Grand Traverse Herald, April 19, 1910

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Grand Traverse Herald, April 19, 1910


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text



Twice A


tlJ« A YEAR.



T(iberctfie.le WaiTbe Caiiae and Ih
end Had
ftnpeetad far «wne


Mrs. Helen L. Tector. pltc ol Z. W.
Teetor. passed a«ay eariy Krlday THEODORE AgHLE^*^ ENDEAVoAling ai ber borne. 33T West
Terelltb ttraei. after a loag lllneea
tuberculosis. Altbougb ber death bad
been esperted. tbe passliia array wss
I quiet that none Aneir i*en death
Mrs. Teeter naa ^ra In Slartoci,
Ohio, in Hepienrlier^ZT. 1876, her CLOtE WATCH HAO BEe4 I^EPT
maMen ban>e being Nias Helen Rbon.
In IMW she was pnlled in
riaae lo Z. W. Teetor, and two j
roat ei^he SIreM tai
•pKlat lM«nt RatM m PmaIm. ago raaie to ibU city lo reside.
Night—Has Net /^ared to Be
«l.M Appiriat Apfll It-NM*
in Right|tMin4iDince Ha
RalM Will •« In CMet ky .
It Taktp III.
Ellen Poland of Marlon. Ohio.



Ry Hay It. Tnirmr <Hty «HI b«
oe • rulllUr bull m Ur ai tn-lKt>:
ralaa Id I'bicajo on itie <J. K. « I. arc
raaMToad. Tbit mMst a aubcian
tial rcdnntoo In ala rlaaara of {rclatii
> aa« iDMni that praiiurta of local
lauortaa can b. .hlppadiUr aaaeUy
Ux- aana raii trom vhl> city ai tbcr
raa freni Cadlllae.
Pnr MM* Oiuc. iba a. R. * I. baa
bnan buar upon lb. taHBa and ibc
Mtt raw. will be In aSert by Hay
If. aoM CDlu inio .tun os Nay it.
Mbara on Nay K. In addition U
ibN. bcclBBlnc AprU IS. tbarv vlU
b. a apprlal IS««il me oa potatoM
to Cbleaso applying to Trarerae City
and all T. C. U * H. peima.
Tba ebaagm In tbe rates are best
abovn by the 'tollowtiig UUe:

an anive worker In ibe I'nlted
Urelbem eburrh.

Theodore A^ll^), lesIdliiE with hlu
slep4sumiler. Mrs. Kills VUbner.
Htvei pnd Itarfh-ld
suli'lde Fclds) iilxh.I
by ratling h^ thiust with a Jsik
knife. Th.; kiMe wss dull, mid Ash
Mrt. Lily Dunbar Today tUrtad Cult
I eniwpiilrul ooly in making
Apalnal tha Par. Marqwatte for
flesh wound.
Ih of Hor
Her H
Ashley, whe is ft: years old. has
wife and ihii-e small cblldreii. aged
%ult aiSfoat the Per. UarqUHli
r tlU.0M dan
Friday through ber
auomey. J.
W. Pntcbln. by Mrs.
Uly Dun^, aa administratrix, a-ldu^
taken with I
of the UU llorace E. Dunbar, who lllnen |i has be.eii |
t hllK^y a IVre Marquette train him t-losely. as he
(Irand Rsplda last winter. Mrs.
> til bis right ■
Dunbar bns two minor children, nud however, he mat
abe Is suing the raUrtud company tor from borne, and s
the death K>t ber busband.
Win Johnson on ^.>i
e be look suppeV.


.. -T»:S
Tiw rataa are perdunent aA will
aK W ehaaged whiati la Indeed ws|eoaa saws u> tba lecsU ablpprra.


^maacfy Net OMpatad by Cvan
; ttau Dinner and ReMs«H Arwa
Marly and aegan •l•M4e•■
-----Inf—Caurt DIniwr TonIgM.
VMbA April TI^Rooaereit lodtT
MioMaed Emperor Prana Joaers
VHaiAgg to abooi woodcock on the
al pfsiirw. plMdlag previous engagemeata. It Is probable iba> Ituose.
Mh thought ibe sport too lame after
klUlBg llooa. . .
Raearmi appeared liwab tbli morntag dMiple laal alght t lUle dinner,
aad began alghtaealai enrty- Hr
bwebad with Aabaaaador KerMX
and will nUMd a eourt dinner tonight
Mgr. PIgaiellL papal nuncio, rlalied
Eannprett today. Nalther

tMtM»an Place at Timber Land en
Peninsula In ttn and Cenvtrted
It Into .Prwit Parm.
Prederlek Kelson died Batufllw
morning st I o'clock H bis Anae
abont two miles aouib of BowetTVaP
bor after one week's illneos of pSeuonta.
Hr. Kelson wss bora in Crebro.
Hwedea. tn lAlt, coming lo CodlUot
iu itTS wbenc be moved to the penlotula In 1874 nad setuing oa a pl««e
timber land wtdeb be had slnoe
converted luto a beautitnl fruit farm.
Besides a widow. Airs.
Kelson, be lesvee five oblldren, Oscar
sad Aagust rMldlag at the borne of
thetr paraeis. Urs. John Kioups. bC
Old Mission, Mrs. August Hrdland
and Mrs. jobn Wtnnell, bolb of Trav'tnt City, all of wl
bedside at -the IIM trf the draih.
He also leaves a brother. John NeV
ago of this city, aad aaotber brother
and alstrr in Sweden,
bmidet 10
:raad chlldm.


Tbe redur»>d freight
rale*- annnuni-ed Frlda.v as iH-mg In effeei
on tbe 0. it A I., were d.tided uimn
ihrut- we«dik ago In Crand RapldH si a
mesftlnc ul the vsrHins'rallroodv sn.t
lines R-uterlng TVaverse City.
The IVre Marquette in faei has.brut
16 erni One on imintoes 111 cffa< t
net Aprir JS.
The IVre Mtrqiieue has not rereived th* laiiffs yet, but as It was
represented .at the meeting and Its
's.niBilrd^ agreed io the pne
ppsed rales, tlfr reilueihins will apply
this road b^so. the IVre Marqueire
alwa«* bejne' willing lo nMipenite'
for tbe beiiefil of the rllv anil gradiooeessioiu wbevrr isiralvie,


Slid He Went to -Michigan City t
Help Sell the CanecMcd Contract
Because He Was Sorry for
Wallerstoln's Lost.

Jarkxm. Mh|. April ir.— Uirk>
<m’iUini-il hill li'rTminny its Iln- Wal
h-rsirln damgge sail loda>. He den
h-d IbM he pleaded with WalWsleid
expOiw bloi and derixred -he
told Wslli-rstelti Ui tell Ihe gtivernor
Iheir tratikaelbius If he di-sIrH a*
IsM-lu- was lunpared l» Iqeet .ibe
{-barge. .He told WalleisieIn Ihut tewonlrtiri resign, lie de«-larj<l Waller
slelii wanted <<> oust him nuf Warden
lelidike ij.*
eiit Hatih FulIvr'oW|il
SWEPT elaim lie n-puls.-d Wallersli'iii's
‘s offer








Ttti- Womsii* t'eq«'l»ry Improvenii-iii a»i-oil*itoii 111," Thurxlay sfierloon and dlscuved ways amt means
<i| doing tbe wvik of tbe asuockatlon.
A camiuxigB ftir new momtmniblp will
also be carried on ttil« spring, mf ve»u-iday's enr-itiig several uicmbers be­
ing addl'd lo the iist. .
it U the desire of tne •snelatlo:i
to AM in Putting Dowm tho Up­
rising If Neeostary-WBMM
it nwnerr take more
imt-rewi In Improving the.apiwarnnre
Refosos to Floo.
of their lois.jnany vif whl«* ale In a
i'ekln. Apitl 16—A BrIliMi gWBnegjtwlrd stale.
at Cban^te today but
The walk*.' wblrh In some I'ltfes are
tot dpt^ed OB aceouat of ito onr
cared for by the rliy, are also out
of repair, and a comnillPi' was ap- vheimiLj/ nmnber of r«4>olo oocqpy
|s>lnli-d to i-otifcr with the board of lug Ibe town, it la BeIloea£.ASM tlW
natter will awall tbo airtval s(
jiutillc works lo see what done
le three olberw ea loulo.
n-gard lo keeping up itie walks.
TlOi RcV. Mr. Wartqa. lea6m- efttaa
Wesleyan missiooartsw. In Hnnaa
piovlnre. remalDs aboard a taonebaBtman. refusing lo Hoc to KaSkov. bPlining that he can help reatot* ordm-.
Ther are tpars tor tko 70* OhI- **e ronverta al Oaagaha Dotails
re lackin. as tbo wirsa are caL
Tbe goveniDeni cabM Loadno
SEVERAL <iENTRAL AMERICAN Slid hate ordend (terdtSor Haag to
. store ordw.
Amoy. China. April lE—T%il TkMob
fan rruUer novclaad has dopamd
or Hankow lo aid la supproMlagaMilurftga uprising K necqasair. TMs
was done oa orders from Wasblagioa.


Ixirke explained" Aal'he
h-r r
MU-hlgaii rilv to help Wallenueln^ell
ilie ranvi-lli-d' loiila roiilrsi-t i
IliHHlinaii tiiaxer <Yi.. after refoshic
Walli i»ii-ln« offer of II;hw' lur help
that her step-father
lieeaiise he hsd^yuipsiJi; for W lilerwho dis-lsred Ibid Ibe caiiielUhouse. Fowed.imely weal In search
raiilrari had rausiSi him heavy
and luiiM. him at the obnsqn
■. Hr rrfuCyd 10 ratal' boi
Heuset wera Wrecked in* Several lo-ji. 1-iM'k.' also deKirod lo sale the
the iiiuiiey advertlnlng for bids
ber. however. And she retiiniMl,
owns—Three Were Killed
new •■onlrset would eo." qllc San Joss, Capitol el Cesu Rica. I
the Suburbs Of Jafktel by
■lenlud tliai be ex|>e<rted tp gel any
after blm. When Ihi-y rearhei
Practically insert^, th* People
• This Merning’s CyelOns.
money Iram his egorts* iii'..Waller
plsrv Asbley bad siartisl
Camping Out if tho.Open—
st^iiV brbsll and declared he pa>d
n^en mlsslni blm, A lli
Snakoo Comlnuod Today.
New Urioans. April 16—The
was found-on tbe street with bli^^^ Yioleut slomi swept MIsalMlppI hls-.awn expetisos lo the trip.
ibrnsi cuL and removed to ibe lyini'-T^Louisiana. Arkansas and Tvum
fit the Flsbnera. wbi-re be whs glv<-ii
April 1L—laleilor telKWls
ihls morgtng doing .heavy dan
medical altenlKm The wound
kte that M-iera] town* were wreck­
Brveral d-aiiw aie reiwrtvd and rotn.sufhrldnily drap to cnusied and many kllM by rsribquakew
uiuiilrsilou Is Uaiupenit.
ilirougboui {VPlral Auvrii-a It Is rsThe heaij- rain caused loanv rail­
ftiunli-d tbai Uw-dsm^e i> over a lullAshley has
out of Jk. b
road wasliouis and vrajui weie dam­
sine picked up^ on iheYj^uu. siul aged severely.
' un dollar*.
unless be shows signs of Iniproi'
Kan Ju'.p. the caiiiLiI of Ihmta Ilica.
TbOUABUds of 1
Steps may In- uki-u lu iitsce
practlcallT doM-rtM. and Ihe jieoliowljed. and nuui
wvre wrecked
1 the as.Huni.
le are camping in ibn o|icn.
Comlo. MarlKtild and Jnnt">luwti.
The quake rvnUnqen today but I*
"irilsl eonimu'iilrailnn with Ja<^
All Fereignsrs arq Ftoolnf—Othor

IhU aflcrnoon Imlicau-a that
Missions and CoaotrU arp Bne were killed In the suhurlp l,y
dangsrod-SIg Brtttah Oaathis morning's cyclone,
Tfie Ijidirs- Aid aocl.-ty of Ihe
boati En Rmrtt to Saona.
I’reshyierisB church gave a farew,'!!
BIONED COMMANO.IVkln. April U -A nob today boraSPANISH
SoiW (I
d Ibe govemmeot boasq at Sbaag
KlUb street lo honor of Ur IL li. (ItrKba. Wlierq tbe Weolayia CUBA lafstuily. -w ho are soon to leave
Master of the United States Ml
land mlsBlouaries bad Ukw ntasa.
for choir new bopie In UctroiL There
Bought Tug and Will Oe in BuslTbe misaktaarias, Bed to tba MtIpa
wep* ^boul SO members of tbe churrti emmittce on Annual Banquet lo B* and .are safe.
nesa «n Largt Seals. *
- ^Heid M« IS. Aloo Gavo
Tbe mob foread'tbe abaadcamaat
time was-enjoyed b.v
Korihport, Mirh.. April 1.*.—Cap- ROOSEVI^LT CALLED PARIS HER- PleaMni
of the Unilsb coasulata a»d c nstoms
lain \V. K RobiTtsoh- has resigned
his poaUkui as master of the sieaui'-r
At a aeeilog of ilanuab Camp held . ship*.
Four Rngllxb guaboaia ar« M roaia.
Cnlted States and will engage ii
Piiday ntgbl the cominttli-e on the an­
iber ulsetons and cooverta uw aanual banquet to be given May 16.
liorU Howard favwfB- on Rh- violin made Its report lo tbe chalrvao. H. 1. dkngered.
from ber Itin Huivik owners
accumiianled b.v' Lulu Saxon.
Tbe Knapp, and Commander Hetben 1)
expected at Nurthgwrt with hl> best
young peoplq'prcaeiil litruished otb Gage aiipiiinted a ouminlllee of Ibnv
and lUhlng outfit she firm of -next COLONEL BARS THE HE-RALO
music througlioul the
«ve||^. to arrange For the program.
liiiy refieskpiMits of in| cibara. oommlllee Is coupnsed of J. V- Mr
Slid wafers were i^rvVd In the Iniosb, Robert E Wall*.' and Ur. T.
Tbe raptalii wilt go Into the com
Arwnd K. Dyke Will Mako Hla.FWI
diuliig rttriu. '
merclai fishing business
Violl to His OM Homs ia Lana
the comBihie*
ih ttacdgoihg of Dr. r.aiaejb
SO vaara.
ed Confusian In Vienna Today—
ampinent lu be brtd
!y from tbe clly tbe obur.b asVell a*
and ti'In ein-llem rauilttlon. fie "•qVIpited Emperor Frani Jo­
July U to *1, was made, and
the city reel keenly their Ig.-*. Dr.
Aiend K. Dyke Ml aStarday lor
will Sab In the vk-inlty of the Bdavseph and other NoUbles.
and Mrs.'Slarner and f^tlher Garm-r xaiMiu* {-OHiBJiitees appiKnted. Tbe New York where he vJU ambaiS an
rs and tbe Msnlioiis.
niali'-r of unironns was taken up. and
were all charter
members of
itoIlaud-ADerlcaa ataamablp R04Vieii'ia. April Ij —Roosevelt
Captain Robertson li
every loemiK-r y>f Ibe camp will be Jerdam which leaieo for iieUaad
lurch. The doctor ha*' sened
best knbwn lake waUtirs. He brought il ed this muiulng and was Inraoren- le board or truMcea and^
F'Atber l>iuvld<-d with a new uullorm beforv Tuesday next.
tbe car ferry Mkiiiiillque which ieneed ihrough the reeepiioo commll- Garner a* su elder for a gi^ auny Ihe emamimient. The national coinMr. Dyke eame to this eouairy M
Islluiv to r«-~-rv« moms In the
between Konhjmn and •MaulMl
years. always vcriciBg everytETBg for ii.a]idvr in ciili-r. Edgar J. Gibson, of -are ago and this la his Brat trip
qie lOd sailed ber unill the sale to hole) Kiant. He took a small mum
lk»t«n'. will lie pi.-*-til. also C«a- I bis old borne. He Is sMlrtpatiag a
bO"! intrie»i of tbe church.(
llM- Ann. Arbor. Hi- then Vrons*'^ oid •while the tmlie was prepaied. Amba*gieMiuien Denl'i and Loud, tbe tor- very pleasant vtfslt to Rhode schoat.
ap^ilthe fine hew steamer
" sailer Keic:i»e theuiih! lhai Haiou
■ Bed achooli in Ibe provtaca at
leltoiieller had res-ned Ihe' -iiiie dent of the .Sid soel«y mid slKi‘tfef^',
sailing between Chn-n
Uronijgen. KYiherUnds.
■iiittiunsry .•ricleiY as weirae asaiat- Sable, ivl^atluos'Ilf Spanish
gsn City and ssi1i-U t
liV traieler'i cheques aad etaaax:lie Snuday school In whatever vetoravi ticon all over toe state
> psssag- weer aecoyed thioagb
rapaotv sh.- was called upon.-Theiexphatige department of. tba Flat
aiiie lias always lies-ii open at all a p'ank whitefisb eUpjwr are oa the
deuh d Ibe lYnls Hersld
Natiiioal back, attd ail Ibe deUlls and
toes as cicryune, has U-cu sure of i-iogiwm.
siory ihal he would tun for tb
A ivoimUles- OB decwijitua Was al- jjr'ifmstion rt^ardleg Ibe Rotterdam
ideucy again. He ha* iclu-d
{K--SII travel- were supplied by
Tbe good wlsbesoPiho-huicband
cei«c Herald r< prc»entall\e* further
iti'parTmel.1 of the bask.
•Ongri-gatioo go wl'.b tbria to (bei!
1 acr*iuiii of the icimned
Kooscveli visifd FkiqwrDr Fianx
'.■osef and other notai>lc.H,
la .dt-nylug the Herald fake wh:. h
Per* Marquette oHtelaU Wera la Urn
Sald^-hat Crime Was Cowiri
elleced that Rw>eielt told pim-hiw
City Thuraday.
Smmr* Fish. Large Numbsagain. Rcs.sevell said
A "Iteclal (at arrived ot
Broken Pulley Caused a Shut De«
ing Be*n Killod.
today tbai ttu-e'waa nothing
:< Ma-»i'i-:fr Friday Pllb
(vmversalhm with plBcbot iba
: of Fe-e Marquette Otfici
•itou-Nobody InjurmL
possibly wanani such a tlaiement.
lur of irM.-wctiOB. In the party
SI /-fcporied her,*
He dv'lared tbaj The c«Bv«»atlOB
Theodore UDsel. supertotcadeag. V.
dam onl lAe Little •Manistee
eouldn i be ransirued as a desire to
ibe PeV Marquette right of
A broketi palley in llw mill of A Ho w Backed by SSOOOO and Expects It. Trump, general snpaftataadeqL J.
Heavy ^riKc—Has Lcsset
of tb* »!o.*y as be
F Ueicbu.-r. rbtef eaggsear. William
been bkiwn b> d.'Iiamlirra
IlYbii* on the Noitb Maixitou island
. Much LaxA
bow ton. gvaeral maater ateebaale.
tbai more than
pounds of rain­ would be glad lo bear all sides and Tbursday caused a abut down of
bow and spokled trout ' bad been wants to pev anyu'i- who can entigbt- eral days. Ju*i before atariing up Jgr
Ukeii. Tbe dam wm> blown up lor n trim on home isjliti;
the toy a work a puller wvnt to pieces
Tbe siei!bier MIsaeart made part
Man-ste..'. MIrh.. AprU U—Bvl^-d
~l am sorry Rout <
tbe purpose Of securing the Osb.
which caused tbe breaking of sever­ by tr.'i.uvi). Jahn Uragan today s'-si'. Satarday nigbi ^ CSienge. bringip*
turther sta^-d that d.-tectives < raid.
al Otoer poUcys and belting. Tbe Bill ed drilUng for uU. exp'-i-'.lsg afrltb
few horsea asd some mlscellanhave been pUeed uiwNi the
Kiiosevell showed ibai he will sUiid was obliged to abut dgwn lor repairs stiike.
Aboot 7AM sacks
la evMl of dlw-overy. It wU
or his lu-loriptes wbea be returns re- but will be delayed only a i*w days.
loaded OB Is the htf
with the goiltj oBtw. y
IM.-U tor tbv iCbkwgo maihpL
•Idles* of panics.
Mo oac was Icjured.
a this viefaiiy.












f •

Ueorge'-W. Pllc^^l years oW. died
Saiurday. at the private hoepKal
body was taken to (Ireetivllle for t>ur>
It la repoited ibsi Ibe pope
geated a vUtt as tbe po|« Is aader- I ^orn^y.
Brer a1da(^.Chc death of hU wife.
Miood to regret itac inddeni.'
Id yeais ago. bir. Fitch had been a
rqsldetit of the city, working at the
Oral tveod Dish compan) imill 6ep
when the eaater first s|v
iwared He BMd-' his borne at (be n->ldeac of Mrs. H. A. Hubbard. ItVS
Fast Prom slUH-i, and Mrs. Huntiard
stag unabk to csi. for the akk mat
-bo seemed lu tw doopiml to die fron
■llerta ar« Being Made to Ralaa the Us caacer. sent bim to Mrs. Tanner.
sldet bis DMtber. wbo lives tt
Hudson, the deceased Icares three
da>uihter.. .Mrs. Laura Ihiits of Masaachusena.
Miss Oia 'Hamilton of
7o*i*o- April 16 —UenMust BakuHoulder, t’Olorwdo. and
Mrs, But.)
Ks.aad IZ mewbrn of tbe crew
kenni^y of Bedford: Oiegon.
.sahautriae Ko. 6i, are repmted
body will be taken loCieenvlIle for
hare perished at PrUhloa.
lAUial Mtio'day.
'’ , '
Tbe boat dived and fatlad to co
to tbe sarUce. Eggrta at. being
made to raise ber.
This was the Brsi Japaaree tub
marine diaaaler.
Bearchert Whe Looked far the Body
fli Robert Beilby Lest Near Bidnaw La« Pan. Peond Nothing.




Baatoa Harbor. Mirb. April le.Kaarcber. who wsuil to searrhr fur
Robert HellbyV body, wbo was lost
IhSi winter while buntl
'ABaapnlts. Hd.. April lA-HMablp aawjnqrard etday and reported that
•aa Earl Wilsoa. injured In n football
tame to Ociober. died al thp aaval
hoepaybli mamlag- MMahipman. Whe was Injured I
PMtbail Osme Lest .Oetebe
CaplfM BatuiMay.

Matter of Nsglectcd Lett and BreSnn
Sidewalks Was Taken up in
the Meeting.








-r.’ •

<lM N. Bum I.......A.TnM'





sp W6J»W? B91DFA1R

m fjjs
THi rauiT CHOP. '
TBi Bmm« feM



rwUHn. U tM teU BW

*frtk m-tn. AM B


M* tUuM. *u BMUkUty rUaM.

I MMai— m«mm thu
mm >M Am* iB*atia —<
thU «HM *BI A* AU MltAlri «t A
<MA ^ ww «tarrlM vHh •«» ttlrM
«f • Mco «< avMt oAurtM. TAe
fliotll. MMU UOM IB tfe* »V(»M.
BUM Ml Amb BHMbM w»4 m Mr.

Aam lAftM tAAO **M AeOAAM at tA* OAW
MAoaoA to
ttAt «Aia« AM AO
*«M' mm U tA« MOB Kwv* tb* ofU tAB AMB* lA tbe
«4<r lAMtoM At «Aa AOBAtrr ON A.
«2io‘W w nAmAM. Mm avaa wtth
ABd tvothtiBo to * OMP to ovou cAm
ItBB tAA MNMl « th* «MtMN MH
tt iNOtlMBr «aa «»• AO tboucA
tterW 001 MBB* »UA lou labor to
ABfTMtloB TAo t»N o'Ueb Op not
ABMtoito Pmr
Bon a nu aaB
»A)1 kAOBB crontr. tAB rut bmodi
«m rmr aUI be torsri
It to AO ooMom UU wo esMorlMce
A MrtA<«f thlOBAUtN tbu OAT srovC»«9 AIM •*. »All.A»alAAro*o.-

totvB*. Ttoto to atoo pootoAio
AoAA^ «toto «N abpmn amm nOAIBA. BA atot«r Fjtot AoBBoAo-MpoAtr'a BAeorS.
T«B nJkO.
fArtpil «A» toVA tboir Mf (Olid,
lit UBA.4«MBtoBO «OM Atot) ON.


«P« to »W AOBdi to 0M^lHii oo |Blidu7.

tounMii iiMBtii far tAe AMto tAo

%ip rf tt» togBitoM «to to Bor

Tito WU «« oAto
—Allrtu. TBo AOl oot ooto woaU
rnmAmmm ttHtoOt Ur Sos for
•BOA BAItoiA J»« u Ato» BtPtUeo



MiaAte.4to0A0.MUA> tNMpto opoo
Ar CAM aaoteABt. aMlw hr words or
fltokOBM too •« Ml too BOUto to
AAtoatoMBAM. 'PtotoAAlto «# A BOA
' to IMA AAd M iBBltoABAUBt to M

nu lOEUiaTiNc

I few da,ya. tbe MiwerhniB
Or. W. B. Mom atortAd work oo bto
apMy will hare a 'new
100 sen tndt term at Hast Bar' -Mos>»■" This Bight wstchmsD
wlte A lorn to SO Men and
will WON every nlMi iatoudlng Sun» ha CBS c«t teoiB. Tbo dor­
dsje. wUI ae*w go pa stnke lor high'
ter will set d.OOO trtAi in all wfciih
er wsgee. since there- wHI be no pay
to so tsr<.ss to baown the Ursosi
torthivajlna and wlH e«t oo mkloight
lHioiB«B( **et ow to tele rectos
TOOL Ths orohato «Ui o
Bref. L ft- Taft, Prof. Baker. Aeere. luaubes. Tbe wslchmSB will be on delow MontBWtoMy cherrtoe
ty continuously and will maka a borne
tpiy Oteooo site F, A. Hitebell
■weel rbrrTte*. lOOd apple trees. Vl to
NKhi lu tbe buUdiDg to the toyipany.
Wen tee Baeakam of the
. prarb trees sod lb« reaialnder Ic
The watchman Ik not a human be­
ttoU sod1 crab apple t
ing; to tocL It is Btdbtog more or
BBtMWAI^S»rtl II.Buckley.
April l5.~The lens teas an ordinary toukiiig flrv
MnssIaT tbsI ““Tf'iop
r*-'------ WAtlas of tee Home UevelutiBwtf alarm box. painted i^ site the nutDuoclatloB yeaerday was a sruat am her SI in gold. It Is a Gamewell aiuHs. there tielSA a torse crowd to at illary box and its nerves coirMst to
■as «rM fBOABAitoto
electric Uattertes. Yet la iwse
NOW •A'^M^F^AST BAY WIAHhre. it will sutotnaliraliy ring up^be
ea' hc i4^t.
Arentea lb« 'minute there 1* some.
obtalBlDc iostlce Aid
reu adft«asea. his anbdaou betos. teUM doiag.
sad tnlitlca) MUbwto. Us did oot
‘tY^.CrOWteB’' '4'nik CukniV' and
Tbe MuKsdman company receail.v
«U Him 111.75 la All With dte AI. "OeaerAl Fsrmtas.*loeBtloB ABwricaa polU
■Dstalled an automatic aprinkler *>*•
tenteUve e( IS pay* Caufl**
tonterolt tedv ptoiud tbe
Peto. Baker to
tern. This .vystem puU out Areu with,
Fish ln^p 4eL
too NPBltr Abd parUateCAt a«d Mtea “ThTOl (diiUjea a*d ute- out say superviskm. bat doesn't stui'
ialUMA was suspeoded .dvil« tbe reeis B ite bis sane appeal to apply bote when the Are Is out. Tbe resuh of
ceptlOB. lie visited Braaeto KoatUth. Far bavins a ateel bead trout to bU
and good aeaae in
this to a wholesale grvxery csi
leadM- at the
pOBseaskm. Tbomsa Batee to . iiaat cation. adn^lBs that edaeaiioa
seen at onoe. Now to pet away (rum
IH. sBd bis democratic eplrtt pleand Bay was sirrstAd by DepacytdVudm
avail iukless ii could aupplr and havlngamaa there totem oE tbe
Homer Bnyder Suuiday. aid. ap- apply baU^ to tee faread. He aaaert
peand before Judae Netliaser where ed teat Aomelbtes tsaslhle was want, ter or lelepbone (or help wbau l
ble Mme. Uis box U totalled, betox
be paid a Ane D( «S a^ eoeis
ed rather than dudes.
toonecied to tbe valve <m tee i
•f.M. with an skasaaUve to U days
I. Otoeon. sew
r to tbe (ted pipe or tbe sMinhier Kystetn.
to tell U ^e bad ma sauJed. Tbe Ash Weeiera Hteblgan Dw
When tbe valve turns, which it does
reau. had sresc praise lor the oroabcMU two
( teas Bod O'AlAbed CraaatvA morement is Wsetera Mich- when the heal to a Are (umk ot
the plugs, .a circBlt It formed and tee
atehi pwaito.
baa. He heartily endoraAd tte Home ti«x gets busy and rtngs SI at .tee
Sues. It to sltofcd. set bis nets
sine house, tee 'ring be\tto repealed
Dear u£s^uth to a stream, which
> tee Western Michisaa De- lour times. When tela cal! is received,
—itrary to tow. the tow eptoi(>iac
tee Sreoen take one rig and make
.1 BO aau Bhall he placed olthto
F. A. Wncbell to tee M. A S. E. did quick get away to tee Mmselnun
I leet to a slraam. The tow terth-' (an Justice to bto subject. "Out of the
company. If tee Are is »o. sertops a*
pioblblu aaroBe (tod bavins
Wood* by Reit. - that belrg Just what to need the aueallM to tbe departateel bpad tropi to bto posionio*. the' tee H. A N. E. had done tor Bucknient. the department is tot haad
some las Mverlv thto trout as tec tor. Mr. MitteeH sxplalBed' that tea
U it lsB't.tbp Aramen simply abut off
Pokto, d$rU ]b.-d>aroJ tiSM bore brook trout. WSca paushi
prosTAHslve p)aa* to his company the water aud gp hack|to bed, bolding
law atoiee teu tee Ash shall be
sABBtoatad tbe trAUMN- AM
tee daiftsge to a Bitoimam. The box is
pBt back to tbe water with as little
the only one to iu kind ever mms'‘ed
to bora tbo toMiso btoWtodi it u telutr as fMeibia Wfau v> do with
to tee rtiy. (Siief Bennie secured
thnsBbi Utet tbe worn ^ tjte itot to deb If dead wkao found to tee aeu
would-beaeAt/be (ruli yrawers as
tee Ipv MB Dot •pecKr, but la to-toer.
Tbe rutort teat three Aaortou Bito., teipNted «p helas oosared is proMr. Olbeoa.bild meuttoued tee vaP
■ioaartoa wen drawood In cecopliic UbUlAC WOM iron bavins a sieel
bead to bla imeeNoton. and in ru- ue ot boiM .Mhibits not only as an
... ..
toreutlee to tee grower but also that
Tbs aeo IWt »M« ^rr fee-lN luraUd It to tbe water.
displays for Ue state (sir and (or
pneua »bo AWN Wtod Ja' «P“toi
tbe Chicsso exblMt might be idoked
eea . >ute OOd ^ WA KUObom teem and Mr. Miiehell Mursd a
host. The Hactoader to tbe^^aBkovr
wbea. (or the psAoud time, be
l was esecuied.
If Your Name to Fei«uaeA or If You was fiaated tee Am and urged a ..Pravidence. R. I.. A^a IB —Cenersl
(air. Hewtatei teat Ibe M. A N.
K. would hmlHIly cooperate la this, BraytuD. republlcsii boss, pUted <oYou May Ost a BarL
not oaiy by^^to servfte but with day ihai^Wdrti-h won't run (or
Judge A. .F. ij^ru^r has received
prise* (or the beet display. His SHUxtorship again’ under any cir<'uai«otDooaic|floB sttetos tor tofonin- ramark* raiuted aiutoi eatewdasm and stoiH-e* ou Bcoouot to Ul ht-altb<
ioB in resard to the desceodaois ^
IS praclicaliy assured teat tbe as
Mnu A V- Heath *-em to Saginaw
mac named TYrSuara. wlTo died In
.lion would bold a (air at Buck this morning, alter vUiUng to tbjt
tee Borte ot lretond>^
ky tele eensoa.
tote veluicl at
t I. a Bl||tok a*d the
>« next meellng of >be asioctolion
U. C^Kile and Ateert Wdbetoi reCusoD was Scotchlrlsfa^^ hi
he Saturday. April 30. tbe sub- luraed to the V of 11 this luorujng.
inte came to this aHinlry.
ItoislBs.' The meat,
n VIrsinia. Feontylvania and tog WUI be boU to tee snerawm.
New York, and are now Israliered all
eapt. 1. B. OHbert reutraed tel
tee L'DNed StjMee.
Sonw ot
tarpAW Mte Ute IWAl 41lfb peboto
Fred Foster, Uleblsaa represemadtoiAUiis team frooi Boyne City, team have be«a toadied in Loolevllle. Uve o( the Wtoeiioswr Mepeattog
St. Loula. Obh>. Illlnuis.
when they Met deteU U tbe bands
rnis coiupaay.^ lett ^hle BMralag a(bo yoa Sooe
pm^it bert. m*. 1*
or Ibe Boyne City deMors last ulsbl ladtoaa. Knaaas. -Kenuteky. Iowa ■T a trip to this city.
IWiy Umiw* «iU
sll «>•-« inx
Tuancasee. Mto^rl nad CBnuecUeut.
r a decUioo o( two Mone.
Supcrtotendeni I. B-Vilheri went to i'm~-----■--:f ♦ u
do not tooe II.
Tbe local loam ahowed up w»ll and
Boyae Oky today wiib te^ debaUns *iact*.vto.a.iM say .dtsstm t « dtaWS
tee fact Utot tee itoctoioh was so
testUks to tee lact teU
Boyae City team bo more
•Uto Qtputy «• B. Bmlte WW Leek
their debate. Tbe iudses (or th<
After pSme In Atrwems of Wexhue wera Snpt NoMbera ot Bast JorAMd Coitotor.
daa. KrtaAkpU Mau aI BumBier Md
-tet. YmuiB oi MAmoa.
Deputy g£ue Warden G. A. Smite
This biNmo tbtt local dohUiA mto Tfavesi^ City to 1a tee^ty Satur­
day areparatory to mskins an toveacl.
sailtB to sll Wexford county strvanu
r ir there are any dsms to
rivers that have not ap adjaoeftl Ash:
chute to allow tbe Ash iod|o and come
in tbs manuEkChli procets
the entire leosth o( tbe stream. The



mil BM Am* m I




Bern ^ WON



Protection for You



Flour b
tac^re: of C^fcsctnt
•o ^fect
»fect th«t
tti qomKty U
eicacijy the same no matter
or where .you buy.

Or. L. IWBBtAB Has Babalnd b
MitpheU car Aid tt to vary .

IS. FbUhn to cuMply with the
state's AeiBMto B W emut tm
ilw elate huBdiag tee Am and tearsTheRa ABdOopdr SAn«e yBsterlAS tee amount expeadad watoet
Tiaaaiiii am Oto BolpA BrtoA to dir lAiBlved Ek. RwABtopY MUcb BMPMty. The aiaiB tM (aralab
Raw TATk. pnAUABt to .tbe KodoBto A Nadeter, tbo car hotel (ivaA ao i«actt£attctes.*-Ca4Utoc Mawa.
' by tbe docter. lW
Itof ^AMotottoa. ABN orfAd tto aomwadner'WlBur.BaBaaMr CAT. tee
betas AaTTey type, wlte a
TAa «Mltooo •■* •Aoou AowhU
One «f tee no.
It to-UA MAIHO. or o KNU
aAabM not bA oUowto to UcaUito todtarae to tea alJeaca wttb! Thnee Raot Bay Ftohennsn (tot Their
dMABAtOte toto OB a«T«rttalBt dA- wbtota tea BHMr nma. tears Wla$ ao
Nett Tae Claea ta the Mautey'
*tM, toHtoM t*B 9?oUaa toU should aotoe wbaMTAT. Tbe obr to dark Ifiiab
with dark Apbolsiary and to a prAPtl-.
CAI. mnlcmaM and bAa*m«iA ma-.
WM* to «ttto» Ait tbs CIM4MM ebtoa.
BOB tor Aat MBno'o
win MMBmlte Saturday airland brought be-M
Ion Jedge Kerltager OB a tearge o^
tbs atesasr prlu B*
tote ooaiibUwl^ 60 (Ode o(
oiAD. TBs MBSlir NMA *U1 oot .tsrt
to e slr«^ emptytogti
Aston Jab m 4AM AMAtoU ft*
■01 ot Grted
MlAt hots hAAA BMBa. TbA CboThey weraI wintof*i
SMMbb Ana «Bnr ImbAr oad tote
L^oreal and
IMM teo *!.■»«». aad tbA BsANto
was Eaed H and
or M.AS. <d> irfor tbe Bomb * Lv MmoobUIa
Tbe rumor hai SAbifd sround tept daye to jaa Twi^pe^ up.
tbe Nerteeru tetoblsaa boats are act
Tw* car toads od (ivlt tipAs wera
ADtes » run to Ibte ptew^teB^eomlBS
ceved at
Mat steak.
eummer. There to ao trote wteuever
In this Nport. the Nerteerii'ilftelsaB
AJ0d4A Reward.
4^ tou mmmJnm a aMB bsod^
aSb. Ham «bm bABd ant iMl BbA Mae bavtos s*Na M
VMM tiMbM paU i»r a ouN by
reyait to apraad. At
tram tele tiae wtH MBbe VnBtfN City
aveiT week dnrlas tee
to Baaae's «>bId«»UWs OIL Safe to

tettteb m fApATt tbA m tOMTOWy.


Tbe grading of the wheat’
tbe bleodiBg by. uaiog certain
per^tages df different kinds
are fxict at all times.





Tbe splendid Bulling facUities in ao almost human man—^oer grind, sift, grade, and ba'gtWs flour in such precise manner th^t no human hands
seed touch it fawn start to finish. It's
kind ot floui

■<*tSCD«r FIO*


---- lissrtsrsrs:


Mn. (Dr.) 1, «. VA>tor rAtaraed t
B. R «U( B Bobs. C A File LakA today
mb ospr

M Co, -Who

SBA. CteMr Cterk VMM.




A. Tracy Lay. Ptwaideat
H. Floyd niBch. V\eo PtteMtet.
Samnet Garland. Chskler.
A. J. Mayuard. AsaL Caakler.
-A J. HevntoBd. AsaL Cateier.

A Gestrti BsakiH 1

S Ptr OEM. Altowc4 SB
Ship Reported Sinking Rapidly With
•e Captain and the Crew Stitt
Ahoard—Toss era Ruhins tu
the Raaeue.
unduu. >M>rtl UL-Tbe Atlsniir
upon liner Mliii>,.hstis
aground to tee fog tele tuurmng uu
BUhop* thx-fc. S(-«ily Uktud*. iu ibtEkgllxb t haioirl and U rapidly ..uik
Tugs era rushing u> ter »vte
Bixiy.fuur pssseagen wrrv- rescued
by masterly ur-aaianship on Su,
to Ihuse fcaaditof Ule busts sUch
U»ded on Brybcr Isluul.
Betexsl busts Wciv )>masbnd
Uuurbtog and t*ptoto lj«land and
are abusrd lu tee heavy s
panic i-uKurd nbea lh« •
struck (he (v-k aud tee ptesn
rushvd out to Iheir night ctothes. Tb>)
quieted by tbe offtcers.


Far tee ewtelaeL richest bread y
>er aLc. dse the OuahM Btoad
tnee-frtapr II

> -sh) lb- Uushen Htondrd h>mi» are
J laiucb lU d-u>aud
teeefiippr 1»^(
Ftna Omw (or Bate
OriB. No. :STJ. 0>V years tod. a tae
,hurv»uKbbr.-d bull, a-uile and a Srai.
.'toss antuial iu every respocl. Price
66U.WUS. Kessun lur s-Uli« rntet
. bang,- bkxKl in our berd Hr Is a bar56U.OU. k.-asun P>r st-lllug. maet
or w:>ie RkdiP-«Mi tana.
Ttewapr IPImo
■OR *iteE-M acres, good atoL meek
wood timber. IV mHea Muaroe Oea. ter. ««i. Easy

Traverse City Tent S71 k. O. T. H.
____ Order to f
H. Has Changed Quartarw
Traveree Oily teat No. HI K- O. T
cult t>jort lor the ('oonty d
M. M. baa moved from Odd Feltow*
Traverse, to CStaaeery.
EUie A Bianrlin. CoastotoaaL vs.
hall into tee baU to the Hajueuc
Morgan SlaudiS. Defeadaat, March
block. Next Tburaday evatoag a h
Slat. ISIO.
bouse wacmlng will be givea aud
It satlafsetorfly appeartog to thto
very plessini Hue i* an.lraialed. I
dafendaal. W... w»wc
sir kuigbu and te<dr todies are l
hU tost kauwu place to ratoda
In this state oo pr sbowt May IS. I:
and tbsi kts pr«mc' place to rcslAlfred Van Leuven
and William deace onato agto^fcx^nMiii Oa
moUoo of U H. Cige. MMsgr tor the
^anLeuv«ll left today via the Peer
a ordeeed that aald
Marquette (or l>i>ntoad. Ore.
entered li
.Mrs. Katherlue Mgora .left
• by sollcltec, wlU
tere* __
I _
ctornlng (or Youngxloke. Ohio.
from the dale hereto aad la default
thereof teat said bill to oomptotot ti­
ed to tela cause may be taksa as oa*teiaad agslnsl him.

GEOROE w. enme.

steM by By Bern, to Wsfeu Wf«W

BuKines* Addfeaa:
.Mch^^i^T^pr^isTlSi Hay Srd.

The "Sew'. ivrfecvlon" Wb k. Blue Same OH Stpre. the stove that
assures p coo^itltcheu aud perfect cooking Nu stntote . no itoril.
ThU wonderful atuve enahtes
ah’-n you use Ae "New
leas muoFy and less totnr tfaaa
you to do your cutociw
work wlte wood and your uichen li always
you can do
cvmrorlabl.-. The “.Sew Perfaettoo" I* ebutotoeiy safe to operale. no
poteilde'chance to au expfaadau and you gw ibe heal tee mnwnwt
yon apply (he mxrrt. t'ume In and aye. the --.New PerteiHtou” to

OM Mwloillee BatMIwi

Copper Sulphate
IkHnmon name Blue Vitriol
We tball furoUh large crystals pot watered to
any manner, from a quarter of a pound to a ton or
more, at attractive prices. In selecting Copper Sul­
phate see that it it not watered- Tbcre is aomw of tbii
dope on the mailcet that can be told at from 10c to
20c cheaper thaa tbe dryi honest quality kind. We
know tbit argument will not a4I1 the goods—we mutt
have tbe price; so get it at P. K.'s, corner of Froat
and Cass, and compare price and quality and judge for
yoorwlf. We oot only want to attract your custom,
but we want to keep it. Other articles used b tbe
preparation of spraying material are lime, salt and
soap. AU of these articles are used In the make up of
recipes for spraying. We can give you a formula for
mixing if you want It.

EveryMy l^kes”

Cmer FroBi Rod Cm*.


Valgt^lUraCs, Crate RapMs. inch.



AmemstiMUy Bete BMy in Case of a LINER MINNEAHAHA STRUCK
Fltu and Rtota Up Bto Depart.
msM in a Hurry.

II FtaM dAAA Troso In db On HU
M BsAA Ttau da Cate Bay


rnrcrseatj Slate talk



kwertuie*. u>d tb« rear 1»I« arUl
^ talked atwot lor a •eeareUoa
comt beeauw of tkU. The whole <
fllaed worM U.todar waieblnc with
keeacat lotafaat the^uro or tbii
The UaH ol aucb an arUcle ^ ibU.
iwoaJd aot permit the nae of techaicel
•em aod phrasM that woold be aalr
twderatood br adeueed aatraoomteal
etudeata. but ererybodj wanu
know aomelblas ot UUa ooch talked
or event. I abalL tberaforc. uac iba
almpleat tern* aad llhisiratloo* po*oibt*. to make dear what all would
like to kaow.
It win he well to Biro, la tbe Srat
place, the brialeat bMptr of tbu Biwat
cOBiet aad bow it cai|e by iu umo.
Uataad Halley, aa «t^latmiaa.
bora la ItM and wa* eoaleapc
wit* «r I»anc Jfewtim aad other Broat
oefeatlsu or ihat/ast'. In ISl: a rreat
Mnat appoared which attracted noch
tlteatloB and Halley, who bad tteon
k>BB liuamted la aaUnllMDical at»
diet, ‘be*an earetnl ^Aaputalkmi
wfalrb took maar jwara (a complete.
Md was
a aatlaM
aatlafl^ that Ih wa*
•net that bad appeared at twruln
anted ^k>da la tbe peat, and be
enapwiad ‘It* oAlt at about 7f> yeara,
■hd be cmOdenUy predicted Ha retan ahoot tbe rnr‘l7ri«. He did not
lire to aee tbhi predictkm fulfilled, d^taE In ms. but as tbe year 17» ap­
proached. aetroaoners wem on tbe
hint and. rare enouBb. about CbrUt•aa time. 17U. the comet wta aeeii.
•nd became a brlDlaat object in the
dortac the aprteB of the followUaller had called upoo "randid poatarlty to verify the claim whldi was
•rat made by an eacHsbniao- and
taU carnet, wbtao orUt was after-

orbit rarjlni from 7114 years to about
79 yesta. The r«on ihU yewr I. ia
7l>* year* which to the abortest per­
iod arer neorded.
The rwtun of the comet la 1«»:. was
esserly watched for by all. and 'll apmartd pfomj^y on time, and tacre
-e a few still UvlDB who remember
II- besutlfnl appearsoce it made In
lai year.
In order that w« may know where
this contet spends lU lime. It aiU
oooalder. for a moment,
solar system. For tbe purpoeea of this
iround this, we . will sroup
planeto lit their proper orblu. It wUl
not he beeeaitary in dolnc this to be
exact, but tbe
Blfkn will bo approxlmitel) correct.
Tbe distance at the planets from lb<aun varite sooirwhst from tbe SBuroi
Bleon. at dllsrtat times, boi ibis
untniporlant for tbe purposes irf itiU
ontota- Vtaca tlu- sun in tbe comer,
draw a ean-wb<-<-l around it. 19.000.000 miles away, and wc wilt have the
orbll of UerMiry. which i.lanct tn
aroond Ihf son in about SN of
daya; a«aht« thto -aouid he the orbit
of Venua. 67^.000 tnilos. wllh a
lod of JSt Tbcec two planets
and tbe sun. Then
comOS our own orbit, ike cartb. 92.000.000 milta, with a period of
year; oolslde of our own orbit U. first.
Mars, .HI.OOO.OOli mlU« from the sun.
wllh a period of I.M ycaiu; Jupiter.
4&3,000,000 mile*, -with a period of
i; then Saturn. 8M.O00.On0
miles, with a period of T9 « years;
then Hranns 1.782JKW.OOO miles with
period of 84 yesrs: Ibea Neptune.
2.7*1.000,000 miles with a period of
Mut l&S yeara.
Of course, all th»«e tlKUrcs are inconntlvable to us. but to tbe astronom­
er they are A. B. C. Now In order to
ascertain the orbit of lUlley's comet.
very much eioDBMed
beyond the planM Neptune, ■mud i

hart had hy-many retann for jaorr
taac t«M years, was «vea the nane
•HaUayh mml"
-Thla was the first periodic epmet
to bo oompatod and tta bonor wa* and. as U recedes from the sun. lu
■peed to BToaily diminished, so much
rttatly eredlud to Halley.
that after paasloB the ortdt of I’ran, tbe apaed btow> rapidly leas and

more SO after passlmt tbe oittt of
•Neptune. Thto ran be better under­
stood when K to staled that durlMf the
1918. Hallei'a comet wUI speed
ibrouBb space a sivater disunce than
durini 20 yearn ol Hs proareas beroad the orbit of Neptune,
nie present return of Hstley’s comt was Brat tuned by mesns of photoBrapby b> Prof. Wolf of Heldclberx
September 71. 1909. when abont
halt way between Bars and Juplier,
bu been an
objact of sreateat Imefctit to all as•ra tbe world over. ’ It wUI bt^
lU first recorded'
reliim ia I7a9. as:rooemlcal photoBrapby was unknown, and tn IRSr- the
of phou«rapby was only crudely
developed, and ibe spt<clraseop<'.
applied to asiroiiomy. was no; known
Tbe BTt-at eomrl of 1882 was
r>l upon which the pboiojiraphle
c n-ss usod. and since that time
modem speciroscope has been
(>>hl «>' shall nkw
be a1>k-, liecauM- «•( tbe bear approaeb
of the great llslh-y'a oimiel. to d.uernifne nioro d>-0nltely tbe composition
of not only the tall, but Ibe nucleus of
n comet. • Preparations are, therefore,
bi.-lng made by astronomers In all
parts of the world to make tbe luoat
ilhine plioi(«raphl<-aUy
and with the spei tmaenpe. and wblkIt may Is- month* or «ven y<-ars. beloro w<- shaJI know nrcuraielv the
n-salls of fheM- obs.-rvatlon*. Ibero
is not the slighiost doubt that Hoy
will be of tJie uUiio--l iiilcresi and iaiportouev to all intenrsted in the mstu-c.
be ivnienibi'r<>d that the
earth rvvolvi-s lit It* oiMt dlre«-iU'
Dpiwsife lo that ol lb<- bauds ol a
■fc. while tb>- orbit of llalleyW
comet I* In the-oppostle dlrccllou. The
eooiet, therefore, last month was bn
tbe opposite aide ot the sun and In­
visible (rota Ibe eanb. Since that
lime. It has swung rouuil Jo It* orbit
of the Kuu and (or the
tout two or three weeks, tbe earth
and the. fomet^ have been rapidly «pprMcblaB each other. Ai before slat­
ed. the speed of the comet varies
greally as It approaches and reredas
Just now. it Is St its
BreaiesI .speed sod is approaching us
of abou; 2,r.on.WK) miles a
ds5'. while tbe earth to an>reacMng
the comet at a speed of about,000 miles a day. On Wednesday momInB, Ai^rll 2ft, tbe comet reaches perJ-

belion. or Its nearest approach to tbe
and really to at Us bri^test at
that time, altboufth It will -be a more
brllUanl object In the aky to m. a
aoolb later, when tt will he in the
evenlos ahy.
The comet abould now be aeea with
tbe naked eye about an hour before
ifuiae but It may bo quite difficult
lo ohsCTve it clearly fw two reasons.
Tbe moniinB bass may to

and the last obserralioaa made ;bv
tan mueb toater (ban tbit. The
we will, on that evening.
throogh tbe tall of tb* comet. '< • ■
ru a loaree of a tfeai deal of wnxy. There to absolutel} no danger
be appiehended.' Tbe fart Is. tb-.*
tot comet of tMt swept pur oar.ii
to Us toll and we did not know i;
until several years after, aad It '* no;
probable that we would know any.
ihlus of the coming e»»t if sst: vu

Tin PhUeaophav ot Felly.
Trwa Tbat Xprwa
-Tba raanoo oo many at our pv»
Tker* to a tree taat.svowa lo Hexlee
caltod tbs ebijoL cor bium tm. It to (caatonal atoMea arrat preparty,
ol caanuvus proportloaa, both to dr- tiwtoed." aaya toe Pbltoaopber of FWly. -to that toey hava to appad M.
bm of bnncbM,«>rtadlBS rat widely much lima being pbowgiaphad.*
and carvytoc kitara of a ycllowtab
green cohcT. Ttw werad is cxireomly
fin* aad easily wockecl to a grera stain.
-You oaed to be aa awTut aptafiIt to not guaa to cUber wuiptog ar
qdimng. I'lm moat ramarkaUe iblng tortn ■ Tep But l ato-l any tooger."
-Ah; Rdortnadr -Xo—1 spent It att.aboot
d gMs gradually banlar and to tkt
we Of a few ja^ U la abaotolely

bi-ln« nearest tbe sun. (or ihat very
reason daylight will so .soon follow'
Ibe apparent rtslng of the eoinet. thst
lU be difficult to dtollnruisb it lu,
-ly as If the backfiiwund were
fn a week or ten daya. condltlour
will probably be bxUvr for obserrailoa. and at that time h will be seen
hour to an hour sad s UsU Vrunrise. no n<K iiilMake
bnlllanl i^Iani-l Venus for the wimvt
iio^ the most couspicoons
obJe<-t (a the mumiog sky and might
easily l>c token fur tbe comet by
wbo are not entirely familiar wlib
the rtsngin* phases of the jilanet
' If seen at all. the comet will b
Ililte to ili'c ilq^rlh and below Venus,
nut of course ilL rays of the sun will
lOon obscure 111 brllltancj. Piobabl)
Itie most tawirjble linn- for observniloo will be-«<oal .May
8i»n after tbM it will disappoar uMll
Siler Its traiisli of the sun. as stated
beniw. on May 18. then it will, mgaii)
appear about 1Mayr 20. in the eveBiag

n-e sbill enier tbe' tall of the
t. in Traverse City, abou
o'clock p. m., .May 18.' We may be
hrev boar* in pasaiac toroagh it.
I should be a clear nlgbl. it will be
>r interest lo watet toe heavea
that lime, aa It I* barely poasible there
be a meteorir abower or.
probable, ifa.e sestem sky
or three hours after auasei. wiU
present a luminoiis appearance wh
d |ias<- unnoticed at any oil
lime, bu; being watc-bed for and
tsc U-lng known, it would be
■at aslponomiral Interest; but this
aliHotutely and posltiwly all
effect that the I•a^slng through
eoiuei's tall ivHild have ufwni
As for a coilision between llallcy'r
>mei sud ib- c-snb. It Is absurd to
^blnb of siicb a ibiBg. as the orldts

boriad In'fbe gtoctad. Prom this
UffitMC bouan caa be buUc tbat would
to a tew years bevomc completely fire­
proof aad would test as tov aa iboogb
bout of aiooa.


most beautiful appearance for two
tliiee weeks. __
I May IgTThV comet paosev dlrevl•rosit the la«v of the sun. betw-cii
the i-artb and the aun. tsskiug a i
sK. This is a Veev unusual even!
will be walcbed fu; with the great-.",
iiileresl by aaironouere ail ovei
wo'ki. HxpedItioDa have aln-ade ttrva
sent'to different poliiia in the PacifI.-. through the east aud Burupc. The
irausil will U- Invisible In Auicric.i
I'Ul if the iiueh-us of the comet shi-uId

knusn that such an event would
be uuerly impossible..

uext two or thn-e weeks, it well
no doubt be a very brilliant aud Is-autiful objcft in the c-venlng skj\ setting
ftoni one 'hour, and as the tnontb ad
vuuces. thw boctiw or luore. after
tbe siin.
It so bap|H-nsihat the rc-lstlvc- iws;liobs of'lbe c-artta and the comet nre
rueb this year that. we. may expect
a mueb more beautiful -Bppc-iuanrvIb'an the comet presc-uted eveu In
lS;tr-. ,ln aify c-vetit, the year I9l0 will
be long lalk.-d of a* the' year ol llat-

An Aathorh MaUliri.

A Word ter Eeowoiviy.
H» wbo u^cusioms himself to
superfiullica may be obliged, are ton*'
to oclTbla iieceicaltlea—Stmmona.

und delicate of foods. Oould be eat­
en more than It to." write.-* a cxnfctoc
expert. -Bought In the comb, ft to
^ound to be unadulterated, and will
keep one- free' from sore throst and
btOncbUl troubles I k«o« a aumber
«t‘ womea who use honey as a era
metlt They apply U lo the akin, rub
to well, ibeu wash It cHI rkk kot
tit u
complexion, a glowing color, a young.
Iicsb look.'

NorwrayW Bardins Industry.
Noi-way has 4S tahHne faclertoa.
Durlug a gocnl oeasoB tiu
(d 2ft to 24 fish «acb are pactoed.


Be true to yoduelf and tbe world
win b* true to you. Wbalerer you
say. WTlle or do, stamp It with your
own lodtvtdusmy—grapple fearlewsly
with your own Ideas, express your
thoughts and do your work in your
own way.

Plcotj of frail
DOTB And a

OampenliiB the Oloves
If new glove* are placed between
the folds ot a damp towel for aa hour
before being worn they are much css
Icr to pul on. Tbe damp causei toe,
kid, to become; more pllsblr so that!
they will stretch to the rcvjulrcd shape
without crarklbg or spUttlas.
-A pesilmUt never seems fo bare _
good timer 'How eaa be? All the
comfort be cr.e pcnalhly get out of life
to hoping that hto opiotoas arc callrely



Foxy .Dipps
“What a queer title Uipp* has given
The Wednesday •Musimi club met
not uiid<>rsianding yet. rlfarlorel; be calle It -Solid CeK Hale this
ly. tbe composirlou of tbe
tt nucleus. ■I toe borne ot Mr*.
ilM-y fear it Is not dense enouflh
object In
become an aaliuiiumkal ol
From a fi
Exeneratinp the Hoekworm.
At that lime, in all probability. t|.
It always a lailure.”
-Marrlasc 1:
“My susi-lclon Is- said Vncle haien,
earth wilt pas* ihrougb the iai1 <
her of Fcdly, -but tt
dat some book worms ketch delr toil says toe PtWe
a marry a rich girl.
the comet, as the comet will be at
icM rum dc folks dey been traveltn'
<li-lan<e of le.-i than li.OflO.ftOO mlU

plao^ iMurwhnv tBet an
•n food and hdpfaUnt
tbe mota impnftant 4jf

h b tbe fitaadard-treat.
meat preecnbeSlv^
Mciaiu aU oirer tbe wotU
for tbk dread dtaeaM. it
i. tbe ideal foodiadi.
due to beal tbe lunfa
and build up tbe wastin

STOTT « BMnW M. M Bb * *

chaifdse at such
children wear; on averywp^ in dry goods,as well as everything to furmsh the home complete. The following few items, (one or two from each departinent) wIM^Ive you
u an Idea of what to expect.

AnadvcrsaiV Spcclnl
67 pieces flK6S yardi). 10c
patterofi (10-yard Upilt).
■ale price/ yard




18x26 Hack
ISc velnes




Anniversary Special
No. 88
Boys' Kbald
A broken lot of
50c Suesine Silk, bleacheu twiH with men’s Corduroy
Knee Pants
sale price per yard* red border, per yard. Pants at per pair
blooMer style per pair
Anniversary Special
No. 17

Annlvemry Special
No. 14






Aantvefmnr Special AnalvCTi^ Special Annlvcreary Special Anniversary Special Anniversary Special An^versery Special Anniversary Special
No. 81
* No. 18
No. 11
No. 12
Neb SI
Km'» Blhfik Sfitaea fd! oat


Anniversary Speetnl

per y*.


Anniversary Special
Ne. 94
«tih baary otaebt. eUgbtly

Aulveragiry Sgcelal
mr Btrla, vita blooaer paato;



Ladles’ Waists

Uen'a Silk


Thie MatoB'g eilks in tbe new«t Bping pettaniB. epea end
hod reveniUe Btylea, cboiee


Men's ,tarTau 'chr®iTi ‘i...rk
S3.<Ui xaluca,
pn.-e ................................... «2J9
Lndie*' Gun Mato
«r*P-pumpa; R.«n value*. *alc
tbe AaBiw-iwar) vale. pair. |1J4

Oer SBlIrc slock ol
■ow el Aealvcroery sale prices..

ret. nbile they Itat. alt eige*.
ule price

Girls’ Hats
Alrfaily trinimetl irtib mnll ai^

Fifty Picsel Sammer

1200 Men'B


Work Skirts

Stripe* 6Kure« add floral patterot. while tboy lut. eale pr.ioo
per yard

in chambmjB, blaok and white
•tripeeand fancy percale*, all
go at. v'boioe each



Analvereery Special

Anniversary Speclsl
No. S

Anntversery Special
No. 8

Men's and Women’s 26c
Mercerized LUIie Hose in
pink, blue. laveuder. old
roka. green smoke black: an
entire case goes in this sale
«t7 per pair.

Boys* 15c Ribbed
Hose extra heavy; 2
cases just received,
slight-seconds, sale
price, per pair,

Ladies' $4 50 Lin­
gerie Dresses, white,
pink, blue, lavender,
etc.; new lace pahnel




■ 95c

JuBt afaw of the Bpaclal barsain lou:
1.SI1IC,- I3.W and 13 f.o v-uluc* In
oiir lot. Anutvcr.-airy l*ri<-c. 81A9
Infsnt-a Mccciiiewa. p*r pair, .fie
Man's Elk •kin StioM, Amilvrrwa^ priw. while toey


Worlb nX ud S1.50 ot UUored lineit with imitaUon Jap

/ '

) —.


Fnniltare. Stoves. Csrpfts. Rocs an4 Household
Fomlshlnrs at prices way
below tbe near tpproach of

Men’s Stunmer Under­
wear Underpriced
fiS diueDia tai* Mla,sbirtB
and drawnn per garment

Anniversary Special
NO. 8
ChUdren's Moslln


cttilofae hooses tocloded t Anniversary Speetnl
lorestitate onr easy pay
No. 4
mcDt pUn.
yard*, Bale price. p»r spool


A Clotie Green
TraffittO' sump Anniversary Special
8£f COVERS IhM trimaal.

140-142 Ea$^ Front Street, Trave^e Qty, MtcUgan

2Sc vbIdm. able price



• ~H=sS““liB!US8lfTlllt


THt MAmcrr*.
I«™». ' ApHI
(ruO; Bay, 12.05.
Wbni tmmu lu bo oo tbr dfcllao
UCPbarlBi taiUM to ?8 -wata. w >i Pvr
!^atui-K aro atlll qMtml at I« reala
per barbel. *llh uu proap-xla ot
KkC> rtnllouc to bribt 1b« oU
prke of IK rcnia pin- 4uu‘n. aiid
Um other auu-kcia ruDitla iho at
April ! ^ li.—I>o«iti7to*tJ-.
Btvady; iiuhoyA l«He; «*»ckoaa, Ike;
arluka. 1»^
Off CDiinl Preat.l
Now York. AprU
mialn. ApHl I«.-<%llle a:io ar- lira, aioady; foala. JOHC; tnrkeya.
tlro. prioie •««».
l4:oc: dnoaad. flni^; fowla. ISO
abeep. tOjKNi a<-{l>e IPrriuriteya. IT^tSc. (
l*«bi *eoI »lta/|P.IO. rboli-e <lli>pi-d
»>«P.4a. jTorllflsa
abeej. M*r
K. iMCa n.'-akr
all cUain tiu.
OlcACO. April 16.— Uborwl o«criDpa of all tlaaaoa of prodacta an tbo
provlrlolta prtcet doarn at the atari
- (By t^niiad Prew.)
and tho detuand waa laadoduaic to
OHreU. Apill 1*-—Cloao-Wbral—
leract tbo pmeure. Pork Ml off
fom 5»t; (NIA
fien KHItSc, ta-d Iron 7U«:5e and
<!hl<a«D, April ti—Cloaa^Wboaifro* ISliem at tho atari and
I1.0CH: *ofti 57c: ooia.
in tbo Brat hour hittiod Ua botton.
ToMo. Aprti^I*.—Ctooa—Wbaai— Opanlng prioea for tbo May produrta;
cora 17c;.«Ua. 4«c.
Pork, 421.70; lard. 4it.52KOl2.47H:
riba, 112.30.
BOTATOCtrioac; Pork- uv. Wl.M: July.
(%i<wo. Ai-m Ut:i.25; Sept.,,
■ fo fpwy, J*etTr: Mr to foaO Cloac; U>d -Nay. 112.15; July.
112.06; Sept.. 112Qr«t»IU«. Uli-h., Aprtl
Cluoe; KHm—May.
112; July.
Olbaoii 4 I-.0. ooMo tbo bayloc prlso 11140: Sept.. 11M7K.
tf poutoea al 100 Kc.
■New Yoik,
1C. Iluiur—
Weak: rreanery nteelala, S3c: axan IB the
raa. 2:r: third to Brat. ICOSlr; bald.
Tiaia raporiid aa rt-ry qulei
Mcond to apeclal, 2Sfr31e; autlo dairy
Itraaa. bAad i>kka«. choice. Ilia# coniDoii to Bneit, ssesir; waatem
tH; Vina. .IlMOSlK: aadiaiw Imitation creamery, 83Htf23c. nrK»
■PDinally about aaine aa pea, bMaa; —Steady; fecclpta. Bt.ftSt;
’ m kWnej. par buaJiel, poor to rboloo i*ciuia}1ranla and nearby
K.7«M.10: bre>*o Bvedlah. pHow I* white, tanry. tSfrlSc; do gatber.-d.
white. S3«lSc; dobannery brown and
biUed fancy. «2H<i«4c; do Ratbered
blown, fair to prina.
woKtoru atorase Beb-rliona. 82K41,
2:K<-: do raiular pacbvd extra dm.
::%.e:Jri dn
Bnutheru. rccular parlu'd. Brat. 2I^
. ;
t'hloa*p. April |6.-Hulter—Sleo^:
•oamerioa, 2«|USc: dairlea, rtfrjlc
Sb-ady at tiwrk; itirrliKa Si,BBae*: caaim Inrluilbd. • I7K«
IK’kc: Brala. I»K>; |>rlnic Bralk.-juK.



.................. .

CbltpitO. April lA—Tbe
trade tn a llutc beHer but Ibera Ix^llllle tBpmvaiiiaot in prtaoa. OuUlde
tntda baa ptcAed up nicely but the lo­
cal boaloaH la only n^erate. Coalar
waalber helped trade a lltUe and n>oetpu aia fetliat Usbler. galea were
e thU week al 11 to lie. There la
Biucb Interior atork on tbe market,
late In the week tbe markc't turned
eaalar akuln.wltb more Block krriv-





...............” “ S'


Mid -U«B. |>ar loTpouada..........».4i

.......... l-iT”"*'.;;::!!"

BlDca ibc Word Ol'TOUl^ IlIKT la a u<-w one. ciUiKtl (u apply
to a BperMLlbi of mnrk.-d prolliM-itiy, an ekptanB'ha of ita saaolne
la lb order. Tb* word t» u»cd by every one of our twenty lour
tUtaa baxlec lawa roBulallus the optum-ii rlat.
The word derived fro* op-tutu-cd-ry^ an (Ji Tbe meauinxneDi
of the ronr- of vUkm. tS.) IV HcwauioiM-m of (be vinuaJ poaern
In ceaerat. tnrlndlnc Iba acuicp^ of (be pereeptk* ol form, of
Itffht and of cokun-aud the extant ot the vUnal SeM. the aeeomtnodail.c and rafraitl*.- nUlaa of llu- eyt and tBe poaltkw aud
luxcmcuu uC ihi (xebaU.

OMK* Hmtn-9 to 11:20. I to 6:» Wadaaaday.
B. Otbae bam by appeiftmaoL Cit'ttna IM.

Wrday Y t»

Room.S, Hamilton Block

IlotiiR Piano Manuranorer!
are iiaiurally equipped tu do Iba very hbhraM cUaa of
Ing of all klnda We have over
hundred Bxperta and can bandto everythins trw*
job-io imponam rapalra cm the fiacm aiake. of UpriRbi. Oraad and Player Ptonoa. Wo
r Decroll Factory, where « wilt recolv* t
f our manUceBi OitondU Bna PtoM.
e of (be many Hilnat a
-check wnai your Plawo aewte and ctol or p
umate of cuol.
. ftwolrint
Craekad SwndtoR Soorda and Loom ftiba. ttoptailnR Htofaa and Mala.
FeUthlnB.VtMaHDh, Ronnlahlng, Uko New (any «m ar Satak); Etc.
ijrdera for fiprluR work ahouid be idaced at on.w, tu tneare imriix aervim.
doafrad wo
cdly »eoil a man to ecamiDO Ptanu aud eubadt free eetlmai. on piiuuiR it to thorauRbly RMnl
cunduion. All work fukranteed.

tbe New
>f the way that dl-

Liberal Allowances for Old listrninaS la
Fxcbaaec fbr New Piano and Plajcr-Pianos

BMt'dtber rltlea, e
ly. M tbe
tbo oplnlun of tbooe behind tbe
noralMnt every aoclal
leader of
CnlleAsiatn malm
ilnialua a realdeiice tu
eitbtf' rbUadcIphU.
rbUadcIpUi WaaUncton' or
New York, ant] tbia will be aulBrledf
for memberihltk.

I<et ux take your uUl tuatrumout at oucc. Then, wben you are
(bruURb alib mprltii etounlUR. we wlU dellt* a beautiful Ndw Piaan
In Ha pto(«. allowiuR you a Hbvial anraont tor the old toMnunaat
aud arrnuRlns vhry euay tarua on the balance.
Our atoek of l*taDoa U much larser—our price rwBRe la widei—
and (Be makoa wa carry are uiiqacatlonablr hotter ikan yc* will
Itnd elaewbere. tkV hate eplendld New Planoa al IIK.. tSiW. 4245.
etc We have the World'B Qreatcat Fund. STEINWAY, at |6M * to

_ a uunirrical unit tn tl»e One
Tbouaabd. bolau extraiicouxaci blpbl.v
neeceaury tu tbo aincadb workliifi uf
JWf roMt. per lb.....................KRl^ excluvlro aoclil life. Tbn ace tliult la
e Baauui|>liua
that la uut uf
il alewi; V>r lb .,.V.V.VVo"©^ito
It a danclan
III odd lUacea. and
tbeae odd places very frequent at orlary funi^una.
Qi^una. will
he Mlmlnali<
tbe new aaacmWy. At about fifty
bacbclor will bcslo to be unlnlereat-


dreaeed. per Ib........
Calvex. c
^Ivc^. prime .

(tone, Roud .


TTie Ural and perhapa Ika only OptaeMlrlal
In Grand Tanvaraa adnnty linvlne naarllllaalanl raotelrallon In Opunaalry tram Iba
MlablaanSulaSoaid ol Fxaninars
la Opionalry.

Or to Exchang.e it for a New Ooe
Hputedeutas time ia pisao time—the very best time to hstre yoor oM histni*
ot Toned sad Kepstred—the very best time to besutlfjr your home byihes^i>
□ of s fioe new (MOO.

t1.:*0(i. We have tbe vranderfal FIANOLA FIANO at tUO to flML -Ahd at pricM between wa have iMh
There can l>e no queatloa about our ability to aall you a better Ptono for your meoay, enaod you
more (uDvcnlctit (•■nu>. and rHc you iwitei at'rvice than any utber Huiue. iiu not
the Mlatoke
»f buyliiR ANY PIANO. ANYWHERE, befure fludlBR out Juat what -HlcbiRBD'a LahdlaR Mnalc UTau~
ulfeni you. Write If you cauH tall.
' )

Grinnell Bros.
PlHoo Factoryjaad I



Your nano Repaired


Traverse City Store Cor. Front and Csss Sis.



Ooodby to tbe Four nundrad, tor
sow It'i to be ibd One Tbeniaod.
Coder tbe name of tbe ••aaacmbty
■ar* fSe amart aett of New York. PhllaOMphla and Waablorua wbt be fuaed
toto t body not to exceed a tboaaaud
ftetlUta. in thU proceea there will be

Hank wlU be luuro valuable than birth,
aecordlne to tbe prourairra of -tbe
llp^oud'a Dairy t«>d............ 11.35 BOOTcttoent. They Include birth ax a
calcc’rical <|uallBcaik>n In ordertoeiuBeet ateak. raund. per lb!....,.. 16c bracetbone famUlcethathxvenchlevct
Sirkjlu aivak. iior lb..............:iK®aoc »
rank or vMitb to Jnailfy
«n_! VtiAt.
tbetr roniJUK .....tu
under tbrae bradlufa.
” • Weallb alooe w.......... ............
That inoiiry• ncrrriheleae
le i
ry Itei


tthlCMo, April 11.—Due to iba adol.
_______________who ha— er weather.ibe apple trade nh-ked pu
fnam tla^ atorr fonn
coualdembly-and pricaa are a a
batter. There }« atlll a nreat deal of
poor track but It U omdually belns
worked oft. Fancy atock li lu Bni^ da.
Conelderablo Inferior alock 1> aucttoned nun- an thla maana of aclllns
U apiMranily the unly'way to utotc It.


-s"-...... *•


•nm Sle


porta fan* the-aoutbweat lacllne
local potato man to tnmk tbe rarloi A New Sot to Sa Caflad the AtaamWy
la Satf^ Seemed by Smart sria cf
D-jovaiBaet Irora Taxaa will beetn
. FMIaddlpMa, New Verb end Watb•lay 1..
•- SIMMO—Te Se Natlaaal In Ha Seapa.
CmMal AllewOBM Far Sanbatai

na. Wl.h . April Sk-Ftauicd by Ihe'aecreti’rpritf atatu Inthat the trull crop l« two or
liarily Able to bo I
After tak- four weeka In advance of theaveiane
Inn fix b»Ulca of for thla M-aaou of the ,w«ar The
Lydia Kl’bikham'a
i-nl outlook for aiqikia la K4, |>cb
l-eocbca S2. plunu 13. clicrrlat KS
itouiida, an now mall frulta PO, The Kboalof U beat
for the noribani mniK-a-'Whlla Ue
coRtral eountloo am a cloae aecond
[La Uov. PMk Uap. nd aro alnum uack aadweek a lib the
^aaaah A Uy On.
Wheat .............................................|i.n,i
L—•'! waa lrr**ttlar ooiitbem rounttea, except for on
SBdsstnt^ n roDK. A nelmbor
nordlnn to the r«vorU about half
(be corroapoadHtla state that peach
fafttlar Bud my nei
orchard! are batne apmyed for curl
Kttar.‘'<-Mn. 11 l^XKIOOK,
It waa reared last war* that i
daina-ce would raaoii from the cool
teoathw b« to far U saoua that IH- jrwvddt iMusBof of actual cam iloe or DO Injury baa

Ik IlilKie Fw Mrilfi

mw is^Tim i6 tmv€

Old Buhbara, per Ib...................t

-W'bci-'- tc> Co KiNbiRR'" l» the iHIc
< : a little liookIH U^ued h> the t;. R.
t. I. and li !• a5> niliy a llllli- arrHiiR<'
ixt-m III pam-i and prime. V Ink a. o-..
ic apt lu acc. The Uuklei la deMne<l
u. r'-|>r>-f>.-m a fl»h twakcl, (be <ovcr
lioainK the ouuidi' of the baak<-t
vttb a la>x ot ittM that would mak.ilic aheite ol liaak Walluo lake ouitca. In«idr (be hook mere are plrinrw.
ul tbe braullful bruMi liuul. raUihoa
iioul, amall meulbcd black bua. etc!.
V htlc rata taken from pbou«rapha of
Bahinx revee vbow up cltwrl}.

.. ......

taken f>( tbire auuen.
il.. (k rclWcui. Id Traverae <*(l>and
I m- i vifltot. a!x> weni uut alili ito>l.
Iiu.banda tor a day a fiabiBR and pumM
Ic add alream vUle tbr pbedORrapber
cot buay. Tbe booklet <• taH cd
and viewa of tbe beautv
't Mickican.


Saturday Aftomeon to Look Ui
the Eahikita

At (be meetliiR of the aiuigcc. b
Haturdoy afroriujuu. a cniuDilUoe i
ammlutcd for tbe purpoot* ol wurklOR
Up the cxhibK tu be bold In ttnonetNational Set Seelatly Fromlnent.
k« alih'Abe auto Rransa next ItoirBiblaetun brik-rre that .there will
cwnilm/ The (viiaaliieo wlU aak WIIu-4'urg afd U
'I'lay ol
lukc a dlepl
laike and TKe Lake to di
InalfPlBcabt. but becauae the aueu sweef CHERRIES USUALLY AF­ iM-aa. beans. radUbea, e(o.
lily b to be a uitlounl act eoclall.v
and Urand
eotlrely '
sraacea to djqday fruit. Sunn
frum tbe ii
il ecte made pc^niUr
Cram Center >o dliplay Rridi
Frank Smith, Who Mode a Canvaaa. Fast Bay and Lonf Imfce to aak'
Suiea Tnecy Will So .M Looat
feature of potatoea. In addltioa thati
Two Thirdo of a Cr^ Of
RraoRea arv naked to hriks II asythtas
Sweet Chemoa.
elac tbai will make a Sac abowlOR.
peratlon.'' to oac tbe very wocfla of
(«pular ufflclal boalcaa fruin JlaaBacbib
iFivm MOndaj's HesorU •
aeitt-ibe fatuucbluR of the attorably
Fraai haa 'done heavy damase to
d by‘publicity
ibllcliy c<!r
annuuuccWM'Dt of date
te aud (berefot tile cherry crop on (ho |<cnlnaula. A
may be expected to materlaHte any eaiicaaa of the fiull RTowera un tho
j4-nlAula. nmOe by Frank
learl two Iblrda of ibc
May Net KnewYhay> Excluded.
cherry crci|i baa been
Tboee iriio aiv left out way not know
uf II for many pHoitbt.
kilU-d i-y the (real, while the aaoet
Tbe w«et wiU Dot be iRPored In ibla chorry. < nra baa beea damased lu the Were Rounded Up Sy onteer Brew
m-lixaliicatloD of eoclal faiuillca. oMciit ul OBO third (be cp>p lu the
In Reapenae M a Telephone Cell
There arc at laaat Sfry frtiullice wbo vlniilty uf Traveree t'lij. bowovdr,
From Cedar.
re.-klc aqtne ilae la tbe year in clthct
Waabluston. rbltadelpbl* or New the oberry crop baa uui trt.-cn InJunvI.
urcharda bclOR In full bhami. Tbo
York. New EuRland will he well rep*
<‘bi7li-a Hinuiaii. i ■v>uiiuls>lim nae
reoeutedof C*-dar City, tcley tuned (TtU-f Aato
lu plaualoR the new aatowbty per- l,ceo damaRcd to any extent, the only lull Saturday Dlfbt
liai>e uut ooe-funrtb of tbe Four linn(iW'llns the eSecta ol (be bUxkt- bad rubbed bln ol alwui 24V In
dred wm ho Riven placre. Thla aaaer- to( frOKt belaR thoae alaiidlni to the
and a guM walrk aud obala. Om of
-floii. alrwiiiy cuirwi to biRb aoclety.
The orrbarda ou tbv hllla tho ludlana. br »aid. wa* Battled Joha
bat reached the care of acme wbo be­ ikvinca.
lieve tbeinarivee doomed to excbielOli.
with a reeuiwnt antaronlvm on tbeir
Tbe Indiana bad ix>ne to Uli city
iNtrt aud cipreaaluua uf dcrlrlvu at tbe
Is Ri-ncrally auppoood (hat tbv and aero a|iprel»ude4 by VoUcemaa
ucw order of tblORa. it M-hmi that aa<-ei vberrieo.would auccumb (o tbo Sam Broan aa they weal toto the Lllthe promoteo of the aaaembl.v unite in revas«of (rual bctorc Ibe aour c*0itU- Taioru for aopper. They were
tbr belief that tbe Four Hundred end
w'*ie Inynrad. bui experta l>elli-vv >akro latu cxMiody. abewt IIS beina
•Imllar aeu to other elllea have outtho aneet chorrlo* ratwiwtl ibis found ou Weaiona. SbcrlE 'Sbaier
lx bclit|i ao l^ir adtBn<-vd Ibai |iU<s-d. ibi'U la JaU over niofat and
and a WO farfeicbed lofrin<-ae which
bne letnovrd Ibetii frora the totecem- the bkxuuais had alKdra.aace. »hil<- ]>surda>.
Vader Sheriff 'Mnntu
ins atda of (be world.
ihi -our iberrlca. atill m the wdid Hiuuu ul U-land rat
l-ml. bold tl.o fr<»l. At abv rat*-. I
an a'llnmubtlr. takiof
Eariy RIaiag Club.
SB -.-t rlB-rrios ara In tull_\(t4*to..’‘
lylaod. LaU-r II
A doxeo of ibe nx»t |•h•1nlD^lt bnat- itiliflv of ih'- crop rominR uut a'hlle nati bad In Itav aatch sMe dun• n hU
oeaa uieo of MUiIleluwu. N Youe Uiird n. btasl^ a bile but onv
JT orRxntaed a club whkh bat tor IH il.nd of the wNir oberr.v crop shorn
nlijn-i early rlaine Tbe club bat taken
(be UMiito “Rarly tu led and'carly to hl«. the tan tbirda iia>mg turu-d
riae make ooe bealthj. wealthy and b'ack flow the froal.
wlae." Tbe mcinbcri pMce tbemFrank siniiih, uf the p-ini- ula. »tataelvea to rIae every wurnius
j (hat be madu a -preitv ihonMiRk
o'clm-k and la loave tbeir cluba tor tnuvaxa td tho iwulnaula -joMvrday.
borne not laift than in o'clot-k at nlsbt.
il lound tnc aamo result, iu all tbo
and there are aevere prnaltlea for vioUtloua of tbe club riilta. One It that . .hard- be visited D. II Nf MuH.-a
tbe Tb'Uior uiutt ab-’vel tbe enow off and utYtera jlso uui the sane- mfurnia
the preaMent'B aidewalk.
In repnrd to the peninula rtiep
roi-. bu: repiTis Flntwopd.
SolMt. AiBie aud other rmitita abow
Liratenast bweat II. Sbackirioa. tl-al tue Irwl boa been ah) In thoae
wbo bat aticiv^ed la RetUuK ueartr imtla. ihi tit'cs euailUR out to full
to tbe aotflb pale tbau any other ex- bk'OUl.
plercr. rrcefiily aaneuneed that be bat
deetdej iisab anolbar aniarnlc capedl.Marths .krm»t:v»nx baa revtxnrd ta'-r p>si:.uii as sal<->Ud.v at tlM.
MllllkeB atoiv to arvepi a poaiilou la
(he tSHmorr atore at Kalannaae. She
Th* llaaat braad and pattry
>ad« tram blriMvd Sour. That la the
hate undse bee Biiiw-rvlslaai it
reaton ibe('.o>beu Ub-uded Flour. Cp»e- il-:ka auJ *jI1 make a povchasltUi
^ popol
bellv aud V----Xv.c r..i
to Nea York (wlcd a year.

snoAnoN IS unusual


troaaer leR «a be-watked ktoiR tko
Otreet with the aberiC. althodsh Ae
aaloh chain aaa allli lu hU poMMaku.

Wm S> Ytora DM MW Had See* thd
Father if tp CMtdrerC 10 of
Them Heeint 0i««.
Lm-I Siftor died M kid kOWe Ik
(Mar Rod Bunday am pt 12:20
,o'clork at Ike am hf a yaara. Ho
4-avra* a widow aad «kto cMMraa. ao
folkraa: Oeorso mad WtUlMi pf Baapire. Jane* of OepiMtik. Aitktir had
Sdofund. of Canada. Mn. Me«slo Pub
ZHcb-r bad been married tbree tlmao,
and waa (he toibor of t» okildron. 10
bavlBR died;
Ur. XiecWr waa ooe of tke otdatl
jikweera ol Lie>4aaau eouity. He oMi
tied on a farm near Cedar Bon hbcmt

tat ctaurcta. tbe Rev. AIvto 1

Company Will hohI Thom to CM- ^
ease for u Cowto Now.
While tiM fhllrood Hhea have bees
RettlDR buey oMtaR ralee oa potatedp
(be .Northeril Mkhlfas TraJBpert*
UOB compMy kxe alao cot poUM
ratoe, briaRthf (hem down fra* tl
o U temta. TU* l>
« offered by tke


The new bread (lour, —The
tiour with the taste. Only a
year old but a bis suceaee.

Hannab & Lay Co.





Report at Mi acbooL dutrict
W. A
5. Pandlee tovainip. for tbc aroutb
la. tbe O. R A tw lAibbridM. Alendlac April IS. 1>I0.
ifanbar ot daya taacbi, ». Total beru, enpada.
a. E. ttoteaea aao A W.' Newaian
a dally
MlMtTlKM a.| ttMUMt* m>* OM
Mi today via. tbe G. R. A L for
teadhaer. MA 1
IUh*Mi. MMbtp Tlmn t«
Dick Hunter bed O. P- Borseaa 4^
Tboae erbe vere aaltber aboeot
ver tbe O. R. * I today tar leterurdywerelbe foHowUi*: Mwaon
UtOMT aByt-r. «ep«ty c«m —
aitoual PUlB. MlonetocA
Mm. apMit *U Mr BuiUy M\tbf aa and Bthel AWeil. Dalty. Joe
Ura. 1. D. Kern went to Cb
<«sta a«Ux« for tbr Uc trout Ihkl
iU awraln*.
. •
an MM* rwtlat up Uw rlror. Mr. Roop. OlOD Vibher. Neille Wlteup. Me
Mra. Jomph Hasan went to Grand
teyAerbad oaly a amaJI- laadlat att be! and Blva Wood, and Lerio MlUer
Tbune who were «ot abaent won-; Rapida Ihte WDrolos. to 'Ml trlcrita.
Ml mmrtrnmMi la r<tUnc tam MB
Mn. U C. Panuelar. who baa been
math Btaailirate aod tuia talebna. Bmale Wood and Pnuik p'llzcerald.
vialUns kItv.Wlll Prenitek uf 4tT Uac''
' aiaatitg tb« Priam Id liaaiABan lake.
Teacher, •ew awnue. returned to Cblcaco UOr
TW Aapuir auled to Ua Bamm
' tkb afleniotm that » . naa had the
Mina f>. Paraona returned to 8oiRb
pfopcr nai aad cmiM apead aaveral
b>ankturt today, alter vMiing tr>owi>
Aaya than, he ewild HR haadrodi m
ui tbe euy.
the Ws (alknra over the tiarrlar and
Mr. and Mra. Johp
Uai aU td Utata would nio up the rlvenl to Klnsgey thIa nornins.
«r aad apaarp. rauiUlnK lo a creat
Ura Tbumaa Wnltoe. «bu ha- beea
HfHehwmt ol lha Blrmo.
UnaiBK. haa^urrhaned a
of M xuiltns Mra Bd. Kua«er. lelurbed to
near Loos Lake aad II !■
hRpie la Ut. pleaaant ihl»
he wUI traoafortD it islo a mill farto. bint
Mr. Lu-MDia wtll be»lB at once to *el
Mrs. Matthew Jobnnon returned to
fruit trem. eziwctlat to cott-r Marfcai Ibla nterninc. aRor vlallint
•aaidriii of yiand All Hia Life Haa tiahrly ba]r the proond thia aprlna.
Rieiidk in tbe city.
Paaam On After An lllnaaa ef
He auade the puu-hate Ibrouafa tiie
Mnt John Mans, wbo baa been visto Vaara.
l-edci«|iiei aaeory.
lUot Idi-K. Mike Onilur. returueil to
tbU tBontiDC.
Ulaad. Ulrb. April It.T-AfUr a
Bparllns wont tn-IMtay tbia
lOw-riAf IllMBa at .altnoat' tu yeara
murnlns on a buvlneaa triiu
darolkut Peter 8. Ppaalnc uniered la­
Mr. and lira V. 11. Weaver, wbo
ta ro«t April 8tb a»l a hiaee aplrit Curtia Powlar. a Paninauta Or<
have beearvikiiins Mr. and Mra. Hu’■ate away la the laeyluUe. ablcb
Haa Received N*w Outfit.
«aa awaited aUh p(aoe aad a kmsiai
CurUa Ft vjer. a vril known Pen- lertwm. reiun.ed to tbtir boue la
htbeat mat Crooi pain aud auffrrloc. iDUila troll *Tt>a*r, bat Ju« received llean. N. Y. thia mornins. via. tbe
Vsifl A BWoUi
Bwotb MD
a«D be haa been alxMt
about a aew powar ppiinuiuc ouiBi. wblcb 0. a A t.
Mra.'Manba Kelley and.aonlUwln
the lioaae. fotot OBI alib trlenda andlwiil eaabte blui
R thi. Wriita* for Bis Rapid*. Mi
bearlBf bnraly- the eertaloty that much nuldker and
an. eaaier than with
and waa not far off.
IM old aieibod band a|way{D( punip. t Kelley tvtuinluc tu the navy aRar
IteS hi* (uriousb with bU diotbMOB aa be -va» anrrounded by hU iblDs mhlib biof ftaai UapiB-^aocL-^on
brotbcra and Klslen al Ibn. borne
a terse fruit hriu.
Don BinebiUn returned to tbe Vnlbla atater, Urr. Mary llunkekn.
ieraily at Uk-lilitaB today lo.rei.uuie
die «a BOTTivad by om tblld.
Herbart CuDDlaRbaiB. fomerly of
daudbter P ymra qM. two alater* aud tbte eUy. but now located at Bawl- hi* ntuulm.
Dull C'tuurron. a L'nlreralty aludent.
foor brotbeea to «iaara bU loaa.
lu*s, Wyo.. wUl arrive In the city the
R'turoed to Ann Arbor iht» iwirniiti:
WM It yaare af use awl bla wl
teOar pari.«t ito Jvetik and vUl take
Julius Harilnek returned to tbc
Ufe vaa apeel In LelRpd.
the pmltW ol awlatani to M. A Cai
The rWB^iia weba Uban toChieafo. roll In the Pere Uarouaue itoket ot I'ulvenaiy of Michigan lodA'. after
kpeiiding bl* vacaiSuD i nibe city.
awriMialad bp Jpaapb FMalitf and flee.
Mr. and Mra. Beu Chambertein left
Hra. Daabalov. to be pbwad baalde
hia niiniiiif; for Plymouib where Mr.
Ma vlKk «bo precadad blip la deatli
Sava tlM cowpent you will find In .'baoMKrteln U en>pla.ved in the Pete
laat OdtPGar.
eacb nrk ot tbe Goahen Bli-nded Marouette alalloo.
The aarr««lai trieoda have
FlMr. and when you have risbi of
bYank lleiguB accei>ied a potliioa
- aywpathy at ibeir laaBy trleada.
theiD..aiail tbem with a P. O. ofder
for «.«!! to tbe Ootben MllUn# cam- n tbe Harbor Siirlng* Appeal.
. Goahen lodtena. and you will
John 1. Glbaon Is In Newayteu coun
bir. and^tra. B. C/Hecaa wlU leave
receive a tS piece aet of sold-decorat-' toy today in the teiereact of the Weal
today for an ayteaded trip
ed vblBA fretebt ebareea> prepaid,
Mk-hlgan Uevetoinnent boroau.
adriapr 1»-

For Yoii Approval,. Madam!
A Mid-season Offer Extraordinary

AoMkBg tbe dirivdls lut weak wh a tut of ‘ JiffereDl'*
•lylecoBlatnui “ibe wortabop of wortb" tent teuton
a few da;t'nppronJ nt si^fourth off icgoUr pricot Savenl mn.le aelectioae the day of nrrivtl; tberu nr* atili
otbera that «e cab cbeerfully rMouuueurf to tbe woutim
who bat a coat veat unfilkO aad would a«v<> a umt So
per cent Hgbt DO*. Tbe bnyisK time is "rigbl.'* Aluafii
with tbeee apecinb wwottur our regular high grade 122 6U
end SS5 _CoeU this week iu ettber etlk
wool fnWict............................................ ;...........

PEin u>osaNG

Summer Underwear
For Women, Especially Priced

/ ’

IftMC •oMs ivUI be ol speeM tolercol io every women wbo has
yd ^-jfPbMf Snmmer Underwear. They ore the best volneo
MbbvtbcieB ottered. These ore tte **Qaollly Goods.**
There fere three different walues,
efech one a bferRsio.

THS nr in knee lengths, bargains at
the price of

Thm b nbthife; like these offered
at tbew prica*—wearing and fitting
qoGlity considered

2Se.-4l)c,SBe.75c,SI.S25,Sl.n ~
Long Sleeves, Short Sleeves.
Neck, Low Neck. Splendid values at

Extra Special
thyf Dalai Mb cose la tir*

These come in all .izes an^ styles,
ankle and knee lengths, long sleeves
or sleeveless.


All sizes and styles selling from
Never offered better values.

Neatly trimmed, a aplendtd garmenr, best article we have offered
in this special »ale. Each garment
.SBbca*f iBlaars Vests.



it..-A EK^aa
liirl^ onwm
xueao tow
tor Et.a
eqw uvua

in short sleevsa aad knee to&gtfaa. BUhsr
strife Me*

Vofet feoo^teble ^rment ever worn. There
sre different grsdee from Me

1 WMhlfe nmofetfe tiifet w« MM shewwl,

NuMh Waists. The kind that
wiU not tear, and wiU doI Bhriak. felaraya
fit fe^ reel feo good for tbMtcUe «»• SSc.

OlT litfle Tike nothen will iully appreciate. There are so many little ^articles
^ needed in the care of the little onei. We are showliiff the
^UU > chad s Batiste WaUis with the hose supporters attached that are priced
SCCuOD a • for this sale at 25c the earment.




Suits $29.75

Ymr obviiv Iwgianieg toyi irfow, of tun
haUoce of our eeater aaeoiimitit of U-iutifnl wbiie.
diagoualaand otorrd eergee and tberkakio au-t« worth
npto»3o00. Oalyooettrleofnkind.




SILK PtmCOATcv wwe 9\ $-i
end $1100. Ueck and C^Wa.


15. li LI

isid$.a.I«. Bluk .ad O.R01..

so Dozen Linrcrics and Tailored Waists
Special 98;. SI.19. S1.J9. *1.95
Worth »l 2i. $I ->0. $1 toaod $2.30 ofnll-Mvcr *-niliroid.
ery, fine tuoked lawur, lace ineertioa and mulif tziomiisg.


8tlk Weiste tbia Week


Beentiful embroidered t-ffecte. tbe belauce of our Kattof i
diapUy.$1650, SiaSil $20 end $2250 valuoa. Tunic,
and plaited cnf-pieoe’effocU. tbe Ut«t in atyle. S.y—
ll> to 40, oolora Un. groy, navy, cepM^iageu end blerk.


Etnbroiderj tWaiite I

$1^. tL»

_y__ __

Kaidd Oiy Ik tuokiog fur a factory
lti UM- ibi- Skt
borM-power rlvci
ablcb at preaent 1*

Tre MHi of Frank Ktng. ahil- bU.vln« at tbv Cotuge Horae hotel Saluiilay ctening. rau lulu a gb*> door.
roi-.-i\iug Jicverv i-uu about the fate.
8<'vrral *lit<-br« «<-n- lakru by a

Science SHtingfc
Tbe roUUuu of a waterspout at Iba
aurtace of tbe lea baa been vsUu>at«4
ai 3M wlk* BU hour, or nearly aU
mllm a nilnuiiL
»>oin ".at>7 eanlRiaakpt rococde4 to
tbe vIciDlly of lli9 Aualriail Alps. Hr.
V'. Cuorad Cuds ibat aixicka are auK-b
more fiviineut lu Mnrcb tbau In,any
otber Btostb aad Mat msiuvat in
June. Tbe bout of grFaI<-st freutieocy
It 3 a. m.'>
The dlreclor of tbe Uam obaervaiury
baa dUcovered a uvw- conlUieDl oa Uie
ptenct Mara Tbe Ucvr land la la Utv
.Aeoulau Bet. b«rt*»-rti llV dctmwa
longitude aud AS dignua latitude In
aairuuuuik-al rvckouliig- It baa been
oaiMal 1-baoiuaa.

Tbe boya brlgadv ui Ulaaguw. aevtnl ibuuaaiKi atrung. buU a graud vavtew aorar Ubm agu Um%1 Uoberu
bad prutulaed to Inapect tbe Ulgade
bolUUoiw. but at tbe teat lUoaieDt
was prerectad by niueu. A local uOIcer WOB aacuyvd to Oil bte place, and
lu aeUteg Uckeu tar tbe Utepn-iloD Ic
Household Hints.
wai ibottgbc uoly Ub to kl purebaaera know that- tbe dtetlBcatehal ikU a little irorkbaskri la tbe
luarabal Would not be praiteoc. Out room i. vftro a gKat corafort und
aiUaU brigade
jade boy came up aud a*k.
ptked of tboae littk.- tbliig* which a gueal
....- .ev Uckeu tfor bU ftatbe.- aud ' particularly uppra-teu-e.
U. -Do your la-l If when tov«.lii6 amth..,
aotber. Tbe clerk «ild.
Iher and raotlM knotv lb
that Lord Uob-lflud .
N-oi d.u.|«-.i
be peaaeuty To w-hk-b
?■“of self '«>"*'
replied, w-itb a look
tbe eoll.U •iw.t.
ibdroc e. -It* Du Lord Jlubena VOQ Will be .un'rieed to Bee It diaapIbey're coinin’ to sec; If* un-.
SUong tape* ilrt-lebod\aU-ng the
wall ol the aewlug rimn»!.from cooHew Pteeadniy Waa NameA
vruh-iil polnla. aay from
It'a enrtoni bow tbe narae* of I.
frames to the wUid.-w
Uidow framee. Will be
av.-nlence. IlfiWr patBDd attaeta come tran acBiatblug that
cf _-------------curax-oia tui£jaL
- r- .
bai bees tbe (aabloii of tbe da;. Wbo tern* aud i«nrti ..
kuowa wbara tbe word -Piccadilly^ pinned to tbe ta|>w. aud one may be'
aura of findlug tbem when ncL-ded.
ortgtuated taora. Ibe name of that
derful' itraac ot wblrta It U wrltlni
ibot **000 make love and oome make
hUan. Revtaga.
Many *iscabt»i" lucu nsve been
poetry U PtcaadlllT' Tbe atraef Was
btaatM Uldy- but one .\ew Jrrauy
buUt by a tailor named Ulgglns. w
fomme vaa made in a kind of collar. cUteea wbo take# nm iirU« lu tut
eWued rtecmlel or lIckadiU or Plcva- eteaa waa dtacoierad uoi loug ago.
diUfy, w'hicb waa worn b.r ail Uta Thia beurUraa Individual bad bean on
baant of tbe day. Of courve It U not anfrlendly term* wUb bJa wde for a
nicast ibai tbe auaet ai It' aland* to­ week becauae sbe bad coDtracied witb
day waa bum by him. bat be erected a deottet to re)<alr ber teeth. Tbe Job
a few bouac* to wblcb be gave tbe wa» partly 6i i»had. ooarly every uua
t tbe atrert now bean.—Loudon Of tbe womaa'a tvatb baring been axtiarled lu make room fur a i>iale. Her
Sattmtey Bevlew.
bBaband to »aot bi» ipleaa purebaaed
ber oae only tbe atalcat broad tbe
Tbonaanda ot i<eo|de In amall poal- baker bad in bM abop.-.Vew York
Ck-ua whine becauae tbeir ialeuia are
tbrowB away, becsoae tbeir abUUy
ha* BO elbow room. Irla doc elbow
Heard at «ba Hob.
room they need: It b -dhow greaae:-And bow old are you. Uttte girir
U U coergy aud atrength. Tbeir very
whining abowa tbe; are loo amall for
-And bow la K you are out walktDg
tbe piece tbry are la cow. When tbe wltboot yo6r mamma r
right klM of l<-rvMi. I>a« loo tiuult <
-Ob. mamtDa durouT go Is for eierplace be Aoaa bit work *o well aa b
Ira Bwn.v. we have v.r.r Utile is
Ike tbe place btggcr.-Baroa Briggn

Ha Had.
-Goodueoa. John.- aald a WaablngArdaaot Tlmaa.
loo (Kau.i woman to ber buabaud.
-Tour huaband looka all Urad Oat
-your aull- l-aAa as U yoo bad baeu la fall bualBeaa hcavyr -Hot MrilcBUrly. But be puU la ao bhmA of fete
rtceplng la Hr
-Well.- rv|.lled John, -why boIT day dterusslng iwnsaat proapaeto tfeat
laa'I that tbe suit 1 wwar to eburobr U- baa to work at Blgbt—Kansas caij JuuniaL
.. Moonlight During the Arctic MfhL
Ml- vivriit- MiHrr left Ihi- ibornTbe nuoo cuailDuca to -at— at
I'.n tor iM-truit.
wei’ur HohiK- and John Nwky
Wi uvci ibe jvro Maixtu.-tie vtoda.'
lu: Muimx-. WusL
M(s. r A Atelmrg' and Mlaa R<^
.>t.Vph!a Itelii-U l.-rt iiatey via III- i'a’iiu-r U( yvankfon. returiiad batae
Uai'i'ieii. I..I Mai.iun. Noitli Ills iituiMiii; altar a kasluraa trip to


The Kind Yoo Hm
Always Bonshl





II Bears the

For Ovor
Thirty Years



and maay ihiasa that •if
straoca ta ui or tba Mat. aa all iba
coaDiry aa*i of tba Rocky mountaiua.
is MlM by paoitia who lira OBI bara
oe iba coaau
I know yonr brifbi ayas will flod
ataay bird's aasu this sprtat *bd
ROL1y ara aad bow
baadla Uaa aad to
I'anata. a«a ihraa Dtaoiha.
bold tba acta, buc we must not or tba
rily. UV-h.. «. F. D. Xa 1.
motbar bird ilU co away and -laaya
arm by Carrta Canutr.
tba ans aad lhaf Ibara will ba tbraa
fiddla lltovka. acr fabr
or four hMis dear birds to slBB lo ua

• ar Um
RtiiM antf «
l«r«M YSHOC Falks •«nt>
I I will try ntvar to sMrrr *r
;rt«t abMt anytw***; I sirtii try ta bt aa hawy aaT
>«an an« mtka avatybaby haMF
laa 4v as I eaa.
: I tain try ta ha
U avary laalnt thtaf.
. ir I aaar tail la trylai ta ha
ithaaa tMaia. I salli Try. try

Jost as rour Praaidant wroia tba
worda ibai aominancad bar VUli ibla
waak. a bi« anratopa was banded bar.
and wbat do you auppooe h held?
Why. a lattar from our Baaoad Vice
Pratidaal Aaat Irena' Now wasn't
Ortaaisad, Oaeombar B. tSM. '
Ibai a SuoAlny tbln* lo r-wf" on a
PraMam-rAIItt Clara Bataa.
. Sunshiny monliiKl So oar VUli be
wi« _____________H.bal Bias this way;
Firat Vloa Framoant—rm wiaoai..................................,
^ ^
“ •


u A. L. '

Apr. I. IttB. 74B1

Ila« Apr. 1. IttBf m.
QMar Ultia BirBa.
RoBoa! Holloa! wbat birds bra.tfaaaa
Dp in Iba ebaataat-tfaa?
Boeb Mrds as they,
I inily will aay.
I never before did aaa!
HUbar and ebUber from
' Bnir hldBaa
latvaa no gran.
Ob*M any one ever—
■Wan, BO. I aarar
Can fMBa wbat It aU may maam

liaat waak inst after your Praatdant
^ aobt the Sanshlna pact down to
tba HaiaM ofBra to tba man ^bo mak*• t t"*® t>Ta all raady to ba printad, a bos o« beautiful arbutus caotr
the way from ibe llppar Panlnaula.
®f <«"■ Bnn.hina airU. Oart"«la Owen, of Qlkhrisl, Micb. Your
Prcaldam kept tba fra*ram d>loasoina
on fcr dask. for days, and sba knows

I mmt aloac wbh brstldihrs to you
aad aU tba »absUaa<^
at ay adiOQl trlaada who araat so
Tour k>Tl^ frtand. * >>ta tba. Suasblaa Club aad racalte
^ Ma^ teriaad.
ranU bud baiUMis. Voa caa sand
Suppose you wrlio' a Httk atery for
thaa to Be and I will claa iba cards tba Humana.Saclaty, Msyna. Caaaot
and baltoaa to eay trlaads. Halra you tall us some antmlac thins about
Wood. Fkira blrHbarsae. I^ootIbs your pats. Of aoata thlag you have
seati or read?
fYoai you HlUe rrieod.
* '
Vara Saalay.
Sassaa City. Jlkb.
Tba aao^is all «Oba now. and 1
\llar. ». ISIS.
,oodaf K you bate baao plrblax ar l»aar Prasldaai— ,
I thought I would write a laUar to
tba Stmablna riub. I go to school
tAka Ann. Mkh.
Mar. ». I»I0. Uy laacbar's name to MUa Anas L.
Grinar. Sba Is a vary good taactaar.
I live oa a iarga larm of IS6 acraa. It
I ibaacbt I wooU write a few llbaa U about alxhiy rods from tba school
<o yon aad tba gnosblnara. Tba snow housa. I hsva Bra slaters and one
h abom all Rooa bare, aad I am clad brotbaa. Uy alsiaas all go to se
to sea bara around asaln as »e bate Plaaaa sand ba aaocbar butlob^
Bot aaep tl slnca bafora Cbristmas. have lost mine, l will try to have‘
Tba l,Aa Aon mall man )ust rame
Tbtiraday lor tba Brat Uma slnca Uac.
Mib. t apt la tba aarentb and alsbtb
btadai. Bly sarantb crade atudias air
arttbmailc. taokraphy. sad history;
Ara ihara'any woods osar your big
tba alihtb grade onaa ara «raimasr. farm? II Is grMt fun hunting fur
wild fiowars In the spring. I iliink.

„ e.rirr.,

all for a twocant sump.
Plaaaa gat yoitr map#
e K. W. c

and BPiBiUins and valleys, plalna,
prairies and forests that your letlera
JriaadI tefora
before ibay
tbay ^raaVtod' yoiiJ
,^0 was anxiously watchi„
Herald and who eagerly
welcomed . the Sanabina toxtara and
pUnnad to write to you arary'waeh

P Bu^na Club: Vivian lAka; ac#
And tba third cnaomne from tlartroda .^^^^vv^nole Bm,. a,a tblrte-n;
Owen, who aani tba arbutus.
Killy Bear, age nine. You may sand
the cards and buitona to me. and I
will plva ibam to the new meuibcrs.
Summit riiy. Ulrb R. F, ll. No. I,
You will find earlosad a postal In ibis
Box U.
letter. '
Apr. 9. 1910.
Kvar your Sunbeam.
Ruby Rroidta.
I uWt H«i I -ouW *rlta a1 few
few Tl,.. pnotsi was so pmiy, Kuby. IthS
>«t ><»“ ki*®* «k»t I
»•*»<• you Ilka tba one 1 sut you?
* *® «> •<=‘»ool avary day th« 1 can.
1 »» with onf of the Suntblnara at

tba country !*■«' aba never seemed oame is Mr. Spear. -Our ul my kittles, Dear President—
to find tlmt to do mors ibnn sand bar «'«"»■ m<J I 1-H
bad. I imd

‘‘‘» }*<'”■• »»<> “opa
love by wlraleas maasagn to you. four aiudlaa In school. Thay*ra rMd- l^ Md all tba Sunahlragreed "'
to have
a Sawing
whkb sba did frwqiianily. IMd you '“«• fibograpby. arlthmetir. and spall- Wa
* have *'
flub. I think we will like it.. Wr
pat It?
>»*• I •<» »ri"' you • awry.
have bad two mawUnga. I am tba
'<«• Uttto Girls at Play.
Now I can only tall you about me
Tr«aauiwr. I am at my Oraudma's
Iltlla glrU.
Abd a^rdy tbmw Mvor .warn kaaril thing UU lime. Shall It be about il)e
Once (beta were f
Esther 1 ulu
* ***

• amt* aoMB
Mi Ihclr
ibelr namat
names ware
"'r »«■ going to bare Easter axarci^a
. fbom wUfi-wooa Mrda bafiara;
So aweoL ao etoar,
1. « »«».. .... «U> ... •“«
'"J ~
of TOU.I..
1 tore to boar.
Tba adtoss rlag o'er and o'n.
ud.. m, .Idd.. .b.- U ...,r t-»,
J»1. E.H.
>. and they
IdO! one mUa bIM peeps out at me. ,j ,o go feet d«ap
acoordlag to wbetbdddoa «vvbd.«dd^ w -sT^.dd|-„B» Km-. td»ith-i- Wh-v

'® «iteBd One of
And I aaa a (amUtor (non
---------- “J'?'
- U., „d. u lb ™ dbd .11 .1,,.,
yb.r »-.l« rsb
bm - I
mibh :marry oyea.
b... .Sb« ym, -d .11 m, W..d.
r™™— l~
with tbaiq. After I
• As Woe u the nkiml
might aaa tbe birds hare on and about
thinking ot you. and wuding all good
And 1 think J can also trace
the water, Thera ware gulls In giwat lAura said. "Curly, we on
* Bwndarfiil liksaaas—ton'i R queer? fiocka. Soma Immense ooaa and oth- home."
And Esther said. "No,
r UtUa giri of ttlbe.
ars almost as small si plgimu. and ill
Travarse fTly. Mich. R. P. D.'No. *.
. Abd aha Mtto lb glaa.
tbay eamb avary day to
«"*« ‘ka n gon down; It is
Mar. ». 1910.'
-Itea. It to me!ba fad like cblckear'kind'1>^ fraev
Dear Prasidanl—
And Mrw tba daar ayes ahlba!
fully tbay would wheal and eiiela^ And Um said sba bad
. ,,
I ibougbl I would like to join tbe
diva and swim about after trag^ota motbar tba; she would InSunshtae Club. Flense send me a
nan one and another at' Uat I of -bread or <mka thrown than. 80B*- >hw o'clock,
card and button. FMr pels I bsve one
. kBOW
tlmao they quarraM and once I saw
And EalbaT «sid. Coma
boTse, a. row. a taU. and a pair of
Of tbe birds lb tba cBanaoi-trea;
one fly a yard or so above tba water iday. Your mamma won't <
bantams., .-—4—
i.nm e*^
glad ‘ec
iba snow
is —
■ ■Thosa qaaoc UtUa tblaga.
with nnoibar banging lo Its tall. Ooa
But Baibar said she
As^ .suo
aA .b*®'“« ‘® “'kool every
Wbbeot fealhara or wtaga.
r gray one naad to alt on a have a part:
I ^
da}'- I sJB ta the fourth gfada.
StaaHbg A atiu mm na!
panlenUrly tall pile and If wr caU- would bava
ad to bim ba would glra a llltia cry Tba next day Esther. Ins. Edith. nine years Old. My ceacber's name
Mias Hunon. I like bar ver)' mut
'ABd my. awaat Wrtto. with ayaa of W aammon the real and come ao and Lulu want to the party u lAura's
a*miy ba could aomatlmas catch a bouse, and of course Curly was there, WeU. I gurus I will cloM- as my I.
ter Is getting long.
■aff Barf’tkk.Jaa't U Jan!
the too. Ha played and played, and pUyPram.
Flam, papa dew,
ad se hard that finally Laura told him

Helena Boenlng.
A’on'i yoo'cOmb ap barer
Wa called him the aantlnal. Whan to atop or bar mamma would ba sfIVhai cunning llltl- noia-)»par you
It av ^Unkfbf days ara dcaa.
wa want out oa iba launch they wonld tvr him.
aaad for your letter! I wooder if you
fly niong with us for mllai naj oRan
Thao some more children came to
work In Ibe garden Uke iba wee maid
I qkaka tar baa at tba Marry granp; »«.«» tke deck.
the party, tod tbalr Bsmas warn in the picture.
“Too dM a Urd aa L
__ - /
Naariy all have gone to their neatklaT. Inat. Btu. Baairlca, Bar-Aa ym may aaa.
Ing place fartbar north now and wa
®“>al. Emma. Rosa. John,
Ta parch tai a tror.
have «»1y a half doxan or so left.
^*®yd. James.^rl, Elmer. Hoy. EdBendon. Mlcb.. H. F. U. No.
Edward. Oaorge.
Mar. -A I5K'.
Or tiy u fly so Ugh!"
There ara
buBdrada. win. Frank. I
IBBI. Florenre. W'll- Dear President—
- flcloctnd. RiDBllar than oura back east. Tbey
Kdward. Panl.
and Charley.
Charley. Tb-.'Tb?.'
I go to school about ever.r day. Our
are tame loo. and It ________
it amusing _
to >'«• «‘'ory- Byroa. and
The BsmaNw Blora.
to Iba gulls. Tbay cannot awlm. ao ‘‘M
*«t « *f®»» nm»y She to a good leachar. I have a
Hera are amOaa of avary fctbd. tbe surface and uv to snaick
The) played gamra. and cousin wl}o would like to join lbs
.ha. the MOrael while flylpg over It. Often *“®'' “>vy *vra ilted of play Laura Sunabinu Club. IIU name 1. Waller
knl many Umra a little'
Bmlth. If yon Manse will mmd me .
■lion to give bim I will b
ws..wave or a gnil would
or a gull
the would rapture the
«ke ctilldren
cblldren worn borne that rarfi and buiio
.A tpsawV!^
BtMUfia -fcTw
^f- ,be Prl»*
nrtoe and
and 1I alwava
always fancied
fanriad thee
tbay look.
look- Blikt
"X"* hippy.
“appy. And
And the
tba glrU
glrU knew
knew gl
Twra. age many whtoUaa for
-that If ihe> had kept Uura they wonld
Prom your Sunbeam.
George Qonder.
AM for the girt* good cbear—
themaana and rorklra and small shall, 'kl* taught th.-oi lo always mind il.-lr indeed I will send you a card and
avorytklBf lor a pk
I. araoA
ta aboM
ehsea.... h-,.
^ that have bean left among the Wrvnt*Button for Walter, and H makes me
„d m
wooMaT ttaT7pI«!db!
it ha
SO#r woaiaT
TO got,
b helgbt »d drop the poor corUea on
And ^ yoar actlohs avary i
to tba rocAs below wbleb brraka tire
""kbl ■ "lo- "lOa Runal.lna s.ory.
Baoofih (o IBM all day?
Dendon. Mlvh. R. P. D. No. I.
abelto and then they fly down and S'**®, 'ou are impraUng lo your
-Touihs Coaipaafoa. *
• devour tbe contenu.
PrasldenlA Urge.bawk caught aad kUlad a

,. r
| thought I would write you a few
crow one day and then some one ahm
.Vesaen -City. Mlcb . B F- U. No. 1, Uae,. m> alstor and nlera wore here
RalaDS Boeolag, Travers
• the hawk. ! bad thought a crow
Siar/34. I9ie.
yesterday. We had a good time. My
Hlrh. fL F. D. No. 4.
would ba a Dice pet uatll tbe ramalna Dear Praaldeiit—
mere would like u> loin the Bunshlae
Trank MUUroB. ffesaea City.' Mlcb. of twch hawk and victim were brought
ai I was Ibaklng at the HereW this club
> u Mabel Graban.
NsM asm *y 'Allc* BniHngame.
m. bat I found the odor was most morning i saw ihar nearly all of your
met a great eagle gtwa sail- lellers, and I thought that I would
" ■
lag by. Ha bra a white body and try. We are not having school tbls
MabelGraham. Baodoa. Mlcb. R. btock wtaga and tfivasurei eight and weak aa my teactaai Is 111. Her name
Haul Gonder.
r. D. No. 1, Namesanl by Mskal even nine feet from Up to tip. Jon to Eva Cook, and she laa spletrtld
no vau -vee -Am- >a Tr.v-es- ri.v


Vivian Ukr. Wlnto Brar; and
Klltto Bear, l-ebe Ana. Mlcb. Names
Beat by Ruby Braofca.
Barths Krlng. Ruby Brittain aad
las Rasy Old Mission Mlcb Nsma>
aaai by Blv. Bella Flamlog.' '
„ .
I ”1


I—... bW b. i.. —b„. -b. ro,

,'b.v, .

There Is always amne kind of a ten, two doUa. and a Teddy bear. Our
i abould like in s.v
“* ** **'*■" ®"‘ “ ‘ke water. Per- dog. old Prince, died. I have a Blare
^ Ceorae
kaps a flock of great grey g« -e. or'ind oepbaw. FAsla Cook, two yaara
^ ' .
three month,
* “‘“■''r *®®« ®f '»»er or parhsps old. I would like to baJh their oamet
MaWe City. Muh.. «. F. D. .Vo, 1.
Roll- Ooodbje.
Itai g|. Bta Imto-JilsrJt and white “Mother
Pniiiw^ Snnablnbr.
Msr. 31. I91P.
o»rey's ohlckeaa“ have beeo awlm
Carrie Canute.
Dear President.
""“g about the office Oil wMer. fp
Ho.Wpy I am that you also have
I wtU write you a few llnaa to (r(
"' *- 0® «hv shore there ara felaa fiayA wrlttea a good tetter!
tetter' 1 batvot you hnow j am wML and hope you
a No. 3.
I by Vara Bee- ,hirb do not oracb resembl. our heard from y
in surb a long time, sad all of the Rnnsblnera are iba
jays being
. so
. macii
- . darher
-------- Carrie.
----same. Gartrada Eckardi and GIad)s
Wota Llodiaar. Mary /tbSkA An- aid gmalW.
Hllion would like to be member, of
Bl*R)|^ Mary Undtnvr. Margaret
There to also a (uaay Ultle browa
Rapid Cllv. Mich.'R F. D No 3. tbe Humane -Borieiv. IVue aend
lilatfUM^IIoae Kriaia. inaiff^iaaka. bird which looks jnei ilka an eagllab
‘ Box sr.
ihrli eertlBcttn of membership to
Hqfn M^ka. Rose puaka. f1bsfl«-«gtam with a bead and a parky illMar I3. isis.
aw. Tbay ara m> acbool males. I
ri||*a. WRltom Plaaka. JoSapb Flaa- lleNjall frateaed on oKhar end. A Dear PrasldenienJo>ed reading that story very muC.
u^amea Flaaka. Ivan PUaka. Mar- stranger to me. Tbesa birds Aave
Praeelred my card aad bution. and ibal Mabel Fisk wrote tor the Bun
Haute Kurera. Henry been, bare all wlntor. oow tbe rob- tbwk you tor ibe/aame. We have ahlna Chib, aad hope abe wlll-wrlte
Undta^. James KrIelAAugntI Joka. bln. knd other spring Wrd. ara here bean having A gooifi.^ijBm cmstlag another oukaooa. Onr arbo4 will be
fiMA^rank Htovh. awl la Msy. Wa ara going
down bill oa tbe craai. Tba aaow |s
BomaUma you mag Mbs
r goiua fast, and spring |s romlbg. I an eaianalaBWM the alolh of April

Umh Sfwvad lu cunipk'tf. an aslb-- ■■■BMMmBMM M ■ H M A ■


She <hmiad away qulta at aaw
sba aai.
Aad aaw ta tba rnttrar tba bird
bar I^l—
'Her mlUIncr's rosily -craalloo;Just tbaa old Hodfa Jotaasoa.
't bo tesad near tba iMdar.
“ saamai to bU rsacy youna. juicy
®“ ^ «“'*“•
» -»«'•
out basltatloB.
And. nothing nroag daemlnx.
lu spite Ot tbair scruamlBg.
Reducad the whole head gear


Tba moral of uhlrb IF ino doubt about
Tba plstw fdr a Urd is not on a bsl.
—Ladtjo' World.
My Cottapa.
I own a llulr rot age.
It's Vary small Indeed.
It baa BO doom or windo«*v
Nor has it any Deed
or dbimaas. or of kiiiban,
or rrilar or of stair;
II bis'no furnlw at all.
Not a table or ■ hair.

Uaple aiy. Ulrb, Dot 93.
Apr. 4. 1910
Dear PrasMent—
I tboughi I would write you a taw
And lyt it's nicely raaiad
Unas. 1 am In tbe alxlb grade. My
To a couple newly wed.
studies are reading, arllbmaiie. gram­
Who love aaefa other deortr.
mar. pbyaioloo. geography, apalUag.
and writing. My tearbar's name Ih
They'd sees them kiss each mh.-t..
Mary Dorsey. .Wa have eight asoniha
And if the story's true.
u( sebooL Our sebooU will be out In
I believe Ibay'ra real nice people.
May. Thera ara iwanty-arvan schol­
If lhal's Ibe way they do.
ars In our achooL Wa ara going to
have a new- acbool bouse next year.
Rba’s the buaiasC Utile housawlfe
Wa ara having nira waatbdr now.
I have soma names for the Sunsbina
Club as follows:
Viola UndUHT,
Tbe Qeigbhora aay that be
Mary Plaska. Aonic Hlavka, Mary
Dora bolhlQg much to help her.
IJndtner, Margaret' IJndtner. Roar
Ilui sits a'nd singe all day;
Krkii. Joaia Flasks. Ilalan naska.
Now ir he truly Iovm bar.
yiargwrat Kucera, Ilalthi Koeert.
Wbat makes Wm art tbat wa/?
Jlanrj- Undiner, rharlas ' PUsks,
Jamas Krletz. August Jeka. Frank . ril tall you—it's no sacral.
Flasks. Willie Flaaka. Josepb FlatkA
Two linle wrens have come
James Flssks. antf Ivaa Flasks. Will
To rent ray Utile couaga
you please send the rarda and bntAnd build tbvir summer borne.
loni to me and I will give th«m to
They work, and sing, and ebattar
Ibelr owners. | bav.- noma namas
Tba whole ol tba llvalocg day:
for the Cradle Roll. also. EtfEla HlavAnd thalr simple nolra to all iba
ka. age four yaart; Tony Flasks, age
seven yaara; Charles Kurera, age tour
r expe^ to pay.
years. You can also sand ihoae carda
—Ilanry. A. l•o^>.hing.
to my address, and I will sac tbat iba
cblldreo gal ibam.
An An ta Ortndl
Polly Krleix.
WTian I was a Iltlla boy. v
I had not recelred a letter from yuo jamln T
in a long time. Polly. Mt It aeemed

» change

tlw wub-

ffchltdran's Funny I
fAUra's sum was m iking loaaato
plrkles one iiHi:iiini''wheh ibe IHtla.
girl cam.- Into the kitchen and watch­
ed tbe piAi-eeillugs wHh grasi inierast. "Wbal are those things, auntie?*
she inquir.'d. after a w>11e. "Pirklri.
dear." replied her bosy aunt. ‘ITekh-s!" (tied lAura. very .ntneb Aurprlsed. “Wliy. my mamma dunT mi^e
that kind of pieklea. Sba niakaa ito
lung legged kind."
"My sisiet's
sonounred Ted. "Huh!"^ld Oaorgle.
not wishing lu be outdone, "my slater
rould play wo the camera before you
were U>ru-"„
Roy bad been taught bow to gargle,
A few weeks afler. while at grand­
ma's farm, he saw th.- rblckeaa drink­
ing. "O miiiitua.' be sboulad, “come
here and see the chickens gargto their
Utile FToasie was rxieblag the edejthsnt In Cranral l*ar». The hngn animala trunk wax sweeping the fioor.
and sba exclaimed. "Haps, why fioo'l
be stand Mill on Ibai leg. loor

Ultle Frank had be.A iak» by hto
father to bear tbe pstrlotlr eta re lacs
In the town ball and bad been murh
Iglu had
Old Miaalnn. Mich.
".My pretty IA>." said b<-. "baa your
le Gra at
faiber a grindstone? "
tbe Orean." Imiirestcd him particular
Dear Preslrteot—
“Yes. air. said 1
AS ! have lira- I will write to the -you are a floq little fellow." aa>d 1).
Tbe next da)' ba sat In the klicbaa
you 1m me grind my ax r
Snbahtne Club again. 1 am weH.-and hp.
walcbtng bis molber make her gooaahope you are all the same. I have |(viwrr) jam.
tbree name, for* the Sunshine <n»b..
«,opllment "Molber." he said suddanly. “your
they are: Bertha Krlng. Ruby Brit“Oh. yes. sir."
«m. and
B~r- B®«b. to »y
,„p .top." Jam to made of goosaberrles. Un'l Hr
-■Veo. dear auid tala molber.
eousln. It rained bard yesterday, but
^ ^
-Well.- sabl Frank. "1 was just
It to sTKiwing Msy. I sm golai to
ihe-Arad "gat me
wondering wbat Columbia, tbe Jam of
«.d you a posul
Well. I will
the ocean. I< made from."
have to ekme wlib good wlaha. to you
and all the Sunsblnere.
draught s Itatllaful.
"Mama."-asked little Jack, “did you
_ ■
sure- tonilnued ha “yon
Wva Belle FVmlng.
ever See anyliody'a breath wear irouaThe s«w bra all gtma again bra
It nm? Tbe poor lllllv blossoms bung
“Why. DO." answered bis artlber;
tbeir bamU and looked dlscouragMl
for a few days. bu. are happy onra
„„ ,


Rail of Manor.
Gladys lllIioB.
ffto-lrude KekardU.
Ring tba Balia of Moray.
Rlag the bellt of mercy.
Kleg tbeni loud and clear.
Is-t Ibelr nilisle linger
Sotll) un the ear.
Filling souls with pity
„Tor the dumb and weak.
Telling all the volee^as .
\Vi> fur them will spqa.
King the belli of mare) (
Uver hill and plain.
ancient 1
Chant Ibe glad refrain.
Thai where man alddeib.
Or ereaiuii' G<id hath made,
laiws of love and kindness
Stasll on each soul be laid.
Ring ibe balls of merry
Over land and sea.
Is'i tbe waiting rnimons
Join lb.- Jubilee.
I'eace o earth descending.
hll the
Giving to tbe weary
Rwaet and Uaanad rest.
An Unwitting Avangar.
The proud MUs Elnorw EtungeUae
Was making Miss -Maude Montmorenvy a esli
In formal sod properaal way;
Her dress was a wonder
■ ot hand-Xrolde’red lltocn.
Her feat; peeping under.
Such shoes had ne'ar been In:
The hour was quite rlttil far a call
to begin in.
Aud she knew to a mieuie juii bow
long to stay;
liar sDllsh lorggeiie
And tuld rlnalg^la

„,H„ — .1

was alousl tired lo death The acbool
beH rang, and 1 <-ould‘-noi get aw.
„y handa were bllatervd and tbe
vas not half ground.
At length, however. II «as shjrRened: and Ibe man turning to me wiib,
"Now you Utile rascal, you've p1i)ed
iruant: be off to srbnol or you'll
“Alra!" Ibougbl 1. "It Is uil enougli
lo mra a grindstone but i<> Ita called
a tlllle rascal Is tis> tiiticfa.
ll sank deep Jhto my mind, and of­
ten bsva I thongtit of It sitiee. WbN
I see a merchant over.Mile >0 bh
matomers meibinks. 'That pisii lai
an ax lu grind."
Changing (ha BvbJacL
• Franc—." Kjid a mamma. »-vareJi
10 her 7->eai-«Ul dsugfater.
"WliA made all tbore colored crater
msiks'OM the pirlor walj psie-;'"
• Mamma." replied Frsnres. "d.d
know that Mrs. Direr cslleil m s— )u'i
while .vuu ware om?"
"Franere. I wan: lo know who inii.
all .iboae marks on the parlor wail"
-Mamma. I Iklnk nnine of the little
girls UU this ntraet are wr> bad. Lucy
UtintlDg r«i> off wiib my dolt."
"F'rance.. I don't want to dl-euLucy Uuniiug 1 want to ki
made all tbos- dreudru) marks. an.<
spoiled Ibe w;sll paper."
rMamms you ought to have
my.lUiJc kill)' run up tba tree
before j-ou rame home. 8br wc
moat to the top"
.“I don't rare anything sl.oot ibe kiily. Franres., Wbat 4 w-sni to kno-- 1About, this isiper in the psriof will r.
Is- cove.-ed wUh red and jelU-smarks"
"Mamma, wbat do >ou i«nk wo-M
be a nice birthday pn-seni for papa’
".Vow. Franran. listen 10 me! Who
made ibo» marks on the parlor
“Oh. mamma." sobla-d Franrei.
-why du you keep ulklng aboul i.iej

Buy Paint For
Your House
Don't put off

painting if your
ir houte
aaedt it—{wnt is a>

Pface your order
now for Bradley
man pure paint.


Thousands of
testi under tbe most fie* vere conditionb have
proran it is tba kmgwt weerIng—BMMt looking —nOBt
•eoeooioal paiot.

Every can full

net measure — full Valoe
in Qjantity and Qo^itr—
made of pure Carbonate
of Lead, pure Oaide of
Xinc. pure.Lto»eed Oil.

Proknp Kyselka
Traverse aty, ultalgea
, F. M. PAINE.


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