Grand Traverse Herald, September 16, 1910

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Grand Traverse Herald, September 16, 1910


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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VatiDfl ffaaala Wart Ualtad In Marriaaa Tvaaday Kvaniao. tba Rav.
4. A. Canby OfRciallna.



David Rwuah aM Adam Hllbart
Eaat Bay Wera Leaaro^Thraah.
mg Canted tha F.ra,

tlA* A TEAS.


Repreaeniativm to Iht'State Cenveiy
tien War* Balectad by Brand
Travarae Rapubiieana Today


Tbe ihreeblng outfli hrktuglng
Tracy WalllattOBBaaiMn and Ulu'
Imvld Hinifcb ut Wat )Uy towuablp
Uaa Wilabn «rrr ualit-d In marrUae
. and tbr to) GRAND TRAVERBt
and tbv barn beluagtuE to Adam MU
teat evaolns at 7 o'riocb at tba boma
xiwmg drlrgate. wrte ohwted (O atben, alMi of Ba>l Bay townahlyi, were
ol Ur. and Ura. <-. 8. BrtoSBiai
ccmpletrly de.lrnynl by (ire Haiurda.t
Weat PKiraaih airaai. ibc Kev J AP
' noon Ur. Kuuan t lum la wbou:
lab Oanby oiactellns Tbe rlas wrt:«u while Mr MUben had a loaa c.
tlea waa uaad. Ur. and Ura. Oaorfa
drimam-. A H Ourtu, H. K fttveWHaoD. Uiaa'Radh) Wilaou and t'lyda.
rout >&0» ' gyutika (rum tbe Ihrcwt. H.nlru,O«.r«e0 Hateri fl.
alatar and broibar of tba bride w
.g macMiic lire auiqaaed lu
luaed Ibo Bro
tba only tmaadiacr ivlailTaa pi
but tor tb* lllnaaa of k
Mr. MU'H-rra K.» U-ardea ihc
Brtastnan. nrhb aiib bar baaband
luthtde* hfy'aud uihcr nmtrma. the
(anded tba ydoas etmpla, tba mar(rota ipi atrei «au and iu»I>
4. W. HEDk «f JKkEM #•« W. H. rlaga amid bare taben Mara at tba Tlila Meant That iha balaana Ca
Wat btarting to Travt.rM City with i
locelved .gJT8 6» luauiaiH« fium
#EME Oave
TMI D«tl»hM
< of tbe brida m Eiut faeraath
FuriuerV Uulual .vuupauy. Ui Rom-h Load ol Chickana—Fonttorty Lived
Mm 0>w«f<DE 0>1A»E •( thE
in Thie Cuy. Having Made Home
alao ntrried luiurance
Hara lot About Four VMra.
Ur. and Un. Daanoii Mt WednaaM'hile the xhtvahlog tuaeblDe waa
i> tor a trip aoutb and atur at
(m>m Wr4M»day'« RM«rd.)
iFraiti TiMadAyk ReMeGl
HoDOr. Mirb. Sept. IS.-^Hentie
Honor. Muh. fcp; 13—Tboma.
<!%• eanp Brc baU br tba QraaE *aaka axpa<« to racum to UU olty eoiuty la a« wet today aa it oa>
It la piea'imcd (hat tbe blower Minanugb. a prutulurut Inrmer uf
Wiib tba Bring «f tbe niPHee a*'
TrETMta ftridlara' an* BAllon'
PEFPER FORCED TO iT BY lute at k:3» tUa mofBllE. CMiW fStM.
rtoiu to April; IMBi, and'.tbir deaptir drew the Dte into Ihe Inlerlo-. The near Uie iilww. fvll ln>m a wwgoii
eatiOB last algbt Id jbE bis board »f
granary and other buildUu.
:.wubw to Ute. nabarlbg Is tlm ITU
Ibe fart that a ii>a}orUy of ilie t
iHe m-irnliig-aa be was about (p
trad* Uttt El CaiD|> Itetaa waa
annul earompmeut at
ih* Oraad
tbe county voted out the mIqoo. aaved only by e hard flghi.
Trairrae Cily. and Piokf hi.
avarr aeat Is (ba i»b
Traveewe BuMletk ^ Bhilan- amroTbe deetalon ftat Hqiur ou Hsally
Hr died iDBiaudy.
bM tihsb. bad atsay baisg oUtfi-d
be aold In Beaxle deapite tbe terdivl
Mr. yiitinaugh had idarad a king
to Btbbd.fErlof tba EEarciBaa.
Ot tbe votera was rendered by Judge
t«x filled with rbirkeiui. kaigthwiec
.'•mi> Batae la pregpteifl. u parTba blUtonD waa a Baaa of aatlaaUiEib thia moroing In tbe raae of ibinaenn. puuing Um- apriug m-ai
pe DO other comp la Umua pn.
al «oW«. belbf a Buins daeon
• va Chan Rowe of
avn.ui ihl. but. llu ibeu i-Uihbed uuii>
t braa.'U> eBtarula a Mw anataer .
Ibr Ibe oM«akiiL Commandw W. \\’s
otaariod with a rMaxtou M the liqwu
people at tbd rampBroa. Ue Mg
DaaB braaldad. tba cuip Ora baUs
ll of the board of trade beta am
Opaaad br ail alafind “AMrlca." tba'
ihr_ wagon reached the road,
«m Ue gronada la UM tmu flteo D- O. P- War
of che’War:
liualr batas lad by Pyotaaaor W. bl.
cirurk aooie aaud. lipping Ihe wbgob
Ue mem. wbleb M divided Dwro
aer-Cnmpton Ilqu^
acted j$m
fiMsa. IWa ware many cblldraa
M< that (he aeat waa Uuowd oot. Mlu- Admhtod That Part of Hair Found ibr audliortum by «aarw. -while tbd
eonuael for Rowe an
o waa o«Aiula tba audlaMa. and tba aiarcUat
Waa Dark Whilo Rem Wm Light
cook atovea,- throe la aamber. aro am
•aiiga (ell head flrat to Ibe ground,
ael ’for Collon of South Frankfort
EDamad ta tearaat tbam daaply.
—Remaina Wtra Buned from
irlkln^ in auctl
a Utiie oualde U« big tmu. wlU ft*Blnilbr charge When (be
CeaHMadar Umd. ta biUas wottla.
Four to Eight Mentha.
iKck waa bnikem.
leriloa from tbe elamrou
a board
up tbU moniliig. Judge
lavoduead Tbaa. T. Bataa ai tba firw
Mlnnaugh toniteHy «llv«d lu
ROUGE ARC CCAROHINa FOR AN­ Lamb daelarod that the l<Hdl opitun
atTiaicrae t'liy. bailug made bit borne
law Ineofar a> it efraeled llentle
Tbe mean xrlU arrommodate at
.twut Ivur yearn. Fr^tou. (uiiiey. New tub, murwd tu (be Import- leant ic PMgta at one Una. aU
(y. was null and tald. ba<li« b
piilnl. o>er the proae.-ution wt
.(' he bad Hied lu Ruidr.-.
etaloo on the fact that no publUaiion
kMig*tBblan beUg arvaABed. Jamae
reauuiptuh ui the bearti.g
n laid aprtiig bi- moved
itodgu U in commaad c( (ba uma aw
•adr Waa Found Attar tba Rallaa declarlDg Bcuile county lu ue dry had
later golug to a (arm M
gupervUaittwd by Mrs. Fria^ raUar. xUBa
Had Baan NatiRad That Thara
analyst. Ur. H^|«r. SewTou (orted
Mrs. Robert Dewar, Mr*. Lanra TtUMad Raan a Flaht at .the
Legialatura la Democratic Maanina
ootkee waa found in (he )ourual
well and Mra eUlc Roberu aro watt­
Waihar Hama.
That Hate Will Have a Suoeeaier
ibuny nccaiGiug Ibe Ideollficallan of
1. vhlldietL a
Ihe clerk. The )ury waa necordlfuly
ing table
—Entire bUte Ticket and Three
loe body, and forced the adtniaalas
Tbmr u a tdMplwBa lo Ua mam.
WUkaabarre. Pa., Sept. tS.Ce>l^reaamen Democratic..
ll waa Inipoaaiele lo deirimtue and Ue aoutb •kpomtro will giva alt
Waiber. of BdwardtvlUa. waa ward- ebvbodket of tba bod) Xuund lu Crip- the aaaakiM thgro If to Ue dlamw
aiwd thia tDonias alitlas •< • death
Thli brlngk up a prouUar vl
l^rtjan^. UaUm. S.-pi. t-l-Today »
«EMb In a loont adAolniHS tba one la;
year ago tail April, -the
aad (Mk wQ] M 4pbU b* miKb approi-levilou Hiurn. ludicat.' dial ihu en
b wa* Uae. ordy aiatlabla Mitaia
wbleb laid bU daugbtw'a body,
were voted out and a year a
elaitd by Uaa.
dat^radi .tat.- li.k.-l baa her!
way. Hesce iW Idciitincauuo haa«i
in (be aadhorluM. BMwtUatabdiM
j nia volk» round tbe body attar May. n uult buaineei. Tbe q
elrctrd aud that dire.' ur four .v:
a lew airwndt of tawir, aud ibe
Iba county be II
the Urge imni^al kUiM wbleb baa
tbar wer« aottbod that a fldht bad
greaamch are dclnncraii The (oiiiih
ii-inuanU'uf a woman'* yindecclutblag
occurred in the bouae. A rairolTer (W bidaa ibeae men m^ have
been Maa for Ue ueaf. Uara will
u duubirul.
luuBd nw Ibe body
waa Bear tba body, and the aboi bad UlaedT On tbe otber bund, there have
ot rcdu |gr ^M who daA*
Tbe leglaUitiire. Ii-deuiucraii.' it.u
Hu*ip<-r admai.-d ihal a part eg tbe" • aiiead tbe caag fl
bean Bred al clone raiisa.
been Boverai conviriions fur vkilailon
s a ’tblBMTadr aUcvciaMir In S.-im
9 'tne. aad iuam'
ill was dark and ih.- utker light
Hit aoo Oaorfe Walker, who van of (be liquor 11» auioug ibuui beliiK ■r Eugene Halp. wrerimg Ih.- lUh GRAFT ON THE IMPORT. DOCKS
ailiiur..ahlrli ba- rtUed Mathr Ini
(lom ontalda tbe city, atnd from tbe'
I alaetad from iba bouac alter tbe BiM Bd Bgrker, of .Ne»acn llir. wbu
thuuKDl ibcl.i a.i aiiuucl. but sous luMier buya of ti a’bo rocall moat
I bai beaa arroatad. and bin mb ab- ed a fblf aealence rather than r
Fn-d muted. deiiUH-rau whe • d.If ibeaa men told tbe Itquot.aud
UteieHing atoriaa of (hose days. _
I djww te balBc Musbt.
bad uo aute-or goteinureut lireaae. fveied Uoveniur Feriuild. ^d t-diy
.djolaiag tte camp flee taat arotJM
I'Uried tonr to elgui luonUi* Crtpprn tuadgnarutw of tba Mom. Oav
they of coorae were guilty wLeibei ‘'.The- people Viiicil on
(ba eouniy waa wet or dry. But. H
luandef W. W. omd cmoplea tbe flrat
brwakand 1( M
-Uat tba vMltara
(bey gave the liquor to than. fHeudi role, the lailC, high prn... r.iiiiu-ii
duwii. buwviefrare eoavined for that. K aeeiui Ikm.aiid Ihe inirirait''
legbier a£A buy itato.Uaal Ucketa.
fVppcr temlfled I’hal tbe roaumata Adyuiani F. Culby baa ^tge at Um
aa tbeugh Bwxle oouuiy might be.
at Hta Oama Piro ^
I (be body ludKcic! (..iKii. and Lbat
party to a eull.
work, aad he will he a vary huv Ma
l.u -I'uCiated ii wk* a still.d aurduring Ihe am days of Ua WMMg
Waighera openly Trafficbed with in
Femiou had been olrctgaied
run. He itwilBvd Ibai ibe-war (W.ttac
apeakar, Camv Bated haTtas Oaab
portcra and UnOcrv.a>Bh*d Dutia­
auUnlt the q’miiaiJ again uexi nprlng
aidomen appeared like one from nn
aamed In bla honor, obIbs to tbe Oaly Caunty Camilla Nar the Fruit
Tbe aext teat M beadqaanm tat
ble Cargoca—Airestt of Big
abd H k uuppoaed that tbe iudger
taaaf aaurtaaief estaBdad to tba aatbe W. R. 0.. Mr. ttareeg Owtta
Merahanla are Expected.
defialM win rauae iboae coini-njpiat' ZEPFELIN VI SURNEO AT BADEN
■Many |■■u)uineaI a.lor. and dram*aoolMloa by Ur. Bataa,
u ebatro ot UM.
luma aro Hapad tar.
tag golBc IDIO buaiueaa to liuaue and
(la Hte aileoding tbr Vial fur tuv
RaU of Ue W. R. C. hiadqaaroara
aqubro luatiera with tbe wiaie
kwal lok'r.
bdMIhb BBd BEltara.
Tboaa who bawa yast raiuroad
urgaiiiird graft ou itu- guierumuti
the 100 leait ol Ue aoldian aro MaUr. Bataa apoka briefly, oEpraaelns (rom tba Want Utehtcaa fair at Orand CorTi-nnMCil aad rran ut nuce.
Fire btarted After Paaaengera Had i.rt dueka wa* leieiiUal today ui Ihe
ikiued. wUie Doar tba walk cm Fran
ting la Mveu and uue luill louutlu'
hla aaarotdatlon of tbe honor oxDiaembatWtd—Caa Caplod edknd
that tbe Otaad Trayeraa b.-»lDews beforo tne law benonre* qpiaf uf George nnlelL CbarlD l>rew.
Homer Baydm baa erwegad a
1 to him by the
Three ol Crew Were Burned.
dliplar of fnilia and retotable* la tba •Titive In Mae (b*ro la auoTh.-r
iij t'. Warden, wylgiien uii ibe j«i<
isnd from wbiob ha wtu i1M|ibm
lawliis tbaaa ramartu by e
bmeat grom la any ofla aertloo. roijortiy.
Miiieyor'o *UB
uft drink* aad Rlbctaa at ao macG
iM tba ai
B tba BBcceM: Tba aiblbli oceiiptaa U tabiea In tba
Iterlln. bepi H —The a'r»hlr v'.c'ir
Thu* rey.'iaiyou will cauH: a g.'and Valuae'e Pair ol Horaei.buppoaod to wr.
Ha aatarad the asTteolaural dlvlaloo oBd tbe trull
JK'IIII M burned 'it Itadru liadvn in- jciy Hitv.ttpaikia aud tbe gmeiii
Havr Been Burned Were Killed
taaelgl Falica.
The are elan.-d ou ihe aliahipi mcni hoiieb !u Inipii'MMi aeierwl tuerBefore Fir«.
B by TraTarae CHy, and
ri'luru from Hellhrunu. alter itar
ly dtairiet Itat «
would aot be eaatpMta wrMwi ■
daetorad thgt tba aoaoaai of tba fl.-nt
ileu-aiu Halls)!, ttepl 13—Berrien Ouatng W. R. Foixtwoa. epectal
Qraod ITavaraa b Oeaaaa oonaiy. tbe
Tbe leaiiiuuiiv .bowed
ttial tbe
day ttURued wall tor tka aacceaa of
piuded. aud lh:ee of lluweigher* I'priil.i minii-kv>I wltb tbe cuuui) lula.i
ibroe years tbe liie. who goes oa Ue taat at
Iba enttta mtcampmoBt. Mr. fiaiaa dltplay batng made by O. W. Halgb;
aciioua'y bu<ui-d
irajairtei* loi ! .*• luuuey. uuderweigt
boufi midaigbL aad beroa a eraxebful era
dwaB tar a fteariii upon the paaalai aad the belief b aald to be-general
ib« dniub briue on averyUtag aatll u doobl Ue aad
ot the O: A. R, which «UI tooa ba
duct-flf foot of <U«ana'B arnet lueceu
buvei iiuivui
i.tims hs.ikg ^ ibeti toaguea ml hu wife occupy a tael aear (ba cMmg
un. Are beadqnartero.
TbaiwitiM two aotelau on tba proEherifl Had iht Rlacka in tha Weedt
ler cvi.i uf darkncM ngaln u nruusIn ihe mitter ot vegMablea, Grand
•ram AflH Vlkt *lm plaaaed the m1
Tbe flrat soldier to ragiatar (ram
•ut tha Mob Furwving LeMed
Many Oelasate* to the tlonalrtuimnal
d b.v * .a-« lu wkifh bruulry large­ 01 of tbe rlu- wa* A. S. ’Prtu, of Mbdiera.aa parbapi taw eouM have drut Travaraa lad yamerday though there
and Hung Them.
Convcnticn'Pledged for the Imly llkbiee. ■
Oaa Upan kM coarwle, J. W. lUnl may ba other dbplayt that wlH equal
)>!• City, aeokr vice nominiadir of
native. ReferenOum and Recall.
ChequamegoA ancT Mamtlee H
today. Tba tnilt In glaaa
(Tier-, alw u luacli lay eteTT about Ibe aaaocialkm. wta came U Mat
of Jaekasa, who aaas tararwl mWcfdaahvllle. Tenn. 8epi/ 18—ReBoth Fimthed ^uno—Chequam
> ikii'.sr ,-,ime Receiitly fire deairoy* bight and aelerted a teat la whita
' uona, aad tbe other wee Profteeor dan. aboB-B by tba boatd of trade. poru received from TlptoovUle today
I'huenit Antuua. Sepi 1C —R.
gon w.u Handlt Bhlnglai.
W. H. Paaae. ot ibU eliy, who
Ue ouly tbiag ot Ibe kind an dip auie (bat a mob of «u ia.t
I k-nii: ihuich .bed.' is Pipeeiooe
apend the next foar days.
irn* tiA.jy ibow that yeolertUy
tday. while tbe aaada
naay yava aaaa In grand opara
towiiKbif. A lalusblr pair of burae* j Mr and Mr* Pmw Qarwiek
lyBched two negnm. Will Sharp and
only in thIa eouatry but lu foreign bat aa eampMlton only tba aaed
Bruce, charged with aliacklug ' •bri'lr.j.Su.y'- tj-couuLJrti l;i tLv (Yhipkaid bi-i .uuiui. rr lUu. aud left caned by ivart rwjdv. wn* auppe.^ j ihi ar.i io arrive tbla aeomag
cmatriaa.-^ -wall- Proteaaor Peaev
In the Are. ibejibe rtiy. wiciln a troi and a
childien. BatUe
Calli.riite I io<.>iiiiilk>iial .uDv«ru'yuii 'liulay ti.- the island to < tow up li
aaag for aaraa aearoiui with tbe
Tbe Omad Travaiwe fruit b antar. OowBlltE
bodH-. i*ei!.fc
in ihi- lum,
d.'legalea al Iraki c» duuxu^iiiu wen- pa.ilKBi Rbe will uul lay up fur
tpd Bmma Abbott, aad wa* wltb bar ad uader w oiEaraBi clBaalicatione
.hcl*. It MKib (amt- ouu Uiwe.iei.^ ^
Twe Lam Anra.
flheris Haytiea bid the negiom In
yei as .b<- ha* aiaiUl a dbicu.
roBpany at tbe time of her de.tb
X leant so pramlmma are ^o»e4 (be wooda but the niub purautug ei'eiied. Many air lUi-d/atl km- cuuetiII iQr hurMw weni dead before the
In Ibe liitle group gaUerod aboat
lu u-ake lu (he
beaver* aud
lulkuial rlau.ra lur' it,.iui’H.!n»-,
Bait Uka fjtty. Profaaaor Peaae. e
Ibe ground, ibi. muTOlaR two of tta
found them and lyucbed them «|qh-i- lelerendum. and I«a1!.
H.gfa L-laud.. wDeiu k Imge quabUty Ibr lK.i*e* bead* were dug up it wa. rpio,
waa knoea from tbe AUsailc to i
yph Bledar. chainBaa ot
roai »M«;TeB were mpty, aad
I .tUlialc* await ahiiuuWOt.
PaMAc eoaat aa ' Deoeoa" Peaw. ^3 hoard ot trade agHcuhural commllered ihat tUeb rauU. had beenjupr uf tbe a»a'- was Uara cm
Tbw *U'auu.r Mauiat^e o| the Xurhi
akteasiad by Emma Abbott, ran aUll laa. baa bU roai oB nod b woiWlag
. Ah 1G..-.-UgalK4l I
UAs Petm Gnrwktk. -wta MfTta
ini yiit'higkii line ba. comideied Mr
ebam.aaaadlenca wttb tab mclodiont ae only Joe eas work gKtlag tba axand
taiibtoiiy. was taarobly dlatenor. aHbDugb be b going oo u>«aid b.btl Into the very beat of abape. E.
•iiedule ahu i. tieUag flUt-d for Ihcliarged (rum Ua army wtU two good
tba auBBai of life. He will be un thc E. Hibbard and pvank SmUb are alao
Detpiie Official Demalt It U Beiievca v.A'er ui Chi.aro, The MueUui: Win bni during a poUUcal colabro
program again lonlgbt.
oa band aad am buey ai pqaalWo.
l.'i! lU ihu etty zf yuan a^ la grtag
'WUIbm J. Uaan. of Kalkaaka. paA
•uelug due f.iday. The i-ay hoal.
Ur*. W. OoMen and Ura. (>r«ak MoUtb
a cai,nun for me ttetonona omr taat
rtmuiundar, waa one ot. tbe apatkera
Vnung People (jnit^m Mamag* by bu. arm .by the osptadtta of tta «a»are alau In niicDdante at tbe Urana
of tbe aeahlng, giving a brl.,1 talk
Rome. S^pu ic—Fup. pm. I. ly
the Rkv. A A. Almgten at t>
Travarae axblhU.
noB It waa Ua rlgta arm* tax. bw
wbleb wae Inierapereed wltb «*orl.>a
Hartlord. CouD.. Bept. H.-the wp- putted to iw .uflvnng uutu bardruHome of the gnae'a Parents.
withal Hr. Oarwiek U very ppataBM
that brongki laughter. Ha paid
l•«braac« of two more haHou ttuu Ukg of the juveiie. ,ul Ibe boart and
glowtag irlbuir to Ibe loyai women
CUir Wbriey aud Mit* B-.-ia Heed tu in talk adraaefag yearo, rotwtlbdelegaiet tn the ropaUlrau eraie coa- gouuTlii- waa utftrialty .d^ied bui u
of the Clell war.
Carried Senator and Every Lcg.sla- rre<-'J m mamae.- by the Ret •undlag Ue bard pcOl be baa bad
ian today cauaed a rloL 'There g.ueraay Pelirved.-The'few wbu
tbe ckme of tba war. He daartr
Wba a'conleal between Cbarlew GoodNalay piufeaaed ataiiu a.
Cetnrada Thuretaa. (baplalB of (be Oevamar t«anmr Cammuied be
the Buu ai Waaningien.
lug *t Ih ehamwDf the br^d.-e parem* lot ee id get a Joke oa a eiwarota
and Kvereit Imke lor the govovidencea
•amea af FtfOwr City RaearUar
«a*>claUoo. waa the next apeaber. and
W. R Ferguson, apeelnl poUea. wba
VVvdkier Mieei Tbe bride wa
>. Tbe ballot ap­
Who Wmt a BafawMnr.
told of tbe deep hupreealoD made up
SoalUe. 8eic- 14 -Today a pranar.r atleDded by brr abler. Mini Minnie bat Ua left arm lo tbe MUta Of Pb
peared To be (rmadaleal abd tbe telPr. and Mre. A. i. Lietxbaeb. who return* ludicaie lAat toe RfyoMVeK
on bb boyiah mind by the vlall to bit
teraburg was aeaa ceoii^ aeraoa ita
are uytng to ainighten matfrri ‘have bren .pc-Ldlng a (uw daya tntba liuuiieut cungtroaaiau. Poindeaiei. Reed and John Bprna ww* beat mi
falber t booae of an old Rh
ground*, taavliy taadod wtU bAaD
cwreiaony wa* wtineaatd by
Tbe plngform
prevtoualy emdorwed city, returuvd u> tbeir .uumer boiae
aoUler. and of ibo efact it bad ta
aa the repuUi Urge company ot tneada and rMaUVea tata. **l*K>k u UaL" aaU Mr. OarTaft.
at Ooekeiua Oiu ua>rulng.
eroatlog a vlrli of pairtoUam IB hbi
«as cbBdldate for tbe adgiaiorakip o* aud after ihe cenutouy. a wedding wick. 'Femaoo'e bdu aa a MtagyouBg bean, glvlag him new tdaai U dafaaltar. C. & AMricb. aanrlag tom
ra. Durks^ atkd Atm- sapper was oerred.
Xng exptalUoo alraady.*
tba parpaam of tba goremlMOi nod yearn. Tbe prlaob board wiu Immedi­
Mre Charlea Iterker left (or Nco
k/woo e»They Maw Wednesday motalos tor
Ail ao Maicb R
of the mamtlBg of
sag. wbleb qp. ately parole him. Ha baa aer;-ed neatnr tbe flag,
aen CiD tbU morpuig. to apead a few.
M. wGoro they will amke (betr
Mr. Qtrwtak baa a «ta|bg taMr
> M paw !.)
Eirtmt, batobglbg to 1. W. ^
dapk wlU bee mumar. -who ta UL
I as
U .. ,vi ,1























iNsuRGinn wiw


TVWi A •■•C

■ito' ml

... . B toae Mip a matter trf mv>
LtoflM& Vfiflo the Itoaor peojde
It hfcra ofto» smthi that thep did
to itotoOMAND TMAyiMK VVlfcTORY.
itog MOdat to aat Oraad Trareraa
M a tr«K groamg oouatrp u
m MpMer. the «agtem tolchi^ Mr haa toltp AonoaKratod
Uita. Orand Trararac not eolp
l IM totohtp 9rtaa tqr tha baat die«t MU. gtotot. tad T«ciubiee.
ttak a prtoa
trait aa
■a other emitor prtiee. Thto
nattoallp a
ovaea aad to. a
vkttop tor^Otaad Travafw
What afJua the (act aU ilM more
Ipadadl Obd «hot aukae the rtctoQr
Idu.lU tha batter ii that thla «a*
P a hanaer ppar (or fmlt to Ora>d
htoag ona ot the aaoioet
•m ^toaatoaoad. Vet to oor pooroA
uo ahle to ueet other



W w jsipw

ttmim tottkey,

Robert Miller and Bdna Anantrang
pleaded guiltp .and mil receive tbeir
eecearagtog and atetoUng to thto
exhihlt. the board cl trade hae 1
The (oUowIng divorcee were graDli*e that undMbtedlp -vUi bring
ed; Anna Jobneon from Orrto John
the kind ^ nvnlie uoii datlre^
Maude Charter Irom ^ Charles
Charter. BHea Puwtor Irom William
Ptnrtor. Clara Boonbll ttim Charles
BbnneU Se«to.Oordca from Lostus
Uurdes, Uitie Dpyto from Willard
Oread Travere* Ceump dehton and Dople and Maude <Y.l!ina from I'rant
bdiihttera Oiven Peverabie Mer
tion In Brand RapMe Prece.
Tbe'Mapnard Coal co.. ae<-ured
ludgmenl for gltS.K against Pi«d
•There are foar -oofthp coanpeir Small of Beutob and A. H HuellmanIrri among the enUhiUo (or the I secured a Judgment fer IZSXIU
totgeet dtoplap tor (rulu of a» kinds. totoai J. I). Pika
Thcp are: 8. W. Haight.
Srea thougfat ttoniie county to
cobatp; Preak Smith. Oraad Trav- tl uould be Impoeilble to have
erae; Henrp UcOarty of Kent and saloons on the mein street ovia
Hre. H % Oolden of Orand Traveme. the locatiuu of the CongregnUonal
"tore: Oolden eomee from ney Old rhtiivh wtUeb to eiiuated on tbe main
Htotoon ead eke ie one e( ilto fen
t tu the bosinees district.' Tbit
iM vho exhibits to this depan•fording to the Warner-Orxmpton
It i»d one vrho bes peraonal law which provides that no saloon
dhargn of her dtoplap. She U a ktodlp may be nmdocted -withto tW yard,
Ibohtog, alderip womaa and ovnt one of tbe eniranoe to a church. There.
of the great prodneiag (rail fanae of •sUl ptubably be two eurted on
the Orand Traverae occatp. Mm. Uold- stroeta One pany" was pot la
hai been an exl^tor at ihe'^li Saturday who waa reh-biatliic. HU
thto lomlRp for inare than it peai Irtal 1. In two weeks.'
and M Mr. Uallop expwtaed. The felr
U not eoupM* vllbout Mra. Oolden
add her fruh.'
Ttrand TraPcrac coontp la
tog. The gfowere of thto oountp.
araged hp the
Traverse City
board ot trade lb eahlblt and shoo
the toOriU of that Jrult groalag eec- Oame u OM Htoaien ae a Bride 32
tloa.Years Age—Invalid AJmost <


Wedded Life.


Old Hltolon. Ulck.. SepL 1^—
Looking tike the glrlUh bride she
Tra'vetbi Oltp Yeung Idan and KA- «ben she onto* here vlih her boa
hand 2t peari ago. Mra. Eugene S.
kaeka Yeung Ledp United bp the
Walt Ilea in her beautiful cuske-t aarRev. A. A. AllIngtaA.
voundbd try fragrant Rowva while
Ortto J. Uap of this eltp. and HUs friends of peays goM bpHdofc upqu
tbe peace that has uetUed over
Margaret Keller of v«is—fc.
(ace. death having erased Ihe years of
nnited to marrtoge Wedneedap 1
suflertof through which she has pass^
the Oak Park chnrt^ By tbe Her. A. ed. Death came at 3 o'clock this
MBlIe Mrs. Walt had been an inval
Id practk-altp all her life, her Illness
BertU Murphp o(
Wltneae the ceremonp.
It battled valtonilp bui the odds «
•Mr. aad hire Sap will leave vllhlo « heasT.
few dapB for Ofand Hapldt. wbcrcH Jeiuito H. T(ait8thlt<i was horn to
thep wlU mika their heme.
ttoUand. Mich,. Dee. M. I8«. Twentpdve peart later 10 tbe day. she was
united to marrtoge to Eogeae 8. Wnii
and vrilb him came to Old .Mission,
where tbe tomple
Prod Cea Wm Killed at Canere did* ly. Mn. Wan a-as a buautUul woi
and despite the eerlotu hai^cap
lag Yeeufday. While Hauling
oer which she labored because of her
Wood for the OoeeseM Co.
Lroften health, which grew worse
Hoecr, Hlrh., BepL IL—Prod Coa. bri* pears advanced, she drew about
aged 31, vae kUled at Oartm Biding her e greet circle of (rienda.
voice wee o( atogutor aweetnews
poetordap. He was battUag wo^
Ihe r. C Itoeaend Obamkal Companp. whea to eotoe Banner ha fen
beoMto tbe vaem. the rear vbeeto oe' ctolldren, she was a great home
pasatog over hto bead, lie died about maker and her home «as her gyeai4 oVdoek.
est Interest. For that reason, ahe nev
er atStlaled with aop aecrel orders.
An AwtuI Rrwntlen
Besides her husband and
of a volcano excites brM lntereel.and
pour toterent to MUn oraMiooe vUl be friends, her aged father, nbu live* 1a
ReUand. sU aiiVera and one brother
taoct. If-pou nee Buckton>
«. thMf gnledeet core, t
are left to mourn for her, the sitters
R holld utoere, or fror «
living In Orand Rapids and Holtona
----- > iMatod bp R. Bern (or
and the brother In HollandSefea^^btolnT^^pSea.^ glVei
Tbe funeral sesvees will be at C
Inaunt reUef. fto at C. A. Bubgm o'ctaick Wedneedap aneraoea at the
Drag C«., H. B. Walt d Soaa. and ItonCongrecaikmai churck aad the burial
nek * Lap Hereaatito Co.
111 be In Holland.
For tbe last two pears. Mrs. Walt
a* a fontrtbutor totke Eveuln/ H
ord. her hat letter having appeared
hut'a short time ago. Many here s-fll
mtos her bright portiayal
of :Nk
eveaie of OU MUston and vicinnp.


IitiK Key

To Most Sttnations.l
For me next Kaad I

First Nattontd Bank

fair W good.

Pvv tbe maaeo A Amgem. Ma

Tbe eciaut vblrh proved ao
MtfBl at oraad fto»lde *1U bo ufc«a
> Itotrolt «ad oatorod to tbe
fobs It 'le liroMaied pf «ovm that
Honor. SepL: U.-^a the ease of
Ibero oHi it prUl take <»rtoM atoo.
alaeo arandTraveree baa nethlni
tl^ PeopW va. ad."Ward of Franktear In the aut* of Mkblcaa. Bverp
taken br tbe Qraad Trevene

Optoftmlty Often Knocks
At A Lacked boor I
A bank Acenut


pw to .




iwpemed Thn New Verwera Wiii Re
CaugM In Beef Trust Meee—Wlcfcerehem and Rime Had CbMereoes.
Chicago. 8ept U.—AHorney Oeneral Wukeraham. eu route 10 Wash
togtoB from Alaska, today eonferred
with proaeeutor 8tm* to .the indictmeat of npert Pninn and the beef
trust lodictiueiiis. It is unden
ported. Ike n > being New \-orkers
Hew te Pap Your «raoery Billa.
You can oaMlp il poo will,
Pay all poor grocery bin.
You ask. “How eu L Pnyr
Tbe waswer la, “Bp making pour
«ae lay.“
And to krar them cackle toudn
l<ee Harvcll'a CondlUon FVwdei
Ybe beet egg prodnorr on toe n
as. A mauinrd for over ae*e_.
No waste aad tuB wel^
Brwg CtL, West M Oiwg Stan.

to-pi. H.-tlover-epot.

Detroit. Sept, 14.-Bvam.. .Spot
littl; Oc'otwr. |:ig


OU nibben. par

...4 tp fg

n 70 year* old aad
travel m
d tra_______
write* a F.Tolacm. oJ
L Ky.. Kvarywheea I go
. .VJS.0.0..0 Eiectrto BttMn. heoauee
1 «»e my axeeltont keaMk aad vHaV
to them. They eSec-l a oiiw erery


ber. »1T.


me dealilw ot jodia Uuab In Cirmm ootirt at Hbaof patoerdar that
Ike meat opdoa lav. ro lar ai It aplUtpa to B«^ (oratp. U tooperallve.
li Meed f «vpriae botk to the
BMtfoa loRMe and tboM allmed
artth tbemta.
■■ewtMB noBtbi bave elapad
iHaee Bawto tamts baa been wttkoot
•idaaM awl il Mlha alnee a
al the eaaara deelded aaatoat
mmm aaUtorSoeenieoB aatoeae
• Vaat oat of tPWtoeae becanae -ot tbe
Bwaplad ted Out tbe lav had beea
awildllil vKb and there have been
■aaaial proaof none tor vhiiaUnc the
too. In aU ttoa toierral
and vHh au the caaee heard. It
tyaana atnaie indeed that the detect
loud bp dadae U«h or nthor die•avanad tv D. 0- r. weraar a^d <
OHibd la bp dhdaa Umh alvKild
tialn ia eboeorlur.
Tha tatoparaaoa potato giro iho
Hrmv Rnaa prodit «th hotog
^ at ftadtog leotrhotaa through
«WA tkagr sap «arr|r on thotr bualI vUlo tte teggtoraneo toroaa
10 Baaaa fen)oa|i.v4aa It eoaooi
1toc Utolr Tiatottao idileh.
, . r ta»d
tot in thia
, Mt Mtona «kRt m bae boon
i| «bar^ «• boft aldaa.
trhkk la given
a the Harald to^. to a aiaat toI oaa. prababip oaO of the
I Ifdoraattog/atw roadarad
Utokdgaa abd o^ u»
Muuam u »m haw
rodMlM ahd said ftaae or I
■ iiador a U« that
eaep. «hat win the oot» hot n to UlfUr probablo that
a>iriaii oaart viu ta ebUgod to
thtoovah^hoaih to road% tH4 |hdlo4 doetttoa. It
h tMt ho to to Ua rt^t. 9MMI, hoveTar.^auto eoun-' to dm Wf IT toitotha and ai
pi inili bam to ho anbIto ^ tba apriac otoetlon.
l~h»>oaa hattoi boon ooeured


(MOtlMMd wb prUM wd to
Um, oar invert hen rocelred atch
'> ttet mtv of ^
tetv htoo mmIM toto 7«v «bi«k
ve* «M ol tiM bMt iwart U the Wilorr’ of f"in «W** to Oi«>b4 Tto»-

B—c s ur a.

U-aels. Btluiulaie tke II
_ _
butes and purify tbe bhnd Ttay
work •suogen for weak, run-down
and woiu-o. restoring sirengU^
and bealLh that's a dally Mg.
Try tbs-u. Only Ttoc. aaitttoctkui la
PoliicFly cuaranieed by C.
BugI-.-V Drox (X>. 8 K M'all A Sous, abd
liuiuuto A lAy Mcrcsuillle Ul

CTcaucrles. {4H«»c: dairies, tifi
JTc Kgga—Hieadt; recetpAi. lA7f.i
casei;; at mark.
mark, i«se>
Included. i44r
I*< : flrvis. die:
priuw! inc.
Obeoae—Es»: datotoa.
tains. iseiit;(; young
Ions bom*; tfib toUv.
New York,
ll. -tlutterRteady: receipts. 8.UII; creamery,
thirds to Brats. ;ft«i^Sklkc. CBerac'*.
Steady and unchanged; recvlpl*.
77$. Eggs—Stendy; lecelpia. ll.OlT:
slate. 1‘eDnsvlriiiA and uearby hen

George Will Write ReekleL
The Hawley and Snyder orrtisrd at
Onit-na i. being
ainl tt 1. ex
peeled that more (ban S.uou harreb
of fruit will be barvosicd Tbe or
ch?rd tonslsla ol about Tu acres. >ll
ualed OU the high Utod ol Omcat
point, cxteiullng Into Orand Tr.vv
we bay.
The reeulie are o convincing teetl
moalal to the value of apraylog ani fwara. doiea ................................ »Sc
Iratloc, <1^ whole orcbai
orchard havUU
1 sprayowihreti times 1
Watermelona...................... 4B and 60c
dusk .\lex>ns ...
............fcc aud luc
advam.vges ol kiratloa a. the Hawle.
and Snyder farm : bare or 1
ThU orchard has
';ea cuUlvalloa.
Hall dorcb,fliu' vtewa were secur
ed for Itiu but toa from the Hawle.' -laal flour, P-r bbi ... .
lur, per bbl...
land Snyder c rhard. Tbp burmi
also rticelved ^ number of fine ‘ pic
ires from -Slautotee county today
P lid........Me
Prwl K- Ovorge. former adveriulm
manager of the IVre MargueUe rail
road, has been secured by the bureau
write tbe neat booklet Mr. Qeorgt
will begin wonce on tbe work.


SS ;:sr



Kingsley Yeung People W-tre Quietly
Wedded by the Rev. R. •. MacOreger Wednesday Evening.
Wtillsm noekej Ind Mi-s Ho*.
Kolndfe.r drove over Irom Ktog*Iv!
and' were gulMlp married at th<- >Tr*
Mctbodlii Episcopal paraonagv. Wed

A. McGrcaor and Mis* Alice Siller o
being Htnessea The'
will Ilv<Joo tl
near Ktogsl<->
to uearly tom
ahere the nc
pjfled. ilr. Boakey being a prewper
young farmer of that pljcc. shlli
bride U (be daughter of a nelgb
borlag farmer. Mr. and Mrs. Franl

•sved a toMier* Life.
Facing death from shot and shell
to tbe clvU war was more agreeable
(4cln« It I
commuipllOD. “1 conlraclcd a s'ub
bom coM." he writes, "t^t devck>|i
ed a cou^. that stuck to tne to spit'
( all remedies (or years My wvigbsn dowu to m pounds Then I be
an to nae Hr • King's New Dtocovery
hick oomiiletely' cured me. I now
etgh ITS pounds." I\>r coughs, colds
lagrlppe. asihnia. bentorrhage. hoarse
ne*s, croup, wbooplng cough antflun*
iroable, lit supreme. &0c $1 un Tris
bottle lOr. Guaranteed by C. A Uug
be* Drug Ck<. 8. K. M'alt A 80ns. and
Hhoaab A Lay Mercantile to.

(By VaHed Preari
(tolcdgo. am- 14. —No grain mx
lM>ta today «d aMOont of etceslok.

Know the value of a savings
account In a strong, reliable
bank. That's why hundrads ol
them have snug sums ol money
to their'credit in this bank,
earning 3 oer cent Interest c.
compounded twioa a year, s
yew aesoaat

Oldest. Largest aad SM««gl iilifc
fa thlB Part at^tka SIMd

iTATE OP MK'HIOAV. to the (Vcull t oon Tor Grand Traverse Coun­
ty. In Chancery.
May Cclllin. I'omplaloaiit. va. Wil­
liam A Collin-. Defendant, Augus;
IS. ISlu.
It apiM-aiiag frwm aiedatit on file
a the aUiU- cbtUkd.c-aUM- Ihsi the
letendanl'B la.-t known place ol restJence was lu tbu Stair and ibsi pro•ea* lor his app«araoi-e heielii sa»
lul> Issued against him- but bus l•vel>
eiurn.d ihal the same could not be
lerrcd upon him by reaibn of bis cori
ioued sbre-nce from his tastxkiHcaii
rtoev ol resldi-Qce. On uolioa ol L
I. Gagr. Bolicitor for the complalnmtu
t to ordered Gist tbe said ck-.'eiidan;
.villiaar A. CollliiB, cause bU apptor
incc'10 be entered In thi- c*us-- eitorr
.a pc-raon or b' solicitor, wlthto thrt-e
uc>utbs (rum ihe dale berrot and In
'elaiilt iherroT th* Bill ol Coiuplalfi-.
iled'bereiu lus) t>c taken as con'Msed agat:-si hlui

Whf oot take some Ti«w« of the ropldly changiog
summer sceoes orouDd you? Sceoea that you may
never be able to photograph agRio—you cao get them
for a mere piitaoce.

Kodalu $1 to $20.

iotereflted, write ui aod


U you ere

we will gladly maU yoB a

Kodak Catalog.

S. E. Wait & Sons

Traverse CUy


fTATB OK .'1


Huy a Red Jacket Pump tbb

order of l-ob:.c*tlo«. Thirteenth
fudk-lal Ctrr-Ilt. In OSanecry.
iflidavii c......... —- --- ----------Verdinainl lliserd, is not a resident
rf the Male <•: MlchigaB, but resides
in S' Mart >. Idaho. ih«r*fore, on
BOIIon n: rs'iil t' Clibert. aolK-ltor
for romi'lainam is i- ORDERED .bat
the said d. fendani eno-r bU app.*r. tnev Id >-atd cause on or before four
months from tbe dsie of tbU order
ind that wllbto twenty de>* 'be coinplaiusnt cause this order to b-.- publUhed to the Craod Traverse Herald,
said publicalloa to be cooGnued once
iXfh week for alx week* la surcea-

. «
The lasrfcct quotations remain tht
some again today, peuioe*
que-ted at SO ceols per busbal.
I’eackea are coming In faster that
the other fruits, about a car load o' SIOD.
them helng shipped.dally, ti Pofil: 3f
(lie price being paM fer
Circuit Judge.
I•lum» are worth $1 per bmuiel. an<l FARM C. GILBERT.
Soliritor (or Complatoast.
cider apples arq worth 40 cents pet
Aug. 2« Sept J-S-l«3-:» Oct 7.
l«v poueda
: -tftr fniied Preeai
buftaki. -Sept IS —Cattle. 3S curs,
nvady: prime, wnchangc-d. Ctives SO
ran. acflve; gCffll. «>eep. I.poo. .
cbdice lamb*. ITfJT.H: sheep,
ebanged. Hoga. g.4t^ weak: yorkers
*».75«4.M; piga. Bk.dS.

Prudent Women

.Fall Term Now Open

-pUMR I'lsr.T’.JTa.'r'.'s

n-ut feature* of
Hump—You do KOI tMve to luar
UI. toe platfoim or pump to, re]ila<* any part.'
•rbe thre*-asj tore* rsmg lor
Aubnlar aells dUed wMA ROtfewion windmill haad, ktflM
ibrre-as) «uk; 1 inch haavy
brass packing tube, tor** lagtker. all brwas' ploagar; toWbor
aeir expasdtog. requlrb BO at*
leutiou. alU oot Irak.
lOasLTWCted to Ibis
-. aad lait
way wl
D *^» P

stBWla arrwBgemaat

Price $12.S0

Farmers’ Supply Co.

(Wai*iHl«d uxujr froM U* umr ud put Ihio execatioB the ordeca which proactaed Oid Gloj-y. which was Boat- naa^ev bad been added to the reebt&» onuuz«d DiilUft or t^i« cm
wonid ravnil la the abooUai of hia lac above u*e str'ecij near the coraer tiatiuo busk of the eucampwiBnt:
Fruet and J.-nioa etreeta. about -General to J. Bale#, lad baitalloa.
i> balk wltbwrt <
SlOtiM would b« lOU. wenrade. Thla waa ijot ao, however,
btkurr dIBomtIr recorded, ud to ihut he waa oa picket dair, and vUu-a of the 0. A. B-. rep.-e- sun Mi.hi*an Tvriusteer
Bl«ht w« ooaJd look woaiid Uti »iw- leaaad all the prelhalBary arra&«»- seouui tbe 31 touatiea of tbe UranJ Satmh ate. Marie.
Pomuoa-Mia. Fetor fttrSemd.
Haadacbe Hto sucta
BBd f*»* WK UUV IMM «t luenu ot the aaeoutlon. Uowerer. rraveree teldlers- and Bailors'
M. Hosbea. Co. R. iSMsd
lorad OOM Um are aol wub ua.
lUt did DOi take plMw. hU Mead be- Ulion. marcbed to tbe sirUns of York infantry. Bfc Rkplda.
I Biomack aad Uam- «
Itody aaaUUal—Mary BurBchL
edy. an easy «e at C.-A-MtekMOnr'
bu reprieved at the elweeih hour. patriotie mbvic played by the tjueeu . Jobu U. Thootos* do L. FVal UichNa Henoii tee 0>wt
Gato koeper—Tbouas' Xeiteilia
Co., g. M WUI * Sana. ah^ H»—bLater, he«cT^, hia Meail wm kllh-d City band and <be t'eatral ljUiq
•Ve cuBot tieeiow
Usn Hoorp' iibODMrk. North]
* Lay MaeramtiH Co.
Thb Is the hmrtb saboeBli
plokei duty, ead what waa
kreiO. nor be UU over eoDaidfrwu
The parade ass the r.rsi fest-rfi' Uiorxe >-. Fluik. Co- K . Kb klich- gtaage to be occaalivd to liSolaiUM
(boM wbo ao velUnllr aemd their etrawe. Iiad,-hed a preaoolUoa that
tssn IntoBfry. Ahtom Mica.
ivuBiy aad all to a year and one WANTCO^Mamea man HP «OR.
he wa^ to meet death that pKbt. tarn- r Ibe day, io(oi!u( ai 1 o'clock
cvtmirjr doriBf tbki aireaiKHia aiUonicw FbilllJHk Ce. A.. SKh Mte- UU. This county was the last of all
}vee ail h!t oBecu to Oomnfe Kan Froat street, opposite Camp ipsn lafatflry. »k Kapids.
»U- or tb* civil war. Ko act or a
the oHuties tu itm state to bot ._.
iistoiL The day was perfect,
Dbb Kent, Oo a. 2«h MiokhtoB to- cvaac* terrttory and u was ouly fa'
Protcaaor Peaae atiiwiiuced that he bric.-it suasblav bsiah tempered l-y feiitry, Fife Itoke.
lart tor tAe omoj aaeridciee Bade
2V-bn»-y of }M«
that tmriaaan
the Hizr ot autumn, wsd (ivirtc ac<t
caai Tosta wwu Ht whi ar M
aud bardablpe wllllulr eodunid dur- Tould elBc '-The Friar of Ordet life and ibsplraitwr to the aped ot;c-«
AumtiB Miller, iW. R. ipib Valted
:e wa- orgaulted at Keswick- well with tepvo btoad feiMiif gwF
loc ibe war, aad wbee ibelt re-uek»> Uray" at toatchl'a eatnp. flr<^. rtwteal
Slates Infaairy, T'averse Ou.e.
Elnee tbat-dale tjils phase of. the geo. body Keep tba Mood pore wte ■■ |
Ufce pUoe. or Meoonal Day la to tM lOp the preeeoee of about is younx Tbe parade wa> beaded by CoiuNim Harvey Co. U. 4394^ Vniiqd e-al divedopincst campalait has made dock Kc»d finuH. Bit abteto. Mte
obaerred. let na aU do the pan ot ladlea ea ihr pUUorQi to aaelai la Ibt maiider SV W. Oean. of Ibe GrshJ *ate* lafr.ntry. Nesvea City,
wonderful adranca. Thera U nobeiC(«d cliueuhlp br paylDs honor to alttclae.
Traverw- ^IJI.-ra aad Sailors'
Bdwln UiCone, IW. F„ Fttat
■bat real praxroi
Uioae ao worthy of the eourlaay. ai-d
ctatlon, t,WnimBBder H l>. nape, of York, veteran otralry. WHIIamsbara- betox B^- 1
alau aaeiat 1b the proper obeer>-aBc«
liamssli eVUDP. V. S. W. V.. and
F. M. Deaey. Co. A.. 241b MtehUau of the rextoa thM -that ot tba orMuilE OP M1C1U0A.\. «ka PMMM
I. TraWM CU7. MK*.
of hleiDonal Uaj-.
i lor tba Caaaty oC fSSk
Lrlilianc miliuiy .jrevr. Althouch^la .\IsViT
tV: i>. C. Ceroialne, Cooira-*i fulantry. H ellalre.
xailda at grauxea. This uovemeat
ptelely, tbe ldea thai'aotne teve re- aii;«afaa«e
a .vuuac
be ha* 1.
-lev'elaiid and IWayrade A. 2*.
a. WalliOK. C'o- C.. 2«to Mk-fatea.
U »MOpS_tWl
•bogm-tbat IOC
tbe people are befflnptox
-ioa af ted cotot. tasH «•*
ceaily adopted, taat It ahou'ld he
served the
1 for nearly a oiune'i' Hopkins, all i»owo<>d.
iiifiuiiry, Sherasaa.
> probate arfiee„ to
-to iirivA -fur •bi crar tblJixsField Day* for eiarciaea and apona.
century. Ir
ue Ibe Que-en t'liy band,
he t-nlUled as
‘raverae CRy. to'tei (oontp.'<r
Bedford ViOteau. Ca &, Mtb Wisfour
iBatead of (oodaclinc aerrtcea la
private, and a ter three years wav anti afu-r ikti uembrtr. of tb.- G. A. itmsto tolantry. Aldeb.
Fred R. ValkHs
r of otir depaned aoldter dead.
«nd the-T. a. W V.. mouuled.
piade corporal, A year later he waa
JsBies Price. Co. I. First I'aJted ganUed by Mr. 8mUh and two by Ji^gaProbate.
___ OI rrooats
K<-llo,wiri|f-l!i<-«! J'l a -arriax-* *
>aa uude iA«Dd lieu
to tke oiBMt
___ _ _
*-lt U alao Iwlb B(Ua« aad pr«|a-r i-raeaut.
Slates light arullery. BurdicfcvUle.
FYed I'. Waraer of iMd kilwstoa. Frank
Camp Daios
H Jubwsim. daeaamd.
lenaet. durinc this , lime
aervles Tbos. T. Bs^'is. -or
that eeoalderaUoa. eouni
It Clark. Co.'A.. 11th UlcU
iraogee. In tbe oedor «f tb«U
ette ft Jekason ttovtog -Ha^to
Itonor be eaiended at al) tliaea to-tbe (brouch the Oocnhie tuiulm slrHtF. ass nsniej. alsyor K. iVlIbelm. Chap, «aa fntsii'ry. Co. I.. soih MJdUSBB Jlt- orgauixatloa. are aa toUowi:' Uwlaa-.
Leter be waa eletced Drat Ileuteaaai. lam K I. TbOrstou. of ihe sssoeia- i.-.litry. While Plxewt.
au.- Keswick: Kmpira.khuiJ>ra; KmseelBc service in the Marquette min. tion. aad tpigadtiw .Ueiieral Robert
Jameu Greacea. :lst MIAlcno to- sou. Kassou town ball; Ouetda. Pun Whe were at the time ot bto
Bate*, of iUult. Ste. .Mari.-, <vmtha Ktal beirt of aald deraa4> ted'
lac strike.
eatllled to tabeiii tba rte HlHg eff
iider of tbe Mkhixan XaUonbl htoUT.
Ulm the Spaalsh war broke out.
J. P. Juda^
Sk(k vtoti
said daeeasad d(ad aelHB.
A conaty or Pomona graitXa koa at- Wbicb
ao wlUlacty
eaaared by be was lauMered Ja m captain of Co. Guard. 4'ho w..a tbe xucsi of tabni.
U M ordered, that tba «k ^ at
■valry. ip-nsoals
last eveulius and today
: bsM orxaolxed for 1 gelaitan coun­ Oetobor. A. U. IPie. M tea oWI^ H
these Boble womeo wiO ever be dier. >■-. 3ilh Ul<hw> voluaieere. aenlac
John U Lewis. Co.
1st JilebteB ty. This event ocenrreB Sniwday tbe farcoonn. at ste probata oOgn,
AcUnx u esi-ort to the G. A H.. 2J
Irtied la tbe beeru of aO wbo were tbreoch Ibe war before Sanlta«o d?
tootnbera of Hiinuab Camp. I' S. U" fiivaitT. Traverse City.
i-tobt Inst at. tba Kasson towa hsu ba and to bareby appouied Mr tete
to temporarily aever hU Cabs, la command of the 2nd. baHal- V.. tbeir
Alfred UVere. Co. K.. ttk Ulebixaa The otAcers eiecud are as foliowa:
measaiwd slow iq'sei
Is tor^ ordered, that Ftete
tSBlIp tier.
loB, loadlBg his ui?a to vkuny. lit
I Ibe s-nior so!dP-rs.'pre-. cfvulry. Travcm- City.
Master—Charlea J. Suitta. itepirn Dollre thamir ba gtvaa by ptMkm
IVwiH Saiiertee. tky. E. IMth X'aw graiixe.
'The war ot ia«. like the war ot nyonllsted as captain of the 3rd Mloh- ceded tke t'outral lake fife and drvn<
uoa of a coiir or toil ardH. te tkM
Ican the close of the war. corps aad
York Inlawry. Truterae City.
aacwaaxive wwHw pea Huh to atoi 4te
lUI. wo know »u uaavoldab
. ami- the ai.-niben
Rassam of beartox. to tka Otaad TiUHia
Halted Siatea preaorved imace eolobc,
tbe G. A. -R,. ever.r one of tbe 1
Herald, a aewspaftar prtokad taBI dr>
York toUaulry. Trsverse City.
as sart actioa waa
pobalbW. and eoinpany la IMO. belac rowlcclcd
lu their youth repMseased :
itoceriasy—WilUam Saliar. v»««re misted h said cOMiy.
I WMIe RaeHatlena Were
ihieu terwa :
•«nt el veteran#.
hoped thei every boor would brltic
pride and Mrengih of Ihe mtloii. b:
>Tim> R. WAUCA
Ibe foHowInx Sobs df Vetoraas
Jndgi at Fnkfttv. ‘
Qtmp Fire Teatfiht.
as the dtopaMptton is ra Ste- »-i«-3*-M.
have ivgutered Uucc nooa y-asterday:
ayanbed with feeble au-lie, .their r
ekelii which our dark aUaned breth­
,calved toe organltekm wOl ba
Juba Rosera. Tusiin. '
heads bent bentuuh tbe burden
ren. the apaalards. had for oeaturpleied
le» beea prepartne. aad Ufce the
sAcr la ctalet, which is held by
the last Bieatlnx of
Bmpin- 8TAT* bF'«CHiaAN.^'amtt
wiUlam Turk; Raidd City.
of *ei. our uidveraittep. our ooHecea.
omor, and tbe createvt bowr areh. was ir. UfK. bei ■oiuCourt; tor tba
tu Ooatty ot 0
Orted Tcte>
JllseiJlan.eovn-. F. J. Smith. Gte grange a dess ol ihrae Was glvea tbe
the -MhhlBea Natleaal Oaaid. Bt1|bHlch sebooU. and liom every
a be besiowed upon a cltlxeu enable I*, 'tompiete llie line ol iosr.-b
la Cfcaiieery.
itcret work ot the ttrai sad aacuad
y drop 4Hit WHS Coturs.: Huu-n.
dler Rebert J. Baiee of 6auU Sie walk of life, coatrlbuted lu fiaeat of the scaie. He waa tbe falllrr ot the
teceae U Baaaall. CamglahimH.
Ola Rotell. OstaadaoL
Mertc. aave Um priaclpal addreca
manhood. Fhad patenu aad loved •Oldiers* relief UlU. and .to always iti- A. S. Uobi-e^, who Mt k fslnta---.
At the meeilux of Lealasaa graage
Order ot FabUeaxte. IMttH
the <*09 *re tail Bl«hl7 the eadl- oare bade them farewell.-wlabed ihem terested la the welfare of the lui- -nilup oier him. and si-pind i--it ui
ba hHd Filday aigbt of tots week Judicial Ctrm«. to CMtetey.
rank" on iby corner
was watch- dlera:
aoce eWiwtey lu laaih of respect aad
-im-s WiU inlttolad. LaR Saiurlay
l^k sUecU.
appredtttba ef hU preaeeee by ap- ed with pride and eafferoeca.
la prlyale life Ocuvral Hslre U
nigbi a class was pul toroiikb ai Kumeell. Is OM a rrlMiat aC dtaa B
Uac ot itae pailieiic ft-dturee of lbphMM wbea be oateiwd the le
«Ulua Defined.
sales scent lor the Great ,\Vi-sicrw
Tbe fourth grangv has bec-n orgaaot Mlchtoaa. bMraHdMtor
nniMiinilei Hems presided al tBk
"The orcnalied mOltia hae always OU tetitpany, of CleveUtid. Ohio, hav­ parade was tbo preamte of a doien :vd ti-. Ut'lafiau county. The event KxBsoa fiaage.
The regalsr maatlaxsat Grand Trac­ nata. to the Otty ed MtH-Tv
<tep Are. Oe procram beraaP
tdalmed the ri<lu to tall la immedi- ing extensive tniererts la Micfalpnn old soldlerH wbd.w.-re yiiber
>ok plsce oa the evening of Sepieuer* gisiige will be held la tbe hall fore. OB mouoB ot Parm't ___
to mar.h, or who had lost a linb
■edietrty upoa the arriral of Oea- aivly bAlad that of tbe re^Jar st' aad Wteonsia.
• 3 and Ibe organUlag ofatwr was

—— TfTlfTl ..
etal Batea. a Itttle laae. Uyrtle Klefe,
Camp Fire Yesterday Atternoen.
Cusrles J. Saiiib who for so uixay
rtonca dteored of^ Satordky aftar- bar appearanea to aald «aa« te df
*nioii*.fh(n. K-init -'Ol' «lb," wbo has
•thBtac'a aonc Btaat *Two Little of war. Durinx tbe BpaaUh
The camp ftre yesterday aftentoou
!sis wa> wa active member ol tba
KiD. A,good aUeadaaca is cxpecte before toor mteika tiWH <ba teto #
enjoyed too rvuiiton wlib
BsBa.-* Mlat LUJlaa* MapOr^nr.
ealetlnc aUlila was drawn '
tbu order and ttaH wHM» twetep
waa panlripaied la by both the C. A.
uud Tr«v.-rae giaiige localad at
ibis Bxecilpg as a rctert will ba
hce acted ea aeeoapaaUt for the votanteer force, for under
R. membera and the Spanish War.
beir of the \V. R C.. rlJ- i'rxverae City. The nama of tbe new
Bda of tbe uteeUax tacently held
maleal pert ot the cemp Brea, wee that time, it was noceaaary/ur'yeoii- vi tetana the meeiinc, 2>einc opened:
No. Hi:-,
re. fame next. Buotbi-rtiig luture is Oheldx graace.
me dlsirirl gfaaxa at Lung Ltec.
ah the pfaae wia Ian alsbt
1 all the oncer.
addreds of welcome by Ma;
t'd me olfirer- are as fulK-wa: '
:ivr.. limn V Tb- ;kira<lP mu
M. a Holley cave tw4 readlnca and la addition eiamlnc,.AO<*«hlrs WJlbelm. Mayor Wnibeto. paid the
weeks la sanwssloa—
Mauler—IVter H. brelife.
wi-.-i on Frcpit -ire.-l to I'liku] stri-c-t.
rhtld OSS burn.-d le.-rlbLv ulrcut
Ualrd August ». A D„ I»l«.
which were Tory well received, tba force pbytkally. The
so?dlen< -join younc aad old. and the then to
Uxeiscer—John. Uiirfloud.
e. nvck wad chest. I a;*).lted
Mr.-.-t. and bac» vb
Bret belac ibe aUiry of a stammer- ecatly passed, rlchlfully appealed^i women a. well, bl«h tribalei for their
I.s-<turef--K>rl1e Iieciew,
Thoma^ aie.-trlr OH. Tbe paio. —
Circutt jadgm
('.imp BsK's.
'witleb Hr. Hoacy eaa imi- Woiolrte alatute of l7»y aad doSne* loyally to their luaniry in it* tluSe
e«aw-d and the child waak into a rrM FARM C CUAeRT.
ktcwai.l—Oudrge lAWr.
►;..vp '-M^rs. Nsacy il- Haasott.
SoUciior for Complatoaat.
staius of the orcaalsed militia ot need, aad 'cxiendrd a most curdiul . 0«inx‘ i.> 111.- advaniiiiF yafira of
Ute la a moat rcelUtle Baaner..Tbe
.YsrUtain sloward—AuguKl .Warner, j
I’le Biembo'^ of ill. G. A. R_ tojavsi
Sept. PlC-22-50 Ort M44L

eSMre waa a verse ot Bea KUT*. Ibe Vailed States as a part of ibe fed­ welcdne to ibe encampment.
It-vesr^f-. from'Ilii.e to time, to halt,
eral force; provldlof for tbclr
wkkh waa well fWea.
t'ofit^Bder W. W. l>esii. of Ibe as m order u. sivV !hi-cu a niometal It
"Amartca Forever." waa nw( by fbrmity and conformity la orcaalta aotlaliun. rwiqxioded on behall of t,'
whirb to IVSI. 2'or tbi.
rrMeeaoi W. H. PMse. the tout be- Iton. araameal aad disrlpllnc as that O A. H-. as.urlnK the luayor'of i
It aas dec-iiied iiJviK.>b]e to cnaii'.e
eppraprtate sod c>vea ' Itb
the recular.anny; so lodax
depth of BKtrecIslloD which the aai .Ob- line of 111.-ell liom the ^.^lxllul;
t has a well
cistion has for the mauy couriMl
plan, hhon-il;!c it to .onforni to t!
extended to them by Traverse di
xtiv-ua -'i o' the n.-ak.->l who de»lr.
Oimuaaader Dean then
>1 only to) ihe'pre.'in
liisrih. |K-rhaps fur ilie iskl tliiiOeaeral Bates. ^ ateired the nl- rt-sdy lor any emerceacy or aervice
a past.
At 4 o'cliK-k ibis Bkernoon Haiin.vldlere ot his appreSuioo *of tbe boacw that miebt be required of ibem. aad
-I D Gace. ot the Cai..p IKinl'-ipatrd in o sham bailie.
whleh they had hstesded to him. end wUluic. as it were, to -pUy tbe caniu' Spanlsta War velerane. rvspouded
Apctcrad that be war elwaye «iad to
tbe ilmU. tor the boaor and preser- their bebair. and told somethlait
on ii>au.. ilie following
Bo wbatevm- he muM tor the eoldleiw vatloa of oar natioa.
the local orBanlsalkm. He slated tbnl
ot Ihs CtvU war. He epoke ot the
Tbe Btilutde of tlie ceaeral pubtic Ibe local m.-ii.bersblp was 7r.,,with
Pleamra with Whldt h# noted
towardv the orsaaUed mllllU li
auxiliary which wss ready 'imd w
heaor boeiowed. apoa Thoa. T. Batee yet wbat It mlshi be: for as you know lag at all times to work -hand lu
la baviac the camp named tor him. we have to exist, cad depend upon ibe liaad with Itm W. R. C. He assured
»• epi^ in Plait aa leBows;
PDsUy of our UcWalure for s tbe C A. h. ottaaisatiea ihui they
ibMlTieUallMvIisNumber 30 « the veftetable size, has oae adjiuuble knife, can be made to cut
"Mr. Chatnaea. dear veteraha ot sutBcleai sum to ana. equip, train aad may always depend upon tbe Spanish
aoy thickness. Jos^the aiticle for sllcioK potatoea, applet, ontoos. price osIy ISe
•<1. CaBow oamradea ot tt. ladles aad subaJst oor forces, and while tbpy War veterans for


' tm^rma. rn'


• le ew dMMnTutMHUli




iMraiETnio wus

Jnsl When You Want Them



Thu aaeiinc tooichi a««rdi me
CrcM pleasere, sod I teel that
hi^ boiored by bHac able W___
haal la hand with the old and younc
B^llpra for thU eacaaMiment.
*3%eee two ^ecanlaatUos have
mather on thU cai^ crooad
theta- aamal remUon. and 1. trwt that
thU eacamptaiom, aad our camp Brea
may be of 0«at heoeat to ns alL ter
It M a
wonh raman^niic. that
. Diaiv bate today wlU be abeent «haa
the i«n is called at the next iw'The war doad tUi tareka
- thU oooBtrT.tB IKI wee maA kukad
lor al that Uma aad Ua awvlvore wa
taa plainly
thair atamal
larmad ajMit -lis ihacMai war
apd U U alvaya with creal latareai
that we Hates W the atortes aad
ialacencaa of ihCM who taava
'Rrred and te onUttad to the tank
ot a vaternn.'
"War vre can BOt aMMdar aa pa
•rll. tor most always «arb cow
Berfvad (nun It. and wo Bad that
graat haUon that vraa ao aotaay
amSBad fiom the areal atracgle «t
■ai to -H nero nailed than
*The oiator that peace
hroaklnc out of the war batweea the
north aad tbe south wlU always be
d as aa eveattnl
Bsa«er of tbe civil war loemed lanra
beteo lbs pK>ple of Amrrkw. It hivke
o« to tbe aprtw. Md la leas than a
roar had>ad

bare Increwsed oar locoma-atlchUy. It
U yet far from what It thouW be
prwrly 'pUy the war came' a
maintain ao efflrteat orcanixaikm.
but we will lume- that tbae wiU ricbt
such thlBc*. and 1 am sure wa ai
proud of tbe eiwalied uIHlla of this
son t’lb today, anj jpere so.
when we look hack aad know iiisi
sorb-mao aa Fbblus. Cromwell. Bunw.
and BMstalnctoa. weiw mlUUamea; so
loo was Abrabam Llacela. wbo
dered vallaat aenire as'a mlluiai
Jriac the lllaok Hawk war.
"Kio man can serve as a aoUiep
withoet betas made a beitw cllkea.
It would be well tt twnw at our peo­
ple reeelved a ihoit)U|b mllfury iralnlay; It elves him. to use a njimary
sslon. a set up. develop bu tarul)tce. elimlaaie. tu a Ut«e depwe.
evil bahtu. If any, hniMs up aad derelopi tbe sysietu. aud
tbe wvrd -dlsclpUae' that
doev aU meo pood, and temalas tat taU
memory as lone as We laau, U ate
devrltKw the -iMeessliy of
Ulih la kls assoeUtee

ifveM with a aoac. “Out Hanber Bull
Wavee.- after wblob iVanrade James
ttteaeea, of Kalkaeka. *av» a »hor.
talk: Me add of eume ut bU war experiesces. havlac‘b*«« ■ ’cbvl prts
year. ta« menihs and |A.
dayt. Hr spoke at tbe ireUae
ime tatbltstaen when be amt
ihe Mara and jdilicw upu. be>ax rveadttc wherwue ttoa the noeapIMe leased sad iifreed over so tbe Vnion
OTt^roa of oae party w the other, fotees. a teMloi wbkfa be drvUred
aad w« caa all ibank Ood that itaa epato .^ be described. aeUher mIo
dda for Hcbt woe.
<i lie iteartusd He loid
‘TUd the soidiara of B| and
thetic toddeat at the coon msritsP
bad, the '
lac or a nmtnde. aad Ibe deuiliiu;
tbe mominx set far the
tiase that

wlialever they may undertake.
I'rot. \V. .VI, IVaxe. setonipanylnx
Iniseit on aa old faslilout-d meky
ion. sang -I Ala t as Youiik As 1
l .*d to Be.' siaxtoK with such ex
pietsloB ibai % bunt of sjiplaiutgreeleil bis t-Xona.
ber-lu-Lss • VT.oUiar
. »r It
FOIlowlue ihto, J. R, RibicU. of rtic
»ui>id Qty Arpua. pave the boys a
Ultle talk, tfbleh was n.sinly, cornpotod of wily stories which “Ol' Rib "
veil knows bow to tell. He coaipared
Ibt- excellently prepa.ed meals which
fcbelDxacTv.< ai Camp Hates, to
ITuiU Is Itsvarw la e----- tl<« baM cooked atuy beansfaud weaa
coffee, whltta was olteo the (are oi
tbe soldier. He amused the audience.
Itb several slortra.
Camp Fire TanighL
This eveiuos there will be a camp
IV la the Uk tout at Camp Bate.,
Several piamlaeiA' local apedkeia to
xlve addreum »\k v*rtous reason.,
ikera truia oin of the city who
wer* Invited to alt<-ud. will*
rrptwa ol (P.aeral Uaus. have becu
unable to coate. but ibe ratenainqieB:
fliU jwepared lor ibic
euttrfeney. bartox secarsij Uc
i «-es of Aitorney Pa-wn C. OKbert, the
Rev. U. A. Hllta. anil oihtta. all
will Xkc ibedr b«*l for tbe old
ooldlrri' iwmp file. Mi. li-lb.
on the roiiex ywiemiUM duriux tba
^mmth war. aud Ibaee' are lew. ii
any. who ante a Ue«per r.-gand lot
tbe boy> Uilb old and' youim. wbo
were pritl'exvd to seivw their
117 on Ibe Odd of battle
AJihouph no raasp Bit *se tb(s
afierncwin at (-amp Haieo. the aiui
lUg hours weiv.- uisde pVaouTi ly
Ilbertnx la the awdltartum teat of
T»iii wUl laive Tratwrae Oi ty al
Duntbn of Ibe w>mra»(w and me
a- to.
Retoming, Imt*
bars of lU W. R. c. who speot the Grand Rap!di at 'fOO p. a.
lime to u-mus Iterlea pi the
Have, ami to ilntfax pairiolir m
BsBMTrt»rMrMto«MTbe FarMA
f-'- ItetM


SOnday, Sept, 18

Waf UM,


. ..flwfcW

N« -10 C Slaw Cutter.
6>ixls Inchts. one.knife,
20c. No. 45, Csize.6>ixlS,
has two'acirustable knives
only 30c. No 50 C Kraut
Cutter ''x26 inches, sliding
box and two adjustable
knives, price. $1 -J6. No. 55
C size.'<x26 inches, has slid\
ing box and three knives, $1 50. No. 66 C. size '^<80 toche«, hat iKdiag box 'aad
three knivn, $2. No. 711 C, size 12x86 Hfdief, with box and three kolves, wood ia
the bottom^ is put crouwlse to prevent warping, price $3.50.
All of these are made of white maple sanded very smooth, tool atMl ItfiWs Oat
can be set at one operation by lock nut. Simplest aod most perfect cutter that la

Canning and Preserving S^asm
Send in your orders NOW for the thiags that you want. We tell all tizM of
Mason. Scram and Economy Fruit Jan: Mason, Scram aod EcoaomjrTopi. Try tbe
Lipped Can Rubben at lOe a dozen or the Marvel Can Rubberi at 10c or the Cleve­
land Can Rubbers at 5c. We have Parafine at 10c a pound, PicUti^ Vlaegtr fa
ion and half galba jugs; White Pickling Vinegar at 35c a gallon, Malt PiefeHa^
gar at 3t»c a galloo. Amber Vinegar at 30c a gallon, Cider Vinegar in bottles at Sc.
Pure Pickling spices at 20c tbe pound. We have the best of Red asd Greea ftippers.'T^aulitlcwer aod all things that make good pickles. The best of Graaulated
Sugar for caoniog.

Tklt is the Store tbot Mppitco «ii4 Mtttfko




Grand Traverse Region

SU ler hw bM*
(M4rt auii


tto.wlAUr vttb bw Mnt

BoartoB « >( tb* 4iy ta

’^SwTa.^'OMDPbfn abJ Mra. A.
It MlUbw *«ta« tftWM <air
Mra. Jokb Bm«1v •»* motn r*tWM4 Sm» tot TnaaAar fros
•rv «Mka a»aat *t Oraad lUpMa.
Mto Uara FWtaefc of Tra*«n
Oty *•• tb« cooat of Ur. m4 Mi


UiOBoa Hama Hatapaeh aaC
Muto Ml arm tovt la iba nonto ler Atoa. Ulak. vbara tbar »iU
•toed acbool (or tba aiuulac paar.
.Ito Mtooo umla ood Atoa and
•totot toa. artoad ftiadar fi

rVtolidto' Aid of tba U. a eboroh
fiM • oblokaa pta aamr >a to 10*0


^to Bra Boot*, a mofoaal
•vaa or.Atoco, arrlrad . Sui

Him. Maala Joha paaaed a

Tkmdv amto 10:M o-«Joek attar
: .
dm ot tataaae ntarliic from
I- toalaiiru tba voold bar* beaa it
L Sm aM OaL t. Sba torat teatdat
l-ririMahaad. a tv»’r•a^QU aoa. Kaa<
la babr tototar, thraa
------A. a totor aad meibar. Ur.
I Jfio. tarr Bron of soar OaMaa
Idataia. Ur*. Roao Coatbwia> Ratu Bnma and a
Ska oral

> ago ta

» of NoTtbpOK. Mos the
__ Abar of...................
too toraa a

• Blancb Hawlty«mlik who baa be
a toot dork aad breaAwa*er
■Wtoc Mra. MUdrod Haktaa tor o
il daya. twtumad to ker hot
ery fine noon, eata yewr th«
ibsr of guests lorresme, ood iw
Oo aecooBt of wat waaiAer «
e fo
fnnerai terrlcH- tbraablag maDhlae baa been nable
to mour far Aar. Tbe
rsnieau made. The floe i
grounds M very sltractlv.
VM baM ta (br
church-oa Saaday aftamooo. the Ra».
e :: toots tor the accvmi
A. Baaull aaaiitad by tba Ray. C. K
aod pleasure of their guesU.
Tklaa of tba ». £. eburch. ortklaiaO.
Mr. W. }. Tbomaa coodoctad tb.- m
A. Klloa and fanlty. aod -Utu.
A mliad quartK‘a couflDt from Ohio, took la tbe
o. V Holme*-scut to Ktotale:
o Prankfort
«ad tackSwt
Wall \_________
Mr sbd Mrs.- Prank Wl^ary sn>
Ood to nea " Tba floral oCertoa
W. will giT.- a
Tbe I.
Miss ti-rste and tnaod WilM-y ol tAu.
vara boAttfuL Tba ranalut wan pte eupper at Hoy epaaclrrrBay. were guests of Jerry dkiver
iBtarrad la tba Kortbport cauietaty.
ilDS. Sept. 11.
•a.t Sunday ,
aatlng wlib Hci HenahaO:
Uaratan Jobaaea aatartaluad EdMiss Clara SkBer tUlied her par
ard Maami. >uu> VoMar, Cbarlai orpt i«.
'»ts citrr Sunday.'
gutta a few from haiw attcodad ib«f Mr Merritt baa a new wliid mill
ad Jamea Tbomaa. Amoa Ram
Held day at Buckley. Batuiday.
Bauata Ourkhc
J B Brice bp.- returned home.
(Jrp(. If
______________ jraalafl. J
I'be tent neetlnga at Wilsons Cor
aaaortad <«hao and puacb r
nets, bate been very liitereallnL be­
lievers being streugihi'unl sud pre
' Our arhool conneoced lait Monday ' >. souls are Mug saved
■s. McManus broiber of Spencer,
with Harold Oumbrlll of TravenH-t'liy
a nephew of ProreaaorlluDibrlll t^A- spefli Sunday at tbelr home.
Soldi Ty ler and O V. Holmes ol
rr. It opeoed wUb :i <ui (be roil, but
w|U be lorreaaed to 4u iiex( Uotulay tended the pritoary eb-otton nt KHr
fioB Datrott. wbrre aba ajiaot i
The rblldreo are plra».-d »Ub their Lake.
paat t
The noon irgWT' on the Travers-tearber.
Rky KUher relumed to lila rilv brsiiiA Hoke Its niKluc snil
in Uapio ict(y. Saturday, after- was delsycd si llslmt-s Sldlti* Tbe
da>> brn- with bl* londitctur -caiBe <>vri to Ur. ll^es
to lise the. telepbone and sent to
tba aleklufl of carferrr Ko. It. Hri.
Traverse City for a n. » engluv. While
Hoaeneratia aad aon Iao, orra Id >d^ yery much.

l.«dimu at tba Una taviac reQuite a number from here wet I to be, was walling (or the nieasage over
oeiMirwM tora to vlalt Mr. Roaan- ort Oneida today, to atieoA' tbe (he phone several esnu In to get a
tneral of Miner Kelderbouae wbo lunch. Mrs. t>. V..t(olnies soon »er>I to Mortbpon. for a two weeka passed away last .>Vlday forenoon. cd bat coffee aod a guod luoih. and
vaoatloo oa tbe day iba aocidam o«- 'Hia fatuity and frteuda bare our sbib- watllog'orders from 9eadi|usrters two ladlee came over to sec wbat
id. Aa yet. (be body of Mr.
^JWeaMtr Dumbrill came borne bad heconie <i{ tbelr coBduclor
from Riupire Pi^ay erenlug. lie
ttoaoBorua and b
D are atipacted aaya be U pleaded with the arhool
bene tomorro*.
aod spoke very highly of the .tearber
Work ta procra
Hr went back Saiui
taking bU family wltta bim. We ■
> Soldiers' ceuBKm i
lEvelyo Warren, who baa boMi look for tb-'lr iWurn here, after the
apaadJnx tba auisBier with bar ,aUter, cloae ol tbo acbool la the spring aa
Mn^ Kata WJIaon left 8«Dday
ly to>i» tbclr bonii- is here.
Inc 00 tba ataamar MafilMee. vviiTaiiThere were 40 gudau at Walker
(or bar home to Danvar. u
>11 laat seek.
feaaor and Mra. RklHon
Wind heavy, lake quite rough Ts»
cblldren and Ura. Curry aod chlM
>ea rrou) Otaiid Rapids here with a
Kayiuiuid Peterson is homo from
vbo bare bean apandinc tbe luni
CaaollDP boat, have put it in tbe river IMud Haplds lor a few da-s.
harbor fur safety.
Mr- and Mrs.,1. II Ilonuell
Tbs barge Craute took a rargo ..
cord wood from Plibert dork the
A Durry
crowd of young people eo- forepart ol laat week, and a cargo
Mr: aad Bra. J.
srr at)oyed a bay rack ride to (be .bone lumber the last o( the sook.
temllug the (sir
timiid KaplJp
of Stanto Oartbe. taking baakeU wall
Cbarles (ilbson and family left here this w<-ek.
Bllad. Twey bad a picmix- aupper, of- several si-eke apn In their coaoUne
guile a iiiiuilsT
uir olj i-oUlj.-rs:
arblah tbe avaitoc waa apent ID boat tor an outing on L«ke MlrUcau. vd iliciT fsuiUlea
- ai lending the
They brought up at.........
reunlou at Traverse. thU wfek
-Mrs. Kugeir-' Quacka-iibush has gone
’ (heir goods, i
to Gra^ Kspldf. wbo-- she e'sl>eels to
stay there udiII spring, as live this winter.
B. B. Patrick la oa the sick llaL
rark U piilency. In ‘ cedar
Mrs. J. J. VIehnrdI ol South Boardnoyd Butler and wife bate purTbe tifpgoo'
tifS•goo' resort
will close Moii- man.. Is tlaiiliiK hir mother, Mrs.
>ased 4ba farm td Harbart Hall aad day. They hate
e hsd
had 160 gueMs
guoMs thiH Wells
win nnra tbit fall.
aeosoD. Ilai s:o l-ooked (or n.«t . IX-iii Him- Is wiN-iidltig a few dsvs
PiMk l^wU and vKe took dlaacr
Urge cottages engsy ' I (iraud Haplds. this week
at a JenklM' Sunday.
They sill bulU
Stpt. II.


traverse C
Ml Wedae
•Mr* 8. McOarry entertained tar
4sier from Prtday tUl Monday
Mrs C e. MacT aod Mias AUcdscy of MayAeM.'vlsttsd at H. Mai
ey'a from Wednesday oatU Pridpt
jt last week.
Mrs. tamben Is supping at WQi
(elm's tor a fe^ days.
snd Usst« Jack
•k. but are bet-

Loans Made oa Real Estate
tVIUHlm Block

The fsmlllrt. o' Mr tVarpe
Havid .M iiigohl '
litre at Klngslvv. last
talurrfA. . uv>arion brtog bi-r
bliftolaj siiEitcrsai)
A flns vbalt
le chii-lrra,
as a renKmbrsDcc of tbe day.
Mias V.-la Vundertort left Monda.orolBg lor Gramitllle. Ohio, »h--re
li-nntsos UDlv-rsliy
ir us Imns
-s' a pupil
U« Mind
Iwptds Friday to re r Mrs Ja:uie—ii
si Mcrty hcapUai. tie repo-is that
Kt* hi csliilDg and usy I’e cap- >ied
ocEog, NOT wonbk.
bciue in two weoka.
'tlurr Jawee taa been bsti-.r ibv
>aven* C»y People Hsvs Absolute
addilU-n to hu bo.-i>e i-l^-.cred
.Proof of weeos
Oeods et Home.
He 1-. nl-i. vnvtlae
It's hot words, hul UiKvds (ba-. 1
i-:s loL
Vi-ior Vandenorl had
The tlv<-.t4 o( lloau's Klduer
a iwy
For Trav.-rse t'llf Kldocy snfferers.+fl
Hate made'itaeir loi-al
(be Bound tx-iag
Proof lies in the uwtltnotiy ol TvM - »«> Muf
blood potonlbg
rse t'liy people wbo have been cured fcari-d .
D stay cured.
Mr. Striker reiurrtvd Monday (rom
fAlgar Ortnsby. :(>♦ W Tweirih 111.- Siddier-' h.ime a: Grand Rapids
trcel, Trat--r-» <'ut. Mlcb.. ways:- ■ MUs tto!-tte Holiday enlertaloed the
fk>r years 1 suftcieJ (tvm kidney Misgew IVIIa Mater and tAtberine
ompUlni. Tbe klduc.v seereitons tViJhcIm at Traverse Ctly, at the
-Dlalned a Sedln
ofday riv'.iage at Arbutus lake. Bafway. Whi-B
rda.t and Sunday
about (or a cure. 1 was advised by
•Mr. |•laIl Barnuin and John VannUs drrvnri hs«» from Keysteme
sURgcsiloti. 1 pro, after w.-iklua u wh<,n ilnw tor <he
-d a supply. Tli,-t vuilrely » gu--*ii fity Ele,irh I.ighi aud Pos.r
ed uit aches sud pa I us aud also ■-ompaiiv.
ama.v with the kidiiry weaknem.
Tbe saw-mlil wOt brglD a vAorl run'
ve Uian's Kidney Pills credi: for this
cure, as 1 took mi other taedl-J ,m
Mra, Klrk)Oiirt<-k eui,-elm- while uriiig them." fStatcmeul tnl
|v<-v Iron Ohio, l.v-i week
glv.-n .\ugust
!»ih; I
I tiuy G.xms.-ll ai.d
|day. after having sp<-nl
August i:. 1WU.V.
Ornisby]with 1-is lather and i
said. ’.My -gem-rsl codorseaieul
j|. u(-Thelr (uturv
Itoa&'t Kidney IMU still holds gwxt <Nt ai<
I have no obJ,'itton 1
not ab!e to Dll hU puRUi 8uiida> ct.-n. .
line. A g>vud«is.-d aodleno- Pad .va
vale by all dealers. Price i,l semVdedr b belug his IsK aenice
K<>>(er-MHbum Co.. Buffalo, farnWatne ManIgoW'a iVo aluefs
Oil SUire
r., Maiiutv-W. sr.. were guests
KeUM-mber the nsmi
e forim-.' s hotne Suada.take DO other
Clarence Field at Honor, vUlled
Rovsrd Manley Tuesday tlU Wcdsca
lay. on taU way to Imkevlew.
Mr. and Mrs. Sietr McOarry were
rraverse CHy shoppers the J*H of;
tbe week.
Mr. and Mis Jim HUer apeoi
dayat O. Tosmsend'e.
J. "M. (*Ta»daII *ein to Traverov
City on Weduesday.
Mr. aoA Ito. jAitbor .Maey ' i
ebllitreD or aBrfWld. were the goor Ur. and Mrs. J. II. Usnlvy, «
A slight (ro<t tbts nturtiiDg.
first we hste hsd.

-1 a:-..

•uApte CITY.

Mr. aiaui-ennsB of



preached si - he Prlaads''ohnrta yew
Bd.aviumere nod wife are entorRoute aod family at DMivdt
id .Mrs 11. Mahu of ('vslar vislisd
at Audick Fishers a f.'w ds-j Sf«^
Mrs f'lencb Is eDter-.aluing iwtatlvvs
A n;inttH-r froui he-< attewd.-d the
ruoerat of Ulm-r Keldcrimse ,ai
port Oneida t^ulidsy:
Mrt Or Burke tas •one to BarUfto
Mlk-. to care tv Mrs. 4'bas PriioT^
Andrew naher ts btiUdlag Us wer
Scbnol br«an tkis toornlog
Rykev with the primary r
Ite-ii. to Mr and Mrs. Wih. KalMryuse, UD Sept Ptb. a son.
My»s Uari itarSced aptat SdUUy
Mrs Prsuk lv<-how has Irimd*
om •'bl.sno. VISIlUtg iK-e.
Ur and Mrs. t'bar'-rw KvIAerbttoss
■ Ra-.-14s, were called here to at­
tend ib-ii brother’a (nnerwl Sunday
Ur Wm And-wsoo and Irleod, Mr.
ikuiursii >.f Trwverse flty. were tbe
I Of !• 1 Bsia.-nd ttndaa.
-r Ju'iii liii:-u--od M>FOi a Tew days,
■fsvetre- «'li,v. her peo-


a.KSLi’irsrcf “ ■



Fall is Here and Winter is Approaching
an44t'»tim* now to prepara for the colder weather. More time wlU be spent indoors, and many things must be added to the home to brighten it
up and make It more attractive, healthful and inviting. Our new Fall House Furnishings are here In all their goodness and splendor, and. with
our long experience In home outfitting, we are prepared to helpVou make the most profitable selecUoTis. and you ca^pay for them a little at a
wme Is jiwvi vwiBifs


Unlversals Do the Work This Handsome
with One-Third Less Fuel
Solid Oak Chiilonier
Only .$5.75


If you want a good place to beep your
clothes aod add an additional piece to your
btdrocm; get this Chiffonier.

Special Couch Bargains

TERMS. $1.00 down aind $1 00 weekly.
Mail ordetk tilled while riffy labt.

Wcluvefiveor ^ hlgh'grRde Couehet. whick have been
dMtIv dssRged on our galei floors or through iramportatioa.
aae mlcb •• aow offer st lesi ibta cost, ia order to diipose of
cbwi Qol^b^Dch with frtme cheeted ia one piece for J0.7g

Sewing Machines

bvr^Co^ with frame Rcratched to one or twe ^ ^ 3.00



Aad-the othcra Rt tlioller .ncrificee. If you weat a good
Coueh-^hetp. come io right away and look tbete over.

A SplendM Tbne to Get Baby a, Good
Carriage Cheap
We are cloiiag out Caba, Cart* and
Carrigei now, a* we do not wish to
carry any over the winter moatht.
Some are going at cost to ua. aod some
below cost. One haodiome CoUapiible
Can. RVong and durable, hai good
_.t.s----1-------J it real roomy irside.
rubtto tire* aod
Fitted with hood. Did
for $9, DOW only..
Ooe large, genuine Reed Cab, high
heel*, ver^uxurlantly padded Intide,
implete anth'lace parasol; did »«U for


...-- -

haa been
r e Q t tjd
durln g

mw; will now offer u for only $18.
«a have Kvenl
mfenl othen
otiwn at vimilar
prwe rednetons, awl yon (lecht to uke
advMtwe of ihMeextnmabWpntae
WOMB also ahov vm mm» aijabdld




Then you should investigate the Univeryal line and see for
•uraeH. We have the cAt lusiva sale of Universal Stoves anB
anges in tbia city and aelHhecn on easy payments. Hvery Uni;r&al la fully warranted.


We sell the Standard Sew­
ing Machioes because there
DO better machines made
my price: they cost less
than other machioes and give
better sa.isfaction. We are
sure if you once used a
Standard, you would never
ibs any other. We also have
ether makes ibould you want

Remember Our Street
Number, 120 Front St.

We have the largest aod beat
steck of diners in Northern
Michigan ranging, per set. from
,S4.7a to 385.





tloa of ibe sMohiiUb «a> m»*a asB
ftted vllh Ih* etork »nB copied or
iprtad U Uric upon (be mupenrUof**
‘Now tb«
«oe«ih>o tbai
CtrikM lee w beias l«Ul U IbU Wc
U tbe failure op the part of ibe boarJ OEtCOATEB WeSE NAMED
Mkpervtoora to require or tbe pablutpr to file • propw
proof of publlof tail («
Noer we all
kito* tbal}' action ean be
had in eourt upoa a public aoUee. an
atfidartt or proof of pubUeatioB ou nolle* or retoluUon abouU be ou
Sk a> a boaiii of tbe acUoo.
-1 think tbe fuocoedloan in ibb
laee are faUl in that reapeoL
“I alao tUnk there kbould be a prvauiUe 10 the reaolutkm as in Itself is eierpe L. Cfiep Wu Eteeted Che>r^
mpa el -the County Cemmlttm
Bol mitaclenL In fact,- Ibc reraluUou
ReMrt Walter Given a Vote
is not roni^te as aayone can 1
rrodloc ft—If they can uuderaund
el Thanka.
tbe foico aud eVc<t tu be alvcn tbe
(Proai Prula.' s Hcrord.l
Travers* couuty t«put'.No*.-I
iKan ceovrailoci. held in the couu
111 tbts ouunly, or Id any other
houu yesterday aftennon. wns call.-d
I)'. that feeU none about tbia m
order by County Clerk Robert K .
and Ibla dorJatoa than i do.Wsitea la the absence of Iteiuiv
there probaU)- but anyoue le
Cbairnisn W. E V'liltanm.
rounir or any .other county that will
readmg Uie -call. Mr. Walter
b« more crlUclted by peraotu who
do not tuUy understand the alluatioD. <uUe4 cvuoi) Scliuol <X>malutoaer.
But. rusardkas of that. I have to act Giurgc U Crisp. u> i>roe«ed-w tempo­
boDoMly with tnyaell and In nocord- rary cfaalrmatL iflr, Waller wu then
ance rlib ay oaiW of o»ce and let Umded temporary secreUry.
After a brief nddresa.
the criUoUin come afterward. That Is
Cusp appointed tbe twUowliig vuumiia Bauer that does not conreni me
"Hm propoaitlon U aiBi>ty tbi
Crta«nttete—W. W. ;8miih. Prsjfk
Trude. Dr. I.. J. TVdmaa.
Tbe records of tire ^oard of »v
Penuabput organfulkm and order
viaors as uade do not toBidr wUb
the Us,. cuueQuenUy. ktoal option Is
bnslucBs—Prank HauUtoa. DcuuU
not in Nirce In this county aU
Hokste. Lee Hontsby.
oauioi help, under the Uw. but
wHeuluilons—p c. Gilbert. J. W
HaoMa. Joseph M. Myers.
Bod that ihh Is the aUnaiMu
After tbe ai>poiuUuest of commU■Tbe reapondeiil U tbts case
thereJore diuebaned and I want you iccs. the conteuttun took a recess
,tU the lepoils ol Uie committees
d cieariy ti
ere rudy.
U clearly une of Uv and I at
Upon reconvening, tbe <
atdlitlB* hsirs. to do It. eUbor. The
thine U so patent upon lu fnce that
^rted s; delecaies
any lawyer in lookinx over the
ords would come to toe naiue concluI '•rganlutMRi aud order of busP
tloa. That Is all there U to iv
i reewmmended that tbe I'empce


the sale of the late milHftoaIrA cftnr*Tn.
N-W YnrK <*iirv. whr>

W«=‘H«*r & C»»..
r**r**nT|y ra-

t»r#^0 from ih>^ wh<*l»w«*<e busint^ss.
up-to~datH Dr#»»a Gof>d8 way belOiV
th» regular prices. Thay are mostly In 60lneJ^^ldtb8;___Fonowinj^_ou_r^_old
‘•Bought Ohaap and Sold Cheap;'* tha fol­
lowing ssrsfsw fifthsvslu» wrooffrms!
Brt^clOlha, frl«. OQ^
yi^5,«p!OMl pnrebmu ptioe.......................... OjfL'
SlMW SCfOCV, sU colcuf; Bpeoisl
PfTOol. amy Waratcdo. 70^
bbrk oslj, yi.Si vjIow. «p^' purcbkte priM / Vu
W.isoh all wool. >6 o», stom Scrgcv. 01 10
fegu'arprioe 11.60, a:)ec;al parobaie ^rico *PI •M%7

62.look Bradlonl dyed SlclUa'M» regul.r QS^
pr)oa,|J.26;apaoial pnrohaat) price....... ..

54-iffili Black Moiiaire;75c value, yd.. 4So

^ Traverse aiy. Ulcli.


alderatlob ih thU c

Basis on Wblcb Judge
Lamb Gave tbe Decision
That Made Benzie Wet

After aeven Yura ef valubir 8e,-. Vie* In Traveiec City. He Will Qe
Second—That the local option 1
to Lsreer City.
1s now In lorce la tbte county or s
Tfasrsday-,: Record.I
at-the time Uie alles^ offense «
Tlie-VvnQliu Record rwciets to ancusuniiied.
noonre tbe twhlgnation of Mr. L L.
Third—That the reqandem ec
Sievonson who hu ailed the iWon
muted tbo ofleasc. made the Mie
tuntehed Ihp ihjuor pn the ease nu,y kibie posilloo of city editor and talepenph edlloi- of i;he Keevid for the
pest seveo years.
Proof baa been offered te this tasf
Nr. Stevensen U possessed of
on Ibe pait of tbe pecdde to ealahtte^
cxceUenl qualilkallons as a aewspaU poastbk-. one o( theme eaaenttel elper man and special future writer
eaieuu. namely Ibe sutBiiescy of the
end hb wHitnc*. have been te
proooediuxe of the board of sujmu-vIsIterate dematei Irmu other portloiw
ors in canyaaslns the vote and tbe
of ikte sute and other ataUw.
retolutteD prohiUtlux the sale,
Ur. Stevenson aud his assoc
ufacturs.. tittag away or furBtebtey
oo the Kvontefi Rcoom have ___
iuloxloottac liquors in this county
l«en>Avake to tbe Idu that bis abll
i^irtlDUb of Ibe records of thu boaid
tUcs quaUiy, him for a wldi-r field
of BupM-vlMri bate been offetod te
endeavor, althousb hte aervkcs for
evidence. Tbe question
bus bemi
the Herald end Uecord company. wAUe
rained by the defundnei as to the sufbo hu been In Traverse City, have
ftciency of these recoids and In makUq that ubfecUon. counsel has rajs- bcea^nvatuabJe bud hi«hly apitecclni
ed by not only Ibc publtsbers of the
ed tkane ofajectloiu:
fltente* Becord but h>- irlends of the
-Plrst—l%at tbe lesoiuUon passed l«por.
by the bcMrd of snpen-taoni does nut
.Mr. Stocensou bad an eviousivc
comply with the tew.
perlence lu newspaper work before
’Socoed—That the prclended reeo.
eotelny to TraevrM CIO' and bw rw^
„F|rat-Thal tbe i
l te sot teitoa does not follow a preantele.
here because of firm -friend
» draoM -or a tetMeted pbaraa- . Third—That the board of supert ls-ehipa. which be ba=. cstahlisbod la
ors does nut deslsnate a nvwspapei^ the city, iind the confidence te hioi
Honor, Uicb.. e«i>t. 11.1y alur JuiMe lAn.b pave bu decis­
ion yeeterda^ that Beniie county wts
vsl, beo^ appeared in «uanUUe«
aad by atgbt taa thate were a numbw «E draoka white eerenl wereoat
Wbh raad Alcki and eTco foot nates
IMhihE ter a k>ralieo 400 feet bon
the tAOTcb or tbe acAool.
-.Sbe W text of Uw dec^don which
Mw aaiiaied Beuaie aa so dactaloB has
atlrrsd the county prarloiiely. la as
■Oa tba obEMUoa made Jtr Ur.
Mmcdaooy of the
gioeSedtws l^aake Iml ootkao offeetho wIibtD this county, the court
decUea w loUuws:
-Ttonttomen of Uo btry: Is this
ca^ there has been a «aeeUcB rais­
ed by the eouBsel tor tba defesdam
aplo Ibe sunchocy-cf Ue preceedtass nhanhy tbe ImwI opUoa tew Is
■Ode eperatice tat tbte ooueiy. .Now
In all ihaee local dotloo cases, thuru
ape tbree essenUai eteinaou to be asihUlsbed before
eoavicUoa can

Paints and Finishes
for Your Home
|f there it a sliabby surface in your liome to bepainled,. enameled, Oaioed, t aruislicd or fished in any
Avay, we have jurt what jou need for producing the
exact dnish desired in the line of *

let m show y«t colon io* iteiming your hoiud^ or barn,
umfitt of finhkee for Boon,-Woodwork, w»li>..cteliii«» far fumiaie.
Let BS help yui nuke shabby surfsee* look t^w-a^d ittrtcthw.
C.une te »aj g„ ,
,rf THE .ACME CC/liTfv- PAlKTt.NG
OUU)EBOOK,fuUofvteiUJ.i»l<«»tk«fc..--,uo. I-Ps EREt


and htewoi*b.vthe^Ulvhers of Ih*
Record. Mr. Stevenson
which he is net yet prepared b
iiviuice but which ».♦> dou!a.lcw.
ii'ra'te a luslilon woerv bis abiUUc*
will command croater fluanctei /*
tuma thaa the reooorcv. of Traverse
City have w-arrantod or wUl wamnt
lor several years lo coonte teat teg the empiny ol the Herald
aud Sweord company. .Mr. Sieve
ran tea w ith bte> tbe biiiiut esteem
oflhepdfellsbedswbo bc^ak forbtm
ito success wkich bis quallflcatioat
are sure to command in a beld wfaK-h
will give him wtdu SOOTH tor tbe ateliiles which he possesses u a news­
paper man.
Stevenson will ^ luve the
Herald and Record company teimedtaiely. Hte AofinUe plau will be an.
inced after he returns (tom bis vncntioii. which wUi bestn nest yteek
Seerv^an Gteson of the W. M D.
bureau, returned laM alEbt fiom
■fonhpori and Oioeoa. where be str
ored to -busheU of apples fw tbe
big shoH. Svereury Ulhun left too siieud Uie Grand Jlapide fair,
after wblob he wUl go to Cadtltec ahd
luect a. E CAarch, the two making
toor of sevetnl teira They will b*
'OadlUac PrWay. thea go to Ledtegtoc. Manistee, and UriiotL \lr.
Gibeon will also attesd tbe meethig
of Ue Xenbera Michigan Preu aaaoitalloo. which aeMs at Elk KnpWf.
bM. Chan.-r of Nocihpon i
t^O to aaeend the vmiuoa.

Grant—George Riley.
Green fjAe—John Anderaoa.
Iteng Lake—B. B. Duryea.
MsyfieM-ltan Pawltegs.
Paradise—A. B. BtteaMn 1. T. Tednau.
PeateMUa—E. O. Ladd.
I'nton-Juupb.. Myers.
Whltewater-^Ral^ White.
Plrst ward-tedwird Wahe.
Beroad ward—J. M'. Ztauergun
Third ward-1 a UUbert.
Poonb ward' Janiu Murebie.
PUtb ward-U K. Cleveland.
Thu newly elected members of ib«
oanty commKtee met Immedlsitly
slier Ibe adjouruiaeel and organised
Iteorge U tYtep wu elected tbalriUlph S. lUsttegs secralai
tud A a Curtis, treasurer.
Mr. IVWHer. tbu re-Uring secreury.
tendered a i ole of thanks U
Walter, who held Uie oUie* ter sK


Why are Wagons Painted?
l™, £e

H, ibH. bu k. ism iw Ik

11» piu, iml o, <

is chosttjGr its We«t and wehtber renisti^ quglibet.
'll Btoy BDt
much itfercat from (fae "«heM>'‘ wwa wim .
Ask US for the book. ‘Hlse Farmer** Fmod." which ilwwg
|ust how the Studdwker is Oteffe.


All asteAed tee dance at Jas. Wat. .
' PrWay algbi.
>ei niore fitly apply:
"tnrcDgIb and diyuiiy were
longue. Che tireuhe-r forth her banc
he ueedv. 8he looked well tv t
(-taabinj; luto a telephone
s VI her liLuebo’d. tl.T ciUlUwhile ruunlug at Its Broatesi speed.
op und till her blesHMi. H
fum of borses bplooglng
hand airo pralscth her aaylna
Fred Sebroeder of west of the cUy.
i.r women haw done worUlly. Uu: havw teem leave.
Mra. Oho Und»
ow tea nick
1 exontlesl term aU. Ci.\ Ik uf
InrianUy killed Tbursday.
trait of ber bands. An 1 let bi-e
cifit-r sHirui au slightl.T Ipyared, worka
r. aud U
Bolamter Ml today
prslae her. A aonm.: teat
Ibe speed having been so-grui
____ Rapida.
alter visiilag a
leartib Jcbotab. abe shall he iirsl*■hurt time with triceda and retotlvea
Ibe wagon wu demoUsbed am
Misaea Clara and ABoe ArwoM
Two of bi-r favorite hymns. -Ji»'
borsu buried under tbe 4^>Hs
As I .•.m.- and ':.kWd* Wite Me. • w .-re •eot Satarday and Samlay la taU
The turn had bees
sang at tbe prcHminsr? memorial m-.- aaighborbood.
^oal of MerlUter's meet market ved vlre bald In tbe boautttul home here.
Mrs. Cora KaBiaohd wu agraeably
had Maned to walk of, ibe raulteg The funeral aervicc atll b- fiooi St.
the wagon apd tbe lack of a ro- James chuii'h. Ctalceto. oi wbKb Mr*.
1 W.
■irateing band frighteotiig Ibeiu
presenu aeie receft
bad a fine time.
Within tbe vtort space of a half a
Tbr isie Sewing ehsb
block fbey.were runtuDg at blgb
Tbe funeral ol tbe late
Mrs Effie Hray. Thutffiai
erbousc tru1 arid
behl at
a tbr tchoolbouee. A goodly number wu teeS
-feed and when the
Sunday at r o'clock. Sept nth.
near Beardsley s-shop
ments of Ice creaai ^
cvpied and adopted.
died un the aame farm abare he wu Wved. All enjoyed Ail
e ol the borses wu kUled.
T- H. OlllU snd C. It Taylor were
days raMinrly.
Bertha BremBe was a
appointed tellers.
ew !».
fire years ago. It# Irwvcu
■Hie loltowlti^were elected dedewile aud two Utih- girls, s okoteer.
sates to tbe wiutL eonvaotloa, to be
dd in Uelroil oa,Ortober 6:
W. E. wmiarnp.' J. W. Zimmerman.
Mr Trcmato of Maple Ctty presMbW D. C Oerfiidne. A. B. CMrxte. 1. HILL WOULD HAVE ROOSEVELT d a lerv heauUful sermon.
Cleveland. John F. Uadeo. tieor**
Mrs. Tremaln. Mtaa Lwura and
G. Bates. Georfe L. Crisp. P- C. Oil. i^Sdmol Btanad at Wexford iut
t-erl. E E. White and G. A. Smith
“>*^;Twesday moratog gUk Mra. Oiray
Offered Minnesou University SW.OOO.** leacbwcooimlltce ou resoluUons iv
m and Reoaeveli Salary of Sjdo,.
ported the foOtwIn*:
000 a Veir.
ring to
Resolved. 8} the republlcsos ef
llenu Muedrut spent Satarday and
,Mitu.eMr and Mrs. ^tmar
Grud Trave.-Se-CVDUI.V that we bi-iw
It'her bume
by endorse tbe
lou Ol
Dally.,tn« state unueiGiy organ,
Siotcr. MtoMMirl. on September «. nfPsesldeui Tall, and
as ad-1 “teiev today teat the raiiaay maga ItogerlQg lltj
ttK-atlug a pioiwr a
the nniv. James HIU. tus offered tee uul ,-orap!lcalio
• I of. StI
Mrs. Kaiu
duugbler of Maabinp.
Scbhol commeBced again BeM. Ste.
urlil b.v a commisaioa chosen fur that viT,liy and offered ^sc- .was tbe videwi
of Mraroe Center Sbe a lib MUs Agnes I>lvk u leai^.
purpose, and bis
utterances up- 'ell gzub.taio K.vlar.1 to take tbe uni leaves a ,bu»Gaite.-aiid
une son. u
J. Harlle ttea apwM BaU(nUy and
1 such qaesiloii u consertaUou v. fsily iteestdcucy, suee««dlng KeUr- agcsl fatb-.-r and two siwu-ra. mB
ad piopei coDlrol ol corporatioua. ihg {‘riwiiteiit .Norterup. DetaiU ate Wc.-n Horton and Mrs .luba Folloc-k
both o; .Mouroe Cemcr. aud lwv be U leacbiug
-K«K>]vcdi That wc beanlly en­ liUoMfciuabte.
biuUurs. -M. 1>. Cvx of Mlunvapoltw
Gtxi. Ites atu-ud'-d Ibe raaaloB al
dorse ihv republitan- Bnaiueos. ihc
William Cos of MiNlcoe ( eoler. Tfwters* CHy. tbix ae^
prlmarv selectton tor I'uiled Stales
p~ Kam died trtuliog ip ber BarMra Clara Gorham of ChaeopoMw.
, perfMly realgaed lo HU wUI MIeh.. to rtofllng tbe lamiltoa Of C. O.
Seithlor Hoa. Charles E. Townsend, For tbe Herald.
In Old Mission Sept. 4. Mra. M.
ihe c-iid drew near, abe gave di Smith. W. C. Ives and Geo. ivas.
for goverwor. Hoc Chase S- Osborn. Roberts,
wife ol James H. Roberts.
rectluns vttb regard to her burial
M-ra. Bherwoed BenDcy aad daOBaliemensnt
goveraor. John g.
Mrs- Robe.-is cvmpKe.ed her elgbtlook ibc- partUg leave vf be.'
aem to Molaoe. Mich., timndwy.
fwmny and fiieads present with »r a visit with her moterr.
Rcms, for suie sonator. Kobc-t 11 l«gb tear <>n tbu day befor.f her death,
■am- roajpueure u vne going on
Mrw. Its Lung of Carretc Ind, to
Walter, for sUtc reprewentaUy e. Hoi: and aa> able to listen to the reading
of k-iu-rs and -.elegranu ul tutqtrat- a Jvuru-y. aoon lo return.
spending a few we<-ka al the hoBa nf
D. o. Chandler, and tee seteral coun­ ulatkui that tame to ber from :elaShe
- irJi-d- Thurwd^^^j^pu-u
her father. Gen Ive*.
ty ofAcors.
and friend*, belon- tbe finU atChss. Fwj.kupk c-inarutoad eaaaof her dnease r.-ii(l<Ted her uni
put from titlragc. and iroa Kswdh
-Belied. That w*
believe tea-.
I'lona. Old MisMou ba* been tee
r prx'kMj, dual aball
tllle, tec put ae.-k
■ uoailnatlou if Vnlied Buies sen- summer bomc of tbe f.imlly for tonv
IS resum-ctivu Tbe beroated ft
Mrs Cbu McCUlln eatqRBtM
r bv primary vote is a step
^arv and sometimes they '
hate Ihe deep sympathy df vhii.
[r> Jewslc Ires of Bvuto^ Rich.,
. ,
tvjplc ofI days
day last week.
Me, and we. tbe republiLS
Brand Traverse counu. i couvonuo;:
> Chicago The doaih ul
assetnUed. desire to go ' I revord
(avorteg the amendment of the K-d
oral eonsiiuiitoo to permit ol
nomination aud election of the United
States senator by direct
■necogni/teg the elficlew serrlce*
1 Koo. Grant fUkras
raUQs on hebalf ef t
So Crut Wat Speed That Waqen
Was Dcmeliahed and Herau
BuriU Under Debrla.


Free Uvar

requisites tm- tee ol-ce of stu
geimral of our slate.
•Besolvcd. That it is the sense of
this coaveutloa teat .wo
oim for teat poaitioa. and'a-ttein thc:r
best yudgment request oor delegates
support‘him at tee stele coi

It it weir to stop a physical ail>
Beat at tee first sighs oi ns approach,
and that i.» especially wie of liver
trooble. which can eveaivally give
rise to so many senoos ccaplicatioas.
Many have liver tronhle and imagine
u ia todigcsiioo. had hence ukc tec




The resolulions awre accepted »ud
There wu some oblecUon to
ehdoraement of Crwni Fellows
ailorney g.-neral.
ambodied In the
r^on. were adopted naanlmously by -ntt»o the I
separate vote. TTn- endorsemeui
Grant Fellows for attorney gese.-at
objected to by I. B. Gtlbort for
reason teat ti^yrc *«r* oterr
Three, like
candidate* In tee field tor ibis aomiImp Pepstn with a
hefore the state cotienUoa.
However, tee tact
bat Mr. FbUsas wu weU -and i:
ibl.' kaoan in tee aorteern part of
sod ti ^Ta5
Mtehlgaa and that tbe service be bad
endered to the repoblicwa party in
tee campaigns «s speaker. ••speciaJly
tkt> eectiCHi of tee state, were
aotte.v ef the eodotweiDenl propoud, I* reoectaJlT awed for an tUw wU
wiiori; , Tbereiore thbe pb
esolutloa wu adopted without a dis-niing v6le,
Tbe oowaly coai.-aiUec wu elecuvl
Is fclfoms;
hn~-Oeun» JacAwm


ilowzzi^ /
mspection ^

,We have the model
(hat acaactly suged to
El 00 and
upward Wdlyouinot
irt us diow a to you

Steinberg Bros.





MoUn of Mactea. *Mra and ereaav
iUaad Ti»»arse *a«U hara aoi
OT*r OcMBa and Kc>at oooiiUm. aad
takau «m prUa taataad of aotond
Wtac. rar tha 17 b«ai plataa of appiu tet priaa of 111 »as ukaa. and
for a dtapUj: of 3» varlKtof at applaa
tet priaa ot lW waa racahrcd.
ood praaUau. lor tka beat diaplay of
ainsla rartau hroa^ If. The
dtflars la fold oflatod hr Ike Fntii
- ilahM«<m»any..torlba teat
: aMtaa. aad a alialtar prM
for Ike heat haabcl of paan «ru« hif.b
takaa. Beran of tha nine |l prUaa.
MOHCTARV VALUE OF ftlCMFUM* Sirae b>- ite Waatarn Mlchicaa 0«relopBaat bureaa «era raeelrad•
•OM Yhan «M0.
of tha fruit dlaplajrad vai
freu ite tam ol Pnak BaOth of the
Poatnaala, «ko had cMna of the aaWm tit tf)
0«Md bf th« Pr«K
faiblt. Mf. BMth «aa aaalatad fay
' M* far Uw ^ B«*Mi *f Ap.
Joaaph BMer aad B. S. Hlhtard. Hr.
IMM M aim far »wt EmIwI
Btadar bad charga of the acrtcultoral ekhlblt.
Tha (laaa Jar dlaplar. aathlMtad hr
7^ Qrvi4 Trarcnc »xklWt
tha Meal hoard of trade U one of the
c e
featsraa of tha (air. The coUacUoD
(ML awM cUtonb asd noat comone. admlrlni thfMS aaapt^mmin avar Elwlarad thara. Thai roaadiac the tuhlea arhm they an
JRpIty eofNMb of a Em aoOaeUos
aU tho U»a. Manr coapUol fr«Ha. TofatablM. cralaa. i
meotarr remarks are heard.
bt Um liaaa Mr dlipbr hr ^
UMhatd TOtUMd from the fair letMr« of u«4a. bmUt mi
Bar, when he spent lire darn He is
er the eacoew of the Meal
QraMi TrarvM rt
MUHtna. aad tara the resalu vBi
yilcM vara takaa.
BBbMt to aboar wfau Oimitd TMTerue
taer9 thaa ttOO in doo«.
coanty can do. Tha deretopownt b»
^ tvr tha heat duplar
H caltthk TMdr lor tha omoMTocaUhin aad srala ta iMa. aaeUoa
IB Cblcaco. aad axpacte %i naka
it WtUtaa. tha eMHNtan «ere
ifar akooint tkaa last rear.
•vartrtf tel prlM « »«• Mt *«•
Hr. nad Ura. Clare WhHaer ttfi
«U vftia of «M for ite Mrgaai aad
MM MiUiMIlT aalectari eaUacttaa €it for Deusfi inu manilaE. vkan tkar
MU. Had Ifean tea a Mr(ar «ol- «ll> make their home.


win cmn puhdi

wm MI U U ttMte btr ta tb0 M«-

KM?J? Bair
<i ass.ts'
lunBiteHldtfiMaliktenalwiirHpMMiwportlleeucHL A
■i^-h>Hrli<lillt Cn«wBiMailfimeiaiwgniuiiurpaahiM


Charfea «. Ope Boccaede Him A
Bacfetny—Mr. MeWathy WtlLBa
«a auMof WyemlMAt a maatUc oTite board of diroetdte ol (he Farawra’ Mntdai Fire laearaaee eompanr. Coorpa W.
Watkr. «ho lor laaar yean hae
ad aa aaeraury of tha orpaalaatMa.
leadarod hit realcDsUon. The dlreo
Chartea B
t poettioo.
Ore to that ii
that the
U vlU be I
Bra Of Monroe and MeWethy. te M-

(Maputo, oci^ Bepc
Upbt in ibls'cUy In the prascnce o( MATHEW FOBBIL TIED ROPE TO
gurau fmn all aver the. atau am<
elMwhere «mn«d the namape c’,
OeofW A. Oakum. eUM M o( Cknae
& Oabora, rapwbUcaa candMata otr
Bovemor. and lliaa Bmma U. Dnnau» of tbia dtr..
Mr. Oaborh li a praduato of tka Dn
iVarsHy of HiriucBB and t>e BORShloa MlBlBC s^dwo). and last year h.
taaphc In the Mtur coUcga. HI* ii.iut;
1.aMO«lte-o«pop»Urr —jwo
W.-r a P'o.-vre e« Oran*
iCS in Houabuw aoci' •

Chnaa &'oaten r,,.; ji,-. t;* ort.
‘ '< Ha« rp tre\Mt «n Fwm
t* ■- Ai-a — K' .tto^ran
arrived her*-yoat« r.; j
ii ? ‘o at­
krviAn for the Act y
tend ite aeddlaa t d Mjnd ajpe*-.'.:;

MBGim ram mt

Mr. Dye. harthf been appolnlod
aecreury of the Penuere' Mutual Fire
the CltiML.
iiumiBoce oompanv. Mr. Moutoe will alBMat boined ap the
teaaine ite lire tamuMoe bualaera Utclr candidate booor.
formertr oporaied br Monroe aad
UeWethy and Mr. Dye Uklni ImmedUie poefceeeMD of Ue-buslaeea. The
ofBeea of the Faraere' iHataal Fire
will be eor.UBued
____________ _____.• Monroe and Me­
Wethy bar* been located la the Wllnatm block.
Hr. MeWetky kM oxtapalre tarmUf imareau In Baaiara Wyomlnj:
eons are now Mcat^ i
1 From Becaming
wHa aad daupkter vffl iMra
Wyomln* totaorrow and ' Mr. :
Wetky wUl wMd up bln bdalnen
Howard Welkel of East Jwdan bad
fnlrs In 'Dweroa Ctir aad fa
ow f^pe f:
WjroaOM early la October.
(fat a, (he rt
Mr. McWelby (od hU family have
the CJS ataen he retired. Mr. Welkel.
any (ilcada In tbia aeclMo ol th-;
who to a veii-ran of the Civil war, bavt lari a lea in eervlcr. 1» here
It and to alB>
(eudlna the e
Ite hoiur 1 blc KUi lielsw J.
R. WyckoS.
wUl be ably handled by Mr. Dye a->]
Wtea te retlrvd tout iiicbt.
the inaurure buiineas iMeraied
Welkel waa weary from Ibo cEarts
Mnuerly by Mr Monroe will continue
of a day- Umt bad been aomewhal
enenuoua aud not telag used to gaa
llgbia, treated the flame sa ha would
E. JT. MaebadrwoaiteKlu«aleyiiaa a laaip-f Fortuoatoly. tte rca of the
family did Dot retire at once and U
corning on bMlneaa.
____ __
wu not Mug alK-rward that tte odor
uf i-ai-apluc IlluuiinaJii was uoilced
down Main aitd-wa-s fltially irarod ‘o
Mr. Wclkel's room. The efiecta ul
the gaa tohaiad fwoderetl him quite

Oimc this Week
Our Clothing Sale is Drawing to a Close
. on the 17th

lijriwe Jle»l iUM*—«BoyB» SmMm. Bw«rc«a
tov* lMk»M mBv—Ilf «<
Mir, •»« w« k«v« wavered tr« m •mt postlhra ndc to'ftvc Ow •rods aai pNfeea aa atvwtlard.

4n:orddr to glvo k benefit to thoea at some distance, who
have been unable to take advantase of this sale, we shall set
aside the following goods at the prices named and offer them
until they are sold, so kindly ask for them: there will be some
excellent bargains In both men’s and boys* Suits:
100 to 160 nwo'i SoltB, from $19 to $90 100 yo^ meo's Suiti; spleotSd ults for
SI! *“0° “.‘^'.“1'.'^°^ 914
■!«» 58 '056. orico. IS to $12 ot
A'*o ooe lot Bt hklf prico.
ICO boy*' Suit* from 8 to 16 yeor* •< age.
■biwft mm gr—issrgrtss. Asktsscethem,

Waehall alw put on sale next week:
75 Boys* Winter Overcoats, ages from IO to 17 years

One-Third Off the Regular Price [%1
.. .

CtWRa Odbera Waa 0<«m Otmi OvatMa Wlwn He Wem to lUiuBhtoa
far ClrMUwy.

; Take your choice

iiinilli CIoMq^M



^ rri'

ball weM of KiMBle.v.
cide into I tnUliR by baaciaa IrimmU. the maa havinc idowly atnaaled
dealb and the dtocovery of bto
body beiua made by hi* daugbiwr. No
M for the acai can be a«rlbed.
Hr. Fbaeil waa la Klos»ley yestorday and aotd twtAloade of poutoea.
hto boue Mtonly after the
tobera were dlapoeed of. He dM hto
venln^ work aa usual and retired
early. Tbia moraing the Madly* beard
him get up early and go )>ach lo bed
aaain after a time, but tbought aothleg of
Flaally. hta daiuhtor
that tte cattle had gotlob into one of
tte flelda and weal to Call her falher. Endliic btiu dead upon his lied. He
had-farietied a rope to a i after, iheli
Icaaed tech, iwating bU haotto ate
anus ui«i< the bed poata. Mra. Faa»ii cut duBB tte body, but Ufe was
Mr. FtTAsU moicd onto Ite lara
wtere te died, m yeara ago. ckorlbg
it up end maktag a Bne place


Cedar Rus. Mtthu. Boat H.-La*
Ttoevea Braha teto F. B. Maaa»aaM Tbwnday the paqpM aC thU eraiaaa
uy asanabM at ike chapel to uv
tke Mm >ad tribal* of taa» aad «aStoieo ArUelaa Aa Vet.
aiwci to Chattoa B NotrM. W wka
me hrabc waeI woU
*eU knows
knowa and IhMWr «
banao oaarlad U-thia part of tte eoutry. hariRg
hto toanch nvad here tte graatw pM of hto MBcf aboat evwTthlag they oooU Jw.The b«. Mr. AUlutoa apoke tka
their tends oa and eurioMly carry a„mg words of import u ulr «w
away, laclsdlag > foldtog auhor. and «bo ba, teeat a close IrliaLYiokt hd*brass ttnurcs. Tte door v
lag la termer years teon saaphvaE
04 to a padlock aad lauh. b
at tte same oorlt. eoaU dp. ARkongb
of picking ibe lo^ or poOinc the te
] had teon to faillte knaRk tar a
aupleo. tte Uicta
btf of yeora tola IM alchMte
ty oS. by meoas of the boavy pru- ,
of only a feo days'duretton ate
■of a crow tor or aom other Veer.
____ waa oatoohM tor ate a
Henman deslrod to keep tte mat, a kteo hte. te being .
tor quiet, thinking tha: toe thief coaM |
^ eoattnae tot work na maMw
te appretended. bu: so tor u •■'■-■71 mwckanlc In tte mm at FtobklDri.
of toe stqtoo afUclee tea
• bto pmaui borne, tmtn Friday e
He U net tte ooL touth
tag telero bis daalk.
wUeb MaE
OBEcr. Muy similar casrw
'Ported tola year.
^ was born Ju. PL ibM. nod ww
C yeara. T.mutbs ate 7 day^
• ••*- ^ *'*■ noFTAn*
Hntlto Ptka
~ 11

WnUamsbuto. Mich, Sept, li—&.lMtoa b^ To thaoi weer bon Bva
nest Shaw sas caltod tu bU borne si' cUldm. Mr*. fUbnck Bnrroos U cte.
Lake View Sunday by toe sadder I Hl»c. James o( Mflwankae. tea.. .IMa.
dnih of bis laiht-r. During bis .b-'Faaale Vu Otea of
wbkb old be pnkahly sbo«^»ftnnk. tte ywangoat atm. at kerne ate
two wetota. Mr, Tuter of tor aato.'tte youageat danghtor who
town, who to axpteite trmlgbt. will | died Ok. «. iPOL BssiOaB he toaeee
take Mr. Bkaw's plnoe u principal • widowed mmbei. Mrs. Pknnto Itoss
Of toe scteol. here.
•» »*•'• pto.*- a orotter. Jtuiaa aC
te two children iwaahlngwo.
Mrs. l.oeo Bniwa and
{''••kin«to«- aad a siator.
stator. Mre. ttopn
r. and
Mr*. Arx*of
lent Bnaday with Mr.
' Mapla Otf. ate a lni*a
«< <rtonds to mow* hta toaa. Ha
Brown, returning lo iteir
iboir benw
was *
a thoagbtM.
thoagbtfU. kiad
ktad Ibaabaad. u
Travereo City toda.v.
-. [was
father, •a daiUal
dnilW sod
.on ate
Miss Nora Hluler retnmod y^laflectlonato
from |
(n*^, her * flood ueitetet. who teU be mdlr
Dow tost tewday nte>t 1
nursed by aB.
work bore ax iiriimsry teneker.
Mr*. Frank Hawley ta vory low. ate
tte doctors give lluto hope of ber
May FermlbM
The Ret ate Mrs. to L Stodasaf
expert lo leave atioa tor uUnbot
Laastog. tepc IL—U. ta tte talk '
wbriw they will rcwlihi Cor a whito
Mrs. Siedman's brsitb. kusMg Btair ofbetals tbav as a rosalt
wtel developed at Ite tovcM^
Tbey plan tu hate an auclkm rale of]
tte'Ir boosecold goods about Sept- SL UMi of tte Crate Trate wreck si

Mre. Thacker to vlslUbg rctalltes to
- —
l"^ -nuontoedly slU faane ^
-twqsirirg tte railitmda ol the
Hr. and Mrs. Carl iiuntv b'
week, for Ibclr btune at Bitarir afu-r to provide for tow opetaliag syeum
a rule wii«eby two ualas may a«
a wbon vbui with Iteir poreou
ccritpy tte mwe track betwaan ute
graph vUlkma al (be saam lUne. K to
Yoong People 'Wev«, Urated tn Marubdersiood that the Grand Truak hte
rtoee at *L Francis Churchutourwd to* r.mi>iiilijB'tknt ovarr
Wit Live on Farvn.
oaipkiye win be dtoctetged who to
MM.:‘ t>»* lateu KcuKb. daughu-r
« any way osn lio beid remmslnlr lor
of Mr. and Mis. Anthony Heusch
toe witCfc.
UerOi-ld lownrfaip. and Edward
Grewn. Mlcb, :-rpu I'-.-MUs l*eari
Lnutoer. Mn ol Mr. asd Mrs. Edward Reynolds ia ilrilliis friends ai Mr*
aclK* wil! be tahon rcatetog
Lauinar, were united in marriige
the wrock natll toa taatiianny baa
St. Franr'a church Tuesday morwlng
Mrs. Balle) of Hnrtlote ate daugfc bee* oareluliy examUte'ate a eaHnlFive Thousand pertona Attooded Ote « « otMck, the Rev. yr. Bauer c
ter. Mrs. Msorobwtse. at* gnoata of latioo held with the amraer gCMrat
elating aad the ceremony being wH- Mr. and Mr*. C. L. AUtoou.
Nerthem District Fair at Cadilhnmher cf friends and
Miss Ida »uah of Trasrfse CUy.
teitlivee el the young P«»ie.
to rierking at Johnson's More.
Tte bride. w>ho is oiH of tte moM
Tte l.sdies' Aid sociny wiil a,
charming joubic womrh of her Bcigb- jrltk Hra. BtaSord this afiemoor
Long Lake. Mkh.. BepC IL—KMo
aitended by a crowd
S.ootl j I<,rbcod. was beautifully gowned in
Thirty-Bv* rcsonerw wbo have beea
reoiile. Tbia Is the third annual fall white iuusitoic and wore a wreaUi cnniplafthC Duck lake tor toe uri
in this cti) and it is by far Ok- most ^ and v*ll. She was aueniied >y bar cwo ««eka left on tbe Pei* Marque-;
aaeoesslul ever held here by reasou slMor. MUs Manila Reiiscb. while Jtr tram .jaat nlgbt tor ttell tetne, a
of the euperior cxhtbiis and tte et seph Lauincr. brolter of, tte groom Marlon.
tendance. During the rweea yealerda.v j waa the best man. The thutt* was
Tbt-rc are four potato kuyeis on '.b*
Fred Harrtkou. drltwr of Du F. la'decorated wilh pulled ptanlB. p«'—« Ontan market, paying 42 ate M run
llie/irr Cox
gretutolions of
Mr. ate Chartoa Palmer were Trav- Oil Irom Indlxi
At the bride’s' borne, an eiaterB.i«
I bike t
wedding dinner was stned. onJy the twse City callers Salarday.
lit aoi m
down Immedtole relatives being preseul.
^htoy evegiBc, Sepl. i((h.;Haxsie
Jamra Say Las said Ua lara to a
-Mi.- Harrison wu pinned under li. ud in the evening, there was a wed- and StoEord will gite a dtnek 'at Mr Barked from indtosto. Hr. lay
HU left hip was broken, three rtba ding sapper equriJy elahoraic. Be- Baley ball. bas bad very poor haahb tor aam
D. B. Crandall left for Gread Rap
were i>rraem
ate wOi have to gjvo op tanming for toe prtoiat. He is andaridte
s pan of Ike ids. Wedneoday. tu allete tte ialr.
Earl Reynolds, wbo has been ilcrk
getting into the mlxup. Mr. Harrimn evening,
0 hto ^aax W tte tauue. Ate
was taken to Mercy bMPiial
being a.'-.’iroprlately kueated. lag at Traverse Clt.v. to borne this while ail tere to leae the
waek. Eurl has * very bad cold.
not oat* but iwit-e.
fiom tbe neigbborteod aU vtoh tkam
Mrs. Sbeebaa amted boniv Mun. Mr. and Mrs. Lautner wUI make
liicir home or. a tora wi«t <>t tte day from Intluna. where she bas tevi
Th- groom u an esrapUry tbe pari njonto vtaituiK'iricads.
Mr. and Mr,. CabrM bwm Obto,
Wtaford County Fanoer Gets Com
Kcg-:tar i-hurrh service, Sunito;’
Itwn^mxn in ciwo way and both be
wete the cnaals al Mrs. -Marika Maa. I'-ulng-T 3<;i. Tbis will te Mr. Frlesian Act* from Tbsae Who Ftsh
nnd bis brWe ha»c a torge circle
r over tfsaday.
te s, list Smids' tefor^ .viwfrreot*.
in His PtMtd.
Mite M'eallhy Pry* (fva MowarE
leaor woio
Cur to leacklac to disl W z. Htos
Cadillac. Sept,
Hating jun
Frye romea here with the best of. rae>
reived Jnilgmcut for the sun ol i
aaflatmas ate all are expeatlaE
jieuts two weeks
Irou Ateiph
Urvhio lor uospasslag on kk proparTte Pomona grange htod wftk tka
[ty. John ante, a Stermu toimsblp Residont of tha Paainaoto for ^ the •
Last 2D Voara Pasaad Away
It s going to be a hard wtolcr. thi Lhag Lake grsose to« week was a Be­
'farmer. U gotte *hor anothdr almv
dded su<-<aas from start to Batoh
Thursday tooratog.
old tlroere say. '
tor judgjrtDi Friday lb JuOtlce W.
Many qnaMtoas ef vttal Impattaaee
George II. Pan-Oh, one of the wrly
* dtaeaaate by aWo vaakara. The
setilert o.' the P^nsuto. died Thurs­
a of rci- week of toe grange to hmg felt
day sjumlug. a ft-w minutes slit
I tbi- ru-al dlatrtola. aa tt
C^le owns a lake on bia thrwi. The o'elock. after an Ulpt-sg of se'
Mtu all alike wto
lake roalnibs six sn*a and a frnc* years Mr. Farrtob has Uttd on
ingers or otic I'eupie ai* VglBOlng
cerned with the hahiu of birds and
Utui Urehni gebed Id Ite take o»
reatosuto for Mi yean, bauLg wuled
sit jp and lake atoloa Tte meetaoiuais ate tte afigearaac* ai ite
ry to Bgglea wlabra and tte touer there. Is 1g*». Besides s widus
tog Jvri passed wlO te a'aitengto
f'lrests ate atreami^
b.->'>ullbi suit fer lUasgcs and
kiatrs one child. Mias .Mato 1
~e far-teari^ apimal, oftoabw; tiY the grsnge at htto ptoc*. The at­
Now te has atoned anutter
laaaral will be- beid Sundiy iroiu
are getuag tketrsew crops of tendance from' xw«y ags eery goito
against Lee Miller. auMlier tara«F borne, el ::W. iDtoruM-ni sill to;
Tte many frMA of Mrs. .AnVefur earlier tkb yaar toaa usaaL ways
who alto Babod JusUce Kidder aa>s Oakwood’.rr.v
Calumet New* ThU ta a sig* of aa >*a will be pkaate to kneer um: sue
ll'B b plala case of traopaas to
ly ate hard wloier. |}rca tte ta roaoie-'ing 'nicoir from M' uperahi SggIc'B lake and will award judeAon Atter; aad win sow te
koim.ment of I rcul lur caib acre la tte
FAnd to beglanlng to tofoat abr able to be broagfct hcM. Mr. Aahcrlake.
OMe Ctty Loada lU RivalA Datroit usually thick tufts of hair to prepar- sou ta Hill akh ter. .
Mm K E. ttorrea waderwcni *a-itaa for cold srealhcr of unuaual ta*nd Pfttaourg. by a Large Margin
ber ;<i«rsUaa toat Mvaday morm
otter sign ta toe', endde# ate leg. Ur». Marita ate Bwaatoa porcwrir
tte same. She to doing as
Red Pototau Turoad’ Down hr ComUireu this afiemeoa unowsoed tte tte aonth. For ever a eroek tbaae Writ as Doald be mtoocud. Hra Uarnvitoien Buyers Nettod J. W.
poputolkm of Clevelaad ps, cieatures cave be>w flttiiag toward, a y«a has bad vmy pear htekb for
AmoW Sl'.^ CM a BusAsl.
an lacraiK of irkflK. or m» per waran e lmad. somettoifw la BOt>
a sery
Hfi twd pMBiees haring baeu lam­ ONit. Ctovctosd a tte atolb city wltb aUy large apg^lievs. Tte flight of all cvititol operatioo aheat a year ate- > soalbwafd WIB probaMy be eai, bto It wpa tiiate-----------. to epte
ed down by the coamleaioB -men at Baklmcee snacraiaied for and Is tar
a. Her (rtaads aaraaatly he*e
Bates, who aaanred him there was ahead of lU rivals. PHtsbutg and De ty tJUs fail. th» wooMcre fcfk ava^.
U market for them. 3. W. Arnold mAte lurtberaora, tte h« 1 mamcr
ta«f latoor^
w'lib lu tock «< cam. U laken as ancJred ta ablp hta crop direct to Cte
oago. ahlpplAg two oar bate through
Hr and Mrs.
CtoiwSKw BboEsr. cHber Bare iteienttaa tom tocra win
Ite Growers and Shippers' aaaocto who were marriod a week ago today. te much maa. muck ate weatoer.
Mr. ate Hr*. J o. Pteteto ate chOa Mat wlmcir dartog tte frigid dr«a ot CtoetoaadL who h*«« bo« at
tioB. Tbe reoalt was that the two leU far Detreli thli monilag. where
iba tkto are appeoarttog.
OM Mtsatoa Barkm too rntoaiir patecare ncued him Siiq ee^ a buahaL tbeg wiU make tkMr
rd ihrsste toe riiy aa took way
wn* girra a hue bendaF-hy. b party of
t today. They «HI map ca roam
Dr. and Mrv t*. H. ftall toft tor (riadda. ate sei them tbe^-a. a of
'DmiwH this unto*. ^









MtiOAv. cerrcuttii

toi fnsrcaamn

yonoB bora who were aeaiod eo tto
Co, IL. let MAigto tbrabiMl m tto aaiBflirlto,.
roood ooar tto ptottem. drank
TM hilbihMa «d tto «. m. c. and
Tias'csm City. Mtoatry, KiMlid.
every wSrd, and toomad daoply Inter tto 0. A. a to'MU.'wme palm
cow Hill thm M* «MJ
Prank PWmw. Oo. C. Mtb
c H. Jobnoea Oat M. Md R,
imm. GB K, 1*
Ttoee wui to tw« niimMibi agaalb
to tiui Um ka4 tod do smuId* !or eatad. One tor eapeeto])r. aeemul
me a d PhnoMr. 1
gan Infantry. Tmvstoe C*ty.
Mieb^ aupp Stoetnral
First MMb. MMbbT.
eea M lamnireWe moevMg.. tatodb
W*. SiDcr tW two. to tocb>«4. «.• to be tto awet improoaed. and dartod dan of tbe aWH'W. ae. U IB and
M. a Itesnn. On. P.. Mkhl^ to
C. J. Owen. Ob P, Uto
Moba toBim; 0a«. Id* Mlto. woe- Oaa ttabmt J. Bataa a(-iknb^
* tootd DMor took tom tto flog wiib- ibe entire reettal of tbe etory and uoaUe to to grwiat. r. Ik Mam
•try. TravenafMiy.
at tod
chairioap ot tto toiertalammt con.
mi n.»»A«».g ef tti toaa4. asd »tot
made mme impreeatro by tbe Wirtn* mlReet recelv^g the (oUowti« wire
Cto. IL. Mb
E 3. Hunt. CD.B, Uto ttltolgM to w. H. imtoia. Oa B, PDmto Mlto- >raafag mmitoi. while tt toe Mints
b otoDltoo- Ho uttod tto ocMteri
aasei tto camg Bra wui to Mmad bf
ktaa mvaby.
Mlcklgaa mmatry. Ckartemia.
tanuy. Lnkn city.
M DUMd to tto cmuDoabr t^ rrorr of Old Olery by Ito elo«or. tbH yonni Irak Dr. Plnsaer:
.............. at Mra PM—ee. —
>«Wg tor TooM loci ttot vtoa be lad aever took bU oyos from the atittnth
U & Otge. on:' t, Utt ttltoton E B Cbartar, Oa E. iMb Mltol- tto
“Mrw Plomaer very m. eeada re<« ^ Seganmeec cdSoat* 4^, tto
MkB mvalry.
Mnemo* a nm to «o«U like to. pai- er. tod at tto elooe woe eoe «t tbo greu aod loee to veteraw’
tantry. fptatord.
infantry. Traverae CttyAtt. Prttt, Oa. 0, PMM MbA.
■ anor
oner thcto. “So tot Ito dcKtar Srai to five ap^aaoa. Thte bey lliE MeAlMr. Ca E. Uto MMUgnn
C R.. tobnmm. On H. and Cb. S,
•I tbo •«
Oeweral Betas baa bade Wd t|i
teoed laieatly to oeocy word ottered Uoa. where tto membma are reg
«r 7«to* b
lit Mlebloa covalTT. Traverae Oty.
tbis etty bedore. tortag to* ato-bt
durlDc tto entm camp dre. oader Co •d. always abtUort a UttiM |
t» mt-*tolam.“ to a«M la ckialsg.
Oeerft W-. BMami. Ca B.. wtb
J. e tnviaiQii Oa 1, fURb Mltottiakiri at tto rrinfii rt
Ootoradc H. D. M«i«u wu "coe bear every word tbat waa oKored by who ponr over the p
Maa mvalry.
Mkbigaa mralrr Orato RnpUa.
tnfugry, Traverm Cky.
Cnliad Spanttb War eeM—
MidWed" ftWB ito aadtoaec, u te tto oM boyi In Man
J. M. Aaderaoo. Oa A, iMb Mlobtbat-ttoy wlU to
I. Oe. A.. lU kOeblPefsr Omralck. Oa P, NUto
k waa bs4d In UM cRr la Jett.
atorcMod It. br Coamaadar Ibaa.
Not Eneiipb for SooC
Igan cavalry.
ignn inmntty. FUe Laka
oe comrade whom they gan infantry. Trayarae Oty.
Rates u la .rnremaad Pt tto
. aad to'atokc (or a abort time
J. K. Koeber. OipJordU (owoeblp, have DM eeoo la yearm. Tto ramee
A C EMm. Oa E. Uto Mirbigto
O. W. Kihto. Co. K.. ISth MUkigas
Tm»Miehigna Xatianal Oeard. and btt
Ito bactsaCpc o( tto var. and bo<r Antrim cennty, who It atiendlnB the
gee# over sad'evor very rartlul- lalkatry. toOalre.
Infantry. TVavvrm Ctty.
sylvania Intabtry.
won a high pMca tar btobMf U Ito
. uampt or the aoBitoni ouior to nmidoa. euted today Umt there are*^
lad glad exdsnaatkma are baud
Rarry Smith. CO. B.. sttb Miebigao
X M. HMTtngmm. Ca B, utb C. rsjiba of the aiau «>uui.
' Wid bad (ailed tocaan of tto toral' wo loafer mooib O. A. R. men in hie when yccaslonaliy a veteiaa will
IntantT^. Grand Bnipida.
light arttUery. Traverm 09P- adbatry. ^—,
Ltolngwn toa yw lb
. (r M tto aortb to tto soroninioni. To townablp to tore a poat “A few seraa a famUlar name.
....__ , Battery
IL. 1st
Buitoe. CO. A.. Mtb Midtlgan
u Oa O- mb New
MBO itora «aiM nwra ftorr ttoa to yeara a«o we bod a poet.- aald Ur.
Two biMher^ George baab aod Intanuy. Oraad Bapida
Mieblton ll^t artlUery. Traverae York voWa^
otltoM. to dmtorod, bm ooe« cooU Roeber. 'tot now ibore are only dre John Bnab. boU of Bellalre, are regUeoige Salmon. CO. R.. leth Ml^ CUf.
WlBttto Hmriaa
00. 11. Ud malatatas in the stale titopq
do tt ataab, It took aO cmablacd
of Uf left. R. 8. LaM. A. W. Bt
latered. BoU served m Co.
I P«^ oxprattHS 1
A AsUey. Ca C, Heavy Ar- New Toto mvaby.
imi down tto coslcdoraie aoMlerc. Mr. Balaer. Uoa Wllllama and my- UleUgaa ibtantry. and bMb are lie- Ifoa Infaatry. Mahton.
William Maara. Co. U.. Sttb Mltol- tSlery. HtrOtgaa, Manton.
George Hvtmlson. CD. C. gad Naw
• U»
Comrade Mortaa etoaod with tclltod eelf.“
lag In BeBatre.
gan intontr*. Baroe Palis.
York Infantry.
J. B. VnaSnacr. Ca tt MOi
Social Time TOle Ueming.
Glue Cam rads Hava
Caolge Ivee. Co. E. i»ih Hteh«m sytvaain iatontiT. Nerthport.
George Cenci* ca B. 33ad New
totriotto Inalrweuefi.
Tbe momlrif toora were devMed InCantry. SimUi Beardmas.
ndorwe II par day peat
York InMatr^.
Comrade A. S. Detooa wa*
I vlahlag. tto eemmdea and ibetr
I by tbe
R. M. Billoti. Co. E. 2iU Mieblgui Sutm -Sharp Shooters. Lansing.
J. E BlMld. Ca E. 1Mb Mlcbi-jRftod- br tbo comiBander. aad bone time one <
elves eaUIng upon othiw eomides lulantry. ITle Uka
Ohio and ladiaaa" appsaru ea b
A O. CInrtt. Ca A, 1st VnIMd: lA
«a«o a verr good talk UMa -f’atiio-re in tto rnlted Siaiee. Allbonph and ttoir wivm. and the time pasmd
WUilam C MgParrmi. Oo D. utb lates cevaby. Senth^ S
A J. Nrtlenry. Oa c, 1st Mkhtgam Irbkk are heiag ctmUaMd by '
lain." CoRiade Itobeoa «aa pairtoUr
raveled all <ner the world, magq«lcUy. The tforts of OM Bel lirbigm iBtautry. Kalkarttm
of ChUlkotoa GUa
J. K Seward. Ca Q, gth Delaware cavalry.
ttotnusor or the oebooU Uit rear. lag In i^d opm. Profmaor Pieaae
lake the stay of tbe soldlerb at
Brownlm U lUe-dedamp ta
Oeocto C
Church. Oa A.. Wth Inlemry. Trsvme City.
Moera Co. H- «lbd It. B to
Md to deriared tbat lU* bad bmn never for a Bomeot loct hie f^lHy rainp Bates pleacaht. are apprecUi
CmoauBdar H. A Artuva eCObto. sad
DnBed tnaby.
aa taoriratloD to Um lor tbo reet o( to Ui aaclve country, aod a little rd. and Camp Batee is very comlo.i- Michigan InmnirT. PMe Uk^
bis utmost to oertwe tto dUA A. Hank. Oo. a. tod Mkblgaa Siatm navr. Lrtand.
.Wan Chlide. (to. B, Ttb Mkblgsa la
bit Ilia “To BO and bear tto ronar' rtory Is toM (o Uloitrale thlL
able as a coacequeDce.
Ur A dgy pMvskm alMwaoea Mr.
: infantry. Traverae ai.v
C. C- BtowoeU. 00. K., ttth MIeb- cavalry.
* cblldrea tiaclBB tto petrlMk aoasi
After tovlog beee away on a loor
At Ibe OOOB hour a SaatallBht pic
tto trip M tbU eity
U. A covey. Oo. E. iJth Mitoigan Igan lafantry. Traverse Cjty,
j: W. NDgeew. Cto. A. iMb
erariU Ike lUf and cbeeHni. to aa Id- of foreign'rautriee for many moathe. tore waa taken of tto mess, tbe J<o
rapaciolty to attood tto reknkm.
a^tloa,' he mid. He doctored tbet havlag been in Shanghai. China. Mel- or more veterans, wtvm sad frwnrta
J, r. VtmBltrtrtmi. ca 1.; I4to New
OeWitt Ssnorlee has toon apdnMlAndrew UPorge.-^Oa I. Ufb Uito- York cavalry, and Oo. I.. 7ttb New
tto bore roare tto tod no eueb In- boaraa. Amtniia, and other foiy>Cn piriag their atteotlOB to the photoA. J. Oarliag. Co. A Md.Mlehitoa
•d ipedil poUm. and to w«cbm Ito
tto bora reeraoNt vbolb'
oountrlea. be waa rundlng one day •raptor for a Diomcot'while thdr IflB lofenlry. BHi Rapida.
York Intaniry, Honor.
lannda fimn II 00m till U iWdalgkL
■titotlen. aad Wsed tbat thaae thibr
A J. Morea. Co.
14th Michigan
the pier at BbangbaJ. feellog oni piciaraa were betatg takca. They
William J. Joarn. Oe. A mb Mlto bee SpecUl Of eber Pirgmm ggm
Geor^ W. Rmves. Co. D-. Srd New
iBfsntrv. Traverae City.
to kept DP fw
bore or cbe 'taiare
soru with bUaaolf and tbe worU made op lor Met time as seoa a
York light anlJleiy. Traverae City. tgan cavalry.
on tto besL
He apoke of the coemopolitan
large. “Deacon" Pease,
George a. Sletmo, CD. B. IMa
o. w. Whitney. Ca F, Mb MtebiHerman Yorka Ca A, l4Srd New
•moke dNied away.
*01 Hih' OreoMd.
1100 of Ito UalUd Statei. e caoairr: then called, mw a ebtp from 'dtar.
xaa Inlaavry. .
York Intaniry . Trave^ City;
Tae meals served at Camp Bates sriy^igan cavalry. Grand KnpMs.
-Oi- Rlh,- m to U (aaltorly ealUd.
trhtob to mmpQud of eo mibr and as he was watching It the atare r<- vity much enjoyed, and atibouab
WBllam H. Blow. CD. a. UU Sew
Cbarlrn B. SaiRb. Oa P.
Knttott Tbomaa Q>. 0, 33rd
as -ban fellow- wiu many oU <—
CoreifB boro pmofim. aod for tkte aea- aod Btrtpm oafoldto.
MiehMa mvaby.
1 loaaHliae there la almost a stam­ York eavaliy. Charlenda.
York Inuair). Homn'
radm tbto moraing. Ue appmmd tt
oao eapoda) palaa tbotild be lakoo to
Teen roiled down the Adefea of pede to tto Beta lent, all are aerve«
T. D. Oombm, CD. - E. 44th Kea
Waiur Turk. Oa 8,
SSrd New
I. Ku». Ooa o and A . Ttb Michigan
tawUIl patriot lam lb (he rou of I'-c “Deacon" Pease. “1 cried I
TOik Intnntiy.
waU. and no on* gom eway hungry. York tafantry. Traverae CHy.
nvalry. Uatora
I l^^ied'’ta‘dld“5[
eoootrr. *Ttoae arbe ie]k anaieby baby." aald to. Thare waa
P. A. Wrhtht Cn.
11. tiih New
Antiy bmni. bceto and butter, coi.l
Cdwtn tabb. Ca E. dtb New York
J«mt>h E Smith. Oa U. god New
die “My IM
do bot epaak^ tto Amoiieaa toafuape •taading tbere. ind be said to
lotk Infantry. Trarerae CHy.
and bM meata. tm and cotee.
York bmvy artUlery. PUe Laka
“1 am glad to aee' tbaL 1 wHb I tto loeBD aervodwrr •eli.'’ to doctored. “Let oe
George Donner. Co. B_ Mtb New
J E CbUds. Oa IE «to Mlcblgnn
Cto. E,
outo tor tha Sax. for tbo beat later- eould cry oror tny lag. bnt 1 caoX'
York Infantry. Tteverae Ctly.
Martha CuttM. prmMent
Mirbigan Sharp Bbooten. Nertbport. mvaby,
and bmi it up and
aata or the eeaatrr. for deaoM^ poll- •aid bo.
John G^mlCh. United Sti
the W. R. C., M la ttorge ol the
rrask SmKk. Uto WIeciamta lafan- 1 amred s team whio
Jompb Taylor. CD. 0.. IMtb (tota.
ttea, sood fOTaramAi, aod tratoalt
“Wbat la yoor naoMr aabed 1.
R. C. toadaMrtere. Inaiead of HiJl n. V. 6. a SaMne, Maaum.
Ing ms Uiber llu to
Tto oor poetorKr tto bo« tas boaea>’i
'-lipbMi.’ aaU tbe mu.
“Slr Meoroe. as atoied ymierday.
Louis Deoola. Co. B: P4th New
ve laK time 1 erm
WUUam tv. Bmrr. Ca
Samoel Urockway, Oa P.. 44tb Wto
Uo turn bearena"
Thomas lipton."
York infantry . Maple ctty.
NerarttoMm “OT Rlb‘
W. R. C naoter.
Naw Turk lalhUiy.
mam lafaa'by. HMlalra
•panlah WVar Vatenm.
Tto tolkmlag oaiM were added
H. B UavU. CD. H,
IMtb Naw
C R. Brabaher. Oa K. ttm In­
R. B Day. Oa E. nib MIcbMaa ito sticks la tto Ue abd
Oao ooog «aa ctoB wtkek broofbt
Tto Spaomb War VeMtoA who > tbe W. B. C. books yasurday aC- V«rk lalanuy. PM* uke.
diana tanfniry, Travsrm CUy.
W. R. Funnaoa. ca E and CD. c! which played at UtsmI
toftb a faoret of apptooao, and that are boMIng a rmialoa la
to tbe mlbdt ot tto aU bi^'lbS
Prank King, ci K, lOth New York
ca o, Urd Itb MbhlgbA
VM “Tto Old na« Tbat Nerer
Mra. Haiy. CoRii. Mtnermm i&i, cavalry, Cham. ' ,
PeawyiraDla veteran votmteer
Bobrnt Mato, ca P, dto iMtoiam fto days wbm ibK aaN^ t»:
iTMetodtoto Qromd.” «blA waa beadquairten at tbe wmi ead of tbe Travsrea Cky.
sMod Of ibe-tfs and drato’.Bto G
MUra BiyanL^ R, mth New try, Traverae City.
MWB by Cwvtoo Haok, to wbiA he
Tbeir teat M tbe drat
Mia. U K. develand. HePliareon York Infantiyrnie Uto.
In ttom altor days etod pwih b
■aod the da*. Comrade Rank toM upon reaching tto oamp grounds tmm UI. Tisvarae Cltr.
bapa Mrao tbrtra but ibdp gtre 4'
Peter Smith. Co. U. Uh Naw Pork ttJaniry. ‘
tto e*orr of «h/ tto soda *ae «rH- tto cjiy.
iMra. MTUtam rWa. MePbarwta UI. artlUary, Traveree Oty.
P. Stoopa Ca 1.. Mb PtmnsyhnaM
Frank Fayraoait. Oa A Slat Naw tag ta rUk all for OU Oiary.^
toa. He auted that darlax tto erar.
Owing (o the elaborate pragtwm tbe Travsree Oiy. *

Bdmuo Bmvla Oa tt. irt dOrblgna arunefy. m Raiddv.
after oba of tto battloa. Uw Oac *a» II. a W. V. bad at
g gg gg b
Mra. M. D. Horgaa. MePhetm Ui. light artiUery. Traverae Ctty.
W. J May. ca tt.
aaea ool oa tto'bautoflold, otaodlOB in July their ptess for tfala oni____ Tmvarae Cltr.
Mbtoan Tkomaa Ox O, SMd Naw
WUilam Eeklw, Oo. A., iftk UleU light arillltry. Bellalft
a« tbowb tto ataC baa boon act to' omnt have not been' alaboratm bni
Mra. Addle Brawa. Tl
tto trooad.. Screral eoMlera went o h they have worked hand In hand wUU ^Mra. Buale^rHtl. K B. Ctoe, IP*. gan InfanlVy.
L. 6. M rlghl. <Jo. H. gfad Ohio to
E K. Olaveinad. Bauaiy D. Ca K.’
tost; XI -V Jamea E aioMer. Oo. U.. 34th Mlcb- fapiry, Central
Jat a, 1.. utb Nwa TmE
to It. *ad looDd a bounded txdor bear­ Ito old soMlerm.
baw Beaha et tont JsrdM^
lonbna. Trarerof City.
er. «rbo *Ub bto laai atrcDBtb nee
w. ReUogE Ca o, cth New Toto
Uerrann Potka CD..A IdMd N»w
Tbe It oountlM repreeentnd by the
tort. -- ■lag a few daye with bM bf^
W..K. OreeBmaa. CD.
Mb Sew henry artillery. KnUmtoA
botdtoB tto colon alotL Tto old Grand Traveree Sctdkn' and Smtors'
Travaeaa CHy.
York arnUery, Central Lntotod wrer <au«bod ,tto gnMiad. bora."
W. J. Vniaoa CD. C- IMto New
Oaorge a Regvar. <&. o, Md New
•re well cepreernu
sMary DarU. Frank Powle. toi. Pile
Mim Brntoa Wood wto is iHiMti
to oaJd. tbaaa totoc bli drlw eorda. Camp Balm. thU monlng tto tented lAto.
M Ormsby. Ov C.. TMh Now Tort York InfaBtry. Kelbaska
Terfc. light aitUlary.
i tto Rotorts
9rm tbto toeUent. aald Comrade dty being a very bear place, where
Infaatry. Trarerae City.
tX O. Stortar. Ca K, Stlb Ottio to
oaorge, A toaibto Btttmy M, tit
A. Purtato CKhertae CWe.
ebnreb astvteee bare B|ag^,
Hank, tto aonp waa wrttua.
Mends fimn near and tar iieHed
Hnmpahlre amUery.
Mia. C. Mnaoy. Catbortoa Cote.
UMa BUM Paito 1* Btt-%
DuribB tto ulUnt of tbU etory and other friends end glad reunioas wrre Mrs. w; Drya, O. P. Mania KS. sylvaaia tatfaniry. Lnke City.
H. J. Kentaor. Ca C, Mh.Mlehlgas
Hiram H- OiRofd. Oa E, SMb ttmCtty
tto mastoc of tto aont. a ^op of
W. R. Parker. Oo. G, Penntylvanln Infantry. Honor.
Jamea EgglaUa Uth Mlehtgnn to
Wniiaa ora. Ca D, goto PUMay-r
Mra. 0. BslaoA O. f. Martin US. militia. Kalkaska.
Mra Ofto Hutch—a Ot 1
Puner Sbennan. Ua I, .4Sth Pmo- Untry, Traverse Olv.
J. T. Wairoua. Oa A. Mh Hltolgnn
Oaorpe Kiicbto Oe. L. Utb MiebP
Mra. OHva Dtplay. MePbarmm 1S1. sylvania ttfantry. Boudaan.
Noah Burley. CD. E. Utb
Infantry. BeUalra
Tinvarm Oily.
Many tt tto Ralkaabn »a«gtt qnkEtatm
Oeorpe Bush. CD. C, IDU
Mto H. OoldtoUb. O. P. Martin
Tbeo. Dmiw. CD.. C. llib Mltbl
aaa la apaad tbaU Bnatof at tto
John RaSly. Traop C. iSth Bolted InCantry, BeJialrc.
14S, Manton.
Siatee cavalry. Meslck.
Mra. Slnnlgar; Mel^etaon
Heniy Oobsm. ca K, Slat MMtlJohn tomb. Oo. c. iMh MItoftob
Tto mepshevs tt
tto •pwattb
Traverae City.
0. W. Abbou. Ca tt. flat Iowa In Infantry. BeUalii
toagiH have SaMbed a
fsntry. BUliunabDrg.
Hta. Glendennlag. HoPbermu
William Newton. CD. K.. lit MleUa A J. Norm. Cn. B. Utb MltolRa
mendtoie piece pt week.
Traverm CRy.
H. T. Ree< Co. U Mb CDonwAlnu gan Sharp anoottrs. Honor.
E A Critteadto CD. P, 11th HoebIng a a
cemaat Naifartt gto Mditt
Mto AuM Bottle. McPhaiaon IM. inlantry. Fife Lake.
J. W. HllUker. CD. E. »U
bebore the <hur<k TkM M a
E E Ctoae. Co. B. 3rd MlaneaoU cavalry. Traverae Ctty.
AAsoa RandaU. Oa E. IMb MMhltbat was btoly naedsd. «tt —to
lufanirj, Traverae City.
L. O. Heyea. tto. E- 10th Mirblgan u.
Itonks are doe to thorn wto so rbih
Traverae City.
Prank WUleey. CD. a. 177th (ttio mvalry, Btt Rapida
WitHaa Slrttler. CD. O. Md
fetly gave their tiM to ibd week.
C. S'. Blanchard. J«mm A. Be.ton. liifantry. Traverse CHy.
S. Centra: Uke.
Mrs Roae Bantoafna •■ tto MBl
E \V. KiUworth. CD. A- iMth Ohio
Itoaodere Regcn. Oo D, laib Mlebtut last week!
Mra. W. H.'Oraenman. Jauea A. Infantry. Algnton.
tokton. Central Uke.
Mr. and Mra A E CtiMp diDvd ID
CD. A, Hih Ohio
Cbwies Kmpp.«!( . C-. lOtb MlehiWrw A. r. Elder. McPherson. Infantry. Elle Lake.
AM* Monday for tartbor as—Na(OoUlaned from PIret Pnge.i
Ttaverte City.
George Radm. Oo. C.. iPtnd Ohio history. He Is Dae of it ebUdraa. all
Charlee Prakeli. Cto. It, 3rd MIclJ
Mrw Warren Keiti«i, Kslkaaka. U. InUairy, pue Laka
Mr. and Mrs. WfUlatt Wlind. abd
am were born on March k Hb XU.
Mrr. Sarah A. B'llaon, Col. siaber.
J. W. Hnnk. Oo. P-. ||Mh and itRk lather alee woe bora ea Mart* i.
Peter ttosaseak CD ^ ubd Ohio Mrs. Inis attandsd tto tMWnl tt
So. IS. Kalkaaka.
ttoU eonsls, yoba Btnttt^ AMttt.
and tto date pt hU lathePs wedding
hlo Volunteer Intanuy,
S. a. Abwiy. Co. tt 10l« Ohia
Stella M. Pmreooi. Kalkaaka.
Wednesday. Mr. CttlM tod
B P. Newhonsa Oa K, TMh Ohio was alee on that day. -People hardly
J. R. RiblMt. ca B.
Mra. B. C. Hodge. Charlevoix. . hilanUT. Traveree City.
over beUevp me when 1. leU them uHl Mil U. S. intaatry.
becev an iaralid tar tbd ggit tbfew
Mra. J. W- Hinikar. MePheraoo UI.
joars. Tto RPi;. E M. JMm aCtoMb
Moem Wiet. Oo. A. Uih Ohio Ja that, bot It's true, neveritolras “ aald
W. R. Crararae City.
Mr Oarwiek.
lantiy. Lake Ala
Tto following anmm
Mra. Emma Sesbhi. MePbeewm
Mr. Perguson was wounded three 1 up VO anon loday m tto ruMMraL C. Miller, Oo. K.. 4th
Ul, Tiaeerm Oty.
lag ato rapalrlBC tto ittortee tt GM
mm In the war. onre at Petersburg
ratalry. Otea Haven.
an took of the
R c
Spanlah War Vetamim
ckartk fa tto nmr fniur*.
when to tan Us arm. amJa at 0«.
cevMra Mtaa Mam., »UP
Tto toiloaiM SpanMh War VelerA. c Boebe. and E IMas waat io
Tiaverwe dty.
•ha had reglatered op to aeon :o>lai. airy. Travayee CRy,
John Schloemr. co. E. Uih Ohio In
U« a tog.
Mra Oram Bartboltotw. \iepbar Bbegamng. with their IwmaE ICdl
It 'E. Walter. Oo. M.. Itlk Mlrblgw
kaato.': Sunday. Ttoy corrtad a ebw
fantry. Bnoorine.
Adjutant Colby torn his leg at Yel­ sea iS|. Tratwrae CHy.
toinnteer lafantry. Traverae (T.r.
pM tt pasaengers -wto were vwey attiII. J. CurtJa. Oa B, ttoh Ohio In low Tavera He tod boon In tto boe’JOIIQS Johnaoo. Oa M.. JIth .MIrfal
Mra. Alim ThamgsE P. CDrw.
o mske tto trip, bnt wo UUA
fahlry. Travttw City.
(Utol. and upon Jolnlzg the. raglmew ISaer. Na let.
toinnteer intnnlry.
Vbn Linnlng, Co. H.. toth Ohio again, va. plug^ mu> tto botUa
Mrs. Msagte Wmver. tt p. Core. (hey foetid tto pomige mor* aolai
they axpnted. as old Tertk was
.r dl hb oomradm were kill­ Htmor. No. igg.
B. M Oanott. Oo. M.. S4ih Mleb
wtM nod tto oprv that S*
Jacob Lbbc. CD. K, ifgth Ohio to ed. and to and another one wmi
Stan tUnntry, Ttoverae'dtj'.
Mra iRria iiailim. Mai D Ctty. Na
tram tto boat bad no maatwe tt tw
eousln. Adjutant Onlby la veaewd 3«9S
' The toSoarlag are tto Bona of Vet-: taniry. Nasarn Cfty.
ItoMUai Cook. CD. II, nst ladJ. tDuala Id lln'ited Statm gMalor Wil­ Mra Refers, (toi Stewart. Na lit. •root tt pmuons If ft was a bmperaoe who are reglatered at tto eo«rW
ana Infanlriy, Reed CHy.
liam AMtw Smith.
J. B. Bprritt. BaoUh.
IX E RoUe. Ca 1.. tdib MkAlmtn
Mra Mtto M«
Toe Realm.
rarniry, WlUlnmabnrg.
R. L. tTawRird.
Tto feihraing aeMiera had t^lsie*- Uonrae fa tbto 4
Monroe AmMott. Maple City.
W. W. Rugs. oa'U mh MtebIgnB ndop to 13 oTfdoek today;
Mra Amy WTittoiT. oeerae Martin rnralry. Mi
Tto follow ug
t eWmew Pst* regtsueO. P. Carver. Co. A, Mtb tadlona
(Prom Wedaetoayb BaewcB) , ,
IK, Bastport.
WUUam O. Joem. ^ A. tith MIeb.
' •» to It o'etock in the W. E C.
B ODtooa, C« D, 134 and Qe
WUiaai Pni— Mi this mW
Mrg «. R Amv. oaorge Martin Itoa mvatiT..Bast Jordna
G.. Uth Indiana.
(or Hastjo^. wtore to wUI vMft gM
IK. toatport.
OetobelL Cb. R, i«h 9. a Marvin. On. I, md OhW.
Mra C Knnpa Ktegaler.
emtta Bnm Tremaia far a taw dayx.
Mra. Martaa Oiaiahortalg George Hicfalgaa mvalry. Traverae City.
Mra tt*«*ge Taylnr. Kltwslry.
Jaiab MDnver. CD. H, 104th Obla
tbare goUg to Alblea MUb.
Martin. IM BaMport.
J. W. BSUmn. On E. iMh IHchto>n
B B Gregg. Oa 1. and Oa H, Uth
wberatowiu enter Atom tmO—far
Mra LaCottendar. MmtcE
Mra M. A. Mwrar. Traverm aty.
bad Uth lalantrtm and tod Obhi ar
Mra A W. Randall. Travorso dty. »e ymr.
Hn. Haobah M. Smith. ReM aty.
E J. Manrtoeter. Oo. Q, New ftod USery.
Carl Vlatim tt WDllsmttmg MO
Mra George Kttrboex PutaMto.
R.-A. AlRT. «k
b’lrhlga* mtantry, KlnpUey.
Winiam BTDwainx. Co. L. UMh
Uttar fer Stx Lnkea m visit bi» «n
Mra H. E Hlutooek. Bbsrman
Mra. Oebeiah Ttok. Boed ORy. B.
J. M. Meruloeh. On. Ol. Mh IndthM <M0o.
Tto Clttes tekpbime umptuj to ter. -Mra Oise Wand. afUr wttek to
A. Alger Sll.
eerahy. Traverae Ctty. •
tt Bartholemsw. Oa B, iTTlb Obla •unod a telopbeoe la tto mem Imt
mad some ilmo at tto fair at
Mra Chllda. Oeoirai
John E HOI Oa B. iPTth Obla to
J. M. Mgera Ito- E. Uto ObU In­
tor tbe ma o4 tto iiranipanni. witb- Grand Bapidt bakw* Imvtag (or Laa
The toMar.
faiitry, Manton. ,
CDst. and tto BOaldman Rtvar aing to auaad tto Agr—Mmal aar
Tto ragMrailQo oarda at r»."-r
Abraham Hawhias. OO B, UUh
Batea mmUm to laeramo la number., O^lnatbtry. Shepard.
noli laMaur.
tto graubda wttbom axi
tto Miowibc hating been addat
Andrew Touav. Ca tt, Uiat and
A u TWstwa Oa P, Mto Wto amaeraOto wxeapt Mr
Utrd tumms tafantry. TraTetw OHy.
I of ewrrent aeeA Tto
John »mn$Bg. Oo. Bu ITU
MMSad toa galaa wtiwd aaS
•ta laUntry, Traeseao City. .
SM averytottf u 1


G • k.B ♦ T T


With Yonr New Fall

with svary dollar or
more purchssr. cus­
tomers can obtain ona
of Ihete^roal watches

thily 50 cts.



Why Baleelccl tram THE LAnCEST
am man AsaonTNENr m

Our New Fall Goods Are Here

IsaemaSlMcBierc ol Traverse
COyaaS NarincraMIcniaaa.


' « « V4


MANDmAViRM HiNAka rnioAv.
h. um.
~ ' •
gaaa——i nm 11 ■ ■.■^
*♦♦♦♦♦♦>«♦•♦♦«♦•♦ PBllbe MCV- NW'M UHl vtMttf WM
I b«*c b«wi MMtpliat all lb* aeod

«' t »or««W>^tM4 toUle. brtJ«
♦ (htan VM Ml at •»< I AWt Mm

Inc point; oM-Uia coewban. cmr. «
NtMNMM CHAT. ♦ 1 oUl «m «v aow*T tontcki. Ill
fto«are MCe at aunClng over a modeme ftr« antll
inaileU toefc all atert ft. aM om U
arc ibo^pocblr
bat —•
aM T5e
■-I tber —
------- —•—^ •■—
riU trai On aa valL Non I aval
art. oar*
, , ran botne Can I c« acroaa tbreacb
When made
Ibr Kantea'- AaC la a aoawM ab>fovlnc reripe Ibcr are a
Uj, pU«a when the 1
alchu and tba sood adcb^
a ibe third Moraine,
aoralnc, and
and then im evnt
Ripe rtifumbtr JVkto—Pare tven
e.». To be more, ber dncrn bor ruUed upber daraing and aent ta

drain into a boi aaawpan »Kh two
roundlai ublanpooatul* of bouer. tlx
An «aa vbe reaa beaUe the road, ahabaa of black pepper and m tatr
Ahd tnin hU voariad back vbMbiU tpoonral of ehoppad paraler. Tom
The vbalMinc load..
Uchtly in the pan uuU everr bean la
aoll tooted vlib ibe buuor. Tnm
I kMol by hidden poolt ot prayer—
out into a boi aorvlac dlah, apriaklo
etill wawrs tranchi with baallns akb aalupoanful of powdered mace,
, and eooeeM over the jnlce ot onedtnlC
la 004*0 greao poatona 1 nbldo
of a ibtnoa.


„ i‘4“' bUbt -• "-“-’.f ‘Z
-yybone, toll M ecc and hraad-enunba. It la very cicni) recommended, and
•orgHoB. npunod. loved. roMwod.
«nd pile on iho Ibobbb I b..,
Wlml I, I
Alono with Tbae.
One may
boaao when tba latter are la the am-dJraco Dottold Ooodwio.
Ing dlafc.

Carrou and Green ^aa.—Pool a tha haWt
• . Ho abiJl driok of tho brook'la
doses landar sweet little carroU aad
■ (bo ««pt Tberofore akaU be lift
place In a atewpaa with a ublatpoaa• sp tbo botd. PMima liD-;.
«ul of butler, half a capful of wuar
-aad pinch of aali. aad csiA till not
quite doM. Add a plat of graea peas, ommbbm-. -U -bli. Ml.... Am. ..A
a taBapaaafol of ailnced paralay aad a MPIaia An-r pmU ud r.dmilbd
cube of aagar, Sfaniasr uattl tha MM. 1™. ™™»b.r. .bob Ibmb
a. The peppers and onloai
poaa aro eookod. thickaa with a uhle____________
apeoaftd of boor aad a UUaapooafal
> A IHOo pampklat baa loeontly ooste ^ butter kaoaded togaiher. to which
oanoe of white nuaiard seed a|C
to Homs Cboor. eaUUed -The Jlrook add a hall a cupful of eraaa.
by tba SoadMcL- ft Is full of laaplra- Cora Sauted la Cream.—Take ate ^ of ailt. Put the mixture Into
tlop Httt* tonuaOB, every-day life, cars of Juicy, tender corn, and cut a muatla bag aod drala twenty-four
Ha «Sl|k tbodgAt being that we from the cob. PUre In a aaacepaa bovw Pm to gUM fnm jarsvand
Mlaa aK'by betominc ao wrapped with a glU of hot white aauee. halt a cover with colS vinegar.,
SinaU cncumben. when prepared
Up to M^ddUoo. our worrfcs aad the cupful of croam and halt a UbtaapoMP
asooot^j ol oar round of work that fu| of buttpr; season altb-baU a tea- eol as to reulB their treobiieta and
we (all to drtnk ot the brook by the qpeeotul of aah, dosUng or white pep- erUpbeaa. mtkt
way. There la eomelhlikg tn tha per. aad aattapooBful of nnimag. lalattory plekioa. Too often they are
tbooHit wblqb makei one atop and Oooh genOy for ten mlnutso on back Ub»M lb AMb U. bHb.
look, as each day coves, (or. tbs of range; place la hot dish and ssrve.
Mroam ol rofraahlag. nad it U Indeed Own Snuied la Butter.—Proceed as
that ao vattor bpw tot and above, adding one rounded isble-



apoealul of batter, bat omltilng ib-r
white oauce end tbe ersom. Seaaon
the enme nsd cook (or ten nJnnica.
toaalng H vraU to keep from atleklng.
Sugared Squmh.-Select a flriu.
sweet rquaab. a IlnLbard by preferonce, and brM into oast aervtng
placoa. Parboil tor Utoen alaniea.
Plaee t na baking pan. oprlnkk caeb

Sii',“.Xu','b,“ |’.'.“7.“m
V... no
-A, further
|gr«lag tbem ihrongh tbe winter. J(
properly prvpared there danger
of tkelr tt»ftentog to a time.
coSSf 0?eV*f2^iJ^? aS* thai
Sr<?!^al« wllS^rouSl, with
. .ur^ to_____ oTT.___ _

apSrthirt «™iiLrttic?«

,of Bm om who baa niwpod lo dHak. aad iwn ino a alow
dmd the Bans of tbs strwsm U Trust, cooking.
Md its etbsr lima U U>ve. and It c^growma of BeoU.-Cook the
Sow* to eldBo to tha path of each r>f
.ktow pluags to cold
M thtt ft would seem that wa matt
rob o» tha poel aad cot in
wOfttlyiOtMi oar oar. and wro ,^^j,Vh • round aUcea. To every
awoy mt eyas, it we would mtoa it
,1,0^, of beer have ready tha Ulnnett poaatble slice of parboiled Be^
•iovi* Wflyt With Vadstiblai
voda Mtioa. Lay a allca of onion bw
A WdoU Of fenwalwilil Booaomiaa, tween two aMcea of beet, (eaten with
wrlUw tor tba dAdto.* World, fivto
dip on* by one to a
0B«M now and clover ponwottocis aa
batter aad fry to deep nmokto tha cooktod of-oor commoa vofetat. oraklBf oach aboui
Uhlan. Shs nays:
mtontaa. Drain. oprlnkW vary lightly
It <hn ■
dfl- with attt and aerva.
woto B UUli study 10 Ibo varlod and
ostistod «nyp in which tbs commoBof
Two OollalauB Osaaarto.
aorU ot v^BblBO con bo prepnrsd.
of cn.tentltoAan.H with tha
« df •'Sxtog * Ibe cabbage.
boana,. canosa, been aad poutoesas (ba ea«eubiea to (act ahe serves
ao adjuncts to to. moat
fleura on toe (amlly ti
-K e would
ba agtonlshad to ate bow quickly and
oaHly to. could bring ber family to
Us pttnt>bere tkoy would oat Mora
vadotohlat and laoa Mat. T%U coa-

•POontuU ot grannlMed wugar. and
baai untU disaelved. Tban add^ ma
_ _ _il Of dtrawborry
_ (any
otoer Jolly may be used. « ^rafenied)'
whip BBUl perfectly
gerve with craaatAOr rich milk. Thla
,o,„uv U lor alx peraou.

«UM A AI«M U M.b. AmUM sr.s«"sis“.

CUo. — Tbs

tbaaa days ot ktflk-Priced mratn. pnritooltriy wbora toa famUy la a targe
OBd kohity Of.
VbBe act n believer to the weird
cOMbtoOtlBM kaowa aa -vegeiarton
dltbon." I do believe to toe bealtofi Plenty of ttam. to toalr aeasoo. i^an Xatnra glvao oa ber btol lo eot tbem.
They have tboir obb aad flew of en-

ttignr, flve eggs, ooe ecsiai coptol of
milk, two leaapooatnti ot fatotogpowder, throe cupftiU of flour and one
ggg gg, half cupfuls Of seeded ralalaa
bm tba whites sad toe yoika of tba
*ggs aeparalely; craam toa butter and
aagar; add tor yolks of egga. and
beat: airt tbe flour aad bahtog-powfler lofletoer, and add ft a cupfol at
a time wlih the beaten wbltea of

ba aaioo raw. as yoon obIom. c «
fmm. miaca boo MHimfliaas. are
bM Ur » I. toe npftog; otoer. to
tba aatamn.
Tbo (oUowtog recipes gtve oorory
wnys ot preparing soom (d tbO^eomiqeeer vugotobtes;
Harieou n ba Malire D’Hotel.-Soak
over night one qonri of iboroughly
eloaned while boana Drain, cover
with wattr. ^orably ralt water,

the ralstoe. and add them latt. *ad
beat all logetbar. nxvor with vonHta. aad bake to Jellytlnn.
,g „,gk. * „og fllllageur tola
ggg jj,,
of one lemon to two cupfuls of wxur. and put on too otore to boa
«*blle waiting tor tbto to boll, mix
thfea labtaapaoafula of alfted floor
with ooe half cupfal of water, and
add ta ihto one and qne half cuptola
of sugar; tboa poor toe Mxture alow-

Make a brine .ualng a
IMndful of eonrae aaU to a
water. Heat it. aad wbeo
to boll poor It over the coramben. There abould b« nfflcicDt
tetoe to cover thorn. After standing

Mm. U.., Ml .M rim .M
U. Ib.u, b«
.nil .irt. A» early droniba ut luintDcr worked tm-h
of wbkh wtadom wna inctaded In her havoc alth aU :hr aiu berrira. How­
laviutloa t the Yot
toand la the markets, fee those who
•** *’•"

been wondering • aaM Uie .I'
„ •l>e

Hu -what you fonpd that aaa bew. “
yon never let a good Idea come Into
aUht wiihont rapturlLc U k>r futara

' ,tven
-bi- b“»«- ‘«>
it or soda. on(

"WeU. let me see.- the Back ^
Nelcbbor. -Of coora. I ana-al^!^
wwys tucreated to cood iblitM to
•" " •

f aUspit-e. three cupfuls
>"«»“— .1 Mo., ooo on. m.,.., « b,m, .mi

big cUy atorea. and oirder tblnc. with '

rheo add ih#


,„,nd ngala over ntibi. T%eo “*
put ‘®
at gneaalng what
the special »^'.b."
w^.,, Bo«o-emi
.r.m di.ab.i.Mi •>..
„mb. lb mbbll biu b.ll»... b.m>M 1 bbb om ibUu ^SSibS^ b^,. 1!^!. mi ^
keepltg UU tba bo:-*e- whk-h i am atlU purallwg over
(he berrtea. Stir well
rry Pte.-Uoe a pie plair
ally the oil. mixing all :be while, then as sweei fnilis frltiert often are. but
would not be
**“*• and -«» with ripe
ibv remalulng vluegar; hwt nUU J do nor •

Hr. C. A. Uodgrabe. Boa 7s Cvob
burg.Ohio, wilteai -1 badliMaaaUxM
aaSererheanambetibl yean, but paid
ntUe er ae aMealtoa to it; unm iba
eTirlog ot tbla year, whoa my euSow
lags haerme very aevere. '
-I had pato to tbe bead, hack, epto^
liver, cbeet, aad vartoae patu of rwy
lod.v, bceldee ladtgeeIMm Ibai caueed
an much iroobla aad aaxieSy. lortsm
ihoogbi whaa 1 letlradal might 1 would
not live ihrougb it. -1 Mad medleel aid,
but K. no purpoae.
■■Nui kaowtog whal seae my mab
troulble 1 wtota to Dr. Haruua, att4|r
' reading of hu treattoant. lor advloA
lag him of my varteoaallo
ba aoUBad me at o * that I hadiy*.
temte eatarrh.
- Attar aelag tbe Sral bellk ot iwroaa
1 tvU nliri. eo 1 cooUanad to wee rs
BBUl I had Ukaa tear hottlaa. whoa t
tell eailraly cured. 1 tocommoad It to
alt oihrra, bcUevlag iliai they wlU axysrienee Um relief that I dU.>
PO^WtoO o» • TpsH.
Mr. VlUlam P. Bawktoa,UWaoSBlM
Vaatorly, K1, wrttoai
wl wlabtoglvamySasUaeoytolaew
a( Parana as a toalr. 1 haw aaad ito
aama for eatorrb, aad.eaa reoumaaead
It to all who are itoaUad ra'tiui

a«-.« . im .. «mmbb lUbm »“■ bml m.rr a u .Mm. Iim. ib.
AKTMTAIKmlNT. • HU, ». m.i. oonU b. mmd .mm<A
TM All,M .u mM. ol nm. «..M “—•"“"““'"'“•“•"“•"i
p cup of thin cream to Us
It wUI w B bs time to begin think- ckerrln, cooked with ralalna. and I
It of orange pool.
tog of chunA tomars. It baa often think there
seamed to Ike casual obwrv^ that aa well
. -»-- ..b-Mtbeae would be a greater ftnaacial euc- thickened m7 i^r, bT
bs ahellt ot paste. U was •* •••*'•
^ cooked
tvaa If more foreibougbi were given need to tba
^imv. ^ ^
three mlnuies. add the sUffly beatet.
tba preparation ol a large number poured around
.. .—..AM..,. anlelee
_______ sawce- Tbe tops of the paw **“*•
. mM}“^wraUveli"bl^- tr.v shelU ware oovered wiu sweet
"* ***
priced ones. Ooc chairman ol a basasr ened whippad cream, vrtu Hay dots '**•*• •“
committee dM UU succeMfolly by of tbe ctMm colored wUh ibf ptok ol
®«'ry Pudding —Use a amall stale
Ibe nollowiag plan: She aeni out the cherry Juice aa a further ornabaker's bread and owe qaari
»^«ton'w maaV
ol tan hUckbctrlee. Trim oC tha boattm egga aad softrioal Soar to
, MU. UMI, u. lb. but »U Ullk bUb. Uu
ry ot a sblek battbac will drop from (be I
"•■V™ ?'V" • «■>>•«
a-.. _________ _
Wlen slightly cooked rea of toaked battor. eooMb..»u«lbuMU luH lM.MMb.1 M Mlb M. U.^ A
bs« berriee and pst Into ibo plat of well-dourad borrtoa. Bur tha
Plocuahioiia tbe
the jj cant'help
cant Vlp but
bm rraember
rraember a qi.a' •“
— novel
—el they could
ruuM cKber
ciiher make or
..t.H. ^
i. r.M one
rte*. was made
msd. ol
J '
P>“ « >*>«f •* barrtae berries
tfOT h
iigbity and aieam or boll e
,b.M.M;x.b,iM. ?b.
I 'ly lor Urea hoars. Servo boi with
AMM. .rA.s biM. A.II....1M.A ont MA.b/b.
renixiBa poor n

toea'V,u, Un, cilpptog. of puloa
Cover with a warm dish to re- the following aailSe'^ »stt haft a
ttiooix. not tbo onion, bat the Ural tain tba beat aad keep warm uaUI cupful of butter with hioi a capful

tobiSvr yU*«, tmntly tinted grovn-whUe of the ahoot
aerved. but do not lai tha cover praoi of aagar uuiU u cream is fiwyto
and gayly cBpstlooned hunters in coni^ «oked mayonnaise dresaing. on Ibe podding. Serve with the lol Tbaa add the bewtuB yolkn of two
pany wlih a crowd of aolnials dressed
gg |gp «g, Qg,i, cbeppad sttoat lowing aauee: Beat tbv white of ooe eggs and gund the trawl to a poo q(
i.lrbA>A Ji.
m new
mmmi MnS
aammia. .
' .
lu .K
aod popu'^ii,
ra'tflv'TiZ *“
^hao add hot water. atlrrtog-s»Ul tba eemtakla
Ur Red Riding Hood coats, and to
««>«>ib. Plaeor wUk
Add one cup of sugar gradnally aod vanllU or a dash of a
laa all the aio>i (ksbionabla " '
a Just ripening. The seeood aalad
BlacktK-rry B0R.-T0 tw«; Class
in tagger) carried o
s cabbage. ,
^ _ _
___ _ __
laWeapoQB ol hot mUk and batt

» ,0,


AMAiM Rcbett the tamt prorras on
tbe two days Mlowtoi On tbe Wih
fluanUty ol plnx Three clrealAr
,w* nlK^ i rSAAr b l“7
and dlasolvo in It n pioco ot alum’ **'™ **
toe n^f ! but^m^hen Jlidd
‘-‘•y- **>'
V a^flTU;^^n^ S^^rtS^w
1«- of toe

toairiJ btS^Sir oU^I^ to^


r«^A^-^L7wlnd ^ •*^»**^
ui^ ttl are
maIAM U.b Uirow
M« vlMl.r “
" '**-

U.A rirTb "h.

............. .........................
mm, flharklaa.
amaU bit. of. ,ripe
imba.V nasturtium amtda. radtah
pod. and .mall tomatoe. may be ttldOd without parbotttog OccnalOMUy
xtir too plekio from tbe bottom and
keep n aeU oavored.
Sweet CitcaBber nckles.—To mnk<
sweet cacumbor pIcUea. perl, cot
to allrao o( ooo took end' weigh
largo raeuBhore. To aracb ae
pounds allow tour potiadi
a ptol of elder vto««ar. twelve whtte



was a bower of greeaery
showed me what oua can do, ev,
ib»y era mil at fonunate at rua
i ,re. who live to a town where gar
g,,u. gga trecw abtmod. 1' tell you.
m»,ume. I Jual feh aorry tor thnas
poor njliliouhircu. w&oee homes look
„ „
ug,.,! ,„h . tiny strip of lawn. Rut
jr.^gg possessed a real, though
,mgn ,groen spot. The tall fencm.
were covered wfth flowering vine.,
preitUy shaped lines of ptaau. not
* *“*
*" '*“•
epwwved Undsc-p. deslgna ouiltoed the side,
ol the >ard, Ibe center was of grevii
tarf. and theib was ariually a tree
The table was set under this had for
ewurve we g,g
hsd ,,
nuy nutmec
with cbtpped
came cutlets o wbileftab. o
p,g,„, ,„gi,hvd wljh rarUej
cuUrt was laid a slice &■
toe hall of which sai aprinkl
cb^ped panle> and toe oihrr
with chopped white ol hard boiled
g,g--,g,fb ggg g^g ,.B,gg gj„k b>
letting It stand to beet vinegar Wlin
a was served aaratoga fried pota
fllwllad Petatees.
chips and core (ruiera. xnd some
Cut X ponioa acroai from toa lop
n of a ihopped pickle; 1 think it
g{ h<w.
ell-baked poutore. Scoop
ww 'pepper bash.' Last came crisp

onttOo, no.
edged flsta fastened together by a
ribbon trimmiag rua in and out
around toe dome nhaped crown Tkla
was formed l» the flat bottomed eutoton slipped to. Padded chairs lewnnd
b.v llule fat babies laaratog to
Pl- '■ .b. b-U Md
DalLilly eiocklnged legs had
f«»Hlnger1e frtiU about the ka« and
garters, while to. ...on''«• >»
«’>riimber pickles.
. TTnTTi^F^r
Pepeere Ena
logevher one pint of
eweel uUk. lour well beaic;;
hell a teaspoooful of sAt and a
pepper. Have the frying f
with a IHile laelied butler to
kewp the togivdlent. from sUcklng
Tura tbe mixture Into ft and aUr
over _
toe Are- MT»en ft
s done. Remove from the
^g ,gg , j„.
^hU makev a nic. dith
light aubatliuto
< supper.

p«-, „ directed for
itolill'toelkiM ItohXMpmW^p toe
5uu.“ l.!Se .bTe^b.'openmg in a fluffy mass. Brash toe top
ngoxlr with butter aad pUra back
the oven until wwU browsed on i<
.Serve .tondtog

with ihe Oah couree. aad we bad

"’■** l" **•
through the break**“ Tdo hate toaae affairs where
whisked away Just at y
*“ getting ready for the aetood.
(bird fliliOK. Wont your
Prt 1 used in
read in an old. wern copy of toe Arabtan Sights of a ftsimscldc feast.
CoBMtalns. er«B when cream has where toe tood was Just Hay-prqtead.
beea pwt to the eoBee. Bay be remar- bat If It was as raallstir aa lOur deved from tabte-Itoen bv robbing the ertpUona. 1 do not b^lloe toe i>iln(e


. J'- .

rings out across green sweet pepper m.■ -aa
.mk— .-a^
< la wft^ < InUdA
pggg ig, .ggjj. peppers, like those ^ ^ ..g
U-d to Ih. flrtt .SUd Tb. Slice.
and absgrad
Puddlag —few
•on-vkitig Uko toe outlins of » ftmr
^ »*• '*»“• « breml lu tbs rolled oat Into an obtoop aboM. fom,
ivalvd vK>v*r. A »>each dreralng ol .“•*»“«
««« Wackbafriaa. roU op
gi,r, oil. viaegar. nalt and paprlcn *
•‘•"tottHne btocfcbarry dos- from one side. Moawttng too wads togggg

toft pUce three thick sUcea oT brood getber 0 kaep too Joirn ta) and
O"- ‘
with a Plot of Place 1 a pan wtih one cup valor.
HI top
top "U browaod. To ho
of toe tovely atoe octoek broaklaai
»*" tooroogb- Bake until
with s
aocordlni „ which I wa. tbe guest of booor. to

Clb«MA ^11. bl A. I.rt Ub>
wm. A


.A.,.., mo..- too MPA...
bA,. u
aagar. Tie Inoaely In a cheeseeioSh bag aurii apiece aa are liked. .V
tow pepper eorna. a Ubleapoonftil of
allspice barries. a tsbleapoonful of
whole etovM. navonl aUcks of clasambn broken floe, and a few bUdet
01 mn„ on nnOntont lor .
Of -____
These nlrUre site nor
dottiwed^ bo hl^ eploed or sweeteaad. but otoar tptcaa ma) be added
ortoe anlcmnia aa given ^ ma)' b^
increased If desired. Boll vinegar
sugar and aplres logaibor and pour
over the cocumbera. A few rooU of
be placed

lar with toe picklea. and wiu help ^
keep thorn to good conditioa.
Another plckk-, which U more <
usual, aod one which li v.
dadlan . Pickle.—Two galloBt of
sharp -vtoegar. one teacupful of aalL
a of ground mustard.
ounta. ol ettery reed, four ounce, of
ginger, (our ounrea of ctonnmoa. two
ouncm. of cloves, three Isrge pieces
Of borae-redUh. 6oU ell tbe togtwdl
onts togetber- fl(iaoo mlnviea
moat an)' vdCetaUe ma) be used
ospt cabbage, aad it it couveulral
add tbooi from lime to time as toe
season ndvanoea. String boana

laanptmntata of sail, an oatoo atur* sired thkflirvmo. When doae. pour
wlto tear cloves, five or alx oulko n( ft toio a bowl to eooL and add a
paralor. o email tairet and two tablo pineb ol nttt aad a lamp ot butter
npooatola of butter, (taito tor ua hour tbe sire of a hlekoryaui. Wboa coni,
very gemtly. Remove tbe ooaaonlng Mwad^wrwo tbo layers ol iho
vaflotnbtaa, drain ofl toe water, put rah*.'
tn tour mraoia of butter, a tablrepoun. yA'—... ■ - —
(Id of rboppafl parwley aad a dusiina
| BshaO Baeta.
of paprika, and mix w.H by totalng--Wbao Onoklng beets ter table tue.
toe aiaeapoo Ba«b baaa most br^ baklu toem as yoa sroaid pouwhoie. ubd this ran ooty be tnaated to*^ ^bey retail all tbotr Jaley
by oooktog la plam ot water. ,
awwstaera and ore macb aupoito* to
Uma Banns a Ia rranralse.-Aok 'MM4 baou, and taoo traabla la prewaa quart at Umo baaaa imUl tooflej. pare.




,1u,»r ,«l ,,o p»md, « IW„ U,..
.u»i, .Ulb, . llllh, .tub MbMb»b.
When Ibe »vpup holla drop la n few
ot the alivea and cook lintM tranapar- ~
icaapoonful u^whlKjbepper, a ouar'. of
— b—

hen all are cooked pour ibe white OBloas. an onnee of eclary aeed,
two poncea of crated boraeradlah. a
ar„. B«..
H,nl»-A tU syrup over (hem.
With a flne and forelcn flavor and

(^cumber No :,-Prepara co
boarty enoach to nene u ibo Mala
camber, as tn torecoitic nU*. then
dUb at dinner. Boll n qnart d( ten­
•mine vttb nUbody hand ahd -haart der creen otriac befna In a .««ok ooa- parbplK U aalled water. lUke a
, ^yar of onion., then another
Botpme ubtil teadee. Beaaon nlib a ay^p of OB, Plat of vUw«ar. «ne
^ cocoMber. Into a Mone Jar.
half laMpooafoI of aaU and a coo- half pint of water, two pounda of euTk) bold V oorrow In tba dark.
tar. ooe oun.-e of rinounon. a table^
dnitlnt of i«pper. and add. It
To debt ny fear, to bide my pain.
apocnlnl of whole cJovee and two or
'at land, two or three tablespooafula
And nevor for one hour to drena
of brown cravy. floak orar nlgbi three “Z.,fu‘,T”.
The toU U vain—
pickled kerrlnca: eook In waUr aeldn^
P«I over one quart Of vlnacarahd one

dnsty tbe way. bow weariioBe the
ooaWBlIlsre day aeemi. tbo strMn
I. (bpre. clone by Ibe pitb. alnging tn
a bnppy UtUe aMartono of green
■aadowa nad bright flowers and cool
abadowa A sip of Its magical water
baa tbe power to cause forgeifuloets


Buy Flour
By Weight
1^*1 lake it (w BMlad (kit evoy rati of loiw wm^ tao tMO.
Wke. you buy aa dghlii barret sack of Im. « ^ vve^
24H p^wk
A.1 yot* vo«* topto d oa the iqales aad see ikal d Jam

Reporm bave ceae to m from al wrer tae Mo «f taMogra
to 2 pouatbra an erahtb iwref tack.

Think what taal taeans to you—2 petmds Amt on rvrry 'gighta
band sack Braas 16 potowb ^ pa band and wita ftnar tt 3 oMa
pa peoKl it sotti tba esawraa who blow d dS esM oa ovoQT bomd.
We powtirefy fuacaniee that every sack of

LUy White
“the nov tlM Beit Cooks Ufl«**

Combs the iul

wdgbt wbra it knvui ora ml.

TW V 9« posBta in every Iml bond rack. 49 poMh • evray
qvMiia bond rack end 24.', peuadsa evoy esiklh bumf tack.
b liod wgb tae Bda's knot aad « a drib rack tali k is ravrad
Every drib rack dIJvWiM a rawak-arifioL
Fa lak br yera daxia.

vallky anr a^Ataic oofltaukxy

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