Grand Traverse Herald, June 24, 1910

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Grand Traverse Herald, June 24, 1910


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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(lAt A YBAE.



beln call-d their altenUOD to Bone
of the beauties uf Traverw< City and
sanouudiBE country, dw-lerlni I
belief that In time Travrrae ('It
would be the Etwat commercial twr
ol the aonb. He here handed
orer the foldeo key of the cliy. with
toollo 'FTvIl ifitb rUvor."

Byriboid U. Borges of Gdvrheimer,
Stein and company, was tbe next
sieaker, declaring that -Ibis k.-y em­
body c vtoryihlng ibal Is sliiceiv, smi
ih keeplog with the giW nwthcre
iort. the aubut*, of Chicago” He <kcUri-d Ihai he wished the full S.ouu
nrighl have come ou the sl«su»hli>
and paid Ibrir tribute to Ibe iionb.
i-tpsed with Ibe wish that (here
■night never b« a bn-ak nor a luar
In the pteaaani tvlailons bciwo-n ( bl­
and Ibis city. "Our peo|>l» aud
people are one.” he said.
derlured that the vIsKoiW w.-iv like
tiunllug <lug> l■l•f<■axtl. and were oaxhuis id get out uud av (be ilty.
•buc bu d.-i]»r.-d.'"wc don’t want
lake you tbe sllgU'csi ireubK"
He bojn-d, he nld. thal tbe peoplthol
Traverse city would eii>oy the hospl
tality uf the. Tbeodoru lluuicvcU *oo^
le moonlight excursion tooigUl
At this Juncture i'mldunt ITuilur
appeared, hot excused blmsclf from
making a apcecb. saying be expecu-d
Mayor Wllbt-lm to speak for the board
ol trade, lie tolecd (lie welcome al­
ready given, and asaufed (he visitors
of the pleasure It gave him u



A. L. Mat^Hab. another aewepaper
man, ot the news bureau of tbe Cbl
rasu AsMclaUoa of Commerce, was
t-laeed in a Msieriom with two others
wbo watched him ckisely (hrvMigbout
the trip.
In Ibe padded cell H. C. (Vyniell
and K. 1.^ Fenuingtnn were toi-ked,
while f. L Uarrm and.J. R. oconne
had tbelr suvenRim
labeled. ‘The
Fast ttet."
Very appropriate was (he nabe.
■.•Peaceful Valte)." alUtfted to the
<Ard of the door of the wiarertsun o>v
. iipl^ by W. M. Hopkins and C, F
.Newkirk, but some AuesHuiu-d
wisdom of gtalng the naiiM- ig "Alude
of Truth- to ibui of.C tV. SpoffurJ
and II F. Miller. "Hunc,. Placcappnipriuely uaincd lor Iteribold K.
Korgra aud F. U MacumWr.
"Mankurw Farlur" was tliilugly
to Jl L. Stone and 6 IL Rboii
■The Zoo," suggested lloos and thluga
like (hat. but tt was not wo bod.
Miller aud W. R Rlhe furnishing (hr


Of aU (be riikw vMied on o»
Traverse City baa been-the bl
eariwtsc to us-we fell at home, ai
though ww-'were lu (.'blcago again
llrat. on aicuwat of the cawdiaj w«l>a»e giaeti us by yoar cltlzeos;
oi.dly on atvounl of (be
riora-s and up-lodate laerrha
tarried by your mexebanu. We aJ!
come back again, when
can spend more time with you and gM
better acquainted Your beautiful bay
has been one of the moot pleosast
ur (rip.
- Of Ibe Hartman Trunk Co
tSeeritary of the detegaUnn >

W. M. Hopklno.
W. M. 1)0110180. of tba Cbicfifio
board of ireds. ssldt
-Arirnowlrdgtng the a^lcuRntai
Traverse CHy to be uf great commarImponanee. there to sUU lantber
resource promised (be furore «Ueh
ytoM even greater reTOTM than
all these Ulagt. With tba fieUghlful
climate and the Islands aad preno
toriM a more Ideal tocatioa tor eomhter hotels, cottages ..or agiMiMTe
luuatry resideeree cannot he loaBd
anywhere, eitbm- on lake vio-higM or
pari uf Lake Hunm or Lake Sol»-rlur we hwve tlslled.
"When «»• (tmaldwra aU tbwa boaaties ot nature are within a night’s
ol a hot and dusty rily of pwpte. the great future ot TYatCity and -vielnlty as a sotob
lur (Tdcaao. to beytmd peradveatwa*
H. r. Hlllsr.
H. r. Milter, uanaoer of tba lour.

of CuumercH. <k>mmodore Krai
filniiDOai tbuiked tbe TreverM rily
iMiard of trade fur ibek Do^ ibso
Edward E. Oera.
rxprcstleni of Visitors Sbewed That
beautiful irllnitc-. “We have b<wn so«Tbe imiuvsslons of our drlf«aUoB
They Were Very Favecably Im•nc durlaf our twu weeks’ trip,” he
r d<'iTdnlly TavoratOe to Tnveroe
preesed with Travarae City end
aald. "and U le evMent that we hare
ity. Her favored location, ber fruit
saved the best wine
tbe last,
growing soil, and her hustling, enterthat we are oearlnf homo. We have
(l-'rum Wednesday’> Hi-eord
l•ltelng eltlzeiisblp
cannot I
word Bto meet those eleqaent
k'uMy 3.&U0 of Traverse nty’s rep
work out for her a apteodld luinre.
but we reaUie that oar ideasure
n-renlaUve people were aUiard the
Traverse City abuuld iw much
be very moeb creaier than antkl
good ship Tfaiodin-c Roum-velt when
liidusuloutly and widely advertlavd
■be slipped away fiom the Nonbera
Likei SpIriL
since she
spoke of Che dellrate and
lUlDinii ta Mayor WiiMm'i Addroa*
what he
Hteblgan Truisimnatlon aMu|«ny's
•es many advantages nut enJorcD by the cnlln- deteBBiloB M
llcbtfuf way In which they were greet
•r Wataama Waa Mada by Camdot-fc at 7:$o laat uigbi on. the inoob A cumpana. gave out tbe fulkiwlng resorts far belter knuw;n. l*ro|wr ad­ found la the nonb ta the way ot ^ri
ed. aad deHared that the boad ImlicraMbd cuniplleineniary
excursion Interview.
vertising (or one season would there­ culture. hortteuKure aad bsemUsa <ff
taoB tbe siller cltiee would be drawn
nature. "The time wUl erntw." aald
given by Ills Chlreco AnaoLlatiun of
...Cheers for Traverse.
"The thrill aDd-eticrgy of the peo­ after dpiililc or trrbk' the number of Mr. Miller, "wtaeo TravmeeCIty will
Closer, thal ibere would be 'an elec
vii-lltHA- Travers^ ('ity has
More cbeerw for Traverse City
ple Of -Travawwe (Tty Is definitely
trie spark of eympsiby. muiiut Inter
CTTm Tteadaya Maeord.)
(ontiuue to have tbe admir­ be tbe nuehms (or summar botahi aad
a perfect night. Ther.- war shown
..irn given after wbleh W. M. ilop
will flad many ot ChkagdY omsSyMboUe «(iba radDs vbiMi H be- Fwt aad admiration of all tbe clries
Uns.^of Ibe Chicago board of trade, scarcely a ripple oa Hu- water
ll.lcresls and splondld niercanUle In ing fiiendahip of our dritcntlOD. \\ eyed people aeleeUiic ehetoe laeatke lakes.'
eoaaJM fa—ai tot ua 'Frai> wlUi
like ilve onex
called upon for a one minute ainoothly dbt« tbo nuw'hlnery
At the cloae of bb remarks there
Uona around this beautiful toy tar
naaar,- tha kar to tba 1
- that tin- ride was
as an enibnalastic yqtl which ten speech^ Mr. Hopkins taking advantage ...................
Tbeso intersaU. togelher with the
Trararn .:tty *aa icodrtad lha Cih
moat deligbipil Tree, the dcoks
of Oano'w Wade Guthrie fi <\> country reetdeixMe. W’tib tbe NarthIs time to declare that
DO doubt aa to Ibc feenngs -or tbe rbi
excellent harbor aud tbe largo fruit
Utehlgaa Traasponathm stsozaeaio AaooeladoB oC ConuDarca tbU
ot Tra« erse City was bette.- ibun juiy- crowded. buU
Frederic T. Boles.
growing Interests m (be vU-hilly
aAanooe At I o'ctock by Uayor K.
mtlpg the time from CUcaBD t«
andwilll n
Traverse City -baa nxwil certainly
LeVenm W. Noyes, td’tha Aertoo- Ihliig be bad seen on Ibc trip. 'Tbe lions for
rounding the rily, makes It a point
WmalBi on board tba ateanubip Tbeohe brightest future of any city ootth 1 raveroe City u> 24 bDoni, making no
lor company. Cbirago. waa neat call­ fruit speak! for lisrlf.” be declared.
only ol great Inleteul
BooaaYMt. wbldi fUdad
between, what couM be wire
Hr spoke ot the rehalons existing
S.OOO people caaily.
■r Grand Rapids. With a harbor
Tiaiior bat of great emua
karbor ahortly bafara noon today, ed npon. and be declared tbrt tbe
II ibe^Qstneis men of this <
Tbe Queeu Ctty .band waa oa*baard
equalled on tbo lakes, witb a climate dcHgbtful than to board one at ihMr
bawtac Me thaa half a kniidred of board of trade would never regret glv and those of bis own <-H>. and de-, Dd fumished muiK. Ibe callkii« was portance to earerr one.
eera with your family tiM take
Ideal for fruit, berries and babies.
lha BWBl pnwraaalT* and aide awake
dellgfaled with this acetton wTib clllrciis t>rogresslve and alive, the fine lake trip to your sninmar
dared that to benefit all. they m
played at Intervals, and the associt'
haataaai late of the sreat Cantral -Association of Commerce. He spoke work logeiber. "We must stand
home op tn ibU regioa with Its wed3tb
tiQD’s Otee club sang several eelec- aad with Ibe aplcndld people of the nothing (All stop this city from
tbe great pleaaare It gave him l<
WaoL.’ >na key, vhieb waa a buia
i/( ev erything that goes to .make life
be preaent on ibb occasion, and apok ran on Ibf dtsirfbutlon ol sound: ec
laming a populaiten of 4t>,(» to Tb.tWo
SOdad aSalr. t-ooialDod piai boiea of
pleasant when away from bafioaea
at CHy.
Tbe guests were given many
wlihiu the next quarter of a century
Mat laadoaa atrivberrtaa. freeb f.-eta in briel of tbe men wbo made ('hlcagu
Ibe close uf these remarka, the <-ulra of the occasion, amoog them bo
surprised at the alze ot^i
have seen the xrest and the woutn. cares? Not only do yon have thto hoy.
tfaa faroi of Banjanla Baraa*. and what It U. and left such a heritage
gvowlDf up. men w-bo Marteil board of trade, beaded by *tb<' band, ing copter of "Cbloago Oonuoem-," a~ stores and tuelr convenient mrrnngo but glre mVi Ufehtgan every time, which travelara eompare to tbe boy of
wkiB tha sUdad top waa removed by
Naptea. but wltbln a radios ot 10
In life irtib no capital but who hid with IHillce Offi.vr Bchnleder « the wcekly |siper published by the fbk-a UMilta." said Auguatus 1). Curds, pees- wtih Traverwe City as tbe must
X. W. HaaUada. who acted ha cbal^
miles you- bare a
bnodred small, forun-d iu line, and the visitors. ciigo .tsMH-lBtlon of Oommeroi'. tbelr lldent of (he Cunts Leger
uaa owla* to delay of Preeldett \V. Ctven to Chicago wbal could hardly
tokes. spring
fed. that abetuM U
marching, others m maclili
reptvscDiailve. A. U Uar.Vab. being uiinifiny. "1 speak knowingly, as my
Chtregns^ir'lls teeming mlllkNis. game
a Udder of tba board of trade, there be expected of a city- whose greai marched up town, slopping nl
fish, wMe thMb^ka Mt work
wbo boili tbe
fltulD a luioii daring the hot
waa a ban of appraclatkw from tba
uf the dork to allow (heir "ol- Raiu-riee of the Aaaodated
(Sd ktag at
now speiidinK ihelr savloRv.
lYrss. uiercbatfts In all pans <S the ttranlry. moDibs in Grand Ycaverse bay. where
. vtalUTO. who one ABd aa declared
flclaP pboingraplii-r to take
came fisii, the treat, wbtcb aaKhar
tbouaands will be iorigunlei
_ that they had area do atrawberrlae He declared the purpow of this visit l^t. The reuiaiiiilcr ot Hie afternouD Roswell Field, - brutber of Biweix wtacn ( say that In no cHIm of this
love nor money caa punhaea NoUthe-aoUtevT om of.
I’laM. was itreswat. repreeeming the
have 1 sMn such a fine llnw
iprraled by (be Ideal cUmaU
BkacnartBa*-wnsasd'M mUF na*-M
spent III vIsiiiiiR puluts Ilf inter- fhlrego EzymlOLT. and .Mr Uwaoh. goods, ouch a comi>le(e asaoniAeut
rade. but to rciure some of the many
and ceol oaono-laden breezes of tbl> Ing but lath of enterffriDa «• tha part
lu the city and sonic laktng ad­ ! the Record Herald.
ndb made to their city by tbe busiand sold at sucb reiukmable priors.: bl(dscd and beautiful ncffion. 1 ^all of Its citizens eon kaap awny auiMtoir
OoDtiary to aehedoied tine, with
’vtslturs. Yoa are devaloplaff ynor agH OK-n from tlye cittee bordering on vantage of the urn. to \lsii the rich
They' Were a lltcly set of news|>a T here certainly is uo necessity ot
always sing tbe praises of Traverse
hiVlee Mowbic. cMlkipe plants and
rlruRurat and btrtteullural
ladsa■ lakes. "Wc are eaperlally glad Ainilng smion.
men. ai.d ht-liied make things lu
toaa haPEtBE. tha .heastlfal wblio ezWith lUr delegation Hi.-re
>. but tbe summer resort proi»slbe B'lth you today, and to receive
rocclviid. As to your city, I
Icrostliig for the gutt's. Tbe manager
WWluu ataaMr. «('the ladtaai Tnnet rigbt hand of (elloirablp with 111 new'spapci men «t note, among uf (he »loBinshl|i. W. K. Oteenbaiim. say utlhlng to more express toyiell
offerc even greater ratunie.Tbe Lord A Mushnetl Ou-. luaW.
tartatlob oospahy. slipped ate tba grnleful eoasldcrntlon."
h<-oi being .Veil Satti-rlce. of the As
wbo Irald hls .ecuDd visit to Trav
tan that 1 would tike to llv^ bore.
J. H. A. Laehsr.
«pek at 1I:«S. an kagr baf«e eba
auHaled Press. RoswcH Held brother
S. W. Haslinga at thU point luti
Atlantic City of WatL
Tt our arriral at Traverse City I
«ai doD to arrira. The recaption
of Hugene Field, who Is represeoilDg rwe riiy. was alert to sw that there
mlUua of the ChleacD Aaaod*t'o« of dneed H. S. Bandera, bu addrtoa be- he t'hicago l-lxamlncr. and Hr law- a* no dishonor und that eveiMhlng
”Tbla U tbe Atlantic Clly of tbe
> surprised by your splendid build
• est and ihcii sonte.” said ls*wis R. ingn, Urge dlores and ' woII-|iaTed

-Bi redoaatod that fhdr reoffered by tbe Grand Traverse region. sun, rciireet-nllug the Chicago Hecord Ibc (omfon of bis guests.
eaptleB be drea on aobedeled Una.
Gory, of the Corn Kxchsnge Nallonal .ireets; .vnd I was dekghte(| by your
Ik^lci of ‘The Daily Log ” puldlsh- batik.
1 o’ctock, in order to cire the alal- Mr. Sanders aeqoalnUng the vlallurs
beany gveeilng and the milqoc. but
Prize Wlniwifs.
.-d dally on board the MeanuJilp,
tora tiM to disc. Tbl. war ranud. s-lih as many of the
"It has been iny plreaurei In the symliollc key preseiitWI to us. It
of this city and Its sarround
also distributed, the cover page
•ad MBpUy at 1 o’etoA the maroh
past 10 yours.” aaid B- P- MTitte. U.
most fitting pmri-nt. betwuse Chlser and Mare, wbo la with the rhito the hortbata mcbUaa Wk was. lag territory aa bis time would pertaming a cut of the aleaimiblp taken gan 1 Rrv an. Board of Trade, "to visit
gi>. your
customer (or tnilL
rsgu delegwlbini said:
He gave a brief resume oi
t That tha Cwrfaw
fiom a night Mvue. with the st
city quite often, and the cour- has (or years/binrbed a nobler frail
"No woudrr yoii'ie prize winnere
himory of tbe laduetrlal llfe.^m
. Haaaad by the baad aad the nutyor. the timo of the felling of the gniai up here In Traverse tnO‘: no w
tisius ircatnu-nt and hos|illuUty dial
aalhc Mios snd dsughlen
luonsler search light In full pUy.
(aar aM.iaberB of the board tf trade foreata.. whtrb were later replacvd l<r you look all (Iw rnilt medals
always stiown Its visitors will of Michigan, wbo 4'«
These will be ke|>t aleu aa souvenirs t'laays be reineutlitwed TTie rtvejs icrlsllv to islte tlte OivAi Central
hara the moaetar key to t
foresU of frolt trees, spoke
LDiengo—this Ihnd ot
r Ibe occasipu.
'•ear at tha eteam'ahip. tha laemberY lU dellgbtfu] climate. Ibv effect of
At the regular meatlng <ff lha Wodon actvrded us all Today was over- Market to Its presVi Pr»'’d>>n
Uiund to grow ajiplos, and peaches
01 tha hoard of trade teUow.rg.wUb Grand Traverse bay on lls-plant life,
nien's City FedaraUoa of einba hM
Wheluilng. and will ueter he forgollci.
Mr. Satteiiee told this story o
J. H, A. lAlffi
tlierries that are famous. W.-’n
Iho YiMtora. tomed a circle while K etc., and closed with a few words ou
Monday nigbt. tba following womoa't
b) any of na.
With R-lv. ik'biral; fi) sime
beard about you; wl-’n-.gtad to g.- friend. Mr. Va.-.^ab; "Wheti we .
of tbe city were repreewiied.
W. aaaiiaci Ibtrodaced Uayor WH Ibe birth and growth aad purposes of
"Yoor'ciiy has sh«wn wondarful
(ac(urx-ni. '
und see y<nir tsKsl buaine^ men ed out. we asked Mr. UacNab to w rite
xud became members of the (ederahelm, who ■Bva tha addraae at wel-lory of the trip In the first Jw-rsou. strides alDoe I first vUlled it. and I
Alex J. W. Cepelin.
Western Michigan Itevelopuient
vaut to know you better. Comi
Tbe L. 1. A., the Wonmnb dub.
1 before he bad completfsl Iho first can see DO reason w'by It sbonld not
RcaulltuI rily. nicml bt^iriUble peoborean. "I am coitaldrred a crank on Ipvrn and we na,
Vou won't no«<d
Walaeiite by Meyer.
(vutinue to grow.”
ic. stiuanbeet roads, luvely homes. the Elmwood Avenno Mother*- dob.
I0b}ect.~ declared Mr. Randera
tttoae keys. Onr
strings a
“Wo feel hOMwwd today, becBaae the cloee.
Ts’ il
ir.agnifIciHii. views, brightest moon­ Cvntral Uothors’ ri'-b,
D. D. Otetott.
are out lor yon.”
pad. who ara^MpraaeataUvae of tbit
Traverse (Tty is truly the QuePh light. calmsK lake, bsii^rotne glrTs. Maslral club. Veton Street Hotbera’
Commodore Blmiaons paid him
Fine Steamer.
fToar coamai^ etab. yotu who rap- compliment for being that kind of
everything el band to niskc Itle Osk Park Hctbere_ Boardmaa Avoees
liip went oul past MarFhr tbe second liuie wilbiii the last
rwaml the temolBE latcreau of a crank and ealted upon J. 11. A. Uacber.
Ion Uland. t 1 returued at »:J0.-Tbe is by beautiful wnided bills,and rirli orib living Traverse Qty
-Mighty city. hOTe taan fit to Uy aeldr of Belt, Schwab and company, who wo years ibe watt-rw of Grand Trat
Tbe' rafordng of the eurtsw torw
farms, widi ili» natural advan­ e crowded with rurani.-r guosU. who
paor baaleaae cares and perjricziilea voiced tbe aenUment of all the dvOr- srae bay hav.‘ bc-ii ph>wi-d by one ol after a short delay, at a few minuK tages uf Grand Traverse !«>. permll
ri- now gniug to other,
awIRoM aud most beautiful exoT file lar a UtUe tUne. and
gates In saying Ifiai be was rory glad
past 10 the adiena
wvre raid, and -ling lake cruft lu Ulng-to ber putt tli-ed pucea. wWca are unable to abow
Yielt oar town. A* mayor, tt beeaoee
be here. *Tbc mMlo of yonr nirsfon aeaiiiers which is seen on while tbe Otec club sang a tuning
ties fur healthful work! be Hmhed to oee day, the
maiiufaciured necossillea of tbe
.ake Michigan, the Theodore Roos*.
my pHtUaao and tumor, oo behalf of uute,' be aald. -should be. If
ong. (be Tbeudoic Roosevelt glided east and ^wt-cetHiwI markets and pleasures that are nut being made Fborta.
Oe ~Qaaao <aiy of the North,' to want to see a beeatirul penlnanla. .'ell. This modem suamshJp, which, away Into the nlgbi for hiring ablD to slup her lumlxr and known to the wu.Td Wake up. Trav
Mre. Morgan, of the Btglawnad Vo*
•BtaMl toyMBBost hearty weleoma. look about yon. WV sboald adopt that ■as ballt cxelasiv^’'as an excurahm
produce by Uw- aaBiv s«iin-e, gives ber TM- City, and adveHlse.
leaving only pleasant memories.
otan’s cinb. of Chteoge. was prsoeou
Va hope aad traai that yoar eomint motto, and apply It to our great Cen­ iteamer, U eqolpp^ with the latosl
1 advaniage'thaCmaiiy n cby might
ALEX J. -W- COI'liLlN.
AH m .EarAsct.
and read peeUnga trem tbe elnb, alwOi ha a plaasua aad proflt, and that tral Wfou ‘It you want to see tbe lud most up^todate mudlauiwe. and
Ct^lln Fbotograiili Co. Chlrego.
It would be hard to find a :
lotd M tbe work of ber dub In the
the frteadehip aMstlDt beiwean the grandi-si aad beet aad most produc­ bere is alMolulcly nothing which u
Cemmedore aunm^Rx.
Our reception here, wss nwwd coi
:rnest group of bualnewg mru
enlle rouna. and tbe luneb ream
dtlee tn a eommardal way,
tive qusrter In tbe world, and the passengcf might wish for. to oouuib- where oo tbe face of the ««nU ibaa disl and Iw cbaiAtTcrivilc of Traverse
Oimmiidiire Frani Is T. 'fiimmons. for tbe gtr] students. Her club him a
•alt IB a trleadehlp of tree admlratook aboDi ic to his (Viufon. Uiai U found aaat- the half huadrgd members of the tTil (Tiy'a enthiisUhtlv busluess men. We I<resideni of tlic Lincoln Fark eoni
iterattii of t'jO.
yoa. I have traveled over a gn-sl pan i*.
ai>|irvtJa'te (he kindly Iri-aunent aud
.Indulged in an atitomohlle
ArsorlalioD of C\>tnmer<te
W. K. np'rubsiuii. eeiienl manasei
*0br eomiaarcial latereett are close­
:r^owr Stay w-as au short,
the peninsula yesu-rday
visited this city yesterday afiereoun.
ly mkat. Toa MreUb as wita merit has
htieru'ioo. and bc'was entbualasilc
iht lat^l sssrfrintlon of Its kind in lu this, Ibe (jm-en City Heauiitnl.
•haadlae. the beet la the oomury. been said. It It were not for tb« raw • ny. Is present on this (yip. this bo(h.- beauties of
nsiure wUcta he
Ibe.w'driil. baring a im-mlicrahip
Whn» we fnmlBh yoa wttfa potatoes, material, the re«>arces of the grMt ig hls second ylrii to Traverse City
l.oOo ot tbe iDon pregtwsive men of
Arrenssments Have Been Mada le
crabmaodtrolta, which yoa will fcoow Central H'MCt'Be-Bnsi would eurre." ir. Oreenbniun ts a spectallsl .id makentire enuniry U s gnnd

•erv* Supper to Auta Psrtlee Un­
are the lueet la the coaniry."
He emphasized tl* folly of allowing ng patrons of hls company bapn' and
mj-n of that sump. Yet withal,
til Saaaan Reyehce Its HeigM.
rhyiat a hlih tribate to the prlacl-omfertaUe.
wtaie tbelr trip was to Ibe nature Ot City, so (ereely tidd at our noon re- even absolute pidKicwl
plsB oad bnaineeb Meals of the
Two thousand l!(*<t» w*Te dUirtbdon’t see say evldenres of that
“_you come sod see iue~ visit, i>Ian vepdon (inly fnreshadesrd uiy evn
Nc-ah-la-wanta reaort opened M(mMTdal men of ChkofO. Mayor Wfl- try jwreentrai them.
ted lor tocigbt’s excursion.
xd to pay back to be ot elusions. ‘Ttetightful,” white Incune nere, rau keep thia city down Tbe day, the 2rih for the eammer saa■be lake lowna r.uo had vl-lted them pirteJn IW pofcltlteness, suilu up ui envirodments arc marvelotuand your ipn. whteb Lids fair to be tbe moat
word wbsi 1 <«u!d not 'pore slu- (ounirv nridi
pro«.;» r^ lu the bisrery of this popChicago, a return call, it wa*
aliogetlw-r lormn] affair, bat the cereiy say If I bad unllml(e4_apaee.
Aa president of the Linruin park
M.liors had tbelr liiite lakes on eaxfi Witb tbe iicefeanlng hands. cue<-K of >mmUfcloiuTH. Commodore Simmons
rmil the esosoQ reacbee Us ^Igbt
iher, and were brought In ckiae.' undoui't^ welcome beamed on b-our Id ivimriblug
Manager Caliber has
arreoged to
faces. thetFuT ork. aad be deelar^ that tbe ireod
touch with vsch other than they conld fair cl'ys (iiltcn'a
- supper to aatomobile partlaa
have been with years of a>-su>-laUM. beartrdness of your emreaiim to oc
desire to make the ran to tba
id dcVelotiment of lA-k work was
In llM orJlM-ry tinslneaz world.
-Ibc limt-ligbr .tor our'brief stay, • cut out Ibv anlficial and make ibc rivorf and borne egaia
doubly UsMired by yvKir mayor and; lands'Wpc as nrwr like nature oa pos.
doubt, (he sreson -will be at Ha
'State Rsema LabeW.
Taking a walk past the suie- voleed by (be spteiuUd repreaebtatloa slbte "We employ lb<- landscape ga- t-< ighi. tv July l^ib- at which Uma R
toms aad glancing at tbe placards
la keeping with your^
be imiMalbli- to give tranelrar
make nature of it.^ tie >aid.
i Ibe diurs. one woald be inrlloed Itrvgre'dveru-ss and must be crown, "tVe have sinppifi tbe Italuip garden gui-sia tbe aamc anrTtee they will reI think thal the occupants of the
with ultimate euivees. and growilt with terraces and lakes, we iiy tu
riee before tbe. reaort U filled- Arlooma. If Ila-d up. would prove as lathis beautlfnl stewe. ! am gratS'
flowcre among Ibe abreb- ingeoieat la-the neat ttree waaka.
tereatlng as Bareum * Bail.y’s aide
to hate hod opportunity to nmet beo'. crocuaes and llltew creep amow: fbooe before 10 dcloek In tbe moreshow*. Fbr
there waa you all. to viril your spk-ndid bosP the burhm. we keep tbe
lawns ing (or tabiea for the aoetunawfiaUaa
and receive at your bands clean, and try to Imitale muur>-. Tbe of autoowRiile pantes or other* and
■-Saiai’a Re*i.“ the abode of Sell Satie,lee. of (be Asaoriated ITe.a it auch courtesies as to me meoa the bMii gardenef tearee iblnp as they especial auentkta wm be gfoan to
one ren Inugfne a newspaper man beglnatng of acqiialn|aru>w never to are'left by nature, uking oat the the serrtee of each gnaMs. tfe teoM.
who has any aainlly uuabiies. a look
dead branebea. etc., and maklnc paths
laige number of Trafena Clly peo
at Satierter would be worth at learn
and TOadi leading Usougb thdxn. That pie win take advaatage of tbto bp
Maomar NaasevaR BaariiiE the Chteape Aasealat
two Adia.
'makes the bc« parts la the vxtrtd.•VHSOL










’“tsirsg.aijs^ “


nwTMant* la Mtdtlcaa aad tha tact
that Uc pmpl* or the note hare
traaliiaia to the greM tavortan
aona UabwajY it abm hr the llti

a nSMaa aaa a half AMMrt aad
wiaai that l*a an«r «tle of
Near- vBl ha baOt la the atate thli
la Ihto MorMBMt. Oraiul Trararoa
Btaag M aat htauta the imeMtoa.
a«r aapropittnwi fealag EiAttAtt.
•awal aiUat af atato tevaia md
hMo baaa oaaatraeiad la the waa^
V Mroa* ^Ue aare are uaatr war

A double vaddlog took place Tuaedar ewrolag at St. Franela ehorcb.
«beo Nisi Marr BltaUheaBe the
hHde of Michael aaler. and llUaUu«gD« waa nalted in narrlace to
WllUain Wllller. The ceremoay oat
perfomted hr the tlrr.FV. Uaaer at a
o'clock. Id The preeence of a large
bumher of frieoda.
The church wai prrtlllr decorated
with Bowete, aad the bride*, both
goemed In wblie aalotne, with tralna.
I a prettr pletare as the; watted
be altle. their white vella and
a prarer book and wblie roaar;.'
Neither carried bonqne^
Mias initkr was attwded b; her
alder. Mlat Hattie BHaky. while Hlat
Game waa attended br Mis* Laura
iianmlorakT. Beth brMeiDaidt
«d la bine aUk. John gulgley
1 as beM man ter Hr. Donle}'.
while Oliver Campraa waa b<-*l man
Iw Mr. WlUler. The wedlina t
pUred b; Miea Maude l.atYL}eae.
The brtdcataalds carried prayer books,
and wore'jtUtnre feau.
KoUowIng the cetamoBy a wedding
braaklaat waa aarted at the b«
Hiss UlUky'a paraau. and at 11:30
both hddal couples letl for Qraud Hapida mad other polnu on a aedding
There ^ere a large number
tricadt at the depot to bid them good
bye. but owing to the request of Mrs.
Biltky there was no ^ice throaing.
All young people are well knoan I
thi* dty. and hare many frieuda who
wlah them nothing bat bapplness.

iFYom Wednesday's Record !
land Qtace buaioesa was done
L’ircnit court loday. one of ibe Impotlant oplDluna handed down
Judge Mayne lN4iig in ihc prlmar)case of
IV. bardie v
0. Unitor, in which the court bolds
that 4:.mlor may rightfully rrtelE
seat in the dty council. The oplnioD
In part, aa followa:
"Under the primar}* Hecilon law.
«BKm>llhng a pelllkm wHh the pniper
number of slgnaliirea. an) Individual
may become a raodklate for office
the primar) eleclkiu. IT no clllton
preseuia himself as a caudldatc. duly
qualified under this Uw. tbeii
li a vacancy, and It beUHgea tbr duly
H certsU ufOiers to Oil thU va.i>acy.
find that aa a uiatKe o( las. ibal
when DO Individual ctUaeu bb com­
piled sltb the primary eleclhn Us
aud be«b prut>er]y nominated. Ui


, a&,.ss
■b*- Drag On.. Wo« mn Drug

Rbe *a Baamaat, n*M hnad yon
«w ata, «M the Ooahea Blended
tatatriapr I34f

lHa«a Preparieg fee a Big Time en
the Fourth of July.
* Lay Mercantile Co.
The vUlage of Aome Is now bnsy
with praparaUooa for a big colebraLANSING fMkPER SOLD.
Ooo on tho Fburtb. in addliwo to the
program of uportt. games. muKlr. etc. R. E. Oldt Bceomta the Rubliaher of
then will be two ball game* while the
the JourneL
Mght win be nwde gtorloua with Sre
LAnalDC. June 21.^t begin*
took Bi* U L^atag wuuM Imve a me
esvpaper. Tbe deal whereby the
l.anslng Journal was Bold Sulurda)
R. B. OMa of the Reo A’lto
paay. who U also tfsper of the
aiiig Republican. Is the cause of
cwmor. as U U generally believed that
the two puiiers sill be consoUdalcd.

Brighton. -Mich..




by plowing 3130 of reel money Inio
Ohe of hit Gelda. He haitatrs a disMUR in banks and when be %ent lalo the Md to plow be UK* hu roll
wUh him rather than leare it in the
hemra ahwic. After eoagdetlw the
pochetbook was lalaalag from his hip
pocket He toned the ftinows lo the
•M all orer again in aesr« for hU

Sad"rM4^t «


Gaved Fram Awful Oaath.
How an appalUng eaUmlty in hU (*»
lly was prevented •* lolB by A. O.
MiDeaald. of !Ca)-«it-viIle. X. C. R.~F.
D. No. 3. "My sUler bad consump
ttoa." he sriioi, "she was very thlfi
and palv. had nb appetite end seemed
to grus seaher every day, aa all ramedlra failed, till Dr. King's New Div
ov.ry was tried and so rtmipletaly
urrd her. that «he hat not been tiwulied nlth a tough since, lu tbe best
uediclne I ever gas or heard of." FYir .
oughs. rolia. lagrtppa. wthtaa, croup,
irRiorrbsge, aH hrrathial Uwuhles. n
has DO eqnal. -Mic. fl.lau. Trial botUc
iloarac.rwS by C A. Buffbee Drug
.4 Soar. Hannah G
Lay Morramlle t

ssPiSI gSirs- .........';S



OM aabbuf^ par Ib .

Tbe seaond annual rennioa of the
carver family took place toda) at the
KMmonCs day «rad ........ 3191
Lome of Hr. and Mr*. O. P. Carver.
23 iBMnhen of the Carver family sit­
dretiwd. per lb ..........3tfioc
ting down to dlaaer al 2 o'clock ibU
aftentoon Two targe extension ta. l5St>
Lies, -placed tcgelber as one, acroninwdated all. and the
Peaee and Harmany reign snpraBM
I bomes where ths Cosben Blend*
sere red rosea Tilt- followtag meou
nour, Cerbetle aud Nvver Fail ai«
sa* served;
Bclk »43

CLuki-ns. i
FOR 3ALE-60acre* of ted. Ilfi
Potato Chips.
iDile* w.-st of MayfieH. goad aprtng
Chiu Sauce.
vrr-ek runnla^ through U, 18 acre*
cred. fS
clnaivd. For partlcuUra. biqulrv of
Pried (^ckcD. .
fYoaiD Pwatues lVt»C9t
H. W Woo*.'Thomp«mvUta. MlrhlHut Ukculi.
___________ ;Jura Id-ll-K.
Cabbage Salad.
(ii:1 for g. lie's! housi- '
i- good *.*avApply J, u
Ire Crcaiu,
Si.-;i N-rr. at SI-lBberg'»- Bw*. or
:-‘>t «h Kt.
Jufte 2111
WANTEO-Girl' for' griictal huuseFOHowlng the eervtag of tbe dinsuik. go«i s*te*. Apply J. II.
.-•••iiiU-r*, at Sirlnbcrg Bros, or
rr, a happy time was spent in offer­
:.«v Sixih atreei
Jane IT tt
ing toast* and talking over plan* fur
;• next rvviDlon, whirii will be bdd
lV.rl -July. 9K; .tepl . In a P.nch. use ALLEN'S FDOT EASE
tbe boine of Mr. and Mra ddu.'enc
Ijird -Jul).
Carver, of Angola, ind.
T3ere are ehchi jitmiilra preseot.
Ril-* -JulF,
vnaklag a total of 23 person*, whlen
reeni.t the larver faml
h-ur fatnlllea who i
r 111 this
X -P.-nilrv the ftimniee'of O. P. tYirveT, PranI
M. Carver, V. D, CvirtI* and 41. O. Cnr- Steady;'.ev., 18,-; eblekenr. Uc,
On the SOth day of June. 19^10,
“ :ie.
.srv ettvrlalnlng Ike
IVuuilr tho savings department of this
fsniill^. the big day'a fe.ti«l(i<> U»
Kdd at the borne of Hr. and Mrs.
O. P. Carver.
Ladf evening Mr. and Mr«i Ptauk
larver eiiteTiaiDed the adulu at eupper. and Hisa Trade Haaneo gave a
S o'etoek dinner In honor of (he young
wHI credit the semi-annual payment of
Mka Later in tlie evening all eti
interest on the Savings Accounts.
Joyed tbe rkle on tbe Theodore Hoouv-

ipsf.. sliS


Mot« aa «»en^^*Jtie?*a*ti5i

ONigA New Vear^ Plana

IS unn OF coDNca

Mtovtag ti a IM at tte appn>|Hnatioat eaeAe for good laaOt la Mkil•n ap leMat* i. »i«:
AMer eaaair

T4M 87
Alptea oeantr................
duly elected."
Bwhia «nrt7................
a.uM 00
Iwo Older opioiona of imporunce
Bar eaatT ..............
U.4U oo
vu£-d duwn by Judge Mayne wc
14.M8 00
the case of the TOwnablp Board of
liOFt 7a:
90.000 00 mV Maegaret Eaetarnlght, 39 Years
91.197 00
OM, Enjeye Going from Plaee 4e
Hnlclpber. HusweU
Beld and Joseph
iMn M'
naee Vlaltln*.
Hanbah. in> lb« first rase the Judge
hat the findings
lags uf the
I.0M 31
Hn. .Matcatwt teaterakht.
lososblp board ara conclusl
nclusi e, and
30.000 00 •peat pearly half a Mulify
cannot be reviewed. Jo the accoiid
}S.«K 33 farm near Nonbport. was In the city second ease, the action of the losG4.000 00 33an*yca her aray to Qrsod Rapids ahlp board waa reversed.
18.000 00: wbare abe wHl rlalt her trleada, and
In the case of Perkett va the Pere
later go to Muir to rlalt her grand Marquette Railway, the court gare
18941 791
)ter. Mra. Enuaa
Judgment, while the Judgment v
7.000 00. Eaatarnigfat recently rewnted froiu ■ educed iu the rase uf Marah vi. Bai30939 02
HU Wash., whore * she i
Uate with her daughter. Miv.
40.000 00
A Judgmoni of 1497.39 waa rclkdc^
11900 00 Alice Onle.
ed in favor of (he Hannah &
ARboogb $2 yean <d age. Mra.-^ HercaaiUe company va tUlph
13.4B3 DO
18.742 00 teralght eajoyi travwllng launeasely Clusky. the case having been appeal­
9.100 00 and baa no ironble In looking out foi ed lioo Juailee
The follosiiig divorce, were ground
. .
M.7»t9: herself when cnasing the conUoent
19984 00 Cntl) the laal year', ahe had traveled ul last evening and during the day:
Allle May Dill ra. John Dill: Maude
98991 34 very little but bow. she deolarap, she
Mauan vs. George Uataen
1.739 04 wanu to be trwveMag 4U the thne.
Stanelll va. Morgan SUacliff: klan
UI904 00
PHatnea ra. AJbWt PfUtnen: !dc SIoWU« »U.
. Oliver Slocom; Jenale Ole90.000 00
C^ude Oleeon.
nplalnants is problbltc-d from
Ha^ Langwerthy Wedded the Nuraa
marrying for »0 days, aad Ibe dcTcndWho Teeh Cve of Him During
lllMee w«h TypNbld.
In the Mauen divorce case Riorge
Harry Langworthy. who waa called Jauen asked for the decrew but „
Matien. filed a cross bill,
> the city a abm time a«o by
and the deerve waa given
daath of Us father, brought with
TbU complelM the Jui
bride from the woM. the marriage
rircull court. Judge Mayue and Ulr-i
130.000 00 having takea plaee to Uie ipnagi
Court Stenographt/ Hendesaon^
he euimiiiaUaii of a boapltal ro- murnliig home this i
OtM M* Mr Ra*
e. The bride waa Hlea Irene Hal•oMa. 9M3 ............... 41.194.338 99 las. of Helena. MonL. and she nursed
Wanta to Help Seme One.
. Maea tbie Utt «aa aenpUad. addl- Hr. Laagwonhy ttuongh typhoid re­ Per thirty yean J. '
la. Mo, nee' - •
tlnal aMnprtaUeat hrtag tha total fer U the flt. Peteraburg bom
Dd It. Tbai'i shy be want* to help
When Mr. Langworthy rwoovered
• <0 MB* Oiaa tUORROO.
amp one.lKjw. Suffering so long hlmJth. through Ue akUirul nursing
all disirvas
= '■
of M4ss ^aUaa. Im decided that W
If Vaa WaaU •#
Spboid like to Uke care of, her the
— -................ - .................................ter*
rw or hia life. The ibarrlage wrn
Work wonders for such tronblea.
-Five bottles." he sriles. "Wholly cur­
ed me and nos I am weU and hearty."
Ifa also positively guaranteed tor
^asd tto grewtag powers.

EaGR*?^ 03.

, llem Wllller.


INI 2.880



<iu« Klmrn “.yy.y.y.:i:rnm

Mar* «, IM. at Cha paatoMea Twaaiw OtF. Ml*. m«w tka Aet
a( OtRVwa a( Mar* I. im

Choice to faao . ueifc; laR to good.

Ende Wimeria .Tr
'o many, winter U a M
The fraut bitten




Two Million Joliar Bank

i-c utcua.........................; If.
GrelUrfcvllle. Mich.. Juee 22—.Ur
pinniken 1* very III at Ihl* writing. f'tien:aler*. huf^uiuie................. in.
.Mr*. Hcnty Lautnec Li skvsly Ini-' Mu.A jiv'LT*
proving. She took a
alrall in iIm, }UT I-jUij.l................................. K..
Mrawlwrvy <patch yeaterday.
Grandma Clark U
vlriUng tar
daiichter Mrs. George Newman.

Walstm ia f< cling i«-tter to­
day. Her hHilth baa been very poo- 8«1L por bbl......................
for aotnc (Ime.
from Traverae City rewa* abaodoued by it,,
aaerry party a.nd left la the village

Sliver Lake. Mk-lu June 2i.-l.ltAnn Newstrad. qhe was at tbe
pltaJ for treatinenl fur abce** oi
brain, died at her home Frida). June
17, aud was burlMl Sunday In
cemaiery at Long lake.
Herman i'otralire t»
home from
Waahlngtun for a few weeks.
Ben Jenkins li worhlng for C. H
S. Mlchan. and C. H. Tbonva* n;ade
iMisltMva (rip to M'exfonl Sunda)
Fishing Is good at the lake aud (b<
roitage* are -being occupied.
Wm. Brown ha* intved' in bis n>l


...« 11.00





This Interest may be drawn any time
after July 1 st, or if left on the account
I will be added to the principal and ,,
it will all draw 3 per cent interest.
compounded twice a year. a good time to start a "Savings
Account with this bank and we cordi' ally invite you to do so.

Traverse City State Bank
Oldest, Largest and Strongest Bank
In Norlhern Michigan.

Why not be sure of Beuinjf ihc very best ({rade of
new stock 1‘aris Green, and *avc the worry, loss of
time, iov ui plants, eic.. that follows the use of old or
Sow grade green. We handle nothing but the best
grade, fresh made Tatis Green.' You are sure you are
getting that urhen you buy it oi

S. E. Wait & Sons
Traverse aty's Leadlag Drug Stare

I- I'lIU Bgaiu.'' write* A.
7 Kim St., ttuffalo. N V, Tbcy rurme of rbruuk- constliiatlon sbeu
all others tailed." I'n-quuled fOr llllloumess. .laumhce. Indigestion. Head
acbe. Chills. Malaria and D>>U11ly. T'
at C A. Bugbee Drug Co,. 8. E. W
t 8un*. liaunah A I,ay Mercantile



Msny Childre.i are S-cMy.

•* made their appearenre in r.v Uo'ffiour. *.r, Jctt-asiV.
the market* lovlay. l»-i!ig'offen-d at
Lhe^rult stocM. 8:rasberries dro|ip-d
me cent In the reuU price, being of­
fered at 12 cent*.
A few new polato<-s are also coming
10 market. The quoiatioii*
changed from yesterday.
Cherry picking was begun an ibe •■d to pre*i-nt ih.-.r clxims 4o said
peninsttla today and sweet cherries'
re DOS in the market.


Summer terin

_________ Ooahea Blended
and when yon have etfiht of
m. maU thMi with a P. a c ‘
3999 to the Ooahea MtUlBg
pany. Oo*en ladlaaa. and yon —
raealve a 49 p4eee rat of gold deeotmtod chlaa, tret*i «har«ra prepaid.
taraMapr IMf
nd d^*eit£uRra*^^ I

........ ;i „«J-


<By United Presa.)
netroil. June 23—Close—Wheat— lh- 2vih its of October IL D. 1910. I
len o'clock In the foreno^
eold aorca. red and rough sklE^ prove 81.P4 com, 63c; oats. 4Sc.
D«ed June 15th A. D. T9tr-----\
ihU. But aoch trouble*
Chicago. June
FB£a It walkki
Burkien's Arnk-a Salve.
vlDcea. Oeaiest bealer
Bolla. Pile*. iMts. Sores. Ecsema and
m, «lSc; oata. 4"*,c.
28c at C. A Bugbee
__________ __ -Walt A Son*. Hannah
A La) Mercantile Co.

ibe/gfrai aystem b


Do You Intend to Pur-.
chase a Cultivator?
iDi-'Ugau- ihr mcflw''o4 tl.- K- A. C5 Pliol Ax!c Cultrtsior:
kprinc trip. Pprixg Uwtb fa pin t.resk ries.
The grraurst sHIvr we -hi'c e'er ranired In. a riding cuttl'S
r-tor. a cultivator of qimlliy. .trung and mout durable.
FKAMb— Adjustable, gtv.rg'vartatte-o* IS Im-h..-* In irrad of
sS-el*. adaptlug tbe culUvalor u> any width of niw. rrom 23 t» 43
im-hes; Mvh hu cUpranv* <K 34 inebee in b-lght.
AXUJ—I* so suseb.^ to frame iba: It th-o«# the Weight of
the frame V»geih«T with Utat of ibe operator well lo tbe ceetsv of
th<-'wbe, 1 bearing, which nuk-* this eel'Ivator very eray to guide f
tho ttXDo tune preieoti axb-« siaricj a«d throslug whcsls is at
the lop. Thi* f'«tor« will b- apj rv lal -d Ur ,th'- uaera of Ibe ordloarr
pivot ule cidtlvMor.
Roxlng is iadepeodmii of the bob. eul’y nraoved. Sued wi'b
’targe e«M rap ta raar end comlyDaUoo sand cap aad grraswewp on
outer eod'vf hub.
WHEEI4 —Sirel. 34 Inriiei ia bel6«, ataggerad sp*WL Wood
conrave mu. making tW mttciKlouaJly suokc and giTi>B • ‘•'Tv
rangi- of pivotal adjustment
«igs— High rartwa cbasnel steel, ra kttacbed to frame Itat'tbey
prevoBt ehov.-b tracking and are so contracted that ahor^ ran K'
ptacMl at any desired putaL the Irofit ahoveta tietag won Atumd of

Price n*.Mt,*»S*-Cash or Mseesel *%

*iw< alM ths

^wranumraet iramraeta-m 3.,lt.ra




«ry aUafnap rotlap yea

U bad b**B tooBd that to* ctiy could
Mt bBfld may aewar* wttooiu toe
Doeey harlap b^ actaally prorldni
la tbe bodpn^ tin to* city
(ac* toI (t^ef wito aeraral «irbana»at praaeBt. Ttw
mltt*e thM*tor*.naked that tb* city
tb* ooBacil la writlap jeat wbat Map* were aeeeaaary to
order to (orl** tb* charter. The re­
port wa* adopted oa Mr. fUckerd'a

■MU A. i. BullMd. AaMtut -

» NT «M •■MVti «• nm D
M. a>^Aadr«M an OoDMtioM tad
OtnwRoadMW rtstrdlBE BtakUf
Mtttr to Ut TrtTWM City Stou
ShR. TrtTMt City. Mtoh.


isossns JISI FW $3
CITY eouNciu



CRtnlth-Amtrtean War Vauraaa Oiv-

4 fr^ TItoIr Obaeurtty.
la auklac tba aaa
Traama Ctty ^11 t

olutton reettad that to* raaolutlon to
pare Wadraortb atreat.wat
May 31. iPOf. tbe rmeiatloa to pave
Webatar atraet Juoa 7. 1*03 and tba
para Kioto atnwt joly
C, 1*03. Tbe rraolmioo directed that
to* board of paWle woib* pkre tta«|
*trc«l* to tbe tMlowtop order; Wadewoitb *tre*t.
Webeier *lr«et and
math Btfeet Mr. Hadeo
adopt tb* reKriailoe aad tb* dUcuaU*. «*M a* to whether tbe parlnp
a* ,:iiitb. already bopua. owld be
lerj wltboBt ewnaiiip a le*t of time,
tt wa* floally decided that tmder tbe
ptadtop Of
Btreet cobM b* cooduded and tbe
atren pared after WebMer Mreei was
flatobed. T^ reaolouoe was ailopiL
Oth«r ■•*>****.
Tb* bid of W. J. Rnmle oBcrinp
31SS tor the bor*e tb* fire depanotPDt ha* BO ftirther n*e (or w** ao
oepted OB Hr. fbekerd'* aiotloa.
Tb* Teqoest o( EM Adsois to b*
allowed to cnutoct with to* lateral
aewai to Beat BIgbth atreet was al­
lowed on Mr. Murcble’B naNkin. the
board of public work* belnp toeiroetfind tbe **w«r tJ
Wiman Probert. to •
lion. elsliiMd tost toe city owed him
Uck salary as a member of tbe lire
department, he bavtog been employed
- a year and dtoohan

anaora ba ES a day or i: a dayt
That ra tbc qaaaUon tfaat casM <>*■
for* the etly eowcfl Uoaday Dlgbi.the
aaaafTtoai* taototn« (bat tb«y
*MRM to 93 a day wbOe the <lty
attorary aad tba city oomd) Miered
tb* l«cal rau and altov^
Rto bSli at tbat fianra. Tho cbartar
prartato (or ff a day aonpwaaUoD.
T. O. «bllm o( tb* PDiiftb ward
pratoBtod a bUJ (or T«Aa days at tS a reived and filed.
aoHaBltog to ItSSAO. Tbla tb*
Tba Travaraa Cliy Gas company
OB«w»Kto» aeatod to 9163; Cbartot wa* given pamtoaloo to lay mala*
WaMoraty* bOi a«a Ibr
day* to tbe afley batwoew
lIMrih and
tor »«M-r tb* Bw«ad irard toll and Thlrteentb etreaU.
■ tbii waa eot to IlStM; W. Wl Daas
A petition lor a water main oa
' «( tb* Thitd ward apoat TCH day*: Menrea atraet between JeSerson and
toahlBc biatoU and aaked %it»J60. tbc Baadolph was referred to tbe water
CMMBftU*'* fifor* beina 3163.
Itr. SaaB obMtod to tbe cot. atattap Wat b* dMBt ear* aboot tb*
ap bn it waa
pHadpl* of tb* adoptod.
AblBC. H* atatod (bat (orDcriy tb*
water Rato* Lea*.
: aMOfylaoii bad beaa altowod 3196 (or
The water cotuniuee iwcoou
Map tba •work and tbat waa too Ut- •d tbat tbe water rates' be iwduced
<3*.' Hr. Doan atatod tsrtbar
WtoR tb* cootoetwatlOD wa* fixed
a • day. tbat It waa 30 y«an t
aad atace btoa, ad o*w tb* atat*. tb*
a toousaad gaUoa*;
amcTtaor* bad b«*n allowad 93 a day to 6AHM galloBS. 3 cants a tbouaaad
tto fiolac tb* arorfc. **1 dost vadar- gaHoas; from 6.000 to 10.000 palloos.
3 wby yoB
lU a tbouaaiid mUona; lO.Oo
It to «« lb*** bOb.- tald Mr. Data. Sb.OOO galloat or
more. 4 cents
"Wb bar* read*i*d food aarrM. thousand gaUons. This gives .ttaw'canAn aay tbat Ttaaatae aty ia the niBg factory a 4 cent rate. It
lownt ******>d city ia tb*
cemmeeded that the mlnimuin
tboagb 1 doBt baUaaw ibu I* uo*.
rau be K. The report was
Me* I WM taktaa to * * U«
c b

tfom Cadiltoe toBlpbt mod b* **ld
dty waa tb* toweat. bat U tbar* it
aay ctedu dm It to dn to u* *aRondm. 4 know tbe people
lo are apt
with yoB bacana* 1 have talked to
Mr. lUebMd did aot bettor* ia a aopnrtoor wotnac tor 9t • day aad
te««rod aawodlac tb* ordliiaBo*. T. 0.
; mtooB etohaad tbat tba Mate law of
199T aBowad 93 a day. Tb* dty attuiitoy to*k etoaiiUDa* to tbi*. readiBE tb* art iB quaattoB and abowiaa
tbat It appitod oBly to towaablp *uparrtoer*. Hr. Had** ataaad tbat Mr.
ebitooa bad brea elacud oa a tlekri
taterlap ecoaony aad tbat tbr aUarB*a wne trylap to cot axpma**. Tb*
ebartor porcra* thto atotur aad the
. aapwTtoer* wbito tbry atornld b«r*
•any ent romlap to then, abould
ab3d* by tb* rbatter. Tbe report wa*
adoptod OB Mr. mok*rd-* aoiloc.
CM Tkeir Appreprtatton.
Jan balBCB
0*pe. a Bwatoec n
■ad* a pint loAb* 9300 approprMeonrealloB to be b*M bar*
toOBtlk. H« BUted that tb* veteraai
bad ratord 33*o for tbto ooBrenttoa
la addHIoa to aabacrfUiix 3300 tor
«taUorai* H* (Hi tbat a* tb* naycr
aad board of trad* bad torlted tba
eonuaddb to roiaa bar*, tbr
BbOBld bMp la tbr aottnalstowt.
Hr. Cailor taroted tba'appioprl*.
. ttoa and d**lr*d tbat it be otada If
j>0MM*. rnuap apoe tba Hty auix««y tor hit optoton. tb* aiettar bartap baaa referred *t a prerioo* n»*<tap. Hr. *iw*y atatad that be bad
■DM tbrow^ lb* cbartar and to*,*,
latlr* act* aad taltod to find ao;.- pro
Ttolea lor *aeb aa awropriatioi: aad
If a*ad*. K coBid be atopped by an
letoaettOB. Hr. Gap* *taud that ir
aay taxpayer ctanptoliwd be wobM
aa* tbai b* (Bt hi* amtey back. Mr.
i^bett baltored tbat toe approtnUttoa wa* ao ator* litopal tbaa tor
’*■ aotloe la radatfaf tb* Mtorte* ut tb*

be bnlH to front of tbe resUeace M
Mr. Webb. coTMr of Webster and
Bartow Mreeu aad that a croea walk
be bant tbera. Adopted.
Tb* Btreeis and walka committee
aa tftbB aaetber week to consider
toe reqscoi ft* a combined esrb and
gutter on WeHlagton street between
aad Wetetor.
Tb* liihtlnc committee
rocom•aded tbat inasmuch aa the city
CMtrwet for atreat lighting expired
thto yc«r aad a* there waa no
visloo for new lights, that thi
quest,' for aa are figM at the coraer
of Maple and Becood HreeU be
graBUd. Adoptad.
Oa Hr umlors motiosi. tbe board
Of j»bUc*woet* was tostnictod
pttrefaaae four toads of grovel (or
walks at Hannah park aad also ISO
feet of boto (or tbe aame park.
Dap Llaattsa*.
Tbe dog ilcenae tnaiiar came up
again tost «gEi; 4lr. Riekerd loiro
decing M. st*tlng..tbM the dog war­
den was unable to collect the is per
real ailawed him at toe toat meettoq
oa tow'.lirens** already paid. Mi'.
GtUto ant*^^ Ibis by auilng tbs',
tbe motion was simply to aiiow the
pound maatec is per coot'oD licei»e*
edWtrd and (ailed to Stale wbetber
It was tetroactlr*. Mayor W.lbalm suud tbat in reading over ibe
ordtoaoce be tonad (hat no proviston
for such coavenantton
made Mr Gepaer addraaaed tbetoaa
dl for a (aw mbmnu after which
Hr. Riekerd moved tost Ibe mat.
ter be-referred to tbe eedlnaace comiDittee nod the city allorae). Tbc n>n
toa carried.
Tbe matter of tbe* fire depsrtircnt
»r**a doing dty wort sms brough;
up by Mr. SImpaoa nad Ur. Abboti's
Bxniae that the fire rommlliee coaBlder It anid repori at Abe oeii ur«>l
«. enrrtod.
Mr. Misrekie’* mo^
Uat toe

board «t poMIe work* repMr (be
rslIlBp* on to* Btobto tlreet bridpe.
to* (toton street brMpe aad to* Cast
Dtrewt bridpe torrted.
Hr. Abbott-b tnnkiD that the board
of pubUe work* procMd
with Um
constTBctloo *4 tbe CDleeft oa
wsypo Rraet aal also the oo
Sixth •treci.aad tbe repair* oa ;l>*
dock iioe at tbe Cnioa atnwt Wtdpe.
Street Sign*.
It baptoi to look a* tboopb tbe
street *ipn* woaM
from otoic-.rliy snd edorD tbe core
of the dir. Mr. Riekerd brought
the matter Md asked wbat
were necessary. Mr. Hadeo preacniet
a plan (or tbe ptodsp o4 ^ slpni
and Ur. fttekerd moved that tb<
board of pubUc works proceed with
tbe irork at ooce. and Ur._ Haden’s
supganioBi be followed a* cloaelr as
possible sod when louad impoa
that tbe board use Its beet iudgmeM.
The moiloD canHed.
Oo Ur. Mureble's motion, a cement
walk Oil Fburtqemb atroel esj
Casa ws* ordered In.

Tb* Carver reunion wtalcb^uket
puce tomo'row at tbe borne of O.
Carver, will tie attended by toa roh
Mr. and Uro O. P- Carver, Sir. and
Mr*. Orville Carver and cblldreo, EMala ni|i^ Louis, of Angola, lud.* Mr.
and Uro. L. R, Carver, of Cleveland,
Ohio, Mr. and Mr*. K. A. Carver, of
Angola. Hr and Mrs. Prank W. Carsnd children. Joaci>btoe «nd Treve1}-n; Mr. and Mrs. P. D. Curtis, and
chlldreB, ISdward and Geraldine, Mr.
and Ur*. C. O. Carver and ebn. OScar.
all of chit cily. and Mr. aad Uro. liarly Sharrard, of .Cleveland. Mrt, and
Mr*. Orville Carver and rbildn-n and
Mr. aad MVs. U R. Carver of CieveUnd arrived toat night.
Of the Carver family, O, P. Carver.
OrvHle. X. R. and P. W. Otrver are
•rq. Tb* others are the Second


Aboard th* PL Ipnac*.

to* St. Ignnee clecUd Emery Clark,
or tbe neOofTTIrst Nsikmai- bank.

p. iL Boonn
Michigan fiuiMner Raaertt" la
Title «> an Excellent Public
. tiM JiiM OllL
"Uicblgan enmmer Retorts’- is tbe
title of a book <um Issued by tbe
toe text being ’
charms of We.
Ml'btgan ns s'summer play ground.
Tbe rartotts resorts aloog toe east
sberv of Lake Michigan are givei
oelieDi notices. Traverse City bivlug
i [Age of its osrn. Tbe cot* are well
:Uospn and there 1is much valuabl.
lulonnaiion given.


Hugh Bo»'d bas moved hla housetovid
goods Into tbe Fox bests* near toe
Quite e BBmber aftended toe prsdu
ating exercise* at Traverse CUy last
Tbsrsday nVht.
George White and Master John are
camptog at tbe lake. .
The Rev Mr. Plewv. ef Ha-Tletu.
n.ndiKted services here tost Sanday
In the absence of tbe regular pastor.
After 3ulv 1st. tbe Rev.’ Air. Plows
win hsve cnaigr of the Founeetith
siivct Metbodisl ebareb at Traversi'
Tbe Alcnonliee who have been bold
Ing meeiliv here (Or tbe peel two
or tbrve weeks" have closed their
wurk for the present and moved tbeir
' Mrs. Clean Wood returned to her
borne at Rlx Lake* Un Saturday *(I two weekv' vl«u witb her par­
ents. Hr. aad Mr*. F. K Vinton.
Lewis Rhlnholt bas moved Into
Ibe S. .M. Perry bouse.
Sir* Hugli Hoyd returned Saturday

Does not Color the Hair
that Ayer’s Hto
We wkb yim t* pesRivcly awd AMtoeOy aderg
• to tbe iltotrit
'L’Hor does sot Mfccf tbe esiar of tbr bUr.
dm. Perse* w*b tbe white* or ^ bgWest rodmcMds&Tre
^ mod
fEBid bakmsy uM k My wthoBi baekiEtoc bak made a toads
b to year doctor. Ato Urn whM be thtoh* at R.

(mm a visit at Qraod Ledge ' and tler*- pknlc nl Kalkaska tost WedFlint, Mis. Earcie Cooper of Flint i-esday. All Ibe todic* rvmatoed for
arcomphuled her tor aa exleslled rt»- short vlait*.
Wm. Peto is moving to to* upper
Ur. and Mrs, B- >L Perry expe« to peninsula.
leave tbU wet-k fur Grand Blanc for
Mr Gilbert and i<arty wta bav*
a visit with Hr. PeTTj # reUtlvro. Mr
Ivrry esi<ccts to attend sussnrr nor­ U-en rrworting here, returned 10 tbeir
mal bclure I skins up hi* duihe as Uuue at IVtruil tost wert. Mtoa A*principal e tlb« Oak Park, avboo) at .DCS tSBunerov acCusaiiaBted tbera.
Travers*- City.
Uamoq Notrwsrc 1* quit* ilL
Mesdamcr Kiuma S;rw9.-Id. Wmisni
Crisp, Hnttic Uni-lc F. E. While and
.Caioilne TaiKr atteodod an old set­

Our Store
Bihel VanSIckle.
IXIroIt. where they wlU spend three
meefcs vlslUng Irlrnds.
Ur*. F. Thurtell. who - has .
tmendTng tbe last three weeks vUliing
■ lend* In Chicaim. reiurneil borne
St evening.
Mitt Helen Tburtel. who has I
alieiidlng Ibe Mate normal at 1
Icc'l, returned home last evening
Miss Kvs Thurtell. wbo Is aiiendliig Ibe r. dr U.. is expeteed borne as
scon as eon neorement Is over. Mi**
Tburtell reAlvlng ber dipknus this
year. Rbe w11 be aecompanled t>v
D;olber. 3to*^ Walter Tburtell.
Tbe MlBsee Ida Attderson and ;
11.' SmisCh, ol Sniions Ba>. wen
the rity today on tbeir way to .
Mrs. Floyd S!wce< and vbitdren
loilay fo- iknne CUy, after visiting
(■lends in the city.
John Mlktila left today for Donna.
Ore. whe^.4ie wlH locale pel
r ^tilt<» left today far Seat-

lints and Hwrry Sherrard
o:ning on a fishing trip to
I. It l«ing tbe Itueiiiton of
0 land 10 bass each,
irver and Edward Curtis, ae1 by their visiting couslus.
left this mornlnc on a fldimg trip
down tbe Pere Marqiwne.
Mr*, l-aul 0. Sloyke went to Kings­
-Ttorton. Ohio. June :i.—Tbe dem- ley this morning to attend tbc luner
ccratlc state convection which besean si o( .Mrs. UiH.
3 o:doek this aftentoon. undoubteA laky liver leads to ehranlc
epsis and consllpaiion—wi-akons
'btde system Doan's Regalels
tial nomination. Tom Jedmaon'e re|v rnu per boxy correti the Hvef.
I'caentaiive* srbo .vre demanding that toe stotusch, lUiv ronstlpslloa.
toe coDvenlloa endorse
Th* flnaai bras* an* pastry
tdatee. probably will be beaten.
mad* from blended Sour. Tbat Is toe
reason the Oosben Blended Flonr. Geebell*
and Never Fail are so popular.
Mrs.}. O. Hower and son. Theodore,
taes-tri-apr I34(
wbo have been vtolUog bar stoter.
Miss Uarguerite Kinney,
left thU
Iteb! ltd
Itch! Itch;—Scntdi! Scral
mornlap tor a visit wUb ber mother
In Bnyae City before returning to Urb. Try DoaB** OlnimimL 11 core*
pile*. <>exema. any skin Itching. AB
their borne In Revere. Wash.
drugglsu sell if.


Hss anyone ever asked you
Have you never asked any.
In either ca
Id either caae was lt/(ali
the other*
Getting a aelghber xa slg
than a test of FRIENDSHIP.
THE RANKERS 8VKETY COMP.AXY wlU t'toQisb aay bind ol

And Your Store
Our store so ftu- as the name over the door is c<mcerned; yourstore in respect to the merchandise inside.



This is more than ova beCixe
a store for mothers and boyA
XIM922D clothes make it so. Ahd
XIMS22D clothes are like your boy,
—they “grow” evory year.
It doesn’t matter how hard the boy
playsorworks. XVS*CPPD clothes give him
bett^ sovice, longer wear, and greater
the ordinary

* A boy's suit is no longer light witfauit
style. XTRA^OQP clothes for. boys hare
t^ same splendid style that is nowadays
put into the swagger Young Men's doChss.
Your boy looks good to you~and odwrs.
And back of it all is the best tadorhig
and matoials to be had at any price. We
want ycHi to come and see fw jroorsrif. .
Youll understand better why we call this .
your store.

Calm aail qnlcL CoUeel convcnleal cents; come qaic
complete comfort. Cooling eoneoctions quickly



>lcsoabc and Clean
BECAUSE tke Inventor ckose tbe Best in Nntnrc
^ BECAUSE tae Formnla created In tke good! old days kclore snbstitnles were known, kas never been ekaaged;
It Is the same yesterday, today and will be forever.

Special pilecs by Ibe *osew lor private
or public cdebrallop.

We seU II In SSc psekages, and yon can make 5 gaHons witli It

More Good Summer Drinks
Hydrox Gioffcr Ale..


We carry Ibe osly layac elockol nreworka
wcsiot Stood Rapids.

WRolcaalc aa4 RclaU Dealers
In Fireworks.

Have Tbcac In Vow Boose at AU Times 80 llial Von Can Enfoy a
Good Cool Drink at tlie Time Wbea Yon Waal II.
Then we sell yon the very best lemons aad the best ol sngac, the bay
bvatcr yon'get yoorsell and have a Mg pticker ol icmsn
nde tor your friends as they cell. Try It today.




1. FR z^Av. .njsewutsto.

Mrs. totea luk* and two ckDOrra quite wfi uneaded. QuR
Ji™. S, T. NeteoB *ss tsBtas os
.wtw tke soeeu of Hr. orMn. Joks ame and eujeyed a ptcwle
Uia riont Lake Sstarfisr.
Hr. and Mra. Bd. Hopkins of TravHr. sad Hrs. Will Cte^ and Oeo Blckardaon. Bunda.v.
u Palmer *«a( vlU hor.
Mima Baby moofca called os ^Trtas rae Gliy. are vUlllng rrladves ^ece
We BBdemana tkat Pnak Hntb Onr *^>e tbe snest of Mr. ssd Ur*. and Beoste Lake. Wedneeday.
sr a lew daya.
and MlM Vhias Lake of Intend, are D.^. Th<»p«>n. Siuidsy. _
Tbe Bochleyr band Pteyed several
be mi
■unied on ike ZSnd ol Jue.
. C*. Urf UN. Mm Own «t«n o*«r
exerelMS at Ike Pmu
FAHKors eoBNtss.
Me sU nnend
lOuse Banday.
Bom. to Mr. and Mra OoUleh waa given la ike atldmoeo.
and beei vlibee.
___ HunI Cnee te worttla* toBom. te Mr. and Mra. Bari Sanford.
MN. W r»«lw
Mm. Jnfer
WMeoB and
Mrs Glee Tkomp«*.
»(BMI of Mn
-**>tnr 4n«* «w tm I>N»rrO)e. to
m* Mn. IMw Mmn. Bm «b« u, a too. June 12*Ywnkt. Friday.
to writing,
Ike mcoaW a:
Bora, to Hr. sad Mrs. Ftaak Otes>
Hr.'and Mm. W. C. May. attend^
enmey spent a few
Mrs Elmer
.rv. s aon. Jane 1&.
ke Ptooeer pirair at Kalkaska. Fnwlik her sUlerTbf
Karl Taylor ot Minn- asdAUte Min­
Tbe roans toUn took- In tke oko* day.
Soath Boardman.
St (ke burg of Lake Ana test Prldsy
Mias Fbnale Stole ietureeJ f.a-a ot. Port.'r of Did Mtealon are gaesu
Mt« Bdte Bojwy was at Tmverae
and Mm. Wm. Fevgason
Ken. os Tburoday test, sf- >f Mr and Mrs. C a Kabl and tamTraveree (Tty. mme up Thundar i Loarence
Tke cut worms ure rrry bad UiLs
lerhs«ing spent the post eight n.e.tos
a■ "
• • Btly matoo.
Hite Bather 'itemm arrtvsd Mstee
ear, as they are uhlng <«ni. beans,
<^ lTf«. Monday.
vlnea. etc. DUcoamsIn* to tke tarme.enlng.
Mm. Henry Howe retaraed to her
Mr. and Mm. Herbert Bous^*y..''f
•dacoday f<
Rne at Soatk Boardman.FMday. She
frsverse City arrived this eioiud te itei year t.t
ailrs (Vra
Oropa In aome locsliliM are Boe.
Mars IV^te wIB i
> iw..—w si tows, stfrisad BfiluiThere Is to be a bl* relebratlon at trU-nds here for Ike past wwk.
Usrgaretb Basle-aight will
Benisb. the Fourth of July. Also the
>rntng to X>Ut her mssber aad
la«o Bteekkumr returned Tuesday leavr In tbe monitng tor-Grand Rap­
at the borne of MIm EUuna WllDoanty Sunday aek
from a 'vtou In Mi
ids. and 81. Joseph, to vlatt. her grand- aoB. to apend the sumuMr. -.
>uai picnic wUI
..... —
E l«dlM Aid met with
daugblrea belore reiuralnx to WaakI date Let each and all attend day.
CMter Lodge Hotel wtU fipeu
•oMph L»i
RaMwIn last Friday and swill meet Ington.
JuM 22
Orond Haitpldt ^ an operation
again lo two weeks with Mra Wm.
'*^ra.*Mlroer Abbe aad ehlWreo were
l*rof. G C. Fuller visited Trs'rerse
Roy Bteeir Is very tU at this urHlMeina.
t%n Kited Tm Hnr« Alwtejn Booglit, tead ertddi tend
a and
ins *i>k dira.'lMte Attee and
and dsoghte
to «M lor oTOF 30 ponn, ^ bone the
TtITl AND PROVEN. a Travrwso Clip.
Vtote Gownn.
swrprtos <
Boda Kelsey a pteanant
. .
find hcia been made vadw his perHlaa Kefflne came home on a visit
lay sieeteg
eonal su:>crvlidon Mbm Its lalateer.
from Detroit, last Saturday.
haro la a MssiTot Mseo In Balnfi
Hlaa Minnie Batei ■ worktes for
. Kan., arrived I
AUow no one to decolTe yon In thto.
Abte te Ospond Upon a WallMra Frank Glaasow.
Earaod RopHUtten.
Al Oanterfeite, Imitations and ••Jnst.^sfood*’ fire but
Mra. rarl Bales will return home
___Dauitom and daughter. Utaq
For months Tmverae City readc.
BzBCrtmeats that tHfle n-!th ar.d endanger the health ol
from Weston, Ohio, this Tueaday
mpanled by her slster lu-las. Utoa Oaannora and Mrs. Psrper. arrived
bave seen the conslsni expresskui ol
JUMM and Odldron-Eipcrlcnoo ocalaat Esperiiteoat.
Ntric Huellmastel had a Kite bai
even*, who U a guest at the bcate tost Thursday arid are occupying tbs.
praise for Doan's KMney PtUn. and
Saturday. M'ben It U r^leirslslng Satunl
Mite Jnlto Unier. for the sum. NvlsoD ...ttage tor the sumnrer.
read about the good srork Ibey
•d there wm
Mii« Minnie Poner ten- this morft’
done In this tocaltiy. Not an
Jorn-ph Payment, sr- was in Empire, remedy ever produced such coi
“Mite Orsc* Kehl relumed dn TkumAlva Brooks and
toat week repalilng hto booses at that lug ^oof of merit.
day iaat from Bensonla. wkeiv abe
Cteatastois a hanalem aahetitate for Castor OO. PareboapeDh's
I's ('orners. drove Ihroutk
Grace KsbL
T. J I’Bkrr. SH< & tteloa Street. took a ronme In moste! tbe port year
fotlek Bropa aaA Boototov Syraps. It to PtoamnC U
lurday. eoi
Mra Mary Deeriug alarted for
our vicinity.
Mtor Mae Irfolle of «>lc*go. arrived
Travers.' City. Mlch_ says:
oetetatos Betther Optnas. XoiphtoS aor tohw hatroMe
aunt. cayo Monday, to see twr daughter.
ipire. to.
. their uncle
spend the a
t ago I gave a public testlmov'-'
nhstaaee. Itaa#e to its yiiswtoe. 1» daMnyt-Weoss
las Sunday
eventiKMrtVurna. who to very low after i
._ -jvor of Doans Kidney Pills I
____m. Bsnwt a»
Oa Buoduy. Juty A tku Pwr Mar­
an exenmlos le tkta
aito altoys FemtohaoM. It sma IMaMhcate and Wind
today' I can reromresnd them Juri
es went
T. Nelson and Mrs. R. Bales
Fred Beeman. and wife were enter- highly sa I did then Foi several
MIU IWrsonr and mMher. of Lihlo city from Grand Rapida MuaLs80te
isi Tburadty and caught Sac siring >ln^ « tbe home of Frank Wiggins yrors I sss afOlrted wUb kidney com. ire oi>-up)lna their cuuage for t
and also Ibe Baglnaw dlrtoloo "Baasid'family Sunday..
plsim and though I doctored faUbtult«U. Traverse CVy rk. Cadiltee' to a
r healthy and nattml steep.
Mr. aad Mrs Calvin Brooks will libJ Helen Burr of Ovlatt. waa the ga
h and ICK>k a number of no railed kid­
Mrv N B NkhKa ap^nl Friday
Mgtddnnt U»e la the ndvsrttolng
ite In Grand Rnplds
of Mm. I. Huff for dinner. Sunday.
ney cnr.-s 1 tound but tmle relk-f. I rraveme fhly.
me ChlUraiU Penaoea The Mother's Friend^
Miss Bruce attended the teachers tisd orien beard of Doaa'i Kidney
Arthur Bordeaux arrived rhU ev.
exanilr.aclon nt Hooor toat week.
ng lu spend a fei^ days on hia way
Wits and as ! bad seen them recs
■onie to Muskegon ftuui having taken
mtnded by local people. I decided
home from Emmet raumy. whee.
glte them a trial. 1 |>rorcred my si
1 roulb.Tn trip on bnslneas.
Mrs. R. R. Bniee and dnugfater. Ui
has been leachiOg school tor the past ply at 8. E Walt & Sous' dreg sti
Mrs r 8. .Nelson and fa________
MilUe Palmer, aad her three cfalldre
9Bean the Signatare of

and I sa.- artoni^ed at the result of. gone to tbe I'oint to apebd tbe aum•toenswurd. Biea
Veri drj weather!
their use -In s few weeks Doan's
Jan* ;i.
lobble Lnvkie D spending a
KIduey PUto eptlrely relie.ed me and “i:.
his rigb .
siQi'e Then I bave beeq pert.-rtly frvt'
Oiarlro Thomaa returned home teal
from kuliiey trouble I have bad no
day aoDlvrraar). A large number
Sir. and Mm. f'rark Smith are it ne.-d of a kidney medicine during the Thursday-from Hensmts.
Karl Taylor will leave in the mor
ps'it year or -o Other members of
r. Luke roBed oa G. Brooks. Sun- prood parents tf a nine pound boy.
Mrs. Charley llasse Is some bet­ mr family have taken Uoon'a Kidney Int tor bto home In Minn.
dayMii. AtiK>s Uarilelt. entertained
PMIs and In eOeh cas.- bqoelU has to!
B^ra, to Mr. and Mra. Frank GUs ter St Ibis wrlUiig
few fri.-nd- le bouor of Mrs. Bast,
The meaalew seems to be all the
SCO, Jane M. a boy.
Donald luke called on his friend, ryle around, here at present.
Kor .ale .by all dealem. Price it) ntabi. who will leave toon, (or
Uu Brooks, teat week.
Mj. and Mrs. Will Mlddsugb
cents. .K.uler-Mllburn Co.. Buffalo.
Mr and Mrs. C. B Kehl entert
Mias Mabel Bates U working tor Ohio, aiv visiting Mm Mkldsu
Ne« York, role agebls tor tbe I'niled
with a launch party to Gull li
parents, Mr. and Mrs. W, Auyera
Mm. Frank OUasco now.
• uame—Dosn's~aod end Nurtkport Potni an Sundv uller/Mrs. Gea AnnU hM Jiisi purrhaaed
The: Odd Fellow plcolc held in
Uke no oth.r,
a itow gasoline stove.
Wexford grove test Tuesday.
wnr ALiMiiA.

V* m«4 Min vwy Unek.
io» AMf hM MuTfd rrov Priri
L*k» M TnnW Uto, to pni_ln US



Loans Made on Real Estate
Wnbe^B Block

OiMrw Ciy for Plntehni'n





lie God T(m Bave Always Boo^t
,«•>. 'In U

For Ow 30 Y



■ This Is the month of matrimonial knots and a nicely furnished, cosy home, all your own, should be brought
IntotNjnsideration. We want to consider this home furnishing business with you. We are furnishing homes
every day and have been for the past Twenty-five years, we make this a particular business. Experience has
taught us how to take yourtiome in hand, furnish it up attractively with good, substantial housefurnishings and over to you at a very reasonable figure, and you can pay for it as you earn the money.

Start, Housekeeping Today. It’s Cheaper and It’s Better
Come In and talk it over with us. We will be glad to show you and give you the benefijt of our long experience.
Don’t board, that’s throwing money away. Have a home of your own. that’s the only way to enjoy living.

Dining Room

iThis Fine Reed Rocker
I mide of wlccted reed »od is a bandf tome design. High restful back, roll
f teat aad arms make It ektremely com­
fortable. This is a splendid rocker for
porch or bouse use especially during
hot sreather. h yields to your weight
'and the air circulates all through.
Value $S.60. Our price only

Dinner Sets
Wc Have • Bi« Use ol Ike Dl3kc«
_-CoMFlele Seta or OM Diakea

: ;£6iaTlsi‘.,T5i,

Oarlow prle^casy •


■Mate slock nske oar gooHs caay to
Jkny sad raay to pay lor

We want you to see
some beautiful furniture
just received for the din­
ing room.
Buffets, ail
kinds and sites from

$1$ op to $$•

We have about forty different styles to pick from and 'almost
as many tables. Come m and see tbem, you’ll surely 6nd just what
suits you and at challenge sale prices.




Mts where one or two
wo were
teui. broken
orxMtco in luigiDeiii.
shipment. One ucauviiut
Iwautiful xwv
gold decorailon. werib $16.00. but two
piece set, extra fine quality,
aags aad oae sancerr IS btfiken which will seU the set


A full line of toUtt sets, granite ware, tin ware, wash machines,
boUm. «c.

Carpetf. Rugs. Linoleum. Mattinsst
All Kinds and Sizes. Headquart- ^



■ Filled wlih Furniture, Carpets, Rugs. Siovet, Ranges,
and esrerything to furnish your home, no matter how
|arg4 or how small, it’s wtKth a lot to any body to
bare a large assortment to choose from, so you can
pay jvst whst you feel Uke paying, and get just what
suits you. Our big buying for thest stores ensbUi us
to buy for less and mil for lest than any other concern
In the state. Come in today and look around.


A big assortment of baby carts and
cabs, ail kinds, alt sites, different styles


For Summer
Oil Stoves................. $8.60 up to $16.00
Window sfreens................up to 60c
Lawn hose 16c per foot warranted.
Lawn mowers.......... .^95 up to $1100
. Hammocks....................66c up to $7.00
4 Come in and look tbem over if yoo
don't care to boy.

Cook Stoves and Rangea, the Largest
and Best Line In the City at the
Very Lowest Prices.


Style and Comfort


mieiml momha.

scheduled trip cd the .Mtawurl.
The SUaes Alloe and Bra ay,
Heed borne FTMay on the 8. S.
iourl. IVMb BL Vary's, where i
were irlteBdloa ertaool



Death of Hr*. Hannlaa Bit.
or the KeraM:
Lady Mateabosi Hsm CretRy Cona el a Caura* to a
Mrt.'MBBiilitg 8»mj panted away
C«iam*(«lM Caltoffa.
ifrSO tVedcesday. June 1st, u On
fftats Oslogatas’ Reporta.
U tbta buBlama age. (Wo yonic maa
The death by drowning qf Thus tario. ('iillforola. hoviul. where she
or voMaa who baa wot rec«ii*d o
Thompsnu. the Seu h MaiilUNi Hail untk-rwfut an operation. The -cause
farrier, 1.41 wi-ek. while endeovorlug of her dewib wa, luherruloats of (be
buito««o tnlatot la MDy haM*Wednesday afie
ue kl* ll:lle ttio, waa one ' bowels atid alibough a great sufferer
fipp^i Th*^ demand tor akUy_^
but owing I.
deki affair, the bUlory of ti.
tore twr trial, wKh patleocc. The de
of the primed reportr of ti
eounit, biu had to re.w>m. Sin Tlump. fiuid was ti aJutr of E. J. Waldivn
staat aad ihereoaing. Good poMUoffa
MS waa one of the fliieai young - await expert young pe«pla. In (bb reto
id foriBtc'y lived at OM Utraslon.
tokI Fite
. t
Fife Lake and Klngaley
the region ever produced, of kludJ
The peoiile of Traverse <Ttj
itesWerv pot represented. Mni. fai- Beet!on we maj allnde (• the apadti
he fuiiecal was held at the l^lacot>al
ture and dupor.i-loti. He waa a gen.
lurch. Loag Heart..
lira. Sirier, being approached by ■ tepreigg^-c
rbahkey. of Tratsfwe Hay hive No. adraniate, offered by tba McLaeblaff
lleinas In every senae ot the word Ni,
of a land eapMlatkni roneera.
and Srfa. Ban Tompktaa. df Tawv- WgMaaia itoivenuy. Qired Raydda.
miny frlendt deplore hi, uiitimelv
located In ooe «( tbe Moot
he sale rt eertaia lou In Fterl- eiwe Ciiy hWe JJo. SSJ. were prewent. Mlrh
laklng off gad extend their de
active aad progreasu* oRlta of tha
a, -wwi who Lady Jenale Waisoo of
s>aH«(h> (u the atrnken wile
eounlrr (he'otwdeui has lha MM prweilntere aytnpathy..
faniily. Hla funerhl w-aa a ven large
ttauj^plsa of kaitaaaa (e aid hW
.Jluriug the inevlmg at Kalactasoo.
a ni
number auendiRg
ding fro
from tbo
W cwal rommander would pot per
other island, a,
t^to^wali ta~Bv^(toat*‘^ aaarlta
factory and '
lit iH. delecste, to take note*, vt.
abroad, Th'- floral off.of tUs arbooi of budlarei, th* araga
nothing. ,o 1
pUlftlng ib.t thv mlumew would b.many ai
very beattOful, Slc-p ♦ ♦♦♦
of wtkh laelodea *eeiT brahch neeeanmde
primed and fwni va.h hive. These re
drawn. Mkb., June
piaecfnlly aleep dear
axrr to to cm* far a hatoh««a caraar.
son; hnalmiid.
pojta had not arrived. «> the dek
latbiT. brother iiiid1 fneml. The ancel. Green has moved bis famHy to
The Summer gehool odtort tpaclal
y prominent btial gatee had little tv report. The
e prin
guard you bejojic Your diwth 1. ,
kir Creek

n:i«. iparial rlassra aat other lawho hsvv bad eiptwiencc tli-al
a< the dugim.-reU Tb* rolieg* Hsu** a vwiy
ch.rUmii in that ><rur>ltli. wa, (
Dr, and Sira. Clark were Travera;' this llae that those who are
ebasg* ul rmte*. (be
e i|ew law i«ased fcahdaswe paper, ‘"fh* Clanoa." wbM
■ »r one whom to ou wa« •« li.-ar
lly callera Monday.
the ptvpiaiinuoa. |
• the roBveutWh.
hom yim Invert
Vr*. A'Ja niaard of CTiiieago a.-rlv.
eenialns full Intormaltoa la letter
.1. a thorough tnve*il
re rrvsni and walvrw were eerv.d,' pte*v aad Bhv pholaffiapha It la
June :p.
d Salurdnr to Tisil Iriwdi. Mrw.twm before investing ihoii money
and the Udk-s bad an enjoyable
ca:i to amlrt’.lout youaff m*a aad
rd will have an aurthui sale Wedi
■Imtag nmirsetr
wumsn- and the respoMe will W
fay. June «»lh. at lo a. m. to sell her
If a pr.>iK>rlik>n la cn.vd, it lit c
deubt ba general
The bwadfoda Ot
At Ihla
w..'f,...l gn-alli bene-' iu'isetiold goods.
talidv worthy u nM.eideration if
gradual,* of th* McLarhlaa BuitolM
llii'd bv ;Ju. I,-'urn .if i.ur »;<i.1en(s
not prex-nted
ruv. ialiv who cwcupy Ugh poaltloM
a.-id trwrhers w li
wei-k a»^ Bdtvwood
vlslung her
ualli rei
lo (he btisiBcw* worM an the baat
nur wot* during
IM lw-f<
proofs of !:a eteeflaare. We OdrtM
Mis, Vida x'aoderVort arrli.-d borne
F.«ple who desire to make Intewt
all lBterr,lv.l lo arwd far B om>y «t
lor her wainnier varatlon CaUirdaycBU of land1 projwitlv*
-The Oarkm - and itet of ar '
latl Sunday afiernooii «>*were la
ik‘ i>ro|io»lllan> among
recenllj placed ta positto
slUena, whiA
00*0^ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦oooo a|i)ieuied before .litriUw LsC'oie
trp. who hai
inr-d with a me., treat when i!l»a
n buying
real estate asuii-. 1a
.. .
• m M mailed Tre*.
O ^
« a-ek ■l-u.-ii-la:
l‘."■1aol■. a mlasiotiary
frutn Apan potato.-, here all kpring. nnbdied btoCity
produ.♦♦♦♦0*00***00*00 fTomhig tom of B dl'Ten«.
In m-itllng ale'ke to our people.
ing Saiurtby and left tor hla home.
ing lands In this iiiouvdiate ih-lnliv
The W. f. T. V. hfid s uweili
a'elaUn t
1‘opa hilling I
Mr. Carr, the looVry buywr. .
Iliirr Jaiuea baa aJieaUi begun work
Til.- Judge d.'
II biaJiuuae. The will. Fioeiuoui. ha, U>en doing biulum
By Bsioff ElseUd Guard—M. F.
deeiriug an investmeot lo rurh
s jir«-parc)J,
elded In I
vl.-liiliy this w,H-k.
I- Uiony, lui'lndirig the mibsliiut'
.aai appear to u>0 «5«r. Funnwn wen' pr
fnrr-n.- I:i for :he old time B
A Jone, was a Tniver** City
e ,nterp.-lM- al long dl
eat. Sira. ( i^bk. eiic presid'-nl
rt.iior Monday.
Miv ln.'2 l< mpus of tilngii
Alpena. Mlrlu Jim.. 53—The Mlrh
the W. C, T. I', b expected here
lisitiflg l..r i> I w days with tl
Haley la visltl
visiting frlc^ In vt.erea* a ekiJv tniyxiigaikui might
Iran .»h\gle, tvov.-iiun today ebtaie
■ ad to nwre iBteIlig.-iit dwi*ic.n^
lecture Um- lavf o( the mouth.
a iiniubrr of her little trii-nd>
111 of IVIer ls^„
Grmu! Hapids andd Craudv
la.rne fVy for (hr n.-xi (vuvenUon
The Immediate
eenii), In ikuk ir of her u-venlli. bln
WIUbtB ttecker. aaed 1» >ur«. (
The niinmer iwaort ,i
iKv-s \\ illiatn,, who ha, .
ivr t'Dnilae.
Tiavetwe Guy in flult fa-uing lah !■
of Flenit K f».«.kei of Rurdlckv:ilo.
lake will auou be Inferior
tendibt Traveiwe Hij- High se
Thu coiivi-nlion eb-rled the fallow
I'.ewnt mori exnllent invw.tin.mi.
refrefiuaent, were a<
died at tfc« pl»«v ICFt week.
still liiika
fur the summer vacatloti.
vhh'h will twir llunviigh liiieMiga tag .ifftret»:
desUt was d«e to au Injar)- r.'ee|v»d
It, llOBIII,.'
Jiiiy but that
, and Mrw. Ortniliv. of Traverse
eong Man Wat' Well Knawn In
Hr. and .Mr*., .kugual Rrlisi-fti-r
ik.n and the.-..- linTe ispUal In (.xp -nd
aevenl tfoya betoir l>y l»elHK ««< »
are vWling Mis Unusby
Travrrae Cily, Hit R«f> BrMiflni
ilUK oi.-r the Jiia.-pli Iirw>. k
well to lui.-xiigat.- BUrarUiv
lira ball while W4li-hlnE a sr:iue. The
Him Har* cath Day.

Frank hlh.mniigli
11 at (he linme
iniigli in ill
ionii H tbouie. (s-fiirv Iwing Ibiyiiv fiiv.
Vonml was held Wi-daefid«r. hur
ink SlaiburL Is
1 ni& parent,.
Sv. iviar> - «TI>iara Graham, l-an
entind lo lake u;>
In a eemetert pesr Wupte Ctiy.
Grand Kapirt*.
Rear, kn M.’ A N. K. *MlE^lrn wilkrelchrale (he kNiorlh
Mrs. E. Harr were TtnvTreauuivr—John Vogrt. fhilnniet
avfiger Srakesnau. waa loataBUy killJair. SdmeWfc..d e.enii ore proml.
vr-e Sly v Ultura Muuday.
ArlKW, lUi'd ni ilieir home June H, .j,,,,, „n4.|o a„,i ,
K.«l, ('wdlllae,
■d at
Uanktee Thursday.
bat as yet arraii^enieatB bare i
Q. M Ihi-ijtbau of lluvkley. was In
will king ill u>e yards wMh tha ualh
The death wsk rauaod l.v tuleTi-uloala. Ueon
i-■G.x<rge' IKlal
tieea made.
A dance will 1... giu-n In the
OW "
that reach.-, thi, eily at lu M a. m.
he Gleau-j
, »»a=knian.
The K. O- T. M. M. of tW, pU
«i«i Margaret M
was a
•a In the town hirtl m

K^r sllpto-d abd tell uzier. aawanff
l< |ils<o.
b about to oMabllah a Innd in tl
■day niKfai. June Is. (
d niiule
(fta going over bU (gsdr and cwtUhg
lodfu. Rap ire bu boon loag In ne
Renibir ehureh aei
mice wUi be held Oevslapment Bureau Oetired le lst>
M. II t-hlirel.
of a ainalcni brcanlxaiJuit ol ihsi kl
tSO.OCO Capita of Baoklet—Will
E. cliiireh Sunday nl T;Jn.
The B',v. J, c. Malthewa .will dtand it l« hoped that the Uaecabe
ar was well kwnre to this dty,
V.iit Delinquent Cauntlea.
liriT hla taivwell sennon at ili.- l.a-* Hv-iiry Sa.kcll will slag a solo.
j carrying .<i
apendtag arven) houra her*
(lBr«gld M. R church next Sunday
n Lambkin w
day. HU home waa in tottUay. a>4
Al tb'.' meeting'of Ihe.ex. ruihe roi
ForeeaaU ar*
♦ ♦♦
ariio ot Blab, fur Milwaiikie. Katur- June Cfitb.
14 was unmarried.
O niltiw «.f ibt. W.slera .Ml.lilgaii 11
Miss Rose lUrmley ctmie Jiome He
ay. The schooner Wright 1<
lo|.tu.-i.t burea'j ti.ld \V.-»lii-.-l.ip n
h,. day fioiti i!ar1<or Springs, when, she OOOO0000**00000^
' UbIbk ap menbert with muti^al t—
noon, the d
design Of Ibe. wall uu
- been lint king uehunl
South MiUon.
Ml.h.. June S3.—
•opt asd what Untrotnents were to tie steamer Knabloek brouglit a cargo
thay haemre gMM lataUltogat.
id Uwiklei, -X,.
ClilJdriUi'x day CT.-rriHes at the church
'Al th* Grand River Vallrv ll.irll.
had. The order is In good poaliloo to -i-nient from I3k RapldH. Sunday;
a exerclte tporo Judgataat Iff
■iiitlng and publlsbiug <
Suhitay' well atieudi-d and lha
The ball Kamo seheJuled between
iv.d dvllnlte lustrv'tk’K'' to prepare cultural tvwliwy ueellng earlv in tb.- purchaalBg flour and gat thnaa braadi
piogram wa, very nlrelv retidnird.
lonor and (Urn Haven for Sunday
hr*n1 whirti are th* purest and beoL TMff
,|wiihiwil»ii, and obtain bids for lb.- week.
Uled to rome off, Honor not appearThe Mbaes MciwI and Hattie Mou­
it la expeciad an Iniitruetor will
of (he Grand I* why th* Oimb*n Wlaadad FMlff Of*
work, tl ma, derided to Issue irdLOnO Mr.
re*, of Keyaione, wpent Sunday wiiU the eooler atmosphere of the lake niplva of the baoklet. In regurd lo Rapidt
gtvo - much la dtttand.
A horae beloeglng to. Albert Tvloe
InaoRrtApr iMf
Judge RnsMI
of the MlssM Ella and Sadk. iijmmona. nbore. Many weie down from Kalkaipap.T. priming, reading matter lartuers a bit of valuable advtre !n
Mr. Bddy. who had the misforiur.e ks Sundev. .and some have eouir lo
itan away oas day Uat week and the ilatt. are apendlug a few days at
geni-ral map.' up of the bookl.i the mailer of receiving the afScial
three firla who wore In the rig nar­ TVdar Rprlnga I.odge.ic have hi.; arm iiroken. is Inijatulng stay,
be au}H-riur to du- one issued last waAiisKeppoilw. Mr Rnyder dveUred
‘Rir of Kalkaska, and famrowly aacaped being serleoaly hurt.
feat it wiu Important to fruit gtow
WTII .Vorie of Suiiiletd. arrived here at the |itwi;i WTlIii;,;.
y. are oc-miin* ihy <-otUg.' known
■ The girte wera driving to the village Friday. He will have charge of D. II.
VviiUe II may N- pcMsfble to obtain
ra thal they .hnnld
. Tlire.- -aAlBL-for a few w«-ks.
• after their (atber and aa roaobed the Uay'i oar. for the summer.
looer bids tiuisidi- the bureau ivrrlcathyr fontcasi wh'rh was asm oui
Mis. S DoVel went to Kalkaska.
>ry. eierythiog l»ing (dual, the work two day, ajirad from the wtaiher bu
Ml,, rarrk' a-nn.-it arrived home,
TUvaday from wheiKS" after a short
III U- pWeed within Che diatrirl.
Proiii Chlrago. on ihoaUinals.
reau. aiul that this ev.i-ld be ohiain-Vgsy wam Riid dn wewihef.

rtie aharp tuma Ig ilie road, one ol
Sixrriary Glbimn was (i.MrueU'd
r.eoi».e T. H*ker and wife arrlv'.M
b> calling up ceniral even day
-Vra. ho,lr hatUi and elMir Sadie
Uwels to Jirocuie uiedlcal aid
tae girla weru thrown ow. The hor>c from rhieago Friday, to take up tl
IV dvHnguem
rtvHnqueni cctiuniles ar.d H
ift^ II o'cluek In lue lorvooii'
IVck T.i-aveix- City
Mrw.- "Jai-k" I*aradi~- and chlldrea
eonilnued to”run until the buggy eotuge for Ibe wiiiimirr. driving
w aai ilivT are gr
Tne riihject of rpraytng wlih fan
Tui-sday and 'V< dn<-,day
alaruvl Wedneiday for Fivmotit. where'»u.i and iNH.klvt do,
atrack a poat near the roiniHiai's <•^ the waj ill their Markin toaritig
II, fvqulrv that O save the fruit from damage by l(
Atoitt :r, friends and - ticii-: they W III make a shnn Tiall to reUaterd sad the other (wo orrumme
ixiunlb* In, g.iu
The drlie through tl ‘ (on-wt.bns
aie frosts, in rhe «piiiig. and th
Fnihe-ed oi the home oC
aiarlt v tlies thvp'. ,
early enoug
>• iheiii the 1> fridta in the fall.
•■ern greatly improved
Mrs. H'ullartt emcrtalned rotr.pany
jv<'k to remind him of his im1;
hiving h,.eti thorourhly
le •lliig. It was shown thal by
u No-fl
'.J. They 'dayed games and1 enjoyy al^Ogh the youngeat one
the iDukl.-t and -on the map liesigB.
n the ilde, and buraed. The road
raylnx; "t'’
the ^riilt
fruit tries-tb* frost
Irosi did
b.. Mil
i»iea IJla.’le aod fTara
1 the pkouograph
le hour;
also beeu wideued and graded
t ha.-m lOv (niit. as in fr.s-sing
id Bfl
BMha. ^ was .working near byaocfrom of l.oug'a la
and Mr,. Otto t\>lh,^ «
taff the accident, tan to their aas
will be ronipleied a....
h Huardman
lodu) ^ t<
' ymo*.wwn»mraasa«.s»ffto>h»toWtt.
wliil* with liberal ,proving with ws- *“‘**^***^*??**;*'
once and took-the child to town.
'8U:c' award spi-HIli-ailon,.
ivr. ibU did flrd or-cor
5FIp,'!r>q their eollage bona- at Pray'
Allie. atumded tin
. Frank W. Popa and Frank Drat
eddlug Ol dlls,
The r«»r(a on CIMI bke a
AiUonla i<
ami air. Kudolph LauiGri'ger and famll
I GIUi I er Wedhimday.
relumed to their bon
'uesday *f
rman work.'d for Will fluff
t the lake.
one dav this week.
Mr. Bacon i:
(lint niauTial
I. T. Ball had hi, n.-phew a plant
the ground for
w Adage to tal
pcialot nen day, tbi, week.
the place of the one
ne loai by trt
\V, I
and Norman Nim.ium
week, ago.
we i.iiri-hased new erram seiora
rs. Myrtle Rl<*et ha, gont
i|> ihl, eeason.i
Burkley and vlrlnlly. where nhe
WHK Nelhon. who ha, imen working sm ud « w..ek or JO days wlTh
>r Mr. Harth ar. cut hi, foot quite
• -' kda.
................ _ Kiel
.\ll«5 K.lchemian of Nonk her friend. Mlsa T..._
■rl. hai returned to her Imme after Oily, for a few dav>.
si-inliig erreral monUis wiib te
I>r. I'-araat! and Tamilv .and
Uvea here Her »lner. Mi,.-. Ixmlse.
Lehnvr'v people Sundxv.-d at Ibe :
IsUmg her f;k*ndB b.-ry.
Mias L-ah B.-ebe. is vnieriainlng
Hhriy l*.-rk is »v>ikin/for Geo. H. her frienil. Mk, Mildred Elch.-lLatIlaiih Jr and hi, Iwoilu-r i., helping er. of Kalkaska frjr th.- present week.
G.mrge J.,liwtb ar todai.
Mrw. A. r Heebv 1, spending
Kalph Malore and wife were
dry, rt Kanra-wke. where she evpfw"
I ren-lve <,ny from NVw York
pie fir, ,hopper, Saiur.lay eyenlng.
Mrs. Hrrge: interfatin-d the 1. A.
I.iiri C-il. man has ,vkuc lianie for
nll.-mliii'; yi-.KH.l

go together m



JiHl u important u attractive lines aztd design, arc easy ridit^
•od ccoJoft^Je seaU and cushions.
You'll find both style and comfort m all buggies, suneys and
driving wagons made by Siudehal^r.
Moreover, die (act that all Sbidehaker vebicles are very easy
riding names comfort (or your hors^ too.
There's nothing better than the 5hidefcai^r.
Cosne a and look over the line on our floor.







Tof alStoaS




EXEConvE mniNG


_______ ___j".;r



' :sx^,SL!z:ix.tsitS

Young Men;
It’s Your Turn


40***00000 o'O OOOO

Free Dyspepsia
Sdffergri fros imiirtatioo are arafc-

Fife Lake. Mich.,
June 53.—The
;e\. ilr, Harwood of Soinh Hoard-

in Grand
Mis. Moll;. ITaiV of JetRiIhga.
l^ng^ber patenir. Mr. ^ Mrs.
'Mne Klmiuill

With every purchase of one
dollar or more, customers can
obtain one of these stem wind,
stem sfft,. open face watches
for only SOc. Keep^ accurate
time—worth several times this
Shoe Bargains In Every




who has been

v.WS. .

Mrs. Rgnbatn. of Harbor Sprint-..
U virlling her daughirr, Mrs F H
.Mrr. Saawh Preeoitt. who has been
making an caiended vi*ii
eon In Kalkaaka.
Th.- Rer. and Mrs F- H Brtdgeidw were u, Mmwb Frtdaj after
Mr, Yvnilam XVe!
0 South
rioardinan Toeiulav.
Har..« Dewey .l,ncd reUllvf,
tadilUL Ihai week.

mss ID^EHNtt
Veunpnt Daughtwr of Mr. aw« Mra. Bwltpor—Sody -Will Be
Brought Here (or eurial.

this elty. bat m
r P. died ai t----------------- -

^tlal. the fBoem party to arrln
Fr«Jiy Bight at'grIO. ua the C. R J
The .Iwvjy win be uken to th.
borne of Ur- and Mrw William DeKa.
aad funeral amagemenu will be an
Douneed later.
MUs BehWCT waa (be yoragewt o.

is.2;s ~ vr

WeVe been selling clothes, day after day, for your fathers;*
weVeJbeen sellmg them for your yMmg brothers. We want to
see more of you young du^>s of c<dkge age and those bei^nii^
iMisiness and profesnonai life.
This is the store for you Young Men. We like lo see ev^
custmntf who comes in; but we (eel w<»se to rn**» you rimii
one dse. And, besides, we’ve made special |n^>aration for yvp.
These. Ederheimer-Stein
- *
Rothes we are showing for young
men are worthy of you. l^ts
clothing isn’t up to your standard.
This make we have is; you miss
the best clothes from the leading
makers if you miss getting your
spring suit here.
These clotW are tailored by
hand. They’re moulded and
'shaped so that when you put
'em the coat it sets as if it had
always been part of you. It’s a
comfort to wear sudi clothes.
It’s satisfactory when you can
count on them being ri^t, stay­
ing right, kxddBgvightr


There is style in these clothes
you don’t often End. Coats are
form^^ttmg,fnll chested; trousers
arepeg top. Every line contributes
SMnething to the good lo<du toiwl
good value.


Hamilton Clothing Co.


knp bot bm JMN boil •hilr >ou beat «U oasmins I«1dU will Bot rail or ia <bc cEoctf pratocH, tbv arc real- on Ibe •■rfarr. bardlj notlcrd. AD
Ibi- ycdk> ot ibe esca MIS. niUlnc id bde It aplrlU of lorpctiUiic. In ibc l> m cldr
apait te natara Da tbc
liupn»vd lo me I 7C<
Uw Miaar aud bcaOna (bat too. I’oor proportion ot bar ublaQooBfB) to pole*. The
«orM dew not aw tbl*.
thatthe erti Ur U oat. notla aajIbe milk Into the bo*L ot ecs. a Ut- web pafltel ot *ater. la aaad la rtaa- betaaar tbe
«orU U alwar* tweraJUlas vliboot. aor H
mt te aa
asd now
appeoprUte caaimer
Ue at a lltur. bc^iai all tbe abile.’lBC after tbe drew la vaabed. The Ul&c for iu
oaa WTWiaau. canus
tbclaw va* (be erll real ebcaaae
for d«<
and then pet It la tbe doable boiler same may be said ot Mack calm aa- aercoas people
and cook tlU ft U aa iklck aa cream, darakirti.
pie aerroua. wd Irritable people
A 'ww came for aa eecaUc party
T.«. It « U. Hr., «lr l> . ~lt.
T«. 1 rafct.
U ealUd -Tbe yaebc nma.’ Baeb
Bpeoe ot lalt aad bait a leaapooo of
player receive* a chart witb tbe
vaalUa aad let it away to oooL Wbea
bUrnTdcwCT" ”
‘ the bnfer srliblB my oaa __ name ot km yacht orntaa « tbe lop.
- - dlhbcr time. Mrafti the cwtard
«- It
.M . town.
‘■to ■ pretty dlsb aad eUp tbe wbltea at biatas eboaA be awd for navy " IrrtUbIr. <^or UUrmperrd rrbea ^
hrhi* bait .lire to eoaIt «aa not. bowerer, oaUI qalie ibt o« oo top, ana by oar-' U yoo Uke.
iiucu*, muiiv eeici ui euivs
M-irace briore. as 1 bare Unce
end of the eereeteaalb caatary (bat
yo^n M them orar wltb very tiny ^ran ba. b-en boUed. abea Mralard
pure aUte. tbe color before
nubir. knosUf lo Snerr polated tw aacb num^r tbe dlrectioa tbe
»ora by royal vldoa^--------- ------fbocolate aad wiDienrwa Pudu*.
yacftl U to Mil to ttiri Its aen IWdI aad dlmliiee, slvlac them
lar tor bridal sarmaata.
dIns.-Haat a pim ot milk with one ! , j!
mark. Tbe landmarks arc piece* ot
Bride cake U a relic of Uia ttomaa
cbocoUie- mu baU

•bite* paper aboat aa locb equare.
Coafarreatea. a mode of marrlase g
aucar ibree level I'etirrpciTiii
SomeUj a wbea a musHn become* toiUn*. aad
V lea ot them lor each yactL
S’* retard li a*
praoUcad by tbe blsbeat claas la ,
make.for oureelve* ftul to
lasUace. tbe Adas
Eome. In CoalarreaUon tbe bride wai \
many little by-palb* leadinc us Into ^
bari^ny And IrrtubW
aumberrd Ada I. Ada t Ada
led to tbe alUr by bacbek
nllke the ilUemperwI. *rc .=• “»• “ "fj”
^ married men. and tba
Beat tbe shite ot the "rer .urchtm. uira tbe dress areas I can not help wondertni *by 1 am
peK-elve Ibat. They lo.r *’?«be rooms U pUta
eeremony took place In tbe pretence
„ g ,us froth, add one tabledry In a abady pUce as irnubte at aU. becanw I aeem lo ^
pmdfellosship •»*“
ot tea altnetae* by tbe PontJtex Uazi- ,p^
^ teupoon of repWb' u possible, sprinkle, roll in »eir to bare none bur
klP^*** Onl.i ,K.
the Ir^nhU.
tronbk- ^
a* .1 f„n-d
found It u
». tb^
xj.^ “•*
, ,
> coatracUaf pa^
Put by spoon- ■ *»»*• *o>’ •
'*“>»- '*>»» >">0 w f-eBn*s for others. 1 love my poople are apt. abet, there la dlarord. to
• «‘>le of .
Uss mataaliy pnnook of a ca^ made
’ g p^
*ron« side. SnisblnA by presslns the 1 have alaay* been gUd to make any
sent to tune their neUbbor's ln«ni.
“llcream around IL The combination of ««**» »wm. and edges on the right eacrlSee for them. In dlsaMer* I am Dcol rather than their o«n.
B all the others. As
»ho were born In aedlock were ellgl^ ainiergrecu U m de- •«« Before beginning to iron eee calm. I often surpriw others aiih
But bow
bon to
to tune
tune my osrn! There uken down and pinned to tbe cbariA
ble for (be high sacred otBcsa. But jt^.joo* as it U onuaul. Garolab with that tbe Bal-lrons-are perfectly clean, my fonltnde. my power ot rcbomd. But
tbe casiom of breaking a cake over g
berries Jut before serv-'^*To • newspaper on sbich to rab people have turned to ue for com- •• "bvre my real work began and my The plajer who foond aU bis lasdIbe bride's head when abe entera bar
' the Iron every time yoo take one oS fort. Yet. tor all that. I am borriby W»e ahttong ceased. 1 know that too mark* Bet. woo ibe race aad raced?.
bubanda borne is borrowed from (be
.ftiddltu-—Ihtt tb« rang?- • »oft dotb with which to irritable at tlmea—auddenly. wiibont keen a couck-nce made me Irritable, ed the prise, let me soknal that
ball a cup of aagar u tx>ll with a •’•Pc >t armtnd tbe edges, aa iron- warning, too. when 1 thought 1 wm T^i I would not want mine lax. I the wlest way to arrange for ibis
----- ~ T"”- i
« P'ncb oi aalt and a pint ot milk. DIs- •«*»<> on *hU* to rent the iron when bappieaL And 1 bnve bwo so all my knew. too. that (bow who. aomeUmea game is te write tbe dUwcuoM on tbe
2 solve three ubieapoou of corutarcb r>a End It necessary to move tbe life, often to the very people 1
me or annoyed me. those who «*,«, as you place lb* tllpc' about
* in a plat of milk and add to the other rmdA and a bowlfttl of coM water thought I loved beat.
pe<petual|y. out of Mlv habit, thwart- tbe rooma.
\ ed me. might be wrong; but Ibat 1.
I bad for a long lime. “ ’ *■ —
■ said, great comfort

uttL uns wniUHs, mat
ARtrd FlltM.
Jwt a UUU bit ot fwttacr
Aad Ufa aad aoas. aU held tosetber
^ a bean almoet too amaU to beat,
Abd ootmrA *la«*. and lataklla* feet
Wbare. In a body aa email aa ibu.
Dow be atore tbe panlob ot Uij and
Of JUe In lU atmoat ocstBay.
Which hU Bttla throat paara oat to
KoabadavoMaarUabwn e*kknoa.
Or that perfect mute cooM not lOw
So cawt. ao dear, ao anlU»sI'
As Ustat M tba wild, aad aa w Id and
Ht U a«relr Um heart ot the i.mmer
UTe. Joy abd aoag. In a bU ot teetber.
—Stnetle M. Uywater.

«*Wt are tba tbooEbu that wvor oC
' The qoM mind it riebtr than a

Baeb swwt eonietn. saeb mlnda. neb
•loop. MCh btlw
Baenrs oBjoy/wbM Irtnow odt do

jn lelnpentnre from almoat Arctic to ,weetened with four isblwpoona ot acconUng to tbe etraUhi thread, of
. J ‘certainty that irreMatiBly neeomTorrid beau At that parttcolar mo. ^ngar. over tbe top. Set in the bvei tbe material they wiu keep their f
«* “» •
Pl>»E« Us own purpose. dUarming
. the
meat a tbermometer would have reg- for a lew mlnatw to brown. Sprinkle abape and-, not sag; also, sored
.................. strengthening
_ grated
_____ _________
_ breaibs
_____ ______
__ , ^
soul of the one wbo bolds U. I knew,
Isiered over a hundred In tbe Young u,e top with
cocunnL It is
abo^ be treated
In tbe ae—
r s. kitchen, bat as gj,.,
she always
giways’ best
ben too
to ase the fresh cocoanut manner. »-£te pique skirts can be
*“ ‘T“*l
conqoor imublliiy
TU bogMly boose that harbors qolel carefaUy explained to the Ra- Door ir posnble. but the desiccated kind kept from abHnklng in the same way. r!* . “ j!
22^; ***'
Neighbor, she never kept one tbore, *,i, nagwer.
l’»* « ‘*I»<bM»nre. and a. .roo iron
tl.,„ 2
Tba (tttage that aSordi no pride *od then she would not know
orange Paddlng.-One pint milk poll the .klrt te Its required length.
*“ ” “ ^ go for the time being of the ibougtat.
or care.
bow hot sbe was. The dibber boor ewe eggs, two orangey one teaspoon- mhI you wiu be surprised to see that **
Pon»*e. the ides whlrb li IrritaiAa mMD that *Erasa »Ub ooanlry was tsst approacblag, and a roan fui rorpstarch. oneftalf cup sugar; It will retain its “bang- uniil old ngc.
frtends-not my family: my «l me to have jarred upon or thwart
■»»c »>«.
WM slsxUng In the oren. a pudding pat milk In a doaUe boiler, let It get
All aammer drease* .re belter iron- tumlly. m I s^d, called It by a diffar- ed.
TB. a?r^. twolj «f mbth and ,as neamtag fnrtoaaly on top of the boiling bot; add coranarch; tbet. ed on .>«.« eide. abd are Icm npt to wt hame-ay 1^. too loyal to
mslek tara.
, gMtnnga. aad variouB pots and pans yoik* of egg*: bMt whites stlB; pot fade. Should
Jbould any
any article
article become
become “ame
>»}“« me.
“«• too honest
bone*t to
to deny
deny wbni
^ nnlver«a] baimonr I
ObacEnd Itte setsdown a type of gave forth MVory. and exceedingly pn Uei niter pooring liquid over oran- scorched,
strength and
and avoid eo^1. bug
hMg it
It lo
lo tbe
the sunshine,
sunshine, and
and “>e
“>e have
tore seen,
seen, have
tave bwn
bwn tn
tn the habnrength

hot odors.
ges cui'Bne;
«f .ympatbuing
sympathuing with
with me
me wbea
wben II
cui'B^i pat
pat In
In oven
oven and
and brown
brown tbe
tbe stain
nala wUl
wUl generally
generally disappear.
disappear. «“ of
^ potung ourselves in barA mind (MUM both crown and kingWhite
-Why don't yon M?e neb aa dindin- tlgbily.
White article*
article* If
If badly
badly scorched
scorched can
can confessed to my own
“T" . irrtubUltr.
wBb ‘H ibHnm *e Bod all
<» «••
per M tbit tor a cool day. dMr Aild,
----------------------be wet with cold water and laid on They have laid all tbe blame ot It things worKlDg hsrmonlously for ns.
~Bobm Graane. ^ pi^ <*01 things for hot dayg; ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ tbe grass In the sunshine. Wben dry. on “f surroundings, the people with
By loving so well th« 1 respected tbe
things that CM be prepared In tbe ♦ HOUSEWORK MADE EASY. ♦ ^d more wafer vnUl the deslrM re- whom I wm brought In daUy contnci.

wrly moratng, iMVtng your boOMi ♦♦♦♦ f
• An anting recipe tor keep- •
best «ad odors at this try• Ing cool la Iks enmmer: Nevar *
nootKlde bborr
• let yoarwlf-»M in wotew."

«w. lack Just hates
••••••••*•••••*••• cold silead meM. «nd Muce and cake.
•—............... and bread and bittter, when bo
iwm* «v
-Rim vanr beuf .*iid- Istichiwl
Biess your peart, cblld. laughed



HIh. cw Wk. h... h«bw



,, U k hh. I. h... kU«,
Isare, deUgbttnl.
; ak krorf h,*«„ to
k have
h.™ oecas»ck.
4^ YBcattona.^
let as be glad,
too, tor o« worn
tot a. try to do
Kb a way. ao



sne to repeat when
Is ellmbtog. Tb*

T WTw thh


im me tell you some of ibo cold des.serta for hot days, wbkb
fsvoritw m oar famUy. Some other Ume
1] will give you
yoo a dlsscrtalloo on cold
bmu. not slkod slaba of beef, but
„nii, dallcloii. meat eombtosUon.
and aaladn
salads. There are bnndreds of
good cold deawria. that can be made
wvcral boars before atlng. Just now
i „i going to tell you of eornstarcb
preparatlotu. becaase one olwa.vs hM
cornstarch, on hand in tbe bonre.-and
uiis to what the Young Hoasekegper's
pote book recorded.

•'You, dear girl.- ibey hare aMd. “I



'irvT t».„„,u»»Fi^lls^BEia.
yenr is ^pttmeUng

•'«' «■'

. 1..U,


7h .”^7.7




L“ ~ =~===T“-~-“




don't know-1 tmly do know that-MPPer duMed oo ielrr roadways, c fresh wbeu tbey are pvt to they will
,„ve alway. die. that moment la »Ms« powder la tbeir
w!“vf H>e sense of martj-rdom to bortog to them. Mapi;may oe .rappee
klfdled in any bumab heart, h wm with Micky fly paper, or a sweMeuMl


1 felt f«m of ants.



ca—ad « veal atlr take tbem oB aad toy tbem on a i
■ varid of tba tJma. pisM- F« tbs mSk wbaro


A poicptoa. dtoMttos aad

and sure preservative.

h ch«h“2J,


„ bolls,
hciu. abea
wh,. it
.. should
.hohld be
b. removed;
,;7.' S
TO... I.r Ih.
. bad always tboogbt It mj -spine. S®.®* “O' •'“» “k
““ ahsoluiethe
bait a
u,, cbncolats
k,TO.U» and hk,
. teaspcoofat*'• aTaT’ .k.i.tL“ .,T.w
doctor*----------------told me so. Tbe
of vanilla added. Poor Into molds, to
, .Vkiiir The
-------------— eplgas- Ir needle* >snd irrelevant and din• rapid
cool and Mrve with whipped crenm.
^n^ rork Lrt m to
‘“'T “*«• -«• ““
sombUUng else.
which aboald be flavored with racd. 1 took great comfori In the Met
\ •« boxy
It to always a soUec to tbe weak to N*i* of »h^*e questions I would
discover womethtog upon which to Uy
EWflr At the tenth, more
the re*ponslbillty fOr a fault. 1 never
cunwnt than anything etoe.
' cared, would JusidEt Into them, and fell, bsaldea. that imubllliy really > *<«« apeak sharply, and then
’• then packed tbc cork tn araand to

did belong to me. .1 used to argue to »«»oW •'e the bun look on tbe face
U<( yolks of five eggs. Mix. and cook top of tbem. This left abou
mysei; that It. m PUto aald. we ae*- of child or atoier as be or she tnraed
flvs mtoutea to the douMa boiler, locbes to the top of tbe tounk. 1 then
cr pouM-ssod a virtue until we ^le^ sw«r. I hive given away half my
pror mtn a padding dish, and bske ,p„*d a piece' of
oneAalt boor. Beat Oie whiles with aji and taked it to the aides Ot tbe ctsed it unconsclousi}- wltboal que*-' s'o»se*»Io“». «id to all of my time
lion and to spbnuneous expression. It tor yeere done twice as much m they
I of sugar, flavor inmk
and cut_It .0
t. Bt the rellnders
e tbit a vl(\- rouitl *ko are never guilty of Irrltabl’Ry
with tomen or vanilla, spread over the ,nd lined them also with tb# creion** “‘*®
! lyttriston of us unlcH k*rc ever thgagbt of colng. sod all
or tbs trank I filled tl^t ^2*fv,rfl.fd
top and brown to tbe oren.
ae. Tbe lid of
1 that nnconsclouslv as '» meke atonement for iket look of
Cuitard.-One ,m, fc»jueged tbe cretonne ’
; wrii.
'Then I made two cuahtons


otoEPtog tobg enough to raalixs tu aegs. onobalf teMpoontiU MIL loor .»d p« the cor* Into them. These
“ *”*“**' ' *"

rbatfalneaa. It wiU come like uhtospoonfnto ^Utog watei. Put ,re placed on the bo«*ets. which have “T spine.
By-nad-by there came a time wben.
T iraath «( air from tbs cool lake, the mHkoa to beat in a double boUer. m. «
retain tbe beat SawSometimes one of the family bM after ahlhlng tbe responalblllty from
I tbifted
.aad will give yim suwngth and potoe. whljirtt is heating pot tbs sogar, ebb- ggit, hay. excelsior or woM may be (^Bed me flltompMYd.
' -V
----------------------rolaw (wblch'abould be of tbe un- used to pack these cooker*.
studied the que*tloo too closely to |t co to myself. I bad faced a
Rad Bridal Oowita.
ereetenod variety) and wat« into a
Dlrecttons have frequently be«i
“ke that mtotake aboot myself, mem all souls mast face. In i
« ^a cbolos of whjte
1 roodlltons.
A -toowns to ot cnmparaUvsIr modem ort- «e mlitore looks smooth and gloMy. ways be boiled on the move for wo ‘o'-toly
— .3- blame. Perhaps this / _
"«.Eto. Tbs Boom brides won srallow, tbM take it from tbe fire and gradaal- or flfteen mlnutea. till heated to lb^“>«« « *“ve examined oter and over was
helped by tbe horror of seeing', love
BsMera ooantriM pink ly bMt In tbe-bot milk. Add tbc aalt.
tbs cover then flt|*
^ dlEerence. And help
to tbe bridal color. la tbe middle Pour Uls mixture over tbe eggA well
on tbe recepwcle tUd the kere I find myself Upstog Ipto tbe for certain people 1 bed blamed
» Benalssases.-hMten. stirring nil the Ume. Pour whole placed qaidtly to the^cooker. «“«>® of aU criminals, all those and not koowiag whether for love
Most of tbe Into a baking dish, and place the dtsb ,,dcovered There are many cook- oka»B>f «»'*«• •“J'
®f ansptclon. there could be any resurrection from
l aad Tador qaeonx were to a pin of warm water, baking to a
now on the market which tell For there I* no one who to oo tempted tbe' dead. TbeM- tbings are myiter.
to that vlTid biM, wbk* -la alow q«-en ootU the mixture to Arm ihe tto>e reqolrcd for cooking bu:
draw flne Une* of dtolinction be- le*;- I .only know a iboaMnd arrows
sun popolar
soar to
to paru
paru of Brltuny, m tbe centre-abom forty mlnutea. practical experience U the best leach«P«*aI »Bia. the revponiiblll- pierced me. and that every impatient
wbera tbs brtdg to nsnally droased to Serve bo, or cold.
« As a
four or five hours will Ues and axcases ot *vh. s. be wbo thought I bad ten, ou: to otber.
crimaoR brocada.
FtoatiM toUnd.->Ooe pint milk, he needed Place on stove f<w a few kaa been through an experlenca he returned double pointed back at
It WM Mary Btoart
first ^aag- three eggs, oneqhinl cop of angar. minste* Jnat before serving
«»» Judges bis nel^bor of having. | blamed myself as needlessly
•d tb* color of tbe bridal gannento Pu, ,he milk on tbe stove to beet tn a
Home made llretoM cooker* have The very pereonalUle* of tbe atoner* a^ bopriersly m I had blamed oihera.
At her marriage with PrancU L of good alted pan. BMt tbe whites of
osedwllb great
in a ^nd a world of « each of I made apologto* for aa IrriUblUfy
Pranea. In 1U«,which took place not toe eegs very sUE. a»d m soon as number of Traverts Ctty hirmrt
“»«“ see*. However, leaving that no one elM*had perceived. I made
before tbe altar, bat bofore tbe great toe milk kclds—(bat .to.geu a UiUe________________ vide of it oot
of toe qaesttoa. 1 do iaroavealeni Joaraeya borne, meantog
doora of Notre Dame, aha wm dressed wrinkled on top—drop spooafnto of
Seme Lnondry iscrata.
know that amiable people are often to aak for forgivenets for aome trrita wkiw broeadA *nb a train ot pnlc toe egg onto it la IftUe latoadt: let
As thto to emphatically -wash- irritable. whUe no amiable person to table speech. <»ly to be met wito a
b^ Psthlan vMvol six yards to them stand there to cook Jut one goods •msco.*' possibly s few hints ever tlMeepered. UHempered peo- tough or a gry of bewilderment. tCbat
mtoots. aad toen with (bo aUmraer coBceratog the^cars of gowu may pic. on the otoer band, have intervals I had tboogbt a fierea outbreak. Jodg-


.rk?ni mr^ln

r. iTmIz.' “i:

cm^Taif-«p'o?i;^.d^^to.rb; "ITro'^oTu Tto
, my,
mu, ^
“■> 7
role. There to often too
aid'^tun*’onD 'the
oousenoie. muen 01 toe omner may
the mov
thooolMe may be used’If de- t! T
•*“ consider Ilf tempered. Perhaps
'-hi. .rtWe may serve a double par-

„„„uu. a

«. . >»sM______
nererbave mwat ona Urn.
to get oo, of iMbl^-bw ftw-wteg
oWa gowns for tbs_____ alwnn arrange it wlhat one aat
iM-saeh m bata.
.tacas. sad
veils, will be safft^ and wpnc
priate. NetbUtg so stamps a eostame /
cbeapneM as illMatcft.
- ---------7-

regard to colored ones, especially deiT-* - ‘»“fl"*Hag my fail,. Sympathy, an" wben egg. arc at tbeir c
lice plnka. greeu and lavender..
derMandlng. romp.»lon. all could do eronomlcal -o buy a quantity mra. to
Tbe color, wem even brlghior after
I Jw*I^
I. w>rw than deobu.lng It. Of'cooree. these eotor. mun
1. . -!!!l _ .I/T.’
“ **>
»'™ggle. learned ,led. provided a aafs rule for preservbe rinsed In blulng-waier. m It '®‘‘
I( by tbe help ot otoers. Dot 0MII In' lag them can ba oee.inn* The tUtoWIt 1 did not
1 Chun U..1, .on. wi». ohc
oov of thaw flasbe* when tbe very, tog rwipe U cheap aad abeotutoly rw. Object hM been blued. th» blue '*
iDoermosl weakness of our daure b*||sble'
lint cannot be removed except by
To shift tbe reaponslblUty Inn
from TO
my TOcUcO
revealed .0
to o.
n. 1 4.
.h., 1. .n „
p„ . p,.,
who is so forttaprobably ruin- eP^.e? «o “T »lgbbw wm an eusy af „„ph. * ,bmi as
Just tbc .arsniing wui, n enough cold wator to reader ft
UM or gasoline ..
"Ebepherd's plaid."
*«*• “ “• ‘ my iwn way in ereryihlng. not my . ,n,n
______ _

------- ■. ™ J “ n
— *“•*
bUckAnd-white*:hecked ««>«re. sou u«es to oave some miner (.oighbor's ao
* well-venUUted. shaded kitchen,
p,, u,,,, , taolt lo himwit on which jearaed what
to myaeh that , •
“ “***'
boHetf"' of *" *’*“*
"'''«»• B"‘ * «*« to aiade
. . tbe
Ibe (roc
(rouble—my own war la all
I Jar. and very
!! •‘‘A
1«‘ ‘-'tore wartitog.- -woH « ouch upon tbe fault, of 'lhliig*
,h!„g» not m
my eeigbbor'B ^ anotb^
wisely. Not every one can bate
Ladles- World.
and nuny do not like gesollne for
In dally conflict, that 1 non found
aurb. wood or cobe are tbc next be
An Irritable Woman’s Confereien.
w?* regsrdlug myself m a msrtjT. We
for they do not bold the beat m long
Home Cheer seldom gives space-to women like to do .0 now and toen;
tbfollowewn good’mothera with fretful childPowdered ^x to very c^Jectiona
, . .
. .
uble to manage
to tbeSB.‘'powdered caambor to.
Care mast be taken It tbs Jar be
c«ker and .^,Jh
ualll abe
It to •> helpful, ao ren whom they a
* “72 .«
tw! bM
_______ ...I ... ............ t above It at times it Milsor e MlutlonJ of akobol paiatod moved ao that tbe e«M wUl not be
“ “ “
^ ‘
^ ^
" practical,

ITottrS! ir^S' Ji^r Zl. «d ■«"

Tbe bot day.
eonisg when U
VOI aam M Umagb there is no
•irskgtb or snargy left srftb which to
perform oar dally Casks.
m. Have yoa
lai^to who alt
' ever noticed Utat tke pe^le
arwod In tbe tblnnmtt loosest gar.
meats, with a (an and a book and a
«00l glaw of Ice water close at hand
are tbe ones who rwUy enSer most
from tbe bMt? Porhape you do not
Mieve tola, bat Home (User’s edltw
bM found It to be trae,over and prer
again to bar own expertance. The
there wm work tbit most
be dons, wort that reqairad dow ap,«MU^ both
Md pbire.^
ware tba one*■ Ih
in which -h,
abe aaftered
laMt from tbe sxceMlv* hesL
Tbe appllaatkMiis plain. -Asa man
thtokatb to hi. haan. ao M be.' It

u aitalned.

f*>ecr knows of .
^'hor and fuelMver
Brele.s cooker.
»" exceedingly simple In ct
lion. A clow, alr-ttgbt box. a cheese
®r an old trunk will make a most
»"cressful cooker. The follo»1ng inSuccesaful Farming

wt,„ porchaaing atoddami atwar.
(wo pairs alike; a
oat one stocking sooner tkan tbs mbg, go tbe advantage I* apparaet. '
geetliig m nice drww tn e«ter whiter Wsok. bare two wains.
pm fni.4
in* other Plain, am! lbs


tyritobility sad ill h

In the Affairs of
the Cook
The best coob gse those wbo are "paftia^*'.
Wbeo the^ bgq« (oohI ibe i
be£ rnktenkb dw)r itick to them mad ^ cmiseqtttBCfi ii
that dieu bklmg ghnys cfloes out "nght*'.
Never my tiotiht ahotE resuki with than, bwnast thejr
know wfatf they're doog.
Thai’s die teuoa

Lily White
**T1m now d» Best. Coob Vm~

Hu bea oted Mcmfly m buoibcdi of badtofl br ow
twenty yearA
Becitae tbey deemed yean ago ibat tber got tbe
best resdto horn k and %MR wke
ROt to be diaig>
Tbe reaaoo they have been whe eaough oot to cfaufB
to becAuie no ooe bu «« be« tile to produce a brt*r

For ule by jw dealer.

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