Grand Traverse Herald, June 28, 1910

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Grand Traverse Herald, June 28, 1910


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text




«1A» A YEAR.



WraiB )50.M0 BUBE

WaahlaroB. Juar II.—Ottowa and
Chippewa tpdlatu may gwt another
torge payment from Unde 8am. Con-


Clalma and prowet tbeir care,
action fonowa the Inquiry mat
I by the iDdlba buieaa
The tentallrO ic
«W«fM «n r.mrabl]r Today

Jimo .O.—iU>f»U
K—AS tDTwtl
0tteB of the ASMn or the Otodav
aa« CUAaMw indiaB. probably *111
*»..lad«ded Id the lBTe*(tc>Uni
tbo MdaatioiiB] etentoa mode by t
met Ooro Uu r^rtOTflay that as .
tmm **a oada to g»e bin a BSOJMO

Pay Roll of $*,S0o In Heart of
City of Lynn and Pled, nrlng
In All Direction..

ThU ptyn
I duo
UDder the lli-oman Carroll wen- killed in a
treaty made ^ai
.1M6. Aa orltctoany tie with three hl/bwaymeo thU i
pegottoted that trrety iH-rmllied
ip In (he heart of the diy, the
iPdlsM to retain certain Ittitto In *
It. lakinp LAodriean'R factory payjl; of »t.vm n. he w-a* hrlnklng !t
and Dortbem UldilfBO Included
vni the bank.
within the bonDdarlca of a Urge irart
The Mniill. fird, flrliip In all tlireeetich they ceded U> the white.. Th
and Iweaklnp many window*
aenetf amended that treaty to perreuin Umae land* five Pollr^en and elitocn. pumued and
le bandiu abandoned ibrir homy c
yean, but eceplfled that tJicroafler
roc* when- llie money w*> i
tbeyehooidabeadoB th
oovered. and e«»ped In the * Lji
treaty .pcelB
l,ater they won- comerccc] In Pevre^
l»ld on
rid on Ihc- out.kin* of Lynn. J
. reman .hoi ore bandit dead and anIngulrlea ihui far made Int
nthcr wa* capliimi. the third eululdecl
that Ibe gOTeramsot paid Im. ..
frera 1S37 to ISH. b« ha. paid nelib.
ar principal aor lotereat alnoo. A final
nport on the fact, will be preparml


. ronipicie
InqiOry confirm, the temaUiU-f|ndUicblgaa Indiana wlH
H pel
pot TH- EABT'
I, wllhU a yeai or two. The.
( chlefl) In the IJltl


i-'. 3^‘
, Ooro’i
’■ bHbwr
ebarsaa. «bl<* ereai•a a BaaaaUoa, were mad. wbik- o]>
.. leciMliloi]
_ MlUoe ti
to i>ay i. r. McMur.
ray of
M Okiaboad
OkiabodUl City a fortuiie of
tma three to to aillUooa ia*yer
>r f<
Mr Mrrkxtt to tbo ladlana la e
sootloa *«tb tbesato-or ladlan laa
AapraaaBUUTd Cpeacar. uann.
M to^teproamutlie Ooro lefrned

traiMa. *-Tba Indlaa dHocaUoo bead
«i aw aa aiMBdiDtuii. I read it aad it
Tawoey Mat kaow aaythlai
tt. I atrau Otdaboaw ractlon. aad tbli
la tb. Irat tlaw I hare tnlsod la a

Man Haatar RrMt Wee
VieUm ,e
' Maaeani ««iieria. at MaioalO
Maetiap—Had T«« •anavoU.
I a rood a....... ............ ti preather. The third deem- va<
I owieri^ on two caadldatea. .ereral
WHi-maaiet. ai troll a* Paat Oraad
Hauer Uooiacoe ea»latlog in
btsrk. Tbot* were a number ot rl
on preeeni Iraai dlBoroiK lodsn
tbta aretlMi. At ■;» rappor wa. aerv^
ed aad atior the »ort. Die
afBln air.
lAillni tbs rrrnlaK. E. 8. Piatt, whn
was etavlFr tP
' > KTZ,
. ]>rewoled
«iU a PM iDSaler't J^ul.
I. Ur. Mon__ ___ —Uat the addrea. lo wblrh
Pratt leapondod In a Btitnc tnau-

Matt an IspL S.
ihlH^ L iaite H.~Tbr Ballln-

Tan Ilrwa the Measure Which Car­
rie. t) MllllaM.
HMablatltm. Jeac :S.—Taft thl> afIcraoM eicnrd lb. imUIc hoUdlnga
tin, cerrylnc tj loUlloaf approprtatiou. /
The Rev. Pr. Deuer ta Lataet MetwMt
in th. City.
ratbOT Baaer h ib. u.vaai nnterIM to \ba Hty htnac |um parebaMd
a Awl SO rroiB J. P. Oberlm. nuuT
Basar'. car bai a M bone power mo­
tor and u of thr deUrbaUe toearau
style. He to etTMdy faaadllac H like
« Taleraa.
to Bay ORy tadhy. Ur. Kmh> vIM «»
from ibete ta K«tp Yerk and on hto leturn win iatwYle* tocei Imolwea mm
la regard to tutabltoblag a alrHc*.

When Village Wa. IneerperaUd. H>*
Parra Wa* One Included Within
the vdiage Umitt.

struck' Him in the Chest With Its
Fcreleer and Ai*e Fell on HIM.
Infi.rt-eg Painful Hurtw

Itoekley.' MIeh . June 3.‘.--fh-orgo
F. Edpe-tt. 7: years cdd. a hlghJj respeetc.<l old folcller and ploncwr. died
this morning ut > o'clock He
been Id good general henlih up '
tost Tueada;. when be was aflUcted
wllh. . .tlt.Kcptralyrls. tying In a
(-ondliion uatil death (wme.
Mr. tMgctt Imd• Hey*
thl. vIHnIly
li«»4 In
for the lan -ffi year# and when the
village of Rnckley wa. orimrlred. his Had Come from Grand Rapid* le V<*n
'il. Son Wllliain '.rvf -Death Oc­
farm wa* oae ot those inc-ludcd withcurred Here—Had Been III
It. Ibe ronxitaie llralta
for Some Time.
IteccMe. hS. widow, one son. John.
I> |c<i. a« well la a large niimhrr of
■friend*. The lueral wrvice wiU-lv
The' lire, Ahd-.-« J.i-k-r-. Kt
I) .afternoon
at : o'etiock
I. the C>;dr.t Meihftili.i ii.i;---(rr I
rbtgan and who for ecmic i ar. »r
Cornell remH
-.iOing eider of the Grain- frui-r.

lo tryli.g '■> save two women fraoi
I. a'lhg a runaway
Salu^.1.•^^ afiet
i-o-n wllb a horse that hid Iu-cimb.
frizliirii-st ai Ihe anio hu- which
»;is' drlkinc. lx)u l>srnieiee i
i n.u-'.c-d dii.ii by the bonce and rec-ivcd lu-wfc lejurie. alcoiii tt>,> bead
SAGE ON MATTER.iho ho'-ir- vl*.c falling upon him »
Il }-iriiig him ..-n-rwlse. I’aniit-lco «
lirkeil.iii- umvui-.**;i«is and taken
e VeteM th* Bill h
e ofSie ot a mmrl-y phy.iciau, wb
d Only That Act
hr ic-u:ain«d until atcoiil
C o’clu
Held Up Sen.
sbrn he was renioved to hi* Iwuirdlng
^•,ll*nll-lec-. wYio ft chaulfenr for the
Vaahingicm. June Zk—TaR tnfiay
.igiied the river* and harbora bill.
Oectorlng hf* dUapprovU <M tb.
pruM-nt method of hapb.iord dtotrlbrc»i>. when thc-y met two womo
ullng improvemewH money he aioiad
. l.ucci The k-n.-cc arlext badly,
be vrould have reload Uia praoaia
Idl^vl. n*
i .ruieiec thinking that It might ror
bill eicept Hott il wooJd har.a stop- Sun.l;
proiect*. 11a Mat «ool:ine». of .-on,- -I-,. utd grrclpi-cvl, tlie h-irse by Ihe h
1 mesaage to this <«•
IIP- Moy vh'.ch was gr-alljr fru
s widuB. !•«.(« 1,
• T'ed UI ii-c-. rimpuinc'. Ihrc-w bttni
■It. jrwnd.b,!dr-n. five- '.-arkward .llpidRe and .(rfklng F
I whom are In RcailU-. Wa»h. He illa Uie chest klih hi. fore f-leevc-. .rceral iirtKhcr. amt m.
It folloi
s-'Iair.*'FanincL cif
!he rjjlit ch--ek. nnd In falling
Voungs, Mr*. C. E. Kailth, .d Ciand
n*l an uk1> wound ott the tiacE of, and Mrs L U -HlMr. c-f Mi
I Ic'iiieus.
ne a crowd bad rollyrted
Allhougb the Uev.-Mr. TlUli-d had
. ircd man wa. rateled to
loen In pcsir health* for rcoun- liiin
lire plivslrlon'* oftlce. where he wa*








e^V^overed 200

Robbed Each Berth and Rett Those
Who Refused to Submit. Three
Men Being Beaten and Sevcr^^omen Bemg Hun.

11 Ijike rity. June- 27.—Posse, aro
Two hundred mllcr. In two da}., hr pciismlTig trnin re. -tn-rs who till* ii
r .end lilIU and -nnd road, roo.ll- li,g In-M tn> Orewon Fhort line pace-Inted the aulouioliilt.- trip taken by 1'. seiiger train at ilairlaiMh-. uv-ar GgP. WrlchL manager of the Grand it>|>Three rvildH-s l-cwirdi-d Ihe IraJ
Ide Bulcfc hraneb. WlllUm Goode, prnI rletor of the local ktiraci' add Frank
Sadler. The trip wa. uuide lu a Huirk
bl* key.
Th.-»C- .were cnii-ly. and Iht-y beat
li ri here Thurhday ntorti
iiii si'-nger and went ii> Ihe Ihilln
l.ns. SOtog lo SntivQ. lU} . Prov-ta»oni. Thc-y rl.lted carli lairli. rohhiug
Glen Arinr end Empire- Wore airo \tongc-r.^niiil lieatlng ibiace w-ho relied and at the totter |dH<«. W. 1.
. to .iihmii. Tlm-c- men wen- had
Chapman and AI Willard were, picked
made to f-'rankfort. th.
Ihclr cnr. niul (liiccrN la.rratc-cl. Iln
roUlcer. ]eitllig off til'd.* corrings
They liiinped Imni llo- ituir ot lln
inpfateoondliion of the road, at pn-a.
lialn. Bring ul hlil iDls.Uig the bmkc~
The night w-a* spent at Frankfort
Salt 1s>k- (liy. lUulletlnl, Jnm- »7.
•ay City YouOfa Mother Hae the Olt- and Hic next, morning. Dr. Klnii.-y
'Three dk-ii. iM'lievnl Ul be- ihi*
and Joe r*ra.-adcn were
tahi-ii to'
■se and It It Thought That He
cirnlug'. iralii ii.bber. wetv arn-sied
DeuUh. Ur. ttorweaden lemnliiini; with
Cemracted It from Herv^akIsiki- hlcl.’ slier a h.tll.- wiih d.-*
the- i*rly .iiilll this eliy was rc-avhed
en to the Heaplul.
cllv.- .tones. Th.-V »i r- ..-en sl.«:e
Alter iteuUh. the n.-it atop wa. Ar- doliliiK n hii.|:> (sixrdiiiK n fri-tglil
r/!rtla. where Toil llc-kc-rd nnd hi* and were over powerc-d.
weio added to the iiariy for a
dlKtalice. S'ear Arctidin Is a bll!
vanity dental
where fncqinnlly ears l.av.- to l«MHeken with emallpoit and taken i
■ •Pled out. hui ihr lluU-k
the hoapltal.
winding aaernt on th
He high n
wllh no trouble wli.t.-ve-r.
r. Tliompi
' wa* the next slop and fop.-nilKli
iwed. At Coi«-n.l»h a demon.tra
tkm of hill rlliwIiliiK on Ihe high
The flrwl *M«iil
made more difffc ull t.v a .lew
Saw Log* Alme*i Cent But Orxh.rd*
at Ihe foot of llic Mil. whn-h i
ar. Bcgcn'ning to Cover the Roll
Italckl dit.ppliig to low and pick­
Ing Hllto—Real E.Ute Priee* Up
ing up ilii- Inierniedtate and hlih Hghi

> Daughtar Gay* tha

with a ahomuHcer't tmataur acd aacaplng.
The ammaa probably vriN dl* had
the polioe are tmatt^ ttoa man.
He eatered a trindcrw and boat ttt
woidu trhilc a*leep and aacapad,
wo'iuin'a daughter, aged u. rajaad an
Her buaband, Bmll, fron whom abe
liad Heparated. baa baee arroatad.
Murder wa. Bnikntbtedly tb* in»
live of tbe maa a* b« toacbed a»
.vtAilabh- va]aahh>*.
He apraag sto
Hie woniaa. cborkicd her mad kaeaH
nil Hu- body wdiUr fan Wielded tbe baaniT
So auddeii wa* Ura. Hoha at-




nvena City Shoe Company Wat Re- c-ti Ihe Mil. The aoeond aacenf w j
ewtiy ReerginUed vrith a CapI made dlfUnilt by fbe fact ihat
IltirThtiic. Mich, June :-:--5A u
a |>a»»et>g.-rs wc-re i«jl ini.. ih.Hal Stock of HOMO.
order of thmrs l> m.ui ic. prevail
The nin from
'rom (V>i»i
(V>i»inlsh u> this
till. -euatiiiMiiliy The Ideas for p
rhliwa. wltlHun Incldi-nl lj
The Tra'
thly Shoe mmiianr.
gre.r Ihat are gelling .ucli a cii|>
dnuhifut K a ear h*
which waa
th- inxii.le o' Wextein .Michigan, l.iuve.
Illy reorpanlKd. with
n K-ad work in at>c> a lo-’holcl hexe. ‘fhc- capital atorfe or
tio.nnti. to ddiuc a
thl* realOD
nwakrniiig tu the propoallioii lliai
agiirtiltuiwl rc-MMiees of ibe 'ic
must Is- d.-veloped If tli- vill
> v-iiooii uf.-ii Hie mm,. f.« Ho­
the city
alw eapectrd that acrernl women
ts- to g.-l Ihc tvrlUl.g hill
ho are familiar with the upper work,
apple orchards. The- :-'art waelll alao be eectired.
made- iblk 'p'liig h.r Arthur Klru|-«>ii
It to the parpow of the rempanv
illagc- merehun;., who ha. ;p>ci tif-ri-i
In do .11 kind, of repair work. In ad­
dition lo ibe ninntiUciure of men'..
necaii.e III- she
pie Wll!
H>.v*' and youth*' ahoe*. At the prr*Bliun BpireaTcd
ent time tb. facioi
An el
vlfiift la alsu Is-lng mad.' to lun III ................... * FrhUv and
Urpe order of WorkI
la fine of IS with 17 c-cf«i». The Imar up the f.i’niers now im the toiid This
aei-k ni'nl l•-Il-phou<' line. wiUi c;-wae killed within Ihi- JUiill* oi
pbone. are belCg Itistalicsl. Twu roads
cit}. A* Ur. Ilanum was in Ignoi
and brouahl to the rartory. and after iliBt the Michigan law proteci*
leading from t*ws village Into the ugrl
being rn-atred. will be dolircred at Ibe fine wa. made a. light a* tns.ljlinral .cutluo*. are being lmpR»-*>i
any addrea*.
I im evient .uinileni In earn .late
, hlc. Hepuiv ainllh of Ibl* c-lly
•wawl. Tur rat.lng of eururnlcer. l-n
ihe *rrr»l.
.eklefT-is atoo Is Ing encouragud. a
Athert Pwaln and Ili-nry Pieelc ap-lllng .'alien hnving Men',.U*l.t«ared before- Jii.’U-e
Wes Iner ui
Ik-ar Lake ai Depuiy
>pul> rSmlih
nils renire
A« a r..nsequcncs- oi ihnm -!,(u-i.
d paid fine, nf lie v
I t: V.-. erw
•uffarii^* cf Hufry
1 tile laiicl' aelivIHn.. Uie price ot
rh. for felling Mark b
Friday Ev.nii;^
leal dmai- ha* liirreamxl lor...........
to'icl. fiwrii ,-U III u-n cttMlar. an a<-»v
and TWe C
and farther nd'iiU's-. are i-x|ss-ic-rt
e ^r- uani |iriigraiu i*




the eau*e of death,
r. .^j.lnn keo wa. bom In Ka»i Leand tor 17 year, wa* a re*ldeni
ol .Kimhprwt T-Ju- year. ago. be i«me
to-thl* c llj Ile«ldch Ms widow, be­
have. a iH>n aud a daughter. William
H. and Ml*» iJiora.
bcaJi of whiwii
live at h.cme He w a* a mewUcr ot thr
Uctbodtoi church lor many yean.
Tbte toneral sc-rvlcra were held
Monday at S o'einck at the bouio- and
at Id o'clock ai the A.tmr> Ueihndt.t
. linrtBl lu Oakwood cra>»lery

John F- Flack Aik* Freedom from
Maggie Ftoek end May Cellln*
from William A- CoUlnt.


Two dherrec- <-*»-s
flU-d Sau
ord»> In i'lrcuii ,oun. John H./FljjlC
Tiaverwc City Young Lady Became th.
aaklng to be Irei-il from, 1h^ Immls
Bride'ot Chicago Artist op SatDial unite him lo Miiutte FWck. Th.jurflay—WiU Live In Chicago.
coupls were married Ik-pl-eiih-r I-.
IM':i, and tbe faurcband allege-. Iha'. .hV.
Bervha Itouman rind lUpbael
wife- wa. C-Ilrenu-I} ifUc-l. oficn us­
ing langn.Re -|q bmi. P- t'. U Underwood were uollc-d In m*rBe a: S o eloek Saiurdac af:. ntesm
Gllls-rt U Ihr BUorifec.
Ibe buiiie of Mr. and kfis J f! Itou
Ua;* Oytlln.
avk. for a -divorce
*n In riileago. Tbe jcuiitg jevpli.*
ffben TniUtrn K. Ooltln* She ^le*
win make Ihelr home lo Chicago.
. Mr*. Underwood -ha* ticud all her
n Traverte t'lty and ba. .' l.rnUrw. K Ptaby and daughter. Mu* and ha* noi tuppocird her She alao
Carrie, toft ibl* tnumiling for HaaOngs allege, enroine and re|s*ati-d crudity
• of frteiia* io wi»h l
ibe weddlag
- ^ol amer
Her attorney to U H. Gage.
lup. tormerty ^ thl.
rup to a broiber
Ellery Hardy returned Prictoy from
alao rlill fr
Btr'RaMd*. where he ha. ]uit roor
Fred Mtdlma ton today for iViratt.
Spring Ukl nBd,Na>b«llto hpfore ph-ied n cuunw- in the FeerU Insti­ nin't and ciiher potaie. abwe he will
ep.iid a 10 ctoys' vavailon.

'The Rev. A. J. Eldred, '


hating Iv«-n nffllrted with u clio
nllmenl. he wa. cmly eonffiiml
Iwd a lew day. On Atutl f.-. »ii i
wife. W- eanie from Jiraiul .Rai*'t)»
s|"-r’rt a miiple uf w-s ks .. h hl« .
ei" his falling huHlIh wmiM not ,
ai» Of L'* taklti* tW- ler-ir.i , .u:i
and on^iny ia-*i. (u- w..s ,
fac'd Id hi. iMd. tte end I'-itiiin.: .
l-wat-clully vv.l>!d.t.


creop. PrMidIng at tha •alletlns Vaatsrday—Corral Wa* Asain Elaet.d Vie* Pr*ald*nL
Mexico rfiy. June J7.-Today'a r»
;tii. from ycmiepd.,'-'* electloe. .how,
mr that aad1 LVirn
(Virrat were reelwctad
pr^xld-nl and vlre p
'lai' eleeltoa '
waa practleallr
wd. Troops
prealded at th. bsHotfag.

ci'rh.-b Ul 'he fi--c-i,i.i|i


t thr- offli-iel p
Stale league game-.

J. ih'.

- Bl'r

Octpatad by th* Wal'ten Indian* Aft*r '1S Inning* of Play—Final'
•cor* Wa* 4 to A

!a oee of tbe hardeat foagai gataad
of Ciiri re-er Thto wa- I'm- 'b'--' i-ur
oa Hie Walioa dlamead.
mound In the
hr WalloB IndtoBi defeated tbe Trave of iDCi-ntnicl’v Ui;d i«>iih >-f .M.ieimg th- ie-< alf
-.nUl-';. ..ik. of .1,,-Oraml
r*e City Tiger* 4 to 2 bui'lt took
. |..r. h... «*na. them i; innioga to do It Tae gaata
rc's.'tied.'Tl>.* ccciij.-M WX' veiy
I .rd, h
might be going yet but for one error
wild n-id Ihclr junr-s' whft-i.MIg’ilWW
V th- Tigeri' part which
'•Kun in rop tbe atnalng niD
Tbe feaiuna of tbe game were Soi'» ruDhlBg catch of wbai Mcmed to
l>e a wure ihree-hagger aud Uaulfcett'*
hum* run in the alxib leelag.
Uagwell and Hejunld* were (be battery
for TraverM City and Doner and Bufkn did the work for Waltoa. Dagwell
While the fo'.lu- .as
-1-. e*.
Rove Cre-ow A'laged That Tarty Ken, .truck nut to men and tot none- walk
Hie •crot" r" l*'--* GUI
• *'rC f.
M»rr ed. Hpd Forced Hi* AtUtv
.hti- U-vnc.Ida (brow* to flr<4 were
a1,J.h to- -CHI' owm-d. • G-lre.
leHier. a Maatoiee ptteber.
- Willi h-.- r-imhef ai'i! tw,- i.
1 on th- monud for Walloa. Hm
erw g< iiiiic III hit*
Tbe local line
*-ao- fcrr.thnn
wa*: Ludka. lb; Hokoa. n>; Hova.
I'oulkeil. ef, Mevaold*. c; lAwRD.v-fonx^ hr*
npriMoe on the' Muu-.i><*ijip|
nd *4 bk.1. iM-r until .htOii.:i>
mg ro s'.r.**
t-i s>,<«i. whtob iche did
(-..cvd her this nucroltig.
nr. that
mad- ,t.-i* - ..wac
Mitifhetli Miitigai- u*ri!i iK- iu!
tv-iisti: H'e'vasM''Alh.-i ir. >i.nt'
wl’' iKi
' 17 • *•
New Almira Oeang* Had An EacaHa
ceniethenew. tiui-!:[*•*» Hawk .*.-.
Fram Fiva
- prlroner and H.u cdotirt wws ijia.i American
CrangM War. PraainL
Ect'ada ' Revatutcertofy'
tick from lb- N-n!wci.-tU.
Lander Wa* Found Guilty of C«n- -




girl SHOT



Three .rears rite- -tti^r eui.-rs-d .the
Icr-lli-ry p v:,. mp.le.i'Al* and Mr.
EJdrod was well ai'ciuaii.P-i w>tv
ber.of the r.:eb who beg-d
in -th.*
Ue*-n S* T Vlasot-.
Ua*«, Oote.ilrfw Wcmd-jr.dge, J.vtb H.
Howanl. I.uciu. I.cua and Judge tvil» were aouag the more premtnei.t:
hi* fr.cod* who w.-rv acilra puUir
U'.eitluu'.l o» Pas-- F«»oM


•niracy AgainH Cev.rom.itL
jUtic^.k;. June .:*:.-\vi;iio:n niti-.ii, ar .At:.r> INtr.Ua revuIotlODet) lead'T. woh convk'-d today at
I->'Hu;na hi court mar.ial of ruoaplra- *. wij'.lii.l the g- -.c-niE»*BI. The mla- extend to the ctoHtBg laeniban Aua
boarty (banks fv ibalr hotp.
proapecto ore. that tbU
"win aooa bs
Mtt. T.
ooe of tbe largnt gnuii



'^-2rss,siii?g '■

Mank t. INL M «ka »mMI
Mivma Otf, MNlu BBdOT tk
«l OMETWl^llarcft a, im

CMitlMlMi twk2868
Ear PratMiW Brows at the Hew
York OmMt. aada aom aUnBiii
•taiaBentA Aeoordlac to hie Idas.
wttUa a fa* raara. *a vlU be-l na-

aateer laaa drive them back eooth
n diaguaiT
Tbry are probably dead- They are
avldvnuy belag enanalaated. They
goltif Into tee ragaOBs aMthern
'ThtoM pie." II Is Mtlnated that
last year thnaa lawlew aoutbaman
klUad bOOAOO robtoa, and they
our roblos. Many a nest In tea ayrangu*. bush and the old baUaia
nieoaniad and ‘■to let" this sani
The killing ot tha robls la pretty
brutal BiDrdi-r. Perlnpt be U
but, be Is a fraak. ouDoral'iobHo.takaa out
perries, but be-doe* H right before
our e.v«f lie slu on a IreMla ten feet
away, with a berry to a aialaed lUlto
bUl. terova out hla chest snd
vtist we'ra going to do about It.
teluks those berrlaa ara bu'as veil
aa ours sad be got thers flni, tbai'a
As a matter of fam, be randera aer
vire that »ore than compensaiea for
the fruit ho luge off. He ibrtres
tee eluge cod ffrwba wot worma
thrive upea our tren and bushes. He
iBora than aaras his share o
fruit It would oesa actually
Ihe ,fi
this stale If the a<
n "pigeon pie"



Was Engaged te Cgriy Weter fee the
Man Thuradsy snd Waved
Orandmethar aa Ha ffasaal
House Thar Morning.

Mr. and Mrs. N. a Hall. Mr. aad Hre.
u C. Oeromlne. and Ohauff.
Don Wsish. wurned Tharaday
a trip which extended over near,
ly ^ree weeks, aad in which they
i. to i«ruof todlana.(MAo. and li­
cit The n» « sa made In H. 8.
ill'e floe Pteree-Arrov marblhe.and
'ssaoi weather was enjoyed during
the enlliv trip, alibougb one day It
The party left this city June 6.
aad spent the Aral night at
The second atghl the jiarty pul
i Vlekaburg, then went to Wauseew.
Ohio, where they epeni two days
Here they wera Joined b» Dr. and
Mr*. Lenhan. and after spendtog
dtyi at this place, went on lo Clove
The roads at ibis point wei
In good shape, owing lo lieavy ralni,
eo to relurntog the msolilne was ship
lo Drcrolt, and Mr. and JJrs, Ger
malne took the sieeuner
City of
Clevolsnil, to Detroit, Joining itm
htolnder of ihe party al Toledo, motor­
ing to that clly from Detroit. ih<- oth.
•rs bsviiig guae on by rail, Th.-y then
un lo Wautoon. and on il
towing day went lo Chicago, arriving
ealurday eveulag. Juuc u. <)
Slat the, hesdecT lor Traverae Clly.

Lying on the ground-to aa uneoa■clous eondlUoo. Harry Wright.
IJyear old oon of M. a Wright,
fouad by worhmen at tee rofrlgerefactory between 8 and > o'clock
this mortilng. when- be htd. evIdenUy
fallen fronr a ladder He was taken
lu tee Orand Traveise hospital, where
It It ssld, fate eondlttoa l^ery grave,
the ltd siUl being unconsdws
tele. aflerncmn.
ow ten arrldoot happened,
knows. The boy was engagad lo
y water yesterday, and ibu
only bis socoad day. Jlo had lo
ry water about eight rods, and short­
ly after S o:elo«B this luorning
gracdiuothcr, Mra Mary
ssw him pass tee house site bis
pslU, and be whlstl.-d and wnv-e<rto
That was the IsR ihsl auyon-i
of.'blm until be was found oi
ground at the femt of a ladder
te Ibougbl that be allocutited to ollmh
Ihe ladder wlih the water, lu make a
short cut lo the men, Intirod ol go
m Siwekihg
o; tee remds to tec four
ing up the stairway, and Icll. atrikllirungb Wfllcli they traveled.
on his head aad shoulders. He
Ocrnialne alated that.the
token to tec hospilal In tee am•
to Indiana
comes next." he said, "Ohhi roads
The lad lived wUh his father and fair, but Mlililgan rcuuls are the lluiMtudmuteer M III3 Wooduu-re tve-



HARRY-WRICMT ffELL FROM LAD­ visited Four Buies and Learned that
Mldhigank RMds aro Far ftwm
Being the Best.


»Tour. and wbea
____ jrte hav* Oght
them, mall -teem
ter 32.M
K.M le tee Oenhga UlUfog «oapuy. Ooaben toSSTand^ «t0
roceive a 48 pdecu rat of gold decarat•4 'China, (rolgkt chargee mepalA.
tamtxi-w IMf
........ - afo big", but pwur te
^e teeapM food ^ cm buy




OAMTAL. *1004000

nour*. tforbeUe aad Keeer
Mte ttdf

1 ewi^ iBBkiiC BMbm W

Alleges That Friar Land Bale te th
Sugar TivM -Wat Made Feasible
Through Wtoksfahera Oecisfon
;>Jtoblic Bulldiivge Bill,

Washington, June 24.—The bouso
oomnilitee on insnlar affairs uriay
reiorled favorably on a resolution
providing foi - tovestlgattog the sal?
ot the HUllKitoe friar lands lu
sugar trust .and authorictog a
(ommlitee lo vUli the 1*111^110
H<>grew<maUve Martin of t'anfornla
author of (he rvsolntton, declares ti was made iKUksIble
through a
Wicket sham decision iettuceti-d by a
Uw firm headed by Henry Taft.
The house today pvdupied (be nm luuied to weld ••outit,.
ferciue report on tee piridle LuiMiKye bill iBhreaatog the orlgtnal June l4 3l.3AJuly S.Judge of Probate
bouse approprlaitons ffve ud a quarter mllltotiF.



FATHER BIS iHiERs rrr.irTu



ivpart::rrh‘r. Xs-



:l : ;l




3^’nsfs. «?..5

A. Tracy Lay. PreoMfoaL
R. Ftoyd tSlacB, TW ProeMrat.
Ranuet Oarfoad. Cashlnr.'
A. J. Hapaasd. AML Oitefor.
A. J. Haelfoal AmL Canhtnr.

At a seselon of naJd court, held at
Ihe prolate offtce. to the fity of Trav-.
or*.- t'ity. In sslil coualy. ou the' I3th
day ol June .V D. IKIO.
I'Twsoul; Hon. Prod R. Walker.
Judge of Probete.
fa the niMier <g the estate ot Ouy
A. Hewett. deceased.
A. 1) llewett havlBg tiled to mid
court bis pv'Ultoo twaylng v^t said
taori adjudicate and drtermfce who
were at tbe rime ot hie desih the Iwgsl
heirs ol ssld dreessrd sod ■nriiled
' - to
Inherit the roil vstole of v bl.'h said
t. Ibsi the TIh dsy of
Jul.v. .K I> 1 *10. St Icn o'clock In
the tor,-iiiH'n.
be and is her
Plane River ..
tog said pet II10
It Is furiher ordered. Ibel public
lice' thereof be given by publlcst R B|
a <rf -a copy of teU order, for three

have a law agalest his aasawlnailou
Ulchigan. it aaeaus tough teal ho
aaat. bat *» to»e that be U sot asd
ut eorouBler hU aaaaaslB In that
«» batlaee «a bave as oserlleot founaporary dweUlBg place lo which
dailoe tor oar bopaa.
. Tha aeduUoB of the problaoi aooord- our cllsiete drives hlai fu* four
monlbs cjf the year..
taC 10 Iba «a<*ar lara la not* rol«BMa canbos. Oar hope (or the Ip
tore Mas aleas IhaM dbos Ilaaa anil
Thill te Use lime of year arho
Wa are epUBleUc sloce larmlec ii borne aeene lo gel the worst of
kaooaiBf sore acleaUBc each aaaaon. arcuind, A maa may wear a root straw
Tbia It aaetarUtad -NEbt bare
lo protect hfB from tea dlrort
OraaE Trararaa atsea those wito aerar raps of tea snn. but la this oily ib#
baUarad la lartilltiDK th^lr flelds or hulaaa borae 1a more oen
la aprartaf tbalr ondtarde hare baotearwlte A maa may go Iq out of
oMBs m*am.. iIbasfci -to the exeel- the hoai. but the borae hitched In the
Bat .imk at n
has ao such ohaooe aad iharo are
wo many of tbeni hitched In thnt
maane.r. Then, again tee
still so uoeh land aeaJIahle that la- troublerome and teelr Uloe painful
isaatea famlag has Dot rat b«i
to horse hide.
aortal'10. hot bectaalofi tere baen
borae te daadrvUig of ooaatdera.
. Bads atone ihat Haa sad mea baea
tton and ahenld be prwtoraed aa far as
tooad ^t OTOB *ltb but oaa ai
possible during the heated lam. A llior #o«nd. aaflMaBt oaa ba raised
Ua water cm Its bead is a good Uilng
faad the f^roilr with' a portloo left
to a white and It Is no great toorar for sale. If all the fattelnt laad
ooBv. nletiee lo a drirer to hunl out a
‘ la Vaotor* Michtcw aiooa ver
shady spot when MIrfaIng.
weald nuke a vast dlKerenea la tha antouai of potaiixu. vageW4II Be ffelt Hare.
Bccend Trip Will Be Made Thte Af.
ttblaa and Cntlia seat to the
tee Pera
ternoen—Pasacpgera Each Paid
kata. BxpertBeBts am eonstaaUr be- Marquette tralamen will reeotva a
B» for the Pleaeur* of Riding
ta« awde te duenalaa what tha aola wacM U of in­
.100 Mllee.
caUsd ■^aate laada" are adapted tor terest to Travarae City alnec there te
vobleeh One — Chequams
and the itme will coma whoa tber« a large cokuiy at pere Uarqueiie
Ihu-ellord. June ' 34 —Tuc first
Also le Make Stop.
WIU bs ao HlUe ol thU *'*aste laad " plo]-ee In this city the Pere Marquette;
PIIIX-I) lamiiiei't >al nurUl trip of Ze|s
that U YOB't be worth oenaldarlac.
bs-ing on* of our largest
pelin's dlrigihle DsuiscUaiid atkried
The afrlc>at<ual
I have the best
Krieitrlihifasfeu today wli)i'3ii pisto fact, fro understand, au.,______ .
atkeetil tha cs^cas. tha vartons or- but ovie fci teo rity. Anything teat afSergeis ii-jying #.'.0 esi-li".
BiliiHaTii iuiouiMd kr Uu fara- fecia tha pedsparliy of tea iWra MhrThe IVutacfilsnd returned here afart are all toachiac better aiethods qette men has a direct bearing
inrui s day tram S'ooh-la-iranla >r a buiidr.'d mile trip, roektng the
to Traverse riiy. the steamer Lena sev-oud this Sfiviboon. Tlie dirigible
«< eoElratloB aab are gatUac awar prosperity Of Traverae Clly.
btMtUwcddvBrs aa that as poaslbla
KnelJoch louchtoR tbore at prSfl a. raalBUined a speed Of
miles hour
Vba alfMas uada withla tha laai deIll and rviichlng here at il a. lu.
fosviBg Traverse t'lly at 3 p. UL. reat-b
«•!# are wall, eianpliaad br the ireTRIAL POBTPO^lEa
tog .No-ahu-wanta at 1;15 p. a. on
iMftlew ipetfm la (ha niu« of iva
VHkaeta aa'ahotn ^
npon of
Ibe.ronjikto^ M-beo pvtlot flealro
Omnaag for Extradition,
(ha aeaetarrof airlcuHera.
to visit tfiJ^'nvrtV tea steamer Chi- Wenger Cara Won't Be Taken up
Cr.krge Being Murder—FraUntil Mrniday.
ISoaldant Browah aatlen at ngQuanifgaa WIH also tout* at Ne-ab-ta.
Jackson. Mich.. Jnue 34.—The Wcufad and hnaarr UNnpa li aarr
vtania on tee days she soes to Char
gei trial was posipom-d'iimll Moiite the dMaaea, ao far that It Is
k'VoIx. This boat sorvfoe will not
Hoboken. N. J.. Jane 34.—The preResort Earvlee Will Begin Then RetUy. on account of witnesses being
worth wvrtT^ nbont.
llAlnary bearing of Proctor CharUan. ly be a greu.amvenienoe to tee
tweeh teetoekey arid OhaHavala>.
iih-la wanu roaorlcrw hut to the tocal absent. •
coafessed murderer of hi* wife In
Card as II Affoeu Traversa City.
tronio. Italy, wae called before Re- iwople who dcstde to vlali il)o r
Tha nan with aatlaci la alwara tbv
iS- well.
aud postponed
a Unw cafS'af the f
ehteetlre poiat of tha man with tea
The Ihe Panuy U. Rose Cemmiltae Haa Beiectad August
until Tueaday. OarUon's attorneys
thing to sail, whether It Is shares
and S for PrDgra">
wanting Ume to famUiarlse thtmselThe regatta loiiratiiiee et SalurLeave Neob-ta-wanu 7-.4S a. m.. ari day
•i with the case. Proeecuiur Gap
iilghi end
deal la dirt. HSi nail U flooded with card affords the wausl excellont
Ivr Travurra
progrsju for t
rn didn't objert.
alhutag propoBliloae and verr often vice aad the dotaiay runs betvwn Petugui
NvCbarleion win be taken from the
tnooth tsagned ageala approaeh him tofckay aad Charle«>lg will also a
and vi is ei|ie.-i. . ___
police hesdqQartera to the county ahla«anla- Jttm m; Iravc Nvsab-U- there V.111 .-led
of mo
M the natter of iBfeetlng whatever Sunday, so that the raaort aoaacm.
vvanta. l:i; p. in., amve Traverse
>11 to receive beder'u
also aallllig Cl aft hereaananl he hu Botoe of tte propoai- wall be said to ba bctuallj- under way
Judge Chwlion of Washington, the air. 3:Sl> p. ta.; Ieav« Traverse aty,
ttas oCered art taerttorloas and oth- for ]»10. The new actaedule to aa folCling this w.-ek.
Ncob u-wania.
m.. arrive
prisoiuT's father and former friends
an are )0« tee appMte.
rallying, lo Oharllon's euppon.
North BounA
Over go Par Cent t
Many a naa Id posers
No, 8-Atrlves C:P6 a. nu leaves they eielui be ls inaaue. The Jadgo
dai^ t« ova land. Banb
ceuved by a cvmgi-Flt-d condition
has letters shnwing tee youlh's
retaau a nwUive value, it u al«i>-s C:SI> a m. Dally exrepi Monday.
r-l», .-omuieiily c. .lied onI.—Arrives 1:05 p, tt.. leaves ticmaJliy end will call elieuUsis.
sUpation. Why nut relU-x- yuurselt
thsre, atmeat da not aBeot It and
-efuaed lo state whether he would
of this condition
. .......and the .e.>i;s<-<|ueoi
tedaahtel eondlUoaa. aalbes be is
Cadillac Man When He Beld Ooea- danger of apiiendlcllls by betonniig a '
-Vo. 3-Arrlvoa C;ig p. im„ taves tight euradlliou.
fmed to sd. have lliflo bearlag opUser of hr. Herri.'k'* Sugar fostedj'
rapt. Scoii. brMher ««f Ihe murderBye to Family BeM He'd Write
on IL But with au In (temaaenl val- 6:33 p. m.
Vcgi table PilUf- The Isv-t kiiu'.ii and
ed wotusn, Hsiius be has
If He Was Alive.
No. H.—ArrivM ]1 p. at.
widely sold liver p.lls in Ihc"
(hare 1a a «nal iU4Iaroaea in the
imive (rbarltuu Is uaivc.
Tbl» Is lint a m-w reined',
Booth Bound.
maatbUIUea ot ml estate lavesu
MoBtagllarl thinks the- murder
nr that ha., sirkxl llie tea' of
Csdillec. Uleh., June HCnJees
No. 1.—Leaves 6 a. a.
aa aaay have teund out to teelr
being over sixty years on tec
premmllsied and la seeking
am kltlvd you will hoar from i
No c—Arrives ii;i6 a. a, laavaa have ITisrlton reluraed to Italy or
ihurkel. Selte always Incressinc.
abort lime."
I- Immense ytyod that the.v
To tee aaaa with aavlacs. whether
anirder charge Immedtately. .
Priiv every wher' "
KUh ihal ae w goodbye Edweid
No. g—Arrives CteS p. a. learsv
they be lane or aaiall. we say. bov
4'oiuu. June 31.—King's Proevirator Drown left hU fsinlty In this
nr a fre<- sampb. . .. S.-K. Wait A Soi
Yatd la this vicinity. It is bere. you &:») p. m.
Ouglla today swore lo an effldavil
r njiMiihl ago and out a word ltugl--e iJrug t'o.. West Ktid Krua
No JO—Arrives «:■ p. m.. laves charging Charlton, with murderinr
an took It over, yoe eaa tad out all
b^n heaid-from him slm-t
afaawt It Yoa can. U you wish, take »;03 p. a Dally cZoepl Saturday.
hU wife. Thu will be rign.-d and
liE Lpuib. icllliig^ bis wllv
Na 7 leaves for the north at 3 a. forwarded with a demsiid lor esu-atantetea ot lbs aoll ahd have then
in and No. *4 arrivea from tee nurth dllloB. The actloo has caused a ire Ihree dauchiers nts| to worry ■t.uui
aitenittad to aa aaalyat You
wlteywv own aynwhat It UsAtied.
Ko. V and No. 10 are tee aoly Suntot The adrastages of having jvur
bought If rharll'
day^Oralap, No K> win be annulled
btfkteaa aaarl7 are naay.
coure a light
At Un aana thaa. raloes ot drsii Monday. JWe «.
of provocation and tog the hashaad s kavlnk led tec
wife and chlldivn lu suspect
lAitd oiltcv al Marqu.Uc, Mi-higsi.
; able property la this reglou are rugtook of pri'madHailun.
Brown wanu thv family lu imlieve
_ Btaatly InrreaalBg. There arv no great
him dead lest evening th<- famib
‘ prptBotlac ----------------- ----------- ^
•T^ the eoumry ei Inflated vab^
Former Mancelons Man Hat BIgned teey hsve relativeu aad where ihey Pi-IV. I
; The pace aet la tee majority ai inundertake to lovalv the ml'Stni:
Contract With Wnghla.
' ataabpe to, fair g^ haa a b«l4> to
CkdUlac. ,Mlch. June :i-fillip
gao M
I value. Any man 'with average Judg
luh A l^y dam. W. A. Wcssiou (not . Parmale*. tormerty of Marion,
en. of UayDcid. Miobis
, mw Bhoald be able to flad a good
•April 2L mi. I
<Aptaln Wcsiooi having proof at
iter of Hancelona and we^koown
boraOn la Otwad Travnao futnaity.
try .No ni:* Serial
MKl. fo.* nwU
h. Hie form of a fine spectoMO of here, baa stgaed wifh tile Wright
.. nr^s and swU ol Dett^jUunJon r.
' especiaUx U the mas vbo dt«lree.j><
this family. The trout wws caught
' eaU h*t bora led am a) by ules of Thursday aUernuon o aa worm afier bcoOicra. avtoiora. «6 fly a bipiam- Bl Johna Wat VMfod by BUM Taa TtrwtiShtp 3S N. Range ? W. JHcS
.MetiduD. has' flled ootlcc of ir
Prom hi.
“graea Mia la the dlataace.lehtioh to mske flaal P.ic Year prooi.
hour's hard flsbmg. It measures youth young Panualee.
Lansing, Mich.. June 34-Some-lu
onU 3v
> e.taliTsh <iaim (o Jbe lauJ above
l« laehee to leagte aad weighs iilae
year* old, has displayed awvhuiural erTOeew to valuatious resulted from escribed, betorv; the Plert of half pounds.
The lepont of Bay and April, pu\
genius. LYoBi ihe
tB>tor the vtell of tee Stole tax rommlssioo ircuii Court of liraiid Travrr«e Com.
’. at Traversi- -CiL'. Uli-htcan. oi.
down as the output of tee seosoa-s
woiks at Maacotoca lees (ban a yrar to fh. Johas Wedcraday to review ibe
Mala to B
le r«th day of July. ISlo.
paaeUalst ere betag coadriued rather
................. of a aerto Fltoi to aet tax rolls of that eliy. The sincsnmriil
ilayiuam uaio’es as wtiaesses; Dai.dotoroaal} . 'dtere are not as naay toOs dliorder, such as neuralgia, botte.
I H Biddk-conH-. of >Tfr Lake. R. P
>r and tester for ter Bu- of the 8t Johns W a^ea works was to
Michigan: Jacob M Anderson, cnblaa hveabouu as usual Any chi- rheumausn. cuts. Iraros aad brutaea. lek Motor company.
from Oi.Sou to il4ts»>. tec
HeuMs Pato-KUUag Oil is tee
l.ake. R D. I. Michigan; Fre-i
an. says tea Detroit Journal, who ' test brings quick relief
concern having owe been on tee rolls
and spaedboosts a auwtrh of green Ja«n Mtp. these troubles. Oet n trial
at I13.M0. Some other raises were
, MflntBg a Outrlag angie^om ron|l!w
'ofdoed. attbough
I anahr vULtaU yutuAat. Where are
|a> forge ta;pre||onlun as teat order*
fogbee lirog <>k, We»t htod
•e«i-t■ *
“ »orto« jcvxpvrty.

June 1t:iYS>!uly >)3(P


Trareisc Qlj SDte 1

Norwrtk ...
Trams arrive Traverae aiy. I:«
a. m.. ll>:30 a. m mad «:4fi p m.
n, WBLT. O. P. A.

Who Pays the Bill?
Id the rehouficture of soy
product, there u bo opportuo*
ity to iocreBte either prpfilB
or qualliy.

t crescent-

Ao iDcreBie of profit! for
the nBaofaciurer b BlwByt Bt
YolTi «xpeSteL.W>tte the iacreate of quaiit^ -lt to your
gain aod auppoted to be at
the maoufacturer's expeoie.
After upiog thi* method of

\ *'<|u»l»ty iocielge" lor a cooFLOW.^ giderable leogth of time, we
y^*«EscEjrr FijoW.k,
believe It ic oot ooly a gain to

you but to ourselveg at well,
for the result hai bern a coostantiy iccreatlog demand
for Cresceot Hour.
Lookiog at it from a butloets buildiog ttaodpolat, it
il as ecpoi'mlcal for the maker as for the coosuraer.
You will get Yi 'i-K profits whee-you use



-ibe Usd Everykody UkesSOLD BY

J. J. BroslM: Prokop Kyselka: C Wlteulfo * Oa: U R. BUckeay A San: Jacob rurueh; Besulst a>Nlcbafodte: J.J.Oray: F. Step­
an; V E Roland; Mrs. R llendenum; Scbooleratt B Nelsee; A. J.
Uarey; 0. H. Johnson; Gilchrist A HtoM; Nash A Bxreahefgnr:
Pool* A Reames; Mosiraimao aiurer Co.. Hacimh B Lay Mere. Co

Volo^ uiuina Co*. Grand Rapid*. Midi.

Land Plaster
Land Platter is a valuable fertiliser. It will improve
your hay crop aod it will improve your land
fore what you pay for Land Plaster you get back srith
big lote^rest by gettlogmore^a^ better crops. $7 00 per
crops- It will briog good results
Laad Plaster aod
Faria Greets for potato bugs is better ibao water and
Paris Gieeo; as the Land Plaster improves the growth
of the potatoes, while water mixture and Paris Greeo
do oot. Mon farmers aik (or CAVENBHRG’SPARIS
GREEN, as it seemi to give good satisfaction. We
sell it at 35c per 1 lb package, which is the most cooveoient way to use it'.
Should you ,be obUged to dsc tome of the above
named goods, call at P. K.‘s, comer Froet and Cats
See our Fourth of July goods lo our cast window.

Cor, Front and Can 8ti.





^■1 :iE)t *1D :

*"« ffitfU'S'iray.**"''

•IWnk Ttet Unl«M
Mm MMfth eioMtf Sh*

in It (Mt or wuer I
Uam, UtM Btbrl Bovhtll. (be
r«kr«U dmuchter o( Mr*. Cor% t
hail. «u eeved rroa dn»«nilii» 8uB4ejr MOD br *cver*l boy* vbo were
•WlSMlDt OR (be OVDl Wood 1MM>
r. Ve<U,K
I. DDd Ad


Ktlr befer«
ns. Mlu Btbel, wbo
«r. lett ber cooponioi
•Dd vMt down to (be twech ovoed
by Mr*. StMU M. OiDlDpoer. go4u
oat MOM dUtDbcs. ebe UArtAd to
••la to (be O**) Wood dl*b dock.
ai*dwHr *• Bbe awam ibc drifted
an. bat dM DM aotica tbie. tblttklDf
tbol tbe vlnd «m blovlas her to»*rd abor*. Wba» wltbla • few rodi
«( lb« dock. oBd about IM feet fron
•bore, her atraagib ■•*• oat, aad with
• ory. tba uS.
•Har ccBiitaaloB* ta (be boacb. •bo
were playlaf oa a raft. aa« ber predl(wnaat. *ad ber eleter ran toward
tbe MldeiKe back of tbe abor*. callt*C for bMp. Tbe ftrie oa tbe raft attenpted to (o to ber raeeae. bat coaid
Bot MUf* tbe raft, ear could
of tbea awiB.

rl«ed and utber OKan* of rcauedUilou were appllcd^Mr« Bowball wae on tbe e
shortly anrr ber daughter wo*
eo from tbe water. Veda having
the bouse end called to ber that
ibel wa* drowned. Mn. Bowball
r IN vERy SAO.
. u aliuoel la a collePM hereelt from
(be shock, but worked over her daugband WMleted ber la resebtog the
le Of Mn. StMle. wblcb was tbe len Who Kidnaped OeBUty PM
Also Had to Take Out a SIM
nearest of any to tbe ereae. Hewe
Michigan Llecnac.
abe remaieed uolil eome time In tbe,
afteraooa. wbeu she was removed to
The fish wnrden-s boat, tbe Chase
ber bom*. Althougb she Is grMusUy
. Osborr.. steamed lelo port late Satregalalng slrength, Miss Bowball
Blill caaAaed to ber bed.
urds)' afienuiOD. with Stats'Deputy
la speaking of tke accident. Miss tVardco Bddy on board. Cnpiai ~
Rose, of Charlevoix, who wi
thiwhall said that when her strength
command ol the boat when the Wisgave om and she went down tb< “
time. Che realised that unless
a she
rsilowr water, and probably drown. (.‘barlee Prtlu, a wee* ago loday.lbe
1 spKe of the fart that utae weot Un- accDum cf which appeared In the
*meatb tbe water four times, she Record, stated hint Nlrbolsoti Kmi b^
pt her n»inh I
I'cen n nud i; mlb-s of faU fishing
e time lb<' bo;
g. In addition to bating to take
icue. she bad lost coosclouaness.
license. shlrfa.roet blm tl«u.
d their arrlrsl was last in
After .Vlcbolioo returned and imid
ve ber life.
his license, be went put-to look at hU
s. -There la no use. in my
then-.- be said. -J bavent a
ill tbe IskesThe capture of the game warden
was spectacnlar. The Oatorn started.,
in purault
pureult of the Wisconsin tug. rw-hirfa
was vluialing the laws by fishing In
Michigan water* sirboul s llcensennd
(•plain of the tug
game warden's boat be tried lo.make
■nSl OESTROVEO SUTTER DISH 1.1* escape Mis tug was short, and
sereral (trues he succeeded In turning
Id escaping the Osborn.
When (Inally the Osborn
alongside, l*ell(t was sent on board
e tug Captain Nlcbolson then cut
I low line, and aieemed away.^fier
two fours' run on tbe bay. mlltt
IS put ashore, and the Wisconsin
c«K*ln delivered blnikeK up to the
-Mictatgan gome and fish warden. For
bis escapade be kttt all bis rig.








Annual el Grand Trawera
M Held Baturday Atn
Bit Dinner at Noe
Crange Satni................
of the granger*- •Dioylng a least at
nooii p^pared by the parenia and
Alter dinner a program. Id charge
of Miss AIKe Grubb, was given, tbe
(hildiwn adding tbeir sbai
I lollowlag
given. ......................
IbutEd to tbe p.ragram:
gram: Mrs.
A « MvRae. Mr*.
-lea Edgecomb. Mr#
Mrs E A “
Ernes. Mrs E. F..
WbRe. and Mr*. ArvlUa
Gardner. Tbe
Rev. U. A. Hills was present, and
also spoke a lew words
- e program 1
served, and
Tbe next nteeiiitg will be held Julv
I. at which tmie. the fundamental
prlDcipals In William Allen White's
book. A fertais Rich Man," will
considered, and the U«* review c-d.


The Rev. Demat Coetitln Preached the
Berrnen a-d fttrVice Waa H*M at
the OcKay Hoihc.
Funera: eervlces ' for Miss Ida DeitWilllam DoKay. OB M'asbingu.u street,
tbe Kcv. Dema.< Co^n offtciatiiv^
Tbe pall beacer^ were W lUlam l»eksy E.| Wall, will Sraiitj E3a Wi
beliD. Will Renuw and Arthur Ore.
- The <«akM ir which the rtroialaa of
MIm Beluier rested wa. cov.-red with
UraulU'G fioral uSenoga. whk-b were
a silent Irtbvte to the esteem in whreb
she was held Miss Ofa Kvereu and
L Msrfaaul sang the Ailiowsoiigs- ' HaouiIIuI Ulc o'. Some
-rt-/ "(rlee). rr. Jesus." and "Sow.
Day IS Over," At ib.-^a»e they
o Thee. •

Hi^Home In Grawn at g O'clCKk
Monday Morning.
Joaepb Smith, tbe village black
lulth ol Grn«u, died at hu hoin.
Mouday morulng at K o'^och after a'l
eslnudrd illtiesr. Me wa*' :.y yearold gfi'd leaves five chlUren. JiMepii.
tdn Frank of Grawn. Mrs. Msr.
imd Mra (Ttrlallana Heudge*.
of Traverse - City and Mr*.
Josephine TownsA>nd. of B-'lin.-r.
Tbe funeral wUl be held from the
uoreh at ^Srawn Wednesday after
M«D. tbe Rev Priestly crfflcUting
The burial w ll UMu the Hnpiv Crow
cc-uieteo' at (iraatt.


•euth Runa Every Day.
(Prom Mondw's Record.1
William Beltoer this aftenooa
summer schedule on the G. R.
oelved a message slating that hit eaUre plaat at Sldoaw had been com­ A L. went into effect yesierdsy. . ml
the new time table tbe public
pletely deetroyed -by lire today. Mr.
Beltner U unable to give hU loos at
present ss the message furalsbed no
d tbea awam out to*her e
details The fire occurred tt 12 tnla- NortbpoA which arrive# «t »;I0 a.
Ther were pM -U time, Mtea Bow- utes past noon sod tbe origin Is un- m. dsily.^ lacludlng Monday.
through sleeper from Northport to
ball barlBC fOM dowD the toartb
ud Mr*. .Beltner and aon Fred IndlanapolU. leaving Traverse City at
OralMac bold of beK tbe boya
I the city, having brought MIht c:: p. m., has been plac-ed on lie
Ids Banner here for buiial, and will ihedule. tbe aame train service glvdeed to keep tbe round lady i
1 last year, being put on th.s sa-s«BtO Bnceae Stark, arbo wac out la leave for Stdi
>n. with the addition of tbe resort
a boat burried to the ereae, aad (be
from tbe south which arMvra
- bojM eUmbed Into the boat, bolding devoted to the ntakiag of butter dish­ special
Monday morning, tbit being th<'
OB to MlM Bowball. wbo wa* oneoa- es aad iO hands were employed. The every
morning train from the sojlh to
oddbe aad aaable to balp beraelt.
kwa waa paittaUy covered by iasurcity. Tbe reaort special b.:os,
Haartag the erlea oo tbe abore. Mrt.
tourIM* from Indianapolis. (TnclnRlraa Steele, wbo IlTae on Froet
L Lpulavllle. Ky.. and other soulbMroet aaat of tbe 0%-af Wood Dlab
polota. tbe special both nonb and
, dock loeattoD. ran Mwa to tbe ebor*.
s(wlh being accommodaird with but‘ BSd reiOuiat taktonoy tbet eomePtagf. of Honor, were ii
aud parlor car aervlce.
tbiag must be done. ceUed to ber marriage Saturday evenini
htuband to get a barrel down to tbe o'rioek. at tbe Oak Park pa
bemA. aad abe called a pbyelclaa. ^Kev.^A. A. AHlngto^ofllrtMlng^
HIM Boobol) vae rolled on tbe ba^
reL By (bit Ume two phyilclani
IS.Bedford wUl'widde^' tWs'cl”>\



Special in Flags
^U8t received some special Flags. These are all
Warranted Fast Colors, all
with FORTY-EIGHT STARS for the two new
states of Arizona and New Mexico.

2i feet by four—30 inches by 48.............40c
3 feet by five—36 inches by 60 ./......... 60c
4 feet by six—48 inches by 72
........ 75c
Besides these we have all manner of small Flag*
on sticks from 5c a dozen up to 60c each.

tOday>^Was DHvIng Blewly.
lleverely. .Mats. June 27—RobA-rt
Twit's eMesi'ton. wbiU' aatolng to
lay ran down Michael Thlshvolla and
irobably faully Injured him.
Robert with two (rieods. Georg<durriaon of Washlngtob. and Randhll;
King of .MItneapolla. was driving
slowly near ITlde* crossing, when
another automobile . w'as •
TtUshvoita aitcupvled to erv

Tire Ret Mr., (\n-btln. wbo 'bad twM rraltaed that toe had a pkKC lu
»wu Miss ix-itin-r for many yeaiv. fi'l. and that she was -filling it. Tbe
that (VtUd be given her. was her*
she havt.ig boea an alieudaiin at the hrwi
she went un tu the life beyoud
i.rsi kka^aaitooal cMurr*. spoke and
of berfheSyifui Ilf* and character leavibg BOrtowlog b««ns. bet leedy
lb derlar<d\lbai a lesMO could be aid wlUiag to CO. her family mo Uig
u> hir that in ber going to
d.awb-'trvm'tier 1:Ia. and sa.d that if evplained
the lllf bsyuud she would be iwuntied
•tt'^ ho was Wsstfftwted. cAvuld ala-ays with
her ^u-r Mlanle.
twc-i and
cheerful, U'w-mach
.iTv o cvHild ihAM wbu were mure
richly endowed. *t-.» wewds brought
nemhor of several spurting
(Moltwi to the brans ot thu«e to,
ctobs s
Isheeauad of rewuwn. Is
w-homstM' was mrat dear
m tbe.iiy, Hv
V bat
has iwnlsd isra boats
Th. i-i- ar>- lew wbu r.-atne
boa anil sill make TVsv
great is trie lows to the faimfy u tbe avAsneiw (m the enuiv laasao. being
deiRti of Mh* Beiiuer. Alilmugb af- asilsDed (hat ther* are nmplr opBict'-d fn ui infancA jn -a aianuet that portuBilles ber<- to engage m bis (•
her apart in s woHd ot her own. vcNlie retrwaliua. the
empialn Is
w' A-wyAatw
IS wa
tWA-ei. unsAlfnbness, bte knaUr adnnrer u! the wal'1 eyed nke and
dis,,io*!is-n and lurblepess ut thxraAi- sfwods much time lin lunng Ibis fish
woB a lAldve in in-(bean's ui (ht .froni the watei* «d the
the IniBDd
tend, that lew srw atd« to «ii Those
■wrest Tc ter wsicied and guarded
er so esrefdlb' that >*e nev.t rral
ed ll-v ■'V I'le was lllBerent frooi Man Wne Held Raras at B^ Wat
ir IiVa-i, of Ibose alwKfl ber. and as
Killed Today.
.e ><-arsher K:nd iviained
- It is reported
il> the sweet imHxvmv sud i«rrii> that VV Htistwl.'k.:T wbo
In bolding a
chll:!tKs<d. and siie Ioaca; the ininfs fiuBSA- si hs> ktlK-d two p.dK-emen and
at pleised her nicsA in be: first WAMUded Ihive yeslerdsy. was ahot
jAsr- Tu Oilier* tbis sceiued a trrai dtsd lAwUv by.a posse after wouadtag
alilk-llmi, but three wbu knew ber

A good stock of All Wool Flags and several
sizes of American Jtacks and Yacht Ensigns.


Robert's marblne.
Btlll Ufw
r Wright,
. 1. tbe
Ttmug Ud whl.
s so scrkAisly Injnred FYldxv morn
iig by. fslllng from a ladder at ibi
rtlrlgcraiiir pism. whv.-c hv- was eai

Mercantile Company

iprovA-niem, ;
vgalned consA-liiusnA-as.

Do Your Fourth-of..Iiily
Trading at the Globe! Extraordinary
Values in Every Deparlment Arranged Especially for
This Week’s Rush:

■^s^s,.... 16c

Spcelal prices oa


Hirschbaum Suits

^ WEe.Kand lot us

fit you out «rl(h a haod-tailor^ kuit for the Fourth of
July at a laviog of $5.00 to
$7 50! Our small-mareia-ofprofit prioM guarautee* you the
•nring Tbe Kirechbatun Ubel
gunnntew you tbe auita. A new
anit for any Kireobbeutn suit that
doe* not give oompletu Mtidfac-

IWfEN’S SUITS at $9.98.


remainder of our recent clothing pur­
chase lias become somewhat broken in siz^
from the continuedi heavy selling. To make the

QPECIALI a lot of men’s

^ $2.50 and $3 50 Oxfords, black and
tans. Lace and Puckie

The man's Oxfords at $2.98

and $3.19 that we are having such a
run on are not to be equalled in Trav­
ersa City at less than S3 50 to $4 00.

MBortmen^Tbr thti

^ We have just unpacked about 3^'
pairs secured at big discounts. We will
not attempt to describe them in detail;

___________ r^‘$9.98

variety Is so large that It includes every new
•style In Ladies' Oxfords, lace, button and one.
two or three strap styles: every pair
an exceptional barffain: prices range Cj gfl


Tmki. pair ....oC

Save Globe
Greea: trading


HW 'Priiijva* atfk-e. tuipnl snd
cherkef pitttiriii with 1> uu god


.... S2.48


w.tb low ue< ka. inverypn-tty
oolira gal pAtterna for oommer wear.
(tire-ijuarter aleoree,
g* ^/)/]


P^CALE DBESSES. ^b«I frooU, Hidi yek* Bod
oilkr of gii-oTvr wabraidery; Si
vtlnto. (hiavaek *t................................... ..


pINE WASH DRESSES, of icjDomy linesa. abruok
W co(toaa, eU'.. all ai extra apeaial prioea for tbia week.

Strap Pumps goes on sale Cl CD
this week at, pair- ■ ......... .. ■ Ol*99

and SI oTO

as GyBr, we have
ilM rrom our regular S
SI 3^0
a and offer t

%jnk^^^(KESSESi (henevett


f ONG SILK GLOVES, 16 aad 18 bottca teogtha!
^ <3.00 valDca. »1 If: <1 vnluee^79c: TSe


rKaU,;at]j*oueltoclo#«oatatlr-«aod........... f vV

I^ORSET COVERS, lace aad ember trimV* mel Sk-aoJTIbc Taluira. tfaia ve^ ..t. .... ie*XV

Save IGlobe
Green Trading





■Tin iOiHi Yod Hm
Always Boa^
I Bean the

— ^io»MMra

For Over
Thirty Years







noREn wNisrEit

Naval oiaagrt .........................n

(('ontlnoed from pag* one.l
Student et CIvH OovtrnmanL
earlv lilt- be aludied much the
trlence of civil government and fh cTha oSclal aawoatbra of the i
Ilth llteratura.the k»ecu law .on,In*
B. C. Uarla of Solre Dame, Im
■ to seduc-ing him from (be life of
ilnltier of tbeBt».pti and it arat
It of the TMlIy and throngh Ibe work of ibj Weatei
eu*tom to mingle ibeolocirti
bureau, h
Qagsocial propaiV’tYrsTcrap City, of- Michigan Jievehrpment
ctudle* with the htghewt autborUleanf
ftrlal Mile* of which wat pnblUhed came Interested hi the north to acuch the law. lYilv wnt hit early tncibod
ID the Bvealag Record Tburadu). TUr an exeat that he has purebaard
making auccea* and terved lu *01114aceea
t0^>IU|*en>.*ie forthelo..
review of the tax roll* aa reatteaaed
Marla ha* four or five frb-nds whon.
*rOI bo held In the eoart bouae
li-r* In the brat schoolathst KalauivW«da«May. Jane t», at wMcb all tu he dealrea to lalerect In the north aoo
comiiy alTordid and one summer
teraaied are ragueaieS to appear and and has aeveral -Aie parrela of land 111 n brnuch of the fnlverwlty of
. Slacaa^ the reHMtaaament with the which he bupea to Inlereal hit fneada
1« purlibkc to
suparrlaora aad aUt* Ux commU- in to aurb an extent that they arlH In­
vuraeal Ann Artior
vest In them. HU (arm It altuxied
> the auUiorliira i
It la regsMtaS by Bute Tax Cum- lUat tmth Torch lAke and the hay i
<tuer Ibe mluUiry it wa* au app< i
ChkATN lU- — “t 'ctnA ** VcH Tf"
that be could not rrataL II wa* In 1:U. llnkbatu'a VceruUiyear of IStI that hr wa* ^vt-n aulh<.f. Whal'Lvuia
dkl lur me. 1 vui* «•- »u k
B exporter and bi-gae a'-iiie Compound
tliat two of llii- U «l doct Kt* In l^lilcapo
■aid 1 would dh^f 1 dla not liave an
ir later took up the work of a rn |
ain-ad) ^ two
I rider on the Kalaimuoo eirrnit.
o|K.'ruiuiDs. and
Ia>t half of the year hi- wa* i-u
tlH-y wauled mi- to
charge of tlw> White Pigeon flrckii
•oUifui^ a llii.'tl
1 from Ibeie rerommi-nded to llie
one. 1 kucirro <l:ij
Mirhlgan annual rtitifciviice and vc night fruiii inilauimalioii nid a
c«ptc^l‘'Ur pHir year* lie wa* a clinaiatl tumor, ami
III rltier andfur t* (oMoalng wa*
never thoiik'tii 'll
-i-iipled la *omeotlhet-h1elrlilci of
artiiig a Well d->y
M< tialt-.
Nile*. Grand Rapid*.
agalo. A fririid
Adrian. DHroh. Albion and J^la and
prevldIt elll anon be time to spray yoar-pmaioi-* and belore you buy
hig elder. .. In IKir be was pa>(-»
yeor spraylns apptTatu* we~WDW you to eail and ara the Sprayer*
iiapouiKl bad helped her. and
at Adrian and enieHalned hla hreih- ctabl* Compou
(rted iL.Aud after Ibe tbM bottle
reawhlletbe Delrell roafereare w*a 1
we soil. We have the "Auto." the llramlt. with the tu-w *hui oS.
waacur^ —Mr* ■ vi.N* Sryiii.tyin.
lieliiC organUed and laUirfiiwi a>^ 14fi> cirbontne .\ve.. UL'liii-acn. ittand the Rochealer ComproMd Air Sprayer with the "Kant Klog"
Mon two «oar< laiir held la Dem-lt
If yon SIS in do net drag along al
ht- ww* iraoaterred to the UU-hlgan home
BOtxl*. Wo nlao hate the smaU hand aprayi-ra and ptsatcr ctn>
or in yonr piaco of emi-loytaimt
conlen-atv.' taking hU poalorate
until an openUou U neceaiary. but
We tell the Sberala-WlllUma'Orat gnallty Pari* arccB, the kind
build np tiM- feminine system, ami reChaipialn •( Regti*
noe* the cwuae ol O.o* dlatreaalM
that alii net burn the pouto vlaea. alao Lavenburg*.
At thl* .lime the < ..unin w
•cbe* and join* bv takltii 1.^ Kh) the approach of the civil
Before yea hay a Sprayer or ParU Greea, come In and *ee u*.
nnkham-a VeF^ldc Co»|ouni. made
Eldred bad mahy trials mulling ItuBtooUandherba.
l.-om 11 aa hla district waateitled
aicw who

p*0)ile from
the ala'e aiaiaw
illy in
In avDu>athy with
the touiL
Mr.Oldreddidall In his powci O propat* the publle miad tor the eocalrg
*“»«. Irreful*.-----ilarttl
coafilct tMii at the aanie tlnm workot gmUaivMtold
_ _______
t«rd uB all proper occMlon* to U- Heitoak '
^tre patrieilun and show the p*op>
lb»>*ed* of the rouatry gad a* a re
MiR pun.v enlisted trgnhtschKTe. It dosTjoBUyltr


LC,rV'uT.r;o\''.tl™'",3',ByLydiaE.PiiiklHiin'sVegstable Compound

Spray Your Potatoes



OM P—lotBce BlldlM

Aa they beoema mc
bayera rzertUs aor*
purrhaatag Soar and gM tha
which are the pw*«l aad tnuu
I* why the Oothda Rldaded Ploara aM -'f
lae'moch la demand.
twewfrLapv iMf.

■ Bwtng LIM.

-----r.r-'- iw




OM MMm*. par B .

two year* lotbearmy be recoined
Oopemtfb-, Midi, June
nor- the mocklalbeeMlerence. HU work
la iheniluUtr)' eoveeed W year*
eticc Winter* U gaHe elrk.
Dr. A. 8. Cometi, wbo wee hurt
guile bedlr li> bel^ ibren Itob
«DMor ear. It doiac skel)'.
The UlM* AlUc and Hnxel •BMnthe
.... orgxnUailen
_____ -................ ibe fir>t .
ler returnrd Tneeday rren Lantloc.
Uethodlal WKlcty on ibe warn tide td.Ul.v ">111 Flour, per bU......... ITOik
«bere Allir hat
aiicndlns Grand
RapMa and the building oftlie jWaal «obt. per bhl..................... M.«»
t-eaullfnl DUIaion aireet church. I-. ,1b and k Be*-. Floor, per bU. ..»5(0
a. Cmnil $iu>0Bi, vbe baa been all fields of latx>r be haa led manv .rtu Peed .................................. ll.eC
eeou to Chrltt andduriagtbe tb-*-.',
fioanJt ............... II SO
guile alek. k ou (be gain.
year* thai be wat chaplain *- lonl* ' Baoknowal bru. per ICS powada. go.ib
AV- Bolton moT«a hit tanUlT Into many ftmner ertmlnaU were .-juver.-Pvr
Pound.. ... .11
tbelr n« bouae Tnendar. a
ed. In ms he took ihc Grand Trw%
rero_ meal, p.-r Iw) ll-.., . .«^
OMre BmSeMiifer of Neuen dtr ette dltlrtct and w bea the term of foui
aa ealUns on frteodi here Toeedar. years expired hit overtaxedenergUi
Mr. and Mit. K. Shirley and danah- decoded relief.
In l*>e early dura he was a dem­
•r Bemir<e ol MariUa and Moarw
ocrat and once gave Jnliua ('aetar
Smith or l.,e«uldat, are gueata ol Urt.
K. A. Danville,
Beale lioSr of Prankforl la vlilUng jeara nenr Travcite <^y and hit d<totlim to hit work r.iA^ for bbn tbouhit inrenia bore a few di>-a. .
■anda of friendt throunho-vt the *tai<-.
Chop*, per lb
Willis RoiS.-a>ell and faiSUy of LicuiHe wan a lacmUr of ibo Knlghu
Pork Rout par tb .
on Lake, acre guceta of R. VLe»l« TompiacRound MMk ......
and -fninlly Snuday.
Mrs. Uan’ Bunllng and daugblrra
Vtoln and Alice of N. B Clenn..
« C
C. Kewsid Overcome I
Mr*. Charle*
Yard Sunday.
Mrs. llnry Uigan Irtt Wrdneaday
rhr.rlM r. Jiowh
for a vitll with friendt at Traverse Wiwi Ninth atirci. ti
I'liy and DulUlre.
iHifai\>it -Ruuiia.'
coming on
«. Koulnb 6o|>er returned Sal'in HV
t Howaru 1.-1I ]
oer lb........................ ..«c
day from n week's vlilt wtlh relntlxca
I Chief I.Ahc.
the wx'. (ouad later, and carrl.-J Into > B^"roML'*D#r lb
bira. Ceorge Heodrraan and dgusb- the hou«c. A phjwirlan wa» Imui-d-1 jjjj,
ler Maiy are rltlilog friend* al Kal- iBicly H-urnmoiicd. bin It w^
lioara Iw Ti,'e «be regained coiitdo.u
n.v» H.r u-iovei) will be *!>•*,
llenry Boi>rr had the mUhmuue
get oiir finger Udiy aJaialin! the ♦
« .J
of 'lie week.


B. O. Marls Purchased «0 Acres In tha
Vicinity of Ter«h tahe-^lH Intaraat Friends. ,



-^hc il^.w.r. iind tfbipper*- aeso.-la
lUii ari. IntJIng a carnt «tniwU-rTU-~
tnlctionera lAird and lloM that any
irtilii) rid oi’c al Htlclii-ii Ofwtiiig.
pro|>erty owner In Travi rac «ly de
wet .aciil out Scurtlav
IFi'om Friday'* Kecurd.)
ailing to confer with the (oomlaalon- ,
fh-rrlc.- are coiAiug nlinv .lowly.
Mite Yfrtorls lianatovaky. who has
win do to at any lime they dotUmia 3«i' vnrtw IwtOg cxiucicd loiucul»en vltlilng friend* In Chleago, re­ ;uiW.
Tlio nvp •> iiouill.
nira. at it It the with of the (ommltwinlei' *|>|ilea are dropping, from
tioaera Ibal the reAsteasmeni shall turned home last algfai.
Mr*, r Van Marcn and eblMrea
Mile irec. and a suiall m-j, i> pnslii-tbe impartial and aceurate abd they
erf:"Stniw*w«i-ie» ale liniigliiK tec
will ba \ory glad to Haten to the t^y fur a b w day*' vUil with eaiiie obi pHiw of gl.lL'.
vlewa of any property owner as It U
Mrs. K- llilght. of Wt-xforil. wbo Iioh
Ibe de»lre of the commlMlnn to mahe
an nbiolutriy fair aaeeaamhot and the been vlalUitg friendt lu the city, re
aatetsors can be atalated Uy <he proi>-' turned home lodny.
Mia* FanBle'Speaae ieft Inal even««y ©wnera ihemaelret relative to n
tUh Mrs, Arthur Mo aerf.or rdluoln
vikll Mr*. Arthur Morvi-, lermeHy of
li.iHt,: corn Cl^e; oat*. «u4c.
ibU city.
C A. FAlmer. ol Maal*i*e. was la
tb* clly today.
Andrew A DotasbieHy, of Elfc Rep.
ld». was in the otty today ua bu*J- IJOMC. ■
AtiMMy Oaneral litdieetad Tl<al the
Nwl Fraaeevtion
Would So
U. W. Underwood and family ar>('<JCL«88FUL AT OLIVET.
AsnIilM the Faeklng Firm
rutertalalag George a. Underwood.
Member* a* litdlvlduala
Mr. Uadertood'e constn, of Amea.
CbKsfo. Jase M.—Altornny Oen Hit Work Wat tht Bast In tha Selene* Iowa
Joi.'Shntlw arrived in the«lty lac
«nt Wlokdnhaai la aaJatervie* toOtFscUMiit of the College fer
night from the 8L Joeeph Seminary
* Twe Yesrt.
Any AMlared;
in Grand Rapid* and win spend bis fowl*, UftlSc; turkeys, iseiic.
'The iBmtlfbtlOB. tad praaeeutloii
«t lb* beef li«at trill be esnilnaed.
Lara HoUcslead of iiits city wat vacatioe here with hit fiareau.
Miaa Alice Turner Mt this aflorAttsrsey Pagin wbo draw the Indict- awarded a ecbolarshlp at llllvct col­
MBt that Judge Landis held to be lege. Ute honor eouitni to Uia Trav- noon for Cedar, where her muiic pu
faulty, will reiurn and draw another.'
yonng luaa became hit pUt wilt gtve a redUl tomorrow n(the home of Mra. Jetty SuL ten-hrr. M.n: October. ICTUg
He indicated tbnt the ncit proe<the beat In the icleace de
gmiSB would be against the packers pattmenl tor the fini^wo year*. The llran.
Dwight Smith, of Oberlla. wbo i*
tileure dvpsriincnl til Olivet la a
trip through North­
Ui'ge one and Hr. Hockatead'a name
belongii In the lilt of Traverao Cllv ern Michigan nnd Wltrdntln, vlallcd Wc. v:«,-8tcady at murn;
npboya wbo ara "mak:ling good ' In tbelr
member of the cUea
of m: Traverse fliy High acbool lernoon to vUlt friends at that pobit
before going to Wlapraln.


i»tC. .

aa dueto the eruewt Uirbeoi Pi-V-'i
vLibk', and hk la *
Sar4 -to tae taaatlM ot tU» psrtkta. .mes tut be raul^ed hts poattloti
nd ataicted ta lenalag a **«lmes(
aa< taeb ■are Uni hi* ntooer U «eU going .wtth It aa eb-phn, Tn tU U-icTceled.
tla ofStillafeMT.eMredteok an aettvc
at ppiwot
'. For this he w

b SfMfaf ^ sauBgr. Vs
the BAtursI Ume to store up
besltb SBd viuUty for tU

Scotfs Emulsion

in N^ire’s






Pepe Marquette

Sunday, July 3,
Trail! wilt khveTrarcraa City
nt$a. m Kotuming, l««yd
toskey at 6 p. m.

■oMDd Trip


v^onkey, tl; loElk Rap*

By Using "Best” Flour
You are pitronirin; a horn?
indLstry—you are using a '
flour that hat been a ttsndard
of excellence for ^Sytan —
you are sell'nr a flour that
contains a 1 iTthe outrittve
qualities cf the uhea^....

Hannah & Lay Co.’s Mills

Prevent Disease and Other Germs From
Getting into the House by Having Good
Screens at the Doors and Windows.

Screen Doors
Are so easUy pnl op. lor w« hove them In ooy stee to tH poor
doors, sod these sell from $1;00 to $2.50.

Window Screens
Those with wood framei are the adjostable kind aod can be put in at a momeot'a
notice. A child can do i-. These are from the smaflest, a 15 Inch to the widest a4S-inch
They sell from 25c to 45c. We have thost with steel frames if you want them; these
are priced hccoidiug to the size.

Wire Cloth
If you want to make vour own acreeiu, we have the wire cloth that you buy by
the yard, aud there are dilTi rent widths

Hinges and Springs
•niese are most important. You niRV have a Rood door but the spring •»
Be sure and have good, strong ipringv. These are lo all manoer of s'zes and Uoda.

Atomizers and Sprayers
We S' n the -Acme atomizers in tin. brass aod galvanized. Webave the Double
Perfection Atomiz«-t5vihr Brandt Compressed Air Sprayer and the Lowell Compr. ss(d Air Sprayer. tKe .Acme Land Plaster Sprayer and tbe small band atomixcrt
for in*( ct poisons.

The Drug Division Sells Everything In the W«y
ol Fly Papers and Disintectanis
SieberVr Poison Fly 1‘aper, that kills the tly as soon as he has draak tbe water; 5c
^ Di'^ FlvKiHer is a small tio box that has the representation of a daisy on to|^
You pu; waterirna box and the fly alights on tbe daisy and dnokt tbe water aod
the d'-ed Is done. lireUsat20c.
Tnnglcfpot i* the great fly catcher. This sells at 2 sheets for 6c.
/.*nolcum is t te great iotect and fly killer f-»r horses and cattle.
H—Hi's this we have Hygieoo. Creso-Dip, Kreo-Formal.
F.-rm-ld'-hyde and Formaldehyde Candle*. Fuma Carbon - Disulphide aod the
Sulphar Candles. All these arc the best of diainfectants.
Specially prepared Bug Poison that we know is good for so many hare used it.
We hive the Rose Nicoiiuc tor ir.s-cts on plants.

The Hannah & Lay Mere; £o.


^^Storekeeper Says:
“AUdy OBoa into mr More tetdy tod Mid:
** *1 lart ben
a New Pericctlan OOCoek^ov* tfl wtatar
famyapvtment. I want one now for
summer boens. I think
ttMw efl alow n wooteAiL V
mocb lowir arfaat •
CS^lNMiMTSNbthVBMU aa hsv*



(From Satvday'a Rerord.)
Miss Myrtle Miller aad Mtsa Bis

Of» shei,^M£.

Monroe Canter.
Mkh.. Jnae K —
Mlsa Hon Poet and Ur*. Lottie Mcendric itUiwed hone to Grand ~
Ids June »L after a few days
i gone! ThU waa t
«tih ralaUvM bm.
They wlB spend tha a
Mra WlHlaa Cbupp has bean very
t1] but is beuer at iMs wrlUn(.
“Fm aa aorry. mj deatr pattabad
Ic’egrapb station bore.
Tbe Ladles Aid tnw with Mr* C. H.
aaorthsoMladleaiotbeatbar. >Wa
' Ura L. Stan
Monroe ?rlday. June 7, to aew
did want to go. dUaY we. and we
oledo, harlag rheatrad
rmatad to go hotb nlgbur
stlag that tbalr daoihier.
^“ii'i^ N. C. Morgan and HUa_____ Mra lasle Rkw. waUyUg very low.
'Ton eotildnY give «i two tkketa
Top- Rhaa wafca spe
thy Morgan, of Nottbpott. tlalted Mr.
W. A. OobU left today lor Wllcott for Mcb nlgbtr taqolnd the atbet
and Mr*. J. Stadritwner Friday. Hr*. TtUc. lad. on aecount of the serious
at tha elert.
Motgao returned to her home Juoe inoMs of hit slater, Ura A R. Oobl.“No. rna'am.74. and Mlaa Dorothy Jiorcan
Mr. uid iMn. WUIIam lltMincr aad
'Tou haTcoY two aaata anywbari
nake her home Ibis
son Frttr and danghter. \lra littcene tot tba aeeowd nlgbir
Mr. atv'
We)^, arHved last ulebt from Sldnau
-No, gta'aa. OonldaY gl*« too nose kind which pnta wlrakui alatiom a*
«itb the retualua of Ml 4 Ida Beliner
.land umparurlly eat ef eaMkataa
A great naelntloB Aeamad apea bar ^ half hour bafaea aad at UtotstatTUln
I Tbaj .
■ •'•umed to the Grand Tra<
vlsltlag tHaad* gentle tar*. *
Snr^ tba morulng to bnd bam toiHial Jaue Vi. vbere abr will be treat'Then.- laid ab# flr«ly. -glre'me
bome today.
^ to bear anything but tto hiHm
Mlaa Anna
left this tew dekata for tbe drat sIgbL We
aynoaphertc alaetilctty.
toornlot for a visit with frirnda fh will make tbem do."
vUiied Mias .NeUle I!
"^=0:^ Umay or m^not tora
'Why. sister." quavered tbe oiber.
bean maani for tba dtatran signalMr*.. Theodore Ueiccool wbo hat *9oaYe going to invite somebody7"
wera aa loog dnwn eat
een vlsl'lng Mra Frank Lang, re
-No.- aairabe. "but If we can t go
Pop waited. Preaeeily bla own call
limed 10 Wexford this morning.
both nights"- 8be paaaed. bewilder­
Mis* Ague* Youngqulst, wbo has ed. quite out of ber rak-olaOen. Then “On." brokan and mtagied with a ceafnakm of aonotta. eama airaggUag
a happy thought aimck brr. and aba
(Fioni MoDilsy's Record.I
‘ Hannah « Li
Yhrougb tto recHvur. and finally a hng
added. “We'll go twice tbe drat nlgbLMra. Oooh Iirooka. wbo was calloy a store duni
rumble of nainrea atacirtdty thit-dw
-Xtratb'a Oompanlon.
ad here by the lllmws end deaib of . leed. rclutned
siroyad any aembianc* ef rode aignala.
her motbrr, Mr* Julia Hyde. r.-luni- la tbU momlns
Pup ibougbt of tba Ugb power sta• lo her borne In Lake Ann Saturon at Cape Battaeua and wMboat
Lake Nor. to the Tbbl draert, I
r Bekki. Kaa.
waiting looger switched ta tto
Asia, which has bee
Mrt, M, B. Markham wbo
npparatto. Be rapmtad “IU“ muy
Secretarr Gibson returned Satur-lcaUed the “i
visiting -Mra. Jobi
llmaa. slowly and dtattnctly. aad again
ay nl|*t from b^nionv. where bv a phrnumen 1 about wbtrb ronin
Grand Aaplds
changed over and lutaoad.
Mra. H T. R.van and chiRlren of
for tbe same aputteHng and
r that loi
I’erbatw tbe Swedish explorer Sven
Nonitpori were In tbe city Batunia)
leca ibere waa no raaponta. and
lundlug country
vIslilDf friends.
lAry filbmn repon*
X after adjnstlag for all tto
Mias Oladya DHa. who baa made

• Irei home with an aunt In.Maiilsllque
I Isrgc
finra Ibe death of her mother, arrtied
Ir. tilt* * It apprara. a
Saturday night and wa* Joined In ibis
0 Ue people Of Rut
city t, her father. Ho, l-JHa of thc .j„,d,„
take from tbe
n 'IVceloVlng
"IVcrlupIng W«.W<
^or1llporl |.^aer, wlih whom she will j
ujehlgan." and tomorfow be will tng the iwrkwl of bigb woler late In



Thi SurpriM.Ha E^«taietd In

Thafb as ftgfet' ngUrt Pug.
nUHg hM cupptaga. *«rt 1 alaY gnm
w bdUaottt. OtaBca otar thaw'
CKKaana giaatadL and wkM Rkiudil
PupY artsy papen ha a^ *ThaC^


“ I Mg tawvUtlM. Ptw
I day far ua-

«sd and SMtoftwaa oil HaT«, •«!
lk« k hMMd • teoB Jan Ute tey ettor
Maya. IMibmarByapnlne^

S^wWttoT bT^rtJL^J^ ftorbnagwdrtMadthaaMthwRhlRg

Tbs Mr aka asU iHt had

I PupT^
ta (be MUMH.'
I Vbea be rurtnad to w«b ek« M »
bmuant tud Mrtlng autt. URd to Hdfe
Us pMeu on tto SeoMt ban rt m»
I *>bPMK atgar and ctogdwt.
O-Kno, gruspad bM hanC. ^
***^«* iWk P«W ha Mtd'togiafrJ
i '^■*T
•*< ^ (MM. AJ>
naddrt. Tto tngaa waa* ril—

^ ■■'M rapidly akywud.
tha pOatbatt, wbkk hgg
'<> come altar Ua In rato to
rtTtoora, wto hndlug ta hU to
« aearaad down ttora to tt
(be wertd bnd fiittanrt am. raaklag R
«*^( (rrat map.' OU PtdU OsMMt.
Notfulk. Ttiglala Baneh and Oto*
Ctortaa war* aU M rtaw. aad to «bbla martaa gUaaaa. At to bR>
(h«i aod turaed ctom ftnt to
tto rape tto rad and Mtok «a«Ma
•* (**e Cnltad Stniaa hanttow


It haa a CiWaat Tap arith a abcif far kaaptaf plataa aad iaadb
■lcbal•aW^«<tbtkabricbtblaae(tlMeblBee7•.mBkatlkll--------------as4 BMtactiira. Hada aliUi >. I aad I kutaani tba t sad

StaaS^ off CoinpaHy


Mr* W. K. oCad. of llaatli.its. Out.,
and Un. Krank A Shook and daufb^noa. of llekJli. Ka».

LoB( Ijike. MlelL. June M—ilri:.
, M. «lfhi •
.. etNiodl
tk« bridal Hay V.»lrdaal
lew days
Traverse t'lly vintl
burs. M 7 •’ekx* Baturdtr momioi;.
at the hone or the Mde-t parenta. Mr
Mrs. J. W. UltAeman and too War
and Mr*. 4. J. RaUaj. 41h SUIr atreet,
ten from SolrU). took dinner with Mr.
the oaraDoor telnc i«rtot»ed by the and Ura. R. R Dunea Sundai
lunday. A
Hat. rred Walker, of Lalnfabuty. who
tendlna Mra. Hyde's tune II In tha a
--------janlad the n
B to thUcIly In
order to oAeiato at the nupilali.
The MUaea Gertrude nnd .Glady*
Afiar the tODg,
"Beloved. It la bp spent a tow days In Traterae
by Ulu Stella Italley.
aWsr of tha brtde. tlw bridal oouple
Ur, and Mra. Oscar IJon 4it>ra the
In frool or a bank of ferna
add Barsoarltea. Miaa Ballar aai>«. "1
UM Tou ijir,”
ibe ekna of die
~ at Ibe
esssaoBr. attar vbleb
leb the
Made oao bod
hod wile
«i>o were abowarad
wuB oosamoUtkMa.
Th# telde was attired In a sown or
MIta bauna. trlnned wttta baby ir*b lB«^ and wai tinaltended.
In tba dlnl&c room, wbera the wadbreakfaai was atwved. the deeoratleae were femi and daialea, and
tha a*eet waa vo-y d^nty .and prel.
ty. Inaitadlaiabr atior breaUaat Mr.
nad Mra. Urdaall l«rt for their ft

■"xta L'^d M'r^; R. fk« wen. toil':
-.aummer . grvwt qoantlt.v
>1 Manuelooa
Piankfart ttalurd
irday U> spend Sunday
GlBilos. of Charlevoix, who ^
Haad of Hit thapter.
-n vi-lilr{ Ills brolber. Augue.
Friends of Harold Tliu. will
lue Kandy KIu-Ih'% rvturnv-d terestrd
bU morning.
____ Ofto Salchonr and
left Ibis noon lo vUll frleuJa le Lud an example In dimliy. .................... lit. and It. tou. tends in Orixe Ibe take tieIngtoii and Mllwankee.
etc., for the younger luembcrs of the fore IL The cvniblmvl effect of Ipe
Mni. Frank Gray, of Sault Sie. Ma­ fruernti,.______________•
i urging by tbe wind and tbe river ta
ne, who has been vlalllng ber pareuts
Fal* Hair In Eliubath's Tiiwe.
*“''■* '***'
aoutbwnnl. Yet It
Mr, and Mr. M, Eimirj. ol Cl» Fifth
V-IW.I-.I, 1. ,.I vlulits «•!« In *• tb“»*bl the lulgratli ii of tbe lake
aueel. left this morning tor Mlnne«|v
-------- j---------,to Lot ceuslant lu dlfcelloD. but It
ilrni,. where she-wlll make b. r , Vr colk%ilon. t
^',ablfla back and forth Iniermltteuily.
future hcmc.
I qui<ea-“ot Bents.
Flora lYHIi-r n-lurtled U- buiidred, '-aid among Ibe liavingruoua

“ r-’ " ■


...... X. »... y. ..
I .. .. .
. .
ta lYiat Cards. andVhows how Ihli. region.would

ta an AJr SUp looking


beauGhil rJiles, towns, bays, lakx-s and river*.

e poattloiia ahd their peculiar
•d yea rould not do ti7 Now it a p

CYiaHerolx. iheir
any times baxo you been asked to Ixxratx- anoic (xUre
»ho* them one e* ibcaccaids and they can tell ta a

If you are vliHlng aotue of tbroe place*, buy a card and nuA lUal ptaexy It will abow xour friends Just
P>“‘era.too. 0.1 80S1K ANY WAV. They are two lor

July Cadi($’ l^ome Journal
Ts tbe Romance Dumber

And tiled with (
booae toe ever printed A ahady epoi. a
coBton (or any a

e of thca - July Jonrnal*. and j

Read the ^oly Magazines
We have tbem all for you.

“*• “ •(“
(Neefca. and tbe balloea rwuag atawtf'
„Mw»rt. At tto
which t
eye* wid
“Hpty MIker
fiula he unalung hie gjiraM
ai lay far eat at •

She FergM.
M. McKee, of firandville Prt»o«r to gloomy Locbleven jwevloua
At 8 o'clock the alneiitmlndrd wonuui left home wlUi aa-umbn-lta. At
Otki. left this aRemoun for NYirth. *“ Iwc 1*1*>C tobcadiwl wigs
port Point, where sbe will s|>e»a tbe luerous. Ceiilienu-n who lunicnlarly the subway atatlou abe ruiicluded tt
ui a gu<«l 1 C<dar Lorty
I-Ir lady frleuds iir*. wouldn't rain and left the umbrella
•ninsnia and Mra. Martha Munry
d Mrs H. I
lu.iiini mem u-llb «li;s of tbe iBieei wllb tbe rorurr bewadualvT.
om Traviriu' rily spent
Ing friends [ .bailetif hair and newest style
coif- »he came bdek at fl o'eliwk ft vae
«llh their parrnla at Uls place.
senlleinau of bslay ralulug. Bo.vs wllb qmtirellas to rent
Tbe funeral aervicos Am- ibe llllle
Mr^ Laura
I Saturd
laraenttag bla aweeibeart tbe last him fi*rted toward ber when alw; apiwared
datiftaler of Mr and Mra. John Nca-.
w bdro s
lu back bilr:
!•( Gw >>raB of tbe subway alsira. Bbe
Id at tha church Sun.
,'pald one boy 10 rents to ewort ber
day morning.
_ ,T
There wna n beso atMlui rvila Martinek rciurned Saitandanoe.
of. borne. Then she reun
tandanoe. The H
Her. Qerraa Can- eon.
K ft
darted tbe eerricc*.
Sheltered by a
i irorrowed
1 Oarelaud. Uetroli and
Hra. B. T, Lli
for aald County
- she
went back to get it. Tto
, Is doing
other points.
well as could be expected for ao se­
Nolice la herv-liy given, that I (n- newadealrr looked uneasy,
KexYKilds Gregor,, tbe 1* year Old
rious an Injury as she racelved Sbe
-Just a minute." hf aaU. -Oh. Tom,
non uf Dr and Mrs. M. 8 Gregory, ar­ teud, on the Srd day of September
has the aynipMby of the entire com­ rived (his noon from Harrletta. oov
next, at 10 o'clock In the fore noon. pQme berer*
munity In her terrible afniptlou. Mra.
a small boy dodged around tbe coreilng the dUlance with horse and bug to make appllistion p. said P.vl.xt.Srtma Linn of Trnrerav Oly U tak gy. The lad
. d drove to
lo Moakk
Meakk laat
exof the staod and batxd.-d over a
e of her.
•nlng. •bcre.ho apcnl tto night, aivl
.... .... ..............
woman IxHxked at tbe bx>,; she tanked
at tto tmibrxaiA Sbe rex-ogutaed both.
e had never traveled be“idloC" abe saM. “1 paid ibat boy
listed June Jtib. A. 1,. ,9I)>.
Olen Haven Yeung Man and Travdrae
City Yeung Lady.
June lES Xul, ;x-l7-I9.
Stephen Dunn, of Glen lUveo. and
Mlaa aien FVaiiceg Sheridan of this FOR SALE-Onr new Deerliig Mow
or. duuble-aeaU-d Carriage,
'arrtage. abu a STATE
were quietly uulicil In maniage
drag saw. plow, drag
rag and i-ulilxatirand Truvrrae, •».. Frobate
•on Monday al the First Mi-lhodlsl
tor*. Inquire at Hub
S> Weal
■x>r said County.
partenage bj iScKcv. R. 8. McQeegCity, M. J, Urunaon-s re.lden<v,
NotUv Is hereby glxc-1i. that
or. They »1H make tln-lr boiiie In
talk about
June ns-lt lend, oti the 3rt da.x of .8vpix-iuU-r bear of a |a>et »l
. M-m wWeb.
iiexl, at lt> o'clock In tbe farwuwii. lo'lhem? iKxn't you
' appIU-attan I
Hrobau I for tbe aahe of I.twlng original, sbould
order x
bagi- planu
. flit
Hanna (
phoux- 1i"JS-ir I
Sllxcr Ijxke roa
June es it axx-xjrdlng to the provision* of
other ta oml(t«>17 No; tbi-y will bluum
siaiutx- lu BUib <-a*x- made apd i
over and xiver agata ta ixxwjut aa ta
i*T raa otTT ar na.
the summer fieMa. lo tbe end ot time,
lixtx-d Juui- :iih. A. D. IkUi. And If ib«r caaY
always old and altxay* uexv.
Why BotUng-through.
sbuoM we )« mure shy of repeattag work ta that abort dtataara we might;
Juux- rs July MMh.

well take k rtcattaa. But Dover I
* than tbx- spring li
lie tirod of
btaaKxma or tbe night ut eun, Look mind. lYiixslr.t- to added trastagty,
.. I
at ualniv. she never wearixw ot aay- alapptag bte aiftatani
•Tno'M get roar
Sonwbody'a alw«-i
IWM-a doing

“Aeroplane View of Grand Traverse Bay Region.”
Thllbla aotwetlxln.


worth looking to. ■oytow.- he laid.
ore- “
—' atatioQ
EM Balteraa on tbe
nnd art U 1
CM ualteraa on tbe
time and laid;
Be r^urued ta a abort
*1IY all right. lYjp.
Thera ataY i
Blnnaes oSsborc. Hilatteraa says be'a
been trying (e talk lo Olamouxl aboeta
tlgbtablp aU morulug. but he can gM


Wtodi amoug tbe young
While a reuldani ot this cliy Mr. BlrdaMI wu caployed on the DuUy Eagle
to * typeuMter. -and was prominent
ta the young peopIcY wort ta tbe
Tint U. K. church. Mlaa Bailey wna
atao nil aellve ehureh worker, and a
iwtonra uutrted at that time ouUnlnhtad 1a tbe tnarrlage Baturday.
AMic the out of town gucau who

-.... ......

All jox.r favorilea have the beet of stories for this summer aearo

authors,baxo o^.e Ihetaaelve, In writing fiibcinauog.


' aloriea.

Some More of Those $l.S0 Books for 50e
Thaa*^ the book, ttol you will want when you are iraveltag. or on
n yonr xraeaitoe some
to«od a tool pleasant afternoon in the tiammock or vou want to send
___ aagood book to some
tha txtace or the octtoloa, one of these apleiuiici books always -flu, ,ne t

itw wtot'(hee tltime,

AN* Bxwhs IM 4U aiHcnalllUn lo sctoci Itom.
CsaM yoa aik lor monr

Tk Hannah & Lay Merc. Co.

Tiaxx-rM- cay. In aald county, on ih.-i***" »“*“ l>*-. tin** alx'i
was te ba tbe ecen* of
ST.b day of Ju(u- A. D. 19U>
1 mound* Ibal bury bugs clltaa. the Blra
l•^•-a.•nt; Hon.' FTx>xl ^1
Walker. Nemrood SfMltbe Babel heap. tUll that
Judge of Frobale
same sweet prajer and lieuedlrMon. leap uut ancroooa. ao event wnlcb
In ibx. mailer wf tbe estate x>f Fran- ixbe amen x.f nature b alwaj-* a fiow- had awakened mere than Ibe ordinary
Intercot ta Pup. Id bis varied career
i» Hiiiiper, dreeasexl.
^^-jOtc-OUvar Wendc-II Uixlna
J’xrr, Hopper haxlng filed
be bad bandied baltoona. once aralstJUM bi. pclittoa-praying mat tnei
tag bla elder brother, wbo did not only
admlnUirailoa de-bonU non Wttb
Ugb air. but. according to Pap. Ugh
annx'Xed xd aald x'>talr be granted
J lo'i
grade, acts ta a ^Ive btltaon with
hlnjax'K o :o aotnr other milablxWhich, wbee tbe upper curresta peb^
II tbe aevenieemh eraU ta ordx rx-d. that tbx- ::nd da> ot lory, though na early ae tbe italtteentb ' mttted. be ascended aad deaemtded
Mvaral iltnee for tbe amoeement ef
JuUv. A, l>, J91U at ix-ii o-.-lock 111 the century gold and- allrer
bta spectator* before to mad* tbe final
inxoeee. Tbe oexjl-

■ ;i-;|

It U turihi-r- ordered, that publicihlitxariou
r ihrea euccx-aalvc
pret taxis lu aald day of
toRraexl Trax-x-rae Herald
nx-vRpapx-rr pxtatx-d aud rlrru}atvd lu
eaiit x-ouu;y.
--------- R. Walker.
Judge of Probate.
June I»-Jul, i-lJ-19.

napkin and a spoon. *Ye
ex} hU own. wblcb be cari
Had about, and. worse, then was bo
eecood trencher, nu second apoec.
When Ibe several conraee esme atang
lereised bta lligennlly and
bla traneber with bis bread
■poon-weu. we oorarhra Ik-k
najb|ia>-Londuo Cbrouicle.

Court for the (Yuuty
Mrs. Ftawbey-M, bustwud's su
'that U It wsau t fxu- me I xJonY hellevp
At a aeratan of eaM-cmrl held
to .wodid get up In time
go to b«dS
Ibr probatex office, ta thx' City of
TraxerKv City. Iti aald coumv. on tbx Mia Bonoder-My huetnnd'* xllfferMt He acarraly goe* ti- Led tu time
Kib da.v of June A. U. 1910.

Graud j

Frt-d It. Walker.
matter of tbe estate of John
Helm. decYoax-d
Neil W Helm havtag filed In sal.1
Hiri bta pMlttaa praying that aald
■art axljudicwte and determine wbo
erv at tbe time of bta death the
gal heirs of aald deceased aud en:ltd Ixx iRherK the real x-*-,x:c of

191x1. at u-n o'rtax-k n
it aaM probate
rft i. hereby appointed I
aid peiiti
It b further
erdered. I

alvc sex-ki prevtaua
aald day of
tto Or
irand Traveree
.-aid a Leworaper pruiad
culated In uid ronaty


^.Tha Thongbtful Uaiv-What wonlil
you recommend ae ireetmeat for a
■an'who la always gol^ around with
a poor mxwitbf Tto Fubay Fellow—
Band him to a dentftL
Ha Did.
'DU filmklna get any dinuSasB
that assault eciwr
■Did be; My xtaarfellow, yoa oa^t
a aae bta face ~

aaked eye. Bat witb tbe marnUIrt
ri'ew tbroogb tbe glaawM bq raw tfert
great etaafis of sraokc wore reiltag oat
only from ber fnasela, bat from (Me "
and aft. and as occaataoal bft cTRaM
leaped tbroogb tbem.
At ber bows
ttora eras do white toaio. tafUcatog
tbal tto atraoier wai at a iiaatoMR.
Tbe few Hny dots te tbe east-tot
north proved to be small beats t)tat
to tb'Hr capacity wllb bnmaalty.
Tto paricbuta -wna tto qatoort
aeem* of i11aftilli_aiii1 Fiir cbyjl
to abake It ool bo tat go tto rope
wblcb bold It uprtgbt te Ibe trapMB.
It ran oat swiftly, tbe easvoa te^lrt
over downward, and before to wa*
aware ef tt It bad Jerked Itaeif taeoe
from bla baoto and. tnrstag i,orapli(i
ly over, ubol downerard throo^ ^oto
wUb the rwlftiiera ef an arrow.
Hla brain wblried for a wfiiurali
then, exclled and eagra te dracaod. to
grasped tto valve rope and gave tt a
rtolrat pall. In ao toatsst g»T*t
aad choking, with tto air raartag paot
Us ran and tbe blood rwablag to Ui
toad, be dropped toward tto btao ora.
“There be comear
Tb* cry rerae from KOfto Ot Bpa ah
(be spectator* raw tbe poracbata otait
ta It* deaceoL
Bat tto eboar that
broke fortb died awiy to •■tiara Oh
leace. They watebad wttb toted brralR
while tbe bit of eanva* eoattaaod to
fall at tbe ram* btgb r*iA
rametUog like a groan filled tto air.
"My God. wbatY (to mattarr 4


Tbe -profeaaor wa* already tratataC
| a pair of gtaaera oa tto pofOirtMto.
, “Be b.DM lu ibera.' to said. “Ha
; must bare dropped IL'
At be spoke tbe big rabet* toappad .
' ODddenlT aod swiftly, ratrbed U
' frigbieoed atieoce. odHI witbta abort
| 300 feet of (be earth It aleck raid IB
' pace and came to a Mop. By tU* Oa*
;k bad drifted farther e
tbe shifting wind end eras eheplig
; course tor tto Cberapeake boy. B
(toy could caally aae tto rrt Mad fi
ora of Pup on tbe trtpara
'A fow mora palls oa tto vfilra a
rttag Urn down.' enM (to rtrtaa
“Cna yoo elgrair

Ml corris bsltaon eqnad of (to army.
and. ibongb the total atpertane* wa*
confioed to aunual labor oa tarn cUet from tto calltral
fima. tto pmene* of ■ fctadnd Mb- j Bad It to a cab*.
bta knowladga sad to |
“B*Y signal
iofreyed (to ------------ ---------------- -tto tog M
critical aye ef a
Butbortty aad dto- prated with a paras batwara <
At tbe roncjnelOs Of bla watch rt the
atatloD Pui> sirulied orer te tto eastna. '
A gtaoce at (to baUaen sttasdanta \
told lYip (bat enmetbliig bad goo*
•Bla. and, diring ander tbe ropaa. h*
aakad. “Wbere'a Flyopr
“Too moeb braL" eame tto iBiaadh
ate reply
-They got Um ovee thar*.'
In tto csBine eBce Pop found that
tto profaaaor bad bean roftirnad te
caractanaoroa. bet ttai b* tod bara
made too weak to attempt an aacaaL
'1 grass tt * «p tx> yon te ask* a
apaach.' be raid wbao Utar to and
tto ctstae manager emarged from tto aaatwort.
oBc* aad walked across tba tawar pavfltaio to tto btlloen Inctaaiir*.
“W»Y* In a devD of a fix. Pop. ttof*
gTe.“ replied tto tsanagar. gtenctag
^the crowd. Be aaasad .sadaeUad

BhaRx darted nena* ttoanrtkdBilg
tto rignai ttatlaa. UafowaagM*
tto new. era* Mtagrtotod » MraS
art eytag from to* atgaU bhb M
brtmaat eolan. Tto pOaOMt brti^
watted te aagwor H thra rtHrtrt
It was naoilF an tow hadNe ng
wwrfead tto baUoeR BewtT ll l ag—
Jtot w to pigtigad Bto «te martr «»
aacopa (h* aoltatoirt «>Mrt a* rtrtB.
*c PraM* trart ort aa aoB*K tortrtt
-to* that Pvr rtartrt EtoKi to
they steadlrt tto rartbaat te tto ga>
way Mtn Fra gnrart a* ganarta.
'“BoRr frt real Whu dH I trt m

White to poodarod pear th* aatter

Pgp Buujrt tto btUoM nnlBff u hattert of (to host -1 goara fro Mrt
tte ropaa. thra srtdtniy roroad te (to Bytogfo. JteBaiahaltaartfiarai^
■—a-^xxv —xvD =riixeei xui.- cnurniAX
L-m Chicago, to aiiend the (xineraJ of
> aiater ln la*.
Miwi Mq toltaev
bicb will be Held loraorrb* 'after

Let the Herald & Record C|>.
your Job Work.






crrerad vMA i«4. «Ut«. ae4 »tnc »■ ra«r« «a«! 1 think yoar ciu* will with -Xo*. wafaD »e>- ThM hr
-AS rUhL By boy. yoo aball D».~
bar. aad a tMtilaa yHcher •{ tonwa- *> a
4oa) of too*, and I as 4an«d oE. aweyt aaManly attal»bi 'aaU hta lather, "l aa yraud to bear
proad iha' alaou all ot the Baabera doaa. raught a Both, taaad Aaryly. that yoa.are villlag to go and gire
-Too mboad aea bbbi ba -«alie brUinc U ow Suathiaa Ctnh.
raucbi asocher trlagad laaact. and your lita tor yov poaatry.word oat attar lha VrcldeoL” MUuHa

»!:« with ibe tpaad «t a haaBlng . ptu iu,g ,
gMOd Tlge aod
»>♦»♦»»•»♦♦•>•>»• dhMddMfc aald awaatty; "WW yoo not Joto ourKaUaau. Mirii.
hlid. hr dUappeared. I thon^i “‘^.»hoa hr atarted the nwr tellow bot*a bora erar liaflt waa a BlBlc rail•
Jaoa 81. 1»I0. -tBi had blowa hlB a.ay. but .a the
n>~l win inck. Uw.. U.b. U
W~. «■." ■ Kb IWB.lJ™™ HM- —«■ wB ~
„l. pm -m b 1«» b


mermiwm •

ad bo^ «a«lBy hi* taS. Tlc^
Ti«a. cM «Nk>*.- umii Pbu attar a
vhUa. mlag hard to catch iMa breath
gad drawti« a piaca at papas a^ a
h*«» o* charcoal froB kte goehoL t
J®" »® »hc »hki bo«A 71*e. do
H. U« nllrt

»«» B |»Br

f'«HU uy Mwr t* <mrrt mt
fn« MMt •igrtiiliiR.
«Hii try t* ta M taMv

ikHm «wyMy IHPRT
!m Iv M 1 «M.
Will try *• M Iwlat, lwl»W
km U imjRtiy an#
M ««*iy Irrina fhlat.
I «««r fall in tryli^ ta «•
» tWnp. I will -Try. try


•aeand VMa RmMPirt-Mfa. 1

«h»h» We have
Boath. .ad ,
•«•»«» haU of vae*tloa. I hare alwa>.
known ik..
lhai Mi
Hla i...
Iasi Dame ot .a.
the iti
ot Oreut BrilaUi waa Ouelpb. We
To^ your PreaWent had grcai ftol- bare Ittlk-. rbirkma. aod wr bavo i
■ that taya i egg e*ery
lea abeu aha aa» a lltUe gl-l. bot kul'
We have four boror. iiaBed
abr iblnka ahe baa lou ol happy
ilaea rvon bow that aha > one of Klora. Rock. tYed. and UUk I hii.w
,b^ Sunshlac aub.,
tbe Grown t^pa. Sneh as Suaablne
«•" **''
^»tMd rraaai.

•our oiinncsm
Tompkins, norenci Christopher, and
N^le Horn..
kl.udle IX^n-Ier. They are goli^ «•
meet every two weeU Onq meTtlng '>» laai dv of school? 1 think ib.-y
will be bald at the home or XlrpT*'''
w interesting.
George Oeb'riag. who will traeh the
girls ambraldcry. and tbi- next meetBuckley. Mii-b.. S. P. U.
Iw will be at the home of Mr*. Ha^
var- who will teach them oawing. It. i'tar Prealdcni—
wanted to know Jo*t how to tlfganiie
As 1 haven't wriilaa lo the Snoa Uraneh Club, and ao your Prt^ent shine dub lor a kiag w bile. I Rtll
gsve bar a -OonsiKuiloa and By- write now. We are' having a warm


l. out we pla, in the shade wheu It Is
tbe son I am
The Ume OIrl. uotUog loath, conn,nihard of Copemtoh. bn>
'» “5
« “ave lost .
teniedlr followed her.
.^.w^ jo,
a,mee and addrfttes of
kulW and would be much
the Bembers of the Bunahine Corre. »*-••«>
y®« '" “ "
» all there___.____ _ .__________
letter Is g.-ulog kmg I
A..,.Aa aiy letter Aa T“r.iV'rj
full lore* ptoying Baitroad. The
w-III Hos^lshlng yoa'a happy .urndraped with tiny ABteriIlS^.ll ‘n^o -»'r. an^^l the SunHilncr. . happy
.*A. Pst
a.. ears -K.~.
xiuoja sici nail, .-veeaeo
were i—a.
losd<sa ftsgs. andI tbe
od to their utmost cspscity wiiii tor- flty. Mlcb. R. K. U. .No, 1: Rhod.
t'.ci s Sunshincr.
llulctt. V/rw BarralL Charley Darvstt,
podess and ncstiy stacked PreerhekBernice SheiiP.

TRa (Bek plasst t£e« wa masH
TRf Bridge of LexinctM.
W«MO we paraded vwllh om swortU
To show a xlMory woe.
Wa manned about srltb Ate and drum.
And wRm ika aub want down
Tarn asM: -W'oV hare. surrsedBr

Oh. how
plV. also’ But am boy.
Florence Dell, ell of Summit City. S»«“ktoe Isahloc. where ever
«*»tln»od ihHr gan>e apparMlIy
conedoui ot Itageriag Pgarea and
Roll ol Hceer
>B«kg «y«Mich., »o« Id Ksthlecn and Adehim
“Toot! Toot! Toot!" called Bd. h-urlong. L'rbsh. W'sHUngton. 'Mabel
lls Warner,
PBhlBg Ue e«glae. Aad stur Blm Holland. Glen Arbor. Mich. Dors sad

'u^llr T

the oM bird, luralag back ««.. “
(HI hU lolka
entauU*. bU tnoath tall ot bug. ahlrb
10 ibe young
>>' catlaoily
CaUaoOy luvacsted
-Tafcr good imrv ot yiwrwlt Pbll ~
many audi dbplaya of aid bs moih.-r -wa »be riDbnred her'
There »
I could am follow ihrai Ud wlib tears to her ey.-s
■» Thmv sa. reollj too much go
-Yae. I will, tnolber.- said I’hlt awi
1?* <« «i tm-.*. One unfortunate ac- bb lip began lo quivor.
fW^al occurted. ahicb t wiU reUte
.'They’vr got n. win while you

v™,. o. iobibo. 0..., bo
I"' >»■
-™b “ >•»' ““
■ b"-'
A TOll,TO.»
ootoTO tbi. H“»■ KBlob.,. Iob KTOb.r.
"I "o.lo oj », .1.1, oo.- OB or .bU,.
we«h whea lU Warner, of Ogdeaa>*«*«« Vipond, and Grwre Sum- •«' “iher, it hippconl very sudden-Yc*. ihcy vc g>a to win wltbout me
burg came lo jwur Preiidenia honte
..^ed Phil: AVclL lulks
lor a few minotea. and told her about
Clara Kreliher. Andy MUkT..>«B«
who had barn tr>^ ru b. batk eooii i< I ever com. ba.-k.
a Swnaklaa ntb that she aud her
Hiley. Walter IHley, and Wal an ik? alterooon
Tige. good-bye, old feltow •.
friends bad Just organlred. Tbe ««'• '‘Ipond. Send tbe cards aad but- bvv-muaH.b be
f~m a gr.-«
emniwn.' and quickly
membor. axe lU herself. El.ia Chase, —o - 1 wU, Hose for thU^^
•> » '- ..eppod into line aud
A.„dy.>, Haae. Harvey.

out ol wood by the boys themselvea Th. oHiatale paru wore
Plenaad and then Atled together,
Thera wa. a cunning water lank ob.
atllia. and even a mile round bouse
BdAkhaCepdia Rnli where the ears conld twitch.
dwM 1, igw, m.
Of fouraa thto was not aU done In
wa day. or one wnok. or eraa one
Haw wa Calafermd.
summer. Bnt It was 00 Haver that
. The PPurtb lo all 1u gtory c
Growa U|W wore lavKad to aae IL aad
were loud la ikalr pralaos.
Well one POurib of July when your
„H, -,.
Ahd Ton had AM a single ewat. . fYcsideDi sras
. ever to eoe Mlante.
Abd not a <«nt bad I.
And celebration coats somawhat
-Let's go in tbe Play House.- said
The Pe^ Day of July!
. Mluhle. -and hive a loa party-*'
•a Torn pt/ on hU tfalakinrcap
Aid tooad the Jolllaat «av,
WNJWDt a Bkkls or a <Mit.
To oHehiata tbe day.
or hnOt a Bunkor HU
TThkk rcuehad out to the otraaL
. . ijid -baahfw IB lha garden hNr
Wa oailad the Brttlah FlaaL


aad Phil erelag I

fcSrm^a Bl^TTown
Of OBrw the idea orighiatrd wllb
Bt- H. .« i.l...'. »mbn, TO
fcnow, artlh aa Invanttve a mlud ai
Mtaala'a own., Bnt. belag a boy. be
vaa alao eittoBely pracHcai. aad bU
p(ay#raieiida had to be worfcod crat
by hto baay SagmAa lhare are rulea tor every game,
I>. OB Ibu ...0.0.0 Tb, lUboBi
.» rtoB-l, OBloBloob:
-Bor.thing moat be ntd- by hand.- ran’l
you imagine what howru. and hours,
aad bosira the boya apam wblUliBgr
Eveay tia waa akely naUhed. and ev
ary. bit of track carefully laid out
-Itb maaaure and mle. And mewe

Te3 Mm^TBos^r AdV

--- -l-A



.(be guests di |>aried. and out little
uiaruna rettivd *to their box by the

“• ■-



* "«»*• »r*" The twilight fell,


let's • ^




frheills <«BIj„
lag In. -Have yon heard itetg the oatr e of the battle. Ale WBIUngtoar
cried ooe. -I bear that w. hava baag

he wi. off to, the s,o. cnenT'-Mr ~


« ir.tlc croak<-dl,. a. It hit thoughU ^
U, ™ «I, »irt,

t f* par- ’



Phil was Ic ri.--- front ranan bat'
* *’•** '’'
johiha wy will uw the dag bearer ijo down and 1 '
suppose, wali'vd around the gilded, large Itrit(sh axiUler
atisnring oval
horn on the top of the weather-vane blm to grasp the Pag.

■nm Two X.nds Of gperu

Mlch_ R. F. D. -So. 1, Hoi 31. Mary
girls hew dropped a Noab'i A"k cat.
BroderlU. Cueler. Mich.. K. K. D. -So.
Opn». the UroiUe wide. I'd like to
I, OUdjs Harvey, Old Mtoaloii. Mich..
1 ditch Uto
and VIotot Bamhard. Copemtoh. Mich

■ bo. .«b lb, TOo.'
b.. fc .b rHol ooo; -Alior evetr wtan at yoa."
>p they Jampod aad briBgR« ihalr
tuaekela to their ahoulteiw Clhd at
ih.- dug
for Tlw the liuUets d

do^ Al’ tbet^! diucr:; ^™ ^
The teqir’ienia arrived at the balUo to itw oaiar aMa ‘Th* Urstah aniiM.ta
"Ttar l^l !h
pw^rared lOr bat
m after hla M-mak « to
”ou^ .hbL
.1 sh.‘
Some ploced the ca«»m. others their hip. tn-the
aad had tof
Jon«« thing to string lo rii^ ui
loaded their anoa. »obm- ate UhII wan {.,11,4 out b.v tbeir rumradas.
» •“"-i «®P he can Make
lueato and utpere were' sent o
may have mlacaleulaled tl
* TTse got 'safely 'i
or h.- may have bees craseed la lo>e.
sgg than be aped stmlgbl ter b
Who knosx' Ilut-be mrock ibe - A>oot day-bivak tbe «»my was
jf^ »T»lUng«on waa Htllng —a-fr
Itgbtulng rod sDd Impaled hlBseU on sigbiad not more than a BUe away, mwdlsw Ibe Boml^ Bewa. wbah fro*
It? He Biusi have died IhatanUy lie Me* were quickly forwd Into Hue
a laaABnr bark,
never e>en qnlvcred: and there bU and were told U> cp.-a Rr* «h«« Ibe
j„n,pcd up and ran to lb* 4c«.
body remained until it fell the ^rey enemy were about thirty or forty tixk ^yrhAt ts ibur he erted neftedly M
of sosBc prow ling cat later on Tboi o awg>. One man »M excited and )n>t 1,,
tbe Amertcnn lag la tbe
was no patilc. apparenlly no; even as soon aa ih.- . nemy were near ,^ia. h* bnetily tc"k the Pag frWR*
... .TO,
gaiaes went on. Manias that *•»
srai th" *'"«■ «"

.0 up fen «« of the Bag and he pSefend tl UP
are ao »lolc They are real phUoeoibeif mi.-ket. and they triaied ,gj —near tailing la hto tmeka.
phera. .........
It s.-cmed
a terrible
f«e .sway SI the enemy. By Ihu Umv the
but tbev d>d not even aitoa ihi
attaeking party.hsd drawn qoltb neabravano-o- «>g
,tun* .rf the American. »>te
old hunters they hioo^t dowm
a mna.
Ew the leeeh would have been botrtto/wlf. oo
The eun set down on .he f^iu„ ,ne> had-wdted a. the, -ere
ties. Large clouua wciv gathering ln -,„M
d sire sma e
,n,. wes. tha. tbrcalened rain the aiory.-What’-ahe HtM4a-a
Sow the Rrittsh opened Sre ™ Bscnl. -that dog has base
uideat Lrirdv. more conUous thsu
; the resull 1 a sleipir anrfnL Thlrty-’ eoBto-ude? Is II possible?'’
ri.'=l or wounded at the

As Twas ih old Yoefctowh.
-Awl yn ^1 bs Urd tWr
And m be Wathlagton.I tfwuyu iat Torn have hto war
IRw he's the eldar ann.
Bbl oh. we had si Jolly Mae
IThtn Ue day was spent
A 0ortoH cotohmhB. too.
WhlU dU BM cost a cent.

bailie Raid;
Tlge win
sb-»w you ibe® way.Tlge Mdncd with gag art paper la
< la aaouta. on a taai ran. pm
hien Uvlog oc the grid aad oa eo.aada
while powalag to catch hla braath.
. He paamd through a Br«h* taBp
gad the aoMlera were -eaUag their

Rg- aid ran

may be dy^ aow^ (• bv M dMdL
will you help me
Why.^man. bow do you taew aaybacA to hla
ibout your aoo?- saU aaolher.
proy. do not gM

the batito. he PMy

thinks 'tto a beaat from the Jugle *1®“ Harold Shertnan. a Traverse xhev hiiuted’out Ivm that were hai>
** ““ "*** quickly agreed w eccem.
imeot upon lu aunrixlner. and near neighbor of
gmut. PeUce Oog.
ll?* j ^
"Well, to teat or oat of tauL oB it ycur Pietodeni. 8be ts much picaaed
Dogs in Befaciun. have for years
"«* «>'’
sueteber was provldedand with Megoes froa this irsek i- lepUcd Ed with this Foarth of July talc, sod
dcilahu-d to soar
““ ^
shoulder, tkay athit»hewli« Ttmir CHasn.
, him>rU euUivly . aloae in a ssutll ,.g,
-I'U teach Mlanle to laave her old Raows that you 1 • Uhlnk Harold has They I
i- plcsstuv. and 1’“''*''“?
»“•> «-Umg criiMnsto. the '
^1—" we waM « ball tc rlhg;
Purto polii-.' usr <l««s 111 the reaewe of «®®ds.
YRe dog led the way aad they Bnaa
toys OB oar playground:" Aad with' wothed out an toietan.iig little pkn.
ScR'i tall ot. r'i— t« welt;
t rippled and 1
RanardlJie'^ of aaahl but the huugcf «lrow iil!ig pcmoiis. aad of Isle tbe Sew
He started bark toto-the woods wHh reseked tbe IsTs aide He lay oMtoa rush, sad a thump, and a bump, tbe
Ahd PARS, ptoaee put up OBT Pag.
RCgardlem ot aught but tbe huogcr
tbe tbougbl of hiding the Pag so that le... hto tbce was ghaatl, wRM* And
Sosh's Ark cAl was Htied upou the
Meuikw Bitsi t>c made of a pretty
tre'ro gotag to celebrsie.
gtrmeou were covered w«k HCBd.
cowrurher and tossed uaharmed da postal frao Alu GIUetL rccoited «
the jungle of evermen .prigs that ,c day. aga Alu and her eUlet. -Tl. a beaullfnl BortUng. " . .^.ru- »«'
He wee lust hiding « in the toave. They .AcAbI him up and put htoi «
P« tt wRare everphodyH aea.
tnasUtuied tbe forest.
are fUthftd Sunsblnru.
man cried.
Peascook. near t.ontvrd. .'v H . has a t-y a larct-tree wnce be bsppeBed to ,b« Mretchw and then bags* tbe dll
We want n very kigb;
InHde tbe Play House Minnie
________ -w'ho carried a s-x-i.v lusuad ol a

Brttlah etreg- gesR jountry back. But aU Jnuiaia
«'e Uke 10 show catr enkwe ua
aumped bar toot, aad her eyes dashRUNRMINB LETTBRR.
- >> «rd .bleb fags Just ri^leied Ive gler. prvUj^Ur upon hftn. He .tort »„t ««Be to an aod aam* tiBto aad
. - TRa BhuIA dhr at July.
cd. Then iRa diopped down
IVsbody. Kans.'
The worid lotto, as happy, m gold°< voluntary wriice
a mea.- ed up .1 h-^he
to b» breust
that to th* way that thto owe d«.
Me othar Rag la aU the w«rM.
rbalr and piopped her face on her
June b. ipie.
lb ih.- .un.
to-r .ot the locH !or,v
tried to prt from them But tie
The lad wRh caretol Moata* »ns
ta halt «e nlea and grand
handi TRa UtUe Qitl wMchod her Dear I’reside.tni Hip w the woods .herb the wild
'» bulltcr.or. ibree .oWwr, draped on thrlrknees breu^i beck to haaltk m* bRPRsA* tRIn. the dear aM etan and Krtpea. wriowly, aad gently racked onr tjf
1 thought I .onid write a f. w Itoe.
tUags bide.'
‘ W*vk^ad-Uu ros;. ji«l a Week and gred. Phil RjH Hut be wa. hit
TRe •mory* Of oar toad.
xH>e doU babies to and Ito' aware that as I haw- not wrftteo in s ioog ilaie.
»>' »•
to keep on and k.-ep tbe
■ aranth aa ABarirAW
MluBle was planning a wondwlal A tot ol o> girts west to our 8unda.v The deer that Pv -shot- never dresm »« town la ih.- i'oncord j.i and it
fr«wn gettin* toe Aag. A> be was «gge*r aad hto meu iteusd at the
tRAir caU as pairRRIc hops.
' way to get eren
«*nej teecherb Rom tbe otSe- nigb:
ed of hto stm.
«•’*> ^ .cquired n-nnlng boMuntoW ‘=>o »
houw- and pswmatod the yootk arlth
; , Aad oay they're gtod wr are:
Sure eaough. la Juai a Bomeiit Mia- to otgahlie our etoas. w/ have a
X.-i tbe bird ihst he caught *en:
»”'»'«» '» *™“lpn Ju.t a« tbe. gred again. -Oh.:- , badge lor hie Rraemr.
'Row tot ns giTC the dag three cb^re. nie gate a mtortilevoui tough Her President. Vu-c PreHdent. Secretory.
«n with he r rang
®=*- *”>
soJ 'r'-gasped Wii). .wt then he toMd tat*
When tito Sag wa. «*«UAtod they
Hamhf UuiTAk: Hoiruh:
eyea were dancing aa she turned to Traaeorer. Ubiariati. AMlsiant UbrelYuve followed his Iooi»tcp». uol
hi bowed their hMd. ta BSBnry at
who has hes'j of Sm-i'. dxeau.5 ol spthe UiUe Girl -|f.’ she aald, -the 1
s Sohrilor.
t- «bu Snas new
slauahicr and wi
It aad day.
wauS FreAdoB'e
. .
. a PlowcrOoB- Vet rich .'ere *bU "tropbi
Phil aald. 'It la not I who deaerae
derinK vxgxtposd doc. b> chance sjUd aref’'we
WA'U nuke ibm play with us. Let's mtttee. a Slek Committee! and u So- .
ied hto •gsM.*'
'Why. MoJI>. wh>T> to Tig«' x «■* Ikb etedli. It 1a tbal iMg '
p<-.r. the bulMiTNo.' promplly ebax-s Ht‘ wa.-. stttlp* b«e «mb
talk wUb oar mSBlnka I've got a elal IXMiunlUer. -Ml bot the Presi.lent.

Pian.Vtor President. Llbrarton srul one to Tbs Martina' Coming Out Party.
a minute ay'" ex-latared .Mr Wt- ^aanu and th* poor lad’a laec b
^ Jteanwuie. things were hepp^ptag the girl* on the Social Curammer srv
Wc have tbe Bae.; mariiu -bos In . l-ei the arv-slsrui riuj! at ani hou- tacton.
With >oy, but Rot ao aaaeh as H dW
tast and furiously in the Railroad San.bliiera. Wr take Sower, lo all loan, to.'' a a liter in "Our Dumb Ani- «f day or nqthl. and Smut is om- of
• I don't know, no .ure" answerad »h#o be Itoraed the etoeoM of tMC
Deo Uorrto, SBM KreMher. Eera Oom. Tfcv train bnd been watered, the people Hut w* know eiv sick, mala.'’ In the summer as-u the lit i-te Sm to v«b-j>6 .iL- lUit hto <intr Mr. WbItiPCton ~t wonder bos cur mog aad bPndy war.
Krotober, Jay’ Bltoy.
Madge Vlponf had beau switched and turned to Ha and »c think the,« appreriaie ibrui. tic bird, are iirei tiuxht to «... u to ,h«ppih"»«. i«. to Mn ao .dti.-r o;. iw- roll I. neflog ahms. poor fellow.itortog Hui time .ha hsd cooto to
Mi Otoce SnWvas. Kalhaakn. Mich. Anal goal.
atoat waa tooatag in' The lumv of our claw .to tbe DOrrar ihc luelicsi place 1 know, I »ew a lr«l. and ticn hr rr.-qj. oUj :iiu a
T dw'i .k-ws I hop.'the twor fvl. love the dear oU Sag si! tb* anreARd
XhMae aant hy KaBto Morrla
the dtotnnee? Ontoslhlag waa oa the V*
leal h^^y ouiarhvs. and brood of yoang au-tiito iutrod-f.-ed chance u- make h.ii;«ci; uwrul. If kia IX nut llCed. be wav rueb a brwte
brave dog a he bad saved hto
tr»ck and ibo oagtae arns running ti.> ro nuke other people happy by do- Into aoriety there last year
»i» an cBrndtr rcLu a--rc.t, the dog tod. too K V. r. RUNSMIMg CLUB CBADLB wDd!
log what we can for them. 1 was gcUe a» Impotutto a wto! -'cut is >’'nsa to bi* >-oai (aiL snip, a; hto
Tlge coaid --or stand hto. master'i
■Toot’ Toot! 'Toot!" cried Bd frentl- cowing to MUhlgan IhU summer, bnt any human debutantf's tea
and ac-nc. him «. that he to being away «o tatut so be decided tc
' Oars KroMar, Aadr MUtor. Jsm. caily Sbrtaka from all tbe b^a pro at 1 am italctoan ol.thc Flower Com- be
* ' •' ei»d -o ba»v -tV ha-iJeuB.- put go after bin: I'p from IRe hearth h>
Riley. Waller ROey. aad Valter VI- Haiowd
i paaseugere' tolann. But miitee I gueer I will stay boom and
All the mxrt:i» Irom ?>r and nem- oi> *v l
doa <<li,>d oS
started st:d with bU noee Hose to the
TR" highest street ta tbe wcfid to
Read. Keihaeki, MRS. Natoae eeni tat. on. oa rusbed e train to fearful try and make acme ooe happy. 1 acre ln«il<4 -I watched tbem’coni*.
around Lv r»I'e>sed PMFs looiolcpr >!*-<■ street, lo Denver, the richeot is
A Funay ClL
^ NeUle Morris.
dooB. Sitddeuly there was a craab. think 1 wOl bate Just as good a Ume. evw ones airivlng on ctvry gust of
over h'll and \ato, Utrougb marsbre »•'•» aveme. yi** Tork City, ib»kga<' kc.:c;i> acre bu.n ill
r toppled the whole line ol god other people win be that taeck stud. The ^trd bouse to. near the
•d water uLUl be reached the cute e sld-ot is MtoRet streeL la FbItodcA
u<>; iK-rxau ;u keeping them ■ownii
There wns a Saab aa tuppler to grt the Sower* we eend harnroao the top of the beni became
’.-hu. the (OAger to Weatera avenoA
: .pitv of the prwtvato of lie
' '
VISIT. ' Bd waved the punk, then a craab'
I would Just love to come to tuturaliy the great belt rooai.
_ .
. He C0.1W ro- And hto poor master . « Chicago, tha shortest to the Bw
iWRan your PreaMeat arAB a llHto snap! I^m?'as,Uv fireerackera - Traverse Clt.v and sec your b>aatirni On the roof it a cularia. nod on the rtohl.'ui U
there ug be wondered abat Blf' M Faria. '
^ lha btoBtlfal daya ot vacatlos apemded to hto to*cb. Pop: Fop! u t Roaeva that Marian has toid me cupoU to a ai ded weatber vsaV. >'e-. tak. •s lb< uistter qui'.r ■■ pailo-■ Visrofto
ell those peopto arere tyta* on toe
T^ dJrtwat street ta the mmtt to
W hell .he wuu to lay
Tore not half long MMNigh.lo
ptay in. the
/ abont. heeauev 1 am Jiiirt cr*xy over ablyb aert.-d the uunlnv lor a »• sophi.aUv
ltreai.d ItT At tost be found bi. me*, that of THuaatL ta N»a«g. CRtai
^ Oh. what good Ubm she and bar aad tiavvy s4dad to tba paadamoo- iiovera. She said yours acre anung- ecivlcg eta^ There were uuitt to- an egg >3 c peek, ibr fciueaa «h.> anter. .'jjks aad tcriiowed their, bock
<taaee»i |g the Via Catato. ta 0
igsto particolareal friend MlnnU had 1biCj>.>' yelilag at Ohly small bpym ed Jtul lovely. I am going to have leresting siK-.-ia! -fealurex Ui'.redae- toe ao;a!l
to tbe woods. The ireeks tod to a ciUe.^n; th* mort arRStoWtIe 0.
«ggdth*r! There wa. just one trial tpa yelLon^e tforiaaa Foanh.
a lot ot Sowers next summer-beckuse ed into tbc.evenBg's ente.-tammeat; or co; to near aba peabe* thru:
hole about two feet deep and thwe ^ Creaveuar Ptaee. Loadu; the most
that Miagle hag to' andnre. and that
Bet wS6 were these «aIb Sgure* we esn’l always get uke hot bouse loerncys. winged .vniens for pruas gea«> fioni the beat As •con ss lue----TO->yi
huatifnl is the CRampa Bysee*.
W 1R* BDyt Uoagbt glrtgama* khsl immediately appearad oe the Sowers. 1 want you to write and of admlraifcw. all aoits oi races, short hea bes drposittdber'r«g the cat ^ atapRsd. He
the warrowaB to tb* Vu 80L
JeiR *aiy. Su BQ uad WIH. and'toreoer Two eeraoe sursea la nap t^ me what you tbtak would be nice, dashes arout-d the ei.wwo. ormcigh- grwbx u;> tie kitinw and,j«u them
P*i «»d hSMa u> whine;
tounk and Bony, ud aonettmaa Haa<
Haa- god karehlet.
karchlef. roady
rmuL» to ccare.tar the .nI ho* to An Ueax WiU you pleane* bortag hotue*. ataag Sights to UrhOto beck :a the ttoi. ang it to no anssaai
^ leaped down tato tbe i« to
vy s^ Ben. Bade th* girts leave 'wiHBded
'wooerted and dying
We have some real nie* pUcea^ and back, soartatg kscenstaM to a far iSi.-g !a. ca'.' kittens, eggs iRd ben -*^1 “h“> hu master W'hai wa.v the
....------to hi.-----------------------pari. Ed never
.e hy
by -----Saab
Sagh ---------------put Aowera. I Just read
read ikr
l^e TlUvTl'av. off Hood.
10 Iw together :m one glariouh nux- matter wiih him? Why didn't be speak
Yvunilsrfat RutoiiMiai Ctly
And such ak ptRyground
pt%yground as It was' of'«p*
^~af* ^wed hto amaaemeaL
amaaemeat bat erae ttiy
t*«y paper aad tbou^i
tbouflki It wa.'
wv. The
old binia
• esemad
esemed to 'be eaeiteasit- APAR
sponge dtveta oa the coast of TBsta
•nth M fAseinating pU.vgrmud! Tb* seeepied this addlUoa to Us Arigtaal real IclereatJng. I think It would bs tag
UvlB* by W K,«. wtlii a rag 00 If
. woRderfnl dtocorery am taw
t© Impress the yoAnge• ------- - ■ —' ’—
satire bark yard belonged to • the gam* with taMaat coupesure. '
-toArt. shoot the little tere.t*nd tbe A*w Iture mart., ax- *
♦ And more than that what was lha! ^ The dlvera drapped tato (ta
cRildres. aad It was not tuUI they
"Ah. Knrare! he MtaL -JAM ta hvuartles that at* ao nAmerau* about blblted a pn«er degree of revert and
iWrrit, o lor tba Sunahine Pegc by red s
a lace and bresM?
^of a torse cHy.
Ml grew Ap tfeAt Minato's father ume' Rastot Pr. Freak with tbe am- bere. Somettans «ur back yard to appreclatun They loved the show. HaroU Sbernun.i
The dog drd sot u»w abat to do.
chaaged It tato a tovely tows and tatoate.yuat iuU of Ibem. and I wanted ao
Owe Aoe old Bsm ^mpmel of the
A Brave Americaa Sey.
he lick'd b(s ms'ler's face and hands ^ bitmse atatacs. aad a ptottaBy
>M*<ad taraera. TRa bars could -How fenonaie that th* beciden;; bad to tame them, but I didn't know bird colony, wearing an elegaat suit^'kt *k* di'ctared between ffwgtond
aod iried to n,akv him speak to bin. faltoa lempto of jaBeose atse. It
tramp and twee aad dig to tbalr shooM have ocnirred-so
lha boshow
t» go about tt. W
ell i Bust ctaoe,.ot deep ladigo fegthera. was evidrtii-and America to
ina aad a good bas.t
iMfU' fWAlAAt. AAd (ASM bdOd gU pltsL* Nwrwe Mlanle nurmwnd. oa wt* lot* of tote to joa aad oU the Ir a aniveroal tavoril*. aad l faacM voiaateered to *0. AamOK these was souwd of ■»» In th* *e>ok« air Tm- tm-te Hmb %na hsd Oeea aaoOewed
aa^WWWIlTWWytnmrkair w-mrntato Pbgr e»SAR» » la- l^ngltttgH:l m.
- of lamptou jisalowsy «-boy wM.* name wa* T%A'H. *» deg ^ erarad todwe tatatad *P a, Rr AUtai tuiHUUM-Uf^rtFfcta
■■ • Ptoat OT-«Re*L «r-«sse-mii tbe woaadad.
>oar taviig SaabeaB.
among the yonag .Barclns not so oa^ Altees years trid but be sgid. etas* to hto mawer. After a bit his or **a The Taa* gereramtot torntm be r^vA.
Jam thea the Uuto Glrl-a mamma
Mildred Weathraok.
aumptooual, aiurvd. Tke Bean kad "Father. ,o» are too oU 10 go to war. maetto atteeed a grass aad roUad
to mata s t-horeagh esptoraltaha«l,||p Hgai logegtoas ifctag apiK'sied anth g traytui of seed cataa ..roAVkai a hajpy. Saaohiny taller the Mr uf add.reatag the na»mh*agv !« me p«‘ I eaa uke aare of nt-vaeif- ovte- the •*» he «h a bark ^f Joy ttoa.



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