Grand Traverse Herald, October 20, 1910

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Grand Traverse Herald, October 20, 1910


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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Dgi to muMiCANi owupiNo


Fereet Hey ef Momae CenUr
celved a Svllct In Hit


Uterae Cenwr. Mich.. On. lE—For.
etL the if year vld non of
»fao Itree at ihli place, vaa ac
ahot to toe foot by John Wat.
on. 14 TMia old.
YVnuepto. Oct. U.—R. U. BoahnaU. Tte boya »ere doan bear the oeer•AJT IT MriLL OCACM MANY HUH- oaahlrr of tte ClUiaaa National teak, I'cad bridge tote SaturdA)- atu
John WauoB picked up tbe « calibre
ate vif«. wore fmite drad to bed.
tteir tent tadar. both abot. appataot- lUto ate van about to Mace another
to tte chanter vUch vaa
If toardared. Tte police aay a raiddo
ODtM OtMh w« otter mmm Otely ran to poaalbto.
foil and vhito handl^ the fna. in
AWHte cwy «f HTWW owl*
aoBie way the hkanaer allpped and a*
the cun vaa polnitoc dlrealy at hto Flan af Cellqetlng Fruit tenlbiU for
iha Chicago ghow la Sfleg
cumpankie-a leli foot, tte ballet eaterCarried Out Very gated, makios a clean wooed ate paneiafaeterily.
Inc directly llirtwcb.
iMteWlTfllE. ru.. Oct. U.—TIN VOMta HAN WHO STOLE dUIT The wound to not thouebi to be a
tFroB Tuesday's Record.)
#IKM AM ten DDUb <H TttOETUI*.
Tbe eighth Weslera kU^igan «
•te A UrrUe karrlcM* to DWDeptag
ty to i^e appropriatldR lor tb<- 1911
tte «ut Ate «Mt coAAU. Tter* mr*
tevelopmeot rampagm got Into line
■TAte *Mn tot ite toUAUr at dilMu Moa Brawn Ftoadad OolKy af llabycaterday. The ccuniy wat .Mi
•r«w Wtet ate otter dUM ot «mUWnf tea Farter Stara <n
hae and lu siipervlsorv voted tb<
«m fterMa. At sc AacMtlte tte tertenth ol on., mill for the work <d the
itctoM if«TB Sw WATM Otar tte am
horean- This a«lon wab largHy the
van liK» ^ lonr »an « tte cUr.
lit of irbrk done by Chaa' P. Boi-k
«Mte H.>««te. iteta to teAYjr it tte ortBtoc aaaatoa ct tte dioalt
the iLveloptnent hofr.ta. .Mr
aMiMif |te pnporv damna. HUM eoan wMcfa eoatatoiiad anUl aftar 11.
Buck appeand beiort- Ihe aupervlsorv
o'clock Hoadar ntgbt. aeveral rnaea
te tpM» feATo teM tedrerte.
Of, tic Urand Traterae dlr-rlon>
oto^ up
•If MMto Domo0o4.
who were lu aeasiou in U'ke t'liy'. i
Tte Mara tea tadlr daasActe tte
ity seat ol Miaaauker ’county, >
into Larry ptoadad (vUty to tor
.Mk teUAt at Fate BMd> ate ottei tear of r»di MM to oEoaod *as ate
lerday afternoon aiul etplalndd
eoan raaorta. |( 0 Mltete tte oraa«e
them in det^ wbai tbe bnrt-a« <
—taaete to M daya to tte Daac«wnpllkb.d w> far, whai It f» trying
volt boaao of oorractlOB.
aajB Ta^ to tetrad, at Iam rodo and what it hupea t.. do lo the
In tbe caae ei tba people rt.;
He alro gave them a
araa an otokgNafl* •
Brovs af Ktacatoy. .dafaodaat pl<
Tte «M
to U aJtoa Ate b
npon good roads, that aubjert being
koBty to biaaktoc ate ootertB* tte
.up for dlKcuision lusotnurb aa Mle'
la couHderlng tbe adHaatef it Dote Unluio«wn.
na defente and will
vlaablUiy of adopting the good rondt
iadBawHla, Od. >A—It to tepoa- bat aoouoco
•aed later.
ayatem. Mr Duck's h<-arera were M>
toWo to aaUaata tte aaBter o( date
pleased wlih hl> good roads talk and
tevB tte aoaat caaate |if thto aAoi
ipnsent bureau talk
Moa'a atara Tte' harrlcaM to aUH
be aeetued to auawer their QuraUana
-raglBg. A larva part of tte ktiAbtoOA


Feilaa Daiiava H uU tetoida I
■ateaan 8ai!Slf and M«







•rt It Would Hast Seen Leaag .f
George Had Net Paid in
^tilce Court.
t Special t/y he Kveoing Record. 1
Lake Ann.. Oct. iS —George U«lllugy Of l.ake Ann was brought beJuniie Gage ,'<wterday. charged
ant-miit’og to (l.-fraud Mra. eriefc
»: Bin»-jam out of a board bUl
^ than til Hr waa found guiUy.
and ordeird to im;.- the tots}
Ul.ll or I
Jail for «d daya. As
the sberlB
ready to start, for l.eland with the prisoner,
having dalmnotmotittv. he ptod
ed that be badI tio
neersaarj- amount and



OMWed to Have Another Chautauffua
Neat Vesr—W. F. Needham Choa. cn to Seeare Talent a.vd
Manage Courae.

Explorer and Crew Kescoed b; Hennoda Umt.
BaOoon Abradoned-An Are Sale.
York. OcL lA—The Germ uda liMV Tiwnt, >i | a'eleah tela,ng..a.gnted the -Amenca' in ditl'waa. and iwaeued Wetiman ate Me
erms and maacM
Tha baHeon
abandente te the elemmMs. arif
»g le a WMCItsa ,jft They were reecute hi'f way batoraan
Cape Hatteras and Bermuda. All arc welL
5Unvsin;.ei. Var» (v< l» —The ope-wMr ef tte AUantlc 'iraatecn U»-Menaha reeled today that he be«rd a wlrelroa fiba the balidak JUto
ica to the firamer ivig OU\. w.-stteend. ptsriag YtoUmaa
of te-

jSeWaiocrop dock line
Ralph H.cks Has a Product That Excels Anything Yet Seen
TNe Year.
Ralph Hlelbi. tbe aupentoor of Fife
Lake loanohlp. hraugbc te the offlre
uf Ihe Western Michigan ikevelop^
ntens Bureau today a hsK boshel of
I'lanei puiBloi-a whieb have-bee
MMinred to be Ihe Very OuMt sioxk
xeen in tbe Urand Traverte we(his (ail. These potatoes were
gnyan on llytot aoli on U>e Urm ef Mr.
Hicks hear llolniea SMIsg in
IjAe township
Tbe tot tha
field of three aeraa Icasoiech a
brought to IS a (air average of the
Uicks dug tbe find bUU he came
wliboui aeloitlag especiaHy gc
Dm for ooiu.- mlaalag hUls the
tb-ld would make a retut* ,of
hundred busfieU tu the acre. G«a
W. lArdit-. the big potato buyer.
lined these pouioes and rronececod tb- III to be the finest he has yet
The sandy toll seems to leave
the siouk in much better condition
than Jl It had been arowu apon



Msttar Raferrad a
* Frager Gurirajr or ■aarte

Tte dote Itoe gaaattod thte kw
bees agitaUhc.tte atg tor a» mdV
to Uahle te te aetUad to tte
near fatare. as the eeuactl ^-Tltj
ttlgbi was gtVfOi a wrtttep --------ITT*
by the city atoruer to rogard te tee
method of procedure le te ft^wte to
legally aauhUsh a permanent Ute
fnaa the t'nlOB street brUge te Park

-line of the directors,
tbu .aemtietc of the vnrtous
-ommlttree of the hoard of trade
t Ih.- Utile Tavern Moi
Induatry af CadHtoe and toanton F«is
Aboard Steamer Trent. Wlrelee*
proved to he ooe o; ibe/iu<v.i
nittea Half. Supply far.Wteto
New York, Oct. l».—'I am going
xmefirlal aeaalocs held by Ibe reproCadMry.
aoroB. the Allanllc. In a dlilgible Thli
seniaiivet of this orgaulxatlea. The
toUare .Jta. spurred me to a ligher
Mr. Duck -was aided in bis work i
was 'iwrved. was alsq •
CadUton. toleb^ On lA-Tba Idea ambition. It va* our equilihntor that lAke City, by Mr. Geo \V W.wd, oi If lb.- bMi that has bet-n enjoyed
I foute teat tte ntotiM itet
that u raqabaa more ttea two tome dIMbled tbe America. A new type of ■ Ihe MlaKlukee ronnly dlrocior.;
the Tavern.
have bees aet forth hy aoBm teat tte
mate taai tOoete
A gn-.vl mauy subjects a-ere dlsens*Uhe had Biraady baea
America wna drlfttog taalpleM. nearly j Bellaliv>the couwj seat of Amrlm
tte Whole Onttad 8iataa
te (te ■tate^li lapoadbto
ed and valuable p’ans were per■wra9Tabove
teeaaae dte-to(*te
lag Bnba.
poateroua. rrom the toet Mocks
tT tte rteteL
l•-^l.Kl (or the futur... It happened that
Bttaaiiu to that Um wura BMde hr
needed. ot Ccutral l.kkr who U one ol the i
forma orer which are made
MHMto Ute M Havana.
Wo know now and Intend getting bu.y
II cOUn^Ulret loiw. Th.- |.ltui
New Votk. Oxi, l!•.-^•ongrx.-asInall mouen pi« set hy reoeloUB ate oe
tea pooMe wear, to wouM
Bavaao. Oat I».~>4iDrA tbaa
asked why he bad nover
aa Mon aa poatlblc. ' was the declaraMaatrfrBufk and Fot to place,the
Foelkee, torm.-i;. Hi-nator, l.-sll- dloancq. aa tte law raqilMs. T9e nifr
to tte
luadrte atvtete ate A propanr loat
tioa of Walter Wellman today,
argunieuis In favor of the U- .*oined til., organ-.-atlou be said that it
ords of the diy teov that tte eoM*
because they bad oexer accuio—aaaiba U anuoaa to tte toault ftomed toat there to eteh
are aulterlDC 111 eOect* from ibeir exAntrim superxirork and aak
ci! to iste. 19(H ate 1906
aL .
deeniad for aneh a eonmodUy pedeace. '
of tte Mora. A Utlrd terrlMBt to tothem to voir the regular upp; .-.p: [f plUhed anything lor me good .xf the
tempi! to acttle tte quaattom ate
tedte fOdRlac aootta of JattAlea. Ha- that more thaa om little tanory to New York. OoL 19.—A wlrelca* rei-ommunlty, Th.»
Ihmu '|xresx-u'. a
to kl.l Ihe autlryc.. .rack, gambP H.aSt-V the property boldert bImr
re«OM to paaiB atrldtoo. Tte prorkwi reqatred to supply tte denao:
porn tbe Trent fogbound off Ssndy
Mr. t). H. I»ay, ol «:ien Hawn, ihill. xxl.i. 'y t-HxieiiiC. lM.-li.-s fore- the river had tatllt aecordl^ tb tetes
of the work of the board, an.l l x
tea ^ta* te«r dABoate atupcdm. tte totto do not wear oat mteiiy.
Hook. She-will -probably dodt Uto prosldem of the \V.-.i,rii .Mlchigun
irxiug litiie legiutoi.i-,- in IIh^ Itoea as near aa poastoie. hat thora .
■to 1o«u ala raporto^ ataoat deaol- Om half of tba whole supply for tfala atlpriiuon. A dense fee b»l
Inic they bad finisbed vrilb ul'u Til.- inlOtl c-fT.r was JIP.MKJ. toier to nothing to the reeorda to prof*
Uevelopotout: Bureau U eaprrled
toted. TWO UMia aro orordM tea UUa whoto omniiy lor tte entire rwTenuVs.rauer and the etutnered Ihe city (hla aflarcHtu tu lake Inven­ l>. admitted thci a gieat Aeal x>l good
Wheo he rx.fxsed It Baa-Id. that Ite lines prescribe^ by thaae acts
ate taara ara Mtartabiad for tteir mr of mi to now in the Mock I OB which Ml*. Wellman
tory of the v.ork at. lar a. cN.iupllshcd uul been ueruispUstied aud (ur'fa.-* lx. ssk Miu to luinm
ot the ceunHl had bo«e told eet to
aafatp. Tte daaa«t to Haraaa wlU
.bowed hl« appreciation
Ate to etorte to the Mania
are aboard, planning
In the natter of enlLiIng i
pri«-. "ThAiv is not mPi’.vi eu
leohl manner, ate to drter lo te «a-<.
te aMonj
Ite WUttoaw Biocbera cpmpnny Vf aeet the Treoi.
a fluanrlaj way
lie will otuuraoon by u-ermlng a meml.erji.J nhc stale to cams- me to helrar toe safe shla it would to beat to Ite
this city ate ««««» tan mllea
IX coBsWagBU." Po.-lker aald.
ThMtrlcal agent., armed with blsuk
low the pie^r ppueedurc te tte leh
away. The todostry was ataitsd to oBtracU are malting at the docks. courve of procedure for thewrmali
Aci-ordlng to the r.-xporls u gr#».
of the wwk, that being as much showing has luwc mad» In the le-oin
Manton mora than a qtmnar cf
The wlrelraa asys ibe balloon party
Tte first thtog that"^^im to te
IWT nfo by Oeome F. WUIIama, who narrawly cocaped death while board­ lime as the supervisors will .■omltiu.v Vusiiie** during the test

la to have tte ®ty iiaginsw »•
t'ludcr' hi. able general­ thousands uf vtoi'ers. ytere altiu.-i.d la Cre.*. E. Coveil ate Miaa Luteweia
etm (»e of the o*Dem_ Today ing 4be Treat. The Trent namrwly
the eenter of «hs atraom ate
Dtp.- united ia Hamage,
Ftoaaa of WaHt om •
tte ewoan to tte blfteat of lu Und Bijat the m<- boat; baoaux- of the ship much has bticii acronipllsbcd
lhr-,iigh ;h.. ad'-rtis'in
then to Rdlow this tte raqalrad width
Monday N.^ht.
ara teaaate wMi IbHma.
la tte worM. The makti^ of toau to rough aea It ««■ dlfOnih to bring dafb and It is liellexnl that with a f
n (lone by the board m
each slda as near aa peraRits to orof tte moat exaeUnf pleoaa ot the boat alobg aide (b« eteamer su final derisive moves that the gr.-sier pans o< the cppnlry.
r to oaks a lias that win ante tte
k totaMaable. ate the maktoc^ot the party had to aacead by a rope!
One liuiahk- feulun.
■en of the (Ouru if soy coosau
lory will buic made protUloii fur the m.ighi om during ific eveoing was
dlfftcult Aadder. WeUman aeven-ly Injutwd
Oi«te TtaYarse oaaMy inniiiiRi ^ *Ism btooka to also a
should te madeafKwlteUaa wu !■•
: (or the roailiig year
Sager wfafle rllmblns ibe rope.
tod bp tte oDdaB mad------- —Lur-' 9*^ Af work.
he iiieai ici-r.-.ise that has takea
Ily laid ouL In -gbv-g thto Itoo
F. Perkrii. >ltv pn-kldeiii i>f thtshr o^lBdDaetkm of BOBO of
tUoa la the buM
-lace In values of fami property ibis
ite city caaaei taka piBRiru draoa
hureau, who has rharge of thP work
e,.r WCI- Iinlied lu marriage by any of the InhteBidira ate glv* It to
tte road*
oity tekkh tern naa*. NK the amalleat check eas he
s IPv,-««s.. ran be traced
culleetlng the apples-lor the f’,i
•>Y ad- ’***■
^ Al'iiugton a
to* iteH Hl,teiRiHinui w«ih tte permitted to tte wood, and tae ahriak. Dead Werkt Piit In Through High cago exhibit reports making gud dlranly
anoihsr, aa legally all who on pi«|e
brid.'s gtohd
nuto reward MLna. The stan was ape. H there to any, aaei be uniform, ^
vemsli.g that ha-' 1-evu dune ..y tn.erty aloeg the rirar ow* to tte enteheoi LMtur. Couraa.
progreKS He baa liad a on
■toda to tba can batoacto* to J. a i BVIlama Brathora. the ewaeri of The number ol tbe High school lec- the field for the past njonth hiiiitlng board with lan.i Iiiera'tire and «bcr L'asl Kighth sireft
ler of Ibe streaa:). ate tor this raaaoa
Ootoor. JHMB IL HcOdt. Wimam tte two piaau: hara onough maple ire course which 1> blled (or Friday
ac coarse-mnat belolknrte asaaarty
tbe truly fauvy stuck and grtiiiig
Witto, «ato« T. MUUken. ate A. V. ttotoar to Wealord ate Utoaaokeo eToatog. October :i, has been poetIsn
xact aa posalhls Vj tte swgtaaar:
uanM- Maned losard linetcn
ntondrkk. abWM m am maktog ap cooBtiaa to keep thair planu ran- ponad nnUl Thursday evening, ilarch where It has beeu idared in cold stur crops of any s-.ikm in the I'uiud Bulb arid.- aud brideamald were pre| After the ceoter of the ecrsaa hoo
tte party.
Hy p5ow-ned the lonni^ weartn*
Alag !«».« yea". WU a capacity of 10 because word baa been recrivad
Just a; present n secmid maa
been dedasd ate a* eecnrate auissy
The qiK-siic.n ..f hx.ldmg another dies' uf i-'cam^una veiling ate car •tee from Ite emtter te both aMn
Tter wan tnkw tmt to the tea U.M Moote a day, aotne Idea rna
from Senator Core itaal be win not i>e has be<'ii ;>ut Imu the Held to |ak<- rare
‘pfirt.-> >r>»es. while Ibe latter >( the Mfenm „
... neii sumtuer wa«
■ay rate Ml aaat ot tte oRy which fAtote ho* many of tbosa tool tom. able to come to Traverse riiy Friday,, of extra flu- apples Uat f 'haiilauqua
and a plat of ti
icken up, and it waa dts-ided to nave
Just reauhlDg luaiurpv
batuie and varrled A®.'aj^'VltVtbe ^ry'clert.
was oompMfd a abort ttoM a«a. Alae caUad laau there ara to the cdumry. bat will appear here on the date mmJudging from uhai ha', het-n .eeor- anotbei eoume sl.-uilur lu ih.- uii>> v.x.................. la knows aa tte atate :The mill n»a aU tte time (bmugb ilonad.
sball speeify by iwseintiOB the date
.ad to date, he Is of the opinion ihai
ir atitoi oat of tte oily eight or ntoe moatte to tte year. The
iartxL Montgomery ate -ben the ardtaanco eeatatoltig tte
• leieedio nniiage ii and p.-xicure' Ina K-frr sang a bael u>d U>. «ad- Jlsss shall be patate. sad mtb prog­
»M iMpaetad ate foote sattoMBir. tootaae capacity for the yarde to the
always thr fruit Uiat will be display <-d at (hr
Miihtgan display- ai ibr Lain] Shi.s
• lent
Soiiir good al'racUoti- d.i.,; lua.-ch a-as pU»d by Mrs. Iteyd eny bolder along lbs strram Shall te
Thaa Oto IMSC Late rate was aane two tewa. I.
used to iDcreaae the High school
a;..-ad>- l.e-11 secured, Mid th- Neii-h. r The full rl^ service waa given at least jfi days beUc* «( tte
erar and aeateway toll oCmted. Ihe eompaay alee mates blocka brary. ate ihlt has been the rare this this year.wlll bo superior lo.tbr fruil
wham tte load tea bat raeaaUyteea from arhieh are made teopto*. duck yera. aaverkl fine new aeu of, boeka IhxT ai'rai-ted ».v much atu-nt»n laai ..tilers an, .s' v.iBUA'ted fut lu tt.e used ..;.,| i.-e'.-Uilfe eorenlony was action eomenipUled to the eonscdl
e Sex .-ial hundr.-d pledse-Ju.-|.1> :r- .r-ws'.>e
bavlaa been added to the aircaay good y«-ar The quai-tity oi apple, may nut
tvMd over to tta oooaty for am
and dumb toelto ate enjoy
and upuu a filed date obJectlosa vlli
be os gieai a. a year agp. lui ihr
collectlOB. Among thr new seta
BacA of tte oars was deoorated wRh pood bnaiito lu tboM Hnaa.
the 1I..U tim. sj The .1 .ora-toiis Were beaaMful.coe be heard by Ibe eouncil If tbara are •
Warner's Library of I'nlveraal Uicr- quallty l» going to b.- much aUne that
A amau paasaal m woiea was tbd tohe m-11 .ou.-we will e.- a,-.-.lug .,f s harmoniuua lutermlBgllnc toy. and if all are raiiafied tte otelof
atorr. oae of the . i»o*t cotuplne
,lf.-aier M.-ce.. u,«n tbai «( Us-, yv-r ; o, sutun.u -leaxee and tloweea. wl
«Hfttoa ttood Boada." BnUm tte
lu'.oee defining the line shall te paaevetka aloBg this Une that can Iw bad
Hexeral indu-iriil pro,billon, w-rejicc t.rt.k.l couple stood on a mataiaacUia
oooaty reads tba
«; under Ihe saate cofiditloos aa aay .
It to to reaDiy an rnoclopoedia of
(Onaidered h, t.-iuse ptosehr ate ,he hank - f ...tumi. leave.,
Wamana CM Hav. RMaad glteO far Uteratare and U a very valuable adptvipecu a:., bright for landing sooie| A tii.mber of the frlAda and ivU'-.tAtewaboai tte «dty dor a
a as te -u
dltien. A Ctkmpiele set of Mark
•aya aub ate Win g««n
>HM-Tte rHara was ante a.._
good roa.toties during the roiuiag■ lives were in aiicndaBdr and i
tedo with the repon it was haaliy’re­
Twato-s works has also been added.
AiAA^ruk Bhmlliea was toMramwi.
'tw ■" the beautiful preaeniB were reemxed -ton- ceived tnd filed after which It was
tA] to brtoctog abewt tte trip which
Thia Neon.
.atlng ct, linen,
taken up and
Aldermaa Rbfcar*
vol* eoamIttee'TrUdic twpreMBf
A ecmnilttee was apioiu'.sl ic
hM totoraatad tonra thaa erar tte an-tfier Ihe eeremony dainty refresh­ inoxed that tbe wharf cemauttas te
lag the Womaa* dab In a moremam shd will probably be mach used by
WlllUmalaiig. 0<( . l«-l>
rpe.-ale wlYh ihc enmmittc- li-oui
PWYHDrs to «te mnv^iRt.
ments were seired ate a nice muska! siiiborUed to have a aurvsy made In
to orgaalie a V. 9. C. A- for Traveraa taptea. wbirfa Is a very conipleie work T-year old datigliier
saa'« xlul. wl.l.-h Us to (barg-ti.e luogratB was .-iijoyed, coosiaUng O’. the propex, macner (ram tte DatoB
the paplls uf the IAA& achool.
Qty were toterdewed ihto after
Robert ('tow-, died auddealy this nona.
( Ol i.tabtoum* a noy.- .-i-x,. ,uj s-icc,ion-on vlnlto and piano by Mr.
-t bride,, to part Hreet.ttewUia
b'be has been atdirted for some lioie
clix. ai.d to a..ui in sex-qrirg and Mr. Kdward Ha-^dx. and vocal o' the vtr«am u> be made sa feat ate EAOINAW IN 1»ll.
lMn<H that erer |iM« had been
wlih rbcumatjim. aua ii u ibougbi fultaM,. qtuners ;«r tbe club and » n
the wort ot establish^ (to
rnlAte for tba toad of i.penaoe:
liial death was due to besrt frjiuro deed organixauoBs. »ufh as th,. o.xaiJ
be proceeded whh. The Mte*
Om Haadite ate^any VaM KRite -Tea. we have bewa accorded epleadld
• aiued by rbeumaitoiu.
Ui trade. Ad .-to', and ihc M.ttis ,;ty, cn.v>s p posiiioh of _ —
treatmeai from the cRlMsa all over
In a Year an Thrae «ymar«
U»ris waa the grand daugbler of ;j.enifin Hevelopincm bureau,* v-i j w.ih tue F-.lier h'Rice Co . of Grwnd
(ram tte Potato tai^
tte diy." said ibe imu. -Md now
Ja MtobivaF.
Mr and Mm. Chao. HAmmond of Ma
J.r.jx-x.'-i, V hnused l.x- Rapid-, wbll.. the htide, who bs' reeompaay. and the Mtohigae Inwe have about Satobed oar camptlan.
Grate Ranidf. Ort. 19—The Uicb
ce'her to soi^e au.tsUe lultdiug that sided for some .x-ears'm this city with speciioo buTTOii were read to t^rd
la a few daya we ahaJI be ready to Igaa grand todge of Odd Fellowa this
w 111 b» r--wed Ix'r the purfsis.- and fil­ her grand pareais. is know-n )>y many. to the traa that the etiy tesps bornorgaalae ate full detail, will be ready afianteon named Saginaw for the 1911
led up 'o aeeQmLio.Ule them all Tou ITie iisppy (tepk hare a host of lag <« tte damp graute bteJte tte
lor pablleaUoa bafiwe km*"
will nuke a cenlor
where all t-an
day. atewa a tolled ate U4 tojarad
who wish ibecn well aa they faoory. Thoso ftres throw
toatur wlU Se-OOtoU up thto ere.loc
(vng.>gaie and w,-..-k fot the good id
ea tte Para Maiwuetta far tte yasr
Ills loeetbrr
dangerous praxlmity to tte tomter
to. tattera map^ to be hdd at
Mita Jeaaiya Hubbard left lor Kal- tte city to Ite y-rara to dome
Mdad tePt«. me. Tte Ltow ■hare tte Ktawoed Bcteol and all ihme laThey w ill laB*e the city Thuroday pilaa of Urn piaht ate are Uabto to
Bias Bdaa BbeHutrdt left lor Grmad kaaks^thla Boratog. whore .she will
it w as xlou decided to srake an am. mornlog for (tend RapUa where thair start a fate fire w«aa the wtod to in
U toltod and tu totorad. The MtaU- iara.t;d. to -.M great atoremeni
RspMs this BtoTBlBg. whets she wn, s|wte several days with (rtonda and e caiapaigu fi.r pew members and
PM Ontral M killed, m tojarrc
boms la all prerored ate foralahte
right Rirectton. Tte totUH were
teete a week or so with frieads.
tOonUimte OB Fa«a Tao.j
jfo. them at :« Slgsboe at-tet.
(Coattoaed ca Page Thran)


aoottoo of 81. AacatolM to iDandatte.
Tte atara bdo itere to tte htoteoi In
1< yaart.
Nov Oftoaaa, Oot.
trmimon «ara tte atoAaor
oaidr o^>Hm Taaearo iIm vHk •» po»
aaovwa ate crow, aaak te YimitAa









^ jre^lr a—oemtfa 11: teniM


doabtfiil lUtricis. fe Ife* tm M
au. wbm QBnirMimin DtaM
bsvlaa Ik*
of te Iim. MU a
na)or1tr at tb« UM alaeChni «nd
b«*«7 TOC*. iBdkM** tkat itw n
U raallr doabtrol ter OobStm
Th* flcnre* ^acalttad br Bur
■re wortbr «l flaMMaratJaa akl
ut> and taka nattae to the

‘ oaum. m Pn»t WrM.


UM, at Ue inatotiaa _
ttMBM atf. MKA. ante Ua Ad
« CHMMa *t Vvtk t im.

i«k MilSJTS
»• «Mr affWiU MMlar iitKht UI^
f—--- atap ate caiaUiafc a partDaBent
4a* ItM akiW *a Ua»? «< »*r4aaa rtrar. ji to twaa eu '
fewvlalfe tkat l|* eaonell mmt yaai*
W fta ■kttar ka>i« Ihraa
a« lor aararal rear*
prartoa* to
Oat tt»a l%a elty aiiornar, bowerar,
«i*HM tM ae Mri *<k« «w <*■
m M* jKh UM an4 Itat a
tklac tUwaU hart baaa doe* aflar lb*
favnoM MtfoB if tk* eomicu.
*/*#a»»*a taat kl(bt
iMulffd Mtiae aai
vM apmuat. «ai liutrudad u
> for tba la^


TMi U M U *aaU ka. bat It atold

aitr M lift* to to. tk* loOrldia
fi*U o«ban alto tk* ttrar, bat
' MaaMM*nto«totkaaalrMidrkMO
to* «r Srtrat* laAfMiialt, tbar* la
^ JMtoHto tot toa* etn arin hara


*^*to*«to tk*
I «r frtnJO papawr *m aubaa* ovaara to tesrpr* tbatr
i.b«t^ kire aa tovotUM
a towm to Trawaa Ottr asd
«Mea)t to *Md MT7
«MOt to tkla dUbdtoa
„_.fe to U 4bm> H artn b* poaalKto SaatoBr *a rttt beak* aad
totoi>u le**|> tor totoa** to
■totoy iMtWIaai ud' Mt allow tb*
ilstoto Olitohk* b**e the vrantltiCtottl* ibr n*r raan. V*ae

to to to totorir *«ahlfthM

•a* yaapartr owaar wtu ia^xtr* bl*
•NtotoOA A labWuto tbaUhaa eontolMad *0 eiir *ar to*ar laara vN
•* atoi aa« ttoana dtp wni b*

, I

la aaoto »

*» ftoUtoto *

» ralaUr* ta tb*

at aad th* aaatot waa. with ike
itoa of a' tew aataar «■*■*. ae

Stott* toatotoa au4* br tb*
to tett *K toftk todtoaia ihat
tta totoaaa at »owar to tk* a*»
SW «tU k* ataa*. wiu tk* prto*u
Um a( • itokUtoa aiatortir.

* BUM But

cffnu ransaBiT
■tojamr *r Jad«aa to httoMtan <
Amoft* Them MdB*

The r*e*« aoU hiaaded monler ta
Oraad BapMa. which rasaltad to tk*
aMitenelag tor IK* to atataa tolaoa ot
o rowag ntoa o
prompted tb* G
get tke •eaitoMaa of tke Jed
ratollva IO eapHal |
Tke tollowtog well known larlaU have
rendered ibelr eptolona.
In lara .of limited raphal fMDlab-

«*«» i»
lUkif ao<*. there la a prabakflUr that
'Doaoraa. Ib^UeiL
rapakUeaa* nar replae* daaioeraik. Jadge Prnak E. Koappen. Rntomaaaaw U U«* la aoek* iaftaarea
wbara Ike repebllraat will be alnUJadge Jam*. O. Mardn. Itocroli.
Jarir aSeclad.
Jadge Mer** R^ndrt. DetroK.
Jadge M. J. roBBto*. Owodn. '
Tb* ao<aUed toaarteBt aovaaiei
dodge Jame* A. Pnrkerwon, Jackbaa ehaotal poUtkal ODadliieos to
d*sre* and ibe reault
Oppoped Io any eaphal punlttmew
will be doee conUMa to noat of iho
Jadge Itoory. A. Uaadell. OetiUi.
danbifnl dUtncta and
Jadg* Predertek W. Marne, rharlechaasta will doobUaaa ba anrprtoea.
Tka pollclaa of thU adatolatrattoo ra*.
arl batoc eadoraad all over ike eoun- Jadge Cbeaier U rolltoa. Bay CHrJadg* ttoetoy 8. Bearle*, lihaea.'
trr and tke lad tkat PreaMeDt Tall
Jadge Peter P. Dodda, Mu PlMtani.
It aanrinf eatt tka painiUr polirlea
Jodge Netoon Sharm-. We«l ilmurh.
ot RooaewU la iD«*(lnc tb* ap{>roval
Jadge Joaeift 11. Bleene, ftaull Hie.
praat naar demorrntt of ibe
oaaat^. to that 'whti* a
Jodge wmia 0. l>eiiilaB. Grand RapniaJoiUr la PWbabla, raj the demogive tbeir la,
Jadga Otonot Bmlth. llaaiingx.
r**iikllc«B opponanu almog
Judge W. H. Sonh. Ilatile Cn-ek.
Judge Bamuel 8. <V3oper. inmnood.
Tb* toltowlng la the full tax* of tke
THt LATt StNATOR OOkUVtR. opinion of Judge Mayne. wbo la euitaeator Jonattas P. DolliTtir. of phaticwlly oppooed to eapltal puniabtow*, wltoat BOddan dewth baa ahe*. u-nt In anj lora.
ad tbota wbe have adatlrad fata tod*"Conplyug wllb your rm-eui ■
paBtcne* and abllltr. wna a trpe of tor UB MCprenolop of oplnloii, w:nuld
noderri Anarliw* mtnl^. The lows aas Ikat. In runvmon. 1 preaume. wljk
waa one of the
a majority of your rtodero, upon rea^
1st OCona Mt onir io ibe tJiilted ig Ike ncwount of thiwe wst brutal
atatea aebaie. but tbrontboui the ardent, the sbopk expertoktod
ouohtrr. n* repraaonied what ba* be- arnKjIately faUowed by the feeling
popularir hMWB aa tb* ifroeraa- lai the puniohiaeni.pmvlded by law
aiweaMM and while the no«n]tod
ed bU riewi nnd
loQfbl hin vlfonNialr, ret the verr
honealr «l bla raorifUona nad the de- i^tne the pua.tohnieni. Uu-n I chi
toraliuulM with wblrh be fmwbt for voice the common •enllmenu Hurt
‘hanglDK la too good' and the electric
d the Boat wboleaoiD* i chair, being ailll more merrlft.l and
hnniane. la llkeola* toadeouate.^
apeet ot hU
aaaalor Dolltrar vaa on* of Utoae
who have baaa fined with a atrong Bl the criniA why not reenact , the
paraoaiithr, aa ' ladomitable
wtIL tow paaeed during the reign ot one ot
Ikat added tke oM klnga of tongland. Henry VIII.
force to bla argaaMOU tor the thlaga I Chlitt. to the tnae of niurdv by pol
«M* be balloeed to bo right la the eon and provide 'death by bolII*g.'
"Noo tkere I* a penally tbal would
daa* of Saattor OoUieer, tta United
'fh the crime' and at the aaiue Hive
4tota* to*** aot ealr a naeful but
aettofy the feeling* and ihua meet the
ttfloeaitol aad boaorad elHiea aad
iremenu of Ute^boat alncerc b<■tttaatoaa.
Uever in capital puulcbment. and aa
ptiblldly I* neceaxary. let ue follow
tke ancleBl precedent to praptice plao
and provide that tbe victhn l>c placed
to tke water when cold, a alow Are
I* *f SIB Raelnf SaltoOM Unded need and tbe agony prolonged-*
the preaeaea ot the public. Imprevemenu apon thla anctoto practice
might be auggeeled, Imii. 1 aak.
Oraad RapkU. Uieb., Ctot ]».— waa ibU tow repealed!
Bight of the Ug baltoona whiah left
"Uynch tow,' aa executed today, both
Bl Uwta. Uo. kloBdar aftemoOB. 'flu the e^me, and 1* the aainral exeonpetlBg for tb* Jame* Oordon Beo- preoaloii or'the reelliiga to the comnatl cop and «aah pritea la the toirr- mualiy where praetleed. Mob vlolatm
naltoaal race, eroaaed over J.ak< U llkewlao Blwifa an eaproaaloa ot
lUchlgaa toat night Into Uicblgan a^ the feellDdh. In providing a penahy
dlBg to raporU Iran aareral to a criminal ataiute. the crtmtoal fa
towaa and dUa* rwwirad toat alght
the only one to be couaWerbd. 1
hovertog over the nonkwe
bettore the way of (be irwnagrenaor
aooUw ot the lower peatoaato or head­ ■bould be made hard: but reason, not
ed tor Oaurio.
feeling, muar prevail."
o 01 Ik* aerial rMwre laodod
^'lacoaato after traveraing the wealSavod Traav th* Orava
era aide of !-■>» Ulrblgaa. the PraBrh
had about given up hope,
khltoea. Condor, laodtog near Two
kriy-fear y«*ri of aaflarlag from a
fUvera. a tew B)D*a north ot Muilto- f*ver« hl*f trouble.'' writaa Mm. H.
ClarkavUl*. Tenn. "Often
wec, WU . and tb* -UliUoa Poputo- ,the pain of
to my cheat would be alaoat
tloB” north of Raelne to alght of the anbeerable nod I eouM not do any
weft, hot Dr. King'* New DIacovery
■mde me feel like a new pe
Obc «r tta MBtwUng baUoose land
be beat stedldne etade tor . .
ed ta A. a Parrler'* fleM. two dDm
It aad tonga." Obiilnste cougba.
Irotn UfUaum. MonlBOroBer -roaatr;
torn eoldi. bay fever. In gr*
$e laat orentog. The Uat report
aa. croup, bronchlila and h<
M. honneneai nod wbooptol
oaW the artoton were aaban.TOu*k. yield qnlekly Co thla wooden
Try H »c aad Jl-00.
Worw Thaa SuUaia.
bodies lOc. Guaraniead by
at* have often caiwod toi
. Hiwhee Drug Co. B. E. Wait ft
to aoldlera than tke ecsr
, Haantt ft Jrny Marc Ca
ai«r, and aMered with. I
yeara. "But Bocfclan'a Aralen-U
rured a* wbao all «Im failed.'
wfiton. ■ Otwaleot healer tor Bi
UlewM. Batia. Burn*. Cma Wound.,
city o; CrwBd Rapid*. Nov! S.
Brvtoe* and Pilea See at C. A. »ugbee Orwg 03. 8. R Wait A Bona, S and 4. Kvett pas i.r. otBiwr and
adult pupil win be recognlaed aa a
inaab ft lay Here. On.
delegate: the r«*iairatloa fee of one
dollar ealHIe* to loagtag and/breek
faoL advance for one year, anng Imok.
bndse aad a r«aerved aenu
Bead your name to Mr. Celairr
Kalpar. room C. Uaton depot. Grand
fa. Mich. .0*
arrival; prof«*tl
promptly to rcoventlon headawarter^.
Park Oowgregnttonal thuteb. fur
ilfOIXikoU Df
1»Mllmeat and BaatgnineM.



■SBBRtttasISBd ItiUtg* raaoaitM


IMw OnM «t II. 8* vn

- ’ N^;:iOK4[ BAHK





There la Dotting new aboot tk*
OM rabbmo. per tt
dtarkets today, tbe price *1 pofido**
which U about the only anlet* at produe* which Bnda
holla, tallow ctunpleilea. a-ttBBdked
eitT market, retaatotog atlil at S*
(Wrote Wedacadayh Reeerd.)
look, uuth pa:cbe* and bMcftca «a
jer doi ........... . ..
eenu per huabel. Tb* poutoro «rw
tke akto.—aU aigna of kvar tywihleThat big kalleae te^ to tUa aee•UY1N8 UBT.
hei^ generally held for a
Bul Dr. Klng-s New Ufe PlQa oaae
tloe taat nlghf <T*wt«d « good deal of
price, ana ao oni very many are eomlanak ft Lay Om
:ritetn«i<l to Traverae «ty and
ing to. Hay U the only other anlcle
•-tolly, after Ih^ Reebrd't nanout
that fa eomlug upon the market and It
ment that k had tieen wwu la I
cemmandK tne tame p.'le*. S16 to fla
latulu muniy.
What nnkea tbe tncldi-.ii ^
(. greet
.........................the Probate
intetwH la that U.J* waa'cme of the
ttsart tor the thgniy «t pruad
10 ballocns which tianed Iran B:
...;Sie Traterae

• •
Uml*. Wo., day before yeaterdty to
...«0« I to the Btotirr of tbe eatat* of WUlard
Ike toteniailonal race tor tbe Jnme*
.'SoHre Is hereby girwu ttat tear
Gordon Danaell cup
As staled to
att^ faom tbe isib day ot Octekm.
tavt nighCa Ke«ard,.ihe iAlIr>on
Ai D, 1*10. .have bana «UaMd far'
Lake Ann ahartly before S ««., J.M*.
. rcdllor* .to presem...................
their rtatme
TO»rt. «• «,6
I deweawd to said coart
at about S o'rlork at Odar S.Th; pigs. g».:o.
... examtoation and udiuttaafaH. aad
Rua and *t 5:inai Utadtr Oiiy. It «
tket all nedlioca of tald decseen also at TLomimoB-.Hle tmriier
their' .
llie rnernoon,
(Ily rmi rl t*rea* t
UeteoU, Oct. IK.-Wh**:. «; eom.
Dr. W. M. ITiyne. of Rnttona Hay.
.................................... »«..s,uniy. on or befo^ the lAtt day of
waa at Gill* pier where be reported .il: oai*. S4H.'
;be taillooB aigbled over Lake MickiCkfrage. Oct. 1*.'—Wheat. »SH;
gan neor the Manitou Istonda. aalUus 301. 47i oata. SOH.
Bortheasl. at an alHlude of i>rO<>ably
Toledo. Get, to.—>Vh<'it. K. com,
-tbber isth.
•t.'sK) fi-et After reaching Ibf cenu-r ■14: Otis, SXb,;- M.CI:
applet, thf|“ Iwt-vl Oetbher
ISlh. A. n tote.
i>l |.«tUnau conniy. ibe vrlnd veered
• » Ol ProUuand tlie itallu^ chnngid it
M-Jl^.Voc WL
to due eaat.
i'c*eo. IM IC —f.taioes—Pitin
It war Noeo at ^uiiona ttay
lur.rr. toCUr; tolr ^ good
i;:au sad m. Omena a few mtomes liirHic,
................. hA^--'......--------------------------talar, and later mIM noitb of 0!<1
MlaaioB point. At nbout C o:cloid:.lbe
llgkta to <t.e balkiuwere HalOly vtatble.
Another hgHoon waa aeea a< Wnlton
Junction at 1:3d yesterday
beaded to a rwrtbeaaierly dir.Hiwn.
Tke American fl
Wanlalce at S 3ii yeaicrday afterWuto. UHieni wer.--seen at Muscegtm. LudiiiKlon and Hig KapUl*.
The ImllooB -Cnlled States" passetl
aver Good HarH^r laM iiUbl al atatui
X.-w Yoik, Oct to.-l-onRry -.hl!'.,
"• o’riuck and waa xnliis nt the rate of stuadv: spring chickens Uv. fowls.
Iblity-five iiilh-a an 1
tuvkeys. toftlta-: dieas-wl.
cjulcr, wesleru l.ndler* ITtitoc; do
fowls I3SHM-; do spring iiirkey* 11
ti J.’..-.
I to Seed Wear Ov*r Loetae

Sir* ■



- '■



State Grange Exhibit* Will Be UtilUed for a Big PubJie Oia
Giitod Traverae Is to have a (air
tbU year. ^That fad I* rattled. It
waa, Jtt inilb. aetlled laat Heceiiibei
I the fruit exliiblt inadi- at the
of Ibe Stale Grange meeitog.
proved so surccatrul, All during the
nt-r and early tall tke fartueia
this cauiiiry and the aurroundme
countli-a hath been afiiing a
of their beat turiu and garden
produria to bring to tbit city i
hibk at thi^irm- «t Ibe annual
Rrnnxe nSe^tog which win l« held
the wA-k comiueiicliig Ue^-euibor to
tfhe farnicrt of aonie of the surround­
ing couDiIca are arranging lor count.'
exhibits bere during the aboio inciiHoned week, Ihat tbe liuudri-da ot
farmer pe^le from aouiberB .Mlrblwho wlH be In Traverti- rii)
attend tbe Grange meeilng may •
!bal thU U aa agrirulinnil region. It
will be remembered that laat IL-r-eu:
her, fharlcvoli county made a sliostog ol fruit here-that was decldedl.v
pleating, it It expected that ibis year
not only win Oharievoix county again
make a dtapto)'. but that Antrim.
Kataaka and Bepzie counties will t>v
1 hand with county collection*.
Of course, the fruit Industry la the
oat tiirarllve of the aereral agncwllural toduatrle* whP-h Sourish In
this region aod It Is the one for whi- >i
showings can he mos> profkably made
Tlietefore, tb* fanner people In this
and Ibe lurronndlug tounllea rhos
good iudgment In planning an exhibit
ihe week ot the State Grange.
I there will b.» so many agrlcullurlats from other section* of MIehi
gan on hand to aee what we can do.


Pear*, doaea

!■............ Me

No matter who you are. what you
do. what you earn, how much you
know or what your age. the one
essential to a.successful career is
to spend less that) you earn. An
account In our Savings Depart­
ment offers the best way to save.
We are helping others and would .
like to help you.


rrjBut h thh

Oldest, Ltrsttt sod Sii
SectioB of
H.aad L. M Flour,

faiiL... EM

tX«rsc .''rn m.-nl, per 1«« Ig*.. l.lo

... v;

Tbe Ever-keep
Capi^na Compound
rreaervailve lor all coJined fM-li*, vmettble*.
Canning Tablet* impittre the Aauir. color aad
frs^wa ul aar
canned article nnd pc'-aerve 11 Jium dciertoroil
d(*r the food act.


“• V........... 1;;

ISe a paekaoe, t fer iSe, ^

V..1 cbopfc pe, lb ........................ 18c


Lamb cbops.^«r lb!!.:]!!!. ]. :;«c

H«sottic Block

Traverse citFaMIclk


for tt.e roiiniy of (iraad*T^v*
(Contlnned from Page One i
l«> lu make a s;«y8-ial .-Bcii to col
•t-l to the dues Hist are mitstaudm^ ta l<UBs.-:l, !sl-nd.rni.
Older ... I-.......
0 os to idai-e the orgaBlt*Hl.u
Ju.ll.-lal I'll.............. c'han.s-ry,
gdod flnaticttl basis It r :iio w.nk that _
bat to band
the Stat*
A special eflorl k;iI l.c «r-d • (c ciil •
urate a leeling of unity umoud
men tif tb>- city si. that
_ when
_ It csiiy-s _ 'solU-Uor lor c'jiiiiilatoai-i. R n» ‘■
.v.'ltl )>c „
DO irk-tkiii
to earn cm.
.» m-t together .w
— -.........wnpraraiuc In auMl cause oa
the big propoaUK-os ln« will I'sve.,,^,^^
nsiDth* front tbe date
be bandied t> tbe acdt v>ur..
-hbfa order and tkat within twenty
erided to maCe a kabtorf .l11 day* tbe coamlatoaai i-aus« (hit ord. r to b* publiabed lu ib- Grand
Trn'.-rse Itorwld, said publicalJoD to
int of uioni-.v that ha.s b.wn r.- Uc .Ohtlnucd 0D<V c.vcb week for six
reived aaa the nimincr In wniah'i!
Ital.>d August 3». A n. toie.
has been apeni This wilt shu» the
The Daman of Tka Air
leople tbal no moaey ba* ht-t n bpi-m
Circuit Judgs
It ihwgerwi of [mOrippe. that, breath­ tor the Intere-la cf the iWy nb>n: >1ii HARM r. «JI-BERT
ed In. brings aagertng t
lerrai Itoes
eSecu art^
vouaiveat. lark t l^appetHe,
Its dfaurdci
and aablLlaa. will_________
Snow B(*nn in Denver.
and kMncya. Tke greatem need
Dearer. Ov< 1*-—The Br*t ine» of
la Etoctrlc Bitter*, tbe aptondtd tonic.
the aewaon fell today. The siona a
neb. Urer nad I dMya 1h
nrariog eastward. Tbe lesuperalurv is
have proved tta they woa
•trengtbea Ike I
ayotem aad restore kealita aad good
1*r an attack of Grip. R
Mr aad Mra Uvl Bbea and baby
try tkean. Oaly
are visiting frfaad* and uaaa^lng
tori aaUaCaetloB guaiaateed by C. A.
•ear la Tvaverue CkyBagkee Drug do. 8. E. WaH ft Soaa.
Bsssrsassyday Tuuwwatttr M
Haauah ft Lay Merc. Co.

FaH Term Now Open

FOR 8ALC—Work hoese. wrei^l IIMI.
«d m*
uaui_1 uaM
Ikma's OtuuueaV
WUi •cchaMc tor mule or apfwov-____
.K.if __ y.■ ■
ed papar priee tTE. BeD pftoao. W. ■tb
It cured me pen
tt. Pr«L OM MkMtoa. BefR.
Oarrej^. Mayor. Clrmrd. Ala.


r»s. Itata-ei« j

t Jlircb. ■
r llliltory.
nr-SeWt wkJle oak

at of Uaae*d«0;
palnttog *i: Uvtt.- Uy lubO; flnioked wkk a keary c
varkUfe,«*ap A
ta.stlBg hni-.h. .
l%> reotmiW tid thi. wagon, beewawe It ta the be« < >*truri«4. Ugkteat
ruuntag. and moiil dutble wafam ever placed on tk* i
The waxoa baring ih^ approMl of tke L’. 8. Gotwci
Oar Bm-^ial—3x> to akelaa. Sa^ toeb tire, _.
yoke and single, tree* |•rlcc *«T 00. We ravT
----- aeveral' atana
of -koxt*
suitable in Use wlib Ibrae wagoi ranging in capacRy from M Io CB

jC^h Discount

Suwly Co.



Ml(« BABlr BM uto WOIIWB


ol tha iKur, m4 Skto, <irtb
that tb« raUMT* eo«{)»ra(« viUt a
■K«b«rm Is ss «VoK-to i>rlnc«tio«t


onitral otWbltloa wosM ba ImM inunedlataly (olbains ibc dose .of the

4«ruudln« factvm psmi.
asd cbiM.


ecroRCA M. ia>o._

to pay caw-

kMab. Tbal

.at roBital
eabibit oi local aatocla
aaaocla ])
-.««» by
oy euiDii

Tb« nUtoet etasM nr dlKOKloa a:
iWi K«e(lac «aa. “I. a CaUas# Ws-

Hr. sad Mn

E. J. JieUidlea troa .

Hiaa IiIk KoUo of Xb

the pent^la and Mr. mto Mra. Oao.,'tba* «>

wtram arc

wooM KO wltb ibe feorralortar »«aiT fim jsat beckBse ibw^Jitea■mm fuad of aorh local ter vae <>*• offaM m weak. The reisk ia

cattak NfSiaaary aad
vHh Mayor Wllfcal*^
pwiC Cortla.

' iZ'Zl

a»i PM. HorsbwO asd a^stasd-

,ne lsdrf'ldu.1 pro-

loar not oaly beaedu Uuxwfb as

011ton.*a tke ^oaken. Ur. Wll-


Ui« ■ava as a«dr«aa Uut «aa eUad





take pan

«*n vlrlulu.
vlrlalo. but beneb
-- ~


arttb rod polnu and wusd todcMSl
Trarerae City. >IIc1l. Oct. K, J»IA att birtbai ih^^h
«Bh bavQs
havQs the
tbc creoa
Bioakisc (ttND a buiisco bus'. vWw TotMKdUoioIlbe Evtwias Record: or dultcst prodoelton
luciba of hli ImoedlImni
br baU Uat tmiy a coDaca aducaReterrlBf to >«ur editorial In 8ai
ate aoctioD exfaibRed
libbed al the cen
Uoo «at oocaaaao. rtUa* Masy ot tb« utday-i BeOolac
............ refioii
oatUlad rxpoaflloD.
and tbe whole
grar4 aaaa of today wbooi Ue Jboplo “Khali wa ba«w a county Ulr,- die-Jilvaa a bcoefli lu advertblsf and pubpoint ^ wim prMa and who
MWBlnt .Ue propoaltioa adrasccd by >bky tbHiuah the


< «v «« Om« « Dm m»mIm

- ........... ...................

9t^ to tW Trarmie^lV**StoU

SSkVrmm atr. Mk*.




ibai the prtaclpal cooiity In-an a«riTo a-ranae lur tb« irmwntaitoa o! SSuS
food, clair cultural rettau nuall&ed to eomplda'ibe nmiev the
___ __________ !“•.<»
~He abould also UB-^ auccaaafnlly* and pruAiably In a dla-lat th^ |«lm amiM I
dmusd.- aaM Ur. WflbrtiL.
ibat liay .
Iday of produru at both tbe. Wear ] aulloble bad a-.a;alenUal
tbara U no abort cat to ail«c«sa. tbat MbWsan JStal
I Grand Rapid! btipe eiKmeh n
to aUalB Bueoa*# be aaottld kuow the
and tbe iiate fair at Detroit, laklay ilWlora froia the local tot^ of t
yalsa or a food ebaraetar. onarfy and
many o( the chief premiumi at both, vartoaa lountba. Inclndlnx lown^blr a
aBtaaiad." tft'batb
Jjihldl rdl rdl olnlufu faira. a^ county |
l-aytns «
or H la ^artkal or not. the ap«a)
abail not boltaie auva.;<on ildcratloo of live stock «
cald Uat ba did not real quallM
uiaktof an aiiaapi to aaiaWtah
a the bulMiPi:
................. ...
»tn>uld be
dbmiM. bot lor bis own part be atairmaneai expoaltba of almllar cbar-jbuck. 7S or loo
I5i> feet, c
bd that ba woaU Ilka to knowjj-n
■tor wKbiB ha own bordeia. Khali tocau-d. and
reals 10 bare a n>lle«e a^


--- -

Mayor Germaine and Mr.i««itral folot. erf all the dneat exhHUu 5S4p‘*p^J fw'^awwb ^
Muaicr and tbelr referenea to iba from the varioiu local falra tbrouabrapidW (.iukc witi JS
Wtnaley toanahop l.|r, H ,c*W ^mjeut tbe -errltary covered.

shot be <
cood htutoaat naa waa ii

I eipoaillon |ico>act of tbe kind eoB-|u<




I: oaW Sana a

la cluaiuc

abal! It be advbabk- io [ non. ,.ic. wheri- i«ot reQuirod for
Cortaa Iba anc«m>a of (rest men who Include II all Ibicoumlea of tb.- pdaiilou ,pur.oae«.
bad ha4 no eduMlioa except what Gland Tiwven^^rtegloojroiu Uaul»| The rrnt darived from
they laonied by bard work, featurlus
and Wex
i> MackI i mu
ral uao
(rf tbc IwIMiuc Mold be SK-f—
' I. who waa one of the fraat- bar Btralu,
- - —--------------- City
- ----------------xofflclcnl to wiy iniciwacea the lnvm.i aodieaa t. rn- jf. F <^S!Sl*rjS
tha world baa aver known. ecbtral polDt aad locatlqu of tbe nec-'mect and f>e exitwitiim
MonneeUw i£^

Iba caatnry plant ua It eaaary bnlldlnfi aad other facIliUea'would bave the im oI tbe prop^rt^
p of expeiiM-. Tb,prodl. hi the I-uicbaoe of land for tbe cxlenolou ..t
OUMruanA RrafMMf* Man*above tbc oiber ireaa to tba forw:
Attempls have been made al differ.' d'spe of l«i>eapial reKulm m publict -Madiqon -<tr«ct rviih • from
kaak aaa CwKR *n th* Vataa
to Iba Aiaericaa repaUlr and tbe «nl tliiiea durtac tbe paat lO yuarall.v and advenlrlu); of advam^-a
street aas uscju up ami refeilypa of Anieilcan
We and by several of ttu- Individual cooa-.u'' tbc Grand Traversf rceloii ar u
ic-d Io ti-e .:i-ct. cotiualltoc to inrejoice that w* have aucb nieo
lea in ibis aactloo of tbe auu to ea-[wlioie aou)d b« laealctiltble m dot vi-niswie -ind ly-jioit al tbc uexi nun
(Fm WedMaday's Racord.)
ahlBfioa. Uncoto,
Jeffe.-woo. labllab and pemanenily
maintain larw aad'^-uU.
' 1>K( tba XlMwood Avaosa toolbar*’ Cohimbaa and HcKlatoy
tor* up to.
l’'K.k.\K IX WADE.
dtab to faat baiomlac ooa of tba awai Furthar. be ton^ad oe
tbe food
titinmif «f woaabV.etoba,
m bblnc
dona—------------------------- ~ j cause prereaUBf sscceea In ^ch
-----------LONG LAKE.

»mr mm elaarly
arideneed _____
^Ttm CHy. and said tbat he waa t.ntpt* probably He. la ibu ta«
toat OTwiaK, wbM they bald ibt anflad tbc Udm. had taken bold 01 tbe 'u p^cOcally
impo-lblo to crt
lores 1-Jkc. Ovt ]»—Jtn. 8. i!
SMl latbera'Bvaatlas.
(OoBttnoed from rage One )
boys,club project, for tbe chy. It 1. Wh maature of entbnalaam in tbe
It «H tom e< tba
rrfcrrel tj tbe comxulUce on fire and UlcbarflFO!i and daughter Editb writ
• food more and wb^ tba cborcbea aund. to tbe farmers as will «rr.1 OvUlt Stmday to visit reUtivee,
«to toOM tofiaiy atteadad iMaUasB to aad tba Sunday sebool ar* dolii« aood.
him and taU producu and hi* laor
Mr*. Martha iifn.-.r vWled friend,
iMp akanetar.tba dab baa kanwa U to not aMufh. All auut work IqTbe bond of AiichuRy PoburaJ ai
ttM* tti oitaaliatlaa. Th«
aebeol ' Bather, aud there la none who cad
<:ty weigboutter with A P. Hiiell- iu Traverse etiy -^mday.
hi. farm Irom ibc exblWtlui..
loom wai lUad wltb fatbara. aad batter maaa«a than hie ladles,
i^wtik Horton Irom MayBeld.;
and keeplag ibam at tbe fair tor tbe
Mbary^ the room wm not tarae your .Sunday .ciMola you wilt. Rito
vrl hi. .l»;cr, Mr*. Will Kakney at tbit
tbiea or tour days neceiisary to aeoMiBb'to boU tba Mdiwea. Tba baU
letter trout Edtvjrd I’aybun Ui re- plooe tsM week.
youBC mas asalnat one ba»- tare anccea to tbe project. A large ma­
aa waB «a tba n>a» v« iOad. Tba
eff^ to the ahruliU-iy ’but is nKr.*
yira J. M. JSUlutt loaves today toi
jority of th< farmer* In aiy)- county
totbtra ware tbara In aambavk apd
to qpend tbc wtoiw.
Wbalai did adt toi«et the prl^ IBUR travel aol len than ip or 15
Ibay aanad to awtor the procram Ipoeblac tantly that
«as read and tbe susKesiioDS aa to
dtota as BiMfc as iba mothara.
iannaa- park aero udopicd.
worth ravine, as they were fast p»
Tba meatlac was opanad by tba Rar
all. tor Ibe i,ureb»Ke o.' .tjy tree
roalBK tba womea wbo ara toa mak htaWy and uke bit family along, the
Rav. W.
McKaa wltb prayer. Zol- era to tha boaie and nation. He aumDd anrub. at a run of |Ilo whic.i b.-.t paylag iDveeituenl on tb- farm,
"hen glion proper rare andnlteiiUon
li.rtner la dilatory iu rontrlbuilcx
towad by a Total aalartton raadarad mad the whole subject up in
».l! be Jtuul iu the uo.t im.t o
lUaplay of hia produett. On tbc olb'
by a faartrt ot algbib pada firia. lew words; "If a young
ihU(l.’i 111 order to have i
,hanA tbe auccta. of tbe. lalr.beld
Tbay sane “Away to tba Wooda” la a
bl <001 during tbe wi
make, tbo bens lay and Uiai
brcmgbt tbam
vanij wha- ion
No f-c
uff miuril with it to luako a Ian
laRer (i. and U they are made of tba
PVU.W.IW .V..,

.\ot6liig Inn pure drug
tba latrodnciioti to tba rtgbi kind to stuff they will get li. "
ri.-.ooni-; pt-r parki
a* no*!)! Willi., i„ .111,,,
profram tbe recolar routine
Mrt. WIU roola
ibaa tnvan.’' •ould easily reach the lair
Walt A .SooA C A.
ic tbe
referred .to the lighting t
to tba mouth waa iraasaetad. Mrs. wltb a lecUation “Tbe Oypay ciowrr
IlugtwH- loug
- W.-SI End Drug
c«urwe of an hour'.'
travel, In tb- niluee.
iin^toa. tipa.iiiitmta to tba ,Qlri“ whlcb ma full, mppreHaied.
morning, stay all day. and get back
-Vr., .Antowa Kuri.cb asked for au‘
mothara to tba PMaouiou
Prof. Oirtta spoke from a prtoea- bums to tbe evautog la time .to do the
adjusiigaw oi her sidewalk ux on a
eaal ataitopoin and gave many inMD8T SELL at oun- a l‘•.tle gork of
ind repeat tbe Cperalion each
walk at the corner of Haiido'iih
,lwr twpert la-ra^rd 0 tba proposatl
Stropablrt- owe*, mostly joang. ai-i
aiancea where a collate education
' became Intcreaicd and the
end Pht .treeu and II was rvlcrr.d
I'Ui-k Iambs.
V<-i« beat breinllug
t«yr atab.Mn.Sa
had paU and where tt was necessary
WM taUalacwry. Aaeamlng
Will „.;i i-hoap. J. \V. Slater, Trs.
: the romiulmc on stroci aud walks
. Iba okdact to tba toub. autlng tbat a* wall, Tba dpeto:. tba deall.^
chat the foregoing deduction, are reaa
<r acUuu.
they wan eudaatwIaK to sat tudar Uwycr aad the engineer, be explainonaWy correct, and without any
-baodway aa laatihrtkm wba*w.^e
Having doiidcd to :o*-aie in TravlUai nadmstand owre than the teatloa of aintagonlxl.g the movement
c«ri wanted to Viiuw what a.'iWu inc tr»e < ii« I will .-nsag. lu tbe folios
: yaM( maa to tA dty coaid gatber
outalde of tbelr profaaxloo. If aoggcaled in tbc cdltuiial referred
cliy waj going IO take to r.-#artl u,
asd a«)By tN pleaaurea to ctab
they arc to aave lives, teeth aad l.n- Ibe luUowlng outline of a pUn tor
rriuiu “t ti‘e cbeniu-al fire . uato anHko the Y. M. C. A- "Wa wish
ilty from destructloB and death. A
licriuaiicm aud romprtsiii.- Ihal tlic village pur.ha..,-d ..i
H wdentood.". aald totw SaadiT.. coUepB cduoitou wUl pay it one goc*
li.-iialv,. e'xiKwIlton at tbi. |k>Iui tor
Tra»<i»e Ciu early laM s|<itog Tto-"that thto autorprlaa to pwtthwly
aftor II tight aad lolttwa It up.
Ibe entire Graad Traverse regtou I.'
jour |m:rouag.—u-rma re.
diwiK- lu reluni ilvugliic i.u' ihc
aeetnriaa; erary hoy or
Praf. Hornback apcAe also from
cr was refined u> lU,- fliv
aad ywauf wm ba waicema to tba
■utomloBto vtew, uUag up (be sub­
Tha territory to be exptoltad to
• Klitotl, M^rcet
mliTve aud uo actloD wa. taken on I'titmc
’ data. It to ter ttelr haoedd aad pleaaject of btoticuUure. ploiurtog wberaw .iude tbe 111 or i; ouunt^ottMa
thvir forme.- rcque.i
It wa.
me tbat we an wwAtac. UnUI tba
• Vuiory^kit-jrmce:
collage iralalag la ibis
lino frdoi Mauisii-e and VexfeeA In ivtom-d
pnaaM Uma tbarc noTar baa beau a
Sept. 3t» lueoAiri-t,
lie told of an orchard biai bad elusive, north to .Vadilife-email
TIv city rhne ired H
triaco la lUa toty where boya coaid
bc«B ucgicctcd lor yaara aod-wUch
Tbc in.tlt'itiuii to u- urganlae
coijiraii tbat had liecu drawn
apaad ao eraatng aod tujoy ladoor
Michigan State Land Ofhpe. ___
irwIiKM horUruUariot rcMod
ri Mate tows nudci aouia aatk-aaiuo
>«>• and illy yu.-.-lr cuy
Kaama. a cytonaalam. the howllas a.
■ aaka of deaiODatrwilon to a <ht>« as Grand Trevers,- tkiunry Coopctiv
atatt' ready un- d,., Mim,.
top. aaceto la eotmap Into direct a
ol pupltt. he atod boaticamire
live eiposilioa. wllb pcrmaiu-ut kualollowlni:
SW.VMibo paaAt-a. Tbe contract folUH wtth tte wlaoB. Wdmt we aim
aiHi-v.- Ill
:j|.. rminty -n'
aclcDce. ibti if learaivl. would
OB al Tniverwc CHy.
'Inee i< tb. St«-clflv«'ious as
do to to give Iba boya ibaaa mu
.TK-UKItyi:, h.rvtolortto tbe hiUosi muealug of xbe t>
Kniwurage ibu vrgaululluii uf locai cliB-ely ml isiasIMe aud
plaawiiwa aader a
cleauar atmi
sndcr 1.;-, ,
!m.,- u,., „„
jicrut tu
parlawadciu Gilbert ekwed the falrassortalloos in oacb cuuuly aimi wjib the exu ikioii of a ^ of mlub> n-oacHi -t .Uai-donineiii uu,!
phne; to bt«a tba toaba rooms au
lag with a few remarks t^wchtbo Klugriey township fair, or
Itcqi. w'liA ,lmd .1. i«,.
aced amt 4to|Etad by a typin) Y. M.
tog OB tba qaeailoB of tba ciaulug
county -fairs If desired.
aud il wa. d'.-cJded
C. A maa. a taoUrmaa aad a taad>.
naerwl. axptototog lu
wvitb a
^rh local falrassoclalluB Io be »
ar. wbo wiu work for tba vlep we
ling M lbs maroat daUlk-rift; etto
It of the
ittol cx.- oVlock for the rui|».e ol .oinidaung .
e Laud
poao to apUftlug. aad puritytoc >aiy
baud m Tnvatea city. Already the icviewed tbe great Isane of tbc day.
• •
Irimr^i" ih*
Ibe -bai)K' clubA ami aaM that iba
The prcald^t^d secretary of eweb
I'pou moilnu of Alderman Murvhk-, a' I), r-'l", a
eaamMl|ae'hba ratted flAdo toyaida
>>meai'tbo«bi be backed by even- local aaaitolalfoo to serve ex offtcio e> Ibe boBid of public
wa* lu:iii,v il,
tba Kkhd tovoasea for oaa year, and
maa. aoman and chIU to tbe vli
of the board of directors fiiocie.1 to u> and loiiu- tbe
L" '!"L‘
ihr otor rtoaou we do ML SB I
Ibe ceolral expoaitton asMe-imloa.
Lenule Beerdaicy* elu^ the
In Irom (ft the UllcbiUi properl.v on
MUkilililAg a .Y- M. C. A. at the prax-

AMtoMM ky toto^ wiito*«. tm- L



Kiowa ]i


, “r£,.


mmt aSiOhi lu'

of dolto tto w


Both Suits and Overcoats —Iron tbe higbest to iW
lowest priced —are «Arked sritb s touch of perfecii^
Your deiiiAQdt io clothes will be cAred for here to tho
smallest detail.


Did You Ge at


NGTICK fs'lll-illtinv <';n-K-V TUa-


>>010 tbU board of dlre^ra. ora- Ea.i Eighth air- at.
abt Uaw to toiwly becuiaa wa lack r™« wltb a vlolta tolo. that was weU
Aldcinian Vnilor suiedI that libe ao-J®'’*"^ Travere*
faada. tow toto to iba drat atap, and ctecBtad aad mom irieaalug to kl. Ito cert and exccatliv commJi^ea of tbe
iw-i-viaor lubU ward waa cJugi
Jf aranthlag darelopa aa we hope and taoera. Reitrshmenia of toffee end CTBtra) aaaoilatlun to be selected.
The necretary
reniral body to
pny tbay abatl. Tnterae City will aapdwukea ware aerrad by-theawtbVrfred vv.-:, eauic'^^vCol' ’
bare a Y. M. C. A. to tha not far dUHra. CSinoM Oratlkk al tbe ctoa* ♦♦♦♦ ♦
to Mrs Bandera’ talk, made a few rc- *
♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦«♦♦♦♦♦«♦*
narka whereto aha atotod tbat
Momoe Ceatar. Oct. is-Mr,
Kuaatbju Ibto was a aobb____
seed wwk by Oe Womaa'a stab aad
tost weak.
tha SallMwd to w e«ort to knap it M.
Mr*. Ratar Dole-.
1 oU lady
y«ara old. diea ber b
to apanto la weary way poatoble to
oui eaek day aad buaka nine


atota to tba city abMrta

toWowa: “That wa at Urn Bmwnod
Matban' dub. aoderaa tba muraiLw
to tha Wanaa'a Fcdarattta to ra»rd
rtub for Truvana City.’
whtoR was earrtto
Mtoa Etbai Olbba leutiarad a beuatltul aato aoiAlad “1 «toow Whan tba
root Uto Ctovara Ot*w.“ u whtok
aba wwa foacad to r.ipamd>
Mia Aptrd. pradMeat to tbe dub.
m* a ttoart adtoeaa to watrama to
tha tatban. Mpiaiato« that she >■

mmm asiatSMy to tba

tbc only aaUried ofirer and put

on Eaal Tblriewmb

ill of btt time at tbe wurA aMlattog
locala 1C oncaiilring. etc..' e

Ibe wWow was «ul able l<

and tbat jOvL MCI



aud accood grade to coaatliuto Its ex­ ttia year. li
rrtcircd -o fbc com-: TrareW’
hibit w au enUreiy in the reairal
nUiiee on cUlwr aud accoonu
Fred K.
Ibeir vrtou.
i’lMba;.No todlrldnal prUes to be giv^ by
Tbc quc.v«« of tbc rtty makicic tb- ,'' '‘in*'‘,h^ nititter of the
the central bedym'bai cash i
llani Glow Ik deo-uwed
each conaiKiiMt fair exhlhbuataeU of can to two koui*. How
. g that
tia as may be aailTled to award. By
r said esute be grauted
Mr. Mg It borne new tor a while. llmlilag in this way only tbe fli
p other auHsbl.
^ bean wwrklag ai Oedar moat el the producu. fncJudii^ Bm and sev
ordered, lixt the Sib tUj ond pramluau la tbe different departXo.rtiilWT A r»
Mra. Rena Saandar* «toM on Mn menu of all toral laira will rone to
Iba ceural axpoafttoa and you wtu
Ort^sa Pttre* «me day toai w,«k
Ivclaanw.. aootbea.
Mrs. cUra thoat apeni
Saturday hare a show of producla. turpaaslag fareb sad utdueti
' l< Is further c
the dteased mam.
aad SrtMtoy wltb Mrs. Barry Pierce- Itaioe ot any gewcfal state lair
>tach local naaoeutlba to pav aa bune reaaluagfrea
Catarrh attt dam
throe top
anaal mamberabta fee Sot not ew
mvlout to Skid Say at
tn-nee fee on aABdi. All centra! exae.HVW nWB------------------'-)raB(l Trwvwree Hain] ‘
PoaMlOB M’e receipt* to accrue in at««a iba K
tv-iilral cxtsisIlliiA to conaillMc tuaJ. TasteaudA^n. rsn wie :*»cl«., at irrug-i'



tar paying praanhmm to tbe eARdtlac



oea of thcoe gcaoiiie waubui^ta a*ly Ml oenu. - Goaruataaff tor aw year.

•r i-’.Mx-


Buy Your Fall Foolwetf tit

The Leading Shoe Sii
of Traverse Cilj ■„
and Northern Micliip :

-y- -ff-T



Wllb ciery d^r or more pardmaa
of FoMwaar. coato^r ' eon


bcadcaily to It* local affairs, and all



k ‘\oi

ami as it liad bevu the ciunom during
v-j y
Inde- il e'pa.l lew yuia lur ihe ut» to re-1 I'au-i
mit tbe taxm tr. dunU:
vWaen. lie [ Trin.r.-prlre wlBBlag exbibh* of 8ra/ lJ.oughlihe»au-i.Mili.-,houldbedor.'.* “"'I-’''*;’/

Each local fair to

Tills is




Adler-Rochester Fall Stodt * *





rw^a MAkto oor;




aad Aka E|ddar ha*


I kl* (am to
arr aad will
.or tk* Btato
*kUd ta (ha
sttMitod. tk*
ta th* wraa‘



WTttU* kr
m lb* ............ Inal of BuOlve tb*. KUatya Help aad «Mwj
Uad. Ur*. Baaaoai toad on* on tba
Travera* CKy ftaipia Will Bs
fl( BBdlabd aad Us poaHapplar.
Throw Ool the Ule Unc"—
■i*ilaai, tk* etab aoeepted with rw
The kidneys need help
Kiwt th* r*al(Batk» of lu ctdeteal
Tbey're orerworked—can't aet the
It. Mr*. J. F. MiHuwa. th* ittaoD filtered ool of the blood.
Tbey'rv setttos none eteiy mto
vacancy to b* kSad on Tuesday. Oct
18. when tk* ctob wW atost at th* le..
WUl you b«lp ibear
boto* 0; Hr*. W. J Ttama*.
Doan's Kidney Pills bare broaaht
‘of kidney lulferer* nark
Mr*. C. a Kehl ha* beeo very
from the vente of despair.
«• past week.
region for
ilde of toocth*. apent >i*iUag Mra W. A. Ncu-ton. rotWtad
WIU due any form of kldsi
Ui*. WUUaa OUl U very 111 at t
Sunday «!
^Herbert J. 'TraU. Maple Are.. Manall *01 ry Mrs Jarroa's hcaltk
Mr. and Mr*. C R. HeUnent and celona. Mich, say*; “1 cannot atwak been ro p>s>r sbe ho* baen uaaMe t*
Ur. and Mr*. Huunrd Wlekel. of
ktobly of Dosn's KUney POl*. for
aoD Artkor have cloeta their oouac* too
East Jordan, ubo have been at Masl- .
they have don^ me a world of food. visit about muci)
CUraUuiD at th* Fotot and left Bai- U) back ached severely and 1 was
The am quarterly oonference of sii>g for sevenl weeks, returntd'to
orday tor thUr home to Bt Louta to 'eaosed much annoiaoce by Irrecular (he toHidoa c*iarsr wlU be held *t tne thU rity laoday. and sfUl speta a
pasaasa of Utf' kidney a
spend (he wiati^.
Inland churvn Saturday arterngoo at WMB 01 to With Ur. and Mt*. i. B.
Nothihs helped roe until l
Mr*. O. C. Raiuora entertj
• o'riork. A eeinmn bj District Snper- t\>ckoff.
Doan's Kidney Pills. T
llM** Dorothy and JeanMto KeU. tlon not only removed t
IniendCDt A. T. Ferquiww will be de­
The Mine* Uy end Bewl* HUHi my loins. 1
Beolah Dam*. Wilma Bramaa. Nina.
livered St (be Hendon
brand* of Ionia are In the diy *s tk*
the kidney difficulty t
Uarcarwt and Dorrli S«eUc at dlnnei corrected
Suudaj a tn Oct
gntoU of MU* Ida Seasigaa at kw
Improved my rondltk
Satorday «v*ntoc.
Too are welcome to see ibis state­ Oct. i:
Tenth street (or a (*w
G. M. Dam* and W. H. Steele left
Kra. Frank Valentto* and two
1 toellaf?
'll sale by *11 dealers. Prtoe 50
land alaur. Ml** TatoattoA of No^ tatutday for Camp Booaeveit at Hon
UUmw Btabeth CtTmUiSr* aad
tot*. FhstenMlIburti Co.. Buffalo.
or. whMY they «UI be lotoed by a pa'- Sew York, sol* *«ents tor tb» Tnlted
|Wood. toBW om la that laaach
JulU Kelttog. gradnai* nnree* of the
ty of 'mends to aiuoy a few day*' Stales.
__ _ _ tk# ■P*“ •naday to town,
Serthern Michigan A*yl«a. wTO Im*
i Hr. ata Mr*. Ota Mowa
Remomber the name—Doan**—aad
I rtOm
r rum Tue*dK>
«ue»u-i.> ,» R.<-«ril
babr'^ ~
>' Via. Batlar .and dangbiar of Jew**- buDtlnc.
tor a two week*’ ucaiton trtg
Miv. l>-4>vSletoiiMVD.
^Steioiiton. who has i»
The John Houlat bulldtoc U near- take no other.
arw aPtadttW th* wwak with
imont retatlre* after whkh they will
M tartaaa* to thU t1- Mr*. D. M. BeoU.
tn ir.- Jity sliuc ber nueland
Cook (wooty haapl'jR at
Potato dWklnc U the order of the
------ a trip to| Mr. ata Hr*. F. Oomstock bar.
i'hii.-acn where they will take a prat
day. A good yield la reported.
W*lfto DelroiWeH for
fo Detroit thi. aruuuaie
Ttototo* aw. oap day last waak. 'ukah i«oa» to th* WUaon ««ita«* m.- & E. DaOolte^A (snn.
«r. and Mra-Xs. Pr*y tr---------' tbs wtotar.
I Oet. 17.
WUl and Cari Carpenter were to omlsg. wah ber >oa. Wvlltam.
J Toot, c
Jsme. Steven*, of Bik Rapids, b. ii.
HerBd 1* ta tk*
rarerae CRy on buainees Batnrday.
,.j,y en buslnra*.
Itorley Kenney bai Jiut returned le oilr on Mmlnes*.
*°Mr*M*aktor to'taitWTUx slowly.
Albert .Wilton, of Boyne CUy. 'who, ^r. (■ p,|B«r of Grawa to ir~*
MUUfBB of Lndliiftea os I-nursday
Mr. nod Mra Oeors* Ives spent from a vivlt to Cadillac.
Ms*. BOaa OteadsntoK (ram Tnt avoMa*.
Mn. Dennison who has been quite bar- been lu (he tily for a few days, jpg a fra- a.y. •mong trteada to th*
isunday at'lb* koin* of iMr. Ctorenoe
ick . continue* about the *ame. rcturncl lu his home ilu* momlns. .city.
H. Saed of Oatratt I* apqndlnc a Ryckromi
Ernest Cum* U enJOTtok a vUU
Mrs. J
Randolph !«•■«> 1 Mr* J. U Durcber arrived Howday
^ a trip to few daya to town.
Starwood Bonny baa *0 tor
trough (be (itf this nornlng on km ’evening from ths ‘Boo' to vkk
Traraftoaty. ■«*»(«*/.
Mr. and Mr*. N. B. Nlehom rauraed j,«ov*rad fAn tar Injun** caused
ray to her home to Jaekaon.
friends for a week or m. .
Thuraday froto Buidon. whore they
mnaww a* to be able
vlaU«d at Cbai. Kenney's Snaday.
Miss Laverue Hardy and. bralber
Peter Contto went to FUO Laka ok a
spent tb* pa« three woata.
The Ladles' Aid society serreJ a Victor of Trout Creek. kUeh.. to rto- -vtoU ioda,'a % .Bnyd^- aad wtf*. wntiam
draund Is tatoc brokoa tor a new
poUlo«a is the order of the
Bnydto aad laaUly. Oyd* Baydar and .vniat* to ta bum by R. Pech tor Mr*.
^ „„ch new* _wo much work. 15 cent supper al Ur. Bennett’* Batur- Ulng at the borne <d Mm. A. W. Wall'
and other friend*.
I-------------------------------- ^------------------tomOr, iota L BattoBtald and toinlly K. P. D*OoUer, on Northport bMCh.
Vaientto* cranfe No. 788 has their
A. t
1.1.1,, WA “-"•.”,a;VK;"S.S;r5*”"*
■post BoMay al Grant Lac*'* aaar i< it to ta iwady for occupancy the ^ew oroan. from the praoeed* of the All ^•e*eot bad a very
tertUet to remain dwriag the winter I ^mmwmrr wO sanH
of Da^bere
The people of the U. E enurrh are with her wwtor. Mrt. F. B Dustin. SftSSSSSSft wKarfiTnSSlS:
Mtto aad
Harry Bear* U ereettos a aww build
utUc Buth Pranh* is oo the alek
bqldlng their eervKve tm fhe school and wUI return In the spring.
«4ll FtekoB war* la Baltaikal Baur ii>c oe hi* loc
I Th* B'oman'* dab met 00 Ttaaday
A. & Patrlta of Booth Boardmi
Sorthwestern Canada this raoratoi.|
the lightning are repaired.
wn* aad daiMhUr afteraeosi at th* bom* of Hr*. W.*l-. t* a Sunday caller In UiU vicinity.
W'llllem Dexter auended the fuDe^ where shOTrlU Join tar huaband and
■M*. -who tav* kaaa Ttolttoff *t Bat- i R«R«rt*ea. M«nter*
roipodded to,, Roy Oouolli rltlted A Itortln Ivos
two soqa 00 a ranadian botoeatead.
al of Mr*. Je**ie I
tl* Creek, fwmod bom* Batarday.. roll call with quoutloa* from Tenny-^ rer Sunday.
ilr MeGarry and the two b»s went
lerlocben Saturday.
Ord* BM «ad 'wUo wwra to son. latortottoc current eveou t
to the Northwest early In the spring
dnateg Bm&BB m b*
Mrw. Clmte Gaiaon, who has been

Loans Made on KeM EsMe

bfv* k*M
hi* knitkm B. B.
ar eW tttOm !■ com. Wa.
J. A. Sardw. aurtad Mondiy tor
PMM« mwti th« iStk at Ik* Ckdlltoe: from thw* Owj wUl rocsn
: kM tmrn. Vn. »«nk puk«r.
iBWil«r. *rkm k* kM B*«d lor bon* to rtovtf±. Mk*.
IStita rmn. oIm* oaUiag hM
IMM Oto* ud AUto Afkadar <d
I. Hr. BMm M W
old. tbM TMattf *»«ad*d th* duo
kw« vllk kM BMikar Md
____toadly. owr 4C rmn •»' (b* Oimow tali Mor Oiborto iokr
MT*r mrrtad bot k* '
talldrto. was V»d* BUI7 toj Un. Bd. Oltaor* aad *aa WUUe
s"'JtoT boL*7« iv* euAtooA
STtodTol hi*' PtaaM^rd TltoWo of SWwajrgo.
to (k* UaytaU caMHwr. Ur. u TUUktic kd* aoek. 0*ei«* McCtoUtaoT** *M Bator, (bra* „ .
I asd two alaoao to noon hi*
■ “
1... ___
Itkoath d*ath I* a »*otl* la- 1
w. TOliaa*. wao am* o**o
on (**M* eU a**, w* caatj^lttoc h«r aUtor. Ur*. F. B*r«w*U.
lA» aaUac tk* anptr ohAlr.
IhM rtoaniad bon* after bar sood*. aa
rta inteod. to mor. oa her cwa pla«
- ‘ tttMMM^k four Tlatter* that t* called Ik* Ooimli placo
Moam C*ktor. ^r*_w#r*i oct 17.



lutiful New Fall Furnishings
The bnd that
we shown I
right DOW and at Slater’s where
dimt nothing mote convincing

Wait for Ihc Ready Cash. Wc Sell on very Liberal Credit

The n«ir eorpeto are here roady
for yonr inapeetioa. Wc have
aeoriy eray thinf tram on Id*
(TkiB Carpet at 25e per yard, up
to tke best WUloH at «2.00 per

Somo voDdvrful bargaiiu. in new an.I sc-e.
«nd hand hcal. ru.

\V>- have



STYLES of hcatini; st.»vv» to n.Oect from In
fact DO better aKsortment or no better stovos

Lace Cur­
Ov.T ono liiuidred luiirit nf
l•^autlfll] lax- elirtaiiis just iitiriiuifiitR ]«T pair
■al.- lip u. (iloiiO.

Be rare sad aee our beautiful
bit Ike of Rut*. We bate a fine
aaaortment of the moit beautiful
patten and colors you ever sow.


wood atovee from

u|) tf> |4tl.u0.

Itlniik.'tK. litiill.. sii.l th.-

Woo.1 fitavea frbm 'Me U< IIS.UO.
Wood Move* up from ilt.fMi.
]l Diaken no dlfT.-rrUiW what kind of want or what kind of fu. l you u ifli t»

. Child-.
jptohllWh.* ■an-oihlV.k



ITe olio' tike pride in ahowint
ov bif line of litnolcunu for it is
-Utt-Urgrat Wid U- v: Wh lave ever
gho¥-D before.

line, fur they make the lart'.-wl ami l>ei.i luii- 0/

Be sur.- am!

f-.r tiniiix « ‘la.,
I'itl'.ws u|. froin < V
lllairk.-t.s up from
Ijuilia Up from ij-l.r..

Parlor Tables

atovra and niui;<ti in the uniwrd. and <-v.-ry
one U fully warraiitfd.


xnliK-M uuioiii* ih'-m y->u Iia\<- »>.-.-ii

burn, youH find wiuri-auiU you lu ih-- fBuioui




caubc found an.v whore. r«iiibii)gti«i coal ami




W-- hav.- just r.-i-.-iv.-d
; of the
c ever ah
I- Ion- I'm-c ratig.-H fr-.m •l.fh right
along up to ♦2j.OU.
By all uieans eoDu- in aud aoe them.
.\i>out a.-vvnty pattern* to ehooee from.


Wc- buv.- jtbst n-c. iv.-d B uVutiful lim- of'StBtnl ixtlt-KtaU, ^h(.r.-tt.-N, i-ti-.. whi.-li ar.-' w-oMth-iw
(It th.- pri.-.-*.. i'uni.- m and aetth- ill til.- tir>t .ham-' y-.u have.

Big Values in Our Crockery Department
We arc a^ to offer you the fineat aelertioua of Lamps—all kinds—at the lowest prirra—fr<<m a 2.V Kii--h.-n Lamp i - Bit’ I’arlor 1mu<p

Davenportb .
•nd Couches
- Aiwi
•Bd ksa&oMe Hoe«of^
^ DgT«Bporto-s btanOMr LoatUir
ftswenpott aad Goaek in tlM dv tiaej
>4 A Mft (BBdorUhle M gt sisht
•O—rtw kD tk* vajr treat GI.76 rickt

TOILET SETS in the fineat patterns and all tueti.

Ev.-rythiug from a two piece ToiKS.-t at el.--' up i" - I-’ I'*'

raBdMrartmentofDinnerMoUrangm(ffraai*55piceeaetat.#»liki, riffhtalougupto a h.auuful 'i-M Ih
for *19.00. Thai «e
ve same Mtuniahing value* iu odd dish.-x. which j'ou ought to a.-e. ..

'*'•« *>' ♦7..‘A).

-rat..! S.-I, l«*i i.i.-.-.-,

KITCHEN ITES8ILS-W.. have nearly all kiu<U of utemiil*. in granite and tin ware. w. auy th.inf >-i m.'-.!
this In..-, vo-.t onr
diah Department WASH HAT—We yrani you to m..- our big lioe of Waah MB.-hm.w. TuU. Wringvra—all W«xl. B.olrd^. Boilers, and
Cletbca Bneka, in fact every thing that bi-lpa th.- huey buuM-wifuout j.n w-aidi daj'-




Union SL

log liR.- of Carls fol M th-' (Jhildri-U; E\pr.-ss Wag<4is. Doll I'arU. IHuh
I’artk. Hal.y < aic. Bahy Jiimpera,
-'swiiip.. f.raill.-*. lU»<i I'ara. VelueitK-d'-a and i-v'i-ry lhiu«' there in lo
anitu-o the <'b)ldr.;ii. We also carry •
tiiK- lino of Imhy h.-tU alt style* and



Don’t act CoM Poet

Mlinlioii Bait


The pjat.vr ewa


ntth blObfe cosh and about t4o »
aifeouat la provtaioos. ennalattna

When You Need Paint

potaloea. canaad fnitt. door aaATOCe
MIm Erina Wabl will «M«uct Ux
tfeul ntw* fMltira tt TiM HfeffeM ffer
vielnltr lx l)i« fwtttrb
•< «f
vlllfet* •»<
!»• country •war*]' ar« ferfeantly ra’feiMMafe ta tAanfe te fear avary afw
eaaratamaM In a nawa anfe fewaWai
that wUI maka tfeta feafeartmaa
wenoa and a( feanaral Intaraot t


quUe MrtMU feat feb UfeoieEtole aad
full rr<eTVO <■ fetpoclad.

• - lAlla
a ai MU
J. D. Grcannan and familr. «—
bava baen vWUm rala<lv<« tn Trav.
*'a ibrir
•- *■b6’.« tb.-

I ?


W1-. ^ wri p™ na^Uifc,

tabtas. At about mtdbtsbt tba port;
broke op, dedartac they bad spoat i

the whole

pBaaaau oremiat sad vtahlac ibe pas.
lor and bU wife a pioaperoas year.
Mn. Olivo Qaeoa


HsmL are apcodlar a (ow days wiib
frieodt la Bellalre.


| ii'tS!“
Laat aimage Klntaley Mood third'day.
aiDODK 'ba fewato ablfeplns potat* to I
Uiaa Dora Brown of Ubad ta trtelt(bta .Uie oe Iba U R A I. Rj. .,-a. |ni at__________ of Mrs Cbaa. C'ook.
I laiB. Manuni and RwUord on-upyins < Sauiial (Mi of Matron at
flidl and aacond pUrr rcapenivelt. ‘ v!a|t|nK bis brother.
er. Cbif..
A«< Voor DMcr lor Uo
iTIfr crop of potatoe. ibU year aa cb;n !
Sira. Nancy Utile
Util.- li
U spendlnc .
lied aiiti the other
namid day* In Ifaa tmaniry.
,. dmt prouilaaa to calae al leaal one ;
»r. Jay J DruuMW. who arcomp-n
I point m the relailie tiaudlni ol Ibeac Ird bia uarle. AV. K. II Hranaun o'
I thro* want ao far a> their pbtato Sloorod Otiler to Aan Arbor, relaniHEN-E AEEOCIATIONi
I ibipmenla are concerned.
led boain Monday erenttis. Tti" doilrr
Tbaev aie ulna potato hu'era at thle'a»>*K'd in Ibe operaslou uty.i hit
poll- Ih1aI year and Uiua'far nearly
••yoa nud
and reports he I- doln.
0 car loads harp baen ahipped from
la Ii nicety at tbta w rttlny
iro irltb aboat 20u ran luore In reMra Wesley Duan and
. Re.-, y.
.. aileodinf -Le
toea now la » coaia per bushel, and iSlste Raptlat rammilon. held at De(ha vUInta U rBirly*al.|ve wkh farmera trail- ihU weekwet
I> (boeninan la
who are baulla^ Ibeir poMtoea to
*I«ARLE eiri'.
; ,
ly ibrodr.'iDut the rooBS. Ever^lblni,'
(rtanda at Kalkaska, and South BoardMr«- A B. Beinurr weat to Lad-|_J^a are baeiiu One >
eten to the tiny pUce card* wet* ear­
A velerao produce buyer eUled lo man. for a fen days.
TtaU ber daafb-jwbailhelBiiueta aeed l
Mrd Katie IH-rhlnt, who baa been
a repreaenlatlrr of Iba Herald and
ned out lu fri^ntf dealcn nbUe the
polatoea aad coni.
Iba MRf frteada of Ur. m
QpKeaird ronpaay.
ibul rtamaa at the home of Mr. Scbail
Ml. U'ykall and Mr. Audrewr
dinner aa jtntai\b) «b« boateia provt-Hoater pfellUio. *ai« cUd ii
g,.lKlnaalc) fumlabed yaarly about aop Ua tone to Hm-kl.-y to visit other
Travarae CUy. laine og| lo io a bumI auoceaaea of
• with thaoi Uat vaafc.
loads o. poiaioea or about S2S MK)
While lac. aad.weretbacupaia of Ur. and
Ibe evening. Th dJUlui; raou was to
EUrt Camtalan of Naadod Re,
tela and about IM.OOO buaheU Of ,
^^Irorn. Four laiRe warcbouaes are uaed tamrd recenitv frooi an
forma to Bonefit City.
pectally preuj with Its drwplaca wf
tV'lllle' Nelson we
r. and Mra. Parn Btaher of
Traverae CJij on tba exruraion g„_. to alore these farm produru tn, lo-.lilP tltrouirb Cacida and. aootbem
creiw paper m yellow aad blue axsetber with the oiber farm tominodi- iMi<hl.HJi.
ry M ditttiai reiadTaa bare.
day asenlna. lo spend a week
ndln* from the cniDdellcr to the
Urt J. I. Fenton a
Mr. a*d Mrar lovta Uahn of Uua- bar parents. Mr. and Urt. Wykali.
: tier.
(Ur-y are vlsiiina friends a
------------------- ------.„
.our eonien'of the room wblta bnniMn. Flora aad Qrare l«ka, drotu
orer to aae Mr and Stra. Will Lap-| I
jday evenlnc and several aiaiiera of|ttful
bouiivu of
Wa are flai lo valeone Mr and baiD. last Tbnradas
J J> Qroeomaa bsi looved bUalaar
■----------------------- -------the welfare ofBOoroed the table, -\fier dtaner ibe
Ur%. Harry BkaparR of «*aUM. Ur.
sliqil'traiii (be "old Wolpasi.................
The Bvnday Rchool toneaollon
jibe rlt> were ukrn^up and .disruaaed.
| etcoins «ns aiwai In the parlore wub
lltace ri
Bbepard baataMaa bare fes tawior of baM ai tba Bouib AloUra acbooBu
to-Abe butldlna fo-merl) u
" ■*' “f*'■ market.
Mis. liarrlf
(ha m««dr tbnrcb. ■
Ut. Clemena
anons ibrse. was the proowtlon niuelr wad a fn-m-ial
Urt Balarday.
Ibe *ih
fith of this
sy. (he
baM at *-■ vlKtllaa •...'
«.i»— \«M fw 1 1. /■ .# -_____ ...
1 _. ,
time Es
R. B. Borke hai rMnr»ed (rou
l>r. J. U C. of a county fair, and In order to fet uHn# ns dlveraleba

-<Mk<0 >pm _t m knr n-r^"

Hlrth-Krause Company
Manulacturm of Rouge Rex Shoes

Wall's Drag Kiorc
Traverse CUr.




y arbool.

leodwl andI i
senersliy enjoyed*
1. who has been eeHoue-

U™? £5 aJSST£SS!*Vr-


sn Is to be held. Pleaee tv
Wa arr
rr toriw reoarkabiy aann port. Ur. 8<hi •Wer.
vaatbar iar
Ijfh limy of y«ar. Ii ta
Mtas Bulloa If UnrdicbUUe
tea lor hoMRfer ran. bat poutoes lof for Mra. Frauk
:auk Rosrrs.
R» dl«
Mr. aad Mra bare moved onui tbelr tarni b^
ibtetab^ OB ihta ^rfi



daj* l» PWduaUy

nn^en .i,d Um. ca«n*eli wm
Ura. J. Anapach left for- (Ibeb05s»n|i‘‘‘l!!^_*!^_‘r.“*.>::®f'‘:
'bilt for a few weaks.
|“ «>«»mliite was appointed ronatat- leave Tbnradey for ibtir
Caa. 1. at pre« nt spendins ">« «
Sledvr, C. B. Taylor. Sc. Louis after bavias S|<enl the a«»


tew days in Traverae City thu week,

pemaaeni grouads for the boMlod ol
county laK.

___ -STn-, „,J:

fair aad Uboral daaUag


fEoattaR na lo what porcEaaara i

meat with thair eatlra aaitafactloa—
tha OM yaar'a trial ouahlea you u> ful­
ly deicnnlae the i«al worth of ytmr

the taAaafld vatoea olerad


is —

- ••• -

lerasu. Mr. Burdicl waa formerly a r-snd-daughter. Klliel Chase 1-oih ol cleiH agitation In their bebaif it done
trusinasa mao of Manfbn. and comes Traverae CTiy. V. A. and Ism- St the proper tim«
> this village reconiroended as being Hy. Wm. RJIey> and fanillv Wlnnbir the mtnmtaakin form Is ibe thing
T.-ry eIBclent and higli ctaas work ,PI«<x‘ and tauilly. A
ftaycrs and ihal will ta-sl serve the lulcrcols Of
lau and desirable clllien.
jwlf.- and sou Walier Mrs Charlev
I sill b>- worked tor by tbiForreai Hoy. the boy who was bPiit- Sweet and
men nltd an eUempt mad-y
11 In coiapany'wltb -Jolu Wgi-on. • Milks, all of Ktngvlev
After dinm r
-vldenialtr shot bimself last Sunday, tlx- psny drove lo dw home of Ur |io, h
e cluri.-i
le rIBe ball iH-nelralIng his lefi fool Voice and bad thrtr n|,-mre lakeii Is rvnar Ibe toe and loiiiliig out 111 -.le Mre. I'erball saya "Can agii
region of Ibe heel
The wound ta
Klngsley-.-Ori. IT.

wvery way

baa, moved iatb

d by Mrs. S. B..
Traverse Qiy last Thtwaday.
Mn. Tom Haita It apeadtag a fw
days with relatlvca tai Travorpe Cltg.
Mra! W. H. Ayers rHuiwod FrtdAy
Disbt fiOB ML Ciemaav w-buo rbo.
Las been laklBg t^imeata for rfes»
mattaai. She ta very moeta IsiproTod.
The two blgbar rooms of tba aebotd
heva E traveUtog llbraty apiocE.
Mr. cad Mra. Areble Cbmaraa. hfed
lltih- dangbier left tin mDra%-lor

Kesmrk N J



a hick dut« net la

lodge « W Step V

Aihvlile. bferth CaniUaa, wbara iW





ytll apoad tha winter.

OreK iBiareat ta being taken
like' IfOBiM Milks U It Ibis Wiiltas ...
ser- .wJ-eeb
typhoid fever.
O. C. Vai >r is worklix lor Oeo. the movement and H ta (he Intenttayn
Ur. aaOS Tumar now oaeupt Ana. were calUns on ber buitber. Bl- loualy
“»“'>• III
»« wiib .........
V|— Master Herbert Uttle. who recently Few^ fbr. .. fra- we»'k«.
of this organiuUou to do all ia
the BaU t$m- TKar come trota Lud- mer Abbe. Sunday, alao
—•tVed a frartun- of hU left arm.
Lecture Ceuree.
power to further Cie wpib. Its value
about recovered frazn ibe Inlury
Tills year the people of Kingsley
«mp«B ta •« rary '«an u '^**and Mrw. Am Palmer were tbe
» to hare the beat lecture course
bold a 8. 8.
' cd Mnu llBiile any. Sunday.
itouniy Is appredated. as stu-h sa ex' tiaa ItaMWBB ta rtaitlng «( bar
Weather Rurecu Raperu 5Jale on
Mtaa Kate Ueeker and Uladya Spal- nlly at the ebur^ Sunday. On. 22!
E^.ihlblt wonld gt>e a beuer chaece to
bcaaa <• tapiiBert ter two waeka. f: ford were callinc on Mra. E. I. 1-wbe. A aplandld program baa been arransLake Eupeher Whkh May Collide
' '
yogs. iwduHoQi
lHOQI cry oae
BfeUdf««bi( Taeattoe.
of abow tbe producu of tb. cotttrtr to
With Eauthem SMwWi. "
mad other
that will aUmu- trtlsla.
i. U. •rtr wfU «l«e a talk on
Hasal WUaon ta on tbr gain.
good advablage.
Tbta is especially
TiliblaatiT «irk la Bonth AfHea." at
t la I
other Ibaa the fruit Uaet
tha ebdreb «• Eoaday eTanbu, Oct. ZS. **-n£TlArdW Ald^S^tatl. wll! mMl
Jhi- ^bUc lubools have closed
\ Savannah. Oct; js.—Wcwtbar batbe hdrp
at Hre. Eoe RemlngUm's on Oct. M.
darlag potato digging.
—.... have been worktA to a much rmu. today reported Ue-Wind atgip
Iber aumberK c..
bad Urn beat yi
Lot each oae be piVHil ibel ewn do tfee the pupils an opportualty to
I ••Hrt'So 'I!!!**'
eight mllM-alThoar anfe .-a^
wbo said.
.. ..................................
.Isi Hi getcliig the POiau»-a rMdy tor an^Mr -U
m bMhiila Beam li acres (taae A
IT iuaU MU starts a 1
uiarkc, ,
^ .makes ta-o laughs
t. ^uff wdy fo?
«i*»*cr bM al«ur oomVlel.a kbeie w«
Wfber tbreMwd ll In teM than four
groan before, la a bene-.'®*
Parted that a mom of raUtamd wock■
^ *
repairs■ gnade on bta livery sad fead fslur."
Tbe Blephena Conecrl (Ja;,
Al IhU meetlug U.»rge W. Keat!,nen nerlvhed
T-a. storm rm.isr -.
bows. Good threablng.
Oey 'Baoaew and aoe Enria vtallad
WEVave CUT over guaday.
Wm. SaaloFa aata passed eS ptanaMtly. Bned prtcaa ‘Ware realised. One
Savannah. 0« is-The nver here
bam. Oi.l. U. was aiteuded by several slon tOr.
allon poasibla In regard
ODw aoM for fTfe-MUon ai Iba Globe
is racing, sevemeon thousand boles
f oor residaati.
I■ This course
Ralph Byar hMksd 4t buabeta of whereabawKl be pleased u> eee ell
uiom-y .and thi-'mli
(olion being ibrcoleiird on tbr docks.
Tbe Klufrlo Women's Chk Im-Jeommiuee has chosen Iboae i
ten on Mofedky. Mta brother Jeoae ber old frtanda.
aaioeiallon have
good. No y^a cai
«ae Abtoae aaeond vrith <0 boakata.
The last Jarksonvlllr.deapalrhes told
Jebm W'Uaon wad ana Btaner went
Ol the rescue of il-r launch ot the
Ibe village alleys
,l„.| It Is tbr Inienlioti of the asaovli
I Tlrkets ran be procured
family of the hue Senator ElecL Oroa Dealer and lieiter appearaaea. as a I Kingsley bank. Dr.
drug lloii to get all (he facta about this
ward ot Sl George Island.
the ladles' untiring aad imit- jslara and at
The; form of clly govenmient ai>d then l-»
ud eSoru
jilikna an- going fast ro bun
Gita en Lake Eupartar.

make an i-thaavtlt e study of tbe pres
J. I-. Vaaiar i> quite III nt inia writ-iuen
M'aaUngKia. Oti. is—The wralber
yj^pi'enl i-baner; then ilan e ranipalgu in
bureau today announced a Northacit
Tbe lafaal daugblerof Mr. gad Urs. *Usl church.
j WhalL of cbaiigM thtt w-m prora of
igale on Lake Superloi whlcb will probHsivay aricker ta eiao III at t'jis
Paiwlly Dinner.
I the most bcnefl) lo the city at large.
' I A oleasanr gaitovring w
'ably collide wiib the Florida burrl
The members rrelUe that IbOra are
Chaa. Burdlfi.^luia oprned up an up- tbe beme of John l^-^ball
rane off New England tomoriow.
>-dcte Jewelry and watch repair store and all i«rUiuk ti a fan iSy* dlnn!-V., fcitai'i ivfonua llial will have to be
Ibreaii niiig shipping
• our vlU^ which no doubt -wlU be.The party constated oi his' mother. Itrodoced
Athima. On.. 'Oct. 1».-The hurri­

SupRb OuaHly CharKtadzes tha Bargains in
Grliiwli Bros.' 7th Annual Summer
Resort Sale

hwMi or afeythiac ia «.

keep la mhr; dial dM aua, kmitahic
• hit r-~* —'■--------- • •


Ing hit Dwibrr. Mrs

AM>e and hi

A grandmother. Urt Fish, nf i$L Joe
Hasal Alh-n of Travenw spem SjuHendon. Mkb. Oct. is.—Cbas May­ ilay with ber perems here.
nard^ aras a Heed City vitltor !a>l
Tbe M F. Ladles ' Aid aerve<l a irweek.
■nt supj«r at It. H Reunett’s ShtuiA new furnace has bei-n Installed

day i-»i-timg.

Ilcan Etela Ticket.
IS. •Ktahk

«1LAJ8 ra.NMKfn«E(r ■

ragalatod famUlm hasp
Brimrtf OU for sueb e
fubdM tha pale aad bi

(Mltica] .
It. Hi
For Yrtmrtt—Prank O. Hartlw.
For (h»otr
Ctark—Ambrow. &
r Rrgl^'^er of'Deeda-Amoa La«For Ooroaera—John C. PnoaL'--.
For Coronfera—John C ltog« WJUam M. Itavta.
•\>r GiiMly eum-yor—OUhMlfUV^
OeMumfea fleugMiwR
by and for (he weulthr fw*
SorOtflsm Uondnmao-Aitafclty A«l


Sodfeiba (

cane destroyed

of and oomertne the a

Wiillamrhurg. Mich., Del'. l».—The


a Carpt-iiter of

«u. —u-.T-**



irrachcU here lavi Kunday and wttl
SoctalUiKlmc' Kcnn-slv airlved bom* <rr>m Uve. Brferei
" talUni

Otoem and th« Entir* Rapub-

Card af Thankn.
I wish to axprMB my thaaka tor
the klndaeiis and aymiuithy afaoww
during the IUmos nad death of ny

l-reach again next Soodav at least.

Me DeFleves EuKeaa la AMured ft

I>«roll, 0.1

Uoaaa Ragulett operate aatUy. <

.villwaukee Wta.. Istf -Rntwday a-.
'tvuipanh-d l.y a' Tle-v will iv,


Advocattfe—The- tmOat
ItMlmdrlat aad *M1 ro-

DiaHi about v week.
Neler-n Perr» vl»;lrd relsm.-,

in Trsverse CUy list we-tk, .

l^jvork ragardleoa

pay »or
or sex.

ship of sB of the sgtlo^'Q.«ui^'

UtT. wuilnm liocke* of Rapid ('ny
uiirman ol Ihc rrpuVIicsn -i^ie -i-u
|-.M’i'il (:iendH lu . this urlulty Is&t
Mrs. ('-.irtis was the guest of Mr«o^lim Advoeatase-AkEHe owi
al comurlliee. has leluru.-d fivni '
of all nalkm-n-ldQ-SrgaDlutl
Beynolds and X Ami don have C. Worden SatSrday.
i-rt-i ,rtp
.-I,..,, L, !. ,11
ed a new com
hnik«r fend
SoHtmrn Advorat’-e-Fghlic
policy, aad Iba Bumuitr Keaurt Xeatul litatfw- shredder.
atwaya bofes
ol ^ tlM railroad, uteai^lp. Mdo♦♦♦♦♦♦AAAAAA*AAAA
. « ~d... II. K„„
y--. ... .......................'
■ «bo(h*r aolBa* aaa goods
regular maali. are uprlgbl Pianos at ErtS.
Lo Honueii baseieaed
lephone lice*, tbe eipresa
' prteaa er EwBamr Raimct naiws al Elga, EISZ. EHO. Ell7, «tc.. air.—In- grill,
,lte Is well pleased with Ihe »M*atloo'
, ,, ,
leas. etc., by owa*r«hlp alssUar
• Post OfAce UepanAfeaL ■arsaife IVtoas. Uita
,north of til.. Straus and i» cvnad.-nll^_________ ___________
i '
-Mrs. Allen U eniert'alalog Him 19dBalm. Mich.. On. IS.—Miss Mary
Is tha boats of ovoo •>!»lx io Ifino, M’hen au(« a Towsrh- ns WilUama of Traverae ('Ry.
Criu-a camu over li-um MayStvId. wht-ra •
rolled up for (%aso s. (Hhoru and
atUa KsOag u proseniad—wbrn tha
brown, who he> been here on she ta leoching.
lo spend her ixKsto
Th* Ftaaos wa gpU ai« aratywharc
Quality of im. Pianos ta ao weU buslaeM has raurmd to his home
rmlHns Mmir
racaUon wUb friends In this virlnltv
fawgalaiR at tha World's beat• -All the rejorta
made to me were
known—when bach of evarp ebr ta a in Wisconsin.
She is Staying as present at W. C
w ^ eiicouraglng
nature. '
Myrtle Dexter si*«i Sundgy of laat Thacker »
Ki'ov - The sliusM.-i- Ims
week with bet pereuis here.
Htae tie'en Whitson arrived bume
To abiain oae o
Tbe Bev. Mr. Turner ipored lo Em­ Saturday from her school si Slights been thonvugbly raorassed aioce the
reliable Pianos yo
convention and all of the men
pay- only IS pire last Wedneadty.
Biding to Miend her puuiu va>-silon
who are close lo things report that
•IV dawn, and ate will armept tne
We vetah you to p udli<i a»4 dtalaelly uadctitaad lhs> Ayer's Hair
with her parenta. Mr. and Mr.. C««.
Vlaw dec* not alhet ghc coke <d tbe hair, rwea te the sMlMt
l-hrty fi-cllng is very strong aud ihsi ;
betanre IB mombly liMallniunl
nhi-r, Mrs. SwiR. of iFfelUB. laat
degree. Pciusm vrM'ibc whhot or the 10*01 aad meal daicata
MWlMir. Oae couldJM
JM poat
poaalUy make gy
or 17.
We I
Ueborn will r.welve a vole wb;rh
TUB Halas U. U. C. X have-roorgan
hhmdhsAataymcAftvelTvdthethavl^thsh^madsaihidi dsrtf.
easy tor all
No borne need be lonassure bini of from JV,.Asj f.
Mrs. 8. p. Hnrke .ta vlwIUag hor tied wllh Mra. J. 8. Buss as iwealdent
IKH- pluralliT ID tbe twedfth disirtn
her wilboul the plensuies andadvau- molhiT al HurElokvUle.
and befd tbelr Aral meeting Sunday
eeteeting from this great tagra Of mvulc.
Aimosi wllhoui i-scejtUun U waa re­
' T |‘ to your doctar. Ask hha whsi hs Ihiabs « X
Lulu Moon rrunied Turaday from evening.
aaji emported the ineeunga ot Mi. flemsus
TV immense number of ptauus sold llitone.
lad., whet* the has
The Rev. F. II HoynUu and faully
traraa Ihaae eax eelchraled makse.
much riuallcr tnas Iso yesra
enco this bummer Rer,>rt Sale was spending ibi sumiuer with her ai>unrued Ssiurdav evening from near
The fHDiy ta thM.. Juat the earner
agt. sud that thei-e wws a dtwided Uck
Hemey. whera they were called by
the mmgo they have reeolved lu the
inierast la hliVandldacy.*
vloita reronb.
Carefpl buyers And
LuU Burke haa been entertglalsg
e duatb of Mrs, Uoynum'a molbur
•ammer bomea throughout the state
this Jusi the oppurtuDIty ih-y have her fnend Mlse lierbeiL' ot Maple
Mra. Thomas' Buyniau. a former
Itas apt taipalrcd their i
bten looking lor. We urge you lo ' II) .
M.ident of this plare, has been visit­
tbAe «Estttr-(he duroumy has been
act gulcklj. kUfci- cv;ulB of aerurRalph Moaroe and family left last ing frleuda and retail, ea here for a
la no wtae taesraed-mad la gppearflvasan Party m Mooer e( PriatvAs
Ing «me of ibeee wooderfol bargains week lor lYvano. California, where ample of weeks
•aee toany of them cannot be told
Pfefefeuger Truing o(tbvPerA-llErv)ae((E BsilitMil
From EL Lault. Me, nap Nawb.v aileadlng tbta aale NOW. Vvery be wU) locuie. .
A good many of tbe (anut-ra ha- e
tram Hand feew.
ark. N, J.
Et Toledo now Errivo'gt nn-1 dopun inn the Unioa
insirumeoi prem-ais
TT>e many- friMds of Mra M'iUU Aolsbed digging th«ir poiaiOea; tbiDepot. Tbis giTca putrou ilifEtt dODOMt'an with
sUTlag. white your aatiqUctloa
ta 1‘enalngioa of laterlocben wer^ pained flop IS a fairly good one.
.Mrs Chas W. Fanil wws lusi.-i. to
riaimg oafertly as nf^»nu
Ell lints eBlvrinf Tviigdo wiibont Bhiinf e tnstfer
abenitttely reneia by our guerbrar ol ber death, n# fuaeral was
Abota 7S of the
and a eomiany oi ]• tadlet at her bume
eey rgapen And to eliminate abeo- ar.ty. If you cangM erv^gt- to come
of depou, wbicb formorl; wna neotAfeafy. AH trsifeE
held Satunlay and afar was taken to Jrtendi of ibt V- B. ehorch met at the
State alreei liSi eveatag. wheu
totelj 4be aUghieel chance of dtasat
tbe store, wrhe or ‘phone us at Traverao City tor burial. Mrs. Pe«sIeo atop at Weal Toledo sod Warn Works.
-me *1 X It- Fox Friday evening, to seh eatartalnad In honor of Meodama. i
tafamhM. we dual prtvilage of free oM« tor fall pometapn. &R3KNBU.
OB wwa a woman betoved by ail
I wiU tha I------ panor.
Infomhtian as to lime of triinE will be ginn >9
li--.'dca. L'ampbeiU and M'hUAeld ofj
•xAERhe any time vtihta m pear lor
who knew her aad her 4wU seems m the B«v. J. 8. Beerw. and wUe. Aahort St. Lenta and Newark. N J. Tho'
\Eoy Egant. or 1./

•ay new Ptano In par- tamoua Has.
- W. Mcdally sad as she taavea several lilerary program waa ^ree Muxtat« waa hcaotUHlIy dMoraied tor*'
We 4tmt want any <rf our cuaiomora
mH chlMran.
tag of setoef twadlaga. recltaikms aad the occaaou. yellow aad blue harhig
to feet ihoi ^y i^t kt-v an laatruRnm-t (’utils has been .miefUihafter whlcb nurvwkascviis ol le^H. ibe cnia whenw emphqad mala
Ib our Bala slordc. wbitdi ludodas

In the Pine Grove -school bouse.

all Batuple. Btchanaad and

of Iba tayar.

PUBos In our rrarerooiBi. as wall aa

Does not Color the Hair
iRrwfcitit sssu^A^iSr.mis-tSat

Pcrc Uargadte TralM Ester IMoa
Depot, Toledo.

B. F. IfOELLEVs to’i Pass. Agt

i >j|

^^pWU' P-- ..: ■ ^


. ..


V. AN-v ,



I eveiT town ttiere is some store tkat
itiins & stiodard that g&tas pt^e by
^htison. We know in Traverse City it
Ibis was never nure in evidence than in
Gioak and Sait Department
He wish we had the space to give yni
lied descriptions ol every gament-bot
hatever price yon have intended to pay
wl find the greatest assorlments, the
values here.
Ht show a very complete hne
i and aU the new thbgc new cplors.
mixtnres. also a beaotllifl line olhiadD,
ict the line is conqdete, $7.50 to $35.00.
Some very attractive modds are behig
ra that hare proven to be very exce^
D v&lnes. Wknow yon will be dtaied
I the assortment from $16.50 op.

■!^». I


Thlrty.uven ynn ayo the prcient firm of J. W. MHH>
ku wu ceUblialMa under the name of HamHton & Mllllken
la the buUdlni now occupied by E. C. Lewis and O. A.


la IM4. lUTiiit Mitfrowa those quarUrs, they moved
into the preseat boUdlos.

Whether you intend haying a SkM lor
street or dress w ear you wfll find the “Bffiken” showing well worth your consideratioo
lor nowhere will yon Hod a better showing
or better values; $2.98 up.

Children's Coats
This is a department that we art very
much pleased with iOr we have some vety
attractive values and spme very nobby styles
ior the young miss ol afl ages. Nowhere
can yon Hod a larger showing or greater
values. We know that we can please you
in this line, $1.98 op.

In 1904 It wa» founds necessary to enjarce the store until the
Milliken store new occugries Twenty-two Tbousaod Five Hundred
Square Feet Floor Space. It has ooly been by dealing lair with
our customers that has made this growth possible.
Isn’t that the kind of a store you want to make your store?

■ T T.

Ah» ftmn imm n»a. » tb0T«

>je«l^ctecl by Mt«. I. H. Botyell


tUBHtor on e
flaanee. way, and
1 lo-aofKKi lodar-

*0'. W.lfcrwi hu r>D« to U«idt

t luOnl
Ilu^ I
napijii It vltllina af^llie boioe of her JWt with the i
Mher. Mr.. Wotaar.
.is, rewIutUnu. 4ie odo|ited tu4 l
Mr*. .\BBa Walber.
’.(her who ^ becn|ateq|i
tlnq|iiiU aaied ti
J. H. Vnr of Howard niTtw
vieUlBc her
tewroD huiBMt WodDeadty.
other .-.wfive*
leladvm atk
haL re<iin>.
home in I •hiraj
. W.
•oarer and daocfaCera. Mra
Md ^Mt*^ Vauwlnhle. -wore io
5*rf»*iB;^-»0l«l*M, It Grand South Hoaidmao
idnun SaurtuTitfiemooh.
•*' lUjrowtd Birwtiey Uattod tb HJa*
Mr., Kdcer MUIl.
jyf 1^ Vie*,
Aiiea Tortor.
who It .tleodlRt'NKW, who ha. berci
Inat Twwday cvenloi at the home
At- waa boioe orer bOAm of »hr.. •
k Crottoni. vu It BoutJt

_ _....
V?J?5hi.*)llt^'r GlI^'uiaSrTb'ulw
Gl’lSiJl'uiaS" Tb“S:


PeiMMliaa mnrocd.her borne


Bay inwitablp
aiiciid.^ i.v Ml
-r 01 t u. biide. oml Irod
II. ..I -I.- R-oom. Tl.c •uirrlac* loot pla-A- m fm..t of a 1,-auUfut arrt. or :c,n* and a-te.. nh«o


arid bit ramlly In t***
hone* »a: |«*oiUuily decoOK-upied by John lated In vAiioua


r“ *K detoJL hrprf.‘llPe
I deiaaaiM for i


** *
Idle, are at- dainty wrddloc supper « s. eorved aud

a goncral aoclnl time waa «*>iyed. Mr,
fcTaaehoBi kaa moved In l**MliSi* GUdu '^utine. vary’plv
______ aad Mr*, nirmlry left this (uorutnc

hiTToo^ Of Tear'r'usrs:t‘n:3.;‘‘s.^''s-n

f*^n«fo at the borne of were idayed. after wbkh
d by the boou
Tbe polti
busy, buylns
iploc. bivlOR
and sblpploc.
rbipped elxbireii
B ibl* pb



■>«. ^




•tope Almady Taken.

toesR iBportahl

during tbe presirnt

eeaatda. One of tbc's«d«Ta that will
ntiraa' the moat attention was lU
kubmtoalon and ad(H>lton of the re­
port dsi eatBltoatio|w TliW wna glYee
to foU. deuils ot

«UI be

Usbad- in the otsaal proc»edtog
Tbo total



eoamtostob. While the nseesaed valoathm U U.fl1.too grsmiar iLan tost
year.'.th^ rate of

taaaUon will l«

ICM, aUboiifb tbd u
' inie has OM-yM beoto «ga£
to epito c( tbe tact ktot tba 4eaf«
of Mperrieom bad alzaady aabtortsad
tl>» eale Of (be ootuty poor boaaA Uto
todtowtag lettar sraa reeetred fWsa
ataie -board of htalth. signed by
r. W. Bhomway, auto medical
Uaainc. Mkblgaa.
To tto board Of mpervtoom of Omad
Tmveioa oauaty. TmXiehlfBa.


Morgan left

. —. . --- --


Ul„R renuer?!_IJ*J:::rt «

T™ '

aiy. county road Irntweea aectiona ti and

coofert and far oao than the dunto«M to ito air that we dotty dog and
Mt by gmabUag. dtoooa

to* by ibe,pjo»to|pa.^ A« ^
be A«. of IM*. yoo hr* hereby notl-


~nb »a «»

U » U.iTT-i.

ooned aseo of Biiiye rcglBaBt Ilka
shovelfnu of aoft earth thrown on
well trampled cfoubd. One of them

'!*. *?.

Biil.r looked up at him «llb a lUK. '

ji ttat to
Of the
ingaiea aha toteraobNow. It most be remembered
>b* aaay
Boldler 1
t til wartlB* a
»» •»
t la Ms dolly work g_
waebtub to M tor atmy. at'macb ot h
aerw «rtUog than tbtoa ■
laittiy. a* a table d'bot* moon. 'BoldlerF cMbea to war are aMde* Bftoh- tor ewnung aod lytog paib'
*d. nod when they am they ai« taken tola MMU baadiat. Tbeto i
* ci^Ul* of cooailBt a
to a crock, rubbed beiirrea tbe kaacla tea toars aod ot wtanklce in lieu of a waabboatd and tbe
iug Ibea in paeka«aa ot i
dirt epoto blurred over tbe aMtole gar­
each. Tto popar M pallid aC t
Bot even tbli tauiMto
by iwa kmg tagem wSleh^
(Cy courusy of i
Oiat* c«aas.)\ practiced OBI.V tUI tbe ieldlcf Is
from below, aod a
get OB wUli a flannel abUt that sbowi toMif tale a rat el
tbe sows tend tewar
little dfrt and can be won for nmatl
and ^h-Bcy the boar ebould be latber
put* Uieif 10 Ibe wrapptto 4
witbOai looking very dlsreponble.
peMMiy tbe
tbe rigbl'toof.
itgbl'BBt' <itb»A
------------------------iicatlons of a good pork
Mylhg. looked op at
praduclnc corrata f bat tb* bows re- «•* greeabom with a sUm. Tbs re^

>“ 'he boar-a

hnftttoed that Ibe reteraa was
eoald, sad blB to

Ileiuh aod length of oldaa aad
well deieluiieU blwl uusrtera. Tba
rtolble organs of tbe repradortlT*
tem should be well deraloped aad
cknri.v deUoed.
Tbe iwir shculd sinod u|K>n bU leaa.
hDd there should uul be ibe elifbtsatl
Izidlotlou of w.-okiirss lo Ibe poetarosj
of tb* young onew. ti, n msiured boar,

hlw Una ianodmd. aad ao.- to
mind on fast where to* rcglaaMa!
toaudir wm located. Billy uhl:
"Do you eee tbooa three toati op
there on tbai knoirr
'J'he recruit nilmllied that be did.
*-tVe!I. yon go np there and wait tin
that aeaitoei walks to on* eod of bto

boat am) wbil* bis back Is turned yea.
d service
it miy
e it
i« eipaetad juai before be tnroa. go into tb* centar
a lliile down oa bit tent, and tbrre'a wber* iba smahtitg to
pastems. b'
I or eight mooUM oh) done. Mind, don't try to go to wb«
c*rry bl^lf oa op-; u,, sentry eee* yoo. or he'll atop yea.
eelevt for e herd boor.






is f

the package li tktoV* ea A 8
hHt toady tor detttaiY.. ~




fieU Oh bit wooA ----cbtMB- fllgbl VO
weK te aae bto ai
on tooM. taotoKM aad i
Wtoa the time Arrlvto. ta a
cyclist totind that bto a
raqalzod MOW wraicr. i
si a cottage osar by. bi
lady wbo came to Hw door M

Billy for hie

cduneoue .tofirioatloo tad etartad up
-hill. Billy watching him. FoUaw-

Herts Notes.

at toe csaehlae twioe ibe pdbtoi
tbe.ptoto of mrta. aa* tba a M
pnitii orm ue apat Mwto tb*i
cUaa .baa baa

n-»«»-i ■!»»«
'»■« »“'t'l'«<> «l“>AI/ »nto

Tbe floor of Ibe hayloft sbould ha'“*'
■*.““» *■*“> • ■*«
seed and do« tight. Horwee are ofien ““ hi* solder was auttog at a ptoa
lajwed by seeds and dirt talllog Into
writlog. At tbe recrulFa entry
their earn tod eyew.
»nn>rteed- that tbe taTbere Is no kind of eulual breeding
»h* eestry and omthat wUI pay better limn tbe brwdliig
"Is this the place where tbe a
It doner stoed tbe viaUor.
The geoeraj tUred at him tl
tbd conasqueatly loss of brallh. Caard sneb fsibloo at BUiy bad dona.
tgalOM Irregular feeding, ii leoda to
"Old aome one icli yun u con
make borsea U>lt tbeir food.
to got your waabing doner
Tbe bay usunll.v given In horses to
"Could yoo take me to tbe mi
told yon tbttr
-I tbtok
rfal picked up
otroiled down Ibe iDcllne scceBfBnM
by tbe rteruic. Billy waa tIUI cloaotaa
u, |goo ,„4 chuckling at bto Joke
*bto. looking op.'W^ ,h* reerwiTS
directed tto* beadquanm eomlag
»j,h ,he g.

•teadfiMHy.tor optoe m

otaaxO TbIa eradtog'l-totha way from Loodoa la a 4
MW •ace's niwrttor
oa waaiTb^lifC
waatt __
r M
ton to -to lampr-LabdM MalL
Deeay ef the Fiieliaysa.
Tbs fact that tbr aeato at 1
Twala was lamlltor to mfiiiy Itoto
MOB reeatto tbe deny pr«i

call of tbe J]
was Bdtt cAooo for wrtlsn to toC
tto MB d* Illume, ns K toa MM l»
be called. -Ariemos tvasd.- "fSmder Stick." -i'etratoam V. IMF:”
•Sol Lortafood.", "OrptoM C.
“Faany J em." -John -Phnanti.*
only * fear ef Ibe u - - ----------

uw |.re«ii.-e
pre«n.-e of
oi .lirc.ln
.lire.In milk
miiK indlcaue;
uncleanly methods
torelew* and
and uncleanly
metboito la
la p«a|'
dociloD aod bandliug. Another com-1
mop defe,-, t. uir flavored milk, which
may be doe I.^ a xnriHr of cai
BIN.V Hood op Birwigbit as a ramrod aad
feeding sttung flavored fouda. socb at salutt
luroip*. garli '. etc ; McvnA to feeding
•That * tbe Ban." ahld tbe reendt to 1
certain fetdi to etcra. aa. for eaamtbe goecrak
ple. ailage; ililrd, to odor* of sUage or
"Call the cecperal of the fhaid." ^
manure lo ibe sitble; foorib. tu fanb
the geoerai I* BJlly.
Hea of otanure and dirt geiitog toio
"CWporaleftb* caard" yeUed MU. ^_______ - — -.
:t-:. T7Ibe milk, and. Ufih, to not properly
The corporal came, aaloted. aad tto
riaaiBg tbe boiDee afttr nalag waabgeneral said lo him. "CerporaL taka r??* bwrtkrptot_and whabaeato
taf powder*. Lwirriuen, as a ml*.
btTc tweu <iulek to see
1 the. toUdteg. I--------------<>«”«• I man.-polnilwio Billy.-down to tto
when iwloicd imi and lo appreciaia
a tabnry. aad *a ttm
and bare him sreab thto Bta'a ™
tbe Inponaoee frain a buslnee* staod> U plaead. By pa
Sec thsi
that ,K.
tbe latradertag 4.
to tto hodlee ir
potnt of pnsinclng milk a, nearly per­ clotbee.
well dooer
fect aa '
Tbe gnirral maned fl w.
lb* corporal bmighl tbe two _
Good, b-g drafi, aeem to alliact tbe rocrali piedaced bU aoHed ckui

fa Ui SBiL «toadtod«i. II Utbepafpeaeartta

i^ckitbM.aa4 ^

Met elieoflon. end yet tbe perfret
draft borne la b.vrd to Bod te tto Mon t was begtBBiag to feet foi thto
aeenge rxjraiNcomooDliy. Extra floe CngU* creature. “It 1* *n orer betwen
picked op at good oa
Either I will manr
• »>
pttoea by toyera wbo want aarfa iiaf.
tbere la
aad the rfarmer gets aloag
rtluabie aalmals.
That la
tor cridlogw. bot the best.yoa
eogbt to remalD oo the fartn.



-metm- m ito

'ewtMiH OaatM to HMto.


—nuttiltto'-'wcn- aboot ooeihi-d
Famaanit to the powers veMrd In

•od that natoanee estota la the bolM

wb^ eondlUti
.«-bla*ry laWa
pamii ib» nae
f a*«n.«.aa Baio.-WeridW Worto


aboatd tw granted despite bU wife's
i! Tbe cold. Btccly smile
ttogvTlBg Ibe hatpin as
Deud a^ LaMbg. Mieb, Oct i:.. itio. I'«l wlinm* ihe'woild's baseball re totagiy for blood, slie Li*Md:
"Tbme lives shall be eacrlflced mtbTb* board of superyiaom dki n«i
«■ tbaa I bet my son
anslder Oto mnifflunlcailna nefez-| J- M, Igicni. of Norwich, N. Y, Is yonrsrvary tn vley of the setkin already tok-Ho the city Visiting . XV. X. Millard,
"Very well. luadsm." I ssM. drawing
«n by tbU board, hot the cammiinin'i*>io is'an old tine friend
Be of Ibe ocw belt dagger oruamcnit
-lib a lootbrr-of-peerl LiiuOle
tkm was reeeired and placed on fito.
I Mr. and Mrs j. Rivard, of Kauka
County oicrk Robert E Wsli.-r prw'l^K-. 111., are the gumu of .Mrs. VIn- abating le under ber u.— -vrry well.
I. since you u1sb It lei It be war
•eniM his re^rl 'in atmirdeDce wi’b ton.
la Ibe knife:- Then 1 mibdra-wtlto ncthm of the l«ard of « .niy^oj
Wbni 1 loh) Cbsrile wbat bad bap
H-m telsllte
to Ibe
:fppro- I
• ^
Hit OrHty Heels.
penrd be |>ui bl* bad on my ahoulder
lYtotion /or (be purpose, of bulldick
Cncic Jerry Feebln wte shout to nd crteil s* If bis Ueuri would tircak.
sevor*: plr^ of tr«d
within tor
toAhe country,
"Bteady. diritog.- i uid.
"U becounty according to the county and
tba OUeago Tribune, ^ar# you
•toea us to act wltfa decision."
‘-Urbat do you tneanl"
,„d I.., T.,,
"W# will walk eat aod be mstitod."
“I could uever do «."• be mmioed.
-Be bcoee."
In Bast Bay lownanip, irom the end hhAdPh*- " “What doe* be nani of
-I will uak pt|>a wbat be wodlJ da
of the preiwnt xouniy
^d east to
toanired Nephew UUI. et the if to were I. Yun women dun'e ondemand bow CDocb w* young men
mbip aiNMt l^ mile*. lb« SitT
need t faUieFi love and aympsiby.'
turn asked lor betog tJjAsi; in Acme momtog.*'
i Apn. "i
“Cbarlle." I nid. "If porting tb* nee
townahtp. ftom tbe Bosithwesi comer beep fima wMrtog boles through bl* entry pinch laio you depeed* opoa
Ibo losnwhlp adiolnlng the coumy' ■ocks.'
your father you will nerer be mloe.^
load In East Bey. theam ea«i to the]
• »
"I Bto but a man. I dam hot dtoahey ay motbtr.of north and aou-.h road.] _.
ibnui of .
“Cbarleo." I aald. girlng vent to tba
Bmy down'te Ibe creek, where.
td; Id Pamdtoc tosnsbip.
) Tb* aabtlliy cannot to any reantry be
■e of tbe corporal, to
c village II
the wo«t. dliguUed and no more to a republic did Ibe rcrmlfa li
Bile, more or Ir**, or a democmey iban In a kingdom No ■ Tbla ended Bill;
asked being
In Pile *>*■ cna resist tbcIr^fluencr^Therr rrnlt*. tie smartrd under tbe
Lake towneblp on ibe <«umy ro.d -un
certain hianbera which are teamed
bad tocurred and bortwd to do
atog we.1 of the vlUagr, toBiOfnclna
** I*"* *<"<•

letblag to seoiDve li. fur be was
nclng *" •***
coortnntlj Jeered b.v bis comrtoee
ooetloc Ilf. al«ut
bl* lanodry and oskcil to wash
Ibetr soiled riotbes. I'osslldv |b|e bad
(.uewed bvnig
Jl.iW; in .Garfield,or geaiu*. aoioelbtog lo do'wlib til, fuiere caIp. Irtiiu the east end of ■lie]
At any rate, b’e dlvilngutobcd
entoly «B tf.e noittoemt about >,l
hinwelf sc tTib kamsoca and was made
in»e. |i.toa betog
regocsicd. .vuo'
Ueaieoani. Baring siaHed op haL
I flnd*tk
be cantlBved to riimb till ibe end.
Tiwd Rice and Don

Jonn* aoWky. Billy Oicoit. wa. clean^
, «* "? tb. wn. Of
a reclroeof and never I.

- ____


Mm. Asa Kale.


tbo McaraUoo la tb* CoMra Ml ^

» ?“_???■“» *’“•>

A Woodardul Bair af Tfli
of*^hbi ***** “ '**^"*‘* •
-------------Blr^WlUlBB RtBiBy. tb*
aal**' •*>“'«
• »<■» *f»cf*d
i bird 01 fOifttwtults that cam* la troB oeUal. baa a*c op wbat la boUorad la
aod a atrona naaraiiD* beoA
BOB deOcau onM la tba
» aboitid be
b* dereioped a
accord►cran^i^t a T*i«no would world
la bit wlrai* U
lac to LI. .««. However, atrotif oboob
:----------------------------------y at tba
der deretopBcat to plR. undB a yoar S!;
DnJrocwUy Cotiece ot
a. tba
or Bcbteen muatbi old It obJocUtB~“h a Bolal loro
“J* dtaturbad they caa
elates laucticd bcortlly
'•*' *'’’*• ">* wooaa to % Tbe boar abonld be aele^ied to cor......
■ ••^fMhotBand ■
ailea caaea pot only (be (woperty. b«
any defect, that may be coBBoa
7^^^ “ "^1 ^ '
tbe cblldren. Cbarile’. falber aiked tetbeww. For eratnple. If tb. tow.
. JTT.
*"■ «
) are rather roarw to bone and loeooly cenee
However. I waa bMter
bHfer aatlsOed to bol'lt
the boar
hoar rbould bar,
nniii tbe
bare bleb diBldualnu* da*
a hndv of n«rrt«*> wkw ^
swa •".‘."T*
»[kt™iou ck
ot xeoou.
«... a now
bare a foe wonby of a womao i
toy and fine -------------bones, .kia
and hair. U
- iob
MA to the tnbr oad the tonefe rOtord
7^**^ “““• Of that wetobi to martad oa a aoM
ptwIHoa tbaa a deikatc aao. w
—Bents for tmifonne arrtred too. the ^ ^k..k _ ___ __
»_ •.
*he rlcbt place, but


noon's session of the
hoard,of onpenUors was one uf the

reclmaou roMoalac
one of tbo tent* of on* ad

“ ““
Th* iwlt oo» ibui Charil* tod
‘ *”* **• «M»rf of tbe brad of tb*
tonUly. wblle tbe auK»it of tbe foot
w.. of t>« benedt to ua Ur. Spaacler
aulked. but mid noluiaR. Mtw Spaafler ihre.ceoed 41ru with dlroree. and

ass." ■T"'™ ™

•tato Mrd ol

_______ _




owcome. The one keebod nlaat ibo Ij*®'
modard of tbe heixl: tbe otbar Intart-

tol.I blBi 00 I knew befoi
bl» UntlM* that nay love

Slate btodleni Inspector. ‘‘■Is evening for Chicago, where,they

»a l«08 and a
“**' •'>•« »»*« «»«y*oaf I
* Iroao at* a
-------------------- ------------------------ -------------*»* «h* »y»i*cB be eomplato aM Bito
*»ctty aal. fro. a toad #dMl t* M

l» bb on_

When I

V oulu. ThU 1.


un bla

*“• chief of tue.
a ad on tM left waa * teet la w^

^^l.^**** ““
_ , _


imi. M.V-'rVinli



alBi« tb* baaka of the
ot; bat oran Ula ataaaadaaa faspl
of «aitb d*o* a* lanaro a
abowa by «

• ‘«ea'‘» co«aMtori.bltob.a

"TLiT". A „_!!?W. beadttauter. o. a haoll.
of allX wiw. of ihahLi

.i™ ,b.,.

hSTalTnom 8prturt«w''.idh!^ *"*•♦♦♦♦ ♦♦♦?.♦♦♦♦♦♦♦

UUKCi OF $M14,2N

Vbar* ar* new 1.480 Bn«o ot i

Ana.» of tbe Caabertaad
Wuf at Itiii fmibiiui. Tw»«
fee tb* eoe* to ripen. Oenml

It wai really by pentlaiciK*. But now pertor herd of aowe wlifa raad rMulm. ‘’•olt hla aila.dreamp. llefor* tbea*
that tb* has cot him under iber* la
uae of an inferior
P*cod tbe neorry of tb*
ao need of either tact or peralitsr*. « hS^Qtribeadcjuirtera coard. Beailemd ahont

(>H«<wli Plf,. I
yuor avo ihall be mlue."
i^H^icM. ai delsate man. on ih.- Fife ijk.;o crouiiiU.lreoul
(From Wrdne«lC>-r Horord)
«d In
n le In tamr <
and Mn.. Merh-I There earn* oer her !lp» on* of thoao
tag the
Fife I
«ltaa Ijtdoi Brower la hoB* rraai
in the city ft. ;
tbo eouiu'll1 neclUicheI.I Oct. Id. Irr. of Manistee. ■
Trnvarao r» t* •««id to the oMre.
dortbc MT «hw^ aboora to Onod reslcnatton
d’an'd tMi’^lo toa^‘'
T- l^K left for Rap- >^«mt t^-Te* «d"sb/«l^ drawling a
be aoneptod.
^jMsUiia-nwrBliig. where she will apond i hatoto-oot on. uf tb, i,„ie ,pik« of
aifO.'fV IL-natae woMTo4'adillac
few daya with fricbda.
tony yearn.ego. but D eJoQgaied SCIwade and carried that two
be appointed
Mr*. Datttol EMtep returned to ber ietto;
depredation .. ........... ..............
“Take himr'
boo* In Kalannaou tbU Bonttocdohool NotoA
3'b* wutds were few. but Ibey ootMra.
he principal'* room has aa
teeifbadiliepymiiilJa I recoiled,
creaae In smober-of siudeats of
returned to her bone today. haVlug
»T* pot nep vvigor inte o
M*Ph55d°*OrI^ *tor*«wl SO percent, over last year.
|vUUod OR* of her old
am* time I :
•BfttfcB Adi rettuned boine.
. <Mlat OMo UlUa baa reiumod bon*
rae tb* iDolber c
from FronWem. where ab« baa bees gent tnor* tbno laat year.
Markba.'s firtl rlsii to TfaToraeiH;
omntoyod packlnc peacbea.
-Tbe aealor class orguiUed
tols'bud chtp is inmeosely Jdaosed will
dtr*. PmseraoB, baa rotoraod to week , by rlectlog the foHooIng ofTfoot Utoe. aftor a we^-a rlalt wKb fireri, rlt;
tbto eteni wuman iuer» w..
Mr pamlt, Mr. and Mra. iUcerm
_ W. C. Bat], nud J. ^ Ooreoran left into atecp woman ibere wa. . traew
left of lb* gmodmotbers aa they were
Swoiary—Rena Haaktea.
for Cblcngo tost nisfai. and will talc
bafore our uep birib.
Treasurer—1'Ruth Hoase.
in the Chicago ganes of the world',
to dtohc tttoiwork.
-Conalder ypur own love,- 1 aaM.
The jBoiOrs organized with the lolscrim." ■ i
^ Mr. and -tort. Brood «m to Booth
IWlDgl*for him wbol Is now .sour basband."
BftardMh Satordty to attend tbe
Mia* Maty Kr.Oil toft T-Je«tor Jor
PresMent—Frank Waiier. '
She tapped «ie talile'nervously with
foimral of -lit*. Tlbbrna. w bo died at
blit of^Cr baiplo. l uw that 1'
that place, 0« l».
had tosebed mei
■ pemd ite winter wlib friends
Mr*. A. C. Hodc«* and Boiber. Mre.

'Waffdn ^Ucr. under
b«. I tried anoltier tack. '
A V. Friedrich IJi ToerBey
aapicet of ibe nenito
■■ Aas. will give
yon know, madam.* 1 aald.
an Miienntomeni on Novenber lat. nt cnlpg for I'hicnco on a few davs- ixini.
that to tb* recooitrucUou of tbe Eng“ *• R- halt Mh* Mtttar eoBca eery imas trip.
Bab bout* of lords, wbli-b occurred
•V*“n, F^"a‘R.'’|.,'[^ru*a^dl “ “•
Turoday ereliitig for PWD* twenty- yearn ago Ulto* are now
Mr. Rickard of Traveioe City, wa^ aaay other rapaMr and reliable edu.i* IruiMeas iri^ to rhl.oRo.
fires direct to womeur
In town tbe first of tb* week.
.«■ B- Wllltonti Htt Tue8d*.v even
H do."
^W. A. Kent rofumed. Mb*
•ttendance m,
“Well. 1 bar* toauenre with ber
lOhdhlwi Bhuirday emtlbg.
Mjaaty to aecorr a tlUe."
Mr*. Har^ Fierce and daugbier
"Bnt yoi will aspect aome mllliona
.Mlae Bamlo*. l.tfi ibl. morning lor
tog occupied by the itopwidewt and
aeveral weeks' rU't with friends and With Ctorilt."
dim of Orand TraYerae county, tl
“.Not a cenL"
relative! is AllcrAH.
n tbe city of Tmrerse city, c
“Cbarll# it boaud op «W what to
Ulas Looiae Fraft arrived in ibe
lorea." ab* aald medliathely.
would break that tender bean of bla
^ oppoa* him bulTdint. which 1. a menace
1 taw my adraoiage. -| can be Eart
the health of the thereo,' ,rA^r
Heltlp..- of Ballymom for ibe askiug." 1 aald.
Vou aro tberetore hereby bntiftcd' ler.' She left tbu .fier«>on for h»r
"Charlie niider a corouetl" tb
Buaed droamily,
> abate said amnnnre o*or before,home ih Old MUaien/
"Aod Hiluk how happy our
“r”'’'!!''^!^!’-' dtoeottlnuln, tbe n«
Mm. ftom.ll Hale and children
wtl make his totber."
of said building as a place for th, re-^o^nm. ulch.. are apcndiug a -«
spoil all by Ibis releronca
Lhd detenllou of the depend- m tbe dty as the gnmu of Mr. and



aatymaed or be obadient t. her bar

nioc that Charil* i
Hoj* ■• tb* now* nod allowed to
Tbbi .polled *T*(y- rota* to maturity before belnc


D Mlaa I
Trldaj I


tatbar-. wM*. eouatrt to* moaOng.

«f I

laiBor and arotocn a &r sraaiw 4
than the dike *7«*a ot f
Tbia atory baa oo* i

•>» »«
«>• «»•
“ <>»«“* “» P»«
century la cb* n«^Ty la aetoeUac tb* Ml* U b*
Uaa^rcr ef ibc cuannieotof the
w.rd In tfatfr lieiiM.
» ’'**
By from tb* mea to tb* woiaao bla
.bo^j be
wirh ^
C»ea (ona«rty. when tb. wooma waa


paapl* ore awaw tfeat Itoll
IjMiw «r lb* CaboB ttttoa it i

»’«- un«i
i***- Taylor, the bTd^d?erbq?hh^oJto-.“^^
be 'ii^ bat”



Ov 1,900

Pl„«, UBiual
uniual MNr
MNr Allof
Alie, when
bu fntbef.
«»»• o.
O. W. Plea,
rather.,a. Ill luck would bar* mtoSbirM T7e.rt^^^.J^«^
Tolror w, -------------------------------- ----- -- w._ „ --e. . e..K


Bit RaptomS^fro.


^TAmmtmM Pnm fl ( n* ntoctlea
Mtoctlea of tba Wr It tht I*.
If' Bortttt, Olid tl It
oMatot of iht
sgs^a-'. 'T ~rl. writer that ooote t
do Mt haeo
Bltlr lo«uUp contrlbulM to' tbt« *
ta t
__ _ .____ i
tppiopriadofi iW •o« of ki.OOO.
t. Ula aaoUwr aald 1 aboold not bar* j aa Boeb aaceen ■* they «IkmU and |
The rewlatleat t
> referred t->

wna on »> aMe. bat eoald bar* la raliihs boc alBfUy bo-

WlfiwiCj5ph^wiTtiU Il»m'hi^hta^w^ii4''»£rr'

fity after


Inc kS.OOC.'vpoo ««4lttoo tbat (to

mnar«Mord>r.CWri* M «M U> KAlkukA T«

I M' Katkaaka- _ __
\ t ■



C ■( Oe nolh «Dd of j

ctlp a


tzs rt* rs

For Job Work Come to tbe Herald and HoconI Gi


■w ■MU uns wniuMs, «»■>
of aotaMM.
o.lucMir. «t
014 r»f»r Brow oor pfroloot Wtal » mlfbiy eurr«u o*
npUWBf. oncourxflBS powor oouH
'1 Mr«r MO cu(i) oMthcr:
........ ................
to all of.j). "--------K ererybody
re*ardrxlA vOl xpoU my imo4* hay ed thta tunrhine radiation at a Mcred
Ab4 kll tor tiop« uvMtar.’
Hit imit d«whirf dlmbi
Yob birr lui morr rubt
bit tbouiht by pto>mli
d^ou.a*win «U«,- «aU ed. sloomy (koucbu lot myr mind
U>«D you hxro lo *c»tirr tbi.tlc bocJh
nr *ir4«i.
(h« OBP.- toUd rxnnrr Brown,
rstaonU brtac a dry Bepto^Nir.
4 444444«4«4
WtB rlBM nad cUlki an wilted dowB, ^ HOUtEWONK MADE EMV. 4
a«»H*tol to >n
44*4 4 4444444444
-war. ttaa 'twtll rain." uM Marfollowing helpful. MBxible.
. Jorto,
practical talk l» wie that we aboald
Ttot incto fIH apoe Ui kooe.
all Uke to heart. The anlhor. wrkln«
for the Ladiea* Wotid. hai evidently
-Ah mr al«b*4 Parmer Brom that
oj„.. ,a* kBowa

Ahldkau. 4f ooum.-.aid toarjorte.



■BltBrftotal 40Blttir«a waa by no uubm
detrlaaaul to bar raal r«4a»aUoB w
a boatehaopor or to the «aafon aod
hnaltb of ihe fajaUy.
ARn-aU. thU waa the Mcret of
her lucMM aa a hoOMl^Bw: the
bootc wax cMaaly. alihouch not aJwayi -picked up." SuperdalUea were
dUpeaata with. alao. la the farnlab[“"ii'L
but litUa in erldeoee. and paper* were
Of In a convealeat rioaei la
.njerjy pito. ■. Mon x. rtad.
for taor^Ioolo a»r. tk« Ilf
,j, ,o»*» iud sour Itoy by 4n m
^ opportunity or health pcrtnilled. eloaela were «lven
«lrca their ftaulv
u^t ine pantry-the one ct»ai
_ __ _
____ ready for
,„,p,«tou, trli iBUnaui
my certain
kaowledcr not "cleaned" fur
To ■
Iona eoncrmis*
in which
Ubor my be leaMed •■hro »r
acareely op to the mark or when rotapatiy aj>d courleay demaoited our
prMaace hi the parlor rather ibati lii
Ihe kitchen;

p“! d“^u may ukv th. place of



b. .Mb., .lu. u.

Ai4ad raimr Bfown, -»ly inynble
I atraam from the boac. and the aiina
TWi Mtotoar haa frowa
admU that aritbodi deSnite Mean re- ataocy employed In dtaaalBR the ouipardlhk any tourae of actloo aomePorchM,
Jdy loeeaa have been double.
stovea may be
----------- *
0 be omlii'HL
rva pothlm left-—-Why. you've

waehini with aoap add water, loateCd
. .MmlConredliik all thia. however, la* It'• of belni blacked.
gZd lUrjofta. npoB hto knaa.
tat true that we bouMwiy,
A large aupply of lamp cblmney*
itathm are- often guilty of taolUbly ^
....................................... - • • •
“ «"" P’*"»tay wtwir
Where dual win'
a It to hto' M9 III the breach than ,
penetrate, ihnii obrlaliog the i
•lowtoM lo«o about pith .bright.
in the obaerranceT Orcaalocui
' eepalty o^ dally aUcntlon.
• ehaoifal. bApafol. optlmlatie faca,
m to uiMfty Ignore t
• radfaltaf aimhtae, Joy, gtadneiw.

"•'"‘.ri r,”

"*: rs;.*rr,^ r

to Mtara. Soma of tbe beat
wue ta tha world, who kwtp the
. from
tttar nmih *P. who "glva .ihelr alma

ttoo ond keep themeirM imgpRtod
from die world" and who. deep In
thMr taorti toe their famnie. winomly..would ta grwatly ahodwd If
thor wore lOM thol -they hove

A vmr tanrmtoi oU tody g«ya that ,
If tota
the power to etooM the
uf order ,m
ta« ftw* ^ ^fftad thing, to We. «,*•,

« ta iwouiDuiuea; aaa wowa not
aak tor tamity. beemme of lU nrato
# wpon ctetrweier; aba woold not aik
ter haghh. gtortoaa aa tha tiWMWe la.
■or tor gnttoa: bat .be "wonid pray
to . m».y dtoptahloa. m th. tao.
Ito •wnaa, ata ava happtoeaa upon
ttaM with whom OM comaa to emiU«t. than any other which falto te tha
lot of hay knmu cre^re."

M«c peopta would see nothlag
wanh whlto to thla’ poor .
e woald evta commit onldde
• lh«y totaatod na abe to; yet abe
MIM to And •ometotog beanUrnl.
--------- ‘h irnaaarlng op to tbs
■ to her darkest days ol
I oughi to. ehai ,
thoaa of M who npmptato of oar toflnftaiy btaer kn te life.
K oblMrm.wera properly tiwUmd to
MO Che weenauM to toa ctmimoii. to
find hMsg' whora other people ,ee
only kgUaOH; If they were trained to
tad tota- eatetoMi 1* <he UlUe exPtotoaeoi of tUe. ww aboald am have
Uo grto aeethtog nareet aad Alaeoeteat white WW aow Bad among aU
The troable la. we odiptaMae toe
wfMg totoga. U w. were a UtUe bettor Off. H we tad what oar Mighbora
ta*«,^ think we abeuM be bappy.
Tot we know pMoctly weU ttat maay
of toe moat mUenble people Jn toe
world are rich.
Wo have no rltet w e»rry abeni l-i
OM teeea aad beartog toe bUte banMr of swrrby. We tare no r^t to
flaoil a gloomy pictare to the taee* of
tboM who are .tniggUac to rtae .bore
ttalr uwbtoa and trtoU. .
»*My man owe. It to Un fellow
^ to ^ bright, chee.
^.04H^e toeq. radlwJag aua
tetoe. Jog, gtodnoav bepe toaiead of
Wnteuna aad daoyair. Tta bomnn
(b«e ought to be a aplatald pktaro.
sUteAltc. TWdlant with beauty, Joy.
and fcopc. It Is evary man's doty te
Tbtok wtai
to o) • - wiu
te m. aboM wtto
teoarM taea, and regarded

B birr
a ^
it at al
b a dls:

Bern* l
Lqrtr Ctkm.
«al>. add om eav^awar,
*>»« Ui •Wch two loval h__ _______
takli« powttor ara otflod. a ploeb <d
aiH. and oor leanooa o< tonoo *a»mlrut. Bake la a
ahallow Uaaad
*heo done tara oe u> a doth aprtakled with aupar. apread with JeUf.
and roll op. BoU Ibe doth round the
mho vid pin It, The cahe win net
upl«« it haa b««n
tbk* a loaf aod It arm rwealn iia
Rabbit Pot Ple-^Make a rabbit •
chape by cMoUtijf la the doth.
’ ibrre rbbblta. cut laio l
toll Jellv Cake »to. «—na. eue
e drlpplBBv
•« twoI plat,
plat. of
< bomn«
toor enta
enia we^ neaiao.
Urflliw watar.
waUr. tww
ukma mliMed. two alteee of '- and ouehalf ritpa of ttnir. thi
teaapoon of Ball.
eayenne Pry the
otUca «•« «'^lMPooi)ful. betlloK water addhrt>*n In a .poouful of buRer and add
^ Bufflcleot for two cakaa.
*ke water. rCe. Oover doaely and atew White Layer Cake—Real lo a ci*aoi
unr taur. Wake a rich blaenti enwt thr»o.)*Brtera of a cap of butter and
•a loicar
lamr and add one ccup of
l ilt lo reond. and lay ea top of the
<iui« of
iwbbli*; let theta boll, ooaeted rtooa- “ilk- Sift four level teaspoout it btkl.». to twenty minutea put th* rabbit ««« Powder with two cup. of Hour
In the center of a pUtter. arranf* th* »nd aereii^lttih* cup of eoeeutarcU.
d It; thlckni the rti- -'«ld tbe Hour, etc.. Io the fln^ Dtiti
vy with browned Hour aod pour over ■‘‘re and heel, then fold in the aitnyII. Sarre tomato catnp or no add taatoo whltee ot aevan rt«a Aaae In
>elly nitfa H.
____________ __
\i i,.„ .w ~v. u ...m

not tomrtob

tax pwt I

w (o Soar, kta —
Mmd. li to 4hlM
____ ___ __ ______
ehoM aud ntbbera. eaa to
Vla>-ihlata. the other tor
teblea. eooash to last about a week
*1 • 'Ua**’. aad II aar« me ruarloa
everr day. 1 paddej
m top. aakloc It aolt. Ther..
tovetlim Wni off
taw isoeh U baa-b-eu
Ihe .-hlldreo om It for a ts'.le,
» f**-'
«“d redte. Iheu

Dr. J.W. Fuller,
of California.

rewda to thrra.
Tbhe It altorrtber 1 think It It naed
more than any other piece -of fural(ure In the hou>r
‘'blldfeo ir. tic*, or waai
^ ***“
and I «® too
»»“)• 'U.uaUy In kitchen II too bu.v

thmu. i hi.; amnee boi with
*“« •Ull
Bwtber. aod toother be nh)a
•^'k and talk to them, and ha near
*'***“ ■*' •* •*"*
I uuai thU idea my ba ,aa much

Pohttoa. cnit In ttlB froth. Th. crenm mtut be .,tlt to . urioin or porterbouae I. fm« be-

of cinnam . pimh of aali. two table,
ol brown I
Pour drer
maioiia Of cream aod onehot water; bake. ooTerad.
moderate oven ooe-half hour.
Sweet Itilaio la Cream.—When bakIg Bweet poiatoea for dinner, remove
a Urge one Irooi the oven wbUe aUll
“• *•*
chop to tbe atoe of peaa; msaeo with
Ball and butter and heap ligbily In a
buttered^ eartoen baking dtah. »*«>«
r If three or lour i
'* *»

I-VR. J. W. JTLl.KR, Brleallfte Optk
LF eton.«M North MeUBk,WAngw
a meat chopper, aba can prepare
weak wiib all the puodoeax and flavor to.Cat.,wrtoaai
-I waa trooUad wMh eninrrh of ike
of a high priced cut. Here la
head for maay yiMm It uffecud my
Hiuiiburi: 3li>ak.—Chop a pound of •enaa of amotl, bMrtag 4^ Bight.
-1 epant louad ■ yd with flaeion
beef from the roond. quite fine, leawlih aalt. pepper, two teaapooa- ond tb.BB.unueal.p^noMiereBera aae, tai to no pwrpoon nutU my
“** * *'*'
*““■ niunuoa waa eallad to tha WeMertU
katrory. Wet tbe handi lo coU effeeuof Pernne.
“fJ-lng. form the
ull. round. Bat
Brown two taUewroonfuto of bee
dripplngi la a frylug-pan, and btowi It -ntiiely oat of my ayetom.
-Althoach weU atomg toward the
the aieaka on eae ride until rooked
apaa of mau'e Hfr. I aa na
half wuy tbrougb. then
ptoaead aa a chito over Ibe raeulto, aM
brown the other. Servp with brown tol like a yowag mpn acBiB."
t cream, yolka of
WMicetnadc from
three egga. uUeapoooful of putver■Bn^-lln M MmI UkBtlw.
Ired augar. teiapoonful of com .'larc*

dUimIve ai.rch .moothly with a little apoon of flour. Stir until umooUi and ■■m i
,„h nu,.
cream and mir thcM ,-im
and pepper
aUnce. Add a geearoua ptnt'Bf m4l^
ingredient, lo .a tor ane
fliiing only

■>'"» «»b'w,u,.

ladled Icinr
Cheap Cream Caka—One cup r
car. one-half hi|i butter, one rti
awcei mUk. two cup. flour, two ta
fpoonluln baking powder; flavor i
___ mm.
DlUde Into three
Cream I'llling—Beat om it wUh
oue-half cup Bagar; then add _
tme«>P a«>r; wel wiin »«t» lltd«
Then stir ttto mixinre into
. -----.. bolUna milk (uiing
double toiler to boiUng the mllk>.
Stir until It (blrkeito; flavor.

'ir.zr:; j— r-.“l. —-

aad napUoa reoelvlag a&re .ucu
That there la value to t.nag a pro- handamocthing. The waahlng ^uUl *“*"
to each day. work no one be done at different time., only the
**•*« totau. CobNer.-Cnt cooked
than doea.tbe Urge ___
_ belug ___™
waabad _on
.m m.^
P«*toe. \n alicea. aprlnUe wlih
writer of ihto article; but the plea while ”^01. oolored cloi^» taodw”be ““
tapper, aud plaoe little Mu
to toeM adaptable, adjuatable cm.
.uended to alone, if pcwaible. mon*»«'»'■ O'*-- »*•«”: '“en add aooUiMrat of aU. 1« aa cenalder the over. I wonid adviae .ending the larg*
I*"'!««««<*.. mH. pepper
idlilOB*. Perhapa there .od hmvy plecea to a laandrv. which
•» ®» u“»H
It women look npoo a.a will, I admit. "Ube It out of Uie
........ ................................. ..
ceitorton of their work more than clothea." Severtbeieea. what
their waahlag
Ironing. Baeh ukM out of them, will be ta_
hooMwIfe U. aa
taethoda, a law of the hoomtwlfe who o< nda the cloth8*rel l■otBtl I Pie —One «upfnl of
unto heiwelf; tat almeat alt wbo uy.i ^m-aad the body U m«fc than t . boiled and maabed awoH ^>tato rub­
bed throogh ^aleve; add ooe-half cup.
----------------------- _
lul of augar. onehalf cupful buuer.
wee* aft the ftnb. while Toeeday mnat 4444444444444444 creamed and three well-beateu ege.InevttaWy be apni In Iraalng the 4
4 flaihr with the rlud aod Juice of onei
ttaltaewhk*.re piled white and dry-h4^#444444444444 bait Won; l*ke without a too crum
lo the baakec
1»e Mowing redpea. gathered from about’one-half hour
about, one-half hour.
_____ nowal aourcea, are all -toirted and
. hart been proven wood. They are ec- -P******®" **'^1
n. ume. wh-'
ZTJ Pmdallr timely ta^tatri.11

mrtoliii 4H ttamtarw. and la the tow
ptMMi hrt MOM Of Hto ilMlf; “Tbea
•birii toe thy Migikber an Utyiell.'
(honglit 4f oar r
and wtat It meana to oor ^n ter deferring the


)<■( on a hut ptotlrr, hartap Ibe tordl
hi the canwr; mytob vtib . toMl
poiali and eartr pantor.
Broltod BabWt-BhSn aod Mok )*
uh water: then broil Xtoallhe chicktix orrr ehaixoat embm till doue.g«Mop altb pepper and aatt. aad )um
eeodlaf to the tabU iMar orar
, droaalo* mde « two tabtoopoow
e' laeHed butter, tao of rliwair aod
prewdi iSuaUrd 9ert« with a4

■----------------------Homeaiek Medicine.
Hvre la a lovable Idea for, the
bomeidvh daughter uway at ecbool. or
her wing, for the Aral
time In
m .
- ’—
tk^bualneaa whirl of
the big dty;
Thankaglvtog Day apent enforcedly
at boarding .chooMa apt lo b. an oc
«““ta to the child

need eight
able- aiicta of loait. which ktadM-be brown
apoonfala of ihin gravy or water. ,ad ertop. Buuer iheoe and iap-in a
«Ptata "tan, the^bver. roll up flrmly
covered dhdi Tnra the retory
«*d tie with twine, not too tight, grary over It and nerve immediately.
lightly wUh flour, aad fry lo Do not dip the loaat to the milk- Tto.
>‘»rrt pork fat; non pul it Into b a delktona dtoh of'which a
“ «"» • MWfwpan M will hoW IL goto not eaaily tire. <R«vntoace»tt
l"«> ‘ta tod tot ta paa pat two chop- ummlly enjoy tu atoo.
tad onJoua.'ind
onloua.tod cook
c ' a tow
*<»d two.tahleapoonfwla of flour and^
f®f three or four mloutoa; loth..' Make i big of. tabued ttae

DKtiag. Pm all toe whita
arhool at a dlabOBie at Yuletide
unable to do da durtag the abort- *“
Nu.ember holiday.

” “
ol-aalt-tepW B-ater. uetog good w%ite
aoap. 'TEr plenty, of waler^buL aa lit­
tle eoap a> B-m do ifaa work ptenjli.
Celary ToaaL
.t dainty diah for Suuday-nUbt ir. Dent rub aoap on Ihe bag; J^ly
la-IWiJery.loaat. For'a amall famih’ adap the water. After ^orough waoh*
cleuii oCr modaratc-aited aiallc^f <vl tor ^uac. ^..ihi»c dear waters of
hvhool o
ualng all the atrlli. rouia and >NVirO tepU lemperalnwtytAke th* gHgieal
ider from tbe bag and lay o« a boA oF
bla.ii-hMl and
the Arc table to dry. ptoring H to good 1
and boll tin lend*-, taking core not to avoid atretohtog Plaea to air t
loundailuQ. It la abaped Jlke'an old- 10 htfvr too much water, ao that I' dry. but avoid suMhtoe.
faabloDed "huaall" or needlobook,'
fuldlug oier aud tied with nbboa.
Eight ity ten .Jn.-hee I. a good lUte
tor toe case The ouuide aboald
have the followiog Inacripilon lu
paint, giii iirii
H<MU>-alcknea» Powder*. .One Every
Two Hoora '
(To He Opened on Thaakaglvlng )
Dot lor Home
When upeued on Thaukaglvlug
moniing, the cam reveal, eight goodsited tnanlla envelope* carefully aeal**
»*“> «ta hour
' *'Vt'hose wfc eai^Mke fl00(} ^ tW ke
make a sucMM m Ha. ?
“r which It la inteudcd^Ctad Ueadotha’-taiofBe^themm.wta-vtbfitaJoacood
^broad has the best fotwiMtei tos WKcem.
*o ^ taken at S a. m. .her rl.lug
To be taken at |.) a,
ulheteportMffgemmtD<Mn»k A man cab broad .
To be taken at noon with a glass of

«mulng harry
*,n ha better and
^ takod orlrlwl dry. it mua: i»
eauae of tha real, or th. fmM that
Sweet Potato Bun—Three
other more Imnortant inier.^ >h>» ** PhtitoUy .teamed By addtog the
twee: poihiuri. one and
^ukln lij^.ve beeTflral at***“ •* »*»
®taf- P‘tah
of aalt.
. «o«_____
wi" toft
T one and
b. .0 tf we' are coltlvaitag tbe pUnt
the fleMl very hall lewapoonful. ol baking- powder,
of n—_
toe Bower rt
one . pint cream Boll potato*, tonrealty. The mind U lu own pfice "
*oaai Hare with Cbeetiint Btutflag
®"e with cream.
_ —Rmaov* the hewA Inaa the foreltgi
One of ton neatoax women 1 ever
itaelhir flour, aalt aod powder;
P^taration, MU inio
knew waa ,i,o.
alee, poailbly.
poaalbly. the wlaeat tack end the bind one.
oaea forward:
and cheerieai. PrlTlleged to board “hta a atufflog by remorieg the sUa>
*“tatb dough, form Into
with her dnrlng my ieachtog days.
t cup ol <
u boUtok
till r,r. M-M..MS ,|M ...a "ta”1. "**•
V... .
and bake to hui
learned to love and honor her both tender, (hen maahlng u a paste with ,
iweiily mlDulea.
for what she was and fpr her mdtbodi. a Ubteapoos of butter.
Sweet Potato Puddlnt —Peel
The mlatreaa of . large borne, which a little salt, pepper, numeg. and lem-*.......... ........................'1 that she
• moat on M>ee: «dd
wash a large awevi petato. wiiie
•e dry.
< ♦ for unaided, she waa m such fr.ll bread cramba. Mu and flli’toe haro
*”*' *
haalth that taking awiranger 1..... ....................
pouio la' being grated beat one
family would not bare b«»n tv
_ pepperw.
_ Anotorr
olftea etufred with
■— Uie hot milk, and let It
^ bta not mj neta appeatod to her. p|,*,ia, mmbod' l. to"’hak^T tot'
Ttaref«re, It waa that she eliminated yoon*
yoong rabbit
rabbit. wUboni
wUbooV utufdae
wUfflng- >ed
»•' «toM«Mary "fmi^'from her nerve gnrnlahed with allMd'lemon
i____ rrvn“ add
“btapoon butter to
tauaekaeptog. Uundry work tad
aad a'botdfr of ctinr fenemeat nail.
*»«*“••»< ta berwell. aave
■ eg Ibe Act SUr the beauu egga «li'i
eattohally her haabaad or ponalbly tbe
V token a
taarder wns able to give a faMplag
> m with a grj.c
*»» Mved beraelf from o:™
»“ ••‘U b-ll..
„ U„u u» ■ T,,M, ....MM
prostTntloB by
”^0. waahlog the larger plecea on ^ * golden brown, djkln and serve cuamrd la arm. Serve hot aa a vege- f““hy rlgmaroi.- in tbe form of a long
Monday when most retted by iwwaou *"'■
- '
letter by aome member of Ibe fann:,>
«*btaib. while the amaller-aftl- ,‘"*»‘ a rabSweet I>olBio Balls -Boll aweet l”“»‘™'*d by akeicbea. anap^oir <•
plctnrea clipped from advrm>cmcD
'talcver tto/
Pototoe. until tender, renwve
*“ pltarwlae leant occupied. As for
* '"‘tab of Mvory herbSMlt
^ ^
and old magitlne. Home >okr».
taai wai toeaphuoua by lu
tappar to uaie and a thirkeatog
. era beard or dlpp-d. borne new.
talng almeR omitted from tar duUea.
®®ur. Wash and aoak.
and a liule cream. Ponn Into
w>n»vo»e verac and even .
"taota aad plllow«xet. towela, under tta Twbbii; cat into qoaneiw. lard
, .
gift, atuthed lo the abceta all gr
*’*•“"«». all being amooibof tacon aad fry them;
of breta and brow-a m toe
"P •
-Ifcwrjoo. pnwir
** *bUe y« damp from the line, aad *tan place to a ttewpan
wiu. the ^ven Irish notatoao may be nrenar“o.'tajgia pieveutPe.
‘"“•d and hnag upon the bare to dry . b««h, herbs, pepper and sail; aimmer
,b a-av and fried if ore“"■>
**ly ubiectollu. aapkiaa-end Un Woder; atrato toe gravy, tokkeo ferwd
toio^gh a very blue Thankagl>li>s
taldpm there any of these, paper It. boll ap oacr and pour ever ita rob- _
-i.v, iu-«- _/n .
---------------------“l*“ being naed ordto.Hly-b.nd- bit OamlM. with alieed Imnon.
« IT n
kMvhlete. nnd boaae drtaam aad. Babbit 5ytcaasee-Remove
'o yoar qucilou. "Wta’
what a flat-iron was.
m»*t from toe bone, brown la bmter
housekeeptoi »ld
A. ter aweeptog gad dumin. m, -bu, ^
We ' 1^7^:
frtend Uatelngly'atated lihat when
«•» ««lor;
voMiamly until „„ht be tetmed e flat to a .x.all
the dost was too Ulc* rhe drew the
aad atotmer unii .
l tenner; to- u,oy aw brown. The paa should be town, on .econo flour <,| boose. | i,,»e
ctmalaa, bat tbe tact Ws that abo '*"*• ‘ta Mock to a pint ata nae It to qr,a-B back to a cooler place and the ,ao Hitle one*, age. flte and w„e».
did endeavor to keep toe boasc rewllv “*** n sauce srtth one
- -1 bacon laid on warm plat, and pimred Thr*.
ago 1 a*kwl my
apkk«iidopaa. yet when for reanoas tatter and two of flour; aeasM win in tbe tarn
The sweet p«a- ir he %uld not make i
it eeem«d w{w to def-r toe aweeptog «'*»f a teeapoon of cwlew salt two
.r.- »
n toe hot becoD M a lid- to fcevo thleg. In. and to be
_ toe
_ daatlnt.
- abe ------ -------------- —•
- — tatau Jolce. three drops and tooted until brown an oor aide, m the BUben for a coach alsa n
tetwatetag that Bs she of onion, ooaw salt aad carmtne pep toea taroed nsd browned oo the otoi.' teund a board for fid four feet fin
^ jam
per; wb* tolte add a
- hot Mta They ere rntmigml to to. cm to^ lotrS^neTtoX.^J
way,- wbUa toa r**I e
te tbe bream: pour the aaoce utowiy peer/ tor te a hot dlab ^ toe bacon dte utaada ARm toebes tesm floor, uto
^o if ue appareot ttat a II of two s
; atlr weH and poaod « eroamd dibm.
tog H eoay ter telMrea to grt oo. Th

There’s Hope
for Every Man ’ ^
ButdsbotelbeiMkiodw bolmamc. Hrormi hdp dm m
o l^ttto eat heavy bread.
Net madt tbsl be ccadd «ai vrSd
e him indirteaD quicker.
But ImIm bteod, such as cMi be made cd

Lily White
"The Flo*r tki But. Cooks Um'

It good {or matt, vs-oomo and cUd and m htfc doses, loo.
fti Mid taaopbrnsl vte
ra dtis regard jod a e .............. ..
•VHITSt of the white, is
mod heakiid {ood wbicb Ibe Ml baa ev« yd grown tfoB laa Ha."
Liy W^ made from dm cbomeff wheat, ba frctenpct
strength to
LIGHT fasead. and d you are u«g low ta*
nukes heavy broad it wiU pay you te iteow it away aad gd KMt
■ ,
Fos ale by yem droler.
GrM< fUgMi, Wte.

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