Grand Traverse Herald, February 01, 1910

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Grand Traverse Herald, February 01, 1910


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text


Twice A


*lAt A YEAR.






Brighia Dlaaaaa WM the Causa of
Demise of Parmer Who Lrvad
Near Klngalay.

.Kingsley. Mlcb.. Jan. 31— Cyril
Svans. aped M. died at bis boave
and one-half miles Mulbw^ of her.Th« R«v. S. A. Hill* HAd Another this mornlnp at 6;3i>, Hrlphts disease
FIro Monday Momins.
being the cause. Besides his yUow,
R>r Ute M'cnnd time UuMe of
woekt Sre broke ou In (Ae refideno* be leaves two braUiera and oni
of tbe Rev. B. A. HlUi. 303 Weot
Tweirui itroet.
At 8:4S Alooday
Tbe funeral serviev win bn held
(be Arc depAitmenl weoc failed, btit Wednesday at the Hcibodist chutefa
DM mack daiMse wae done. Sia proh- at Matcbcit'a corners. He wilt be
aUy oOTorloc U>e daiDA«e. A defec- led if ^Blackman cemetery
tire cUmsey wa» tbe eaSae.



TO C. A. R.

Tb.- G. A. R. and W. II. C
eiiirrlalned Ibe siiiM’rvIsors
otSn-rs at <
dinner Tburaday evening at
beadqoartm In the basement
bouse. Ibe affair being

200.000 ARE flOHElESS







pIarrott CANNON.

A, desperate cBor. u going to be
Dtade at the mepiiot; of Grand Trav.
vrse grange to be held Saturday af­
ternoon in the Casa street ball, lo dis­
cover tth' person who has given
Ctand Traverse region a black
liy parking his apples w tth Jlitle cider.
apples In ibe eenter of tbe barrel,
it is discovered that the. guilty pany
Ib a granger pualshnicnt propurtlouate to the ctunr will b« meted
Id aU probability every granger who
Supervisors and County Offlesra Ware ran hobble to thr meeting will 1
there to prote that it was not him.
the Cueeta ct Honor at Pleasant
Affair at t.he Cmh Houm
Last Evening.

r IsTRi

Fancy, Choleo. No. 1 and No, 2 Varlstiae were All Datarmlnad Upari
by tha Msmbora.
PoMloHy Comm mo* KM Bis CamIng ihc guest of honor, owing
pstSB OtiWnod "Olva DoTora
great imereat be has tnk.-n In the
At tbe hat mectliiE of tbe Grand
Ym Oat* Waa tha Koy Nota
old aoldlers.
•f Mr. Wlloen% Talk.
Traverao and Leelanau Growi-n aad
Kollow'liig the supper the
euppera- sMocbtloa. tba natter o(
master called upun Ur. Itslcs. George
Th* TioeerM aiy board of trade cradlap iwtaton was tnkea up and
U Crisp, K, K, Waller. and^Sopervffl bo tko Srat organlMUon of lu
decided to adopt uni­
vlsofs Sparling and Uarrow. for re­
Mad la Uleklsaa to have Its
form pradea. Tbe eatnblbhlng
marks. ib.-n Ibe program was turned
ibeae cradea waa IcA to Cahrlea A. Military b buardlng Property and
J. W. Hllllker. who las
OlMributing Rations—Creatoat
Bmeraon. tbe aasoclMloa lo approve
prafeit for ibc orgauliatlon of an at
Damasa b to tha VaM Un^ The prades bereafier
1‘lary to ibe G. A. R. for the perpejusYOU. H arai decided to acoept the will be aa totlowa:
lh>n of Uemorlal day.
B. Floyd CUacb to pot. Growers and Sblidwrs'
subj.-ct r.-eelved a great deal
BP um proTMlRS MAW U raised ot Grand TravevM and LceHnau
Parli. Jan. 31.—The Seluo It rp- of auemloii from (btise who were
to TrsYoiao city. The plaa ot tbe couDilea do hereby Aproc that our po- redlnp half an Inch boorly Inavlnp, and the matter was-diaenssed
finlrrr It lo.bare IS men
Utoea known by throe stand Parb to face tbe plsacilc
Waller, Mr. Bates. Judge K. R
B> «1M eecb aad trbUe
tbe srd prades. "Fancy potatoes.* “eholee
Walker. ^ Prosecuting Attorney K.
taoBiaoe Sfd not nadc an
and "No. One poutoea."
II. Prsll. .
fort, and pestilence prevail and coleaaraM, the raaalu wara appareat aad tbe aiandard gndei
Professor Pease added to the
lapslnp buildings threaten, 'pwo hun­ Ing's entertatnoH-nt by favoiilnp
la tbe Bm read lad ni(bL Tha aew scfdbed aa fbSowi:
“Fhney potatoes ibalt bo ki
bsOdlw win ba e( briA aad viij^be One variety true to name. ripe, sound dred thousand are homclesa in Paris several yocal wiediuus. aflbr wbUb
.and 200.000 are unemplAyed in I
Asa Hale played upon bU vIoUn and
locaud ea Praot atroat aeat tbe lAni- amooib. clean. bripbL free from db- and suburbs. Tbe temperature la 34. the Aliases llamllo sang a song which
kalai WocAl Tba waplete pUn
eAse. arab and aoeond prowib. uni-, id It Is cloudy ihreatentnp ralo
was very well tveeivvd. Tbe
gWoa la Dm eosnaltlea report
form run of medium to Urge sbo.
Tbe military is guarding property visors and county offierrs ai>|>reciaied
Tbe addi<M of Ooerse Laadia W1I- correct abaiie ter variety quoted, with and dlstrtbnili^ raUona lo tbe deal- the (ffort of tbo corps to entertain
mom at Cbkaso waa no full of fcaid
but would run over a one and iBie.
I praMloal. oobidod aenae aad ao la- three fourth lacb scroen. and not
Tbe greatest damage was to
.JStfjRE to board of trade vorkora saaB per cent that would wun vast undeigraund railways. Miles
atsUy that at the ceacloaiOB of tbe tbrougb a two Inch atraen.
mau be rabulU and all lnsp.-cted be—•*-t. he waa -tapered a rtMss
“Choice potitoaa" shall be knoa-n >r« UMd.
YOta o( thsaks.''......
at: Ooe variety wHb not over i* per
Boats are uied in many stret-ta
Tha bSMiSM waa'aWTed ht 7 o'v
ceai mixture, but all one color, ripe, deliver goads. Man.v coontry dlatrirta
to Ban WiM «t tha LUtle Tavern sound, not oeer Bse per cent acaOiby.
devaated. Thousands are houevttb BBS hSboI hen as waltara dbMoed. and aoeood -mro«-Uk talrty leaa and destitute In tlie sub'
Tbe YMBda Yran waU prepared and cleau. good dolor, medium to fair tixe, Brysuimarne, AlionvIIlc and joeneIba fato vai an that oenld be desired and shape tor ranety quoted, with vllllera.
HA FOUNDERED ON SHANIn a*oi7 «ny. Ptecedliu; tbe aervlnc none but would run over a eoo and
SoMk-rs and police arc fighting
sad dSrtns the waL tbe Tbesier or- onebait loch acroon. and not over 10 with tbievos nnd aiweYies wl» are
efeSMra rendered . deUcbttnl seleo- per cent tbst would nin throopb a Voldly looting tbe wmeke^ Ixilldings.
d«A The (uasraa wm opened
tw»locb screen.
Tbe people, enraged, on several or­
' s aeio to Ihtort Bdvarde with Hra.
“No. ono poUtaes" otaall be aaiae u
is' tri.d to shoot tlie Uilev.-s
. Bent as aceenpaalat tbe Bomber choice, only there may be a 90 per
.elves. Th--re are many thrilling
betas W well reoelvad, that Br. lidcant mixture erf same color, or 10 per
vaiSa Bsa rocniled.
cent mixture of any color and vnrh^
bt latiodadBE tbe veakar ot the
ly. ttlrly well matured, aooordlnp to
•vealap. PrasMant Umlor apdea briefdate A1k>mL and not over is per eent
ir of tbs membership campalm and
tcaibto. dbeaaed and rough, fair to
Italisn Stetmer Siupusees Foundered
«bat bad baan
dark color, filr alie with none Gut
Oft BilbM and Several ef the
etated that tbe board wm fonnaate
would run over a ono-Inch acroesAnd
Crew Were Drowned—Big
In banlbf prasent a man who la
not orer 16 per cent that would run IRVING MURRAY WILL OPERATE
Storm on English Chsnncl.
titlaac of a «fty that b a city. Mr.
Wileoa b ^ealdeiH of Hanlclpal Bc^
Londen, Jan. 2S.—A British terpevtoe laafiw of Chkapo. one ot the
» boat -destroyer was wrecked on
WneM “town bgoaUaT
“No. 2 grade'’ aball be add nm. So Has Pwrahased B. J. Morgan's e^r the Dover shore today. The ciww of
la the world, b eonaeeiad with tbe
ere rescued in brceehca buoys.
ehildBB acbotd, preaMent of the P. par cent mixture, any oolor and va­ and Will Also Buy Another fee
The dettroyer broke her meeringt In
Servle* In the C-ty.
OBrtes WDeeo MenalactBrtn> 'oom- riety, foirty wed matured or preen,
fSny sad b tbe only asaaoaor la a U per cent hcalfoy. toopb or dlseaaed.
last Wight's gsic and dashed ashore.
tewB ef SS.we parsou. Hr. Wlbon'a with aot over Are per cent unaouuil.
The worat aterm In many years pre­
TnivenM- (,1ty will agsin have a
fit) grade poutoea" aball bu (boer
aataleot waa “Why la a Board of
stieet car e.-rvir.. n'exl 'year. Irving vails in the English channel and wumhood eaoiwb for Xo. 2. “No. 3 a"
Hnrray lias ptirt-hamsl the' Mg red ■ous wrecks arc reported.
Tba extant an aasoebUon of tbe and “No grades" shall he left at obme ' rntdier neck wagon" from B. J. .SforThe steamer Launa was wrecked
nnlets a apecbl oider.U rooeived tor
toad wedSad taakaa food U dependnid win also purriiasn another ssr Bilbos and several ef the crew
och pradea.
car for the same liurpowe. Bath earw were lost befere lifeboats saved
a It eaid
These grades shall aUnd and be In
I exoeUeat
M operated on a regular sebed remainder.
effecL until ebanped by a vote of the
(t is believed the at'erffi’a
ule with a S-cent fare and a lAreni
members of tbb aaaocbtloB.
fare around both loops as was done deaths will be 300 or 400.
WBtatItbo STM necesaary to trsdi
Tbe diSeront gradaa and names of
bat enapatlUoa without rcaaoaabli
la*f year. The route will be prartJea!pradea
■cBuparatloB waa tnlcMaJ.
ly tbe same as last yiutr. Garfield are
Mr. WIbon baUeved that tbe Uiac •easou, with a dmeriiKiOB of each
rn the euHi. Efimw-uod avenue on
toosilnr will grade, shall be determined and fixed
be Sum by a SepartasM of tbe city
•oversMMt oad wUl be paid for oat
My of tbe city.
fnat a_____
onpfa to believe that
Manapar of Ibe Gtowera and 8bl|>tbe tine B «onlK
S *1
when the commuatty wUl
raaUtoaat titbU U one ot the
- ----------------lat
aaeratlab of psbUc weKaio. '
All Money Eeroed on Friday Feb. 4.
Work of Board.
by Members of Cengragatienal
Mr. WllBOB (ban devoted a few
ntaaiea to dlBereat kinds ot orpanSociety, Gees to Society.
batioBa. dUap sane ot tbe earlier
ones arskabed to axploU the pcopir
Tin- I'hriMisii Kndeaviir .-un-i.-ty of
of a ehy and ofbers to exploit ibe
till- Fir.t foiign-gallonsl ilionh has
peopb outaMo a city- neo there are
Intermediate Wes Organized
at odopt-.wl a plan from which they •■xthe aoeUl clubs and Onally tbe wrii
v-Friends Church Sunday.
pect i-pirndid rovuhr . fltisnclwlly, mid
b (avSlevaiop tbe coeunuany. An
Classes thre.' amt four ul Friends sUo sptrirouL Thr wH-ty al.o has
wpatmlliio of tbU kind aa four dUctaurrh mi-t SunOav stierniKin and hop,» iha: <-v-ry|v and liidcatlaet luuetlona. The Brat U tbr
Ixed an Imv-rtiiedialc V'hrisllan
loU diMTlit will CPC ibPlr.Wiiy
Ithariap topeAcr of thaoe wbt>
Ibideavor socleiy with Ihc 'following clear to paitlcipaic in this movenK-n:.
Or>glnattd tha Plan.
•bouM be tbo worklnp forces ot tbe
munutty and make them eSeclIvr.
only tbi>'>i-ar but (bat *bcy may
Bocoad. tto lDveallpallc« of the i
□..Jan 31.—Tbe bous.
Pros identr—Hazel Jobiikoo.
lullow it througbom alt'lhv years uf
Vkc prcfldcni—James Hartley.
Ihclr live*
p of th.’
Socivtan—Bhe fox.
plan U lu devote om- day of
tilpb coat ot llvini; and a vutreummu
Treasurer—<Jratv OlllierL'
ir entih-l.v lu the eervicc of tho
tars of a oomamaliy 1* n
ter waa appotnied to plan tbe inresii.
Organlst-Onber GIUhtl !
Master. The Mi<-i.'iy has fixed ou
the abe ot lu pay roll. Fourth. Sdwr
Friday' Fch. I, as th.' d»y ot, which
bf (ba work aepbetad by acarly all. t. pntjon.’
U If declared that ^praseritative
t'harles Etunktln Laa-nmoe and' all money i-arncl by th-- tm-iubcrs will
^ up aueb contaploua enthoaUam
that tbe hteal prtda ot tba rank and Loagwortb Wonpht the tuoiMUoa Hiss .Nellie Briggs were united in : turned dii-r to the socletr to b-Sb InsMe and ootslds the organ
for an inveatlpBtloB from TafL
marriage SMurday night hi 7:3i> to Md as It set. fit. tbe return to be
tlOB win ba exdtad.
Qaorge W. Curtis tn'hls oTBce 1 Sunday Feb 6.
1%a veoker emtdiaabed tbe aei
Mr. and Hra. Ftank Freuch arrived lo the Bute Bank buUdmg. JaiMs O
of abb by aaylap tb^ when _
All poisibK- dlligeoi-- will U.’ UMsf
ladiatu b aeoUnp a saw location. today tram Patoakey for a vUii with BHgp and His* Anlce 1.
by Ibe ttMtnbers of Ibe loeal soFlety
. (OtmUBood oa Papa Rva.)
fHeodt In tbe rity.
tended the couple.
}io nukv tbe movoment uslveraal.

__ _


Senator William Atden Smith Secui
One, for Traveroa City.
Mayor G.rmaJti.- rvc-lv.-J a letter
liiday from I'nll.-d S:mcs iSenator
Wimats .AMeo Pnitib stating :hai be
seeuivd a hundred pouudi-r I’arrauiK*n for this city.' The gun
lie rhl|n»ed SI onro and prohatily
will b,- piai’-d in one of th.' ]nfk».




Waa the Widow fit Isaac Starbuok
Who Died Nine Years Ago—Oea
Came ^turday NighL
Mra. Saruh Ann Slarbuek died
Journey Waa Without Incident and ter horn.’ near Grasn Saturday night
the Actual Running Time Waa
after a kiriK flliie.*. at the ay of kj
But .11 Days.
She leaveti three childtan,
Stephen M. Slsrhuck. Jam-* If. Staraud Mrs. Margaret ^llzabeih
The (oUowvng dispatch Is of inter­
. all of Grawn. She -was the
est here, as it concerns Traverse
f«>•'» street cars operated here last w'Wow of Isaac Starbixk. who died
nine y<«rs ago. Mrs. Starbuck had
year by the Har4d Tranall Co.:
near GraWit nboat 3U year*,
Dayuiiia. Fla. Jan. 3«.—One of thr
tost novel and Interesting tours ever coming from YanHufen «Hi»ty. Her
ladr In i power-driven vehicle in blrtbplaro was Indiana.
this country was compleied red
to arrival here of two Rapid
sight Mvlng trucks from Pdotlar,
Mich, Several anlomobilek had previ­
ously carjicd lartira uf tourists from
c north into the southeni peninsula. GUY HEWITT PjisSEO AWAY SUN­
I this is the Ural time on record
at a eommerclal motor vehicle has
eti Used for such purpose. Tbe lour
liially surted fnun Traverse City. Acute IndIgesUen Ws the CauaoYoung Kan Became III While
Mich., -nnd the lotalMIstance traveled
Taking Slater Homs.
in excess of l.TOA miles. Rapid
trucks w.-n- select^ because of
exceilrni kIiow lag of this make of car Guy Ilewlu.Zf- years o'rl. died at
In tbe Iasi two GUdden tours, and the o'clock Sunday
morning at U
KdK-dule that was followed would fanmn of his grand parenu, Mr. anil
have been 'iiffieull lor any ty|M- of Mrs. G. K. DoGraw. 310 Naal Twelflh
street. Active indigeslioo is given as
’The louring party Inriuded TL A. he cause. His death was very
Hubbard and -srlfe. J. A. HeiKeazio.
and daughter, and SumuM Mc- Guy Hewitt was Uo souufMr. uid
iKvIy aoi his wife, logelber with a Mrs. A. U Hew'ili
Hast Bay town­
numiKT of'lrlends. Ompiog outflU ship. He was born in GroenvJle and
were rnxrled on the trucks, and lo
ears ago came to Grand Travsparsely settle districts tents •
rrae with hJv iwrenls. lie was a quiet
fiequenlly pltchisl at iiigM. Ample youiig man. mnch devou-d to bis
prtkectJoti from the weather In the home and twpenally to hlr only sis
form of water proof roverlng
and ter. Fanny.
Manhels and protection from boasts
Ssiiirday afternoon, tic came lotbe
111 the shaiv- of firoarms formed part city, after bU sister, who had been
of the equipment. Tbe scbodule oall- attending tho teaithera' im-litute, and
they started home togeitier. When
but a short distance from tlic elty he
ro-u on Kuiiusy, and occasional became so ill, that Miss Howlll tool
niid-wct k slops tor sight seelhg pur- IRm lu the rosidcnco
his grandpa!
. in •ntes en route. While throe enu. Rhc went on home, nut thinking
weeks were devoted to the Ulp the
llneas was as serious as It tnrn,1 running time was under 11
II lo l<r and wlieii sh- telephoned
Sunday nstmins told that biHtoi> of two days was made at At< had di'd at 4 o'cloex.
In addit'un Ui lhe parents and Uti:sntb, where the tourists attraeled
wide Btit-Iiilon »re<*UM' Of their mod- •Utor, Uii.v brothers are Icfi. Dnnw
travel. Kiops ajisi wvre made at of Fremont. Lynn uf Trav.-n-c cily
Joe uf Ik4ro!l.
AiiKUKla. Jaeksonvith' and St. Augti*itie, Fla. The Isdw* of the party d-.
.lar.'d ihM '.b'-y thoroughly eqjored
the trip aad had been as, comfortable
ss U travVIing lo tbe must luxurious
toorlng cars.




Superintendonta ef the Poor Made-a
Report te Beard ef Supervisors
This Morning.

.(Fruai Friday ■> Uei'ord.l
ThAiugb Mr. Hicks the taxpayers
Perry' F. Powers aral Chartes F. Per­ oi Fife Lake Uiwnsblp re|«vwnted a
l»:iUton this morning at tbe meeting
ry Were the Crest Csmp Offi­
- supervisors asking ibat |iart «>f
cers Prasent.
tb- slate road ronioh-ndUK at th- —cIme between 4 and 3 In tow-nship
I The aiiiiiml larnu-r*'suiwrof TravJS, range S. thetue ea--i to quarter
•ise fi:y Tent Xu. STl took idaee in
line on scc-iion 4 Ik- dusviniiniied. The
he City opera house, wheri- several
mail-r wa.v refem-d to the commltt-e
'ollowihg tbe r<*ular meeting of Ibc
roads and bridges to
lodge, at whit* I'erry F. Powers and
III at S ti'clo-k totnb.'iow monilns.
fitiarit* I’erry, great officers, were
i coouuunii'ation was roc^lved
from- J M. ttafford who I. til in IkThe n«-etiTigo( th- lodge took plao- trnlt. and iilatv'l on file.
I1-. their todge room.-., alter whk-h ibe
The report of the sufierlnt/udents
officers and metnbr-rs idjourTted to r llie isioi was prt-.-etilrd, the nthe ctly opera house, where t«veral poh showing that tke cDuttly Infirm-'
hundred Maccabees. tsHh sir knich:>
bad rec* iv.-d (;,-io«.4». the rvnjnty
and ladie.H of both hl>es and tents,
n $3fCM; permanent pauper,
were gaUicreri. enjoying daoeing r,> side the Infirmary
tiusir lurulrhcd by lb* Theatre or- and partial pau|<Ch, $J.nS2 t«. and
beatra. There,waa no program, the total, 18,74.^ 35. The retort wav r.
CHcsslou lieing informal 'Frank SmtUi. nd to tbe commliiec dii.j1nance, w
vcr,tavor>>d ‘with several vutxl and moans, this cnmmi'b'V r-iNirlin;
»cl<-vtioos l«inre the dancing began.
lo 1^ ttiCT. rL
The »upi«T war rentsl In the CenThe commiiK-e t.n ’gr,.ijnd« and
-al La!«r ball, adfoli^g- covers t.e- tpilldings wa. autboiir,-!] :p repairtbig laid lor.140 bsHwirea: was. the plastcricg and put in a <vjment floor
•owd dial the lahh;8 were reset, be­
ing filled up again. Tbe menu waa
nent of the cou.t bouse, and wa»
COtuposed uI aandwitie*. coffee, pick- al.-u authonied to rocarp-t tbe stairs,
pork and bt-ans. salad.
and place two rockers, a couch and
('«ughDQt* and cheese. Dancing was such other furniture in the ladle*’
indulged la until after mJdnlgbt, and
room aa the committee might
si: bad a most enjoyable time.

Mr*. Wethy, Whe Will Rsemror fram
Her Injucl**. Had BUrM Brw
C**dingi for • Diwere* Batah
day—Thrvatenad H*r.
(From Monday’s Record.)
Wesley wethy firad two *h*tB from
32«alibra ravelrar Into tho fae* at
his wife about fiiSfl thi* Moraliig
while sh* was en her way te woik in
the Oval Wood diah factory, thon
turned tho gun on himoalf, RHng two
bullets into his braoat and ono In Mo
temple, dropping doad at bar foat A
set of fala* teath worn by Hrm
wethy probably tovad bar Ilf*, a* on*
>e buiiata, whieh antorod tor laft
cheek, atruek th* plate, shatMHng H
ie piece*, th* lead lodging In (to
fleohy part ef her etook. Tto attor
bullet mad* a aealp wound.
The sbooiinc took plae* In (rant at
!)• barn belcnging to tbe meat firm
r Joseph Sieder fi Sana. oafiT (bn.
inter of ktouiklin and Eaat M^htb
stnwu. Mrs. Wetty.
her is-ymtr old daqgttof, One*
Clark, and two cDiapaiilotto cd tb*'
girl. Vfolt-t Orcnit, and Bmar LowM.
bad started to tbe fsetory. iwfaera (bey '
are rmployi-d. when (bey (n*L Watto
coming toward^tbOBL Ha
ibern and aakad bis wUo it iB*
would ^srak to 'him. tot wben aba
, no reply be fifed two abou in
siK^ceasion Mraigbt at bw band, ooe
iking k scalp wonnd. tbe etber *attTing her Ion rfae^ tot wu otuggto
s euufsc to ccDliig la oootaet
with her false plate. Hn. Watby
was assisted Into Sloderb maat mark­
et. when- she remained tor * tmr
nlDotea, and was thob taken to ui*
Oakwnid bouse, condnoied by Mrs.
F. M. Rlea. and lator to tbe Onto
Traverse hospital i^ere the boBn
as removed.
Wethy fHI upon tbe sMownBc at hM
wUe’s feet, where he lay until the offirials were notified tod ranoead to
the AodcisuD undertaking rooiDa.
VsnOerdon Saw Trogafiy.
Essex VanGordon. wbo waa an eye
itness to (be tragedy, etotto tkat be
was walking nertb on PVaaldls street
enmrmny with bU aon. ttrln. wben
be noticed Wethy ahead of taliiL Hn
beard two sboU fired, and at tto third
shot, beard a acream. Ha ran M
Melhy but Ue man had fired two
more sbeta and tto dead fiuet as to
ivaebed his side. After tbe fifal Mro
shots be heard Ura. Wethy aay. “O.
don't Bboot me." then be beard her
“I'm sboL - Ure. Wetby, be aaM.
tossrd him, but to puHed away
from her in an aUeinpl to prevCal
Wethy from fiHhg any more sboto
Mra. Wethy** ttary.
When seen at (be Oskwood booee
Mrs. Methy aald. In part:
“1 have been afraid .of Hr. Watto
r a long time We were marrtW '
four years ago. and lived together onsst spring, wben we parted. Ha
been unkind to me (or a laag
time, and made cbancr* against my
character.* htch were false. I worked
all the ume I Iivto with btm.
"Fnr about three weeks ba ka*
been, hanging abouL UrlBg to see
Slid ou three dlfferant times to
tLr-struto ny lu'e. Ttoraday I ap­
plied for dtvorce. and Ssiorday night
applied for an Injunction lo keep
m away from me. We had word*
Saturday night, to waiting for me aller I left joliie hradquaitera. He -arat
hanging Mwut ray booM aarty
■ill- morning, but 1 did aot know of
li when I >uned out. 1 had Men
C.1J. ( of FoUie AJJfice-. about klBL and
tM' told me not to spoak to him, hi
matter what be said to me. so when
•' met thu^ morning i did aot Meak
nul a/tf-r h- bad shot me,"
Mr* AVethy baa bean Uvl^ at m
WashuipoD street, in a bona* owmS
to' Mn- Bebekab Pierce. Her ilaitoW.
er. Grace dark, rateda* with bar,
Clyde VofOsi aad hit alMer. Irma.
( Continued on Page Pour.)




f>H*ia TMidA
E^AWiit OR:

ut rrart tbwt.
■Itmi M

efaatard and ralnitM _
In the rail of itat. barlM naarty re(Otued fraa U» aOanfc' <01 fcla.
woBsda. Or. LaS^ raaalrad a tom-Ititaalun aa amsaon to Cbe aih Midi-'
lean cavalry, than onuixiitt at Cou­
nter. He paaaad ihroucb all the aUrrtne frenu d the ttrilcnrlBa yean of.
the a-ar in the middle imiUi. not raUrine from the aerrlea antll about the
ckne at tbe arar.
In IS«^ be rwoored to Charlarola.
m yeart later amine to Trarwaa

■'»■ OvUj[, 1


, pSlkON.



ilsr■■(wwa ctMii


«< OnffUAa Hank t im.

Pawina Train Made Him Stum. Me ^ll« Lookinaiat Oun.

fliiilain wit3.02S

HanMlooa. Mlefa., Jan. ts.'-mrover
Hareay «aa taken to ibv poorbooee
at Bellalre todaj with a liollet In his
abdomen. Tber.- b little hope (or hie
raeorery. DeapHe the tact that tbe
m^aayi be abol tilmicir, Ibe ataer-

Wa are ucb plaaMd <*Ub
rnammtPt. now vsdar way la UiU city
«0«Rrtta*auiUar7(0paip«Bau iite
uUNnama «t Manotta) day
iBiiaMri. 4« carry oo ib« ttork «r Um
O. A. & Wa an all a«ara tU Uia
Mi^lpitonaaf tkaEtti »1U la
ymm mv. raure (ran lAU aarth
Ua taai ef uia am who baard and
aanrarad U>a call o( Utalr coaatt7.<
a*d dHat tkalr aanory aboaU ba per.
patoflad la tka (amt of a Urine moaootast ot tkU cfaaracter la maat and

Marc^ came to^tancalona on the 3
o-cloeli train yeeterda). He aaya be
d Sprint
.t blnuaU a sg nllbre
walked oM aboiu two
nllroad inch and wna
Df bla purchase when a tialn
r. iwuHiif; tilm TO eturable and
eun. The bullet entered
rlow his heart.
Th.le mail iianerod bach (o ton-n
when neon by tbe marshall, naa
unable to talk. TbloklnE Ibe man was


ba conmarebol
pnaad of oUwra Um mamben ol Uta
rea one bnnbcr. A. J. LeMh,
' how the .man waa and
O. A. B. of ooiirae and (or Utat rea- or Oakdale. Nebmsha, and one
Marrey Informed (be officer that he
aoa. wooM oat bo aU« to moet vlib Urn. Loula Bonyon, ot Penton, Mich. bad bMn shot. A physician
thoV A. B. bat tbere it nothtnt to
kln^ the O. A. R. (tom maeUncwlUt vktloiv and ooUrlnc onerfy. He wae
T aliu-urc worker In whatever be'un- ^
and taUnt part in tbe affnln ot Uie Icrtook to do. and from aarty maa- ^
anxfliary. Heo<^ tbli oivnnlxailoo Jiood was air cAm<>sl CtaHsUan and)*
Ueibodir' ^
wpoM uve tka beoqflt o( the eiper- active worker In
iFron. Frli'aj'a Revo.
leooa t( tha Be^ra of Uie G. A. R. ehareh He.waa a foiwUiIn and plea
IDC writer, nnd bis cmmonlcal Ions
SI. Briw*, aMlstani freight ajeu:
apd llw Inapbaiioii of tba preeence acre eaccrly Mwehi W many pel
or UMae maabetn ai lont ai they are oU and papers timiusbom the i---- of the Pere llantnette Mad
eiiy from Grand Uapl4s.
Try. In l«S3. tbe Grand Trar'crHc
' able to attend (^'meeUiwL
Prrkelt has e^nc (o Grand
In 'the Uft (aw yean ntnoo the aid enned him to write a complete
and full hUpiry of the (hand “
llaiiiils ill the Interest |of the Urowsraai, hurt ot -ei baa tiecua to heal j erae resWui. This wot* was wr>eis' and Shippers' assticUllon
to a eertala extant, we bare been
attempt to socuic belief (li-lKht ratea.
■yowtat ratbar oarrteai coManlns
of the aUte. fwm Maokinac
ti B. JODCi who hns
Manortal day, aapeclaUy tboaa wbo
till' SOUUl llDC Of
M-huo| at Oadeiisbui'K
taaA 00 aarth maAT you after the illcd the Grand Ti
rsc replon. bia home by lllnesa.
Ereat Brntsle. Tbu la a eonstani
he<l aerially
Slta W. P. Reynold rcturn.-d to
ind Traverse Hunid and
U«d^ to tnaka It a boUday—a day
Honor today after a business (rip
of Sold aporta. A certain prUe teht- aurancd wide attanUon. A (c
aao. -pcnulsmon wa* cnniod itf (ho
er kna aren ffqid ao far aa to Inaalt Herald to the Ulnliiaau PlonoT nnd ilie «-i;y.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Juhy Oijborn relumed
the patrlottam oC Uria ooitatry by de- Historical snctcly to lDrtiid» thUsoi*
daitn that he -woold ananpe one A In tiu-lr piibllrutlons, nnd It hns Wn to Osborn this luoruluR after tislllus
s’tsiern relnlltes In the rity.
hk tattloa for that day bocaoM It the (uunduilon for all Korlbwtj
.Mlebliran lilblory, It -Wo* espc
F. Jeiiks. SK>-ut s
waa a *nionday dear to the Amerl valiuibic for tbe early French
enl to Grand Rapids ll
can tnonlel*
Indian liUtoiy of the oonoOr. and emulfeiU-d liracod tbe flivl authetilJr and rvlUble,,-,'
la eu,.^ vj
wkM thare u many of the oU tol history of the I'onianllr- nnd (rnalc
evMits p>-rtalnlttR to (tio settlement
Kniest Givrtllek left |ivit the I*er.aiMn'pot npoo earth, what will it and orcujiaUon of the Beaver Islsodi
SlaivtuelK' todny toi Rt. Pelcrabunt,
nMbJp w^ ibv u Eonef Orxanl by Kina Biranf: and bU
Fla., where Jie w 111 epend" the rei
Ute evt) BfUes.
• «bME or Uie cooler annesM
A<-s or Ih.i k'inles
'v. the ■iatlnx Ian nipht wlU prove (ha
; MmkiB, alnw ocxantiatlotts or thU ready to do more tban his share, al- IVre Slarquelte for Sa^ttn. Ore., and
' --.^BlttUk hare an appeal that cannot be w«}-s slvihs a belplwc hand to kbose Other points '
noMM by man who have a daaira to who needed II, and with a kind word ure Hip.
/•hoaor ttteaa ako made Um croMeat (or evprybod)'. He will be lone
Silts Irene Pono of
bered by tbe<oM time flic
pmBila aacrIAee for their eoanUr- '' out the Grand Traveree ___
ana. is visIMi C in Trsv,
IV propoeed onnnlaaUon
bu lived a lone and useful
life and S lew days.
■Ida aa oxcelleBt nan. fnlly loQ while, at his adranced a«e. hit death
MUM beUi( Miolled, and ondoobi
friends, f
aAr ’tbon wtQ be a meeUni called
r him klni
MOB to (brsially orsanlxe and lay out




Ceufltles far

M War


TniuerM CHy in 1

Word hu been received here that
Dr. Mortan U Uacb died at bia Mme
la JpdBiGhle, AitaMaa, on tha atomiBE of Jannarr M. Owbm to advanced
peain. he had been qulie feeble, tor
k wiU carry aadM
kamr aad torwl Dr. Leatb.
taacb was (be elder
.. .....................................
I brother of
the Maa. D c. Inacb. who
Ml died ai
—.r tj. UM.
D Krie ooaniy.
Kow York. April 1I. ]ltl, and was the
...... JO fhmUy of ckUdtvn.
la thomriy days of Ukhiaaa blttory,
Or, Imok'a faaUy moved to tbu
Mato ted eodhted aH the prirathm>
MM kMdMtpo of pioneer Hfr. In ISM.
eatarad the Uolrcfafty oi
ififhMU W the Medkal depaiuaent
IM ctfitlhned hU nndUe. eaminx bis
on nj as be wet"
«hkt Um heoooM
a imie n

Rapids, has aciepted a pualUon as Inspertor of a new diatriet Just (uRueil
the MIchlean Insix<ctlon bunau.
, Cunl.' headquarter* will be In
Traverse City.
IM. (hirtU was (oniicriy with the
Wicblaan burwau, rosltminx a tear
- ' a half BSQ to Ukr a betler poslbitlh the Providence rumpauy.
The new position Is a derided ad
e over the coe he is ocrupyini;
al present and (he fart that the piMitIon was offered him wiihoot applica­
tion by a concern be was formerly
with, apeeks hlphly (or his abllliy.
The new dlatrlrt oonaleta of IS owii(las In Dorthwmtern Muottf-" and
Mr. Curtis will be In (aU <karse.
An once wU be tnalutalacd in Trav
erwe city aid Mr. CurtU will brtna
employell with him. all tbe tiualof the dlatrlrt-tHOna (lanaacTAl


PERE(>f<*LA '


yomm,i>.my*t say ur**ga»
aadyM wm WgM a M’yew.

.w. ,niiui bate icAud lieiilili You
can't have good health ll' >our lUcr
Is nol doliik IIS duty--low hut sure
l<»lsaulna Is soliu! on all the M!r
utidiT sueh conditions. Ur. Herrtt-k'a
Bnxar-Coated lill* nuike a perferlly
hi<altby liver. k<vp the sUunam and
bowels rlKht. and art as a touk- fur
the' entire aysiem.
Aak for a five sample.
E«M by S. K. Walt * Sons. C. A
ItusUv UruR Co., bud West Bud Unif;

PnW EM and Ceata ter



Tbe Hon. Jaaco B'ooMoaa of Paw
Paw. who boa bosa la Ute city
tending tbe farMera' aad teaeber's institate went te Maalstee this 1

Traroic Qtr Stitc But
A. TMer lAy. I
B. J%Ot4 CUbM.


PMnda in Hia Wsa
Hsnaing In Woodbbed.

Frank Hosmer. a ianaer ncer. 31ancekma. wa* arraited yeaterda^ and S^al-h^STaJS^* - STi:
fined for having venison.In hi* pos­
session more than 30 days after the
efooe of the dece season. DepnL''
(Ume warden Bmiih accompanied
«e ^
A GcGcni Buktat tebcM Di«e
by Deputy SlierlS Sbermah went to
iTch. th(
Hoamer-s ho/y and found over 73
Traverse City. .
•OR SALE—One pair horses, good
3«uDds ot venlsoo dried and ban '
drlvi-rs: iwie each. *urr\ and single- S per CCBt tUaveE th Time DepMl
in bis wood ehed.
boggy; clouble «r«i cutler and Jnia),
Hosmer was brought to town w
•oit cutler. Finest rrsoa prat"'
on Iak* Luke, also launch and :
he ideadrd'gulHy and was fined 120
bouses fur sal.and costs. Ho paid.
n-n-. Imimrv K Wilhrlci, 42'. w
William J. Glark, OM of
Tbe law U very strict now in re
t-.h sireei or :it> WUhelm Ula.i
Rsaidsnta of Biair
gard 10 the keeping of doer. No per
STATK OF MICHIo'i^.Ninunty ot
Had Lived Thei
40 Yssraf”
eon te allowed to sell a hide or have
Grand Travurse. os.. Probate Cbun
^-luf said tlotiult.
a head unmounted In Ibclr poeaes■and Trive
. years,
WlllUm J.
irk. aswl
; Notice is hereby given. Mat 1 Intend,
r said Cot
died at. hi^ boms
lUsir (owbshi slon more than SO day* after the seaon (be Fmeenth dav of March nexLat
fr«n ..
. ________
J St &;S0,_____
o'clock in the (oreoooh. to. make
b da.v of
Fffeeta of s rapture. Tbe funeral will
appliratlon to said Probate C^rt (or
(be lore
hlonds}- afternoon from tl;
an order changing my name from
X Monroe Caatrr. tbe Rev. .
WnUrd J. Hanslorskv to Willard J.
an order ebauglug
.. . ..SSI
" > acconHng to the prortelgM-.of
Knill J. Hansloraky
dlpg to tbe prnvteloaa Of the
le'ln such case made aad proDated Janury Mh. A D. m«.
hel who Is ill tl
WlUard J. HsnalOvskF.
and two sisteie. He settled here
Inim. being one ol
of tbe first setik-rt.
Jan. 1M«-2S-Feb. I,
of Blair township.
Court (or the Oouaiy of Grand
Court for jbu Cuunty ul Grand Trai
At a a.'aahra of said coart. held at
fn tile* niktic
Ihi* pro! —
Georg.. W. Phelps,
ly. on U
Not U-cr IS berebj given that four Trnvorae Cit.v. tu a
Jaimarr A. U.. 1910.
nionibs from the rsih day of
Pr.-s.-iii: Hon. Fred R. Walker.
Judge of lYohato.
salil devvasod to maid court for •the matior ot (be ssUla ef
liiBlIon and adloMniem. and tha
HotffR-r. deceased.
fill Celebrate the Anniversary of the
credlloni of said dec'aaed are r.-uulrGirth of the Order on Evening '
ed to pivsenl Ihclr claims lu sahl
ol Feb. 3.
<-oun, ul Ibe probate office. In ibe a certain Instnimeni In writing pur­
rit> of Traverse Oi> In said cuumy. porting to be tbe last will and IcsUon or iH'fure the fiib day of June A. ni. ui of aid deceased, now on file la
This work, the blnhday of HtghII. IPlo. and that said eUUus will be >ald Court be admktei
dom will Is* telebrau-d lu a fittln.'!
heard by aaid cuun on Monday the that the sdmlnlstratio
I'-lh ilav of Juue A. 1>. I»10. ul
be granted ,tu Lydia_____
nianufr by Traverse City A.-rte Xo.
o'.ioik In 111.* for»-noon.
or to some oihcr suitable peiwoo.
.tU. Feb. 3. having been lived it]K>n
Haled. January XI. A. I>. 1910.
It la ordered that tbe 3rd day of I the date f«r the big affair.
Fcliraary. A. I> 1910. at ten o'tdsc*
Tbe Tolloaiog bate been placed up
Judge of Prub
In itac furenouu. at said probate (KAor.
F.-l. |.klf.i;2-Meh. I.
Ibe eonluil>-es ill charge:
b.- aud te hereby appointed lor feeaing aid peiUluD
KvccOUve-GrorgC. Htokely, K. K
•’ Mli'Hl
ft te (urUi.-r orderod. (bat psbllc
While, U C. Clapp. -A. Lannnonh.v. I.
notice b- given by pubUealloa of a
K. C.vineron.
copy of ihl* order, (or three succes.1 a M-AsliMi of aald rouri. hetd al slt.' weeks previous to said day ot
Uec.*lillun—t: K White. C (■
I- prokve ofliiv. in the til., of TravIlrickMiu.-W. II. c (lermaiue. Jam*.,
r Cit.. lu said rounly, or
on the ITtb Wllllaiii Cisik.
o' Jsjitiary. Aj. D„ imu.
Eiitertniiilueiii —11. J. Giinian.•i.•seJlt: Hi>u.^Fred M. Walker.
Judge Of Prolisle.
All Klnhner. liiarles Giimialm-. >1.
Judge ot iTobats. .
lu the niaiKT of the estate of Ig-o Jan. IMS2r,«-eb. I
lAuras. R. G. Datldsou.
Solomon, dcresaad.
Ilavtdiiin. Frank
Homy llniadbagen baving fih-d in
Jubusun. Aututi llubka. 1. \V. Cas -.
H.ild 4vun hte prtIUon proving Ihu:
Cfftrle* h’auM.
tin- n.lmtnlMratl<» of said >n*tale 1*
griinied to Fiiil.*v M. llanimoiMl or to
MusK—Herman Klrdiner. I,. C,
Clapp. Charlc> (lermaiue. G. lane SlI1: U .
vur. Duff MacDonald.
Ill the forenoon. St aaid proliaie ofQi.'.
iw and Is lien-b.v appointed (or bear
John Rsmaia Osad.
.. said poiltiun.
John Ramsls died late tlsuiriby .vf.
It is (unber oyderw
: pubi;
moon after an llino** of sevi-.-sI
‘iniiee theri-of ho glv«‘D by publ
tuacCir He .>.s (( .vesrs o'd AUl
of 11 vop> of till- ord.-r. (or lliri
loaves a widow and several bmifaert
and Sillers, his piironts also survlt.
H.-rald, u newspaper prlnlod and clrThe funoral waa held Mondi
iiiluii-d In said count..
1:80 at the uuderiakiug luiPIIKII It WAIJvER.
Judge-uf Probate.
lorsof Ot! & Shaw The Rev Drnia,1vB. IS-2.'iFeb. VS.
Corhlln offliialed. and Hie reuminv


s;,s:r ■“









James W.Gauntlett.M.D.


lowing men. th.-lr -wfdos
Frank HiWahrand,
Nswten B. aherldan,
Jat. Fagarty.
Frssman Ewara,
Juilin ainghstn,
These 1
lun-lalian Cvui ..
. io lik.- InformilJoii ol Fay.-i
. . —. , a.. former
._...... .......
Traverse Connly. All of the men arheUevsd to have bo<-ii ...Iclicrr In IhI'nloii .Army durtng ilic Cud Wa:
'.nj-one who cier kiie* any of tln-i.i
ill’cobfer a laior liy writing lbundersigned
I.. W. linsltKU- ,
llouui 3, lil.l:
Springfield. MImuui..


• IS'i

Makes a

Mh. n ymt ar.- bu>luq-shoes
don't let the price lie ’he only
thing j(«i ha>k at. We alnajr
try to Rfi Ibe price tlc-su 1 >w',
t..H we must '.uok out for pual
quality Bhoe*. Ail. our cL-aru
urv guaranUHd solid k-itbcr.
\.i'i get jonr luoncy's wore.
. V. :•> tim. No iiai'icr. n j ili.iJ-

Your Duty

(Fmiu SJturday'r K.'eaM )
3U*s iVari Sutton of ItuttAv who
a Uvn Bi«-nding woiu (imd at Mapklon. wa lu the eRy tudajkon her
way homo.
- ;
Mr. aud Mrs. FVud Uaiindi^.r. ol
Nt>rlh|Ktr(, were In the elty today on
Joseph Dordeas pasasd ttaraugh the
eUy today on hte way to hi» kunu- at
Nortb|>ori from Ann Arbor. 'Where be
rwent an operwtlon p we*k ago.
■ Thurielt It eapectsd. In Ibe
rlly ihU evening to Join her kualstad
Qr, ThurtRlI. wbo te a*oclaM with
Dr. H H. Garner.
Dr. \V. B. rtinr(4i. ar <RM<nnatl. !•
sj'endlng a tew da)» at the Grand
tha ttrU war. Dr. Uaob eulisiad as a Travvra bospttsL
pekrata and waa aeon made h^tial
Mkwatd. In the retreat of Can. Banks
ina purees
kWsM Iks oeeiwketelna
furem of
________ ____________ r tha battle of
KtOMtowA Or. LMch. who was with
teckc.twcksa MOB train or aid! aad woandad.
rma «apt«iwd by the (onrederales. '
• y«w k'xv If
Tor teMvlBc tmr oevere wounds.

Hera, of OMU Pier, died et the heme
of bis dsoffther. Mrs. K E. Koudsh.
at 10 o'clock yteterd^ moralnx. He
was «5 years old aad came to LeeIbaea coonty ts yearn ago from Gw
many. H« was a well k-aown and high­
ly respected farmer.
Besides Um* daugther wKb
made nl* home, he leaves a wldow
a»d one son Fted. the aon living on
the farm on wfatrb tbe father bad
Used until he weet to bis daughter's
home, four years ago.
The funeral.1 party will leave (be
Houdek home> at 13:3
ISiSO Monday for

were laid (0 rest la Oskwood.
Columbus. Jan. :|.—^eprsoeDlallve
Wilson In Iniroduclex ajMII In tbe lexUlature today flulnx tritMcers In mauSBlc k««reu. revealed' the fact that
tbe secret ritusla of tbe Masons.
Knights of PythUa and Odd Fellowa
h-ad been stolen and wre beiug sold

pllmeitt to Mr. Curtis.


Ohio Lcqlslater In I


k Kwonm Oerwian Farmer of GUIs
•Ur PasMd Away et tbs Homs
•r OsugMsr.

You »it3 reiponaibic far llio qnalilf of tin' bread aud
putrj eat«a in your home—a&.l you arc reapouaible for the
kind of fl-yur ued io bakiui;.
You kn left free to select wtnWver braod you oiay deem
beat, and you decide wbefior it it ecyaomy to {lurcbaae cheap
flour or good flour
Tbeee ore obl'gaticHiB plu.-e.l - upon a houaewife. at<]
tbouU ba token aeriojily, with a desire io obiaio ibe true
worib of Ibo money placed io your boodt.
You eaniiot afford to tbirk tbia duty nor oan yoo affcr.1
to miss tbe ccyaomy god aatiafaction cinacd l.y ^ce«l ti-nr
^ by not knowisg wbiob kind la bettaUptel tl yinr mula

While We Make a Specialty
Of Teas and Coffees and Conned Goods aad eoiry
oil gradea np to the veey besL we oloo do a

General Grocery Bnsiness
aud wonld be glad to bare yon oome and see vbaa
you wont anything
thing is our Hue.

Tkc lleGt fortbcMouey.

J. J.



If you have Corn. Oats. Beans. Fresh
Eggs. A-No. 1 Fresh Butter forsale^ bring
it to the corner of Front and Cass. We
pay the highest cash price for the above
named goods.
If you have to buy corn. oats, beans,
feed, -cracked corn, coarse corn meal,
chicken feed, wheat, kafir corn, charcoal,
bone meal. hay. lump salt, or whatever
you need fur your horses, cattle, hogs or
chickens, get our prices.. See If we have
the right price and quality.

Corner Front and Cass.

It is your ri^ht to hst.

STM Kind Evarybedy Likes.*


IW tf';
TSAVE3tSE emr, lOCH.

Care.' He used alonp with hts talk a BoR rouonwood tr^.'Tbe tree fokc.
« buUriin priiiied by the acHcuIloral roM and aoen fonm. a lUtk- aoil wber
collrsi- on food and leriilialaK values. It Btaoda. Aa soon aa tbe tree does
Poilowlnc npem the addiwss ot Mr. this they cover II over and set there
Edmonds the qnwtiOB box was open a pine tree and at the end of i«i
«l by the toerelary, E, O. Ladd, and jearsjbey have the grandest fore.t
(he questions read by Um'and an- tbal'oiie ever taw. yh.n the forest t.
deliahl of all the memhera.
swere.1 by J. y. Edmunds. '
grotrinx snd after it gross they- take
The a-omaa-e aerltoa «ras beU
OVnCBBI—A. Trmcr L*r. I
the pitibsu eontt room, where Mrs,
It «w« necessary to makf^ a sll^-t care or it sad a man in uBlform pa
rhanite in tbe alienraon proeram ow- irols Us M>Ittudes eooiifontjy and aees
E J. Crerti «d Lansin* addh
It that DO Br«-a are built there.

Hen*. 3. BftrDuC AAiimnt CMb|{<«liu ul the Hoiuv Laud.' Shr wjl* dei«ni cV .Ann Aroor.who Is conBaed When me tree* get to be about su
lollos-ed b.v Miss Irene «eit> -o( Kal' home with typhoid fever, and inches in diameter they cut some
asks. *ho spoke oa the "Uoiber,
C. O. Ifoyt of Vpellaml address- ihem out and aquarv them up ami
Teacher, Child.'
.he farmers In his place. Prof. baiM their__ bouAe* with them. Tbe
Frol. HoTi one ol the mate speak- Hoyt si<oke on the child In; the gsib- Certnan peasants are altowed
the stumps lor •mrood and a*
%. speaks Moudar at Delroit at the lir scbcDl an^on forestry. He told tbe'
as tbe rooir are uken'ou! o’hor
Y. M. C. A- association and Mrs. e. J Ir.riDers was ideSMAl t
« NT «ctt aBtvei «I TIM
tree, are planted where they .tood,
Crepts Of Lanslat eoailnues on tt able to sprak to 'hcni on ^Is
"We talk aboot ralslog cnq« hv
N. BL AMm» SB CeOMthM — Sultoas Bar. where she Is on the two
OtiiWiMiises r«0j«lBf BsiMm dtrs’ proeram of the I^^Unau enun.
the German.^ uHt- about raising f
maittt IS tks TrsrsrM Otf Btsu tr Institute Mondar and Tuesdap. af­ to meet with the fanners on;tbese oc
t foi tone and visor and en'
TrsT*r*« citT. Mlek.
said Prol. 1 oyt. -Give me
ter which abc returas south ihU'helna rcsion-. and that he liked ko benr
tl«m tell of bow they rained eatii.- American •"Whcn,ite came hack In.iii
her raitte« point north.
'heep c-ven thouyb be was interidd world fiSd ibc land of doU-.wieil in the raUIng of boya pnd sirl.. and princes And saw tit- nvi. wiilic
“niere was acarcelr a varant seat
Prol. Hoyt aaya that tbs jtooo-r
Idue ol the American flag he war
lu the court room at (be anerwaon sehools are the |mall vlllagie sehools. glad that he was an Atuericau.
eesslon ot tbe farmeia’ insiltute at The oily and rural acbnuls lean take
Weiean'i Cengretm
srhieh time Hon. Jason Woodman of
themselves and that he
Tbe Woman s i-outrees was h<-1d In
Taar Paw-told the farmers bow to would niber s«e a boy of his in
STOW poUtoes for proBl. He told rural school M one teacher; than I., the proluitc eodri room at J;3« ocha-k
uuusualiy large attendance.
LAST •EtVION WAS HELO THIS them speclfimll)' bow to prepare the the amall viU^ sobool of several
I rof, r. O, Hoyt'of Yie^lUnll vonFOKENOOM.
pnand wHb feitlllier. how to plant, teachers. There can tn- bru^icht Ituo
(inni-d Ills nddrvse of the worolng
how (o select seed as (o kinds and
rum) aehooU a rwirse !of siudy which ruiiMsted of a Ime of eduninnsUtr. bow to cukh-au-, and bis
wfll Bt the boy for the farm and
meibod el marketlDf; the iioiaio crop. k.ep him there. He stated thai he ha. tional lectures. He took for his »ub(Coniniu-d on Page Fodr.i
He uid that constaut treattnom year heard so much comidalni
that the
after yeiu- bas entirely eliminated farmer mnnot procure help on lh<
rn»m bis potato Belds tbe scab which form and that If tbe boya are tauchi
makes thecuies
cnahen so many potaton unmarteta- lu tbe turgd scboql. the thlncs that
If the land is rirb (he bllli will he can use on the faim no, one ran after all.
eUnd piaminp a) toctes each way doc tbe' boy from the tartm Thenand tbe potatoes will be ol uniform should be more Utne yiven Ih ^uc;
Now and .then she gets
Btariteutble site, dolnc away ahmwt Ing the boy toward the form than ..
I the SMiMll
entirely with the over terse boUow educMlnc him away from (l Tkt.-r»i into a tight place and
" »*r Them.
be that in the srbool ^leb ap­ needs helping out
Freight Rates.
peal* to the paiure of the bdy and
{From BaturAt.v’e Re««r4.}
Things get started in
Pollowlns the ad*ess of. Ur. Wood,
disu lcfo. they have a |drama(lc
The soDnal three dsr* roved np ot mas. L. F. Perkett lock the Dcn^ and
club and their s.-booi Is the soda! the wrong direction.
tke rsnnen and leacbere' Instllnte
bronsbl before the farmers a matter cenie^ which attracts the jo{mc mind
sad eom abov of Orand. Ti«««rae
Imponanee to them. Air. Per- and helps to kec]> him at home. Tfaere
Something is needed to
<oasty eloeed tods; at nooe. the last
kMt Slated that the formers oimht u
noUilnc done In the bom<^ to keep check disease and start
«t Che aute aseahita Iwrlnc the ■nlte and expend erery eBon In try.
him there, no proprletorabbi. Prof
dtr tUi arienooB. <T. A. Rx>ber<son
Hoyt stated that when be was a boy the system in the right
made the motlM Hat tber have the
same ktad ol a meetly next rear, There are ISO bissineis' men In Uleh- on the farm at bis home they onte
cembtali^ the teaehere^d fanaere’ lean workinc toward this end and he care him a sheep but qs the sheep direction toward health.
laatiMie and that It also be btoer ireed upon the whole srmnse and
up It was sold and be never
Scott’s Emulsion of
M^tOT. nta BWkm *as enpport- farmers' Society of Equity to puubeir
Jraew what became of IL iTbat is
r B- O. Ladd made the ao- abonlder to Che srbeel and cna^e
about the way everytMne happens to Cod Liver Oil with hypoirted *>r a. A. Robertaoa Fmnd eSort to seenre a better i
Che thlncs which boys own [ on the phosphites can do just
ttat a voU of thaaka he aatoodod
that this rule' If Mcured means an In. farm.
the mate apsakem. to the newapape™.
or mqre money to
to thane who Mmlshed the innslc and
to the OHnnell kUisie Co., for fnmlah- Ihe CraiMl Traverse reskm. F. M.
Prof. Hoyt’s next subject;was for­
Brlicff, aaststam freiphl «(ent ot tbe
It strengthens the
la« the piano free ot efaarce.
h.- took
Ah cxpresaloo was aaked of the an- Pere MarqueUe railroad at Omnd
dlente as to bow niaor tavared the Rapids vUlted Mr /Perketi at hh of- tbroueb Germany and of (he irj|l nerves, feeds famished tis­
which he took ihronght a plam..d for.
Bc^ last evenlaa and apprised him of
and makes liclr
“• while ibereJ This forest was plantralso within a short {Kme u> )8
by the covermment on the (side of a blood.
The 0m speaker on the moralns mu on pouioes.
luntuln which had been iMally barPKdnm wan Prof. Hort Of YpsHintl.
fOA aalB R AU.BBMMtm
Dairy Cow.
who spoke on the umM, hrl^at out
1 and whose sides were covered
3. F. Edmonds, of Hastincs. foUowthose mndles wbwi should be elimiwith lime stone. The Germans go af­
- Bated «a out ol'dm« a^ replamoc ed Mr. Perkeit on tbe praamn and ter (his hmesione rock with a plrk SMUIrnTmTOatLaSr^
kM SMk .N.UO. . vk..d U.S
SS with -tdbmnak’k^ akftcultnral spoke ns -The Dairy Cow and Her
and pick a hole into it.where they set SCOTT A BOHTC. W» Purt Sl. NoVi*
eumiM. Lalis was one ot the studies
that eoiiU be cot on said be. had
BHthmetlc and wrUnf were fast beInc repEced hr tbe addlhf machine
• tmf the typewfttw. ‘Tnt aomethisc
into the hi«h odiool and nira] actmoU
which wUl help to keep tbe bor on
the farm.
other weaken on the momlOK pro■rsan were C. H. EttM who spoke on
‘Vrogrtt ta Gold Road BuHdlos.'
----------------------------- AT ----------------------------O. H. RUtOB oe -The Cai« ot the Or­
chard." ▲. p. Crar dIsnualoD and
R. U. ■mwosth «M ’The Waaten
iWehicais Oevsdoptaeot Bureau and

> truioo

lu TOwk Jsmle UsUm csve a vkdia wki aixi
E. E AVlilie (sve a rocsl nto «oUtM
■mie 8«or4 of Banker Hill.'’
The farmera- InilttBte hsi be«



Made for similar qualities and
new styles, begin Tomorrow
and continue for a Week or
10 Days, provided the broken
assortments of Ladles’ Winter Styles of
Ready-to-wear last that long.




“Everything is llp-slde-down”
While the workmen are busy re-decorating our storeinterior. but the extra price inducements will repay you
for the little inconvenience you encounter.
This incomplete list furnishes the cue to lowest prices,
beginning to-morrow.



Ladtes? and


Ah $25 00 Broadcloths and Diagonals $]_3,75


$18.00, $20.00. S22.00 and $25 00 values, dark Man­
nish Mixtures. Botany and .American Mills Broad­
cloths, Diagonals and <«ilbert Seri;es, ^ I Q ’7K
black and ifiitest shades. Your choice®-^^* • O
$30.00. $83.00 anc) $35 00 Skinner Satin lined. Serge
and imported Diagonals. Your
S17 60



SM-Wak ShHwL . .ns.M
SMMlok ShEWl...$l<.M
$18 Wok Ties.......SI1.M
$iS Mlok CoUars. .$21.M
USMiok Muffs...82I.N
$6 River Mlak Sorts $k75
$3.7S River Mlok
Sorts.............. 81.9S


f S, MA6 and $7A0 Drees Skirts, (black
aae colors)
tS, S9 aad $1S Dress Skirts (kiack aad
colon) .............
tlLSe, tlSA* aed 111 M Dress Skirls
(black and colors)............................... 17.71

' See tbe Demonstratloii of Power Sprayers

On Friday and Saturday, Feb. 4 and 5
Rarmers Supply

Take Notice
The Smallest Prices


$» “ “
Srt.MUeadedSqalrrei Shawl.........$(.7$
$8.7$ Seeded Squir­
rel CoUar....... $4.75
$11 Sqalrrel Cellar $SJS
$9Squirm Muff ..$SJI
$15 “
“ ...$U5
$2JICooe| Muffs. .$La

The Most Sensattonal Oearance Sale In the History of the Globe!




NOY/17 then. Gentlemen, here’s your final chance to buy an overcoat at a fractional part of the real value! An op. ^ * porrtunity to buy for future as well as present wear, that positively admits ot no comparison! We must
s Overcoats and at once!.regardless of real values, former or slaughter sale prices! To make the clearco'’^P*®te, we will resort to tUe most sensational price cutUna In the history of local retailing Our en­
tire stock of Men s Overcoats, absolutely none reserved, goes on sale at once, divided into four great bargain lots.



Regular $6 M and $7.50 value-, including
Men a Overcoata. Young Men's Qvercoata
gPd_aafnF extra fine Boya' Overenata.
Former Slaughter Sale price. S4 OS
now i^gmat lot; choice $3 48


Men's Overcoat* wovtli Sift QQ, S16.D0 and
$1800 High-grade black keraieo and
fancy cheviots: former Slaughter Sal»»
gijcea_uo_to_$lj^0^ all in one lot now.
choice $7.48^



' Auto" ^tvle O%’ercoa«. worth regularly
no to S’jO.fXl the ^»a«on'a enrr-c’ weaver



Slaughter Sale

prices $11.VS: a good range of sir*,
select from: choice now SIMS


Strictly hand tailared-Overcoats made of
fine^ajl-wool keraies and fancy veloura.
.Sold all over Traverse Citv up to $22.50.
Our former Slaughter Sale price was
SU4S. Your unre.trlcted ichoice

All Men’s Fur Overcoats Included In this Sensational Clean-U^t
May aa ovfMMl at g

selection and the biggest range of si«s: You will regret the neglect if you miss this chaMcle

The Globe DepSrtinent Store, traverse oty, Michigan



May be the Cry
Do Not Hesitate, Come Now.
Never Again Can You
Get Sueh Prices
You Positively Save from $100
to $150
Tbis Factory Sale WUi Last Only
a Short Time Longer


Tkc Easiest Paym«t Plao Ever Offered. Boy
NOW Before Tbis Sale la Over
and Pay Later


Etmj Omr


a number ®f

braneb norea In Icadinc, cltiw orcr

tWnI planga coins Into the bomea ol tb,- '<.-ntln> L'ciied Siaiee. Twelve o(
pooftt who hs« letren advaata** ot ibeM More* are In
tbi* ffeei factorr tale ot bia> srade Travetw City branoh. not quite two
nanoa. tteror before to tbe htetory yea™ old. U one of our laiett etoret
«l ito plane butlw« In TrSTeme aiy in iiua stale and that U why we are

flee pOMa been loM at tbe roDdueilnc ibU aprelal Adory tale.

preaenl prtcca. At proot of

UiU. a

to better Istroauce onr foods In this

sreat many pwple have bonebt dor- terrlioiy. Do not orerlook tbe fad
k 1^ me paat tew days wbocn we bare lliat Cable Initrumenlt have l>een bebeen tryins to tell for a year or more, fore lihe public for thirty-five year*
They realised that oer present fsc- end that soveminent ststlsUr* show
tory sale prices ai« far lower than us to be tbe largect makers of pianos
any we have erm- made, end bousW

In the world, enabllns u* to produce

_ai once while they could save mon- piano* of superlsOVTmerit under the
a mu




Inner-Player Planet.

ar Innor-player pisnos ■
some wizleen dittlnet patent­

and other sundard makes. Every one
M them U made In one of (be crest

ed features which we owm. a number

“CBbIc," -KlnimhorT.-

Cable (anorlSB. of the

finest and

most (UrefnHy seledeB material, and
by expert workmen. We halld every
intertl part ot our pUnosr-adlon*.
frames, eases end tS tinder one
eecb part made for

nr inoklet entitled


rolntt of Superiority.'
We not «>!y experi visitors tc
sales room* to come throuith a «

meals meraty aatembled from part*
made by varions makeib. .
*- .
AKUtU Cats* M»nt.
a/ %

o look riosriy into the merit*
■y innrutnent Wy find


lOur miuical friends with you.

^Bie critical carTWe ^ee to
bQti^i Of our pICMB U shown aUo
In^bo .beautiful and original eases
we put out. Nowhere In the Dnlted






S' ■ *

.mMlb can yun find a more artUUe
WUerifcm of pUnot from this stand- have them from every inri of
^^nt. and we employ a sp^l force i Ditcd SUtos. from the finest artist*,
W-the best dealpno™ ^ot U.U depart- from tbe beet coniervalorle*


meat alone. Tfce. new i»l# case ‘
ttsns are offered for sale

from tbonaands of satisfied pundtas-


mahogany, figured fralnut

your home you arc simply following

and quartered oak. We never Imitate,

the example set by a host of happy

we create.

piano buyer*. Over iOO.OW
instrumenu irom the Cable factories arc in

Traeeree City fllore permanei
We tnalntaln and operate factory

ers. By InstalUng one of our pianos in

the homee of the i>eople.

“Ameiica’s Leading Music Bouse.”

Ttaversc City Bmeh Store. SS3 Ftoot Street.
The largert miouCacturers o! P«ano» and innerplayer piaao* in exUierce. Branch stores m
the leading cities of the Uoited States, agercies
in every pan of the civiliaed world.


about a aear. Later he was made inMrwrior.ln municipal law at the Yale
Law school, lecturer on pofttlcal *dI eoiHtitutiocal law- and a;
ol his death bel^.Ahe ebalr
of eoeftarative Uw.Piof. Reynold* was a brother of

'OrathM- of H. a R

H. 0. RcjnoldK fonm-rly of Old Mla^
and wpeol a number of anmi
with him, H. 0- Heynold* wa* a 1
profeSBor In the asrinsUural chl-

The Grand Raplda Presa of Thurs­ iece and wome yeaiw ago bought the
day had the IWtowlnc to aay ot tbe fruit farm latpr owned by the la
death of a roan wrti known by the 8. Walker. Prof. Tracey, alto of the
(dfler residents of the cKy:

AffneoRura] college, briag hto a**ocl-

*n«r. Edward Vlllrite Reynold* of Ble. It. 0. Remold* later moved to
the Yale niitvcrwltty law acbool dle.l Ixa Angele*. Cal. where be now re­
rrom paeumonla ht toe Hotel Ilielmoat side.
Prof. Rcj^ld* rtritrd hit b*oth«T'a
In New YoTit City yewlerday. He wa*

tbe unique aenoalton of briug
■aioUs* uesr K*H
known a* the "Pantfru Bn
Mrtm* Jeh
tvilklnsoa. of R.lhsren
large trset ef swatno lea-l. since time
r for the timber upou It.

CMneld SclenUfie

cr»* and te«berw Inriltate
had the
largest Attendance of aU th<* »e»*ioos
idvan-.oge of the
each mcmlier taking odi
opponuBltr <0 tistei
Hoyt of the state normal at Yiuvilantl. i
Tim piugiam opened wlUi *lt
hy tto entire a
a vlaltn note by
panled on the plana by Mia* .1/Ayer*. Ui* music furnished by Ihr
chlidren being bigbly appreciated
n. au^Jcnce.
There was a slight change in I
.program the first speaker not appi-ar‘ing, ana Mr. Warner of Old "
taking Hio floor In bit stead.
Mr. Warner u»vd
• What Have tbe Fkrroer* or Other*
a* Tax Payerw to Expert
Scboolar' He spoke on the Impon
aiice of tbe Inorough teaching ol
clvtu goraumenl and' bialory In the
school* as only a complete knowl<-dgc
of Ibeec two branche* can make of ih<' boy a good ciilxen' In tbe future. He
lunber stated lhal the tax paye
have tbe right to expect that tl
school* will put forth ibe best that
In thorn for the benefit of the pupil.
Mr*. E J. Creyu of Lansing wa*
le next speaker on the program and
apoke on 'Induarial Educaikm.' Mr*.
C:.y-t-« stated that a great many po«v
plo think that Industrial edaraUon l«
a fad l>ut she said that If It I- a fad
It U a good fad aod she hope* it has
vmt- to stay.
She gave many valuable KUWcA
or.B in the way of teaching Induvirltl educalloo in Ibe rural and city
•lated some of 1;
)y-rh'iires alongs this II
One of the pleasing feature* of the
evening wax the recliilAllon given
d hi* 1
M. B." Holly, w
dtence that be was ci
times to retpolity

, , .
ramlina Is r
■•••inid. ond the h*n''flt l» N'orih (
(ilia* will lx-,
... viry Kr<Kn-al. it will t
if roolalmln. aiifroxli
1v 1 i«iO square mll<w of Hull mop
ille than the] valley cf the Nile,
roll I* as blsch as cl am
loam opd a*:fine a* iiowil*r. ran'gia
in iKinh
ter slrelU
soeu as the dralaage wqr
ccmplried an'army; of Islnrcrs It put
in work <'lesring up Ibis v.criln'ile
JntiqV. equal, to that of the Everrbdrs of Ptotda ami nirk*st Afri -a
Whin the clekrlng proecs* i« floitlie.1.
fire is set id the iindecgrowth. So
liiKnre Is. the heat that all of lUiur.le. ompoHi d v.mcliible -matter, the
arr.imu'nilon of v. .nrv. I« .l.-MroyeO.
save a few rl.arr.'d ftutnpe.
For two year* li It liuiotslble to
pitUFli' ikh -pewl. , rtclaliiml land."
ami cc-m is rbnted with the use of a
htillfW tiici rtske. The first year af­
ter this land l*n* reclalnud. with no
cullivailon whatever, a yield of 50
iish.:.: per acre v.-as obtaln«il
ame r.ielhod ;was rmplnyed the aecnil <c«r with even greater yield. So
api.l Is Ihe decay
in dime
g In
the y. ar just <lnse.1 the WllDurii
klnson Hros.
Hros iinulirced
cm|i of SOD
W) bushels
bushels ol
— .iodatnes upon
of this
s .new
new Und.
TJ:e fi:*t
Yielded i<>7 liaslii 1
yleldril W)'bu*h.-1«,
Hon. Janifs \Vil*"n Serptary
Agrieulliire. *|ati-* that Tiir half
price* df Ihe Norih.-rn tier ot States,
land* equally tfenlle a'.d *« acccs»1
hie to maikvt* ran he had In
In the words of a lesdine lour
‘is lurclag iiorlhwsrd fnsi-ud
southward, tbe farm> ra who
crosslrs from Wlaeonfln. illchlpan.
Minnesota and the Dskutas Into Can
ada In large luitobe™ every year niv
making a mistake. The South offer*
a* good farms as ran be carved
• part of Canada
These farm* ..............- .
keia. they arc In a far better ctlnirlr.
and they have a much more fnvuraMv
cDVlronroent: an.l. a* a acrkim. ilrnwback. tke .American* who go lu Can
ada are obliged to change tfa'Ir al'egtancc. they find all their siitroundIng* alien and their children v
grow up a* Brillrh stilij.-c:* and i
aa cltlscn* of-the Viilted State*.,
the Southern railways an.l lu.nilgrai •ocIrUe* w.—c a* ertive a* the
ladian In Iciiing the Vnlitsl Sialcs
the worid know the atir.ictlona
their localUy. they woul.l •llvi-rt
Ihe aoultward most of Ihe hip
stream of American agrIcuUu
who ore now- diifiiug Into, Cat
Some of the best Imii. wheat
com land* In' ihc worW ate In the
South. Thai etclon could, if it util
Ixcd all Its Id’e landa fur that pur.
jrr*cnouph rire (o siipp!.'
world. In Umber. ■■o»l an.l
several of^he Souihiru
Stairs arc jtartlfulqffy rich.
-water power for maniifaclurlnp. and
more navImMe atreams for taking
farm, mine and factorv i.rc,liirt« ttbe market, are In the South Ujar in
all tbe rest of the'ry rou.bmc.d
The proximity of tbe Gulf Stream
temper* the climate to *urti an cxi< ni
that the Helhav.n acctlcn el Nmtl
Carolina. 450 ml'e* lurthcr ncrih. r.i.
within 24 hoars of tbe
New York. PhlladelphU, fltiini.-r
and Waablngicii. enjoy* the sur.e
mild clltralc a* that of North ileor
gla. The *ec(lon of Ti.lewai-r VI.glnla and North Carolina irjVi-rr.-.:
by Ibe Norfolk fl South.™ liullwa..
. frulis, e
of iwrly V
cotton, an.1 as many at l
• b«
be |u
dllTrrvDl croi* may
.ring tbe ><
jbe same acreage duri
:alnly,tle lar.! •
This region Is ceria
^at onportualtle*.
The Xerfok
Souttfeni Railway iraversv* the u
fertile agrteuRiiral region cf
South, where tfie cllniat.- 1* mi:d
beallhful and the gr.-a( fcarkHa
within a ilay's travd
Tbe Nri
fl Sonthern Railway CotriMny hts
cently complle^l
a list o' deslrab’•la..
Mle^ anJ a line to. H
;. g.-neial i>x*J< nc
agent Norfolk, Va.. will b.-lay a .-oi
to anycae lattrett^.

____ ____beeti Malting In Hu- city retoriu'd home today.

Rol-ert Kdwatd* has relnrerd
new*. He accooiianled J. A. Moouibl* <liy and this morning went on
I**™ A' Columbia In iss: and rriure- guc of ihi* city on two of tils Jake duly lu hi* sew posltlan with Blu-rH« In Oraad Baplda. prarilrcd
maa A llustef.

M took hit deeme





year* old Four yean ago be wa* mar-

Hie diiecHon of tbe laatruetor. Oounto Mr*. Carrie Clark at Aesne.
- commmaloner .Visa Getty.
where they lived that wummer. inov.
10 Travene Cliy. wb*ro
Lari Evanlng'a flaaalun.
iw*i evening** *e*alon of the (arm

•U'veloped iflai IMS ai of 1* fee! above for dralnige.
AUm:l four years ayo the tfllkinun liror. piirrhaiwil s large rleani
.•list- an.l hit to wort ccB.ururling
• real elshi txi •|.«-p ar.d Sii leei
Afierja mile pf III*
b«n eoostnictrd |i was foi
to lii:iM a retitc:
!n Ollier to keep
hi- canal to fle:
WIi.flvr- njllet • ere .lune. tl.e loUl
«.3'< r-fall In Ibsi .lis-aiiic was found
. l-e 12 feetThirty mllM ot there malo canals
•e r.ow complilm! me mile aiKrt.
exlipdioe from th-- umht Into ihe
Pungo River, far beck Into ihe Ini-rl’-r, wi'h ilsicrsl iltlch-s Inier*i-<-«JC llem. tVhen the main are
r.r!sl.<iL tbeiiarlb and oyst> r sheltr

s saU that <» Tburaday Wethy had fiattened owl and wws a* c
uat. The MIM «a* a«

tariory. and made attempt* at recoe- Chief of FWiea Aahtod. The I
rUlatkin. to whirii Mrs. Wethy objectwbirii eoterod her MR cheek ha* a

■IV bogrd^g boase on Bute streeL
which Fred Blue U the pcopiielor,
Wethy leaving the bouse about S

gi«M lasted all the aftmtmon undet

tbe borne, He began bv siotliig that the home and
school were chiely
closely alii
, ak on the on* wllhotit
bard to speak
aii.g upon the orter. The five farIn the life of the child are the
tiome. school, vacation, •hurrb and
state. The school does not stand
nlone but I* our-Aflh of the other

since resided. He 1* a too of Mr. and
Mr*. F.T.ra W.thy of .Acme, and
tides hU parents. |cavW a llule crip­
pled daughior. Ulldr.d. aged eight,
lour slaera. Mr*. Agnes l»uls of OlxU., Mn. Myrtle Chesicy of ChiMin Julia Wethy of Atme.
Mr*. Maggie

tobrad. of

mck of Mn. Wethy's head re- plate.

kick’s Seeds Yield Big
To ttm Ftomer because be b T^ the OflfdeBer beesuae bigb
absolntely sure of prolitabte gradegardea truck commaods
crops whea he sows V'ick Seed*, highest prices fa all maikett.
VagUiktu WAaSmagiwwhwsWJfsS—dtmwUW mhUkiis*
tW Hew Ymk State fJ*. SyTAcas*. W-Yg lipCk ir IIS* IT.ltlO.
N^>cetmwv lev Lc tbi<esbibil — ,uvl am VkX v Seeds. Ajk tjr |onkalsn.

Vsek’t Cardte and FloralCaUa. TheCUtedilioa givesmuch
pmctical iaformaiion forthe larnier, g.-iideoer and fruit grower.
The Uinde h biggeT >nd ■•nier thsa ever. Cumsis sa laitnctrae aitide be M.
lodvcn. of fonrll Vi...rrv.i», A» slw*y«. if» the criaable ssArty «a ntdenoc
Your nunc sod addivucasixabl will liriiigiL Write si^ Ame far allwa ayy.

Acme. He wa* a memlier of Traye
City lent No. ISfi. R. O T. M.


carrying au iiourauce or
fator of Ms little daugther. He had
ly friend* in this city, everviauwho knew him speaking well of him.
Grnre Clark, who wa*



other at tbe-lime of the sluulliig,
nates that sGer

be bad shot



I am going to use the new Mon­
arch bread flour. Carefully
Milled. Nutritious. Healthful, the
best bread flour on ttie market.
That's what husbands of women
are saying this year. You say It
too. and note the result.

mother be turned to her and said,
"You w ill have to go loo." she r<-ply
ing. "WflL I'm ready." darting Iwhind
trleidmiie pole. It Is also said
ro shots were fired flnt w bk-b
wild, hut it Is the beUef' lhal U.i-jfired at- Kimef lAnvi*. whom
Mr*. W<-tby tad a*ked to go, along

nrauh bn IMny
Imlle ui bnr Suiut I.
Fill a borile or eommoo glam wHh yoa
raid and let it stand twrotv-foor boon;
1 brick dual aedimesLorsettbag
____ Jatriagyormilkr



too fre­
quent derir^ ti

the hack are also svmiitonii that tel
the kidney* and blsdw are out ^ and seed attention.

Hannah & Lay Co.


There u comfort it

uc tack'/ki^i;
lAcs, suiace*


cleatied since I


hern foawd. aai It la tluwgbt ft e
the Grand Trweeroe bospHal
probing for tbe bullet which struck out of her mooth wrRh the, b

City, and one hro'-ber. Roy Wethy. ot


oliervailon that this can no long.-r
l>r «alu. Rather be It wald, "a* the
iNirue. so the srhool" He said that
If you peoiile In the borne* are willing
to do for your schools what the I'clted Stole* hot dope for you. you would
have a good school. If you have a
poor teaebrr tbe school hoard dees
not have to keep her. If you want a
teacher who ha*
Klim* ol mom-y In iheapeiirlng of her
•*liication you cannot exiieci to get
her n; tlie name price which you
would pay for a farm hand. "You put
ir H-acber Into an old liacfc nninher

Uaai fiar prpteaioa.
IcwiBg aokod ta iKUiflfl
Wethy. Lmrit. it it aaM. ran wbeo
plowred thrpoffb the fleoh «or pwt «
Wethy appeared, and It la ibougfat the
tadi and «pM aMktAg
two Shota •arete fired at bim.
waliedlor his wife whoa she left the

Wetby had been boarding ml tbe Fah

A* pupil* and cAlled ■>»«> w
anasrer (he queatleu placed upon ibc o’clock th!» morning.
Wim'ijn We*ley Wethy
t^aritlKmrd by MIta Geuy. The con-

hof* tn Grand Rapid*. Mich, abo


farm often and the older r.-aldent* of
yean ago and wa* graduated from Old Mission became wefi acqualuled
arbotfl la m». with him. M that hi* deatn wa*

iimicriea from ibe
AttendAbce enjoylag


Si reSf^ cee compete with oar tectory prices.
SmbpSm arc sSidsrdf he world over-ootUsa
ol dooKuel value here^iid every ploso broad aew

mn VBE; raio sir .


(Ooatlaaed frum Pw* Three)
fCoatlBAed from page 0«».l
oecnpylng the rooms below. Mr. VogtJe« (hit afWruooo HerebAKs. A t
toilced Vetby banging about the
Oemaa edacBlor. The lecture*
e e*riy tbis marolag. Wethy of
highly toatiucUTe ** wril a*'
baring beca aeen la that arigbInlerettlag.
roilowlBg tbe Addreat of Pitd. Hoyt borbood frequently. Mr. Vogtlla
Mm Irene U Getty oooUaued her In- (asKtaallywalklnx to work wiik Um.


We warn lO call yonr atientioB to our line of Pruning


We have Ihe faroous Sao Jooe I'ruiier. this Is the ooe thaj, mU ao

aod simlding join in posnilB iL or boi
effecu following use of liquor, wine oi
beer, and overcomes that unplcauul ccecsaily
ily of
uf being cutnpell
cutnpelled to go often
through tbe day, and t
times during

easily. Wo also have Ibe Clyde Draw Cut. This Pnmer la made of ^

Prenerw. Pnmliig Bavro.


soonrcullmd. It stands the bigbest be
be^tb rumoring prep.
criics. Ifvoanccdmedinne yon aboal.
have the best. Sold by]
druggist* in fifiv-cent
aod ooedollar urns.
Voo mavhaveasahmk bottle sent free
hvmail. AddrumDr.lCitser&Co..Bing­
hamton. N. Y. UeolKra Ihi* Pap« and
iberUKaailK. Dr. taimer'sSwaiBpand tbe addrtao, Biaghanua,

h. fai l iwrv thing you need for irlimnlng yonr tree* and onr iwiee


tool steel and hand forged. W«- hare Ihe Rhode* Doable Cut Praolug ^bear*. Tbe only pruning shear made that euta from


sid^ of the limb and doe* not bruise Ihe hark. TbMe pmen are
all guxrameed. Wi- have the small band
I* riglil.

OM Postottiee BaMtof

pii you
i, teach scitool.’
Id tliat Ihe niral school* to­
day n-.- l>elier than they were.two
yc‘st* ago and be has recently visit­
ed sevenl
hundred of the
lool and know* wbereof he Kpeaks.
*tal«d that the home U
IU‘ furihcr
unit of onr clvllltalkm and you
arote tbe tax expecting that the stale
is going to niB tbe sebonU acd^ioo
many of Ihe Ux pa.ven In Uh- town-.
4ilp expect the sclitxd to be run en­
tirely with thep rImary money given
by the state aod not put a dollar of
your owo mooew into It. and expeef
to have a px>d achool.
Prof, Ho>T said that he was trying
hajd to get the father* and mother*
1C «c*operate wim him In doing *omething for the dull scholar. He sai.1
that (he dull t>oy wa* doll because
eomebody hns neglx-ted their •luiy.
child gels Hs knowledge frumli*
. can and finger tip-v. Deaoen
e and the eliild i* handinpixsl
It dul-bed 0* iM'Ing vtupid Ha><chiht'a eye* examined an<! if they
defective haw- them remeiied
lime 14 eomltig when the *ehnoI
will have a i>liy*lclan to
h ehllil. Hr al*o said that so oer» diseases have been traced to the
(n>l room. There is
nothing like
*cbo« room for the heahb of the
• lilld. hence the importance of u gur<l
Tinillailng ayatem. The nerroo*n«»»
lund In a great many ot (tie iniiiil*
due to the nagging and r.uldiiq;
: Ihe teacher aud the usele** exam­
inations lhal do not atnouni lo anyhiiig a
afler aK. Before ihe.e .-lamlna:lDus (I
the child I. nagged and -cold-d
the teacher in an rfiort to g.-i It
po»s the examioallon >o that when

they <K> not sleep but lo*. alioul all
nigbt. If tbe board told the icaehrr
when they hired him Ibot there would
be no examluation* they would roou
see bow happy the rtiildren would

3ust a Day or Zm
-f iboae big Bargains that we
r chaiire* wlV is- gone lor »ome time, of g<-ulng w
It malt.- money any easier than to save

baveWn ofiuring-W.-1

:.ln^^ It's Mumd advic.

Just a few more 50c Books at 25c
0 imy Ibo regular price. These a > Ihe evenings when It is *e plea
And then you will b
I home reading a good b

Biggest Line of Doliar Shirts
That yon will fiod and
II 5ii an<] lli.y ar.- ibimlt<->. You nt—.1

il from the great lines that we bare *oM ri^l aloag for

JiiM lb.- kind you will want and think


omr shirt* for tbe early spring and summer, and tbeoe are

That 3fc Neckwear
say that they art- beautii-r. ev.ry oi.i- of tbem.

Valentine Day Will Soon be Here



eaily and then your friend* will b- happy. We are showHs aonte ot (be

neweri nov'-liies, uiiil we ju*i want to say that one of the most anceiuable would be a box of Dately Sweets. We have *ome ..I the >«(.; Candy In fanry tox.-s d.-xigned ju-t tor ibt- orca*iOn. Straub

tl Aniiott.-, l*>w-ncy> und Park and Tllford.

Eat at the Fountain these Days
Save (lie lime thoc days, am! that really means nmneT. We are serving more PAUOB* than
ever and they a-.- picar.-d niii*.. Would t>- pleased 10 see yon here at any time. Luorhea. Hot Cof­
fee. Hot Tea. Hot r.v-ua. Ir- Cream Soda*, and

Sundaes taste just as sxnd now aa they

did la

, the middli- of *u:um.'r.
*^Tbe child i* so fun of activity but
the mother an.l teacher should not
iry to suppre** that activity
deavor to k-s-p it going in the
Miss 1t.'iitah Douglas lefi this mornlug for (Hand Hapida and
where sh.. will spend some time In
whalrsale millneiT bouses,
i: Rbotwcll .If Katoniarae. who
has ’ MailUig |bls dangblcr. Ur*.
IM. Ca^r.elt, rcturip-d home thlr muruX.
Mn»-< Gfllicri. who ha* 1>m-n un­
dergoing trratiueni at the- Grand
Tsavtrye hosj.iui. was dUebarged to-

Greatest Line oi Post Cards In tbe €3Hy
We take sabserlpHoos lor an iiagazloes and Save yon aMncy
on aU ConblBattoBs



wg»*u>, Tue»ojcv.

Benefit ofWomenwIio
Srfier from female Us


coaditjon of Ca
£. pt&ktiam’aVtit


tolo tbe books of tbeM BMibcn
»<*e boo lhe> cliartc up
the di
throws much Usbt oo the e)ob-a emcieucr- Some ebatse toe 'hmoum
tbelr peraoaal aoeoaat. tonur to aoc
epIcrUloDi-DI. rnanr to charllp s
othelo to advertUtnx while «tta>
chance ft to «tmeoU espenae.
W»foh thoocbi tin dues were men
pan parmeal oh the A«ta the owral
root ..
owed the--------- ■—
nonal service-.
The hUser
Id f
par n-Diaxe
oncoBisatlou baa of
meoibera of
: rises, jbe airoBcer


ry---------- j toieatoro tbelr

((hmtiaoad from Pape One.
U doesn't do eo with a brass band
hot weriu qaletiy amona different p«o^ ir the flrat men the repreernu. ttre atrikos 4raw a lob( (ace and
• •%*oelta* the mtesinnery quietly flits.
Howerer, U tt|er ere all cnihaslaMR
oflUmlsts, he ffoes to atw the bank
preatdenu and enters Into nesotlaUnaa. Thai's why It U DereoBary to
rament the srhrie into loyal 'hoostcra."
•arrioa Is NeooMary.
Tbe derehipmeDl of the soirtct!
D can net.’- Tb




rie prMe
idea all

tnusl bo
the way

B. J. I-Vher. who is employed In a
barber shop In Trav.-rwe City, spent




If the man do-sn't Rive Uie servl.
he from the r
Wilson belleres tbat some day
nation will wake up to ibla wbt
does, there will ugi be so cuut* tax
money wasted.
The speaker th.-n dt‘-il mat
lies of arllvlty for boanls of
elly beauHfnI, 'j-ade exU-nsloD
alons. market days (or the
towns, ereryiblna tendlnic
, llcadlnc ' r iBkes
II Imponan: >-nik. He iBi-m
IS m loncd
fonldi.'i rals.- is;.'.,
worthy man devrlop a worlliy
Industry yet
hsd aeni out
IZW.noo for "drv
lauds !>:■ nilli-s fmiii a raUrusd. I
can't cive yon a ratalnyne.hoo know
Ihem" The leak was stopped H'ld
the-local ronitnerrlnl eliili fniiiied on
Invemm-BI tomuilllee that did C's-d
Needs of Inductriea.
jnrd to pmamliiiR lorsi ndne
tries, tbe speaker said It waa as -S'V
let stuoK at home as ii wxa aV -.n.ti.
rj' Indusio’ must have wulPei.-:-!
Itil to swinit 11 and that <-j|ilial
It be rlosely liook«-d up with r

The rlEot k
raw material
« be arallabli- and then- u
Mirplu of. labor
r Id the to
market most
uraiieo that a market oai
developed quickly.
Th.- execu
the flnaiielal fatiellop.
Illly to provide tbe goods nnd Hie
llhy to sell ibran are all eaaonilals.
BonnsM or iiaapertxlns indimiries
not a good plan. Ur. M'Uaon
' ■
‘ ■
lould preteei liM-lr lu this ma( ir and should always
keep e siring o (he instiluilon until
tbe rotidlilons lad Wn

fbrUDnta ud Ohlldrtn.

The Kind Yon Have
Always Booght
Bears the


iranaacted business la TraierM iTty.

8.r ____


way* 10 CM It: Steal It. bcR It. -*et
ft from bosne." and eem u. The otib'
way to earn It la by sunlee. Bvery
'Me has eoaethiBx to sell. If bn it
a proprietor, he Is loofcins (or a lot
0( patrons and food acrvlcr is neces.
aary to keep them comtni.
If /bn
employe, he !• tooklne (or just one
patron and as loaf as tbe eaiployr
Itiws flood eorelee. better thao Ibe
else could she,
Mr. Wilson diaasreed %ifa some of
After fflaklog several hlher sugges(he •mihodt el modem
ednesilon, lens, the speaker took up Ib.- "nisil
•arias it was baaed too much
order problem." end
dwey a man RMS Ibe mall order babU
because of poor sv-rM-i-.
Tbe site of a eomniunliv Is onl.
limited by Its rln-le of trade.
Jol^SoDl? he declared.
Travi-rne City sends elolhcH |iins all
' ' Is flnlriied pi
over Hu- Viilted «tsl.-«, Trai.-rse I'liv
Is as big. as the fnlted States on
. 4he ta«* of wrill power and clothes pins. I nlbed action in board
ta la what heaps so many peo- of trade work waa cited a> a ui-ci.-s— '■
body else..
The B


or a full year.
SeewoB t->Tbe'atinaa1 does e
be fiscal year of the asaodatlon
The (ollDwloc resolution was a<

i. ;i



Card of Thanks,
wirh to evteod oar sincere
to tin- kind uclRbbora andihelr kindneaa allows in
band. la:h<-r. tun and bro-.l
other. I
W.-liier. Ami also tbsnkln* tbiUsv iiraiiRC.
Sir Kiushl0 of £71
J1 . r.=J, flu)
I* O T M
Kiiu-rson. for lbbclr beautiful
floral oir.-iln^ and ihe rMr and op
Kanlsl of
the Bri»l.-r
Church .
Ur*. Ht-iiry Wrinl•^
Mr and Mrs. Gdwaid Hock
- and family.
Mr and Mr-. I'
Sieiier a

Sunday with hla paren:*. John Fisbri^
HKRKAS. the annnal duet of ibis
and wife.
nsaoriation become paystOe on May
1st., or In about three munibs. ami
Mrs. Lee Rial was In Trarene City
Would l.uL be equilable to rj:pect or
I1..1 Saiunlay.
finct ihiDK
' '
•s U> ps
do mmctblDg and ibe
Jobb Itobcrls of Trav.-rae City, was
for so small a 1.
At ibv cobclotlon of Mr. Wilson's
I toll
n.lto cer
■ town -oti' busiiu'M Ssiqrda}.
idreas. Secretary Sanders read hU
people rahal has been dorte.
Uie'Travers.Board of Trsd- provide I

Jacob rialftO.
oanelal report abith U as follows:
Dr. and .Mrs. J. J. Rrawrnaoa were
i.r In
In ofrtii
.................. Dollars coverini; a fraerlon of a yeai. '
>1' and Mrs. joIia PbillliB.
I. Hid >on erer know of a .
_ __
i-tlun of
tbu- any d
F.-b. » If
10 when shown, didn't have
Jtnee and buiidlue

porwsncnt otllfc
to be wilt the band waaon>oId board
In Tai:
I- nffirerw wi
oim rsit to I- <-xerui->d iH-jwueu tb.-jdueH lur lh-'».
»S k *64 ,, e«imrsi-t
VI Ob touriuras 5lanJsy.
...................Iciilc and .Mr.
WIIsuD adyo- Balenee from year of 1905
-,i ►ui’ li.-n-to, 11. Kioyd Cijn.-li. IhH—provided
was iKit a
eatod Ibi.' partfllliif oui of the dlffer- isri) daes collerittd ..
Mrs Mala'I. Fuiuuu 01 Jem-inga.
.llBimfc. Ijy A-fo.. niid tin-Travv,*.-; b,-r of ihl* orxsi.lzatloD
mis" of ibe oraanlrailiin liouaHuns;—Buammau
pssalbs a f.-w_ (lays her^ il.iupg.
-'-‘■y Iftn-.t 01 .Trr.d,., provldltn torjy.ur elidlnx
eludliR April
.*cnh. lj,?!>.
jriectrle L'.. A l*ower Co, lu
amonc ib

(rieuil.and SvLii!v«:..
help o
West Mich.. |»e«.
able tiin
Ml.1k-1 .Crandall spent Fnr.dav !
su .
e .uo
i ihe bo^ ef trade, and iin ease
I pabi1.11/ cwiiiulti.
r City L'aa <
her .iu-B.e iu Keyiotu-. ' '
. bu"..u
.bniMii^Udn* va.s:,d b, (Ik- beard p.,11 ahuwlns .ha-rn dune Iti
n-.-at. 5lkh.
Abron Hov, l.-ft yr.!.;.-^ty (er C.11. .
, of IFu.l. 1 iht- foni.stuoi
............. .
_.. apppoprlnilon of lera'th
la*, wl-eie in- W_}. railed by tbe -a : Ibe bu.Idtnc and pur.ha,.;He e-tim.iled tbal ibst »r.
o help on *tVest M(cdi
icrouiid. If deeni.-d Bdv>sbb-.— bad broitabi hsek’ a quan.-r of
his sinter.
this .ubs.npilaii
>ubs.Tipiloii belli* then
i hen .emiH.-d-niniioii
.entiH.-d j nilllioii doll
doltots. For (he fr.-ijtht rs
M1*w (■ P Mri'ool
Kduic-r and
wif- o.r ^;s:ulis)i.'
• luibO
to lt» pro i.iia uban of ***'■
tb- ‘“Id'Kl!
.apitsl! I«:bl.
bRlil. bo
bo e»(.mai.
d (ba;-the . oniuill
daagUKir, Mrs Cetirad. of FbuT-T*
irpiiraCoii. and tb.-suli-i\.the suli-itesuli-i^e- «htm1d
ahtmid hiw IT-'.e, for adveriWuR«htm1d
Aonv .Dir-Boriu '
3-• stork of bj
U coTperaCuii.
nod Home on.- must ao alit-r
itsmiuH collerlloub .
the rate cf six p.-r-with Id.n- nioie ,<or .ard«.- tnaillnc p.i-slog the Lia sek visiting a; Hi-'
■iiti p.-r am.un>. fiou;s,:ip.. v-u-. To adi.rllri- Hie Iniard ef
■an- i»! the Inrrue': » ilaugb'.rr. Mrs ■
Its iiitiney was (br m-u point
............-’I"- dnill 111.- vacBn.M-'i:cd- t'bjiitsuqua iiett summer. IT5
duced. Jif. Wll-oii1 clii-d a to
' liduiuganb
e .
"L.',''*' 'Mid buildlnc sliall m-rur. or I wilt b- uet-dnl. The t.xul anioair
fire iliqttes and tbowi-d
9W(-d hi
how, Im-csuim- Ceaeral eipens.-s-(uatHmery,
Ir-— and T).-s-.a Foster of $ioui}i
i-orponi-iou Ltove ni-uiloned |arktd tor was
After a Iittl.laisiSRe. irairiimi
wben one oflToratsd
Id e memsuiv. itic
.e (ernied
j di-a-u.sioii. lb.- :iiaii.-r was left :u tL ■ TVisidman; vjtiltd at the home of J.
iThla luelndi-s lb'
olber four Eot 0
Ibeir haamiere. the
I- Is riirlber neiei-o aud undcrsU'Ud'La.'.il- i.f ihi- boaivl of dlc.-i-to-s.
j-D tinjitnui-n, Sunday
town wa* brink
b into deepest debt,
'For sjio throat, sli.iipjnin
ronimitli-e. wbirb hripTbrsc faalons
re taarnmnlred and
llalph Cast- wii, a Traters.- City
CTly Hoard of TrmK- that sn;d L-Jked bn.-ili of publirtty methods ri ,
in’ lui-^iv ti-hincAS aerv>» the •
ed ornolie the Wv-st Mleb.
•hoard of trade
ireile ma.r p-.irrUscp-.ireUsr.liib- iIk- wv-i and shaw.-d bow ui,- (i,.ns fad.t
chapi, boai^tis or couchj
'■Tl..- (rouble is not wHh the men. Dev. Bnreau end
ibutidina nt i-ort, as prtAidvd fi.r 1
rliv pro
lare The 'pSBfc^tt.iL'an's
It Is with the system." aald Mr. Wlllouinui.
■y had turuiiig
nj: do«
BOB. 'TP the exu-nt a mayor Is a re
Tyleeo(_Tra‘vvrse City, wr/e lu
LiaimenL You oSPt peed to
Traverse City tioaid of Trade.
Itetoie 'll- n
pohllean or a demoerai. ho Is a bad
bu-iiiess. Monday.
rub, Juri bv it on lit;hUy. It
K>k whnt Mr WlUini.
mayor. U-nius^ be bs> a lot of peo­ 300(1 rcion iral.des .
ili-.r R. ftoumfinrtJ
the guest of
pein-iratiai ioMamly to tbe ac«t
.'vi'nliiR..-d<-ilared wns
ple to take care of. If be Is mayor of
m-lllin " tJn Unilion
i her TatSi-r, () X- K
ol the iroiiliK-, relievea coiigesall tbe poopl
»iai:...-r». ilu- Ixwnl wem in Mr.. Conred spepi Rundai
tion Slid fidji-i the pain.
roll and Hut
nr^esMO te I


^ E. WukiSoia'd
i. which is aade

i. i»ie.

wot* of th<i.('all'o;Bia
a asrocizil'm '-f Ile paid ai «B(w Id cash;
citnu ervere. ll> hoacs'. sitt] t
;i. »1o>d Oineb, of ibi- lla»ml Ersdlmt. the CaUforaians had taktish A
fstr eoDipaalei
n the market Trom Florida. Ito^r(When 11.500 baa
Kms are SDotbt
[‘bet* are aa cood oelmM ftowD o
Ot«. W. lATdlO
>lde the {lockyford district, .hal wb
Wm. Loudon
i crate of Rockj-ford meloDs Is bo^i A. V. Frledrlrh
the pun
.....................knows there art^ w rharles -Wllbehn
many melons of sueb
such a quail
quallt)- In ft. Hamillcia CSoiblMC <■0, and J.
Elrin butter, which
Itch sets
tele Ibe
tbe i
. . forj
tV. UlUikea.
............ 'lOOctO
inirj’. was another example.
B. J. Jlorsan
A market lor one. means a markri U F. IVrketl
n- all. Tbe better a market Is made] The foDowloK
foDowIn is
form of reelp'.
>r one-, the bettor It la B|ade tor all. plveu those o
Seerwtarr'a Report.
| iTratorie .Qt}-.


For Over
Thirty Years


Total .......................................... ;; .1
IteoqiH-is ................................ < .'... I
visitors — il^is
Includes repairs lo A-4U>b>oblle which was leaned to tbe
bonrd of ira>de to s
a Co's. pass
agenia iblH dlttrlri .
idusirlai lovcstlgatlons
Fruit exhibit, to glass Jxis.. .SC.JZ
Grand Traverao County 0 HM*»
aMi'iameiil far tiir
Ulch. Uuvriopnx-m bun-su. Cmi.uu
Board of trade's memlierFblp
In (be (Mk-blKsn SUipI
-a. postage.
lAie. cle., (C
for met
oembeieblp .
Slate Granite re
U-eomber n-nt of efflee. pc;
cupled by w.-st
lA'iclopiuent burv-iu

ipir Itanto explained itisl since 11
inoil.'r bad iHeii tak.-ii ■■■• s .in.,
wsnlid to n-iit tbe upp.w
two story Iinlldliig could
b.- <
offering JfiOu a year rent.
TTk- rofKiff wa* adopted

Class f—
tile Tr.n.-rs"
I1iy Travi-Hlig Me-i
v.lli.-r sab
iiell!ig oiii i.l TVni

ibe Wi

eporl 1.........................................
Moan's...... .........
t for Beard.
President I'mlor
that a eommlite.- bad bn-n at worl
for sotsc time on the mattri of m
curlog a home (or tbe tiuard or
the Trai.-rae city
aasAclallon and Ihe Trai.-rae CHv A.
(Inb as well s> the Western (MIchlgai
dr-ielupment bureau
He Ifibn eall<-i
upon Jobu H. flanio. wbu Id the at.
fitiiKta. gave (be ful
lowing report:
Board of Trade I
■ Traverse Cl-v
board of trade may have a bum- for
Ibe proper eoiirtuetlon of Its h-isln.-s
—a place where lu lliersluro and the
p;odor<a of our region ran be perpc-iually 00 dlsplai. and wbere u n-pie
seniatlve cau always lx- In ati.-iid)ce—also an office tor the , Wostera
irhigan Devrinpnieni luirviiu. Ilosl•AS Jlen's assoelaikin iiiid Trsi.-rse
CKy Ad elub—tbe follow Jus projio.^J'
tlOB has be.-n developed:
That a om-aU>iy and
riek building, of (be.ordinary store
DIM- b>- eonatniried on the lot we.v
Of Ibe Wilhelm blork. 01 an esllmat.-d
cost of s(-venty-fl
(7.5001. siso to b.surUcletitly heavy rooting
Of hnlJdlng two or thni
stories a
future time
Tho pr
provialons for this bulh liq/Cm
be ns follows: First t
IlHiinnh &
I ay. rompany
furnish itio lot at .1
nunilnal rentnl of (wt-nii-tive dollnis
ItZ.'-i a year, and tase>. kDIiir
lioard of trade, or Hu .-orporal
hereafter deserlbed, nn optioa (0 1
ebaae said lot at a (air vaiUKilon
be arrived at tM-lwoea said romp.imand boird of trade, aud hSltli'S any
claim on aald building Hist
might otherwise have during
The eltUens of Trari-ree City
mg provldi-d Hfiei-n bund^-d dc
f*15(Hii toward the cost of said liall.lIng. Mr. Floyd Cllnrii, of the Haiiiiab
-* Uy companies, will piovlch- the r<aiainiiig six ibousaud dolUrs iSH.ikku
tusklug a total of av-ieuiy-(li< line
dred dollars (fiTrani).
Tb«- Travenio city liosrd of Irsii.
ill ugrwi'rio rent this bulldluc ::i ..
-nisi fqualltng six per t-eot id |ur
•nn op the I75W. uid C |..T . .
la-liig paid dlrerlly to Ifai- iiicti fiini'
bihlltg Ibe money.

Tbe Traverse Cliv lawM al ir.Tle
ill lie gt'cn wn upHon to aiquinlis building at eost an) hum- duriiix
Ibi said term of ftve years, lu th.eient of the Traveisi- I'lty [board ef
irada desiring lo israte said prvnior not iHirebSM- same <in or teexptrallon of tbe Oie-y^ar term,
thi-mat such expiration or ‘vsea’loii
tbe buHdlng reverts to tbe' person-'
who provided (be money for t-onsirar
Hon.—and at ibU time a eorpvrat:on
will be (otmed and stork Iksued la
ssM persons to proporiloo jlo their
original tubacripHont. and thai -eorporatlob may then deal wlibjUie mat
dr judgment deems anilseing understood. Ibuwever.
oplio)'. to purobMe
ibgrouml at an agreed price will apply
' rorporotion at this tknu.
order to aei-uie ihls jluprovolor Traverse Cliy, anB-|o ensble
yard of trade to prnpbriv (-.mduet and 1hu;i.l lip II. .ir4iiltstl(iii,
4bs.-ribopposite our qamei. ui

•»' '■»»>- - --H"


* Han's tha rrooC
Mr. A.W, l‘ri.-c,Fjcd.'iiia, Kanw.
say*: -We hsTv us'd ^kvao’i
^kvao’s lial.
ar.aiid I'mdiisnesrclMMi.thiasl..hfw(|'au

(ormvr-s pn.enis. fe,-Hlak and

-T. ili- l;:id'MW<'l»l"*str.‘-ra uiUn’qual
The Farmers' limtuiu- held at ihl1:1, y.jimg insiani-e.s of w!iii
Chang^ in By Lawn
If-' also (Kitd th- Imard oi place W.-dnesday and Thtirpds.v, ,w ,ARTICLE Z. (Dues)
trade piii Traver-e City Mime excvl- cmidt.-ivil by K- (). Ladd. Hon. IVlc;
leni (.iiinplitnem--.«J...oti- tiilu-r fsvon-d Hi-- eomiany OlllHr-, A. F, Gray and (bi.rgi- I.
Claa* A—llii'lneaii in-o,
mtiiiurHc. with Muti ail <>xii-U-'ii| vocal sidu that ('it-P. eunimiseluuVr of ye.-u>i>t of tbiluret>, large
yl*-rl> <wii, s. |ip.:,-s b<- s.i* re. all-tl.
eai.mj. HMd Hlwi fn-i.ioiiii
shiilal ... ..........
tiuraTloii ..ft •bits.
On Mr. H.iuihiunil'a
Mr. Bilss:fin.-r s.f seiioold of Kalkaska
(lO.tW per
WIImiii was tenrh n-d u ri--m: inle of
S ll-i-Mriners.
Hunk - I..1 iiU &hliexs, nil •»!" renialn- e:.iniiv. -svr mhuo liin- (di-n:. in vii.-i
I- CU). wbew.- .• IccilptUI
whom urelisn vaty. Hm- liistinii.-. The In
rlliuic v.^.-a sUeCCH' iii spile .if il,.

Tola] expenses ...............
Leaving a eaati balance e

a.u lueime-rs ....................................... a
108 cnembt-ra. who bave^iut paid
dues ............................................ ..............
.Names turned lo by im-nibershlp
roromlllee. who have n^ y.-i.


paihf Hlia:>ld luke 1: SO .at -to brim, i
•'^1** Wini:i- Uia] and 51lss'Mrlaiti:
tl pi-11- o' that m.Hie) in lots vHi.
o! Trawii-e I'liy.
Bnnd.iv with

If llalpli 1-Xana of Rapid
I Ih- olA-inl-d iijsiii nl the
a-TSC iHV.pI'nl tomumiw.

di -i" Uk"i - 11 augat
InjaoJ scM-.-in;, inviiin'lj.'’


is c&-.icr to use than porous

Mjnnv wertlHxi
It a
and ba-i nsul*. tan.|.Tilhi rll'j:; wei^-

plasUis, :ias .juicktr tutd in vs
■1 - flo-uptlicikiiaiof thcslin.
1.1. .VII .-vcclknit an(ia-|lTlC Ttmedv I
aitJ.nia. laotiraii
diaeaiies of
I'-tat sod Che
will Isusk op I
u.odlyr msmUane
Xn adark of -1..1

.llid the KUiipiVs |i't1aiiniix ,u pr
rlile faivulai; wen- ilHirouglily dls■ Fanners- liisiinile i» di


deal lor tin- larmer as 1
Is), gel .1 i-oii1.- <if R--nue'>; I’jiiiiKiHlitg'oil. I- always, elves Inslnm r.-- Ib.m Ibe taTiiierjuiins iileai. uf v
(ivllbuul u-te). II.PM Itef. It i- UlieflUSled as a psin-klller.
to bulM up ih- mil and «(
IJhc'iMnatism. e.-u.-jlaln, sprains ai"l ralriag of ernpis wiiu-h are tbv -I
" rii.h'a- aqd paiiiK an- ijuiekly
paying juaeorriliiE in He- <iiiidi:l.»u
yon applv n.-iin.-'s ruine different wHiions of the .111
tu gin the genu
- slate.
Thi- guud atiendancr
ideiMi- that I

F-Jlltilslor-. of lb- eosiui.
diilleK o'
ealling—at Ibdr i-iiin-si sli:<ll
-llglble to ou-mbr-rsbip - wiyiuui
of fllM-S. a L’—Any que-.iinn urlslng .1l.’la-r It nn-niVi l-olbligs ►ti,.ll
i-d to .the menibii.jip .ur.t


Ih- i


Grinnell Bros.’ is the Place for

Real Piano Bargins
When yoD read of Pianos beinf! oRered &t 'jnfe&sonably large discoimts you may depend upon it they are
either eld instruments of doobttnl value, or else the. big
discennts are made from Hcticibns regiflar prices. Peo­
ple who buy such instruments should not deceive them­
selves into the belief that they are seenrin? “Bargains.”
A real bargain is a Piano bought at a price below its
ACTUAL worth.—lower than it coaid be bought for in
the regular way. '
-.r cur i-iisloiii-r-.,
-.i-l-. til-' -iilir-' IH-J-Ill-il'. illl-l -irr 1 .d -rli -

- I.-I

I 111.I il |,iir

Hi. Ill fii-1. .Mill,. -|| r. 1:, I i.-111'i .•|||•■'^tlll
.-•••1.. ,|:i. . i i.. u-. vili.-n ih-


lilt, r in' vieati r. Oitr littsi- •
:iv.-rii"e <li-:il.-r i« it iu-Te in.

--"•'1: li.iii:iiitini.' :
lake i..i»;ml.|h,-

r Iniirti ..f h,;.' .illi- r il-itlrr*.

.1:1.' ll-iiii; ............ .li

No House in thU Part of Ihe Country can G>nipete
wilh Our Low Prices on High-grade Pianos!
■Ihill'l te- lllt-Ki'-.l
I'ar iIj.' hii-u.-i! I',

Hon .

J- •-•\V..'i.l.-rr»l l;..rg:
V' I'l .Mii-i:ii'iiii. iiiiil VI.- il,;-..
" llD-tl b ilu- -.1 I.l I'J
I- iHili t-iliiti.
I y[-Ui- i.r-'
t-iliit.. |B>
i«.iiliv. l. li.
li..,-, ,,
i,t. ...
IJ-.ii-..', uitvuii. r.
.. riHii-n 'm-.-r-'
itii.v l.'vv -'i.ii.-.-ri.-.• .-mmim.vvilr.rc-;n...rMiii.l^.i:i,,;;.
thi-i-im- iin.v
VI Ir.-r--'ii.
1,1-;. eSjl-eml Sjlt-H."
nil- Jtm I'l-i-t'!. Ill VV|C,|1I u- ................ii-laiiliv' *-11,tie lie- Wtij-W * Hi-»| ViHie '


iitIvuiiinu-'-iisi> lli.iii

Va’m vviii li..,i
IJK.M. IM.WO iVvJiC.XiXS „„ „..r
ev. r> -lav tti l! - w.-!i
)ill til" Itxlr.iiec-tlill.v
. Vipltalt...1 • S|H-.'inl SjiI.m " aiiii,;..!p.|er- l;i:,Vl. U.\fJ(J.\T.VS ill tfrvui.l »i--tV. Lit--.: stvl.- r-atj-i-fUK-M. IJ.VI.'*. MN.S
Wa-xi I'ianvw
fl lull- make*, th-r-iigliiy r.'p;..i--l l.y mir F«.ii.ry Ky|~-r’H.wlj. d y,.n ,.f m v
.all'-.-*. a.P
ills ,v«.ur m.iiK'.i out -f a-vvii e-.niiuiimtv—v..ti p U| 1.. vt.-alme n-lii » IJo.MK lONci;
reliuiile Muxie HiiU'i’ ill .Mii-llipHIInr tuiv --tli. r Stal--.
iluy -if 11* au.l

V ill

RUJirBUi.-e -ur pri.-v-H I- Ik- il..- v.-r> i-.u-ii ..‘.•; vw eubraul-e t.iir fiai.'-.
*........ .



•>lriiin»--sl ami iiiiiHt

....1,- s.WK .VriNFV l-ii! .v-.ti will li- ;il*-,l.ii,-iv -iir- --f i'i;i(FK< T SATfSJ-'.MTid.V

Kiv,' iH-rr.-.'t sal i.sfjicl [:-ii: hinl vv.- (ruur-aot--.- .-aeh .
imner pji i'iri'umHtiin--i-ii.
Writ-Dtil-- H
H v.,n . .lu ' 1 .-i,ii



ij. il,- W..rlii: w-'ttaarao-

r u,.il- hi. --i si-tvi..


Ii..i;i.r:il.l- ti'.-af-



Tweniy-four Stores, o
Headquarters at Detrolf.

044. w»*r MU «U
•t all. and ito toootod tbea fsKU
Ai laiL oae day a Ml WM -Vto
tod- aad padaaUy U>m worked lu
way eat a yaUow. doway lUtto thIjiL
R waa wroec *Z
Vei» Mer. Ra^ld 01/. UUiL. B. !^
iU »ato.
and what a qaeor tooad bW
F. B. No. t I
tod! After a white ettoa aaotber.
H«wl Berrr m4 Htkiui SkiUUter. ' Id aooB atm aaottor. Mt nry rapL«ke Aem. Uteh.
Idly, bowenr. tor the «dd toa atayed
MaiT IMbclar.
by bar ant aeariy a woek after the
MK17 0«uke, cun 0*uk«. ««nha '
toPeM «atn the Uat or
Ito Ub tod toUtod out. The a«
low dowB and iboM doway
ao ttrely that It wai

I «iH tfjr «• M,MlN«p]r m i
I M tar M t
I wtti tfr *• M NvIaD WpI M «M
• to «Mry WvlRt tM«D
tf I avto Ml >n tfytat *•

t Dmm toinii. P wtu «T»y, t»r


Mioh. .SatoM

toe;%a'^r:L‘ -to..totetoutok^chtek..fH«d.

at^ed to aee the world by thenael- ftUx “

•• ttoae of her owa

**f* «*>«■ '<•' »“®
**** **
“ •****
^ ttoj^dteaptoand aad Hear W«da of laeae. tot ^ doe-at efte.
So «aay tetun liad atorte. aad •»«« tod «ny nt waa to blaaie.
■*« like a fooae- ao ladead. She I.



bw toe*, i
aMe to tto ottor. ato a
aa U ato »e
^ *“
Oaea 1
toae wo gan tor a “ptealc" oa the
a»d ate toaad her way tone la
weiard tto aaaa way. She toi
»•»*' tooa tm tto rlrar sUco that
tlae, thoato»«•« two oitor bic While
docto. or rather a dock aad a drake,
*bo*<tto toikireii aonetlaiei «all
» Df*fce aad Mra. Daek. tot Oad-

>taaK.r*a aa, old cblckea.-

e!r diy oW. wa broacbl U dowa rad placN«‘ U»e I -rUlt- with yoo. perSTaTe^t^
area thoon ^n
the I^wtL!^
aaow«taada ed
^ It with a lot of ,chicken,
__ ^la a pea top. J laay tefl r* aboat a fc.r •
n oee end of the front porch, no It know who In <
tova nnered the ootdoor Ulht.
' BKht toare the brooder with then **rs thooih he doeent mlUe I
faei, aaeh a aunber of tetters have

a^i^ed that ther«aa.;; Tu to ^TaT-

> eeheol ovory day. Hy tewcher’e
naBo te Mtea Mtofaaas. Ooodhyo.
rnm year UtUe Soatoiae gM.
AMde Maker. ao happy to lake yoar oaae
troB toe Cradle ftoU Uat. aad kwow
that yoo want to to a -troly Bontotocr.*
Grown. Mich:
Jaa. It, 1*10
Dear PraatdentI would like to loin the SuSablM
Club I na lea yeeru old. 1 as In
the (ourU grade. 1 Uva In tto ooaauy. I go to school at interiochew. 1
have a good teacher. Her aatoo te
Mite Harr. I like all antBate. and
for pets 1 tove two eau naBed BusUr aM FUito. aod a dog wboae
te Rowdy. Rowdy wUI do lou of
tricks. I would Ilk# to have a card
and button, an^ I hope te aae this
prtnied In tto Herald. 1 wiu cloae.
Youra truly.
RBory Catpeater.
tte the two emu like- Rowdy? I
wteS I BlMil sac your dog do hi.

yen wbal I eapeet froB


Bon- caUsd npon to pick out tto homellut
adrl. ibon^. Don ritowed tto chiralroua stag of which be to made aad
decUned to do ao. sUUag 1a hte
equlu way thR to cnuld- not pidt .
out the hoBiteet gltl u aS (to gtria
were hudaome. This made evWybtoy .
laugh, ato whyn tto stow wu over
aad to reroivtd hte guuts he wu
almui amoiberad by the caroaau of
the lltUe girls.
Tbe performanee wu a groat auo^
.cua and wUI no doubt be toog twSubbU City. Mich. R. P. D. No. I meBbered. to Jtoge hy tto wtetful
Bdx U.
looks ttot (rilewed Doo u to tefl
- Jnn. SI. 1*16. the scbaiol. It could -he plately mt*m
Dear Praaldeni- .
thR aU the children wtehed to wu
I ttought I wonld orUe you a few M orphan ato could ahare their hoBO
Hue to let you know ibat we have with ihcmBOved aad live near SuBinli City,
Por peu i bare two dogs and two
Otd FattMol.
mu- Sw torses, two cows snd right
A farmer wu goteg away from
Mivei. I. am living with ay uncle on
home for tto dajf ato to said M hte
tto Cam. aad tnamana te llvieg hero.
too. It te very nice berr. l »m write oM dog r-FUlhful*: -The shtes ai«
a littte story Tor tbe Uemane torieiy. gny. ud there may to a atOTB be­
fore night. I tonve gtf^eap |g your
Tht Uttte Heesa that Ran Away.
oace upon a tlBe (tore was . little caro. dur Old FaithraL If a tUtB
horse that was ptewtag la (be Arid." rones take cam of (to aiheep.and along cose a train. Tben the
■-Bow-wow.~ tnid Old Falthfal. ato
mile borne looped and ran clear
down town. Nobody could catcb It. wagged hte tRI vlgorouly. H* very
hut all the people ran aod ran after much wuted M go with kla Baetor
u. By and by a little boy and girt that day. hut to lutew h# ceaM not
came along, and tbe liute boy ran leave ihitiu at borne ungnardpd.
and caoght tbe little horse and todi It Abou: midday a sIctb arose, beginhome. After a white (he owner canto nine wttb a squall ud udlag te's
dong and gave the UUte boy Bfty ateady bUoding snowtall. Tto Beck
Tare of our Soatotoete toto written auwtB lor the HuBone Soctety
this weak. Year Preatdent aalled
to kerseU over It. becoaaa Etele and
Mabel are very good frieods. aad
aeltber knew itot (to other was writ“A- R)Ma's atory te inctaded In bar
^‘»r. nbd she mays.

Daddle.. of the great Fekla little dris aod toys, aad Baaaiea the
-Baanhonae' of a hlg Bill where__
era! hundred Ben cat ovary day.
s eblcks referred I
Rapid City. Midi.. R. F. D. So. i.
And DOW good-bye nad Bucb tevu
,' Bos 3&.
___ that bftMdht tto tean to *V. 'Mbt were ao aUpM that they
Jn. I*. 1*10.
AoM LUsic.
NoBher of momhon toteAdInd Foh.
Preeldent'a eyea. Uttte Xeo- cooWnl teem to team at all that they
Dear PresidcMIdM. 7, aoi.
aeth Good, fit 8okw. R F. D. .No. *, •Mt d> “ to«l at night by tbe namn
1 am a lluie 0ri tea y««rs oM.
who waa a Cradle Roll baby, haa loft *W
W‘ the brooder la the
1 CO to school ovary dsy and am In
Numher ef MBse eo the CeedM , n for that Land of «anahlae wtora ■o«la*. and we had to put thea . Peabody. Kan*.
the Afth grade. 1 like eny teacher
Jaa. le. IPIO.
t t, tdlR TM.
to Will Derer be 111 oread again. Tonr tod onreelvea every aigbt for
very modi. I coae to Trmveres Oiy
Dear bad
PreetdeiN-n team wen not for tiny *Mkn
or ea Tto road they
once In a wtalir lor I hart aa Anoito cenu for catching It. Tto IltOe boy
inaalnt Saniwt.
Keniieib. yen know, bnt for tbe dear ‘ravel
waa up aad dowa an InclinedI tooelred ny cardaand ttoliving
button,there and ea}oy vlsHlag tor. I kept the money, and always irinemhags ihR aim remRned. When Old
Tto farverh wife weal on owe ano a pareate aad Ma Itttte ilatara. Aa toe board
ftOD dw brooder to tbe porch'to1 thankyou fortbeB.UarUn
havc s brother named Clayton. He te bered bow he earned the Bfty cents,
To PMhe her waul rowwd.
aat aad thooght ahoat Keanetb aha toor. When Ducky Deddlea wu and IKldredWeaihiwok arebv bast right yean old. amd In tbe third He saved up money, aad aaved up FalMful uw the alarm coming tut,
Aad Is tl^ toabmed dslu Miora
iWBeBbend tbeae verasa that are so P>Med with tto chicks laalde tbe frtends and playBatea. I am in t— grade. For peu we have taro doves mooey. aad pot it with tbe Bfty cents, ato tbe wind blowing bard, to atartUwe. and decided to print then hace brooder she soon found her way oat eighth grade, and wnr gradute la and throe cata. Thte te cto Brat time and after a while be bad cDougb to ed for ibr aeadewa to hunt (or (be
u a BaBorlal to onr SutoUnar
a^d proved beraelf qnlie able to bold May. 1 an twrit-e yeard old. I hare I ever wrote to the SuaaUne Qub. buy the mtte horse. He liked it very sheep. Tto atotm wu u blladlng
ttot they were Rretoy crytag out (or
-MOW toadi«o.-toMato.--eoie with -Safe wkh the Uwd'ta Partotee.'
'**“ “
iV* 'T ‘“*•,^1* aad should like to loin and receive a much, aod he gave it to his llctte stean.
Aaeag tto tales pure and 'white
*• *•’' ”” •*'* *®"'^
brother who te dficen Jean old. My card aad bnitoo. and ao would my wr. She kept the little bone, and help U a pitiful way. Old Faithful
Aad- we wlO actthis haw
The aagela hoU with lovBa care
baow how to go to bed oatll
we papa te the editor of tbe Peebody brother.
ibenght lots of It. She bought a mate hurd then, ud throua tto atorm
Oa thirteea am~tdg hrowa caea. The chUdrn) that we Ble. tonight.
bar outselve. u w. bad to «u«‘e.
Wter U geuini long,
Your nute friend.
« go with the mile hone. The lit. he went M ahow ihaa tbe way M
tto foM. They could aot see far
tooOod-a light falU soft opne tto land
“•eh tto chlekeu. Bw. would you I *IU dose wUWng
Vera Seeley.
boy and the little gtri adwayn stayed
What a ntee Btst-tetler you tove u«ritor. and k^ tbrir two IHtle enough abeto. howerer. to know
la atoto-to wowaww pea.”
That He. aromd tto oryaUl sea. balteve It.
Aad there the happy cbSdM ptoy. ““ her own sen 10 we« -wnen ovea- —
wriuea! I win send yoo and Ctey- bora^ The little borae was eo top- which way M go. aoHher could OId
Faithful, and te tbeir ceafaRoa ud
Bo toe ««i *m Mt tor hattolBg
Their IWc, kept pare lto<^ and “«
l^al proved that at
Your frtead.
lun each e card and button.
py that it never ran away again. And
fear they huddled MgMtor. When
Aad tto door SMBiy latched:
about two day. old ato wa. already
Marie Moriaa.

the Utile boy aad gtri were happy
(be farmer- returned to heard OM
All toe chUdrea canted chlekeu
Tto idad U rough o'* wtalto we go. »Mn»r toaa ecane of those toolUb
I as ao glad to know yoo beeauo
5i Clay et.. Mantetco. MhA.
ever after and tored their two little FaUhful cslllng hi tto tuadow. He
at two areeka oM.
jn are MUdred'a
Unag bafor. too agga wore katotod. And tears and pain oft dla our eyaa.' chlekeu
Jan. », 1*16.
letito hte tolpWes Borii ato bte (RtbBet thoeo dear children utowr kMW
We didn’t saBC ter Ducky DaddlM
*** “*.*• “ Dear PreeldcntYour loving Sunsblner.
(nl d<« guarding them. Tto atoep
Bnt an analy UtUe fellow
The. fret of lUe In Pandtea.
riiht at Arsl. but tto aaine gradoally *’“‘I got my cortlBcaie of momherakip
Maria Cronkbite.
farmer^ voice, ato
- Fad of nlachtet to tto briB.
_ _ _ _ ihlldlto
_ _ _ _ _teat_ have’
_ _ tomd
_ _ _ _tto_ came
_ _ to be
_ _ need
_ _ _aad
_ _ uaually
_ _
Ui the Hiraanr Society «nd the posul.
Ibrougfa tbe patblew BeMa to drove
Took a daek adf-ae he tboaghtlt.
aborteaed to
Lake Aan, Mtch.
Daddies, t helped nsme
1 waa very glad to get thm and
New are wit) have Matol'a tsory. them safely uRIl tbcy roactod tto
Jaa. 17. 1»10. thank you very mack. I tove oicDod K te called:
Aad touatain of pepetoal pUto.
b«r. yoo know I don't like to be tefi
alialtcring frid.
ftor oar dnar Lord bmo hoM tooB oet whan ft cobcs to anything like u“r rrewoentWhy the I
the certlBMU and wtu try aad to
'You sbRI have a goto nupper.I thooght I would write a letter u
(By Htoel Fteb.)
__ .
w .
creatures. I got for
saM the farmer u to etreked hte
a roM day In winter, and dog ud thought of tto many Ubm
Wrti. 11U.M
btuill, .ml
- C»rl.iba. . c, .ml
niAktiiB. -»Bap tbnoa agga an cUckgiaw (set ao '*>«» when the brooder '*** fborik greto. My stadias
alt doll- the anow.was falling fast Srho^ Old FRthful had hroagbt tto sheep set
Sneh a dear littte letter baa coma waa no longar needed, aht/wsa larger
•»?>»“*. l•Ilguag^ lea. vwcive skeins' of thread, ato two tod JuM been dlaaiued and tto ehUud cattle (rote the Belda tor MB.
naa*ahMt & 1 wm teU. 2
troB a SHtehlser who alEaed no than (to cbiekena. We then t«Boved
“< BMgraph*. 1 have needlea. a book of vartea, a pair of dng .were aoing In all direcUou to
“You are my fafthful frtead.’ aaH
■Me. tot who hai aoM- «f awA A tkaB to a pan In the orchard close
a eat. and a bird. 1 red hair ithbou.eand a handkerehtef. their boaes.
*Vdw X AlrD-.uok • diMk na
pnety sew Year pooa written eery w tto bow
being the one
•>' ^
I am la echool now. My tea^r b
Little Tilly Ward wu walUM he. “I cu alwaya tniR yoa.- <Nd
frtenda who Mlta Poipefoy. She Is very nica. We brteUy' ateag the eireet Her Bo(h- FatthtR ruled hte head « bto ma»MM «>• ■ihlAC «»al
Miuiy OB (to typewriter. Wc wlU 4.0. wu. of «mrte tingled out aad
to Jala Ute ftinahlne Club bavc bmoBt in our school. We have er hto-toW her te hurry hooie. ud ter'B knee ato fait happy. Mr to
«7 aiMM to» Ito leuer right-hare, aad your petted b.» tto children a good deal. would Uto ----------HamI Berry, age to work a week before 'we get tbea. Tilly, wto wu an obedient child, wu kaew thR be loved him. OTMt-W Wtoi •■< **«a R Mead, pmldaat hopal (he Sabtoa wQl hw ato didn’t like to be handled el
nine, and WIlBa SbinWty. age eight. I tove had one since the third week walking swiftly.
write again and toil ■§ who he te. aR
*!ilaw. raba« ,4
I INB (tothem
Tto gMtrt Hante LMd..
Ftmakfort. Mich
Whan she wu perhapa twochirda Thte la all I Mb iblak of now. ao of stAool. You asked bow Muy of As ehe turned the corner ato u«
Beth ato Patty wore gma, tan. R
Jaa. IT. l*I«. grown aad bar feartora aU la placa
tto Sunehtnen *«re rdawabertag to ahead of tor a group of boys who
MM.aty.anther wMh Me paU.
Daar Praaktetl- (you any know that ducks tatala a
feto tbe hlrda Mamma ahrayi faeda were snow^ling aomething ia tioat waut deeldto till after thay want m
Tal4 a Bboppla grant Wg ntory
I aa out to Frankfort. I tovo hew pari td tholr doway coat uatJI very
them when wa are In acbool. We al- of (ham. She euiekened her atop nto bed. ato they. tUda-t ktoiw tt aatfl a
How I aeratchad It oa a aaO. ^
tora prsuy nearly ataoMh. For latge) we decided to give tor a big
»®* *««- ways feed thaa Saturdaya snd Bun- noon overtook thm. Tto boya step- Uttte while beforo R wu Urns U>
Chriataas I got a bos of toUdlng -(feat- and I promised tto children
«» “*•
> *«•* days Tbe Bngllah apanows are the ped aside le let tor pase. eo TlUy uw
-ThoB toe patted BO. aad MM toe
hiocta. eoae doBiBoea. aad auto and one day that u toon aa I wa, free «•*>?
only birds aroood here. They arc a poor UtUe kitten ataggering alOM
IVtot a ctauNtteh! There wu JaR
. LT"
We had a cute Uttte tree with m the afternoon we would catch Dad’
fond of picking bonea and all kinds of tto street Thte wu what tto boya time to gM the dMUea ready, for of
Ato J weaMat «wy. she knew It.
a klada of oolorad cnndlct. on it 1 dies and take her down to the river
waitemeburg. MIph.
scraps. My brother hu eont a aub- were anow-balllag.
couTM Sereu Au ato Cteogaua
If aentnhan Ctoared both ay haada. helped to etring the popcorn, i have for a swim. Tto chUdian went some
J" «.1»10.
ocrlptioD for tto Vonth’s Companlra
THU turned a look of reproof upon wero going, too, and (heir truahi BUR
0 alMe oa n Ja«per. ttoe hatoee ae down to the gmrden Dc*r Prarideatto be oent to Kdltb and L We think the boya Uwn wiibodt a word she be paokto. You would think they wara«.lryln,tote.^.toatolhe bytherlveraldetoplaylnUtofrlMe.
•I *-tove leal iiiy Suaahlae button and it a alee magaaloe. We are bavUl picked up the kliton and carried It off for a whole soBBer's outing la•a tonolht-to haop «ato tto pala. (ypewrlter alnce l <PBe to grudpa'a. of wUlcwa As aooo u 1 was ready,. woul
would like' anottier cue. Here to 'be real eprlng weather today.
It Is home where she nursed U hack to stead of tor throe daya at croadpa'a
(hawing qp much that whenever we faealut
•*?*J*“ ^
‘ **“ ^
a pan of feed and atooplng stam
—grut-gratopak. Itouy told ttoas to
•MM to aeto to you. We uw a down held' It out to tovtUngty that .von had a happy Sew Year,
i ^
said I Dtodtea and her frteada crowded'From yonr Suabeam.
Bat tbe trunks wero *01 randy 1a
-Aad that a«ht wtoa I aaM ay pray- waa a redpoa Thte te all ao gaod- cloae around, to share the feast SudVerphoH ftes.
spring te really here, for I lore to, .
pleety of isisns. ato wMklni atee
„ •••

denly tto pan dropped, the cbiekona
Thank you for your kind wish. go ihrougb the wood. wto. the ueH^ •»“« ’*'"* *^
happened to Assn at tto aiaUoa.
AU ctodMd to • heap.
a n^w Vaar Frayer.
aemtted away aod 1 bad Daddlet aU Vera. Yea. New Yoar wu a beauU- are budding, the flowem bteomlng. »»
‘ *’*“»
“ WhR do JOB cHppou? Uncle Dick
witoed 1-4 tto ay aoiher
Thte she placed <
-Dear Maatar. gaard ay Wague. that aately la my arBi. She wanted to ful da>'.
and tbe abooto of green grnae peeplot |
pot them checked JuK Uke grown­
*caaw I ooalda’t get to sleep.
■01 a word
get away, of coarse, but u I oeub.
... of tto ground, lui't It lovely
up trunks!
Of aawy, apite o BsUee Bay be rlvarward 1 told her about tto glor.
Lake Ann. Mich.
**“«• >*“ •*«
th,.n: I must clow no-, with lovv,
Beib und Putty stood by ud wRc*
-AB that night 1 dnanwd of goWlni.
^ beard.
Jan. 17. l*iu. to you and all the Sunahluera. I mn
ioua tlae she wu to have sad sto
ed the big mu tutau tto chwks on
Aad 1 ftoard tto bea ’daek-riat*.’ oj»e me
foM By brother's Joy te shoo tohaved.
Deer FresMent—
M tto little traMu. ato bow ihrir
Iter I druaBod tto eo* ware (Alekuti
A* aoM u tbe cblMrca caught
At 1 haven't wrltien for a ton* time,
Edu M. Jobnaon.

shone! CleopRra'a ato Eereu
Aad that t aoriow with Ub to dl- nl^t of u there was a aho4. “Hero I thought I would write you a tetter
Ann's eyu abeos^ toe—bat (too. they
With nan yoUbw mue dock.
i: mane 1
enJorj^'^ruton'tor’I^SlM Ito Team welted op Into tto ejea ot Btwaye
did. Theo Uncle Dhk pat tto
have (or pets two cats and look forwwd to beariug from you
Teach Bc to abu with fear a neck on «vc
e Daddies 4 the I
-Day. want hy-and one bright Bora. of pride
rlvef 1 think that wu one vary three ducks 1 go to echool -very
a kitten or a dec. or uythlng again.'' tluplieate dtotka Into Us podut with
5 grroi Bir «f imperuace. ato tto
be said with a catch In bto voice.
swbilc after she day. I have Bve studtea. They
Aad cast all tom of CBpty show surprised dock
train came .puIBng te ato weal puT-ditUe ckicki « *• >?*»**•*f
wu aet upon the water for the very roadlng. spelllac. langnagc. arliai
Klngaley. Mich
boys. •-.Nor I!- "Nor l!“ erted all tto Bng out.
tr bfg baowm Bother showync the way to lift aone atambl- Brat awia of her life. Sbe wlated and geagmphy. 1 like my teacher
Jan. ». l»lt).
to thq Mat 4M an nbenL-tt wu CBiy a uute way M tto Mg
boya In a chorus.
IM one.
her Uea aad turned round and Boat- very well. Her name Is Mlu Me- D«-sr President—
Aadrender prntee to^oe whan tt te ed down etroam ud tuned round Manua. 1 have loei my bniton. and
“1 know you soul, boys.- said TU- city where grandpa Urto. apd almrot
As 1 tove never written to the Suabefore the caroful littte atotton had
11 wu thM withbright«yea aparklume more and stopped ewhlle to would thank yon very muoM .f you
eblnc Club I win write a abort let“J*'
taken off the cAllBae'a hooneta and
And tot Be go tfOB dawn to duk.
think, and all wt once—where ww will send me anotber one. My father ter today. 1 have two dogs: Bob ato
rioato. t!>«r wen cMlgto to pat them
CM tto thon^t Into his head:
ueh day.
Daddies? Ab. she had dived’. Now te not home tbte week. He hu gone i’CDiu arc their names. 1 am ten
Next week your PresUcot hu uttow, ni tgl tham all »y aacret
Asktag Thy ginoa «n wto*-( do aad Me kaew what oto area about and to Honor. Well, aa I cant thlv. of Tcsr. oW. I do not go to school be- other trut for ypu' la (to foroi of OB again te a harrr. fbr then they
were te (hr ootey statioa, wllb ever
-Whu tba qhtekaareto be f^"
anch hour* et ton u she bad! Oc- any more. 1 will rtoee.
cause I caBiKH bear. Mamma uactoa a Humane Society letter from our .0 much hackiaen poMag their flng.
Doer Muter, pardon (fate yaar's alas eastoaally she came atoore (or a rest
Fron your Sunahlner.
mq at borne. 1 am la the third grade. Sunablne friend. Mrs. A. W. pock. to. IBM (tote teem aad makte* a
atoa; tto nsn were hroks.a,
*ad then, r
not often.
- De*-ey Maker
t<-rTtbte noise.
a Buty thinu
BulU op ny ataanga to aacet the
Near evening ehe got ashore aaong
It seems good to hear (Run )vu Thia worid is rwt so had a world.
hext week'.
Bantag loaad. to gel (hair hmakUncle DiA Ragled out a stout
new. Amen*.
soma hrnah under a bank where we agate. Dcv^. Indeed I wui aead
At some- would like M make U,
a short IteK- ago your Presldc-ut
mu ato a*e him (be two eheoks.

couldn't well get at her and abe >vki another bottoo. .
Though whether good orwbetbrr bad. read about a ranoteg educated pony
- A eoopte of tranks' - be uid. brtedy.
Thai tto ehOdru at them Bing.
lu ur thte« (or our Sun- wouldn't tome to onr calls, either. We

.Depends on bow wc take U.
that was being shown In Grand RapBow to wstobed Ikora «Ule chiokeaa rtthse visit? Why. It te a JnUer from begu-lo fear a mink might get her
Lake Ann. Mick,
Tto ouiatwsu nodded, and away he
Good-bye from
Ids. and bow be wu token tu visit went. Both BBd I'att} uw him back­
bttog vRkoat thought or (ear.,
xut Ltsite! Now aioat pau happy: K ato aiayto ihbre aO nlgbt bnt he
Jan. 17. IPIO.
Yonr Sunahlner.
Oie Orphans' Home In that cay and
ing hte hack up tu tto platlofB Tory
Preateeot Unghed ato laughed couldn't help IL 1 went about gel- Dear PresldcaiClan.- Brooka
(-uu-nalocd the children for alxMl carefully.
To bimseU— Yte aighty (fawr.
«rer (he cuuing itmy. ahott Ducky Um sapper ato after a white ooe of
I have i»t wrlueu In a long lime so
What a dear Uute Suasblnc veruT bait an hour with hu almoet huixiu
Daddies, aad thinks you wfl aO en- tbe chHdree came rushing te to tell I thought 1 would write a tew lines It would be a alee Ohc (or all the imollict-nce .
“tetof mek'W bu do tbR. Uode
ato Jn»l ou me- joy Itu aacb u ato 4M...
aw that Dtodleu wu la the fitmi now. 1 go to school every day that f
..Snabraats to learn by been.
u there u anything cblMrrn lovo Dk*r fte-.b tobed -tte dut wut
Vesta. Wnah, Jam 13.1*1*. yard- She had some way found L.r can. 1 like my teacher very well,
aUnv all else It is a poey ato thte to gK la twdr end foremaaL’
way around and up from the river Her name Is Miss MOtanus. I am lu
Tber. was a twinkle Xa Uadc Urit'a
ludofc. Mich.
Didyon think Aa» idgriq wu h> »to tt wasn't to simple a thing eltber, the Sfib grade. My studies ere groJaa. :t. IPIM glee with which Dons arrival wu eye. -Ob.- he saM. “thR-* u to
Oan be a s lb Jamie's dream.
completely awallowed up to the -wUd (or she tod never been that way bo grapby- apelUnc. readtug. ariibmeUc.
cu ^ toe trutos oa better “
aretoa ttot she wuuM wmm appecr torn, yen ere. The front gate bt I and language. Ihere are' aevm In our Dear lYesident—
sare smaigb. te a miaate tto
Please send tne s Sunshine pin aad
The rbildrco were all aasembled In
here agate? Well, you may femem- fust happened to be open so we c'o*- rinse at school today, and twrentyatoot ntea came ataog with ClaspaAikto b« not to tau ‘to girls
^ aoiaathlM I promised ed It and shut the duck I0. thinking threee alt told. 1 hope to gee this >oiae pledge cards (or these nainu. e«s o( the Urge dining rooms on the
Mary GRxke. fOurteu years: Clara ^ata Seor ato here Don did subs lo Ira's tniak. Hc heM It otraIgM oat
Unw the ban hto peeked ^hte Sager. • to tto you 00 hero It |gi
we'd g« tor out of there later on printed la (to paper toon.
Cauke. eteveo year*; Martha Ctuke. .rlikmeUe. Mid the time from a te (root of Msa. ato wu pafBag and
Away back In tto mtg.Mgt of Ian when 1 could help.
Presently. I
From your »Ue Sunahlner.
Victoria OMxke. nine w^ch. counted ooyihc y.-arv <rf an blowing dreadfully, u tt to aaald
•Cause ttoyd lauah buhtto Ihrir May apmething
wu happeaini In the
bcird nn odd noise onthe Iron: porcb Age 10. .
bartly carry IL

hra-house « back of tto orchard, ato then a qnick pit.pat. ph. par la
Whkb swdy do yon like beat? I years: Katherine Caukc. ten years: ^ ud picked md the flags uf 'srWith a big aEort to hotetto It oa
teabcl RoBlnka. eight yurs: Mary
utions. This plewsed the chlldTbe big old white ton tod been on tto RKIm rooBL I went to the door wonder iTit te rbtolng.
OE (er play—hut Utrateg M her
Rosinha. tea years: John Gatxke. six ^ mi*htH.v and when Mr Frederk-k. (be totk ato went soteototy back af­
bar nest (or four we«ka.ato no donbt .betweu tto kiuteo ato ntulng room.

Soreu Abb's. I cut to^ tktekFrwi ttotomr (hat stood aRr.
year*: Jerry Caixke. eight years: Don's owner, announced that Don
abe wotoered why ttoae edgs took wad there, oomteg atrnlgbt toward
i-wVb- An. Mich.
-Onus mydiikaawutkatronti____
lo«| a time u batch, me. wu Daddies: She came right
Ju. XL IPIO,. Frank Gatxke. Bhe^ years; Btiward ,ould bold a rot-eptioa alter the per- ind ttot to had two UtUe gtets r
Don't you think an. too. mammar ^ ^
Catxka. slReon
^ (ormance they could fiardlr tootaia home: anyway, to.tmd a Uto haart
\ they had looked rather on through and after a moment of Dcu PruMeatYour* troly.
themsclvoa. Don thee plched out the wttb pteaty of fun te h.
»Wu from tto «rat. but (hey prupecUgg around tbe table legs
1 an a IttUe girl seven yurt old.
•Mary Ottxke.
homulteat and next tbe hatoaooeet
Wto* both itttte trunks were tied
even ehe could see that, she pawed on out tto back door. A W« you-pteue aeto bo a card ud
I have-eem tto cards and terttnu w bey te tto room, which exeltto aboote oa tohluA tkM' wero OE wttb a Jerk
aaanr CaifWUw. Orawa. Mito.
oto egga were what abe hU been grow of toickeu aeon gathered hnuao? 1 sriU wrttc you e taw tetAhMo Hakor, Imka'Ann, Mieh:
haa>M «nr: ao tto large atee ato rooto har ud Dtodtea ctoRered to ur when I get a Uttte oldra. 1 go /oo Marr. -Rb a Bute tetter wUteg of mirth from the lUtte tots. When .ato a Jnaace 10 gntopaW
'**** ed la M edition of the Herald, bat
that Mly Bahaa the weeks that are to
^ COBS eean ell tto nicer, donan'i It?



' I


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