Grand Traverse Herald, August 23, 1910

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Grand Traverse Herald, August 23, 1910


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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$tJ»» A YEAK.






Motoaant, AnericAn Soldier of FortUAC, Will CMitlnuo Mil Flight
to London Tonight.




Upchurcb. Englaiid.
AnguiX ]«.—
be bntoen BtorhK monoplane
which the AlDcrtcan loldior of tortune. Motoaaui. new from Porto,
day WM ropnired with a aow piopellrbpe the troiaework was patch­
ed. Uaiaaanl cnmijictea tbe algbt
London tonight A gale reatrolni K

ItaEalo. .\upisr l!>—A Mi<-hiean
TO Give DETAILS OF t'cuiral pukrngi-r (rain collide^]
«u,engine oo the Amciiian apprrmch
Ihr InteroationsJ bridge. Condut
' ThoiiuiS and Flrvtnan ihitm-y oi
Hridgehurg,. Onu were serhjukl> bun
and Actor i.uiiern of New Yoik wsi
kUghtly lujui-cd i(gls>.


•««ni Mm NmwS bjr tht HMtIna
Mm HM CkmHmm in MuaMMi

- r-------------- —







350 FOOT


I Leave the

Stato Car


d as Ir-surgent Can.

les. V*'a friwsssr Freed of Cnarge of Her D.vorced Hutb.
on a ■Tram.
IJhb.v, Non Augiisi tp.—Tbe Jury
today anjuh’ed Mts. Vera -PTrom-r.
rtiaiRc-1 ^r1tts;B:»olmg aad klihua her
dhorcedJbUrl.in4. Ke^ Preaser. tor.
nvcrly^^ClefeWd. on a Greet \ortbefuTroin. She aWged ocl£ defense.thi
woman-ehuming that Ihc maa attack
er wbi.o amsiMKlng a roconrilU-





Was Her Third Attmngt tn.Cad Hae
Lite, She Saying Tbat tbe T«»
Fenner WNvea of Her Ham
band HatMMd Her.

■WakJiiiu:i‘.n. .\ug-nt l9.-^tol>gr.--'.Xca York. Angunt » —letnvmafl
bloiial k-ad- TK do-Urx- (bat choosing
tbat ber-buaband. LmIs Baady, fi
8UccesB..r u- Rimakcr Cannon
er w.wiiby 6t. lopla na. kaWr
to tbe Outlook ofBces. He refused
a dilfl. uli i.xAk
suicided in tbe Hotel MiinaroMck.
to give details oObr war eciurx'il si
The pru-.p<-i-is aic kir ibC/rcgulars
WNNmi LmMd. who MpM from*
bird wife from whom be had oe»Oyster itoy yesterday, but deelaruil
haring a majority in ibe repul
MMMt MWrtor, ropMitMiL
arated atu-mpted U> oatetde vttk «aib
that his spunches ou Gto wc»lpm (rl»
. Mm «. Oenm. Mfiwror, jMtn
idle acid.
"WIU repreoent my own vb-ws ai^
informant a roporter, Mtfakb« ooc ( Ike's. '
cd her and saved her Uf«.
iito visitors Included John Slew.-irt.
If Ibe wpeaker an lusnreenl,'
Tbto was the wosaa'a third attempt
preaUem ol tbe Bute l.«agui- of lie
•mmM a. •. Hobwt. MMyor of
: suicide. 8br cialmed fier ferobaad'a
pubHron clubs. ITOniier surveyor
Motount Started lor London Again of I'onn.HlIciit, and FOwIcr <4 Xt-w
»• RmMa rMNMiMA
>D former mtvea. fiUagvd la hava
U Foaea Oipcnda Upon Toft Ditching Fon. Oeueral Clarkson, Congreasiaan
J.-rs--> an- al-«v m.-nlioo.J Today But Proccodod Only a Milo
tWr*-W. W. SmIUi, Mhuyor. foboea sulcidro. fiauatad ter.
Himlllnn nsb. f-ongmixmui 0>ckk
Sherman, the Rift Will Conlinue
I'banip n.irk i» is-rialn it tb-.r bo-j.- Man Leaves a Widow and Son.Having
When Hto Motor Again Went
^-Thought Roouveit la Forc­
Rented a Farm at AetM Laat
RMrth .OEBfh W. LMdio, oibMor-;
hto visit and declared tbo " the Draak.
Sprir^-Body Waa Taken to
of RepuRUcan clubs was ortmliUed
Rome. AiKUkt 20.—IJcutciiaii-. Ill
Port Oneida.
FMh—Tlw Am. O- CoehMa, UmIvaMl loitoy wu klib-d iu s tall wllh
Oyatcr Bay. August
The efforts' solely for tbe furtherance of
FarffisH bi|.Uni- wtitU- flying her.
■ bridge Ibe ebaam belwccn Oyster Hooaevelt policha and all] an rontliiIn the pre^nv-c ut bis wife aad
«( the Orchard on tte Yaadiar
rai flvlia Verxhto II- dropiu-d
Bay aad Bercriy were bagnn today. ue,- Pto^ .
numbe-T'ot UHn who .were on tl
ThD BAu booUj« of dty
Fann for AftiielQr Farpaaet.
t, eaaic and lett Sto f.-c-i and till- li|an and mac
lyeK's noa-lo-law. O
sliure of tbe l.i-aek at Acobe atonit
ora IMI oroElBc *hUo aei crowding
n- crushed Ui hils. ■
I. wbo throw
i.'.kHk Friday afli-rtesui, A>bn (
ibo coMCtI roan*, wu a roftmenuTbe Weaiern SUefebma UfivaMgGale Helds Him.
RepubllraR Cbalraian CHsrom He­
Uro MtRviac Md u viu M
i>cni toucrou bad a pfiaMgrapter tkla
I'p Cbuirii. Augu-i 2M. (Into
ctored. “I shall go to Beveriy to .
Tall Mvorst da}-i, vUiicd Rouac'
riding hU lioire c>ui in the Va
Dim IM UM i^YO. Uie mM
morning over the Tofiker (atm cmtkfi
r.-suuicd bJs^lgUt to ]«ud<ni
Annum Riceic One of the Real Events
Ibe prosldeot tu-lnrc August to." It
wn* lull} half an h(Mlr befttfc
d to flte tbeir peUtkNW. today.
tnoruiiig but ^--sr-'iidi^ a
Stiver lake road just teynod tte aayOf the suson—gporit and Games
It la' (booita cortAlD that U»r- thought this is slgnlSraui u l(rx»eIlia Tmdy was rctovcecd. Mcdiiwl axl
IS.- of iin^ur iroublv in tfu- gale.
IniD. (or tte parpoae of ceUtng aomfi
This Afternoon.
wortb ratnM to loot Ute aecunicy u(
B.‘nl for from Traverse (Tty
He cxi« ct)i.-t(> (omlnii- lau-r.
orchard rlewa tor i-ae la iwM.(vbb«*ns
tbo reportf of (bo RnoodreK and Taft sas. speech the fullmvlng day. wlilrlj
was pa-t ill! help wbra taken from
tho mUmMU dty chnrtDr.
the'pabllelty work beli« (firried
.rr.un Samrday's llccord I
la eapeeted lo i>c hto #rsi dorOjiaiion
n« ■MtlDS VM csliDd to order brearh, aad repair it l( be eau. of bis -views. It to (luclared that
forward by Ibe burofis. A-1at drop
StmgiHfng la In small parUcs. it
by aUrer WUIMm vbo DUted Uc ebUnited rnuiinpreiuJ Trsveiers galhei'found In tbe apple orttard. Tte
com to iiol^ulhurised to m l
-e. to glye H a baib Catb.-rrd on iJacteea kero were Icauled with mfi»
iMM. MTlEC tbu to S fTMt OXtMt. •f.
ed Ihto mo.nlqg at ih^.ular Itolut tur
Moaawhlie Locb and Oriacoiu
Ibe share w.-rc a number of Acioc nlllccnt frub. vbicfi la aow bdng tern
tbo ROTorsMAt o( (bo dtr doM»dod
their aiinuKi pl.-nic. and a joU} gathand Tafu
wb»ioa}c«tlng way. It to uid. vested. Tbe BaUwia trees were also
KM* tbo kMd of A cbATtor It hAd. Tbo, proparlDcto rUit HEToriy to trgt tbeir
DIDNT oriag it Is. Iwi
It U declared Ibal Roosevell bus de VALENTINE
> at pcaeemaklac. Tbe pair are
Uarod Olaun lu rtde fgrth.-r ou
Rt * «<»»«■ MOA»
round lORdfd and tbe Orlae's OotSw
Tbe firsi eiritcmt-nt was a 1i'»r
tooMvell eaUaariM and Boooe- dded to ^oave Uu- oute campaign
knowing that there w
■TOM M ■AlMdil tMbM'oA oroll u la
treea had all they rofild rotry.
baseha'1 ).r:i.-ii.x-, and Tbv'wv F'roH
nkme. He tMpks the rvacUuitaries are
*dt denieo any knowlodee of
greater depth ol water at that poinL
the TMOor M MbBo boaUi and
Richter and u fi-w- of tbe other fonudue for defMt and when the puhli<.
This orchard to ateltered by tdUn .
urg.-d hto hoTbc oni a Iiulc way. the
of >bc dianiond eburked that
fihowed Came Warden H.s Day's
Republlran leadera dread an ope^ demands It hi- wiU enter' to sav<
iu'irse tu-ppiAg Inn. a <hann.-l, and > tbe Dortbwroi aad tte Bn that
Catch and H.s Arrest Peliewed—
ball around was a rouiioii. -U brouglit
breocb between RooBcveli and Taft situation. It Is thongtil this <wn only
ibrowing blm oil it* imek Into the w» there Is a fine crop here, bears odt
Took Good Lr-ok at Him.
back ni.-niuil. s of the day s when
be M a luudldstc lor Ihc piesldency
tbenry 'yhleb baa Wen adraaoed
Olw.n c<at4^..t swim, aad .
tag that tba AgMsnd aeemed to be for
V. C. T. te..m of Rrdi^ Kapldn droll
in ifU.
The iH.rsc cam.- ai-iir drowning, but by the teat Mt rrorgn of tba rwIk-ctuisv he dklu i know that (In.- ed Up ..It ever. Iblng lit tbf
gton. to the effi^
itiaiiaged lo. readi the sfior*.
n Abd that, atarttng
Along l.iwurd -Ibe dose of
an bn wa-j talkiiis lo-on Uii- irUu
Wht-n the lucn row OJbongn under, storms from Ibe northwest til tte
*Rb Dalreatoa. tba t
Ba'iirday- In the ll<-tx>rd.-r'h <<niit tbe tuwnnc a rei-ix-seiitattoe from they ai
spring that desiroyed tbe llM appM
Bcrerty. Augual 20.—<1
luxurvd boMs and 1
M beM tried o« U
Uort.rd linpi-<-:icd along
II to Ihe up»l. tnit-il wa>
etUna. m Mag oadar that fora at pcadi upon Taft aererlog bU rcUs
Smith. Vah-iiUiic S<waki- mid gIT.TV songht lo n-i inio the game He mU-la
were preucied tram the nnnlurot
Hons with SborBwo. tberv won't bo
l-kf..rc fak w.->t IcK-atkd
thlk mnrning in ilic RHConlci's couil all rigid, but it him M>
peace. Is the word passed by Uw
Ivdy was been lying on lb.- buKun winds, are tbe un(w that are tirorfar
for bating in bto poa*«»-.i.m undcrUto
frieods today. Tbe
ihelay.and tb«-y hruugtn 11 i<
Mayer Baadltes U> act aa rtialrwaB,
Murptiy bappen.d akufg and s.-clng
•tzed speiklcd trout.
surfaci- by tudiig fisb bac4.s .uid I
Mr. llugaiMi stalad tbat m erory Utnde attrikflted to Rooeerelt that
Scaake. whojaat. foeliog flue after
the game with hto crot on. Ilii
Two is-ais W.T.- (-mpj...ed. tw-yc
gBOd «itiaM bn bad takM an lateroA
day'k flsliing. eiitcrt-d imi> cxuivci- mediately 1.«k him Into eiisuidy. lend (-igb! rii-n ahfiRg In Ihc srorch.
bit Afternoon the Hannah A Lay
to tbo worlt. nad bM kiakad forward,
aallou will! a stranger on the way liif him 1-foie till) magiirtroto. bl-.
Mer^tlle Company Employea
had not hecu a resident of
to (be (loo wb« tbe efty could bare:
bniiic. Showing Hie man bto Bsli. he lonor Al'Joyte. vrticrc be was pioftpiAre at leiand.
. me f(.r long, a farm there
a aev eshartor. Ibe old charter wan
was asked. "Iki yon know
Allen ly Mseroed two m.kels.- Six Ins
lib -g.rine. He ka>. ticbldee bis wUi-. Many Weeks of IHtotai
all Hghi «ban It vaa adoptod bat it
(Prom Prldsj’w Uctord.l
Siulihr If be saw those fish >l w.wld would Unpi- n to th. in If ihi-y w.-ie lie son, K.-nn. lb.
h BOW U yean boUad the Ubm and poaalble. expecUng a refUMl to fu
Waa Hold Sonday.
There were *(.•; iwrsnioi wb«r to
carefni of tbeir tnirnsundingii. the
make you rhey are undc.blm with au excine for opeu o
Till- j.-uiain* wire taLrti -lo |y.rt
baa beoe no paubed up that It to net
In the coiDnllniomary excundon given
•■No, I dcm i kJmw «mlih, but rem-V.r th. |utrv> calmed dawn and no tH-nta, hi* f..ruier bum.-, lor toiMal.
Clear ea way potota. iHr. HarolJtoK poslUoo to the admInIMniUoa.
Mra EDa Jobbaon. widow at FYabk
by Ibe Hnnnah £ laiy Mervantlle (to. he duii'i bnibt-r »llU us relk.-w- lie arreots w.-re nud.-. This afu-'ti.kin.
Im- l.iucr.vl will > I,rid Knixwiv
•itotoland tba tow under wbicah Ute
H. JotiDbou. died at bro borne M CKb■ tbe putillc. Hie pli-ulc to-lug Riv­ goes afi- r the miuint-ivial Odit-rtm-u. however. Ofbiv-r .'li.ephy Is on Uic ttl V -uckM-k.
BUta waa bow openiUag.
tb aad U'adawortb streM at le o'dock
al Marlon toland. Then- wero near­ ni (blow tlito one <>ot, ibuugh." hv
f.»i Itifttbserk. and p larg<Oty Ctorit OlUto waa thei: naked
Friday Burning Mra. Jobnaea bad
ly I.etW tickets glvas «ui. bul ibeoe said, ■..-•■■ig a uiiMr; trout OU1 ol the mckeltas.k l.a- hcni iv-u'. Idvd w henwkat petltlOM bad been Bled: W. W.
I in frail brollb alt aumaaer. bfil
ere am all used..
in to l.Cj. the time.
tai wii.diiw kl (Th-sUllcin.
Mto of too TbM ward beliig the ood. alb waa a sad eboek to tbe
The suamer CheciuiuncKon . ■
Bboniy- b-ime uinner tic iemive
.angir" be was tn'kliig i-.
Daae to.
Uuilly and her lumeroua (rieadfi.
(rips to (be tolapd ciery two Imiuis
Warden Kiulilt lilmscii, „i..| rary dance tl->n wa.-, pul Inm use. T.>
J. W. Haanea tbea aaated Mr- HaaiMrs JobnaoB bad tuaided U TlfivK the day. and whnk- famllli-s rn- S.waJiv's airpst |i>ll.ia<sl. lie ai-i»*i- :lH- strwl'is r-I n.ii-ic ft.uii Ai
tMoa M one of tbe ceaualMloaai
• fbc (Tly practically all «d ber HK
Joyed Ibe day in rccreallon. taking
iM'lmc Judge .Nrrilaser this p.-vs- •hi tloliu, il.r ;.aii> danrvd round
Into Grand Rsp.dt
torsi. Dr. Moon named WtlUam Louhaving been bora in X'ew York Mate
along tilg baskets <>f good things to lig. and iJ.aUod giMity tk- itoid a lad si|uarv o-ii.o (<i ll.c: Lcajt'b
«na aad Joetph bleder. John R. San­
and eumlng here with her parenta, Mr.
nd spending Ihr day in rest and
I..-31.. and «^ik (d n:;.
to. C A. MMbee BDred that tbaae
aad Mrs- Cuauvus Brown wbea aba
ilalllng with (rieiidH wbu also/wi-ut
Wink till- danilng «-•-> going
Uard<-n Bmitli In- said,
■imUonM k« roQBeatod to circulate
but (WO geara eU. Her baatead
tit- you Ml. sii.uh,•
MPlocr ol tfe. I-ar1,
u. dlspove
Jl..l..i.son. toulb Indlns aad wb
paaaad away 17 yrorw ago.
oneri at Urge.
This afK-rnoon the Hannah £ lav
Tbe deiMity game w-.isd-D nll.ised,*'^
cog. and ■
■ n seeurcly
the tooUM (
-n, ihetiwelves u
Quebec. August
to —Ius|m-o(oi Mercantile tvnipany neuiwlua and pi.
Johnson Irovro but oae aei.
tu lb.- Uke
lal he was. and «i. yiraatc ««-k a.*”* topt-s.
i-nvuirv ir-I.)|> aii'l will ride d.>wu
r from tbe
Dew and Mitchell, a wardenets today
Bba. and one wlater. Mra. Carvtbara
Hto liai wa- all iL-s- goi m.-i. but th.*
to being held at Marion Utond. g.x-1-lo.* ai piin, vXo <
ward. Mayor^llbelm >uaxMtad Jo- took Dr. crippen and his compaotoe thU being for the employos of inc iei.i.-ml*r'hi.u slwmhl tlmy
was fl;i-d w..;i waivi and • prtMnptl. Itain-lb to iak<- a ixuispicuoia. of Grand Rapid* and a brother. (Tam
BMb Stodar aad Vt'. o. rtnte ng
Mias Leveae (roiu tbe JaH u> 81‘ton' store only. Ariliui Frederick Bliel agafn. -Wi-lj.
layng lAke towtksbip. Vte
p-.-ny higli.l.u pul miTke «Jn.v-rx' bead, to rool his
>.i (-' ll.c lily m-ai wX-k. (lad ua v^aa a faithful and ceaelsteat miiatiir
«d A. «. Hobart from tbe Soemd aboard tbe (Inor Megantlc. bound for dOD. ol the Sheldon scboul of Uurt'rvefish,' roid tk-moie. as t.- band
iri>:.l-crs ,Md iradeis. ,ln menior
Ward. W. W. SialUi wai eadoroi
of (be Adventist choreb
Enctond. There wu a small, silent (ioB. addressed the clerks.
<-d the e.a.rt a d..ob;e eagle and Irxto , .At IV r. fi- wh..k- bunch sat down
Th- funeriil ts-ftHwa were beM at
tbr-IUrd ward caadUatc by
WL crowd at the dock.
-a &...- |.ci.K dinii.-r, Tbf after- iheir i!.-!lnculbh«l pr..gkniior, they
the cliingc.
Oaaa-i moUoe and tbe Rev. n
tide in th- military divts.nn
sn.o'chH-k Sunday aRmooa. at tbe
Thn Uegantlr to aV>» and has few
t.->.i.k i-i..viaui
frutcr,..! H-lUap atui fiornl bouk-. the Rct M «- Q.UId pfSdatlac.
CocMla tor tbe Filth ward by Mr. neaengen. Sbe was rbueen for pri
gam.- a-tl -Bu,..- '-‘b'-i I<...inii-*.
lagcw.l ou T.i'; alt-tniwm.
Daaa. Tbe name of O. Q. MlUar of the very.
Hu lPo.ito.a. in*.i oi„- of 11... furc- PITTSBURG HAS i3J.t0i PEOPLE. '
mk ward waa nucteetod but owtag
ret 1.1*1.>rbal < haiai-erb of (be
to tbe fact he to a aieaibm- of tb*
Runbr That He is Net Doing
(irsiid inrr vulP-y He -ame d
beard e( edanattoa. H wai tbougbi be
Wall—Sta Up Today.
mbM net be naawd wttboot roeaMbhesd ,-vi-i, pf pa,to (Wuiurau
N. Y. *
a 137,24a
of FHcsdy for Guests.;
Id K,-.led amung th. Ii,<w „-a.
tat vttk tba tow.
IloU-kcn. Auguki IS.—fto>iiur'r< pb.v Figntcn at A'jnsbn Fought tht
(Va-hingion. Aw* J» —The popela.
Left MilsraukM far
VUnataen tbea effered to dreulata
sk-lBBs enipballcallv deny ih- rumor
.be r.u.
Fumea From B-th-nd the Structure ■l-U,
l.n of ITCei-urg. Pa.. U S33.MG, ae te
4gS.7H Total or a Gain of S3
iii.i.'Tt-d an liidiau iTiiic.-nu amt ;«-aei .id b- ilri. (w- IL* par cenL aa
that hik rondliKH) l» MrrkiBk and d--. HiflWr. Ml.he
tbe petltlOM lor the oaadldetoe aad
For Cent
tbe meetlac rioaed.
U»- lai;>er <jf a ! .n-c r».-.>l-> Sutcc •emiu>r.d w.ih tbe ePoMaed pop^
dare In- to doing wi-II lie piutMidy riank Siuflurd and M.-- l-.ari-j:.-.
en<e-iai.i.d a ■.unitw-r >< -ciui
Will ult up a while luds.v.
to dewcendant.'-.uuVrikd wbi- and inn nt Pituburg aad Allrgbeay of
l-eiekkey. mYFi. , .tujru.t jn.—JteWaaliington. August »-Thr popup»4>le «rilh a ni'rsiitsaliuw ami <x.c nrarrled Indlsns. b-iuv hn vart- ir.i -.12 in limy, loairdti^ to ceaM
purts fn-tti tlviiwrti Unlay show tliat
U-lloo of Detroit. MK-h.. is fSS.TMAn
on the i.i-aihdt SIher lai.- ■
the u.wo wi.-. («ly sa.ed lumi avn.'i- ...lor-d p-xm-iiv i.vhiy. The Indians flstncbSmall Slam In SiaekMiHh Shop, tn- tocYMne ol l«!U*2i.or ta per oi-ui., m.
Tbe pui.ulatma of F-raeaae. N. Ypleie I urnii.g (.y -Ac a>d ol Peioakey. ■i»«''K,_|.cvn>c itirlu-.-eius faniu-r.
xapared With jw.w In |»on.
ttAfuiahad by Suehet Srisade.
M. R. Hungerford and M.ta hUggle
l.--f r..v. sn Ibdiab. wiT h s.l -v- to 0ven fib injo. aa iacraaar of Sfiy
t'taarle.olx and i*e;l*tou c<inlj>a]eat
This rwmarkableRrowib Is ^ IhKiiiii; was enro.-J
Crown. iiMcA. Aatowt M.—dtro.
McEaekren Mtrriod Thumday.
nr 2«C per cefiL aa aompared
F. Mrrcoai.i. ...w n-tll and lumber ii'ul.'y lix-.u.
H. B. Hungerford and Miss Mamtle :a;id a rc:> ph-asaul
broaUag out m Hwry
Antboay-a »d to Ibe auiomoHle Indiutry. of
with J»«»,374 ie IMO
bunted anh a ku.* of tiiiineo. -dm..
lUeh el present Detroit to pracUeally. MoBnehren were unleily united in spew.
btorbamitb ahop tbto alteraooa.
fin-men slopped the fire by bnlldlag a
•Md the fwer to a amaU eiteet. tnt Ibe wori^ center. The figures hate BarrUge Thursday. Tbe cerenioo'
hig te^ and figbiinc the (hr from
been awaJted-^Merly lor enrae Unr. occurred In Cut Hay lownahip, JuaIn SuainoM In Elk Ri
BM' only by DeuMi rewldeu-j. but by iJre iUnslee officiating. Mr. liBngevbrlMde. The daawga wu a
Harry A Havl-.. f.» many a .ears n
Frar-k Dsremut. DsmocrsL Forinsr Yaune Peapic Watete at Che Ham
Tbe eouus of )mo ford U Ibe well known local (Mtractkidcr.t of Tra.eiM-.tTiv.ha* oiw-ned
Ocirort Official. Madt H.s An•f tte Brtda.
Qare MMbey of Uaaing. to TtolUag nbowed throe two cltiro to be but tok ©r. while hto bndr abo bu a large i> a ct-;.Uei 'k klii.p 111 liie Inii.i pert o'
nouneamant Today.
Slraa nrse Berlin and Peter WBbor
at the homo of kla uode aad uut. apmt in tbeir populalloa tntaU. tbe
file Bvrwky s«nx- buUding. Mr toavis
bar of ftloads.
bntoace being In favor of the UiobP
Rosaeau boib of tbU etty ware tiattad
Dr. and Hra. J. W. OannUotL
s.-ys be WM deputy Hbrrlflofgrand TwbeRulotls Caused
aused the Demiae' Hr -Vriroli. Mich,. Aiicuat SO—Frank in narriace at tbe homo of the Mde
ganden. HUwaakee'a steady, oomal
Karl KuMier of Wasblngtota
D. C.
1 Trareroe couMy if yean., but for tbe
ncremut. democrat, aaaounced tadar
Arli# Foaac Friday Night.
Ibn. Brown, who hat beM TbfUng growth cauld BOI beat tUa rapid
Oghth .Rreei Tbarwday, tbe Bar.
M • nrol M tb» home ot Dr. and past iwo yron be has spent
Arlle Droae. wn of «r and Mrw
be enieru Ihc race (or Coogrrosbar ototor. Mm. ftorlwet Turn
(Maby of tbe Ckarcb of Cbriat
■HeeapaaatomdUIwuukoe'e popeW Oaunilvtt. -Mr Koesier tion of h'Hk time in ihe roat ai
Oenby *. Beat. Urremat la p^uD. U Froae of Inland, died at hit
toft fWr her borne |a
lag. Both are pel
to employrd In the
he has Skilled lo K-* Sapid*—Rlfc jbntne 'PMdav nfghi of tuben-wVwto lie lar aad la (oragr city cmbrr.lIe'.TkM
people aad have a large dtreia of
ilmertor at Waabto:
KapU* Progrros.
'•wi* s;. .vftn <0d..
• a bo( 'iDMpalcn,
(rteads la artob Mtom tegi






TALK COST $17.75


Died FRIDAY Mouniw










- •. . i


dWtoelai fto oddfeftft an Cftlbafed
la toe parllloto obere tbe totooM
ft roeel
ftto H. B. HeUey
rotutioaft. Tba call fbr tbe big Pioak dinaer tbaa cane, efier erbteb
tbe reture •« made to Uc dty.


■Mt 3.0(0


rltlDg m
naebiBe and eeelftg that it
lorfact working otder before laeriag
tbe city.
fMlNAK m LAY flltmANTILt
Tbe laeeblBe to tor bwt one of the
eo Kiin.0YC«.
kind yet ptocod on tbe toftrliet. eftd
ftr- Mperlor to the one ptoeod In tbe
faetory* two yeara ago by tbe
tLfHf4 eilMft M< 4
Only tbe atrlngleBm beana
caa ba anlpjikd ihroato tbe macblnr.
aa'tbc iirtoas beve
before canning, end (ba nacblne cando ibto. Tbe beanm iubm through
1 fur ft rld« on
fkr W
Si^Kjr nd ft (mr Aoufft M M«rKM the tret part of tba maebiae. wblcO
tataM Mde tta* pfealr «f tba Hftft- elfU tbtro, the Urgor oom. whkb
total (he Birlnga. (alHag to one elde.
tm*ur ft rftft* ftwwefti. i« Mumm vhlle tbe «'°»m loader . tieanm ,
«akr <• tbft vtam Clip. rftprtMSi- (hrougb tbe wwtilae. tolliag .imo
tecoptode. and from itato are token
■Mlkft •mpknrm m th,
tbe feeding bopprr ef (be aeroad
SSttdteA vhU« Ur. ftftd «n.
I CUlleA. of Cbiiavo.
Hero -tin beaam «re fed automai
Vvoo ftiTtvlDf « (he tdftDd. the rally up as elevator whleh dropetbeoi
«nwd ftpeu ftheui bb boar In ei- tbrongb a mpoat Into tbe rantora.
yiMtaf (be «iM< or Unrloft Ulftod. paai tbe knK«>. Iret one end of the
tboB they
t «D board the bott.i n next knife, where (far necood end
Iknd oowftl tdMM Bambor* kad
taken off.
Sm "> iBcllfti^ eajoftftd terinx nnTbe (nipped
beaM then rui
b«lftnU« « «be vrupmthrough a chute, by the aide of wbleb
AM OtilMWOr era fMt U> the wtet live girto alt and »ort out tbe uneiilpped txftiis. dropping tben Into n c
Of «Moh am*
Moo«W » kfto* ttft otr boA ftbd e« rifir which In tnra dropa (hem off
MtMttK. Md ftt <:» the peoolo
(Ida In a reoepUcto, while the
the treo, calpped beam drop into a bmmkel and
rM ObftMoB are ready (or the canning proceed
The •deboe
Tbe machine hu a capacity of (>«tWBca'2.000 and ]>oaiida per day.
k- 9^ CUftOb lb
tahibg the blaoe of Bve wotoen.
#0BlBr, «nt ftMftrlftg ceorjtobft prw
• a aavlng ef n baK a cent per
aat ttaft tboee «■■ to be so CarmiUKr pomid (Or the faclory. on every pound
M mt Obltbk ftftd eteUftf tbot be of beana anipped. Then. loo. the bardMH Mt bMreftft tbe«
ablff which tbe fMory ftvuugameni
bat M ben ftftd. ctru. Be Ilwaya goea througb In trcvrlng help
of the eftomea of ibo
daring tbe rttab. aaet be conald
Tbe Phlnoey Bngtneeriiig com


tfMMbft. ftftd dedftred tbftt tbe
gllll^ ^
tbroai* Of Tortd
VHg otbeift B erbftt nnkee life
1ii» Brtac. He latrodnoed Ur.
fBltoft aft oee of this cUm.
W «• Wftftlftf reauibft Hr. Sbel4m UMfee of tbft boe»il«Utr wbi^
ha bed eojorod ftIftM roeebias tbe
oBr. deoSftrtac tbet (be (eeB&s that
be voft ft uwmm M boeb ftbortlr
^^f^oMcft dedftred tbftt tbU gfttb•r^i OMt ow of tte etsftft
mm. 1W oatdioard of tbe e»
•6^. be dodani. b^ beoa (o cM

etaiiie that will snip all beana. as they
re never nnirorm 4n length.
Today there was a nupply of about
M.OOO poondi of siring beans at
toetory. and two tons were expeeted
In. By keeping them wet tbe beana
wdoM be III good ocodltJoa for tbe
work Hooday moiiiing.

Oefeated th« toNfman Baaabill Teem
m Here Thu

mfm tuft u ibftftMd ■
beraete of bti ftddrew wm
■Uftfvhft.* oot te (bo oNfiiftnr
oftTraM, bar ft bddier. bnnder
«M'«bkb Ift me boly of ftcrelee, and
I0dnd ftftf^f*. be dadered, U aoMe.
' ~Wb are MeBig ta ea age <d
be dedwed. -Uem took
wmmm oi fhe Mm that tboie oM
bf^oee to botoieeft- He dodared
MU Be OM oooU thiak of troaitob
btopeed OM to the (WO of ooe
«IM vM ftOt.ft*tltod la nodleift*. that
Mito mtmU tooftt their toM> admire
Jto OM tobo itod not hoeom t
atov ttooe Itoao. Tba oefftieo
d|ii^ that bOBiftMft «Dotd be tou»
ol «Mt to <be aeboel of Ufa Setoaee,
to dadered. to ■■■.......... ....
ilMHbto. eoid be. ehooM Uho oB

the mtm ftbd msrmn m.
^e aee Urbrns la • relca of too."
to deetored. -Ufa to aoronwd by

Mart too."

Ha lto»Med


|Kt ahoerlnc Mat lUe to cmraraed
to.4ftw laeloftd of hr tadL -If roa
beobta.' be BUied. -ftftd yoo
dhat w dftd tbe feDoo obo to/

The Grawn baaebaR team detatod
le Sbenaan team at Grawn Bnaday. the gaiftc belag a good oae boi
all Grawak after tbe (bird lanlftg.
flte score;
nan ............OI OOOOOO I—:
Grawn................0 « 1 0 0 (i S 1 x—S
Batteries; Moore and
Caulkett and Hnrt.
The OrawB team win pky the arylum team bere next Thurmday afterat tbe Btats league i>ark.
MIsa Otwee V^lfhelm Better. '
Dr. J. M Wllbaloi murned Frid})
night (Torn Ana Arbor, bringing wiib
bim fthi sieter, Qflas Grace Wilhelm,
bM be«a rrlUraHy iU for eevernl
a tm (be effects of potion,
wblrfa ft to brtleved was on a ernckvr
wbicti (be ate In a rvwtaurant la
Arbor. Mtto Wnbetan to still very
weak, and (bit was eahaaced by her
trip feome. bm It wa bHIeved that
toe woald ragala ber betolb taasar

R. r. Croaa. aecreiary of tbe United
latoa Land end Irrlgatloo expoaiad^ aaed of iaeraoftUg (be ratoft- cm. WM to'toe-xity today, aod he
Itob of oaato aftrelMa. Brw. by re- stated that tbs eenUtoeat la Wcotsn
mmg aeetod aaberTtotoo. Becood. Hkblgaa for devettpiaent was biftbat
V'lOdftdec arrorm. Tblrd. by ?«• tku at .stay toewtoa la tbe coanuy.
mm oitotMi. -An mr ha aeu, Mr.
has govared a Urge act%M- tba guatUia eoft tbe oegi
tioo-ror tto Ublted Btstea. and to
-**ary life) oai or ontoam
tberoughly toWllar with tbe eoodltiOBi to alt aecUaiu.

dtotoeg tbftaa QeeBUa, ato
■m» -ft. M exoae lor poor i
«|L U etoft ftUttoto tbe laae of ■
^MtdtaB. It oOftB bft fttrensl

To Mgleri yoar baallh and there to
eevere pemOty atUitoed wbea yea

Oeapito the Nvmereue Other Attraelieoe the BMrd ef TrMe Lecture
The deerendabis of tbe tote- Rlx
Woe Wall AUanOad f ridfty
liobtosun. uncle 'of Fred RotUusou.
of Thu rtiy, will Invade Grand Rapidfor borne ecuning wwb to an army
NolwUhmtoDdlng other atlrarUm* 1M strong, aud will create ooniidrrI tin city PTldfty evenlBg. ibe'tecoire Bble alienUoo during (hr weak of
given in tbe CKy opera hoaM by (eilivltlra. ,Mr Rotunsoo
Arthur Vredertek SbuMon. of Chicago,
I the trip to Grand Rapids at this
upon -The ddenoe of Uoden Bull- time, boweter. and greatly rugrets
Bnlldlhg," w-am well auendod, tbb. aa bo would like to mln^ with
thto tenure fenrlng been given un­ the RoblnsM (amll) and partake of
der the auepIcM of tbe Traveree dty seme of tbe honora 'Traverse Clt.v
beard of trade (or the beecfii oi
will not be repressuted by Urts (ampeople of the dly.
PrevloM to ibe-addrcaa a pleamlag
a ▼oral aolo, "In After Yoara. Wfaea
am Old." by Ura K. K. HoriL MR>.
Horst rrcelvlag beany applause, but
responding to the encore. HrrKirrhner gave a cornel sola
triple toague polka, composed by J.
Ilkrtoft- Sir. Klrrhiier reapo
with -The Holy City." Mr. Klrabncr
never fnlU to please.
‘Mlu Charlotte lagrtg appoared
wo readloga, the (list of which was
-Ahcellua Jobnoou.- hitoa iNtrig reipoDdlng to the encore with am..-.,
[deaelng- number. "When She beta
RcBdr." Mias lagrig baa e very pleaslag delivery, and her aumbera were
greatly anfoyrd.
Mr. Sheldon'a address was In tbo
•in albog tbe same lloea as (hi
be delivered in the afiernoou Hr
was introduced by lion. W. if. roilor.
who was ebalnnan of the lueetloa.
atoted that the speaker eanju
(rom Chicago. Tbe Clly of I’rogrt-sK."
. Shchfen declan-d In bis open­
ing mnarka tbit he would dlgreaa
1 (aw tolftulei from hla topic,
aaylag tost It wni (he untrerMi
il j)t bo m
an nature
preclace( tlta.blM(liigB'loi
0 tbclr
doors. "1 know there an- people who
Utc In iluffaU who have u.-ver bcoe
Slaann Falls.- be said, and followed with a
beaUlsa of the Grand Traverae ra>n. oad toe pouIbUltlca II offered
the way
ri region. .“I sroaderad.- aahl he,
s 1 wna Ukiog that ride aki
y thto afternoon, If It kokad as
beautUul te you peopU as h did
me. or would to any other stranger.
L predict lor thto camsauiifty a splen­
did fuure.'
eheldon. In speaking of bto
aub)ecL deBnod buainesa building aa




•ystsm Wrong.
He deetored Hut ell things werv
carried akog on acietuMc prlnciplea
escopt baalaaea. aad took a IliUc atop
at tbe eduoatlonal eyateta of tbe
coaauy. deetorlng that be bad nu
cemptotot to make ol tbe loacbcrx.
but (hr fanlt was In the .yau-ui. "U
has been built from tbe lop down,
be declared, aurilng flnx with the
anivoralllrs of tbe Old World, and
bonding doan to the llulc red^ftchool
rA student may graduate from
UDlverwlo. and be entirely Ignorant
of (be vital points Of buslnees." br
deetored. lie sptoc of tbe place (be
buslnrw collsge is Blllng. giving It
dac credit, bnt told a story illustrat­
ing bow pufdls may even be turned
out as gradttates from a baalnrte col­
lege and Btni not be able to adjual
tbemacIvM to buslnen IKe. not knowtog how to pot into firacltcal nsc tbe
knowledge gained In erhool.
He declared tbnttobcre waa no a'tempt to train ibe phyKlral man. (he
character or (be will, end that edu­
cation sbooM be aimed at edurating
tbe wfaole man. "We arc-oot abowii
slodento the bow of knowing." be
declared They do not know how tn
tblnk. A good many fust think that
they think that «bey think. Wbat
DSC of having a thinker It you
don't use ItT
BbSftdwi la the basis of knowlag. Train tbe senses, make
teen, alert, observing."
-Man to a handle of wonderrarposalMUtlea. which be may bring oeL'
aland. -Do yon want to Knov
tft ftet rid of yonr negattws
Oevetop yoar poaiUtlitea. As the
light semsa. tbe darfcftsa vm i
When coorage cocnca. tear lem
when tbrvc come Utah, doubt toa<
-II yoa want to develop
(ITM. aoartah (bem and nse tb
Aad that to all ttaere to to ednestioB.
Tow MB get an dna to a thing that
you can't aee M. Aa yoa develop
your pooltiveo. yoar begativea dtoappabr. Aft jpnr bacaUvM dtoa«

ilvwr or bowel ttooWe to ran on. it
to polaoBtag yw Mtore ayouto, and
may lead (ft a aattoas dtoaaae. Taka
Dr. UtoTfdt’e 8MbM)DBte< Pllto oad
get abaotutoly well. The sura <
»<t thiMoft MOta do tbe aagtogor (or any aad an troablea ef tbe «
•%.»aU •• the otofttoya. bto addim •to. Uvw oM bowMa. Prtoa SSe
«H» toUMd to btOMtaftty to a*, boSL. Aak for a Ine -iapir
^n)d to B. ■- Walt * Boas. C. A
•todto lOtotoM. Mfti
Uffbee Drag Co, bM The West Bad
eoperrlatoe breotnea tne. aad ymr
( btotolH. ML



Let Brwumt HM Beeond Heartog oo
•Mra. Jcdie ikmra
Bribery Cbarga.
koan. Aagost 12 -The second •ft Monday moral
Ids and Cbirago vgI bustorat.
trial ol lice Itrowoe, charged wltk
bribery to lonneelMti with tbe
Bier elrefior. was begun today before
t wish to nniiounre my caaiblftc.v
Judge Kc;>feb. lYteeeUWvr Wuyj
at SepicuiU.
ncuib-n primaries tur tbe oMro
eutllned till case.
of roomy
■■ tSurvc.tur.

m ewnr somm

Al« l««t*.
Bhner C ItlTey «( chwlnnaU
to the gursi ot Tim TentpK- Mr. Tem­
ple and Mr, Riley wore rhnma a ouni
ago in Chftrle-Kn, West
Va., Mid thto to th
the first visit they
have bxdliiW la
la-I Bve years,
A. Tracy Lay. rttoldenL
Riley i-al/ie bkV »»<
llliexinvlcdly to visit
R. Floyd entuch. Viro PratatoM.
M*.-T^mrlc. .V-Samuel garlaDd. Caakdor.
A J. Maynard. Asst, fiaahtar.
Landed st Seven Oaks. 22 Miles Ire
A. J. UaVltoad. Asst. Cftablar.
London—ghowed Hu ffhitl in
STATE t»F Mlt'HKlAS. tbe probale
vvmrt lur the (Ouii> of Graud
Flight by Hendling tfaehine
Al a setslon »r Mid Cvnirt. held at
ibe lYotoUr Ofllre in [be Ctty ofTrav
erse Oty In aald Cuuut.v. utx tbe I-'rih
Ltodon. August
—Moi-aant i
of August A- U l!-1e
day failed to lompbie his night from dayl*rrsent.
Mon. Fred R. Walker.
Itorls. He ascended at ' I'p Church
Ills m-.-ebunirians. FTIciis and
A CcBcn] E&iUfiC Battoeu IMk
Unden. deei-eused.
I otUiien aud fought a terrific gale.
tog filed
Rail* t-W having
After a clrcuHuns (ItKhl. he landed at >urt hla UBal-arcoani
as Adniini-ti.
Seven oaka SZ oilhw Irotn Uindou.
e, and
U the bour'r Bight be showed his ' It is »rvlen-d. that the Sih day of
ukltl. fieouently dropping a hundred Si-ptemher. A. D. 19li>. at ten o'clock
the locenooii. at aid Probale
to prveirve bis equlllbrluiu. He
A be «nd
lasded prectpl'niclj. biniklng bi«

TrAverte City Win Not Be Repraaented at tbe tog Family Reurv
ten In Grand Raptda.

Plea of Mechtoiiew Tehee PMoe e(
PlM Wenan ftod garec HsH Cent
a Peimd an dean*.
Tbe Trareree City Caeaug factory
hae hiBtalled tbe totaai beea enipper
out by the RHaaey togtan
pftfty. of CMdlcotbe. 0-. W. B.





aalue greater. He dectarvd that
(hvra were tour tbtaga that go ta
up a ancceaarni maa. ablUly.
reUaWIHy. endoraare ftftd action..
One's anecea to to due proport taw to
laraunt ot ability. reltohUliy, v-n
daraneo and action a maa baa.”

One or the exbIblU at the Urud licilrr nlid rudder irniiicwtnk.
ttopid. old home week will l« the
Iglnal log cabin bufll by Rlx RolK>n ill the rally Ttl's.and ibe grave
which bis bones now mu. hU fam­
ily having burk'd him In ibr yard of
tbelr borne He was married to hi
dUn p'inceu. and It to aald bto
steadanta number op post the
Estrada Or H<s Brother Will Be thV
Neat president—Leyal'ata Present


Irarcfsc at; State fiasli

It U hnthcr ordc-red. Ibal public
oollec tbi-reof bi- given by |..........
three aiicsald dny
of hearing. In ilie Grand Traveno
Herald, a nesapaper pi-inled and clr• uLili-d in said .oulity.
Judge of 1‘robale,
Sepl. C.

lll'jfnr tl

Mrs. .tiiRiivIs Ijiinka. widow >i
Fivderick Ijimku. died al her home
621 RiViiiid sin-el. ai Til o'vinik .'<■>
tentoy moraing. after an illiiesu of
motitht of nimemln. 8b>- leaves
leaven tbroe-rblMren. WIIKam
ka uud MSax Ualllda lumiha. ot
rlt>, and Mi-s, Wminni Hnwic;
GieiUekvtIlc. .tiiiiibcr daiifUiter.'
Julia Cornell, died lo mouilis ng
Mra. Lamka was liorn In Gcrmanr
1 May. M. IStl. She .-arac'lo t
(vhimry to .veers ago. niul Its-aled
HI In Qniwond ti>wnrhl|i 21 vears
aim. Seven your/ api she lix-au-d
Cri Second sireel. where she lived
ULtll dcaUi cnnie. Of her uiilou with
klr. ift^ikn. aeven children were born,
throe of them dying In Infancy. She
leavot. tao •■IsierB In New Jersey,
one hnHhcr uiid one blslc- ln Cnr
many. m™. Lanikn waa a woman who
made friend-, and she will lie greatly
mhoed by tboee iwar to her.
The funeral will 1h- held Ihls
aflernunii al • o'<-lork from tlie thrluBii l.uthcraii ehiireh. of which she
hdd been a menrtier for in years Tbc
Rev Samuel L. Brner wlU offlHate.
and the rwnialns will tic laid tn
in Oakwood. by the side <>i il>ose of
her an-beiid. . .

Yeung Pceeto Wfarc Wedded by Jus
; tics Curtis ,t the Home ot the
Parents oi the Bride.

llliieflelds. ..MiRiisl
• Tie I
gems tvdny .-viarled Ivi iiisreli ngaiin-'
-Muilrix eujiital. .Mniiaiidiu-i, a
aicuvinlldi-m if n vuinpleie virteiy I
lasing ive n-ivul Mailrir. difeats.
Tb<- revolulhiuii-l, K-lrado. or bl
ifllicr. |.i..U-itiy will UO the Dux
.Madrh has flown, and ihe hiyallsi
re <li-iiil- I'.i.dl'ti: n«d niv n»l reri-:
Ig the :vi.-!
♦♦♦♦ «•♦♦♦•♦

Mniilcleii. Mi'll . Augn-l I'.i -Mil
I'eatl yiiiM ;-r.d Mt -< tjni-v Sbep
H-d. ol F..-: .i<>iria:i. :iie vi-tlm.
trjclirti here iliir week.
J,!lile l i'-'il Cvitilss is vjr1ii-i- h;graiidivM.Vr, Virn. .lolin Hoffman.
It ls'riinvnr--d ilial Friday nlRht wi'
end Ihe dancer for Mmie'tiroe i«l lu.v.
■n. illurbor. a.- the aarelion-c i- lire !
cvl for applesTbc grange np-ellus that wnx id hr
held TiK'/day evening at the tow ii
Ijtll was ||siued umil VOIIU' lulniKlcii'iiu Hoftiiijn veltiniisl Tlle-ds.^
iiuhi l:eiir n ».«•(.« cisil wiili In:
RlMcr 111 Tiaver-.- Ciiv.
Jlr. J>>«1i-r is III Gland ?r;n
er-e hp-pli.vl is rci<nr«e<l doing me.'iKveiyoiie I- busy allli lniil.. r- ai'
RU-nnio Hoffman will leave Suudav
for Grand Rapl<|jr. *h-re sli" will vlIl at licr-bum-s Mis lUiiry /awllner
sml inke in the piyrile- ..of ‘’l■■'tlll'
reiming,- whlili will 1h- Iwld gi Ihiit
place next wwk.

For Coonly Qerk

Joseph Arahicr and kllHs Mary Molavec were united in marriage by Jus
lice George W CutiIs ftolurday after
Bonn at the home ol the brUle'a parentA Mr. and Mrs. Vineem Moravec.
«12 Vine Mreei The ■-ercniony 'took
place at : o'lloek.
-nic bride warfaarmingly gowned In
erore n while roll. A lavgi- numlier ot'
guests were preaent. end nft«w
rerenmny e aumpluuas wrddlog sal­
tier w as served.

The rcftults you mokt.desire
are produced In both bread
and pistry by the use ol
Creicent Flour.

I crescent
,^«SSCEKT atfW,

Careful study hat been
the qualities most
esseDtiat to success —
metheds have been devised
and their correctocsi prov­
en.- 'not alone by theories
but by actuU bakinc tests
as well.

Each process of manufacture has, at its startins poiat,
the hichest q-jality of material—aided by capable men
surd hf^chiocry.

if UO more diffiftiU to use than any other brand.
Id fact, it linliU-aft your work, for, after once bnk.
infi with it. you know ja»t bow to nae yoar reeipoft
to tbu btst advantage, for tbe qoaiily of Creaeeoi
Flour nevir rarifa

'^nie Klod Everybody Like*”
J. J. Brarina: Prokop Kyaeika: C. WUbelm A Co.; U A Btlcftney A Soa^Jacob fTirwch. Bcamlab A Nlchcdaon; J. J.Oray; F. Stopan; V. B^holaod; Mra. IL Henderson; Schcalcraft A Kelaoe; X J.
Garey; p. K. Jffhn-on; GlIrhrUt ft Hlnea; Nash A nireobcrser;
Foot* A Rcam^a; Muarclman Ciocer Co., Hannah A Lay Mere. Os.

Volot lUllUoo COm Gnui4 Roplds, Mleb.


Mr. and Mrs. H. I'Urtics and ehll Candidate (or Republtcan Nomina
tion at the Priniarict, Sept- Sth.
dren of Paaacoto. Fla., are il.e guestHorn la Grand Traver-e C>ein'o J-;
of Mr and Mrs, \V. C. Hull.
year* ago. Ten years active ixtH-M
cnee m buv>kkei-plDg. gsoeral husine-What la Meet Necaaaery te Happi- aml offlee work, Capsldc. r.-liabi.
aivd who ran be depended
Many of us«win ihonghlii-s>ly an- eondnet the
r. money, but braliti Is (nr man right.
ncceasary. Money will not <-nre rhev
Itom. sprains, cuts, wounds brul>
burns, scalds, sores and aniT
shies, but
enne's l*aiu-Ktlltng Tu the legal vvyters Ot Grand 'Travenie
. .. wUl. Never know n to falL Try It.
Trice s:*. J»c aad $I.W.
Vuu are hereby ooiined that a Gen1 by S. E. Wait « Bona. C
-al lYlma.T ElertjoE •!!! be held in
. -e Drag Co., and tbe West End IhU State on Tuesday, the sli;b dsv o:
Drug Store.
September. Ism. (or all political
partiii; (or the purpvwe of aomlnatici: I
for the ofEces >( Vuiu-i;
Nitice to CMitncton
Slate* Seoa-.or. Governor. Ltoulenani
Sealed propouU for tbe en
Goveraor. RepresetKUlve In" ,Con: a brick aad concrete acfaool
greas. Sute Sena-.or and Repre^ota
hi* fur tbe village of Acme w
tire la tbe State Legtslaturv. also fur
received bv tbe District Board until .UHBlnaUDf candidate* by each pbdtP
Sept- 1, ISIO. PlaM.^etalls^a^d
■ party In ronntle*, as presi-fibWTTv
Nov :»! of the HuMIc An* of
Bee of Jena C. Veleraen. ArtoUecI.
Stale Etonk Building. Traverse City.
to wlineas whereof. I have bereun'o
Mlrb, after Augosi Jillb. 'The right afitoed my slgBa:ore ai Traverse CU>.
reject any or aU blda. MMIgwii. thto First day of Augnsu in
Coatract for the a
(be year of our Lord. Ntoeteea Hnadred Ten
Ang Jj-JIL ■


of a reH’y Of Ibis order, for


You win need some of thejBe jars In
which to can your fruit and vegetables.
We carry ih^ jars obtainat>le. The
economy is a hot air self sealer at 90c a
dnzan for pints. $1.10 for quarts and
$1.35 for half <^kllons. The Sealfast jar
hac a glass co* r. It is sealed very easily
with an ordinary rubber ring. The goods
come in contact with glass only: can be
repeatedly used. Most sanitarv jars on
the market at $ 1.00 for pints. $1.10 for
quarts and $1.43 for half gallons.
Old. reliable Mason jars are cheaper
than the above with, porcelain caps. Ex­
pensively used lor all kinds of canning —
fruif, vegetables, horse radish, honey.
They sell At pints, 50c: quarts. 60c; huf
Qalfons. 75c per dozen. One-third pints*
jelly cup;> .*it 25c per dozen You will
save time by coming to our store to get
your Jars, At the corner Of Front and


! Croccr



rtport. •»
**>• «• «>•**
and MokUM boundary, wbara ZOO
langart art trappod by fi.'tt. All
tar It pant and It It ttartd that many
will ptrlth. Elshtttn wart rat



Hod Resided In Lcelsnau County Is
Almoat Haif.a Century—FunemI
Scrwleos Tueadsy.




lg»g Lake. Mleb.. AuguM SO. -Mr.
aiid Mm. J. AV. .Haish srv occupying
the parsonage for a few wce'KS.
J. M. lailoett rw-.-nt lo Uanton
Friday to attend the Prinids quanetly meeting.
Tbi- Rev. Giirras Carer Md tawily hiM Thursday to lake up their
>.ork in t.ther Helds.
Mr. and .Mrs. & Karig entertalMd
n-lotlves fi-um Kingsley tost week. A
tiroiher am) bis fam
kir. and Mrs. Carl
Ovtalt last Sunday lo vlstt Ihcli
.sister. Mr-1, Kvnnedy.
Mrs. Helen A\-hliron‘from Rates
has been tbe guest of the Misses liei..
tnidc and Gladys Say the past wv'ek.
■Mis. Rcrtha Rehl and ihr<« chlldten retuiued ftum llingbam tbe flisi
of the week.
<*f *

ch.vrKcd w|ih pi'i.-enlog a-deg valued
at »l<>. biluiutliiK to VIbber. Speer
detuonded on examisatioa. whkb sms
set for August 34 tot t o'clock. VIbber
fasd a dog potoonod July 4. aito ba- .
oune. iwaulng-ond gomea of all kinds lieves (bat -Speer did lU
tn say nothing oi the dinner whlcb
of conme was the best of ak*.
• P C. QiU>oii and wife enirnaiead
Ibe Trr.vcr-e Cliy lawyers st their Flfly-Four Membem of the Pray Fam­
tv ltoge to'l Thnrs^r. a i»II .game
ily Catheeed at MabaJ Saturday
hetween the towyem and the formers
at A. e. Pray Home.
ils vicinity being one of tie many
iWcreMlBg evenu Dial took piece.
n of the Pmy
loiter'waning , the vh-ory. Mi.
Ullliert treated the playcts to woteS Zt memher* of the Pmy family were ..
lu. Ion 'at the clooe of tic psicto
piesent. The gatheiiiq; was held mt I
Tenioj^ ooiuig<-s ais-.^ T5c snwe tbr'home of Mr. and Mr*. A. 8. Praj'.
r.f ihcjlak^om filled with hay fever Mr Ibay Iwiiig ihe-oolv one of the
IKiii^s anilitir frlenda, who »v>mc three hrolhits Ml. who selltod la
-wafually tcWt'.r a R-w week* of Grand Tiaverwe cooniy nearly hg)f a
anr recnation.
renlury ago. Tbe affair b^on with a
big dlnnc' at noon, ^tcr whic« the
lime wo* spent in la^ng over o4d
That to Charge Made Agsinat AHinp:
Ion Speer.
nr. J M AVIIhehn. who has bee‘a la
of Itinicl 1'. Vlb- Aun Arl<ir ottrnding hia.sbler. HIsa
r of i ii.v. .Ailiiigniii S|K--i Gratv. will return h.une at < o'cloek
this evening.


Timothy Galllvr.n. an old pioneer
Not a third of a auffietoni numbtr
and well to ^ farmer of this rcjrton.
of mon u fight tha Sraa ora avaliabto.
■d duiutoy sfleinoun at 10s home
Rain to baing praytd for. It to faarad
ir or the <-ky. of old uge. He was
i^ny towna mutt be allowed to bum. POSITION OP STRANOeO SHIP
years old Ibe IMfa of this month
Fifty milaa of flame am awaaping
enme to'ihto rr<gloa aliiuist hall
coat fmm the Mohe line on towards
a century ago fmm Ireland, and had
Thompaon Falla, Heron, WhIUpIne. Omltem Minotaur ond Menn
clcart-d up a line (arm In Uelsnsu
and Golknon.
.Untoila te CMend Any /
Flya miltf trMnt brought rafugooo
lUs wire died live years ago and
from MIoooula ham.
lesidet a host pf friends, the old gi-nForeawr EHeoa wfma: -Sava livaa.
Id timber, w* need an army of field
LoD'lon. Aumut 33—It to rpporled {'oDiatt' Ic.wes three thus and three
hoapHola to rescue tha 200 trapped ibai IR aallora »-cre drocm-d b> lUe daughterswho were all with him yes
ingom. Lele to burning; Ltoby and ?rouudin gtV the UriiUb craloer Icrday mle-n be passed away , except
doiigblci. who llios In Cterclaiij.
Tmy am thmatonod. Two killed ot j Ikdlord. at gueliuut, Uton<r%[ Coiea.
Ublo, toll who -will he here in time
Siragto. A hiph wind li driving tha Yi-llom a
fimeml aeri-kes whli-ti wilt
The pu>-likiD to d
llaadrad aiH EauaWy Eaa Raraat flf^ fatoar.I- held at the west side ttaiboll.
KuivIvtKa have Iweu retoovdd.
ROh—ti Rapartod HHainp Art Urn
Alma Gitchcl to vtolling^rcla< hutch i.t 10 o'clock a. m. Tuesaay.,
I( to feared (bai tbe Dedlord will
I this piaic and n-uewiiig old
.The hurls] will he In OakwsssI <vme
oervieo todoy telagmphod AacitUnt be a total k>a> a* the rmlaers :
at .lualniancew.
rtor buck at Modfard. Oragon. te inur aud HonuiouUi are uuuble lu Hid
Mr. and Mrs. Ankersoo went to Ami
uoo urgont mothodo te appmhent
.Arbor last tt'ediicHlay, where Mr,.'
Aiikciron will take treoiiueiil at llic
•Ry H MHd witli daatitirta rafuEooa.
rnlttebliy hosplul. Mrs. Amtervon
iias been a great >uRerer for «ou«tinie and her many friends are In
paetad today te aid In hunting the I
hi-i>e* kbe tnsy be iH-ni-fllnl hy golug.
artoa and fighting tha Area.
Mrs. Rdiui Kennedy «nd children
fiom Otlat tlsited Mrs. R. M. lUrh
tnm laat aigliL ootalla ar« lacking,
The Rev. Decnas Coehlin of the Fifth aidson Ibis week.
Coma to Travomo City Many Yearn
Mr .and Mr*. Oren itoppee and chllWard la Only Candidate to
■gakana. Waah, Auguat ZE-witb- Dumbollen. of Wollaeo, Idaho, form­
Age and wot Fimt Pastor of Asen front Cast Hay. vtok-d ir-laiivei.
Have Oppesilian.
erly of thia city, tMa morning, aUtod
bury Church.
this plsre a tew days the loisl
•ad Wallaca, Idaho, and that while the femlly hed eacaped.
aavaral aawllor towna ara raglnt un- they had loat avowing they peaThe Rev. Willord HeaUi. 7C Tttors
Tho ■■xcRiwinn trains
freim ^be
ruts have |n-Ktiuns as csiidi
Hiaifcad today.
-d. (llitl ai * oVlook flaiurday inortisouth
have bcouglit many visitor-^
-los forfUtp charter reytoion coniTh. fcmal flma got Intc tho chy
hi, d. olh bfing v.-ry sudden and li:U»ll.n:
About 40 art known to ba doad and
from southern Michigan and ludl&uu
R la thooght more. Tba toaa te In the from tho mounUlns Saturday and al- uuexto-ned. heart failure
oiery one out tlds way i>
IxfRc—JiMi. U, sonlri, dcr.iivrral;
■iHHdNa but H la Impaaaibia U aati- though every offert «
cauM-. Sir. Iloath wau up aud alibut as
WlllUim I.nui1uii. rcpuhlk-aii; Frauk viuertolnliig frlcads or relatives.
mata how much now, tha bumod aroa the town, nothing « lid bo done ond usual yesterday and was uown tuaii
The Stiuday srliool pUiilc. »a» a
llamlluai. npuhlUan.
baiag to oaantalua It to ImpoHtolo to
last evonlug. Hto death occurred at
In every way, and it
First ward—Joe SIcder. d«icx>rra'..
hnuta eecuplod
•Bthar raperta.,
Ills home, sis West Front street.
Second-gard-.A. S. ilchart. r»-pn*>Ileahles hU widow.
Nbwpart, ^atoilngtoA >■ burning twi family was burned te the ground..
and four am doad. tolahart and AnaThiid WHt*J~\V. W. Bniiili, republi
dty for tho west a short lima ago. he! and a daughter whose
home to in
Fnnkfort. the son and daughter iirlrfssgom reported mlaaing near thorn being- an alaetrleBI anginaar
vird-Gcorse W. Uardie.rV
sra.Pfiaacountod for, and It la thaught mines there. They formerly reoldod at iBg thto aflertioon.
m West Fmnt airoat
Tbe funeral services will be held
ma% are dead.
Filili ward—Itonias Cochllii.
Mondsy atternnon at -:Kl ut Ibe AsIn WalUet, tha dantaga alone la
c!in; .Alec \ogl. reputdirnn .
fcury- Jl. R church, thv Rev. Mr. Mc­
Klllton, and 14 am known te ba dM
Kee oractoUng. Burial in Uakwood.
Tba town'of SaHpt It burned and
Xlr. ilenlh was a suivraiiminled
Etk Ctty, Couer fi'Alana and Mullen Hiss Etanche K.-Bamum Loft Now
Mvibodtoi minister l«lne one of
sm .Aifroundad by lim In tha maun.
Vert for Qormony.
eldest l»,^Uiefaigai> i-onCeteiuc.
Sols. TafL Rolknap, White Pino. Non­
Uisa Btonefae K. Barnun w
» lo^avemc fliy many jt
as and Heron am athar towna which
and was the flrwi pastor of tho
lut« buNtod.
Kostgfn UiUe of the North OennaD
Mundmda of rsngam and troepa am Uoyd lino toariDg New ^rk at «l .Ashno' chuich. the church. It to'
ed. bavlug been hulk hy him. He iiad
uiMtoto to chock tho roging flamos and o'clock Saturdaj-. The l.ulse goes
largo miniber of friends In the
hundmda of aotuom have had their Hn-mrn . rls. Plymouth and ' Ch
Special Service »
bostoa burned. Tho people fled te tha hour*. Hiss lUroum will continue her I whom his sudden denih' wa
great shixlt. Hto aldow is |
Open iMdlssi, and their oonditlan 1s rlolln studiM In Oarmani.
plbfHl. Tba atataa Intend asking addt
Gonai gauarnmant aldHm. KIsle H hasnali. Mrs. George
The jr.ih atlnlver^:Ily cf the G. t;
Tba altuatton la mere atrlena than W. IHJT. Er.. Mr. and Mrs. George W.
K r. 8. MKicly, lli-uncli iii. [ t--e .
ytPlarday, afthaugh tvarywhom, as- Ran. it.. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Rewm
■ vh-erjU-d fur tlx- Livl 'isii da.m. to
eopt at Wallato, wham half ths town aud Julius I leers left yeolerday for
ginning with servk-t-s held in lli
(From Friday's U>-conl.|
woo bumad, tha troops, rangam and
Mnt Guy M. Johnson and .Mlito UI- I'hurcli of the liuiiusculaie t'luiccioRtoona hope to eontml the flm soon. with Canuin a, ibe objecthe point
llsii Kelley of MeiuMDlnee. her guost. llon at ii:3u tiiiiiday timminc.
TJic ebuteh was well mlcd w-lli.
n-tumed to« evening from a short
(Itollllcal Adrcnlsemeni.)
DH-iuhers of Uie prganiBnlou. win
vivlt In Charlevoix.
Mrs. PrldoBux, who has been visit­ nme to bear the Rev. Pr. .M, Vimi.
ing her daugbtei. Mrs. 8. B, Smith. I t'hlcago. who gave an address j:
Rcoalar dollar
as returned to her home In Hillsdale. lie thiheiiiton longue. ii|>on the g<s>.
f the unler.
Mrs A. C, Wi.doefI arrived
in t'le alivrnoou there was an ei
mornlag fium
Clioinnail and will
some time visiting Mr. and irrtalnmi-ni ghen In r. u. K P. S
i>n Second wlrvi-L. wlm-h wax wv>'
-Mrs. A. B. Wiedoefl, Uler going
Gmwn to be tbe kmoI m Mrs. rbrnries sMeuded.
-I ei.-nitiK llierv w»* a cot.
(tolmer. Mrs. Wicdoefl has Id^en spend­
ing several ntonOis in t>iro|ic. at Dan ' tli.uance of the jubilee eelehraTliit.
zlc. going across the {vmd last fall. Wtiich will cake ptoee Ip 4' K. K. I'
hull. -Masle mas fuiiiHn-iI h
8he ei(>i>pt<d ln,C'inriimali ou her. re­
Slieuiiekto meheslm ahd a largi- nuii
turn borne.
I. lutiiaiion* wi-ri-Isaueil
Mm. M. Packard went U> Fife Lake
Ibis morolug to visit friends.
Mr. and Mrs. J, K Aml.ley rt Mendon. who bare Is-eu visiting a U Ol.
ney. returned home ledny . They wem Cxmpiftfl Party Camped Nes* Trs*
erse Beach Resert.
bcconipaniod by Miss Dumeu. The
Frrp-M Hnriung. Gouge Clark*
three ladles are sisjers.
Mrs, lleno' Von Hoke, of Oraeoa. Joliii liiinc. uud Fred Welters, whe
lamping for two wm-kr
who has been visiting her daughter.
iJie ..Id Trsverxe llcaeb resort :e
Mrs. VVallsce ViTUtoms. lu this ciiy
ond relatives al Old Mission. retum.V the irue*l* of c, p. Atiltoiuy whuonn*
proiH-ny. reJumed U«l nigkl to
home today.
Mr. and Mrs. J. p. White. Mm. Oervals Oarer. Mis. H, A Hanson, wept
to Msnimt today to attend the
' B«aUi>ii Friurin Tii>d>; S.,,.
Friends quarterly tueenng. the wedding of thsi^nleer. Miss IVart
Uokhirl, who was married lo Charles
Judaon Ellon tost Weda.-Mlay.
la Bprac ^ BonmMr, ft’s
Mr*. Wbiren SalAuiry and Mrs. 8.
tbe Mtinl tuzw to atore up
Salshurfy w-nl to Keswick this morobaehfa and witality for tbe
spend a few days,
and rUs Fred Sunderland asd
daughter llcrtba, aud Reuoen Miller
of Newark Ohio, am in the ctty visitlag G, A Bnillh of coat F.-vuii sireei.
Stullhs sisi.-r. Miss Lauia. of
Allianre, to siso vi.lling her hrother.)





ihclr home- In fhtessex They were
.•air to say It wo* the largest ever
ilioroiighly delighted wtth NorlbOT luld at Lung Lake. Ibcrv heUg ciOMMichigan, and exi>ect to relpiti bAt
'» in aiiendancw. People rotslng
Vi ar for another similar trip.


Grocers are selling more
“BESsT” Flour than ever,
proving that it has merit.
Get a sack and you will
know the reason. .


Hannah & Lay Co/s Mflls


Shirt Sale


Keep this in mind and come
that day and get some of the
- biggest and best bargains
that you have had.
Men’s Dress Shirts


Men’s Bandkerchleis




lor................................... iSc
for-.^.......................... ..lie
lor.f................................ Ide
lor .........................

Men’s Hosiery

25c values arc now 2 pairs lor....25c
SOc valaea selling lor...................... 25c
25c valaea are now 3 pairs lor
15c valocs are priced for
......... lOe

■ CmaUMe tor Cmwy aerk



Scott’s Emulsion

Splendid Work Shlrls selling 3 lor.....................$LOO
A good Bib Overall tor.........
One ol the best lines ol Ues, SOc valaea lor .
Don’t forget that we are havingr Big
Bargain Sales in all the different di­
visions of our Big Store.

flannali& Lay Merc.Co.

Wait for Oup Big Clothing Sale irs coming




Klnialey (hU nomtaa, aeooaiu'ini'd
any pereoo uudrr tto aca to 31 yaara ty her dIo(*. SJt.a l>Bta SHebt, wbo

«ho ahatl reprreeBt biaarlf to to to toa been vUIIIuk ber for tbf Uat
beat ape and thereby oMala liquor wrrto.
aba.I to deened c«IHy to a inlMle
roui loada of ikNBUNi*. PrlntnuR :i>
MIm tleaele Kill. Ml .lor SIhehInar
neatior and Bpen loavinkm ahaU t« bland tbia inonilTip
leou a toahel. dnHod oe the s>arkA


punUhtd by a Bnn not Imo tbae 46
Mta, Wtillam f.naa Ml today ‘o. today: Tto uanal xhlpnmt* (d Dwh:
or more than SM> tOfetber WUh the MOBtuii. abi-re ilii- wUI vuit trlenlU.
tn-ual jail aenieure provUlona.
Ura. Mary natteich and flr« child-' the aanie at -^bbiI »u eenla a buket.







Aid. Irown Would Molit It


ntponer to Mi«rO|>r*oont Apt 1

r. aniwn'i


Raya (he Cnad lUpIda TTcaa;
Aid. Chwin Blown hoi nibniiiipd
10 ito rity onurooy'i dciuinincui
dioft to an ArdlMiKf which bo bupoo
will prOTo a very )um and nuunt
addition lu lb.’ Ilqtioi rocnlBlIani
Ito rtl}.

In roM' (bv ordlaaoc*

hiSad 10 to l< sal aod within the
ihoriiy to the it.naill to mimi.

4M <n Maklfif 4lM •rauR bi
Party ttUI WW«r.
The I>r«ja-ni Hjinor law pnivjd.w a


Aajnui S!.—A reiul':!’

ivtre iiriialty for any calotoi kvoiier

tudty Ibsl t:>p

who li ciuitl.4«d <if eeOlni; liquor to


Rsrty «MgTP«k>Ba) eom^UiM wont
•MUn OMOkMi • «p<*kluiUte dtirlac
. «h» flMBpatXB. Ttil« U • dlnem roMff.


ojlnora. A' ilme the »aVj«B
lui pmUwJlOD BKUlnil
Ito bo>i aho ttuk lu lie of h-eal uc*
lO dxlirc ilie»N..|vei.
tuM-ii at-tml .iiuianxw In


MtwM (to loHirarau. and iba iMii«n Kat itoi ito wtole <Mnp«Ka o«-

Uve I

•tty «|-4>ald to tUrba-B tu RciKinr ilte

to nnuMiratili- >uin< to avolil

di«MKTaU.*lu) KM wfdrKinx Ito party

MllIi B I» iMlmc-a who tuul
tpiiearanre of lxi4nc Jl >eaii o




At Cadillac, Michigan

SEPT. 13,14,15,16, ’10
Tf«ttlM Ats’a lisceB*~Uber«l Pnrset
rMi«Mlpr CbUdreo
r«a l^lsea aiMl PrMDlnuAB
Vaatfcvllle asd EalcriDlnlno Fc«iOsMBmt

iisMsplay of Farm Impltmtsls aad Uacblnlii^cat Slock Exhlbllo In History ot Fair Asior*
AU School Cblldrca of fihl« Coonly. Beoardicss
al Apr*
be AOmlllcd Free Oa Tkaroday
SIGO.paya ford General A«inlc«l»n Tlckclt and glvea the pvraer the prlvHege of maiilnB entnci in m/ depiriment, except
•peed department.
le tec.ytiry (or Hrfm.uni . Lilt and erliy

KRRY F. roiTERS. Pres.

J.M. TERWllllGER. Secy

Big Clothing

rather. O. U Juyni. TiTille In toe city
they were the furwia of her brother.




• ld«.

ihe rrtu-ivoa >he had

Belt She wau ae«un,181111.11

nnd Boiilli. Ill .Mh'Mton w1ui la.lil h
in.inalniaiico In ixidrr inf>u..iy,
‘ijli.i liiiH rul lih.k pl-ie uii Ito Itib
itiimh, IViiu. ^li*

k-i - f ..Bl S Hiiniu..] 1:«. mill .Muit
ll :i. J. (iuiitry WrUui a.klai.d in t;.i.
kiip Amu to JikUi." w'rre


'XiiKiliu and tola W.iils, ThivH. I,
dre.1 |K-r..nm ati. iiOivl iln- tin,-ml

liheralirg (4 Heuia.



Allrr baling l>mni mil more tan
hoeia. l!ie jiirj
aiaie atidiivi

In ih.-

euw ol

* H.iaian 1..


lehaiaed wiih a mibiiu by one
to the B. niali lioiiie Ui> ■. ol a


liunagii. dliuerm-il


wax dU.-hnigiil l> The jud«u/or



Tlmn. arc Iw-o

in.'lerKd by oibor



tto ln..tlliii;oa to u ilmllar imtiiie
ll la ii.ii l.iiown nl'eu iiuj
ikep .1,1,


i! .11.1


iatui-d. , .. IJ., .rU I

8 .:u Ktow. to Jell, K... a-

I.X-.I u«lii> and I. the im.-.-i *>1 Mrx.
1^. M. Italiliiii. al^Seania-waiiia.
Mla< IRIiel r.tomif, wbu baa

tbe worii.

VLltpig her pareulk at Old


uiuiiud U> IRiluih Ibl. lupiiiUg
Al|>e llannin jelt lliU luuiiiIi-i; (ur IJrm.a lUi-.J,. qliere ,.to w lU
( lelativek.
Muk Mtlile Vhmh I.-fi tbU mornuis
[«r Kite iJike. Ill \|>|| hei nmlier.
M(W. U J. t'aniptcll went lu Alias

We have ccbblff't outfits fcom 35c up.
Half soles from lOc per pair upr*'^ ,
We have a guoil malleable standi" with three
lasts, lor 75c(
W« alto have cboe oj^ tboe thread, shoe
warp, shoe hammers, shoe kntvci, eW"^
Come lo sod tee ui about your cobbler's tools.

OM PoaUMIce BtoMlM

lliit mniiitiiE. afivT >t>lniij Jiieiidn la

Mm. lYed Uottstoy Mt UiH «>om
».fi tor gaull We. M..ue, aberv the
kin JrSn her hiutond, whi> it in Ibn
ik-uinxiita nn a liiulnmt lilp.
Jlr. and Mr-, n v lUiiit* went tt.
Uaiiliia (bu (uuriitBs.
Ur. and Mrw Char*.-. Wtoford-Tria/
I.i CtdilKe tudaj lu ualt (.l.i^a.
Mi> ful* Eustor lell Uiit/t-.«i
(or lliiikley to vbU filiWkSt.


V. KeaiMich


--Sic felinw (inds s red‘ear be h entitled to
, Ll*x die girl he tianx-iis tu In- niwtwsl.

pVIlrtdB.' Imd iioil.xxt iju. .. riuniuii ll|m
•' ■‘*!of llu*.. .Viiil-rsvn. ned. bimpry for
I klvx, be wax saperly wiil. h.lig fto tbo
fixleer Ilut wi.uld gUe blu uBe. Tbe*

lu.'UieUt be saw Ibt- (lurk kenirl* be
tlk.k the kU*. anil It seeuieJ to him
u :de lluiV hewai ly Jiikiv.n.
. .fkr
As II lusnls unty out eleetrle spark
niextage uMnnJ (be-Elube.


for sum.- lime. llLe luaay utbefs, b
slrufilbiq sguUivI a waal at mdy
■uuiH'y lu UulBeie and waa etinsISsaad
rather -sbokj- by aouie of bla eredRvrs. Our of tbem. fearlui ttol to Wsi
about to fall, took tbl* ux-thod OB tto
eve of the di-btur's tuarrtags to force

Mtal PtebuGI
IKroiiTTfrada.V ll.-^T
, liiilllil. per I
TcmuSUiiiluti Irtl Ui^y |.li .Hdwaii- n...'r si.
Hu UiUl HlMlk.
ik. IkM'
is; l!l ..
t'.irierbuuse siiwk. pdt
I'uik olKips. (wr It, ...
TVItridge was uusl.le lu ux-el Us deI‘.i;l' niasi. (kir lb .
Mr and Mi 7.^Axlu.m
maods and lusteod uf gtaeg to tto
lioK are B""'.*. to Ml A'-ti'iniV i>
lirldal wi-ut lu MU
Tbe art of
enia. (.Iiief and Mi». C. W. .itblun.
•r lb .......................
Mr...O.,n 6alehiul.lan,jlmr. Ml.a
«r Hi .............. . -Itc ia
t'totC. to Ih-iiuU. who
have Inwil
. .... ................'*‘ l«pem b.
t.-s.-ih.-r 1 „ „,^lf..uiKl Hint Lis attfoipt to force bla
• •
........................uf (Vbllb
VViirlifcv. wb.» drli'.-r bad fslled to withdrew tto
|..'ti<1iiiE a fek
at Ol.l .\li altol
Veal -bniHi. jwr 11.- .7
ll. Ito biixVIng In a l-t ..It biirgu. abO TVItridge wrot forth • free
t{ had drl.-ii
leiiiimd bi.iii.'- iliix niurnlng.
Vlid Hiew .........................
handed the t'.rl tin., it niid dem to but ruliHxl uibu.
lira iV. Clin,an iriuiue.l lu tUil.a
Veal Mcaka. per )b.,
Mlxa AiMlersna la now a womae. gbd
today afiei i-iHniilliig >u;iie lime, a Thlcki-n, |wr lb...........
*** ""
• by Imiiulv*. to had dared ber lu marry it w ilwe. If ever, that abe ahall
lo)e lanifi. per lb«...
I'iiloi. anil. nWay^xl l.i.v liu|>ut>e.; slie bad shew wtottor abe U the aama Im*
Dr. and Mr. -1. 11. JMeliii-em .,1 r'lil Imnib eb'ip* per lb .
loilxlve rrvaiure as eier ur baa grown
Iierf loaxt, le-r lu ...
IpO.WlK.iiave- l-l;ll ajMSUlllIg .1 I...
^loc I
rearbl^ Ibe tuwa TVlirldge prb* (Xdd wUb linmsIUf years. Kto arBt
Rib sics ............................
I,,* enrixl a neuTIage 1^- UxS -uud l»ik Itcoo a iwde to tbe man wb,i bad baeu aa
w,«ka at lludiiii. lelililye.l lanue Iki.
ratlikaaiy luru sway from ber aoylag
that sbe lielicved be would clasr himJirisiii
Kiiuf inn
. and 11.a. L. B. Wtu.iu- au.l
arif of Ito tbiirgr aini be rouM count
IUdiIh rrrr. |ier |b ..
d K.yi.a
to itxd ('ll) , and Dr. abil M.a. \ M Oleoniarg. r'nr. per lb
lluoie <iT Ok-.^an. v.l»i liai'e m-vn vi> Uxioii. Ki r- .
TT'too MIsa Amlerwua aaw ber lover
,alie was firi.xi
tgalB to waa tnueb ebangtd.
RlBg Mr. anO UIa. liertoii M.JOiaguc PlUiK'
I"rr lu .
' rllned to |»rfu
lelnrend Uouia today.
Mam. nhole...............•
sAuu.Ily fur tooked fifty inalcad of forty aud waa
, rated tb- y-u... ....
Hub. per 1ti Klicrq ,.
He had oe loeome on
Mr*, r. A. ftkclclier
I brlngtim s-. yum.s a g
Ibiticr. per lb ____a
matvled Tletwuw,- 1 uut lind atuud
Flank Olliuiii left uidjy lo, Ciau.
.■aplial with whli-b to eiutofk agaia
fur a f.-w m .1111 id- .
Ibe sidewalk.
Itkiiidi, in ail.'iid Imhi.- ivming week'
lu I'lulutaa. aud be fiOt (bat bla good
Mra Fi.iiiL ITtofileh> went u. cixn.
i i-aiue bad been amlrrbid.
Ulm AaGrain.
ting Hie cirt tu Ibe t'Dccy. to drura
I asfciBg blm
Ilaind* u-lay lo tpcml »tie'we. k '
wbea to left tbe
be JaU
i Mkiliew. aad I'laye
riie c-u day tto nimage Uceern
. b^. TTliea TVItrklce entered (be
('Imago. wTu. n.-iie I'e. 11 .to'iotln
was reiiirfe.1 utui-xl.
to camnlng roum at torr borne
.la.n I time to iVc
.TT'to’Vr IT ti. i:.«e •Ind.T—n'a- par­
ents kui'vi -r ti'.w iiiar tbelr dauEbtar
fiuudk,WuiiiieJ'boBe (otUy.
bad ix-nie lu >HlnB uiarriM I did not
.Mix.>(-'’iiri^ S. Vader aod dauRb
laani. I.UI tlu' fa' l remains ibat wllhla Tbeo (to two sat duwa togclber, and
I Mill Mlfifiod, left today loatond
---------- ------------------------------------the parsou's
week hi Gnuil
ato wn* P,1 l„tto b.«rdtng wbm.I. j
,g,.|rrtr, aa yun kaoW.
where ahr rvovalned. isi-.H.m. rxe.-i.c „j
„ ,p Iiitu cash. r«slHiiekwiieet
Mix. A. t'.'i'tiliiiBB and Mr•d. fmliree years. (Birtii? Ibl, peri.J !
n„; i, , , b« fc far tbs
Abbuli reliinnd
Ur ni:V.i
abe never iiu-t the naa wbu bvd rum# . a,u„uut tu yuur -rd.T- It la Bot mbek
Hand Rapid.. wLcri' they attended
a« near tu tolng her hustoiid
t„ .tan In l.usliie.* with, bat you batw
IlfUIi. dren.S‘4. IWhen the fa-.s tore a dfx'inud sud |i,,,.
Ml- Juliii lli.ii ,:m of Uhl Mpktun
h'>-. uf fru'Uds. and
and that
that is
t ratdul
In View they arrange alfu.1
bsrtf. y..u must togbi tomoctow.''
vti iLis UiuiuliiB tui (trand Rapidi. Calve-, irin.e .....................
meet the uaae
In ibs (li
*,.• they
'r mediuir .......... ...
\ llsbt rose ta bta maiabctoly cyua
lid Oit.Bko A toninexa.
knew perferiij. seu (b,. ,
, ,«ii:.n.uL .....
be said
Mr*. Km F. iRlimer. ot ft]vk*iie. COS*, good .... .,...
of (be couple Iber had d-creed sbuOU
-Yun are (to aaioc girl yoa were at
iVa.-h,. KXI lupi la*n. tUfllrg
Mi. 8ie.-t
.u- ! •eeBiually manr. They did lu.i tolag
e hu-kmg. *6rsy a fual to a Btur..........
.lid Maa. i.,'xiise Ainiuiie, hn tin. ghee;., ,--r it. .
I' Tbem tngettor arila ti a canrsnHoeaJ
Jmnii.. pu- It ...............
i-ct-wiy, Tbey 'ttok care H-4t tbe next
ii....'ii <0 »:-n liteiula :U Ha»t>iU' .
."ABd abe will to Ibe bsm gtrl that
Cbk'kriiL. pqr lb ................
I*- ; ifitoHsg ab'.'ild be cairuLited la m- triot to Uoff yuu <1 too we weat 10 bw
and -Vi. Nmma» LeKlle‘a,i.l
.. |rut^aes with tbe ImpulHte Battuoa married tto ttoood ume.*' ato Ealibad.
laniilv. to t'l.i..vpu. who have Ih~ 11
M.-imn 0»d>; i.;.;.:of (ba yoBiig eunple. (.i.>ia:iy tbe
~ir it badn'i fevc for both our Im­
ejieBlir.iS I*rt of li e kBlUniei »4.,lll.< P'ltat.iex - ... ____ ____
gitfs. Not ur’,' Hii v aunt (.‘tu.kl pulses as* Bilgbt bate haaa bappy tolailvi r ai NoMli|.(.ii, returned lUMiie
, to abeot a few mure aiiows lata UwU gsibcr tong sgo.* be said, vltb a algb.
S'I aw, isT loB............
“Aad If ll hadn’t bese tor my imMl., nrdfn^ Lam) , toto dauetocr.
Tnrrldge aid MIsa AadersoD. i.ulaea uow I might iaava jw to a
Uiaa y^Bia. Itoi unlay (e yUtt lel.three ywsiw ohli-r (ban (hey wera tt I frlgbtfBl <dd a«a. Uo St cmet aad gK
tbe basktur eamr- ixgeili'r for Ito aac- (bit aaclrel marriage Uccnas.*
alid lihlida kl Wa-hua. N.-w
mid Ume at a strew eieigti Hdn. aod
Aud Ito maw day tto dark sC fisto
a>bli,- Tlitli toiop U a< t'anr- IlMe*. cured .
feha kumagwre of tkdr duatiuku Of- I struck 4.
Ilid.-L p-eo .
1 bid<ia ...
• Kdksrd Utfdter, Mrs. Juim I’ells. fium ...
VVanu-i abd Mr*. Pmrv Wanirr i.
How, tion .
mniT.1 Baiuidp); fr.iiu a two ww-k,' Wool ..................
obetBor quotatioaa.)
rip ka^eh Too.niu. famiilU. Kiigi.
ra FalU and Dhiou.
uid .rubbers, per It,.......................t to tq
k.a. Mid >ilti(.| AVi*~iiBaili judlilx lui
1Adp)>‘ .lay.

on tor U to did.

iiumiBb A ur Co.


You CEB save a lot of muncy by tapping your
own kbosi. and we can furoiih you with the tools to do


TMtIng . her nlsler. Ura. I,


fiiviiihi ami V-li«oin>ai>'a In Noiiln-

vri.Ke. ‘•Bmk of .tjek” and • in

|Be Your Own Cobbler

fkMiietblnE. sto knew sot vtot. Bev.
«d Ibr gin to dhxxner wtettor or m
to was i-iuOiBs gMiiE iiffy—la sbon.
rtut to exiees. wLL-h 00 o»lV« ItefUil wonl ba* ever twea eidBed. Sb«
dtvpped.ber tUa. ttkl to Mt fw tor


U-»'| f«rl.. i Jn.iier drrivered Ifae nK«e



iPE and weiri' to Otneu to fUtt her

iwnevd ttoi Ibey kbouU slt'^ If
alto. Wundre bec*u bj aprl^H«
Bir havlBE
asked a shl au looSE
a* she tod bora at tto lioM to QiqnT
bin. and eudot bv soy Ibe t^t to was
vtry .e.ry abe bad out beca of tto
qulted ago.

Illy Vailed fTeta.)
' White toekluE (v.r et Idetiee «f a mar
Detroit. AUE r;.—C»>*e—l\*beal— rtase iuVeltUig
U,.uni,;n; tu
elleuu u( luluc I .abie niYu a HoirSV-fae; com. Me; oau 3S%e.
Many Pteple Atieitded tto Oatto'Hng It. L. Joyii!, kU|«rln(esdeoi to ifae
had iBtloaisd to blm tbit U be would
fblroEO. Aug. 21,—Ooto—tVbeat— nose Iteeuae hsord fi. t«-(i lanli-v ..nil
water wurka.
9I Indian* at .Nerthpart Swiiday
.W-rlUtra ler.wa the fn-v- . r ILr riiirj la (*U to ber tto uejt eftemoto sto
eoin, Ok-; oat*. 3tk*e.
—Crowd from Hart.
-Ura cbariea I-;i»«ttrr. who iiaa
TVd Ink wax .'(to lene l,,v itir JWv'e; would .■otoidMe wbai bad Im latsndToledo. Aul. 23.-<*lo«a 'lybeat— ■'Kelurii.vl yiuoaeiL
tose w-.v:n2- fd nftee tbe butolug |«riy.
Uen eiaphixA lu tto Mllllkcn aionI Sal ; oat*
( U4.e.
Tbe uevl memlaE Mr, Wlirta** took
•o." tm lariilbs lo the jevie n-lerr.4
'Oiie l.undiW ami fifty went fioiii (or tome tiuu-. will leave TucaJ:
4u there wa, ant.;aer itoird and tto ou; (to marrlase Urvox for tto soe.
ir«' on the CbdquanieErrn i-n-unliqi'______(or
__ ____________
AiieiUtvu. Wash:, ,«
lo _
>uin Mr.
•atae rvd ink Bute. In .b..ri. tto r.%- tod (line ami In (be afti-roooB ealisd
• ii)< Indian ramp neotlnc at. North-1 toucaaicr. wlwi k-.-itcd theie
D]x.a MIX’. AudcTtou. He tuoBd bee
Phlepsn. Aug ^i-Piua‘(mi^,a«y: • vtvl abun* lUii a ll tuixe irax |.r<K«i\kl
The ilUace'w:x irTI »iuumb hv<>. b.ttius a i« <Ulon
arnf.v,,l for the tmdal la a plala
elii.l.e 111 fauiy.
fah M I LliJ rtdun>ul Diluted ,(bie« diSereut walking *uil. aud ib.!, sunrd at one*
of tialluca who rauie by Iniel ai>.< * Atordocn ivntoflec.
I time*. jTl,u’t..urlh 11.1.0, to.
Riud. wifi kSe.
f.w (be clerk-yiuaa wbo bad devUaed
be l>>na Knoblorh takliic
theibSrm, iikl lin-y, w6rv ri,
Major Wlltolai left ibl
tu marry (taeu tk-f.w*. Mia AudSlv
TBPaseef furtVitfHlwto nc 1
fridh Old MUirton and Ibe iteatucr |fi.r Bl. l‘aul. yliere to aKlattend iho
aua wwiVto die very G«,r. bot
J luado a Buie of (to &]i
fruio (Ttarleruli. The Kjn- jimetn.K to tbe l.eatur> of AmerK-an
- tfiow- Spot. Ibe Id 1.X.A f.o-, the M-ryHuii nfik-arej abe saw Mr. WlirKIrv* (baaili atiuat
i>) M.
b»il abourw from How [ Muui.-.oaUO«i. *e Ui:;..; the Ttavtil be ruDlalUikl lu llnwe
utoe*. to prea tbe buiiuu she turoed and
If r6; Octutor, Win. • •
ra liartur.
•y>e Cliy dvtcEBir. Mr.'wilh.i.-liu will
Tear* uflerwanj J-»;o«.UNil ui>tikU |.y Bed. fthe bad dlsikivered that to waa
('lil.wgo. AuR
The T.
L. S M otoialod a dum yo aa far a* MllwauXio tunUbi. Kpend
•kevUeuii !i WUI |i4d l.>
h.> a xi-lrf nit IdafflnE. aud to had dtooreved
r.:S; Seidentlei. IdSftWBJi; Oeiu
my ll.: - frtrni iSr- tlllaaf Ui the ramii ins Bnnday ibrre with hi . Iiroib-ir.
of Ito'U.ty ler wtoiii ttni ll,'ea,» was that sbe was duins dial very tbieg
iGr. Pl.ln;, li.Cl. tSov.’i--oe
for Ibe sexual time die BatvWsu
takeaout. Here It l«:
L'tttiiMl-, rannluE qii a UiniiuMc m i.n. >lUa ('a'torin.. Wilh.'lm arivtiniMtiled
lb* elorh W!
lotor, ||fa>.
A Mk-lal imiiy |to ell.t wu Ib-eiue was VxHurBed.
biin a> fu au MjlWBUk.-e, who
dernluy for Ib.xk- .v»‘'*vti<d atruek S.
huvkliu; e.tfu ou I*a ri.U.>r1'- fatin.
U'tira tto evuide wet fur tto ttaiid
.\iu.nig tto buikliis liapy were tbe
po ltrv
Mi» Crorte Vtooiir
tttne It Wixatd uot bate availed (fas
Xiw York. -lUK
20—f\JUl|re — tWe |u'rx.>ii« whtwe uaiifw piqH-sr la
dauph'iT Cilul vf Ua'eluec ai-ixi
tto tnaritoBe tw-uid. ITa-y Were Nor- rates To brlUE them luEWber that tbqr
F»r II... ll.’ra1A
AHv,-. >iukl; wealelB hrollers. *ltir;
•Ilian. VVl(ri,lgr. at tl,.>: ili«r ap-d tweii- uilgbt ait on Ini|iulxe. tor Ibeir Imlaai I'.-'DluE to aio'iid
M-ieral dal
(Jrilla (‘bn . Ibi'l wa> tom
towl*. lie; liiTkevK. forilSe: dr.-s
ty^li'e, aad IUi»' .Vu.ler«..ii, a kl:|i uf IS.U.W bad tad.xl befotu matnrlcy. tt

of Ito Ibih, ll;;i; III U
ed ►t.'Bdy; weaiern'hrtoleiv. tTfillle: a Ctrl, boveilaB toin.-wa ebi'dtw.*] nnd wax (Bvi'c year* ikf.irv they met tto
Mi-a. O. II. tUtwrauillh. of (‘hi.UBO.
itied (1m^. It i< sliuinlar thsL mlly
.uul). Ml. hi ,-III. Alirr an II
fowu. iSdilRe; lilike)* t;t|2lc
wunuuihikut. ■ VVUrldRe wu* a bund
KU'-M c,( .Mr> Willlaiii lUiilrii'
>u bo.ire .ill' ihuatml ihia
ChleaRO. All* to —IMuUry-»:k) ; annie yik(UE fell-n. uimI It-ie Atii!n’k..a loUuE eai-h i'(liev. they should tors
bevD «k-|-inilid f.w so long a period.
a vrry i-tvily 1
I2lb of Ito Wh'iuoiilh.
IMO. used
Hnkj.y,. .ine; 1 lil, keiu.. If..; ajirliiK:’.
Tbe twasoa wae that M'KrIdES sop. A. J ^.jiliika.
UJitonx. U
marly u't yeara.
puMd. MIsa Auderwou tod beUxl fltto
.11 Hu- .11) for a <e» weeka on a<'
' Oilllu w an I hr eltor dauKhlvr
-bluir attoc aud purxtHxl Ito utaUcr
, I'f .'l.imklle *e*. Tbe itTii were *1111.
.■onm id Ibe uerkrua lllu.-a of h.ulliwwtol. and Kuiaii (dark Bto ucq
au tunlier. Ulaa AndersoB. beiDS DOW
.[iiu a beu|. of .wn bu.ily t.-artBi; o
OaiiKt.U-r. >*(urto><w, who canKi hrir l»
B woiDau passed out (( eblldboed.
Willi tot iHtfi-iile lu Cruliil Ttan-’M’
v..,k Any.
- H iiier—f.: ni.l the hud.* wtoii they saw eu-b v(b<
»l<‘i d her taieth'ii a fnw wRrIx'iin.i.
wodU v.4 luacry. so lo apeak, "ea a
n.uiiii. Aliijiiiain. Ill the ii>rli« ul'
j (“r tbe ll»-l Cme.
.tml l i now .tllii-lK in with niifendl
lurk- Pbe laust to ptoiwrly w.iord

Wimuge Lmkod a (nl ear.
Ikmi ut. tlie Vh to th" eeromi nun.'li.
riieeiH— HiBi and umtoBKiil
and wen. Tbe rtsisequeuce was (tot
Mtrf) ..lie wht'^kin.p»bii)itrtncaboi
Uki. rlie Waa lOktllrd 10 U(;>d C.
nlMi*. 2.(LK, IHI .'Miiu-iji, Kbb*-—Hhu
Ibey (u.scd all Itose ysors Uadss a
(”. O. j«>lili«.iti left luiuy fui Hit
ilxtlUjl.IvirlUw 1* Iiware (but wtou
Knut, III whom ahe vniK a Hue am!
and uuehuiig.kl. rfiv.l|i'>. d.i.Su. .
WiKonxIr:. after lirlnqhiE Ito body
t.iluuii. wlfc-tinlu the end Tbly lanitUiieaBo. AiHt. ;fn.-Ch.-e»e-St..adi ;
hto Wi'e lu Montague. .Mlih.. far tiur-'
:i.ved to I'uKji nniuly Id Ihr lull
|.;'.,e. IWIUX. i:.£,n«,e; lung
i-t. M:«. Julinseti died «wi .Mrtnrt ta.
uT was .x'U>li|.r\d S.1, beloBS«d to
U.’ ttln-re, ibey have >tni <‘ roaldlieriir,- Ik’i(. iiiV.e.
leaving a tiui-'und :iiid ihiw i-iillili.'ii.
a •unintwc of s.-:,x-t elnhs aad wrwt
sunn-wbat IE aueieiy. Oue evridBE at
The |{.\f T. Hiijd 0a> rsliiiu’edllilx
R.mte tliiif lufiiiv- her mariiase, Oia auvlU mpvUoB be met >IHa .Mkto'
fVteqtled trip
*>iu. Bun a woroaD of tblrty, aot ywt
liioilKb (111. eaai. bavliig rUlled Wnahauil u^.il
luiai (to Hue belwreo youth and niidFrulU.
11 gtuii, l». C.. atid al.o In
die aev. Tbe niuiiieiil (lie tiro got toROil. lr lit rrlemU at Urne tokc. Sbo
Naval oranpes ................S" to Sue
I.e kto-iil M.iue ilnie’ullh I.M un.|*ier, (iraym fruii*
........................................... Ke
Cvlbrr tbe siuuDld.-rluc tin* wllfalB befi.uiid many praifltel wa>a ot i.piul
Jte WAI n.-eUiTV hi. inilnli - luni.ii. „k
t’.Beapiiliw..................... ..
EBB to abiiw Same.
anneTblag tto
: li'T. (Tirialliin Tlfr. The iwnr
Iwlei. per inmr.d ...
.Ml. and
nds>I:'«. .I0-. Jljvhy and x
lady said Indui-vd ber hirer to brlieto
V.alier. of
that to bad made a lalsUke. Tto
ftoliUu.'. »li-s Ilu II,.'Hi
('.k-oaiiula. eaeb ..........
(Vntoelod atove uiioUb-i.
aril day be .-alkxl. aud tto next week
uf JJtnnd
It IHiiild.
aii.1 Mr-, r'.ni
riuio*. IkT duieB ..
Ibey were eiiEaxvd to be married.
f Omuha, Noli,
utilved 1
IV*r*. doi.-B ..................
h<r hope lu CnaUl
aa.un an. hor
It waa about tbU time that a OnaaI,.,lay 1|„r a ahiiN vI.
Ito M.11I kure and
elal i^iir tevumd, aud while It was
1 iii niirtieiu. iiiii ^*i-e
with Mr. and ili.. J. .Vf.
eumliiE on arraiigeiurBla wees belag
1. Ji hx! lo U.«l ' iiMii ito-vvil.
They ariUtG Irtilii (Vdlltar la
DUMie fur tto wedding.
Mu*k M.kni»...................
One day. two moaUi* after tto ealA'Iliue, per ik.und;..
lulhorli} »a}•^: ••«iir
^MMuobi bud beeu anuouiKed. Wit*
Mr*. I’, r. iVEltlaltw. of tloOver.
Timutlia-', iu,-r ill
iliritfHb.': J|v (K'lhr ivaiir.c.-imii aud
ridge wvbt to tbe oUhw wfael* iD•^
ohii hi> tot'll B|«-tiitTns the In-i v
INuntM-. iK'i l..l■.'Il|.I
ILi- lllr mill Mill lUy aa.ikoii
rtaue ll<viis.'s nre |ir,x-ur(d and rotted
U-lMiw tii-r I,.111.1. riwK. T.' I
Hill cm- wiih many ollo i. wto Im.v
fur 111,' l)evii-a> tlmi Imd Lax-li twice feand her
Mikx nan. Itoea. i
lUiiKxl. Tti.. . Im V ef fate'slns'k 1
wunliftlr^htto toIh-u end Ai-in' lli'4i
ir all.niniiip i. Iir-r'houie In l.ily \VM;v
Tbu Woldliig day was bright and
Idn.ll TInur.
r. p.-r bf.. ...
beautiful, and II aceiued (hat Iba lime
TliUdrurutmliexu four dunalner.
II. and 1. ll,r,i.4i..ur. per bbl....
uiiuaixl inarrUgv li.ruae wsxOd oattoy
Mini llpiu lliOilH'li went' l<i .(Ud SLa- Fine teed
Iwii aoiik. a fallCei anil a iiHill'i-i.
lu pun-use. But tbe fates bad a« yet
>l»u Ihia aneiiMkiii fu aiwlnl t>uiii!a> ItiaP. tot in
Iindher, Joan rimk ol tons 'ail
finlahi-d tbrir Work. Ou cuteriac hla
llnrkwlveut 1
with filriidiL. ' '
imd a l:iiH.,iiid who fn-l d<-i>ly ll
MliUJIiy.. |i
carriage to so lo Uie <-^un-h Ur. TV:
Mia. J. II. Ciawlmd to lUispii, -v.
ki'tontili.ii. Kuielj III- lialh Imtin- o
lived liiki hlsbl lu M«-nd mi
Krl<f> niid (errltHl our ■nriowH. 1

ai Jill- rilitolk

lamilton Clothing Go.

How t HajTiace U«nse Was
T^en Out Four Tiines.

ion. of CblH^, arrived tbla

Swb Timot.





‘S]l,et the Herald and Record Co
do your Job Work.

ar\-n rnAVKNK

StttM (• fiM SatisfMliM of M


atroda awax «p tbe ataap
Urut (Oora brar^ wUb aqpw Iraaed
•boro Ibf urraw IralL
At bacaaabed tbraoeb the thin rnw
wllb Ocrced; placod auj* a lUbl otod
arst Iba aaow eryalab to iry i^m
lai s«sia acabw bw fare.
As be ploddid Bpnard ibe rniat w
tblrkrr. aod wbeo be rea.-lmi (be I
Of Bold Knob a-alfcatf «a> dldlrulk
Ua paarad and loukvd arouud al i
aoSBlaliia of HOW 8lUtat>Ui« wttb by

•toera ^ Oiraraa' la Old Karaa.
to tba aarllef period at Iba Bonaa
KfrabUe dlraeeaa waea quUe uakwawB
and waae rraa .fight Bp lo iba tiraa of
tba haUa* war*, lo tba old daya tha
buefcand aad wUa wha wtabad lo aapara^ apprwrnl (or ibe laat ttoia bafera
tba cooiiuno beanb. a prlaK and
prteatera being preaeuL Aa on tbe day
at inamaie a eaka of wbraian dOBr
waa preaHud lo Ibe baaband and,

wUh but toataad of abartog It to-




a, im.

nmoous potatoes.



OU Mraara That I* Cawid hr Twa
HMh Wat waatbar.
Laal July aod aarty to Atwui wa
bad atratodraabla'wat waatbar. «
potato topa uSe^ badly ftoia
bltgbt. BowarerT Ibo vine recerarad
aiUBctewIy ta malurw a lair cx«»
t Ratting of Itl Bonn That Ta^
tbroogh Iba wlntra tba qDary
■‘Wbal Btokra (ba cooked pouia ha*a
rilier.Nt Keaeon.
aucb a awaat taatar Ana again aa
eottlBg tba tuber a biownUb aUHk
or blotcb apprara all ibroogb Iba to. *r UONat BTHELUBT WALSH,
ber. raembllug a marbla rake TUa IConKrtooi. im. br amcr
la BMied DOKty bcoralb wbera
Bayrtly Weailake drtned Into lake
toch from tha rarfara. The potato villa •• oiwcure. petarty airtrkes man
and by dint of hard work and akrawj
•bowa BO outward algn of
eepi tbat ibeeyra do DM pub aa rap- r"
Mly OB a diaraaed potato aa tbay do "
|eo»iinoo obmbi
oo one tiaa from U. Tbera airaaka aral‘J* 'vJ'BSjrlitot^U and uterrbabl of

ta a aoft radee. «We muat atay aad
brar apt bantM tor tbe pmraL Teu
bara Uvwl ■•«• jwur rariy 4*wtwcw
aad piwTsd yuoraeif • i^MUai man."
"Bat tba law dunnt reraguiae tbat,*'
eapItaUit. "H | sKwiwd ftqm frtraa
beftn my Udm exiursd I'm atUl -•
cnaalual in tba eyra of the tow.
1 bad boM pstUsmi a Utito laagvr
ABce cvratraied Um with words at
ranaatog affMAbm. but tbs traa toad
•aund bto aotd. and ba coattouad ta
err out:
-To Uiluk tbto dnibkea brats akdald
bare bto freedom vttbaat frar «d captore ra WdawiMl ril kill the wtatob
If'"Ka dw. yea won’t do aay arato
thtaa-ira my rakA"
Jnrk's rxreesM became an dUgaMIbg ta time Ibat even aw«M BUea'a
paUaoee aad aodaraaco weia aaraty
Utod.' Her talib to ber rauae of daiy

twaaatbentbeyrclactadli. TbaB.ta-1
-----------•twd of praycn. they proaounecd Ito lUvagea Araawg tba Vtara
foramlaa of a atrangA eerere. vttafBl I
htoy •• Praeaotto.
character, by wbirk tba wife renaune- Tba cauea of wuriuy grapra la (ba
M tU nad •«!» of tba ki-'tarrae of tba gra,* bony nutb- Small
pundhU btowB uu>tb. a.,«r to .rap.
Of .worablp barlug ceaaed lo eitit.
mantegi wliboul -funber ado waa m Ibelr lluy eggi. probably on tbe atebia
aiar dlaaoltad—Kcw Vurk America^ a( Iba bloMom (Ju«lvr> Una tbay
haU'b. and (be youug ratriiUllari ln>Fiaral Blymalagy.
turdUlcly begin aailDg (be bluMum
Tbe boiUN wa« loujt aud low, and U
•TrlmroH- la one of (boae wordl ^ Duda arcu baforv Ibs^atm upeu. They
raa built wo UDaty wbdar (be bh>ui>- tbat bata abown
Tba query wao “Wbat eaoaed Ibal'f’■""‘““f"“
'aplB a dWlraia web amuag iba '
tals Ibai Iba klu-bia otwued dlracUy
. ____,--*aakMU 1111.11101 tbaa etymology. It baa'
lute a craai itaiorml are to (ba raeka.
etou kirksd o|wu tbe etorat aad toU
lul eouwrailon with tba toae. bat ,|,ry ao..u atUrk ibe rereullj m-i l«fMiraw itug ea tbs (tow.
and (Ut cara owa Luku Uoddard'a la (be Old rraueb TtrtBtorole" and.;rteK ’a. a rrauli. meuy l«*d. aud
a quleb Ub-kanyhow, atrara only tba "prloa- or y..„„g bernra at* denn-yed. a flower
•el iniin of dark comtdextoa. wbo
am tower (taora or laaat of ib. year. I lUwUy
caliw uus etenlag to latsn lew Ur. ‘i
our l^ke baa IbMtod upon mak-;
Injury U done by ib. cienallari
(be apgiraacblag Weralake lu tbs qulH of bla atady.
._ Btery ulfbt arier aibool
“rrara ' of all aorta of towtra.
brood than by ibora. of Ib. earho had eome up tbe mouuialu abd.
> Doutb eiood agape. bulging, and Alice was there sud bitag oera bra
bate lUe ruberoae, wblrb I. oBty ond one. yet oue rireU uut«e. tba cUinale of Ireland gsre a giaai Im- bu
Wllbb (be con- busbsud aa If i« pratrat btat.
wllb Enlly ellltos brar by to aUiltleo
pans to this dtoanaa. -'It bat not rcaperoan,” (uberoot. and (be roae.Ui.rt of 1U~
Ua ayea. ba bad cboerlly redared tbe nwry. w'blrb la -roiBiartoua.’' daw *
-Mr WratUke." announced tba «aM
be renebed
xmm t.ww wiy ruwu.eiy prared to any grant extent nil ton
pile of cord w<mM to klbdllUA.
Ilrauger. -you have to ywir employ a
year. It bears uo taaambtonet to ibe
lu tbe eprtoc ba and Kniily ware to bra beiB dnxnied raraliij enoogb to ,h* reiendUara bate beciua full potatp scab eliber on Uin tuber or (ba
of (be oame of Jack Leeoa, I belle«e)'
ba uarriid aud euioe to llva with Luke,
foliage, luttito disease tbe leavw turn
and Ibeir pbuji for tbe fuloro bad lioeb
Beverly wtnred a Ullte at tbe vrrad
brownUb black coira ana drop nS.
M Iona Ib .ntlklua aud ao loterwureu •ra Iba towwr. Tha alcbemlala caUed, pi.<.olbir flap (roiu Ibe leaf, pull U orer
aUd be was luctiued lo toagb
hlle Ibe stalk or stem ana; raiato
allkvn tbiende
with k»a BDd Hull aclf awtrlaera that greeu tUrlol -roea of copper. ” “«uprl-j
tbe irony of (be thriM Yea. ha
me vtisllty ateo to seodlng out du-l
.- I. PtHcb tbh. bn-am. ••eouiw 1 xi.c, .bob bue tbr l^Jde oi thU^.b
bow. aUtHHna aloue ob tbe BMunlato
but Eagtlab wore It down u. tba n,k.
•'Wool to whb b plicate lenrew Ihoogb mueb amaller. |
top. with a loieleea fulura beforv bliu.
IK^llera -copporai."-L(Tdoo Cbron ,j.e ton.. lraurf.«u w ,toig.c. In j Tbe dlsenae Ia bowever. carried down j
die. lo ludlrata bto cv
Addiaofa Dodtre waa very luUerable.'
tliu lober and Is aecu tbera aa Se•buBt two wt^eka ilij.. aet-oud bro<4 of ’
Ula traa a oitura that woukl iirrcr.
-WelL air." cobilnra
^iba bretoaiu < uwm< f<wtb fruu (tona •ralbed In dry seasons or Id dry «ee"this man to a
yield to an uDjuai rUltu. \uUbar
to tba.
ruroou uiid lu a few duj « to^sto to toy liona DO atonu neM i<e felt
would ba lie to Hra bla aunl.
federal |Utoou some months ega"
disease qireadlng. but In low motto
Lake tioddard. to taU own way. waa
nererly WeslUke saw all ktnda of
•ectlons carw should be eierctaad.
obduralA Ue loved AddiMvu l>od«o
pluk and while aputA aod be gtaared
Affvcled tubers thquld by no mesui
lime lal.lM are buI coarentbla Into
-Wha la It tbaCM raterrad to vhen •a Ua owa aon. and yet Ua dointoeer- caob.
r. SM If Ibe eleclilr tlgble had
Jn Ibe pagia of "Tbrougb Savbe planu-d. Vsrletles reslsUug bllgbu
tha eqrauittM wania to fiad out »bn taS aplrtt would not rouroJo uua Iscb
ebauged Ibelr cuinrA Inrldeaially ha
lo general sre rafer for planting ao
At to tba wan. abr
to (be robtruveny wbk-b bad aci>arai- •Ee Bumm-- llerry be Wludt gtrra a
as to I* sure that this peculiar blight
Ibeoi (bat uoraUit awd lu wbilcb luriuua u:.d utuuhlag expcrieoca on a
aims around bis arak. Be
geta DO bCkhl In some parts of Rii-'
Uba Oaddard'a raiea rraa trion- (be old ecboulmaalar beltavod iiimaMf tlundau lallway some yean. ago. Tbi;
rMlIxed Ibat bs wss lata and (hat bla
INtftwre of Ibe <luaalaiu h In marked
It Is bad. and nr> dmibt but that
ropo »
»baat. “Aad who am j-uo that aetsttp lobe to (be riabc
been bad «lmio( ceased to bMl.
introduced luto this coon, t
•ad tolla no itoit r»a alu'i
bla b&bby. Tbat any ttmirrai wllb the Imidiieura of Amar.|
"Therv to nothing lo fear. kir. WasL.
try from tbei«. A few yesri ago wa
. . m <0»ar Iba Utnutaia Uodfa* whoa 000 BbouU dlapaia him upon Ua IM- lc«B traveten All Uuaalan bara •'
rooted anltiwlby to fan railway iravaLj
reeelred from England some varletlM.
1 atf you ara. ehr
hived subject wu uubearabte.
e will cetHure Um wltboal aay <ratmay Judge (run ao tocldebtj
Iiut DMblng W’luog was DOtlced at that
I‘mty Biully would Iwivr fared bard,
*Tbi IHilleBMo Dodst’a rroat-cnod
■}. Me to a dcsirerale cbafMcr-years ago wbe*
tldiA Hbould tbe dls^ appear oo
aoa.” Monad AddUun dnulj. -and ao- ly betH’ocb Ibiae two unreleBtlog UMin wbtcb errui
ilM bto guard when be am-apad-ADd
tba Caueasua
the follags sprayings of borduaui
•bo M dearly loved, but kind ITovi.
bate made si.w-tol idaui to capture
should be given every leu or twelve
Than waa a kn« Mtaara after ibal
Iniem-ucd and made dear tbe from Baloum lo Baku. We bad
reached a lunUiH. al ibe ealraaca of
days through (ho season.—Kalional
wbfla tha iwa na* maiaarad iba depth
wbkb Ibe irmto waited
Btoekmao nod Psrujiv.
1 qolle to Ibe rail
ttraniy mlouiea
« falber to-Uw.
—. u—^
*Tbara to- somciblng wrong.'' I »•
Addlaon ruiiuod ovar (ba n
re. Heirrly uadmt«<.d. aud AHcwMa
. .
g to tbe marked 10 a follow |waM.ugor.
-Alk-e." be>eld slowly, -you Imd
"Ob. bo." be rapltod: "wa ara anly -nn oim-a buib^o
hiKTa agp in woua. Found to Bs Cspsbis of Osing Well In
eo Wind (bat anao and cUlkd Uin
roem. I wrIU an
maklbg up the lime. TbU tanncl wai
tbe twite.
(brir shluing u£gs on rbc grai>e laerrlsa
Esstom OrchsrdA
wllb- wllb (Ms luen in Bud Jtrk."
Hit aiiowabna gfidad over (be frorau recently made lo avoid a kmg bend Hiid uu Ibe sleuu. WtK'b Itiiwv <in;s
t «r«« UMnira
lululil.ely she caught tals mreutog.
Eogllsb Walnuie sre a welcome addi-.
eruat uud buro blui along agalnat iba toiiad • range of hills, and as It aow liaicb the emerging calenilllars gnaw
aud ibea
ruts off aeve/Wl ^llca a abort daUy Is Ibelr uny tbrougb tlir skin of. tbe '
bltlor wlud wllb atartltog awirtooM.
New Eug- Odent swtof of (Ite luccewsfui eud well klssml him as If lo withdraw.
Ha alwaj-a rwoierabarad thatt day Ob prasoHry so aa lo 111 In Wllb (ba acbed- berry and burrow Inside of ihe gra|>e. I i,nd.
the Kow EncUodMA “'toOrd uiau, llevetly WusUske walk"I dub'tMUuk we sbaU need y<mr
a Mia of pain •od nrU uled lliiM.*"1 »'<tog. tosrcely noiklug tlw sUeot
a resllms

"Bni HKiy we abould
beggar oa the oinwl-uot uuiU tbe
kuuwn aud lluii .
vnrmy" ji»u walouu growing. A Boston Globe, u;<u-e Voice startled him vluleotly Bdeut air. "Our pUus are aH carefully
Ida lore for Emily aent blu toward going Ob." 1 urged.
told, sud by Ibu time Jerk Lraea
comwiKtodeut sent In two
luc iraU a doMn Umea. aud bto pride
........................... repoto.
walnut tr.-cs of Ibe Eugitob variety
aout bim bark again u many murv.
partly lu eugage your alteuiloa wblla
me HUH
, ,
, , “"J vlcelmcllve i ruiM-d In Mils cuniiiry. w-ltb « nMe
At auinel. when tba whole west waa
WMk to ih.iic by Ibis brood of vaivr- Irsu (be raiser of ibu duii
my meu ac-ured blm. I (bluk aow."
a btora of rrtmaun aud
gi-i tbe iinr
i1m> grajs-s In July I'ouuvuj of i.uekiwri. S. ¥.
•carsd by Mitrori
and giAd and ilia axpiaae of freseu
Icadlug i^.baui. pbUanlhro- tuusi be over. \Ye will go and m."
"Few p««|do rrillxe." v
n'ln-n r4oiiil<ul-. uiUrkisT I'oplaii su>l .tugusi- Till- U-rrles vftvu liwviua
•Miw waa Utodtog to ibe glare. AddL
ydsi. Buaurler aud cxiuuent of the
lufei led l.y fungi ns a imrult of Ibe In­
Tbey lusseil -tbrougb Ibv gnA ball
aou aklrtad tbo abouUer of Uahl Knob, Grefnhill nud ilew qf the Jlrhlnli hlit| juries caused Uv Ibe luscrL aud dei-ay Pomeroy, -tbai EugiUb wi
higher sue <-u Artpylcd sliniptly. slaraceklug for a iburt cut to tba village tiisTge n.-l.illiE oir the . ..OKI ,.f l’*ca K»u sets Is. Where (bis |>eM U alAajed at the <piestloitvrr\urnnl ivd. Ibeu Ui aoleaui prureratoa aud tbrji larnad
I. r.Ia (In- lii liuhers held U|i ompirs L
jwliile. gHpiMs] bU bands sod BWne.! to mount tire irecaff atAS^-to JauA'a
exieaHe bid made up bto mind. He flout of-tlo- et.iumv. nud nbru i
Ifomard us If to |«ss witbnul a word, room. lUUtod to coBifurt audltauy
she. When these rule'rpjllurs reach
wabld DM lake back wbat ha bod uB Isiicc raw li.eir tuiagus they Pod
.(bought better of It. 'stopped aud •w«y from Ibe aervauta as • man aet
full Slxi- ib-.v uaho yucooua eu tbe
to Luke Oodduid.
'trowued aud dually mopped bto fore- •|sirt fur sirertol favura.
leaves exactly like tbuae of Ibi- flrat
But (bey did not ascend Ibe stain.
Whan ba reaebad a point above (be
I .bead.'wllb U’Tvoux agllatlou. Jack
bn«>d. aud muuy of tbe lao-r oues
collage of bla awaelbeart ba paused
I Lecoii wussill sudles aud hU oiauuer
Mads a UistahA
para Ibr winter ir» |mi«ie lu lu.-ir co­
and kwked duwa tbe glUierlng aioi«
' las aSahU- as a uian who bad t-alh-d a
"i guera 1 nuulu a mlsIakA
coons allA bnl to Ibe fullen leaves lyto wbera tbe blito amuka curled uir wuuldb-t iialut « douruep fur tba old Ipg on (be ^iiuud. 'I'bere may bs a
bluff Aud kui-w be was stalking big ure tbat baited bat an taauat aad
Iben would have ireased on with toward from tbe cbloiuey.
I gaioe.
liarTtol third lir<~*l of caterplilara tbat
WbUe be gated Emily nud ber falter
"guile • bit of (tme ainee w« mat. aisieut purpooA Tbe eaccr. Monied
work lu (be U-rrles Ibrousli Heptemcame out of Uie collage and Icwkvol
I'eai'Lj." be eoiiUuuad. sxirudlng a by (be utavenieBt, tnrued bumedly
"Aud uuw I’ve got to polot Ihe en- her. A study of lu life btoiury shuws
toward iba wrat. aa waa tbelr cuaic.ui lira bouse fra the new Ui>ao(.*'-L»B- Ibnl the grai-e Iterry m.ilb to l>cst con. I baud, wbkb B«r.-rly Ignored, "ttaaw •nd uked:
"Wnsi la Ik ■beUoBf Auytblag
at aanrad. Ua coaid tea tba pluk tot Ills Courler-ionroal.
difference to us uow, ain't Iherel You
■bawl aboBt Emily's bead, and iu tbo
I Igol tbe awrll rut all right aad (be Dg- wr.mgr
.1 biuod of caterpillars
Tbe glldtog dgura came to a tMueclear air ba beard Luka Uuddanl'a
'grt to carry It oul. but l-wby. 1 ain't
i« cough.
'gnud for much. I'm Jett sick and tout bait and repHed nwpactfuUy:
anolber aecood they would see
"bA air; be ew’sired and Jumped
'down Id lu-’k."
mern-y in her lan.llr, Isn't ilote
{ Tbe words inIM off tnin a wbine. out of the wtodow. But Jasara aad
of eras atbar'a obaitoacy wUb UP blu aJlbuBelted agalnat Ibe auuaal aky. Plolla—-v.-s. she loims of • line of
It 1» very often Ibe case (bat ptonta
and be tuniod abrupUy away.
nolduu must bars blm. They war*
■ The
tvwad ayw.
are rvi-elve.l wtertil tlnys befure tbe
--slois Her luiher was a j'.
Aa 1 Mid before. ivroMdenca toierI’HU# Bally (wma and paapad at
ground to r<-.Tdy (or aeuliic. Kloi-e tbe
Tbera was a burned exit from the
tbaa.Urnigb tha Uicbeo duay. aad at veMd. Tbe maaa of anew upoo wbkh
plants come (led In baudlesand iiacksd
"Rut 1 got wy dtoebarga all right boiuu. aud AUca furgut bar dlgalty
MgU of Ibelr aagty tocM hra owo ba stood aaddauty siippad forward, aud
In dsnip muss It to very nectfwsary tbat
befura (ba young man could throw
aud sfsut foeigcer Tbe moon wag at
’•0.1 you dhlii'i."
want quite pale.
they lid opened and »|ipcad uui lo
blmaeir from tbo lluto avatobcbe ba
I Tbere was a rewfrkablo and pitiful Its seoiib ouuklc. aud (ba ertop wlaniially bar Iblber apoka.
prerem nw-Uiug- Tbo only safe aud
waa speedlug downward, dowuwaid' lo the toillh- of HussuiiU I'lekl. HIEV
daughur Bmlly MuBt anrry any
’trniisrorriiaU'.n Iq-llr. tricallake. Tbs try Air uuHle Ibe blood tlagie. Tba
1 Ipen. III.
'skin wrliikh-d. so.l thi> complexion froaeu grouud waa as bard aa rock,
raeti* be daamidB fron ’Over tha wllb atanllug iwUluaaa.
|lug waa kUlod iKK-lmrd 111 i aud Selrvl a *«-H draliie-I plerv of U
laud. PHo beard Lube's about of dllUiay •!•.< • king wascruHiod tHenry YU.i.
end mile fruM bulbs gailwMd ua er'turord a slvki.v red. dmted w
Uoaauto ItodM' Ke aqad to maka
> Hie irnsh, If any, ami spade ii
Kiully’a frtghfcwd actaam a* be awr|>(
•O tree aud shrub.
I lontoh and purpH.h spola.L
I tbu aay pialaet. ebr
deeply 1-cveI off Ibe soil
Ibcm —toward a
l yiol
A t-lce (i«m out of Ure muBM M"1 ss,’-. Jack-Mr,
Addlaau Uodiw graw vbKa lo tba down luwaU ibcm
trench dwp etiougb lo admit rae ronl
tota's of tbe Dlgtai amoto tbelr aan aa
ItoA aad fra Iba Arat itma hh aym ara which euuld ba ao other Iban tba roM
luiered wbea be c.-u1d coniryl h
■eat Fi-e Wattr.
of tlM-lc boua.
Ihry turned a comer of (be bouse.
MMera ••whnt do v.«i -waul .nioUCM"
tbe plaadiqg otM of Ida awaatbrart
Accordlwg tr> ih- lomti n < h'.mt |«
■•art of (ita tuliid tsiai.-s,
"\V- bare blm, air," It sold eaMy.
aii laHb BOatiHd aagmy. aud ba
Il WBi growing torgw. larira
unlyby. -i ain't n.i l.losinl srlsimral Ibal
a po< uUar diink l> >•> h-- roimd on thC
"lie Jumped aad fell on his baMuud Ibat
lURwd bja miaeraUe gtoiiM away frvn ■u4 Ibe sUbgtog bluu amuke of tl» • -si VJBSI <d .V.l,-.. - Vo.ii i»k.> a •Me of Ih- ir.ii.-h so Ihsl all of tbe Ibu mervwt s.-vldeul was I
. It" leeii-.! Jack, wlib a
fauri a mile. I ■tMit"
cbl&ney amote bto eyea, ami tbeu-lli.' •'.>ii‘'class and put In ti a Icn dioi-s
Balir* tora.
•ysieui iviiii
**'‘’**' N«f«a» irsHartoB‘'griA
They galbervd sroaad a dirk hMp
“I daDt know wbal yaa>a ■MtUig at. •valaiirlic of anuiv struck tbe
crouus msy
''•I'v’' '‘*v CvoH-onlal exiw
Mr. t\.-sltok.- fumbled In
tKou Men !« In the bar. Th. u but It'd S.I d'-cp
Mr.' be raid botnaly. -fto you nu^p root aud packed liH^r Into a
be covered. In the toller lnstsb>-e (he alHon snd. w.lleliig a irev- lu ibe yard p.s-kels and ppJuced a roll of UUs eu (be enter ftorelcd ground wteca
VII P«i a I
(be twisted lliDire of • maa wera
to aay Ibat U I dtnT admit I'm a da- pwtrau about Ibe (all chlmDey,
>ual<y coaii
ernwns mil r--l It sHowgid lo remain In where be ls«nl.-d at I’bllsdelpbla that raused |.M.r Jack lo gtsp
coaidns inougb rpiti' lo
■raadiiil of '(irrr iha”llciuiiiata Uudga”
•ireswifd like tbs four conrers at a
Addhuai etomlMTtxl out of tbe great —BlUl gulp II d„,n-. TbU tire i
twAilog nut A SIS.U1 a pick , •Take tbU." said the u.erehaat.
Ibe groiiud fi r any length of
^yai-U forbid Endly'a aarrylag l-nk of anew to Bod Luke Goddard, pOMibly explains why go lew Weal Pprrsd oul Mhe roola and place tbo of ibem sod lirouebt ibem home wllb ........rut a wad of tbe freshly •tar. Tbere was a queer llmpaeas to'
rotoed on a toll ladder, surlag at kia Alrtcan cfflii-l ds live to see 'ibjir pea- Idants A. Ibsr they Urcly to
him. Home rljlldr.-n found a small Diluted greem "aiM aud douPbolber Ibe Beck when the brad was raiaML
and Altoa covered ber eyra and abudUp Ibe trrnrb with One soli and pack bole lu the .-oruvr of tbe vtltoe aud , me again. Jack-Ur. I.econ. I mrat
* ««■" aniWBd Lake ----- tha rarra of tba roof.
dend. If she divtoedAbe mraaliM of
dowV flrml.r wlili the fiM.l. Re sure got out all Ibe nuts but sereu. Tbera (bat Is.' U- if- Don't you want
e did DM coafera II area to be^
AdUaoa tanied towaad tba t___
there are m. air spares left
be ptoalvd. and they suit up abooia , ib ket(olbe naclfleedul. wberethec
n'aay wail. plr. 1*0 not gatog to Ha Addls...n
•elf. It waa Jaaaew wbo praMuaead
tbat grew Into One large trees, wblebiiuaie U very agrerable at tuts ws
tbe vadk-L
•brad (ba aaura to gala anyiblag. act
liy'i arms were aroaud ber lover.
bore well
Some more trecii were
•ltd al-.’i- ibn greuDd. if the
araa Badly. Sbe wuutda'i want raa to. -yatbiT snd 1 came out to look fra
"Neck brtAeu. I gireoA" he raid easi­
-daoc-r pr <viid daraagliig
ntord from this acclimated aioek. aod
tas uo quitter '
wnald you. dearr
you- Father nude a uisuke"- Mie
. ...r.-e over wlib a Wabl wintiug
bare a Od- youug orchard. i.n the easy tr
f a victim H« was ly. "YeA sir. and dead as a doorMa"
iivl rcii .,,. njiii u.j. iBracy r.|
nh teka droppwl loio lenderaa
Tbe iredcr of tbe men kneH over the
l^^at Lbko WUb lotUig. syinpitbel.
’i.iu. It. I...I pui U uti very deep. by t
aod mueb addlclcd
oa H.. •-lucsil.iB. s msii <au b<
aba caste forward and ailiifnd hra
proetrale fom of Jtrk Leroe. aad aflto the UM of
a la’Ryet or dort-u- uni i
Luke smiled grimly. "I looked pp
•tstg PeJtry Farm.
muni-pi> b- (Ills! to maks lore
ttut iKslge duller aftra you went oul
Tbe aiaU- ..f fallforula. Ihreugb lu
Alk-e. tVestlaks's brave and devoled flnsiUy to bto voice:
Furprae ef Stirrleg «ML
• irnlnt wh.v;.nn Irvnrsri,
. *Vatbra kaowa. i aiuJI aavra n___ Addisuo, aud-and as near as I eau
"VaA he's dead."
tblrrrslly, .. ill i«ablUb a iu.»b-l is.ulA ueicly stirred soil admils (be air- wife, and olreuly Bouted bto Irene
wltborn Ua eranent. aad U ba toUa make It oot Dver tbe Mauatalo ttadge*
Turalng l-manl tbe tVreilabeA ba
try fan.i lu ..•nueetipii wtih Its gtv-ut > tbe roots, nmacre.-s tnutoture- and fact-re Tbe UDsaay head wbk b wore
that ha to Jaaiitort to oaktog raa ua- was a crabbed Md bachelor tbit lived
farmm' a1 -..l at Ita'vls wliboiit brluf (recrcoia th.- ^.wtb uf woods. Every Ibe crown of hebra was bowed umler • Id lu w ay of oxtoaftalion sed apelobappy erar the quaratuu of awme nan aud died a bsrurlt Po I'll bare b.
lug oue <-bl L.'U. tarkey or <dlHV vs- •bower trod* to s.-nl tip (be anrfaco Ibe burdcu tbos |.la>cd so suddculy _y: "I’m sorry ws couldo't Ufca him
wte to 4aad and Inrled this baMrwl
• way wUboM erraUeg a waae. Bat
Ihe .mviu.
•od exclude -the ail9 ho aim lo sUr U|M>ii bis shoulders Ru for Alk-e bs 1 suppose Doav It uiust corns oot to tha
why. I bara noiblng to aay."
lire dlffemit
w..uld have quit aiM confessed sIL
after fiery raio.
■ba «(?«• Into aoba and bid hra (ara •kddismi graratod is warmly.
•pen. Tbs coroner must ba aurabreeds of fs Llir; will ire prireurod and
-ril go wwiy. uu dear." be grMiwd loued."
Vevwff Barliarisna at Play.
taber handA
"We're both wrooj aud liatb rlgbl."
Fa her— -Whv are you moping 'Will Ire baubal lu imsloru lucubMota,
lu agoiiy^.f MUril. "or 1'H kUl myself—
^acapi 'gooflby,*- added Addtoon ataerted tbe yuuug-maDAs be stood be­
AUcs drew a deep bfeatb. aad Bgv0 ibe bouse In I’d. irylbg maa- • fur tt-bhh the modrn. bro..Jrrs will
Da^ kUHM bar gaunt baad.
by 18 by
toebra iMide bo. kill him; He s (b« dvvll lucsrualA* erly wiped (be frost gstbnod «o hhi
tween bto sweetbran amj her faibra.
t««r lUe cb.ckA Before (lx- eggs at.But .tlics southed aud csutlousd him mnstarhe with a hand Ibat trtmMad.
I t <cu‘i ’-OU gu oul and
Tha awtar door knaaad and ctaaad "1 was wrong not to give ta about nn
!; ‘lar.-y Hbialu.f" Bon -' IW.-suse •lloWeO to lS-u<'b Ibe farm, to-wever. vos..e. u. (.nil. Ji ims a cuDicai
•ad todi Ink. (tal&d aad bto^ugb- hisignlAcani UMpter. yerl am ttoraeodCOO- , agsuist
1 .---------- luwgluv tbe luoO.C- HU Upa
mMtouitaaUy mwtoroi
Hrey niti to luiuulrly l»s|sxled lu or­
. Ira aluaa m tba ndanialn cabta.
‘‘f 1 low duwa brute loPktaou Hedge of Exetra. I ,-'.4}.-d wl;b H-rry illggln* yriier- der I bit BO disease may Ire c-atried iu iMt of iiai rubk- locbn. wberMs aulllag blmM.-lf
lu your botae. lusuli
Oattoda tbe dura Addtooa Itodga
1 aame Gme I Auigbt be called <l:>.'.'ul:d 1 vion': aup|m«- he's well wllb them to later cause lueaee ta
log your wife stmI urnkiug free with Bcer-rMily your duiy-ai
tbnnt Ua arm. aavaguy tom Iba
MounulmBMdg*." beraura I
Cksks lu Ibis mauuer auy dtorasee
your laotrey aud scr.auU aud alwaya
•toavra of Ua beavy tartt, ballad it Jusi cau« down that way."
(bat later are fouud among tbe «ata’a
hoMlog Ibe tbreai ef as awful npoaaagly about bli vratot aud palled
A Qoed liivratmant.
"Tuu've estahltohed
blids will I. - uf l.s-al origin. Une fraAitn to Llto.
snre over )our bead—a vt-riiabie sword
bto tap Sawn ovra bto mm.
BeflBlIful houv gtviunds sre at
line of descvui." cboraud l.nke ftwui
aim In life Is the onJy fratuna
i.ew drarenment of tbe
A-f Daiuoclea. but leu llures keener of eoimd (Mr tutotlal I
Thaa be atrappad <m tba Bnowabsaa
•ndicg: and il to DM to be
vdgai and sospeuded bot by a IbrMd, family efcMeios waa Imek to (ba cloaM
Ibat M bad Ml bralda the door and.
found In (oreigr. UndA but la tbe
(u! by a tiny •j.lder's web.
UMwtag Ua faa orra bto ataoUdra.
and earefuUy nsIM ap and asalaA
''nrva caanoi go aw-ey." Alfew raid Would It ever baask o« agalaJ
(be (sDiliy.
TWrrt ao w* talklsc, A<MUob. ft#

» tk|( r<xi*w 4
tWMowtatai Dods«.- »bo Md M> lira
te tk. wui* etfo. «««♦*« tiap,,Mr. Uilw (todOaid kiurked tb» ••bra
ftura Ua pipt bad caratuU/ raSUad
«b* bMl.
WbM b* bad mwiMd li t» bU Itpa
•ad tpplM ■ raairb. bo UfM bb
«Vra to (h* oLMiuta to|
«d tha rtowf araa «a tbt Mb« aUa <
tha bwib.
nrbat «/. AWlaour ba toaiatod.
Addbaa Uod«a arara u> Ua (iral
bMsbt arai toolud down oa tba Utcia
wnr bnrdad Caibair at Bmttr OtiddMd.
n aocbt to k»o« «ba laj- fraai
pabdiatbra waa." ba mU «Ub raid
tfifaU/. •‘■OvBrtbaUoaaUlatioderwara’t aar Bbcraler of ntac. I'n Oa011’bUrsKie ppdea of Bsatoraadd Dobadr atoa. air.*
a»n>l>- OaO^rd’a rathar i
d foN^r
atI Buiilr*a
Budlj- torer.
• ■ad Ua UtfU vole* qaarcrad wUb
IM*‘Ooo'tya* daracestradlet na U
- a.AddbMt iiadcr!
... I’d
. . like
____to k
• *twai Ibat uusbt acbool
diiiaatalii km for Uilrtr roara-4-br*
-roa did.- ratwd Addboocnapir.
“Wbo la it tbafa aHowed to know
tha traralyp of cTcnr naa. wonaa
•ad «bM la tbaara euaalj, abr

BUaw uraUed (ha nilagc, wlib Mi
■rbnri to Ibe renter, auij andcr (be
•bautdra of Bakl Knob »•• Luka God>
dard-i coiDrunabb borne.
Addbou cobU era the ■(•(«• pour.


"JiS' j,-- “•jt'”.”" ■-



for Job Work Come to the Herald and Record Co.

Ha^ Wsek Fee ths BsA
A Few Ttoara HansA
Tbe Ooliecitob of a ireaitd at a
ICalckU<-Vou bade tbrd.
Boekar-Yra; 1 was up all i.igbi dj- rsiiulres Sd.uwj foraglug axiicdl
BW (ba taVy.-Uanwr. Maanr

Let the Herald and Record Co.
do your Job Work.


Half a dOMn poaicarda toea oona
Xo. I waa aura yon hadat lorgnto your PretMMit ttnoe laat week. <ea toe SuasUaa Clah evM thongb 1
Tbe namas of Iboae who tore remoa- had not heard tram yoa. haciao«« I
bored toe Suasblae aub are Helen kaee you wane a real Seabean n
HM. Uatol Holbad, BdiU Johaaon. your beon.
Haggle Kbowaader. AlU aad NHUe

WUllaaibars. Mich.
Ttoa ha ylaMa* ihrooto iha door, Oilleu.
' *
Aug. (. m*.
mod be lauaba aleac toe Aoor, .
Aad ohaaei to toe cellar all toe ahad' We bare two new mambera.fw the Hoar Prcaldeot—
. <1ub Their addrreJ wUi write yoa a Mur. My Wrthoaa blf aod black.
I am go.So matter arbere he abowa hta face be
B r. D. No. I, Box U; and Maggie ing :o hare a pany. i wUI to alevei,
U a velodoe suaci.
I hope 1 will have biU
Ha alwaya weara a aoMen ooat and Nbewsnder. Copombb, Mich.,fi. F. years old.
O. No. 1. Box 73.
ol fun. I wlU send you a card wlt>
lorely yeltor vaat.

my nsme on U It was given me by
my I nrleWlU Barker.
We tbeught
Hb amile li broad aad ceaerou—
wa would send you om apiece. My
' brifbt aa a Arid of ooro.
mamma's eouUa was tore tbit aumAnd be wakea you teal ao tr«rileaoBM
wiib her.
and glad that you arere boro.
1 am going to artio a few lines to* W - bad lots of fua.
Xdv wbro you hare gueoaed hie aame«
you wui ^raUe him juat the yon aad the Sunshiaen. We bad m <l<») bye. bard alonu here today. We arc busy •
CUdys Tbaeipua.
1 know you viu bsve n happy Ume
Aad wlU five Aim anile (or amlle picking berries now a days. Our
whao to appaan (otoorroar school begins tbe Srsi Monday to mi your birthday, and wbh 1 wen to
September, one moblh from tomop to at your Btoty' '

-By Bthelvyp Wcibarald. row. There b going to be n Tempersneo meeitog next Sunday. I have
WUltomaburg. Hleb.
a poem to send lo U> 'the Sunsblnc .

A Pocketful of AunehlAe.
Page. It b called
near President—
A poekoifol ol auuehlBe
Tto Bey Who Laughs.
i UwMghi 1 would write you a letIt bettor far toaa goM;
I know a fuaoy little boy. ^
icr as I tove sot written to a huig
It droeoa toe dally a^rrawa
Tba happiest ever bora,
i, tonalng this year. 1
Of toe yoong aod
the old:
Hb face b like a beam of Joy
am helplag himall I caa through toIt Mb toe world with ploaturc,
AUhough bb doibes are torn.
taUou. I ba»T- a bon and thirteen
lo AeM. In bM and atreet.
cblckona Pupa has a laam of IIUlc
Aad brightens every preapecl
1 saw him tumble on hb nose.
mules. I-can drive and rwle them. My
or tto nonab that are naat.
Abd waited for * grcaa.
blrtoday b October lat Well, goodBut how he laughed:
you sui»- bye.
A pocketful of auoabhie
Vour Sunbeam.
Caa make tto world akla.
Ha struck bU. fuuay bone?
^reaec J TbompiioB.
And Ufl a toad or sorrow .
How glad your paps must ^ be to
.Pioa tto burdened barks bl
There's sunsblnc la nbrh word to hire you help him. 1 kboa Ui'ere arc
Biffnalag U
many thlnga you osn Ao.
Through tto thorny pntto of Ule.
Hto.4sufh Is Bometbl^ grandp
It gilds Vito sllvar lining
The stormy clouds of strife.
r .
Old Hbston. Mich.
—Ladteo- Home JonruL
Aug. 10. isie.
Ue^r rnwUeui"
At 1 hsco Ume t will write you s
An Amiaunt Ntme.
has been ruinl
Atone tto sunny children's ward
glad because w« need­
Bweet Orelcfaea abeeb tor chair.
HU lessons are his fan.
ed rain vi-ry much. I am having, a
A lltOe maid wito eyes of Mae.
good time during vacation, but will
And braided, toxen hair.
No matter how the day may go.
starts agnto I
Tbe dboors aay sbe cannot sralh
You cannot make bim cry.
waa-over at my moiber's for three
Por many a weary day.
He's worth a doxen boys 1 know.
days. My papa came from Grand Rap­
But Oreteben'a bogh b like tto tua
Wbo,..pout and mope and cry.s
ids to vUir me. and we had a good
Tor drlTlag cbuds away.
I have swne nauics to aead in lo
time. Well as my l.-tler b getUng
Bto knoos a hnodr^ funny rbymea.
And ganes. and scrape of eong.
To help the chUdren through the days
. ^t'ton tto hours are dull and bng. Also pteasa scad my brother Merle
i, . . ' ®''» »‘‘'® nemlng.
She takes tbe lame taeo'on bar lap
Aad wheeb them down the toll;
Tto doctors smile to see her fsc«.
And Oretehea bvot them all.
What a cunning Sunshine poem!
«ns c».
It makes sb all ted happy Just to road
Bhc waits at evealag hy the beds
Codar. MIrb.
tSTiore bODH-sIck tobies He.
Aug. ib. tSIO.
And bears them when t^y say their
Umc ITesIdcnt—
Codar. Mick.
I hate a pamD for the Sunsblnc Clnb
Aug. 8. 1*10.
And telb than aot to cry.
and one for tbe Cndle Roll Igictad-v
Dear pft»idcnlgha toeka tto aheeU about th«m dote.
f Cradle R)dl. and
It hu been a long time aioeo.
With kUaaa for them all.
hare wriuen to you. 1 bare -been
“>*' Sunshine aub.
Wiping tor own eyes bravaly. laat .
having fois of fun this summer but
*■*‘<1 <ke card and button to
Tto homesick tears ahonld telL
1 .111 t.-. 1. .111. U»ll,„ l'.ll„ “■ ■
«'• U"-- “ 1""' —I»!.
later so I can tell you all itol hap»*•''
P<'i» I
Oar after day. aloag the rows
poBed. There U a picnic at Burdick®* '

Of Utile COU all white.
vlUc today but 1 didn't go. I knra
Sweet GrMchea alngt. aod wheals her
herd. He is almost sta months old. ***■ '*
Aad makes tbe wbob world bright
I have two nsw names for the Cradle
‘® •”
With living annahlne. dcaror far
RolL They are: Luetle Ftaher and
kopr nhat Nark will Ibiak hi.
Than gold from any purse,
Floyd Ftaher. They are both from
Aad so tto doelors call her now
.Bear Maple City. Pleaae aepd tto
Thalr dm aasbuni nurse.
cards to me. I got a posud from
Copemtsh. Micb.
—Mabd Barla. Helan KoraHk.
From your Suosbiaer,
PrcsMeniRebbyY Teaolisr.
Msbcl Msba
' ‘
lo >>ta your Sunsblnc Hub.
When Hobby, was at our bonue
How alee it U to (war from you 'kereforo please ssnd me a card anl
I hoait my grandma say
again. MaboL You have not wrtMca
iHe baa tto pretUeai mannera
tn a loag time.
I'va eaan tor ataay a day.*

IMm «M
wl Ww
t «rtH Vj M<MT M tmrrr W
fm i*Mt MytMni.
I «>lll tfy *• to M lM»w to I
mn »to m*M •varyM]' top^f
M (w M I can.
I toll uy l» to
tol ato Uto u *varyto«/ ,aM
to cvtoy tovini tiunt.
H I mm fall In trylnf to to
ttoaa twnto. I toll -Try, try


Ptmrnm AWaWa


Wwwtof a* nanaa an tto CraAla
IWI A«t. 1. IIMk All.
Tka Kach-a-Ay La4y.
tW Hadi-a-Br Lady Iroo. Haahaby
OotoW ataalUs. come* craaptoi;
TW poyptoi Umt haac (ron tor band
to her taat,
Aad aaefa toi a draam that la tiny
aad teat—
«» tolntath har pondea to yon. ay
Wbw ato Aadtoh yon alaeptac!
Thna U oaa UUla droato of a toaatl-

Abd, to! thick snd fast tto other
draana com#
pt popguas that bong and Ub tope
Aad * truapet that btooalb!
Aad dotnaa paap oat of thoaa woe
UtUe dreana
Wtto laaghtor aod alagtng;
: Aad boau go a-doailng cm atlrary
Aad tto aurs pe^a-lmo with their
COB ariaty ^eana,
Aad Wk op. aBd UP. wtofo the Mothto
ne falrlaa go ologlDgk
WboM you draam aU. thaBa dreamt
that an tiny and AaMf
Thayll come to you atoeplng:
■b. ahBt tto too ayee that are oaary.
av avaat.
Ibr tto Boeh-arBy Udy from Hoahahr atreet.
WBh popplei thet heag (roBi her head
to her feat, .
Oosua elealing, comae eraaplng-KogeBe neld.
, .
Taddy^ QMry.
OBa,brotoar vm uU end ailm.
Tto other ebabby ead abort.
Teddy sat looklBg at toem ooa night.
ApparanUy lost in thought.

‘■Hamma.'- to aUed at length.
“Whhh oould you like toe heat—
rw am to grow BOfth nad Bomb, like Bo than I west and asked him
What made fatm so polite.
Or. like H'illle. from east to vestr- 1 said *■! s'po-e Mint-body
—Tto Yooth'a Coatpaatoa.
b toaebing you jun rlgbL*-

But Bobby said there wasn't;'^
Btoy evaaa, COpembb. AUch.
He said bb moibcr’s w
Mmih Nobs. Oadar. Mich. Nbbm b Just to amlle and make him
Beat by toUa Horton.
Feel p'Uler every day.
Martorte A. Bdvaids. ralmtoat,
—HlliatoU Uncotn GoulA
VtBB. .Same aeat by Bather Helgea.
in. Ka»« I bare beard that all .the tears
That we never ory
All are saved thraugbou tto years
I'ntil ausDe time by aad by.
When theyTo ebanged to jaweb gay.
Gems that MHas. far away.
Catch and Sing upon tto grass,
tt'e can see them as we pass.
And they make the mornliig (brtggl
H. Y. P. A
I CRAOte With tbeir gleamleg. bsppy light
Think! The drop, of dew you see
lo you or t
LaeMa >Lev<near, Oadar, Mich.'
tire Van I
. Kama Beat hr JuUa Horton.

Beak Warren, Olan Grcasnidde. nad
KatBda Poppa. Marilla, Hick, ytamea
Beat by Bi^ Barotord.
Balph Bi^iah. OoUb Burch. Vady
BBrah, aad Treeab Burch, Culver,
[ ImL K»mm aaat by Cacti BottorS.


Just a fear mora wcoka of toe happy
swamr vaotUtm left! How bright
tto days tore beea. and bow many
^ gay bonre. It has aaemed to your
Prntadsat (hat It was wch a metTT
time evM Ito every-day thoughu were
Uto mosic. aod ao the has ctooea tor
(he Vtait (his wMk eome of toe pret­
ty verves aad rhymes that ware like
SBBililne CBBght esd woven into
asemth. Here they all are. SuBshlBe
seems for Suashtae Xlays:
Our OM Friend.
Ttore's a pieaaaat-kioUng tellew Rrtag mllaa and miles awny.
Tst to msaagN to eome aad aee
•s aaarly every Say.
HYB pe« ta at tto toyboie or taro^
tto amaDeat crack.
Aad mr. "Oeod moralag. shUdrea!
Aroa't pea ^ to aee .i»r

A Suiuhifw Rule.
If anyihlng unklad yoa bray
About eumtooe yon knew, lay dear,
lio uoi, I pray you. f, npoat.
Wbea you that soawooe cbaDcw to
For auch news tos a laadec way
Of cloadlBg o'er a suaay day.
But if you something pleasaat hear
About aomegejou kbow. my dear.
Make bame—to make great faax'o
Yvere weWTo tor or him |U>e same u toll:
Fm-wBbh newa bas a goldea way
OfMEtlto up^ eJoady day.-Selectid.
Where tto SuiteWoe Goes.
-“O. I wonder, I wonder It aayoM
te a dull ckMdy day where toe bright
I tove beard that U hides ia toe
Mraagrst ptaeee—
The beans of good <«IMrto-aiid
shlare ta their Cares.-

R^ld City. HUto R. r. O. .No. 1 ^n,.
i ^
B” >«
a member.
Aug. «. 1910.
Dear Fraaideat—
g^,jj uo,fjuj,n. Ulrb
1 am ashamed .o Ulak tost I tove ,
is_ ,s,„,
not wrKtea to the Suastalne Qub o^ar ITeaMeot—
since school let out. How are, you
, umugbl I woold write to the Suband all tbe Sun.blnora? I am well rtlne page as I hurc aot wrtiton la
aod hope you and the SuBshlnerx are , jong lime. I have some name, ftoe aama. I bm«o been plekln* rasp- ,in. ciob:- Ralph Burrli. Goldle
torrlos lately. U> niece has b.-en i,urrh. Vady ' Burch, and TrcMktore visiting. Sbe went bom^ yosjer- Bureh. will you pteaae s<-Dd ibcm
day. She is eleven yars old. and „ card and butlou? Tli-.v- live at
ato bai a brother named Harold. Mr (-uu-er. lad. I guesa I will bate to
mother named him. I would like to do,* tor tbit flme.
Join tto Oorrwoodebce aub, 1
From your 8un-.hlner.
went to toe Roblnion stow at Blk
<.*^1 fw-rff.
Raplda. It was a r.loe stow, it was i b,vo sent the cards aad b .ttor.e
tto llrai show that. I bad over been „ y„u
me to da and aui your
to. Wall I will dose tor my tetter fricpg, ^ membc.s of our big Club.
U getting long
1 remain, your Sunshlncr.
juwon *ve.. Kslrnioal. Mian.
Helen Hlrt.
„ ,s,o.
I wm write ywuf name «»oeg toe dc„ |•r«ldenlOorrespoadeace M-.-uibcrs 1a toe book.
We are having pretty good w.-ttbagd am sure yot^wlll make many ten-, i go lo Sunda.v ..-bool e.ery
pleasam {fiends tbrousb l.llers •uud
| ^ u> sutulay school every
Sundi.v I can. We can going to have
a Suaday scbool class picnic next
wmtxrnsburg. Mich.
Wedoesdiy at the park. Two weeks
Aug. 8. 1910. ago we tod deburrS picnic. We hso
Dear Frealdeai—
a good time in too aWerooos. and ta
I thought 1 would write aa I have toe evening we baJ a; tett mllo boat
wriuen ta a tang time I have trip, J. have a*»ew name for the Club;
aa old bea sod three ohlckeaa. Her Majorte A. Rd'warda She Uvea___
aaae is Haselta. which meaas Moarn- me -and we have good times fogctLlag Dove. I will aeod you a card with er.
my Basse latlde. U was a present
Y<)ur loviag Snabeam.
from my fade wui Barker. I had
Esther Holg^
ninety-two cards excb with a dlEcr- .How nk* It is to hate another Suneat deatga. I helped my mamma get sbtaer in ‘Mlaaesoia' l tove sent tto
ready for my Mnbday party which card aad button,
waa Ito foorteento of June. There

were smwa people. I get .two handCopemisb, Mich.. R. F. O. Na L
korehlcfs. two eollars. a ribbon, and
Box 73.
a net of hairpins. 1 had a good (tt^
Aug. .1. lfl«.
Did you tbtak I hid torgma dke Dear FreddemSnasktao Club? I have nM>ad aay
f am weD and bope you aaS all toe
«»t Ito tatters since last fall.
Saasbinere are the same. I am
having a aW varaitoa (bl> sum-

aehool boglaa nghto. Mfa are gotog e^almed Tommy, bappttr: aad that
to have tor same tambot wa had bat waa aU to aald.-Vauih'a OMapaatoa.
year,.ai>4 1 am glad. Wa all warn to
Tbit my uarb aad amu. Wa had a
good time. Thai* vara nlaatem,
Some Ume ago. as Hr. Ntodllager
couaUag the llttta chBdraa. My abM
tto pbaa at which
Msudle would Uto to beloiic
» to was spendlag tto sitmmar with hb
Sunshine Ctab. Please send her card bsnily be heard erlea of dbuoai At
b«».»... I... „...
Velong to tsi. Con
Chib. wedged betwea the siding snd s PMt
As I hav^ written enough I wlU close. which supported the ends of the wires
M a barbed wire fcnca.
Tto haito of toe wires of the tenes
Maggie Nbewander.
were hurting tbe sole cnmlly. But
There arc m many names on tbe
the cries wbkh Mr. XiedUnger hsard
(Correspondence Club Uat. I am sure .were not from toe colt. They came
you will bear from toe members.
from tbe jolt's motoer. a beautiful
brood mare, who atood hy with exHspld Qly. Mlcb.
u-uded neck and wide eyes snd qulvAug. 16. 1*10. ertiig body, expressing tor. pain, tor
Ml.chx»du.^,nd crying out lor tto help
Dror Pr...ld..ntI have a lew motuento lo spare and wblAftof «?»“*'» “« Bivetoraalf.
will answer your toad and welcome .
Wru«iiv ________
postal Which ram-. Borne days Bgo., ^nrriedly removed
wind Is *■•*•—
hVeured the wire* lo tto
it b raining today and t
blowinu. Wo want i« n.niri rh.
and the eolt

rx*X r*"■ r r"

Oma eaanot bun. aid M vrtWgB upOB wub ito cUaal ao tost it enugfR
to wipto out by storms or bnmaA
toads. la a dry ceunUy R vUI Hand
for twsaty osaMrisa. posSapa, and It
the laaguaga Is xK lam BtoB may mad
toa mory of toe irtoapto of Ungs Ur.
tar bach ta the age*. It M a hMWrr.
Bgypt U a laad that kpwa W fr»BMto and templea aad obsUakS tba
loagaaL Hav thtah. yet ottora aay.
toat DM- Mesteo, aad Yutnun ta ovr
own couairy. hoU stiU older myster­
ies- What had deto do yoa think
waa doM in Kgjptf For mtmey aome
BgypUans soU two of thtar grMt
obelisks, tea of toem'stands ta Lon­
don. and anotom ta Caatrnl Fait.
New York. U was wrong to aeli and
wrong to buy those sable monamaau f
aad/drag them saay to sumags eosB- '
trie^whnro toe damp air may destroy ,
them. Oae can aot help tMttag that
these their own oowatry
.beat, and are bomexk-k ta other ttads
Just u butaas tolngs arw.

Hsmss Is tto traa-Tsps.
were ever m man, at tbe wedding. I ?
.te^u^u-^H and fotoW -Tbri* U a mile tows not tar fro®
am expecun, my sMer and brother 1/^r^l^L mL" Phw::- ,to"f to FnrU whera everybody Uvw ta^tbs
trees. This U the way it togsa:
From your BuitsL'inar
***“'’ •“
pleas- About flfty years ago s .ass samsE
- (Tsrinda Busrev
had sated toe Qucacenta looked U a grssd oU osk
A rainy dv Is a nice Ume in which
on bta bit or lasd. sod saw. 'I wlU
to write leiiere- 1 am glid you re- “

had.^m,ne build a reataursnt up la that tres.
memberod our
oar sunsbibe
Sunshine Club,
sad people will rome u dtae ta H bocauM- U will make them tbtak ot
SUNSHINE HUMANE SOCIETY. . cr. There was the moUier. He' Roblnsoo Crusoe's bouse or-tto treereached out bU bssd She Ik-ked it
Tto Whiplash that Cured.
house of toe Bwlsa tsmity RoMoaOB.**
Jsnet and Jerry wore iwlas sod sHb low whinnies uf thankfulness. So he bum soove tittle rooM «o tto
they were seldom seen apart. At Sbe followod hhn clear to tbe boust. groat brsBtoes of tb* OSk, aita h«
play Janet seemed to take toe lead,
ovsde curioua stairways sp to them.
aad Jerry obeyed ber eommaadt in bim for what be had done to the in­ Feopte came at fltst u see tba house,
a way that aomeUmes greatly amuieJ terest ol oue -whose mottter she was. asd then to sat the very good EtaBSso
tbr family. But Jrro waa a brave aod whom she loved wtto all a'motb- toat they could get tkeve. oBtU tbs
cr's lova—Our Dumb Animals.
IllUr tad. and be often saved bis six
good Qucscealn bad Bmre peopla toaa
ter from great harm.
he coaU serve. Tto tame ol tto
Robioton tro(>bouae bad reocAoi
One summer, .he. It wa/dlfPc-a
to secure help. I nile ToSTangamd
Faria. Othen began to tolM ta saartoe twin, to herd shcc-p L iS !“
obje.1. behind them as wj,ll » by oaks, though there was .oo tree
Mounted together on a little whlto
*" quite as Urge as Moasteor QeaseeBin's. Now there ta s vlUkgo in the
pony, with a long whip to crack *ver
iroe-iops There are moro thsB
any wandering abec-p's bach, the twin.
twenty trees with dlolng rooms ta
rode pro-adly out upon the blU. where
toemT some having sleoptag sad tlvtoo sheop were paalurtd.
lug rooms also. The tsOe*t iros lo
ren bad many hours to pla.'. They neat abd placed laterally. Ita power like s toreeatory bo®a for It tass
built slono houses, with a btanket of aeelng ihingx in the rear to reiy rooms built ooe sbovo soother. Tto
snisis sod lliersry people of Porta
roof, and a corral at one aide. Here itoUcuabk- ta grt-ytound couali
love to go out to Scoaiii ® dtao ta »
toe, read .iork-», ate toeir luncheou. rhi^Vh
^ mnnaed themm-lvc. with many
the exaermoment at which it will be
Someiimca the iw lna raced about on p*,, f<,r it to dmtale.
Pegg,. who could fly over toe blllt In
nor»oa are another taaianre. It li
Coe shape when the whip snapped only necessary to wsicb a torse drlvSDd stung her heels or sWe. They i-b InvartaWy wltoonl bUnkers to notook tarns, nnd toe one on foot would „ce tots. Take, for instaoce, those
Stan Mii-t Ft-ggy off with lbs whip. „n the tramways. U-l the driver even
and laugh to see her spring away.
auempi lo take toe w hip ta tend, and
One day Janet swung tbe whip if toe horse 1s used u> toe work to
round and round her beto as sbe bad win at once- lucrosac bU pare,
eeen big brother do when be wanted
Tto glraSe. which ta a very timid
to make It creek. tougblDg, abe. animal, is fpproacbed wito the utmost
broaghi U down to bit Pegg>\ It dlfflculo. on scconei of Its eyes being
tall more than Peggy, for a audden ao plsctdibai it rob sec as well betura of the wrist brought tbe tong hind as^'Q^sqaL When applosttacd
Issh Tn s stlngtag cot sround bur own this same faculty enables It to direct
bare legs. It Biuug like a redboc wire, w ith smt p.-edstoo tbe rapid storms
A burning welt sprang up on the ten- of hk-ks wi.b wJflch It drtruds itadlf.
dcr skin, snd with a cry of'pain Janet
dropped the whip and rolled . upo*
The EquIrreL
the ground, la vain Jerry sympatbUIf *>ou wanted to strip a pine cone
ed with ber. and bathed the umartlsg SOU would probably begin at tto top
limbs. Janet could ^ol slop wamiig- *hd have lou of troobta. Tbe aqnirral
"O. Jerry. Jerp !' abe moaiied, "Just knows better toaa that. He does not
think bow wc ha^e bun Peggy! 1 prick bw Ungers, nor pitch bU «tat>k.dldf't know bow It bun! ITl never, ers. nor gnaw Into the strild cone any
never, touch tout whip again.'!
more toaa ta neresaary. He knows
.It was a lesson wbldi JaiK-rncver belter tosa to cut off the top and
forgot, and ail ber life she haa been work bis way downward, or to gnaw
peculiarly ecnsttlvc and kind to every tulo tbe spiny ahlelds.' Hi- whirls U
living creature, storting tie teaat bottom upward In a twinkling, then
touch of bruulliv Janet Is s sweet, cuts toiovgb the tbln and tender
womanly girl now. and btT Influeoco baaea of toe scale-:, and each stroke
over Ihe pupils school ta all for lells. laying bare at once s couple of
gentleness and pcact-—SeleCled;
seeds wbkb
eau. He strips it so

easily and ^idly (bat you tan not
Boya and Ducks.
tell bow to-'>oes,it (!>> iwu drive off
-Iheie's t-'ii whit- ours and two and iosptSit bU imffnlabvd work.
black," dectared Tommy, "aid Ihil
---------------------makes twelve' Come on tasd sw.
Teddy!" -So tbe two little boya ran
Tto Postal CMrfc's Deduettafk
off to tto brook, and m-ben the dnrka
T'-e postofBc- at New York City
saw -.V-m. ifat-y jumped as'd flew, sad «-arc rc-xin-d a l^vW-' addreaaed strtbea off itii-y swam* In tba water.
• RTij. tbev'r,- scaled as anything!"
"To my Mother,
exctxinicd Teddy. *"Our do^ are
New York, America"
BOL The, let you feed and pat tbem.
This k-lter lame from Ireland, but.
and one duck I hold In my tap!"
sa there are several' women ta Sew
Tommy sniffed "Uo jouT* to said, York City wpo have sons ta Iretaad.
naturally enough the postal authori' Y’et. " aowert'd Teddy. aJusly. ties bad tot much bop?trf fladtag tbe
"Ttot's juh-. what I can do! "
right one. However, toa lettar wsi
"ll'm!" sniffed Tommy again
luroed over to one <i toe men In tto
Tedd, laughed, "frs my .wlsier "decipbering department ~ .Now it ■«
Sel^ s auKto that makes toem eo happened tost on the very day of lit
tante.*’ be said, smiling, "snd It's a receipt ibers an Irish womaa came
very good motto. It's *Oo unu> ducks to tbe general delivery window snd
fust what jou'd like a duck to do to said.
"ilxve ye w tettoer from tn.- b'yr
“He! her laughed Tommy. 'Ho!
The fact toat a woman with tto
cast o( mind required foe-such «n en' tv- never throw stones or slicks jgjry should come at that Ume apst our ducks." continued Toddy. p*,ied lo the clerk aa being eo«ssoteaml); sod we i-ever shout or say thing more iton s coincMenee. It
•Sh!' to :hc%; and we feed them and was quite possible that sue* a wo®-'
irvwt tbem Just as It we. well—we sa might be the motbre of such a son.
were ducks, too"'
So be took toe letter, observed toe
"Wbew!" whUtled Tommy, "l Arc Jpstmark and asked the womaa where
stone* at my ducks ev-«-ry day!"
b«'r "b y " lived She gave toe name
-Tben." declared Teddy. decMedly. of the ptace wuh wbJob toe tetter waa
' ibat's why your docks flew ao! "
sumped. Some other questiOBs were
But the next summer Teddy went to waked and toe answer* noted. Then
see Tommj s ducks again There ,he clerk gave the woa»an tto leuer.
were ten white one* and two that oa toe condlUoo that sbe abouid open
were blatk And when toe little boys u on toe spot and return It a It ware
came ronnlng down toe h*nk to see *ot for ber.
them, not ooe of tbe twelve/elther
sto opened it and. *ore enoagh. lu
tamped , or flew. The,- sat en toe amienta proved comriostvely toat It
grass, shore and plumed their \foattewa, really fro® ber son U Iretaad. ,
erw. and blinked tbqlr sbln.v eyes. flr«
oae blink, and tben another. "We're
What to aa OtoliakT
sol atra.d." lbe> •»-med le say
An obeltak U really a great stone
-:ABd it's >o*r sister's cuxio did U!" book. It ta buUded of a stooe that

/" A SuaaMee Boy.
Tbe^ district msoaeuger boy coomb
In (or a vast amouot of tidtcota'lor
bis olowoess. snd abosa for bta
shrewd observstioaa and ways, hot
be is a pretty good tad. after sU. If
tto (oUowUg. happening ta New
York, ta any erlterton: "1 bssrd s
boy's voice ring oBt shove tbs netay
roar of toe vohlels*. clear sod Etallnct. saying. 'Hold on. bltad mnSY
•icf aUU, bUnd man! wall till 1 get t^
you.' tomklng (or toe oarser of tto
voice. I dtaoovered s slender hot
agile mesaeager.bov:,^ Otupo.or sixicon year*. lbrsadlBg1Ui(«»r thwtMh
a maas of vebicle* to a spot last hy
the opposite curb, where a gray-hair­
ed man waa standing as If rivlted.
with a look of mild despair oo bta
lace. It needed only a glaaee lo see
iksi toe poor mau had sigbtta® eyos;
toat to tod become berUdsred oad
was llk.-ly to be run ovar; that tho
quick-willed messenger boy Skme of
all tor vast crowd had seen tto dUenma and bad nisbed ta to tto aaotatante of ;be unfortunate erwatora Ao
tto lad brougbt tbe Utbd mao oafely
to tbe sidewalk. 1 oould oot help
thinking that here was an expromloa
of that one loach of ssiure (bat
mahew ibe wbol* world Un."
Did you know that aome very
learned men collect taotprtaU aad
ko-p toem and when lhay die give
toem to some college or noerom?
That ta Just what Frofeaaor Marsh
dM for Vale UnlvetwHy. If you sbonid
gu there you would see groat atato
of red aaadstooe on which- are tto
bMsU sod htlEa Oita
pttoo. so? ereo tto prints of Ihs
raindrops that fell thoosands sad
tbousaads of years ago.. Tto slabs
were then a kind of mud made of
aaud. aod aa tbe blrita ran over it the
trsrks won- left, aod by sbd by
Jixrdeurd by degroci Into steso. Boon
of toese are Aery svange. for too
birds, beasu. and reputes that made
them were not like there «»» In tto
srorM: tot tb<-ro they arc. Just as
perfoi'i as U mad- jesterEay.
Wtot kind of todhgbia aad feoBogs
do yoo And niaolng through your s»-.
tore? Wbal kind of wiorda and acts
<k> they make? Tto ftnt are like Ibe
birds and U-asts asd Ibe setood arw
like toe prlnu (hey teavc betad (hem.
When these are left so deep that
your nature bolds the® there tto
Biarks mean joar character.
Um (er OW Pspsrm
On toe Beigtaa aute raIHrays oR
tbe nesopapera left In tba UbIm be­
long to tbe govsromeot. They are
sent lo tto paper mUta. msEa tato
pnfo. sad serve afterward as railway
Uckeu. 0>er one bBsdr«d was of
newspapers are collected every year.
Mr. W0C4 sod Mr.'•tote.
A mae named W<md met s fitaod
whew oame was Stooa "Good aoratag. Mr. Stoss.’' be said: "and bow
are Mrs Stoee and eU tto IHUe pebUebr "Oh. qniie wwil. Mr. Wood.**
was toe reply, “How are Mrs. Wood
asd aU toe UiUe apUnunr


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