Grand Traverse Herald, September 27, 1910

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Grand Traverse Herald, September 27, 1910


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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TO COVER A IMH jDira CMicn; SliniAR TO


CadllUe Man mabaa Up In Wlaaon•In an Charga of Ugua''

Bracken Haipaa and Cataila «<nlUi
Were United Thuraday N.aht—
Papular Yeunp Caupl*. \

CodnUr. •Mkb.,. ftavt. M.—AfteW an
>v orvouNO tCACHcn un.
^MM itaiaiP* of a. roar, during wblcb Unir
'gbarUf Bran* baa boen erring to gai
bbn. Cbarlta Ketlj. waoied bare for
Ulal for rtolatlta of tba llaoer lo*.
,*aa tamtad la Kaa«ha. Wiaooa*in.
Xoltr jumpad, bt* ball, loot befora
trial to tba drcull court, aod
iioan pad tba amooni of tba DOCTOR AND NURK ARREtTEO
bond. The »dOi *111 now ba rafuodad
ON •iwricioN or crime.
biM. .
Kallr will ba bald a* a ulinaoi
Oiri Oiad From an OparoalaUar
ttonoJkaaiatont. Wbe -i* Allapad
to Hava Halpad bury Dady.
NMt Vmt.

Ul>* Ketelle Ama>. Bmllh. dauKhter
Hr. and Mrc Alex SniUh, of 43S
Wait Eighth atrvet. maa nnlled In
marriage Mat lOgtt to bracken Jama*
lielgoe. the cerentony being perforntbe newly (urnlWed borne of
the bridal couple. tOS VVeel Eighth
•trMt. Tbe Rev. Detnaa ftocblln ofHAatad. there being only a few garatt
preoent. The bride wore a dr««a of
wblle albairoea. They were attendad by Ulaa \*tda Bbuttler and Clar­
ence Workman.
mA groom are wall
known Id tbi* cUy. where they have
tired for many ybam. Tbe groom it
in tbe employ ef tM tautaetaans
grocery company, and tbe brtda waa
in tbe employ of tM Hannab A Lay
Mercamila.tompany lor two yeara.
reaignlng a abort time ago.
tar. and tart. Heigee left at P:01
Mat night lor Oraod Rapida. oa a
abort wedding trip. Tbe beat wbhea
tbeir frlendi go with them

wssne mE APm

nissEi n MNsnK.

Bk «MU*. liidu JHH.
*etloe ukM 4«nnj
(ht BMttac o( tW NoRhm Mtaiaui
rt«w dgb •hUk kai )i»t doMd It*
tir lTr at thia ptoe*. iru iba fMOIo' Uoa yaairt la «hkh U* ciW Itt^nU•at Ha*U »lik tb* Wattarn HkalHM
DmtewMt karaaa. Tto dab vmat ta afeam tu aaaa to w* Wa*u<n
mWtWB Pna* dab. aad to aak iha
VaaMn MMlilcaB Daaah
IHBI 10 MM 1*0 of Ita dlraetora
fTMB iba aaMtar* of U>* Waatan
WleblMt rroM dub. It wlU ba lha
ala of Wa dab to Maifona lu work
to boat M Wa work of tba bama.
Tbo w—Hill ana ooMpoaot of
Maawa #o*an. Kaat aot rratUriek.
TW Mlowiac onrrra .war* aloctad:
^'oaldwi farry, r. Mvar*. OadIke.
•awotarr-Oaoft* W. l>*rrT. «lk
Aa tariiaUw «a« ntaadad
Panr r. rowan for tba dub to bolt
M« •aoUaf lo CadllUc, Mr. ro«•a ataUbf that U would b* o(
«wl beaaflt U the dab muM ant
tba Una of tM taUla« of Wa Nortban DIatrlei klr, tba dau of wbiah
baa oot rat baaa aaL It <*aa tba oooaaWM of odoioo or tb* Mibar*
waaaot tbat;.tba dub |o to CadITlae
wm .raar at tba Uaw of tba naai*
Mg at tba Nortbara OWrM totr. aiul
Itn nHW^ n- aaaaalad. tba dau
w ba aat iatar.

Pntm by All Whe Vlaltad Thai*
Naw Tbaatra.



Oraai and a narw, Uarla UraaaracbmMt wara arreatod today on »u*pidon of Mvlng eoonacilon VUb tba
dvath of tba Paaoroble* toacber, Eva
Swan, whnaa body wa* found bdrlcd
ondrr a vacant boaaa laai nlgbt.
Bno Oordon. recently Dr. Grama
aaalatant told tba pollee to look for
Iba body -tbara. The polka are aeakranchinaa. oiippoaod to ba a
friend of the' dead girl. Gordon deelarW bl* predecaaaor.
•aacka, told bin tM girl died fioza
an oparwUco ood
Baaofcx U aliagad to bare helped bury the body. '
The police are aaaklsg flaaoka The
girl baa bean tnlaslog alnee April.


Ckvelaad. Bepc :4.—Mra. Martha
IMsiel. aged 43. ^ Paul HuHIrr.
aged 3a were found murdered In tbe
woman', bed roum this morelng. Tbe
woman's husband, Lawrence Giatel.
found tbe bodies and ootlflad tbe p<s
UUteJ and bis eon. 30 years «
I daughter. IK. -were sleeping
adjoining rooms on tbe-aame floor. All
heard the shots. Tbe woman and
Mueller laid aide by .aide, botb abot
In tbe bean, a revolve* lying nearbyDlatel declared he had Men 111 and
m-aa Kleeping In a tent In the yard unill last lUgbt when be oame Inalde.
NtgTg bUCCEddFUL IN Ho cbaitcri with bi> wife cheerfully
tbi- evening and later Ifeard her
retire. The son was ouL but i
home aod reUred before the abooiing.
Tbe daughter hetard foolslepa In the
hallway after (ba abou.

. C. Diekcrafn Daclarae Harriens
Hftehery Will Prtlllen for Larger


R. C DiclersoB. aim t« la rharga
the stale h«b haubery al Harriett(. 1* in the City uo hU way boma from
Leelanau county, where M baa Man
planting brook trout. Mr. DtoMraon
slateu that the legislaturu will be pemtODcd for a larger apprapriattoo
than last^Tway tor tbe Harrletta batebrry. Hef de^rew tb^ tM amounts
Iverwt^re allied bava bean greatly
insElBMeot for\fTe proper uperattun
the bnirben-



L. F. TRM Vtoita CMoof* HaHmt
and Learn* Hew Highly tM P. .
,M. Jewett Peoehee Am ReOarded la Thot MarttoL

Maditarranaan Pert Dsalor* Mid to
Hava Had Fixed Mato of BHM*
Which Thar PaM WaipMru.


TM Grand Tmterae ejdMbW H «M
late fair In Dotntt 1* atnettog as
moeb. If not move ariaocM* than B
to Grand R^tos at tM Waat
Michigan fair. Laoo F. Tltaa has reUiroad from a vseatte* trip m Ckteago and DatrolL and apstti mnch Uma
tM Stou (air. Thg OraM Ttnva axbtoit wok flmt pclaa, a atlrar
cap. tor tM beat trait ackibU taXkU
a of couniiea. TM agricoRanl
exhibit had not beea }ud»d. hot was
t* good at ii might ham baM.
Tbe whole exhibit covered 410 aguara
feet Of floor apace. oH both iMeo ef
tbe klale. and a'erewd aamaUmaalHU’
deep eurraunded Ute latilrT B. J.
LemoooL of Leetaaau had a fte affdculiural display. Hr. THus m«M a
whole day dUtribotliw tM Wataaait
Utoblgaa booUeta. and aald tMt Gw
people wem maiek toloromaA ta this
•octteo of tbe ettto.

Ktor Tork. BapL P4.-TM federal
mad Jury be* v«*d a Mtcfli of to
dim meats egelnat 1raring Importars.
•atuoa Oar. Bapi, tJ,—la ^Ita of
who ere alleged to have bribed wai^tba aartr lodieatlooa todar. gaod
ratnm tbori walgfau oa cargoes
waatbar praratled at tba opaalog of
eouaty fair,
of Impnna. Tbraa Indtetmenu sto tbe
darb la^ aitondaaea, wbich oicoaddirect outgrow lb of <M amaslng trafl
ad IM waa ao gratltrlag to tboae proarevolatteaa developed daring tba trial
oot Ibat tbara waa a nwb of rlaltora
of tonnar Chief Clerk BedHl of tb*
tbU oMralag. Tba
sppratoars' offlea and IM aaBtatent
arbkt taKluded naariy 100 from Travwelgbar* Jolbtly tndlciad with him.
Ciip, BBMBg thorn a tarn nuo*
It to ondarstood that tbe criiaaas..
bar of itromlnant bnlnaaa cnan
«M teetlfled againat Bedell a»d Uia
(farad -tba fair to M tba Pnaat tbal
other man oa trial went bom
aalanau (Onaty baa aver ttraa.
room to tbe grand Jury
Tba aunaganant baa made a great
wBera-tbey told ali iMy know of iM
aaccM* by dllllgaM aOoru and tba
alleged graftaihlbtU ware cortalaly extramaty
agent of tM Fare HarguaUa raOraafl,
It to reporied that iheae men s
craditable In avary
that many of tbe btg Importers of to have a part of tM Ham jar axMbAwoog tba lira atodt axbibHad. ware Many Unaa of induttry
Franchman. Pallaitl. Mada Mare due«ndto* from IJediisrraaaan K of tba local board of trad* abowa
]« bon. » MiMo. 10 In tba goaoral
caaaful Flight and-la Wall on HU
pons bad a Mxed arale of bribe* tatAcb lu tbair arinflow at *M BoMb Oara
dtaptay of oatUo aod a Tory ftoo apocof Travor*# City.
Way ta Milan—Amenean dull
Ui*y paid welsheri. This acale pro- atreaL' on* of tM nuMi ismalMat
lai display of 10 Ovonoap oatUe by
j Tryin
ptecaa to43iirago- u wUi b* a flaa adTM tolkvlng raporU oT oorpor*
tided for tbe underwalgbing of
Wallar Sranau of Nortbport.
varttoaafmt lor Grand Travwaa
l«ckagea OBe4binl and when
Id tba oxUbH of towla. tboro waro tIOD* doing butinaw In Grand TravMilan.
A Mr •xam^ ol what earsMl
tsritod tM iniporier to aDeged to have
10 ooopa of goeoa. I of ohlckeM and am county bare juat baeu racelvod
George Chaves, today cruaaad
Ao»-Lanalng.M CouaiLjOerk
paU tM wwIgberonaAfib of tbe duty paeklag wtt do was atowa- fla «mta
0 of dacM aai#|WgM TM i
Alpa in bb monoplane^ tbe ynusi
Water atraat iM oiMr day. Mr. Qtaa
of wWch the mn-eromani wa>
laUa dtapUr was doeUrad by tbeea art E tatakar: Mlchtgan BUrch
Ing feat known In ariel tiavlgattou.
ovjacMard a eoauatoatea maa aad aa
aar«bln of an' autborfUllve opinion pany. Rapid Tranalt eotapanr. Travfrauded.
from Rrelg.-Swliaerbnd, to IhimodoaI'ori Huron. Mlrb .GepL 34.—It
Italtan vender argutag over a aORftO
totae Iba boat over xbeva la Laetaaau rraa riiy taiUlng ooenpany. Orowei*
eolt. 80 ailin over crags and gorges. Mirued loday that Charles Thomp­
bsrrato of poar*. IM Itallaa' oRtaodooonly.
aod Sblppera' aaaociMlon. Anderara There be landed, Inlt-ndlng
__ son. charged with embi-sallug toT.otxi
tog to tba price. eR'hy. I. oaat aaU
Taotorday'a MU ginM In tba Bwrv.
lara’ Bop- llnue Ills fllBll to MlUn later. Crater
tbo MatMbee'* funds, goes tree as'
tboa* paan for tMt prica." aaM IM
lag waa won by MttoM Bay by a
>1^. Mnniaiee Rlvar and
Ins 13(1.000.

nitatea man. •'•vacy oo* ta gar-.
of T to 4 ag^t ProvoBwst. Powar company. 1'raverae Cfiy Chair
Tba lalabd taka trip waa aa|ay«1
Tbe American, Henry Wcyuioii, pullion of TbbD)|>suD's
basdanion.. Only Burvltor of TwentyGne Chll fecL 1 can fuarahu* tMm. Jaat M V ;
company. William llooUban company. sianed a lew hours later. The weaibhg tba naaban af iba «hib reaur TM gMM playad betwcoa Bn
Frank Hayoo* and Frank lUaleii tu dr*n of the Hltteftaal John Bmwn Would a baakat ot panehaa (ram JaW- .
4V, tta ataaaar Koih balai Mart- Bay and Omwn in the afiornoon S- i. W. Hllllkan. lur. J. B. GmlUck
waa Mlicr. C’haves'a fligbt
ty.uiXi. lor froedom from tbe b^.
TraVars* Cily,"
C. A; BugMe company. UrnOMd tar *a oeaaatoa. Tba boat
dissy one.
They- alleged that Tbompaon to
Tba importabcw df .aacBriag aneUTM PMk tnralabad by Wa Old 11^. Jullui Campbell company. Ed­
Ofwd tba aoaroa oa Bk rlrar.
Chaves loal ronirol of his
r market for'Grand TMigi^ (Mt
Ika. SomW taka, aod oa Torrb lake Ukalon aod tatuu Bay banda was ward Pay*on taanufaciurlng company. because of cold benumtung bis bands.
was shown tM otMr day. Blg:^ anra
10 Dim Walar pofai, wkaa tbo rater* axoallMl and ataidad. aatorula
TMr* are eg oorporatlona orgaa- Ha fall al Ikmiodoasola, danicerousty
which caused a auto sanaatioCL
t*u», who to dying at tbe bomeof her of peachsa from Colorado and OtaB
waa wada to «bagonea petm, wbrro
iMd and doing bualaaaa
In Grand Iniured. and tbe 'neroplane was wreck.
It Of the fair U c
SOD, Frank Dnvto. of Mndoa. was
duDPwd into Cbloaao. aod aata
tbo basaaat waa boU IgH <
Tcavaraa county, tbe reporu of wbirh ,ed. He was flying.a tMuaand
many .year* a realdem of 8|. Johns, lor IM a ear. Tb* treigbt from tboa*
H. A. Klac, prawldar ct tba •kaga- tronwly graUftad at tba inlaraat tak- had Man prerkualy mwlved
lilgb when 'he dn^tped. Ho rcgatncvl
kwaiing there with
her hua
potato 1* etea* ukBMO a oar. Thus tM
wag Mat raaort. lafi oothlag oa- •a boi only -by poopla of Laelanau OouWf Clerk Walter, being a* fol- control two hundred fi-et from ibc
to tM shippars was MM a
kta gOMU. Tbr laudor oftbabaoInwa:
ground and broke the fall. lut-M-oilng MIti Haial Btarflilayy Badly Injured Grafton. Ixiraine couniy. They settled
•aat cbat waald add 10 tba ptaaaur* of atM City who added mueb to tM Incar. <ty shipping to anetMr maitat
eriean Drag eempany. Trai<
carisUn death.
au*c ef Unramlllanly With a
p farm near ht. Johns, and there Iba Grand Travarae abJppen amaM
gOM ball waa brightaaad W a arc- tanot of tM occmIob, and Mpmaad City Brick company. Traverae Oty
Qa* Biova.
tMIr apprariillMi of IM oEorU of
may spent all tM years of tbeir life. not bav* to buck tM gtowan a( tM
trnkm af aatau taavaa. ai
Oa* oompany, Tnwraa City Rnfrig- Amarican.
Wejmu. sisriad from
tM otSrara of tM lair In gatUng
uiiiU Mr. Davis iwsseJ away Mveral waat. aad woo'd gat MOar grtoaa lor
araior company, Travaran City Can- Rreig later. Weyman wa* forced
r ao nany gaa dlaplaya of Uoyrars ago. About a year ago Mra. tbeir fralL
If d rnWL MOttUgg wood tM la a
Bing company. Travarae City Urlvlug descend in a few minutes. Polli-iti which sba ns about to ilgbt.
laaau Moatya giodoeta.
WrtaoklMaat aM aM of tM t
Usvto ramc to Beodon to lire,
Park aaaorlailnn. ‘lYaveria City Mat- reaobad ftirasc, 31 toilet iwyond Do- Hasel itoardalay, lb* IS yaar
tkW WOka a war* walaoM to Iba
ing ber boote with her son Frank. Tbe
traaa A Bedding oompany. Travers*
daughter of Mr. and
Un. Franb
Oty Iroo Works. Travera# Day Trana- fligbt than Chaves. It is reported Beardsley, of North Elmwood evanna, death of another eon. Jay. ao preyed
Tbara wora aboat W pmoa
portatkn eosipany, Ctonsumen
was tenlUy burard about tb* fece. upon ber. that rhe seemed to test her
ber<Iba baagoaL aod tM goaau art a^
laalaa Water gopply oompany. Quemi ttVy-man slartad on a aacond aiirmpi.
and arms, afld tor a Ume U grip on life, and failed steadily up to
Wociatlva of tM akorta of ibair boat AtooH lari MoRMii and Lota kali*
e ibc a-at obliged to lake to
City Imptaataat company.
Walloon lui his sm-cwm to bot re|«M*d. I'xll- w-a* thought that ah* would tea* the
ta gropaHag tor iMn ooa of tba Mher «ied.
OavN Wan UiMtd By IM Rav.
Mke Lumbar company, tiannal
tttl had better weather. Cbaver start­ siabi of bar eye*.
^ Wmmu U whkb Ihar bad arar
J. A. eaabyMiw. Davts.4ia* four aone, Frank, of
My Marcantlla oomptuy, Hannah A. ing In a high wind.
Mtos Beardsiry had been mjursled
aW dowB. *od U waa aarrad whb
Lansing. HM.. DapL M-Thare Is
lay Company. Brown Lumber
by Sira. J. W. nvia*. a near nelgb- Hendon, with wluifii ibe 1* resldtoa,
BtaUlik. aaorr oodiua batag broagbi
Albart Bari Mci^l aad Mta* UU
a siroBg saattmaBt In lb* LoagM of
bake ber a cstoe, Mr*. Wel.a DslgfaL of Texax.^ Cbarlea. ol KanW *0 Mbit ptplng bet, and abowlog Boll* Uavli «*r« BUkrtod Tbaraday pany. Boon Veterinary Remedy
Uteblgaa HnnielpaUti**. wtaeh I* to
pany. tynaao CRy Brick UarUu*
bating been III and worried hr the ea*. and Foner. of CsUlorato.
dkgt It *aa a product of tba hk
at S o'etaek, IM
•aestoe Mr*, favoring tM tbaorr M
of b»r bsi>>
talM Baardslay
otaM onlUurr an.
primary aiartieni. Many of (bam bebaing parftomd by Uw kp*.
of lha lata tars
ever to ibe Watoa bomi
H. T. Blodgatt. aoparlntandaot of Caaby at tb* Mud* of Mr. aod Mn It- Tarter Ooal company.
Uev* lb* praseu law to M daforilve.
_ .
w'-tew of the
company. Queen City Bartrir lAgbt •
praparsd the cakr A now. gas
IM «k llapida aWooU, aotad
A. N. OaborM. Oil Caa* BtraaL Mlaa Power company. Bouib Bide -company
bat tba roooenxu* of optntee dee* net
had rvKwnily bevlt/PlaQed in tbe Weis* Georg* Nelson Brnffli; Mlobtaan a ptetiagWMiar. Mleg letroduoad
Itavla It a alaaograpMr wMa*
ifavor liso repaoJ. David E Htoamaa.
latonaiy tie disivntly
Bmltb Really company.
hone, asd this Hiss Beardsley
t taapi* City. Mr. KoPball la a Ootblng company, Boardman lUvrr.
Aptrollar 6( tbe city of DetcOB. SPd
tnfamiliar with. Wten abe appjlted rd. Mrs. B^ib sud Juba llrowB havtlMBi young faratar of Oraai Blacxrlc Light A Power company,
t-prasldeot ol lb* taag**. intrudaead
Freipbi Train and Union Tfaolton the match there wa* an expteskin. and
rcwJWioa today reeemaKaadtogthad
Drris Is (be yeui«est siaier
Hammoad. Kedaraplal Und « Mort
WM addraagad aba dab. followlag tba
the young lady wa* thrown backward.
Paitengar Car Came Topatoor—
league lavov tbe amendlag of tM ^
of John Brown, a daugbier by hi*
gaga company. John T Madle com
kwgoat. WM taoatn. Powara, Kaat.
tbioOgh the open kitchen door,
Mlacaattruction of Order*.
preaani Uw and that a petlitea gaktag
, Potato Implamem company.
HawWaa. .tiwktaa. and otban Nrn.
yard, ber hair and ciotblng la flxmea. father'* second wile. There were 31
mb act too by (M naat lagiMaJMlB r. Morgan .ootniony, Kallcy
; K. >. Wbka «bW a raadlng. a r
Tlp’m. Ind.. Sepl. -f.—A frelghi
Jlra Weis* ran to her assisiaocv, chiidren, all ol whum bwve long sliu.«
ttaa wa* alao gltaa by Nr. Wtlport,
Kr company, Jobnm Drug
-siu loday collided with a
I'nloL first sBtolhering tbe flames in Mr died. Ur*. Dsvis being the only re
offlean of/the tragae. TM raaolining child or (hat gcneralson
Mrila rocai aoMa wart gtree by B. Infant Mn af Mr. and Mra. W. J. Mdl- pany. Smith A Hull cmnpaey. Mack traction patsargtrr car a) Jackson's b*lr. than exiingulsblng tba flamax
which was Indorsed, renda aa
K. «-uu ud Otta rowan, tan.
ruRlvaior company.
Bagla 1
siaiion. kimag sto. Including Moior- from ber dwh.-s. tatss Beardsley
•an ■uaounibad Thvraday.
Oaeaga W. Mrry gara a aben addrtaa. Jobu W. NeltoB, tba t^««r«ld aon Herald and Record
conijiany. Oval itian Raker, and Ur. H. H. Oauhanae.- taki'ii beBi(. and placed under the care cultivated more and more lu her later follows;
'■Reaolved.Tbat tM-toramtog tagtaBpaaklM la bar aeoal obamUg nV- of Mr. and Ur*. W. J. Nelson, of Wood Dtab company. Carp Lake Lum­ of .Utnoklyn. en route here to marr;
yean was to avoid'publioty
lowaablp. died u 3 o'clock bar company, Umlwd. OtSord Electric Nellie Coxon; bis brother WiUlain lieved that the young lady would her Immediate Irleud* kne* that she lature be petitioned by tba lm|ra
TbanaatlM of tM rtab waa a «ar. Tbnnday cooralBs folkwlng an opera- Manafacturing 4m)<any. HuU-Loog- It. Weitb.
rr of the lamuus John iliroughiut-secouTe ofBeer*.toamend
Bsltoback. aod
algtat of botb of 'ber
tM primary elaettea taw .
«BM tran Mgtaatag to aM. tM ao- hold at tM beuaa Saturda}- inora- MCkar company, and Jobu F. .Ott Lum Louis Bloc, all the totter of IndUmi the physician nos> has bopea that this Dtowd. <jf Harper's Ferry, a--id she and tiiar
.-verr to her so that the primarr elecUok day M
Pooeral aerrkao
her company.
believed a tnlsconMruriion i
will not be »o. She to a great sufferer, seldom spoke o: ibis
at a later and more eeaveateat
W mM tba aWton oaky
baM at tb« bouae i
ders was the cause.
the flames having burned her face and frieoda.
year*, and that tM
•MMR Of tbdr tlaw wbna' with
la o'cloek. iM Rev. W. H. gbelUr*. Davu is a pankmUrly lovabta
much of her hair was boriled off. as
<btn. OMMtaa tbai* aod Havlar. ky. poMor of the Oomaa BvangeUwoman. Her (hrlslton ckaractar and
. TEXltfl ifl CROWING.
well as there being severe bora*
af Wa rrrnm KsU aod . Mabk.
ebnreh. offklaUag.
Mva won for bar a
the chest and arms.
WhlW wan Mad by tM edab. taMar.
been ptaeM wpofl H by the ebmMad
Fort Werth Ftpue** »Mw- Ramarti*It to belleoed that Waa Beardsley bost of frieods, and the cbeariuli
MmilMiaci Pravtnu i
ad tbair goaau arory coartroy.
primarr refewm for tbe pwpeae of
rr disposition ba* bean remarksllla Gain'of 17* Par CanL
turned tbe gas on too loog a time be­
t*0 MplalM PIIMIM tM Btcai
•>en to her darkest bouts of pain making it diaercdiud and unpopm
. BetH. 33fore apply lug tbe lighted maich. thus
•on tM aoufM tat tM talaad takn
far.. .
M My* BaHintar on Ral
rlttlsIM* of tbe I3tb
altowlng a pnaetlty of the gas to es­ g^ suffering.
to tM darkoan. wliboot a kHcb.
Deprer. Sept :t.—Rock laltnd ott- made public by the ccotu* bnreau cape., which Ignited wben the mai
wbkk tiiaki wall for tbair oodai
OMOdtog af tbU eoarM. wbkh la ox_retoroed to bit ofBce and da- of mutSattoa It wUI M impeaall
Fort north. Texan. T3.S13. an inaatdlagly bard to fdtow.
Id IM wedding ef Bar aota Dr.
But None Were Hurt ea 1
iraoaaily pMblng the aa« Mod Meattfy la af iM la Ulled in the craaaa'of 4«.044. or 1T4 per coat over
1W laat baaloaa* aaalea wm MM
Ted Boothard. whiefa taka* plMo Mat
Geecgla Frtaay.
Maa^a reiterated tMt be Clartoa. Kanaa*. washout wradi Tba W.«gf In 1100.
It to reported ibat partis* from CblIbta neawlBg. wbaa tba offtoan
L 33 .—B«ar AdmlT- WodneMay. Dr. Sowihard I* a krta«l rWlgB.
■Ugattea ba* not ravaaled tba
cagd^Mve Mee to the ^ty recaaily
atakad aod tM oaxt plaea of naatlag
Oty bey wM gntaadal
W «( (M AthtoUc OOM. oC
of HM. or 3.1 per coat over K.Tta la teoUbg ap a site for a ^ tbaatra
dapidad ope*. Tba Ttalwn wa
Vlrgtoia. rapera by wlrelen tMt tM from tM Hlgb scheoL Istar graBnadtaf
U to aaU.Uey ar* aa'tlaM
Bantard milar and daagbtar warn
Pfadkallr «n gOM by oooa todar.
Mb Ahtoato. Taxes. pd.«4t. aa
Tnverte City ceold suppeat a modem .eft forward )S4seh gun oa the baL tram tM demal depanmau a( tM
I rif* LaM today, to attsM tM fuaU. of H. M will M married M Htaa
craaaa «f 4U40. or 81.3 par eaat over grouad floor place of amaaimiat to tleablp Georgia, wxplodad MMatai
MCK K Lowry waW to •arUay '*1*1 ad Mra. Baalord'a toolbar. WOtarvec None were kart.
S3M to tpoa.










----''d. ... .—

im» Orw.

>AV. tKf>TCMHR 27, ttta

I nriM
A yam

im eetMm br hath hvWi —4 a


m fciw ybMc

fto «Mi w ttkvtei* me^ m
ow Mb« eest«t«a n|Dii tb* nu* ot
N«w Tort. On n»xt TlMdnr vfll «■
Um Mat* mrMUon. gm of th«
BMwt importut m BUT J«W- It wUI
te ■ MtNt winanu tto uwtnwn
•ni tk««M |WM «< lb« KhfUm mt«
isA ikd4BiaUr « eorttA
•trMt tntnrMU..

ilk Ml Mil

HaoMeM. »1tl cABtMe tor the
inner orec. tlM eH twM wbtob
onlantra In New York nuce for
rtohi. TM r«nH «m tort olOr
be ABM wMe, Mt hntMonl hnh vtt
be the kef nei« A MA
tee «t the Beet atoeu.
Mr. teoae*«t ttoe th« fl|U el IM
on a hll fc&B« tat tnrrtM wW

hie hNMMUl hto dnM 9»m

ehM to iBhAc Ui caai Ml Mellbe
«k»ttt«|bttoltow ToHi lieitTM.
«U tohui hBd the ojeetwh A
•i tagr <■ An «iAm lililtn
I AtoA liiUrahto tota the edto
Writ* cf tkn OM4 ViwarM fmk « teat giTM It nMed. IfltowtohH' *b4
XNnt MleWcM mt DnnicMMnre ihnt -vm not be ia•mM Ma It koU ptncM am »rtu«
PM taiap tor Ml MklUU nnd aPfWUbt
to Ttoy wtoelr kM»t«M 4p<M« M Oru4 TnwM toe oto A the td>t He It fnr nMted
fMtM MOt «9Ml la If not twuar. ■MMCh la know that Ui
Hm «Mv adMT MttoM or tbt AM
to » A « M lA. We OM Maato »r TWBoMMMbe » Itli. To
«ifcA the OfWi the omlil ot Mr. Ttft Bur it be mid
Utot Ua adPtoMnUtM will be warnIr eeaareed br tbe eaareMiae. Tbc
eea iswd
Ha^ atode ehl emit raedlta.
be defeated
It AfU «e but a toBBdriM MB «M> ftoMto IM aMtotiMak^ witw ttto totoM tkA tkto «>• hto ayM aecMito ae u erMeau^ oe«Ml toaiM iM euaktton Mich It teradnad to mm oM hS l■Mattael
tbe fMtotbiUaa at tbe tomiuto
tieva.lto ABto wereeitoh at the tnmM stAMhieanu' rewMdt to na l»
biMue a tlut at New Tot* naC li
W« be at akertal eMattotoaee to tbe


m ^Mkitor' « MM hll- auiM
M maam • tMiMw m hui
4«MlkM tM haniitike
wiliiiitijH liMM^ Mf b* I
'M WiHM ^IMh Ahwt knfl
•artaMtkfe. t1» VBvM

oRIEasejiown smawuruttD

SBin (ffJMN nowN

i«r«M (M *M BO ttoed Wemaa Wfrnee •tether* Pam
U HIAartoal, Llee heribwelr l»
el toe Heme at Hto hen.
« MIM OttfMrk.
UlBC perr Ol~tbe hone A her
r N^. WWef. tottoi koB. freak Dar^ Mra toaitbe Davit.
J JSm el Mi. it
^Bd«A Attar A John Browa. A bbtoritol faaa. and the UA of that gentt
ttt MitMh «t tUi Atth. WMloa. *aa TbUed bf Mn. Uertha
■ OI»W taie tk^ ^V. batUa retwrdar.
•• pr«HmH nha
----- r
>B hi lira. iMvla. Mo la ft reai
'ItthMeMi Wp be riwiAhend t? aunr A the
Jtt d MttOI: ltd aoldlen and tbeir wlrw wto> Aended the Oraod Traverac Soldierihad flallon- eneaajwMt UA raar.
la ifh. dhvth «a« toe teeat A hdbAltbough well Bloag U r«en. Un.
vU waa In the bwt A baalth and
Idjafwd to ton iMBtoA tm reoatoa
tbe oM anMlen end thoir toBUat raar. but deeih entered her'
home and took one A her to
aa toe death A ber eon. jar DhHa. Mn. DavU baa CAIed ateadllr. aad
ht AAteat the It «Mldared to be to
Atkt Met
eerr trttleai eeadUlea. In epiU A
MiMto tor t» kHtod
tect,Hn. Davli. wbdAU Aware
lived be tbe ‘'cubB?
Ada M toe
kireat.'' eben now heee toe hnserodf
klto A lire to wen to un eenoet^M
bbswua daA
A tatoa an eptmttaaltf tb iMaM to
. AM «hhi
htbMhd h ktohl
lire. Cdrile. wtaeaa hnahaad «rto
Beal A attaattnii and farombto tUMflea Am Mhl« « irtto echtoit to hilidPit to %lth toe (Btolir of Artik
blb*n, ahd wte hat aaea a t
ebaA MMM U Mra. Mvla tor 'maar
«ne diUMt teak m prlM for tbe reara, apewt rwterdtr with bar. aad
waa HHTfUged ID belBk pertnlKM to
tldtew a few aUenUflea tpea ber, bAwitbaundlng the Act tbA Art. bhvii
bet aUowed mne bwt her daa«i«db
law to wAt apmt her in ber unto*
TM tbtoUr bf ««B B»*a ban «&tom of »| chlWrah. Jobe bettk Ode
A tot etewt. aad an. oma tot
Ml Anar. Ml*, oamh
tonKh. wile A the btoANr -hAtoMbarp A toll ralSDo. *ae a Ordl cWBto



Mdt W mukt litxvttoc
■mm m (
iH«wai kouit
ii.Mto M ttt «Mt ki^m «toto


«AI1i iH ^MNAOt or HtehiMl

kriagi toeM Hto fMlee A OidM
TrheeiM N*K Mtohit M t»-


treit Pair.

Frank 8mith. tba
I RceWIW 1^


w-harraa. m *«e.‘<UrTto Oarer,
he* Mh my bed end boaid. *H pNtm*
arc BMlflcd BM to ftve her wedii m
my accooirt aa 1 will pay no bOh A
ber coBuacting.
Dued Brpt. IS, tfia

deeVed And Metobendtoe.
Mtoabtaftoa, Safit. M-—Tbe anqnal
topdri d IM nd llareueue nliroad
ttiltto a aBteMi croirth ta tbe
^nlac tad mnutoAitflnc IntarmrtaA
MkAlcnn. The Pare Hareuetie'i l>u»;
la elmoA wbAIr emdoeh
lentn orlflBAlac In tbe eute'
A Miebicaa and .better than anr oth­
er road lu report inflieatei the ptoreaa A that auie.
fbo Kdiort toL^'that freltot toth«BU orlrloaiinc pn Ui linee for tbc
OMtol rear eadloc June W. waa s.99;.Oi tbai. Fbr the aane period but
rear tbe reperi ihowed S.41I.S17. Atn. loCTeaac ot ttf.TM ton*. Tbe
total loonace bandied tor tbo pant
rear waa I.MS.m aa rompared wilt
•.47SA1 tor tbe rear e«dlDx In 1>M.
Tbe road offirtali tar thw tbe inraaae eoDea froA htreet miotns and
rroai ABlrellenil or lumber bed
AHhm«li bar. krttln end «ber acrieuttnral teanaae waa maieetallr •
«r tka rent than laA Aill a ablable
me in boalneai ta
miu and VatmaWe ablprMMa

K.TM tol
•le'ln {

iioiitMi tupur A OraM Tnv<
eonnir anti the livaverae C»r board A
trade. Mr. Smith beouM with him
aet«TA pboloferapbi of toe nbRritt
wkuh he detoerad were the amtn A
autoetua.. Hendredi ot peapto wholutperted tbe dRpHr declared that
ther bad reU much
about Orand
Traverae fnilta but had DM been pertAteto to inapeet tbe r«A tolng. Tbe
reeiilt va* that there wat nolbtns but
pralte for the fruUa of thi* neetlon.
Mr. Smith va* panlcularlr pUau-d
Vito ibc'reeult and belleveo thm tbc
henedi* to be obfAned from tbe ex­
it) at Oetroli and Grand Rnpldi
I be Terr material. Tbe mal
amount* teeured Including (be fiSall
verrup nvardod to.Drtroll, lry«*4.;l.
Tbit Is a very laUafaeior; resuHjtot
only becauie of Uie.BBwonu raceived
la price*, bat beeauae A ibe tmiaoi-'
'made b> tbe dlatoay A the pro­
duct* A toe Grand Traverae nvi
Mr.| Bmltb 1* CAaplUng a complMe
port A tbe exhiWti and award* which
puUlahed Uiortly.


ta tbe warn t»T.«T tnna In rAnparb, ViiadhI lit hn txiMtod Condition—
Strang Wind Wowlng-Tanka are
van blib m.eeo tobaln IfM.


Glen lUvm. Mi^.. Sept SI.-The
li-aaer liethlebem ran asM>re
the head of South toanllou early thli
taoralng. Sbe Is out tvo toot and atx
InetaM torward Kumbee oto Unk 4
full ot walrr on (be port side, and
there Ir iS Irli-tac* In number
■nu culmlnAMt ot a romaaee wbkb (he Atiboard vide, and alto t*-e1ve
Btarted eeverA ream a«o In tbe Queen Inrbra
Nhinber (wo tank.
r. NbtUedV |tel Is In a very exposed rondillun
h akrrtoge pAfoMed Uat D’eSabo-lThe wind ii freshening trom the
day night at the nn&roer cottage A northweet.
Mr. and Mr*. C. J. Bailey. Lou A.
Rice. ptD^efit A toe oampanr. and
kilM NAhe MiDpeim. kaewn a* utn
r.rayaon, teeretary « tbe company,
being made nmn and wHe.
H. J. Leiemt ^pturad Several
Firau From tot Two SIg
The ceeeatony *a* pbrnmUd in tbe
Keeence only A Mr. and Mra. Ballby. toa bridar couple vtablng to keep
H. J. Lem«Ml.1^ lives on R F.
(Bate taarrfage fhn ibAr frieeda a*
b. No. S. has re.-urneO from Orand
Ml na peatSiie. Mowevet. It lehked
Mi tbdhy. aad Mr. Rice baa torllded RaAds and -beiroli. where he ha*
hMBHt with aeverilt bom A rienrs. been ationdlng toe Weal Mltoignn
WblAi h^ iT^^idr and iuiliou* to pau fnlr and tbe State fair. At Grand Rap­
he made three entriro on>- si
kaung ht* friendt, urging (bheo ‘tn
rail upon him at tke (tore it he feastonal market gardener, u-bich
doen'i happen to have hi* porkeu took ftrat premium. $10; another
try. a roIb-Mlon ol produce gr«»-n
Btlee wtih them at toe une he me«ti
elnsirely from »red from the friend* on the etroeL
Both Mr. Rice and bli bride hate to., Who offerfd a prite A
the best rnlleriion grown from 4heibeen r<vldent* A this rity for a tong
>>eds. non nrst prtie for him. .1
time, and have luany frlenda here vbo
Mbit of frvilt. grain and vegMsolee a*
WIMi torn aotolhg bnt
*wniple A UeeUnau county produc­
t>t«4wri(r. Mra. Rloe has been an eeltions wa* awarded nerond price.
Ire member of the Preab.vtrriaa young
be aame rollectton look third at
PtaplM- aoeieiy atad A the Bimdar
Stale l^lr at Drtrult. $(«. Mr
tcktoil. She bah been identified wllli
Lemcuol is well pleated with hi
tbe Queen City lapkettent com
and expect* to make Kinillar entries
> Its orginUitton. had viU
at the fair* next year
tlnna in tbe »Mc« t»Ul too ei


Iba your,
Mr, and Mr*. lUce are spoodlog
iheir honeymoon *t tout Day, tn the
bailey cottage.

bln KIIIM by Ovartaming A tn Antomohit* at New Orlaana
Re* Orieana. S^t :s.—Three cb»

used man were kflled tU* morning
when Rutler* entomoAle waa dkoMI nrve. The mncliiae overtunied
and pUnged Into tbe new cjsnal. IS
feet keW too aireA.

Inrcnc aty State Baak.
A. Tracy Imy. FnAdeaL
R. Ftoyd OUeb. Tlco PraeUeat,
Samuel OarUad.-Casblar.
A. J. Magaard. Aaai. Caahler.
A. J. HavlUad. Aaat Catoter.

*epL sess-n-w


krelgM frnm to AM »re.

afwi A tbe Petw Mar
^ Jar mAMi A the Tre*H
A into fhawa to «.k.MMbMftea«lahin Lei Hr
the ehlaafb ^Hn A tto Vhwtatow, Wd Beau Otoik
vei^fhbH Bwreha.
OM.A «be. soA proMaeai
RaSr A UnIgM Haoioiy Rtetlvog frmn
to Ctototo. ne feat toto tbe
E. K. Ilibbaid haa ntaraed ftoto
Balietr eanfM
Week* trip to toe tonMn pan of
to too Herald office a p«Jr of knit­
toe dtatrlA A the WbAvrb Mtotoab ted aock*. which were tent her buae^Mha to tototAto^tor theb* hand trom Germany. The aocka wore
ab«toAtbcbitfeaaw1il<*ii tobeheU
^"Mtod la Chicato
made A bUek yar^'bBd Inairad of
UChl^. UNbveftiber. Mr. KlMdrd
■to to toee wAato aartoe that tola
bed* made lo the regululoa form,
«|^.>..eM A toe SaeA adwltoe- itoftifta to leeerthc a «Be Ito A hhd fire tbe*. h Urge one fA tbe
amai thtt Oraa« trerarea aeaU fA
grant toe, toe etoA four toe* grading
ta fWkhbn edeatr «at earltetaM
doSra In altr to fit tbe toeo A tbe
«t a ^ 'A toarelr prefierM a Ae
he Md pMtoMir aaea Thne eppUt wearer. Tbe eoeka a« exceedingly
an toite. pettoA to ihnpe. aad high.
odd. to any tbe UaaL
OiUiUMto to toe Waam Mtoei
etolAaatoe dto vaiw A iraalar 'eatw
to phte eM vnMHito tor totoSchool Rapert.
Take Oar Ward
aaeat h a ratUrtac a aeu Iku tUa »et ga Den*
Report A Kennedy acbool, DUI. No.
A own to roar Hmm and
fear toare 1» e Mfkad law
•arebnae a hoa A Dr. Hmvtek'e 8«- S. Orut tovnihip. fw montb ending
to tola n«M awtoAreer
» toatoe toaa tola aitltoa an m
Teui enrAlmcaL d«.
I Breatar favor aai
Avoraga dally Aloadanoa. *4.
Per ceatagr A atloadeaoa. »0.
t. la tola toeatttf, toiTboae neliber ab*oat aer tordy
during maato were Lacy Harrea. Bor
Bice lirtt, oiewn Bwrow% end BgJr\A toe gmt raHka atoeeto
M Vtn ftotoft ffowara ead ahtoi
to to)to 9hdh aad w*«e toeir tnlttj
i *<lfBai Tmem- vtti •


lAY ffi A DOlPMiBt

; Court for Orand Traverae Aaaty. Id Chaucer}.
ACDM (scivvr. t'ompUUast.
Charles Aevur. Itolendsui. August Id.

OAPITAU neevooo
AOtaMlDdskliCtiiMH one

, . ,
W3TH CONaEttVATIvek. iVl MAT­ . I It(Ms
cause teat the
e <shore named
deteedtai. ihsrle* i4cn
Me .U tbU «lAe bui
toe Slate A New Yocto On motion
L. 11. Gage, aolii lior for toe
, -uiaant hemn. it u ordered tha
aald’dAeedatu cause his appeal
be entered in tots rauae in p>.___
by tollcJior witoln tour moatba
from tbe date hereof and In detanll
(bat tbe Rill or Conpli
Samoga. Sept M.—Vk-c-Prraldeot thereA
filed hereto may be taken a* cotir
ShennaB today arrived tor <he state ed against khu.
Jl.'rb-------- ---- RTIS.
coDvettiioD. He retaaed to dlneuss
Itooiievcll'* euresen A the iemporar\
rhalrnmnsblp and dc-lared; -1 <»»r u ireAGK.
here lo b.' tvnipurary ebairtnan. and
ul. (or (tomplalnant.
0.1. t iMfcsi
be." Tbe consersttives' first
tnotement .mharraaie* the- Rou>cveltlans' tnnounremeni that «(>oy vlll
demand an open aetskm. Tb« n-aolo
lion coBUiiiltee miil revive tbe allcga
(Ion that RouM-vcli told Guceniarl
Ah. p.
Itugfanv ibal a dlnvt. primary va* ab­
surd and «H1 dtfidre KouaeveK
Cylindor bore. A inrhee, etreke,
<r>-ly In ll ih>» tu buns! <be pn-s|.
Hendal nomlnadon
' .
S^a^eseiY. ^e
New York. Srpl
Hoosevell to
day departed tor Saraieea to att<-nd
iriih pnlk^^oto^B^^Utterj. on! M
rtiiubilcan etxio convenlltm tof»dy to rwi’^joni
IDATOV, on a s4M-rlaI trpiii beorlnk
araior, wood taw' 07
or pomp or
irr dv Any
any oiibcT
dblekntes. lie retosed tn disross (he
litiy wilhiu tbe etpii-il) uf 21 h u.ooearids
kKuatioB. lie ronterred vHh total
leader* lu-Ion- atartins, Ko.i*f»eII Is
rorialD A the temporary ehnlrmanahtp Iwt probably mun compromise
ith the rontervaUve* ms to th» pUt
toTW. f« »hny detoraiea vho are
pledtted to Buppurt Mm lA tbe rhai^
nip vent to uuppert direct primarlet and Mber raAcal plaai
ndi say* he won't go furtber in tbe
platto:ni than ibe people are ready.





Don’t acc«^t snyihioK ae
' 6nal UQle»» it be tht reniti of
yoof own experience.
Don't jadge any brtsd of

So Decided Sy Michigan M. £. Confartnee at Jaekaon Thia
Jackson. Ntch.. Sept ».—Mtohlgen
Methodists Episcopal conicrence ai
tbe routine this ariernoon adjourned
iinilluiiwrros. \vm meet at KaUmt.
.cvt year
Old Saltier Dead.
Jooei-h LWtrh, or GMsIoO street.
1F A the oMeet aelUera to the re­
gion. died at hit borne thI* morning
* o'ckK-k. ot heart ireu^. Mr. De
vish Iram one uon. Joi»pb jr.. s
on our <V the lake ve*h»ls. The
di-reased wat :* year* of rge, and bMi
lived hen-for :n year*. The fnncral tu-1
rsfigemeot* will be m-ide as mm
u>n Is hc.vr.1 from.


ksyrsT* srroUin tbsbssd

I« !• poniylsc


ss;7.’Tl"b.’l5-»“ s.:rssi ta*";!

Order el Fublicatien.
STATE or .MK'HUU.\. In the lYVcnlt
Court fur liranU Traverse Couuiy.
in Cbanc-i-rs.
Joso|>hthe (‘aRiihcra.rtimp'ialiian' \*.
Winfield Carolhen-. Heleudunt. 8-p:
StmaA Wiil'A Travarwe City Man. r*.It 1910.
appearing fniui affidavit on file
MaaH Hit Bretoar In Spokarva.
-feildt .
veaah—City Jailor A That Place.
*t Rtlde in till-, slate, bat
A Ibe ttsic ot Idaho (In moilon
J. W. Uillla, cKy yallcr. bad S greet
A 1. II Osge, Solicitor tor the
•urpriM> Kiirung un falm yeeierday plaiiiBiit. ll Is iirrii-rcd Itist llie
alien liU brother, Samuel WillL defendant, WlnfteM rsrothers. ,, ,

I this
Whom he had not teen for S9 year*,
In person
appeared A bl< home. iCR Minton sitotneither
fuiii luuiiitit ft
bere<if, and in defau!'. ihe,-eo(
mpitint filed herein may lxTime bad woriced mu-h s change'
rtinfrised against him
both men (hat they did not reeoimlre taken
litolKUK W ft RTIP
each oibcr lor aereral mlames. Sau.
tcl (XnillR ba* been making hb honu
crarnl Trai-r>e o.imiy. »
In Traverae Cily.Mich., bin haa
Rpoknur wiih III* wife and* ebu
dreo and l» golnt lo *eub' here —
The Spakeeman-Revlcw. Spokane.
tVasbr.. SeA «. 1118.

I CRnsa'NT,

flour uBtil you hsve bed oim
-sack of Creacest io your
you've bske^,
make youfi compsritoo. Note
tbe texture, color. Ugbiacss
flsvorof bo:b tread sod

You will tie n^'rie.iMy kur|«ri’'.'<I by the tl'iffrrcncf Jbnt
eHii liinke.

*ne KM Everybody LOm-^


Is Ilf the gi«-l tlmt ftiMs aatrifneimn with each
sH--k |>nrvhDs-'<l. N'ni i-iil.v is tin- first !>a<-k jn-rft-ei,
lull eaili KUi'i’isIiiit: Kill- i< <if ihi- sainn x|i|t-iiiliil
.[iialii.v. .Vsk «i'ur irr-.-s r i.i ki iuI up a uek oo
till- (rttor.slili-1 li.ysis






nilGA-V. tto- I'roba;.

Boltlmore BaComoa Seventh City
With Puputation a S5S.«b.
lahlnron, Sept. »—Tbo Balti
I eentus ibl* afieraooe announced
>ulai4un ol &&k.4Ki. an tnrrei
9 7 percent nevdaiM iitsM-t. ttklng
sixth pUce. luiiimora is ihr iwvcoib

f aald court, b. '.d i

Ralph ABdersOB wee;
tbl* moruing on, business.
A Paeolmr WrsM
met* palWnI ttaa a heeak In an
apraJB*. cuta, buraa. braUei tad
aralda Rennr'a Pals-KlUlng Oil U toe
beat Ibing 10 uae Rellcvet the paU
— rednee*
tweUlng. It a perIMUntD.
•puc nnd brala rapidly.
Price 2kc, 5i>c end 11*0.

I tiros n. deceaiM-d
E Miller having filed tn told
rt his pethkiD. pratlDg lor li.rn-.sell at pnbllc axle toe inter
A Slid oatare In certale real es• therein di-scribed
Is cidered. that the 19th day of
October. A I* 1910. at tea o ctock In
the forenoon, at said Probate olHce.
_ ..
ted (or b<
Inc Mid petUtoh. and that all p- reon*
In said ewtti- appear before said
coen. A eaM time and pUce, to show
rauae why a ttrenae to tell tbe inter«*t of aald estate In said real esiale
should DM be graaird.
It U further ordered, tb*l public
BAtce tbtreef be gtvea by puMIceIten A a cop.' A tol* order, for three
iUfreative seeks prevtoo* to aald
dav A>eartog. In tbc Orand Traterae Herald, a newspaper prial.-d
and clmlated to aaM eoBiAr.
Judge A Pnb^lA

FOR SALK—Horae, baggy and haraeu.^ Bq erara. ett rrare Ad.
aoaad. .klBd aad a good raadar. InenVe WU. DoKny. eat*
* A Clu
0*1. sAg«fs»»L
«eek Store.


FOAO A Raamea; Uusraiman Grocer Oo. Raaaah A Imy Htee. O*

Voigl MlUlng Co^ Grttd ■kbMB, Mteh.

A drop in the price of cement to $1.65 per barrel is 5 bar­
rel lots pod $1.70 is ieuA qoaiUities iheold indoce yea to
build whatever you have to boild before tbe cold weatbA MU
in. which «11] be before long. »o whstevA. yon have to bolU do II BooD. Too can tad oothing with whidi to build betUr or
more durable in wet ot dr>- placee thaa cement. It ii tbc beat
msterial wito wbicb to build waUci, floort, watert&g-treu|bi.
foocdationa, etc. You carnA min it if yon get .yonr npply
of cement, lime, end pulp of os.
Tbc price of lime u 95c pc^ barrel is 5 barrel loU or 0.00
per barrel ia lerarr lots Pulp is |9.00 per tos. A t«B of palp
will corer from IGC to ISO yards. It driA as bard as a stone
cQ tbe wall in a few bears, and is very aorable.
There sre wxgoc-loeds of cesottt, lime, aad palp fodar
from oar store Asd warsboose every day—a good tadieatiM
that we sell tbe best goods at reasonable prices. . Try nt at
(oraer of frimt aad Oast BtreeU.




Ibi^tMe' reteUre to the bonded 1
HghU hatore wihtar coatw.
Tha.Rer. r. Dowua In mnUag nr-


eiwa Ooontp. Hkhlgaa:
Drat. Itn. to DU va^cy: i
You are hereby eotUtod that at theluU' te coagrest tor tha atoaaatb
feeeTBl elertioti le be hM to thto'^m
Euu eu Teesdar. the
teraml man ara aaeletli« him la getting the nmterttl «• ihe
8aM amendmeni i
ground ter anaa.
to embodied to the
Thone rater araatodp will put a rent fUeolBlIon ed<.
^Ute. State Treaaarer. of thu etatc. comprtalw the eountlee
(top te those ehlekoa and can roati meeting ef the Euie Legtototnra. laei '
ruL Attorney Oeneral, ol Antrim. Braxte. Ornnd Trarerae.
‘oneerrent RaaoluUoe call* tor a vel. |A<
partiea. Uq t It too bi4 to apoll ao 1 be (akrn at Ibe elenlon to h»-held>i*
of the Blnla Lund Of- KaRcaakA Leelaaaa. Hlaaankce. and
-The pouiax iBto opMlw
' ' ~
................ and oaa mprsaeatetive la
R the Drat Me
Bt for rennin r
^rvtCB BJlBin. iBdBdlBi the reto eatahle. from (enthora and rafuaa■djtwittent or kBaliB la Nlmcue
hHoM^a Oepartmatd «l EUla.

warns TO BE UDE





t cletlu lit noaer order of-


DiinmNG^TiE soDn

AfWr WUtMl $M, Pf

Milk PreiMeat Peund In Ra af Onaat
VahM In impiwvlng Cattan
WMh„ UtpL tt- -ColuM]
' '
Qpewli^ Oell.
Of. JUloor et Ut 17U ivdMt ot t
«UUOM« «t TbbN, Al«wlA
Uilrplag to lowing in poputorlu
wWi» ha hM «hww of IB*^
•oog Uia lami<-ra of ibn noutbeni
•wh mO«a tha dltMUoa cf the faOef- elates. Thep are leamlag that the dalan do for tte eottoe grower
of the Bonth what abr has.done for
> or the Ibe wheal grower to tbr north. L Ow
t to the Ofth Diy tocresM the fenllitp of me eoll to ndOtaninc Ckihgrree !■ Epokeoe. Ocio- diiloa to mklDg ntoet aatlnfactorp reW I to T. He «Ci aJio pMi i
labor and taonep oapended
' the* etiidrlB«; groin poolng Ui varloui ror fend.
imruorthe northweaiara utd other
The t'- E. depeninrct of ngrlmlture
atetee. >
hna been giving pnnlmtor Mtentlop
CMooel Hnleor. who ie om of the lo mil gueetlon in the eouihern eiolea
the pent few peen end a greet servloa
haa been rendered, a great totpemi
Al^ tn» wheel OeUi. ooim pro- hna beea given te the dnirp u»ve*Mfa| w blfb.M H twebeU of nuik' nrnl unUI new there are tboiMsudi of
•uMecnln to *e ane. which, eoeordalactog
partoen of the dairy oow and de«onRtonee et WedtingioB. D. C.. cen be Birattog bp /nctual exi«rlBieMs ilbnt
dewbW hr Ibe anphirineni of otedilrplng to the nslvatloa oflhnls
Uon uf the (ooiilrp.
Ceruia puUUcUna. to order to c
■ lo phm the grottnO ne an iMoe bp which they nlgbl ..
—- o«ce.'ha»e greetlp retarded the
dopmebi of the dairy Indiutrp to
Ta the ObArtec where Odaoel Met the mUob growing Btaiee bp (Teailnf
nrleMethMoa.'-ieM John T. SBnu.
that the toier•enwterrAoreeaerer of the fhr ram- eato of Uo couon growera are optef oangree*. -tbetw to es ererege poaedtoUieaa of th»dnlryuie&. It hna
nlatell o( Rw n to It iMhee. which been hmgbi about in thin wap: OotIn heUereO bp espene to he eaple
uianeed oil to need to the nuanteo•Nbe EDod eon grow eM «ieo pro- tare or aoma kindi of otoon
«M ivertie In giBWllr top
TMa hna boeu nred to pnpudlM tba
(hmlng wtethoOi. There ere efaoiii u.- eoltoa prodiieer agaUiit any and all
MOAM hectaroA or tl.tlf/KW
ktodi of lectoinion which in any wap
Or Orp lendf In HorU Afrlot. nod the regulatei or reaiHcto thy aak> of oleo­
' ^hMle to elallec-Ao that la the aemi- ma rcarina.
hiM redOM of the UdHoO OUtee.
A earetol eMimnle eompll
nt to the perpoee of the n
It (o gat en thto Ued under throagti the ■
■EUlHIIO hy the toteet eigreeed eg- which w*a m
Jlli<lhl»l inethedt during the nest de-' of olemurgeri
•eoe. ttoid to e Ug unOenekit..; ln ‘ meweia at tbe auuib
actually reEaci. the torgeii ouuide f>w
India. letred one and boebair rcBU tor er«ham Err f»riEl»*
*«•>> thUo- arp acre planted u eotua!
EMwd. and Ita aaaeaaaftil ooapletloB
For erery dollar's worth of couoow« mvliKkielaa the wwrid'a aep- aoed oil aaed late year to makli« olso
g»=«f vaK elan «ei< Mtohut Hm margartoo. one hundred end neren
One end Otouwaa.*- .
doUam- worth of buuer wna pniduood
to thone ume roUoa growing atolm.
‘Ikoan are tneu gbleb erarp ootum
piDducer ahouM eonaldar bMra leadlag bU anpport lo any mon
which to iBteaSed to retard
powu and developmabt of lha dairy
toduairp In the aoath.

To ihB EhrHS of
I en'cliiae



Real Estate Exebange

Md Oalap or Train PrMi Eawtti
» nt Traverse at 11:10 Eaturdap Night.

aertlOB It of article % of the CoastlluiMa. This aah
aubmliicd to the________ ......
UoB in be held on. Tnewtop. the eighth
h»v of November, laio,
«»• whtoh deelroyed the
Tbe tollewlBS toiler
ptonlng alU. one of 'lteed'I'lty'a fore- ito Ilaitorimeut by t
manutsclurtog eoecenia. more tieneal:
than five hundred feet of the onto
liweh of the 0.41. E I iwllroad
tloa. reMiin
retollve t^ihe t^e^todebtedaim irafhc on the Hue de
‘•■ineaa of ««<
toyed ter more than eight boar*, so. p.-ople hj ♦i-ounurcut raolutioa No
.. ___________
... •W. ehould-1.Iw aubinllled to the
from Uraad________ _____ ._
Tiwveree rily at ll:J0 p m.. had to
clerttoa bM NoremI
be detoured over the iwL
----------------- ‘•.....-.ill aa
ai the eleivia Big MapMs. and
not rssch tke,lion held on ihe. .... Monday of
rtiy uutU aevea o'clock Bundty
llrected to aald
The toeiory nna sltuaicd mia? the lu
^ ihli
,b,, nu.e ,« ,h.:iiaV ilol-day'
track. Tbe fire, start toe about eight 'April,
nl.which all the eleili
o'clock, burned ra^diy. and to ibe of the buu- vood.
Vers- rcpoclhilly.
iMi-nse boat'Ihe big aleel mlto'varpKltEIlEKK'K (' MARTl.NIlAl.E.
od and twisted like rabber. Tbe Uet
8<-cTetary of EU(>
were an burned out. and the ahote

Concurrent Raeelutten,
RKSOUrnON prtv
atiwich of track will have lo be re- Cas'rriUug.VT
po.tog an amroiliDeot to eectlou
Iwlli. The deetrucikw ol the mill to
twelve of article i-Uibt of the cona bard blow to Reed CKy. as It wax
• UiuUea ralailve to bonded indebiocM of the matoauyk of the town.
edneai of niuBitea.
---------------------HeMlred. By the Hoiwe of :
• ♦♦♦bOObOggOOEEbg aeiiutlvoB (the Senate coiicui


»>■' f"!*"'*''

SherUr. narb.
of Oeada. Prear
Cirmll Court
Ceroaers, Sarvieyor.
to witnean wberadT 1 buva tafl^to
atlxed mp unmn. at Trawataa ChOr.
this UU dap at Eeptambar. m». 4
BbertC of Oisnd Tfuverao'OguMg,
Sept. IMTOet d-lMMA-Ser >.

State Bank Bldg.,


Traverse Cily.lilcta.

Fruit, Grain and StOdt Farms. Good Cut-over
Hardwood Farming LRnds. Resort Locations. .
improved City Property. Vacant Lots.
We say: INVEST NOW. link oTcr onr list. Sw u ait kt n stow rn tke
propeny nt tnMe yw Ike prices. Ve knw they sre ritkB
Rest esuie la trayerse City ul tke Grut Traycne Rc(ln Is bsait It atriicc
crestly Id price u the lezt few years'. 9 yoo nse proper JsttnCDt yea will be ssUsaet.
wllk yeor loTestoieBl.
Take atrsDtsce of CDT ezperlcDce Id Ibis busuess. RcDumber, weareterDUtr
DDT lime DDd attcbtlob eiclDSively for year lateresls.
la city property Improrct nt Ttcut lolt I bare acme rery teairaMe kcaUeB aat
there neyer was 1 boner tUae le boy tbaa last aow. Seme ef ttem caa be boafkl ta
easy moatbly paymeata wia a small paymeat towa.

.Uoii isehe of article eight ol Ihr
cooslltuilun. rrUlIri- to the bonded
o| ciMinlle., to hereby
............ to Uie people
1710 Acrea to n body to Antrim
No. «73-7S 33--IW Acres » mllea
. .' S30-l» Atrte OB Maar* oT
MluueapolU, to vlall hU daugh­ ef tbe male.
C'oauiy near Alba, on Urand RapMa roB the
0. R. g I. R. R.. 3 Oan> Uke. 3 mllea fram TVaraiBt
Sec. II. No t<oun ly shall li
I* Indiana R.
- R.
- Bilra good cut-over utiles to
30 acTM ii
33 BcrsB rteared: bouae and kon, f
ter. Mrs Fred SerguaM, and U> enjoy Indebledneta which .hall ton
laud with <
d: xuiall buuae and
tea fruit trace: a lot of ffoad wU
a rwunlon with fata other dnugbute,
lUWbtimber silll standing,
Dae toad, toys we«. aathteff
Ulu Josephine HendrlckMO. of Loa
aaaamed valuaiioii. excopi coun- er, but a good ou[H>rluiitiy 1
Pan «it Ibto extremely good better tor « Dne orchard.
AiigeJer, Cbl., and Mtos Eva Hon- tl<w fakvlDg ail aaavaaed saluatloD of good luvMimeni by dividing 11 up lato iur trull and some Doe meadow- lajtd
Nu 3>»—W I
Dtp mllHaD doUan or Irma, wblcb
Tbi. would make a dealrwblo farm.
drickeon, o( Iteiroit, who are vuutox counitos may lacfeaar their total torUea aud cigbilea.
■JOU ArrM cheap toad belweei
No. 31.W3ii Arm Pentoiula.
debt to Bsc ptfr onil of their asm.ed
|i( rH>rbrn and IjUie. Grand Tmv- mllea'from the rtiy: all Improved. to large lou tor p
Hlaa Ruth t
*. of Chlea. valualloo:
It over three Rome fniu and a good cottage.
Be It'Turtber Ri-aolved.
-aolted, That
BO. who bat bocu spending acvornl fnreg
No. 405-& Acre. Iw-e mllea aoulh
aiiiMidmeiii he tubmlHc
No. 337—13 serra SB Bv ffkara
wwoka ia Abo clly In the luiereat Vf
of clip—Qieap.
eer Ontena; part eJoBred: Joat tta*
Uacoto-JeRUraune ual*ar»liy. of
No 4M—3 Acno laaMe of-corpora- Uce tor a aommer bOBw.
tlou llmlla No teaprovameiil.
No. 513—I7S mna.
Itemmuad, Ind.. relumed lo Cbicugo.
Na 138-3 Acrea Oarfleld Mwnaklp township on Aora of Carp tAa d
today, having secured a number of
mile, from Provamoai. A gimd ptaoi
anidtnia v> enroll to the univenky
lor n aum:
No. 3111-33 Arree Baat Bay Town“’*^mim'*offlhe*^S^.”*aa^iwte
f*™* “If “f
ship 10 mllea -aouUi oaat ot city,
by tow, likhaQ be tke doty of.o^®»P
wai Joined br her braiber. Hugta.who ed
bordering On two amall tahea. A Dae
Ibe board of ek
' •
No. 009-400 Acr.
haa been apwidlng some Uma et tteteaUl Towoihlp. Grand
voting one mile from Orawn: 120 acre
I amHidoienl. wblcb ballot proved with good bolMIngi:
balMIngi: ,wv
Ktl acre,
Ur. and Hra. H- P Nelto and son.
Jn aubaUiiltolly Ihe follow->limber, ran be arpllt
lo two. If necf«
Jlelvln. uf jyiwBUktw, |Wera In the
and make two very good (anua
cily today uu lUelr way to Cadillac on
section t
bought rosMtaably.
«el«e erf article
elghf ul Ihe con-1 so ci»—l»i Actee n««r Traverae
No. 393—iW Acres Jual west of CH,
bualoeas trip.
1 iinprovrd: good bulldlug.: son
I bouaei: moderv liiiliin'rdiyEfc
Uct. Panihaio Lyoe. of Eaglahw. atmttlon. relaijve 10 bonded ludabied- ruy ibai should be bouibt tor HoeJri
■" or counilew
I pnrpeee.—no better spot te North- oe InilL A Das ptore tor poultry.
Earn Prool 8umi. kategoB EtaHtaE
wiio baa boen apmidteg aome Ume
ABbt-odmeui lo .ecUoa twelve of,^m*^p,....................

UlrhlKsn ..
No. 313—131d At-res Elmwood m and PraokUn Straoia.
ankie elghl-«t the cooalltutlo- - - .Hotel;
hens. retuteM to Sagtosw todsp.
hea all tee
Township, isetanau Couaty.
Briek Bura halMteg 8 aSory. Mok
n-IThU only.iie.-d. n
Mrs J. iL^aaoa relumed to Chl- laUic^lo bonded Indt-hledaeis of
IhUon Itoy Shore: will
wMeara ndJoteUiff. 33 toot M Watt
with the nieau. 1
ceso today.
Dae dwalUag boBao aBd kBlf^
Mite bther Benana left today tor article eight
361-130 Acres l«0 Otilea Eua^
, Idw-lanau County o
coraar W«tt
« ot CDUB- juf kla.vfk-ld.
aJaatMo to coottoge liar atudlea lo • ' e lo - 10 actoi Improved: do
I luiprvveBienis excepting good for
1 DlvUioa Sirwsta.
v'o ( J
tbe oollege.
wlU trade
sches snd’-atttJaaball be
r. Bad Hi
No 311—M Acres Bltawood ITwp- frame hooto. cetteok 3hB
IP t* mile ~
deliver 1
, who hate been m^ing
moat. .
Ibf tospecK --------- etertkm.
Good frame he«aa. bU
I Ute north, left Uito iumu tor Oe- era!
voilni prwiorii within their re- to>l>r®voinemA «>n*e good limber.
Bpecilre leoMIra.
uotlra. iltbln tbe
No &9T—Sis Acre*, Setetkm
Hra. P. a UarrlB left today for bafluia teu be uoed at said electfam I .No. .313-10
near Yuba
KtolwBod Township, six -nilles from
Etana OpafaMau «r i
Henaobto, whore .he will iu.|<«>ct
<w(ur» idrr the general elerlinu ;slreaui and beam

ila Wumaii'a Rellrr n>ip..
All vote, caat U|K» aald amend-1 No £33—70 Acre-, one uilli- from
id small fruit.T
H. W. WUkeua to galimg ready tor «PVlk te he gone over duiiUay.
.ball be counted, eaovasaed and Acme: 30 rods of ba> front, a Dae
No. Slk-30 Ai-iea lilngbain Town­
winter bp puuiag up new chlmneya
No 713 B'aafategtea fftidoL HaffOiB
irned Id tbe aama omiteer aa to 1‘toce fur a aumiorr home
and MrA A. B'hKe returuod
ship. I.eelanau Couoiy. heavy land npfovsmeau. A good loeatlOB. ffDoE
WUhlngtoa, ^ M,~Taft mat on ibn Btoi*. and boiue. niao
ildad by tow. lor eounllng. can-1 N« 623-W> acrea-alx mllea
all Improved: extra good tor apples; large boose, good lot.
today from Uk Ka|d«a. where they va.aiii
irntog Ike vote tor clly: S mile from U«ig l.ake
to mibtoet today to pratcaoted aaanail under bto other hoUdlngi. alieiided Ibe
mile from suiIob. acboel
Michigan Slate offle
I 513 Webster. 3 roott boBse
a<rm llupr
•tou. The tianiMiMlDo of iputiae buuh Wteb we had a row loorn man, who Pres# dob meeting.
laie Uepanuii-iit of Slate.>- Good level, ground A very dt-.lrahkrro; Due kxailloBL.
No. 383-30 Acre., lllngbam TowaEsaa will be defertud ualU the taault would Improve oe the agpearg»
Vtoi-e Jor an or<-bard, uolhlng l«ller.
I. ^|0 Webster Btrett. attiU hmna
Ur. apd Hiw. 8. R Allen of Homer.
tlp. lour tulles from Provewout. 14
I. Prederlik 1' Uariludale, Ni. bulldluga. Will be sold very roa
Bl Earouga. wbao ha bo^ to forma- tbelr propenp to tbe anme way.
awTmro vlalileg ibter nun, B R. AIIlea froan this ciiv. no Iniprove- 33 foot kit-ffcoBp.
aiinablelate a pellc/ and bnro a repuh
P. II. Hyde to tnklag hi. rmdUon
Na IIS Barlow atraet. 13 iBOtt
iw-nu. 10 Avrvts extra good-tor '
gaii and eiutodtal.
in of
• __I Nt.
To lliO Acre- >in .bore aud balanci- One meadow land
house Uodera.
•wndaya. EtawltintA Mnt Hyde, to
J. R. ilunill. U lloulali. iiaawg of tlie Slate, hereby rortltp,
of Ume l«ke ti3 ai ie. Improvod ch-art-d.
No. 911 iJorola StraoL EgmU httHO
foiegtilng ' - — - — compared Good rrame .house and barn aud heu
WaahlagtoB, Sepl. M.—Afiar bar- wMilag for Uncle Ena to tbv cajine thiwugb the cJly lul. nairnUg
fupy nt I'oi.rurrMit
No. 1.jn<-ry. .'rfio Pearh tree, boariug:
323- > Airea. Seclitin 31. 30 fool IxM. Verr rraaraalill
luQ No.
tag apent tear dtya asMaig old'fitosda Up ol Ball currier.
iho Klng.lep fair.
ol l»»Si, proposiitg an a: idmi-Bl lo'.irawberriP. and other frulU Boat
vnshlp. :S miltta from Clly.
South Waal COTBW FarB E ItasBta
- «n« felaUOBs in CiactouatL man
Hr. and Hra. tl. Smlih are vlalifrom R K KIdIng. SKi acrea atr^. 7 roM kagae, good M. Prtek
Hliiate AaiderwoB. of Wylie, Sri-itoD II, Article VUI 0* tbe < on-1 livery Thto te a very desirable plai-e
. Ettaala of which ba aMnaad to o«>oT. tog to Wexford and Bucklap tor
h or wlihoui all the pe&
teiunicd te b«r home ibto mon.Uii,
In W'Jiaeaa Bbercof.
aiy laud. 30(> ^.'aaw Uinto-r atlll
yuMiial Tall has roiumad to Wash- weak
have MVD
ly iieuda in
1013 Boyd Aveaue. amBlI eob
alter a aboit in the ally.
KUndlng. It you'arc luukiug for a uie—Cbaap
hereto. alBxnl my .Ignaiure In- «
tegloa 'io pianga lato a week of bard
Mtoe Hdith Ortoer vtolted trtoadr
hir. end hU.. Akrod Ponulo. ol (Suall and tbi Uieat Seal or ibvl \<>
ay Towti- KvKxl farm here ll to. ,
Na HIM Boyd AvsntH-. BritA kosaa
work with kto mhlnat. '
1 Oopemtoh Tuesday.
Slate. BI Untlog. thto thirty- ship
Pile Luke, rviumed to their boiue
P aiMjiii
uaat ol city: 10 acrae ImNo 617 -kii .A(-re», tecllon 1.
-Small, gaod Bad * bargatB.
Mr. Taft will iwudn ai ihe white
Drat- day of Awust. '
Tbe bum ot iba tbraahlag machine today.
n Tusnehlp. lo Atret inipr
proied. Itatoliie avud. evvered wllli
A good bo«ae aad tot. OafEeW
bauae usUI naai Euiardap. Ourii
llmWr. A fine plat-e tor fnilt
guoil biitidliigs. and tola of good
U heard to tbli vtctallp Utto last
ysni HuUrl and fatelly h-fl fur
Avenue, south uf Boyd.
OCh- ktt Airo Ggrfn-ld Tuan Ilnil.-r,.i1i mIK-a fro^ Oadaf
the wath ha wlU hava aU tha me
few day.,
WeJdmau. Mtc*., today, where they
.^.-ratery of 8U1*. obon Ottod hwttv toiid—k-vei tr KtUling tul One land. .
Good hoaaea on Grove EtraeC
hara of hla mbtoet ewepl Eaerstorr
Mr. Alhlora and family hard 'moved
lu wtteea. whereof 1 have bere^nu ai-rv-o clewred Tbio la alMi good fur
renilng tor 39«0 per BMmth. A Sbo
Nu. 3!k- lux Acres. Sffatou I.
afflxed iiiy name, at Traverae Clly aa oichard.
at Ibe price OffttgA
«d War IHaluraw aa hit gweaU. a^ Uck from luterloebea. where thep
.a Townihlp, Dife hartfbood a
thto Meplimbwr Ihlg. 1010.
-2,; Acre. IS'mile, aottlh land. ^ Impniveim-uta. Ik i
hto tewaultailoBa wttb bu adrlaate ni*u the auinmer rueortiag.
539 Htxtb Stieol BBd No. tU
P.-L. EHinWR.
Bireet. Jwo fpodon hOBBOs
ami be atfaat coottauou*.
•• and Hra. Oeorge HeEeliager
Sheriff ol Grand Traverae Count 1 alreani of water Gooff buildiitg.
well rented; B viBBfftt
319—120 Acres, section-il
A deanlte pregram baa bsanmappad have retamed home after rUUlag to To lt|e JAgal Voter. c>f Grand Trav­ Ulchig.n
Will divide Inlo lO IS nr Ih at-rea i 11. Ktv-son
teresiment at ibe price
erse County. Hloblgaii:
Township, stump
Sepi. 10-:
:ibSI-Cet 1-Il-lEM-Xov 1.
atilt .spb-i.did ter way kind of toll pl. nty of wood
out tor tba catoteel te taaalder. and It Ohio tor aereral weeks.•
No SOr Sixth tareet. good I MOtt
You art- hereby tioilhed teal an,
No SiS-.’™ ai-rr-« I mib-. from t in
tarladat Uiaae general iui>loa:
Sevsnl of our town folks, ate
mcmduteiil to HecUuit Twelve at
<o 370—M Acrea, Seclion IS. Kas\Vi-bt llollinz gtaod land, ftome goo
No kin W 7lh SI .. 3 room houae.
lacludHigltemplaUag going lo MimUtee Snuday . Artlrte VIII of the OniuliuUtin of,
I Towiiehip. I-' .Acres rki-ar>yt. halJ Voters of Grand Trav- vtood iliuber but a flue ptore for tnii
.-e cummer, no buildings. IS mtlce
No.' 311 West 3th H^ooL AB Mil( an be bought ebe«,i lor rash
N-. S12-1.-. Acry» I mllea Bout
-n. a Dae tocaltoa aad • Sno Bobm
ctly lliuiia II aero* Improv
\o 331- 30 Acrt-a, Section 17, Kav- and beirn.
! No building. Pine sir«^ un
I Township. 50 Atri-a clewred, ex-'
No CIO tVosl Hh Sirmrt. good largo
te corner. A (heap ploce of land
good timber Uud. 3o Acrea ilm
>uae. all modem, very reamoBBblB.
No .31—to Acm Joal south of cllv
• ivaerved. .
No. Mi» rata atraet. BU amdm kEl
jwiih luou truU trees 10 acres Bne
VO 812-711 Actva two mtlet North light large rooms.
tii('«dow A go9d cDBibloed dairy and
Empli'-.-k mile froni'l«ke MlcbiNu 331 East Hth aUwdL 3 mm
I. with a Dne view of the I.ake brick boose.
I Ncv.—3o Acres £ mllea from
mp lend, rough but guval. a an«
. Sie Wgst nth utoeBt 7 aom
And Spaclal Sale of '
'<V. IVtilnauto s mll.-a of Hay a
uU<« for p-aefaes
-rii bouse.
»n 1A-I Itoy with about t g,-re
' Nu. K:!- Ill* Atrer. Almira Town
. SIS Beat nth ttraat. 7 ibq«a
."■-tiiMl gniwih IV-tween 3'><t
vblp. Ut-iiZh- f'Aiuniy, lour nal<-a frou, tVaier In bouse
Lake Adu. to wires soder Improve
.Vo XII Wobomto Etraet. A gusff
new and Prarh lioo yOung cherry meula level and good toBd.~steaty cheap place.
ueeo. Good franc baru aud initt of good wood lUuU-r. buiWlnga of
No iOii Botomia WUml. « ibsm.
bouse, frame dwelling bouse. Extra IlnIe value, hat all good traU tend. good baacaMOt
gnod Uud. - This to one of tbe beat eagveclaUy apples
.No 303 West Iftb street. 3 r«an.
plates wv have on o«r list. Will pul
No 312-130 Acrea. three miles good iocBUoe. wiu trade tor Malltt
In all the peraeodl pro|«rty If aaul- from Nraaen City, ttooxie Couaty. 40 bouse aad lot
at the
acres clearud. baUdinga of no value,
im South UaloB ttreaa. 7
I No 371-10 Acre. Bowers Harbor good -level tend, with some good liiu- rootaa. good looellea.
-on Penlaenla 17 acres set oax Jt> ber still aiandlag. will make a
No. 303 Wa
AM l.5te BtraoL I
IrsU , all beartflg Good trams hosae gpiK-r^ farm.
ood <oi
and bam A aloe Httle plats.
No 3ta—93 Acres. Rattc River
ISO Vi lat Lou West at UbIsb
I Xa 537—10 Artsa on Pealasula Juuclioo. Honzle reauty. 71 wirtw Im­
am 12-13 apd Hth atretta. M
II you ve .at lady to purchue ootriaht. . 10 pv cent, delabout t mllea from the citv No Im- proved: stumps oaL Prame betise
or more at theer loU I em
. oW orchard; wtll
e e *ory lew fries te
poUt .I'lJtold yodr idmiao aotll November t, eed eBord ybu
; a good farm
and offered
I ttaay ookor ta bB
(Kroin fciunUy'a itecned.)

I-.""- •


aiY Property




“"“'.a ■;?'sruv''."'“

Opening Display

BARNEY CO.’S all this week

the cbwee tt? ^^t item a complete dtowiiv ol luge
Muffa. and large Shawls at Special Opaning
Wsafc-Priosa. o«u. oi ivbric rum, mw to ats.

teiss Imaw peer wasIslaaBytfetanlB lhcBcalEitalellaa..

lE. W. HASTINGS. - State

U, •' TMMt au e( M. viM hM

I* mmniiM •»
t^m- oc
«»un. Tte ^ U« ftlaMt w


Hn. ChailM Pnbaer hae received
Mr leU MtltaerT. The ledtaa v—

Uthtbis In Other Otlss—fcomp«*Bve Cost of Municipal
lltumtnmtion if) lii^)^«n.
M MlrnMna Sparer etataM the «Mt ef etoMl •phiUt


-I pum erf toMuet

D. B. CraadaU baa retaraed (nm
Wuicipal ;pi hwte
) Number
mtmu wm
tba wMb. pMriag M to U omf
M ttlM «U ta ««*n» w «Hd
Mahd. and Oe tarMra are aeklas
k* 4m*
aaed me el the hiph price paid bp
trm. M*ttM «Mi te
pewiire k«bi(*. tbe «omH MkeS lix hauUeK tbair petatOM bwa.
K*MB»t*f t« M* Ckat ril—tlM C(
• ccr «*•*■ WkM MM Pr«>T»|i** ••
tbe bur to
sood I|A**IIIH. M lhat bo u*y
to Mb* OM oMUl
•trawberriM and
•Dd - b*«e * ■go*'* 4mI." *udi •« be
Ik eullled to,
n »mJ ibel «• are not 4ol«
«wr d>4» to dd*
**>d Jiidk*
»mwterrVa and t«d*fril. a “‘TT...................... .
Mwbew bebw phBcd la OlaMl Traxerw S,„;“.........
81 Sblclda. o'lie luu bMB o* probe- county. The Weetora UlehUan Do
irvwo rri-etred three rtp>upMWtoiwsbb
Uua.WMrepu)ted upoa
aatavwabb U
time atrar
Vo the null tlaturdav
•M armied aad eearletod *•■• tl
from Ue DbWmb (aim al Torrb Uk>s
lll*fr77Hc: sprtas taikeya itASTtC
reported tut BbleM* bad viataiod ov- and W. H. Walicar. ol Bi<ai
err P~mlae, and rMOBtoeodod a priw SM. hw eoM ‘Kid rm«b»rry t ime
Jad«« Mhyao save him ffoo abitb hVW JoM Pltbr'd ueortr
from cae to dve yean la thoeiate ve- a quit of ripe frutt. Oa theae vlaea
alM> there ere ereeo herrtoi and hluiloBMloiT at ioaia at hard labor.
tWItqi^ uw. Bad the »M«te m- «ddoiaa.
8hk4da itiraod oa hla heel tiu
verd cooper, dhordwlr. tb* third ot- meat the
cr tatM................
Mm* WhMler IMU. a «•- •ad walked to the drlnktap touauin.
lau BrraMd BOM Ua» ue
clapphw tda hat OB hU hMd.
with the Uroeny ol k horn, appeared BttK ordeeM hM to remme hh hah
ud pleaded *u«y. »* }ada* eu*- bleb be did, Urowias K upon tbe
, tooij oarMU remain aaariy
PMdU« >*Pt«B««erne today except lor a ellsht
bW. CbWde bu eerred tMe ia :
The pujorlty vt ibAce«* oa the iron, ead ootwtUeuadlas the tact drop lu Ue »rtoe of pouues.
Iiv«r PAY oom OP court to •leader wmn repet^ raadr. aed that Ula lanUly bare laicrtaded ia top price lor Ueac beln* but *9 <
■oreral aer# rtporied *MU '
busbol teday. Tbey are not
bU hehaU aad hare daae what they
00 PRCt.
•tMK te be dlipwied ol wt af
las very Mrely at Uls price however
oobM for him. he eaaaot keep
datenc Ibeee ware the cat* ol Jacob itoBbla.
Itoaches cuUaoe to hrtos
Seehe * Ue^asr va. the TraverM
The piweeace of tbe tnoUer ol Ed tl.W lor Crwwfords ead »1.« W |l.:i
CKySnwiac eospawaad U«
wait! Cooper ta the coan room tud. tor the Albertu No other chansm
•cetael the Mack calUrator weipaaj. u elecilai eMU. Bdwerd. a pros- oeear le the marbeu today.
AMUoBwaaetad* to eUflfceth*
tooUss youns laao who has beea
Old tabbesa. pm to................4ta1i
of £M*Aj B. ChMe pa. Boban 0. Taap mektss Ike paUcw------u., eaauBpeli. Iroai Ue calendar, ane •ad whe le ap lor a third oSeeae ft DMttdt. Sept.
ed Or. Kacb VeMable Tea bsdns a dlaorderiy pmeea. did bM p*ric; eora ifcRc;
Cbkepo, Sept, ps.—Cleae—WhMt—
O UoMT C«M* •oea to he aey Mtw aosiou to have
plbMd OT#r lb* tern. DtlauH
•aethm- ebsuoa aader the probailDa »C^c; ouni ::i*«c: mis 34%c.
Toledo. Seitl. W.—Ooeo-WhMt—
porM la tb* caee el C. H. Teaep r%. law thaa be did «o so to prleu. Tbe
River t^war aonpaity.
etued Uat he heUeeed ll.Whi eorn
and the e*M ^ WHHeai MeOooi n. Cooper bad tbe Mklas ol a a»u le
i rmm mauUt t Aeoerd.) '
Irg Tabrae a^ Mtea Tabnepe i
him. and ibnt be wn» aot op for am
BuKatof «cp( . M.—OpsUe. 1.7U.
*Mry trad—‘
Idac^ over the tarea. The bUI
crima b« aln^ thai he had been
; WHk « Mwr-o 4mm MtoM :
vwas: I7B7.19. Cmlvee. m, acOre,
titc« m HOfcM* *Mtt u tlw eewt «uM till*. Willard H- Oaapbell et ab Mktns a wokaacc of Uiuaelf- The
id 11. Sbeei’. i(K<300, ewedy: cbolco
Do«'t pat o* cmOcw Bat Fkxir uy Itto•MM. tko taptMbM Mr« •( CtmH VI. JitUM CtMabaiR. waa laponed emit fare him te wadeiataad
•Muled, ead the eaM ol Ole Veader- wbai Ue coadMoae of prebailoB
MMtMOWPei at iiKUi* alter
cr. Your SmSutl ccetii rxx> SrccS —
Il.tte.' slow; yorkers. »p.70«r»-W;
«*b Ma* OMderUk W. Mm aa. toil va Artbur Vanderwit. dieeoroa aad OofMT vwnaeated to abide b>
cSIMica cced h tp site tSem soA .
plss. <» «e.
ai Mouaail «Mtl Oeoeiabar tenn. Ue law, Oeoesa Helmtonb wu
tta %••*. Md » «T*d erf w
•tronj. halts* bodtot. Bed IW hu
Auaniey U H. Oe«e reported that to lahe Ue yoaos aua as eooa ai the
«HM» la ^Um (0 the }on
qurlitla to puke wich bread.
MbMm*. ate-. CRtaa the cowt:
t.TjicaKO,( Sept. *1.—taub
: The MtoBdv h * ha>i m*. bet Ue yp" a-Ub ber bttahaad. wbo» aho wae .^ meed bedore the ber of Ue
ootin, hie aged inotber awt bbutiy. Weak; chtdrr to laacy. 7i»671c; tali
|Mlor mm»1 over the uiBiW «*)• Mtw lor dteoroe, ^ tbe <
aMoeed hieaalas on the re
New (Beneerir oMUere at
Veal ateaha, per U>.. ..
fkh «n*moa. Tberv were two crlm- iSe probate' WPeel of Dora YlnsUoi B
lluar> CperUtiB eL al.. and a aae- BCBB'dCCCCCCCCCCC^
COM added to the caleadv, the
siUm W. Uartek
yildi r*..OhMte* Kates’. eteteUea 0l
John Nciaorva
J. Prloalley left tor jneknoa Taeedmr
ut uarb. cae«* lacludcd. I7<d630lsr Beet stewe, par Ib................. I to l»e
be baMlUeten work thtt ti he- to ottoad Ue
luiai© IlisU. J4c. Chivsnc
tn done by tbe wwhing <rf the pra^ Rre. J. Bmcktn aad Mia. Batcy ru>ls,
-Study; dalslea 13S<-; twias HR6
bale law. waa detuoastreted thle ef- ««» iWarM City caUora Tuesday.
lorwooB wbea two probetloacee, RacoMrs Ottlter aad dasshMn Car lici yoaus Aiucrlcu USkSlCc; luus
(i M ew aad OIwm. who ep«aered Is
Tto aad Ftoyd and Mr. and Mm Clyde hoins. i3«4filSci
New Vort Sept. 21—Butter—Plriu
Ibwn a pear mp> meibWai hassao tteUaway ol Traverse City, came out
defeReta atoad befm tbe
OB Uo okCMialon Saaday aad epcal tnd lutchansed: rcwljiu. S.473. Cheeee
D. weU clad sad boMlss ibeir Ua day at ArcHc Mdatj-rwa.
—at«dy and unebansed; recetote. 3.beads np Uho cmb. wad received Uw
Mb* Odaioai. erf Traveiwe City, •]j; weekly eipocta. IJ59. Uss»l.'ie swat ol Mr. Jones «ud tauiUy. ; Uwady and unebaapod: retiqiK-.. «.i
Hi le SM*
Hr. aad Hia. Waltore ItosMe sssd!
u t«M. ehoald be rwcetved trMe the^ M Wepfaea U. Bad Mr. aad Wn. f*.
- ----- -iwhethw olbccr by tbe counvy clerk. U Bird krfl tor Wanblitstee Hoitday.
BeU awn laported Uat they had
It they Uhc Uic ‘cooatry Uey wBl tosbeyad the erdera et Ue court. Inns"AUta Pa»ge." Robert W. Cbaodien................ .
m tbey had held away tram s»
Mn. I. PrIMtiey went to «U BBS■Th^^lB the Ri»g." Geo.^ B«r Me Ctilcbeoo.
looaa and dluirOerly ptoeea. had Ml
. hsd woihed as Us Tueodw to tIbR Ineada
OoaiUaAmb as tbelr healU weald permit.
aM ptoeed money above ectml oaR. W MtlwaU'e tWBlly. tavw iwiataed
tn the beak. BsauM report
■ Rootledse Rida Alone." WiU LevieRteo Coalert...................... 1»
Uat he BOW Ms a hash aoeotiat
«H. while Oleoa has a Httls m
•IW. Oleoa hu hem nick
•Md deal Uls aameMr. aad eo Us
N. C SIMM hu reaiad the T. U
haak aceoaot satered In
M mldeme and wUl mova ia :
Ctooiwe HetoJorU, aha
Mrs. ABle Vaa Hem hM «ea
•d Ue men M waU as actod m their
I eIRcar. spobc vsry UsUy Ovlat to viiM Meadm
Mr. Boswrt et WUoy. hu moved
tbaaa and anar Ue caiut pbm
> OrawB and opened a llstihilth
em a tmto adrlee «a how W cat
mm at tM.netchor ilNp.
« Uesiaelvaa. coaptlmeiifUis Uei
Mta iota MuCMltaC-erf Pert Bl
Mo.Eoa.Cnb Apple boh- *!(«»•• H y~ ~t e pool !«*». a he~ th,
Ml the «ae raeord ther tare Md<
dectooed thto Ue»- taeUd be dtacheas-’
Dxible Bb^ TtoJH atl6^ aad oirt that Ibey all b«y ib the Bd^ •» f1 tta Mta
a OBM M «lr: Hilerfiy^
seed Uetr monsp te the cMft.
RUS Mn. MdatoMI and tapiiy. Mitt
The pMtaUoa of taka Bhere wu llaeChlhim hu put
srideatad u
ttawd, Bbaiw taowias Uet he was

ahrmoT msr



Esass^T;........ Ik


............. ......**«



Settle Your Doubts Now


These La|c Books You
WUl Like



Cmtt ky

E. Phik-


a Hht satprata from Baitar


here Twutay and Ulpped a car lead
ot peu to Ue Maurd Seed Oe.
Mtorto AnBp had a CRIaMi- telMbeae pto toto Ids meMtace
M. Paltoer wm a Traveme €«y via-

Befuro you huy yoar hi-*lin* alow «o»o » oA aoc U'l

r toaflr. Ttiia etove ie octaBmi^ iit fuol aad V
k larae f«otl dtmr. haiM mdi Raa. heavy eata tent tad «a b.r
Ekrhhr <M«T WOl)l» BTOVK mailr.
hbt-v tho Jewel
(Wbuiatioii Wood aad Toni etovo had that hoAtiuc vomAcr
of the c««tttr>—OQLKS OSJOINAL HOT ilUhST.
Brfqpe you buj' * bestiuf
otuta! u hud mw o«r bar.


Hannah & Lay Co/S Mills


Ibaemthchietalbenteilo thet ya
here ear hedoSend Vo. edU Uhe Ihoe

.auda. am-----

tha a a. «UiM et »>.“>*'*'“V t“yue Wo cl»iei ta ben th. bat luort.
,Ml rf Bod Bw i« Ibo oily.

M to do luy
aiy own
Id feel
11."—Jlra. Ed.
l»C. ihrk Hap.
wav imptiMr

tost a tow Msre #1 Thsse

Ladles’ Band Bags

___ After Uh-

Hta Pearl B«atods Waal U
ptos Tweitoy «• viah frtuda.
. Radsrmm bu eaM hM timbto
■to Ue LwdtoStoB Woodeawere Co. *l
wdU he taBbesed aad ehlved bwto
Ifeawa rftais wtaMr.
The Brawn tasehaB boys wW ptay
I Snuou tap Tbwwdar aad rrida}-D. ». Bipaaldi droT# to »
e/t oa MbiBtta nmam taaoi
OeocRt Ofwea. ol Barker Craek vMHad hfa toaad paaeaia. Mr. aad Mm

Tha Tmmim CRT ARrimcB wIR

Ihdniy Pertumes

SLM Meo’s SUrts

ne...r.eaetd the taka •xoStt
a ro.ae6iid 'joiir«a,yooa.« led e
better bugaia.
SotoP cnatoMew took
UitMAiidlouof tbMB. ThtolVPMMihi« Ipto of tbow II.M Shirto for tL

Biggest Assorlamit oi Hunters’ SupMles
iKtoe AetorSe Bllo. Hahn Sbol lieo. 8i
*■"•* BSW Go.: Da^
1^ Oja
RutiuCue. HusUdg Otato, HnstAsg Beeto. Hsstiag Bwca.
pMwa^ockatDriDkiagO«pAQtmCtata.Bel<»dia«TooJs. hn ki»de
Jotoied Bbeik.
Sbell*. E-ui Rod4.ti«*Gtwaad. PiimeihyGhm Wbde. BctoIwts of iB ktode.

Ite OcMw liM*cr^ »c Laocs-1
•estlfc afoRaxlMe ever riAU


Alls Mere. Hw Mg’


wwp UAVeKtt HMULS TttMMr


t:i^ IS NO 1J9W nacsD Atp£





m Ae nibm Aat piotect the feet frtB snow, i‘

r^w:S»ssv|«e«.»s ,
ate hand ttote widlAhad wMi the uhnwt care; Aiy fit
■lugly and obndortahly ovet Ae Ades; eveiy feature that
makes for service are givoi the must aenei^ attention;
jo^ot^it b ^kJisWe to nuie rubbers without
Wales Goochrni RsAbers are sold evetywhere good
sdd. Gel tire best in rubbeis-insW on seeing
Ae Wal^s Goodyear, Bear Brand trade mark Ae next
time you buy.

Undifwrltera li
'>l»Crm« Takw
ip LMi

Olw HsTw. Mlcb, Sipt Pd-tte
BoittawaM ateem ot-atnndky nlgbl
ahtnM tto itWJher BMUeKMl
thousand feet, toe aeu brwktag evef
ber.Vt*utog bar to poud hWvDp.
Bto la broken at nninbets torto and
five tanks, with tto Unk to|re puelered. and a rock tbrbagb the (tall aft
tto engtno. Tbe bOM U full ot wa­
ter. CkpiaA ainctofr, t«pr«Mhl^C
-rwrlier;. M at tbe w>^ 0>lag

seen ber and made n aurrey ol
Ibe wrack.
Tto ftxitb l^anlfou Ute urtog
rew. Cftptaln Kent
wblA haa tow aiudlag by bar ala-re
Ae Iru atmnded. took tbe cr«« off
tfclock yeaterday. No Urea «ere
Mat'or accidents occurred. The weatber ban atIBed down and tbe work ot
Ugktoring I* being forwarded.
Wrecking Hasier StocUIr has made
n sorvey of tto BeihlebiB ud says
raUier eondltluas remain favorable, tto ebanrea are. toe «u be
d. The evto la being Uken
ot her u^jnpldly aa poaalble '
MUWIqM li here ud eOorta to releaae her will coameore as aoon as
one bak day to tbe work in do- tbe cargo tt out.
uebU« aelenei Jk tto High achool. At
tto togtoblng ot tto year there <
at girls wto wuted to uke np td•OUTHv MILTON.
Taseed cooklag,
Ttore are at liriaest two claiue In
South Milton, kept »—Although
to neaual training claseu In abop the nighu are <re^ cool 'Jack Froat"
work, miking n toUJ tt 40 audaou. sun keept htr^tonce.
and It to tbe dau to wood torobto Grandpa Wood vitited frWadi at
Aldea tbe flrat ot the week.
Sapertothadea't (Hibert r
Mra. Myrtle Rickei and little dmigned tbe utabllabmetit ot a claaa la •r. are spending tto week
house uniutloe: which will Include wadin.
Mr. ud Mra. Awitaeggar attended
study ol all tto pbaus to ito cooatrucUoa anA.Ar* of a modem bouae. toe eoenty lair at Kalkaaka. Wednecand anottor ia'wKUng ud dmai mak­ day.
M7. nark-a people win take (t:elr
ing. Ho belkved that toe ruulta
woald iwUty toe eainbUpbnieet of departure from the reurl, TburWay
They hare been enterutotni toeir
tftue courew in tto High tcbool.
|Tto dauartment or chemlaljy hu deugbter. Mrs. Loelie Dnwa nnd wn.
nearly touMed (hit year over laai oi for toe past tew daya.
Mrv Win. Osborn Is visiting frlwdt
> are sow 4t tteeciiU uklaa tto
conrae wtore tbwe wen only 2« in and relaUves. tori tbk week.
A farewell anrprlae pany was
departiDut Mat yur. in order
dered toe Rev. E. M. Kecma aad wife,
last Tbnradny evening, -tbero
Retresbmeats were, srrved ud a good iLae
wu enjoyed by all. alUiouab
fell aad to toing It ml^t be the last
witting c
I be (torted a fee ot
meeting with onr worthy pastor u4
OM dollar per aeaerter tosrard tto
fanilty, u he does not expect to re­
expenw of hseptog up tbe eourato.
turn to tbis fiRd another year.
Upon mellon ot Mr. Peck tbe pro- Mm. W. WUwo win enietlain the
poaal to charge this tie and ;o es- L. A. 8. tola week on Tbnrsday.
(abllto tbe oourae in honse aultalfot
MUa Floy MIy ta vlnlttag frtenda
lere autboHird by tbe board.
in (kta nelgkboHumd at preeeul.
BaperlntMdent Ollbert wu auiboi
Painters have begun cutting cc-m.
sMl to srrite tto dcpartaenl of tbe and find U a very good crap tola year.
Interior at ^'aahlngton expreatlng
Tto Rev. McDensMt
tbe aentliuni bt toe hurd in favor days at tbe take tola week. Also
of tto appmpriatien ot
for the Mr. ud Mra. Goodwin, wko have
irpoee ot eaUbllshliig ot a field madia quite exteulve Impro'
force to the buriau ot education fo" ] toeir new additional lot. tto purpoae of auMUng local school
Messra t’Inrk and Clark bave bia»boards to toe pmbieiu that oonse b«- ilfied Itolr new property very marfa
toem. Thia moTemut la tto out- by bavtog It tovilid. ueded and
to beutlTul treea. TIsey
tfowth of (to Rusell Sage fottndatloa.
pect to build early In the spring.

Y<nfl: family wHl get better weenng n4>bers, your dealer
get his tegular ptdEt





, tftfviuwtt lb ChwbOtfT OnMrtiMM
Mndawt in tba Hlfb

Tbf N«ate MMtag ot UM «DM4 at
•teeukm «u toM Thbndtr nlfU
(M tiBM mu tpM. dlnpoaia
fwttu kulMU M« to tM <bM«
«l MtM«l ennditiau bg taperintMd'
«W <Ulbu4.
TVe aPteteUiMit o( « cotaaiHtM W
uuOnufcm «(twolMre «u and* tn
oatoa wHb ib* l«v <m 'tb* nbAet
•ltd prar. im aoruby BDd Bertwrt
war* BMMd u the a*a
■ ot anwr* pnld o
fu tk"- tlr* ol «xtrB h*l9 by C. t.
a»m. inniior ot Ue Oak F*rti MhML
wu mUDtad to Ua toad to Ibnir
udkau tb* vorfc aaa ucMury ud
tb* »fuut JkBkor mu IM i* Mr
lupoMlU* to tbe lu antbod*
Uat niadP tt mmuut. Tbe hUl vu
for UlM Md tb« Ubor vu doM In
«rdu to bbW tba bMdtot to protmr
(latoba «bu ih* Mhonl* «MUi.

Tb* bia «M dtoatotol to> tb* baud

and It wu dooMod ibu tb* oMadlUM
la vUeb tbe bUMiiir wu toTt bf tb*
cr tonltar wsrraatod tbb onto
bUp and the uttoiut vaa bllo*^
Tbe pubn ot tb* trust offenr vu
reed and aboind that dartof the t>tbdeat aontb be bid lude IM c«lto topoptod oto edUe atad euttod bleun
vaeM. «e uuiAIir luc« oainber ot ealla vu du to tbe thet that
dortot tbb «t«t BtoDth ot the hAmI
year It ta neceaaary to call on all (be
acboUra wbo have apt retiorud at
irLroi ind find iot tbi reuoB vby
they bare nbt Wtoidd the giddeo.
HawuiDleatlM wu rOdfi tmfi R.
J. Moreer * Co. Hi wbWh they btdted
Utot they bid toMfi that the yratW
r tb* toller at tbe
•ebMl are'dilieUte ud Uiat new
tm wmM to iubMltutid at ooo
Tbe ririrt if the Israraaei eoupany OB tbe bMler at tb* Bobrfiata:
tolMUMt wu I*ad and M wdb reccihmasdto that tbe old pale rairec to
Ted dad ttobtod wlik ewtht
cbecdi y«l*u. The r*tort wu recelr*
id fwd filed,
toy Rowe wu enciaed troii ntendtot wlMol iwiag to Ibe'tut that hto
BUTteu were needed to the aoppbri
ol bu fauMy.
On tnottob ot Ur. Peek the biUdlM
WU nuthortoed to .fie
ihoid with the repatraOB the wRtoowa
of tbe Bobrdtou and Oik Pirk bilUtop that wiri dieliM apoa by tbe
bua ol tbe burd at on* ot tbiiti
recent (omatfuee meeUnca. Tbe aaae
iiiuee w«i alM glTdi piw«r to
aitki what reiAire are neteenry in
tbi ptipitty owbed by the bUrd
Stiti iiriit
torlitooden otndn bed aerdral
nibtote ot iiDfiertuci to btlng tofoti the board, (to drat it -wldrB
totobuiBU or tbe ittondhbetf «
irtoii. acboola thfi yUr ud tot
^ ftpirw are u toW*t:
Hllh •theta ..................K4
CMlral ...........................m
Monroe Center. Mlcb.. SepL 2S.—
Oaln et tha National Banka 21.7 Per
Wtowood ........................ m .
Tto funeral «t Henry Breuwa who
Cent 6ver Laat Report—EnaOik Pirk .......................4ik
eras throws from bli wtooa and
niOM Depoefta.
stuily killed wbtle
drivlag a
Waahiogtob. Pept. SC.—Tbe curren- WMxferd Sntnrdn}'. wu told at tto M..
}L ebureh ot tbis pta«* at li-o-eMok
We udersund that Harry Dmsd
ibat ibe total retrerve told by
7.T14 MtMnal kaaka la tMST.7l3.CtS hu aoM his farm to B. K Clark,
Hr*. Rex hu goae to Ann J
21.7 per cemt above toe ruutred


b lonni ae
«* mryboiik


«K stoaMCed Unr
01 (WfimBoB <4 tha
World. NoUdngc^
I to hdM op the wok
and snsted twdks of
younS ond oM.^
rob UL« n-Au. Buootm

i (it IW toplU to tbU
yur. iithiodh (be
school reniu
kltoi an iMtoaat ot IS orer the '
ber ol (biUren ot arboot age in the
city tot yur.
Tbi ton-reoddeat altendbaei__
ato made i auhtot bt (oaimeai and
tbe senior clan* was cttM to
(be wide range that tto Atifieou
tnna. ibm bodng mm etadut
turn each ol^Ui feUowIng plaeu:
MtyfieM. Ktogtoy. Otoe*tsh. later
toeltob and TteBpaotome, and two
troto Mo^ and Hte Lfka Thb
ttto eestobioa pdiaat tbrngboat
tto ottor giddu.y
fi tto trkPidto daaMo
in ttoi Wah aeheo! atVueai wto
have Ian ellu rredka ata
»; fonlore. 71: aophoonotu
H; (Mehtoea IM; epicial at^ieb.

Tbk yw tt tae.btofi fioMbto to

George 8mah left Moodby tor tbe

laUoa ol aavaanah. C*. la CC.0C4. n
tocreau of lOAti. or itJ per cent aa
tl.7M la iMi. put
Worth. Trxu. has th.Slt. u toowM
of M.SH. or 174 per «eR ever fiC.CO to IMO.
M.H1. a dfcreau
of aag. or 7.1 per cent if iteo.
toa ABMnlo. Tsxaa. fii«4i. as tecrease «( 47.74*. or gl.t per omh.
PaU Rfver. Maw, IlfiJK. w M
-WU of l(.4». or isA bir wK.
Oambrldgi. Uau. lU.tS*. an inemae et »bR. or 14.1 free CMt. ‘
UTba. MWa. filjtc. ba lanuu ot
S0.ns. Br lfi.4 par ewt
Ctotau. Haaa. ss^ a diMwae'et

«-a Btt filiiM;

- ' -i[

Tto Lbdtea- AM biM b cUckea pi*
social Saiarday eveatog at (be todieeaM ball, two qsUia bring dtapneed at.
Mrs. James WTaebeome ato Mrs.
Umud Batey boMlng tbe Mcki' n»
Tto iMlA-ApMnd hWy that ante
ed U tto tome of Mr. and Ura. WR
C.iddM’. a tow Srickb ago. ta Mag
very Bleety.
Mr. andrMrs. Cahrfii Spaagler were
to Grand Rapid* a tow tail weW
ML'SRBOOM — At tbe-taeiti^ et
the iUM tedaratloB et labor aevera!
toiportaat reaotalkiia wwr* psued.
Oto that (be taglsiunro ibOiM be
ealM upon 10 pass a aUtiM mkking
mtadaueuor tor • jdtH mtM
bitwiw (be figea «S H fiM R M aA

«. ftM.
toedUoa et (hair film wtoa tto Ttov
♦ ♦ ♦ d o ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ o « « •*« 0 •
MiplBtedL Mich, Rapt- 7i-Oscsr
byobs Met a valtoUe borwe Bwday.
shkb to talMfi at fifito.
Jeba Dobm rcMnmd BatsrAty
frui (Msnd lM|dds. Where to anwded m WeMWi WHblgiii Stole toir.
Bert Kroapa bu • aew taeue e»
cktaed which be hopes to tore ready
* toeapdficy •ktfmtdA.
RtofycBi ta baiy wfift tbe puAw.
But they i#Ut aooi be
done with
ardeifi heri.
Tto HtoiU Name Urdto aad
Rtaabeib EeuM ueat a few toys to
Grand Rapids tasi weak.
KtoaMi ifcAinu reumed Neaday
from Grand topidi. where sto weat
te if tbe borne uasert. Sto says
they were an trwated loyally and
weic all will satlaSed with tto liceptlob Orsad Rapids i^tC tbetouand
ibey dM everTtUng to ttotr power
■r tto boa* oomers- pleasure.
Andrew Gilmore la to (he Mlgbborbood with bU eeaitaai cwUer ud
hex been at Charles Lardtea-' nmt
or tbe week.
Kdwla Lyeu ta risJilng bis paruU
SIWitorry Kilaw to apradtag tbe
weiA With his paiwnit^bere. '
Mra. Andrew Cinoll and Mtaa
Marie are Ttahlng Mrs. C. C. Curtta*
lu Trsrerae City.

tog with* tto G. B. A L M #aMto.
tod tatortortalagaput if the C. R.
« I. Avatma.
Ttore erw MU mmv rirr^lrj ibit pan of tto toMi who rsmfber
itb greet klidnese. Mr. ud Mrs.
Mr. Ktogskw wu breaght back to
« vUtage at —-r*-T wbMw toe RMiauatalive Whits TUMfiM TMt
Hi Wto Odwrad fUfifi ud Warm
as barfed by toe tode ot M bu
U M. KUP toWet
hiid. muy it to* oidklmcra itteodlag tto (nural.urrtau. which www
CblcMo. BigL 7C.-toaM Bairj—
fitting tbi uM«B iweMiftp
tatira White wto MM tbe mery et
gIlhan for commanocr.
hfCbeiy to coanectliB WRb ImMu's
ftirtittodr tthetta hr tot Nut Hau
it it 0. A. R.
Atlutie CUT.
t^9j. fiepc
Sfi.-Joba B.
Gjtotae of Botoep ww el
maoder in chM <A toe O. A. B_ ud
Rochmer.;^ T.. tooua ffor tbe
piMiWrfiie*«ng oka* of
officer* elect'
eu were
chief, rhaa Barrowa of Retoettanl.

P&IX NTBI6 iBi iWM H tBBily tftti bmHw H Rh tig
* 4a»iriMitRMB;«ilwB*raNMyMkal«|«l uHR.
■MUMiMMftelvyniltalltaiMl Ftf MmIIm.

New that Grand Travomi "made
good' at both tbe ataw teUs tbia MU.
it liw that our Meat graagere begu maktog ptoas for tto farther derelopinwt ot oar sRicBtanrsi and
portonlty tost will be i<wi for a dcotsued wfU to In coanecUon with
tto atati eraage aseatiag to be heM
this city to Decengrer. Bveiyou
made at toe time ot laat year't state
tog. Tto tbowlag ot fruit wu
•urprise to cmrselvu u weU u the
visiting grangers. There are muy
oa lor tolleviag that a better
sbowtng, at leant eo tar u grslu aod
ablM are coamsmed.
eu be
> tUa fan. and thire are <
Caets that poMi towsid the eeoolnaloa
even a better pbowiag of fruit
to pat on. Already a Ibrger
- coUpcUoi of Hpe fralta to glass

chard acenea Is about twice tbe slu
ot last yur* collection, it bu been
proposed that a ahoWlng of Grand
Traveryo coin be nafie at thto Ume
u well as displays of fruits ud vegetabtat. It ta expected that every gran­
ger In toe Orsnd Trsverae terrUory
win save hla very bMt from bis fall
liarreof for the porpose et tbe 1
leg the same as a pan et (he grange
Inumnch u Leelanau county has
become grsage (anlterT to the put
years and tbiwe graages tore
orgutaed In toe same during totpast thru months, tbetw wlU be nmre
grangers to nsatat to^e' enterTnii
et tbe eut* gtongw- this yur
than lut. Tbe stnte meeting will be a
big one. M tbis Is toe year tor tor
eleoUon o( state otficera


Grand Traverse grangers will meet
1 toeir ban on cau atreec Baturday
afterhooa uxt and attend to reguta.
butneaa The pregnm hour wiU be
given over to a consideration of pres
ent IMy Sucretaful Men—Bto are
They? Each gruger pfaunt will be
expMed to name a living xoccetsfni
men ud give reaaou wby uld

Mrs. Esther Kingsley, ahoae death
occurred at Beldlng. Mick.. Bept. 16.'
.Erie cooity. .Sew York.
January 4. lUO and removed wkh
ber parents to Wtacoosin
Chi. Mho aws married to'judsoa '
Klnuley in WiacoMtn to IP64- They
removed to ItaUlb teuty. ratooM.
In I83S and in iWi came to Crato
Traverte county aad aetUed
tomeitud upon which tbe depot and
part of toe village of Kingsley was
later Watod. toe vlltage betog naawd
In honor of Mr. Kutgalcy.
Fbr muy yaa^a' Mr. and Mrs.
ingsley were promlnui In all good
work to that pan of Oraad Traverse
couty. aad toeir memory ta sitll boU
n klgb reurd. Mr. KtoBMey died a
lumber e( year* ago. wben Mrs.
Ktogatay weal to UeMtag wfeere ske
bto since made Her borne with ber
daubter. Tto ekiUraa tan ate:
OiUdfi K. MacAweea et Reed Ctty .
MM,; LoeHa KWWebater at BsM1: Ctanie KDetrolt: Arthar 1. et Porttaad. Ora■M. and ColuitoM W. of Traveeu.
CU.V. Tbwe are fix grand ebtttrdb
and two greet grand cblMrea.
Mra Kttgaiey wu a great towM«e
wkh an wbi knew W aad bee
mabta character uMlM ber t* tto
reepect and love of all wbo wera uquatoled wKh bar.
Mr. ud aiv Ktogaley took put In’
•U theta
MOftoccuty 1
•t the Grand Trareru tegba. anfi t
mn«e a firedt Bweeu « tIite '<Br«^

av tertkblw bsr toiMlcaUhc aiMfi. ‘ebWpflM, as «« at tto toiti

ly u M tbi brltory trial et Lee
Riowme. etoMft In minir deigita. H.
dcctared Brpwwe ptomtoid btoi eee
thotoud dnilarj'and watud hto to

Hal Snrini!
,m S«r W1 HiA TuS»S »iilm
Skirts. Wa-NU, Miliucry aiiil b'wrs; wliy not i-(uram- from the
iK'W.rrt fall IKIU stylca aiul •{•> >1 <-<-<>iiom»<<allr at tto nan>

R«w Fall boBti (f«U k^) BR tnm.............................. «li*
Ke« ni TtOend Mto prM ap fna......... ........... tU«


etwtn while they Ibrt...................................
ftirts t«r Ifilfi woBMi up Mat....... ...........................|tS
ll«w1irBitts;pUinaBdki^.8»kw»...................Me ^ Me
»4.00 had M-50 faffeU Wlk Wtoftt, Bptohk................. R|.ll
ibos'i fail to pay a visit to our remodctMl an«l fireatly cblarc'Hl \V.iiiH-ii\ amt Slwpee'Uanneat DejaartmcnL

*10 pBtttnm,wi tWo»lUd,w«rtb 17e yd. As utbd MM 1 ^
cow OB Mli for thifi week'a BeOiac atv pBr
......... f


in gr^, red. Uaok, an «xoifitioBBl ^

Sfitordfijr'fi• HQiR«7 OpeaiBC ihowad
Bfirml hBsdnd
vodieli how Adeh «i*CfiBe*,
aad ftyk mb to tmltiM
priow ira Mfittod i» dMHtBftM with^'SslfcBkrfil I
the biBis ot the ex^w^T
day’s «peoiB|L
eette it this sre^ •
wff imadw
sf tbe Mwlfii tad wtaAw ttmtoa

New Fall Strealcn
Wo^aen’v in *pry and bed at |1.98; New Co-ed.Sweater* mS

Ili-ri-V a f' w of thi- uth<-r shot- berfniRs:

.Niilhtae but g<M>d solid ahnes find a fdaee iu onr hig slock.

New fall and winter Roifa-Orercoata Panta Hea»7 Coats,
tier preHata Cnjw iiiul l-'umiahiug Goodn. Wo arere nertr betl<
par<-<{ m tlKsu- tiats; qualities Goti.sid>-r«d. yon'il acre* With tis
that pricvsi |>n-*.-ut J^-al saving oiiTMvrtunilu-* 00 uvw. dependabli- m<-rrhandi*i-.

Kirsebbaum Gothes, $14.48 to
fiA.Sfl to l-l.iio t>-nK thao tto taniv qiulitit* are sMd for etsewb-Tc. Evvry nruR-nt ktridlly band-tailwed; a big wariety 4rf
tbe n<-w fal and winter stylca and faBHcs.
mtl BtJlTS, New rel! strlM and |va!tv«wi. wndr of de^d. Kood vPeaTtog Ohevioto aad OBHiiaeTea
iMn’ SCHOOL SORB. Double Rretoted Coat and foil
cut KiiK-kerlxn-kvr Pauts; in utWI gtev-striped K%<"TM( ;
all ai*c» up to 16. tqicdal................................................... ...ttM


_________ HfWD-THAVtlft Mm*tO. TUtM>*V.M>Ttlf««tr. ttic

praalOaai «aM iato krr
IprtfM tkla aiomlac aka kad a
atraapa alaltor. Notklaf i
laaa Ihtn Mr. Wind, wko a
^^n• tka iwa u»l>a for a teaaklna ala-


I will Ur mv9t u mtry *r
f>M akMrt anythM*.
I will try M kt M t>*pn •* '
can tut imM maryMl' ^Mfr
I will try U k* iMikl. kkikfHl Mk W"d »• >»tri*k<y •»*«
u »vwy tovifik thi"#.
tf I avar^ fall la UytM *• #•
ikaaa thla^ I «Mi ’^O'. «>7


I. A. 1-

•opt. 1, mo. TACO.
Ml.tept.1. mM




tor*, ate
----kote they

yon brtop me 'any aioaaape Citun my
bora nod flrUrHr. WIte laofttte. -Ho! Ho! Ho!
«^t a fioHe-l had with tboa tkit
■lanlDc aarlyl Om HUM (allon
Otda’i want to po to ackoot, ao



aradla RuU. Ow la Uaa.-th---------«m, «ji4 uia otkar la Ru^. ona yaar
old. U looka aa It U nk
rata, for it U ih
lat Wa taara < cow and bar oame
M tncy. I wUl nay pood-bya
ha lauibad. -i loUad then «p In a
*MU)la Haaaparpar.
a treat baap and ckaaad tkao far. Mr
And wkal a eaaahlnT Mntiliis Hn-aa. to ka aora! -Wkare htaa all tka
ckwda #mr, Ur. Windr aakad your

PMaViaa PraMtent-Mfi. Makal »m teublna Day.-


k alwaya-----r-^r »»■ » aaa atK* W**» lB4iam P»» «Mia aai »aai4 » a* aawytkla*. Om teak rvraaM ®aa. aka
-Mara la a Uaa«.
Zv la a Hty Hka nCL khar .y MaM. aak. »w»t
at ka« • kl» tka laitkar ka)f of tk. brtte. kata* UU tt. teuu U kaa a k^tei ^
Makal Parka.icteai waa aai U naakkai. 1 caaw aM aklp. aiatta« wttt «a Mr aaatkar «anta< away ky tka i*M »atara Mac kM wkatkar U kaa tasa la
Wa aiaa» alad »a ka*a ya. Mr aiania..aa*a. aiy aaaa «aa aa Ua crulaa.
Mar taikar aaigki ka ga tka aaa ^ Tka fa« yana tkaH^ tea
wa ara ail a
^ ^
irata! Tka aaaraat attik* .«aa a la«a ara aiylad. ky «9«ta. paata.
■Mat M tka tlnw i «Mda a pood
Wa kad
, M«kar, aa« kopa
ararhad. tela a*ay. kat aka «ai ceUc to try Tka Uaaa la a
r tripa vlth hloa. Nov 1 as po* aoyapa^ tor
.« la Ifca alBlh .prtwJo, o Mak 10
Bay of Biw*y. «> tel tka«.
ly oteaiac and ataeUoMfa M tka^
'"*lnp around, aka Mnnd a tu- i, Boratat. afiar it kaa kaaid OMr
•arMekrttla. Hta.
Wa kata a tea ^nn, tka contuaion m p«Un, toady ten. kot no <«adla. *ba rna tet ^
8apu It mo. « ta HI) I


M*r»M V*ltnf

u,«». ittr, ^ Iw,- »-it. - U-.■.o<«

aaaw U tety.
Uraa aaar ut i am


- iZ:


tka Korwatlan brlpamlna
tka krldia U do.o- Ai ^kd akd all» body U « akarp. Ater
ikat »a opanior kad oaly
Pte- IkW '
W one la aka clutcM a Uottan and tew«. a real tydopa. «Uk lU OM .
‘ abtp on ika brltaniioa tkan booad l« watad R «idd> ahma bar band. Tka W wj martakM*
Mdaad. Ud

kavliu a pood tlmr. but 1
that I would Uka |.

-v “>■
■" ""Stw

VIiT Trn?
Yoar. I wait to aaa w mua amar

rkaro batwoM CkHuoai aad

r £\»




«rr«,.Lr.ri “ ■>">



ktr aara. • She aarad harder ate irMd
t® aora.*.. bot tka thuodar drowned .
p. ^
au ... a blank. Th. ,o pat nkate of tkd.te.n». Mr k

> aava bku bui be d

tka- aipnal of I
‘ aotlBcwr kad i
daipf-kod .topped. Hale, kad aaty .u w“
1 ^ tt^la.
80 they '
inanx «tk» enrtoo. cteatoraa. MB
Utar, boaorer. the man at tka wbad
The Twine- Mumom.
teaUytkafr Maaor kaltte >ki« ktera
ibo Water Work. Park, ate aMa of heard the cat orylnp talully far kelp:
It wm aiorvinc ouiaidr—ate H wm tk« P»*M
aald with a tary «yw
iba KUnl lUiA acbool *“*“
.blob *1 “'r“
attete. bo .« dlnplni to tka roddor. boW- rory near to aiorwlo, ladda. tan. lor lartooa air, -Did yon aaa a
laio *"•




«a kU way dowa *

tept. u. i»ia, *. ^te «•

I mil elooa. bu.i wll write apaln. You
laaa pat tkla naaa on ,u| tat eocloaad t.anty-Ova aaau.

uuatly dlaappoMtad Thar
Jnai-lkhn aHrar
« w# held dean a
and kad tka dat
-wa-w. »aa


s"i? rHrH*

- ■ - - hMrta- bM



i be takaa. ate (bar o( you U a
•• wU ■ttaa
-VYhbt i IpnU Rafoa-r
way, where tka akip baloapte, tka war. aa dlamai i
«,i. My Maaom are arilk- yon.
Maaaal- Pudpa
Capwtn took Puna bam wiM kte to
*We want to go It
raadlnc. phyatolopy. pteprapbr.
live la pence and comfort an akora. naiM boik.
“li-a ordtoary aame to Coal Ftra.,raioiaar. eltll povoreinaiii. and apallthinking
maam. -Ha bean to w pMM
1^, | ,o toAtboo) «-vao' <U>. Tbara
TM tetilitnca at Rkhard.
turaa kad hoea Mnp emouck tor om niama - Well baia
k hart atohi. lloib ot yon etlmk laM tkto Mg
twauty-twran acbolars '
-INck" ate narar
l( naioa wj
■( boma "
chMr and watch ikm teatt. ate he
aebool. Our teackar-. i
doc alwaya cat.•
“How ru .e» W«- kaaaaY aay- «,ry a»M. lor >t to a H«a Ipato Mua
N<m Honpta. tea la a pood taacker.
Riikaid. That »1U
How BMa riy.
iblag*" a
wltbeol a mM you might (riakta* tt away.”
nua to all 1. can thiak of far itala
The moat ramarkable ibliip about alga ut )
Bat whUa waichlno tka l«tto Batao
uma. ao pood-bya
_ ,
toy who iboaphi a proai deal
“NDiklQp W. aa oU Note'a atk)* Budpe and Pudpa actaally tall OoMap .
Yoor Mrikp BunaWnar.
ahbouph ikay aid now Ada Nchoa.
_____ _
Richard atlll aiaya at tka way in which ihar oall .ihiooph the declarad PUdpa
Ooaanl K aaaai IniareaUnp » l» ^
northern UlaneaoU ate air. which to acooopitokte by tka
-You wall!' bade
bach to artiool apala! Hava you bad ^ ^rtorma hU duilaa
pacnllar ahaMoa airuciuia ate tbt oat of the room.
a happy aummar?
Aa a dot hU homo to on tka adpa
te-er that raaldaa wltbla tM
Praaantly aba raumed with a atlp
Tka VekM of BaaaN TWepa
paper In ber band.
“DMen 1 kaar yen mgr tbdi date a
* ^ ...................
ol a Wp timber claim north of MUlc ‘tetba^
\N bile tba boned otaU other animal
-Udy ate ^paWlemw (I'm Ik^l^
IHUe tklnptoaMaTamowt
to MHkr
«fa Uka, Mich.. R- r. D. No. 1.
lumber-n-kara are
recta Baa. m ha e
| w«„,ia nkt to Join yoor tenaklna k^,
mill to
boeea belog hollow ate kiacte ea ^kj^ugh ika Orate Oomhml *».«»«-.t-Yea. Uacto.- rapftod Boy. 1 «aa
|,.,y. <i be wo^men live by
aa toady.clah. 4 am twelve yeere ^ 1 em ____
.. *vre„
- - by
... Miuerooa
------------ lltUa
I...V* a..—
SKbmtion of ThMpaaMoha. tel- RM trjlap to talk Bte^tn
m-i that hetonn lo them ”
ducto. ^
“Aftar tkat I had to blow peatly. 1» the aevMib prteo. My papa baa
tf ywa pMaae.itoa M kaa la kto kete I aay aach
•anahUM PMaideat. fm R wotod MV- takaa tka Herald «va yean. 1. tee ^enee 0 the o«cB Wkea RHhard through wblrti baatte air to la caw jo»
, aiani . irculaUoo.
Uuphed at km laaay Hula tbtnpa waaM loo ■acb vaMear
To «te
Foft ot Iktoytote.
.boat. 80 I have iak«i a mile ...oa. thraa alaiora and^raa broih.^ My ;« uia hi.'aiaawr laapbt him every
*te ■'teech. ate tot her toed tkeaa Iato the
Tka wMd etoDtoa aa ete we Hide
af lay own. ate coma toto the ter- twb atoiera yaueper than I would
woeld tea
^ caine for ihe
u.e mlU to uka
pa WMd
"Here.'aeld mama, "you bakoM Iba ibalr ancle. amUltop. ea he look a
. .
flub. Thalr
Thalr. name.
uamea „„ bundle ot latiara. well-rorded. to «“«
. V .» Sira *•*“
eaed nine, ***
ete "**•
Boit. ***^
epte IZ aWh and
.od iroi with It tO the
Queer Tlektocker. wkoee ketea gram eba^aaer iha wtodaw. -Jnat let ma
AM than*r.^.
wkei ^
tn* and waider wait,
„._a «. ihdto
0 the loraniaa Tvro *“k! flap of the .lug. H ona ot ibeaa

ult/nra a fa. tlRle tklnga wbleh
eha.ed ihci •aR*"* •'‘r'** •** token and cerula
eoduted. and more tkaa Mda up Mr
tk. time ante to ptomtep Mtoa fte

boub wUaiUnp.
Tka ftaat akj kateiap otar ne ^
Ukte MM PteoOy Uko the 4Ma:
1 aaw a UtOa piri. U». who kad
tear wktt «Md ate Iwm bMpInp kor »aam hour* beMr* acbool Una. I aUppte up kaalda
bar. ttftad bar prMty twrM pantly.
ate klaaad bar on tba «baok. Bha
t waui'^ aware U ana 1. no. (ntete. bm
I vktpbM tkp vkitp «M«4 I
weal Into tbo Mkool room waUMp.
^irr 10 Dm hPPPa up*. iMte tbr
-I pUyad wkk your boya ate plrM
M Ike acbool yard. atoo. TwIUhad
TbOT took Mkd oort, •« «kRo wHk tkair oapa and toaand ibair rlbboKa
TkM I oauphl op a handful of eriai■M wotebtoia loMM and tang tta
Ate M I kora tka iM M k
pay mm to tk*‘f f«te Jait for fan.
-W-han tba toat hall commancod tn
iat vbN ^ pMada mow alowiy
nap I balpte tbam «Pan the ateool
door, ate alipped to with tkian. -Wbat
aomm' tko bite khto Mtea tkr.
a -tend there la todayl- tka toatear
•Mb OM. « te thoy autaly teal.
Mnpkad. -IM «a leave Ike doer wide
»iwot a ahlMap fairy kou.
■0 the pood haah eir will kelp

,s~.~r ~ ~ H=-=5

Ate wveaythtap yoa aaa to drwama.


Mtettd P«MI t<

„ ”* *•
ymn. very pmto the whole gagamor

P. D. t%6■

yue LteA Mkh. R.

•pnL Ne. 1.
Mam^ent'^y Roaobal (HImora.
' a



mare of yQUf teveotujae." ^,, "'^”'1.*.^^^ old* Tto« ^



:r:»;sz "zr-zzz ™ zztlzlzzzz:

eteaiiramely Ugbu but that they eta mer\a^aate1p«pe!^Ua kteto*Tt •* **“• R^**- *“ ’**' R*^ umtiMm-

from kU tnalda pochat
-Yen. air.- raepMded tka to
^ ■*****-■
tooklap a ttllto aorprtW
Tlnhloekar.- ' aba replied.
"Vary *eU. Tka Now Jornay a

ol it. tody ate pan
. .,*..10--# mnueo-thta
Hrmen^l. nanot Ml. you. altbouph ^
» mav arrive it yoo approaak too
...-------> doiura. it ell c^m
cloBrlki^tkl. way. tt you ptaaaaate ^
tote upoa fh* Pmotakaa Domeetloui,
daaY mtek-li. Uitecr
alih a mouth ate
throat but ao^ fc,
- j
-Indaad I do. my boy.- «U Oneta
"Wborar demanded Padpa. atar- bob -Yre. and tonkannoro. tka
top Intanib thnmpk tka wtodowpana
,no thought of tka metal ptatae
ieio the atorm, aa mama bed todkni- tkai ei* tmad to pmaet tka keeto ate
«>).• of iwugh akem raaltote two
"Ju« .evoea the atrrat, perrbte ouodrad and kfiy tboaoete MUera tt
opoo Me. Browu's houae.' directed tee yeera from it. while the tavouer
«r th. rollMkau kaa mtee dmo mil-Chiaiaay!-- gueuad Budge, pole*- lioe'dotttri tinm kto Mvanttak. The
,y. ,0 „i ,hcnd cd Pudgemaa who mad. tka iwtamlug ball.
-cwraci. amoklbua Domeallcna.' tba llttto bsU wUb the rubber eulug
Mr. Haydan'a Ptraaueua Haa
and toughed. Tka trip —dMaY think ha wouU ever become
of moving wing."
griu'leat hen to America llvee
■euieg worth wklto.
• mltllooelro by ao email an levewtoe;
-Well- Well- yoor PnMhtoe Preeg^er to AIm Ht-r right to be called
Marne non contectod them Into tberete the mlntotw to Bagtond, wko
^"toa^ ^
a. aw no
neda an .odd toy Uet dancod kr
end mmd'vou weiav Hr Wtte -You •«“♦> Bootdmen, Mlcb.. R. P. a No.
Richard Mreukte «ud acraiebed to
them itoea
^ 1. Anna to two yeore oM. ate War* get el It, but coold noi go through jj,,,
.krtnk horn
to adven moBlb. old. The other U.e board. Then hr U> dowa arid
prtveu. She to alinger. wAlrb dIBrra frooj the ____
batt a talUton dollara rteker
Bunahlea Cite.
welched wkare tt had fellen Teem.
but e "Mreau
by bla amell Mae. 1 tall you, koyA R
IkOMctlcuii tn
“Ha! Ha! Bai" toughe^he wind.
uttk Pleeae-acnd rr—■ bttu Mao eko did o« under- .
tea bean, ote elwayu wIR kn
-1X» lu«, ku
.1... ... tu uoubk, ».,»«•
„ ... ,„^y

flltuenim Ike Uula thtnge tkel c
»f«> goaetala. 1 lacelvad >t.ur rate, and and patted him Ha eaggad bU tell
brotberv Tbey atoo'owd a ,
, ______ ^
wpa. than .wept down opato Into the
var* moeb for It. Yea. and tried to tell them to dug Uagaaga ,b^.*hink maebtoa Tba Uiiar waa
putdeo lo a wee eyOloM of merri- 4.^,^ ^ ^ hroiber. « will ctoae whai waa wrong, bm ba toeld not ,,g^n
of the abed and a ameli Paid “vliber ic
twwa. end CM way Ikw teww R to to
mrat,0 hwr from you aeon.
tuaka U ptoio. The people at Ue ofuireahed to eea that tbo »* plUag toon. Tkw wiw need to waa*T
“Tklnk of «1“ ha cried belwaew
From ,w,r Sunehtner.
Pce» mtoete him to time eed <»b..
,0 good rvanlng order.

guma of Uugbter. -Bliet e funny
Ada^ Wemeey.
end found him, but tbey did not uatb« )ob wa. dnlibte the ma- *»«
—---------- It «f e wwmUl to tka ^te
e top
tuamber Id bal- Ha rolled over ate
i om glad yoa are going to have rlataute end ooutd not yidnoe him to
^ ^^ro^ to ibe abed, when, I'K-J*'' “
'>« dt^ _ OK
— of tka w«ur te a
mar to the gvaa. aMU be we. peiweooM gluM to kelp yoor eyoa. U leave tba apoc
- ,g ,te amaaamtet of all. there lu the
ate the OIKterum Powoutof
gwob. ate wttb bto
tartly^bewted ate ley etui:
wUI make }-our eiudytag very much
Rlekeiti we. tbara fenty-loor
,be«be giaa. weiarhottl..
i, 00 the mWa. wklto el Ik. wtkor
- Whu-b would you ratker bave,' ^ ^ i».t« ii wettlap, Ote, «
the otoce.
Ate aban the wind U*. etm. Boa- a«i»t
bonm Iteore wmrtme toI tb.
„„ ben. Vedar
j Ipttera end returned ’
taktd mama, "Otoaib ate ikroat- like ika kaixlng rlrcutor aaw hoe CM the
.trenga to aay. tkara
The aperture waa ooilced ,
the Stnteibu. OomesOrua. Or moutb nuite tree toto e toarMdaP kg. ho
aey tried! Your Rrealdent tanked ell
M* • R*“*i R"**^ ®R
wbv." ikrmnohtoTwto lakvi. out' wd toegaa. Ilka Mte Cllnwitocar. or ;ui. tt ol tke baack. pUaw R op «bo
tbroagb bar

■ found. Rickard went luio ao aeauay gb^
,^8** when the belu and umuth ai>d neck, like tba Ohitaiwa gropte and diaga li cat toW IM otor^,4 Ptiwwn ate Tinea, pt wared ba Dear Pra.IdeM—
of Joy ted, rairhtog them up eboi (tw pun,,, 1,44^ m »bii. wbeu iba fan Pourouiofepa yard, where he ptea tt coradatly
>*teo tba traaa But Wulel) oo
I will wrUa to |te AunaWne Club ^^,'*,11. He w« hungry aad Ulreiy. b^n fo eteg and when the riddtor*
“Id ravber have all,' aaaartod to poatttae. ptoelog OM tap akOMIy
ei*d wai to bafoond!
oad WU yon about oar parttta. I kte “•

auraf"Ah!' aald tka wind, with a
The taavaa.
^ Mow hnath. -You ekoald have aeon
A pm up kaaoa with tech
*"**»*. mom above the earth.
BteM Uttto okUdma.- ewtagtop aU iwiptap the Unto oa their grdet autamn Joaraay. Yaa," be emttoued. at
Me day.
Bwlagtop ate aUgtop ate wktopep tbe.MBnaklae Praaldeafa taok of «uv
priae. -didnn yoa kaow ana reaaon
h^ toftobar,
Itoa^ to the laaa that tka mv Ike bird, eea go eo tor. ate oen po
eo taal. la kaonnaa they alwaya rtoe
BMlap tbt Wf«^ naai. akUttoUp tka U wham I Wow, ate blow and blow,
In a oartant toward, the eonth?
. epalrtto.
Bironp. Bwm. end aintey aanai i bo.
Oraoptop D-ar tba
Mvor akIHtop or varytap to ay ,e»owtap the aOak.
(on. High to Ika aky 1 rUe. tor okovo
ftaytap with Ika raMArapa, oUUap
eleeptog warn., over lakae ead rivV^. .T^ th-,'— ha*. *to' aetote ptotoe end moanUtoa. la
«y er»* I Barry tba tlay WrAa. ihMu.
toP, ooa I 9M uwe^
thouaand. of them. hUp-

« — .
u a.... •.
AU hf jm iRdU go I® 0
Pmm M
IBoeaed to the piMUdOt atyle yon
.o»rr bnaw.
I. „
«a m MU U
Ate down, down-dikpptop to oaeh
WWY It ba Away to aw ypa all po
Ate bapplBi ate dying ote )aoip
----- -----------------NPW MCMBCIte
iie^PartA NeahvUM. Mtob.. R.

zi jz...-r...


taadam of the mllltwork. readily coaeentad Ykai Rickard ekould become
Zana IMakto.
Ike oMlctol mall carrier. Wlotar end
aiw«ya ao happy to watoova mimmar he never tolled of kla duty.
^ mmnbera b«.uae l would ^,,00 end Uraa time, e wtte k.
uke to have ell Ike bo>a ate plrla lor
to the wUl end delivered
iM mall.
Laat April ba kte au eiperuaea
Boerdman. Mick
tbel proved hi. tnutworihtoeae. Mr.
g^ p d. No. 1 Boi 1.
Hammond waa to St. Paul end mailed
^opt. 16. I6IO. g number of tottara tor tka mlH. A
Prealdaniday later they ware given at the of, tAougtt I muM write yoa a tot- tree to KIchard tor carriage to the
1 gn noT golug to eekeol bo- mill. He eai the atrtog nmily to bU
my ayae are bod. I went to mouth end trotied ew.y ewlftly
^ the eapart optoaaeirtat' at Pntoe- through tka plua-Iliiad path to bU
k,,-, «te *• Mid that J would have deaitoaiion. Ou the way he kad a
katetetoaeea. 1 got them thU email bridge to croaa, and, lor aome
moralag. I kowa tba name of my eaaaoa ibet never can be eipUinte.
•cboUtteU for tba Sunabtoe Club, wblle gotog o*er tt ba looaaimd bla
It la llelco Boanay. Boutb Boardmaa. bold on the bundle, the airing
Mich. R P. D. So. 1. And 1 have ftom hto mouth, aad the lauare fell
three of my lliile ooualna tor the Urough an aperture lu ibr Poortn*

f the wleg be tapped
*0 Mwke. By
.^iwrliBeut -we ted that both
, .
d|,^ir ceenect!Tmih tb^ toet ted^^^Crt
pumee Ike bl<w>d. ■bat air.
^ j,,,,.. throutk the bony
^^uumela end tatohara.
po^raae greater
mammaU. and tbto may ka
,i i„,i „„ Oegram morn

^ ,11 ot ibe bird
prtMueev M>eb rerrtartlon of
ihe bone, aa to give
)Mio)auey.''and ihlt with tka
1 have alrandy
^4 raaWr. In tba faalhara. gWa> It
if tbr rud

^ ‘

»;r-.r. rrkZrr-;z r.r

«>--“•«. -■*- him . Rtetf te

R“«^- “<»


TMlT-?- **^ * *^ *^ ** hart lor a 8

mar Uica. Btot. MIte'oeeeral De.
ww. I Uke my
_J.P..UNPMlHtCttteCIUDkf, lUary Bead Mmerk toteraattop let- * “*
Her uam. u
eee U yoa
you don't iktok ke
ler.. ate aee
^ ^ wetumte to WUma
aouu »•
be * "•
Bdkard Heteln. opa tvro yaara. *®““
,.,,4 ber tart term Wo
rile Ltea. Mttk B- R D No t
have Paeakine parttoe at tko echote

the "Ploauug Stvlei.v OammUlee" of
that city. tote, the ecemmt
to •OoK Dumb Animal..- Thl. awry
was toW her by Mr. Swanberg. a
Bwadtob aaitar ea I'attad Suiae iklp


chew “P
Wtenjwnd .he^
Thera wa. *teV'“ *>•
eomewMi frtobieute h
but ate
ufe M>a MA

Haw the Train Wa» Meed.
piHrtt, of.-Caiuaat City.

Boaabel GUewramade
Hen fWW roof rikboea wlU took, Norw
mitoc t<
•itk tba Mdgae! t^-kat erg tka acbool 8tou.
tbu port (he <
punahUe pantos Ilkef
—- o
,tba telp—aome

r. ape Urea yaaia;^.
Rutk Haaaperper, epa owe year. BkC.
dtokvnie. Mtob. Nawea Beet by Ka- '-«apKrlUe. hllte.. R. F. D. No. b.
talto Baaapersar.
Sept. IR t»l8.
Aaae BatJw. apt two ycoia; Vanl Dear Praaideet—
StaUer. opa aovao mootka, Boatk
I wouM Itoa to tala tka BaaaMaa Dear PreaUantBaoidmoa. MtolL. B- P. a No 1. Rah. i ato aevao yaam MA 1 R*e AHar ao leap
Martol Patar. Kotoeaka. Htch. NAMm to a MrK. Wa kava iwa kahy bee-- e
a taw
taw Ueee
Itoaa to
to toa
to. Paaaktoe Mpe. We;

t ‘z
^ .M r,“ z-

r MU W^.

dtaa, Oo*at ate IkMoa. My RRiy-aI kayo kte « vatr

... - wtetara tboogai tie collage near


a. e bead, baia't ,
“Around (ka BalgC
. -are aovaral Bliiooa ante
bark ate loir top*. HU wlikr bo termed
laet. la tbi* they era toferior aa tka
lAiei. Ahbou^ they have ikelr becka
you eeed a« fear. Tkay era arm-

TaeM la Praww
M aaatal a>a toada to p
*0., .« Kdd to Praaaa by tka d

^ ‘zz-zrz'zrzr. - rzzrz.-zrsizrr

Nine awoUw tolar, wkaa wa ware tea; Mtt aka eoald hear ft 00 me^- _ .
m” « Z
uir« tt. 4M » MMU, »
M M;
M, mm » UOM
UoM \\M
— "M.


kor. ate wnateiap kar bod. aald
rtarelT. THw. div' ma dat *M-"BoetoB TruAecript.



u— ^-------

M-» f»M

J_ .

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