Grand Traverse Herald, October 27, 1910

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Grand Traverse Herald, October 27, 1910


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text



NO. M.


Mm. Mary W. NaNur, Ei
Vaara OM, Diod la Kalair
HeM TMa Moralns.


>. Oet. X.—Mra. Marr
.KK#RC«IDCNT CAUO* OSBORN Parker, ased U, ol Grand Rapida resAND TOWNSEND.
totered at the lUckiaan' hotel
olEbt. She left
with the clerL. belns eoronu to Bat-:
tie Creek for treataent for Inaomala
She porehaaed ato bouiaa of chlorofWBL. poored the eoateau orer the
pOlowa of her bed. todar and died.
mVT IS ihtuicsTed in state Me learea a daughter Mre. Chriito- FOR
pher, of Sthrgto.



SwSwiEl LMtW «• Eb-Oevwmt OhIU
In WNWi .iIn CdIwmI Sejt* him
TMBfi ASM S«tt> th« UdB.

>•' --

DttfWl. Eiclu Oct M.—Tlwodore
ValtcS SUtM.
CSeNm E. ToNMMd.
In A toUET to Cartlt OaM.
■poSn S«r» SEtBrSir Blgbt'for Mr.
OESarn, tSo otronHEE M-or«BM«n; 4«
Uat U «9bU be n ■'pabllc o.-•■nhT" tt Mr. Oebon U not elirted
Oeroraof «< NIAlgan. He Ukene bim
to SilMiiB. d New York, nad etre
A^ be kMVE Oeborn will Hmd b«MM
“rrew ceOar to «arret” U elected.
tSe letter vSe wrlttaa in a b
Suemdne bEhleo. Whee Ooreraor
(Dto eeaamIcAUon wltb
Sir. IneneveK wftk reoArd to |be «UBAUon lA MicMsEn nad used tbe
■HmMinti to «D to MteUsAS for

<Sm or ISO dolAAel to All miod risht
«» «• elAcUen Ear bwt Sit letter to
anil 'M wAi AO oro^r forwArded
to State QalrBWB Kaoe Sere.
TSe tetter foUewt la tnU:
*1 tSAAk r«B for the telecrun.
■Sne wits WTMT ward jv* ear in 4ee«Mas ttt iEWetlwi la MIcSIeac and
i daartr rasrat tkat tt to a pbrMeal
tr tor aw to aecept «be inA to take part
Bean Odm aa 1 voaM «M1} do.
tSiBoBElily mSamud aa VoB 1
that la Uto^sM Ifo Srwcreaairea e
a elear <«i eiotefri that their platfarm Uhaa iha smaar ataad la taTor
«r a
tloB or BUaral raaoEtcea and that mr
friend CSma & Oahyra the eaadldete'
lar oorarsar la s procreailre aad
adacalailr aS^ tSd hoaeat maa. Uorewrar. I alaa ac*at with roe aa
■rent daMrahonr *t eleedns
TtowaBea4 aa eeaator. Mr. Towaaead
aa Mat aathar with Mr. Bach of the
flm taoroad raw Sfil «hDe 1 wai la
the Whtta Hoaae «M exetdIeBt work
nflwaj rate tostoUtloa aad
tflr wtoh ua eeoMM u aut
la a eaMa of falaa resrot to aw
that I aa M a^ to so aad do all
1 m for the aaUre tlekot la Mltddsaa. Mr. Oebora la a aaa Uko «tJaiaaa of Kew York, who will eieta
Sanaa fma eelUr to sarret, drMas
AwelT wroas door Ima otSea. The ef
Saettra war to trwraat a tboronsh
etoaa ap wwoM Sa not to Met hla
aad todaad a taltoe to alect hla
.^vmM be a sonatoa ealaaltr tnn the
Mr. Twwaaasd^ aURnda oa
rtOrtad rate le0alaUoa to aafSetoat
Sreof of the deMnStUtr of oeadlas
SlM to the acaate. which eaa oalr be
•Stdtara for the l
»iiilii CMfitaales aad It is im
ttra that th^Rto* them aggrs
aappon tt tha poUa.

II niOni, QDL

tL Oet gg.—X Hyodnth.
•Oae, dltpalch today aay« a baBoon
waa aacs Friday Ught carrying rad
«ad gran Ugbta aad mortag at a
Ugh rate of 9Md.
wraM Kldioiaao. tor ae»wral years
a cMk ta tha B. C. Lewto store, has
Etamd ta baitaasB for blmsett perrtosstag the store at the eorwef of
Rose aad rrett Mreet from B. T. SebSetd. Tbe store to tbe one tormerty
owwed by I, Stott wbo sold It to‘ Mr.
StoSeld Jan aprtag. Mr. Klchotooa to
a rtotag yovag hnatnaaa tnaa. with
laaay trltoda ta tha cicy. wbo wtoh
Ua the heat tt aaccats ta hid aew

Mitt Uttl.
Rabtaato laft thU
•aratag tor Orasd SapUa. whtta Me

. wis atoltfrtaML



1» Fast.


Paria. Oct. M.~-Ib aiteiupting
ahgbt at laay, after a Bight from UNITED STATES CO. ASKS
Boargeia. Pernaod Blanchard.
w-eU fcaoirn aviator, was killed, when
Is aeropUae MI 1» feet.
Blanchard’s machine turned turtle,
sod fen upon him.
Aviator Letch Marlay was aerionsl}
Injured. HU aeroplaoe fell fifty feet.


eluding High Offielato. Selievad to

Have Parlahad-

^u IMnce. Ilfyil, Ovi. 76.—U
FOR la repaired today that tbe HayUnn
gunboat Uberty has been lost
Por! DopaU. following the explosion
bee boilers. It is reported that
twenty were rescued. It U beUeved
that fifty, including blgb officers of
tbe navy are lost.



> .

> THE OLD SVSTtffi.-







But Mrs. Gaerge L. Bsnnett tt Oa.
tr«lt, Whs Will SviW Haul

FAarad They Landed -in Wilds of Can.
In the SehMl and Heme Subject
ada Where Rescue Would St FreeMettfng of Central MMherw’
tlea'Iy Impestlbls Befers Death
(From Wedneadar's Record.)
From HardshipProt action.
The Resortf' was mlDtaformed Tnuii
One of the most largely attended,
day aa to ibe details of tie nev fiom Ibe helitois «f lactlral miaiin
8t.-K«l8, OcL 86.—The Aero thib
and possibly the most ttmroughly in
Jersey t Ity, Oct. 26 —AHor a day hole] to he erected oa the hajv sbore. era and tbe finer rolnti tt the wa,KKtoy received an
tereoUng meettags of toe 'Central and night of disorder which resulted Instead of Mrs'. George H. Lathrop gauo. Major General Leonard
has submitted an eatraordtnarr roJoadph Haac Wen
that the America II bad been found,
Moitaers- rloh was that ofTnesd^ tf- in Ibe arresfa of strikma and their being tbe projector of toe enierpriee.
Againat Daptrty Wardana J. E
a derelict near Port Arthur, Oat., ou tentooD 111 tbe school bnlldlng. There
aympathisera tor cutting the hanteat It 1s Mn. George U BeimeU tt De-- enUsted mas'u comton.
Eddy and C. N. SmlUi.
Tbe report was written
n Ihr Oeaet
between 40 aad SO mothers pres­
agODv the tt- rroit. wbo'had besw cunddeUng the
New York. Oct. 2C.—Clifford Harj, ent while the program waa of n charas (he <
r tt the De
flflato tt irhitcd States Enxvess com­ dining room cottage for Mrs. Leto- tN'ood
Before Jadge P. W. Marae, la tbe
_ sub__
( of tbe Bast hut sraa
on. G. C. McOoy,
Alaa K Rjaa.

ClrtaH eoon of Uelaaau oouaiy laat John Ryan. Cortland F. Blabop. tbte
Cal' out the -mlliiia. The company
h>- berame ehlef tt staff and therev
Mru. Denneu has
wariL a «ei7 tatercaUng «bm was afternoon offered Are tbouuad dol; approval of all Iu httecdance.
Hra Alma Thouiiwon gave the fiitt Is unable
to move Its wagoos and acres on the bay
shore south of
tried wMeh ha« arauaed the IntareM lara reward to anyone tnding Hawley
ive hmtt tt toe army.
o{- Biare than one gthenaan ia MIM and PMt. tbe crea' of the balloon paper of'the afternoon, her subject slates Ibat Jersey City and Hobo^a CrgyxtoDF cottage and haa perfertei
\\1ltalB tbs a|>hero tt toe •ntlsUd
being ‘lUedleai Inspecikn
police heve Inadequately
protoctod plans tor a very comfortable ..^tol SS man. vYenrral Weed la this rmfioR
Igaa an^ haa Saally heea aeUled af­ Amwica It.
Bchool and Home." In
which she the non-union drivers and hel|wiw.'
toacbe* upon (broe potata: ton apMby .62. three wtorlea In bei^L
ter Bwre than three yean.
Otuwa. Oat, Oct 3C.—Tbe black
The striker btdpers deaiand an in- erectod -tf-.mmiy as deacribad yetter- ler's canteen or post Mioen: Us aal-.
The action wmabrooghi by Joaeph faitnewcs of the north tonight etUl brought out very clearly the aeccaturm—fwrtleiilarly
his ■houa

ly us
untold creasa of five dollars moathljr.
tiny- only not no large.
aaa. a flibemaa oa South Maaltoa. iH^d tbe eetret of the k>ct belloonlAa. sliy of the nielhod and Us
desIrablUty tt estobtlgh
The hasemrnl will be devoted U service corps ot men
Itiud, agmiaat Cbarlat K. Smith and Alan R. Hawley aad AngiiBtus Post bearing on the welfare tt tbe childroa
J. B. BdSy. both deputy ataie game' of New York, aad their akrahip. the
Tbe dining room will be
«Eh and Sre wardeaa. to recover the America II. which left 6l Imuto eight taleresilng paper on ••Adenoids," hy
lion tt.^cral Wood that -tiw a____
B. U Thh-Iby. which was fuU pi
floor, 3lxS« feet Is Btoe. too canteen'y rewstaWlakad Is OBO With
TBlue of thirtoea paekagee of wblie- d«ys ago with thM compeUtora iu
lakea fron the flah honae of the limernalloaal <distance contest suggestiais and advanced ideas on Misa Emmaline Reed and Arthur T. tag the bay. The office and serving which m^ evety army ttficar wefiUfi
mehably which all
Haas oo the tolaad on Jnly II. 1PS7. Varkiuf rantora have reached tbe budren.tohehingonUs bearing and re
. A. AlUngton.
The third flooh will be occupied by would Inrorparate In an oMtaH »The theu of the eclxnre and other
establisbed by Edmond P. Strat
11011. Oeneni Wood huat tola anglatlon to their health In after years if
guest rtxHiis. -ne hotel will he equip, gesuon upon the ■ssawkin that the
eVeate leading ap to tbe enlt were
ion. represeming tbe Aero club
Mr. Arthur T. Yfiellinan and Miss red in modern styla In every detail
given the proper atieniion In'thc
canteen M for the beat lataroata af
rtoaed la the Uattoaotnr.
America, but when alfted down, they
LmmaUhe Reed, both tt
this city, ri-d win be a very attractive atrag the arm)'.
The deteadanta chartoreti a gaaoHae produced aoihlng that would Indlpat beginning of its minor stage.
Several years ago tha W. O.' T. V.
*nilrlby has given this particular all- were united in msTvlage by the Rev. lure tost w 111 doubtless heronc poputag from makfort. and laned direct- with any degree of denolteaeas. '
and other t
' '
A. A. Allliigton Tuesday evroiing at
dislarfl^ Mgs- Uci.netl is tberoughly ca­
Ip to the life Mvtng depk on South
pauin toroaghoancrani
While the lack of' Information has oovered Its cause, yffect and
-------o'clock, at tbe home of the bride's pable of coaducilng a.hotel tt this ■ucc^ded
Manltoo frocn which they went to
order aboUshlng the pen ratoon
cauaed friends <ff tbe missing airmen a certainty. Dr. I. L. Mliceler address­ nrtUher, 746 Webster stresn.
kind aW will bav<- no difficulty In rbere tbe soldier bought light bow.
lUh ahaatr of Heat, and broke into to fear the wont, the poaalbUlty of
A small c-impeny of immediate rel- keeping U flUod.
tobacco and playod n^ and cards.
ed the mothers on "The Bclailon of
the hplldlng where they found isa their baling landed la the
lives and friends were present and
kega of whltefiah ready dor ■htpnent of upper Canada haa made the search- T^lb to tbe Health. - which was also
gooe euUide of his | .
one tt the Important and Interesting the happy couple were auended by
while el^t other Sega which w^
wHhed to bay liquor. As a ponsO
all iMt abandon hope of ever aee featiirsB of the afternoon'^ program, Mr. Orllo Steele and Muu HUmle
queoce the gates of toe army poafo
not ret banded were alao Cottad. Ike^ tag them alire. Hundreds of aUlea
Reod, aimer of tbe bride. After ^
are now frtaged witn a serffia tt
................. ______ ._.‘«rtwoke*a of from food or abelier. they could not while Dr. E. B. Minor gsve one of not
green swlagtag doors on the buUdtags
ceremony, dainty refreshraents wtte Annual session tt |
less iniereat on "Caura snit n-.nit nt ceromony^
the fiah not ready lor ahlpoient i^d Rag aarvlve Oelr bardahlpa to this
(rton wfaleh uound ttd HMwSt-dfEye Strain."
g^ iMbd. jfr. Wellman haa worked for;
City Will Haw« Strong
proceeded to load an of the keg* M- district H to beUered.
etoctrie plawM and ta whl5^ ittThe program was varied at the close some yean In this cUy aad to well
dier ta not Umltad 1 '
on the boat, laapectlng
the whotc
The only hope'of resrue lies la their with a vncal solo b>i Miss Ruth no- known and respected h> all.
laduoad to drinkaMboagh thay awore on
liadlDg an abandoaed Smp of
lead. a violin aelecdon by Mis:; Con- bride to a' splendid young
Fuii;<crimemlciit 1. i!. -Gilbert left
ritaeaa ataad that t
iamber party.
Hope df finding the sisnro Hoyt aad a reclutlon by Ml«* toe east side, and hoUi’^ hrlda anf this noon for 1 lay city, to attend 4b«
arfi bUwhole lot la two hoars time.
4arl> opposed to these pnraaHo aadie of exposure Margaret Peteriyl all of which did groom have a mnlfltude tt
warm Mlchigau State Teachers InhUtuto. luoBs ouuide of post, and In saasa 1%^
Ia the nealh of Dacmaher. iPOg.
isidered dim Ay Canadians wbo
'friends who wish them every aoccets which will be held la that city Octo­ riattoro have wrwked
fall to hold the attentioD
Smith asd Eddy awore out a warraat know tbe country. The terrttory to
and happiness in their wedded Ufa
rttobery bavn been made agnlaat
ber 77 aitd 2S. At Ibis metting the
listeners from first to last.
for the anwat of Maas balore JuAto>
They wiU r.-main ta the city for a matter of unil<>to'!t> oi text Lo^s ta toe proprietors tt noma of
of the Peace L. H. Gage of Elmwood ire believed to hare ventured that a
brief time, xfid ‘then will leave tor the state will be bivwtghl op. as win offleera of tbe army aow baUeve tbfit
It ti tar better to allow the noMlan
towndhlp. and alao adrred ootloe for standing army could not patrol
Tli.}Jd River, where tocr.wtU make nlHi toe mail.-r of the «lJsirlln<km tt to drink beet Inside a FOR than aa
Tbe Dusaoldodf -erew tolled 32 hours
tlioir bume
tbe primary money. Several prorabieni drlnkypoor whiskey outMde. Onneral
reach a clcai^ce. when much
Kpeakeru will appear on the program Wood cpenly declares ktaMcIf an advocste tt the post saloon^
nearer civilisation than tbe probable Amil Wiekanburg United at Marshallauch a> Dr. tvood Hniclilnson. and tilt
• tewn to Mitt Gladys Gray of
by Mr. Gage and ordered aeat to the :ur^ tt tbe America n.'
Tbe suggoeUon 1s made ta the re­
Rev. .S'.-waU WwlgUt HlIL, |«Mor tt port (hat a tbird army reaerve be
Konhara Uiehton-asnnm ta this
I'lymooto church Ufooklyn.
S. V.. estatiliebed eompooed tt a*lh-who
dty. It was farther brongbt oot la the
Well Knowr Traverue City Girt Tak- w lw win talk on 'Th^-ftsuerlca tt To­
Marshalltown. Iowa. Oel 26 -.\mir
teetiBoay. Ibat the fish taken from
regalar service or dhe-aSMMg wM
Veung Man
day and Tomurro*.. Commands Rob- the
Wlckenburg of Tra'ci-se City
(ouid be paid aominal saianea
Bbaaty on South Uaalion by
I Pontiac.
E l’.-aiT will give an illustrated r at depanmoDt. They would keepibn
Gladys Gray of Lapder were niarried
the depoltaa oa July 11. 1*07. were
lecrurc eu the dlsc^er.v of liu> North
-- ........... ly advtrad
tt their
here nl 2 o'clock ibis a/K-rnoon. at
that same day taken to Emtdrc.
TIu- marriage of Miss
liuirice I'olc: Mr*. Gudion 'Thurne.Tbompsnn. addrotasa. The only dmy tar theee re­
whara part were ahlppsd by rail to the Jamas OMmetd Tallied With Augua- the borne of tbe bride's sunt. Mrs. nueltmaniel. only daughter of Mr
serves aaggeeted by Oeaaral Wood is
the. aupcn idor of the llnlrersfty
George Lvon. They will live at l,a- and Mrs A. It.
Jadami state prtooa and the other
twa Past sf America II at Car.
Huollmantel, aad mentarv school of Chicago will g^ve that toep B'lend a yearly taaBMCvrar
1'bus there would always be at the
pcer. where .Mr Wickenburg is to en­ Gienu UowW, of Pontisc, vu qulotpart to one of the Indnstrial acboeis.
tor’s Siding.
talk on ' Fairy I'aies and Po.-lry in call of Tbe army a reeefre body tt
gage In the ctothlng business.
asd testtod of betas billed at 1*00
ly ooleninUcd at the home of. Father
Kindergarten 'and
I’rliuary men wtn In tbe past bate recolvod
to they war*
bOled as 7700
TTwre la sUll much Interest
M'lckenbarg. u
well Kuown Hhuer. who performed the ceromoay Grades: ' Mr Richaid Tliomas Wynrh mtUtary Ibstruetlon*, fruabMed up
wery year wiib field iMbeaeirs.
poqads. Tbe report was made to the whineabonts of the balloon Amerlc.
In Traverse City. He h-fi here nbou: Wcdncsday morning -wlto only ib« president ot to,, National Story Tel­
Severe condemnation If mads of
ctata fiepartiaeot that Z700 pound,
which iiasred over this i^ctlon three wrok* ago, for
relatives and Inimedlaie
friends lers League, wii; also give as ad- in.' (00 frequent Vraettoe tt baullag
tt 11^ fish ware talun.
Tuesday night. Oeiotter JK. Deputv- where be was preceedi-d by .Miss Grs> of tbe rontrading parties In attend- d«f&s
Tbe tollowliig teachers will s'-aoldfee op for trial dor some mtaar
The ease of Haas agaiast the depu- State Food Inspt-cior G4«rge M, Dome
The. bride wore a
brauUful leiive in toe morolng u> attend toe oflcnivc.
f«"w daya before, after thci had
es was tried by a fury which ren­ was neSr Honor when the balhioa, ytolied here a abort time
Tt indkaifir^sayss the
too report. *
gown tt cniam rilk over laffeia. The insiitui.- Mi«s .Marion PratL spperl!irops<-tu' o “ e part
■ tt' <_________ „
dered e rerfilet ta faror of tbe plala passed over that point and later met
touple was attended )>v Miss BUnch viKor or ilie dias'lug dgiiarliuetit. Ul«s officer*
to u
■sund tbe human *ia«
Uff for fg7.Mi. this being tbe ralue of
Sbllllday of Grand Rapids aad Mr. Ethel G:bb». Kupeni>or o( music. Ni-oi of command, and results oal^(ao ofDesmond tt
tM packages of salt whiieflab of te- Cbemical company at Carter'. Siding
Bowles, u hroUier of the groom.
MaXted, MU* Kiildah Kvsns and Mlia fen In breaking down lh» auU reapegt
ake with the intsreat from July Sid Mr. DeamoDd pepoited a conver Sutss Grouped with Michigan ComIHrectly after toe ceremony the Lula Thompson of the I'nion siren of the soldier and rendoiing him carelee* of resniu. General Wood says
1*«7 to the date of the trial uf MUon with Augus(u.H pom one of ih,.paiwd WHth Former Decade.
iTIilsl-party aad friend* wont to the rcboo;, and
of tbe
be Carors the eetabUshment tt
Washington. Oci 2«: —In addltiOM lo home of the bride's j>srenls on Esii Oil; I'.Tlt s.ho^,
ocentiSBU of the bslloon w-lUrh de­
tys'em ofjdlrclpllbe tor unruly so;.
The defense was that all of tbe fisa scended to -wltLIn about l<j<> feet ui ibe cities the ceiisur ri-rarllulate).i N'into strovi. where s'l
elatwira;Ulers tooklng to their rttOTV xa well
taten were of inegal
«!». which tfie earth, the basket almost lourf;
as toelr pmUhmem. He objects t
wedding breakfast war wrved Tbe
Ibe spidlc - a of- toe
• term 'convla"
lies for w Wch ih.- census r^-.urn- looms wcr,. i*«;-fnl!.e iirrungcd iu
raised the goestion of fact for the ing the tops of some of the low tim­
soldier* wro ar,' dishonorably dl*Jsn*. The ouir question of law in (he ber of-that secUon. where Mr. t>-e- have be< n published Up to tot 2".
rsnij'itm- ‘ii honor of th,rbarged from toe service because tt
They sere Rhode IsUod. Mleblgaii. event, the brid-'r tabic b.-ing u»]>ec«ae was wbother tbe plalntlS oouW mond was at the time Ooi- of tbe
lOelr baviog te-en convicted tt ftv.i
reoorar value of tbe fish of Ittogal capants of toe balloon callt-d to
prcvtoits offences which are la many
Ully pretty.
UistanccA minor effeores.
This, be
rise, aad the court held that he conld
and Mr*, flowlee left on the
and adttd for itw> locatio;). mont and Ma*»acbuBciiS; The appre­
says, lx apt io destroy In a large meui
DM. but the Jury haring touad that He asked the name of the rounty and gale populailon for these seven states
train lor'a >hin trljx before
urc their futpre UM-fulDeot a* d'lrcB*.
Uk ^ were lesal stoe. warranted (he iLeriliage they could see from that war 1ti.SKS.2T2. an increase of UK roing to Iw-trolt. where ,\ir Bowles
Oeneral Wood reconmends frequent
WiaiJiii -\Uaok of Ma; field I0«netii BS agains: an lncr<-ar>-of is i
rttMtartag tt tbe rerdict.
engaeed in toe drug bUKiiless and itbip ns in V"* '■liy Wednesdav travel for field offlem In order that
point, and also what would be the'
Attorney J. J. Tweddle tt this city Urgent city ibst they would strlko per cent during the decade of IbM' where ihey wii; oak.- iheir tuiurc with
veilow globe onloDs ihst they may observe tbe l
well trained bodlc-s ot troop*. He gnghandled the caee for Mr. Haas and it next. They were told thit their course
home. Best * t.'>'he> of a borl tt friends hi- hj* raised on hr* farm in the val­ gesls thar u. many ttfioera u paratThv populsiion of Jefferson couti'v.
to micrestlng tv know that tbe plain­ would cany them over Traverse ('ll)
extended to the hai>p> young poo- ley of lie Ooardman river
There ble be gi't-M an opponanKy tt Ob­
tiff waa over a year iu getting ter- H< then called to Mr. p-smond, -Re­ Kentucky, roniainliig tbe diy ci
onion' ar.- extra fine and he r»porTi serving tbf work of tbe Rurnuaa ar­
Loulsvlllv< as enumentted tn tbe thlrvioe tmoB the deft«danu.
harv.-»;,ng 1
bnifarit from u Ut­ mies.
port America II Octolier IS. A fi. all tiv^lh tensUB. Is 262.:C".'*ronipared
il.- b<-' or than an s<-n of rtver 1**well, headed portbeaet."
wliU 22:;.(« in 19(h>
land Mr Alvook alao'gTOvw Krd
the tilth'
And Began Hi« Ten Days Sentence M I'Mibvrfli-lij ollloll^ add U rooisdr-rGOOD MEETING AT KINGSLEY.
from John rvwllie the Iruportaare tt such re­
ibe inbtter qj ^nc Into to'- onion F.'-e Destroyed 7*0000 To*«s tt
Lrraager. formeny tt this city, but port DOT where to semi It. .\fter the
cork, oc.r- 2>' Anb-ir P. bUfliieM a* a commercial proposiUoi)
(hracite Cedi Today a<
DOW oT^VasMr. Mirhtgaa, states that cvmvwroatlOB, the oce-upant* tt tbe Archibald BloomfieM Cave Address
Hctnte. brother of .Xagusius. paid a ills farw U one-'haU mile square and
bis mother died Sunday mornirg and hsliooQ throwouitwo bags of balUi-t
cn State Issues.
A nolulier o' Trsverv,. City repub- fine of two buedrcl and fift.;' dollsr*. bis priaclpal crops for toe three years
that tbe tonetal ocrarred today.
after wblcb the balloon sMBt up acd
Superior, tVU.. Oct. 35.—A
and began a t>-n day.- s<-n'<-n>c in the Ibst he bas been on toe place, are
Mrs. LorangCT baa been falliBg*for etiiklag a atroag current of wr‘-a hcans went to kingsley last nigh; to
lied and
tons « amhraettg.
tombs today, tor sidlug a wiincs* to
hay and onlona
on to* M X Hanna cuat wharf barfisome time aad It was for this reason began salUtkg awiftly to tbe northeast. attend the n-poWiran meeting ad- escape 'to Canada.
ro'-rlr a Chicago man. but bad becom.- vd wdsy. Tbe loss 1s half a mimse
that Mr. Loranger moved from Trav
The oempaats tt tbe balloos were dT’-wbed by .\Tcbil«ld UloomflelJ. a''
entouslas'ic over the pleasoFcerne C1>y ao that be would be able to bundled n]> m furs aad Mr. DeslBood wtll known attorney of Big Rnpidiv.
SirtMay PMIuCk Supper.
and profits of tar.-nlng ta the Gtaad
Bloomfield gave & very comprrgive bis amber aeoessary attention. asked them if it w-as raid up there
Tbe members tt th? Pot Luck dub
Trav.-rac sretioa o.' Woatern Michi­
cad they replied that It was very coM hcnslve and Interesting
Dirigible Salioen Evening Pest Made
I tt Mrs. Jarkaas' home
gan. that fc<- ts non- planning to en­
and he Informed thrai that to? teto- state Issues and rcirain^ from mak­
Good Re^rd.
afternoon when she was out
large the scale of hi* operaUons.
Perstare was nearly at summer heat ing any auack^of any \lnd uptin toe
.Loodoo. Oct. 26—After five boors
driving, and upon her arrival at home.
aalUag, toe dirigible balioen. --BrcBKing «r Italy eiwtt. Ttwm Feraanai 1 that point on the sank.
was naturally much anipilfofi.
Taft Attendc Horw Show.
Ob tbe contrary, be referred to them teg Pott." flew across the Itngtuh
Thin tatonaatton. la subataace.
Washington, OeC 35.—PraoUnt *rhe tadlea remalnal for tbe afteraoM.
by Mr. Dame to the prwtteat tt In reebeetfut terms ahd eoafiaed his ehanael from Molssoas. pranes, ta Taft, hts wife and aasy on dreos pa­ hattag prorkied tor u pot lack aupsor.
Naplaa. Oct. M.-The Kteg,arrfv«d
hw* taday. to aettera aurm aufferera. the Aero club at St. Lautaand i. . remarks to ta^ts and fignqw wblcb
todar. The hailooa was rade. attended toe opeatagtt the Wash The erenlag was alao spent w«S tho
Ingtoe bone shew whieb opened ta
h to aaUmatod that Ifo are dead. ^ more dttau wae gtrea the Rooore bp (reaented in an extremely compra- roronOy .presented to toe agUth w
sea Tbe oecssioa -ras Hra Jar, toe AmeMcaa leagne park this attorwhile thoasa^s I
this gaorPlng by letophttie.
Iwowlrc wanner.'









JomuuNoi's norm MAB





t»* *0 Urt^

*• win
dw »Ma
nts «hMise*.

i ^ ■-


ammf WMC in—liir er the


Tk«re^. it tntf be cobdnded that

luwf. »•: "tat »«»«»■ •• pw


^ lUna a nogeeltlOB which «m
of the pdainoa of
• We^ at the aaaw time hU
at be aeoerdM the »Mect
a ocperlaaee chtUleB Uai.
Uptafer. U to a probten worthy of
ijaSW. h frtwM beta that the gov-

grSm'm^ eethUta a Itamt Of

#tatab AaT the foeattaa of i '
agwtbt to Otar pe*i% bat
mr^ tatfliiwt^eni an of

t dtoimieb to the
______ ...JAgeffewsthc-tanaUon U
n4 oTtln'pAta end dedarM that peracdir-t^imAflUlity'and pecnonal udtamfiMSi tUi omm tor

the heat taubt ef legiteanmfrw than
In nay wthrt time In reoent^Mtoofr.
)f a pdllucel idt-

_il^ M*mtM bbta thd tl'to the
nHMir'Uiw the party UM b aUxaet-tog the attStottoA of tW eolera.
THe'prtheipH bane beorecn

dtaunttic iMr:wtaM»*w pvtiM H
the'-ttrtC' b«t the WahUshment of a
tartff ll■l■l■l^f■ wCI laigdy •kaentn
tfuHafWmi'M to—e-.Bmilii. hath
pt^ tata tdUW tedgeti
ebon in the' pranent teAS bU.

I, i. 4wwi Wfttee ef C
Sl« ta^renemeMe et
ne trteada <ff J. E.
former' ta—r el the Heaeah * Lay
t«. wlU ha

ffed erith the oondiuona In............
vlth tb« ttcogtloi. pertwiM, of i
of tba nbn prealMt fvtr stroos; field at BdnBAdtan. Qtnada. The feP
loo^likg; extiaeta from h letter recvlv«d b> U. B. Kelley (i*ee eo Idee of
the alee ef the huaineae that he U
eondnctltig. aa veU aa the town in
much he 1« kxaied. He eaya:
I aaueur eoo4Riou. he*ld<>r,
*a en bovy but tike the work bellacreMiBf adruuce* offered In :r than retail There Is nek ao much
acboda end ceHe«M dnrlSf the detail and en much dickerlns aa there
lb the retail healneaa. Thea thH to
Um decode Ure tmded-to teo^ the
a arowln boaineea in a rowine r
■ u> think for theoe
e are $271 000 ahead »1
their o-n
eelret, and to exerclw
'ar'a bnali.efa and aim arow
"There have
hundreds of
Jttdsaeht rather than that of the parifa
bp this year and (hey are ockntor. There
miU dbobdeea be
enptod ta eoon aa they are doae.'
ijp dances tn the watplexion
The cliy ie huildina a
the heat ecocreea b«t vhaterer pari Hish aebool and one fine twelve boom
ly ahaoiee nay he effected, tt i> brick erade school, a new court hoqae
<I0|U pnhaWe that the seat eoacrei* are a!ao beiuc bul’t and both are fine
airectnref. The new
mllHon and
«U1 develop aUiaacee
bait pDvemmer.t building la eolruc
•roffreaeire vlnsi of each party and be floe, .t blah level bridee coaiioc
that the aadeaal houie «ff
n.OOO.m u beUfi built over the rivand will
Uvea «m.he4fht«grtlff.*r<

deffeAUHl « th« 4n' or «e United
The gabcnutorla] campaign U
*09: t> u.esheneUre iMOrt
at Its height In Mlthlgan. Chase sl
9Mi the Mtde. of the amr.
otMB oot tn taror of Oaboni. the repnbtican candldaieaMl
mk . f I'lTinrir - • - oc the eoWlen' Lnwtoa T. HemaM. the democTMic
edndMate, are touring the aute. telltng the people what a poor goverMr
the Other fellow would make. It oha
'ttaKVAe-i—bred that e eyeare
not be denied, bewerer, that
m. e. T. V. t
Ctobdlw has a awry etrong organtoa:Sr«M c—fitn asalut thb cu« evatML ft hail heen finoed ta tion and hU progreaalre policies sm
-«lhMa9l -hSr edheevi of the amy to be meeting wKh eonaideralde faTor
nil ore rtbe stau. and aa Is the
dtot ft wmM be a laleukc le
lint the W. C T. U. Snat- care tn many odwr atnnn. ft is Ue
personal quanuet oLtbe two eanfil«MiaK Wtad dMcrthed the evUa of datae that form the dhief element
dHe'ffrMnff njateto tn no vmcdnaln In me campaign.
Both declare tor certain reforms an.
fiMfM tfc ffrifi is hla belter that
AtfoliUeM It amy swtta i^re a there atMu to be verr Utile differ
Mb tar ^ he toM to the eoMtera enca to , their poUcles. The repoblioan
ta tafftaWi' to the chMp atste centtol committee, headed by
Mm: taltb' nH eatnbUahed adfe- CbaHi^ W. frank Knoa, haa in­
fbr the pamoM of jected Into the campaign a sjatta
of the aiMlen.
that bat. been effectire, and the com■«M— Shi* it tab nmeh better
inittee'' to ^Adent now that Osborj
tai UliUHb WiBh e light beer than >m be elected. In the meastinu. Hr.
d»>«irwe <!• intaafeaiion habit by
ana to making a gallant fight and
III ta0M'to tk« «lvap Iktoora eedd la Ub ft.urn to oQOffdent of nc—
at'dAtaga aOddi the eoldler* could
Both are rurriiriitailti dttoen
Hr., Oebors seems tc^ have the bettin m o*»r hand be argnea tha! Hh dk M at thb Ume. Anyhow, we will
Vlhs enltoteff aaeS had acceoe
Uar all about It November 8.
JOR'chBlata he wbnld net find tt
iipulti M ae
taoona arhani,
AB'iiAV eaan. iaioaieetkin vae the

CfiDeago. -Oct. 2S-—Butter-eteafiy;
glOfiSe: dairies. fi2«Rc.
: recelpu S.6U c«eea:
mark, cases tsclnded. iSfAOUHc:
firsts. 2414c; prime
rClgc. Buckwheat .................................
Cheese Steady: dables. AfiDlAlke:
caiief <f Police Onries tO. Aahtoc
•s pntchaoed a brge groeery Stock twine iteuikc; young Amertoaa. IJ
(B Grand BapMsandwOl leave eoon Cl5Hc;1oiig ftoran. KHBlCHc.
Cor hb new borne Ur. AMtea bought
atore owned formerly *>J H- PPOULTRY.
Pierce A torn in one of the beet bu>lChicago. Oct. 25.—Poulto—Ksto ;
t kxniiotis in .bet etty. wblcb U
Sooth DivlsloB street. The etere turkeya. 14c: bens, lie; springs. lOb.
bonding b pe feet In length and over
Oct 25. —PouUnr—
to feet franuge aao u oee of the
rf-ased. weak; weetera broilers. I7f? Oilckens. SprlBBi’W H-.
iwowtory O'pe. hnck buOdlngs
The new fins will be known as ik S0c;do fowls. lieitHe: do spring Chlckena old. per lb.................... 8b9r
.\shtoii Grocerv- Compan}-. hltss Ui it.:r.;ejs 11622c.
rs Ashton left this tnorfilng and wU!
Uke a position os bookheeper and
cashier. The Aahtcn family has rertd
I this city for t^ past to years
- frteods. although dUllklng to
ban leave, fflve their best wish­
. W to «fie
er lb their new venture.


he eomplcied this fall. One t
church for Ibr MHbodUts will
Bntsbed sooif and the Presbytenans
have begun a^flVO.Ouo
church and
have the mooey (u pay for It on hand.
The wheat crop will BV
lb MVticn
secUen ahom'u
' '' wefft as bight as i
acre. Some fields
m bsaheb per sere. It looks
like I was trying b> twom this coun­
try. but I am not as It is ju»l the
awy I find it. There arc Just at nice
people here at aeywiicre—except In
TmTccac City. W« like' it and kave
idenu' Ml. drink, waar and enjoy
s jwople In other dvj-


SS&.'SLr V


WUUmsburg, Oct. 25.-The funeral
of little Oenla the 8 year old daugh­
ter of Mr. and Mrs. flohen Clow, a as
bald from the home here last Thurs­
day ariernoon. the Rev. I'pham of
Central I^ke. officiating. Mrs. t'phsin
"Sometime Well lts4ersUDd.~
"Safe In the Aimt of Jesus." Se>
eral relatlvea' and friends from ou
af town acre preaent and the houae Foutoea. per bushel .
was ovcrfiowlng with syapathltlas
Menda Many beautiful (iowera were
sent at tokens of esteem snd sym­
Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Hoyt have beei
entertaining their daughter and granddaughter. They returned to their
home at Boyne City Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. H. I. Hobba apent
Sunday here with relative*.
Mias Leu Ulow returned to he:
home at Central l.ake today aftei
apent at the Clow home,
-be eighth grade rtasa will bold a
ial at the town hall Prlday Nov.
Ice cream and cake will be se
ilog early to
money for <iheir
«d's Daley feed
H. I- Hobba, I
1 by >trs. aeet steak, rauud. per Ib...

«Sf SS .

STATE OF MIClllCAX, the Protote
.Coon tor ue Cbnnty ot-~Otond

Notice to beeehy giren that (ear
montha from the 12th day of Oetober,
A. D.. 1910. bava b(«n allowed for
creditors to preaent their ctatoto
against aald derenaed to eMfi «Mrt
ta entotonUoa and ndjtaantovDM
Itora oC aald dectoato art
. .
preaent their Heims U|
said court; at the praUtc office, to
City of Traverse CRy. to naM

claims will be board
hoard by «aid towrt «a
the Uih day of February. •
nt ten o'clock In toe teto >
laving decided to locate In TraveClty. I wlU engage In the folloa
Dated October I3th. A. a 1$16.
log bualaees:
FftED R. ft'AUaCR.
Money to loan on Improved farm
Judge m Frabate:
and cliy property, real esute, Insur*
Slice—also will do aocUoneerim. farm Oct. 14-21-26-Nov. 4-tl.
sales espcclalty .aoltrlted. 1 aollcti x
share of your patranage—terms
Win be located by October 3. me.
ntone.^11. Mt Best Bighth atraet.
rfttb Century Auctioneer.
Sept. 2e4oceAmdI

Thrift iS a simple thing, but it
means a great deal. It is tha
foundation of financial success
and coixtentment.

a Cluea Stores et S p. m. CaFavors StaU Impectien.


. le members of the Traverse City *♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦«
Betall Draggbts aasocUtlon met NonCopeuilsh. Oct. 23.—WllUs Rock
Well, who hartaco very tick la nbk
t om>• be out again.
Miss Blanche Briiuiner was calle.i Urtkl'er’lb ... .................... isifjkc
hooie from Holgatc, Ohio. Monday, ui
ircount of the serious illueM of he
oaiuraaf romuea.
The workings of the ti< w drag law^ notber, Wrs. /Iba llriimDcr
calling for Insp^tion of the drajis
Grant, a-to ha* been *l<-k for
and remedies of all drug aiores was
urnd. The aaaoeUUon la bearv 1 long lime b reported better.
Mias Donna Uoltou visited her paps
B Uvor of the tow as they belle
vUte inspertlon will prove bci
Aetol In ellrntnatlog to a great Testent.
Miss Lulu Timikk vUited her slste.
A' fttahlngton dbpatrtf
It li expected
Irv. Riftit Craig Jt TliumpMDville.
the todnstry of. ralaliig osi
• Trai
Mrs. D<a: Ctonitll is on the sUV
referi. to a German dealer who has!
..20 t
plac^ spot the market large anmMrs. Wabb ( oravU Is ou the tick
beraV theae millinery produrm at
prleed ranging from ftSO to |712 each
Mr; Ralph Sliuona ta home fro-n
nnd foea on to aute that In Cape
Colony. South Africa, thdre are about t< V«sr OM Daughter ef Jeoeb Cull Snilc. helping take care of his aister
man Faaaed Away Thia Memino
ra. AQ» Ortmmer.
600.000 ume oetrtaes.
After Long Sidlering.
Miu Arthur Lake tram Pomom. h
Thb euggeeu a eolation u a certain
Buoah A Lny On
Ruth, the youngest daughter i working,at kEdgar Bclmmer's.
extent, of the millinery problem, ft^iy
Erie Rose of Frankfort, visited hlwould It not be better tor the bead Jacob OuDman of 809 Sooth Union
street, died Tnesdsy after a long parents. over Sunday.
Of the boueebold to buy aa ostrich '
U aftlch had confined her to her
Mias J£dUile<-n Noud visited Mi>^
find get the-temlaibe head gear dec- . for only a few weeks past. Al­
Hr. ............................................ Me
WkUon at firm band* We are Inclined though she had suffered much, sbe Doloris Briggs over Sunday.
Mr*. Ktiie FUuUtk of Neasen I'ltv
wss of a very bright and cheerful dls
to beUeve tn aome InaUnces. even
poaltJon dod was deservedly iwpul
'.'iriit'd friends :n loan Sunday.
Traverae City, that It might be a good with young and eld. Mbs Ruth w
Michigan State Land Offict.
Mia* Marion Srhnci<l<T amit to .Vv«
Lansing. October 1. ISIO.
almeet 16 years old.
■en City Suiiday. to church
Besides her father, there are f
lu- lollualng tlpscrilH.^ SWAMF
brothers and three sisters residing
Their LfKI
Lfttle Daughter,
in Uk- County of
thb cHy.
•Deathb entered the home of Hr. a
GRAND TlUVKHSE heretofore en­
Mca. Itol^ Andereen Honday.
tered under l.iremie, Udve been forcarried away their UtUe
ielK-d b? reason of abandonment And
aged 2 yeara and three montha. Sbe
M>n-ioa)pUiiju« aith the roquireoicnU
had been ill bat a abort time, awl
*: the laa. and having revened to'
death was unexpected. The funeial improved picking Methods ResuH in
the Sule. will be restored to xmry
Mrs. George Sebnop, of Cblcego.
was held at 2 o'clock thb afternoon,
Defter Prices and More
baa been spending a few weeks with by oflering ■.hem tor sale' at a public
tram the home, 601
west eevenih
her nmiber. Mrs. North luction to be behl at tbe State Lend
street. Burial was In Oakwood cem­
Off!..- to the City of l*ii*iRg. on
Thorsdav, iIk- truth day of November;
rear in bu
o'clock a. m.. at
A. I).,
tber will becoii* aubject
d be ibe c
a tileh I
The Demeo of The Air
Aaved From the Grave.
(o purebaee In the luauuer prcciril
to the germ of LeOrtppe. that, breath­ tost wUter. So tar^SO boyes of gml- "I bad -about given np hope, aft
bv !a«.
ed In. brings enffering
nearly (our*«-oars of aufferlug from
lu after effecu are a.._____ ,___
severe 1lung trouble." writes Mrs. M
lack of eppetiu. enerc- (lly, and sold f. .
U Dix. • I'larksvllle. Tenn
, TraverM
ered Uver at 63^ a box. From
hem would 1
to ewruln that these ap ......... ............ 1 could not
i kidneys. ThesMateet
8«4. Town
U E|e^' Btt^, eta MlendM twle;
work, but Dr. King's Ne»- Discovery
of N\V«n
Mood pnrtfier aM regulator^ Stomnie feel like a new person.
has made me
crop c
Its the b<-si mod
made for the
Ibc ne
throat and lung*." Obstinate couRbs.
sittbboru colds, bay fever, la grippe-,
irthma. croup, bsajtchilto and hemor- STATE OK MICHIGAN [he tarobai.
Court for the Couiiiy of Grand
rhwes. hoarawu
this aonder^ netlatortfay gnianteed by C. A.
.At a session of aaiil rauri. ticl.l
Try if. &0c and 1
the probate offKv. m the I'lly ..
Trial tKKlles lOc. Gnanmced
Kalknska. Oct. 26.—At a meeting of
. 8. E. Walt L Tni'ers.' Cil>. in said co mty. on th.
d«v of O.-toIx r A 1 . 191»'
the village council last evening. Earl
MUST SELL at once a Uttle fio
Hen Fred t. VVe'.ki-:
HaO. the owner of the horse that aas
Otoopehlre ewea. moetly yannft «nu
Jmlg'' Of FrobauL
butft lambs. Very best breeding. ktned In the nccldcnt mentioned In the »
the maiit-r of the estate qf "'ilTHE MARKKTft.
iwm een (henp. J. W. Slater. Trav- Record yceterday, was reimburaed to
llatu llroat.. deceased.
erne Chy. Midi.
pot. Tdf Qic full value of the aninisl. Ora >•«•«♦•♦♦♦♦♦♦♦••
Marlin llrown hartog filed in sahl
No ebaages occur in the local mor court bU peiltioD praying that the adSinclair, the owner of the other horse
mlatmion of said estate be gniiitfd
that was Injured so as to be of bo k<u today, the aanie 'old story about to himself or :o sonic other suitable
further nse. was also reimbursed
It is ordered, that Ibc .'.th da» of
This was unexpected but very gra: agaln. Theae are quoted at 3b cents
ty appreciated by the men upon whom per bushel as usual About to toadi No>cmber A. D IKly, at t.-u o'
In the forenoon, at said pro'.at.- orilic
the toss win fall heavily.
be and is hertby appoiuit-d for lira:price for hay is quoted at $18 per
Inc said petition

and this only makes an occasional
It I* furtlu-r ordered, that publl'
no-jrc (hereof hr- R^cu liy'iO'i
Kingsley. Oct. 2;.—Mrs Hex Stoekof a «op\ <»f his order. !<ir ihrw sm
ih left yesterday tor Alaska. Saak.
•-cssivc wa-t-ks prvtioes to said day pt
Canada, to join her husband who went
t■ea^llu:. to th*' Grand Traverse Ho.-ald
Buffalo. t>ct 2i2—CatUt- l'*'
there about a year ago Mr. Storka neaspaper .printed and circulaied ib
fish has pntased a 226 are farm ntwdy; tTtfMO- Onlvev. loO
said coonty
there and they Intend (u make It their 2Sc Koaier; Weid.OO.
Sheep. i.OOe.
pcrmaneai home.
Judpc of l*robkt
A fsrea-elt party was given lo honor slow; eboiew lambs. $bMtft7- sheep. D«. j4-:i-JS.
of Mta. Sftricfisfa by about te of her fS6t.73. Hc«s. 2j5t‘. *•»*; yrkers
friends and neighbors All expressed $J.25©S'j5; pigs. »J0tr9.3.7their regr.t that they were to lose
BO good a neighbor, and the good
wishea of the entire ommnnhy go with
Chicago. Oct. 26.—Close—Wheatthe famiti
nlly In theirr new home.
«Hc; «>ru. «%c; orts 3l4acftferea
Detroft. OctBalleu hate otun caused leas satletdag to soldiers than the ecaema L 96c; corn m»c: oats 2IHr.
ft’. HaiTtmaa. Burtlvtoo. Me., got ta
Toledo. 0«. 26. -Ctoae—ft-benithe army, and Mffervd with, tarv H>«c: corn 51c. oau 24>4e-------L *-Bot Bpcktab Arnkto Dalva
____ I me when an aba failed." be
writes. Greaust healer ta Sores,
ttars. Boib. Buna. CvU. Woonds.
■tsitom and POea fi6e nt C. A. BsgEa Onw Co, 8. E. ft’aft BAAank * Uy Here. On.


This bank will take your de­
posits. large or small, and care
for them safely, return them to
you on demand and allow you
three per cent interest.


We invite your account, assur­
ing you courteous and con­
fidential treatment.

......... iiS




nsT stmins


lieVllliarpo»f>c> Ob bnitem
«aee b
> lUS i. l«t
Mm. Ji dx Mma, wmt d
hi Knice raxWh iu hfcRd d,.
baabnee dbRce»ii«
WU cl iUinat o> •••ap KtdnlK the
hMW cf r<nip w>l 0<>>Mie ci<toi,»-dd>.alclcwClW<abk.,


.v.v. f? S. £

. ...Afibita
The Call of the Diooff
purillcetion. finda voice to ptototoa.
..tla atUow
a j»—Etosff
look, moth pafttaea ata hlotcftea'eft
the ekto.—an aigim of Hem- tnobto.
Dot Dr. Klag'a .New IJfe ROto oak* rich red blead: give «*«er tote, fotr
cb<<eka, fine eomplexicm. batoth. Try
tbesii. 25c at C. A. Buifoee PitaCe..
8. E. ft'ait A Soito. Hannah * Lay
Merc. Co.

Fah Term Now Open

, Oldest, Luvest and Stroogesc Bank in >'
Nonhero MtehijEao

The Ever-keep
Ciiiiftlng Compound
The Kousoai'e's Krieud, a periectly aafe. ouiu. - u4 euperta
preseiS'atIve for all canned fn-ll*. vegeUWea, etc.
iRar Keep
Canning Tablets tmi-rote the flavor, raior and
IretoMM Of My
catw«.^lcle and preserve It fram detdriorall^ Cuarwiiteed u»
di r the food aeu

ISC a paekaec, $ i(r$Sc;ai


Hssonle Block '

Tnvcnc Cliy. SUck.

$35.00—0ur Special,
Farm Hamess--^.(NI
T:.:- I.aiiirss 1* a splendid talur. a uioat *«r<ict-ablc aud dnruUe ter*
1., •' nth MyU and the grcatc»l aear rcslrtllig qualitlea.
\ sirifCly So I Oak T-nuvd lUrnr-m'made iu •■•jr oaa aho|>.

(>ak T.-ineed Haroc**.
Brldic-ai In cbc.L-. eeaslWe lll•r|lc^8 l-.-rtber blmfo. Wlto*lpOt fore



lane* y ni.h ;l to r: f‘ k*l«5 »i’l> r"'!!?
Unai?t Stroiir -1‘; In. witll rlidc* and
MBStlncnleiin. »ltb 1 In collar strap*.
Itomiu—Ulatk >So. tOiiXC iilau- itou o>cr-»op
Tracee—II, ui Uiree full length pljs. with smew caekwye*. .
Hame Tugo—Ur*Je grip boekles
Pads—A'l harocae leather stuffet* pade. with bbofcs and tataa.
Back strapa ] la.. Hip atrapa i, in . aidi Trace <Hrrtaw.
Brceebing—FtoMed with Ujer.
Spreader and Tk Ssrai*—H

f '


wkh anapa.^


enevrcaswal afwaTinSwjr


Conte tn. sf< this iuiru.-*s as It to betor made, thereby sasartog Tov
•t !l of Ike qttotoy of Iceiber and aorkmaaahlp wquJrcd to pruduee a Mo. 1

Farmers* Sui^y Co.
Traverse rsy, Hiclk

- ,


'^rTT3»- T'T*'’?



T.-aa» C?5k. Trts ‘ter . tea'hi

ConducLed by Miss Edna Wall

Mr* .V E. Fulver r*hnad ta .h^
iHun* » SamnUt CR^ tbte

*iaa Cftr'yrateiday. e*lB« »tli .Ott/
Mali.' arr tli- pl>rnt>iiii:iial puLaio Holmand'a
{ mioKs. EUarr Itnaisiaii dn« a bill vf
Roh. Pranie left thik monUng *w
i IK.;3i('<‘a coetailalsi; ir potaUiM Vii'ii
CaUM Oaak.


bU,:. .,d . •>:


. iXf.- i—.-.


Hazah •k^alca react, waakaa
... -td ig;





to ue'i-u
cood Lito>.
_ _ _
.ioll ji. i tjk,. itiOiO. ad
AdJi< •» WKluiiu Fl(*Bereia..-Hn *s.
,»»- lur'thr WlbUr.
, ,
, , .
I 1r<”H ema!! jnleli rr a illll.' over ai'
Klngsle.v. Route 2.
Mies .A. Brooks is at "JkorilJfieW' atBen Port of Bridlng lx tmiMatag
i! virclo. nail.
»uU-h >ieldej ahaul i«Mi l,ii»li
One of tbv
[ vM o( ;<otdto-«. Ueorse Bowman dug cr a lew weeks' vimt at Deu'd. Col luritteas In tbe did; toAay.
UOd* that baa
XVill exchaugr far c»Ul* ot approv­
tbta M>cUuD
ed paper price t*& D»U phon*.^^
Ure. XVidric la viaiiliiB'tie.* mother 4«** ♦ 4'4 4*««*^4>* tor a few dal's.
at ibe h«ne of
, ...
. Pratt. Old Mivton.
znBCTOBS^A. Tner i^r, K- Mr*. sated
Jc*o M'aU. Oct. 18lb. the occa- ihe j

,>x<-'by tljidtiinn .sntadiy.-d a
tbrtr BoWeo weddln« ao- The •courae of Empire" aeemed to'
■Ion . t
blTewrr. W. W. Sous.
'OrelIi.k,ilU-, .'iwii.. Cht. 26.—We
In more «'*>'* than on* it was a eamc here from that countr>. G. O. ‘-“'r
nouble catherloff. It came aa a sreoi Nlrkerson waa the Ural In ih- >earofi
Sa'nniT >» « tadillar vts.i- cy;er.d o'-ir syuniffllby Jo the CumpboU
aurprUc to Mr. and ilm. Wall- It
l\Cd. The ooumv wah by boat to ®r •
ecu tSMK4 01 Tlae Dcpodti an nnusuai event to oelebraU • Bold'-o Traverae fity. on the old boat Alle-' '<rs e-mu' wa- tW gu-.-st-of'Mra frmll.T In tb«lr jwre.-.'emcnt.
. Miss labile Thies J* away on her
Tcddlnc. ThU is Uie only soideii wed- Ebany. Tb- road »a* the old Sute HcddleaitTi IrM n-.elc. . : .
Joe Molaon loft \V,-dne*day Tor De- t; cation.

jr. B.~AMr«i «n CoSeetiaBi mad din* annlveraar) Uiat »a* ever rcle- road thai rtii.* paM tlrawii. The atop.
brated In thla vleinit}.
pins plare was-.Monroe Onter, and i-ni:.
M'e arc very -ujlry ib' hear of Mr.
Oa-lng to the hindneas of an old from (her.- east. wHb .aueb of their
.'trs Slarrow
Sll.-'* I.CWIS. Ttiiee be;D4.6tl and «iu hope be
sme friend
and neijtbbor (ilra. Browni'. Sir. nelEbbori who came ahead. Sir. Wall £n>i<h of Honor Sii.idny.
t. TnnrM City. MKA.
and Mra. Wall and ehiter. Sire. I»trt. and pwife came with the KliiRslrya.
Siepli.'Tv Ihinnell and wif.-- iiTi .MonInvited to apeud tbe day
berlJudaoii Kiiiioth-y ior.iled on a claim <’nv dor <'ihl<i. w!ie>.: (Ii-p. w ill nuik.•We ure clHd 1- -<1jcar
that Mrs.
youniter iK-ople laklnE
home. The younKer
ud-:where the UlInKe of kluEalev now ih< Ir fuiureAonuJ1CIM.S Corristoa n- getflur bi tter efvamace of their
to do a little atandK. Mr Wall »-lUud <
heir nh»--iice
It last
k- K(-i>; > •ii.»i
..... U
. has obiai
ter l«-l»s ill for some lime.
dMoratlns. Tbe roonis wore boautlKiD^sIe.'B. They lived ed a teaoai-r. Slis.. Smith
nlth ■of Honor..
I'm. bey<H-.
Deyi also
- a. Jir. Ptid Mm. Chariva Newman of
r But* K*pre*en»U»-e—WnJUin fully deooi^ted In autumn loavea and with old Sir. XVm.
. —bans :iulli .anJ pn-par.'
county, ininoit man until
ibeir log
til their
ii„n wade .to lumlier th<t Oval Worn Kksaon ■ visitetj their uncle Oeorge.
***A*proEram much In koeplns with home waa built. The trees
es had to he f;tih timber netir M<Mt-ha»rs.
brn-. Sunday
the apirlt of the hoQr wa» Elven. The cut and cleared away for the location.
Mrj. Ciirii
n -.h<* sick list last
Howard Nt'Wiuau was
welcome addreaa
'*■“ loE» hi-wn Into &hi— '—
Rev. BridEewater.
Jr w‘»b
'. Ht-- worked :
Fi i«iay ',.venlUE.wi*en a number of his
FM- Oomitr
tciiui. choppItiE. burnltig the vii-l
* t ieiAs vailed upon him ot s|>end the
*ln forests, which would now bt- « ♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦•♦♦
EOlden ueddlna bode small fortune. Supplies were lirougbl ^ .
♦ I 'ei(liTa,.r.sueliiE him jo reiucuiber ba
bc^»mel. from. Traverse city.those days by any 4 * 44 4 44*44*4*«A is 17 years ol ase. All had a pIsMFar borppOT John C. PoMt, WOby Mr.
A^pHjdnal poem waa i
Itm IL Darta.
w!’.;r ,>-^u.ui. mv.u. «c.
Wair#»U-.. Mra. Dari of RemlaHoiai-r
Will Uura and KA. all of whom are now K <
I. .N. Y. A rei liailon by Sira.
an<> Dtu <i--uaht. rs and aon
day Mr. and Mrs. M’all live left this momiiiE lor tiielr hotue in luPlatt. Old NelBhbora, She havlDE dead.
aiSSi^m Coi.d«»**.^«iiiine>
A dnet
known them since chU
by ad for ^.vukllbr f«v «olr.
, lariw and pleasam brick house In diannpo1i». alter a summer in b-landMren
~r. ^
locUlUa OMdaan*-Aor«b7 ud
, entitled --I know a Hank.' cblldrei. and Rrandrhlldren and netshdstwbtcra left
bora enjoy their bounteous hospitality jesierday for Indltuiapulis.
'iofUM— OoBdeav—Wsr-fUfid'
reiiimed-lo hir
iK «nriw nfl avt**Fiowera in May." Mrs. Anna (’orlifil'cntMlia.
hack read a poemD 001
School bealBs Monday, having been
t"o‘''.<r. Sit*. IJraoks at
With .every dMIar er mor* parehaa*
n by Mr. Wall's niace
Cffllriiini re»«i»n»«f In ly for.....
the occasion
SuSeren from indigenion arc wak­
■ ■
;e. Maas. doted this week for potato dlEElDK.
- Norihfleldt-,*' I/'land.
ing up to the fact that pepperoint
C tha MceaiUea of life. Ml«> Esther Dan of CanbrldEe.
of Footwear, -custoawr can ahtsUa
A. A. Bowman Eave a retdIoE.
lozenge*, charcoal and -dyipcptia
i-Old Tima*. OM Krtenda."
( in the cute
of thaae geaulne wat<^ for on­
m'cI <‘, r! Sn”er^U on tbe sick ^’“Daret Hanno.^ have closed iheir
I Prof. A. H. CJark «*di appropriate
f so
1 acomplaint as
collage and are nt the Leelanau for hronlc
ireaented In fiehaP of' their
‘ ' list this week.
>clc tcuUcentoa. What Is m)ut.-vd is
ly M emu. - Goarataed lar oar year.
- tiller tlist will not only reUevr nut
Uis«i7 iiiru*,*. .-ill
J. S- Brown was conflaed ‘to a b-w weeks's:nv.
rlDE and to Mr.
1 a sold
Other presentsi receive
Imple rvmnlln cannel'^'
.Mrs. A. Wiltox la covering the
Saturday, li;- H>-rt Is Mmtthlac more le tbe eur*
two solid sliver dessert spoons from
their niece. Miss Esther Dart of Cam- Cnitage Home, with a- fresh cOai of Yriivetse ntv.
of l^lgrstion th;.a swreirnlnx me
K order and Ilharty.
lint. Frank llalliday doliiB th.- work.j mIsb Oirini.le Keiinln waa a W- uln*‘ dtmsU'e*
spoon fronf Mr.
daUam . AdTowtaa-Tha
pern^wtly. w
* of indigaUoa
a WelU of H.-naaelai-r Kallt.
A. ». StimsotfTenwo Traverse on'«^^
___ _ refarasdem and naalL
I. sbd tbsi r«>
qulr«e a scleotiee Isj^vc. Wr____
A sold bowled auKsr tbaU and bualoMs Frhlav.
I Napoleon Gauihienrieft ifala
BodaUn. ABaeaaUa-Tba ballot
that combtaes these r«cream ladle front Mr. and Sirs. Elgin
B. F. Saylor •
3 Fort, Wayne.'ing for Alberta, Cjiaada, Ivhcre bo cultcmcau better
box way to iBdastilal and aItU i
Dr.- CaldwwQ's
l.rf-wlB and Mrs. Nicholson of Traverse
d dr p(
potatoes. will nnend the winter.
Brrup Pepsit!. which lisa been sold lor
City, a gold coin from Sira. OHnda MeH-lth he.
Ad*oeat*»-BqBal w *
Bwaan and Mra. l^rella XVebater of parents. Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Bogart. Jlr. Knlsbi has tvtumd to Chicsiunday.
Betdlnt- MHb, Mtmey from Mr and Sunday.
jeo after a summer 'n-~LcdanA the
or an oTiha mUbb'* natural t^lMra. Jim M'all of Benwiaer Falla.
Henry Mox went 0 Mamon on bufi- piicsy?'o1 Mrs, Blocks
y- Mrs,, Wall's olde* bPi
brother. Gold
ptamta. Its tncredleau will so strengthen
D AdrodM**—Public o»ar-'ll*h from Mr. and Mrs. cha*. Irish of
Mrs. Fred Ollcnr and aon of Peios
' a orgaiilaatloha; Traverse City. Also a aei of flnr china key. are risltlng her brotber P. K. <ng f®'' Dctiou for n short visit.
iUp of
Ut*ny. and wbea that has be
land a pair t. gold bowed apecUdes Bogart.
i .Miss Marasret Colerick relumed
CoclaUam Advoeataa>iPablk) eon- from their muy friends of Kingsley,
Mr. NanDeM'alker went to lUiac.t. V-,- tvivno a'li-!- i iwo
tori at the rwflroad. steknlilp, tela- Old friends were with the happy cou- New York, to attend the funeral of,
!.V. T , . ?
. the axprass pin last Tuetda> ajght,.w ho have been bU brotherlnlaw. The funeral T»* o" I
** having a fi
nship sUnllar their companions ‘
XVednesday and his mothi^^ died onijvniage bnili for occniiai.o n-yt sn
, ete.. ^ 1
Dc-^ ths! pliis'i'nd UM^U^iSlU* “d^I
In tboae
te tha Boat OfBca OepartnenL
Thursday mr.rnlug at r. o'clock, fitwu 1 mcr
It aettl'
oid.oge and the
ah--'- ot* the
'- 'former
e shock
Mrs. Theo. Juergens and dougbta>
There were sboat IM guests pres- death.
Mfs* Odefe”of Frecan’iii Ohio, who
Mr. Power*
owi-r* of Bottons D-iv is
Ught rafreohroenu were served con- Ing in the bank while Mr. VanDr- KK 111 a l■-•*• days in Letand la,-.i we<:
Walker Is adhy.
rviuitivil 10 ihclr bdme cm Sauinlay.
. :Ies and aatoriad cakes.
N. Pmm.Ti .-'1(1 mil- of No .li*)' ^ D.-.'^cild^ru' petwonallT will be ptmsed
Among tbe out of town guests were
Mr. Wall's youngest sister. Mrs Ollvt.-{>< M .Siii.cia.' null 111- -i.'U-r. .'!■>. '1
I'-af Sdvire yn 1 may
Dart of Rensselaer Falls. N. Y.: tbei(sRillv p-vtsininc to
_____________ Owossu.
. Hill'.
ir bowrts *l«-lute!y
oldest daughter, Mrs. K. I.. Breii
Saturday to r-isume' her duties .-is
The Rev. .chns. W. UT.lii.m' ol M.r
- n.: Mrs.
Cro”/- teacher. - .Si’hool i-omiueuclug MonK. _ .. Mr.
lOv City, was In ti'IniKl lest Wednes,-|P»r the ftre mirpt- '•tnipfy eend
aer. Mr. smd Mr*. C. W. Klngsley.
and Mrs. Cbas Irish of Traverse City. -‘i™.
Mr. ....
.a airt
- mothi
. other husband to his out of town appointof Monroe Caatar and Mr. and Mrs. menu Sunday
day lost.
B. B.
GibbsI of
of Fife
Fife ..........
Church Notes.
At a late bour tbe friends departed
Tbe Rev . F. H. Bridie*
wishing Mr. «M Mrs. 'R'alt many newly
years of happiness and prosper- 1st chi irch bns been well received,
first qnsrterly conference of
Mr. and Mra. Wall at
the M. E. church was h.-ld last Frl
. oneen ot this conni>7
day. the district superintendent, the
came here at that tin
V. A T. Ferguson pmldlng. Owing
broken forest from the rich prwlrle
the incleoiatat wcaiber the altendlands of im&ols. took* like a laywery
re was only Tnoderaic. The usual
to the children of thU 1
routine of business*was trancasted.
The Rev. F. U. Bridges stcr will lec­
Mrs. Wall
ture at rhe Tahburer school house.
Vermont glri. Mr. Wall a’ New Torker. Tuesday eienlug at p. m.. .m
w v«
"Hie fse and Abuse of the Tongue."
by tl
All are cordially invited.
iras covered wagon ualn, which
I the only way of traveling In that
XVllllam Kuasel and Mrs. Clara C.
‘rte oM trail weal through New Evans -were united In marriage by the
Rev. F. H. Bridgenater at the M. E6ev- Oarsonage. Thursday forenoon. Our
togetber and best wishes go with them both.
several weeks were spent on the Jour­
Surprise Party.
ney. 1 remember of haring old aeiA pleasant surprls4>a given Mrs.
they imvelled In Icew Aver?' last Tbursduv li being her
extra forty^fghth birthday
Ovc of her friend* went In I hcln
celebrate, also bid far.-s-ell
.... d. The
Mr. and Mrs. Avery. They leav
ibeir future home In California.
tK^m sp OOCASOD&l dose wh^li^in the msnn»- of
1. Ught refreshment* were sened
rack. Trunks and boxen, bedding and to which all did ample Justice.
■uA furniture as Was taken, were
In Mking their departure the friend
Packed in center and aides. The wo­
men and children drove. At nlglii
Prast«Mt: B. HOTd^UAch. Vtca PruiOmt;
Mntl 0«1ti>d. Ouhtor: A. J. lUr-


Did You Get a

_ •___



U Not,


TMs is me Way to
V/ Own One

Free Dyspasia


Buy your fall Footwear at

The Leading Shoe Store
of Traverse City
. and Northern Michigan




'-Jffhe Man
Who Abuses
ms Stock



Good Shoes

Malta die poorest kincl!
of a neighbor as^vell as
to cause'trouble £or the
Humane society.
See that your

Horses, Cattte,
Sheep, Hogs and &

keq> in hne conthbon ltell'u-^'tr
all Ae tune by gmng

of scotrs
stock rood

a. Sarah Widrig and daugbte
bn which oui Drug de- lord.
Reva. are visiting relatives at Gaj ♦
♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦4*#*4^
Benilo-i. Ml<h . 6:1 1'..—Earl tVid
pattment is making a Ing
. -Mr*. Dangremond Is at Honor khep- ng and family visiu-d at Homestead
house for Mrs. JaV Duvla.
r. C. Morre.iu and daughter Doivand Mrs. J. C. VanDeBognrt
special offer for a few ore preparlag
Ihr were Traverse City visitors bst
to move to Cadillac.
E. Maynard was a Cadillac visi­
days. Witfi the food torClaai
Earl nalrtttln |i ft Iasi Thursday for
Detroit, where he will work-Ior tbe
ExpreM Co.
we have a full line of W. D. Carpenter attended teachers' American
Mrs. Asa Oenmaon Is on the sick
Mrs- A H. Brown and doubter,
Mabel of Grand Rapid*, \isiied relaScott's ronetha for tl^
Mrs. Landis was a Platte
here last week.
caller Sainrdar.
is yaking prepnraslock ills, which come ■ Carl Carpenter
Mevsva Bunaiighs and Hubert* of
build a nil Under his house
house nu-edsvllle. who purriwitu-d the Cbas
10 make other Itnproreneoi*.
under the same pnee Anderson
Meadames Gene Cook and Albert Mo*by and the Mom
wore Traverse Cli\ visitors here la.'t week,
.Mrs. xvjiuani Clark has been enterMonday.
reduction. ^
Maude BnSh of Traverse City, loiniuc her uncle froAi Grand Kapids
Rose 'Ellis is homy 1-^m fVank
ri as Ike M-hool there is ciused uu
We also cany the Mr*, mnk McLc

*. Ml

loteraaUonal and

We stiyw are at the bead s( tbe cUsi u to fine workmaosbip, 6t aud
r.maroo,, wheri^ she will attend the
sute norm;.
Mrs. Alice Huddleston was a Sun­
day visitor at XVajT.c kHJlK.haers.
Potts of Bronseir. u vislUr.g
her slMer. Mrs. Dennison
Mr. and Mfs. Landis and Mrs. De*'>
«re culler, at Henry 1*aiter»oatt
Bnn da y.
sh rdl n dlnuB
Oft. 25.
Joe Molzoa was in town Uai weak
Mrs Dangretnond I* at Honor taV.
. charge of Mr*. Jay Dn'ts hoofs
-Snirered day and night the
iring liei iibsence on a Msit to 81
«m of Itching piles. NoUiiug help­ durin
ed me untU 1 used Doan's Olntzscnl. Johns.
me' tsermanestly.-—Hon.
John R. OairetL .Mayor, Qinrd, Ala.

in charge A goodly number
enjoyed tbe seniet'*. .
several other lina of Pergyson
Mis* Msriaii ntvts left Friday for
•tamazoo. where she will resume
Stock Foods and Rem­ Kalamazoo,
her studies in the Kalamazoo coUege.
Grange Batnrilay evening Two aH-mber* were Initiated and a feast

Hie Hannah & Lay
Mercantiia Ca.




No Urgar jioe ot good values, new goods will be abowo you.







city •



cftAiJO.TUAve^st'Hr.'-At-C. 7rtuR*2;.v, natir.ri-.i:7,’»i.w


Wd-mtaUTM tern CUrlmvflU. Mleh.
^ fi»( of t
A. A. MeOelttMi df TriiTBfae diy iomcamre. *t
is speMlBff a fee days te ^ vldn- yWwtaltow .ctaib
rrmlv Oct. S«.
l^e Bricta sprat Snsday wtU J.
O. V. Haisned W kwdtac a
TRo Ladies- Aid of the M. E. chttreb
Stffrenboa and faadty. Urt. D. CMmpbcIl and vUe.
were entertained at the home of Mrs. potatoM at-the sldlnf today.
T«r and dtOdren, Mr. and
Rogers on Friday afternoon
John Booth and famBy ate a
. Tonoend. Bddie Crooeh.
' a a visit for a .Week.
The toembers of ibe - psl Me 8b^
. .faloa and Mr. a»d Mta.
8uMA*fd Wltb J. T.
A - Bi; ax the parseojune last Wedaes.
dimns potatoes; ethers j
day and sprat a very sodaMc .
caRer a{ Sontli
l>ti. It.
L. £. Bbsell was
• >aas Mr. r. Marshall reUied tome
and famOy are. mor^ap
raperlrares in the Hhiillpines. which
bark on their own fprtti today.
were touch enjoyed.
ft. ..............................
mored bU tamUr
O. V. Iletmea went m Trarene Chr
law Jb« dtr- The beat vtobet o(
Tboa. Bates and non J. T.. were at
trtend* and nelshbora go
le county seat Tnesday.
Md. and Mra. Ralph Hk-ks spem the
There were quite si nuoiber from'
Albert and Ollben MeOermott sprat witbln four weeks
week at Trarerae Clttthis virlnHy that aaw the balloaoi to*?'J. ^^0 la pWaUnff a larce Saoday ereoinis.. wltb R. Dlssell and
daiWbier.J Cleon Smlth of East Bar -is rtstzlikx ovcf Tueadsy eveaiok- Sdine of the
bi dc
bed of clnaseag. oc bts larat
............................. ... .J join Mr. his jcrar.d-psrenis and eousia C^ril.
nelkbbom fSslhtol with them.
Mesdames Campbell
Nelson, Bmlih. rod ron at Alle*an. where they- j
Pred BocDtof and faftfly spent Bao'*
Bd. CroiAl
mkhltc of Klatsley took din­ asked ihen to come and *ei a mess
day vKh Mr.-aad Mrs. BradPbelL '
drove to Sharon bw Tnesday.
wUi spend tbo' wlnier.
ner With Solon Trier today.
of potato
Ir otipper. and they
Mlw Ella Hammond risUed with
•Miss CBtd Hines called on Mrs. R.

" •

J KInitsley said Blrii
A moving plrtnre sbow with Ulus- .
Be failed to allshr afDora .DiVla. oae day last week.
nissai. Monday.
(rated sons aud serpentine dance was 'ic-dav
the potatoes.
Mr. Roaob*bas nered on his Urai.
.The aebooi bella are heard sKila,
In ifce town hall cm Frldarr eventtr. t»pr»d*r evonin*. Tb« Kln«*ley
H. Cassy ma<«lne is In oar nct«bRoy and Ralph Monroe sprat Son- after two keeks vacation.
Wcbooi St we want tp^ro^borhood ttireehln* out bcens. He does
wVlk Leri and Ray Ramatond.
Phil. Sierras hsf Bfitsbed his .well
Mrs:. A. H. MUiken and Mn Henry, prdvram lor be Sot aorUL shkb Is evceediniriy pood work. That !« what
for Wm. l.on)t and is potnK to put Scott, enicnalned the .liadl. •
Misa'^ Edaeramb b rlMinc be
All^thel to come.
Aid 1® hf held f
we need.
parents'fbr a few days.
dos-n one- now for Eric Lnnd.
OcL "t
society OR ThuHdSy af«er-%eM
Mrs. nora Lake and Min 1. M.
There is a two vraks vacation 'o
Mias Oda Mot^erman has returned home of'Mrs. Millken
•ates were i,be mesta of Mm ........
(he East Osrfteld district. No. C, for home from Central Imkc.
Mrs Will TrlKb'ic. of Cblrago, aiO- C. Ranaom Icit Tsrf track for
Oct. S5.
aimer Friday afiernoon. '
pouto dlsKinsnansonn-mc.
N. Y.. to
rltlt hts
- rltit
moth- lived in 1b» city Bnaday to Mall at
Hsiraa Bdmlnc caUed on
the booie of hedmot^r. Mrs. William
H. n. Pratt, the Watkln mat
• end rclatUea
Daflt Stindsy.
In our vicinity- Frldav.

Hon. James XtcLausiiliu delKcr-d r-cndo;i, « South Bjirwee street.
Mrs. ArtUp of G^.^wD epent Monday
Eprl Wells sod D. DavU ar& plow<^to Hotlor on aycoun of the r
l address Saturday evenlnf! In the
with Mra O Townsend.
Inff for C. Roach.
iwn hat:. He tefi UiU moinlne (hiKE^ THE KIBNEYB WELL.
Frank Bmtih of Traverse City called hl* home In'" '
at this place last week.
iunday In town.
HMtth is Worth Bavins, and Soma
.Mrs. A. M. loveloy went ui Chase
■Mrs. D Mllican
The new GarA^ wwn ball is com­
-«MeM of Hloo Uoriott Gibbo ot ArTmvome City People Knew How
a few tla;r iuac w«-ek
pleted eadMhe mer. departed Toei*- last visit her daUfthter. Ma. sues!
tetu Loke. Sotnrdoy nnd Sanday.
•to 8av« It.
Therd are two machines
Harry Jd^nson.
She returned Toea- week.
«tn) Gibb* or PUc i«ko. wu • day for thrir homes at Cadillac.
Many Trareroe Cliy
people take nclBhboihotjjl ibretbiny -t-ea:__
AHidnr Tlolior In Uili ^are.
Mrs. Oeo. Woodard spent Bonday
The- members of the
lelr lives lir Iht-lr hands by ncyleci- ' Mr. end
Rubjs Mates drow*
■.earuc enjoyed a hsymek rill*• to‘ ins the kidneys when they know these' over to Bensraia to sra Mr aod Mfc
and Mrs. »arrey Duffy <ff Klnfftley vltb bet' sister and fanUy, Mrs. Jake
the home of Mr. and .Mrs. Nate Put- oirans need help. Sick kidneya are,John Hiyeins and ntso Mr and Mm
iitend’s on Bimday last,
Neafir ercrybodv around here view.
r«pon»lMc'for a vaat nmoimt oS suf-jftnncr lllyslnH Saturday, . retnrnlny
rs. a. O. Manley and ot
^ the balloon that passed over Toes
feriny and 111 hc.vlih. but there U no-home Snnttaj
Stonebumcr ar.d rhildrr............
o suffer nor lo remaUi In .1
wniw Bab
drove-over to Honor
Lakctlrw 6fi Saturday eventns.
Ciwoek wwu»
n-alidtsc^es and aches and pains
They wln'Diabe their future boine at
Swift of fibaron. s
Mrs O C. RanseTTi enicralned ibc
kIdnevK ran be quickly
Mr. and Mrs.
from' Inthis place.
Ulsaes dulla Miller. IJIllan HURipsch. and permahentlv
M. Crandall bai pnrckaaed the _ ..._ . ran cemete^, V
'■we ralliny
ind w>we
on. his relatives in
School H closed forVtwo we^' Edith Sdoit sad Mrs. C. Rasencrans at Ivan's Kidney P|i
Albto Donothan Is s(
':—Ills. Here Is a Travlelniiy Runrtay.
-acatlon si tfab ptace.
_j| dfloed at tkia place cm Pri- ds>w' With hU parent!
dinner Buuday cvcnloc.
erse CMy dilv, ■n» iT-euuinjeiiniui«n.
.Minnln^M.' Ba’eo a
nt visitors to TraveraO
Mm. Chaa. l.und of Mancolona. who
At a nicetine of the Woman's
for a two wedu TadaUob for
•pson. Its N. RImvoort
attend ^hoo)
Hiss M.vry WnllamH. JI
-3 race on Tuesday lificrtioo
baa been visliinK her father, Jaa. PatAve.. Traverse Cliy. .Mich., eayt;
,,ii« winter.
Nash, Mr. and Mrs, O.
and SirK- W. J. Thbmas,
can lecommeed Doan'S Kidney -pttfi
U enjt^ln* * vUlt lick, left Monday lor Jennlnaa.
Haylc Is aiicndiny erbool
itldraii. Mrs. A .M. liovejo).
. and elciteil:~frr«-.-, to fill the vacanry
John Ui_ .
id Ua friend arrived
wMi her danfffator.
as hiyMy today as I dirt In Auyuat
I Honor tor the winter.- ,
__________ from
Lonalat. They are Mrs. Pre(l Stevenson. Mr. ai-u Mrs. caused by Mr? J. F Mathews reslitna- ISOC. wlrn 1 publirly told Of Our e».
■Mm. P. Golden of Omwn, called at TiModay
rmaio diixlny Is the <Ader of ibe
.lion. Qu<;iatl<inK from Clianninc were I>ericn<e wfih them.
family Edd llan-py. Goor»e WaieH. . H
O. Townaend-a oe Monday.
_ with
- Geo..Bltm
- . _______ and
. —
Wc procured day.
,IIelTn aud Will filoo<-burut-r. nil.and sticr current cvcni-t - m s Kidney Pltlk at H. E. Wall *1 «Hi.
-ff>e« Btevanrab ratertalned hU sis- aud tni^ bnatlni: Mr a while,
lyyi Manley Is wirklny tor Edd Uar- had been alven. Mra. Voice r. art a
ter and mother, for a few daya this)
Bevefdl' were takUK advaniaco ®f I
■e' nruy aiorc and we found,i'
lUie flra day Snsdap had were Mt
paiw-r on l.iierpool. Mm IIURh S<-oti
orr on iTbc Docks and Rhippiny places
.jriaMk Salih of .TrarorM fSly. .wm ] drirlajt.
trii-rt for lAlns in Ulc luick • Fred lAAulre nerved hhi family-1
of IJverpanl ni.d Miss Jnlia Mlllerenc and oili.^ sMiiptenia of kidi
«*ralttf si this Place oh SEEMav.
Work on the Conniy road In this
tidney j-o
Cedar a week ayo to live thl* wlmej
on the Public Rulldina? aiirt Parks Pkiltil. The relief cl
ly -their 11
Mis* Josephine iUIv
UIverMou Is apendAra Bartb 1 ^
Tbe club will m-H-t with
1 Mrs. M. Gaa- haa been pcrmaoMii
inc b.-r pnisto vo<aiion at bome.
few weeks b
Tuesday On !•:.
that whenever itrey-have been taken
Willie. Ihe oJd.-st-soB of Mr. and
itrtne to »iy Kapids where
rhas. .iolin
.lolin rnurnert Friday rvcnlny at tny susBCsiioji, ihe best of rswults Mrs Albert Whltfea. who had hU arm
aueml the -PriTlB Insfitme.
from Grand RapIdM. where be went ns have foUQwert.-'
Sr for a few weeks -visit.
broken a sr.-ek aro. ij dotny ttne at
a dcIt-Katc for the I O. O. P. wWch
Jl|» Moole l« enftins wood these ' rtvr. Davis spent Saturday In 1
‘The Beltner baae ' '
Ror RSle by all rtralers.*
f.O preoeiit. but Ycr.v hard for him to keep
* Price r.O
■emd, t'lty.
met (here last week.
Sunava for£. Blat^.
FV-ijiier-Miibum Co.. • DutfaK-mlll as h««la a very lively boy.
Inc tier
<Mr. Seed )eR Friday f«r bis home
^lr riark of riark, £ Royers, was Xi-u- York, sole am-rta for (be I'nliedi
Mr. and Mrs. O R. .aaypoo]
r B few'til Defrtdc.
hfi'- last Thursday, ktoklny over the Slates
Alice went Co Manf
. daughter
Mm. P. Jl. Orlflln sprat the day in work for the new hotel.
RememU-r the name—Dawn's—and :we«k ayo SiiDSay.
y are enterudh-JTrayeme aty.
Rrctl Ar.ilrmon and son IauU of
"'a Ameil'a Bast ol.Good HsrboTi


t’- ■


• '’"^rnUriFieLD.

r pouton were
point 4 1 am
rnfe yMUhiut wAl
of vr foot flpnmy.




fS^ind Vn. W. r. JnckMO «01
■mn into ~pm oc Mr«. Oibbo- kouie
Jfeit week. «bece ibey win *uy cntM
grjS@ry' «st«k»T«.

^slW her pamau at ^ia place last
Mifs Edda Daya stieadod the daace
Cedar ilun a seek ^o.Battnda)'
“'ll’enr;- Sheffer cf Tuba, made a
-bov: call on bU parenWtost tfoek.
Frank Hunek arrlrad bome
Ttieadaj- cvcniny ♦after spewdlny the
past slt.aao^l;: .;raveliu aronnd In
the eastern sTltns
He said MK-blykn
w-as loukb but lie was'ylad to be botue
l> LBuiaer'oaUed on
------- It WbtUen on Sun­
day last.
William Not. were j»f Tmveme CU.»
an old f.-lend of Oscar Claypool, sraa
around caliny «a Trlendi t*n Wedeeeday. lakinc dinner with Mr. Ctoipool.
Jobimte W-lBstodltgr aad
Klllman apeot Sunday wiU Edward
- iltc a

nuh _




fchr- -

• •


everybody la busy


Itay lllrmlcy .snd Allie Taylor war*
married , lut Twsstoy. Ort. IE and
■••It (or Jadmon Tburwder wkare Mr.
Blrmlev Is emploved
The Wsl wtsb- ,
cs of their nuny frirads are'with.
D. Davu U dlyytn^' potaioea for, C.
1.. Coleman and family are Uvhti oo

c pioitnonto tor

'«a^wesfila2iSl2*if'«Ul‘*'w twSSi


world fdmoui


iwv ■

At [ms Main Stoi^, 1;I6 Proiit StreefrOct. 31 and Nov. 1 aii4 3
For the past Bevecal seats it has been bur regular cjistom to demoBStrate America's best stoves—UNI VERSA^S—at-least once
ar. Wc do this for the special
a~~ interested
a year.........................
.,. . benefit of all persons who are
aod expect to purchase a stove of some kind sooner or
uadecided just what kind
ktod to buy. It's
Ii'i an easy matter
er. but are undecided
b.» skives
.wwa are
uic the
»«c best,
«r»i. but?
for any manufacturer or dealer to say his
tiblic in actual operation and expose
expose them to ihe most
to exhibit bis stoves to tke public
nost rigid test
tests possible, in order to show WHV they
p — the best is quite
___ _a different
. toostratiug th
But we take .pleasure
in demonstrating
the UNIVERSAL^ because they P'bve all
to- Thousaodt
customei throughout the United States and Caoada ^re
we say for them aod
and mom tooThousands of satUfied customer*
Stc using
utirg Uohvrsal
leedless to say there are many more Upiverials sold every year than any
_ other
. . kind made'
-Stoves aod'Ranges and it's needless
We cordiaUy invite aod expect you to COME to ibU great UNIVERSAL EXHIBITION apd see for rourseif. Don't
hesiiate a^ put It or bat cbme and satisfv voursell that what is said about Universal Stoves will be actually proven si iSi* 'greatest and
beaf" of all demoastradons, October 31. November 1 and 2.

From now until
November 2


We demonstrate
at -120 Front Sl^
Ocl. 31 Nov. 1 & 2

In orEer to make this the l>lsgs£t aud lioat stove denimistr

W:ii. fii- Ilio Pic I




an.v !l.-.-i:<.r

Ublo spoons, sU tea ^ioodf. oce baiter knife, one ?ngar s|«oa.
wTUi the purchase of every Universal Harrt Coal Biovc. I'uiv.-r






n-.i j. |,i;:iM.y| »j!t,

ware, which

( h.autiful and laien

design made.






for the CARBON




eonsotbed by the Imperial rolveraal. tin.-, addins to Us i-coDom.^I .qenslnjrtlon

IIIPBRIAL UNIVBRBAL gives yon the beneth of tfliwct and ladlrcn radiation and clrcuUtits caps


DOXT be deceived by Imltouvs ol this wondetfcl boose bestsr.

only Imperial UniveraaL , We wUi



Burner, in


Come and tee the original anrt

this stove—stripped, of Imbesttty. so you esn esaimine It Inside

Look for Ike'Stove on

the I'niied

Better Known

Thl. mi'veions 'i-aK^r Is without qaesUon (hr mo>- #ri,-n-i:ieal1.v roiiMru >i K'-'e eter Inve’tu-d fur

n to notobe ortglasl cost of a suitie but.ihe cost to operate It U wbst

REMEMBCR there Is no possible rbsnee


wall, for

Th- of l-r.|ver?al

,.LTil On. 70 ONLY.

!op of ih- hi-aiy cr-y Iron (Ire poi

it U built to last a m«»l»e
mnUme and Is an iav«t*eiii
investment that
that will

city of «.fl7 square and raWc Icrhee—which is nearly IIWO more than

I'nlv.HoI etov<-«.


Mil! cos. or WW3.




-:.n. . :.-ma.n .hv, .5r.K-a. in former >ea.H an,! th.- pri-mlums

tevra days and aeren
wren ak^xa
n^^u wU
wlA ora BU^.

ss wcU ss out mid see HOW a td WHY H hat won Universal fame throughont




'l.•lmln-t^atlon aiid le- .-wnlii -o.1 that they are the

I-..-?- . ..... i„

mderfol stove on earth tor boraln* bard coni at it shoold be buped.
WRT. NO QAB. NO CUNKER8. bat steady
___ _________________
even brat day
aod nl^t.
This atoi o wil actually^ bold
pay lor RMir In a very chart libU.



asthe^^Smol^^ Wondcr”

__________________ ___________ _ .

-This to tmly.tha mtsi


:r.- sn.:; FUEK



-••o-ii.Tiioii a - fi:il riv.-re. poaertnl hea1“i.a. ivng liver?,

ih- .la>s
is Rogers


rnirervsl Stov.-s and KaiiB<-.- ar>- posiUvp

Mathis stiver set isJIlC.Mi. Out rencnlwr yoa e<i II aUso
ntdly Tree wHii tbt (tgrehase ff any one of tlir above Cuiv>-:-


jri- »■ li'.is rniv(r-sl Move. ev.-;> rtiy


spcBksEarluaanbmiy—nod It's ihc n


,-ri. th-'

Stov.-S iiisi.l^ and oui and tli.n ;oiijI know

iliai w!;.i: ia saM


W-- w.uif j.-y ;o I'iiorouKlily evaiii-

stu jlmw& and all sites of Universal KacscF. T’.c actual val

sal ttST^. Rfflneinber too. that ihl*



S-- ih.- lt.^;o.i.n 1 iih-r.^l

(ion crer iUiwursM, wc sball site ih^olutcly Flit:E a lu>si»ifttl BoBtfs BIlTCr Set cohslslirE cf ?lx knlvcc. six




The-vertastlng cold rolled Mfvl body ‘e-? perfe;-!ly alrtirn-




TWs cocaection is (horoughlv proie«!c>l t- a large rtrcolar cas riig

on th, In.Lie which prevenu the tody fron ever warpieg or Mteklius


la.-sr base flue cor.duc!? n,-

<o:-1 lu-p,;Tr air fron; !h- floor * i d qislribdta. i-, ,-,rn;» .iver ib( Bre th--rf i-s i u'lii'.r the gas. raioke., dfrt,
d-4s! and SOO! of ,-ol- r«s|: as these eletorat? lo-oi . earty hoper c*m of -oi:
*hl-:i Is gu*r;.nit-ed hy using th.. Renown faiw-Ttjl

■ -si, >on can ace the saving

By anna] eapennirauag. It bas N-n proven-ths*

the Renown will heat iitore space whh one ihir.l less fkel than any other (vciWtiallon ?tove In the Rbrtd.
This wonderfn: rtove esn be Bern, ia attn^ operation Atoing th- Blg Cd*BOn?irallon.Ort 31. HOT. 1. t.

w> are always glsd ro gjv ■ relerer.ce. end t e,tlmooUl. from custower* trbo aw

,CW A, ,...,,t....ssi Stares aurt Range*, and se will consider I: a favor If ,ou will ask tt. Rtr.-nawra and
addr.-s--'? ofTra-erac Hiy pee;-!.- so tbst yoii rat! coainU licm at one/

m J. W, Slater

If You Value Money
.Buy a Uuivet^


Mb* a«kr Bfpoks b aowr-aotn for
the Tinier.
Mr. and Mrs. Pford-BUes of Alain
cal^d OB her paneu. Me and Mrs.
loha rcTlBB of this
aS^M twM Wed- Mrs. Rostairr te
» AMrhlCM.
‘frt. Uxi4»..........
nendiy at Mrs.
M ha- danchier. TUa
M foe
Mr. «ndI Mn. CHS NeoaU i
preaent time.
lOdiw hare
i»e act
ededlala»1«ith her fi
Enbr ud Elan Brooks reOed te A.
Mr. foebma for
tor the »foier.
Lake and hallr Svadar.
Jao>1) nsttenSeU. Min Verk> DerUttie Btoa Latte has heca eetr
e>- and Mia >
the cxarMifon
Bkirr Morte preadted at the B»nndB
croee achodl boose Sundar.
There wUl ihe doarterir aeMins
Blanche Lake Sraa esrr alrk last
the I'nifod Brethren ehnreh Bat
Tuesdsr and Wedneedar. bat U betdar and Bondar. OcL S» and ». Beerrbodr tarlted to coma. >
^^and Mrs. Cook Brook* called on
John L BatteaBeld. Jr, >a in VaV tbelr SOB Orasl Brooks Bondar.
to FrWerHany Pratt caBed on Mr. end___
Oieater Vanpolt from Saaall Cltr.
erne la Fife Lake Prldar.
s»?>Sa Was. Lake aad (amllr
Mrs. Oolph Aldrtdse Is WT foT ■called oa Mr nod Mrs. Bor Richard-


flSF' Wait!
We are preparing
fOT Hie greatest Fan
stfie everbeM In Tnv-

Oct. 24.
Mi(b.s«e is Impro
.is .la camp
____. and
. -- to
........ one *aa follOBBORN.
InjE a tree
- r aad the
f tree kitUns him
Miss Morse visited Saturday oliht
The report is
. It hon bia skull and and Sunday with Miss Oisrgaret Dorbroke tvo ribs.
Abner BaitenBeld and Will n<Aen
Prank Payment.^., and chltdren
Ter* in Walton Moodar <m boMaess. Ter* gnesu of relatlTe* at Sesaeu
Peter Narlor tbs In Cadillac Sal- Oty over fowday.
Mr. and Mra Floyd R
t HaiTT
Mr. had Mrs. Jami

erac aiy.


drs. Warner Bbafer of
Indiana, i
rialtlu their daaihter,
Mra. Chas. Boaewitr and famllr.
mj. Bait.
teiiPeU. Jr., and famll}
apMt Sundarr ‘with the I 1 Whedler
famllr. .
Mr. aad Mm. Albert Lofle aad
daughter of Sllverrood, have movet
in srlth the John Eadv famllr.
Mr. and Mrs. Cl.cde Bnrder i
-daudbier. tbs ibe curst of Mr. i
khs. Will Ead;. Sundar.
Oct- 2i.

Dept. Store

Conducted by Mra. I. H. Bonnell

i,.,,.. ....i

Bit cim Btii
srtif -

^■IkS*M.V AW society met i Mho
tMoe of Mra. Davis. Wednesday
Mdnralona. taki
I ratnnrad to her with her for a f< ■ -T'----it..
aoboM at Bsndon
MrsGrace VanWlaUs has rctunira^Or
«d to her homo in Grand RapMs.
Mra^ U B.“wiatto. who has bsen

hisM rvsoluag foaa (Mtarrh rad drHce
t. late boor. Nameroni presenu of awaysUoUinfoeHsedoai^.

--------- 1 sliver, cot gtaas. cblas. pictnres mnd tbs Benwsnf Ta.-4« sud HtaeU. FuU die
fabrics covered a laigc table U eta. at Droggirta or by maU. L^aid
Onus Batan fi« eae fa
9S eta
Xly BioUmm, H Wacnn iWsto New Task.

elvlng brid<-.
. crooui
■r cream.Vj.e
iMr. SchnetUv left Friday for Graad gotW cheer coiKlnually cminticd from
JUpMs and from there he wUl go to the social dining room. Overhead i
^ . Tfi^heekpocUtomake gtoriouB moon turned night
nigbt in
inio da.
hla future bMna.
Hlslly a
Mra Dan B'earer baa 'moved her
household goods to Ctaud Rapids
There ahe expecta tojteep houae for
ber aon Glen. Mrs. Wearer will be
Tlth »________
mtoaad by ber Meads and neighbors,
BumHkr *** * *
ns foe has Itrsd fa foil place for a
number of year*. We wish ber hapI aas to Trara
Idnes* in ber new home.
Efot of foe tossk on buatoegs.
Mra. L. Snksr. who kns r*tnnie<l nine poonda. displayed fa tbe wtodow*
Moaa trom Beyas CHy. raporu her,of Dent Blues' store, were raised by
* ------------r marahnlL Wm. Wclla
C. C. Speaker haa airtd his rcauop
«Bl oatfll to Mitt Hobba
Daisy HuTlngton baa reformed
her bcmjs^_________
Mrs. Mitt Hobha Is oesfinsd to her


With the
Rigors of

Come the necessity
heavier and better un­
Mr. Lsddy. n^
nftop A
a Isw day* vlnlt.Ada Gibba and MUsVja^ iScr
>1 Mith:- der clothing for each
•nth Us tototty hon. bps retaraod to A hat trimming conteat was foe fen- „„ J
St A. 1)
Bert BbboratL vho has bssn oa his '................ladlca rsrUfaly fo^cd -great skill fa 5!^."
mmSgT pro- member of the house­
fantntBodgs nUsummor. has mored hat trimming..
te ^ of defaXfa ^
Don't wait until
hU tomlly back to tewa-for foe wln-i Tbe devoilonal atUtnde of Fife
<oadliioiu tbe said mortgage-^, hold.
, Lake Dcaplc. on Tueada}, last ai they,
tand doe. hereby elect) to
ibont Tlfo eye* raised to bear- declare the whole sum, principal and a bad cold, which may
chiMrea were Cadllfac rtelMn. Thurna not due to a sadden feeifag of interest due. on which mortgnge there
develop Into pneu­
fionae baa excepted a poat- WUl raiwr mi
■. lue .wui w. , tQi, poure foe aou Ot Thirteen Munballooua ,thu paased wrr here dred Bight DoUara and Four Cent.,
n^fflSn~A*S31S-her are
(hot dny. from foe Internntl^l bal-1 |^id nn Anoraey-a fee of TUrty Five monia, is contracted
tutme at Ttarara* City, after a
Icmo race from 8t. loula. Business ■ uoiurs. provided for fa Mid .mortbefore you provide
day* rl*lt with Mra KOa WUte.
esumed as usual
P. T. Poforsfo went to Traverae
nty Friday, on busfasm, rMuulng
Jake Rsder was very pleasanUy t^c money* .reared by aaW mortgage thaae needs and com­
booM Eaforday.

........ ...............
or any part th-reof.
of Ponltoc. ««■ tbe
Tbereforv. By virtue ol the forts from the follow­
ffunit of Leroy M
Maxam aad wife, Wedif her I
. her bln . .
Mlk'w. B. Gray aad granddaaghtor lb)' company ,
, her with I made and provided, notice la heteb ing lines:
• '


I '








coffee, cake and
... ........ ....
Tfo Clark. Tbo baa been helping aervid. The goesU tetaroed to their ,hf forenoon. I wilt sell at PuUUc Aucbhi father in foe bntfoes abop. re- bomra at a late hour., alfoing Mra tloo to tbe highest bidder, at foe North
tuntM to ht* borne to Cadillac, Thura- Rader many hSK»y rrduroa of the day. f^oot door of the tT»ort House fa
The rarewell party given by the Traverse (Tty. Mirblgso Ohai being
Didberg aad-Campbell
Rcbckah iadlea and tbeir hnabaad., {be place where foe Circuit (Tiurt for
Sontb Boardman enllera Tues­ at foo Odd FeUoTs ball. Tnraday
county of Grand Travel*#
day nttoTMOU.
evening, for Mr. and Mra W A KmL beW.) foe premises described fa anW
rWtsd ber
. attended. The Svenir
I much thereof
Xer Mra Johaaoe at Cadillac. W'sdi
fag was spent in card playing and ,0^3- be necessary
day noUl Friday.
parchecsl. after which Ic* cream aawant dne
«me 01^ h«a pnrskiwed foe W'. A, and cake were served nflery-tobkh aU vifo aeren per evuL toteresL aad all
Kew. properly mud ospecu to move a fe« well spoken woida preueeted legal costa, logeiber with an attorney'.
ku family to ww&. eooa.
*Tra Kent with a Rebfoah he-ifee of Thirty JTve Dollar*, as piovldThe Ber. Bttar und wUe ww
alf of foe sUter Rgbekaba.
ed by law ahd aa cov.-naoted for tbereBoa* BuiFtota eatuiday. ntantog
The recefaion at the parsoaage. P j*. tbe premia*-* U fag dCKribed fa
svenlng. given for foe Rev. Mr. Bdker.Mi4 aongage as foDows.
home Bubday.
•Mia* Martha Bcrnstlnc was home
wife, wa* very mifeh enjoyed by | Tbe
The folio*..,
followfag described
tram Bomb Dourdgfan Friday nmil
ualed in thi- Township of East Us.v
Coonty of Grand Tr*vor*fc and 8tati
. foal of Mlrhlimn. M»: Comm/nefag at t
K-Rtaf mfo Mto* Berry «or reutyned to fovir bon ............
they had spent a very ploasanC even- P«>fat 9Tv.' HundiTd Fitly FVet Wmt
of foo South Bast Coraev of Lot T«
BoctioD SevvB Township Twenty 8ev
ea North bt Range Trn WesL theutt
At TOc Lake Nov. A
Bast to the Cast lioc of saW abotw
J. Lesby. foe OptoruetrisL will bq described Kvmlse*: tbeace North
at foe city hotel Thursda).
ilong said BaM Uw to foe Bast Arm
ot Grand Travorto' Bay: thence West
apccUlty. Glasaes gtiaraniecd t
along •»« Bast arm of Grand Trav.
ersc Bav to a point Five Hundred FlfLv Feet'West of foe Bast line of the
above described premia^ tbei
Booth to pUc* of beclnnfag be
strtop ot Und Fire Hundred PIRy
Feet wfae afao Lots Gate. Twesty One
and Twenty Two of the \Tltope of

...... - . —


One Dihctor—Only One

in nnaUfom oM^doctor to andto! Sdcct
for your cou^
atdy sdect tiie best cou^ inedidne. tboi
to it Ask yoor doctor about Ayer’s Ctery Pectord for
ttvoBtttdlpMstmibin. Sold far neariy seventy yean.
ytor Aactoc


above described eontainfag
Twelve Acre*.
Auocmara for Moetgiget.
Buatoess addrara:
Traverae City. Mkk.
latrU. Ora S7. iSlto
S. iv. iir-M. Die l-T li,

32. to Jaa. S, a, Ik

the rouigest daughter ot Ur.Aad Mra
i. it. Steele, the otber^garata Tera
C. O. BmKh. TUe aad amiher sMl Mr.
and Mr*. Oea Ives. “ *
______ Tbe TTddUic ■foreh
plared by Mr*. Oeorc* Stoela ns
they marched to the foMe. MaMc
«as the ordw of foe eraalag.
MISS Sadie Bany la morklng for
Mrs. Claud Fry*.
Miss Era Boaay U at home ai.
Ollas Lena Fry* is buaidlac Titb
Mra Kate KnaalaU. this wank.
Mra Ffora May eatertalaed 19 at;
the goMen Tedding gamta. SuadrOcc 24.
Metriy ereryoae .obt the balfoOB In
thl* Tldnlty last Tuesday.

1 YvWi«iYoaN.odPhirt


me Guide Book-


Oscar....... -........................
Id'.betier at thU Trlttag.
, i; OUT scbtwl
OseSLT Barth
Thuraday and Friday U his «U*‘a
plao* ThUe the baby was the totsl
He had a t

O. V. Holmes has Us potaioas adl
last week.
Leon HBSff was a Traverse (Tty
O«o. Peck visited hit wUe and’eblld'Uete«r-Ta«
la Klngilay thU
visitor Saturday and Sunday.
ten Satnrday.
John r. Kutks and Wm.
Mra. C. R. Smith U a URle h«ter.
CUMs Florenee Allen vlaited Geo. J.
of iPlaue. passed through her* Sanvery buay ‘
Barth, ar. and family. Thwsday.
Isaac Huff was home from Traverae
Prank FtMaekt U dHvtng naOi rath■
City laat week. He appears much Im­ r lively lately.f. so T* ezpact to sec
proved In health
toft fra
r. aztd Mrs. Fred BMIU aad foUdlg*^t
<Jf fosAr^t-^ & Thwe
Henry Dcrlw
. . part
reu of Platte, were the gueeu
U of Mr. Sunday with Byruu

with Tiltndi.,
snd Mra J. E. Osborn Sonday} for dinGoo J. Barth. sr_ called on Norman
Mra., Fraak Hardle of
.Newman. Prtday last.
. .M'David Foek will wort; tor Byron »ire. wera to the clty Monda> as the
Marvin, digging poutoe*. this week, gnmli of fnends and to do some
(nara wniMms came up to their shondng.
School commenced again this morn­ farm home from Maide City, to stay
-----------------------ing with tbe MISS Leana Frye
n few daya. this week.
' Ae**deats will hamn. but foe besitceetaer. who hat recovered trom her
George U. Barth. Jr, U wotkfog ter regulated famltle* keep Dc.. Ttiamoa'
recent Ulnem. a* to be able to come hU father digging potttos*.
E^tria Oil few such em^^cto. It
bark 10.her work again.
nbdue* tbe pain and beak the hurts.
A rery pleaaatit evening was spent
t the home of W. r. Ivc». Oct. 22. tbe

A Nouhle Weddinf.
A Doiabte Tedding occurred Tnesdar ■afternoon at the home of Mrs.
King, the bride's mother.
OLmmere. Miss ‘
Itrd In Biarrli
in the alterMr. Frank Hardr. cashier of
the Empire bank.
Tbe offlcUUng
ckTgrnisn^a'is the llev. AIUls of Benaoala Tbe brMe and groom, aceomMlas Sarah Dunn
groomsleele of Kalkaska, father and mother
man. were placed within a white
Mrs. Joha Oohb is oo the slok hat i Mias Thai has returned to her home !?*oi
Mr. «nd Mrs. TIbbtU Tee* In Man- la
Detroit, after a two Te«b VWt .........
d.i:]i ,
.jrb-f hut impreastve c ..
with her tooaln. ^Mra lawla^Morrli.^ mouy. Tbe l^rldc'a ao»u »■** ot whltv
Kjdkaaka oauor
eaUor' —^-----Id"Davidson, mho has---been
• sRk and the ebwer Imta fiawasaa
-Mra Beals
time duels carrkd by bride and bride*-,
> bet- niald were Tbilo daisies, ilugo maa»-l
^S'V^lStoi'^iirin towa on hoMThcomallmn, 1* roponed
es of dahKas and astor* combined with
decoratlmis ot evergreens and^biuer"Tsi'coSrriSfod hUdauiktor, «c».| '"^nse Lewfo of Grand
.Ora«.to.1foTorae.Clty.3hnraday awl , called on her parenu hero before kTeeL
leaving for bis new home nt Web-1 Itorlng the vveniag reception, U*tMleaMoUyLtorkhaBretttrncdhome ««-, Dakota, There ho hasnccoptid
b>« from, eight to ten foe ym
accepted a i»g
0 of foo viwple’* popularity was erWeared b.'
I tb« presence of nearly two hundred It uhuasc*. h.xbto


BboM » *r*s«L^ TB* SM tram
araj. were as laUows: Mr. C- k.
- - a»d Tire aiM Htram Stoefo aad
_____ iIMmb «< Traeerae CMp. G*m*ei
Steele ami Tito ahd tw* ekHdrSm aad
Mr. and Mra. fidward Btealr aad Mr.
aad Mra. Lee Smith aad MlM.Fh.r
Price. aD of FVe Imhe aaS MrJ aad
Mra A. M. Steele o(-------

In tb. celebrated Utira linu w.- ca:
ry Unioo Suits for boy* and Ulueii.
SOc and tse.
Tbe same fa ladles' sepumte ga.ttents. an aim at Me-

Then fa other lim w*. hare woH
garment* for children—vect.. panu
and drawer* at Me aad 79c.
Ladies' Union Ssils at SOc.
Knit CUrvriaCtrvera 29c and SBe.
CtoWrcu-a Mack Tights. 2fa. She

Sam* fa Ladle*' sfara El. IIAO and
JOE LOT—Ladlce' VcvU and Ifani^
whifo formerly aoU for tl. new
fomilar Itoe,formerly sold for Me.
to clooe now at foe.
-the Moualm : Ua« which
w« CURT » aB slsea for
aud dUldrcm.


Miss M. Wist of tapir* pasaad
throngh the cHy Has toy m roaU to
Battle Creek, whera ah* *0 wNM teS
There she wfU
Mr. and Mra. Samail OitMsi ratumed Iran ML CIsmaas today. Thar*
>ra oerUad took three weeks- tnatsicat tar rbetiminma.


Looby, tbs Off)
* m PNe Laha.
If .jraabled with hmrafo* or to
used of glmim. SM Uahy. tha OptoaieUst. at tbe ^ hoML TSmntoy.
Nov. 3. as be come* peeparad to It
any eye* that


A hrahhy maa la a ktog la kM«Tu
Hghta: an uabeaMhy mmi to aa «ahappy aiare. Burdock Stood Bttton
blahU up BOath bankh hesps you

For Economicdi Buyers
Some Splendid aeddlng Valnes
Do not put too mneh faith In tboae nice days, lor you arc BeSla to
wake up some moving and find they have flown and that your tioopint
room is cold, oh oo cold!
We realize thiru not a pleasant topic! but we do this to otlr yoS np
and get you to avoid being caught without proper bed covering. Yen
can buy now and to a good advantage.- Stoctu are at thalr beat: valnet
are at their best, for when we have to buy again it will mean we' both
have to pay more. Take our advice and boy now.

Wbaa you bay potato** of the farmer fa the fall as2 put them fa ytrim-eeUay. you do u hsesama r*« can
sivc tbe profit the mores g*t tor haadlfag t^ don't you? This tame argnmekt appDra to huytog htoakci4 here—we buy direct from tbe iwtUs font mnkc foem. forreby anviag y«tt one profit—foal to foe wbSH
nakr of fobber. When you ooue to thfak it over. dooT loa beltove it aivlsaUe to fake a look at ear Nnuket valacsT

Wc are showing Cotioa Blaakets bom S»c up to tJAJ.
Th* fifty-nine cent Bfankri Is small, not full alae; at S»c wc show a lull Mie Mcaket to good g^ty.'
AT ONE DOIOtoR we give
blanket valow that Is exc^ilonnJ; fuU Ms* 4«UT5 fa-». fiMi sratffhL
long nap. atiracDv* colorw aad pauerna-^and now t* foe time to buy tl
s blanket. 67rt#. kiag aap. good kodf back.of fo* ■*«, to
both grv.'e and tsn*. with sttrnetivr borJera. Other tsrg* size blaaket* at 9I.73 aril
The cotton back* with wool wps are jHoving very popgUr. for they are provfag very sstlsftiftofj yon
get the wsrmth of •s'ool *t the price of cotioo. Tbeee come tr^m ItiJ te *A».
la Wool Blankets we carry one of the best Uoe* to be found anywhere, and one to tbe larseaL -Friesn
range from W 7S to 112.

Sheets and Pillow Cases
lire*. Is a TfoW Hemmed Sbiwt at fifty ecsta. Tbe hem to a wrifotl tom wddek daaa not mnk*
noOcc*bic. HemaOtebed PUtow sitj»r.
for clgbteeb ccafo Other stdeodid ralara to atofas a
ail »Uc* sad qualities. .

Warm ComlortaMes at MoBcy Saving Prieca
Thi-ae a.-* carried fa foe carpet room for lack of room fa other departments to carry 1
it'b a stock wc ar* proud ol—preruU of the splendid assortment and prond of th* vatoen.
AT A.DOLLAR AND A Ql'.VRTCR to a splendid csmfonable. filled wUh cMUn. sOk
good alse—one you can boy feeling lOO nrv gritfag C*nd valne.
n n'cemlor.
M com
foal wiU be n comfort to you. «nn font moal tonras
woald aak yon two doOnrs far—fa tact we onchl tp. b«l a fonanate jarchnse enable* a* tn*E«r foam M tarn.

Thai are fit to tor yonr bend on.
, '
We carry a good Use of purely haalUry FnaXh^ FiBnara-ervn for- taw priced oar* ara dean aad dvcto.
Theer start at $1.2... range fa price up to k:;
three dollars Ibry arc fill- 'f «lfo a good qtmll’: Of faooa
and du--k fca\h^. aad at fi'* for> arc dowa Bltrd

Covering for ComforteMes
Throe «c rarry in a grvai nr-amomml ChaJlw*. > sad
. . r
quill patter^ large Sowt-red prteu. oil coforod priatn-^a fact my what .'o« «aci

Cotfon Batting
We show a CDOd Uae of Batu at all price*, ifc. 12hgc. 1^. I'k toe. He.
to ahaeu 72x»4. aa Meal fllltog. pwety saaltarr. II fo.
awnifwiinn Lambs B'ooLnne sheet 73*94. finest fotof fa be fonnd; moth




■>'-:( , .1^ .

!■• :'J-



. «w« WBiUM, 1

Teniro boote to oorto? WoU. woU! , too iluto gmu'» Crock
aad token
wtott'o tbnU
hoM M » ■ooToalr.
OoBte.vp with o unfltoc teee.
Ckkeo tar n
ChBd'i Liuehm:
U> Bototog osBtaat yen to iku down i>|«nce !><<«•
fVooted-Two oggs
honun: ono oipful o( oocar broton
To Ito there, that’*' too dtagnce.
oith ccs«: one eopCul ot flow with
Ttio harder ron>o thrown, the higher «a« tMapoontu! toklnc-powder hoattract, and' one-half

:i MarW.-Ma<»* <»».«••'


r UMin. m «Mk to ^
eotonym «r* o*!#* ■ yoK tecor» pl^
tk«. tjiac *Mta* c< b*bT ribtaoft «»- ib or eli»t
totoctjO tto ooro.
to too OHM to
<l»r thoir MM. Make Uotr «toMm ud took to too kot amp tm door.
■»d C« u r«
» tvy
«l w IMUI •>< kwi 1M>
, ,f, ------ H-..- tbc
B^p. Mter It eo*kc4 « Imt ju « Oml
ef tor Jtoee. toon tm into
K UBM <rT. TOi tW mu. «U- "«• >• * >«• «>“
tagtotol; to K addom 01^ eg wuUfMM>«>II»tIl>ltl»UU<t<4aa><
!»«•«« taaowd toeod make. eaoheW cwpfid
u» u >111^ aM>uM tfw tn»iK u»k,ioauLM».™i...«»i™. of gmod Bet mtem, a Bttle hoely
tW tM». Wl« It 1. «t.
c»m' "*°” Hwifc !• »1t. naon !>• chopped paritey. sage or thytae aad
<«”■ «!»«< oi tb. nak wUi . «i.a Utile aalL One lewpoatul of tapped





i «tote aa «
toe <dd ptoi.eoa of conclns and poring.
Sprinkle with Hgu. and tnm peeneioanDy oufl tou y dteotaod. then
Mid to toe apple aanee. and In them
Bland tegetoer tor at leaoi na how. U
plnonptdoa are net in Bcoion-nae a

cnpfnl boUtog


gerro wry

It ton'l toe fact toot yon-t«lkhod that
^ ^*,ten to. Bake to «ea
eonnia, i nan, --neake Uo. or sooaio ttoa

,nnlrm.o« n. rr... ,■■. •,■........... .
ApptoOeam Ple-etew OM «ton <g

had too- yon be dtao to the dooth.
taue.ooonfult better- two
•w*tot to«T
it'ywfto.hatUod the hort yon cooM.
two tabtoopoonfula
It yoolw glared row 'part I® the
For the roae. leare oui the eoworld Od meo,
ud color, with beet Jeloe.
The CriUc will call it p>odDeUdona Fndge Balla-The Ing^
Death eomoa wtth a cnnrt, or cornea
u,^ ^^le as tor ordinary
with a poonco.
«ot whether be'i alow or spry
- , intouo or to. After taking themfram
IM»-t u» na, u»t mfn inn U«t tot «n ot

** crea«. flatored with one tea»P«* erttort ^ >ax>tL Uoe a pie
'»«*• «« ^
tbo xpplM and bake HH the crntt It
dooe. Hare ready a PMrtBgee of
wbitct of two eggt. beaten alls with
three jabletixipnt togar and fUror
wHh li few diope of H-tnon: spread
over pie and brown.
nilldmi't Apple Bread—An oUr^k»ed dUh which never falii to do


> ^<2

•*-••« >•


length Of ttme and then heat agnli.
! 2^
I Thto ahould be repeated three or four
The io«U wUl be a deliclout

^ ^p.


applog throe

one of butlerjdnch of ealboae

The Swing Owma to an eaccBeBt wtth the flngwa. Id stoMlag. ntiU nay
help la as erealag-t eatertalnatent or ^ mixed la: A oaadled cberrT <« the
Apida PaSe—Hake the regatottoa
theatHtato. The prepantioba ^ **
“ »ddltkm
^f tan appleh. aad be a
tor tt, Sto^, to, rtoj toupto. All . u
°' “*
that are reonlred a« two w .MO ♦ ♦ •yH^UsVo:
^ ^
oldtaahloaed rope owtog. and a enp-^ • ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦••♦«♦ ^oag egg beater whip all together,
port tor tbeaa
jMe tUBBter' fnilu aad Iboee Set oa the Ice a«:l when ready to
HaiBiaorta nay alto be naed. al- ^
and hpqa. and torw. flU cream pot ehelto with the

eatoo may be added If demred. nu
toe tomatoea with thto -mixtme. beep­
ing it up above ibc opening, and hake
tlowlr-. Serw pUln-er wtto a cream
or brown tanoc.
DeUcieea Nut Saadwkbe*-A moet
whetaeome aad wutiitloea sandwich
lUtng. that may be bad reedy prolared at all tlmce. may be made ag.
Take one aad oaehalf'
pounds of talked net nteats. at many
prwh# as procurable, one-half pound
each of flga..datee aad ratoin*. BeiMve '^1 seeds from toe date# and
mlslai. and mix fruit and nuta well.
Ran all through the food chopper,
italmg the floe cutter. Then peck
doeel) la tie cans or larc. cover close­
ly. and keep In a cool piaca When
wanted, dip toe can In hot mater and
the contents will slip mit eesll.v. Cm
in aUce# and place between thin slice#
of bread. A deUcioiu randy niaj be
made by cutting the aut-fniii mixture
la cubes, and dipping them In melted
sweet chocolate.
Sandwtehee—Bent the
white ot an egg stiff, add two cup# of
aogar. one cup ol nuts chopped line,
and oaeAair cup of ratotim Stir well
together, and spread beiwreen two
large soda crackers. FUre in a warm
area to lightly browu. Serve warn
or cold.
Baked Apple* IVttb. N'uts—Peel and
core the whole apples, fill the ceuter#
wrirh flnel.v-chopped nuu. a UtUe lem­
on or orange peel, and sprinkle, toe
tejm with cinnamon or ntitmeg. Bet
them in a granite dish with a heaping
mofsugatto haU cui> of water.
to each apple, and' bake slowly.

w t l-t wc can Mtto dowa to toe »»«««.^pUce each oh. a wpwite.
tooae ea the »wlngt. Any anmber of
-uatectlon which comet from

alagen ebore two may take pan in
tawed with almond
thto toonn, neeordlag to toe «a*. STteS
ftuf. TSl
Nut Muffin#—Beau together
which we newr Uw-lihe apple
Dalntr—wipe, poarter. pan- yelks of two ecv and one bcopinc
But no be up ns- data* with a atogto' mm oTafto^ U olectrtcity,
tahleapooB of sugar.'add two uoiela yogr boaH ^
of nut meal, a aaltapoon of salt,
. Aid aoe hew U|ta top tapdeat
Ughta oroond the owing ropee. or
^rth^rn iiirhinx r^b. f^r «*Mhlrd of a cupful of cold water.
e-tolrd teospoMi ot soda dissolved in
theali oeem. ^
..toInto on one-half cup of sour mlfk. aad threei Vit taat the leglewl the Lord to gite they may bo .d*««tad with naural
suck variod^
Of aniAolal flomen and vlneo.
ity^lrMUng- I^onTsourthrottS
w-ertlghUy. and bake
^ the wniher .“ihlmThe oU-tatod^cdslowly eight hours. When candied and Bake
_ gamut
In muffin rings, or gem pans.
Ah’ allow ttai droaa M^rorct U toe
■ the
at ________
emuwea. to _
tor deasert.

1- of Hlo


a. UiUi'.tb.t . Bu

la,-o».,r. r™... T-tt-. o«’

hr ^
pe-lkec."' or
any nentlmeotal' A....A
ballad When theee Wd fair to be exbai)S(ed it
u-ith a omooto.
walU-Ume ehortm. i, Indeod'a poor cook who cannot inWOUM be toe tarn.
v«,t a few mote.
Thq girl otaSWa. eopraaos and al^
For Inmtoce.
toe. are seated on the tortn^ while
d«p^ in nt HoM Cheery
the men f^e% tenors and basMe.

“ ‘
them a A...
belled r

Ota h...
. mu. am- Midmu map. m u» H».w cour
ait tm mar awa a-,«iu»r. am cook
arao with
aim apple
a>a. aaoce,
Cook Ba*.
Book, served
Hon»e Cheer has a very tender pinee
^ JoenlBy be
In ito heart for toe girls and boys of stretched to All toe extra disk
the bomes into wUek thto paper
the dor bc^
•oeo. Bmeciany doto Ito editor bw

Ooud Khepberd. Montreal.
1 <^n walk a to
After a ooullatK-d use of tbs .remedy, | “Tbrnogfa U>cee tbrev ftosewedesi
til's mstiluUoo hs> found Wu rem.>B to to make knows to the pebUc I
•hange tu good opiaioa of toe lemouy eaciency of your remedy.**


ewaber. said hto
made the ordtaM


e^e *“**
““’* “** ******
candled ^rrlt^ Beat unUI tam

It c« a torn Ptoie .iMt
. ,1^ ^e* lacarnmel—IntoasWUetpui
rord^M^ wni? eup of light broww «,g,r and one-

P***«*- fTnw wni^c
»lih either one-half tee
or with one tenspoon-

cS^llTlntTmlir^^^ JiL >“««>*«- fcot water. Let boU tar
«>» >•«« Wee- Ml. tbcrougbly.
of the cake. The __ ____ - •
minutes, then drop ta
wlr in one weU beaten egg. Press
have Wo a » p«i to mold It. then turn

:r„,:r.‘rr„r“‘’ '* ■

board. It
a unique
centerpiece sad we were spared toe
onaoai masticMton
^ ot oaadlc ^
Here is a
Men Mgeoenttag a
big toat-cek.
■ - chOdrees party,
Stoks yaw toat from any good rmdpe.
runtoose toe same number of peany

4od over this pour ooe-haIf cup of
cream. MTien bot. add to the boiling
«j ™p. stliTtag briskly tar aeverwl mtantes, toea pov over tbe apples aad
serv-e either hot or cold.
eyrwp of
two rops of sugar, oae cap of wmer

Korrors." and tols ib* "dsn*' had corfainly been Wdc The wnllt wore
bung w1tb black aad on-thetn wees ftoteoml bone#, skehson. of vmitato nnl_.i

sw aad Mta

chair, sot a fnlh
•Ised skelKoa. tto «Um ligbt aditias
cO]>ofmtlk. Beat In two cape of flour.
•♦•♦♦>♦♦♦♦♦•» ♦♦•• sifted wlto three level teaspoons ofj
party referred to was to toe ghostly appearanue td the place,
iWiaoo. aid mUod baking powder, and a pinch of «»«-L^v Slue is
the gueats. wbo jt va# a -creetiy - nlgkl. y « wknt else
“ “i"
lA,!^. Ud tbo aim. b~tob Wblio. ,.0
*»>>' could
eouM gtxx
VM cexpert at a 'Rktot* portyV
yeto--^sy are espectolly appro- M lb, <». pou.- Ulo boumd 0.PA™,..- „..b» lb. Iro.1couta
Halk>w*-en menus and a and stesm tor one-half boar.
was otH-ned ooiseleealy by a white
™P»*f ran be serv«« trcni
rolled bRUi < 10 # bite mask, who ailenl- ^
♦♦♦♦♦*♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦« ly |K>iDU-d up xtalrsk. Ak toe xlsltor
! o'clock all unnmoked. and a
HALLOWE'EN.Chowder—Take bau ■ piand of
sxcend»i he was wUrtlod by an »l»______
*uwer wax serm-d t-xcbange.
brokon into small ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦t iwrlUonoo the landing dr««sed to
»'««•- **"'
in n sauce pan with - A rorrespondeni asks for sotae ideas |rrocDt Che .- yHlow kid.' wlto a grtnwater, and allow them to for a Haltowe'en'eatcrtatameni. Tberejnlbg pumpkin head. Another si
For ironin Dgy.
Wmmer for one hour and thirty mla- arc so many way# of having a jo11.-|ftR>;r.- in white moiloDed Ita gues
A Ph cr of coarse wka'dpa(H-r 04 tU
eeveral poutoee oW-faxbloned time en tbU
»r the ironing board is a Jxslp
Aolp ta
drvw*ing rooms wh<-rc gb.*.,i,.
“*1 “ guod-aiied onion. Have a pint
f tries
dl»-I*wa! of wraj-x. keefiing lOe iron ipe« frmn rou;st
«““*d or stowed Umatoua. Strain given
ijr the i^rlori a merry crowd wax sx- A hot Irtin rubto-d ow a pleco tff pino
hardly koow'w the
“*"»• “''‘a*
»»ter la hrownics. that one
RetEliiedj-arh Rtrn irtc'o [^nefrate thr or redaf bough, having the r—-'*■—
heea boiled, and be«t
B« I Ro toink
dl.tauOc .I.-wsa -h. alrorti-inil on. win rivaj
IvaLIu M ihMal one
• valuable stock, two occosloes which were grcsily vn- huDK biat-k ruraltiA on #hlr-t: in while upon whlrtTVten''^ •*'* *»“»» of a kettle with a Joy.-d by Itaosc presew.
|.-tt<-;x wa.- (he .legend. 'I'ksutbvt of brttwax has been rtyd.
One of the#., partook In soiu- re­
POUtoe#; add a tay er of
tonlps and onion, with a spHck- spects of toe natnie of s -harvcxi fe»
thyme, sweet marjotum. chop tlv-oL" Tbe rooms were deooraurd
panl^:-a»d salt, then a layer ot wiib products of BeM and wond#. Tall
(omntoee. and tost of all n layer stalks of corn wtlb ripe esr# s'tM>d oa
meats. Continue tbe layers .either ride of ’be mantel. Bar# <>f top-,
lagredimt# corn with the bu#ks turned bst-k were
fastened in clu.-’^rx in various juirts
***“■ <* lA®
of the room Red and green
holAeg boi. Ut sim
minutes, then add nne were sinini; In fesioon# about toe mlr
So s*v* Woo* Hoichmwm.
M. M. D, in McQwe's Maptrinr
thlckku wtth a little iTOf# and from the chandeiierx. prr-a;
lor ApA 1906.
#- •
butter If desired. Sot bm- bunebe# of th. brJliUa' #titiiar'Jea«~5.

bam? non,, bt aaklbk
Wrikdayi of toe family. This does not
n cup and a half of mitt aad
e.sssedes*### aeceaaarlty mean extrw work. At ike thr** irci t.hiMm
____ _____ ______ ___ _
(sesni) of
moot. M takes eo UtUe to give bwpl- eomsurck. U-bile tols was tblekcuneoa to a child. And toe memory will
p,, ^ fras beaten, with half a
last aa tong as Ufe ttortf.
cup of
and n lltUe vnailU flavorPvrkape eome cuamon.
added to the milk. ^ITien It
deoeert cu be given an extra
tolcke^d It wda eel la e imn * cold
Home Ower-a editor wUl never'for- w,i*r w cool quickly. Before It got
get the ^wclal birthday glory abed u» Ann. toe applee. drained from
npem so venr common a dish na Aont- their joloe, were added, and the AUtag taiond by the dear giundmother log pnt Inside toe shell.
The Bnefc Door PhUnoophor of whom who* died when toe Uttle girl was
The pie was made InsUe of ton mine n taw wetos ago, mill a Uny <^|ld. This doeecrt was utes asdwuaeo delicious that It promTo be pore, they have always made a feature of ber Mrtb- -toeedo be a frequent dessert hereeflerr taet. tholr atattans tn Ufe ore dny dinner at graadBother's. ft was
The foHowing redpro are
- tar opart, and tholr taoM ore unknown served in a tali glass dlsii, and on from Good Hounekeeplag:
I to thsrotooUs of the •ach white, foamy tslaod ta toe sen. Apide Fopovera-Bent ibtee eggs to^hanrt batwaoB tknt from toe tact of ct golden CBOUrd wax n Ubmal 4oC getber unUl light and add to them two
I (hair antnol lovn for knmnnity.
ting of red current Jelly.
cups of italk and a level ealupoon ot
By the way, wkai an tatereatlng
Bad! n IltUe thing Ho do. but It wit- Pour thto very grndually Into
time w* ore gotag to have wkon we Boaot more to the w*». girile than two cups of Aour. nUrring consunUy.
' rentto The Other Side ot Tklnga. end words could express, and was eager- Holt BQ deep. Ant-boUomed patty puna.
ly anticipated for wweks and etc* »>»lcb have been buttered and healed
montha abend?
«nd hake in a very- quick oyen about
. nlBB. SemeUaws the vtol is eo tola
Bweet liUle Alice w-bo came -with t»«to to twenty-Ave minute#. Tbe
ioxtrod ol the dalrythat STS cab* gttmpew In thU every‘"f 'bl» thlcfceolag. Some
her mother tost ^meek to dine wlto ®«n »«« be hot. or tbt-y will not puff
' day. Workaday Ufe of thoee with whom the editor, on ber Ihlni birthday, was *P PttKwriy. ifben done, allp them
tomame* ta making
we win petaope be far beuer ncaualatnbei^utely speechless with ^Hgnt nt
n t-ery sharp
•d in etanttlea to come, if this vision
n ttay frosted cake, wrestoed with ^“*** Odlckly cut off the tops where
Ronst—This |» the piece d- rcIff the faun coohs true. Home Cheer Bowera aita bearing three little col*bove the pan. Tbe inside wistance at many a vegetarian dinner,
kopw It nor
toe OM 10 intfodues
orod eandlo#^ The actunl piwiiaratior
ta Mlpw. Put In eo^ a heap>»■> ta made with any variety of
. tkn Back Oocg PklloMpber toHbe of this took lees ttan two minutes ^ Uhlesploon of bot apple sauce, re- “»*• 'o ®«li IndlvlduWI taste#. Walnut.
Here Is tbe wa.v a grown up boy
“PS'*•* Popovets on In- P«*« •“<> «'tar. roasts are tbe mext
r seems ta ta was remembered on his birthday. It
Pl*l«* *nd eert-c Immediately *«>«rnlly used. To make a roast, pui
does not require an ibnnrmiltr targe ** *
hard sauce. This
toacupfuls of stale bread crumbs
coke to oocoouDOdate ire or flfteen *'*'‘P*^ makse eight popovers.
*“ • mixing bowl, and moisten with
Ttimllcf nm
’obe u>
*PP** Whip—Best toe whites of hot water. Let stood a few mlnutex.
grow on"-tait w-hen paterfamilias IrsUff andpoitertly dry. ®“'«
«he wnier is absorbed. Add
•toted on
urtv-seveD rrxr# oU
l**hily Into one pint of *** cupful of croabed or mound out
ww had to
sweetened apple, add one «»***- “<* ««' heaping tables,wonful
apply t,o toe

. tUawA
am aalF imw «ld mn toha B!.


•‘Weianuy tiisagoodloalca^wa ■
at* very thaaktnl.’* Bistat# of tbo
SUton ot to* (iood Khepberd.
One of I he aan.v h agitato which bsew
Imad Pevuna of value la trcMiag'^tad
After using Psruoa fer two or three
oatwrk a
IBoulhs. eerersl (nenta^r# ot the com- Hoe|diai Su Job u, who write as foOowaa
muaity have exiinvsnerd SBoh good, tTtrr. are b.ppy to tell yua «hn»
•ffeets that tbeyrar. teeommeoJiM tu* ' W vourPeranahastowunoBiaii^
to other#.
BUler# of ll.dy t'
fac-lina. Three paiirou torv# triad It,
TJOSPlT.kl, for InonnUe# Notre j oa< «> yeers old'. Renoei Hupato, at^
n Dame dcO tare, near Munireal.
. aK-tsd i-ito catarrh, U much rvltsvsd..
Notre Dame deOrww noenitsl tor Ttf-tfih he hdklMh taTa’^ltabtoet
curmldea. having n«d Peruaa for #*v- [
ersf tBoBth-. revommend# ft highly as, •■.V young girl, U ywnr# oU. hod an
an excellent tonic, and it is with p(ees-|oVltnateceagh, which halt a betUsed
in# that » oou onr testimonial to tne, iwrtma eaneco «o c
1 -.V# to my^-K, ti
TT.WINC. mead Penmatar the pest few' vtoeed me tbai- reruna I# w
A. for oar oi<^aBd pear, we a# a
Before the tr
' has
to : I •t walk fur-a quarter of aa hour wilhnre hm>py
»*T toat tt

for two loaves ot bread. Mix bard,
lableapoonfuto of muAr. one-half tea- and treat the same as for any br^.
mnllla and one pint of \tTiole wheat flour, or graham, ma:^ be gathered about (he grate 'flrv wbick
p,j^ ,
was buning Inw. all lights wviv put
^'**"»* *‘'ites beaten to a stiff froth
Nut iniddlDfi—Creaki oni-fourtli cup
‘storte# wei* told uoUl
ewrjMJy had the
rendy to serve, with wanned«rer rtce
aad add one-half cui> ot chopped nou.j ^ refreakmenu
served were
wtoasidedtob. The des-

-] • ■ -'-fsl y«ta Okonldto taymtoly to •


B»*<l-80r one mp of flnely

'^.CHARl^fioAptlaL Quebec City.' and #X|<m^ Iwm
O One ot purst-irra. wboeomm«Beed , Uwing teFins;

“The Whitest of White fc-ead
Is the Most Nutritious Food”

bltlen-w-eei berrtew. rose hl|ij» apd
golden rod were mssst-d in bowl# mj
vases and d;s]w>.--ed !r t-v.-ry avaJUblr
On oDi tstdc wg» a i-uiupklo. (
which a ponJ.iD ol tbe io|> and" lb-- in
side had l.«H-n removed. On on.- rl.Je
wax c-sn-fd the xemt.UncA- of s fs'-e.
The c-»e# were made of blue grap.-*
•cd the teeth ol kertielx of white'
corn, white the long. xtn*piing
wax of »i.-ung t»oi#;«»rn. The renter
was flUed with flower#. Another Israr
pumpkin wa# cut ta two sod ’b.- mesi
•. ta lu.1;
led wr
fmli. cluster* of grw]e-*. white «i.
poirle. bangiag from tbe cmtrsrur-On the library ubl.- wo# s pumi kin,
tbe top of which had been cut off.
leaving toe stemefor s handle The
Inside ws* fliied with red eDvck>i>cr.
• each of which contained a coopl.-c re
citing the mairlmoolsl prospect* of
one of the gue»ts. and sealed »fb
black w^. A ribbon w-a» attached -o
each. yX*!iow for the gcoticmen and
red for too ladies. - The cover wa# jut
on. allewtag ibv ribbons to hang out
and toe gu<»t> draw toe fateful mi#sivew. liwsb- -deB ' a wurf, to approprtate coMumc sn.l ^rrouDdlugx told

Judgmeoi must be used.
roast wbec placed ta toe oven should
ta os moM os is coasUtent sruh it#
taiag flrwdy moMwI. It ta pood nerved
Vartous gam
botoroold. BUeod verr toll, h makes li^ a
a deltetaos Alltag for saadwiehes.
TOmmoes-Seleei -Arm.

BBtW («• W

braagyfaBiu, vkiekare u i
s® mch awdat mr etettamk mtitiat.
-WMlc IW. red m,#. ud Ua blacd 1.4, dre mot W
oi cooqurtC. The booffed supeM nutnbve
ol wboie^
and cereabi is .. . .
a dscfl piott. b«t that place i a kag way down the
wdifle breotL.


Lily White
*'The Flo«r the Beet Cooks Ute’*

I. tbe wfaest ol K’iule flour?
wbue. tta van- bt^sest prodn
and maiuve vohic.

• UsK wbne. bta • rids, greamf
ol tolag skd. bota ailn catm

W’c horo • neat ktSe booUel ktauaag tbe siticie «f Cb
HiflchaMn's rclrrr^ to Bboro andlroa) whwn tbe iirff throe pm®.
Ptabs of thi. sd-.-eitacmeat are taken'
W'c wH gladly mod d to anyone who is atereaed a the bod
maaFtofan htae
a weB wpnh fe»W. »d jmrhcfe
been oahaed by imSHlUid hrod bd
» <• n beam ta­
dcTffasdag <d tbeiact that "Mad is
le MMOfl” a dm
ahdban of (ood.
Fer safe by >®w dealer.


have UUto gueMA aad to# takv aad this yuOow rtad ot
IVTOs-tV flolls Is rrtft impii of the half a
p#ce Mx btr»e tan Wp- Ita non owla. aad with s

■ --Aa '*.-.1-*#

tom. ^
lye cx crouc flow a .emMeBce.


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