Grand Traverse Herald, June 14, 1910

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Grand Traverse Herald, June 14, 1910


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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(1A« A YEA*.



I the. Birth of Inde-

Hudtley. Mich.. June 10 —AU rail­
road IlDcs .antanmbUe rouiee. roe<U
and Airship traeki wifl IcM toward
Hsekley on Jidy 4. At a maas meet
luc of the rmldeiniB last niche It was
decided in put on a real, old todilooed Pynirtb of Jul> relriiialkn
iBsue an invitation ip dl of North
1 MIchican Today, ibe srork on
plana waa besun and k>nc bofore
dale, as olahorato pracram will
evolved and carried out on tbe day
eel vltUut a bitch, the mmi
T«to OmI Wm aim M»S« Sy Mr. BucStlay alwaya docs ttaliics.
aillEW frtirt»i Uwmbar Will
ThM City.


J. U. CIDeU, ElUibusb derealod lor
iDiyDr At tS* KprtDE electloa. Haa doi
OY«s Dp Ifet et»ru to boooBl Ttat.
erw aty. Mr. OUI«tl bu recoBUy
I«rekSAOd U Acrw which «u foraerly tho HKebcU orbU At tMAt Bty.
Thh propony oomprlaoA the IadO
Ap.'k whtdi the Kelly Lumber com
PAsr* DAW Asd AhluSle «DlUi Are Iocai•4. AD)] Aovee rwUeDcee. lDcludlii«
Ahr the DM wAUr power mill It a>DO hAA SS roSf IroDtAce od Beet IMy.
:n Add'lkM to the parchAAO of this
ScAl wheiwby th^ W. S. WUIIasia
PAAy Un- A^Blred the aaw ulli ot
Ihe \eny Lambcr eomiaay end under
the NDdArBlAhlliiS thAt oarBclent lend
for ih' epersVoA of the mill U t
teeeu: to the W. B. WllllAmi com]
while llmir m01 U lo opermiloii.
The tViOlAM oompeoy wUl operAW the mill AAd IneiAAd of Ahlpplns
the lumber swey lo the lonsh.
here it mymntBCtnred Into floorhis end
Other prodDoU At the W, E. WimemA
eoiepAO) (eettry In thli city, thereby
ClTinc hermBAADt emptoyment
tsrse Anaber<rf
AAlde f:wi <IM mill property. Mr.
tnibii piopoeae to grvAUy Imprare
ku Caai Bey hoMlusA. The dweUlnn
vIB he r.leni md wAfli pteeed nndei
ke jmlAlod An<
t U Mr. OUleU'A



0 tor AB
from ChlcApo or etaewhere to e
Uah A Mrietly privAU reeort. T
M ewtalsly do flMr pUea in thti
tkm ol tho auto thae thli. where
tlwre U Abeolately sale bathlM. Sood
tohlAC and every other feAtnre for an
MaaJ Mmmer renias pteoe. There li
a BplAndld dock where beau could
land thna maklns the raaort aoceaaive
ky water.
The W. K. Wllllame company
take over tke mlU property ]um as
aeoa a* the Ismker and matcHal
faAAd. owned by the Kelly Umber
iompAay, la iwmoved.

Vlcteria Haa a Diatlnguiahcd

SrmiJismptDD,. JlliM- ID.—Hou<-;v.-lt
snd family aailed for New York this
atlenMiuu ue the Kal*Ylu AugustViiiorla and U due lu arrlv- (he mnniiMg of Ihe IMb. A <Towd ehan-n-d^ttie
d-pnrture. seores of uoialO— lOiiiluK
(rt>m Undoii.
hooaevetl. wife, Kiu-lull. Kiti-1 am)
Mrs Nirholis Uligworlh Oivupled lb.'
ln|M>iisl sullea forward
Ih.- irnri
pruuienailg. The ahip esrtliw suU|ll'
uetrtous passenger list Inrludiiig
•Trust HuMIng" Kellr^j!.
’Th- party was hntughl from lamdun uu a special jraiu and lu the sbli>
rhuard a apecial lug. .
Hoosevell aaM; ".Now fbr'bonic. I
ad a great lime and enjoyed eery
minute but 1 certainly wU! bo glad tu


Fire Followed Accident and Ihe bodiee
of the Victimt, Motlly Women
and eirla ef Binary Departmem, W>:re Cremated..
Miiuir.'ul. Juki IJ—Thlity art- now
lliiiuKlii to ha^v U-en killed in the
lli-rs'il biiMdiuid cullaiiiic and the bodl."<
The tank crishr.t
lliri.ugb luiir Iloura.' The viclinis hav'P mr cliniirc lo csials'.
Tunriiio. June JU.—lilsp;it<bts (mm
the Moiutwal Herald say lUi- wricked
building wa-.. hoi-ned ' snd 14 arc
llKiugbl III liiive lan-n klU.'J while flfblhi-rs
missing, and are
ihuushi to S6 dead. Tbirty-niu weiv

A big water lauk on t»p of-the
liuiMmg wa^ Insufni-lently hra.vd and
(•■II tbrougli the bindi-ry. and joli d>pailicrnt Into the
loitol fi
lately. Most of the cas-ualllics v
Ihe btndccy.
Inr, I.
dr< la
Man Had Been Warned to Leave the
Country When Subpoeneed But
Wald No Attention.


Albion ktudenu Who are Devoted
Tebeece ere BerrM from Col­
lege Eventa.

a R. A I. Maya.
Tto M'etUTA Mlchlcao DcvekipmoBt baroaa yweterday racelTed STSO
from Ihe 0. R. * I. rAllroad coaipa
Ihi* betac their eoDtrlhutloii for t:<e
work ol l»te. Tbe moMy waa pa.«


Prlurel.iB. Ky.. June 1".-A fariu
l.arnl ot Judge RoMiison. sn imimriSBt wuness In Ibe ulgbl rid.-r trial*
St liopkinarllle. was shut and klllM
ftpni Blulxish at Otter Pond oeer h-r.-.
There is no clue.
Koblnson re<-<'l«<-d a
warning to
3. M. OOtotl haa reoelnjd a toller leave ihe Muintry wli.-ii he was sum Graduate of Local High School and
Chicago An InstHulc Will Study
from his poa Ardde who faae tocau-d pobued, but fslhv] to .th> II.
icte Creek. Baskalrhewan. Can-

11 Ml acres, SOO acre* of which are
under colUvalloii: 4<« aoriw In <s
wbloh hp slplr* Is now Uve iurhew
falEh. atop 100 acres In oats.
He baa hU mu« plow workliic and
next year r-xpeots to have l.niio acres
under rultlvsilon.
Ardtie Gllleii has made a ureat
r«a in the weat In every thini: lie
undertaken, whlcli Is eery iilwslDs lo
hir Urce nnmher v( friends Id TruiCliy.

Albion. June in.-^udenu wlio i
tobaceo in AHikm oullme ben-afier
will be (tobsrred fi«m all partlclisio In oolleRC rvenu. AHhougta the
Itoge faculty alsrays baa been atrone
ly oppoeml lo Ibe use of tohaore the
meet drastic measure ever uV* n
peered at the last ntc^llns. Prealdeiii
Dldcto antmuncMl In dapcl that nr
sindeeii who uaea tobacco In
form w ill be allowed lo entm- la
oollecr evont^ laclDdlnc oraiortca] conteals. debaCM and athletics.
As the oratora ahd dHwteni have
01 lied atiWDe ibose fbo DSC the
eed i6w ever.U win not l»- aff.H-icd.
Bt the dsflaiWm ot aihletire will
tutor unk-as-ftie athfelre ebaigie In
ihetr habits. Several ot tbe stars ludukte In the luxury. The rallnc is to
go Into efleei next fall Tbe announcemeiit brough tonfa a h(«rty cheer
ftom a matoniy of the iiadenu Im
tUore are a few who are teeUng glum



Ksfs WTmers, a .............. ..... the lu­
ll Jilxh sitanut. who ha* just n
pl.'ti-d u coura.' at the 4'hli-agu .\rl
Captain ChaHat Anderson el the Stiiuic. bas been signally Tiuiior-d by
Steemer Crwusa keeurud Much . Ih':ux awardi'd a fellowship whi-li cniiil-s liiin In a ynar's study and travel
.ibr.iMil. ihc scholarship beluK wunh
Captain diari.-s
Afldci>un. well w-teral tliiiOHaAd dullars. ti cam- as
known In ibis iliy. »! the st'-aiiier J.’
cieditabV- work In
S-frvmsc.i.'Ris'd a harvest or
while aaslsllnc the atranded iiaekiuo
Mr \Vio;-'it sle.wn groar".
net illiwhampton «i South Manas an MI list and til* frl.'iiits In
llou Island. The Wnghamt.t.m ha.l
tlin prophtwylug n great sin*
for him, Ih- liras id hi* fonun.- bt-lliR
r«n'Hfsl with gn-al pl.-asiirc.
The Crouse l!ghl.*rvd iiiiu-li u( the rv
luain'der of Ihe cargo. i'ai.Uin Ander
sou then wi tit lo l.'liarlevulx and si• uied s db.T. who assisted Iti n-tvrerlng most of the goods thmsn
overtroard. whlrdi were uulnjured t-y


William Dayton Was Brought to
HospiUI Friday Afternoon With
Compound Fracture.
With hnlh honi-s of bis K-ft
broken Iwlow the knee, and the hneirs
protruding ibroueh the flteh. WUlian
Psylon was hruuglit to the rlty Prldav
atirnMon and taken lo tliv flrand
Tiavers,- ItosiitiaJ. two physicians
dressing the tufuricr
I*aytnn was working at
Iwbere he wa* assisting clearing up
• new land The Injuries w.-re t
'ceived from a Ing rotting o^er b
leg. He w-as brought lo the city In


Cctow-crLIlKe oKCmiperwvllle Is
andidata for NominalMtv fei
Lieutenant Ce«am*r.






The blaaet aodal eveet In
wood towwahlp UM aeABoe wat
rereptlco firen Ttaraday at the
tame of Mr. and Mra. Joaepb Allsira.
h< knoor ot the marrlace M their
Santotcr. Mlm
Aftlna. to 3e
cl* etotoh yearnrday nmmins.
There were fgUy SOO trlcDda and
Kotmmi. whMi toe* ^hoe to Bt. TraaBcftohera preae« at tbe reoepUon.
and toBdnc wai IndDlSDd In anil
lea« into the nichi A mnnpimma wetl
dins awpper waa aerved.
Hr. AM «ru. NelmaB «1U remali
with tka brMr'a paraata imUl fa'l.
wtmn they wlH uke ap dmlr
deeco Id thb dcy. Tbe bride'a aitte
frtM her mother to a complete brnmetoeptoa oetflL •
PiwrtDW to her marrlace. the bride
had iwalded dor Sre weeks with her
ADCio, Tom Shane, m this city.

Lara Alleged That That Haa Been
the Cost cf 'tfi'e Oral Rule of
Mexican Hapubiic.


June 10—Mc-ii.aii .tli.iriie> IM- i^rg told the hiiuse rul-a
.s.uilnitlev luds> Ihsl the IH.ia puwecuiiun of pnlilical opponents wa*

Koosevelt la tnokiiig less vlgoron.,
than usual aad admitted that he felt
Ulcb_ Jnue in —CTrcuU
B dosn as a result of the streiiuJudfe WeUt today alsncd ll« decree
■ Kuropean trip, bul yesterday a vl»letUlos the MlchlCBB Central tax reai'
al Lord Grey’s forest home reeled
The rAllroad paye ihe atair fISD.POU. him. It Is expected tbe see vuyage
AUed lor S4.OM.OlM). and
restorers usual roliusthees.
ibe railroad counter aulied. rlalmlni;
S6.OM.O0O from the alate. The eouri
tbe eeiUrmeiii and cnmpll
moated the atlome}-e.
Werner and the Aitomei
OesoiBl Bird farored thio Detilement,
»r the other membera ot the board

CroMMB <■ (he bey wltb a very
hDASh. boADUrnUr shAded: ad Idenl
Mat for A prtTAto nmmer reeort The
propwiy iDetadoB ateo the pimd wtlrh
M toe troDt tohlai CKMUd and hai
aratAT power eetldast for lUhUes
the rwfttoaa Aod tnretablixf wtur


• 4fl.00niV£S



After tbs Man—Score of


Arrived at


Tau*. Without a Cent This

ItrlhWit. TT-xa», June lu - K Bixiir
Of imsseiur-is arvlri d on a jk.uUiwe*t
train today l>cuutli-»a. Tlwy were
Iras of tbe loiiQ train rubWr who
slopped IlK' train is-ar Carrluiia.
l.-rd-d I - 1‘ullmen i

nomlnalMii for liruieoanl givrenor.
having been selecied to succeed fkilry
and k\x>d Inspeelur ilird. who died rvs
cvntiv. has wlthdrwwn frm the «onU-el. Mr Ltille U nutlMng hU friends
and supporters of Ms withdrawal
s-xprewstoK. hi* spiin-ciatlOA oC Uw
v.artn support be has reoelved.


Would Make

strageiic Coating Stations.

.111— iV-Senor At.rru,
• r of the I'suto l-lands off ihc Kuns
In-Bii cuoci nr.wre Ibe Awnres. today
asknd tlrP'I'orii
u s-il the .Islands l
I’niind SlsTM.
Tlic r»-nii-si l* cnnstdrrrd to lie
urexi piditiial tmpurlam-r k- the
Iriids would nuike a sirsiegic coallns
siaitnn fur Amertrau aeot*.
Warhlncti-n. June i« —The
liartffleni u>day denied that
cont.-inpUtlug punhsslng the Canto



A (lossr ts humlug lor the robber
who pit a Ixi*. sum.
tiu|M-rimi-iid<-ui Hawks was cvmerr-I with Ihe {lAssengnw and wa* hirrvd
to iliiuw all his valuahli's lu a pile on Waa the Longest American No Step
the fl«-r with the panu-ngors' money
FUght-Avorwge Speed Waa M-B
end y-wclr.r, the bandit iMVCriug the
Milca An Hour Over tbe Entira ‘
cmwJ with a revolver. scix'IK-d oil luge Mila Route.
a bag and bark.wl out.
nillaOcipIiia. ra., June 13—(niarlee
K. l/amillun. Ihe daxtng avUtur. lahdii of Krb- avenue at 9:JC this
i.nj-mlng. flylBg.froia New Yorh In
hour rcl :.-J i ‘nui.-s.
niii.lltuu '.K-f: ibi- pathfinder train
ami bavt'r.-u above the aviation Held
cirelod three lines, alight­
ing mvera) aquana distant Iron a
Design for Back Ground et>Oevelop- crowd of JtMHiu
menl Bureau Exhibit at Chicago
llas.lttou asked (or a cigarette and
Haa Been Complete,
say eiuliarTaxipd when a apoeeb was
. ilh-J for. "It waa a ••Uwdtlful night
Thu Wiwipm Michigan |Jevchip- couldu’t hxieWn tu-ttcr.-hed'K-lared
recclpi of a I
-nt burrs
when Uotvrm^
,»uiid duslga
for-Uie big rxbibi: In ■■li.-'j.
'hliago m-xl (all. the diwign liavlng
Hamilton haod-d him a lilier from
A* 11 wotked out In water colors by ovenor. Hughes anU the New York
l.rry J.awrvocc Gage, a grsdkate of Time* to the Philadelphia ledger the
ill Ci'-ago An iii--iltule. who ha* I-riie doD-ra. lisnilltoa's wife and
'.on a schoto'shtp which will gl<e inorhcr (hue in
il:!' ISO y.wrs study III Burppe
. HamllKui V-gan bis rvturn flight at
The design. It foltnw.-d uui accord II.::.
Ing tu the artUts' id<-as.*W‘ill b<- ISxJI
New YoriL Jun- 13.—Ilaniilioii
fc-t to duucnsloiiK. and it la doubtful
*iarl.-d hlw Aighl to Philadelphia in
any wore api>’oi>ristr or beautiful ( urllsi aeroplane *l *:3X Ibla mor
■luc could Iw uxmI (or a barhgronnd Ing Iram Governors Island. New York
I.T ill- Wcsieni Michigan dItpMy. bay. He spent the night
The ivniral flgur- shows two .marble
at daybreak. The sk.r
columns o)> wtili'ti
iiu arch,
was ovi iexsi and there wda no wind.
ar.h bearing Ih.- words,- "Wcsl
l.lV-al rtindlHoM for V fllaht He wore
Mi.lugan .U-v-topm-n: Ilurcau." while
lili' preoTver.
111 Jh.' mlulnna arc Ih- naint-a'x)l IhfGb-iin f'urUse hel|vd llamlllon
obuli-. In the buri-ac. In Die open- lending hi* ow1i nu-chanlc. .About
ii.g iiiid-T the an-h iDsr.- I* a map ot 1M> wtiii»s»d the start. The propel.
Iiigan. with-itii- W. stern Mlrhl- 1.__ ... ...*.-1.. I.— ..
ler siruek
uji^-n log I I...
the «...
gaii IS vctojimi-iii bureau iinniib s in
broke, and llamlHun adjust.
Iwild relief. Ihe ruuiill«« In-lug
|irop.-n>-r f'uritoa
sale, raised on the map in give
Albany V-w York flight, lu a triil
III (.roiiiiuem-.-. The remainder of spin, be h-ai).-d westward r-on
stal.- 1* a dull brown, ih- eoiiities high and then eoqlheasl over tbe stab.-iug rt-finiYl. but Ihe Great IjOu
of l.ib.-tly.
. shown. Mirrounding tbe alsl- i
SI* ,'UI train, onp-Lcar on.-red
liut til.- souih-rn Un--, wbit>- a
wuhWIiile. a.'led a* a (islliflmler, Tbe
[A..St lu th- dinitlon of 'tl
l> hi*, miles and tbe average
y; •oiuuiorcLiI s-enisrs, suth arallriad time la. two hours. ' This is
iTin-ag... \-w York. etc.
tho long.-*! Amer'icxj. no *inp lllghL
•ttsti.- III.- ar.l. ih.-r,- i- the sc
S-niihaiiiboy. N. .1., June I3.~Uam
Mi.hicvii. aad ui lue i»:>
Ihe iti- ll'oir. a.-ropUiii- .<>» Ha r-iuru trip d>lii.' drsiun tlie words, "Westani
eeemlod on th. Ilarltgn river shore
.Mi-blK.-.ii,' ann..iin.c to ail whst the
Phlirvllle He tega?! tinkering
d-'sicn sian.i-- f-r.
th-. machine. rail' .if Ml.- iiinit.1.- cr.lumnt1.11 a1lgh,t-.-d as on.' marhlhe
Sinnd* a tiKur- of a y.i'ing in-ui. th.
wa* nil»»ing fire - iM-eatae of dirty
iwriomil.-aiion of robust bcallh And
-liark phjga II- laud.d In the mlddl<Ii-auUD.'*s. ,'^ldii.g III Ins baud.
of a tnarah an.l th- nuehlninicnnu(ftb:h(«»ib of red apidet. which
haal.-'i ou’. II.' rxei-pTM to
!.-sih to the ground, .ktro-a ir
hl» fllxhi to .V-w York la!-r.



ComplieaUens Cause of Death el
Allans Cmavded About RooaeiwH
Mra. Frank Bodiis.
When He Attended Catholic S«rMrs. Anioma IVglu*. wHfe of Frank
vieat In the Stooraga.
Thursday evening,
Itodns. d.eJ SI their hum.- at l ,:.i FN
regular Thnraday evening aupper
day morning, of complication M dlhUlscrlnr Auguste Victoria, (wirebe aerved. roitalsiliig of planked white ecasra Sbr leaves, healdrs oe.
U—Kooervolt altcnded
head, eevco children, Mrs. Bodor settbe Catholic aor-vlceo to the ateerage
and delivered fats citlaenship' lecture.
The alien* rmwded about him irrins
o'tDihP Church •
having undefvme an «i
III kl>. Ill*, hands. The weaiber is
itHirjaKsUI Is- U
her aliter's In this efty^

h.-ad,. h1m> .lioldliig* a .lui.lar branch
.pplId upr
•.sr of till- ceulial ngiirea
ib.-re a.-- xliuqws of or.hards with
'h- fruit galhersrs busy at work,
while dowii in^K- lomer* ate n^n
the Parker-, and at OtC central lor.!
ar- wevvral r-blldr.-h
I'll.a ot ro-v' chpek-^ apple*, -wblrii
tl-.jy a's palling In ba*hei«.
T.V eiitlr.- d-wigii tv charactertotir
Ml-htgan. au'l lh«,arttoi
could hav" ileslgued ii'iih.iig
|d. al
il tb»_u
Ihtu tb-s- gU'nip-c. into th- a|>
or« fiar
'ird* «»f Wc-t-rn Mk-bigin.
To carry out the design 0^1
oii cJUivi*.
Ill mean an .•apcnditur.- of I'S**, but
Bill be worth more than that' to^e
wuniics in drawing atlehilog ,t b<richest yomoa of Michigan, “W
work wTU be done or. tiieeiaJ an a
ra* and wlll'be of lasting qaaliUM.
Smoke Buck Fell.
Daring Ibe bravy wind
brotchl Ux' rain atunn Saiturdty
tcnioop. the Co foot smoke suck
tie J .)'. Morgan plant toppled oThe suck was old and greatly rusted
and will W replacDd by a new
* J Btootuenberg of Bl
. and Mrs H. A. MrKercb
Id. were In tbe cifv today.



Tbe oatoodar fur the Jane Ians «T
Cimit court to now ready, with Mdy
. rriminal tsiaaa oa the BoctolThure are aloe toanw «( tofl. WVw •
-IisDiery cwsea. and It ctoaeary pro
lonfesso caaea. Of the chaiKwry aad
rJiaorerr pro coDleaeo raaea. B ara
l.m* for divorca: Ttoa dodowtoB It the
Criminal Caaaa
Tbe people vg WUHaffi LUidtog. ab­
>Yed H- Pratt. J.rfatcr D Watoh.,
The people vs. Wllllaa LbvdoB:
Ptrd H PratL beater a Walt^
The people vs. Jehu Kaory MhAr*.
(umlabliic liquor lo alaon; rtto U.
mn. Usier D, Weto*.
laeuae ef Feet.
Smith ReaHy Oo. YD.ltoHtoh.ntoB
t al. treeiraaa to teal pruBartr: J. 4.
T'waddlB. ,Parm C. OMbart.
Philip Roach va. Jgta A,
summary procaadlDB* U> rtcDYar poawatoD Of laud; J. J. TawMlP. Lw<l U. Ws-kh.
The Hannah B Usy Haiwaadla Od,
corporailoB. Yw. Ralph HeClDaky. Meumpslt: AmU F. NerUn«sr. Itostar D.
Henry DcKnilf. T*. John Van Daa.
■aainpaU; J.
DsBsrwood B Umtor.
WHUaa O. Foote. traUDD-m
see L OreUlch. DaDOSpaS: 3obB W.
tvimiam O. Fhota. a* tnuta* la
baaknipicy, of Iba caUta at Tmvena
CTiy Motor Boat compaoy va. Hang
Hay. aaaumioU: Jobs W. PMatto.
I’DderwtMd B Untor.
Armour B Company, A eorperMiDB.
s Albert Petartyf. aaakinpaa, Bafxuh; John A Lorai^.
DselotoD Candy Oo* va. Chaa. ft
H<-x. Princ. Deft, wnitom U (totor.
Ambrtiee U. Stinson, and JBmar la
Kugfam. gwmlshee defta. BaratoMM
rromedinci; Srnarthwatto B Atway.
I'liderwoo^B Cmiar.
RufuB A Hoatvick m. Tto Mkklin Staroh Oo. deotirrer; OdyMI B
LVoas. l*am C Ollbart.

William MeOuai va. Im C
TMn.age. et al. cradltor'a tdli; LwUr a
Welch, farm t’. QIIberL
.FYank A Lanmtaae, va. lias RBtontaee.. dlvmrce; AmU T. FtofHifW.
Pratt B navi*.George Uaiten vs Maud C. MalMB.
diTorre; John W. PatehlB. Leatar a
Horwre L. McBcas va. Bather W.
MeUan. divorce; John W. BUiBla.
Pratt B^Davla.
Bbtiou OartoDd va. Marg Oartaad.
Torce; John W.-^Paidite. AmR P.
n B imvla va. ' The
Starr* eompanr. 8Mrt|Me fttroeloe .
Farm G. GUbert. AaU P. Narlingar.
UBIe M IhMwenh va. M. Wltoon
noatrorlfa. blR for dlvorta; Farm C.
enben, John W. pucUn.
Chaneerg Fra Cawfaaaa.
Sanford Langirorthr.
va. totbar
l4Uigworthy. dlvoror. Atoll P. KarPngar.
Nora Hlndy vs John Mady. «J•ree; AmU F. Narlloger.
Maod Sce^nrr ^ totoHwl Baal-Drs. divoree: Pratt B Dtvto.
Emma I Siiir vw. Chartaa H BtDl.
dlvr.rre; L II.-Gage.
Mary rfi>iiMm vs. Albert Pttothaa.
divorce. L |L Gage.
Ola M. vandervon va. Arthsr Vto
arvort. divorce; U ft OaBa.
AtiH- May Util vs. John DU, dljroe. L. H. Gag*.
Rose <‘<n v^. Levi T. Oos. dfvavoa;
AAll F. .Nerimser, Pam O OObart. .
Jennie P Oltosto vs Carl Otoaue.
woe; Ainu F. .SerUnger.
Cania A. Orewshoe va.' Mn A.
Grcanbito. dJvoroa; L. K Gaea.
Mar.v I. TenwiDlger va LaohBah
Teswlilicer. dtveree; Pratt B DKVia.
Hand M. Bonn va. Whrd p. Bum.
dlvorta; L K. Oa«e.
Bella Mans va Braw ItoK to
Toroe; L H. Ov«Etoie A StaaeUto ra. Morgaa BU»cbBe. divorce; L. H. <M«n.

Request ConuNdered ef Great Import­
ance, as




Reacttalla. la Only 2

Wasbiwm. Jun-t in.—llrodie L
Inike. .IJ, >• ais old. the famous tobaelutllioukin , today g'K a liconae to
marry MyltnM KoschcUc. Ti yean old.
This Is Itofce'* fourth marruv- His
rensattunal tnarriage U. Mrs. tV'sbb th
IPU4. s!iractcd ratcrnalloDVl atlenipm
He haarranged to be married tonigbi
.the Pr-sbytertan church by
Ref. Mr. HMLeod, EngeBsment Announced.
Mr rjd Mrs J. J. Halley anm
tbe coming marriage of their daugh­
ter. Mlnnk r, to Ray V. Birdaall. edi­
tor of the Laiogsburg .News, the mar­
riage to lake place in the very
R. Mint), a real ewuie dealer
Muakegon. who bas relalivea iMarcnied In the Rilgewtied reeort. to In
,TraTarwe City on hoal»e.v today.


(CtmtiBoaE oi p^ PDor.)


•“Jfe'^UFE roil




or Fact Caasa Ready.



Atm lfo(iU«....,...i&c la Adruee

• ef Marck i

'‘flMMN«l Ml 2:«E0

ten. wbo IM eonpUad coadderaM*
iate npaa Ui« tnattar. Id (act.
•tea tba vortd tN«aa to imv. tlrtec bona to coat more and tke aod U.
M m to aUbt.
■ *IB tba rdcD of Edvard III tier
laiaeO tba autota ot taborera. vlite
•a^anook to rosaUta vai;«a
Of ted." aald HaiBlUon.
f '^Dstba bama nlca tbey undartook
lo |e«ae br Uv vbat men ihoold au
!•! teat (bar aboidd wear.
tba aana rate thar uadei
fradlac aad badsertnc, at vbicb «wrand ariltiic at vboleaaia and boMte« Idr a ralaa -vaa made a crlmeMd
|b«r »ar* repealed la Ibe rek
daatga m: baeanae
and aateoaad prlos.
tba rate « Edward IV tbar
trtdd ta dataad br law tba laactb aad
breadth of elotb to be nid.
"la tba rate of Edvard VI tbar
yaytd lawa to ptuUab ‘vutnalara' wbo
tewaidrte ta atdl rMaala too blfh.

vanuoa at Thair OppartunlUaa->
Kind of Croat Datarmlnaa
Vlild ^ Life.

Tba June term ot areuH court
<eoed Monday -atlernoon wllb Judge
Msyoe cm tbe baacb. and a koodly
nuMbcT of vlineskawi and agiactaturk
in Ibe audience. The criminal t
dar to very Itei. 't^ra being but
three eaam for irtaL '
ndeley. <
e snoi o

Tr^le Ovwr CaplUU



Option Has Been Secured for a Limittd Tima and H. M.

Howe Has

la Seeking to Rail* Capital.

A meeting o( several business m>
w-31 held Monday In the oflUv' .
Presldrat I'mlor of Uic
board of
trade , to ronslder tor pri^rct of
putchase of the Traverwe Brack
aort property. An option haa licCD
<ured OB the pn^rty foi a limited
lime and H II Howe, a funner read
i-klaie desler and for soaie years connccled with tbe Pure UarqueUo rail­
way- K>m;wDy. has taken bold of the
piojeci for the purjose ot ralsiug
kufficleut rapUal lu aecurv (be i

Mr, and Sirs, ileraun \lialcy. S;|i
y>veDlb Btrecl.-a daughter. Eva May
Mr and Mra. G; E. Drenner. »i: lUv
li-iiua street. May 14. a aon. •i.'rald

Sir. aad Mrs. AIt>erl Howkid.
Dlvlsiou strict. May 2H. a eon. .Newell
Mr. and Sin. Harry Tremm. 47S
Nonh ramwood avenue. Mav Jl. a son,
( urlton AIpbnose.
Sir. knd Mrs. G. BareiKdc. 6S7 Webw.-r .tieer. May, 2«. a daughter. »aia
Mr and Mis. M. J. lotlouc. 2US WrsI
Foart.1 nth stro t. May 2I, a daughter.
Jva Paulin.-,
Mr. arol Mra HI Itol.lnsOD. 1
-It Is cJinutid that wllb Ibe ex- V\ . U!i r klrcei. a daughter. J>led
fundliuro of about |:.Vsi on the bufld-jsc:m.
liHT, It can be plared in fliwi class)
24, iwla boye, Iaoii
kimp.'. There is still a largu quami- d<Il'h
1 airt Ls-onnid Frank.
msvd furnllurv In
•1,. niid Sirs \V. j. G.-tch-dl. 1121
End It would nut bo n<w saary to ex­
K-nd a great Bnumnl
it n-rurntoli
Mr nud Mt. P.f. Warm. li;. Souil.
■I.-.,- .;-e.-;. May r.'.. a daugbl.-r,
The pi.p|M-ity l« imw olfered ai a
il.i 1 n.- l'.-;Tlne.
liUle nion- Ihnn 2- I>cr cent of the
oi>;;inal ro»( nf the lidiel to^y noth­
a daUBbler. E«ing of the land, whi.-h to very valiw-


Tbto to a UTgain which should

c.J. lS-.Hism.
Hitvi-:. May Kf.. a

evpenJeci lor Improvements, it would
I e ono ol the most lirrlilitg reeorta in
■I.U eivlleu of the stale and wouM tor
n yeoil (Jiliis for tbe eit>.



A'M A. M.)F. U.
« 3«i 1l:te J:40
«:M; 8:S3| 4;04

^Wra. ila' £ A :
*:». 6:16

June 1>I4-1T,


'.:v :::::!


^ Train, ^ve Traverae Oty.
m- and «;46 p. m.
D. IBBLT. O. ,P A.

Your Opportunity





Allrc Isnilse.

Several oflhose pie,.-ut this im.ri •
lug vt.iunfmi-Ml to M|ln.cril>e rotu-M
iWth cnnie »ery suddenly to C
Hell SanmtBy evrnlng. Mr. Ihdl bad r.-uM.' .vmotioto toward tlx- i.uiehase.j Mapl.-tun. Mbii. June 10.—Hon .
A. tb.- Trav^rm- C.ty board of trade la t- Mr. and Mrw fbarlcw I.ardle. Tui«
lietm down lowu and bad .-al.
haany supper at bis home, appimiily baviug been in the best of health
liy. Itiii pn^oxliidii offers a kideii- Muff on w*|i:h would be mor.- apiwo.‘.plriis. At the Murphy slot
y lor llu.ik- with sinr<-|pil;>u-Iy railed "Mount Scsdmrg,"
kilting with mends and wUIq
IPMm.tMnf-.; Johnnie I.totis Is one of the crew,
laughing over a Joke, his head drop- (wiilial lo help puab'
reallso . Parl Alarnin bought a iJcc borr.pul HOd he never raised it. Heart aUiiig. and at the
graul returns from
tollu.e'was giten as the cause o
I Dder the proJioBlil
There «III be a danev at Archie Frl
day CLight. June K>.
Mr..Yh-II was Iw.rn In Essex. Marlon
cm,my. Ohio. (Vt. IS, IMS. having
The play ‘•I’oder the Mexican Sun, '
been c: years. S oiooihs and !> days
V I’Itteti by WUbam Lardie. wbMl to
Croaa ef Neeeaalty.
tt tbe lime of his death,
to be plvyed hy.a chosen caul of
Tbe aecond rroea la the
the tost
yeare be ^ been a resi­
Ixinie laleob will be held Jane 24 at
neceealty. Slnwn bore Jeeuk’ ctosb dent of Grand Trarerae county
Archie ball, tellowed by a dance.
because be had to. yd good teaulu as a resMeat of Traverse City for rang Feeple Wedded a Week Age
Now Johason is working at Charl.-ii
therefrom. Simon nod Ina fam­ me yeai*- '
But Kept Thair Secret Until
Urdle's. Mrs John 3. Lardie to vlayily became folloaen of Chrlat. There
Monday Morning.
Itysidea tbe widow:, <vo children,
Inc with r.Vv. laddie.
are two kiBdi of atudenta, those whO' l.-s. George llecker of 714 I'ulou
Miss IJIIIBD McvArlhur ot .New York
work bec-auae they have lo and those
reel und Bari Bell of tSi Bast
s/u-sd the summer for
wbo give thomaelves to Ibelr work Twellni street, are loft. Jwy> broth: day. Riiy E. llrltllivu.. wbosa- furnn-.r!
her health. s|w-ui tt few day s with her
Onbard Eemonctratian Thia Artar- Tlieae later will look back upoh the
? was. In Maiiiou but wtio
. Jonii of l.aiioe. Ohio and Jesse V.
Mis. Oliver Lardie.
last four >eara of study with Joy and
■aea Jahn l. Oteaen Will Laeuira
-I.MalFvl in Plliii. and Mius J
TofM-ka and two sisters, on
ii home again from'
bapplncM and think of the happy bur­ Markin. Q., and dne In 1.aRuc survive
TaMfM at Frwikfart
re she went ae
den y ou had to bear.
him. They wilt arrive on thi, ' I
Your pareau bate been plnrbinc o'ckirk IVre MarquMle train tonigtal. Canby a'.'me . C(iun-h of Christ pap tmnih ago-in learrh of bewltb. AH arv
Itoara win ba a aaailac of the db
to «ay idii to Improving.
nnora ot tba Weotara Ulctaiau Uc-^ and saving tor you and there will be
Tbe funeral aert lees will be at koiutg.-, the ceraniony taking [.tore
Mr. 4'railiKlgu .-vficcls hla .moibcr
::n W.'l^rsdiy afternoon' at the
twteinrat burmiu Wedaaaday'aftarthan those parenis wbo home. !itJ Pass stni-i. the Ifev. \V, A. lar yuung man of Maoion and >Yliit In-iu cMraio sv-mc lime next wei-k to
Moa. June 22, la tba eoancll looma.;
muki- hit •Binmer lioiue with ih.-tii.
Shelley ortlclallng.
and Mrs. (litttisu to a v.-ry pupulsr
ter tba parpoaa of daddla^apoa the' bon- ihU burden of nvraulty to i
Walla.titles l.-fi Monday for DAv.iung lady ot Traverse « liy and-a
hoeklat and nine daddlac upon the you through Hte-scbool.
Cram of Chrts*.’
I worker lu ihe (‘buix-li of < hrisl. lu'.h, Minn ; .where he has accepted a
arraptaace of tba mural daate lor
-The third cross to tbe eroat
The tu'sl Wittes of her ment (rieiiito position
the baekerauBd to ba uaed at Ibe bU
IV 11,1 Ju'iUtoh to folug to work for
fiilloA ki-r to her new home for whl. a
alao ba (tirlM. tmok to Jetua He la i
Mi. Siinivan tin*
eumple and 1 went you
le left tbto nnrnt^.
» tor anUectInc tba s
Andraw Crawford Praparfng te Buck
t and belts
Iler^ husband j^ned hrr at Rei-d
atin dsa tram tba couUaa, aa only lure the hlflhast esarople. Tblnk.
tha CraNam A Merton Cbk»0O
L'lty. apcai WiiMUy bure wlin
fit} and they- werl dItecU.v to FHnl.
tba couttof In good cUndluc will ppLine at Holland.
ibelc tar.-niv. Air. and .Mrs. Frank
Ibe Father sent me lu flll Ibst plsce.
pav <a tBa mural dealgn.
Hofland.- Ml< h . June i: -It wi
Tba baraau win give an orchard
That learned that Andrew Crawford, k
daiaowtralloo tbla afternoon In the
Today you have a of the late kieamcr magnate, is <te
orteM of Hra. Tmie Oacood. of Ap
eadte. O. K. White, of the bonlraU tbousaad limes more opportvnltlae lug nrigiitlatkms for the aleameni TIkomas Eddy Was Endeavoring to
Feed the Ao'mato Salt and Tl*ay
tund dapartmeat ot tba M. A C_ iui IhsD then. Tahe advantage of these Ruwcteli ar.d Baaitond to nut-fmin
Get Tee Anxioisa.
fire the damowtratlon.
' <ippoi^imiilee. You may fevi that It Holland lo C’blrago in opposition
The Hev
TbJi araninc at Frankfort John L li -d" roll from Jckut. You fec i that tbc Graham A Morton line which
Clboon will gtre a atereoptlecte larPerils (•! farm lift- were
dciacui- Harbor Springs ^hto mofnlng. afi-r
father partly owoed.
Ura cm -OrrbanllJig." and Mr.' White do your beet and tbc taaebars wbo
traii-d Suiiitay night bv Tu jiua- t.ld. allrudirg (he E sl^ couventinn. Htacsompanied by Abw. Helen Mil.
vtu alao be prcwenl and anaver qara- have tralrx-d >vhi for the last (oar
bo is operaGhg the tarn t»J»Dgtng
Dr. J. W. liigglBs hit uid^ lor to.
or. nmtbtr of Mra W^ker. wbo will
tlOBB. An eUborMe premram. with ■an. wrish you to not only be aducst
oit lo attend the dental fiuorislioi 1. l-nuley Uasnuond. la GarfleW towt- wpeiid a abort lime vlsViing ibi in.
■vale, baa beuw arranged. J. F. Hof- I bat spteodld man and aomen.
hlp. and who bad his I.-fl a'm l>ra<tbcctiog. He wlU refuro Thursday.
You win have lo flll your place In
A. W. lanlon. diviskSu oprtLtor ot
otecier. ^vaUam of tbe Frantfort
n III two places by iome colu whkb
hoard pf trade, vIlL ba chairman nf re. If you -feel- that you -have io“ Orar M Far
he wav trying io kalL Hr. t-Vldy wen* the G R A I. waa In the city today.
will ba a mtsfonui
Mrs C. J. IW-illnglurtise left this
dm teimngg
Into the pasture
where »ven
better way—God's way. These • rossas Ara caused by a eoagewted rondlUon borsra god doHs wore feediug. taking criftlug to visit frt.-nds iu Coi«mtob.
of tbe bownto, rommonty caUed eonbelong to Him la Hla suprame
Altos Amy Frink and Mias Ruth
them s pan of halt. Tbe aotnmto were
1 all In himself
of this condition and the cooscquei huugry for the trlneral. and becan' Holme renirr.vd to near Lake tbto
and be gave to them all hU great danger of appcodlritls b.v becoming
Licking esu-h other before Mr Md.v morning, after Miendleg tte E. L.
uwr of Dr. HerTick's Sagar Coated
Federal Promootor Chofgm teefc mind.
Concentrate yourself upon jonr anb-' Vcgotalile PUlsT The host koown and
Hist Afargarei Doran ratorned to
Varda Trartalt Ca. wRh Rvadlim
widely wold liver pItU la tb
Jacl. QlTC yourseH te your lessen and
Empire tbto morning after vtaiUug
Cammaraa Canwntotoate Raton.
Tbto to not a new remed;
retorn tba tesaee U sunken "into
f'i-*ds In tbe city.
ir eery self. This to Jesut* way.
CUravi. June iT^radaral ProaecnA. K. Rilveraall aad Mra. O. M
As tlw/ bwcowa nun inieUii
ter Sbu today taad a petlUon eterg Do this way-and you will alw^gr raSteele reiurned to EUe Ltee tbto
teowing the tmteime 'aood (bat tb'ey bityera eieretoe mora Jodgmest
teg the Vmkm Btek Yards Transll
are doing Prlra every where 2Jc per purrbastng floor and gM tboue taoDda morning after a rtoti to tbe xtoy.
•teWUF ted atUea with failora to
tbe purest aad bewL
' >x Ask tor a free sample.
F. Crandall and daiteter. Htoa
Far the gumatert. HcbeM bread
Sold l.y a. E Walt A Rons. C. A
MM tha «D«Mrco Wteulaate rv
Grace. ,went to Btaavood today.
ate. one tba Ootbao Blei
Hugbye-Urag Co , West End tontg
teOiteMte. mte nAed u tBjnteton. arar
Mrs. R A Siliei went to Mayfl«te
■ Toes
taeafrlApr IFtf poff.
taaa-(rlApr IXt


A. Tracy LAy. FnaldenU
R. Floyd CtlD<^ Vice PrraUte
Samuel Oariud. (toabter.
A. J. Maynard. Aml Cktetor.
A. J. HavUand. AasL CfljhJar.

Barra-fhe <

Prevtoiena are high, but rmt to
tbe .hrapest food you can bay eepeitolly when you bu.v the ttest
Klmwuod BivQue. Apill
a daugb- Blended Floura, Qerbello and Nei
i.'r, lone Msru*.
Udi 21
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. iV-lt. 717 luke
Bvcnui'. May e. a daugble
—Girl for general, t
.kddres. - 8" care <>ril,
Mr. and Airs. Elmer llerrwi. (02
Se.ond street. April
a daaghtci
LOflT—if. tweeu JGlver lake and Trav­
erse t'tty. on it.-nnle road, a parcel
Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Hunt. 4l>; West
of 4ai-e. Finder return lo Heconl
l^>•Vl■nlb street. Hay 4. a daughter,
Juue : 2l.
FOR flALE—tb' acre. of. land. IVa
Pouneemh s

i .-T :

crM County far a Quarter ef
Century—Hera Nina Vaara.

Trarcfsc Oft State Bank

Flour, and wbea you have eight of
Oklabotna City. June IS.—Gori
ibem. nrnil thsra with a P. O. order
Hsskell today urflrred StvrU Mabouy for te a* 19 tbe Oukbea Hnlteg
from the bolvl when Ibe sbirdfl tried
A CcBtnl BebUic •bSmm Dflsc
to serve papera In the federal suit
r-straln Okishotna from moring the
. jpllal to fulhrlc, Oklamora. Hsskell
a Per CcbL AUowsS ss
tbiew the papers out tbv -window.
The flncax bread and pastry —.
Ilaskrll rtolms be is wlihin his rights. lade fr«B blended flonr. That to lbs
. .msoa the Goshen Btonded Fhmr, Ora- •kto
belto aad Nevw Fall ara so popular. ttusute
tues-fri-s>pr IFtf

^Tbc Traverse l<ch?h
•enie years ago. Very popular Uu
uccount of <duuig«s of owucrwblp and
nianagemssit. It lieraivr ;un down and
foi a good nianj years has been Idle
The building Itself and furnlshinga
uu IK.OOO and at tb..
erected, was one of Lie
modern and mi-KMlate resort boaenloB. Funy-flv>. ara«s
of tond contra with tbe bolel building,
■with a large fronlaxe oq Oedar tokv
and Grand Traterae bay. It li
IduU spot for a lesort and baa been
|.tolled for the sale of lots for


Had Been a Resident ol Grand Trav-

this tuomlag to visit her m. F
Miss Mary Novak went to Ha
today to vlkll (Pleods.
Mrs W. 8. Godfrey left Ihto ■
Ing (0 visit frlcsds In Onad Rapids
and Bsion Kaidda.'
—Mrs. W. Haxe left today for Klacsfrlends.

- -sisssMe-tff

Taken Hold ef the Matter and

. a plea or not guiHy being c
I by the court. Hto rase was Is
A parked huuiir iUtaned to the b*c- s up khmtly after several |
ciiUori-nte M-imun delivered 8unda)‘ casrs were dlaposed of. It will be re
at Ibn flty opera bouee by the Kev.
uicuibared that Uiutoley is tbe IloosUemu Corblln Ui bdnor ot tbc <rada charaed whb working a
uallnc rUaa of the Hte achool.
land fraud whereby ba c^atnrd FTOh
The prodram (or Ibe vvenlnc waa
deed for propeyiy said to hare
the aame aa poblUbed In Satprday
atet'a Ulue or Ibe Rhcord. evct-pt hevn purchased from Mrs. (fta Wilthat to the abaanrc ot tba Rev. J. A. sc»; of Wabash, Ind. who it to said,
never sold her proiwrty.
Canby. ibe Hcv. Ur. Carter cave
In tba court room sitting as near
levocaiion and In the abM-nra of Ue
to lha prisoner aa posallde. was Mrs
T. Uoyd Uaj-.'tba Kev. Uri
Undsley and their IHili- swee-t fa^
jtrv. Mr. tkvillln prraebed the daughter, a child of alKxil 8 years,
with golden curls and tdue e.vcs. The
-nuon ot the araoinc wbicb va
Ulted "Tfae Tb>«e Crowee." He kaid, child played with a sail boat, and was
np hla rroai. the ■weinlngly unronsdoos of tba fuftiword meant aomelhlnc dlirrreni Ihag.^ Hon la which her falbw to idaoed
WlUUm 1.awBoo, who is charged
dock nov. "The word Croai." aald
e apeaker. "bai a wide ranee ol with a Blatutory- offerike, waived raadBlcnlficanra. Then it meanl a punlati li.g or Ibe Information and pl<«dud
frailty, while John Henry Ebai>-,
tor crime, now It Ii an omaof U-anty and decoration, and iharged wab furnlahlng liquor to
n.lnore. waived reading ol tba In
< ertnbol of faith. In the
Testament the ranee of lu ilsnlfl- tcrmaiion and pleMM- guilty. All
T ran beat be undoratood. Hare three (ssas bad AUorney liester D.
anda for morel, ethical and apIrK tfelrh for the defeiidanl. The case of
ideali and baa lo do vlth the the people va. Ernest Hoyt waa nolle
mind rather than belac a material
All the issue ot fact rases war
i.lte baa a rrus. Ufa
lortcd ready tor trial, aa were the
There atv many vorda la the IMble chancery and chauerrry iiro nuifeaao.
vhU-h lllualrete IbU. aueh aa -yoke"
Two new chancery pro eonfasao
and "liurden." vfalrh are aynoDuDioai' ^
t vck« added to the ralendar, PSUa
with crota
Igiee vs. Oran O, Uice. and Henry A'.
Choaaa Your Own Croat.
Aimstrqitg vs. I3dna Armstrong Ihuh
It la' tnr yoy to cbooaeavhat rrdia
asking -for dlvorve through
>u will bear. It la for yoo lo ibooae torncy I*. C. GIllMTL

*la tba rate of KHiabetb tbte
triad atea to fla br Uw -wi«n aonteac to tba ideqtr acareltr. or nacaatitr to raapaet to tba time.’
' •’la mr tba caa'tinaatal
that tba aararal atntaa)
'to e..f iiaia'iyf '■‘III boar It You wUl faava to
' ted naearuin ibo priea of labor, mnn.i”'*
ik a croaa.
Three firaat Crae
'^BdMM inportad frmn (orate paru;
There are Uiroc grwil
* • ■ alao lb reculate tba obareai
...Er4afrboMar«.*/»Bl.aanra] of tbc life: The arota of the wurid. tbc
tetea pMMd avh lawa and then ra CTua> ut nuotaalgr wd Iho croae of

•anted tbam, baenuae. aa the p>varnor l-bri.a,
Ihe Ural to the ivoaa upon wblef
•( kbad» Uland dorlared. they n
•d te na -nlmoat amira atopploc ol JokUi biaig. Uuat Jraut buar title
has hi*
anodlac the Dnoeralttae of Hla.- "
uBu cToaa and earli bear
unn cruait. Tb« IbUt had hla c
• Ooad Crte
Abau tba fruit
'At we tinted loo altbongh. unlike J«au».'he
vUla tba froata wara alUl comiag Dot rboaen to boar It. He bad cboaen
arltb Tocularlty, the joporlj of loatea' no ratponklbllUy. lie bad cboqcn hla
(nn Xreaxlac were ekaccerated. In- rourar ao aa lo escape nil raiponalVaatteUoBa prove tbie aad prove alao hilily such aa education, koclely and
tbcl tbn fruit crop of Northern Mlcht- BO fcirlb yet the world raatbed
•an win ba a heary one. Reporta and punlab him. If you won t rake
troB atbar aacUboc'AiaV farther that yiwr place lu ilfp, the world pule you
Nartbm Mtetea to ifactlcalty alone doan vtiere you beloiiCr~ Foi.Jnatanc«
la tbto thovinc that we bare beep you have perfart boaltb. You negli-ct
wapecJcily (arorad. tbanka to the crapt It. The world iDitnedlately lays
WtaraJ hot water beatlac aystem i crosB of dlai-nao upoo you and you
jhnve lo bear It. .

e'T Tt


Ev«y time yerar fionr bln.^to
«mpty you bavo (tu
lo chink'd from nidinaiy to eilraoiiliiiaiy floor wUhoot flny fld.
ditionaLesp^Sl^ ;s.
Should you ooiui'3er the r.tuUg
ot each bake day and canfully
voifili ihe Rood and bod featupH,
you miglit well ftf-l fdflaaed that
yon ba*p tbe opportonity to

/'Cbre.vrotM ■•lAiiB \

Von (rill notii« that poor floor

liy thdr viait make yon ‘ Itrloe
y;Iad"—at iheir arrival nn.l their departure.
Creecent Flour will |<’cte<> yon ai^
only diBappi.intRieiit will lie the k-mpty eack, and that ii foTRoL
t.-D when yon conaidi-r that thi‘ next will U- jn«t <'Xaelly aa good,
•lust n-m.-mtver 1h(-se fa.-U when you are reedy to pnrobaac
flijur mi.f loll ycur yroct-r.


*1ke Klad Everybody Likes"

J J. Brcxlna; Prokop Ky--clka; C. Wllbeim A Co; U H- Site
ney A Son; Jarob Fanach: il-smUh A Mebutoon; J. J.Oray; P. Stepan: V E. RoUud. M.ra It itonderaon; Bcbooleraft A NeUon; A. J.
Uarey; l' H. Johii-on; Gll.brist A HInea; Nash A Bbtenbergur:
Fuoie A Kasmex; Aiusselmaa Grocer Co . Hannah A lAy Here. Co.

Voigt MUItog Co„ Grasd BspMs, lUch.

Wine gUnee, 50c per dor. Grape juice. 26c per
pint; 50c per quart. Ifyou don’t feel jukt tight, take
a done, it will do you good. Ii ii not imoxlcatiog.
Garden weeden 5c each; they save tbe fingen to aome
extent. Garden aet», hoe. rake and abovel, a act of 8
lor lOc—children’i pa$« time; a little larger set for 80c.
3 good hand saw for 30c. a good carpenter's hammer
10c, bell face, adz-eye. nicely politbed, haodfe alone
worth the money. Don’t use your stove lift to d«ive
nails with as long as you can get one of these hammers
for lOc. Assorts tack*. No. 6. 8 10 and 12 for 5c per
package, bright, sharp, ami nnt. 5c fora coat holder,
it will keep the wrinkles out of your cost and cheat
the tailor oui cf a j'jb, it pays to use them. Milk
strainers lOc. drinking
ing mug. white inside and out oonbreakable 10c- You.sbould have one in your pocket
all thedims.
time. Fry pans,,stew pans, sauce pant, all for
piece. We
want to tcU ,you that
we bare 5c—and
lOc variety goods that ycu want and that they are
cheap. Money retomed if you please at tbe

Cor. Front and Cass Sts.

I Gnccr





I snS

petiesU MU
Uie An were reaored U>D the eH7 boe-

I to the Oalbralth
_____ - _.JBl*hl and apraad
the nearby frame bulldt^ tmrac
ately. There iraa a hlfb wind, a
fraioo bulldinca.
Berentr-Stt' are mtaaiDc hut the
police think that fee except thi- three
nremeo are dead It la IhouctA that
Ibe lodciDK houae' tnlnalea eacaped
vllbout rcportlas.


LetMletIve CMnmlttM Will EnSMver
U Hewe • Law PaaeaS far the iaapaetlan of Heuie by the
Port Ham. Midi.. Jane 12.—The
eeareailoD of the Hlcblsea UalM
il Trarelera ended vltb
a afiernooD.
r and
smd pact reunaelar. Fred Riebter,
■ary. and E.


ted were J
(be troateee elected
and Jamea



Spaflera N Maner.
. Wcnier
. . com:
. ipleted tbe of^nlxatlofl of a cruse
crasce at Lake Ann.
crance la
I.C011 BpaSord. lud ti- o( probate a-bile
Ibe aecrenary ta Earl
Eart Oi
vlaor. Ura. Rmina Cray la lecturer.

TIM Rev. Hervoy Andcraen Will Take
Up Work.
The Rev. Hervey Anderaon, »ho
sraduated a tew
S Belhwith bis
any collece. 'Ve.t Vlrclnla.
wife winI «o
ikke ebarce
of a eburvh at aonie point la Ohio.
The Rev. Mr. Anderaon la no»- an
ordained minister of Ibe Church of
ChrlaL ami both be and hla wife hare
or frlenda In thla city, who »1ah
The Tollowitic la the eomplete protbe beat of eurcejii In their
cram tor the commeDcetoeiit exerclw
ea of the Traverae City Kish acbool
•h)ch occur next wertc.
Mr»- W. It Kreae arrived today
from Cheborsnfa to Nelli.
Thou Almlshty Coyne.
ineoMtloo—The Bee. 3. AUeo Oan-

^ptttn ieaaoii—Tbe Ber. W. W.
e raaelnUona UatR|cled tSa leclaScleetloa. -The Odden Cterd"—
t eoBBUtee to u(f to bare '
mm .Vk»defflni)-«lsh Seboiri cbo-


Mnakasan «aa Aeaan tor Mit year.


Hatrr Hortey reealred a telecram
thla dSMSliis from Roy Thacker from Croaaei---Ttie Rev. Denies Cochlln.
^amaclv. ibe fart that
. on—~ODWSrd. CbrUtlsn
8olPrad C. RIAUr of thU city
tuttBWMly reelected sraad aecretary
the Weblsann U. C T. There «ere
shootI 1.0M 0
MBben at l.
the cottven...
rtoo and tbee weather
haa been Ideal.
Tbey meet next year In Muskefoa.
opera boose.
Cieet e«y.
Orebeetral selectlooe—llieater or­
.Iluason, Ohio—"If ntoihen reaUted
Ooraelta Horrlsoo.
tbe good your remedies would do dellBelertRa -41ee dub.


Find Help in Lydia EPIlikhara'sVexetaUeCompoiiiid

Clasa bUtory—Helen WllbdB.
Comet eolo—Oten Slesley.
Clasi prophecy—Blsariie UcOrar

osses. ijtlis

* GLOBE. We buy oilt‘'goods and mark
them with this motto ever in mind “to underr
sell all.” We recognize tro competlon when it comes to low,
rock bottom prices on reliable dry goods, clothing and shoes.
We fit out thousands of homes, clothe thousands of families
and do it at pricaa that brings ua new ruptomere every day. Hdreareafewsannples.

Ctothing Department


n •: h

ry—Bertha Steward.
School tone—Junlw-eenloi ____
OMui need a tonic
Wednesday. June is. at 2 o'cdodk.
Sna tbe Compoiiud
Oentral acbool pounds.
PTes new anution and Ufe troin tbe

_______ waltx. (WHaonl—Hlcb
acbool choral.
Invocation—Tba Rev. W- O. atovall.
Heavon and the Earth Display.
n the Wind Saved the City-.
(MendelaatAa)—Hfib school ebonia.
Addrem—Dean John O. Reed. Ann
^MeriT June (VtoeenO-OIrla* Olee

Obow thu there wm no deetha. poto reecrda were eonfueed. cssalmt
ftWe resorts. A toll In the wind rared
tbe elly.

- dlplomss-Mayor

Hundreds of such letters from
mothers expreesinK their gratitude
for wbst
B- Finkbam't Vegeta­
ble Coopomtd hSB aocomptlsbed for
them have been received by Um> Lydis
TmmE Olrls, Reed This.

____________ Wke
Thursday. June II. i
I to ward ofl the seri. , restored „
> and be
_ I of a mil­
*by^ydU*l?’ Pinkham's Vepls doM by a Brs near tbe besn
ids have becir
«f tbe 4d9.
Twesty boisom sro ttoostit to bsre
Bpedai Advice
'IfyotiwtNUd--------SeSB'esn^t ts a wooden
.. write
a <«
Bmn whJob waa eooouiDed eo fast society of the Oraad Traverae Baptist sbont your case
lation si the mretlnc at Harbor tial letter to Mrs. PInki
tbst tbe eteepera had no time to ercase. Tbfse SroBen were cut oE by Sprtnea. Kitty Bare Cooper was elect
tbe Are sad took iwfwse U a booae ed rccordths secretary.



Josta rew of the Good TUaga

.. Women’s
" $1.50
Comfort .ww
low w.ioes.
front gore*special at-, ................
DARCAIN TABLENo.2. Misses’ and
1/IRSCHBAUN CLOTHES for men. " children's shoes and Oxfords, black
and tan: S1.50 and $ 1.25 val- ISOds
A guarrnteed by us and backed by the
ues. 98cand................................. VTO
makers. A new suit for every Kirschbaum suit that does not give complete DARGAIN TABLE No. 5. Women’s S3
satisfaction. Our prices (saving you' V. dress shoes, patent and vict leath­
$3^to $8) are $18.i>8. $17.50
ers. lace and button styles.
d *70
Oar aolMag Valaea arc Oltea Imllalcd
bat Never Matched

compare favorably with suits sold


SReady-to-Wear Dep’t

tor Mlting girls

Shoe Department

1 INEN WASH SUITS in blue 9 QQ
^ and tan$ 4.00 values special
I INCERIE DRESSES, prettily lace
i-i trimmed. 25 in all. $3.50andd Qfi
$4.00 values, choice.................. X*«FO
DUCK SKIRTS panel 4 dQ
front and back. $|.50 Vlloes it



ftNE-PIECECOLORED WASH DRESSv ES. an immense variety of the new­
est styles in ginghams percales. d dQ
etc. up from.......................... —

DARCAIN TABLE No. 8. Men's gun
" metnl and Russian calf Ox- d fill
fords. $2.50 to $3.50 values-• • .X*00
DARGAIN TABLE No. 10. Men's Elk
O Skin shoes with elk skin soles and
good blump uppers, per

lOc values

15c & 19c value



I^HILD^EN’S Ready made dress 7Qjo
^ es. sizes to 14 years, $1.25 Vllties, *
An immense showing in summer iwash
dress goods at. per yard

8c, lOc, 12>iitc and 18c

Calicos, light and dark colors, yd. - .$^c
Long lisle gloves. 65c & 76c values-.$$e
Odds and ends of 25c and 50c belts
to close out... ................5e and l$e
Men's ribbed summer underwear, d Qgb
shirts and drawers, per garment*^^



uralist, wa» given by Mre. P. O D
« fiienda le Pontiac. Ann Arbor and
tee. sad Mr*: K, I. Edwards erpla;
^ Uu ClFTnens Rbe may alto fo s«al lo
.-..1, —
iit^ bone.
eil the grckl wortt o
of tbe Audubon I
.. ................................................................. I
Mr* A. W. JVek. In her huniln,
{From Saturdav s'Mrvonl.*
| Noitbporl. were In the el'.
WERE LAID dci-crthed the wild ducks and the ___
"rs. V F. Tonneller. Of Chicago. Ihelr *ay lo Reed City, whore Ihej
VI bird*, their habits giid usefulnekr.
has Iscen spendiDg a mont In Ch.- will visit lhe(r daiwhter, lOa. C. S.
lustrad of pk'tnres. Mrs. peek brouglit
ing b«
her mother.
Kber. Mr*.
Mr* W. l. Ds-rry.
r.-al ducks to Ulmtraie.
aan. left t(iii
for Grand
pTofesior AndersoB. of^tbe eogiB.
The flower Idea was carried out in IC)>lds. where
ServIcM for Modsd Vinton snd Hi
in spend a ahorl ecrlng department of tbe C. of 2i.
voy LangwortIty Wore Hold
. lAier she will go to Kala
anived today to look after the o«w
c by M
before Juliilns her husband
liralleg eyslem which U being ieettllliv Mrs
<d In the asylum.
.Mr*. J. W. Knowles and ihiee ch.lTb<- funeral of lUrve
.ey A
LsbrUr. klraaa. of ClartasWl, airtved
dien. who have been .rtslling her sls- thb monUeg lo spend turn weeks as
worthy *s» b.-ld this ' sftw on at ■Water Ulles" t
u r. Mrs. W. !. Dran. returned -lo ite gneet of Mr. Ad Mrs. O. W. low­
o'.'UH'k .from the Aaiibary ^1.
McKee offlGrand Kapids tUls dood.
tlnx- The Atbury rtiolr furul*h<-d
Mrs. J. M. Haibtard and son
• music, and the Iullo»liiR »all
uortilng for Ueniosi lisrbor, to fuin
ling tbe
iH-aivre »ert- wln ied from among hl»
li. Hacnrd. who bae totaled (here
fimeraf of bU footer laemr. Urdsd.Id friends and from Mrl'b.-raoo post;
W. W-. Smith.. lt.Tb.Tl Momaxue. W.
Mrs e. T. Ftiller. who baa b-T>n
Arthur B. Cibbard. former detH la
\V. 11,-ai;. C. S. Vader. h. . K- U. Marinr fiiend* in Maple City, l.-n
V in and O. P. .Carver. The po*t and
HTiiii-.!: .for bi-r borne In Otter Lake. Ibv iiopl ofBce here, to expected to *rn the city tomorrow. Hr. Olbthe tv. R 0. attended la a body, tbe
Mrs. R. Kelloer. who
hits been
>a* for the jioet year been eisrfc
lost ronducllng tbe ritualistic oer- I. R. Macdonald and Roy Wii
pending -the iast two momhs in the
rt.e at the xravc. Tbe remain* »ero
• maHteg divuion of tbe Law
Ity, to tTiarlevoix this
Travrroc City Repretentativc*,
Interred In tbe Ungvortby lot In Oakge«e post offloe.
Returned Home Friday.
Ethel McEvoy baa returned
where she epent eerHeEad Vinton.
•I higl
H. R Mardonald of tbe Anterleao
with her eltter.
Funeral servlrev for MedadI of his brother. Medad Vinton, He
tUuR Store aiid>oy Wise, manager
lohn A. Laorasger retnrnod thl*
ere held this Eiorbm* at K
the drug of'tbe Hannah
m from Detroit. Port Huron and
le re*ia?m-v on East Front
Mersantll,'. company. r«unicd
lamaxou. ailendlcig tbe Maccabee
he ft.v T- B Boyd Ge. offlclatlting
I'riday from Ik-iruli whi-r,- they *i ids.^Mld Spenr-r. of Manclterter, a
e latter f
'lePherson po»t. No. IS. off ahlcb Mr
^2 jal'*''’***®
I teuded the 1^“'"
2"ih ann“»‘
annual .■ooventkm id hav.r-.ju-i oMinjileted their terms
Vinlon was a member, ail.-mled is
I tbe Michigan State Pbarinaoeutlrai
a- acbool at Suttons Itay. were In i .
i-ody. and the pall bearers were
EapecUlly in the Subway.
- ' u among tbe membees
------ —'
"Thcfe ain't but one trouU* vRb
:mmeT vacaliob.
% and 9. Tbe cot
Tbe flora] oSerluga were Tuller June
Mr*. Henry Horton and Mr*. J. R. tbta her* city air." said Cncle Rale,
tiOD was tbe !«n.i ewr held b>
association, there
fully 2<«} reg Skinner returned to Burkl.-y »d*y. a«- anUBog the atmosphere spccuUUreiy:
spendlug a ahiet
-ft do need vrstllSUo.'—HoUasd'e
Istercd. .
Following the
Ch* "^rd™™"*!'*'^ by Mrs- J<0- Uegsalne.
party drove to WllK
Bishi.;) C. E. Wondreyk arrived thla
he interemeni
place In the fam
inii*,rtaiit J,e;ng that'of legUoulMill-: Ky
-XVhat Impmaed you moaL the
idatkrn. Prof. Sehlfflierbertt and f^T
nramids cf Egypt or the pagodas of
latd. The t.Lvhop wos }oir
C-blnar -Ob. I donT know Tbey
jiu b> hi, daughter and eon. Mi>* both made good backgrounds tor
XtaVkin ,uim Sisouupr.
Stanhope, •who arrived phclograpUs ol our party.... CSOVM earner In the week. ThU U the Sfth
Ffewcia. B.rds and Music.
tear the Llabop and bU fanilly hate
\\\dot.>da} afu-rnoon there arg* a spent to the north, two fumnivrs tavboat ride to srtsr Islar.d. a banqoe' Irg U-CD apeni at Sewb-CAwanu
Ilrtnres of birds.
.'Ira K. A- Pni-ioam arrived thi.
>J>erK a very hap..
tiu-mlng iToBi v.-rea, Ky . and a-ent le
The ineetliiK was railed to ord»r rew Slat,- aiMKtaiioQ. pn-secied tht ’ where *ht- will fi--nd tbe
nromptiv and much imponant bosi- Ivtr.slaiivv program, wbleb was en­ MimUKr.
dorsed t y (he uid acsoriaiioD and tbv
I c>* was disposed of.
Amu Clav-toa
•Birds Of this Region- was the sub- two win pull together.
Sirrtngs. who ha* l»er. rtsltin* fnendi
city, rcrorned borne tedav.
Mr*. G. Bonner returned to Cl
. Rev W. II. Robinson, pastor of
of the word I'iiurcs which weie hovgan ibU i$onilLg after t'l.tti
tbe Mrtbodiit church at Is-vertiw:.
flamed and biag before the club in trieoda ip the rtl>.
city today ea faU retara
Ku.-h a wonderful manner by one who
l4»De after a irtp u> Sorihport. whvre
hae alwaja litrd among Ler
Anioine Rlrtmrds and tsmUy left
> wa» formerly i«.>lur.
im«r Mia winter.
and ■
MU* Winifred Ilakcr I; uking a
loda}- lor BatUtdiBd. Ossbfcatebenn.
s Gitto cold BiOt OT
.■abere ihtT vlU oaks tbeir toioje
ntbeni pin ol Ibe etate. *petidiiig
The life of Audubon, ibe gre^ b
e lime vUltlng
' '



Beginning Tomorrow
Men’s at $2.25
SoM at $3.50 and $3.00


What’s left from last season and broken
tlses from this season's bestselllog lines. Most
of these are gon metal and velour calf, lace
and button. A few patent leathers among
them. Sises G to 8 and 9.

!!«■*• Oxfords at fLSS

WoBCB’s Oxfords at fl.50

Sold at SS.50: Material — box calf
and patents. Sizes—G to 10 bat mostly
narrow widebs.

Some sold at $2.50. some at $2 00
Blacks and tans in this lot and a good
range cf sizes.

Kcgalarn^ and 0S.00 Valaes

Guo metal with heavy soles and cuban heels. Patent leathers with light dress
•eolet. plain vamps, Cuban heels.

nicae Sold at fS.M aad
Made up of patent feather and suede leather. Most of them are odds and
ends from this season's lines and while sve Eron't be able lo fit all who want them,
your site may be among them.

9mm ±Hmmm in Our VA/indow




s'la solve »H thc sotlal problcto. of
spadfiw time*. BMh'lag «»•* »»•
'firterto** tbK* wtn <oe*e to
but stand with a aquare front asd do
the best >«o can and everything wiU
Dot all right.
cborcbeo of lotey coalorm the
ray of ihtaklag
t their way ot

Vktt^DUka one Pluo BelUr tliu ADomer?
ViteMily—TON« QUAUT^
w;kat makes tosb qu.ujty?


tbc Tone Quailly 61 tbe


So Incomparably Snpetlor to OlbusT

I, iwc
cf „p.,i™c ud
SeutMlIng Hoard* of the choice*! aelecied Spruce, ccmalnicted arcordlttg to the Improved Uruineu
system «nd Atandard oroMoHetx*. by expert* aUUed la this mo*t In.portant worit.
SiAiU of the llBMt tested wire; popw trottnd baas string*:, l.nshcd ptn«; highest g^e hammers
and Bctloii; Mat expenaJVe •Uniiemd foli-ln short. oLsoluuly the best of eterTtUnt that goes to make
TONE QUAl.rrT—the nJ* and soul of the piano.
WorkBen of the vetr hight»v •kflU paid for tb^ QVA4JTY. not the tjuanTUy. of the work they proA SncAlhfSf- modem'Factory—etri'PPeJ *i«b the very best and most hwmeed . machinery.
irk U done uoder condRIons most favorablo tor perfect resolta.
conitnictlon. by expert* of many years* ettperlenc
It- Is placed on aalc.


aeardi the world over and you wont find • hotter tnatroroent at. any price,
ttear the exquisite tone of tmr Piano; note the.dellcate responsiviaea* of It* action:
quality and fine workmanahlp so evident ihroogboot the entire inMnimeni; look at Iht
buy—your own
daelghed and bMuUtnlly flnislied coses. Do all this and we wern't bare to nr^ yon
flood yudgmcnl will do that.
The price of oar Hand It'SlM t . ISftO. according to she and atylc of case. We arrange very easy paj...
mMt terms and UKe ether idanos i i'exchange on a Hficral basis. If unable to call write for literatore. ^

fleing. and cleaner In heart than they
I If you can. If yon cannot, then 11
j lrapo*alble to leach them. Pray laach
I that you may be
you go on In the mieta,
try and may you win ibonaandi
■oiib lor HimThc three young men Chirlea Pease.
Denjaniln l.lille and Roy Stihm* then
took their posRioo In chair* fajii
audience, Mr. Canhy and the elder*
church Gilbert PoIlUon.
Thctoat. Charle* Elvan*. Cl
Ayen. taking thetr poeltlon behind
the young men each one praying tor
the snerets of the futnne minister*.
The Rev. T. P. Bauer, the
elder we* unable to be preaent be­
lt of town boslnea*.

Grinndl Bros., Manufacturers

‘ ^

Factorr and Headauarters at Datroll


niEtnns wm user

(Prom Mondaj-’* Record.)
W. H. Scuyler-lefi thl* momlaglor
CSilcSflO.on husineas.
Arihixr Roeenthai went to eptrolt
this moralng on buslnota. '
Mis* Jane Church Mt ibb moRtln^
for Homell, N. V.
hitts Drila Zimmerman iafi tbU
morning for Big Rapid*, where sbe
will enter the FUrrls Industrial sum­
mer schooL
Ur*. A. G Paine and daogbter. SiarLITTLE. ROY SIMMS garet. left this momiag for Moose
Jaw. Sashkaiebewan. to join her hus­
band; wbo ha* located there perma­
, William Xewman and
Miss tleaele. left today Cor Uoose jaw.


Jaaepfa Semr i« th* Whale Werka Out
at East Bay—Doesn't Like Violatar* of th* FMi Law.

Jos. Seriir. who bas charge Of the
saw tnlll piopeny at Bast Head, ts
the whok- thing in tbal bn*y cocnATOR IN DOCUMENTS.
niunlty. He bean the distinction of
being chief of the fire departmoot
and chief of poHre and general lacloVmirw* Charpud CoMpiracy Aga<n«t im for other Itiieresu la that tccBaiuqflar by PinelioL Olavt*. Gar3q.
SaMrAKafby and Even Smrarat
Chief Sccor la espccian»strdag on Practical Advice Wa* Given the Young
vioUion of tbc fish law aod
Men by the Rev. J. A. Canhy
fiF'iierraan caught eatebiog nadcrwlxWho Dellverad the Ordination
Waabloglpn. Jne IS.-JThe BaHlie ed B*h or eaeeedTng the limit wlU
g«r pro**euiton and defense today have to go some If be get* away from
filed briefs. fllUac ttree volumM.
the chief:
Three young men. ail prominent
The proaocutlon. Attorney Braudels.
members of the Church of Chrbt werw
.AIM fJAavli.a ~«rlof and Plncbot a
ordained Into the mlnlsiry at that
-taaloui advaedK «K flood flo
church Thursday evening.'the Rev, J.'
A. C'maby. giving the address
ttomey yva
Two Crawford Men SUin and AnetiK
a eiralior and
er Wounded in a Breathitt
-*flcr a short praise and aong ser­
County Fracas.
Phinbot an “br* e
vice Mr. Canby gave a short praetP
to daauay the good name of a
cal ulk. full of good aonnd advidt. to
litcbmoud, Ky.. June 13.—A feud the three young pttwpecilvo mlnl*net oSfioer."
brief* are Mfllate with vltuper- battle Is reported In the famous

Will Close Friday Afternaan.
The majority of the ailomey* of
be city h*\*t' begun the Piidaj' aflern riosing srhedoie. in order to givi
bemselves and Ih. 'r olfice a8slst3t^l^
holiday daring tbc summer senThose wbo have signed au agreeI to dose beginnliw today,
following: Judge A. F. Nertinger. P.
Gilbert. Utter D- Welch. Prait *
Davl*. fovell * tiro**, I nderwcud £
I'mlor. Smnnhwalte £ AIwaj. M'. P
rtt«»er and J. W. ftfehin. Thow
in have not -algned'the agreeiueni
close are Justiee George W. Curtis.
J. J. Tweddle and John A. Loranger.
The Rev. .a A. Kill* was called t
Harriett* to rp««k at the Mastmlc hall
dedication lonlgli!.



lie permetieotly.
Mrs. C Welgand. of Bay City,
bas been vUltlng telaiJvea in the rtty.
returned borne thl* morning.
Mr. and Mr*. T. J. UmJor left this
non for Two River*. Wi*.. where
they will visit relativee.
Mrs, Jo«.ph Kratochtll and dangh
•er Margaret went to Ludlngton today
tn Tisit friend*.
met Skimmon. ct the Bab URL
of Skimmon Bros.. Mt tU* noon for
New York Chy on a business trip.
Miss Beatrice Walker, who has
been visiling -Miss UoteUe Denneit
a few days .rethmed to Franklor this Doming.
airs. C. B. KebI of Northport «»»
I the city today on her way to Benli'.' aaid, "When you feel discooi ronla. where she* will
witness Itw
aged, and dissatisfied with yourself praduating exercise*, her dabf^ter.
to the Bible and it will slreng- Mis* Grace, gradueilng from the mu
tli-.-n you.
Tbera are acveral essential poinu
Has Glad
which a snccessful. minisicr ’must
Mrs. Rashel PoHey left this mom
h:.»e. Tfce first oae 1* an onqae*tloBg for a visit with friends in St. Ig
Christian character. Ton begin ..jcc. Sbe was areompuM by he;
tape your clmraeter when
grand Ida-ightcr. Mi*s ^a LaValley
Jlr« u-'lo wtib the church and it
Miss Shanahan, of Mt. 1‘leasaui
developea as you go on until yon have who has been rtsHing Mrw. T. C. Ikii
good aonnd rbrWtian character, row, returned home today.
wii.i'n^ the foundation
Miss Inot Famawonh
went i.
iiu. « power,
Kingalcy Ibis moraing to visit friends
i man may be of meager eduesMra. Tom Aldrich, of Fife
, or be may be brlllUnt. but what- who ba* been vbltlng Miss lAtlc
' be be. If be doe* not live above Gardner, reinmed borne thU roorn:nf
the cloud*. So to speak. In all matter* where ebe epent ••vefal week* witn
pertaiuhig to life and ba* not a good
Mtsr Donna M. Cbampaey retximfrJ
chararlM- then be la indeed weak.
Saturday night f-tun Grand Rapid*
The second point h. commit
et aunt. MVs. Clara H. Joyce.
teaching which bas been committed
Mr*. N. J. Gilmore arrived home
a. to other* that it may be
cemed hi the <*hr*»ti*n chutch. Seek Pilday evening after speedlDg ihwintcr with her daughter, Mr* J. 0
out the purest and the beet. Live clo*e
rioce to them and let them live,.chue Tatman In Los Angeles.
end Mr*. W. C. Hull relortrel
you. Ik- clone ftiend* with such
from Chicago j-esierday afiernoor
people, ouyb. when you leave, you
•"key were accompanied by ihei.- »OBs
leave some one else therefore
Henry and G«taJd. who have b^ a;
lake roll.- place.
(ending the Georgia Military InsiUui-'
Be able to sitSer hardship*. Couris i-edcd today to be a sneeosa- at Atlanta and Richard who has been
prnding the winter In California.
(ul minister. In no other occupatloo
Ur*. Emm* Salt, who has been in
there a greater phyrieU ai
the city in the Interests of the Mact strMn upon p'mfii than
ot (be World, twtuned U> Cadrntnlstry. The nrinirer comei
13CI with all sort* of men in hi* dally iliac this morning.
Hte* Sthel trmstrong left today
life. n;cn of sdence. laboring
men of an and men of lelsnre *ad far for Gaylord to vUlt irlend*.'
should have a message tor each of
Mr. Ceehlie Honored.
them. People will eoaslder you
At the g»th sewskm of the Michigan
row and will say bard thing* about
• on but yon must not pay •tteatlon to CongregatleaBl conference at Ludlngthe Rev. Dana* Oocblln of
each ihla^ for the people wbo any
waa etecled a trustee of Oilv. t
them a.T those wbo do not know wbst
coUege. At this meeting. It we, also
they »rv ulklng sbom.
I Read all the good current literature, reponed the Bcnsonla college *
i and all the best book* bm above alt tree from debt tor tbe dm tline
I the Bible. R U the bOok. It iu history.


ItIm Knd Yon Ham
Always Boa^
Bears Hie

For Over
Thirty Years

♦ Sim, .



a »4v; t

BuSalo. June 13 —v'sttle t:.M.*ieady
pentaneoutCombui an CaiaedTrOu. prime kSUaOO: eWymM }T.2ehT.M>:
hic in the Coal R< It and Praxine
teal* iWM aieady $AM6|i.2A; sheep
Waa Naareet
::40M »tead.v choice lamb*
Came WWi Hi* Cletbea.
culls fair yS30<.A»o Hogs lI.bM
Elk Rapid*. UldL. June ll.: yorker* ks.kotiyu: pig* 10.
rloawn In the coal roym of the Elk
Uement £ Iron company * plant
K':A0 thU morning caused Injuries
Jack T'rarloe. a .wo^nuui. which will,
proahbly er.d in hi* death. ilorri*
Claypool. a lellow . enipltryc. was ah«i
huroed. bur will reevver. No damage Qtap* bwiia .
was done to the plant.
PtM avpiaa ..
The explosion wa* caused by spon- Oatat, Mr pou
taneoue coint>usii(>n. Prazii
duty at the time of th
*............. O*
hurled s
.aqd when_ his clot:
waa lemoted. so u ibh-'wai. be bum
that his flesli ame off with bit

hovrever, mV soon under control,
the company's fire department,
rroailntied from paiw one.l
gdber with the village hose '
LewU W, Dfa^ian v*. Jeasle M. paay. letung In some good w. '
the Stan, wbicshI soon subdued
A^'ngman, divorce; L. R. Gate.
: Edna L. Koch v*. Ivan F- Koch, d!
n rh>‘ compan;
vorce; J. J.TmcdJlo.
i Ida i. Slocum v*. Oliver W. Slo­
>UB comuusUioB
cum, divorce; I. H. Gdgw
Frazine's bunuIn' the matter of the fietitioa o(
HJ . I
lAttrtl H. Cage for ;.a orator declar
had givou up
of Ins
tpg a mortgage paid and aatltfied. U

alien. Vctlrec* charged omiplracy
against Baliinger by
Plncbot. Gar­
field find Glarls, and Included Kertiy
aevcrai newspaper -man. Brandels calU the conaplracj’ cvbarge* aS*

tbmmk A. IPT Out

MeilUIS CUTPOOl up.i*?5:''“SSr

On* of Mr ToMlv*
mmMow* -Wjrtf*.

GrinneU Bros.

The local potato markewla stUI very
low being quoted at i* ecota and 12
etiu per bosbeL
No other chaage* occur today.

««> wbat shall t preoeb,
answer. p'reMh the Word. Yon wtu
need to he hold and brave. Do not
preecb what the people want you
preach, preech what U right. (
ahead of the pdbpie. preach idea* ACCIDENT IN THE CEMENT COMwbich' are aArafteed. and lead them

irrordllie to tbe'lotr*

Tke (Polity «Dd cMrtniwIoi. ot the SoalrfltMC hoM. wlUch •»pHtM^nMUDd WOTM.
The mUenUon given to Innumertbte d«nnlU or
which dJrwily or Indirectly *ttnn the ’chnrBcter of the lone.






^ ^ ‘ ”^ * ttiS


Hide*, cur
Hide*, gre
No -2 hide
l*elta. f

QSa MiiNtq. par 1b .
>aln it Samatiaiaa a BMarins
Kspivially ■tarn It warea ot of a at
luus disorder. tu«* as neuralgia, b
!*iT>. cut*, bam* a
Paln-Kming on 1
.sly I
bring* qaick relief and m.
U> o I the>-e iieubles. Get a (rk
jttle. Price 2Se. Stic and «*0.
Sold by S. K. Wall £ Boa*. C J


S' “... ub4’

srt, ......
“...SJ PereMwoubitbI

.......... 51


leave Ttaww <
at C:6o a.iir.ia&miieg. leave f!
inawat 6KH) p- m- Boaad I
fsrea toMv*keg(»uandQtaadB
itJa, $2; Sagioaw, t2.

iiimed to Tbomp-

In Your Own Home

No need to leave tbe dty to ihear the very best Grand
Opera- Hear the new COLUMBIA GRAFONOLA tbe
first boroleis maebioe ever offerftdatpriceof $l00.1i’s ihe
smallest, most perfect cabinet machine ever introduced,
the .beginning of a new era‘of Sound produdng iostruments. Tbe greatest living artists sing for this roacbioe
exclusively, making it the most versatile entertainer. It
is the VOICE itself, true In tone, tempo and timbre, no
loss of individuality. Come and listen to it at any time,



Columbia Double Disc
Two pieces of beautiful music for the price of one
ThepMce varies according to the artist, most of them
though are 65c for the full double record. Hear the
■ Cubanola Guide” aod "By the Light of t^ SUvery
Moon".aod other popular pieces.

*• CRASk I ’’—Another
Wax Record Gone
Thig would never happen if you owned tbe Colaiabi* Indestrnctib'rBeeoHi* thafabsolnte y cannot be broken, «d to
will last for years: an<l jou pay tbc same price that }on do for
the oW style kbat broke almost as yon tonebed them. Tees
these ©n the labSe.-drop tbem on the floor, kick them across Ihe
room, leave ihem in tbe enn give them to tbe children to p ay
with, and yoi yon have them jnst at good as new when'yon
want to play them—even ten years frosn now—and >on.pey juet
tbe same piioe.

We will be pleased to entertala yoa ia Ihc
Moale Dlvlsioa at aay ttee.

Hannah & Lay Merc. Co. I


lEFIESm B. S. AT wnxulsiDie


kha TaMb Ora«t OlalaMAi

WimanatiarK. lUtk.. Juaa 1
>»»iAM^tM^V. m. C A. MMtInt bat aaeolBc were well aueadatf
addma tx-lnt clvan by Iba Rea. . .
MeCcoerrf Tkrea RJaan. fonnrriy
paMor al U>b t.lara Tbc- auldarl wa>
^ tctkniag v« the rtPUK wen -Tba firaalMl Tblo* la the World, "
*iU^1 tlM Tr»*rM CItr abM the sp>«ker de«Da<I aa habit.
Hick •cbool At Ike HJsb arboDl ftmThe folluvhiA icraduated fiwu the
t"i» Jdm h tiBtU July 7, ^ l«b Arade: Wyman Arerr. Roa.
Tdk* Lak*. Kvl PUot wUI rrpr» Hoyt, Bmma Rooter aad Ooaale Vanthe Lawto Cam IMaUac daU. Urtwl The <oIcbAb arade atarrlaea
Uoy« CIm«Ub4 a&4 WIUIaM Mx«»b
«>ll t» anil Or Ike HJsk adunl A(t»*“■- ...... ....... I ilmry Hobb* and
talar Oardar wlH ba
Uie Miyflovcr
« Uar Hidewlalnlr
aramUBc to tbe kxa] Klfh arbuol aa
aU ot «be roan* mm aacaiaarlly bail
to be Hl«b arbool aludenU. Tbeae
fenaa>a wbo vili tone ot tbem tm
tba Baal r«ra alb'ellc laani aill ..
»0f lOdaraABoac ibabaat y. M.e A-.
»oitara la tbe couairr arho will eadraw la ibai le daya to ahow iheae
fellowB tba rlAbi a«y to nm apoi
ot aay hlad and ao bmldea tba .
«wa at raat aad pbaaara they mil
COM bbdt wkb tbe nchi idaas or
albbtlc aiion and a’lUi tbem aa lead­
en la tba HUb aohini wUi oonduel
iu cainea aa tbry abould ba R>adu<
ad IB oidar to both «at
the iw>
Idaaaiira atti inai out of ibam.

$11,100 VERDICT

d WK« at


Mr aad Mra. J. Q Aaderaoa or
Praano. IbllfornlA. are elalllne the
tamlly ot W. W. Hmitb- Ur. Apdaraon
ma boro here ti'l lett vheii bcaae a
lu la«9 elth hla parantH in litalKoitilv Hla feihi-r vaa famllliuly known aa Our Anderaon. nnd
funuerl> oviM<d vbAt U now ibe 8l»i
cr pbce.ncar tillver l^ku. kir, Afidar.
aon ao<B«ed la the rial eatatv and oil
- ualneta In Callfomb and haa inadicn-ai auoraaa Id bla tiualneai. Many
old frienda of tba farnyy vlll be |lad
a bin.

Watab Vaue iUth^
Fly Catehes.
Ba WcM aa bleb, aa mtably hub R auBa
lb* pnpu ahlrer.
ibae ba <
haa BBatbar Uaibewaaau
tats u»____
WatUi. waMt tba war aoBta
PraaidaBt DrayfoM wUl not ban ta
AM a auw m
*>* tba ban
Mdm. Oranbecg. a r*ac w«
^. two aeoaosA Uanaev Oazka MBDa«
Parta. baa aamaead bar
ba famt tba a »tO-n eootract
dcBlra ta iiacoBM a mafUtzata.
lUbrain" pbred ana
«lo bee ^tpooeota la ^
bttpd aa- dJoy.
■niclaor tba coda fortriddiBi a wt
Wattb. valea iba w
Bald. CUM b a BOO blnar.
Mbt MAry'A«BM OaaBlBcbaB la tba
Tha Oikaco Onb-a new catebar. Lmlie Knaamaker. did creat
of tba aebaoi baard of Bt. Paal. AUna.
Uoeob bat year and waa aoa ot tba
Bba baa tasibt Is tba acboob of Bt
badlac eawbara of (bt Wetbra bafua.
rani far twaoty-flra yean and b tba
a bpBorabb maiaber frem Ite
Bafb Jaanlaca niAkM m
rcatdaot of tbe Taacban’ fedatatloa.
rsiatutb dUirict. Who bad Jaat takaa rhaticM b Ua team aa Aay ba
MrA Potter PaliBer bat lastUiitad bb BMt. Boddraiy tpranc to bb bat to thaeoBBtry U> eider to baea TooBf
tbe Potior Palmer cold raadal for as- aetb.
blood, and ba b alwaya op iLara debteelboee b art wblrb maket so otber
-Ur Cbalratas.* ba escblned to to* for tba paabaat.
tbal tt-oay ba award- rlodnc taoea. -1 riaa to a qaaaUea of 1
■ '■
peraonaJ prlellecer
ba chair taecBiilMi tba cntlw
at tba work.
Frbdericke Kleracboar. Iht prlma
faallerlBt af tbe koyal Ofiera at BarUb. baa tebderrd bar raalcoaHon afur
intamipiad arnica of thirty
She apjiearad fur tba bat Usa
rareeily is ~Dle Flademan" abd to
Ibe Biralaa af a Sirtuu aralta daaead
bor goodby K(.a craat aodleoca.
Uia. Marcarel Beleaka. vidow of tba
Onub acbolar l)r Etnll Sabaka, baa
mtlfic eipadlUoB Ibat will aoon aiart fur tba Aabod
af Jara. Tba axiiadlilua b bacOied by
tba Duieb cownimnii aad tba BtrUa
ladnny at Bcleoca. lit object b to
BllBUa Ibo raaaarcbaa of t>r. Oabob.

> AemaeA .4.•

Peb-a dakt.
pBt/rw oir It
!.»»- i.lcM ». ...____
MUi. U>- urera keapw a a


hla fm

l-n. anim ceid at nichi.
“tVell. I ...nnyr aea old Pati
"aiierHr that hab't neat
»1iae pa vanirr «U coM far
In a Wt hoiri

is the iBteBtprBcUcBl. scientific coofc-Btetw It wm eecit tbq meat
BlabMe tfteoer witboat beetiDc the Utebea.
Boas,bahei,orremtabettertlmimyrm«e. BmaymeeiciA
SttiactettHdiBBeecofad. rteedwtthCibfaetTaftwtteeeltapi^
roM. hT’im, M Ml,

Ab atropjatia b wbich aMmWaitlaal

’ Samber ^ha'r**’*?*

lOM of tbe bllly -be4ad-bl
Ibat Block a Wol pta to 0
Cbkaco TrtbBae.

t* co6t aod white as a dairy. No aai^ m amoke^
oo beat, no dost No old-fashlooed oootrivaocca. Jh»


^ 7“^.

In ib# frnm and ptaoM
praead a aucceae 1b Certaaiiy.
JapoD’a gorenimect laat year a»
polBtad aa aeroa.niical eommlMlOb to
make a tour aad report on tbe prograM of tbe Bdeuev of arladoD la rart.
out conBiriiB.
Une of tbe Myeltiea la itw Odd of
atUtloa ii a triplaae loeentcd by ab
BogiUbmao. wbo gnSdea It tram a aat
aoepended between two aeu of UttM
plaOM each.

Wbur they fcai<i a raclaterr*
An- re ortar leerM ua nH!

dndgeiT of eooUm. «•* mahm k a


And k docMl batt ttaa UMbHL
Tben^BidiB.nm «•


Fact* From Franc*.

A good 6io'"« colter Is Parta
standard (M Conpoy :
lake nearly «I00 a week.
In Prance ibere ie a aoclety for tbe
I Company Wan
Jaama Bora
Ha Caai Thcmaa
BuppreaeloB of big game buoilag called
lov luu-ib aU
Woa Om of lh« Anameya.
the KrleudB of the Klepbast.
Paniwaiar Oanilat Took a Kingalay
I nie Fraoch acedemy baa dm yet Be­
Altorney Tbomaa Smonboalu refar H.» Blrda. tba Rav. A.
dded on tbe gender of Ibe word tvdl»
An Indlqnant PeeL
U Then
toraad Priday alibi from Maabiae
nuratan. OflblatadWB,. ar derail
-«.H a
aciielty. Dot It M tmiled
Berangra. ibr famona I'reocb poet
vbere be baa beea apaBdInt the bat
Howard, a rblld of tbraa yeara. obbile U maacuUne.
whoM grojleel giff Uy lo vHIIng IIItaar «aaka b reun. Three aiofdu
llr, Poreat 1. wmiarni of Paalva-!«■■--••••’“-r"
errred a bole In blaMraM abd gatbar«r tbb Ubm *sa tpeel on oce taaa. ter and Miaa
Miu Alice M. AU«(t
In tbe whole of Praoce Ibere are tle poeiua vlilrb be called auug*. waa Ing up the part wiih'iba bela is it.
tba Jdabbtae NaTliatlos company va Ktntaley. were .niarrled Halurrtay
-Vm,- repli
In his IKtle rbuUiy Und. aald:
tbe Lr^ Baoda Ball and l.umber I (bla cily by Iba Iter. A. I-. Thuri
Ilarine bdI uaed to Ib« ameU l*R la
’ kept In IWrU. fa
U rMerrcd for TUIlaot Ibe mnae.
-UABima. gire roe a aearv.- I aabst
WManr. Mr. Bmunhwalio U-lns oiw >B of Kltitaley. They w<-r<- alleaded tbc trail of ibe aotomoUle. tba AmerIle.wu once rialied by tba aeibor biro whai he wanted Umb tor. nitt
«r tie cooaaet fee the Naeiiaiiea rom .y tbu brother and roualn oT Ibe tcao people abould oot be dlacoocertad
paay. Mora than 7S wuneaaaa vara bride, Joaepta Abbott and MIm Win- r aBuoyeO by Ibe esaeona ameU left UoBte^ Joonial.
Abd academIclaD VtaoDel, wbo Mid U he Mid: "I WABt to tut tba bola ott
aiaiBlaad aad tbli moralui Mr ale Kill.
of ray draM!*—DaUaoAtor.
by Ibe (all uf UaUe/e coiiiel.-AliaUa
Be Boy We AIL
••Von Bwxt tiavo vrHieo aarerAl
ghee now a eJllr IBM
Tbe cultivated hjaclBib la e BktlTO onga alnce I mw you laii.’’
Tba dlrecior of tbc ceaBsa. B. Dana
b Ba«f«ed a rerdlet t
Who noihlna Iwra*
-I hare only bt«uB oDe.' gntwerad
otPenb and Aala Uloor.
Sareiit Iliac It la gae
Duraod. li a yoobc bacbalor. Tbat'a
A wrHea- In tba L
traOragUeeeWhich genlua buraa
'ripluBlIuD of bla acUoo is diTbe trace which are uaed Is tbe gor. Berasger.
ret not that It oatta gbeot
“Obly oeeT I am aatoiUahedr' juf fora
Uof tbc coBBMralora to put down
eraineui work of reforMCaUoD ara
e«B ab
I weBld. iltal abe cnlBiii b
Mimed VleDneL
grown at elgbi gevernmenl BucuailM
>t to fly. tbla aura todudliig bat
Beranger became lodlgtiaot
Kluln Adrertlaer.
lo Ibe weeItTU fonvl raaen’ea.
To ebeck tba utiecl
“Humi*:- be abuuleO. "rto you ter for tbe flylnf raacblBa. toria MadFrom New (luloea coBtee a oew or­
tbluk one ran turn off a enug aa one ed for tbe eouBtlaM repwlrt. ate. Ha
chid «bi|>ed like a'cradle and foobd turox
V Hnnehold HIntl.
off a iraci-rtjy
aateru, alto, that eraty return to
recent orchid bBuUng etpedltloa
A Deep
earth lx raartad by tba baotMKy of

i; There-e Anything m Cacte.
If A PBD amelLB of oolonB.boa It out
tiO worth of r^blr and readJotItoaBL
able to ting gt.ox'sto. wlib rvddUh chocolate saikwlib ua leavea. Tbta will tnBk* It per.
&at IndUn iieaMnlt are ral
wonder tbal flying la bot a popular
fectly ciMD and BVuet aiseUlitg agala.
Canaborat^ oU I. aid In ba anod ' **^0’everyday Latin.
ding 'bWed ravolulloB.
or ranorlng while lUlna ibat ha**
K“»**>^T7P*lolil Is a qi
■^etn^W..JKaim h
It wOI Boon
____ be
parlt sreen your potatoes
been made os furnltura by a hot iriaU
<■«« «»•«( ‘l“i if v—
la Airily.
Burden, on Behoel Teaehera.
“ “ 1“P~‘» Too Ib OPdef." anunuuend the trarber. •ToiD•ad yrou can bbvc time and monay by liiiog a comtny. will you plaw eonamie ibe wold
Vcnreuela itae icacbvrc In tba
a •'!
pretied air sprat r. We have tbe famous
uaka good, tboy'd flra m*.
ruWlr arhooli hare lo buy all Borea«... ~4... of i«ppi;nBlDi. they may ba
th« "!Rochester," "New Multi" aod
_ _ the
tbey d atpeek o«
■upplira lor iheir arbolara. Chalk
' il of oU
#he« Jaekeen Dined.
ed 7'ouiiiiy; -bully IblpgA.-— SiKCeM
"Brandts." A man can oo
do tnree
three times me
(he amount ot
Ilk la ICO n-Bi. a pound; i alngle t< r keep on makln- good- Tbat'a too
of prpponuUit open Bear tbe bole
tThbo Uuluuel pavy Crarketl w«a a UofiBxIur.
raueb work, ao I quILloeu live ccnla.
wofk with one of these fprayen than he can with the
tug lulu ibeir habitat.
leiuber of coucreM and warn at bla
Band sprayer aod do it easier.
otne ID Tenncaace aotne one naked i
We also have tbe Sherwin-Williams and Tavaotn Waab- '
lug. Tbl
It will aland wublng.
Tbla i^od la tsgioo. Be Mid
Jiurg’s paris green. Come in aod let us show you
BUlubJe fur aniclee of everyday oaa. ale dinner at U. tbe oext abore tbaa
for ratuable old cblaa.
at I. Ibe merehanta at Z ibe rapra.
SenlatlTM at S. Ibe aeuatora at A i
ben of Ibe rablnet at fi and tbe rice
Enfllirii Etching*.
PTMldeot at 0.
-Hut when doea tba pmident diner
LoBden't newMt mnale baU BtAta
-What! Uld Ulekoryr aU Crack1.000 perooBA
alt. analooa to fix a lime that would
Female labor on the farma of Bar auU tale Idea ot Taekanot greatnoM.
land bae almoat dUapporad.
-WeU. be duetn l eel HU oexi day!"
Na borae bu erer aoccaedad In winnliig Ibe fire ctaule raceo-tba Derby,
Old PoBlollicc BUMlag
OakA Bl- Lcgrr. Une TbooatDd and
Two TtaooBaDd Oolntaa
'To lell Itw troib. tba ‘wbolatalaT


Ctsrent Comment

Why He Wanud Mara.
A auliurlicn clieniln bad bceo aflTcriclBK bU iiateal loco-t imwdcr far and
widr. One day a lunn ruabed Into bla
abo|i and aid ciHledlyi
•tilre n>e aaoiber half po«d of your
powder. <|Dlek. pl.-ane:--Ob.- reiuarlRl 11m rbcmlct at b»
proceeded lo till the arder -rm gUd


, s;.


% 01. millikeii


That’s what we did and the
reason was plain
Think of a man’s Oxford for $1.85, that
•old for $3.50—we did it. We were just
cleaning up on some odd sizes, but there
were many who found just their size.
You may too.
And we had a better grade for $2 25 that
•old for $3.00 and $3.60. Just a few pairs
from • broken stock, but they were good
shoes, give the bast of service.

Women’s Oxfords at *2.00
Theee told at $2 50 and ^.00. Gun met­
al with Cuban heel,, patent leather with
light drees tolea.^lain vamps and
Cuban heels

Get a Plclare of the Base
Balt Team
‘Hieae sell #or 26c. Then you want a
imoto postcard of the individual players.
You will want to own the whole set.these
•ell for 6c Mich. Oat them et once.

Mercantile Co.


Hepannii'Ut uf Ihr liilt-ilor. IV S.
al Murquelle, ilkblgan.

Twin Topl^


JUI) a. MAPS, made Honirr> .So. mist, ».-rlal. -Vo.
Kew York borgtara to<^ a Mfo OW
anVi of •»>e. Brrilcin K.
Into Ibe airael lo blow aod rlfla IL II
Kanie V W„ Ulchl
rauet bare been Wall atraM.-Datratt
iLau. and klaniu L. I'lccub-iiJouniaL
MaylMd. UkhI
UotiuB BOW Irjida PbUndaipbU aa a Itprll
port, aod Iba axle of Ibo UDlreraa
Uot.. tb-rllou
Blicka out of Iba glldad doise on Uea- uf ar>u’ Uld awV, »I S!r""
N.. Haage k W.. kllrbi
COD bill a HlUe blgbor. - New York
Mi'ildlaii. haa fllral mlollre »t
ivmli.ii (0 Biak> ttiial Fli<- Yi-ar pn-if.
Tbe ratio of pollution lo balblobe
•b •latni lb tbl- land ab»<u
to B(. LoOla la 14 to 1. Tbare't oo
iMBVea bum quaUly about Ibat ratio.
Il ooabt to ^lUnlab. It la dlralBlabiBg.-lIL Louto Krixibik.
.'laluiaiii uara.-a ae wltnreei-e; Uai. H
i.-l II Hlddlr<iwu>-. ..I >Hc l.akv. K. 1> ■
Seience SIftirtg*.
I, Mlrblgan; Jacuh kl Andorwin. ol-^
Fill- like. B. fl. I. Michigan; Fn-rt
rruBfa comet, diacorered Id tBl. K Mllli. of Kite lAkA R 1> I. MliLI
la dnt to retoro anon. lU period la gau hMwaiil Junes, ot File I.ake.
aboul alily-ODO to alxiy-two yMia.
I'arla aorgeoiu recently removed a
ullet from a aoUler^ brart tbo op- Jjipr 14-Jl-JSJub S-lt-I*.
erallOD being ao aucceaafol Ibat ba
able 10 return lo duly lo a abort
8TATK OF MlCHiaAX. tbv I’'
Court lor Hh- <k>uni> of lirand
ofeotor NMdmanD of tbs Paito
a; h eeuluB uraid niuR. b.-ld
t tba auB there
h<- proliauIn thi- ril> ul Tri\

l'll>. lo aald <uUBl).un.lbe ISlt.
at of Juiu- A O. toll'
110*001: Moo. Frad R. VValkrr
Train and Track.
In tb<- luauvr
the eaiaie ol Cu.v:
MW raalu llBB raUraad track
A n Hvieti baring fllMl In eaid
built ta Ibe United StatM lA-'SlOB un bb ^ilUoo imylBi that aud
aoouBtod 10 9.74B ralkaa to l*B* Uld
mllfo were laid.
were u Ibe time of
Tbe Invenior of an air boffar tor lo- lu-tra of aid dviweand aad rniitled
oomethM raceody paienttd ^iraa It Inberll thr real .estate of ehlch Mid
died aelied.
will preraot a acHoua wrack Is Iba daceaaed
II U ordered. Ihai the Tik day of
areol of a colllala.
July. A D. laie. al ivR o'rlork In
Tbe laiaai uioootatB railway pro- Ibr furrnoOD. ai aold probate office,
Jerifd In SwRaerland U to cennaet be and U .heraby appoluied for bear­
HleenUi wllb Abderoult. Foika aad ing said prllUoD
tnnber urder.-d. lhal paMir
CMwb and will bare krooebM to
HdriMaii Bad BitgM.
auccoaalt.- weeka prailoua to ml
da> Ol baring. In tbe tirand Tra«e>
Herald, a newapaper prtnird aad r
Bho--But why U U Ibat yen tat
laird In aid <-0001}.
mgaged ao oflea, Mr. Jooear He—
-Uecaota I bavo-i tba cworaga w
lodge of Frobair
Juar l«:i-:WDly i.


Special June White Sale
of Muslin Underwear, Shirt Wafets, White
Dresses, Lace Curtains and Tabie Linens.
On the above goods we will allow
the regular While Sale Dlsconnl
of iO Per Cent.
‘Bat aside from that ive tvttl ha^e table after lalik loaded
<with “white merchandise at prices far below their worth,
b t»iU be toyoar advantage to visit the MOliken
store during tbe 10 days’ sale. Someth^
doing every day.
sneer While Wa
Dreee FebHes
Six Ublid loddoJ with thedd b«siitifti1
gooda at ]>ricM ihbt wilt;cleei> op the ta.
tire lot iu ieda Ibgii B wiek.

Tea Per CcalC
Our entire lummer lioe it dd« in
and 00 display, and we must say (be
most complete line ever Bhokro in
Traverie City.
We are alto cleaning up alightiy
mufiied aod soiled garmeots at
great ly. red uced pricM.____________

Bay BICM^ CsH«B N»w
We boaght g lotW l-OOO jranta of thie
ep'eadid moelin (o reteirAt 12|i" jd but in.
eb«d «ewil1 offer it during tbit
eale or while it bolda ooi at....... 72C

Heavy Lteca Towttao
Tbit WM M ixtmordingjy porrihage,
BAirlj 2,000 Tonlg in aH. both white and

Think of what this meant toyoast*
this time of'the year. Four table*
piled high with buatlfol sheer
waists at

fLM, ILJI $!.» MMI tut
Bctlcr sredcs tPM «LSC IP to
■eaAprfjg rvIfftoffMatyLM
Poll aim- Oatobik Bad 9fmdt hsaaod



RaUo tm» NopiAMUM t* tte
HorM V«Mf

I will try Mvor M worry er
fret aAMR onythlMt.

BrliUb OolunibU. but »lll bow wriir
MMM Mr. about Ite (Ubw aud ara
aniiB^. BBd chea -lf you aiali to tear
Bior. about tte yUc*-! lAluk yuu will
tev* to tail aw ao.
To ba«lD with Iba Urcnl 1 will aay
that I aaw oa. vary Ur|o whale. t>4twr«B CO and 10 foot loa(. You can
looh at aome rooai or irw or KUBaIhlnc or that leiipb and fancy
.f .u. M,
dl.i., 1.
1 Uii nu. bdi I.

I will try I* ^ M ^•I’N' ** I
in «M mate rowyteAy
M tar w I MB.
I will try M be ta»ta» lwl»
tal and hInA w ovoryMy nni
ta ovory Uvlnf thlnA
I «wr tall In vyint ta A*
I tMnfA I will -Tor. try


.^loe lAiiour TtvC **»»<»«<
Toot*»- *«■
If iMvhWI U .w* . <o»MrM« »*ro rb>itrf«4 UcA .t lu m U ta reoreol.
.od ites Aid a*.f U ter ovocr'* Up.
to te oBiAoaa.
Oor TofUf U. •» auk. ite coto« /
^ Aoar«i llitW' bUck-a»A ian dog •tea.d ua how hlBck-aaAtana eat m,ver (rlakod and }aa^ about a
enndy; hut th. awofl alu*
the waa a UlOe' •'
bllA|a«\thlB* wUh eyea acarco- »*»
•>« waa n
b «p«i7ae teve loltowed ter trowth lloweeer. ahe managei to remove too
wltt^nrroaalni^teiaat, and during
pUclng tte top of her tead
,>,u im^
found her peaaemf^e uWe. nUag her troBt paV'na
ed of to meuy charrulog AualttUn that ■ lowhitit*. Una prying away ite
»i,c haa cooplci. lv von our haarta. HOOhlceoiue candy. And afl IhU tlma
^ bUckAnd^.n. go. TOpav U c«w
^ ‘
^.u„|ul. A body lltte and "‘■.eh amuaod at thfue aaltca that ah«
graceful, with jwrt.vt lea. al««a
unlU ahe fairly ahook. for
thin CrUtvte toe.
atth.oficuahlonedpmUonwaivh.te a* much a. we did Then. a. n flnaJe.
ever .o lightlT and a id im Tootay gave u. a llghtulag tl
„ (un
waggUh life and eipreaae* perfwmancv. flying from oortala to


................................... —

•towiA ¥Un Ri
Nmitay •MalAn.


»i «•«»«'»'«d
tear them. In the bunch. It aa. mi-IHM in watch Item Itarowlcm up tte
water In graat feu tike lountblna and

mid.... diviu „


w tht OraAta Rail
PamUy Siatutt.
tp Ua h«i hpight aummer.
htad mA tew
Whau tte vuodg are •undiai In
lIvortM gman and
110.17 UtUn i^eaa aound liom'.every

whlapur BOC
L' »e Mmw Uk lUSMte. »A ktaflU
____ .
**** “
... .V•HowaiwhUymir^^^denr. On
ahoui 'a

-w. u»«.e


j, ubonW
^^onW have enioyW
enlorcd belaa
beta, afth
mna »mun. Top»V. chief cUlma to ha
^vouU you
llUlf none
.. „j-,
_____ ^ wllck. up wo cuteb- her Urge round
»“• »>•■' >”
... n.»i. ,<-> me iv«.„ i eyee whine ao brighlb. her .mile U
roae, n.wrb In bloom- My mamma
Up aud
t ireue a
found a blrAh neat with I
_____ - ‘ •
VaThe'r'i te’a
1"« “ ihemMlvc. U aueh curlou,



IrOM It la
U tailed.
tuted. SomeUmea
SoueUniM their grmii
Ulla would airlhe the water w> bard,
Ite aound would echo from Ihi- moan- “
Ulna horderlng tte inUt, nimoat like
tte <«port from e gun.

______ -................. A. t.
HiiPter of MaMM tetaflstas i«te
1, 1A1R T,«t,


I l|k. . 1.1
Thwt «* aUr Sah by hondred*. arr. U waa
Bnwklj-., MkA, ■. r. a No. 1.
iH 1kurrM tl
JoM I. me
(root UtUa tIU}' opaa two or three inch- ator>. and the bra»« Bart
r Pn«Mm:->
«• la dtaiarlrr to ihraa toot aomB and baaotirul i*rliio*aa. the war coaard.
bavlni fr«B «\f ««
» aittccn and wa hope they -llvte happlb ev.r
Our acbool waa «M
*bA. W.
ferUra, or arau. alierl- Yon wer. rUhi In ibUklDt had n alee line
B it Aid rain nil
Tte aea tate ve pH»d (or load that the <«d roa« «a><tte fandte of tte day. There wei* two a^oolv and
by the Biwaah Indlaua Tbay are like flouse of Uncaatar. «b4 the abila lorty-iaro achoUra. and ouuidwa. We
a SallonaA bo»l, cwnplrtely tow-rod
the baAce of tte Houae ol Yoi*. pUyeA all Und> of same.. Sotue lA
with aplBoa and..! many color.. They There hare boon ]ual tour (real them wore tm«-oo<h^.trlnt, vewoh
are eery pioiU' on the rveka.
. reigning llooaea of Kaglaod alotr tte ace, and King Henry. Uo you know
There are three or lour varUtUa War of the HOhea, Ibooc of Tudor, few to pday ihciuT And we played a
of -I—u. m groat nbundnuro and a Stuart, Orange, and Hannover. The let ol oihte game., too 1 wUh yoo
ttyaler but tte oyatera found preeeni ping baloitn H» the Hou.e ol bad beu-r there to teach ua oome new
pad hb "Uat MUna' U |
on the AtUatle ooaat • wucb Buper I
w« .topped
and bad Ice cream
Iw Ip aim nod flavor.
and cake, aud then
■ Than there are many varlci'-a of
again. 1 hop*abell bhea aud the chlldrA ciHuy
teacher neat i
plchlng up the pretty ihaped and c«laeud you. Ujle Bro«*a ol
reiuenl Ihly. Hirb., and telah I'rwke.


”,Shall we?

porpouea toll


®nly one more aeek
Of acnooi.
ncnooi. . wy
• eek of
Adello.-^haa a h»v.b bed ol
*•<> )'»“ p*„»iea and ahe U Incloatag one In


•• •• ^Pe^ «® "AAe It our future


doo'e*«* came—ttelr hadttnve
—Tootay waa aangty atowte........
" »n empty Httyler-e box. alulte with
»«« •««> wool, and fteay demurely
P»'Yed ofl to her coiy c« by tte flre«ldc-”lo a*eep. perchance to draa^

riT'-vn... m

InmiU like tojoin the
Supahinc uioch do you thluk Toper weigh*?
,n, juj tumbling about la ihu watt,*.
R®ale Kelderbouu-, a “truly. Sun- home, r think it will be a nice place
flub. Pk-aae aendine a lard aad lUrely two pouuda: ud ate U quite
looklu like large, tat bogi at play.
nhlrn" girl, haa aem a big pack^e of to live. All our fruit ir,-ee were In
bjuoa. 1 am Bine year, old I help te.vv and eorpuU-nt now; ao much eo. »
The hair -trig were very tame aud bright colored Sunday acbool cardi bloom, and looked eo nice, but Ite
near m forboar, at"time. Ttey
1‘realdent wa. «> gUd to tvcolve them, fedt thefirda. and they are «veer
acemed tohavemuch curoalty and »» «br
•“«* lame-thal Ihej come In the bou*e.
_ of the A® •« "urb ■">d
would awtm within a tew fe^
the liUnd U a maaa of white with
boai niid look at "ua Inqulrtngly with
- *
«te wild blackhecr.lea. We
brown eyea but if we aiiempi- Another Sunahlae gilt waa from rommei. but li did not hxA Uke we
Campbell and Virgiula Tilley, thought It would be. hut the ecllpw
^ ^
brought q whole arminl of atory- w*» Bne. .
“' •* **“* ‘’‘***“‘* ***»•
Papara for the uae of the Club. Il
l-ovingl.v. \vour Sunbeam.
papera. aud
Katbleea Furlong
BUh themaelvea aod we would fancy (your PreaWeni thoughti. nicer yat to
whai a
letter you have writn mual foal good to feel the aunablne have a gUmpae Of ter Sunahlue glrU.
Kaltrtt^e. about tte floweia and
after batng ao many hour. In the «dd,

bird. Tbb panalee you lacloned
*«"Anuhor Buimblner from out of a-v |te target I ever *aw.
There are many vartetle. cf cud tows calloA at your Ptwaldenf. home
*"• aalmon and each very beautiful
during the woek. little l^rry King ol
Tte rook cod are mnaU mvd look Omenw Hi. Qnmdm. brought him
Old Mlufaw, Mich**“*
‘*»n " »“<•«»«•». «Uh her 10 Ite Old SetUvra Meeting.

s ,r.


“ "'S.rr:;“Jitr •?. s'srr

uight I have a l.ule pel
deg. 1 bring ih.. wood to for mamma
when aha need. h. I will cioae, hop
lag to te a Sunwhlner
ilUnn Sunion
^ ^
ec m> fUd that you and
at to be Sutehtneni, aod
you each a card mid but-

dirt ter ,n order to educe
ter .eight
,o ,u natural proponkmv When i
add thwi each pooad of Topay U wonh
JUW. yon will *ee that bceldea telBg
, handaome dog. Topay h an ripenMve luaury.
^opay U a good. bone*.
She carefully obeerve* every
s«day. anfu qnue a. atleollve »
the bule boy* and gIrU at our home
Sunday achoob. - BewMea. me alwny*
Pile LAb. Mick. B. P U. Nc. I.
cjUI her 'UUdya” on Sunday, for that
JuM i. till® a ter Sunday name, and Topay fa
IV-ar irealdeni;—
week-day lume. and tte little oi
I received ray pin a kuig lime ago quirk to know tte dlScremv Ai
and would have wrHlen before but might auppooe. Topay UUdy* U very
^ ,
, fondled . 1 petted.

.. -,n...

rj jr-,r. “T.r- -■

- - .„r rr

auaihMtMw nenuv
UaAam Suttoraup.

•«»“ be open
early Tte dew lay
** *
the tall graaa of tte meaA
and the eaalera aky waa allll fluak

a lib gold and cvimaon. Tte bnlt
mate ou the teal, uodw a ctamp c<
•'***’ *** *"
on a mil
or I hewn ttece. wo arouM
have thogghl Mr. Thrtehh groMlng
only hu unial call of “Chnckl ehnekt*
Hm -Madam Huilarrvip nndenlood.
and replied In a tasgMge IhM «a
lid not have heard, to aay nofhing


own wtnev
noi hear ihoM little girl. yestMteyT
Ttey were anxtoua to get aa mnay ;
I caught two one aftenoon. weighing week from Nellie aud Alla OlHett of alulag ao happily. The tree, i
buttercup hlnaaora. at poaalbla. Uto
he eight year* oM the I'lb of .Vovom- aaop. Crafldwa brltiga out lh>a linl|» te tte iovaat bough ol th. -litae
«mf l& pouoda reapeetUely.
(emaot (Hty. Tour Prealdeat wl»be* through bloasomlag. and IKUe greei
Burning- -MadaArr^wwrw drew
ter. Aw thla U my flral letter t wU! meat, and Mmuiua hu that remedy,
You doubtlea* know that the aal- you might all eee the cuiinlng card*. «ruli U on them. Our acbool lei ou
ter .lender form up praSAta. .JI heard
and Aunty rurnUbea a favorite recipe,
And I am no AmaAfnllr afraid of bob alwaya go up into treab water

the tUtb day of May. 1 will te t cioae.
ttelr atUy chatter. The meadow be.h nni. ....I ..V. ...... « ...
J““f Sunvhiner.
whUe the boya are »ure that their long, to ua 1 wish ttey would aUT
aiream. to lay tbclr egga. and many
We have
have aa new
new name
name to
to add
add to
to the
Mae Snyde.
. i.rmwrlpik.a U.the only thing to »..e
practice lor CbildrenV Hg)'
at home Mr. Tbruih. why should I
of Uem lose their live. .. being
- c«nt,
e Club. That of ------,
acbool out now? I wonder Topax- One iHnc we thought that
have two plccv-a i
hasten (te opaalng of my bada. Juat
. -Mr. ewrry •tow Ite aped wllhom dated ngataM rock, and cut and torn Harvey, of OW Mtelon, Mich. Ctady.
what you do all the tong bright aaw Topay had brohea h.r leg^ a second w> ihow girl, can pick lhamr
wonU like t
eawtttug m;
by aharp edge, of rock, and tumw ,u, he ^Ml to exchange poaula aud
. ’ -----.. ... Curreapoadence Club.
«« daya
iime, Topay waa ao unfortunate a. loi Tte barmlt Urutk waa purntod.
•Mk'i vary public ptaw. Add Uae- m neatly aU the streanu ar. »«/,lo tear from the other member.
ma intend, to have a plcnlv tor her
• r
awwUow one of ter teeth-but that Madam Builercup looked at Ub OP
Wiw ter U.
•win and flow over rocky hoda
S i Mtay School ctaas about the »Hh
Traverae <-Hy. Mich., R. P. 1) No. I ' ’a *ten ete wa» youag, aad dldnY digerMily from wkat te did. .*li
I CM »«ar«ety ataap M dt^ tor dte
Wten the young aalmon are hattbed
June «. I»H».
know any bener; and
would give (hem awch ptoaaare.* he
: butte
they aoon awlm out into the oceen
of-thU month Craudpa will come
caalon the household waa naruea
toy. 1 am n tely thldg ddd doetaT aud after lour year, they too. go to
Mich-. R. P. U. No. t. after «» «»th hta learn aod 'ahe ua
W e lake the Herald and I tee lo with the awful rumor that Top.y had
i’ am oot gotag lo give what
■ted ' d tet-" :
(rwh water and spawn, and i -r>r the
June S. 1«10. down to the bay abora. Hi. hoi>e.‘
■«a tte Smnhtar tottera and though- broken her talt But Topay lived
, ' ^

atianga part of It t. that they ae«m-"Dcuc Prealdeut:—
»’••“«« are Dculah and Bllb- 1 will
. ,v». ...
wouldwTlie one. Our acteol ctoaed through It aU- aud walk* aod run. ao .
,1,1-, wwe »w~
"te Ite Bteobirdi hdta
» "W™ «“ ibo vary airwam whtiw
I wrote to you soow ume ago and vh>»v *‘ih »»»> »» >««
*« *be. |
Mv ?Slh Wehad a pkoie and pro- b'iakly and w.g. her taU so furtoualy
^ comiug aow early as tt k
teva ttey. W a'tewnf
Ibay were bom.
received the cards and bnitooi you Suoahlneia.
gram, and a very nice Haw. I am in
'<•! ' Mid never Imagine that
A»d a am Is nader way tor inUa
>< •eema Impoaalbla that they teuM wut fo- my .later, aad Iwa. glad to Good-bye from.
tte third grade. Mtu Hurtoa "wax iHhvr ol Item had been told ap tor
ThruMv heard. Two Utlto girts
Mra. Wroa?
remember or Bad the place when „v my totter In print I have juat
my teacher. 1 have a hen and Ihlr- retvalra.”
skipping .>~g, awlagtag a tooWar hnah! Be gdtot. 4wr: lb*re are honired. of
mountain n-ad the chance lo get apkiure post
"'hat a Jolly time you win have
to *uch a neat hille creature
^ aingtag:
MM a------atraumi and allaomuch alike.pgtpw- card that yM hava ikndly otered fo> your picnic.
my Brat
to tew It , that I muB c«bmend ter to nit young -Botiarcupm hattercupo. one. iwul
Vtow are watakty teineU. ate «« *>•
canght many of tte imaD ite an.wer to the qomtlon. “What near OM MtaMuu.
in print Please send me cmd and ,t;opK- aa a'^good example- She ha.
BrUhi-eved. brlghl-eywd ate hted!
mmu Whhgtr item*
aalrntm and mnrkte them by-JaafShlag was King Bdward'. la*i aaraer I
huttou a* I would Uke I Joa the bvr luiK- «0t. lulojwhlcb .he cas tainhoM up yoar chaUctu of gold
fcwall rtngs bearing datoa. Me., to think the lave kiug'w name wa.
Maple-ril.v. Mich.
SotehUm Club,
ble -in a yrtf..- bdrdlahe* frtmi which To catch the .anbeuma ate the daw."
Oam tte downy dowatm aMtto M “**•'
‘® *“'** "®‘’'
June 1. IklO.
rhe take, hvr me^v. and a complete xie bird dew awny. ataglag- Mto
PrvuMenl:^ hwuto
*® •**"*
pnw^1,.^ ,ong waa w .waaf IhM the
Whtto tte ttmoroun ntlwt noflsn
birthplace to spawn ^d uaunlly- tau. Might J a.k a' lew queviiv 11.?
have not w hueo In a long time
low with dread;
CMiBOlailcmptlOdem^Mltbc her forofwther. w.-re d.*endeui. LrL" te'l‘^h

b.ndkeT-*"'(^«Uh ter tantolv,
Ate kto. Rhlklag
I .nr-MatAr.
faad a pkltc. Ite halibut. - —- fro. .Wa
rMgning Kru..*
hou.. ,.f
ol L^
^"~ute toe ‘
-V uavc lessiw vo believe Topay to
• lyrhapa-Cnrrto ate BdUh will Ate
know why (te -War
would Uke

1. a. .i4»
When montag -ome. plemv." ote ol them onld. ”0. I to»a^
liny Ullto'berrlnga. but will tell you of the itoaew” waa tou^ Wv
teacher gave all the '‘r-1,,1^;. ‘h„ Copemtoh. Mkh . R V O. No. 1. Box«. '♦rJ
tova ovar haad.
June C. IPIA
b®" ber bath In her Uule wawb.m be a plenaant day. W* wBt
* cnogbl n aou!l teark. which U the llci >c of Laaewster the Red itoar. weni to Abbool a pn-ity pual card «
JVvwideW;»«'b. ber bwn lootb-bnmb to bnmghi make them ao happyli> horM looking Sah ate mean aa he and did li not win the bntile. atelnai he ia-t day. My average oa my Liear

I would like to Join the Sunahlae Inw tee. and the l.ule naito are care
Mteam Bnttercop woteecte who.
Hto mouth to ao far under hto the W-blte Rose? 1 would
vtudles of the taat exaavUiatlona..
l-odv that he ha. lo (uni over on hto know what ... the name, of - ; the 7,";^,^hL'b^n
«bd me a ciarvi ate
«ttend-d to; ate
by -them.” Tte glrto
[ Tto wortd to a garde*.
back to bite anything
reigning Uoumo of Great H.-Ualn „|„,o , ^ ^
button Onr whool la out now. My
Top.y GUdy. di^ ran pa. ate the plant bwgaa to a^
OHtdiwn tto Sowers;
There siw also many dog Babea. since the Honse of Lancvi-'er -Now. -a a
, ,a^
birthday to bei’. month. I a® elevaa ?*•>** high degree of psueu.e ted mu her btomom..
' —«mitoa am tto nunsblae.
which are a apeclea of aterk wilh^he de.r Prv’MdeBV vl ihto to o; sakfng jy
It nyehcd almoa' a.
®*‘* ' *““■ *
Then the ntotrr to hdeklte
WhM a buay place tte mrodn*
Tann are tto ahowar*.
same kite of mouih. Their teta feeh too muel 0te loo luu. j m your
„ J.j, Honing to sec ihto •
brwberw. My leach »»•
Topiy look, like » m.B|Vturo
every ydtet wa. growtig. The
Jtut Ilka MUidpaper. They have no proclo.a ume. - wouU Itte to -m- .he '* prlo. ted .eud^J^tav-e to^ll tte ‘™““V
> '“-‘O ?'
were busy, ate M, -•», tte
Froww nrq tto vaada
Mdtaa. The Indtaa. eat thte. but tc tte.e al.vng »..h the 1-t“mtaTonltl T-MI cL^^^
l.kvtto^ iht. letter In print.
bu^ and Wteke.ed aod K It H We...
nat teeaM advwr flte room
they are not rrttobte by whlu- people, icr m ptwi 1 haw ««ue uxrae. tor
r ^ ^ two .
n.pert.llv cold. Tow? d®- ber-l^
-« j,
,*t*ccd throa
to a walHaadte satetu
fwrhapa bevavure ttey look ao ugly, the Suatelne lift: Kr,.nk Ayers,
Jeaaid Bright Sltetou
btegaa vull. you m:gh. v*.I <1- "Hh things heic.-e. Madam suaed. shafetot a Bte valunble Dll to obuliyd from age. BReen. Olive Ayer., age v.htrlvra.
yoo have ivaiion to feel praad of
‘ '*
®»" its aaik mitag eh»e -o the h^.
*»oiber bud oax tat« i

tbair Uvera a* to atoo true M the rot- Marry A.vsr.. age ten. Howard Ootden.
»iatelag in scteol at tte ebd of
*"*bl • hope yo„ ^ its rafamaa. w
The >an w*. low ta the worn wtea
Bah.Tte toner flte to two or three age fourti-en. aud for the' Crodle Roll. j,,,. ,,,,,
you aiuM have beio inTop»> ted a \;-.t->r tte other day. the beriiul Ihrwte agala porokte «a
WUte cv*—v-v. Traveroe City Hkh **** *®®*' b»* *>® aeahw, but teauti- Xinx Ayero. ate Bioib Ajero- ate .^^,^,4 ij, ymir studlua.
lae (Tjnula*i»t. fl-iug-eqalnwl you U>e Mice .-Vary pretty.” te cUrpaA. '
to FR
IrrMeacenl ahln Uke amtberof K.'Uhvth Riley. 1 am.
CtaAx Lake. Mich., R. F. D. No. 5.
A.J— *A_^ A^ Otodvw wiAAVAA pohrl. wnh »*. of hflghl iwd. blue
Ever yo'r loving Sunt-eam. '
Jvute 7. ii>!< coiSd Imagine. U had coote on a long tuokmg down at tte buUercap'a MooXemen Caj. Ml.S
Journey by rail to
Topay. aad. ol. aomv. -if. too had. though, that
oZ^iTm to TtoNoTl^
brown apou ahms ite aldaa some
, Olive Ooidea.
•vear Proaldmit;- '
Oapamtoh, MM. to .
What ^
a great big htowiy-qnaMlon
I thouglit 1 would write a letter i courwe. Topk.v wa* immamwly excited t-VM-y mere WM oat 1a Ume to ha gxth
over Ov- pn>»{>-i.u of enteruOaing *;--d by those daar glrta” Madaai
w have steed of me. Olive- -W^y ITsr-prealdam:.___ tatete Pita t
UlcA to
If ba. n long, allm tall like a raf.
loda.r.My .chooliuatea'
taaaa Saydte.
Hiarp front teeth
a. there a -War ot the Roaca r
• ‘bought 1 aoultf write ‘
are Kenueth Wuiug Nte, Charles.
a «ue*;, Totear
the Lute Buitv-rcwp taokte the
F. O. Na I. »n 41. Name scat hy
1 kme«,me thl.
Bernr-elu. Nettle Rooax. eVtur. .- same, aad It wa, . be.uti ... loo brood to ate Tte Urd —t
tone ivAnrtbouMx the card yog .en;
otarence Smith. Loe- '«> 1"^^“« *“•
“tet me teU you about to I
Eyta Rnwha. Cemamt City. Mleh.. to
___ apd have hvMh eye. on .ball be Brat?” The Hovme. of Lanb‘v«-w*a m. pretUefreadv. Thelma F..ot. Shlrtey
“‘■'b It Use. ay . ruvlder to h-vew where Krda .the gif! wRAkte
to D. No. 1.. ate iteah Draka. Broohone^de of the tend Ttelr cauer and York were nval braache.
Her warns wa. put oa the Cradle
vie Koo,.. Hobef fhailea. ‘"••f It ». it Ble. from tree to :rwa. kiog. fair havrl lived T
lya. Hleh., to F D. No. 1. Samoa
very wMm and Arm If uaod aoon alter ol >te ryal family ol Bn^and Ttey
namv-. I
Tompknu. Mano.t Tompkius.
tetecd wan (lo abort you eaa I tea over there, ate . fwaa batopat by iMitel Rbadaa.
being iteewirom the water
we- both very proud, an-l both very •••< »• lor <te ITub aie aot uhocdBern.teta. l.vau Blvw^m, bxidly see ttem.i and .1. wing, of tag a b«r.erc»p party'
Fraak Aywro. OUva Ayoro. Horry
skate. ..
It .,__
rich and powerful. But ttey
not “««* “* »*»•• but are my Ineod..
f»r eilenemg frvro. the Ironi
“A but'.ercop-pany •”
One day I caught a
. w;-ic
___ ___
^aon, ate Howard OoMea. Kalkaaka.
nte the uUe.
~J-- mmmX
*Ote add two toaleat with aU the aplqpdld and “<■*
Kovarlk w
_ _
____a .urpiise
^ part*. I the bite Iwgw lu brigh: eywa were
: I bad
Hite* to F. D. Na
cooMbY help wece dxoraied w!-J your pretty yelTide and when I waw It Coming up out teoutital thing, tte, had. nor wl.h »
«e have three littlv val- „a j g„, , tux of wriKus pap.® three ^ ^c t
by OHvo OoMte.
ihlciking that Tootsy wn. forever nak- low floaerv Then throe wet* egg
af tte water I waa alawal frightened Mag great torda with many peo^ '** Their names are Dexter. Rosa.
MOi .s'icer, h li
H. V. F. SUNAHIMR CLUS CRADkC « >>»kad ro'.lrange It wa. aimoM under thenv. No. they v»ere^rtall “><» SPWW“d bteh up
, ,uA.>fer.
\_____ ing that Toot.y css forever nsklag «adwi<*e.. creamy milk. goU rote.
ate yeBo* tew
bite hhape- * dark brown above and Iv wmeted 'tecavme oach,' wanted fbelr heel.. We have seven little

l>-0« » qprotltm•
•asm werw—" «•
Nina Ayero. Rmlly Ayoro aad Ken- *hlie teneath. and behold it hod a flr.t ptoro and the most poacr. The <*token., ate they aro awfhUy pretTvm.r and Tootay wwro rome time crqa»
, then told: “Six
Mk'toUny «nlh?*a«. Mich, to F O. »0“*- tapering tall, aad two feet or War of the Boron was not one con- L-cunning 1 would like ;o »ia
^oohnale. a: yoor
teiung acquainted, for Topay was paviaed 1
six little ertp
5^ 1. Names sent b, OUve
BlPPcni. one 00 each aide of the ulL tlnuou, conflict, but was a long con- «br Hntnanc Society, ro sill you Chat
a happytime

r ba.hf^'ate bofh aer* very cur- pV, from Ite chiWraah hoNMoL b
I did not know whether It waa aa leM covering a period of thirty yes--., . >*-« •""» me-a certlflcSle of memioua But befo4 tong they acwmpered u Ferdn-a birthday, ate this in tbu
RRRSIBPtTta anlitel or a Bah.
from Uii to USi. with iuaa.T hmtte*. berohip* -You sated R we knew woa;
___ ________ ^
alter each other, and Top*y would pa t> ate naked for Ttey had tech a
When Ike tide to out one can sao wad tte viciorv going from one fo King Edwnm's laM aame was. 1
park, sad Tootay atrosered tte call .-oyal good time! Some of thosu goua
Tte Bjnahtay taatan that reach many atrwage rrealaroa 00 the rocki the otter ol tte two Honaew. Vmall.v 'bink perbapa It to Edward Alexandra.
Roll Of Horror. ,
with a vAarp .-attliag chatu-.- bo. Iitiie ortpplea bad never ecuA tte
pwir Preald**l thgae Anya are aU .and at the bottom of the water.
thervj was a Bght cGled the Battle but doni know whether 1 am right
jo. Lulu Timlick
tween ite two of them we ihorough- country before”
abokt vaMUok and Akppy kimot (tac
Crwba are tfuiiUag abou>: aiul Lving of Bouworth Field, la which King or ®ot

ly enjoyed Ihai evening (or Toouy
*<L I'm ao sorry'" Madnm Rnttur«l the lanait ate cnrtalnly one “tall along ledgee atw roa cucumterw. a hoc- Ricbard. the taat ol tte House of roodhyv.
; Topar-'’
Y» sn'exhlbltKin. atemng b®^ a cup erted- -Sorry I did n«« give aa
to the hrtm' of tatefantlag ihaaghla rW creature, two feet tong It Yo.-k. was killed Henry Tndor. a
Luhi Tiiollck
i am nut going to tel’
ten onma from oar SaeemA YToa Frool- took. Uks a giwsi rad worm all cov- ^erlnl oarL was crowned in hto
I do not wonder tow were pwxM that 'deiigbirui Topay of .... . . model rovlrrol -take* it. moai. amlng Pwrda did. Uvlag ta,gMtag. I * beAnal Anal Irena, who nnnA. k apeetal ered «Hh knob, -ate teachro
place. Heary repiwsted the dalaro ateui tte King's name. Alexandra to book we all tovc-Cntle Tom a Cahla on lu haunchea. and bolding tte hick- tev».”
peetlafl' to you Snaskitem. ThU to
When cooked Ite'Beah to white a. of the House ol Lnnewater. aad wwa the flral name of tte foraror gucea of —Poo.- Top*y. all rog. aad ixReva. Ofv nut In Ba frmi- paa. to perk ate
' Ate RetaC nte gfvlag aro Itew.*
What ate roya;
the teawm of a chicken, tet I do not nher hto coronaiioa te nw.-rtad Prtn- I'agtote. ate the two names, .Bdarord bwppy-go-lncky. who ww. n-ver horn nibble at Mfllare- AU this wa. doM Mr. Thrash anag n* te wtaRsA hto
Up Amtr Mils Irtonda;—
lee bow any owe cemM fAt so repul- .e*r..Rli*al^ who repreaeoted tte and Alexatera were olles mroitlamed bs.-.per' ahe groqed.” -ftoai to wot wile an vlr of awch wMemaitj lhae we way tech iw hto mst«v-^«spo DnrTm navwr «oU ms ^ter yro site a er««tare.
<4aims oKte House of York. Bo you tegrohev.
ite Topay I mean No; Indeed; 1 im- -twld
retain <rorInagk*#.. which tag

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