Grand Traverse Herald, September 30, 1910

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Grand Traverse Herald, September 30, 1910


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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Shot oun to

OMfH ChAvw F»»m4 'Away T*«<y.
Hia Fall Cauaa4 2M


Handa ef
ed Ankta.

lEcnocAi nounoNS



VS. F. BL R. ft


NEW YORK convention ENTHU­ Huahand 'Waa Kliiar by Bera Mar. THERE WILL BE NO OHONTAM
qwette Eivgiiw tun Jaaoary—
Left Twe OWMreM.



OraWD, UiA.. Sept. 3S.—
tProm 'tvednewlay'a Eeoerd)
dto. a young mao of tbto plaoe. Buf­
Tbe eaae of LUy Dunbar, aa adta
fered a very aertoua accident while
toirairls of hie auaie of Horanee Qaahunting with-a ouuipanlun named Hu­
ra. the Pere Marquvtle railroad
ger, near
kike. A charge fnin:
rompaiTV the sum of llOvOlW. ta
Ibr guu of ttoger, bred by aocldeui.
now od In cWuu rourt. Uto oaae bavfrom a diManoo ol about eight ton.
JagASevn uk^qjtp this atunMon
coletxri ibe^ht ankle of Olddia.
tbe followtog Jury; Holbraak. Contj
Itch ef Olveiwe and Importaat Civil aballertog the fuut and aukle to a
ladr. Champion. Stadlebaur.
Cavea DIapem jI to drouH
botvihle toaniua.
cial SKuallaa ef tip
Ihvu, Case, lleaa. Brodbaprtv. WtoCourt Lam HidW and
Tbu houiided young mao waa takeu
UanvHle and Burrell: Purhtoaad
arto Today.
to tlraw u. wfat-rc hla Injury van d
GIltH-ri are Uie attoroeya foe . t
A. <Tark. The ahM were
l.latotlE. aud Cuveil * ChOM. a
ft- -Bonueveh.'a Streeter, of Ik-lrull. for the dofeiv
t Uara i
all estnu-ted. altbougb tbe ankle wag -Harato)^. rie|.1
' iu fa
frightfully ahatte-vd.
CJarkc pUtfortu. adopliW by Ue repuhllran
Horaro Dunbar waa killed by
ftoodw! guilty to the rbarga of »ellVbitad Stataa. ThM M Mt to ha ao».
that while tbe Injury la aeri
Pere Harqueite eugtoe while at wo
lup liquor to Indiana, to Circuit court one,
stroad as a promise to aw pwtfogNri
the feol will |>n>laUi) be aawd. little of toauIgMcy and ao mneh on- Mantis Us train from tho yards
n and Oaad Cahibiw «l
dorseiucDi of Ibe tartl that k U, per- Crasd Rapids last Jannary. Urw. Dun­ Individual, hat to Ua Mffiav lBaw>
CME HeM-Tb* ODlMel WtU
t. muk Kluxao.
stotenijy ruuxuod that Rooncvelt and bar la suing (he railroad com paw
1 view of Ua traaaarr SlBML
Tatk New NatloMlIaia M
Lwboaa haad to e> tha pNM aE
Talt have rcarhod
lor Dia.(WO. for bef two raiimr chll
Jariica McOany. Fred
Ujul. John
Ue natka'a fiagiuTlal aad haAaaa
it wa>ibc gtcaU'st i
dren. and alro fur her support up to
(Ftobi Wwiaeadai'a Kecurd.)
KreWCbvU, Hujto McDonald.- Augmt
Ufa. aad repraMfita Ua optotom of afito-it'a !olk>W4-ra believed ho would the time ot ber second
Today bactoa tbe trt-towBablp fair naher. WiUtoai. Crocket. Fr<y:k lohDficUto who aoMUaUr wa4U for
iOktot v>n a iirugreaeivw pUKurm.
w bleb took place lu too wummer.
toto be bald to Klocaley under tbe
tymmoms of amy Mrtogwty. la thafr
■on alto' Ctutrlei :<>Jo.
lhM»«v.-ll W aalUOed that Ibe plat­
puplcee of tbe Fummlt Cin craaga.
When thaee raaw> were called yeeoptoion. Ua daagar mark, tt that#
form piviuttoed direct prlinariea
Tbe piocraiu which wa* tuiUlabed to
actually has bean aoa. haa haah toft
lerday. the mpundcuut atotol mute.
MW to Ndw Vem rayMlIaaaa' Wa­ the Brealui Becvrd a few daye a«a. Tbto morulng. Vraetor, after cooaul- All tha Otbara Who are Cherged with
astern. Ihej lira Uaaa rwaeoaa tw
lo order aud epoke to favor uf di.i
tery taday marked the -eenveNtlefl todicnO» that Uta maDacaBaat of tbe Utlou with tbeir attorney. J. W.
Ueir prcdlcttoa
pfoaUful toaBsy;
Selling te Indiana Will
primariea plank to (be platfonn.
^ew%.~Fef tte «m rime to we iMe fair hat been baid at work to make it Patcblu. U waa jolialy detormUietf
Primarily, tha tmaka aa* what laa^
abd oDugratulatcd
Neeeeetot «w deneawed *e kla face
ed hhe a tooaay ahartaga roattofi aaaa
that all abould plead guilty. Tbey
Sberman'v mngnanUulty. After the
■ wall ^ equally prodtOr me* wha eieeted hHa ae the pratieral amatht aftx They kaew ftak
iFivto TucUay-a Record.)
IherefMe changed tbclr pleaa and
wav Introdutod. Jamev
able to tba aiblMlora ot tbe pTOdulh
F. a Prall aak- Shortly afiar the opening aesak
Wadawurlh introdncied a
of tbe tbiaa lovaabipa.
ad that aentanco be pr loottiiced. ■■ nil Circuit court lbl> afternoun. Attorney ptoKonu. favtirtog the. convenlton
Weather oondlUons are Ideal fur
The Nav. G. -W. plaave for FourtosnU
ly Out he aurted' the deiefateri bav
the panlee were iu the court rooto, J W. Paichlo. coDuecl for tbe defen- syttem After a prvlraclud
Strwl M. E. Churth—Completo
He. Thera were Maaaa and eat aaila. the fair, and tbe Intaraet manitoned wHh the ezreptloo
MyhrMer Brown, daala to the l.quor raaea, waived the Rotmeull finally aacended tho Rial
HaeaaeaH war farioua- He areae and by the ofdeor* and exhlbitora
List for This OiatrleL
who la atliuliiig m-ImuI Iu llhlcagn In rcadlbg of tbe etaiBtoailon and
toriii lo sjeaV tor the prlmarlo*.
lb(«d riwm, Aamlath aad yelled. •Vaia turea' tba aoeoaiw la every detail. Belae (If ibc iMler. It waa aakad odjtol oacb would atainl mola. He
In apeaklug for direct
Jackson. Mtchri^. 28.—Tbe fOL
Uaman. viH, tire them a ahaiwer aides Ue disptoyc ot pradocta. thair that tbe caai he oumlauud uutll the moved lor a ounttouaace.
ay to nail have baaa taraai
Is the eomplele Uu of appotot- tolo aaonay. New toaiia have ImIm
Waddi'dB read a letUr that claimed in be a pr<«ram of amasoB
Judge Uayiu- aialod that aa the witliecesrimr teriu,
ii years behind the tliueA Ue
raade by Ue -UtUlgan UeU«t will keep Ihtoga nwvtoc lively
Naaaavelt admltad
1% rourt elplalued Ihat be did not dsaee bad conic a loitg dltianoe, and doiHed tba( It was luipoalUe lo tell odlai eoulerebtc for tbe'Otand Trav- ctoaaly aerattotonl.
MW ntUenaHam H temperary ehalr- (w begtniUBc lo end.
By dotog aU UaL Ue hotel hath
coualder tbe reuuoudcuu^ rtopon.lblv at if tbe priveecuiiiig atioria-y t
tbe uirabii.z uf the primariea |Jank •ac dtolrict:
IMMb dhd taeWy andaraad •hermaa'e
A ISTfe ounber of Travenw Oly for tbe condiimaa at the Him- Ike In- ready, tbe cam ol tbe Feople
fortified Uaanaalvaa agatowl'aa ofiMa.
wlrit h -ue.>ii> wc lutroduro a primary
SuportotendeaL A. T.
|w«|de have planned to attend and duna wi-ro .recelrlug
cency. How wall they dU tt Wht
frank iUiriuiic.ver would be called, nysteu aa auon aa lOaalUe. We trust
Alapami. W. 8. lIuEi
they will be wwU eoleitalned- The
tost weak wtroa tio.tete waa
of tbe cases would fol- itoople. you dooi. We aak you to put WlgUmanr Alden. <to tw auppUed).
noney to Traverae City even Uiough and the
far tOMry cMRimo, Orwbar promoTpd out of New Tort to athaa
order. Attorney. Patrii- youiselvot on the psopiv'a Mea.. You
there vna much
drunkenncaa and low to r
UUe. O. C. FwrmMer: Beltolra. banlia. ^ dona very onady. Baa^a
.AMtaO Ma^’peurad out a vlwallla dd- rvaawled and the enterpriae of the three dealha rmlted.. He'aom-ldered
pleased with tbia. takfog 'will bare to tnally.’’
W. P. Uowber; Bandon. Wralay Sian- (orate Bovar cotne. finaactora aw.
rrwoAB abd thoaa to charge of tbe fair
tbe rtolatlona under the rbatgee uied excopUoB to Ibe ruling of tbe omtri
Wudeswortb'.s Irtimary amendmoor (m: Baatonla. (to be
vlU be well rewarded.
M&w to ptoaiHul la bgUad mt
„ tto-bnlral aad that tbaA(Wl>lalutog -ThS.mSIil wlinwa. N'urbcrt J. Sero. was deleaied. and the nhjortty plat- Boyna City, .t, A. Bready ; Boyne Fails
tba coBtiaaat of Bersfio. That la
w linea*. >lr. Sera; alUraugh of litdUi tbi government detertivv. who a
adupu-d by an overwhelming
iItU; t'vnirai Lake. Thomas always aaM to ha a fieod alo ta amk' imif. Md bM u
waa an educaud naan and to tbe aireit ol 12 of the lailoon men.
vote. The oonvonihto, adjourned Toung; rbsrlevoto Indian mlraion. W. g-a. pradlattaa tar Uto aoaniry.
ebarglug iheru with aelkiig Ugu«the employ of the governmanl.
k. S o'etotk tonighL
N. Tn.vk>r: cnarton. Jesae Snrdge;
________ _ b aeeking ■ third 1
Noariy avarT crop ta Uto catetr
Thoao being tbe firat msee of this Indlana. -was preaeut to tbe coi
Ruoaoveli culled Ibe {daiforu
OopemUb and Poiudiib. I'nanea Ough- this year la rvgortel to ha a boaftar
Th| hdMltog by reli aail fer tbe
Only Surviving'hlater of iehn Srewn planed ihuSne at $>i. lroom IhU alurnuon. The other w
bully victory fur the rank and file
ftes will set a oow raearfi.
Crosa Vtilag- Ik. be tuppUed);
harwy alMirmanabip then to
Faaeed Avmy at Sanden WedoaaMr.'-Qenereau, wbu wurLk w
lUild Ivnone hour or to detouit. ih
ul Ibe lurty." iloury
EMM Jordan. T Itnrter llenm-tl; tSk Ikmr-flftU ofUecaop k
aelld Albany dele.
• MdUng the
day Morning.
aponden'tW U> be confined to the Dv~
ftdcral prusecHlor
New York. Rapids. U. W IT.un.i.Mto: Fknpira. rrad, to Uachamaaaoftaaa tromftte
I, ReeeeveH ra^
trolt bPuac of rorrecllon for Hi daya alon of court.
U tbe RuuM-tellton cholee.tor go
Tu^k-r; File Lake, and Buutb to snail. Tha oat coog to tha wiitiN
Bandon, Ml^. Sept.' M.—Mra. Uar- ■acb one prontplly paid tbe fine. aia alterucloQ. hefure any t‘!U»r. over tiungrcaswan Boaneiu
Boaidman. A- W. Baker: Fraaklort. ill yearw. Tho cotton crop wm ho
tha Davto, the ydosgaat oad only^sui
of the oUu-r luatlcra were tiritqi
The remarks of Judge Uayiie r.
Stimulataa Inaurganey. ' bake grealar than tt wm
vlvUic atoiar of John. Brown, ot Ha^ Uve to theae caaea wlU be given
Tbomar Scurow-, of WlllUuiaburg, ap­
WLshlugiou. Sept' 2S.—An insider
last yam. Uaarly all oUar eropa te
I Ferry fame, died at tha home ot full loiuorrow.
peared In court and akked*U> be ad­
tbe admlbisirsUon today declared ont; Orawn. J.
Priestley; Harbor reported vasT mitiaon, Frank Datia! at tbto plaoe.
Before court doaed lail evening. mitted aa a ciiWn ol the L'nlied "HoueeveU's victory ^ws that th< «4taca. H. B. WWber; Honor. (In­ Naxt oonU. It ta liR—il tpvam
I;l» tbto mortitog. With her at
States. Ur. Samrow had aa wltneaa- Hduiulstratluo. to anraui>Usb bb
dian) Stem
Waaagvsbik. Horiou ira all over the country wlB raatava
TItoedntfto mauog tbe woto
the time of her daath Ware the family Janet Rilollk. Charlea Noravec and
oeorgi- L. • (kliqi aud Kalpb D wurk. Biuvt i-udorae proferesalvelsm
Bay, (to be aarpliedl by A. A Stepb- nearly tlTO.te.PCKi la divUawA chaeka
ol FVank UhvIi and a nephew,
lar uaapmry dtolrmaa, aaM
VMcel Sladky. each bavinc aatteScd W'hlte. both ol tVUUuuburg livery Klrongty." The defeat of Ue reaction:
Jenntogn, F. Siasirvitn. Kalkaa- from laduatital railroad aad othar
"PraaldaBl Taft dailrwi the party lo
luealleo asked bun by (be roun
Judge Uayne aa to bU quallflca
Kewadin. F. Har- corporauoaa Thai will adl a< caaraa
with the Uarto fatnlly. Mra. Uartha
aodone ble adalatotraikm.
Uuome a cltUeu of (be United Irarly and |•ruulpIly ai»wc:ed by INit-ifirs (bo bUtoulatioO of liuurgen
mtoaloa. I tba money gaoerally U ftretetet.
Curtto, of Travereu lily,
Bumrow. and Iu- waa lurtbwilta admit
tieai a parwial lotenrtew that noUThe record crops ara eoa aigawinl
cverywbi-re. Tuf\. will undoubtedly
Ulllvr. KlugsK-y. F. H Bridgw
lag to me natural than aalaoUng a hare neveraJ duya, being an tod friend
clU«-n. with (be i>HvUege ot advocate peace ovecturew for the ueal
against a vnaaay abortagw. boaaaaa
Cailb-.t-k-J'erof ton. Davto.'
water; Lake Ciiy. C K. Jtatotos; Levlaaa to make the key note epaach ae
they naan that Ue United Staten vfll
kelt poUio caaa. which occupied tbe easting bto Srai ballot at the btovem- session of omgreas.
W. O Bonuiaun: UanoaktoA
tonporaiy thalrmaa. who baa bean
bate a great amoau of toad aad
attwition of the oeait aU day Tuea- ber electlou.
Baraioga. N. Y.. Sept.
W. W. Lamport;
Uanlstoe.. F. HTbe entire forenoon was devoted
awt to «|pak for toe adtotoUUMloa ■pent bar aarb' life tn Oration. Lor day, were cnicluded and vent to ibe
lulious (ouiutitiec uf tbe raimbllcan cup*.; UantoB, J. W Ekveid; Ut
nto oounty, Ohio In IW4 ahe movod
tbiwagbout tba oouatry.
Jury at »:» tbia auonilug. « Tbp the Carlbeck-L*orLcU poUlo caaa. a
rciiivcnilon tnda.v prepared the pUlHariirtta, S J.
to 8L Johns, vhora ahe and’faer hup^
Europe ta the maaitte. wU ha
anil on at 2 o'vlock (bis form to be ]iresc-nled
amount involved id the nac U tbS.kJ.
•Tlaa rraaMent «iennan-s corree- band. Stopben Davto. lived ib
NorUport. C E. ThMs; Northpon
At ID Jp the Jury gave a verdict tor afieiDoun. Tbe chief witacaa exalato- bUng of Ibc rootvniloo Uis morntog. Indian mlsafon, C. E Tbk.-», Norwood. aelUng Mtartol to Amartoa. hta aapondeaee above ttat Ool. Roeaavelt
of their married Hie.
douMadly not to Ua ante N te laat
to not mtoaaad to ■benahp pafaeiir DutU r“^*"g away •everal yoan tn.ti to favor of the plaluUtt.
it declarer "tVj- declare
J. O. BlevT; Old Mission. G. L Tbompaad Uaralora «&1 em irate
lo-. L, R Perkett. and 1. J Hoollm. varfar- ui.o)i ulficlal IcglslgUve wrung
Laat evening two divorro ca>.
bui becauae (M. Booaevtot deoidea
PoUsioa, W. T HiU: Petoakey
money. This vUl ha »aM ta
who did the weighing at the Kmgkicy doing and pk-<lgc a vonUuuaiwc td tbe
immat bto owb vlawe."
About a year ago Mie Itovia cemo were beard, hdim U Koch aooght
1 mLvaiuu (to be supplied I; Sharwkicb wU qoara oeroea Ua
•aameU beard WMdruS'a addrraa to Bandon to live with her aea. Frank. legal aeparalioD Irolu tran Kucb for warcbouae.
tnveaUgaUuii ul present corrupt prao
F Wade; Smilb Frauktort. ocean lu bare. Tba banka will take
During the aficraoon hours when tleae until ihv guilty
. Dairgataa cbaered Taft. The dralh of another non. Jaiuei. ef Wdoaupport. Tbe tealituouy abuwed
L R.
Ue Ibiliad Stataa mtata or aaV
to cxaniinaliuu ol Ura. Crhart bad W'e enthuslesU.oJIv
a and Sooaevalt. a
fected her health, ahe never fjiHy re­ that Ur. Koch la now aerrlng Unic
ille. J. W. Broibo^
to be etorwd nww ta the
U to Ptoto that mile to covered from the ahock Tol to udte kmla, having-pleaded guilty to the
ihi »ui'-.iio.i.shlp of Tall, have ton; Traverse tjg. Awbury. W. W. vaults, and gold eertUoaira wlS ha
iwadad to praclptutu aerWue dtotorb ot bur grief. Ura Davla waa of a very charge of foiw-ry laal January, aud Jury, AtUumey Gilbert stopped I
pride lb his adiuJHtotraiioo to conUriu UcKae; Travc-rsp City. Ftrat, K. b. tasued to rapraaent in Tkua aevaral
tong enongh to request tog bto firnuie..> u? charaavr and to
itenrod by a Dcntie cuuuiy
McGregor; Travir*® tTtr. Fourteen in
of doUara wfD
(bat one of Ibe Jurors be awakeaed telJert. aud uui strengthening prmiUge
Judge to aerve tKwn one to H yean
Mow the aomreotlp«i vat called to and throng her Utooa <
Bireel, C. W. Ple^'e; tVrxfotd. I
Into dreototte lor bualnaaa
«gdar. ConaervaUve Leader
It elwaya faav> bard labor Judge Uayne aaked Ura. vn he could bear (he evidence,
fureigu oaiionz. Tbe I'nyue lar- Wood; Wmiarnsbarg
sbarg (do be supplied)
admtttDd that BooaaeaH would p«^
kind word to offer Koch If abe bad made auy arraugv itig that Ue kcow It was iwther unto- lE bw rt'dutsd ibc duties ul
tCrcwtlDC. but be behaved that the Jur­ ties an av.rwge ol eleven p
ably wla tbe tampoiery '
to her triendi whan they were per- mania lo marry again and beltig
or kboeld bear It. nevertbeMsa Tbe
wi-red in Ibe nrcative. the decree
taratoaa. N. Y., BapL OT.-«ayaral mltted to aea bar.
revoiiue turned tbiyuror sat up and took uulfto.
9aelal tnttaa today brought ^toMra Davit to aurvived by lour aona granted, but he adtnotiUbed her b
deficit tutu a suriflUs. Tbo advamad
Tbe askonip.--ii appeal ol fmter .Carl
a coavaa- fraik. ot Hendon. Charloa of Kanaa.;' train frooi catering ibi- boudt of malrlgataa to the
lat ul In-iig. IS but due u. iLo lar- Sute Taa Commlaavon Showre Gj
. AboM S5d.tlOO.MO.
Ucto. prepared tor the biggaat teht ot Ual^t, ot Texaa. and Porter, ol Call- mony naU after Jan. 1. ]»ij. Ur. beck VK. lAiola y. ivcrkett
I-Uisliig, Ub-b Stopi :v—Figures
In addlUou to her aona Mra Ko<h la not to many until afer Jaii. first case to be taken up after ibc proTie itoiiu.iu t-nduraos Hughes' ad
ilvcu UUI yeoierda.v by tbe Mat
Davto waa diauntly related
I. IS12. but aa Ivan la buity cagagid batton cases wt-ie disposed of
mltililiaiiuii. .-artHotoriy bis effurs -ummlNsion abowlng that a>seselng lae of Builats by P*ltoe to Vi|n«mohiiDg
t ol Bkeianan. Ue cha«
for direct primailes. He
Fa«r ihteroi fnjwwd
o(S<-er> have increased valuations ta^
Smith, wife ot tbe early mtoatonary. Of the rourt waa probaMy uano
following- Joseph Trimmor. E. C Da­
cities lu the net amount of l,4S.f>T.>
Ura Smith havlM been JohuHtpwn'a
vla. Orton J. Father. A .M. Porter,
Henry Artuatroiig brvuglil aali fur Uoeea Rirh. Bdward Carlnjc. .tudrew promise L^isiatioo. to (.-tuKt d.-v-.t lil with r.-uorta yet to come irom
r -Hen dtocied- drat cootin.
The adwtefite
atlaa which Seovtary Lord ol -U-;
Mra. Itavia wat ol auch a rollriuC dlvoira agatoat bldus U. Arrasiroax IL-odbagon. L* A. Utv-il, Jacob Staileprimarira.'
oummiaaloti awa will bring tbe total re dwomrlag ‘for Ue poUee to ura
ature that ahe riirank from publb and the bill was grauted.
bauer, WUiiam Uami'kin. Grant Ki
The fSoim;
barwker mtttaida to te Up Want
Incroaac up to at 1-wsi »io.Ol«i.4MU
and J. J. Heigua.
» lor the-party oorruptloa city, aad It waa a Bore trial
strike rMa kWOwa ta ttls oHy In
r.f riirtsv there was an iu< rcase
to be alwaya brought turwanl at gathare now ttylag to dototoaia the c
valuation of *4t.v2l.'Gu omI a
ymn. Ttey bwt- raged three steta
hooMheU. .'jbtroUlog the state creoM ta :i; ot i;/'2».Sus
hi tbe hkwbit dtotrtot. One gapm raya
Pvineral aerlvcea were held at
Farmer of
CapturM by I
Saratoga. Bupt. tT.—ihoodore Rooee-miPliicc. couU naiiH- the N'ew Yvrt.
- I* awords have (ailed, ttae bwltota.'’
boDc of Frank UevU thf.-. alien
Central Lake.
veil BoSeied detoat again U>t uight
It to qntot this Boratag h to wte
and uneorruv nturiilug the ren
The nmny (rtonds -of <Uia» Co.-a Belicsad to Have Perished in Portage
at the baadi of the oM guard of the
mated Uat four hundred have buM
will be taken to St. Johua aad laid Bowball wlU be auryuised to learn of
Lake Aftpr Aaecnalen at Hough­
raimbBcas party to tbto Mata to tba
'diaapp>.«rwoce of eight Mercies injuiwd ta taaruflem puUce ntutera
reM by tba aide of her bnabaMl.
ton Fair,
bn- marriage lo John Suoon. of Cen•rat toltwttoh <« tba eve of the ab
ftld .five laaurs and shaving owtfiu. tbcatrtaura.
Iral Itoke. The marriage took plana
tohrautiDU. Tbe auie comwlitee a
|Hy^ Tuited PrTsS 1
ishe-n from aa mai.) homes within
the Cungregailoual paraooagt L-v
apactol tMcUag. by a vote of »»
(Alumet. d.pi.
Humor Hasard
the past few iD.«tha Tba lad am
afleriKion. of 'Lansing li thought ta have been
IS. iw4ritrraed lu lonuer actloa to •eaater Survewa Naluaea te Allew t'ootral Imke Uonday
(-...•Md to the larceny C< the above
Ur. and Mrs. Staxui are aow to the drowned in ifonag-r lake Ho ascendMtooUBg Vice
WradSitts to tarimer Caaa.
.ar.d haa gv'eu tb« dates on wblcp tiHowaah'ip fair at Ktateey ywtordty. WlU Ue brtde'a mother, Mia.
CUrago. SegC
over Booeavelt a* teatporary ohatr1 a baJiooa ft Ue lli.jghton lair Cane- Agaiaat Govwnvor ef Oklaho- k took tbe arttafos. Ue I. unahle day. ta K. s Bulfa rar werw Ifr. te
nva. Anivuliad By the Court.
Opra Bowball. of oast Frau auocL U«t ntabl autl pcrlorocd with psnman of the ooorcuuoD. Uat nlgbie White m av rall^ to the Lortraer
<u oxpista bis desire to pwiota aoth- Mn. Hall, Ur. te Uta. V. & C Om>
Central chuies, sailing out ul sigbt over me
vHitIgalloQ today. Chalraian Burrows They «f» leave aooo tor
lug but raaora te Mcyefoa. Ifowai
«. Mn. P. Ls a imror. «« Wa»
t^^ not allow a7wn^ii.g ovej ob- Lake, aad «iu reside on a 'idhaere -lake. The balkmn an-l parachutes
. Ohio, te Ura. T . J. IrahwL
UcAlester. okta. Sept ».-Judge be bald to Ue jutcalta aoun.
farm nau Uu place.
eaat bamae it had beta aald that blv
were found In Ue lake today. Bred
In Mn. teta ft Hrate-a oar wavw
•toaettoa bad beau wad
B'btte ddalad that he talked with
gars are hunting for Ue body.
Hannih. hlr. te Na. «. ft WBUr. and ate A. 1. Jogra toft Uto
agaiaat Ooreraor Hai*M aad oUara.
Ur. aad Ura. a C. Vnaaar we
IHokerr. Mr. Sbwraaa atotad that a
IHWL Mr. ate Mra C. II ten wad
te tba Uuafcogee toad Uma. te he taitetag fiar a two waoka* may
Kta»ley this moratog ip vlatt tetothe «ha«a wta
MbetMtoataS. hg
Mr te Mrs. ftoenta BaE.jltem tateta
was dtocbargrd'—
,| gaedtog arfiiog the hrtmiy I
wtmld ralwe lo aareai
Chavaa, tba yoanc ParavlaD. «hs Few
0t'«r Ika Alya la hu iDoaoplane vhle^
rNulwd in iM viDcktac ol hla Bta(lilM tiy a tall, died Ikii afiaiimn.
iMtioo rimed Uiai be bad UU




-^■»-Wrir^we .







■yy-r :. - :

liMini Ml ton. adtoMiMM

kan irtto men tbnu om or tire to
Ike CMM duto^ n ati^ tom to
oHPVkMMio to tke dlftowly U M

{wruM* 01



ctnteBU to k^-o««7
SftM U« HeOBt Aow*. tor Uo
Shk UM Mt AKm prowiit Mic. ..
u>4 dmoonmtu“ Vtmiiiiin tiekto to oormt
vrapeWtloB. kn U>er« to no
tott wkat tko.picture Ikrw

SM M IP FUf^ ta wuo.ciito. U
M '
tC^flTOP Ud
<WM> tautnuHtoUUa tAo
It «< tho alH g( plctano'


*Uk tke
OM hnd been tried end
tke tOTUmoiiy ande t«bUc.
I poUUcal and ndmlnlatraH «M tke dwlr* to Judee Mnjm
>d alw tke optoiM
wui live tor many years to come. T*o
Aiiomcy Preit that
preoeat otovamoat will not wip# out
ootod to dUpoMd to tontoiettoy. th«M two orghhii|ltlons It wlO. hspreeaU to no<b totUr tor tin eewN
r. have a MMdoney to parity tto
ibeotwlm and aave tkk (rua
tical atmoephan. aleo tend to
> bM. oormpUre meibods to «r*ai
corporulkM to the detriment to the
In anotber etouaio the toll Itoct to public wellnre.
■ be coun'areiMitola printed. Theae
are whet ere tertodd ‘toeny
«ton h coaaea to lain, the three
caan". Tto Ipretolcnikn «na the reauU to Ua deitke o( three Indiana, little lowaahipr. Fire Ltoe. MaydeM
Paradise, mo ylre
cards and
alleced to hare been due to tBiunicaspadsu.
and iben aome. to Wc Grand
Uon caund by toner Mcared In TraveiM etty «hUo the indtona we tore Treverae oohniy.
(ilUeus ot thoea'towBshlpa nad the'
rccelvtsff tbetr coranuDeto nony.
*rkk deteetlTea eto came tore to In- c>racers to Ito Aamsnh City paace
VeaUtoto did n>t ieewe ertddnee ret- aw eattliM to conasnlalatioiia for the
to the uPtownaUp lair, bealive to tke ktolini to Uanw to tto
Indian* vho had been kUed. tot they inc held Id Xiasaley.lhla sreek. They
eou(kt to kny liquor In hate certainly done Ibenuehrs proud
tto aakioae ol Trarem City, and In
The fair gives evideaee to pr<wre»
U oaaet ancoeeded to dotoc to aato*
UU eridenca lor tto arreet to tko ve ld«M and tts mnnagemeai ita>
aplooD men. Deo«v caaoa are not ««a- left nochtni uadene to make it a
have realised
erally popalar vllk tto people, u
thla nettod leada to praeecution al­ that Utlncs of this kind cub no
wind. Thsrtoorc. s suMcrtpter Inductoc tke dalendakt to riolate
tloa *ua taken and the rsspoose
tto law.
Ubrnl. which stows a commeiu
The'Indian datecUvet
abore Ue ordinary oiaaa to Indtoto
Trnvwm Oty. Tkoy
GrhPd Traveraa. as a whole, ahotod
(enUoMudy to appn>St by the esperienc* to these to*naUps and pet tost- neat ysar.

(ctaUny, would acateely take tbam
At MHUr «MM « poop to.
be Indiana Dndor tto tomun•latMq, it wa* eaay to aecnre the
L TU SFTlBf pletv* hM bocooM
* ituMBor u ««D M u »ourM o(
It ud vlU ko<«BO nor* to1 tor food u tine w>m on. it
a td tko pr«u dtof*tche> tint Uok and Itopeaed aeaiancee oeoimer
fcman kw ptocurod anrale with tto eBtonw. There la
U« that prohiblu the aale to liquor
Indlnnk and tt is tto-duty ot the
_ tk«t tko BodlBg plctw* nn- anUwriUaa to aee that tUa law U oa<U k*' ooorortod Into pn'edu- toroad. aitboudh' there is iaa«w ‘
criilctoo to Ito law. inaamuch
viU b* I
Ike indiani nre Avorlcan cUiMH who
are oqppoqed to enjoy all tto i«to>(a
to olttteiiaUp: hot ito law to there
Inet tto aame. and. to come. BMt
be enterced.
-It to due tto aatoa men that
fc fiip nvrtw ptqtaro annklm ntoffc It.tetipitoon . ronUtoB he eoun ezenerated tham trom rertani» to .toWtolWty to tto deoihi to the inI retorred U>. because there
■ M tt tkn ckvrAM Tn*«rM
pieum ancUnw tor no erldcooe wheterer to snW rewenslbibty. :
tint* pMH ko tovV •«Bpt}r p*v*

iptotoCrw to M^.to^toyt. «pd.«ptotol
<toM toat
M tt
M to««M to
te at wctoikto

to the -tod pwrd- la the New York
coavcatloa yestm
dtty. COkwel Rooaereli. In a eommoo
llai« paiinaee. r>t their -•aaL" We
do not know pust where thin
ehtoaated nor why. bw ineami
U (wms u> be an accepted phrase. K
may be sappUed .to RooseveU-a pro
Cieasti'e' vieicry aad It may be pur
t to ttai for me* down ij^a victory that tto ballaver*
In Boewteit'i potlrias may «Mat
Tbat there ehoaU he puoh a apaaatie as that pneeDiell yaeterday
body to presemaMy dialled «
tMlffclM. Utaly. More attoatiaa han However, (to ware to eoealk
4— ■dbotod In tto ktgkec ctoa ptc anrtency which Is sweapisi the
try in oatiUed to the tespoot aad considerattoa to tto people. When apota
m ktare itowa Tkore to nndotot- a moTement Is started, there ouiet to o
for U, sad there have, w
n fredt ttitnre ler the awrinc
dodbt. beee msay iwims why there
IhOoe MdHttolea.
abould be a disruption to political IM'
Ckancinc eondtUoM deWl dSUW UQboil CAM*,
jto mh—a tn whiek tto neeaina niand ehaaiw la methods and poUMMfc atibr MM «kre dhooeed d rtev
Booaevch aeema to have
V toda ttayne, Thqreday. aeema to
■*0n koto iMtltod hy eoodltiooa a
in a movemoM that would
to tiAaM kcrlto keen obeerr- ckaufo Ike poUUcul opmpisnhm to tto
kolk to ton laureeta ot tto people country. It la e«an detoured that the
ol to tot Ml
............ _ Ito birth to a —
ittUty to aeUiac Uqwr to the ooo>- peUUcal pony aad tto eleotkaTto
.ItoatoH wtIMM. an Indian porera- Booseveil'as semponuy__________
toMl touotlra U wpe tto poypoee to tto New' York
toe itopnaliiito to stand trial, but inarfcs the keginniaptowksip Noabtod tkey doaa 00. tke U-caeef aeuld es to be a
^ etoajled an enonaoiia ca^ For tto diet time In Us life. Theo­
«MMto • parted dore BaeoeveU was attached pewonaito to IM a TMr. and poaelMy two ly recardinc kU poltdee aad pu
ar man year*, for tto reaeon that tto® es. and the result wilt be a biuer
dtoll—I toUtotoe Utoawo
toht. wnfc ftooeeveit in tto saddle,
kitoplldli M «*u M W

toMiitwniit to tko ptoton
’4||m U.Tntvnn City Am woralMd
w to too «tnwj to tktor
toHkMto.pto •mmUp’ (to
toUDWto.M* a
werthp to tanreblr



to Wtm Tort BUU. the niicoBa wiu
be eM to esUenm laureA•er a hew party, we de not toUere that there wui ever he kU two
•real taitlM. ttepohikuw aA *mm'\

AaouttiUtafaButy to ranwrt MBBot afM to bUov htaid «e«ld to be whoUw uantolor, live im tAejtftoeot m khoogh ^
VtoOhiittlopMaortkkn yoo naUyarwkBdto
*hl«tim«koa Btofwtuw eoM.yonwilUw
itohor thu yott oMitt.
AhtokU nm de^tra with utowhiclt
MtOem* hio Baa* hnu Um to time, wili
iwwintohoigaifaoat food, towhwhve odd
•VM7 tot bobUib
per eoot iotoont

t^tktVwtnl «t


The rausliroon erase which seems
> have bees iMcasldM this year t
other portions to the stst* as well a
this, is brtngiog disastrous reeulii
muahroom is an qdlblo of pen
liar qtusUtlea and in very mnoy cases
Lbs dUUectioa between ttam and toad
stools Is so narrow that the deicer to
^■olstultBC is ittwaL The btsm dU|
almost every day costatn repbrU
to polsoDinc oi people by ralsiaUnc
toad stoola lor muabrocwia

plentiful about this city
and very many to our pooplc mako It
a -practico to gathor them tor table
Mrrtee. rp to thla time. Uiere tore
bees no. cases to polaouliic In Trarene City, but It win be weU for ihoee
mho fenoy this articlo to ^ M
study the rarioua qualities and
aura that Uiey arc eetinc musbroom*
aad net toadstools.

Winiam A. fiocum Olad Thursday
Night aO^ Home of Hit Won at

Wimta A Siocuin. one to Ibc old­
est retodeau to tke city, died at
kome to Us son. Baxter flioctiia. ot
Kerstooe. Thursday nlgbt. atter an
UlneBs to kai a tew days, He aas :i
years tod. and leavaa a widow and
seven chUdreo. as follows: Edwa.-d.
who resides in
Charles Tvans. tors. WlUlam LeUcu.
aad Mrs. Uande 8UUes. all of wIm
lire on Garbeld avenue.
City. Dexter Slocum, to Keyaioue.
Mrs. Una Clover, to OM Mlsaicai. and
Olsreoce Siocuu. Of Niukegira. One
bmker. Mortcy SlocuB. Bvet la A»t^ia. Ohio.
tor. Slocum and his wilo c
ikelr golden wedding a year ago aext
toonda.v. at their ekouie. lost East
Righlh slrevL AtUut
gathered around them rtiUren. grand
:UMrcn and great graad^children, and
a large number to friends aad aei^
bora who bad kaos-n
them many
-Mr. Slociuu was l»m in New York
sute Oetobsr SK.‘UM. Ho was
Hod to totta Martha PratL He bad
lived in thla cUy aUmt hi yearw.
Severn days ago tor. Slocaii) and
Us wife want oat to Keystoue
tbetr BOB. and while there be was tak­
en Jll. aad was unable u> return home.
Hia rciualBS were hrougbi bark tu hU
hocne Friday and the tunora] wUl toheld fiom tbe Flrat M. E. cbwrch Sato'ciock, Tbe bur­
ial wUi be In the Oufcwood cemetery .
Hew to Pay Veer Qrweery BHtt.
Yew ean easily U yea erUL
Pay all your grocery httl.
You ask. “How can I. Prayr
Thc^^aawev la. “By maUag you
And to hear ihe^cacklc loudsr.
line Harrell'a CoudUloa Powdv*.
The beet egg producer ou the mat
kto. A suadard for over eeveoty
yaurs. No waste and tuB wt----Drug Oo,

Bud Drug Stora

Ing buslneea:
I imptotwd farm
and dty propmy. reai^MUte. i^e
ancw—alae will do anettoaeeriag. tana
sales especially nOcI - ebare '

snu be located by Ootoker S, 1>1«.

Sspc hUaeedfrUt



BaEab. S«p(- M.—CbtUs..
gabt. prime *T#«S. Calves <I« ac­
tive. M« 11. ttsev KM al«w. «tttooe
t tlfHi; ghnep aachasgad. Hogs
38P«. abw ygrtcM W.Sd^K; cf» »S.

fSr%-i ": :..:;r:::us5£

o to b*ey. «l«fSe; fair to good.

iisi iiill


....... ‘i***

CM rahhaiA PM Ib ...
Tke grading is SnSttad and
tbe grarellag is well under way. The
ork U being done by <toamUsk»er
Uanseo. who expects :o bare ii
ished thU- (all_ and draw ».1M trooi
the State reward. Mad.
Actne lowMhlp has Just comp
one mil* to road «a the shore
«o Stt ttapUs. Twu wort was done
by ('ommlaatoaer Leoo Bracket.
'One mile to County road, just oast
r Klagtley is Just complctad. ThU
b tbe hftb mile the county has
pleted tUa year. Commluioner House
has had tUs w^ la charge.

Saved a SaidbiM AMa.
New York SepL M—Pototi
AUve. steady: spilag cktckaoa.
i(be: lowb. U»ldc: turhayi
«tlic: drasaed. wtak: weabru broilI7ttbtc:
spring luihrys. HttZ7c.

Chicago. Sept. Sk—Butter-Sleadyi
tiwamcrlea. :4»SSc: dairies. 236-27<
—Steady: twotopla. 4.7«l oases
«rk. cam Included. lk%(tnHc:
SrsU S3c : prime dnu. Sac. Cha
Steady: dabbs IdH^iaVc: twias.
young Americas. »V«
ycc; bag horns. lati^lMac.
New York.
ButterSteady: vecelpu. A1I4: creaiuery
£. WilaciM SUrts Again With Pine . lab. Jotsc. Chesse Bloady
and Complete Line ei Diy ooe
UDchgaged: lecelpH. :.4$S.
end CloUilng.
Steady and unchanged; receipU 14.-



J A Sipae. to Kemp.
Mclag it trom what doctors mJd wm
oeasnmptioa. “I ceatracitd a stabbont raid.'' ha wrilca. -that dwveiopt raagh. that stack «o me ta m*s
lU mmilln lor ysan. My walght
tbwn to IJO pounds. TVa I baau to USD Dr. tuvs New thsmvir
wM* ibigMMlr cwrwd m. I now
Tnvww cuy toUib^
Weigh ITS poaada" FW- eoaSha. etoda.
...........................................Kc tagrtppe. asthma, hearorrhsge. hoarw
nesa croup, whoeptag coa^ aad lung
.—.1.1. ib a
. wc gl.M. Trbl
lOe G
____ .ng Cto.. 8. B.
Hsauah 4 L*y MerranttU Co.
^ dretsad. par tb............I
R SAkE—Wo.rt harae. wto*i UW.
>'r,| exebaage (or cattb ar aPMSS
r price %'-h.
To. BsU pboaa. W.
ed psper
tt Frail. OM Hbatoi
Sept. W-U



With aa eallrety new stock
goods; iadudlag eterythlag iu the
line to dry goods, ladies' and meo's
1. r. Morgan. Cider apptea......<
goods. noUona.
etc., toayor H. -Wilhelm has opened
■tore 111 tbe WUhehu block, and
tbe prospecU are tbat he will have
a One YueltftMr.~ WUbtom has
selected only tb^ best selling and
most reliable goo-Ja, and everything
in tbe store b ueai and sttracilvc.
or all the Nttionsl. »UU aiM Private Banks
> sum *1
Poar*. dOM ......... ...... .............
Mr. Wilhelm has a fore* to et
Mtehigsn. there are Jwat 42 o4m> have daposlu in carasa rf 11400.000,
plto'ss who are old at ih<- buslotws Cucambarq. hot &um ..................S-3e
^ arc aeil known to the patrons ot
SO Of thrac hanks arc loested in th* citb* to Detvtot. OvanO RapMs
the local stoTM: Miss Bose MIkula
and Saginaw, whil* the rtmalmag 14 are b Am AfW. ttattta Crack.
and Uba hUrgaret Bookmeycr have
charge of the ready to wear depart
FtKR. Jackson. Kalamaaoe. Lansing Cshtobt, Heughten. Msrqeetb
. Mbs Ctora Novak has charr
and the Trsverwe City «U1* Bank ia Traverw* City.
ut the noliOM. mad toim Roec Poou
s St the head Of the plec- good,
mmat. fUr. Wilhelm wtU take
charge ot the mea t f
The ability to n buk to saisiy handle the desnsit IMrrated
CM* and tbe ranSdetno to tfae'|M|kUc m tbat ablUtJ- b the
ib-aMuo to tin- amuonl to dciwtots.


PepoMis in tiw Banks ot IlieWwn


Ou th* opcaJag tlayi the store was Coarse c«.-a meal, per 1« lbs ..JI.IS
\biUd by a Urge crowd to people,
had there wo(« also many vUllors to

. detijstt* o«er
MILLION IXJLa taken. Ve luviic yvur



hairy feed .
H -H. Oojdpa. s-aduate to the 7r»v.
erne City High school, has beea ap­
pointed assbtasi iBlnictor lu tbe
departmeat to lutchaaical eagloaer- Fork chops, per 1b
Ing at the Mtchlgai! Agriciilttl-wl cto Fork ToasL per lb
lege where he ■« voovbllag the last Bound steak..........
to hb tear year term.

Ur I
.t» to ^

An Awful Eruptlea
to a volcano excites brlsd iDterestaad
your iaierest In skin erapcttuu will be
OF' tolC-HIC.AN. .U tbe Ciras ahoK. if you a*e Uucklea's Arnica STATttCourt
(or Grand Tra<
live, their quickest cure. E'en the
la Chancery,
ores, are
ay Collia*. Ojmpbiaai
r Burns.
I A Collins. Uefeadanc. August
___ _____..._____ -ipi, ('happed
Hands. Chtlbblns, and Flies. It gives
t appearing from affidad: on fiU
luslsal relbl. :>c at ('. A Bubgee
the aboce vnittivd r-aase that- tbe
Drug Co.. & E. Walt 4 Sous, and ''
teadaat a last koowa place of losinab 4 Lat Mercantib Co.
deorc «ai tii Ibis State and that pro
ceas (or bU appearance bcrclL uas
dniy baaed ajBlnM him but has been
recuaed that tbe ssBte rauM uo; be
German . Avbler Met Death Thb served upon bim by reasoa to hb oenilnued abseace from hU last known
of retodenoe. Oif moUon of L.
ilpausca. Uermauy. Sept. 21.— pbc«
H. Cage. aoUctlor (or Me
Avbior Plochiunn dird tbb niorn- it b ordered that tbe said defendaat
inc ot Injuries sustained by bb bl- WUIbm A ColUaa. cause kis appear­
ed la this caose cither
ptaoe falliag three bundred P-ct. He
BOllcttor. wtthb tft«e
did not regale roascionsuess
« date hereto aad Is
default thereto the BUI to Comp'-aint
filed herein may be taken as con(csecd against him
rn. Ky. “every where i go
Circuit Court raaimnisloner
d Dectrlc Bitten, because
Cntnd Tra>c:>e County.
my ezccllcul health and vital.
H. G.1CK.
Ity-to thoBL They eSert a cars every
Sol tor rtKapIshunt
lime." They never fall to tone the dept. r-»-i«-w r.o Ort. 7-14.
>ch, regulate the kidneys, and
bowels. tUmulate the liver, lotigomto
the neives sad purify tbe-hlood. They
Order of Pwblicatbn.
wort woodars (or wwak. rua-dova
E OF MICIJIOAV. tbe Cnrcoii
r tbe CoBuiy of Grand
----- ----------------- --------- . — y Joy.
Traverse, la fnaore
Try tbem. Only oOc. SalbtacUoa b
Marsda A Risard. Coj
positively guaranteed by C. A Bug Ferdinand B.imrd. IVdadaat.
Urdt-r el I'wblkratloa. Tbirtedklh
Judlcbl t'lrrall. In Ckaaeery.

Traverse City State Bank
OMCRI. LRittcsl
IB mu pRH^meSmte.

The Ever-keep
Caniiing Compound
-The Housewife- Frinul. a l>-ric<(I, safe. sure, and waparior
prersisuv'e (or all canned V". t'.\. v«|;e(*bles. etc.
Kvor Kegp
Cai.nlng TaVlv:s imp.-uvc.- the 6: vur. color and
fresknes* to say
cuuneO article and preserve it ftraa deteHoratioo. Qmtrwpfnd madvr tbe food act.

l*e a paekaBc, S lor lie. al


liRMbaie BlDck

Travene aty, Hleh.




Si-crv^y UtbsOD to the W. 3L U.
luregu, rouirned Ibu atleruoon irooi
Chioago. wbcio be perfected many d<UMV.
cxrutpoci, sinplg,
talb in raaaettKm with Ihe bureau's
(or iwptalaan:. ts i> OBDBSMU that
cahiblt .to he held wiu the l-all-sl tbe
sad 4arsaid defendant cater hb appnar.
SUtsa Land 4 IrrigsUoa abuw.
9 te aaid cause on or before four
libs from tbe date to ibU o.-der
aad-that -within twenty days tbe comTHE MARKrre.
pblnaai raws* thb order to ly pp.-v
4«4««4«««44«4444 Ibbed in the Grand Tiwverwe Herald.
There are no changes lu tbe hirU
[ weeks la waoceamarkets today except Uhai lutalot-o
EtoMx>ir' i» a sir..:.* |•>lal -ti vuaMder and b aecared la Ud <Md* imDated. Aa*e>t ». A D. m«
are a little stronger lob tuotmag-lhey
ai.:e to Ibr iuto>w>t possCeW dec’w h> Bse to th-tr pateoted grtara dr c
being qumad at 4b and be enu per
CtreaU Jadge. hurator.
bushel. Crawfbrd peartes are bring­
Dur«bi;>t< U sv.tir.d b> Ute very rartoul i
ing hi per basbel while tbe Alberts
tanety arc rata mandbg a price to Ang. 2« Sep:
special Tcaiarvs are Jamp spark tgaltkm. wfckh doe* away with
trvubiesoase spnags and inpa: eacloiied crank rase which eovwes nll^i__
Scarcely .enough apples come
pan. and beajvncv eipuwd tu dtvt and dna: b many eagm*a: iq..
u]ioa the maiVet’ to Justify uuoUug
3K>vabie waier Jacket, which Is IndepenMnt to th* «Und*r gag «Mt hw
iheia. bowever about pe.- barrel
replaced at ver) small ccto Ip
of iafatr. aU Joints to <
b the price odured for tMs truii.
expiosion <tiajober s.-»e firauodL
fi ' ' tbvreSore
> dPbya
by Bhrtifg
CMer -Cbplea are sl.U qaoted at 40
tab per hundred pounds.
demonsiitoia* Bngioe. Price, 4H H. P. «n*.K;

L-536 ufe


Fall Term Now Open

DeiidSt. Sept gfi.-Oora R-hito-,
ria: oora Sti: nau »Sc.
Chicago. SeK Sfi—Ooan—tt'hent—
Mli: ran. sniei oam 3Ha«.
Ttoedo. SepL 9».—Cb*e Ifheat—
tc: e»*« iSc. o*M 3II.C.

CaaS discount 3 per renc

Farmers* Snp|rty Go.
travarae cny. MKk.

GKANO TlUveHM HCiULO m»DAVj,»errc«»Elt 30. 1«10l


ihM i aa al^t U>
upon ra<h cf tbeae

reepoodenta, I

tfcea credit for
cponalble. at lean that ii baa sot
been proven tiwi they
Me for (be eondiUont lUt prevailed
i that Utne. I aani to be entirely (air


> theee reeinndem* and 1 aay that
Ihla purpoae. I c«>slder the cane
wn tA uerlta
■ Aa baa been auneated. Mr. Seio


L*r, -


here Ir reprcaenlln the ■ovetniuet
and baa been lohawlied

nut* CUmth. Hra. J«iiin T. Uoanlw eourw ibat I pursue la aatlaiaetoo'. a
underetand it. to tbe patiOBal gor.

(Me Mate, third pramfum. to <
Mr. Smith aJ.« woa Ae *r*t prtto
for Ae bMt bushel of applra o>vr
Ocaaaa coutny; gtvan fee

George t

Bowe. editor or the rrmt Belt. ThM
prise was »iw.


and iM^ K lii'
Saits, exactly lUtt Bicturc.

Theee apidee

grown on ihe lan^ of Mr Smith.

ITH «ve» OUT Tiie


Woman’s Outing


__PftnQtamiytvIr i

In .-iiit; and (due sutped nwi'enic.
oo S. K- to; ..ext week, rpecMl


It a.-WUtMM *n OoOMtlOM Ml


I, Twmm atr, MIA.


alter tbe welfare of the Indiana, eteu

A beg var.ety af (fee feettar ^ades

tbouch they may be Amerfcaa elll-

is Wemso-s NiMH Qtoraw. al Me
9ta. and •t.lg.

lena and oot veoipyiM the tribal re­
lation. 8o the gtRemmani u aatia
f.ed with tbe course 1 aia about
oreua In imiHoIng theee senien

Ccmpiate i.lH of at* the Awarde
Mr. Minh, Whe

Biaied. U a man of edutatiou. a man

rui Ti«t H Jv*0t
' Whto OtniwKlng U>* »tlMn




meot and Oha>^ ef

rons'der, ibat Mr. hero, a* baa ba


^mty eeUfw


exhlMts that were put up *t both

Indian deaceOt; aa J nnderaland.

pUeea. The dIspUy was under the

,rr„.T‘ •’

r ^ regloii

..r.vp,^..M»r:,*II sisra. 1 to
It 1^:: >\lvrs. etodra

Girls’ New Middy


Vsdc- »; Miu eiw t.i. e'rlped Gal-

also has the knack of handling a

|.fe<-ls p<.-d7vt W cdtalM di.Hator, S

t* wcb.w.1 wear ' til tile*, t to

inkb^ the fniit (bat "makaa

edvoesf Ming away b-u.» rale

Ii. 3C.M) calnes. st

made I

but fea

t Bitrarttcve on tbe tallies of l
.onlcrrlnc, ficers upon Ais ■•-d-ml
Vil therefore preaenta itself In Ihl* cxiKMIllea hall. TM* was partiiaJaily KOiemiiiciii. .-c.'ii Ibe pteshh'nt "lU...
with both or the diaidays
a.usacdi upon Ae co:.»ti:j.
' ftoteaia. tbe Jodfe a*M;
lifbl to tbe toon : Thai
UuiiT Tf... aD*wc-r M unicsi. sud^b..
\ "We win mow precead to eenlenM aa any other eiolailon. But owing
tfc«M rMpManta M Otir plw of (be well kn^n ehancter of the la- they drew erawda of people all
* ilulHy and In (bli oonneeilon I viU dUn. tblB terhiUral violauon la of lime while most or the other exhlbs were parsed by with a glance.
and b:.n..-,1. Ac r.-|.i.M>, at, trs>
■ny that the lUiemeot tiut I an mnre aerloua rourequenee than ih
to make la due. In luaUce.

iliuan’ lerhnkal vluUUoa aud I have

«ddd tor a «re#t many yw*. that II

Stnlth has bad ctmsblderaMe

ekpciience In
onaidered it. U is ndedlesi tor xiicceiariit
fair exhibits, he having takei
hla own fruit C2 prwnilum*

#wrt)lr ibla atate Iwa ratwO/ hMd.
^lltMnaliby atatuie It had been no pro


lesponsllile for iW dOHlhof tboae pee- MX-t Michisnn lair tn IMit. w
Mins. I would, nut think, tor a rnc^ IMIS, be rai-liired flrslprltfs si bclU

>aa JDevd tn meU ie ladhtaa, pet. by


rnent. of taking the nmrae (hat I now' ibe Grand RapWs and Biate faira^ r
ibi- «in take. Ill olber words. | propose
The Graad liaver'e cxhlldt ai the
court, the to conyMrr Uist It !* fhe first time Weal Uiebtgan fair ibis year


He bla-u,-- .he r.-publl

rwn macktuc hu--w|b.w,„g dUhcmec:


Cnitad «aiad


ll.-be*(.T. -S-. V- »Apt


»kA1I '
of tbia kind Aeaa trlalt. U
In other word-<, thta proels- conducted lu the most esin^llluus

In af the taw <rlU no lonccr be a dead



dirUlou Grand


Ifoli ttUrd cisrltig to Ae faet Ibat
mer pracllniblc. could not tie con- was iier^.diry lo keep our county <
fur several leraw—earepUas .litliU strong as we weru workUig'far
plea of gullly. It is desirable lbs largMt piMiuni. aa Ala was not

. .^Jdomiag down. iboB, to recent
fWiaMiea. It Is a Matter of recut lo••1 history that tbeiw was a certain
farMt Bade to Indiatw in thii cKy.
p» «tul tbe facts were In that mat
W. I am Bdebted to the etaie prees

ny reasout that they be dlspoaed of dl Ihe prsBieut term of court.”
The- toort then sentenced each
Oh- 13 saloon men present (ihcrc
tog one ahseol for the (Imel to pay a

couniy exhibit.’ Tmi Indgrs, bower. Mated lba| It Was Ibe dnesl t xhlbll made with the oac*|Hloll that tl
lacked peaches, grapes wad plutus.
•. lla>es. «J Oceana ooniily. took

taa of «W as stated la tbe Ratsird

nay be overdrawn, or

iKicm Ta.1 clu,.-:
Waller .VAIoj


II.. c;.!..
-Msi.l.. I'sty Mi

t'uis t;ciO:i lur Ear'Jiid. nbetc lie wci.

Made of fiae all wool
broadcloath, beiuiifull>- braid tfimened ai
pictured aboiw. Coats
foil satia lined. Choice
o( browD, ojrater gray,
wine, myrtle and black.
A i>ood $1S value,


ba^ I

IMS, »3.

(or P<u*ke-.

Suiumcr apple*, entiy No. IWiI, |i






agsea. ta wMJ aa la olhera, every law.
per In tbit circsilt faeM frM

So cents.

IWO then :ea«ii,< l.-r

n Bve single pleiea
I. . .siixiaii nr the fl

Obo single.plat.-, premium So.
'll, liiajii I’w -ci-n. (,i 1,

We also won two prizes out of three

•ser-hls aaaea srHh sae-H bad deter- from WaablngioB Park.
'‘■WtmtA to pet at tbe' besiSm of this II' ipllee. Tbe wetlber la fair.

ctlerert h> Av Grand Jtaplds PfebUshTbe ing nimpany. for ooo bushel .Alcxand
f~i ic for a prUe of llO.fvP. oif.eed V. appl.s. *id.
*atl^- Be I bare takeo time. I hat
dbOMl VUb'tbe efBeera wboee duty ti by (be Reeaid-Herald. nhy ttaousaad
One husbr: llarileti pt-ars. IM.
-•aaHa kkow Ae taeu apd who awrv people awanued Ifae park.
We ulao w on aeven prizes .m
itrookliia circled-the park and tall eiRhi on single fiaies. Ac p-ssuluiu
' M9t ai aV aeailgani
At pettorBUoee ef tbetr duUr. aad <id siMtb. eight hundred (ect high, (ifli-red b) Itae.wxietn Miid^hran Ony fton Choee omreta. and fn>n o^«w along the IiiiMds femril tracks, ttil
guide the aviator. Tbs
■ who kPOT Iba facto, l am ted to-lw

1910 CROPS
WWM TieM ii Hair »«•

- rtopineut bureau ai K per piwie. #3*.

Thrao premium* were won on ,Av
tUr% as Mr. Paidtln bat suied ibat which was aouthweet. relardei) th>' foltowlag fiuti ol une pUdeearh Sour
speed of Ae airship aad a hate oh^
ihen-ler. H-rtlci!' pegrs.
vma iastopce* they may have vioUt arofwl (he guMe train.
plums, luimiiu spido. 'winter appleed lbs Mlir .|.gfun do not know -da gea- passed Mamenn. six hundred
winter iieara.. The rruu
Ummpral w«« hot TMdMOatkU for Iheae kldb. a Brile ao*d a half ahead af Ae (dura WH grown i,y »ank itoRh.
trata. reaching Ksiiksker at
■ikw and for the i
Detrell state Fair.
lie was firteen bBnd^■d f>vi blgtean l
Tne folIowUig premiums were u
y. (utles out. .
und that, ta aasem] 1
1 by tbe Grand Traverae at
Oilman. Ills., fleiil.
Maab aa4 wheat (fee aakwn awo did
Uuded in a eortideM htre. to mile* tVuruiL Ibis cxMM( was alru rent
ant knoar U. ifee)- ween betni wai4and>r me nuAag^em of ybuiik
c-ui. at n:3h. r halfwonr ahead of Ac
ad ha the (gOms and in Uma.

llulti. In fine vhBpe. (te awallcd the
ai Ifaw they dW refute to aeil Uquo.Fust ptfto for Uiaad
tialn fur buppUm.
to tbe IndMaa.l am also Infonead
1 rvaicended at Tjr« and paaa comity cner IS eoanttaA entry No.
(hat, ether
ed IMleffewer, m imlss mt,
1-4*. 21T4. |io.
^,|i|ptfeg tmor to IndUns-tbey btftweepMake prise,-entry No. 217(.
WHonoof B steB Bales <
Mrs B. <'. Osborn reiurtud to Urand
IMiiy be
Kilter nip. value fs5.
Rapldi' today, sfiir rhiititjg frletida to
•oas piedied hy
SdcoiMl pi toe for grates and v^eIhe c«y.
Mmrging tbe
a B
table*, emn Ncx iCH. lid.
Mr Ih* llqnor At the
» aMaoo met!
One hundrad-ptaica, ♦wry No. Jilt,
•tBfebem at Uulei
BOOM aavi- dcMe. ]i M Uve that the
liver and
ludUns did Obtain iuipgfcsittng liq- ao^m to i«lk..«rMbout twuse
Tl iM}-two ptalem.eatn Ko. klK^
imr and ifeai ihc deaths reauiied. Bat there'*-tiwuhte-isisa of Appetite—In^
digestlou. Nerpsfesi
I think n Is but simple iustice to
One bualMl. ot applet, eulry Ko.
Mess reepoodenta in eay
(hat the
SIT*. II*aA ef tbaoe (bree iadlau
Stagie pMie. untar. abe plate* ftrat
hr traced directly to or ebai
pramhiM. M.

'•tee rtapoadNU aad In powl^ Ae
^ pUieo aeoctod prrmlua.
' Uty MeroaBUM Uft.



GooJ* Solid, AlLLcalhcr FoUwcar
Bctaufil by uv nviac price*

Children’s vxi fu xx

~i» tor. sfc Stoat.

SHOES “SxSSLitSsi.wSsrit S


Men’s Boys’ and Children’s Oothlng
liui II
XBexii I
s.hmIs t»i a liraud New Seaton, are other re*a*u why.


gtai’ I , -bn» guuls

Kirscbbaiffl Salts tad Orercoats for Acs tod Yoaoc Aei. $14.411» $t$J$
Meu's uocl Touiig Mtn'* 8niU ife

Bon’kadOhiUim'* faila

.U»rgo(Hl mtk.«.........fS.teto411.98

and Ov.KMta ..................$L4I«0$IM

Far ppd Farvllacd OvcrcMU Is MOW r

Special Notice

Wi’luMJay ntgkl. 6 p. m.

**5ave Globe>^m
in tile

Chid ol

l-obce C' W. Ashton has

■eiurued from IMlrolt. where (M> has
l(cu »iH-i.di!!g bis raewHou

Icr ibe |(r day*
llM* Bihel McRtot has


lioui Flmc whe:e A* has beds



hava tailed aitdriy t* Mm* tfe* ag^
powd rafeberw who heU u* L OIIMBH.

Ibe Usi iwu weeks Oa her vaoetM^

Ae DetreH bmk retutadfeUItT*. Mi

Bbe aleo vlaltM dneods ia Utding^nn

obuiu.'d V3-M* ta »>M. the «!••• ^

on 'her way hcic. MIm UoE'oy re

Hlrhlgwa C«»Ml laterera.

«,11 spenj

-cvrcB! da>r hcMiv she will be inined


•;i:». where Mr Pe.-A.
Preniluiu No, •

wiA oooaaekwlMcauae. i am
piaaaad to tay that, la this dais of

wgeMag <taevMt*.

ta aiaortdd acrlMd pMtanta. fedf

BOY*' AND QlRUS’ BOX CALF BHGC*. strictly selM lealMe,; Bey^ _
slx.w U‘, lo I: girls' sizes at, to 11. goc
h laet.
*ai. 11*. tolU k
WOMEN’* line shoes, vlcl kid. neat. slylMh
Arougtoul. special, pair.. fel.M
MEN** ORE** BHOC*. la Bux Calf. Vrimr Calf aud patadt (aatken.
wpb pe-diur-i Slid het') sules; eitra calaes. pair................................. ..BUB

(iaidii..i and Mr- I's-r. .X. K:.l'>ll, 4<llior ol 111.
He tV'.craun l-fl lb>. noon fur f.:- Omt.U Under
Iloi’i,,. !•
engo to a,.end A- annual r.eeUng of
l(. tujs> Ol. bLai.llw^.


l»av that any erteeu had been nuAe. Reached Bellefewer p( >:4« in Ptos
r "I^ mnlag u AM oty la at»Mpe Af(er Prlae of
«PMI' eoBR aad after haring had a

Made e( yood

Me tor Btr<- rMipH Pmmm.

ai *l.y*.

on this number I3b0. Mr. Mc­ the Supreme V'l.ue Kb; me of Jvrura
>U-» lice'll .Thu:lel; Ml lor YpM.
I. but thd .geaerM tupre*. yesterday, the library fund being en- Carthy ot Kent aeoeiid. FYkhI: «mlA. lcu» ■
am; i.ula,'. where she wCI
ticbed by (he sum of tfiOD.
CiSBd Traverse. Alrd and Mrs OoldGeoial. eiia Kl.imr and MN* her ciud> m .;,c .NuimjJ s.l,oci.
i. ot Grand Traverse, fonrili.
N.U-ri;wek.i -It. xerienlai for lUt
Mr-. Hr C»>.k, of • hliau,,. win. ha*
ipdlans aauted apoo a cstraimal (bat
(Ve also look llrat priie op thirty
atv'od ilic- Soiiual, whei" l«-i. her- u.,;.i;-c 'Ac ku;..W.-, re
Vaa alBply dUgnceful in cliarwcter
Idair*. entry Ka liU. |]&.
M.H* Tha.k..', •'■ill uVe op k.Bdergar'
liiLii.d io he' ’in:.I- lodaj
tad. SB • teealt of which
lirnt prlie on OMry |(u. 1331 on IT
• rtoiK nud JU*-- Kh; u*Il.
»tea daath* ocmrred within
vnrleiles. |«.
>nre craiivc
I aMo ststs that fhara wei
Ohe hiicfael or ntore. entry
Mr>. .1 \V IVck ;ell tbl- jfirro.Km
•ho took paitleaWV paint t» caU my

Man** Dtm mntf
Work Panto •

I.- gi.iie unlll rpiii'K

Moo ihrottgbooi tbe eule and
.partlniUrly in ibU clroitt. U Ibat U.e

iittaatloa to tbeae

servlreeWe and oeci.

tii.b- Berge Or^ee*. Bailor slyMs.

. Pu. Ibe

SI lime in w quancr <•: a cnifuiy

fr the pfTftalBfa of the at^ute; and. U known. Thcorasera ef Ul* eeualy
Premium L>*t.
•pplplBc the ladHipla that a naapaad- heve. eeec fit lo nnilfy Uw
riiwt premliiiu vu county exhtblt. called
«>t tn a oHataal eeae noat be fevr- men of the law. 1 propoop. However, Ko 1131. m.«.
W isUiy Mpoad all
in eoQslder tbs Uct that tbeae IcIn dlvUloo riasa G. Ko. 71^ entry
diant are of an eniirrOy dUfereat cUas S’cx ftU. which was uffcied (or tbe
r,.,tohli.g.s uud lp. assertion that Ac
frwb tbe ordlBsry uembers of a
IsTgest and moat itidiciously select • Kriple shall rale.” tndl.a.cs lhai A,
fhaL uaiU oar Supniaa oourt bad ty dealgaBted wm Indiana aud that Uia eo, best grown and tnosc ca^ully
prcdlcul deuMu.ra.Ir ,ear may no:
real, aabauaUal reason wby tale* handlMl exbtbli of fruit adapted to
iiiaUTlsll*;^, Tld> dclrgaie. are seekn.itatj^raaid rhoald mot be made does not spply
Hichlgiui. Rkniie of varhdira. genius
cahbldaU' Ihiiiiiii.zn'
ftM bcdd a »an railty of a ortaiaal M- Vllfe iba sanM hifie to tb«su that ft' afid lasie ta eahiblilicg and iwrfec t
lieader Msfl'liy xi...i.-.t rvHie'.l
Hhiua fv frllioa liquor tu an Indian'
tun of ludliiiltoil arat'itiU'ii* lo cuU- in
j.-.;, ujtalulidu-c I..IH1 Ae deta
.^onlMi the- Indian mmi- althlii aonie
Ihe order tiauied tp rt\- awarding nt gate* hart'^lslu-'ze'i i'- iiiacie- Juil;;Ct t|M dttber pfOTictaoa of Ibe U«r of Uweo facSs^and am prepared, now.
IVtikrr ralkd '(ic !■> cradailM. aelunr InlaikaUc.T liquor*. •
pa» aeateuco uism them. There
Parker .-i.iivizcd
Tbe-daeUion of tbe court baa been
i (wruia other ruaMuis also that
Itecviiiy prciiiiutn- 3li>.
i:.o j.K'.'ldclit
ilMvsI- v,.
mad* the tea and U la tHe ^etemlna apiieal to the ofOeors. as well
Third premliiDi-43a.
IKv.-l.’ i.clfurc.
ibM ckrt fm bee that the Uw me. wilh consldeiwble force. In
Vourth (weiulcia—$;u.
la estorced the «a»e ai In the <aae of
(o certain. Inberen't
lifth iiremluD-Ikli.
«JU, ta Aaaie or otbar




tvnala decWona of

GaeMlod had beoa breai
la Ibis couniy that this qiiesiloD baa (be loUowfeic sbciwlng which, (xmald•betber a manIndian blood, who been raised—aliliough I don't give ertog the year, waa a iiutl reuarka«aa an AMrienn rttlaan.
nmrii weight lu Ihal leason. Tlie Uw 1.1c uuc.


iwr Mir

•»<«ll*d IndlM llqonr to«.

■'ilto tmuH, the oAccTa nod to Use


Boyft* Kn«o Pantt
Ftata a.

V, Sip. 2--Ju;l*e

tsily ona of the

After theie would be no reaxin why sale*
H. Prntt !«■«.. nbould not be made to him jest a*
By other person.



cholce_*lHped peuerM or htaaki,
.z.l*r. \

Me. Shitlh is
(Bast expiTt trait


taenM asretaer OeetA^rV
wMn wavy er


|iM uf work lesuited to. Ihc greet ben.

grtiw'ers that the oraniy has




of Cbo full bk^. He. likewise. euuageBtfhi of Krauk Smlih.
whose txperieiice lii this
poSBieaed uf’.r'dtfcallon and ability

M Ptaeee ef Rted
9wUm «»•
nek hgM eM dark eetara. edfeg-

*(e« line lat mmaenm. yfeSd Me.

ivnarb of Judte Moyne in puMns wilh other cltUeni. That la. ni
gfrotnnrv tm ib* 13 tefesAanu In tb* at 1 know, were It not for lUls
■oan FMiuto by




et per aaniaw. feMPMa. ea-

maw iwiiori.. to

froM««UiiK nttome)-. al«o by *>hn W.
r^leUn. Bi«. naorwy toraUde-





btber Indian. Mr. Cenereau. while ol

Tb» folknrlns l« U« full l«xt of tb« ga A matter ol fart on stn


Grand Trarerse couniy was given

I kDov, ordinarily there would be no a great botJi .as a -IruH- produciitK
-bath the West Mlcblgab
'more obleOhpt In maUng a aale W
liquor to him than toauy rtiiaen. The aud diaie iairt thii year throuzb tbe

that place* blm. eaecpi for ihi* Mw.



4*1. dee yard


holding a rteioiKibi" poeiitun under
the federal ^rveniment and. aa far

age ;ac garmesu Tw* ewgtata ,
cage*, fedughi at • «tmM, g>

ennueot ebo etalin the riKht to k»k

S »« CMt

Oatapam tavorabty wtM Ae gr*.

Foot Ball Goo^

Are what ivlU be Psed for several moaflis.
We have foot balls at »1.26, 41.60,‘
$2.50. $3.00 and $3.50.

Head Harness at $1.75, $2.25 and $2.50.
Shin Guards, 50c and 90c a pair.
Just tbe Time to Get Tbal New SiA

We are braegin^; about them becauM wa know that thay
are just what we claim for than^-aa good as you will find m
any market. No better time to make a aolaction than iutt iKhV*

The prices are from $18 to $2S


T.W.I.W; .


w-u m


^ ^

Tbe Overcoat Qnestfon
Can be settled just as esslly. and to your entiro satMfaetlon. The style, the fit and the quality arm all Included In each
purchase, and the price will be moat satisfactory.



The Hannali & Lay Merc. Cal

UA ww3ii^>
•M Trtvam CItt »0ip«*
TUI H^TooLalo.
Don't wall aatU too UloBo oaio to bo la Uno.
jait ta tlno Witt ttd^ 01*
Moau oorlaf tto Bock
Bittii boctoehe bocoBioa <Bml
BefOro ooiiow urtnoiT trooMoo t

boM-« XJdaer nu* «U> 40 tua.


Hm u muw»y to proTo >t.
TMiBti OO)'. TOl liOMor Sowt, Cad-

jJTillcdLrU,.: -Mr b*A Bchod

UtMiM)r aad I bad aow* paM la

k «t k« I7tt MStfWMCT
MtMM. AH iwrtad * food

j work,

t trtad pUotora

■■ddM two MWL Matt. tawttdH jpy ___ OMr ao^rdar. mantas mrn-[
•Mod a boartUtt oBoor bwM M. day ovoUasBd Gray U away oa hoolaooo for a
[10. boorr Mlckaroco. a oOror tooDt aad tto Mooda froooM aad ott'**M.^C*^l.ewlo hao boia bontas a
ro an oatoaaMa taMo
Aftor aappor all dopartod orlttlac T07 palofni bead with o fek« oa tt.
ion may mna ot tto kappy day., Ho bad tt laaeed laat watt. Hope li
win M lay btn op tonsBoot. ?f
Ooro cattlBs. beaa puHlas aad
baekwhoat cotUas >• the order ot (he
The IHOe «hlM Of Mr. ai
FTod WllooD ta OB tto sail
wUl BWTo It to ila hooo toda;
Mro PVira tnko. and Mro. Ata PatMAYFIELD.
Miu taurotu Forsuooo of
iDor bolpod Mro. Safni Bau
Clty^a^M tto wort ood i
loeroeay to
iv Uo
ui a eoerfortor.
— oro all
•• vorr
oorry to hoar of
AreUo SBith. We all
■ and Mr dark of Kitmley
tto dmb of A
y tUllSTat
kaow him lO be
I a food aad tadoayouBS mao. Ho wa* liked by Mt*. J. 1.- OIbba
BTcry ooo la ihki comnooUy. Hay
bU klod twMUyeo aad Crioada havo turwl
Tabberer atloadad Ibc
Che hrartfolt eytnpotby ot tbU yleU- trip.
Ity. Ho wae laid to r«u Ib.Um
fair_t Oraad Rapldt
ewroace OoodaoU apont Suaday
lory at Fife Laka Ho ioarn i


earod. The oooioau of ttro#
boiw of ttta BToparaOoa loproted
V coodlUoo tt ooorr way —*----.. anu to mant hla kma.
I kayo BO
of a feMnoy
Tto party Uk datarday oyaalac
whatoTor.ry Batot waa Tory woU oueadad.
Ur. Day care tto akoroi
la Boptoabof 1*M and wkea laiw-


» unexpectedly. She tfao ac
rd by her alece. HUs LMtIe
Coa^. who *m tta.v aith her to
her health U folly recorerod.
Mr. Slrtkor rotaraed to the Sold­
ier*- home. ToemU.v. HU hexlth U
F^euboaee of Trarorae 1
railed oa moaibera of the tJ. A R. .1 Ki«.w,.
rrlday afieraoon alth —
‘*** a oocc
Sunday aaa
ry wa.v. .A Ur*o etowd waa proaami trreatI>.en)oyed the dtEereat
leaturr* piem^ntod by earh clam.- The
de«,r.tkm. avrv- of Autumn mvM.

Sept. 2S.

Sunday School Netaa.
A verv lurcecatnl Rall> Day waa
Tuoadv boM at ibo Mayfield Sunday orhool.
Sunday nx^mlat. Sept. tflh. The atliny fu..............................
toodanre «ai double that o[ (be ararr la the aouttorn part of the aUle. toadanre
rprlaed her aye.
Mr*. Newton JanUiun aorprlsed
luraday eveatty by >wtoni-J The proyratu t

Loans Made on Real Estate
WUtaelm Block
;i» i*hboraoo.l Wediirada}. ttt. t. bOt
yinaliie «i iiim p. ur.^aml .-jatlaabK
tbn.uyll tbe eveivicc
, ..
yoiid pRutram baa been provided.
Top*., no Uhi.b ikerr wHT be papOr*
aiulijliuua.ion are: "Ho* 10 luteroot
‘lay. »bi.-h Ibr AfulU in Ibe Hibie ILbool ~ ' tlow
111 Inipro^-e S-Jt.4a.v School Moairfaumn S.hoola Tn the Qrad.
,d l.euooar Tin- Ret K, U (’Wrry
.1 l>e;r..R »»l t- praaeoL and ylve
.Tbe tovi:ii.«*> beauiiaC In ilie ttrat lac addreaaea on the topto --thrlalUiili.v'* Plan.- and *Orl*i. aad
*“l“e'’l'ara.*.ae kml Mu.MlelJ Sundi>, R.a.-tiins the rcple- . Mr. FYod
Talilieivt *111 -oujiin the vxeutay
i.-nig service Rrerybody loTtiad.




-m osro Doaa<a Bldaay


yavo In tteir
1 aa aloaya pleaaad
tATor b ifOd. -----_ >ot^ DaaaP
DooBh KMney
. to toll how srootly
PUU boBoSm
r i^’dealo^
ca^ *ta^M5bwir~On. Batalo.
jMt ^ Now YOTk. oolo asMta lor tto United
tyke AO oibor.


wlli «• n»i

SSm te tM* 9«l an


1 Worfbort «OBt
roe City.


aad otter polaM.
MMa Bra Been, who hoe
Mr*.C.C.B. a Kohl tto
_ ________ iUSf bar
aoM RM tm to A broth- ____
^two woaha, left (or Boat Jordan
to «aad A low wotta taloro rottiw.
In« to bar boiao la CUeaso.
riMOHllnot att bains moda tor
tto oroctlon of a mw eroanwry.





Hra^ W. Portor aad Mlto FPnalo
dank BmM k aaltt slok «t tto ttaoto at diaaor oa rrtday oYonlas0- G
& S. CanupboU,
•uSmlO. h^
. C. I. Wrtaloy
"’^Srlaa*Mrt_“c. U Sinltt are rloUIIS Meads la AUasaa. Mitt.
Mt*. f^ttoa. 4*at7 ot tbo


MW dasm work. Attar tto boalam


TSer«-o o, bett*m« I* Uoe o, IS* SoK or !«;
no* *1 Book rorolosioeo tsoo rlaU
■nr^aasn^i^ MvVmwSmo cMtca^'icc uiew, cv« li y»o amT qolt* leaCy Jo Soy. Yoo OK olwoyo wcIcooK M oar

Wc have ttcvcr Ab«vb b I

oMM orbemor yoo Soyor ooL

C & Ka)
SOM trip h

IP*------------ ttado b titt tt


X Momaa. who bas beaa
tto Muamr boro wltt bar
daiBbtor. Mro. Joe OosBoa. rotaraed


& NIttolo loR
loot iMottAy tor MoBdoB. whore they

H. C. Boashoy < TroYoroa CUT.
poBt IlnrodAyMD U-_ _
7loi Ptonlo WUllomM of NMtUhw boson • eotuao pen Aad Hr. tel OMdoa of Oraad
rmtly pwor
Ibuilds wore laUM 1a narrUso At
tt of town,
tto bam ot tto sroon on 8m- 20th.
pond «C Ml
Tbor^ro attoadod by Hioi Ooodbad otter TOtaUraa Htt ABd Mr. Da Proaeb. Tbe Rev.
I of ttw
BoBtod porterMod tto oOTwneny.
Ml*. OoldoB U tto daosbtor ot Mr.
ABd Mrs. Wax WUIamea aad I* woU
kBOwa boro. Sbo Baa the boot wlahw of bar may Maada
MMs bthar Bottar* left PrMay
^ for
»»*«• o*** ■«“


1 ClsroBOo Blattoa. *
aldod a weak apk pai
away SAtsrdar at S a kl. pMOtt
amt tto direct MBsa rsBoiAl oo^
bo Bar. ________
atScMUBS. Mr. W. J. ‘nMm* barIM charse ot the t*aonl. 1«o Soral
aOittBSO wof* many aad boaiiUm.'
1«0 Uttlo SBO waa laid tt root tt
tto Nerttport eamotory.
■ aad daasbttr.
Abo Jsrrwtt rtolIL tto patt yoar.


New Dedlu
We have just received fpleadld valuei ia new Dinner Set* and
odd UUbea. and it’s worth your while to at least see them. We
have them In pUiu white decorated with beautiful colors a^6 tbe
famous ffold band trimmed decorations. We are offering a ^autlfully decorated &6-piece set. handsome new designs ®g yR
for only.................................................................................... ^
^d from that up to $11.

if V«B tiavon'l a Roml machiniit will pay you t.«
in ami
look t.v.-r our,lino. Wo aUayu
oarry a full lino uf tho lu»! iiinchiiii-K »K tv<-l a>» Ijoilors. BTiuRj-ni,
wiLsh-tulis. .wsoih 1>uara«. iron
iHinniH. j-loih liiirs. piiw. olo. In
faoi wo oarro .-vorylhiiig to nnike H
wtisli »lay a jiloanuro in»lj-a«l of a H
liuntoi). ami voH tbom ut. tho low-, M
ml iHwaiUo prioiL

Cash or Credit

Extension Tables


Hlank.-is. m-arly all dt-sirabte .
jolory. with fBii<y liordrr* lu
ni.-jlimii and briivy weights, all sizi-K from

We show the largest line of
ea'rpeu aud run at tbe luwe«t priohs in the BUtt of
Michigan, and we • have the
reputation of aelling only
boneat goods. We offer aome
atrktly up-lo-Oatt pattcrus
in good weming earOQr
peU. as -low as, per yd. ^



And right along up from that,
ao you call get n good cai^t
at any price you feel like
payiug. In Rugs we have
fully as good value* ranging
from tho Ingrain Rugs



U. at tto bom of Mr.

^laao bBo Mtu of Klasaloy. tto oe.
Smt Bttddo aad wlU Iooto
r tarn ttTi^ part of tto

their rttatlTM and
____4 jm hdoro the
bov -with ladoB baakisu aad

a a mim aim
adlso bd booB 1


A brand new line of Linolei
new paltema. coloring* aud
heat values ever ofl^rt^. Wc
fnniiah any grado and fit any
room if vou will bring the exact
aiac of the room you wish it for.
Matting* and other floor cover
inga alwaya in stock.

Wi- have some aplmdid
.-^iiti^ilta and Coniforta.
fbe*|M-r then y< U can buy the
luaU-rial and
vouiwelf. A large variety of
all kinrt<i ranging from




*Att polT mmv trtoadi
Mtt. o. B. »v«. of im

Ixtm RiHwr OuMua ^Di'«l .

WVlead inthe output .d PilI..WE. selling a
goml iinx.-d
iVathiT pillow- with
strong ti(-k f'lr.

Duriegthe month 6f September we shall offer
this hsodsome «>lld oak extension table for only........


We have from 25 to'*2j'Afferent styles of Exteosioa Tables.

----- $275

And right
t.. Ill- (•.-*; t'dlow

It. -or- ami M- ■
.,f li. fj'r wv c

- full line
sate you

aT*DW. u

ho. J. <
0. T. Ool
E. Schraatt, C. Haysma. P. Kl^
Mr. and Mra. J. PIlklBO. Mr. and Hr*.
I. BaBAor, Hr. and Mro. B. A. Klek.
oroOB. aad SHma laona Braatlsaa
PWbor-o Baaday.
and Mattie WaaTor.
baa Bm tt Kttsa- Ao boolawi cocapeUad Mr. Kkkop
OOB tt bo abooBi darttr tto afttrw
It wa* ahmest oxemiToly a lad
party, oaek of whon prooontod
craxy-work qiiUt block, with tto bo
sraa of tto Baker, aad -with otter
!■ ■
Sloeka mmt by ahmt Meads, a beta"'1*a J, 3. NUbardt of Sooth Baord- ttiBl q*Qt waa left BB a souToalr ot
RP Bm CadOtar

|.o*t %jm Riguro on Md s-tir-ig Your Monru
:ase with o eof the UNIVERWe can heat your home at ff-very tmall expeo
u. what
-o*v kind
.V— of .-w.
SAL HEATERS do matter
fuel you use. These wonderful
made, last longer, require less attention, are
stoves ai«
are wcLixtt
better looking, Kdtter


more conveaient and use less fuel than any other brand of stoves made.

Imperial Universal Better Than a Furnace
-We can aame several people who have discontinued using their
and are using this wonderful heater, f^use it will heat
J*“* 'Plf*
half the fuel and requires less at«ntion. If you need a Heating Stove or
„ Ran^. be sure and see this great Tine for we guarantee to save you money on
your fuel and stove, too.

fjl^^^BodsM WM la KalhattA
,’TlJs^k^Phon to YtOitlBC IB
IBiim ■Mrdmii a low days ttlo
a tkAors wai la Oisad BapMo a oewpio of day* Mat weak.




Exdulve Aacsl* Ik




[MeBdi bi KlBfiWT and aUMdtBClAe ■ Ura. Seaar fiwa
vMtW ml
Nr aad Ura. Blwaid Oatthlar a
(Hr- AAkeeMa'a iMt Saadw.
lanataad bu Mtber aad atMar Sa
Ura. J. Brwkw I* eetematag bw
TbM* b MaMAlac <lo|as ta Msl
ao». Tb*7 hava ibe tekapboBa
O- B. (Tajpod went to Tnrertt
aleoa tioai Brart
City. Nnadav oa builatta
D. E. Crandall and aoo'a ahtask
O. B. fla>pool hx Us farm ap for
Mr. aad Mn. Oaaa Sbaaiwr bav* tols. Ue teteadt to (nova away. Xp^
mlU wlU lurt manias Tacaday.
conataaof cHmate wlU I
ChariM Laos, aaotbar and dtaer.
lag iXi a ckaage------------V
■ •mh» '»•
are Xre rUttlas bla float Cbteaso. My to tba Joaa af tbair litUa S>S» ■t -Wa wtta's Xaltta. wkicfc ha* been
poor of late yaara.
Leah, who paeeed away Ruadv
Oacar Clsrpool Is XIptog pat ap
Ura. Aldiidi and alatar. Ura. Tan- PKNWjas. aced 4 taobUia. Sba bae al- le oew telepbose Ua«. from Cedar
Fdl it the time to tovdi up
lyw baaa a vary deUeaU child; Jo*t
nar. were Traverw Oty eaUeta Wad*w‘i>iA»o>iUir
IkOa bloaMiBi too tatr tor earth. ^O. ^ MM^’aX Camay rUhX at
ihabl^ surface* in the home, be­
„ borne of Fred Lagutre a XXay
KWwbthcpwvMtTbe Klod Y'om Have Alwaya Bottcht. and wUfato baa baoB
^ UetaaD atapcwd
on aowa Tbe iaaeral eanrtcae were tald a;
JuX Tager tax aieiUy ftaisbod
cause winter is rftc time your
tb Mae fox* over 90 ycora, has borne ttoe URtMtXre X
SiAa a^ cut tala foot vary badly toe houec Monday afiernoan at i Cirratatog In ibis neigfcborXX.
and hx t.xsa BtadRRBder Mbi per--^m^pbtoeAlalToraoa U boa-d.
Wadftfday. Ha ww tWro to Orawa o'etoefc.
Wblie'home is used most A little money
r2^«*tad Fs:K-?TVIon alxmlUtataacy.
aad £r. C A Clark
dratted Uia
.V-lowiijoBo to deceit eyo*i la tbto.
now for paints and finish^
All Counterfelti;. Indtctl'i;-..-. art<*. ♦•.Tugt-tt .'rocd** are b«t
a Y. HolBM* baa hu fall pieacblny
Ur*. Prtoetlar ratvned fron Bk
8 tliut trifle
■ud.inger tbe bcaltb «1
Tniiuan Howanl is eniertaialns bis
Rapid* and vidr.tty wbato aba bad
uill Twlte the home brighter,
XioD Tyler and taoilly risllsd tbair brother
I bculntt, Ztoptataaeai.
latantt and CUUdreD—Ks
and family from the aoutbera
beaa rialtlas fHenda.
iutbter at Uaaloo U<t Mobday.

vYXp Smith of Koki Xy. has beer
cleaner, more attractive, more
Mr*. J. NcCallm and dautbtar. &
Mr. Slocum. %ho Is vUUas bia aoa
rirttlw at the bonw of Sokni Tyler
Storum. H tcr> IIL
Uclte. who Xta Wo sucats of Ut*l and also vlalied reUllte* at Mamon.
Tba four year oU child of Will Nalwholesome all winter long.
CaetoHa U a bonnleKii sobKtltute lur Ctoatur OQ, PareUdnteah mod fully, raturwd to
Ura. Xnnell of Cblease la lUltlns con.
died after an oparalloD ter apXr braiber Xra.
forte, l>ropa aud SoofhliiK Syrap*. It U MeuMMU It
Grand Raaida Satorday.
oa Tliureday laat. - Tbe fu­
TX fair al Klufaley li la ataalon peiidlciiia
eontahin faeltber Opium, Morrhine »ur other UairatSo
ttafODda Crandall want to Klaptlay this
neral waa beM et the bouse oa Batweak, sod auwy arc cotop Horn untay
aaXtuiire, Its age Is Us guarantee.^ It destroys Wotwaa
to attend tX trMovuihip fair, XIas
aud afia^a rererishnows. It cure* DlarrhoNa and Wlad
K. h. SmJilt Is oa tbe Jury at Trarbald In ttaal plaet.
Hear, ____- ._
dkdli'V U relict eaTiH-tiang Trouble*, eureaConatlRatXa
Mr. and Nr«. Tanner of Waylaad.
■r tbe Rpctur'i car*,
BBd'^l'UtnieBO. It aaaluiUHtea the Food,
llock Slocum weal to Trav.
Uicta.. are sumU ol G. U. Aldrich'* Bradmibary arc V4*adlX tX meaiHfoauwh ai^ H<iweU, git lug beallhy aad nabtnU elecRs
OB Saturday
;toi af IX Xner l)a> Xlats la TratMr*. Hoak and dauebter. Mhu IsMTbo latUdrea’fi Punaoea-Tbe Motber*a Friend.
Ura. <Dr.) Owk and Ulwaa Und
re callere at ital^ place
fdiiiifli lUhbr •aitcn m niAint cMt
the BdtiXlh d^y school

y ol Grand Ratildi aad Ura. tocn* *'^!RaiuenXr
at y A^lock Sauday aiteraooa. TX
Eapen advice « ow •*«, by pboM m
BartX Heim waa a TnTersa
drova ift Travartt CUy Wadnaaday
mill, Let ui teH you Five Stroof Reaiaw
and apeat tba Ray.
iBeers tl^ Signature^^^^^^^
Mia* Ida Sbunk tpent Snndv In
lor FaU Howe PaiwiatPienaar Oeno.
Mr* Prx EggU aX litlle girl were
l-raTaraa City with Xr parent*
Tot Ibe
be Herald.
Traverae Cniy visitor* Moaday.
Ura. Arihar Waltorfi. of Travema
the xsiix over to tbe freat XMr*. J. Bsiiih ud Ur*. Will Uingr*
City. rUJIad bar BMar-uwaw.- Ura. yoed of JXn
John o'
D Kllsy,
Kllsy. X
x Sw
Sept. 2Rb.
:0ib. of'"TraT*r*e~niy7'lJ*’'vuiung'
the oldest ptoaeer*
ptoneera of daoghter xd sister. Mra Oil*
CXiiaa PalBMT laat weak. raUmlns ISIO. one Of ttae
ihl* section ol the stole hto sene. Ho
ft'*' dai*
boBW Saturday.
with bU xrvni*. me brotXr aad l»o
The Nlttca May and Martarat Me- alsiar* left Stobarh. Germany, lo Ibe
smHbi of lUb. xd ofic-r Xinc losaad
Intonh are Travaraa Clij
accood and third c
about oa the ocean for noarly hIs
e Xtliig X abUB
of iX eoataaaaler
seeks la a kal'lny va»*el. they arMr. and Ura. E. Harr aad Ur. aad rl»»d at New Yorh^bnl aa New York rain xw.
pnt-tX I
In Use For Ov*f 30 Y««rt
Trad ‘ItaantoB and UUa Mildred
bualaeai baaU and to make U taU- Ura. n W. Rni-BoUi atteodad tba
anliX In marriage
went to Cblcacn. aX attar a Xorl Hartmaa were
Sauoaa fiay taut waata.
booo roR THouiAND OR Aatier- RippodlDS. Nr. HItrboock alr^dy

mxy fr

soXuru they oiou-d lo Leeianau eoun- itae IStb. {Their
life of Xpplnr
baa radoead tbo aipaaditarea ta hta
; ANT /RoaTWASTana.
TbS potato matliat la down
IV. ari1«iBK at North Vally cr*-ah
I load of tauuXr
■wtaldi at tXt iXr was suppoaad to from Fisber'a dock, tost
becotoe a craat city, but ou accouui
Xpaa to maka the <
Mr*. Van Barker wxt to TidVfne
Luther SuXay.
Butler aX wife are a
of Aba* bard lurk ibe pronrotere Bew nty Ixi RuXay (o ailead the tooeral J. the home of JXn Lut.
oat buybra.
llop<- Finney xd family aX
. bouse laat vaewtod.
,tb'alr kllea and the poor eatyranls
»*d*r. Osoper. wife and alec* \l»Ue
It la. ruBwrad tXt Dorr Slack X*
TX lAdiea* Aid aorJaty wCI »i
of ofllc.
Xd to look out for ibemiolve*. lo.*typhoid fever.
lasau coUBt) wu one lra>'l ol v.4^
vlncln I
Batimatea from tX truitooa deparb with Mra. Braekea ttaU aftamooa.
NIaa Moon of Naaeea aty la lbmaato for tX coaiinf SaeBl yaar ocWablaetM. 8wL fA-A» tba Ini cuplad tba atwntkib of tX cnblnat xw Cleric at Dr. CUrfc'a dnic atora.
Wm. Goggle aX wU« spaat 8unapk ot tta wteaat aaaaton wUek today. Mr. Tatta Xvisara also <weat, Dock lAto raaort waa cloaed for
lanllou. day at MttlcR.
worse tX Itrb Try iMu's OtolmapL
art la provaai at (ba vUu boaaa over with btaa IX apaacb ha U to doaaaaoa. Mr, and Mra. Hatou ra>me place a V C. A. Kllae
It cures pile*, ecaema. xy tkta H(btt ««* aaaoeaead today Uiat Praal' tavar at tX baaqxt of^tX KatlOMl ^VXd lo Buckley.
upsday aad WXneXay for ...
lag All drugglau sell II.
U Doi X fortuaatv.
J. Prujx af Copemisb. wx a daULaafx of 1
• to New!
probXly X
York M Xiudar alsht Ttl*
♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦
U. M xX- ♦♦♦♦
♦ «
. ___ ____ TX Craime U tXre
not far away frma a Xlling apriug toklx freight from tX wredud boat
Mrs. Ctors Gortax retumad to b
pactad to X th* praaMut'a taai po- ♦
faeX. were plesxntly entertained i
tba llBlMa outaa aadar tba protao- tolcal uttoraxe W tba praaoin cam-,♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦
ame ax uaasopolto. Soodav nIgbL
I.ouie lialase't Runday ;
_ idy, WX xih AXn D
nded tb*
Several from bore atlendcd
IT fataRuth
b Cook
r • to
- poaHBtotreas a
tin W tbe elvllaerrlM la»aM taa- palcn. It wiU toU.
... oldest of .h.
the eblldren aX t
otXr' South UUix. Uicb.. Sept.
I Kalkxka. Wedbi
r and TbarohT now.
tas maMaaUralr evt of poWlea. It thlDw. tX various lOjcUlaura nteom- ‘Hick-' Pasco*. wX ha* beea aallix deep lalereat 4a taU. parear's ___
B. rouni •of^ imaaoo to ber v^
ibeoi xUItme into thi- bay Saturday morning.,
ake vaa aald Ito Ibe Piealdeat meadatiata X wUl make to coacres* *ke Great lAkaa Ibis saaaon, returned Xae *X aiAlMI''*Ith
Xvl Strung xd
Mra Henry JeCrte* apemt Friday at
eaa;^ anrho^ xd remalnX until lb.- Ming b
they sere quke confortobl}
confortobl} Bgii.
«o«M' nnwiMwe to .eoairaaa ibla ai lU comtof aaattoB.
■ borne Toxtoy.
thua tookX aXitod lor a I
Mr.'aX Mr. Geo
tor falnweir He -aeleClX fc# m. . . In hi* gaxluie boat. He
Ian that all aaccod aed third daaa
j H, a Warner waat to Ballatre
GarrMt. J------ Sunday.
a boy.
borne, tX XBtt! ol aaettoa t. renter- >v*™.od Ar. hX no loX. was leaking, xy. Xpt.
SlAead uadar olrtl aer- ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦
SniWw W
J A. Warner aa4 wife of lex.
Mr. aad.-^l
■d ,-4lra Harmaa WRmbl fto
Tine townstalp^ Oa Peb. 10th. —
•" keep tbe pump* In corjiaut
•e. X be rania *ee by tbe stream of Wa.hlnpon. wX hare Xen vlsUlag Red SuudF)
4A •at tb* botoe Ht Wblkar
Prtoailey. of Qrawa, am* be was udKX la msrrleie to
aicr curiiing out Bbr was on ber tkeir brr>lber. Juhu Amy aud family, Sharp.'.
•««««««•« 4444 eatartolBX at IX Paradlx Xma gte
nniw'areir' w be teaw4 loasoray to Masllowor. Wlscontui It 1* are now at Cedar. .V!vb.. ti.lliug >lc
Oeorge lUtoB tt to mark TCirC. O.
w» awM TAn aaaikUat iiaatBtaaiarv Grawa. Ulc*. XpL to.—I>r. Clark,*•«*- e
Warner * parent*
c paxtd o\er Xforr him. lda..lo her • In- hoped abe got there aafe
«1H be aSreted. If tb« mmabwada- Is MtortalalRK tall ulacwa iba Ulaaesj.
^ k>- Kooaa attxded tbe 1.
Sept. :6.
Mrs. Fiwd Konx to (xlins belter
Hia _Bberwoad BoBaay laCBroad
laocy xd Willata E. who drosnX
Will Kill..- I* enatoeerlng f..r CUlr^ Xme-Tuevda.. from Allamia. SvtaaPe
tioaa aa to aetood aafi lUrd daaa iMbal and Uraala Lindlay. of Omadt**'
Wllsoak last TbaraTraverse Xy. July-Ifth 1X7. J.
KnxuM-y; during tbe threshing sea- she hx beeu spesdlng a cSH»to it
J . Moss* A.. Pxl C. Of Oood Hkrbor.
saatatoitera ara-adwtad byeoocraaa ItoidX.
Geo. Dow ner aX wife ware at BagMIcb,; II. Kov. of Praetor, Minn.: Mr>.
t; will X
TX Bev. J. prieatkey iwlurned frara I »U»*
P«*b of Txa’
W. C May wa* awarded BBcoM
all. WXnesday.
Fred Ocroil;, fi! Gliutneiv; Mr* \Y
prlx on jearilBs coil, at fair'at KUHboaS aadar eiru •
Jaekaoe Tuaaday, whara he ha* been />>»* S»ter at Xme.
.Mr*. Hanvy Brigham calledx Mra
U Htuiding. traverse Cli>: Mr*. F.
■ kxX.
attoadtac tbe NatbodM coaleranoa.!
Kev. Mr. McDermott aX A. C. Osborn. Grand XpMs; MIzse* !*bilU Xth. U'edn<-M!sv anernuon.
r Marin*.
Bept Ji.
K W. Kobr wx et Buckley oa bnilot Oooi Harhor.
Mr. Piiaatley wJU remain to Qraaa for
etmatrueiln* a boat hooae pine nX «“•>•
■ his widow survive
TX <1e ex. TburXay.
Potet. TXy are Xlttp m- oeaaed wx
AM*. SBB. Xth M to tX aasMai.l|tX eomlx JMr.
Jcbn Aapley wx ont to Ike PenlnIn Stabnefa. Germany.
by Ur. HammoB *X L Daws. Jx. :«lb. lie;., Xliig 75 .vea
uls for a load of pearhe* laat weekT
RWllfHIllP and to IX onuala of tX
Ura. Kallle UcUxray la rialitofi
ilX and ■« daya. of age at
waxm Wpod *xnt SuXay
:b. Be waa the oldest or
XpliU. and took InNbe leetnr* cfv- death.
Ily of Ove. and t . Uat one lo go.
m by Judf* Mayne Suaday arxinc. X bU two brothers aX
Ur. Aamisaafper's people ware call- pasaed over yeara ago. TX funeral Donald vlalted Mrv Jennie iofioT.
Yet you may cou^ tomorrow! Better be prepared far It
|•Iac« OU the SSnl taut. J. CRt of MxXy
X to aUc Rapldf by tba aeckdxial
kriien it comes. Ask your doctor about keeping Ayer's
Ura. Geo. BeBSelt wx a gueet of
Snuona Xy wx engaged to do the
dxlh at Ura. A.'* brMtaar. Edward aXeruklng. aX the Ret. W. H. Mr*. Smitb. Xlurday.
Cherry Pectoral iirthe bouse. Then when tbe hard «eld
Konh. wX WX killed to tX
Mexra Cooper and Lotber were
ttialley. xtior of iX BvxgeXal
cough first appears you have a doctor’s medkiae M
mill the totter part of iX waak. Tbe ebnreta of Traverae City coXuriX down on the xoinaals for peacbea
tueeril aervlfe*. x IX dei-ea*.-d Ixt week.
uL Your doctor’s apprmal ctf its use vdB certaWy
toaaia] wrrlce «x bald U Bk Bap- ttae
Eton (Y>ru<-U xd «ife>Rare tnovX
u a life Ixg member of tbe Oerset
bD doubt at rest Do as be says. . He kaows.
Ms' SuXay aad tX rcmalx
X Evangelical thar^. TX re- bark on tbeir farm.
Marlon Cra«-1ord ta oa tX slrk
aix were laid Co test lo tbe MetbXNoakwbolinthiscou^ioedidne. TcAiKr(^Uma.Mma.
bTwncbt to Uia Soutb UIHx cemetery
ist cemetery, ilia XreatX- widow lie
w totamxL
!.«« Gerard of Traverae Olt.v, Carxd family bare tbe deepeai sympathy
Xdward Wood of tX tag Toieb. of all.
aud C:»Xe roster were gueqp
•ftni euaday at tX boat* of bis parenf* and asslstX to atewlag *wsy
laiga portiow of tXIr melon crap.
Mr. aX Mrs. FVaX WUiod tpaal
Saturday aX euaday to
will becloavl Tatodaraal WedcraaiiT. Oot 4th and 6tb. toeooaat
Hob-ew Holiday*- ” opiR WotlafMaT evdniag at ft o'clock.
Mra. Heory Aemlseoer It eaterUialag Xr alatw from
Uiasourt, this week.
William Chaaay 'aX family Xve
Me to KalkasX tor tX wiaier.
TX BawlciiA Medictoc agea
maktog a tour of our aalgXort
All this u the result of sixty years of ctmttnoout Ibis Weak.
Vera BtrcR o( Kalkwka. taraagtat
dereJopment. Clothcraft is “sixty year* youDg.*' In Xwn
« targe loX of building iitoterthe right inside coat pockpt of your Clothcraft suit lal for Mm. BeaX'a new eMUge Uod’ you will find the Clothcraft guaranty of absolutely pure day.
Mra. Boyd aX aoa. after
wool cloch--the non-breakable coat fror.t'-the best we«X'
atay at IX toX. apeat Sun­
trimmiog^aod workmaotbip—quality that gives the day in Kalkaska, returning MoBday.
loagett Wear.
TX Xdiaa- Aid will meet wlUi Mrs.
Dutel ThuiXay. Oet. i.dor tX toatalThe makera sign this guaranty, and we also give latloB
of otacera.
, hx Jwat retu'red Irem' New Veita, wXra X *»iuoyroo on oor own responsibility.
Dr. Md Mra. Oeanoa of SbMX>e« in up-te.dat« Retdy-to-wcar Gavetam* for ttai*
are gaaots at ibe Goodmaa
Come in and tee tbe new styles and shades correctly Mlok.
r*M and Witter.
borne itaU week. aX arc kioktog ar-


Chlldraa Cry tor Flotehaie*


Winter G>mfort






The Kind You Have Always 6o^


Not^oughing Today?.

f^LOTHCRAFT Qothes are made
fl| in a sunlit factory. You have the
satisfaction of knowing that your
clodies were made in the lightest,
brightest, most sanitary shdps that
modem science can build^f they bear
tbe Clothcraft label.

rtif iss sx?jei."3r s?.

The buildings in which this famous line is
• pfodneed arc models for the wholc#world.
They are the ideal place for the scientific tailor­
ing that makes possible a guaranteed All-Wool
Qochcraft suit at $10 to $25.

See the New Dresses, the
New Coats, the New Suits,
New Skirts,New Waists, etc.

at Steinberg Bros.

apKSsed in Clothcraft. Then consider what this
' guaranty means
Why waste time over Ordinary clothes wriien .such
an offering as this awaits yon—at.these prices P

A. J. Wilhelm
South Side_^

Ur Ibeir frolt farm.

Over Fve hundred of |h« pretlixt New D'etaea. Suits. Caasm Rk.tta,
WaiatN eK- an bought cenaiderabiy Xtow market value*.


LoBg Lake. Sept. ».-4aiima gay
went to Paioake) laM weak oa toiaiKau MeOlB is arorUag tor Mr*
Mr. and -Mra, Georf* Flack ar* feIclelBg over tX anfral «f a Utlto
daiwbtar at tXlr borne.
Ml*, itomut Canaton X* gooe to
MxtoB to vtolt ber Gator, ton), AlSe

. Rcbool begaa ta Dtol. Na. 4 teat
Moaday. with MUa Hattie SbeO. el '
Oraal towasUp. and Mia. Mabel Bob-1
laim et OarMd toWaaUp. x t*Bcb-|
UMr^ Mra; aa« aiie tor. ami ^

(Vi -■


Style* aX Frieet that w>ll mere tXn ptoaae. Color* and mn* that
wc know will « you. no matter haw large, even M ierh bust mailee*. «r
M amah a* 21 inch waist maasura.' We'll X«e alan aX xior* far all fam
eiea aX fipwrea. at pnee* you Xn. afford to p«y.
Com* aX invrttieat* tX best Rtady-to uttar OoFartmam in Narthara

Travel** dir. Mica.




a «( the Coart
mmi the defwre'tMB, A* ^rluUo* M aataa^ to *U
K CMter «f aAalBi'trktrlx af Uc *i< tmnntail hit
of APpeaM-imnc O. VaaiT (reao»‘
e and aae tb* eablUL
ut« fit Horan S. Da»bu. 4*«a«pf4 «a>T«d that the eaaelie tafcw
uajgff ttM- Par* Marqaotw Railroad Jarr. bat thta tbo Jadfa decll»M lo
The alatc a* mad* m by CbSsmI
BCVav. tUM caae fc*»tn« »»« lak** db- Tha oMa aeat to lb* Jur> « z-.SP
RocwoTuii. SeMtor Rota a*4 their adp TOitrrdar toroMoa ai l«:H.
Mors weal ihraasb wfthaat a hlirb.
TAe jatoFom* Mr
pltlUlS aali
aetaMB of rarcmli etmk Mat
With tbe ecrepUoa of the Do^M>iioe*
for daaaCM for Iho aopport « laxi ereBliK. Bra d*faoh c*a«a-acre beard
tor forrrBor Bod laiilroller there
oblldiWB Ml br tb« dcaib m! Horace
aoce 00 coateaia. HaprwwtaUve
or ullv i>uNSAa«uTH- DoAkar. «blch oorurred iB ibe ran- I? O. Alaar anraa
tb* ftaiBBr*»eM. who ha* ba«B eoedurtMs Ue
me ve. r. m. k. h.
read ysrda M Craad
lUpU* Uil tlSa 1B aB tbete c
«dy apro campalXB (or tbe MolnaJaaaarr. The oaitM of iha aceMMi u
deo fn cotemw, feept i*p tbe dtht
fortb wmt that PoBOar. a ceada:10 the rod. pattrttbiUBdtBs Rocab-.
tor'in chaifO «f a frel<bi (rain but
■celt's perecaal appeal to bl* to wupaboBl I© Maw lb*,)ardP,-BBd »biTh
drww. wed. hM pareMleocy and hi*
,1 broaxti'-'o a aund aim of
'•treasth with tb# Mew Yor* dtleaaNnienai Sank.
nt tb« Bir braUa aottlnu.
TAK«N «»•» JURY.
jtrebb tbe alal*. Berneli received SU
qairad tb* coadacter to Hap cC
The fmU dIrpUr la tbe Flret Saibote* to cater StlsaoB.
dad «at the aatare «( iho trouble tloeai bank U aittactiiis quiie a bit oi
“OLD) h U undentaod that CoMa I BooaeROUTED
OBd la ao doiac be valkad an a
•tieotMB. A fetr dar* aso aecea pM’e> COMPLETELY
rtr«MB MU*. »«e‘"**r RQCMt Tf»l« ItaMlMI to the one hu Mb w
of ebotea scape*, tna tbe farm M Ja­
. iMH KMUkurn »M Mr*. DuntarBLd an OBcWa. MO. S. pasaUtf tbrontb cob Srbadler. »cre added to tbe ccaaau««
»" th*
kM. MUIbs hla 1b- blUiindibe>:are Bite en« Back or
•lamlr and terribly
auDglinq ■
lb* *#T*n
bold* a dtfferatii w>- coienaTa Pereaa Hoe. In Pull Maatery
rMtr. and cone >»etn >o bare farad j et the Suie Situation—Ha Will
n* maw e*? »»• !»«*
Oo on the 'Stump.
Tbe plBlDtlt chars** BctHpar* eu boua.' ibao the other in ibl* Bortbentj
ta Gt^t «o«ut «U> <h*
M JJt- the tmn of the compaar la SM fur jceaatrr. ohowleT l»*l ihc rUtiiateaad|
----BlfblBf tta atapMj-aa «ttb aa *nslBe|roll are well adaplad » ib» srowthi
s. Y.. Rapt ♦».—The re• McjiKtetl or (rape*. The flr«i phii*
puie (aorenUoa Mil eveofeM tor *h . Ibiec tarco rluMer* cd
*ry I* «
ould ba h
•ufUia to be aeoi etU that did sot Uipr sieen one*, and Moklng dt tw|.v.-v York a* lu -eandldata far sorar- PAIR
bar# perfect utuSlai air braltaa;'* kWis TTie aareei llttM Delaware.'
Tbe noSination wa« oae more
tbai the eacBpind ateani from aa 1b.|m« fonnd^D tb* eext
plate, with
r. for CM. Theodora Dstmereli
pmperly pMbed ryiiadt^r baad allow throe lais* bjochw .-f Coarord.
paraoBalir Md th* fifbt for ibr
to obatroft Ibe vifcloo of the alnonkM. Tfcc fooi;h plate bold*
r of the HtU« of
i pMiaf.rt.lbe,^ytMo
«f em* of the teal* and abo of tb* men owl hnnrbc* of Roter*. hie
(ram (he womaal tbe roaTentloa irac

«S?£l Slad la on Aa^lB* So. ,1; that .now and Nine I4j: bloc Worden* oc
.plate. aiM Ibe sreen Uoi>r<vi died to order yetleedey afternotm
t .S^tMB prarlBC thSl-|lcJmc*e<l'tMtr.« the tracka did not
t adtoMM -tad detomlBa
the eoo^neior lo Inapaei bU de- (•laaioad ore toand on tbe »I*ib. Tb- aill ill final adjMrBBenl.
The rrri.lnilfr of the state ttokel
Bir brBk** tMog bl. Mn l^tVptaic toUi tbe (acorlie ilart.
JSUffVrSheSi XTiSr^te of Bltbout MdB< OB an Bdjotnlns t.ack: loidAi
Oo aaafhCr lable are eoioe fine *nec
vhltli Mid doeeaaed died polled.
I and that the enalnemoB on easloe So.
For U.-oieB*ni Covemor—Edward
‘-U— M- wlDier apple*, pear* an
Whole Shew It Of EaeeptMnal
Bil flam the fan'
,tb* farf at a bMb rai* of apaed and
wi 6.
Mint and Hishly PraMed by
of well known ftnll froweia soar the K*,nis fraBowlaated i
ba a u: haraby appolBtad lor baar- save M warnluc of lii approach.
IMapiruller —
Flrtman Huff.
Bndneer ReoeaL :«lty. In color and qaallty they H»ai
totheT'ordared. that JwMle'
TralBBwa Hiaokhuro aod Mia. Dun­ Ibe thoireat A laat year. A laall ThempfUMir./
I klupiliy. Sept iS.-lbrr* wia
For State Trca»uret—Thom
bar Ontbrte wer* placed on'^e fctaiid braxeb taoa a pa^ tree oo the (am
■ large ctvwd un ibe-growpd at tb* tri i^-^—i ii
tor tb* plaluUE, and at thii toomMs. of CuitMa PowMrt of the penlMtita.
To (c«! etrviiir. have coed appotUe
U1 ... “ I,,-..... d,,i„ hi. .l-,-«,.
OrM .Travam
oorsn and the travelHw te ebosn. The bad on
S7 | ^*l^Lle-Kndnner-Pr*Bk U. Wll 'wn'*"'* 5... ..
d digreilni. *k-cp wMBdly Bad *••
MBclief..*nd ttou of them wore imm 'll
andnear tor tbe wllread
■ U!*. Uve Uauluik Blood UUIera,
imud* lu the «. M. ITTry
r- R'cat
itaih' and l.•4l|<»er.
Per 4W*. Several nice KperlmenM
The *xl»iili» were .acWfwluM>'
... eap>e<i* bla tuoitc: nm.n
■ ■ Jndso of Probate.
liai avenins wbea Ibe pUlntlS bad
mwlaUy In Llu> egriailuiral Ubp.
Sept HMtM.
|the oablilt* wore dlvMed tnio Ihiii*-^
Order o? PitoikaSaa.
Wr» Tbaoker h*» bte* 0««t^
- STATE OP HICiilOAS. tbo CirtaS
amilona. agrl.-nlUiral. art and twill*
««.n l»r the t'4Wy of OreadTn*Mr. and JIr*. nrt*.>el He in i'lt
!tpd paullp. The irult eaiaWl
!s;oall but *b*l Iber* w&a el U wet UP'Miw. AUwrt McL-eniiuit MH-al ituu
'lo the iMUl hijb xUnderd of\^lhlJ
beie.-t«4>irai<« to Tiwurw rity
eecltaJ.. lu U«r art depariiiK-Bi.
a fine dUpiaj o( handiwork «uiaisita«
----------la thU rauar. It appeariag iron afpothlns
o! qullU. .onilortora. and needleaoikj ^
ic that lue defeadauL OU
of all klurt*. An exceptloaall> fin* «i,, u,. yheioniaT^rb’tri 6ii i'' ftlatii onI. tcol
a rewidewt *( Iba StMa
bibil of boiwt from Ibe FortervMw cure* H In a few bunr*. Relict r*
of Mlchisan. I
1 farm wa* dupUred In the rattle d» |«IQ ina any part
pa.uoem. and one of the lineal pou!,j
.ir> exhibit, .-rer «en la ihU aertlOB ' •
r ,V..i



The; Ars Here, MadU


Those New



euttnUaen. >b» am ten etmain fttwni I*



36 inch. 12>'^ yard.

r|}|ij|ty Nights Spel( Blankets


Wb«a yoa tblok o! blankets yw MtirRllj tUok^ MW*
Ua’i, tor it*s tiM blRDkct nine nattr. Weaowbaveea
sale ote of theUaest Itae of Uiaksti *e bave eter sR«re4.
QaUltteA ire rf^t lad prices ire>~vell. campire thea

2r“r,zS';'FARM pR#DDcrs nm

la colton prices range S9c, 7Sc. SPe, tl.l^
1.2S,1.SM,1.7S,1.06. X.BI.

A Dae Unc ol wool at tS 7S. 4 •». 4.M. 5.M,
C.W. e.S«, fLW and 10.0d.

Iwa. on« 1. tbl. -etormec.
I Kveiylblojc ex«pl Ibe borww am.
lef*>rc lour i:u.alb» from the dal* eX
Ibl. wider auil that ailMn twCBty
^Iiuullr; had been iadcnl at t oVl(Mkj
land tt W ibnayht that the twamlnd.w ’ whorewa. nfy wife. Carrie Oorvj* daiVlbr xomMaiBiot raw* tbM to­
c( the «-!.Wbll» will tc fiiilebed befo:- , ha* left my 1>ed and beard, an perm. Traveree HmU. aald fubUtwIloi to
1 ^ Bollficd not to tf,.
«.« te
»Uhi, jiuw
give h,,
her rfodll »I
The rrawde nerc wetl eaierlalned. ^ „.«.ouai „ | uia jej n. l:.U
ttrd .Xoyurt to. A I). ISt*.
e*»e belog Pla.ved betweeu the
ft hall
PllKUMKlCJf W. UAbliB.
■•Hfe lavke and Klngalry team* tlMi
ClroBU JsdSA
J.kM« f t'OBilV.
-^Uieruoon. and coneerta by Ike Klnfs
taird Sept. If. Ifl"
let hand wcie-rendered and WIN i1
It' 2Z ?T-i9
'iociu pan ot ihe ptaj!tnm tbli





Socreiiiy ClLuia af lb* Wetem
v-i.sti..n tlCietol*u*rui


Tbe Trareree Ciiy beard ol trad*
V. m bare an exhibit at tb* aicettag of
'the ataie grtng* which *111 be held
!ln iliL <1'? the week u-giiuiiog !>■-••
. fviaber l.V

Sa A OST aU dofta makere and reaffl' rtdrer

Appropriateness, fitness, tone and cffect are the

doditt they make and seR.
-Yirtmg men, these are mere details. There
i^es that aU good makers knw Md
obidTC in making a garment fit and tiulonBg
Afl use materials of equal worth,
from the same mills. In these d^h
dothing that many good makers produce
■-is equally pOTCct.,
• jBut when it comes , to style, sm^tn^, individudity, no ^
dS^W-™Few makers know how to give these

clodics must fit your figure. But, more thp
thfs, they must fit your personality, actually be
xhis is the principle on which Edtrheimergjgjjj clothes are made. They arc designed to
},armonize with Young Men’s ideas and tastes,
extremes are avoided, but every line of
the garment coritributes something in the way
smartness, distinctiveness, exclusiveness,
Those are your kind of clothes, made your
u-ay, diffOTnt clothes than the ordinary, diatmeove clothes.

Decide Now onEderheimer-Stein Young Men*s Clothes
See Our New Fall Style*
in SmMt Young Men’* Sinli
, Ifat r~ «»l ■>«'TO l«w
■y«W U..'*
“I TOf. HCTewsdie* i>ww
ridM Moo. VUVe. M> Mtnnct
« »oi m sW«Ho brow TO. ITO « faro VTOi
rl. tac dK WTO. to SITO PW.
Kr—dbcT ttmt ckrhr. m n»fc liatata W
Yraw Mabr .TO. .rite ««riv « dTO. to

k 1. to iTOr of ito tore » sto'tot TOwto

to TO ritore.



Get This Great Footbdl
Poster Free at Our Store

September lOth to 17th b "Poetef Week” at our
sore, an event of EfOt intere* to dl Youni Men inttKtted m the coOetm of dxM an ptMKti.
Br ipcdsl Mrnntcmcou toW. Edefbcimet. Stein k
Ca OR have cecured a limited number of ifaeae poaeri,
icpredaced in « coAon from a paintine bf tbe anbt
McFfi. They am lSr26 inche*. FuU of life, atw»
rod mtcRBL
Call M tmt Bore ana g« one free.


Hainttion Clothing Co.

Did You Get a

bureau •*
is IP

‘Chicago today lo the ImhreM* of the
hurc-im. SecreUD Glbeoo apoke .be
for* Ibe Muakemn llortlruUural wcleiy Uti Saturday.

R. K llul-ftrd i> lo UeaoB CDUUty
uidej ..%'cimg apple* lor tb* CliiC*
'go ixhilU of ih« We*lei» Michigan
1 EmmUt A Rlrbsrd, a teal eauic
jorm dnlns busdne. in
twrole ilio We.iert hiKblgaD Ii.vck.|>meat bureau tint duilag Uic UK iPi
duya they bore told |IOO.(MO worth of

It Nftt,
This Is Ihe Why to
Own One
M.ili .

dollar ur i^re piirchaac

Gii.. H Klfttk ha* wrlueo the Weeteni' yilcbltmu Ik teloiiBielK I'Urceu he will nsc hi* tnfiveuce In g*itirg Wcvfcrd robaty lo aukt> an aj.
prupttaiioli for the bureau
The date of Ue Gblcago lapd .ho-i
ha* btoa M>t tor Suveniber ]9, lu IM
renber I. Incltuire.





Winismshuft. Mick. «.-t« *T-Mr.
aMl Sht. I. U Riedman leave limonow (or FlgMa. Mich fer a *hori
•-ait tirUwe ucocM^lnB 'o thr.r ikw
(■■ct* m Oklabuipa

Mm I*m^ fbxir*. of Elk Lake.
e-aa a vMliOc bvre io.lay
F 11. Vli.lon I. ra.w agent lor Ihe
Pege Fence Ca. and 1* worRiog iB tbe
T'flftiiy cf Bsiialre.
. -Leia Chew uf Ciwtral lAke ha* licea
a geeet at ike Roben now borne, relotulag ID her hoM lam«h(.
Mm O. IV. Roace vMUed t* Rap
hi City «« day Mai week.
Mrr. EuoTO Roto of AMea, aaa a
vUtor here last woeX
Mr. Bart* Rbaw reieraod PHday’
(xmt^VMT.wkeia he eras <aM
by tka Htodea daub of hM fatboe.
^r. TacX ako ha*
filliag kta

Boy Your Fall Footwear at

The Leading Shoe Store
of Traverse City
and Nonhern Michigan ;

Good SBoes


a SIdvc Thai
Wfll Save Hall Yottr
rael Money ~


JM «iu W9 m
atMt iMi Air Man Aeors, u4
' w* (M ««>lT«r tU coote.
■'Tmx taka MV «ert tor H. Oom
b u« Motte Mm; tel m
it w m ud tet M fir* m a*
w«M o( pwate «to
tkte N
Km lut wlaur.

^CbRK OAK HEATERS. bumnehaHerdoh


» Cnalor WfyKJ: wHI fitWol bRrt f>«V to,
>M*» frcRt wHi tboye dt/ori #«»f etninli»;



Thty vO) ten TM llli (bo Ste
•R oTor, Md b ii.

WiilTetenty r.f tikko-l

Bie«()a«a ara halac keM at M. A. C.
aad ctaraaco M<0«e. lotauelj a tet» drowned. Hlatootefr waa baUac la tiWM taoteABd oat tea tower tt|
ber uT tbe Oetratt CMtral Uca ateae)
town aad heard hla actwaMa. hat
POMT noBOW Ipngb Mmy of
aad well baown atlitele. wpa eteeted rm^d hta HO taiA.
ten dty. who waa aaat to kackaea
prealdeM «d ih« fraabaua claaa.
MB U IMI tor .at
xmoirOAN—Joha NOU. peat axUUtlUNO—lira. VCteb XdH* waa aliod rater «d tee teaal todfo of BU.
o aoBt bBOk to teat
. He waa arpalatour bwa«d hr aa ea»lottea ot a baa ban adholMed dtetrtei dafwtr
aterevWbleh abe waa aitrawt- ter tbe weueen dtetitca «d Mtehbna
lag to
Anar the aa»laM the by Oraad .dhahad Bteet- Oerrr BerrANK ABBOte Mlaa Bralya DnoMBaa hrareir eanlad
tee etoee HOA of tee araad ledn of
of BeaUA Iwa heoa ehgagad ae
fraa tee boaae. teMoby aatlac the
LUINNDTON-Aa a reeaU of late otolaat la phyami eahara ta tee
boM'tiMB baraiae The di
lag a eoaaUte «< earbeUe aeid. ted- oAtk* gynaaatan of the mrar- TbadAwygra Dldab ilaan ip lao llto
tea hoiiae waa aUgbi
ward Whitaker, tl orworteter nf a te- any. to earned HIn Meade HamBIHiHUii IHnaa of^i Htobl^VH
•t UanM Lm«s to «ha «aa WMBtoi
OAAND KAPUa-rW. 1. ---- --------^

hwB. who left hne to aoeegt a potdsa That ton Un ta Bstoawk
( irrm rrldar'a Rsicofd.)
>rtMa «i a
carreatera. (all|dlilea. No came lar tea deed
Biitaa ta teettottefi ateoato.
ter aad Ura. Fred Umlor aad eb te toot ton a ecagald ea a baDdlas kaowm. He bat btha Barrted
A ana vha aim aetotto.BOil k*
drew wwat io KiBSater tadar to < in (he aearee of eroeUoa here, aad it aercral yeare.
tdoaUcBl tpM whgio Oorrtt Haalcy eaitriwtUemBw M tit gwdteBli
K«d tee taJr aad to rlilt ralaUm.
l)iag ta Watierworte hoapHal with a OLARB-nA warraat haa bee* laeaed
II. U Canar aaa retoraed fma Bl« (ractered'aktel—Lee «i>|>er. who et- for tee trrtoC^ WlUla* KeaBey. «f Jtnpad'tato tte rirer tan Tharedaj.
(teartoa B. Jam. a loanatar. oaded
naiiKte. where be hat b(*a uklai ^eped froM tbe La(>eer aartaai tor Iieiiati. oa. b tharga of rkdatHg tee
hW Hfo yeaterday Tha naft wm troo- weald aei he uadaly dln^ % «a
luedleal trtouaeat.
Mr. Carter U,leebtedriadcd. walked to tele chr Uoaer tow, Kaaaey to eaM to he
btod with a Mhal
dhoan whkh iaftnioB ef a tow of iln pttoidpMt*
much taterored ta btalih.
aori vititad hie uaete. W. x
- dry' daiccUra whe «B»e here hr
raBted.hba at ttana to caSer aorora totoe.
to drawtag tea rnimilii OMniHk
Mite Loolte MtBtel toft tkU eiora>
the parpoee of oMalaiac wrMoace
• ta tee Wd. )to always had bm -‘e UtoB at a gto«« eMrlwdlite
tor Klagaler. whare aha win vU- ia bed. barlag atiecumbed to aa at- agalaat rioteiort of tee local ohUoa of a netoaduly dtapaatttoa.
tlweeand Una a
rteeidt for a fow'dasa, later lee*- tack
II frleadt
ehnbn to tee Jarat t
KALAMAbOO—DeatJlate aad whitPORTLAKlb^BM Boekor. O. la
lag ter OraM BapMa.
ttoa has aet baea t
W. J. WolbeL depMy aherW e( oat tai>4lb. Mra. W*Ultaia Altee. a dead after aa ^Daws of alao aMBtbe.
of CMBpaBy A
Cbarlmli eonmy. bcoevai a pattoa’ fonuer'aeireu aad wllr of WIHlaiD
tee Twea- B'ama ataatoa. .Mr. Olbaoa, whaee
ID ter atylun Wadaeteay. «od rtalt-. Altea, a btecfc-taea ctnadlaa. It ta
Kalamaioo warchlag for ber httahaad ty-MYaate Mkhlgaa ialaatty to tea
cd hie duabtar. Min Mira WelheL
l.oaler li. WcOonb has rwBWVM to wbo. the allegte. dederted Iwr. Local ('hil war aad wa* a wejIAMwa ho­
a nlBwto later oa a aoarhy towa to
le this oo«nuclty.
Itonibgt. abrra be Bill May tor a oKleere hare e wartaai ti«M Cbteago
white bo had boea earrted. HU baod
: ca.* «u ivw. VI .twc
tee atea.
IMBA. PBi.isv
bat he hat
ISAfHKAW—Tbe Daogbtera of tbe
Bblle and litor go to 8«a. Otogo. lorterarreatot
t beaa loaad Mre. Ailee anl her Ai nkaa Beroiattoo ot Mltelgaa wUI wa* ennhad,
i-aiUorato. whera b« will pruhably to
wFBawtafhta ..........Hmpietfi
BAT CITY—Ooom Bruea, while kin tresa naktag vauM bb.« came.
I Utile ehlldAa, eay otdeen, are d« 4 la tela rity on. u aad Ik. Areaio pomaboBtly- AU butioMt maiMtag nade lor sBorKite dndora wt of a pit o
■ora wliKb Mr. Welch bud la rhar*a!w'U««‘
w|U Ipo Mokad after by onCrtwSid
LUDIMOTON — EBtaiiptralug BoaJONBBVlUJe—Fred H. Omto af *>T *
am waa e« to be eiemd trm lefHoa. .IVhw
A UaiW'.
- teir blCbU CUra Bbappoc. M«d tO
Mas Biantoy, who hat baea
4*««bter of Oeerge Bha^. a tee Bm of Cnitto A rtoeatan. leam
nma^T* n^*bw5>3S&g^*th
IsAMINe—(a aa o^bIod leiiderad
lag Oh the itogU daring Uo eannor i ««U-t<Hlo tamer, of Rtrerton (owa- tele weak tor blmtaae. whoee bo
vecaunn. iwtaniad to Ana Arbor to
Mn'k <*1 U«U dij. baa not beea dlrset tho ahipptog «f CAW tanhe ^tenUy. Atterm Ooaeral Kuba
. .
day. to reeane bn Audlra at tin C.
*nve wwrchlag pantoa ahtoh bare boaa nU to tormra ta boMa teat tee etate ralbcwd
It dcretofnd teat be waa,
of M.
dticoverad anj- due to her wbcre-'uila 1locality. Tbe ihlnmiii wtU nma | atoa ha* no jariadicUoa or«r tee rates
'New. Mr. Jaier." «aiw i
Mra. B. A. Ibaynaa, of ItoutoiH,
Bhe aecomiHutod ber iMWheia by a apoctol faal might mia. The’to he charged by
gatorioa. "what le year BBer
ora. who haa besa'^Utta lh» tamlly »d sUters to efaureb tost Sanday
dm has nearly 1S.0M tombit oa tbalr tor the traasporutleo «t
eatag aad wm last jibea atBodlag oa aaaura mate Boar Iosco.
oa latoratate ItaeA A tow days ago
of Oaptota Kaot. «1 tee BMte
TertyAaor yeas atir
tec steps ot the EhaageliMl chuite.
JAUKBON—Pater Snyder.ot Janas-jtee nettoe was tefwiad
(0« tolaads, was ta tea etfy today
PORT HURON- Udward Beanett. IOWA Dak. aad tonaarlr of tela dty.itoeMy generalb depaitoMBt by Cbalrhoe relent hoan.
diet Une.
railMrs. «. Stnpbe returned to Blkj
and Csrl (HmpMM. aged W. Is deuta- three cartoade ot MKblgaa epptoe tb.'roM eemodaelpo. m conptalaU had Bm ta aaetecr Bate that esgto to
RapMt ihl* afteraoua, after
e«l baTlbe police m tec raiuU of a ablp to tea Dahetas. Ho lays te*|bBaa rweetred at his .ofBoe that cer- •be ef tbe^^aejA **Wb«ee Be pea
trip to tee eU>.
..— rtite Mlowed a Wtelgaa fruit to tea brat teat Is eear
p. : Ufa
«viu j
roads sreru
rlolatlag tea law
44U Blaak toreet'
aeewrod ta hi. etata.
I White rpqnliua Uni rallroadc ahaU
■ rwdda (heea. Be ywr .
H. I, DaVoa. of BhfmaA toft teU tonpaoa shot bln. Bt^pocia
ear aot charge more thaa two ceats ~
Oacc ta ewblle Unco It a -CmB-dto
anera-Mn to *1*U IrMode ta Cbarle
*Uot hiisseU. Bote
it oxygra la tee roen. \ nlle.
vote aad pamker.
. »■
jahooUbg ms accMoaUL
by tee ignltew «( a kaream) ANN ASBOR-U'hlleptortacon tee
'ArS yoa nurttodr
Mr. aad Mrs. 0<««e nther retedo>unUNOTO.S-Msde Ibbsm by tee'store, wm
foUowUtg,. the
toarlul Wow the dralh of Jasea B. Anea. aged dS Mn. A D. Uaia touad a anaU actww.
'Av ftmdyr
vlsitlug ata. WlUlaia Arnltage and . white be recelred upoa tee bead -froiB I yeara. He toll lato a bath tab at bt*. whMh. babyllba. aha. yut taUi h*r
family. They wera
w lobo.of ibe-Slg »R>ohe alacka whan tbsi boin* ta tele city.
bouIA Ju*t at ihto Uno'her brotetr
Mra rranfc fobapl^r and Mra. Jaba*ie«nl sa/ eluklug. MUm Petrsskey.j BATTIM CRIBX-,A toa-orot to- ^vb ber a handful of poprarw. aad
tofteboth of PaloMny. who hayr, —■ A tooatber of the craw of tbe TeetDeiil nade 1? Jane* Colby, It abe ewaRowed the com aad aogw to ttooer bad aaked U a Janw
ai ta aay way te BV ed the pMhte
been rtoUtag Mr*. Amttage.
r No, l«. I year. olA wiU briag tha taCb parumt' gelbor. She chaked to di
I .the «
,T. J. SwaawA rarnwaateilin of weat qn a rampage here aad naariy ' IIZS. «bJeh will oora (baa corer hto'atotaaco mM rente her.
tee lio. anl AdreftietaB auapaBy of wreteed tbe cMy-.^d county Mb at- tuaeral ttpeotea. Oolto drowned in I ANN ABBOt(—Thero an aerea va
Chlrago, wbhii.baadtod (be paMleily K* iwtag lorfcrd ^
• Spring lake nhUe dahtag. had Ukan teactaa etiq uadltod oa tho ahgtaferwork for tbe Travom <-Jiy board of tiADIIAAC—1W- Rev. Ralpb Holt, 'out tacatuaco. paying hit Hrst ItotaU-' tag Hcaliy of the U. at M. aad Dean
trade this } ear. U In the ctiy ,oa bual- ■panor of (be ftoMatiaa
Riformed SHpi of ip roats a week agx Tbe iml- J. c«we7
Oootey hM
sent Profenaor
um* mmai
sTvmvn Badlpr
uii i i
pea oe*.. Mr. ftsik
and Ptoasutw.
ohurab a
icy arr1>-cd on tee day that Oolby waa.Chlce#] and Bt. Uuto aad Prafeeaor hare yea formed any i til
Mr. and Mra. A V
t-oiu Crand Haren.
jDeantooa to Maa^wotia. aad he ae fglit orTnaecear* of (Mi MMM<
Poiror and tee Her.
FUST—After lying in tee under hlmadU toarat
------------------- ---------------- ------ -----------" '
1 U.
— "
.IV- lor Wi

-I hare."
- „
bee r lelt «U d" lylp
• MaDUtigUf dead at a rranli ot being ornabrd on- taking toon of A W. Dodd* for aer- Pliiaburg and PbitoiMphta to d«toti
•1* It a ftged eptalea or la R aaa thft
U. P.
der (alUng
talUng stole while .at srark In ,eral dayc tee body of ibe aaa who of eevoo new aoa.
c*aidb*(haatata.tG«rHMeprr-;^’ i
tbe aiverstoe nihe.
{dropped d«ad at tbe Orand Trank *u-1 PLi.S'T—The taeal mionlaia
'It roaM be rhaaged tr tbapdIlhMP
(.HASLOTTB—^ the drat time jtlon. aus dtocorered
to boar tee'oraMsa
tea Oeneoee miBtr
ceaaD' bare
hara atartod
aurud men
piepate- were atrong eaeort-'*
■ v
•Then PM weald oat ntt M A titIn eerersi year* tha coualy Jail U .
of D. Mclasaca tdtlo^ ^ tee ttoee Mr the coalag oaaipalgn------alt* oplnloar
wltboai an lunate, but Inasmuch m 'tali sim. Tho dlecoresy
Heoilm -were heU Bun
(I. was found dead near hb borne, tela is Isir week. SherlS Domaa Undertaker Dodds. A Uatao Jack,
Iboaring the Inslgnta of tee Brltlata
wham he had been cuittag bruih. -e.pms a iransteM moei any ihm.
rhe blggaM
blgmi eairy 'r-«.—j and ..i.
nayy, *m -i—
aln ji
-N^. Mi; Jayar, CaOew C aMli
t-oraner IVtable decided death doe to
list In teeAleton*
Baton eoun- jgt\M tbe police the heltof teat
heart dtaeaai.

V pea ptaoa*. Trmmpj
ntan jnay hare been aa ez-aallor
to rao* amen i are
mast LANBIMG-Tbe rarloot fiat.
for Ibe opening day ol tea the Brtilrb aaey.
Now, Iboi. U that tote*
(TMi late that jeiT Baa
Lag show tbia week.
MARSHALL—While aUlag from
SIUTR CdtRER—A ytoM of I0«
OOU>WAT1fR—Ralph Wilder, rar- bnsbeli ot eloeer oa a acras is ra- attate of tax- grip. Mra. Aloam Bay- MtheeetPeaiaaBtm**
am naad asHhtrtdtt* WheaMiBtoontot on tbe Chicago Reesrd-HeraM. porlrd from the
William Swisher dei< wife of a Claranee iwwpghtp tor- ad hp tee lodge teen (bat
bar porchased a.dne fam c r tela fam. Oorcr te aelltag at W-00 per k
ewaltaaod a qoanUty ef pane (raoM to aet be poMibta ter pah lAfeV
eliy. snd will Btoome a Braach coun­
■ aad dtad botora a physician oahta teat optatao mad raomJiB i*
a total of I
ty femer.
irh her Bbe WM ST yean old diri wamnled by the lefiterd A
LAS8INO-Mn. Uaiy J. Wright. Si
the laatohritooe et tea eoBirr
MONROR-Wbea Louis Wentol ac 'and married Bayder (oar
a ptaneer restdeni of tel* dty, who cmd hi* «
lag bdlt
lived alenc ta a lliite bonra ta tb« wltbMi hto knewtadge. a enarrei toV
west pari of the city.
was found lowed, durlnc which be eirnck her ou
lbs tou.ple wHh a kltcben knife, It to*
> rmUiag (ram Oatairb aad drirae dead in bed by nelghbcws.
CHJO—Tnilend RtlaoB. fgur yean eUlmed. Tbe wound to aot
- . oOoldlateeBtadeiiieUr. Beetorsa
One of (be moat curioaa a
tec Bsoamsf Tama atolBaA Pell -lea cld. tril tn a citlem which bad been Mcatcl to ondtr amei.
incac U (bat it.ta a e
MAS-|8TBe-Biate Salt Inspector
I nnrdlar aaetaats '
Bara to I
Tempta ' ihserr re;orta orar m.000 — t. Rsallr (barn to pleaty of illn
By Bratean. H Wanua Surat. New YmA
btirals of MR maABtoctorod ta Mlch- Bhn 10 Ibe treobta ta tbe aadoai
dee. Above aO (bara wm that la a hi** aaUem *
tgan dartag Aufual. Miptotse dtotrici
Aronad hto lalt w
duLous 00 Securities
M daaeca. acat Ocera hto Ufa R rtaagW. The eg
lr>ct WM smalleat with KU( bar­
BO had teat nthor tbaa aodara *d et bln b
WANTEB-Toor ¥wrm aad rels. Saginaw manulsriucrd (I.SIO «M
ft aar taoter ba pot hart to toad. ttea attd ta a
0it7 Pnpvt/ in UtciiBan
Ttokiat etruta death atltke haada ot
Tea ar* a*t***( ear tMihitdEf,„
•AOINAW-The WaiRttctte, Uoior Mark Aatearto Maou R they c;.a*.
•In. ce tear «d.. The merd -Raneea
It WM te* tea* dttteMr
worts, enplortag lAOO men. an- ta Oraab. neaalat BlarhHp 'aUpff- •to eeateaeloa ftete adetete }di«
aoaBP|S teat it wJU rraatim operaIt ta year eengaotei' .
Ueng ori. 1, with a fall oompleneat
Tn a teekkeeper Par awtktetHir
-Tha Rtoil thi‘M0' ■
'Tea heap boate to thadAter ^
of aeo. The ctntpaay bqp beea unfrtl. aged t
bad hraa
Conaabed. tee haahBnper darvotag a Baanelal raormtateite.
bar. aad hto mther bad pva dewa and mad* ateeam bmte.idJL
AURURN-Octevs Jflltar. U. auh MntkV
tahad htto. He ten e«y nacb ban
Tew. Mr Juror, be f*oddMiV«
ried. a acraper ta the Rohort OeBs SM hie anatle »
etate bew old yoa ate.'
mlaa. No. (, U aaBertng tram a braknanh rr"bha. A
•rifiy.*4x yeert '
. • .
*» to M m teat nai
en tag. recsired when a rook fell
'Bow lev hare yea teteite ■ Hto
asaata, bat a ilttta doefl taafd
him whUe ha WM waklag ta
m wbe mahse pee de uugbtr -PlAeea yeara.'
has beea reiBPrcd
Oar City hoepiiaL Hto wlto to dying dW' Aftae atttlag eerT-lf»U (H
Bee ntaoiee be aati: -ft beaie aB
ia the meae bospttal.
km U bum me •hea teat deru gam
■era to another;
.....................— ____ Grand
UNION crrr-Bate Hetawo. a
- - -The DtataafMr.
'Were yoa bt
Tfaveree-N*. elr.'
Al a ramatoa o( eaM ooori, held at (by larmr llriag nartewaai of tela
■«b. I aae.
Ibe peohato otdew. la tee City ef city. BoRered $£hn Was hr (he beraTravenr City, ta aald canair. eo tea tag ef a large bara aod coataota. tee
SoaT ton pooneH tato a bnnaa
SOib day of Boptembor A U.
card tadea. PaMehaaff to rteap*
Hon. Fred R Walkt-r.
m better tor tea porpoee teen hn
dtacrinlaailaa ta fnfgbt aad esi
Matter «f ter ra
Mstetas ItoaeL deceased.
ratea and a generat radnelioa ta Ooit
Poaal haring died ta saM
. ............
A togy
Rrar toads
t cbiPole dyntartta WiU be urged br (ha MO data pepoU
tenrt hto pettUos prayla
_ that Irwin
a^ ceaeQpaitan wrabeaa the
Rawlings or serae ether ■etiabta
eetiabta pecwhale aynuoa. 110*?* Regaleta (S
ate he appolaied admlntolraMr at of (he Orate Horn Tcgria
cwBto per b«> earreCi the Uvar. lone Taa.npto
aakd eerale.
the etoaiart. <
MS' Of America ta^seoaiea I
ihd. Hr teat a
tea o-cloek ta
Mead mied me. and tW
-......................... MM Prabaie ordco. ara ta a critical eoadhtaa la BniterWa donfkm bow to thank <
he aod U harwhp apgolBied tor hrar- worih hooNiAL the reaolt cf nistab- aelghbara i
'4 pMlttan.
ing load atooto tor mtehraome. and
tunher orderad. i
aickaeea and atite'm death c( gbaMmetetetbawtoiMte^t^S#
aatlag Ihem. They are Mr. and Mrs «*r Mowed «U* aad maaturi tM the iWte teM m ter Me ifiK
Soral irthOte* *o g
Cbariee Pittoa and Urie iftau.
umex-R-hut toafUv Im bara.
Aar ol 'haartag. ta (he <k«ad>Tra*erne MataW. a Bawteam frtated PnaciB CeoBar wee btakad
Itea B«n«o ha «aa «rt^
^i)«plpc«rar.w.f«« opAhe uteBr•r rrauto.
(rate wbM «•* at (he hotwea (Mad -dram auih, Bept.*».
ottMb cnirrlate «atw<ar rraalaf to
bar# tbeir trtoM* saae ta a
aad anae (hciB »ttawnbor teat tbe'
Srd waa -’tbolr fnddtae aai
aad tee iSte ber 'blrtedar. AU bad
a Bin URie aa Uwy are aadi lae
»«t»A • l
A. H. ntear. o( Oedar. paaaad
ikmwh (be etttede to attaad ehareb
la Traveree dte-

w* wm bod • Mora cmopMo Uw te Stons Uwa «ra bora wnr;
■0 «• tote MttMeot we ham <>m rl«bt ei«re *i tea riabt prtee fur
!««. A Ubaral credil extondod «a oRp fciove yoo taar aelkl.

arecui Notice-wo win be cioeed

Tuewlayand WedneKte)r, Oct. 4 and 5,
bn account Jewish New .Year; etore will
open Wedneeday at 6 p. m.

nw GLOBE ^
• Free «v:tk Glotoc Grtca

Ralkof returned home at y o'elork
yeotarday noralng aod auda bti way
to hit apyartnaoto ea tee third door.
• Iterhor. dcRL tl.-ltewte Ob reatetag tbe top of tho atalim.
Ohfh aad «lte of Ktagatey rtojiod at Jtoteof wao
groaiiy btlgnod. and
(to- Bar. A- W. f^aae'a. Batarday a«> kaned orer tee haairter to reaL
tmim. Mr. auk U Mr*. Cbaee a
After hie tall.
were oaltod. They feuad
bln toti
Tho Fhaay M. Bote to aiaktng bat Mtoep aad vnlnjared.
Otoe trte dally oi>w. toarlag hero at
• A to., rwtarwlac at mbopt ( An­
na ban of tee aOo lltor Itanite
Bi iiMiei* thaaedaya.
Mra. BetM toatefc baa bOea wader
tew pbyohdai’a rara. hu la iwp
Jten (hwUlte U enicrtatatag
pany frota Grand RnpMt.
Mtoa Irate Brattej^-hM reUirned
«M«ee idll ha heM at tte V.- e. mn Kenb-u-WBBU whaaa the hac
Rh hen Baaday at M;ge a. * been wartUag for the Mat |wo w
BBbteg by tMelriet Bapartatoadaoi aad Sflnday her ooustaa, Mtaaea Olle
A T. FhfgiiaaB.
aa^ Louie ralibaopt, vlallod at her
OBgt. pawry eaade a tftf to Chartomte.
to4 with tee Oaekeaui hMwaek.
Howard and Oenrge KewanB went
Hoata lake on B dahtag trip: kad
0 paiXb route BTOMAB
dne Unt! caught about S« dab.
Pteklag mit Is now the ordor ef

Ht fSHT AWAKgNCD. O tec day.
Masora John Hodm and B
ChteasB. Beta JT,—oner (aWag
Mogsto and UmlUes of Trarerae CUy.
teaateetekdiotkemalBSoeroftee apent Sunday with their parenls. iMr.
mtrmrnt ham la whMh he Bred. aad Mra. Warren Horie.
Ma Bateof wm hJg&ty ladtgiiaBl
Mias Ruby muiliit speat a taw
Vhoo the other ratldeato of the boOd
days of nook before Uet ta Chicago
lag wekekiBi ep and taelated that ha
, and Mr., Prank Kroope were
iXn to bed.



Propuir Boirht ud SoM

X W, milUKenr T/re.
Smart CoatsforEarly Buyers

R R F E ARE NOW showing the newest Meet In emert
tsllored coat, for Mrty Pall weiv. These are de* • ^ eigne from America’s loremoet tailors and show
dietinctivenase In every line. Whila Ihera ara high riatt
coats, the pries range b'ringe them within th» reach ohall.
The woman who desiraa a moderate-priced coat will find
tha tame smart affects that are found In Ihe higher-priced
garmanta. Many of thsaa are sample garmente and will
not be duplicated.............................Price, range from

$7.50 to $35








» 1t«


•MBntM ttcbeu, ibhi. >*• ••‘•O pw(«r
toe- Bcnr* t«t «M wl*b «nMi A
«kl(b ta tkwtlTri «er« M tat- •krt^ «Kh
mH aM m UMM*
-vrtaklc; to w ID *•
We took ibroe boon. Ur»l% *M «M
M» peue or' vidM vtU u( MOU
Tbe rklWrwi to Ike blMortotol pototo brown oii|»f. belt a leMlpaMtal «t (on boUac-

m JUML Bim VniUHl, Uto



or the Md latereMBX Udortcol b*U
pateu ia (be middle Wed. rtalted « 7*9 were to bM “Wbeo
U •
Belle lole-oad went m torae Nluu* pJekte M • pJAler Mtoe
Hk«lkbd aUbt ouwer by deoeriblni
ber Mihed o( pattlbc up borbdt^

: .":rrn«“T.‘.T..

Table oUeleib toMed bock W the
„o*,. u pui or cooklbi uiautto
boo* Mp. end of toblee where Mtoiui
tf dtohwublac to doee. eeTea (be weU
ud nkr M denacd
. M>d Ueu
atom tiM.
To reMiw' bord pemoe bpou Iroai
11^^. nk
Home <%eer U rare tbat ibto ara» fe« barrtre, and drop* Uem laio a
ewrr pot > fow drope oT kero>«ue
for iof Tiaeiar, attar
tlial fait rron ifae expeHnw* at a for
i Ob k doU oad rub ibem wttb thto.
fanoer mad fato wife who .afo »ot by **u Tfaer wtll keep ladelaitely.
botateareaBdaiooMoltfaa pretUeei of larart of water la (be fa It Mdias tor
la the
drede oT other laraera aad
foe. *D>
»»to tbo frtMd whoee ozpertoe«
that n —
may be the the' •
............- flTeb. ............
It waa voted Ibe peattleat
|,Mp yoor allt»-r brlcbt wnboot
meaiw ot oautiac auny otfaera to fot berrtr
that bad been aerved at
cleaalOB wbteb to. laluMotia
eafoymeot. red. rolauUoe aad
aay ot ibe uumeroua parilet of the ,p tbr plated arilclea.
dtoeolve a
... tiwm mile tripa,
tew daya' wtatrr. t’aforttiaaiel) barbrrrlea are ..^.n baodlul ol borai In a dtohpaP
dVratlOB. The key-note or toe akole beeoailui »yy aearce and dlflcuH to ^
p u„ie
obtain. They are eaally crown, aro a ^
,,, n ,,,0^ »ti **
^ ^
^4*. b« to be eou- eery deroniUve budi at any time ot
afMeaooa ai the caee
*«“travenint-wllh aa ataople Ibe JMr.. aad eiM<*aUy wllb ifaalr
biva^^n we «aV el bHIIlaat .eolorlno a»d briibt berttec,
aad to "maMBi pkolc" otji .iT wbkb laat tIH the arrtval of wlaier.
They are dellcloun wbea made Into .
,n„..nmrtrni adriaas
--------------------- T
P«tor»ea « foUy. aM are om of toe
ftneet. ot .wltohea with ventoon.
beeper of Ifanlied
tie and siiwopb aod to do an much
----------------------, a a. ,



OM. A. R KMir. w evillw> ...............
M K rmr tlMua


to fbUe before fotarBlof. Aad wo.cobJtm Bwvwt IMteor tbi
I mp.-to hove i
Ste «ra*«M Mil* UM •<
»*cto»y ik« •oiW bmR* ih* ««4i crwMt T»tee !■ ih* ♦4»«0»«i o( Mr
mtil i UU 7*9 «b*r« Md MMt «K»r *k>M wiib Uod. mM ibt WcM. aiUdm..

__________ ■ -

SI____ s_


ft^hi MM ot im'*«M jm *10 “< » ““*• ‘I™ '■ oddltloo that aba
■ad b W
toaj k**p in tooeta with our woa^
Twa» foacbr bf Iha toatfatoi <d fol a** »fa« factory to la the tobfatas

- Mar.BKwrtifaa


b to a 1

^a( the day. aad far realg MlifailoB tfaeroto. ..
k «r battfo afaat. totoz ber
well for ua tooifaan to
» U
ar Itoe ow eatlre time to lemporal
thiack aad to allow our Itraa u pww
rnpii- ■Oft fo peeury. Our worb to of faeeea
ally urtwwms. bPL ir we will, wo may
«. ts
___ ______
«0to* acqiulbtod with« otoer
iL- wortfo
bealde baba.own
moo1., u lerfeJy
It areawM.
as, .a- tat..
we Bad (IM tor tbe thlac

■to bernlT. folPWlI. fato* W ptoVL
tboM HI. W


' zz zz TzzTt ^

biraer to_________
liMto aM war*:
IBC dfal
btoUoA tfato Ufo to *»• «to*dl.. Ptor lb. aake of our owb
MwA tol u| cbooM the faqob,
• TboB we muii team to oOltoe toe
Vtoto bpkrlM*4 to Ihd .
hCMapU tor readlBk Have toe book 4A444AAAVAAW4AAAA Puddin|e htode With Bread Crumbe.
or toMbalM or dtoly w I. to. jvbape to, moet-Ooyabte time ,t
PMdln.-Oawhalt cupful






il^Jlni. -d


KMaey TrMiMe f«r NeBrty TMfty Yean.

ty. Kbc. No. «. L'aluB Veiema Itotiau. afad peem
. ;wmVm Bailey. Fast
ffasaily i^faed w1iIth many ot tbe |
«e ot t
Chteace ad New Y
WlihiB a ehort psHud bs bas bssn pel
Ilby coDdtuoB le attributed to bis Jedletous MS of that
Wsahlacton ehmau to notorUmsly bad toe kfadney aad llvw
rewMly. War
w guile efatednMtn
ret b
by a Jadlrtoos ass of tbs remedy be » MW
tronblsa. yet
saeelleai physiol coadllloa.
ThU brief statement of
ot rarts,
tarts, wiiaeni
wllheni exaRsraimncw
exaRerattanoe aypatwtB,
to tell toe whole slorr. wbteb toe Ferana Oompaay to antbeHMd to nae. U
It so rbooses, belteria«, as I do, tost by so dotai It will be ter toe feMcal
William Bailey. Wl au. N. P... WaMto»M. D. C.
ame. A tew botttoa blit up b
-1 took Peraaa for a old wbteb mifo
Tteatorer Isoml t'nion No.
nsttonl llruiberhuoil ot Teamsters,
writes from ur> K.kUb at, Cbieeco, UL#
and iaa tew atentbi 1 wBewH.**
-I bare been auCertoc from a wank
bark and kidney trouble (or sum tims. Mr. W. U. Armtownd
and bsTS bran able to Bad leltet only
torooch toe use or Feruaa.
••Ifortas toe winter eeeeon I uaomlly
keep a bottle ot your medtrioe is tbe so murb tor vour advlee. 1 tbiak It
bouse, and by takinc a dose at uifbt 1
creel taedtelas. It wUI do II tbM
ourecommeadUtodo. BesWes.leM
am follaf Bne the Best morolog.
aU Uvwr aad klfo
-faomeot mylrteodsaesare ate th«
it ttbeir varTtniua to eqlully as tood fot
‘''ctoMto KMHfaTPfafaM
teue ailmeDts as tt Is toe a
but 1 do know that for ktdsey trouble Judc«C.J.Fark,B.t.O.I.Bi
aad suiSertov (roin a weak back it bas is, WTlI

Ucal purtMes.
womao has a fame ttoi of a
PW rloenlBs out rornara In font._
w^.i- pfcea. »*meo who have kofo toelr mlad*
tkoucb the deyn are foil to over- halt cupful-^f .trelned boocy and a
turn and window saabea uaa hatd
Is. a -derided
MM ufotofoaT''
farla«la« up fomiu toem, to.
teto ot gntlv of animoa. Hake or daHO
wood potaied ekewen suck aa buiefalei»e tamUtoa. Mcfa womoa will eo»- BMwotwy. And
tad ot jall too oonifclne- one hour and serve wllb toamy •bauee.
,t la prepnra
uee to do up tl
itaue iBforesiad end teiateodac. ceii- t « there to none ablcfa oett^aueb
Cfaerse Pondun—One oupfol brandUatod 9*i tiaefoi to toelr foiaet day. InBalU varleiy aa to to be fo^ la erumbe aoMod la two ropfuto ot
____dlnyp «NMt to dtaM altePl
' toe puuiac ap of pirktea. It oe« aRk. tor*, ecn welLbeaien. pepper
A epoate Ur«e capocb to
tobeealdoloiie Uonie fbeto bouse- aad tali to taste, with a dasb of ca/- ead Bll the efaUuner. 'Oftfo bai-lnc
m ^u- ' "
, . —««#•* '^**-W*»*^ MPtmeHOt. ♦ hpM u,« ,hp bousekoepere f.v.^lte *ane. Uetly one «i,.fol «mted or bee. foUMMd la. ited to a .tender
Q, tofolM
WOOM to fa *WM of 4444444444A444444 ^,p ^
to aikod tbeese. Butter s baklac dish, filek, to tbe best tbto« with which to

V-falte Horn Cbeer'e editor waa f«(*le.~ and tbe ddry tae’l ot her
la tbr fondue sod spriakto wHb rtoaa a lamp cBimney.
* »»■" *"
* tableWMBfol of a^U la
•fa kfafBdfa BOfa 99 wfafafa M
geama she bad a
laierwtfabtMd oa the fall breeaes Irnc at- serve faoL
*aWon of warm water will oTtea 1
nfa kMfoto •*'^***"'„^
to, -.-V-: etalt wito CM ot faM
afoMbora bad paMrlthrouah
ghrtm, Puddlmc-Wadi two cane »tore rotor. In mnHds; It wlA alm>
“**’’“obld Settled to KtoMlT.
-AfafaMto UlUfo.
Ite plokUa, fsver. Tbo picfale Mil .hrlunTln cold water, drlo and m^b remove wbUewa.h fiom them.
I fseil Uks a »
MOd mobda WM iivee oa a imNiiru ,,
„ev,fr puKe eom- ,1^ silver ^epcam Add
.^p p^aa bklr bmabee kalekly and
Mr. Joseph Kiev. SU Bast <to Bt,
It toe cteatest eatarth M
overtooklB* the rtly and ibe bif *1,10 without aevrri plat fo(e o' car* ^ broad-rnimba. one labh
I eaally. leke a deeeert apoonfol oi TopMa, Ksa, wtUcsi
‘■My wits took Periiaa tor liver uouhte ■pw, aod believe It will e<
-• -TWitofatotoy wortd, butSMtw
h waa o»e of ibcu# Utka rot-pteUee. »bi«* ■»« PfoP«r«l M
p„p „„ppon(p,
. h.
tatrtshoni W a c|usrt ol ooM watci and a run-down cundipon loeldsnt tot catarrh on reooifa.”
■ NH 90 busy that you have ato*
j, hrouihl out toil la boUlac tiny youn* «iro,e la salted 4,^*, ^ cayeaae. MU and add tour In
g. Dip la toe balr
*titoo to ait 4»wa •vwr day aad • ,rpnb white, and ber only re«n is water, reeuovtnc them bvtore -theyveB-beatoo eMi- tor* Into ■ aoK. fo <>>« bnmbee. and rub them tocetoer,
'• Mtok fora.
for-a little white. F«r a lew • ^,1 tbe cfabbot repent tt veMnilm were eon. then dipplac thvru for a
,p *
pf *0*
ppg bake until clean. Then rlare well with co«ipf thi, eloto must uot be .weC but but they muai mtm bepul dhucOr
L .twpd eoM wok tbfat te • ce, the befasBl of Home Cheer regd- momMt hi cold water, atter which
w„,n o-jt and faru- naier; mb dry wllb a towel aod ju», dMM». Cover tbe drees faoodi la tbe hot sue. ae Me honi drawoMo
• *«Mb i*MI
iMdteA It «DI eaooib out • *«. However, the pito of It cob be
Me shla could be fobbed oS eeally.,nj,
^ .Uf., ot lemon .mod uprlcbt te an open window.
»nh tbU eloiV^d P**- «“* • ^ It out of tbo fontoen a»dctvM Mat
• «te Nfate ptewu Itett has
hfas* oMse • efoeu. tad this Me fiiead baa dvea
They were tornperbed. eii!l bc>. lucAocoteie Puddtns-To ibo cupcombr are casUy kic«ned b« wash- in,nReioewMr. pivas.
but do nut an uapteasant odor. '
• pMb Mfa dte aad helpp to
t brtec • ter permteetop to do. tor abe to one plat fots. aod over them was pour-d ,„i,
, ,„up *„™ooIa ,roa. Keep tbe good, amoolb by aJ^,
. - ' - "
• Of Iteoe large PMla who never eajpy* b tery saoet. highly efoeed vlne«ar. ubh-epoonfula euiar and pour Into .od ui'nc a tooUi brush lor eteafas- iowtt« It to drop baM over tbe table • ^
Buutcb fog carpotJi^Uy over tte
a thtof without a iteltoht f« ibofo Amtiber tatorUo pickle roelpe was
„pid, jiett an ounce ot grat- ir.g between tbe leib.
upon 'eomctolag. Atter It aU h
who are •« tevteg the aoH pppoN taaagofaa. Thee, were made from per- ^ phocolate over hot water, edd tno
Keep a pair of ectenra on a oall p«,o over bang It up. eo that U e
aiarcb, cooked Iroe from tumpe. Mgl
tableupoonfol. sugar, one copfol hot m jh, kitchen, and do not allow tbeu
may dry og before foldteg up.
inarie paint beieh aad^paint
A year ago tote aad her htuband
P*""»« •
milk, two bcati. eoa and a bait tea^e taken to any other pan of tbe TbI. to aa eicelteBi method to piMa____.
^ over
tbat «tey were aa tech long at one ead. mmove s^s apqoofiU vanilla. Pour ibU over the h„u^
^,,ore ~ev»-r up; also aa
begUy. Tbeu appty o coat or two of
mtepteg «M(A ofMeboMlUtobybBdeotipulpaad (aiiea toe eod ee- crumbs, let soak ten mluuios
good patat aay color deelreA Tkte it
lag ot the
Two Good Keeipaa.
Wttb Ibe
floe for kltctea or bath foam, *9. *
to wb^ h bclOBM. Soak them la a
Plum FUddluc.—Onc ruptul oecb ot
BvoKti Baked Apfoes.—BlMt goodrun be mopped up aad Me «em. »
elgbt ubteepeaofolt
tbe borne ttea,' tte tol- ■**•”*’
***‘^ •*•**
Tot wash peathar fHlte>
tte eel of-Ua‘ pad Boet. motaasea. sour milk, relalni si^e bread crombs. eight tmpooaof water, nod cbnnging tbe briae
Choose a bright, wtady day; Bll tbo ofoutL
TBimlW th both timely. prweiteaL oad provide a Uvteg for tbaaelvee aad tbe end of toe Bret day. After soak- aad curranu. three cupfuU Bout, fou ingar. alx toaspoonfols ’ or.iige
.V—« In s—V,
®“* leaapoOBtul m,rmalade. 00c a>d one-bait table- wasb'Ui^ufob hot soda and
MB of lafafaliMtea to everr BMbec
toelr ebUdren. They Ibougb .the) tag two daye. lay them In froM ea®t ,oda aod salt, one ubleapoon- spoonful butter, rote the apples. p,uo„ ,*i,h teatbers) Infa
' The afafn of pltfaM jMM be pte^
wouM Bad out B-betber too oM adage ter (or tweuiy-tour bourt. changlag
donaiDoo and bait an muca mi the laUilvs «Uh (be augsr. ' '* (bem through several waiers. shaking ^
a pin betore t£«r-BI* eoohed.
Tte wMor. ourreuadiB by a bevy
Mat aU work aad »o play Me water otiea. Wake a BlUag
p|,ma to 10 ak
tablcspoonrul of tbe butler, and tbe miout briabK.' tbeu hang on the line .j-,,,.
«f gmming MUdrea. aad Wbaoe buey maso'^JaohTdell boy. Aad eo; rigtit Me proportion ot one pound of osedabould be added Just before (ho Sou-; utemalsdi . plsre tb.vii In au agateopnn alt. " ten iwffo ll.v Uiy
igom ,0 ,und in faUgar over
teyfafoeSOadtoMebrtewHbaevtag m the mfatet ot the bnay Bu^er, ed ratelu, one bait pound ot Bgs ami steam three boors In n tuolcl or email .are baking pan. pour a inUc bm %v
^ , uy»
ua. In. poitepa. eateytag tte moat *jd, u, mulihtido ot teifoi. they one euarter of a iKuind ol ciihoo.
™„rtt MIL Bm. .lU. . !«.«.
.„d tt>....... „,j
, tt. »tt»
j aad tte tepgleM parted Moee e Uim when toe otooluiely chop all line, and add
“*-lt -B- iTiMlttn. ol After ■t
u.!. lu Plu. to tt, UtUc. u4 ttU
«| ter Ute.
beoseatry things were out ot thd wpy of powdered cinnamon, enil cucumB.U-.
I, «1J ttttul tt. Btt.d-^ ~ r. tney ought t.
,B. „dML,. Uhn ddtttttl,. u4 tt. UB*t thie bappr time to aueaded aad took a abort trip u some of Me ere wtto tola mixture, and e«w topa t c
Four Waya With Paara.
iRimba. spn-ad ibem oul on a psn
, cording to t«
! aanu. Iresb air et'-ry day (or a
wtok aoafo dateer to bfareatf A daa- «M. htetortoal points In toefr own ben tlghUy. Make a syrup ot (our
Clngcc Tear —Two pounda o bard and set In toe oven to bronn. eilrriog
■r wM r—.
, tt,,,
««• o, »K4Utt.
bott. tttt tt irnttutt
U ... tt,____
Make oocavlonall.v. Wkicn tbe applea art
Me to weU wOMed to OMd «vdtT reftMhed la koto mlad aad body, with of tlnegar. and throw la a bag mb- «*«"• c»i >■> »aiv.
done sprlnkK' toi- crumba over
aum ot ter Ume aad Mreogtb la eer. Meh view-point eoterged. and Ibir tainlng one bait ounce ot while do- n sirup id one and one-bait pounds
puherised Xigar and
aamon. cue leaspoontul whole IB- cither white or brown anger. vneAaR
U hr k.M tttt, •» ttuu ktt-e tttttt ud ttUB tt tako^op
anb rream.
Mice- one bait teaspuinfol abate ounce ot ubite glogi-r root aod
tte^k Imite tolMs at salt. U ter
rixttla^ o'
II'Y again,
Apricot Spoage.^Onefaalt pwjud
a M «Kb tMI
ABi tolNW t
I MB PM the



. -S e. "I'-.'r. “

aaamama to fulSIl all ton


Summer they uikod mai

« ftfUfag biblng buMand and cAll- *
tfovi lor bait terr. tbougb at toe
Onto Ifa kMpIbg pngrma wttb tbe
Uma far'aaougfa Braced In
wwfop marem.
^ uadarrtand. lincmber uaI
)■ tte follneee of the lauaeBt, Md *j*rectote, they Imply could not atMay tol no Jeak bl to to. tUno 10 ,,«i to mlM tte opponunlty w ukr
I wbea tte toew Hfo 1
toem wkb Umi. Said toe Imly. In
empty and <
vaoaCtOB. "I do wtah

Ttee. are d.Hclou.
AnoMer plokle delicacy was tie:
a*om apple plcktea. for whh-b she
used a syrup similar to toe one Just
given, almtoering lu It ounitered mad
pared awa« apples of the small fotber- bard variety till they were eteer
toey would ba


We’d Like
to Know

common (rult U really bettor, and It Meanwhile pour over 'be glallDe tu
sbouM nor be at all soft. This wUl
vupiul uf cold water aud
Bll two Jam.
Drain the rooki-d
Who e mler edweritee 1U1 • bm
-Preserving Fewtw With Kipc Tomsmere Uvwi cl bcuedlltMebmMlaraMalber lorn.'Wdfta In
tacs-Paol. core and sUce penia Scald
yi^re snd
know v^ you tltek he OOM by k. '
tomatoes and lake equal pane of
cuotuU ot ruin
peers and tomatoM and put on to
Howtfoeshe bgme Mat 1% potmM of te too
boll wtto a little wnter. Allow m
mere tevm <d bned than 196 F>««k of Ibe edte Mow s tow.
Ibe geUtlne and sngsr
much sugar la welM<
logctbrr over hot water oniU dUvoW
»wl.v for s.TW^^be
ed. add 11 10
apricot pulp, sund
sfam rind, te tbr- aeasem ot boura. Me result willII tibe good t
•( IHb. iba to apt to fol keonly bar tented to travl like eaxomoa people.
Meet ana more tow m me n^ibmfut Men ia Che alhwfa
toe mixture la a eoM place.
she always bought ooe or two Jam.
IfaM of Maaurtai. and to deplore her and nut like mUltenalrta. We «onU
Ice. and stir occssMaally until
We've sam ttm faalemcr'made by tetea. oi mlats wte mmi
and taken tbe cblMrea. ItrooA aad proceedni to pkkie tbesa
Candled Pears—Cuwr Boe.
I M auAe ef bar mind a tIM
wbat sUBrived Beat the w biles c(
bed we lept aad eaten at toe kJgb after toe following rerSpe; Pare «be peam with water,.aud slmmr-r stowlv eggs

to ibmL g'> Mportaat end if wc'k ateaBC aaythac » tbe iditolitet
iMfa^iam teteb
<bteb to draw.
nuUl very llgfal add
seeds and any until tender, but not brokeu. Lift on:
If dte aoald make tkto nfter-Ufo Pric^ summer rueort boteta. ea we rind of, and take out seed
tee we-ie afaxmui to know A
not to
W te dfondte.
tet U te made up our minds to enB toe trip
,a eafi porOon.
porOou. npd cut tor
toe citron In Mrrfollv Uio cold wau-r* Measure
‘^i.^'alld' - *
TWm t96po«»tedlla«r foavaybwni^
}Mbad tewfafo la an a«a rtt «*lm hap. tto days- picnic, and Uve te real pIc- tnM ptoeaa. Mrlnkte mlt over thorn toe water tbev were rooked in. sdd _

-'VMma If ete uvuM avoid beoomlag 9U. utyle Ftrat no wmit to Uackteae and tet them stand twenty-four boutw.
to eato rmr-halt pint, put two rup.
tte Mmnn to *tem slUnde te toud- ‘•land, but Inatead of going to Me Ufote of. pet in clear wster aad boll graaulsied ««nr. and let come to a
whose mind bee hUMbled Petetltl boil ua toe bill we nasUy US they run t« reedlly pierced niiii
boU. Skim waU. put te tbe peerv.
1 it.amtofalU tt to —r-*-*- uf f-^»-g udiy la
u privaio bouse wberv toe (uur a broom iraw. Drain, and put te 4 ead stmaMw gently Bve mteotea Ihi*
trtvtoBUof Me mwt Vrrlri naw g*
• «omte«fabte room tar a for and cover with clear vioogaf. toe peniw Into a mooe Jar. jmur toe Weefon OeMa,
Vidaa her tuareau and bar armgalaefoe^
eaUivi at them aiaad ifatew dayk being rarufol sirup prev tonn. aad l«« sund eatli
I have beeu so otleu troubled wllb
teiets wo tost toey do not stand UB toe.v get tbe next da.v. te the monimg bring
woolen dresses spotuug ar shrink
nov tlw W Coob Uifa**
soft and spoil. Three or twr days tbe sirup to a bol! agate, put la too
are kmg eaough. Ufote tots uC. and peam. aad le; simater Bve mteuicA
.void toU now I aiAnd we betefo d wl foeke more ^ bffod or tejte teted
make a awf«em.-4 vtoegar. using »toca once agate put teio tos moue
tern my ibm low mi. tteertorc. Ml « c wgi*
I ■I'll ted
pound of wtfaar to a quan of viwstti. Jar.
Repeal for three dijw. but al■ ponged
mbdaeter to tegr.
gnt brood, bleculia. little rakes, Add a lew piecM w gteger toot, •‘ut low the peart la vlafater tea mtente* before being offered for
a aad to write eo teafaUfoUy. cmiM
reUsbas and all kinds atdllclous too pMklea te this and let ttut rame ibe (bird day. Knvp tbe Irup ovr - e ditBci^. toiog to dot y-el requires
Bw wten Sfodbean Ml 196 pound, ef te law wl foute
ffotta. andmaid baydried famt bam. to a bll. pour law a for. cover aad the pe«rs.te a sMoe for. ofoeety ca«More btmd ibm 196 pmmds d Brown', tew. v^ jrtl e bit
some care and imoeocc.
tte peed fofaUed: Ttet appto uaa to
toe meat markeu. and aur set te a «aal place.
ered Tbe day before they are w be
Meptnl and wmde. d b^ rmly btfete. it bmtai^
Frvpurc a table largo enough
uery eU, tel i never saw prettter piralc dlaaers. ns we aat under toe A new pickle recipe kas Just bean used, remove
bold toe cDurc width 1 toe goate
l.rrrir** *tefa-tt Mea-U nawbaaiu. i„eu.'M'lS» Mores of the greet lake, glvea to Htmw Cheer, wbkb waa alrup. and lut fdr>- la a col
Pam Uaw. foiybe te dofo.
The iot> cover 01 ibis table ahold bo
The tfua Mm a lUUo new wood *vJiwi fo dettgbtfo] aod Just aa brought w Penvm this tall from C»e^ most doUctooa
deUctoue sweumaet tor leatlve
Fm mfe by jew deote.
***■ :
« to out at
tfcpugfc w,
iiaricd lolte. Michigan, by Mima Ftoroaee -occuatena.
that aaw wood that tooae btoesMs^sfat for aldayk enjoyneet ua Me Amea. The todies at Charlotte ar.>
Bakedt Peeru.—Wsib
sad dry large
Should also be tree trvm tut
oema. LIks toe apple uae, I try M-fafanU
t*-),4,k, of ear
*,r owa
ana blue bay.' ^tet
Whet eoted
oookteg peam;
peam; coce. but do not peel
eoted tar
ter tolr
(fair cooktag.
cooktag. and
ajid Horn,
Horn, oookteg
,-j. we Ata-fat Mackinac we tepenlod ut Cteer Mat no time to eKperimeatiag tocm; fall eato ture with brown sugarLay Ike drum
g>M on
*«Mefa toe atoer plau at teureM whltb we *lto tote taefoe and can vuuek for aad put late a pan wnh a little w«. -UTuag ate* up.
Take actolk ttku
r In «M rtoliad. nnd yoa amoA gaaWvaty hard- Hu geHiMe Harw Is too raefos' nr to the batoam: afad a hboU pfoea abeuld also he Wue;^
■Mkkfa to ly blieve mr U I nerv to tM y«m Oae gunri of cweumbvra. Ilcefa ibfo oi tetticr. baege aptaefameUr aad caak Mp la anti, tom «tMf out uenuy.

LUy White

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