Grand Traverse Herald, July 01, 1910

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Grand Traverse Herald, July 01, 1910


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text









Mmmi- HaaMm

ArrfvaB bi


Met He Mep Mmm fer CWo^,
Tbe am trip oTthe «
pBinImeJ br the


Mra. Nan pMi Heto as Lapeer an
Ctorgo or PtooiMt a Horn giu
m*PtoSor wate Aftor Hor.

(ProB Toe^’a Record.)
teortt Ptoler needroi a win teat
tugbt froB tto otpetolt ai Lapeer,
'sutteg itoi tbo^bte arnaiod a Wo­
n’sc aaiDOd Mrs. Nora Dill, oe' a
(barge ot bone siealtor Sfaertp Pboter belleTeo this Is tto mmaa who
made a geuwa; with a bunK- aad bugBrtebaBon's Urery
LIQHTWtlPMT^OP HIP CAR MVaw ago. tea rig batog
«r CtoUUac. StorlS Shu­
ler left at c o'clock tbls aoralBg for
Lapeer, lo bring ibe sroiaan back with
Wao Ppoading In Ordor to Usho
bun It U said tliat ato
Pod HUI ate tto MaeMno toWtad by a 3-year oU child
dad ate Turnod Tortlo—tog
Woo AIM laJuMd.

a dtiaet na Crete Cbleapo te tbie ottp.
»aa aada roteardar. tee etaateer
teg lato pert iaet oreaBs. to
aobd a CmlatB Oaorpe teb
Tba etennerbaeaaapaeiurof «|
Bba Attl Here Cbdeom aoery Uoadaj
MONItnV OWNCnt wim 4*K> and Tbaraiar aftoraooa at f o'clook:.
aad wtU eoMO dliaetir te Traveoe,
air. Ob Taoodar tea teaaUtaa li
te arrtf* at t >a tbo aftoraoea.
TtN* Taa« WmM He* *• Jaea aatardor aba *01 arrln at
e'elote te tte Boratea.

^31 UR Tun sran




Meaeatoaa. Mlcb, June 2g.-llli
Mlo tarf)liK laitlo, Ur. Ctkarlus >esvor ot tesAeotona bed a
cBpo. Wbllo Bpoodloc ble uAcUee
to aa oadaaror to get a good
tod hUL tbo wbaole oktdded end
KlfWHAU bO DCCLARCO TO: a BAobtoa torttad bouoo side up
plantog BasTer to tba *n>uod
bad bruloe oe bis lea and
Us heck woo noarly brekoo.
no doctor oallod tor bolp sad sev
ml faTBon rtebed to hU esalsUBM
Tto maebtoowat lined o> tron blei
jaei ea a partr ot tobarBsi
ottor ante caao ap.
Bearor was laken la a hurr> to Us
If bto dSte tos booa aarteluf I
BBiIl ranaioat tea aocideni weald
ted Oil ate Tab
bATO babe tstaL As It was ibc bte>
of Us BAcbtoo was hadlf brokoa up
aad bed to to baaled
laaa.. Jaao W.r-AUet'
Ate OoBitel WlekonbaB todoj ta adtbo Harrard law
doeland that tea Daliod PtoUs bad
roacbod a petite wbaa ft wae i
laiT te «arb Booopolloe la te


OtePtee. Jam PA-TI






te atUUetto wators ot tto Maetetar
Hver ta tetasAokee cmaiy to
tela dty ate Lato nty In Btoo
towaaUp Is OA Ito Circuit cotet dock•r July before Judge r«te P.
Lnash. Tto pantos ot reoort i
an WiUtato Barwatt ra Urals MOOB PTAJIK OKUVfP
tUblar. Bakted Bametl toandUly te
MsBiatea KJ'ar lYiser -winrsay,
which coapaay asplna lo the conlni
tto tends adjaceat to the at
-Mae Rettef te Oae at «
1 r.c comany te repreaeaiod by Tneerse City capllaltels.



Jackson. Mich..
June SS.—Arm
Ana Arbor. Mkh, JaM' PR-Tto
strong today cceUAud lu wwnger's per
(eatarwe of tee i imbibj' ri tee gswJury trial teal be asked Weager ston
aaniatloB so tea UalsnnMy M Mitel
l> after bis arrewi if Meager was hU
ot tee hroaaa bte rotor-of aafriend and received sa atennativa anPrneldaat AagsQ. tto ^ oT tea tate
H« leatlfled that to stowed
ralreralty Bagaat JUtear HBI. wan
RCLEABCO Vanger tba mooey wUch Artnetrong
tto praasAUUon addraw by JaAteOte
sUeged he fot from CrecA to In*, LUE OVER YEiTEROAYto WRECK bert M. Stark# of gaMasw aad tea
bint and aakte Wenger it he reBetuspaach ot;^nceap(anoa datlrarad a* kaOF DEUT»CH4.ANa
bered tee occurrence.
bair «r tea ragMla by C^m B. Os­
Lalec Artuaironc admUled teat to
snied a defeone for Wenger baton
Tto baa raUat Is ena ot tto «m«
tee grand Jury. wtoA to dented tea sum, aoad^ naaard
log the BMoey,
ot MROSR Tto earaasoay took piaae
Annstrodg cooUnued by
batora a big andteaoa te tea MsBBr
Reogcr was not present at tto ooatel baiidtoc at 1 o'Moek.
Mterfenaea with May Adwortliy tba Buf­
falo friend of Convict
to aheagttec Ito ctt. Mr. Otean
Prowna Will Be THed Agsin ae Soer ibrough whom be was aUetnptUg
gae ^ appearM Udar an tasaald te part;
at Petaible as ths Stste it Ready
Ddeiaraa tto'■Trip PravM That Ha
toanilrcb (Jraen tui later aaw tor.
!B «ba «Mi 10 AMoar betea tbo
'Tto Valraralir « Mkblgan. ter
FavorCan Navigate tto DtrlglWa In a
L aad dire tiatlmiar ae to the
tto paopte of the sut^ weesgsa (tea
ad Can
Pterwi tOf^Can Only Paleo
' or ttWr paepeetr. TU board le
Clfi as an twpsrtahHiM Bark at tto
the Problem of Landinga.
« tbed an aMd bo hmd «bo
tors and raapaeiAAs tiM«af*tete kAS
Chicago, June Jf.-The Brosoe brlI to BMW. aad u tlM
bery Jury was dlscksrg.d (bis s
Berlin. Juno 3f.-Zappalla te haart for aaotear. Tto tala Arthorm tebt
aMn «bo oeaM not bo
vltbcwt reaching a veidici. Tto>
broken over yasterday't wrack of tee AA axahsd roterd ter ctrta rtate*
tadar. tbo Moelea «U eoatlaoe
taw aad order, and ho toeorgorttkP
cued U« boars.
Deuucbland teoagb aU sacaped.
«r io, tea* a. N erm tab.
.tela aaattoABi ptaectaAUr tala teg
It Is reported (tot tee Jury stood
Ha declares he toSBtolatety
0m mtu taipeMta ao oppei^
work of bte ate.
S 10 4 lor (abTictkul througboui but
retalld a 40-pasaeAgar alrahlp.
' ' r Id ^ twtiMeaj .
0 doderad tbo bOl a
-As a ragant of tete UhtaBAlte
tto Jurors refused to dIaruM tee balHe declares tto trip proves teal ha
Got Left Feet Caught., in Paw ate
kiU. Browne bad left tee evurt.
can navigate tto- storms If be can gas* at bto UBS. teteata a*d bsasa.
Had Peon e Maaon tor More Then ‘<10
wnlle Trying to Free It. I
ibe •boretaa lew-wee oaawod.
AU work teat asBa te htei te tM* a*
>secvUir Wsyman* derldad teat
aoive the problem of landinga.
Yoero-FiiaeraJ PorwlcM Will Bo
CaugM Hie Right Le*.
irfUr^ «MoMi aad tboap.
He rocrottte teat tbo eoarte bad
7 WM glraA cAiaM, and atete
Browne will be retried as k>oO as
HoM Prtdar Aftonwon.
^— - —iiidit tAo Moen- booa BssUt at tea laec eoaalap
BBcrtectel attaaUcB. Aa a rajsat a*g
teeslWe a* ito state Is ready now.
UalMclons. Mlvh. June ».-lial
■NM-br tbo fold OMlo tbo Ptaadard at a«d lo
staBato. to mmo te te|g» «N»^
Judos McSurler Quosltoate tto Jury com MTIcYik. owut-r and Banagai^ol
totoasd Ran. oMte tbo eldoM Bs
■a vaato a (tear dot
. TdMa'W'ttotBiifooadiy fwpaa Sr. AatelL tea twand lia ouUInte duly Itocb man as­
k aad eUpe data aoeand. aad WtebonhAtt approvod iba railroad
ognlsad Dr. AngaTs rwt 0^0
At tbo hoBo ot hU ion. Ooorge S. sured him that a declsloo was inipos- loot bis Ii-g and bad bis ottor toot
• «R tbaa bo Bade.
•an. a riUsaa. and and H adaBter.
and «as discharged.
Ball, of til Norte Ppruco eireei.
badly cui Bp naile sawing hinitor at to WAIT HAP FINE OOCLBCTIOM
»liba taartlBB bat aabbaua■Tto yauxa a< pasea an mmo tekh
AT HIP home.
I:M Wodaeodey Boning, oher a leu
bis mill.
» vn be OMdo ta tbo TAlaatbooa a( war. K aoctetr Is IiuHiiiI
Ulaoss, cauaod by s leneral brvak
Wllrox nv aas’lng when be
ttntllUbollppMpartj.- aatd $eendlrscted wteate. oDAteate W aN
down. Ob Juno 17 he otocrvte bU
acridenity got his left loot cAUgbl lo
1.1 ttvtwi *«B tab wtu aot be aade
tZnd birthday Aanl\orsAr>
sw Id an endeavor lo git tto Meny Varietlee ara In piaam Owl of kinds ara teas apt te eaaw. TW prata
I \ , dMI a* eoMiati U aU la. Wo vlU
tto 4ag plantad In Hannah Parit
lassa of paaea ara tea grasiMl te
Mr. Ball WAS bon la Utln. N. T-,
me oul bte rigbi teg struck te
, aot be able to olTf aar tfwaa BBtu
when bo bos oae slstor living,
apoeh. To thstr aateOsA te
md was compleiely cui o« aboni
leUari. bom At tea kaaMlHii. AAd
brotbor, Bltoe, neldM la Dakeu. and
half way belween hla knee and foM
to la aarviTod by two ohUdiwa.
What can to ocaa la tee line of jDsOao. araotad ot OhrtedAAkr. tetet
was hurried to tee doctor's ot•iRli^lka lABya^ vtu bopiaeea
Goorg* K, ot Ibis oltr with wboa he;
nee where bis woandt were drrwsed. rose culture In Travyrae City is wall
J* . ea
otiuiT Card omk tdbor Zaoor Atlopaa That boot paat
Us bOBo. ate Mra rraaeoa Mom Eaeellant Pngram Has Raei Ills left foot was saved but bU rl^ exanvIlSed to tto gaFdae of Bd Wall
HIb tte Paoaaoe Ho .<Ndl»tte
*f».1tiilMM. PMty aw
KoHor. of CUcMO. Ho had boos a
on WasblBgtoo stroaL VMr. Walt has a AngAfi. aad ^
a tete teAt J
Is off with s stump of aboui
angad and ttia Cauraa Tiekata
Hha In «ho dounwt.
Jb the oHb «n bo and at
klasea for oior* teaa 10 yoart.
model back yard, to evgTy way and bto MIL bauar teaa l
iBobes bejow bl> knee.
«flib tataa. la H3atH
raaerU aervices will bo boy at
Ui bosbes produce blooeu teat are fcMw af bim. AU orar ttes werit an
Battlo Oote. Hleb. Joao M.eab^ aad plaetao pMportp bontea
many and beautiful. There are all Hardy man. wbuaa Mtate wara-atetehd
Mvabataaol oa tbo lote. lb* rate Iter Saw ot tbo Jourial todar •«- eclpck. tee Rot. W. O. Ptowoll otwhich will be held
tons or roses from the amaltoat to tto b} teeBAaotauA wboB tete knaa*
Ubnatba wU be lovatad. bad tbo l4lod for a warreat tor tbo ana* ot ftciauag. At tto grava tto tuU mJuly
to August 3. are much
largen, tncludlgg many rare varleOee. uUl make to Ure ocatertr. M ha MB
bOBaa «oi aet bo aaj bIWor. te ooao MiUaaalro raod Itebteaeturar
aailstlc borlal Mrt Icot of tee Maaoatc encouragecT oier the outlook Mtbough
The ^rdc-n was started but two yean lira toraTar to Ito hMttt Md Ptehte
daoM tbap Bar bo totror. bo ter. in
lodge will be held.
ini ot lIcLt-ii
ago and many of tee bushes were ' aaaktoR
aaperod et tee dotebal-a
i *«• had ao pTbtaeU abatoeor. tron
assure l^e board agalnri lu... in
rtontud only last May. yet lovura of
-To aU who aOAB te teak tel R bo
J tea teBpann vbo boeo laaiaod vbat rtdlcnlo-ot Ptet'e
ealcrpnsw have out s. yet bv< u i
i will fled many a^
known tbH tete te tbs teas te am
tea praeldaaey or tea Tiadoo Workbeauty Tbe garden starts akmg wbdaa ruUng pasHaa te Bfa wm ten
This roorm- wlU cwstst of 30 nt
Rtata Food Inapactor Dame Oaelaraa tba back ponioe. or tto
era In all and courae tickets for i
That Daatera Must Uva Up ‘
fenev lo tea north
Horn tey.tors te bte work, tan
entire aeries, whiib will cover set
Law df Be Preaaeutad.
fence, nbere on each side of tto 0*0. of tea tiBiUaas sad. tan te «Mtaa
da.vB. can be procun-d for tec sD
there are roses ul Cm '
aad law. tan te GB aate aa* tan te
snm of »: each When It U remem­
State Fbod Inspactoc G. M. Dame
God. only 11 Btab aoat AM baan AM
the new. R. p. ftoonpee Wae Taabered teat many uf Ibv speakers
was In Use city yeoterday, and de­ alM buabra wl
.... hraia aad body danlog U banwy
d a Ptoaaant PorpHao br tea
Means CKanglng at Thauaate Aeroa wlU appear hsvi- a national repoia- clared teat tto pure food Law to re­
separale bed as doee also
tohis aeasura te rate usteatoM ba
at Wasu Late into Money Mak­
tloo and that the uiosk-al and enter- gard lo latoltng cereal sausage te In
bus Irish roe.
iiauL Bote tee dooor asd tto to*laioneut numbers are the beat
ing Rrepaaltlan.
lull fare* and be gave a wai
Hannah jait atoo has
ored Btedact ara type of tea bate thgk
Tbo anew board «( tba Pint M. B.
can be procured It will be seen
word to tbe reiaUvrs s to are aaUtog that to well worth saslng, Itore bring
ttoa has prodnaad te tea wmt
teareb baa ftroa teeir paeiar. tbo
Ibis price Is i. ry, tuudcnl indeed.
lai brand of aauragv
rroBOAt. Mlcb.. June d—Oral
4UO rarirtlea of hardy Oetman. Fteodt «or tea perfeettaa te Bah.
Rot. R. t. McOfopeo, a vaeattaa aatH Rapids capital te haoktog a plan
W. P Needham Is managing
"HereafU-r.' said Mr. Dame. "Re
"During aU agaa. ttooa wto ban
1. Tble
(toutauuua sud u be te devoting tellers Iimsj sUfsp every wrapper a and Engllsb.roses, tbe fodowing being
^ ^ rritt MbN. Hw RMcM «Mmw'
daralop a largo ooaiamlal apple e
tog In bloom at present: Usdam Qa
tee part ot ter. MeOrteer. la fact. It obaid at tela potoL Tto roAllsatloA of considerable tinu- and sttentlon
kge ronialulog cereal avilh tlu briel Luxet. s light pink btoom teat
have baaa tea gaardlaas te tto woiM.
as a «MOt eerprlso to Ub ate tto pten -wbl mean the changing ot closing tee tns.-iy deiails. be will
at CiBpHteVboM.
words, Saasage with OreeJ.’ tocetlwi
flve years took the prixe at ling- Tto paap4aa te tbls great woMo* anprecisK- tbe acUoo of those who come
to wae et trot Jg«|b te aeeept tee e<- 1.WI0 acres cf stamp land fit
TOS* show*: General Jack, dark
will always be batter tor biiBg
aroA to an orchard ot 40.000
had Dr. Jases BarraU Ai«aB aad
and be aoHritad. This te Trav- Inch square Tto ffne for not comply'
rv .,
«WBB BOAor ooavonod vUb bis
1W Rer. P. T. Iteibet Atbtoa «olThe land aeleeted te well lo­
At Arthur mi Mar thstr Msm
nfy s Aral experience of tbls log with this law te not ms than |2i, Baron da BonautteB. dark red; MadWtU ill tbo pbtpit naUl Rapt. a. cated, H baring good air and i
»»*«. todar oTor tbo >0*. dte
Oaorge Bruant. pure white; Mar- a'wsya be an tasplraUn to tea vasnature and K should be made a
arrlTlBr-& tbo db te ttBo to tabo Piwtoage. Wfalia tto treat are n
more than HM. together with
St Duon. rhell pink, this bring
roaveo aad BSA Wto wBI mm
•as to every way
Us fstbor ot tbo teaaPM«-tep Tbyoter OToaliw prar- tog anutrliy. tto gnmod totwaaa tto
than Hi days, nor more than two one of tbr hneei Irish raara; PnnI
wtibto these waHs te anrte te tee
Among ter speakers are Ibe Rev
tbo oatin Boltaor -- Bootim. '
rows wiR be asad lor small frulu and
years, in tee county Jail, or toKh
Ney roo, cberry pink, the Isjgesi
asDiuel Cadhsm Pate, D- D-.
highway of virtue aad trate tad serMr MtOraper baa act jot daetdod
Tbo taetorr. oteo
MUeaad that tto tasurns from
lhai grosv; American Bsauu; Lady
Gertrude M. O'Bellb'.Slward Amherst
:Mte plaai. aad ooarr baUdiiiB oboM to wm spate Us Moatioa.
te sate ot ttoM wlH pay tto i»aatog OtL ex-Ooveruor Joseph W Folk
Artbnr Hill, dark red;
<«^<ha teio BOO deotMpad te tbo
expanses aatll tto applaa are ready Ml^uN. tbe Ke>. Jobu Dsly. Tbomu
light pink. Ttwa* ara aU gtowa from
«%«ba^ plaak ataadtef oi tbo
u. barveo.
inmks Ktetcher. Robert 8. Aeeds. prase court dacUlon In tto odetaai-_______
stalks planted _
last toll by Edward
Hob. J. Adam Bede ate Mtora. Ralph
Biughaw. entertatoer, Packard
preeenL wlH be
imm mt m.m. rusts
cartoattot., tto Kellogg-HaJnes 81t«year. Lovers of roeee will do well
■-•Pas-.y-teoatad. Ho te oaable rot to
New Orleana. June SA—United
Farty. tee iloustons. tee &-hildrel
foUov teis (oUacUon.
tetea *iu labaOd or bol
» Par Com oe PnipM.
PutM pgiator Meteery died euddarNO NEW TRIAL.
Hungarian orctowtra sod tee Sterl
B tore laday. TRe canse bas not been
Waabliptea. 3am
Tto totorJudge Nerltoger nwrud bis ootuge.
OyuMallsd bat tto Ai
tee Bumbera. the whole
Linger Umger.' a Jog or two Bi
Wera MaSa. hrihrWHs
e of the NMt excoUeni pro- Judge Lnteatow Denied Dr. HydaM to beach at Agoua. East Bay. yester­
« a aerloa at doeteloas SHdartag nMotion Today.
'liWsteaiR Maa brepand for i
ever ondartakes to the nortA
day. tee cotuge now Handing out­
tleae aTotagtap li psr eaa
Kansas Oty. Jnna gS.-gadMa 1
side the city UmJta. TMe gtras a bet­
Shaw to^ ovarraiad Dr. H.rda-s
The regaetleai an bend m tbo tar
UoD tar-4 new SHat on tea charge of tor riew ot tbe bay. and glTsa tto today foBoMd tto atftke
lAAstog. Mich. Jnaa SA-JasUee;
Bordering OaL Pwagt and tee dc- public leas nmm lo sit to tee front
Osttaader at tto Bnpremr ceart, to­ WaMar «okM HteTAia and
. iBa Mbsal Tte tete wa
Wateon ualoe baa Jial am
yard on 8oada.Ta and erenlnga.
Laga Brakan.
day atom la ITS BOW neofaB'k. gcadaceoaat te tea tteuMl ta w
Patoakey. June |A—WWW oockli*
ot Ana Arbor.
Will Deanand tatradHla*
1 a aaw nUU at Wabeias. Walter OoTWD EARTHQUAXCA.
to help uaggan otesr a
Bona. JuM PR—Tto toraiga Bla*«toObte In Pniiielia at Naiv
Tbo «boM* ftekte i«l bo opoa
Boyne Oty cttljaM caste across koa. U ywara old. was eatwhl to a
Isur today decMtod u> demand Ctori- Tto Bin ta eisaaR
«ard teodiah ate Ptetetpwith <300 laapd^t to to Aeed by the ■haft and Tsealy tolarod bettre to taMorde Were Made By tea PL IgTto a
BeateA. dan ».^toaeeTeit apeat Westara MlabIgaA DeyalogaMai to­ epoU taar liliisilt toos* Aa aiB and
natius Paiamagrwph.
fraai wbkh tear i « aetateC «p Afv
>0 aigto eo a gaea ot PnsUaat
bate tags ware hr«toA. aa# «f tto hula tto Ifie campaigB.
Oeraiand. Joaa ffT.-PL Igaattes
J. W. PJaHw and PmMMif Jtara
Lwwoa at Harrard. Ho —~*-rt to
ter to two piaosa. and to te btdtorad ooltaga reports tea rocurd «f two dte- teak tee into tete awnUi« dto PL
ea of tbo toaaltr ate
a msaas Rath aad UUteB Wto- lo bATO Rasa toJUMd tcunalty. Ha UBt aanbgaskas ten Borato*. Ttoa tooto, te sttund tto oadPtoP M Mr.
tOB arrlTed teat night to asst mmo WAS takao to tto toapUal where to
Btotarto atoea. oktatoto te
A. K aBOMM te n^fhga
fite VMk OMr btoter, «. A. WbMOA.
•L ateqrM (MrsiR
g JilitafiK
. .
Itea ^ teio a* haiilBteL

w4 «p HI S o'eleck thie Aft•^
■liiil. Ill III xTBP to tbAt bof W_ .lil|«tethBBtB.aAAa
' viaMaw pBt te tbe*
ai9b^1AebMi4.TWeBMi« pMi.
r Ue board.
. of Pt]rao•U^
a. Bad
A wlti
Lprd. and Chief
I M. TvM. Oewt So-.

nFJUiNESsn PEoru








t2r¥®^ « __









' ' V teiari Pteeoo bis tea. At b»




Wa an ttod to Mta tint toR poloa dapartBMt bto takaa atapa to ao
dinot tnMe that tba poaaBdUto «<
will baoatoo non nnato
Wo kara tneoanUr nllad attaattoo
lat tba walrerBal rnla o*
1 baoa dlawardod and
Mwo drawB vahktoa and
blepetos toitod to abaorre tba totoaotta to baap to tba rtofat
BaToral tlnaa at tba ooraar of mat
aad I'Dloa atraou than ban faoaa
tbrooRb diaroemrd far Uila
« nla wt b
f aa oMcor at tbu




Laa Qoddard toaacbed bU boat r«a-



bcerle* fram II.Is lu

ilAa. Only a few .trawtmrries go to
the ouulde market, toral Aettmad be­
ing bimry.

oa and bli
reel proud of the *0000*03* baa made
la this U* Brat vattarw to this Ha*,

vtowly. cbe-Tlra being quoted
to 11.3$ aad

lardar- it to a
Mr. Goddard baa baaa bear
frlaoda aa wwU a* hl—elf can joaUj

Itot^ic' ’.'.111/Jto


OUMton. per to .


Five kad* ot hay weighed at the
rliy market thla noralBg oua loud
selling for lu aad.tbe reat PH a«A

be having been ably
ftlber, who is a flue cVFeoter. The


boat la equtpfied with aa elght-bo.-^

Kvsrrwbere lif.- I* bring mSde more
■ brtaigli the work of Dr. Rtag'n
Lite i'iUj la CtMUpailoB. RIP
touaneai. Dy.pepala. ladlgectkut. Uv­
er troublea. KUarv
llowvl Didder*. Thcy-re easy, but
sure, slid brrfetett bulM
up the
beslib :'.f at t: A. Ihubee Drag CO,
K Wall A -jouK, Haqoah A lAy

power engiae.
tba oenn 0* rrool aad
Cbicago. June •P.-lviatoe«-Kaa>
Brook* (jaitern having been bought
atraou. tUa daa«ar to larfdly obvl<l.ol^lu faniy. uoruv; lair to guvsl
Westsrn Michic*'' •
*d. Two of the
' Wbila tbara are oo otSeera on tbo fe«< la length and flee aad one half
elng R.
^ Bopn* City.
otbor eontara, drlrara abouU keep to fiet boani. U U to be equlpiied with
life preeervera and oan and every
Cbirasa June Mi.-BuUei—8teBj.v;
tbo richt foot the aano, avoMtof aoDeltolt, Xllc-h.,"jIIiy
ooavealMee and It U awe to be an,
ctoetoi and troaUa to tUamaolna.
Ulchtgun and the upper pealnsula are
Perry Davis’ Painkiller
ornameat to the beautiful bap. Ur.
conrerued in what !■ probably tbe
Orsw* tbr |«>s aad masimrsTlsa Uvm bre
Goddard ba* act ai yet deOded on largrai inist comiiaiip opcratl
sUemaui IIMTI lai-s. Ul--.i1.. sad slls.* the
name for It Ail iruat be will
»Mn^lsc<a Bv»4Wlh' bi'o
Be. Ar ss4
Uiehtgaa la connei.-tH>a with .
firsts 17c; prime nrata.
mtub pleasure from
-lirm; daisies. lC>,RlS\e; twin*.
The L'n'oii Tnn.1 company ba
need a tiO.<KNi.u<iu deal lutolvlng the
lie of the oM lAkr Superior Irou a
Chemical company ul Ulebigau lu the
-Sew Yo.k. J-iner.,—Butter—Firm,
er asked t
newly organUwd Uwr Suiwrior ln>n
ruelpta t.,3n: creamer, *pe<4.1v »
lUiie yuu nev«M- askird ■
A l'b«nl=nl cantpauy. lu x>r|iora..-d
I* Ul Him
under New York laws.
lu ell ber ias<UMlCBB Molor
There I* muen
Iniereei In inner
on V> fi
lu cllbet rs..buslu-sallke'
In cither esM- was It lair 1
nsiiclak ai'J torpoiatlun circle* ov
Ceiling a iieUbbnf to sign
IV that ba^ of the trmn*iM>n aland* the Staitdard Oil ktihip.
reeelpt*. It* set. fnvh gathen-d.
PberlS Sbuirr returned Wedoeidap Rlabard Oarland, Whe Lefl'Trseen
1 bund wiihoal 1
City tJ Veara Ape. Fa*sM Awsp
U .tiiybiKly asAs you to sian hi* Isuid. lell bim (n gn m. If y
m Ann Lapoer briactai wltfa bln Urt.
3U Iw.
In Mt. Veraea. WasMacton-.
.am a Is.ii.l, wnie.t.i i.\. It Cl liTISi. at iTraversc fit). Mkh.J
Noa Dill. aUaa Wboelor, -who wi
glale lnrdn*<nul AI<-o




tag immnt amr tto i-opJ» «to
• «MlMIBM*tAirptar. TtaMMW«|«lOT Mk i« BMX uuli tuac from
«u* thv ««



N 1

Allopoi That tho Had He Intent ef
Wreap Delnp dot Hired Uw Aab
nto In

A CRM tn pdot U U maitof o< D
tntmte' Mp nul from tb* treat
iRkaR to tM fill. cspMtRd Urtdr igr leotod ueoral dap* apo bp tbe La­ Ramuel .Gariaad. caaaler o' Ui
tOtooft Rktopm Md fRpKMtoH Cm- peer authorlttoe aad held for tbe
Clip Bute bang, re-x-lved
tote ChkR^ pR»erc are tlw oppea- anad Tranreo tberlS. tbe wooaa be­ Traverae
telecraai Tuesday
tag iMltcr BBfTMN. Tb* CUcuo ing aceutod of bore* *(#*1101. Ao dealh
of hU brother. Klchard Gartoad.
FARM bn at tobM eeulKbQt Uioutb <nnp*ayla| ber li bMhlttto dauebtor.
Uounl Vertioii. ecaleof Waablarnn
alMbMbd. Ua maoa for (heir op- about } rear* oM.
Richard OarUad was a former reelHr«.
tmMem to OwMlAItu aautor Mint
dtul of Traverae City, but left here
MeaMi ho tk URMr oivoaad to tote atcallBc tbe bora*. deeiarliM tbai ahe t years ago.
PM* «Ml HRMRO vtodk -woaM prov* rented K la rood faKh. paplng for It. He became very proeperaua aad was
« ItiRilDil dii—a to too auto ot aad started u pec her HIG* glH
the owner of one of the tarceU *101*1
mak4tbb.'bBd «hlto it Miiht ha «a- Cbany Onre. When abe arrti aad dal>p farm* la the state ot Wasbdnbto tor tanTj ChlMto wtd oUiar there, ah* aaid, the stored over a dap. lAgtOB. He waa S3 year* old. He
and ber busbacd oxirlnced iter
' DIMia Attven. ft
vill f^remembered by many 0: tbe
' AMtoet dtobdMfttRRa to MtobltaB'a It tbe came book to Tnrerae atp older residenu.
fdi* woald be arrested tor horee cieal
tn*t aad r«MRt truR Intaraata.
The telegrcm sUted ao tunber de­
tail* retotiv* to hu Ula*s*.
•CMtor Banwa daaarraa omoi
mmmt to kU aattado tn «p»MUb
to too FTBROMa mbU. FraM & Wada
aC toto alto-kaa baaa la
RRM.vRR tba aaeator twon tUi ptopoOutot Wedding Wet Betomnind at
■Rtoa'aRd baa tp^roi aararal lotPranel* CKuroh This Memlncton tnn Ua to vUcR In ptoeM UrnBeth Ernpleped at Asylum.
aaM ditttoetto am modM aa totaitotoc
to Ruretto Ut
A very flulel wedding was sole,
gtoa to UR tba prapoaad tanaan
Rov. Ocma* Cochlln In the Prae-,
toed thU momlag at 7 o'ciogt at
, fMto« tor tbto canal to 4 nttor of
Pranedt church, the bride being Mi*>
Jbrc !«. bddraa
Htoel JohUMMi. and the groom
. atar Banwwa i
Qlntber. Both young i«opIe have
*1 MR toV to pou ROW that eotblnc
at the local asplum for aanie
vn ba pMtolRad to ba Rom to towor tn taartiage fbimdap afternoon at Uma
tba iMto at toa rMt tokaa wltbost l:tO to Bor O. Frltaebe. of Zealand, Hiie bride, wbo wore a dalatp dres*
RNRtoHw iRW. Brarr baitoor Mtr la at tbe home of tbe bride'* mother. af while mull, and carried her
WtoMbk. aa wan M ovorp trait letar- Pleaaani Vallep farm. Tbe
book, waa attended by Ula* UaUl
Demas Oo^la performed the «ereoto ia tbo MRtto to oRMood to itBookey. and John Donovan waa be»l
T*r ROORla of Mtobtoan who an moap. la the presence of only the ImTbe cerenmay was pwformvd
fa«F awako to tbo iMaaaoa «a)aa ot mcdlate relatlrei of the bridal couple. by the Rev. Fb. JcMeph Bauer.
The bride wore a dalntp dree* of
UbUMRto tnRtotoronana not
Ur. and Un. Glniher left at »:33



white mull, and carried pink r
6be wu

t of tba



to vt*K ber parenu la Uanlaiee.

decorated with roeea, marguer-

tUR ototo, tbo povorful
A 4 o'clock iBBtoeoa was aerrRcRator Pawotn ta toto ngard MotUd Uk.
RM «a nonieubil'
The hrtde waa abowered with beaaWO Of Mr. Bnrmn llful tiru. Ur. aad Ur*. PrlUobe
. RRd hit 4
ktoowtodM « am- will leave tor Zealaad, where tbep
ucRRi imiitnuu oakM bbn a paruo- wUI make ibelr>ruiare borne. The
iMp MNRt toMM wbaa R ooBta to beat wtabca ot a tort* ctrele of frieada
oppoalitoa to aaeto a atapandoM pn- CO with tb*4a.
' toot aa ^ nuacto pooplo are atrlrtar to wart tbmirh eoRcroot aad It At the canetorp the Rer. Mr. PerWORM ba a blew to Mtedtlau ahoald cwoa bad chare* of tbe eervtcee. aetbo»acRto at tot ototo aot doeddo
aUied bp tbe Rev. W. F.
• Uoaier. The
—acMlR Mn-to too oaaato
quarlet sang "Kearer. Up God. To
Itoto to Mr cRo or tta naap laotoa- The*.eca to wbkb too power wMdod bp
caa bo nado aSwetA Wild Bllturd RapInB
brlnsa dancer. suSertac—oftea death
' Wtoeapb tot aouoac of MBan l» to tbouaaada. who lake colda. couch*
ptoTRd la bDcWraa'a fraU laurotto.
■toiitoin/ to Nectbm MteUgaa. aad
aad fever, pain
tba frart to^ proMaiod br tbia
head, and a thrcat-crlpplag
caaal proReaRtoto It ahoald be mot back of head.
eoBcb- When Grip anecka a* poa valwRb a torn toon tUa Plato bbtoi wtb H* pour life, don't delap geiUng D
klQ too prcRoaod noaaan.aa tbo knar- King'* New Dleoovery. “One bottle
toted tbotoni of tbo rnat labae cared me." writee A. U Daaa. or Pine
Utoa., “after beto< 'laid op'
*mM caaato a ctoaact la elbaatie cob- Vallep,
week* with Qrlp."
I'Vr tore,
dittou that woald oaaoo tbo loo* ot three
luaga, hemorrhages. Coughs. Cold*.
nUBoM ot donara aa waU aa a powi- iWbooBtab'CouCh. BrancbUls. Asthma.
bOc. tl.OR. Oiuranieed by
bto dMtwintlaii of too dnatoto aaaau
C, A. Buebee Drug Oe, a K. WaH A
or too ototo.
Boa*. Hannah A Lay Merc, t

bul niiniiany. • large dtaudaiJ nil
aubaldlan. end the under>.uiod ■nsm
I-urptrie yf the new <111 iKiraiiuu I* t<i
Fvek>|i ihf output of «u.jd <•: mdii.-.
•Ul alcofwl and of ae>-lali- ol lm;e


•rs, hot houae..........................

Fine FVed


Uu^.^bei;'flour. ;wr igii ■. .V-.‘.'‘jS i
•irabsu. Dimr. .-er asck..........................SOc
rthf- flrjr. per ock.............SOe
Haai.rionJ-, n.lrv teed ................ |1.S»

Ur. and Mrs. Fred Waraer from OM
Mi**k>u viidled at B. a Duryea'a ovtv
skoiw iwwris^but. llr««d
James Sap aad faatllp weal to B

The July Interest on Deposits
in Ihe Savings Department of
this Bank has been credited on
_our books and may be with­
drawn at any time.-,, Int^est.
not withdrawn will be addeti
to the principal.
We will be pleased to add yournamoto
our large and growing list of satisfied
customers. You can start the ac- count with One Dollar or
more. Now is the time.

Traverse ¥ty M Bank

K-iir**..'.:;'.::;;'.'.-,:'.'.'.:'.'.'. IE

Oldest, Largest sad Strougcsl Bask
. la Nfirtbera MIeUgaa.


Bamaah A Ley Co.

THetOlti Seml-Aiumi Payment

Savings Interest


Becorc Large Stumnage.
In sddlituii <0 I.*)*. pruiH-nicR a.
Fork Uoaat. par lb.......................... Itotte
tjulred fnwn tho oM <uni|>any. ilu- le v
..iiipiiny U a.-oulrlnr VtT.f-il an-* o.
anlwoiHl fo;o.-.i land U. fet-: M>r\lao<sl.
iutni«ge ooiUran* nivenng
rro«. huuiwhlvti the rordwu<lo has
III le-cn remiiv(.Hl. cI'Iuk a total].
oort supply from U*i.Ton a.-res Th.t-w rvn iMiny is also aninlrlng ri.i:
iimd liraiitiies and *|.u<k si:cri-.mtiiii:
iiillvs and a l.-a*.- to lU.- Yale imi.e
Bes.-omer. Mlili.’In whun r.t” tn
iiiiis of ore lire i.Uh-UoI nm
Cbop., per lu ..............................
Tbe cupUalliaikm I* in tlie n>ia:
im of »l«.u«i.iKKi, of whiou *s
III oomn»n and fIJi»ia>i in i.i>
lernid s
■uiSorlied I

A Wretched MlcUke
are itfp licJilng. painful dialn•
0 LIflei
Slierr niy, ?
' llll I got a bo* of Buck
:*klen'* A
ip.w< n
Balve. and aa* aoou cun-d.'
r^iO.OiiO Ilf the liondr will Ik- th-ii-il
Bolls, incera. .J'ever Borek Ecaema.
and 33,AOn,tino held In tta- iiuosory
t'utA Chapped Hand*. Chilblain*, ran■r future- rts:ulreiiietii*
Uffloers will be as lolbiws
kuiiah t
IH, John .loio-. Ikoion. u.e
lent and |^•no^n luanap.-r. M
Matthow*. gs-neral tiuinaaer ol
Bovne llty t'hemieel IV. IViiue t'liy
Mirh : sovortary, L.
Ho.iue City. UlciL; treasuivr to
1 by Dominion Iron « :<ie«-l
Long lAke. Ulob.. Juae PS.—Unl-el
Canaeln U woehlng for Ur*. E. E.
Matthews and Ur Knowle*
tlieir resilience in lieinilt.wl
Ura. Gertrude Ricdmrdaon
franr tCie gviieral liipai.c** offtees will
Traverae City vi*lied ralatlve* in tbi*
vletntip over Sitodap.
Dorotbi Eii lyii the It month-.'
Ulaa Anas Mulrooaep from Elk ItopcinKhlcr of Mr and Mis
Id* visited Mrs Will Were* last week, i
ruupion. of Old UtssHwi. tell troni
Tbe aiork took a etroll through the
a low (Sirrh Iwo days agii and --ustan
neUbborbood to*i week and l«A
od a broken arm. lb* two bo!ic-> of ili
lliile eon at Dave Nes.iead's and
likbt lore brio being frattur-d
tttUe danghter tor Ur. aad Ur* Cku-t
Mowukwud-V ocfipl shi-diu nliOsoin

per last Bnadap to vuit reUtlve*.


eropertlct Traneferred.
Thl- prupertlea ttauUt-rreil
r si* eliaroual |>Ik Irou
HI. M.M.O ebemlral
P’um* at i1ani*i1o>i
Urt*. II
Aenlund. Wis. rieiit. ai a i'Ui»u-r
th. *e plar
M ill soon l-e r.-bulll or
enllvelv new plant 1*
he bufli at Choeolay.
inventory of i!»e pro|H.
pro|K.iiiv« etiwr
loiul vail . of M
ly ha* eel aside |l.i»i
Id and renamed the vliar.-sai plan's
Aabland. Matiisilitiie
Newb.I Elk Kaplds.
-MuJ'-ni meib.
e made the kiln nnwboJ o,i«.lot<-.
owing to ihe aliobol and aieiai-- of
" ne aanli'. Iienre new relorl pluuln
It Is estluiaii'd that Hu- uew and
iiKj<icl<-d piiii.ta will bale au aiimuil
ipu: at mVPiO urns ol .-harroul pi.;
m at 13 Ao |MT inn. or kcy.t.iasi; ;.
l»>.O0‘> gallons >.l wewd alralK>l. at
a.' Ih« gaiUiu. or »tv.;,tii*.. Cl r-.-.-Ksla.uiids ot «. .-taie of lime, at 1 €. p.IsMind. Oloin-ratluiui




Why not be sure of geitiotf the very btst Rrade of
□ew stock Paris Greca. and save tbe srorry, lots of
tirue, loss of plants, etc. that follows the ase of old or
low grade ^rcen. We handle nothing bul tbe best
grade, fresh made Paris Green. You are sure yon are
(getting that when you buy it Of

S. E. Wait & Sons
Traverse aty's LcRdlsg Drug Store


iSlffliThc Johnston Mower



■ .-|it«Ki.Oly li.;!ir


%' in .-)>.*«-, w lib *

Mrs. J. T. I

...--------tl ud
k**R toada a Mart

-- _______wbo
aeeamtdatad lomc
vaatara in boainuee
ngaf wbo bhTB

JfARhlWtod a b«ilRa«''t< tbtorow'L____

w hMSdfhisSi"
IM.»e «• entai. Dqoit. i. OI.SI.1 tod«.

Ua*w CmM ■! u. & 1V«Mir


i:; >*ar i-W i-iv rau

:i- X.i, 1" JcHii-LOti Ii
. a aesaMn of -.aid ri-ert. b<-ld at
Un. J. T. Ueedte ealer}*ine<l Wed
Prohatw OfBtv tn the City
iH-»h p-fi-.tly. T'.
I- 4-a»il.v r-tuoii'd 1
*eday afternoon In honor of Ulat Traverse City li. said County, ou iLe
Clara Ptubd. formerly <U ihU citr. Sflb dav of June A. D. mu.
* :i i< h give t-vea b»
Wb—lk—lUlk liruaJ Ixv.
Hon Kr-d H.
II iia.iJ \ivum.i.
torn ot HUwaukee. wbt^.to epM
Liii *’ilI 'lart kuifv *. -.«,u .
Judge of 1‘robale.
N“-‘' “"»»'■
div of --trfottat
i week or two visitiqc oM time
lu the matter of Ih.- olate of Val
-ooiigb to give Arm bearlag and
and ibai *ald vlaitu* wlU
di In Ihle city. There were 16
ntloe Llndeu, deeeasod
k-p *il -beftlng II,
u;l..i arariog t.. run *pK«bly.
rt on TnurwdiiT
'Ralph <-ss- having Wed
preaeni. tbe ladle*
brtorng tbelr avir and H.irrmrdlat* vhaft bearIM-wi .Ly*-Roll-r u-aNue*
oon bla prtmoo. pra.i! .
work and epeodlag a very pleesani
g- *rv -Lire] SL.I ‘i**t |ir<-.>f.
private sale Ini
BOOB. Light rerreehmeniB were
e In {vrlsiu
i;-a ii.g—He,.<! atl-, *i«— lii'at"
Ktu;ii K WAI.KEH.
therein .leM-rlb.-d
JudgM III lT.>bal,-.
1 asiv. separate
Cr»iik 8bi!t l:nii. .n honuiui.C iio..;ioii
It 1* OTd>‘t--d. that 'be N-ih day of Jut.- i:.;i Jul L Uli.
July, A. 1>. mo. at t.-ti ovlovk In
DaStlYa Dear.
the foreuoon. at said prvibate ufBce. be
I'linnii—lyini. wood with bra'v nialUbb- <-OBn««loo*. habbhed
Boot of dew'h seemed re.«tT »« and I* hereby appointed for heating
bill-*, wich W’pirti* uil cbaBib-ra. «.-ry -iw> to adJuM.
opoa tor
or Unrray W. Ajen, at Tnaall *ald petition, and that all persons mlu-.'.-na liar—Fte-t. l-ad ua ondv-r *l4r al»»y* rigid. eertioM'6fs]
1 lu* waa svu-.leresled In aaid estate appear bet
laved. “I V I In a dreadful aaid cot
bead r:> ;« lop a-iil Ixntuni
u said Hue and plare.
tyemdRUm.- he write
“my ekin waa show n
whv a licebs-- to sell '
i;-van3i—FlUOil wlih ev-rrali-d Nte.-l pi:.!*.
aaid n-al
.oaken: tongue Interval
coated; emaciated from Iratog 4* lesiale abouid uo( be gran
Ii itr-.r S'-'vl one pit-i<. lb- couaviiiog bar Joint la wide
■» mhMm **d bed.
bda. growing weaker dally. Vlrak
11 u further ordered, that pnblK
.-•i lu iBSer laiuL.- by *ir«; p;a*.
Uver iroahie pnlUng me down lo'niKlce thereof be given b.v pubhci
vmty <d Mreil. UMulia.U'<
ie^ lit
ot P
TRen that,
that irt'a'^'-rop,
oiider. for three
tht.-r «irto apHd
^BC***of a eop> of tali oiider,
..livers .co^jvw v
w«*-ka prevloua 10 said day ot
resaUKd th*
he 4« pounds hearing,
newspaper prlau-d aad
B;-e -he Joa»loti Rake. R do.-* the wwk.
* 1 aaM roentv
Judge Of Prohat*.
jBly 1. t. IS. «.


IS r.'SLT-i.r


Price. Cash. <45; Time $48







Road CoBtraets Let.
GMtracts for to flrot work on tbe
tWOpMO Aun* MUtiU.
new eouaty toad bUeb Is to be buUt
• mj9oo Mr. Md Mr*. Bkelleo *r* boiL
betweat iioawood aad Woten
kuon roa*c ao()to. *od b*U «
were awarded by to county rood
toUM Omu luo (Mr kooe. Tkw
BMM»lor (niit keoM UaknewB ParBte Aro Vtetet- Blaakraeri for Iron county. The bW*
0>W—■ I. TtMT IMJ, Vtwt-' ITUI ^ K OM* W
teg ttw Law By SumpliM Oarbe**
•at; B. fISS'E CIlMh. VM* PlwMat; t*rB. *o<nb ot tb* «*v. to uk« u(>
calted for wore tor
•MMtt OMIME. OMUa: X J. 14^
Into to River.
teg ate lumplkteg ei^t mile* of
wrt. A. «■ HetBuA iMlnMt
Joho'Moaroe baa started oork drlv- sooe ol them gtring Agures oa to
. Ttmt ua m.
to pUe* te to river te to re<
wbole eonirect ate some for cortola
to wotk.
rnmml Outad. H. C IMk i
to pnrpoee ot establlsbing • dock
matnM, w. w. tBitk.
Tbe eontto* tor to Brat tour miles
line. Other property ovaer* along of to road, throe milaa bet■ river bav* aim eagmged Mr. Mon- cUy ot tronwood ate to city of Bes11« EM llMrai M TlM M»««i
?-* wrvko tor tbit work, aihlch seniar and one mile east of Beasemer.
will keep Mr. Monroe bniy for
swarded to Joisew Oinam of ironM.
an CM
RttMMil at B*av*r l•ia■M Undar tltne.
wood. wboee bfd of t«.30S W was to
In apeakteg ol (be work itaU mora- lowest lor thU portfon of the road.
Mormon mio-<OiM LIvod I*
l, Tt»*«n* Ckf. Mick.
Travoroi City.
Tbe next two miles, which are te Be*-,
people of Trarerwe lliy had >1 Bi
eemer townalup. were given to John
PeUMiliey. Mich, Juae M-—Tb* oe- orponunity to iiuikc of tbe river
Hanouaefc ol Ramsay, w
ly tody lightoNiw ktopor on Lake beaui.v spot Instead of the unoighily |f.y».10. Tbe next atll* went u> HenMIebIgaa' lives at Harbor Point, the iblni It now ii. Tbe dork lime on
oykonea for $1,700, and to last
both sides of to river. II built up. mile to Andrew. Jioteiie, for $l.6oo
faiDoa* nortboTB HIchlgaB (uom
would leave a river bed SO leei la These laucr ore tsro former* who
MIM ELOA TWEBCLB AND CHAE. •on. vbere *he ha* rvoldod K yeaiv wldlb, aad a depth ot ria leu:.
vlib’hor kwband. D*bIM WW
near tbe piece ot road for whub
. TM* would penult the paa- tbey submitted bids. Tbe Aguras a.
Mr*. WtOlaa* vm bora on M*ekteae iBlaad. and ba* Uvod In to gro*t aage o( any sited craft that would' given above ore on tbe engtneer's estllikely to pas* up tbe river, and
toko* rwloa aU bar Ilf*, ttor teilicr.
teteet ot tbe ansount ot ground to
Walter BniKBoy. vm a ablp'« oMTon- tbe correot would be much kwifier. moved, and do not laclude bridges
tor. and ooe of her kalfbrotor*. of keeping the river clear of the r
culverts. Tbe gradlag work will
BOV gather* and siagoaie* in
vboB tb«io v*ro throe, vaa a aaltor;
done at once, and tbea to road will
■IH Bd» Tv*dEI*. tanfbUr oT *0 n ean readily bo *oob tot *b* ba* the worm. sluggUh atream.
Mr. Mooroe stated that at pret^at be allowed to -seasoo- for a year be­
Vr. uE Mn. J. J. rveddt*. rr*a ultad alvay* bold a do** lalattocahlp
•otne uakaowo panlee art prat'lciag fore tbe top dressing or crushed loek
t> wrUie Eedocadu’ Blchl
llto cci to tokea.
n cm. It Is said tot this mcibod
tbe habit of tbrowiBg refuse Into tbe
o'clocc M Okarlat Bsii*r. U* coreWtoo MU* BUiaMb Wbtiooy
la tbe Bight time, by tbe ba^ obvIaiM to danger <M to rote
mmt bMat p*r(orB«4 t* Ute pr«*eiiee lory yotuig. to taailly awred
tling alter It li Aaiahed.
reL sad tbal every morolag bte
«l BbMt #• C**«S. BMjr or Bwi b«- Baaver Ittoad daring to time that
'' Oaneoe* County.
have te work aa hour clearteg Ibit
tag (roB ««t of (h* dtr. M tke krtde't King Jam** Jetoo •uoag, to Mor
Lynus Wolcott, chairman
of the
tge away before they cia ceuk«M. Hk* B*v. B. A. HUM. kMWr
Ueneoae county road
non leader, relgaed. tore in ail bit tlDue with tolr work.
at <fc* UbIutUb ekardi, p*r<orB«d
gkuy. Vt’blle there the you^ tod>tk* BOWBoor.
~ The Genesee coounls n intend. 1
Yka VM* VM oulr*d IB u •!«*>mvmtKb pain aad *0000 In eoobuUd Just «* -much good roads
•Ma EOWB at vhfi*. ad voro • *«ii.
aectloavltk her life amoog to Uoryear os to ftites Icwlsed wUI altow.
»• anted hiMo^ >o*M. telM Sodte
Wc raised $(4«0 for one and ode
UteBtertk vw brldMBHId, o>d *b* BOO*, about vhlcta ah* hm vrltteo
•n teteiaetlBg book, eultied 'A Child
Quarter aslle^douib on tbe l\nto»
«m B dew* or bkB. Mr. HBOn
>r Beo. and Uf* Antmg
rood; IS.OOP-Tw one and oue-Quarter
k*« tea. Tb* VOddlat MBKk VM
tnoM.~ dedicated to tbe men vbo
miles Dortb on to Saginaw road. anJ
ftev4 hr mim Rubr obtmo.
aUl to eoM. She vould ti
$3,000 for one and one-q-jaiter miles
TIM nma vm protUlr doea
littto ot tot pan or bar life, bovot gravel on South Sagteay road. Tbe
FTatoo rood ate Kortb Sogtea* will
ever. vbea to writer colled at bar
llghtoaiae homo, dedarlag (be did
be macadam.- bum of UnieMob*
not vteb to cauM pdln or Miter feeltbe foundation, and bard beads on
C. K. Hoyt, of Orted Haven, tbe trap rock for the top courtc.
tmoog to deaesadant* ot tb*
aad hi* toHover*. * groat Bony the deputy g^ warden avat her* by
Ceed Rotes in Casa.
ot vboa llYo In Hleklgao aad ar* Stale Oeme Warden Pterco to Inspect
LoOrange towimhip. Casa couuty.
to COMB,
le* SB chute. DOW In op*r«tloa will buiM two mile* ot state rwssid
Tary Sae people., .
tot tbe Hannah A Lv dam. reparied rooda One mile of to rood is
B*dag drlroo fraai ' tb* Ictoad by that the chute was to beat that be
■ TW vMto cm. vora BOB
constructed on tbe aorib and aouib
Strang, to toTiltaey* veol to Ckar•ad boMur4 atoteBiaad ts
bad seen In the state, aa it had not rood running through Wbltuiaavme.
teroii. and later **111*0 at Trot
only been built according to the afate
City, vbere Btoabelh *peni ber •ckool apecMcatloaa but In eome respect* Half a tulle U to run north fr„m the
Klnimbury farm aad to other half
BMk MRBnrMrt. SdStekBiv wr d*ya Tbey ramaloed bore naUl the ren better.
via k0«« 4 (hte oltL to brid* kM Morano* vere dorcad to tear* to The obuie av put in by W. \y. mile ls to run east-from to corpora. to toU TBmM) to- 4tfB hM Btoeera, vbODtotaBky roiunied to •mltti after pteas tunitebed by Deputy tfon tlmlis of cbaaopolls to to Venn
tb* totead. 17 year* attar toir depan- Worden 0. A. Smith of thii city, both township line. This is tbe Dtemo
into BWto
)«iB te vii
Lake road.
toB B^ek 1 1^ ad
Hr. Smith and Deputy Smith tMing
Nowberg was to Ar«i townshiii
Mr. *to Mi^MBtor ton
In iktt. Ml** Wbliaey became ibe
dtep laterest Id to ob-aie and de­
vu* o( CtemeBt Vaa Riper, t teacher siring tot the Sab be given every poa- Cass county to attempt state reward
aotate. v
tognm wA • ■kort boujri
te to indlui oeboete ot Oardoa 1*- alble mean* ot Betting into Board- rotes, and it is oo* in readiness
complece the work aad receive the
«d», tefta^tah tba vin tto
liBd. Bad tor oevetal yean to elded
fowonee fro mtbe stole. If IsiCraiiie
bei bnehoiid in bU dut^ *a ln*irurSwtr wjpe* to tu* dtr. .
meets with succoa* It Is believed that
lor ot to rod BOB.
Tboy mired
townships will take the msitcr
troin this oorvie* te tM». aad.Hr.
up aad that aa era of good toads
Vaa Riper boeome keeper or to Boarwill reault.






^ to laurfcr at to rcMitoBih
ouiot Matodtet chuto • **rWbto
kovor at Barmriua oad (atm*, to
•to VOddto OMOBOOy ow totoBa.
hod ta to aa cbsitb iMlIdto
totoBOd *t t oYlock WodiHiod*;
omlM vba Mte* unia Stole Dob•oa. duMbtoT or Ur. *Bd Mr*. TImhbm
Iteboa. becuw'to brtda or mak
Y. B. Ektlton. OOB or Mr. ad ftr*.
IteMry tootMt. vbo mida oa aUl*
aat%.fllto ettr.
ndttoi to toaUrtagEfto tvU•I patr, ad vhlto Ibe guetu vore
bMBg OMtOd Mte* Olivo DotMoo mu«.
ProBtea He.' Tbe ub*>*. vttb
baadaatiotcBrattea*.vBo to Ml**.
W Mary *ad Aoa Hattovoky. Cm•to DotaoB ad ttetoB Wltolm. .Tbey
aterad Eto, too toltovod to UrMa
■aid. Mte* Cter* Dtoou. steMr ot to
terto. her tovB tolnc «( eroai
4teM trlBBOd vlib Itoy Irtek teoa
Md*ha owrted Brattea*.
Tko brida too toMoved. toala
to MB or bar tMiMr, Bad *be took•d Tory ebamtlBc la t «ovb of pole
bto iB**do«v*. «b* canted a
EWt ot brMa'i ro**a. Tto rooiiL vait-

taeatod to hrMo. at to altar, to
onBMy tetac parteraad by to
Mot. j. C Matow Madala
vadtec Bank vaa pUyod by Mte*
tort miholaL ten. W. N. KMtey v


«m* b*M *1 to boa* or to
paMau. at im BoMb Ubtoa otfoM.
Than vor* aboat U |M*u K**at.
ua* toB bated Mr. aad Nra. Praa*
torn, or Loag Lake. Mr. aad Mn.
SobMt Dotoa. aid Mr*. A. S. Dob■oa, of ACM*. Mr*. Jobs Haaaae. aad
to. of J*r*n City. W. J, Mr. *ad
Mia. & B*ad*M. ot WmiaBObonL aad
Mtea Mate HoK**. ot Chhago. The
raoBa vara pnttUy dMoratod te ayr- tte aad artlnga.
Tba voddteg gifia aar* aav aad

poottioo uBttI hi* doatt by krovnteg.
te im. vbM blf vtto va. appoteted
keeper. Mra Vaa RIpar roBalaed a
vUov throe yoar*. aad toa bocant
Mr*. D*dM anilteu*. Borryteg u
old-Uae frieod ot li*r efalMbood d*)T
oa Martteac telaad.
Mr. oDd.Mr*. M-tltUnu locked after
to light oo Baavm- tetaad until itSt.
VbM toy moved to Harbor' Point.
Ur*. Wllltem* bevlag «e*a Meoo
eborgo e< tb* mv
there. Here *b* ba* Hv*d ever eteec.
betec aaeteted by ber buabaad te,
keeping burateg to '‘light that aevor
talM.- aM vbkh ha* aulded aany
atoriMoaaed craft to aately.




In Antrim Ceunly on July 7.

Chase 8. Osborn, t
e tor rerubUcaa aomlaation lor gorernor. t*
'Qgaged In a airennoas campaign and
will aa near at poaalMe. cover /(be
enllre state.
Hr. Oebom te acteduled to appear
in Tnverae City on (br evt'oing of
PrldO}. July S. for a public ateting laSteinberg's Qrood opera house 4> bere
he will diacoss stale itsue* and where
Tbe Harter Point llgfatboute U aa
be wiu be fled to met tbe people of
Traverse City regardless of pary afcoBteliitng nany nmderB oooveo- Allatlona or any preferent-e for u>
leocoa. Ur*. WiUtaBe te very tond
llectlag *toM*. aad ha* a large
Mr. Osborn will Invade Michigan
by way of Mackinaw CUy nest Tueacit> below tbe straits before tbe primba* gatocod ftoo to *kor** or tbe
da> momtes- Jul« S.^terteg every
lako. She aad ber huaboad apetMl to
. September <. Hit earl> iiinera otaavlgaUcmoe to point, aad.
will Include Aalrim rouaiy oa
during • te* mootb* ot every vlster the 7ib where he will vUK several
reeld* at Putesvill*. U. TBe Ugbi- lowna and ebnriude In that county
houae te vtelted every eaBiaer hr with a big public rally 00 to evening
touamd* ot pleasure aeokers. «te of tbe Tib
become latereetod in ih* lady
At Elk Bapida. be all! be met by
focal delegation by autoowbile tad
hold aevertl meetlagt lu the county
duilng tbe day. At Wllllamaborg a:
a. m.. Bales. *:J0, Amae 10. teachlog Traverse CUy at noon for Iiiacbeon. Tbea to Craw* at i:b). Klago*i :. *1ib atop* at Intermediate
£au reaching ber* In tbe evening
(or tbe big rally al Stelaberg'a Grand
opera bouse where a boad will be la
slteBdoare to assist la the demonst ration.
While tbe Use scheduled for each,
leetlng is oot esset. to hour* Mr*
as near at con be deterrahied Ip' adMr. Osboni's punfo** tu
meet, persosally. os nearly as pos­
sible. all the voters of to atsie aad
tcomar TIoiiesta aad tb* trolMR- he bos adopted to autemobUe ptea
teda. Liwuida aad Stolter. toat for bis raapaige.
tolr boarteg. mod gronodad on Rouad
.r tbe meecto la Traverse City,
tetead to to upper river. -Tto vcot
(be eveetegoftoStb. be wiH dteto to.aM of lb* Ttooeau aad tos suic Issues at leagfb and tell
teaaed her. Sb* proceeded bera.
to people here why Chose S. OsbOT*
sbould'^be selected for governor at
sisu electloa.
...a Abbs L Ori««r vUI-boiUodBl coateat la to Ramsey M. R.
Vbr any pate, from «
ebarch. Satordto Bight, duly to AdBlmlon kftelta Ibr.
CbHdre* id
i stay where It te
[Ak at* coriteUy tevited w atteod.


Old Mission. June 3$—Mrs Dr.
Krie^r aad fUiUy from Springfield.
have arrlted *1 tolr cottage to
spend the summer They are the flrst
ome and tbe lost fo leave.
L. Pierce has been si to ‘'Pines"
the lost few day*. He left FVlday for
iS borne at WUmette. 111.
kllsa Kate Pfaastelbl from HoHaad
and Ulsa Louise Van Dorm (tom
Grand Kapids. are vUlUng with Mr
»d Mrs E. S. Waite
The first strawberries are being
picked Olid ore Ane: but we nn-d
rate lor e.eiylhlng. Cherries are al'
y beginning to ripen
Orrle Budd Is on the tick list. Dr
Chase came down to tee him on
and Mrs, R. C. Browning from
Tiatersv City »er« Old Mlnfoo vi*i.
week They came to look
over Ibelr farm and to call oe old
Tile Rev Mr, WUUau. and faai
il.' ftooi Chicago, ar* occuprlng the
Montagu* cottage.
Mr and Mr*. E. J. Brlnkmui went
Traierse City, with tbe KuoUock
test Wedneadoy.
Mias (Toreaco t>ompWa had a
week and was 4 yean
Thirteen little meads wer* lavlted to come and help her c. iebnte
Candy, nuts. Ico ervam. cakes, etc.
served before the luile folks
-ft for ltolr booiet. ate a aunib.-r
: guts *
proaeaied to liiile ITorice
Mrs. Peter Proveacber from Trai»e City, and from Willuni.burg
loiter ate Mra Misnie
Ijteeraaad two children bare been vusitag
Itag wi
with Mrs Prank Crampioa. the
paal week.
Several parties have been out spear­
ing fish'ev-atega lately ate have bad
gtfod luck A nice large wblieAab aad
f trout were acM to tbe Record.
Fspoodent. and were enjoyed
Urge nop of Durbes* apple* Is
expected araund here, bat to Her
varieties bave all been fallteg eg
;r*e* aad eiea Ike leavea ate faSlag
‘-adty. It means a big lo*. 10 I
oriKiad here, Tbe tree* sseaaed
taasom out alt right 'but after Ibe
apples ael they Just see* to fall off


Last Suaday Mverol auto porUca
drove to tte Hloshio for dteoer at to
dtSereut boteb ate toa tm M the
hgbibouac ate bome la to ev^teg.
W. R. Stooc is eery sick ii ibis
wmtDg He cefokmed bis Ktb btrib-

NsBse ot Cartweci •«** .
BuebaresL June 30.-Quec« EUxohelb of Roamaate: kaowa Ureogbhe world under tbe psw aaom af
Carmen SUvo. te dying tn^ay at ^

gate. She la abcut to bouse agate.'
Crmtem*. us aU call ber U alao get­
ting oU; Is te br S7lh yaor.

Many CMforon arw •kkty.


s^ d-sar«r Worn. Ol sU drnsrMs. m*.
Bsoalr msilsdlrSBk OddTSH AIW a Otm


•t. VHm
WEfYEME Hsar4«»M

HIssea Eva Tbur$*IV Rabceea •bally
and Jeteph Pfostar Wars Other
Loeai •tudents Wta QraduaiedL •


It test te fst a> rtars h
adr fee tte* trstem-arn. ■
It Orator > Beard e fTrsd* Chsu
Another Traverse City student ba»
UuewB ^uly 27. Aug i.
received booers. tbU time
Stout, who graduated trcuu ilw Vni
.'Ira. Alls.i t'amre. »l llnncoct.
icralt.v of Mtcbl^in today, beiag the who has been vl'iiiiic h-r parent.-. ‘
s^ Wittost rhsier. a f«l **•• $WftR
foriunaie one. Mr. Stout being tbe Mr. and Mrs W R. Sitebt'. rv.unH J huur_Addt^
pg-^^wiwaimixa.' ^
tonor student of hl«- lais.
heme this luornui'.
Among tne other Traterae City *tu
dents who graduated today wvio Mbs
Bva Thurtrll aad Miss Rebecca 6bri
ley. both of to literary depanmeut
and Joeeph Pri-ter of tbe tew depon-

Mra. W. H. Bishop, of $16 t'afoo
aireot, baa one of the anewi oseon
tnentt of band painted
cblna cw.
te uila city, ibis being hei own
work. Mr*. Btebop. who formt-rly
made her home in this city, but wbu
bos lived te Pittsburg for a number
cf yea's. Is spending Ibe summer heio
with ber husband, who is in to coo.
mlasfon business, aad while here It
employteg ber lime at china gwlutlng
lie of ber most elaborate pieces U
punch bowl, on which I* palmed a
design ol punJe grapes.

and the reason they
cause you don't feed them Harvell
CoudiliOB Powder* li beeps j
hens te Aue eondlltoa and make*
egg problem easy. Good iof but
cattle, i-h'eep.

Sdi: rE‘fv.». s»»

Bugbtw ilrug Co.. Wt-st




STATE or MiCIIIGA.V. the Piobau
Court fur the County'of Grand
.At a seaslon of said '('ourt. held al
Ui<' Probate Offitv In the I'lty of
Traverse CUy te said Coontr. oa tba
3Uth day of June A l>. IPIu.
l*re»-em: Hon. I'ved ' R. Walker.
Judge of Probate.
lu the matter of ihe eatate of Law■oc* a. Dell, a mluor.
Myra J. Albright having Bl<-d In
lid court her petlikte. prayln*. that
. 1.. Porter or some other suhabdr
IwiMte be appoteted Iteardlan of s^d
It I. ordered, that ibe 36tb day of
Jul'. A l> lyiu. at ten o'elcx-k te Ibe
(oreoqoD. at said probate otflee. be
d Is hereby appolnlod for benrinip
Id petition, and that tbe ue'xi of
i» and all persons Intereali-d In said
shy the prayer of the isriiUoner
sbL.uld not be granted
It Is further ord.-.-d, ihal public
DOtlee tlM-reo? b.- given ti> pabll.s
tion ol a copy ol this order, for thnssuccvasivc »<-eks p^e>leu^ :o saiu
day of hearing. 111 ibe Grand Travers,Herald, a uewtpapcr printed and ili-

This is the Watch That
ts Pleasing so Many
Many Men and Boys.



Stem Wind
Open Fsoe*

Yes, Guaranteed
i’or 1 Yeai^
Gel a

With every dollar or more
purchase customer can ob­
tain one of these fine watches
for only 50c. Worth several
times this amount.
store is just now showing lots
of honest footwear at grMtIy
reduced prices.

Ltadiag Shoe Store ot Traverse City and
Northern Michigan

Big Special in Crockery
We have just unpacked several lOO piece White and Gold
Dinner Sets handsomely traced in gold lace work. These
are the finest that we have ever shown. They make a
most acceptable gift for any time of the year.
They have always been sold for $ 15, but for a
few days we are offering them for............................ ^

30c Pure Aluminum Sauce Pan 10c
Just to introduce this splendid ware we will sell for a^aw
days—or until the stock is all soId--a good sized Sauce

.........10 cents

There arc so many limes when yoo waat lost sneh a pan.

Aluminum Thimbles Given Away.

Call and get one.

Get flags for the Fonrih. EvenUtve do not eelebrale yoa wUl
want them aronnd your hoase. Special sizes
_ and Spcctal Prices.
iMBcr of paper decoTolloas lor the hone and tor ptealc galhertags. Yoaaret .plaonlM lor time taonse parties at year
le- get Some ol these decorations.
ThU Store wlU be closed Friday allernoons dnrtag Jaly and
Angnst, beginning tomorrow atlernoon.

The Hannah & Lay Merc. Co.

) •3

61UH0 TRAVcft$e HtJiAL’s. wtrAY. rjvf \ *:•»
ert’t rlBii vUb mcada «t CaUlllM.
Mrm. Kbw Booitett
ia Tnvonc
tlWtM'hM i«m <•
Tte work «• «te XJMm «hwc& U OItT SMariv to ▼BH hw oKithar,
JtoB. Oto—ea. vho !■ «k4t tbwo.,
Mta« mirM M wMlr.
Mlw FWm O'BtMb «I ‘
‘ '
■n. CfMUM -or H«P>»
MWM4 to
MBMOr «lUi rl«H«4 frtMd* b«r« IBM Took.
. W «u«kt«r. Mrs. B; tx Burko.
Mra. noole Butee wbe bJU bou
Bk* U Imjtfotto* Btowt.
IWNi R«OB«r bM ratvmd frace », ■ra. 8ao Wllaea rotantod to fcor

CblMron Cry Hr Flotchor's

Ib aik f«? erer 09 jMft; haa bow tbo klsnptw 9t
baa boon BUtdeVAdarbla por»«irJetocrrUlonPtoi»»*aiMlbiiey.
InilliUona and •Vjoat-oafood” an bat
ThiHliBUBUttat trtrto wrltb and endanger tbe boptthof
Clilldna-Expcrte&w ocaliwt KxpMtaeat.


CSstta Is • bswlosa sabMltste tor OMtor Ofl. Pam>
«ort(v l»ops «ad Sootbliic Btnpa. It la 1
■ Kanotlo
It doetnjra Wens
■ftiBiiinil. Iti sc* ia Itt c«*i*
' ■ and siten rmrtabnoM. It «
IMazTbcaa and Wted
<Mto. ltTCUeTMCMUilncTr«uiuea,eiinaa«oaMi»m»
*■» yUflmcy. It naalmllbtro the Food, ncntotea tb«
Bfiawa Ji and Bowela, rtrtnc healthy and nataml aleog.
»• CBtlldna'a PaBMi^lho tfother'a Friend.

9Sesrs the Signature of

The Ejnd Yon Have Always Boi^

Lome te WebMk. tedn «Rer e ebon
Tlrti «IUi ptm4> *«o.
Mm Bekeott BfOwo. o< KDboMra.
VU.. M to ten ee boele—t.
Mm Georce «>»>*">«» m4 cblldroa
leti for tlMtr heoe to Oiud ItopUi
Uu «««k. Tfeer were erowpeBtod br
Mr*. Kellie Bertee ead chndru who
will Tieli for • oouple of weeki.
Mr. and Mr». Charlee Dotvlae ead
cblWreD leore Tbtiredv for Brooke.
Nonh DekoU. where they wlH Jobi
their peeeote. Mr. • m4 Mfw CtoM.
Urtfeer. wbe have bom to the w«!<>
Mr the teat peer.
Wn»MB CoDieoB. of Hobor. bed
Mlea Katberine D. Sharpe « Beulah,
were OBlted la
aairlace UoBday.
June to. at the letond pareenaga. the
Be*, .tamea Tamer oMetattos Min
pe wai a tomer teecher here aad

on Sunday nitbt
A liKtit. »Hower

and theair
all b cooky »toc» then.
Mra. Robert -DIHob waa the ghetl
of MIbb J. H. Byer oa Monday.
R. Saltier and aou Bitter aad
____weie dolBR bUftoeM to Tra»erie
C»y OB Saturday.
Our -neOitobor. WlUUn K. Bkeet.
to at Aon Arhor having had an opera
a dtoeaaed iblgh bone. K<- it
etpeci-H] borne In abont 10 daya. We
ferl aorry lor bto afSIcttoB.
Ed PeltenglU had a
broak down
witk bto auu wbUe oa a Saaday exuralon to Elk Bapida
and family of RmCharlee Beeman and
plre were to Almira townahip vl»lt
lug relativas on Sunday laaL
Mra Marr COliOower of Cedar Run.
who to vlritlng at J, M. ByivV.
bad a cramp or aprato of tbe b»r«
aoddetily on Monday momlng !i
U'liit verr aevere, Dr. Prallck- wma cm'.’
1 to attend her. She to matins eaay
■ iweernl.
The Yoopr Pooplea- moettag elect­
ed oncer- on Sunday evening, it briny
annual ^eetlor. It raeulled
followa: J. H. liver, ptt-aldent; L«
Huff. Vico preaWent; Carfield Wit.,
arcrelory; Onariee Satllcr. treaiurer:
llutr, Mra. GroBroke
IMT}- Oaboni ai a comnlti
leederahtp. The young fMopte
purcbaaed a lot of floe long books
and a-e mar rxpert rfood mualr. Bnlytlndy weieome. Srrvloc begin*
;S0> m. fa»t lime.
Mr. and Mra. A. I. Burr dnove to
ly on Friday InM.
) nwirtilrg while I

Htoi Macfle aed Vetaa Powell at-. - K. Bell aad taaillr «V« hi Ka>
teoOad Oinae aaretoe at Oetatt qa h-«ht a Hy Ihto woek.
Kgthertnr Bird la rtoRlag her trtoad
BnaOap eeetiii« Thay hbS beea worhBertha PbaK tar a law daya.
eaealMlM bee retore borne for a fo>
grt. and her alxer Ma«le maned
Ith her. They both wmi berb to
ork at the bM« on Monday.
The click of the anwer b betw
rard to our nldM and haytog ariU
he la full hlaet to a lew Oaye.
Mra.. Non Meycea c« Rathardi'k
Stdtog vlalted at J. K Byera' Ab#
aed John Keenedy'i Mat week.
iry Gltonre Cook a pirkere] ia
Peari Ukr toac week wbM tipped the
calea a
at Jaal IS poaadt.
----- ea WUmw maned bom- flora
.BweeH Drerlagi'a where he haa
beM putting up a s

For the Herald.
e CavMb. wHe tX )

eighty yeara. Mra Cavlich came lo
nraad Trarerac Oonhiy Zi >eaia ago
lorn the eoathera part of Mtohlgaa
ihe waa ben to Pniaala. Oeramay.
D tUB. gbe to tarrlved by a huabaad
aad lour cklldreo. Aniony and Mary
of HaaBab. Jacob of Trarerae City
and Joha of Kalkaaka. Mich., nil who
paid ibeir laat mprct to ber.
fnueral eerrirec were held a
Men * church at Haoaah. Wedne*da>. June ts aad with larRI- atiendance. The paIH»e*rvn» were John Keo
r, Joba SchttaekaU Tom Worm,
E. W. Rohr bae boagbt i fam of
leodore Oktexea. Joaeph aad Joha
Piaak Moreland.
eber. Mra. favltch atoo be
Mr. and Mra. Packc-d rMted their
member of the Ladiea' Alter mm
nieee. Mra. Rttenberrv. Sunday.
Hr. and/Mra. Robr were at Buckley
Mra. Bla CrifUlh to able to be o«
ifler her long lltoeaa.
Seme Treuerae City People May Wait
TUI It'* Tee Late.
Frank Lewi* bougfai a new iM^rnl
Honk wait until too lair.
leam aepaiaior laA
He late i
Geo. Downer Ud
Jnat to U
Uengnrry Tburad
Henn- mu and
Klngktey Tbaraday-to attead the fnaF M-rloai urinary iroablr* i
eiol of their atoter.
Urandim Rohr to ablo te be out to
Dmu's Kidney PlUt will do tl
Here to leutouuiy to prove It.
Thehna Ftoney to vtottleg at.Trar.
Day. 702 Le*ter StrMt. Cad­
erne City.
Velca Robr monied to ber wo.-k illac. UIcb.. aayt: "My hack ached
inteniely and 1 had aevere pain, to
Pofoona Monday. Udneyi. lolna and hip*. Mben
Mto« While to worktog lor Mra. BO
the trouble waa at It* bel^l, I could
aloop or lid, to
K. XT. Rchr botjthi two oova Mar hardly 'lad
lb hire a lua
Itagnall la*l week.
work. I
Marian Crawiord wai g caller
til I took Doan * Kidney PilU. that
war cured. Tbe conteiiu of Ibre
buset ut thli preparation Improved
niv coudltion In every way and now
I have an need of a kidney raedlrtoe
. Utot^roUiy Sbrrwwd It tptmdihg akaiever."
Sir tlay gave the above
.« aUtei
a Ir* werka with her grandmoUirr
when- li
Mra. Janibi Pyckiiiau.
.Allen R.rckman
wan In
Boardman Monday.
Mr. iind Mra. Warren McDotialJ and
lltllr daufibiec are rtoiilug Alra. Meal I gave In ibeir
I\>naU* paremt, Mr. and Mr*. Wm. favor in IMX. I am alwa.v* ph-aa-d
IWrk. for a frw day*.
to tell bow greatly Uiaa* Kidney
Granlma Sralih vUltcd Mra.'Jami-. 1111* U-aeHled me^ '
ckfomi .Mopdav
Vm .ale b.i aU dbaWra Price M>
Ills lUnlet Mvugar lUited Mra. cenia FcBierMllburn Co.. BuSalo.
I'cwon In Fife Lake over Sunday.
,\.-w Vurk. loll- asciii!i for ibe Cnlted
Mra. Flank Meuuar weui to Croa. Stale,
VlUasc Tneaday v.-ben- ih«- alll vinit
Keuicmber tbe name—Dqpn'i—and
her brother Jamet Mon-y and family. take no other.

Loans Made on Real Estate
waadii ipmi
BEITttElb '
.Mrh. Milo Hiyae haa beea aatarttmtog her coueln from
Travetae Jtfhn'a
City for a few «aya
TL R Byker. our P, P. fi. eanfor
Camp mmtog breke ap at thto
ptoce Tueaday Boranig
Mr and
Hn 3.
O. Uaatoy
end cMlu-eo arrived here Thnrwray
tost Irorj l.akeview. They will a,pcai
The litito aho-rer ton alght trw
■^r*. A. LoveJoy ItoT^n akk bat
to better at thla tnittog.
Howard Slanlev went to Walton oa •trawberrie*. ■•d at rato. iirirhltT
Tburaday to meet bto parenU froca
Mra. Henry Ctoloer to atUl OB tbe
^ She vUito*
. Mr* Joaephlne TowniOB wa* call­
ed to Grown Monday by the death of
her father, Jew Snilili.
1 Oegwa caller
Leo Hanky
on Tute^v.
SwU^tog.. to h
a Ten
vetT popBtor BBd
The IHtle.acn of Mr. Haywood while
M S?.ra“*
: ibto pUo- BCteadt^ cBiap meet•iBcetely aympaihlae with the
-K. had the mtofortune to cot bto
■ol qolie badly He wa* takan to family of Mr EpiaBaken. R. p*n3
Traverae City to the doctor aad had aaap on eveBtag. Tbe tMeeal
wa* held «i the AahBry chertb at
Sve Mllchee rah*- to U.
11:00 a. nv. thto moTBlBg. The Bee.
Juno »
McKee of MM. with BBlpk AbMc
The Rev. A. A. Alltogton of Tr*
rae <1ty wlU i»«acb al'tbe Owgre, Card of Thaoka.
atlonal church aect Bnaday mnrstog
Sir a|*h lo trader our Ihanka MUly 2. AU arc Invited. O
Ihe fH.*ula aad Bclgkbora wbo bar*
I u* glM- him h fnll bouae.
ao kindli amuted wa during oar
BKHher a aiefcoea*. We wottod atoo thank the dooon of ■ tbe beauilta]
____ Cedar City.
Sow-.-ra which covered tbe caaket and
Frank Totloa ha* beea. Imprartoa the ohoir for tlngtog
hi* bt>u,e by havtag it painted. Frank
Ki-Uofs did Ibe work.
week l
E BelDnger and bob Oral, w,
to Traverae City yeeterday.
and Mra F. Touen aad ;
ran'* day exerctoe* i
r. WUIolwe of
d Cedar
Run. preecht the Friend* church. ymcr<U>
moruUig and atoo again in the e'en

- - t rat
^ to^i.II

Wdmv tom pm

'"uile* Kennedy of ^hydar Ran to vto
limg hb.
uin Wam-n Fiahcr of ibt.

We Furnish
With Good Furniture and at Money Saving Prices
Let us figMre with you on the furnishing of your cottage or summer
home. We make a specialty of this business and understand it from
A to Z. Wo buy furnishings particularly for cottages, resorts, etc,,
and-oan equip them in the most comfortable and cosy manner at a
saving of $25, to $50 on the outfit. Come in and talk the matter
over with us; look over the furnishings and get our prices on everything.. We are always glad and willing to give you the benefit of our long experience; explain
and show you everything whether you buy or not.


Come In todayl Don’t wait for the ready cash. We sell on credit at cash prices,
no maHer what section of Ihe state you live In.


Crockery — Dishes

Fine blgk back comUnadon
«oo4 Rod R^t reed Pnreb
Rocker, ostoral Q OK
;6Bl»her colored..
Haadtome Wicker Rockers,
bUth back, roll seat and
arms; well msdr, sironk

Dining Tables

...... $12.76


OllMrs at $8, $1$. tit. ud tSt


Porch Seats
Foldiae Porelt Seats srftb
back. Mitk 4S la. loag. 14 la.' 48 and W pieee diaotr teU, baadpooM new d«. 0C TC
aS". deooratod. «»r* good qutlity. siwcUl;. sP*7e /

asd Settees. Knock down
. coDstracUoD, tinilh .

CollMie ikugs
Genuine Ckez Rug. assorted

Cbtna Matting, the long*

We Blpe dtovyr a torp*
of Car^ «r all fiaMp and daaeripUanp-UMtooma mt edwr «aBr Mvmn«a.
YppYl M JBM what you want bI

Bbtol and rattmSBt dihkes. ooaipleto aato or
odd OBM. 100 pipoe set. sptci.l................... api»/0
-^iB&d Tals's io a fev wts nbrra cne or two pieoes wore br< bn
blpplng. One $14 100 p'coe set. 8 cupe, 1
«r broke
we site etrtp a foil Dae of diebts and gUstware, ro;AiDg


Pillows — Uankets
Sofapillos*, aO kinds aad suea cotton ur (eMbtr 6ll(d
Uoed-a’ael bid pillows, strong tick, mind ^ f
tcathvn. price per pair..................................
i, choice of e.', • per
pair, ^ and 76e.
Bed epnads, sboste. pniew slips in atoik-

lIO.FYont sC

Don't overlook our grand bargains
lo all kinds of hammocks, ice cream
freezers, lawn hose mowers, etc.
We have a supply of everything for, sultry weather.

Kitchen Cupboards

Of every ileecriptioo. pedastal or a<|aare ezlentioo Ubif, snlid telecfod oak fine Q* fh
fioiih, epecial bi.
Drop Uaf brt.Bkfast tsblee, ronod and
iij^re top.......................................................
Kitebee tsble*. big size, welt nude, 01 QS
witli dnw, oBtuiBl finish DiBpJo, tj} i 0 7«7

And Cabinda


You will find some exceptional val­
ues io this class of furniture. Come
in and look them over. We haven't
space to tell you all about them, but
we would like to have you a; least
see them.

6 good golden oak fitilah obaira, high 0/C
back, shaped aea^. per set................ aPU
Fin* oeloottd oak chairs, straight post haeks,
fibre Bests, well braced aod suppaitsd, a fioa
tooling chair and a long latter

Come In Today

OtbsiB at tl.50, tl 60, tU5 $t 00 and np to
f 4 00 sat h. -


Two Stores ^ .

A baodsome guartered onk
finished Deesser, pUts, neat
and stylish, three 4n«er*>
large bevel mirror, a

Strictly sanitary refrigerators made
of thoroughly seasoned hard Yood,
mineral insuiation, perfect cold air
circulation, holds 50 Ib of ice. White

Your Reliable Housefnrnlsher .

127 Union SL
Two Stores

Very popular for hoteis, re­
sort cottages, etc., Fine
golden oak floish In large
flaky grain. Big compart­
ment below. One drawi
towel rack aod
mirror, only.......... 0*UU

Sanitary Beds
Made'of best selected malle­
able iron, enameled in aoy
color, plain, low O *7K
and sMong. only--^* * ^

.Canvas Cots
Folding, strong and easy to
handle; pick them up «od
carry in one hand 1
anywhere, each...^* •

CoBsIsttog of Camp Stooh at
25c and 50c; Stem Cots, all
kinds aod sizes; Blankets aod
eYeiythlog to rig ont the
camp right.

, OBAWB TBAVeHig HCmU-P, FlUOAy. JUkY 1. ItlO.

♦♦'♦t * • ^J*wJ ♦♦♦♦♦♦

bU lou. nmermJ aerrteea were beM

tliUe na0^ji;waftl. baa been

J.-,t--s Thomas
iurned from OUret
B Friday.
Joe Pordeiux n-fui id Saturday
wniiaitt RaddMoB spent Seaday la
renlrii Iro
____ ______
Iron Aaa
At ». muih
Honor. ' ,
pnned in bcallb. after bavins I
'Hrt. C Ketz vere called to »«f«)jUI
Tba Maroaa boyi. -Blir and WW- tbrooab aa operatkm.
SatnrdartoUtcBd the foW^if Mr
held ^nday at 7;dd. «o1o by Joba
Boy Thomas reiurned from WUchlr HnddlottoD are loadlac loss at
iUtr tMtber vbo
. Kan_ Ok Mooday moraine.
Turtle lake.
Mrs. H. Ryan aad <±lldroa return­
Htnhal] Whartoo waa bome from ed
eioniM from a tew days itelt
Mr. ujl Mr*. D. W. Rertiolda drove
Crawn over Sunday.
to.Tnvdne CM7 Hoaday to atlead the
Mri J.-M Battle and dau*bter. Mra.
Mro. M. ». Deake is on Use alck


tredaeaday aftermm at tbe M. B.


dmrefa. tbe Bex. Hr. PrlaaUy ofMat-

• Onvs. Well.

Besolar cfasieb aerrleea

Ten and
rp treat-srand. chUdaad
lany friends.
duioisd and
1 aifeAlonate
mother asd
nod ucikhtior. Her life cowae Iv
UnUhed. .be Is at re.t.

ITavcr at the bouMi. tuaerfd
Injlih and her two cbiMrn- arrived
she I hurrb at Kinsalry by her
a Monday mortilnit ami an- oeeapylBX lurvner pasioi
>r. the Rev' W. H. Her
be toiiaite Dixie 00 Ibe PUni.
In-rt. il E. Ipastor at Wexionl.
Atno- Rauiter r.iiirned from Olivet
a Friday cveniBit.

HoUutd n. Tnrerw CKj.'
; Mleh.. Jana
•fin Ulna Saxton of IntertodiM. ti Ctaaler U on the alcfc Uat.
eatUnx on Oraws frteada todar.
Mn. B. Maibawa tefi for

Orondida Worden

Tknraday to vlait fnaoda
Mr. and Wra. K.


arire tli'

mala of Mra. Bcliryar at Onyatoo'
(tdtate. Gdenrood. Banday.



Tbe arairnliaaeball boradrovo ti


ncodoo Sonday to piar ibo Hendon
boys; acore « to t in Uror or drawn.
Ttw Fourth of July will be eelebral

Wllllsmsburx .MlcbirJune

Flossie Ttarlon U eerlooaly HI.




frli-nda from Traverse City.
The Cltlrcna- lelepbnne cenira! offlee bas been Bicved into the boiel
Belle Harris la tbe new -Hello'- arirl.

Win Oiaaler returned from Pruli
port Saturday, where >Jbe
baa been

• Mn.

Maode Hale,, arrived


Dr. C3ai1t waa a Trarene City call,
er Moodar.
Ita. M Palmer eialted frlesda In
rnavrae City laai week.
Aaotber of Oraarn plooe-n la. sone.
Joaa^ Sehmlll died Moaday ismrnIBK afUr a week'a illuraa. He
alrickn with paralyxfa while at wdrtc
tn .hia btatiiainUb .abop Mooday and
bit eon Imnd hhn

lylna amnn^ltii-

lioiL Mr. SebtnJtt mno from Germany
when a

youn* man and aetilod


MIebIsaa. He waa anmns one of' Ux'
•rat to jUtlc to Grown nnd hl> Wiu*amlili abop waa one of ilu' flrot imlld

here. B^ldea Ma



aoaa. Joaeph nnd Frank, of tiranii,

Mary wendeni and



Ham OtlSM of TraTene CUy and

Towiroend of Kellner mourn

Alcphol to Children


Ayer’s PSOs. Sold to ocarty^






Noiewsre and three
whtve- -Mr,


been leacblns. They will visH at
■ he lioffle of their perenlw here tor a

be lorated at Ypallantl ncxi year.
William* J. May and

John Bush

fit. apcBI a few ilsys in town last
■ ^ llradley has p-jn‘latcd. Ibe Ed.

apem A ahoit time here last FMdar

Free Sample
For Baby’s Ills

and Saturday' ai tbe CJiarles ^on

tea warii tai Travoroe CUy. vUiUax BMort, HtwAay. sflw apoadlag a Mr
ber pxreBta.
fdvjw at borne. '
Mtb. 1>. X Barber and daaffbltf!
Praak 'Bboner AAd CUtord ObmMamerlle reluraad toTravore--------'■
Saturday aftor vtaUUff bar
Mra. tVyickoop.
Utes Qraee RtekeU o< Hubaswro.
Sd> viiiisd bw aiiat.
Bob. I -Mita I
toyaA a few da,va ' Bbe
pin- Jux
Wfcito for Mm i
'lax B«W 8mr«ey of 81
A. I' W
island. V'
^s Pronete Rosetaakl ot Travwol j
The Farmero- Society of
Equity. <m vtaiiad Mrs. Wynkodp, Baaday, S
>M a meeilnx hare Batarday alterMtea Carrie WaxMr vlaMsd to *« *S
’ Bandai.
Mro. Homer Payne aad ehlUren returtiad to her home In Traverae CUy
alter Vlaltiax relatives hera.
(ily w bi
Tbe Ml_. „
Powell teluraad

d^^i^ ««»*a,A Tsotoroa p ixeathm. oorBihl wsl«ht.
xood bealtb

Get Ready
Glorious Fourth
lor the

Soma Catching Inducements

3 Bottle, Fm,

1 quart fiwori Mhmd Piekiro ,


Aik jfcsir doctor how often he presenbes an alcoholic
^oant^ children. He win prohahly say, "Vay, very
rarely. Chlldreo do not need stimiihiting.” Ask -him
how often he presodbes a tonic tor them. He win probtebypwo'. “Very, very hequently.” Then ask him
nuKalcohoUc SaisaparilU as a tonic tor the
^ftaowhlsadviee. Hekoows.



Children arrived Tuewley from the up-

C. r. l-nller left this niomlns for
Mro. Unra Moerkc ar
am Walter
lit Rapid., when- he wilt epeoir a and lUHr and daushbicr l.aun ot
before KuiBg to hU Braloud. Minn, are , vMiinc
osie for the lomtuer.
Mr. p-uller Hoerfie-s svaudmoiber.
as been an efflHent trarher b.-tv l.amar.,wbo Is slrk
Taxer BroL. hate
««liiX wood at
fry much mi>st-d.
and Ukv. moved tit.-r lu Kassou nc^r
uhn Fhortera.
Mra. l-alma lyiveyr.n of rblnom.
Thet.- wi» quite B crowd at the
luclsl repicKenutilvf of the

4>roliii- Ilradh 7 eatertalm-d a BBdiof her ItitlP xlrl
liaa rrnc to Traverse to work.
•sday aiivrmion In honor of h-r
Tbey were on way home
Sloan Worden Iv vislilny hU moih
I; haFinhdn.v.
to Bcllalre .from the
• at CDioma.
irs. ivtnaii and son Frank spent
D|inient at Holland.
-iainiJny and Subtiuy at ibe All iiiu'
Mrt. Elite nnd daonier Itoale vis­
K. F. D. carrier. Charles Eaton reliniic-,
ed at C. Bowman-1 and W. HuddleSotnetbinc can and mutt be i
Ur« K. KeU'-y and dauabler. Etta, I
aa laid off three days last werk U-Hlon-a Wednesday and Thnraday.
l-fi Ijpt Tbursdav for a visit »)i
>li threatened with an aitack of a|i- frl.-nd. In Keswick Iw-fore aolnjt ■
r Vnlon dborcb is solas up
leas in iu sleep. And since tbe *
Itraud Itaplds. when- they will mi,i
pendleltb. This was the Drat time
QBlle fast.
of an health it '
proper workiax
Th< Hendon, and Cedar RunlMLaebal’ bte ■errlee of nearly four yearo il>ai
of the dixet--— orffan*. look first to
■sir. and Mr., t). C. Hnnaom .>1
Ibe eoadilii
teams fou^t it ntst to a finish last bt has been oblinrd 40 be atiacnt ot baled th. Ir imnieth weddiiix ktiiiK i
iiioa ot lb* atotpach XAd
h..ry. The nlt.moun wa» lerv j.l.-;;
Pnaday at -Bendon, iilayiac is limlasa. account of aiekiicss.
liiiiiy i)p.-iii.
Elwyn Hill arrived home Runir
<>ifair.Run won hy 1 score.
!ir. tVKii.ii. Is srM'inllBR -j, few .1j'
»y nlirtil boiij a |KUati> IiuiIuk irlf ill iliand KaHde
C. Warden and wife were suesis at
in Oklahoma.
Huddlesion and family fialurday
i.tsbt and Siindar.
Mr. and Mro. I. U Slidiitan r-i<ini
JhB Oory baa moved
tbr ed Friday fn>m (heir Msu.ilHirn trl|.
i.ouHe n-s-enijy oecupled by Jim'VolPlfsoii. Hr. Sledinau liotiue I
Midi.Ml F.-n.iermacher
takinx bb varaiion.
ISi;. ii.-ur I'kiawi.-B.
Frank Mel^-an hod tbe nUsfarlune
Mr. and Mrs. Hracn lleraM
> tall .from a sraffoW at llm rtioreh
•med a baby cirl to IlieJr ranilly
lut weok m»l cut tUs head gulbtest Friday. •
■inile.l hi uiairluH..
»*u not have to forea ihem u
IPian's Ri-auli'i.
iir*- luiisiiiuiion
wlihont fTlpluc. J aus.-a, luir any
-alnx effect
Ask your
dnisworblni on the intenuban line and

froB Oraad Bapida Batarday..


abort time and then so on to Ills R*|iIda for tb«' summer. They expect to

Iiulu Moon U vltlllos ber ataler
Mlaa. In Indiana.

un pinw,

City Tialfon SMtrdai


Tlsltlng bar

ed at BtiTPr lake Inn In Uie sod old

Mn. Stafford and
Ml^ iPenri Reyaolda



dao^r. Mbs. Pearl

she had lived with ber buabend a
chlldreti. ber axe betas
montba. T daya-


... .

s;-s.,"s?.T7iH!;-na r,: lu,

Mro. Hundley
SyamlvHIc. cyblu. uriiv.-d Katunlas
to apend the .uniiu.r. They
— Ktwsu at the IhiilO colla*..-. while
ItlBff for Ihe new bniipjus. which
« Iimll I..........
y exlMKk lu Iw flnl.h(.«l auou.
Ira. Will Htoele
li ni MitUbeU la ibe .piiliit
ivenc rliy today where she wem
Slid lirld tmu to Ih- lilih until
attend the funeral service of Mr. III., end. Shv frcqucnlj.i iciuaik.-.l «i
b'-r last llliii-Ni. “IMi!
Edward ltin>uni relnrneil Sslufdav
I slanetl uhi-i> I fiid.
evoiilns from Olivet Inr !ii. Vumiin-V J. KUs Is mill n .oiiili.rt and I ntn ..........
irii.tlnk I'lio all tli- tini.-'- Bh. «3. For the f
The'C. E. ravo an i.sni soHa!
_____ .
Ion Friday evenluR. which
ic ?*>, VHi' Rih? died H
near Siimnill Pit., v


!jr/A4“ KSW:

.' doetor-s

^!y aM Aqui

Hannah & Lay Mere. Co.

You’ll Want New
Clothes for
July Fourth
We sell you clothes that flt~and
stay fit-at prices from $12 to $24.
Complete line of the very popular
Blue Serges $13.50 to $24.00, and
the fancy, light colored worsteds.

Excellent Assortment
and Values
straw Hats, Hot Weather Un­
derwear, Soft Collar Shirts, Half
Hose ~ goods that insure you
^ against hot weather discomforts.




■pooB or ul( and a teaaMMi ot
■ar. SlBBiar castlr tbree boon,
etoaelr eorerod. tbon Ubr op tbe
crarr whieb reoataa aboot tbr mpai
asd aei
aerre. It abouM be sliced, otafc*
rooad ol.ateiaas raeloaed br a
of real. Tbe real vbkb la Wt
be ebopped. mliad wlib three



peaefaaa. annfaa. or tttrrtaa. Pai kail
a r«p ef-rico oo to cafe—aflrr tbe
aaaMac proeoaa—la taUlas bet waUr to eoaor. Afu>r too nlaotaa <»akus, add a plat of ■»<«»■ aad cook tUl
the Oakoi an «Uio aad leader. Drr
e« aaj aapertoua nofttarc l.
in, the Mee over a kettle ol hot «a-

,od laio patUsa, U wiu make aa ex- i„y, ud retam____ ________ ___
/yelleot bnaktan dish for tbe aext Beal tbe TOlka ot foor e«n «Ub a
call of BUKsr BBti) varr
aad bus
Laogfea UMa Kb
Qelee of VoaL—Select a kaaekle of «iU> tbe rloa. SUr «aU aadl It beHaiwb a BOtto faA joor fit—
real..pat lB.a kettle «Uk t^ld vatar flas u> Ukkaa. ltaoK>ea froB the
Uagb a lUtle biL
'Tbaie Is a atqral taSBaace
OBoaxh to aabaierca. add obIod aad ftre. flavor wtttL-eaaiUa. aad act aside
tblak poor'n ^rmbla bit. lUags vhich asuse aad make ae.eaWhM
h a UtUe bH.
look Blsfortaae ta tbe taca.
Urave tbe baldaB's rode grtauea:
Tea to BBC torUl pieU Us place.
a food aa aeeeaaary as bread.
and boil dowa aatil tba lk|Oor UteU TOO bare tba viC aad grU
•Who caa aottmau tbe good BeB 4^^
^ne plBi. Uae ‘ wer mold, 4 WHAT TO DO IN

Jeat to Uagb a liule Ml
Ilka Mark Twale bare doae tbe vorld. nm, yvealr cot slices of
la b^lag to drire away ea.r« aad ^
^ «,^,u md. of the strata•
Cberist this aa aaerad erU—
«*ro*. U llgfau. bordeafc to lake 2^„,uor. bJx tbe nBalader. of tbe ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦
. I.«egt a time bU.
dfodgery oat of dreary oeeapatlans;
ui* nest. All tbe mould
Keep It vUh yao. aaatfle It.
W ebeer tbe bomelem aad tbe loae- ,„4 p^ea »a tbe Ice tor three or
a HtUe blL
Saasuoke.—UnaoB elotbmi. Get
sllree *ttb letmore booi
palleat tato shade, aad apply tee cold
Utile llto *111 Bare betide roa.
-Aar ^ «ko baa brought relief tnee or water cress sslsd.
*aur to head, keep head In elevated
nnaae Bap-SMt «k bertde roo.
vaal Cbeesa-ITepsr. equal quaatlMea Bar Bock aad tese dadde m. 10 dtetnaaod souls, who bas lifted
tba bardcB from saddeaed. aorowlag u*,
bo«|«4 ,i|c«| »y*j ,nd smoked
^ -Scalds—Cover
Mat pOB*n aUad tboB aot a wbK
beana. bss dpae as much good «a aay tongue. Chop floe la s food chopper.
ti roB teach a iHUe bit.
with baktac sods sad lay wet
cloths •
• tloa ballden.Bate layers; first ■
* -lot us lallau tte year,

W— ■ a«BB*r ouiner, ana woau j


« keep
tanb. aad most
•Mope warm ta wtatenlde as *en

, served eoid Is appropriate, ...
, mala course of aa anaraooa or
eauntalBBeaL It te very dataty

,b. w K„. U ..II cov.™a 1.

" “ -I


It la better aot to apply anj-tblDC. as
Veal with Rlcc.-Boll a plecC of it aiay iaterfere vKb his esaialaailoa
id traatBeai of tbe case.
waipped eream BayoBBaiae aaa gsra- ^ uaoor cot It
o pieces three or
Bites of Dogs.—The oaty safe rem. labed with radish roses. Tbe.e *«>

i nr rr
• rnrnnrrs

r;;.'=r.r nrr

veal aad eat a pocket la tbe iblckeat per. and parsley, with butter about ,^4, so as to destroy tbe eotlre
^ Ibe slse of aa egg.
surface of the wouad. Do this as
iisH Of the Bleat, nil tbia viib awae
} bread-crumba rubbed op with batter.

imsEditor'sTable i


Seaeoa the
tbe oataide
ouUlde sad
aad duet *•
«*«POOBfal of bakla, powder. Half „* wlU
getber. SeaaoB
iaat at thte Use or tbe year. «bea i!
,. •blckly *ltb flour. Pot
Put it
-t la
la a
a pan
nan •
» taaBP«»f«l
•>• »*b. baU
_ ,
I,;... *n •«4B0ra calls to those vbo bare ^4
u«and it seme potatooB.—a
teaspooatBl of butter. Rub
ladeBoot _________
■bBt la. either
few sweet < I amoug them. It 3
(Baatbar, by Ultisaa or by baMaaaa for
tbein. These win cook In tbe
* up Instead of aboottaig U iostantly. for
tbe larger part of a year, the lol- 4rtppjn,, of the- meal aad are ex- wfi dough; flour your bands well » u skoold tarn out that the animal
.lavtag troB iaoaaaa.. te aapedally Miteat. Add aoste boUlag water and
kaodllng as llgtaUy as possible, u not mad, aad a false slsrm U fretltaily-^ Jaly aad Angnst are the ateck.
tender. Boiled
dough into balls aad drop QuMtiy rals^, tbe relief to the minds
guaths’lB hBUaese. H is said. Thia upMgits or Tte.i* ud a lattnce “lo
tea mla- of all coneeraed te Indesrrlbsblc.
does not hold true aa Cbe tana, aad yoad,.complete the dinner.
TbC^^ould be ready at tbe Drowning.—1. Umeen dotblng. !.
U te dUfle^ to Bsane a asasoe when
j^iiind Vcal-^br JelUed »aal cook “»•
“ ‘*>«T
Empty lungs of water by laying per•a Bather of the tanUy te not baay. ^ nnnm as l«r a stew eave that yon clammy with waiting.
,00 on atomacb and llttlBS body by
Cor. when there Is aothlag else to do, ,|»nnid n«e a taWespooaful of saltt
-----------^----------the middle so that the bead bangs
then Is anaya caaalag. Ihrou^l *nd aU ateo thttollowlng named
__ ____________________________ .s.
t»>* Wt ocraslonall). S.
the samawr. Bat Juat the aame, run
^i,,ci, „a,i be tied la a
"^*^00 Currants—I assed tne
forward, using bsudket^
away bm In a while and play says niece of net: Twenty poppereoriis.
*"* chief or pin »1tb sirtog if necesssry.
the srtlda maatlaiBd:
on, clove, a tiny bit ot mace, one bay
cumote-wblch ^ aora^ respiration by
-Mast .paople have tbe taproMloB ^af. a aprlg of parsley, one aUoe of
alternately compresaing aad eipanda«t fan aad hamor are life tnddea- *,^1. half #a oakw of good alia.
deasept-were cooked, sen
^he lower ribe. about twenty times
tab, not taxarles and hem no great gimn (be liquid, and when cold. * m^elc To mr surprise, be in- . minute. Alternately ralslag aadl
haarlag opoa cae'a -career.
.ht» «S an tbe fat.
werq.aot cooked lowering tbe -arms from the sides up
-Many tttek of tn as tnrokm. jelly ta a clean sancepaa and «•»‘■W
above the head a Ul stimulate the acMleatlog a lack of aertoot parpoaa oo the fire to «»ok rapidly until
were simply covered geaeroosly- gon of the laaga. Let It be done
to Mla. Thera are peymu who rebuke there te only ebout a plot and a half **«»
*»<* •«»
gently. t«i persUtently. & Apply
-' theta ebOdree beemaae they want to left. Cel the coM veal Into long alee- >11* result betag
l^y warmth and rnctloa to exiremiifes. have toB aad go la lor a good Ubo. der strips and eeasoa with a teabe served very cold.
c. By holding tongue forward, closTheee pareait bare yet 10 lean the spoonful of salt. Add a UbiespoonCurraai tee-Bofl down throe plate mg the nostrils, snd pressing tbe
gnat part whieb fan and hamOr ptey fol of leaMO Juice to the hot llqnid. of water aad a pound and a half of
Adsm-s apple" back teo as to close
ta tkf phyakal anaBOBy, and their la- {>oar a IHtte ot this Into a plain jaotild stigar to one quart; skim, add two oBtrance to siomacbi direct tnilstloo
iaauB an tke Ufa.
or bowL Uy the strips of veal la eapfuls of corrani Juice (red 1s the may be tried. Take a deep breath aad
-TO',. ,
lovotatioa In tke bowl aad pour the bot broth over piwtUcstl; when partly rroien. stir breathe It forclbU Into the mouth of
yOBT whole phyatcel asd Bentel be- It a UtUe at a time. Set away unta In tbe writes of five eggs.
patient, compress tbe cbeii to cxpell
. 'taw
after eeet^e rodUy ftm- ft beeamee perfectly cold. It should
Currant Puach—To make cumat tbe atr. aad repeat the operatioe T.
gy play! Toe weal fpUm play tired, stand at least eitfit or tea boara. puudi. whip half a tumbler of cur- Dont give up. People have been
vamoet dteroeraged.
AU ^Theo rmuly to aerre the Jellied Teal, rent Jelly to a troth, then add grade- saved after hours of pstlent sad t lgyoor »»««»««« tacuIUea were ctoggad dip the mould to warm water and. ally fasll a pint of boHiog water, tbe orous effort. S When breathing bewith trala aA; you «o«ld not thlak with a knife, loosen the edges oTt&e julee of a lemoo aad tmlf a capful of ^ns. get psUeot Into warm bed. give
otaarty. WhMi yoa came hogM yoo real; then tarn on a flat dish aad •i;,ar. then poor In a quart of cold wa- warm drinks or splrfts -tn teaspooosrera a uw balag..
garnish with parsley, ft should bd ter. Sorra with ahared toe.
»ft “d quiet.
eat In thm alleas with a sharp knife.
Currant Jelly—Remore tbe leaves
8ilnga-Pour elesr amonis on the
■.BB ratnntUigkOBa !
This te a alee dish for supper or ,^1 Imperfect berries from currants. ■I»tP»« «“ * ‘'“'dful of wet clsy
^ toDcheoa.
4nmh them e little to extract tbe
and water.
Savory VaaL—Veal lacks flavor and Juice and put them
Witt the itaUdrea. apMsdlng a Jolly tat aad requires aavory seasoning, scald. Watch thea
doaely. 0/ thay
Jelly WHheut Coekir>ta<
•wsBtag Witt hte taitaly or trlaads. This b aeoimpHihed by the comblna- will bora la wdte of you. Whs® well
It te always laurMtlng 10 road of
taUlag aiortea aad cracktag Jokn. Uow ot a highly seasoned aance by sc^ed. pour Into a Jelly.bag to drip,
„' methods of preparing food that differ
raat hte jaded aerraa and restore foreemMt or seasooed crumta. Be- Ot. aot eqnecia. If you drolre tbe Jdly
following U new
klza to Us BwpM ceadlttea.
ted veal that te pink and Ann to laIn- u.
u be perfectly
perfedly clear.
WTien it
It Is
-1 have ha^ a. mack retreshad by •»« “*
<>t sufAcleat age to be throngb dripping, measure mid pour
> good, hwmy teaKu by Ustenlag to wholeaome. or to any degree autri- into, a graalte kettle to cook. Remove p^rtmeatlng It 1s worth trying wlib e
good. wtadeeoB. fag-elorie^ Joke. ««»• For veal oUves cut sBee. from the scum that rise, and cook from
“ cT sre
^ tay wawdtef aa evenlag .Ub the leg or round aad divide into smatl „vea to ten minutes. Then add tbe
,„ri^wejTmorv can be
trtawdi aad haring a good time, aa by
•»«ubte for aerrlng. Hake a
.jiowta, > lUtle lesa than a
another year.
• kmg. rouad algtafa ateap; aod 1
“ tact cube of aalt p.m
^rj pint of Juiea. Usually.
„ ^ ^4,^ of Home Cheer has
tok back upon MBh axpariabcea as ffbrk chopped Ans. oae dip of bread «
Jelly as soon as tbe sugar te
irfed this mdhod aod
' mut vanMiDBa.
cramha. one------- ----——.................................................................
iboronghly dissolved^.
, aoBlag herbs snd shopped onlod It Is aqcosaary
-AaythlM that wtt make 1
wow. that win daar the cobwete ot Spread each piece out Ast. lay on a “ft'*
cess. 6sy» the anlcle;
Raspberry and CnrraM Jelly—A deniade by tbe cold process is
dnre away fear, -caiw, aad worry, te
1‘clous raspberry Jelly Is made by adil- mor* delicate (baa ibsi made by boltplace la a pan. dredge
of praaUcBl valaa. It te tha shrewd- ” ***'
iDg two pints of red raspberry Julee to
g does not keep aa well. Wash
bollm klad a( bBstaaas poUty to do what
carii pint of currant Juice. 0»k from #nd mash tbe -eurrmnu well, let the
will twertate. freshaa. and rejavenaie Ing water. Bake until (he meat ts flve to ten minutes, skimming care- p„,p
a little while and then
leader aad browned on one side, bastBBS tor the aext day's wark.
fully, then add three-fourths of a Nnt
i„ , „obc Jar
. -We aboald not teak
of sugar to each plot of fralt. Re g,pd puuin a cool place for M boors,
hamar as tnasiuty thiaga. bat aa pas. one cap of boiling water, aad a move from tbe Are as soon aa the su- Remove the aenm from the top. strain
aattd. Uatlag.
tlRte browaqsTflrar., Pour over tbe gar te thoroughly heated, aad pour ,„d to each plat of julee add a pith of
i, dlsoolved.
WB the whole sharaetor.
■■oac vr serve lu e/euimii
• Amall iiwwi.
bowl. wsruOan- Into JeUy tumblers. Raai*erri|es wUl
“Why ahoaJd » » Ml, . M w. ,k, PI,,, „a „««. „iuh«. „
Wi. M., b.. 1. u ,1^ “O'* eeal la glsases. In St boors yoo wnll
k pan d
have a traaspareai JHIy. No beat ts
aw proI, 11,1,.,
as “®
tbe onrrama
onrranta 00
do oni
ont affect the fla- ztqalrta! “
gram? Why abould thte aot eater g,,
loavli* three divisions oP "
....... IWI on IM Ulopu,? *«, Wou Oi.
«”• ■0 much farth_____ __
-___ ________
About Water Oriakinp
hare to work for a UvtBfft Why not «dub tnllp. fill ihe others with chow- *»■'* '*'•«
'• perfectly fresh
M^st peegde do not drink as much
do ft with joy aad gtedBoas! Why chew, borae radish, or aay ralisb proC«n«>te
JeHj-Plck the fnut
„ g,* b^dy needs Tbe body
B9t atng St oar work, as tha aallora fer^.
sieras. wai* and place In a leqalras about tiwee quant of water
Veal CufleL-Sptead the cnilet l^*"***
» .mtlg''datly to supply the waaU of tbe tte. -iBUghter te a good heaJih^uUder *lth-^i etaffliif made of oae cup of
*»- J“'«: ««k frqm tdS sue. aad waab tbe impurietc aat of
Give me aa aaployee who laves to flaeiy ehopPHl broad ctsBba oae *“
mlnuiM; remove thb scorn tbe lystem. Staee Mt much more
teagh, who oBjoys a Joke, who alway? tMipoon of flaeiy choppwl parsley, a
tbreedounhs of a than a qnan of water te present la
•MS the ladlcrDat aide of thlagt!
acsmi teaspooa ot thyme and marw W»»
«*■' "*
amount of food aa«l. mS
“Lnagfator te a tokoa of aaaeaaaa. Joram mixed. ooeAalf teaaponn of
tesst six passes ot water abouM be
AkBormal pee^ aMdom tea^ It U aalt. a wblff of nutmeg and one salt'»*• •W '• **« dlsmilved. drank.
«• natnral to want to laugh aad kava apooo of pepper mUed *Hk a table- trr K In coU water to me If K will
More tbaa a haadred thoasaad
a good Ume as it te te brmuh*. There apooB of bolter. Roll the atufflag la
cook a trifle longer. Poor persons in thte couatry are Bade 111
ta BOBKhlBg srroM abort a peragn the veal and fastea with woodao‘“to Umbleis and seal m you wwild every rear, by the see of impure
who aridem teagha.
tooibplcka to keep It tn pteee. Lay
Jellywater. Water may have thousands
~l knew a maa who rarrty aaltes: oe the teg a few allcet of tat pork
----------------------ot bacteria In every cupful but it will
•ho teoka dteguatad wbea be seas to preveot dryiMia. Pm U a aaucelead Rica Pudding.
cease ao dteeasa salaas the genna
aay aoe coavateed with laagfeter. He' paa wHb dbe ptai of ^aier. a piece
Ihte te a dellclout bot wertber daia- from Ock persona, or aslmals.
ta aoUtatoeded and aoMak; ha lacks ot eanrt aad obIob cm |tee, • aalt- trto ha smsed wkk bsrt ftsK. aa sraaam. art watar mtt he made

Ufe (or drtakt^ br beOlac .H oae
Loagar boTBac ^roa tbe
Itariag the suBBer days of wamib
card parties seem tenuny to be anlh
ar streaiooos form or eatertaiameot
Hero are
tag away tbe Ume which are trmst
OBongb to saUMy aay cce with
developed ease of brala fag:
Ask each of the gueou-to bring a
kella Place a laall Jug wbere all o>
tbe coBtrelaDU can see tbe mouth.
Olvp eech oa« a bloefe ot wood a lit­
tle larger tbaa the Bwuib of tbe Jog.
aad loqulre them to wblllle out a cork
lor the Jog. Beadurtag ooly by Ibe
•ye. Tbe one who kucceeds la whli
lllag oat the beet-flltlag cork Is Tbe

Be PoFticiiIar
Be me of the “putkailu** people. .
When you make up ydis mind dut you want
“Uiy Y^te" flour, you’ve a nasao for it and you
on geMiog it
^ ^n»e\^!easy** person gets vdot die ’'pazbculat**
penon doesn t ward.
If you’re paitkular and ciioaae the W. you*fl
get it.
You’ll And that most particular people hqy

Lily White
**TW noBT thm Bnt* Coohs Use**

A party of eight or ton trteods who
knew ear aaolber preily
Aixl that most the peofde who do BOt «k il
load of plsylng games with prUo.
are not particular what th^
they use.
tint they tired ct buylas ibtnv for (be
saBse best players «> carry bosie
of Lily White are peo^ of
each time Ifben tbeir bright x
dcfuoii. They are using Lilv white beesUK they
eutertalaed. Instead ot tbe asual re­
quest tor coBlrttniOons to tbe prize
bdieve h U the best flour and because do ooe caa
fund, tbe friends received
s^ than any other kind.
lug that each oae bring a prise atong.
not to exceed tea coats tn cost,
Don’t let anyone get the inqxesiian diat yoi'ie
wrapped up so It couM not be i
They turned over tbclr parcels to tbe
hoataes. aad abe nomberod tbam ahBe particular—get Lily White.
cc-rdlag to slse. tbe first prise betag
tbe largoet. At the end of the
Fw sale by your deakr.
each player received a prise, by tbe
score she bad made, aad tbera
much extra tun over tbe aov^ty of
tbe best player gstllag a bugo pack­
age of colored Sunday sappleeaenu
luseleu because out or dsiel. whHe
tbe boobr turned ont to be five braad
p Is res stampe 10 a fist, siodest tlcfal nf pIlU because one pUi bad
.ixdc her feel better. Dc aot think
lIHle paper.
that a capful of cml-oU will dn twice (y of cold watar wtu glva It a Btaar
the work of a smaller amount, 'or the appoanace. Colored atlkp m wash­
( will be greasy aad smelly ed the same way only thTtawaU
clothes that are welkalgk linpOBilble should be omttlad. A UtUe vtaigar
reaird}. Thi.'. recipe applies also pul 'fito Ibe last rlDsiag water te a
aad cherry bloseoms toe ijust raap
the body clolbes and household good thing tor Mua. gieea. plBk or
beiry sherbet) aad caadies aad all artldea and wui be iwiad utislsct- red After glviog It a good ahaktag
ss a bleach to make the doIkes aad snapping fold tbe silk- amoeUdy
kinds of Japanese' sweets,
look white sad clean.
aad place it betweea tbe toUa ot a
i a (bin. boiled starch—tbe ptere of tklB BBalia. t>at ft throagh..
Fo{ aa informal. fun-tevlBg crowd,
a profresstve debating contest seams sheerer (be Btetertal the tblnaer the the ^ihea-wriager aereral times aad
to be a flrst-clias suggasiion. A nma- starch. BUS sarchlng breaks the while stIU damp Iroa with a mo«grber ot aaiall cables should be pUced threads S4d-.^s to wear out tte aiely-bot tftio —Womaa's Home Joarthe sisrch hikesrouftd the room in tbe customary matertsls.
I. not botllng hot. Many UubfashkB. On each of the tables two
Whao Waahliif Hal^.'"queries sre to be idaned; two couples dresses find It Baccestful to add the
IB washing the kalr, aavar wria«
can be seated si each table part- bluing to tbe stardi. Be sure to use
tbe loBg strands with the baafla. Thte
aerv hoMiog opposite pesKloBS. The Indigo blue.
Wbea possible all suina Bbould bs iBvartably apUU the ends. TM Brtlp
subjects are to be dlaenssed over the
table and across the voices of the oth­ removed before the wbole aitlde te may be nibbrt ta a maty motioa. as
er couple. This arraagemoot would washed. It Is easy to reawre ibeee Ibe hair te not liable to break near
white goods, but tbv must of­
naturally lead to axcltlag
the roota Always riaae tba'hair by
dteplsy of oratoriral powers. ten remala tn adored goods. Damp­
pouring water over ft or by dlpgtag
At tbe tap of tbe bell every three ened powdered starcb applied InstaeiII) out altaost aay frolt stsin
minutes both partners and qoertes are
clear water. ArUfldai beat wfU eaBte
to be changed. It te best to a<dect\ub- tiom roloted wasb goods If il Is al­
tbe bale to dry quktaly aod aaap.
Jecls of a ridiculous nature, tbe “Re­ lowed to remala on the spot lor sevboure. Stsreb appUed In thte RTiee tbe bate te dark and has a wesolved" of tbe query glrin, to It s
deoey to fan. It may be saturated wUb
ludicrous gravity The entire company wsy win take out blood tute* from
a Blimig KriutioQ of aasaalraa and alshould be permitted to vote by bal­ sUk and retlon. Tea. coffee and cho­
coboL This IS beaeflclal and checks
lot 00 the best debater before the par­ colate sulns as well as freah fralt
stains may be removed by atrelcbtag fslllag balr. In drying tbe ^ rwb
ty la broken up
MIC stained material over a amall (be scalp wftb aloabol or toilet wabowl and pourjflg through It some t< r. It maovee all greaee sod (be odor
The tunimer Washing.
boiling water. ^Tbte pro coos Biay have of eoap that oftoa remalas, evea
.So ooe can do saiUfsctory Uubbe repeated severtal timea To pre- - ihougta tbe balr U perfectly tree
dry work unless w'llllag to iske s litHI tbe place trow haring a yellow- from IL Uee the flae con* sgMrlB«ly
lU- trouble, bnt care, time and dellbI tinge sprinkle iBome powdered and brash Urn balr brl^. AU aoagB
crallunVepay a thouaandfold
borax over tbe spotpfter tbe sula Is whDuId tw boiled la tba water tn wbkh
To wash colored ctothCK properly removed aod then rtpae It out. Por tba hair Is Aral rinsed, otberwtoe tbe
tbe careful housewife must oiske up Irou-rusl stains, nse tamon Juice and balr te liable to fert sticky. Tbe
her mIoJ to follow certalo rules, (he common lable^alL bu1 thte wju ao- iMst bit of soda wilt assist la eteaamoat iBponant of which Is the Invar­
OBly lor white goods Use ing SB oily sqpjp to which dirt cUagi.
iable use of a pure, oeuira] soap.
chloride of lime for mildew.
Cura tor CenaumgUon.
To SCI (be color Id new wash ma­ So ouch wash silk te worn that a
water eirnmes ac
terial* urc an ounce ot sugar of lead, few Buggestfoui about It may be help> for tadfltaat
dlasolved in one galloa of boiling wa­
All silk snides must b< wash­ are said to be a
Tbcr Bsnat^ .have
ter. and Mtsk the garment for ac hour ed separately White ^k will turn consumptloo.
or so In this solution. Remember yellow If ms>-b<-d In tM^Mer or If marvelous tealc power and 'refresh
that unless U is thoroughly disrobed stiong soaps an used. I'se tepid OOP after ^eal taUgaa. A diet ot
ibe sugir of lead will leave greasy
' with a (•-» drops of ammoiite grapes saacsiweril baa boee proved
streaks In the msierisi that nothing and enouKb melied soap to fonn a vslnaMa la hundreds ot ca*«. aad.
known wUI ever remove. Then rinse Utber A>o,d iwUilng and wnnging. if takco la UBte. .a case of JauadlcB
thoroughly'th tepid water—again re­
•re sr<- any .pots'rub them care­ caa be cared by miiag aoUil^ bot
member not hot nor cold water, but fully with tbe band. If there arc per>- leitsce and lemoa juice. In tbe taco
tepid. After (his rinsing wash a* us­ Hams, under the arms sod of this, can ooe oot aimosl dtopeOM
ual. but even now, after tr.l* process,
ih.- oet-k dip the stained parU wHh dectors' If yon (OB't get vatertbe colors will not sU) In unless fur­
weak solution of bicarbonate of croBs. buy t flve oeat psekart of vrther caution is used: svuld the ordin­
ai.d warm water: tbU^sbould be dea cress seed and sow at Inurrals of
ary Uundry soap* nr washing powd­
before wetting the whole watet three or four weeks It I* delletou In
ers, sad keep on hsad s neuirsl soap
ksJsds or cates with salt aad good
such as I'asiile or olive-oil soap. Uec
not always surressful. Rinse In fresh bread and better.
utu for sll (tee laundry work. An.v
delira(e<oloc«7 lawn or muslin if
washed carefully by hsad with soap
suds made from a neuirsl soap vlll
not lose Us color. Tbe cost of such
a soap U s trifle greater, but ll will
more than pay for Itsell, for, rontalnliitt no washing soda. It can do no lasury to tbe most delicate colors, tbe
aheerest of fabrics or the most dainty
All colored shirts and. dresses
slould >washed separately Ir avoid
tadin; .rd streaking. It U wcll'flrst
And Tct die ptice is no
to get s'l the plain washing i>er\sad
hiffba ^ mMBf dsabn
out or luc way, so that more nttcnttocr ^ (or buggia o(
can be given to the floor things. Unbferiof make.
less the article to be wasbe
No matter whK
dirty try to avoid the acral-blng-board.
yoo want, StadmbaJier
rubbing with the hasd Instead
small boy's rompers, liule knicker­
makesit UwedoB*tbgf>
bockers. aad tbe childrea's other pUy
pen to have just what foil waat it Mock we
get kfac|«M
etolbes ibal get ao grimy
soaked ever eight la coM water, oee
teaspoonful of coal-oil being added
Cent tmdmm m mk*m jw «mm
each tnbful of water. This am looel
en (be dirt and graaae. A word ot
waralag: de aw be like tbe woman WAGONS,
wkB avaltowed at once a wkote

Lead The

In Durability. Comfort, Style


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