
8. 168$. vbich
.hat an*llo.«
f*r»en oa..lde .h- hn Un.l
ebaagn froo time to time la .treet
•» •
gnule chccia be br factdal agn-emcti. t**"'*'' “ «he oplBloa of <'hlcf Hn.
,BBlB.k»cr. and .the! of 'h-; a« depanni-m. I'
rallwar cotapanr. Mr. Oarli held Hint j h«« rained noarl. er. ry day .brouah
a cooadl had ao right ... hind futdrelo"* J“'r and flUd. all over m -.airieht to give op j
r"*". be bmr»..K-..M
the city, etreel. to a corporaUoo. He : “<• •h*'
aild thu It would con more lo "f “•rhlo.-e m .he hartr».ln=er
flCbi the matter ihaa to «-ule for 1^"' _ whnt.
a. had hctoi prciioutly mOTrtL The! a. Manctoon an .l.andooed w<'
^oouaeil however, ma. Ih a flcbtlnei .iin)'- f“ f'-' d^-e-. «*« on-nnl over «
'-aad wa. of ibe optninn that the
ao with plnr.l* and then a
Mioold nut set any owdwr from "innt ..r .o i.f lOiHi. Ijt-i .••••k B- I.
Ibo cUr^ ISnry mire'.nKiiirinc In 'h;an I
The I'erc MjrqoMte ftnid' nOtMog' jiml afi- r cowine v‘<t the wi-JI H
Id did Ihe aame. Tbe comptoy wa» ■■av.d In. Tb*- pUnk iif i-otir..- had
•Otifled to etasage If. grade bm falle-l mtlr..! out. and the »iie of the danger
to do o, A motion tras carrt-d (hat . <.u. hole not iN-Ing marti<n it «aj> a
the rallwa) eommitalooer he ooiifled. veHtaLP- d.-uth trap to ph.aitig up
This, however, wa* oot aecevuiry, a* 'o (he »-i: (h- hor-.^ kad douWlo
Ibe eoapany ha. agreed In make the ^ «alk.vl over ti m \eral iiin<e iK fnn It
change aad there win Ik* ik> brick , cmvlderulrly oi.e way ott.-r ih.rr
pavemcel over ibelr right of way.
. aeighi wa« off

• ^ Captoln te
Woctora Who toara kanr Frlehda Here.

D( tbti armr’B work »12 open
air meedaga aside (tom maar ertrs
opSndr BMeUngs have beea held,
wttb Ml regular tealde meeUagi. mt
which coBBtrU rsnglag from i to U
bare kaell at their altar,
eve^ class of cocletr.
Out ot the
beea taken care o( aad sent to tbe
RescM home to be Bade 4nu> good.
woribr vomen. and homes
have barn fend- for four children be­
reft d( sndi.
But while this spiritual good hs.
Ilttad the pall (too. manr a I8e detpalred at br eloae spd dear relaUvea
aad (rttoda >-^pneUcal beaMactlan
ton toto quMUr a twork vUbla.tbe
walls ct tbe.csptaU-s. borne.
S46 asst Front street Op the
Btalrwar into tba upper rooms he es>-

father’aad mother aad I Moked back
through mr past lUe with a serlouw
ness never before thought of. Sad
duolr the spirit of Qod took hoLl of
mr bean and I arose and said. 'Boya.
ni never mm anotbir card.' ~ From
that eventful dccl.ltw Mr. ifouM-lle
never veerod and after a thorough
canvass of the teds of the varlou*
churches he saw tbe vast opening fur
good within the SalrsUoD circle, snd
so d(>dkated bis life to their work and
In his wife he has a moat beartr and
r«inrfw>rte, worker. Tbe field here to-

sotdlers imder bis guldenee are In ]
feet onIson and la dose touch with the
pec^le. so that taken at a wbde the
SalvMloe Army of Traverse City I*
composed of clean flgtaUng stock ready
at all times to cope with any e
gcncy and able to stand upon Its own

Report el C-'A- R- Coe
erarrUHng thst tbe frrtftr <8 U>e
itlve CDmmiUee having In
bumsn bodr needed and atill further
avar. dar la and dar out, at all **«wr* charge tbe G. A. ft.
eeatlr beld here makes tbe foUowIng
wfaea permitted irom otbM dnties sal
report ot receipts and espenailures
tbe Mptaln hteelf. Beading and
petiMng. leaollag and straightening
IGtmml St
on tto bUBdrods of pain

4be garbage bos. r« ao mended anf
Mde ?wr that buBdreds of liuie ftwt
veto bapl from fiosu and tbe wtoiorj"
tidto over tor tbe family.
- '
Uvwry .
• smngod •,
Bhalvlng and lines t
g sad program*..
la the atom gticre during the pasilmv uadgn
ItAM garaenu gstbered up hy the'^terulnmeni commitiee ....... lUX:
caidala bimsetf. we<* in and wt-ok ooi ; Bureau ot information.............. K.K
lime by band and bark |onmp fins ................................. isxr.
cartriag. give aomc adequate- Ides ot i
--------vbat a ebrlstlan man can do for hi* ! t„uI ........................................
poCr. To make tbe homes of Ibo inur | yh* bsisnee on hand (CO-Si. hs*
bsbitahle the capuia galhefcd j ,,pen mnied^over m McPherson post.
r which scemod lo ihu commit
TBM. viaa •
k J. O. Hlefaliy, vagoa load* of fumltbre,; q
Ud bedding until It wv-acd to-! „«
ho a'dlUng place lo pul lb<
credible thst sueb a sholesslc- dUtrt- hslsnco of the money la ibelr hand*,
botlOB eonid possUdy Ond s l.-glilmai.- ^ h »„ raised for G. A. R. purpose*
McPbcrsnti post has man;
- FlaaiHsI aanratary, Mrs. w. F. Cd- arenue. yet with' all ibl* the poor of ]
Ibis city are not all provided for snij | upon It* fund* for sasistanee
Truanrer. Mra'H TblHby.
Is wide for just such workt-r* m.-mbers. All the bills sod rouchor*.
Board of diroetora. Mrs. L. Soule. as arc being sent aw« lo other #eld»
,hc minutes of the cxecullrc com
' 'Mra. C. B. MeOay. Mrs. Mills. Mrs. r.
while Uic vsrenry
mev-tlng* are in the bands of
filled by snodier work the treasurer. Thus T Bate*, where
‘ T«tnito.-Mra. Wm. Loodoa.
Ctmeterr nommltlee. Mrs. L. Soule.
who wUI take the bufdcn aad carry ; ,h„ cu> be seen at any Ume by InterMm. a. Tbirtbr. te- Wm. Loadca, It on.
: e»ted partb-*. In this ronnmIUD Ihe
. Mia. Arthur Dewoa, Mw J. F. OilWhile tbe amt} work In all field* committee desire* lo express ID beany ,
u been steadily goln^ on Ihe finan- thanks lor the cordial suppurt gleesj
al end should have bid piihUc recog It hy our elllzi-n*. which aided mnch
nlHon. nearly 1500 being etpcnde.l In making tbe occasion so great a »t
the tvilef ot the inor andAt Yule cws.
U Robert*. Chairman,
bnndreda of hearts have been mad'- It. E. Walter. Secretary,
-- _
•tots of tbe^Tsthm glad through the dl*irlbutlon of Cbrl*t-'
baskeu heaped with plnaty for]
iui„ cr,ge.
Amqr ter tto past two years In'this
Qgblydbmi baskets were dl»-' The Pern Marquette will raise t
(dty wars said and Ctotatu
and ■III
,t» cruAbiug
croasing oi*
on West
-------- - —a yeai ago »..u
. ■ this year,;, prwur m u*
n uul Front
v ixwi*
Mis. im Muaselle again took up trihnted
(baif esoai aad atoved oa fa (to giaat dniiag tbe cold wcaib'-r food, poiaiixte l.irvcl to-conform 'vrtth Ihe grade redi«irihutcd ii>'
fo, p»vmg. • company
ted <d battle (or souls so ably aad and wood have
amMaowlr vagad ben. No vnitWer
• ..........................,-,wUl do thU. llilgatiOD win be avoided.
UMvtalml by tt. Since Janu | Tho work will probably be done aa
ftgare aver graeed a Travarae CKy pulary. laox a free lalmr buroan has bc-n *oos oa poesMc lo avoid any deUv
ptt ttmm tm'ct tto leader ct ibis
Me bead of ebrlsUan weekan (pd malDlmlned w^ k" ereatly bene ,hc paving of the rtreec
^ When proic»u were beaM against
tboagb tto war was pared with tbomi tied tbe poor.
lastaad of toaes. gouplcd with
Captain Ira Munaellc was bom In the paving of Won Front street, tbe
but straag
. o aar
Not. U, ^SSS, aad
____ _____
_ was ,..........
baaHg. (or (wo'yeaia the captain aad. west with bU pareifts whe^ bnt^K^ land stated thst the company objected
Ms wife tov« Teadwd (eetb wftb | leara of age. where be « * pitoHtallyji
atrnag. torwert toads Bad raised t^e reiaed In tto gadjte unt
MlMa.. IM
fad tto InagTT.
hngTT. (Mtod tto age, hb (atbea. belag
a Urge aiQt* ^rity abodd aid la payUi
weak aad i wtHiM (ke ^ to keattb grower. After bia marriage. Not.’i«,|uk cokL Tbe paring ■


ulity is loTv—your
cn-e cnerg)- wxhaus.t-o,
our yvstem naming don-n
ick of pott er.
The organs of the body
woilting poorlv. or not at
and vou arc not gcuinc



L T. HANNAM, Prilldiak
«. OABLAMB, CaMdar.


SURPLUS. (25X>00


A Geaenl Bggklar Bataess Dam


i per Cest lUovcA aa nneDcparils.


>d. a
nerve mciiiciof. that nouiisishcw
and Wrcnpthrn^ tliv nerves, and
sec how »iuk-l.!y \ou will get
Strong and vigorous.


"’ellSIJSI; *^'5ag!



C^EIUan. Ind


Tire Insurance!

PUktaOUss, Steam BoIIm- and Accident Imuranc*.




m ud «U VUWto RMS. TISMB Otg.

Money to' Loag on Improved Real Estate Only.

Room 310 Naw State Sank Building.

Travaraa City.

'! 239E.FmtSL.CU.rh«em

TMOS. a. •FRAout A aeM,


Cbt Start that Fins the most Prt


WapasOsaair*tabBldi„DBZS(» ^

Colrate's Demal Powder
.1 uTicsl room sia- of

Caslmere Bouquet Soap

lliesf finiclw arc not new. not exix-rimeuta; they an- |^1

(foods, ase

2!9 e. Tr*at St.
H. R. Macdosai.h. Manager

Trovcrbc City. Mich.

are sold at most satis­
factory prices! Easy
to say—and Just as easy
to prove by a visit to
our supply yard-T-your
orders for ‘ ■

Store Fronts. Veranda Work and Interior .Finish
solicited. Give us a chance to fii^rc on aoythmg
you need in lumber and materials.

Going to Build?
If so, ihe South Side Lumber Co. at Traverse
Oty is the place to buy your tnaccrial. Shop
and null work done on short notice.
a chance to figurexin your wants.


(Ubtra Cumber

Give us

W. U Brown. B

Citisans Phena. SSi BMI. I(

South Crsotrsa
Side Citv.


Land Plaster, Sifters and Spray­
ers at P. K.’s
Our Land Piaster is ground Ime and sold in nrrw bags,
•JOO pounds in a bag. at 7f)c. Use two pounds of 1‘aris

Hailnc and Haniaatini Tlnl|
will*.......... will Wiilil •■.miWe
li;iv, .1
is--rtin<-tit .if
-.*.!* from wliicb JW8
II...K s.1,-.-ti,.ns :it
»tI! pkrtAe you.
bii. ii
vili--. Siijitlis, (’r.v)liw. Kal.--*. •’’oriiA, etry
Wli. M
*(,niy \nl^>UMa .tv- lii.- lt.--li.Wtef G.m(,r-\;r Spr.iyv-r will, lli.- ■ KIcjm" n.xalc.
'I'l,, y ar- lia l»-8t made, ('..iim- m aiwl so.- ibem.

F-RANK TFRODE, 14^ Front Street
W-- l.avi- a llrsl.' '.i--- T;-. Sljup.

Green to,lMd of land plaster.
Pint, quart and half gallon Mason Jars arc on
tap now. W<: have the price and quality.
Come in
and^get the price. Rubber rings at -i and in cents a
dozen. Other things we received this »-eek are Car[>ei
Uusters, Egg Beaters. 5c Kitchen Knives. Butter La­
dles and Shoe Brushes.




Have y.-'ti ever trie^ the_

RoxbI Tic*r

tona Oo-fftotoM

Ctaatd C»n
Bo^dl tiger sad
e the best.

SoW nalr by


mmrn* ^f-ortw

Ml«* RMt
Tka lHt taM 0( tiM OUathPOM.
Wankop eentr.
tka toUavtag 40 w cf ■oae cWnti
which hara dwrtoptf faevUr la a
««TMUrfaetoiywar. tWrea»«^y

«r«d by Battle Yraaklta. Mtce FCaaktoothed DO the dVercat wan la
whkh to appnath aad wla the eoafldeaee at the adicdar: the dICereet
typaa aad chanttan ofdielh taaebai
aad achtdara wen alao wen haadlad.

foerten arilea an hoar.
Tkemctortar of Ibe beat, palated a
dark grM below the water Hae.
white ebore H. with poUabed oak
trimmtegt. h of while eedar while
latorior U to nebogaar.
eaMa extesids a KttJe over three-goerterp the leagth ef the born sad U flttod
e (bat eltot people eoold sleep
eboerd wliboot discomfort aad
r conU be aeeommodaUd

d br an Dtitorato womaa named
le OiriMa toNigt as a tort ^
•onsfat It is ^SXrgpd be eeegred ta some way a $30 mowto'order
bdoogl-r to this woma. He Ibea
forged her name <m the IxA aad Joeracred to PardrUge A taaeWweO'a
-. He porchssed a *3-21 ahln
L tbv ghiag eolor to the fem-


oMWc dty hctdiac woek la addltlai
to thnc ttmOrmm asmed. Tb^
viBg the cimnse from the order,
dOT«l<»iag tho MlDM eatlrely umpribe threw ibe walsi away and pocktoed
«to Tcotara. ao Clock belli* at
The anbjeei oC the afierapoo was
le lemalntag IlC-TS.
act €« the Mrkct.
•Trebleas PeealUr to the Field oT Clut perpoee. Jost aft ot the pilid
Over at DeekervUle. tn Mlnsfikcc
e is a stateroom coatalalng
coomr. the tonDm aad the bostaess
hare aerea HorthcfB Hlehlgaa." Ihe fr*t paper
doBble berths. Aft Is of ibU aad Jom mca rvceollr derided to build a rroain
claBH ea H* Booth aad the laoenl -The DtBcoItlea and. Hladraao
forward of the cagtoe are two foMlas cry. as has boeo done la other 0(4gb.
nny raloa par Ua la fU la soM^oa
bertha. The cabin ^ao eooulas lavs- borboods. like tteckcrrilte. all over tbr
torr aad gaiter ao that sbe eaa be cooatfT. Solteitlng for sobscrlptlonr
**18 lavottaatatrfha waa aadi
The aeeood paper was oa the nb- oaed ter toeg as well as short cenises. prospered, eveo a* H b« rlsewbcn-.
■alnriliy la Baerat Cuvaa by Jamaa
Above Ibe cabin. Just abool amid­ SDd (be rreamerr became aiwurvd
niiiwia a^ Mr. Boawtbal oa a *itnp
wm bandied by ships, U the owner's private bridge It octrurred to one of ibr farmeni
ef elalM. a baU latereat la wbleb waa
■ommaded br a polishfd braes
a mail ordiT house In Cbleago would
aold wHhla a week to Hr. Oonnaa tor Min Carrie Wood. Min Wood •
pllBed the Idea that going to ehM The steering gear Is connected np Im gratified to l<e ttttnembrred
•■•0. Oa the aorface (ba aaaay raloe
a« the lead ahowad «UAS. aad at the was hot working for the Lord bet waa from there u well es to the ptiol neighborhood from which U bad bevo
The bridge will o
it-cclvInE large and frequvoi orders
, depth o< tee feel eighteea la^ <d elaiply getUag refreabi^l ae
are waa opeaad op which ereiasad they Bl^t go oat aad work wlUr bat a immtter of people very comfortablr- praStatdr. loo. Bet the mall order
ter reanlts.
The forward cabin is a regblar glass boose cxruldo't see ll'ihat any. and
. lUS la »old.“
boose aad the whole boot Is so
saM so. In ngdy lo a U-itcr from
ranged that a clear view cao always wllrliiiig committee.
Oats Nlaety Oaya.
Oaocia BaedHU. ^ waa arreitad
be had. Tbe beam U alnC feet, which 1
^^cr house moory lovesi.-.!
The tool paper waa oa Cuba end makes here a sea worthy boat in alMat weA by BbarlS dtdauae tor »1iVckcrrllle creamery. Bu
Mead lamey e( alotbfa* aad lodsad In was ddivered by Hattie Frankllo. The moat aay water. Tbe caabkms are of!
i,,„inoas men arc toyal M
leather aad the bangings, etc., nre all
,, ,o
bulll. Bui Itjls
Id two dajw BwalUa* tnaapectattoa paper abewed the growth ef the
to Fiaaktort wban ha was wanted oa done br Prleada la Cobs from the le ezcelleal taste. It waa Hr. DUt- gelber likely
man's dosire to have a boat that br farmer who received Ibe uegitlve
a aMTSC 0t iBiesBy ptHWiad by par- ehme at the SpaaUh American
le present Hme.
bccdat be-asbamod of and unless his ply from the mall order house i
. tl« where he bearded, wac aeai
Mexleo ttoa (be next eonatry report taste Is eatiroly too fasUdlons be ecr- cDDllnue to favor the Chicago Snr
(hla waak-to alaety dan ia the Detroit
1 and the topic wos handled by B<^- talaly bas acemaplisbed fats desire.
Heaaa «( Oometlen.
•itb fate merchandise orderv. AUacfa«
It bu a carrying capacity or ibrrc to this tale is Ibe moral (hqt
Oaeroa Haakeaa le wd kaowa la- tka Wright. Tbo paper took tbo form
(Ida elty, beta* (he son o( John Baa- of a letter from obe of the teadera In barreU of gasoline, a supply snlBcIcDt
even the busioess man blaiFi-Il
TOd-mile cruise. Tbe boat Is sbonid journey (tvm his home city
kna. aaperinteadeBt tt (he eooaty >e work In M^co.
The suhieet of Africa was woM ban­ oamed after one of the plaaeu, Atey- village (or mcrchaadlsc, rather that
poor boosa. m Boardm at
flro yoan ago -a atmllar charge waa died by Lnscaa Thomas. The kmiwey
pend his'money with Us aelglil-or
Mgad agalaat yorag Baskeaa la this from the sea eeatt to the station was
Aad Uiai's whst Is done every ila>
Tricked County Offieiala
ettr tor laiMor cd-a poll ot dotbaa rividir deacribed with all tbo perils
ran in cldiltoc.-CadlWsc Nest.
One of the aharpesl tricks ever per­
etndera of the journey. The staaad be aartrad eight nonth* In the
The ' srhonner Oliver Mllehell . >■
baa beca estnbllsbed for three petrated upon Grand Traverse county
Mldlgaa nCornatorT.
lliirnn hs" nrreved »l Ivniwa1i<
oocuned Saturday mornlag when
I'aad the work aecemp
Ho was aaiTM Hay IS to Ana
lluruD. Ohio, earrylog li'Xi ton
eooaty paid the expenses of Reginald
taa or Onwn, nld to be 17 years of this time has bees amaxlng.
of'txn] .coaslgm-d lo the Pen- Mar
Mrs. D. F. Wilson, formerly a mls- Smith who waa sent through his
^ aad atrare. that the coasaat of the
auette Rieelrir
aether voold ba obtained lo a lew eaary In %oaih America, told eamo request to bis former borne In New
pany. tbe largest quaoilly erer shlnp<->
hem. wblto ceaaaM waa aarer oh> of lier-experiencea in the held mad de­ Toik. after baring received but a poor
talMl the Ueeaae batog ijaatod vpos scribed tbgitfe ot the mUslocury with welcome from bis wife, Fraaeet Smith, n !>cniwai<T. This Is one way of beat
the Perc Marrueitc rail«-ay. Ihi
aaeb HiproaaertoH<oi, Blaee U* lacar* eU lu trials aad trionuriia la a.Terr whose death occurred the day followonly rua^ there. Hr hual the rale I
leasing mnaaer.
After varkMi family dlfflrultlrs the aboat one-f.runh ehi-apcr than Ly mi:
Elbert Rossell. D. D.
di-IUi-rlng Ci> eenl« f
eollege. leetored In the Friends chord matter was token up by eoapiy otlast evening on tbe topic of Religions Adnte and It wns Qecided to return the rail at I'enlwali-r.
man to tbe state be came from aad be
r. Simiisoh hn- iK-eun sul
accordingly brought to this city against James t'an|>ls-ll. n t^clow:
“Tbe purpoee of my address U to
farmer, for »I.i"hi i<> roemer ;he valujnsUfy tbe^talUi la rellgioas edaca- Friday afternooB by the
Dm et the ao« plUfal of i
hunting dos whlrh Camphet
tlcm.:LBaJ^r. Rnssell. He then dU- County Agent O. P. Carver aad lodged
county bouse unUf tb(^ i
naebad the hoUew or the sherira eassed the reiuicm of rcligtoas edneapleaded guilty of polsuDlng and fo
taoa InH week when Hn. Carrie
whlrh be paid aAne orfje. Mr, Simp
edixaUon in general and as- morning when bo was ukra to
Oaaavay of Vallay street was reportvalues the dug at t0<N> liimpsoi
tbat tfiere was ao relatin la depot and a ticket purebased for the
east aad a little sflare change given and Campltell arc nelBhlHirs. Camp
wd to hare raa away fion I
tbe Ualted SUtos betwoea Ibcec
Jtonaea after a daj^ kaat, forms ef edneation. Tbe speaker for Innebes oa lbs way.
bell also (rioadod pillly tu ihiIi
tanked one slneo that the day valuable dog Imlonglng (o' Mrs. 8adl<
lOBBtod bar aad lodged bar U the bctmght oot.iba thoi^t that the sepaMSy latl to^^rgfTbtaiBlAattOD he
arrtv^ lo the elty he w<
Argo, another nelghimr,
hraUon of religloa aad edocallOB abut
.he «in romnieiiri- IrgnI proee.-.imc
religtee from the'adools. He'gave at
explanation of this the (act that the was an old aeqaalntaocc nnd cashed agalmd Campliell li> neoter
aad Martki. pcaaoaartng her lasaae, PnriUBt mmM)' to America to escape a money order for tZS sod showed
of ihe canine. Itesldes i
aad Thnraday at ID o-cloe^ thehemng rellgtooi pcrsoetitlcm
Hr. Roland n cerilBcate of deposit for eases, rarapbell-is Beeuw«I of isilroie
tenlg^hdfcberoro ledge Walker and BcbooU and beklde every aehool boose WOO on a Buffalo bank. He laughingly ing aniiiher dog lielonzing lu Sliupsun
■ha WM dylawly takea to tba aaychoreh. Whea those peoide asked Mr. Roteed If he cared lo cash allhniigh a warrant ha.'
sepoiatad aad moved ^'t they mlo- the iMt bank paper b« showed and IssmsI for his arr<-st on that pnnli'ulai
gM wltb othor peopTe and other peo­ Hr. Rotead said that tbough be
ebargi'. f'ampls'll was a il-'tmiy
1|n. Oewaway waa gntot aad peaee- ple’s chUdren'mlnglod with their ehU- aot Just la .shape to do so, but r
iff and II is reported that Ills eommlr
ahhinat^TbtltodaT moraine after aba droB and rather thaa have aomo one arraago where he could be accommo­ sloii has lioen taken awa> ti
else’a reUgiea tangfat their children dated.
a result of the polsoDing
That RegiBsM Smith did cash the maile roniplete ronfesBioa of hlr i«t
they abolished the teaching ot any tecortUleaic Is erldcot as AKred Welt of
Ugieo la tbe public achoola
■organ's livery bare, wbo took Hr.
oeetloo with reU^ to make the work Smith from the county bouse 4o tbe
depot.'was sboWD three rolls of bills
of teaching the BIMe oBecUve
Jgtroia In Ibe.roon
ibe.roon aside from tear- than broogbt oot aad tbe (act Umt whlefa be considered eontalaed be­
« nparol
throw- therw wore general priaclples which tween tSOO and 1600. On the iray they
ber wearing
sparel and
Ip^Mrtkm of It oat or
a (be
U window apply to aay and All
L the tonadry and be I
« <a the reot to idng np whJrii eoBid not be disregarded.
nothing, nailer than a W bill w
thapipn la Urn
wMch to-e^eem bis lauDdry.
iBcrcBSiic Atooat Woscb, Bet
Wfeaa BbMC tohaaon went iato the
quested that-oothleg be said ot hts
Sanerers Weed Wet Dcspelr
Fbneral of U B. Hall.
. .nomakeaaldtohUb^
mouey as he expected to get his ticket
AU that waa oMirtal of agod Luther
■to - ban toihg acoM pftaty crooked work
out of the county.
B. Hall, who passed away from pneu- hero.-sad to lodge frtto (be
Reglaald Smith
Of aM toediarases known, with which
water that was abeotlng ool ef the moala at the family home Ti»
a resident of this county and munird the female organism is afflicted, kidney
^ 'S, opan aodtof tbo pdier pipes aad the evening, was laid to rest la Oakwood a few weeks ago after an nbsonre
disease is the most fatal, and Kiaiisiiet
ahowUtot tills diaeaae Uon the LDcmaaC
gworal anuh-op <Can that cooU be cemetoiy -Tbanday aflernoao after ten rears ostensibly so he stated
brokea ft looked ohtbp^
friends lo raise n mortgage up(A I
had bon going oa. -Ao ease U va- teenlh Street Helbodlst dinroh. which (arm where bis wife bad resided runhsaaBy plUtol u tbajoether of Hra. eras aned wRh trieods of the deceased Untwosly. His homecoming
CWmwiy eemaahted anieida wbn to- who had come to pay thdr teal irtbnlc of the piraaaatest and he departed
■in hr drowalng hmelt Is a eiatero to tbe dead.
without paylag aay of the ladcbted
Rev. J. W. Miner oadated. Uklng Bess and tbe afflicted woman died
apd a brother Ftaak. a few yoan'ago
nsnd his own deoib wblla tasaae by as tbe text. Job 1». chapters TS-S«-t7. day foDowlag bis departure. Both
^aaplag fatto an Joe eold baib wbOe
Ur. and Un. Smith were paralytics.
•anmy ID. the act caaatog bis death. deemer llveth.Reginald SmlUi. altos -John." Ik re^
la closing fate senoan Hr. Hiller
Straageto^ aB of the iaberUod teoputed to be s gemieman of tetsore. or
paid tribute to the worth and loog
Aaaey te tmded toward water In SOI
la ptela words a gambler, aad durii
and aseful life of the dece
term as arery oaa hSTO aUenptod
bis palmy dayw bSfore hxwmotor
^ (heir Urea by water. Hra. Cea- apoaklag of' hla tHbutelions. betag ataxia wracked blta pbysieally
away ratuaed home tram the aayloB crippled (or so many yean
tor Uvev ever graced the north and
throe yoan ago aad today onto nten tfaroogb this thought be apoke ot the nothing wns too good for the man wbo
^rj.omma JoivyerJ
ttato leariag o tbroo moatbhold baby life OB tbe olber tide of lu peifeel- never enlled n bluff without making
Wlio la Saiag eared tor by Mr*. RoS- aasB. There, he said, was no boager good. He left here Id all probability
I'nirsw early aad correct traatraent is
■aatar. She elao learea six other ehU- Bor thirst, aeitber pain aor '
to spend bit last days with Us mother applied
the patient Seldum sutrivea
dna. bar daaghter. Hr*. Cera LartfL Brother Hall, who a few days ago
wbo rcaldbt Id the east.
oacc the disease U fastened
.. I'inUham's V,-c»ti
ramalatag with bar tola motatog aatU ao (nil of pala aad sickness, was at
rest. Death te coramoa aad bleased U
_____ he mgst rflick-nl tn
r kidney troubles of v
Stats News.
tbe Lord. As a teat tbooght Ur
The Cnilcd States aolboriiles at De­ and is tbs only mcdklae especially
Hiller spoke ot the good o(d Term
Qoartarty Haatlnt of Frfnda.
prepared for this purpose.
family from which Hr. Hall came, a
troit have oa thdr bands one small
VMm Thstadars Reeord.
When a woman Is troubled wRh pain
boy. named Joseph Friedman, ebargr-d or weight In loinK. backache, Irequrat,
Tha trot iioeluu of the goarteriy log that be waa a Poritaa. strong
with paaslag a forged money order, painful dr scalding urination, swelliag
■aallai of the FHaoda ^oioh
of Umhs or feet, s^ing under tbe
Tbe remalaa yrere borne to thetr teat and they don't know what to do with rTTi IB TT---------feeling in the
held to toe «MRh wt 10 thM toot;
■rcMog place by tbe following friends; him. The federal law does not permit rer'woftbTlriJneysorootteesakrirkThe niiliii this meralag woe <
Henn. A.*W. Toong. lAidetag. Reben- Judge Swan to send hi mto the refonn dost sediment in the urine, ahe should
atm. Wells, Joliiiaoo aad PeH. U. L. school, aor docs It permit hlaf to com­ with Lydia R l>inkham'a Vegetalde
torad tor thaw
Carter had eh^ ef the foaetBl or^ mit the tad . to the bbqse of rOrroc- Componud. as it may be tbe mesas of
(loo. Tbe altomey general. It is said, saving her life.
U Began, pastor at the
e asked to commit bla to some
lanitutlon. Joseph te voir 12
O. W. Dtltmab of CtodaiAU.
years old, but be has soceeoded. in fate
apoaad at I thie aftotaooo oader the
Indmohlf ot Bert tohaaoa. goarurly with bte tomlty^ are speadlw the brief eilsteace. In leavlag a trail of
B* prnatratmn and a
___trnuUw ItoAxWir
lb Axwir sltesvM
• mtallag ■toartofndrot ef Bible oehoel -bummer at Omcna. rocelved oa Friday rmoke. Several wltaessea. scenred by
work.. The oerrlee opened with aeag the baadaomeet teimeh <m th^ bay (^ goverasseat. have stated that be
aad isnrar wUeh ww toilowod by aa Tbe new boat te fony-gve feet la bad attempted to .ermimit varteoa
addtOM oa *Tha Heads of the Bondar
Maihewn Boat compaay of Itemae
him lato trouble was the Uleged wemam I emiwW (nlm tttooUcUy. aad I
Brheto as the Baperlatndeot
mOevaVT raffwteg womaa abmii my mas.*
<tok>. Tbe'ei^ te.-^ropelted by
ftaodoteot ladorsement of h 120 moo^ Mrs Eama Rswyv, Cooyws. Oa.
tarty-bone power Loaier Teer eyde order. In eagtaewiag 'this dral. JoHn. rinkbam gives free sdriee to
The aokt aatobar OB tw oftmi
wtnne»: addram.iii goofttWoce, Ljoa.
engine nnd Hr. Uttmon betleres thnt
^ program waa a papar ca Tbe
* u rrtmtr yrdK"
waa dour- she wm be capatoe of hotter then




of (be Hlehlgaa Natloa-i ated U1 aspsmlty W tsatag wtUag
dirido* beeweeajfsrther
irther to
I prrvcwt
al Oward
radev. \
loala aad Fpsilaatl. A mscUag was Leader,
bold Rcewtly at ahleb the iwxr scaala aecrtlllBg Ibe y
ywosg DM pieseat. The eaptala
lies ,iho ^agest emptaye it
Shore A
S»uth»D>«hA-. He has al. .
J w. .............
, BW a quota "f ♦" °>«1- The »U« com I MfoUgaa Southern^
lady SmtafOO tortures Wltil RCBI^ pan) wilt tHorgauiiEed St snecCMf ofi
unerasl to railroad
S^pHuOnr—OneBotofCuti-company O. wboi-e capiam ww j «„rk. and draplM-hte years to weU inC«»a n:..lituml aiwl An* Aaka tJ lOracrml Kidd. It waa Ibrnogb hte
besides Iwlac owe « (fce'bam
Vin^l^ana w mm «•
romitasy U loral.-d' .< m,. j„uager operators oa the Lake
Citnira Slap Cured He.
Ion la.
Ab carhsDgv says Ibai many farm-1 -Rd- Crorn. ibi- Texas railroad maa.
f who plaated pniai-n-* this >>-ar cad eon ot urii Hetty Gns.-n. baa beuwvi sulphur taMi-ail of eovrewHw eomi-a prartical OorlraKurtst. He has
for potato M-ab. ih<- furoK-r IKin-bascd a pared e< land near Balias
Ix-lng roosidi-rx-d wk •'(fiv-litv
tallir. whirb Ix-lng a rank potKon
"Hy scalp was coeeved with lilll*
, ph-aeani artirl. to ha\ «• sroui
ptmpte snd I snflcrvd tortura from „ ,u|pbnr doew tbe bu} ln.-v^ we pre , ,«*. prarilrally all of whlrh Mr, Cra««
the Itching. Iwasscratchiaguallday
,o,pi,urous Unguag.,j„ own. and a fln.-.pywi.-moftrrigatSlhJj
■“ 1- iDsupurax-d. the wuer
Coticurt top and Uira applied the - prire* teat 5 >-sr's oro(. l.n.ughi. ..bvt- pressurr lo !-■ ■< city imwer.
CnttruraOiatnuntasailrtnsing.Oac i______________________________i
. _
■ ................
of Cnttcura top cured me. Now my
bead is entirely clear and my hair to
growiags|dcD>lHlly. f hare used Cutienra top ever siace, aad shall never
bewithoutit. (slgacd) AdaC.Smith.
3G9 Grand Sl.i Jersey City. N. J.-

MAUD mfk


Cniffted Scalps CiMased and
CuUcura Soap
AssixUd by light dtesrings of CuUtbe great akio
a cure.,
cure.. tThte
Bent at ooce stops falling I
___ /cs ernsU. scales, sad daud:
destroy* bair parasites, soothes
taUd, Itching surfaces, dtemnlstcs the
hair fallicics. loosens tbe scalp skiaf
supplies the roola with eniTgT *»d
Bourisbment, sad mskci tbebsirgrow
upon s isrert, wbolemne, licallfay
s^p when sll vise failA
Complete cttrrasl sad iulrnial
trrstmcnl for erery litiiaour. from
pimples to sCTofuls. frra iufsary to
age. eousisting of Cuncurs top.
OiBttnvBt. and Pills, may now be had
of all druggists for oee dolUr. A
tiuglc act is often snficieiit to enre
the most distressing cases.

hn-w the pnlsoo'-d foo<l In the Slmp-on dour yard, lie claims that he had
ann-iyu-t! by the dog* and did nol
r.wliri- that be '
riiDO Ir I
leoies any rnoncriiiia with Ibo ren-ni
srbulusak' poisoning <if dogs at Ms
wuwa.park- It Is said that Ihu 8lm|>ion and Arno d<Uta and them- al Maalawa were polsooed on the samt-


f atUic




These machines are carried in stocks at our Aop an3^
can be seen in operation “burring" wood. —


To Cure a Cold in One Day

Aspinwall Spraying Machines



You cannot afford to Ici the insects, blij^lu and rot spoil your crops when you
can jjet one of these “Sure Shot" Machines that does the work riyhi. and at a
GRE-AT SAVING IN TIMK. I.ABfJR AND MONEY. A trial will convince you"
that the above statements arc facts. I r your acreage Is nol large. |>erhaps you wUI
want a hand sprayer. WE HAVHtHKM~ALE KINDS-KNAI'SACKS. COM­
PRESSED AIR AND ATOMI/.KRS—the greatest assortment ever shown. Now
is the lime to get one and be prepared when the bugs come.
Yours for “Qualiiy and Satisfaction."

Farmers Supply Co.
127-135 State Street

Traverse City, Mich.



JL4 ». L w CABB

e Bade wltbimt paeap thnmpb

ada. Ordera pa a M adaiaat
UmSoa. Jm U-A Vtonw«ipate(i
Rffrtto lrtl*r«
tii*« tor hU eotaldlafy dsnatea. tat la tbl*
tbey Tin CO for both alcaatera
•roM SL RManbwi MV ■ pM ta SMr
■ed eerntar.
mp »• ctMtf «r IHiiNNj* «Mr M«
tmp SM» siMYMad. Th« ear
Che Inperlal fcmU>r ha pUona a
Weahtactae. Jaly IJ.-Tbat l
«Mp « the cMtie Swrtng the eeninf
vWt a the wnpear a Maee««r. It ie iMI be a cMhaiu laeeMItaUoD of clK
apoftei thet 2» pemde *f Spiaelte
tn la the postofflee d
teara femd hi the cellar. May eh
aate ha«e been made. The ear N m- partmeol Tbich; reeulted to the ooperad a ha*e' gi*a» pp 0» IdtP ti eartblBg at the Tbolesale eyitcB cd
aeyteg a lllaheja atha the diaeeeery Itrafl mod cormptlon erejo* hot laPL WHM telaeiad.
8L Peuntmrt. Jalf U.-oadal lathe SedKaMka

this ■Qraas. WlUa Till tali ee Nortli
OerMM Uord ctaaa lUlaer W1Ihaln der Oreaa tfoB'dacrboart. Jaly
'9f. ■
■ TM tvpolotaeBt clotbca H. Witte
^liS ptaoMT pcnaea ppd ftsare

Bears the

trobtad odhdal at the dc^iariiDoat to

<d M.

cole laqalrtea.

WMU a heed the Bwitoii paa
^iakci «w arverded a WedUactM

Eaet Jordan Nawa.
It Jordaa. HIriL. Jely 13.—Tcaierday Praaldeal U A. Hoyi at the »nlace traa terred wltb a aoBBoee



aieoclac a adit tor daBiacea acaloat
tbe Tlltace by Ufa. Addle Pearl who
rialBU to bare bece la|ored by briac

For Over
Thirty Years

thfOTb from a bosKT. oo« *»"*' of
bleb weal Into a ditch on Slaib

ilfCT lfae4ilCh poeHloa.

reel eoaietblos like too yean iro.
R N. aink la bPf attorney and the
oeaat aaracd la the nammooE Is.oM

MtecUoa of U. Wme li reprt•d here aa exoclteai eridenev that (be

For Infanta and ChH^n.

The Kind You Have
Always Bought

erlubto. It U belireod that Secretary
o bu decided upon that courae.
The aecretary trill likely appotot a

OSeelkn of


etfh la realty rerdy tor peace.

to eaceed M.OM.
Max. Praacr. oaie of (be leadlac merebaori

Will Kill Trepoff.

or Empire, baa-


retiicd (he

nrssand Loss OP Sleep.

Clecn brick bloek at tbla place and U

■L Peicnhdii ihly U.-Th# leAor

moTlac bU atock late ibe aame.

Icta eeuiaoe thresu acaloat K. Trp. pol the DOT hMlataat BlnWer nT the
lelertor. Tbep toU hio ha lur traUt
flWiW tb the atreeta but be


killed la Ua ore bed.



CohdeM TeicBrama.
Bcaloa llarb^. Hlch..ialF ll-Ftlty

be bead W aheop of fenry breed, oraed
by' Praek Jofaoxni ctf Namol were

BaoacTetl iccelrcd tbe


sadoi' frw -Ratala. Darim Roren at
. ITT I----------- bill today.


killed la the acid la*t night by doc*.
m Till ncted ISOfl. \TUhln the
embaa- past meatb over a handred abeep bare


The aaral yacht


In tbla


johOM Ibrcatena to am tbe tows-

chip to reeoycr daiaaeea for fallaro to
Me* :Tork oaMr tbe permM caeon of ootorce tbe dog laa toT.
Aailalait Saeroury of Statd Pierce.
ChrlrtlanN to riirli.iiana. women fHI
Bodtoa. Jaty 14.—Oencral Leonard family of tllGlaka. It ha.s beer, duly
Bwas took laacbeoe with PreNdeat
on thidr kne<-t to pruy as hi. ear
Wood baa andergaoe a euccesafnl oper­ maintained by the rarbwii hoad* of
pa>y<-«k iK'Ileiliic the iiiai liiiie to 11'n
ation at Cape Qod for the rpmoral of Ihc.f^lly for four centuries. - An KncL, July H.—Affariaa
that alxml mon^lor nml a sislialloii (n>cu bi-ati-ii.
bony rfMrih on bla bead eaaml by Usb commenlalor notes
spreadlac^ «pMl» BB aeeUeot aererail y«ra aco- Gen­ twenty yuarx ago a dlsimle
1 part of eral Wood U nseoverta* rapidly from proroflencc arotie between two btaneb.Baaalaaad ao tar aU eflorta to iSeek the dfecta of tbe opetaUoa,
of tho family and iha
(J^ Maorder bare failed. The ilUiapipmidly nctUed by rccoiirae l> llie MJilar^J^oIy.^A. 11
i R

(lo« te rapidly bectanlac aUmlac aa


diary and the dlneoven' of the roeord

ta Bflborltlra nf earbwt RorcninmtB
ThoiT tbe lonaBti have, riaea asalaat tbla aeetlon of the rximiUy aceordlag

dinner gjTcii 3»n or non yttar* acn
by the l»Td of ih- family to the found-

> Daalel Pnlmcr. Tho aaya be aa*
able to onpa with ym aranaod people.

trip to MoaeuT There he expected



■ ..I lb.
8omo TDonth* ago I‘re-lilenl Iloo -e

>c Wednesday nev Tnrnbtill lake.

Hr. palmer bra Talking near the Veil iHIcred iliU tsrtlma'e of Elihii
lake Tlih aho^ on tbouMer. n-facn Root; -fn John Hay l,hi
anddealylErnlntal loomed up large secretary of *laie. in PliHaml.-i Kuyx
a blm. Uoth he and tbe bear
have a great attorney general.

IMW a procIamaUeo tor the eonroUag
to a dead «wp and eyed esdi
otter tor a minute or Ito. and then
Mr W 1»- “Tii fecit aaaaaala
Titt a bear abrng tbe bear turned
of ^'oBl Sbaraloff, prefect of pMlc« rouad aad walkod oE. “And 1 Tsa who Is now there. Afnl. In nddn ion. be, QH»
<t MweoT, Mm flanaed the emi
mlgbty gUd of IL" Mid Ml. Pulmcr.
That pndtably wbal none of tfae»e
and hla adrlaen Taraed him noido r>
OttoTa. OaU July IS.-A riolant exto StoneoT.
ir. Ellhu Root U the iiIiI.-m
An bnportaat deerpe haa been
PM cmatlBK


lOr all

. tislal* totaaeei > aeawdaai*

kMfcm oceurrM aLttoOomlnlon Cart- I have known In .mr K«vernnn ut
rides tminmr'a bigareensl at Brouaa- vice. 1 will EO fnrther. He l>Quebec, There the goibiu
greatcsl man that liu* appeared in

ating nxnn Muaod tbe cxpIdaloB.

aslrous strike*.

more than a hoadred Toended by t

fr,* tbe Onnty .d Urwiri Tr»

asth day of AuBoat. A. D. !90S.

In .New York city,.so


’ M;—In Tter of


o' Ur-n*


aame time found tbcm all tllU-d to

G«L Uooard- Rhod. ihcro la iHUe

ororfloTlog. At a mnaalrr meedag for
only 300 men annouaeod Ibi-ir

Oyater Bay o

DbeaseUkes no simmer

|( you need Resh end
ttojU. <«

room tor doebt that the next army
order to be laxeed arill be or
' In Ocaetal Wood frao bit dlriaton

ri J^ T
•>>d Julr-'

h dladpltoartan In one. and tbe foeUng
Senalor Knox 1> aooieiime* a gt
here U^that ctrillaa emplores tU emu* giver to TOrthy eniou-*. Sln.rtlyfeel aafer la Paaania Then they kno^ after tbe LUzurd of 1S9K
that the man erbo deaned Caba U la resenting a Vbsrilablc orgsiiiuthio
railed on him st^hl* uRce and a*ked

CnawiU tr. ttl

'd ..n-



blm for a eonlriboilcio
notUng. bnt bU Caban career ahoin buying coal (or tbe |uor. Ur. Kunx
that be kaowa laaeb about matraeta, promptly wrote his name on her
and that be taM tbe ld«a that la the per and opperite it a Bum so large (hatlTiww^



ttrial the coalracfera ahould be anb- ytM wish made. Mr. Knoxr- lnqalrodIdSS22riwr
jMUt to army methoM and army the mdy. looking la hit face. ‘I don’t T"“■

■ the reply. “Wbetter the •
It Preuldeat Roosevelt gtvea (begePeral tbe iBSlHoa of a mnitary adju­
tant, TM a Triton order cf any fclad
Thicb tattoTM mattan of tmponance

All must


lots will be

for spot

for holtliiii: as an-iiivcsimrm.

Of tos TSter Tsy. *
Sbe i* on rrlcodly term* with the ei
OeahrmI Wood waa a amgeoe before lire** aad tbe dowrager ciu|-fva* and
be TM a soldier. He la a doctor and highly rwtecm.-d by the crar.

'^'aVtl^nk^ulaM'b,' XIAitaynt Jwly. A D.

ib.-tuJ t.

m<wav^«^Iiy*Sd‘ iwarls*«r.« ray part










I Mirluvwn, (raid l5aar> Kgv Mu
■ .* It, Biw* Ihrro.f w, m», 1» Bwnaary
i4y tb> wairawf 'bn du. ra tu6 rar
1 iorlu-nBcinn',|»l. Init-n-iwad raraF
r-f for 1,1 ..1.1 n.i>rlciu.->' Tl>. pra.hra
->l-l .r, d.M-n)..l la MHl TB<«1n«w aa
- - ' 1. ih. T‘n.mhin'd


Come qni' k




of tots.

te W fact, ttaero Is crciy erldmice Peleraburg a^ ahe TU In Rinne. belorr
that the army oSIcers here hare pri her hiiabaml tss Iranaferred .............

the fair caller alnp


xcfpiinn IvJ, I'xt. IM. which must be

.As the price woiib! lx: m.vde accordin;:lv and

▼ate Informattoa that Oemial Wood preueoi i.iai. ray* Lcalie'* Weekly.
win itand acBUBM arer tbe Tork of Mrs. Meyer lr> a clerer and cJiannlnB
drSlan and aoMIcta Ih the balMlag
delightful .nl^naUier.

I’nawit. Uoa. rngHL WwlBtf, Jodfs st



‘It TOOY go to l>ed till we
' MMC that the mb Tbnae geod adll- gun ibe cducalkin of i!>
* parent*
iary land eanilary Toih in Cuba
eariy.Ur». George Von l.,eBBerke Mi-ver.
made tbe Baperrmias chief of the Tile
labor bt canal eaastraoUon. Aa a mat­ RuMln. I* becoming u prqiular In St

^ '

PERE Marquette

if sold at one time and for cash down, woiihl i>c

. dUO la WaaMniitoa. are a aall to

itoth the preaWeal’s iltaln Till be

L UWKWOUt».<». P a Y A

’ ““'“■'.w


gununcr fls in winter.

OBeera of tn army already aerylac cbIM o( IS month* out late ai night
the perambnlalnr. «bo*c mother aSid.

' la CDBSectJaa Tlih the canal. Tho


Till be

Scott’s Emulsion

aad detalllBC blm tor doty oa the trib- rbIM who bu Dol learned obedk-nre
age of t never learns It. T

matm of llriag up to agreemeati
to tlma of deUvery and quality of

Traverse "City.

The whole bunch of

- ilf." £■'•&*■ V. ± .Xi TZ.

BBd'meellBgB la 77 rbnrrbea


larijely built over, and t'ood lots are

not easily obtainable



Ttalnlag tbe Cbriallan Rnd<'.aror-

If* ^'^UeraiHSii at

Twin iia. mm. wtrir. ID Ua la. wads MtvB
^ r^^iuxeBmaw «a r. •


lie wps llK-flr'-t

Ocneral News.
BaUUnore felt a gn*l Tire v
llgioda seal Sunday after ■ tc<


I lr\wii < «l»r'-ht wwd Pm vtwrHW '
>1 - It V.K. wad t'idw' ,'ily wad Uehraib^


Handsomest Lots in Oak Heights
addition is now

ai burl about the bead and back.

kUM and ll« ToeadTirBuaiy ■«'


the most charpiiniv aildithm

lag Bad planderiBB ndr «» dTcniaca on tbe dark and nobody Tax Injnred
M the JcTa. Tbe OTaera of tbe houses but the engineer of tbe flyer, Calvin
Miller, Tbo Jumped from (he engine,
The caaaakies are repMed at tero

LOT 182
LOT 183
LOT 184
LOT 188
LOT 230
LOT 235
LOT 236
LOT 237
LOT 1^6
LOT 203
LOT 211
LOT 212

These are all early selections and are the

unions have Ixs-ii dissolved and

rrlaburg. Pa.. July IS.—The PcanpoUee h rtat a( BiBlyaUtk. FMaad.
S.'tl meniberw lost, tvliile In the etiiirr
aylralila flyer, caatboand, llw i
. AatLSemItic RloL
Plate 17.111 anon tave_q'ill
B««b; inly U.-AO aaU«emlllc cigbtaea bear (tala betTcea Cbfc
one hundred and slxty-ii,.- ''rstnka-i
Ner Tork atrnek a t recked
twtbreak haa oecarred at Jonfor.
prorlae^ ct Labia. Rsmla. A mob of freight train Tbile ronnlag at lop
»,«M penoai. maay of them Tomn, ap^ west of Pott Royal, near thlr la the ran,e time only W m-w lU.lon*
amde an attadi on Uc ctaeito. wredc- dty. this Borolag. The flyer remained


LOT 214


Mto It
public life Of any reiilttry. In any
poHee raided a bomb CKtorr'st Stepb^ Carrottbrn, Jofia /^anln. sltlon. on ellher side or the oeean
' aita, Tran 'Oaowla.
capiartac TbomM Cariebda BBiHa|ri(cair Lar- my tlmP-‘;
adaety-oae p^ect bomba ready for marcbe Tcro kUtod-ittd sert^ badly
Unions In New York In the last year
Injurod. A InadlB^ pUtc la (be deton have sullero.1 heavily because of dis


Also One Acre Lot .'smsm.
in Birchwood li^B
Froniin;' East Bay s rods


runnin;; hack Jb

less a slrijriwo roils wide on north Mdc-





very desirable lot in this b«;autiful suburban s|>ot.


123 From street,



.t tb«a da-

[iJV-ww to an- TV. wait «a» half of thasstob TBart.* of arniaw twratythraa. (aww
Bwr— U .T.'WBia Lalaastac or tn aay whaspnATmp-mwn
n.c-1 a. Trarrr*

‘'it^Run'a unuKon.



ol wawd

CbUM Cherrie*. MM Ita dufc
trtth shared lee. Add loor tableajmoBS
^•Uw. wkkk an
rteber aad bare a better Bawx. took d tbe toxed JeieefABAWrto and dp
earriaUy aad pU, am------- ■—
pleaiy of lae aacar aad
BMIat Cafce^ Wm
freeaey. Be eat* to nwor
leaore cake frM> tbe te UgbtV. thee eoTcr aad pad tbe freeeer la
.e (be tins wlib
ct the to MUaadleetortwebourB. Serre with
•ptfaL* ahd the brlsbt
« umeha a eerie* d aattoial t
aaaaliri drfpriags or lari before put,Oaring thee
tlag la tbe dongb. After baking allow
- And I knew.- laaihlafly eaU Jeaa
Cherry Drlak—Wad aad »ie» ripe,
U aptu oc too m4
Then wars pea. emrerth. a wW. rorw* •> totatl-. are HI glroh as art^aaUr aaad i
> jae. ‘wheo the arieuieraUc Hra. A— red cberrlea. weipb.
ted day -are brmte by
Ihe toetsB of tbe tin eaongh to start
TaUb«rM! w Bdadrtat air UtUe table,
poaadt of tbe fr»H add three quart*
ever eaw the oM autre aor the-heete- d boUlap water. Place oxer de Bre ibe lard bHiIba. and with a broad- their reutiv** aad friate la thaeaualria* aamad. and thsa* ter try
nade capboMil. aad I do wot doubt rbere they wfll tteep tor two boon. bladed kaUe loosen the cake ftOB Ibe Buy b* aroared that Ihtar are the real ttM*.
a>ntf« t* her PM
The fouowlng IBdlaa redpea arelynuag people do today at their “rora
The bMd u> «Ueh yow eMi »• eet:
bat ahe told ihe eery aext lady up* Make a eymp with oae and oae«alf sides of Ihe tie. Then tip the cakh
forward aad pry gcntlr along ibe side eoaiributed by E E. MUler . wboae fa- ] roaslAShe^, et Ute*e mmu. the tweetaet ____ Bbe MUed that -Hra. I- a lltoe Plata of water aad
booae area ao char»lii*ly artletle.- Bbe pound* of aucar. Wb« It cook, clear of tbe eake. with tbe Up of kaUe
thcr wa* one of the diet whiu seulera ]
bottoB of Ua. If the cake U very rid. |& the Grand Ttareraa rwgieu.
did aol know It wai toy 'iiolni of boll for tea mloutd. Wh« the
The foUowlag reclpew are glvM hr
“•Aod year pobt of Hewr I arted. eherrie* are mR pour into a Jelly taap na knife ell aronad the loaf, prying
■WbM lUpm are AaiK tU «eep»y hlae.
“•Ouly thla.- aad ber rolce taliered and etralB out tbe clear Jalce. add tbe every Inch of the way. then slide out drea born la tbls pan of the state ad Mrs. Mary i. Wolfe, wboee father.
She ha« her tmildee. mm m n
mue-trttoi (be -dark' cotaae. or eyrup aad boll together for ten (all onto a plate. Layer cakes, too rich to hh boyhood waa tpeal largely amoag Her. George N. SBllb. eaa»e to NorthBho* hu thM roar Iota ti tnie—
port aa a Blsslooary to lb* ladlaasla
be maored while warn, can be
ladlaa pUymates. la wboM bOMOs be
Tell her eo! ;beo I cauBOt Tab oat' the uaaifbUy nte*. Then cool and keep oa ict for
aged the sase way. Yoo wlH find that
apoti. ijoat turo lay had upM tbem. day before aervlap.
metbods of eooklBC IMS. Many of tbe redpea will be
foVd especially good wben pTMOied
solid loaf docolatr. Bolasscs
aad lace about,' aad'-ber rolee'grew
Mr. Miller stales (hat the foUowlag.
There «u tlM yea thoefU U bUee
Cherry Ida* for Cake-Boll oae eu
byiounplag panlea. or for pleak sap­
Tory low—1 do aot tell lolka;' ouly
T« CM (be (erM'of Me Um :
lulated »u*ar with tour table^
have a beogr daror and keep tsoltt aceorilag to the methods girea, as pers.
IbePather. Tbat'a all.'
ipoMtul* of cberTT lulee uaUl I
-Maud li rery (rirokNU: but ebe thread* from a apoM. Hare ready the
aartbiag that Is served oa ebolee
eat boBie after I eald ‘a tew tblaci.' white of oae etg beaten tiiff aad beat warm. A iwo-crnst pie. nnlest
china. IB Uie luxurious bote which
Take greea corn before It glosca.
Tmt levc ter her le he mietak*with aoaieihiBs I hope »ay do ber tbe boiling *ticar aad eberry Juke Into Juicy, caa also be taken out of the tin
bU ctalldbood
Tm (eeitt. aree»l»t, or**«k*~
Just sa easily as a cake. la the trst there were oaly Indian wigwams. Mr. lAy Uie ears la bat asbea for about
hallow little aoul r>od. Happlaeei tt bbUI thick
0Mt oMoeel lit Ter her idM.
place greue (be tin aod then don't let Miller’s aaBje aooag tbe Indians 1* half an boor uaill the keradt of
aad atoery are aot depeadewt apoa
TeU her »e! aztemato. bafatoply the polat of rtew
ae ^11 scalded. Bbell aBd dry.
dellgtatful to •erre with afteraooa - the pie boll, after the aad'
Cook with bean* for tnccotasb la tbe
done. Hare a grate, or soBeUiliig Hat.
DM1 eet. tf ehe h*. pt*eea ber prt*e'. to wbieb our Urea are adjwled.
or a* a rHld with meata Select large
and slip under the tin as Boon as II
‘Tbr erery IB life baa aa eqohlltiac flue cherrlea, leariag all the hob*
Aa tbOMh te pleaae her were a extoe;
uri wa^ and
If ehr yea tored ber. BoWa (he tto^ eompea^ioni.aad a dally tamhif our Wa*h and dry. thd pack In wide
Indian Hot Caka.
THI ber eo! taeee towanl tbe euaay bite of Ua Bouthed Jan. Make a sweet pickle b) up^ero.1. A berry pie wfll be Of to. little salt; pal It-oul 0 Uie tOTB of a
lour, add a much of *M^d
laadMhpe wOl tweetea aad rtrify '
sMldtag together one quart good eldci tie ralne If Ibe pie bakes too fast, aod cake, dig a bole la the hot ashes of Uie qaartev of a teaipooBful of a^^^
4 Band ttNsl.
SmU ratarB. rM w
darken path.
rtaegar. two pouad* of uigar, onebaT yet It Bust bake tat enough to keep e&mp fire sad pul It la to bake, cover­ Break Into iiaalheske* and pat with Makl*B.Mas*..VTlia*i
Ah behareAMd d b
-But tbe Idea of a wocMn Uke Hi
ounce ead doves. eUannon an (he under ernst froB belog soggy; ing with hot asbet. When done, tap ,tbe band naUI they become Bat cakes
abooiayssTscoassacsmUeatvseBsdf ,
Havta like hwa wei
eriUdalas sty leal laaaie. Jeaa'I
mace, lied la a thin musUn bag. Pou
about aa large s* a plate, aad a* thla to th* treahle* looBllar W oar sez..sad
this while hot over Are pound* tart seldom bare even a leenoa pie run here. peel off the outer crusi. and the
Sprinkle wHh Bear to-pre- as Iloaad that all that vs* said of this
Dear Lori. Uod Uwd.
Inside will be found to be dellckioa.
efaerri^ eerew tbe top* of the can.
TiMAr* ber<aiid beta alMe;
medlclBS was tra*. I aa pleased Id eaOiaekrai Lori. 1 pray
A rartalioa of Uib b made by Uktag reat imBes stlcklag. and bake in hot
OB tightly and keep ta a cool dark
«ea you knew aheh alt yoof own:
Tboo wilt look OB-all I lore,
so wteli teal aete Mtotto
tree biaach with sereral smaller oabei (DM coal*) tweety-flre mlnale*.
place. Thde will be eatable la two
OM1 wan to -(wre It oo a atooe“Thl*
I* a good recipe lor plcnlriief* to
Teaderly today!
braacbes oo it. Strip ott the leaves
day*, but Bonow and iBptorc wttb (be outer edge of Uic aader ernst.
TeB her m!
SB UBbroken riug. Too much flour
Weed tbeir kearta of wearlaeai;
Cut Ibe dough Into kmg ttrtps and use. Hot beach saad oaa be used
ceaod rite (tof m aitm tea /
equally a* wHI as aatos.
Soaiter erery care
Merer let her bMrt irow ooMI ss grow strong. dUdptoteiaaterry Ice—Rotnore the stooe* and the under crust make* It tough, and an weave lit sad out among Uie braaches.
DowB the wake of aatel wiaca
•dteTaegmi so otaF *«Brr.
UMer beasito will uatoU;
sterna from a quart of Juicy eberries. apirie pie needs a richer crust than Stk-k the main branch In th? groand
Nut Cakas.
Bto H wertt ber wHfbt la coU!
WiBDOwlac the. air.
earing all of tbe Juice. Cover tbe fruit any olher kind. (Remember this when BO Ihe dough will be over tbe Bre and
To two quart* of Boor (aka a bbsII
TeU her to!
let II cook until done.
wllb a pouad*of graanlated lugar a^d pulling In tbe wuler. and then use
—Delrett Free PreM.
aet aside for aa hour. Presa tbe cherAll releaae tmo pain.
mixed, cme^ourtb taavMafal salarDt. sf^srlmaa, PresIdSot
Kero. (FbV
rtas tbroud a regcUble preas to ei- rolled out s-iih.l Measure nut ts
tSt the llpi d lauftater
slu* aad a Utile sail. Add eaoo« otThe B*rUaaa8*altsrtuia.CoIambut.
Take a tsb Just out of the wai
iract erery drop of Juice, Strain tbU. third* of a eujrfdl of sugar Imoro
O- to tro* medleal sdvtea. All eaertoOrerflow asalu:
aeedcdl. put onc-ihlrd In CTfater. t
. e A h«4 t^l of thaakftUe
run It on a crotched sUek. and cook it , water lo make a very sUtt dough.
Aad with alWbe needy
RDDdd thl* thoroughly, break oS small
9 A thtohlaldl d eate,
of water and the uabeatea white* d letting 11 touch lb. flour: put In 'the la the some way ss tbe bread strips.
O dlrlde, I pray.
bits and roll ao thla tbai they are
• AaoalcCel
;app1t-s; a.Id a ploch of salt and spice SkiD it before serrlog.
three egg*. Turn Into
Thlf raat treaaore of oonteat
traaspsreuL Col la strips aad fry In __ touad la the market, or wiih
grind unUl stlS, Pad down aad leare to tasle. Wvi ibc .ilge of under
That la Blae Utday!
piping bot lard. Tbit la deUdous.
soap and flne Mad or'slfied wood ash­
uatJI needed.
• A ktad word ae a key
lag. Slid vHth
es. It 1* a very good plsa to ea*^
e r» ope Ike door aad (TMt the day. •
Cqrn Fop»id In WhK* Band.
Cool Drinks For Hot Days.
the weam to .-sea,- from. »■"•«*
»,„und Traverse Qty from
the-tlaiag erf the refrigerator. If It caa
Plaoe while beach sand la a keUle
: e , Wbata-ar It brtst to thaa,
,qn*w* make a dellelou*
Oatmenl Water—Place uro ouaces crusts logeiher all around Ibu edge j
ooe tucceesfully. bot It must be
OBTry aetaqa U with ni again, and
.» A patleat. trnet la ppondeaM
of oatmeal la a basin and odd to ll and cut off surplu.^ crust, U'-' Py-t-*:
have reriy a kettle of and jMil In shelled corn before
mberod'that palat doos not (toUr '
aowbere la tbe world are cberrlea Hang over tbe driftwood Bre sad adhere to xlac. However. Uteri la a
' a- th cwaelM all the way—
enough cold water to make a tbln bat ■gain, rnlc-s the Ua I. v.-n sb.llon
be found ta greater perfecUoa Utaa
eonstanily with a wooden paddle, special enamel made to palallng slue-,
• AO awN. eoaWlaed wttk tbooi^lter. Then add a teacup of black cur­ tbe Juice will n
or four times a handful of branches of
our own Grand Trarerae region. Every
(tonmoa Beld eora may be
falaeae ■
bake loo
and Ibis should be used.—ExcRago;
or loM familiar rant Jam. Pour over all a quart of
(hit mad every ker«l will p«m perfect• Snil Mke a happy day.
bolllUK wsier and cover until cold; the pic when cold, »
which la former timro eaUrely writ
with Akajmbal ways of puU»ag them then slrala and U is ready for use.
' -BuBiUae SalWla.
R’bea done sift out of tto sand,
shake ci-ntly until It
place of the ordinary tea among
np by caaalag and preaerrlag. but
t>otaio peelingt. If dried la tbe orea.
a grain erf which wtU stick to tto
Aprieot Oo'rdlal-Peel about one dot
tbm are nruy dalaty metbods of
are said lo be very useful for Are
line the pi.-, he
en alee ripe aprieoi*
:* tad lake out I
aerrlag them wbV* nrriioi so well
kindllag. If saHciOBtly atoadibi ttoy
left hand, ati.l b..ldlug pi.- uii U e right
stoaes. Place Ihem'ln
rio a pan with s
kaowB A BOBber of Ureao bare
mto be uoad Instead of wood. toL U
band; then inven and quickly remove
onnees of logar and pour over Uiem
aaeb girea
This -can be made of either hulled
oellected for Hoere Cbaer reader*.
case, (bey will ecoaonta It
quart of belling water, tot the fruit Ua. puUing,a plate In; luni or pounded com. If tbe bulled OOTO 1* ■^ave r^y a qnaaUty of (toroo
deBdeadea wbldi
iMMeataliy there are way* and
all right »lde op, with one moilon. aad to be used It ll prepared by soaklag ctaned wbiteflsh betoa BoU t
tluariDBTtto ri tt« tte added oaly way* of doiag tUagi. and ibis U as stand to- two bons and (boo strain
UaJng Old BMrtAVate.
corn Id lye made of wood asbei uatll
la tor
a dear old "bouses trne in pitting eherrUs as In oUier through Oae busIIb.
make to brok.-n enin. A tin pie |ian ib<- hulls win come off- If the pounded
-Take a pii
■ A friend who has many bedroom* to \ -,
Motbv- uaee said, •tear Mild, wheo ttalagt. A Mead « Hone Cheer esks
Tbit It tbe basis of -Bsh soup, and I* supply with warn bedding told bo
Biople an Mlllag m yon aad you hap- If any of (he teers tore ever tried , Into slices aad pour over |i a quart of wlU bake a much l*-irj-r pie lhaa a corn If u«nJ, this Is done b;^ 'erosblng
also used In clarifying maple syrup,
bow abe used a pile of pretty pqreaH
wM to aotjM dast OB ymr.ptaxa. take plUlag Urem with a illrer fork, using bot rrator. When all Ihe goodness hss CTAnlte one. uiilea. the .)ven link.-* !■*. the kenii-u In * mortar CMJt It la a
smsll quantity being ihrowa Into (be aad giBgham sbln-walsU. port of
(brir aoUca away tea It by ealling two tines for the pnrpote. She says been extrocied slrnla off Uie liquid, tat from un<lero<sl1>.-La.lli'*’ tVorM. large keiile with any kind of gaiM or
m...l. and put In imme Urd^tip*, j
-5 ™p.
which were worn out. but tbe iJecvws
teratuate to tbebiB* arth* aky. she pot np two txatee Ui*t **y tat sweeten to Uirte. sad add two ploU
or tto exquialto light and abade la the year. wlUi very llUJe tiodble, and the of lemooade. Wben cold It Is ready
and froau moslly good. Btie rtite
J which ih Indian* nowadays obtain j
BretJi.) mark.A after - - • '
tbem cmrefully and
wasbefl *to
iMvesont^trM*.eherrta look^^ whole as Urough for use.
Leraou Sherbet-Peel four Urge
5 bTs'bevn
from ibe wrap*. This j This word I* derived from o^oB- pressed I'hem. and from tto sleeviM
^ ’’
The yoaag touMkeeier was qnlM the pits bad been left la. Another
and boil the peel la six quarts
( soup used lo be served from tbe ket-1 ook (com) and Imo-beese (broth.l and good fnmu she effi largo aquaiFff
t» grnap tto polW. and taday ato baa reader of tbe aepartmeat alway* uaee
T and a Mule glager cut Sno:
la Mr MlJler-s boyhood d.ys. hU i Wash dried con. Iboroughly aad while of the material. Jotnloi^ Uroae. In at.
tto rtoWatoe af beiag «•• «< «*»« a stout wire balrpla. aad aays that Ihe
^ hostcf fming^ihe ketk- on. the | w« ptrt Into * merter tod jmuad^
squares of Ught and dartt.
, mod aBrMaJde boataaaa la Ore city. loop at Ibe top of the pin remove* the boll Uiea to a quarter of an bour.
M«d»me Jane Iheulatny is »n abl.-; ground, nod eseffin turn helping him-i powder.
tbe machine, sbe soon had!two ftO<
V eallerp lad,her U tto throe* of pit with Uie least loss of Juice of say then add three pounds of sugar, and
totoadbaalag. or busy wUAUm doaea aiotKod alfe ever tried, at Jko same when n b eold put lo ibe Juice of ibr womto lawver ..( lUrM. Krone- Sh.- ; self to s generous slupply. from Ihe ' winnow oS the chaff aad kuIU. Heal sited comfort-topt made. For lining
abe look SU4V sacks. aercD to.cacti
and one care* of bouaewak. aha aerer
is one or the few women o( ih- world I common ladle,

serving (be shape of Uie
comfort, waebed. starched very Ugtowho hare gained notoriety b> discard-1
aipelagiata. bat oawmtaa Ubb so
Fr«h RatpberTytde—Add lo'cne log the couvenilonal .lre*s of wornao. I Squa»h and polatoe* are baked In ; and a whole partridge pouBOed
ly. and Ironed them smooUi. When
fton-'"l*T tkU they, never think ta
quart freah ripe berrie* the Juice
ihc upper part, made from the ahlrtMte nay of Ito dltagreeable iblags
aad like Dr. M*r> K- Walk.-r of Anx-r. r thi- hoi ashes of the csmpflr.-, and corn 1 pulp.Cook slMly
one lemon aad-oae tart orange. Brulsr lea. prefer* to dre«t in masniliuc al-! roasied over the hlaie. much a* the
waln*. aad lb«- hiwt-r, from the sugar
anaad ttoa. aad Urey go away feel
A wooden spoon, add a plot of
lag tbU tbafy «aH wa* are most Mpor
sark*. were Joined and, geoerbofly
re store are a w
water M<let It siaod an hour;
with good batting, she ba4
tbisg tkri cotdd.bare hatoM<"
The appesronee of !dme. DIeulaloy
) making drawings,, the meat lo the broth, season u.— - ,
Tbero arerfAay* asrerW potai*
lK.-(ore tbe l->eneli Ur In l!>o; (liefS.-d
writing interesting necessary and ml* well.
except ibfi eoUM (or BUIaif
We, to ever> obtairtod It Is Jaat as
isle attire created cuOflderahk ’ accounts .rf her husband s researchc.. several hard boiled eags.
Che^ Roly Poly.—Hake a dough
* bOKime cold. Rub the «tlr and comment among lawyers and
. mmr to ctoss tbepH^t aa tto dia _tBe at tor baktag powder biscuit,
wllh]'*>emwhich so aroused the French govern- round baking pan aad
fruit through a floe aiere; add to the
The “big boy*" of treoi twelve f
agrBMble on*. Baja b
*• »*** aad roU it Into a thla. oblong ibeet
oe bottom aod
aynip and aerre with shared Ice la
Uonaes an n
Detroit THtoMi .
Drain two eupral* of pitted cbeirlea.
supposed ic
“1 tbtiU; Hr*.
la aodOMllfuL' spread tbHa evaaly over the top of Uie gtaaea or almply chilled. Currant* Dleulafoy won her liktlncih* In ihe and Intemailonsl proiectloo secured were used to cot some of ihr *
-teHaad. Wbe Awaya aeu as tt ato dough, tavtag an laeb-srlde space Biay be used
(tmlly mnioBle*-. their clothe* sro
rorld. but In Ihe Oeh: i>f archaeology. jlrom Ihe Persian gorernment lo en- iBio fancy shape*, hut thl* 1* ot
twnplelcly. A
owned tto whole eartHaad aevor bad aloag each side. Sprinkle a cupful ol
Mme, Dieulafoy wa* born In Tou­ I able the iwo -navani* - lo prosecute a seotlal. Fill In with ibe meat, U
ler, however, lately urolrod
aworty; wbsa evex^y know* they sugar over'the fruit, sift oae table- peaches, peel, cot la slices and pul
louse, France. In IKil. and in her early sTsiemaik search at Sut*. In Me»»o. i care aol lo displace the egg. in
frqm her busy brain jhe following plan
.«• dlwrooHaHy pobr aad live la sari Bpooatnl of edrattarch or Sour ovei layera vrltb sugar. Use one pound of
anbood married Mon. neulafoy. a
[Bride ta a eold place to iKV-umivesU sating where baby
telto rite »kat I woaM be itaU and form Into a roll like Jelly sugar, let stand two hour*, add
In performing her dlfflcuU dutto'Turn out and serve g»rolshe<l w
quaru of water, straia through cheese
-hnAhera or •Inter* are concerned. Rip
nil—to have aayaae ealL'
Wring a auslta doth a Uttle
(be madame founil ibai her woman's j ring of parsley.—Exchange
c bloose (wnshabW oae* only), lay
“•potot ri view,'1 iboagbi. BiMtally larger thaa tbe dtiBpOag out of bot cloth, tftoitn* out Bll the Juice,
aitlro greally handicapped ber lo ber,

plat of stiawberrie* la tUces or
aprtm fur l^y OB the
^ qaetlag my beuay tea. whma I
water. Bour tbe Inside, wrap Jt arouad
movemenl*. and «be discarded her'-----------tpberries and a few sprays
goods, using'the bark Of the bkmsc
Th* Car* of ftsfrigeralor Mnin^.
-loved aa my own ever Haoe ber
»U and baste looeely together, braised mlat. Jkur Uib on to a plat
woman-* costume aod dressed a* a
21ae U attacked b> acid*, ao matter for the front of (h«- aproD. It will b«
dear motber *weBt awa.'
plate In a ketUe. Uy the dump
(rf cracked lec. .
fouad*o rut out neatly. The stores.
me j bow weak, and by ilkFll when
a H and boll staadlly forone and
TtaSaad. edoeated. lovtag
Her serrtos and dl*coverie«
Cherry Cup—Stooe and bruise one
i cot away, farnlsli
made her fa- stroog: therefore, c
inner hours. -Do aot uaMver the
craeas ri life, tto very thing*
;le*J I
pooad of ripe cberriea Add the Juice
Md oo the lining of the ro- sleeves for baby'* spna. Somoiimes
I- dlsrorentl the rula* of the “oi >>« “»<
' woaU have made discords U aa ir kettle except lowsrt the taL to
«f six lemons and foor onages anfl
Temple of DsMusi brought many rel-j Irlgeralor.
•able aatnin. never dlstarbed tbe hartbe
MGto of bar dally Bftag. BersHfaad a sasee made erf oae beaplag euprful of
the Lonr-e Iti Parts, for which | »Uloed, •<
ataad two bour*.
baatoad. rodneri to saeeeaalTe re- sugar-aad M*4hlrd o< a cupful of
achievement ihe wa* decorated by

quart of water, pres* ibrongfa ehecteteeato Uvlag la tto on* room, with butter bealciLto a llgbt ere*
the French govemmeat »Ith the order_________
eloih. add a quart of shared to. Drop
before serrlag flavor with le
IM Uay brirooB attached, forced
Ihe Legloil of Honor, and gave ber
Trie* law the poarii bowl,
Jfor— the Boot rigid eeesMay. wlU- whip IU the whites of two egg* boatea
legal right to dm* la male atUre.
add afew aprtgs of borage or mint and
» a sUS froth.
The madsme U by nature eollrcly fem­
«ot wren tto
poor la tbe other lagrodleat*. .
inine In ber .peech, and Idea*, and
o kWe toe wasighUr MH
Candled Chevrtea—Make
CkuTpat luJqp—RVah a pint of enr^
retains a wuman's gMiurea and
froB one pouad ef sugar^od oaetolf
lerisms. which coairast very
pint d water. BUr aoUl Uie cogar I* rauti, add a plat of water, and strain
ll will afford yon
through a aiecsecloth. Let cbm. Line
,stcimgely with ber masculine dress
. -Tlev (to ea* toga fn»t window
then boa quickly
rieagnn.- for yean aad yean.
a —»«n table, with two or three or tour Blantet. Trybydipplag tall gtases wUh fresh mint.
Tlieri is DoUnnff J«m can add
Ubiespooa of crushed to la >
throe Hta. rrtle* of totter dayA apoa
UtUe la coU water. If it fora
to your borne that sriD briag
Hot Waetbar Dish.
urn of each, and add s table*
p-toee Of proay btoe cblBAV Umt- small ball wbM -rolled between
TOO ao mtich esteitaiBoienL
Moulded real Is sa excellent hot:
simple syrup. Fin gtaaes with tiff toJDSe bowl a»d a dainty cwpaaEaaa- thamb and Bager It has attained
^ink it over today, riut oar
wroiber dish, easily prepared. .Pur­
Htoam* Asm Oiculsfey. Lmeyer and
right dogree. kaowa as the -bwo.
big store, learn about tBe'
chase a knuckle of real and bare It |
easy tonns we caa aad do
vRto polled apian the roab cartata Throw tto Merries la, a few at a Uae.
broken Into lereral ptoe*. Wash well. ■
make, tJie great rarieU of PiJ
ilmmer to a moaeaL ^Jfl straws.
erf Cfoamy ctoroe doth aad la tto
a cover with boUiag salted water,'
WhU* Lemoaade-Grate
ana* aad Oi^as of wbieb we
npaalng tsA btx oae ptaL a tee- wiU a sUbbst. dialBlng tree froa an
are exclasiye ageeta. Tbis
syrop. Bpvlaki* sagar UdcAly oAf from two leamas. always being earcta
toa' garaalnm. Yffbea die saa
paraley. edevy sad oaka. Oorer
Bse the fallow rtod only, aot any
mnkee it CBoy tobuj and easy
boatds or paam Tbeo pat a layer of
' tbroogh tto fKM laeery U b
la tto Mriy 70 * she and her bk*- and almmer gently until the mat tail* |
tto vblU pKh, Add two copa of *0|
to pay.
frolt aad sprlakte thtey with
om a amwo d ntobow roaricle .
baad were sf«t on a scicatifle mlsrioo from tbe beme*. When cool eacmgb to [
cm etoady day* It atfll held eaoiigh ^
bandte. separate the meal fre*n the
Full line of telMag kfw.iiw, Becords aad Popotar Mosio.
aaaabtt* tt mato a Hi of r.......... ... Wbes dry Bake a vvap a* taerfore:
bones and grind or ebop rery flae.
add tto fruit aad stir wtth a woodea
iaitorooB. Vtovanpa
chfll aad serre wi
aaatiBimt a rlHud. tto liula rocker apoM BBUI tto syrop togjas to grali
Ml to taste, aad straia throogh ai
1 her life.
and atta to tbe fraltl Wtoa cold stf
was «to«M atoat; totoe she
IMaitoicd of renBtOe ablUtles ato doable Ihtckaroa d cbeeMriath.
kriato SUrar-Klz Utoittoe
k tto danse vas teag tto auraettro ■te oror gad dry ogala. Ptaa be





CNtiM ly M Ttmsi kmtoViR

^ i\








ctimm nos. ^



Faces 7to 14


med while Btapard seat taa
tte dock B looked grave for a geohral ] Uie buiMtog crawde stood tor Mora
aiy>boya to the beSK*. Naltter aide have an they can tandle. (ally AM
doTta bara tattaS Itaansh. Ahwaditjadapatltoata-:
wae amaabsp for every wave atrack with ; drenebed bat
o(btnU,iieaU -----------scored to the flret Inning bat to the cratt* per day bstog aest eat to this .
iBd bto the B
TiMMnt alMlrtMl BMl wIM aim tharaud
a tad (a S^ ______ _______ __ bad soaa ihroosb the sudi vtotonce ibat the dd pUet and; called oat every avm^M tack to m sarand there were two mee on haaes
M «S* lUMwy ^ TMWfW Otjr
O.B^hLbrMca. Ttavareeaweptea-: planking shivered and abook with the dty dortng «he Bertraat d tte
tad Carltole imat a iwohagger Ihto w&-'au*e last Friday.
onalantaL At tbe John Ott dock the, end after the flrst lalU wbra the ei^ the tall grass and broogbi them In.
Uraly orar tta point near the and.
J. R. TYqtp *^,dta> E. ,T«Ua.A
at «0r
h“'i'' enforced o«arHia. Laoa Tltaa «mi on tha dab waves cUmbed op the lumber pDea and ; wished to leave ‘their
Husken. Qlbsan. CnrilaM. Oo. (ralt cotnmlasInB-^gfChtntt a(
rtaw a?arlwBTavattt at dtaiaM
tbdr crevices until the entire '
« perch wben the door was
B.. 1tokns nra credited 'Detroit U to tbe dty on the market to
«dt«eu o( tta ttam. tta - wm
L A piece of flying glass Ini
while Bkatlne and
the ttrta moibara o( a party of al^t
evera cal on her kflhand and anHtoska ran to aec- the tolraatl of Us Arm and ta'aUps
who bad taken the two matad Haeki0 their desUnaUoni.
Forother pMee ttniek
ttmek her in
In the face.
t------------ond from the home plate wlihoBt stom­
cruet a day. ttU betog tta fiiat
nan bdoosinc td J. OraensMn of 8Mb tnnaldy. this hit llatoldc and Inflicted
ping. The Itoenip was:
sMJoq that Detroit has snter^ ce
no woond. simply dtoeotorfog the flesh.
WUltoma ..............
■ Mat. Sa fw H
the market to this dty. It to stated
It waa neceawry to take three sUtebes
wonL Tbraa ot tta party mmaliiad
that cherries are ratUng oo the Uses
there whoa Frank Winnie. Fred Lardle
The work of the wind and rain were
owing to tta lack of faeUIUea tor gatkand Jocata Kaataian atarted to make
ptatoly aaen aloog the Carp lake road.
tta trip back. Tber reached a point
Umbs and twigs from the trees coml ttrae and a half mllee aouthW. H: Steele of Nortkport U aov
erad tbe highway. A creek whicb rant
of Harloa Island vUh the wind
aerosa the road aboat foer miles from
shipping direct from the Leatohaa
C and atqpdy from the aoath and
dty orerflowed Us banks and
oraharda to thU dty to tt« eomtotottStr* Ttara araa praetMallr •» Sam. the boat •allln* wins and win*. The
,ed tbe URbway Into a raging toy.
itoa men here who to tnm raaUp to
■•i Bl OU Mtatan and H la thaafM wind eantlnaed to IncreaM and year r«t nearly three icet deep1 (i
for a dlsaraond sradnany to the aonb wben
outside polnu. The dock Is a bny
that aa frvH trap MM iMt hurt te wir
• ■ ty rods. T
toddenly the loraado atrack them.
ter la
placet ei
flooded a
transfer point (or crated cherrlc* sia
Errry effort wai awde to ahonen sail are flooi
to torre
well as the fralght booses and stonSM
and the malasail was lowered by roabtog
Tha antlra «ra alan» ar*t«m •*
Bsnnon-Tbomat Wedding
boom where farmcn bring thdr trait
««r waa randarad uaaMaa but fertaand plenUfoL
• nr the qulclosl of the mldsumbrlB* In tha eanrns the wind caaftat
' naMy tha ai^r aaH aa iha dipafrunw ll. throwing It eat orar the gonwnle
Joe Klaaaen's Heuaa Struck.
c.vIdtngB look place Honday morn­ dlract.
Joseph Klaaaeo'i boose at »»
MW wadt hr tdtMhaaa. Tta ayalam and drncKlng bln with it. Joaeph
ing at IP o'clock at 61. Franda charch.
Rev. Joaeph .■*an«r oflMlaUn*. tbe
It talas rapairad taday, avary haa Kgafnnn and Fred Lardle did not see North Oak atreel. was struck by a
Oead HaaRti PravaBa.
happy eoapl* being Ivan Thommt of
tta accident aa they ware mtienpOn* bolt. The house Is new and the fam­
liSUtas Man graundad.
Noribpon and Miss Marie Bannan
to handle the other aall aad In the ily bad only been' living to U about
Tbe bralth of the dty U ao'a at Ha
Ur. Klaasco wasn't at
formeriy of Norlhtwn but recently of
manUne the tllMr bad bean MR aMee two weeks.
best, there haring been but o
{tori. Iowa Arthur O'Brien of this
A brlak aautb utaid tad baaa blow- aad the boat could not be broocht op borne bot bis true and four, children
ere in the kllcheo. The bolt struck
and Hlsa Uargarm Uagan of Day- of typhoid fever tta past Bmaih and
aboat 7 oUodt tt.ihe Bora. into the wind.
gnble. lore tbe shingles off nnd
two mild casaa ct diteken jm to mar
~ie torsade, wtalcb mrttd w^
iM IMtacday aad aawa Sahanaw as
UtlaUcal rvwt of the-taalth fletha bay M mbU beati vara forcad ta
o^MaMr' wbile^tta^ecopMU
te bat to match, wbilo the fariHB partmeel for a dear page. At the ahyI tooUnc for llr. Winnie wbOB kitchen and threw the plaater all over
there taa also been a fieeduau
they had Blseed. caatat the )ib aad It
S o-cloe
various fatal
( araa atlll went OBU quickly followed by the fore- door was badly torn Ibut none ot the
the bridesmaid pink carnations,
which carried off paUenu ao fpiquent.
mHI-r*^- m naatac la the bay at eall which parted In the middle
« Injured.
medistely after tho ceresDonr
lnta\ahrods^ ^i^w
]y during the past fix moetta wtd tost
On Elk take,
night at lOiWthera oecorred tta Brat
nlo-a foot sraro diseorered just aUckr. snd.Mrs. J. H. BUkealee
atatallr ta tta aoBth. Tbeaky .«aa
ahtt-wanta where they will remain as death to exadtly ena month tram tta
- Lake
f with a party In a launch
orereaat aad tbera in* oat of the water under the anb- :«n Elk
guests of friends until t
marged sail orar the* windward rail wben the stofm broke. There
date Jane 17 tost moatt, Mrs. Bsf
wm t'hmm Maek doad In tha northtbey will retnm to this . ..
nasty sea but all cot atbo'c with only
«aat Half aa hoar iatar the wind and riloKi were BDcceeafolIy made to
Hay WhlUaen. aged bt years. ^Mtog
dartad. At 7:t0. tt-uat Uowios (mb land him opsldd down to the boat. a wrlltoR. Hr. Blakcslce stnlee
home lo Northport where a royal ra­
patient to aoeeumb after being
Ik RapI
ftcMthavaaL it hald in that qaanar Tbe party then nltempted to make the the dorm wasn'l as bad to
cepttoo awaits ihclr homecoming. Ur. there bat one week. She was the, wife
loed or
• • d oudcf bare poMo but alnick a -as It waa here. They rcmali
Thtunhs Is a young man of sterling
and were ctollgad to poll out and night, returning lys morntoR.
worth and a nephew of James, Bd and _____ > laabelto mmnty toimar nn^ ***
o traes down all alone tl
Chris Kohl of KeM Bros, and la a romalaa wlU be ablppad to bar
East Bay Travblsa.
trastod employe of theirs. His bride for burial.
i .
blew. It to only naeoaaary to say that
bay the storm pUyed
made the aboro under hare
a taat^ro
sd and B
--------------bendted during the st<
vast aMa araa aa tre and
ch of Wm.
Rrvaraie Cutter Kara.
iplng beioro AahtOD waa picked up by I e.wtod and
farm of Upped over Inio the hay. A party of
Dnitod BUtoa ravanne euUar *»•.
tha ahrthasat bL
caroraa. in command of Captain Mm
imsMlately weci to the rescue
adsadt tm> tha aaat ilda _
nimoct dro.-------drowned'aad

that oa tta vaat'aUa atUI qpatlatMd.
Donneil. arrived to this port Batardag.
ImmenM Cherry Crap.
' '
' torranto of rain,
1 storm, and Id order lo release the
Thsartad tattlad asala aad cam fnat by the kmg flght In done to make
Every IncomlnR train from the north At S:4S the Croaeenl wha teipeeted by
lauDch from the dlsroantJcd boat bouse
«aa annh. To tha. aorthwaat. thorn ^ eret^lW^ w
thefamUy. Bo| *ere obliged to wade
The OoIambU wm
t and r
and every outgoing train from this 'the aulhodOeo.
VM a aUMta ieoklas (SM< wntmbs pulled
door open, where sho
tas. TkM «aa awra alad and (or eoffee, warm and dry wearing
city frdgbl or expreu Is loaded with tokpecud when she arrived. Tbe sbipto
allao ant Into tha bay It eoold ta aaca were prodded nnd at mldnl.
the great crop of cherries now being carpenter waa ill and received Utah
Colnmn bitched op bto bed pair of
r the egperlenee, 1
toft for COto^
beriei nnd brought them to the city.
BaaC Bay
tgh dry diolbtng li
id slRbi
The earrUge house Of Stepbeo gathered throaghout the gr^t northk a Rran.
Today a return waa made for thh
•t and ben to go around t
Mraek during
frail bell. The refrigerator car li
for (lie lie
thShaVf 1.
wrecked boat which lay on tbe shore
I and a
where she waa beached. Near at hand abelti
htswted. ihroath tblA fhoat Uka. a
Mwhoat eoaU he aaaa. AaxMae two other boats lay beached but It was today adorning tbe slli
le dty t
OHS oa-abera haav that tt vaa tta DOC learned to iwbom tbey belonged. AshtiWi. who to only
t and B
snU boat nnd the ottst
'Mita” had as extra pair there.
OeikBMa vitt tha erovd et wearatwiilepet^ai
_ .niit^ Owing to the sen
............................. i* to R. W.
lets. IhaatMwtedcamaad.wttklt ____
to darkness by fnaea
dSi7lWs“^tara^d T"plyliuriS I lights w ’
mh thlek vn^sr that tta potaitala
Into iho houses slUiatcd along the burniug
machine and rase t.
orar is tta tMIbPaige on
short Ifont.
The mUdenre
Rips Blew/Pram Heed.
«lr audqaletly
In of Non.linon, a m- State BtreeL was one point forlhe elecInto tbe woous wn«™ »uni«ii ««»|
On the Carp lake road
,yluK to lyeamlY I*, vk. trie fluid to enter the canh and though
the h-vU went................
mted rtf drawn by a team was caught •ongtatsfrom the raging elemenU. Mr. I
any of louneufl to
I ot tha by the wtod and almost overturned. Hastail who had expected to '**''®*‘*« 1
h* lin Jwnr at llowcf^arlwr, the bauemeni, doing coaslderablo damor the Tbe itonn bad been aeon mad thinkthat It was
tog '....................
..........nothing but
sMe cnrtatob bad
thaas were lorn away
united efforts of the .
the tes« to kew Uie rig to the road.
7 ocloek. They.^were
thmabaek. Opendooratadasauth On this aaaeraed rigs were picked op
shiHio- at the Solon
> aasidiad tta atona at aararu atrpas and flang lata the sumps but so far as
Itnmedlaielv cut oB m ren- chnrrh where
they remained
was not blown away. Tbe little ebU■MS la cdoM. la Uia dty baary could be taaiped no one waa eerioosly waa
dcr her less an ohjtvi f«r the clemeDU hours and a half and then attempted
Mr. Raatall slale^^sle^
baaactaa vam tom rran irwa a»d Injured. At freqnOat plaedh aiens Ub dren. so Hr.
and she was turnetl hsek.-and the port (o drive through.
ihroagb the entire storm^
aaftnl mat tbawaalraa vaable to read, the water was huh deMmade though iioi a dry tsixit was fouud given them of the dsngernui
to J. V. Jackao
ataad tta atmta. aamwad rt.-.r
either on ih.- Irwi of Us iiaskcncfri-. of the road and
broke Its moorings and sailed do«
among whnm sere It K. (iill. I. K road to Campbt
ehool bouse,
bay where the anchor csngfal ac
M ts'asar' plaeaa a
evening when the storm brake. He
Bpangle, Ginrgi- Hump-.rli nnd Harry ^ road the entire dtstanco wan found lo
atarioned It agato.
C dfwm.
navis ot
la tta aaamt
decn and gulh
very rr>d and ttay
____ overran iheir banka, ca
w tbreo women eadea
>. At
oak for light at a far
■I their borne, which i ss, IMIy overB^ which did much dam
lTg*h*DtoR’piarM havoc'with the
ElmI ri^ all atream which rant tbrougb
frightened. There
fily. hut WHS ralved
In and around
avenue lot. though narrow Iplepfcnn.' "
I loaettar. Aa he drare along.
Slate company
Bw the borne strike e barb wire enough to step acraas under the ortU- Tbe Mich
'luroed out s
i end the women thrown from the nary rirenmatancea turned lo a lake
<• badl.v damaged . »uri
rig.' Boeoaldht atop bto hone, so did, floodlDg the entire vielnllr and flooded the country Hi
Tbe Illinois
' tell Pno ra-i
ptegfeMad. ttaea ffatat
not Mara wbeiher they were injured or
y.-lenlay o
s working liKiay. Tho I
not. A men got oat from ono of the
Chartuvulx Harlmr
anoiii «-j ^
other rigs aud sreni to their aaatot- atream wUeb to damnled up at HllllCIllxens company
akey. Xliogdti. r tTh-o.'ch.iut the
Crest the borne of E 6 Pratt, also I pbone> hu-n'd onl
ghiy lawcngerK t.i
got oD a ramriage and overflowed lu country |iliyu.-« »i'-re very ,
BerersI laonchea were out
Mrurl. I
bar juit before the storm bat bad time banka and------------- - the dam In every numerous while tho kiii line in.-,: night
im which was also silent but b working all;
to run In. d>oe had n very narrow es­ dlrocUon.
cape. This was In the-ridnlty ot rauM not be taken rare of Into the right
Bdgewood Jost before the storm cam
Hie tui-iiv lit itie |.r-werj j
------------------------------number of holes or small rata, track
caused a n
with a brericen ongloe. Repairs wet
ikcul awB.Th.- .lam iii tboj
Death of Ocn. Biaekmar.
to the sire
lost completed and tbe boat tied n
«iko awny and iH1 i'-e irOTl ■
.y^.j,. annoure.-rneni will cause much
In tta rtver wben the storm brok<
Kratocbrll’s brewery a culvert was i were li»l
Fcociw s.-ori-washed away
nmonc ih- m.-mhe-s of He.
ihed out tlelng up the early morji- and big -n^-s strewn along
.long Iibe ^
a R for t ^ noT.
train both In ,d out. tbe Aral acr- A Imat l^longlnc to ^nk Krnu^vll.
le high wave*
9:30 south.
rover the road being, 9
the httmegne struck C_ .
The Storm on tta Bay.
of ttao mombera of the pelage
plrlt.'.l up -i.....* '*•<* .-.-.t
..... w. t». A. R
mt on Orand Traverse Ibere was
Hiirint- hi- sisy in tne my
made many
wllh ODD hundred and fitly passen- Dsh tad iH-rvinuaiona broke. Tbe approach of
...........................Iriimilr an.I lb- Dewi, of his d'-ath will
storm waa. m ll was on the bay. both i gera aboar* Including the Crrseonrs good,
.hr dav was
Ptc-tIoub i.i ihr slifi
city earlier terrifying and branUfuI. The wall of paaacogen,' left Bewera Harbor at
^.vrramr^ Tta"''- '' '? ''"''I’''
7;10 o. m. for Ibis port. The storm eitraortlnarily hoi, il
stood above tta wal.
Hire electric toree
b ■KV-U1-..I yesterday ai
in luc _ ,
he arrlvnl len
struck her when but a few mllos out : tbemomeior siandlne
hnltath of nearly twenty
abandoned until | shade. Afler ibe non
tta eoUre storm. Tbe engine oa
'..............................Ii stood
made- I dropped
iter but
toaneb waa stopped by the water
> waa I tlon of tblny degr.-eK. Many saS^''
tbe nariy rearhed FOiieh all rigbL
and the shores
.jBd to
to [severely
- -tta* uMMIa «*t* thrown down with
F. A. WrighTa HaiM Struck.
lined wlih baihers but
, of the has
aea running full awash ot her upper
SrioMuos of tta oonlact OaVaab-!
During the alorta which passed
KbU aOMt tta apex of the storm
B:30 last eveeim
aMtorofl «M with the awtsi thnader
ihc rain came
The elly s.r.-ets for is.i hours pre^
hta tta air UM hi owe ■fllM wttt tta SenM «.«.
.in,cl b, ...b,•" —
qtar of bsratog rubber qnlekly tol- alog and badly damaged. The bolt
Muta by tta Uflor of boratog wood. •trade tbe chlomcy and ^-----re seasick and wind siorm which held ihr ehy lo lu,
Biaekmar-was born July 25.
NmlliiM raahM out and attempted to It then gtonced te tta roof, tore off the

oolisied In the
Iseota tta trouble whk* was toond at Bhlngles for a dtotanoe of over eve
preeen-era were ti
by the torreased «orm
Fifteenth Pennsylvania cavalrr and
tta Matho^ cBwch wklcb had bean teet. followed the metal gutter to (hejr^
It lesson, Ibat bad ao far withstood the severe j^bsoquenUy joined the First West
ttrwk aad a mamaii waa phoned to leMpboue wire, tore off the sMlng and '~Iter, whd learned ttelr first..............................
awtarlng. When tbe boat strack I wind during the day si.u >,.vu....Virginia
rao Into tta bouse.
bouse, tearing
off the °
- -- sbe turned' tornado struck at 7 o'clock, acre
trough of the aea
plaster and ahlvoring a window casing
»1. lue .,»» swept over; signs, loose board.' an.I a nUrs-li
was i.rotno!''! on thi- Beld by Genera!
Hr. and Mrs. Wright am
irrlcanc deck and both captains; ous aisonmetil of truck v
tvtatad aroend tta weather vase c( Ora. were In the bouse
‘ r.iM.r to the rank of captaln.
that i‘. waa
the j careening along the lilshsnys and ,V' Thro-Jgh three adflUntsiraliona those
the ataapla. uariag It out and hnritog
ever encountered on i wmya as though propuis-d from ^ ol-Governnr* Long. Talbott and Rice
It down with the ball silli attaetad. ■IlChUy ahoched.
At tta WwRuetong Club.
j Grand Traverwo bay. In coming
toto tta yard of John PatehlB. narrowboat. - these was a
_ tthe We^oe-ton* dub a number' they alghleJl the lUUe maekli
Innle. from some at—- - ^
people had Mtbered to watrii tbs; beMlng the party. Messrs,
• meni of tbe C A. R. be waa elected
■ig- oUWiWe tu-nie oTger
puirm on the bay. It struck the club i Lardle and Kaufman. ~
to chief.
ible call of everr tedden guR
bouae wttt each great force that a | Baling tor belp but
went wheeling and rolling from sice to

.................. ....... *-—'—rerto
—- any
— aaaUta
-furniture rtn consider
untU a long and direct blow rrom.
the ten- their pnaitlou well in ni
crowd watchiM Pierce's
_______________ —- eo great; rocks i
last kstnen : Corn Hnskers defrat the Old HUslon
— to It sowek gperfca cascaded
the force ef the waves that tteyi
[ of It WSJ its diuppcarance/tolD the team at Bowers Harbor by a score of
s land on the west; pModlng on the tborea In even
down tta BtMple to tta BR»d batou. swet
ieaatere arbiirba. From tl entfl 10 7 to 4. The game was not very aatUIfte ■bowun (nm a My rocket, and tf •Ue and the eresu
U of them strattt
sunck tta.tidn
end greet wbliecapt leap.
Akment. E J. Moi'! danced ttelr mad frolic nnui it looked 1 o'clock even' shrlier which t»u city af-, factory to cHber crowd or ptoyrn as
AMsatge ta4 >ot reauiud it woeld O. E * I. •
1 diatrict
were moat «f the runs were made on errors
■ I fbrded
on the down town
aa ihongb an tntenia] caldron
•Uad (Mt ni a beuatUul tteetrieal aa- guP boat h------- ---; taken up with belated crowds ran^ ; Md t
boiltof and buraUng Into existent
mined, tta trap nta
piay bett ettoam aad rare.
• wlttont wraps or nmt
Decks Were Hard
Three year* ago tta charch steeple Tsrene City Bod a
be M. A K. E and the k
WM amric M tt uu tost nlgbt tboo^

ram (te *

ttalr w.


Mi mnHmm*
tiwitarw haws,
a ttM thM. tha >ain MI,







su5=»r-ss'5,pss __ _^d X
sirstai ■




___ St W to




“““i a™ 4'“.i:s!


No Trace of Dteaase

The ...I.,,, rtm





f '"^eratCitf TvOiMfcMWWMR.”


For sale by 8. E. WAIT & 80M.

^ to gnttar
» ^ir oaBttMsd
w an agtin
MnDyttatavMe— hasvycitah
__________ tot araa snUtatonad by
n Arid sear of Mtoding brlcbtneaa.
Tbe colmlMUta af alL ww tta taah
fhta stmR tta Mattadfat diorch. Thto
In rataet as imlls of flra
■mtmA to daft
tan tram
from the
tb bdt ItoeU.
' ' areal brUUnttI

rtta tnitt to

aoMd as ttaty nlttaagb tbs light-


^SSSSSScSSS'Wr*'from the soaih at




ow <h

d tta barrlLr52fWJK?Se-c
to tta evaMtaKonetlre ele

Our Crockeiv

Is a store io itself almost. A variety
of dinoerware that is pleasing and quality that is sat­



I' P



h?%rcb:n,.Tras* :?.'c^“it^,o^rsn1


TtaBrotaMrittHB: TtaboltMSMn


- b:ssr.4i'..-rbo'»


--- ^--

The handled Teacups, with sau............................................ .60c per doten
Dinner Plates......................... 60c per dozen
l.arge Bakers...............................10c each
Good sized Platters;..................... 10c each
Sauce Dishes................................3-5c dozen


Fine finished Tumblers....................2 for 6c
Some odds in 10c Glass Dishes now... -fij:
Good sized Lairips...................................2^
Remember, it's af

E J. 1'

0itV Bo«k Store

C4< Mtnf C«„ Fivyj.


Gnsd Tnrcrsc Hcnld

Cbunploi. TWrfUlillllWtn Find
It Now lefTlM
IB jBly.
Vic Moot**!*, w KM«. Hid ■«»•
oc. *. 4. DWe. ■« «no«. U O.
KBatBBB.- Fmik (riib ud Bm Bill
kin *n JoM ttd weowd -rterti.
ABOU tbm belie • irteyeli *bleb
«M uk«B troB (be UOie Tirtn.da*
MMMdtbmt 0*rttt«^wbe-t
lhal ce Sam BHlett. i ItoMbier. <»Im«
•IW UtbioBljrMieioUriwiitMMd. Tbit M Bert Mill w rtdM*
•p to WiHI drac rtore. «b«ri H

____ with o‘b^A n ‘mirtMv' not
ef the #re bread order, bat a natch
for «BT«aa Is'the.brows ccMU^ BlaDMd DS owebd bT B. J- Manwato.
Joe one. wwwed by Oeone Oale of
Appleioa. aad ItarV* Belle owsed by
fmk 1^ of Mirtoo. Wla, in tbe
track wUb dost frm Ibeir tytae beeta.
biBCb are

of New!
Accordinc to. fte
fiwB SMls and MteaM
a M per
mJoa tbeee amned darlaa the Y«tfk Just conpleted i
t at that eiiy >
rellKlOM t^U wbleb ac^owiMalrt the
o. R. ft L aad bebw laiar
enwctid tbe Bnerai am
'ebaaaed H taktiK placp^Wday
Ber. John R. WVU*I. a BapUri win- thm bn* been aoBeebnl of n shock io, rbewr*hk
_ laa froa the bona « bn aWM.
the arernse natlre-bom OothamlT.
! poR **i,a (« asi.'a*K<n-t« wr tm
Mra Joeepb Borrow, at W:*a. Her. i*ter. of Ctilimbmi. K»».. ha* «isited n
with New York Ihvitrtcal |
OoebHs odWatMo^tbe fol-;
Mkaha.B.r u .s'aN.
lowtac eaartel: Meeen. Art*»t.Hol- naaaRera. to pl»r tbe pert of John the j
Uday. Dr. J. A. Bayder. BeMMm Bapilrt In the n<-» lUhlieal piny. -Tbe ,
WyiOM and Baebant rendered eeTenl Hedy Clly.t WrlRht s«y* Ibni he ha* !i w—«n-» UKeSwd
enend eelecllooe- Tbe renalni were
-----»id rnn«rr tnablo. »t >II
it. W. A. FAUfSWOtTB
tenderly borne to Oakwood and to- ibo etase. becau« be think* that he
by m-i
ni—1 *o
n> ri
ru. tWn|<l« PR't'.
terred In tbe faany lot. the pal! bear-! oin do more roo.1 by lellne (hio b> j add.;-. IW kaUec
amr Um
u«, Oo . Ulfc/J. ». V
I.. s...» —I... ^*liW ■ I I
«rt »-»e| Menn. Bdward well*, W. | preochioR the RorpH.
« Hamilton
r own. O. Q. Sbortar.[ Jaae*
HaMllton Lewi*,
UwU. former
foi»cr on-i
O M. IkMO and C. H. Stewart- W. 8.1 Rre.»man tnoi the sute of Wathlny- i* |.•.'lllrln^ t<irat«.- t -- n.e,t< the c»
Anderm bad charRc cf the arrangd-'Si*. bm a rt-riamt r*f mimco *lnr- Ills ■ llsmli-f •iiM-.vh. iee. iii1y d-1
in-a-, was an onRlnsl v
.................... ................
. Her sen, N. A. Wright, and datiRhter; coontel If rbleaBo by Major I>uane.
li-(v*rv Ilf »a«
Sf lAWmlee. Jad.. and nieev. Mr*. The-appoimm.-n.
BaHwla. tmihend and dangluer of «a- pdelally a* U Is agreed that U-at* will
were la attendance.
icootlooc hln privaic prartleo, and the
rMa. Ind.. a
imaybr will find a wny to p»y him
'more than ih>a y-er salary.

«bo died a CaUtorsli last wolk. ar-

te wla. Btrtt Caai«aa bonei la tbe Un cone iron
Straiford. Tiwodto. Tborodsle. Wlar
baa asd Sesfortb. aaoac them belae
Oia WUket. b. 1. owsed by KBrotben. and Hleaoeri Cblef. b. e.
owsed by 4bo. Roebe. both froa BintTwo wlweU ire M tbe PiilM ^
ford: W. J. b- a, owned by Jasief Ol«
M te tbe eoBBlrr mdr for i elilMUt. of Toronto, aid Qoeon of Clobe, b. atbe property of T. lonhi of Tborndsle.
properW of
HM ¥?•«*«■ •»<
rren Saurdsy'e Beeord.
smiM tt. P«P»e ■««' «*
^ KCk» •»
•*« «*
Tbe nayar sad pnl~ aeette* n
Hi Mill Ibrtr UKHlfWl MtonllT «" 4e FtiMdi ewartorty aeeUna. mder . _
tbe iMdenblp of OerrM Cbrey of Oaa- from the eisble* of P. WrToor. nsd tbe
aMtbw»4 to t*« >»4 «t
8iMi htcUM
way, wsa beU at « ibii nonUtp. ThU boekakln *aldli* owned by Beattie
I Lewis »tU ycersanlz*' the othec.
4ipp m be ee^o/ed «o Uie «mort Mrrlet arse followed by the re«»lar Bnx. of B’lnabam are among (be Jebo
GrtdiMie Mtdlckl MrartBKftlBkns
; LOST—Kacli'U »-lier riot. »l
1^ tbi bedr'refraM for Uie eomlac
of tm qaarterly Carmody •trtn* to orrlre » thU eKy for another ooorM ef wnhrervlty ci’
bitcli. I.:I«TJ1 r»«r*r.l I
for their «r«t npepannec on the Ttst- tenaioB leetnren to be glvea tht* fall,
Al. ,Ai 1 rt«iK. tbe relhmdi him «
beginrtng to October. AO who allend.
lion .h-j'l:ns >" hi. r,«.i\f
er*o City torf.
ftab of
iKh • ""fc. •“ ••
A-Wri-.* 1
or tbe entire •trlDR it Cadillac «d tbe leenret glren by. Prof. E E.
te bm ititMl to tM Rmcd. tbit tsL
tpi^lirm Mlchf^ bdi not iiM Is
l;« thi* aliatnooo the n«nlar »cTcnty enlilw an now MHed for tbdt Spark* ef CMeago nalvereity on the
Muakepon—)R*te. tS-tD.
Ml meetinc wai held.. Mr. BmBre Tien.
for Piles
Berenl mmom pcwriooi t» tbtf hO will Heton thta evMlai on tea- tlx. They win arrive In etx t«n tn
Qrand Rapid*—Rate. tZJia
ebarxcRif John Carmody. aaKWR Ibea and FBtertalnliig eofiwe* are. Thl* ,
bm eoM end dlmnnble. Uit perinea.
Sunday. July 21
( .C»lLlo«u*»e?
iu*llrc <rf bt~ t;H|l
Muoi wBi not lood from • mort
Train will lea—• Tra«fr*e CM> a UAwUwc, la « U- II J*y> rirto wpiiIkbIHB.L
At tbe bortaeu mmIob thU aft*- belnR Red Phn. tbe Utile brown fcM- yMT the work wUI nndonWcdly be A*
5:10 a. m. See ivwler* nr a»l. ac'-ni
«Mtt of »low becente It wei m ml soon tto report* of the teaaiUM* loR IWmerly oiTned by OennbJnr ttwn, pleadng and a* profttaMe.
Prof- Jerome Ranaood of CblesRo ’ for
BOW owned by Thomas A Ander^ tte isBeter rWton wen u
vtfded pcwl t**J fr !■»«. H.01BUM to..
nad lad the followlaf ao^laH.Tf. Uoiller, R. t *
MvertWy ha» bMn eeented to give •
of White Clond.
iMteU* is tbrtr own boim w tber
•ric* of lix lr<
imu bi eSTWhm eiM sad did not
.1 -Mcn,,.
Tr«v«r»b Ctty Markot^^
Ml eer mm-tor ipeUse e ehisie. White of Maple City.
TlH.fl* on .alf at
Thlerepovtl* made upon Wedne*HInm Miller died at hi* home. 1*07 print* on rtx Boropean clilev. Not ' mem a.irum
^ ibli yeer Ibi Morearr bei enwled
Bebool Cmamittee—Bert
o pluh -o <^.iii* f..r lUf ^yof,,ehw*,k.TV.eHornldl*not
\Vc bavit jurt PMcirvfl
lUanab avenue, kt to Tnr*rtar nlRhi. only will the pntou of lntere*t In the^
ifwerd la food itrle ead Masr ere Jnbnm of Trarerae Oty.
11 F M.--1U T.
for Ch.nae. to orlowa.
nevtriy one tbonoDil v«^i
eedent wi» token »lek In s ihoc eltle* be abown bnt Ibc dally life of ^ 3^^„(
RfneraJ Pafii-nscr .VgciU
4l^TM to mMc eomlart is UiU redoB.
Mluioet—Bertha Wright of Tratumca by toch anthor* ■■
people win also be portraj
Thop on Pnint slrecl Stturdny after. Tbm wbb oom ben wUl not be ree City.
Aleaaoder Bay, Toronto
.luU-g Vi-mo. iMivwOjt- Thc^ Icetnre* will not be dry and
aiippnfBlri While it war be wer
Cbrtetlan BideaTor-Ctbel Thoms*
and Montreal.
tio.Cbaa. Diekeam. Mrw ,
meal to betoterneUag. but will:
■eem* that a few yean ago 1
ami ben at promt tbe heat U of TrsTerae C»ly.
S.iuttrw.»rUi. Sir WJla
an liibeereble end then bei an 6eeii
JoBlor Departtaeat—Carrte Wood of
Srertt. Rutljanl KiplioR,
rfbtaileoeaeolsroetmioBreportn - Trarene CRywhich be never Inlly reeovered.
life of tbe eliy. The cHle* to be
Wilkie Cofliiia. PWipoiipo
[b. Tbe bar breexei lenpOT tbe
Mbgalee were appeinted to tbe
MerryttL Sir E. Bulwi-r
Tlrnna. Bertln. Pirt* and Londca-1 (alu
Satoiday aHevnoon bnt owing,to
MWbben isd lUe le welt worth lltloi
Li-ton. ' Hear)- DniiiJ.icned oondUloa be ra^ilUly grew Tbeve lecture* a
iBthoaraadTraToreere*^ Not the
inontl. Mra. Oli^lUit,
■ IM of the BMBT laduetMeat U> luai
B»ert Rniertl dHirered a very
, Oh a A Rea^e.Rer.
were »o ptipnlar Ihroi'chom the mun
^ troTM is the fact that the altfiu terMtlag leetore oa *Y>eerge Foi and
He wa* only 37 year* old
KiiiRhlcy. Max
• tool and net caa eoallr be eit- Hla ytmeb* PYWay evening.
leavei a wife nhil-^rtw amall children. try a *horl time ago a^d whirb today
tFRsll, .IcrcHne K. Jo- .
are fotmd on the aheh-cs of all the 11Tbe body to to charge of Mr*. Oi
rume. < htcar Wilite ant]
otlten. to aell ut
Frem MeadaTs Bacord.
Mp -to BtiTope. Professor Raymond
The eetvicee»at the mend* tftirrb raagemeato will be amiAiorc^ later
aew auto but Bee la
comes very highly reeommenrted.
yerterday were very Interetthtg. Rev.
Jamci'H, Diwaon, a pioneer oTVIrti.
i irtndiie aod (Ms li.a emt WalisM Jehneon prvnenttd a eermos
Cm.-ral' 1-*L.. »™t Agent, i
• to tbe Trarene City pio- on tbe -SUadird of CbrtsUan Uving ' region rwldtog In Garfield lowmrtilp
Theoeluuka win 1m taken
But kced ef Stone.
To Milwaukee. Satunlay. July 29th. t*S!*ifaC
I who are resorting at Baal bay. At land fonowtog thh Rev. BKiert BuMfll died TneMtoy anernuon at t:» nf From Tires.lky'* Record
via P. M. «. R. and M. 8- T.
.. .”" V.'
fMtfl there U quiu a IHUe ceVmy
The lug jm>a L-iataem i>T Siurgivuii
«nv« a very balpral aMrva to Oervae enagntton of the lung*, aged 7S j-ear».
Cr. Steamers.
krane CUy pmvie who are enjoytag Onny of Onaway, who was r------ - leaving an aged widow nd two aon* Bay arrtved In port ycalcnlaj afier-.
TlekiUv will be ~dd for train leaving
John H. and Bentotn'n. and one daugh nooB at 5 fi-Hoek with a hoaylly k»rte«'
ji aeol btecMa of the dellgbUol re- ■Mtoter an BMoi-aay.. It vn
Traverse fitv at f. :’J> Rale
Igaii and
aM the
me sebedole batpe then
Mtve neene and thoae prMmt ter. Mr*. Winifred Shane. naWc from SCOT aa eonseri. toe latter loaded w
KelunUug leave Mil- j, J. *rWEODUK.
^d to
to aad
aad front
from the city in a very
»var remember the nddree* and a bMt of frtenda who will be griMcd T.OfW cubic yards ot cruhed hard lime , ws'rki'e at *
p in.. S-jii-ta.'. July
d at,but Boadnal eoak
the prayer of |n C JohniM eomialt- to lesrn of bto death. Tbe tuncral wlU Mtmc. the foandailon'stone for Ihe.j.nh,
M-lww-TraTerM ctty ttoc him to thMwortt of the mlntitTy.
be held from toe home at l:»0 Thirs SWte rtrtvd bltulllhlc paving whieh 1* ■
To the Far-iera
Thli twniM la Uate tpr
»«tseAM. Tb
On aeeenat-hf ^ norm toe evern- day and the bnrtal will take place In trelag onloade-1 and takea dlrwity to. ^
p’igS' I have
Oakwood. The Rev. Oemaa CocWlti
(behartneM men to get to weik at a ig eci riMi wu novel and t
,I ,ij,i"I'
I* i. ;i |N,ifltti
' raMonahle hour. Tbe ae*t ear leavei ■ere there were Jrrtl repaid
will oBclale and the funeral arrange workmen lmmv>dl**cly spnad it the .ligg.-'
I’hlS l-.tTATi>F>i
" l»
U.I-. . c all nn-i in- ,
.TrafWM CUT at.ll:«La. at., giving ig. Tbe Ufbtafitg put the ligbu ont menu vrOI be to ebar^ of W. 8. An
V E Round. J|
toaiaaonan a ^taaee to, eat dinner riee bnt tbU did not interfeie mnThe tug and cooaort lefl Slorgeoo j
Mfiiawb> The Met MV leaves Tnv- HMBy with toe lerTlM./ Ber. Bbert
ay at 5 o'clock Satnrday aftcrnoonl
etM Ctty at CM and reaebec the vark tnseBl apeke of the C 'b. Movement
Martin Cahill dM at 7:fS Tuesday and meeting toe severe wtod which ;
night at tbe home ot John Martin In prevailed all day Sunday and hove
JM^tonetlB M thM^
^ LL good painten Ifiiow that "Shipinao" it the
unto township. He wa* 80 years In tbo lee of North Manliou Island,
itotora the raaoRen have hadude•Tl standard Pure White Lead. Unless it is used
Bev. WallaM JehigeB wIB preach of age aad hi* dMth was doe te *co0c where they Bougbt »helterall day Sun
bhasi^ a hOTM M the ante tare la Might St Tfti sM every sight tbU debility. Hie funeral aerrlee wa* Ucid
They lefl there at C o'clock >•<•»
on your work you are not geuit^ as jnuch as you
cm Wednesday at S o-clock it
terday mornlhg uid came through oti
aadertaklng rooms of H. L Carter. toetr nsnaJ time, about six milro an
might for money paid for paiming.
f^lR prwt tte ante bni MavM for
Tbs Cadlltos Rsges.
«Hd MiMtan at T a. M. aad 1 p. m. Tbe
Ber. L B. BItaell oOclatlng. Mr. Ch- boor, too entire crow, consisting of
hltl left two eblldrcn a daughter to ntoe men, two on the scow and seveti
Ma*«a OM MlaBoa at la ■: nt. sad

(«p.n. A* aeon M the ether Mr arCanada and a tM whose wheresboota aboard the tng, captained by Henry
wbero they wnTirttaeas tbe dnest are nnknown. He came ^hcrc frtaa Tnfl*. They win remain her.- al*>ui
'^vM the serTtoa wfll be bettored.
met ever PM ee a aortbeva track and
da many year* age and at
Hannah & Lay Mcfiantilc Co.
three da,vs and will return for another
tew days toter tola oaUre agr-^ time was ceacbmae Itar B. 8. Pratt
load Ihe last of ihe week
Thto I*
ttoB will arrive at tbe Trai
ftrreM Frtftv^Baeotd.
burled to Oakwood^metery
only the beglnnlBg of Ihe Ilmestooo
to Probau eemt today a beartag M drtriai pato Msbie* and be to
consignmeati though, u five cars an.nem for the greal meet faere Toceday.
Old getfler Qpad.
expected loolghi from Bay Shore, nror
Ninety-two borma are Hated, insay of
man aM Traak KratoehvU to
Anall Oarto. toe Bret while scfitor Petoskey. aod toe Beam l*rge Menne
Lmin OnM artsta tba eatata betog whom have never reaebed tbe norlb In tbe Wexford dtotrlet. died Monday
fuppo*e<l to artl.410. Tba Probata eowt If Blind rnn part of tbe state before and
aRnrnoak at bto botoo throe mil® rtve the first of
2a Hodga* Building. DstrevIL Hlchloon.
with wRBaMm aad to Jndge ef the at- whom gnat sport I* anticipated.
•onto of the wdlftsown Charles targe roosignmenl. This
It Is fiadv
Bd. M. toe bay geMilp.g owned by Downs homeaiead, heart falinre
tewdMoe It tooked Bke sa totenattog
and able to haocHe her own 1o*d. for
BoojBBta bxioge cf Qi
esM to arenHonnrt.
toe Mse».M hi* death altbough be on endless carrier unloads ihe m.n.
... Cr,,..
The Aaal Boeonat te the Marie rried- at CadBUo wito a raeord of t;12 tola bM been lff*?r a long time.
and docs swav with ibr bevy of ehotel
Referowt; Ml* L BarpmS C*.,B«akm. Detrsrt
U«| Wrttori »bM*
rtob eetate bH hern CM by the eseo ■Maea. Trovene CRy I* al»o then
Ansll Davis 'wa» well known
a now at work on the barge.
iwaise on 1(». KtMH.M.L
'Mm- aad Ue tstate MMN. Btx heira with twosSne repnsenUtiven. Little evoiy pioneer of tbe rogioa and hit
The Warren Rroi. company Is cm
«» MtHlad to Aat« to yfte ertate rrf Duke. In toe band* of
faeane was alway* open to any wbo plovlng seveoty-Bve men tr»1ay an4
Cbartes Oermatoe. to entered to tbe wanted to drop la and talk oW Vime*. fourteen leatns to carry on their hii«>
f;n pace aad Walter B.. owned by Cox When Ibc wlldcrncM was king in ibo plant and lu output and .oery man
i.'rt..l<-sl vtis-si
Braa. Is there and tn ftne trim. Last north, la 18«t. he moved to bto home look* like a sirvlint human a-ioma
Msay Blnysito Traced.
Bson durtag tbe Jnly rneea he was to MsjfteM township, where be djed
U tbera I* ssy parkaa to Trsreree
The ltm<-*inn-- load on’ihe upp.( In shape to show tn tbe track but yesterday. He was Just throe mile* to
Oty beuer sMe to seeni Stolea hjey^
of tbe SCO* Is altuul Am- fret In
p.piilanty <•( tlie
Httor toss Ctotof of PlUce Aahlo
tbe virgin foreet and bfai nearcK
is it.
tbsm MMk St oaeo or forever beM Uttle Payne, owaod by W. A. Lewis. neiftobor was that distance away
every extra ray of h'at from old
itto-lf. iu its ri.-li sitiifiii:: l.m.C.-ui mnke li.-r -.wn
m the WorW: Plu-k. intrsuV rhti.'.- .in-l
Armada, a Trnrerne Oty favorite of
tbek- psaee. Dortog the toterrr
Decedent wu bom to New Yoi* Sol and raJtale them upou the brollinc
a lmBiu--s« clu'-.ilion nrc fil! lli;it an- n.-c^Hfirr to the
aaoa. to eotered' an! two ether state Jan., 17. 1K9. and the serca«t—e betweea May • isd July U niaerorklng on
the ston- with
owned W W. A. Lewis. Little leeath day of tbe^DooUi plays a proa- shovels. A firady tine of loatr- arrlie
tSM atolcB biey^ were reportt
liiu'licM «nee.'»‘
. .
him sad today «ot osly have they Ted. entered to the 2:t> aad 2:U pace laent part In btoi^blttory fur he
Yor huve tl.'- I'lii'-L—now i« tbe time b>
iIm- tntiinnc
depart over the mai‘» ‘p rvclm-f
bees IDSM sMfto MMt caftea retariied end Dm Pugh in the till and 2:19 bon Jan. IT, marrted Fch. 17 and died
wi,i.-b vril! til yon for n payllTc, II taking toll a few momentPUN. IS »
bst Mi hooka show tost be haa Ibiwe pace.
Jnly 17. His wedding ocni
to loa<! rarh wagi*
This load will
in;: [Kisiiioii
"to toe aMd' over sM above toe
Taeamteh. Bay CUy. Grand Rapid*. IT. l«Sa. la Pcimsyfranla. hi* bride :onty cover about ooc block of tti<
Wc «;li .ii.iki- yon tut ex
•tolea oBcs so that U to proltsble ter Jaekaon. Mill Croek. Poottoe. Bran. bHng Mlm Marta Bowen, who survhwa
.li.-tn fr.r .
TMverM Ctty ctUsMs to report
Chariotte. Caro, Lowedi. Coldwater and bin.
p'ft «t. n n.'T..|.li'-r. I*x»kki<i)Ih.- worM.
Icieam tor toe chief of police sot only MUSB mod LItebIMd are some cf the
Ih ISe. he moved (o the peninsuto.
General Nevus.
.-r or mrn-sj • iitb-nt. WV will,
slHt.-im iil. li u I ;ilto.>luli-!>gets oo s ismpags sM roots out toe Ulefalgan citlee to be rrprvoenled 1
•matoing there but two year*, asd
Johann Hoeli. rondemneil to
.b v.-loii your inleiito aiwl eretroo..v.rn,-o...l^ti,..r™l
alolea property hot he Beds s ettmy tbe long list while Toledo Ohio, bu
going from thereto MayBcld. Dar1« Jnly rs, for the murder nf one o
;,i.- ill ,v'U .-I ttrwy-making'
fcj.-s "f EimteD Punos.
btha or iw]> to pay Urn lor hU UitohH. large sirlog of Creacens rolu from
wedded life of Bflydlve years bnt Wives, has appealed to John 1> It
lust MOW «• .-<h- sl,..w i._Tbtitatoeitottodstor
tbe wUble* of Oconee K. Keicbum six cblldm were hnm and all three feller. Helen Gonid, Andrew Car
snra.- l.-atiUftil Kimtoi; Aft
May S-r. Orshsmb vbeto itoten 'ney are In diarye ef John D. King, a
\V. KN'iWi
a Ay it.
rive the aged falher. The children and other wealthy |».-r>cn* to >a»
from water works. Votae ISO. For well-known miner, amoog them being
Mr*. Lydia Pros, Rodney H. Darts. n-r-k-.
W. t. foMd to pswbahop asd rotnroed CreocU. a chmnul mare; CTeswall Charles U Oavl*. Mr*. Itolher Connlfte.
in F Wallace'* ICS.nno to local.-I
bil.iuti t.n ..or !l—rs. W..i.-I.Tvts-writinK.IV-n-.
May lb—Wheel st^eo from WDIism to., m.; Kaly R.. a brown mare: Mar- Rtehsrd T. flnvis pad Calvin A Pnvta.
B The unpitvlo>lr encim-er
Jaret J, a chestnut mareBourbon He also Irnves nfnetero gran
Oetb. ValwetlO. Frsme.gMrts
„,.nrj«li.V. ComnwIfy.m
-t r.-.ll, wnt-osi...
McGiryor. a cfaeatnni ataltioo: Belle and six great grandchildren.
.•;.il 1,-iw. Izt-tter WnOng.
‘age a syndlcaie headed b> Ge«ireStarr, a brown man. and Stole Daw.
Ansll ten* wu a man with a torge Wesitnghouse. whieh will purrhm-' ly-ttnv Pve,»*
brown mare, and tbe weflftnow ember ef friend*. He wn* a kind
G.jTine. CoiniDcmal (Jeoi:-;
Boalta. a rann laare. making etgbt In hearted maa and afl who knew him roimtry._____________ —
rijibk •-tn.l A.lvertisinuloved him. . Bapcclally wlir~ he hr
Mainsrhenkt. the leader of ihe«:nTbe Badger atale raise* hnnee
mlsoed among thoae wbo Brat nettM llny M the Kntoz Pntemkliie, |< i
wen a* badgers, a tong nnd tost Hrlng
this tcnll^ rogton aad made li what (eresHng youth- He dlMributed CS.oo*'
tNM pavashop. Thief arrwtod 8aed being to the summer dreull and to the j n
rvihle* from the military chest of
at Cadillac and listed tor tortlchnreh of Chrttt t Wexford aad wi»
z Potemkin among the rrww.
- JuM i»-WhM atoWB from M dty. OeotB* Bpoaewr of Appletowi bwayi a consh
Ian conmil at Knstendje say* TM.•Walt tram ft M. WaH's 8mg Men. Wto. bu throe, tetay L, by
'Tbo fuaeval
onn rabies were banded over to
yIMad wneklatar to
of 8. r. BanRosatan iwTcdaUonary coinmiUL-c.
are enterod. W. W. Qnlna of W«*t- _,
^tern's tardwaro atora.
for political exile*
i Jnae »-WhciS atetaa trom Jad ftrtd to working OtaM HIRwood. b. «l, I Tht
It B. HARKER, Prop.
heSB giaalad by tbe Fmth *enate
and Mtoa Martoa. another b. m, oae;
• Cameroa. WhWag hoUL PMad
Tbl* WB! allow Paal DerooMe and
tntvrod to the i:3t irm and the tauerf
FwitevM of Mra. M. ». WrtftiL
^ Maaenie bloek.
20—WheM Kolas from mniaw is toe 2:19 pace. OaUmh -to to tlmi Tbe rammtoi ef Mra. M. & Wright. olhera la. toe 1899 eonsplracy




Books Books


.t i

0m.T lOc EACH


The Standard Brand




Great Favorite

Grain, Provisions, Stocksand Bonds



Three Times Greater




1 •

TMIjUSOAV; Alllr'nWg.


.. I- r>-^.

carried away


h> tte I


Ur «nUM


- Ti

Bad naklu tt«n ek«i*« color that, ora»aM*Rr
— dupUeatet
the gems lay aloagslde the real oc
tli«r SK uilt tor tlie market.
left dodUfirbod.
Captaia Ira Hceselle of the SalratloB army pmched tli farewen ter<?Vt4v»*w. sad Buo la Ibe city Bandar evenlag. Al^ the ttorm kept many away aJ- they hare dUeorered a diamond
IH ware pretent The llghti for eoatompibrn. It you f«-sr eoatumpwill, however, be lo t»OBt daring the tervlec tad the
electrical dlaplay was dUeoncerllag.
bad a eonsb.
congb. for lojrtoen JOHw nr Patchi
foor aoal* came to the altar doring .Tcnn. -I had
,ra . Nothing helped rao. until 1 ..
'adtb^TmiwKCuK Xl^ Xh
the aerrioe.
k T>r KInc's New IM-eov-rr

!g^‘-s:v^".i:?k’i,S5ir.‘^sSi vs:?::

3 9cr cnt aOmt «■ TUK b9Mm.
j-------- >nU*« -•««

,« jsrwasj^^

larreonoLOOiCAL «ek>ht.



try a herald wart ad.

WwlDfzdv tor Aldvo. whore hr ha<
tor Thruei and luM TtoaU!r.«.
aoeepte<l a poeltton at bookkeeper in Al Jebnton DraR Ktore Co ». F. H
the oae« or Mr. Cor. Tht. maker
alBCtecii portlloai «Iled by Mewr*. i^„oj
MartindUl * Bose. proprietor« of tbr
------------------- —
Trarertc City BualBew eolle*e itorc , “There are bo rejllj l.J l l.o«. aUc
nr- Amen nan.)» .rf MielilRtn
______ !________
Kaltocal Ctlldr-ii » Hum-- eoiix.-Bilon

Summtr Stbool

8oeUoa»eamaWa,thcT.C,U4 '»
:. load Mondt.' momtaK dltoov- understood,
ered a bad kink In the ^llt o( Ibe
A Surprise Party.
track two Biles and a bait north of
A pUasant r»n>rlt«- pariy r
Omens and flaseod the Ineomlns iraln,
thereby avertinx what might
IttiuRjihrlr pain and di'o^>mfon.
bcm a bad derallmont. The eondii
- -- ’KlnR> N*.ir Life PlIlA, They are i
or the twisted rails looked as though

„ w. ,-r^

W. II. Ihaw. ft«.


Hlee Vlrglnta Kemlla. daaghlrr or
... H. Hamlin of Charderolx. well
known thiwaghoHt the north, died at
9 o'clock Sunday morning, her d.atn,
being Roddeu afler an lltoeot Usllni
mroroi were made te
roadi her brother George, of ibis city
bo was OB Iward Ihe ewirjl rn on
__ way to Charlerolx and did not |
lean the rad news tntll he rearbdd |
thera. He relaraed Ii> tie ell.' 'hat |
Blghl and w«U hark Monday nieminB
■■tend Ihe funeral which look pltrr
Tflctday eafternoon. Mint llaniiio wav
only 29
S: ycant


to ehl««o BatArtW. «e by ones
Broa. aad the otbor two by Ooprte

manager of Ihe Loolanao SbfbarSia. was In the city Tiietday on bntlnets. He reports that the
rmort It booming, wllh the i»i«peet of
best eauon In lit hlilory. Ii^oulrieo lor rooms are betng rerrhed
dally by mall and telegraph, and the
hotel, already wfU Blled. will soon be
taxed to care for Its gne«ta The bPsii
tifol driros aad shaded woodland
walks, the bluff.' the bay shore, tennis
Mflrta and oilier polhu of Imerest ore
bocB In de^nd In the day time, and
the er^MIfiga are devoted lo Imprompiu daneoi an doihcr ploetiirce.

While «» W. H. Aekor »*• at tba
clrcnt pooads Wedaoeday morning.
2. O. Plank was In Ihe clly-Mon laj
«iMe ontarod bar borne In Be—
^«id abatrakod a pocketbook
on bnelncBS,erotalng over Inmi 8ouH.
Tot Island. Mr. PUnk U a memU r ot
a Jolly Chicago colony, who have a
Klbd AWd or Taka has a #ae bear club on the teland nnd ipend mdny cn
' akJnrdcOdOsUblUooatK.K.MUlar'a foyable week! there during the sum
»tm attnk The bea^ was abol
mer. TheiL here * roomt In farm
IteUatM ud the rag was Bade by boosei and a elnb dlalng loom. The
, yroote. the lanner.
lime It apeat Id fltblag. huaiinc. rid
leg. there being n Bomber of ponies on
Flee haadred oratee rtAerrtoe
tkediland. The Island Is^ far from
hn^t orer oa Batarday fay Urn the ordinary llneyof-gommer travel I
<Ma0Mt from Bowera Harbor and la- that the membffir^ the club ire ablo
ItimeftMIe poUta. thU belai the larg- . to "loo^ tt” te thoir beans' content,
. eat dbHaeeai ataca the eeaeea hei
and And In the Mand life a welcome
wina the arena train waa palling etange from city reairalnia and re
«MA last week anon one ealarnd the
«udy atfarn o( DaTtd Xarphy w Cu*
atraet. grahW the tin oontalnlng betwM W and flB. ^npad on the Ota


The base bell tans <d hUnistec and
Trarerae Oiy have arranged a Pore
» exenraloB to this city next
Word hat been racetrod ta thU cityr Sunday so they may' see Ike Duller
r pllriiagaIntiWbeeltog. sen the Oran.
that Mlaa JanM* !-•«»
Bntler. il wUI bo r>
HodtOB. Iowa, who worn rwonily
unberM. plicfacd for a crack Indv
gnmtu of Ivan iCo^ of ihU city.
adont. team tn Traveree Bltv foi
• •orionalT injured to a jwV"*^*****"*
B scABons. and has friinds all ove:
returelag hedge. ;■
the aorthon country. Manager Gii.
Otis VUte p( Nonhpert U
' tel hat pTomlied that be will put I
Wemdi to be one of the’ ler to (he box during the rame.
ptdoB, U BOt the
teuier to LeeOwing to the large crowd that
tanan couatF- »r. w||te came to» boand to wltneaa a Sunday game
Korthport ta'lSM. Holi now S3 yean
1 Oraad Rapids and Whveltoc.
•«ld and
W— - —-----•«:.--------I oanxel Is making arrangemenis

—------------------eitra sealing room, pnd expect* the
' K. K. Priaea «r »63 Washington ^
„ additional capacity
rtreet. whfia worktog on a areffirtd at ^ ^ thooeand si le«i for the Rsm.-,
Ibo- reaidcMa U Mia. Pleree Washjj,g ^n^e seating capacity In
ingtoo etfwel. where be w« employed
Pi reihln^tog the root, let! ten feet
*lo the ground Monday morelag severe- ==^==
tv InjBTtog hU tack and limbs.


party of oMdato of the Mlchl
gan Stats TetophoM company that to^meted the local plant Friday and
cuotlgaoas Itoet Mt Friday after
Boect for Detroit, haring completed
; their trip oyer the 'state. The party
was oompoeod of WtUlam C- Me
NiOaa. W. A. Jackson, preeldcnt of
the eomtpany. -of Detroit. Dudley
Waton e< Grand Bapids and L. NCarey of Boston. Mass The tocai
plant was (oand to be to exeellem con
A pariy or Esbemen. hailing .frer:
Ctndihiit‘ll. with excret baggagAfor
the trip passed threugh the cliy hb£day «n their animal pilgrimage (c
Otan lake, where the camp known s>
'.(he ^Ongtshers'- Is tbrir boidqxar
Inn. Ahwit forty memhen of ibt
being Messrs. At O. Drool. Wm
Smith. Frod Tolley. C. «. Hrims shd^
L. C. Yager and they will oot retare
tar a aoaiA

on All Lines.


,|The Place to Buy I


Summer Qcan-up

GuiieTs oiaEGE

espCtlon due «o ctcetiUve beat;
rnntilpstVm. sir M Jvhn«m lAvn*
and being unable to eapand any turf Wore Co s. V. H, Jb-o.!*. S

John Mnatoa oT cmaitarMs and hU
Idle ilrtrer aro prtM.IMla« the dock at
Xoria MekeaU which was deatroyed by


Fm Falling
Thus cried the hair. And a
kind neighbor came to ihc res­
cue with a bottle of Ayer’s
Hair Vieor. The hair was
saved) lo cratlrade,-it crew
lone End heavy, and with aU
the deep, rich color of early
life. Sold In oil pans of the
vbrid for ailxty years.

With Its ontl wo will
(livitlfour f.tniiiiirs willi you
liy r«»nipounilir>r yottr iiiioroat at .1 ItlnTtil ralf. biuii

Is at the Cash Grocery.

201 So. Union 3t.
, 226 E. Front St.
; 111 11. UoUitl Onto. 2.V
* I'i III fatu-y -lap. Hi-a<! Uitv. 2-n'
Itir por 11. for Is-sl ImU-lii-r
V- in-r ll> for Oli'.-ir Pork. \
lOc pk;.’ for I'ttritoii I'nrlor ;
’ Hi ilvi ILnit Cam. (iranulttbsl "
Suu'ar. $1-01). ’
liluUis U.'sU’anpdrniiiiliittvl
■ Su«ar. $»i.2U.

Safoty Vault Boxi-k Ut rent,
only $2.00 ixt yimr.

Call ard fct prices bffare ,
: buylne ehewherc.

Crswrst e«v Slate

Elgin'G. Lewis.

Next week is stnici (air week and you will undoubtedly be in
the city. ’ While you are we cordially invite you to make rhis
store your headquarters* You will find i^%ol and comfortable.
You will also find many ihinRs to interest you in the many
• departments just al this time, as we arc making -quick sale”
prices on cN crything o( a’stimmciy nature and all short eddsio'
the various lines.
No store is as well equipped to supply your needs as we arqYou are welcome to look as much as you wish. Any one of
the salespeople will be glad to show you the jnany good things
without making you feel obliged to bi^.


Hnoilxr Cime of ^

Great Shoe


We btivo (p>ne tlinniiih our i-ntiN' alork .tml li.iv.- sort.') "oi ami
put ou thf Ikirumiti Ti.lil.-siill iiti-l .-tala ao.l rvmaiii.
mg sizes of broken lots of Slux«. Ev.-rj- jxiir is u lxiri,Tiiu.

Cable no. I

Olomcn’s SbMs. Ul.ratn’t Patent Ccathcr
Oxlerdt. Olomen's Kid Oxfords. Olsmen's
acs. Olomcn’s Slippers.
Mi«t of Ibctn ore from Hm* that soW fMni $1..-) lo ff.-iO.

rot price

Cable no. 2

men’s Patent Cealber Sbsis, men's Call
Shoes, men's Kangaroo Shoes, men's
Kid Shoe:
etyle imaciuahl'' nml
Ki'.iily ev.'* atj
Sl.uO nion- than veare tt&kiiiRfor tli’-iii.
$t shoua,

■ 'JliL"

$2.00 fo $2.75
Cable no. i

^ many ON Can't mention Cbem Mil.
Womeo’s SlijiiRTS. willi slli.pan l U.«............... ^.................
^\oui.•t^S./mySlipln••.iI. aide
Woimm’s etisy Se rp- Cotunvss Mu.-s............... .....................
Wdoian’a .-0011011.11*10 Scivf ?^Hl»P>'rs.....................................
(‘liiMt.'irs Shoes, ecnl u-.-jiriiiS. .'•I 1.. Ill ..........................
L'liiltlren’s ShcKW. t'Xir:. p«.l
OhiiJn-n-s Shoes, black ..r tan

nity in the modern dioiag i
- ornament to the room. You tbcrakl hove one of cmi China Closets
todiaplay and protect your faun^Cl^ and be ^ toshbwjroor
China to your frienda to the hNt'^ adrant^ They are bmlifuUy polished Golden Oak. with bent glass ends axtd front, and a
mirror panel back. They aeUfram $10.00 to $26.00.

We have the kind yon want and ean suit tbe most esaetiog. Tbe
higli l«('k nnd medium back, wood scat, cane cent, veneer saddle
seat, and U-.-itUt r aeiiU- Tlie wooil an-l cam- watt eell from $3.75
to $15.00 u set of six chain, and the luuKlsomc bos seatdiners
niiuli'from afU-cUd slock, with a hami rubbed finish, IlfiXlO lo
$:{1.00 per set «f 0 chairs.
We have a few seu of solid oak taur w«t diners from $4.25 to
$'■*.00 that we are dosiag oDl ut ooSL


aiomen'k Shoes, Olomen's Oxfords. Ulo=
men's Slippers.
al this prie-e.

an- )x.into ihnt are n^wnys noticenUe in the style aad make up of onr fumitore. The origi*
tiality is (ouu.1 in the etylt- of deaigo, the distinction in maanor and finish kA tbe woriananahip.


U'li. ti von iiisi«oci our «'iioniions line of t«l>U-s
Til.'Hi’iBBlNS Tnlil.- with its pifo-nt I.-ni
taim-r :iiid leg fnsti'Oer. cannot lie .jualle
i.ilit-r iii:ik<- in Ivanly. styl.- and durabilil
ikif lalile
l;i)ili' in any length you wni
It) ft. ami Olid to its length at any time l*y a
P'tting extra leaves of DS.
It sells from $■'.00 to
•$11 .Vif.irthi- .\sli. aiij $l;i.7.'. to $2;i.OO for the
iii.ieiii1ie« iil wax finisluv! .[Uitrlere-i I ).ik - pd.wLil Uis.-. Frvtieli or mioisivi- e.arvi->l li-g—ronmi or
f-Unre top Wl.l.-S- Oliitr .lining ubl.-s sell from
Jii.7.') up.


to e..m(i). t.- the ftirtiisbiiigB of the r.>m. Weshow
at til.'pr.w.'iit tim.' ill.- l.-st assort-'llhie of Iraff. l-S we have . v.-r -iigplav.d envering full nmur of
pi.-'-s ill .vjloiu.i! (in.I niorh-rn styh- in iioih golden
.11*.! fi-'misli o.ik. Tbe-y hsv.- triple Fn-nch plate
lie>i.|iv) mirrore. lend.':! glnsa <hr>rs and have a
draw.T lin.-.J with the U-st i|u:dny of plush for
sil.erwtirv. The
rang.- from $12 lo gJti.UU.







C P. Bata U espedod torn
C. W. WUItami has his bay: "I knowa'towtih’^oSd
aajSlolBc the
u^cetMr.PorkUd^- work.: whan 1 was
are cet-i BenrlylB.
HdcklcbOiTltt on
le." wrliei Mrs. Anab Rtra^
Use ripe. Qolle a Bomber
frooi ooi
ul Bhmi I BC
TkdBlty wOl *o 1
ode. John Bto.'doetorf I could pec I s
wp U tUs loeaJity.
» Bslber At-ers was the Btieet of
Oscar Barth and
HftllltOII Usl CTCBlBC.
bnardlrib at Mrs McDow.
John Nolan was h«
GoidU Bates 8bs^».____ I*™
r. wH-t s nice Int
lUrtiB HcMab Md aoa tran 0«c*Ttwisfttoe reson U «Ued ^tb S
rj SuUlvaa this somB..
H UKeesen ftod Btoer took tbc
here vlslilns with old trieBds “djJ««7
aod wUe eBle^
boftt for TTBserse CUy Ust oteoto
• I (»1
Peek and wife a wbUe —
fMoh «M HmW mrnm n
■n. Brldlemaa sod three graad^
jsirsiltb as er^. They ^
droB of kUBbtoe are beie. tbe soesu
■' w

■ ■ '■
at Hri. NoMtSL
ilcxiMph ll*» w« MekM- <
July 16.
liteoSn. tfcl»^BOn>»« W .econiit
Ba-th eaiertalned her, '
-------other, Harr> Peek. Stmr (ke itorB UM DicbL
iO» Idi McKW «W*«* ‘S.'lJS
Mis. Bdmood Ball sod Ml»» *^>1*
OwoMO for ft few week*' *tal»
Mbs Nettle Chlttecdca
OHBth of Monde. Ind., ftf> <^P^ff
Broth-y :
iheli oew eouftce afier ft few weefts K“?
w. Sqtilres. Bh.
lOTs- Irftd cm a»
Dill aod .«
cw-S-V.... ..a.
.™. j c.;™
» Lessen U ^ wltb *»■
land (air b Ji»e.
Henry Silt b
1. .to ".to. « tbo 0.1
; ‘"to >0'
Twood pour U OB tteelA
pji J«ft«B Usftew U woeklB* for
worn Ud Atoo. Btobtoo:
“uesirt. Barnard_ and Inns
k in
..<1^ through here enrootc
. .-.w./wiihberdaush'-pa’**'
h.rf daucb- • passed
enroatc lor Maple
belplhc Nike
Feeead to Starve. .
V'^KTrfcuonie C«n» ftftd
There was a surprise on noreoec
Lake, of tbta place.
^The'towB.ta belBC toprorwl by
. _ra, VI
M of TTftTerse Citj were »
r. r. le«eh, of Conobtrt, Ky. says:
Vanle'CliT visitor
loir 18.
, For t" r«-ars I auSere.H agooKw. with
two wcokt.
®Mr Wd'Mrs. Geo. Cook are J^Pr
' a sore .« my uwar lip. so paiptal.
Mbs toft Qrftea took tte
tag their Dew boose oo Main street.
l-sumetlmrs. tbailcuoldmxnat. After! Jut 7%utBdfty lor Blm—
j vably irj lag rtenthlng els*-. I cured
TS^retBrolB, she »B1 eUK W^d. *t
t. horrible'll, with BucUlns Artilea Salve., Its
WftllooB Lftke. VftBdertin ftsd CbeIt ahfl thiindcrl
There was a heavy ral..
----------B «BlU Mtr. •
night >hjt_ rou..«l much I pjjjop
..!..r>lsKly aairied' In i great fur liurtib., cats sad *-oaods. At
, Johnson Drug Store Cc.-s. P. «. Memla.
**T?eW. M. A BOdety
Itt *«ood
».d ™
s-ey oi
I R B. Walt a So»a‘ drag atores: ftolr
QBftrterly moetlac at tbe Bates cboreh
WUUftB BftxtoB ftod tolly.
Thotsdfty ftnenwoo.
At any
PnMTnfll— BBd toUy. Hn. L Newft»d SOB WllOe' BBd Udy. west
valued s- IT'"-:
• old qearterif meetto P«««r toe SfttBidv hwdtlebemr>..,1... thl. week.
ibome 111 with an ulcerated throat, if , *jot money
money thlr
this hpn
Kprirg, The horse ♦ I »ll I I I I $ •! I I I I » » » • ** I I I I • I • t
las in the barn, bn: il
A. U PriBftU B8d dftUf^ to'Ss^. Meerdeo
lurt the other i>r sy: hi- bare
killed \hj limbi'
EH Miser .had a
.to, ibddtoto to-.
Mr. and Mrs. MeQoay dioee orer
■lag last night.
litl!.' »kw.k is givm. Pn^ inlrtfwl
'.^le s young drchcbrd. ^ SAVTOGS
tTMB BoardBiaii last Saturday to atBryaaL retnrned
Ibe flBarterly m*
•ler. hot Mrs. Johoson and daughter n»„ing
. log from Maple CUy a little While
nPPfl^IT^ eomiioiintltsJ eacb June awl Pfo. liiUwIrf-fore the shower Mrurk thcnt. The ••
OCrUailD 1-st .-ontiouf* lor Ihrou yoare C«>tu «lato *•
mlitflla ■ and tbr> ^
MftiT UBce b Btftrto W
llamsborg -attended tbe qnarterty wrlitoi.
mercy of
servlee oo Saaday and epeai
meetbg aerr1«
Fmnk Blgloe t
t* «8««i iitatoRd «t •
the day with fri____
DfMiuU-Bwl. Intfivat«« tlHwo rewa
e alw.
.s Ufl
Ttaveree City callcre Thuia.
OF DEPOSIT one jSir from ilate otik* ivoewBd.
> 1fSb<
ooat of pabt that
past v.^r. if h
eago I
Most ottivenionl for U»o« wUo wiab ftt> ^
Mf*. Cldftiid hU boose b eae o(
Trav •-!>«• I'Uy.
: her pan-niss and Pdatlvei.
rmpleted. ami i>
Miv, umM Just
• ■ tbe
Cate's fur a wcl-. nhea she mill
4<sr»/mNTC i:ivf clireks to .ilhitrt. Each <dK<ck c6ncenalaly an Idei
to f«o Lftke
llrsnd Rapt!l‘. where her fa ..
Ati^Unld stitut-*nTt«fli»t(orUtcil<^itar. A«f©
cnmi r mimtha. Located^
teen repalriBg bU bouse mad m^lng eoriog tbe
receollv marrii-1.
luitl contTniftit way for jmying aH k'oda «
IlvIon- hmiBoa
deeldad improveDeais In various
vlew.of Lakes Oilchlgan aad;to,,'3^ miles ««< of OvUn. wa.of nemmnU. Wc hroiah rtutek bo«*a.
CaUrrh Cannot
Lewlanan aod amid a grove of bCkuU-1 ,,n)d( py Ughmlng Btmday evening
July 17.
• luretxiuc aP-|Tley were in the psEturo at the Ume.
- —.......—
Ini Oaks, It preaenu a plctu
An- jayitUoon clonianii.' No |«yn»CBte •
foTi ure.
j(rg l-anrn
imnrn Usl-.
Bales drove
ovrr to Mrf. rro-h iLpearahce. The conage is eW for:
DL-wh> <-xa-{>t »D writU-ii <mli-r of ilepOBts w
living and sleeping rooma. while meals ! Ed Brooks' Saturday, retaraing
«r."’Aa"rtedrte atorm''ba^8on^
DEPOSITS U.r. May U- ittmlc. if oepositor ao do- «
aerred at the retidcacc of N-: Monday morolog.^ ^
■IgM b«ad for aboat two hoo^ We fm-North Manitou bat Wednesday are aerreo
so t-illier liiuhAfid »r trife oooki ^
too aot beard c< any damage dame oy
Bb doctor said be mast leave the
Traverse City nSiurday io sec ihclr
draw. All.................................................
ton Waller, returning home buhuay
-Mr. Wbitaey oC TTaveree City. « MatiOB for two weeks ud
north unity.
to way from Elk Baplda. wai
Henry Snohr of Suttoaa Bay w
•da Uia atona and atopped at A. H.
here aetUng up a new hay rake f
' vi »,** ""****■
weJ! attended laet Ssnin
WcBiel Kralu and a Woder for Toi
Bw'a .to 1^ Weasel
There will U- another da
MSi*M^^*Ibif^b TblUag ber "The
at the same pUee.
rotbar. M. U Bmltb «>d rebUvea at
Ninety degieca Jo the shade at
He Lake d! leland w
I i t t t I i -« I I « < * • » » »*»««'
Macko are here ' of Csri Dates Sattmlay evening.
Frank khdTt
tbo Bracnn tady rendeiod. Serersi I bon CWeaso. the *oosU c< Mr. abd

Grand Traverse Region.

«oored BBd TOSSm to. u™.
ftl«y- »«?»»*
‘m^#iS^eft»e Tor toft SoBtb

<ek Irom Bristol.
this sreek-----------



•►*'SSTM?rS5t wood

.YdiS^X tof. IS


»«■„!.«to. ss. “




Some MonnaUon Regarding Bank Deposits. -


S!; “nsb“Ssr.-



^KrtTwoie «»iui


pur buyers are now vIMtlrtUe great annual furr.iture exhibits in Grand Rapids and Chicago. On every hand the larger are offering us sweep.



As usual we are doing this and now it is up to u_8_to make room and clea^^^^^



to lose a sale, and will not Staple goods must go regardless of profit

Iren Beds Everylbing

Of Cbese

Here is wbere wo »ro
heavily atixkevl. .Inst
oomo in and look our
tine ovt>r and buy at
your own priof. Nonr-

i Any siae or ttyle of Be; ^feratogr or- lee Cheat
r can be fosnd in onr

Stem and
ftooi the imall one
bomer to the best range
mode, BOV at joor own
price.' •

They will Mve

ly 200 ftlylca.


F„„ >i,,-r>sir.r to lit.- 1«tl Ur:-!nil f.^c'l cott.'ii.
cnii ^t>w put 111


at o bi|! aiiviuu

Staple Goods

Steina ehalr «


So built Hint it romli^rvll ..
n.ljnsU itm lf to nny pokUiou till- body muy ua^
stim«. Ail ativl fnunc.
'/ ’J*
Wai witliatand
woatlior. .Tual like cut.
'®t .Step ill und esumiuf.


On which we are not only willing but anxious to sacrifice on in order to make
room for the immense large shipments that will begin to arrive ,n a short

Bedroom Suites
Odd Dressers
Odd Commodes
Iron Beds
Bench an4
Wood Beds
Cub Olrinaers mattresses
\A fon line of ^oU gndee bw.
»o win find just the wring­
ebiffoniers and
er yoa vont at leea than yoa
ore willing to pay.
Dressing CaUes

Dtiimief credit Extoum Diulec tm
EiUreSale. '

a m* 'Trw

Cace Curtains
and Bedding

Rocking Chairs
Dining Cables
Dining Chairs
Cawn and Porch
Furniture and all
other Staple Ooods


60‘Carts and
Baby Cabs
Muat move Ubwc- Were
hougiil ill liifg® <|unntitiea
in onicT U- IP t “
ati<l riglil D..W we iin^willillg t'l fci<rifir«r
turn liitfu o.vei.


A ,l,!7.< n rlifTcrc-ntslyl.*. Will
. yc.ii all that l>a<-k Irnnkiii;; rul.liing awl do Un- work
jiist aft well and mufli «iui>’k<T


SelllBt at tlie Smaller Dealer's First Cost
NeB ns a Fair Front.
. mw%a THomptoprawrlllto



Mm. K C WUUn CUM to Aiiira4aj. H$t UmOr mJ oii tbc pm>i«
koM «r* IHMl to Vrieoow b«r »Mk.
HIM nn no*or
WalUro lor » TWt vltb tor (iKAd.

ter. IdlM^rbUe. oa Olea Lake.
■aiUb dM btoiaaat la towa
D. Parraat rUtted trtauVea to
town Moaday.
I. uTltoUato.oC Demdt did btol-


_____________ Detroit anttod ea
miBOh Vedoaeday for a (to daya’
_________ tto Mktof
_________ __ •lone tko fet,leSt Oe^
- -• U
laid 1op wUb a
Tto To«a« PMflok Jaator ooelMr
ID tor* * pieale la tto groT* opto^D
*Mra Breta aad cbOdraa trtto^
- tto Jtoro todar.
tba nitoola Wodaiiliy (or a tirit wfib
.. J. Twoddloof
Mta. Woi. KelUe.
M tiftodi bora OM tor IM
C O. Wbatteek did buaiaeM to tova
Mw to.



A ptoBle aad barrMc io Lake Bbote
aa tototod to eteraa tobbk ladlea
a Batarday afteraooa. Tboae who
aiueded ware tto Mtoaea Lanra
PUtito ofrTiaterae Oiy. Tlaa #oba.
Oaa Yotoe. Wlalfred Oagaoe. JoeeL
Lottie tod Addle Netooo. pearl Dame
Id Mrtflrn" HePball. Bramea aad
raak »»«—«— of Raaidhnila. K. Y.
Mra. Attertory of 8L UmU. Mr.
Frank Barnet of Norway aad Ulaa
Bwto of Cbloaao are aueaia at tbe
OUlea eottaie.
Mies Itoin FartaA of Trareree Ctty

■ •
to tbe coen <of Mr
Mtoa Jeeaie
few day! of tbla wees la town.
B. N. Pickard retaraed to bto
Lelaad on Batorday.

nn.i rer taea caanot bm U sau'ebody’a
. a Tnveroe CttrMtooeboW Will

*^aday aBefnoow a etorta «< r-*-


Find Them Be.

Kalamazoo Buggies

To bare the ache* aad
bad Itok reoiOTto; to to «
itolMb*' fOBTeatoncet with wbleb B. i.^aae baa been
1-e cd'hU.^ldence
adding U> the valpropenr of late. to bea Itur-erwed
I a baadaome oew wtedalll end Oak.
Plptog baa been told Io tbe lawa aad
also the bouae. and Earl bow hi..
eOiBplote ■men) o( water wmka ^
Oorder A Ualer. fonilahed the od.l
and other naierlal and Ptumbor Oto
W. Honck had ebarge of .be piping
aad erection.
Klagaley'a aecood nlao played
State Road team Soadar. tbe tatter
wloalBg by a aeore of aeven and aln>.

ordert to (wooeb to oiake any kidney
nterer gratefol
To leU how thl*
great ebaage eaa be brought about
will prore cotnfortins wo^i to hun­
dred* of Tmerie City readeia.
Mr*. W. A, Merrtll. of «S1 Web*
atrrc!. .*■>'*) -I (-fferetf from etiai
of backache for Msteea years, aad )
prevlou* to lakttg Doan * Kldaey P
the trouble became rery *CTere.

Consisting ot Rubber Jire Runabout^
Centleman’s Driving Wagons, TogB^r

"*S. Ltoeord. wbo tola tto eosploy of
Bor. Muator proMtod la tto
I was ofton
B. etofto latt ftrtor «ad «IU bate
Srtto OTWT
loey Plll>
taltod «a O. H. Day Tbortoay
and removed tbe dietonneo of Deorer. Col.
a awBtor froa Maple Otr wttk a new to aiaklu arranaemenU
treaelag ullmeDt*. I cntlnoed the
poJpIt la tbe OOB
■iHl thik iriBf* aiieatod ito ««hal
treatment ooill I ttongbi It unneee*
uooai easrea Bonday nunloc.
lae Batorday laat.
gltea to Mia NhB Hda ato tor^
A breakage In the b(
Carmea trotbera rendered two beaotlaary (b use more at them. I could ooi
pill at Olea Arbor iBtaraar evea^
DoBB'* ibUI Friday eaaaed
wtafa for a better or more eflectlre
Mtm. Oaaa baa coapanr ftoi# — miaofi Wedaeaday (or Krowood fea day.
oaco apobJlBg tto aantaer vKh fe
Cba*. Bianiell
'ad to
Jk parly of l»e arrltad eo (be HllTbere are warty taata oeeapM to
tnide Tripp, wei
tto eoctooertai andaBts o( tbe U. of toU Batorday for Oroaoryo roaort.
for tbejl’nlleil
Gtodj New York.
Mlw Boto Haae paseed tbroogb
M. OB tba otore of Olea Lake at tbla
town Tbnrtoay oo her way to Booth atooe. MlBB.. are expected tbi*. «’c«k Bill show.
Trarerae City ■ ®*r',
the tome—Ooan'a—ana
tIbIi witb relailrer
Maatuni toUad.
yr-i.rda;aad frleoda. Mr*. Bhelp la the daugb-'
take oo other.
toee Fi-nioB spOBt laM week wDh
ter of OUa While of iHa place
Tbtoe wm to aa oatenatataeal
"Apuslle* Dowie Is again on bis (ei'i.
Mr. aad Mra Chhat Wood of Graad lU graBdp*r>-D's. Mr. and Mrs. Wm.
gltea la tto «. e. ebarch oo Joir t»tllen. n<«r Wexford.
Rapid* apeni Suaday In U>«n.
All Itokruptcy claims
Tbe pnoeeto trni go to*arto palatla*
Mr. aad Mr*. A. McHhaU speal SnaJuly Ik.
agai=« ltl“ hare toto wlihdrawn.- as
dar at Bate Itoe.
be has paM, with tolere**, the Jteo.otAmoe
Mn. F. C. Blee arrtted on tbe III
iBoto Satnrday for a (nor weekC rltU
r^aafl^ wlU
MtorJaUa Hiller left. Stlorday for IB* in an electric ligbii
toUh ber pareaU. Mr. nd Mie.
a Tlait with frleoda In Grand Rapida
ParranL of Baal Bopire.
Htot Karlae Neuen of Maatotee>le- and DetroM,
■Ip.- *m •nrlely ..............
^e tamlllcs
of W. fi. Porter. George
Ited at tto homo of Mr. and Mr». P
H. 3. WMdeani ot Deaaoela e
lib Mn. Addle
ae. L. H. Pet* aad M. I.««lle eo- Thuraday afterooon wjih
a Day 1a«t week.
After Trying OtSw Trealfwento. Hy• tawB Wedaeaday of la«t veeg. .
«d a Dientr ai the Leslie hole! ou Gibb*, wbo will fi-mlibI wofit.
Durr Jamei iuul (smlly are tpcndlag
w< was U*ed''toifl. Perfect OjeFriday.
a w«< k at Hognbaek lake, eamplng out.
July IT.
Un.^^anje Holllday^to sIm.^ It the
The faraera waaol work thli a(l<
Mlai Jeonle Haekle of BeazODia Booo oa attsooBt of tbe'atonar worn
' cbllBefore tl:e discovery of llyomci
to ttolttoc Mtoa Martba Haat tbli
«dvicc a pliyslelen emild cive
TmvWhile at Bran tost Friday ceperln ;
Cba.i. Spaulding '
%. Calkloi
In* had iwo aood boreoi
•klng lor a few week-* hiK hiy frrer paiienis,.waK lo go away
lending Ibe.ercBtlon of tome blOd«w»jer»c City working
llgbtnlng last
part ereek^tTber wedo. Mn. LelU
(o* tba Intenatjonnl Unrvater Co.. { past and bis ‘amity
'* mored then.-Inal from home, bul now. allvor'C who l» ;
1 Mm^ET
BatoMd, retaraed to ber bone to Orasdma Hartry and Carl Koba, epea Cto*. Snyder of tbl* place rocelted Thunday.
Hlrrry and
subjr-el to this dineaie cao. If llyomei I
- Bmplre tool SaUrday.
Ben HupkiDs recently ra)oyi-d a
of FranI atob a badjnjury to hi* wrist that it
th- gueeU
,------------Is u-Hvl. may al bonie wilhout fear of
Ptoak Hardy drote. to Beolab BatnrHarrcy and family of South Kataon. came very near being broken. He whs it frotrl fau brother. Mr llumcU. whom
not seen nor taeatt] from In (he annual ailaek of sncexlt*. watery
Mr. mad Mn. Bd fytoteg«e,.apent resting fat* bnod on n piece of a dry
^^ttoS’^todeoa of ibe UtUe Tat- Bunday the gnesto of Jleo. Mueaeloun good* box when a portion of the bind­ year*.
era at ^tam aiy wa* an Honor
OMirge Pejiler and family returned
er. weighing terenl hundred pound*.
aad family.

n WesK-ni
J. F. Forl-ei, n well
Ijl, *rl,i i>e- from a visit in Italdwlo, Simdav.
eertf Htoday.
arandma CaullBowor waa agoext of —1..——.I..
MtoM Zola aad Oelde Oreeoirood Mm Jim Zelglor Friday.
llliy to m*Jce u*e of
Yisterday the Kbltigle mill iiad to railroad man; whose home Is at Mr
eplie bin total
veto Baaday at their borne la Tboa>pshut down aa tbe fin-man. Mill Enotiin. Con:;. N.-br*»ka. write.i:
"I have
Oar eectloe foreman. P. Lagulre. iti- }be tnember. be agai
gave out on arcoubt of the Inienke oo\t-r hciI any r-.llcf friim any remi'rtj
Blgoed hla poaUlaa hero and a man tor Ibe eompany Modc
_i Tl^ed
Wm. Haekle of Benaaoto
ftnoi Kaleva baa taken hie place.
It week,
here on mday of
Mm Phnnie Norrla vlalted ber
layfleld Saiiirda* eronlng
Mias Nelllv J
*" ...
.... I
morn* of Hynmei
Mra. Anna Octoey
Ookey of Hon... .
J. 8. Brown and family are eamplog poor bcalih. one lung being seriously 11 dlacovorcd
daflgtaler. Mm tlco BeHlager, at Ma­
I bore with tor
nut at Rennie Itoe this Wetoi.
11 always tvcooii
ple City a few day* laat wedk.
J. C. Vaa StallHr. and Mn. Wynkoop aad son
Fewtoa* to baring (be Into
A. B Bamum's roo.mi..n to lirwl I rom.irrs




TomlDle rUlted nt Honor Saturday
*Mtoa Btod AfwrttsBg apent flaadrf and Sunday.
wrBhtiitod* to Hemeoieod.
Hr. and Mn. Tom Bkiver and (amLangmajd Camp No. g»(. R. N. A., _y. also Omv Stl»er and family,
spent Suadaylien. the
of their
tbo twa.Sktoot otoBbon of^y ^
John ciyaa ot near Empire
t wa;
iray home
thtougb here today oo bit
After ttooamp eeutoa the eotJre
from Tnvene City.
. OHto adjonroed to tbe borne of Mr.
Mm nia Longmnie of Loekport. N.
end Mm. Vaa BUrleom. Light rtfreeb- Y, a couato of A. ^ Wynkoop. made,
monta wnre eerred and aa eaJbyaU* them a etort visit laat wbek.
time wat reported by alT wbo atteodMm F. Norrta went to lYs)
1 buslBeea today.
Mr. tod Mm Sun Myen of We»t
Abnln cMled oa,Hm Hynn' mother.
p*to iiae Andrews of Carter's BUt« etottto frtondajoiw toat week. r>- **Sttok”SS^"TteKjbg hit tooste.
Oon^ Wynkoop this i ........
H«ry Rooee of EL Jennlogt. Ohio,
who hna been vlvlilbg Irleodi here. r*.
iraed borne Inst week.
The bowery dnaee nt Arthur RalMUt^ tost Batarttoy afternoon nt t
to's Saturday erenlng was well nl«^oA4f totUnk from a toad of hay
mded and a good time was enjoyed
SM tto wboto erMblag ber skoU. Mm by all. Ice cream and cake were
Mtofeawsy and Jiuie May were m '
eerred by Mn. Ralston and Hr*. Oltle
toto' when ae horMO etait^to^--. Koto. Them wfll to aneth« dance
Saterday ' ev
Hotoletorn a
BMklng the toBgse. She bung on
July IT.

: aL’ipraSssHHT

______ Little Hay bad fallen nnd tto
wtom had tonek bar toad on tbe
Df Oi
Hr. Sanest of
OraaA'Rapidi la vl
hato aMe, emtotog It in aad ootttog
a toA Mr lactoa long. Hr. Hatba- lung retoUrea aad-Mtoda in Oral
r «mmad
ttotfad Iher for baa a mile *ww
lent H.......... ...................
Mrs. Cole wa* the guest of Mm O.
wm Oarpenler aad Antole Melmaa
ato at Monroe Center, mefctng toy. M. Dame a few daya ibl* week.
D. H.
Mr. Oerpent^ wUe to ooektag lOr
spent -Monday

“Srt. I.

-MU .1

I, u



Road Wagons,

Frilit Wagons, Delivery Wagons, Spring
Waffons, Concords.
We can Save You Money on Anything
You Need in'This Line.


12H Front Street
Citizens Phono 751


a herald want ad


-FRAVI :rse city




rlor of bto bou»e repainted.
•SDRC-a, ih.niKh he uhow* no "T
Tuerc Is nh offruslve or d
Arietta Wlleox wat a Tnvene City
now the order of t:ciji*cb dosing when Hyomcl 1* u*i-J.
vlalior Prldar. Berry” iilcklnc
a-e looking flne.
- ................................
the <la:-. Tfcene
cm* to be a mo,l-1
fUahle rctn<-dy for the ciiiv of
Cbax. Hnefiin baa been engaged In , <4*10 supply ni
eoeitrnetlng a chimney for Jneob simil i,roN>«)i« ftw
Ellu Grnn I* at )omc with ber par , ■* hreaUicd Ihrough a neat pocket
Inhale.- that omo* wlih every outfit,
Mtoa Kale Rawllnga baa returned cat* at prrscni.
Mr. Whaley of Keystone, who
ujjea mto the ihraal
■sveral. MA
i ■ V tit tlMlllI
■ liark tnh nesr he-^-. had a
escape diirloR the big wind
■Mli UIIle Worul r
................................ --------------------------„,hcr heallb rcsOri*.
tosl week.



o weeks' vacation at ber borne near
At the regular weekly (boot of tbe
Kingsley Soortamen's club Iasi week
DeFranee obtalnenl the blgbe«l
l«. Cbaa. Hammet. uiuali>'
I a* Ibe ‘vnaek" marksman of
it. fell behln^ getting only 11
out of the tweoty.flre.
Huckleberry picker* were timosi le
gion nonn the ol*ln> Sunday. The
(mil thU year 1* very scarce, except
In a few cenaln pieces.
Ray Lempbenr erf Mxnum xpem Sun
day with retoilres here.
Mr* J O rroiser aril daughter
cd by Mrs. Dussei
of Akron. Ohio.
Satnrday. where they Jolnc
aer In a trip tbroagb tbe upper pen
B. J- Case was la Tmvene Ciiy
aaineia Saturday.
John Scheme reerlved a iractlon
fine from Pori Huron one day I
. Tbeengt

• —

• - •

bad tAcn shelu r In ibp woods lumoJ «h< re hay fever U unknown.
It by the root*.
rt that S. E Walt
Mrs. Cbs^. Walsh was called
Dcy to any hfiy
na-^man Wodouday hr (tae|<
> Hyomcl vfllh-.
f her youngest slater. The - fever rnfferer who u
- died after M-a. Walsh's ar-loui r.uccesa. sbouhl I
p annnal schoolumeilng was hel
Monday evening- Wm. Chase wa asseaeor In nlare .rf Geo. Kj
•k, whose U-rm expire,!. Then- wl
nine tnonihs of w-huol. tepeber
wage* 140 uer iduoib.
July Ik.

I In li« power |.
; pic,.. tv>


liolile* hut vb
I'Dilor a Dew law. IlllDOif. during
iihc new two years mill spend Jto'.o,)"

Shaw spent Sunday -wlih bit |
family ai tbto plarr
rt Carl Cpeneater and chlldre?:
• the guests of Mrs. IaiU Wood
an-I ehlldren are ependtas
C. Davto a
a few days a W.-ilord.
Mra. Jacob W
dr*. AddU
Ihe giH-at*
HcKeaguc of Ha.vfi'-ld
•1. Brviog Wolfe
and Mri. 'John B'rightman n


la bulldIcR punl r<iad* to *erv
ot what to ik-Kirable I"

Mimenalre’s Pfier Stomach.
fed mlllloonlrepuhllc Iirlols as a horrible exanijde of
Ihe evils Illendant on Ih"* posn-rshin j
of mat wealih. lint mllllooalre* an-1
r.ol ihi- only ones who are afillcled |
wlih had slomacbs. The proportion to '

among Ibe*,. le-opIc.Nj^l ihey sntf-rMrs- Fred Domiae of East H.a.l bus
far worse toniin-s iht-' the nIUlon
been vliUtlng relatives at ihls place
sire unless ih,-y avail ibemwhes of a '
Jim Sliaw Is working fgr ihe Tmv- standard meUlcIn,' like Gn-en's August '
Geo. Hoodi
a Hautoe caller
Flower, whlih ha* been a tnvorlli .
Bunday nlg'-t's electric siurm
remedy Uk all siornwh |
without a doubt the baavlest of
troul.les for over thlrtv-flve y«-ars. Au
season. No damage was
gust Flower roose* the torpid liver,
from lightning, however.
thus cresting appeioe and tnsunng;
James Bolton and aao Angus and
perfect dlgeslinn. It tone* and vli*!-i
Mis* Ruth BbUob left for South Board,
lies the entire rjsfcav and mak,-* llfi
man. Mond*>rv*here i
wor,h living, no malt.-r what your su
■pend some ilmcvla gsi
I and apiimved agaln<l, fkc. r,-gul»r SI7I-, '
Frank C. illgidow, Ihe Ullvauk's. . m j Tic. For sale l.y
Ctore Cummings deiiaried Monday
lK-7.7.k-r. amnont to (2.19I.9KH, while |
for Holly. Hlcb.
Tom W luw...n ha.- to - n nominaKul
Louto Urk rrtamed from TmTuysc Ihe loul approlsed value of ItlBekjw * I
fur )>r,.wld,'ii> t.v enlhll^la^1u Sinl'l.
City. Friday, and proceeded the sam
estate is only tfSK.ail.



Charles Slelgfal lost a valuable boree

Hr. Prtre of Iceland was tbe gneM
of Mr. and Mm Henry Hall tost week.
W. H. Hurlbm end
Monday at the home of
Henry Hall.
Mr. ato Hr*. HU1 tore'retnraed
tbeir borne In Grand Kaplda
Hm Ella Brtggi
returned borne
froib Tmverae City Friday.
la Bertie C
After tbe bualnees boar of the U O.
T. H. Fridag erenlng a program wa*
I given, rtfrtoffitots nerved and each
_d preaeai wHttag.
wanted with a'tnas* roi
Netooa returned home
Vilie, Mo, rlTl7..nS
day to Big Rapids, where he es|>ecu <
Kim Kittle ^ gar<a moat eate^
Prof. Bailey .arrlred last week to spend a riiort time vtoUins.
One of nature's reou-dle--; cannot j
Min Bffle Weldman veionieD to b«
tatoitt »Mnm at thhvtourto tost
Onu Day
harm ihe wxki-al ronstllntlon. never
To Curo * Cola
evmA am mtoataaaiy .w^ among
taomo at Luke CItr Friday
falls to cure summer comi.laints of iT**; LAZATlVg
thfKtowa «Bd Arapahoe l^na. She wtlage SoBday aftemoon.
John Hlntv, wbo wsiked Into tow .
I I sltMVwr* u am •wen ho«
••Km at Hasie Citr Battoday erenA. Rlebards of-Omeaa baa rented the from WnI'on laai Sundar morning,
btoekamlth shop of Peter Wurtburg.
wat nppreheixded and taken Into cus­
otmua ggtbarto and bi^ Just a*
Hm Hllltkea. aeeompenled by Mtoa tody by Deputy Shcrlg Ssihsn Rouse
had Marty
toai^ .all
_ .MM-e tod
all gat
wllbln three hoo-w afiiT hto arrival.
Burrows, spent Saiurdny la Trat
the Awreb tod tto llgblnlng was oon- City.
Hlnty It wanted bv ihe aiitborlllcs ot
ttnuMM while tto tala eame down I
Hr. HeMaehen Is visiting friends In the ManafielA O. reformatory, for hav­
■oily three boui
ing Jumped bto parole from that '
HIn Gertrude Holtan; wbo bn* been stiinUon oo Uav 19 laai
entee nnrih Ir Ihe horm of seeing
II. to ooovaleKlng.
Wm. Voice
i-otce o(4be 800
Is spending n wife, srbo baa since Bto laLprisooment
few weak* with relatives aod friend*. been making ber home wiib reiailvos
Mtos buna Bordeaux baa murtied near HannaJi. Hlnty to iweniy«lght
year* of age. and oo Peh. M. ISoi. wa*
tma Canada.
Hav,- y<'iir i-yeb ihort'iigLly
BoME. Tto lake ntoed fnlly — ...
Hlaa M. HascncrlnUc of 8t. Paul to sentoircd for two year* for forging a
to Beptb. Tto people wbo bad tor to Ibe Kunt at Hr. and Mrs. C. A. Hal check tor the Kiim of I'd on 'he Mcr.
go BtUyed a( tbe towto .until Mnriy
ebanta- Nsiional bank of Hastillon.
cijai]i|>cd clii'-i-s ill Trav­
During the pa*i year be hna been a
mtdalgbL Deforest Touen. with wife
erse City.
UBd. ebltd. started with two bones
CalboUc eborcb TucBday. July trusty at the reformatory and had been
a»d carrtogefor boMe during a luU la l«tb.
paroled and employed oo afarm laelvillBded
the atorm. bri cto lightning bll
J. Gould of Ladte-Forest spent a tew mile* north of tbe Instltutloo at eight
HIniy was con­
aad (rtgbicned tto bones so that
they daya ot tbU weric with the Sluari tsm- dollars per monib
ol IB tbe Uy at the PolnL
fined in Ibe -Canton. O, prison tlx
EU not noUee a bad wasboul
wi‘ weiv straniffra in Trav­
i*cn to Hsnsitht before bring lascn
Mr. and Mrs. Dr. Ramsey of C«a■ fund "nHI "»* of the hmwr* f
erse City.
I. a*
1. Hlnly stated that.
* be would
R. It waa extricated with coosiderable tnl Luke were the gueau of Rev.
dlKenlty. hariag bregen 40DW of the Deeuund srlfe a few days this week. not receive bis pay until
tomeaa hot there were m •ertoaa reMrs. Rufll to enjoying a rislr fiom .bored on tbe' farm for one year, this I
TODAY BP are fittine
arrangement would not even buy hi*,
•alto. Vm. Sadler and wife could not ber mother
Iwo-thinla <f Ibe yflaase*
riiesrlog lohacw. He says bto wit,-'
gut boar with their tram, na there
WllUam Gagnon bta retnmed
relatives hare been InOuvoclng her i
fitUvl in tbi* rity.
wane tftean trees ac’nas the road be- from Tmverae City for the anmnier.
Flower Snndsy was obaerved by tto
twian AMoe KenBedy'a bouw gad
T. P. 8. C. K Sunday evening.
Mr. sold Mm P. M. Nichols of ChRUtotbe. Ohio, are gaesu ai Hotel Sooil
A special meeting ot tbe L O. O. F. tain bto release under bood. nnd
sohnld they succeed be will probably
as held Saturday ereutag.
AlriB Cock I* worUag (or B. 8.
Mrs. Danto and m. accompanied reCum toAHchlgan. He stated that he
r Miss Dnm Coben. arrived from De- would CO' have-oommln^'-e for^'^^BrMBer to briptag Joto Brlglrt
. olt Tocmlay for a vtelt with rela­ gen had he not been tmder the Infloeodb of lleuor at the time. Ihspatyl
tives aad friend*
SheM Rouse recrired tweaty-five dol­
H. B. OP mlsed a large bora
lars lor having toptnred him
Hoodsy at bit farm.
ktoeh to the anrprtoa of fat-------------Dr. F. J. Fmllrk spent a few dm «f
• Peioakpy In
' '
. tto Mkblgnii State Hedlenl oocietr. for Detroit Unt FrMay. wbem to h.
Cm Oodma^ of Ornsd BapUs dU
nee^ad a^tomUuu ** pook'seeper li
Bnew ta town Ttoadsy.
JtfeB RIertmymns arriyed on the a few day* of last week Ig Tmv<
. IBimBi Hdmfflatomd nEow toyani
me Center orer Smtoar.
Mr. iUlea'and wife aad Mr. Burke
ato wife WDI toteid Suatey at tto
Onsk Imke loaei^
Mm Jamea Lamaon aad daughter
Tara Mt tor Sellalm, Ohio. "

gies. different styles:







(0*60 UD ZEFF* KSarLTEit-ii




Cross Eyes or Defective V
Otbci^ arc being cured; why not you?

DR. P. L WEFE, Pfoii. DR. A L NttSK to»nt

The Lotont, Grairiert. Richest FREE STREET PARADE Ew Seto.
Every KectoK at 10 o’clock.
One SthCcsi nebet admitx to Efetribtoc.
ChUm oafier 12 year*, BaUriuce.
Door* mgeo at 1 aod 7 tTm
ygfocTtiaTwri Begin at 2aadS

Reserved seats arjd admission tickets can be i
cured on show day at S. E. Wait A Sons drug stora s lat same prtoacharged on the grounds.


■n. SttMW
i>ii laweMP—i vldi
mJ^lrei la YVe
Mi* *>«• M*M wd R»r Bt»«
i^ todtr in Tf»f«n* CltT! Mm. K. DatUaMd «a
^totcn KtBclD vcoi u> I>Bck Lnke Wrytord te eanp o*ct
rridv «rSiw . lfc«
ir*mer» are rerr boar *1111 tn«tf *C^lw and «•
trblewifcw «*0R n wr ^>d
______a W. 8*ltt W Ittwto Oaek.
MW « and lot «. Woek ».
P. K.-* trd. .
Vtope U BWUi aW wifa to c. A.
AnoM •« IMt w 4. oak

JnDrlO- :


tMt pamts. Mr. aad Mra *. Swa^
Chaa..W. DrttiM a Qadlbae ^ la


oT. ratunM tra* PeuMur
HoKAlaa,- aiffiad Pa»a»e
alw* at ITraT^rM CKr la*

!*'^4‘MSV'8d.tll win lead the'paiwata. »lF.
Ir. and
and Hi%> P.


MW Martha Beraeultie U eleltlag
friende lo Petoekey.
Cbk*. Hawklne wltnee«d Pawnee
BBI'i ebow at Cadll^ laai week
Com a^ potaloee are doln« wril.
Plcnir of rain;
^^et will
be ready to bar*^ .
.teld I* looked for.


*^?;ak PlMdrieh and -tfa to
ft 'White reianad borne
Wadrlch.W4.btoek6: |I^.
___ _
Arbor Uai weak. wb«» ebe
AUrad V. Medrleh and wUa to Oa.i ba. been Ike na»t fonr
Mr. and Mr>. Shall and grmnddaa^ |
car fMadrick. W 4. Nock 6: I14W.
.. LoMaa rriaditob to Oaear mBdrtdi.
lag Mr*. Daeld Vinton
k*4.btoek8;$lJ«. .
Bin*et Bcofl' •' ^ "
FaUeraoa U rUlilnc her
rtaak PWadrit* and wlto to Ucmiae tog bla Bother.
Pfiedricfa. at al. lou S and «. block S. raw oare
Friday to »1»U
elelt Mn Bttockengaei.
, Priday
gie 'Rletberg alto.
Mn. Lydell of Parle. MIeb., ie tIc-. Warreo Tatinr
Ta) lor hae
has boueht a Mirk
B..i-* Co.> lat: *«.
■ hinc
her enn. Prank I.rdell aad faa-; drivinc IMB of Joha Hobei
r Oaear Frtadrick to LooMo Pried- Uy. at Mepln R-ove
K Tory pleaaaai eficraiwa ...
itek, K M W 4. block e 11.000. z'
IT. M. Baird weat to
Stale lut
the bone of Mr- aad Mrs. O. Luce ; **'“ «f't? -J?
the lOlb, the ocensioa be- *r* P'» l»"
- tMm fWedrieb B»lth to 0*»r meadaj to rliit bl« btotber. Ike B
on Monday, th.
aad other rwUtHei.
l*r. A»««l
inc SMoey'e IStb
Alxnt J-. ' -folf !*•
WitM. W 4. Mode S; tlJOO,
Rer. Mecene of Petoekey apent 8»a. of hie friends came and lurprteed
r Lnara Paitnck to Oaear FteMrldi. day with hie eon al tble pUce.
They played ^Diee aad ran r
let 4. blodt »: $1,000.
nearly S o'clock, then lee c
Jalr 1*
rake were eerred The lluJ«
-• Akdnda ft munaae to W, L. Brown.
Wc had the wot»l elaet-leal .
_ »—-----here laat algbl we baee kaowo in qalte 1 Mrs.
un. Addle Wall of South P
i PkIMadar Parli aad wtte »o Qeo.
wfalk, bot ai yet we bare beard of U Ttiltlnf friends In Mnyleld.
The emo* w.-re badl.- dimaged'
_ done.
tliawannan a-40 rode M W T. aae.
_looday Bomlns on acconal of the :
Ml*.Ida Barber o n retom
ft. toon ST. range IS: tSSS.
benry nln and wind sin-m Suoday i
!T a Tiali o

Mai^rat ft Orlfttmo a a: Ha*. TraTereeCIty today aOer
BMd 044 Of oeH. aae. »• «»*“ “• *'^anTMr». M- H. Gilbert nnd Mr.
and Mn. Job^ Osborn rolled frienda
Drat Btoe and nun Leon risIK
I. PHdlnand O. Haa*aBB. «l al.
*‘»G^Ethel’'wmi^M BHtoer^U la Tmreree City last
—ftfrtla.T. Ooodrbft. pacpel, aac. •. rtotllag friende bere.
Mrs. JdiD Pfeinr end
JO 16: WJlO.
r. DeWJ". who ha» rented dhe
ir of
>p of V. C BladcBM.
d DaitiK^ wife to Wat. U
are r-Mie of ifAgAOtj ripplT CO.. Trerem Oty. Rich.
^ a U and C4, Oak.Uaichte;




B>^; -

Some Genuine Bargains in

Men’s and Young Men’s Suits
It's getting to the time of the year whOD evetylhing "eummery’
must be put on the retired list.

Suits $‘7.SO


Dedier and wife to Chari*

**' ” '* ^
McIntosh rlslted pi Mr. nod Mn. Will
' £ ft t*n0«r. at al. to Bbacr J- Wtey^ over Bnnday. ■
kwliofaeM aae. «. to«i K. Jnly IT.
: 11.000.
r Oaaeral to ft. P. ClIaMS.
i ct Mft. aac. n. toon n.-rance
___________J Inst nl^t. though
hnre not lenmed of nny dnaage done.
^ gpodrleb to.Prank VotSerenl from bwe went to Ti»»last Toeodar to the show.
k, W IT. Moek S. BIrdioood; tlJM. ene fflty li
- ir erot> this
mc-R Monroe te ineeb Siaddlgo berrylae
year aod a great
r.,pareM..Jne. SB town M
esery day. •
While Mr. aad Mrk. Kenix
» Wexford c
' '
?b^^*iS^'drt»Slg hone got
laoad and tore too* fttrai the
bony esd rw away. No aerlous dam­
• 4Bd healthy. Bar- age
was doae.
■a. At anydrag
Hrn. K«*r and ton Perry rltllfd
In Tneene Cite last week.
ftrn. Arthur BenneU went

i Hr. JaBirai fa* Been on the Mek Bish last Priday.
Hra. Bbeeu was earr lU all la«
BM'tor tbe peat few dayn.
ehXdrM hare
fc*i MtoSllU • fw «ws » Tietofto I At 'tbe sdKxn Beeline M dbtriet No.
-S, C. Copelaad was elected dheeior.
BevB^roB here hare a ,«ob of
VMi* ftthei Cruidan ytolted Sti*
.....................Karlin for the Stole
of Hanlnee.
Cbarlerolx it rlMti Joon and eon
Mn. Kanagn.of Cbi
Thnradny. where, tog Mn. Hyrey.

We Put on Sale

strengthen the Stomach with Mi-o-na and
keep Well.
rasmer prokidiag.mUk tor the
bable*. with the result thkl the mortallty is greatly decrcasod. He
pmclalM tbe fact itaai disease germs
are cobibm «>
soaBcr aad tl
the uomach Bust be kept healthy
resist their attodca.
Older people do hot lire on a Bilk
diet to tosore health, bat th,ey ci
■trengtben the aloBach and dlgeotlye
organ* by tbe nee of Ml-oem that they
too. win be free frOB elekne* li

d aid yoa to nai uraliy s
ly lUKestlng IbC food,
only remedy known that cur. ', indlgccUOB aod siijtoa^ inxiMi-s
lUengthenlnR ihi- (iigestlvt- sys
1 It gaamnu-ed to BSke'a cutnplelc
and permanent enro In
ic sIobmA eiceptlng <
Ml-»«a restores cesplcle heslib
t|>e fbole syoteB and core* b«to-

and distress after eailnK- vi-rtlKO.
b*rt bom. and tbo geweral dehilUy
whkh results from a weak stotnacb
and thiperteci dlgestlcn
A goaranteo to refund 4bc money
Take a HI-o«a tablet before eieb
tl MUt-aa does not shoe- help. 1» «lv
meal, and It will soothe and heal
that may be present lo no wHh oi-n' 40 eenf l»x .4si. tt R.
Walt & Son I.) shoo- ........... .. n-iar
whole dieesllve
[ tntee.

are prices we are putting on many lines of suits where the lots
are reduced to one or two of each kind. A saving to purchasers
of from $2 50 to $5.00 per suit.



The Boston store is nearinglt^lastdayk with you. The stocks have been condensed and moved forward. A car load of fixtures has been shipped to the
southern store. Mr. Rosenthal goes In a few days to Install them.
.. . i
.1 ihl. olciiillv Uo to this time we have sold
To 0M nttaadoM wt win teoHau* fo sen coeds at pricts Ibal mean* a saving of Ibousand* of dollar* lofbe people of ibis ririnllvo itra«rcan avoid it Prie*

Interest and save from five to eight timeA on your purchase. Likewise on everything for your immediate use.


Choice of our best Sbo« for nien. Hanaas. Piortc*. Q
LobdeU. etc, $4 and » values.............................. .
• W
of our best Boys’ and Youths' Shoes. American 1 1 Q
Crown, M. D. Weill, wwth $2... ....................... XeX^
Vid Kid Sho^ solid siies 12 to 2

make your own prices!

men’s Goods

mtt\s tbe Olay Shoes
-are flow Priced.



Chad's’Wd lGd aoes'. solid. 8 to 12.


CbUd’s Patent l-eather Shoes, and vici 5 to 8


nil Priees on Dry Goods
Daye Seen eut Jigain

Our best new Spring Tiny. :>Tic anu Tuc
kind .................................................................................... -


Our bcjt 50c H.ll Hok


Our best 25c Half Hose


at Vour Own Price
Buy for .i few month- ahead an<l >ave more ihan half.

$l Monarch Stiff Bosom Shirts


S1.50 Soft Bosom Shirts
only.......................... .............................- • .. ........................................


Suits »way
Q QQ buys our best Kuppenheimer and Lowcnaicir s mak. <
O-VO values up to S2U.
Choice of ourbest. newest Qtiklren’s Clothing, values
up to SO —..........................................................................................
A i« pf Childrens SuiWk a season or iwo old, were 'T
, a^ S5 values, to close----------



They re

good coats.

Sbirt lUaists, Cloaks and
millinery at Ralf Price

The assortm. nt is still quite goofl. bit every day i* cutting big
holes in the stock.
Study ii|. you/ catalogues, get puces
every where and anywhere aod ilx r. come here and see bow
easy you can save half or mbre.

mmSrn o»tD.-io trwUi^St MoevdM
an br 0» ««Mn •
■■■rr rf rtiWrti twaltab —4 Mlf«

tto mtiMR M
rfUir. T**r were Am* K»»d
i. •*« br

Mrtad fM CrooaiBdl that the erw
or Ibo b^leaUp letperater Alexaader
n had iBvWed aad the mea ^re pot
to* a« rthoitt thalr oaoara.IMtialt Mich, Jalr^l^—thersre at aooa.
a thIa rear.

ttat eiMilur waa o*»rcome hr beat

Becaase be wantA the rtoht A w
applied crploATa laAde the reraeti. project wai Uaitcd nd
a SwUi peaiaat dritiag aa ox tew» ,,
-----------------------before tb^ were abaadooed aad the bor» I
la tbe middle A the road Bear Kwsa-.
Sgaret McKcBcr is t IslttoC.^ Coer^
reaulltoc damasc «» eapemed to be tlrlag
atraek Hit. Gonld pm tbe hack I
She expelss'*!**** ,a^i.Tita*iaaoa'wmh
•orlim. ft was bnad. howerer. Umt wood! aad la the watcra. It wu a aachk
otlh hU goad AtO-Ut berao* agtoae-rfor the mtaitoB fle'-ls to todta STO.
Mr, Blebatd nayio nrere
the rUA porttaai A,the ablps were
Trarerrc Oty cAlers loi^
BoiDber of bora will be oc^r doabled. tog Mow In the lace. Youa*
■traasety tubarL
Thia camptos party la Mba^north
The Baysa. which anataliied the
and gate the yckd a setere ihrasAa-. a,, Ads«ae damire to fi^t ir^ ^^uilVe* ao\ Meads A BAea
moA acrerc dhmasc. hu bcoe taken eader the leaderehl'p of W. M/drarla low aad the Pereiiletm U naricB- Greod Bapldi. who I* tolaraaled. li>
tsger will lease tamor*
Ue wUl: her own eeAne.
! I boy*' outtot. The varlooi departemts
„ be- borne al N«a«
I- ao-A' vWi with relBoth A these reueli wlU be brnotht I win be eader the e»rc of meo aeloetad
here soda to complete the oeceasifT; by the itato eiceallte cotntaltiee cf rt Ctlrayo sud Hlu Ootcy A Peaa..
repArt. Erco ibe Palladh. wblcb su»-. the V. M. C. A., which fonilibai the
and camp paraphernalia. The
.* ^*-1
talBCd Ibe benrteit damage la eipeeted
Igb.eO Aug. 4. and and will .i.l, bU
“^Ta Mr
OOMH. Mich, inly It.-AomoK late to be refloated by the middle A the last pot
IK If. D«7'
'S'Jndsr evening. The wind was high
arrlealt A the aorera arc CulaoA Angusl aad bAorc tbli tbe Betvlxaa j: to 1C years
will betakes »»d
»'«» •««
_____ ____________
aad Mre. Fbrd A Leatoetoa. Va. Cct. 'aad Pobleda will be alloA.
Ibe arraagemeat Insure* them
M«*j!Totoi>-. hall Saturday ni^.
' f""" Tboredar- -Anrattg
Fbrd ia aa iaatroetor A the VtrstoU i
HeA Cawed Aaey Deatha
yseaUoD while ibe;- arc A tbe lake.
" No mr!fto.‘ttoto®e.lS.lng in h.V- ,11.
,V”m Tfal.
Hilltorr toAHate.
' WaahinAoa. July 1#.—The Inicore
The boys will tAc Aong Ibclr few ] Mr*. TollD is In Trarerse Oty l«- ^
Mr. sod Hra. 8. if. Kewmaa aad I heat candnues thronghosi Ihe couniry necessary clAhei. mnslcA Instruatents.''
Mts^ had a
badly A m<a«o antrod oo Sunday I with DO ahatcmeol. There were
"nioO* ItAlIng* A Oaire!
ChAles aej Grare i t nnurnv<l nlnr j- evening.
jandposilhly the
aa^ will apeod the aummer at the thunder stomt la the middle
lake l» vUlilns her frteiHl, 'Miss
, game or teo. bet -....................... ................
Iiancb Aver)
toll morning. It an* reenrt- probable
uaS all.
heav'- rain >
SI,. J. fl.T. <•» O-and lUAds Is vto■
1.. drt™, ...m
Mr turf Mrs. C. E Morray at Trar that the present
vbe camp oeceMarfie that will bHp'lo HUTonymii on tbe llltool. 8AC,..g iTi enstn. Hrs Ham WAimO.
ran C»r hare roeeaUy apem a tew be toterrepted1 by Friday. Citl-w
Citln to;g,ve ihem a gtx>d time. There will

Frank Ilalr.-ll
Mis Kiivl Avery bss 1-een Karlag
wtU ^a,/
e 'ami''' wirrlv'l a wUh h.T ir.'.ih. r al tnillamsbarg for a
dan A the Caorcre. The foeata were all parts A the Called Stairs
bathing flrtlng. tramping Ihrongh
Lawrenre and Hess Ihiy A Lorekf ,Crouch
matly cmtertaliiod SAnnlar aftcr- cd maar deaths from beat, most of the
„„ ,i^
,, ,;iei<rae-« Monday
B. II llrosii t- euHc HI
by a trip sTOOod Ibo bay oe the fstAltlcs oeenniag to Chicago and
They wU! put la their time Just
The lla-v-ev Wh.-clc- look Out wv
wnt,. pod famll}. A*» Hr.
at Travre

•all Teani Atari Marth.
Rul Jorta», MIeb. J«lr »--«po»
arriitet »t thia place the Dotroll Oalrenltr Sue Ball tUb that baa been
tC • IDor tUR»Rh Utcfalsaa. tfeeUed to gall fcswklac anwad and K>Ter the acaaoe at Beat tortaa.
otcrlBB tbeir fei-Tteea Tor ^ a i
The ■* saae vaa t^ed here realerdar arflh the Praakfort team, eeaolta a vtctoiT tor Baat Tordaa.
acore S to t.


’ BvUa. Jolr 1» —The aaflora
, were reponeil bAorc noon and over
con,„ oo there will be a
Oermaa eralaer Piaaealob emtlaled
; half a doten died of the b«ii In New
»rt>unt! the big camp Are
•hlla the kalwr ^ at Kiel aad
. Ships to Be NaAored.
York tip lo that limeupni the Ik^b want lo turn la lo steep.
{ ad^ det^'ja rc^ to the
Toklo, Jaly !>.—An otocer who bai
- rinial. ^ptiigi WUbelm ~- dAuraed from Port Arthar reporu that
Y. M. a A. Camp.
The crown A Nor
The ezteat 'A damage to the anakea' BIk Bapldt. Mitt. Jnir W.,^Thc
Bnsataa Alps was Alghter ibaa ww state T. M C. A. boys* camp will l.c ed l.y Prince Charles «
eC Ui escaadre ertialti to
retabllibed for lu second scasoa oa King Chriftlaa roosent* oa hU-n
It baa been kaowa that the Basstoas Tcrch.lskc to Angnei. U« year the ^ to C»l>cabagpn next week.


, Beriht, Jolr tf.-0®e«al teporta
^om odaaial aothortUee In Oermaa
WaA Africa deeertbe aa ootbreak
. thapaKaftfcecaaalha!U1teatN>c
to Oanaaa CametooBa. It U eutad
Ihat dortoK Jmte thia trU>« ^vroured
V«9 oeema aad eicht erblia peraimi.


Dan«ar far Kin#.
Xoaa. Jalr 17.—AotborlUei Jura ar* raated ha aaar^lat aaaiad Barbcrlc,
who ram hare from New York. It la
autofd tarbaric waa camaiiiaioii
^ ha cam bare for <ka porpoae of
akiTTtox eat lb« Dlot Tor the hlRIai
«e tttitoa.nta-.


IWaahtostoa. Jolr It.—Aeddeel bnll|tto. Ka. U. »oat laioM br the lata^


,urocd lo Kvxisoc 1 f..- the >va*ua. . Snndsy ...........
* '
-----^ ^ <^A|
Mrr. J. W. Mllllken lectnred here, noon n..i— 1, •»... -..v «irilon '• The shlatfc
shIBbtc ILmill has
— sHni down far
• ■ ■ irlg,

last Tuesday crtmlng
on b«-r
Mr - ;kcy is Ihc
ego the presml anil the sawyer, Dl Itoga
oung reslantM s •w-k
.................... mil Owing lo the man
Mr aod has mored his limll.- bark lo t'rAloB.
'( TTOO full but the
Mri•s. WvttJoan and son nd b*rar
re Traverse City
John McKs) weal
Frank Young ,nd Mvn
lecture was eery Inieresiln.
tiavpool went lo High 1.*!.n. A RrlKham Is Mvdadinc the a
m.-'nfnr hiirkloberrylng. M rliypoojj '■'iS.i,
at New Wexford.


' Waablsctee. Jalr ft.—BHba Root.
Dto Na* York lawrar. feraor laer
of w. waa aaora la thli awmta*
drartir after 10 o'clock aa aecratarr of

£a^ of railroad aaddemta la the
: «BRe< Btalaa dortv the maathi of
*n«r. VMwaarr tott ttareh. itM.
' Nha^p Out dartag dut''«aarter there
■M imnirdgbt ^^■nlrwl aad 'ttf
«Btto>T« Ulled aad l.SSl
lad AM emptoraa tafortd ta trato
•reUaeta, maklBg to all ttt paiaeai
fniad aad A7U tojored to trato aeeliaato. Other accMaata .to paaaeogaf*
& to>»kir«t. not the tanH ot oolU:
Sam or dertolmBU. bitog the total
^bar of tauaalUA cp to tuec (tot
Iped aad iCNT lato»d.)
'limare wai a daerpaae A foitr-two to
: In total autber ot peraeaa kUlad. aa
. Ampared with tba.goartar aodlas
Oac. ai. 1M4. n» total oedlUtoaa
aad -doreltomta waa a.iti (l.m eolu aad IM deraDmaets). ot which
it* toOlalaos aad m d
iteAad poflsODgw Moa. Tba damgga 10 cars, otglaea oad readway \j
K: ' dboM ooddoBts amoaatad to fl.44t.., iu. Therpwanah laereaaetif.twonly'
m la the —A d.
h Ibh toA prweodlag
Tbs tetol hoBber A
Id killed to oonpllag aad
waaodpliag can dartog tUp-^aartw
^ ^

r.;s":s >






'lihlara FAla, H. Y, jjy l».-4

^A. 6r«bam A this dt>-BBd T

tom J. fhorm. Jr, A BaKli^. saedhaafally swam thg totfwroa^ds A tbe
fta^ia rim frodtf Uu AmeMcAi side
• toe wUi^l to LowUloa Hoaday
dRwwooo. Tbe Aotaaee A four miles
•at ooran------------- ---------«k>rer. ^ Aari Mb wmde A 4:0f
p. m. tram Ftot Bodt. oa tba Amerlcaa
■Me. Tbe
to tbe apper repMa. wbare Captato
'Bolfc-ma wore Ufe betts aad toM«a rwbhcr rtoga amiid tbeir aecfcs.
iftott tba start Olorer took- the load.
eaterad the repidt aboei a mtoaie
abead oi firelivn. UAU the Itortrs
liato waa raa^A.the awlft cortdih
dto roartog rapMs had the
to thdr graM- At thA pdat a asrtritt« eddy caaght Giorer aad he «w
ffewB aeariy two mtoutea.- Ult life
halt aavad him.
, Graham by this time bad gatoed oa
Otorar aad wbaa the two i
Ue eed A tbe lapUt Jnai abore tbe
aupcBdea bridge A Lewiatea there
bA tfUle d'lfUace bA
tovtmmtog to tbe awlft. smooUi curreat
tore hard fA OtAmm. bw erWoaUj
‘ 1M7 fey Otorar.
At 4:Me‘dockCtoTer waa pnlM ap
to tba deck A liewlsieo. Oratum waa
to tbe mea srat tojared. Graham
toram tta tower rapids twice bAore.
«tA on Sept. 7. IWi. aad agAo
Aag. 31. Uflg. Be to mbeA U y<

tod..wbito Otow to aboA ».

We Secured $8,000.00


river causing a loss of $40,000.00. The merchandise we secured is in nearly perfect condition,
consisting of men’s and boy’s suits, ode) pants, skirts, a big lot of shirt waists, muslin underwear,
shoes, furnishings, neckwear, etc. This sale will positively eclipse any of our previous sales as
we bought the stock very advantageously. In order to make this sale more complete we will in­
clude every dollar’s worth, of our regular stock at a great sacrifice.


Every Yellow Tag means a bargain. Owing to the fact that this stock has not all arrived the big

Shipwreck Sale will Nol Begin lintii Monday, Juiy 24lh



Mit. P. aaU*m* 9t BotoB
Cttr loter.
w. a AMv or lupit atr !• I* tke
dir M>rB. D. Hsci Md «tf* cC Old MiMiaa
caa* «ov« to iM the abov jaMrdtr.
r a. wntUKi ud ««• d ncdd
pMMd (hMKli tbo dtr yMUrdar OB
tMr traddlv trip. Hr. wmuat
IMwnr mirtdar d UM boul at BdWm.
Mm. a B. ora e( Nortivort
jaaurdar te tha eity.
Mn. MaiT Js»» d a* Wa» Ftoot
Mt Wt Ul> aooa for KlapUer
«b«« aha wmi oaHad br tka OlMai d
Bar dOB|»Ur, Mn.
____ « Baakar of B^Hofrllta. Mkh.
«to baa baaa HalUBg M«ida U thU
dty Ml for bla boda thia mmb.
A. Tner Lar and danrttar^Mrt.
CUd of CUeaco, are tba gMaU of
Mr. aM Mn. Jt. T. Baoaah.
IBenpaoa aad dangbUn. alaodChl«MD. pra ewaU at tba park Ptaea aod
vfl] laara tOBom*.

rbara aba win apaad a (a* daya.
P. Jobaaoa of HaBlaiea ratviMd
hia boatatbSa aonlBg aAariv««
a few dara ta tba dty.
Bnnra asd laMIy Ml tbJa
Bonlag for UMr
Loag Laka. '
A. Bslth babad at CMp taka tbif
Bonikf aad rataraad lUa wmi trttb
Isa oatab of plekareL
A Boaaatbal baa ivtaraad tron a
biHdaaat trip to CMcaso-.
a V. Blaiar baa *oo« to Oiaad Bapa aad' -------------------------------------Mra. UtUa aad Mra. 8. A. Cbapla
bara retaraed froai Old HlaalOM.
wban (bay todi ao aaio toor. TtaiUag
Haory Bcodbagaa. Jr., ratoraad
Maalataa today, wbare ba U taUag
tba aali batb iraaiBBU at Merar •
Tony Rokoa aad wifa apeot Soaday
la Petoakey. retamIng

ProB Priday'a Haeerd.
Mra. U B. BaBJe apeat yeplarday la
tba city aa a foaat at HoUl WbtUag.
MlB Lacy ChriUaa aad tbe ilUle
dram. Maipartt, Marion aad Niacy
MdDoaaJd. arrirad tiOB tbdr Cbleaco
kooe laM araaiac aad ara Ua
at tba boaa of D. H. McMoUeo tor lb*
•aaiaar. Hba Cellliia batag tbe alstai
d MB. MeMaltak
Mra. W. C Nelaon aad two aoaa d
LalaBd. who ba*a been 10 Mtiwaokaa
for a BMitb'i rialt vUb Mn. Loala
OrabWa, forBerly of LaUM, paatad
ttooogb the olty tbia Borslag Oa bar
retsm bcoae.
HIM Maada 'Xm, a-ho bba beea Iba
. gaaat of bar BOtbar. Mra. F. NeaM*.
rataraad to BOeeb tbU moroiag.
■ Joan Wolla ratarood to rnicL —^
BOralag after a few daya- vtaK ia (bo
dty wllb friCBda
Dapoty Food OOBBlatkBer D*
‘ Ifottbport arriaed la tbe dtji

ad with bit oMaa.
Miaa Mazgarel HlUoa d BardlckvQla. paaad tbnngb tba diy tbit
BonlBg on bar way., to BIr Baplda.
wbare aba wlU taka tbe Waderiirtaa
work la the aomaar aoraal te FwrU
Mb. J. & Bridol ratatwad
hoBe ia Lake Baa tbb Boralag after
• SB wMdv* Ttalt la the dty With
ait«. Bra Honie.
Mb. B. C. Walter waa a i
• oyer tba O. E. dl L tklo mo
Toeta to Boidre, where aba wfll Jda
bar bubaad.
Mb. i. a CroUer and
TlorBwa. who hate beea -rlaltlas
Maadi la tbe etty retwsad U tbair
'• borne yeda^.
Mb. B. J. Dean of Aagdl arrlyad to
Iba city tttoaoiB aad win Ttalt
W. H. Omkw .ratBwad d
aooa ftoB a abort bnatoOB trip to Elk

*”j. B. Daeker of la tba
diy today on bnateBa.
John Caratm. Uriag near Angoll. war
a TrarerM Oty rUltor today.'
Tba roUowtag party from JackaoovUle. ni. oaaacd tbnoKb tba dtr to­
day earoata for Old Hiialoa.
they will apend tba anoitoe
Bowe. MB. F. H. Rowa. MlHleeat
Bowe and Riebard Rowe.
lira. Bdna Howo sad two cblldren of
Lawreoce. Kaa. paMod throogh the
city today oa tbair way to Lclaad.
wbare they win apaad a few weeks.
MM ftary Flfarek, wbo bra b««>
Wtoconato tbe past Booib nadnicd
boBo today.
.BUhra Atweli aad party.from Kan­
sas City. Mo., srriyed this Borwtog
orer the O. R. * L sad weal to Ob.
rU tho CotumblA wbare they will
BtaJe (be rod of lha aessoc.
Hist aimaas Sally of Maple City
It.weigh tba city this asoralng
oa.ber way to Orapd R«dds. wbare
tbe win apaad ooma time.
Mrs. Chsriea Oarmstoe

town. Pm. baa pat blmasM to Bra for a
maia H* esmdaeto tbe w«k <m bU
siarctoMadaL Be was Sahtog troB
Mt tarn near ABaa.
boat to" tba Delaware rtyar wbra be
UaBe M. Bbaw. aaertoary of 4^
Mtoad that taro bays bad taBra oB a
BUtH trananry. was aaahto to
asrlstalBg raft and war* to da>pr ad oratly hlrod a ana to wi« «« Mi ivnalM «S ea a eight draft at a Cbb .
b^ 4i«wBad. Hr. Boborts iwwad to raaatry plara to KM HaBpahM. TM ora* botol Baaday naUl Ibe
aad. plaagtoc to tbe water (aOow ptwvad to M pbcaratwiany had > k.^ the paper. FW raara
wltboet lime to take oC his cMbtog. tosy. bsakWa betog ea partkatorty tbaa half aa hear tbe eeawtaiy was
grabbed tbe boys by tbf hair ai they good terns with blasM. Ftoally Hr. (.^.11^ awailiag tbd arrival ef tba
gotoc down a third time. Wbaa Charebni dtoehaiMd him. Tbe man riert. wtome rignntar* was airairaiT
tbe piayor draw tboB to Iba aartone ton> bU —*—' with a Jaaaty air, to make tbe draft good to the eyea ef
Imase aad passed te Abraham UneiAa great was bh aarprtaa to lad Ub wMeb sraa ralbernelUtog. "Too at .'I tbe rasbtor, a yoaag oMraa whoafanm
tamoos Fifth WU- ere bU own ^lUrra.
-Oh. 1 i 1
lUadall Morgan, tbo PUtoddpUa HI. with a Moeb of a
tofantry aad tod It
rorrytog." was
y,. —^ - -——-—te^-*n..wai
tbroogb moot of iu eampalga Stoea snanetol tosgaate. ba. toSad with hla ... .lahmilrt.^' -ladeedT I'm! wM-a k-'s" UnctfE___
a has for twraly years tSBUy oa bit ysebt WaUrna <
not so ease about tbaL Perhaps yaa
Onroner Bsrvy cd Mra Tork tost
sarved on tba supreme baodt of tbe
vtat ytpo a-i btmaeU a rase Saaday by aavtog
..jean waters. The vaaael to to
sute of Kebtaaka tot four
tM 1Fowler,
-No obtoritoai.- an-jufo of dverrarold Hattto
Mortoe lime as chief JnsLce.
iwered tbe other. eaaUy. "U the worri daughter of a Bnmi pbyridaa.
who tost MI weal before tbe
There is appareai ground for tbe ru­
chUd waa to her latoarA cantosi '
mor that Jamee J. Van Alaa Intends tpecton of asivlgattoa aM after a
book-writing. rve-dUeo»ei«d that It wbea toe berse ran away. Berry
T«a exaatoatloB was awarded a m
to lirilow Wllltom Waldotf Astor's
don't require saeb an aU-«i*d smart
ample and become a tabject of the tyr martoer's eenigeate. Wta totonda
I put OB full cpe«d and giaduaUy ow
man as I used to think It did."
musb crown. Mr. Van Aloa has bee^ to lake all obaervalloBf at aea and will
Lady TAkabtra. wife of tbe'Japa- baaied the araddeaed animal When
alteod to all tbe workings of the
voter to Newport for nearly
neiw. mtoirier. aad Baroaena Rosen, aioagstde be threw htomeif froB'tbo
yearn. A few days ago Tie requested
e husband succeeds Cbdnt CM- car aad giaapad toe brtdle. bHag
that bis name be stricken froo the >aebt
as RasriSB ambassador, were draggvd fur a btoek. bat «M|b»S Ibe
ig lists, “at I shall no tanger l.c a | and draws l£ fc« of water,
burse. Tbe lUUe girt threw her anae
sotcrof Newport ora cit lien of Rbod.-: SeereUry Itonapane has airrady great chums to Toklo wbea the bam around the coroner and covered hla
Ulaad." For s>me time It baa been { made hlmsi lf unique among Cabinet rcprrsenied his govcrumeui there. So­ face with kisses.
•what tounderstood that Mr. Van Alen coin-1 olBeera by nfuslDg to accept railroad ciety to Wasblngtm
The hero of John Hay's “UtOe •
«ddea to Mr. Arior s view Ikal tbl. ; passes knd announcing that ra long as
leeehee- to a eon of Setomoa Van
eoontry Is -not Hi for a gentleman to he bolds a public oOce be will pay. women will act when they
Scoy of New \nrgtoto. Im. aad Is mw
Baroacra Rom loves ;
Thctbcr be bad brard any adverse the election of Grover CleveUnd tojanre with the general praeOce, Ibe poetrt. as does Lady Takahlra. Both Ilrtog near Lotto, to, go/Ofarm.
Talbott << Btpaa CliV,/a cow
I on Tale's aeeepUn'
railroads began to send Mr Booapartc ar* exreileut llngulns aad have a
rto. reratls tbe lactdeat upua wbkB
!*r's "Utoled Boocy." "Tbe tbe presidency and IS appointed m
annual pawes as soon as bo took o(- which tong ago made (hem eoospicuUter to Italy. .
«m to based; -My eearin was
ment I b««r^ was," wa
to the dtploaaUc set. Tbe wIB <d
An eminent physician, wriilng to the ice. Tbeybave all l-vn rrinracd wltb
yrare oU when be brake
reply. “ ■tolnl aooogb.''
London Dally Mall, demands leelsU-!a polite note of thanks IE which the tbe Japanese minister Is a dainty and
ame. Vaa Sooy was Arivtoc a '
I. not btei^ra
ahor^^ve fe<
Tbe sultan of Turkey recently gram ikm which win protibli marriaBes be-iaew secretary says that by reasoa ef gtaeious woman,
sptritod tsAB near New Vlrgtola oae
ed an sodleoee to Senator Daeno of tween persons aBlcted wltb either! the public position which he occupM
r» ufiprarii.
earn, roas toThIte
uTkhlte ;to day. aad wbea be got eat et tbe wuta
GeorgU and sras to charmed wltb that mental or physical dUeascs. He as- j be feds unable to aval! himaclf . f
tbe leaa tasked a<^
her guwns and to her latenaely black
gcnla] American clUica that be
sens that hiB Invesilgatlons show tost Icourtray shown him.(IncatlycoDferrcd upon him the Grand a large pn^rtlon of the tonmlcs In
hair weara a dtoBoad snatKiBt of with toe boy to Ibe .vigra. The
Partly becMs.- sbr Is the queen,
dtttaes. reacoe ABd
Cordon of Ibe Cbefcrat aad gave Mrs. bospitals and Insane aiylumi are com- principally berauac she has discovered great btaiily- la Toklo the Baranew
Ftoally the waram «ai
a lot of porcelain manufaeuire mlttcd to these toriilutlon. beraose j the secret of perpetoal yo«b. It Is Oyama. Lady Takahlra.and
everturaea aad tbe UUto tellaw i
to the Imperial potteries.
tber Itberited their alflletlon. "In, said that Queen Aleiaadra divides Rtmeo wci* toaepaiable. All tbm thrown bead trri toto A *ov« tt
Dr. Joseph Spencer Keonard U
BTSBc races." be adds, "natural selee- honors with all the brides whose wed- play eheto,
frteads. raaa
William Jackson of Allon. probably sheep. Tbd falberr aad
bare tba dUUoctloB of being knlgbted OoD nmorrcly cuu down toe dU- dings rl.q lis. attended i
tbe oldest Marimie oOctol to lUtooia. Btog fraatlcAlly to aa eOort to epich
by Ibo king of Italy at tbe January rase.1. the race does not l>ecoaje eon- j And onlews lie bride Is t
the runaways, eaw tbe aecldrat to toe
has Just l*en torianed emlariK
levee. Dr. Kennard iwatly removed taralnsied and Urns a high standard beauUful her majesty has
Tbe father raibed te Ibe gpol.
from PblUdelphU to Tarrytown. N. Y„ of health U matotalned. We. on the of alleallon. Beside*, when KtogBd-I-, maadcr *rf Drivldero cammandc .
fearing to Bad the lltUe feUew taad.
aad hla noveU to the Itollaa ttmguc «berii^d“ sori^nd'"u.e' weakling. 1 ward pave bl* garden 'party at tVtod. j Ibc cito «a»^^ ,
received larger icyaltle* than any Hal- with an artlSelal edvlronm.-m, and we . sor. where tbe gueria repraenlcd year, of age. tat ^ ^ ^ ^ bA oa the approeta of bis tolber the
apaad said: Dad. give bo a
tan ttOvelUt. save CabrIeUe D'Annon- struggle with allvour .ircngti agatost rank, fashion, diplomacy. polKlc.. leal and menul condlUon that be U
chaw of tertaeker.' That was the toIto.
tbe law which crademns tbe unflt to painiera. actors and Mdeod pretty well one of the most active workers to tbe ddeat wbleb proaptod Jekh-Uay to .
order In Alloa. He U said to he the
Tbe nbtorlooa Hme. Horos. known
•mttInrtloD ~
oldest perrao wbo baa ever held toe write Us (awtis vataaa."
to America as ibe "Swaml." and beUer
Mayor Samuel Roberts of Norris- tbe queen I her favorite raaave u
ttlll as DUa de Bar. Is DOW railed tbe

Sba Ml bar fatbafa BaaMaa ta palkMad. 8. D, to taka ibbm
aioD d aM «ock a Blaa «hleb aha
ovaa oe tba Crtppla Craak Short Uaa.
Tba abaft of bor BtM baa aov baoa
aoak to a. daptb that aaakaa It mo
leagar a ptoapacC It la a t«al bIm
aad ibara la teU of ora to algbl. Kto»
r It bar c
Sba has s forte of OM et work, bet
every BOtatog doaa a Btocr-s ^
and. wHb-a Ughtad oaadla. goes dowa
tbe Btae aad speads tbe day oaSba U BBsJeal. too. pad
wbea tbe Btaera are tbroogb tbs day's
•be brlaa bar gattor sod stags
to ibam tbe music aba laaraad to her
totber-s borne from fsmoos taadtora.
DoBtolefc McOsBrey. si oae time
poglUn of same renown Is aow s p
Ueemsn to Bdgewood. s sobnrb
PltUbnrg. His pay ts s gasrdlaa of tbe
peace Is the smsllcr part of bis earatogs. for to bis teJsnB boors be tasebes s bostog clsss composed d yooag
mnd boys resident to U»f rather
artslocrstlc village named. In bis
lime HeCalfrey met toeb rsmout Ogbiera as Jobs U Solllvsii sad CbsrDe
to tolktog wllb a yoong Yale grad.
:c wbo bad been at tbe recent coo

IP a«**pl a ran ftiaa tbe First Baptist
ttarab of WoodaUa, LL.aBd BOW protm vRer.- to fcls rame.
Jodga Amasa ft Cobb wbo dM a
tow daya ago at Loo Aag^ at tbe
^ of n. was raaakar'ot the WlaecBda asseBbly sfbea the dril war was
dadared. serred-Jp^coagrras tbreagbant tbewrar was cbalitoae^ the boose
aoBO^ on aaroUad bdls sad *

"queea" and the "angel." In her Lon­
MB. i L. MeOonalek and daagbter don prison sbe lias turned evangeWst
Edna of Kalkaaka rctaracd to tbair And dally preaebea to bor rellow coohoBia this moralng after a vlalt to ibU vlets.
aty with frieada
Jast before bit marriage In 1S71. the
MM Laura Uadley of Keswick was tote Jahn Hay gave a bachelor dinner.
. passenger IbU Boralng oa the Q. B. One of bU guests asked bow long hlr
A I, and will jnaka Boyna City aali Pe- honeymoon was going to lari. “AH th£
toskey a vldt. returning to IbU diy
of my life. I think," was bis reply,
later to ibe aeaaoa
and- bU dracst friends any that b<
Jir. atoi Mra O. Curtis of Hilton. N. prophesied truly.
T.. arrired'to the dty today
Fredcrich GrcuUch. a Berlin miller,
goests a Hra -OeoTge Croaa.
! remarked tlic other day at a roorlvlal
Mcedamto Fred Culoorler and rbll- gathering;
dien and Leo Moablcr and chlldraa of wiedoB that drops from toe emperor i
PiwTOBont paaaed tbroogb tbe diy lips.- aad to now andergolng a term
tbU aflarnoen anttmto to Bk Rapids, of torra Bonlht to Jail for bis offense.
where they win spend some time as
Knowing that he eouW not get s
« gnaats of reialve*.
atolster to niarry him to bis llule
Mr. and Mra. W. K Jobi
swetheari. Lena Dnerr. aged 11. on scfamily-rd the Central Paper eompany cooat of her youth. Robert E- Long,
toft this morntog for'^St. tgnace and aged a. aa nsbrr In the Nation HirHsckissc lalaad. where they ^1
ater In Plltttarg aad a pasunaricr in
mala the redt of tbe araaoa
?M« Mcmdty'a Baeord.
toe,art of make-op. so disguised tbe
HUs M. U^ Is in Walton
O.. psslor
Hr. and Mrs. T. t. Heagarsos of
Oiaad Bapldt arw ratarttlatog a taw Jaaethm to^ at the gaest of
<1 the eeremony.
9t tbair Traverse aty Mrada at
P, Sllllman. teed !l. of New
Tap. tbair saaraar cottage at Mft Olln wnilama
HUB LotUe Davldaon
Tork city, soa of James Stillman,
Bay at a ptoale dlnaar today. Aaong
.ts- after
wealthy banker and railroad ma;
toraisbing all sorts of fnn (or the
CatopbaU amt dan^ter Haiea Hr.
boys of the Laramie range. He
■«*««>« Mr. and Mra Oeo. B. Hoyt
aad'daaghtar Coaguara. Mr*. Cutter. Orawa. who will be b^gMst (or a thrown by a brrac*i. apotllng hli Im
Mra Henry SmUh aad dangbtar and abort time.
ilale riding rioibcs. was -Joshea"
Sr. aad Mb. B. a Minor.
Deputy Sheris Klinger aad wife U
walling all night for a
Miss Mattta Bead of Kalamamo
Miiskecn arrived over toe Pere MarI by, after having ridden to a clrqaette thta aftenpeB with Mra. rie for hours. He Is now carrying
Whara iba wOl ratoala three Vaaka
Jtaanaa N^ whom they
tateber knife as a weapon In ibe belief
Mra A. Maim «r Chkaao atoniiad
,lhai the wild dogs oo tbe prairie are
abort tlao to the etty todsr with ptoedng to (be asylum.
(rirads while oarewte.froB bar boraa
Oenani Neom.
to turn where aha will aprad severml
Capt. Ja'me* T. Morse of DaUi i
Vtaa Tbomas F. Ryan temk bold it Bosloe no* I* dretarvd m lie too ■
"prtJto SbIHC wile and dang]
10 BqulUblp be began to patrocUse oevolent" plolicr who supplied
Allegra and Jeapetta. arrived
newspaper clipping bureau. They moary that kept Cbarics'F Dodgo
Caltforato Satarday aventog.
HArt Biia w>o has beea in with sd to rat M Bsay rilplngs for bin a luivrlors revH to the iu»oth*o»i
togrrllrf- for tba past B*e weeks, U that aa-inereasc of readers was noeeswhile he was a fugldvo from
. idowly r*eorartng aad wUl be able
aary and Ryan was flooded wito
York Justice. He has coofepicd
ba at work aoop.
So be aooght relief by having only fa­ he gave to Lawyer -.M»c- Hummoll
vorable noticet sent to blm. and no* gyn.OOO 10 free his nephew. Chari«
they say be didn't have a stogie clip­ Morse, tbe "Ice king." from hi* wife.
A O. Salto ef 0
ping for tea diys. -Oood enro (or Mb. Clomeois Dodgc-Morw
g to toe eftv.
eoecelt.” qnoth Hr. Ryan.
eat phase of the Dodge Morse muddle
-Hr. Foiara. presldraL of the New trvqals toe story of provlndsl hatred
Toik bbird of aldermen, has
by the female reaidrnis of Bath for
abroad several works. He gave a groat toe dashing sucond Mrs. Horse, wbo
B. L. Carter toft this boob for 0
deri of aUentJon -to municipal owner- Ignored (hrir alls.
BapUs where be will auend toe
Charles H*ary Treat, who became
Wtatfcm U to* bUdilgBB State Fnaeral
things did not qome op to his rapeeta- Vnlicd States trraaorer several days
DlT«etors and Embalmec
UooL He say* that he U not nearly ago, Is a direct deaccadant of Robert
aobject as wbea he Tiral, wbo for thirty-two yeara was
pros Ttoeaday's Record.
weal away.
deputy and royal governor of the eol
Mrs. W. H. Hanball ri teplre wee
Dr 0. W. 0i^. the most (amons any of CoonecOrat. Mr. Treat lived
to toe eltr yesterday.
number of years In Delaware and
Obotce Haar of' ManUtoe to to the cricketer Jn togtond. probably has
given bis autograph as often
later to Maryland, before moving to
«lty loektog after taetoera toteraMs.
B. 8. Noble of Bk BtaMe was to other celebrity. At a match not long New-York.
ago be wrote bis name to toe aolebook
C Pblpa. toe Plttsborg pbllantbe city ysatetdAy.
couple of
ibrepist. is to trouble wito (he Scotch
O. M. Dame of Northport to In toe
later, moeb to his surprise, toe same criminal autboritle*. He shot down
cldle^ ap to him with and wounded a man na4ed Fnni.
P. P. taowa of Petoskey waa to the btUe lady shyly el
and toe reLord Lovat st tbo latter's
rit^^yttaerday toaklnf after bariaoss
iqueri for hto autograph. -But I gave Highland place. Bcanfon. iblnktog
Dr. Mlltor to Statog at
today. It to you only a few days ago,- laugh­ rater was a puarber. Tbc-doelor bad
) remove one of tbe victim's eyw.
.X lira. L. K. Woieett. twoYehUdm ingly said tbe veteran. -Oh." cam
Tbe SocUIltts of Europe
and Miss Reed dt Empire,
have answer. "I ebanged that one (or two
btotaba." Dr. Grace langbed heartily _t Constance. Baden, moved to Kreuibeen atteadtog the ekmp n
Bay Flew, paarad thieagb tbe cHy oa aa be replM: "Well, my dear. If l Ilngen. SwUserland. ao toal the foreign
cricketer to worth two bishops I doal ’SoctoUsti could s'peak. after Herr Betbrir way boBe (hla Berate
britere I ought to give yon aaotbci bel. German Sociallsi leader, bad SnJoaoph Monew. TbOBaa
de- Isbed a speech "roasting" Prtoce Von
aad MB HaroM. Dr. M. T. Baldwin and aiitograta. B« your naivete U
jtahtaA BaUwto aie apaadtog Uw day Ilekwt I eappeee I masL So there you Bnelew (or prohlblitoj
■ahteg at
Edward Jomee Holden of New Turk
s Madge PteUer. taugbter of
Mra. WIRtoB Boerae of She^MA.
T well-fcaowB member of era- rity has found tbe caU ef duty stronger
Who baa beea vtottteg ber soa. Riley
. deeerm a plaee to tbe freat tbaa (be (asdnatloM of a good Jab
Bootee, ef tbto.,rity. retsroed to War
. with tor Staadard OU Oo. He resigned


9. Seasonable Goods at Cut Prices!


Wc have just received and placed on sale the greatest lioe ot Wrappers aad Kimbtiss
ever shown at the prices aod they are just the styles that are waoied tor this kiod of wesfher.

lEW, UP-TMlTt W»P^ « 49e, Bit, 85t. m W5 « aSI
; Otodo'of fine dtiniUra. light, medinin and daA‘ cotea. fame or fittsd 4Qq
stj lra, worth 7.V-. at only -

KOOt UNDERWEAR for UlUes aid CUldrei
that tuQully
adls n

UMES'tOfcSET COTBtS, neaUy tnsuarf wittk«
and iiraertioti, eahnUirj, etck, perfect Sttiag.


Other Coraet oorera at 33c end 4©C that fan eeeiljr,

EUS^ DRAWESS tor ChiMn n

| Qq

wortli ICie to 7.ic.

LADIES' LACE HOSE, very pnUy atyte in «*«
and blhckg. excrflent Talnee et............ 50c.S6cSDd

| E• OV.R

We ask you to Bce the new Uiinira

Tliey're jlantlice.

Ban tt 50c. 05c. rse, ose. lus, |i JO ab4 li.w.

PVMA dt 25c. 3SC. soe Aid TSc.



..Btot'k nnd

W’hit*. anil wf hitvp Uu-m I fit all size*.
laivt^WBiato nt well fu ttn.ill hbI
raI slvlt-a mid Im.«1 vuIum
nitvlium. Till- ■U*l
g-vvr aliowii at . .25c, 35c Hi-1 50c.
• lOi-



The phenomen
this line c•nal>lw lu to offer you very aiw
cial valu<« now.


We Iiaiulle KaboCorat'U, Afperiran Lady
. I
rto. Tbeae are ;
CoBPto and P N. Coraeto.
ihft*' of the beat ntokra in America today. and aniong thee.- line*
e* yon
you will find
□lore nnl style and comfort than you
ever tbooeht it poaeiUlc to Ret ool <>f a
We showr aa (looil Kool Corapt ai 'iV, rrutny
styles st -iOc luid Sl.OO. and other* at
SI .'A S2.00and up to $3.00. TIuwe
$:j (10 will comnimre favoraWy with wlwt
fll at t.i.00.
many etorot ael

Here ia an opportunity lor you to eave
immey. We liandle only tbe-hcet makiw,
,|oub|p tipped finj^. two claan. heavy .
in all ootea—White. Blata, Bitywa, i
Tan, gUle, Mode. etc., worth QQ/% .

■w- w-n-v:. -t.............■. 39c


Btyle* u



Bueb special low price* a* 6Sc,
BEST SUN BONHETS For Itodie*. Miaara
and children, white and
md color
15c. 20c and 2.5c. all at tbe


:r Jar^SS"""

in the Cloak Department

re. OthfB a* high a* t-i.OO.
,-eryooc choict-r than you ttoually find
i-n at biRber price* elsewhere.

JC 1 Yart (w WMe Uce.^

Oc«d n... .tjl™, worth He. Ho ud lOo

sun Sk'rt WalH Sdll* in Brown*. Bine* and Hack*, all tba newest atjdes,
ahirtwl or Iwt plaitod. Some very Bood atylta a* low a*................ ;•.•••• 7.60
Ladles' Ulk
Short, medinm and
Every o a real ba^in. Price*


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