Grand Traverse Herald, September 06, 1910

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Grand Traverse Herald, September 06, 1910


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text







Patsr Mesa. Celumbia
otovad ward


Btudant. ReParaM Had

Been Aaaaaainated on a Train.

srand travcrae county, michioah. tuesoay.


hreahing MKhinc Blew



Uaboa, formerly




ol Watotinctoa. had
cd on a inOn. as a reault to his nd-



SUnroa Today and the Engineer
Will Lose HIS Ufa.

NOW York. Bepc S.—f>eter Morn.
Oolaadria atudmi. today
word that his latoer.


Ing RkuhlDc exploded

‘Hum an un­

:...................................irvOrK., reported I
the -r«w-ac of 1«
..-^tora from ih-,
etcaiiHT WesrqolRt «bii-h

ly^ Injuring three.

Loom, Primate of trelan

wai Hbvt 9mt od LMidsB by
About a Million.

Kev York. Sept. 3.—A i^flty
the Nev Yoibors of tbe preset day
vlU Uve (o see their dty out»Tl|i U»don 4sd'become tbe Ant city of
vorM la populaUon. scoordlv »

I Um a^« oi

lac'Mow MlUbelt, who boseb
cotnpoutioot of the i

RoMmlt pmlMd Um oVoi«b' of Do)Urtr ab4 OswraMBes HUUwd sod
lUrtlB fsr A nm—ilMlnn asd cbsntetvlM« tfct auxlmn, BtalBOB. Md

fTovtb of tbe two blweat clUes

psrMKe growtb of tbe two cities for




tbe world to esllBsled by tbe city sUllsUeiau at as aanual ra(l«i.of 3A per
cent for New York and l.d percent
tor Lendos. Oa ibia basis tbe future
aditm If at follova:
Ptow York.



« 8.T$o.aop
■qipwrt— «r RteBMn oo |k« ahr- 1PM......................
1P» ....................P,Od«.M0 10.310.0M
IV o»«d‘CMo< bis pollelaa.
itH.................... njooboo ii.wo,oeo
IPM ..................... U.MC.<»0 1I.P10.000
Twenty-Bye yean hence, then Lon­
don and New York atould each ooalAln abem 11«».00P. AnnexaUon of
auberba vUl pntoaMy InCcMse tbe
alae of both cdclea beyond tbeeo Afiurea, bet In }p» or IPM New York
tboeld become tbe torter city aod
1PM Mould aniyaai Lbodoa by am
DMKi WMM Rmb frBB Oraad Txsv* boDdreda of ibmtaadt.
Mads WiM Outaaia.



la ettv to Ppyp dbool W honrs la
d at tnit ftOB Travi
flky to OkM
b Ceharlaa A. Doalln.
i til
ttM Nortbam Hlcfcl-IMiM MMI «
■rad odt tbst'A owal cam be dv
rrara Tneerat City ibroash to Bmpirei, a AistaMd to about n Bllea.
Mr. DMtta. tokUP wamv l<* the
Atoalptee Ibto wralac. drew
plaaa pad dddciRtU Hr. Bersaner.
TerltotoiMl to (be wer* of pw

» I iia •

be wtu ^ tto potoneu with them
ae that
t thay wlH be regntred to tUt
toe c«aal itoefgfc toair own property.
Tbe Ibkaa en roata areaartoableMd
win be • mat bM la toe cMiatmcttoB. so Mr. ObUIb says.
Tba wAlenmr
be draMaaled
toe OBRUa topto. Qpoa its eomptotloa.
Traveno Ctty will ha toe metropoUa
to toe aorto. whUa LaeUaau oawa
ty wui be an lala^ It to Afwred oet
by Mr. Ooalta that by oattlv b caaai
tonncb tram this potat to IBaplre. ail
. toe his beau will BVe tola port, la
to# wtatar tuas, be aaya, tbe cual
«aa be wyefWd taio a abaUay rtak.

Ktaedafc oranfp Will HeW




Cooperaben Shown.

at a News Bury But juai a Uttis

Picked - Up

en Front Street.

“Oo along diow. and enjoy yonuolt.
IU«e » good time." said a man to a
I gill, about 14 years old. lire-

loKUn Thursday BlKbt. as 4.7to.- nubably bts dao^ii-r. Tbe man, a
firmor. bad Just driven In frou tho
PM.eame as a surprise looisny m<
|mpera.cltyoMclaleudcivic otsaalta- coBiilry wfik._lhe little girl, and
Uoas whicb bad made


young Ben, who may have been her

as baaed cm their own research. broihera.





at as to what toe olty'a crowtta bs« Front strt-el. and as they rvsr-hod a
tahiob. Ibv man sloiNad. sendliic Ibo
been sIbob IPOO.
ilcularty tboae who went Into details

Irl on with those nurds, and laklng
VC young men iniu toe imloon.

aa to tbe praheUe Arirae In toe ver-

Tbe girl walked <». Rhe did not

Most of the cnesscs were wild, par-

tous borougha. Tbe foreoeat tbto came look as though she aiaii-ltmicd bavTory good time. .Kbe was dressneareat was that to Waller Laldlaw
.radentlon of Od In while, and the streets werecblL
duircbea. IBs Bg^ was 4.7ilA3P. ly. Thn girt walked aimlessly up and
State tensaa retnnu. tminlgrattoa sta­ •down too streets, ihon look up bor
of the New


tistics, the blrto rale aad other Man­ wtsllOG la front to oue of the stores,
ila to iMrsaao were 4be basis to his

where she wai'i-d for bee father, bua
lung, no one knows.

Beeead Largaat In the World.
Now York, is toe secoae rargeat city
In tba world and aa large as any two
fbraign clUet. wmepUv Umdofi.
einco IPM ibc populatton to thv
hns iDcreasod l.3».(Pi.
3AT par cam as coopared with s.-







Queen Taken Aboard Bhip Miss
Bsmum Was On.

la IPV toe poiwlailaa of London
aa 6All.m. Tl Is eetlmated that It
iiw exceeds sevem aod a half tollnone.
•n the foreign raiillsis Parle rorncs
eu wHb a total la IPM to
aad Berlin follows elth ^04P.H8.

All l-rellinliiary airwngeflic-nts hatu
been made lor thi- big show, a skeicn
r the arrsngeniiut being cxUlbiieJ
L the mes-ling The butvsn iiiii.loa itwlra.t for wdvenislng with Hie <'hlc»co ICoruid
IctaM. and a ismlrai-t w-lli also he
made tor aiivertiaiiig in tov Chirjigta
.Srcietory Gihaun will leave Moud..*
.r ivokult, and will * g.j u. Kwiks- •
ks Bin] Cull non


The borottrt of Dn>nx showed toe
greeteet tacreaae la ibt- greator city.
hattan followlv bo« la order,

•een Added to toe I'it.
d.j^-d lo hire two ____
secure, pack and ship too a|>phrs. It
was the ravneensus of opinion that
Ihere will he no dlfflcull,. in aecurug tbe
boards to supcrvlsuis this (all. and .tu
•v.n largi-r apimtprlanun will he asl;.
rd fur, II thv'repoii of the iv>iiinnil«-c
Jf Bvc. sekMCed to liivosllgstc end reIKirt l<- HiejmsPd ol runuul. vieciu
Ms adi l-ahlie. This roinmittee is rum
posed of F. A.
Miubeir. chblruiiui,
Mulilslei-; F- O. Wiekhani. Kraiikfnn8. Hansen. Il«ri; <•, I* iUi.l..
Trsverse CKj. and IJeiiiy J. Vinklauldei. Grand,
The isuklei will luiitali. n.. sdVviUsing exeepl In the tlrst n*c iuigc-*
whh* will be devoud
Ihe Iwnks oi
Lbf dhilrkt. sluiwiwg tbo fliisiu-ul
rlJOTigth to Ihe dUl.ri* I, ivspe-*
for •nurscrli-'i, an dih.- last two ivag*-.silt be DIHde B •liun-UMV ■»( llii- w
iiablv real ctoiv im-n In l!« a. ,uun





e-- -




louie from Olaagow. lu ('harteeum.
C.. and btrroed at t.nt, it -was out nu
-vj whrth.r any live, w.-ie Wwk


Mcra New Campers Arrived Teddy—
Eider Russell Spoke on ■■Sp.rttoaL
Ism and We Btota of the DneT ‘
Last Evening.

Conference hast Nishh

iFtwu l-Y!-)*,. « Rreord )
Y-.lerday waxhJduialkmsi day at

Xevr York. Se>! ^::.-fcN:hty Ihoauai.d elrihing gsihu-nt makers rt-turti.
> work ludsy. atl.-r a violortuvu
scitlenieii! to tho Milk*-. There w»

Ih- vamp .gTouDil.. Tbe subject was
given eareiul cuBsIdemloa bad was


tbe wildest reJokIng.

I ho esjiuvra I*H>f. W. 1- Avery. prlB-

The vh'inry lavures that aoioaUx

•il tYdar Lake academy, gave a
•lining address on toe imiiortanco to

rwelve prvfeteo.v. ellinMiailng awuu
sl-ope. niaklBg better ttoidlUwa and

II round educaUun tpd bboni^
training for men and wucuen who en­
Tb.- etrlkc rodt n.illlpns. the Mrlk- Landlords in the Tenement Oittrict ter gu.:>e' work. Mis* Mynk Ktotagc.
Filed t.MO Applicatieria lor Evlcsuivetiuieudem of tbe Normal departan Which Ha-u( to bhiyaiioel Hissluoary colhee.
Uerrieu Springs. loU uf tbe advasThe selHeim-oi came suddenly after
to be derived from attendauai
roafi-rvmoe- late last titghi, the .
New Y..rk, 8eiH. S -TbooeamU to a: tbst instUnUon. in connection wiih
•eli.siU at Cedar Labe and Barineturorv. rt.nccdiiig
uMval to
i-xill.' ii-.i-tes Ikliuivr. ladlcisni- at
are large.
II- tiiulAl |iu:i..' tresUitelil In y.-steruiuts.
ay 's |N>rs-b- and Judge tloff's swuep.
IX. the school Idrtu at Berrte*
Dg Niiil-wirlfl.- d.-elmvu are di*<DantUng kiprliigB being one uf tbe fineet In Uid
g. iiefsl .irike.
•. Tlieae farms are not only b tbirtke leaders deelare the sKuatloB
Jal benefit to toe schools, hut ent I ■•owe.
e’.4e wortby young people lo partlbUy
\>ny jiH'v.- strlk.-r*
ingdied. tern their way. Cooking, sewing, narcharged witli {vii-ketiug.
iwuiry, ptinilng. borUcultuiv. tnrmlng
ui^te-to pay 'V'ft and other trades and occupaiioes are
WiKlItoda in toe tenement dls-.
u develop toe s
iric-l faavo Died l-vW appUeaduiui lor dents >o that they will braoiBe self*
evlcthni. Tb.-y wi-re mOs'-Iy d.-uled
and aetf-suppuniarand a beM>
iheir fellvnr men. The apeartre
ui.dnvls u
Iwlievr that true eduratlon embtaoes
oiii.r tbe menta:. but also tbe moejid physical nature. Wbmi tod Bi­
ble 'is made Ibe basis to educattoe aad
.. .vuuto are taught lu iruthi art
learn to love Its teachings. th«r charSl ier will Me founded upisi prtnrlpeld
ihjit are iiioble. iiprighL »rt pure.
Tbe FYirelgn Mu-sjun aeniinary to
Washington. 1>. CV. csiabllsbed tor toe
l-urpu*e uL training ipIssKmarlea grbo
are tu rater foreign lands, was regc*.
w-ijird i.v >:ider K- C RuaselL who Is
:roMd a* Blatlen at St Joweph. Me
III chise l.Hieh with that metltuUOM.
Cote Peeviah Because Roosevel^
The fclluw'liic n-doInUoD wax aaanD'clnt Appear fvcn Though
InvHisly adopted by a riving rote at
It HkpDcrvcd to Be Midiyghl.
lUI* nM>niiBgM*w.iotti>(lbecoto«rened:
"Rewulvi-d. Tbat we bci<toy eapreds

-. alone losing a mUllon and a hajf



Oitnh«, .S" in 1.—BuoM-velt arclvvni
i.i» iu..rti!i-u lu .. hewvy luiu hut big
xvw.k giv.*-te<| him .lu.l f.'OMwt-d blu

;viii;ihe rl
stllrU he
he .'h>l>. sud late Uu« af
O..I. a-ldrvvk-vl a hlg tui'ellng In
[ Iiildiiighi hk tias-k-d Rl. dosnpl'.
Houie-vell did tiiR aiip.-ar und Hie
yelled "ll..w



Ittieral »psee
a-'.-uidvd Us ;n reiairting tbe sermoas
I.nvem.'diiiiat to tola ouiileieoee. lo
H.-vnnab Lay Co.
imo of tbe
tamp grounds. 10 th.- tRUraarTtld
IvliuiK* rominny fur tbe uaeW'todlr
lepbune. ail(' ■
>1 lur v-priuW
H- ground*.''
Mri: oilers':
J H. Ill’vser, mlvskmaiy aerPetary
r the Lake Htiron ton1<m<-oc«. art
tuiy new ewatperw arrlrrt today
The large |«vltton was packed UM
Vf-n.tto as Kldr-r K. O, RuXMvIl tldlv.
erud kU diwoursc m> -’Ki-IrtlealtMi
I'arid Ibe ftUto of toe Head.'' Ills text
jvss I* K.lh: "And when ILry shall
'•ay unto you, Bcok unto inrin that
Mix oU reLgalm-d s urg.
Ic-ve fsuiillxr xidrila and oaio witinetida. IMT • *-r r-.v-i* .
rtdx t.-iai peej.. and
that mulCrr;
psih, Slid .h-vTlvn disi-fri'^b '
>-hi>ubi iK.t a i-ropltf neck uatu tbelr



4STJ03 that ccaaus.

Qaeeas. Bcookim. RkhoMBd ab'd Mn

the • Strike.-w

Weckly^Ulcment Attar a

For the erst, lime slaco tbe organi
UontreaJ, Sapl. 3.— L'ardlDal Van- xation at the WVsKvn Michiimo Ik~
uleiU. papal delegate tu ibo llluchailo- velopiueot buresu. is counties bare
Uc congrew aod olhvr vlsiilug digul. paid In toelr,a('njl«r»hl|> fee and set
uriea arrived on tbe stoamvr Ladj lied lor tbe IlilU c-ampslgti Kvery
coUiil.T but one-. Mecosta, has mnde
Grey today Mayor Gorrin presented good, and s-urd has been received
him with the freedom to the rlly and
Mecosts will pay
snd membership lev. kllssaukce and
tbe orSclals drove throvb tiH- lines
to I'aUitolcs to toe borne Oiiswa have Just Mid
Several new dl^iorv wore eloried
Of Arcbbisho|< UnirtiesL
yoaterday. these being Joseph tiailver.
Tbe toflclal 'wektoue
to FYenvoW. Newaygo eouniy, o. Donleorge \V Wood of Mlssau
Three Rivers ibis mortilne tbe Lsuly
Henry- S
Jarob-on and
Gray euipplng for naas and toe aet*
James P. Haskins, of Jilunicalin eouiend stop was at Sorel.
t/fAII the countl*-* wen* represenled
Cardinal Logdc, pcknalje of Ireland. uy direelors except (X-caita und MiMoBslgnoor Tampireil, to Rome, and eoMa eonuims, an dibese cuunik-iothers actotniwny Vanulclll. Tonisbl wlll have r.-pit-seniaisin -by «iew di
rvctois m a few days.
lands to visiting CatboMca iiarticThere was a markevl spirit uf <«
rpau In toe reception at the city tall otMTBikui mauJIesti-iJ m yevtenlayV
niorting the direvluis iviulglag themI tbe dlgaiurlea.
to do all In
power W
:bv exbIMi -si t'lilcego eelliwe
the one given last yewr, aad win a
I'lsee itfR've the
The dfreen-i• purled that the work is nuu bcitvi
Uiiderwlcod by
the eHiseii' In ihvarious eountlcs. and that ihc work iv
being heller appreclaled.
Judging by ihe reports'o( itu- direc•s. there wjll be no trouble lii
-Ing a Buffl^ienl amount or high


Coat M.llionv

Alone Lerng a Million and a Half


um—Public Reeoptian.

n M Years New York


Injuring Boirtnwf Kbspp. and serkiui-



known cause BUST here today, faislb

and Others Accompany



MoorOv. .Mich. Sfl>l. 3.—A thresb-

' lonsignor Tampirert of Rome am

Ms ud pTAMac •mior ]»lltT»r.
Ttli «M SOOMV.H'* Ant menlloa
« lb* prwMMt. H« UM. “I wu partk«lvl7 |*MMI wttb «bu tba prw
MMt mM is bti Rut iMtar rws
B ttrif wlwicn. 1 w ^

91A9 A TEAK.

sei»Te»*BEJi e. wio.


ILnuni. toUvu.viiy,

ho has gum- to Germanv to cuminue her violin sludlea, mns toe wliIbrllllng scene In aild-mv-dii.



poees Fie.ghi .Rate fncreaofa.

P»At1EaVHk! WlSHllED

)- <1- iuh L t-l;.iul ludav- ewllcyt fb<- burial wa.i STto-- N<-:ib|w>n «
viu^.v,* .Jam.--, to flhcmMa fo.

•roltver Had Taken Rilx to Beai
Pauh and the Accideni Followed—Bullet Net Removed.




as the following dlspati-b will d^mw.lbi-r
Miss Baruum being a iwasenger oq jbran ]>si<-!i

bad lakra
I their borne «m thi-K.->Fndxy maniliii!. a li:Uboard Ibo Koeuigin l.ulso:
-------- of -Mr. and ;dr., William
-A disfvi.ichil.Btulilr. shot bar k-jear .. ........................from Kayal. Azores lilamls. u. Uv« the
wBonlder, the
be bull
llet ••nierins
Rill rw
North Oemisn Jjiv.vd vuniivshy, re­




Dock f-jir HetTforth MMI . la Being
; Completed snd There Is PUnly
A. M. William* of Detroit Cornea to
Of Water.
was Bopu'etlon of Quaker City Announced
Local Bell Offica—Fred L. Hunter
Toes, aa iA4PAgg.
ports that tbe Nsrth (K-nuan Uuyd
' -^aM M toe irare near Kntwirfc. yesCoei to Delro t.
boy taklBK aking
Mkl-. gk-t-t < —ttar:ahlagton. dept. 3 -The oeaaiu
Koenlgln Lulde eneuunlereil whkb’h- Ishl opun tbe gnmii
•edty. Tbe orators to toe day will
I.. Uck--n
A V,
-• ta-n.;-, fur --me
veil’, with hi* a»ri«taiil>i. :Mr Tru-'-gx
be t^,MtoUiaa Dairy aad Otnd Corn- bnraau this afternoon announred that tbe ship Harvest Queen, ol Windsor, sister i-J.-t.-d II up, and imke.1
gun going <iir Btxi striking th
Uii‘--wt'.- M-.-r
fh* Ml' ‘;-san Sti.-e
Ld Mr. Getiereuv. have vi-ix-d H'<k'8..'wbJefa salJad fioiu Uxlbousle.
•usirtsiber. CMaa C. UUM.
and tor l-bUadottdiU had UIP..WS people, an
girl iM-fot.- tbi- bioiln r ruuld
ri-epb-.i- ..vij.-vauy -u itial eily, has
..rid pi-.Ti-r Um Indian- to the It»j
Kan. Ptoah H
iT.v of warning.
■ret. s[.|«.|i--ej to i:.v -.wliina to mili>: gu.iip here Tim paym- uix wevr
A pbysM-lan wa- sen f.k fttim
Aaguit 31. in a winking luodiuon. live
Egcr, Ol I'l--Tlraver..- iexchange.
one -«ned nmAa" man. Both ibraa
i/iidiie-.eil iu an v\T«-dinaui- luxuiuB*i-3.t* Who Ool'AvMy.
Mr. \n:'i.v»ii.'arrived lU
A prlrate oar cwiultilng a B.hlna ship being then In lo&gluidc t» 3i ejty. i-ut III was ioiir-.H.;
to tbe sjuUraetlun ••! u-n
■ men are sbebdaBUy tods <
Ibe bulb'i
It U U-Jlev
• tod:.. >nd ta u-iuc in-JUdu.-ed u,
iliv';--. all rei-Hvitig ll-elr
tba aahdert inaid to them. Pnwi- party from Ptltsburg airlred \|s Uu- west and in laiiiitde ^!T4 north
■ut->< t^ of :he iia-al cx.'ha’ige
• II fbiel F-anle down ri> the ymi.i;
ORA I.. tliU ownilna. aud Mi thU
All ibe crew of the Harvest Queen pauumcvnla or blood imlauii d- veh.V>*
deal Day. of tba WeMm Hicblm
Ur, Hunto-, tk-' ft monih* jwti
I'-’t .Mr. Ihi'kaun and hi- Kj-.iKiaiii----------- 1 lor ProvcOMNit. where they
•ere token aboard (be KoenUm Ui
local manager .
DeeatopaMBt bersau. hopas to be able
.-idl.-d ’.III eniwd In a very -toio-fw_Un two Wwks
In the iwrtv Isc art the ship wax left bunHag In
r. WHiianw lx iKi rlianger tu Trav
•ly mwiiOi-.r Mid the India!., were
to ottaad toe pMate aad t
• rttv, being-wife • .hief under c'saUy plpaeed tt»t the ageto cam-i
were Mr and Mrs W. m. MrOrsfion.
to the frantan tbe work (hat U beMaiiag* rs O'Urk- 1 and UrcefcOAg i
e lO'.cad
Cbem.’u MidUi.a
Mr. MKlraflOB
brlag rhlef slcu.1
iv done by tbe bursen and to toll
toU city.
be a piujuev to -un.-. •sher ;--t.!'C.
Reported That tBo Minen
corps oincrr Of the Pennsylvania railHojt B Waters is the uam<- of s
Mr Hue-rr ba> V-r rmnuled :n
to tta anMUoM and bopae. BevanI
- thdiai.. .am- from u.e -va-i-:tor* Roaches As Agreroed; Mr. and Mlw K. K. Ruian. Mr. new clothing Srm. George Hoyt and
pTWItten II the «u:>-ii<vii>k* deimr;day—Terms Net Oivi
-nd* in tbe
lii all kiiiJe .-f
•T toe Qraad Tneame eouaty graace
aad Mrs.
McKnlgtat, and adopted Oliver Waters i bring toe m<-aih.-r>
n-etit tii lvetpoltaiW:, Hunl-r has serv­
l*. ga-vdUie '.-■vat-. «'.'*■■>•!« and
toortoea win be oe hart to beip make
ed the Miihlgaii .S'k t Tefaphune com­ ^arwa- and iuade
dsnigbter. MUs Urebaai. and Mr. and Tbey bare toveaed up boadguaners at
a rhoW-i.pany w eJI h.- u i-vlee for IhoR
Mrs. Kerr,
Kveryttiing I- imning ak.r.g nK’-))
South t'alOB aireet wben* toe>
tu thb. city and ha* a hnci to tTlends dt U|v- H.’initorth 'amp and mill and
bare a line iiae of aamplw to tbe Kd.
anao^ tbe luUrriJk-ra sho will re­
pl^rant. Ibe .Juek !• being loinINCRIAbBD A TMIRO.
The board of insds ttas arrsngvd
V. Price goods on diapUy. Both gengret ihai he U to leave here but wt’l [vlet-m. Tfierh. will he p'-enwy u:
very Aae rxhlblllM to frnit tn glass
a'MV be pJi-aaed tu tea’ll o’ bU aJiiy of the ;ske lit ighi'-r*
iemen are well known In ibe city aud toe ave/DOatoi sirlke 0
•pptar Bay Haa a BapulaUar
lars. In the wtanpw of the Wilhelm
vaneenieit be-.aute to bi* ablitty and
lodoubiedly r|ll be aurcraafuL
tUkeds tor. hU aew is».:ioil
Blort. 'TbU eiAlbfi wm be enure 1
Tbs seroed Miaal Labor uay pto

ate by

toe -BauMlsii



WaablvtoB. Bape t-oyater Bay.
R. T. Iba botoi to es-Presidaat B
■toL baa a popakiim to PIA« as
a»im IdJM ta tPOO. aa laeraaae to
BAM. drltd par eaai. Tbeaa Bforaa
Mtoodt- AaadlB vmaae. vbich a«toaa
r Bay.

la too'Wtot Hl«*lgaB fair at Or.ind

Taro wagoti loada of gytvsieo drove
s. and^MO’ also be aant to t>c- dowa Prom street l.xdsy. rumlag frtvm
nlverwarv. AntoUe
Homrleh enter,
iroU. to the Bute fair.
wMi. and going out east to tbe tolned « number to hla friends at blx
The wagons were tbcpvoH Uipe boene. Iio:- Sonto I nMO sirnei, Tbarwday evening Music *x> one to Ibe
rle aobeonerv and aitrwcied rovforiu. of enlenalBnicm
reWa atleniioa as they aiubl*d
^ I ifiu rake

I plreuni
ter, Mrs. tl. M.. Pefry.
■rtlnii- wee .-ojoyed.


.. iTTi-STr-ssasst

wounded. rsB bis train to
J.m Burdeaux to Notthport. t* In Ih.- Ctintaiv Davis Died
From Durand
Wreck Injurita.
s' .*luh and ws. bnvogbt
Mr. Itordvwux usderweni an da tea’
Purt Huron. Mi,-h.. .Sej-!. I.-Tbe 'aersona rondl
cm hla rl9>‘ knee at Ann AtW last body of I'^lnion lU'ls. who dl-J ftoalgrappM tor mt-U.-r when Ibe Wot____
iaprlim. and since ihsi nine htf-Bcen lbs DuraBd WRMk injurfen, msklag diatrainsd bis slienttoe .and tost tbe
.unable to.walk wiUkwh the aae/to tbe nlntb deeth.'erms nrotubi here vo-lWow from ibe n>cfc UIM him. Be
i be bDn<-.r b-'Sld. btv didiil lire hi. r-vDlret. faratlag lira
crui.'bev. Ttwiilile In bta rlghi fW lUv atid
has tkvw develop^.
iber. al»> kill-d.


wore aaEtsed in a ^ak that deataad
ad tbalr beat aParta.

mtad purpaoe to fatail.

Tba pant before >00.

•apoctolly Eo I ptart all |

add tba praaaat are tolUap upM w ua» membera wa netd toe lafoalMi al
Net aloMe wara tbay easaiai to to advaaca. aad t«rh year abouM ba new Ufa and toall Itotan aaserly for
Mvtap private property but povern ■arbed by. a
year vaicaa.
ment boldtod. aa weU. yet a bt^valirafarr, I welcpdw you. oae aad all
"And I wHcoma -yoa all. to Iba pH

mt povaraiaeet that raa apprapriau
fraab oppanaulUaa for tba elo^ vUepe «r tbe atudy ctoaoea. wkicb
a million daltoru for the bepionlap of (iaa af Ood pivaa pawtra of adad
than auual tna rana) from tbe lAka»«Hha4}a1f at- aad beart. pawera tbat bava patbered (areti. prvweatlaf aa they da a wide
Iowa Ibaaa mao to boar tbtdr awn' e«- airenpRi from lurawr acblave
Bald uf Inquiry, whkb If pioaarly parpeaaea afu<r they ara illjurad to sm
and batter abla ta aervp you aow than seed abwuM aallpbteu oar underaund
aratoeiii arrxUw.
brfere. Lot wbal yoa fiave gakiboth a. to tolnpa (i-mp.>ral and


len'i, it fortunaie that we have
Had Croaa wK-letyT


mSsri iMi. •TtSt^MMoctM m

9msmm Otr. mm. mtm Oh Am
SQwmp «t MarA im.



arterooaa. a paudly
Tba pmOdeat,



caudlDp Uis eall to order.

Many out

tow,, vtoilard were preaaal.
Uwinp ta tbe '^paattoa of Hiw
ne vMCaTB awl' KTovara
Turaar aa ireaaurer. Hia. Oboe. Va
*Vtov «HE Elam* lAe UTaab>B of
■r -waa aleciad to that offtea.
mur Mfkat Er U« aMta prodaea^
Ura. M. B. 'Sandora, ebatrmaa of
lii Mkliltaa- ni* ««M xiuU'llka to the t^rreetlone and Cbarlilea depanCMrar Ua iMpraaBton Uwt only coEd meul raponed work done, atoo aub«aa ba cron la a «
rnmod vwtaaMa aoRMtloaa for fu­
«ka^ watar tBoat be pnrcbaa<
ture attlvIilM. Kcboea uf vawllan

purpoM> of »le. It wlU be
effort anil opeat. ■
"To my eoworkera, the oHbwra’of

aw Uka pioaaMPa la TopiodaHaf
**TW rnilt




ua tofton at tba 1»M

’<Memo Uad abo«. baoaaaa, of tba
mpmtot wtalliy, Savor aad aroma of
tiialr apploa.

Tu l|uaM- mefarrlK v>«e uw>tb-


Ttnall) I wefcoBia you all. to lre»h

mppeaiad by tba wordi ta
Aar aaarrta far


Wasbinpum. Sept 2 —Tbe rarmry


•M aito). taa a Savor ood
d40(ll «UbU ba dapUrblod



|Ew awM far batoo tba
•■■EaaS to tfeaoa aatWa tbat M ta
SiiBiBti tj torptmatoie to oaa tbe weal-

Micbisaa dUplay. on lla luarptnal eanda, wltb pl.-nU-paravaa U ibato vara a Eaalra to oa do ll<« and oacureloDa pplura. toe daya
have been Mly npeat
-to trsa that toe asvia et«p In
hare not reiarned refreabed and InElMIfiUi tbia yoar boa oot beea equal
vlpuraled la body, wblla our aoul bu» tba JMf ytoM.'bul aa a raault
orplea mual have toniu Ufl<-d abot
paraliUat eioru, astaodtoc oter
Ibelr accuMouiod belphu a. w» have
•aRoE of tbfae flwaiba. tba H'eaieni
revelled In
It uf ^D-

Staleo Beaafor, tlnvcmor.
to (toagrew. Slate Heviaior and Hepreaeala• to the gUfo toectolaupw. atoo tor
alaatlng (A^ndldates by «hE poUlP
parly to caoeUe*. aa praarribad by
Nu. UI ot .Ua rubUc AcU ot
I a. Ibc qucitui, of u
<uduiy wUI N- l-i.-uKlu
11 wdineoB wfaeroof, I have bereuale
l-i'lon- <h>- clri-ioiw at ih-th-- .piliic v
ved my sJgnaiaro at Traversa (Tty.
vluu, we wuuhl a. a IViiuoua (Iraugibipati. Ibto nw day of Augnat. ta
• iidunu' (be ariluii
the Sj.ic
(ir.npe (or tbe aabjert aud would i>l.,v (be year of our Lord. Ntocleea liaaoutMdvca a. unalterably
in dred Ten

^y B. E.

fowtiend all over ihto lapVm

Olj state Bask

who for many ya.ra taupbt Kbool. lu
(be Orand Travenm rapluo. oonUnu-

one •■lailli-d. one Jenny
ITi-aac Uatni aud pay ebarpra. Wm
R Wllscy. Summit City, R‘ T l>
Nu 1.
Itopt. Elt<
WANTtCK-At onr«. iuiddia aged »0ni.n lo keep boiuc lor famllv ct
two on farm Addn-oa J. W. |iber.
Omcna. MIlU
Ao. rcso Sopi S.

FOE couiin susnroR

Trwa Eympathy.

iotir ability , and Blled you with
all kladf of mlaphlnpa os Ui the out­ If yiu) MW too hot tear, fallinp.
FVIIInp livim your bn>tbot>.a>e..
Kliara Ibeih. and (liu> b> .horliu;
board ao atruBf In ItoMlf oa to luatlfy

Own yuur klmdilp with (be aktoi.

tbe lultoet .onUdeiire that It nlll

Why abimid anyone be ptod

in unfailing nhuvc of ivnirape.
alrnnptti. and anerrli.g ruiiiuel. and
and iraqed anew toe band
ind wrl
writing that lu oonelualona iu nil nmllcia of
of ftod In iito open boede of ualun.i Impartamw to the club wilt be iv.tli-.
Ike eolliude of tbe tool and ebady
only ibniuph deliberate reiUldi
•ooda. or lo Ibe Imauletwi landan.
(km and (be eleretoa of tbe beat of
ry. irbuabeJa bare, fl boah
drt-ua-d lu all Ita aaiumer lltilneaa,
Judginciil '
dto tbara. fh e' baabeli bI
ibe >>youa eonpn of the^lnto, Jn Ibe
"Tbe l.mrd of dlre.lora
•B0«.«*raooa. It baa barn a dlfflperfume oTtoe Sowen. Ilia
varltnb- eouiinlite>‘a I aeboi
«ll Utt to tooBle tba fruit far Ibe
Muweu, and tbe aUr lit akkw. have Imimrlaii.e of toelr dmiea.
sMMbR, hot H boa baaa Eaae. aad ear
work beoooie. an eifmclal Beld Of
. fiptobtioa aa tba sraatrat appla ratbat will furoUb teed Ibnupbit for all labor to Ibaaa tu «bom It to aa.lpi»-*l.
fta of iba AtaarleaB eoaltoeai wilt
-umltia uwBiba of labor? ton
wQ] BBdenake work
ba MstoUtoad, raordtoaa of all diawboea,
repeallnp tti.-Dia«lv<
oih» hue tH-eii aimoluted to do. and
dMotlBE ortaa (lOto tbe PoclEc ooaat
apalb and apalu.
,1 pad of club Wiirk dein-ndliig upany one of yu„ to llailicd to'
II efforu and Snurlabea only lu
ponton lo.the eutbnalaaiii and enripy
.roa put Into It

I aelnniie you

reapunalbllltk-a uf

W'lx-ii a Innher'. heart to Mid?

fulRfM a paapema, man reaplap
(Mt. I'adld wa ealar Into a minaludy ar Ibe forewa of nature

toff am Tbe wwu to

A Gescnl BkEUfiC ftEMRCEB Derc

Auf IC«t*.

ad on
IV«.' Ulmme






knlrh'eHaM'ker luiut..' aulng (hep

up uua by fiiUonlup dircctloua
lug 10 tbe air atuice to the wall, of
Ibe liiwa alio, there 1* h-aa fTvrxtog
iUn lu a klugle walled catcrctc
A double
e wal
alio to-chtut
cffecitie lo keeptof >ut fro*t. (Hit (b.
coat to ao great a. t problbU lla gen-

Tho [uatrrul tSr making hollow tlla
block, to found all uti-r ibc n-uniry.
They arc comparatively llchi, m> a. lo
rcipitre a mlulmuin freight cli.rcii
When .hipped. Many of IW Icjdlug
Travaree Oily, AupuM 3*. IMP. aped ,a, nii'iiuf.'c'i
kiAngliig lo
ll> y««i>. .U umulha and 3n day*. Syl [make
Mo-ka eaiw-ctally
1 during her Khvut life to-.-D ccnainu-Uon. otbera v
inlhet doHcaie and lint very .Irons.
IlIrwIloD. for building ibeM all«
Boally dlMiooe fa.taned llaelf
have been put cut 1i
In bulU'tto form and
her aiul her frk-iul. ko>l bofn-




A beautiful line ul


. Uu.t.r.,

S Per CbbL AUow*« OS
Tl^ Dcpsslts


Bur NcvAl-

wear lu the wale. :S(; Men a t-’ancy
Hall Hum Mb for Sdc. Meu > I'an<< Hall Huae Sic for iTv. Hauiil-



tun fluihiiig Co

Roofing Paper


and died at

of her rMviverj. Thruugh all of her
|lhii-k>-. wbli-ta III tlmea wa. very >-e
vare. ebc wa. petinit and

for a copy uf bulletin IK.


feaw ot death and wh.
klHmkl .he. a. bar toorl life had been
pure and InooceM.
igh.bilito'B life wan blKiri. b>

Htoot to buy pike loack it » loly
aot lo

a few (Ulan l« caie



Say. Mr. Smith, why don’t you repair ihmt leaky
roof of yourt while the weather 1» food? If you leave
it until It begins to snow, then it will cobI you n^re (or
work, and you cannot make as good a job eb you could
while the weather U warm.
We b^ve s) many kinds of roofing paper to Bclect
from that the b:si way is to come <0 our store at tbe
cora^ of Front and Ca«s ttreeti and see (or yourwif
what we^'have. The different namea for e»ch kind of
pEp:r dpe* not tell you how good or bow cheap it Is*
You muBit see it. The price varies according to quality
from &0c ,to
00 a roll.

1C .late. I wcliouie you
PPOAtbllUlea that Ua la your path of

I .Vwar of a
• Weed OlM
-ddto Bliwnctb t. Raeta.
WUb Ibe curraut uuj pCMactirrQ 1
ammmeud fail rulbrr than tprlng

They may aaem' oomewbat va-' ing bor life. Bul wo may hMO wn* I
‘ femwenva aa toon ai the
ha»c jartlally fallen, trloimlug
hat they wlU yield
eB»w. K.M..
out all dr«oi-li:g brauebe. to eucourage
dairy and peratotrat aflon in that rhi-i.iv
rhrlMa word..
EuEer li'fla «hl- au u,,rtj|„ gTuwth. all d,-ad and dying
dlrectlob will (ranafonn the falOl«'«i dren to rame unto
Me. and rorbu|w«M„i
.n i(uyMt. awapt two dr
Into athlcremeni.
ibam nut for .nch to toe kingdom of three of tbe itrotice.1 fortenewiegiha
ladebted for oome af
lu irwaleai





atblevameau to tin-n who have buup
TbriHM tbe work aaalpned
t to your privilege to beep toto


club lu lOBob with World-Wide wo.eI. and lead ft out into broader WeEdUip Ceetmony Perfenned by (?e
(toMi of ueafulitaa*.
Srowtns ooaviniob un ilu- pi
that «e abouU be doing
(hlap to benefit tboae ouulde

To .Imply asaembir on



toelr jhanrea of aurcc.i oa a posil-

Rav. Cbartaa Raaat.

|>lrkel| and Mr«

Cor. Colu-

were uatied to marriage Satuiday al r o'clock P lu .Um (tev^('hane>
K<aao perluriuiug tbe Mremony


every two weak, aad Itoten to well

ape took plare at thd borne ct
prepared papen eapMly abaorblnp »n|
tbe bride, parenu. Mr. and Mr.
the bcucBu to b«- derived, taada
Tima T- oCT.may. Mr and Mr. Mckell wdll Buvkc tbelr botne to ihi> city.

iu -aciuuvlng the aprouta J pa
pumngNhciu rather
cutEag tl
off rkwe lu Ibe gruund. and w. here (Uiry
do not come off eailly wltb a good, vlgo(vu* imll I remove il,- Mill at tbe btM
of Iba H>rou; and . ui It off a* luw a.
poailbia. After Ibe buto to trimmed
alt graw. nw>i« and weed, rered. nioaod up a Utile, entering all
expord rooUeta. ThU oi«ieOonM,rtca
ea a foil booing aud 1. murh e.virr
le tb^j ihau
hau lu the .i-rlng. when tbe
weed* bare more ilrongly
aa and wee
faitcned bclr rooii In ibc ground,
rtito panning away of all tunOtu
■ .woqd
BBd oprout. to the fall gl'e* addeil,^
iieoglh to-the roots for (a'ldlntog
and (tlinulaltns that part of tbe bush
r-Wytoan EllmiL MIoneBota.

Caavaa Capa Foe Hay.
roo bsva much clover bay to hanPeat Take Oue WavE
wov.Ue youiwelf wltb a supply of
Bat ffa at onev- to your drupgiat aud
pay caps mad<
purcAaoe a box of Dr. Ilvrrlrk'a Su­
la covering lb
gar (\iato4 foHa. They are a potltit.
for all dtoorttora of tbr .tutnacb. l>roc«aa Tbto
and bowal*. it to .nut a aew tbe bay to lb* bam to perfeitt keeping
remedy, but pue ihar ba* .tood the caadtUoB BBd will mgre tbanWve yoo
teat for aver mly yaara. aad tbelr tbe pMcc of lEe hay capa.—niHrTTbgever lacraeatog aale
Try a box. lake one or two
.. . retiring and we are fore you
Bobool SuH. are pUng tut.
find a taward tor wHl teal bvKer toMPuctow.
a In tba Uteraot yoa Hiow
Come oarty. Owlca aatoexioM to
lUs oala. lUmiMoB CtoUtag Oo.
a. R. B'aU A Eaam. C Al* Itoshee
ake af the Ueal. they have ptomi ar«B tto.. H'cM Bad l>rwp Store.

^ you toto yw.

I. Mtoa aad Wyomta*

A. J. liavllabd. AaM Caablar.


your wvcral

tamse Srea toai tbreataaad to de- •Sold Bad 1 bom orpaultod and f.derit to nut What we caa pet out of dub
waatato tbe wbola
and Hbdaudlnf

life iut what ae pal Into that makoa
wtthb actaall) did eaina the toaa of carnWioraard the work of
art fmt alramly
RrtRtoaa of doiton to manar aad mnra ad worM to IU compMlOB. they artImeii made. «V bope lo bear from uU
tbaa lid Uvaa
la admire, onra ta wonder at,
We of Ibto aeetkin of Uloblcan but Ood'a far aervka. U toeiw not
■•■Aot I welcoor oath dlv|ak>a
■t Erea are ibaoM KU U aU toaee actlvIUea of 'nature an work wall laid ou aad propramp a:
to % atoOM of tbaoa to tba
avakanlap call tor oa? h boa baaa iractirely
.ccuiwry arranpad.
arranpn aad,'eaeir
ana , aaea ao«
todW Ibto ta Efbt a baratof
I 4
fotoai- awM tool toa foraat faithfully n-pre- Ebafi- nanm to aaiolled^ tot- Year
Id SO Kfnjbtolt, tou It ukaa
a a
manly, aaato hamoo life la
eUona to tbelr ohari- in
‘alE# abrayaraio aad
aduiaatw. to Ike aame atruppto foe axtoieaca pai-^toe work forward.
May the
iW*f H^.Maa Eamtoatrale
e tbta.

A. J. Magnard. Asat. Caaktoa.

bci gcinic way. and kindly iialnrv »lic

IM la. It rfVBBli tbe alamat uobe-

•aver ramvar eooiptoi^. Tbeae laJartaa ware racatvad to B«bUaB tbe

K. >Toyd Citoeb. Vlro rraaMaat.
BamucI OarUnd. Caaiar.

Sylvia While waa bum at (iicllUk

vllle. rcliroary k

appolBimenta. bollcvlap that yuu
a^BdHltld aa a raaqh of the Sno of nature and to actuated by an ander- aqaal ta your uak. and will f.lih- had many frieiid* atnoag tu-r fitoyand all
to tba haHtowaat. To tboae untanll- Ulup purpooe—the purimec of in owe fuUy perfMm ibeiu, AlMI oouuulU'ca matc. aud iMchera
ieve« tbe troae that roar appolDlod to work lu
.be BM«ctoled. llht uune will
Ibr brttfc OMdltloa.. ttab dIapaU
illteea of uUier
1 club.
Had no alCBtEtBtooa whatever bat tbe tbalr aialcly beade no far above

>o ■Ullonary and allt-al.
bUdon praoaaa kinadlty bilto«abto MnbaaBtooanaBB al toe i»vcreaelnp tbelr propoMnot and eacA
toltoiat to eamlB mattara.
year a pew toyer of
Wboa a doraaiar doaao'i wotb. tala
tail! the alary of a aiarvetoae pioirCb.
ao aradual aa to be alpoet Impert
,-^MIM totoyadt. This li aarHad to aaib
yet, true to toefr 019 oitoti
ob attaat that wbaa ba ■on to a fo:>
tUenlly talElUiip a psipo^ Ifor tbe
oMry a^1 to mabe bitanir a
ihnbent of the faroot. .to valua­
llritolilnyw. tba cavaraioabi daaa
ble la (be (ommerrlal'w^, we wre
par bib)., tfeli to haaH to bad eiKtupb
tndebied to the aapllogt tbat pro*
|to wbaa toaoB taab to tbe line of
Ibelr feel, BiBlItplyUlf. croadloi
inr raaalra totortaa that sitoa ft
and puablnp aarb otber until they
EbrtoMlIy imbodHUa far tbaa
lorv» toe traea of a atPBSter paw^h
iBm ibalr Entaa. Uelr pay act aoly
Plerca totvaph tbalr daaaa w
aaadaa to ta aa but tba fnetyuneat.
indlapa. airalpbt op M ifae itgbi
aataaUy daaa aot pay ibelr boaplul
tharebff addinp 10 toelr auiuru and
aacb recnirrlup autumn fbclr iwaylnp
>IB Ua aartbwwt at praaaat. It b
tope Cbronlcle a aaaaun of woudei
•tolad tbai thare ara 6d raaiara aba
artlvh). until toa noodamana ate
v8l tea UrU eye atobi- Tbura are
rlaU&a them aa Iruphtoe. and toe
AbBOdrad or mora atoo have raealred
tree, pudJUlto aapUE^ alike b
aartaaB barna aad ooBte of tben <

A. Tracy I.ay. PrealdoaL

If you have a trl-nd wortb lovlap.

Mhtotoaa 1>

And have w« dm leantoTaUU oib
leaauoa of piwctloal vali
bAve aeen all uatare laemlOf nlih
The Kttorfi yaatarday ortotod
brtof Etopaitb ta the eSoet that tba life, aubyei we arc toM that It to no
Uto~to live, evpry animal plan
'Red QM «oaW pay the boapltal
plawt baa a place tu toe order
•aaaea of tba foraat raupara tww


1 * S..I,*. .
.'cl End 1»

former i>ui>lla of the tote K. S. Jo

I .banM uni laat for pcnerailona
Tht. wlU do away wllb tbe prfncllal
bb)<v>liH> of the atavc allo-lack af
ADMber ot>}aclloa to (be
atnvi- allu to that It bk>wa duwu ca.Ity
when Viupiy and bIbv drlea out badly.
all kind* u( faetitk plvln
None <if theaa
for ihciu that loyal .urpon uf
humble, pleadlap tone.
ll,e li-na alio.
tieullb reatoripp iNUtluea; tb<
yib ’member, that will render
Join II; du iiul let (ho wekai
t'oiicrrie to an etcelleoi BUtertol for
ItokI and «
Ibelr .eriia'.' a pleaaure.
befuTQ hto fkd Btoaa.
•llo bolldlnc- Atmut ibo only
walk, la toe etollera■HI ao) of you have ever finiad
to that expenvive for
Why ahould nut yonr brutber .bure'
>: Kpeedlup aloup thi yvdi
irwelvea Ili> a poallkui where
Tbe atrcDpOi u( (wa or (brea
bipbwaya, plMlnp over tbe watara of
oar brautltol bay. or a
ed ahopetber <u>t af itorportion

ant arttola. to a

liaU 1^ s»^ fur Uc


dU|M<«i from, call and announcad the boier at baud, laUf. The praaldcat of uue a
him: yek. and tot bim know
eb ta to tba ataA )bat wbea «a tnuat uba up tbe work of aducwilonal luaUimlom In an. eaoay Thai you love him era Ufek avanlap
m of tba Wootaro Mlebi- another year.
on toe cardinal vbluea apeak,
Tlnpea hto brow with sunaat plow.
"Talaailly oar daatb have rlaUaed uhat ba call, ihc cduiupe of time an-l- Wtiy id
ay of our number, aad It to wltb toe courage erf aj.aca referring toM^e Of a t|
«• M bar M»ay applaa la Oracob aad
MtablESM tar tba >hr»oaa of mIbc MtoDkfutoeaa tbat I ffrtwt you aa un- UrrlBnea (bey eqmet to make
brekaa band.
•Hoa to lla >M« mMML
If yuy^ear a aonp that IbrltlaToa'
"Tba oui-ofEoor Ufa, wtlcb we all
belnp prompt «ud iiuiu-inal tu Sung i-y any child of wng.
toad to a larpe craattoa. It to a
■polmmem. and inetbodlcal
ITalte It: do nut let the alppaf
•nan MM oat Htt obUcad at aareb of traadom In whNb coDTaalkmaU. their work, and It U mlib great p!,«a Walt dwrved pralaaa ktnp
Ime Ibelr power, aad
Oial I welitnnr a i-orp. of of•B-aarlr Eate U «y to dIarradH^jba
Why .hould une^'bo thrUto yourh.-ait
immw MIehIcaii dUpUy. Tbe teo- aaewpe tbe aiiuoylu^ earea and ted- Brera wllllup to uuderuke ihn dutU-a Imvk the Juy you may Imivan*
'dif •Ibiie eaU bava no fapr to ra- ioua routine of a worbaxlay world uf their rv.peclive cfBcra; and iM well
quaUHed lo diaebaipe the
.••rE’to tba mtlar of brlod boad- It to a raaourcwful reuJm, aU

•'Stib ahE Waabtofton aad Orafon ai>^

Me Nod-

A Ptcuilar Wraneb
Offib^ftat ur ankle nay produtc a
»•/> M^lou. .pram. • A
I- To Ibe IcgM voieri of Orard Tnvano
nfote pabkul ibsu a break, lu all
Von are ber.-br notiaed (bal a Oeasprain., hurt, burn., brulm
I. t(en<n- . |-.|n Klilliip Oil to (he araj-mnary Klerlioa will bd haM la
thing ii> UM- -flrllrvca Ibc pain Ihto State oa Tuesday, toe atoth Eay et
foil', lor
intly. rcduiew .welllnr. to a iwrAtiJlM-pliv and

> praaa

Tbr Ulcbb

-A beauami line at

wcar IH (ha aale. Mr: Mea'a ffRW'
IW'f Huae tok- for Sic. Uanto Pbn-

ton flmhlBg Co.

■M DftwtEUMbt taraaa ari,arraBr

A*M OB to tba Iran.

tio^ totaSto


Eloamar Wataen AtfounE In a Oi
paiwa Rlaea.
Burepa. i-al. Sept. t.—Tbr Bieai
- Walm wtreleme. (bat

mora ilror and labor than ibe that Mu. Jone. ba. kindly furntobed
pe <-lub nveiubcr realliea, but au Iba Record wTIta tbe fullowlup wbicb
ilialluB could Qot long contliiui-_ J. dedicated la bii feirtuar arholan:

N. batik*
paaaapa of time tee aounded toa borne


Cb*ai>ar tbaa wood, aa daribto a*
cescieta-tbal to the emnee ot tbe
hew Iowa aUo devtoed by tba Iowa
etpertmeat awtomTwo yeara ace
tbe BUnoa art out to aetre tb«
problem Tbe result waa a alli- made
of hollow tUe block., bard burned.
Tblrtoan of tbeao aUoa were to pfac:
Ileal operailoo aa foea forma toM win­
ter. In no ntae «a« an uafivc
report made. It «a. found tbit Ibe
ottope kept fully a. weU ai to aUve or
concrete .lioa. Tbeie wa. no iiv.r<freMlnp than to atavc .Hot and Im*
than lu alDEle walled concrete allot.
The material from which Ibe hollow
tito. are taada baa been oacE for yeara

'Thanbliip you for the booor. wblrh ted (be iraiiiactluiia of lia hublneka lap In hi* labon uulll ouly a Riort
my privltopa.
before bU death. Mr. Jobm treaatead you affalra
To keep a faltbful re«>rd o
I ptod preeUnpilKwwIInpa to twrry on It. «>■ quanily wrote poama and (befo have
•Yaeatlona. however aajoyable. are riwpondencc. lo render an treurat
bean ao many raquaata for hto work.
mveroed by a lime Umli and toe aum
lai of lu etpanditaraa and look b|a tonner acbolara dealrlag 10 kaei>
uer ouilas wUb all
after aU lu bualuoaa luiereau, luvol- totnaihlnp


tba cbaaMa ara


olher.. 1 have no rlahl lo oak tnor.'
alEcer^ III reiatloB to tbe olab
Mn<lt be aattollnl wltb nutblup let.,
atond like a
y puaid n-ady
tad may It be a banner year lu Ibc
htotory of the woman'a club."

l*oaer to aeiton falla lo luapirc
oullopa ware plvcu by Mtoi ttounllaU Edeiiva uiitoM we know lhal It baa beUn. I'nkir.
hlad II, a reaervr power with abirb
ihart appaared aa arurla toadto.. Ratfdi ilaailupi favor.4 )toa
t b<' n'taforoed al any lltw
lEpte dUdradn km Miy iba >(eReni dub wlib a beauiKuI piano oto>.
I preet caeh of Ibe other offlcvra You
Tbe atdreaa of the pfoeldenl. apoa
b.' ibaltw of Ibto club for
a aa w«U. T^ laia acaa
Hiueat to plven In full;
:vtor ufflre «hl<4i yon Jill:
M. wlrlrti la ao ibaurd
"OfSiWa and laembwra of tb.< WoMl oeea. Into wbnac banda
I. ihc Wrfiarn MIcEI- mao's club:



I'lub, pmltop:-~Att
enpemi raaolvei for rfob latpeovemcn*. “• f*■reellnp ---------------^— ----------------- ----- Mwed activity, to a hearty nvopera
orfli-e. While your dulin arc not ao UoB aad a pnrpoaeful yt«r. I ato (h<
aidnoua aa tlwaa of aotae af the otbei aame loyfl aappon you have plven lo

M nXMliad and U erer;- naana
‘ olMi -kaaE'to drl^a ihb Aome.

Bsraau baa clrnib
•aa DavelopMaBt
atad tka

the approvlap oinlle. and -tlml klud

pin* atoua to blpber ibtoo and
. rrapooaa tbat to ever autre
Eaau. aaib oiber ta carry out Ibe preat ready le~Sealaw fmatoe (ban U> crltl-

lib Ibe other membera of Iba

■Ml 3.076

eloar club fellnw.blp. May ibc
inp y««r be matiud by a >pMi of
muinal helptuliieh. that will Blrrnplhen the lira already formed and Mi<e
.(Imalate pmprillup power, uperatinp fbroupB (lie i-nrauraplnp word,

ptodw. bul If n-e can nmke It a

Farm 0)9
Ga.rden. |

(* euml
.Dd I Vel.uBM- all <leb otMBbrrw

uudrpauHd of belpblr lo aliato.
Iberr are loftier amUUoaa to be-real
toad. ItM-re are blpber poato l



Mra. J.

lie an taerallve l<> eouMhlni pr««i
Nul'hlop baa yrl ever t»-ei. d<ioa
that cannot ba tmprevod upoa.. There


.. .

Rad CrwM Will THu Cara
M fftoa Ptpbtaf
Crua. today anaouncad that tbeanEntoailuu *m pay toe boapltal eapeaora
' toe DortowcMm fareat bra Sib^^

30 Days’ Free Trial
That is the way we *ell that wonderful sroader,
the ‘ r.i H Automa ic.' We do this Hecauie we know
that It yt>u :iy it. yviu will like it. We know that It la
iht bes: WAkher made,, that il will wash tbe ctothea
clean and do the wo k qu ckty and easily.
Before you buy a washing machloe try tbe “1904 “
We also have this machine with the aaoter.

oil PmMOsc BidUlM



» lUoord.)
«ad hU lluir tUw
Erelru. J--ft UU uwrtito* ter Orutd
to vMt roUliveo uid (rteodd.
ood brotlir;
UBWDod. «>>" b«TO tK«D vuitinc ^«>r
oonPM. UtM Bote ud Wtolfred kUiVtt. I«durti«d U> Uielr tWM te IndlonBpiiU. totter. Ulu Wtaitrod Mtirls

Ear Mtfear.UrP J. A. flotfla, baa
t»ra^ Iron Aocute. tnd.
J. .«la«an. of UltlOBteB’B, iBd,
tba r>«*t ol Mr« CbBTlaa 1{b».
Hn A. V. Stelth. ot Ea«laa«, Bod
Hri. J. A. Wadr. left (bU nionilur
tot (teiKtlxc, »bara lb«y vere called
br the cHilcBl IHnaaa ot ihair Uiber.
Chrtet LHteA
Hr. BBd Hra. WlUlam aatee have

■olEdNp. lEdiatMihEnm




ber Mends.
Peail and Lila Ourrla.
Rapids today to .peod
ihelr vac.Mlcn wflb'tbeir pareats.
I>r. Vangban. oJ .Mia Arbor, passed
lliromh iho'iliy tdaay oa bis way to
BU Rapids, where be waa railed ort
ai-txnini ot lliv iHnese ol Hlw. B>wa
lk>iinberty. aisicr ol A B. Dougheny.
Mia. Dougbeny i> rrltIcAlly U! wUh
Mus HaieJ Harris of CWdQlsi- u
Ibe guest of Mn. L. U Etevei
tVasnlrvinn ’•in'tri.
Mr. and Mis \V. H. Raine leturtud
Iasi evening f-om Dateuport Iowa,
sbetv.bcjh.yw finished iheir loura.
Ill Ibe te.liniT school ot t'klropranir.
Ur and ilrs Kymer and ~>a Roy.
wbo have Uf ii spcndln* the summer
viilb I'-lBil'es. Wli Isi-i iiiviii


pairs Hen's Pams. tl lu V'
lialr. 1, pilce' Hens .Sofi
Sbirtv. re«i>l»!' ' II jp and ly.’si
.iwdas. |U3 and
•K-iblnp Co.

School Boddw ot every klad. School Suppllee, Tehletev Pchellhs
PcBE, PeahoMera, PeacU Boxes, Balers, Erasers. Ele,Elc. Boys’
School Solis aad these arc acUlag at Ball Price. School Shoes
lor Boys* ao4 Girls and we save yoa aaoacy aa every Mtr*
School GlrU* Jackets, $5.M aod 65.S6 valncs lor U.85. 67.M
valacs lor $3.81.

.This Is when the boye and sirle
need good, healthful food—food
that will etrengthen and nourieh
thelV bodiee. Give them plenty of
good bread and butter. Bread
from Best Flour contains all the
nutrlt^ qualities of the wheat
and Is not bleached.

Hannab & Lay Co.’s Mills



At Cadillac. Mi^gan
SEPT. 13,14,15,16, ’10
WNsmii smES of mimiE«iLttarlPwM
Ufl DlLpUy •! Wmtm
wtt MmUb■SaM SiMk Exklblto to Blatory ol Fair Auu^
,ol Ase.1
aiM pays far 4 0

■ TIckate and givea the pur-

ran F. POWERS. Pm.

J. E ranrausEi, smj

Mrs. Tbotupaob baa returned
' V abe bai '
.ug for ber daughter. Hig.I.
Gene Coedt and family 1
ed from tbeir summer outli
itlng at Green
Mr and Ura.'S(e|-hea-EtoaneU arc
king loT Mr, Horton.
»y Vabdebogart hwa been vlailK
lu Grand RapMs, Heibert Uexlar
ing his pber on ibo route.
.Mr.'and Mra. Slariow are» aattend'
lag Pomona gVugti at Hniiiire.
Hazel .klleu tsTiouie fer a lew days.
Mra. nater. who bus tieen working
ii! Ite'iry' Pallei'.'.oira. has n-turiicil
Mrs. Allen It'll Mumlay for Beldliic
to attend the funeral of her half
ter and hua>«nd. wbo died only tour


Misses' School Sweateii ta gray, carditiarand white. $1 50, $3 and $3. .
Boys' Buster Browo suits at just bail price; some of tbe best wearlDg goods tbEi'
we have ever offered. • '
Boys’ School Cap*, a spleodld article regularly sold for 50c
For this school
seasoa we are seliiog them for 3Sc.
Boys' School Waists, the regular 50c values for 25c.
Boys’School Siockiogs, the "Cadet" tScieutific Stocking, the best wearer that
you will find. ThU is re-inforced with the best of Irish lioeo thread, sells for 25c the



Years (u: gtk.1- 1

The BtKkk Dlvlaloa will be ^h Thca4oy Evcalofl to oeeoi
those who eoDld not get aoppUed aooacr.

Miu Ecatt Waa Quasi of Manor .
Pybui Home.
Ulat Ruma Pytiua xave a lobrellane^Bs abower at ber home on Matin
Mill sireei Thursday night la honor
Gertrude Srvlt, whose marriage
Clarence Rbeter iskes place sol
time this mrmtb. Muw Scott waa t
lecipeieiit of a varied
nice gifts. Ice
D and cake «




Yoyi« People Maraiad^ Ham
Summit flty, Mhb- Sept.
Marrktl. at the home of the bride's
.parenu, ilr, and Mra. John farson.
Ttbelr daughter Mably. to John Ut>».
! dan. Jr.. Wednesday evening. Wurreu
PoHer weted as best man and Ml^.Uzzle farson, sbier ot the bride,
bridesmaid. The ring servKv was
used and the Uev. tV. Walkliis iwrloruied tbe cvreiitoBy.

Kaasaa. wfaera .ibey will sprwd
AH Brc kiltd. dead and <ten> ItteS.UOV ttiuv With lolsuieo btUtuc rv- b>T on Ibe tenvis .uehisiguig to tbe
tuiAng to rbeir boms In Wwtenl stale of Hlcblgau will be aoM by tter
ler. HuBltey RUssiaie land o'
Swind- Tesas
■ btolonaaitea in
acll Aayoi
layoce dewlnng
regard to tbia lUaber ran ooiais it ay .
addressing Mr. RitaaaU at lanateg,
Whv Ha Waa AalerGahad.
* a IK'W pnxsodlBg on tbe part
Loid Tosg.head. at the battle of
• 4aie aad It b beUeved Uai
IteiitBceB. was sundiag hull* near a
I prove UK only a soarce &'r tsv wbnsv brains wara
bui a aaitefav'ton tiieibod «t
dash.-d out by a esnaon ball His tetd- disBoslDg of IbU kind al timber.
sbip gst d on the burriMe aperurla
foi Slime tuor.ieni. lu illeatw. At test
an old oElcer spoke upandaaidt "Wby
Thrift b tbe basb of aousd aatteul
la yt^r lordsb'ip aurprlaed? Such
aiueslBust happen ui war." "I kaoa « wtU as iadlcidual ebaiwcivs.—Loi«
It. ' waa tba reply; "but wbal as«« lusrberry.
ishes me Is Itat a bop with so oiuvb
biaiUi; sbuuld .K here at alL“ '
Bcbool- eulls at« golBg (au.
Come early. Cbolra aateetteu .la
Rsir??l» Water.
Ibis aaJe.^Jiamilioa Cteibiag Co.
AecordSn^o Ibe'.l.oBdoo Chronicle.
A pevuUat/Erlnk U
louad on ihe
west coast ol Atrlv^ You take a
kin««laaa and put M It w lew diopi
Iteyv Bteuae Suita, Uusten
Ironi every boiili te tbe bar. Then
Niurolka. two t<lere sulta with
you put a niatcb to ii —the luluure
usually coutulns tnougb spiili lu ligbl
kuIrkerbMkrr paata. going ebaap
gulp U do.n
la this sale. Hbbilltaa t'hdblag



Mercantile Company

Racteeol Hgbett Awi

Our sale of men’s suits continues with, great success.

Our prices do the business

IO to S12 Suits. $7.60: ST3 to $ 15 Suits. $ IO: $ 15 to $20 Suits. $ 12: $22 to $25 Suits. $16.50; $25 to *27 Suits. * 18 Come, it will pay you


Boys’ suits are going, too

S* Sails. S1.1S; »M Salts, S2.4S; *4 Salts, *2,8»; *s Sails. **.94; «S Sails. *4.1*, *7 Salts. $4.SS; *S Sails, 9S.S4: *9 Salts, 9S.1S




Mr and Mn.. L. K. Kbudel, ot Lake
arh»H ?r«ni lM>vB|wrt. terra, mod
B ill take up (telr raaldem te tbl* Ann. were tn,lba dtp mday oa ibalr
«■) to Butralo. where they will terete
l eraianenUy. Hr. and Hra. Knodel for
n>er^ kepi tbe Hotel DouctaiAt Lake HaiTtM-rlle. wbo have been vtetUns
ibiropnclU achopL
Aaa, wbkb burned recently. They Ibe fill. rau’rf,ed to Bay flty today
F. W. ('arvex
tendered a farwell party by tbelr
from a three «eeka' vimi Bllti .ralbMis. J. F. Joyce and aleoe. Miak
llrea aDd frtendr at Aiuote, lad. 8ba
1IU>4 al Hie home of Mri. J. IVamn.
d b)' bet
tuotber. Hra.
eburrb uudoitcib lelaraed >o Cbicaso today.
■be Svkusell
Joeeph t'OBle.
Mrs. Ztbdei^ and dauichtcrr, Ibe
Ur and Mr*. A.-fteOrarr and fateP moraine.
Hlaa Ebm Pybiu. who gradiiatad
UiM Krouyir.
tr. of Selin 8le. Mam. wbo have been
Mr. and .Hra Frank WIW).
vu.iiii.isMT.aiMiHii. r. B. Brown, o!
Ui Fteaaanl. will leave Uoaday 1 JJaai Kay. returufd lu CUenae t»
tbe iieolnvbla. radumad boate today ,
uui uiftoiene lauuu. at Mkaon,
r. wbo has been Bcwb
iktdd ^broucb Ibe <itr today oa her
iy to HorthporL rrtibre abe hu-beea
avpased at tcaobar lu the Nonbport Blybi frooi IteBtemile. B'bere abe at.
Mia» smo!.' Wondatan left today lor
leudetl tbe weddinc of her brolbei.
Hiah adiool.
and teur will go to
Louis. 10 Hlaa Fern Greenaway, bli. Hand HapiJi.
!tt'nc. \'o
-K .
Hr. and Hra. W. i. ula. of Sbar- and UnL'Iiirdmll let; at once ter te­ •t
na. wbo have been a^diae a weak nia, Bbcie tbe r'xun le leavber la'
. Old Ulkalou, returaM boom today. tbe Ionia aitiools.
Hli« Katberloe.Bteabl la tba fue>t
frh uds, li)
Of U,ak Qrwee UoU at Cadillac, ac
tioli l^ay.
Ura. I, O. Cold, of
Fori '
ccBpanylnc Hitt Leau bocoa after a
. ♦ Texas, who baa been Micodm
nil here.
. . .
New*i-«a-wBHU. munied
Hendon. Hirh.. S.-pi.
i.aiwa hums today, via tba !*«>« Uat<{ueiia
Hr. and Hra. Ernoat Oadnon and
Carl Roillka, ot Cblnoiu.-arrlved ttaia Glailer hx« nioied u> Traierec. Her railioad.
kler Hay aetumpauled her.
Mrs. O. n i'arwon reiurnc.l io Gale juoralas lo ue th« cuebis of hir. and
Chwrlei. Wiboii and1 family Ihave Juu tbh QKiniing. atwr tislimg .Mr-.
rt. Uari. UacDon.. of Tbird alreai.
niece. Minnie, ( . K. D'ninni.
Uiia Uabel -HrUIcbae) of weal
lainily returned SM
-Mra W C. Xrwn.srch and nephew.
BilMb Bireet. baa returned from a ria- urdayr eieblus Iruip th.-lr tUli at Le>- Alfred (iUght*. h-fy tbi-. morulug for
Taosaarae and an exieeded crip
OcorcU ilaker. of UiddlevUle.
f&laa Monad .'left (bl. morn­
tbroueb Weabincton.' PblladelphU. and Ulsa Mary Ity rtm ol Thrc Onka ing.Miss
fo< ^lunpiipoli.-. iwhen- abe «ni
New Jeraey and New York.
kfcve been vIsMine at 1 N. Whanon *. lake up a come in uinslc.
Marvbali Wtrarton and l.e«IU- Mt' : Mr. and Hi-s. A.-^t. Nicholf and
Hra. & M Ueaaeti. who baa baan

Uoroihv wbo raine from
Vlallluc her mother In tbit city. (*■
Oraml1 ttaplda to atiead l
ujiued Xu LaoBlns toiiv'.. .. —•ssi. ..
eek did aoBin damage In'^,
this vicinity. The harn'of Ai.a IteiiII riaploru and
luson-teur luiWs i»Mlbwe»t of town,
waa hariird on Holiday evening and
Thuraday the Mi-lhudlsi church nnd
Grandma Worden s houso Were siniik
daunuing tbeu «omc.
Hr and Mra. John
liaks^re visiting
l.iolhA. J. V. Wliarlou. oud family.
13d Uartln h on the sick Jlst.
Word haa been ravelved btre that
Hr, and Mrs. Berl Abeam of Nesaeu
thep loud laretils of a due
. Tlieic many friends here
NirMesl ivograiulalluus.
I'. Moreau bis beeti on tbe aiew

D e N X e: D

ALtk TUgeaav. aerrcMae*



fiopt. •.-pwihn~


turkey* 2ie»5c. oM. Jl

Sieirt; 12 to 16

Agriodtoral Hall


•Viery Dm I so tbopcilBc I thank
beeree ibat I hare • food haeleeM
Met* saw the voftna *be bouts
that her. qalck wit alrcafe
ftea ftnoclal
raps (nilu .
eSM rcty Deer letHee tato tivobM
priay orer ■ heft I booebL *Tbs ooly
(Uag (bat sareO her wu ay bwiBM
InVIact ISntt I bowht • heft tot
................... tSc SIJ» sod paid «rtib a tve dPUar bUL
Purs. doaoB .
iB baadllat pv ebaaitr ibe sM tttopped a qearter Into ibe papM aed Vmm
CMBiDbera, hot bouu
.........«o teet strewed the poor bark of tbs
eoBBter asd cooU oot Bad It O*
...................... .............................—r --- coatee « eoeid bare held bar accoBOi

iltkma raiet.


urn* imt «* floor
won. AirloaltBfO aod Pridof, Sept 16. vith BarHortlnltaro voder om root aey OMriaifl ead Goe
Ksmha’ M etor ettroctioas.



;::;:ri iid 12^

Rday Races

- toed .«d

PoUloe*. per bushel .
FiMir. Feed. In
Sprtag vbeti Sour. per Sbl
tr bbl ■

17 moMa^ iA U. u4 17 m«Ivm
bibiten.*aenitf«l (Mb will, &eeh dsy
MoBUai girls'wiM be ^
oiblbit AytoaobOM.
saasotiee ei llM week. EoA
gM cbaoges aeaats three
tkses io eech race. direcUy la
troBi of the grand stand.
Ahr»3«^ BMt

BO bur de yea tbinb we eectlid Kr
Ber tmsbaod fare R bp
-Wby.' Biid ahe 1
4 BBitM el ha leak tap-

live Stock Show


'the buabaaA. a
Bp|«oraL>.l^ 1

yiddiiuKv. per iw> II
too lbs,..l«

Qmi HorfleRaM


OW ivbbere. per I

And Don’t Forget
Bert Morphy

‘The Man Who ftnga b

Meat FfUueta.
steak, roend.

Knot n.» lUnit <•

•ortard hhaw^ Cneoae.
Beraaid Shew «u tarUrd w a b«aaet to bMM>r of tbe acvlpior Bodla.
Jc teat t^ (allowtog letter aa kla esn»e foe aot alteadtog:
‘Per me a baaqaet to Bedls to qalte
'-------------- 1 bare abetdj taken
ty for

PLul to Attend THE BIG SHOW



The Deu Old FsMdh
ptMaas. toMceaS MVite
are m braeitrod aev-«; Ibe c
_____ _ ^ #ee bailed ipua that aa
•he bOTM appeeaebrd tOeic werehlop«d uie lutoalSceat watitoa tad Iba
'tasi lM«afh whMi (be etoartea Arparted to toep. b« «btoh to reetoty
mere tostouud otee ber by retogltont
attaodaato. And tbee ibere waa that
vbtob was a i«(p tra« (be
rtoc to a atandins paalOon. a.*bell at
aa aa^ ot thUty daersws. ea tbr
bocaeb ttock. U tha oU eUeaaaa tt
sms the coelom a( the bonwiaa (•
atoa the crowatog iM« two ar ihiee
Ddcs to ©rter that • Sercer BaM of
taierett adsbi be Uodled to tbe aodb.
MK«. After two tsiiaroa (be bead
srowtd stop lalwaya the peeuft of a
______ ______ I ggqtimd. tbe bwoc’a
kaed ^Id'be toMrd. be wwiW be
timed 10 a grmv lacc. a od tbe (sat
would ftorbmly succeed.
ML yaen
Then wans
a eiasb of brass ted ecXbeiM el doUgfa: to (bo bulWint.
tbe staff and rtocouier ta

How He
Got Even
WKh a CM Who RsftoaM

'■Tour acitno toward toe i
this aS^lr has been dtohonor
“I see'no occssloo foe you to Make
any socb cbtrse. Tou rropenrd lo me.
and I asked for Um id wkicb to make
f qedtotah.
dedSISh Meanwhile I wta Btodyms

have dlacoTCfvd
t«e Ihai 1 do out lanry."
-Ybto to almpty aa Inreaiiua to cover
ydor dBidicHy. You Louw xiry well
Ousrd ths Sait Water.
- •1 me. tbcD
(be state auardi. |ietr^ (be bewches
wllbdrvw. towardly
by twos to eec that, the poor prople
do hot stBpI tfee SOS waier to order
tu «bo •■'Uhl lake
(o serurv tbe needed ebll. lor tbe
. lbe|<Jll11o
of wbicb they eeSar cruelly T>r
tax to one of the aatosiaya of
b«. Uiiee leura.
lullaa Bn^L
Rbetweil was 1
he couaMfivd uiil
DO mood tv ImA. bt tbe BialU-r dtopasThs KaKr. Day 0:r.
Had be done ao be •osW
V.'teu lb- Soutb African KaQr baa
t ds) cJ and sels stout <n>»»tog have nvsi0ilu4 the fact that
had been made between tbeia.
t'u. -i-K one M Icto greatest plsuums
bad not acaegted torn.
<s to dreis Uacclf up to some enikorbad sod afterward
• latir is>l:ub sud gmrrally play tbe
(Ol Tbe use day umbrelU sod ada dUmtosed bliD be sbvoU
a wumsu s pririlcge u
cur<'us loriBa of headtur are
But to ibto panici.ttii lonh tievml bold up caar.. sltho ch It U dayllgbi.||0 show ultr esse tbe Udy bad refuted him fur
'• o:ti Ii-u si-d VP '.u date tley are. rMson- Beyond all ibU
de ciuacv b»truiarBis--taytfatog take rerenge on a wumati fur refusing
btm. wbetbw fur or wiibout cause.
Tbe rejected lover's path lod art
a district of the city aherw tbe luu
part of tbr coaimuDlty lived, or. ntb-

Btog to. the t*
I to all U> .
learn If ibe iubb be tad euployed'M
du his week use dutag 0F'laaUy tap umilr ei> fcto mted that If
a HUB twsemultot Ur. Havard Rrifttog wen pa.'Ing maiksg aticMtoa M
UIOB uwynne >1 Would Iw kmaa aud
be (ShMwell. wauu cerintaly hear «t
H. I twTv •aa but uof latcraKW-tba
maa had either gaac'vg wtohew eesn
Sa attempt u. amkv Utoi OwyMW'f
•cqaatoUDce .w he had beUaynd hit
emp:.>>fT nllti a view tv mhktog •«*(:.
isi aitb it« j'Hiug imt,v. bather at
l■rv|<u•lth>lu was saOtoleat to.
throw «boiwe;i toio a freer. He tietted end uoirtcl and pried lilt 04 tost
be could .taiU Ibe Strato ao UagW
end cum luded lo get uumy ^om U by
imkiag a trig aUruaO.
tie cwme to ibu ceaclnttoa oat «•!»-beraaae be atibed to get the watMT
OV kla mind, (mt b«aaae. bavl^
aemewbal co-ied. >e felt that be Red
Tiakad Ibe rciurcl cf aU ^gwd men
and woteen wbo kset blm If Iba
matter-abouM l<e kaown be-w-mM
raiber be wkeen be cauU aai be mlM
upon to faM U. Ferbapa by (be Hm
be'lwtarMd. If Any trv«Ue roqu a( R.
It wwBld taace Uova over. Tbcae eonbewerer. dm *M er
ueUDca.■. f«e
fte b bad
him of (
little 4onM that the fellow l£r bad
pocketed (be perqntoUe* dad toft tbe
Job to take caiw of IseU.
Three moaUe after ttstwrll bad
told bto pUa for rerengn Squa Uiat
liwyuo. be weal to »irape- Tbeea
sfter a Uma tbe matter be bad c«mr
sway to get rid of eedsed to cxenpy
(be greoter pan cf bto atteUioa. sad
cvemoatly be thanked beatew tb)R tha
iD.m be had employed to eerenge kirn
had soar off wltboot doing aa He
was feeltor saaeb iiMeesd whm to
Vwilce be met aa acqrsstoUhe* tteca
AweriCB. who SAM-to Uto amshg
-I bear your oM Oama Vtrgtoto Cwvuiir. i« to marry tbe rich yoag
pbilauthroplsl Ildsrard BeUtog.Rbotwell was astsiblabiad. teftbr
nrleken. that «> loaf Btier be MM
repeoted ot bto mrwBheae the

per »b..................I


irvaspaaeibla Client
^tlnot be aaU to „...
The ls*yc. of ‘
Coming'toS^ard him be-aaw a smn Rbotsreli—to reach Amerlra before Tbbon>u.» who was being tried fe» ttaft
bearing belMd hu lom glala Gwybae sboald fall irreroebI'.ria courw receaily. piuded ^
bly tote tbe (rap be blmaalf bad m
tba: Tamboiotoo was not quit# •».
Beldtog. the for
ber. biakla^ far Ocnaa. be foM
coaniabe lur bto aeflou. Tula
mniatnllllonaire (or all tbewceW.’ a steamer about to eaU for New TeOu
luad. ue prisoner ao MOT teat muaed Sbol*^
Then. Suddenly For two weeka be |wc«d tha dOA.
sasr- J\eaB get aloag
be lesaad oem Ibe dock Md ka^kA \ easght by „
an ^en^
Idea, ^e
be tamed
tamed add tookiag oot OB tbe mme watery wflfa
quia. TM will only be Rodto-t
trylug te atiAe bto liapattowca. Tte
lie booor to be bto mpdeL”- court
“Hi: Tea therer
and rising to bis le-j. made use of Uli
Tbe man faced about Sbotweil beckrii-st's violeace oo eiererly that he o«ad to blm. and the two stood togeth­
4e Wm Fi
armured an anibiiial.
er on tbe sidewalk, wbca Bbotwell ba­
llltk'laB o
it questteaa.
ever bsea teM you look
The Ueanc ef Ces
Hke any onerptote.
CoaipMloBeUp IMptks rlnvelB both
-Not that I reepamber.- I Hhoiwell wrvie bli (brw Ma.b
parties coDtitbultog to It. Both most
-- .
••Waat a Jobr
telling her tbat be bad aomarlrtiff
Torntog to a friead. the pelt bare a cBrtAto amoum to glee of
•'Whit kind of t Jobr
of great Importance waltora te
ttetobdau wttb a abodder. -.No Won­ cboor. sttr^gth. buinuj. syaipathy.da“Wall. Umre'e a bR of pesoaaUcm cornmnalcate te ber and atettog ter gb
der tbey are orpbaBa.~-8aeemi Hap- loreet. Criilctom. except »bdev U to Id 1L“
He received a Iwlef rsfily
witty, to I-.llle. It anpoye withoui^ -tVbat do TOO mate by tbatr
M-st artemboa ais
curreettag. es a ru'a. Ae Stevenapa
“I koAw a young tody who 1 tUUk
rate. Tbe daefc ^
A Meoey Savor.
sameakrre Mrs ewely.. thare to one roBlda't mind marryhig a fortune. o'clock e
hourr 1wbea be
. moteSli
-Bot you are laklog eonstoertUto peraeo la tie wnrM ,ou arc to make
«|> to her home ghfi
goed--yuuirei;—oikCT levple you dre
risk Id lettlag yoor young bmb
wu aB of a Inter
10 make
H you caa.—Harper'e
two or (bree *rceks''buurd.'’
“Tes, tbera to some rtak.” tnswwed Uaiar.
vbers be hwl bad ua^ teiRiy MWOtbe bosrdtod bonse keeper. -Bat tbad.
tetcB srttb Ulm Cwyoae and wHfe
JOB aee. ibey worry over it to Ibat
how bli ptoposlllga was rrcelveA. For be bad parted wtib ber la aaA.
they tote ibeir eppetiiea. eo I
KaoBlcdce la aa esw livnt drug, but a moment be tboaght ha saw a flash of |>t«ee0ily she .one to eod stood tete
to tbe long ma,"
no drug lias vlitue «i.oigh lo pivserve iadiguaUoik bat tba first remark -tbat bib hand rcsttog on the bemk ot g
Itaeir Iron. ccrrupCM asd d«ti} lithe came from tba tagged mb reaaeorwd cfasir. He rvee and atemmette:
. »
vcsael bo telBlval and Impure wbcrcia nlm.
“rbsBk buvan 1 aa Mt tea Ma”
s bom dlpSa. tt ts put 10 keep- Bueb p one may bare
n beUcre Mr boy
“For wbatr
■T coulda'l pliy a gerae Ilka Uiat to
rntt" .
a eight clear and cuud rnuugb. «be
“To save yon from aarryteg a oga '
..3,, be sbowa estraordtosry ability looks Bsquiei. bnt cunseqaeatly seen tbeea mgB.“
-I'll diwas yog «p like e gvuUrtoan.- whom you tunmae to be a OteltWOO.’
.wbsi Is good, bat dors oot follow * It. ^ui bow woukl I iwss-oiyaeU off but who to reaiij-and vc^9 knowledge, nut inakve au unn for one with toch ignorance be miner
“I am bere to mska a fegfltelim. Og
“Ok. you’ve seen letter days! I cea
I toft yog I (aH math a«tter.
tell tkaL Bometiitog has beoleea yog the
IM (hat wbkh. I admit, w
Why gha Cooked.
w onky of me. Seeing a man to a
NspatsM and Wemaa.
Cbtokea*. per lb .
tba perfect image of BotoA
married, 'wbrn my
Ktpoleoo I.. Who was a grant
Piwdrid to be thinking Beldtog.L 1 persuaded bite to pegikgjfc
• do berewB cooUng
tnlrer of femaJa talent when Its owi
that petwno
cwna to
t win yemr bean.
enpawy erery day; Preacotty
did not. like Mine. 4c BlacL dlrM K
acewr luieodcd
jjieodcd tbat the
tl wRer khaM
euengatost himself, used to ssy. ■'yiM ttresviae rviatives. scirustoUBcas.
ar. And. BK heari^ fMta «V
go aO far.
c«M to raaOTlax
xrt womeo wbe bare euly one (aalS- called lilrnito. Uradoally Abvy
man. to uiy cooler UM»igMHe I c4gdrop(wd vB. nnd ibcn, w# eogsged n "i'll gtte.yoo gSul. bcoWee wbat you grarutotod myaaU that ha had dtoaprts. that they sr* oot men”
Dead farWdlag money."
Buodeouklieared xrKboai taMag any actloA“

Mat awd-Waman.
Uias owrynnt aaned (or a momratbs
Bbotsrell gave him aa addraa at
Wbea a mse gres inio tronUe
Country Lite.
whlcfa be wu U> <«U at a cerUIn hour 1ti trying to recorer from tbe blow:
Srst thing be Ihlaks uf to. -How sbaU
Owing to the georral deev of tbe the next day:, When be appeared 1then with one wowl. -Wall’" she left
I get eat of this Sir Wbana wmbbb old country (airs un>l taasU. o( which Sbotweil bad a wtrdfobo ready far w .w— —
----- ^
gets IBU> trouble ber iirsi tbougbi to. dates aerr fur c-iiluvlvr as familiar aa blm. and when properly dreaaed be beard the ring of a wlrpbvne belL &
-Dow sbsll I boat brnr tbto nitseryr tbi^e of Irndv ds) or UlcLseliusi. Ilfs certainly loolwsL‘ttfce
lined where be wu (Or »
nL‘*ikc a refiwd
refiiH-d and to- ___
oome amt» uMy couatry. dlatrtet.t baa proh toiilgMt MA SbMwcll told blm that ales, when ike front duor opened ogfi
-WlBUred Black. .
tbi) been daltor dwrtog tea m« hstt Howard Balding, whom be wu u par- Htoe C^ane ciiterrt with berfinate
eanlury ikM It wear was haters.—lam- Boute. bod Inherited an estate of aev-We-vo metaeato,-esldlbemAb^
•Ttaes Maks take any orngas
don Timsa.
.•ml mUUoa dolUrA wblcb be wet giv­ bad coma to lo SbotwelL ‘VThst hteo
-AUbeeaagcL I 4naT dqre It
you to uy ngetoet mer
ing laeborltv.
<M Ulag aro«Bd.--Blf»logkaB
KbulwaU was nstuelsbed at the magto
Haring conebed'bls'mnA Bbotwell
aaut blm away te form the acquiut. 1 neeurai
IW wbst yog are and off tha
ance of Ulss Owynue. Ue tostrm t- I ‘You
Tha Uaraallty af OpSto.
Ideate I made with yoA" aald BhMod Ue dec* BO fs^ae peaalMe
__ __
Thai* ate peepie wbo mUi eamptote
the lady-e
back te tin «rf tbe onrealltT of opera.' who ewhaef
r*®* ,?ff
"I know «( the bargain moat asaip00 fust with her.
Li?? expiet wSiite aoteect tbemaelvee 10 Us lltnsloa And
srlf. 1 am Oowdi
and that be might not want for funds edly. .(s 1
Um to drew ou bto cap
[the Clmnga of LUa ' down if creryil
creryihlag to It to om kept ai
pMyar for reasaublc amouits. Tba
o npvn mutariy tbroogb tbe iie.'ls of lb# p---- -------------------decay
lag. 1 couU beet do tbto to the caatbe oalL
gbetwall waited to valu (or a ra- tume u( (bat twgteh-ragA 1 bava te
port. A week paaaed. and be beraraa thank you for being tbe moau Of Kf
. . ..
tbe tel- lApatleot; two weeks, sad be began wlmili.g a luvety gtoL 1 bare new
have cunUn- nary world of pro>a BaaUam. tba atUVW of berr«xra escape V
tempt to work upve tbe emofloes by
to (blak be bad l»ci. dai-ed. Tbe mao
dele lllaslon of raa)lty. ta dtoaa.
bad doubtleu taken (be good clothes BiokluK know;
I to ppara. If ibe acebe to a rwBand tbe money fumlsbed blm aod de­ duet, tviu you eUlg
«.’’-MrA hAkaa xray stntleg sre lamamber at once chat
. J :l. . s>it;-o;s vre uulted ty camped. Bot may 00 drafle cam* tbev-pr.-mlpeer
Itiagnoahtteet. people^ do o« slog wbeo tbey are
Sh 'Oell stood for 1
Sbotweil cou <! not imagine.
CnfomuielT (or ttboiwell. bt had
a oflito to tite Boat crttL cawbtot qatoA-Lsadau ■nmsd
hrukeo with Vtos Gw .vnne otd there- be truth In bto asecrUoA
“Prove wtai j iuy.''teaalAp
fore tad DO occasion to visit her. ile
"-Why. oM man, didn't know ypo'd
knew oevrml ■•( ber intimate friewds
tost year icgf
Otoaue bad pain.
Ha nmn taiaad to kta aOanete.
“Tea. I was ran over by a Ug met' the cabbogeA~ wU one summer glrb, pod wooU have aUed them If sbe
a" replied the other ''It's hard lo ’ re >ecelvl:ii( attmilous frota any -Do you requite proof** ha aafced.
haTtS^ ui57’u*w>'<^'r taatody
“TroofT Na If that man aaU yog
r. but be was blmself known lotavo
kitoWB to nedldno that viU ap ^ ' “Afld yan ao rpry and caotiru get aayibiag tbat isn't artiflcially cuiwere Mr. BeUIng 1 would reqgtoa
wattoDy: Bow dU It bappccrproof that yog ware wtet ha Mid yoa
T was Mveglag to pdefc up a lael
Tb# Ntxt Beat TWdq.
"IbCA Sir. J aea BO maaea ft* ng
The Loa:cr--Alu’ m> ship doeaaT so far aa to baito; shout ^ Owyau
Vbr 10 yean It tea baen enring
erne to " Tb* Real Mae-Tbeo get dsmlrila tt beam wbeo a vteur might to toUfMt yawisatf tarihar te a*r te
Mil tdaa ef gwap.
ttRi from Oia wortt fotUoT temate
move OB and beip boeag olW ‘allow te eapaeted
'Wbeo a mu le real young tberfl
teetwaH cawgBgg. left (tea.
intoad hto.*—Beateg Brtg^ Trahaaema to be e» mwrfa going an to
b«A padodte tette. teate^ gn* I world that be tegrru tba laea ef the
I tmie lime te hu to derate lo steep;
but to ilM be laar«* Ybnt eiaap to
WW and gteeme;
Abaat na tourasung aa the leat ht H.
na wted niwaye Maw* trsm a t*awd mot* eattotoctary." - Aicbtoeg gtog ef tato wewibrr lawart a ft-'
, P^r lb .....................................

72! a?nT-

ChUvro, 8e|.L 1-Cloac—WbeatMit*e: tom. 585be: oats. sa%c.
Ug lamb, per lb
ebops. per I
L‘6cAL klAflKBTk.
Toledo. Sept- 8.—Ctoae—Wbeal- Lamb
_ - » jfc
•alofday's mcalpto ahowed « allikt fltMH: ««fR- *t«:
ihcruad orer the prerlous days. Ha'f
a teten toads e( alec bay appaa«ff.
CblcMo. Sept. •-Foutoea—Steady.;
i;pd aeraral toads of poutoea. A tew
k«4s of sMtoa And pluaa were told. Cbolee to (anry. t8«80r; fair to good
Abdat tour Onadrich an a wdsk are TaO^BdVbtog ovt at present.
^AB abhbdaace.or frsen sfuS to to
Ns* ToriL.Sepf. s-BnttoP-flrm:
l^'aaiWL Svaet'corn. beku. car
creanery tperlsto.
rots and eacvaiben, and a Id* pumpwe—Weaker; Tceelnca. 1.478; ■SWvPdf
Idas to rwaJad Ikt bousewUc of
state, whole ivlUt epeelaL l6RU4kc;
do toary. itHc; do cholre. l&r; Bo
good to prime.
do cornfair. 1t»iei4r; aklnil. full
specials, atbtrth'c. Kgso-Sicady. un
cbaasetl; reecliUB. 10.W6.
Chleago. eejd. 8.—Butter—dm:
creamcrlea. atHh^Hc dairies. 21(i
JTc; eggs. Meedy; recelpfs. «.6U
t mark, cases iocluded. 14^
17c; Brals JOe;
Brsl 2Sc.
Chee>e-8m; datoles HfrlfiVtc. aSSSSd-s
IWIQS. !8l4<^SHe: young Ankirlcps
-------M pairs Mea* I
Hoga. dressed, per lb............« to Wc
long boms, isfiiu c.
par pair. . H price.
- daek. comaKiB ................................ *e
uUr I
POUVTRV■rades. IMS s
Chicago. Bept. 1.—Pouuldy—Easy;
Clothtoa On.
toaU. l3V,c; springs.

........ ''•!£


SJ!"... .................











. ■ri

Don’t ocfept snyibtDg »s
bavl oBloM it be tbe results
of your owa experience.
Don't jadflo osy bread of
flour until you bsTO bsd
^ welt of Cteseout In
3roiir kitchiD.

Tben. sfter. you've baked,
make your eompflrison.
Note me
the texture, coior.
/0«SCDir FWW A
lightneti and fl ivor of both
^ ijTT
^ bread aod. pastry.
You srIU be agreeably surprised by tbe difference ihit
good floor can make.

•mw KM Everybody Ltkeo'*

Is of tb« ssrt that gdda kattotMCtan with nacb
•ack po cksM tl. Not only ia tbe flrat «kcb porf cL
bnl each svorooding one is Ibe aans apleDd il
qvsli'y- Asb mnr grocer to aged lap a ssei oo

SOLD ■¥-



Need Lydia E Ptakhsm’s
Vegetsble Compoaiid



Let the Herald 4uid Record Ce



40 yiwrf4Qb Worlt.



By Fire

■MB vte bad boea woolat bar pM>
MMUr for tba |M rw.
I Ufa wltb ooa OMaat iba laeaaMac
,dr«da«i7 oC Ibe iMMt tara: wttb iba
ocbar. waalib ta aaa^ bar lo liaa
vbtcavar aba aal«U ebwB benalf and
alae c<*a baa pairata a comfor^bb
Bat »bleb of ttaa Mo baM tba ka;
ta bar baattt
Baaitr abe oould MX tail bw aba L-.diewv laaktDf baraaU baliera aba
vooU ba atila la an/ araat lo eompel
bar Blod vtib Ua power of Jadflac
wlaalr to coetrol bar baart.
Toward nUdalfOt aba waa ai^
paB«cDt Bowli parrad-

Ttw -fttU 8«ptCB>b«r ■
jlo«a BM t UtU* eaUn
Ipriirta o( wM«tB
Ilrfalluc W« art dtila frat.
■V tb* fxa of a Tovac mia and
bu wU vera.alowlr
------------ innifB«
--------- np tad , what oanaa abecooM^.—«,«
doWB Iba apaa apara before Iba door, to dlaeorar tba canaa of tba odw tbal
I -I WBa ao bappr, Barbrt.- tba naa waa «bIoId( la atraaftb bad atlttlai
UB, ctaadiic at iba airoac, beanurul power.
baard ' ' ■addaaly a rraat rrlmaoB licbt U
Iba aiuaU wladow. Wltb
^aaebeol op la iba tfremlDK -Mmn
waa cloaMl and too wtra <
I iboo«M yoB
•tar tWi tlBW. I bopa ao. for. Barbrt. bo^fa on (be prairie road.
■•ea knrad roo a loac Uina.| Tbeo aba b»rd Dant
Dana rolra bur' Dn Baelbard kaaad lovard Iba cirt daoel wlib awfal ImpotL
Ita atndr tba rtfert »f bta aeowal «o ’ -Baebal!'’ be ralM. ~^r. tllm
|.Oat«p: Uatopqalrti: Tba pram
an drar
Bat Barbel Wla a belrayad Me
“Fatbar! Molberr tba |lri eallod.



QETTIM m THE Ml|ltesT.

ate *ima\)(Mah Balk tba CBarta

• af“4C^‘

Farm aa

ay •are far irtB

r batoa^r baa
a wttb a&tj that
traa. They are aot esly a
----------- bat a caaae of toaa aa waB.
aayf Para aul PIrealda
At tba laqaaat of a baakoapar the
mad lUoftntad to ric. 1. whick para
DIRECTIONS FOR SPRAYING. dUBf a torpe aerrap*. Wbeto k rtpht’i
azeaOaat aattatoetteo. waa dralpaad
Tba hire la ptecad to (bo eenler of H.
Vaeteo. Mteboda UMaramaete by the' *« «■«•*» *‘T’
- T
fToore at
rnuilLx ftarifHural Tw‘t-.
' tt*«alab hoe llnyertop to Ibe yellow.

_______ A__ Tberr h allU aoino life to tbe etnw,

.SToS* ".r.^

wilte the pan ea which tba

<«| u.

FUrt.-Por pnawtop toaces. aaeh aa,
tba Colorade potato beeiia and tba cod-j
tlac noto. For ibm peattoio
aoa te eopKBooly ararteyad.
parta praaa or araaoBia of laai
. BacoadL-For puDcturtop
a«pb M pteM Uce. aeaU Im
tba cbtoch bop. Coal oU to «
to aoa of the raont aattefartor

(Pra Perm aqe PWWMo.]
hire nett te nada Urge aMOpb ao that
Thlrd.-For fuDcona rxata, each aa
Jap to black m af prapea. acab of appte and
tba rarloaosiBlldrwa. tVae peata are
Uoa to tba chaanaL
plant paraalieaaiid raaDoi ba poUooad
IV caUra ataod la mda of eoamta
to aB eaally prepared boraeraada
Uiila effect oa ibem.
wMrti euMti ibera te ba taUt at a
of tboBi a pood bordoBBi ralnura
reel at keen tbaa 10 ceeU each, wtalek
preparation wf aalpbur la beat
te BB tew aa any pood aland uy ba

queatioci. “What
^ tbe coocratraund apraytoP oulBl ataall I petr dapeeda
arariMttop anao^mwiaL
and omamBiaL
| „.lrely oa the kind of apraytap
-TbarWa not a mlnoia lo kaa.'
ba dooe nod Ifle eitebt of (ba work
Houbaid railed bark. 'Tba Bra la S'tS.
propped. ^
ai (be enure aland la to be. CpM ^ takuio'nUnts about a dwellloe. oa
awatftlbc tbli way u faal at
wtod cab brine It."
bad ba*« wo liln for tbroa
pump, known aa a bucket pump. Wltb
C WM dry aa Un-

Saved by
A Parrot ’sxr.'£%:ss'ss:sr
dBrtw tba niihi«

ProaUool DoaaUo of Oeaat tjimm of
Prevtelnp Wartd Witb-tooM.'.
CctUa#-Mould elan aa aoto aa tba
Boat adTBDcad prala ta mtntp eeoaph
to Ssiab toUap to ebe abock. rerhaya
I OM atee cd a BeM nay bt a day or
two abend at tbe rest A arart at oooa

Rut Ttura Wara Unka Retwtoaa the Mrd and
the OuaoMaa.

.« a.

> paWaeBad ta Baited pumo
Tbeit tlTcd aom yaora ape bear
Fort UaraUioe a wMow Mioed tUwBMBd, wkoaa boy. Rabart. prowbc up
to ataaa paoktinUy to aa array poet.
Imbibed a taata for a adUtary Uc.
Wbea ba bacama aJpbtaaa yaara of ape
be meat Into tba fort om day and eoIKtad and tbeo w«it bom andtoUhla
Botbor what be ba4 dona.
Robert BaramoDd wai a atNdy
young faltew and. baTlop rarolrcd
ptetty peed edueatlMi. roeolrad to ^
for pronotloB Ibroucb Ibo
nkaloood to tbo ecaralHlow
a corporal when tbal

i *?i'



) -r»a baM workibff aai walllnc. JU-,
Jtbrt." ba aoBiiiiaad. Mi vaira taeky
•wltb fbellBic.
laeltac. *MatU I bad oomaafaloc
aotoHlmca brreka a ma-ke pel a
yoB wooWbI
aweeibean Kancy Alrord was aboat
^ BP taael
taaehlac for inat abythlac- |
Uammood'a ape and a lorely put
{yaWra Mt Itat bind.
•be waa Ibe ctuae ot bk
I *«Bt rra lered yos aVar alaca two ,
id tba tarribla
troara ago. Brbw wa aU «aa oBt to
■baao ptBMM logotber to o«r eerarad
* only tbi eablB, tat aiook. eropa.
•ruiBi. I raaaubar, attar we wera
I rbey It
But It It safe 10 cut whMt with »or#
edec of e pallet. Throe are
ktii. bow_boaoaly yoo worlrd to help
Iba .trr.w than can ba tllowta •““"T
«bl<-b (
■ (be etaad,
. iyo«r patrait pat aiaried oS ronfen____ tba lilaakata, qBtekr' abootad IlK-bCt bleb.
, -ju without danger of moldto*

' “>
•bly tiafora poa waat wltb yoar oacla Sodtbard. Obeyliw talra touasUy.
Old time careful .booker, are acarca
tobJday and » p. m M callM
Sa WyaaBlBi ta laacb that nsch Baebal dracpad atery blaabef oat ot
to tbeaeday.. Our fathere act tbe tan.
Nkiff. •«» topetber they alepped
Tbeee four boardt ate col out to the •
tbo boiue. '
diet down Brraly to (ba atubl.te, (lieeaeB f“ !“
~r for a vtait to iba laemter
Baa had ridden bla borta to the III' -Dta." aba eartalBMd bIohm atar*(ba beads topetber eorapactly Bad
at a point ala toebea from aacb
lie aprlap to U>e bcdlow and waa rap­
}y, *1 baran t <M>ed lo remoral
broke tba ca|« wall. Srali thm-ka
idly suing arery pall ba bad beeo and aad bteaklap oat tUa piece ta
batiia. wbkb fatbar htat t
would tufa .0 linineoaeaaioaMaf tain “”**
» ktwt »
tbaa tba for
form niaatralM. wblcb
able to Snd about ilie plan.
and wlibaund hlpb wioda. Now many
eajoymat that tbe iim paaaed
■aeortty debt, tba bom we
Aettop wndar bla direnbraa. the girt
Iforead to laara wboe wa rara
trlSInp hlrellnc luuat be truatod.^lh
reataad. Tba
moottad her faibei'a poay, and abe Tbeaa boarda uben doltbcd are btoged
AMfear aod t wata Ml-eary
tbli MuloeM. aod tbe ataocka. looaely
*•** •*
*'“** ■’ *•**'
Ibroa-B topetber with a woolly, on- ““d tbla. too. had aumelblop lo do with
jtsr wa afaad taan mat of tba way. asd Iten carried atier for Ur. aad topatber at three cornciv and the
broken tandle eareteuly atoppad on «'» >r olaiaklup tba bour. At pay rata.
jttOBpb acJaa» bsow lb Wa earn ba- Mra. WtotoB lo wet tbe blanhtfa, tbla foarth earner faeteno wlib t bo«k and
wbfu Ibere wat aim iwlllpbt (bey
bppa 11 w^a tba only tblap to do. bat
top. Qiro water only until
kUc riaaaar Bfo it a bard, bard ompeoalbly aUnd up VDtH hit by a brt.k
eoTMT end foldad bark from tba arork.
; *10 mr baart I ajD at war wltb It
breeca. Stacklop, too. tt notao paiar- ,,
- —
tbe whole world
Tba eonciaia 1a dbad Into fbra and
•ad Blwaya bart beaa. It lakea away
I ally andemood at It wai yaara ape.
I«d eapliad. and ba wnald Ml
Dbim a «iiafaact ana:
kbd kUla ail blfk and eoWa am. rayed apaliitt ibeiB. and all tba white tanmad down ooUd ap lo the top adpa'
I Tba aoxlaty lo pet tbe entire harreat •» «W* »
to leea tbaa
MUaoB. Bw haw metbar baa aped Iba (DPOB teokad down, eoU and nn- of tba cut out part of tbe aide raolda. {pram bulletin of the Keniuekr But* «ii- bualntM flokabed quickly baa led raea
“ Ik*'- “• «<*» ba "brokaii*
TVs a
la aude..................
by oallli .
iwlBf U* two yaara wa hart llrad
- font)
fae-J to atpoea tbelr ptnln to great rlaka
^ • prlrata-and bla
It Btkta m blltar.' Tbafa wby onward notll It eauebt to a row of dry
iBcb board, topatber at debt an- .^bt or moic feet to brtpbt Orapw
ot aaoitoi to tba
I m back ta (aaeb. I’ai polac to nab# eoraatalka that reached nearly to tbe
Ttoaa CIO ba onrared raer wall Wltb a
Ereiy fartiiw ataald toam how ,
^mapb fa taka tbera away troa tbW cabto. Hare tbe banic rattat ba foopbl
wHh nnrwad eoarpy.
BacM.' ba plaaded. "yoo
If (Vra era raaay rlara to amt
»V bulpe. SlUup tbe middle., »«ato
I “Very well. Naocy.“ be aald; “I may
Mali aarar wttk at yaar tnetbrr baa Praia aaaallad ibalr ixwtrlhi. aneebtd
a pood aiout tnaa' to do (be wofk a <>>"'«>«
*q>l capp^W Mrere t
ai welt be banged for a abeep aa a
bad. to. J ttemilm It.' tbaa airtdaalr. tbeir thtoau and bltodad tbelr ayte.
knapaack .prayer aurb aa the' on. "P'li Tbe beat way to learn la
tomb. We-ll ato
leap M we
iwUb a oatcb Id bit roHe. “Bay. rtrlle, but with Unda tom and bUaured
Uluatrated my be beet. It to a Teiy PWkuade
jUMea'a M tmta ia tba npen 'about
la and direct tM arorh. Tbe ,
coarenlcM outfit for.aproylap grape- I
__ ___________
I Nancy'endeavored to iuduca Urn
Irtar «aria< for that rteb Wyonlof
in tprt'y’lBC tobaw. potauea'aiid Mce iwilcally tbe eaTw. aa for botb ataek« “«
plaraa with tba baary wet blaakna
Bo tbeT\^rderrd
a aupper and after
: “Hr. Kta baa bees rary kind
plea. Tbeua are Ibrw tochea wide end tew prowlnp pbiota.
I»B and Ihraohtog. WeU ataekod prato „
be.* aba aaeweied wliboBt pretoodlnp ihM hMt back ute utra-. lutn..:
I we told on Ibe cencrete already (jaced
For eaien.ivo apreylap*11 to well to
»f •>»k»i certain fbtt coottfiOed 0 enjoy (bemeelre.
for i
Bot to Boderataad. “Ha baa offwad u
th. •*
comer, no ibat a aquare ferib aacuie a atrang |.uuip auarbad ta a Impreveroeni to viumpant aod quail„„ tba awaat, aod ..
Itot fatbar mad aathar bara tba lorrly rart rail .
tba coucreia barrel or lauk (bat c»n ba baolad In poinp throopb
It » <!«>«»• purpona of plrliip people plaaaBoiM ba owBB la Uasrer it I’U raarry
I. The labor at attniof
“**' ’oooa,. WVo

ttm II would ba aa,ldaal pUca for ^frtt ttat Ihf .SlnS?V;oirVi.M t« “»• »'•*«>■ •• lllttotretod to Flp. I.
. pufflpe •<> atticbcd are tuad tor amaU »K.t wfaret aod (be lam from tprenttop a car
moatly iMoi tbay
aod a
BM rait mat tba enemy moat yield to
^ orehanto and other plant. pre«w to a »» ««
««>« *" «»»• »*•» My
lack gnnd and
fniir Oad. pfrMa! I eoubUrt ataod U
molded to a day. It being poaalble la madkr.fa wa.r. aod power perapt are *or tbe ataeklnp. Predenl tomiaaB are
la ata y«B tba wife of anetberr
pTBlide aererel palMa and nae one art dapuratod for eitcoalva apreytop aod luroliip more favarably to alacktop of
MM MB erted. bla smaap fram tnatMr enlaanlM nranr It »■ Il>u*a i
- and top ..........................................
......... ................ .......- -------------* at ber boosa, tbaa weet to bit mothWM Daete 11
, jUraui maei farm, a uratol apreyar to olberwlae bo lb<
' *Taa woatB'i rare aa mch. Daa.' eahanatim anaapy that oaradibaday. |'
' a barrel pairap lo ba oj.reiod by band.
By aaotBctop a patch of ripe grain. I
Tkeopb tt waa tote. hire. Hauiucaid
Harreat time ‘ton
hka lamaad Widar pliy far Ua asf throapb
•d to aoBC aad
It aarrm fra (ba orchard, fra potaiaea. ---------a
waa Just about potop to bad. itoMrt
«MBw taaUap bw toaaa kJad. “tie
kod can be ao tnaoaptil aa te aaawer atery and i-ortlc faacy with a plortoua told bar (bat ba Vd brekau bla teare.
• MUr pM to abara year hem w». fol Bamaa upon itartf.
(or pnpro and rtnple abniba or (reea.
ibe parauadad bin to go
Every -hwt bolt rtwuld V raA man enpapad to fruit pniwlnp
Afm- a tlma tM gnat body of IM
to bla own raom (hat V Vd oocBPtod
plVrd at once. HanBtoclurrr.
potato prowtop at a Maioem onpbt Brerdrr'a. Uaarite. Tbe ailurdy I
t» awapt away Mrtbward, bavtep
aa a hoy aiul recnalu there overnlpbl.
doa't put uartem bolu to maBowadaya la Vrrta power apreyar of «nMt*d In iV wortt btva little I
cnamamad ararytbtop of tba Wtoloos'
to tV maralnp overHa
cblnea Jual tor tbe fun ot It
•ome aen.
w toelloatlon for Ideallrtop Tbe big alrpt. Then hto motbar
y yob- ixcept cabi
cabin and etock.
brpptd him ta
At (ba Mtonreota cipcrltneal
3f you roDld tat read toy baan and
A peeetml pqrrwaa a^y pomp »’raw hai. abciter bratoa ibai are bury take breaktort at Mma By IM drat
Wiui a ti
to Ibrtr bearu
alarton wheat crowo ruDilououakaa bow Bmcb yoo would aareir rare
aboBld V oadc of braaa. ao (bat tt will with iiractical drialli nf (be great be rearbral IV fori It waa toop past
aver9m a ante far era. Yoiw lambma.
Ml V corroded by the capper sul- bu.lana of provIdiDp tba world with revaUle roll call.
l«.d baabela atoee Itno. and
bkh. aa be k. wUl eorar tera you aa I
phpia uaed to bordeeut miatura. If ‘'"•'JJ______
Kobrrt w aa pul to arrrat And What
wbaet an preoati of tba anm
lia.Bael ' '
OM wlabid to apray only araenata of
Thn SooiVrd and HacVI caraa
w-a. bto aafUitobmrot wbes told that
kind and inwied ibe aarae. but
*1 ea
toad, iiarto pre«D or lime aalpbur prepback with weary. Upptop teat from
Ibo Ml»>ff krriwr. Mnrphy. had bees
to a ihreayearrotailoB. Vaerar■woofb to pire Bp all I aojoy and tat- tbelr law aaccamtol omtoupbl.
ilia ippln liafara. tVt aama
aptd ‘J0.B baabela
rtt down to out laotetbd llfr. tbla
pteyed. Noxale*. tod. alionid ha mad*
“^reryihlop^ aafa aow. Backek* ba
abredi ■.( Mue'. uulfarui anil arami
Beautiful lioue prouada ato aa
n« aure lo wash year band,
itamal trMdmlll of drwdpary,* abi
of bram and oupbt ta be renatriirtcd
oaU bBBliUy. alantop Inward hto
army Lmioiu bad l•aaa found ueae
InTaatinebt Jurt oa pood feocea,
and fare to vinegar before yoo
wnad. taralapaway. tbaa lo a raildar one.
ao tVi (Vy can be quickly cleared «(
ir^aoldler aMWsrtap bto
try to r.»li to# lieea
•oM. -Poapat oa. Oaa.*
aoUd partlelea.
“IMh.*' aha qaaattoMdi n qotar cbt
deacrlpilun bad bam> aavn near
tV value of tfac farm and to tba
When you want to taka out
: l^pae ban That ba weald wrar tap to bar throat, “yea are Ml get
Vpplnem of (V family.
bnray. cut out all iV white aad
ida-kaPMareaald. Tbua waa a ttua Mwr*
wot irosbtadd rally
aiaUava tba dark (or tbe'Vre.
~U waa wbra they iired to tbelr cmatoppad and teahad at her. t
T3e (iraaape k bert mratpiad
It Ibe■ priwi-act
pr.w|-art of Vlup rrduerd to (V
tten baa found one arra/at rape
Mam will make Juat aa much
•rod wapeat aad ean>ped at nigM by had mrae appeared moat bmatlfnl
i riieiv eraiM
iM lUlu- >:1.0 .l.■uhl of Vi
wbea cemblued wltb prato aqual
larmncanmV NcAmeiarm
boiwy In a Iw^ hive at they
' aba trail; yea. aad eren after' they hlBl than mw, artta iM mrkaBf that
Van aeuted bere-Hhat be htdtboapbl great Bre battle spoe bar bM and
H|-r1nkl«aalt uode^and around
■Ba eared far blBi.
I wlib big a
uturad dreaa.
r wltb bto
AVhtn yoor wife oakt yoq (a
your hire to keep away tba
• TbaM bad beta tba bappteot daya la
“All wa tare Ml wa owe to yen.
tnotber. He pave tba cniitato Iba sdhelp plch aBtoll frail for canntop
iDolb.. Ibe eoeinlm of tV baea.
iMtohar^UCa - Ba Md aarar dreamdirea of bqlb women end toki him
dent prowl about IL ' Tou will
tiaa'a bnalneat end airlkea
od that'M bated ibaaa fne. relHap
fio and.aak bto mother and Nancy It
ba cheertol anoopb aboat aottaip
be Vd not beep wlttoiVio dnrtop tV
H nepl winter.
uow waaied can be more eaally
I BItod to ttda. ba bad bare tUUac ca
Blpbt of tV mkfder.
Itoetop a BBUll hmp of rich
saved than nectar whkh beta
Ala new ctelB ta pat tUaft 1a pood
TV oAeer. to order that 1 Vre mlpbt
BbOBldrr. Hew ha irosUMl
atobte mnura aresod tba boaa
wort up Into booty.
ber will ba oared, ropaclaliy to gardara
l^pa ladtowBBklac bar to raarry Uia. BBder that iraick.
V BO Mllmlan between BkVR and
ot aaeb tree to IV otebard wlU
whan beiM cnRlratioa to not prae: Bmttr MW be felt that It waa
the eiVrw told ooiblup
-T.datfi fart aa If t.coold bMr to
peeve to V a lltila ilm iiwat
ad why atuact boney la sold
tlcablA Whaal hoes can ba oMatoad
SaMr tm. for' witboat RaM R'totea ba?a yoQ totra oa. Das." There waa
ebarpewff mutdat to ouiira
paMtably apaet
with a varteiy of tiiacbraenu. AaaadteotWap wao worib wblla.
order ta brtter qeneeal hto obJaeL Ua
- teoBar ptoadtop to km (omb.
8ama rtfuw atraw acatlared
to bteauat the comb to of more
top aUachmeui to a preti conroolance
“TV danper'a over, RacVI.“ ba ratold M>Mi iVt tv aaldter.waa to Voomanp tv tmall fruit bnahm
valoe tbaa (ba bOMy. It rato plaatlap the tead. ea aeed of aU
aibaid a
WBikad 0
per 0! V.........................
anarad her. -aod | muat ride all tV
will work wKiden at a fmUtoar
ktotta can V pianiad. covered and tba
•a bit aatlMad barae. aooatad i
w omeu k
way to WaaiBeld betore da.rbnak.**
end to keeplnp dawn fV soto make ooa pound efeorato
preoiid packM ali at om oparatl^
Me away.
*i*by to WmrBrtdr aba aakad.
alphlly aod uuprofiiabla wwad
To hive bare when they
I Tba BOOB eUiBbad blpMraa Barhal
mtheat a word ba patotad acreoa
rloua eVrpe. Neitber knew wbtt
twarni throw watre oa tkeia
aaeani ktnda of abovato and hatnw
Maad laid lap after Iba vaakblap IV htockaaad pralrte toward tala'
aau Beben Vd plren hto eorwrlbra fra
teeth. With two ra three of tVM atrtalm.
bla abmnca. aad both feared to my
they will not Ireve or aaitia
tachmcaiaio meet verytop coodlttone
anythlbp aboat kia far tear of dtoOnly a auM of araoktop nitoa raarkthe avetapa quantity of water.
high- If It to a torpe Itoib they
to (p elteap aad peed. Father and d tv ptoee wbara hto Vnaa and
irevtop wvt V bad hlaaartt mid.
Tile tVt are loo araall taU to
•rttle on. sew it off ead let II Tilt
bother loro Ura Ilka a aoto bat 1 }oat aiabto Vd bean. Pba nodarrtood. '
TV eoBaaqaenea waa tvi both dented
OD a shpet. ibea aprlnkto Ikem
wat aMfona. tba Ilm yes «aad
y*m% enatr bad tba taon pathwad
ktvlQp aaak blm (V nipbt bateto.
“Toa ted all yea bad to com lo oa.
wUh watar. ao ibay wae't
(bam moat.
—pa«ii Bum Vara Crawatollw.
ia bar eyea.
Daa.“ aV mid. wttb a oob. “Now
Tba Vra art on a coarrMa'
iwam acain. and pear (ham to
Tba eld preclka of bnrotop tore
1-1 waa Meadad for aoraetblap bet- raa haea^blDf left. WUbaat your
him. U not Of tv murder, ceruiuly of
faMdatlaa toaU anbauntlal. and
hive and let (barn aat aatll.:tork.
atolfcs to the Beld to allll praetkad to
W. Ulrraaa[-|.*feyAealdldMUka bate oaarylBlhp here, emu «ur Uvm.
falsely aceoaoitop (or hto abamee. Ua
It to aa and will tort laapar (Vn
aom loealUtoa. and Ua arMlatOtocaa
»a roapb. <awda wray* e( ptewar *'* woold Mr* bapoi mcrlBcad. Oh. Dan.
wit toraad orer to tV elrll aotbortWhite
Urn to be triad ter mradm.
tba Upbi af tVt Bra ba. plvea m a
ttilkt may Vre tat Iinia i
AiraMa Battar TVa .Bad Cl^.
^Wltb tWa qaatotea oa bar Itpa Bae... aipbt of my own bmn: I aca tVt (V
It weald V iBpoartbte to girt aa
tba, Bacret.-iiy Coburn euum kt a Idea of tv aopuUfa of (V motVr aM
'Wtuoa aatered tba eaWo. wkaia bar tiV life fra me to right hare. apB U
00 prower to aoutbere Knnma «lo Vr- awnatbaut wban (bay toarnad of iV
Taratoa wen aUa^ aala^. aad
V m I'U help yea nuV anvmu aboat IMO toot wralf^a per .... cVrpe ___
fappbt bar coaek.
Vd baen______
other (loraa:“
A new wrinkle
mebtoery to top propoattten. Tba catttop aad plow- year and
to worktop wBb It; omriy i anioa't tbe orai of IV ow and lorar
> Far a teop ilm aba lay awake,
—* If
^hachrtr ba cited. "Tog cant
n paartlM bay aiacfcar. whkb takas tv tapnadraeftVstalVtovolraMBtore aren
Mad. aaoeb opUaat bar vBl. boay roaa-: ■ma Ul Ite yoB rmUy lane meV
to of iM other tod that they had pat h
breauap aod bore- kliy
»artap yeraap Baotbard aad tlr. llUaB.- 1 hare larad yea pU tte ttm. my place of tv old ketoe oil iv aweej.
Nar. 10 laetttf-iiiBtVlfalfa. oot of tbelr power te prore aa allM
^ paselloa to a laV to Vlf bortod top. white tV famer proeaaa
. Dpbkelaar eat tool aearwhatboytth knlpbt of iV paalflaa.“ SB*
aame cgMMtoM ef falnfatl. for him and te tWa way aatabitok bto
aV m
f,iK(rtii bar te Ua I
proaad at aorar dWanro ftp* of tbrtr value
(a IV
tV tend.
teed. Aabm
ibEeltot aMtoap »y Baapa^ig witb
lua ta
Bam to mneb eatear t» fair Vadtog toooeavw they taore rtottad by Bote
paumreo oar la “* jj^vploe to areU danpra^
co^lks do
mi «aV
--------------------------------eondhteB Ikon red ctem>4caBaaa
ttat of toe baaedad. raidtoa aped laaek-

’ ?,p„

wi.S';: '



For Jot) Work ComB to the Herald and Record Co.

”----- '—-

TV DaaUIre HAW. '
Te atopr c
. dam-Wbai eMetltatkffkVimVra
aver of U wlup abHd
abH^rt. it doea aU matnani to at aapapaStaf? ^era-.
AViap too pniaite

Kaaey Aleaad. ofm hte to«Mr kl fepr
teraa*a parttto* aad hart cibpHR Ik

sotb of bar Srei atocy.
to rood earafally tba Mwapap« afrcrania of tba aauidac, and ah* «•
that Hatphyk welch, whkh Vqa
roand to hk Teat paekaC.Mt anpp«l
at thtotywarM rateBito after «h' pba
'artdte oa tbo car returwlnp tram the
Wand. Tbla waa^sad to bar slkd W
tba fact that aba wpamd • dMMtoi
CO -Mr ratoni bam for bortop atayqd
oat to teta.
The ciru aatbamm naiMiril thot
NteThy-B watch toorbad tV.Om ad
hto daaib. TM raoidar oceoitod to ad
Wtm IM« weed for card iteytof.' M
oat bat Iba murderer aad tba tourdnad ana brtnp rreanit That than
bad beta a aeaSto wm arldaat tlMI
IM iibrad af aalfafoa aad bkWapp
ptekM up o* the Mar. Tba wat«»Jg
•d At tUrty-aeraa rateetoa altar M
ereatfai erantop, wtto * _ .
of ick tntoatea rttber way. Babart aad
Nancy bad been among (be abpwa at
Ceoey talaad. Tbay had -pamd ktp^
pbra aateen at aboat twaaiy pataaiM
rapped by
■toiamiit aba.
couM Vre laid a parBMlF a
airay tVt woaU Vve tallM w
facts andMaMreiV bar MlprTM ant teota aV amda waa to pa
to Oonay lalaod aod Ttdt (V atlvdaou upoe IV eartev .okawa wUk a
Ttow to Pndkm oem* tan wV knd
area Vr ibere arlth t onMltr aad U
pmalblt ta aacore iVt ooMter'a IdMtltteatloe aa Bobert UafaaaaM. IV
.rent orer tV preand. boi teaad an
OM wV remembarod btr «c bar anN
dler aarart.
V I Wy fra (M trial drew vu
tv reaolt loakad blarb Bar (V fang
ooUV. Bto motbar WM In ppony am
IV altvikHi. arbtob wm tandirpd
more rtcnietetlap ky tV tM( (Vt I*
bra affan to Vtold bar aan tV Vd
put it oat of bar paww Ik mre him.
TV morntop before tV trial Nancy
traa altttog by bar opoa wladav orarHoblap (V tewtr Vy, trylop to tbtok
of bar iMbiam. A aramnn aam M b
wu^bw ot tv beo^ oRteHM and
r^batide'tv wtodow^iSn*imM
loft, aial tv parrot Vgu to obanv
Nancy Jumped fram Vr pmV.taM
mu an adjatotof ream, natoad bar Rai.
Saw dowwatoln aat teta tV ntmt
and bvrdV a aar terOawoy Mand.
wvt oV dU tVra w» npvv '■<
tV trial, whkb ouw- aVtod to tV
ctlmlaal coon tV m« 4bFA Jury bad baao Imwkd aV tV
praaacMor bad atatad tV (MS ter^
atata aad Vd prodnead bto wItaaViB.
Tbay a-are but few aod atotad amir
wbat 'Va baas Urea fir plram TVa
IV prlaaoeft capuaal look op (V ewa
fra tV aecuvd. ■aaUttff>ttto to IV
wiioew mad. on aViM -Babart n
oniobar of Itreterant qnaViBa nat p»parenily bcortap an tV MM. raptorta*
him to piva lout applaMtteaa, Ftaklly tv auta aitornty obJacMd to tbe
quaationtoc aa irretetsat. and tV
Judpe rautaload (V eXartiM. TVn
tv atreval ealted Kamp re (V wttnam aland aV poniwd aMctlr »
saot CDoma with bar tin avtVr ebjacuv waa ralaad aV aytolnad.
“B'Vre ware ya*.“ aakad iV •
“At Coney laland.*
“Who waa wlUi your
**1V accamd. Babart Bammood.*
TVI wuida.“
At a olpo from tv aUorMp a pbui
prapb waa breopbt tote coart a ad wet
00 a tabla. An Optra Ur pot V mnrfalotry to motteo. and a rotca. plntely
Nancy-A bepM to talk. WVt kOd
breo avkon to tV machtoa wat at
no lopanaaea, dotnrVd wraiaocw aifwaVra of IV plaaMre te V dartrai
Tban anoahra reka wot awMVid m.
Brery OM attnad. U area tv unlea of
aaam »

broV totoemni. I will. Ur fkamv
will come off, auUli oarra tV VIOMa
of ny Mltoimtat V a hteh HfraM la
tv rear rank. Oomr. Nancy; tefa ikt
aloop to tV next sbow."
-.“Voor boMr.“ mid IV coUMI^
tv dateoae. “1 tnada tV -Jufy fac­
tor wltb tV roloM ofy my (WO.
vaam iVt (Vy utoRt recapnV.tVto
to tbla pvaaprepb. tokkb.l.pcVBv
by m oparalra to,prow
rokm at Oovy laland abaint iVitima
tba mordar waa copuMgaB.* • .
ItnVrt waa acpBfttod. 8o Vd bdp
aarad by tV aquawky tfldk et^
parrot (Vt Vd broopht to ButopR
rated tV pbenMtofb, tbV aopBamiM
IVt (bay bad tUkad to av aa tVt
iful arenlMrm UamiBMd-a captato wm M
cbaprlvd a( tv Jtofntdy to wWV
Vd Ptocad tv ffOMB man V Vt «ay
ba Vd apfiroMbad bto .matVr aat
ao-artbcait ter erldtoM tVt bn tattoeatad blamlf to tV aoti
pmaattof Um nptdly -a

TV mniBartr of MwiiV tnrBPloiii
a V a amoatoan who M W ^
OD an McarBao wtto bto thbipt
Bt bad poM to Upr^ StiL
Pteynl and tarn ta Uoi^ mmm
ud tt a bant af pamtoa kOtett Mm.
oceavd of tv ■

Let the Herald and Record Co.



n A fttt.

km AKar^aa- aw ‘Bbtat doad Tka baby la «o kaaTy wharf, and aaw -wRh hto own «r«o tka
-Ml tt Mat the alikth.-tfea Aaaeaa Wtar. I thmk you far tba cart aa« arary «v to e
It aaafi,
aad yaatnna *ouil.An oai at ik* wat«. Tbo.boyt
^Ubauoe. Taa. 1 voaM Itta to 1mv« Ikw ie alt. bat
ila and wmM -Uaybo K >-ou'd drag tkla ekab fact had npon hi* tbaory. and kb tew• Aboat ibto thaa nuk Jobnny Han- AHofa aaaaa got « ika Cra<^ loU
Aa wo *ara
! c«p da eover. hack aod—wait * niaaie! I'D cM-oar idlmMtrd tbo lad for hi* tairitlteat
.bora, aa ike fn»( aaat. basu to I ha*a nnaa naoea for t^a SuaaU«a aot «t»a bar a
Ma agaat woat pillow ol maaM" BafUo audalBod. ebaarvailoa. The rplaad* had added
Ctab ataD. Thay. ara: Ada Hall, aka bagaa laop
•'Wltat aiM yoo laufhiu at, Aiha- «oatb Boardnao. VkA.. R. r. O. No. at bar Uaia roatb« aa a «mad roeat Bka no bark aad -Mr* AnaUa took another tact to hU ranaonai df tana—
uil An cao be oat of tba wraier.
Mba no»mar
h Bo* 7; Dora' Han. Sootk Board- la our kas-fceaaa. lookliii aad and Mb* cool Uaao pUKm Irom bar iraral
ab« lirt* nol a
Ur !ra. !»«.•
™, Hli. »■ F. a i. i; nilip
I« ««. >U.d,i u. •cilIM A.4 U, wiM .uir.n.
MmM Vm0m
-----------------acbool batouau abc like*
_ '
Woaary. South Bsardnn. Mich.. R. for her. tor thenacb a dwd ot kind- at tbc woniaa.
with what ho waa ever teachlas: that
to eee the bora and gtria a* they rua y;^___ _
F. D. No. *, Bo* I, Tou can aead new. cheerfuloea* and kapplaew
•There.-0«tl# aaW. -porter. wlH »«»T‘bin** ore unrertain. o*#d ak^
I «ni Ur
past rath day to bc*lo their aiodirt.
eaawerod It “ h* aaiA the card* aad button* to me. School acale returned^ her.
you pleaar put thia ctmlr back? Thank thlh*a »v know.—Cnuadoa Ueotklp.
M ^MTI WI/tM**.
But ok. what fun you eontblaer*
do It. of *uru aeit Monday, and i would Ilka
One ter a friend aant a* ttrwj tilky you! Now If you'd lay hla IIKla bead
--------------------I «MJ try t* b* M AaM'M I
bar. hwl durln. Ike laM two or
«*• «««
before, mbool be*ln,. If Aiek. (aaoiTfd Mwa. n»*t have on-ibU pillow. U U
much tooler Hw ChariwW Mary komb Wrote
tkreo moothi: Yoo haveu t
,t*otara latuhed aod you can pleaio aeod them In that been from fhree dUlefent brood*), on tbc chair for Um, Vbea our bahy
*•' ChHdren.
M far a* I can.
bow ymu- Pro*ld«»l ha* *n»ye«
Uie aixtb and aevenlb the anatloi about the alM of a wal- waa altre.-ahe »*1«1 rather healial* hundred year* or ao a*o a tkla
I wtti try W.Aa Imtmt, Mrwautln* the good tlmei thi* aumbtmaelf out.
«r*tee at achool. ThI* year our leach nut and the largoat the alaa of an ln*ly. "and It nay *e hot. teaatea »*'“
>““«■ l^*>»
»« ‘»*f
an« klatf *a bviryWay ani
mer. Her sar/lm baa been a «ort of
uiae Will be John SUoMr. hly oisiise. Theae *a happened to put need to sire bln a doth wet In told In* life aa be found It In Chrtat'a
M avary ta^a* tMaf.
play-plaee for the Sunbeam* who
PreiMent baa rewired Are Urthday b the nlneieenih of Au*uaL uito the coop In which ah* waa atUl rater. He’d pul It In bU mouih and HoapUal. the "Bltt* Coat: achate lor
If I avar fall la trytna «a «a
bare Bred near her. aad such frolic*
pa. Well. I will dote hopln* to bear from nedtiaUo*. At Htl’.c chick* will, they li ce.led It. - 1 'r^ct kb teeth atw the aooa of p«Mr n>eu. The UUte hoy
thaaa tWaga, I talll '^■T. lOaa have taken pb« under ite tn^.
you lopa.
at once tel up a <r; lor their mbalng cominy.- *be remarked wlaoly
Faa Charte* Lamb, and Ufe aa ha
a pretty bard mat"Bleae your bearti- the aomaii rw found H thero a
-Adah Wenacy.
Here «ai her chance, and «h* did plied. "Of cuurae th.-y arv. - 1 don't ter. lor the maatera heat the hoy*
Tea, you aball bare the carda and hot let tt pan*. Jnmpln* fUki down know wl^y-Kdldn'l think of that to abockfuly. and lb* Mmoov imUn
*, „d qoeer bonaru. Yoo abould
OHIcU and Adah Wonacy.
Aio from the rooal. abe be*an claekln*. maka him more cumfotuVle."
and Ireek. were Ion* aad oarer*. The
have aook Ruth aad Margarot ani
any of your tdMolmaiea Suaahineiw! boverln*. and carln* for the mothar
The.>hah> w^ aoou dm n*
i comrort- graat atone acbool with lu paved
l>m Mabel aad Oorteky and Baby Janet all
Rja^iey, Mich.. R. F. D. Sa t
leal tiransera
afiSyThb head W" lUc cool, aoft pH- floor* waa. cold and damp, and tte
droaoed UP aa grand ladle* or won.
ooi 50.

_ - ^
A few week! toier an accident l&ll. low. and ibe oomit.riln* .ra* ih bli moali were veo acani of Dourbhln*
■Hra. Iran* derful oM-toabloDed lltO* glria
j,, ,„o. Wlllbmibur*. Miem, k.
w. no.
hot little mouth, while the tiriid moth- food. It waa a dreary enough ochote
But now U b Uoie lo lay aaldc play

lookln* after o famUy. Yhcar. too. er leaned bate In her chair and drowi- III. comparod W what w* hav* ao*.
■•te A. t. lor • few hour* each day. and that, , u^rnght 1 would -write *■ I have ita P Id
our aonnhloe Hen adopted. Her By Toated . Bertie aod Alice aat dinn but fharlea Lsmb'a father <ooM *1lo «o«* our Firm Vice PrealdenL I* ^
* mn* lime. Well.
. ^ l.rTz"’*
V.».. .. I
«'•*'*■ "IreJy- •»<< ’»!’* together and tooked at oaeb other, lord no other; and Hub Omrbo took
-Juat *» nice only dlgerem."
aommte b. noarly
over, Un'i^K? •—..................

^ _ »r bo many dlfcrent alwa, li ww They did not know what to vUii about hla Hoggin** and poor food with pa
And your PrtaMeni b alwaya tell- «|U
bare to go to achool. We *“»“
not a mailer of comiorl to apread her now they bad the chifite. AUco bid much courage and patbneo w* he bur*
fipt 1. itiA rjM.
in* you (but
thal our daya ara hate all month* of aehooL I hava >'■« old"
a pel m na^
^ uertje'* drea*.
bb trial* In after life. At Any rate
« uahappy ona* Jnat a* * .am* to aead in. U b Uablo
Mablo DowDOW- B*m» I rcioivte
JITh Mio never Wnrtiid nor foraook her
rtlk. Un't ...
It? ' ah* «uo«k«well, and hrt^t _ap«.
a an tha Cradt* ■«"
we chooa# to ihlok abont them. 8b# nej, Pleaae aend her card and but- »®"
^ hoUdayi.
read a Banahln* ptory a while ago toe to mo aad 1 will give tham to
*•’' S^ «»•■. «opin* to
. -i,« china
**• ■***“ wot of lo kb tathte'a




sr ‘rr.

aen of Mog:

j:; S'.i-rr'rri'"”*'”

r.r.r r: i
- ■ '■•r . “T.r.,
L".r ■

atndylng hb grubmetlc. Jody w*. Dear ProaMeni.z*'
Aug. ». ISIO. chrUUaula. InatanUy tb* window
Then they boten
phudhood *W the
tmviag » baauUful Uma; ahe "fell."
Aa I haven't written to the Sun d<\t Prealdentwaa opened, and the wife of the (an^
^ ^ gift • kind «lf gentlemaa «wa hu
aa aho tted Ned. "aueh a lovely, ahlac anb la a long time 1 ibouglii . i have ne«-er wrliten a letter to po* Arctic explorer received the litA*'** t™® “i
achool chum. Samuel Taylor CateCiOwiHip loeUn*.I would wrtte and Id you know that ypp before, to 1 iboaght 1 would tie tpewager with many earoaae*.
■“ *««•••
»««’ «“*“* ridge. It waa a free ticket W tbo
Frwaentlr her motber-# voice called 1 Va wall and hope *U the Buotetu- write. 1 live on a farm. I have a
The carrier pigeon had been away »>•'* '»
»>«««»• W» hrt k,„,-, ijbrarT- Many a rwlay bollte^^-Ji£ ««^e^ te iS •» aro lb. eam.. I have one name pet dog. I am eight yoate old now, trom the cottage thirty long montha
They bad lived for a year with- g.j.. ».b*„ the teeming aUtett of Urn■aal Thtte'* the brook.
uir for ^i>r A white-won't you?
the Suttahlee Club. It I. Law- ,
,p .pnool and Sunday achool
bad ntri forgteien the way boue. out bltsv ihen gvandp^t-nt
the>n. aon war# toe chill lor the mite tey*
«lMw’* a llaa asd a book.
- That'* a nice Hub lady "
*»"« linweod Cunnlogjiam. age lour. ^ti»a 1 can, I Wte* I will not wriia it brought a note from Naneen, ildt- Bertie told of the Maehore and ahat m tong biM coata (the achool unt-HM-a that yon aay?
that all wa. going well with hU *k* dU In the big e^ whan ah* waa ,o„, ,* w„4*r In them. Umb a^
Jndy'B face, which bad been w, Tbo one for the Cradle Boll b Mar-too much tbb time, ao good bye,
Ion jguabeth
Cunningham, age throe
ypiff SunablMr.
atpedlilon *11
In tho polar
•* komc.
amlllng a fnlrtutr before reaa now, ——
- raglobA
........... —- went in happy
- - - baato to (he
black wlib frown* “O dear!" abe «««lkk
«y|vta lUckard.
Nantrn had faatened a tneaaag* to
The time fairly row. Batere they Ubrarr. and 1 may add born. Ual
rpoa* 1 teOK go.
-4001 iw.nt to I'm alof'tcpiember. I will bp In the
ypu tiavo written a Ane Aral-let- the bird, and turned It looae.
knew It the tun «a* getting low and booh* and libtarlaa wm* f*i oterorr
•tedy till fonr.
ttnm bnrtng to be a nloe lady I'm
“*■ '‘“Oft* *"l ter. *«id 1 am glad 10 prim ft.
The Jrall carrier darted dot Into ■ coo) breete aprung up, ftaby awoke and more prlted Ikon now
he roUinf. nrlUuneUc. apeUlug. teu:
the blUtafdy air, Aew like an anew (rooi«bU nap lomtonable and happy.
Lamb'* cholea alwaya went to the
Than S^w^hoSte lo be fakh- «*»
thb m«n.o.-u.
gtwge, phyalology. writing. «nd geo- RUNgHINff HUMANS SOCIETY, peer perbap* a tboucand mile* ol trei- Alice'* mother brgap lo unpack fhelr great writer* ot guces SUtebe^'n
M aad Ukt.
Thon anddeMy abe ekangad ki-r grophy. 1 win have to cloac for IW>
U**^ In Pollteneaa
* pp
,„a then over another lunrh baakel and Mm. AuiUn called tey and A ret of all h* choa* RhakoWbe dw wdmt hi* parabU think haat mlad. -O ao. I’m not l forgot. I
llmc, *0 itmd-bye.
Aoy bo>- of girl wlio baa *1 all ob- thouund mil.-* od ocean and plain Dertle.
epcare. He loved the maa and wohe gbonld do.
' ewppooo I can do my lettari wtaa (ha
Fiwm your Sunahlner.
aerved the Way# of nnlinal**muat and forcala. to enler the window of -We bad beilV cal our landL men who> thronged thorn page* with
<tesM brWTwty Bltef wfthoMebel and baby'* aateap." And abe lumped down
Biibcr Cunnlnghani.
notievd bow many even Inilcnl- It* waiting inUtraaa and deliver the g^r." abc aald. r ii wUI ha *u late their >0^* and"aorrowa: b* read and
trom the Ubk and Imatled off upatalr*
tt'lll you ^ glad lo have achool be,„tip <Tr*turo* have good man- nieoaage wbb h aha had been await- before we can get c-nr auppet and th* re-read- the mighty play*- No doubt
The teWw la hM vfalMte the na In te a berry.
gint U’bat a bniy girl you *111 eoon
indeed. Yon may think It Ing ao anxloaaly.
aleepar. "
on hi*-rl* u home he *nd-g|atr_«lMS
hli took*.
Kad looked after her with aurprtae. he!
Btrango that an astmal can. give leaWe boaat of human pluck, aagadtr.
-Mayn't I uhe aome o', tbaao gtnpea UI0M and rwad together of
Asd Ifeote MO lb* teli^li th« weU
uho her ten* to
lo polliencn*. but. after all. po- and endurance; bni ibu -loving car- ,pg b*nan**-oh, }«, and a few ma- apeare.
«p Uho StOdsg.
litcnea* I* yioreaatry In a community, rler. pigeon after ah abaente of (btny cartRW*-«rer to Alim, mamma:’'
|^b'* eh Idbood poMod aa gnlckly
- cmg«t City, Mich.. R. rn. N0._l. and iheanimala Ihvullvo and labor to- montha. artomplUhed a leal ao won- b,„|, „g*d. aCier Uiidr Inwh waa a* doc* every on*'* atoo. aad you**
gather, that, lead any eort of aoclal darfut that we «an unly giro our- upaeked.
manhood (bond him ten o.t tf«*Ma.
> dutet for a while; Dear Frj^fmlBverrthlng
. CUng.
aUnp- '
your protiy poaul lir* among themtclve*. have to b* aolvm up to emaeemont and adulra- -cerutaly. If yoo w;w ft.- mM bar hm perenia died, he bad to wwh 4mbat
fm w^-t oouM etegl
parauly hard, and Uke coMtaat ear*
dowg lb* etalrai ".Nod, eMidn't yoa with thia letter. I *01 going to High (onaMerate <>l one tnteber'a fcellag*. tton.
Ugavasiao btec;.
take (ill* tetter to tba poet ofAee? Sebaat at Cement City (bU year ao You cannot be mliblo and valAUb.
, sh* cam*«tack preaaatlT with aom* oCMary. wim had growl very dalloM*.';
Bwy t^dol
Meae oMhe rwt « ne can go vecy | **, gull* buay getting roady for
Have you never aoen a number of Noted Men end Their Leva elpig; tempting toofclag donghnutt
In imt ihe broiber and atoier were baptolrte y (he air.
acbooL We havoM had any rain to anU working to moto a largo morael
jp, white Mgbla,
fry aer*rthpb>*». I« they teeed mM
iNed teohed up from hU boob* with epeah of for nearly two montha uotll of food to their larder? It weuU be
It would tak.^ a lung time to tall of
Ao.tlil'teaM of oae and (hen mber dearly, and Mary .kept tbairJH«vas a bey
a frown almoM aa dark as J^y'a and Moaday nlgbl. then w* bad a h*«l bcrfectly abvurd hr one ant to try to the happlm-a# that 1* added to human ,1, „
Then ah* turwed He room* m brltfl-ubd.dbagtt
fisit atedy a >oyf
aaewerad- "Neither ««a t go very shower. . « bsvc <]ulte a number uf lug aaay the dcllcary by blinacll. and llvt-t by love hr anln^a. No man
u,v numan, who waa watching
tblnklng worhiAy of (be
Whew my work'i 4pM
wall WhycanY theytoave aIdtew peaebe* but they arc ammll If aonie b« ha* acbws eimurt not to attomK man mt aaurc th* bappluesa which
j,,, *|,j, * p|***id
^>0 and CAarlaa had aajoyod
I'm raady far tea.
In peara*"
ammbera alii aend me iwwtal cards It. Imurad. he ralM aa many of hix came Into lb- Uvea of aueft mca ns
-] tt<iv not lasted a dougbout Uke gfappMpeare. Mary had aa idea, ffhs
Keaarr my pUy .
HI* eye fell m Jndy'a Mate, and I will be glad to auwer th<-m. Welt, frleiid* as he caa aummon together Sir Walter Bix.ii and Sir Edwin Land"MBce-1 waa a Uttte
uiag* *l oooe. make
fflor the late* of tb* 4ar.
hla brow cleared aa If by magic.
"T >«Uer te getting teng. 1 will and they all work with a will. There aeor ihrougta their love of dog*; or child.'
* utUe moaey. wr«* ahaut Ua poet
<1IML dUag. telas-D „|1 p,| right! U WOUY take Moaa.
ta no jllaorderly Joatltng or quarrel- into the life «f t’ardlnal Wobey and
,p ,
moment* (be woman M»a^,,^4. aad do bomethlnk tar tka
dte aoRted (tmM atag!
minutea- 111 go"
Vour Sunahlner:
Ing. bewuee that would Interfere with Cardinal Richelieu through their love
tpe pRhrw.
of wimm abe waa jw
-j ,0,
xbe plaB
Alta aillpti
the *coompll*hmpnl of ihrir purpoa*. of cate, or It. il.e life ot DsBlcl
Daniel Web*,p, mnci,
mny, obliged for It,"
It." ahe
plan ■waa to writ* the
TWO W* the oabte <M«h lb* two After augpar Ned aald to Judy, Ta»
t am Bare the 8un*blBer» will cu-' They iwdliely help one another for the ter Irom hl« love o( cattle. 3u»t be-,,,4 , ,,,bi
yipp* ym (olki ,torle* of Shakaapeare'a Way*
me a eecm. win roar
-Whair' f-W Judy, always Inter* Joy aeadlng you poaUU, and rucclv- common good.
fore be died at MarahAeld. wbv-s bo
yon have done."
children, that they might aa/ly aafrem you.
Of couree. ante we may ear. bo- found he ««* about to die. be raeueit-why, " Mr*. Aualln replied, nther j„y Uibiu and
aated In a aoerat.
long to one fBOilly, end it I* only ni- ed that all hi* cattle be driven fc hi* ,p,prtred. ' we hevo not done any- ',hen,, charlre decldod to .
WHMi da yoa «btek waa tba truer
SuBimtl ntr. MIHl
wral that they ohould be poUte. We window that he might ace them for
u jm, ten a# much you tr„rtt„ while Miry did tho oomw
ad yoo to take care of tba baby, why
Auga* they came, one „
and It wsa * grMt MOcaas. lor
nr'r* trad*- waraa'I yoo ere** shoot lir
- *i. 1*10. have heart of membare of famllle# tbr laal time;1 and
WMb da you
window ho called each
...■Maybe j I baven-i really don* i, ma... **>• few paepte bad gUea *
"I wa*. tt Arm. bacaua* I forgoL" Dear PreeMentnot troatlng one another politely, but by one. lo
tag nteeg?
Vogclwalde. iHCb, but I WB* BO downhirtod aad thought to books (or cblldrea.
Middle loQvsome tUa
Our acbool (Ion. Many anhnal* are pollu '
Now "Umb'a Tale* from Sbake^
Wa”h.vo Two ^rb’er. •.h;t-.rTnot of theft Mmcl.a Ag.-a, wo Imed the bird, that be left
, I've been traveling ibrea ________________________________
* ^,1, *.4 ,
^-Jamc* Backham. other people happy- l»nY you r»- Pat esta. On* la Uty and the other A little girl frl.-nd of ourw wa* U«ty a large
<•>■- »»"
ery child ahould turn, a* aooa a* poawtUtouC
,w. p,-„ in* mU* brother
member mr oMfe card aad what It •* fray nod wbUo. We have a dog, much dl*traa*«d by (be loa* of h.r Wunihur*
Wurtabur* on condition that they
ihey , j. pj,
. p,p^pp,
. J-- .iinag
----------. . **>• ,,p,.. .
Mmma, w.TM.'i^
Iwr mu* plga; and a pel calf. I pet <
__ ^
Mar n will'" aad then atlcft l« It'That'* ao," siM Nad. "and let no hove a little atoier sud ahe like* to wa* heart of the caC Then, one’ ihs lombaiono over hli
hli gravegrave.
p,,, ,5,. piientioi
,„entioi If
If I1 died
dkd fight Therein be will Aad, aa Cbarte* ItoBb
' *** “ ifll m’fwnrttil^ ^ tman alitrr Ptoy with the dog. Ill* Dome I* Hum. atomliig. he appMred on ibe door
there, and it chi-fred me up tou l
It wa* a Bno thing that you lat your 1 r> to duaday
n-a.i} step of bto home and seemed ao
Leodiwo a Hand
awed and honorapi. »»-•»• — —
DHt htttid up a white and then
Uibt ahlae-. for If you hml forgotten overy Sunday. ■IbU to all I can think thankful to be taken In and petted
7oi anS teeftaeelntlon., to taate cooftaar. hMlgsfty.
Tmt fba wboi* lUag dowa agate
.10 bo
b* aa good
good girt
girl thto
ihto afternoon.
afternoon. I'm « tor thla time. #0 good bye,
(bat It waa auppoaed he had been
Us tba goal yaa wbM to gats.
the car
aomeilme* ' j
humaufty. for of esamplo* t*a«ht«
■i.nMfi^ 'fhen the) had^eSaaged cari, Bcrt,,
are ♦MTTbae go at ft baart and brain.
sJraid I ahouM not btv*
Ada S. l*n.
wa. warmly welctmtcd by hto human
Itoteald: "It •***.,t a bit hart to scattered e«^4*
And. ttewib otenda abut out ib* b)pe. to b* a good bey."
I teouM like to aeo your cunning friends the tea terrier of UCh family
I 'toad a hand' that time."
Do BOt dim ywir pnrpoaa trna
Bento lumped up, and then
Do you like “acbool ■torte.r Wdl. iHtto atoier pUyln* with iho dog Do.o ruahed Into the room, abowing that

WRh yaur Mtblaf.
be had only Just learned of the rata down, and turned and (wtolod In her piled, "even If It la very hart to toad
,( ,
,|lk aklfl baa inliar*
•uiM erect, aad Sho a mwi
here to otmkot one to fnaka you •be like tba klUiea. loo?
lelorn. The acene mat (nllow.-d waa Mat.
a band aomellmea. I think wa And w* ^ -gree.tnir fa ft. pr«**
Saaw "1W can vba thtek-Omy UniM:
tb# funnleat you can'Imagluo. XVUh
"Bo »“ •“»- ®*''*** de»r.
alway. have a ap.cndld (Imo after
, hot Irtm .beter#
pppIt wgi a warn alaopy aReraeon.
, ,,, In Mtoa Fltmimer'a
*u*. »5. 1819 every domonalrailoii ol Jo). the little entreated,
wrarinr Thla wUI Uke out tb* MiffP 'N
Sdryteg. ;
*"4 the aebMare
Bcnie tried, but ffnallr ahe mM: we have done ft.
triarlrt achool teokml aod acted a* If they
Dear Prretdent- dog ran to the cat and bcgaa-IIrkteg
< and preveni ft freer ctwtAlag. MtrtolMd fonr o'clock would harry
It wa* Id the paper tome tteic ago paaay'a face, ai be might hava lickod 1 J«»t rant. t
Th* Roy Knew.
Ullv aloBg'the
atonr' the 1»Mda wear the
I am itrad. aad'it
that w* were lo write and tell you bto maater'a hand. AH that day he P0«e niong .0,>. and
A few year* before bto death. Aga.
, readpmsd* MUn Srat
Th*Mam in menu! arithmetic were the thing tbM ptoaoed u* moct during never wearied In abowing the eat cr- I* re bM.
I atudytag th. bdiea In the *.UWTMC* L
MeytMd. WleA
*r O
aad DOTS Hsrt. Mouth fsoe In at tha door. All the ehlUren thing ihai pleaocM m* »*■«« *•» »b»t talked to each other in theft Ian- n*^
, ^.„rin kind of Aab wbfth
pj- mhHIOAN. the pMte
Mkb- B. r. D Ss 1. tot'd him. awd were glad when be thla Mriag lb* ofArcr* ot t'u. Sunday guigc, which wo arq not clever enough
leered the Met 01 ■
^ Oread
that all__
■unta BOM.,.
«*--»— i««b
«mna e-rdP-n.
tirertman came
lo vlM.
vtoll the e^,
achool ................
the Primary
rrlmary to undi-retand.
undi-rataBd. and the
tbc dog ayaipainayaipath- ♦•<«■rbatr.
always a««-n awlumilug with
........... atiggoated
alwi wa.^.1
Pa-re^ he aaw they m-Med aoatr- clsMea of the Snnda, achool ahould lied wlih Ihe trying entorie^c bia
op, gp
MlMu ». r. D. No. :. Boa T. Na*
the Probai- OIA.V In th# CUy iff Tl*»
thing 10 wake them up. ao when tho Isveal «on orn»» *» aoipeihliig. aod la poor friend had been through. We anj-ihlng, *hc begen. a little Iraiful
be knew whl(& tin wa* out
„jd COuaty, M tb# IMh
aaat by Adah B'oaaey.
cUa. wa* through wlih th'a teamm. bo the tell that they Should aril It and dull human .being* neror found out 1>of the water. Ayaaaia aaid he did not 4,,. „f Augon A. D-IMA
u*hi It wa. the bsdt
Pre.ent. Hon
*- Walhor.
it. V F RUHSHINl CLUS CRADLE ffsvo them (bto problem:
glv# the money to the Sund*) achool where that cat had been or what he
Oh. iMmma. there te ««

fliMrr^’Jf and Ste!


Alim Almmm iowh Borndm... Qirmmli - nmro, w«. mli-r. milj dtr mhool umma m. pmr ehlldmndiwru F. D, Sn. 1. Nun. mnl b, on. -mid pm.
. .Imn. .UU. m. 1 m, . b«n .nd km- . W. U -kl-k.
,0014 look back aad aay There ar* on* to aell thla tell I think I am
^nri^SSaheth PM.tedMm. age 'St.^re'ft >nte^b.M (.0^" the -.M plrared about that. , am
• tbeMWAsll^^
Th# aa*. (houglit beany for a min- gMag ta Rfre the money to aead to
a^tTlto^ SmalaMtem.
at#; tb«a ap; came Tommy Tutu’. ChJeass A* my totter to getting to.ig

Once more tba etete ot the aeaaont
baa alntM ffbU. tee lo#vea of th#
woodbtaa te year PnMdaaf# garteu
bgvo csmmaaaad S» cmw aeaileL aad
ma tbe'Mrd* b**» grow# ohy and
B te and (re
MM UbTw to I
BteM the 8*B*blae(k of Wtablqgieo
terete, aad yaar ITeatdaM to eM «S*t

0^ Tommyr #MtH The

-V ‘S’.S S'" m .i. ««. m VU.

[dn^drmAm Um 1 t« nnd
A boy of U-n. lUKulng inlmtly to ,p,,p, unden. derreaed.
Oaae having AT"
ftB*l account *»
a ^
Auatin guncea oar* to woot
court hi*, <te»'
• I''''^ Clak
tb. tel. An. r« mm '•ol- . il.w. baby
s ^
her Tl^«re ^
toughed, aad Profrwmir
cidere? that th# Stk day of
a mile yiri boaldc her. They,were
all “’lUl
dreaaed n^v^b^
acatly. bat verv^aly.
veo plalaly.

A bimahie# Hem
She nodded, and ^fU* went '
TbU mu. I.-U-.1. rtl-k km»o»d do— -k- ol— 10 —mo U«r mU
Ml, .loood om 00. umll, 01 "Alo l F>o Umd l»r .k. uld

,k, m, -i-k-d .. Ik.
wharf te ae« thU parUmtlar Aah. Oa
be saw a achool of tl
HaaiBC aur*
- A. A_. ,L
that he wa. right abont tu betag the
ft to 1 vary Saarhlny thiag to do.
-A lacking.
«»t> »»•
JumM ap and a* qale*
>. R. F. ;>. }^.
Oae of our cuiem baaiam beat, af- ^ thlM a fare hi^te^.
*, hto fate could «w him to tb*
Bor 7.
ter favoring u. by toying a few eggs
“Oo wUh th# liul# tody. Alld^^
_____ _ „ Agaaob: "A
W a t»te fWt ft her duty to be^ a m^.
•*“at tbe
to to tM^bor."
Dear PreaMent— .
bunted duva to the
■ yoa are tired.
I teeagbt 1 weaM aaaver

Aaotbre miaute of atwdy. lh#a Orilt
Brown pot up bar baad.
•''Wbai «o you ihlak. CaUar
-n Ihlak it mIgM be tb# eigbte. tor
luraed her head to loM
when the-o
be twblad
hark are own bora*
aora* vnuM
her. areaMa'i iheyr

dos d- m.d kind mid
h-nd-nd l»m- >" U»
!■ ■ Kdaya.- puaay an-ined *s happy ** tf
he had act a care In th. worte All
hto treubto. were forgotten uada the
inAueacc of klad treataenL

"B t (*U Ilk. nohody’d :r;to“ r -t^"r h.r:-tea.tMa

.. „ further ordered, that pahUe
maire thereof be gtvau by paMleaUo*
of a copy of thto order, (or three #*.•
Veek. prario** te aald day
bearing, la the Craad .Trevare#
Herald, a oew.papeJ printed aad <*rretotte la
tSS^Sb- Sqpt. C.

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