Grand Traverse Herald, July 30, 1903

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Grand Traverse Herald, July 30, 1903


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text


TR4TXBSX crrr.
The htot jci«M n tee wool.
CM far lUI and winter. IMS^




ibe 6neit

wort, a perfect fit and lowett


orakd tra.vebsb ooinrrT,

Tire Insurance!
- Plata Class, Staam Bollar and Aooldant I nauranca. •

TravaraaCity, Mich.



TiaTcrse Oly SUlc Basic


CAPITAL. *100,000
SURPLUS. S60.000


Is Ulc amouat of Sariags Dcpoahi in the burt of the T. S.

little over $400.




Ii it

owned by G,66C,C7fi people, making rte s>-eragc due each only a


This va«

aooimuUlioD it the result

small saviags and the accrued interest thereon.

largely ol

We receive dei>osiit

as Boall an $1.00 and allow three per cent, inleretl.









1 scl) Dynamite at
reaaonable p ^r Ci ^c Ae «•■
Estimates and e
iced men furnis^^
any time. Large
ick of 40 and W
per cent dynamite,
caps and (use on hand
at all times. Use 40
percent, for stumps
and 60 per cent, for


Awat&jasr •

jm.'cei^gss'.iggr r



tnyn IMr,

IB. cuRm fi ca


osnes poaaa; ». w. ma n

Do yon wist to sell your
fans? Itto,laiwiU n. Oor
1st is too Mun far the demand
tkat we are havii«.
Call and
aec os the nest time yoo arc in





DIRECTOHSt H. S. Hull, C. A Hammond. H C. Davi,. A.
V, Frindiich, Wra. ].oudon, (let. W. Lardie, J. M. Muet1man<el.
Chaa. Wilhelm. Stephen Un aer, Benj Thirll^-, F. C, Desmond and
J. O, Croiser.

“It is Uery Jlnnoying”
To ilu: oniytvlio does the cooking for the family, ami
sometimes to the members of the family, to find tl
n entire baking has been spoiled BKCAOSk: poor exr baking powder had been used in its manu­
facture. ••Awolrt teuoK Arsrsoymnem** byusing Johnson's Pure Flavoring Txtracts aifd Pure
Cream of Tartar Baking Powder at S&c per pound.
ly Compoundad.

Prescriptions Csrsfwily snd Coi

'Jobitson’s Drug Store.
Commercial Printing

Berald Jcb Office

Buy our delicious ready-to-eat laMcy cakes
sod encken. prepaired breakfast foods,
kIs, irelishes. i
canned goods,


J. J.

iTo%A/i- IN mm





I *m now in the market for wool. 1 will
bgy your wool to your advantage and will
do tne beat for you that anyone can.
Phone or write to me. Will also buy hides.
Warehouse 732 E. Front Street . . .

R. Sohomlomremr'
Traverse City, Mich.
Citizens’ Phone 481


Cbt Sfi*m>lu4ni/hMS Ptlnts
•mrtotm«Uy good.

Ttey^ beta sedd. ^ htve been firm*

te am rtkty yean.

No pamts wc better, very few u

Ttey OR rte bMt paiatt far yaa.

You will get there if i«ou use good

Jlxle 6r*a$e and
Cubricatina Oil

BtwiTyaa don’t kaaw mart abort paiat yoo caa aerer
fo wioog if yoo grt y>a tttfwh-WMma Aafiaf.






to otdw, vrce^ld^

Spedsl wsgeos made

Only rte-oaiy bew material

Mad. lad MygHnafMd m orwy laapao.


imrt to oatch rte ayt; brtaRdwsbfa, eomkrt.
i*fa,mrtBML The rtmpmt oo rte aaikat, qartity coowdewd.
lyiMwIl boy aeortw mate. •

■uttawtirMt • Uiclor Pcterlyl.

■•■SSS's.'; .


Bell Phon* 130

Th&e are food and bad is palsta n in
Bst Mteayoa kMMtem eiqwricsct orate tkoroo^ ac^w^
Wirt rte pate iadMtry it k terd fior yoo to trtl the food tem rtc


•u ricai




OM*tvst a Cook Shot
Chest dot Daps

t be afMTd ni drop
"I've bandied bundle,
r,' uo«. an- doaY y


Wmm 0^ Bmk Wt, ssnoa Fresh. Salt and Smoked Meats. Sausages, Etc.
Tt»w Oiqr.M

corUlaty of a vMeat elorm
Flayte at Blelea.
I Ibe fury
nc ibqr would rather play at
sry of which her baby mltet
u. niaur inr dlArmcted betas mlaer* than so with thetr
frantic rtat ii waa with yoans trteadi and bat a ball anmbd a
at *be could be kept tram flew Frank and Fred Coffman et Bae
Ii ti aot s lu
ibai tor. .
- d. are la a Ulr way to beouae
' into the daihaee*
yoo caa
forsli It:Jolnlns Ihe men In ttelr
In rov ebosm panirulnr llOe.
At 6r»l the volcee of the
boya. one’ix aad Ihe Mbcr U.
he handed Ibe haby
Asd ir
f pnicmi
u .lo* kud ibm-',
Mifaer. be aald. "I'd been
d aa they called to one cimii tbclr time to dlssias ta tbe
lliik i<
na'am. If m> wife an'
a alsse. hill*, becasae they wanted to do aa
For your
u wblDprr «
tad Ilvnl"
Jatber wa. dolas mate la a
hea. boi
after a little while a si
unbearable lu
amell tunnel tswa dus nnd InpUyout Ibe ooij mine u(
seiUed doww t
Ins In It they found a autninnce wbtok
near Camp Wtaiy . ^
they tailed lu rwconUe. Taklns Dome
0 wtUi tbem. they abowrt H
r. 1W». three and tour b»
<>u .rr buuod to nicx«e4 1
taiber. who examined the
pru^ilsin* haj] proved to bii'u
paaMul: and nobe of the aearch
w.ruln* you hwC—
very lltilv value, and mu.t u( ibi men reiumi-d. Hri. Uxoo waa atone
tunnel and louad a eloaely mlaetnlk"Kp peaetDS
In the camp were
ed Me ol allrer beeria* fluaRX.
the her .-able now, bavins Inxlated upon
line Star
IbirlBs the day rte tolher Bseembrr nelstibor. solas to ibclr own
oner Id a «bU« joa i
Jw Ulkun Da.
d n iBcbea
ctw. practleslty eebd.
a uaa pile
appriwiaic your Uadacw.: but
rhlrh r
I'p a (mua. ta do time—that’, •upertnieodem or "U)m" of lie
d raib.T be alone, aad you ae
silver at
in sold.
Uwe jour rv.1 on my acoouai
mi'll ubM.Tvr that be'
■Nld - l\-.r old Iftw- Lone nee
The 1
rlrb vlreak u( luck
min.' Uar-llLS hou..'. a loup you more than I do, fur .be 1. al'
nrotben. Expert mlalns
And juu'll iblDk Ibal
I bappea
w kic h'>uM- Is which faa:r ,>f and li.lpU"
li. lpU' > and atune."
o In the ramp buei
Anotn.-r bunt pa.Kd li .ilcnce.
lit If you awuld advanre jou
was of 9 <er> >url> dl.pusi
Dot iru.i lu rhanrr:
w. Cut T«n Aerea ef
You Tin And a. a rule It Ton't____
fmiemUe with them In ehriher she
>f any lervi
i.i a aloa. .leady pare I, ibe Im-m In'
any »ay
It bl.
Id by Sheriff R
le to her h
In momly .ilen.v
He i
lid fly iaiu band.
■ 111 In be
tosanx-- . Ind., to true, tan
Ki-ep peitirtni! aTay,
Tioleni at.
horry to set rtefr e
after her departure an-'
•U p was hrerd op the fiasstooe
licked hU
you are Tllltni: to rllnt ju>i
hrvikm I
kne* no
:■ Ihe cabin door, a heavy, balfkttrbed to a bloder.
at a time.
tins step
Mrs. LHxon ul up
e iiwrlhli'
attemoou Ibe abertff aayx hlx
Von are mnr.' apl lo pel lo Ibe lop
Ihe edxv of ber bed. and Itotei
„ atepped fren Ihe
rbere I. many a .troke lo the fall of
There a a. no knoali. bat Ibe ta
set a drink of ___
er. Hewu
] uptll Mr mu suddenly lined and Ibe door t___ cuttlBS wheat In the field.
d. aad
-... four
. ..
n Ihmual, drop
d result in aaung oiK-n
ll wu Peter Schneider fDen were loltowlns the blader. A boy
who came Into tbe room. He wax who carried the water aet off a fire­
1. rondurlve
ed and In bU ablrt alecvec cracker aa Moore aiopped to drtak,
mi. be carried
thins and1 Um borae. took Wsht. They
israpiied In bis coat and
Valk. clrc!led rte field three tlBMa before
lonper needed and Ibal be mu.t leave Ins up
they are
etopped. When they were
1 (O too I
ir,'. I*eie wa. furious. He .Ton drlpplos
finally I
It la*t—
made threat, until Mr. Idkon
wheat entirely amtaid rte
■ a. a iuTi-rful man. look tbe'
field toy on rte srouad la busdles
I mile Uenoan by the ihonlder.;
"I kaf broushi her lieck. Meee
rally tl. .................................. .and e—
put him out of Ibe rabln, and tV'.'ioii " be uid bumhij. "I haf •'
Dlnon'i Baby.
hi. l.-T U-IimuHms out afu-r
BO harm. She
_____ _____
been dHvlw t
kd bappi'n.
eailni; a. he did mi: "Nun clear
rlxhi. ma'am."
Rlchardeoa aan abom f
the dlmvii
(iu and live • lib the wild aal
rut la this way
'When and when- did you find her? arrvs of wheel
........ hasum.i baby beear' naked New Tork Wot
• Diximalih the baby Inker arm*.
IMkon', baby. Sbe ra'
ehr I vas not. Mi-esler:
I found her on dot bed. ma'am I
The Ceptui* er a Menke*.
II- when the lltile
mile camp
ik her lo vork my .pile nud oe 8bo
RIns tall moBkeya. one of the muai
■ nut. IVle. Onij bear.; Ik-eton. lull It vould^M viirk un dot valatble and etpe^ve of (he aaeller
for a .enuiloii ■,( mmie w>ri
and .aapiilsb u you luiliv. maam.
1 bar^iei-ii ufe hid. anlmata. eay* a *
r oul of here, aad no und dot haby mil me 1 haf done ber
Lnlle-* Monthly
wild beesti. I
a Kal live laby at Jo,' Dixon'.
ul II. i win not have
iirm. bs'cauae ahe ahS rell.
July, an- can kt in aa tauerealal,ln. there «a. more .rreerhlnx
,ol to .plK la two.
dleat mil my an-ellinc and m-neral bilarliy la
>k up la my (ace. abd a banana with a piece of
ser. dot lab)', al
amp than there had iMvn for n
da>. There had nerer le-fore I
mil not; and tbe sooner you ......................................
•Id like- y—my own beby
Iktoote rte ant. the,two halvee of
l.ahv bora In Camp Windy, and
Bl'l^oul the heller."
a. Is back In Sbermany la de same whU are dnwa tosher by xrtiaa.
irrlval rf thin on,' na. of aperlal
so. Sho Ueexoo: t vlll gu." srave mil lu mrWer. My baby, .he Then a bole to rat Jual larse eM^
.puttered the tnrluM HlUe jOerman .bmlle yi»«i like dot. und I forfot all tor the meakejrW paw ta eater. Tbe
Wlndv Camp Town Ixil
my mad ten your baby ahmlle moakey sptee Ihe tamptlas nut (ram
'III Haby ivivou a deed to three "llui I bet you I seta even mil you
You seel 1 iboT you vat f rUI
-' ree. He bop. down, lotea It omr.
Jot. iKdor,'
Ta. Iweni
the bole and amelia, tbe fcaaaaa
lllion's lean fell oB rte I
peter Hofnc
"Oil out; " aald DIXOB Impatiently.
"t foesot ilBsidW He to toad of baaaue. PatI than dollars.
bab> with six mlnlnp "1 won't IlsicB to your aonieaH: TU mv owB wife uad my baby, ta my hot tins bla^owia. he stupa IL b« Ihe
____ pi^eBi.'
K from
eomtas owL
day of her birth. It ahuw vuu what I will do If you me anser. hut I minded me ef rtam van wood
Ihe eatabera appear aad the
Jot' bah) ahmlle al me. and I voald do
a,-.! that Ihe.e gifts. If
Thu. Ihroaleued i‘ele picked up bl.
tet be MB'
harm for all de vorld after
xkey ruai fi
• ,rdly
climb becauu cf (he eocoemnt on
aak. your perdoa for to
lave paid lor the baby', eimple ard
and be will aot let so «(
iiISns*^i«i»'**aad''.haktn«*bM you to nnhappy mil my meoaB*..
-ol-e. sine- Camp Windy al Ihe
when he was far a'Dousb away
N I. caplured pawlas wtidl/
"f ran fcwslvi' you anytbtiis ttaec
baby', birth wa. ta a .la
B Bis Joe to do M> with lafely.
>-nu ha..' bronght my beby hock ta
I by one of the miner, a.
•n tBe trail toward me unharmed." laid Mta. DUoa.
datder'fl a dour nail.' and tew.
and filled
A Knewlai Cew.
bad tnr the aaklns. while Ihe camp, nutalns hli wrath
But at that moment tbe door osss■
ut tor the tnlellisesee «f a eow.
ed. and Joe Dlxoa and leo or iwelee
BlDloK claim, were a drus <» the .-lib tboushl. of revense. while Joe
narkei at a dollar each, lo .uch a de lition weni liack to Ihe ralbr. aad Ip of itae men came Inu tbe room Peter ___baby danabier of Mr.. AbMbI «f
ten mlnuiea bad fnrstiiiea all abooi Schneider tuned end faced them ta Valleto. Cal., wonid have perUhed
tree had the camp -petereB out."
Pete SchBulder.
from expoearr
The ehOd bad wan"Hill-then U .how. the suod
Three or four hour, later. Just a.
d a mile or more (ram home aad
l«y.. and
" •
.f the lu>y..
the men were almul lo .top work at
mUMBS for <«
I* hour.,
Buur*. wiuann
hem remember
Ik- L<«s
Ibe mine. Mr*. IHxcm. pale and althe ooM. Searab____ aad exposed
any way,'
aelhlnx ab
appeared at
id no trtee of rte
las partlee could
ay In her bai • nailed
farnwr, while remile ose, when
Ishted cabin t
"ty Joe; Joel" ibe aald to er bo*'
He .erenade
palriBS some fence, aur bto heme.
e lab) Is sane! Oar little
• wa. I«ln : hnniiml Ah old
Helen I. I ar! I raanul-find heraay
1. a violin. a fife.'. and i
( .he up bentr Iki tirel) nahamed
The cow xrould roa toward him. fihd
In Ihe
oil. cabins; at
I 4on t care If he has!" exclaimed ■bra retOTB. (ben rnu toward Urn
,y. of eourae the ekild toal
alUm of tbe i
■salB, always reiaratas ta the ume
n ansHly "111 leach him not
., repUed Mr. Ihxon "She ne
he IMion cabin, and
luaty voice,
were now .Inslns "Marcblns Thruush
'Ob. I know It, I knuw It. Joe! Bill
iMmslt" and "Hall Oolumhla" to the
"Fetch him out here!" ■aid a sraff ■pot where the cow had itappad. he
Lhuushl. I hoped that perka)
lecDllar and aomewhal harmwloc
nice from the doorway. "Draa him found rte toet child, i
lea by the Ute
mu.le of the "band." tint Mra Ul'
Ul here, an' we'll ultle with bl
r! "T'^'kalMi^ilc wlta fu
.lobble. Tbe cow. havtas tolfiltod
-o heed tbe lack
'That', what we will!
c. Mar):
brr mlutoa. eeemed ultotled. and rermony. ai . .uposhl only of
excited. LX court
lureed W ber feedtaf
,1 klndnn. of heart that prompted
' T and the
ow .11 down here on tbl.
men ouulde K
tell me all about It."
haby sin tbU atisntlon.
t more ut the mra heard
ITeK-ntly ihere wa. a e
Lcedtas Ruulaa toarult are obw
soremeal of the men
c duirautel mother had towaN Ibe iremblL^
ibitas Peter.
h« Mrs f^dly drawtas alieai^ u (ta tom
« has beea tar boon time la
n her out. Joe; We want
.......... herself
Dtxon hurriedly placed
_______ te
'be baby went to deep In my tween the men end Peter, with
Ital at Tomsk a awn who has
' "h the
1." .he uid: "and I laid ber baby ta ber arma '
‘ITm. Jo
d tor sore rtaa S
II OB the bed. aad weal O'
we’ll five
"You ahall nM tOBCb klsl' — las won rtat tbe pabllc woald be
Hr*. Laee’. cabla to do
Uid with antboNty. -Vtaad hater toert U believe eudh a sutr imtow '
i for her, becauu you know .he
• of lu .........................
Brins hrr out
"Brins t
Bbe held one band slofL aad "
■e Camp Windy', baby!
We 'want
ck ta bed. and I knew baby would ~~ balled.
to theee appeal, ol
■toep tor aa hour or more
I .layed
ra here. Mary." laM ber has that they bare carwtBlIy edmlaed bto
about aa hour ai Mra. Laae'.: and.
: -thi. lx solas wo far. That birth aad marrtase orailfiemu «ad
proud authority a.-nane within tbe when I weal hack, the Uby wu not eeouadrel—"
cabin, went u> Uie door, and .aid de- wbeie I had left ber eor In the cabin
' broutet the beby hack Bh
lively: "She alat goln' lo
at all
LI. where could .be have
■d. Joe He did It tor rte aake
lehed oal. an''you misht lust
____ waodeifal old mas
of hi. own Uiile beby lytas ta tu
*^Perhapa »bc I. some of the other deed morter-s arm. acrou the see. bedrWea tor some tlmi
1.' uid
"Maybe and for their eakee and for the m'
brala to u dear w erer It t
HlESini or Mr*. Wale, bford ber of my own baby safe acala ta myo
cryins. and came over and cot her." arms be meett sc-frv.
co-Ave ll ----matt--ta —.
II tbe wao't »o happy
SDod torwae to eee Pedra rte
"No they did ootl I have been to
It mut be «>. boy. Here. Peter,
But 1 can't stand li___
leir cabiBS. and we bate looked
1 ead Qn
out ihto way, and I '
uyselfj-nn' If you’ll so off now
lerywbere without audios any iraee
D to let blm so uBbar
e bark two week* from today,
’ her. Wberr can the child be!"
8he opened Ibe rear door of rte
have the privllese of seeln'
"Wc'll find ou^ very
cabin u abe (poke aad no moa Uadered Peter w be movta toward rte
Jn l) iuBoi be v^^far away.
open door. Mrs. Dlioe held oat her
Fi'IIowed U) u Wfiif of thlr
hand a. be paarad ber. and said
a at eesry ------senlly. Thlakonener of tta wife aad car to made (ram c
. of sUu for the
and of tbe llille siri you hare tosL a kUd d hraady.
There bad been lime (or them
mad of what they would Uka palmi are etdppad of rtetr umaaaa
o Uesvrr. and
sd t
the baby had
ta; and may rte me^ of oed Uke rattaa for laeklas of tade.
e Imprtal
happier aad better tablea. team, eradtoa. Mrd cates,
uke you a bai
pillow, ai
h "^d"*
taeu aad h> forrt. Tta toovea are
(ureed ca tbe don- step. ead. oud* law baaksta. toa. aad mtIbb.
lad tent a
lx>as Jake Ooo
las on the Boor b> ih
Malts forward, ktoaed rte baby's aad tta tad cf rte outer trwak terms
lo Denver, and bed Tbe baby wu at
dollar bill to fcU *:
earaUeta fibre for rope of meay dam
It out In hab) HI month, old; m'It wu tnanlfnt]) uptaraed fare tafore ta weot
had i.........................
aad fftaBUea. Tta wood d tha trwak.
trumpery:" aad there bad
ImpoMlble for ber to have lei
altbo«b tltet aad porawa. to mach
Camp Windy rte dnlnlleai
unaided. Mrs. DUa rtrvi
I the dear, that u*od to brMse boUdlns aad aitedtaeaand white knitted cnek and
■n the bed and wept while rte
ore aad to Utei aad dwrable.-FUton tiny while mall bonnet or eap.
besaa e aurcb oaialde. When
***7“*T *^toSd rte tahy delpbto Poblfe Lodsor.
while Jake* aleter. airtoush a loul they xreie beyond bto wtte'i bearlnc.
> the Dlxoa Inmlly. had ta Joe Dlxoa called tbe men around blm.
1 Jual peoptas rtroute.
M rt her bean added a and uid ta a tone of coavtcttoa
1 Hade of Him.
«t to rte kltebaa aad a
, to her -Boys. I Ihtak I have a clew u tbh
________ milk buttoat era aow
mystery. I taUeve that Pete'Scfasel up a boiler d hot •
one d rte lataat pradbcu d rte wesL
beve a freab. kK of
They an a« to ta aetoa or die->r to at rte bodom of ihU."
the coffee, and I
lived, bat ara coMlderad rte eorraet
-Pete Bcbatoderf
ibliiff 00 Bp4»dele »
day* of
-Yea. Pete- 1 -believe Ibal be bu
yaoon. ana
ber babyhood,
aad ine
eha was
we (hi* ta a apini of reveos4 You
as the eemp's beby. 8b# wa. .eow how .plietul and .ullea be to
mock better »
■weet and pretty eoengh to def tax
4 the eroamertoA aad rtto
ihli dUtlaetlon. -Ho palace home
• ta tar y
coolalned a fairer or moiw beentlful
pee. utu __________
child than dItUe Helen DJxoe waa
to ChrtoUaa Baduvor World.
-O. ye lire

Muncy to Loan on Improved Real Esutc Only.
Johnson Block. Phona 7S

lacmaAn. jult sa i9os


We have unsurpaaeed A*le Grease that will do for
ht^gy or lumber wagon, three boxes for 3>'> as. and a
fittle better price by the dozen. We have heavy Mow­
ing Machine Oil that does not vary in thickness in
warmest summer or coldest winter day, heavy body,
wean well, raly 80 cti. per gallmt. We abo have oth­
er oils, such as HanMBs. Lard, Boiled and Raw Lin­
seed. Standard'Gas Engine,and alsoSweeLand SewTng
Machine Oil, so you see we caa fill your Oil orders, all
we srant it to get the chance knd we will do it right, so
there will be no chance for compUinL

M the^


the ^p'^bad
their lawraai
In her at the eed^ef^ Itae.

-So do I, bou." uU LOBS Jal»
ObolA -ha- ! klB Jtot tell yoo Htet

Earth totfretaa
wTta Bottae d tta Loodoa Royal

There waa hardly a day when
of UN toosb miner, did »ot
proof of rte ten
ronsb ihaa they eeemed by ctlablim
op rte trail to Dlxoa*. caUa lo^ede
iihe -mile lot," or -nhet yoaas»t* o'
11- a* they called her
! take her BP la rtetr arma vmT



UiM vorU.
Bis Hate


iiiimlillBS the dtoa rodUi^rMv to tta

te* St


bad •« to heavy with low tatoffte
ototea aad even
d a oateaff

Be «<e » H* a

tn Ibb M. bma

m^^ 0«p*^'tadyrejxd ta e tew
mtaute. ell cf the uea ta rte camp idaytlteL bat ara set op by the olaewen acoortas the sMehae aad moa- trie leatoee precodtaff e rtnd

M to ten tar d bto (ears. ' It was
Bpeaeer, the


Mb nit

hidta- ronad tare tome place. BW
well knai him down, aa' lt1l ta all
day with blm ta five mtaulea eDer we oristo. BdM aonada. onallj taarf
near enaeet. ara always etioii^ate
Sit boM of 1ml-

from Camp Wfcdy. aad to
haby twouahl leader moeBorfea ,


fcte teWF




rod! an i
lb* aibm
i. vi la


wl HtrlQO.



It u

Mtog ^ OMU wtAbt^.


»rf T®«'
Pw>rr. ni »n«r faBVHB* >«ur
bit BTlltsBB Of Ibp rkiM (BBir betv-dB rnir nir «IbI> ud UiB Martea
UBn. t fwl ibBl I >bo«l« be d«»Urt
IB r<Hi BB<I 70ur rvailrn 4li] I »u> r*
pan Ike etclllBt twc bMweca UkMS* MartoB l«as «Bd llic DbIMib
8t«n at

MIU« kiir. OMkcs ibe tair

xMCIa* atmUM asoai
a Sob* ef ib* rud> an
• aad an ilrlaa aplvadld

Hair Vigor
•row, cooptoely cure* <J*»*
draff. Aad it tlvay* restore*
ooJor to tr«y h*ir, ail iherieb,
d*rfc color of eariy life.

_ ibfoa*
plate. Ttor auwaMled la m>«d>n two aeom. »b»ob »oa Ibe
lor IbOBCk Hartao (ot am oe
........ .. I Bad third, aad Ibe lerriblr
Ouarad al bai. ibei could boi aeon,
Waltrlek cavr (Viarsd audi aa

iK A i

**^<**Ase *ai iBlBaaeljr exelUac
aad bepl the apstaUin Benred to ihe
hlfben iBBtloe.
Sereiml uavBlIa*
- irala aad T«m*li ‘
BM ..................
lot tbeir
• lb
lb* cast.
orer. naBUUac to kBve
-One of the feauiret <d the «ase
Bu aa airtui drire by Waiirick wbea
Ibe Maea Bare lull, rur aereral aaoB«u tboTB Baa a praapect that poor
be ovefcroBded. ae
people aeem to W

”^ae niB halWlB*
Ibe fa-l.u-f baa le*ii pra«l

third aad

la Bie^ a

•\ lim- vl
anil tlimiiu-* gtH»l
qualily aiul ..t vry pail.Til new tiii'm-jm ii.
They M'li! i:|i to l-'jt
,'\ t'liqam al

It. '
: Kclbi'^.r.l
'u7 ituX '

-1 eutlviVHl fur morv than five yean tvilh orarla It troublr*. oalu
I tig an uiiplvaauut diautiarp^, a (ival tt'cakneu. and al lioies a faintmv
Mould come over me whii h no amouiil of medicila-,, tli'l, or Diervir
fouiul the weak i-po
».vinoJ to rorrecL, Your Vi-gi-tol
ilt Comiuuud foUltil
h.nwver, within a fei'
■*t M
trkn — sntl
ami navvd
aavid me
front an operation all my lrouhK“» bad dusapiieaied. atitl 1 f,>iuia myself .uieu more beolili
and vvelL W'orU fail to de»eril« the ivnl, irw, praleful fwhue Ihui
1.1 tell every slek and sufleriiig nl'ler. Ik'ii
i ill mv heart, ami' I■
kmvw nolhiug aU«uA but toko Lydia E. I'lnl
nntid, and tike my word for it, you will Udifferent worn
vilk, OnL

TBa, Maka Out
Wbao the alaro of

... ."I

charf* c
lIciDday* I
lefsky era a M>l

Jao..1, Mtcb are >rUlilDi
>*t W Gaum


a* SOB. B
to Sgbt ft

I>r. a:id

r*e flraienl nl^Maplr fli.>
loda) oo he-.------Prledrtgb I* h
sh* allraded
»U't07. *1
NattooBl <
elailiiB d ■e vat a«x>iiiiM0l..d t* ih
.hinr PrMrlrh mud Ml
U. H.- ►Tlrlrdrleh of Ann Arl.,r. «l
oommgdal*. Min,
I S«at>RK.k. f.woi.ri.
M Onl.ini*i.
.•alklnt ol h
nomas Colton and *'vlle of
.. .... 111., ar.. iivndluK s f.'n
•k. at dunsei Collage. U r I'oHoii
, .bxplaln la tb* clell «i
. Hundred and TBeaty.1

toto Im

■ Methodist churcb


to tbU isslig Bedgw* BS*
tsa^ sal** by S. Wah* lo D. On.
to tb* ttih tbsisg a to* Biv was
Mis*l*ft, kgr Colby as^ IL Wsta.
VtoabMOred Lanes Tib* sIsM sad
aarad s aotm Agato U tb* «lgba
iPBlSg lb* TBIur* ftlvM a t
duuktoJivB Hran toWopdaBa

Nr^ vertt-a Oraatul Equenric Shew
Clearly Outden*.
he quartet of cake^walklug
•h were Brst loirqdnr*il
pul Ur at MadlaoB Squar,
•t city, ...
by tbe
d tkll* Broth*

lb* tact that
thing eatlraly

^I'of oSta Ru?*Liurday
Ura. Halaar baa Bade bar_____
Bia her deoghtar, Hn. ft.,Crato. lor
a* lait lea tmn. 8b* had r**M«l
ta lb* Ofsad Trsvaroe rogta tor

.. tba boaa immi tat tb«y
good ^MO asd BBda a IM
Probau todg* Jobs Lnsagarb
_ iBfl lb* Ttaltor*. Bbo bsea
a patilta BS* ftM ta lb* depMiyls*
BBdenatuUy all asa. l•rBtBlBS of lb* bain to tb* SBlur
fatl saBpaay. They bad all of tb* *ttote of Abbs L. Bngg. d»
—. —t basdla fM tba AaytBSi osaaed. Tb* palltloa bb* «M by
tossk Bbleb bad a eary atnmg aon Prod ft 8h*psrd. a aoa of tba *

--- • nstll tba IBM Usg. I




1 ,
[ ,
. '


were seeing sob
aad etiraardlnai
. moved (
tbrough OB* Sgure after
kerplug abaolBlelj perfeol lliur
An** sbowtag all so
iciiig slap* lu t'tunnlng aroiupsnl
It of appliMs* ibry bowed *<i
_ salat* lu Ik* audlmiie Ibti t....
b*adt w«*e loBtolag Ike gfouad Tfcer
Llgbiaatog ba they
respoaded '
Illy to Ib* Busir t
by tb* hsad.
Jy^uiiay. Ul .
Btanaeg, they cwk.wwnlke.1 •
arouBd to* a
.be auUIrnre
j the tlardeb bad
•a.betorv at a clrcua—a *'
«t^ deBaadlitg aa en
thlqg waa wholly unexp

Ab order BUI Bade ^loBtag tb*
coast ot Ftod R. WauW. oxantor
tb* tat BlU of Alban BarBl*.
Aa orta Baa Mdt aoadtog Hyros
e l'
l«tog ^e till lb
M. EBto to tb* aiytoB.
- I
Aa ardor bbb Bade JISBlaatog tb*
pothtos ot Q«Bg* U Mill** tor the
Bu^a irtQBpb ot the geaulee aort
adpvita aad-ehaag* of saB* of .
■d W**a. a Btoer
.......................ebIM of rraak a
taping tb* 'tap oa a bicycle, ibr Au ,
ran Xouaraa' -remarkable mllliar) '
explull* by soioes
'maasu. mlnb ae'
c'ovos. age

,1^.............. '

Tba OOr ftauad tamy.


haad. of b«t* Bb«a
*• naoa
I ftahtos toda. asd alrasdy

-\ lt>i 111 high-gr.i.b' \\ hit.' Waists, somiot thi' •K.-asoiiv sM.-K.-vi (.riHiuc'.ioits.
I ht'v vol.l up to $’J.r>0. A barg.i'n at





,\ lin.- of l.ailtrs lint- Irwy KibU-d
V-'St', drop-vtiich and wvl! mudv. Kt'ii!
vaUif IS.-, A barRam at


---------------------------------.-\ bii; line of l.adii-s' Kiblx.-d Wst'. wi-11
iii.nli' ,111.1 'iTV «laborati’ly iriiimi>-<l.
lip lA atK.
tvirgain .it




VTittnc her and She haa h


Addreoa Lynn. Hast.



An,„h,r lin,. ol hi|,h.cla.. M.-n', Sun, in

.A bariraiii at



bargain at



Otir rntrrc'io.k ofhigh-clasN I’nion Suits
for l-a.iies. long sl/eves nr sleeveless.
1 ht y sold at
> and ?r.V». .A bargain

lyargain at



a Zht Store that never Disappoints a

* monihls bullriUi ■
,:i, aueutb.ii
t itiat iisUer
eHrei S.'l.


For Job Work of all Kinds Call at the Herald Otfice

s. a. SAtLav. B. B. eoAS.
kswia aaus. ***«• bbuA.



MtMtt CNaMtM m»l£ MBUBEm






S.'ir. 1 liiiii'f ],antTii> in lliiiuu.' ':n.'
Smi*',-v .in.i /I'l'lur l.ingh.iiii', i ■ tl.. il\
1 li. y
•-■'v .
\ !..irg.nll .11

.Xlot.’fiii. liupori«-il tv.fvh
, onIII I
(. U'llis. S.iiiii Stripi'il
(>rgamli<'>. Mt rvtTi^t.l (jinghaiu'. . i.' ; m.tUTi.-ils. J lHse Miiis are of ihc bc«
bargain at
1 h.'V void lip to :«w
laruam at


OaaMi Rail.
Haasab Halaaer died Thura- bories ever see 1. They
1 all bare prdi
day at aa beta of bar daughter. gt*rt maay yes
aad cnoM donr aay borne. ki...cke4 ..ut h.
bard vork. Tbe Kaoaas a
Mra. ft. CkslB ot *1* Saat FoarteMa tbrouKh a k>ag 7to™rf'
ploy mebi bureau baa breo a
e aaB^ Lordly. Ji
lotipur. A* th*>
log proudly
ly ,toio
tbe areaa
‘‘■ba^ta^ Ora* cblldns. Mn. A1- b*s-ily caused tb* eaonnou* audit
iTln OUtBBB of Potoaksy. Urn. &
Orsbt of tbb olty. abd liaae Cbagsi»n aaddlM. rldlag them.' were ibe past
of Plana, Bascia eotibly. Rba gsa**d
Bistre**** of 1
SBsy llba osa golag to Jeep. taoBM*
L Wllltam Qom
that bw nsaa bb* made BHb b*r
Tbara bIU be a abort Wvta
Than Bare abort tartaa
ytosea asd t^^ rg^


■ Xit.'ihiT loi ot l.a.iiv'v' very inic W liar
\\ .n-l-, \vr\ .ir:;s!ic .in.l My'ii^liK ina.ii-.
1 h<-\ v,.]d 11(1 lo »;!.iki. A bargain at

Don’t bcaitate to arrite to Hra. Pinkham If there Is anything
Shoot yoor alcfcnMS yon do not anderutatwl. She will treat yon


_‘.S KS,:

Tba MMTwsa

lin.' of till.' wash (^vhi.Is tn bui'h
1...1I'. j'. In III'. Ian. vTv' . m goo.l [i.HU'rn'
1 llr-\ volil iii> to Iv
Intrc-uli -it

“lltAB MsA I’KiHAix:—For eeveral years I
BB.* tfoul'led with ovarian ttoiiMe and a peinfol
and inflamed ctindition, which ke]« me in Is'l |nrt
of the lime. I did no dread a nurcical c-|vr:iliol'
-1 tried different remedies boi'iiig to pet U'lt
• •bring

relief until a
- frien rt
but'uotiiiiig I ____ _• to
who bad Iati i-undof ovarian trouble, Uinmg
lid, indui'c.l
try it.
tlie use of y«ur voiii)x>ui)
. ulid at th.' I'll
t<wk it faithfully for Uireo imun
of that nine Mas rLuI lu flud bai 1 MU.V a «v
I gift to Motubi
Health is nature’s
I have it reslort
and if you loso it and
» Vegetal'le ft®
tbroueb l.ydia E. 1‘inkli
, ixuml ! feel all Rui— -Jig WOIIM'U slioul
V^'know of ibi.'- Mu*. L
. al-aa Heli-s bViu
SAN, Couunereiil llou-l., Nashville, Tenn.

Boa MUbin mi« htt bsri asd JSS? «^blRbtoy“B2*lbf*«a ol w""’

du BM as* Os^Vrrc wbw tba


Another Case of Ovarian Troub
Cured Without an Operation.

It U well to rememember aueb letter* as ab.>r* when some druggivi
torctyoaU>buy*MDeibiagwhlcbbea*ysU--iu*ta*r»l' That is b
nibl*. aa bO other medicia* ha» auch a rtvvrd of corva aa Lydia P- P
hsa** Vecatable Coinpwind : acospt ao other aad you v.u i- glad

I'l" . ; ii,.bli\ .ml .V,-11-111.1,!•' Walvi,
i n,i th.'
.1,'v.rabk- a'd


Two severe cases of Ovarian Trouble
and tViO terrible operations avoided. Mrs.
Emmons and Mrs. Coleman each tell
how they were saved by the use of
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound.


tr*;<t,i drayaur hurl
tfaadf, aad no lotlmatloa tbai
fin he tn>
R there la. bovle city hu a eosirmct that bUI
ein Ibe beoeai <d aay tall Ib

rapid time. a>
-X)ld Udiea loel thelT Mee laMb.
the cbemicBl
aad toBd Bolbart la tbeir '
Qey loob
Clee aad Ulanoaa tiuaplB*
»M or«r babr oaba. aad take nare- lunpe before the doori i
Mralaad prolem cd ibe apMchleaa lU- broke OB* ol the stet.
The llae ta BhUth t:
tie OSS oDiy aareed to sake ibt
IHmmili— sore uaminlaed I
> did BOI kBOB vbat Use I*
ar* oMBiBd buabela ot bbstobb
It people Bould ihlak If the Batons
MB lor B«BdBd blta, aad (Baaral .
B out of the bara la bait a miBute
tf-i— asrfcsd the eoBdUloa ot the
■r lb* alans Baa tuned IB they
- apott. Rooun oafTlad taeoeBd t»V
lid be tolBt some, ercs la the dey
on bBiB UM Said aM abake
c. But tbU would be b unall pace
d BUb the aetiibl time mad*.
"Wbea JOB Blah
tb* BraSMB
eosa to Bellalre. id^Pkaaast^ Bill
aad bu aalsp, BBd hare to get bp. dnaa. *el
be bse »an We--------------—
hliehed aad out. U
jordBB tba Salontay toDovlBi
_____ Iben UuS
Thto BBS deniBoatratcO
of a Blaute. Oead Mall.
ObM Renale. wlibc
Manoa me the baaa ball sane reeeBllj wh*
latUBi any ol the Bremea kaow of I
AM tba Nartbera Ukblw Aaylas
iBUsiloBs. apruag ibe aUrm S t
laanWedBeBdayaftmaae laTTMtib
iBlddk oi tba Blgbt. Tb* Tig* ar«
tlraat perk, by s a«m «C • to b. ~
OBI ot tb* bara la It aaeoadi■asa BBB a refy taed atblbtUr
IB a raecsl rua aoad* Is the daytli
baar keU alUanct It aaa rather
rig* «*r* oul U )au all *«««i
to keep Inek ot tba «inn ae
___ ad by a atep Batch, tion Ua Um*
lb* aUrm waa polled, la a rweeai ex.
Tb. Sbse «aa aol raoad. b»
UbliloB lb* laaBU got out. a nia of
Wi^dljsappy Nya Moea tto om tbra* blocRa aad a bait wa* made,
two eoopHagi BSB Bade, two aoxxlet
iMW'a BOiU ^ batore pot oa. asd both tinan* were ob lull
tba case waa eat. Iba bna toes
torae la U •ueosda.
malMd tba lead nstu tba M bait
II I* lb* aUa of Child ReBBle. a*
<d tba aavaalh laalac. vbaa tba viaa* B»**T Bsmbs o< tb* lore*,
aad pSSUlB* U WaMi Bfll
to ask* tb* d*imrtB*at as etkMt a*

vtlblB tasabr<rOaibyb~h*ft
ot Oulbrt Wt hasd.
baM He

re plant *111 l«It t» eipeeled

radeal Hhuotaker iblnk* li
a lea mile later. He aed Seer*.
J IToebaxha deelf* m barn- e«.T>.|
,1 r. le dr«l<la»» eondtIl.,a Ih-Ioi* |

> Ibe opt^ «a< eerured Moo
ille Ibr oeaeol aaeorlallob
pracres. Tb* cltj *s let la
„ ... eroood aoof. and HomC lb*
coBtraci Joel belore the eaplraUob
Ibe opIloB. iB Mae thaa t*o •«
the prtee had F>8e up 10 ceou «. the
barrel, asd a osnlh lais aaoihet
lUBP Ot to eou «M Blade, ao lhal'
■ated bf laktet
Ue r
, tt.K price
I aamc baala aa Ue
Bade. Mr.
eoBiract Baa
>1 could not bo*
iiBled (hat
1 »:.t0 per bairel
be aold for
.. ___ .--1 bai been a drop
.rloe Ofaose cheap aad expert

HauBk St absb tb* aiir batag >sl

We are now engaged with our Seipi AnnuLl Stock
taking, consequsntly we find many lines of s easonabl Merchandise broken and incomplete. To «jffect a
quick clearing of the same, we are now offerin g some
exceptional bargains.......................................

h C.) »ere >ianed la,
p;aai aa> touad le

B tUfBKted hl«b«lBS^ ^

Union Sis.

During InventDry

Starch Faclory al Work.
Ibe nree lu Ihe reia^>dr>

r ..penllrn

‘b mu}
)l. b«i


ludlat epU
eri ral Cl&ereal aooda. Hut bli!
,.t ,1 ;a lae osaularlure of ball-'
cai’lk: r»d> .d aoUl «uud. He baa
I'u «t «!t'a BObtx-r of Ibeie Ihai
hi'» rlrea lln« ta'Irfaetl.ia' aad »ll,'
^i«l If or.nllno* the wurl. •.[ mak^ac
Ibeia. Alreadr fal> roC« bax- a mar
fcot. ai t be wn. ■■rculiwU) i-Xend U„
Burk »ad deiiue falnee'f •■nilr*;>
.bux >'l kinde <d r,n«lrit,e ’


Front and



K* at oanm mares wFaiWB

«. •—»
B toi BoaiJ ’ Coa/rCT»of grata CfliBqlns*

■ iMTIMC, The Hand ' unsoB fahly. cydtoEftttaito
— RU?i. WEintt IftI ZWELU
STARR. The ShooUnf 5tsr
,,, *, a-wa- iv,-vic-ran

•ta sQ to

___ (. TUbs


Lay'MMUUa'to.' ta tot rSrttTssd^^

,«« . or-a« aouaem Oi-taB. , 4|_ALL-5TAJ? d^W7fS-4|

TK'24 ca/ymi EOKnuus '
■ "11^'”“ L I'srtnt RtSSUK COASACKS
THe7«)w^ LOWASOL5 4—HEiSIS flF ELnAIT$-4

of tto toJlta. asd tha

•r BBxral dallTatoS as Ibe Bafft.


Tb* Herald baa iBgulrad . Isle Ibe
data, asd baa a eoatnet that bIU ptoMt tb* ctly la <saa tbta* aboald be
a drop Is tb* prte* laur.
Heebwt Mastsgm saastary. tra

I* Ib* HmsM that O* peta ot lb*
Bta tb* city. Tb* apRas as i*


Deriding Danger, Defying Deetb

’ dtatos OMbwetoi bHtf SMB^ la tb* svtato sad attacks
............ llitai*iatoi«drrwtaititoofttofaood.J»slttogiB
tto ahto. tos at toi^a a^
rniuMimAgatm. ttpBdtettoatariaratsd

r~r~^" Tt tki hliiiil siffSih\ta?lfn*iBl*lliB”l UnTiiii i lirTllbj
00)0^ Ih* skto ata uifor to tto taak Mi oMtodatod bodr

ser tstaed WaSanday ot tb*


To Cora a CoM in One Day

^_____ •


_________ ________


3 Great Trains-1000 People



HUQ& DomiE mmosoMBS

^4i3H* ■' 1 : ail



V^ailVto Orsas •’korM, Qor. ITr^rbfc mrori Union

W«inauaur*tethl#»aletocl08eoutev6rythingln the store that has a summer nature We have enjoy, d a most p sp.^'ci:: season’s business—we want the next to be just as
thriftv In order to makb It so we must have a big Fall and Winter stock. We.are now pinched tor space—we must c
out all summer goods--and at once, to make room for
winter purchases some of which are now on the road. TO MAKE A QUICK DEAL OF IT WE HA\ E

Ou~tPrices Rigln-t in Xwol!
note a Tew of the new Prices!»ltundreds of Others Sust as Enticing!
Deep Cuts in Clothes

okrORDS—Ov fincft $S p*t»« ojilbrd* (or Uaiei. Iw«i *\yk* »ad beo .lock ..
180 pain Osiord* b paieol Ualhet and rici. b band turn, and welu. u> ckiae ai. ..
UdM*aun 6ae via kid basd ton and weka. ). SlroMman'. sake, resnlai 88 bo«..
*10 paiia bdiaa-riei kid iboaa. ScnwiMB'. nMbe. W clo« at...........................................
tadbf* patant teatbar. high « tow beeli. ozted tiai and bak. $180 and $8 valuea. to cl
UiMWf- 8L75 fine Sntt, made by Suooiinan, to cloa. ai..
Hioaf' and childmi'i paJ*«« teatbar Slippen. worth $I to $1.75. to cloaa at 76c. 98c...................... 1.36
Obild'a paiaM 8i4ipen, worth $1. (or..................................................................................... ......... -Ow

SL MMKk \V.A^^! COA 1>

26 pail. K^yde |•im^. «unii up lo $3 W1


Oiir lul ol hall aoul ).an«



iaiuTn>, including the favorSl.>.Ui You ttiTl gut your
SCI ) S all Mimmrr w.-.ghi, |.urc wool htm. si make, i.icked from
S7.0I' ..ndSl" pilevbut ih<-sumitu-r >uit> must go ■.........................

man's Turnisbinas at Deep Cu( Prices

Caps Below Cost

kaNTsiU^WAWTS^ worth ap to
$1.80..................................................... 60c
Odda awd Eadi o($l aoft tbiiu. to cloac


All of oui 8Sc faocy hoK tu close at .. . | 9c
3 pair lor sue.
Men'r and Boy.' 50c ^t »hin«. latest
alylcf and colon, ihia aale..


Wash floods at flood-Bye Prices!

iiilgpaili..■I AOS

75c Bell Higt for 35c.

No reterve, cyeiytbiag goea.

In tpite of the recent advancca and ii



Suf-tB aind Ooai'tB


All Suits at HALF PRICE]
All Coats at HALF PRICE!

Udiet' white ntk Hitta and Liile Glorca. 85c kind ISc, or

leu tba^ teif their wMb.

55c Belt bagi for | Qc.

Of couTM >un will W down, and )-ou will make ow Bore your
You will « am to come here to do p’our trading,
1.CC1U5C i.m could not .to *0 sell an)'wl>ere else. Out clearatice

Ole ebeck Vour
Parcels Free ol Cbarge

Out hatant grade ell


Olbite floeds

£ircu$ Day

iki EE E E

The valneanin froen'$500 to $18.0a ry tikirt Is new and fresh—in the \^ry latest style and extra well made.
There are Storm and Cheviot Serges. Etamines, \'oiles, Cecillionti and Broad*
cloths. - It s a chance toil have never had l>efore. One hundred of them have
Ixrn sold, but a goo.1 assonment still remains; OUR OWN STOCK OF
SKlKTStte price thi* «ay: $3.50skins for $1.*8. $6.00 skirts for$3.98. $Bi»
skirt* for $2 ys, $2Xm skirts for BSc. EVERYTHING MUST GO.

Ladba' sod' Miiw'^k aOik milto ^ clup liile' gloves. 85c


All Summer Caps* at HALF PRICEl *
AllChildran's Coat* at HALF PRICE!

Wb ^rl03 TK»m S3.SbO»

rr coneta, alt tizcs, 5Uc aeller* 10 cloie ai


nTuiSdb.................................... ...........


dats Below Cost


•WK OlaMa an IBarawiDawaBtlaweoal

NOW 8.98

Men’* 50c ham T cap* go at..................... .36 Brown and black Roaewelle uiff hatv U«
year-i itylei for................ /................... *98
AD other auioniei ca|« go at 25 iwirent ditcoum.

Great Sacrifices In our Silks aid Dress Goods Dcpartmcotl



330 :


lio)'s all .ool (aoo blur ('.oil caj>s..
. | 7c
Bon' line mhite twill nanoel jaclil cai».
Brown ,v Pearl. koaewelleSofl Hal and other
50c one*.............................................. .36
good make*, were $3.00 ...................... 1.60
Men’s line l*un,;i.-e silk caps, lu close at. , .35
Jtoy* College.i|.s..........................................(O Kiae bata. aU Mytr. $8.W valuai
ChiMreti'* C4|is, alUt.le* and color*. 60c
.35 Blown &.Peail $1.60 ban.............................. 98

j HOSK—A te* coUcclron of black iii.l
liac)- imponed hoae, wen 6tk and 75r
10 cloac, (8 i>r. for $1,001, o> 1 ]>r. lut 39c

NOW 4.98

:W. p.,r- NOW T.98

:w SI ITS ,.,kon Iran, tho |.M«- of onr bo.i n.nko.-no. ,n.i eo<xl« and
siyli". iliai an-[aulilcs.. >Ci and
values............................. :.............


IB |9«roori't DlMOOui-vt

re $8.85

fjQW 7,00

oV Sn rS .ill wool, among ilu-m
.ill wool WoKto.l.. [orniorly M>ld
for j.l:.Mio ar.d $15.ui
;{-■) sen s, purt wool Cassiuurc-s and WorstecN, all this
chase, not a one worth Icn* than $12.00........................

I-bs OFF!

8« EATERS-Fioc all wool

NOW 25c
NOW 75c

monct - worih out ot ihrm this sr-.iMin

U obr SDigmst Pants m ott« a 25 par cent dlscannl
on out niTsailii redncnd prices.

UNPERWRAR-Uafi-a Oacy balbrij■ats mdanarat that bai baae oar
MnMtbkrtiStc.tUiaak.............. I 5C
u-'. tea black halfatiata aad biicy oaderw.tkeSOcioSitodaae.......... S9o
UNION SUITS—kmaoeicaflaadiiiiioB
toua. wart *8.00............................... t .48
WORK SHIRTS-hfi ngular mtka.
daak aad light, to ebaa at.................. I 9c
blao't IM plab Shaiabi^ Sbttt, wtta
*1.00, to alow.....................................69c


Kano stripe White Ijaen, I8c nhiet...
PUin »^rt* Uwn, He, (or.......................
Ham White Uwn, I8*c, fb.................
Plain White Dimity,
Yard sride 6ftued White Uwa, ll|c ...
Yard wide plab Uws, 15c.....................
Katra 6ne fancy weave Wbiu WaiMbfi 85c valoee.............. **(0
Cmou and Silkolinei, 10c and l*c values, far........................... 8e
lAW yard. White MosUa Cbahric, wewth 6c, tor.......................6e

»r$d UB your Mail Orders. They will Have our (Prompt Attention.


inasmuch as this will be the lat opportunity to purchase Summer

mcm Fmwiir Cttl
Wehmsbw«.I*.IU4i|^ «to«windowo«t aufe«
ItosBeaiBuisrpnee 810.001»


-1- —

»hn IcJos— wl« yon *e p«*ase a

MtteMprioe Ta*ot«

Furniture in this


83.98 -

Furniiurc ii

behoove^ customers to improve the few remaioiBg days



For Cirouw Day

We have a foil liae folding porch Settee*, b all kaglha. bniihed in
Red or Green, abo foldiiy lawn chant, rocken and am chain b
leedand wood, which we are offering at extremely low i»ic«*.


* hanae Gwlbe Store. (htSiJO "

i«ece> and Summer

Porch and Lawn Goods
A feod itteeg, wdl wade faldbg Ian teat. 8 feet kmg. wen
Sabhedw red. tpecblpdeulhit week..................................... 05

PM bwM. btoe *«M OQ Stove,
like eat, wittaa orw^ h* no
•MkxtoftodbmraaMoec that
oSbarty talalki et SU.OO. to dM*

sale of odd


The folding kbd with ttriped canvai teat


We have told bnndredi of ibete article* to our city cottoeten and
knowing that a great many would be in from the coutm on thii day
wepmdiated WOeuhof tbcae tnidef that oar country cunoaen
could take advantage oL Be tore and take one hoore with you.
They are the graieM borgkbt ever offered



F<X>T STOOLS (Like e«)
apbahtered b bn^^figsM
Veto, all eoloev

IMiM), 1.1; i
article nSbie^any boae
■dcaavaw; price withoat 1
A iwge Ana Roehw, Uagik fcawc, reed eeet lad beck, JaB the
tlui« te poRh « UwB, told regalat ai **.60. to dow. | .99


I ■~4nM4 Ira>a» BcnU.


I ..r

I ( n.




ill i. l, j(lir I
I .in fiilhcv, littiny;, i>.ir:ii i>atro|i.'i tfi li.'ii'


all Vbu knew tUm
He BBlied vlib tbe HfeebrlerUe
'efc la >oaili. au a «eBiber of
Cbaa l4>ac «1U wk all aext
■ W- eaarrh. CliKlnuM. Qblo.
i^er^b ^ leuar be uBlled allh lor J. N Uvance ee lb* Ians
~ rouac p«n>le alieoded tbe BuD '
rbuol. but oor eupertoleadeBi ’

... - .


AlBWat ererrbodr tea here loteaiU
_i (o to lb* Old Settlen' pICBle a
week from todar- D H Dar'e luf
win fire a tree eieBnlcn acroaa Olan
to Bttrdlekrm*
_ a ria BBlIb bae bod* to apaod
ft Allen n»rdi«ui
—. HMdar anaraooa ai l:l«
A II. HllUken left Uondar tor
a'laoek. died
fbddaaJ/ aa^Bb^ tb* dar vltb her aolbar. Hta Obc
MarKii.ew. for a lee d*y» naj
Dome. Martha aad Pearl Altar Ca-<!ar l^l^U full Ii> ox-rllowInK
___a «b# I... ...............
I larrlM*
al tbie iloir of year
jabM bad a*lied bar .....
Ilia ..
lb* vaa
Ml» Kick Herrer li bi-re vUliInt
' b<
bar baa lodai'.
aM»* la lb* bcMta. aitkavk
'dr. aad Hn. Prad Baaaeuaad taU' Men.!*
teat), a phriWaa. aad olbar* «<
of Oleo Arbor pa card tbroBtb
Ik.rn. If Mr and Mra. Will f>
with bar *ban iba aad mm*.
Hn. Both «ae ap aad oBt
boaee Me tbao an boar befere t
death. About t o'eloek Chief of I
- Uoe lUBBk. *bo vae paaatac. talk
vtth bar loc^ aiaaMai. bat be tboui
D noeb rala bae delarad harlai
that abe dM aot took to bo la lb* bi-.
ipeol e cfuple of tuunih><
a( beaJIb at Ibal Use. Uw aba Idbktd
f' paU.' He aahad bar U aba vaa 111. bad tea
BrawaaU, Jr., of loala. le tMIi«lH> rapllad (bai bar haeb aad tba back iBd hU fatbar, tea Broweall. Br..
ad bar bwd palaad bar. SOIL iba of tbli plae*. vbo It la poor beallb
Tb* urn* ttrl or UaiD Bari while
leuadry and I
. tara. Aa ba« taler Mn. Saab vaa a plWTtht (all aad Moke bar llab abor*
Miu Amanda Billli '. eUier uf Ullu
itlll..., id Waal Be : Wli U here
lUlt and It il Bueel uf MUk
____ ____ ____ ________ 1 k OBlie . .
BaA nataiaad oat 4d doen. vBta _ aad Ibar* la bat UtU* bop* of bar ra- Alki illll
Hi-er/ Banio* rat
bar lava aad verUai la iba UUia Bar- eoearp.
oa work oa lb
da* tor afaoat n Mtaataa. vbaa aha Laat Wadaaadap waa tb* aaBlrerv
HBfkeBua nn Urand Rapli
vaw lalo lb* be«*a to ebaaf* bar T of Mr aad Hn Joaapb Battadan'
I'. Ounpbell aad U L HaakI
rtaibaa aa aba aald. dt^iw lb* boa* addlBf day aad tbay were aarprUMl
Carp lake
I* litu* Pawt Oal*. Abeal M Blaalaa by about oa* bBSdrad at Ibalr Maadt .epeti Thunday behind
The Kelly "
ate ihU Mr. Baah dio** a» to Iba wbo can* la aaoipaa...............
- baoM alih Mr*. Laad. *«a M eoM good
tblBBi to oat. ai
aedny. July t»ib.
. IP rwi Hra. Bwb. bad dM^ Mra. aad rr*ela< aatil a
Bhier hete reMre Uoben and
•*ab oa U>* bad la urHM* i«ev. apoat la aoetal ooBraruaUa* aad aiCharlevuli abd
from n rUI
...........................I «*■ 1—r“
Mat to alt. aad ate alt bad doae turned
10* to tb* abmdaao* oT
Ife enirnalntHl
Bern Honer i
arrlTad b«
(Oka Mr. aad Mn.
tb* hand b



One Month Free!

Bryaa returned rnkn Delurday oKirBlBB. where b
................... dieirtrt cui
•d tb<

" the Ite M*(oabe« «tiend<-a the
H. E. church Budey In a body, nod
Baleaed to a rerr toMreatinB and
pcoBinbIc eennon by Rei. Bryna.'
. Htoi Roalyo Bmltb bu iBel retuni< Tfnafaa.qty, wbo ad fioBi HuakeBoa. where nhe altendtba Ma^aua aebeol
l^e sradnalluB <d ber ooualn. Le*
_______ ______Uk It aiaia Ibia paar.
. Hla* Loey Brown la rtMOBB bar bM3ld Mr. BMekee cut ble hand Tuaatm. Mn. Arobl* DaOnw. aiiaBli Bia day OB a aeylbe, which
b Dearly eevered
K ftoai the wf
MM* CUfB BMlr abd Mra. P»*ak
A walk bae
BallfMMb Ot TrantB* Clly rlatlad
Id Mn. Praak Browa aiM tantwo Mdy Mete
dcatM Otty tbM waik.
Praak Hahnum iktied frleadt
__ PTlday .
e Ann ket week
Pony-two BoBt
Tbe bead buy* wer royalty enicr
oeU. ad a bMo Iboo wa* I
Hr. ____
Dttile aad family «i
■ win b* a
tbair eotUBe la*t Tbunday ermina
Mr. aad<Mn. O. K Wilbur of Char
lerolx ape^ a few day* her*, ibe
■*•(• ot Mr. aod Mn Cbaa Wrt
Lou Uampball and telly we^
lowB yealerdW
___ .MrdtBaBd Bteb ttattad Mn.
0. Mud dauBbler till
Praak Bteh Mat
•at lo Charibroli Tseeday
DM teM M • tb* aidt nn.
A- Loan* iteTwl man CbleoBu
. A banbar ef........................

bare twtatMd with a atell aaoBCt ot Tb* Bpwanh Leacue will
barnaa. ceaparad to what thoy pot ehlekea pie «ad '
M towB hall r
Tin Haitor tkaabaU M|^ ph^
Tbe C B. lopM (or Buaday e
la wbieb tba Hartcrhte -- AOCBII ead: Laaeoa tea
he a Mrca aMbar ot paopi* at- -How we Buy oraretime bladnaoe
A lb* anotaM* to Naabda- Leader. LUItaa BadBer.
a aad Bowoti Harbor o* tba Op- Him Lean Ualleck ct Boyse Qty
tbe coaei at Wtatfnd ~
Hn Claremee Beou
B Uraad Bapld*.

Tb* baigkih or tb*
May wu^tb* iwd n_,-...... Maleola faibtibcM aad wtia aad
aaa CbarM* ot Boyaa CUy Ttr“--“
Mr*. OatebaU'a oMcar. Mn. Ptb
~bote*oo. ibo pan •wak.
( JUtWlM at tb* Tb* teUM* m Praak Taylor
fM. Mra. P. A.
^ ratedeo la
iMwiwd. aaraar Ciwak.
Mn. Iwaoar aad Mn tecap*
hnM'an^a Qotas to * Abowi

QbIu a

at raMUrea tm


__________ tew
Hn KaiBht aad dauBblar. Mra Ho- day atiartea.
- *----------- III., are tb* iweau


MaiteB Ote^ aad tell. _
bad raMMraa M IhM Hater tba ate ,
wa^nwy win ntar* ta Bajp* C«y 1
<b* Brat ot tbM waab.
Mn. pump HPar ot Ktelay wa* <


Mn Wall



C0fs 0f

At the Lowest
Cash Prices...
19 hi*. Bex! grunuUteil si^u, I.
Calloci .Apple*, per can...........
Tomato**, per 3 lU ran...........
lUkcii bean*, per 1 lU can.. .
IC, Baking pow.ler, regular 26c

Victor Starch, regular lUc aizc. .05
Enamel Starch, tegular 10c .,
Bel' Starch, regular 10c tue,.
BeUStaJch. tegular 6c aiie..

ermm. rake aad



>ut Iniimcst to lupiih vi
ure.H m that line with Grocet
of the highest ipiality




Groceries Hew Books


OooTtaUoa to bo baM Wedanday


^ Steinberg's Store* ^

HiWiil YouHuetll'IlBeil-Voii
lo Hno

. TK,

Bte .learn a eo* .KoeatU. U
nan or MM.-Ioor Maura. Mn. lida
. dnm or Uan, Hn. Lorlada BHott
aad Hn naroaoB Ptwd orOroM Xaptae. aad Mn. Dodfe ot Otuoll. two
bmban. 0*0 at whom. Bay Boi
nno la tbM ally.



: ffl'jirr.sTssrtssi

chain .which had baaa placad t
‘ mm MMld baed op. bv bead would ikllBd roan aabakaowa aad
b* ibieWB hack, aad aba
' paeiad by tbaa «aUl oakod la a
datlT talar rraai lb*
tb«> a* a praoast aad r«Maab
fro* tbatr »aay Irlaada M lb*


. nmiir-'in,.- l‘i-uiii).it> ihf liWf ol \iliu h M'li ikut '.iw. l oil.n ihf famoi)>i Soro>i',
Ihf I mii.v-kin tmt-Mfllfii. tnm.- in ni.ft \i.ti lUDrc vhjii ti.ilt way. So ihe (.ruc!•' Mern-n/fil ot -.likv irSimi'ss; ilistitiLiivc iiii with proiHT aiul
hip u>kc. ili liuhtfiil iliirrii-' m liu- limsh, all frilK anil furl’t-lows. N'our wanlrolxhay I'fi n w.imiii; thi- turn- w!u-n lour ptirNc won't let-1 ii. Nowl ’.iSc. 51-I’). 51-'''-'. $i ys
aiul SJ.'-''
'hin- worih $!.:-• lo 54.:ii'. 'I'hi- .-XiijiiMincnt Sak- is ni-arly at an rntl
ami pril l ' art- l.iwi-r now ih.Tti at .tny pn-vioiis limi- in the hi>U>ry of thi> btiMncss.

ThuraOay. Aucuat
M«S|- B.

8-te.ta. .. . ^

1 III. gooJ imoking.................

Special Shoe Values
^or Or««


Ladies all solid
Shoes, worth
sizes only.


Old Ladies’
Bah. made of
Arco Kid, nice


i Men’s I'lounh
I Shoes,

and outer
Iter sol
worth $1,2:.

Infants Moccas­
ins in black, i
and (>\ blood
all sizes

Men’s D r c
Infants h a
Shoes, latest
sole \ ici Kid
shape toc'. m , Button Shoes
: Dongola
; Satin Calf worth
; $2.(10

CominK in every day now. Cornell series
at B5c ofTcrs a line of titles not found in'
Olliers of its price. Then a complete
stock of the Alger Scries for Bo)-s and the
Wellesley Series for liirU are on our
shelves. Us well toselec^at once if you
have a book in mind


1 1t>. good Plug.................................. 25

1 lU. Gotxl Fine Cut.......


Cckn. Kveigteeo aweel. jict <}L, .20
Com, While Cot), »wcel. early,
pet Hi..............
Pea*. Paris Tclephooe Dwarf,
■ Pft
................................. -20
Peaa, SaU Excelsior, pet ip.. .20
Peas. -AUaka. i ery earl)- i>ct4«- • I 5
Pea*. Rice'* E*r!.e*t of .All. per
Ht.......................................................... 20

0itv Book Store

Onion *eti. pet .juan..................05


CDr. Stall

While you are wailing lor the »how to coteeoce. dwp ia at otw
itoreaod let o* *Sow yoo the bpeat law <rf OANDiES “ **•
found la the fiiileJ Sutei. to the tmaU *o» of ONLY I OO
PER POUND. Bargain. mJl other line* aiweU.

W. M. BROWMCLL. Prep«» Pfoirf BC Tram* CRy.

Md. ud (ear cart
H«aa Fraoi CalMenila.
■■Mem tUi *Mk,
TMr preanl yard. ■ lerM fart o< retaraed le
abb* tc reeded. l> tOiM feel le eUa. a irtp to V
bat (aey barr plcaiy c< addiUoaal
for bit buoie ai BBplre.~Hr!'BiaBtii
that wlU br >Md f
baa bee* veal alsot Jobe tt TialUi
bit pareait aed oiber relailtea lb Ci
He It rerr aueb dakea up «lib U
nl. abd baa tecured bb optloa t
I beree cd Ibbd. vblcb be' Bar poe
•uwinf Affray at ffMrtb Hanlioa.
laae Me hardly experu to go there
Maple Litr. MIrh. Joly
. lltr. but Ibirbda lo makt bbulber
lller eT Ulea Harm aba tubbed alec
.net In a Bcbl alib Uaa fWd uo ■rip le Ibe fall. He tart Ci' '
BuaU MaalUM lilaad Moaday okcbi. a Bar place for a mlllki
ibe detallt of «bkb bare Joai bora lurtbete Mlchlcab It bot hi
Ur 0 W Kralick of Maple I Bbb abo baa lo work
d way ol the baou Ke rot ______
Hroed bj war of tbe Hooihe™ Pwdfie.
d (bree eeeer* vonadt. ooc le U
.'blub rarlBc aqd Nurlheetlerb asd
the berk aed oae le tt
0 Ibai ea; aai rtubled lo tee cos
II neelluM-d lietna repr
• Iderablr td Ibe aetlere lerriior}.
lb p.lbk ibruucb Mealco aed tur.
i.uadiba lerrtturr. altbou(b imo feat
be Scbl la aaM '
rl Ob Ibe leUed.
led. and Miller It taJd r«T.- kept loibk le the car ibe leoi
ibe aRream
ll la <-reuire *ai luS depreet T
amply prvudnl aim all
narked Ford Brat.
penodkali. market n-port
■be laiier drew a
r.'lv.^ eti-ry morelni! bj
.......... d lo

Grukt Irarcrsc BcnkL


Mri narlt, tlaier of Hra »1ll E
inlB of sum itreei. aad l»t> cbll
drea. are Tlalilac here fur a noaib
J W. Armtiroan veal to FVIoakey
R*^R MeCoj lefi UkU> for a Irlp lu
■arlevola aad Peintker.
Mlu Louie MarthBrld of KraoUort
titular Clyde Ely
Heart bparllBp of Kle(>b-t !• her'
^ botleeti
Mrt. Mtrr A*Spear Mltte* »le eiu!
IralM-th IK-pfcebacb and Ml>« Bllra

Id «B(b bearir i
let Mrt. Chat AppI
, led., --aad roul.

' > poiindi " U I abtolulelj ruaranieed '
lo cure l.’ouchi. Coldt. LaOrlppe. Btud '
"blilt aed III ibrv>al%ad luec iruubl.-t I
ITlre S'k- aeJ II OO Trtal holllet I'e. '
ml Jat U JobBfiD'r bad V ll M.«>


9 p«r Celt illMed M Ylac

.■bltiBR today
Mrt (' T [yirkiTmao of tironJ Kap ,
Idt It TlidfiDK ber moiber. Mi-' .tm-lia aod ber ultler Mi> .1 I.
J Coaae tad Ui>«
Craaford lefl thit mornlnf! for a
I Kalkatka aim trl<-ud« aad


of Miller.

Haet Mener Ltft.
IIiinllDK attlrio
try a rrimtaal a
of July celebralli.o make ibe
y ai.n Tbe alloree) i
■ report: Tbe tuUl aaiount
1 uB ceaeral lubicrlpiloo aat

from (be cltj.
it (he reciirder t road
Hecelted from E W Hat
t '»V«.
Oee Id m,
toul r«»lplt lIseoT!.
brouahi bar
luree oerr aa lulluat
He plrk.-d oi

' «■ Hilled the San JoaquID val
liai uriBily. and llket tbe en

BaMW Cedar u
lui-i ihere aiv aoiup up I
lUi tbal be looki for a brea




That’s a good deal to take off the price
of a suit, when you can buy a Ten dol­
lar suit for Five, a Sixteen dollar suit
for Eight and a Fifty dollar suit for
Twenty-five. It’s the wisest kind of
economy to buy at that time.
Such is your opportunity now. The
new fall suits are coming in so fast, that
we must have more room to put them
in, so we are sacrificing our spring suits
for this purpose.
There are some very swell and upto-date suits among the lot. Many of
them are only sample suits and were
very cheap at the original price.
There’s a number of exceptionally
good things that will be picked up by
some one else, if you wait.

Wording Night arid Oty.
be butleel and ffliabllret

PERE Marquette

aJtii Uni'
; Johuioi

/-o'a m" lule ,Tr'"^:.

ToUl eippaae (UOS.ty. taarlaf i
balance la the baadi of ibe Inaiurei
of tlbl»
Tbe lubirrlplIuB papei
aad all tbe Heat, bllli aad rveHpii

r aek aaeiii' lur parUriilar-

:;l :■

Krtdaj rteiiiu* al
orlork. July ITlh.
d. al Ibe ace < ' »z yean aad Ibree
nihi He leav % a eife and ■ ebi)

rnlii alll I.-I.I Trtifr-.. n
Tbe (IBBUB Ualaa I bdar acbool T Balet, lerreUry aefl lr.'aaurer. aad |
ami boM a pleeic ml Bll rr Lake. Fn
Aar. Aocuat Ttb Brery one cordially
lUrdley, Canada, pnxtace of Roe
•arlied UuBd aad briac your - '
r April irm. lUU and aat BUrrted
Marcan-t M tV.rblll -Sorember
Hr* W. C. Ham of tbe Clrcletllle
I.t To ihem am- bom 10 children,
•anlac faclory beffaa eaaolac
boje and four cirit
He came lo
(OUal Ually HeraU U M tbe dly (or t
B Malarday fur ihr Sral lima
* Boalb t Ttali tnth bw iBPaau. V
laoa of cbarriaa tt drawlec to Maalilnp In April. IkCll, Iheo came lo
aad Mn. T. A. Balaa. «n Suu atta
but rery iloaly. Tao buedred Ikjteri Harbor In Aucntt and tenl
y eatee of cfaerriet aere ban for bit family They came In Septem
IVIrull. ellh choir.a J. Hortaa bad Ut aad of a Sb|
Ined Ibere one alali
I hi- tprinr m.
M bit
baad partially tdim
■d u. Eatt Baylara »
I- tUynl lai
,ri«*y BoTblac by . m.
ear* and tbea Heir.,
•ba bUUa tbrouch. and i
•ad whm- helTorui
be a vary pMafvl oat fur
>-u minx moM ..f ibu Urn.- Al.l’arill
uie ol hit dcaih far bad k cbll lur p
rmb Kroapa ol Na«b-U-'
iitiBK aad » creed rblldrea. :c abin Ilrkvlt I
e baadllbf f
II K Mu.
................ . ■™';!
4aa Ibe bei

lb bMd tbat mulrad
Be vaa vnotliar
a aad tell le tooh a

. ........ baedllec three gradet
rbamaa, loo cradet of raapberriet
UlUr le Mr. a W. Raff,
aad three gradea of bema Than
Trerrrte City, Mich
— baodt employad
>ar blr
You know asd eec
Ibai aufflber up to TO ......
aim everybody
la and about
baob aorhlOf erary day the fac­
ror tbe pan voeb tbe blc mill of. tory baa baea ruaalng
man ae aani you to kboa HeMb r. uit * Co. bM I
Keail) i-alnl. tbal laatt tal
Doth baau aad raapb
-........................... - -tBbi
waBeaclag to ecm M the factory, Iona at ibe old faabloa painier’i
Head aad oiH, aed rottt do mo
U-h«l xu.l.l eu.i e«uu-f .U •
o oaa teraral k
tablea al tbe m. _
.1 Bad aim
The Trarerae Cliy OaablDg Co.
elaimt to hare eaaaad IbU year more
r bereafter Id Ibe e-ear. I
ebarrlaa tbaa aey other factory le
imicr about 11."
tbe alaU. Up to tbe pnaeat lime
"Wc uolbome him lo do
bootolr of tbe rrlMda eboMi aMeud they bare baedled
buebelP of
rtabt al our eipe—"
Mlaa Mary WUaMcy. PfMtat of iba ebarrtee. The largar pan of
If ae could
mid Biake
you a belter palm
Wdaiy. dabcau ta Ibe aaaoal eobt they bare canoed are ai
like lu do II—ibarei
■OffUae ad tbe Frlaada aoeMiaa at Ib' to be eabaad alll be u
at ready for tbe market
. li't'’ma* batl yel kaovb
had 14i year* apprebtletTiSST^aad Watuatv at ban
ffuMcal •( H. ff. A«a«ia.
Tbe fabeebl of H. B a a—..
bMd Ob tbe PMlaaiila Hosday.


tr. He vat Uk«B Ul tbe laai of April
with wbat tbe doctora aappoaeC to be
Mrw troublb )(* lupt crbdaally gi
ing aeabar a»d kaMg Mb vl



Jill Spring
and Summer
Suits at lyalf Price

iteman Pitn« tl Elk Rapidt Sunday.
Auputt «.

Altempled Ualkus i

Aa opBar bat baaa baadad doa
froB tbe etrrult eonrt d««rUu ll
Bodoa for a aea trial ta Iba rate i

B. Cn.oM ef Tie..,

...................................... uu.u

Circulation thli week 2,625.
J W. bUier aad aos. J. O. Blau
hate reiuraed Irots Cblmo. «Bei
Ibar bare baea aeUcUbf runiiturc fi
Mr. Bialer-a Unm atoraa.

.........II IV Kaulman thd t.f.- an.; W
.MrKriiKbi ar- ii, ibe di.i l.•.klllr >•



eoucb trlfhifnlly aad ipli bkn]. t
• bee tJI oiL-T mediCToei failed, thj
11 «i boltu-. of l»r. Klaa. Sea I

told al tpecta) loe excunlun re
via IVn- Marguelie lo peinilt. «
choice ..r rv.ulet lo .Niagara I'l. ;.


TravMWff City Harkot*.
TMa rapeet ta maaa upon WodnM
MpetMehvaddk. Tba Haeaiaianot
raapoAMbta (or ehanffda M prtoM.

u dbrnsd ta (r«li
up <« la* Uaa eff hM lltaaaa
Mf. Adtaa.
Adta Ueogb bhrbn ta dollM bicHh.

Lowest Prices
ever quoted

I'aclBc :
r imnicul
- abich I

on New

lu-ck I
of Augutl Flaurand aboae o.vk ai
broken by dlrlDR al Kea York All.
he had recovered from the uin-ralk
hit Deck wai pul lu t platu-r <-aai ai
he It eipected lo

Car« of Ti _ .
I Adamt aad family vltb lo cz
Ihelr aarmeai Ibaakt
____ Ja aad nelghb
aueb eatrvme kledi
Urar aad ^ bladder. Tboogb glr- of cr<«i affllctlcm.
lag BO bopa Iff Mrlog hla Ufa, they a»
Mflod tbbi Ibey could relieve bla ■«(.

1 rrtday aapB. He aerar mIIM. bet
ptooefelly bvay aaturday
Blcbt « t e'cloek.
Mr. Adamt waa bora la iba mile
ion Iff Cieu. Dortbarb UttwiU. ta tba

are the


$10.00 Suits.
$12.00 Suits.
$15.00 Suits.
$20.00 Suits.
$25.00 Suits' .
$30.00 Suits..
$50.00 Suits..


A good inany people feci that way
about cveo'thing they see advertised
—\Vc want
ant ,you to get
with us; Ilf you ever had it). . .
never make a sutement in these coljirms that cannot live up to.
:find that '
-have missuted
ted anyt^ftig
anythftig we would be
very glad to have you tell us. We
waiil you to have the utmost Confi­
dence in this store in its dealings
with you. When you feel that you
cannot fully mist the merchant with
whom you trade then it's time to
------ Thii
■ it over.

at this time in the season!

Cbitigs Vou iUatit

Wa Olva

Sniw BNk Facilities
MbNl BMkSNDiiti.

Women's Oxfords
Women'» 51 6U Oalurdi o


eouldn’f eu Cbem BelorcBul Vou Can Bow ....

Wm an
rear by tbe Gov





each year.
WH««bcticr tcctir.'. (f
retonu can t«u aak for lolr

lb baatUa bffbla

Bki will taka ptaea Asffwt a Tiiniagb
, Ibe eourtMT iff S. M. Itar iff Olaa
-aTOB Ua Mat. Iba AUa J. Dar. wilt
va raaoMwaUMiA Oita take d M the «ar. Mr. OMrb at Cbkaga i
fiva aa wpipHnbitly toa diaptar
•raaveka ta the arMitag bear bla <
taga. Tba lollowMg proffna will
-BdBwd ai 1 D-cloefc p. a
fTarar—Rav. Bereogh. Maple Olp-


•al^^l^yA'- Mra.
rwbar. Gleb Arbw.


PriAk B. WRhay iff (ba Orsbd Tiwv !S.. u> be il

mm* ttaoSrktatag Otk bM ta- rSfu coSti!


Wm make too

He learM^a^e aad eight btaUdiea

kvova bara. Mil SaMtla
- *»—■
w m u
•MM bo ^


tMMd tmm ArtaoM. wbata ba aa- “

ffiataa ffaMllr RatMlafi al Madge.


Trararaa CH/. Mia*



wS^^SS^af law

____ _______ _
ta aeabar wara all tba UrlagdaaeaBd-

Robarl tVra
a U> Utia kMaB^
ta aa oarty day, aad aattlad apoe r
tara wbicb ba aad hM aoa aini >
capf. He U a
a of tba cTtU war
aad pobUe

The praise of others, .who have
tested the vaiue of our "BEST”
flour is pleasanter to us and more
convincing to you. ^sk your


, _ .. ,_A be •dared a
lb( «(niha (ff ididlyali. aM R waa


Woroco'f ScfBC Shoe* cut



Wotuea-i 52.50 and’ wo.
— oca and elegant *t<ln. all
liict n Ok lo( cot lo

67c aad 98c



Hen's $1.50 Flow Shoes cm to

Souvenirs olCraoerse £Hy
.-\!«a>^ want a Muivenis 10 give your friends when they visit you—or to send
away to other*
Have something a lutle nicer than you usually find, and the
picture ihe best that has ever been made. These are all 25c and there are a
dozen di&rent article* to select from. We know you'll Hkc them, they are
such beamics.

W onder w hy you don t (
' They are so many cooling things ca
made with them. The '.’ quart sells for SI.Set and the 15 quart for $12X10.
choose the size and the price i' right—got friends visiting you -or an aften
gathering—make your own ices and sherbets.

Remember Vour Tool
When you buy your next shoe*—there arc 'tender feelings’ to be looked after—
and the easiest way to have easy feet is to buy easy shoes. Ever tried the
Dr. Kecd Cubhioo Sole Shoe? You have miued some of tbe most pleasant
d.n)-v of your life. This is a dressy shoe as well—maile in via kid, box calf
patent calf. Once you wear a cushion sole shoe, yon will laear e o other-^-especiaily if your work requires you to stand on your feet ail day.


an>al nnout Ou)lt|g $boes?

—but it ii
------------------- ----------------------- ih tn eoeiy wooden o» n>e(Al
tkibg yoa have .found the bout. I( is tnade iu IS cokoi
aad -naloraJ- or deal. The tanet is the model 6oish for

WmleaajR, MrllllmnW MImmla. grim* WKIWm,
OKmrry. Dmm« aimmle, Or-mwnd.

more IOC Pictures
.-Xnoiherbig lot of those beautiful Matted Pictures—ready to hang on the jrall,
and they make such handsome ornaments. There are hundreds of most desirable
subjects. Some art- •JOx'2'J with three inch mat: others are oblong, 14x20; sfme
are ovals with oval openings. There are some beauties that are round; there
arc$iomt: that come two and three different pictures in*a set, fastened with a silk
cord, and the price is (jnly I'ic. See the big window display.'

“ttlonder” freezers

Meo'i Canvaa tboe* cut i


ilBM (bay BM


•pMiad eutaaa. b
by a drew m M Ida odty RtaRad (o
bMay.tata.da RodMdty. ai (ba


Wnmen'i Tor Slippcta cut

Women •» ScT^e Slippcrt c

July M.
K tba
iba eblidre
eblldraa aad
•aaday.. July
Mbar ratamaa of- Robart
- Plaro who
la aaa at Iba wrUa« aalUi a Iff
I tba day
beuUfal dtaaar waa apr
dar Iba Uoaa aaar tba bouaa. a
*1 aat Mwa. Tbecc wara tour aaa eraUaaa of Iba bally paaaaaL Itoban
naaea and hla brolber. Oaorsa Plaret.
(w daagMan aad oaa aoa. 1( i

$ 1.60 ,
Wonm'i ilrap Slippere. c

lust starting on your vacation--must have a pair surely. They ai : the strong.
est. most diirable shce oo the market—and so easy on tbe feet.

Hen’s new Odords cst to

$1.50 and 12.00



Grand Traverse Region.
OraadM taper* of Ikke Aaa
Aaa^ailekded laauita al ibU p

WfUM iMr Wfc k«r» vRk tk*

■ tltr'aaT



•rw CII) arr I
. Hn. T Kohl
Milt maneb liebwan tpaal t
da>* ti Hallow* (tap «nb her a
itoline. ol Fadnrab K) .
J It Ki.enide tan laal W.

Bewtallp Tertww
aae lo ll#hi tl
<toi«wi and unaercUal tort

ssTt^:u*:r"csr:^mea -fc*,

)e^ 1 endured iB.uBmble pa»i'

lu Bnite UoM« M« vita.

*^itt Habel Bpere cd Oviaii altaah dap. Aui II. IKul, In Ike an.rr oortb
•d the MMiac lanrdap aad Baadap ol Omi l^aa'i. pr.1 <■('U«* iBkr.
Un r. T(««
U» Wkiwpla
Hn Ubb Italllraa aad lanlip hare aad en* Bik amifc »l ihr Nu 4
at Y«ai» *«N tMMlai M«*4*
<•4 u. UUrtUa. wkero Hr. aull|. eebalaiiu.e
lo <h. .rWl.
tnr Ifcc «ui l*u «•>«• aU ra(>
I* ti oork n Ik* lalliuad
IWM T«M4w.
Hr Md Mn
Hllitt* u
' CM»«k an ruiinx H li. Hllvei
H.P1 * i-iTr
Hsudc IMIwt te laklM nn
Haudr Wxlli. «bo ka. oiikuU Crrar
(bir aaiurdkp.
Hall) HaiMO U l>|>nirlai
Oriirvrap look'l* Ike r.mi
U Urn* H pa>'>ai ■ •"»>’
r k» atm T'la WbIIi I> 4U4ut Traterte nip k«adap
and Hr* E T Hnp i
Ui«>aa pIraU al TraPrr
11 Halrtiaakt and *|(r relun
hiHue to Elk Bapida Baivrdar.
Illnoi Oca* «aai lo id^ a(f
dap* asi> lo be koae aon* line
■KJB ^mwm»
N<?>*l uf uva
HU HapUi
fiaaMM ••
U rteil
Dr Clark >d
tai b*r broum
(asllr. Hr. nitad to allaad Hn C W Haatla*i
PtoM- tkivM or (kU ptkM.
. «b.i aat •tab. b*l I* nmewkai b*ti*r
Hr*. UarrmI Bnnra
Brraa it oa Ik* tlel
A U rUrbaaki aad aU* ol Tnr
e taM l«)l
kw« aadsr me Clip waa la tba aetrtborkood o*a
%,*> tBUratl*«
TM W|')W'*
1aai aeak
g pUftd fral
Tka arorc
• A K Hirberd te cuukloc Kir
Ik Urur <4 tka Wylla'i atier
iU«ar baoi kaada iksi are arorlwkick ua WrUa-t plagod ika Tan' |B( on the Ciw plan
Udi* MB. vhleh iber baal badlr
l.'l. Wanwf cd Elk BapliU. and
Hn Kvk Kirckaar U la Tra>*r
■be UrOonaick asaai ol Obarlatou
air duciartB*
•are ■alien bar* ^ week
Tka HoAani WuudBao vlu (Ira
Hn C W. Haall^ baa a able,
4akoe ia tka una kail mdar. J«
ad aepke* froai dparu Plaiilw tor
||. Krwrkodr lartiad.
le« «*aka.
W iiartaca kaa twuaki a ne*
Hn Cbaa HaaiaKMHi la rtelilaf re
Hr* B H. TakU>r U Xla»lar U Ulltea la Cm mi Lake lor a te*
vlalllBi k«r chIMroa (ur a lao 4*r*
IVed 1.o«U akd alia Inai Taakt*
Falrbaaba U aiapiaa viik
: aae ar* vutuai bU bcuUtr*. 1. E Ikoda Haatlan IkU v*ak
. aM H. C bad tltiara.
U J Hopi aad Hr AIM wdr a
Hr* rrcd lUlib (run Laulai bat irlp^iu Nortb Hllloa aae dap la.i
ralaraad koaac alter tlalilBf haraual.
\ Hr*. Hasar FUa
We had a da* tboaar la*t HalurB*>. It ar*t an>d<4 (or iba rrutw
Hr. E J IHaa aad dau«bian are
Hia* Hlldred Mbira. a dawh<er <4
vtoHIa* Hr* lk«B't par*aU. Hr aad
rank Hklra. oka berTplag weal it
Hr* a H Bnlik. (bit aaok
ivo Wedaaadap aad lell <alu at old
Hr aad Hr* Juae* or Iteinjl
all. aad I* waa tkouakt bad frarlur
elatllaf Ibatr |ian«it. Hr aad H
I bar aaklc. but It proved lu be ualp
V. HHI ct Vuba aud Hr. aad
bad aprala
Frank Vnli aad (aaillp c4 Tn.ene
Wbeai I
the 4ar a
* «MIUg rarr Clip Mundaped ai Hr. HelMa*
Hit* Beaida Jarrell ol Tnierte
ir of help aad
lip 1* ilalllBi trianda here
B Uruuil paaaed Ibruuak here 8a
* win -Mr llaaa aad bw hradker
^ ar* *1 Old HUttoa plakli
Hn Boaaell U oa lb* ah* Ual
Claraooe Clark apaat Buadap I
Hn Uw LM* I* ai (be 8
be* daiifbtv. Hn U*aa. *ke
Ha. Uaardorff ol Iba
praacbed bar* 8uadap.
- >. and MaL ■«»! bare bowbl
at pooiaa. a buup aad a •«
fltr*. inuupwu.
• le* veu * aueUse ouiai of A Atlaa
hardest ihuadar tiorm ol it



Hr* Uoo Ikfdan.

jsraHU' -


^n 0**i< Wkraar aad «r* ebll.------ « 111 U. _k_______________ . _____
w. _rt %JU HcUbiha*l aad im
^1^. of Trarer*. Clip, an hart
tWUbi that* parisid. Hr. aad Hn.
M. E Ehartdaa aad «bar raHUeaa
Hr. aad Hi*, laaao aad uuk
dWwbUr at OtUe Pter riiliad Ura U
■aa-* talk**. Ur. louka. aad mhar
edteUra* law v**k

Up Baiardap.
Haok danact vat done bp ibr
.aovOT. bal eaupt an looklna Aae
OHaae's ehlldna ia hi* »Maa Hweh Tba polalo crop proaMa to be iane
a«*e** «Mw Hha aad dor* ttoPwh
Hn Wa. Wpaaa to laprortaf
the lao Ftibar iakH udap, aad daUad
Hn Vkk Da Wblkar ntuwd Hob
«• Oarta* Mar aaTSSillp «ad Ba- ^Daarar Wj, rvponlaf a Baa
•IM bhakar aad laaUi>.


Hr* A. L. Uiw to rtoiUkf la
Ahoat H (4 tbB IlkltoM toft daap
Hn J W. Uaahtn aad H artier*
Piaua mm aad f*M*ed
Hn. Wiuiaa PalfK viH kaa hM8
•arr idet all euaAM, U aWe l« be







to pya^^to boata
r. E. Itorto'^nAa ive trip* lo
o—lkto Fatal vttk farkHor* tar tka
' T- Baat'a howa to aboal totol
Tba paiBiar* an pntiinp oa a <
-iMttoa It eUora.
tUk bMfB aaa ton af the p«
kobool raaaUad ia the <oIlo*la« ..
nainitoa: 0- U Btaatof. Btonur;
Kha Mb aaaaanr; Lan iopa. aad
r: Hr. Falaar aad f. Crall.

~ Hra Hralaa of Haatotaa to rtolUa«
■M H Pk* • graai (real u (kw* who bar dauchwr, Hn Wa. Wpaak.
fari. b««. ioha- Wbiia. Ewiar




kfu* tba opaiitoa whtoh *ha mim<ai laa vatk.
Hata at Bolea tar thaaa vba *Hh
Jobs Baaar Atora a had W oatila
H mma k8 fall.
W TraraM OKp BUarAhp.
W« arlgH aad Ohaa. Baaowb at
Hn. Oarrte BarBaan baa ban ttoiHkM ike Hta laiaHs ad a. Bank
la( bn atoura, Ht*. F. ttoaa .and
« tinna Ooran* Hat BatardwUi*. BktM IHHa of tHara*, Oth.
. Wteaked ike aerrieda nourdap aM



f Mkaa Mib.


rke UJ.....1 litri »l
•eb«ld t..U. I.. IVdti Ktiui
ere bel l.e.baud 8 II >. eu
Hr. Miaii and (aniii> nii.-ii.u.i lUe
plrni *1 I .dar Frida) *ii.i r..|eiri a
(00*11 a.e
Nvtrl) iKi Irirtid. c.r Mr t•hlmp*
• lie (aihrrod al Iheir bc.m. Frida)

I 29 Front Street

(i.d 1.1
tami > Ir.iBi Omen* Huu.l*.
talb.r end broiLer Lm.i. oe.r
Frwl Winaie bat iii.ixv.1 l>i.

A Lot of Money Saved in Our July Clearance Sale!

■acel lb ibe ll»rr> bu>lue..
A tS Uellinie. Ua* t ne>
Ur. Ilurke ol Buplre *|.eiii
her dau(b>«-r. Mm HeU-ri
■ lltrdoer nl Cie.rlauu
bleach ti lb.- Friend,
neii Hiindap airiiint
Ml. CpcihU TkorntaT) i. i-nADlnt
a >1 II Iroiu her Inihrr
Ui ni>li.
Hr. Mildred




Srllle ChAUe) o( Jinrdlfk. lllr
la »iirllnf lor Ml*a Clan Manib
JohBMu ^ilia h*«r bum tn addi.

UuDdreds of Samples of our lioe of House Purnlshlni: foods must be closed out at once to make room for our sew
Hue of Goods. These will be closed out at prices that Canool be duplicated.

yt iir ami u 1-

u pr..>e
siaiemeni. Irt.iu f*i t*n<

aior* Will I

Uliur. ,.*Ml .
rt i.( mile *.T
Ha lb bad
rdar There vere ta men bel|>lni
Jobniun bru* bur biiUKbl a Sbi
lop eo.ercid bua(p.
kUd c
Hlu Kota
Heck had t *un<n>r
part) toll Honda) nUbi .It waa Ui
Koaa't Itih hlrthdap
'p *
Mr tnd Mn. Wall Kelluac call
a Mr and Mn Ed (Jualfe Hridap.
bjron F. Brolbanon bad-a bJnbdap
■r In^l^le-.- Fan.
an) Frldap
ll wa* Byron*
loe cream and cake
, Urucerh.. *4k E iVi
There •ere ID lUtla (liU
-1 *0* cuoklderablp
lenblp Imuble.
Iboucbi II
Urandnaa Herk'i dau(hler >4 Tn*
be kldoe)*. a* Ibe |iUu wt.
ena Cii) made bar a >bon all laai
loere Itaiioe ortko. kre h«kled
khuul ksd kna* i«-r*..u. »b"
.e.l Duan. Kijue. Hill, mn.i
ibi. induced me lu it) Iheiu
.iraiKIii.'U.d me op lu k »b<ui iln;.
*ai Tuetdap
Clan Harvia
*k. rendered re(ular nnd noi
_bai*ej a_______
home lime nllerward* I tell k
>li(lii recurrence and sfaln reourted
Oeo rtek had a
TMtda> aad W*do
valu Alter Ibik etperlenee I aui (tod
lo adrUe Ibeir Uee lo olber* In need
Uei^ HtoJ*" '*
it * |.K>J kldbe) Diedlrloe’
Ur aad Hn. AHrM Nephew alM
p-iir me by all Oiwl.-r.
Hn..- U'
_a Bd Ooek and lamlly Buadap.
F-wler Mllburn r.‘
Ur a* Mn Bd Uualle and dawb- \ )
..ill- a(i9nu nir ibc I'nlie.l
tar Orpba altad on Mr* Mlu >*eck .4iklt« K.-member ibe Ukiue- Ikwn .
When Uao. Heck «n up toil Thun
dap mornlw ha aaw that aocne one
bad bean tampertn* )
ot ll •• •
biw <
Incka toadlM -- _____
A bis be
Iba road, aad In ibe road the iracka l» Mr* Fr
of a mule team and wnavn beaded Ul- lo CklT)
toward* Maple CU)
He (ulkned (he pluck) ».«
track* c4 tba •aeon to Maple Clip .h..l Ibe kl
erad dead bee* akma the
iklag Maple Clip be found
A wbvelman'k loul iw lin t a
and pouns mea
There plele wIlbuuL n botile ul Dr Tboi
•aa a*a of (hem. John Newmaa. Eclecuk Oil.
Huato i-uli. bru:
OrvlUa BalUaptf. Ed aad
Klchard aims*, spraiai
Honarcb over |
OhiB aad Herep Biaalap. oho aeitlod
ll bp paplap Ur. Hweb C a pMe
The Ltdia CDIc ImprtneffieuI *o
daimnap up lb* bile aid .
del) ol Uubro* are Ibe beneBclarle.
^p (bare •aa h4t aad a lew i
of ■ same u> bail reoebtl) pla)i-d be
tbal •ere allee A pood dal of credit iw.-en lue ell) asd rouni) oBctol..
to due 10 Ur Clut. tuber ol Richard Ibe iri-wurp r«el\lBS an accreU.-i<
aad Ed. .throurt
who** aBoru
t i::
apaadp aellleBai wai made.
M9* bad fol narlp ino pound*


Bdalep. ft p*an aU. AO ed tba
aortteae veaa lai«atp aiiwdaA
na aaddw Ulaaga «d A. W. DmhoB-i ivo^aardM bar MHM «Hia



J*lp e
Molaa UrpBl it Bullun* Hap
Hioi NoHa tpnal Baadap wUk bit
rd hare m3m).
o( pnw|M'rii>
r. eahaaalot Bmapaide cuiuae
aptal ruatdap ik Tnier*. Ciiy
II rvexird. lor
a MePhUt c4 Nonbpon did donial
e broken •*>
Tba Htonaa Kail
It tows.a lew dap* ihto aaek

e etoil wKh ba parent* ai Hut
I. Ohaaaan rtoUad ba paraUa
loai Hep toU Moadap.
laTO.-r. of the ct-ler) kins*
Dnabtodap of KUaaaion tiller ol Ibe Mark *011 i* *
rlftiad bo* dawhlar.
caliad cm frtoiidt here (be Bni ol
Ulaa om Bodap.
tba weak.
BuMell Claw* toK Tuamlap eta
laa tor AbBtU. wbare ha win etoii
ratotlra aad Waafa.
U Tboapsoa of Han iordaa apaat
a lew dap* ta tow* Uto .weak wHk
Hr*. H. Fwiaal raunad Hwdap
lU af ta Lou IPaarbp of Good Harbor waa la , „. Fetuakep Donald, ibe ( yar-old
________ * Hi*.
eWB a *hon Ua* tael WedasMtap. |-*on gl I'barle* Tboma*. a mllruaJ
Hr. aad Hn B Braeka ol Trar- mn*. bad bt* nkull enubad Honda.'
ne Clip, C. U Harrep and wile. Hu- wbUe aichlas on asd Jumplns oR
Hareap and Hra. Btliabetb HUM truBi n Walkun duinmp train U Re)
Wa Ua to «
ibto wa*
of Orand Bapld* tn at the HlTerUde ctali (repined Ibe nkull and be mn)
It'c ■ Ab) Funney. » poai* old. wa*
Hn U* U*«na and tunUp of klau bun.


.w •" “• —


" ""


ES3£.“ “• ““
'Hr MaaaUr of Mnwu antf.
VHl hae ba« natU*4 Ua kacfbBHH« aad aknar. Bar. a banana aad

. yi-t till*

'I'.'ll will

125 on
• • of luiiib'-r, refri

Boiiii ' ihi' ttilli till'al'ilra'i"

Our,S'."«* Ki-trim-rd'ur lor
Our S12-"«' Ki-lni^rr.ilor for..........................
.\iu! >0 on 111'>" our ST.».7r> Kufriiitjr.nor

pr* rlp

-Hin ni*Tr“»:



Yka Qaanaaip 0*a8naa v« *np


• &^;j=ss LA"

dnlp lo b
Vtart Bwan hat atad Ua boaat •a a ' '

Viatnn uup. I

at tba aerara Utan
Ha^. Hn. I

. M»i M
ftnrdw aad Baadap at flH fina. at.

Stmt two___________
at* lUpiw ai AUtooowb
n for a taw wMba. .
Hr. Jallb* aad Wa. Fiwll nlHibf




**»S*fM!ui B*a^. trho hat

Me SuriMa^ df Tia»«*a


for U.iki

patent Schram coil siirirqjs.

They are extta strong and

well made, with a line piano t>olish. The prices that we
will dose them out at will l>e abopt the same as a com-

An $ll.0l* Rocker ;


One $12.00 Rocker
One $15.00 Rocker
A i£.4o
12.75 KocKer
Kocker tor.....................
.............. ...................................... jt.,

JIre Vou aoing eamping?

A beautiful,
largej. massive'rc>cker7iEie^‘tan-ed.

If so, hen- are .1 f' « ihiii,;* (hat you will need


wi- I an sd'i- you iiutney on;


riiree-burn. r lor...........................


The Boss i'.asoline stove, (wo-liiirncr, like



i.idy ‘



\\ e h.%ve nearlv all sivlc-s and




Ouiik M.-at Blue l-lanic Oil

sizes of



le- al iiroiK'riionallv low prices.

Big eut
On all eo«k Slow,
and Ran*., and
Hn. lo .tltci from.


polished, with large curved heavy








spring seat, good value for $19.00. now............ 14.01)

\ic«- one-luirm-r Oil Sioves for.....................“'h;
Two liiirm r Oil sioves for............ .................... ^LU'

If you want a nice roeijer it is the chance ol a

Hnc ol




ti ft. extension table, ju



tup. heavy moulded

“ .*'£75

I worth $7 .OO) for,..

Same proportional cut right through on
ranging from $3 .50 to $2S.OO in prices.

27 styles,

C5 styles of Dining Chairs, from 47c each up to a
hue box seat diner I worth 92.M. $2.75. $8.00 and ^.50.
and up to SC.OO each L

In a good mai^ of these chairs

weJiavF only one to eight of a style. T^ese we will sell
from tj to '4 off. so if you need a few extra chairs yoa
can save a lot of money on them.

The best chairs you

want the more money you can save, for we have
fine high grade chairs that we will close out


for about

whai you would pay f(?r cheap ones.



Bargains on eentcr Cables.


A solid oak table, IG in. top. large shdf for- -.


Is in to(>, large shelf.....................................................................1.00

Rockers to

20 inch top. large shelf ............................................................


24 inch top. large shelf, for ................................................


A beautiful parlor table, F'rench legs, 24 inch top,
large shdf, all '« sawed oak, nicely polished,

c worth $a.00t for ....
T he same t>roportional

discount on



line of


These sample* have U-en




February lo sell (rom, and we will close iheiti
at from
off. lo make room for our new samples,
that will W-'niii to.Arrive in Au^'usi.
I will quote you a
few prices;

Our $15.00 Sideboard for $11.75 and same cut right
along up to a large full swell front sideboard, with two
large mirrors ' sold for $45.00 t now- $84.7.5.

,\ lari'c, hijfh bark, cobbler seal arm rocker, just
like cut. for . wonh S2.5U.............................................$ I.60

SaKCit Ml Hire ttBCBlteHBleBBBk Cues sag WildBC &«ks
A nice solid oak combination case. (wonh$ 15.00)

.................. ........................................ _________ It, arm rocker.
worth 2.751 for

oak well make cobbler seal.
The next, solid oak
seat. I worth

larye ,

for • -




And right along up to a $tl0.U0 case, either Ma­



........................ 2.25


.......................... 2,75
. ........... . 2.^6

They range right along from these to the lincst,
hand polished, beautiful cobbler seat rocker.
(worth $6.Ut>, for............................................. ...........................


er, for Vde, $1.10, $1.25. $liiO and...........................

•••••••••• -P-50

Some rood Window Shades for a Uttk KMcf
A loi-of odd shades in different colors.

They are

the regular 25c and 85c cloth shades, mounted on good
spring rollers. 1. 2. 8, 4 or 5 of a color and our price to

Bto Baisatas to Cac. an* Ca*«*lr* CMato*
50c Curtains, lor.................................... ....................... S5c per pair
$1.00 Curtains for...................................................... 65c per pair


back arm rocker, i*ronh $2A)t (or.........................
We have about 100 different styles of arm

$1.50 Curtains for......................................................... 75c per pair


(Worth $1.50, $1.75. $2.25 and $2.75j
A nice, well finished, well made, solid oak.

hogany or ’* sawed oak, for

close them out is 10c. 12c. and 15c each.

Nice solid oak. highjjack. cane seat, sewing rock­

and so on right through.


\\'e have not space to enumerate any more, hut will


give you exception^])' good bargains in even depart­

ranging right along from $1.72 up to $15.00 that we will
be well to
give the same proportional-cut on.
It would

ment throughout o^large lioe:
Bed %>rea^ Sheets,
(^ts. fallow Cases. Pittbws. and every thing you
in your home.

■ aas some of tbenc we have only
order early

of a style

Come in andyUIt the Greatest House Furnishing Store
in Northern Michigan.

^ tha kaata «n«Hd ifW- ^ V*

\Ve have about a dxjzen of them in different styles'

anil ilesigns, son# have leather backs and some have

Same i.roiu.ri'DMal cut im Ife Cream l-'rvercDi.
Doors. (.'riH|iu-i Si i-. < Idsoline ami t)il Slovrs.

The next, (worth

To Close Out!
lien’s anii Boys’ Saddles
$3.50 and $3.75.
Ladies’Side Saddles



H.imniiicks. l.jwn C hair'.. Lawn Sctti-cs.

Next. 1 worth $3.75 '. for\

E Barba to witlaB bto bwie*knli
Booa- U Btrart trro uaaa aad laUl pewda bar* fr*a Uapta Ou aad wlU
'fcaOiao* poat* at Hr. Barleaoab. M r*HA* la Iba aowtb pan of urra.
WtaoMik* in tka Mn kdfbnthaa
Powriwua bat bna

N oil ever had offeretl. or probably ever will have offered
again is in our sami>le> of large, high back arm rockers,
with leather sjiring seats, upholstered in the best leath­

1 aiiuilu.T )i-ar.

Our S7 I*'Kl-L'hi-si fur

The next, (woith $3-5“i for


Cbe Biggest Bargain


«la tf Cla.m* Lik* Thia. B
«*r*nt—Coal Proof la
Travana CH> PtopI* V
Tb'-ri ki. * ureat mau) oi
K>vr> pnin-r bn. n. -ttre


TW bartal it tkraa ad (be oUM

N. E. STRONG. Mjrr.

Ibo*.- preteal. prr.enlrd Ibr cxiulpl.
•lib * RoMlIp ngmu-r <4 i.-uod. au'i
Mini, niiisrp
Hr* Fblillii. Itxirml

.I 11II

Hat rrtdai
(Mai Jobatoa. alMr a low aad ruitlnd frtaadt bar*
F. C iaquiak aada a baataa** ir
Iii^rpaaaed' aaap
*•» i...
Uii ...
HU laaUp hare (be impaibp > Traven* Oltp.
Jo*Mk Wharton la drlvlad n •ell
.p maad*’
ir Cia ■ ” •
-------- totoMr.
Ur.-------aad .Hn Cartaoa
*^aoaatd Hriehaaa r •tied a rUU Frtdap.
Hr Blrtaktar of Tran
(raai U* bratbar fraa
Ik IMO Wodaaadap.
W had aad ataa btdora ia U pi
Nate Jaoulib kiai a bona laii •••k
Ur aad Mr*. Fltbar raturaad ~—
Hr. BtohU It Tra**m Otlp l* la
aUi (roBi ihalr iHp lo UaaWaa.



If >-ou cannot come, send your

mail orders and we will git e you the best possible


in Our
vou can find some of the best values in remnants of
Carpets, Matting^ Oil Cloth and Linoleums.
special cut on China and Japan 'Matting.

A big


Uu>tMj Ixn
k>> o(
ana 1b.
>ua of fiv. M^iUi twji.*. ...

UJ uo,

AM 11 wn&nk-r .tfibn J 'hal Mia 11.^1.. -

............. ^.,irr::!Ts£;=!
fi^.l i,..! .-• ii„ i\<in H>««. la tha'l-ii. .4
Tram, i-i.i II, .^aln^ibV U DnaJ fn<
Tu*aU«> tn* ElsntMnth 0«> Of


lb.«i«M aiT- taiKlrM i«l «.«. 'Hn-bl.

.1.1 a-411. i.Tiiio.;.. ,(ia..„. nn.-aia. II. lU. iL.nj-loar 4»J ia»ball i-

i :.s>rSS.-S';

aan-o* .m.-« tbal Br«i, H. *i»■■"-*•■•»-^lUla. i»»« ».«J w

- :.•'='r-Ji:. |


8M>)i«a)r, Ik*

auol A»»mcA. O

a-^ U «

-i—_____ i-1 'iJL, bnmWe bee ainick h

: r«'‘“4i.rf.;‘:. m"‘.;

4 duMw tk* UlBM o( Ika
Raaic. Jotr IS.—Tbe pr»«aBclava o
«i1»in tor lh« plan. oad« tuuil '
,• belteved bife. hobtfier
V Uo*
U proeaedlAC. Ov
4W1 VuaauUI to ladtt I
s de- cludlUf
udlu« i.utw

Ueh ikelBdM ib> C
__________________ _* Boau »nd bui «
ud Mfml tOretCB.
to. TWt ttoo aapbct Ubt Qardlbbl
-Oibboo*. «rto win kRiTt e> ■ktardkr.
vU «Mnl UtoSr rnMimu.
M*w T«*k. Jalr IS -Tk* Tribua t
■fi ekbto Mj« Ikf ktortiflto M pope
ft « bwtiiitb cf miM btelkto
tnUra €vaekf ud Ubml urn«WiH. Ufa (MbMl OlMliUl IfatO.
pttitanih <U TfalM. to opwud br
tfOM obfarram. Tfa r«uH slfbt b«
fcPbbMt mm* temUtutb H awlo
wav to fatur fakUb Ibu Ifa


Step! are bdu Ufan lo cot
lUlc kbuul W dtouicl ecbooto ■
» OreeovlUi. lo oocordopoe wltb lb.
d b> Ibe • ■ •


)i-weln' Md^lber '

--------KBtisDeo -fa eBeclod
br nipper*
um4 io tom lb* front door be>- ssd
Ml} (be meal Tbiusbie mnlclet -«ro
token There to no cine to Ue rob

r .,i

rr----------- -

“IJfCSS '£s, roT
tfa wml lU Bbtktot. wtn coaUbue to fsert li*
d >mini bsd deI btaudbbt (set bad

srass.* irif iiSSasm


Asstfar Bern* esbla fajm: Tfa dto-


Mknau. Ckaa tarn ~

; sa,.:s,~

■lapUclty. ibclr
Ifuallly cd^w^iruCTloa.



pktohMi wbkb ll^ared <
" ic irokedto* wer
sad Uobihl I
Buadar and bi
■paired of.



8M ikt'toD“i-?i?h™>k!^i.i^’SS.JS!^ wi


ir> in !a*kl IkalllloD. eud lh*I tbr ent kif bh *iail ibe Ai
llekeU |ho--«' l*w vT aufl JkJis kOralaad *od*ll *i«l h
wautk ere r*
n tto-ni
.tonikT *t **r tue. wiibla u tneBIkb* *T*w
I krUai r Le-mAa iuueiwt.ij lb aald waUttk-

pMifair at to durabimy iBdTS^wr.
bu lime nothIns hat been
to warrant

Vork city, b
f prayed bofo
eaibrin.-kl on

> tfa ttol- ^
I. To tfa ®

Amertaa kwomoate*
lua durable than tboee
i. todfad. maay of tfa psru
, fare been tened to
le and gj®**'*’B»»ah

DaaUi of amt. CtayuitoftoBL. Ky.. July tt.-Oe«»al
cuatoi Mareena* Cla,. -the aace of
-I---- _ ...........1 Ibwy vU---------- Wbllebair amhaaaadof to Baaala nntfaSr eiMactb to Dl Pfatro- Tfa lal «er Prentdesi Usooto. baled aboltob-,
ter to n. ■cbotoHy aad bnU.
aad tatbor. died ai hto fame.
• " ' toadtoM coosty.'at fido
*faoS^ debt. Defab wa» due lo

My Friefbda Know Heart
Cure Cured Me.


. s;i5S?
a .™,e ww*. praOkU.. to fa, to W-

ume one of Ifa boy* to gotos
with a tog la a plafaer ca*L a*
L of a (all from a wtndaw. Tfa
ell and broke aa arm early
tbU year. Oeorge htmaelf to laid op
witb ou arm to a eltog. baring been
•b«( with a toy ptotol.
Tfa ■Bfat bania and granair laMebur


rjn fb.- nij .4 Trarerv CTly.


hkc—re. -4

- Over-Work Weakens
Tour -tCldneys.

mat capiured tbe otber nljlh
kte *ent out from the tbcrlB'.
tulben, who has been terrlfylomea and eblldren In Benr^d
iblp of late, pul up a deperfbut wa* orerpowered. placed
aad will be taken to tbe -cout
at Berrien Cenier. He 1* nwitb ice. badly doomed a
a Seree appeamace
He t
d tbe oBlcer* (or tome time, a
UBId people to anil about Bak
to a couiani *taie of dread
hto unearthly appearanee. a*, beet
nib age. harefool and bade**, be
rouM ooca*tonally em
rood! and Indolge to ---------- _
Tfa family of Ceor«e Ooutroe bai
,ad more broken boar* than any
tbv la Ufeaier Bay City Ocotre ba*
lad It eaae* of fractured armL rib*,
coltorbunet and lm$ atoce^hU U cWP


QvaiUin ur Calllomi

be neirl ntmarhal
.1 notena tu-ins i
n Tro}, S. Y «l

aoeb bad DO wamtos
Ins a wire in hto ha
voiu were Mat through
an hour later.
livi-d I.;
Ill}- Hulbert, who ha*
_________ __
_e (ore»i new
e hamlet o(^_^ Bak^o«.^ i

H«art Trouble,
Nerrotts Proatratlon |
tAd Dy»pep»l%.


S3 ■ ss;-,.
I u”is.St“Ui,'ft'iin2S33

rr.ea^f}- o




p ~kji>k- I a..iB._i.,. Uak .•akkl kto} .4 JkkI) u th- ,
al.w.lUi irier I’m >l-4kMki>.| kitni *i.l ibn> ‘
I, .
Pr*ai.Al. 4kJin Ai-4aa*i4. Jurlr. oT.Pndwti. '
II. <—>>
to Uuilk.4ll.-r olia. eu*u aT lull* k. t'li.Tr :

■ farm, bt-toi:
le freely «ub

"x '^"5"«™


ww-to^. lhSSi*"TIS^iS. leTkk. eiSea

___ the pbper* bpoke of 8
bi the bUtr ndtr.
Bnchbiton Ur*. Win Burk* <a
children'* plbjrw.oi a
Tvfuee to 1
bD brmful of ibe rv
8be didn't notice li lb., r.^oke ,
k *m*ll Pbckotre of powder left oicr
from Ibe Fourtb and an enploalon ful
Her oondlUon to n..» ver>
Uuakerm now
* ^K*
■er ccleri produ
Tbe celery bed. tberc .upplj
elchtba of tbe oetory that Koei
Chkibio. «J it to ctolmed. while o
sarketo for it are found In Ul
•oto. Iowa Wtocoaeto. Ohio, tod
and fa tar toutb a* Sew Urleao*
toatonllleaDt crop
the bujtoe** haa
___ e lor toil
Uanlitee cllr
_____ that all doc* n
and that tbe police a
mauled d0(* oa ilgL.
A reward of SS6u ha* been oSered
tor the capture of the toccndtorl
who hare been ntarttof Bne at lot
of late.
Torch Lake. Wedneedar. wb


. ,7ttf.“re!:,'‘ij

a.ellk |er*ll-l wlUiUke weal liar tontimli)d»
k-nlkial. ou. hvwdrail uid iklrWae <IUi lee* to SeWf««y. tbe •» iMw et *i

n help At that price. Uurand tann.
a piece of slab thrown b*
c« to.«r- by tbe »aw.
rt meet % train* bad *ollcli-------He aa* ronder..d i
Amertea br
- • .*•• boure later wl
the Bavarton »toie lallwar* wUbto
Ctobrtm^HtoicIto of Laa*l
the tost tbrae raar* had prarab un outr tH with blood poU.
1 and auerti
*all*taciorr. and Uibi ibelr durahll. iracted whIICLcaHsi (or b
n enmpletely
Itr hbd baaa called Into buceUoa. to
lA week btiel
ibeie report* It to btoo uoeited thbi
' day eelebralton oa Tbi
ofI a limb
.. the Aaerl, »t. All of the tarloui
aiperu bad deeto^.............................
Perrlc. who
„ oalr lajt at
aclratlon* of ihr v!li
M troB bichl
lea rfar*.
n acilve part.
muenuiLu bite*. The child'. bod>
I thickly cotenM wlib punciunw
Tbe ninth anmual i
— -I btwki lo fuol and ibe
le Vpper Penlruuto
BenlMula iFTrcmen i
and blinered
_latloa. to be held to
In B
Hancock A
oMTland rn.m Ohio U>
;. will Ju- i
• 6,
S. 6 and
laddtee from alIJS'rr
> oSeW ooarou i
Tbe fatal mtoUe a

.;3S3??*.rrs.trsj sR'sirfki-f
1. owin. k
n. ku a*A a eaiaa



ank* to I^troli toj.^.«-l

o'clock Tue»U)'

■ant kf KuaCto «ka| Ibe tune Itow. .S. -bo eboi -bddtnc Into hi* thl(b
ifa offaUto emUene brm to Ifalr
be week tlltt the Foortb
lief tbkl Ibe .lUfaloD -111 oUtotol
:toboto| ■ to, luBartimIroto
e etofUed ud ibe efforu of
loektow. toniHetootle lerum bb* been
tolled UialM be reworded. Is M
' br Ur. Oiutto to the hope of
uorteri Uie obdecikion urced to tbe lavtol bU
■ruprtetor of bn
B* WM far* k lot nad mnfa pm peetof of poru to Prtooe Cbtoa'n 8. Edward*, pruprteti
exhiblitoc bi ritoL «b*
- Nh k UU. faki proetolmad <*r- ommunlaltas ore ressMed fa n
are dlplotodito vulbble deelssed.
^hop*. to ptocsu Ruuto. No asi
prlboD. (be wound
a cd lfa eom M -bbifwtobofatoOe BOf Iblerreoi.
or tfa open ^


. mri'r mr^A^ald
liichkr*}. .Ik Ib.kMdlkcail bju-ibidkid. tee kua-

’ Sbndnbmum. Ihc vrm-k ride:
I Cnpl- Brell'k ui~i> of I'. 8.
ilch to iifobnbl>',lbo beet
mb rldini! ckinlry In Ibc
NonbiK^ iDdUD bbu hi _a util*
en In l\.toake)- nnd to nol I knonu
»n» to ibla ilcli liy. Th.
ode b srml

Homer Hemon of Bny Cllj, seed




I ‘‘MS^StouJeo (Ui.-J^okS >
COKU Boor.l of Trfae moo, %»» di
ed In bli bite's poaaeaea- nblle 1
mini Id the Inke. II.
no e


aad It to fnrttoe orfaesd. ifatwu* »mSm.

iwtoi^sd IS ihrUrsod Ti»»»eiw

‘■'•■JSiii'vsS'S"” ■ mr,


' litot *M pabb

Jufarto Probue

OTATl <iy m. KlilAb'-THg PW-iUTI


Prubat'Otoreti. ia> .11, toT.srmrOI). k
UktoHneuK' -IO Ibr Iwn,, wwead

a Lee.RT.'Wto'
'^'utfa CUSI kee to Uki Mswto Tbowkss Win
ktukp.ilw'~d Dsktog sktoadme* C W,o
ko**k *• e.'-vtoiv farUk, Slol I* awto euun.
blood, dito to oegiccied Ihtor ai>*l silwkiswirsiue s-mui. sad tbrlr ,

pclaoned bioed ibrougb vets* asc aitenc*.
It taed lo be conifaMud ifai only unaary
.trouble* were to be weeed lo tbe kidney*,
but now modicn *cicace prate* ifat rfartj
all eooiautloiial dueaee* have tbeu begmUl ssd KdbiT.
Blng In kldMy trouble.
A tronsw,.
II you ate sick yon can make no tnirtfa
by ftnii faemrmg your ktooeya Tfa mild
tfa Ifa mtraonbnery cBeci of Or. Kilma s
t, Ifa rre*’ kiam







[home CHEER
MRA.M.K.&BATU. Ulter.

lo.uu U« bor ttet Mi Twdi hiB 0

Dimd« Ultk* kM fUl «t ciM.
vrko d4N4 b> htcb OK lai« amt tr
Aa4 l« U« tT3»e f4Mr N47.
Uk* 4 k4P»T eUM. Oral
Whw« b* WWk4 4 all* vUb m.

r aLiiurv for ibe i
ftrtt «llb rokslekf c
r«4 hmlrad «lrl ■

b«vt gowB oe* pt44t
uT thi* fvni'b4v« fogsd oat ko» eiirvaclr SM<«I it U >■
Pkhor for «(>««l4l uccMlOk. 4Bd aon
liIkBU will bo «44t«d (■»
I (ood Ume to cpt up 4 I'lock
b» dlTldta* II

I Sunshine. ||^

He voeld'iiw ii£h 44 I4- Ufted
of rebuke
> lorlop CD4aler'( Ntrik
----- - -................................ ........... know* tbil'tbe «d( toowi:
d 4 fault, nj
sremirr puoltbBeat fur bln 1I144I
Tb. RIM of the A«m«4.4 toy.
*». ‘
»«>r *1» '• l« «
Mu«> inm «40e or whip.
I kneed to be creu uod be hn««t • <>0* *»«• tot kbO« »h4'

ky ^ niM*

B* UmM IbCB 411 — ib4*fcU»</ lk«

It bM 4l«4rt beeo poauble to gel a tboroo^ good Piiab if eoe
were aiBiig to p4T the Itighe* pries, ladreir 00 well f^yeen a
But to bad 4 Piaao of qaility bad reliabilitrat awdente tea, 1
proUem Uui hi* tw^ ben Miecd be tha great Kane hone.
h4Te tcreraJ nuke* thil fill tha loeg-teh waat, but aoae betw thu

We wodied the piaao laarfcel tor rein M fiad 4 piaao
etcelieoce 41 a moderate price. Oar ide^ are
reahzod m the
WILLARD. Here a aa iuatfutueat of ccerect wale, cfcc aad mdlow toae, aad 4 qdeadid bcticm; Briag boaeitiy boOl, bp cn i
coocera with ilaioal ottoiled capital, d caa be deppaded t
wear admiraUp, aadet^^^ifem at mtatoica. The ea
eztiemdpaniBbciBdai^exircBclpfaBadnac.aadfiaclr I
Cboiec of mahogaap, oak or vafesL Few piaiiaa at pap peioe are
taaterefiaed ioMpk. Yon caa hare «w of Aoae Cae WILLARD
PIANOS CB pajmeat ofoalp $10 cmh. Aca fROO or mote moathlp.
The iawyaiDeet wB be dchvcicd ts pom home' at oace We abail be
^to Aowpoa AeaePiamatodtdpiiamaie aboA '



239 E. Front St.. Traverse City.
Maio Store. CcBcral Offices and Factoo'. Detroit. Mkh.

r Lavrwncteury. Ind.wa* avakBfAaMiBB tbe
are ■made
wUebi tbe aboM are

naika «f itmmt hiiMM.
CMlllK. Mlcb, J»ly
U« L«k« CMUIw ud MlicbaU ud
ifiBS MV ih* av V* toBM ll■l■Hl
a (te> !«•( MUM Mb* eoaagab


.j elmutettr. A pUat ba* boa l>•Ulled by tbe city oleetririaa tor tbe
porpoae. aad li U la eacoltet vorfclaa order AU don <• «kkb tbe chy
tai baa Bol bm paid are satbered la
by Ibe dot calcbv, aad electraented
usleu lbc m^y to radaem them 1*

^y^iiSuildU lb>

Menellk. fur wbom many valuabl.
preaau will be taken aluus
of lbc broker'• buuurUI frteada la
of tbe I

lovM asd aoiaJtar. At tbe ItBc Lbc
rrriaot at; waa laid oul. uM a tbeae
aacMt banal aaMa «ai Imia don
aad lu euauaia iiaooTcred. la Baar>
I; ai (MM oaa ahaMoa baa baea
(Doad la aab Boaad. atboudh oaa
«ra* oimad bavaab U* labet la
vbleb tbara amad to ba so aad a
baaaa bosaa. mxa; a vbicb
a cbildias. aad a (Via erual

atanoal aad aabaa la (oaad a
a*a(} aosad. Uka ai aatar; Coa
amad UadUlae. tbU vaaaal U aia
a dar. into otaleh la Bliad Baa p
1. charged «
ttrtaa a dasru aad BlaL Tb« dsoo
»ho^ d
(faaaa oa aoBe a tba apoctOMM i
If Ibe law thal protect* bcB
«Btla laMrestlac aad lacraloua. U_
... laye ha re- Vera la elrictly iwlorced, Ibem. in
a (ba BOM eaoaoa la the tbsoib meBbora netblbf from
Ibe lime be duiiriu’ir aniuala will auua eatabllab
aa (be booseoUe oul
ooloDlea on saariy all ibr aonbem
eft borne Ubill be . .
amad the sdat a a (da Otbera o
■IrhUtaa •ireaina
aio Id laaMUiki.a sa If taada ar... I In Uuluih. Utoa 1
At MIk Kapidt tbe Udiee of tbe riv.
naea Tba chaeba nt him 10 come bum
a akhrp attek
eh formed a frame ailble .
a tba haabat.
«hlle baklar are Aa much u fC.bOO. It
u> boU It tai
the old j Improvliig^Uie li
Beat from NcBaunee
pWaIr rMUe.
BTUbblng 0
la a elasrad aeld us the border at UBUT every munlb m money ord<
••park- al I
of kllchici
men wbu have come over here
tba oM

urk aad left Ibolr famlllee In ib
(VO Uke_________ ________ __
H' taaviDB Whio already partially
>me land
met taco bariai boee a TtUage a
pniilded for thruuitb the Beoeruok
" owiBB the tbacoibal
M*e« dUbaa aad Hat cbipa caa
idler u( uQe public aplrlted cltlaeo
try I'cUakey baa beci

uichv. of B creature upivBTenily hall
vman ud ball beuL At s nhoui
urn teler Ue crwaiure druppeU -the
Iia. riuwni; toto tbc water and e*
ip..« SoUlk* l-lleve. that the .t.-a

, ruuiilug III B'moM ilv-i-ip’j
,bii. H..f.c B1.0 olhvf Yukon
diumiwil.Tk BTC hiirvlLk for
.ut. UB h<.rM-Uck nuU b>
I whH-b cu uacend TUkc-UB
MenbBlI river* to wllblo io
Ibe kirlkc
P.mrih trf J'll..
,) <r.*.k. h«v.. Ip.e-u cniir.-:.

I depiri.-.! hu,
e Bid of B


tbe vhtta ana. ntithe etalar at tkttr wislv a
and bare kaon to pnadoea akalaWai
. Alaas tka aborae af dam rlrar
bare baea toaad maw auaa tm^
■ rn*- laeb aa BObvad axes, ealltaBd
aackara is a bsToa OB tba tan ef doate LaraebaUe. aasd H. tall Too
last down No. 7 laellae ■haft In Ike
J. H. nan. a mn na Bbb ap
All (bm •fldaaett ef------------of aa eaUael HmU tesck of Ike tmiurnol A Kecla
nea vere aa fort IB to (ba ladlaaa mlae V UalomM ad atlll aurvivaa.
sa (bn ara lo t a praani imhaUi- He wa* ropatrlaB rollen. vhea be
. ___
. Ihi » laBkiata Iba
paara tbai hart rolM by. A pise
mamp. eaar MB roan old. ataada oa
loa a*
m lop Of osa ansail. Uadar It vaa
naad Ibe akllioiia eev tba faaa of
I. who died
vWob bad bna plaaad a tart* tbaU.
................. ........ ........... ara old aad
nv la Ur. MaaklilaVa eoUaeUos.
i(p aofpar IrnBlanma bare baea ■loBte to^a^^^My
faaad. aad tka aimi are peaaraDy
a family of 10, ad of (hoe if It who
bate dlad Ibe youhBMt al tbe time of
dmih wu 17 yean. All of tbe otbara
'bo are dad lived to be orer 17 A
Bur of Ura Tmbull aorrlvee
low York V the hae of M.
Dssmi itesdi. a iMileai I Vtf vat(SB. na fouad dead In be
riday He wa* a bonpluU
IB Iba elTlI war. aad al. ____ ,
tea ta tbe UatorT of aay attpot
u Isoraaao of psaatoa aad
^hpolMi iiilii or BibMln «i
w day ha dlad l»7.» hack pay vrivad. bal loo 1st* lor him to rack
M a larso for.
Ho n* 11 roan of aa* aad bu
M rslallva. oampt poaialUy a brotbv
Brmm n oeasia u anarsd- n» m ta ohtoteearal aya aao bon tend a
saown. b> ba • pnapalai ms, it w*
baltee la-a wheat Bold a tbo
hnsB iiaatu. aa Utte a atadlam paper
Laruy Hotemb farm aoolk of Qnlaey.
-tr«b a easilw naaUty at um Han Tbe
qoeladad to iaBaU tbe bal, «m be Bte Mw te Msaa an toas. lad*
aad rac* otestad with bero- baava iaerta. Tba faatart af (k* proaaM wan sand tor that porpoae. •*»
(be ballea aaetaded aad paimed or*
anaa. .«Wa are a reelraJ «f tbe aeversl ataeki of vbal aomc cf the
hvBlat na fall tron tba halhta,
aUsbtlaB a (be wheat, la u latui
Iba •lack* was la tame* aad la tau
tba hag a bosf tbe aeaea'a crop

•'^Ef.:s sr-SEfs* lu. »


■nr. atm TMo Batata vUi auraet to *%a^te'^'lut vaek vtcWu ebeep
• ■(. inato Iba nbtte fUtomro ot te
««M, and tba vorU'o noauot atbbeteBlBB to C. WUmanb
tna alB ba tea la taba lanla tban ________ ad
by doB> aad bafore they
eald ba drtna avay bad kllM U
«Btta« Iba aoataa v
aad vaate many otban. The h
tete* ta tta Anataar AtbMi
win be bMvy to the dICeral on-


^ or jteBBtoaktp ^ ba Btea.
SCtmm ahanpteablp. u vUeb


«*Uto m-bd(hlaB V Imke

Tbe Br.i anual 1
Nonbero illchiBU
«k'i aeaita al
aaaembly bean a v______________
beir Btotuidv belvera Lak» ^mv
' MlicbPlI-laai cveblhs. Tbe
■y “har'piml
ibaaeil a BM
BTOuad of Ou M . -ad. .prvjpuae

elid> a llaptwl reaon almllv t<
of the Ueibodleie at Bay View. A
rwBvilv pniBiwm of lectura will be
•a evh ria> duriny Ibe week Tbe
rmbly will be held tbia reaea to
e irau. but arra&Bemeoii are
IB made lor tbe creciloB of pavll
and inluble quartan Ow bO
Ulen. wHh their famlltoe. will be
m, loBrlber with may lay mem.
Croton farmer, while puIllbB
Hump*. (TM etruck to (be heck by Ihe
•d^ a brokM toq chala aad nearly
A ilelta man wa* (attoalaB aome
rnev wire to a poet wtaen tbe other
end rinirk one ere, dmtroylBB (behe bhrayard Bale,
lae ud rlnc* the duov
ock every monlSB
mllkma claim* to have
perfected a device wbenby he ca
'to the hWilUBca un to (be rwanlAB
lOr of hi* baesr. viach Ibe freottr.
Ill with (Team and Ice. ad Uve Ice
T«im rudy by the time be evabe*

Anntaa teMln Borartr Bi I

have roiii|.l.-l.-.l the I
nu-i of laud oo the w.
I11.I..U1 m.-r B khtoi
If W.-.1 IS.Ini, Bh.-rv- I
eviul.ltkh * Itajvitki


L Daria cB ibe (orairy
B tba aalvanhy. bu b _
ia mvaadatte of tba past
tetek. to daiirmte tbeir

iloo an rapidly Deariny

lAyearold aa of UarUa Da
B Oraad Haplda. Ml borne a
U* Mepcla a nak apo taaday
be* BM bte beard bom aiaaa.
Cartaia. ato.yaar«)d '
Maaabar aad te t-yearMd tsMte

The laryori tr.
eewd wa*~Touad
wa* tead UiU week kl Oeooa.
Wto by Fruk HacUay* It I* white
aad wetee IM yrataa It ma


le ta (he river, (be MpBaai las
___ -jwe ha baa te yaara It mtate yrom te dam to wtuia a mUa

teTte te te avtn tor te
tease at tela laatardar vttb
BOftearo «te bate tet teir 1

■ed Waaa-a Olaba waa bald
The aa nf Oasrpe Hadaa taU off

2a«e n Vbte Oa- Oriaado ■.

= ~“5Sr3H
S ttete'bte-Mda^u

t «M tea» based «Wta

(Bate of Ibe hrata.

taad enUa BO lew
f wooda atate a
wear (bea ta (be old comtry ud
bare IAa«bi (be*r abUdra bars |b
(Ua cesstry (a wear (baa. Meet af
' ■ os BSdi ta TiHbsB.

TJitaa Mil.-, who 1. that coUas
Ik «ay with Johu UaretooV Very
gv.G tx^liiK tor teber. 1* ItlUp Aid
fkiatou-* coQ«iii He. ll bare

RrY.'Kt>urL'e..ti N’lh-v *iiiui>i.-riiig liere


M><- i..uW tto- tvMiieii to help bee

MM a m.M. >I.oaM
; bav.. BMvih.nB I.

Knylaud. vc IH.B •Isle of •.
ilarm. caiucO »> the npprrbi
ul a volcaic eruption
ccenll; been keen l•.llll.K friim
Ihe top ol 0 iC of lb.- KiMob biKk. tb..
. leak, ul Moxburpblr.

1 repulilon. The So
eOety lor Ue Ifevmimn of CrueJiy
to Animal* Icgard* tbU u a btcbi
-Ictory tv Ue cnutc.
WllUaa H. Seymour ut Brockpurt.
i. Y., cwlebraled bi» one hundrtHlBnd
Iril birthday . lanl week by cBU-ribg
.^roquet touramafii and making otie
If the but Bodren. ktr. Seymov b
lae of the weallhtel retadrst* of
lelBbborhuDd lie retirvd from t
lea* twenty yun aso. having m

.tiuw- the .tiiolluu of lialred 1*
not » good ou.- t." lihlulge-react* pc:l.-ally on Hie bealtb I hope tet


Noto Kuward tai.l tlu- k...March K.'IV.i:. TbU ve>«.-; eoki
Th. Kins Kdward VI] I.
. I..III
dliplncemeni. osly
moi.' iban the Luulkiaua.
•ulldlng ai
^vw*. aud^

of lb
"'“'teiw'' f''


fartin'; of Hicbinosd. Va .
to ef k-c of the b«t
ODDUtok. ud i*
_____ _ ... ,..-iCi ov*r many 1
uf lerritoo
He *a>a Uare I* eoi
big elty B w
dhtot dlynllary v
I Japu. ud lb


el aud lovely and wear pretty
l..-k ami .'huru. u« lueu lu |>rlTt(e


to ber auu.'akj -u.raiK. v..iiw Uytny t.. S|K-ak to i>ul.ll..: iK-iekUble. I
DC- llkUK] It. ..-coua.
> repurl.-d tr.iu v.lth.-t |.1b
'•|'«jd to.rvl. how uiu.-h yuu
-anna luaile.l with irca>.i
I III an lal.'i ..t Vermlllk. . llB) don't Lnoa- 'H-' v....u.-u ..utdid with
LatoX-lte li.d.ti,. two
yuld and k.lver culn> may
' do ..iiylhli.g hy bal.e*.' ani.l Kkthrf
, Zam. bo Ue wjueeky

ta o« by I
•bd (be a

alt I can my.-

-Kstber. ENibto. don't lay tet U ya
n't mean ttl Don't yu aeo I am
d.jd to e*rne*i7 I Mve yoo. Co M '
Hkiber. a* I never ibouytal W k>v* os*
af tbr aei we lay* *ald we iiigllil
wheo w* kw-w ta-lter aU tlie Um* and

EMbrr. yon trU ow.. a ytii two like aad
ailuilrw tat. Thrre I* only one ytri I
•Ml a etraw to bare like or adadre me.
nd that ytri u yuu. and you kaov IL
.(ter aU Uat be* l»en. can yoa (oriT.-v teUnr, IrfI ote tbc (TUtk. Can
ou m* and admliw' mer
T1U deaU: at teaf tarn ronvriaA.
At tet be lauybed am wblle Ua
nu drew bet to blu aud be kterd ber.
A year afterwarvl Uete wb* aneUier
.Dd vromen both parilclaud It wa* eveo better
en'e n-tobratkia had b*a
vere mere toea to help
tat tbe ptrale dinner end make UtaBB
lively. ThlJlp Allman, vbn had )^t
town yradoated from lie Bd uaivenlty
uruT a v*MiII ruble record In letlm
and a briUaut one to bmvy vtaybl
albtotks. mad ihe Dectatijla la a
moklcaL ImpreMive bam vole* br pr»
Bounced tear word*
-We bold Uewe trutbs to be oetf •«(dar-bere hi* eye* reved eataily over
hi. aadlenee till they nstod npa a
UwuUful young Udy. vbo imlkd.
bluabed tatotly and looked down; tea
cattooed- That all men. U
dodte vemea. are created niiialite
tliey are eodow.d by tbe Creator vrltl

I nn_bt. of v..wtKw.

I la rumbltaBk "*^h.- woBM-n'* hrw« 1.
a-UL Til. Star 8p
ll floateit tl.n.ugb ll
ecbokl emoug Uh- kill* o


Zao.. dreawkl 1.. while,
i.wn Bag dru|.d
<. atepa np and iraJi
• ration of lodrpiodiiicr."
It pretty creature to pink over
■I the window' ! **y I dont bo-

'erre Haute.
eldatally let kmaa to tbe vHlaye of
Hlsbtaad niay. Fa. a tbe (op of Ue
*m A party
bleb laded
Alayhaleu. aad eoapleu 1
____ two
ayo I* wid flje. Into, bn ear Tb* child bad pu.
Ikm a* a imult 1* ntyBlay 1
on tbr iBland
«eb captured ud klllv~l and the fUew to bit ear and ImprUonod
realdaat*. J
C. Allbrtei.
ptaeo. had ooUootad (boa for a awtlien by Ue IsdUb* Tbe brm wilb the pebble*, t
,ell of II Ml* pafentt Ibe
evB aip^^.^ WIe ttetas thaa Ibe ______ yuvernmcai aral a punlUvr

■ MrmrS^^iStaaS

I.... hk.l a pccnlltr laiorest
III. ii.otv Ilia., any other Vo
I.K>k> or flowetw bad rrer bold,
ahe Bita I.lniU Mite veot for a
ng n n, u|k.ii lltolr hl.-y.hw he
Itol l-.-.M alouc tbruv In llw |miU
ta ll.i.e to .-.■■o.' Immo wlU tiK-m.
A* Katber Zaur, wbrs Ue atroBy
• ikl ,4 thl* 1K-IW..U of Ue bated eax
.niv-bed ber inu ber heart beat fauter.
<hc ktH-w. It «rx» uttorr. hut bM afm
rre .term aad keen*r tbu eibar
How*' eye*, a* that when be leeked
her tbr coDld not toca Um back.
It dr..|i[a<l Li t eye* Ukr-a (ool-wb*
IKW- glaiMw had orver fallen befoes
e BOX' of OtoU. 8ha abook beraalf
iJ ruhbril ber ryra. Sb* laid:

.( Buah cnpl orer Altman'* (aco: Ha
eoKv dfggvped low end tenae.
- UteXZau... 1 nmml toll ya bow
Borry 1 SSL 1 did nut know-. l did sot
Uitok. I never ooce tbouyht tet te
Kirv luiaUev-laal a man
ktuivlf 1* the Itotler be can aSoPd du
let women have ttolr cbince too. If
ooHeye men kiu-w ylrl ■Indvnti,batter
Uey T<Hild;bc te Ucu tuotv Ilk* ycs" -foeu.leu* HTFst^Jj^na. I uappeoe
w 1 can nre.-r dvmfTV In yoor Ul*ta
e luwjudlrr I put there by my easM toward you .vUeg* ylrt*. ABBlB.
I can't
•n't tell bow
bow oorry 1 ask and tefa

tni...i-.|, drum" OdUle ami
Jolly .-i-ri band It l>. 1*011n dlktortmg her fa.v I


vligb.iy I
Jog puB.


akpadllWa to the letond. the aoldtor
aCsen way and......... ...............
had a Byhi with tbe ladtan*. and. U
cloed tka repute aeaped. Albrisbt eordlny to (be iiory fna Ouayaaw
wa* badly blua aad net to Ue bom hilled a Bomber ud aapturad *U
plul lor taoctaat. On (he way be vbo are to prlaa at Oaayma Tbe
wa* -bteped twice te (an drivtas. Indlau are dwerUed u latye. •trosy.
|Hii wite be abowed U* aaabe Utoa of dark enmplexia ud veartoy la<
(StUan 'air.
Ad Mid tba •
■ Ud -----------I ba ws* Bl­
(wmrmtay aboal
■or aad DO rwii
WIU cheap tabor
lowed to cteUatia k^Joa^. ue ha
Ibem the Rowla
I* uaante. an prepartay u> ea
ge tn aalmoB fithioy a tbe Blber
to ih* towB yet to aae g otben hw ■ caw a a larye *cale They wtl
haa blitcB by the nptUaa. but Ua
abarp competUon lew trade wow
atroUad by Ue Alaaku aalmaeu
_yrte Tbe caanertoa will be ewiAm buUBB tbe aaate aad llUed at Paknrn ud HarankoB ban
bsndred* of Una have bea Ullad.
Tba otban are amaptaB to tba aoa, totter' from tbe Acre torrio
ate ladteUtei ptacte sadar
a. actedtoy to Ue Hew Vtot H
a AIM^ epaal Ue pairKM Jaaerio eorreapadat ina.
te BraalUa amy I* partohlny uader
sad vsisad hi* coltaettas st II
fever atucka. «» bimdred oteen
The besd asd era of te a

Ito-Und to Mr
. ... I..-JI. cvkvl. of fire utwin telr
.*h.- *u.ldt-iily torned abat
lid Ik-ui... >vt.k-i *k *B auyel-a far
•It aiigel. Ilial Ik. and uuatUtnaUe.
'lilll). .MUuau nollerd that uf all ber
■ ll.l.'iy lo.tok H-k Kalber rnne wa*
.1... of lb.' frli'perlvwt. She wore yel.... toUkllto that .-tivelopevl Iwr Ilk* n

' Ill Kklli.T Zaner
r tl .iiwilglit !.<• dlkcovcred that a
.1.. I.. t i..u.'bed.alKB>k*belmd

-lailoD had I-

f 'rtniriKla.


ury mom *wlftly wlib brartaln
alh.-r Oiuval IvrIUght UroSSh
uliul..* rhlllp he*rvl K*ter
t a kpv.. aouy-ter, eweet and
. lie aal Mill and Ualruid and
.1 Ibe riny* of oBOk* be lasllr
rum hik Up* were (te tbe cniur.
Ui-r Zou.--* preftlrwl yray atreet
yovku Tben hr laid t.i hlmaelf:

d b> Jam.-. ^Kdir< of New
k ag.i 1I0
u. of Ihe
to deliver
.eriha the In
> Ur Stoke*

drop dead.
War a moaqulluc* bw b»-u de
by 71 town* of New J.f.e>.
•cot repreecntotlvee to Newark
they fumed a cuugrv-u un
to ritlnnlutluo. The object
forth t* to rid New Jerwey of
I, iwthtof Ibe man- ‘

re'Jl never u

kitotrti. Out of oulhege yon eees oo
Ih.. inea^ UlBBB dlfferenU to courteou» aud ctalvalroSA
ly to tbe'RUeyc pn- ao- Bo-eveiyihlng a ytri moat admirea
lioe. l-m afraid I'm

. laily one yroai
which, wa aplll Inio throe (rwcaeuli.
I a t-riiplluo.
Oenerml FauorU-u. cummadtog ihiTcnth dlvtoloB of tbr'»«ich army
test B BOldlei
fur klcktOB B
Uonenl hu Impueed. He any* m ma
.0 BSlthBl ouybl to III

reuk a* t knlgbl vf tbe Uimnd Tub>r:1>>
coll.-ge a piTfen cvrillal Her heart
v.o» aoee. Flilllp i-am.- In.

Hurt UcreBlweya be natacalam, kite
Cane7 (VeU. If* a pliyr
"fin aurjwUed to Inwr yen any tet.
> you who WTVI.- llwae Mtlrv cdJtDCtaka
’ , nualual ua girl* Jum brrauae w^ loo.

which U scb.K.1 . D ■■*•> Hu- uuU..ii-i btrib-

______ "JSS-

te fast of (late ta (ba taa aad ta
lUteai aWlon dnalfau, aan
te •MilAW «ata IB cart, aaftea
mm faet wtehta sMte dows.
abl fodnri.



■ fter that tbo American flay
cblhlreo uug -M.v Couiry. Tl* of
Vhee- TI..-U while tbe women-* orcb.wlra |iUye.l Yankee Doodle- we a**eiul.l..l for our ba*ke( pknlc dtnner.
i V.B. tbe meat fetcMny
Vonrih of July c'lebrwUoo I erer attcoled, V. lu nut one of roar
wliKl.-d ,.rBi..r> that are neb a
nultooce to the u... ling* of no men."

15? Su-u-t:;'

ttoakeu for protectlop (roa
____eoapsay which wa* playlaa V •Mllnat pewl*. The mrect*
Batila Crack, wa* atrsek m tbc aoae rb»U.
tobooM rsate* o« tbe aad of

Waabbte^tte BA-T»a rapon

CSS »gte» ^gte^^ of a

„ait pri-tiv B fei:. '
hto believe If

- (r1|« llBivll.v ■ le- .ivBtuiv wii* left
bnUl.-. m,r~ lf ei.>-|.i lirwml.ln.l iJrote.
clgbiy yont* ol.l uud n .Tli.f.h-; (be

Praak Haaimy*. the buy,
..lean of aye. found H la a nu*afceil while to a bat Beblay dokn
a meal )c*el*r, bouybl ll Tbe report mei
"Thrito ihlch‘1
baa (ba mtatgr at mora aai-----.hrven InJurCkl.
______ from tbe abell (v M,B7i
. X7( pickpocket* cap.
ww ineaaed lu u lrrc«ular
*d. 1,0(1 artlc;
■anal «raMor at oeru for tbo Faria
iHirikwal Ue baatlfnl pearl. Ua pie re*cued from canali
real valae 1* aald to be (roa llJ.te A party of mtouia n
, I IWIL «•!*
•a. iwtarnlBB ft
ne Htelok Oasiral ratlfoad oomUe arrival kf a
par ^^1 at
urUy ovot Urm leei each, were ac-

IE •

.i.kliug light U|kui Iba
Ui-l U.-I.I ..a. r Ue bo*rllal ««pa t
h*.l .vl«ml..B.Kl n. aod Ibe light vould i
l-e icai a luiiirm curried h.r Uoiber
Ul.-k.-rdyke, .-iii m ith an orvterly ex-'
amliilng lb.- Iw.!l-* If l>ertaap* thaw I
not >. t Ik- a apart of life re- ]


Thera are Ibne laka la Aatrim Larlupur. bettor known u Ue locu
uwa*Up aomewhat above tbe lovvl eM. I* brlnylDB bavy low to catUv
of the aurraadiBB couatry. A sum. _rn to varlaf eertton* of Hcmlao*
' " iB to dralB than Aftor two yean of traadom from Ue
of the lakM by weed Ue ranehea are auln eoofroni
_________________ i a poead laba. ed (rtU It ad do«n. of cattle are
a *o dolBB a larBe tract of lud wk*
badly Hooded A law*ulb wUb bwvy
ud uBte* cloeely waichdamaya I* t)m isralc
I on tbe run. ctupplng al>
wMW moaqulue ao
vlckMu alof tbe Ue- long eouufo to attack uything ud
ihlny to Uclr path. Thl> laau
Uen employed on Ue
mllDUH for perbap* Iwcnty four
. Jte (bird dam are come
______ when tbe unfortuaie almal*
.pellad >1 eaepad

te, tedb a« lateBi ptetefc abm
tote «a *0 «oa tea cart of. aad
te imnfon mb Ite tn nOa.

to Ohio when the lodlanv were ^1
un-und them Brins bullet* Into Ue fort
, tiud bring from Ibe cabin of Cbeocoer
.J : Ifao.' ■ keg of iK.wJ.-r,-for Ue men to
' I tbe *to.kadr wtow onl Of ammtiBltMs.''

> lay. Th,- ;
rly nil av>>y .-

Kred Kloliua of AlbkoB. played <>a lhc:cenll}. whil.
rallaay irark vlik her dull. Aa eB. mca be ml . .
, i«rpk- ami ihcj cl.Btae approaebod. and iboutb Ibe lli-itVoliiK (i:<> la
u bead to fool. W lUilo an
e OBO bad Uaie eaouab to aave her-1 i>apen. A thun»
.aa knee deep In ihv «lrcvl
nr. abe (farad fv Ibe doll, aadlul Ihe premleee
.lank walk, lu placx-r were
ailed to pick 11 ap She vm alrork. [arail Aa oBce:
ad died ihortly aftanrvda
think of bt> doB. Bhe va*
• »..>ere eplditulc of ha) fever pre
Tbe tell Telepbm^people. hannB
le »c«m sad to leaa tha 10
1 In London
7'be \Vi->i End 1>
laid the lual pockeUouk at
are* partlcularlv aBecled over
rbot. decided
1 abelter
era feci
ll bad evidently
J cue! having Ixeei retained to
Ibolr blB force f workman 1
Id by aome one ud thrown
d to hotel aductori In Ibe city aim Ihe com
unfreit. aad
ipot. until the wuuld be thief
tlltolr )ob*. •We i
guualed apol
ivc an upportuBliy to aocure
buuld have
<me ol Ike mm.

they vrunU yd tw.k to Ibe t-u Bd oB
peome bergUOte. ebe Ueebampteor
Ibe C-o Kd*. be tb< leader of tbe ■*«**
They would'
biller rnemte eon*
BkJev. man tgatoat wonian. vamu
asatoal tuau. kh<tber Zone aal atoae ta
the twilight and aIgbevL
lib. wkr
woald men be «e uojuat to womat
tHdllp Altman. I'klUp .tlHnan: Owl 'ot
cnllege Olanly. toonvun* and Uiral-


VV lu» wu k.lklilUVcl I-! •
n UBOK-d Ccmi. k b1 Colum

ibo plova (ara op aev traatorea The
rnalai ad aararal atauada opooed b)
aarir aatUsaa atlll nUl aloaf (be
Imakt. vbkh anaa abnipllr from (be
vatar. auklac aa idaal aad ilBbil;
eampiBB mwad
Aim and klich
Is erne
up (be lake abore (be •bleb tbe palnaa roeetred M.OMi.
Bniva OUy It dlBBlni
vniar. la conpav «<tb Ur. Uaskta- lorAltbe
™r?iT}d Woutua of
UlUord ba* a
eloeirte IIbEi pb
krm. nteeXlT opaaed op aeearal ire ibe depthaev
pointer whieh the dog polxinore bad
of IM feel, a qtiaa
plu. la tom caaoe a depth of Bee
iM'tlor let aluoo. He bad *oDe time
load na raaebod btdore eomlac to
ago 111 playlBB *uh tbo doB
the orutaal toll LarBe oBoaUtioa of
her l‘> nod thiBaa which hr
elam aballa aad brokee pouorr were
MiDBle. the l ywold daoBhler of I a«a> mil brIiiB ibrm 1
daptk of lov feat, aad ll la probable
Ihta (beae aota aerred aa ponloa ut
Ibolr food It alao tbovi that tbe
oak am arsaad Ibaeo lakaa bafora
Ue (dae vhlcb eorarad very toot

8i uuit taxxm c«mi

Silvia irv.m Ne.
the ftoBTe of *

btirBlary I'etiaker baa l<eeii
abu aBti'eu In furuluh uae-ball uf tbr
V of borBUrtea

and attrmpi
laauraace aseot. frtcbi
eaed burBlara avay fnim
II bla
bb »
Wedoeaday c.etilBl and Tfci
ourolBi the reeldeace of Aid
HrMaaut vaa ealered. but catly_____
dullara aeeared.
^Bu> ttait>B«b
Tbc- Cold tlloraB« OreamiTy Ca>. ut
ha* cluaed bo
Ulddleyllle diiriaB tbe muotb uf June
A Uraad UxJbc li
unablo to ao
1.170 pouda of butlv, fur ivuae the laodlurd

^ Brand baa baeh tl

m Vkf l-ue vtvo war wiped Uetr
k^n. woMa«la*M Ur dtaM Baa they
worw Tbe Bin had get (he achoM teOdra (oce(te-ta»e let tbe heya ta a'
(bat and dtewte them ta a rnttrd
Sate* Ba< ubWti. la Ue spper Ml
hand curD.-r of a (vctasyle of trnirlte
rtalBf erne above aoMber tbe yMe aat
They wort htoe drewr* nod acrled
: »mall white |«rea>!\ attr *ba|WvL The
i boy. WWW rwl and white mnattn aiH
I end CW1V.W and «at to ml and wblm
I atrU>« betow and to tbe left of tbe
I yi(U. Girl* wared tbe alar parueola. wnod ibelr red and white enpa
. (Vaut It a Bn.' kle*. Phlif Ob. .ra'Te
. Betbtiig to luy .
-Next a aw.vt old aalnt of a wens
:-wlU wUte hair lokl tbe captog efaU' dren wlini W.H.O O. t.u. had door for

The Woiiien i
Declaration of

.urU In Ik ymn. tbuugb fav piwxsac.
"'MoubI^ eo« tbe other
ulJ power of kpuvch. Thi* kiUk alienee eitoai*-.) from a bial kbow Tbe
day opened her etable doc*, paaaed
.a voluatnr}. Wheu be wu W yi-v
IbroOBb two room* and climbed np
■W Kudiui nindv eunic uiuraw<
( BlBbi ol Btalra. eueialalBB autarn
rhicb iDVulvxI hlm»'lf ad •unic
nepf. to tbe eceoad atury. vbore ibu
Alfrcel McCtUtock. a Oraeobtiab riend* In tciibli-. aBd* Iben he ni^
lead ta atorad. Her oner vaa pularmrr
aled aa tp bow to art the aatmal oiy.
bet Ibe cuw beraelt abariJy aoleed In Ibe fiiure he will probably coo• BD BI'eMiV.
tbe prubb-m by calmly nlklna dovu Bne bim^'lf to verbal ralUhB at iben
• ..-a.I^tor^mv
Ik ilf oOi.-r>
of ibem came by bl> place tbr
T day end (nrhlrtied bla borace.
... he I>k-a<a) up a fuDce rail aad
Ihr.-e h to Ironi of (be iiiarblne Tbe
latter aaa r»ei at a lively Ball vhea
U'llau l r*ieei 1
n airurk Ibe rail, and waa •omewbv
lie owner waa mad; and
to alwra Uc<?llnu>rk
that rrrryooe
e bin cal had riBbta on the taUibiray. had him
ttaua far arrealed ant Boed Is; and coeu
liouabion boaau of tbe oldeat fire
eeoucb taU to (Ive r
keopina their Bo.
ptaata a ra^d aad
|.ro.i>ect II
If the uButually luaa aet|la a
>d a taal Auctial la hot repeated ,the
thia rev the farmen a Hiailcaa *tU|the
hartral the blcaeet beaa crop tbeilere'

M««m *iImwUIim Manda •»
•MrrvbOTK >■ erUa*ea. lb* •cat a
•bUi biTa bMB (vraed b7 cwlo
>B Twlor'a ffVT* M lb* hMtarvd
dtiT* tmud Ibe lab* iter* rM f»BsiM a tu«* areolar aoaad W !•«
la dtaaata aad rtalaa
<BM aliore Iba lerai.

, u- ao.

•bai )( O-Clork In the nlyh' by
khn:i kcrvam of Me vif bi* chilto ao adyolBing tat He iprana
h.-d ad ruabrd to tbe dtreciKUi
e icnam*- iBVewtialtoa led him

aad aa-

____ itoM*axclualrely b<
U Vwa BralB la Ibe vot*
aktBB ordara aad
BB to- April.
_____ lasda or babeia t
faocklebcTTlee that erer g
to vaate In loaco eoanty-----------------of tbe acarclty of pickert. people vbo.
ber«tc«ore picked bMTlre lielhB W
OBcd to weedtBB beela Uealera aay
hat lbc crop la one of Iko larsal
irer kBovn, aad that the berrlea are
•xcelleni la quality, but tbe ablp-

.on ca** of earache uniU >
wa* csllod to ud removed the
-• and Bte
eoadliloa* U» year have
Iowa farmer to a moct ptr

MI Bltoail
I* fouad a

rvefy dlrv

a Urea dlfl<

of boyte patriotum even to uiy Urd■sed old MWl. YOU Iiev..r beard tb*
Deri*ration read like ibal. .J'bil’'
“No. 1 sever did. »od I dps '
lotlhaanl"•Vb. 1 kno*
Yi*. abe did that loi
When abe came u. Ihe wonla 'We hoi
InU* to Iw «•!/ evKh Dl,' an
psu*ed tUVaU the, audkw kaAed u

mediate aitoeuon

tniU* to be Bell ----o^?l--------tododlny wcu...-n. are created
tog the hly bay crop,
other neighbor U harv**ltoy esrlj aquBl.^VbBt they are .odowed hy the
oat*. .TbIa aUuatIa I* doe 10 Ihe CrvAhg a ilb certain uaallriial.l.' right*:
(bar aatoDS tewe are life. UliKUTt
aad te pormilt af bapptac' "
loalrv. own* Ue laryeat dairy farm
-By Jover
to New Vurk (Ule. It M Mealed at
“Bhe rpoke tet world (Iberty* m a
Peridale Delaware county, ud ea
give yoa UrtU* down year
tain* Ihit l.vMi acre* On te Urm U
id te Co Bd ylfV' ylee
laryeat creamery le U*
to help bar. They all w
re erery day m te year S5.000.lte
kwertrac Bay* p*DO<d
puandi of mia U made Into a us ud
a half of ylli-odyod butter Tber* arr tetr wtdl* di«oH laal
Declantla tey
SO bod ol Uorouybbred Jer«o> aflar abe Balabed te DeaiUe a U* (arm. Tbe property am aay a sew psliMtM «>ay oa of te
braota ,Ur Arer** cowtry eat (tab benolf bad vrittn m te yraad
Fisa. SOOJSr. WWW wr.a
«».«••. Parmlay oa ao niaalre a eeal*
sU air ta‘Hally BsSBd te nay. Bar*.’
mtebte at hm taitaiy. 1* astetay a atartad a few yasr* ag by te^oS ^ Iksi ba«h
te Easunky Bhers (4 te Ohio river ,a a psttaly asd------

Grain Drills, Disc Harrows
and Land Rollers
Will soon be needed for your Fail
Seeding. Don't forget that our store is
the place where you find the best in the

You will be bjenefited by deal­
ing with
Yours truly,
........I..... .

Ferris Implement Co. Ltd.
in, IH si 111 tabs.



(Ui wirtw. Mr riDVW M
to nvtac MMbOT book. Ite---------«%Wb to toU la Uto ncMi u4 wkleh
-_Jr KMlir------toe w M< binadj U
to to ton tTlw. Tbc


M >wrti UU fcoow vtU ta «l •
to toil—I » th* »rw—I Mtohto «*OBWi. The «tol— an kU toa
Hra- K A. Morrto at Twra Hpto*.
to*, tou •m»— uj —a Um MtoMw vU hto i—ikur, Hn. B. «.
ItoBfioa. ««• —i Aaaibtto
1^0—. M Itoi—r to T
Walk* L. OtBMto- V

^ rrssr-*^___

Mk— Trntoi it Ik* hMto for lb* mb

Jk tk
to il C
k^to *«« —Mftototo

fka II wnk B WBlikllBto nw(.
BBtottobto u»B to toibndFbr all

singles" to put in a
Juat went throiigh our Suit stock an^ *on<
price* to clo*e quick. The Six-Htirty-ciKht goods » .Id as high as Ten
DolUn—the Eight-Thiny-eighi Huits were many ot them ,Twelve dollar
good*—the Tw^ve doHar lot contains line
tine suits up to Seventeen dollar
ingle suits worth
___ At Fifteen dollar* we put in ....„_______
___ as high as 1 wengood*.
sho^ld command
throe dollar*—our very- best—such an opportunity should
rly attention from suit ou>-ers—These prices ought to close out every
glc suit in two week's time.

0UIII8 SUITS-$3.34, M.00

Five dollars and Six dqllat*—to make
ory short
we offer our splendid line of fine
fini Outing Coats a^d
k»ag story
tt JUS*
off retfular prices—best makes only, price Five
Pants at
yr" one-third
— '
dollars Ito Fifteen dollar* in this lot.

{1.88, {2.38, {3.00

"Sliu r
Otol aat Mto* Mallto CaU. aama ow
to Ikatr aatOtoabHt tor Madar dlar. THUMB to OtaatoMU to raal ika boM.
I Cadar Ladg* ttto


MEN’S $UITS~S6.38,
S8.3I; SIPO, SI5.00

_ .
Mm. Hart
Hn. aad MtoB Baaa*
. aad Hn. Pkca. Hn.
iBBUy. Hn.
Lmlvr aad tatoUr.


Fwmer price* from Two dollar* to Four dollars—best makes, perfect fitting,
d goods—no such line elsewhere in the city—who
fine Flanndr^d worsted
iroi pants? Who knows of a better offer than
doesn't Heed an extra pair
liar Worsted and Cassimere fine pants at about OneFourth to One-Third^.

SHHtT WMSTS--50C, 75c, 1.00

These are less than half value in many cases—regular price* from One dollar
to Two Dollars—finely made of best materials—they're worth looking at—thw
price* will close out the entire lot in a short time—it's to your interest to buy


kFtne lot of One Dollar Goods—all co

These are worth One dollar in any city store—we sold' them for Seventy-five*
Cents—now about two dozen left.


Line of black and light colors—worth Twenty-five to Thirty-five cent*.

This offer kicludes a great variety ot styles and patterns -two-piece and three
need ought to have
piece suits—this puts the price where every' boy at all i

This includes b^ih sailor and turban shapes—fine straws that sold from twenty• five to fifty cents, part of them Ire from a line samples—extra value* here for
litdc money.


Sizes from eight to fifteen—worth two dol
dollars and more at regular prices-r
Double Breasted. Square Cut Coats—splendid
for suromm- wear.


About what the cloth is worth—sizes
frodTtWe to twelve years—sold at froor.
one dollar to two dollars—linen and fancy
fancy colors; also whue duck. Here's a -.
chance to make the little fellow corafonable-at
small cost.


Fine dark blue and light patterns, sizes from foar to i
u eaa bardijr
buy the cloth for this amount—extra well made—don't tty to make children*
dotbet when these prices prevail.

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