Grand Traverse Herald, May 31, 1910

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Grand Traverse Herald, May 31, 1910


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text




Edward Jewel



Picked Up What He

Thinks la a Portion of Halley's

Ulch.. May




lewel, a fartoo' etnirloyr, (hla mornDg aaw a mr-ltor aprwrcntly the also

tlA« A YEAR.





Two Local

Men Were c)ven Places

Cemmitteea of the State Retait Croce^t' Aavocialion.


• d-!-giTi ir.iui th.- !o.-aJ ll»«iV.-.i'- ii-«v-ia-.uia who 3U>-:;-l-d
livia!! G-ih


a-aa found to be a foot in length aod
wo Inrhes thick. It looked like lava

Waakiagtoo^ Mar SS.—Sroator Lori■Mr. ot lUlMta todar Is



B»aa<k auwerad Uia ckarcea of biibarr is cBaBaetloD with hit clrciloB
and aahnittad a Molatlon dnsand-


tag that tha arnata iDYeatlgata aad
A tall raport
Tha raaohiltiM vat rafemid to the


ha* appiduMri -tih-n llen»-l. agvU k

Maltara to Pearce.


:ii.- .tiioim y

Vertrew vlRoniUr^ty d'-fi udcd lUlUnc-

iM-lRwr doctored. “Not a dollar waa
paid aii7 legMator to rota for me"


tagarg. tArimar thundered. The poor
to* crattwe. a part

of the


•low the day s high,

tionx Bf the fame.


to a Wright aengilane thu afteraoi^
do tho aame to as AbcoUmUo ■

a In Elmwood on tha

Ilallluger aa uneihical for draa ltif ab

xent in general and the more eneouragement they receive
guarantee better p>ayir>g on

geat to the buaineas rnen of Trav­


i Friday evening.
There were prescnl Ur. and Mra
Helm. Urn. UelaiigKlin and Glen Ur
LaugUln. Mr. and Mh. Henry Knlgb:.
ind Ure. Martto Clark. Mr. nnd
Ura. Chaa. Ilcwird and two daugfat

PreeldenI W. S.

Anderwwi of the

suite openly and without rvserve
It the lady stove menlolKd i
years old yexterday-

opportnnity.vio l»‘!p enterc.vln chivlxiiing old seUlcni and haa eubmitted the following


ora HUhlgan tnek and OeM meet
aad the touer to plar the
Tate taaebaH team.



win be wall worth the ee^-lng aa the
local UMk team baa alraadr c
Uabed their record br winning fourth
place ts the atate meet and a> for the
haaeban team,

ther have


redeemed thMaaelree for the defeai
which ther raeeird at the banda

fm, dUrriS~'3Pinity of

the Hoyal




Grand Itapias^

wbetw Sheriff

S.hui-'r IiKjled blm, all aiPoupilng. to
til-, or *!*-nd the tb-xt .il-J days In Jail

li.-er»,'»Mr-. o O


W. ,1. li..;.;.--., and Mrs. J. W. Ml'

I». C Gerni.vlf--. A. i V, Frio<lrl.-li.

into, lialph lla.-iitirr, Fred Ikiiishcy.
I'. Hull. Jamei Uilllkwi. l*r. Saw-r. Vlrlor PetertyL

.1 ic> gi*-- aid.

Uu«lr—Mre. Fbnty SbgnnaB. VUr.
Cm Bvereii and Will 8. And'rwm

.1 '.,--.1-

team which hare atocadr thU apri'ng
ptoraa their anperiorUp

aud tbv iln-ing UUP ».-t tu uuart.^ In the city for some time.
The U>ud of Che ifoople'a Savings
had a IJtHv
ink for ttc.iiOO. depository tor tbe



k>ls foe church


tbe ronwidnUoa to be I2M.
putti-r was refarrod to tbe oook

arti-d upon at the next meeting.
In a ram muni-at ton, Superintendeet
llbi-rt iireaented a llwt of Ihe taaeh-

Hay-Raek Fell en Him.






The JWt.hSMald

r U


7 •

tbi-ae vacsnrlea Mr Gilbert
:iiied tbe

and '.hat, ;n J-a.-i 11
yan of the I’nirerwtty of
cM. 'When fuiud .tih-.ibii.; *j>'lying Mphignli. who has laUCbt suecenfully
k u‘;h the h- ii-y
Tup do and wb'i i* now- teaching at

-Tom;.. Prwihlciil like..' «r

l iudRii,

Ua.-7 Ch,i'::i-rkiaE.

Mr arrf-'.’.

r- ror.'ly -ai

M$*s FliJr-pcxf Newman, grodnateef

rt .eonx'!} —"•ou-.-.ii'a^v,"


-IS'ny I-? STm'.',-

.-ibe Will t-arta la the Eng-

li'b pnwi'lon..

HdJi lyiilng.


prclera to U-arb chemistry
aud wd-nce.

.1 ,«h»t Ifj-nid Wis p!*;-*

■in a hity txi<k >u ti.-, barn yard


JiniiMv l:,-i-uuid-.


the Trocbeia college la New

i.'i- iiiity witWA.wua M bi>'» J-

ir irlJ S.Mrj.V
I'lafhi M,ki—M-i* Ruth Riilxirisog.

’ ’

will s-elen her 1i>-!j--tx from' the wv!i

Stixk Fvs Tbarker goes to St. PauL
Mfon i M w» Addle Johnson goa* to

i.Ii! sou of IVfk

le MlxMW Thlere. L*rdle,
-luau I.f li.- hui-I fertn. Tbosituonnnd 1
- I'Uying plans. Mr. Uiu-klro. who waa engag- m-i.-i/itic. Th- U-t»i!i
tbe Oak Park acbool
•slug, bt.-ldem cjilnut 1,* h-ar;u-d has' .-oncluded ool to ati*-pt ih* pesl-


Jluii.. .May

. .Iho

ixik .

r-I'l-.iis;:v-r lii-:
Mi.-hig.n. lu--v.4<ihnH«n hii
'■ i
1.-t:x-pi »n.l-ga«.- a talk '|!v th--. i-n7e:i3. A Mini-

I, .U. »>.» h«


- or tiiiildlnga and grounds oiB
niu-.loD <rf Mr. MuLtague and will be


are »•>
Jamie Butler Entertained 2D of Hie tl.tngs and *•;»< !’ a knowledc.J-r*dr I'are*'- l!i«» Ixutn Gry--o.
Friends In Hooer of Hia 14th
eerring them aud making the v.i«)ti>rs
n,.id4ix-M>vUafv .V Sanaun
Saptiet Yeung Peeples Lnjon
feel at iKMBe. Tea, eoS.-e. sue
Cbarlaroix team In two game*.
Anruiil Mecun; F--e.i)f-Evening—
fri-am will l-e fartiirlevl Ir-»-'
Tha ezeurtlee will leave. Ttarerur
n:-ir*nuiB,..'Mice Loia Lutman President.
Jamie Itutkr entertained »t of bU CHy op,-ra bouse for the plrato dto
i'iattri''sol<>—!\h-T-.-r Rat-«ro
Clip at S o'clock a. m aharp and
«i'.;n.>t frl.-n.l- Kri.U> . v, .-.ttig at
'nea'at neva.
Readiiip. '-Faiber'y:. .ihto* at Fotfiarrive at Cbarlevoli about fear hoars
homo on M\at Eleventh street,
, l*a'«idcnt Aii'ierccwi ha. seeurod the
later. Thia will give the rscuraiooiau
,.4 .VroJ. -Vail"—V:-A Vu72-xr-.-; FTaBkiiC.
occasion,to-ink hla mh birthday
oo^ratfou of M-ceraJ Of the
R.-ad.;g, •-The Mar'.vf —Ti'.iic Qlla chance to aoe all of the track
nlvenmry. The evening
was r
tlK^lk- owners of Trov-rs-' fny
M well aa the haaeball guat. and the
pleaaaatiy apeni to pmea. and a fine ■will piaee ibeir «ar» a; th<- di.-i«-ii'
price of the roirad trip baa l«en placed
Hirr.;d LaPUrt.
ills* L-'U l.utman.
mualcal program war a!»o clrt-n.
Oi the ent-Ttaintiieoi eonimi'tee after
oar.'vT i-n tSr prvrrapi was
ao low that no one can aa>- that ihrj
wbleh a dellciour luncheon- wa.- t.he business typ-tiiig of the.aww-j.v
cannot afford it.
MB-h 'Iib. ri! .ai>]^u*e thru
Si-.r.-t.-y —M-ef li-i-.i— Ry:‘*.-s. '
served. con>.!tttog u( kv ervatn, aatioo. Thcj*rt3»ettlcr¥ wi'.f t-- gtr"i're*»i:..--r—Mbs lr.-ue Plih-rhl.'
Mcted cakea. wafers and sailed al­
.iteUshtfoV trips Abgtit tho city and
• TL - r-h.rirg
r ixwiei thamonds..
L- joih-y had C3-s*J li--l ia -Jx'!
•tmble to Free 'te'^ntlnoe In Scav
Uaay bcatattriil glftt wm left, the
From prexent indicatKms, the
I'xt y.-ar ahicb
t- M-ed to belnj Hr. F.._P La*-«.-.'fas r-r- lred a
anger BwalneaA
peats departing at a lat? bour. irl>h- rt-ngement* Ihi. year yiU wUp-e all
ay the bii.MiiiS d-1-: .-rn th-* ctorrj ’l- ii. r froia the Xattunai ipHilra! «-abThe mae Of ihe P««>le va, Weldon Ing Jamie many happy retnrtis of the
prevtoua year*. Th;x »iB be one erf
____________________ ■ ■
ji-;; -il the ePiVi
O. BtruMe, whleh waa brought twfore
the largeai nr.d n>o« enJe^lNe garhMti:. !Vrt'JJiu'ann. «lui was o>-r-.ij,-;Bt,-d to ihe eoaniitlee of tnndleal
Judsa NerUttger upon vxunplAlai
,-rini-s ih« the pioneers haveetgf ex­ ated u;v.p jw-> wrokb r:-'. H aW-r U' ro-aa-!: for tbi* r.ata Dr.
George W. Gegnor, dtp scaveoi
t- ii.-iL again and arlU luaVr her ionJciLawto-i will reprvwv-tii Grand TravUra. VilUam Champton ot . Iniep perienced.
waa thrown not of coart todar upon
l^ben. who ti» been to the htwplia:
B«OCIOB of City Attoroey C, !>.• Alarar
ibr jnoaeemkm being unable to bold for an operaikm. hna rorovered a^
•ir^ wader the dtp ocdlaaboa.
'aest of,Ibe iwopie.

Cbaiieroix alne bp cleaaing up ot


H.-fp-sbniunl-i of rrrflae and aand- Si i.ool funds, was approved.
p'-th.fon signed by a larga aaniber
uiclii-- a-ti- x-rvfd by th.- •-uu-itaiii
|>! ct .'Idem* of the. Fifth ward asked
that tbi- board i^ril to the Oak Park

K-i-l Tu-*da.v.,-«e!iing,. a procain

rjiicdiat.- Vail, y. I'm- liro--,
iaiiuii 1. Id a:
Ihe farm'•. II. Iu. ni.--.-r. uil.lw-a.v b.,-

i;.l lak-

an- lor the maihtoea in event

with Mrx A II. iloiliciay aerouipan- iniul-li- Ihxu a oimpany at a greater
■X nn l.'ii-. I-Lino. Thror-. hiu'M.v i-n. dlxtaiK-i-. Mr. IWe. wbo la aa ei.-'■••c!
w.-re mritn-ti !-y Mrs G. t>-rt blmM'lf. win alMi make bis bcad-

111 h a*^-^''! cotocdy' w-i-ro gtven
rI theSMdii.-uiv.wa* xo pleased that
. V loviedj wax p jH-.ued last cvi-uJng
fully. l"b l’'i'udtunT;^j,.,j,„^.,.,_,,^,j.t,.,'^rograni'Sisfol..-rs i-r-^-ni at IS-- ri-tii-..


n Uic purrhoae as well aa tbe Uct
hat. Ibe company Is located at Grand
Upid* and U in a position to better

No One Witnessed the Accident Save •-n. who bare not signed roptracta. aa

Ie.--.ded b.v Mr«. S. C. Ik-sijri-. wh->
known ladies <X Trat- r-e


ftiaUr.g. Tbe f>»i typewrllcr* have
;:i.n Ibe best ol xatUlacUon in the
..ultot* and this wa* a strong factor

■ Afirr EI»-»,” two* th.- title of

ing field Friday.

;-.-i I


grceaiiimal. churi-h gm
o-»sfol entcrluiiuiu-.i iu ttto Kw-edb-L

Fully too Wero Present at the Inte
mediate Valley Association Meet-

- r-;-,-

• r wilt la- ai-iod upon at lhe next


.Jill.-s nn \V.-i-ii-. .-


Ided to purchase five of tbe Fox maa* WOOD at- Mr, Ifoole pat bis
■lopu.-lilim lute writing and the mat-

The lad!e* of Ih-i T*ak Park Ctm:


Uot-n.. U K. Hue*.'Tta.-v

secretary — UU* propuxfiton. whicb waa pracUoally the
auir as that of tbe Smith cootpany.
•u luoiioii ol kir. Mootague. R sras de-

< H^lbree }.-ar»—il

II. W. Puole. rep-

:ltig tho Fox Typewriter cornwax pivM-nt and nude a coaater


l!u- marie i>f "Mary

i- liiwilii.itlon. will h- ilion-uch
del; .-J that the 8r>nwaj

Keo-lved aud filed.

exvbB'tgu at to: iO.

I'inarctol arcrvl^n-—Jlra.
■ ' •
IV. IV Turner.


ill GiliwHi 01 il.-- ki.-xoier \V<K>rl .tao
Fnilik F.-ii'Orirh. TlwiiLis Shenuait. e.l terlay tiiat u-- wHl !-s-|l.v ill tlir bi'e-Aet Comedy, •Obatlnaey." Was
lUelni. Mr:.. \V, W. Siiihh. Mra. i;.MHl» iiiii! tigat i->ii iii.-it Ihe S:-- . 'Repealed to a Won House Friday
' did u!i pu;.‘.ii-to io rv.can tb:
llrrliert Monlague. Ura. IL J. .Morgan.
Vr<. O. I*. CanW.ljra. T. c! SbU*m. Jrnwailig lU- II.

I'bilerlalnment and

Titos. ll.-.-iirditig w-m-lan'—Mrs.

•:i.-'-'<-u.-ing di.M -uiii: by 1:.- il.v-es
I.U.:!.- luimi.y nnfl'rran. I. |-ulmaa

IVadle, R S. Wall, mnk llarnmon.

Flank Meiiil*. Ura, 'clan- Curti-


The 1. r. Smith Typewriter (OIDI«ny offered to aeli the board six taa
l-i.-*ld.i.i—Mrt. J. R. ^!0
used for i-duratJoDal-purKirsi rliv rn-aidebt—Mrs. K. I. Bdp<»i-* for I'o each and to take the
.1 ..nh,
niarbine* new In use In
.-it-rtuiil vice president - Uts. L. F.
ir IS- mmiiiR year:

i-i:!, whrii.hl* bmtK-r came

Fori Huron. -Hith. May .tS-Cap


iviase. was iMdvfcd^a»gU«^- Tbe Ituxsell Sage foanSHba. dft r.-<-ifaliito by Mb« Ib-ulab Cov.-IL
partmetil of child bygleue. asked that
I. apll.v. di-acT.limg
iHiatd paw* aultable reeolultoo*
1. and ^aa must lu-.--ri
eudorxlQg a natlcmal board of eduea-

l*>]fgai<-s to stme . federation
i’c rti'jid ciini tictler w-agr*. p.-xuiilx- Woiuair* clul-x-uis. Santo.
liig to Wic afur li:s board Ull. Thl.»
Aitr-niate- Mr*. ^ L. KdaarJs.




1-1 r. iu-n lo that clly .with him. where

Been Ofh.oally Denied.


V— .... building. *Med by C F.

ri3tc* that bo wa.s dhov-

Jolin T.

irt waa reo-lved and flJed.

Au appUcatluB for the poaitlPd of
Janitor. In' hum- of vacancy at the

.«i-ousiai-l-<] liy Mrs. A H. liulli

<iiii-.;cd to swie the bill and other ei'iirn-apouding
l-i.Rneni f-filailvd in bringing blm txu-k <Tara lUtes,

h.- say-. 1,1*Mother firgot to du. The

Story That Siemana Didn't Help In
Rescue of Coidyear Crew Has

I yvOugsUTs wbo found other thlaga
<ir« Inviting ibaa acbooL The re-,

US'. d.-lluhil'4liy ciivtu and thoroogh
j-i.M-iHC^^ Vpry V»n.- prewenl. Tin-

l.< r.- from llinnd Rapids, ursgpg htiil

uri Carund. E. U 1-Mwardx.'B. W.

Nelgbbori of America, admilttvl s:
Uoenrailon—»I, -R HollT. 8. c'lcek.
uew tnemU-ra to CrysiAlia camp. No.
Georr- Winnie and Ralph Aiidersor
JiCVferida} ni^hl. t»v of the ;icin’liei
• Tati!e«—Mr.. G.«rge IjuvHv. Mr«.
l.^«~a5Klnl >.eotocrf. She waa
A. H, Montnctie, Mr*, KriK-y
atoted id'MjiP work by
Ura. Abbic
Mrs.r. W. Ai-hion. Mm. CTtarb-c- Jt-h-i
•on. Ur», spragu-.' I’ratl. Mt<- W.
prosTam wa* giren. and after a
AAuim and Mr«. G-virce lattman.
MKlal time rel^v^hmenu« wet^ served.
Advcrii-ing—J W. Haiinen, W. .\ciMrs. Ilend'-rsDo will ivtum In two
i'er«on nnd U, R Holler.
treeka to glre tnstrucllon work.
The rclrc-»fepient fomrr.lttecyw-ill'fi.'



E. WILHELM. Mayor.

. '

to J^y.

Ixiord M!T aiiniiniiing to a. Mule more

oii’b •>: May showed that there were

tl«ti to,'OharU-s-Armriiuiig waa re-

ri-ul! wa* u trill with the ehenfl,

Raff. C -M

Membership Ffiday Night.

as a live town.

comidetc llrl of

c'.*mre" l.anjr.-. T. Morgan,

the aataadar on which the local track

Charles Armstrong.
ItviiUMl he'iH^-rUd

ArTWiteemeni*—W, M', Siniib. JSativ

til >«M 10. oo Boeount ot the aenior CryauHa Camp Reyal Nelphbera of
America tdade a Big Cain In
■ECRtRUB whld woold have c

Ura, Hat^ S. Bernier, of Frank-

ing in an advert-sing stunt whicn


pooa tha Junloraenlor recrpUoo un­

tha tortner to eompeu In the Norih-

in the aeaton's

rierldent AmlerMin iiroiHeces to yi..Uic local metnlK-rx of tl- aa.wiaiioii


and haaeball taatoa go to Cfaaricvola.

curt to victory

will make the name of Traverse



wDI give an added attraction aa It ia


City a'l the mcro generally known

Uontagur. tl. J.

pretty children. «<■ do ^oi heaitaiv

Wttl ocevr oa the fourth of June. Thia


ness, but will be a great factor in

practlcalb' 111*, entire ilmi- to the er-

Recepiton-!-T, T. Itatea,

ron Is the oiulh.r of three bright,

vfll ba noted tha aaolor eacwraion

Grand Rapids for Sheriff And

team the

Ihr truant offlrer'a report for tbe

The .■pi'iiitia nnin!«-r.

Thdlciwtng rami- .rdrction.of <rffll-i*rs
Total. However. Ineluded Trip from game. Stores may be clos­

Old Scith-rx' ax'oeiiiinn. ia dcvojlnc

of tho pkmtyra vO
he held tii
Tinvcrae flty du Wedm-rday. June S


apart a portion of-next Tuesday.,

others ah opportunity to attend the

givl.ig the heme

:aU sud n’.xuu as a alnktog fund. Tbe

and'wsr adopted upon moUon of Hr.


on wh-chyday tije season is to b:
opened here, and give clerks and

Ulsaea Ida and Qtodya and Gu}- Ilaxiingv. O 1’. C.irvvr. O «!. Mtiffm
Chase and wife. Mr. Chase ia a broth- Jdeeph Sherman. M. Winnie. Barn-y
ADdexsOD. Charh-v .Wilhelm, W. S.
of Ura. Henderron.

do ao, but Id asmoeh w Mrs. lIcaAcr-

. wte come oa tha (oUowtng daf. Aa


II- aiiiouni. the <-n> roparil will be
Ji>ked ti^rmtxe t3U.thW, IH.VOO tor

liudgpl was proneoted to iG^itoard at
a-J>»inM.l iue.'liiig Kiiday eieatag

erse City that they show their interexi in thi'rnstter by setting

ed at 3 o'e'bck in the

ly Bill Has Boon AHowod As Beal

l-wrlu-rV iwUrlr*. >I4.IK>0 for Inridaa-

> M.*> laiiil.' aud Ui-a
lire uirvat-iu-d Ibe mlUifit; dlMrirts Fr.ilir--w I'lUnlan. .-uiil^-d. ’-'Juvl
f.h- i;i-nion.“ to till- uiuili- of "Whe-D
It-ti-r.' Il wan - c<<puulled. Tl>e
J.ihim.v «'otn‘-« Uan-hiiie Mum**,"
mxli-d loss in oier a mil!)un-

w 'l



:s.-<ia« of the

ainda'Ii for the'clalinaot.

part of the men.
Appreciating these facta.-I aug-


Charge of Program.

. V«- wlinio

miaalon hn no aiilbority lu

Bemema for the big annual luivi-

age. aa at llmea It isn't popular

^llM Bight, it waa decided to poat-

Uiiiin-iv-oliii, Wav

race for the peevranL betides aid­

HAohaniMl. haa attnetad a glgasUc

alon an June 4.


Was ' Chosen

;:tid x.-».-ral flnr-m.* w,-ro hurt,

the Michigan Stam league, which

tog Abalatanl I'iotv'e the Cuiiiiitii;lu!:i


M IglihorhiiiHl. All aiH-aratux na. neui

lit lUo largoM iuipteim-ul fn-ux-e.Tbe

Amleraoa and J. Montague..

At a iseeUng of the Junior riaaa

Traverse City is VO have a team lit

Mrs. John R.

Th- Bio waa wmirullcil after amr• liiiais Thi<-a(ouii'e

past. This-leatn. li to be main­
tained and eupportod by ih« citi-


Bipaettor^ aee tha pair paaa



wnieh will not greatly hinder busi­

home of Ur. and Ur». Lcalie llendcr-

-At Chtoia Petwt Lathaa especU to

cauio I* ml-

V'j-i..n ctMillaKin'-ou. in tbi- ilty'* hi»-

it Anderson Is OevMing Prac

M ao Jolly a gathering aa was'at the

Smr. Mar M.-<^arlaa Rotla. a


Ii-rv l!ils nmn-mg dv»ln->«-d Wi-'voral

on the bay abore haa b<-en the scene

paeto to attaiBpt to aall iho BvUah
'whauwl and retan wltboot atopplAg.

>s of


valid aud that- the

Sinking Fund to Get >2.008 ..Waatharv

The budgi-i of the board ot edataiiiu Ibu year call, for >ltl00 and of

I-agin.iw. Mi<h. May L«--The N»
ousl i'.r-'Vt-.-y l-uru.-d today wilb a


Is inended to provide a


It haa been yewrs rince Gimwood
Parmer UeodeT


For the teavon }uit

linen refused



Way Out ot OifffeuKy—Othar

£lasi of tft'S sport than ever .n the

frtoga of depraTitr, became the Trihwe'a toot for noow-' .




ullboul a


loaaes to I’aUcci'a followeni who

Ha dablod that U* O'NcU Brewaa are credited wUh lorlng an addHfonal
hrfbad RapraaaaitaUTa Wblie lor Lari- tall ndlUou to a million to that ol
■Mr and dtelarad that' Browne waa ready reported loal.
. hdgh mliMtod aed hoaorablr. lie charg­
Soae bought wheaL The opening
ed that White didn't write the chargee
aa tl.o: to dl.tiflb and the prieshot whoarer aigbad them, oottmUted IropiK-d atradlly. cloaing at M; via


forward. i«ii>llc servant

He denounced Garfield a*-Plnrhol V

lemeot day brought furtaur


by alt. pj^'e cf all claaiea and

ml and conittiended IliUUugi r'a gi

That tlWe ia

cleaner tnArt than the

game. baaefca'I. ia a tac*. conceded


Verireea de<lan>d the runnlagl>a:n

Chicago, May 2t>.~Map wheat

MInneapolia Had One -of the West
Connegratiena in the History of
Houses Burned.

ihe tiix^'.Uajiiig




rommldee today. He called" llalimga “alngle mluded. b<>m-Ki. airalghi-


“The Trtboh# Had and httaw it Ued."

won >0 many' pn.-.-i ft«- gnnd sro-k.
will bWidiv ail liiv I'usU dial <\>mr to


wDdly chimerical,''

Will ^

ii.oar.K l|ial tin.- Illilo thap wbu bxs

Ithix .1'.- from that ^■•>n:I>an^. lb.- ii.-w
WAS t,,,,

tha Cityi—Several Implemerit

deaerllH-d aa."Foollah. vlaluuary and

fused to Talk—Coasaa
Reach a MIIMmu


.nijjiioc *11! inrirS III r-iii Hui'Ui

SMtOMr MtUaed bit warfare oa
tha OkleagD TrlhBaa. which nmt puh-

and charged a oeoaplraer to dtlva
hlM oat aad nla him flaaaclally.

- t.-,-ul ar-.u>-Lis!ui;. iuiv.t.s l-e:i
rt ••ti the p’lK- food iviiiiii.-ii.-.'.

.- e<>’iiiiiij<e«- cm c-vrde-.-..vl».

Piuchol.'oartlcld and G'«'la were

hrieo Went to M. Which Wat Six De­
lew the Dap's High—Patten Re­

J,.«-;.b Sl.-Jl-r.

III Jal>ui:>. or Ke’.iruifj'. t!>v diiio to
Ih- Cx.-d l.i'.T.

cootatlttca oa prlvllrsra and vl<>rtloiit,
at which Saoator Burrowa of Ulchlpaa to, chalrau.

IMDad tha chargtA aad declared It
triad to eoatral repubileaa paliutlo

1.. -U ns-II aero fi»en pla..-> ui.

aiiJ V..iiik,l .-Uidl -ei!-i..r> or i!.-;
Imvlug l"vHi appolM.-d «•:;



year., a* rule, ng-.m i>; the'Saturday
In Traverwv t'lty. Thts

and Is'lbuuglit lobe - frvxn the comet.

nwrrhif Ttat NM Dm Dollsr Had
•mm Md a Lagiaiatar far Hia
ranritn Atttgtil That:WhHa

$52,400 IS

Responsible place by the Cur­
tis Pubitahing Co.
J. H Pattersi^i. -of the Cunls PubI:-hii:g runiiwhy. |> |:i the elty. and

t fa buabcl bark'rl and with a tail
>( flame. , tall into a fl«M.
it waa ablte hot and wb< e cooU-d

'E-gM Year Old Glen Henael Qlveit -

Oiiii-t coUege.' now leaching at 8t.
■il.ij* fo- 111.- lAtIn position


Vise P.-ail Angell. graduate of'tb*

OHt Engll.h Program by the Schetsra

*1 i.-t<

wfo ba* taught at Rear

oik- and I.:rbe;. for the plan made
a. af.r*1.y Ml-*. Thirkcr.

if the Union Street School Was
Much EnieyeS Friday.


i.illMi. F.Mey of our-owa High

;.o.,i ai.d Ml. I1«w»*nt Normat »o«

j« r-lJ l>.Kli*b program .gUen i
* i---t niiuui Fridav'a
'•jti wa*^ and Itai-ord 1

-v'.Ma at.S-bawaiu. tof Miss Lard-

> large nutuber of p<«p]<-.icd 11

.-X M. l-err- pew pfinrli^ of the
V !:.aii-*i-urg *,'.vio! l-.r th- poallloci

k irf the }-UB:5 ■ people ^w.ho ««. bivji.?it forth e\id-2ce of m-iiJ.

Tt-* prograai 1* pabii-hr-J
Awat carrt'd

i-nt i-i a vury rapvl.U- cur.!,-? snd


ihe exerclm-s ;tx>k plav- 011 tb*pus. th- vS-'i wax biisa'eii-d;o-ir:g
were d:.^ by
lur-d I'y-lbe um-herx <-f ih - buiVUng
: -id .C;;
'«;-i ta.- p'i>d
yr.. 'd-stnlJRf credit'


;■ im.’ial -.1 the Oak Perk school.'
t.jiurl *l«T--d that ha had le-.t
rL,direct /rom tbe places where
L;-lead- r*. w-ru working aad that
h-y xli »p>*e highly of their guallna'.i'ji.'. aud he fell that the places
ivr- »il w-Il fi::*d.
Tb» a'VJ-jat of W. C Weatherly,
vb'xh by been discussed at oamerHis mroiinpi !n the past was allowed.
Ibe board thinking that thU was the
he*t way oat of the dlfBealty.


total was aud was tor drawlsg
fOonUDoed from Page PMu-.)



Mt a.

Twice A weot
PAIUW TuMditr •!!« Frtdv

J. W. H«n«» ............... •£?**'



Bm» ...... ........

THOS. T. •ATM, .
UlMr amt MMiagtr.
BMb TbOBM Na tS.
mM StrMt

Oat Tmt ..........
•lx Maatht.....
ThMt MoBtAt..

» atT.............................

■ ab fMk2.«so
Bappotr y<ra wen- acciucd o
crliar and vert arreated and impritontd.

This conUnpcncy may be very

rcmoic. hat >usl suppose


pertly happened.
Svta if Son s-ere innooent of
vraac deinp, you aoold be coofoaod
nl your Judaoeai aould not b.
artly clear would II? In >-our cscltenwt. yon misht say tbinn «^lch
coau be-t staled law admissions
a cast acalnst you made.
Bat appose again ihai this agltaUaa and eonluslon sere incroatc^
means m ihe pusaessloa
eipeiieBCvd in such mattrra.
Suppose that at the dead of nlyhu
you are awakened from your sleep
and mercilessly bombsrded silb ques­
tions. Sup^ you wore taken Into
a room with a corpse and there agali
i drofSappote
* fed rlxarcuea. or suppose that
blf brute In t ■ blue uniform would
taco olth all hli
etrtke you in
sirengtlL just Imaflne being depriv­
ed of yoar real, of yonr meals, of
being watched oonstanUy while

t of deleealea.
-Rl of niinmliieef. .lawAddrel
mu* Ol
Csiluger, Troterac Clly.
r-The Ret. H. V Wade.
Or»«n Mlrb.. May ST.—The Camp
HI lotalo «nrel>ou«'. together with
eeteral tliauiiand bn: liels of poU
of shlth bclonaed to Cb
Pistrlct proaldrtil. 11. !L -Harris. Kal­
JcRrtes. of Traverse Clt}-. the C
bell feed mill and a rerldcnrc o
■Tlibing as a SUndard o( Chriatby O. A. Ilrigbam, ol lliH-kb-y,
I Oldtaetlon.'—Dial.
Supl. A. T.
toially destroyed by flir this i.
Traverae Clly.'
„ I.. SU Camplp'll. own.T of the
*srwli'«ii.e and f-ed
Ibcrg. Manistee.
Miss Man- f
(lie Church-How Tithing
—The Rev. Han
Tubers' echoes.
feed tnill.
.Alueation box.
srvered about S o'clock thta
IIUKliicH session.
The mill,
omtvbouae and
K.-iwria of district offlccro.
residence were
loBclhi r and In
Kloclloc of ofBcera.
short lime. a<l tbrec oere bumlnr.
rna-n baa nulbtug but a
igade and tor a while. It loked aa
ibuuirb tbe iuink and the restdenee
nwlng Spirlluallyof Henry Antbony would be destroyed,
lly Pra.wer—Mrs.. Aarpn Parker.
both lieing on Arc.
' An appeal for help was
II) Bible Mudy—The Rev. O. W,
Travi-ree City i'UI as there was
,n. Harrlcua
water KUiqil)-. tl was thought beat not
3. Hy Penonal Work—UIss Uilu
to send an engine aa it could not have
Tavtor, CharlevoU.
been used.
Tbe tSniwn bucket bHgade did good
work. Some tune ago. tbe Swastika
raised.moiK-y to isiy bucket* and
Main .
ers and gut ready tor an coiciLeague M'»rk for Girlsr-EI&e Dousg.'Ocy althuu^ Grown bad
bad no
affte. Leelavllle.
nro tor 50 yars. This preparation
S»o—Mias Myitk- Slebcrt, Pcloaivertod a much beavl.T kins.



fag to uap yna Into an adnlssl
.No. this Is iMt a picture of
TVfctab prison. It Is not a memory
of tha Bpsntaii Ipqulsltkai.
mere akelelon of' the famous ~lhlrd

eorpe C. Bawt Acted Aa Toast
ter of Uw Evening atvd Eacctlc
Program Wat Given.

degree*- which Is used by the poUre
ar oor clllet to Obtain lohfrsslons. A
BKte tkek-too. we tald, for there
even more-terrible dctalta.
Dot to eontlnoe. Suppoec you s

The annual flsh supper of Trgverwo'
City ImUe .VuB. I*. t>- K Elks
nlgbl. aa usual was one of the

drenebed with ice cold water.
nty. In fart more than
d agaIBNi' police enongh. the memlMTi having all been
onuiuite In making fine cin-he* and
lelng Itheral in tbelr dnoalloa^
The Osh aupper waa preceded by
beaten Into yonr broln. By and by he initlalory woriu iV fawna being
yonr oeiro would break wonldnT U
iiade Into full Klk». thKoffleera do­
Very poaalbly you would -confess' ing their work In a raullle
vres tbongb yon were innoennt think­ In fan,
ing no ponlsbment coold be worse manner a whii-h they i
than that which you were then
(be ritual.
The nab were rooked In
New of what value Is that eonfes- beal mile Imaginable, pfief Cblappaaasisied by Frank Snyder, biivaioa? None whatever. Wilnen tha
ri'past ibal wooM tempi Ibe
Seykr roar Just concluded.
S.)h- apiK-iHe of even aaurtelled eirf.-un'- In
wai acquitted of the murder of Jane addllU.ii to Hic- n»h. there w.-nr green
onion', allied lomptoea. euiumbers.
Adams but Sryler has gone throngta
leitije.-. baki-d pitaloca. clc.. In Vjuansmd deiactlvee whiler all the l>lBo lUr
auggesthia that you
II "didwaa

] of police ^'‘t;i"org<- li. Italea acted as loaaUnaa-r of Ihe evening and filled the dlltl
jll imsi In a very aeeeplable mnn
r-r. Ihirlng Ihe evening, the followIg program waa given:
was aboltahed. once and lor all?
Sejei tlciu—Quarle
hM the aympalby of the raihaunity.
Ian*t ll tliue that Ihe •'Iblrd degree'


a Will Occur On i
Id, On the Ccfitr#

Allegecl That the Steamer Slemei
Wnieh..Wet Near By When the
Down. Made
No Effort t -Save Men.
l*oit Huron. Mich.. Way IT.—Ki-deral Insperlnra Van U- u. Sicwan and
huperv Ising liispei ler WcMoiti
!nv«tlgailng ih- rolllalon of
Wood anil ihe sinking of Ihe Utvd
year dri»nlug IS. secretly, h
declared on good atuhorlly I
M'ood.s croWe l.wilmony I..t serloui.
ti.v Ihe Ti-siioii.yllillliy and
amno niny follow.
the teati
It was iiul sUK-d wtK
it U fullher
...........................uwiliueny alleged
-tbeSteBK-nswhlrhwasnnr b>. didn't
effort to And the diownIng tuon.

Ad.ilr.-5 —L. I.. Sti-vi-nsoR.
•Ic.-tlon—(1 l^le sure
A<Ure*s-Jerome WilbeltR.
Vocal s.-leclloii-Charlc
seleclloii-Charles A. Skelchef.
Addrest-u-sler Welch.
Voi-nl m-hs-llon—A. 1. Joyce.
"Ilea Snllzrltiaum.''—Mesara Joyce,
Skclcber and GotUfeb.

The' I'Mblan Stat.-ra old lime party
giv.-n last ulgbl wu« very niu.-h en­
joyed by ihoac who were In attendaenie unique and anrient ■■o«6 aptw-arlng on the Sour of ihe
danc- hall. Kd Monroe, who In bu«liiens- hciurw tegplers dis-da for ihe
roiiriiv, won the
priie'lor havlug the moat Miiklng
uutbL-while Mrs. Alward carried otl
■limllaf honore for llir ladh-s. A flue
liinrhi-cm was serv-d and the entire
affair mu< a decided success.
♦ « • • ♦

Affair for Which the.Juhlera
Will Be Spontora.
Tlie Jnnlera laal nISht decided
give the animat lecepilon l
Icrs at Honsi » academy l->iday evenfug. June S.
Ing cotniiillieee ' > look nfipr Ibe ar!• roeepilon:
_____________ __
* W'lntam
Crohn. Vert Alward and Harry La

n the Bay—
Mother Is Very HI.

I Here

t Will
Meat Year—Was


Attar it lae Throt Yaaro.

eoDVeniWn ot lae c-nurvn m
for next year, wblrb ii has,beco trytag to laud for
•r throe years.
yearo. Tbv cooIS held al Owowio.
i»0 delegsiea and ‘
ITomtnent 0(.
latera pn-M It.
and miBistf s from all over the rouniD allcndaurc al


Bowers Harlior, May
Erksiloe of Cbteago. rolurued home
Momlay after -pending a week vislung relallvcf.
All are very sorTy to hear of thf
audden lUneas of John Warron. Jr.
John Kroupa's ehlldrvn are report­
ed iM-iicr ai tills writing.
I’aiul.-rs are al work on Ne-ab-tawanin hotel, u looks very neal. Is-lug
**>lr. and Mrs WllHm Johnson have
irnivd ilieir rfsldeuiv to tbe Cohhs
for Ihe seawHi They will »ve In
tbrlr link new cottage.' J
Mtas Mary Fleece rtdnrned home
Ib-uvenioot yesierdaff
Arms « Cole are doing aome plumb,
ing for Mrs. J E W. t$ilrkiK-y and
Aribur Kllmurry.
ISco'ge VaUvy li.vs bia
farm for
snip, and three families railed In

Miss Foro Hobson of ICO Vtant Front
ro-i wu hoaisss at a mtsei-llaiioous
Charier RorkfelW I > working for
abower In tooor of Mtas
Irw. J. K W. Stlckncy..
Thiel, who Is to become the bride ol
Three will be *ervlce# al the St
R. Hoellmantei.
Tlie evening was Josct^i church Sunday next
siwni pla.ring games, t^tatlonw ]sDd

I-olalo Salad, r
Cblcken Randwt^-r,
Tilt End of tha World
Should It come loBorrow sronld And
Ice Cream, %
MMt pewle auBariag with aome pain
ot ollher alight or aartoos
Many broullfol gill* were received
TboM who nae Benne'a I*a
Tbe hosieas proved being a cb
Oil gel relief quickly and suL . .
Taken InteruaUy it will cure colds,
WTO throat, colic, cholera morbus and
dlarrhoen. I'sedas a linlmcnl it cures
Aa they hetatwa aMre latenimL
buyen exerclae more Jud^nent In
pnrehuing Sour and frt thoM braud*
aprWni. biulaoa, etc. Price 2£c,
wblrb are the pureet and bert. That
ta why tbe Coebefi Blended Floun are


MBkMDngClD. Wart SbA I»w|k>


A. J. HavUand. AmL CukiM.


Mr and Mr> Wimam J.
lUsqifir. Sunday. >lay
55. a baby

Aflair^GIven by the Pythian Sitters
Laab Evervirvg Brought Out Some
-Ui^ique and Arveient Cottumea.

Ing Feea O

May 5T.-CI.vde
san of Ralph
nilih. the
PnHUu.Jiad a narrow
escniK- frre.v
a Blauche Hac- Crowning yesterday afternoon.
C3an prophecy—
■d..away from tbe house and
fhe bay. Hit father rouud him
soiP-Mla* Hel
ihouxbi him
—'s V<
Vera Jennie.
CUas sou*—Ctaim.
Htnc to rcsUMitale hlhi. he re
ValedMory—Mtaa Bertha StearqiOT
'io hi* grandmother s dellghi
Sehool aoug—Juttloescuior claaaes.
wlio had worked over him. The child's
Corwet aolo—Glen Stanley.

A. J. Mayttaid. AML Caektar.

A GCBcnl Bisklic BastMSB Dete
■■a aa5-^i^tow«r»^jM^^roL^^uy^twoatTla«

That If you have been feeling Mae
and crosi all day you can relieve .
aell of that hurdea tomorrow. Joat
take one or two of Or. Herrick'*
Sugar-Coated PlUa before rollring
They cure liver complaint and all
stomach-trouble*. Price SSe per box.
Artl lot a free aample.
.Sold by & K Walt * Sona. C. A.
nugbec Drug Co.. IN'est End Drag

Muplelon. Mkh .,
eat&rr ta .v drawluiek to alt gardens
■d gmlii. A lllile warm aeathcr wilt
be a gmrl l>eii<'flt.
■nil- following are on the sick HalMrs. Ralph Snuin. RidH-ri Cartand er,
Rr<i,-r( Giirlaitd jr. who broke bis
.rl Ali'iniin lo-t • one
liorses Tuiwdiiy nighi. ItL bad biwn
sirk *lm-r Saiurdse.
Everyone who was on the lookotit
->kv wanderer.'' was amply
npald Wedin-.>.>Uy night wln-ult ap
ivared In the MwnhwMt.
sduy was the last day of wimol
;plr (inive. Anhlc. and waa eel-

iw-ei-c was down from Kalsska Suuday.
Somi- fine cali-hve of iimscsiooge
nr<- being made in Round lake, which
w.- t,-lle>e 10 be of great beiu-flt to
Ibe tribe# of '»maller fry '
It ta repirp-d iliat fishing parti
art- speatiug s)ieckled Imui m'Ro|
I iv. r to a laixe extent II this be tr
It needs the aUenllon of the I
The ITaycr CIrele met al S. Ho<h*lei's this w'eek on Thursday rreuliiK
William liu-ken bas aoverod Ids
ronnevilons wlih ih- Itay Shore Tekpbunc comtany, and bas
gone, to
Uiand Itaiilds.
Will Wllrou. who 1» al work In EU
Rapidii.w-pem Sunday al hotiie.
The Rev A. T. Ferguson of Tmv
tse City, Pi>era Satiir-ay and Sun
Cay in tbit tieigbborhuod. and was
atlv Impressed by Ita bcaiRlca. H
' viiig be«-n the first lime he ever saw
r plaee eviepl ill winter. All gr.-at
enjoyed the able dlscvmrse be gave
the.rhurvh Sundayniorning.
I-; Weah-li pi: rt-lmred a tliu: row of
William Aell.lsseggi-r la
last week
Tbe'Rev. ami M
is and
Kalku> iMeupying the Clark voltage
S. preparln,
s roil; le of
ibelr summer sojtwrn. The Ktv. Mr,
MiHcrmim ls_tbe iKs-sessor of a* fine
w lamiiii

.Mr. and Mi«. ccoffwln are s-pending
lew day# at'lbe lake.
M Kliighr. with viis iwx> learns, h
diawinp iHduioos lor H. I’almer.
A l.iuiy jn»l <T«p ««l iH-acb—. at.uiidaute o: sw.-i-t t-hcir.le- a tew mwji
«' and slrawlH-irle* twlia
•pilolls eS tji-si blVs»om_sl ssiini to


•e vlsltUig III

Mr-. Mary K-Jobii

JIni. Jotili-Warn-n-.-r. w1h> 1s alum!
) year-i'old. walked from-Travers.Iiv to Robert Uariand's. Tueaday
The ball game l-ctwei-n Oh
mid Mapl-t«m achooU liM >
viri-d proved un tniei'i-silns
wiis iM-.tore slali-d. the Ma|dc
wlmiln^ by a sror,' of 7 u. h. Tin.Miiph'loh taiys wrtc
elKH-taal ami
n-iied h.v n tnmeb nf
Ilieiiils. The tdirhir wa- Isadon- l.ordie or ”Skle ' as the rooters esUed
him anil Cordon Valley WOs ealehc-r.
while Kbisrll Hriiikmaii cuuglil V'lOld Mission and a Brilion U>> pltalied Tlie Old MIrkh.ii t«w# were all
nrhaul b»y>. but ilu- Ihlid ha-eniaii.
and he vvas a ‘'yiad'-iaii-''
and did
some fine work for Hit- lioya. Some ol
the y.-Ita ol hie .Maiv'cioti rooters
Wire a' fullaw-: Rarel*
Hazel. Ilil.
IliHim Rnh. Ma;ilrii>ii eroded st-htwil
■'••• r Ilah: lUhV-hnolIm'' In'bonoi- of
PlleluT wus, “One
mrlke. Iwo
sliikes. ihcroe strike*, you're out.
-1 oif Ihe base and shm your fare
1 'Skie'ir atrike you oui ' Esib mau
he got lip to lai was ehveivd liy
lie mils, and Iheir
name ihn-c
lies. Flans won- made for a game
Old Mission throe wc-ks from fYlday. Iieing June 1». wbieli w;II Iw
iciflowed by o daiiei- al the K O. T. M
siHtial I'lvliuilon has tn-eii Mapl-ioii young folk* and
le surrtMindlng virinHy.
Ik-th Zoulek Is spending Ibe wii-k
ilh bqr ehum. Itatic lloflmau.
Isndore Itardle I*
Working f..Harry JJobnsor. of Howera Hsrtior tbiweek .

!*IU-d rxl
e» in lliiikley over Sunday.
len Weaver, wiin has lieen vtac bis staler. Mro llatllc Cre.-n,
-everol Oav* rcturm-d to Grand
RapicU. Tufsdav.
Manic lati--hman 1
pareni#. Mr. and Mrs. A
zatietl: xowh n w
Boardman. Saturfia.v.
Ltoyd WaUci- of Traverse City. 1
lli-d his iiareni
ilph How
man. of Soutb
was In town Saturday.
R. May and duller
CadlllaV. are spending
few day* won her
mother. Mro
ime# CamT>‘'<-il.
Mr. RhermuB. of South Doardman
is vl-dllnc his fi-ier. Mrs. A. O. IHui-.
Mrs. Evans, of California. I* mak
111 ext.-uded -v;'ii wiiL b<-r sis.
Irv John I'odd.
V. Ellen Learn and her ataler-lnMhta -MaO'
Tubb#, raeue MonMao TuT
tn-> have
_____ Alden. air.
visiting. E M. Foster a

Orjiheora Si<-ek tteinpacy. rororned 1
e received twa’jtlt- her borne at South imardman today
•a John I ORMon I* aiiendia* the 1
whl^ it Ila teasiOB U BeRaire.
• owned by Dr. 8n

tour U

A goodly nomber ot .Nurlb MItion
iwwtaliy ’wh.m you
roilln people
Hlejidi'd n»ura. Ci-riKlle and Never!
wice held ui ibe
Ueb 5i-U:


I„ elan day which will oecor WodBosday. June U. probably on the CenOwl school groandn:
ealuMlIry—Mtaa Cornelia Morrison.
8ole«tau-Gtae aub.
Orailon-CUro Orlfflu.
Plaao Dnet—Mina
Mary Morgan
ud Hiss Cornelia Uorrtaon.

Tracy Lay. PrertdehL

R. Tloyd Clinch. \Tee ITwtMaBt
Samuel Carland. CMhIer.

slligan and
sada with

which l> the first time she has Wn
H since her reeeni illness.


junior leegu'e hour In rbarge of Ju­
nior League Supl. Mias Rcba Kirkpairirk, lupid Clly.
«:Uo—Boat ride aud pienic sn^r.
Wediteeday Evening.
7:30—Hevoiumal-Tho Bcv.. C. E.
Thles. Xorlhporl.
Address -The
Twentlelh Ceniury ITvyblenis."—Tbe
Rev. Hugli Kennedy. Ilallle Creek.
Thursday Morning.
C:nO—Sunrise prayer meeting—The
Rev. Jas. Ksvi-ld. FranUorL
s:30—I'nilse Mvrvlee.
Mtsaloo Mudy-Tbe «ev. Hugh Ken­
Uilde Bludy-Tlic Rev. L. II. Han­
Dirt. Supt.—Tbe Rev.
guwn. Troverw Clly.
I'rosldenl—IHie Her. H. H. Harris.
Vuuiig. ___________
Sevond vice ,,rr>ldeut—Mtaa Lydia
Bowman. l*eloskcv.
Third viev presldrat—Mtaa
MilkT. Treveroe Lily.
l-iiunfa'vire president—Mlaa Peart
Walker. Troveroe <ilv.
SiTivtar)—A. \V. Scesicma,
Trensuror—J. It. <Yias, liunyvo.
Junior Ijcagiie SiiiK—Mlws
Kjrtpairlck. Itapld aiy.

melboda waa atarted.




Looked as Theopb Fire Would Sprat
end on Appeal for Hrtp wes Sent
Bhsadt DM Good Woric.

ery BMaent aome one was end(

AM Mercy

made from blended II

e program will b-.
Toeaday Evenln*. June 7.
*:0U—Social hour.
Kerepllon by Troveroe City leagues.


Catertd at McoDA^jatt natt
M»W* 1 IMS, al Uit poatolflct ;

feaaed Today and


TOTAL toss IS $7,590

..60e tti Adru
...Sic in Advu

-Lr t;=t-

Vatar Haa Em
meivta ef Svn«
Crow rt 27 Haa Periahed.

La liByrel
Hlavolse, undoul
droanlng the ervw ol 5t. Ihv.
... iho were Irving to raise the anbniariu.-. heard the vrew rapping lor

Meetinoa of the Crowd
tfiet EpsrorUi Us<ee Will CeatiBue Three Dgye.

•Iravcrse Otj State Baak




Cmf Timm BenU GRAWN


i-ourt' the
Trau-i-.At a ae-*u.ti ef said Comt, held
III l>nif>aie OIOw In tbe Cay ol Tra
vi-'t'iiy. Jn said rouniy, on ibe Hi,
3. v*r Max. A. n Ihl«i.
Prew.-ni. ‘ rton- Fn-d K. Walke
Judge (if Prvbair.
In Ibe maiter of ilie iwlate of Wi
Uam Starbeek, decca»-d. •
A i:. Ihilvrr having filed In aaW
iv'urt hls fiowl acnvuiii a» adm.nisira
tor W said esiaie. and hi# pe> I'.on
praviug lor the'alloaanve lai-reol
It tk in.V-nd. ihaT ihe »:h d.y wf
•Inne .\ l». leie, at ten o'rlork in itn
tinenvioii, m said Prubnle Olhie- Ih
and l» bi-rcby ippolnted tor •Xso.m
iitg anil al'lowliig watd areonnl.
me;-i. c:
giv.-u by pulil
vd'a ropy nf ihi» oi.I.-i. lor Ibn
j'^day° .
Heralil. a n.-w-pap<i piiiiteO ind <
e8 In said .oui.i,.,
rilKll II WALKl'.,,.
Judge ot Ihol-ji-,
IT, 54. ri
Jiim- T

litlerkK-bea ..
iopenilafa ...
Kaleva ...


U 51


l.v, Kaleva .
Ar Marilla .
Clihgairy ...
Buekley ...
Wallop ... .

Norwalk ................. 11:5* '
. ...>
15:« ;
Trains arrive Travessc tHiy.




A beautifully browoed crust
outside and the whitest, light­
est kind of bread ioiide —
surely these are features
well worth cooslderlng.


Crescent Flour will be of
great aid to you1o improring
the appearance of your bread.


..f liriiml.Travi-rN'

'hill- till- ........................ .


No matter bow good * ilice
oT bread may be, ht quality is
always improved by its ap>

II to any. exleiit.



Oedar Run. ..
Itake Ann ...
IHatle Rivei
lienor ...............
Fmptro Jrl. ..
Kmpi,pe,via E

The Value of Appearance

t lli-v. J.sAnei) Canhy haa ro
r.l I •nil liwo-so, win-re he wa­
ll -Ouik--- m Im' state rulivi-ntui’i
CJuiM -1 i-f fhii-t.
!* .l.’. -.'I

V Trov Oly
r Solon ...
• dar Cify .

Ilf tiiv

■mmitiniiiiii tor <-iiiiii.v'<*|iTk !•«-j
If-It ma<Ie «|iiife tmi-ral in Trav '
.-r..- I'ii.v. I liav iiiii vi't •emiflii
I., mali.- il uliiViTKaliy kimuil 11111

Itjs clean, wholesome and pure- and yields returns
far'b'eyond your expectancy.
YouVe heard about It. but have you tried it ?

siilc ilii- riiy. in thr <•■1114110- ills


mil [■rv|>nr.-tl



make till* ili-rHiile aiiiii>iiii--i'
meiil til till"
of'tin* nini!
•Iiviriei* ntiil l<> Milieii ilieir fav.T

Ill <ii*iqiv*iln;

till* iiuiiii-r tviili luiiti.v Ilf iii.v ]»Tsuiiiil frieiiiis. I linve fouiul Miimliave Iic-.-n Ii|.-r1ir--<l-111 «iTlier

•The KiBd Everybody Ukes”

I'iimliJIale*. To fliie-i',1 ili--»jr-' 1"
llint I •riiily.n|i}iri-rial.- lie

l>li'i|!:<s lln-y liiive .iiurile ami iI"

J. Brozlita: Prokop Kl -ctka; C- WJIbeltn 4 Co.; L. R Slick,

nv) C SoilJacob Fujy*rh; H- siiiish 4 Niclydaon; J. J Gray; F. Slvp-

not' ii*k lllosi- tV'llO IlIIVi' (ili*lgeil
.•Iii.*.-lv.-*. I0 /orwake llii'ir lir*:
.My ri-u'hril for llie—' wit!

an:' V. E KotaniJ; Mr' H. 1Mirc-r»OB; Schoolcrolt 4

•'>1*1 .1* 'im-i-re u* lliMiii'li llie.'.
ui |i!i-iig'-«l ilii-iii-i-h<-.* to III'-.

Fviotv 4 R<-4Uifs. Mus-i-linoii Giorir Co. Haiinab, 4 l*> More On

earoy: C. U. John-oii: GiMti-i 4 Hlnro;






Voigt MllUiig Co, Grand Rapids. Mich.

Your House Needs
Painting, Mr.—■
miner E. WHITE.
CsGiliiUte for County plerk-

Tbe best paint to lue on ihui House of yours Is, onr
Crown Cottage. ¥fby? Becatue it.ii sbsdntely pure car­
bonate of Lead, pure exidc of xisc and pnre linseed ofl. gna^.
anteeing both purity and full net .mekiure; second yon sbonld,
use it from tbe point of economy. Onr Crown Cottage Flint
will cover 360 square feet, two coaU to the gallon. ATersge
high grade paint «n tbe market only covert three
hundred square feet.' two coats to the gslloo. That
means that six gallons of Crown Cottage will do the work of
seven gallons of other paintj. That is quite a saving. Price
per gal. S2 00; five gallons or over $1.90 Color cards furnished,
through mail or delivered to yonr house in dty. We dlroot
your attention to oor liquid primer for first coat. This gives
you a solid foundation for the raceeeding coaU and adds to
the durabiUty of the job. It is lOe per gal cheaper than the
Crown Cottage Paint.

. I);..*.- wl;.' ;ir.- !'.<l ]'T-ilk'-■ i
1I-. i-.-ly U*k f(' II" i-oltaiifi-r-i:
,y- liiii-ii'i"I--KUlii-il vviMi III
i'l.'um juirfv .if lir.imi Trn'v
. .imit.V; for 14 V'. Jr* «i-<l N.iv
l.i.-ti iii-iiV.' Ill tin-'*iiil(-"r1
iimlilii-nii jH-'iii-ijii'i' mill itHTTNvv ii
uptii'lil tbi’iit.
I fiiH.v nii{ipi* v.ita- III'- I'lirh'-'iriliiiiiHl llial 111'- fri.'iiiJ* \vl‘" »r

I »t*



till- r<-*}mn*i'lil!l.v of 111" ••ffii'i' "*
"iiin.v 1-1'rk
Simnlil l.r-viv
th" rp.ii'iiiHll.iH al th" Rriinarii•pl.:.-tnIi"r. .m.l Ii-roi T»ur|'“>«"
T»uri'“>«" |i
»li*il 1»" my lirvn
li. Ih
• | <if iht*

Cor. Front and Cans Sts.

rv- |*<*t .of iny nliilii.v.
III- imix—'i
.-v.-Tw v.'iiT in fhi' colli!
I if i* iny d-*.fTi


[tally aovinamta*! with
a<if ffao Ti.t.-r» mild taxpayi-r*
t« p.Mxil>l>. durinff

Hay 24--27.


mm U


A Storekeeper Says: WILLIAMS GOT IT
“ A Uy

into my atore lately and aaid ;

That the Travcri-- Cii.v HlBU »thuo!

“ 'I have beta oting a New perfection Oil Coe*
________jir for my aommer borne.
tbeae oO atma are wcmifeTful.
«. tbey would all bava

hoary coeUtic.

I think


I -biKb TO
ivr.e («>


;Th* ;6ral aAcad bad ibe toli06ic« >^.ai



............ .......................



aecndoR K and IVcI

Tlii'iv »u4 a prHiy rai^ U-iapoh
ibif jtnl Krici J.tcd qt tillKiir-L.uil

JlBnard. Supt GUIs rt >va».priM I•:4 o: t:ii- St. Johiia Hint «. iirtoi oo<and '-up-rin'--ndent
the »!.:ne pluiv three }*, U-- h bn ha* ivry tiapnUl> tilled .rinu

uy il<-:i. n-aily a lear'a |ni>i sraduat-•It iLe V*i'ei-»1I\
: ill.-blM“
.. loiiiliiB |i> Ti.ti- .v-.- t iiy. >lr

Besides ^•e1y
«f pi4u.l|«l Mr. FBI





Hi-ishl, Tean. It Is i«-|«ne«l Ihal they,

- a eiridoal.. .*r >OUvi-t .a|!es>,- sue I, .,.jv.-d 'an A. It, deEtx-r
3.,- ;.,:d fuur ,.-ar» id'.-M-rti-tKsO,,

of till- Cadlll-c High
lonilnt til th-» IV

•f the N.-irtinil lolhiBe. at Vi-aiwliere .he n-o-lv.-d b-r A.

All tonirraiulaic tbese youna lieo-

some Hlhli- from the Kin* Herald*'
elms*, awliyiikfc Hariicy and Ur*. Spi-n-

on tUclr apli-iidid suctvsi,.

s-er eachSeo-lvlu* wiunnir apoona
l:om tbe Royal Workirs.
profiraiu wat siren, the R«r. W.


McKee, the B.-v, WlUard HeaU<




and I..D. Kobha each *|Hakln* of tbe
loaii to the churcb Ihe dcparlnre of
Itir party of aceen will moan, as they
l-n- all acllie wurkcra In Asburv

Day->Addratted by a Veteran.
The llrst. ect-oud. and third yradt-a
of Oak I’ark, hi-id Ui-uorlal <

lurih. They were spoken of by
by U>b
Ilev. Mr, Heath as the "ml-slol



a aoclaJ

Animal Early I
lilHi- tnpT
lone bt* luarkinRs?
A tapir bom
Jour tnonhis 11*0 In th-; l.ond<-n toolt a
plump liiilu atiiui.n1. ciactly Uke hla
Sons by First Ciap--'S.-r Uu- S*
pnrenfs, eic«-pt it is sironely'hirred
Son* by Fir*t crade--"Sce the Sol- with whiii- hurltonfak strip<-a, while,
Rt-ciialloii—t'onil Blackiuaii.
aa eit-rybody knowa, old laptr* are
plain, dark slate rolor. But nnw,
Stinc by Second srade—"Flac
after four momtii. Hi.- uripea are dlatho lirave."
appearluc/lhuso at it:.- head b. lor: the
Sonc by Third jsradt—"Uncoln.'
flrvi to up. Time hna aolvcd tbe
li.-cliailuu—4‘. Us .Schomberper.
pnihlciu.—New York f’reaa.
ftiUK hi Kfrjl srade.
Ki-cJaIii>u~'Meiuurtul Da>." U<'
Souk—"Hurrah for the Fla*.”
SuiiB—"Ri-d.' White aud niue.”

Then Mr. McHenry, who is a Civil
war iKteraii. told alorj-a of the /f»r
111 thi- .children.
lie wa. a'ninnber of tbe

orator for bU

Mli'blcnn Cavalry, and waa
Ur. acd Ur«. of the battloa.
AadenoB »ni yi) directly to SnilthAltlKnich hi- is S3 y..aia oM. b’ Sold. Obio. where be will euptse in Java
health and was abie la
elaaa. After craduatlos

'yaatoral labora. It la reported that be

tbo rfalidren for au hour Id a vPry

w*l likely mom u^^IIeso ibl* ao-

Inti-rt-altUB «:anni-r, Ui- was pr.-senttums aod Uke poat^aduato work.' _l-d with flower* by ib.- children.
ta kla A. M. decree.
Mnn-bi-s wert- plav-d .ird .ors* acMr. aad Mra. Abdertou are ibcdj. mmiiaolrd h}- the piauo played by
Ksercis,-. cloat-d with rlncinc

Sava the eoupatw yon will find in
each aack Of tha Goaben Blended
Vaaneter ipadoaie rrom ijiram coi
hlour. and wb.-u you hate elpht of
lace. O.. and hare already bem ap­ them, mall them witb a 1‘. O. order
pointed as tnlaalooariea to Baysmao. ifor fd.vs tu tie Gfvhi-n Mllliac com­
, Porto Rifo. They will rMurn to this; pany. Oosh-n Indiana, and you will
, rcc-lv* a t;
0C1 of pdil de,-.->ratdty to.Tlait frlendt aoon and then
I ed ckinm frelchi ihaiEev prepaid.
iMedlately to tbdr work.
«n»a Ufa Jane. Hr. and Mra. Uerrel

Don’t Save on the Price
and Lose on the Job

J is.

. I I--.

Theo. Archer & CoSample Stock of
Trimmed Hats




aad a«oraer. for ye.r. lK.,-anMi:i iuyou afford to urv aa..,hlr.,;


>.ir .........

•CO huts
t9.C0 r.j-.i
$!:.C0 nvi-



J. V. Farwell & Co.
Sample of Shirt Waists


5 00 t- $J40 Mat*

d„or*. peh!

In lime and labor make* ih- leU i:


OM Poslottlee BoUding

H-s. i<ili-re

H.'-siitea iia'iiiis'miiahi

:'.ir '«■. «sar> i|iidv;;#i;p:. »-!!
a- St

* year





i ..

'Uolsiia U-hi*-.' ea.V, ..flSeiDuii. is
the Viiiti-rsl-i <vf





i.i.vl le Ml ihe;r plac.-s
Tha Uaual Way.
It waa tltth- Marlon'* br*l day at
Sunday *rlii-cil: her tutiiher hnd t
her a penny ler celi.-i :lon. Afier Subliar acbiKil war mer, h--r tnie.her QW
that Mnrinn hnd two pi-nnte*
"Why, Marlon, wle-n- did }im Bet Ibat
ciUii r iK-nns •- >he nuctled. "fih. lh*y
pasM-d the pennie* and I took
waa the noire reply.

ri- Hint ..|p»-,vi<l j.t 111.- 1 iTi~l uf
Trai-eme I'ity.

f Kiuitni;

M' a K! Ilr(i«Rsoii. wh». Iia-harBe uf the



I araduuli- «I OlUei eollesi- wilh
i. 11. .ind M. A decree and .in

ut> il)i- lonieuina:
insKDiHre apd iwUc.—Harrii i ikweber Stowe.

i.,il I xpi iienei- In Ih-- liinra
si iiuol
imnlni: to Travi-rs,-

Habit of Loan.
A» a direr the loon eiti-r!* and nattiiuily. tor It 1* hla wle niean*
IliVllbood. Not only U be niarw-b
ly qukk. but he lan reiuulti uadcr'
iinuucs lewhi-r <-anie ‘i.-re two ;
WKier'for a airmlnisly endle** i
.1 f.-_--h with the fans whiili h.- In *witnniln|i under waler be
.id h-am.-d In the l.mMiiB .Apil.-ullur- kolh Win** aud feet aiid eao Bt
: Milh-R* and the Cniierslly <if Miehl- ooeral hundred yard* lo Hie fasliion,
The I<»ii. like many other uaiir (n»l*.
:ii. unii ill* ib-yr.e of K. s'. 1« an
linal aheps ell the water with bl< h.-ad
ttiki-d under bis wing -Si, .S'lel.Ma*
l; J

. .
Ualdwm. ihe a-it-meanJ

hS- I
s I... tiU'. .i:;4 .
1‘ief. if. X. iliii-alii-ek. II. S. lie
nher arieiiri- leuch T,_ ti-i<i.i nn o'h-r
r-'.-oninn-uilntlon than hi* sU >>wrs
-MH.-rlenn. a, head hf He- Mien.-- d.sirtini-m in 111- biral HIk!. »<:lii»i].
M-. iliiinli vk iiur apBi-d na effort
:.i nuk- Hi’ s,.!i:ii— il-panneul -l
ip:- iiiah K- .e,i tin- 1-ts. la*. '...ui.i

For Over
Thirty Years

Oame lor Chlldran.

Miss Fer*u««i laiiaht iB

L-r*.—J^ind-m f'hnml-'le.'

OreBraphical lellera la a Food *aM
lor old. t ebllilreo
A bowl filled wllh
ieii.-r* tx plae.d In the cehter of lb«
talilr. All Ihe playen. Beat themaeirat
and the leader a letter. IhrawInR tl luce upward on tbe Ubla. Tba ^
one who first eall* out Ihr oataa of A
(own UglpnlnB with that letter ta «BlltliUioibeb iU-r.. When the bowl l»
einiiti tho ^Mbera pBinl their laltara
and ibc ««ie Wfc bwORRIMt^lM tha

• Only Part ef tha Truth.
- IvM—I S11W r'apt.nii I/,*-;- •- n r today.
Uei-tw,Weli. riliat If leu tlidV luw-'
What if 1 dhl'i lUilii't yiiU tell lUithat be wiw rmti hl« m-sm-I when abo
Brovt-a tliat (tow aloiiK tba fool of tha
w.-nt diiriti Imit wsvk With all-on cliffii. They eat tlieir way lulo tha
Uianl? Ilren>-Yrs. but I liidu'l tell
r.K-k In all dlmcHon*. and Into tba
]uii his vem>-l Mos a suliinarliR-.—Oilsap* thUB fornind the wavea foreg
cacii Xi-ws
•heir way. In lime they will probably
ridin-e Hie lalatid tu piceca.
An Escertien.
Judging From Eaperlanee.
ItlH,' Hire U i.afi.ti dy iv|i<» aaj'
Pen and Papar.
.A Ill’ll- Bin wb-'e f.iiher was a 11” woiuiiii is a sB9,mEl*l unl««*
"I-aper." wliaihrr of ra*i or Of wood
coiiimcn ial irav-'li-r sat on tbe poreh Kin- bax a cruti- h • n s-un- tnan. SUikpulp. Mill lakes II* ntuia from tba
hululne a kltien. and rrA'piRB upclox- —Tbaf* <iacrr. My wife i-ji'i a suf
I Jl-yru* "A "bmik" Is the beech, tba
b-T TOoiher benrd this: "Kilty.” aaid fmslaL-t.'li-vi-lnml I'hilu i>uakr.
-Mwiden r*-I mi'wlilch our lurelalbMd
■die }viiiDB oiU*. "I know you OB' I
rut Hielr rnnir leitera. And a "peo-know yoiir mitntna an I kimw nil your
. U • |. aim by derlvallan -peneeltla*,”
- Iiro'bera an' wtsiera, hut I
.V little tail. baiinB been ortjclually tha
eaini ol Hie Human palntcr'a bruah.
.. .................................


Bmeke Towh.

Csil of dastiping.
Ibree Md wom-^wl.U a i-rvot Ikv
w.iii th-m rsu fiiliMln
, .u.,!-\V, K Il-i^ V
F-in-I« ihi- wioM KI-IWS Urnl-r. and
r kimi-r. In tier.nx Hie yean. lulttply.
irincly oaed, and the Rrtni rnlea ■
lion v.bleb lortiicriy abut
•but out the
Ibc poor
•e upi-nlnB napldkfiiyiliim mmes It


Wasted Tima Throupv Bleknaaa.
It If eatlim.ti-d Hut lonaUBIly Boea
S.IKHI.OW |»ul'le in Hm L'ollod SUtea
ore 111 lioiu i>rt-ven*iibl* ctuiaa.
Library a Raquistte.
Kerry niaa owea It aa a aacred duty
lo bU inUnl to atari a IllUa Ubraiy of bU own -Henry Oniininood. '
Literary Nato.
Tbe best t--n lyiveU: Oura aadbl

Marshail Field & Co. WoKeson & Adelman's Herlh. Krause & Co. Marshall Field & Co.
Samples and
Samples of
Broken Lines of Shoes Children’s Dresses
of Dresses
f.’. L-cii-



'1 :> Uar-.w- O.f'M'







:7U Dre.*«

S.:S Ch.iOrtn'x ShB-*


S= .. „ ■ :

SO- C-. '•re- - S"or'



Si CO U'diV Oiford'
tl » C»iildfen'» sme*


H.CO Se lf


J.*.- O-Info-. .




A't-i'*'V'C. K'rt

... .1148

>ur enure Hock ot Ladica' Tailor.
Su-t' *1. 1—1 ceaiont- goo<f(.


> ... .


M Dr-v*e.

. ..

LrsiH'jISD O'-ic F-;rt. L'--w

SuiU .
. ■ . *5.0;
ST.SO t- 812,00 value*



\ey. who

1*. tain-d Hi- iu->s' oT hi-.r ...iVuiie:ial eaperleuie tu t..t,i„l pi.„::..- i.ui
- nlao a arnluat-.; of Hi- H- i.-ii tiusi

Is the sensation of the hour. Thonsands profited by it Saturday. New items are
added daily to take the place of the ones sold out op the previous day’s selling. This
is really the greatest feast ot bargains we have ever had the pleasure of offering
our customers. $l)oes, millinery. Dry Qoods, Cadies’ and Cblldren’s Dresses, Shirt
{Uaists, etc., aii the newest styles at prices positively less than the wholesale cost.

Sb.OC !C
i--i .




The .■ouiniircal dl-pai.-ue-t
I .idej by a <,.ry upaWi. ,iiid -\|s-r.
er.i«-d -i-arh-r Mi--

The Great Sample Sale at
THe Globe Dep-t. S-tore


Aiiu-rlcA by ail pr«-*-nt:

lor tbe mitUatry. fonr of whom «rad-

Don't skimp (be p*iiil.-r irU 'l- o:. ;i..


I-' offeieiraud m- li.i- le-eii Umn'ilMI.
Oound to Call Forth Criliclam,
A b-smi-d i*rof.‘S»or lecliWrsl tbe
n-naidi d w'-.,,
. Kri-ah-s! tiiiimint
.. I'udei- wile U in-ver woitii crlllatiidenta r>«.-tiily on -'KmliryiMior di-111 BUrir-fs.
cL'ni Is i-ruUlily.iieief worth anythin*
vi-liiimii-nl and poly.-nibryony In
larlnl meoTuewa." A* no r.-c-rec-rec
r«-conl was u.aile for Vtobyby-bybynby !’li(ino-nnno nosraph coii^ry of
Hapeiea*. w
New Yorkork-.vik-ork and |•n-Il*-p4•^i*.
i.-nd- 1-' Ii-r i|iiie: and winiiiTip li.iiiihoivev. r, you will hnvo in deny
There l« no hope,far ih- wenan
i-r. Mi*-. Kn;e.'} ion he. A, H. ile- who camiol uinimK- in b- on Him- nt
self iLi- pU-asiiri- of lii-arlBB It ruprosale.—Clilcjtfo
Recordduei-il.—WaahlnB'on JUralA
i-e .11 llelni.
V.'l-i.i.»ln. a baniaiti
iiiu had i-Ji-ni-mr- 'a., a Utnild.
Not What She Maant.
. iii .r i-neher befOTi-'.-ouiint licfe
”.Mr hiirtMUid never pela what be
aljoiild for hla pc- :ry.' aaid the pnet'a
ps-warr of ib- nian u ho talk* of tbe
a sraitnaii. of Hii; •iiilemn iiuth." TriHi wear* maar
wife with a lire.- of nadn...*, -Ob.
she e.ih lit-r A. 1; dean-- ami eujr-i..l cn.l ie>i"is ralnim-iil; ibc of
don't Iw- too hard on him." r.-pUed
(tlrl. absi-nt-tniiidcdly.
tt? imiiiii.nil hii. I. hyiiiiefhiy.—I.ife

tera of the Ctaarrb of Christ in thU Rn.v Rorabacher.
city. Tbla ebarrh baa nlue youtic wen

«h:t* toleavi- I1-.PJ,


hand from tbe Ashiiey <fmrch.“

Souf—"Salute to the FUc"
»:ili-ti S.tlutc clvcn by.ihlldren/

8onF- -UareblnB Throu^ Gcorcla"
by alh
nano nolo-Plan lllnc.-i.

and woBrii BOW !d eollace atudylni:


|ilc and their frti-nda In tJiis vU-iuiiy

KciKai-on—"Di-eoratiaa pay," Mar­
lon Sanborn.

Harvay ti Andaraon.

a »

.. ..n.I-al*o or the I'qlM-twpi

ri.s- T'Bapin.

rad ooBaornpeBieat


ihurrb. Aa lokco* of >-sii-em
Speoter was preaenU-il wllh a

irblla Is eollect Mr. .
third erode room, Tbe room vna dri'
a a rword at wtiMi bit (rionda
orated aiU: dasa. floaera. aud but
taar writ be fraud. Bewat one ofibc

Mri piweilheiit Bomben of the athThe ronowlns profiraiB waa circa.
feife boaiS of eentrol. editor-iiKhief
ttsa. Tri-State onuorical oonteataps.

LuH y.-av. aid
her pnpulariiy uruon.

.:.p.l* in ihut tltn-

crption li^t nidhi by A»Vury

«tw aiy. formeriy Mlaa KoUU- Dlo):

or the CoUeirtaB, the, rfileaa mara-


.1 M. f'i-isudoi;, tb<
js !«vn tiiTr.ilei....

Sliumt win bi- (U^sed in rrllfliras
nork near here.

ham. oDBipleice her work m the mDe

. were t

S l.aurd

u 11] return bomi- for.ibc auuiuier, Itiiy

«( tlm yopuUr yetuis Indlao of Trav-

Bears the

and n'thr.t time

I n.e i... iMil: n-a- r.iil In

'I-'”- '4j.'

Friday Eveninj.
W{-s,rv. Roy Sliaas.
Ren Lltil--.
Ur. and Mra. Siuncer and family
Itcrnard l.yuiu-. C'Lavliis Pi-w. loul of North Kltuwoml avi-nui-, J. H. ilm
I!. V. V.-«iil»'Oi:ii. of llie caorri) of
aud Miss Manila Ilamey. all of
(*hrist, lire la si-)ioul at KlruLerJIiis alMim li-avc Monday Tur Son Dance.

wtU giadBate mtn Delhany collrifo.
Woat Vlrnmt. rt«e<viiic the dtmwe Sehotan Had Program
tarneo'n in Honor of
ofBMhalor ofArta. Hit onre.klao one

!-;i u- vs.i

a.' .vMijil
1,1 non the >-j:Iii
»• hisll_s3.^d^,^^-.^-S.

lies IiiulliIu iHci 1-1 li-u;

Their Henor at the Attury Church

»ey B Ai>daraon.fyni>erIy of .tbl» dty.



,u.| Niinliiill- llisb «>.Waul«. In Ikoe. «iIiK-r;
hi* pn-a-ri iHisltion


faire af tha Collagk.

Vor Inlknts utd CUUm,

The Kind You Hm
Always Bong

• man 01 ri'-al -h-IUy i-lJ
.-llin;; I..-WS. Sup!. 1. U. tlUben.

J3 aud lliie i'- Ll.-ils,

Standard OU Company

Afta^aa Saan Praptinant In Af­


B:i*li»h. laujtbi III the iliyii

tl Ima a Cabfael Top with a abalf for kcapinc platea.and food hot. Tho
Idck^ tofab. wHta tba bHefat blue of ibe cbmtieya. makea the af-------------------------•Bd attiBCtIra. Mada with I, 1 and S buraen; the * andi h-burncr aiovca
can ba bad with or without (
bwe; U net U reurt. wtne far DuenpUea Oicalar
to Ike OMIM Mcacr ot ike

win rflooeivt Oa#rea of Badtalor of


.ii.i 1* a Rraduat- of
usiiti* taken t»ur».-» c the '^1 ri
-iihaUuMl colle«e kl-l.*nsinB and

■ pKlirip-l W. .A.
F.-rEU*.ni is a
,*du3!ithe VfikiWu:! Xornul nilmil ar .A. B. d..Bre<-. b-.-mlvs hav-

Tiew IStenSctioit


to Tia'er*.- Cli>.

I„ Auiery

head «i the luniUv l-.t.e

.‘lira hutlnc lanehl in tl-.lad.

birda. In'lbu third aquad tiic nw.aa fnlloa-a;
. '

Caaemeo Mr: B«i
•MU. iw yoteM. 'h-d. ~


............... .


Wow-ahe knoara-

has also aiudlid afcioad. U-.iJe. hav-.
laUBhl *.-wral year. heioiV .-on.

teneh.r. won her A B de*,.v at ihe.
hould prove to be auuo* lb- )--*! <-t
uti.i.rMiy -If Mh-bbswi. and cin.v to
,.uh .i.»li--Uliona ip tbt »ute la noi
il, uiy i.Miu Bay fi:y. whore she
urpr.aliiE when'one look* mio its
.. .ii-iulvr of lb- Ha> c:iv liliih
.qialib- iforce ot teiehi-rj.. all gradho.ll 'Ikvali'.
I'/e* ..l‘aomr wi'-l! kii'iAn .oU.y

If only womes knew what a

of Btj ^^aod Uwy w«k aatoaUbed. TWr taoofbt that tlwr. waa
awefca tram ac oil ttevc. and
that a ImaMd aroom jon like aay etker
- IbmBofmraqiniri
atm. I- told
tbmn of my
aad eaa abar aaotbar they (M one, aod
MW. Boioaa of them would cl**b«ra
^ fee ava Umca lu coat.'
<nw lady who aaid tbia bad tbooeU
m oU aaova waa all ri(bt far qui^y
bantiac milk fat a baby, or bolUnc a
fcanla -of *al«, or to make colfea


sn«i -

V.n'» Elk*!—' S--«i . ..................S1.98
Bieac**e0 Shretmg. 1

Men'* S2.S0 W'r* Shoe* ..

t'.ej 127-SO S-- I* f"



... S174«

(OoBUui-d Iron
pbir.» ot tb» Ba»r4mMiI.UV tuilJlc;.
jr.n;;t.r o: porrt»»iri« the nal •
. »3S uol a>lrd nroB^asI nigbl.
.Ki:r l&oazbt
vuuU be • BDo4
<■ punfuse a lar Iaa4 from mrh
1n<^t ilisiU-r* aM sU« It a
ua- t» (•> Im- ;iu|>;adS.i the tnalf- - Wa»


m.'iter .-t haUig Mr. Pjjne
up tbe Oowyr W> aod vbrobbery.
the-srhwirt* wu* l.:t W Ihe 'boild-.
> ar.J sroondf cpmtnlllee, tbe wqib
t.l eSOls-d IS5.
N'l aid to th.- Jinltor*. a barrel
WsaiiUnt el.waer was pur.-based.

ms. per doif# ....
Buying Ll«;

Mr. llitk ot the Central Miihlgati

A. Ley Oa.

^irago. >lay

lliveirt*. old tss

talo--* wove *t car* and ptiie* ax-:
longer p.-ri«l'
.. .roni tU- •lap- of s(t>-d ic tower. Weakneis alsi> im-itw*!c v' such utlllo and fr-vu<-!ilsi- ed 'he raniket for new rrop ;>«»!•* and
nielpts of.K tars. tuox<-d slowlj jt!
on 3-'- .No tli> or Ullage shall v.'aiitT pri.i-*. .tsiaracti* vea* stre-.cbate power 1o ahiiiig'- fhe'
or.rale. while
I... franrliisr. i,. loan «
allons; Asparan;
0 2«-t—«, le«y or i-olli-u
.»»t:«-M for other iL.m a p'.iblif
eueaml- ts. d.-/
rball any .iiy
r»> l«\e.-i. II '
Tage aciulre
. .pulii'ui Ulllitr or
giant any publlr ut
trotaiteii. l.ti, I'.whiib I- not subvert 1 I r«-vo;'alKjn at
Ibe will of tbe rlly oi village, unless rtiSee: On new.
iHisIi.l. flfil.?'
have fir.-t

Iwplier. ease.
Jirilii; hiei*. nee
ot Ihl
e^ved the afnrmaiive
filth* of the e’l-r-or* ■
tillage voting thereon at ihi
as,.en.tiei.-. l*atnpe:>.
J|4; 1
or BfH-clal muntUnal e|e<Uon
'<rfi-Ua--o. eriil-s. fl.T3<itl; tariil,>s. Vrh proposltlona women taxpay.
lftl.33; lituatts--. B
Isiske!itlng the qiiallfleail

p' ever}',
fsemv *®r acqtUrias knowletec upon
a» liftportasc a mawer before vorliw.
•pen tbts iiunitan. I «ill io retpoaar
tD an loTlutloB, advance u>me mai’. o«rn. establhh and mntnfer by atmple fatrodaclng to tbe reidlilir r irlihln or vllboot It* eor« tbe bail* opon Vbich our fortbeomiai (Barter mail reau wiiboui c^- poraie .Unili*. parks, boulevardi. reeaeicrli*. hospKuls. almshouses snd all
lariBC at tbe preaent time
Inxolve the public faealth
muter* of detail vhidi vUI neeee
fly arlae In tbe mure and *111
Or saleiy.
etmaMered in dae time.
I Section 13. Subject to the ptovi*
'tons of ihl* eoiuiilluHon. any -‘'v «'
no test .leclslatnre paated an
atitM "AnLArt to provide for tbe vlllaye may arqulre. own and
sithin or wlibout Its n...............
taeorporatloa of eltlei and -for ebancpublU- uiiliiles for supplying
' tat tbelr boundaHet.*' TbI* act vu
s shall Ik- entilled
water. Ilpht. heat, power and trans­
baaod upon Ue ae*
foture char- portation to the niunlelpalily and the ^’^•ellun
The legislature shall
prorWoa* «t i»M. Oar
a thereto onit lahibllanu thereof; sad may also sell
alter any Iroad laid om
______________ ________
. an tbe present and deliver wait
- ... ..
highway*, or
aoutlMiJoe and obedient to tbe sunfcireet. alley <ir publle ground la
an amount not to exceed twenty-five
oral lawa of tbe atate.
Hlage or iu any r-.-.o
per cent of that furniahed b<* It wlib-

r/-'<isi.f"; fiididam.'

0 uDioli.. tier bnuih. xiv.


•I* klway* the tign of * oarefal dreMor. It doent <x»t
BBf more to ff«in the lepatetion ot veering good dothei.
UUe two men with tbe eeme uttonat trf clothing mooejr,
aadoaeof them will dren e good deel better than the
other. It it a qnmtton of koovuig where end whi^u bnj


Huy Mn bkve Mired the problem by ^ieg to
osr Btore ragaUilr ud bojing the SWEET-ORR highgnde trooKn which we eelL The mu who eeleeUthe
right wrt of troRMre U taki&g • big gtep towude dHestag himtalf properly. 8WEET-0KB high-grade tros■era are kaovn the world over to be the beet fittisg, beat
^peariBg wd beat veering them ell.

Hamilton Clothing Go^

Secilun 3li.
public I
•f any
alleys or other publir .
dU. illlaiie or lomuiliip 1
i-K, pilie*. trark>
•k> or eotidult*. wlllitiie (oo--nt or the duly roit*iii;iled auihurille* iif .ndi eiiy. villa-;- or
town«hl|>: nor to traiis.«-< ;i loral bii*1■leRB therein witJwuf Hot ohl-iiullig
a franehi*- tlierefor from sueh iHy.
village r.f township.
The rlghl of
loll eiile*. y mages and lowueblfui to
the reasonable emerol of tlieir tiir. - t-i.
alley* and iKiblie plart-.i I* hei'eby nsrrved to rueh dth-s. vlllag.-e uud
Seckin 311. No, fram-bis.. or lU-on*.»liall be granted by any robnlcipalliy
of thin waie f<»r a tonger lime than
thirty v(-ati'.


> 1.2 ii-.d In varloiu srbooU.


. Ir irl; ‘i siussloB. H -^as left to iba
..r|l.;:r.;t 'and gTiiarO' o'mmtttee M

Saral oranges........................... -.tS lo CPc ,
Drape tniiis............................. ................... 1'“
Wae apples ................................................ aoc|Corn .
Dates, per ponid ..........
Figs, per pouid .....................
Oocuanut*. each............................
MaUsa ffapn. per pouad..
nor<. dr...
roiatoe*. per busbel .............
Celery, per stalk ..................
Cruntiempi. p>'t quart, ...
.. be I
Sweet poUtoes. per IV...........
kC (
Walnuu. per quart..................
.. be (
Hlcaory auti. per qoart ...
Fleur, Feed. Misecllarh_____
.Steers, prime ....
Sprlag wheat bour. per bbl.... «» Pbeep. Plr lb------Lily White KI >ur, per bU............. *7 M Lambb. per lb....
Meal eg)ur. per bbl............................ W.«
H sad L.lJes; Phmr.serbb:.... f««'
Kir.i- F.-ed .......... ................................... fl 1>'
It. i L II.-1 Hour, per M-l...........t
Jlran. fser-Jeti i-aanOf..................... li.l’
Bu.-i:fc..i’it bran, per i.-- pouadr. *•'
Mid tci;r. per I'.'V poands.............

11311 ■





taken by people m tropi­
ca! countrie* all the year
round. ItstcqwvastinceBd
keen* up tbe Ptren^th and
triulity in «"""»«* a* wdl
a* wintc.-.

string brans. e!s.i|i-e.
Wtrsler. l.irtt 1.


transportation line# wltboui
tkmal proruknt for cKlea and vllilcipalltr within aoch' lltnlta as
tagw: raad the act for ineorperatlon
€t dtlei; both of whicB are In aes- mar be prescribed by law; Provided.
That the right to own or operate
adoB Uwa of l« iranRpnrtaUon faeilitie* shall not esThe prorifiaDS relative t
l.-nd to any riiy or village (IT h-»«
(ban tw.iit.-five ibuusand liihabitanl*.
eu-elimi ft. When a flt> or village
1 aulhoriied to aequir.- hr operate
ny public iiilllty, it may l»«il- tm
age l.-oiids therefor lu-yond Ibe *

I’aprr tompany was present and vx-iron.d-to tbe board tbe* of
. 1:< w t.siem ut toilet paper *hkb ia

PROVISIONS.'o. May rT.-Trade in l-:oxi^
\ <n* wa* light. Init d-rle.- (bnmte- 1.'Ined npw«r(l. The .-;« nlnr was Vi
lower to 34c hielu-r and the marktirivuneed 1i.little. Srideiiii-er r. io br.
$33.l« .for |i.xili. ti? !T(. fo! l-ii.l, ai
SIJ.13 for ril-.

Itort.—Jiil.v, $33.'.3>;: rt.-l

We Have keided to Continue


t''.3to; .^l''

For a Few Days Longer

S-I3 3T»;.
niV --'iily; tl3'—.

!t. ;■


In the former eon-*tltutiiin, the b gfRlatnr.- was antboru.-d tu providb
.r the iororinratlon and oigonirolto-i
■ ritle* and village*: tie- new eoii.tituilnn-onii:* the word •'organiralion” j
ind leave. Ihl- ritle. and vlUagi-* fix e
o work OKI a detailed method of gov•mm^nl ndapiert to their parlleiilar
«ant«. Their work, lum.-xer.
.-.t to til.- general
general Ijw
. . -: and tin- slate resiTTO* the rig
I limit laxatlon and r.-*!ri.l* tl
. jw.T of limriiwlBg/numey and ec
tiaiiiiig debt*.
r brief *eelinn of the o*
* and one of- e^perlal int<
* follow*:
‘The leglslaiu
s-no loral or aprelal ar:

ade app1U.->i
a general ■« can 1*
tlnn. N.i U>i
ehall be a Indlrlal q
lie rlTeet tltltll
<xr ffw-dal a
majority <if th<- elM lor*
volliiB (b.'ro I in th.- dlRTirt t'
Vnfler th.- g.- oral law thare gixen jiow.- to frapB’- adopt i
charter and i
amend th^ir ct
law* ati^urdlu:
municipal i-omx-rns: tliU allow*
la'Hude am! i* 1n striking eontr;
the former m-thod ol appl.xing i
b-Si-Uil.e iHdx lor r.-Quired a
aieui*. and then upi’D hiial pass.
*ame find tb»l the work had
niangb-d beyond r.-eogn:tion; i;
-■•I marki-d advar.e and i
in the Uiuiidarii- of a tony
iir "Hoaix- Role."
Tliv right to lay oa: purk- as.1
•<d hfispitals .
emi erl.s.
establish oi
mioh* wh
volve the h.-alth
J safety «
sen* is granted.
I'os.r i* hl-o granted to aihh;
ar.d operate public utfUiles b-yoi
auy power thm' w.. bow have unde..r present
of transpor
Tile indii
fai iliilo* is granted to <iii-s. ti
Se, nolx; haring a pop'iIa:io
i »3-''."<"ii.
narked> of thU sire, for to
ing w.............
dii.-c! xahi.' I* pljy«<l ffpen xahiib
utll.ii,-* which
a ley. ;jgi- against l ortsira;.- pow.
Seciion 31 alio** th.- issue ofgnor:gage bonds U-.votid the e<-Bi-rwl Uebi:
of bonded indebTedness pre-rib.'d by
law in tb*» BO liabilltx i* Impo-rd upon ihr cliv as thx. s.-curity upon ‘.be
i,v« tht-reoB- r—
■ burdon* of the
new-* or lessen*

Chlevcn, May 37.-Uutier-r^eady


Ki"‘—Film at

I3.«; cares; eo.-.-a
l<7*tc: Set*.



3fl ■


Indnded. V-'^ ■



dal-:-*, II •.

<71V; twin*. HiJH’ic; xoung .tin-;_
l*fr15'.4< ; fens Nirns. lia.<l.'r;
New Yoik..



Foady; roeelplK 3,r.xV;


iluing.-d. Ch-0*0—,\!-xiut


ipt*. 31. !ir.;i;


.ii„ 1,:,



Cared by Lydia E. Pinkfaam’sV^table Compound
Milwauk.'e. WK —-LrJii E. llnkliata's Y’eo'tablr Con-pouU'J lias
--------------------------------- n;.‘ a wrll noiuan.
ai..l I xxoiiM Ilk.- to
of iU
I sutT ri J
InitofemiiV-r*!'.-and fearful
idvWk. lhaJtl
lii-at doctors aivi
t’lry all d.-cid- I
tU-l 1 bad a tiuu -r |
*n s'M;!i'‘h to C'v

'inJiL.ii;; s Vv^vtublv C-‘tiit..-ui:d ail-me a well ;U|J 1 lu'V
t.;-:.backarV. ! h"pe I ran lirlj.
teliiti}: theta wlivt I.vdia
J*iiu‘i.xn; , i
n'rl has d-Tr* i-.:Vcfteuible C-mpour*
tw I'J-s;';-.
me.‘’—Mia L'iiiaLXsi.
is only ore of.V -• tl.
The al»«v«

gands (.(
nf pratv
piutvtiti h-n-ra^l-va
om.suntlv !«'i
PiuklamVvJii- M;auy 01 ‘
'■ is..w!u-h
pr.i :cls-x-iuJadoul
.— ...................
.---------tble -Co
lia E. JltJxl
JhtJxham . \ rgx tibje
pound, made
-tri'm ro-ots and
ai« Iirr-x,
nemaUy does cur-tl>e*c obiiitiat
ease* of woptonaftcraUi.-.bcr c
s:.ithe liability,
cit.x f. tko .-xl-;il
all.-y* and psMi-- rrias wetunn on. s it t-i Inr-.-.; :■>
Control of stror
.■oi:»-c; of hsal loa«c5vcLy.;U L l“iiiL!
place* r»-quir- it
ble ComivuT:;! .1. tnal t
ting to nu op reuon. or pvtag up
Towpahlps also are given po«
over IbWr highway. In granting oi
{luilmm. of Lyim. Ma**,
poratkios the right to met poV*.
Tho granting of lrT"-xo.-abIe, fran JntUo* all ekk».»tti«i to wilte
rhlse* 1* made dep.-adent appn loia! ber lew adrtce. She lias sruidx-xi
Section 3» very esiphailcnlly de-

to enable all to avail themselves of this, the greatest opportun­
ity you ever had to get the very latest goods at prices never
dreamed of at this season of the year. It you can t come to the
store, telephone us or write us and we will send you samples of
these beautiful silks.


Reaulifnl Silks ^
Nineteen inches wit!.* and in fill Uie popular shade?.
This is the
baryiin we have ever offered.

Me^saline SUk

lidautilul sof^ silkij silks, from the liami looms of
Japan, lost the kind you want for the warm days
of summer—Both In Black and ad ;he prei;>' colors.

Figured Pongees
Twenty Seven ineboi wMe.

Tlu-so are !s ao-

tiful p-aUcni8 am! .are »o Btybab.
\Vc ainkf a tjiucisi «alc of .iLi-so

7 Cf/w


Fancy Silks
That hare alway* Mill at $1 00 but
liiia treat ai!k sale yoocu



Just Four Pieces ol '*Scco” Silk
Soma of the most attractive patterns that we have had
vilege of showing. Used fer draperies and kimonas. QIT^
These are rully 50c values but for this saleihey will ^9^

One Lot of Fancy SUks, Sl.OO values
F“or “7S Cents
Blaolc Ta-fe-tas
Two great values that are real bargains. These silks are al­
ways most stylish, and both ot these are 36 inches wide.
Tbe SIUIO values sell lor 8Sc
Tbe 31.50 values scU lor $!.»
Just received in time for the great salif of Saturday,
several n^Tsieces of this beautiful kind ot goods.
French Foulards, jacquard effects in the latest colorings. $1.00 values for............. ......................................

36-Inch Lining SUk
We have the best values in. these important silks. '" ffAgb
black, tan and white. They are all 75c values for •






uoNEii em

How a Man Was Made to See
HkMoU as Others Saw Him.

ne VBIac* InivovecDnt Mcletr bad
cooHudfd a Ttrj latmxlBC owcUii*
•ud waa rcsBllos Haetf upuo tbr dalatla wUeb (be iadtw bad pnrrldrd.
Urm. Wlxoa sodded ber bead riserOMis over ber plate «t Ice epeasL
*Kerrss Boster B)Td riEbt." sbe wblapercd boanel; Is ber sel£btnr‘a ear.
'Fie doo'l dwrre no ll«ti( la frost of
bla old place: bk»i lomblcdon-old
tat (rap Is Upper Villose: Tbe mtacrly
old ODdcerr
**rber aor be apenda a pood deal of
mMT bdplai tboae irbo seed U.~ said
Enber Fra; at ahe ae( dova ber cof­
fee cop and turned a reddenlns face
to tbe exrtled llltle ETOWp- "I »
____________ ,_________
ter olicD Jake broke bla
“JOft .
That aaiDc ereolas alK>rtl7 after tbe
Tblase linpnrteaieBtaortety wrt «»»

doliisB ^ber. And ai iloe
tbe wonder srew. for as artsy of workineo sppesred aa by Basic to aasUt
Uw few TlUase ardeasa. asd before
leas tbe HoBcr Byrd pUee besas t»


oppoRiron cuss

member. Mr. nskard Is Baiter me­
Parew«:i Party Waa


Friday chanic of the C. H. A D.

Evening In Honor of the Mitaea
Alice. CamereR and ScutL

Wbeo be aroae and abook back tbe
lint fell erer
.. a iiEbi of reeolstb^ ts bla tbiB face, a llsbt tbat
isplafM tbe expreaiUoB of duH danmir wucta bad channerlied bto loss
I bare been a
A reward I will ba so lesEorr
Tbe Uoroer il}-rd place waa a Uise.
assare brown boiue tec Is a ^Iderbeat of treo and abrsln. Tbcwaalber
facaies roof ibowed ibroacb tSe bare
braaebrt In tbe wlMer. but when nm■Mr raise tbe bosae waa isvUUda.
Tbe truer that earroasded ibe aiople
froBods waa aasslss from tbe rotitn
peau. and as air of berlect and decay
eiiarecierlred tbe whole place.
Wltbln doora, wbcrc notser Byrd occopled lb* aeotb wise. It waa brisbt
asd cbeetful, but the renalodcr of
tbe cnal lioutc waa cloaelr atiuiiered
and sire* o«cr i« mold aod darkueWL
r !(Ttd the

* lanic. pfoeiterons fans ley idle and oaeleea. «h0e
Ibe naaitr ebnt bltnacir and bla rrtaf
away behind cloaed d<K>ri
Tbat waa all mull ll«sor Byrd
beard fbr oitluioo* caj.rnucd by the
Ytlbisc InproveiDcnl ««-(cty.
Tbe nixt owntlnc Him lliirrlct
Paine declarrd Ibe n.-tro that Hosier
Chrd had snse |o tbe city, aod Vpper
tewnsiUBL until a fortstcht liadetaioed
aiM hr rr-iurocd wiib two abarp lookISf tnen who *iwbI eerernt day* about
tbe llynl place, maanrlcf a'od Ssurtas sod talklos **ruc«(!y toselber.
Sbeo they diuppennd. and srttb use
accord Iba cuHooa eleaieot nf tbe tHlaac feu open old llacbet Mllla. wbo
•«d- for Uemer iiynl. asd oaserty
aoosbl for kbowtadse of the atranse
proceedlocaTo- de Ian-. MU' Paine. I dnnao.poMaated old iUcbel eamalty.
aisliad Ur. Cotaer. and all ba aayod
«aa; 'J-a fwlse ur bare mote llfbt,
■sebH. 1 ■apccti I seeda Bore Ilsbt.
abd Pb r*lor lar bare ItT tlcb oncer
doia-e I serer beard os-«o. nererr


hoadquortera ai Indianapolis, Isdl_ ^
Mr*. J. F. Ou left (hU morning
for Cread Rapids, where ahe

The Oaporioaliy Waa* of the lira'.

bled memban of tbe ImproreBest aacSeiy. 'that tbe wbole bouae baa been
done orer. Be'a bad tbe tbuilers open­
ed and tbe carpeu all took op. and
Boat of tbcB waa mildewed asd wortbItaa ne'e bad tbe foniUore all poltabed and tbe walla papered aod sew
ebandellen for 'lectrlcliy pot In. Tbe
floors sre bard wood, aod ite's bossbt
new rsss eod lota of new iblnst."
«Mr. IVUoB cay* be'a buylnp alock
for tbe farm," iwsarked Ur*. WIxob

U agats os (be aame scale aa be did
before. Tbere'* a las-seapc nun a-fliIns up tbe Etuand. and I pleat Il'U bo
tbe banda^BBt place la Upper VUlaco
now.- cosUoaed Uariiat eothoalaaUcally.
'Like AS not be'a solas la bo fuar-

famaisMaMEerWhiHisRiM Fnm Opigtlc Field.
StlRTa >S 1 GKimMUBl
Invented Several Machine* For Uee In

. F. Qanreron.


Expired Today After a Long
fwia—Was 46 Year* Old.



=7 -1

about fS.lOP.flOO. waa born In Berlla
in 1M7. Sixteen yean later be nn

are now tbe New York and Crilerinn

I’ia<v>rk. wbiTo they s'll! plleb

hear the Liulc Maai*u« riv.r and
: bad ^tten an op(»a • iwiid Hi- next Uti'C diiy* fi^bine.
OT twa
Slate Food lu*iWTU«r <3 M. Hume
.■Uinouuelng tbat be bad proDled by left today f.-r l.aii*1iig where
hl» expertencit aod wonld p<-rsevere.
nieiid Hie funeral ot Dairy and Food
be bnlll the Vietoila and the Itrpubllr.
DOW the Belated, ana made putillc foniml>clon.T A. C Bird, wbo died
iWleCMjr WBIiam M.-Crarken. of

«lrama.-aiul to Iw built on laud InTblrly-fourib street, west of Klghtb averecklesi ebrug
gness Enber licre'll atand lu bis good . nne. Ground was brok.-n lu llkC
cnn*lrix-lioii was stopped.
creccs aa well at snybody. fibo spoko year laii-r ‘'"'‘•H'Uvdlnn
..jeed that'
right np for Ulm.“
and Mr. Ilammerateln a
••Ob. Kather ain't bothering abont no
mea.' InicrpoDled Ura. tVlRim. with ly In- cUnuged bla derlaJon and com­
good nttured appreciation of Balbvr*t pleted tbe atructure which la called
Uic Manhattan Oiwra House.
'We donY want her to
Exparienoet of Twe Seasena.
either. If are laec our srboolteacber
donY know wbsi tbe ebUdren will

“So It was Catber Fray ifter all."
gabbled lUnrlct.lYIne after the areddlUE was over and the happy pair bad
departed tbrousb tbe new Ewlea. above
which hung t ciBster of electric ligbw.
■mod I export Eilber ‘II be fool enoagb
to go np wUb blm and put flowers oo
Mary Byrd's ^ve. Just ms be'»-afAnd eo sbe t^aa. and there were few
] Uprwr Vlllase tbat nudrrstood save
Bstber and Homer and Mary Byrd.


(be KaUniwoo slate enrual, returnc>l
Imaic loUuy afi.-r vlalHiig bis alMerIn-I.iw, X(r^. il>n) J. I>, .Muiiaun.
Mr*. 0. VaiiilvT'ort left today fo.-

Bi-O IJitle returned Ibi* aficrmin

from Nnidi'Hle. Tmn. where -he-baUea atti-nding cul'cgv.
Mr rpd. Mr*. W. C Jlu!l
Xli*. Trurj J1

.naur (iai
(Drae. who was

GilU* and

Mr. and
lir. ami

Mrx.'Guy M. J»!ui*.« wi'rVdri'lo
('ndiilai' In Mr. !lul”i var i.>:ui>r;o»
ti.J wiiiic-8 the lu!f xanres Ibere.
CrAiii Joiiei. .who bas In--u ait<-:iOtna the Mt|»ankcc bii-ilnci* i-o'.k-gi.
Ijis r-.-turtied home.. •
The Mine* Sliniiic, .mj Amy "i:




MIsa Je.'eica Hub'oanl left today Isr
week aso. i> much
<alkaoka. lo attend taa resa«iMc»
I'cm cxerelres of the High school.
iltiam Xmier of Mobtoc
>Tri rtare Arnold of Mllaa. Pa.,
sueei. uba sma opcmit-d upon tao red Mrs, Paul FreecnaB. of Almira. N. •
ago ol the 'bdaplial. i* rapidly \ . who have be, n vtalHng Mr. sod
Slir -K, S WiiUtmt. left this asm.
■V.C.Plag for Snult Sic. Marie. ' to
F E. Detwncr Wt today for a vtalt
.ill: friends at Klc l4De‘
Mis* Edna HulPcn left today tor
loike. whr.-v *hv will rlsH ber
’V'*’/ U-'- erd*


and Bulb

'oix to spend Ibelr MtT.ioiial day va*

J. (kireoran.

To Eetber-a relief tbe inwllng was
called IO ordOT for anoiber brief tniiJness aanMou. aod wb,-u n bad finally
adjoorned she *Ii|iped out aud away lu
her IKtle cottace with a ix-rtorlmiUn
Hut area nauaual
Sbe wlabed that
ab« bad not opened her Up* to defend
Homer Byrd, for It bad ouly eiirevted aoweKome altenUou to beriK-ir.
Homer Byrd conUnued to beauUfy
bU boase end ground* wltb niiabauai
xaaL Jig worked early aod late with
(be Uboren and was here, there
■Dd ereryarbere. Ill* l>enl shoulders
coDtrarted ebett
ferosdes'ifl with Hie deep lurelht of
1csot>* air tbat be InbaJcd. bU
cysp Msbieaed ami bis stei> took on
Ibe Mattlrlly of yonth, for. eflcr nil.
«r Byrd w-es a yooug mao In bi*
forties, and irbca Oriober came there
conildereble buiUe abont tbe
place arben (be eranty rfopa from (be
Ute oeaann'a ptauHnE awe saniered.
'It needf a mlatreae now.' said
Homer Byid. with a troubled look In
hie eyes, asd tbat nigbt be drereed
himself with QoaiutI care aod wcat
relllns. And be wcat calling on other
nlgbla ibcrpafter. to the unabated lateresi of Upper VlUage.


Thl.-rs left last evealns lor Chirla-

III.* iiiortillic
er WOBCO were illeot.
away from borne and cventnally reach­
-I don't know." remarked Adeline
epitofnily. -but I suoas 1 know eereral ed America lii the sleerare of a solliBE vessel. LandloE at Caaile Carde^
wbo ain't tbe one!'
Ula* raise UnEbed scorntally. 'it's to New York rlt.v, In ISS3. be obtained
weU for tbcB wbo reallac (bey ain't lAmpIoyiaent with a
fot no cbaacc to up and aay so.”
clBare. Wbo paid blm R .w S3 a week ♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦
Tbe widow riare flusbed aninlly and and inctrnctnl Idm la the «n of mano-- K••.'•nl
turned bet little E™y e.rc* npoa ber fartsre.
Mis* Nellie Packard
farfnre. la
In IfkS
lORft hr
liflil saved
«nny( enuuEb
be bad
"And tUere't Ibem wbo
Ka*t Ka*i«n tl
money to start a tobacco trade patter
Bint nerer bad a cbanco and aerw
and later Inveuted aeveral uiaehlnc*
Decoration day.
a-in wbo don't ne' er any dlef'
for use in tbe trade. From both bedp
C. fiue'aft and daughter
rived Efttat profit.
eyee upon the onnrrellns women. To
His First Theater.
Ingr'after vlaltittg Mrs E T. Price If
ber dellcaie acoalbiUilc* tbe he ItrmiTi to Invent tnooey In Tciiih street.
nens of tbeir argumeuta was like so
wrlllng plA.ta a* a pasllme
many sUnstn£ blows, aod *Iie longi'd
Mrs. (1. H. Cordoa. ot Provemont.
ng nrsnrlnied in tbe miato escape to ibe quiet little cottage (iiiiL ii
lift this mnnihig
llicater. on
where she had lived alone for niauy ageui:
ycat*. Tbe laeellug bad not.adjourn- the Uower.r. -mm. In be linllt j'■‘''T''
BU'kiier and datisbtcr Mir*
ed. bowever. aad tlinid Eetbcr dared bU first ihcster. the Ilarlera Oixst
not make tbe Orel move, which mlsbC House. He lost monry In this venture Biu-kncr. went to Ih-ar Lake loduy »o
fcr three .rear* (lefore tin- tide tnrued. i |ignd M.-morinl day.
atlisct elleuiloB to bcreclf.
i,. C.
Tbe irrepreaalble Mias Pabie glared IlV..,fi>ll.iwisl Ibis by |iro>eelbiE ltd
mmnellr. of Detroit, of tbe
anEvlIy at Adeline Dare aud opeued jirumot Murray illll theater, but eold^. I’iainond Match company, lolt this
tbe I
ber thla lips to deliver a aUaglng r«- of a large profit before more than
} momIuE for the Platte, where bo will
ton, when Mrs. TVlxom brolip la bss- foundations were Uld-

dcrlog with palpitating heart what sbe
liad said that might have betrayed
dlOMebt interest sbe bad always uken
in tbe sHeat. grief stricken man wbo
liBd been tbe subject of discussion.
8bo hoped none, ot tbe others would
t sbe bad arisea t
fend him.


P.jtio aoJo-Ula* i:dr.a MoffatL
n>-eliallua—Sliaa Beulah forell.
Voce.l sola—Mias ttorcnce Itattuii-


oi>en iatrrestf and Hie PblUdelpbla
Oinra Ilutntc for a eoasldersUon of

, tbe.anjir beluK siven at the • ily lo si<end her Memorial day v«Tbe fol- ration with hqr p^nt*. Mr. ar.d Mrs.

bomr, ot Dr. Sara T. Cbahc.
losing progrom na* given:

Hia r.rst Trade—Side Lighu on Hie
.al d>iet-MI»a lUttcnbary. Ul»s
Mis* Maude D loma.
Co; ' \\V t
Theatrical and Operatic Career.
Gntic S!»XlKbacL
Yc'enth stf'-x-t.-left this morning h.r
Linguist Wit and Phileeepher—Plan­
. jTd.isi. cake and poacb were a'xnonth * \a>-j;i»n. She-will 'i-u Ni
ned Opera Heuae* In Large Canter*.
arera Kalis anjl oiher plaivs of tuicrOerar lisntmerHteia. former director
Ci' l-efere niiiining.
of Ibe ManliotUB Oixtre IIoum Ib New
XIUs Freiive* Batimatt will leave
York city, who ha* Joat retired from
Tiv-sduv morning for an vxteaded trip
Ibe field of prand opers by m-I^e Io
111 the upiK-r peulniula. .
tbe Metroitolltna Opera cumpaliy nud State Dairy and Food Ceitimitsiener
persuua rloscly alll.-d wlib it all tOa

Baked UiB. H'lxoB i-arlonsly.

r-*xH XTr. ott and return with bln to
Cunsr.-ttatlonal Sand::.' arbool gave a Ibis city toreorrow.
latvw-.-l! part' la*t nisbl to Ibe Miaer.
MIsa Margaret Csiaeroo. principal
AIlCQ. Catarri'n and Scull, wbo baviitauxbt la the toi-al srboola Ibe U*S of the East Jerdat. sctiuoD. l» lit lie

Contlnuliig Ills rontse dowritown. be ciidoa'or to coax io losal slxed trout
o take tbe bait..
'Queer bow be set to work all of a built tlK- .Mnnb.-illaB Ibeatrr io TlilrtyM. S S.iuders left tpday
Yoddeli. waant Jtl. You reiuembcr foanli sinvt. wlilrb be tnrued Into a
BJosie hall In partaciwblp with Kostcr
.••■■a triji to llnlTalo.
that Bight we waa all a-lalking
Mrs .VWne IK-ndcrson left today
U la tbe cboreb i>arkir ban. ami tbe
Tccjr next day Homer Byrd went to
Frankfort, where sbe will
New Turk, aud w ben he eaine-back be I HAMMERS
HAMMERSTEIN'E OPERATIC J'Pi--lriW Ik-puiy, Mrs. Hattie M. Ilcrbad tbe men wltb him."
uler. f<ir
o avwlm in Royal Neighbor
'Sore eaouEb and-I dccUre. I never
Cost of opera end receipt*:
tbosgbt about U UU tbD mluuie.'aakl
r Byrd w
tao.tUB; nwtlpt*. RM.- 2 - .'Ire.’ fi. tv. Myers left tod,ay for
old Mrs. Smltliers eagerly. ”t>ut ,!ubu
Ann Arbor,
tovard Ibe crare.
' KOOO*^*^
r^celpu. n.- |
- .Mrs.-Don Chase left ibis morning
tbacteircb. Is b
II be l^oro stoat' that alcbt be went around to wm-if Ibe
lae s-Ceat. aMAMD: receipt*. D.for BmluD IlartH'r, where -sbe will
' ataeafs of wblia lilacs. srUeb be Is- back blloda waa cloacd aod tbere sat
tlnmer B.vrd on bla little iron seat 2 HBi-l»-Co.U»J00.«(l: reeelpta.O,. 21'i.ll her iiritlier. l!oy Barn:
tended to plac< oo bit vlfe'a snt^
Bcarcdy a day paaed tbit bi did not
Mrs. H. tVillru. wbo ba* been vi»iitireiairat money making opera—
vlfit (be qiot.- and Inrariably bo car­ errd with white laylocka Jobo didn't •i- "Sai.mie."
.j.'lug Mis. T*'!iv Kroupa; of Bowers
say ootblng. but Jest tlpieeir back
ried aoBW Bonn offerloc.
ber home in
And as It bappeoed (bat aa be kselt
*Thal teat ta most uoder Ibe ebureb
btalda tbe sraeo tsonod tbe barib
I n*od. Sarmnapco.
a„d Jir,.. jjogi, Coltschalg. Who
windows." volunteered Mrs. Wlxos la
cUck of Toleaa hi dlartMatoo laaind
In the cHy,
frmstba llsbiad vlodewot ibecbtireb a Btnloed whiqier.
Tbrr* waa no reply. The membeis ,
leiurn -d to Frankfort today.
parlor, tod aa arfumast wasad baatof the little group which had occupied •* Blal. After a dlaagreemetl he rej. tv, llaom-D. Will.iun pill, John
adly and Iba rolcca root loodar Boiser
tbe korner by tbe window on that tired and Iviught the grosad for the ,
u.-oixe Muschotte Chris Ross
rarlooa opislotn vMcb -bis tovrwvooeB b^d torard tilm.
Ha wt tbere os s IHtle Iros saet
with Ut bead boved In ite optvned
pslBi of hit faasda. Tbe toeos tMObted toward tbe aenllb
Tbe tDomban
of tbe IsvceretsMt eocleiy solflly
d aUll be aat tbere Is tbe
dlent plot back of tbe eborcb ibisk-

iBtematloiiBl Railway Fuel aaBocIs- auSerlag troa an InlecUaa
tion. ot which be Is a very promlseal


,\.>rib:.>ri. w.:e


rrllieal din,-— e! l!,.:



For Ihe 291b AnniittI MecUiig ol the

Of the Grand Traverse Region

Mi»* Kdna M.W.-tby. U emetlalt:-

to ...m',.,,.
n bouse lutri.v at the Mr(V,t:iy »uii:-. rid.age mat


Frank Ktattubvil.



I*.lm l,-.l-e f..«j:*l.;i.. wc. fa ti.e
today on bu-inrk*.



.he .dear Mere ,,.d
Er.hoclrraft. m BaM

i„. k


Traverse City


City Opera Housie

and will cundiict ibv Utiltu-.s a; tl,.'edneaday ccrenoon.
•I'.i.'d.s .It lij— iii.J I'kills in ef
I J m.-ndwr.-i,


Pebe Marquette
June 5

K,1«.rt ot tbv lIlS^aa-Mr*. FmJ. (V. Mil:,-r.

i.n' Sbi-rman.

wedneada- Nop—12 Oeloek Shamdim;. : ' T,'A- toS'W.' sugar
er'-.liii. :iid dishes furuiolx'd fri-c
ror *11.

lYc^-Hl.'s^lioul Addn-sS-W. &

Ibiinrl of octrviary asd treasurer.
Ilai-c of bulding next mn-tisg.
of ciffl.vT*.

«.-mf.iu.l.rof«b.- afti-rncxm wm ha
WcdncacUy 'Afternoon—1:00 O'cloek.
A'l-lr,-.-.-, i'.'
-H Wilh.-lui. .I.v..;.-d ii> .vocUl liicelinE and EcDcrd
;;.rsl li'uic.
r ■ 1 To'vrs.- Ciiy. •
K.' l-ii:... • A. K.




Grand Rapids
Train will leave Traverae Cilj
St R.80 s. m. U-tnmiDf', ksve
firsbd Bapitls at <1:15 p. i
Roand Trip Fares lo
Moskegon and Grant'
Rapids, 92.
May 27-JI

A.l'ir. .

-Earn Finn.-er Jlajw

th- .11,-r:


Faitnlc Sbermaa. hUtor-

■:::.t:d Tru'.-rio- Jb-alnn. II.«u K S.

Vice PresidonU.-

on.- of the- I*w piouors uf

ih- Grand T.ra'er.e r.-cm,.
Fi'.' .ntliiii:.' talk* by n-pri-.-untalive.- «! tb- difr.-f.yil .vutnii.-o:

—=• —

Iv:.n.j*k;u •' >-• I'ainu:; r!ia ’.-vplx.
i/i:-!.:.'-: ; Knm:. I. II. o. i:,...-;
Mr-. \V;!I-V

li'.'jm'I ls;

U- Itiiiau.
Cii..-:''o.x «iuR(y.

How Is Your Muscle?
Have You a Strong Pull?

Giand Raidvts lo '1*11 fr/end*.
Mr*'. llBiuia SlmihoDs left today tor
Fiankforl, where .he will Upend


*bOrt time vl* Irioud.-.
Reno Colby, ol tbe jmst orfl<T depamuASt. left ((.clay for
Arlw. to afleiid (he
olfic e

- nrtlsllo l>nou
ilch he waa i-oufetrlng upon llieimbHl« own oidnloo. given In JMi* at

c k-rk's i-on'eitUon.
Mn* J. J. Booth mid d.iiigbtcr l-It
this morning for Alpena, wtare they
will tii;>ke tkeir fu(u:e

Boinh having a!re::dt tin-eedcd i
aanounred t
Mts.e.F.- t*. I’hkard ar.-lted From
SToU.tau bad o'vriialaurcd i
Ia»: evening, where she and
aldcral.le extent the •■xiN-uditurrs. w
.Mr PIcljard lave 'kod a”-ndiPj; ilie
■xi>rc«M*l In tbeae words
•Tm-told 1 am lucky "
AI the end of ifae'preaciit piiaton,
however, be reme oul wlib a atulemeul that blv hian-a Itifl linni brevy.
On Uarrh IIX. the nigbt bi'fore tUiv
bouse cloiwd. be wa* ealhd before Ibe '
vnruln. When the ai-i.1au.e had died
down lie Mid:
'T'bc past season Caanclalty has
Iwen a very uiifortnuaie one,, bot
tbcreluiveU-cnadvIugeor muilcal cffori* aud a »nrfelt ef graad tfwra.
tVlillc my l<w«es have (•n-n ennrniaa*.
1 am |•r"0d of knowbig that ibvme of
my ndversarlea have Uv^u'muci Itfxer.
My elf'tri* in the
CUT. will not relax,
fur next reason the gn-stesl
subllBM- (fiere f»r (be pleasure of any
auiUcnee* and tbe honor of m.vsrif '
The Manballan Opera eotrpany had
appeared fn-queinly In other cldcs,
and Ur. llaiuturreteln had built as
F'qU RdUoi
apera house In i'fail:id.-'.i>bla ami had
auuouueed |4tn*-fur ilmi:..r streenirw
In Brov'Llyu. CYilcago and urbcr large
rvi;(ere. The project waa
allowed to die eoroc time ago. poaelbly
l>y reaeoe of Hie vidislradea esperiececd lu Pbllodelphln. and Ibe other
oiMTB boose* ne'er were built.
a panH
It acd a pbUOAS-

Good Paint pre­

vents rot and decay —
■svos expjnsive repairt

The bnst protec­

tion {or your house or
tom IB
is Kndloy A VroonuD.
Pure PAiol.

Full value in

. and FJual ty.
EdFlon in mry Kallon

Sold and used

* Ungolst, a

continuoutly without
oomplaiDt for over 81 yean.
Absolutely p^e —funds of
Catbonaiv of L'«d. Oxide of
Zicc acd LiBseud Oil.
A trial will prove iherc
is no better pnint nude.

Joint Crolse or lamy toke. I« in the
rl:y Snday on lu>loe*a.
Ml** EXbel MeKvoy i* «pettding a

Let the Herald & Record Co.. do
Prokop Kyselka
few day. Vbmng her staler. Mr*.- Al­
your Job Work.
ton Bcusa. ef Prevaaooih.
Traverse city, Mch.

No matter how strong you are we know
you canoot rip apart a pair of jthe
SWEET-ORR YeilowTicket $1.50 work­
ing pants, which we sell. These famous
working trousers have withstood the
united strength of six, eight and even in Tug of War contests all over
the cotHjtry.
You just can’t rip them. As for wear; you never saw
anything else to equal the wear you will get out of
these trousers. Buy a pair from us if you want to find
out how long it takes to wear them out. They are the
strongest propositibn made !n the pants line. Sightly
too. Come in and have a look at them. They sell for
$1.50. Little price. Big value. Union made.

Hamilton Glothins: Co.

ORAI^D TlUVEfttt HtRAUa TVttDAV. MAY It. lltB.

I M«lw «M
wl tM
(mmW VMiki Folk* tMwMM


I Brill Uy Mvar M «Mrry **
Iryt abMrt anyUiMii.
I ««n try ta fe* M ham’ »• <
can and maM avarybedr ham
aa far aa I san.
I will try «B ba lavlaf. MpI anri Unri la avarybady and
•a avary tavM« thtat.
H I a«ar fail la trying U da
Uwaa tMnga, I will Try, try

FrMltfem-^Un Clam CMna.
isaonri Vlea Fraaldairt Mr*. Irmw
----- * '
Nwabar of mamhara balpnglng June
•WIfl. 7Af1.
---------------------Nambar of namaa on tha CradM Roll
soa 1. IIIA 1^.

aotlly. A mile baod allpi>ud Inu brra.
and in'n)bli<d then-. So another bo<ivet went out from Ihv Buoahlnr «arden. tulip* thia time. ro*o.fOlored.
auUle a« added o lb.- happy day.,
Yea. and ibe lilac tree. •• “ I «
Ike bouse were made 10 yield
fragrant blo*aon»s.. lajw.growing panale. wc« eu, mid erlmsoo UPP.' daisles were shared wllb tager Joy. Blender narelssl. aud waiei. sclll*.gaVe of
thelr bom «.d «-Uat,
rrerideol thoughi lo beraelf. It U
truly n Sunablne dayt"
So now aho I* Un<k at her desk
again, and tblnklng of all you Bum
beama who are loo far away lo wake
other than play protend vlslta. aud
a-bo can only Tome to call " through
leuerw broogbl by the postman. Some.
traveled a htng. long
<•>«•“««• *"*
them pell worth waiting for. tllady*
Freddie and Theodore live In <Httaw Wathlnglon. and Ibeir lellers ate
toterwllug siorl«. nrad
them, and ace If you do not think wo.
?«> And with tbe "vull* from th.>«
SuMhlnera came a photograph.
a. well. Yea there *«« Gladys.

write Ihla leticr. ! like to bare bee.
farBMr-lii-tbeulell. Tbea we went home, er^ We are having nice
because I bare never wHUeu a letter
l)ut tbe heat .of all I have to ic-H you meaihrr now. and everything
to the Sunshine Club before. I will
U about my birthday nurpriav party, lug rmely. The cal Belde i
r boplBt l<
9 a Suhabluer.
We were juil eating aupper when le alretrh of green. Thera are ao many eleae
iiiarcbfd (ourteeo glrb who plied up Sowera that IL'Would lake the Bub- Ftom,
a lot ol parkagea before me. It look strtnen a day.—yea. a whole day.—
Acaea tYhtlc.
aome lime (or me lo
over .my to rount thom! the cra» la from all
all tamed in asd iphbea to a foot high already. I amSUNSHINE HUMANE
big tday lhne. alter wblih we bu>y in achool. It mill clow.- In June.
Dent Kill iha Slrda.
ale our fruit and taffy. Then tha 1 will be glad wbea It leu out and Don't kill the bird*, Ibe pretty bird*,
children wUbed me many mpK'
1 iwn help mother and pick fruit We Thai ring around your di«or.
happy birthdays, and all went lo their bad a iilrt- Bunday xboul plcnlr a liwiB aa Ibi- Joyous spring has
, .

that boraejt woald be a great benoSt through .
I. ua. | \
«“ke a bird house."
liui stii«i-all thing*, kindly n-m<-m-|-g rather have auMaboeSb" abM
bee>g^i you ^p^db us a world of xilla.

r«» b, .i«a, i.ib,u .. «. kibJi.—

.n,.,-; ...,.,.1,

r good lellows. nod
telling ns we
all that
. All we boraes and dog* and birds^
and all ^umb animals koow the
o' your voke*. and we like to Ur Ulk
vd lo kindly Just as well aa you do.
You laii make as v.-ry happy Uy
•■ily. lalkiiip lo US kindly.

Grandpa railed om from the porrh.
-Comi«By tuuti Have ttaeir way Bmt
I.! ilLTbe boys aaid "All right.- and tlfcy
oil began |>laQUlng bow tp maka a
Mlh> whisked a llule rule and a pao»i,e„
out. I-. U out and I wore up lo Stdro Woolley
Ob. let ib.-m Joyous, lit.-.
Aud wb.-ti It U.xnmw -----------out of hi.
> pocki-l. saying. '-Plmt. .
It Is w> tlteaonw a-hen tbe fear of the iiood sras hern. And rev. r stek to take tbe We.
'T’ should du-, don. lei anybody
wealhor .b*-d up In We earn.-bom.-at twelveo'tloek noon. ' That you ran never gi.e.
'•'> *o hill us that don i know how.
i».lw o'elack at niebt the
*'* ®"-‘ »"vl'''> l®r 'he pre"ell. Ivi made a .good many
f;„;;rd„rrg val^.n I wen. m
WW .;.l yl>‘ ablu: IKuii kill the blM. .be pfetty birds.
«« -V.' to animals, tbs, em ' tblng.." n^dled Itartnu.t bever
Wiiinc-y Station
Thai play anumg
hors.-* >. i bother, d m draw • em
,„|mal. and birds I .-njoyed W.- had to w^k flee mllos thniugh Twould aiakv the .-arth u rhev-rh-ss “'>< ““fl*
‘“t- human ly. and let
-That'sJbe way wa always do at
.nd*A1.H.. building., b.vll and rain and mud puddle. We
hill ». merv-lfuU,
^ hool.- said «IU, and Julia
dripping wxt and etmldn'i go W.
Sboi.ld ae dlH-' alib Ibe--.
*'"««» lorv h,,.,.ledge and allhoul getlur.
building Tbe lUh wFiw eehooT. One bous; and a barn was The liitk- bi.ds. now load they pU>: I“’h-g, y^.ur urtooir asbnJ Ban.m in
Intereglliig And ob, I wUh you gashed aaay a abon dlstano- from
Do not disturb tb.-lr *pnn.
»urpn».> "You dooT mean lo aay that
tK.,„,iful Boweia'our hc»ise. A eouple of bridges were llui let hem warbV fortfi their »oiigs
Jimlny T1sl>-Hoek.
.blule In achool! they
ground*. The man a-ould wa- ,-a.h,.d out. The wau-r was eigbleca
Ttll wint.-r euia thi-m sliort.
yinh Uonk i* a p.irv- .Mallra.- i;>ke off a fellow'a mart. It be wirttpowvr. e.erv uigbl so Ibey .i„be» high In our boose. One of the
fomrlbuled by Min.ikn Soiwe
gu day -brng he suu. blrnmU on ih-s ,f,e morning. 1 m-ighbor. putl.d their rallle up inlo
;t.e -tom «eK- -f the .-iurat..v to the
earpeniry wot* a.v a
k„.p,,h,-m the haymow. We worked aU night
If a Herat Could Talk.
n,»piul. Jimmy li«<a ihere „gui,r
caidalned Milo, "and
„„ ,|j,. ,^„|r Keiting our tilings up atalr*.
if a horse could talk to the mi-ra- with eiglii doctors and forty nurse*.
p„| „
.nj Yukon rieer. and on the
‘ b<-ra of our Huiuanv iSorlety y^ur
He ha* made Irtenda wllb "Aunt
_ .... , ,,
^ high I
Theodore E. Cook.
Prtwldetit I* very *ure ibnt th.v b. KutJ." the oM colored wonun who
wbat a thrilling esperiene*- you had wbal be would asy:
<ooks f»i the d~!or*. Wbea tb.- b.11
j^, ^0-,. too. My „ ,hr
^ ,b,. flood. I thluk vonr
riease |.. lake off tbea- elow-flllmg '*"*•
-im tl." be walk* down the
l‘««»'' «•>'<•
,.gtnd. yiAigon. ^^Ik through ibe hall aud mud was bbaderv and give me a rhanee u. u«. •riMlis 1! he ..-n- g majorgemiwl
my .eyes like other folks. Ami llo u.
I»"t- loudly at the kjleb.-u dm.r guod."
here'a Ibis .-b.-ek-r. in. Il pulls luj Aum Ksiy will s«y. ' Go way, you boo,^^00 weemed lo bare’j^jidSl ix^
Kalltaiia Mk-h K K U Si. I
head awwy
»h'' »'>' '»ugh a Qu.vr
,„r Julia from that lime, and
ty up Ui
hi Ihe air. tl
Il burls
burlj m. 4«’'
«» • May
j, Vp
,510. mouth.
mouth. It
It sooietluie*
*.inieUnie. ghe*
ghe. me
me a ’““'h « sl.e mi. a d.sp im pan-with ......
he eonUded
- - .lo the hired
::o. 191A
K>*Kl ibliigs for J.mrnv Fish-Hook. „i,q ,h»t thal girl waa hla coualaand
Krom y
inroai di>eaM-.
Gi„d,, rook.
Ih-ar rreoldfiit
flrsl time,
llllle iHs iu lor
1 ran'' me Uic road w> well and
mg ihlugs-you „ ‘
ing well Ibal le- «nll 1-e t.-wwrded, tlCSurlely I am icon- lik'-ly to atamble.
on.hlrt Ilui
side* serap* of n«Mt and,. hl.-ken. he
'aay that 1 have tost my pin.
| ,.,n't draw near m> mm-h a ’ gels sweet |-.>isim-s and pudding, snd
".urprlae" you.
II .don't know where I lost It. I bunt ,„uid with my head down, and 1 e
r his di iu-ri, I
<t milk Then
Uisrds made of It I
jj, oonn,.r. Waab.
in pain, kindly ..^.dooT" .I'd Jimmy Kish l!.»k walk. VS —'’‘I
„,j. ,g_ ,5„« yuu Will please wend me another I
will thank .you for it. 1 have a qu.-*^ ,hi« ebeek-reln. or tonglhen
„„ .^e
Pr. aldenl(ion to aak'you and all Uu Suiishlm-m. n
^ ,hai 1 ran pul my head down ,
the shady road to tbe miU.
I have Imand.-d to write you.a leiII la, "What was King Edward. last it,..,, | w,nl lo when I am gofug up

Uartou * uncle. Nr. ItrowB. told
forborne time, but did not get nanier f-»IU Ik- very glad to kimw a,u
|,in, ihs. from on •mail :a log the
e,p„nd ikji
today. ThU Is a
ipvely day. Tbe sun Is whiulng eo
Uenlh of June, and I will he glad hi- „^-fc,adlnc
br.i.hiiy. and ihc bird* are alaging cause I am going over to my Grand- overloading.
.. _-i-'onre. Xo oi.e has to tell him ..h„d„-n', db-appolnUnent. be added-!
vro' birplly. The trvos are ihrougb pa'a when It tota out. 1 thluk 1 have
geseraliy dra'w
dra'w- yi.dly
yiidly, but aomc
aoroo ji„Biy K.rh
Kirh Ih«k
H.wk knows
know* his man
If 'I ««.emliy

, day give out and atop, and tell yw
nnd>s- use* ibom
blosaoruliig. and UlUo grm.ii fruit U
*!!.? 7v
change for soirm .uUable board* ah
| p ,u (pn
t,ow we fanu written enough M t will Hoa.- wllb s Mainly
as I .-an that you have put
.-Ily-Wpltal 1. n.wt _ .........

aa Ibough Ibey would apeak In JUil a
monieai. and iwo smaHer Bunbaams.
Warren and Helen, awr In Ihe pictare. also. Helen w.nled to write a
letter lo ths Btnisbinc page, and sneb
a funny, dear Uttle ponell marked
paga ahe Hrnt! Iter mamma Inter.
preled It lor you all. and Ibl. la .bat
abewaareppoaed loeay: ,
"I wanl a pcndl to write a Bunablne letter loo. I want to tell them
I bare a pretty plale wllb a kliiy 011
Ortak aparidlag waiar.
II. t go to Sunday achool aad ean
Milk, para aad good;
Bing aad apeak' pieces. Am Jupt ar«Batka, like tbe blrdleo— .
ting better of the wbooplag cough,
Keep dean asd nad;
tbea aametblBg else came out at] over
Ofoor. 11^ tbe miaa.
n too much toad, It Isn'l right
me, and ammina aald It wa# chicken
The farmer* plant raoeily oaia
when- roan iK.r and,J»yw 0»h. Oae
^be rhlld^n ihailtSA^dpVImanllr
TrpAtal and avert.
I'd aoon go away.
rabbage. The farroera plow, drag,
U> tH-ailng and swearlpg
dayahall-gn.di. Jlxlle*.-kineii. mtau .^d hurried home wlth^boardt.
S. llewiu. **»•
Minerva tlop<9r.
.k___ .w_ a..k.ui.
Il U much klDOvT and b.-Uer to talkI Ing sadly and »?tn a fish-hook fa*t.-nthen
the Bunahlne spread out over wy bprrow. and. roll, then they plant ibe
^e at work
' . . ..........................
little (are. mk blue eyes aparkled and
' kindly and throw off |>ari <>( tti
They u„
do .«r—u..e-.
Ibe »auie with rabbage.
ed Id a. Jaw. ■ ".e up the boapiiai
,ooj, ^4
Offlndsaatb^a Waatbae Mraao.
I eomtueured to get betn^,. a marblne that pUnts H«n»»lif Society Ikis w.-eh.
;l anuiber boree. or If the
^ Siepj, Where k.f. .ame lc»>m i«. mu.- „j.,
What (ha baby’s area ara ainemr.
i try to do everyeaunsge. and a. it planu it digs f«l‘> «
‘ »“/'“« >®“
a hole aak Ibe pc«ple u
lo show him bctteT woya of
] aud push.
Witt A paebas- tn batwyaa,
lUng i see my mamma do and I work hctea-lor them and waiers them. They
■What a wtrsi-K. pslleni:- aald Do.- handling them, and even little JaUa
Onstea abakaa bar ,haad aafl mut- h,rg ^ leij mamma bow tlrod
.,rge acreages of tabbagu. and Sumioli riiy. Mich.. H. ».
Wc borw-a ein'i j.-ll our ftK-liags
at you can. BomeUiuc* wv no- duty '.n nary, who’ had a Mule girl who qid her i*r1
tsl.'c the seed lor I). M. Kerris' seed
I n.d e*tt ’and bad U-en brgglug for
They worked on Ihe Uid bouse
, Dear rresldenl-sotreUme. .iek,
Ma-a afraM UY going to rain.
Vour Busahlaer.
.u,re ol Deiroli. Mich. I
ery mortiing during the visit. Tbe mit
I would like to be a member of the
Bometlniea the hostler virivea us one.
-lialen Cook."
WorW'a Kair and will tell
Then Doctor Clary ga«e kitty aome
on* were varied wllb boll play
WMfl tta kdbr's ar«d gra daflclng.
Uoii't you think Hetoa ma*l l>e a ^^oui lu lYpa. mamma, m.r two Sunriilne Club. And I alim have two ^.i,
,„d ,hen turna u» out
e«c-hunls. rides on Palttful
CUrtag llko two Ptai* with fun.
rual wanbeam? Her tolwr la ccruinly brother*, and my two-auier* were all name* lor ihi- Cradle lloil. They arc ,3, , day a work next morning
Ofgfldma wiw aad aaya ahe'a cop un of SunablM.
' there. Them waa etarytblng a per- as follow*; my alater. Iieaudli Wav.somvilme. in- don't get up in time steep a* "quirk a* .1 .at van wluk lu j.mea' bark and all Ihe pleaaaraa
children And In the rouatry.
‘won could think of there. I was there Cole, age flve. and also my Huh; nl«*.
„ur bri-aklast-aomulime* vye*.” and rut the flsbAook ou'. Next
he put oh aotiu- sale.- and a baixlagi-.
At Ia«i. Ihe day before Julia and
Wa ahaU have a «wU o' ana!
^ queatlon wa* aahed yuur 1-nal th. v day*. My aiatcr and I came Dernleo Viola fowling, who live* at ,,p ,0^*,.,. ,
pld and li-< hh-.Ju«l
hilly a dring of wand milk, and jui,,
lo .return home, tbe birdthe moun- BuUemul.
Builemul. Mich..
MIrh.. R
K. K.
F. II. No. 1.
----dnnt thU week by oue of the Sunshine home all alone. | rode on Ibe
And then
older w'e grow. If '’«> »»•''
*»* «*» •• »«’« *'> waa flniabrd and ethlWled fn
Blrla. "Whal was King Kdward'. last lain slide, the a.vnic railway, tbe Please send the card# 10 m.- and I ,, nieti do. <u.d the older
the family.
beauUfiil aooi'
name?" She has wrltiea to Minerva Yukon river, the Kerris wh.-.l. the wUi see that ibt-y gci them. Well I
n,,, worked Jalihlully, the mon- fer.
One of the young doctor* named kil-jio.. anil whall wo do wllb lir
ttae vlWIe day aod told her. but now sbe li going to merry go-round, and the Joy-wht-el. on will close.
b,„di> we ..ugbt to be treated, a^
ax.ked Milo. "We have all belpod 10
Jimmy ^ liook"
-paaa along " iho queitlon to you: Had v.l,lrh 1 fell backward# and buriiod Y
our Sunahlne girl,
u i.n i right wb.-n we bate given you
... .jL... nut a true iblng S.
„ ,^4 aho wball have nr
you ever ihought that klngir aud the skin off the lop of my baud. I
Da ivtlla Co e.
a Illetlme of lalihful a.-rvlre 10 arH
Wlaa that RcNMbody Yoa!
)onh w
ill not
„ ,4,14
queen, bad family nam.w just wa we La-e a wear there yet. U wa. Intt-rIt I. easy to be a Bunahlner ihen- „ og
„ur old age for a .mall »um 'hat Jlium.* > l.h-lfooh
mrt tuu flah
jMiT. If II has wrraps
blrd-liou.f lo grandpa.
doT Yes II Is qrtte true, as our hU- to watch the people go Ihrougb bright »pruig day*, lan'i it? - The sun
,b,. UandB „f h»rd mnsler.
“ “ H.-«in go hungry flrei.
„ can Hay right,here and Bail
tory-book. tell u*. You know your the r/axy b«i*c. even old |K-ople with Is an warru, the flower* are H. pretty.
tn,y» <rf the aapn- mite «' «_ —Youth’s fompariton.
Iva Oraan. Orava. Hiefa.'
1‘resldeDI Itkea to have -you -study E.-y hair They would i-oine out acl- and the Htth-bird*aliig *11 Ihe tinte, „„-j a|,ayw do the aa
Orsoe Uattr. OaBertlah. MJeh.
-----------^----------It and go lu la>UM>keeplPC vllboot
(Mnt* out." aod so >he will send a lng.»o foolbh aller llielr trip over
ulitur i-ati two horsi-w.
Agaaa Whtta. Cedar, MIcIl. R. F. plctare postal to each Bunbeam who shaky plalfornia. windy datt ballVveughl to have shade in summer.
. wv. >"7
Co|K'iu1*b. Mich.
wanii aUbles and blwnkols In w inter. Three Little Werke A end 'Nhat They
yjrangpa aeeepted ibe gffl with great
D. No. L an fl.
awltM her a letur ulling her what ways, smd Ibe only wwyio fieiToui waa
May :!S. :
' Iva DaiOa Oato. Bammlt CKy, Mlgh.. King EdwaidY laat nunw was. How to slide down a long slide mu. a 1
Dear Pn-anlenl—
Our siomacti* atv small and we
pleamire. Ih- iwlui* II out to all vto%. r. o. No. I.
We haw one more week of achool. ought lo be f.-d «na waler«l often.
TlmrsUm said ibal sbe did
-pretly good
many koow!
in-ws They wen- promised e o<
Brvla Klater,
Ceeaer. -Wash.
I Iiave alt studi.-* at echool. They
We art- glad to g.-t> Mleo of bread. »*»!' lhal she could get to wl.ew she
ehtldren. ebr

entr ring, aud when they asked
Kama aaat by Freddla J. Cot*.
are ry-adlng. arllhm.-lic. phywiologj'.'a plec- of apple, nnd k dipiK-r of was gi.Ing. Jolla was a <|oalnl HlOe
S,d. buu
b...' .11 lb..h.-r*.ou would all language, geography. Snd -IKdllng. I »h.t
Mrl ai'd «hl,1hlngs In h.-r own way. 44,
„ *^4 io„k hapin poaaeaatoB
been IhU w.n-kt Eight post rand* have hcH Then
u* fnim tbe palm ol
Just ai this time she wa* In a carprandiia wrote lo JuUa'tellluc
H. Y. F. 1
come telling yuor ITosIdeat so. Hare laugh. One old Udy w. nt 10 Uie trou axu A-n i-ara old. I nm In the Bflh .Always
lather ai.J
enjoyed Ihom and thsok— the name* of tboee from Wh;™
whom bU- of pulling off her Ion,
long kid glove* reader. I would like 10 Join ihe Sun- yi-iir nsiiu e that wc may n... hlic rlase with her 9l»tb.»,
hruihi-r Milo, being rspldty dilseo to
happy thought. It It
. _ Bad wh. ... ............
n,.*se send in.- a eard tour f.uger*
^„B»tt Orrt®, Agw ttaiitewa aionuu.
lu.-« Ko.**a, Clgrtts to try on her rin*.
ward her ooiisln'fifoi-n miles „
wnlA takes the more pride
nd button.
hulloii. Uy teacher'*
leaeber's naro.nami' is ' When you put u* up In
'Ofava. MIcb. Name aunt ^ Iva
vtotoi Barnhard. Cojwmish; H"' hellring, she hit the man wltb-.nd
fhrtatlna DJackeii Buttona Hay; Rosa b.r l'.i« klU glow*, a. ahe pasted Miss Heroic^ fushing. 1 play ball at .table never tnn-l the hosiler w. give away In Ibr .-oontry
I Ilte bird hous.-. TIrandfaiher ThuraBaaodU Wava Cole- age Are yeaiv KeWerhou.*- Mabel Holland and An- «m- I Hhv-d U on lYy 8tn-ak beau nmu. and think it Ik tot. of fun. I us ibe oals. but to oul and »«• Itval
Whc-ii in.y bad gone .vl.wi
•n or the Ulfd^ tbat inhabit It «vetT
■BrtmU aiy. Mteb.. E. K. U. No. 1;
ump\\.‘ niy; Aha and Sol- "ui mamma liked to vl.U the buildlike to aee IhU huer U. prlnL h. doc* li: and .mud by u. wbito w.- ,| ,v way. -m .ar-latJ* siopisd
ih- c-al. «li<i*' J'lha '
hew. and I t h- dnn'l .forget 1 » spring
Your Irii-nd,
logs She thoughyYv Btr.-ak
Scmlca VloU Cowling, age one year. ,j, ometi, Cemei
Grace Holly.
water u>
,m»re ihnu pl.-nsod to drink such
The Toad in the Cardan,
much foollshm-aa. The grouDd.
BatttraaL Mh*.. R. K. U. No. J.
N. wr l«ul Hn- Mis Into ou: mouth Iti ,|caT water wUhmit "fkuwt or fll - r.
people a load la Mthltig
\ im wuro you are a happy llltle
Naaiw aaat by Iva Dellla Cole.
another member lor tbe eovoied with bnvuilful flowers. I
Tim swtug made her papa reintwuuiialgbtly reptile which Is to
— —
Correapondence flub. Vfolrt Darn- went Ihiough Ibe hhJtliuo VUIage'stid ,-|r( with your play and your fun .olS .w.-aiher until you have Aral
ihunned a* m»eh as pcMlWe. Ttw
bow they liveil.. Itol il wa* w« Writ.I- agiiu belore long aud leU hie wjiwcd Uo-W- ao Ihwi Ihey won't lake y*,, a alory about -om.-llijur lh»i hajs
FREBIOENTt hard of CopemUh. MIcb , would llko
lltlk nuptrotlHous
p,,ucd to him
wuen be
.wa* w* ...*«*
t:.-.*•■>■ iu «|,«t you an- going lodo in vacattos. l«i skin off our tongue*
it it p,,ucd
(o become acqualuied with tbe Bun- hnt. and they '
•,il the dog*
g, .
You- wouldn't Ilk.- to taff. .
, It ilH- Match exiHWlB
Tba ana ha* been atalnlag. ablnlng beams tttough l.-uer, and postal..
to.m HIA.
have lr.«;y irwn Ml. PUl lu your
Ily Ho- tln«MK- had reiw.tod Aal
all Bay Jong. Tbe <ry«ul prlam In Are you memberw 0rtbJ tW-apond- and Ibo ««l* w.-re ihe b-M things
^ rt-|.tlle. to l.e sure.
ll.t of
of the
the nnam.-* iherc. Ther had a tiat-k hutli aronud
yoar Prealdaafa window baa caught eoee (Tub keeping a list
o„, „B,y
tt^Wn^TtobTlTur r“tolm™l- M‘Jour“i7sld"^T prlBU hem
In the Ae Iltllelike, and A.- dog. would ,4.^ Jhvs.deul Always warn,
war... our
our bit*
lot* In
In t*.!d-w.-aih,*.!<! w.-atM * .-.,-.„rie*. jrid ii.-.iiitn* bad ‘“'Iped
IT ^ w oik .CTO., th. won* naDor* Al any lime yttu wWh
to Bi'e you a tide aroundAen for i.ii , *„uld like to >,m
tl..- Bun.lilne er. and .trow old ag- we isut ,ntt with a fairy Hory anq
I* 4* greal.0 ume.y ,,„,he
ZL Zmt
who keTa« tte llll wtad you
In AU lake were.Ae «•.!. riuh. Plean- m-ml me n ca,^ and .-to w. pice lake us to a hdr.-- doc-.-y,,,.,^. .,.4 Mlio and
Julia l»d, „
that come,
and paper, aad daacod on wall and know wao iney ^
My brother wa* on all Ae baltU-sblpa. bu„„„. |
eb-ven year obi and I tor au.i have our t« lh flh-d ro that ;:>eh had .br» tu.n. at driving, bad
devoured groedlly.
Oat rt doora among tbe
i. 'i-.-'* we i-ai»
(luu.g.-d plai-e;
"e -Abughf Aey were jual
just grand. 1
the flfih grad-. M; : iplm-e; eight ilnum.
Hnvtf*. had ida.vida.v- c^.u.„,j„;.f,,„ptna-*. MUtcr-beritope SB oriole la gotden cMt
wa* In the KUhery building and *aw osnu- is Mr*. Hager I have „ litUe
Wh.iy you And oiyr blanket* Idown
..rphnns being ron
are aqnaJbMB winging bU heart out to tb«
aU kinds of flak They were nil the tai,,. »iMer: her name Is Ruth. She ..B on a <«|tf day. plrow put (hem on
auii.'and had derid'd Aat they ly wetcomed by the toad Me
aad ail tte Ultle flowepa in
color* yv»u eould think of They were u thinenlh months Ud. I would Hk’e jtgvlu aud luck t'-icln under" A" hv',
,„.,w a-t ta'-i*-, tu! Il-e .-*rriar- t!--in all alike. Tbe.V wander wHh.u
Fraaldaat'a garden have been 1
l-s I'ouier, Wasb.
irolher vA>rks In 1
her name put oti tlx- fraiile nevC
tunied a criier nuickly and ih.y wFr.s1uii,.-hj.-. i.aigoa
•May le, I»IO. '•'«
tag and aoddiag In tte summer wlad.
large grocery alore.
hope to ane Al* iu print.
Ih.n't keep twitrhlng tk'k roll
drivr-n up Itilo-a Mg dooryard wlwre n„h*» out a>. quickly i:u.t the ey- crti
Yew, n has bees a imty Bunahlne Day. -lyp,, PmaldentTacoma Itha* beeti lUer.-for the paaLtwoji-ars.
Your Bunshincr.
j-ou drive u*. You wouMJill
the first ihibg A.-V saw. waa C.u-'.n
gad fall of tbe saaalaat tatemiptiont
TbU It ibo flfih or alath letter 1
the evening achool at the
|»a Gr<«n.
have anybody iwliching the r^ln* all
ba*rtig wood.
once or twR*.
bev attor hour.
bare atarted to the BunshlneH. Nearla your school ff>ing to clowc soon? tin- tlDU, llMuth- foUugr.
Klud Aey v
la lacL your Prealdeat wondered a ly every iimr I came home front
wondi-r what your aiudlrs are.
1«.dy and how glad cv-cj-ylody wa* I'l
all Ply pa|>era
•*oul ov.-r-drlvc u». and
'^-?’*e.-tht-iii! Julia clapped ber-handa anti
aay wrljirti-vtalt wltt you faraway *tam-d a letter yet
iKtIore seboo! in tbe morning. Juat
jfedar. Mich.. R.*F. D. No I Boa «. oiScr hand d.m'i i-t u*’ a
Jumi>ed up and down, saving. "Lrt'a
Half a -l-a-ufoad* in a g*rd> u
bofs aad glrte. boimoie Aere have aud of eounte 1 would have to aay no. .
ibirle.-nih of May
May 12. 1910.
*»’tld.-al! day -wlihoui e*cr.
bean ao many Travarwe City Boa- But I am Just going 10 keep at Uii* we came to 1-a fosn.-r, ao mamma i>,»r PreHdent.Morse* and dogs n.-ed ,-rirci-e cv
Mauiitia aaid that Julia must flrsl
They >rc eaai:>h.*iM niaalBg back and tonta. mi of tetter until 1 get it. flnlabed. My
always baa Ice ertam and cake on
delated please fled a two-eeni ery day. and cwnX be well with mi H (UII an apron over her itr-i-i. and that
,,,4 n.ei.d the day in *«ae
(aa aad Unghier. and happy Baaalkliie achool worti. and Icarntnc pteeea to that day. Tbia time mamma invited ,ump. and will you p1ca*e send me i>u wouldb'i like 10 be tied up ‘<1
Milo muat put Oh i»a "play rtoAna ~
sloOg the leaee or under
wayc Mcrt of them aald. “Let's go apeak, and nlngiag. too. for eaierialn- her Sunday achool class of boy* to * «. y. p, Bunkblne pta? .
' aiall all day altd not-permuted 10 s S4> they ran opaAira nod unpa.ked ,
aedately forth
001 lo tba garden!" And then each luvpu. and mnalc leasoua. nil binder trip US reiebrate-U. There la a boy
your Bunvhlner.
their "te'eaet.ia-". wbl-h .craudpa ,,
gynd their food. Where the
Une tbat maant tooklng at all tbe me from flnlsblng my IHieia. bat Ac whose name U Ervin' Kinsey, and he
Edith Wh'te
make It a ruje tiiat-.y" thought a funny hiwk', for a hlg irav„...|iue» cif the load are underflower*. A wee bloaeyed lassie aald beat way to do la to "try. try again"
card and button. Ills folks
] ^^ve sent you the new pin, niy will m-u.' nd-' In a rnrlage dra* elUng-<«g
. .
.i-jrH >.« la alway-a a irelrrwne visitor.
abe tbOQgbl the (or-get-me-aou were tmtll we do gel them Dnitbed. We
by a'h<>.-i><v with IDUIiia'.ii
r Star of to.- 1 Aink I
‘ dear, aad am glad y
Milt, regretted that he bad t>o over- ^4 j,,.
x, made #» iileoaaat a* .
tbe prrtUeaU aad ao a spray was bad a Bunday. achool plcntc a lew day*
-,>or.l'jokmg lioree when you can poe- all* like Ita.rion'a. and liarton areroed jMs,ible.
lacked la her yellow curl*. A Bun- ago. and' we had a roal nice time, play aihly help It. and alway* look ai the
beam named MyrtN hovered over Ae in, and making sand houae*. aod wad
o r n v« • Ho. 1 .heck-r.-in. Alway* a.-leci '.h.- lar- ed to pity hiiu. to..; l.u: Mih. aa.d
lhat. any-way. the la»v w1<o bred nev; vinca bod. wheiw A. -myrtle btoa- lug in tbe wwter. Ind the boy* went
m,7is' mO
iiage that ha* the beat-looktug h-vr.**,
K>m*- neatlod In ibelr gtoaay leave.. o«( awimming. All bad a real nict"11*1 a line lime }wu had at the
May IS. 1910.
door a’ home had • lawn lentti. vnl!
i- - «g OAIKIB
aiidylell the dri>i-r* why you do it.
Ruth chose tbe lUlei of the vaHey. ao time ontll lime tor our picnic .upper. W orld'a Kalr:_l IrOl almoat aa thoughHearPrealdenl*.4 rlA .red Mripe*. aod that, he Ivad a
T. IWI. r'/4inCi
.... ir*.
Thejf. when »e get 1
tragmnt. pur. aad while. One little Then Ae boyw and girU put on ibelr I had LshTA.-re with you becauH-. I w
- . ... Sunrhlne
,be lrilAl(»g-»iill hWiaeA
- ___ ____
Next week achool -a ou(. Our ahould like to he sect
lad too shy to *poak vrandered lato sboe* snd wtorking* aud got ready to ■ ou ba^ deserllajl *0 many !htng*.
lUrton changed the
hy tell“ r IrjSe^'a
unatodful of eat .upper. We were all glad for and expV«l J'-'r letter *0 clearly . tHteher'a name I. Ml*. Ruth Steven., country
tte bell Nonod agalnil her aide and we were quite hungry Then we bad
» lAe ber wry murk J am an yoara
We have eight little calve*
If aG boy* and g<rU. etery Dm* ajeady ttvtog **“' *^'
-----------gased quite *IUnUy Inlo her face aU aorta of good Alnga to eat After
La tXinner.TVash.
Mar Id 1»I0 Their names are Wb'le Fat*. Btar. :hi-y vee a poor mlaerabHooking Each gntaM an end flrmjy . and Ju'What U II. Boyr aha asked, amll- supper waa over we played a lew
' Lier. Reddy. Cberey. Mae. Molly, boroe. would aimpl’ aay ro the driver lit aaW 'hat .be did tore to_a« wood.
tag "Do you want a BunaUne pin?" game*. Kke playing bouse, and ert- Dear lYealdet.i—
Wbefi tbe log
1 am iihiain (or not wriiln* oons aad Babe. My slater 1* helping me eouM bear ibem. four worda 1
M a mm « tka M waa «ba aadmn—, and Udwaadflootok. nod
Eresa air aad aunahtoe...
Soma pleagant play.
Boom arork ibatY nieful—
Baay «H 4aj>:
•veet aleap at flight time.
Airy Ibe rooml^ea (oU «f brlghlMaa, .
Ckaaka aU ablooBi

",r: "*?>


mu. bi, .r.b- ... ibiu .0 b... .u»bi «ub.. ™id... II1 b.4 *

_________ I


u, ,fl

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