Grand Traverse Herald, September 13, 1910

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Grand Traverse Herald, September 13, 1910


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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9tS9 A YEAB.



25 PEil^NS


* CmV RwhH TIiM U Wm Ortmmi

Aapt. A—WtfPlm
fipptto ma»» tM Am
fp^ m. N mM( I« lam MleMtM


Port Oneida. MU-h., Sept. 10—Mlo
or Kelderbouae, a proepenMu (a
of thia place. «ae dound dead a
nonie hero vesterday having baageo
himarif aome lime during tbe t
CAdUUr. Micb, Stpc. 10.-Burl«i
lag houra. He leatpa a
widow abd
«l-« WMilb or UftMTit iMt WU DCflain ^aiighiet*. aged 4 year*. He
I to te MM by CAdUlAC
year* cdd.
B marrUce
bMrlBc tM lutnM of
Miii RtM!
fafiiter, owning a Ji^i-a*re farm,
OTCMhM ad4 John B. Burr d Romaoiue time hr bad l>een melancholy,
buBb. wa* found 1b ■ MlUBaa reaurand n la thought that be took bla Several ol the Men Plunge^ Into
roetcd ftOBi bcnoBUi b Imilber pll«
No ln«««e« wei Deemed Nectaaan’ IIK wUto auPerlng from aieulal alier
Burning Room to Peck Tlveir
by B CWjM a »lltebeU Msployr. The
Ae Mr. KilpalfKk Had Been a
Cemradcl—Inoulry on hoard
Mnlfleate wbi dated July 4. at PeAufferer from Chronic
Funeral aervlcei will be held tomor
HotpiUI hhip.
Heart Treubta.
OUBf of POIICA vrau the brUohoBie. tbe Rev. »lr, Tremaine ofOelal
S.-W Pori K'.-wa, Va. Sept 9.—All
rooB at RoMbuidL wbo BBawered
Tbe burlgl rwili be In the Fort Injured wbo were abl^ leaidl'rd today
that tba. auU eaae waa alolen fnmi
B. KllpatrU'k. a pioneer of
Oneida remeiery.
aboard tbe hoapUal ship Sotooa In (be
the O. «. A I. deppM Mre Jaly 5. Lectoaau oonnO'. an<l * resident of
uavai iDitulry of tbe «xpk>*loo on the
rbUa iba roople were m raaie
OreUkkvllle. waa rouad dead In bli
batileeblp North Dakota, kimag Uuwe
frotn their weddlac. Th* offlreni put homo a few doors from (be Orelllrk
Injuring ulnr, that the dead .were
the dalaiily eDbtolderad lln« I
store Thuraday nitbt by a nelfbbor.
»t burned, but drowned.
In the eultMH wKb the prerloua
Mr. Biirrouthi. who enlrred ihi
They teslined that It wai i
tifleete and aent the ouiht to lu own- aoaae. belli-viap that anmettalnt
sary to aatrlflce the men by Ouoding
Ibe tioller room lu prevent aa expio
Mr. Xilpairlrk bad oot been seen
sloB .M the magatlnea.
slaee enaday. but is be waa.a bache­
Several beroirally attempted to nave
lor and lived aa much a reclaae at
their comrades by plunging into the
It was possible for him to do, ofurn
burning room.
leavlap hli home and reaajnlncaway
(or aeveral days at a time, wliboui
lettlac his nelihbora know of hia
wbereobouti, hli obaance waa not
ion. However, ae Mr.
FONTIFieiAk HlOH MAW SAID Burroutba a I phtalup the houie
aatlnp from
< houae, and aecur- CROWD OF THOUSANDS
Uniere. be. In company wUa


•ha mmk in MS fatt af water in nddMha. Thiny eera af eeet eraat .
SSUwaMMa. iapt A-A tMralaaa
aau far halp was raaalvad thia marib
lap fra* hara tterpMiie aar farry
Na. 1A Twa tarpi end life aavara teara

RMt «rand RaMamh af <IM M FaL
tea* pad Fenner PraeldentVileh.
IMP AAedleal Aeeeclatlen.
fBy TJiJm Praee.)
•MUe Creak. MkA, itopt- lO.-Or.
Maaaa Flweh. who read the Arat
I the reMAIliil hnny aarerai awatha before
the AekaM 'Ohder tM Oaks."
ewRIwi. died at Me borne today at the
hat af M.
Ha erM paat pnad patriardi of the
M FaUowa aad^gw preeldent *(

Mr. oM Mm. F. O. Cvatt ef
Went te Nerthpen.
.Mr. aad Mrt. r. O. Beatt. of PIIbi.
aiitwad Yharaday and remaload at
the Fart Flaea, laanns Frtday moretap tor Kortbpon. where they will
•hMd a weak el Mrch eeiuie. oa ibr
Mary J. Welfe aatau. Mr. aad Mia.
»*an ore aa their weddlap trip. ha», tap beea mimed at «c cutr Wedaes•W- Tap wide waa renerly Mlm
AMtail CraaptoB, of St. Clair.
C«M1 to empteyad by tM Ouraoi Don
<Mrrtope eempiar at FUat.





•twill Nwpy»»ia.dt N aappeaad that
eWra drewMd.
AoMnp tM eaead arere Chief *teward Yaanpi: Manapar ef tM Chlee«e
Natdpatnn ca. CeMiraae and a paeaaawr. Aanea Aaek.
The aawe af the aeeMent te
fcapwas AM H la ewppeeM that eM



UnkIM Tiiltf C*nn»cM «

The talriliM epereter here reeelw«A Mie AlMreae MiMepee frem Ne. IS
< Ne. 17 wMdh «*aa OMity, waa
aaM Ay wtraMae ta her aid. Aavantaen
, rapine by Mraleaa that ahe reaeaad
^ «M M»w. H aad tiwM paaeenpen
■arty rapine af m drawned «
I Aaaiad afMeNy ky «A*
Lalar p wdiaiaae wai raM
tMah alpM that aavan aWeara ar tha
•any aM U ma« warm draamad, tha
raat af the eraw ef ■ and three
MApara haing aavad. Porthar affent
dinal •enirttm of Itomt and Carta «M tetrMeae Patalla waia fniHlw
dlfiM VeMitalll af Rome and CarMrey Na. T7 N an IMU hera ertth tM
tM Celebrant.


Miner KcldcrfwuM, Preaperoua Fare
er of Fort One-da, Was a Victim
ef Melanohely.

Uoatrael. Bepi. lO.—AaventyAre
thouaaad caaiollea atiendloc iM BucMrlatle eoupreaa today paiticl
In aa opao air poatlBHal ma
har’a Said. ArebblaMp Farley of
K«« York, baluc ibe calebraiit. Car­
dinal Vanntalll. papal eamy. aad Oardiaal Ufue. of Inland,’aatUtlBp the
Ret. Wr. Fade.
M*r. OVonneU delltered tba aerloaa in French and BDcIlBb. A ipw*
lal alUr was eracied at the laou ' '
(am. at a coat of



aeveral otbera. entered Ibe boure.
rbey found Mr. Kll|>atrick dead
ail bod. He had been dead stvurab Declared That Justice Was the First
Raquiaite ef Law and Orderdays. It to Uelleied that death occur
red isat Sunday.
Condemned the Thrower of
Coroner Bleplckn. of Sutioaa Bay.
at DOtlfled of Ibe Bndlnc of the body ,
and drove at once to (irelhckvilto, Af­ Uoliimhua. 8r^ I<>—Rbnaeveli
ter an exemlnatioB o( the
the trolle^' atrlki- wbli U
decided ibai no Inqueat waa oeceuary.
kepi ColambM under martial law
death havlny occurred from chronic (or weeks, at.'-doodali- Park. Tb
heart tronblc.
lUlenen. a ere |>a
Mr. Kilpatrick waa 64 yntrt old. He trolled by mlUtla.
Tbe flrat r-tjulaliu of Juall- e
leovaa ooo breftier. Addtoon Kllpttnd
be»eu the orfi- ial
rich, who realdea in Traverae Pm.
I Btoter. vrheaa home It la Penn- bo dot-mi't reMiK- li, uld ibe c
■ylvaala. Imai apNag he told a fann onel. The Brat duty of an oflb tol
l»|i and putitob tlolelx-e al>d I
Carp LeM. on alilch be had reduly of a ritlteii la to aid. TliHi
aided many yean.
when tlolenre 1. alopm-d, carelully
money In one or the local banka.
JnveatlKaie tbe airlki- and d*i juaiirv
FuoerM aervtoe* wpie bald (hit
called a dynamite lbn>aer
nArnlag In the bmgbain cemneiy. nieaneai. cowirdlieai aaaaaslu.
the Rev. w. K. MdCoe ofttclaUng.


Oraduata ef High Seheel. Fenner
Tesehtr and Member ef Lady Maeotbeea—Funeral Sunday.
Mere Cieead About ThrM Quartore.ef
Nofthport. Midi., Sept. »—Mi*. Min
an Hour wMn MIM LHnoy Pew
ale Joba died at l« o'clock laii night.
tha Flamee.
ilngKto having been U>e r.
lived until October k. abe would
Fire btoke out In the Imaement of have been U years old lto^idee her
Foote A Reamos More, earner of botbaad, a :-yoar old aon. Kenneth
a baby daughter onl^ 3 weeks
Waat Front and Uapio atroeu. at
old, are toft to mnire for he;
T:t& Friday nlcht. EeulBilBdaataEe
Ml*. John waa (he daughur of Mr.
the Mock of ahont fiM. and damacia^
the bttlldlDg ptoo to thu amount. The and Mra. Henry Brown, ploneera ol
loei la mrered by Inanraner. The near Omeaa. They teketber wIili tw
alateri, Mrs. Hoae Southwell and Ml>
belldlap to owned toy Tbomae Y<
Retla Brown, and a brotber aeon:,
The etorw hod been ciooed l
tree flunera ef aa hear when MIM all of Omeca. alto aunive her.
Mra. John lieloi* her marrlamot^be haaemaat wiadow. The dipart- taugtu acbool here and waa also a
meat waa oaltod but tho ftr* bad pain­ graduM Of the local High school »n.l
ed ooailderabto headway beltore It a loem'ber of the Mdy Maccalxwa.
tlaeorered. The recoil oouaded Urge number* of fHenda are toft
ahortlyaftortM arrival of the depart- «urn Ibr her.
The funeral service* will be at
tbe itomaa beret eobduod ta
sbert order.
ji i
o'clork , Sunday afienioou
Ur. PtoMc baa DO idee how tbe £re Methodlat church.
aunod. to tbe baaemeat wen
torw amouat of caaaed m>oda. laid,
etc- ta additloB to tbe nock of win­
ter toodt rarrtod by .this Orin.
trei. eapa. wool aooka. rebben. eir.
« Deikecy—Five hulfait
There waa no rombuatltilea la
Fiekcd There Veeterday.
teat, aad hew the hie aurted
Treveree Cli> bas a muabroom bed
Oae of tbe Premen was ererrai
by amoM while the fire waa brtnt which ba> been aupplytng a' goodly
aabdoed. The baaemeat waa Mtod uuaeiity of Ux delectable edible
wtib amok*, and be eatned from the tone aumber of people. Tbe bed to
akreg (be t
fraat. Ue other
ftrempn aoterlnt
from the rear. He was tod to the bank, and the variety wbirb baa
freah elr. and a phyalctaa eeai for. ea up lie abode there are tbe tong.
He iwvleed abeol77~wtth no aerloui White muahroem. much aougbt after
by the epicure, it if eeiliaated that a
leau Pva buabelt of nushioomt wen
pl<M at the market site yesterday.
•owKRP ihloCAa


iM Kitomiiao. wbera he euawded
the iBiemau fair, and pare aeeeral
» the tarmere te PUeodbSM the war* of the Waaiere UMtad
Oeneral FoaeJohn Wallert, of SuUobs Bay. pasaMkhjpma Derelchmeat barean.
ed Awiy Tadiy.
1 tbiougfa tbe Tity laa mgU on hto
alao haadrd ooi SAM booktola. Bee­
BoMoh. Sept.
United «atoe 8o- way home after a trip to Ludlagtoa.
ratary ataea aeld IM aeomd pap* lletior Oeneral Rower* died at tbe
Chariee Rawlla and Coorge HmAci.
« the hoaktei tor PPM. and lha lounh trenreiae ileiM thu merslap. OaapU- wbo have beea vlaiitag tbe family
PW (or PMb. both belap to nttraery illoBa with httmchlito
were the
E. J. Taylor, refurned to Piita-i
burg ihto amrautg.


Reported Tnat Makci* of Cheap Autea Are OveettockeO and Will
Make Blight Change in Medela.
-New York. Sepi. lo.—Ii' wa. aeiKinutad today iliu tbe tieneial .Muo. with soveiul Gig fuciorle* In
Mbfugan. ^lefly Uie Bulrk. bad
■ a year'* eireuelou of .-rt
Hiid that a iiilllloti In new t-aiuial
t>iobat>1y wmilil bo toaued.
It is reix>ri*'d lotwlly that the MhUfaclurera ul ( help auiomul-lle* anoveraio-ked and are <iul> _njakliig
alight change* lu the prwii: mmlel-

Grand Trunk Will Be Required to D
8e At a Hceult ol Verdict Lati
Night m the Inqueet.
Untlng. .Mli-h.. Sepj. Hi.—it it
claivd i«1jj, Ihiit lb.- railroad commUaloe will deu.and that the Onind
Trunk remote all ln<omi«-tenl em'
I'Inye* and the remainder of Hie crew
In No. H. wrecked at liartt.d.
»■ a jetult of tbe Inqueat t.-rdi. i Uai
iilgbi. finding llrakctnan tirabaiii
guili'y of negligence and Kuglu.-i-:
Speiii-er cuiiirtbotory.


Were Anaioua.

Norihpoit. Ml<h,. Sept. 10.—Canlin Ruberlaon. about whom
anUtwy bad been felt by hto (rlendt
here, arrived In port at >:A0 i
urorniag wRh the tug Ftobermaa.
puln Robenaon had left North
port Sunday lor 8l. Joseph, toa-lag
dlMbW Milrbi^ile reached. 8
Joreph aafy^i «uA started borne and STEAMER RAMMED BY BcidOON-tfcetf uiiill bW^rrlvaL noihlus
hi-ar-l Ilf him. He reported
louKli liaaaag.- both wa>».
Oil painting of Edsrard SpanOir. Wbo.
Bavod II Lives, Will Ba Huof
to the Halit of the North-



Two Million Paraona Cheered (h
Aviator and Crowds el Spsetatore
Blocked (he City's Trafflc
Far Hour*.



BL Ignatlut Seitmograph Recorded
Ont Tnautand Mllet Away.
Clevetood. Sei>i !»—St, IgnaituH tvltog! thia moruing repona a lecord id
ere eanbquaki-.IaMing-an boor
light. The abock wa* a thou*aud
Mr*. D E Rowe, wbo was called
mile* ditunt.
/Toin Elk Rapid* about a week ago oo
account of Ibe tllocsa of her htuhand.
Mr* John Anderson, of Nortbporu
.Michigan riiy. paaaed through tbe
toted (hidogh (he city thU more- lit) today OB her return to Elk Raj*
g OB her way to Ludlngioa. wbere
3 comptol* her visit with
to war eaUed hy the drowaiag af namiis. Mr. Rowe to \eo' much
her aoa-la-tow. c. U tUtoancrana. en- proved.
gltoeer on tbe Pere Marguette ear (er.
MUa Florence abellq- »eft JJiii
deb tank in inld-laM Tuea4a>
nnoB for Ludlagtoa. where Me will
he met by her stater. Edna. They wU!
bothigo treat there to the NonbwM-

CJileogo, Sept. 8—Exactly M yoaiw
ago yoateiday, on Sept. 8. ISM. Utoro
occurred toe graoteot marlao dtooator
In toe history ef navi^Ueo on too
Great Lakea. ooe of too grenteot u
history ef toe wortd-too ktoo-of
■ he aloamvr Lody BISiB, wjto 3R ol


London, S<-|>t. . in.—Aviator Oruoa
WlDlamt KMtoy made the hithmvo
Orily One Place to Take Patienu Now unatlempted flight ov-er the be«n ol
—Talk ef Halting Fundt i
lamdon with iM aosl dankeruu
Ereetmg inttitution.
Frrmi t'rjatal Palace, he circled St.
Tbe phyiiciint of the niy a:
Ptul'a' cathedral and
their wilt' end tor a botpliaJ lo which' bile two milliOD cheered.
place (heir paileuu who rauiioi
Tbe crowds sfoiipnd
traffic for
be well cared for at hoote, or
thdte wbo ate brought here (racn
le ciiy. With the rioting of the
Grand Traverae hosplul, the ooly
place available for httopllal pun
te prckcut lime !• (he home of
Mrt. CUra Buwhali. who at oae Ume
operated a private hospital, but wbo.
tome time »iure engaged In other huallie**, and only take* pailenu flow
Development Bureau Pr^itont er
acrtinimodaie the phyrUlaus who t
Automobile Tour to Various PoinU
no place for their pMlenla.
In theV District
haa been rumored that an effort
bout lu lH> made u. liiduee
D H. Day, pregl^nl of the WaMSlvlera to-operate
a boapUal.
-in Mtchlilan Det'el^iheot bureau,
CTWUgh money can be secured to build making an amomobile triji ttarougfa
equip one. Ji baa been eails
•Nenhern Micbigan la order lo post
a flrat-rtott 30-room boapltal himself upon actual condlUons,. He
be erected and furatobed (or S30,- Ktarted Wedaeeday uoruiyig freta
nw. the hotplul »itc to Ih- well to- Glen llavelL vlsltiug Ix-Iand. SortUcaied In the city. Wbat the outcome pon. and Sutton* Bay. Thursday he
of (he movement will be In’only sono\er the rvuntry between Travjectiire, but ibo>n who are at (he tool er»e City and Cadillac and luday be
U-m of It have a faint hope that some visli.-d the Grand Traverse petilosule large Intereti* in thi* elly
.Mr. Day Is nultliig can-ful notes
might come forward with a IKUe of the elTcrt of tbe educational
timely ataiaiance lu a good cauae.
paigu a* carried on l>y tbe Devekipbuiwgu.
-jSlTn‘l-dIb';;Sr^ retar, of il,
hs* retunied from a trip through
&)Uihern Michigan made lo tbe Interert* of the bureau At the Katomasoo
fair, he delivered an addres.-. in which
t forth what \\io»it-in Michigan
o ollei lo ibode who deaired i
bead lu the .world.,
Imereating Caniatta KaH F>aher and
Louis Holliday Being Tied for Pres­
ident. Holliday Withdrawing.
The High *<-buol Athletic atao. ut
mil m.-( Tbiii*day su-l eJi-»‘--<1 iti offlcert fur tbe nett *en>e^te'r The fo:•alng officer* were ihos«^:
Freeidein—Karl Fitbcr
Vice jireMiletii—Ijoyd Cicieland.
Secretary - Harry Uibtr.
Treai-urer—I)e,b.Tl llrown.
l-oard of control—Pn>fe*»ore CurUt
Dd Thacker. Stanley Snsder, Harry
Holltday and Loui* UollMay.
(buMderabto enibaklaain watahown
large nutu.-c.- of the ’hoy* being
prewent ami lh<-rww<-re tome Imereeiing TOnie."> lur the vartou. offiees.
Karl Fitbri and Loui» Holliday geiliug M \u>«i eacb tor preeiitoeL but:
Holliday wilbdrea Horn ib« cunteet
I fa»fr of Firher.
Sottie ol iLt other cotitett* a-et
to ck»e and the indicaliu.-.* are that
sMoclatlun thu year
ail] be
ttnmgcr than eter.


Circuit Cobr^V

Blversary and ot toe berotom of a (oratudoBi. there vUl bo buag la
Ibe balks of NortbWMUrn uslveralty.
Oilcago. on oil portrait of Bdwnid
spencer, who, at tbe rtok of bin own
life, unaidod aad akme. reaeuad ig
froD the wreok Hr. apaaoM
waa a Member of Om seahoBtora etou
tbe Ume. He to an old man now ta
feeble beallh. Tbe portrell to beelowed iipoB tbe university by bis (rtenda
that siudenu of tbe future may have
reihloder of toe bsrelc dead,
MO EseuroloetoU on Board.
The nniMr Lady Elgla
in oolllMoa with toe scboooar AOiMSfr
to Lake MleiiigaB, off EvOMUa. QL
She left (Tbleago about n o’clock Is
the evening oranptontoer 1. oo bor
regular run (or l^o Bapartor. Oa
board were ^ exrutvlonlsu thatabo
had brnu^i ffver (bat monjliig (raw
Mllwaukee;'w p»>mm tro9i_Chlcago. and hpr crew of S£, siaklBf a
total of gu.
Aa abe wax gtosmlng sertoaSffi
with Ilfhu all net toe odmoBor jLugusta. with no llghti. swept oat tftoa
gloaa aad crashed iuo toe —v^‘fgangwiy OB toe aieomor'a port oUo.
Moat of toe Lady Blgla'a poneoger* had retired; other* were daaciag
bi the cabin ■ forwaifi. and pasSe
sclsod (hem. A
ligate tbe extbnt'cd 4
er * damage dropped axtera
era and
lost in the night. Meaotinio UtoitoamfilUng rapidly. Aa aba boffoa
te albk many of (be paaaoBgen torn
bemnelrea overboard. Bedoro ton
wrecked veosel toc4 tor final phwge
within 30 mlnutea after abo waa
stiuck, a boovy aea awapt away moot
her upper worka and s nnmbor of
Aftorwarda Lent In AUantlc.
Of the 33S peraooB on boord only
i reached abore allre, 18 la bdr two
Ufeboau. 14 OB a reft ood otbore oa
pirrea of wreckaga. A largd reft. Oo
heavily loaded with hniss belw
that II w*. alraoat wholly aohmarffad.
mat brnk«B up by the wavoa boCore It
roeebed toe abore. Moat of tooaowtao
had sought to eorepe oo K. toclndlag
CapL WUaon. master of toe atoamer.
ere losL
FoHowing toe oultisibn. toe Aocaata
drifted away to tbe darkneos. So Ut­
ter was (he seotlmeat a^asi ber a*
a result of the frightful tragedy tk^
her owaera. In toe effort to disgalao
Identity, soon'afterward rbasgad
name to CUoacI Oiaioa. Imtor
waa aeai down to toe Atlaotie
coast end waa lost.

The folios ing ar.- the jurora drawn
■r thf .«toi«emt- r term of ooarr:
Charles Burrell, Beltoire: Jowpb
. t'ourtade. Beat Day; E. R. SmlGi.
lie Lake; Charles 34anvtU^. Gar
fic-td, Robt. B <io*»k, Gram^ Grant
He*». Green
Mke: Eugene Case,
I-ORR Lake; Joseph MlUer. MayHeld:
A. M. Porter. Paradise. Orson J. Eastern SUr He>« AnltuM Mooting
TuesOsy Eveninff.
I*arker, p.-ninsola: E. A. Ste*ie, L'nTraverse City Chaprer No. 47. OrJ- J Hetgee. WUlewwier. T J.
Getman. First ward; Andrew Brood- >r of the tasiern Star, beld toelr aa.
Mode iUeh. iiiol cls<.-tK>D of ^iflcers Tuesday evbagen, Seouod ward;
Third aard; Otto J. Holbrook. Fourth ■lilng. the following being dmoaot
M’ortfiy msirea-Mrs. Anna Jobsward; Jobu Banbore, Fifth ward; BdooDd Carlisle. Acme: Joseph Slabel
l*n.T. Blair; Joseph Trinm.-r,'♦
AsMstant matron ^-Mre. MtrMTOt '
Bay; Allred, Wlslan, FuV Lake; iMwpres
Riley Crwin. Garfield;
E C. Dari*.
tVonby patron-W. M CoddlngiM.
Secretary—Mr*. Eva Bmlto.
Grant; William
Champion, Green
Tiwasurer—Mrs. chJoo JobSMiL •
Condociresa—Mr* Flora Taylor,
Mn>. E O Drool^i, who has been
Aastitaot ctBduftreaa—Mbs Mabel
.*]wndiBg\(so week* wtib her h
Tbe appolaUve efficars wBl b*
band here, reiureed to her home
Cfarcago lauit aigliL Mrs. Brooks was choaeo by toe chair ai toe tBoianaUea
very ftvoraPly Impressed with Traverwr City, enjoying her «ay here
very moeb.
Mr. and Mra. H. M. eOsby. of HoH, H Montague of New York B vU- dale., lowv who bare hoae Tisttlng
jung hto parreta. Hr. and Mr*. J. X hi* stater. Mr*. U. D. Mama, wOl
leev* tooeiTow «roU« tor tbeir
>.,Mr. euoby to cashier of tks
suto 8aiio0 bask, of Modal*. lo*s.


M taWM Ml
rwiw A «MtK.

d will




teeir deaumd .tor teoibee aad
“teery tata wnt dowp wtib bto
toenapndattoa. said that Bupartetetp," No |aay|arle» ae popu af oto
teadeat Nereceeau nrltod;
topp. no atopane* «o)d teA« Pm
n are Uytag . m btocbnall
OllBi Uto of derotioa to doty. A
You cea have cransporutioD
bat bat ooe Ufa and atote b*
hark ud a dtr'a wagoA dad It yu
piyM that to tbe eenriee In wiilte ba
don't want that, you eaa all go
iPtead. ba ■!«« all MtoaM that

old Laka Miehltea cota ptre bate
tboaa beroM of Pyre. MArpaatie ter
ferry No. lA



Te Sunley Chabb. a porter of
ito cllg. who loM a line oalt cate
and all hto behmglne. Meecereu
It altoged to hare aald:
.-Tbit u rharti}-.. what ere ate do­
ing tor you; the eompany doea not

Thuraday fdlgtit

I lk Mk S.»K
mx hU
femlBC U« pnMTTtBc ot tb* M
M tOTMU, ^ «aur power saea. «o«I
mA «Mar
bate bat i

aa we Botloed ta tto lenctlQr rmoru
Rl tterPnC^eAlAte, <te«*niinA Ue
BWIIwlRf qf Bif-e on.movrcM.
..CWfAlMrbM.BaUwi u redOite
wttb.lia. Hm
«u heekb. lb

Mr ate teal »n.aa it to wiu> iu

a>aiH.j«ir«o aad ib pubMa teate,. Mt itel lomwei «
wt ate erfciwl aMberratkiotol TM
tef to >7^#q,iD*ate ••»»«« <d bie
k tea <M Wt or opaa air lUa,
Maa ««aa ba waale« Ma dUaar.
MR ate himUd lor it, aboaUac tba
tear ar be ir|M trkar or tbe icbbti
er Ub tete. Now n be wanu asp ot
teiteticaiflaa ot the aanb and baa
tteanar u per tbe ^eek. be
Ite «•» np JDM cmrenlMt re
iwtbr teteboat and la traaeportad
tbare la bit eva IbMelaa or a taxiTbaoM opaa air llte baa daparite
too tor (be aateiur. Aahiac abodt
Ua Mtefpbi a DlBt aotooteiUe
Ml to be oo«paite to tearteg op
^(otT la peter to latoe oera. Cba
■a a paK baH avar fnua aareite
Ma to baatlp la tbe aana eatafory
•Mb ttMptoi bate fma tba aattle.
MU wttb a eNtebb aappHaa opoa
atoete bate AU tbto uaaaa teat tbe
Mete Into* labarUat ftm oar taw
tetooea aro batoii etrttectod to*a
teteta Mtep tMa **ar tetb tor loot
tteaibt Ukaa. '
• Maatette. *a dflab taat, wa-nra
teteteteOto-Ala tab Iba etcatai
a wd teow tbatw


to «»i« balp teteac oat Of tba vary
•lb Mtebifi yatardar »mlte
PPrir-ARi'Uha Mlteltei aa aaatoaa
MtePta Paabte ote tba
mi addaA Ite tat Uat Pere Me^
teata-ta taty No. u waa atakiap.
«wa uwaatUM to alga tba »aw
mm a««a tba toaatta of tba raw
ate Oalr tba tel bad MUiap a
.■teWM l» Uteaplaa «Ub bto
to tba laoatrar. tba oparata aaapbt
tba alpuie 00)1 k»e« that a uapedy
•MP Miptei apd bolp waa aaat
Ptopa..^ |a UDpaqfeaa. aootbar <
peatpr Mtoabw Jr tba air var« to
IMM kM.b HooMte teoPbl UN &
a§atetoieeJM«M woL
n«iP>at o.tar yearaato that tba
ten atgry of tba dfpaatot to the U
VteU .bP*o bate blla of wraokapt
aad ptftepa beta* alpbud by bar
pMteabIto ibt.lf. or auaa attar too■aL teteapa a«aa aotblnp weald bora
bate fcaowa o< tta wrote ntll tbe
Metotai bad natead tta Wleeoulp
abate tr ttte teaM bare doaa eo. tat
teioteb tta witetote, belp we« te n*
tote wfttte a tow tebtaa.
tent a cry ta help eeutap oat ot
tfteolr. ta *«« 1. aoiaittlBi p>
ttat atooT aad tbe wlreteei uay

Vrercrae Qtty to tamrod by botm
■ateioaai bate debt laalda tba efty
Utettota tt aaan tbat attbar.
ottbapoatea «ba pattv tta faapwi
are ipapnto ottte prapar natti
te. apt aarp wbattar or aot tbe bete
ore «tppd«M-Tbe only way to patt­
er taibwiitoi to aot to dip ttm bat
to ta ttat H abut ball aa late be­
low tta autaoa of tta pioaM. Tbto
tataiaa Mtetttel bate aa
eaaMaMJtataitaL Alnady
oral bate ttOtocUybare bta r

I the Sea abow that

(Prtna flatordayb ^terete.)
Canp Batao to beyfulac to abow
>ltee of aethrtty. At aa early boar
bto Boralno tbere waa a aquad of
BoMlon, boib yoaop and old, tonttae
elth tbe 100 or more leou wbkh are
be pU°ad la poehtoa for emtMtalnInc Owee who «1U enpw. <o apend tbe
daye apn weeA duttap tbe eaof tbe- Grand Truverae
topltara aad RataT rwonton. Tbeblc
ipat white tbe boerd of irate necured ta tbe Cheaiauqua. will be eraet
ed for boldtnc Uie eaup flrw.
II to expected that there tUU be e
pood aitaadaaee at tbto rauik>n. the
lotel oommittee. In eoetoaetfoa
tbe Spaulah war ootBialitee, worklac
bard u bare everytbbii

at the Prta of tv toat

riae Toeeday moraine
Tbe followlna it tbe procram fur
tbe Grand Traiene MHIera end Bailora' aaaoclallon, Traverae City, Mich.,
Sept. 13, H. IS and it. lino.
I:M a- n.-Opeaiap
of Gamp
tiaue: bucto call; suulr; awoilap aatiile and ratoli« of tbe fia«.
PVireDooB-ReceHloo ot ecrattedet
ud baeipnieeat to quartern.
U aooo—Uaoar oaU and artUleiy
I:W p. to. Aoclal laetelBf In blc
S:S0 p. a.-tetpper caU.
Cli p. n.-«unBat aaluU.
1:10 p. a.—CtompPra Ja bip laaU
lft:M p. B.—Ta«A
Widneedey. ,
S:90 A te—Barellto. nkoralnc aahiu.
<;3P A ab—Breaktat oaa
»:«• A m.-8ick oaU.
11:00 aoon-Otuer eall aad ariUtoty eplatA
t:00 p. m.—Addraat of wotooeM by
Hon. B. Wilhelm, mayor of Trarem
Cny. Ratponae by Commaoder W. w:
_____ baboU ot u. ^ R.. aad Ooa>mander H. O. Oeco on behalf ot ftpanlab war Telenne. Camp Pro la big
C:00 p. te—Sapper call.
«:M A te-Sonaei eahiie.
t:M p. te-camp ara u bip Mat
10.00 P. te—Tape,
1:00 A te-RenfUe ud marnlw
«:P0 A te—Sreektat call.
i:W A te—Sick call.
k:IO A te-4uard bmuL
11:00 A m.—UUinwteU ud aaluiA
1:00 A te—Orand paradA Column
formonPraaiatreat. rlchtieeUnc do
Hope; march eooth on HoM.tO Wtebinpion; waatonWaablnctoB to Caaa:
touch on Caaa to Bichib; went on
KIcbth to Uaioo; north on (Tnloa to
Ttwt; teat on yVMt to eaaA
t:M A m—camp fire U blc tut.

LMdlogtoii, bllch.. fiepieiober it.—
Vj^ ieeUar here ayaleet tte ftae
Marquette over the loundennc
«ar terry No. ik wIiL tbe loat c
llree prowa more Intenae aa
reary to ctoeu to atartor of the aitopte uniwawonbtaeaa of tbe
Saturday nlchl aevetaT' member*
ot tbe crew ot .Nu. Ik tuned
Inee ihAtely en ttelr pe—«*.
bp per—Ptory oreer of' the I
Marauecu otalato were forrad u
remata over -to aa-ato the arriraJ
ot United SUM
toJIwnobee. P. W. Van Pntieo sad
W. A Cbjlllno.
The - taveeUcatiun becan at
o'utate Subday mvrnltiaiatte once
npemtaeanu' Mfrrwteu.
W the
Here Marquelie k

ground that the Uveutgethw wr*
- be alrlcdly prirate.
Oeuerament Probe et Work.
Proto laun’to— with mure . tbu
bait of tbe 30 turn who bare m
ler paaaed through croaeexaulnnUOA U to found that tbe peeem
Mnmc endeator
«t> And out from the memlim of the
whether tbe boat
toakiim leadltlon wbu it leR here
Tbaraday night at li:«.
toroM under oatb to give
a full ud .complete ecconnt of bA
mo—nut tram the time that hr
baarded tbe otolp untU be waa picked
Pbr NA 11.
One of tbe meathern of tbe rrew.
brmu WUl. head waller.
Uhtetopi. Pa., wee eaked to give
u aoeurate dtocr— of tbe poaltKu
ePNoe. Id eed li prerotna to tbe,
lue oi the einkjBg et No. id. and
atiee he bad airueh water.


a KUied to a Wreak u

Totodto Sept. 13.^ Hneklnc VU
toy pnieacm tnla from Oetuabw

toeat ttew tar Ward
a to year toagplat ud
c of Dr. Henlteb ta

lulkcd of ill the city and U to tbe ef­
fect tbal the <!. R. A t. afPriala
aiilating retnortng the rail read
yerte tram fUdSlac to Wahon J<
1100. any* the CadItUe New*. The
Dior miy ••X]>l»lu why the tuvpaallkMi
ut bolding up the hulldlag of
ruunil buu*e hae tneu ctolayei
long for Uie lellt of movlup Ihe dltl»k>u pulBl ba* not been :>o idle one
tor ycera wlte higher irfAciaU A' te»ol the adiuuge* to to gained from
muval of the dltiahm Adnt are:
Riiualiiatlun of the noriheni dUlatcM; greeter loom for yard*; better
main line »errire ter ito Trav.TwI'liy-.Vurthiun Uraurb; toller factl
Hie* for rtMiudbouae and neceaaary
aewagt; coaling auUoa alao ta
ihtorbood of tbe roundhouae. llhio prtaU vC
aia In ipe puaateaion of Cadillac par­

ttteo »M ta bOA tab ta A tap
sltt VaR S Bta r. K Bogb
tap CA. Waat BM One Stoce.



irS.E..... _
(Schombtogto qaoUttmM

Chanicr OistoartsiMd and Scfui
Diaeoas th* Matter Sot Hi*
lerney Admitted That Thar
Wai a Oiaagraamant.

Old rubber*, per Ih .

‘igwag bin tvrtuec to her. tebted
lay ttM *be a ill toue and ftittt :
ihe niMMy.
Uanler i* dbuai ted aod teliise.-.
dlki-UM the ingitcr. fli* alioiu.-y .
nilu U>st the brief wedded life e<i‘l<-d
a dt-Mgieemeiil but hopes ihg nwii
uurtter will be- seitM. out uf txniri
He retiiiud to dHctl;.* the rciKirt
at C.xvalleil ihrew or.-r iiiaul-rfor
HuuUu iHiblceuah.

Traverse at; Slate Bdik
A. Tracy laty. PraaldaaL
R. neyd Clinch. Vke Proaidwt.
Samuel Oariand. Caahipr.
A. J. Mtoraard. AasL (tohler.
A. i. HaTlland. Aate Caabta.


IKOIANl-ALLSOC FRAUD IN COVMrs. Psvi Mstinatii Taatifled Thai
Mrs. Creppan Mad Failed te Mtnlion Any Trip tP Amarlea
te Mar.
Many "Wh* Came te the Poe fe
Their Money Were lUeapaainted
and Are New Penniieaa

I.-II s-i'in. i;—At the i<-*um!'
11-1 vi lilt- iii.;;n-*i 111 ib.lli- !•' I'i I'rippi.n lodaV, i'rlppen'*
.«uu*ci in <T0t# examining the under
taker *t:d ruorgue keeper who dialu
tern d [he bodr fraro the cellar de»*l
ileraci tbe ode.
of d'way
It U plain tbal the defence Intead
d.-clare mat ao murh'rarbolic ael.
la used that UtenitBrailon. or anal.
I* t, Iu
Puul Maillneul. Mr, rrlp|.-ii
Mr*.'' P
trii-iid. Itwllfled Ui31 ahe *3W Ihv W.and *bc mrutluliid' no trip ■
-tmerUa. Mi« llarrlMin i.--.ilA<-d tin
'rlmw-ii K.;.l her of *:i i.i«-railon I.
ba reiue.wl ul cotitaln uraai.*.


Tlie local inurhet* reioaln tecnaiu.
lodav *mn pxiaine* being qin.i.d *
r.ij cvi.i* iwr boitoeL proebe* 3I.>.«
|l Zi. :aixe plam* at tl O". IMm Haii'
'w.a* a: dlteds per bushel and peple ,
;; .vbi* per bushel. I'lieM- |tr>c«.
nut iieniitg ;be pi.iJ.H-e trry lu
, '

i*. . ,-.ui.
w. . n.n.

ih. I bued
Wbroi:s . c.*u. jti,.«
tte|.l i: tnom—Wh<»iMSc oat* IlWc.
Mem. i; • lose AVhea

.!*, ttoried PrT„ i
UuBelu. («e|.i
i';;.-^*a:tle, r.T'*<
>le«ay. p-ioie. d;y|T'»<. KaJ>r». !.>i
.Line. '..I .ei;t« higher. Sheep. 1
ooo. arm. choi.-e ISDih*.
tb atot
ahea-p. t:.u*:u. Ho**. U*.-. a.t...
pig, !:•*«,





A GcBtnl StBldic tfitem Cpbi
S Per CesL AUs«se4 sa

atMkUaa I. rwltaa to Ik* adramatato *(
bauk ab »*jthif >we*

When in doubt, Get •
Best Flour. Twentyfive. years of excel- :

Hannah & Lay Co/s Bfills
It it mad* of wire te held fast one tha«t el sticky fly papt' par
factly level er en alant. Veu’ bang it up out of tht way. Tn*
heMtr sells for lOe. er 3 far yic; and the atlcky Ay paper Id ic far
* double aheet. er i for Sc.
for 1dc you can buy tend cemfart.
Fly* will bettor for tn* rwrt 4 er » wsake.yet
Other Ay dattreyvra w* have sra peleen Ay paper pinpte Fwf- *
Sheet* in an envalep* fe.- de. That wil put them to ilaip fa- ever.
Still another n«w ea* called,Ito -Daiay" I* a toot Un fitted with tto
dettraycr. with **vecal v.«*» tnreuph tto toP of tto Ua end nl«ely
painted wuh tto pieturc* el daiaiwA All yeu have to de I* to All th*
tin boa water ana pvt it wtora Ay* ara tniehael. C—a yea
only tOc. APd tnyen* will appr«<iata it. On axhtoltlen at the eeredr
el FrffST'^id Cse* dtrwcia.





Tbeee Steel Rangea an buiU
to last aod save fuei-mad* like a
boiler, with double steel body, sc- '
cured by cone hea-C ntets. drivea
cubl by hand, not tte flat kiM

Hem* et Frank Pmlltpc Wat PartMlly W-ecked—Suapeeted Piet te
M.ii Mine Meehafi.c.
Calnawt, Mich.. Sept. li-Dj-naite ttU raocnlag partially w.-eeke'
tbe borne of Pruk PbUlips. ma*ler
tame of tbe Kearaage mlae. It »
Rwpeeted tbere wm a plot, to
Ptontpa and tomtly. Two anaiMet*
were arreaied.




Jewel BaDgcaareqaiek baker*
beeauac tbe beat la evenly diatribused around tte ewUA bake* ce tto ores raafc as well aa oa tto ovcA

Ot tte toot or ankle mar produto
A aprain
break. In all
bruise* and
tnsUnUy. rednees
i^weObte M


flaaaah S Lay Oa




mtSteteqe to the .Rampeed ot ^
au dPT BMre tbu Ptt 'la -nott
MS Itty WlpctBA te—PA of




Ttoe Rev. Arthur Uoutoa of the
chnrch of thi* city,
amt oat arfth a (tlmng sermon Suo.
day moratap tn which he ataied mo*t
emphaticaily that Captain KUty and
SaepM Mate vntier Brown -did not
; te make tbe trip becau*« itoy
r No Id waa naAt tor the trip.
There w e* not a dry eye ampnf
perwooa who heard tbe tenuoe. Ho
aaM that snperintendeat Metccreau
rod them to make tte trip,
ta that tbere waa coogeeUoa
<t trafSe and ttot tte car* maat I
meeodt. aM ttot tf ttep refuaed i
B» tt*T would toe* ttelr poaUkuM.
tateaetaea the
against tte Pore 'Marquette st
■bIp people if ttelr alaroat total



New York. 8ej>t IS.-Tbe opera
nger, I.iha t'avallrrl. angered
:lK.n« o: h<T hurhaixl. anial. imlrtlWalton paid te Pc the PUee—Would
«n and social leader. Hah Chanter:
Be a HIA Blow to CatolUe.
w1k> reiiirtird here alter aeparaiUtg
Where Yard* Ara Now.

Saull ^te. Merle. Sept, i:—Forty
ladieak wbo*e ndreee were oa origtuet roll lor partleipatloo In the porteftf-Tiiiida now batog dtoutbnted and who were efierwarda marked
' eapUnk ud
what waa tba pesHloa of ib« cii- oA. have employed u attorney
look after their Intereel*. Telegrami
ehrtol etaemef lUi lay about
Bile* weal of Ne. lA
NA 17b Action Soeetloited
Aaetter qeeeiton that eeei
hare been dwelt upon very (Uoagly
ihe toveraaMBt Uapertoni
.llgailoa la made. Prmid and ihlns
wbotter No. it could lere
e are charged. More ihaii 1.4W
toUr of No 18 aad alkued her
|TUr- namea oU the roll made h.v Ageni
- read, who made a pcrtonal lu«e»(igaBtate very eleeriy what
IT itou, have been acmtrbed off.
Ipdlan* came here fur milea around
did after ik wont down Mera of
then publicly and hWoro the por. eMowllog 10 receive
MM leepoeiore aurad that .No, IT fond, only to be dl*a|>|.olmed Man.v of
dirlad around tbe wvwekago for them are walking the rtraeU wIiIkhii
about an hear aM then rome to bet immey for food. agalnat bop.Ara* peaRtoa mib of the ii
that in eoiue manner the .igoai
Anutter intot brought up In ihe give (hem a chei-A
tOVMUgaUue an* aa to the con
diuon ut Ito dead llgltl*. «Ner>
Biu to far that ha* been rxniu
lued baa been qiieattoiw-d very
dtoaely aa to . whetter Ue d*M Pad Place en the Peninauia Read It
Itgbu were broku or rlo*ed. Ii
Peing Taken Care of In a Mannar
» baulk.
■eeiua to all' the men that the gu<le PrwvaM Futucp Accdenla
4:90 A m-Supper .
•rnment ofSclnla are trying
1:30 A m.—sonael aalutA
amke a Biroag point out of ihu
1:30 A te-Ouap are in.blc Uhl.
Atitalta ttaory.
10:00 A BL—Tapa.
* landing.
Wkil* tbe quawttoa toa nod been
braopht up b> (to luvewilMtorH a* U now nearing conudadon. The
S:S0 A aa BeeolllA Ofotelac n- to the poaeibilti)' of wol*^ cmnlnK
il* pnlal woe washed oat for
la ttrooah tbe erank cbaR boxing apace of fully so feet Ud tbe nr<
C;00 A m—Breabtat call
ul>m wbi. b will take care of ;
nt the kteni and Potoiag the iwa
Ota A m.'^Mtorae meetlap Id chamber, yet moai of ito moe
itreui of water »lx by Ave fe«-i in vo
big tta. Cboioe ot place ta next ware Bcuulnted with ttot part of the Jtne I* being erected Urgeeoo'igh i.
ta. Btototoa (rf oftion end each *btp eanoMpr ibi* aa the owM plu* t:ike care of any itreeiu of wale
r baabteM at may come btoore ibie reeaoa why tte boat aank. ii which may at any other time gatt*
the meetloto
ttla point. The atro.-tiire.'i* to-lrut
inch waa the cato. and mo*i ot the
Uta aoM—DIaner call
erected of concrete and
latk that bM come to nut sc
1;P0 A m.—BnaA canm aU'part- seaoM to bear ihl* out. Soow declar<- exiwcied that ii will 1# read> tor tra!tacanlBtA
thal Not Ik waa in v*ay pad coadltion Ai today.
wdwa ato left thia port Tbnr

AM bcraala. h to aot A new
Mta MrtoPRte toear.aC tta Otter •IWidyt
tort oae teat bte need tta
«ae aad tetepawaa wbaae aatae Md
ta ever atzty yeara aad tteir
■---------aate atu— ttelr
ben n tta erlptoa) relto. poia|i'
L Try a box. take cm
tbare oBlx to pad that ttay bna bePare
retlilag and we are sure yon
toPbtop OBaUap. ttUr aaan to
T« Oeto baDur inawrriiw. Breey-

Mte ca«*atetttrfly taaoibajallto
11 mmm m ttoMb ttls atautr m
•tea* aota tareaUtettoto. Ito

Ara in

■a HeM Nast Weak.

Cowi. good
Bteera. prim*
Shcto. per lb


You NEED A NEW Range
Ccae and get valnahl* Uct* abiaa Jewete
SNA per iPd Ito .... ------ (... Ito
meal, per


. WUNO TnAveMC HBIALD. TucaDAV. wrrtmam n. im


ibere of the ci«« of car ter- «r CapL Peter Kilty.



tr No. 17. who loet their Uvea to an Turner. cehU auld. and X. L. BeneSort to leecae tbe crew of No. Ik

raad. all of Ledtoxtoo: Albert Mack.

Llet of Lhrea aaerWead.

prew aw the aumi.

cafo wlreleea operator.

PBTBB ML.TY. (ApUUk, at UidlBS«Med.

• kidBe>i. Utbe

«tokMeey»Bnd btadder end Mt to
•• ao« pmle wpiKM.
Veaes MwcU aeaeaareaedeaiM
^ «ttk kidaer end bledte tioaU
aedtothMtd ito mm neet Mwly.

We place ofl sale a CtenfauHl concem's entire Fall Sample Line of Ladies' md Hisses'

FMowtoc U a coieplete 1 let of the

rigm utd dteerfat* loet M rejioried to I



W. H. BBOWX eaoitd

Brednakl. flm ofOcer. of Manitowoc,
and Joaepb Koon of Lvdlivton were
I to MUwankee on board car ter­

Bate. oT ry So. 30.

S. F. SCEBPANEK, pttrar, et OoM
;,M. WoncaiT. Mm
BL R. NBBDHAM. chief eoslDMr.

Tailored Suits and Coats

Two other bOdJea. tboee of Joaeik


Of tbe C2 people




racked vetisel 31 have not been ar
counied 'for.

At an Average Saving of One-Tbird

There waa a mbmem of intense si
lence as the hlf black sieamor esme
Ibroufb tbe piers luto tbe harbor.

ui eogtaew. of Nonbioft.
PAUL kBSNBRE. aecood atesletAOi

Then iiH-D aad women turned upon
each mber and foufbt and atrusflcd'

BOUGHT them at 33*41, discount from regular prices, and will divide the saving with our customers. There are no two garments alike in this splendid col­
lection: EVERY ONE IS DISTINCTLY "INDIVIDUAL."' At these attractive

ebglMer. of Ludloftoa.
luce of the fate of rvlatlvea mho ava:
A. J. MACK, eleward. KtoMAeld. N. a«ay from ben- laai nlgbt as tocm
here of the crew of tbe lU-laled car
W. H- CinUU.'i& WebeUr aod Hil- ferry.

L'NKXOWK OILfai. Korvestu-

•Md eireeu. ChlcMD.

prices, you are afforded a chance to save S3 to S3 on a new fall suit or coat. Whether you
Intend buying now or later, come, see these handsome garments, try them on. and note
■W -for fall. 1910.

Cauea atiii a Myatery.
The cauae of tbe dlaaatvr U eb>eloped IB myatery. F V. PotMo. caMu

X. L. BSKTRAM}. puMOser. Lud- walcb. aaM tbat tbe buet wtw. 'ery
>w at the itcru when the fiivi tlara>

•iwtoCttM. Yoamerf

rpHE SUITS comprise a
great showing of styles


SAML'B. BOUCME. ftremn, Rlv.

CAM! or »MKINO or a. H. CAN

boy rapped ou bla duor about t:30 a
hUta. MARION TUBMOt. :«lblu u. aod ahboted that tbe boat we*
alsklsf. Coebrwoe floated oo a cablu
maid. Lodinitoo.
door until picked up by So. IT.
rBTKS U1B£. •UdiBeii. .U>dliir
DMnt Dara Taka Merray.




Biowawaya. Uel roit.





CliARI.B8 JBN8BN. viler. LudtDf-

on OD tbe tosaluc sca tbe oecupsuis
r the kiuall boats bcliiR ibrown into

JOE PBTBBSOK. waldimaB atnun-

te water and many of them druwii-;.!.
J^aviiif l.,udlainop Tuesday iilRhtsi



K«m* the CeuM
Hm New

NeMhad «.
MilAh*. MM.?^t.


.Detratt tram LodinsiM.

ibU atter-

JHMA dedaied: -We oouldot ftx the
bUBte, aa the <«•(«(« were drowned
*ad the boet eank eo

enddenljr ihL

iMnivan dos t kaow the Miue. CMi>-

KU OOLBBAN. Safluaw.
ASKUif ibo S3 aorvlvor* are Tony
R. ncher. deckhand, Oraud Rapidi;


aoa, deckhand,


HerinaB tbe Inflow.
With full roDfldence In tbe siabl.


Uemrow. coal pamer NkiUitee.

BU CMbeas of 8ac<naw. one of tbe ity and aoawortbluess of bit craft, ib
veteran car ferry uavifator h.-ade-i
crew, la not believed to have
board, thoosb no trace of him haa bis ship with all .peed toward Sbi
»Kau on the Wtsconyln abore.
Tbe ateameFu puuipa were wuikel

yet been found.

> their tulleal cspacli. and alt tb.
expedleiHs known to a skilled and nsourecrul marliMT wi-H- resorted


hut In spile of etery eflort the terr'
ble fan dudV-d upoti the captain and
ibe bust wa* fradually aud surely slnktof.

i.rubbci. ituiucdtou-l.v sii.k and were

Csrn Run Into Laka.

.me; I'lila IlKldem

An effort was made to run a liuiiib -r
railroad cara overboard sod tbu.

au<-sx«alu!ly laumhi-d

No. 18. Iml ihJi MVi- the vea»-l
< Dly tempomry roller. '
The abip was duvmod.

wlihsiandjiif this sppamii toei and
hope uf ssvlitf both crew stul

who wer<' IluatliiR alniut. rliiiRiiiR in

the csplalii erow-ded hto ship
utmost limit, hoiiiiif to reaeb

Then snwher llli-boai waa Tnni:ti-1

Tbe effort was fuille.

HT.d Jorii.-d III 1l.e wrrfk f.r lesru,.. T;
was a :n.f aRailiat Him- .nd ii! th-.-

At y.-s-

venmi bifb preaaure englnea lurnlng a alofle propeller. The




Mike buf bo^i. Lbdl pasoer. Ludto.;-

Engintor add Fireman


Jkoif-s Kih->. eual

paaarrr Harris

tcHiiRv- llarao*id. scnihbrr. l-udliiRKianit-v I'liubb, first |•o.•t<•^, Lading.\ritiur Fnrbrs.


< -le*..
lion.'.- J.-iiiiM-ii.


■ l;i

Uie tiir.




•K <i





l-eueOBMe and



auburba. rAwaing a roatomo of g Iks
Four paaae«ig.'r ud a



tiw-ctol Uoop



Bank Like a BbeL

Men’s and Boys’ Sweaters

> TbolUa-. isfai p.i-s--:-. l.'id:::,;

could averase 18 knot* as hour IT.




hist arrived uii the

Leaa a Half Milllen.


high in Ibe a>r. the stern
The feto was valued at W«.
and tlm muRO waa eattmated to be lied awlttly toward (be bottom
valued at »1M.0(N) to IISO.OM. Tbla wlUi a roar aad crash like an eaplos.

MToas Lake Michlfan for the Pere
Marquette tbU year. She

bad put'

cuuH- from Chicagd. where
iloB company aa so escumluD ateam

fape nieton. •
.Jaiilea K'K.I'. Ud'trT

The borrlfled onlookers on aieum. r


Then began Ibe rescue. r

Nu sooner had the

jurUc Cfr


iliilii ;






; ■ ; in-g-ii.g qqslilk-h, ai.d


Buy a New Tie for 35c

IL-a d0;-'IikII..

It if!




s.-.d >• -

<- figb’v: hbsdea

'.■‘•-h !

ana T..

rr h-ito. I'.-i.

luik. inir--


H uahr-*.



New Line of Tally Cards


How CAB the bnbF frow
dtroec if tbe Burainff mother


r angiy waves than It was hnrird


ylth terrlflc lone agaJuat the aide’
lAke o> the Steel steamer aud cniabed loto
Mtcbjfan in
early yesierttoy ■ sbapeleaa maaa
while OB her way from Ladlofioa
Twv> of tbe aallora wr-re rwacned bv Milwaukee.
AotoOB board, while ibr Olhor two.'
Tbe bodiet broaaht here are iboer


-\.I k.iuto of Krarr -s. I'-.rir',-

Twe Rtncuerw DaaHed to Onatb.

.".i-ilfpsl aud

»■:' waul SweaU-r*. fi

tto-'i*.- S:«-1 is! i.lg I*-|.. .: Tal let- -r.i TM'fj t-K‘NTs AXli 1 HltKt i-K.-vTt-

aallo.-w. the <-rvw of No. IT Br-gpn a
half mast and work of bumaniiy wbinh iiiarkt many
tbouaasds of auxlont watchers
tbe number aa benye»«( tbe bigb


Uitnu today .--j:*-.

More-of Those Boys’ Suits at Half

ITod 1‘oiiln.'^cabiii i

one of her llleboait. cbpiaitHiia f

bor last niet: iarn>l^ ato dead
llms aud is .urvlvtors of ibr ere


fSa.l -lr.;i.

Hhd II

ILWR.-I Srh-... T. -S • - ■ - ..Ni; if.VT .bn- w,„


inf SI the pict-earjerry l*erv Mar­
quette No ,^T sieuM into this har­


Hose.' Cieliian. yisfiie^ .

tirO'- - Ik»nl»-r
lou-r, !l:


and madHnery, and this makes BK-U could l»- *er-n apeedhu! lowarj
the accident all the more a mystery. the awful vortex of tbe sinking a-ean-Tbe inspectors- report, indienied the er'a revolving wb-s-l wtofb
have bera as siancb and (belr doom
abc slid off tbe


Mils- IViioskym. dvhktwnd. .ll-k-r.
Sw.-.U-it, .

AeonUing erte- for hrtp roap wUmibe joar of tbe act. All wuf -cunfus-

JU-I 111. dyVahen th.- Bu:.a

u: I'

Small Boys’ Pants, 25c


27 Peelth in-a TermhlinB.

indcacribable terror and


1 h—U-




A -.'If-Iidiii ijiii "I j>;r li a S»i-u:eit

i Icp %\


Ibe «urx1ag Whvra on merviU-ss o|J
Lake Michtonn weri- half a bundr-d
their fellow U-luga ilruRgUng tor
their Ilvi-s.


t'.iUUi s


Jo.- sS aiidiiiSiKar. piuiryuuui.sfhi-

Sir* fSi

. MIcb..
flosiiuf at


Xu. IT stood for a briol
and petrified Ttu-rr amoiK

In _n twinkling 3T IHe* w.-.-e .airofli.!
llelore foluf Into tbe terry »errlce
and €0 strong men were pri-ni'i
ye^tertUy the Peru Marquette com­
lair'd into a df-atJtirap as iruel a> i(
pany bad caused an eahausilvw to- was hupelesa. Irnw^tbl.' drawn b>
spccUou to be made of the hull, boll

.trosf as Uu- day

Mjiiisi'-ii. lier Uiaiiil.

tl.lunli Ullike. wlilelMtuU.

of to cam of merchandtoe loii the ship abet downward and
at 1C view.

aad Dine of eonl. Tbe Pere Hnrquetic
eetimated tbe total loea at an
i.Ouo aud the offletoto here say

I..I jii.-


r<tpon«e to a distress atonal,
tbe great black bow of th,- flagship

I aluKMt any weather.

•oeepb Fetemop and U. Jacobaou,


Scott’s Emulsion

malni the mother gtronc
iacTWAMe And em
rkihee tbe hAby’s food.
amI weU;

3I-I n..,-Cardr>.-r.a^

Som---r i..e iH'-t »e hui->



killed lodny. an open swutb In' lb*
Fra:ik"1";iug. >b>el »u-aard. Lu.d-


fan- of great dauRer mere Hiau 3t>

Suddenly, witbout wsmluf. aud be­


Hay unnkwaier. h.-ruUbee, Chl.-«m.

ie-o;s- Trudeli. paiilr,'man. Luding-

ferry waa not one of the moat aperdy fore the borrlfled far..- of 8U lu.-n on
UwU of the lake, but waa powerful board Pi-re Marquette car ferry No.

under charter to the CtUcago Navtfs-

It la &w aad nlRnya IWIftaL

Ra.v niekford. se< o;;d

This boat. !»

lon. did heruk situis- aud In I>-ss
-.tun -an h.m-P..k.-d up 14 .u,i|v..>.

shoal wau-r.

Waiter Keim-dy. tciubbcr. LudlUrf-

to feet

n«tl0M bare done
BMie for me than
anyUOni elae and 1

tt^jeaw Lydia E. PInkham'a
•wS^^itSS?^female iUa and

m aaid Itiii'

c-hurjte of !>um-aii -MilllBaii oJ IjiditiRYet. nui

load terday moruluf tbe time came wbeb
of wtor (b^buoyancy was no loiicer sufflt ler-l
and waa eoctoed wKh a alafte act of
• austalu It.
the ferry drew


■ enslii iiu.-mlN-ra ci tii'- .T<a wer.lifbten the load and fain a few pre­ luaib tu emer iti< ^.niol! buaiT. li'ii
r-ouiaRr- iiulrkiy
cious nilnutea.
With BT<-at dlfflruUy Ulb<-Vs of K-f-al.-r
ntae cars were dropped off tbe stem lUfiijUL-d aiiullu-r Uti-lkut. wiilvb »a-

a beam of W feet. Under full

to covered by lasurauce with the

Imitate otmTni.r'.


uaahle to keep eveu wit:

The No. 18 waa oo ber flmt trip


Caracul Coai*-.--^



At liSO'o'cloek word was sent t"

Ccckford. porter. Alpena;

Lioyds of Loudon, Enf

£. I>lhkhBU-i Vef».

IIS rouiwc to Jlllwauker.
CapU!n OeU First Alarm.


$21 50 Sample
Coatfl, choice-•


aad 38 loaded cars on deck, the ferry

Ray.WWna. flrMsau, btowell; Atvto CaplalD Peter Kllt> that hla boat warapidly takluf water an and tbat ih
Rose, flreaaa. Mariae i

3,»M. The lensUi was d3S fe« with


$20 Sample CoRtt.
choice............................... VXfJ


made food weather for fltc Iwun on

Thn earn toul of the cataatropbe la
tiNi KJKx 4M a Iwro. wltimut wearUdd to the total flfurea. to JIvea ksl
lai a lUe preeel-ver.- .
aud a anaocial kw* cxcecdtof half a
LuHsKtoe, Mich., flei*. lO.-Pore
btilUoD dollars.
HarqiMAte-olAetale arrived today to
The atory of the h>aa of c*r ferry
tereetieala the MnUag dr the ferry
,Pere Marquette No, IS ooustliutca tbe
No. la drewBiac V.
trafic aad thrlUtot chapter
Word fm Sasisaw that Bam OaluTitteu to the tajatory of tbe Uke
■petn wma ahoar^aerwated the namMIchlfBO mariae.
One BoUbla pbaae of the dlaaater.
Litfia«loii. Mich.. OwK. 1«.—TweB'
and one whkh mark* a eplendld
ty-etae Urea were loet
totheeUilra oftbeea. to tbe fact
wtea Pare MaiRtmUa oar terto No.
that every ofAc^ of the boat vve up
n. booed for Ledletob to Milwauhla life In the pertonnaace of duty.
hae. west to tbe bottom
of Lake
Amouf the 33 aoult aaved not a ala•Mchicu half way aoroac Ue IMto^
flu oOlcw U included
Tbe dead iDclude Capi. Peter KUty
One et aia Ferriaa
o! l4tdlBffim. 8. P. Scsepaaek of CUTbe No. 18 was one of the ala auel
‘ca^. pureer. aad wlreleae operator,
femee operated on lAke Hicfalfaa by
whoae elsnaU of dlatieat hrooshl aethe Peru Marquette Railway company.
aiataace to the elaUns KaRiMr. and
She had a roKlsiered sroei tonuce of


giSSSli!... $13.48


n :30 o'clock with a lair but .tl8 wind

leamer No. IT. Ludliifloo.

-OMth »lal

But fou>-

iteamer's -rail as the boat went

Many of (be lifeboats were store In
toaideoee by wreckafe lumblltif la every dlrt-t


•r No. IT.

CatMt'«#>i« Wm«o BoMen Ttat the


idf»aa in the nwparate full leoaih
Tbey coma lo fancy
cheviofv; . maooUh mixture*.
hoaetpunt. bindl cnractU aad
dreMj b’nok kornif• aad
A few o< Utn OcntjwiM:

losxl biniueir dost,
BROTHER. with tbe cola aud lied tbe-moacy u.

Ftaak’'. pcKtor. Cblcofo.

her all

nearly all cut in tba pre­
vailing 52-»inch lengths:
both plain tailored and
Uaev effect*. All the latert

'• trimmed auiu » well as tho the *
haodflomc plain Tailored mr»del«.
Ai| the popular fabriew. if>cl»d«
ing a#r<ea. worst>»dk and basket
weAvea ia neatly nil the fnabioonbla
shnden A tew of thn Soil prioen: _

Tbe purser bad Riven bini fi.uuO.
wbicb WM due I'ocbrauc'a euiplu.veta


»y^E\j:OATS. handsomely
tailored garnents, are

♦ hat will ba Tiost in de mand this coming s^a-’
son. ElRbo»'a»plv braild

mour t'orbraue ol ('bktiito. as

W. PABKfla. flrHBAh. 41»rlM Ciiy. other aiirvltor. aald be war readisa
a masastue Is hla berth when a cabin

•| tloeij Bnnl inil Hit iiMiMi.

•orvlvwa »•

He eald lbe> puahrd ;.*»

tbe veaael, but witbont avaK

r BouimoU. K. a


t«rriiNiiin A

aa fives.

railroad cara lalo tbe lake to ean

B---dg. -fardr sf’l I'.orf

w --u f ■!
'. -

- : ■

.1: . a.

f ■/<- • . iv

Sotue new

■ r.- "J ",
Just a icB-m -or a hif...aa> >

Hannah & Lay Mere. Co.

’''inl&iD THAVKitt ffc^AtSTniKroAv. i
fie U a moa «C moat Krtklog pcr<
be baa made w moat atrewtwwa <»mjnign late tbe remoteat eorwen of aoMHly ted win do Mb own tbb
Utrblgan |tBd bU cloqoeBee baa beeB aa ebM eBeeuUm ot the auu ef
beard at nearly etery croea-tnad la Mteblaaa aed drite bU ihewriaahoM

Itortkport. Uiek:. 8«Pt 10.-Ttac«
•a* • topp7 iWMlea la UdJaatav
Mitr Urt* wrfk. U »M Ik* iBmDiis
«l IrMtesd and wtfa. Mbv aa« tab;IftV bad Bot »K «Dc» aanr aprliic.
liM BOV Uwr tenia apead a vbole
«Mik tocetber.
•C U BoataermeA of Wwthpoii,
«M of tba oaetBeen ob IVra MarBB«tB car f«>n TJd. U, rasaUv rroB
Minstoo to kUtvBBhfO. HU vUb
•ad J-rear old aou romalnod at Nor<bf0(i wtere aba bad lived aU bar lire.
Mac the dauebter of Mr. aad Mro.
- 9cHt NelaoB; j«xinin«it Nortbaon
jwldetilt. With tar boabaod apM^lii;
Mnat of bU Uwe oo tbe »al«'. It vaa
piidtiil that Ufa aaald b» caalar for
rooAC vUe It ahe could Uva.^
bar •arvnu. Bbe va« little of her buatat eceaalAballr would make
lha-Ulp froai Kortbpon to Ladlnpoa
apcvdti* a veta or ao wttb blta.
lb* tWs tbU weak waa looked for­
ward to wllb eafor
tack buabata and wife. Tbcr bad aol
m*t for aaveral moatlu, aBd lo tbe
aeaBtlMC tbe little aoB bad been
•rowlnc. Tbe ototber vaa anxlo«a for
tae father lo aee him. kBowln« bow
ta «Mdd oaaarre tbe riwBfa that waa
placo in tbe taoaoier. bow be
«at bOBlBBtar to "Botlee." and bow
bard be waa trrtBK to aaf bu flrat litwerda. It waa indeed a bappr ro
' tet the tiata cane whea the (ood

Un« rnaai be apokea. It waa bard to
part, but tbe seat meeUdf wwM be
tenbconlac, wbca'’bah7 wotiU |le^hapa be able to aap "Papa". Tta
adleiu were aald. batw waved bU tin]band at bU dadd; wbo weat awar
OB Iba btc ear ferTp at mldal|bt
Thuradar. while batrjr went to the
Ubd at Mod.
'While wtitinc lur the iniB whirii'
waa to take her bark to Nurtbport,
>1ra. ItoaeDeraua rrcclved word of
tbe alaklBf ot tbo car ferry. At llni
wwrd wai-recelved that the crew had
been cared, tai later Ua terrible
Bewa waa breuittai to tbo yooBc *‘le
that aeveo otdeera and 10 of Ibu crew
bad bem drowned. Abmmk Ibeaewaa
tbo Bame of'O. L. KoatacraBa.
Mie. Roatnersna did BOt reiura to
Norlbport. Word waa aeot to her
neiber to come to her at Lwdtactoo.
Hfa Nelaoo (eacblac ber daughter
Mr. IbieeBcraBa ana ps y^ra old
Id waa a tnemberi^f the .Vorihpon
Odd reHowa and HaBOOic Mgee aad
bad beee atarrled ebowt four yean.
ieavloK B
wKe am] aon. U aurrlred by bia parMkta. Mr. and Mr*. Goorac Hoaao-.
crnoi, of Bed City, and three broUiera. Vane. Dorr end Harry, all of
wtam realde wiih tbeir pareota at
t'Uy. C. U Roaencrana waa the
eld'cai In tbe family.

itna tbe Oraad Rapida Herald.)

Obnae JMooB Oabom. the reptaU
■BB nemtaM for gBearBor. was bora
.til HuaUagCdn county. IndtoiiB. JanBBiy tt, IMO. HU fatber waa one
^ttbeewrly ptonaan of iBdlaaa and a
iaadlag ataUtUnUt during tbe agiia-

^ OkioTBlley whilebUpeuit grandUttar. John Oabom. waa a doeior
Abd cbagMnnflbe OanUaeotal aniqr
«tai in« to JTIO.
; Okasa O^ra. Mka luaBy of tbe
dien of promlnewot ef tbU day. be-

taa BU taMgtlM iattalinio rad

aebool bouae. and tram the aga of 10
to 1« waa a pupH In tbe sebooU ot
LdbyetU. led. He tbon took a tbree
|«W* eonrac to ibc Purdue unlvenliy.
Bto BntbualDeaa venture waa plck4»g ^ M taboe. ra«B and Iran.

w-bleb ba aold to }unk dealen. During
bU veentloD wblU attending aebool.
be leencd to aet type end be found
a Job In a uewapeper'ofAce aettlng
type out of school bourn ^ turning
tea at <2 per week. worUng fiaiurdays. He atoo peddled papen and
ae tlma had a munopoty «f tbe
Bale of Chka*> papen In ImfayeUc.
eeet to Chicago and beganaa a
reporter oo a Cblebco. dally paper,
later he went W Ultwaukee. where,
newspaper Jobs not being plenty, be
went W work as a roustabout la a
lumber yard. Later oppontuilly'pre­
sented ttaeir and he begin bU news­
paper career, lo wblc* be hae coettnued alnee. HU firat laraatmani
vaa in a paper at norance. Wu.
Ur. Osborn's pbytlquc. baWg ala
f(vt in bis stockings, witb tbe frame
D athlete, has stood bim in good
stead during tbe recent eeatpaign. fo>

bU rampalan aotne montha aio.
He'haa ntany Umea bean .vcniiaiwd
pbytleallr and mawtaUy to Theodore
wveli. HU flndnraBce U remark­
able and hU orntory la aucb aa aUra
the blood ot bU bwaren. He baa
found time to actaalat btmaaU with
tbe eeedaofbia auie and of ita naiurnl riwouieea. Tbiwnab explorationi of bU own aad beemtae of a
tboionah atudy of rock fannaUoBa.
dUcovered one of tbe largeai dcJaialta of IrOD iB the domluloo ot
funada, uBcotertne an entirely now


lacfeased in Bttractiveoogg Bad variety by
htiadvedt «f beautkal asd exciuslve late
modeli durinjt the past few dayt. Aay at*
tbmpt to paiat a word picture of thew
'‘•oiart" creations of high • clau tailoriag
would be fuUie

Bk^. noaBo, teg
Mud th* imbbr
OBIT BM tfa*
ebofn df BABEION1.BAIAB8.

COATS. $i0 TO $45

corwt, bUck


Hsv. Made « Hit
U«r ttpaoial |lft.75


mm* Fabrics
tli. 1S.7S. SIS.
Ib heBsy.^iD anti
fataket . vaa re
bomespuQ, cber
iota, tweada, akin
uer and BekHng
ingi. All nav


12.50 to $40

a^’or gaiU aad Pelar Ibcopam ia trioa, Uack and aary are the farontea with yonoK ladife.
Emhfo-derad PiaaBh. Tbilatad Otabanta aad Franeh SeigM ia tbe nodified banded tffecia
•Ml pk-MM Aha talk ol the hear. Brova, grew, raapbmy, gendarae bine, tea-leaf, garnet
aiewmeot UwaoedMiettehadw.

DRESS SKIRTS. $5.75 TO $18
ioa, the claauaM liae »e here erer ahowa: aimplioity (a the keyii aad 1 yv piaita, tha role, except in roila, when rich embroidered effwta praraiL- No
eld^dag andela to ebov. IV'rii^ae md veara are jut m good aa the atylu ead taikrinK-

SPECIAL B4.A5 thls^Waek for a $7.50 Panama Skirt
Side pUila and baoda ia black ami ulora. an dopIickt.v anr apccial orJari at tliie priM


Itaport «f th« -eoRdltion «( th«
******* **”*^** **



Warta and TewrwMpa.

”3iE ZSs
3? “s!
•i-.bLi-.-l.. 1 .
JlepL It —
• waakud baadlui this moraine
nnvttg red Uaieras Hopped an au
lomobUe eonumhig James Ueery.
Harr. Hollister and Cbarlea Tow«r
all wealthy, aad at tbo puiol of
guna ordervd tbetu to deliver <bel.'
The aulomoblllki. .wmpUed
Ueery aiiempied to strike one tan
dit, aad the ulherw grvd. mlasiag.
Thl. kubdued the vletlm., wbo erer,
lokbed of »3uy The bandHs escaped


Ralph n White. AVllliam.btiT*: Bd.
ir T Fray. Mabel; Frwnt H. Vinton.
Wllllamaburg: Merrll K. Baird. WtlIismsburg. No 1: laiwell Sours.
Rapids R F. D : George L
wmianisborg R F' D
The lullowlDg delegntew w

Rfl.tiK's.'asi. ■
mib pa-rahi.

*.»t.«b.ifw.M**»«>tU.w*et»l—wstkikirits ibsa* WWskwstorf



Mra. Welehto Health Makea a Changt
Good Hera.

Alturnry l<-iler li. Welch .-Xpert.
• cloK- up his agalrs lu ihla city
abonli. anJ on October I will Joiu
Mra W.-Irti ul Haallng.. Ibe two thru
leaving fur lam Angeica, Cal. wbe-'e
they all! .emain a .bon ilnie^Tbej
will also Ban Diego, where Mrs.
Welrti *111 remain until Mr. Weli-b
Uevides upon u peraxanenl locatloo In
the aourbaesi. probably In Mexico
Mra. Welch left for iiastingi. ludav,
to Mall ber parenis until she Is Joined
by her buaband.
Ok tug to the condition of Mrs.
Welch', beallb. Ibis change to deemed
ailMaable. Mrs. Weltdi has been
JOT h.-alib for nomo lime, nod II
lou^bi lUat a rbaugv of climate will
prove lieuL-Arlal.
Lesii r 1> VVi'lch Is a’Trarerse Cli.v
bo) who Ihis uiailv good. In IPUC
graduated iroai tbe tow department

Former Travsrw* City Veueg Man
Was United in Marrilge U Ban
Peaneiace Voung Lady-

Beth Repubiieaae end Oemeerata
Predict e Vleteey wn tan Heta
et the TlekeL

Funland,'Me. Sept. 12 —An eoorFriend. In Trw«-ri»e City are reeelv
oua early vole was MM la Ike M$W
log tbe announcenH-iii of Ibe marlnge of in. Verlln C. Tbonia., form election today. The repataeane «w
«rly of Travvive City, to MUs Hattie
Mona.iU- on September H. In San
The anuounewueni HaiA that ibe date. FTederifk Ftolatad. predicts i
residence of the eouplc will be at Ho- victory.
1(T Argonaut after October 1.
U will be lutueiubercd that Ur.
Thomas wa» fnrmeely a Trarerae
City b<'< and a iueini>er of t'ompan)
One et Henerary Wd« at tha Funaral
of Fofwitf loHeitar .Oanaral


an war ranijialKU In cHiba.
Ills triends will be glad to bear ol
*toa; SeiH. 12.—Taft arrived labl. marriage:
day to attend Ibc funeral of tta lai*
Foltrllo^ Cetteial Bdwwrs a. aa bom
orary iwll bearer The aeiwlfad wera
iwlvaie from tbe
Hotel Tnaralae.

Taken Anethar BaaL

ofOee being »Uh I'uderwood * I’mlor. .Alter . l»o year* -k ith ihla Orm.
he opened all ufflee in tbe Stale Ba&ik
bulMliig, where be la'yet locwted.
nietuU-r of Ibc K. of F. lodge
Cracn Lake.,
of which be I. preUlc. Ir an Elk.
John Anderson. Grown; \V. J 8nxMa.edlA-.-,
m. Inlt-rlwhi'ii; W. VeunlugLuii. InBoth .Mr and Mr.' W. leb have many
It-rlochcii; E A Ki.licr, Init-rlovUou; friends lu Ibl. ,. lly kli» n-gr.-t'tbel.!•: CramUll. Gra.ii
departun-. but kbo wUh ibroi notbLong Lake.
liig bu; Bui-ee*. Ill Ibelr iit-» 'loi-aUon,
GriiB A Sliiwrer. Tbouuo. Silver. E
r.-Uur>eu, John CUik.
WIIMatn NiclerMHi. Irvlti Ibin lings
Clinrles Box, Warren Horton. E A
Or. •era Chase Mas EuggetUd a Lb
the Vaoeus Organisations of
0. E. Pvilver, Itnlpti ra«c. Lucius /.
'l<-dinan. J s. liniwn. Jobii S|<arlinc.
Jobu flowduu. Burw-lu Jauies, E J.
Case, Howard Dunn
W. II Cray, TravenM? City No 1;
U. LadO. Old ‘MUalon. Charles Lardle, Traveiwe City No 1; W. E., Dot>ld 'Mission: John Lardl.-. Old
Ml..Ion. E. R. |>vau. Old Mluiou. A.
1'. Or*}. Tinverne Cll} No 1.
J. ,\1. Mvera. Fred
Mill., Cbarle.


Re ..ft -t Tke . r -».c GaaB


Of Ladies' and Misses’
TUME8, Waists
4 n
S^k i r t 8


Traverse City State Bank .*. cay.


The following aiw the deir-j-.c
elected to the repubUran p <->m> tut.
Earl| iB-bU Hie la Michigan Mr. ventlon. Sept H:.
, Firal w‘.
I'laben b«wan hU pulllical career and
Ortondof. M0*r
hla influence waa felt ererywbere he
turned. Alwaya going to tbe bottom Edwwrd W. Wm u
of eferr auUieel. be Inloriued blmauir H. CUllr. J. W.
thoroughly and haa Ix-ea able to puab U»gi. Maloolu
bU eonvIctloDa w ith aucb lorce that Smith. Mtcbaei Zemn. l':u.. iiai-•n. Thok. H. Sberman.
be bu been unuaually aucoeutul.
•ecend Ward.
In poMle life Mr. Oaborn hai
J. W. Zlimununs. Krwuk Sladck. A
abown tbe aame aagreaalreBeaa aa In
H. Uennelt. ^Uude W, Itowen. Ctolra
tuary^ a CtlHto. 8- C. Dartow. E .W. Hadtr tk> Inga, tv O f-oote. Wnllvr N. Hlnytown "to the wooda." Hr waa gaWr bam. Frank Trudr. Jeaepb Ktoaaen.
Third Ward.
gad Aata warden for iwo^aan aaJ
W. E. Wllltoma. A. il. Cortla. a E.
lollowlug tbU vaa appointed auto
railroad conunlmtonar by Ooveroer Whlu. V. W. Dews. Oaewr SJmpBou.
He Imnadiately phinaad WllHam Abbott. A H. Cook. George HCrow, 1. a Gilbert. W. tV, Smith. J.
MrUougb, Fred r. Ueughey. C. a
ed to make ihe Mlrblinn rommlislon Taylor. Frank Friedrich. U K. Gibb*.
Feurth Ward.
wbat It U. one of Uu beat and must
W. tardlr,
O' J.
efacienc In tbe eollre United Buiea.
in tbU Charle* 1V)0. JatoM Murchle. F. a
aubjeet and It waa ibrougb bU eSoru Marvin. Willtom Tbirlby.
Sbane. Tbomaa BeamUb.
that many.of the evils and abuses
Fifth Ward.
privileges by railroad corporaUunv
8a«e Kyon Bdwin 1’. livwn, Lyn­
were alopped and corrected.
Mr. Oaboni was a delegate to 1^ don K rievelnnd. Cmll J. Hnita. B. C.
Ueurge L'. Smith. A A. AUlngM naltoaal republican convonrain
Demai Cochlln. tV. £. iMcoS. A
Id wnt cbulrman of the Uieblgaii
drleeallon. He Is an eiiibustoslk 8, DoUeon. C- A. Everett.
of Piealdent Taft
John liovete. Acme. Adelocrt OI»p.
Tlioodose Roosevelt, and bis ci
itatea; UenulB Hvxaie. Uatei; George
palgn tbrougUo^t baa been made
tbe llaes of progrewa and retorra and Jecknon, Elk Rapid. R. F. D.
the correction of evils wberever tbey
_f. M. Hamlin. M. Hargravea. Melmay exist.
.Ur. Oaborn was married In ISSI to lin Artlip, Henry Sackrlt.
MUe Ullton G. Jones, daughter u' Swalnaton.
Earn Bay.
Edward Jones of Mtlsraukee. He U
thirty second degree Maaoe. a
Knigbt Troiplar a member ot the I. 1: Edwin Black, Trwvcrae Cliy Xo.
O. P.. Knights or I’ytblaa nod II livid Htakb. Traverse City No.
Octave t^mlul. TraverMS City No
y. O. E.
FM# Lake.
Mr. Osborn's success ii)tbe jiresent
tWJ^ Kent, nfe Lake:
campaign U due principally to bU
nroog iiereoBalliy and bia ubilliy to Hlcka..8uiaiult Cliy; Jamc. 8 Hedge..
(onvlnoe bis bearers aad of the re­ File lAke; L 8. Wattes, Fite L«ke:
A. ,V. Wilson. KlngHli-y No. 2.
forms be adiocated and i>runiisud
inaugurate, should he be nominal
E. I_Rbbbodi: Traverse City No. 6;
and elected.
J. If. Buell. Trarerae City
Kobm Itornev, Traveree City No. 5;
tVIUIabi Grant, TraverM City No. 2:
William Kennle. Travetwe City No. ti
E. E Champion, E. I' Harper. Tim
linker, George A. Klley.





Sara T. ChsM- rbaliiiiai, ui tlic
liubllf hoallh wnuulttee tor Grand
Tiaverse coumy, a omimitteo of tbe
Auieticao Medical assoelatlon. reeeiKiggesled a tlM of »ul-Ject. ft>r
public leiluree li> be given-by ph>flnaiia- before public gaiberliiga, a
lu.-t of Ibexe beiug sent lu all of tbe
«o'. (iub. of the t-li.r. Some of
club- liaic clio-en »ubji-i(« from
list. Ibe I'lilon Klreet Mother.'
club leading the uumber selmied, IhU
b <hnuwii>g nine lei-turee, the .ubt. of *bi,h BM a- folio*.:
n.e Krlslmu of I'lie*. etc . to l*ubll-altb.' I*ure -Water and Us
Rt-UiloU lo IMblic Hoallh."
Mill ai;d lutaat H>glet)< . ' "The Val
t iruie Food: ' 'Social H.vgiene.
Ho* Farenti May Protect Their
t^u. and Uauxbten from InitnorallLv"; -Htgienic Maaagemetit ol Ne.vou* t'hlMrea. ' - Cause snd Fiownliua of Nervous Exhsuatlun and Fro.
.aUj: " "Training tor I'ltison.hip."
••Ho* to In.iruft Courermus
Origin Of Life '

Second Wat*.
Cbarle., W If Vmlor. J
. Bowen. Martin
Bracken. Guy
I'base, Joe Erbreoberger, M
Keno Colbv. Calvjn Artlip.
cult Court lor Grand Traie.'se t ouaThird Ward.
i>, la Cbatiierj.
E Wilhelm CurtU U Alwny. R. C
■Agne. Seio-. i'naiplamani
Fwulin, Cbarle. WUbelm.
Tbomai aarlr. Sever Dvleoriani. Auguai It.
Wilhelm, i. M. Wlibelm. Jno R Santo.
It app<-aiing from afddavii oa file,
William Troutwlne. George HiU, Nor
1 ibl. i-ause that Ibe above named
man Hill. Marina Btoek.
defeudanw AVillMtn A Sevhr. does not
* Feurth Ward.
realde lu ibis Slate but la a re»ld«it
George Tarhiscle, O C. Ugrtg. L R o> tbe £ut<- of ,\e* York. Oa motioa
1-. H. Gage- aoUcKor for the comSiickney. Frank Sebwalller, W. D
plalnaat herein, it I. ordered that tbe
WUcoi. T G ikllsoo
said defendant r.use hi. appearwace''
Eaat Bay.
be an terid la this canae in peraon
by aolkltor wiiUn tour raootba
Frank Reh*. H. C CkHtole.
frost tbe date hereof aad la default
Ibereof that tbe BUI of Complaint
ioba Wall. O U Ooatta. W- 'Vur«- filed herein may be likea as coetcaaburg. J. Beecmlltor. Carl C- Moody. Cd atalBsl him
Jerae WykoBClreult Courf Coo
Crund TraWbae Cunat;
8ti>L iMe-JT Oct i-u-ib-:^

Cou.iderable ranrern waa tell for
E C. Fklgboui l<v bl> trieods mon reiclvlng new* of ihe sinking ol
ferry, as
Peie--5fkjum-U»* f
i'Ulgbuiii^ll lliai night lor Manliokoc. via I.udlngt'ou. However, Mr«.
Pulghuni retcl.ved a letter today from
her In which he aUled that
be had taken another boat acrtM
lake on ibal night, and'arrived aafely on the Wlaron.ln taore.
Mr. Fulghum kill locate In Illaclkcll. 'Wii. and his wife iind irtiJe
datighu-i kill Join him In an »c*k-.

III Haaith Drava a Prwtnlaam AIM
Bitrinaat Man » Hla Baaih 1*.
dap~W»^^ ^iar.
.‘.luia. UIcb.. Brv«. 12-'-^ Drawtaker. cashier of the First SUte bank
and a Icadiug butinrv man. aulcldad
by .hutimg bimeell today. Ill baaltk
ka. Ihe .upposad caua*.




To every womao is <lvea
the opportuuity of tacreas*
iog the quality of - bread
BfMl pastry sritboui addiog
to the cost.
Tbe proper recipes care­
fully fallowed, will do much
— tbe right kind of dour
will do eves more.

The right 4tiod of flour.ii so milled that every pani­
cle epoutos just the right eleneots aad in the proper

*T»e 10b4 Everybody Llkea-

eochtiratfta every bowewife to devoto more atteatioB th liread and p—-------Thfw c
bdpiyoQ to prodooe tbe finwt flavor, eolor aad


It'i tbe brani of flotir that rerily holpi.

J J. Breriea; Profcop Kyaelka; C WDbria a Oa.; L. B. SUta

Carey: C. H Jobowa; Gllchrtot B Htaas; Kata B Sgaabsimr:
Foma a RAtmes; ituaralmaa Graear Co, Ranata a lay Mare. Oto

VAljt MHItmj rta, 6fi Dspiis. Mlffll




Mr. aad. Hn. CRarim EHob retarB- certo. Mr. Ryaa of TnrarOe City aad HOW TO REAR AHUNDAWT CBORE
ed to Oread Rapids tbla w
Mtoa Ida Wber as tmehera.
RRRRRRRRRRRRRRR'R T vhrittag in tbe rity.
fa view of the trosble that faramr*
,HarTtoee Harr and taaolly
Friedrich Jtobert. son. Mr. and Mra.
^ve had to
s«riloa oa'occouBt
Mr. and Mr*. A. WIMman retaraed Uea eaiariBtaing hist two
Prod Itaiberpar, k»i Lake
Bnito Harl<or :
tol«eee. Tbit tnbawe prew and srr»
Saturday nlgba from a three vgah.' from iMHana aad Mr. aad Mra. Ram at the extrnnMy dry spelL tola aaaTARR AT RAET RAY.
and for four raanUinidutvd
bom JM? »;_ftled AnpuaC 1.
trip Uwougb toe eaat. vtalttag u. Kev «tarr ot M'hUa PiCM. who airived aes. w« ggou tho.foUasBis whtoh
pdiptobacco. tSal teTwiptif, vvtee
-Dl to ui by Atigott'WaU ot Rpoto excuratoa.
Horace Fletcher. ma.Mr_and Hn. York. WeaUaitaa.
tlK mowr Ua <ottaa.eertiand pc
kara. Wnshtogtan;
B. -VaoHoni hai asoved back
CMitaa Seou. 430 West Htath atieM; Httsburg. They eayeyed a very pl^
B*a Veuilt Paapto' Warn Otaea the
■aS-pncUoti twrmti umI
Mda bapucht. vRUa Ua vlln'a
-He who Ohara theee preeepra ^11
Orawa, after ipaadla giha miitaar
ben Jaly 3d; Sad Aacaat 1,
M trip.
Fright ef Thalr Lima by uadar
•r.. MM rlcbM Ut Um faito* «mmt hnra pcodaaed mac* amsar than arar
■ap abandaM ctopa He Bhf ^
Kaaaeto Jay. aoa. vr. aad Mra.. •opal Blrake. aad Fkaak aad Oecar Sitrer Labs resen.
al BrrrltB cowar CruU
H baiera. In iwa than so Taan alt(rFrank Sraibaek reioreed to Grand lataa them shall be paatahsd hy 4eDde.-eoa. ikl Ommu. left thtt
Eari Bell (taaa streM; bon Jely 3>:
km juK vriUM » IcUM to U* varda ararp pcacikal tobaeao prowcreaae In yieM to psoBortlDS w tke
tag tor Ala^io fiwmitoelr soadtaa. Baplda Saturday.
At 3:34 Mooday moratop. Uodae Sled Aapast 3.
Uockor •cHcoltBrUls !•
ar to Uw Unlud eutas vaa nWap
Iraae May, daopbter. Hr. aad Mn.
taotaS ranwiBi 1
peM* tm • Mwe mmt mmr <M«<
•- Painter. 1
a H. Blawtmb ie la Oraad RvUa.- •♦♦♦♦•♦♦♦RRRRRRBB
Slecea O. WilHama. US VaOey atraet;
(V «tel ITO tatar «( ttao «U «
-1 know a man vbojdaatad paeana nm U. A. Cobb, a hay ferar pattaai bora AnpuM 1; tied Aagoat >.
attaadlBs the Waet Mtehlgaa fair.
at Boat bay. ataUnp that aomeoae a
MUiwa th* rMM spoH at Ua Uivi. iliU f«n«a carmaa areood a
Mra. L. O. Beam rrtarBed » Bings- RRRR'RRRRRRRRRRRR
IMea Oraee, dnaphtor. 3tr.
Prab MmS aSiocMao tte plaatlac m Said. .33 )<ean ape. vbo laat bnaklnp into tbe {o(tape »-^‘~’p«"f
Toto Pmrma. It *aa raiatop baid at Mra. AdelbeR J. Oaray. Am ^t ley tot* meralag after vialitag la ton
Mra. JuUa Parker Imvas this after- word to -to* laa c
of aaeEU^ fnUt lima. Rmda
rear aold pccaoa at St .«ou a p<
bat the uadenbariS awored Biphth street; bore Aupmt S; filed city.
ta* kam aod ttero, ha aaaSaria. «tU ibac aeiUil Mm pj.aoo. Hre i
a John T.
Mra, W. F. Perklni. who has beee Mb f(r Oread Raplda, Ana Arbw dry fanning.- aahm
Mr. Pmracm aad dram oat to Saat ngoat W. .
and Detrali.
la a tarn' roan, brl^ aiui>(ialB«
(baa <Ud iba M aeraa of pood Ray througb^be atorat.
Bather, danphier. Mr. and Mrs. 'talimp her braxher. C. B. Dye. tvM. C Guild, wife of the Rev. Congiv^ for adoption at IBs RRh
da aau tbar towraaad^
Arrlriap tber*. they foand tba <«• Rirbard Peas. SIO Oak Mreet; bora raraed te Deeriag. Ho. tola neon. Mr. Hr. Onlld. left tbta mralag tor Grand annual coutetiUoa la RpnIraBe. OftPariitas
Aapnat S; filed
3 to 8. to cenuaclloo with tha
. Ufwar and tanr la dArkaoaa aad tlpfatly locked,
ftlltard Hana left this moa tor Raphta. where she wHI apaod a abort ober
Iona Oa. daughter. Mr. and Mrs.
..A* ----------------------- --------- ------- ^
all tffbni to open tbe doer betop
Onto ifTinite friaada.
Artbnr Hvfideraon.
state Mreca. Sl UiBla. Mo. where he wtu cons
UlUnp rotaioa and liattrortop tba vab miileat aad all anempu 10 x
pleta a eourae in midletae. Mr. Haas . Bo^ auh, editor of toe Norihpert
-Aliaut 3S rtan afa I vreto i
>ra Aupuei 7; filed Aupnal 12.
"Barplara” to anaver baittp tbe
today 4« hi.
tar. aa i so» prapaaa to vrtU'acals.
May Aiun^ daughter. Mr. and Hn. expHto to secure hta shrapMUn next way to MauisUtioe. city
M o« or ni tbooc tbroophtbe
aranaipaRytag his
I. Thtoi ahalt plow deogi
aaS arhMR mr aSUor aWlUad. Tha
Antony Ferguson. Uj .North Odar Siring.
beep plowing permUa rata W pMMr. and Mr*. C. A. CraadsIL of ItUle daughter. Gladys, hack to MaaisPMsa OMor Paaab Traa". aaS wWcb
There vaa no alpn pUrn and aimtop ■treet; liora 4ugu\t )0; filed August
eirate tbe BC4I easily and wRheBt RtBM AUBolas. CaL. ware toe gerau
MMa waa
la all «( lk«
bb rerotoer toward tbe hearemt.
On^» Mpaa at iha coaair »S all
Alice L.. daughter. Mr. and Mrs. rtr Randay of Mra. Ida H. Bailey.
Cred eeratal aboia.
Ur. and Mrs. David a
EUls. of span- lor plant roou aad .fMte
•T*fflO. iRa vMliaial papara thatvma
Wilson A Smito. us Second atraei; They taft this aoaa oa a trip 4brouph FitaL who bare beca visiting Sira available nraro plant food.
Then vaa a aobe Inalde tbe
be easL
■at ia ika twaaSlaie aoatiDl of. «r
IL Thou ahaU keep ih* ntorftro
laxa and after aeterm) loeKecUial ai- bora August 10; filed Augual
Mtas Marie OoyBe. vbo hM been Bobey-Witeui. of Kaai »Yobi
soil loose.
tempe to Inaeri a key In tbe lock, tbe
rataraed booe today.
W«M Tvelftb laittBg her bmtber. Mr. Oc^ae. and
door was anally opened and six young rt Titohuni. 3IS
SUa Prod Hourer returaad to KanThta prateaia nell metaura fro«
tamHy. rettiraaB to Muskcmin this
people, ttoee boys and three pfrir, urevt: bora August «; fitad Aupaat ntoraing.
1* CUy. Mn.. tola jusratag. after vto- •parattag aad conaerms the ratanude tbeir appearance, all being in a I
.Mlcs Mamie Urdle and Mira* Bltr- Itlng ear pareou. Mr- and Mra U taU. Harrow grata after It' ta up l»o
Mary M.. dauHiter. Ur. and Mra.
inrhea or tue weeder.
peat Mate of uerroui anxiety, m
abeth EueMt left tUt Btornlag for Stenugue Mr. and .Mrs. MoBUgw oillnkma (laypool. MO'UarteM
ireat that when one of the boys
uupaaM ber as far ns Reed CUy.
tn. Thou slult cotiivaic levar aoB.
Grand Raplda. lo attimd tbe Air.
(empteri le llpbt hia pipe, be could ut
Mn. -A. T. CIO*, of ManhsU. who
Le*el sail storda toa taaat rat.MraW«mam
llBC trah traaa-UM Rar* bow trait
ItanaM Jerome, son. Mr. end Mn.
LO WANTS TO KNOW ABOUT pet too match erea olaae.
Detroit thU tnorainp after baring has been vtalUng frienda to toe ciiy. poaur* to tba air. and win uha ta
‘ aaaisaallM br aap rraftaS oaaa. asd
The tmcttoc vat that tbey had tak­ Atwiat J<ton Sauman. ISO TwMfto been raBed to tbe city by the death left tiOs araratag lor Kta»t*T.
raialall (asur toan rldgad aHL
««k-taactr B« reprttfUr aad ear
rati. bvrii-^AapiMi g; fitad AwPHi
en Bbelier U tbe canape to «aea
Pel\V. Thou shau .......... .. tslta*.
of her brother. Joseph Girard, fibe
tatatr, for tkr tap loot peaatmad
ibe etervi. but after being given
Tbla nbeuld b* practised IR aU
by her little grand okey. wh« bam baea vUlUng his
lidWr riw mat nme or tba vat saoa
Marl Ilcugtas. aon. Mr. aad Mn.
pood ieecore. they were allowed
returned dlftrlcas khoM toe annual prociMtadaughter. Maroc-llne Wiley. Mrs. Clap- rutoer. M. S. Johnara.
or tbe dlT mo I can polM to larpa
tlon U leas than 15 inebes. as It coa>
eon ipem aaveral days as tbe guest of MM tola aftaraeuB.
orcharta tn XanBu. Nabraaka. Nla-^
ugan U; filed August 17.
Mr. and Mra. C .Noeik and chu Bcrvaa two yoars' rata far an* «PtP
aouH aad Artuaaaa Oiai the aoMs
ftauUne Dorothy, daughter; Ur, and her niee*. Ur*. John Poole.
and killg saada and pta«L dlaosMS;
Mr. and Mra. J. Keswry. «* Bath. -SB. of Slk Raptda. who have been
wma piaaird vtoia Uw traa pren EDITORIAL REPCRENCE TO
Mra. Arthor Stovard. Sit Pork aireet
land sbasld bh culUvatod..*
Oblo. left ibta moralng for Boy C3ey. vialUug friviids at Sstiona IHy. paraI kaov at om pdaMer la Tma who
bora August 0. filed Aagvtt IP.
through the clcy today os Ibelr yearly rainfall la more ■*>»» 11 Itobn
Mue Kras Heydon left today lor
puatad In ararr iiuOda laace oomer
Donald J.. Kon. Mr. aad Mra. Heery
oora to as good * praBanitaa tar.a
Ailbart C. Hepkina Charged tfith Ana paaeb aaed. and the ooulda tenre
Judkana, 230 Suta .street; bora Chathaip. Ont. where toe ulU enter, Mayor B. Wilbalra and aoa Haroaalng the ReeerRs at Ren
the Chatham conservatory and lake
ccraar a Mack volant. 1 know of leM RaeatvMt Had Saaled Upa of
August IS; filed August 10.
jlcy. rciuraed this afternoon from CUCartalyav Ret U U Knawn That
County—Other Caaea On,
aaothar ona tn MlaalaaipDi vbo
Jerell R.. son, Mr. and Mr*. Byimi E up a aitociaa eourae In muale. ^ f»go.
Rig latareata Cama Aareaa
piano and vocal. She will also tab a
piaatad UehArr mita in all «( RU
This bow* motatura and ptaht taod.
Mn. Edith E. Adams, of Tpallanti.
A laaptad maaa of nimlnal altapa- York. *0f West Mfieenth atraet; bora apocial oouTM in Preach and CraiaaD.
Irnoa conan. AsoUtm In Tasna vbo
nprotee meckanlcal condlUaa ol the
tioof are 00 toe cmleadar of toa Ben- — ;Jlled August 33.
Mia. Mariam Heydon *-11) mum wbo has bees vUllura Mr. and Mr*. soil and Icssena saabtac dUfUag had '
piaiitad pacoBa. Aaotkar in aoutteri
Ida I.. daughter. Mr. and Mra. Claud
New Yoi*. Sept. 12 —Tbe World tle <t»my clRiilt court vbleb open­
> CmelnnaU 10 reaume her atudlea C*Mxe H. Croaa. reuiraed bom to­ btasing. Subte oauire to ih* tet
klMvIiRl who plantad Btcliali valBlonaeiune.
today editorially Qootea Rooaevelt'a ed at' Honor Monday.
the coaeervauo of music.
aau. *pd i eenld tbaa omunaa
wnAupnatit; Sled Aupnit 33.
ChrUt. Lougbard rrtur^ 10 DKreM lorra. Plow weed! undar whtta gtmn.
QUbett a HeMtas will be tried
•Peeeb '
Hlaa Wilhalmtaa Shaae will leave
point eat pmhapa mart than aav«
VL Thou ahaU keep .<taWR Ua
Kenneto Hugh. son. Mr. and Mrs.
today after ependiag a weak aa toe
pablielty of eampalps
a cbBixe of ba*tap partolned tba rac­
UannaAd whom I bait toH alaeo a
Oliver Lerter Larkina. 862 Waahlae. loerarTow for Detroit, where toe will gnaei ol Sir. and Sirs. j. J. shier. Mr. weedA
aad aaya ~lf Booaerelt la to be praaiWeed* coosuras atototar* and plsu
•treirl: bora August 19; filed take a course in eecretarial
tbe oonmry bdi a rlpht to kae*
Hiss Ella Buaebell and Mias Marie
food, crowd ..ptanla. nkad* erdpA. re­
bov tbe Mevardablp can be
Uenedi aasociation of Letter Ceiricrs.
ed an oatK of tba books of tot eonn- AnsnilSS.,
tard life and ataka Uat waA.kaHar.
Bather ^malie. datigbier, toe Her. Dunn win leave tomorrow moralnp which has a memberablp of 7.0*E
by bla paau
l). When toa aodlura began work It
viLy^no* ahaU gcov early raatoran the «an Reca oat ot
and Ura..S. L. Bnier, 434 West Sev­ 4or On-nd Raplda. where they will at"Hov much did tbe traau aad the was foBBd that cerUts noeeeaary
am Uttoa <Mr a (a« dapa a«o.
enth street; bora AupuM IP; filed
:da were mitsing.
Condlthwa for growing are hmi
piarf■■ totttap by my atda awm
palpa threopb Otrtatyoa* Reoserclt

B daring tbe early aumniar; wlntar
Wnilam nogg will answer to
at that a aa tha vaaaH a
Daughter. Mr. and Mra. Ira U. Ueubaa aaatad OortaJyMfa Upa.
charge of atobestltag tbe niads of tor
{Yank Hamlin vae tn tbe city
gralaa are batiar than ibnaa aava tn
-We feaov tbe laaaruice
E* Crairw It DM.
llty Cuaraniee company- Two cas­ son. Hannah avenue; born August S2; day fron. Monroe Center.
the ipriug.
1 SitojWO. Hantaan es of rtoUllon of toe Warner«nni>- filed August 35. '
_ _^»'*feat ot Burrows ia toe aenVUI. Thou shaft grow ecta every
to«h load pmab aaada aadan afpdt UM.OOd; Standard Oil (IMAM.''
Henry Montgomery, son. Mr. and
atcrial race gave aa puich solls- ibree to fir* yearA
IKluer law are on the eala
aaoSAMcfc la enaa to a wWla. m
It refers te JlooatrcU's f
Mr* Frank Wuier. 6IO .’•torth EtaifactloB to democrats aa it did to' Tbe cnlUvaikm requlrod for com
with toe other erimUial caaea.
OkAWN. ,
tbaa at acban a vdtoet, that ia
preeaeoto tte inui —g--~T
atraoc: torn Augual *3; filed
Ibtrasend republican*.—Jackson Pa- saraa mototurA kUls weed* and ptaht
In toe^covrt of domestic reUtioneAugust 2i.
tov yatfa. far a tad. tha aaont
there ore nine nilu for divorce com
dleeeae*. Cora to toe baal prepara­
Orawa. wich.. Sain, g.—Sira. (Br.)
tooald Woom and hmr aa tba lat
Kenueto Doraln, son. Mr. and Mra
meacad by toe dbaaitaaed btubandi
tion for a grata crop; B prodneed
Clerk eotenained Friday eveatag
Ha Md ma Ibat ba bad om bmd
Glittering Oeneralltici.
and wlvea ot Benite. It Is expected &BCSI Wrlphisis Fasi Btphto atreto; tanor ot her gurata. Sira. Lobe of
teod and tedder per aere tohB
Mtar. vidttaa » a aau tobawaaa
Tbis dpaUng in generaUtiao so
that the irtaU of these caaea wU7
other o(«pA Do DM hiU up tbe «■«.'
Plltaburg. and Mr*. Hecoa ot AUagta,
bt had torpattaa. bm imkUakad tr.
ao much -tm toe nwashhaekler
as this v^es toa^mototVA
taep tbe coort buiy during all of toe
Ca Tbe evetdng
fbe 'Roeitaeni Parmer,' iven
Mrs., Kara Banker, 512 East Eighth
tbe Fourth of July orator. Let the
enmlnp week.
Tbod' a^ii
NBover or
ttefreabrapftatiop bt had plOBttd alt ef tbe
raet; bora August 14: filed Aupmt
raents of cake, walere and lemon lee cslouet tackle ope thing at a tlpte alfalfa every^few yran.
a«Kt plact* cci bit toad la CUckto
Iand do h and In vUl teoata a
Rotating with toeae graaaes add*
aav plBBu. peed peaeb/ateda, hick­
ItaaitotM-. Mr, Md Mra. Ctareoe© rvre served.
utar Idol. Otherwise, be wOl r> fenliUy and organic mtuer to toe
ory avta, valana and ySara, and that
Tbe LatUes’ Aid aoriety will glre hacit and Join Mr. Bryaa.-Graod notti kllto weed* and dtaeaae* af
a04 Weal FtfUtoslh
Camp Riwa WHI Canw to Ufa OHL
Ma place vu now a paiadiaa.
Meet; hora Aaguat 37: filed Aupm a chicken pie anppet at BataTa haU Rapids News.
planu and produce* an eve.uie-t ggy
dtolly M togs Tofiarvew Wltb
tbu tba mjtt fron tbwa -lad yon.
fciurday evening. Bepc ifth. rvery»yW Rkltii Have Raen Used in the
and vahtahle seed etopA
cordially tavlt«d lo'aucBd.
iBidltnE tram, bm
Rkht oama tnaiead ef Welf gkim
60a, Mr. and Hit. Fred Bemea. 217
X Thou Shalt heap atoek.
Net * ReUMeal Metta.
—ReeMIce Callaeted.
Elmwood avenue: bora
Htaaee Betb Bracken aad Praaeea
Tbe meet profitable way of taaiftatConscrratlon t* not S politiral Is(lYom Uoaday-a Record.)
filed AilpOBi S$.
tag grain and (odder Is throii^ gtoA
Wllhama left Monday for Traverae *e and toa man whose eole •
With tbalr tuKorata a^ and
rii abooid ha remeaband that tba and Ibotr brass baitona pleamtos. tba
Laarinp. Sept, is—Hera evtdaace
produc* (be manoia nirtaigtr
DonaU L. and David W.. aons. Mr City to atutxl Higb •ctaBi
> eoosideraUen is allgnmem f
'Artot Oar toplolb^laR eoaetad la BMtobera of toe Oraad Tniveraa Sol- of grafting OR the Mate was dlatxn-- and Mra. Willard Campbell. m» Stale
toa soil afid bring proapeiliy agd
.Miss B'na Saxton of Int
against tola one factor In modern
WaaMaptoa. waa braacbb abOM bt- dtam' Atul dallorB- aaapelaUon at
ered. vbkn It was touad that In a
reel; bom July 28; filed August 2*. as Ibe giirat e< the Utsam Mag and
U * good ladtridual to forget plenty to the dry land famr.
mma at Ma supmailoR. aad 1
'Professor Palmer's pt-tintninn
iber of (txinllea a bounty bad been
Mabel L. daupfater. Ur. and Mra. .Margarat Mclntoah Sunday.
IP to come toto tba eltj alraady.
when public honon era betag hand
tbM bill aot bma ttokarad at
Mra. Maud* itatey was a Traverse
Mara vlU arrlre bialpbi stoic, el- 1*ld for aeyoie petta oa toe suppoai- F'red Domini, ]<« Ui
—CluclRsali Oisimerclal of tbe principles of tbla modem aetb*MiiS bava- tamkad to more pAtk tbooph toe mmtlnp doee bm bapto
od of Ullage In toe shape of praa^ta
Uub that they were wolf skins.
August 24; filed August 29.
City caller WedMsdsy.
appeal* Btrongiy to meabora of Uw
SBod tbaa aar oaa lav avar aautod U1 tomorroa morntop. toe Md aoldtere
Slarparet Esther, daughter. Mr. and
Hr. Hoale of Wiiltomi
C, B. Brewster, fornserly la tbe
local board of control.- said Batm^
t0 aar •aaatal geraiameai. Tter* katp le total aay part of tbekr abaual Idoy of the sutr game and fotvsiy Mr*. Ray H liutura, 515 West Elev- iral of her dsughier. Mr*. SUEord.
He Wont Do.
K be- tbia onaaty ea tba old Balk
inmeat. diaoovered
. _ . ento street: bora August «; filed TuasdAV.
W* are cuiir^pus to learn what was ury nvras. "and it ta Ufcriy that a
anbstaottol prtoc will be oBwad for
Sam. a rev of valnma ptaatad by Dowa at Camp Bales, eecrytolap la
Sin. Rose Munscil. who has' been
e oBe had. been dtapaetag of-coy- Augnit 31.
aa*«kr 10 that Invlta- toe best ten eoamandmcnia on diy
«ha ovaar Wmaeir oa tba
Son, Mr, snd Mr* Harry Trouialne. wiUng faera brotber Prank and John
I rcedlaaaa. The big tent tor tba
aklaa la blanomlBee county, anil
0 go over and ran China.
farming. Tbe plan to to aobott aU
mata to aqr lauar. crbleb ara
astoiably. taaasd by toe board
state paying toe repuiatlea boaa- T007 Barlow slraei; bora August »«i; Canfield, h-ft for b<r heune at t'hkw*- fire he gota. ^boogh. be would
the eseraUve coouslttee ot the
(RPB paytiip tb* aaaaal tOM oa tba trade.-baa bem erarted and In ibu. ty for them ag veU peha
filed August 31.
1:1., Saturday
have to k-ara b«Uir
Dry FhrmlM Coagrees tn cull the
piRliR'. 1 baea Hditoa aadar tba
Marlon udub. daughter. Mr. and
Miss Rot>> Pbllllpa and lOltaa Daand camp ftrei
:Unese tound^ doe* not wnab beat tboughu sad prepara a aet oC
Made -of tonap bandied aUiaa of
craw vlU sleep
Ison and Dan MchoU left Saturday
dirty iioen In puhMc.—LoulsslUe
•mmandmentA to be Incerporaiad is .
am^ Uem to tbta aad adtetalep under eanras. tbe amillef lenu barNllUb aireet; bora August 30; filed for Sfuskegon, and Cblea«i. to vlaB
handbook a* a guide fra dry
maw tba* vom ptomad eat tbnwb lap arrtaed aad raabed Into ptace. Tbe
August 31.
tba toSaian ef tba praape m« caUnary depanatoM vlU be Mteedad
Mia* Ids Canfield was very plcaaani
Maana Nothing.
AMP aaiaaibai. tad l fm) aartr to
as aaaal aad toe dtolap tent «
crop, tbe ITUrago Packer aays:
♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦RRRh ly surprised Thuipdey wentag in
Four year* 440. mhae tba last oBaot be iba taaat of toe attractions.
mor of her birtodsy.
Because Michigaa pouiora find
.vear guberaaiorial elecxlon occurrod.
For P. M. at ftteamefA
I tbla toaeraad that
morelap at 6:W, ('amp arkei both in the eaat aad the wait, ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦
Mr*. Alien
of Sault Sle Ma­
Tbe Vnited Stale* Civil Service
tbe pluraUly of tba
r or toad, ba
taa to IMe ersrially
rpeudlag oa reiallve supplies
(From Ylonday's RecordJ.
ri* la vlaltlag ber bMitoer. P. u Bird. pubikon candidates waa 18.430. This
te Md
If eter ae^/'asan. vtu act «pea
tba snap «f tba aaarlaa nali
those two secuoaa H stands
Mn. Ed PhllUpf aad daughter Roby year John A. Mrad. to* ngTiiilliM atSK“to.*ra
Mr. and Mi*. W. F.-perktaa returnMaple
City. Midi; a* a roa^ rt
that mnuoaa and mlUtoaa ef v«nb fofcBOOB vUl be daveied to tbe renoatly aa a potato state, and Is
I te their heme In Mtawrari 4l
•ere to* guesu o! Un. Mathews a candldata. baa a phiegluy of about -bl<b It If expected to owk* eenlE. toOBldjM added to tba cooatry la a -ceptioa of the eoaradm as they rotor aise deserving of much atienUon
itlen to nil a coniecqplated vacant
alter vlsitlug C. a Dye and otoer couple of days taei veeft and
IT.W. U a pluraluy of IE430 Is
' «V BM to ha taUawiad hr dolton to from all orer tba north while at
tor potHlOD of Toorto ctaas poMvet that It It one of the la
s eld frtoDda.
15«« foreabadowed tb* rrauH o< IMI master or ctoas'B. at nieamero. MleWtoe aiaaa ««U vUI be Udva.
-Of eeata. aad that mUltoaa to be
Mtai Battle Swanson nad Mtas
Pat* Witoop it here buying po
there to co reaaoa why a ptaraltty gan. and other varanelra as they fMtr
Ron -eeald Urn tn call tba planiM In toe aftoraooa. there vOI be a a*,
Its fields provide Is Lgnmp of Maalne* span
tora, 4v eenu a (miBwi betag paid.
occor at that offire. onleaB It abaft
fatoaned. It tba vaau plaoaa to 004 etal patbariap ie tbe Mp UM aad war both seed stock tor tbe aouthera prow day ta toe city as guests of Mira A)be decided lo tbe InteresU of the tv
Mra J.-Jkseken is a Travera* City
rice to fill The vacancy by fetnalat^
er and table potauts tor whoever has, ■ta GoCfredsen.
.tbraaphnai tba Ualiad Sataa van Maries vtn be toU and la tbe
raller today.
It In igi3.—«•» York GM>a ment. Tbe compentatlm of the poh‘Ihora trill be toe flr« ewp Sre toe price to pay for them, whether lo­
■.pimtad to tha ptoper trau aad aat
Mrs Msyme Lardle and Mira LitP*i GeuWen is beck from C«wer*esiwr at ibis office waa |ig«L far Ite
;*aart« tram aaada. bm pnfiad •ito tha BSBBl camp Sre attraetloB*. cated aloop tbe AUaatie or tbe golf e *milek.-“of Mapleton. left
at fiscal year.
Tilic. where be afteaded toe fimera:
Card ar THinkA
coast or west of tor
-ftBli baopbt of a aurmiysaa at a
' ea tha
moratag fur Grand Rapid*, to aftead of his fatoer.
We wtab to tbanh ail the kind
this year, like all otoers. tba fair.
the asMRh prtaa. and om oanbalf of tbe
Sfr*. HlhoB Harr wen! to leterlocdi fri-ndt wbo aastoted at the drath of rvpiion (bat In
Rttta urhero 1
depraclatrd coivdltloti. roar
Um foaad. after ala ytar-a prowtb.
Haro.M Tftos. of the Detrah !«•••*. 1 SloDday to Stan ber seboo; tram oaf belered baby. AUce ’ llargare*.
declared by sUtuie b '
acreBM te be tina to aaam-ammlUlMia
1 age for
Mr*. Oanae-L
....... ..
vacaiioft In tbe eliy.
«a* and to tbaae who seat fiowera *1« to women 18 Tcnra el a snattbe18mazA
£to af
BwiM aame ot it than from all the
Mira Louise Burk Mi for KhshvfUe tbe CM ot Miss Ida Barber Sund^' toe slagen and to toe mOe g*rU who
WaaMaptoa. Sept. 13.-The pepaU- pasted powers aad abippen wouil
Mila tbRw eemuiiad coaid bHap.
Tens., yesterday, 8bc has.charge ot
Mra Lore and Mrs, Hbc«x who have acted a* pall bearera
be aurprtard to tee. wheti tbe
BT RSto tbiam 1 bmou tbai vbicb ttoa Of Ktopatoa. K. Y. to at.tcs. an
Signed. MR AND MRS. H S n.*t;.
ae of 1,33 or t.« pee eem as aoa la ever. Ibat the ablpmeata have ihe ttusle department in Radnor ook bran vhiHnj’ their fatoer. Ik CTar*,
coat oMbtor

msraed to ibelr home* Wvdneeday;
*TbklBp a idac fiom tbo anppm- compared erttfc 34.U5 in iw>«. The •gaallad toaae from the 1M» crra>. -Mr. rnd Sir*. Allard Bmitli left for
Mra O A. Brigham of Buektay,
ttaoa made, a ptoatar to TBiaa ptoab PWilaihn at 4!QBEhkpepata. .V. T, b to traa toe coadlilon of toa prawiug Cbirar) this mornlaib after spadtac railed oa Orawn rttaodi Thuraday.
ed Ma itBee cenaii to tebeece, «u- ZtMt. an taereaae of StoT or US por crop to a few points betaw tbe IM» a short time with Ik. aad Mrs. Gv
The rooera) of Mn. EfBe Thayer
eeat. New RooBelJe. N, T, bM 3t.- flpura. bat tha droato felt elaewhwe
at of tba
^ aad to. tbrta statta to a 'Mil.
M. Jbbaaon.
Monroe »** held from toe M. E Travers* CUy Stats hank which ap faemaUoa -coBceratag aad
MT. an taereaae at 11.147 or M.l per
leas is evidence here, la^i
to* ragalre* — to aapapad to bla cMMe eror
Hr. pears ta anotoer colaau of toto to- awnta ^ toe euamtagUoa ran «b
eea^lt b aev tbe bgmc ef many 4^ geaerel view of tbe stale. wbUe toe! Sfrs. John Raamla taq this aoM for ehmt* Wedneadaj. toe Rev.
OtotbadUMpoli oBt btotvo tem aad tbab tatolUea.
cerasoA shows tbe iirong and aabsuntial aaeervd from the pnetmaHnr at OtaB■ rraage to tanta. perhaps in esew
Mtm atalka to laara oely am mw.
POMd of May Metntosb. Sira PalMr. (ondliton and steady growth of toto
1H»9. There was so ttrach
RM ha tat tban an pm* and neret
IRe H. S. Hamllun aad cblldrea. stork cm hand tbto apriap beeaast of
Ifid Carpenter aad two aona. .Wal­ Mr. Kail and Hanry Saekfu faralab- Bnaaelal laatotuttaB.
5 ^^
tonmtid ibtm or venam ibam. tccR—nlad to bar brotoer. Ur. Ry
Uaptathe uaprofitabW prim rattop in the ter aad Bob. left today tor Grand Bap ed toe muale. Intermeta
tba mat van toorn tbaa a
asaeated and fitad vttb
a abta'mar.
tafl thb neeatap ria. tba {bn BtaritMs that growers used to* seed "s 10 attend ihcfatr.
grove cranaerT. Guvn. Mr. ^ Mra
Mr. and Mra. X Vlfima. wha
HOtiRi barpuetto for Big fipetaga. 1>nai. < freely «n their (arwia. briagiap toe
Sir. aad Mra H. C. Qor* went to Thayer. have tha gnapaihy at, to* has* faa« tpehdtag aaeanl -Bcaks
RMw dad alvaya rataad
t btato Mb Hr. IboaDtaa, who bm tocBted tal area plaated up w libera^ >rep4i Oraad BapUi today to ailato Use
iflfHlac ta too SMI. ATO mraactod
•hr at-mkam Tbay wb
•ehMl opaBed Moaday tar in* fau'%w Uta aralag.





sniE ROniEB




-I acM vat two of tb* boya to ■xwt crowd about Wax. Tbe
•m •» leave* and »imdl bought. By tboao
yoo.- cried Mr. Toong ew oealag soon repalrwd. the cut
1 to the they mean to convey the Um that
■ wwa atrald poo might get fire. and. tbanim to tbr
iDio Sand Creek. lYho told you of two women have a little
ea- friendly.
Joyftbii worU of light.
tbo fretbetrSererm paru « the vorid ^ laIf yoo don't bellev* my tol*. th* habited by pMpl* who aalnU ow
"Tbe *near horse,’ * replied Mru.
Young, and the patted blm affection­ next lime yon go tow a Sr* engine another by rubMiig ibelr aoM* toMdMM Ymoc F*lka AuabiaM
bouse, ask U High Head to there. They getber; irat a very plewaabt sort ot
may not know him by hto real name. grreUng. ac^rdp^ to our <a^^ bat
The next dxv IbU tramp horae dial
I will try rMv«r t» wtfrf •»
lonilDkly look outdoor, and up to the
I*" '•T bu.l through th.w- at olgbt. He did not know High Head, pliyed more of bU intrlUgenee. One '.Mott likely they have never beard one whkh. no dosht. arami'JmI aa
frM abMt «nytM>i«.
ahr The laarber bad too niucb
» The pony net .t .topped runmiif until ot the boya fell Into a barrel ot rain­ bU true blaiory. hot If yoo tak for nice to thoae who practice it as fcv««i wiu try w b« M h«wy m I
irn.c to «•'—.t Che aeboUra for ihli 1
«>“*■ “P “> Trav- the .beep ranch wua far behind blm water that atoed Just oaialdh the cor­ the - near horse' you wui *urely find log doee to u
Mn and waM auarybady bMRjr
blm—that is. If you are to the right
It to curloq* to fiad thl* funny way
gate out and upward. He would re‘ ■**' ■*®*’
ral. He wax pMylag boat xalling and
M far w I can. of taying "How do you «tor pmrtlcod
call ihem by making aome radueat
' think fifty milei away and tour daya bad leaned over too far. The -near hor**“ engine bouae.
I will try U ba l*vl>« JialFby people a* far ap»rt „ t^e Lap---------------------•Mt. .11
.o 1..V- mum m. »'
I* ““
“"W" “ >“■>''
Tim. .. Mlwl had been enjoying the game. loo. and
tul and kind t* avarybady and
lander*, who dweU____ , ,b, am^
Tim. ch,
D.t .rmr •"
’» >"“■ '
“t"" “
had hla hc«d far over tbr bara at tbe
ta avary la«ln| Uiln^
IbU mm. wlikh w. mnllmM .hn,
'imr m. Bmmum.r.
1... m imlmdi- Bj . IM-MU' .,1«« lime the beeix of the boy dlaappoared CuHeu* Ways of StjpBg rHew Do and froxen seas of (he Kocib, aad «bo
H I avar faU in trytn# u da
You per
Tc^ltohs. wbos* bemea are among
ih, mlm.1
,m.i b- uU .11
'.mimil F.., ■
b, Umi b. bml
» beneath tbe water. With a snort tbyt
tkaaa thlt>i*, I will Try, try
la thto country we arc so aceustom- P**"*
•“ ■ iovNy tolsad (hat Um
m mob mi. «i lb.«. ub lb
Ibbmb I boim
«li ™». ..b
TbU bimb imm.,„i m .. oib. tent the vhlekeai cackling and pigs
burning ena of the Smttb
aee 'while cloud* and black duuda' aee the the nexl time you are in Tra»aloer. who had .xjise to hi* gruullng to tbe lour contert of tbe iM to saying "How do you do- when
in ibe aky. All looked. Then la a »rwe <ity. I am a1w*>a ao glad to vaUey ramh f,r a real and to gl»a corral, the ' near borwe' wheeled and we meet a friend or aoquatotwnce that Pacific.
bl> nterworked hoiwe*
u* ever think
'^'ken membera ol tbe lower order*
«y Bunabln/rt.
'I votee he began: ••You aee.
galloped toward the bam. Tunilag at probably very I* ..............................
MIfifi'CkAAA AATfil. UHer.
“mml «ay ot M)s
cbl^dran. the bUck rioadi
quickly he need back, uklug the
.dow reaaon. aupleM c-louda. There '
ISIS Hexler St. Rlkbart. Ind.
Ike krtmlid for ndle* about.
fence eaxllv at one bound. With a use the same (orm of giweung: and it '»< '><o« do you dor t* by asking
«ue.llon “Y* lanr which mean*
WhfciT 1. on* In the aky which aeema partly
Sept- MWO.
-Vobody claimed High Head,
aquoal that was mon> like a human cry wot. wlu^M^^ihelr way of aaluttog oo*
black and partly white. It la becauae Dear Prealdenl—
than tbr nrlgh of a horae. he plunged anothr.j 1 expect that you would be "‘I*'®
suWrlaM tf you were met
upon aa a gresi dlsltortlon tobe tot
touche* only a IliUe of that
I would like i
» the Sunahlne
hU heed Into the barrel uf water, very
Ferweeay tWcMa.
doud. Thei
bb.T-1. mm w.wi
b.i.'.v bM
> the
b*bV Club.'.
biimm. . Hy papa .mm.m
tak.w ....• Herald, a , ihta valley ranch i
brought up the buy and dejioalled him wHb'ibe greetloga that are ae usual hmeng the Chlneae and this qucMIun
*■ t. H,bl i* a 'clood which it all white; I like to read the Sunahlne letter. “ ‘'•'® ’*'*'■
°'“' at the l.-ei of hi. mother, who with to aome parts of the world as -How «• In'cnddd to convey an iaqatry'as
t «l .a apol of dtrknoa* la in It. The and .tori**, I am leu year. old. I "The owner wiu «me along aome other-- on the raiK-b had nin out >o do you dor- to wRb os here at home. <® wTetber tb* appeUte to good, sod
W’hat would you Ibtok. for Inttance. •'hethM. (herrlore. (he pmuoa *«•
ana ta In the whole of that doud. have a brother .-even yv^aiu old. and
blf horwe." aald learn what awful thing had happened.
of a friend who. when he met -you, dreaaed to likely (o he to a (air way
Now. the clooda which you children a alater five yeatu old. and a little
Toung; *o High Head found a
"WTio^pulled btio out*' quesHoned
look youf foot to hto hand aad rub- toward the aniulriag that degree ot
•dA- 1. 1IM. tM
Uk* beat aw thoae which have moat brother via week* old. Wo live near
' tbe father.
bed It over hto own face? Or o4 on* •«»"»"»» which to IhedeallwrM *»^
Of Ik* tun In them.- The teacher the 8i. Joe rtver, and we go baihiog
and naturally wax adopt"the -oi«r borac.'- sobbed the who crouched down until he was only tohahlaat of the Celemial Iteplre.
Mtwbar ef naiwM on the Crodle
„ j,
*'> “«•
«• *« krok1^1
mm ..
b,._m“ Cmm
mother, but she wax we^lU far Joy. half hit uaual height, peseecd bt* (Titoamen to . a higbee d*M ot hi*
ffept. «1, 4.1A
ItiA M*
apparently all had forgotten the tun. are aycamore* along the abore.
Two weeks .atrt-rward a pig was hand* to both rbeeia. as Uough he
another by Jolalag tbe
Ughted chndL
and they make It very beautllul.
aqueellug H-elf aick because It was were suffering from a bad attaek ol ^hMU above tbe bead aad towertag
Tha finaai.
HeadlBg leeaon came on The older
Oood-bye from.

“ ne*r to the ground aa poatf
glrlt made up the reading ctaaa. The
Oracle Holmei.
At the cbwr of ih.' fall achool tana caught 111 a rtgiag hoh- In the two. toothache, and lifted one foot Into ibe
Tb* field Of rtpnlbf wbaai
tb* body,
other arhoUn were engagml In their
Vou are the firat member In VUk- Mr*. Vouug had occaalo* to drive to
Looked like a OM of gOM.
•evert! duties. 6oine were aradylng kart. lod. I am glad to have you a >ke uen dutrlci and bring borne her or forward without rtitilng Itself. May you would be inclined to tancy that . The Cbiueae have * strict cod* at
Aod when the wind begim to blow
«» »hich to told down the aamaiiUiiDeite. aome apelllng, tome geo- Sunahiner. and am auiw your light nlrcv. «k<» bad »*«* leaching there, ran to lie rem-ue. but before the eould .the perron who Indulged to mi<to
The billows rodeed aad rolled.
graphy. Now. when one ot the glrlt «lll »kloe.
The dWance waa twent).elghi mile*, find tbe ax WUh which to looeen the strwnge antic were a little -hit off ***' of Ua«« that thto bow ahouM b*
I alBoat ibougM I stood beaide
was about to read a verae of a poem
kui Mni. Young/uaid abe could make board! the near horae" Irulted up hto lumil. Aad yet. It you Bred to r®P«otod. according to th* imRCftAace
Tho ocean wUh its tecUeaa tide.
peraou* aaluled.
tb* teacher aaW. "flchoUiw. i with
Wllllafoaburg. WlA.
l■li*.tl^e^o and hack eaalb enough and. with hla forefeet. Jumped on the the Philippine Istooda you would tM
<*o Cblneaea who have not teea
oni^ .day if .he could have the parHllun that held piggy - Uf course are anything out of the way In behavA»d orhae the reaper eat
this verwe.- Then (neanor wad a* Dear Prealdenl^ ‘kla mate the board* gave way and Mr. Piggy lor like tbit, for theM. are iwo com- aoMber lor tone Um* ma«^ they
And bound the gddw di^ot
wax uearl) killed. Still, a* he wig­ mon ways ot say ing How do you dor fall <» ihelr knees, and bow tbolr
I vooderwd who would gather up
■Soft, white cloud la the aky.
"*p Stin.hlncr* I have a name for
the "near liorw " b^a good »m1 gled out from un<lrr the debris he with lb* natlv.-* of that pan of the I*®" »o the earth two or thieo tloaM
the acolUred wheat be learea.
The** people tru almest aa
WI.A v«u
Ike Cradle Roll. It I. Clawnce W*l
<•»'» >" 'k® »«»kle. The trunk wa» gave a lame grant of thank*, and the world, n la rather difficult to Imag'ami ao < asked him who xroold bind
n.:. A. «• Bo'ion. age ihttw week, and three P“‘ 1“ “>f boggy In front ot ibe «*l- -near hor*e~ aci-rpi<-d It with a anori Ine bow aay people can ever have Proriwe to their grerilngi a* their
The Urely heads b* left behind.
and a aw lab of bis branilfal tall aa tf become ercuaiemod to greeting ooo BHghboru In Japan. When c«* ot
“•»» "• *• “y
‘ “k"
““ *‘*“‘*“
to xay. "only a ven' stupid pig would another In such dumay and ttpubl* ibem to asked bow he la. h* will rert..
1 leave some for the birds.*'
some faablon*. Very Ukely tbe rui- hlr- "QoHo ••U. thanks to. your
Soft WbItO
wwrA ^m^l^^
My nchool
began todav f like nu'kwni'nt f«**tl)' Int. remed the get Into a bole like ibal *
The waper kindly aald.
Cloud, 1 too
tom arose from an IdM thai to uko ahnndant felldtr. Hy tbgnka for
-1 auR wot kMp It all ayaalf.
palna over saluting a person waa a
kind inqolrtes AaU he tmmorRtovena. I am In the flllh grade. h*or
trouble to rxplalu the why of It for High Head, and he wraa sold
They earair mutt be fed.
taken to Now York ITly. He p*»aed way of abowlcg him or her the reality f*!-" They have the meat itrict rwtod
o blm.
M maant tbpt w* abosM kalp him
,^ker did not Rieak a word. But '
the regard felt by Ibe aalnier.
regarding the numbM^ of bow* that It
from one owner to another, until not
*_J| child knew why the learber k»d „
. ,
No people make more eUbonie aal- >• PraP®® t® make on diteeot oooooso tong ago he was i>urehaaed by the
wkea IB ■0*4.”
„| ,00k out of the window and
Thus. It on* Is toviud to onier
city and handed over a* a rare find ntatibnii than thoae wtkieh are cntiomy but- koue la tbl* way 1
here IsA night.
to the FlrcDeivartuem. Heaoon found ary to Japan It to a aett amiMing tbe bouae of a frIenA It to the correct
T*en 1 mar k*»P htot too."
d'S'rtlS Mdthe'wblw
tbing to see a couple of friend* ap- Ibing to bow a certato nujabec ot
«>«*• HkP'kd W
Ikl* in print, y ux. But you and Molly- are a. sure
Sald mu* UargucTiie.
prpteb one anoiher In tb* -Land of time*: M iwquMted to take a aoaL tb*
*■11] gather troA the fieM
Oo Pou woader vour .Pmwldent
““v" •““'■tain goal.. We w ill
the Sislng Buu. - as they call their Aomher of bows imeaastfy win .ba
tk^hi of bar SunibirTc^wbw
Tour. Jovtag little,
have iq ma% the laax tlueen mile* New York. Here be to dally diaptoy- country. 8q soon aa they bocore.v different, and *o on. Every ooo to
The ■oatterod baads of wheat
ing bis wonderful horse sooac.
And save ^ for tbo time ot noed.
uiO„ Rorr*
Only a lliilr while age he reached aware of one another's oppraecb. they expected lo be tollr aware of lb* mWhen hnug^eap oaa find BO neod..
How happy you mn.t be tp bay* a buggy l« old ^nd ri.keiy; nothing el*e
pull np aod walk quite alowly, with
amo^t of bowing due from him
«»»*n; 1 wHI gladly put could Iw xjjwred „
the farm.
W* oilt bis long neck and picked np a eye* east to ib« ground and ocea
XBorc ai*
arta four
rour BunRilae
sunanine noaiala
posiait ic
®e »]1 pc«»»lona and If one bowed
vlrii rat thsi lay under tbe feet of
« w^ nWplh
be menuoned ibU week. One 1
a bora# close by. With a quick Jerk turned away, aa If ib.-y were boU of««n « «« <>««« enough, ho
And Bilfrate white with anew.
come from our Wend. HeK-n Kovarik;
filled wlib Ue ihoiigbi of thdr owa *®«<d b* looked upon by"ai peasent
n> give a bro^au to the birds;
Uendon. UIcb.
aaotbar fi«m ‘Manha aod Braytoo
nnworthjn*#*. When they gi-t quite »• •» ni-hred fellow, not fit to waaoneighed and awitebad hla tall, that what Utile breath ahe did have
Sept C l$l<>
TwfU makalmm^gUA I know.
Snow: and two from Bduuad aiid
clooe to eanb other they beud down ®Ule -with polite pw«to. It aU toema
Dear Prexldent—
then tamed, hi* great eye* on Mr*. to her was knocked out. but the ”ae*.My sbanSetASldeo vboat will be
BUa Slelmel.
nuill their (ton are as low aa their "•n
*» «a. do**nt M? And yet
horae" meant all right.
birds and me.”
I thought 1 would write to you aad '■<»“« •"* »’“* *
Tilgh Head waa never kbosm |.i knee* ;tbey do oot veatufe to look 1 *uppoee that long cumom has mad*
5 tm-enA
all tbe Bunshlnera. I have *ome **'“'• ‘***‘
kick any sue. to a certain Uttle dog at eacb other yet. but wlib bands « natural enough to th* Chtoaman.
^ito^nahlM PTByor.
Copemldi. Mink.
aamee ffik the Sunriane Club, and
pressed tUbtly on ihelr knees, emPoralan* have a toranfs way of
01^ ai^
subt aad pne Jot ral
Bept. 1. 1919. eome for the Cradle Roll, Thoae lor *• “"t 'k*" k«>r.. • he U almo.t h«- In the eugina bouse had come to tbo ploy thetosehe* lo vlgoroualy mak- greeUng frleuda They ask eoe anothDw PraaMentthe Sunshine flub are Itotothy Mor^
*»>»»>• “« "ko« * better aenic vonrlualoB that he didn't know how. tag a hlssiiK uotoe. Ilk* that which ®®. ' I* root noM very fair Tb* ;
"Yapf Yarf Vap"' went the yellow
■uashln* In my heart,
1 gut my card and batlon an^ *v*c. Bondou. Mich.. R. F 1). No l;
aay. “May yon «al a hanriy «todog
iblak them very ale*. 1 have three May Moravec. M(« Sprut* St., Traveme
“ k" *
horao*. l>(4.-utl) they begin to rub ■or.” or MoettoM*; “How de yo* '
pet cste aad two Htito Riga. Mamma city. Mich; Kha McMl<**.-I. Hendon,
'"•* "'ift-O- Th.- .mty ihinx aud made a face at him.' Thto u Ihelr-band*'rinAdly together and to »al> '

Mst-iiM the doi: that hr almost bark­
aiwax, aTwxiWwna
*• “““« W •'««■ “•«•»» • “*■*
Those for the fmdle Boll are
<>“ **■
"■“*• '“'T kv ed hi* lltUe self inside out High pa> one another tbe meat extravagant
T'Hw* la«-«*mfd piR»>e are eoorJ1,»L .*«
B. w>k
. Theism and fharle* Bowman. You "»•
•‘•f* ‘kai xhon.. ilirvugh the
-Tirade Holme*. UU HoxierSu Elk.
can aend Iheir cards and builoo* to kl«vkue« that the, were headed Head gated seriously for a while on complimeutt. keeping up tbe blaatog ■o*’®* oao-f*. am) that Is nrairvasoa
lienee. If vou for Ib* first of their AaluUltons. Tb*
baij, Ind.
MaudI* NIaewander.
them. Our achool romm.-nce* M..»
They hoped that aa they ueaiv the hard *>| klua yelper. aaA then, a*
* has probably been handed
.^jjma lYUilock, Traverao City,
I wonder wbai your pet cm*' aamo* d*y, We have ten arholar* In our •-* kome they would recogulxe aome If to say "If I doiiT slop this there tbl* to toe eon ul cohvcrwaikto Ib.l. *>»n from-lhr day* wAm almOK ov^iV Nwo bMt by laa'Davto.
are. Writ# and Udl me aomoUme. achool Our toacbwr't name U Mr. Uudmark aiul get barb into the road will ^oii.le- MU yelkvw di«.'' he luted you wSuW bear going on:
err one among them waa a sailor Of
. Sira HcMlohaol. Bondoa, Mh-h..
hi* Mild loot and sent Mr ttoggie
Bergaaa. I am In the eigtatb grade.
t^iptbr Moravoe. Beodaw. Mkh.. &. wobT yc«T

1 raeelved a poaul from Helen Kov►'•“•>>>• ••'.-n they could not «-.•
No. I: Hay Moravae. Traverao
**«" *
Copentlah, MIcb.
e'lk. Thto U all for ihl* time, ao
hand* before them, the '..ear grel tilled up and ulh then to descend­ ure I experienced when wr last met '
-The ple*.n,w ... mine,I am verr
*«®«‘on^t 11 WM Oac.
» db. Utch. Namoa s«t by Btbal
Sept. I. lUd. good-bye.
kora*- alupped aud refuaeJ to uke ing look a turprislng curw that left
' ip «Bddle*ton.
Ffgncg- Bveg to
him spread out over the smoke stack sorry ihsi 1 was ao -rude to>ou then.' • ®«»“«“®“ <“•
Dear ProaldeatPiom a Snuhtoer.
another aiep.
-Ho* ran you say to when VP. were
French peopla oflag puU Ml*
of tbr engine nearby. There happen­
1 will write a few Unoa >o tbe BunBihot HuddleMoa.
ed <t> l« no nre. but that nai fiere most polite, and 1 tolled to .how you ■“‘"'■er,. ear, m a al» of gao^will.
rOLUkk*” IW. I got a <*rd from Helen
I know that Halea was glad to bear

imagltH-, uuleaa he U ined
lu<^ ikiggle changed Ms nagging tb* (outtesy due lo to dUtiutoiabed and no doubt iba babM haa n
Ctoreaoo Wallto Buttoa, ago tkro* Kovarik. 1 got U tb* day after ray ffom yon.'and am Interested to loam
kk* knowiug wher.- we are. Mr*.
from tbe lima* when aaTbKlng waa
tune to one uf morisl fear, and hnn<
«*^ WllUaiuburf, Mkh. Name hinkday, the 23rd of Auguii. I was that you and *h« aevt each oUie:
to that eooni
rn for dear 111.- Hlgn Head fairly
Tar Irtuu It; { have piofited much
aeat by Rutb J. Button.
iw*He yext* old. t thank her very poataU.
The peaaanu of Southern Rwsala
SuSawed to hu delight.
from the leason In good 'manner*
Thetma Bowman and CBarles Bow- ®'“*
*k# card. Our school will
Invent a new pbraae for almaat evwry
Did you ever sec a horse laugh’ srbleh you gave me."
n^tedou MIA KamT“at by k*«">
‘k* Wh, W. gave
He lx balky and we never toned .t
and graei. Qm lahocwr
Sthol Haddlemoa
*”«' *“*
kin she
Tour President bax often spokeu out belore, " rried .May
No wouJer Well, he 01:1* his :i|'» aud ahuws bis
"Ho» cun sou condescend
condescend to atop i^elltog another, will aay w him,
teeth and luakrs rhe lunulesi nolt.Oarene* Kaoch age two yoara
kac*. At I cannot think of any »o J'®'* koya and glrlt ol the President no one ev- r earn.- to elaim him
•utj. an toslgnifiiant t»
^ hrt*t;- n gwMt
Nelli* troa* Kaoch. ago one yewi.
*»>• ‘kla rime, t will General of the Inleroallaival Sunahlne
At itiU the near home" kicked 1.1»
welcomad wfth. -May your
rescue of Mr Yellow Itoa. and High tog as 1
Onslor Mich A P b No. 1 Nam'S*
ffood-bye to lhe.Fdnin- Bocloiy. Mr*. C^nlbla Weauner .Yl- hind Icet up as it lo *.i>
Take ihat
1 was Juvi wondering what can earning bring Jo};- a traveler with, pawed the *ir with delight Thaant br Marr BrodriA
aklher* and the President.
deu Mr* Alden wrliec nixuy 3uu- lor such an inxulf "
bave ind*c--d >pu |u imUcr a worm "May beeves amk* gtralgbi your
aent oy mar? wronoa.
MUoy vemiMi ai.q xuvriea. and lui nur
"OU. rtearf he 1* a UXxhboatd bleak
Uk* toe "
ro*d: ’ wbU* one returning from a
' -Maggie NIaewander.
Humane Sviclety thl* w.-ek we are g<v er, two: IVar me. Aunt, what a dread out al all hour* of ihr nlgbt with Dl<
All IbU time tbo, two beads hava long and l•4lBM Journey may parhspa
Year birthday amat Sava beoa on lag to have a aiorr by Mr* Alden ful thing to be rfi-ilied out here *t funny, horse taugn.
been ducking toward, e*cb other la a bear the word*. "May beaJth and
Wkeia over yoar ProMdoat goo. tko aame day aa Hokn'a. I'hope yon that your Prealdenl hasclipped from tnidmgi.i and. mile-v Iron, any where " - The utber dtv be dUttogulahcd him­ nxM T«licuk.u* lashW. Tb* words strength rose back wl-h raaC" Kefthaad what over your. Ptwaldent does, bad a happy Wtthday.
the "Sunshine Bulleiln" It lx called:
Mr* Young uird 'b* »blp again, self again so ihsi ihc .-liy new*p*pe.« srv said vcr.' tas'.r'bGd la a toft. «r the Greenlanders, the lictl*alol^
aad evoB whenever your PtMldeat

TW* Near Hers*. /
but not a *.lep would .he near horae" Lad to t'eU Ihe xlery., 1 give It as f: Utouah xibcr shnU tone ot vo)f«. the Boejewmen. no: tb# aboriglaw of
ol tbempicks -up a book or a paper tor t
Cutter. Mkk.. R. F. D. No l.
-ni run away, t don't like Ihtx >iir. Ihousb MoI!> did an xhq eould appeared in
• won IN SAVED rilY A FIKE Mbeii lbr> hsvr com* lo Ihe end of Auslrslla hsVe any way of aartog
law mtautaa raadlng. the cam** a
Sept. 2. 1910. plare." aald Billy Higfa Head. High to drag blm along
Ibe.r si4..'k of oompllBMtots and fine "Huw do yuu do' al all—Tha S«*lumsKmaaiSrr of yoa Buaablners with her
Dear PrexMeni— Head was a thoroughbred. Only a
' I'll, get out Maybe 1 cab lead
Sagtcieus Animal Courted Dcaib pbrase». a Unlr struggle Is cnirted w lighi
all the time. Perhaps tor that very
I win write you a tew llae* today pony, to be sure, but hi* owner ex- hhu," aald Mi> Young,
as to AUu ebsi: draw aside and alk>#
Ralbet Thin Run Them Down
reason bw dyd are all Sunshiny ones. Our Kbool begins next Tuesday. I pected great ihings of him -n hra he
She l.-lunbed dew u Icom tbe Ugli
the oibcr to paw. Tbis maj go on
..and she tee*, wad haatw. and toad* will be to the aeventh grade. 1 have got older. He .had been chrl.ieoed seat apd out c. i the trunk, her feet What irisht have brwn a fatal am for a# K-in; s* a minute, ur even mure.
About *0 many happy thtoga.
bad quite a good time through vaea- hy «1U. the .table bos. who aald the and limb* Ume xud brui.ed trotn the.r dent wa, avrri-d last night by the atul ibrn une ..Iks by the other, and •®‘' “ ■'‘-®> »'» ®>*“
' In her rending thto w*^ the earn* tien. no I am ready tor achool to be- eoh always acted as it he owned ibe cramped i.oaliwn. and luBPrd up iv sagscity of one o; the kor»ee stisrhr-J tov.b bum off very tost. a. .f tbo
^*® dark cIomIs U
adran inch a piwny tkoo^i that waa gin. It U fine wwaiher here now, tf#
the boiae . head. Then ah* gave a
Thay are
The engine and hose ran were ro wanted to make np lor tbe lira* they vh«them. ball or baihro
to tkli way:
have quit* cold algbu but warm day.. He waa aomehow quit*
different scream aud r*l!.-d May loxtantly to
often overkmkvd In Ibe wcciUy ctoaaapoudlng lO aa atorui of fire. Slid at bad luei aa very likely I
s "Ueru in tba deah- ot
-WhH* clouda and dait cloud*, toe My sister la borne now She Uvea from tko ether bonex. He eiiker uu- her tide,
etobuithe can wja, sbou: to turn Into Fiftythem in the wky." aald a little girl ibout two mlieo .Horn Buckh y. She deraiood a lot ol the thing* that were
A frexhM had .ui a de,-,. ravine
th« all
iwv woutu appeared sic ceremony i> to tbe rapid greeting *
«0 her playmaum Thea aU tbclr baa two luiito dilldren. t would Ilka *atd to him or elx*J>e preumded in »hii hxd been ft-c Year* the lev -1 filth
I wbit* patot—Aoorw. walla aad
Ki wbKh we an- aeewatoi
bright eye* weiw urttod toward the to have you put their name* on the an well that evri^mdy ibvuchi be eandy l>«d ol a ti. > rivvr Had the They did 1-ot see the bote cart and huine' Tbe JapShexe
^ abetves—and ther will be at iMpirabeaven and they *aw -whit# eload* Cradle Roll. The lltUe boy* name did.
■‘"•r bor.#" gone one *i. p farib-r raiur near being lulled. Ihc "near plenty ql ume to ^itre. or they could ' > to (leanltoesa.
and black clouda" to tho aky. Tbeoe to CUrenc# He to two y#ari old. On thto particular morning th- they would hll have, been thrown bora.-' Mvuied to know that he miw.’ nevec afford lo
I much.
clouds were to dUrerent paria ot the The baby's aaiM to NeUie Irene. She atable boy threw hi* trm> about Highdown an embankim-nt of twelve tee: IMH ruu down the women, end ri-owdNowadays tbry are faat dropping
ed over had againsi' his msie the
Rub bread a: least two day* Otd
aky. Tbe chlMren ahnigged their to' one year old. Their .Uat ume to HeaA atylng:
"You 'wuuT !.-el *o o: more
1 doubt to tbdougb a cylinder; poi tbgm 1
ahoaMen whoa they tooked at tb* Kaoch. Pleat* aomlthe card* to me proud • hen you a*t over
to Mr. Urw Yeung iairir bugged the horxe off" bor»*
# c«*iple of onncM Ot butThe te*u:t ws* iha! the women es­ A few years tun* s<*nrx hkr Ur on*
dark rtooda Thto sign wraa uiutal; aad 1 will give Uem to the chHdren. Stogleton'*. He aay* he* gotog to In her deep ihaukhitoe*. tor their
I bave deambed will no tobgto br
prur a tooderata fira mi
it loM that the blackaeax made theca Well as my letter to gening long 1 brwak you lor tbe treek or break your narrow eM"ape
Tien, luyning to caped but both horae* plunged up >.i
teen in the towns of Japan, la tba ^
, aMdan
Aave a klad of fair.
It rsmtoded will eWrno hopiag to *«e ihl* to print, back." Now High Head could not May. thf said: '"We will tun around tbe Rdcwslk.'Sever stepping uuul lb*
thMol nlikt and ib* ihouaand fear*
Ever your BnuatalD* friend,
possibly haw knowu w-bai ibe track .and bdZd In tbe appo,iie dlrecnas pol* had pierced the window ol a c*to ot peopW droxsrd to tbe quaint troxa. There meal not ba too mcfi
Japancto rosluiw, .uch a twnuy per|o- tb,j
ba dry aftor
that ebUdrea have when they tee that
Mary Btodrlck.
meant, but the attlvlv boy said he did. Then I'll bid the near her*#' lead us
1-v.vanre would oot aaam vary unna armotog oa a sieve TtocM are very
darknem bolda the whole earth. All
Sow njee h to cb hoar from yxru or why abooUl he bav* run away* where he will Hr know* what he to
lurai, but II would look very silly if
,,,* puuhry or gam* htrda. and
was aooB forgollcB to U* play. Tbe agaig. »Hut. laddod 1 wTU pul tbo Anyway, hr did run away, and betc detog; wr don't " 8hr repeated thto
done by people wearing cIoUm like
aa croutoa* to enup.
leaebrr happened to hear tb* remark chtldron’b nameafoa ibe Crhdl* Roll, to tbo atory.
to thf horse, patted him. took bh
our*, and a* the Japaneae arc takiag ■
aad aolleod tbe thlldreu panae ta

Th* xiahl* was on the north end ot heaA turned the baggy about, then,
The ]-u-v*r hors*' b.'seed hims-)f more aad more to oqr style ot drr*t
took up to the clooda. >1* obaervod
^^'lUtomsbarg. Mich. ' a thorp raa«*. te.-ated fourteen mile* when both women were aalrly xeated.
tag. they must themselvea see bow
alt* the sign of fear nhlch tho lltilr
Sepu 2. 191*. from Denver, Colo The owner made Mrt. Young gave free reto to the aad rbecked tb* can. aa « to aay;
ffirto had made, that xhnM ot the D«r PiwaUeat—
a good living off hla >heep. for there team, aayiug they would leave them. -Hold''w> mate: that s tor raonga. very ridiculon* ihelr form
Thoor -lUj women are ool off th* wa*.
oboaMor. Soea the bell rang and ibo
1 have not written a letter to you were almost a ibouaand of them. It eerie* to fate and the "neer huiwe."
la New <
oedmUrw dashed into the acboolboate.
a^ the Sunahineruin a topg lime -was shearing time, and errrybody
in lets than hell an hotir they were «o well Just go oo to (he firw'-i’ Tbea
. The nladowa of ih* arhaolbouao and a* 1 waa rMdtog Urn teitm «a wa* ihlaktog of aboep. net of horw**.^n the rtsad. and to two hour* more II •(*(■ a hor#* toughed ihu onA did.
tetrlj shrieked hto del«hl a^ toe
vote oa three aMaa ot the fooaL nom the SaaAtae pai* I Ihooght that 1 UUh Head knew. this, and ^ pi they drove «tp ai toe Mahl* bars.
mould wrilo OM toa »Iy MboOl wi-|
coaiaaae* again oaxt TneMlay. I
will ba *0 ^ad. I an no tenaaaca*. I
only hava «bn>* playiaatea lhat'Uva
aaarby. I am wriuna tbli iattar la tba
MbbM>bd»M»»*»AdMaa*d*a ■»» >
'll *»
>' ^
tban a sood look at iba aky could ba “
* "•« “« >'* ^ “1^
tahna. Often rtlldroo'would fortf.


nlnr oVkx k rntrii *11 (bo buxb »
Boppoaad to ba la bad'Caat aalaea. ba
mada hU racape aod airuck off
"troat eoantry" for laeiU unknovn.
Ii maa oo< ilii next ororninc that
niiaaed blin from tba aubica.
^.d art wandordB far and wouM come




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