Grand Traverse Herald, June 25, 1903

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Grand Traverse Herald, June 25, 1903


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text




SUITS FIT Tire lusurance!

I SMt Friend.

PlataGlaM.Staam Bollarartd Accident Insurance.

Money to Loan on Improrcd Real Estate Only.

A Xitel of dac», irll
PolteU bnd of te li
iwo Mrtiettt
ho*r xwlurrt wvr.- rt-iqUMit-r

Johrtoon Block, Phoita 78

■ doK loukrd. upus ihr whuX.' had caibrrrd •••■sr mimb.

Traverse City. Mich.

TnTcrsc Oty State Sank mvrretet


are Wistaken



Who think htnkt are for buiinest men only.

More than half the


in reterve for a “rainy day" or awaiting opportunity to other in-

Our metbodi meet the needs of all clanea.


pleased to number you amoog oor custnmeri.


AUSLtL&^SSf ~“-




rnngu<-r>.a rugue tod buik'i





“Johnson’s Drug Store.
gommerclal PrlnMna

i. LOAh
(wntat aooas: >. i& •>« u


e soul of the humid.

m-' says sb.
I rutli.-r I

Th* Squire’* Wife.
Squire L'loter listened IB sllonee.
ui miib a qulel smile u|uo his Ups
> bis tild emnles yams of their ear
>us naps and mishaps In Lbsir

my q.ii.-i, iu<«k-sl


-“SSssfa&M-.. j









Fresh. Salt and Smoked Meatd. Sausages. Etc.



For bH kiadt of good things to eat. We -make
a specudty of fine Teas and Coffees. Breakfast
Foods and Cereals in great variety. Our prices
will tempt you.

;iN A


I am now in the maritet for wool.
I will
buy ypur wool to your advantage and will
do\^e best for V°u that anyone can.
Phone or write to me. Will also buy hides.
Warehouse 763 E. Front Street ....

taiwor la JtWa.

The farmers are beginning to 6nd out that this «s ..thc
store for them- I hare the goods. I have the prices.
Haying time will toon be here and you will want some
loola Look my stock over before buyii«. Forks from
ttc up. Scythes from 65c up. Also snathes, scythe
■tones, rakes, grain eradlea. in fact everything > ou need
in the line of amall farm tools.

Sre my lint ef Bam Boor Bingts

TrnverM City. Mich.
Bell Phone 130
Citizens' Phone 48 1

A comlnne, Bug killer and Pouto Grower.
destroys potato bugs and increases
quantity of potatoes.

fect saiisfaetion.

It is cheap and effective.

30 lb. packages, so you can try a small amount at first,
and if you find it satisfactory, then you can buy it in


iMSMtso*^ a Uictor Pstciiyl,

It is

It is put up in 1 lb. S ,lb„ 8 lb., and

Siften only cost you 2^ each.

can use the same sifter for

A1 n(^ siM fa woek. Spwfal •sfOMiMd*
to orfai, ymopdy. Ofay the^ Uw msurisl
mA sad ffaly fasjsatecd in crety isspscL
Baaooloc Thtt an aadt w w« « oil as sel. laqr are
DlIBBfrV Mtoad.fa(teapgtoWial.od(i*ea a Atohy
WAtocfadk A«yr, toaredmakfa eodonibfa. od aML Iks rtnpo ea tits buAm. qaafay coaridtted.
0*M aad.od jwa •& bay ae eibcr reakc.


the quality and

not an experiment, it has been used last year with per­

la^r quantities.


arvd 1.1 laki





We have just received a car of fine ground

land Plaster, so we can furnish you with fresh land plas­
ter and Paris Green. Don’t fotget the'place, it’s on edr-^
ner Front and Cass Sesn at—

PHUi —


wBf must sorry'i. Ibougfa. i
I raught algbl nr tf..r fare ai
talked away with Silas, an’ I

ratpin fa my file
a wide, deep at ream of water whtoh
mVfioated up’from ran dark and turbid lo tbe tpring It
the meddvr.
ralllBg OB both fade*. Smiiy half
peat, but AhU bad tbe rblldren rroaaed this bridge to
ciBc fa all. Nor a
lere wa* tomfahlD' **Oa‘ plenaani day* we fatea sat u*
illuraa fa everrihln- the bank to eat our dinner, wblch
s a strange look to we brought with u*.
One ioTPly day to early ins* we
were aeated there aftor aatlag out
dinner I was reading a book, and
doc who had buen



Mrs Clover *athi>rvd up bt

IhK ills Jolly aides wlin alleni
UuRhu-r. until aome of those preaem
leartul that apoplekT ” ’
aroused t
r boy as p
In' but a pa
. with
an’ brok'd sboulder*
b^r bean, an’ waint afraid
'ork. an' ob ilir wbol.'. alB'i n.<
ISMlIsfled whai my bands
roughi me
-The summer 1 was iweBI>-.>
leni to f..T Sue's father
"Ur Bean was a welMiedu larm-r
nd Sue Ms only child
He wa»
tways siuck
about h^ pr,.p.-i

.1. siandlu^B ibe meet periilon ngbiK the midst of IL
d In her Jpeome away; and
I <b.' wlod-look her up at It
bui a fnall^. bearln her dl*
one rigbl iBto them As ai
.• of Ihe Oyln' atlcks hit oi
ms. maklB' li uaetras. b
Hr ilghi with Ihe other,

Nothing fa

thought best to appear m
jiy patieeta reft
>w what was going on bet
___ho mailer how long they go wl
.m. thinking It would noon wear oQi steep, and wbe a they do fe«l U
L'lf out and ^perhaps Jue^oold^eeJ way the doctor seldom Inalsla. I
a patleBt this winter wbo never slept
>l him with me an moeh an i eoold a wink for 4! day*. He waa euBerlas
1 grew tu like bin very Boeb.
from a common form of tnaonsla. 1
ie made rapid prugresa la hla atud- got hu digesitiia all right Inside of a
. and hi* everyday Ilf* at
tb by regulating hla dtei and givbim a beany mod of pigs' feet
about three hours before bedUmr. II
at It t
toee la
king into bis earnest face. I
, .1 d<m
. -i nay t_
gel the ragged hat.
I virtue is plga' leei aa a
It In the dlgtaUee preset*


Ab. aure. ir
lalklo ." salt! Ibe
squire. sbakihK
lead with tleniure
1 a Kin—an ea
Ity one—(lie*
poeiaiiy sieh i
rte^ily loto a r.
e*B be doT That's wbat

R. SeKiombrersor

from -TiteWO* IV*

Trank Crude
the Tamers* Store


'’you‘Jo i Id


iBrezina's Store
U Beadquarters..


"She kiuked and s|>»ke so
lal I was e'en s'ffiost a mind
ut Just then I hoard SItaa
id-, an
mulierlB' aomeibln'



.ntAOUK * iM.

WvM Omm lak

5S' ’"J_____

Figs' F**t fer St^ireaiwBa
>uB said murklMly:
;-The story sent out from Washing'
"What am I oSmad for the
Ida that the ittBmes.' aUnisU-r had Bot
Id quirk! The only one left
been able to sleep fur a muntb. Sirt
use OBI of Ibr ark! How murb am even lor a fra mlnuies. may seem In*
oBeredT Who'll mhke ll 11? Who'U
aiTnalomed lit
lake It lir
rry night.' aald
And *0 It weoi from day to day.
Fob saying UBklnd. Jeering iblngs ns
. ■ Lui la ihe- prolraaluu we are cun
e auppoard hImaeU out
sianily eomlng amiss such tnaiaare*.
ioe taking 11 quietly. Boi
persons would suppqne that a
or woman gulag without aleep

I.tut.. Las

aife yoniliI I IbouKht

Do yra ««nt to tell your
fsm? Uto,li«tviUi ot. Our
list is too S"«n for the iktuixl
that «e an hSTiof. Call and
ae* Dt the next liow yog are ir

making I

•bop B.tvenlse. employ
a team and rail for and <l
Inga In all pans of Ibe hair danilBg. a* a nile. i i y et they
must do It .ttarmsel.
rmselres or let It go
UBdune. There• it B big field tor mr
and my w-ork. and If 1 bad capital I
i-b."-Philadelphia Rp..-

e grand old dun lies aliil and dead
. manlike brnlh and codllke heani
a were made lo earO' a part,
u did. old doK. the best you kne*'

r they hi
te ash.-e u
prK-e,,lin* Ii



rn Th.* at tho raiv

I keep your si
ill. s ID perf..
My friend ao .-pled my ofler and
-r imimns My baasi siaried It a year
oirlngly I have mre
et.-ry day to'fb*
me busy frato «
I'Cl.Wk u

noek ID. all dressed in their
n l.sykin as tre«b an' bl
. flower Ksrdt-n atler a sbuwrr
due was the pn-iiK-sl of tbf
dr.-ssed In iM-r white frock,
e pluk rlbb.10 lied dr.mnd her

—Will Carleioii. In tN'erymhere


i g. CURTIS & eg

r always leasing asd


shall look yttur httaesi. kind ..Id

PrMoriptlons Carofully and C<

kea Money UafSiing StBck.nga.
] a si.K-kihc damt-r. " tald a

•n siorklw

So mailer, mem on ui 111
r. mh.-n Mr Dean gat.
W- young feller*
miib a miri. an' afore aum
II lui.k.d an' plUml a

“It is Uery Unnoyina”
„ irihc family, ami
sometimes to the members of the family, to find that
an entire baking has been spoiled hecausk poor ex­
tracts or baking powder had been used in its manu­
‘•Avoid SuoK Anrtoyanoo’’ by
using Johnson’s Pure Flavoring Txtracts ana Pure
per pound.
:am of Tartar Baking Pow
Powder at 31

was only a rauc.'.l barefooted
olden lays

A* lew me.** 1 never aeeh I
I l>}' Sue. an' smirkiD up ii
X-. but wfaai 1 fell as ir I wa
ic liiin. hra.1 flrsi .out of t:

sa« di»iri«» wllb a quirV. i
And hi’anl ihp haif^buked druwi
A llvliic III.- teial. tuOB hi- l»re
faajr.ln>«ni-i] man lo ib.- «<-lr


h be‘"v.*-l^'’^Hr’ls\'srrwlh
piraifcm to his fnenJi. He has

IS iBliibiT pleasant to the

Vice Presideott

I sell Dynamite at
reasonable prices.
Estimates and exper*
ienced men furnished
at any time. Large
stock of 40 and 60
per cent dynamite,
caps and fuse on hand
at Si times. Use 40
percent, for stumps
and 60 per cent, for


We fatould be





Fannert. laboring men, clerii. and tchool teacher* have hun- ^

dred* of DuUioBi of dollare tafely in bank, drairiiig modoate interest,

19«r Col lUmS « nw DcsMitL

It my pupil .4 years ago. Jo*
lo rati ai his h.imr thr Bexi
d iBere I found him ibr «s.««
Bean nobly, tenderly i-arlBg

I htfhl Ih
>»'ldlDE d

(lepotiu in ibe kiaks of the country belong to others than butinm

A Qcscnl Buki« SoiBCM IMM
— •«=Myj%3Sr-


o arhool
Come Ihl* aOn
and bna« all your hooka.'
!.•> «ri,- n-al nkv tun of fol
A bnchi k«k ease laio hb toe* a*
I said this, hut he made so repl} and
ir.«t..d Ihrlr b<dp like their o
< »hd I nub. befaa lo feel
a: t>ui «lih 8ae. 1 cvoldht c
I.. .*> i«o or (btve word* I
nithoui blusdc-rth', aa' wa* a
dou loiDe awkward thlBK <
%heBei..r 1 mm Blch hi-r
1 hv earned a lame. raKRt-d bat is
elfrespeetlBK *a>. asd I fell aurr
Ion < think I'd hare (eti quJie *o
1 Joe Morton waa good and manly
r I’d knurnn her oplcloe of mr.
was afraid he mi(bt not hate a
da>*.''broad ■houldervJ ah'
ihe taiys lor. ahhouch they ruaJly
• trmiKbi as ah arrer—miib t>tc. b
re BUI bad buys at bean, they wter
<b given to Bakiac tun of aay
' Uean s ioB|: > reumer and aomeUBv
made li
11 Sue had a > V unpleasant tor shoe wbo seemed
a PeterkUt. v I .>r Strang* to them
•be leader of Ihl* set «as Tom
leneo. a bright boy. bm on., who
1 tei-y little kindly fi-ellng (..r any

.n vartoua way*
aeraea the bridge to look for e
which aoc
iU aide
B coming back ahs tlcpped
_ idle of tb* bHdc*. Uirew
iBave* iBio Ue water aad______
relllBg. wnlchtag the
yeava* at they Soatad away,
Th* ralllaf was old and la aoo*
- bad become so ksoeeaed (hsi
9 way with her welghL aad,
with a piercing cry. *he went down
and oni of tighu
Tom stood upon th*____
. with a look fa acDV t
.er forget. Ho owfld not
to couU not mack tor.
be flrsrery Jo* had tUipped
at aad la a mlaata pla
am sieadUy taward Ua
- liiilt- foldaa bead "iir gratped 'her aa she rase to
surfac the secoed Ume, rnlaad
rrntt, the imaa
and la
.d ttlll. bwt ato

Ateohol aa MadiciM.
Tbe Idra that airnbol or an]
UBuUni can eviv Impart v
mat be abandoned, aayt a wi
he Hoeplul A atlmutaet has
tin eftecl on the circulailoa. a
atreagib lempormrily,
bnl thr raergy tJ

from the
- ailmulaai.
__________ -I Ji fram hb
ad tUfor. A similar mistake
) in the Bdtnlnbirntkm fa a
leltos fa de.................................
iBjniioni rrlOliOB always followt
Alesbol Is
harmful also la dlstatet'or the kid.
aeyt or fa the Brer, but H tcaam to
be good for dbeaset of tbi^nBgt. had
oKect os appellle aal dlgetUoa
y be good wheo property aapleyed.
sas "■UaBlaau- pot or la aleto
1 gBlrl agtuUon. they are dotag
I wakfaulnett. they are
A New EMerpHot.
Uri Bmma P Bwiag the taasuas
cooking tsaehrr, to treaanrer fa the

Delivery CampaBy." Uiely
_______I HttUbnrg. Pn-. wUh Mra.
Bdnto L onmet as prenkdenl. sad
Mra. Hand P. Kirk as ascretary. ll
I aad deUvera dlaasrt and ether
a *1 prlvnle retldeoeae la any
fa the city. By a reoceily iovenM appstralut to retalalM bent.

. Tigeron* rnbblag
made her opcB her eye*
usual manner.
We wrapped

1 In aa good <
bed Bp ta th
...eben. Bach mm
by Mr*. Ewing or
ary expert, and nm
tbsi dom a« meet

JI be Inqpeeted
■e other euUn.
ill be seat out

.‘•u' sr'.f,s*:

( neighbor who pu puainc ta a
Joe r
•IM S-uea**'h.ijl«nd than I bad .
rin . an ylt ihe very Brsi time I s.

dotng evemhlBg nowaday*, even la
making rag carpels
Do sol follcw
be bell rnsg I missed Joe ai
iw ihai no other woman would evi
Ibe tedtooa method fa aewiag the
0 tbeir testa
rsto together, A quteker-aad atraager
. to me what abe waa
Tbe hark door was ajar, aad
way la to-nit the atrip* about half aa
"I rememtier the day Jos. as w.
I waa c;..'n Silas PeterWn took looked ooL
Inrb wide: sntp aasr each end fa
1 If iwa* yeeierday I had teen M
s heel! SB' never mopped till to
. There atodd Tom, with tears U b
each atrip a lltUe till large enough
ran down lo the Tillage the old
led bis father* door
eyae. bolding both Joe* hasda.
tor a atrip to paas Ihrongb
'iir.' so' iwas agreed that I should
"Can you ever (orglre m*T" be was ' The cttU fa two atrip* over one aa>n>e the next aflenwon
saying. "I have been too batfaul for
ler. take Ibe oppoalie end fa one
• When I come to Use house-an a
- romr sigh Sue again. I
.. them asd past tfarongt both aUi*:
..Ice lookin' bouse It was. with a
Kt. but hik tUtlt ceased from
If youll forgive me. I'll be a better pall the loop together gently aad
broad ptaxB each side on’<—I wa*
dubWs a* lo whether I hs'ri twiier go
I n to m wed fellow after this . If Pearl had bees firmly. It will bold better thas tew.
lu the tide or back door 1 finally cob
which'"iwk*p1ace a few moeths drowned, i don't know what I woaM
eluded to take ibi- taller
. bui as be didn't rome.^r^tort have done Ob. Joe. I thoBght I e
die when I taw her |
"As I paaswd by the klirbeB win fa mistrustful ihai I
cant evw
dow. I heard b voire slBglB'. Bs fwsrt
•™ork Newt water.
An axeeUaat remedy to honraeni
eaoagh-BB- etor BS B rohla't hiC ob looklB'
I givan by aa old tody nho aaya
lo. I saw Sue slandln' by a
I don't waal any i
aver tail*
It conatou fa a last
kBtadhi' bread, aa' I nerer see
... . ittag I
loth wntag oat to braady as< pat
Bloee or tense
er picier a
B the cheat, with t dry piece fa fiaa
• may talk aboui gtrts school lb southern Nrbraika. whtfai
"Ah. lad*,
el over IL If wore all BlgbL lb*
at the planny, but they aJa'i Uir to ■wa* cnly. iihlBly settled la thoee dayn. ------------ ,i*a*e.'
sviilcr* were hardy man
Bui ihH Ivw
They talkad a few BjtootahHtoator
living honest live* and
Aaother remedy that will not' ap­
.ly but steadily to praw bat I did not bear wbat thay ware peal to te many It tto aattog fa fax
strup' Dot any wblirr than her roesd
bad a
pleasant time saying Tben they retoembared that
arms, and with at Ibhgbi
uarorered arms,
small asUons that have been boded
the bell had rang, and they a
_________ cheek an' lip as ibr . .
and put oa laaal. TUt laat medy
Hy tchoolbisusc watavery primitive
at were clambering over the porch
rom that day Tom was a dUferant win care a enld to tto eheat
aSalr lodred
ll waa tmaa napatoi"Wal. arier ataiih' ai her pre
He was qnlet aad Mad with tbe
ed and uBplatietnd. but bad a good
ce at tong a* I dared to—qulie '
w pupil*, and ha aad Jo* were tom
Boor aad fairly eomlcvtable aeau.ato
riaiawD to ber—I kaoeked at i
my pupili ol
'tore war* tS.
were too*>ly h.-any, wbolaaome boy*
'' 'Ctome If' aaag out a voire il
When the term etoeed. I case to
e my hsmrt to beailn' like a tici
inn day to spry^
my enttern hose aad afim- a frw
I door* to let to the
entbnly lefa inch fa m pnpfto.
-uniB' the latch. Ijr^ed^ta.
and wna bony vttb
-mad «r what they
mered cotorih' a* red at a beet aa my elasae*
deaan B poad.
boy whom i
■eagb I often vendarn
Sue turned her black eye* ca me
-s*. tothar’i aomewhaf* about,
toll fa ll»e I took
u4 ^
be in la a mlsnie. Will you
along U* PaetSc wnat nad «na toaaa poorly draoeed. b ‘-----I acatr
day Boentog. to eompn
He canw directly
golB aeroai tbe rnoto I atom very clean
i west to una fa ----------------bled over a pall, which to finaternd
bm I had aaea to that tomUty.
me that 1 sat down to a chair where
large gray cal toy eufied ap aaleep.
re do J
Bd who. aplitto' aa' ctowla' at me.
prong oai fa the wladD*.
Itooa hU. Ua gava one fa the >


a hu web



... -----




by tto alt* fa tto

TiS’^t:stsrj£t ■•sjsnsL- —i-ro—

Era uS:



Gtaid Tnrcrsc HcnU
•W rin at
lUpi* CIO, J«B« U-tolj IU»
ManUac <»' bu«lDt«> >M(k« o<
Hula Otr «a« *lp^ oot by lr«
itutwl at ■tdBldii Md
fMalr d»«rer«d i*i ..
•Ml a bluknllh
•luiii bikI badlr
•asacBd BMtb*r- bnllotBc Tb* ,««ock
« CIBBMU • BlniM U raaoMclr
•BBtrarwi. viu> '>»■ 1‘JiidiBc oecapiBd
br CbMB. Bblfb ^.' uWB^
• •by :......... TtBVeTBB <1l>. —
ol S. It Oarfcx, with lb*
bsnod BDtlrelr,


pBid IhBI B ABB la Rb|M rut
t bJB M a SOM BSd
b* M Ml. Hi
.... . ........ r U lb* BIBB vbo b»
,mr bll MMlr BBd told bin to BBlI
I hOr*r BBd bOSBr BSd (M «hBI bB
Klld Ml Of If to BWlr M Ibf sple.
u bbM Ihat tb« BMC U (or ■
lUK like |l2tW.
Ttar letter oblcb Ibe BBO *k«
—ir-'ir rifelred »B« from Ce
■ke Bi vtalrh piBee BaeaBV)’ wb>
>1 eerB B* far BB U kSOVB. ll U
lo BBld ihBl hli arlfe roeoirad • IMr BBllBd from CesUBl lBk« la
hk-b hr told hm be eould Bot

Bd la (br> (tnusd. UwBKbup Hasaaoy U aleo klshvay i
iBbk- Inoli
oil.eloaer fur that lucBllly
« al l»r, « W. P
nacare bare tucouedrd la i
tu*o. levTbe
bits to Ceairal Lake abd tbe
vhkb M ewerod 1>, lu-----------oy oae I* koov to hbre aaa
tbere va< a lue* <d about IlM
a> bit «olB( lovard iba v>
btoBkate IB rumotlsB ibr itnek
u aald IbM^refT dcapoa
tbd^l^I^hleb will be a dead biaa _____ of inted.
Tba oBeert arc
dllMeoily aeareklBc lor blm or for
The Ire *ai dl«or«red about aid
•Idbl. Al that Halt It oBi only •
?*ht?*beM ^iatad by aose i
BMlI b^ betBo^tbe
ba> baao drlakiac baanly of i
I alto gasiblUt. otil there It
Brfar* the Bre ABblen euuld (M out
'.vbo bat bMB abla to prora t
BBd turn B bucket brusOe Ihat -*Bi
letseau aad Ibey aaaB lo be i
•■eeUre. bowerer. the Bre bad eorb erelli dieerodiled He bae alvayt
• Btart ibat there wee so chasee to been cootldervd lo ba a stodel ciUiaB
ebeeb II. BBd It tra* only a duattloB
] hat tivayt baaa tolly iniitad Is
td iba BbUlty to Bare the eailre ton
■nibliK. Hit repoUUoa bat al
(ran daetnictloo.
yi beas of tba blfbeat and ibere
A mile of tbe etorA id aarvllc A
Bu'one vbo hat bean beard lo aay
pt~— vBf BBvdd. but ll »al rea
enrd anlstl him prevlout lo Ihit
imiB Tbalf k>*e will approBUsate
liCMt. Iseladliif ibclr part of the
ione hare an tdaa that hit Biad
balldlad They bad )tui areetad a
1 teBDorarlly stvee vay. but BO
4afoot addUloB to tbe balldlsf. aad
bad IIMI Boted laio It About bait vayi appeared lo be i
of tbeir luei l< covered by ta
lellov asd veil liked
BB they bad *t,«0» ollh the a
ibouctai of bit diti
Joba K. Baoto. of Tnitenr C...
nor fur tbdr
j coaineacvd
Tbe bolldlDc tieelf araa laaarad for
Maay ezpreu
•UKW, bol irae oortb, vUb Ibe fli
1 be via aerer be fc
tw«a. Bore Ibaa doable tble at
Kssley A ToBOf oned the p
tba boUdlBC ibai vat flnt cr
H C VaaRlyek, of Maple City, vat
lOBTalta A tUooB bad )otl pure
im ID the tuie of NOv York oe
^ tba bardvare alack of 0. U. t
joe Ik. lb tbe year IIIl Hit aarty
tan ver. tpeat oe b farm. Apply
• tba Arc 0
iDI bimtelf dlllieatJy to tiudy. ueder
R. Burka-t
llSculllat. he eooe filled blBtalf for
•MTly If Bot dulta P.UOO.
learblof tchool aad fulloved
o Clav.
: Mpi^'d tbe buildlac u>i u
urk viih eoBBeadthle aocee
' ;A Bloaa, and did sot aucceed lo aar-





Al tbe ace of If he vat ual
•ad tbe Hock 11,00(1. os vbicb H.OOfl marritce lo Hlaa Mary 1. a
Vev York abd br orar bait a e
lusnaoe vat earrled Is Jobs
they touebt tbe baltlei of 11
tsslo’t acieey, Mr. Burke i
(ether, bavlac eelebraled their sold
acstett IC h^. BSd ibt Bre
ea vrddlbs a ahort llaa beCore bar
B tMsa tkat eouM sot veil ba
vhlcb oceared March V. IHL
* MW br blB He haIt ualoa verv bora three cbllJBM to bU tloe
Vlola A., Balfour E. aad Jeatle
: dry SMdi
theta oaly Baltoar inrvlrtt
In UP Mr. VasBIyck loored lo
. ifBcA M btr^rara. fmILure and bn4M*lMdBC joodi Hr. Burke bad IM (x^aavee ooobtr. Mlehl^^^^Th^
br rlear«.d bp a tana.
dHTerebl paru td I
• *'
'Islar. tUa vaald bare beea out (i

wady eraiM aad bUlad out.
.ibwa trodU baer Boae a day Uter.
r TbM tbera vaa a atv llaa of chain.
: idiMM MX pat aapMdiad. bardvare
•aOep aad yevahy Jul la asd bare
i If la the abov eaaat. A little aartlar
‘ ,m • MUia Ular amd bit toai voald

i iSHCsHrS’,!;

' 'amRv lar •• adrawa pvBdBt tor

;.|lEr£^a^ iSrnIcMiSf
aoaa afui




- -rwmm sM MUdram
' Birwial tahiabaUdiac.«klah«ailMt
iMPbw Ub MtmI tnxa Ua Urtt hlaa
:|BS atneMraa. Par Ursa Bsartan of
. m haw Ufa bMldbic «m m .tra. and
MR prMMUd tram Aslac Mdy by
Ua Boat haralc tforu of Ua Bre

! : MM db tks UB loat. BUUrad Imadt
; , awa dB rale, nUar Uaa Ua esew
'UoA Dr. PtbUMi tod bta MBt aad
•to «4|a el hM (sea bhautto. aad
: : Ua totoa look *0 Uoush ha hi4
totollni Rratraada by Ua vhelt
.«to sBBliata of Ua WmIbli. la------(to Ua drac atock aad pertedlM tr
: twat, MV fsaorad. ato a baarp toaa

W1U Ua vtad la Ua oiianar troB
arUeh ft vaa UirvUs. oalP Ue aartai
: df UM MMlw, vUcA It avaad to
■ Ua Odd PWtova aad Or. ~
‘ ,wrad Ua rati of Ua ts«M
IM. PkaBek. vto vm aarlp at Ua




eiBiM to tto nir
-U • Maw at aaeaiHp. m to akma tv
■mi tto mlt trow Ua baUttoc Id
itta hwA at Ua tot ImUr b»r mm
iBRad to pM Ua mla hMk la Ha
MM it vM^ UM fOAsAt. bM
ato aamrtUa^md

: UM •meaat. sa Ua Aaetor amid
lord to flea a paod Uftto «« H as
: Tto CMBB at tbe Maaa la’ sot
ham- Tbaea vaa adma talk M to
imAttoflam. bat IMa tM saamllp ‘
: Itorad that Uma M av ramea

Tto atgr hm praeUeMly M> An arv
itoMtoB A aav van. vtoeh tod iim
hma aito bp PrsMi Taum tmr Ur

stc-TuTuscrr 5:

Med to vemaal r dimateu vbicb undrrmlac tbr t*ami beallb. Tbe (roof of
tbit it tbtl vomcn vbo htvr bem ennd
of oaiaful vomtalr ducatn by tbr me
gaiand la BcMi tod In tjnpctraare
Dr. Pierce’t Ftovilr PrrtcnfXtoooitet
the vomanly
------- *••'*• teptbremccal Mtb.
It etulilitlKV rtvularily,
Anm vmfcesing dnini. bctU iuflanimtHoo asd BlcrfBiiao and rota (rmtlr
to ikerr Tv"» v«k eaiUe
AlfclclvOebi^S- KYrc»««»»


•Faroeite ITrecripaon ' oiaket v.
tdSu'vacAt voodm Sr vok vomen.
Dr. Ptoee'tnattnl ITlkU iaripinU

•*e bank of belay u.ed
rbv brldebinald n
lllvaD and the «
ser Putobum (inly -the famlllei
b roiitrarilBS ivartl" aad th.- m
rt of Ibe Bacbelor.'
fa pinlBt are veil kno«n in it
The croom It Utokkee|«T I
Caldvell A lAiudoB anS al*<> for i
fk«rdmae River Electric
Paver Co aad bat a boti of frWa
lb Ibr city. Tbe bride It a very p»i
'ar youn* vuman and bat n» end




* Hev^*SjBS?°are eomtog to
asd at Ue atuct awaUag of Uo i-----Al tba bmtoaaa maattac R vaa VMboHan Bore Uaa Ulrtytrc vlll be
>d to amUlBBa boUtos Biattoja to 1.
'' 1 to Ue rooter. Tbe aev aaawf
0. O P. toll far Ua oamtoB aaaa
Ae same of Trarove Cltyt moal

sr»s--'RSSu‘£r-"~“ Auer’s

Flato H. Baaaavy. toramaa ..
Ua Ctomtna Lasbar Oo. at Torch


Ba aaddaBly AtaapBmrad b vaak aso
WldlBidP bM aaUtac vaa Uoashi

. -aai^ to Ua iamber eaawaay for Uatr


: IMtotol
1 aadUto

pay tt________
Ua bafeA a( totos

.1 nisbl

Could Not Eat. Sleep
or Walk.

you like yoBP AIr. rmifli.
•koit htlrP or €0«m you
deaH. Do yoB like tUck,
beery, aoiooik biir? Of
courK you <lo, Tbei wky

Hair Vigor
VHor aeket bt

OSee of Becreury.
PMTlUe. Mich .Jue
Hr. Thoa. T. Balm.
Tiareree Oiy, HR...—
Dear Btr:-i as pleaaad to ba able



I dre^var
! not lb.- »vant lovrd bet
et In tboiv
and ,
^pull.vj her up CO Uc bank. They ba>.';
I trained to drav article, 'out of


Cured Entirelr.

( of tbe rruvD I

»u iy-^ibrni-r Mr kw;

VMie vnk 1 cMi.d o.« >kre •ifl'U tor
inilhiinni; i|ilti 1 ••• oat ol Mf.. t.l ow
tad (ourTc.i nstkvac. I
>e vak that
.it^.ctitr Ikt t
dniakca run tnd n.< h..B< doctor teidke
ecaid do nothirt (re me 1 »u it le catek
pail I vt. tliB<»l vild I enuU act take

KoBian t'aibollc cbarch a klBcdom
ll l> .ani UI be aa npeb teceet al Ikrvf
den lhai Ibe vbole royal SatoD tarn'
eiceptkw of Klos
or*e. inlcDd to reboubce me ratbn(alib aad become Lutberani There
' ivo reatuDi vbicb have
umined '
' member, of tbe family
■tiln to I
,e Ibl. lmi..rtani tlep
me i
tbal Ihe rmVB prlBCe toipei
lulartly a lib bl. atm
I cam
irry asala. vbirb be cab
| . ivint the Caibolte chin
abo I. an old
: V"'
a die nlUoui popularity,
be a III
{(aiihful to lh<


Ilt.eo till, morataf in to
III. i'arraal Hire veddint
are p.Mi
Will Murrcl and >on Ja.
IK,: I'uunh of July MU. doai the net vkvck 1 IcUevtd lo Ibi kner 1 cat
tty udat thti I as (Ud I dd u 1 ts tvtU
Him- of Ik.' MONK lodt)
vQsia tow; eta vvek an 1 eta v«.k tve ee
Tiioma, VoiiBiE n.'Dl l.> MapU' I
*«. laUn ltd an m nd It I cw tto> we
ihi. niornlBii i.i lake a look ti
wy am .cut u vrU wevei. \o« dtace
vbi-re Ibr bulldins •l«o>l 1
»a, ii'tlerda.i .oaned h) Bianlcy
tad Nervine. I tku-k Dr. M.lft' kewMkt
Mr. Ilalil.- N.'W.lfd rrlurb.-d
I'.'ilir ihii Diurnlnu all.r t
The iwdit.elM helped sv deafkiet Vidt
Mamerlta ill
K vmderlully ib.i 1 aho.’d kavt vrtliec I Ivr.-Iv i-u'aped ii
Hrv IViv.l
ym beharc to Ihabl yiKd U.< 1 vwled to to '
i.I.utKn uLvrsl.
.f ^1 Kr.
. H J
> York c
inJuHrt in
All drucfiK. wU ud ruitalw kni butvolranlr outbunl
In MartlDlque.
Ik 1>I Mnr.' Kcbc< Ykvd lot her beat
.1 by
. tkli
ikln from other pan.
to NrcvDU tad Ilr.rt Dmurt. Addiett
r and Ur
tb (bird finger of
DaHila Hvlvtl Co. Llihtrl. led.
llung.-rfor.l vcDI In Koync Fi
taerilleed In ivder
UMrnlnR oa a butlaiva trip
- adJolDlag ot
> Mary Kcclor
The flab <
urolDK to
va. Ullllled I
I- bfidr win I
ny frlcDdi lb
itilc dining h
ai.ill. during i
toll n.vleed
Modern Woodmen ol M
He. Tboi IfuNom .rat
njllliarv braarb Ihc^' i
-ulng to aiicnd ihe dU
Picttani Wadding.
it. rrprvecDItOg 211
ivmve itl.iB
uf (he lllrlpin
A tv-rv qiii.-t aoi
bold competitive dr
rurred ai the hot
of Mr. aad
« judged by oaicT.
U i: Haker iilayi tor Ibe Old klit
it Eigbtb I'
lllinbri.t »I Mu
•ioD dune.' (hi. cv.miBg.
lUMlIiy IV.BlllK
J <■ lltkrr of Ceairtl Lj
r Ella sat unit'
• r. <: K Baht-r.
of Mayvir Wcatv-r and . cummli
ilrlry^l Slovcr
ll.'v Woodh
of Ibe I'hlladrlphla cliy gov.-rn '
uaa. JeOni
I, amv.'d on a .pecial irtlu ai
ion T.e-eday
All day ..u It. Jour
HI.- .Ilk aud csrrli-d Amri
from Ncs Hiveti croud, galh.vv^l'
In l(i»eBlhal Tbui
hr kl.q>ping place, ani^ lh.>umnd> :
v.'Biiai black
only the iiume.
rciail'ct of the conirartlug panic.
Al Hanford ibere sw. a torn ;
>1 nlgbt. aad sill tpend
of 20.0U0. al WllllBiabilc .’.<iu<il
congralulailun. and
ni. .omiDPr vtcatloa at
at ITovldPor.' rii.ixm
Hundr.-d. '
til patMKl Inio Ibr db
I hVenklln .Hvct
Ur. Tar
men. somen and chlldr.-i. k».r,I |
• hicb va. irlmmcl la plak
relic, while ncbo,.! children anu
carnalloni and tmllai. aad plak
King, and iiand. playe.1 In
Ktili.' Icp crvvBi. a.Miri.-.! cakip
ind IniU va. .cr
Many bcauliful
d iiwful |>
Wllhtb iveniy-flvc mile, of Uuile.
.OBI . bidden deep la a ravlar, lying
>c the early
happy n.upir
, Ibe Miov capped Milt to Ur touU.,
uih after vblch (br>
a .oiall placer mine, from sblrb!
ic it lionjL- I I many fiiebd.
.•Id sortb liu an ounee I. U-Ing !
MtnI.i.-e tv
4 Et.l Kigl
ikeb every day In Ihe year, eicept |
The. balacce ot the
uring Ibe rxiremetv edd weather.]
vlll tiK-od al Red Hark.
Ixvgm uf Butte U Ihe uvDer oil
... Kcnaedy.Hrt.I. Knaaedy
Ihi' camp.
lea m.-n
Ctroeotert' Union.
•Srtll an.l
Ham Morse
se left tbi.
irk (here,
there, yet the output 1:I. rapidly i
rarpcBL'r. ..-ii.lmanu.
aklag Mr. Loggut a rich m
a* held Thuisday .even
IMtirirt Epvorib
e vat a protperout mini
Itll and Ih.- f.illosing
ir cvmV'
be mile rariae. Newer Bv
|ih llatllngs
Ibr Big
red. and o
Pine rivri today on a Btblag trip
r utile cll
\c.' Raymond munied to bl. b
hou.iv daerled aotblug but a taem
g Secrvlary -V A Kicker
SlKllh Hoi
Year, aftervard Hr lA-gglH.
biii.nclal S-crviary -E
•iidlbg 22
while haullag la Ur mounialnt.
.■ruck a Irad that looked ptomltlsg
He foUovrd II up. tav that the rich
«i Ivd of rrre gold had been over
Ciiiidoriiir John J Tlcdtl.Harry tlardm-r aod l..piii-r flloipton
looked: tocured Ibe land fiv a toog.
Trti.lee—Albert Yacg.T
•lup III Ur HlDiptun't rotlag.-

’rraat'S’''';. ■

E.'l.iTrSi.TSvTiillirSjr i



l-lo.. of WaiklBi. N Y. vl
Soldier'. Hume ai Hayton.
>.Ml • plncutbloD from a cv
Me had l.eea U.tUg It f.O^ 1
dltcor^red that tt
lie Jutt d
Illy folded
couialn.-d i lino bll
he bought

.Hides, of liberty
^Itol ^recvlvlng
years ago ha. Ue branxe i
u touched, and nov H I. o
siih verdlgrli. Kecenlty a o
sa. mad.- for the repainting
Ji.m.- and iso ccvi. of add proof
u.-l (or tbe .laiue sere Included.

v:;i 'i.'; .nstr

f the verdlgrli aad aaoiber veek
Icvn and a halt feet high At prea
eo< II. CUIOT'I. green, .ireakcd slU
Tbv drmand for make |s>iM>n by
medical mee of Autiralu bat created
Ue brv proIOMlon of inakecatcUag
tb.l (br collection of Uclr veaom. It
I. a very proflublt ptofeaaka. aaake
poison bttng quoted at Sydney at Itl.utki per pound troy, or Ii per grato.
Tbomat Donahue, a aalltc of Her
J, ha. btwmc Ipmne
LbrouKb eicllcmeui over a bate ball
Donahue va. aa Inveterate
■■fan" The-other day be vliaeated
game belvecn Newark and Buffalo
Q. shich I .uKed
^ u
He b
eutiod) by Ue auUorllla
Henry Hickardi I
home In Omaha a.
xvaliovMl a
piece of a
Tbe piece of wood lodged
iiomacb mulilsg. Ue pbyslclam uy^ -la the eompUcatlon of dlt-


Kolni-antra. Ouadaloupe. In a
X Corpu ChrUll

_____________ .of aarti
Why ba it the grratat record for abtoluto'
does Ha gk
ta Ue world • Wbv hat it lived aad Uvived
Uvirad aad
lit attcUag
among v..mrn for a quarter of a ceaturyt Simply
worU. Tbe raatoB that DO oUumadicine has ever reached
r_____ lU .uccvM U bemaab Ula Raraua tbciv it ao oUrr medicine to ttoaeaful la enriag
member t^oe Impoiiaat firu when a druggid trirt to i
vbicb be tay. i. JuU at good.
A VoDBff Now YorR Lady TbUa of a WondcrfRl Coret’‘Ukas Una PucRsaM:—Hp tremble
ih the OTkitoai 1 hu UU,
aad tbe■ doctor
1 fftev tro lait lor iv gttenRth. I
•ulferad drudiuUr from inftoimnatkm aad
doctoredco&UntnUy,boLratnobela I snf(cftii from Un^'idnKEiaK m------------------------W the fiKBl a«-ful pabtolovdovnin tbe itde and
T^io. in thA back,and iK- inoatewwirk^bfiad.
aches, b'o one knovB irtiat I
t ms kick
• •. to the
gtomaefa, and ewr tttla
v-hiu 1 would he too akk to go to work ter
three or tottrdAy»ii^i^i°»*MiafitoiB,
and 1 suppoaa gUnding tw nr net all
dar made me Torae.

„ro I «4£;^.Sg'g5S.°';^Si£lS
I felt better after tl
might tw' token off my glioulderi; I ennttn^ itt om tn^'aff* 1
can iniihfuUr wj 1 am entirelr cured. Yonng girU vho an almvs
tBTing doctor's hills without getting any help as I did, oo^ to taka
rptit modicifto. It <x*to so nntdi leaa, and U is am to cro ttA*.—
Yours truly, AogL».ii>« Pnaiu, 174 St Annk Ave, kew York Cttg."
TTonea sboald not fall bo proSt by Hln Adelaida PrakTs
i; Just assnrely
nrely as sba was cured of tba tomMai a-~
, eartolBly wUl I,rdto B. Ptoktew*a
■Berated in her
ber letter,
V(«etoble Ci
blea. taflanmatioD ot tba wnrlea. kidney trooblca, nerreas aseitabUlty, aad nenroas proatrattoa i reauanber that It to l.ydto &
PlBkhan% Vegetoble CompoBad that to caring wonesL and dent
•Daw aay dnggtot to aaU yo* aartUag Mae to Ua ptooa.


bar adTtoe to free aad alway helpf*h

'isisn; esnssi;


Ti ls Hot the Price
Of a suit alone that makes its value—it is the quality, combined
with the price.

Those who know how to buy-clothes rij^ht are

their customers.

Those who don't

know about

right dothing

can't buy right, ^nd the results are frequently disastrous to their

I'niess a person knows what he is buying he cahnot

guarantee the quality to
article that

his customers.

leaves this store because we

We guarantee every
know how it u made,

we know the quality of the faCrics and we know that every fea­
ture is thoroughly dependable of the latest style and in the cor­
rect proportion
the stunning

to fit jierfectly.

suits which

Aned below.

We want you to see this week

de have

I'hey are special


at the prices men-

selections eminently woithy of

gpur careful consideration and the values are genuine.

men's Superb Sack Suits

from a1


variety of

choice, selected, imponed


domestic fabrics splendidly tailored and lined, double
jble or single
breasted coats.
$'20 and

The best the market

produces; actually worth

our price

variety of richest woolens and worsteds, plain and fascy designs

taalHar ebJ«CU is

which, if made to your measure, would cost not less than $2<^i to

$18 and $20We

have a stupendous variety of Sack Suits from an immense


Our price

aboot as cfoctisa'
the blood. n M_____
to tbe
Boadta aad aow. aad ItMuriiti aad alia aer_______.

$10, $12.50 and $IS.
It is a

pleasore for

ttobtoagtotk Itoimtots aonctinn fMton tonpcmrily tba ato* mad
ptoitobM tlBM ara <nlT synMMa whito anlto&a to fcton with esety

shop here, for we

mtO titotLtd baa batov^SS^mmi bTn^ donWa^ tototragh^
•ad iMBpUy as & a 8. tt asatoiUna Ito a^ ^ s^ a Mm

be found here.


« Boaid of Ttadc of yi

To Cmre a Odd in One Day


having the care of boys to

we are offering some exceptional barThe very latest novehies a

; always to

Pric« from

$2 UR to $7.




are ever on the alert to secure the very best

the market offera, and
gains in boy't clothing.

Mf bm^LtoMty Aealdad to b^

2 aad f. Ue Umr of .
tog Ue aasBaJ meet Lag being Axed
by Ue casaWothw of Ue aoelet;
I plea to vlalt you trait be» Ult
tall, to verb op aa tounti to Ue


able CO secure the best qualities at each price and pve them to


i^repon^u gt^**Sueultw5a* ^


Mrs. F. Wright, of Oclwein, Iowa,
is another one of the million women
who have been restored to health by
Lydia £. Pinkham's V^etable GnnpouDd.



.aaf, tor-maa.
Weak Hair








af^to tovB. H vttktot It Um i------£’*Mdal^!reto ***
Wbn Ua opaatog takaa ptorn R
IMtaA •OMAly. toMm. aM rb
'Uiitot ttot atma aort at Ara AAt Htot' Gumla Sioto*. Of Naabto- It agpacted that Ua arcst vlU Bark
a aav era of taeeasa tor Ue club
; :toc BBDfetoa vm ha prarUad to a aaau van mtaUp marttodJaaa 11
u l:M p B-at Uabama MUahrlA
: to* uaMto. U b balMr to ■ ■aUer. Tto BBTtoBa vaa salmr
Habto batoea Ua boiw b «
' - by Bn. IL OiBUto. baton
Utta ara oUar baUdtom
Tto Miebigba Btau Hocuea
oeleiy bat decided to oome u
fdty tor the aeit aaaoal coara
The tollovtag MUr from Ito ..........
tary to TbOBbt T. Baim axplalaa ItAH at Uoaa wba aafamd tram
•ra will rwama baatomb k b

niorainc to perfons the Farrani'
IM'I'-'OI- >
IS Ibt

The Vbo of Arm.
Heart Trouble.

*.r. aad Mrt. Uouduu r.-iurned
city after Ibe oerenuuy aad v<
ibeir boBe already |irci>ared
b tlreet
The BbCbrlurv’ Cl
e flven ibe illp ub Ur murn irlr
>e. tbr couple beln* vril tiirird
tbe rlly befure the r
very dbe veddlnp iupikt »a.
•erred al Ue boBe of the tirld<-»
laolber. Many Bar aad uteful prrt
aiiai saacy ityaar, .
ealt varc received. Mr
at her
aad ibmicb aomavtol
u- t deroted Loudon vlll rocel.e the cincrmlula
Dbt tad bt
tor bU da
rmra. Tto sRaeUoa
. Uatr imdaf aolldti
, Bip Oatharlnp.
oUar hat
oOcer* aad me
of Traverie City Lodge No *S5.
vlib hla vheb ba betoU
rt iB Ihe lodge rotimi Tbu
labdtrly eloaad Ua •
lo make ibe prellmlbary
- Ha diad »
loBi ilai
raagemenu tor Ue aoaual oullag
ly Baiar
the Hatoalc tmcraliy vbicb ti to be
held In Ibli ..
Cbm___ ______
While tbe p
unm Ua tuna
Used ai toll II
” It*.aad aa aarawt warkar la Ue 3t the local lodge l» aake Ue eveai
rhureh At Ua Uaa of hit daMb br ibe beil fraleraal
vaa a aeabar M Ula ebvrcb (Ooa evar held la Ult a
Tbe gbIherlBg i
take ptoee
topla aip.)
ptod Ue poeli—- - tba Ceatral tebool grouadi tight aft
of the I
Uaeaaaed vaa a tolUful aad baaceto
of valeoD
Bsabdr of tba L 0. O. F. lodAa M PeBple. Tbe addreat
vlU be made by Mayor )bo K. Ban
HaM City.
B Hu
A very pmiy veddlag t
'aaBIpek vw a aaa of
of Haaoekma. Tbe addrem
ited at Ibr biime ol Mr t bd Mrs. B
pataokallly, atrac *ltl aad r
_. day vlll ba gtvea by Orand Bt
.. jou.-.,
Pnrk tirmi on Tburv
lautoet. asd «U1 ba a
retory Lou. B. Wtodtor, of Reed City,
besHtoiaad ptoaa by ■ Ay.afrtoad.
and ll U probable Ual other bated
The (v.niraeilbi partlea i
PsaaeU M mnacat vlll be praaeau
Iter ol
Clyde, youngrtl
Aa aaon vUI bo made to a
E. a Jonee. and
good ball game la TvalfU
,ut to lake plr- •------........................... . -1 perfonued
Ua exerclMt oi
v A. L. TburtioB under an areb
Id band
It It detigaed
0X11*01% Dap.
s of Cedar aad locuti. Tb. bride
couaty oourt boDM being bcauilfully guvaed la eattop
Abogt Ula tlBa aTarr pa* CkUevealag and I
brum a lanidosn and carryiag vbite
41*8% nay it ebaarvad at Ua W» igraubda In Ua
> dob aad It baa cams to ba
0 have
d forvard to aa oat «f Ua ha*
r that arealag
good aitn
ptoM oeeackaa aaeb paar. WU'
mi Uare vUI be t
It alto pn
er girl
-‘—woe vai la ebarpa at Ua
OB tbe bay during the •
1 Wlgblmaa played the
......... Mra. H. B. HUor. Ua pet
r early i eealag.
Unxtsbuut «M gitm to Ua U
The atare a • Ue lucnalloi
wr. cornetlti. fon
of Ua Club mmabara. aad va
aad Uey
probB men may
tktoat Uata to ametf Ua UUto lolha.
addlUoat lo
la number, all relatlren of
•d apeaktos «all tor Ua (ak
retired to the dmiag rv
■a club. M Ua ahUdrm toaem. ...
Ue Tlalltog Hatcmt ....
fully decorated la blue aad v___
WBBA to to BiBhira. Tto pramB
be eatoP - _ - vlU Ue baepllatllf
vere aerted to a booaUful re•r at loltovt:
U ll aotod.
Maay beautiful preeabU ve
VtoUa daM. toala aad Imcdia HoaB- hr wbtok Uto city
irvcrlved by Ue happly couple.
Dr Wooeier aad vile vlll be
*%ieltsttoai to RtcAaid Ball. Dcb! to tbeir maay Irtoadt abo
BtaabMb Faubto aad
At Ue Bnttog of Ue dir
Ue aev l^ae-toag clubTh
vaa decided to bold tba <*
the aev club July Itt. Ap
Ur U. H. D. Bulberlaad. editor ol
aaat vlll -.
ba .prorl
.rldad. 1
Ue l>ally Eagir Joined (be rankt ol
■delaUa of Ue ptogram have I
Ue bruedlcit Tliurtday attertoon at
baaa daetded vwa.
••Idence of r A. Alterby,
to Improrcmeau aboot Ua el
llaralBB. toU* topA* aad Tbtnm
. . axuo Tbe
bHde vat
X vUItod Clara Brockle. ol Lovell. Matt., aad
HaatoUa aela. toMae Havmid. vtU
vat perloni
. - by ..
pfeetdeot ol, (be lAdlef
UUi Clara Alterby atbaa peea repaiaiao aao. tae taiarlor
Rarttattoa. CArtoUaa Hartto.
Impnved aad rartont changa have traded Ue brMe. and Mr. H R B.
baaa maAa to maha Ue club a pleat- Brlggt. editor ot Ue Kalaiutoo Tele­
graph. vaa beiL maa.
brlito It a yooag b
Tbe Willard table —. bovUag
ibo hat been ■««»
aUeyt vlll be approdatod by Ue
La Cbaadtoa:
maBbart aad tbr
^■ivx— g( (ha pragn
vUI Bad great favor. Tbe giooadt
. tody Aacen aad «adi
vUl be Aaaly told oot aad vbeA
van bamd. it amOd ba hard
■Ml vhaU* Ua •Aa(toea% prcBiu ptoyj^^BU^a apw of bean

: 5r;;rL3 5=35ikJ^to*^

Ito oa an cd Uam.

aely yunrt
Batwii. S«vr.'tan

: »W Th Mm’• R-~r4
Hra Praar Jtaei. of PelUtoa. vbo
bav been vltliias her aleter, Mr»
Imn Ui'Ikinald. n-iumed boM Inday
Tiini|.aiil.-4 by Un UrUuoald.
llr. John b*Unrr. ..f PuDllar. It vHine hrr t<u.. W M abd C J Ebacr
<1 I. I'lapper'v lalb.-r aad mother

beea rlilllaa la lovn fur Ibe
pa>i . im’ ..veeki
They returacd
_ieekt crav bol- home ihli mpralBK ua ibr IVre Mar
lav aad tallov. aad Iher (eel Ored aad quvM.' Cor Veramalvlllc.
voaoal aD Uc ttoie. to a larcc pr<^
J|.,. |.I. Wetsm. of Oeaevt. Ind . la
nc lt<*v tad Mrt
portloe of emet vtacs vocoeti are vaak,
I ^..r t)ak tlfei

U* tamperary aktlM vat bBtMd asd
oae maa UDad by a caeAea tbol
Miitml OppoaltkB.
oppoaltkB.. Ult
belBC a
cokBy.cauoed tbe rtinrch
CT<vi dpBCBetiattaa
• ~
Th. 40.''
• a. iirarly
Bile. I..UC
vat hauled :
or talotlal'*purpoaea
»a vat dl. ;
rbar*ed amid a -------- —
Harraud. a axCTb



icitiwe’ly mito up as
proaraB Tl^to.^^yoo^t._^


; ‘MchaUMMvareiarad.<xhmw1i


«mtok maatlBS i

BBCund MM tnMB tba Odd PbIIovb'
lode* SI Ro^ CIO^n^VBt I

& aiilbelnt.
flew Block

Comer Trout ind Union


THE giuyo T^.VZBSE HEKgP, vmTBSPAY, JUNB 85, l»oa.

Gnid Tmcrse Hcnll

d CHratla * HeOM (or tt.•MMi aad
____ __ ..__
daVaua ft Blooai aad Nfaafcal MU
Mlai Jaaala RoaM e( LekadVMt

Hr. Bvfca la aaftectfad. Wadailiap Mtb (rlcMa la tUa plaea.
•ptac THU bera
HMa UbMa muttf retaraad to bar
H IbH ^aea ea rtUap rrw
_______ a ft BhiOM bora iwatad t
nar ipMdIac tba pan law
Moalbi ai Tlaaioala
«MJ »oatk«. *uMd «wir Bktardv Kkedlka fieai loba kaoMa aad •
Hra WuUa la balldlaf a eotiaca oa
mm) MCTten vOl bo
tba bUl baek el tba rwldaca id Ur.
toM Uto altonaas. HU rMMlu viu
Uittia aaA DareCb^ riakOT aaA i
Walter Kata.
Mil bt UkM tQ MwWw, Ui
Hra. wiQiaB Uanew aad aoa. aa. ksaM. lor iBUrwM. Bk mM----------- ban tefla cilabratcA tbair btnb<U]
at ibatr boMaa Salurda^
lea ««a
------ d bp B. C. DazTow. arrlTad
Baturdap eraalaB «ad arc
I Ur Oaorca OaBc aad
M«4w •mtu Mr.Wi
Mlu -Elriwu ItaBaa
*bo Ut bM» clTM a Usi of I
iffia Frida) aiaalac ahar iprwdlac
tairtud Ut Mf» eat ..
ir part row Boalba at Ollrat oollaca.
valk oa UMr raura abe vatsiaaiDr
Ubu Joaale
UlUer li rialilat
MnrtiM to «M tMr partor eeeapM
tiieadu la TraTecia Clip
iV tba MMa of ibe AM todatr. aatf
Marli Waacbo waa aaliod la
Mill Men aarKMaA vbaa aba «a*
f lu Rar. Aadlraw J. Ra^'
piiiMliil vttb a iaa rboeataia aai.
.. K. Ulbbe id TraterM Clip.
Uusdap rrcetbi at Iba Lothm a MMlI avMawa M thatr appra1 rUlUac faioDda bara. Bha araa cberch Rvt K O ftaluhol ut
Malioa M bar verb la Iba aoetair.
bonw Weadaadap
ireotncDakota wdlrtailnc
Tba bridal |«rt)
tftrrla CbM aad
aaiarad to tba itralaa of LobeecriB
I altaadod^a taaefaar'a
precadad bp two flower (trta
. aMTaaaa wbUa> partaUap at tba
*---------1^ t........................
brlda marad oa bar tatbar'a are.
. Addle (Hbba aad aoa ilarold
followed bp Iba brUaamaldt aad b«i

- • baa
Baa Tba brlda waa fowaad la wblir
abeva ibMi. aad iba ladlM ibatr ra>
Cblldrae'a Dap waa calebraled berr
Ihi'brldeaaalda ware atao powDad
vau tbai Ibatr praaMaai vaa to SaadAP laat Tba cbairb waa prolaaaa thaa. aa thar did laal Frldar. taaalp daearalad with fersa and roaea
■vrtaa to Bear Lake, tbair fur»rr
• dber cut BoweciTad blixi-------tetaa. Hr Warebaa ha> baae la Iha
a luBcbeuo
mtfker el tba lasbar aoMpaa/ lor
aaealag aerrlca bp
fUbul len Tueadap momliK tor '
•bAM fear raan aad both of ibaa Buadap acbool. tollowad bP aa
luib Mlaaeapolla aad pulats la Ua |
Mbda Maar (rlaada. Urt WarabAB
' bp Bar. Oarl>
beautiful aad naafu! preaMil ba craatir MUaad IroM iha
ilculd and u aiaiclaa koiA Maap
,eat» u.-te recelted
' akareb ebon
doarrlblac tba CbrtaUaa areor, (laae
JobB Waateotl »at Mtb aa a«l ' r Blaa bepa. bare baa oonswBled
Tbe Lediea' Aid auclelp will
daal la tba Milt «bara ba vaa workat. the hooi- ol Hra K A Ue i
pos aa aapadallp pleaalBc
lac. aaar Bopaa dtp, dlaabUu hlai
Cbarlai Rarlck and wife of- Hodee OB Tburada). July ladMom BterklBf Itt a wbUa. aad ao ba
liHad bit lUtara. Hra. Hopktaa aad
..._.i'a dob nat
-... at
- tba
MBa boaa tar a tMH Mtb bta tma
of Ur. K e Gill ee Friday . .
Ira. aerace. Ssadap.
Trarerae flip Friday.
there Is needed r.-furiu In tbe siiendHr. aod- Hra Frank Glbba owle Inue Ipib. lor a atrawbairp afuraooa
Hra. Traak aad Mra. Sucaaa (lab .rated tba tenib aaalTeraarp of their After Ibe electloB B oBcan Hra. Oil) Wends In^Trararae CUP
ance at tbe prayer miviitiKand
«r. Hra. ftaaraa aad Hra. Haraaaa aarriace UoDdap ereBlB* by eatar- ladled ibr Udiaa lsu> tbe dloiag
more llberallip i.iwarJ ib- <-uniril-u
Mada a ibipplac Mp to TraTaraaCHp talBlsc a tea relatlriw and frlanda. louiD wbere airawberries were aerred Geo McCray. a son.
were tnei
plraaaot Bflareooa waa apeal
Mrs. fame M I'urus.-., cn.- ol Head
Mias KelUv Bend of Traverse
lurlas the ereBlac bp
0111 for the pleasant eadlnc of tbe Wends la Ibis place
She loil'.-:
pear's work
Tbe followlu* oaewra
Keller will be pk____ .
. .
8 W Porter look a
Suioos IrleDda In a'o.oe; way
a large nooipany ii. to an IDlumial i. n
the ta able to call on bee (neada afier were elected for tbe pear
Bap Ibis week
Jusi before service Hr W
balBC eiaflaed to bar house for aev Frealdeot. Hra. D H. Beott; aaaraMlaa Edna B
n rrtumed tu her party
■AM cm.
, larj -treaaurer. Hra. H. E. OIU. Tbe bone in this p.
aral awalba.
in Frtdap eaenlng U Weit-h. of Tlumer. and K.-v Mr
Hra. Barace la eble to be out lualo. dub divided to lake Up tbe Bw View after speodUig
jiasi few Bombs Clark. Ilf the IVesbyi.-rian church i.f
~ _____________
Bara le lb.__________
cM H^______
H. ; i. Naab.
tbal place- came into tb.- |«rior aud
Tbarc will be a bible readUut at ibo Readlac (Hrcle rourae lor ibelr pear’s at BensuBla.
a aoa. HMdap, Jaaa li.
boardlac bouar At the PudoUob at 3 work The next ateetlnc will ba held
Mrs Good and daughter of BpHng Mrs Curtiss annoUBced hemell ready
Tba W. H. H. a. MB Meat wUb oVIoek. nil] ttne. seat Saadsp aPtar- OB the Brat Tsaadap ta October, at Held. G.. are ocrapptng Ibe realdeon- for the marriase o-renein.' Inini.vl(fra. «M>b tbk weak Tbaradap. OM- BOOB.
alely after the supiirr the cupU- left
tbe bone nf Hra. C. B. Kabl.
of Mr Nathan DBlollar
II be aleeud for tba eoalac
jBBaa Kockwood aad wife hare
Mrs George Dane. BOOoaipanM bp
Mr and Hra O C t'baun- speoi ror the doctors hooie lo Homer
Borad hare and will baBa bouae- her daugbu-r Edltb, relumed bone Sunday at Maple Clii
Ibo market
taplni la part of tba Breckeohur)' fruB Traierae Clip Wednaadap area
-k of Msi'e
Mias Erlkaun ape-ut Honda) ai Hu|.
tons Bai. (be guest <d Miss Hlanrhe
Cbrlt Telvrda H dolnc <
The flKb i
babBoet nf tbe StefBel.
i tbe Nonbport
The Flerton s of Indianapolis ar>Hirt^
aa gtren
irec Wednaadap occupplng tbe Berry eoitage
Dr. J. C, Cole of Bentos Harbor,
teolBg bt
Mold Bcull and
tMM TBaUeoa Md (tiaada bara Frlbaa bloaiKputatiic from tba bile ol
rell atlrodi
Aa latareaUsg ...
a rUloaf horae.
after which the lore
cup was passed around.
L It waa one
«ta at CMar
The cows in Belgium sauir earrings i "df*10VED BBRVICE TO MICMImusi anjopable ereaia In tbe
_.HfB. HeQaaar la werblac for Hn.
iisiury nf tbe aasoclaUoD. About 3i Tbla U In aecordBBce altb law nhicbl
lerv pmeal. After the banquet a deerwea tbal eiery animal of the bo-j xbe Duailng palaces of ih.- H.-ir..ii
•nn> waa preo 4n OBI'S haU .
Tlie speclen when It has aitalued ibelaud
of threw tnonibs must have Ibjcoinpany are more Iwautilu: than
Hlaa Bra Bust spaot B few daps of
. Tka Ira ftaad Tiatlad M Tbursdap
,(,1, seaaoB and have many adaai
taftlac aboai 1 o'cloefc aad deatiepad
Tbe parlors and
a Lelaod.
&TMta ft BiMB-a Bore. 8. R.
V and
iarke-e Mora and tba bHekonllha^
C. C Carrier of Orand RapMa was
* ' imvellB* Is mad<
killiftlM to tea NaBatal. Urn.
B town last weak.
tis.pular route
MM mad eUMnn verted ta;Hb wiHUM Urtne Kabl la elalUbC ralac go..l
been Improved i
■are tba bdlolalac
ivaa and Weoda In Adrance.
a drac nee* benad
A A Beaakns apcBt Buadap to
ACanaia Cnta«vC
s luslrnu-d iwnipblet
aUl. ***^
Hra. Cbaa.
■T Hr. Waller Branan, took a trip
Detroit. Uii-h
Jtta B. R. Bvka waa IniarM tor

•Id drmraW •WrmmW



1 fT^ rl

« « 01$ Gttcr values not obtainable €lsc«rt>ere % «

Dry Goods

Big SMaghter Sale *(


Wash Goods

l.ak' ol «'.-J L


u-au!lful Wa*b

and Gems Furoisbings



liTZ.C. M~L. V.-r'V,. *.,J kl*.:
Til-' lir”*ae’aM

"-...I,-;':: .STS, “'-25c


Cklldron’v^ Fano

I.T." ^'^r“*^Sc“lir“*' 9C
.V Ji>i


' 24C






•t*. etc.. aliao*t given away.




l.hi Mr'B . bleb xrm.u- bultp







':"7L98 “Sf.?"".*,;,,!;"" '.'^s'j4_98



iv*»n rabrlci ut kuroeu




-ta^Hfo. JebMM a fo. dap.
r^. Pbimpa arm ba at hOBa la B



County. Th« big tale of E. Hoffman's stock which we
Boughtat 49c on the Ooliarisstili on. fnm mw ntfl tftar


M.-Uou Skin* «lih




«*• ^rmruA

».-■>. *ua Ik... Vau.a* Kboaai^ibvr «i.-- .0.1 h«-..-

uifa. aU








. i'■^:'■..•^”.:r■^'~'’72.98
Kull*. worth »2.» for. $1*17

l.aJio«' Silk TaSt-ta Walsu In aJ!
iho no*
culur* — vlabureulv


M«D . Cottoo Panu at W.. t^a



The Glorious Old FOURTH is Near at Hand.

We're going to celebrate it as Dcver before. Larger preparaiions. More attractions. Everybody will come to TraverM-. Lvci^ body will have a glorious time. You will have to be attireiHor the occasion. You wUl want to tie it
where you can do tbe best aod have the most left to '‘celebrate" with. That’s where we come in. We are making intlucemcnis through th.- cmirc store that will save you money enough to have a good old time- bp^l piw* grwt
you everywhere. We will have extra sales persons to care for yq^i prompUy. But that is not all. We wish it thoroughl> understood ihaithe prices we quote are on sinctly new and up-to-date merchandise, ^e Iwve en)oyeO me
Boem-wade we ever had and we know that the attractions we are making for-the 4th of July trade will bring the big crowds our way. Everybody wants to save money if they do not have to saenhee style ftiMl quality to uo so.
mention a few items picked up at random through the store.

VAite fiesds Dipartmeiit
Wash Goods

Gents' Fornishings Specials

Suits up to $80............................................................................................................
80 dtffrat Brief or Etoo JscfcBi. Tshics up to $W, far..............
Sia Cbpbs. fafaa 19 to $8................................................................................
l>reM Skim. pUa sad ifmi bUck ody. regukt $1.60. far...
Oa« line of Serge Skma rtgutau $8.50


Evetytfaiaf ia this deytment at gieailjr reduced price*.



$8 valiuA to efari out, your cbrice............................................... ...

F*i>cy kod oi<n work Socks, x splemlid value, lor............................


Xfen’* Fine SbocA Satin Grit. Vefauts and VicB. » vahse*...

Black Hoie viib while reel, bUck with fancy potkx dot, black

“Glric” Millioory.

GU>VES-ladw’«MMsadgisrLaMGhw«^UB S6c Usd.
far <»ly................................................................... X®e

Infanti' patent leather Slippefi, 86e valaeA yori cbrice..............

with drop ailch, bn extra speciaT value a....................................

Shim aod Shirt IVxists, worth $1 lad $LB0



Fine Bssoritneni of Cndeiwew from I9c to...............................................


Fine Ifale thread Vnioo Suia al....................................................................


Cboioe ek$0 DrcB and Street Ha» tbu were $3MI....................


The full menxmed Ifale thread L-oioo Suiu worth $3,faf--..


Otae tee of Granite* U..........................'........................................................

A 6ae fatal Street Hmtitbu were $1.00 early ia tbetessoe..


Men’s SOc'BalkriggbD Underwear woiih 60c.qBcisi.........................


Pretty an wool Ingrain* at................................................................................

$1A0 Saa^ Haa u...............................................................................................


Men's Summer Sweaters, lull .. .........................................................................


BeB Inruns at 60c ............................................................................ ...................

Glotliini Speciils
Silk and Drass Goads Dapt
ISfaGh-------------------------M iaeh SB stt Bfaek‘Tkfsta. we» gi


Pim new tm tho Fourth.


We dow a~graod uawtnBM ri Moquetu and Vrivet Carpeu.



a OM $1 bta^ Bad crimed DrM Goodik iari^

and OeasaS^riS. far. p« yard.....................................
UMBRELLAS md PARASOLS tnm |f down to...............
WAUT PATTERKBFfasBriBkai■BCMiodBsiapsttan* MMh$$ far ........ j

Shirt Waite
GMaa fadfar rifat osiB*. were SLTS. far.......
tbwfatril?i^MdUwM.wJ BAdeeadgead fittis«.


ed,wtreT6c, ,
■ de Sofa aad

WRITS PtrmCOAT. daep Souaai .


Tbe famous Arrow Brand Cullars. aU sues and die falew
shapes. 2 for.......................................................................................................


mbcMrut B al wtMl adti with urge baiog,

E«iR liae or Lariea' Sria dfaidod fate $ fat*«ad pricca wfaBon;

CeUufaid and Rubber CoUars from Sc to......................................... .. .

a regular $8 hat. fuDy warranted, cofared tnd black, our

......................... 10.00 ■


AlWool Outb6 Com. aad Paria (paaa whb cuff botta)


ebrieeor totat.................................................................................................. 7.60
Oioiec ri aay or our eatire aock oT 6a*M aad uioa at; bsb Outini Suit. M...........................................................................................................lOiOO

A Grand Spaeial tiG tha Faurtli.
fadariag ota bea aakeA
V SuBtarSuh*. fadafaBgota
rioihi^ fa tbe htea patten

Cbofaeoranyorow SuB»erSuh*.

iH warranted dmhfaf fa tte htea patten*, rabaato
•SaOO far )uM............................................................................................ $U

We show all tbe popular sbape* in Straw Hats. 5Uc to...................
Special cbtYe in Straws

mod to fancy -eaves in Bripes and riaifa. with or widrifi


fringA from 76c to $4.80.



Are very popular lor rammer ase.

Ten doren hats worth $1, $2 and $3

muB be «)kJ betet tbe Fourth.

Take )ow cboic at,...

Ttey are Urge and coofatn76c

Two dot. 1^1 Fedora Hau that were $1.26, take j«ur are far


A fat ri Black Stiff Hau that were $2.60 and $3. each................


AY« of Brown Stiff Hats, teert makes, to seU out quick...........



We Bart ibem at

r a foD roU arm Rocker. Bsd

Shoe Gepartiaent

from tbal 19 to


Choice of entire new Mod of Udie*- Shoes and Oxford^ iB

Ladies' Oxford^ heavy exienboo iriea, with patent or stod
tipA abo tbe t^l deribie waie*. $2 60 and $2 vatucA
Your cboice........................................................................................................

........... ................................uon, R60 tad lOa
A tee fat o( Mama wui^ *«n£i^ Fana. ^ lOwuBvUh
aay CDU and «t«, an U*ri paM fa ....................8J» to 6.00
Wc bare a far .rcamriafan oT 6aui MkoaMwori puna,
wottb $4.00 »d $6Mv frtiy «Mor two o<a kfad. to doae
weprio* thim.................................................$.00 tad 150
A fat oTaS wool CMhmaa Pmb. wonh $100. mdooc at.... LS5
Flee Bhik Clay Orta* FftMft aB woo< worth $10R Areay
ij-sfai.......................... .. ....................................................... ................................. 1»

We have

over 28 different ttyicA froa the piain wbiu Mexiam rope barn96c

katbcsa.aD shape*, waira^iboea. values up to $160... L9S

Pant Spaeials.
> ptodace.

BI hour's repoB » a falgA mooty HAMMOCK?

We are sofa ageou fa* tbe celebrated Bonoe. Tonrut soft hal,

You may be

|BUMi pBiiiBB riene ri ttaca u


What b more refreshing alerabard day'.wodfatbehri andsa

See that your Hat is Right

tataiaiBg tati, uoy
ayU tba


Fomiture Oapartaiant


caary. oafa only aa tbe bea taflaa <

Cleak Gepartiant

ail the UteB


Men^«NafaB^ Ptawiih gtfbotkCM.*

^afalltimftewMtflaftwtbcFuMtiiorjriyaour '


Good Mule Skin Gtovei.....................................................................................

our spedalleader u.... laOO

WALL PAPER Rom 8c to 60c per double roll From now tfll th*
Fouitb wcwin*eQitst$6perceot dfacoimt.

ontigs, at 25c and..............................

eatia wcQ Bade, wool sage


80x66 Ingrain Rug*..................................

Men's Caown Gk>v».........................................................................................


A $i iadi «D woel 10 ouace Statai ia brows tab, <

7*x9 Pto-BnM*eb Ri«a

Men's Bow Ties, 25c kind, qiecul.. 2 far...........

The right kind of Belts a> the right prices. 25c to...............................

An 18 OA fine Wub^oo MO* «I1 wool Oay Werwed Snhg.



RVGS-FineB imtMmtBl of Ait Rugs fa tba dqr ita $X2 to $86

A lagc mage of (aacy al wool mixture*, aeatb taifated. up-toA«t- fog...............................................................................................'
7 50

AD kinds of carpet, from the Granitri

at 2te to tbe bcB Body Bnamb at $1.46 a yard.

Good black Saieen Shirts, 50c value*. tpecUl.

Choice assortraeni of Seckwexi

AbtaMboTsB-oolFsacy OMBawre aad Wceaetk. were our

I facb sB wori Bbek Liard Oort worth «0e far

I^caoqJBem every detail

Boys'Summer Swekien............................................................................. .......... l->8
Men’s good Mrong Work Shuts, full r^ulsi rnske. 86 iaebe*

HfarFoMlkef Jslytak rtOHMS is <*

Our Carpet Gepartmaot t

* p*ir of cuflA (or..........................................................................................

toog. shaped sbouWqr. extra speoal....................................................


ymir cbrice..

Extn good Sbirif in niiT xnd son boiomA while oeckband aad

Tbit doe* not toclude


Men’s Wok SbocA •camlem, gnararieed not to rip, $l.v*laeA

We hbTc said more iiiiniDefy this teaKB Ibaa say time b oor his. teqr. Webare juM boo^ a luge kae orareet hau at a mere
fauetioD or tbeir nduc carty m tbe teaaoo aad we are thus eoaBfad to quote you price* a* you hATC aerer bad befare.

$6 per ce^ dtauat ea all trieuaM bkia.


Hen's Low Cut SbocA tee Via. with heavy exteoafan tricA


Good bexvy work Socks...............................................................


Ladies' Strap Sandal* a %-iei Kid. with BrapA fancy rnaeneA
■bo iMcotfaatbeis. $1.60 vahiCAytmr choice............................


Ladfak' Low Cat SboeA just whu you need fa warm vcaiber.

It’S eav to make Ice Cream; tiaifa ifyrittevu* 7THITE MOtN-


L^faa- SbMA vitb enenrion and medium bMvy MifaA and
ocbm writ tbe bghi Sexibk mlea. an new dape*. tt *ai-

CUttenH SboeAVici Kid and criorud kraben. Tic w

___________ _________

ctbe ACME HYCECKlC COUCH, fa Fmnitare Dept

aoBly MBpfa*. bri aO steA $L45 and $2 vaioeA y««



Tfrp aeamre Ifali mebas^ be^i 25
ricfaeA made af terdwood. turned
bgA bafabwil lamil yard measure
on top, a good gma^ porpoae ^
bie wbfab *eSs ngriri^ tor 55c.
.9p*cfaJ**k price......................... 46c



it an*** rim * «wl iteri ami doa tbe work

bettertea^etberfrntaaoBdemarkB. Priec*lL7S Bndt9

btlta ktMr«-FBBBB»*miI«ri kp
■flls.aMtiB,Br.......... ......................<R


ted Tmersc HenM.
Attar ntta Vmta

VO cim> A^oout ni on bat
ued at Ike Mpenoat tueBtBT taoead lata tke roiMa. aad Ike pa»o
.( laytac Ike eoraerauae ed Ike big mko iradbany lacraaead tberoafter
ftre-pRMf bulJdlag balB« erected lor Tbe tnt darelllBC
Sortkaai aad Me.
bout with boarde roaibly

Tc4v lUA. Prrrj HUHk llU
vbM it to be Ue Oseel
b«MlM la all Bortbera MMUcaa.
eereaoe; U Ike oeoaetoa wa*
----------■ br a astabar at bualaau
vba bar. b»<« ataorlated allk Hr
la ue <tarek>i>BMB( at tbe att
te taaar mn ll »ai be vbo boil
.tte Int pMcallmu etota ballilac
itbta plaee aboat Ulj ream a^.
aaa OM at Ibe emaalBC reeou la bli
.kMt aa4 eaeeeeifiU career vae tke
tajtaa at tke coraenlGne c< tke etrootora wbleb le to be tbe bone o< tke
Trarme City Slate bank. <4 wklek

Cbe Great Jidiustment Sale

BoSaM. Jvae Mtuc O W Oteaey.

HI Steinberg's Store
for the Ladies HK;H
for CI-ASS
T.-Ml.OR-M.Mil-: SI ITS. in

lake. Captala
Shafer, eteward. aad Bddle D
irlBB tke iral year of Iheir etoy BreBaa. were dn>waed. Tbe ao|
boaur aad d&Uactloa today of laytag
_.y Rapldi. Hr. Kortkaai peeled a
of tke Satai aad
[leklgaa. quaatny of benlock bark, which wlU
ibera Kiel
ouetly taildlaa la aorti
aeetetaace of a saBber of la
while taore ihaa ho yean
u wa* ebipped by eaUlac reoeete
erected ibe dm bolldlag of i
Racier Wu . aad ike prtKMd*
ck Hr.
.... .othe acrtbeaei eoraer of
t belldlas. where «olte a ct«vd


....... ..

would take a eulamc to relate
■rieKef aad bardiblpe of
Konhas durtaa IboB- early yi
Tbe ladlaat were peaceable aad
queeily of gr^i help to Ibr ^ly

ioamr a fixture,
very popular i
Uai huiel. H<
teemed among
Timvrrre C1W.

Death ef S.hK- Nertham.
to Ibe death of SaBuel K. KortkaB
TbarwrM Oty loeea oae of
piece of gnolle. wa* iuepcaih-d by a
■ISfdr ^ooeen whoae eeerfy
labor hare beea n»pooalble for the tackle from Ibe upper itory ready for
Hr. Haaaata pulled off hit
•pkoUdlaf of ikli poitlOB of
twat wlik tbe •prlgbllfbeei of a youag
Otaad Trarerae iwgloo. OcaUw
maa of iweoly and graeped the trowel
la Uir be bead aa uabrokae wilder- with ■ rigor wblcb recalled Ibe old
ilmei wbea be ueed lo work ■
day wUb bli coal aad tcii off
A'heop of cemeei ckwe by wa. tae
mea la ibe eaat trecta of Uaber. ob)4n of kti allack. aad wbee tbe
Asd at ooce be be^ to proSt by •to^ wa* ralaed tufllcleatly high eo
bta atooreetloai. He. aBoag otken. ** to be oal of Ue way. Hr Haaaak
•ptwad Ue fouadallob with Ue ew
meat uaUt there wa* .uStcleal for Ue

b I* woDy Ue caae a preparing
tor g eetahrillna et the PowU that
a giwat Buay (srgB atU Ue laai
WMBt g great agay Uto^
ahoBld bare Iwea looked after h
TWd l» eepeetally mie aa to deeorattaa Brenr aUre wm4
' teaa ihould be deeeralad ealuuy
tat Ibe ootmiUc, II le weD lo yaake
Ue euy a* bright a* pouMe o>
Hmtm rUKon wlU tone and Ua
MW altknraie Ue dletoV the graater tke pleaewrw ef the Ttattera. Theretofw Trarawe Oty liiMnili
flay ae wlO I

^11 A

♦ | 44^
For Hoj s Suits, ages 1 to U< years, con»PlwV/
sisting of Worsteds, \'elour Cassimeres.
Alelions. CU-. l-iiH-go.Kis, worth $3 to $4..-Sl.

M fra
jlh 1 #1- ^1

For Worsted and Cassimere pants.
big range of stt lc'—desirable business patterns—regularly
$125 to $3121.

HI * 1

For fine Worsted. Cassimere and
Cheviot pants -handsome dress
styles, strictly tailor made gootls.
Both light and dark effects, usual



ACa k'of Boys' Suits in Ca'slmere. etc., both light
“vV and dark colors. Regular values. $1.75 to
S2.-SI. Nearly all sizes in ihe lot-ages 4 to Kv

For all wool Cassimere Pants - light and
ilark colorings, siripcs, checks, cic.. thor-


a* >ery highly e*
earlU-r rvaldenu of
i la'er genera<li>n>
I wlib euuBlIy hlgb
a> an upright bu*i T.-vl. on tbe M
uaall.v pleaaaai anti a
• Itb whom be wa*
IVari Uk<-> we
Ibla niortiing
1. £ Cullint went lo Travet
Hr had a wbae
ni-rded repairing
a alway* open P





where you can gel the values on REl.l.ABLE
Youth's, Boy sHhat THIS STORE now offer,
you. It is an opportunity unjiaralleled in the
history oI clothing selling.

Mour. Wrom -TwtolVB *o On* O'eioota

YM U llll-VH u
Hill to Hm


A to ecta. *•

tog erwiriBa Ihould htgla
toy to a etack of malertol, eo that Ue
day before Ue Poimk Uv «D1 kM
be dtoannttted If they Sad aoae oae
toee tek eteuiad oM Ue etodm to



k to duly CugigilHiii
_________ g are (b* mltlni
MO bare charge to Ua b_
POwrU to duly eatebialtob wrar btod
to aonkerw HleblMa- ^ eaBWlftoto^.w Med by
ItoeCTtlTeOoBtomee O. P. Oarwar,

Hill aad u ........... Board
the Oato Na llOaad O-l Ptowe
Mteb. Oongregattonal
plMM all tbe (artoera CUlMPreo
tat 02, Old
-- P. Brragbey'e and try eoa If no
ber: 21.
iteeUy tatUfMMtr Booey tefuad
■wl* u> Daniel B
eecA 21-27't. range 11: 21.000.
as BopctKu.
l Coldwaicr, D. Hal*iead ha# re­
Auditor Oeaeral t^
to SIomob Hoyt
OmrdluW IhrwiM*.* Sartun* J l.*ww.
ed a letter Uctoelng 210. wblcb
e. 101 S2-I00 aerac to aw fiaet. ta.
enter, who did not »)gn
tee. 21. town tS, raage II: 227.12.
•'’iudlW Oeieraf*!? iUBecm Hoyl.
i* 10 pay for a ban
d *ay* It lamore
a 101 22-100 aeree to aw tract, ta.
an ago
e be 1o«i Ue bartec. 11. town 22. raage 12: I17A7ib fifty y«^

irjssuj A.


to Ue TrararM CUr Ortrtog Pm*




TS-.-C. I

K r. Oraar. L.


The toCAl Mber a

waa tbe lore to ■
NertbaB and hM------------------dbweted tketr eltot tote Hoetbera
HleblgaA They toMe tbetr botoe '
~ ' Hkatoea (nr two yean, deroti _
atuwttoa to luBbertog.
tiBf Uay prcMictid etoog the
B to Ue bay. ead 00 Uuir tint
iouraey W Ue upot where Trarerae
City I* now located they eoafbt eat
tbe taw BlU to BaroM BuydBaa.
wblcb wa* located to Un wUderM
Bear ue bay. They bad beea tcOtog aboot Ue hay (or eoaM daye. aad
BlU wera aeorty tOBlabed. . i
troB Horaea Beardatoa aad'
Oihen there were ao other tol
aau to Ule eeeUob onapt Ia«------Mr JCeObaB aat Hr. WadewerU ai^
Vaeatiy west « Ue eaM abow to
e eaet ara to Onbi Ttaitoie Bu.
.............................r «M Ue tm tree
ra Bk RuHa mam
Tbetr dweOtog plMa mae Ue SM
ebaaty buUt by whHa Bea to th«
eMkm to Ue etoU. They baOt
U aad wtUtoad Ua eanwat of
Urar ter power to eparata Uair
■UL Tbetr bUI wa* a prlBUre to
talr. tnt tbeae two bm eat eat ClMt
teat to toBber a day. ThetmptaM
to goTerWBtot bad to be located to
Uto daetUB wa* by Mr. WaAewerth.



Sitob to Hr. Wadawartb. aad Bade

Hary J DohL, . ..
town 27; range 11; 21.
Chaa X. Uakw lo roai

DBlor. tot II. *ta k>t 10. b

Jae H
k A H.

That's the kind we have.

ity calculated to make the most nme or
prettiest display. There's nothing want­
ing in our assortment.
Victor Siarch, regular 10c lize. .05

City Book Store

Slaich. regular Sc>ae..


lib. good Plug.............................


tot* U-IA btodi 2. H. L.
A Oo'a tad add: 2100.
A U Otaey and wife to Benaaa 1
SMU. toU tail, block 4. Party Ha
aah'A-Ut add: 21.W0.

A trip acroa* Lak* Brie, rla Ue
rtaaBcn -b*ten Slate*' aad *W*etera Statea.' operated dally b«
Datioli aad BuSato, I* a lura
ra trarel to he eMoyed at
ootlay. Tbeae (reab water
______ _____ _ deatgaed Bad perfeeUj
•Mcnted tiuBplee to Bortae arehlteo
Mtw la eatalaae* for a' aigbt paaeoagar towu. Tbia Ba* if tamad tnt Ut
HBUout treatBeat agtemSed lu
tlruae aad Ue akaoteu wboletoB*eaa to Ue ealliw aeme*.
The two beadred aad toghty-Sre
.jUea betweea Ue two etUe* aiw trar


ba*R to 4be wwaiy txaeatar.
HeiBert taan Sally troB SaUwU

tjobart-Btttbtr Ct.

1 lb. Good Kine Cut................


Dvmpm Citf, IDk^.


CPU. Evergrero »we«, per qL, M
Con. White Cor,, ewcel. early.
P«<1‘-...............................................Pc*, Early Telephone l>warf.
i*«f q*................................................Pca»,Nau Eicelitot.perqt.. J
Pea*. Alaska, very early per ql. .15
Pea*. Rice'i Earlieto of Ml. per_

kU. pra



Cir. Sttti ui IWn.
Or.CltTll«kit BWIPbiHti46

Surdy yon can appreciate the EofBOBy in bnyiag now ai these prKwm

F^cy Scresn Door* •»* $1.«,
Plain Scr»>n Door.


«voo ...


Cbe Economy Store

Ml Freto bC Trweora* CHy-


% w Ttetwtar

Auwuat. K 0.

mto*. x> wn-

No old stock

at all. cveryThini; brand new and of qual­

19 U». Bctt gi

for good mrvuv

C L*n Is «*c to ita Mtarac ilmiMliiil

L. A Oo'a tad add: 21.000.
Oee. W. BeU aad wUe to B. i. Mor-




At the Lowest
Gash Prices...


C H. Hale. B


FO ij RTan

of tbe highest quality

‘ saf/u^rrig-

Use be wa* Sfteee ]
-Iteaded ecbool to bU aaUra
where U* totber kept a hotel.
C. Wyakoop aad wife U
than toored to Waabteaaw et
V Gray. Bta to eeta. eec. 8.
'"'Igaa. aad «ABe to
range 12: 21.100.
free regtam to IHT.
to Jai. Morgaa u Haa
aoBbered a* erne to
Siwl A Lay Ock. toU 2S-M. btoek U, B
■ aetUan to Uto eaBBref tbe A Go'A SU add: 21
to btate to Jaa Morgaa
A Lay Co., parcel; 21.


l o celebrale tht-

moog Ue bUl* approred by tbe
rruor wa* oee to prevent Ur killto deer in Ue oounlle. to Lake.
lage 10: tl.Oi
Oeceoto. Clare. Hawm. Uanl*lec. We*
t and wife
ford, Ml**aukee. Newaygo. Hecoela.
Iiabella. Besile. Leelanau. Grand
2. town 20. range...............
Praak Clonae aad wUe to Aaton W. Trarerae, Oceana aad Oladwin
lartak. »40 aerce to aeta. eec. 4.
m 2S. range 11: I1.4S0.
Tbe HlUet * Oook OaeeUae
Lorea O Puller and wUe to Ji
Ineetie vbat yea want Tea oae
e42 ft to lol t. block V T. >
al Hairarl 1
get tbaa at Fred F. Boagfaey'a They •u j::
toarge H Cro
awahtaad to gire toUtoaeU
. ................... ...
Bnyuide: I10-O2
Auditor Oeoanl to Oeo. H. Croce,
tote fSSO-70. hloek 4. Bayulde:
II to Cbkagb.
• "j. U enFtaok A Clary cad wife to
p to Uc
avortag lo eiiabllab
KeUey. tot 12, «ak Helghu. 11.00.
ArUnr W. HOI aod wife U Board toW'u'glreTooo^CU^agTebild^
SMvrWay. the ftlLffty •*
*- ®2 outing in July.
nodtoUrnTtot Kbl OI?bitottoe‘l^

AC l or Boys'Suits, .iges 4 to 16 years, cmbracing handsome styles in extra quality
Cassimeres and Novciu cloths. Values up to



■ Rare fcua to dltplay that
Wirtt which I* iBipItwd by Ue
vbleh tore reatoa to
to todepaadeaoe day.
Why not Bake U a potot Ule tmr
to bare Ue city toBBmlld Bare gaily
to erder not U tan Uort to hBkl-

A. a Ooak. t.

A CkaiN to Fit out H Bop It 1 Bi( Subs


itii- >kla by Ur u*e <
irealmrni. a*
Ur -brauly docior* '
and turv ear Uet *
prove brr c-omplrxlon
Reel g*taU Tranetera
Ue bk
Recorded by Hester cf IKwdi Wl|.
only b»- accompll.hrd
•Aerto OltoBtod
l.rr hraiihy aad un
eery Sparll
Hluale Holit
br .cal of Uticaiw
tS. range
i to *wl»,
on Ureun'i Augvi
[nreetment Co..
mal Loan A Inr
10 RoberU. eS of
cooitipaiton. ..
ireree City: tl.KW...
>. and
. Kllmery, admla., to
tSiir*tow«Sd”lalo pi*» onder Hr
eeblng eleep A ■inglr bottle to
lot 7 and wts uMol 8. '
llaaaah'e tuperrUIoa. direcled by B«- add; I...
:u>t Pluarr ha*
Clarence H Burn* ai
d watebn
Prank Votruba. lot IS. Mi
otl^ K ttuw endH*»»l 0 Ovr ut Ttei I
•(. aad 1
nrn ma •_»Ue bu
A Coa. HU add: tSilO.
crau: regular alte.
T. pclerarNancy T
fiw ■ tK¥i
MldlH*l*»ll«» lk«1
ton. eta of eeV. i
awls. eec. ». lowi
Id to piece*
PatHck Cuff
Ul* nine, e
Uan SO ywan ago.
Ue ccmi.ecu plant at Unden by
pbotograph of i
_ It In the macblnery. Tbe
lou S-l. block 1, Perry Haanab'* Jrd being caughi
iployea tued a rake lo collect
add: ttso.
plecee to hla body found li
Perry Haanab to Henua W. Smith.
DeaU of
1 2. Perry Haanab'a grinding pit.
Baaael K. Nor--------•rc.unlBunl
ae of Ue e^ld
mea tff
HI aad oae
_____1 U furUiM .
The Ramadell Farm For Sale.
City, died Tueeday at
c I. Perry Haaaab'i
l*s itre noure »' ita pen
CM o'clock In kle rooou al Ue Park
Place hotel, et heart tallore, la U» ^'w'fmain*^lDp and wife to LouU
T»U year. Hr NorUam ha* been
, Cbappel. wM to ewll. eec. Jl.
eOBfiaed lo hi* raaaa elace Noreabei
>. raage 12: ISOO.
loet. and (br a ywar prerlou* hh
Hlcbael Cmlor aad wile b
beaMh wa* feeble, but there ha* beea
Jedreif Probeia
owrla.^n^S^ft. lot 1. block 2. Oakeearcety a day up lo Ue time of hi*
deeU when he ha* not been ep aad
Cba*. K Horn aad wile tc Piaocl*
about bU roOBA Though he hai
Clare Lay, Uree >cara old. of Woo
Tbunell. lou 2*40. block S.
been Bach upon Ue etreeu tor .
terey, waa bitten la tbe left foot ihrec
Co'*. SU add: I1.6M.
Bce^by^ ■a dog and almout Iniianll;
Perry Haanah. el al. lo duo. P 0|i
Bd Prcderlck Bel*, parcel to loU 1
> pan of
nd I. eec. 2. Iowa tl. range 11: 21
a bl* larr
Oecar T. Coaklln and wife to Oeo
Hr. NorthBB learee few iBBeOiate , 11 recorer.
Rood. M 2CII to Trarrree Point:
itaattree. The aeareet are Hre. A ^
H. Perry of Ule city, a alaee, aad J »*•,.lermae W. SbIU and wife lo N.
Mtl ^1 y-»«
-WadnrorU ef Sebaiwpol. Catl^
e Purple, a 22 ft. to lot 10. bke*
. L. A Oo'a tU add: |d00.
The faaenil wBI he held tnm Ue
Ptoyd U SmlU aad wife to Prai
raUdeMie of Au H Parry to Perwwood
I. Orabam. let 4t. eta «L bloek
Thuwday afterwi at l:W o''
. U A Oo'a lad add: 2Hl.
be etere to Feral*' iBRleamml
•Bder Ue dlreetloa of W. S. d
Loul* P. Cbappel and A'ddle A.
Ad., ora the thing. Set tbaa.

T. HkPwak, Or. A. B. BaOSay.
Mgrahal to Ua Day-b. Koberto.
Ckito to StoC-J. A. Unasar.

interesting News to Mothers!

Bargains in Men’s and Youths'


a a good cUlren. and >
. wboaa energy and
ipoulble for lb
Trarerae City



^ ^
bcaucifiil and exclusive styles, garnicni^ such
cannoi be found in
III \l Iw
other stores here ai anv price. Thev qrr all new—this season's manufacture. The AT 111 ^ II
values are S2t‘. S:»5. and oven S»Uni'i for S.VRKD.W ON l.V, vou take yourpick.
1 V« W

la ehar«r of A H Prm for oae)
ytan bai beea located oa rruai Ue affected loagi aad broaehUi
etreel. where 11 li coaducied today and drire tbe dread dlaeaee fit
Hr. Nortbam cuaducird eilrnilre tyitem It 1* aoC a eorwalt. bi
a cortalB core tor eonghe. ooli
all bronchial Iroublea. Tou a
of Nortbera Htchlfi
Ula reliable remedy et J. 0.
ire butli
0. 0. Orwea, Woodbury
lUrely to Hr. Pemr
Price tia ead Tie.
ailtely la ibliigle*
kct*. aad all ut bit operatiuoi pruti
Hr Nurtham ee icr uarded aad f>

aad ladoetry of oae wboee llf<
beaa f—kere. aad wboee eSorUla beUdlac up a thrlvtac eoaiDOBity
kaee eoalrlbuted la ao iiaall laa
to tbe iBportaaee aad toBeeace vblck
m oily hae ailalaed- ilecard. Sater-


Blgbty powBrea that

bealU to gel a coeelod gem, tl
bar fortify benelf agaUiit U
Kortban purchaeed aa lairnwi la •Iduou ooa*euBoac«e of eougbi
tbe barderare builarei, aad B»r yrarr and broochlal aS<.......................U^re
later purebaeed Ibr whole coi
proaptly artMt e
Hli hardware ilore which hai

:Hr. Haaaah li the bead
! Aflet 10 yean ct .lra«l». eB^
■entad by great taccau. It U ea-,
lb«stallr ftaittylai to be able to *U
laae tbe ereettaa. aad be laetruDeata)
!ta tke balldlag, of the teeai elroetwa
;ia a adde terrtioTT. aad tbe taoet gre'leaUou ta aortkera MIrbIcaa'i prladyal «lty. Tbe dleilactloe le
B-.-rf.-. wd be li eetltled to
fiaat eatWacttoa whkb thle aortc
vfll dre Ub. He «UI aleo ealoy the
bleaeare of ooetemplailiia Ike *raU-

nara vatebad witk pride ikd growth
eg Trarerae Oty. wter* he laaded oae
day alaoM r«Bi.he< after a eraiee
ahowl tba bay. He wai etrwdi with
the beaoty aad aaiual adraatagee of
the 9ot aad ptwdlcted that here
«aaU oae day be located a tae dty.
BH predIcthBe were rerltod aad he
Urad to eM a oiaaiiaKy grow
•was larger propcrtloai thaa he at
' Srat diwaad. Hr. NorthaB'e i
«ry vlU be taedarty nbrclehad by the
iwailiilrn old eettlen with wbos be
«M OBodatad la thoee daya

o tbe arange wooia
Item of all lewwl*. k

H.fb Cui C
Huib Ua,.

Th« Muttwrai



Okf Kti CMt S^0*f
TJS. 1M. US. tJ»S ami
9at fheaa arm rifit, as are (Sw

Taafot vM jma paj

^ to oar ttarm.


Yon gto ralag nceraed. KMMf’
ud Childrca't Ead Md Boa
CaifShoca. 0«ri>w» are gs
Iowa*good riioe* caa be soU
at LctMritow yoa oar IBA.


242 Front Stroot

TODaUro wiTBBWi HBBaat TUimSOAT.roirB !!,>»<»■*
oM at I a^Blad
It had Cham •
a Church of Arbi
FfM Fuller OeM.
I newt of Ue dMU eff Pred R.
r. let* of U» ABcatea. Cal, wa*
reoHred by frteede Baturdar. Per
two Boelht be ha* been at Ue '
of hi* iblar. Hri TutUc. ia (
Haald*. beta* ooaabed to Ue !
wllh cpaeuBptkui. The body we*
broocbl to ttal* ciiy lor burbi HoB’
day oe Ue 1: U 0. R. R t trala.

t 1



Tb* boy*.' A____________ _______
Heary £. Burceee. of NllWh HOI.
had beea left at booM ahiM by tbatr
■u. Ttey weal dowa to the
lo pier, aad later lb* *Ui
two went to the bonae aad
fetber'a abot cm dowa to Ue
He loaded tb* caa. aad blar.
in eose way abot hb IIIU* brathar.
four No B *bot tektac effect U Ue

htart erlet cdbIbs
reetloo. He wmi
( Urbr*. Oaaadtaa laatlcrailot.
orer ebdfouBdtbc
of Reali ffie. Marie. HIcb..'
TM oldrr boy aUted
Ibr city Bl Ur HutelTWhltl
edeeadey, Tburadey aad PrtC
oppoelie (Ide of Ibe b
]u*t before
1*1. led aad Irt. with exbtl
waa dreC. asd
aad that Ue loand
■loa aed creet InM ihr frr
to eoae froB that dliwcttoa.
lebrwaa rallry. where
Kicksaa fowad that the cas bad
eeeoa arertced AU bwabel* per
D realored lo Ue sub rack Ib Ue
oau #0
Mr Orlrer will br
ee mad the emptr eartrtdce
d u< Bret all pentre wbo * '
re euBrthlac of Ibr culdea w
oruerr Frallck did Bot bellere tbr
bOBeeicedi <rf IBo artvi
7 it <be maa acroe* ibe lake doIbe abooUaa He iBreatlsated Ue
Bailer loot Ur boy lo U* apot
Raae RHI Ue Feuru.
where Ibe ■horrtlss bad lakoB place.
.»*• of Ue PourU of July altrac
badly U
taw* '
line* that oecB»>Ai Uw Bornl&c elil
be the baaebell ca»r
Tbe Oruy
Ofreted Uai b
bcle. of ■eBlFler hare beet
d reBored th< cartrMse. rewill cniaa bale wlU i
. Kolb taelB* bare
yresathb aed tbe co
ibootlag at
Hr (isled
e a i«d-bot oec.
r ebul *a
.Tho*i ue will be played oo Twclftb
:b» youofcr bn
ecla* •barply at «
• Irerl p>
furklBoai iBeiaoily
o’clock Tti« perk bu t>MS Joued br
Uie aarlBB IckB for ibo
b Mir
Mljr OM Dt the
iBUr uirectloDi
ttet TrerpTM rilr vtll effort lb*
crowd* who »blt hero oe ibc f'lMirth.


Riura ouwrsM.

lecl-The terrlhle colored hande calliope—The wosderful Cbloei
ad ilalrodnelag a *enuloe OWne.
(Bl—POIlowlBs Ue parade to ai
mce OB tbe clreua sroonda.
Part II The perfortnaose—Rui
tickeu—PaaalBB Urousb tbe at
.1 leBl-Huah lor .eau-Tbe late

Cbt Only Exclusioe
Dry eoods Store in
Craverse City. « 4t

Kalkaika. HMb.. Jusc !4 -Tbr rvdance—Tbe Wild we*i c.
amiiiailoo ut Hr*. Mar)
lodlaa war dance iloirodi
iBdlas melody i—Tbe tbr alleged murtefcei. 1* *«l for 1<t a Seoul
niurrvw June ». aad both the |>cu*r
re bath Hi
rollon aed Ihr dcleBwr are prepared
Tbe eunilnallon will U- a* brief a*

you. am ever
Ibe talBter
Aod pBiBie

•umeilmer arv >u*
more concTUrrt for
e car Whai l>


roacerant. aod tbr outlook I*
nui la*t utvr a day ualea
preeebi uc
thin* turn* up 1
e*p.cled by lb<
ildr ol Ha- cai
lurallue Ihll rl
That Throhbing Haadaehe

optak^* '*Wbl
yean, or a* loo* a* b
bare li la*l all. If he waal* i
Lead UBd on leal* tbre
leady Palm lam* >li Of co
lilac* affect ihc time of bud
lio*l palBten kouw tbtl il
a* tbe Irad; *olDc uae II
Deroe Read) Palol 1*
rouod lo oil. the propui

la U Peach bar relursed
.aloe where *be ba* beee
palDirr o.wd tol», he can’l afloed
Ja(t Unb
BiiradlBK *cb<»I aod baa jB(t
* can't coiaiN-ie
c. She will a
an eigbi j ir'i eourec.
Iliam Ibrldeoe'l
■■ ru
I Hr Will
1 open ihclr
*i hi 1 B B. a
e at 4 p m.
II inureau lie lo uiIiTb II.; >mir.
lleeci Cura and leta Wheal ware
7 day. They will alao br opes
palnier'*--unl.-e. L.home orer SuBday. the latiei
durtas the duos hour each day. They harlBK • few day* raeaUoB.
IDI to wear bait a* luo*.
belbre that Ue boob hour will be of
four* truly.
bhei lllrt Parcber uf Trareree Cll).
re ralue for faraeti ibaa Ur ci
P.-W Deeoe R Cu,
lerly bear Qrawn. le eapeoied aa
half hour froa f m *:U oo Raiur
Klcc i Ibb week, la aaibl In
boutewurk for a time.
etotore ell. ihi- beak* bavr!
nimiber uf people fruB tbb place
upeaed el I e. a. end cloeed at 4 p altroded Ibe cro'e
Tore BeellBS <eaat of
n.. belBC eioeed durlBf Ibe Dooe hour.
OfBWB duaday aturaocia,
eturaocia. aad
' laalDlDi opea oa aaiurdai* ua rd lo eoiBr cood leacblDsa by Heean
S p a
Harm aad t" '
Punaral of C. W. Oraen.
Round trip ticket*. «.««! ruin* Jiilj
'The ruaerel of Ibr Ut* Charln E
boldlBS prayer meetlBsa. bellertac
Oreae, wbo we* killed Balartar iil«hl Ual much good will be aecoBplUbed. 3 and 4. and good r.-iurnlBK up to and
br a Pere MarqDett* trala. waa beld buibiB our bearle aad la tbe bulldlos IncludiDf July «. will Vc <>n uls at all
Uckrt office, of ihl. r.imiacy. at a
boadar artenume ai : o'clock rrom up uf our Babbalb acboot.
W. a. ABdrreoe'k uDdonaklai rouma
Mbere CecU aad Mary DanBore
cre cci^urleil I.) Rc»
came lM>De with Cor* aod lea* Wheat
" nt* In ImlUaa and Oblo within
from B.iBday echool SuDday.
.nil-* i>r ■M-IIln* >t*Tlos. Includcil
ed Deer Oreeb acil
riiBilBS pulaloee aad UwBi laftbr
owned a (am. Ha.wea verr InduaI* talc
A*k agptiu fur I^J|'t‘
Jrr of Ue day now aod we hope to
ead well tbouabi of el itaal
- a cood yield
______aod bb lullmel) dcaib waa a
A cnai many cwbbase aod tomato
eorprbe to hb frlenda and rrlailre.. plania arc brlos eel aad Hr. Wise
Cart ol Thank*,
Deeeeaed wa* 17 rean old
ha* B nice patch of eweel potalore.
Brateful fur tbe kind
He bate* a n«Hher. abler abd
ierrlce* and aympaiby tendered ui
■raadblber. wbo are lb Celirorab^
Frtpram for Concert.
by our relaUee* aad many triesdi
oae ebter. Un Fred Rial, of Ibb city:
Biiatc lorer* of Ue city bar* duHag the recesl lUnci* of our lltUv
I bfolber. W. T. Oreea. al Norrb’
beeo easerly waUlnc tor Ue procraB daugb'er Emma, aad take UI* meant
«. aad asolbar bralber mldlDf at - -be oooeen to be drea
Fiiday of eapreulBg our grailiudc
Ibb by Riewart R BteffeB*' or- ileejm^tob^l ^pemefully
ira for Ibe
tbe WotBaBh club. Tbe
Paneral ef Fred Fuller.
Be of Ut ffBeit eeer
re ladeblad to iboee wbo tbu>
The body eff the bte Fred R Puller procram will
Brerybody will te
llaiased lo I
ee* net Uoedey by fS eeeort of loeel
dellsbted U
Prthlaaa aad Ue body mdaeM to
pc* hare a .
Oakwood ceactarj dlrwUy froB tb* which U aa follow*:
trala. Mr. PaUer had been la Loe As
RaynoBd Uranure ............ A Tbosa*
rr*4 F.
' I. CeL. (or aoB* Use. but about
i) Lore asd Paaaloa (Peaie*
Mr*. Uor. Oa**
SUM (imei*.
BOaUa BCD be eaae to hb abw4 set a oaa ef Thlitl.toc,
ler'f, Hr*. TelUe, Is Oread Rapid*.
le deetrew
' leb piece deelb occurred.
___ fUBml Berrlce wb* Ib eharce
Hra A. H. Holll^.
of Ue Oread Rapid* order ol PytbBclectloe froB "Canaea**......................
lee*, wko tatMboeed
osed U*
arraas*Chen«« In ffenk Hoore
ririt Ketlooel besk i
People'* beak here leiiwuipCe-

ttaftll*« Krifawa*.
Pratb IntiBoay la great suaattty
. cowataally tumlaj la. declartag Dr.
KlBga' New OUcoeery tar ConaumplloB. Coagh* aad l^ildi to be ua
equaled. A receat expreealoa from T
J. HcParlaad. BeoloreUle. Vo. eeree*
a* aa waaBple
He wrltee: "I bad
BniaebUli lur U.'we year* aad doc­
tored all Ue tine wlUoet beln* besefiled Then I began taklag Dr King *
New Dtacorcry. aad a lew bottle*
Wholl.r cured me." Equally effaeilre
In curia* all Lua* •and Throat UouWe*. CoB*ampUoB. PacumonU and
Grip Guaranteed by Ja*. G. Jobnaoa.
asd F. H. Head*. DruegUU. Tnal
reguler *lie. HOc and

•» hate proved
for dick aad N
osi. :i
up your be
y back If
JoboMo :




closf Fniiay afU-rnoons during
the warm weath­
er. lommcncing
Fntlay.lul) litli


PERE Marquette

ClitHtation tbli wMk 2,675.
‘ a •euM. B baiwiilM Mr ciri.


The Hbaaa MetUe aad Uae Lardb
h*M ■one la Old HMlea la ap«id
(hair vaaelloa.
WUaoa i. Koeb, kaowa U> ererrbadr a* '^Um' Kock. baa racwlfed
epiMiBl C( H PM- MBSth.
C A. MffbM raebe'^e ttlacrea
'lOdter bBMWwrtai tke d*etb ct hb
■MMr at Mwaid&Brg. UJek. al U<
Vm OreraoB he* rberaed lo lb*
d«r Mff «tU Buka thb pUot hb
hMdffaanani. Ha laabOled t»a matte
Mara* wMe avar. *m i * ~
■M (ka attar at

ht that the



Ue kwal
wbloh aaablad ta canTlai tl
The 6n
- ' '
fteurt he KBd.


lu^toc. -KlBC ^ben o?^WIy" •'
............................... LoBCfBllow
I. Bailey. Plaao aocompalb'
It. Hla* Oera Trarl*

(re: BerllD a* It Uushi aad
lad Haptd* aad
_..j ............................................. Coaiwdi
Hachtom ly and HmU. A Lulaa Dl Hoatfort: Solo tor Oar-

UhIi In It I Tmt) gmii|«.

1.00 Skirts for.1.50 Skirts for.
2.00 Skirts for.
3.00 Skirts for.
4.00 Skirts for-.

WoUtm FM^e^Hualeal'^Uay.
gtorha ................................. Chapin

wife are

TravwM City RUrtiRth.


of U*
TM* rwwort la mow* upon W*«M**
day of aaob weak. Th* Harald U net
awarded Ue
- for obanso* In prleaa.
- da
Oa n*
0^ U Boe* eoaidd
Uaa orer b«for* and Ue aaeertaa
■•Urely new. The dlaplay will be
Bbcallfaat one la Ua ctmIu and a
Gira you every adrutage offered b>
Ur Ui of day Ireworha wlU ba aat
Uif bank to a resident of Travenc
Mttel^ off la the '
at tu rami


Sim at-


OHy *yer aaw.
Tbi yanoM
_____alUaa* WlU at oae* sat W work
M anwM*
Uair earlona parta am

Vour addre* oo a poeul caid will
ten^aweat booUct iUuairuiag

the Glorious


Shoes for
Tlien )xiu will have Ueutiafadion of knowing youJ
tlioc* axe the very beei it
i* poeaible to make.

are made of Ibe -meat care­
fully eelectcd maleruli—
ami you'll know that by the

JoBb T. Beadle. Preddem
Uoe F. Tiiui, Caabicr
Cq^oaff iarptm $7S.00C



arc made by the ter> I
nd1 you’U ki
!• bv tb< uythe ■
Overt fit and feel.

Thara wtU Hi wo tMOlar ontUhwd
M«iwB tor the rlalilac aaldlara tram
Morthpen awd Maple Olty wUcb Ue
e aatartalaa today.

u«: U SL.“n

4 Up Por Jecaa- Audbew

Your “BEST” Flour has
given satisfaction, and 1
have not had a complaint
on quality or price. TRY

........ 2.00

Shirt Olaists


a h*« tiwah

wtU ipare tnada t
poUle daeo
owe I* arsed
deeorau tbair
rair puoat
pUoet of bualaaa*
bualaee* w*
aa Uay oaa. aad u dla« of brlfht
play u U* rlaiura
e of Ua aitrwe-

.............. 68
...... 1,00

Our buyer was in Chicago last week and found tbe
wholesale houses taking stock. They had many
bargains to offer, We took a lot of colored Shirt
Waists that have been $1.60. he bought them so we
can sell them at $1.00 and make a little profit on,l
them: it's also your gain, Your pick for $1,00—If
you cannot come send us Mail order, : : : : :

with your feet In
a pair of the
World’s Famous

mnrnSmg tor Ue paal rso

Teat* Uaa laal year, whk
r a coed deal.
The ape-------_.
wfclac oat erwy day and the
trhtk win ba U lae ahape.
Marehaata are or«ad lo lay la Uatr
Ht Who ■MR af daaa>BUaff aBianila to that
il tree whaa Ua Uma eoaea* Uay will wot
: Lake ba dtaappolhWd la aaearUf «*«■ aad
[hat he

This store will
close Friday af­
ternoons during
the warm vreather cominencinj;
Friday. July 10th

Don’t delay, tbew will go

d crowd atuaded tbe
Tbe pallbMrm were Prank OuttiBh ttr that BCU. JoaaRh Klaaaea. P. 0 Met
Ben Ocaaelt. Bert Hiller and

We w ill place on sale Friday morninj; a line of Atjem s samples of black
Petticoats. This was his last town
before Kuin); home and wc induced
him to sell us his line at One-Third
Off from the rt'Ktilar price--only one
of a kind, about seventy-five in all.

are Ue leader* in Men’t
iboe fkahioa*—and you cad
(ell that because, the) aic
tbe moel baodiotoe shoe*
you'll tee.


Climax Lawn Wceder

greatest invention
and ope
ir groL...........
.......... --Press the
r easiest to. operate. Pres*
[mint into the; ground,
ground. w^ich^cuts
______ s of the weed.
it out until the knife end can reach
the stem of the weed, a quick pres­
sure on the spring in the handle
cuts the top off, and the deed is
done. You can kilTlbe: roots
root: and
cut the tops'of all the dand.
jinutes. It
in your yard in ten niinutes.
will pay you to own one.

What About that


Something you use every day in the year, not ope
day and quit, or a week, and think no more of it, but
the whole year through. The Celebrated Leonard
Cleanablc Refrigerator is tbe one that gives univenal sati.sfaction. One that keeps all your food sweet
and clean, and one'that can be cleaned so easily.
There arc a dozen different sizes and tbe prices are



....A Car Load of Wire Fencing.
reopUcoa It wUI he «!*■■
» aad aiHnliakiw la traa

kmt. 11 year* old. ah« awd iwauatty
htoad hU htwUer Otew. olpht yMf*
oMrSl PUharhLaha.wawrhma.lM
day aftaewaBW at *:U o'elocR. tha

isar 5rr-“£*if»a

Puueh ef UU plaae. Ut eortaer. «M
wot daata B wa<
It U Ueosbi------------------------------ —
Uotwh Ua hoy who waa

-A- I-AC
lapm-Lac »liLe tbe be* yatwitt yoa erer taw—bm h i*
■orttbaaUaL It k a bwBb W cveiy wootlcw or netal
Ibiwc you bare amsd tbe booM. It k Boite iu IS cplon
aad -BSigral'' or dear. Ike Uttof k Uc aodel ffakh fat


OmIo. Oaa
MMKahsuny. Blaa*. 9itmmm WHIM.
WMlnwk. ■tdlllMnk mtmmtrn,
OH^rry. OmBd


just received. This is
the American Field
Fence that we have
sold so much of. Aod
by a most fortunatecircumstance, were able
to get this full carload.
You have seen it so
know what it ». It is
made of smooth wire, easily handled, absolutely no danger to the stock. The
nailer at th
the bottom so the small stock
:ock ean not get throi^L
ihes arc smaller
wire is “kinked" to aallow for eapansion in the different seasons.' It u made in
lereot widths so you can have your fence any bd^t you deure. In putting
> this fencing, you just unroll it and nail it to the poffts and the job is dooe.
once, then when..........
a slack^^ comes, you can put it up.
Better buy some at i........................
In these busy daysa few hours mean so much




Grand Traverse Region.

^^imaaad Hartba Baxtb aareH
Ry rMien Batattay.
Oaa fata bM !«. ceatr. ta
aatan at «rk oa bti boiue

BOTlag buUdlas*
bta work and doc* ii rlsbl
BtSord aad Hn Nrlaoo ta
4re Tlatuas Hn

Want of All
Caa aaytUas h* wont thaa to toal
lal erery mtawte wfll be ywar laMT
kaa of Hn .a
Kalar. Ala
Ak. -rtir three
ntm. -I c

Dalb teemed to^ha. Haldab Bohik aad Hn
'd^ton iad'aJI rt
Albert Thayer of Oaelral Lake la
amlta aad daosb'er Orpba Hay. vrat
w 1411.0. At lenstb I aaa ladi
TorklDs OB bU (arm In Orea Lake.
> Oadar Haaday
try Eleruic Bliien aad tb. n
Head, ofr Hra. 8a
Oar taaebar. Him Clara BarU. a
Imptored at 1
im. bw t
wtalaad Prof Hart Harrte today
aad bow am (vmpletely
Ed Oook aad family made tbrtr
Kur Urer. Kldary. St
Hn Jahutoa to ob ita (M IHI
Bowel truublM Blttirtc Bltun U
ikl. *«ta.
Ireo. reiuracul t
'tartta°aBd Balpb Zelsler
only mtalelBe. Uhly Me
Al. H4U ll tta pCH4W*0f Id ■> pnllM bark lor Byroa Harrl*
aniced by Jaa O. iobnaon aad 1
*41 plM9* Of fanltUB, Is tta
auddrn <
Hra.) Hlasle Oolemaa
W.bcr rant- 4> 4 .buck
ban aad rl
B Naah rUlied tl Hartlo'a left Bi..ih.rlon thm- mil
^ *iiw u( a hoDv} b«*: reudvre
Tbr luu.-ml «4> brld 41 I
.t U June* of Sarnsar. uoaic
I. but a pbytu-ian lun-reded I
. ara rklltac
Hn CartMtv i«tan«d IkH

to Hr Md Mn J«M R

Why^»rr*"rwru* "Ur. *SmUh^
filbw laK«nd«'
Ck»MB^ «V

TUUJOUiAT, <nm ^1^ JMt.

rtani ta Fan ftaHaa baa tta e


nar tad • tM U«», 41 itaf «iw
ta M Tmta- Tfc* tau»e «u eruadta
•ad sUBdlBs raoa «m •> 4

^The best that money can procure when
you purchase a piano—best tone, most
style, and durability—in fact you expect
your money’s worth. When you buy

•“f” "i‘„T2iSJSSi1?SS

Hr. sad Hn Out Ub»Ib» of Trsr«■• Cii) 4PMI taiurdar Blfbl sod
•md4» 4l H«OTT Carltal*’*.

iHiusbi .omr land
. ibousb
lor a larm
ytmn of as«
... April 4Ad (anllr rUltodsl Good oothlns aadertaa eacvpi
ih.iuib o.rr
from rUm.
Harbor Ul* «ota.
la roual Ir
Some lartarra are cui...
1 driven to deapi
CM*. Ctaasan sad wUa aad
Tbr niol • raibrr ba*
Hank* dUtrtcl Prtd4j Bhe raUrota
nrcldeni. reeultto* f
Burn*. CuU.
•Ji«d at tta CtaC boM Btar I
bark Warm
a *uppl> of
Wound*, eie
Ur. orar BaadA)'.
> aarraoi a
Hueklen * Anica Salve. It'* the beat
rrayv o
Hn. UaebitaH rtasrsta Hat
Ibousb our pa.iure. 41
lun earth, the. at Jaa (I. Johi
vp 1* »
fnua^TtaRtDK ta tbjjoutb iwt «
C4too. the eell dl - • ■ Kolac .art lew* i
r H Mead*' Una Store*.
iM been
eJi.r aairf
Hr l» do.' The .
to Obli
dsj «Uh Hn A. Tmrior.
'**'*Wlla<i4 «aa U TraTwia CU» ta(e lutl to t
ba> K'lor W thruush
Itt le<.1 heavy rmua
ua have
bale done
i> lh4l
____ (40d.
Ab abnoriunl to»e biiab I* oened by
"Ti .HI ta-4 •». to tta au.... be leu tbrou*B br «IM se
X K<»d, but rasie .rather Ute for Leon IVrcv of Ualtle Crtm-k.
H Hra. DaLoah. wta latair Bo*ad
Hoaroe Cealer aad victol
Boa* l4rmrn 4re ealilna (or rmlc
>enr Ibv bu*b sre* oae bautiful ma
Hn. 8ta.ld*. «ta ta*
»rlb. that ttair Ultl* lv<rT*ar«ta btaorc Ibry |.l4nl ihr Ulr poUlw
u* lo have l-eea (arored. at aome av'BU colored ru.v, sfoetos In the
tslsllro* bon. nmnta to tar ta»*
>lld tad bam UlM br a tcala
-r pan* of the country vroi dr>
- . eld meodue. 4fu noi eorth rul
center of which w.te lour well de
« oo parUeulan bar* beta In
ika B.e- •.-.•dial elll Mke *omi
>rk>p.'d rvwebud* Tbit >««r the bvtb
Hayor taato of Trarna. CID
a larsv crop la ripwle
repeated the trick.
I loas PrtW.
Itark peeler* are ai
1 la bloiKU. (ruU pruaiKirla food
laud rvrrtiily boupbi by Ue OvU Dlab
Uadnd. aceocdtni to a tlupalcb
Co kuo«D aa Ibr Wood'
r dry arral
received Irvim Taasler. BI Hlenebhl.
Ur* N C. Pcrklaa ta Slurseoi
t lb* trull. drop
the Moorl.U war mlnluer. h
(has ]'
vl.iiln* frlrad* at ihr Centre.
e maklDK
6O1M1 men to a battle touihl 1
W E Hurio
f butler a erek
.. col u|> ibl
. - J Aas* bhi bM at Tta'
:. and at ju
^r. 4sd Hn. HvtH >Mt to
City for ita^paayvo wa^taj^wr. _ . tefular driuir
the preacber prayed
“f touTaptal^oSw a7r«
•aaher, and all oa
I. nattlBf aad aattac alrai
a Ne» Bank for an Old One—He**
a BrlttoB ha.
I* Onn* in TravwrM City.
. sBlmal diE* k
' o.T Brtcham and family ofOrawa, to aad cut. ihrlr t:.
The bark acbei at lime* with
HIM Alloa Onr H boaaa frcn
called oa tbelr trltada bare oae day
indeecribable leeltos. maktos
Hr. Helaforth U ploein* up eume
• ll .tnuberrlei. -m pul lu BiU- you weary aud reitlew*. plerelns
*Sa*. HMtacao ioal a bM**
■told be mould aoi b**r Bve pain* about acroei the reskin of I'
kidney* and asato the lo^ arc
Hra. RatOBaB rstarwd from Toof bay


you get value received every time—
Tone, Quality, and Durability—Perfec­
tion in every detail, and a guarantee
to make it good. Factory Prices and
Easy Terms. Let’s talk it over.


^ron« •«wam*.

tad. K

•TSMON*. Msr.

Everything in Small Instruments. Musical Merchandise. Sheet Mu­
sic. Talking Machines and Records.


a baa rataraadfrom
Hn. Wm.
baa boa tta
Haatatee, a________
les vaeki for
ir tb*
tta bceedi of bar
pMt tr

u; ™. ,?"is/«3rs2.;

tta ftatta ta U> tatataed

"»SbrOQariaBd .old oa* et bi*
jlU bora** laat work to Hr Hjm
Trarsno Otj.

”Hr.**2o*f eat hla foot Uat Uosday

K‘tata“.J'£.“ta2I-‘''sad atanad oat cd iba *oota
may <r otber ^ tla urtad
atack tha ai L- .-.
eaulas aaarly Ibiooih.
____ _
^^taa*. Kau aad Ana* Oorttt‘
aebool eUed laat mday vttb * bif
A meal aaloyaU* tua* ma.

Hta RHtala Doaaa atarlad
laabtaitaa laat Tbanday.

Artbar Wtaa bta m«
_____ j <atj
•Drar. Bta

;"“.L ...a OH. Of
i awtad bar aWar, Hn.

to Oraad
wkb baa

Hr*. Mavd vaa e
Basin tail vaak. to

"Tita^a5‘B'J!E?1rf»r” »"«*•«.
eHitad tar.fatbm
aad aWar tta paat maafe.
Hanr BeilHtar asnt part of
------»- •> aj^n
I THItad tar brottar

Travene CTi> <
b. B’. Ooaalas anet a faw day* Traaer
r Janie* Laufl
ahray, < rf Ml Web
■I week at Oreaa lake looklas
uf the rullway* at
•ler .tr­
bli reaort paoparty Ibatc
ibe Oval
111 Uoraell, Br.. baa soa* to Oreubied .with
im OB a TiaU amoai relaiiT** tbar*.
or wbal I
we CHy 1_____ _
Tb. HaalatM railroad ha* baa aor
Hla* Kate Noiouy ata hrr^iwtber
numb pain In ibe back, which
eyed M tar M U K. OlMf- mUI la
•evere rendered me mUerwble
alK> troubled with rbeumaUui
“him Ooral aad NelUe 1-aulu. igR
limb* nt lime* to painful that
Wadaeaday for a abort vUii wtlb I roul
rdly conlinoe at my work
vlaltlBS Ua
ibatr alaier. Hn. Itarld La Booiy. at Procunns Huan * Ktdney Pill* at a
e at tbit p
■m with the mat
^^Hn^oal BiiB a*d daughter Hay. ail.taru r) re.ulu I bare not been
ta Boyae FAll*.
iS“*are the pieaU of Hr trull bleil
lloan'* Kl
aad b
BbalU ta Good Harbor «i
dll ta
B. Utablll
of Vaablasuo. U. C.
'u Hufla .
United atete*
pfoapeeta ta
inyoM ware Laland caller* Tbui
___ kUoa tor arrtan.
I Ur. aad Hr*, i. 3. Rrabeis. *^e PaaalBSton of Traverae City
a* la UWB Baaday 1*^
... »eacb barque VtoccaaM.
id ^ Wbl Datcr apaat
The Prto* Bra hare laraied to Ban maclacvi. wiib wheal, paaaed
It B. OoFamtarb.
samiltoa lauaeb for Babins pur
about IS mile* aouib of Pjl
_______ Bnwa marBad tiM LaalaUland. touih of tbe Toasaa
vllle Tboraday aad atayad ora BobHlu BatalU Atwood ratomed to
Ibrviush a tea of pumice ttoee
aad left bar* tor Ui bom* la bar borne at Aasall Uoaday.
______ Uw broad and of a lenstb ei
. Haaday Botalas.
Hla* Kathryn aad Aaaa Sebwan leadtos M far u tbe eye could reach
U Hataay ta Oopaolab alertataad a aumber of trieada lai The depth of alone under wnler wa*
aata barTbanday eraalas- Tba eYenlns waa

- three (eel. and the ntlre flat
________ Ji aad C
uaa* w'M uf a eontlaient thick
ipat Buaday ta Orawa.
The *tuae* varied
Cblldrea'a Day aaarctaa was b
I report aa aaloyabla time
le cotiilderablj; aome were two
tl tb* aetata booM Baaday onataf
Hr. and Hra Pnak Dart* reiunin^
equare. bui tbe malorlty were
aad atrarytbtas paaaad e« Baa
Button* Bay Batarday, aftar vlall- _____ It.
Hylelacrt Island I* of vol
Bon to Hr. aad Hn. Wayae
1 rclaUrM aad trieada la tbli Iowa. ante tormailon."
Webaal. Jaa* n. a boy.
BUt Jaaala Hamaa weat to North
A. W. D. Oaipamtor, who baa 1
port to auand tba Aluiaal banpuet
ary atrk. 1* fmpnrtaA
aad retaraeO Tburwlay, aooumpaaled
Jaipar Wbartos la repalrtas C
by HIM Bra ~
have 1>
^^^*BtBtaihaw ta rasaliHai bk

On Iron Beds. Odd Dressers, Chiffoniers. Cois, Childrens'Beds, Springs and Mattresses.
petition, but sell under compelition.

**Hy“'tad~i6*.’ HtaUa.
Ttararta taiy aaa day « waafc
joa Albam ntebaiad a aaa goatat taat miifc


C. B. Pray want
Hlaa Hammtmd west to Tra'
Cliy to work at tta Part Ptaea.
A. B. Pray mta* a kataaw Mp

Uonmontb Memorial bapitol a
Branch, N. J., for tbrei
ileep* mat ta Ibe Urn.
to be nil rfsbl barrtos b
*bort Interitay awake ft----------deep iMt tor two
ml*. Hh tui
n be will nwaken.
- naurlsbmeal. talk toteUlsently
ereo cberfulty. Tbea, daplu 41*
. .. efton* and tbe eSorU cf tbae
about blm, be drop* off Into a *
troai which nolblns »eem» nbli
He bM sained *rl^l

B lara* Hat el oM Drtastr*
Wbea >uu ewa set oa* of our No. ff.
.m«g. bauttfol Into BM*. M hlsb.
prciiy iJe.iSB, aay width, ta white,
i or blue, coiaplele with ca

To go wlU IruB bed*. is,ioim*qf1ng
wlih my Special Dreaaer, k ft. 10 In.
bigb. baee a n. t to. wide. 17 toeba
deep, f long drawer*. 2 abort drawdr*w^“*weU™*nool^to^ bw^
plate mirror, aatly carred. flnlabta
to mahngany. (other* would aak yon
$0.00 fori—our prior
la only...............W.70
Neat price Uceaar I*................................... fyjO
Prom that right gloag upto M flae M
AO^ Iron Bed aad CblSualer ffiaka a Blew
>ulie for a bedroom
A cblSoAla with
live large drawer* will bold a let ta
We bare a Solid Oak. weU mad*, well
flnltbed chiatnler. wHh tre targe
drawer*, (or.....................................................gOJO
i: dlkereat atytoa aAd dealgB* raaglag
right aloDf to Frice from that np
to ................................................................... ..ggUB

A baaOtu] Iroe Bed. ]a*t like cut. No.
I». good, atroag aad well atode, 4 fe
6 iBCbe* high, 4 lot of aooll work, 4
bautiful dMlga. ba*M kaoba on
each port, aay width, pretty color*,
r blue—nakea a alcr.


Cm* maa »ary snUBy daoor^
«ttb tara* aad cat taman. aad Ur.


Our No. 71 ibat we bought la 4 M o
tbree bubdred U 4 rerr bauutu
1. aad buytag tbw qaaBlUy to oai
•lyle 1 got a prlM to aayoae
ford oae of tbeee Too oa

Bar. ■ailanna ta Uaalas.
tamtaya U^ji^


A Tb* wort ihowwd

laliiVm bdaaty.

Cfctajq Fatter ta OmM Mat
lliai lTi


• aatasiM




u lar. gain aad mg^ya
tMt ^otada ta taSoud^mat^
---------'^Saa fas ta Ota ttafiM*
r aWpaad. M wa* tta kig

tMMtt ataB *( Higirtfl tow*.


e. «.

To Close Out!
Men’s and Boys’ Saddles
S3.50 and $3.75.
Ladies’ Sfde Saddles

They' are a very baultful dai^.
made out uf large, grale White Aab.
handioBely carved, with 00x24 bevel
puie alrror, 4 drawer* to draaia. 2
*well tnmi. a baaatltal
s’"! '
all to
■ avarj
. ft. Ugb. (yoo would
chop any place fa glOOf.)
, pile* BOW oely................................... IKTI
.. ..!g Use Of Bedroom Batta to Miect
from, raaglag to price from a S-ptoa
Butt*, solid oak................ glATO and glAn
And raaglag rt^i up akiag w aome
bautiful quarta aswad oak auliM (or

Aay prtoe you want frea that np to IBUt


II Pay*
a peed HattraM to esM *• alpbto.

jt 4A exapUuaally good bed.
rerr baattral deaiga. m yoo will
-.. . ..
would 4*k
>—my petoe la <m]

aayoaa t
A good ExeeUkir MattraM tor gljg- ata tt
Tour wtl* oook ba (»a bfwwD oaa a bta


Tta ebaapMt

aad mat


d put la laye It to buBcb
_____________ *ad* with my
a luttp
oa. aad gsaraaiata by
noar aad myaelf u give
both lb* (acutr

hsak batWtas k

6o-earte mSBoSv

aak you gUbO. 140 M, gU.M ata
If you have any Ida ta gmbedroom anil* doat mto* iMtag

55^.0. -lUad


•r tve eblUrra.
Tbe (our-pa*«eBger
II bold (oar large
people. TbU 1 will aeii la...................i
There are aome ta tbaa* swtaps oa
market that are aol wotk lekiep g
I got aome ta tbeee but M aotm M -I
what they were I aUppad Ibom i
back. Tbeee ate pood, acrtmp.
made oat of poud. hard maple.


“E“S’S:’«n»»ta. ta.

ta (
earn* yaataaHay aa iba Cbaif
Mad tta aammar mtlh tbtar

They are made of good hardwood,
nicely patoied. are k ft. 4 Im la

la Bedroom Suite


every year
Hundred* ta II
.. _ Dr TbomMArBclactnc
by hartos
to the botue Jn*l whaa ll U needed
Tbagr aaipatitid tbetr trMtaa aad
Ctuew eroep. baali bora*, cuu. wound*
Cartk AatwrlB* and tomUy rklted ta erery aort.
ha paraata atar Ortatt. Batarday.
aty -rmuad «ttb
trial of tbe ao-ealled -female
Uka Wntaa aad
Hn kur ta topbw U rtaftlas ba
taata tut weak, httasks ta a taria
ird,- rran
r tw. *^fodda.
as* boiM nwi tta
tkta. Mn Al«a.
raft of tasa
gUD at AlleaatetB. Btat PnuaU. ----Cam* Beuatt apaai
* X Dark aad «tto Wta
falibtol hMbaad. P•nysodda a botelnak.
taAdeta *rnm HamDtea, Oaaata. an
keapa aosbt bar puulas arweale to
—d prtoH tor pot
brotbaa*. L*vta aad
bU eoVee aad r
haadred batbtaa k*e*
I ow town erne day laat waek.
other bnxbaada,
,-----------------m ta yeoBf saata ai
aau. dkd aaddaty. Tta aatbo^
■ K

eabumad tbtir rematoa aad (otiad WIt at Sot- ‘
TMWad ralattoM bar* ev aympatby. teak la
_ ta' tb*
**tW*aBdraB?^iHr a<
taT* akata Urn
taarsT all foa*r Headaeta? BumTta erki mlU ta Alex. Maaoa at
oka mon to tai«b
- tta tab.
teb oiu ta ordat Blmply a oa ta
Baatal ta tbs yasM --aetata Daek Lake, k aow iwady to no. aad torpid lira. Bardoek Blood Blttart
MrpM lira,
Mr. Haaaa kaap* a aamba ta koat* will ma'
wkleh b* tou to Btblas porUta
ta yoo.
A. A. Baataata Tkttad ta Aaa Arbor

»ei up on your poi^^^waf Toil wlU
eajoy them *ad your ebUdiwa woald
more tbaa enJoHibem I put ta a tUek ta
Ucm tbU^prliL* but ta too crowMJa

1 drf) I
m> p


■ -5f?‘'p;5*^ta«k,

«M aaartat saaHaa btaora tta *
ctarnd daptalad. all (aatlas ttat


have a neat


But b«rc I* eur ««lr* (pkcial

^WarSUi'*HaKtagt aad !




are making


WM ta tta aaftabortaod PrUay.

MktaaTat STbema onS^nTlK
SSA Ooartada aad aarpriaad Wta
. IMT Haadbam, arbe cwapMta bm
arm ta aeteol bare aatt «aHa WhOa
Waa Naataam «ai THMBC Ota ta tta


you can tiirlcli out oo ll nr recltoe
In aay podilun-gnod auUd fraaw.
hav) casvai seat and bark, wtibuul
arm*, ooty........................................................yg*
With arm* ......................................................... gtjp
Tbro we have the beat wood Lawa aad
Pun-b Bat* In 1. k tad C ft. length*.

iDPiCtC. f

Piaak Duaa ta Trarerae City
lUylBS Ibere tbra we^
1 our town oa* day Uat weak.
(be aleeplnt -'apetl*- biaad be wa* ubea to the
Id Hn. Allen, a tOB.
a. to
Jua* itih.
Dr. 0. W. rtalkdt wm to
la aa tcieaia ta the
k aB*a
alp—rery n rare aomedma, bol It
Doaa'a Olatment. quick
can be cured
Haiy TottM bM Boaa to BMt aad permaneo in lu reanRa- At
a tow day* St KalkBakA wltk tar aoB.
dama WUaem aad wfto war* taw* KaaoB U„^tBd a tow day* with bar dnis ilore. M
■SHb MlU itttatad
tb* ^weetb
BlM cf Cbkmfo aad Hla*
Owtnl LAk*
Kalhiya Pafitaat ta tbto plaa were
ndow ta the 0
ad ta tasrrtase at
at tb*
tb* boat*
boat* of
tta btada'a qarwBU Jaa* Uib
rn tbe lira
sad basptatai la tta wtah ta tbtar
nktng ta (b. ... .
, be dlred Ibroufb ibe apeh
HlBsr Pammt ta* been maUas
of the srouad floor of tb e mUI
1* about Ik feet nbore
If the Blnekatoae rlrer, 1
City tat. _______
Hra. Wahar Wataoa waa
Ur. OUbart ta aow pmttos
(aJta. wbeaee
near tb
Ratal Fbrrtat. He la aa
be wa* taken to
B rlra
Tbe child had f
*^Ttd KMe amd wife bare
I would
while playtos on
TVfaaT wbatw tbap expect
have drowned b
rbaaka', aad k aew a
tbelr ftitaiw '
of Kelley
H* bM a cat ta ab


clean, pretty iron bed.

toabiuty to

BUiwottb OM taiF taat waafc.
O^n^n. ^dVyua'«ta*M^


Wc have a large and cumulate line of iron beds, and

especially low prices on them for a few da>’s, that will save you a lot of money and enable anyone to

Hra. Obu. Bartoa k oa tta skk

aad Hr*. Wai. Beianect of Trav
ara CUy ware to wwi> Bnadny.
Mn. Dnlpb Wa aad tons Cbarlea
Ilf of
WHl aad Harry, wan the sueala
Mn J. Laird aad dairtter rtorena
Hr. aad Hn MtarfUe Gray were
■ktltal tbelr paraata. Hr. aad Hn
[. praaae. Baaday laat.
Bam»b*r tb* eatartalimiai July
ltd. flT«B by Mr. Day (or tb* beacli
a Tneara CUy
ta tta H. B. ebateb.

I not

Ciei any cut from any mail order house and send or bring it

will dupHcalc it and save you freight charges.

tboi tbay e

No 7M la a tart*, maaatr* bta. bamaUfal daolcA. (atban wtaU aak ywa
r.U tor it)-my peto* k etay............MJB
Owr apace I* loo UmRta to a* bat a tow
ewu bat we bar* era » BHanat «*atga* to tnm bed*. laaMu k MtoM fiem
tbeae up to IT-M. W* bare aay ptlcw
betweea tbaa I bar* waoted. M ywa eoa
gM you a bta tor aay prk* ywa wkk M


Haamoeka. Perch aad Lawa Chair*,
taehars bod Bauea that wfll btap
ytm to *ta<9 Uto. I caa aaU yea a
~--------- --tor Tkc. gLM a gLX.
ttar nap* rfpht akap wp ta Prta
Irea that to............................................ ...WJi
A Farrt Boeka at aay o*a yn *kfe (a


celebrated Ul'ICH MEAL to all tayke.
tron a tbree buaa to a gaatake toart.
2-Boaa Qaaolue Bwra. wffb am
elcwed end*, brua barwerv (« amir ttM
W* al*o have 4 faU Ua* of OU BtovM toa
(»Blek Mai Blue ITamc 041 Stora*.

Oor SM •! €Mk Stem mte
St««i Kmgte ii cpmpMt

^ pood Cook Stove fa.............................. BA«

M lam site ii ^ Mmsm
A pood Bteel Baope, with blpk atalf


Practical House Furnisher.

Qlboigsalc and RrtaU.



Ovcr«Work Weaken»
Your KMneys.
RMtan B^ iBparc BWad.
toed in yeut be«r peewe ihrou(k
reoBCeeven'three minner.
The kidneye ere yeur
bleed purlfMrt ikey liP


cicrdet.ihay lai: leIheU work.
roarncri corne f-em c

tk« iMcmctlM Ik

<»• ».-WtUlB.tbe
« mn
lh« Qc4dmt of UMrv.
tan l«b
ji aru
Mudi ca tb* (hMM ef tbr
MtaRol. b<
bM bM •■rack by tUbUUi
o»»r iw> lUar*
bMB mktai tb« bn»M italw f
t. Th* aota bad blBtalaata
, Itapm ina« o( tbe p>dd««. «bleb
war* expected (o wrv* ai llcbtslbf
rode hare beea celled oB. They will
le rap^bced by approred HchiblDc ar

AMm. Utah. J<»e U -Tbe aew
IIP.OOP houl which U belac erected
al the iMib ead of Torch lake U
aaartas coapleikia abd the proprleior
hoped to (M IB II la abape lor oceapaaey by the Pimrtb ed July. The
hotel la beta! built by a block coo
Rer. tar, Hanea, of tkai cli>
aew eolUM are atao belni
bear Um haul.
Tbnw are «ulu a
hoBiwr of ChartoiU aed other bioa
ooaaty realdeou balldlac cotta«ei ai
the rotort. which haa beeo caltad
Chrtaal B«Mh .
Ctadlltac. HlcV Jnaa It.—Tbt aaanal
thd teaerahly croenAe b^waM Iwhe
Oadlllhe aad Uho Wichall, oo the
nth. Tttb.
Wlh aad lilt or
July. Thta U tb< am Bweltac of
the iiiilly ta om^. wbteb It lo
U baraaf% aadjEr all Ubm
■eattag ptaga.taaftaaay o( the rlalt-

oSuta^ J*aSe^^ SlM<irw*cd
aa uBUoa m tha aharaa ta Qadlllae'i
l»o takea.
A •-WIM •ay.”
Ran Ml Imda. Juac lt -le>rke<l up
le <-a«ra with Bookeye and uilier aol
■ala. hie taoe aad Uade dleookrred
to dlttulM hiB aaJ bi> rkithlw Uk
ao hway U> nake bUo ai anar to aa
•Blaa] aa tnaalble. wad ibe feaiful
niperfbMe id aa Maat Hi. l.<iuU eliyuartad boy. aecordlaf lo hir eiory
■aw to the police. ll wee a Iralnlot
10 be A^WwIM boy" wtib a clroua Ibe
Hivta llitaw waa flren.

______ .
btaori. 4Mten«Mcita
ki^ iNktata
Kl^jr ifstibU cbUta 4uWk er uiMcnl?
*’— tabu, kill mikM cm led u ihe-urk
hkd iMUt tr»«bla. becau^ iiw bca-- u
pMiened bleed throuA rtih] and inertca.
II uad le be eenbacred iht: eMy urinaiy
lieublea were te be Irbced ■» ibe kidnc/L
bei now medern ecttace prevea ibii a

ume. gwtmp-linii. 1
impHuoi. ^aed ihr a

A Qlen Haven Wadding.

I tan. WmielB


I Id erertreeax oa
Ibe eveot fte I
rli> Irot.-IID( r»
Tbr brldr WOB ol
.irr, Ml» Allis- Karraut. aoil iIkrei aao «a> Hr. Harry Klee, uf 1^1


.. .. by MlH Morfarel Rice
Harry Rice, older aod uoei

■WWihay aad tha how itOhaiool grtat
ta wy that thii am ha 4a blgbaH
yet oaatarwewd la tka ataia ta
jUtaMwa. aad «a ta Iho tareagooL

Juiir I.'. 111. hundred killed lo ibr
dctfuriiiiu Id ibe lown Id Hoppo.-r
Ore. Ii> ckKiilburui. pn.peny luxi

fllea lla«eo. Juoc ll
UUx Kalhe
rib Bpeacer t'arraai. uf
of Ible plarr
aod Mr. rredertch nio tiiD Rln-.
rbkwcn weir <tallod Ic oiarrta«c On.


»ni- hundred
killed. BOO
d damate ta lo
olei. ntftoe asd lllredalr.

luoilnsl w. Va
ujni- IIII -8ev«o dead aad (real pmp
ujmxrxl al Bit
eny Iiw. cauwd by rluudburxi

__________ j trao- BylTBter B<
a »wie auhobe ta ibo oaraleal a:
' li Bhdta arraoL
r Wotar Mewar.
^Mtab.. Jane It.—Work



Stocks, Ronds, Grain&Provisions

1 have just received several Carloads of goods,
consisting of———

CMlOAga Baarg ta Tra
Hsnngh, Uy ft Co.. Travi

easy steady money

ao hUa alBoit taaaoe
oba LayuiB
. thaa a week the ehlld bad been talaa' tag mil the poltao louad the inriaad
UtUe aw tBbhtag talo Iowa
' (aae bhd baada ta the boyy arc aiataed
00 bU body

powta Oh Data Orwk. loeaiad oae aad
: Mhdovth «)Ma ti«i Baal Jordaa.
- Tbo dam *tll ho aeaotraeiad ta Pontaad ootaaht aghtaou, wHh aartb BIIMg batai ta the eoserolc. aoTeita towa
ta ahata hlUag rmaatag thraagh the
' aanh w^
btagbt ta the atrwe; two CMB tho Mtaal tavta ta tho
' poooa bod to tho oroat ta iho dam
fwUl to wtaotwt ta hold a tpdood
kwd aad taoau a ww oMtagt aal,Ma«t ta prodMa. It hoart out ta


j ll. a—Twepiy
a—Twosi Mrex k
I ilaioagit, done by Bo
Mdllwn aod Graolie C

Ann ai I
in—weiLleafr. a t-

HmUoa Ikit paper whoa vi

■ pareotK. 11
Thr re
f>d by Ker. I



roar, I
juud in
: eo} ul ihr al»ie unrard foLr.. uul>ti. pli-XlU-. . elli.l

I’MlaJi-lphla. Wx ouroervd tuur
in a (reliOi car Tueeday Dl(bl.
.lutK Ibe toeo and aided tbelr
"• In excape. PuHceoieD were at4e> hrard
hrei- l.luccfmix were runolof
hi- ireci. Tbe bM were b>
being ihip
>n beahlvei
n-.l fu Uoaeld. l>o. Seven
-IS- piled In 0 trelfbt cor lo (be
iltadelphlo A Keadloc yard.
open •
lonleni dixeov0 del
he corner
■...... "u-y pried ta be men is-achr.1
, ta plunder
ADolber rub
,r ihlog The «oo( wo.
liuirInK ftiHv-l.
TillI- -tropiv'd and fur (<•had IhlUKx all Ihe^
ibii-rex alamped an.l
XU and rullcO uu lliioipi le rid Iheiiixrlii-a

haiurday. ine ^aveMh day ol July.!


We Handle




The Farmers’'T='avorite and the New Cfiampion.




wHh ctaBMc valuad at
|T,m.ON. A good part ol lUi
ptrtababU Barcbaadkae. but naay ta
ta U( chtgwe «ai« ta a kind a
be tatarad by waur.
I bSmb Ohio. Kwtaahy aad To"—
la ItW )oft IM raaeeli ware da».aoa wUl bo oapoaiad to aoad ti
ta iboot ataiao tkwa art .aaa' aM agad la aionae oh the Ukaa. Twatra
r Utae raaeeli were a loilU luex. aad
te aargoee ta Boat of ikota that
-aat dowa era ae rataabM today
baa tbe rwaala ware wreokod.
Of the eawela wrotaad la IMt. tl
earrlad Ireh ora. U grata, to gold.
1 hiBbar .« atome and brick, aid,I
>ppta ora.
Of the wtoekad roaaatx « weal
XWB la Lake Bite. f1 to iBke Horoa.
tt ta Lake Hltalgaa, and » la Ltae
•lor- ta olhta yaare thara.x
eargaeo ta tapper IoaL^M
M Baay cargaae ta Iraa ore. la o4er
yaare alao Uere waa a (realer proikw ta raaeela loat ta Lake Hiupm
aaiaaBprtaa. Ao oaao wM ha oarthe akpertawhl of rntelag


Fairbanks & Moore’s make. We also carry a
full line of....

iwnlh Da
■ eoa.

e (real

) TTwhlagloa daao U.-~Ooa. Batto.
Lake Haraa hai a depth ta ^
jii—iidta ta Ibo dagartwiat. ta Uo 1#H tact, ll U aaxoBed that w
iWfeM. M» Bade aa wo«Btal roport raeata* hpra bean teat oa Ukt KuMt
haa Oh Laka MleWgaa. aosi
tkaaa la aoaiparaUrely ehallow u
or wKhlB all or aerro Bllee ta- the
‘*SagSl°2Sortaed Iba ooaabM
'^rrr— at iba Wot aaaakau but
■ U«t raela tbe Wat twaaiy y
ipwnidad ao woaay, 1W gianal win

and one carload of-

hefcU> lurldd dxocin* ot oil. kind ; ;v ut.sf \
.. picnic.
bich ^^rnil..ieii 1

gMrah far Itat Tratauraa.

a win be la Uke Huroo A
wreaUag aoBpooy which baa kepi
folly ptaiad oo tha Ttaaalt loai dar­
ing Iht pad iwo daoadeo bat ukta
hold ta tha awuta abd tt It reatoaaWy aaxurad that aoBO good r
will, be altataed.
Tbe copper oalbB la Ibe
ragtoox have baaa wo4od Cer i
•Illy yaaro. Wllblo that pertod
TBaab hare bean loei. A ye
ta tbMD waa lacad. nhd
tha work ta raWag the cargo xrai
lal the wrecklAg
aoBpaay had e»er dne. Tbe
le that oee eaaa box led

Buggies Of all Kinds
Olds Wagons,
Spring TootliHarrows,
Smootli Harrows,
Bisk Harrows.*
S"“ Seed Brills
Gasoline Engines-

3t makes, One carload of

air I

■rlulcuraaal iben
.aelden HsmaHa



Ho. DiW dam-


brSTc i-orr'lKl a lowulKuTTuorb of
Anertcao ttaauiy rua.-> pr.-u-nied lo
by IIIBI Utaoi-hi- He.bni id Trmr. Oily.
A very daloly aoU di-llcloua eisl
dIBc breaktaet waa aened al ll:00
at Ibe borne of the brtde e *raod per
eoti. Mr. aod tart. D. H Day
floe preeeou were reeelri-il from
' leodi aod rclalliei of lh<- ruolracipanlea. Tbe preaeola were vi-ry
>-Uy aad ueetui aod cooiined uf ell■rwaee. chlaa, cut (law aod lloea.
Ur. aod tart. Rice Honed ibU afierxm U a tour of Ibe Nonhero reN-ie aad will be at bone la CbKaxo
I ihelr frteada after July 1 Tbei


Hay n—»W kiued aad aiz laJured la wind aod rain ottaBO al
LmauoapiKi. KukoBu
lad iluaa. (l.owywo.
May 2t-nvc baodrad Bade baBCleeo by Hind at Sknu Cfty and WebHer «i}. luwc.
Hay 3> lo June
li.uoc.uw lorn, at
roanl ul buud
• «-EI*hly-two pB•load ax a r.reull or Baud al To. Kan.: aimicitu ul dullarx
•—m«en dead aad
•lex. IB Buod IB Kaakae. miniooi HWeeUoi ArBourdoleraueed
ll it.eoo.nw
St—tallM of CDuoiry lo
deaoa* biiiiubi luDeailnutied).
I -Oar buodred
I Jane
iiuii cauvd by c
| itai

nine le kidaey liouMa.
Jlyeuaie clck yeu can Inalir na ni
by ftm daetaney your kidrryi TSe
and the aitraardinary cHeci e( Dr. Kilmn >


TITirRSIUY..JUKK 85.1»08.

Hloh. by Udal wive oa Laka Ulakb

bad. hoary barkoebe.
roea kkUeye,olxorbew
iHbrr reOHdUa txUta. Dr. ran.

Wuasl.ix-tan., II.

Harnesses St Robes

Axk fur tkxat his>t • tree.


Av^si^ss;: jsr.r ra

•Tbo Qimwy ta Uta VwM.’'

Harvesting MacMnery
Steel Junior Binders
Mowing MacMncs
Corn Binders bay Rakes
___ t..................... —_


consisting of the No. 10

> zip-. ZXirssri.p'Liis:

and various numbers of

ssi:^ «lUi



fit for the season. We are still selling the cel­
ebrated Milwaukee

Homcstcid I tftdf
of 160 Acres






aS'sJKi'S.^is. -

Mat to eoBt hataro 4a oaatt


•SSrtaUMwu ta 40 Batata Oraad

i^ Stad. hta 4a an

ta IhM eedie. ud wel wlUu iviwIydxv.B.
tloei ta 4a wraekinf oospaalaa
ibtadly will be ailaaded lo
. wbara iba dap4 ta e
a oparaHohi. aad It Bay be
tee ta BlUtou wlU ooae 4 4a

u “r’rV.r i.Hd


1 sell the Kalamazoo Round Silo. If you expect to
build a Silo, let me know, and I would be glad to fig­
ure with you. as 1 sell Silos of several kinds of lum­
ber and a great many sizes, and we also ereef them
at your barn. 1 find that there are not many farm­
ers who understand the Silo, and thought it best to
furnish it complete.
In connection with the Silo, you should have a

akape ta troh aad emipar froB ibe bel

Cream Sapara'tor
i ha ha italaead fra* 4a o—---------

S?ta Ootaio K Oraaa ai. Bdwta
B. Vaa “ "



Hay ta—Oae killed aad foor la
iarad la aoMhera ladlaha eytaoah
Hay ft-Two killed and oaa lA
md la Tana cgeloha.
tav ll-TWat kllWd add U b
yarad ta Urea eyetaaa wkkh aww
Aaaatto. Aahtahd aad BWIaa. Kaa.
Hay th-Twaaiy-two klUad 4 c
elooa W Ou eooau. Kawha.
May n-ltaeee kUMd aad It i
yarad la vtad
OUa. ladiaaa a
Hay tt aad "
M tayorad la
aadoet la the
aadltahtoaka and* tawed taaoUBahi.

_____ _

I°MV C^Om UHad aad________
IIM.BW taoaad by rycltat la ChMago
May ta—BWhteaa killed by ryctoae
wW4 wlhpd eni wwm ta Btaw, He
Hay M-Bix ktOad aad it tayirad

We sell the Empire, which is well known and will
,sell on its merits.

is., rtaewary.A DM*, wnkewt pmkmttk. .s«

: ^^ssss:--Si-

at XMetaBtamUOaun. id tok. knlux i»

■owihaawere Wabraaka. wkare gaa“
gg-Tbraa UlM at ft. Joaw*.

My business has grown to such im extent that it has become'
necessary for me to secure more space. 1 have placed a com­
plete line of the above mentioned goods on the large carriage
room of my sale and feed stable* at 321 State St., where you
will always find a good line of horses for sale.
When you come in to trade, anyone trading $5.00 or more
can have his horses taken care of free sf charge at the feed stable.

- w irmlTei w wii





nil*. M. B. O. MATBS. BBttW.

LUa Mlluta BTlai u4 MB.
i Wkilt MI IB Ui« BKkuBuBp. ■
MB tot*.
• Tb« Klag.
• B»fi BMMlr I
WbIMB io mtU a* flM

r* baart* b ihrah* ate i
_______ lo ha 'btard. bat It BaBt ao
wonU Tk* MJM ta
aiplau kiBtaU at tboasb k* w
n* Mlb«r tboalB kaav '
t b*r ekUd. ate b* raadp
BUM taeb appttit talrlp ate b
eillp. A tblld alwapt ha* «aUfc r*
>nlbi ter taeb Baallas. I uarrd
. a Mlbtr U arar wlUlas to
lb* look of (lad. adortas Urt tkai U
bar ponloa vb*a tb* Uok* with tlab
*• a Mtip aecteai. aad
to bar msbtaaad HlUe oa*
1* tap. 1 kao* pea dU act UUap to
Bo B. Btar.' Bb* aaad aoar fear
will wltUasIP repai ib*

OU bWBMI ttol lu*»
: OM vna«* (lat fukM a

U tk» *«U vUhOiM MB Ik* wtt
H* oMMb tk* oU tklM« M>:
Th* iMck *1 MiTo«, tk* ttalB « ■
Have ftcB bom tk* (Me vkan l

PM Ik* AUl klfkl'i BMip ■
AMV la tk* kMT*a* Ik*
y. OB Mrtk *** klatfl »pHlK.
Tk* eU Ufa tel a lh« Ilf* Blrta*.
H( wDl It Thin*, Tfcr trill t>* Bila*,
Tk* MB( wtate Om >•« I —

Mthari loT* forbw eb11Bappro*ek*t
aar»r lb* Btrls* te* ikM aaplUat
elt* that tb* world kaow*. OoB bat
(lr*a dt to bM. TmAyir tboaJd tkt
cbtrUk It. aot BartaTto toll tr laftr*
with a ktttp word or eaiwUa pads

wan) uaklac Uf* worth wbU*.
That *o«i tk* Ua*t ate Ba*i tk*
Mil. It Jail a pUaaaai it
Tht talU tkai bubbte troa
tbM teat lu i«Uow aa
Will drit* awar tat MoaB* c

• -Tk«f*-t k*lp is tltelB( altera ksBir^ ftMiBf
> U tktn't soUlks *te u> te.
i> U oCktr folk* art ««*rta(.
AsB atsM all ca owtj.
!• DM-l T*s paBnalt vHk ckriaa;
• TtrUl k* betur kf ssB bp"
teUtoa doUart ate
mU* coto*t »irp Mip pnn tM
jriWMNf tkt €4lfhi^$ CsMt. A wHakto
«p wttb ahato
A baadite tlau* b*fnr* poo «M
t«a*M oat a *asSP War.
Aaotkar turr Mmosali* Brlflt
*bi tk* ls*r Chair tUi •••k. asB li Ii npp)«* oat. aoraanr, lo Ite baarttirias* that wUl tat.
It to Mod MB *0 f«U of »n*r
Ikat H It tar b*ll*r tkM aanktas Ate alwapt Uara* aa *ete tl
iirtsla*l ooalB b* Tktlr Baar lilllt
ebUBM kaaru taka trlik lafatlte
Mr* oBtM tkM «a kwB. asB tk«r wtet br a lalto u ■
sra M BoMb tkar esaaol pal
' plat BBtk worBa. RtsB asB mm
kar. Btsr Mlkar, «kaa atsi aa <
bar* a**ar taote aaptblas «atu
«• **M aiuiu at tk* tabu U Mn. •qoal to a botUB bos for asatlas tte
Mattla'* iBtaMBl BlalaB roiMi wkaa
l*r ehUBraB. Mite U toim
.btt oitm bar. Oharte, aaraUail/
eapBbU <B beldtoi om teal
jnBtlr MBebaB soma Ik* labia, h Mitoaa. ate ta eoar** cB Um
ueotoa B*ai1p falL
fBHSBSIttp It *aa Mfl7. skB tk* Ob ralap ■atardap'A wtea tteebllMBbtr a* aba UakaB BA '
IM boMs to sow aataap m
XMfll. mj mmWbal iball I Bor I op. 'Tou tolfbl
aplaeB* ooMfrad
ton tte baititot br m.* ate lb*p art
Bapa War. TWa r
alwapt BoUshtad to Bo IbU.
fV«B trat Ik* oBaai
poor eat Ite batuoi ea a tors*
iMkIir Ml BbU.
aewapapar. ate tial tot aaeb
oat all to <M aekif, ate ta
s« tte aato: tba tte chOBra
aaB BtUeaw
• ilBaa tM aid* pUhlBi a
bit Mtkar^
wttb boU*. lb* otba
las tboa wMb sbSBki. *aeh cm
U *** ,tb« lajarr, rr*B «M
BlBal ttUr Bad Ilia, ate «b« to tte elB*r
Bow* tte itoateti
aitet la Bo It-'*
•at tk* Mlkar IbbmBbb lb* bapb papar, tte aBBtos tcs*tb«r tbeaa
spotacr. ksB baaBia** cB tk* (ta*Bto« *a«b toda. TbU to teoB sraeitoa
la*k U hJa apt*, abb imbUbbi
. PM. U MN*ai. I a« iMto la mmb m
•Utstlp, aaB «Hh iwbaB ahaaka. Btot*. utoastoa. ebtosa, ate i
ate Ut tk«to auk* B(arw. tomlac
tk* mMUt* bop eb*psB tba
mbb. HUmm hkB nallp b**B tea
IbM bk i4B*r brolkarY bat tb* l*
•Bht war* wort* asB b* ww
M*B aaewBladp. Ii wat boi ha
aeara* tk* vtol kaowa |
Hia. UartU tboafki Prad mm
er te**. Ite IB m* BM. .
tk* wMBBjbM Ohsite that tk* puUbad fciai asd allawad bU WoiWr-t PUswB. Bte Cte tlBp uu ara Bote to
tk* baoew'wttb a tor**
fit to pau with a amd rakabt.
a ate Mas.
bat raiktr baesaaa ib* IrtpHat
m» bMUB Bim BBBaptl tad pr»
tt u am P
*MBp or aookp. fer Ite bat ■
Urmte Ik* aatarttp cd rabMa _ BMt antotto Porto, er uoto bat
■muutad. wbUa tk* Basra* *( («Ut thioitBeB la a etntoa MPA.
or tk* koatatp tf psrpaa* U tk*
AahllB lr*a o**r a M( asd talk.
HU atolktr labat Us U kw arm
asB ecMttru ktai sad earv with bUM tb* tnteB taabtad. 0**r tbU
atUasM r«( b* talk a Bti
bad a*, b* atrOM t ataad a*B abai
IM a btaatni raat. nda tiM a
tMWB U aa ikt BHtbarb taea. aad
A* rMaUat klu aaB paskhta tk* bap
bu kU rattaliMiii Tk* ban boBp
BMlM* ao baallBs hUM aaB a
adU. Ik* adOat baart M* m I
m UtUB Mlkar aiM. He east
M»B*t PaBsMsl trwabUi lb* Ml
bat ifiblat U tk* bar* I
aaaB* bba trcM
f iiii la i
at wall at siM.
Tb* aaad U snM te mmm mi
padsMBt la BmUbs with tb* a
■kaah*. aad klaaBM ad tua
I pUM te fattla* that Man b* a:
tt* Map er aaaortBf mmIu; t
—BiteUrt that U at tab aad
a* ■ U uMtr aad -—“i^h
It a MB'! Uatani aqtaBa* tm hu
paKhkert bars, tb* Uw Ba*i aei
MB Uai MaptwfbU te tkt twaalM;
baa II b* wMiMlp puaai
■Mt* la bU aal(hbar't hap
K* CBUbMU bla Mb btatp pMMr If a kauri Mb aautet a a
baaacb aad rnrnAt tb* baU thiateb
Mi ■■aiiiliii-i btart b* U aat
MmBmt.- bat S b* alM bU saa a^
tb* balW Boat lu lual wait. hU


b* fwtwB taoBSb to Rate H.*
M* IbM haH (alL tte tbato rto*
Wka lb* Bun cuat* hoM K
itU tte Mte at* MU ate feaki
la aoM to b*ar^ pUaaMi tb^ o flfiea tolBBt** to a bet o*M Tb*
f <war*t b* U Ui«r*M*d U all tb* s u oboald te T«rp palM.
uw Ballp happMilast ate to
> aol. te U not
proiwrlp teoosbl a
•bU to balte* tbai h<
Mt* laier«ii*d I tte puttaiulBf Bowa aad lelHos Iblos*
raal pUatar*. bol it ea* te cratip
added lo bp UlUaf (*• ««r7 i
ate brtEbu*i tbtasi ibal ar* la
head tear* oat the somipt iblnci
Oo hook IO Ikt dapi cB pour
U pou do aol alwapt cam
a-llh pou. ate tell whM happ.
aa lasMQOut fraakocu U
aakei •*«o altfurtuBt* lakt ut i
of s»te o«w» '■*«
ow It wUI larti out. aopwap.
whp tot mate l( sooB to tl*ft
aad If fit* latUu upoa lurolas It bad
the failll balohsi to f*'*. *B(
woo poor Hill* world'i
U> pour <uoap l*Bp*r —Ledser

-OuBe rtsbi o^s' 7^cried wlib

ir X.,

otel) apollte tb* IwauUful Boral ef
r Dotbtos elM.
U* fraawwork abould b* airoas ood
dvUstaiful but braokfui brad
oeeure ood ihe Betbod u*«l br o
be mode br mltlos losrtber lo t
-oo lo orraostbf tb*
ooe plot of mal ud uoe aaol
tewrr lor ber oblp doupbler'a Bor
cd Wit dropplos la ooe
rlas* BOP help aoBe perplexed woa
M who la plooDlos aoDetblof alBlUr haplos leupooeful of boiler ud oJdlox
bulllDt woler lu Bulal
Ste poodeiwd loos ood deeply wboi
pule Corer cloaely ood
teuld be uaed ea * fouodoilos. ond
t Uot decided upoo chlckro wire. Il ■el o>ldr over alfbl or uoill Ink*eaat oouod rery aoairul or beora'two cupful* of altled doui
r. but It "fllled lb* blll."‘’Tb* bower
rai eftelte lo o oireer oad tb* ebUk- •u®ri*Bt milk to mix lo a tbia drop
er Sllr la iwo acui (eupo
m wire woo ao bool tbot li funaod a
of baklof powder, pour Ulo w
eri of a aboil. irUasulor to ahope. to
Bl U* eoraer ad awemoi ouiword traaed pui ud bake lo o hoi or
bp dHirlos two booki Tu roaure a rrlap. cruRp reaull, '
lato tte eelllos ud auapadlas tba
a wire wUh cokmb ordloarp
a cord. WUb ibU louadtikto
■I wa ear It woa a rue* wed
Mrw. Eilarp'a Olnpar Tea
dtos ate while Boat of ib* fiasrui
I Hr* Bllerj
ta MB* froa Iba florUl. tte
B 11 becauae
doo'l ue* sroued
>bor*' sardM ptelded up cootrl- Slnser aloe* I’ve diacovered Ibol It'a
M. ate tba ibe al*M wer*
lu be teir uwduat I uae Ibe
alapip alack Ibraasb tb* oHwork of Buld extract ud pour ball a teupouo
tte win. Peraa were oa*d pleoiUullp
110 0 loeup to bat water, aweel«r bar* plae*« wber* Ue I
odaltoe ibowed Ibroupb. Dow*
lo keep It from bltlos
Ite khUa, ebataa of srwraa. alncai
Uy oblldlWb ore oJI tote of
bp tb* fo*ea attached.
wbeo tbep ter* cold* 1 sir*
b«D draped, ate wbeo tb* bowar
ea Ol bte line ud tbey
betor* th* <
aotUas could bar* b**o lor*Itor. Ate tte toW* dldat ter*
■Ite.dlauaetod Cor ca* uloou fnua, y 0* poo fix ILtb* draadfBl
A L*akp Selkr.
If. OB woabloi day morBln*, pour
loundreof. with doleful k»k*.
DalaUa tolsb te uood for ooreiins poB ibol tte boiler, filtod wlib clolba.
tte wlrw, ud U u* had a apnau bu aprvb* o took, do dot dapalr.
ahlwb ta cm'* pard. -lb* bUsooto* are Puab the doIbe* owap from the aide
poaltirolp IB«al. ate If oa* U careful to lb* boiler aod drop lo a budful
to sttber U* bloaipai* fuR prorlou* of euro aak TbU will utile oi the
aatos thaw, ibep wUI ttap frah botloa to the boiler, will aooD iwell.
ote Bake tte roca a r*nuble bowar Bines Ibe leak ullrclp, ud lb* ou
with lhair *w«*t odor* ud fraflU cuaot tern lb* ekrtba Tb* eSt
IP.—Dtortot Trlbue
U e*allp sood, If pour pot wiu
boiled diooer or boa leak* while
Skiiha ate BMrt WaUto.
-Tte char touaUa waUl.' deelatwa
(te Otoroll Trtbau. “ta rerp pppuT* dun tte C*Ra Pel.
tor tbU twaaoe. It U atte* op lo ao
To cleu the coffee pM la wbicb
■aap BUfarat wapi that u* hwlia- le ooffM U Bade troi
ua to aap fan wbtoh kite tanb* bat ailoD wbtoh com* otter a few weeki'
L to tte staaral aipl* tte ohlrt lu*. to epit* ol tborousb wublas,
t Baa BM Bltar radleallp from the eoffa pot with water ate put to
to Ite «artp *prtoS- The ale
o ubiMpoonttil to wuhtos aodo.
ar* MBtoto la ala*, tte pradi
bM caase
that thep
te a srat
I the black eulu '
raatiaad pel.
> a food waebtos
tawat to tte waui U plaited, u<
1 will te brlsbl ud oew
bask U partaMp pUto. U up
eu b* Mtoad aa a chan
totU to thli Rdbto*r btooa*. It b
partaMlp Plato ^mek. Tte (real aap
A Oke froatlos wbtoh U-Borel ud
u aothtas
food U made aa follow*: Bxpreo*
to r*a*«*
-Laat auBBwr the aaiaU box plait juice from Hpe aUBwberrta
wu aa*d tor tediBs a touch at Ua*t
at toBap a woawo
S abln waiR tb*
a fruaied. cut iblB allea
to wWeb hu
art to a tew tort* auawberrlc*.
to MtotoiBs abowa platolp i
ace OTcr the lop of Ihe coke.

Tte OM* Wh* Warn tor Uoto tom.
Troto I o'etoab to tte Mratos aalll ctoa* to d to tb* **018* there
SAM vparnura pladtos ul Uti
Ite tbdto be ee.
Ite XJoltad SuiM fOTcrBBi
ds towosh to toratah ell tte Blathat ar* seoB tar Dartas U*** boor* Ibatw ara. to
a. S.OM tppawrllar stria boaUp
tte put to tb* watM that to had ate
uBi eoBMaat awiUttos
racla Sato to Ite
Tm MMtot a*wM a tb* wiwv
Itas ai pea *«aU a poUbmm tMa» to ippUu to tte iMBliT aad aboold
•* patTM talat to Ite ippewriur
Tte oattoBa «*rU to taU to baehftri. Tb* aMW to MBsaaenp
Uitos ate —(--Tl
workara tors wot wmU toak*
M^. BbealB aot tte h
QpB* nteb tosfc Blnp.
UacU B*to to tte atool fctod
u tor Ippwwtitor sirto to work tor.
• pap* tors* aaitorta ate te »applltA<Ali worter* wttb ararptbtos
Ibap waai. If a sM upriiii* i praw tor a eattola Ute to a
'Ttei to tte hsM w* aU to**.. w*j
M ate seta IL Ite Boa adt bar* to
teo* a, *0 ate w* tap w* Bo.
«it Bowb ate p**bB
Be waalwar* Bm opto Itr
DmI we Mtotoltota rot.u u
Wteaaar a mew tppawtlur strl

-r ■

K o imie r

I now Ik* cooalerpan uf o b
•rb.-ul uo* day to ibe aebuul* ul
I *aa •mios QUlelly uj o luS
oeor a rr**k. wbeo there com*, p
IBS down o lilUe poih. u utd B.III
rseruua oilh Bre yuoos uoea
.mil* lelluoi oere ohout oa

■ed iun* ID H
Dd oB ihpy >1

Vowliee T
peocll* ood lb<
Id Ibe rranJooi
II tell tb* dole*.
Th* rrmyuoa ud
I* blorkbuordt
n Ibe won.
Kut lb*s euo l


Tbt-y.* h*.l lu .
To help ib*c bl
ADd It ibe> eooi

..Id .«* woa *dBlBUi*rlos bile*
cuSa iBdlM-i-lBlBOU'l) amuas ih*
*rb..l*n Sb* fioolly •ucr**0*d lo n-



lid h*r m.ilh*r
"Bdllh. how .11
»pui lewviex .lui.

- mile cuuoa lu lr> ii lo oombor
Her* li *h*r* Hi* Cue b»uo
They ibul Ibeir U
roriMil. ud all Ib* miicbicvuua
_ The^de^^d
d Ibe btocklKuirUi buy* Ibol p«rr oiter o mefaer'a b
wer* lb* r***ni* .il suodi
■. chiidrvo. J
They plorb*d va*b uit
Dipped reeb ultaera l.-g.
K bolldor
wurrled tb* old cuuo uoiii >b* lui
ih muiher. I I
w ud Ib* apeller*
Id SO'* ih*B 0 (euerol rui
ribuuld I te
• I II .|»-ak II
iiya foraoke ib* aebuol

of hte i,UoA one
uu.l.-r lb* ms* ol
uih.-r bad lr*qu*u'
for ibi> reprebon
il o|>(H-wr\.d lo hat*
Th* Oihm *i *uinc
<< n‘ bor ...... iTirk

t brlfbi Juo* siH>d a
r Suoablbe boyi on
i*> o llllle lelier
... alwo)> wni.u u> t


brioRloi wlib II a lou* iralb uf I.....
a K.»l Inier from out
iru* rnad. Ur., f K. Oaborue uf
Wexiord. who >*udi lo Ib* umua to
• rbiy H
ihrr* duoiblD*n. Thai I. oae
Iblofs puaalble ood they
n- i*ry w
buk> Ul


Ib* pr-reedlosa p.‘*»l''l>‘. lor wbeu
e muihcr c.n sui au oBary
.* Diad* ber bile. fell, the Hill
w. (ol dowrot.i tm.lomi. udCBofbl.
ubed tDd ale ihclr ciwwfi.h wllh
* abllii) uf i.'ieraa.
The r.iml.-oll) srore lace*.: ol
II* Mluw. u Iboy reached dowo
lo ifae crwwfitb h..l.-t obd fruped
mui fur Ibe flab wu luu sue

I IB Ttov of th* ST*U aalUtod* Ot
‘veatu oaflartof Bob aoB* torB of
, latoal* dlaeau ate pal Buhlo te Bte
up COT.,Or. Hottmam, cte no*II ad

Tba* ertoblat
! iheald aSdiwa 1

iraa what
ir It lo Hli

and~lml why ea
Where *Im> will piHi

find all Ibvwe Ibips*'
Pfa^ Wbere. I uyT'
Heore (Impatlallpl—
' Helea crylos tlioM,
l■Dl1y't Diamou. oa the
Be ID from "the ploySruifod "She dus 0 (rat bole to
lb* sanlen ud her aumno woold
aot Iri her lok* It lo the buote wllh
-Papa.- a

He dauchier of

a clersynai
-If Oud tell*
ten m o loos
"Wublos dtobe*
you whai I- .
1 your m-mon.
I om 1*11106
Ob. whol Uruf.. ud^wboi
wbol tm
fora. wTi}^ do y<m *u
brulbpn bore
loat bau
bre* more day. uf acbnnl
1 do Itet,i,"^ud "I
1. sMas to lb* l*ocJi..r'a
Thurwdoy ud Ki-ldoy
me, SITU I
te me
u. well wube llaha ...
d foud
loalde, IsfcimailuD —
buuaekeepiDS Ore boro cbumal Wllblow many Une* am ih.
uul uae. Ibe other cUDol sd oloas
body*" um* OIrl
Hrl—• JOk - Teacher—
Hear ore Iwo dubpau, "to pol
Ibe aural ood tdom the toil.
UIdsM. Wfaol do you aa to II
A.sreuy nos about four locbca
tram Ibe top to ih* na la wtel Hid
set aea.
^pd^Diiw, my dear lake o p«ep toto
“^^^'itesba She aaa ber tac*
lo Ibe abio Ins Ua oldw. pM ibe
aeoud pao la aul u oew u ib* firai
Otrto. doa-t let me catch uy to you
owotof euch
ch a pu *u tb!
tbli flrwl oae.
wbeo you kop bout*
boui for
erw while -.......
Ibep lake
■!* a boll-.
. .1 which ihould
be obaerred to washtos
dtobu Here

Mhtetoa M Mto

* ooly tu: r lirMlaj^'chollT^mppM. Hl^l-n'ea'n, bol I awaUuwad
■ II 111 all kloda. ttax. all bo^e
-----------today.-—While Moutalo Bebo


Polly'" uk*

OalHimi- lur her luv


CHher mtelcloe anid to lb* tKmlA
tbalroohtoapoeuluilotte*.*. I mitland vllb bmekoebe, beediu-te ate
drWBftns dowB pnlte tor over Blu
Boothn. ate BOtblnf rellered me a per­
tlclauolll 1 look Fenton. A lew bolUa
tellerad me of np mtoemble knlf-daed,
bnlf-nllT*mndlllc«. InaBowlarute
. banlih ud bare orithrr ache or pnl'a,

P“‘ y*".on-II te ,i.d ,o™. »
aafforlof wemu wwotd take
y wonU eooo ki
to wttteat It.’'-

ocher lunia ilie key
-Hori**''* VuuDK I'eupl*

Small dobuy coae nioatos tPIo
I* hnuti' coins bitterly 'What'*
IC mailer, doheoy?- ukad bU
iclc -TuBBl* Brawn flapped to*."
ubbed Ihc llllle friknr. -.Voo aboaM
talto -to rwUra.- uwlaely
rrB*fk*J®i%teie “Oh. 1 rwtBraed
II BrR. repllte dohnay North and South.
The Hill* U»* la LAbodor
Would alar* If they ihoaM uo
A mp to yellow uraasa '
The llllle bopf to Fhirite
IWclore ihep'd Ilk* lo kauw
How baUt ara Bade
Aad walla ar* aad*
Of watery aiuS Hk* auw.'


tUiipwy Daw. **a • Balb*.aod bw 0

■ rw Ttoa Itow. H May ate.

Wr ore cotos tu te>e o pIcbIc cm Sat­
W« are bavins Blew walber ber*

nrtt—Ho(e bol
iBf'ud bM clar
Secosd—Wuh I

cleaoetl Iblosa


third day to fuse wu ay Wnb- Third—Scald ih* dlabpu
doy. I didn't set uy apaaktofsltoa lhai not a .peck uf sreaae reoiatoa tn
It. belure puitlos uu lb* rufe abelf
I SB Site tbot the -Founb'
ouuo be bar* I ibtok itei to tte bat
Wuhtns diabe. I. nut oaly a uaedap lo the ye»r sexi to ChrUtaiu ful aMompItohaui. ay Mar*. H to
The "Pounb I* ibe bat dap to
iilful one. Por. a
aummer ud CbrUimu to the i
dap to th* wtoier.
ibv pulure cr«rp t
lure la about It. i
d» Doi so attar iba raw* at alsbt.
nua* I do oot koo' the rote! to
puiur* well eooui I pel
Hr papa

Hto' little srote-dousbier wondered
Ud uked qucotlou.
•The worn 1* aleepy, ud ao I’re
ly II will


WUb fret ud frowo.
Tbousb oft youTI BM
Walk JD Iba lisbi.
Keep boBor brlfbi.

The day to Hill* thlaf*
UaplM Ul. oor aeclect
la irmrellns with wlbfa.
tteBCBber Ibol old Tttoe
lore your work with all you

r a loos line, oa* day ote
toe floe Itarod* from the ww
a stou. Bverp dap Ihaiw
MW thread*. iisiU at laR Me
1* tb*
BOWT’ ah* naked
"Vu. ate oo* ibe wc
I wtotar. ud wba be
tprtos I dooT bellcTc p

Wba Moaeile’a rlalt______ ___
srudpa U'* ber U* box. ortoallp
lb paper, ud told bar to lift
r off whu abe raaebte I
did. ate loud tte
I op la It* ctod bad
d tlsbt lo Ibe ftoai
htarp, ou isarw n oupa ou wwiori
ote Uouiia Qflu torsw oil about It.
Bat cto* dap to tte earlp aprtos
rarp woadarful tbtas hoppuad. Ha
ptoptos to the yard wbe
u oHte ber. Sb* ru toto
tboiw oa tte

W'e buy these vehicles in carl(»d lots direo from the
manufacturers for cash instead of buying from fiome
scalper and paying for them with notes received from
their sale and allowing the same semper to make ten
dollars apiece off these buggies. This scalper's
mission we save and give our patrons the benefit of it
in a superior quality of goods.

The manufacturer has a reputation to sustain; he sells'
his goods on their merits—you get just what you' pay
for. A scalper don’t care a rap about the quality of
the goods; he buys the cheapest goods he can find and
and makes all the money he can off the dealer he sells
them to. He has no reputation to be injured if the
puplic is flimilammed.

We buy different grades of work from difierem factor­
ies. and being heavy buyers we are alwa>'s able to
secure concessions from the manufacturers that smaller
dealers and time purchasers cannot get. Not; some
of our prices.

oatn s*ll you
To du wllb yuur l
bud. may find.
Th^e very ^1 B*p I* to bare
U to ibu aaall dliiy you’d t

Too tout wotcb

HoneUe weol ererp dap lo loi

We can give our patrons better value for
their money in any kind of vehicle than
they can get elsewhere
.^ .

If you enaaot Bate pood teane of
da by rodtos H Kraifbt tbroosb.
y radios It by beffelos ol tb* bol
>B Uu* aod reteliA up. Tbeo pul
I (t..y advic* ID Retire
Will crowa.

U dearie, aometbln

Wbeo wbolebosa to too boot for
UM. oak It to tepid waur for«*oi
I. Brp M a fiat oartam, ate
be oa food ax oew

y boya win try
anmrll when

lull Oa iboi mylhtoal bukri uf
k*yi *e read otiout If e«*r iber
o bantworkte laacbrr ii oot
puur Uuiber ouoo Sbr tried lu
lb* mil* laps bum to aicb
Bah ood bow to at Ibem Wb*o ibe
old lady lahr woa 0 very Udyllk* uid
n-D> SOI lb* Uiil* teliuea la a lio*
10* woler > edf*. abe •vdoiely
«a!k*d u. a nek ood froiely f*och.-.l
duwo loiu a ........ aod bruusbi uui a
c-rasfiab dhe then pruc<-*d*d lu woab

box. wttb a piece of s
He tbeo carried II tali:

to corertos a kttchra table with
oUdotb o lap«r to brows paper U pal
OB Brat. It wUl pcwrul lb* oUelotb
IDS ote Bake It wear

Efsrr WSOMB SbouM Writs Dta «.
B.HsrtmB^ Presidsirt sT Tte ■
HsrtiBaa Sultsrit»

b Ite worn ted to
' Ob *

o boU Ol
( oa* ead.
tte usip
bat Ibe
-boosed I------o----------toljp
ad Ua
;aooitas to tl
fruni flower*
"II * ju*i o* sraadpo luld Be,- Uu
elte fold -1 oerer would bore koows
II."—fblld itordea.

Tte Worm TbM Want,* Stoep.
Oae day wba Haaati* wu vtotUi
ber crudpa. ebe foaed o srai worn
DIBS to the path,
ber sraadpa'a forefi&ser. ote
bif rauod u hto tbuab K
b llsbi
erwu color, with queer,
;ht ml
orte koob*. or buaipe oil
wa. *o ucly Ibol Huelle
to 11. but ber srudp*
• Ud I

Saan to water, fire oahM Let It
boU will tte futoe U oat to the OB
Strata ud oeaooci with pepppr




lib o *Ub.

Peer Ua*-* PoddiesKur pour mao'* puddloi with
a boa* weddlos lo Juee i
lua *Mi>w two Ubleapooafula of
lit* will cooteol lb* bride
lu OO* *uan of Bilk wlibclour P
tb* brld*'* lUlen ood nunber ood apnoofula ol ausor. oo* aeaol b
ihoB 0 bower uoder oble
he lucUett moo *ier aboil
Ite Towt or* pllshled lha
bar bolrea id oil h* |uaa**aaa
WhU* * bower U eaallp ouDOSed cortbeo puddlos
Cuuk 1
mudvruie uven terp alowlr uoill
1 • puuns coupl* r*
tortaa* Itet
ir« iok*> lb* cuoaUIMO
loi*rruppi»d lo ih*
rich rrtBOJ. elimn* up I
ol alms* of tb* ccnsBuei
oiiuoi evrrj t*u or ftfleen i
h* bow«r --llop" U o woroWb*D Ibe proper Iblclioe*
BloUlrr •** rerp Bucb ubUloed. LiruwD lb* aurfaeS duicki
Id. a* for ibr brld*. bet
aiad It oald* lu become culd
kooeked enuked and li HolalDi ur be omilted.

Halt two I*
W* at* fan to Baallas w«h aBaba.
Hawartr grtal aad laMal
»teB Sbtepp u ace atwap* btoas lakwwatw pal I oa*^ peaR eaba.
ba Ik* raaaU* ct ta
H tba
ere** to votr efta
MB'! kaan U tnw b* taSira m pafr
tea*Up. Btoa* atothar ptaetu*
Bar ate a alUpooa to tali.
MmmB. Bal Ik* UtU* ehUB. wttb
> tte pan If Bloetred ittr to
A bit to Ma* ta tte w
MaubMac fmi pad aatfalaaB bate*.
M ate a half to Ml Brtod Boor
hU haan aU aster with m
ate b*at Ikrw* ailaata II aboalB te tou to washed, add*
kUk far a batlar ate BM tbUk btUUaaep.
b lor a Beasb. Corar with *
baalai «)e(b ate bm ta a wars plaa
» tor abwM two boon Tte lex» te te pBUd who tMset earn _ tan wm te bMUr If It to teotM
dkp teSB eabn dor a
" **j>**«^ aa Bap lb# immmug Bowa ate tokawad to ttoa asala btoar*
m MUi bon BMrar |
iMdtos that iaa*r an. t *M sw MM palltorttM ttM. with a t.
mm Man to*a-are
r MMsMate tarsM abate it tffl mooI tom tn aaall nu f
las to eat K thta MMbta..
h aiMBteaMasUhBtebs dbtetUkara



Ve^l^Bok* our
WhtUBlBS P*lk>* ItMB bp holllns
aif u hour to uoe poute at toap
Bielite to oo* saileo of silk. .Tl
woohlos lo tod*. tb*B U two c
Uol .Keddp OrMB woe ool Ibe kind
wolcra with o lUtle blulht
Thai lb* Ue bte boprcl lo Bod.
Waeblos oo ollclotb wuh o Boo
ood wiroi wiier. wlptos dry. end i bis also, wllb leiier* clar.
bio* t mil* ektni. Bilk or*r.
luclolBlux "No Adnitnooc- llen-I
PuHr>lD( Jon from rreaec. b> ti.
•i**how' wld lb* U*
ibei. jui
lo Ib* notlos woier lor plok
V cu S*I in h.rv, oil ih* wto* "
sr**e callooM. rUrpar added
8o l.uib of Ibem bepu lu koock,
lb* water tor purple ate I
They pu.bed ib* dour, they Utod Ib
ealloo**. oodo added
r wublos oMilosr blackeeed bp
»-o* loop. »od* w.l«r

IWeaiaa Map peopU who *.

*te B to atwap* ttoarto nmmm
«• b. totter to tbM eaap

I Sunshine* 1

Drape" ffltaatknrn by ib* pood where aoeqaiux
m Iblckeai Uvea ihr drafoa fly with
bl. four sauxe-llke. purpU wins* ibat
■parkle tq tb* auo. Diasou were
•era beut. Ibat hniad Mher ul
aula. Ttaea Dka but Bosqulta.for
they heed them lor food They *11 i»
a fiaa blade aU ready to cprtos at
tte firwl ou chat «oa« aaar. Tbey
dan 00 qaleUy that ih«rw I* oo eeape Tbelr sreat «pa ud fiaahtof
wiDsa BBR took u drooitful u o iwal
drasoa to ib«lr prep. *o ibep are
called drtsoa fitoo. Thep oeew Urad
down to tte pobd. Tbep fed to WMf
toaeeu. Tbelr wtofa were (rMias.
bat they ware toMod atear thalr
oktoa. OM far tbep tall Ilka elttobMf ate ciawM up a Malk: tba a
RToase tbtas bappuad-tbelr hack*
apUl opa ate oot they Rated lo
bank I* tte aaaahlu btooea fiplas oat
to tte bif warid.
UUI* Nail-'WhP. ■


A good Hickofy Gear Top Bafgy tor................ $50.00
A bate. oBc tor.............................................. 65.00
A toaiber quarter top ud leather apbotsicred.. $0.00
A bicber gtodt..................................................... 66.00
A top boe) that viD piaat the nxMl esaetiag. 70.00
Asd tb* voy bat make* at.............................. 76.00


wl*H l«

goadWacote bom....................$35.00 tO $68.00
G*Btleaa-.dnrjig iyjCorto froa.50.00 to 86.00
Sttne,*..........................................66.00 to 160-00
TM*atodq)rii«W.C(toa............48.00 tO 76.00
Rubber tire vehkifrs at prices to compare with quality.
We can furnish iosrer priced goods than the above, but
cannot recommend them. Our prices guarantee the
quality in every case. We cad save you money on a
good vehicle.
Respectfully yours.

Ferrism. inaeieisgist
Impiemeiit Co. Ltd.



Cfaid TnTcru Herald.

i|wui IdBTo Traraiaa
--------------ChaHaeoti; tearib Tlea pm- P«t »» Wlo**-

tattht tmlla Raaati Ma Ban.*


nwoiboppar tad tbe Cbtekoi.*'
WOT»iy Ml Uadi,
Baettailoa br Wllbar Taaaa. a Oar<
ana aataoitM.
»o*4mi « tU OkfOsM*. «
Bacdlatlea bp Medeliae Lawaoe
bM l■TMtlg*Uaf »Maa» ia Ooon
Barttanoa br Hri. BaebJabao. -Cb
Aktiiuu, Kbb Ocarublp.*BaetatM bp Boia Bobtrttem. Tba
■THMa itet tk* MmI cnad Mr feM
Tala cT^ SBa.’
Baop bp lAola Breltbaupi
Bav bp Ada Bitotbaapt
AO of tba ataban war.
ir.' .err
w Uk* ndtoal iU«* <
r naall bmbi



il CalaaL

Dartap (1

- - dall> iDiiniina .-trunioBa (rutu
:m I'lty Take tirwiaer at kT4«
tor Keahiaaaoia where poti


ok-klnp. burlap aad

--- - -- --

___ ' altpBdaaoa eat
tl^ belap^abom
____ - tlKi
. p«-pl*-p
vHtem hartoc bM* •stiamiad lu
tbaa are rblllraa. bn
tafkwIUw UK (boebtec alaMKl lb be
Itota. Me dtottecUoa betweea (be a^. There aiw Uree ,-------------mam wm tebde br (be mea ftfitf or
It Oiaape. aad todar ..
tka artaaa *hK* bare baaa dlwlean
■a Cana
dap aad
a dap
(WO dapa ii
J affen to a
M a Terr pliMMl dap
,1 tba eUiaa M tbeapwlw
■MB all (d tba I'midr.-a
___ isarrbed
K. 0 Ratea
a abort Tlili Tbe
... rblldreo
bara a fTM
tat llklop .(or
. Mra. Bat.a
d belure t
abe bM door (or
< imrj exblbllad bit leca. vbk
aad tbroupb tbe HeraM.
' '
tblcba ti) <



lonmwr. Wa bra opiioeed
ilap or Buadap irotea upa
nada o( our atair. ata belto
pouBp CbrtoUaa oopU to eoBaeai
to ric
ride upoa lueb tralaa. oot
tall 1.
da all la U powar
dlMuade o:
laaiBiurb M we bellare (hat tbe
obeer>aace of (be caaip ■aatlBp Bua
dap II Itap View. kaowD h *BM Sobdap dx e eaeoarape Buadap Umtaa to
and tioro aocb ateHlapi. we would
een;i-«il> iK-llllon le Baaapetw ot (be
lU) Vlte camp i etlap to prarlde
be n
oa a
and 10 lecure. |[ poaalbla.
Huadap ntet oD all nil
and (ivm Bap View at teat
tloir. and If the petIlloB K prdated
we pli'imt' •iur«el)o
In make aueb a <Up

A Terrible Paath.
lenep In Paper Hakltn
A bodp. whieb la tappoeed to be
aueadtbp tee ruoear i
ttal o( Charlet Oreoa.

--------mi, WM
e( baaken. Leoa P. T
aartp "
itap (M tbe t
Ibe First Netloa
a *rr.v II
all eat lo pleree. and.
-r E Eui . suie*buk eumli
Ihal eeteril Iralaa ran
Q cd Kalamasou aad
>d IBII ihoupbl ibal Ibabf-i) wa>
irh.bp a aoatb-bonttil iralti
■mphatlc la bt>
r bidore ntdalpbl tlihirda>
aiemrnl teal there > blp moeep In
troaer U K ChMe aad Btacr
-a pueliTlt
mUl In K.
iMuii^eu me laqueei
vartp to n
(or' MO.OOO.
eo badlp cut un il
puaraaieed Bp (be dlrectort o(
n ideoarp comimu!. I 1 teal oae buk look
all lip
li] ablrb
Tbe bunda .
WM Meuilfled wm I>> Ibe c ' . klap
?n up witela term pearu.
. rktie. ahln aad ruffa.
.......... wbleb J
pranouscecl were tee Inaaclal pains
Hawper. who bad aaploped bin
• >( tbe enterprtee.
liked with him :
Mr Ford aUto.
Dpaliod aa blouplaa

-I «M al Hr. TiUAii-a btoee. Bbr
•Mb as Masdai' aad ata^ed aaUI a
Ttmtu. «ba ease dm to ncteber
Wa wm la iba aaw
oewid. tba emU bol pile bruab
rikatoa abated bar to aad be took bar
dm. diepbad bar eWbaa aad placed
bar aonm a las. I bald bar feat aad >
aaetbar a«robaU bar ^ tba bead.
Allaa Tamr wblppad bar wtlb a
ba«D iraaa. IM toabaa. Ha wdaM
Wttov a ilek aad IbM aaolbM la tba
lOM plaaa. araiT Mtea tatelac bltoM*a ^drawlac Hood. Ha autd
to Ureee
Oreea wm teee at Oriwa aboat
Tb* be pm a pair Id eafa (i____ o'clock Baiurdap alpht bp 1. "
ratal aa bar aad Uad a rape araoad per. who talked witb blot,
ihal be wa> Ininxicated al
bar wTtfli aad mada
draw bar leaill
r When he l.-li (Uwper he
up ao ear teat mU Joat learh
•tan.led (or Allten
Hoxle-a plarr
goairi aad im bar baap^middle
dowB (be truck.
oUoek be oaiae back to
a tfoa. Jaat aboat dlaaar we low
~ iwB. aad r>wd fUwpvr, a bratber
bar doara aad abe arawted orat
Joba Bawper, aaa blsi. aad alao
mm» braahaa. Mr. Turaar Urid mt
thil-Oreeawai uoder tbr lo
lo Ibrww Iwr a pawa cd bnad. Cbe
uiwee ol llQUor at dial lime. He oulj
Mid aba aowldat «i
Tbmi Hr
• irUb
liked a lew naoutc.
Tufpar (Old ate (o Iblow Iba puoe at
PVed Bawper lold OreeB Ibal b(
bnad to the doM
to pn In Adribrrt lloxle'a
***ndr dlaaar I wai
aad alarted toward tbe d.-pol
laa bar aba hum to
panad (be Ud Id bar
^ tbal (iBie It aM undertiood (bat
paid «br eoald bo( aaa. tba aaked Ureee wat pomp in lloxii-'r place.
It o( Ural
■a « aba «mU bM ( tmd fear I
bmM bM aaa Ifereaih bar ara br.
■ba tbaa nbwlad bahlad Iba braab paaiar^. Adalbert lioale bad
pUa bbd lap dm aad aarar pot ap lemh 10 allet. tad the oSren were
aap Hora. Allaa Tanwr baai bar aaable to pat fala letllmonp M lu
wbetbar tlreeo erer rearbed hla place
aaTa^dMl^ «nb a plaiM a«tlo or DOI. but II II tboufbl Ibal br
. ^ ob bK wap Iboiw. Ur. Hoilea I
fpraar. wb* la____________
Ma tbaa IT, did am raatlia____
where tbe
Ibe maapled
Buaopled bodp wm
pmtebaaat wblab ba bad latlaud ea
-Tba retaalM were lout
tba woaMUi WM iwapoaalbla for bar radi from tbe Sral croei
ratval la pa to work. Ba aaU iba Orawa. wbleb to koown a
wa» iMbarb. Tbat ballaf M U*'
alBp. The raa


’ ’

Altar fell teat oimH paat Taraar
artirad aaa of Ua aaproai to po to
Ibo wma aad toU bar tbat aba aait
m«BM worti ai ooea.
tba Mpra
timd tba weBaab bodp bask id tba
bnpb alio wtoato Ma tad ao^t
rk^^Tu wt—ad to TarsarA
iMatota. 'tHa. abob data.- ~
BBM Tara at aesMtaid
- • bodp dMthwUh I


Ita bwitod ot tba toitaia.
wMbatapMf tbate to Dtaoeiai Ibw


•w »«—•»< to

to wm

BbWdraa-a Pwr
totaiter baowte te wbbA all ttaMS-


C»p. take the


. earner Vraeceai
:-0u (or Seahta

at 41k p m
All the bap buait


a L.
H. a Baldwin ud

OolBP touth. t:M a^liH a m.
aad k:» aad 10:10 p. m.
Tba wl
Arrlsals (Rim aoute. 4:U a. m, 1:M
~r7erfoua~Towuata p. m . (:!• p. BL aad 11:U p m.
Laave ter aertb. k:00 a m., 1;M
.tb. aftar wbtob Ue
vardlet tbai Cbarlu
Ariiee from aertb. 11;U a m.. 0:11
a daaUi wWe
wbUe wWt'
Ora^CBBa to bit
lap oa tba ftora Haraaeut
Haraaoua track at p. m. and 10:00 p. m.
Klk Rapid* Bh.i.uw
Trains antra
rtra (nta Bb RatiOAs t



FUleea paople aiw taktap Ue cuun
tp leacben’ examlnatlnn lor aeram:
bad third prade emlficaiea The ei
amlaallohs bc«a^ peitcrdap
cloaed todap. Slx^ trylnp lor am
oad piade cenificalet and nine (oi
third. The (olowlop are Irplhp (or ■
aecoed prade cenlScate:
Bather M. Archer'aad Bute Thorn
sd Tnvene Clip; Alice Bopd. of Will
______srp; Idi
Ida Jobhaoa. ot Wexford,
Flora B. Will
v-miams. of Eepstone an<
Bom Swurp.. of Old MlaalosU Btrdaall aad UUm a. eiwn.
Trarersw CttPi Ladada Carai. of
Oaraa. of Aapal: tar
ria H. Cham. Banha Hobbs ud KelUt
Tbaaspaoa, of HapBald: Dahl Haal
pold aad Adah Thapv. ot Ktepalep.


M Bcmprielip tea old alu. tea ettar
taB tettaerlp bahmitep to tee L a
0. r. but whkb to new owned bp S.
D. TsitoterwioMer. T«e prwmit tow*
LlttoMl<.aCaradCD.Bauterir tUO ftw bto halt Id tee let.;
btmrd rHtaio ta rated IM
p tad M. *. Bewtaea iwflM
(tat the rutwra ot tee data, aad
tea euieome wm ta tt to Mwaw
MHa M fotaUU. bat K BO petUe-------*
to raaebed tta mauar wfll prel



ef tta _____
. oste ItaPB*
OSBtnl ImkA

ar too Epwurte

_________ dtp; Brst
ter. a W. LaivA



-w presldul. Mrs.

, trararae CBj;

These are very de-irable numbers, every one


ht adviu.incrs



Now ISc
Mercerized Madras nice




and al $l.5<> to S4.-'s* you will

lind the line very

The latest designs will l>e found here.

Silk Pongee Waists


waists, etc.. 4lVr,

For 25c

We carry one of the best lines of waists manufactured,
The greatest line of white goods in

satin siri}>es

you ever saw for the price. 20 pieces at

' I Oc per yard
I5c fancy dimities and dotted Swisses in colors at

These are the prettiest ideas in waists shown this
year, natural colored pongee with contrast­
ing dots.

Colored lawns in dark and light colors. Nearly
a y a'd w ide.



KlIllUlNS ill great abundance and at liule prices.
m-:i. rs, w rist and




Hdkfs'. cic.

WHI TL W.'vISTLN'GS of mercerized fabrics in
a line assortment from

22c to 86c

Spun glass I’euicoai. ^oc

Snowflake crashes, just the ihjng'for shirt waists.

Black mercerized IVuicoai, la in. dounee. three



rows cording.

26c per yard


seams are double stiu lied and 14 stiichifs to
the inch--

Special. $ 1,00

Household Department
20 dozen Cotton Towels...................................
20dozen Linen Hock

2c each

TovveU.Very line quality.

specially priced lor......... ..................................................................... 2&c

•20 pieces .Ml Cinen Crash........................................................................... 5cyard
•.v pieces .-\il Linen Crash. si>ecial................................................. 10cyard
20 pieces dice (lanern Crash, half bleached col­
ored border (IxiNure to see this)..................... ... .5c yard
Bleached Russian Crash, all pure linen. ver>- fine
and heavy................................. .................................14c. 16c and 18c
Satin Damask Towels, knotted

fringe. 20x40. a

splendid offer.......................

Natural colored linens for boy’s wash suits, shirt
waist suits, etc., an extra g(K>d one

26c per yard

26 inch ladies' fast black serge, steel rod. solid
frame. -


4tb 9f 3uhf wt CtkbraU
Ym dMakl kive t pair ■ isr..........

Comtort 6iPing Shots
ttwear. 'IteratkeLife's wife easy.
RaUdsfeck tt WKt «a,i& Hew iBd
Rea fewtHefectaiT.
Hike Mr Sfere yur Heaqurten.

Bacbant & Boscoe

A superb line of higher priced ones from
$1,00 to $6.00
Colored Silk UmbrelUs in a variety of colors
with natural w-ood handles.
Colored Silk Parasols in pretty designs and colors

All kinds of fans at all prices.

received, a handsome line of new turkey
reds.................................................................. ..................from 25c to 5t*c




Doilies. Center Pieces, dresser


t overs, etc,


very tasty

Pretty Curtain Mulls
And Draperies
45 in. Lace Stripe Curtain .Mull................................ 10c
46 in. Dotted Mull for cunains...............................12>4c
45 in. Doited and Figured Mulh all new designs.

25c, 18c and 15c
The finest line of Silkolines in this section of the
state, rich and pretty light colors for sum­
mer use just received


Art Denims, Tapestries
Pretty and serviceable for either draping or floor
L. L. Bro4vn Cotton, quality a I......................5c a yard
(•ainesvilie Brown Colton, special price yard or
bolt......... .................—..................... ayard
Newpon Bleached Cotton, quality is fine. w«h
today 8c. priced at.................................... ?........ 6c
Lowell B. Bleached Cotton, nothing on the mar­
ket eqij^l to it for the price ....................... -5c yard
Wave Crest Bleached ’Cotton, an extra heavybleached..........................................................7c yard



We pride ourselves on this department, on the superb
stock we carry, artistic styles of the garment,
and their good wearing qualities. Do you be­
lieve this department would enjoy the enviable
reputation it does if it did not deserve it? We
know that our customers can appreciate and take
advantage of a good thing. Below are some values
in suits that are below the manufacturer's cost, and
are offered to reduce our nock and to more firmly
fix in your mind that thu is the BEST store.
Alterations will be charged for at the reduced
Castor snowflake dress suit, long yttole witb cape
effect, braid trimmed, silk lined jacket, skirt
is a gore flared, trimmed with fancy braid.

- Former price $18.60, $9.50
Wool crash dress suit, Monte Carlo jacket, satin
lined, postillion back. This is a very nobby
little suit, comes in castor only.

$18.60 for$l 1.76
Grey home spun dress suit, colUrless jacket, has
band ef royal blue taffeta silk around collar
and doom front stitched in white, silk serge
lining, frill sleeve, cuff trimmed with roy-al
blue taffeta, flare skin trimmed with bands
of silk to match jacket.

$18.60 for$l 1.76


We have the greatest values in these of any place
in the city. Here are four sample spreads
Full size spread, good weight, not hemmed............. 696
90x90'beautiful white spread, weighs 3 lbs. 2V
ox. This is by far the best spread we ever
had for the price (we have had some pretty
good ones, too).-...................................... .......... '$U»
80x90 white spread, weighs 3 lbs 7 oz. W’e have
■ put a special price on these for this sale
Full si*ed fringed spread with cut comers for
iron bedA Splendid values at

Si.60. S2.00.S2.50

Table Linens
While Damak,...................................................26c yud
64 in. pure Linen Damask, half bleached, an
elegant piece of goods, very heavy and firm.
Should tell for 60c. priced at

ONLY 42c

«« «

' ,


.25c each

Turkey Red Damask, good color. 52 in. wide, for 12Kc

Bed Spreads

the Tourtb!


M«-rcerizcd Madras Dotted Swisses in fancy
siri|>es and colors, Swiss I’lumeius l.i-no
stripes, all are our regular 25c values. -


While Mull Waists, well made and good hiiing, ai

and nobby designs.
WasbtaptoA June U —Tba prud
urp hM fouad a Mat ladleimeai
pe M. Loruas. formerly
Martha J Lo
I W. Maohea.
r (rm dellverr
rtmeat; D. B.
a the ponaffim
lR« aad Bama
iplrscp to de-


Tta MwaMtP OTO bat half te*i

Shirt Waists


ud 1:90 p.m.
One Bnia. The paaaltp udar
lU to a tae of OIO.OOO, or
wb toaraa Bk Bapids
: T:I0 makaa
mabai coatarttim
with tea
I la prtioo. or bote.
vtb-booad train Ithat toaraa ben
I lodtotmeai to ntoreed
Tba toltewtap
at 9 A ta Hr. ud Mra.
nwa bCn cHo II r«The 1:00
at oDce
No further
ibe Bebo. aad will
takaa eou
will be required
Itb tee tral
UroSs, wbo are t
osted at 1:K
neat lo eoaaeetloe with a
Tta 4:00 I
aeolvlap 190.000.
mata rma In D. Uatu ata
I J. CbaM. utetteban a( tba eU
New Tork.
'ork. Jue XX.—Inspector Mca ablp baatd, (wlaUTO lo tba ra- aad raaMat b«« p( 0:90.
belleree tbal al Ust. a clue
Oraad RtaMa A la______
Uap o( Ita teoeap paid ter Uie
Tralat will arrlra aad leaTO Tras- bM been fouad
idtoa towMbtp ball alto - II wfll
SUM aip as follow*:
impaaalblc tor tee
pladap (d tee d.
, tbe old •
0:40 a. m, 11:10 a m. and d:*0 p.
1 tee Cnaaid Uae d<
bMOdta Ita Bra U IMI. aad that
BL tar WaJtoa. eoBBsetlaf ter aortb
tba teUBWIop fprtap tba eboloa dt a
Ud Boote.
Oeoepe Bruao, cf W>
Ma ter tba *BW im hall w aubAmra la Tt___________
____________-jre ramuded
to 1
■Mad to Ita TtbUM veiara oT Ita
Tombe prUoa oa a charpe of blpbn
rataru l;B0p. m.aad0:40p fo.
robbery today. Tbe detectives
tbowid a malarttp ta bew ot tba old
plalaad tbat n oae of tbe mea s
Tta »:4« A ta. 4:11 p. ta. I;t0 A foaad a leuar wbleb referred to i
m. ud 0:40 p. m. tratu ara dsUp.
plaetap of tbe laterwal maoblne <
lUtoBa Ire ordlaabce wm sold, cobmTta T. C. L. A M.
-*• Cuaard ttaar doel
«mbUp aitowtap tta irwoUaa or
Oommeaeup Buadap. Juae 90, tiolu
aateaaMr VmbslA
woodta balldlaps Bdpaeeat tbarato,

Darto ot Trarane Otp. ud ulalm
tear bad total croaada ter aaeh feetloa.
AUacMP BaartewaHa. bowortt. miHtBlta teat tta beud to elmpip aBOBt for tea tivwaship aad to rw

l.ot* net

All these ihings combined make it-:i.1-

5 dozen Bath Towels, 24sri4. e.vtra durability..ISc each

r.: ■■

ter etecr baUdiaca to be
d BOieaBt To U. To tela aoma
ad. oa tee prtiiad teal tee
had ta lawte] rtpht to cAaape
- - alraadp beee
aprwid apaa bp a.w

ai thin limc of year need to be cleaned out.-

1>ou't fall lo attend th>- sale and to make this place

One lot white and colored Shirt Wa^ts.


y tee-terMan*


IJut MOck>

In Miiti and skirii -ixes art tacking.

Tell your friends U> meet you al Millikel^s.

Went t» Manistee.
rni) tnelabers ot tee I'nKurm
Kslphli of PptbUi
mnlces a MuUlev
_____ -......................
The Uops'

■pecKi cur. and
tee tram at Manutee bp
utee rompu) and were escorted
tee IPuaham houec. -............................
t o'clock MuKlee ludpe. beaded

dose outs. cu-.

as >ou have always found hi re,

a< (Tuai ahrewd
e raiM are low ud iboutd Invite
heavp travel, aepeclallp amoaa women
ud ebUdreo.
Use card! base been Usued
ud <aa■ be obtelaed u tee aMamboei
affice <ir u( icp o( (be officers i>



broken, color linei^ are noi complete-

dlltp (or aale aad
Theee exeurulons ban- been
crowlnp tn popoUrltp every )ear and
will be DO exc'pilnn
tela seaK
Tbe bap
impro^ ud
ibep lo«he*ihe alien*

iodpe. 70 stronp. called si tbe
bam for Ihelr Traverse 01i> It
» 400 after
ad msrcbnl lu Ibe cenjelvo. •
•T wap.
With a t
be beaulllul lo.lpe tervlcu> were
r bead, proper maaape
Brother f A. l-altm-r tee
i-nt and tuibclki
'ml nplul.eMr. Fbrd
dilreu. whieh wa* eomelblnx out of
dlrldeail i
■hould not be he urdinarp uil verp Impresilte. at
e ordlnarr an- ru apprecKird h) all wbo bad tl
leasure to bear blu
He builaeM U
After tee cloee uf (be e.-n-moD) i
m SB lo 40 pet
he cvmeierT tee eutupaup ■sere e
Kor mil) iwo montlia In Ibe pw. □Red bark lo Ibe Uunham bull*
Julp and Aupuai. U It aeceuarp to poi ■ here retreehmenl* were m-dchI. Tl
to market ulih (be prodacl M tbe tee­ lanUtee FplhKni. beUed by tut
)ec as Me**r*
the lime tbe mllK
arons and Nel*nn, certalhlp bate tee
□ Just barelp keep u
Back or uakinp tee Traverse Clip
11 sbonld bops (CM I si buiae. Many compllmenls
ud tee were plvu (he Bops' buA and tfaelr
tbe Brat
Tbs compaap arrived home at k:I0.
cbine U
It to hoped teb local Pptblus ru
auled that
often bare tee pleasure of exebanplne
bo put la i
n u potelbht.
It o( laetalllai aad opmUa^l to rlslu with Uteir Maalsiee broteers



To deal in >ensaiional

visable to hold a sikecial >ali- for thi> pur|>osu. You will tind here only lirst-das* dependable merchandise.the <arne

ro^i !• I.

water power, allbouph
be economical t( It could be________
Rat atcaia must ba sapped tor tba
drrlnp proccM. te aap atoaL
Aiked l( there to up dlOcBltp la
aecurtap Kalamaioo capital ter popar
■dll projeeu, Hr. rord ropllid iBI aeeUea. wbo •
pballcaJtp la tba aapaUra Ha italod
Mma ear. Tbap wan OUi
that be-would ba plad to ftra aap taTrad Bapwortb. Wllllaia I------------------oae otbar. At taos m Ibap louad the lomatloo dealrad la rapard lo tbe
paper maklap boalnaat. ud woold
ramalM alruap aloop
take pleaaure la axtaodlap aap eourteof Oonmer CbMO atoa to aap Traeeraa catp people wbo
lar'a tareatlpatloe ' mlpbi rare lo lataatlpate the paper
inp laduatrp - •*-■-----------tbe bodp WM te
- trola ai
Nms Time Carta
amar Ubm aobtautoa ea tee
bp amrul'Mdu dar^ the
ipids A ledum pad Pan
olBbL Bbaaa. brtklet of etotUop aad
Manguciie rallirapt will po Into eCeet
tutorrow. The ebaapM srlll prosa
■ tbe track ter
npular ud tbe Mrrka durbtp tee
<asoB will be Brstdlaia.

daMdad OB a alia dbwetlp acnaa tee
md. WWBed bp HproB « Brawsm.
ter whteh tbap poU »4*1. or Utt
wa thu woaM tara baar-paU tor.
tta old ittB. Thar
bi thalr m
aoBt ter tba ebupa tbat tea bow W
WM dlraetlp oa tba eener ol two

It is not the Policy of is Store

retaralBP to Tracer ^fh) ai ie:«
.on a pteaaaal
a m. This win pi>
ride of iwralp-lour
e> 08 <b« bap
) moralop It
ud cu be made e
pou with a lonper r
tad JOB at Umena nr




e bli plaa o( popol
liar abort
MaetiialoBa ua tbe bap iblt
,.........Motaap tba aerrtee will (>apte.
^aaad repalar tripa balap made br tba <k>l
oMbla aad Creaceet
lu ait bap
Ipetbta. Tbe ColumMa erlll toate (or
Kcrihpon aad oiber i.i<uu at l:4u a


Wner ASdAVK iba* ter <
••IK ■ ilarT m bratel ud t
tamimi <• tw »•

Nice quality Bleached Damask.


Three big values in Bleached Unen Damask.
aU pure linen.

At 68C. 70c, 76c

From one dollar to three dtdlan per yard, we have
THElioes of the city.

Grey wool crash suit, cape over shoulder, braid­
ed, grey silk bands around neck, silk lined ,
jacket. This is a very handsome suit of the
season's swell numbers.

$20.00 fpr$ 13.76
Gr^y Snowflake Crash, -silk lined jacket, made
collarless witb pretty braid trimming, postil­
lion back with peplums, nine gore flare skirt.
This b one of the handsomest suits shown
thb season.

$23. for $16
Same as above in cheaper quality of cloth.


Black and White ^owflake. t^llarleas jacket,
silk trimmed, taffeta lined jacket, postillion
back, nicked sleeve, bOx pleat flare skirt,
stitched straps over hip give poke effect,
$25 fer 513.9B
Walking Suit. Norfolk Eton, browo Eagltsb
suiting. Revers, cuffs and collar of castor
colored cloth, box pleated skirt.
Black and.White HkiiLioe Stripe iUMe i:hevioc
suit. coat. jacLot silk lined, peau de soie

Tnx OBAm> nuTZBgs aziuyiK rainubhT. itna
Tnrcise BeM


Waaitiiwi *M Rofki tMsbMn wMM Uie ^Mortal MniMt ai Ua
Imm efcarafe
Tb* chDTcIi «M Mok«4. ud • *«n
m (t»* %J Hmr. W. T
Tb« «<«m< team aitaailrl la
larai. Ud tar <-n'lrr ivarnutab awi
M tor Iba Trmrnx (11, baU, abo
|9sr»l arar o, the flcrsi »inla 4h»l
av taral band bai r>-er p:a,o4 <■ the
fdtp'a alnata. Tarre war* II pWo>
aa« vtary <«r «r Iba II pla>a4 Diutr
ttel araa vonbnauytac to.
n* rraalar rb'ilr.rt'ademd a«?afa!
taa aelardMia. aadX a aunU.r nl

Im"nrwlM Orarr''lUaUi»S
Vida eoaarr aaaa a vrrx prallj dasL
Ta» rhBit* aaa v..rr prattHr dal
UatafuT!, <3««a:ni»d la boaer it C^'
aaaaatoB »l(b a »•», large oamUer
eal flmim aad a fra pijiicJ plaau.
. Afl«r the aerrlae at Ibr rburch. ttfe
____ M tbe MBbara .. ... .
iWT, vbrrr appraprUIr laeawrtij

-Ttaa abow toay cIbIb Oar apriaxaa. but R H Iba *tak aad balpM
bri appn< 10 aor batter aatara.
B«r bo Uuar vbo adabu tba
.to irather «baa tba carried tbo
• ' ^g >u tba toroni aad ibrre Wt
t 1 prrl.a. But today «o BdBlru tba
> ; tbr tot’ that cru aadarataH.
I. auab to tow ibair burteaa. ~
• (hat tot# altoplr aa arolutb
:! ,lh a pruemr. of Ibal apini
otM cBly taa inaadly, tba
b: bratr? Ho* aould the old ibina Ibal ■> dM aot poaawT 710.
II I. aot aa rroialk*. but li u
br romlai «d a BO* povar. a aro illr
toiu iBr vortd. aad a BO* Ida luu> ib.>. a Ulb that ta Boaidtoc tba old
■ h<- IBkaa of Iba ao*. a
- B^ ~ •
. of Uod.
aa flad tbit
lag beoai
........ ,
.. at laaai labr 'funraid' cptill
to tba------ - tasa at tbr
raaa. aa I
,,14. 1, BOt pnmm^ aa laiallteim
rroluuoe. I Mh-yiia a
Bla KMd



ffissrisTM isKrfM,“J2
T Uka tka Bibla '


Tba BlUa ia bat a taxi beak oa
aim ia*. aa artaaca. oa aatraaoap.
Haw ad Iba emtoa elala that tba
Uoa ad tmmtomj. Tbap elalH that
tba BMa hatdi that tka aaiih la tba
aaaiar ad tka aalar araiaai; that tba
•aa ■OT’ta abMt tba aartb. Wall.
thH MtaatUc act baa cot tar bayoad
tba Btbla, tor «a aUU ktar «aa aad
aawaa talUac ahxiaaalJp about 'aaarlaa' aad 'aiiaaat.' bad Mae od ibaaa
aa«M do BM Ura a tkoaaaad aiUta
bps Trararae dtp. No. tba BIMa ti
aMTaad vai Barer isMtdad to be a
taatbaak oa Ibaaa UIm; but R H

—I, Bat baboU. bo* tba

aafprlp llalnad la aad^vaa aa fedlava:
Milira Waadat.a Maatarial.
Tan. t. TiBoUir >-.l: -Bat It aw
prarlda aot far Ida ««d, aad aapaeaC fcia enra --------- *■''
ibruugh bla vord. Tba eotvard prof
1 tlM laiu. aad
balk daala.
raaa U Ktrtof Bla praHa la orary Itoa
It 10 oaivard oourua. On
aa bU Mib bad ba aald to bia aoa i aattuB. Iba prearaa of ttaa aaUoBt
aptrU that
IHa*. -ibad ta na.' -Oai of wbat d Iba earth, tba aa
bank aball 1 raadf wai aakad. Tbar* •oolromni tbaa ta r ard to tbe ■
h aalp aaa book—tka Bibla.- «aa Iba



r family, la the oonBaally. aU
car bear tba aarka ad that tpMI
at Jaana taafkt *aa Ood’t Ideal tor
____ _
.................... —. tba *eak aad U a dr
prad.-at - Wllb the trovtb ot tba
tbrra baa alao eoBa tba atort to inakr
" • tar arary bib to help thooa
larndrat upon blK Tbaaa
traiamai laaoiaasa aoctotlaa ara tba
, at tbl^ aplftt. .Tbaaa '
fitr ladlraa apptoaaa to Ood aa
ta ratnin to tba Btbla. It li Hli «U1
uU *a proTida lor tbaaa who ar« da^
rodaai npoe oa.
- Wa Bual aot let tUa Ibougbt Tub
rsy *Hh ua.- Tbaru la ao Bitoh ot


ouJn*ato haTo ao elalBa od Ua
•Ma apoa H tbe BiMe eouid be put
lip upoa ua. Wa baooaaa ao ab
tato apafaUaa lur a UtUa vhlla. you
rbad to oar ova that «s taraal tba
aad I voald aot be abla to fooDcalia
tbar tnio*.’ Tbau *• Buat romaBIhH old MTIb apoa-vliMi tra lira
■r that «a ova aeartblad Bora tbaa
fa* douarm to our toBlltoa
*Al tbo Tory baftaalaf <d tba bio
lory of aiaakfad ataada Ood's eoati» oodhi not to taaefe ew ehOdnu that
all Ihry Buat axpaec tron aa li a pal­
*div *lih CWa. Tbe *olo«
' '
try auB vbaa *a die. Batter tar
hMttM'a blood cryath to aa
•Ubout a dollar tbaa that they abould
tall Uio tbla amr. or that wo abooU
fall iBlo It.
-TbU Banartol ot .
_____ ■ cd tba Old TwiaBaai. M •oBaUiof biBbar tbaa

^----------------M------------------- M.
: aa»<aBorpatatlsBtoeurMlo*
______________ (ortau lu
taittiM. bn alw aor ralatla u
'' -yva daMUa. Tbara H ao book t___ daad; «tay don aaa roBaatborT >U
t tta tawU that aaadataa lakltaur R BM haiwaai bi taata la bla laMt
tkiwMi oa tba bena. aad tba bawe teal that the (rara doaa aob aad allT
nHaM m aoeWr aad tba r '
«* nn to OM aaothor, tbMi Iba:

A Great Time at Traverse City on

mi mBTi

Arrangements are completed for one of those celebrations for which Traverse City has
become famous

Public Exercises
The Great Parade
will move promptly at 1 1:00 o’clock a. m.. and will be a splendid feature of the Celebration.

Games and Sports
The Games and Street Sports will afford much amusement and
there will be cash prizes for the winners.

An interesting reminder of old-time Celebrations, will be the
open air exercises on the High School grounds at 3 o'clock p. m.
There wilt be music, singing National Airs, and address by Hon.
J. W. Patchin. This will form a pleasing and instructive enter­
tainment for young and old.

Day Fireworks

The day Fireworks affords amusement to all. and the children
have come to look for this display as a permanent feature of a
Traverse City Fourth of July.


Wa otwbt to laara tbaa tba
od a vallupoat Ufa. a BtabiUUl
. ^ I batiara ibore repiweb; tba lacaw od a Uta
_ __ _______ ________ t ad tba laflp that baa Bata eowtoatly approrad sd
UM aad aMMHBite or tba —'
*flM taM ia oaa ad tba
> raeordad 1a tba Blbla.MB* ia tba Wort od Ood

___ ____ -a {£


paaMB Id ■catftara Hr a uat Ido
BM Utah that tba paaaaoa baa baac

a awtdiiH tar that Mwakla'aatdak
a that aa ddioa taoiaa tt to do
to ad hoardtop Iv tba baaalt ol


Waalap MaBirlai
Nan Saaday to tba two baadi____
ualToraary ed tba blnb ad Joha Waawy. aad tba awrlgaa to tba Pim M
R. ebarto *W baM a doam od aart oa Ua Uta. TV aanaoaa «U1 be
tratad by tba ataraepttoiB aa tar
irehaMr m toadwa

•M'StMa’vSrto MMad by

Iba adBoatlM od WL FaaL vhleh *1U



^ oa ho* tha Kbit *aa WTUtOB.
vbna fouad. be* MdA'aad a

an* 1 ataad bjr.lba

ttdP ttaa aM«Ubataadla« tba praMO
ad Ibrau aalia aad kaabatora.

Mara, saw od tbon tar tba '

rt dOBdbkiaa ibat van tbwpraam.
Ha «M tmuac akoat abarltp ta tba
abwab. Be toU nHotbp M wly
ttrti vba vara laihli la dawao*
tbRiaalToa aad had aa arntmai
vbaa ibaf oartd toaa fdr aiapart.

fay M*braMrtw W^U

^vtok tbaaa toetam lb
a BaadM *<U to ■tM a



Last year was held here on the Fourth, the greatest trotting event ever known in this part of the
State. This year will surpass last. The Traverse City Driving Park Association have one of the
best half-mile tracks in the State, and is a member of the American Trotting Association. There
will be great trots here July 2nd, 3rd, and 4th. More than 100 horses will take part Many of
these noted fast trotters. July 2nd there will be a 2:40 trot, a 2:17 pace and a 2:40 pace, with
purses of $900. July 3rd a 2:24 trot, a 2:25 pace and a 2:18 trot, with $900. purses. On July
4th, there will be $ 1.200 in purses, for a 2:30 trot, a 2:10 pace for $300. each, a merchants’ and
manufacturers’ purse of $500. for 2:35 pacers, and a novelty race for a $100 purse. These will
be great events. The usual admission fee will be charged at the gate.

« at Ito


Grand Oalioon Ascansion and ParacHu-ta Drop

itaM obarab wffi waab IB Iba
uw Heaotooat* Tto tbird ■
dw. C. T. Buat od tba IM

mtofba baatbau «otU to «bm ha
SA AM tba bdatbaa toiiraHM bato
Wfc liHHBa W Oearo, «mr«w

Xhe Great Ri

WMoi a tocBB anort aaab Btobv AM
nt^tba toafarao «n to Uimralad at

toobar Id C
e taka td-M

M tw

----- to rato aad tba

The distinguished Aeronaut Prof. F. J. Liddle will make an ascension at 7:00 o'clock p. m.. from the fireworks ground. Thil will
Immediately precede the fireworks display, and everybody should be on the ground early to witness this wonderful achievement.
Prof.' Uddle will ascend to a great height and will than precipiUte himself into space and float down to the earth sustained only by a
parachute. The drop through the air for hundreds of foot before the parachute opens Is thrilling in the extreme. Everybody should
remain to see this balloon ascension. The best place to witness it will be from the river bank, south.side of the river, on Sixth Street.

The Fireworks
Travene City alwaw ffive* the best there is in this display and this >-ear will be no
exception to this rule, the display will be a ma^ificem one. Trains and b^ts will
wait for you until after the fireworks. The Walloon ascension and tne fire
fireworks can
be seen from the same grounds.

mm t^'rutXmm o^q
n toniinil Chwo aa t

tmttttm. 0* Iba hfaUw a( tbr
TnatoTtralA OatariM. to
MOtr Artaw. aBnvai tba
tt B, «bo uaM bto. waa .............. ...
awaa to ba
aa tba Mto W Ar

aSStrtoIir**S ^ *baaX”to“ito. mm, hbo aaaart ibm to tooihBi
iTtuapba ad Ua alriwaaia. to
baitoltod to tba toaua.

' Hto toaa Itaad. It taaaalad Ibp —
adpto rt Wa Uat ------------ ' --


pmar ad tba cBialaf 10 tiaiil

" SffiS.3r«Mtl.«3

to blto Mdatog




■Snitort* baa^ ^

a pMt baaaaao tbo vwt
a od tto oWaa Mtoc tba
oRdtog Manh tx taU
(au Oban
iban UJd
Id to heap blB
BMt alMa. UbobadBosa
IBM bli

*** ^

h^h*^ to mM.~T«im~ib tod

AtaBBt too a-oatoay od
tbooaaad OaltoM
to aid tbotr laWaa
Ntobraa at bone.

rssmssu'tsjrSB.t !^-sr.^A^sS
to toa to* ad Maaaa ibay an toM


There will be a great game'*of base ball at the 12th Street grounds, between the Gray
fiagle%of Manistee. These are both vco- fast teams, and great sport may be ex­
pected. The usual adnission fee will be chained at the gate.

Bey Excursions
The Traverse Bay Line of boats will give frequent idiort excursions o
-day long, for a merely nominal charge.

Speciai Engagement
ketnbeig's Grand of the Glasgow Stock Company. This is an
npany. with a fine repertoire, and tbe staging is citrate. This'
sriUbe a great attrati:ion the entire week, with a specially good play for the even UTg
of the Fourth. The usual charges of:

Leeianan County Peepie
Will be especially interested in the fact that the new Trave
Traverse City. Leelanau and
Maustique Railroad will be open to travel, and the regular
.egular and special trains will
bring all who want to avail themselves of this
c^portunitjr at
:his CH>portuDity
reduced rates. Besides
of theManistec aad Northeastern railroad will also

JtMTtoS rt thuffitodtotoi


O. •«. B I.
Regular trains arrive from the south at B:3& a.
1:35 p. m.. and 4:20 p. m.. and
Imvc. (going south at
a. m.. 11:10 a m„ and 4:25 p. m. Ihere anil be no necessity (or a speci
special train from the south a the regular train arriving at 6:25 a. m. will
,. but there will be a sped:
answerr this p,,,.
dal train south leaving at 10:<0 p. m..
after the fireworks.

T. O. I-. * Ml.
Regular trains arrive irom Nonhport at ll:(k> a. m. and 4:20 p. m.. and leave for
Northport at 8:S0 a. m. and 1:S0 p. m. v A special train will leave Northport
: <early in
the morning and return at 10 o'clock p. m.

trains arnvc
from the south
at 4:55 a.........
lOOp m.. G:1U p. m.. and 11*5
. -.............................
m... and from the north at 11:55 a. m.. 5:15 p.
f m.. and 1U05 p. m. Regular traii-M
ive for the south at 6K)il a. m.. 11:55 a. m.. 5:20 p. m. and 10:10p. m.. and for the
cn at OMU
5K)0 a. m.. 1:20
i:vaf p. m.. ana
and o:io
6:15 p. m. 'The
4:55 a.m. train
...... .......
from> the
J .L. lAaSS _ _ t__ .L^_______ ^—..L ... .1______ L -a__ __" --J J— ________ I__ tthe 1005 p. m. from the north are through ’’flyers" and do not make lo^ stops
th or south of Traverse City. There wifi be a special train from the north early
in the moftiing returning after tbe fireworks in the evening.

M. JkN.K.
Regular trains arrive from Manistee and condedieiu at 11:00 a. m. and 6*6 p. m.;
from Provemtwt and Cedar at 8:14 a. m. Regular trains leave for Manistee and
ccMioectioos at 9*0 a. m. and S'*6 p. m.; for Provemont and Cedar U 6*0 a. m. A
special train will leave Manistee for Traverse City ot 6K)0 a. m.. connectii^ at Pbtte
River with special from Empire, arriving at Traverse City at 8:40 a.m.
train will leave Traverse City for Manistee and connections at 9:40 p. m. The regu­
lar train from Provemont a^ Cedar arrivi^ at Tra%*erse City at 8:14 a. m. srili ac­
commodate those comingin.and atpedal train will retonitotbose pmnts at 7*0 p.m.

Boats will leave Northport at 600 a.
Omena. 7*0 a. m-SuttoQs ^y, 7:46 a. m„
Ne^tawaata. 900 a. m- and arriving at Traverse City at 1000 a. m. Kecuming will
leave Traverse City at 10.00 p. m. after the fireworks.
Fare for round trip from
Northport 50 cents, Omena. 50 cents. Suttmu Bay 40 cents, Neabuwaou.26 ceoti. ~

aartoar hM kM* I. ife, W C
T V work (or ■ ka< U»* ud j,
•■ ko«c la Ik* piaUorD ^

S1?5£S'pSS.-S SK ■

Wrtcu paM a *am ultHiu u
la UaWenla Md o(ka HA

*•“ •?»*««« •poke fid har lore luc
<W OIWT. *Ud> akfi rtatuod *ttb
tSlTllaiUa. adSTldr^

, UU IwirtM uok

pfiMfiMkai. whH«


-n tU Ibfi

eklldrai. .br.


ltd iMTOl

bar eauakt iro
' w Bade aa eeperia) atud>’
ibl> aecttoa
Acmrditif U> Hr FU.lrh. r ibM^. ar..
i« rarwilte o( Injul In lb« Boai-d
aaa river Of ibeae. bto farortle.aad
ibe favorlie of Boat aatf are Ibe world


I^ZJSffSSitX>.r fid.
Laai- deroUaafil
ekarek ekoir
« lb* Ua.

s*x.-^x.irsi-.K _

all7 ealled Tbeo there la Ibe rainbow
aad the clueely allied ■<!
Hr rieuber aara
e can tall. (b*r>. It mile diSurebrv
Brb. Ibr dlBuruaci.. arr bulb rlateed at aalmua
It i-nilr..|) a uiallc-> that It ibe> bare (toe ur iwu luwt of
a llai rotoar os ibe rued
addllkiu to ibrtu ibr.<e tarlatlM
b and beblad ibate aa Ir
- i are two laborted brown trovi fvdulur iiuale ur duuble aeriaa id
loud ta Iba Boardatan. the tik ua leeU. while In Ibe cbarr lruuu. wl
uallj kboWB aa the Oeraaa brown, be■ifttoiioa
I ' '
tt Wat Irat iBported troB OacI. fubllulla,
aad the Loeb LaVM treat
■baped llbe a boat. wlU UeU oa
br Baa; aaatwrw U coalitaad
bead of Ue boaa atol
bid biowB trout In Ua acduar
’ rrad J. Baebial la not a Ob
rowB. aoiurdlac to Hr netohar.
_____ otoBkB la barbed u|i b; aelB|.
litc aalborll;. but U« Lucb Leras
trout, a rathar Bora rwpwtable wieu
Hr. naieher autea ibat ba ba>
raiabow Ue aaataal od all
(fiBlfcr. but fB all that ba
rafrau i at Ihcr WBW ffnleA B the


to to
b; a .
to Ue
trout. Ibe ktof al aU


to al a toaa to kaow wb; Ue la
duettoa of Ue ntobow akould
eraaae the BOtober ed brook trout,
aari ha bat opwaad haadrwda ol ratabowl, aad haa ret to tad Ua li« Sab
to tha Btntrli at tha raalbow.
imlabow toK
toattaalto ur mar
MT •Btall fa of (be
U Id thto he
_______ tala. He «aht-___
(ba latahow tar totertor
,( fid Ue brook uoat
xaaeetloB wHh (ha luraKa eal
BMkaw i^fibfi *i«h MfUfiBkc
UDoia plaeed to Atoeriewa
___ i. thf«>aA the Uadaaae sd Hr.
Ftotehar tte lUeerd to able to clre
' ' fioB
the paa of
a toUowtot arthda
llltoB C Harrto. ooa of
itbortltoa oa Sah to Ua ooaatrr.
jloh aruela waa prteied to -nald
t AMtlnl atUfi.






TT-T^rir* Seettsad aad Oeiwr
are tba~hd«wB twat sad the U>A
Levea ua«—Ua Srto froa betoad
OHWMtf aad ^Ue tost aaaed

~ e hPPWB twat {Balao tarlo). to
____ hr tha aalhuiMlii ed tbeVaHed
Vtoh Oitotolirtna Ub >00
a. T. u. an. Hatu* *. naakin. ■toua
two!.' aAar tha Oarw Sah eolMiai M tbfi WUM W. C T. U. Behr
tartat whp —da tha Srit thlpaiaat of
tht^ye to Uto^^Oa^J|tya a^


hawwa twBallx aa tha hwwa aad
SafM toouThU to Samraa eoutr.
Mew Twfc. vbara. b<^ to Ue detrl
I), (her were ptoatad
todtoUeal Sak II
itoaa.' to allofloa to

Hf«M« Mair w thfi


',yw ta



atlas oar a««llw aattre hwok twoL
M brow* Iroot has toat eoaU aaoat
.ad tahieaiia wd thnaa toho aaak tor
dayhto SU

ta Oaaara. - '-





assi^*' i,«r?

««*»^ three hn»k Uoat
ilac reepwttTtoy oae pooad.
aaartwe of a pooad. aad aerea
0. Thto was aateto erldeaea pf
____ aa Btflcdeat to debar '
las ed Uli toeetfs Boot to
------------—---------- partlea.
toa the CtoetsHa at Ohio, who ua.
■-------doriiat the eorlr prevail-

■ .iSa.gffLS
avallMc OMfivea of
-Metworar. Ue uenaaa troot aa
.joad to AtoarktoB waten had ao eateawed aafUat aaaltUe* that read«
toa irieehli daeliehie ta our Uoat
MwoBA Oolr wbea It attatai a
wel^l fid Urea or Bar* poaads teas
K eHer feetouaee worthr at tu rapata

Maa' aa aa awobat vUaa
have ret
eoce aaxtof
etrw eap**l«we
aaxBf thato c
r Uwa to bat «at ctoank that aeortr
tweaU' reara.totooreotoa Into U
r «aaa. aad thto ahaiah «aaa mtf


eurk and
. ... . .'uud. He
. Ue (real priociple*
breUevIr and atoterlr love. "Tbe
(real UIb(* la life are blnh, mar.
aad daath,* said Ue ipeaker.
•be naUre babital
Ue^bfowa rU(e
"Back ot Ihrsc Ibruc (rc-at ihlDp
Uere must tx- tOBeUlDS "
tk- ooea^ lu (be Bwoai
Thli lead up to the queatlun u
(T«ai book (bat we are writinc
rroB Ue Atlaalle
day. bow wr Bust rtrive U kavu
P4«e clean aad itoaollad, but a
took back over Ueae page* ne
them soiled aad unclcac
al decade* aso. but hara aot
*u feaerajl; dUtrlboted dot ba.
•o (Twat a favorite bbobc «*b
rtoti a* Ue brown Uoat. At aa
aafUod Sab It to............................
The (Old
Atoerlran aaslen
evive fur toUtog u ool (I
todtrd talDOB or
of puld Uere to Tbiwe
TtwT rliien]; allied tachal
bate au Aen the lellu'
toobu trout ta that It to-a
beaaUfnl tbem; 1
and ._____
craMful ________
Sah. wtU.however.
dualUba fid a hUhtr trade. It
P ■luK C
mu he dtoltofutobad froa Ue browa reader the atreeta are pored In fold.
aiuiclu bi Ue abeeaoe or red ipwa
We tbuiUd aa^l Uoae who are to
(to the bodr whM ato.nU to (atotlr trouble, be brouers: ll'i a fraternal
appear uo apectoieb* Bore Uaa tour order, aot an toaornace order; U
year* old. hat ao dito aa aeaieelr ta aaee to food tor we awed our au
be M-vn. Thto peealtoiltt id colorar paved, but Ua frnXereal order It
j dtopeted hr
. . . .
will pas* abovA Tou Bust ui
It Bar be aaoUer llloatralloa od
1 Ue larger meanlnf that I
tarkvl etect of eavln>aB>aal. food
to get a Urtn*. but a Bfe
and urn;
d Ue water on Sab
wai ooa* whao It will not
ul Ue •
tar wkeUar roa are tlOO abeac
tobelint Ue (aak* at the ahl
IIWI thr. They will UInk 1
end. Uua ‘mtotoc Ue bahtoe ap.’__
er you wT«r did a kind ac
eonpirie and eooatant aHaeooe, howaomeiB* la dtotwaa
rer u( red apou on Ue Loch Levea
ernltr la a Utile Utog for
uut of leaa age Uaa toor paarw to
eat lor rw alwara have lota to
Baiter of fact oot to be dtopatad
-• •
a brothto
Doot tocoutob aattora. bat aa thto u tittle aad
uoul aeJdoB flows kaavtor Uan . We Utok
at we
three pouodA oooauBitot Sve rears to bow we Ut«
r baatoea*.
taiitoi to be two pouad* to w*l*kL When we are
but little cobtuakto wilt
we aJwnra tev
Uto red apot tkeoa when
are too boar,
I are buer Baking
IdeatlSoailoa at the Sak.
pavtof brteka.
oetotof (Old. Wa
ahoald took to ...
itr order. Ue love
tie withto which Haa Stoartwa*
... ..........
Ue ipeaker ipoke to
iSaad br Uaaaa ElUabetlL aadUa Ulevaa. Uair eons baing eepeetollr
■ad. wbo will Kuasder Uetr
varietal faem* at InMt to H Kara baea
Ua aubtoet of maak dtonaaaioB Or.
that U*r have boaided up and
-- -a* alae
Jabs D. Owekaabot. ot New Toik
. harm.
ettr. wbo Btwdaeed Ua Look laeea
uoat to ABertaaa wotaro. wrote we a M4
-------te r.— aavtagn oeer roodar
and It will never get nwnr. That to
(pw dan aco:
Ua Uad to cbariir aad sfdrtt
. It we na«a.
-'Ycmi hM, I haBera. Ua
Appnctol* U« ruao r lUe; Itti
Uvw hah » he a laad-loekad
w Ua Uo
UooL Uewto dtSartaa (roto o___ 100 abort to laaeni
dates Haecabeu* 1
a aoldler.
who aar It to aoUtoc hut a apaetol.
to Uv
toed fora at ,browa uooL I kaow toitb. hit toraitr.
t from
that to U>cb ■Levea laka Uae are boat atthougb be .
toiio. Cnalf*.
Astra Cnau
two ktoda ol ibuL the oonaoa -r*l- ------Boito. Astra
aad the toMblai etlrer beaatr a hM nw* aad abowed the wi____
U* toaa. The ipeaker dwelt at leogib
upon thto otaa aad kl* boble
aobl* ckaiBCtar
a twtteet
aaocabeut wa* abov*
the paiereltr and U
•~er*aUaU_ aad
Iota bto Uonghtfolat Ue two apecte* S
a the lak* aaa*
oocnpled Btour
as to Ue all Bbi
I ue

s.-r’ -

Ue arcoBcata. We
er. Uarihe stock of L
Levea* bioufbt froa Ue Howtotown
Uerr. acoltoBd, have thrtvea
__ waien Not wiu Ue rapMltr
ktalUr toereaae to Ue brown u

.real Ugkt to all.' 1
speaker as k* broupki ibto quaaiiuo
to a ctoa*. We Buit apeak to Him.
H* H pAtalaa by. Tu deaot patatog
by. ipaak lo'hito. aptek Uou to biB.
.. ___________ ^Sab^ta^ar The torrUre ctoeed e
Mieaaii and tokee
Love' nad 1
woald S*M> (bat Uto a~<»n«k
to capable to leatottof the la.
•toufku to Si....................................
boot a handrAl
advtoea f
uala aad htra* went to the
where approprtoi
___ aerrloat
be lake the trant toewaae to aplU wer* held unil
leadenhlp to W.
kto oobdIUon. Tb* nnaiaal auto- H. Vrtieu.a.
prayer and a
■oag servloe ■
e to Ue grave*
to departod s
IHU* o*ar iwealr ponada. w«re takes with Bowert a
to oeu troa Ue lake to ooa
Thto tact la to U
Id Ue dead
L troa Ue twuata a
_________ ___ aalBwo tbtoUr an
Ue Beato^toU to U
Itotrfbnied over Ue I'ntted Stataa,
Uoofbl oot
I Atlaau 00(100 Bllla have


I. a T. H. MiBirtol.
Iter B. Harrto. Ue traveler aad
-------r. who wa* a BMber to Sir
rtr SM Dtotoben to Ue
ArUnr Nlcbotooa't tpeclal eabaaay
and Uvea to Ue K. 0. T. H.
Ue Banna to Uorooeo toat year,
. 0 T. H. U. toteta awea...
a priaooer o"
__jawnrtoi aerrtota at Ua ftoat
aad tbww aw «
MaUfidtot ehBteh Saadar toiaalii
_______________I aad Ue ekarr- Tha unto aad hhret - aanhaBad at taefcad Ue place Tweete .troop*
uoau. tactoakaDr aoteUed.
■aaj tarma bu did not
-Thto fatwita troot *wwa roaj^ wber* Bev W. U iBrtMa w*e a teaeotog Uarrit.
tohMwUahaattoaaac_________ wbea ptoatod la oar waiete. Thto
totaraauaa aUiast oo ’Oar 4% New Bedford.


STto 4


to Atoerieaa Sartol
See thto naeoa s|

corated bj
potted ptoau aad eat l. -

cted I* to
kxAl high aehooL It to fenead
iaaer archwar uaiefnllr
.T'JKJtSSl."'* 3-i?ssa£.f
he Bay not neorar. iaaeph HelatTra,:
mn^irm WU vaa ta tb*
te todf*‘t eoto^'uaito. tad aad BPoUer itnSaat. to to a lartoa* eatoissiasr.=
htohMk bad voato
or wMaetoea hahfti od ____ aad Ua touw arabala to Ua ........................Ue • • • •


Iba W. C. T. V. aatUaa » aatoal.
thThaaa. tad
a lha tmm. aad

-The hwwa troal __ _




206 Front Street

Hamilton Cloffimg Co.
Craoerse eity, IDieb.


mmrnm ed Ita owa swaet will
haaltod. aaoept Ua raiabow. Ue
............................r).the DeUr Vi


Before you start out to
celebrate come to us and
invest a little money—
Bargains in every Dept.

A ton* at aa latttoUoo to U* **>___aocteiy

latea etofwrlp wnrked to U* Caaer
paH to Ua anhwar. wuch Bate -


U* tohtoUto was Us hPtalv «<,
ok Mtert o* tte tffnkuili to Ua



Fr Ckadwtok. ehaplala ed the ID-


Men’s, Boys’ and Child­
ren’s goods—a good cloth
hat with wire rim to every
purchaser. ::::::

See Cbese

Jlcn’s Suits

ifI you 9^t
m&t the b<*t Mit
»ult matfe-ioae
made-soae that vUI
m last yaa Mr
years. Olben «»e bad tun Hae of sixes M«s« ssM Mr $iateen and CMbteen Dstlars*
Our best hand-tailored
such goods can bo had from the tailora less than Twenty-five to Thirty
Ootlars—Our price now will close them
alUout before July 5th.

See Cbese^

Men’s Pants

for fine Worsed pants Two-Rfty and Two-8even(yf Ive-For this «>aciaJ occasion -we wdl dooa at above
prica—lo(»k them up aarly—

for fine pants worth Three to Four t^ars—
nearly ail sizes in the lot—don't forget them
when you come to the city.





iliipkw IftMgb tha fOB heara.
to ootoplato tba cfBantoadklWraato Oaj Paapam.
Tbare ta wo' aoeh tuag aa laktas
Tba attractlbtoa (or tba big racc
.......................M of treat aRar dark with
maai aaa baiabnUew wlU ba aag(tolnaca for IM WarWto Fair la af
tha Ij.
. d ai lha ftU li It I
baaaftt aad -a Ua PminawoU fttraat HaUodtot Saa ■fulad by wbal Maaagar Sialabanc
bai aaoi • tadrask to kaow that la
eM and Not bllvar, aa Sofli
. xl Una. Tbto U ao baad day arbool Maaday:
baltoin to be Ua raty altuagwal
aaru K ikaa arc not abroad at that
eoaitol; ao prtan are gtrae abd
Muto—"BHag Tba* la." Scbuul
alork auaapaay that baa arar appaand baalat Soaday aratoag aad «-~|r
aaa Hat bald.
nrolTT atcapc af Ua trteadij a
K«a»U7 1*M:
Urocatioo-Bar. C. R TbaokUd.
ban al popalar prieaa. U to Ua Olaa cUrr ibUff adrtoad Uem. to caaa of
OofMhtoaUr OM will rua to as a^
aad a* a drawlag card let a cto
a tb« «kU*. .
AiUato--Lat Up Klag of Otory cow Block CO-, wbo will preaaat op- a saa aMormlag to wu ibadr toofi
-be epaatitM tn who* -Ik* Mt- llftelal flj cast U Iba dark, bet UM
Travaraa Ctoj wUl ba amply
I." choir.
lo-dala plaja of a blgbar aad bat lor aad baad. to Baba Ue co—------ to ao aioaptkiabl ba aol to ba wedib tbcalU, that tba Uiutolana____
wardad. Tbara oagbl to ba TS ba___
claaa Uaa aa; prartoualj atlampiad
oeaatiBs. n will taka tba wor» dsllan ara at altrar. hat galaad
iguttaa logaUar at tbto Ubm. wUcb
by popalar prterd alincttoai her*.
U aoua.
bul had to b* kUlod H tha ra artdlj, bowarar. wbaa tl to atsbi •Idatahia ctiTBlailoa.
lid lorwn a caibortng of at leaai
Cboret—-ik-btla Ua
The; appear bare tba weak of Juar
taadtas. aad 11 to with woraa ibai Iba raibat iiraasa to aaj, from Waahtns<uU or a brokao >a«. rapcalod
Oar of Ua big ad- Blattag.- Claaan 4 abd ft
tishi ftabar«aa ibkaa It.
ttolap laaiorM 1. a tiraat panda
tavW of parlac bar MO. vbleb
'Beautiful Tblagk--«U UUdrwa.
t Urea dollan In ci
~b«aa to ao aaptosalloe ol bow lac
hoiking kui Laada—baadi rrrry' riuiloe—-Tha Paalor of
naaaoa.Tracy, tba Baadil "
k aourvair dollar In tllr
ii BaBaca to aaa tba woraii la Ur
band* ua Ur •tn.-au. oa tba
■ adopted MklM
ra.- "A Hot FUlab.' -Mrart of tba
r, and Ib^ prrdicilon
k Tbay Bad ihem. bowarar. on
- baad •taadi.
HouBiaU> ' The mark YIpara.' and
■ha btaokaai aon of algbl aad poaalbtj
I a cuaao!ldair-d ^BaclUl^
Aaa Ultleluo ol South to. Joa^h
f iri
ara suldad
s»ldad bj
by n'aaiuf
a aaaa.- of nmeli
uaell "*a illwr, aJUousb
hi adtaSaS tST^rr Uar
rM-riUlag It arm and ibla
la Ua boaur < 6 .blppiag the Brat
ITwra Uora It oaa Uout Uera nrr '‘'r ~innar cnutwt conn
r iMaa ba aharpad
tuvri btaylap a tllrTtag
HraliaUiB A-arl Tudaia
applira with tNiual (orvr to tbr poilir
or id raapbemr. of (ke araaiB IroB
npi to ba toora. aad Ua naslar who
Tbr [.ou.UMQk
MCI of tha frc
ilak Id frum CoO to ywo aua
Baaiiattue —Tba t'hlM ot
ynadrrllla lairuduccd baawaaa tba
The. warn lorwwrd Mae
baa ■«».««I oaa wiu
wlU bli bniufe ofduUarr ara of
Id all Pla.vlag Ua tasa arclb. UlUaa l-'Iala)
- euaBdani
- -■‘■-nilrdroplhaoilaloiPuKI ‘■‘•'lar*
j adoplad aaublbh __________ nj
li mil rip iba cubwubi oS
Soto S Buarbwt.
bm and Ua lllualraird lono are taid
Tbr t-bawtar and
b Jackaoa
■ aa tba wladow abd aiaka Ua palul pavl
idrod. Ua cbahcat
tba kbea plaor. Ibd
Objwi Lraiob~PDur ebUdm.
.r particularly pk-ajiinK
niib.e to .Sagatinre w
«UBC opw
.. Purcbatt- Cea- Off.
«d aa i1^!(b H »ou
ara Ibat ba will toad
I>rry baad tbonld now taka
Kacitailoti --'Tba
Sllaar Ubl
,1 the prudiK-ilco.
prwdiK-ilco. ol
of Ur
u-iiBlaJ dollan Tba cvlaasa ol gold
Tka obota parla* aati
baaatiaa belora be to (orrod 10 r
d and >-»ar>
nrwipaprr ihuuld Jaan Gidn-d
laged with
- '
Baiwwn ibat
n begaa la I
roll u (bia. «ai dim
OB bj (aUora at aupplr,
a pobllcltv to ibr rtrai and balp
Dual-- 'Ba-auiiful Day.'
-io«-pi k>oal
kef. have i>aea adyeni.tok: fi
for OHM
rr cvlaad
and UW Ibai
tpMa. Major flaato.
n.j Atlo«e> ■ AWcnDan‘a«fha«'Voucht ap tba
Tba ivbuitoB aSordad l> to
aka lbl> k lorrilag
of Ua Ida BrABiUb and I'orBalla Hornaua
US.t::: gold dollan
BarU. Probop KjaalU
•alU aad otben i .,.,tor cd conrttc paopla to lha raea oaa. bmatn Ua ftibarman ra
Kwiiainm—Bdna Ctogu
kriarot ,« .pwla! lor Tra. wage, are uBared no moo can bi­
«d aalMuW^lril’ had SSTraSSrihai all obo aw bto Itaa. tor irll whan tbr 1
ipooled In lur
H.-aiiaiu.u - 't.*blti]ri-b‘a Ltoy " M
as Ua cooiimny Jump up' lound
Na.rt alace Ue 6ni Blna
Pr>«(. Ueluo.
loan ^
rtca g,
or oarrralM
oarryalli ba.
t altowad to atrlkaa etcwpl bj tb« lark
ponaUoa. and Sipaddicg
m.uU.-m MlrbUaa aad | was oprnad to Ua Lake Supwhir reifj to h
3uu aad «ilb atraau, aa a ranlt of i(*„y peopip
u, tba nea uoca juj
can aaw It Iba irvw wailnf dark!)
•gh to pat Iba
oBla to
Suk>—tor Bldrad.
‘ Ekto ba. u.fv baao luch a amclIT
. for It
vfck*. la Ua ooana or ahool aa boor. I,
asalaat Ua tkj oa tba bank
and aBiariALn
vlthMit pajtad a Be^ 1
HraltaliuD—'To a W'aiarlall
--------------------------'d laU.r. not onlj to mlalng. bat to
-■» etir auoioar «aa lannMad to
onmu paj
Ir ladlot wblla
--------------... o...,
State News.
other Induatne.. In Nreaunaa then
prtdK-rlT tak.-B hold
Urcitailoa^BaiBa Iftlon.•r Ue «>r»r-oJd child ol •r>- :“eu wortini bow. wbrraaa
^^of and p
a Cii.r cao pack
Ir. Went Carl Ur. arar
>'»f Uera wrra only aboBt 1.6W.
ftda (or tba pay»ai of tbair foU
toad paurlt
at Iba.r win ba
Krcltatkjn—The flweeleil Thlag.'
dlaarr gold dollan. In |c«jd cunditloa.-' baaglag i
- '
parlof tai bj aboulai '4^,^ Urdia ^boiukt ap tba
.-moe Baamlab.
E up»B
Ha BgbU bto truul blludly
blludli ba
br tbaa Inuad bafora IIPU. It »: 00. a> a mlak
Ian, araa U II doaa QMtar of tba (raroUapM Uoloa
riiatlod- "How to ba Happy '
J s.-uib.-ra Mk-hlga*. and U-UItom Mor
Anna Wortlaboar. Ue six yea
touia Tbrrr are r>ld dollan of jaan
•caaed It par o
of tba VbluaUoB of
NUlb to Boocbar-a hUL ao kaowladga of tba muraotenu U
Ir Fall

of Ue -Soo, " -wb.. Joined to Ua
kb.'O Ur coloagr »at (mail whirb
Um propartj.

•UUBC that tba poral bad baea put BSklag bor
killed insianitj aaar Moorland.
blgbar preialumt
C.-dar ri.rr driva March M, weu dla
tba Ifuubir II gito cooimaad
Is tba eaotar of tba ttraol aad that ktoe. ezeapi
a VYbUe." Lula
Praaahlaa Par HaMhia
-rjiad d
bran acoopad within I ,
1 CO..-red on Ua botioB of Ua rtrer.
m raoaUad laat »l«l- tMBi wan colas oa «aeb aid# of It him. ueill It
:to ihr yard wlU a load .
Uey bad lata alace Ual dala
etarr aaUat that ba ba
■upped a mlauia. wbaa
Tk* II
Ld'un gkjpiag oa the t*ak
«ebMe to build a baal, The man at comp Uougbt Ibcj had
lIBitad by Act of Coagreai to
a light rod and rltk lino Iba aagla
Trararaa Otr. altbar
101 i-d. and aba waa thro
uDr-balf of wblcb bear the
r ^ "jumpad Ue Job' aad (oae bomr.
tf be atrlkaa a bcki> trout unde
Tba Old. Old Story—Three
vaur or bott. Ha Mkad
a oamad “ ' Uaae eircuniiiaiicr> it arrioui!) kl
Hacltalkjo — "CbUdrea'a
atraau oad allaja
WUIUb McKlBlay
Tba flnt
It to Ibli rar> ancer-1 ball
lajlas malaa. «MiJune Zi Reportii from Georglr Dago.
a dollan ware rvcalrad from
______ atrwaL
Uinty which laadi algbt flihlng lu,“f
Solo—Norma Flnlr.t
rJftci Ibai kecrel nego
>1 Jutl before tb* bolldaya Ual
tbaa broafbt op to aoma man.
AUarnto Wnibau tba
Krcllatlon -"CMrUt aad Ur Utlla|
The vzporlenca of the expO; tutloa- ar.- pruc.-edlng between tha
aa parto of Ur Hruiiaaa ol
iba matiar that Prohop ~.jaMka bad
parit of I
baaa oidatwd to Baba 1 .
Keellaiton-' Bllty i
u bu alfordfd IntereiaUng to the aio.i laiporUDl Kuiupoaa .lac!
to frost (d Up ptopanj sbd tbsi ba DoiBlBleo.
Here sfe the name* of wise of the u*rt of Ensure Crea
the (oraiailuD ot t trust
on la regard lu cola collection
■ b lor brook U
ooaatry paopla
a bout
-ice. are .peclflcally daol
Wm. HoweU. C. BartciUagcn. L. I- Kanr dark, and lthey Tti.-ra waa conildenble local curloaSunl iKkt—SebooL
M tba ot
«paU baobla to------------------------_ _
ibart II--' kn
•ocn, bil. Corbil. T. Plonxmtkyn, K. Finch.
i, pnarldod tt waa
____ waa
^tal. Tba mutar
art- reertved. aad aotoa Lbou
ri'Bnrd rnougb to.Ur)
tba oonaltiaa oat
• ordlbaacaa and tl
iBBCtlUlrto uaa lupplr By rod and .Ilk line.
dbcQi^' ^ ww’^t
Fred Kobens of Kl
Tbay haproBoiing tkc paper
•paalal PallM Appaintad.
a bank of Ue cr.
Up; cut on
call. Ue
Vbt ■sjor appoUtad Aoch B.
It lint- curd. To
to tofUab tba eaaaet
rlrar. and a
dd lu an article
IMMdl aa apadal poBea for iba^ bla aldawalkf aid ter tba partscbaoks Uay faalen
Rajtlc Saturday.
Saturday, must of which h
I<wi» Howell. 1). Stefletto, Perry Kouch,
to tbto country.
Clij btlorsar R 0. Dsrlt raportad aad Brop Ibrm la wrlgglUg
uyt IS accurwu- bui a Pi
W K. HelfetKEh, Gulmm Gilner. Mike
the fnaeblaa <d tba T. C. U A W wban tbay gel a atrlka Uey yaak
-h will creaia a false impn
HoUirt^er, liana nanacD, Isaac Gattbe,
railroad raadj aad aabnltlad It to tba Bab Ik teat to Ue air. laadina It
Ue United aloD.
Ibat pnciically
kuaael Fiaher, 1_ Baker. H.C.BuUer, W.
rouscll It ctraa tba rallmd U teat Ue bank behind tbeto wlU a ibu
Mr. Kobens auiax ihai I26O.000
-poralkjn to puablng
Ue .uppi)
Tbr hTbay alwaya build a Urge Bra 00
M Fife, John
Baiioo^ld, T. White, K
id Ue W.OoO.OOO tfflof McKinley asd JeSer
A. Caiopbeli. S I. ('.roetKr,
' to Ual wkra buMUa light. coBtog to aeboolt u Ur wblcb Iba HcKlBlay aad Ji
aUawalk tab tba tba U ft K. ■. roUniad ssd aa
ItaUie for mora than tUO.OO aa tbr
Secor. Louia Haltetwc. John SmitK
ibat llaa H dm tba raltroad
rest ol the money cao be rmtoed easily
paoj It fbat Tba tmaeUta also teAt each a place is proper aaaaoa
when Iba Snt maehlae I. la operallon comp.-ii- lurce.Mull;
.11} lor
aarraa eartala rlparlM rlgbu.
baH a doacB man aad woaen will ha poMpatkia of Ua Olractor
Black, E. M. Biidscy, William Banleti,
..... ..............^ to tba 01
Ha uyt that there to not a mill la
a Ittm 1
4 to tba —
yasklBf out ipackled trout aa faai aa Mini Tbr^JeSanoB Batlal ui
atrwau aad waJii
Kalamaxoo capliallted for Store than
:r ..nriatiaoKm,
ChrisliaoKKi. Wm.
>»m vxire,
Core. jonn
John 1K.
> ordtasBoas to raport at tba aan Uay oaa taka Uaei from Ue booka cor-Unx lo Ua njadalllc btolory ot tbk
ft paaliloe for
. Ellsworth Danck. Wm. Heimloitl
BBd Will keep Uto aort of Utog op for I'ltlii'-I Slate., waa aagruTad by John
Uat amouni of moeay to rapre.eau-d
d«a of last Baraaib ■
.tael O-.,_______ ___
as hour, gotog........................— "--------- Kalcb wbo waa, tor a Use. coasacted
to auma of UaB.
d probably do more biulm
before Btdalxhl wiU two ... ____ _ will, Ibr mini at PblladelphU.
In regard to the tlatemenl craUlted
a better profit la the oj
a^ad beanllea.
idb-d m u.u Tba McKtolry bbIbI,
to f>mnk Mllbam that the prowtl
Anton .Vewtnut, J<^ Wertier, Cea Amtba re.1 of 1

t], tsaaa alrcam. I wjik-h l> foo.ldrred by Ue lata preal
ilBie Is untayorabla to thu crvciioa of
ft patuioa atpaad bj a lana aiuuOld.
• John A. Cminnde. C. U. Nicketwm,
IBI rUBBlng abuia'dasi. Irlrnd.
ara all amall. a
factory, owing to tha high price.
har cakad that tha carb Uoa ba aa- TMa Pona a> A«dli« Daaartbad
McKlnlr). wa,
Flaiuagan. loa CUrk. Alitte
•dingl) flat-’'ruif:i'baU a pound.
al Mr Ruber
lau.r and uaierui
■,ya.y.i aa Bluwood arabua. to ba
gbl aalmun |gra'.-d
a Man Wba OUlm «a Haot
James "
Budd.. OlM.
Ubla tab. WlU
Solem. Jai
It that k
ftt» fM an laebaa tron tba aldawaU
pl.-ce« n> .1
t d.-llcacy of'tb.- uiln
Bob BBd Ua t
w to pruellanii, T. W.
Good. J. E Sc«t. Cliss.
TrM M.
V. Good
it» na paUUoa waa allowad.
I iliHnK.
e» of crecuon al MunUlBg.----:. and-----an
Iter Bros
I’eart. Sylrester
Brown. Mike Gberiog, Claus
.Van Glalu, A»Um
other JuM being coapletad In KnlnacSd\'iMUlM
Night trout ftabUc la a
Darga. Hsnr
Gray, 1Heiuy Kn>u{ia, Jsom
r Gray.
M»ta ud -WalUaatoa straata. ate to aport that tba racUar ftroastar
Fieis. Louis Rulhsrdt.. W.. H.Cort. AatoiK
C. A. Wieis.
•ntalaa ol 1
troo Pakln a
h purebaaa juai bean largely toteiltsl In lha ISOO,
Smith,. Ferdibs-id LAiUCf.
Hung I klJIu.r I.'aBpball of it
»U0 plant being plaenad lor Vick.burg.
E. Battaiield. C E. Paivcr, Jem
Chang, wbo died a year ago Ual No-1 Leader, to an entbuaiaat
Ur Robert, any. Ual even If Mr.
orv ol 1 a"ronniry
To t>rTamber. war* placed to a tomb aractrd | woU as rallroada
tod itaelmakar. of | Mllbam'. autameat Uat tha bualnea.
. FrSkto «*ts)>tiehler.
II being oTardoaa ware in
au tbio^ to bto mawioiry saar bto saUte Tlllag- aald to Ua Ual Uadrr erf Ua pro­ Ua globo Into 01
ttac (D*(ba'f£kM^£^ oS*rrobi on«
tba b - to Ngaa Hwal pniatoce. Hto wife 1.1 poaad luumaBani to Travrrae City: lag
rtwat OM atorr blrb ItlO. Tba »aihowavar.
would not apply to tba mill to
.bartad to tba same spot.
1 -Already Ue
band, around
Ua protr too .lupeni •UI a uak for r<ee | bare, a. Ihto to to manula,
I riaa
^a‘|i^S'wtoaaa to^rtia^to
kid of baud'
rw Kmpir* bmTopm you touy. „
, country are lalktog of the coailag It 10 uBiiaitafci- I . UI. Junclura '
*ha M
to ftst
, ilrwly dittarani grade of
A B0t40 tact .tack of bay, costato-1 tourriaBcni to ba bald at Tnaane
by any of '
• • c to
will not l
I to hart ebabcad aad tt hat ba- lag 106 toaa baa baan dtopo^ of aijClty la Augu.t and It U hoped
____ _ ..j Man MOM troa. aad
Machine on Eabibitioa at Baniey Aa<le(«M’s.
— ■>-------------------- jhg lorgaat. Tnverae fliy i
:e wUl t
a alsbt hawk, rortaa Its aattra
agbM^WdM^^toa 1 aad_t. bknk
t matter
I record to MIebteB.
at troM dwk to dapUfht aad





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--ChangBd Hands
Wc bought it tome time ago aod will (Mtloue it as the*binesi little bargain store in the north. We bought the Racket stock at 60c on the dollar. We have since bought a $5000 stock of clothing at 40c on the dollar. It isSa new stock,
the oldest of it being less than a year old. The lines are complete in all sizes. It's strictly good clothing, well made and good titters. Its the best snap in clothing ever offered in the city. We have also removed our entire base­
ment stock to the Racket. It is now a eonplcte store, selliag Dry Goods, Clothing. Shoes and Bazaar goods at cut prices. We will buy goods at auction. Bankrupt stocks and snaps picked up here and there when the quality and con­
ditions warMnis there being good honest values to offer you at little moneyt BUY YOUR FIREWORKS .-\T THE “KACKFIT' and save money. Must close the stock out before the 5ih of July. Don't fail to visit the Racket
Store on the 4th. Everjthing goes for about half the regular prices. We quote below some of the things that will attract economical buyers from now until the 4th.

Dress Seeds and Staples.

Large Turkish bath towels only............................. 10c
Checked hand towels per pair................................
Good linen crash per yard......................................
Linen finish toweling per yard............................... 8>4c
Blue checked and striped apron gingham. 5c value
SUkoline pet yard....!-.........
FanQi large figured draperies 1 yd wide, 10c value
p«' yd...................................................................
Ladia’ and children's gauze vesta 2 for................. 5c
Ladies' f^cyiace trimmed vests each.................... 10c
Pretty percale sunbonnets. ruffled, some lace
trimmed in assorted tolors. each........................ 19c-

: iv

Taffeta silk ribbon. No. 5. 7, 9. in assoned colors.
per yaid..............................................................
Good pmfume per bottle......................................
Purses with chains at-.............................................


60c ahirt waists for................................;. .............. 25c
A lot of shirt waists ^alnes up to 1.25, to 'close at '48c
A Urge assortment of ladies' and gent’s umbrel­
las sold at 50c and $1X»...................................



A lot of ladies' lace hose, samples, valoe up to ttc

iTikJtM glAasm^
Ladies' lisle thread la« gloves, Ihe valoe for. •. 19e
Ladies’lace rnitu. vahMShe, our price........... .


Sprees and Sheets
Withsride hem made of Shamrock cottoo. pe^

^ ns.!


Cftces and Embroideries
In endless varietv sold at half it's value.
Corseu from............................................................I9c up

Children's gingham and percale dresses. $1.00
value, for..............

men’s Tumisbings


Ladies'fano-border handkerchiefs, hemmed, only

1 gross ol agate buttons only..................................
Talcum powder per box...........................................
Good hair brushes....................................................
Rubber combs...........................................................
Sharp's gold eyed needlesper package...................
Ink per bottle............................................................
Good machine oil......................................................

Black brush braid per yd.........................................
Children's hose supporters per pair. -....................
Ladies' Duplex hook on hose supporter only....... 15c
Bone hair pins per dozen—......................................
Curling irons,...............-A.........................................
Feather stitched finishing braid per ukk.............. '2c
Shell back.corabs 2 for.............................................
Safety pins per dor............................... .................
Poafthuuons per doz...............................................
Mourning {Mni per box............................................. Sc
Wire hair pins Urge|bunches................................... 8c
Good sewing thread per spool................................. Sc
Toilet soap per cake-...............................................
Japanese fans............................................................
Falcon hooks and 'eyes per cd.................................
cotton tape per bunch.................
Lot of sample tooth brushes, values up )o 85c.
choice............................... .......................... w...' 10c

Men's working shins ai............................................
Men's good 40c shins ac.....................
A lot of fine sample shins in negligees and sn
bosoms, value up to $1.00, choice.............
Men's 50c underwear for..........................................
A lot of men's drawers, 2i>c values, while they
last at...r....... £......
Men's suspenders at..............
Men's cotton sox 2 pair for............... .....................
A lot of men's fine sox, samples. 25c value, for....
Men’s black cotton sox.
Men's fine Balbriggan underwear 50c value for- ■
Men's blue and white striped overalls at..............
Children's overalls at...............................................
' Children's bathing pants..........................................


Ladies, baodaomely trimmed hats value up to
$2.00. our price.. ............................................. 98c
Ladies’ street hats a less than half price 25c
OUT'S a very pretty little street bat wonh $1.
We have others at
and-............................. 65c
Also some children's hau atitargain prices.

A lot of fanc)'. up-to-date silk parasob in black
and colon, some trimmed with chiffcm ruffles,
worth up to $8.00. our price from 96c to........ 1.50

eiotbing Department
Child’s knee pants. 25c value for............................. 9c
Child's knee pants 50c value for............................. 37c

Men’s cotton pants for............................................. 48c
Men's $1.00 cotton pants fo.r.................................. 69c
Men's corduroy pants, $1.75 value, for.................. <1.15
Men's dress pants. $2.00 value, for........................ 1.86
Child’s two piece suits. $iii0 value, for................ A9
Child's three piece suits, $2.00 value, for.'.*.........
Child’s wool two piece suiu. serges, up to age trf
14. $3.00 and $240 values, choice.................... 148
Boys' two piece suits, values up to $440, nobby
and serviceable, for........... ............................ 2.®
A lot of boys' long pants suits, values up to $640, 8JS
A lot of bo>-s' knee pants three piece suits, value
up to W OO. while they last, for...................... 1.79
A lot of bo>-s' long pant suits, values up to $740,
ages 14 to 19. while they last, for.................. 8.98
A lot of bo>a’ long p^ts suits, sizes 15 to 80, vMues up to $10.00, while they last...................... 6J8
Men's $6.50 suits, well made and good fitters, for 8.48
Men's $8.00 suits, elegantly made and tailored, to '
go at.................................................................. 4.98
A large selection of patterns and fabrics in caarimere4aad all wooljworsted suits for men* val­
ues up to $15.00. while they last, for............... 646
A lot of men's fine worsted suits, equal to tailor
made, best of linings and neatly trimmed.
values up to $1840. while they last, for......... 9.98
A lot of men’s black cheviot suits, to close out, for 845

$boe Bargains
Infants' good shoes for................
Child's kid rftoes. sizes 8 to 6, 50c value, for......... 45
Child's turned shoes, worth $1.00. our price............. 46
Misses' button calf shoe.-..... ...................................... 49
Ladia' vici shoes....................................
Ladies' fine via shoes, $1.75 value, while they last 145
Ladies' bal. calf button shoes. $840 value, for---- .96
Boys'calf shoes for.................................................... .98
Men's fine calf shoes, worth $140. our price....... -95
Men's heavy work shoes...........................................
A lot of men's satin calf and box calf shoes, val­
ues up to $240, toTlose out for...................... L48
A lot of men's fine' shoes of high grades aad
makes, values up to $440, our price............... 2.«
A large sdectioo of odds and cads ia men's, ladies’
and chDdren’s shoes to close oat at less than half

132 IM Skal
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