Grand Traverse Herald, April 26, 1900

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Grand Traverse Herald, April 26, 1900


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text


. __


Real Estate

.A>d Me tba Al^ABt MW Udc of
■priaf S^lee «t WeeieBi mow
ea Mle. wUeb wlU be mede np
in th^LMeet (H7IM. pad At

M01T2C-y TO rOdbJBV. rrMfleUakfOlbei

mm «Qt «f u. kJ ptMfKsS.
Whesawa la taUlabarai. sTrr. ss4 k.!r
lewonalraa ahMl ol tsu-

nwll L L L MUH. iwtti L »I. BML

eaeb Low PrteM lA will BBrpriM


rUK* KAMAM. rmOMt.

ivo MtrjT/ ggs«.„

OAi>rrAL *100.000



at SIS Front'Street

u, BUCK wans MU.


Attomr* at Law.

Plate OlnM, Sts i a 0II er and Aoddent rnanranca.

Money to Loan on Improved Real Estate Only.

We want a tew reliable me
npraaeat the aUongeat and beat
Accident and BickneM Inraranoe
Msy in ibe worU.^aaiBia
--------- d withont tbe naul am
of red tape.

loLtwo. Block, ruone 1:1


Business Oaids.


Timww City, Mich.




lerErsvs's' Sscriiice

Once become accustomed to Ibeir use and yon are loet
withont one.. We have tbeoi for temperature, for dairy nae, for eter-

■p AuitAaar.AusfBrr •<
At.jAiciWf IL csue«T. aji^lAl


mik.Tnnr— enr.Mttt.

Oara*r rraai aas 0ms eu. •
sasiP.wuts.AUasJaHia ■' wuk

{Using parpocea, and for tbermomelera.
Bring PrMcriptioM and Family Recipee to


Wc fill Ibeni

right, wUb drnga that are right, at prices that are right.

THoahS. aMiAeui a aoN.


a. BIsrk.TrsTtns OUj.atsS





Sl'iAia^JSSSS •

OU we will Bli^w yue bow

; we fanitab tbe T|ork end
teaeti you free; you work In Uie local'
Ity where yon lire. Send us your
■ddrceeand wewlH ezplalD the bosiDM fullj; nnember we guaranieeA
elearpMlitof nfer every dark work,
abeohitely eurv. Write at mce.

. IP'g^SggSPc.^.

*MW0it CM: BMua ui M m

H’o-wl ±3X eeaaoxA.



s ioaBgorated is the
ssabrr asd ended tbe
ilh dsy Is L->e .......
......... working as
!sdlly and_
ai ' remorselessly^
Tost bUis
er pIsDS while
therefore, out said
I’roleasor Deobsm ■
Tislting, argued
a phase of sffsiru
uDusosI a* to

TIlU is the time of the year to consider heating
For ten years 1 have handlerl


, ttnmmMf

Honey to Loto
OalspretMIsswaMeUyerapanrrAXOKUI A nwowawa ...mssm

Carpet Cleaning Works
a. AcaArw.wreA

Surveyor and CItU En^eer

sssiri^riast sss—

Over one hundred in euccee^ul operation in this city
and Burfounding country.
A guarantre bond given
with every furnace eet by

:|y i -

ownDa m cm- oraas nsi,^ neon.




Fresh. Salt and Smoked Meats, Sausagos Etc.





■'’•'Lei tWem wasi," she wbUpered.
rriwiy W ben ell. while the Hues tiahtTEAVBBSE CITV.-MICB. esed about ber luoulb aod the bssds
clasEcdieacb other with new rigor. ’
AgalD cBoie tbe call sed agaio u wai
BiiVodcd.. Then tbe eoaplr. a Sue
locliisg mao ol lorty aod a sleoder girl
OB tbe bllber side of twenty. pssseC
dcwB.Uie gsrdro walk. U wes strange
tbe loricg look that Misa Margrarc
sent after ibem wbeo ber rcfasal to
heed them was eoosldercdI» TUB MBW UBICK BLOCK.
"Tbew will mske a -floe lookiog
coople.' she uld to faeraelf. "Jcaale
looks jsslas Iflid at her age. mod be
btse'lKTOWD a dsy oldrr sloce she elopped a aomrot. tbeo tier
iboBghu weslou.
"It is belter so. far tetter, ^ey
will te-back-lo tea.
lAsDce likA mj
sposge cake asd oli«es aad almonds
and peaches Cold mest. of com
do wish Jessie esred more tor _____
wifely seeompllibaeou. bat I dida'l
is ihpse days ssd be eerer aeesied-to
care. Uesidei. be was poor then, and
DOW be bss mesDS to hire a cook.".
It was Uls Harare's birthday aod
e teslh of April.
From time laF. BBOBOH ft 80»B.
smorial tbe Uargraets begsD un tbe
slbofApril.loelesn bouse’.
If the
ctbfelloB Smday. they begn oo
e elceeslb.
Hits Usrsrrare comaesttd as usual ibsimorsiDgapd she
clesstd steadily all tbe fortsoao, gelig ready fora woasn from the nelgb
rbood to come io asd help ber later
It took iararak

Choicest Meats, Poultry and Game.

Pacal Bdm Cmd Tbca.



Brosch’s Meat Market

oCTaeiT, MICH.

TOna AaA»TO.a<s*raUawraB«a.
•d Aerf Blsak.mssniatj.Mlck.


dbessl is ber pleesSBl
pleeeei kitebeo. wish
* clesped
'esped iigbUy
ugbUy Iiib her Isp.
. calm,
-B. clear-eyed.bat
sot is iU
____ elbe
Outside, e deep
iBlise TPiee
rirlisb Uvbl.ceio


mraoKT stbsbt.

WiyM OsoMy Beak BMg, USTBOIt


Front Street.

as ibc walked slosg.
-'What is It?' asked ber
"1 was just tbinklogwhi
asi persoBsgt JOB asst 1. .. ..
asstie to furwro ber bOBseelsanirg. 1 bss oee
beea dose before io a bDDdred yean
■■YOD doD't look it." he said .'<iDlst
"A boDdred-years.'
■ I'B BBi u blame for my ysalb ai


w. X HIOBBS, .

Traveree City, Mioh.


One of the most choice and complete lines
■ in the city, at



J. J. BEEZniT^’S,


Broeoh Block.


848 Front Btreat

"l-baDlformysgt?•'dorcly. .Professor Deobsm. yon d
tblDk I Bteast to say ibaL' w<s t
quick deeialmer.
"Voo are Id '
prime of life. Auot May said so."
"Wbstelse did sbesey"
'essle Musbedasd..............................
>cr paiasol ibcs ci
lople of duDdrliOE
know." be said qoietly. •"She said
I josl tbe right age to marry bet
Diece aod ber niece looked jnst as ebe
did at ber age; that I bare wlsdom.asd
it afar, tbe slecr, taatfrace; she bat
iDiy aod I taste slresgtb.''
How did yos ksoa-.'-'exdaimed bla
ecasaniOB. with flushed mi» aad




The Continental Assurance Go.
OB’ ITOBTS .ft-ai3isro.A.

n a eeaearvAU*e etock eewyeay. wHb a eath eapUat el
leeeUeyheUanoMHt.OM tim.OM depealtad'with the AudUer o(
Smulerpreteetkiaof Allaolleyholden. All
ill yelWee
are Hrlelly
Oer hmpilal tlekeU five
tllariu er la wards '
II y

If yoo
ID 1Will,..
"No, icdeediwoo'i.and too .oBgbt
' ifyoarBrif to ask me. "
' 1 cm—a liltlr," be said. U
Iti ly at ber aogry looka "No.,
be roslipoed, srrieoily. "1 doe
derat year iodignmtion.
besBllfal yoBoggirl and I lore you
Best to my owd swectbtBn. bat t
koow yce will applaad me wbeo 1 say
that I bad rather marry her than any
ose else io tbe worUi"Ycs. icdccd. kibe ased ros abamtfully. I kBOw." Bedding ber bsadasge.
ly. "1 kpow bow she Ibooght her doty
lay at home aod how she pare you op
St sbs might devote beraelf to Ler
ralidlaUier aod aoibei; aod bow
after they
bs^sg ap.
I wono
erring my neck.
the stop^ to ask_____________,
"No. BOt qnlu.
On Ue otbsr
as I jmt Uld you, I like yea. Bat
Bot 1
wait my oldtwscUcart I amgetUrg
eld. Jessie, asd 1 thlsk 1 bav* wsilsd
Joagsaeagb. Oaii'l yoa balp ms plan

A Fine Stock of
Watches and.Jewelry on Hand.
Some rare bargains, resulting from the fire. Large
line of Sewing Machines and Machine Supplies. Call
and'look over the stock.

datei titrate <



Jack, Bus and Baggage Transfer Line

The Best

I. «.Aai,M-a*.A

Best Lively In Northern Michigan.
#M> aad ■bIb Mnbte In Oomnwltea.

Washing Powder.
Woman's Best Friend. DhtH Worst Enemy.


• 1 will answer at you matter
"Kow. Jessie. I don't tblok myself a
rtieolarly flee mateb let

■^7ISHES TO ANNOUNCE that Ukcli in his
VV store, at 217 Front street, which has been re­
paired since the fire, and will be pleased to meet his
friends, old and new.



his aw borltel Bar whole form shook I "Thtra MaX Laaaes.
I baaa ^
UpmoUoaaod she
t sa^
saead ber bom
tallmg only Jeeale marries ywar nepaa^^^l he
;>«Br wife If yoa waat me. It yw an
rhai rbeomallc fwC; .he aald cool- j sora that a yeaBgar wile worid M eah
- 1 have tboagbL abeeald laptaro
Jte!^ "Oiuili^ like myself teOB*d j’^AyeSfU wUe woaU Utah eWst
ly. "Uhatjmteeaelom*. the I01
BOt gang these treaeberoas betaeU
Sbe weald MCtsetmieemeet plea U the world.- and the 1
■sriagmmtbs We will relara oow. I ifart."
arte-plettemarcM to their feel, th
Ub: bereeometbeebil-Jemai -'Trme. aod I wUi eolUotet*'
beaeward walk sollvesed by her gay
rJteuUUoas asd tbe saber aeqaies- rose of her eompanioo.
aod cseeees
They bad brokca dowa !»« •»“ »« Ue marriaca Ue *e bU4
Hiss Margraec watched 1
aboBl fire mllceoaiaod bad w wait at
btfore be tald her that aha was
proeeb with varioos coafllet...
arepair sbop. ob. boats" tald Jessie.
• waly aad last lovs el hM llir,
they say io Boeels. Tea was atabr wsiked brside tbr protessor.sab.I^kBv* I>y*tole lalo her htart as
d sbe bad sttirad berself ie a criy. while orrlate eompaoioa eater. Bat sbe aeirr ^w Ue
wlibooi a bit of cteor to
hair was jd.senpUon of U«
Uelrbspssnd mithsps. proleaex
all 10 all. while sbews'ked
Perhaps she inipaelsd. wbo kaowsT
I dim IK
The tour were married sa Us terns
side bioi. wiUiMl
ly. of her rbumsll
' Wby. anBl
From Ust n«hL Mbs Hargrave
1 laok teoycers older
acted s complete change in Jemie's
ihu> yoB did •
sbr. Ur ~ '
she did not treat biiawiU arias! dw
Dnipblu promiass to te a ao
-You forrel. Mae Jessie, ibsi 1 wi
coeriesy. she sprat eery Pule timr
sot Si re St diDBer.tiBr." he replled.ts. wiU blB bat s-eoloff for long ridrwon wsslU to WlseoaaU. Tte mla
carried the aamr of Ue ewu actw w
:stlj. -WabDrjsy.-beseid.e
ber wfarel wiU the nenbew; aad when UsUmmsB emplrs. where It H teid
s Isier ss Jessie west 10
lUDl rzpmlolaird with "ber, sbe Ikal the miac derelopad U B<
STTBCge her hsir. "Jesele iteaW
Id the asucr.wltb s cool iuiiBrr. oOBBty produces s grate of mHtUs
Uebe Mrs. li.-sfasni.’'
-■' • left ber lurolor la Ue dark earbso whicta Is cqasi to Ue Baagv
yos jjy wlihsil isy beert,
at tob^ alliiliOD of ber conduct
Isa graphite Io Ue ilarmaa markst.
Lease*.''«be sele, pnttlsa boib b*i
m yonng." Hus Msrgrar*
The bast mtae la Ua Uallsd Bmua
heeds into bis. eod Ibrs wliUdrewioR s<ta to tbe professor, who bad eoiaa to
os la opecBUoa is tald to preism a
tbeoi bsstily. esshe (cit bis wsrw.close Uke Jntie to ride only U Icsm that
grate It oerceot earbso. SsTsealaBshe bid gone off on her wbeei with alvsle of Ue Port
•r is e good, effrctiossl* child,
hsvb sbowB Ue I
You bsve
re <eboBes wisely, esd ebe too. t
be as high ai
e%d. Now eun* 10 ssppcr "
a rery gt
. bsve dsmcmiliBHid
Hill Hsi
" irrrmae wei e sbperb cook,
"Ob.n>. • Is Jnsltte pleas Uc pmsibllittes of grapbito mUlag ta
sod I'refetsor
seor IWsbeB did ample
ore pf riding. I •eslly wish yon wonld th* state Toe mine was dtseorsrsd la
tiee to the repsst
lesra to ride a wbesl."
ir-.i by P K. Tsggarl. of SWVtem
"Voa bsve aol forgblUo my tasUs.'
- isn't. I'm too mlddU zged. It i'olDL Taggart had hsoB prespsoti^
be said. "Lbey bare not cbsngad mueb
mr rbeumsllc twinges Jut. to tor iron ta
• a wi<
wUenselioaof wSo^
siocr I wssa boy."
shoot it If Jmsle mutt nde.sbe Ue board of aw
"Were you evei^ boy
asked Jessie
go WiU Lanoee.
Perbapt yea
ilohte Store wlU a anbaUaea-mhl
will go with me a imie way now that I
lelontdtnUe etelar.
Be soda
"Ask yopr suaL" he answered. "I
bare Ue team here"
wblU lad %
lb Ink sbe csold UU yoa seme laeideou
"Oi. yer." t sbodd be very glad to." ClSOTVW/ Of g
Ust would prore the Isei. eves to yoor
spetkiog with unueusl coidlallty In IsadabMiib* booa where Us sriftossllslaetloo."
rlew of Jepiie'e nrglcct. and they took
Coosldertog thst it wa. wbea very along ride to tbe erzi uwu. supped
rouogtbstbe was engaged to Miss there to.les. act rciurniag uolU
rom Uat time It has bsaa a slr«cg(S
Margrave, sbe tbougbt tbe remark io
Ueypoqg people bad been borne
u develop thq mlae aad got Us pro.
cstber poor taste and at ooee cbsnged
act 00 Ua uarke'>
After tea sbe ezet
-Tbti lesnscdslooP'ssid.iemte. "I
LtlrrA A. Mtlolyre.alto of Stovou
faera^aod left tbe conple togei
ok ll^f yon. aualie, dor
Folnt. bueatne assoeisud wlU Tbgwhile ebe ws.bed tbe dsloiy cbios
Here we bare been wait
Tbe two mea ballt a aUa aad
listened to tbeir gay To;ces
ss iwc bears and' when yoo a modest plat over Ua mtoo aad
once 1. j ill ai much of s bry as retorn yoia coolly Inform os Uu yoo worked day aad night, dlggtog, oansrTWas.j.ttas liupelu»«. but I have bad spnper.
Comr. I.znnce. let's I imsnllng and testing Ue mlaoral. Ptoforage Io the
e psplry.
sloce our void ally s stock eompsty wss formed ai­
Itlres care only 'or tbes der tte c srporste tills ol Us Portogs
LbsB s dozen timrs," sbe tbougbL
Ocnoty Urapb'te sad Ulnoral Potol
Lsucce'li.-ohsm was a profeosor
Thr professoc Isogbri aad Uhls Mar MsDofseUiriog Company.
rsev loqked vrzi-d. bot there was
tiricL.bistory .od aslbemrlict at
While Ue uses ot graphito ora many,
large'essiam college, aod be bad c:.
mineral psiot aeems to faratsk Ua
Hulioadacur two'ao avalsoche-of greatest orcseet dsmaad. Tte mtooroi
10 biiold bdme at Hapleloa to sp:
.■vslatioas rrat l.arK^- upoa Uiw Usr is seosrsisd aod greaad tea peiodir
tbe spring racalioo, as be bad done
'OBS years. >Tbe last time, be
grave's devoted headbybrr olece pst- Boer tbao fluar. bslag fltotsd to Uaolr
aeqBsiaiedwiih Jesiir. who i.. Sioaalely derlsring, amid intoy sobi, raiberiban boltsd.
»mplewd ber coarse at W lles-y,': that she would "not marryibe olo pro mar* to do io turdar lo coovut it late
ow. it would bsve bsee hard 1 feasor' Ibrrr. tUatSb'loTcd rmuBoclot paint bsi to miz it w>U Unsssd tel.
_____ Mist
U %rgrp.aor himself to a Uoossad iimr. twuer, and mteni to
The largssl grsphlls mlno la Us
tell bow,
low, tbe
tbe qaelfloo of bli marrisge marry him, that sbe, ber anbi, might I ailed disies Is said to bi aiTtooater> tbe niece had come up after sbe bid bsve tbe protestor sod welcome, so '
ago. N. V.. where Us pradset Is 14 pu
Him HsrfrsT* was striekea with eeet carbon.
i'.d him that sbe wat loo old to mar
Besida Us WlMOOSto
sudden horror, so Ust sbe coaid only mloet there U bat oac tebw Is epdrowalk Ue Ilsor. psuslcg aowaad Uen tlos ie Ue Doitod dutte. Palalmoh'^^••ABd this is my rewsiil for sralti
> look at Ue weeping girl.
twenty ye t?' he atked bluerly, '
eta have been getUag rrophlM tcosi
"Jeeslc." sbe said, at -isst. sternly, Htelco. Nora Beotia. Csylee aad Mbs■ A
swee r reward yoo eonid not
wbsldoes Ultmcsnl' Usve yon no rto
bate. Lausce," ahe answerril, ralslag
Cbteogo It now making IIM.OM
rose of rlgOL of proprie^.
her coal face to look him kindly In tbe
wartfa of msebisery logo tote aflfla,OflO
plant HoeblBsry U also bstog sat to
“Itut, suppose abe will aut bare
iL asd.I almei
New Hezleo —<'hl.<tv, Ncn-rd

■:„r. ji.-j'ir-j; ;s;i.",jsr

~"SbewlU. Sbe admires yoa maeb
sod she bss met 00 ooe yet "
A few mote words, kiod 00 one side
sed illff 00 tbe other, and Ury larted
lomseiagalnayear later pith the al­
ready deicribed rcenlt
In tbe interim Professor Drabam bad
made a trip to Karope and nearly com
pleted bis tczl-book on economies frr
wbleb tbe sdueatlonal world was wall
log. prevloui work os the same 001-1 tl
fasrisg proved imarnsely popoLsr.
' tftcr Hiss Msrgrtre bad of
csngralulatloot. a srphew
. .
ake of Professor llenbsm's
appeared on ibeseeoe. Sbe owned to
beraelf Ustbe wssa Bee looking boy.
buishrdid witb be bad not come jo.t
at this time. a. bis presence nslnmlly
look some of -tbe professor's time at
wellai-lcasie's, io the way of entertsiomeol. To relieve them somewhat.

"Mat consider. Jessie."
"I have csnsKlered until I am tired
wbo wrom "A »SU of
death, aod Liuneelol bti coosider. Hessii it wonld te wicked tomsr Moreb dost ti worU a king's roMsmry hli nacle wbea I love bim
Just weald bare to call me Anal
Jcasic.-aad tbe burst Inwa flt of bysTit spring: The geetlsalr It worm
terlctl ianchle.-.
In dly. vsle and tosrn,
Hiss Hargrave grrw alarmed at last
And hntey takes Ue eorpsts op
and tent ber to bed. and Uen. as
That lost year b* pst daws.
LsuDce srat in tbe parlor, sbe. with ber
-New York WoriA
u>usl stralgbtforwqrdneas. Ulked with
Vs lovely aprtng will at__________
"Icsn lta*lp l'."’aald Ue
Dtsr posts, tl
chip to aad buy
-'Mack at it Jest as Ja
Osr shop a
"Uat yois bsve known her
I met ber ai
"Von did'
"Vos. an

we fell in love ot I

"Know wbal, ML_____ _____
“Ttet yea hid met preri-msly.1 sslonitb•nt; Sbe'plsyedaeeompsnlmeou t:
I rallllog eollsge aoogs. sometimes
rejoining 10 ibecnomsn. while the
sde it s point io Isugb si all bis boy
> witticisms, which she oeeaalonslly
of ber own
b bla. and walked
isd drove with him,
tail so that Ue other
At (bese
goI logeiber.
sneh Dnninal
efforU flatbed ber ebeek and brlgbtenUal it Deeded only tbe
ed ber eyes so ibst
yeaUfni gsrb, wl
Sbicb she donned '
bm• of I.aence1ot
I-aoi riot
mske her seem tbe ezaev eafaodime .
sf bsr glrlhod, and so tbe professor
told her one evening.
"You look jstlBs yoo did In stvestySB.
Do yoa reaemberr', be aakh
■Tbit wav Ue
"I rtmember srreotyalz. for i( was
CestosBlai year." tbe auwered coldlr.
"It sbe so iBsentlbU st sbe seemi .'"
be asked blmself.
One day. to Him MatgiaTes eena
ties. Lsaneclot appeared at Ue door
wlU two bicydet. bb ews and a ladv'a
"Wbieh of you will goforaride wll
ler' be called oot, gsyly
"Not I. sorely."sbe replied, "aod
don't Uiak Jessie can ride s wbed."
"Ob, yes. I esn," said fettie. esgerj]
"I rode louatt
t ready, aod b
Away tbe rat
ooale rtdetfrt
anaisaw Ueyc--. -->T Dintaam eas
gsther, jnslot Profetsor
Unalcrisg to Ue door.
■■They have only goaa
ride.- said Hiss Margrave. blaUisg
rosUy red for her oelee. -1 dOB’i Ulsk
Jsule eipeeled yoa ao seoo '
"Very “br^y." sbe replied, and ate
"Yob tbonld learn to i

l^e cosgs of sprisg:
^Tac seags ot sprtogi
Coold aeything •- Or toll ns mors
low gentle spring U on Us sriag,

Mits Usrgrare umed woarilyaway:
ihesublrei was loo macb for bar jasl
■Til think it orcr."she Sold, aad be
wot away, wbi.e Him Margrave won­
dered, in a dszsd maensr. tUat woDid

'‘■'.icuyuTJsI think ni whHtto.

OosAgsetls tpriagl sUsral mildi*st. come'
-Tnls grippy wsaUsr
Uen le Ue straggle bbe erea opptelskcsni fml
ed to ibe professor sad be very tamely

yielded, sc ber soBl tbougbt
a P.llplso buy. Tfaerc. ya
"It is so Sirsage.said Hiss....
mge.- aaid
- I powsrtal klog el day. srhils
fler the yoosg^n^Ie.
spaez* and eoagb till Hoy. Oomo.
gestlc spring: aUerol alUbStel ssteo.
UIvs 0^0 rtelra qalalae. pUH ■>«

”iris*rf ursame place as

all my ezpetiOiee. F.rit the aont. tbes
Wbea eprieg Is smtiiag o'er Us trteo,
--dnraly vot^ do out blame me for
And all tbe srorld Is gay;
"I blame ntiioDe. least of all yoo. la
Uis affair. Is nerd sot fasVe happeped.


"If you bad amrried me yoaraslf.'•"I Uoagbt Usto forsgoae eosela
"So It Ulr. cHdeelly." be mU. wlU
omc blueraeaa
"1 dos't Uiak yen





ly far my braised life,
net to blame for ao*. lovlag me
yea eonid-" be btsitoud.
"Coold what?'
••Harry mt. yoanslf.
Walt till I'm
tbroagh. I doe'l ask yon to marry ms
lor year osra tete. bat simply foe
t knew I'm stefisb to ^ sc
great a saerifiee from yM. Mt I do ask
IL lUallVutiTsa proariss to make
yoa boppg. ter I am a telflsh oU gellow. act la my ways, tad I obotld try
,yos terribly.
Bat I sroat a hpeaa 1
svaat some owe lo mtolsUr toi
tg eld
1 am for Inm w

led Ue way to Ue boate aad for the
flnt Ume set •tersdf serioasly to the
work of eolerUlh ag. so Uat te sbcmld
..t Bsglselsd.
oot feel
Uat te wmt
n^loeud. _ Ttej
soagtte ted-time IsTorites. all.,
fortu profsmorit bands moved
tbs sbseu of masic UU bs foaad
■Yoa ased some oee to ters lor year
aad tte Ume ptessd %o rapidly Uat
sfoiX 1 eae ssa UaL”
they did ael aeUaeiU fl«btntil It bs- eomfoiX
goo Mgtow toodork waesUsaetn
Y et. I do.
I daa't ask yea if yes
c ow- You eoadas has provsd u^t
■■Jasola sboald te bare before Uis
Mlae Hargrpvs. ristag frsM yoo hav| forgoiun Us poiU bat perhw to Urns yen might OOM to Isti
I am eat altofsuse distasufal to
wUl ees to her." te rsplta
valid ______
or loss year property, or
I will try not to te oetivsly die
... ste wonld marry
'We might snlk oat
of thst sorL
OasUtog mar*; If Jessia
yea la a week. Bat
» look
le • so teal
•set Uem. If yea geal aaikwa"
Foraaswer ateUrew s Huts sssrf ■arrtst LasasM yoo^ill M^vs
loek estfor.
vsr her baA. for it was May aew. aad
CsayoaT W*ll^?It os
Blraage to say. Uis selbb pi tediag
rill I
appealed to Has HaigTavc asi
-DuyOST«Bcmtar--te sroold soy. alsaato weteag eesld bat* daaa
I kaeir It Is aselcss U espeet he*
-msfiTycB osIsmateneitSess bsr
oadlto proesel tospoahof some to- tog ter fair face Asahtag srtU 1sympaUdoiu Tbstb aaaUe's sHoag pa
mdeaTwbleb Un two fandexperisasad Uyaadeompsssloe.ite | "


Like ftusu Uslr soils oaiteL
re'll alt In eestoey aad sigh, ■
"He aesdB't boy mors sealf
Trossor* (rom tte 8so-'

been brooght by <irosk divsn trote Uo
bottom of Uo sw ot Us spot wberbUs
famosi nsTol baUls of ISAstsbteS
took pises 110 yssra ago.
At Tsebsoebme.. la Us Asgsoa sso.
os inly tU. 1T7». Ut Basstoo sad
Tarii nb Besu sagagsd la flsrss battU.
wlUUe rassit Uat two fimir *■
■las mes-of-wu srsrs soak bad ssssirol
rnrkish vstsels srsrs berssd sad ds■iroyed
At tte spot
Baislas mea-of-irar
water Is from Iwaaty
styatTSa to UIrty


tog It.a

gold ptocte of vorloa dteStolaatlete,
mosy bindscmsgold wblsta. tsterol
etpUyptoettof sQrsdWart SOd alarfS
Bsmbu of flrsorma'^
ft Is tbpoght ^y Ust yet alter

tte digbl


It M kMwa that tteTwM

qategoato batogaakad srhMter sakwork of U
IxmdaK Im
A last Koto bpi

*^^°telksry^ Umte aad ted



U always tee hspB.'

Uslsysfdsvettog hlassU to ter sad
Ihte repay bsr ter her UMag ters af

•athsdldMA ■agfapedths

Be ossTte %rs tmds to psiiitei UM
Ury ore sold is Prates by tte Asote

Tte grot wsBlU that U« to Mm

gtewtoisnaslte HadtoH btei««p.

I Tnnwrwitorald


aad'tho&mMaL A aaao «aa fsbeaas
te- tko aae«al aad faoreanar it will bo
MBltr Wb. MMv- Mr. H»nrr« koown aa "Tbo TraTaraaatlin."
w hM » Briipn t* tb* eteUsl Um B»M «or* lor Ilrv tba baeealaaraata aamoa
ttafMitbiM fmn.
AMr i0Br«IX Ibo A«h Mr. K**«rT.
wtUatfoitotm trip la (bo wwt.
Mr. Baram i. a haoUar aa4 It t>
MnadIhathawUi Bafeo a«
alaotakaa apbaMlawaa oa (bo road ortlh
pal«aad«xtaroa.aaho »Bo baedllac aUa aoota orldlaal Idaai whiob tba
Dlaaa ara pUablar to cmrrp oat
Mai). ICIac.lar«aa,yaarmaraaldaalofniaLabaaBdlerflta paan a

■nmOemwilThaaatooa llwiaf tor tba ei
paartaiMd tba me
of btlaam before tba a
bCr dll that had h

Your doctor say* taite car-r •
jourself aad take pUla ewl-livi
oil, bat you can’t take It. Ou;
rile stroae, bealtky person cai
take It. and they eaa t take i
-.uag. It is so ridi it upsets th
. -.mach. But you can ttke

Hlaaloe Batordap aflan
E. oibbi aad J. W. Patcbla.
« pr«aot aad adof theeonipaep
tba aaotla(.
r aad tba
pra)aet baabaea la

aaa aa a faad atabU aad tbla tocil'
wta tba otbarterawm Kira Iba I
aMUrOMler 110 bonaa Tba b
■tBof baplacaadaaUlac boraat
baceatlBoadoa a lancar aealb thaa
hvatofora. Joa HiitatB wUl eoatlaaa
hlalaadataHa baalaaB aa (bat will
p with tba tala


It is very ptUuhle aad easily
li^fsted. If yon will take plenty
' rreth air, and caerdsc, and
'.ute is very little doubt abetti
Mir recovery.
There are ...............................
f.y give Btrcn^ and tone up tl
iTous systew whUe the eod-liv

ratldeaU of tba pealaisU ara
arerp effort to make tb^ llaa bttwtea
Ihia dtp aad Old Mltaloa a aara tblaf,
raalizlaffibarraat btaadu
btaadu to bt darirad.
eoBBltta^ waa appolatad
....the richt of wap aad l
wbaterarloe^ are aaoeatarp for tba
that tbare map ba do I
la that retard. .TBeoommiUaa la i
Upper Peniasula Line..
potadofB a Ladd, B E. Briokmaa.
Tbe Hlcblgao Triepboae Csmpaap
e ba baa taenrod tba F. B. Browe. A. R. Pwtd. Jamea BaripUlodtbe
bart aad Mr.- BoU. The eommlllee
sew Hoe from Uraad Bapids aonb
aartraetlortba matea werb oa Ua
will loae DO time la tattlac attotlaHacblnaw Clip, coaeoetlag at that
OtMatwoebatobabam Ibtra.
wUl tadada. aaoaff otbar work, tba tloea oedar wap.
pelat with a cable to dl- Ignaee aed a
laptac of aaarip a aimoa brick, aad
lias from Sk tgaaee to HarqeelV
DeaUofOeo. t
atraeg from
Ueerge W. Oargrarrs. a i
r. PoarbaUdiafiwinbs
Omad Bapids aortb to feraUb prompt
tbU regioB aod a releraa -of Ibe Ciril
me mute feet, aaetbar
rice wllb
Peioskej, Charlerola,
war. died Balardap et his realdeaeeon
er soxso, aad a atoeh <
CbilUlac. Trarete* Clip. Big Bapids aad
Wen Bereetb street at Ue age ot W
MWM (tel. all the baUdiafS belaf
peaiu. Bitdealti was caesed bp blood
lag tbroegb u UaeklnawCltp.
poUoakig that resnlted from a sligbt
Mr. Irwta lepena Elk Rapids boomThe cable aeross tbe slruiu. wbl A was
abraslooto tbe band some Ume ago
b«. with Beta vaeaatboats to be had
laid last fall. Is tbe loagcal eubtorioe
Be had beta seriousip 111 siaeeTaesdtp.
to late or •acaep. Be will bare to
talepbooe cable io tbe l alted BlaVi
sat born la Kew York
brtU ahaMmtioo tohlmsell UUsnmaaxletp bat beeta felt
Be resided tor
bp tbe officials of tbe Ulepbone
time la Cbnadp and lUleob. aad
paap u to the urrice which could be
Wlil BUM a Club Heeae
to this suta id isci aad saUlad la Rlalr
giren ibroogb tbe cable in eoaDoetioo
At tba mart lag o^e B. P. 0- Bka townabip.
with tbe long laod Unas. Tesu
>p erMlag. tbs matter of a deb
Ue waa a member el a MIehlgaa bat­
fromUraad Bsplds to Haiqasu
tow to tbo lodge wai
tery la tbs war and aaw aeme bard
tordap shewed that tbe eerriee ic Aral
a eemmlHas wet appolntod to take the arUllerp serriee.
daea Batialaclorp eonrertaUoa wai
Elerea pears ago be remored to Ibis
MUorli haad. RUap Sweora. Dr. i:
held between Marqeettc aad Detroit.
A. tto^OB aad Dkk Oamphell wlU cHp where be baa aiaee resided. Us
loohupa SBltabloBluaDd maksaomi waaformerlpprominealiotbe grasge
wUwloaai to tba eeal. Abrieker
d was a mskiber ol MePberMn Post.
miles of laod lioetn addlUoa
named beOdlag wUl be ereeted, two
A. a. at tbe time of bis deaU.
Two SOBS oorrlre bla. John Upa■toiss la height. Meaep b being seba oompanp has exuoded lU mlnnU
aod Malcolm of
• grarat of t
to rorer all statioas la tbe Norib-


B the belldiac b btguo
wfDbaaMmghfuadoaabaad toecmi
Tbe fonsrat waa la ebargeof He
fMoil.astha mombmeate nbaerib- Pbetsoa Poaland bold waa from tbr
Baptlat ebureb at 3 o'clock Beadap.
Woodtaoose preached the
Oetto Brut fleer efttotoUdlBg will
tolba psrima.ealt, bath reomi, bn
Bard room aad bewUag allep. Tb<
nppm roeasa will be large aad aspec- Trareree Citp * Leelauaw RaUrohd
Bob. Perrpliaanab relurned BaterMUpflUad to the lodge reoma
tp from a ten daps' trip to Cbleage
aad Raw York aad upoa bis arrtral
found tbe followlag eommealcaliot
from Seercuiy of BtaU Btearas regatd
memtara seers admlttod. Tto outlook
to tto club and its tators saetalasaa
Tto asembats antboriud the pur
. tbs latart
rim adopted by tra^aeiate. This
U «ea to la oaetaUaa aad tbe
cuofttoelabwUl tore aome great
grt iatahlbUlBg tbeir

LaoslQg. April l‘.r. 1

B aud propagatkm BoUee the ioi]Birlespoa m^ la regard
tnaartbrnaHieUgaa of tbe Hoagol
■ _ J..-------------t^rd UtUe
Ballroad rrbiob Tu rseenllp bees
UMwa U MleblgBB. bat which hac veptd aed right of wap procured by
booa gtrea eoai attoatleu la the aootb- Mr. Taplor.
........... ig tto kUliag oi this
pkc^mal to a emtaln aember ol yuan Uink' I sball be tbe arims mcTer in
aBdaflbrta are bring mad.
andertaklng. 1 auaot my tuyou it
tte la mne loaUtM. U Balding this rrrillBg just when tbegndibg will
iHlilin tore beea made with
oasema. but as yet tbare are r«ry fsw
r D-itotismoap^Maata own- Mt it mp IntenUon to rtolt trareree
mUMs of aim to look Ue aubjaet dtp In about two weeka. aad pouulblp
lore part of naxt rreek. when 1
Ake Ue matter up wlUpoe

a hold ed-tto matter of raWni
■ bora.. It to
li darigaed to eee
ratopeaag bMs tbsa tan them laaae
. J. S. Steabx*.
topuDtoCBta If uuaeam to atlalnad
WbUeln Chicago Mr. Banasb was
Uartomm srilllnaIpwyearatorn
^ed upon bp Mr. Johnson., who ri­
me Intereeled ie Ue projeet to run
euros wm tore umiher deUeate
eleetrie line U Old HlstloB aad esbe dm mu, TUsUrdto said to bare loUtob a street nllrrap in UU dtp.
(to —“ qttUtto of eadorsDce la Hr. Jobasce had been notified that Ue
rrtato as tto qnaB aad partridge.
eoaaeU had granted Ue fraoehtoe
dwaseof UedtpttreelsaadAbatUe
cl Ue Penioanla wocld f».
■kBapUa.Blmp*abnsUiag t
atob Uertebt of mr-bplsreeB here

Welle aad R: D .OsmpWL
Howard WblUaa. torcUn. John T.
Sauball aad William dackwEaetrli. Dallp, satrtioa. Howard
Wbltlag aed Boarp Tebaelicr.
Fred WsT/barr. caretlaa. Nleb
BBtUmaaul aad Aeiboap Pettnpl
HeUarrp. taratica. Alfred 0ampaasaodJailai M. BeeUmaatet
Pauieb berdea.aaretieaJaUaaBaCllmaaUlaad
Alfred Ltfoataer. eeRtics.CAJliad
Cameeee aad Edward Laotaer.
Frank Keiioer. sureties,
BtUeer ae<l Tbemas^U. ShilSA.
PbUip Bbenaer. sereties, Beward
WbiUiw and Hcarp Tooaeller.
Larla U. Feller, sarctles. Beary a
Campbell aed i'raak Broseb.
-Peter Bfktrum. snieUsa. Joba P.
Matieaaad John N'. Hopklea
Elbert u. EiUs. seretiaa, Aetoe W.
Banab a>d Hcarp Brodhacca.
Back A. HeDoaald.Isemiea. Frank
Broseb aad.........................

turetlc*. was reported bp Ue eommlt-

rou la cash io bank, (too la mortgages
and II.<Joa in liquor stock, rras lacktog
real estate, aa^rras
referred back to the committee.
Tbe Trareree Clip Bod aad Use clab
reseated a pel’lioo rcqosaUng permtoloo from tbr eouDcil to eboot on Ut
Weqse-K^club graoude After tbe
Htpfitloroep hid beea to bts ofliv for
t eopp of tbe ordlaaoce. aad after
sideroblc discos..oe ol Ue quesuo
m-gtloo was made bp Alderman Hasilagi that It was Ue sense ol Ue eoanmspor be. lueirueied to
gnmt the permlselOD
motloB was lost bp a pea aad asp rote,
oelpAldermeo Parker. Bastiagt and
SmIU rotlog far it. A aioUaa to refer
Ue matter to tbe mspor was carried
ilaicuslp. Tbe groabd ukeo bp
Uose who voted against Ue
tor Uc decision cf tbe mspor. asd Uat
Ue couodi bad no right
rlew os tbe snbjto.
Tbe lOBg fought matter of Ue sboetIggellerp oa Uc Bostrom tot
npagsio. Ulstimr in Ue form ol a
aelllioB from W. ci. Hepera and
Fsgnn. for tbe rrcetloa of a brick
slruciorc with an iron roof at a cost of
SJOU. As Ibe speeificaliMs seemed U
comply with tbe ordioaaee permiaiii
given to the ereeiioa of Ue bntlding. uader the supervisioa of tbe fire
chief aad in accordance with the orinancr. Aldermen Baslinga. tordie
and Kenyon voting no.
Tbe trances of tbe Baptist ebnreb
were glved permission to remodel their
ehdrehstacost of about' at uOii. and
tbry are also permitted tonic aet men
Uab a third of tbe street for tbe pnr-

tromAldwas Nash oaUagroandsof
draekCB^csa. cracl^t aad noMpport.
Tae (euiioa for s^to of lands of bso
Haaiira^d ct si. mlaort. rras patt-ver

diires »i«n sn.risrr sesr,
test to IV IsJtac ii-|»i^-.
tv dweiriwi aa-i sJc> urw
sade^ V tbr s trie .ybria '


Srir i-f 1-ir Ir'.t 'in- 1 V .sl
and I niCrux, ori'bran irv .l -c «vi Cn-i-xv.
WVu I r.wuBcmr.i !il:ng I*: klHrx
Kmiucto.1 DcxcinleT I ss. ta'-cM
tolwiatVlsu iCspc'.-l Prfx.d:. I-:
tnttuissnd rrij K-ar.-cIv slJc I >m -.e
sb>-M Ihe boBW. I legscm imi rvxe
letter Uah


Last night Slop Johasoa mAagraal-l
u a decree of dirorrr from Cera JohnTbe aair were married woes Cora
but l)'- 'pears old aed U>w b»**
siiKr vparstrl. tta.- wife sueadiag Uc
Ferris lodustrial school in R g Bsplds.
Oeserii,->a wss clsrgH
ll-estUrtep fer Jobi
I’ a. Rgbbiov. tbe onerofa saw
tfM'St 'McBam. hat met a lerrlbls
Ur Robbias got csogbt in tbe
lice ebsfl sod <>.-for<- Ur msebUerr
eould be stopped be was loiured so
sererclp tbst br dice so» after.
Joba Bcbcder.
mae of licolon Harbor, dropped dead '
•ntuTsdsp mora:og as Ue result ol ■
worrp over loss ot-palroasge
II is bartrader reJora.-d Sslimlsr aod said that
r'bsd rsUer .isrre USD sell liqaor.
i:red U-rwcIl. driag near Usrceliut.
aigireaepbp bis best giri Sbd eoaeludm tbsUifr rras a-.t wnrU liriog.
Wedoesisp stlcreooo be lap oowo on


One Cent
Samples and Prices

birsdc aad Sred four h;
analomp.dpiiig laaCew

ClTOuli Coon
Edward Clark.'Ue eoafeasud olgs
mist, eras brought iato oourt bbura
nornlng. as traeublens a kitten
lad eridenilp decided Uat there
souse to put up sneb
Uoot that riought oa
wiU Us sheriff Wedaesdar eremng.
He waa Mateneed «.• 1» moniba at bard
labor in loaia. the jadge ieforiaed biui_
Uat SIX moatbs of Uto Ume bad beea'
added because of bto conduct Wedues

Tso dorirrs at 1‘ori Huron have deIsrad W. A l-uavae liusee. Ue was
Ur firemaa uf th- traio ihgl became
sta'ilel <0 tUc teocel several pears ago
roe mes were killed bp Ur
lluuean sas rescued Ipsa
Ever . sioee'
Itaca far bss acted .luCrrlp

Tbe Grand Rapids hralu ofKters
Tboradap L'cnd a nest of small poa
cases in Ivusp.i areaue. jgft north of
-r.tere have been tg or
1-: cssrs. tnoriipcLi'.dren. bnt Ue alttek was so light the -i.-clonr did not
pronami-e it amaiipsa Ku<r Chat I’raii
Tto coaled rerdiet. reached bp the
i-.dang«fOi.»;r t:i. tire outbreak hsv r.g
lUrie vs
jury la Ue ease of Bop Oil
askumsJ a mere'rirnlctl form aad L'e
WalU-HIgman Co. rrss read Thursdap
srbso'.s in Uc viribitp bare beea or
moralag rrbea eoort coeAoed. Fur.
jdcrcdciosed ar.d the ealire neighbor
nearip ten boars tbe jerp badgrapplru {
bood quaraaticed bp gnards
WiU Ueqaestlonns to wheUrr tbe
bop whose haad ^ma cut eff on a saw
ia tbe basket faeurp waa entitled to |
raeover damages. At Ue outset the
jarp stood sevea to five, sooa srttliug
down to Vn to two. when they butig
: for a ioag tints. Tbe final verdict
no anae of action.
ji«».'w ii to pure, cl'sa.
Tbe case eras handled for Ue
riefroie ■
<lur-r.lf. I’lU up In dry pn«'by J. H. Barrie of Cbarleroia.aontratt
a.rrd fiuoi, loAve-rguei-l packlanis nss ■■i acn. with (jU Jire.-..gns.
A Davis of Uto city. Mr Usriis




V.iii Wiiut

Dry (ioodsaml Furnishings
W e entry «

Ui^ lid CoDiplete Slock Id Ever; Depirtiial.
CutOrtm Inn fif' Mitfs ii( Mii«mnrt<«iUus 3V nllo.
-Vad rrml «.TU.-i i

The Taylor.W^Dolfcnden Co.,
Wioidwnrd Ate. imd State St„



.Mull Order llcpt


Waste Your Hmrd^f
Earned DeUmrm sl
,r:r.!r;wr‘a*!l {


-k"r“n*wsU»*wU*dVl ;
.|-:c .Hiimslcl'.^ AL.'II.Uiili.'v. :s P9i ak,lsom:i.v.

lex to C>•^E.^■e yr-


rart 11.4 CuiiHaror.

OUR LUMBER WA60N TiifTcun.ti

rv-v by ualm

Horses for Sale
■I lliSSs:

psatapW. Blleh^'
I. W. A.
day to orgaairi a lodge of the M.
F. A Clary w«

aMrip to tto aim of tto buildings, and
sttoork Uerr. It
Tbrre U s dies* |p .this
'OlgPt U.Us top- rijn-jy noiJ dsnrorwit becsuie si decr^
to Uhrip that tbsp rrOI
s waa la BapMOly
J. H. BUkaolea
Inc of tto rails tbtoiroak.
U«c. .«inp sudden des.lj srs eaurnd ^ pastardapon
II—bean ducssA pac-j.T.cals. btoi IsUure
- W. CoBBlagtaa. Dgoat of tto H.
rcr spopicrp.sre cfies ibe reueb cf kldacy
touboMtoate Us I
dlscste.-.4( Uto'' irccblelsrilowedtgsd- A S. B.. ratomad voMerdap from a
lobs dralato. that Us rsBceU* kidM.v-poisentd bteed rrUf <iuek
■ms trio to Hanlsles aad Praakthe vtlsl oitsoj. or the kkdne>-».l^ln»lrm
mmlmap to ruaetod ami bandied
bte* derm tsd wsne svsy ecUby etlL
a dry otase. Um mring U| azpcasc
ILBarrlaoB erm
TbenAendrcear-'-——-t.------dryUgUcaaeltomari were dred|
tofttd IIhe rdletcr hu Brito's baelnem pmterdap.
B. DaUerottoA
u form cl kidaej treable.
8 Joboeea of 1
mUbttotop.asddrelaeBito s
corerp to the true tpedl.e (cr kidacr
UioMb tbe city pm
O^ta dee Beyrato to oa
eacRsharctsUsd. Ai droerwts in tiiip<eat
aaddoAsr —
ss. A sanqile tenk sent frau
Mn. J. B. PitSiw ato alom Hto
p book Ulbag sbeut Srrum^
Oram HnrtaT U Oeasd Rapida.
tto town to boemi^. ^ri^Ltoto'iwoeiieM
vtoUmr A. T. Ftab aad tamltp.
aadS^ took bright to tto fiiwt
H. Y.

own lixlit (4 wi.)l-*^w4i:

B. J. MOBjOAN. Proprietor.

I'.tl with H lin- lilt tif

Ue verdict was reacbedr
TbecaoeofttoBItoe Ufa ratnranre
Compaey vs KaUaalel E. Stroeg
takea np and a jsry secottd. Tee enV
was Btaledto tto plaintiff
bcatseee w
of conn la Ue
who plmd gailiy
forgocT Monday.
By tbe
Hayne Moaday afternooa. 'a verdict';
Of ao caase of aetipa waa-raalered ii

n Oaorge B. Crem wbo coadocled I j
ease to tbe plrialiffe. and I
ODbcrtaad John A. Loraager to Ur |f
vsirty of bewtocte.
It's Ue eld roia consequriit on coodi.
tions which rmh frooi ctudv. confineBeat, sad cnrelres -csBag. It is onfv
owe st-mptom cd ■ derangement of tl*
•taotjch .cnd organs of^direstion'end
numtma. Dr. rieiee's CoMra Yledkri
Discovery cnies hesdeebes by cunng Ue

Tto moe grew oat of tto rafusal cf
Ur. Siroag to pay Iwo aeMea. aggragat ,
1^ e^l.U to pramiaa on aa Inaaranv
poUep wbleb to rialBOd was not what;
■ iipimiatad to br. Be bosgbt'

eT‘.‘wT>><*tar ‘gm

, Brwtr ■ehsj^^st


■ wagtjnj ifHnch liiY.-|ifii.vWill/-xc:li«imc- will
lb you anil innt'
alovk takwu in eit-haui
suia- f-.r hom->.
call ID afnl. look my hkk-L o

•lolilvrrw )ind l>*-alvni ii

Bicycles-ii Bicycle Sundries.
Specialties: BUzIef. fulcenizie;, Eeeaelliq.
9alMmm ABd Factory SI 1 From Bt.


Talepbooe IM.


S25 $2 Down
; From i S36 i $1 a Week.
the banaer 'VorW year
i-iotu to Apri'
April Iri. aft«r which date it will b>; witbcppti'joel offer on all wbecla M>1d or.-v:
___ ._ do< ‘ Yoo wo
won't DiiHS II Aacli wt«k. aad when tbo
Wby ao: b-irio to boy yoar wber-i
: Univ
yoo won't hav^to make
laiye down peyaent
u yoor
yooT wheel will be
he rt«dy
rvndy aad
: rirliiii; Benaao opeoo
: to hegia

Repairing and Enameling.
is tb- time to bare your old bicyclea ov»rbaiilMl ami re-enaamled.
itoror* Froo.

-ml Ccx. Trem. ■ B>wvt> wv-r imgidsf. eaC wv

of all ki

fT.tnjasifTD IB frvor. dhan 'if.j.*! jiairDf farm Iroramt. weight Alk.ot ;

The evidence toas all la at
aad eaeb ride took aabeur to ibearrats ol the tacts. Tto case went
tothejerpat 4;M. and at lO-eelock

a Userge W. M'lllar receivad
Batmdapof tto amloos Ulnemof her
«r. Hn.TbomasTavlorot Oladei.
..earned by an attack of la gri^
Mia. MiUerloftto tor moUer'i


TesUmear was ukea la tto urit at
losace II OoaaiBS -rs Luetoe P. C
KHklns. a bill to discharge a mortgac*.
Ulirc F. ^'asb rras' granted a dlrorea

Ue sttoraey for Ue Fideiity .t Casual
lyCo.. wboiBsqredWelU-Higinsn Co
against lom in esses of Uii kind, sue
be had Ue management ..T the ea«, ■
Ue defense
Ae cari of WtUiam L Itrowo vi
Kl.-kKriserocenpied Ue entire da.v
aad not all ol the tmtloiuay U ye
It to not probable that tbe caswill go loUe jury before ooso today
last evenidg. ccvml ebancerv
bv the
ivsa ordered
William H. Usic applied
norlb slde^ol
-.reel, between Kssc
from Maria L'.ale on thegreund of de
Sheriff Blmpera *bas returaed from and Gilbert
Walks wen also
eeriian. Testimony was taken and -.hi
losla where be took Rlward Clark to ordered oa vs.-iaui other
nader advioemeot l.y Ur
aa eighteen moatbs' eeatcees.
recommeDdailon of the cidewalk inwiH be nmembtred loaf
speeior.iaeludlag Webster. Rose.Fnol,
C. H. Beekmaa bos retaraed from
Oale was arrested some montba ago.
Stau. Cedar. Bpmee. Cats. Uandolpb.
rtolt to lorn.
charged wiU noa-supporL It dew liivIsioB.
Hr. aad Un. E. B. White and)-little
oped in Ue testimony ia the case..tusf
daughter left pmterdap fm Maaeeloaa
be bad expoalnlaled with bis wefe ten
.completed wiUip :io days of tbe serv
spend Buadap wlU Mr. Wl
yean ago aboat some miseonduci.'and
lag of notice on Ue pnpeny beldesa.
mother and etoler. who will leave
she left WiU aaoitaar mao and ba-l aot
motion of Alderman Bastings s
lor OaltferaU U make their bomebeea seen or beard of slaeb by him
erase walk was ordend across Elm
E. Hagadora of File Uke. wi
uatil Uetlmeof tbe artnst to nor,
Ue eHp yeeterdep.
A decree was granted tbe Sheboygan
Patrick Baruton. eute nperil
A eemeal walk was ordered ia
Boot A Shoe Co. vs John A Wade, for
dent of
fUe residence ol J..A..RougbU
focelosure of a mortgage
tba Hlebifaa ■Telepbrae Co . wae ie KighU street.
Ue eUp ycelerdap in eoaeoltatloa wlu
Hiller A ;Uorse were given permi*
Bobert W. Uatleeoe ia hit suit against
Manager Barry.
sloe to pul an Iron roof bn a building
iRbe Hattmoa. the ground
a 0. F. Warner. preneenUng attor
lo tbe rear of Dta Frbnt-strset. Ue
eenlon. Della A. Dexter wi
aey of Baade eouuty. me in tbe dtp banding to be need as a store room.
■e charge br-;_______
from Jamm A Dexter, Ue
E. Wilson was given permiieion
'lag Bdo-supporL
ereot a bouse on Union street between
eof William I.
Toe bard fongbi esee
came lo tba dtp peslerdap for a Elrveatb and Twelfth streeu. at a east
Brown vt K ick Krtoer was brought
ririt wlU Him Mlable HnbbelL
ofaboutSl.ouO. I.BSve was also graal
aelone Inelrenlleootl Friday eveniag
H. E. Birong reUraad to Orand Rap­ ed to bnild a two story frame bouse at
at 10 o' Ue verdict of tbe
tboeoraerotMapleraad Third streeu.
ids peslerdap aftmnooa.
wbleh was no caase of aclioe.
Henry Tbacker nUrned. to WiUlama- alaeostof fl.noo.
The case baa beea warmly corf
A petitloB to build a boose on Wnskbatglaat eraaiag after spending
etwMB Patefaln .t Crotaer for tbr
idgton street oa Ue froat of a lot. so
dap la Ue dtp.
plalatlfl and Pratt A Davis for itaedt1. BsUn peieed Ibrongh Ue dtp Uat ll-woald ieterfev with Ue.vlew
Browp broagblseit to
of cUera oa the same bloek. was re
last night on bto mp«from '
ved azd
izd referr
referred u the committee ahalancetl
I Ue Bendiy
fire and walei

r The Eminent Kidney
and Bladder Specialist.

boarding pro
^mndo to ito^toUdlng

rw skould'lK (>e.tpini(d ^ drlo.-wd. tVcn<wl bx tv <-sr^ Uw
ween sad tV kmc ••dmec Im
wesLarvo Uxr tudSr-J lU l«t
cOtn, <J «(Hii limdi U-ir^oi. it i. r. i
Uxr lc««e daxitri,
sad thiaV iVrr » Butbh« Ht b'
bmadfrriac snd fiiiscn. D>-t,-4L
up SB b<s». do m li»r sli > -u-.-er.
KnaraiVt I*r. MiW Srrxiit Ui,
bripfd lliamsaii ui dsapuado i sow-

auachmsot aapaa' SHa'ef Addle
A-OIbbs ra Elward A. anlTlmoUp
P. Hoaeicp mil be (akna ap Uto mdraiag. eUstoUe iMICpf Uajeipcaam.
Tbe bUI to aaaul marriage, of Ausea
Hawkins rs Ellen Aaee was .putorur

properip statement, <

Baaaab that be riould be lo Ttarerue
Ue Menaatlle Oo.. nUraed y
m gtrea ermyiblng p strong stlmc- Clip t^to week to further tbe project
attar spending a week In Ue Cklengo
a. aad tto town to oA of (fe lirsncct aad that he rronl^ then go to Kew
York to interest opltal in Ue entcrBadis Doran and BlitatoU
4M0U1 of Tcavens City. Frank McRak
and bto slater Evelyn of Bellaire. retamed ysaterday from a few daps'
ridnuom, sriU maap more and
visit at Silver Camera, wbeca- Uep
net Olbm baUdlags. soeb
sOslial'mlor. Tbap
a balk. etc. an also bring era
Fridap evealng at

. eemsat rreritn. Tto rrerb is In charge
efSaptB. M. Banos, who toe a1
so man at rrerb. la addlUen W
baUdlag of tto fgubdatloat. a Iramu
efllee bulUI«''to bring oreeled. i
eld biwwmy to bring romudelad to


Prrd J. Boeblel. oerrtkm Anum^V

ere Peniasula. The rate from liruod
Bapids to Marquette Is TSeeatt for
baa minute wllb a ' eorreapoad^ag
charge for aseeeeding mlnntrn.
line from Marquette to Bongbloa
aad tbe sew Uae from BL Ignaee
Marie will be eompirted
about June IsL Tbroagh .lbe reoeai
eoouoUdsUoa of tbe Hiebigas. Delroil
and Kew State Telephooe uompaulri
some 1.400 Ulebigaa people hare be­
come etoebbolderu la the' Hichigae
I'empuBp and hare a financial lolereet
in the aew Ilaee.
’orlbporl- There'
KewcireuliB are being bnilt :
DB deebt eapreasad as tc
(Irasds Baplde toOrand Karen
us ol Hr. Blrarru regardtag
Mnekegoe. Grand Bapids to Ionia asd
fuUroad and la ciew of uai^
Owaasoandarand Rapids to Charlotte
lens atalemeou that bare been eireolaad UasUnga.
be of ID-

Hiw- P«Kii' H»>ssti.
Trarermaip, Mlehlgao.
Mp Dear Blr—I bare jut returaed
bore aad dad pour letter oi tbe Tib. I

AFBQ. M. 1906.


.Tiid I ara afraid I have inrented it. I do oot feel
-well; I have a coagh : my
' iRgs are sore; am losing
jesb. What shall 1 do?

aoaa of (^ arTaaceneota.

ar.haaaoradto tUa dtj aad a«a>a
teraad apartoarahlp witt Mr. Jaaa
wbe bM baaa laeatad lor aesa ilBM
thaOaUarpropartp. oaraar of Ualoa

r Cbb baa
aaoaiad tba bara oaeaplad bp Jea Baa


BrlaC tlMB la


Tto point oa wbieb Ue mae
wae Ue granilBC of aapadnt 00
lel yonr wbg^ any color. 8-coat w^ baking enamel wd rartiiab, clraa all tbe
to Hr. Street U a aUe eeatmeh Tbe
djnotod' np in eonidete comtbe wdieek,
varnish or eBams] tbe______
all adj
aMerwapa to baU sMaa af tto w
: diu-.!! for tbe smBll nm of 92.50. Lathe tomiBg. Copa Conee, Axles and ShtfB to order.
agreed Itol tber* waa no qoewtion
: Bicycle* •Built to Your Ordor.
to Uc tou. anda meUaa wao made
tato tto cam from tto jarp. Ttoarg-l
amvataea tto law took plac! befoiel
Jndga MapneamioOenpM
wmma^etalE TnDinSHtWBMfi DU, TniMM (!},■
aftsmece Tto


efftto drisndnnv ee tto gtsaad
thak tt mM lUwri fiM sap eampaap U



Senday Bebaol ObwrUiMO

^a^ctoaaer CraacM

lib lafaatry bald


hill loaiybt

ttra. Baaatolaad. AprU SI
BfUith caMtaUiaaat Wepeaar ap to the
l»Ui ware ts tiii^ ud no woo
PrtaldcBt Sicyn ol tbe Orenye Free
State taaoed erdera to the beryhen to
Scoair E»«a™
hdd tlybt tbe yrala dlatrieta arouBd
Weptaer. Ladybraad aad Fiekabery.
Tbe Boert (ell back two aliet to the
«m»l -M a t!'r slewaBl
tetr, Bad«»^ ■Mrodad^'r rallftOOof aatt aod tbe BrtUab oerapled tbe
Iki roller pao/f'itih- ei:r- Uami* buryhe.-a' Brat pcaltloo.
-- neatad. rit Lwaeco Marquea.
Bstleasd aaesceltcnt procnnbclp
April SI—s p. s—Wbaa tbe Federal
•d topua thmealfl? t r; •^euutlr’
uo^t captarod tbe Britiab conTOT at
' Tm ^■HOTt
M Peat (EaraaSidlayi Ibay foaad
took partoa
lelal velaBa iMoed by tbe
fn»Ur Mj'jad. BrffWkaaanU
toreraaeat. Tbe aatbora
WklOTm and lraiaeaa« mre acrrrd.
Halaia Alboro aad Btalaytoa oltbe
A ««kt uitB <Ti'> uk*o up (or ibe
baaoSi nt tlir- Hrnbfu'^iao cbartb,
aAleb tuff«r«d by flr« rr;»ntly.
■qawt el tbe two reA dalir^urul pa-l; astirirca Frldar
•tMtsfat ibiv h»iBc of Mr. aodiitaJ. W. p»icb;o. io b-.-.orof Ura Palcb
UkaWtor. Uai Aooo WaUiaa Cardi
Md daae aff *«re iha (raturet ol <11
Lidysaltb, ApHl SI—Bear; Srter
•TMtaC* ploMorc*. nr rave >ai watbrardat iatcrrale lodij la ibe
pR^rru^rt pciro. Ibc U -it prtte beiaf AlreeUoB of Saada; Biter.
OH^arrd br Mr^. AU*r aad Ue
IMlMbrU'. Sb«»>rrd.
bsadOB, AprU Si-Tba week
Tae (arkn bp «a'e>i tha rucata paiaed wlib praeUeallf eo telorsiaUoD
taesd ihah- p:aM a*. tb» ea;d table* ot Ibe BoreBeati o( tbe troopa
«w>- rrrp Aalatf eardi bead patawd
Bib Africa. Il It ui
water r IoM b; Hkt Wathla* Dell- at eerialo that Lanl Eobarit' bat
dcm nfreMuare** were (erred durlag'
laoa tbe point ol ooBi
lay tbe mala adraaee ol the BriUib
A teff pIroaLi ta» *tcl*l sad «
aray. Tbit bat been bladered^by, the
tataL>cot wat(>rre e'rldaj ereoiarlu
ralalatl, wbleb, bow
Ibni rn ball bj-Trawf** City IVni
•71. K.O. T. M. A larre crowd ibadaaAerol
eta water (aatlBC oa the
teaa prrMol. aad rreatly cajbyad Uie nee olBticb.
o( Baitb
Eoberta'iBlCBtloa* are
prarraw and tba iaaebroa.
aatirely a mattef of ^acelalle
rrMM kteaovuwa. Tkcl
c»M tPMkjM'.tiu tkfjt tkuld lika
!»T*lt»«nr. rr..b»V.ti nr- '

■; 1



Opaalac of Navl«aUon.
Xar^atloBopeonlaUbbport Than
day. aod tba 'dock preaaatcd a Urdy
aaaar eapceially daries Ibe ereaiar.
after Ike arrital of tbe Cbarteroix.
' ne Creaaeat waa tbe Brat ataaaer
Uwake the part, eomioc from Ke«b'
u-waata about 7 o'clock U tbe moratar Sbe reported tbe bay alBiott «a
Urely (rae of lee. aad alarlod oa ber
Bonbera ir
Itadel wUb (itiybt
Mertbpert aad other bay oolata. 8be
wiUai^e berrearulartrlpt bertaUer.
arririac (row Kortbporl at II o'clock
la tbe Boralof aad leariot for that
place at S o'clock la tbe alicmeoa.
A irJfl* after e o'clock la Uceraalay
thellaarlerole <aoe ateamiaB apUe
carlly loaded with a earyo ol
bay. hcarl!
• tcairtal froi 1 Cbicayo for thl* polot
Iba atoaater wet greeted bye lerye
' aBBber of people who bU already
yatbcrad at tbe.dork, aad erewdi kept
tWUef tbe dock anlll a late boar.
U1 it waa Bid that U there waa a e
la tbe city wbo bad eot beea to tbe
dock, he waa oe tbe way Uiorc.
It took aU alybl to aaload tbe
frelffattroatbeateaiaer.aad wbea li

Tbia ol

mala body at I

TbercporBol Byhtlay from Bospatad aaSdeBtly ladioatae an mdraiieed
poaltloBoItbelelt winy of the

Wt (a Uic warebeutc. tbe WereaaUle
Oa aad tbe aayloorecelred tbe laryeet
eenalfwnanta but other dealera la tbe

• Europe Is Interesud
LoadoB. April :i, iOopyriybtedi—
TaeABvieia attempt to tbrlay tbe
aoltan ot Torkey to term* excliea com
pbrntlrely little iatomt la Karope.
cHefly btSBie the olA world dote not
tpMl tbenew toabeseed U a' yame
where Baropetn diotomaU alwmya
Saeeeca la taub a tUoy u tba
laytooaeailBlttratlto wrretiay
tabilaatial earn is bard catb.lrem U
■abflBe porta by aay.prooaaa whaieecr
woatdaelbte to rewdetlonMe uu
dlplonacyaad to win (or ^eerelair
Bayahlyberplaoe la Earo|ieaB eatl
matloe than that held by apy otbtr
______man ot tbit HBeratioa.. Borope
tympathlr-B beaeroleBtly with I'
UattedStaUalB iU eSorta to eeta
lujaKdoBaodabet alBOitaplTer
Ke*. C. T. btoalrelarhad troB Bel- betleP H that tbe eriala will pii
tbatiutely witboal reoU-^
Deaiel Dekc fate coae oa a betloeea
State Naore Itama.

Tbe eueae! U cfll xred about Ue aaaae
aalaatyear. Oaptala Ucgalytaa, Be
yiaeer Myera aad Hlewart UcgalUaa
are cUa with tbe reaael. Mr. Beader
aoa. tm^llsy paaaaByar aad trelyht
afeat It aetlof at clrek lor Ibla trip
Tba miaola left Oilearo bVlday
for tbia port, aad will r» oa to
tba atnita aa there I* aa lee aew to
Taaaday aad Friday erealDBa o( each
waak. at 7 o'clock. It will be well-(or
local dBkra to bear tU* io atad.

H. B. Streac oada a batlacB trip
Kbpid aty yeaterday. ^
AUcc Mabal P. Wblu will leara today
tor a abort racatloB wbieb abe will
apaad la (Iraad Kapidt aad Detroit. Bbc
wOl bear Padrte rakl la Delndb
Boa. U. U. Corell wt> io rboatptaa
atUe oa betlaeta yMterday.
Un. WlIlbtB HcUiebaelaad dtayhtarkaye rataraed (roB a elalt with
TobUr^ ia Ulaa Arbor.
Bet. A. J- Bldrad will yo to SaarBaa
today today to atteadqaartrrly saet-

She expeeb to
dayi of each werk.
Frank Wllaoe wat lateen latt wMk.
Arthar StockEtb and Alien PrSer
reiatkioc xr.-auyratat* topn'. «aa
tkeryaad rrc-turia-.ia theoM dray
lore boildiBy.

ibrrl Selkirk b juybi a ra
pji.tort here Ixtl we.k for f
Ofur uurco (actor/
K Fox hat a aewhorae.
of Mark
■ctday Iwt.
Bertba Boztlcol Acme was the yar
Ol bere» J. Myrtle Uoa.k. Wedar
dty. the l-

Tbe aebool U preptnay lor ai
talamrat la the owr lets
ttiB BtyaioQ
epeat aetrral
ramoe City U«i week, tbe
iraitter. Met. Char. Klwald.
Mr. uod Hr*. Cof. Ff.oa ol W.l
^wbarttpaBt Saaday with Uri'A.
Hru. WtUe- Aroold it able to be ont
ayale alter a Icny aickicat.
Jellt Liedtey wtt the yaett o( Hra.
B Crltp Friday aad Salarday ol laei
Carrie Mother ol Barker Creek epect
Tacadiy with ber east. Ur< A. C.
HiB. Ueo. WtaltaoD aad Mcu. J. ni
•OD were la Tfarerae City Moaday.
Chat Ueoa li on tbe tick Iwt.
Hra Ik 0. While It tpcodiBR thle
-oek with ber------—

Tbereyalar meetiny ol tbr LaOiet'
lieBsti aoeirty ol tbe M fS ehurcb.
Beadle. OB tbe aorta, ao^ Hraluv held Friday altrraooo at theheios ol
Ker. aod Mra. 15. Steele, wat a more
tbaa Biaally ptoataal tiryir. Aarzeel.
Uore Wepaaw. Tbe «^eri*Sero
lent (upper wat trrred aad a rerr reaatutmlly retire to the aOrth. aad try Joyable allcraoou wat tpent by tbe
toaaaeecd Ib JtlBlay the mala body
L'ybtkeeper l<auU llourteau aad
tbrer aeilataott left daturdayfor Fox
line toBI
i’erey Smith and fanlly faareiaored'
bn 1 wUl turely eoepetate with Boberu.
Into towD (cr tbr tuatstr.
Tbe latlerb r^bt wlay cBtaiiay
EraeitCoik bat rewrned to NorthBtlblAn or UarrMalth woe
art alter apaadiay ibo whiter In Trat
tea tbe weat eatraeee al Van
The epworib Lctyec of tfae H. E.
paea. Bailer bat il^y waaled all
cbofchwillfireaD >c: creaa toclal oa
la tba dlatrict oa tbe
Wedaeeday rreoloy. Aaril :Hb, at the
tide, ataowinc a osatlbUlty el ala iatown ban. AdBlwIoB. 10 eenu
CcatioaafWrdriTiBy ibe Boert from
Tbe steamer
aleamer 111
lllioolt came lato th a
Natal to iBiaya Nek of aatcrlBy the port from Cbieayo Sunday erenloy and
Free Slate by way ol Vao Beraees unlotdtd a hrter tbipoentol frriyi]
lor tbe ibUpUrc.
pait. wbleb would tAi
leatMe (or the deleederu.

Tbr 'new appar pealatala aorsal
•eboolatHarqaattob completed aad
tbcaamaar term Vm opaa early ta
KaelarbaaetaalarMtdaatwboia to
atroBytbatwhUelUliayalady out <d
rriayereceatlT be-broke Iw
ber riba.
lleetrolyaU h mUlay Nod with tba
ler aalat at Jaekaaa. TboM uadar
the ilreat car llaaa bare been foaed
be ilBoat aatea ihroDfb.

t: ■

ot tbe traaa. a remit, k a masBotb
Mackey bu yoai to Aax Arbor (or aa aaa.luin>kBaara^Alaoal atytal

Tbe borne ol Mrs. C. B
wra the eerer ot a rrry Dleatont '
bleparty" Tbaraday. aliwaoon.
party wat arranyed (or Hra D P’Hoxtie. wbo wat rltltiar Nartbpwt. Tbo
early part of tor aftemoas wat darotrd t> stklay a comfort, aed whan Sabtda btaaKlal aopaer wax tartod.
bleb wae er j >/ed by tba ladle* prea-

H. Cordea ol Leland waa in Xoribport Saturday.
Hru. EBma tlayletol Ctereland, ()..
It to Northparl rkHlay the (amlly ot S
W. Wilton.
A rery pleattnl dtoctoy party wat
ylreo by the band bm at tbe Uirn
hall oa tbe erenloy of Bailer Monday.
The laryc nuaber preaont bad a de
Ilybtlal Uma
“Tbe Hilkmaide Coorencion." anci
^lament ylreo byAbe Loreri
Lorcri ol An
tbora. Toeaday crcBtoy, at the town
hall, wat a incceat hnanelally. About
$1« were elchrwl. which will be applied
to tbe aebool orymn (nnd.
ne L. O T. U. yare arery eojjrable nnd prchltble mUlinery. aoeiel
TaeMy ereotoy, al tbeir bal. Almr
a abort proynni wat rendered Ibe bat*
and trimmlnyt were told to tbe yeatle
men. A p.*lw waa awarded to (l. H.
Onnit lor the moil ariittle triqiBid
bah while WUl Uill reealred tbe-Coo*o
lallon. At the clone Ice crtaB nod cake
ware preridcil
The naabcrpreuol
WM not to larye a* It woald hare beea
had il not been lor tb* Ibrealenlny
weather, but tbit did not binder'the
enjoyment ol the erentoy.
Hn. Wm. i‘*Toe ot Sniuae Bt)
to Xorlhparl Friday.
HIM Jennie H. tim bM yooe to
Oraad Bapld* (or a rklt wUb (rlendt
Mr. aad Mra. Geo- Utme bare-retaro•d Irom a riait with tbfrlr droyhipr,
Hrt. Will Oarro* at Trarerae City

J. Spanyle k rkUtoy to Ttnrprae
wm EeaMyartea ot Oetnrit area In'
Kartkpori Tbanday and Friday.
Oea Parkin ratorand Tbotaday from
a trip to Trurerea City.
Altwn Oaakalnw o! OU1-* Pier ontoynd^hk Eiom dlaoer with Hr. nnd

^liW-OiaeatakB tod


Hrt. J

IS.qp^Batkstdtoaaraodaeeial bear
o Men's Suit*, just out from the tailor's hands: t-ver>- suit a fitter: well
worktfd and finished: cut on latest patterns; vests single or double
breasted; material of thccelebraied Indian Mills Cassimercs.
III neat checks and stripes for-.- ......................................................... ............V I •</>/

Frtt SiebblatlcIlSttarday for Fox
Itiand. to reaBmehlidattocuataklant:
llybl keeper.
1:*:.—Oow to teeare n deeper Intcrrtt,
Hr* Martha Bald inrlud a Eambw nnd yrenter efilUen^ oa tie otriof I
.nday aebotl irneaer*. A E Cbtrer M—
ol brr lady Irlesdi to her bnme Tbaraday alteraoea toattwt la tcwioy car­
SrOO—Uieeatain lad by J F Oane
pet ray*. A flee time was cBjtybd aad
PtiByauppv wac aerred to U
rtSJ-Atnncber't praptratian of tb.- |

rnodaytobool leeaoB, Vi-to W. Bykcr I
___ ol the moil eojoyable eerett i
i^e nator waa the reeepilor ylreo I
the K <> T. N and L O T. M.
thelrlamUlaaaadlriendaai the tow
-Heneret Sanday Sctel work. I


tfae cTCEiny tpent I.

o Men's Suits of hall woolblack Clays, l-ancy Worsteds—an imiution of
highest grade of cloihing; l-'ancy Cassimercs. patterns of the most
pleasing effects; would-lre considered good value im "panic

aoo pairs ol Men's

Tburaday and FVIday a

Cht* RlBCka and danybur of K
wick, apeot Saaday aad Moedsy
Hn Slorcriarery III at ber home
. tbia place.
Mr*. H. EUillbubeeB coal
..the boute for acrrral day*
terere allaek ol aalbma.
Tbe Society ol ChrliUan Endearor ol
tbe CooyreyaUoBxl ebanrb are makloy
arTanyemeaCtloraaerlal to be ylreo
ia the near talcre.
Farther notice
wi:l hr made.
Hcnre Ntah oUi.-awo. Ulcb . arrir(d Id Northport Sttnrday and will re­
main (or arrcral weekr.
Lut week the ladicaoMfae IV. B C.
ol tbit place preaeoted John lUaachard
(I to »i»l tb
lhat worthy
y old
ole re
It Uineoi
rebaildioy L
lad 111
Ich wax
on rleclloo day, m
rmtrosirrd by the
I of thl*
E E Campbell U apendlny
dan In TrtreiaeChTHlti HabelVowIeriienjoyinyariait
wiib ber aialer (rsm Maplcwn
E Uinibaw. n F. Doxalr, Martin
>n and Carton Warner, ol Liiaed
Nortbpobt riailora today.


Pants, guaranteed piirfect salisfactio'n or no sale.

50 Dozen Heaviest Fancy
Colton Worsted Pants


Erao ^nsbt a Oitea** U No EonyeF, f
Reyarded ax Hopelea*
If you are .ufferioy from kidoey. i m
uladder cr uric acid traable, and haee . m
deapairedot cetiloy bcip. yon ahoo dlg
try Swamp Bool, the yreat kidney rrm-' 4
edy. Every reader of the Ukhxi.h may lB
oblala a aample bottle free by mall. io< fl
yon may ictt i-. tor youracil and tnliy'i
reaiUc the troth of what yoor frieode 1,
and (cllow eltl/.rne lay a-rryard* Ite ' 1
loareelona t Si mey and - : 1 to
Dr KilBiF* Swamp itov, baa been 1
tried aod tcaled by ibcuamnda wbo 1
itand biybio tbk ootamaully
It:* >
not recommended fer «eeryUiloy. bat. <
If you baec kidney, bladder or uric aod •
iroable il will be-foand jsxt the reme J
dy you need.
It brinya back the may |
nail, of health and etrenylL: il k s‘i
rurltieraod rehuilder, and la a born to']
beconfroniod -.uddrely with the ; g
------- .-Irtye that Btiybi'a dweate bad ■ g
boidof one wa*. al onetime, tquiea :g
lent lolearicy a dealfa warrant read: 1 g
bat today, lhaok* to the dlaeoveric* of' g
(dance and the reaearcbea ol Mr. Kil-’g
mer, no caae 11 entirely boprleaa Errs I g
Iboae in adrenerd alaye* bare betnig
rmCTea M life prolooyed by Swamp :g

tvfilniadc. tvarranied not to

______torrkon. Cedar.
Ubrmrian-0. A

’ Juaticool the Peace—W W Oarrln.
Cedar: S B Catr. Solo).- Joaepb AmU-.
bucbler. Trarerae City.

aiK-riai CwTwpordrarv..
rbe box aaeUl held Friday eeentoy
hr rbapbl for tbe henefli of tbe orI fund broayslto III it
'here i* a mloliter beldiny Beeiloye
at the Adrent ehurcb.
E. Frmiber, at eld neiykbxr. bat no
ol li.riickriiie. called on friend* bei
last week.
Joaii- Beej >mm cam: borne from b<
•cbool at Snetland to eoead Saaday.
T. H Ball
baa bren
breti rieitiny
Tiaitiny to tbe
eiybborbood '
Fraak aad Fioreace tValtoo ofTrarraeCity called oa HiiiMiaor Snoday.
Ja1to*Ncrria left toat week for Ann
Arbor to nuderyonn operaUon. Ueh*a
bben tick nil wloler and bi* reecrery k
doablla’. Uia wife accempaniod blm
Hr. and Hra. Robert DlUop a
Dr from East Kaaioa rklled H
Iflower Saturday and Sunday.
John Berry and Mra Hiaato
Oiborn hare bei
lyne al tbli place.
Htutocua ot Uk
,_ieea* here tbk weak. .
,*^wo co'ared yenlltmea are tlcpplny
the boiel
Pbey pare aa eatertaientallsreeo
ireeo Briar aebool
boute Sat
irday ereelay. wbleb wba mneta enjo)
-d by vboie preaent
Geotye WillobM apret toat weei In
Oslo. WhUe there be waa mamed to
a lady fromttrorer BUI
He returnrd
Saturday ereoiny. brtoyley bia wife
with him. We ntoad oar kladtot aod
best wttbee lor their (atdre bapigacte
Hr. Waltoo aad (amlly ol Trarerae
City. HiltoD Wuiobee. wile and little
aoaa(0.d Mmlon. Mr. aad Hra. John
B'riybi and cbildreo aad Hr. aad Hia
Freak Royeia ot But Eaaioo, and Hr.
aod Mra J. Ben}tBto ol tbk plaoe ytoiicd at Hr. Willabec’a Sanday to aaal
bit wile. reeanUy tram Okie.

rip. a regular 0Qq

Twenty-five Dozen
Men’s Dress Pants
Made Oldiind.lefabn. s.cut «in latest patterns, bought
lH.-roi-e the advance and priced Ixelow
market value- jii.J5 to........... ....................


100 Boys’and Children’s Suits ,
In all the prevailing new- materials and st>-les of makes.

The juvenile


tee Suits for the tittle tots, amt .t-piece suits f<ir the older l»ys up to 17
Thl* yreat remedy I* parely (eyet-, g
aUeand conuine ooihlec that ccnld|i
barm the mml driieate child.
pleaaantu take and tbe reynlar flfty-l g
cent and one-dollar aliea are aold
' -*
all dreyyitu
Send yoor name aod addrea* to 1
Kilmer A Co . Bicyhamtoo, X. V . au- .
aaaujpic b;ttlr and a book teHiay all j
)ul Swamp Bool and lu wonder+ul'
■r* will be aeot to you free.

years old, long or short pants, single or double breasted
vests; we price them per suit from
. . 4>0(VV

Headquarters for Millinery.
Children's Trimmed I lais from ,;5c uyi.
up. .Sailors from jit up.

I.adies’s Trimmed ! tats from $1.00

The largest Carpet and Wall Paper Dept.


Wc start our paper at :c per double roll; border front 1

yard. We .start our Ingrain Carpets at iSc.
the best all wool Ingrains,
I’er yard ooc.

Glass BlocX


W e handle the Lowells for



-Front Street -


Laauer. Trnrcrw
While, Solon.


I’ants.'bought this spring,

Stoyioy. _ OlIcriBy

•r were preaent and n


made to our spci ial order, every pair warrant^
by the makers.
The Sweet Orr L'nion Made


... _ J weather aud Itrme
rrry bo»y. Field* quite yreea.
<> C. Alters of .V'orthport call
Cate'* Friday Qiyhi aad picked ap
load ol yood* on Siturday.
W. u Uckermta and E J. D.cker
iraiay rreoiny aad left Satarday -ISO weat to Nortbpart oa Maaday
niny for Vox Itiand.
with Hr. Airord'* yoodt.
Will Megaerr tdjk a !->td Of patten
eta tiC en Arbir Hoadey afteroooa
IValtet UordoB apent Wedacaday In
Very Utile maple euyar made tbk
amiona Bay.
(1. H. Dame dtwre to Trererae City
AUle Smith- went to Trarerte City
l^nMay on bnilaatt. reiaroisy .jtt n<rbt- wherr be bat a ootIUoa
•ritli itrnci A ttUlelir. lumber iupectsurer
A. J. WhiM. who ha* brea to the
ac'Cccoail to look tioiber. relumed
Lraader llau and wile of EaUaJ Monday ereniny.
tpODt Ewicr Saaday io .Soribpora, the Place of Waabioyte
blf atich earn.
yaetupf Mr. and Met (re Dame.
John Sanborn went to Snitooi.Bay you *aw at Ibc Wmld-t Fair.
Friday eres.ny. Hay I. there will be
Tburaday on buiiocu.
loe / mmermtnol Trarerae City wae h warm luyar aoeiki sad proyrem yir
an at the Cletr Brook aebool boutc.
In Nortbport Tueeday on buainaaa
All arc cordially Inrited.- Come, and
A Tcry rnioyable dinner party wat wc aunre you a yood time. AdmiuioB
ylreo Ittv week at tfae borne o( Hrt.
Fanny Voice, at which thirty rclalieea
towoabip Board dirctotr:
were prrtrDl. Tbe erent wat to cele­
rlaor-Cmla Boibardt. Cedar
brate the birthday aonia^ryof Mra

>4a Caolrtl baka
tayloa are tetloatly hampered
Fcaak Volruba bat yooe on a botllack ot briek. aoae belay (or aale la
aare trip to Petcakry aad other polaia.
tatt MUblyaa tbia apriay, accord
Err Jouab'-Fbaeiaytoa wcat to
lay to report.
traey Uka yettrrda* to altrad Prleadt
Lake City It Set a food place lor
qaartariy aartley V
dlroreed pwaoai who wHb to marry
Hr. SidayyArBluyeaud (tally ap
aymlntoyo. Both ol abe leal Biakrirad Ittl alybi IroB Fort Baroa Hr.
are dead tol«l Bbob a tbiay, bbA
* Viryiala UtyoMi. who bat been
Araltaye bat told yiifara-at that
ly a* nurse to a boipttel at B.y
Bfaae to Barry eneb penoai.
place aad lataadt
aike ^li city b«
a. retarned borne last week.
Tbeaa^ettory teaaoa hat opeoad'
Hra l> F. Hoaic aod aoa Ltoatrd
HayorBaBUtOB rptarbad tut elybt atPcaiwater. WIllltB BaDtoaolUat re-.aned t> their home al Lrlaod Fr..
place killed a auipedsaake wbleb wi
day.aller a ritii with trleada to K»nb(roB OUeayo

W..F. (HU ol QHb Pier, ia ta ^elty. piWlaly Barked with the Byaf« t.G>HUt Enma WOion. who hat bean
Hia. i. SuUlraa of Otdar waa a The town k yacaaiay what It meaai.
tpendlny tbe wlaler tiarellay tbro^h
Tnrarae City rititor yCatcrday.
Etra Haryer.ooe el Wealord co^ty'i CniKorala. relarned to her ham* to
P. B. vtbtoo wat m Uc dly boa ploneerL aad moat rapeeteA.
thl* place Tbanday
She wa* accomWUlisBibary yeaterday.^
pnniodbyberaBBi. Hra. Onylaq
d(ad at ble be«e In Maaton laal w
Him Bmaa Boardnau «rnrad>Satar
Prank Wcltoo retaraod rfos Chleaay rraniay from Trarerae C.ty to
atdlSeren Uaa*. hatlay been Iw .
I e^end Saadv with ber parent* to tbie
Scaator J. W. HUIlkcB retaraed UrmaOBBtytreaaarer. Bit death was
ytMordar from Cadillac
---------- 1 baart aSeetlon.
Q. Cole el TrstetM City tpent aerer
Oharlat Hallbtry wUl leara Maaday
daya of lad *rack to Nor)Apon
t.<aeehaad wile of Watroaifor Bewail. Hlcb.. where he wUl apaad
wera Mb 73 ywa elA They
a waekt racatlon aad rltlt aa aacle had Urea bap^y toyetbermiay yean,
aad area daatb eeald aot aepantt
aa-tbay died PridaywitMaa
lew boaiB ol 'each ether, and wert
bcDke bk ebackbaaa ia two pUcce dec- boried la tbe aaaa yrare.
lay Satardaylyame with Kalamtiaa
tbe 100 apple ireee idautod la
MacKey't lejartet, which ware raealred April, itto. by Lame Joaapb. la gilaey
laalidiay to aeeaad bate, were not re towptblp. Breach comaly. » an aUll
yarded at drat at daayeroet. bat lalar ibrUtyaad bear (rnitefaty year. Oar


■oaxixo anum.

. 0-DaroUenalaempebladbyBtkb port Taataday arealay and atartad wto TVeaatoa.
a bar rayaUr trtpa Pxlday aamiBf.
^iO.lo-Addrem of wMeSBe Joba
Ealpb Clddie «( r<(a Lake
Tae Cbarierotx waa tbe flrat ateaa
awnSnadtyD Bake tbit part, nrrirlay (rem Q
i^^b-Eeaponne. BabertTremala.
Joba McCarthy k home troB By
rtytTbertda) marnlon aeariiy load..
. lD;3o—sinyuy.
witb (talybtfor tba different psinta so
lO.ts-me beat Bxlhodol wiaatoy
tbr bay.
cblldrM tote the Saaday aebool. Pan



A Trip to Our Store First
Will ALWAYS save you much valu­
able time. With the immense stock
we carry, we are enabled to give youjust the pattern of goods yon want in
a suit- A perfect fit, and at a price to
correspond with values offered- We
carry a complete assortment of“stout,”
■slim" and ‘ireffular" Suits and are thus
enabledTo fit tall men. ehort'men (»*
regular shaped mien. We do not allow
a poor fit to go out of our store. You
should see what excellent values we
offer in Ken's Suite at $6 0U, $7 60,
$1000, $18r00. $16.00 * OhUdren's
Suits^at $1.00. $1.60, $2.00, $2.60, $8.

■aae>wiaw.d W r. i. Ceear> a C«.

□ □□□□□□□□□□ □

IKATiT). Awm. ae. i>oo.
1 tat. The l-atn-Btt

Ha WAIcma SMvoed Lastar-


•■M «MMM7 B<Mi!*^ BM>bM> dU Mt taM Uair baiaM at tb«
(MnlaCMMioa •<> uwUtn bmUbc
a wwa largo att
D. B. 0«r or Olaa Baraa
btbHdod. dBoagtbeaa
A. B. Cdtaa. Stargoea Bar: B. Chanba>Wa. Oaatral Uka Laabor Oo,:
Oarlatoli LaBbar Co 1
IB. B. aad W. C Ball. Oral Wood Plab
Ob> W. B. WblM. aad 0. Voa PUUa,
Bagaa Ollr: W. A Jobaaoa, Soath Am
lBBbarOo.:B. P.Pertar. Baat dordaa
lBaabB-Oa.:S. B. bawla, Elk Kapldi
iMB Ob.: aad WUbar F. GUI, OQIa Plar
r^ardlag tba iaa|iac«loc ralaa raltUae
ta aaaaaaa laabar sod eolU. aad
Aaagoa ta applr
a^gwMtetba dalagam wbo mra 10
btMad tka aathaat enraatioa to ba
haUbHar. Tba dal^taawmala<
iMlraalad ratetlra to tba plaa of la
apaotloa aadar a ektef laapaetor.
Baporta (roa aUtr par coat of Mi
------ ---------- la MM ragioo ahowrd
MMtbaaa^tol bardweedMMrear
MwadabrtporoMtMatot Uatjcar.

S] ' MlMliatotba taaatioa apoa bUI pro
5. dMIa. bat Ma aaMtbtka aada do
■■f,. «aalBlraatadef tbalr rlawaapaotba


jaha Btoai>kW4elBar«V
M lha Mbjatl. "irbat tka OaaaU
laad d^aUB ba* doaa lor Bar Oaaa9.’ BaaU. «nlotall, .that U bt
aaaUaaa balm ward le aaawar tbi
Oraat-F. L. DbmU.
ntatla. ba abatld aaa tba ward.
— dwa.” Ha aMtraatad Ibaeas- Oraaa Laka-A. B. OarVa.
Lasglbko H-D-Bowari.
___ J o! the pMb wbab ihar
VapBald-U W. Daall.
peorraada, with that ot tha praaaat.
arbaatho hara ao— oI tha daaat Paradlaa-A. V BttoMo md Balpb
roada la tba Uallad SUtai. Ba raid taaa.
that tba baltar mada taratabad proll.
Paatoaota-P. F. iBrdta.
Ualea-J. V. Vpaa.
plaaaara aad pralatUaai. Prodi. la
that tbarbroajrBi tba BarkaM Baah
WbItawator-A.J. DeVrtaa.
rbrdaoraaalaf tbaooitof tcaabTMTona Qlp—tat ward. A. W. VaUtiaatelaBtbtaoaahaU.
kn: tad ward. A C Danew; aid ward.
W. W. BbIM: 4M ward, a & KnnrlUe: ttb ward. W. E. Vootu
rUa ea tba roada. la aa
Delegalaa wan Moa alaetod to tba
wat aroatbar or drj.
Ibat tha donor enld oama qtlekar. alata caaraatloe aa tellom:
maira to ^aabiaarr darlaf
W. B. Poator. P. Prtodrtob. Oeo- W.
BaR. F. L. Jehnaoa. a C EaowlkB:
aad to tbs ooegraBtoeal eoam____
naa. T. Bataa. 3. A. Lonagar. P. A
Walker. L. Beberta. W. H. C. Vlteball.
prarad a wklrlwtod. aad wbai
Oa BoUan Ma eoBTaatlra adj
eMaadbl*addrea^eriaa of -Oo oar
‘•PjB-t atop;" ware hoard all orar Ma
Taa prlBBlpal aabjiel of bla Ulk Bitter Bat aaaorgasltad bp alaettagJ.
— Ma approaeblQf good roada ooe- B.Voarea, ebatrBas: 0. C. VeRatt. aae
a. Iroatorar.
iroatorar. B
raattoolobabaUat Pert Barea Jalp ratarT;.J. O Jobaeoa.
W. W. SBlM.
taad 3. Be M faUlp babbltog
1. VlUlkae, J<
loila. A C. Darro<
oaMaalaaB, aad hla addnar waa . A BrigtoB
Beal Eauu TTaaatare
■Wbaa ba eloaad. Vapor BaBlItoa
Tba tollowtog an tba real •
Bigad Mat hie enggattloa be eai '
Iraaalen, laeordad froB Apr. I
oat. aod tba dalagataa appetotad.
(oa UU wat doaa. beoarar. Me meattocorgaalied ii
ottbaUraad Trarana BegioD." a
Aaaa Cooper to J
alcclad u eCeert:
cel to ewv Bee i<
Praeidaat-A. P. Orap, Pralaeala.
9eeratoi7-B«bon Baroep. of liarBlreap J. Vorgaa aad wiU to Joba
Hoaaerleb.e , ofe‘, of awk.Beetl.
T :s S. B II W—Bl«t.
Treaaar«r-C H. Betea. of Bum.
Philip Hoarloh to John Adaa Hob*
Vapor HtBlItoo waa cboaaa ebat
a»k of del.. Bee 17. T tt M. R II
BU of a daltgaUoB to altaad Me goad rleb,
raadt ooareation at Port Barea.
' Otorgo Kellp to Oarld U Rallp. parpower to Bpkd' taeb cell
la Bob 4 aad t. T t< N. R lo Welbar appototaeaU aa ba^lgbt ace fli.
at a later Una. Tba followlag oMar Oeorga Kallj w Vargorpl B I
deltgatawaraeoDBrBad bp Ma eoa- a«ala to Bee •, Tit .V, R 10 W-George K«ilp to Calrto W Kellp. perraaUoe.
• lined Ttararae O. P- Oarrar. Bebt. ell to Bret 4 aad 3.T7-R. B 10 WBtraap. A. V. Frladrleh. B.,0. l/a^. A.
U:orge Kellp to Van Agoa Kellp.
P. Orap. aad i. B. Bodgea
areal to Bee 4. T :t N. R 10 W—*I
Laalaaan-C. A. Nelaoa.O V. Dear,
deba Whlla. W. B- Oaapbell. WIlltoB
3 BA I B B Oo to Wb Oopetaad.
Awtrla— W. B. Sloaabr. B. B. Lpoa. a^ofaek.Bec s*.,T.J« K. B :•»-


BapabUoaa Ooaatp OobtobU
a of tha plaa^ luaeaaaat'
taliiMillnp la daa laigaIr to Maror Bat 'la^Mtcra ball Voadap altarat 1 :i0 aad waa ailed to order bp
■MittMB. arho baa baaa aoUrlag to hfa
Mbrtalor Ma...........of tbaooaraa- Caalmaa Moaroa.
Jadp LortoBobarta waa Bade toBpotaip cbalrtBaB aad o. a ifeRaU teadaBB traa Ma «0BB% of Oraad porarpMCretoip.
OasotloaMa ebair appnatad Ms*
M. Ualam. BeaalT Aatrla.
■haaadBaaat. Alletlbarap- Bltlaaaaa foltowa:
Oredeattola-P. B. praU. “W. B. C
•oMadtoMaprotoidlagaofMaooaraB- Vlleb^. )IV1 Vaare.
took acHra part ^iMa^
k. llrlghaB.

0 who had Matga Of tka arraaga•Mtawarotortaaai
0 fartaaaU ta Obtaialgg fear
a Ma good roada sort
mmx. A. B. Palaar
Palaai of Ealkaaka, la as
•oMorilp oa Ma ooBatprooda}
AndllawarklafB.aodhMbaae alcoalp
IdaoHtadwIMMaarataB to hUowa
««i9.'FtoakA. Rogaraol Port HaMtoltbaira aogtoaar of rteogsind
■MUtr.aa'balkoritr oa readballdtog
* mM adHor of -Tka BoodBakB--" Jofea

aatiUad to acata to tba eoeraatloa at lellowt. aad Me repoi;t
aeaepud aad adapted:
-B. V. BUlaa. N. Biorp. Joba
Bosie. a P. Iteao. J. O- SudBaa. &
Blalr-H>..A. Brigbaa. JaMb Btadaltaer. B. C. Hart, P. V.; Baalie. Uao.
VeWaMp. ■>

aUdtog el
laidlB rood)
-Bar eoaoip.
itp. aad la
• aMoagtoaar ot :
bBMiao taU of
m^mpot roada eraaltt of all wboi
Tba ooBPaottoaergaatoai braloeUar
B. r. 0fop of PiMtoaoto MwoMip. aa
pB<iM>.aodo a- ~



with aa aaaallaat papar bp Lowell
BaonotElkBaplda.eB "Battar Blghmga a Baoaaaltp.- Tka aab)aet waa
baadladtoaalaar aad Mwemk BaaPM. TkM ww toUowad bj ao asaallp
■■ifflul papB
P*to. •'Iba Hoaap Valaaof
• " ‘a.- bp E.O.btdd of Old

I s-j-*--

•I Kalbtaka. oa Tba OoaDtp Boad
■jotoa, m Viewed troa Kalkaaka
C«0B»." Bla addrm olaarlp eatlldad
tha aaUoat laatara of Mm apaWa. aad
UaadopUab to Kalkaaka Moatp. Ba
hwrtRproaeaaaodad Maapateaaad
tealhadalaarlp Ita good werktogla
Ua ooaaV- The ooatraat be drew
batoaoHMaioadebotaoaad altar Me
•dOpHao of MaVpaUB eraa rarp atrlkIktThp optstogaddraaol Ma aflaraoiB
waa '•eaoabi VaMeda of Bead Oca*
BtraoVao.-by Ftmab A. Bogan el Pen
Heroa. Hit adAraae wat a rarp aabatoUta aea. eerartag fallp Ma prtaelaatbodaot read-balldlag adapted
Mr. Bogan daflaad a good rot
BOrv of T
paaaaed Maapartatioo to Mapaatst
FMn,Maeoatof oanTtoga baihalof
wbaatlioa Obtoage toHawTorkbatogbolowadltM aad troa Raw York
to UBdes botog bat Iwo-Sftto of wbat
UwMagaartar olaaaatarp ago, pal
rmd V bol ajpraMVblp laaa tto^

MV ^ Ma goaerawa of Slloaa

adMapraaaal good roada aonetas'
■a toaarad Ma ratatog of a aaaap la
to Uto ol Ma ataMM tabor taa. aad Ma

ttoada dlBanat glade at roaU. u•Istlag iiiBoa «rth, gimral aad
awl Malad that the aatottal
IthtfaMMaMF BM^

Patrick V. Ptaoolcaa to Nettie C
Orep. lou r. t-, Hk I. B. L * Oo'e Itl
Upboose Raoeoaraad irlfe to
■dget. aek ol ew.. Bee l.T M
V W. aad tot It. blk 4. 8 Fife Li
Oeerge c Varrap aad wifo to Al.boaeoEeneoar.ack of twk.Beel.T
2S 8. B u W, lot It. blk 4. N Fife Lake

JaBwJ Iieobw .1 W aad C8 Traria.
w ao ft Iota 1. 7. 3. blk e. H L A Oo-t
let add—$M«.
Alazaadar f> 8epaa et al to Wa B

J W Tnilt aad oMon to V a WaUb.
wSOfltoUI. t, 3. blk 0. B I. A OPa
Trararae'Cltp Slate Htak to I' B
Darn, a looacretof Bwflk. Bee 17.T
!7 K, B 1-; W-$*W. •
Oral Wood liMh Oo. to Fraak Weat, of aa'..Sae 37. Trr 8, R

Wei beldaad
toa-ef a , el ai
B D UaR to Jebo 0 Kiag. |Brt«t tota
II aad 17. blk 3, 8,Fife Ltto-$lOM.
B3t«, Praak Bpdr. & O Bataer. Hllap JaeD Klagaadwiftto Joba Swale,
py tota II aod It, blk 3. 8 Fife Laka
Oiaal-F. R. Walker. P. L DeaH.J.
Htarp I) Ctapboll aad wile to Fraak
V. Bebell. V. 0 Bari. J. U. Brlgbi
stepaaek. eX lot I. blk ;. Haanah. Up
R Cartla. Wiu.
tar. Ura Vaa Taaaell. L W. Lpoa
lieo W Bataagt aad wife to Laran
l,»ke-E. Y.
BBmllb, tw'. e> atk.Sie 33. T
Later Walla, B. Dj,Hi
B10W-$I.'VaB3$eld Vadhlat Worka to Uee W
VapBrU-l^L W. Oaall,
. Yhol^^r; Metagt.iwi. el m'*. Bee 3S. T
Fraak Vaek^.'Wlaoa, Darljfg. H.
Varp Bolatee to Lbrto BoWrla lota
34. 33, 3«. blk I. BtpaMeadd-dtso
I’aradlaa—A. B, BUoaoe, A. E.. PalF. Vllbert aad wife toJaoob VUbtrt.
Tar, D. Voarea, Wb. Bparttog. ^raak *
parcel to Bee I, T76 8. B 11 W-$loo.
Daaa, Balpb Oaac, Jobe HeR./j. P.
TUIolaoB, J. A Brewa, A. L. Ttantoa,
Philip Vlllar.
PaolaaoIa^'P, P. Lardia. A. W. Bill,
Eaarp Dmb, Jobb Velatoib. W. B.
Orap. Fraak B'rlBBtT. P. I. Jobaeoa.
Lraua P-Fa aad wife to Ueo W
Jr.,B. K. BriakbaB. W. A. Vaiaball. Whl^. parcel ie See n. T 77 K. R t


Whltawatar-Lewall Boan. Fraak
6ean.Jatoai A Pellau. Hell Vaare.
A. t. OtVrln..D. R. Bolfa. O. D. HaB. I at rfcnst:
Pint ward-J. A. Voara, Tboa. T.
BaiB, F. B. Pratt. A. W. Blekerd.

W Wbluee aad <

MB, J. V. TbOBte. i. A. Loraogar, :

Aadraw Priwt aad wlto to Wa
oliwy. 9aei4. T:i N. B

't^”d ward- B. C. Itarrew. B. i

Matoola WboetoU WaDBofatotoa




E clothingH


A Ce-a.
An Weal Btlta for Vaa-UMh. Uaa. 1
■ I. wsrM at uaat'
**'"*• TPaeia qty.
to A Oe.ltt FroatBe,! koTBOIB UKE VORABCBB to
_______ •.
latoadMewaaraadlaarol batdrtdlag



go to R. Beads A Oo. DBB DBtfTScnB||baU.«l?aoaMr_________
«K BoaM I’akB ainat
1.ADBR. Trarana Clip. Vkb.
ta«M worM of Veab aad BojeBXCUBSlOB FARBS
I SaBBor L'adarwaar at Bargato Prirea
lantatj. VIeb
AdBlial Dawr



sf^”S3rs."l-iSteinberg’s Grand





Mens spring.nd summer
•» checks and stripes—nice goods for
up-to-ilatc iire»scR. H you wear pants you should sec these, at $I.B0. $2.00, $2.RO.
$3.lUi, $3.ft0 AND I'P.

s!^°“‘^""““'“'“'Wednes(layJay U.
Edwin G.Jepson
Sell Vap!
■a fare.

VobawkdBbal^Mt. Ball Vap 1
^ Boratog tralaa Vap 7


Bora' Koee Paata I3e. tie. Me. at B.


itrToa^sitalll'Sl i

'Jeeet rmtek. |

SpriDK Hats, in mi the New Bhsdes and Shapes, at 60c, 76c, $1,
and up to the best hat made for $8.00.

iPmeau the greaioet auio.-o* i
the proHeot decade.

iMar Ki Hot
AprUtOoadVap I.


Don't fail to see the
worth up to 50 cents, at

"^1.-| A Peerless Company

■■air CMl^egare
.. jd fur our iramiDOlb
of abt-n BUfle. midled free. eomprMlo* all tbr hue popalar aiualr. aad oar
prke lower Mid asp oMer BDOtr
boaae la AmoieB C W, Harris

,li W1 bl«> dw wor«ri. e«,r. txtr. qndUy.’wdl linri.
Mens all wool blue serge, a beauty, worth Su-so, at..................... -. .. .$10.00


; Am) ntBi^ed with must elab­
orate detail.


rell Patterns in Shlrte.
The Beal Tbinff tor $1.00 and $1.26


26c and 60c

26c Line


A hem stof) deltlji rovea with
: cliai. brighi, wholesome
i .

TO SI.:..



iioxt Katardap tnoniitli;.

Reliable Dry Ooods; Oarpet and Clothing House.

Wagons for Sale


.......... . .31VUU

Several hundred acres nif valuable farming ' r*™ wJfSa VT.?: '"““'‘“'s.w m

‘ well- ...
c-„rf.>,y«^.,a ..... ..... liviw.
potitoes, groin; orgraselnnd;
convenience of markets, schoole, etc.; g^od wa,.cn. iar>,1lr<,. dcabu
roads and all the conveniences of an old set­
tled country. Will be sold in twenty-acre lots htpr. Brier eacU..................... $53 b
K J. VflBOANor larger for cash or on ady length ol time de !
sired by purchaser.
Inquire at Traverse City of





V OB Bhonld tony yohr footwMr here it
bscsuse yon
tho vory bs$t tb»t esn
b$ bought for the money - - ^
________ t




Don’t “Soflil Away!”
Y^UR immeneeBlockof beautiful WALL PAPER
and our IwOW-pRICES for eletraiit goods and
styles are pleasing the people more ami more
every day. Still the -ageBts" for Chicago ioh"biog -houses gel in their work oecasionally* and i>eoplc jiay just twice what we charge for the paper aod
three times for the border. A lady jnsrinformetl us
today that she bought of ao “ageol" and when the
goods came the price was just twice what she ex­
pected to pay, and moTc than twice as much as we
asked her for the same quality. You never get left
at the “Old Reliable''



We have a big line of Hen's Bellows Tongue
Work Shoes that range in price from

$1.60 to $6.00.


Hisses’School Shoes 76c and $1.00.
Hen’s Plow Shoes, lace or congress. $1T6.
ThU fa ths plaoe to buy yoQrtS.OOeho««. We can
money on all kinde of footwear.



wilt to Barrp Baa-;
BW. awk of BwV.daeM, T73 N. R tl
Dtlbridgo aad wile to Chat
TbM waM-T. J. Haadaiaaa. V
tek oletk.SaeU.TH 8. R
BalM. C. V. Btni. P. C. Ollberl. J. B. A Wieg. to'
City and fttrm property. 1-3 cash, bslanoe on time. Small
M. U K Oibba. 0. W. Pbtipa. W. 17 W—$1.
paymanta, with intareat at 6 par oent. See
A. Newtoa, B. C Detprat.l. P. Uardoa.
partial llat below. If yon want a bar
Atoata Fm, Frbak FraUrieb.
Onad BapldaA
FaarM ward-C. C KaewlMe. W. F. omDmM. aaV of .wk,s5r««5
gain, caUandaoame,
lonbo. r. P. VarwlB. W. F. Calktot.
V. C. OwtaH. Oeo. W. Ludta.
KtateU aad wlto to Vor | Ho. 168-80
«.-tl.»00 12 mil«.3 from city near WilltonisUrb*.
Flltb-W. W. Fatreblld, W. E. Veea, eaf^Vo^'
ba A Daw. paretta la Boo^
Fnoe 1bnildiag. about llOacmliopnivrd: good boil: well wator.
i •ed; iurfacetnoeUy lei-el.
*». P. OarrtaDB, Diau (taebUa. V.
D. Vorgaa. Wa. V aallh. L. K
Ctorataad. Vadad Viatoa.
73 8. B
C.W. Athtoaaad Jaa.UUUt.SUadraVonlB
tlB SIAM a^ wUijedutM yl
eaadlB to Fuat ward: F. F. Oraer. to Bar^poraol
ta Baa 3L TuV.Bli
Baread.wardiO. W.OirtM aad C. O.
Jlo. 117—$800—k> at-rea 8 milea weat of dly. Aboot liU
r la Third ward: B. B. SMwarJ
Sarf^, mostly level: aoiL oandj
idy laam.
Log booae.
to Fearib ward; A. A. WaU to FifM Barfchoad. awi.'e4 awk. Sac 14.BM
Oae^ird cMb, balance IB annod sayi Dent* «fC per cent.
Ho.l88-$4p00 aOacreaSimikanorth- BMt on reiiiaaulA. Frame
Bll4 V itaua to BdilwardGo«.toMi»;
abcinl lH acroaon
acnia.OD ore
orchard: aoil. aaody loani; aarface
ad 79 Wk 1. 8 rUo Li
iitttoa aad erdar al toitlaae rafbrti
^rolUng: o^gnod
Me toapeiarp orgaalrtUoa I
. ,
from city on Peoioxnla On
•da A Oc..MaaewOtoM* Ho 188-$8,e00
aaat to A. V. Fvtodrteb.
Bade poraaeanaad Mat Me order,
main roail: l*ooi1 apple orchard. 6ortace,.at>toe roUing: ceil.
,y. for pear aact tall.
biiluB be droLeetacltoa of ooai
MBdy loani.^.ffluieho». WilUflEehSiae and lot ia
Store ImildihcAad 5U.tD0( lot. No. 317 Union
---------------connected------with beildiog;
--------jg: good chance for
Vap trd:Mird.aaleeitoa of $?• daleu'ki
One-third caab, balance on tine to gait.
lea Vap lev The rapert wat teotpud
....................... lofCadfflAc.
c^ved'. Leg hooae’^i^^e. St^'^orehari. e^adhenTa> boyaa BMl _ ______________.
ia^ leM, on good road,
fiome tiabar.
OaaaltoB Maehair app^ud Oae.
W. BMward. P.CVUbart aad Al W.
ftS«T£?iL\’Sr^-^|Tr«vw..City. Mich.





To qur new store,
842 Front street.
Our New Spring
Footwear ie now
open for your In­
spection. Not how
Cheap, but . bow
Good, is our motto.
Our shoes are just what we represent
them to be In every case. We never mis­
represent oar Bboei to make a saAe We
show the largest line of up-to-date foot­
wear in Northern Hiehigan. We want
your trade, and we .in return glYe you
value received. Tours ior Shoes,

i- I


The Old BalUbla,.

. ' a4B mpt street


C. I. Ciutfed,





*hleh wUl
it pMctbaar
anew I
erlll be oddreMea bp aeraral TlelUer bBlldlap. wa* i
■lafttifi road Baele, aad al tbe eloM torowril BMtlap wu bald la tba
Df tbOMirtlMi the ledlee will
ehareb Ssadej evMl)«. Bet. W. T.
ahkhM piedlaaarto* the. A
of the old aaaBda- •
tarlMUoa H csteadad le all. Sereloe UOM aad b^PT aeBorbe that
led the old etrulare. bet look- matt be oae BesPcrof tba ec
from aecb ward, oae to ecrr* tor fit# i
Oearpa W. HQlar.;rheU*H two mllei ___ card te a period of t^rcatar bmoath of the oitr. Met wiUi as aatotM' taleaaia'tha fstare. B. W. BaaUapa rear*, aaolher far fear, aae her fv (
thrM.aootbcrfertwoaad abothcr for «
laia aeaUaal U '^ralalap cblebeae with aad C. A. BepbM caproMad tbe
Boa. J. W. HlUlkea i
f«w tbe
. braodai. Tha
from toe first ward, to aerra tor a tors I
tot worth of Aa«are le eUebaaeaad totara.
Tbeehareb b to be rcBOdcltd. It offlrerMra K. F. Wllbels wMCp- .
•m- Baplaead aaoU aloraaeartbe
polated trCB the third ward to at
bradarae at to hMtM tbebaleklar will be brlek
be belli, a palUry pat Is.the CMt foer. E. J. PsIpbBB. froa tbe feorth. I
br haaplar the am f'M; bsl
airaw la the breeder eaoirbl fire troB iapeapaeitr alBctt doabled.aad the three jaera, C L. rtralltoh froa tbeeae- *
cad. will etrre two -jean aad J. B.
Ibe etore, wUab baraed n oat of to baUdlopwill be
Uaalla ef tbe filth waH will br. a
WiU be to all iai
BlUiai Oim AovTelsaUe ebitkiiw orar throe w
ebsreb Tbe leul ceat of tba la- nraber of the coBBiseloa a year.'^
aid. aa oldheaaBdabeatooeTre.
sBcaie wiiibeaboatli.ood
InacWrtrbt dlad ramaUr at bli
Oaesa Beeon Nou*
Id to be psoeroaa Tbe proprietors
r- KiDp't 2fe« Dkeoreiy for Coa.
host at fit JABte. BMrar lelaad,
Otj Bsaoar School Coaveauea
Abel T. Pape.wbeb leteraied la the
pUea, Coopbe and Cblde. bars (rlr
wbeia be lired aaar jeara. Hr. Wrlpbl
Urtoa ehsreh wet filled wilt Satider Osesa reeort. wet is tbe dty yeatcr- ca away Us alUioae trial botUeaasd
wMAitroac Brpablleaa. aad at eae aebool werkart TaaMaj etealap. oa tbe day os bU wertotbat plee* to orar- have tbe MiInfecUea of hnowlnp it baa
tiae hU wai the oalr Bepeblleaa «eu eeeaeloB of tbeaeamUoaol tbe Trar- aee the work of peulhp the reeort la cored ibooeasd* of bopMcnt eaaee.
Broaebitk. La tlrlppe aad ml
aaetoa Ibe lilaad. that DtsoeraUe
Cilr baadtr 8:bo» AtaoelaUos. pood tbap* tor tbe isaaier. He to- AatbBa.
Threat. Cheat aad Lanp DIeesMe arc
For a rood maar rtait Ae asetlliBl prorrav wateanlad oat, psru proepdeu at sasisallr brlpbtfce esrely
eared br ll. Ckll oo S K Wall
——-*hb^»rtr froBV aad tteot ttbto for a relly Is ibit cltj abstrasd proBlaole eeatoe. Nearir aad Jea U debaeoa. Drappuu. aad
bout* Bepniar *>r ■ aad
dsriac tbe aaiBBtr.
The auUac wetoptaad brderotlos- bare alreadr bees tecared. tod sear lien Brery^beltlopoaisnteed
It br Btr. W. K. WripbU Tbe choir iBprjT'Beal* are ^iop Bade by
Centaiy Cook Sook
oa their cottapM The
terorad with dUIpbtfol apele.
A liailed ooBber foreale airtoeaU
bat been
Tbe board olpabUe work* bare aad* TheaddreBof waleoai wat piras hotel. •

a atari oa the btajU# path iaprore baarUIr br the patter of tbe ehareb. foriheeeatontoOeo. W. Palfrey, .a
aad the trial hat gaiaad pood Bar. C. T. Stoat. Tab wet retpeadad rrnerlraoed bold b*b ol St. Jotane A |
TrsToruCily. Micb
haadwaj os the wmi tide of Dlrltloa tola well cbotaawordtbr Btr. Uiiph eew dock la bslap bailt at that point 1
fcrlhr beaefii of yaebu sad emnlll--------------- .-----Keaoedr.
elreei. beiwera Froat aod K<
that Thnbia|
raiB blelo the Seedtr S:hool" crslh aad eaoop other improroBrnU
ttreata That far the rflort proalaee
deeeeie. A path abeatloar feat wide watthatablaetoCaoaddioet br Be*. oa the roedd and by.patbe, a Bile of 'Woald qaiohly leave yoe. U you need
bat btM Btdt br reBDTiap^tbe tod. W. T. Woodbonte. Be wat Ibleoed te rotd lo tbe.reeort It belnc pat Into exenff.-rere* bare proved their aetcb
fllllaptowUh elar aad relUtap aad with cloae atlenUoe. at bt urped the eelleat phape fordrirlor. and tor the of
IceaBcrii fur Sick aed Nervoo* Uee.l
reaadlap no la potd tbapt. iMrlap a iBpsrltaee ot a larper ate of the eprclai brobfit ot bieyclers
asbe* They make pare blood and
bard.eaootb tarfatt Tbe retsU of Wbleatlhetulbiok la the Saadtr
bnild up year health
Doable Waadup.
HoB»r back if Bot eared. Sold by S. E
thlewUIbi watched with Utenat aad aebool Headvoetttd theau of aid*
aolWallasdJu O JobseoB. llmppitt
peed thlapt aio Bora to bi the coeelt. totheeudror tbe leiioa. bet eald
tbatthebibleeboaldbe tbe book ia oBOicod by Bee. Fr. Baoer ToMeday
• at Yobt.
the eebool eaMioa*.
leoraoretoaeol ibe FlrtlH.B
Hrt. Dtrtoa eeep a deUpbtfal ao'o, eootracUnp parllet belnp Albert J.
Cohrude of EtH 8*y and Hiat Nettie
b at Vaba will be laid with a^ro- which we* preatlr enjored.
prIataeMrBoalateB Wedaeidar. Her
•'ll V as tbe Bat Hoar at Which to Hawkioi of Archie, aad Joeepb B.
*. at lii:ao a. a. Tbe eerrleat will be Bold Seeder School" wet U»* eabject Coartade ol Batt Bay and Hita leabella
ofAiubie The prooae, wfco
la^aipeef Bar. H. D. Cerrcl. Vialt- dlacoeied br Lori T. PeBaleptOD. A
ip alablan will aake abort epetehM Urelr dbcoitioD followed. perUelpated arc eooelne, own nelsbborisp first le
Id pood BBtle will be farabbed.
ln.krW.llW.atse.U. A. Uotiider. B. Eeil Boy. and tbe brldea. blto coialae.
The ladiat will Mrre a boteUebca W. Ueitlop eod other*. After tfac live near topetber oo the peniaenlntN.OOO
b diaper at
Bretroee b
a raeolutkie wet inlroduecd Ali are well known In this city.
Alter the ceremour no elaborate siniis
larltrd to atlead aad eajor a pood br Rer. C T. Stout. uDd peued ei foi
wed^tnp diooer war nerved at the
Bteo’.rad, That the hoar Cor holdlap lose of W. U. Coartade of SereaU.
Seoder eebool be chaopodfroa ir o' lireeL Abaat poetu were praeent,
Onr SaviagB Department
clock to 0:10 o'clock, prodded the coo- >nd Bany beaatUel and vmlsable pree.
eeolofaUtbetsbooUls tbe elir be nu were resolved by tae two bbppy
The rapalartlaeol work tor priatei obUlaed.
laTiarerte Cilr "ha* heretofore bei
The Batter ct Rtllr tier wat Inlrcacad br C. B. Eitar, pretidoat of the roelop bt tbe Archie ball, aad
bat attablbhad the aloe boor triteB. Coaotr Saeder Seliool AMoctatloo. tbon weddinp Uip. the two
wbleb earrlM with It tbe neeol the ThU wat dbsnaaed rery tredr- ‘1 *- will reeldeenadiiibiapfarBi <
ealoo label la bbIoo offiiei. Th>- UolUdar. Boa J W. Hilllkea. Brr tv. bay.
(orBlarBecord aod Ustti. Taeviiicos T. Woodheaie. B W. HatUapt. Ketto.
HOSroOBfortsble tbl.p over ^ Jit.
MihUH.1 «. .p,.,. toll
Bsaetii hare alraadr odopted tbeaew at: Wllbelaaod Lowell Soon of Blk peoed. The IVEB-JOHSSOX eoabioo 1 B.b B.i. Pr«iceci: j., T n»a.l., S.J
eeale aad It b probable that lb* other Btpldt, all ukiap pan lo the dbeaiIt wat Toied to eslcBd aa ia> la tbe dtr will do llkewltc.
rltatioa to tbe cxocutirr board of tbe
itcrr Landlord at Oolomble.
coaotr aeeoeleiioo. to bold tbe rallr in
W.B. Fletcbar. wbo haibMeUadttab eltr mt taeb tiseat tber kiay de­
lord ot tbe Bolel CoIoBbla elaee It wai
balU; pave up the hotel latt ereelnp U
Patrick BardeB.<^bo receaUrlpar bad alrsady bMn Bade tokt all that
seedsd to beiap the rally bece wat
the ibrluilos. there U ao doabl it will
be held here eoae tiBr durinp the
le cater to Uu tneellop pcblie and hb
From I'liit'koD lu-i- anil vi>iniiD 'by i^iriui: a voat t<> tli>- iiididi- i<{ >»tir
bU frlaDdt aadfalroot aad bM alreadr
Tbe toltowtop eflleen were eleelcd
led the daUeaet Uadlord. Tbe
cliii'ktqi i-oop of
for the eesslnp year:
batlsau of tbe hotel will eootlBaa
Prsaident—<>. A. UolMday.
rlfht akmp wltboDt iBCODnaleece.
Vice Preeldent-F. H I'aloc.
Tbe third fioer of the bcUdlop bM bees

The awetae at laplac Iho
ttweneH«ald ataae
of tho aow H. ■■ eharto at Yaha
will bo held WodaaUtor. H I. There


State Bank.
Tim; Uf. VlM-mMati J
••■•M OMU^4a
«/UCTCJU-r>rfr «MWk
S»«wd >rt».
« —


B. t»r tk* tfiMHi

Clfcuiatiou this week 2.250
Tfce «BWe W. A. Oolboro k. lokdlat
tor Ohlctre tram Itat Jabs I'. OU A Co
A pT( r^AMtioD bm« be«n lasBed b;
0»<r«rner I'lafTM. BMlac April tr m
Arbor U»y.
I FraAb Allor bw Ukca the eoBtnet
to bond e hoew for Oaonre WllUst oo
* We^l^etroet.
Tbe t'uioxle BiUl of l>. ■■ Cnodell A
Bob At SU«hU bUlac elArted up Uoawlth A fall force of men.
C. U. :>^err AK>o here Ukeo tbe
•MtrAc;to pat lo another elcbtloeb
ATtealAB well At the aeylaa.
Tbe meeltofeoftbeitadr elaeeee ofthi ffoBAD'eelab rrUl be dleceatlBaad
for tbe remAlader of the elab pear.
Tooeb aUUoB, oa Oerp Lake. ■■ A K.
S TAllroAd. will be opcD far (retfbt
ABd pA^eeayeiaaa Taareday. April tfUmrr dhaaoes of Ktafolep bad hie
faottererelp leeereted os a knot eaw
TaMdap while at work ia U K mbb»’
MW mill.

muiaa UcD>aa!d baa paid Ui rmi.
doBoe property oo We»t Froat etroel
le Willlaa Uapdea. Hr. HcDasaU
AApoett to more to Uraad Etplda.
D. Tbompkloi * 8n. tbe eoBth aide
blapele rcpalren. are Boriaf froB
Oeorga Bead iBjnraa.
tbHr (orowr looallos At M: 8e«tk aaOeo>i«Saad.eapk>rad ae eapiaeei
iOBitnel. to tbe bolldlac Adjolalaf. attiic Beedaaa Birer Bleelrie Llpht


SkW KVatVVnfosh

"Bags fi
cWu CfAIott
ni hltkfieh.
kV.vt\» Vk» \M\ l>tfi thVM )oT

^hetc qoode were Txrxx
a SEnutr TTVet.



Ulta ABella Urellick, deopbler ol
Aatoony OreiUek. died at 11 o'KilkMkabat decided l
oleek Toeedsy nlpht after a Mtere 111dhaFoarlhot Jalp la doe etjletUi caaalnp bla aaeb pain asd hb friesde
pood dtal ef aesletr- WhM the
poor, and will alaa eelebrate tbe fifth
yearsetape. Sbowaebiphlye^teeincd
iwerbihatdewB la the Boralap It both to thlt city aed violoUy aad ia
fornopd Boatorc. Alread; over fitoo
tbe OMIOB te aMbl ia bdnplap MoiritriUe. wbere the family, have rebaa baoB eabacribed tor the parpeee.
many year*.Hha EaUe Doekarar. bead beokTfae faneral vUl ^be held at two
keeperfor J. W. Bialar'a Booee Fora- Bead wae fijardd tbe i
o'clock Friday afieroooa tnm the fas. |
IMlBA fiwrt. bai Rooe lo Blk Bapida to
lly resi<eaae at Norrlivillr.
take eharfe of tbe o«ee of J. W. (Uaiar
A Bra uetU farther arraa(eBeBU caa
' Aaala Koat. wife o' Aoioa
ibedtroB bb bead and etroek
RoBh. died Tueeday aflerasoo at her
hearllr apalaal bb aide.
At first U wat not tbospht that be bomelaUarfield towmblp. at the ape'
1111; Brat iasbar to go oa the bic
of M yean, of hbronlc liver trouble.
deeh of the Oral Wood Dieh Co. baa
ata well kaoini Bobemiaa lady.,
haaalatpeeted aad b readr tor a hatfo lo eeSeriaiooMi^B aad fainted awaj. and tbe wife of ose of the aoel proml.Be leohe dtr and Dr. Hartla atwhich will be bare ia a few dayc The
farmera of that eaeiloa ot tbe
<blB. TbeblewetnekkiBjnl
lotomaUliof bait a bUIIod toet of eear tbe
FnaeralarranpeBeaUwIll be
liver and aaema to bavecr.hardwood.__________.
aanoaeced liter.
rboilr iajered that orpae.
.rTbe BaHlBaatel balldlait oa Float
SldBcy. tbe lOyea* nIJ «oa M H'.
aad Hr*. Nephew of KtvtoB. dirl yeitMdayat Dooa. ofleSaBBatloeor the
- eriihHra.Vaa8pekleot.BatU* .Creek la Beaneed hb appolaiBeau ol
for Uriaaocatr. wbteb are ea fel- boweta Thr faBeral will ttke plate
ehardb. A fiae atoek of tea-Vaolte*.
•from th*he«aFfideT.
apieea, etc.. wUl be earrlc I.
aad Hra. William Belmaa of
TbecoBBltteeoe Hemorial I>ap for
Drawe are soaraiap the loit of their
noBtbi'cldaoB, Bnatld. wbo died
HcPoeieoa Poet bare decided to M*«
Tsesday eveetep. Tbl* li the eerond
th^ Sabbatb aerrlee U Ue BeaerelK
al Manb. Bee. 8. baltberr will pcMcb rnloo
lUUe hoy they here lott le tbe lait
JMT. Tbe faaectl will be held today
tbeaeiBaw Tbraddrta.oo HeBorlai
Car OB the eoidJera- BoeBacelffTOBadi
10 o'clock from tbe ehareb o'.
wiU be detieered b/ Err. W r. Wood
Hrs. Hary E. Gate* died yesterday
Loop Like.
rtaol eoopMlloa ot the
Tbeeircalt eoart epept the e
liver at Ibe rceideeee of her deopbter.
derroetcfdar oe tbe caeeot Add!
Hrc. F. U Beraam of Wuhiartoe
.Utbbe rt Hoeeler Uroa. Alsoat e
StTMt. The deceated wu ;o year* of
UwteaUBSBriilaMd the mm
ape and had reelded In ih* city tor two
peobablj r> to the >er7 tbie afteroooa.
years. Hr*. tiatM woe tbe -Boiber of
Borne ^aaeerr {tceUBoar erae l
r. A. Etrlsad there it eet sob
la Ue eeaBiar. bat ao deeraee woe
wbo rcsldee at Oaopo. Hlehipab.
As iBfast danphter el Hr. and Hra.
Hr. Hordes ol Fife Lake. Bat with a
om OoBpaar fi:iaon»».
of Hayfitld. died at tneir
oerioai aeeidaat Satordar. Ble baed
BcMCoBpa^llr. I bald tbab aa- beae Friday.
cane ia eoataet With a eaw, with tbe
D Sister ot Blk Btnidi. a prosi!rcealt that the bead wm eallt betweea BulelMtloB Itot ^t aad elected Ibe
naat oIUmb of Uiat plmw and weU
the fiBEOM, tbe eat eateadlar late tbe tollowiapeficMi:
ForsBAa- A. OMprta
eertet. Be wae broarbt to thli dtr
kaowale tbl* city, died April nth-of
ABbtaat fareBao—W. B. Bhoer.
wale. Bewatbbrotberof J. W.
aad bit weaodt were dreteed bj Dr.
Seeretary.TreMarac^A Drepraa
F.r*t pipeata-f. Hsrebb. v"
TbeW. W. EiBball Ftaoo ^ Orvaa S»MBdplp:BM-SMBl^
aenry Cooper, formetly ol 0 d Him
^ .*«e. hae leaked tbe Mere la tbe HarkbaB
elon. and later ol Drlroit. died Fri­
|d baildlac. iu prcaeai qaariM ter a
l>rlh*lpeBtB-W PreberL
BrdiMl aea—H. WBchatwebr. J day at hit rboBt ig thr Kraope bind
M terBolrcaTa.BaklBKU>lithe ^wsaat the ape of ti years. Be bin been
aMtbeadqaartera el the eaatpear la ■Verlr.
aaployedes board a boat oat pf OewthWB Hteblime. A earload et pbinrit. and caae here this aprinp. Ul
•be aad ontaai will arrlrt here In
with to^adlae, of which bj died. Hit
\^jee>apa«r lto.<«ladta)l the tol- aotoarearrlvM him. Blt father, an
old eeldicr. died rseanily nt Old ills,
aioa. The tanevt oeesrred al tbe
ForcBia^. W. HUHhaa.
Theodors Thompson, .ihs eipht
loath* old Mb ot Tneeders ThoBpeoe.
8r . ef Cedsr. died nt lO c'eleek Friday
■orMnpad bronebllli- Tbe faneral
•at be held at Bmplrs Sanday.

Wait’s IDircLg S-b03?e.






These are tbe shoes you
have heard so many of
your friends praisingmany people say they
look exactly like Sj-oo
and $5-50 shoes. We say
they are
and $2.50



The Test of cheapness is
QualHy—test these.


'K&uq, 'fiV&cVt,
TCiosl *A\t*^h«
"Uoti UVt VkD nsVs ett tViest.


Why?—Because that's our business, and we have the Wheels
that give the best of satisfaction. Wheels that have been tried
by hard usage, Icing experience and the greatest experts in the
Bicycle world. ^ We’re pleasing many customers, because we
carry so large a stock of Wheels to select from. We can please
all Sizes and conditions of pocketbeoks.. The sooner you look
over our wheels, the sooner you'll be riding a GOOD WHEEL.



,\lways has been at the head and new
features wiU k-ficp it there, this sold
with the near case that prevents ab'
soI^i^V any din. duster A'aterever
cominniH contact with the' chajn—
which by'-fheway. is absolutely'the
finest on any wheel, costs as .niuch to
make as some whole wheels, and
only sold on$he Cleveland . . . .

Is a cracker-jack in every respect—
has the G. and J. clincher, tire, omamenul outside socket joint reinfotcements, “claw" crank, and one (nece
hollow forged fork crown...................

made by the Cleveland pet^le. and
is the best $.to wheel on the maket.



With all the lat«t improvements
makes it by far the tinest wheel on
the market ..........

Is a splendid medium priced wheel
made' b>-. the Rambler people, irith
the (j. Ik j..clincher tires...................





Gives you the cheapest .Chainlets
wheel on the market, and one that is
fully Ruaranted in every respect—
Oon't fail to sec this beauty . . . .

!s a beauty—with the G. & J. clincher
tires, the Fauber one piece crank
hanger, the Baldwin chain and the
Kelley ajusuble handle bar. . . .


Made by the Hibbard Co., and gives
the best of satisfaction.......................


i-'or igoo has all the essential points
of merit that made it such a favorite,
and we hav^ the chainless at $75-00
in both dianrond and drop frame, are
unexcelled for ffoe. accurate construc­
tion and smoothness of operation—
these have the robin blue enamel, a
most distinctive feature
. .' .


' &u&TatvUeiL SaUtv ADa\8\s.

""Oer^ St^Vu-Vk.



'BiMfisV SeWtTs ewT sVovh.

Carbolineum Avenarius

Death RoU
Clisiii llir walls awl ruoitte, then apply
or tw.. i-oafe. tjUinc the
JnieKonk of Cedar, wile of Jaupb
cracht well witli ihe same. It sUt.uId te applieii in tbd in..mim:. llion
Bosk, died Snndny of
the see of luycar*. Foarcfalldreosaf- eleww till- vojji for a ►bort tfim- The oliifkens can oi-ea|iy ih-'ir i-oop
vive her. The taBer.l <i.-ourred from in tin-r-tvniii'' l or aal.- nl
tbeCsthcdle ehareb st Issdor yotler-


SvivTvweT s


Protect Your Chickens

Sb toi ii

ShtiXs cut he tart ter tsIa« tsj UiXitt. .

We have some ^idndid bargains to
oRer. in second-hand wheels at tbe
above prioe. in good ronniag order.

Aubstaotinl and
per pair..................... .$1.0



w«p wnam mjkia. -MWesiGOP.



I Grand Traverse Eejglon.


^CtMtai Ci**M mat
MN MwrM U« HU taM.


j Tb* prwldaat aad Mra. MeKmky
___ ___________ . aad CamUy.' who
O. V. Ckaoe* k beUdlac ib* boot
bar* baaa Itriaf la tbe borf darlai Aarwod to WaaUaftea Ifimday
pereb os T. P. Yoaaf'« saw boa**.
tb* wlaler. bar. BMod baek
Kew Vork. Tb* .aas* oreaiaf way
/er will *Ui
(arm. bet
leftforCUtea. They wUl Ivi^Nri tb* I
auam al p«Vrf«( *aw mill.
work belof doe* oa tbetr borne tber* '** '
Mn. OtoBwat ba* baaa ea th* aleh ''^al'of qar riuafert ar* baay
U*o. Hadfaa 4ron to Trarar** OH
atfertbaeaat waak.
aad totara to Waablaftoa probably
op UwB* aad amklac faidai
J. E. Ckaipball
t. M. Baird rkliad Traraia^XStj Friday.
W. J. airataBd ba*aw**l lab Ik*
laat Fridayboa#* raaitad kf Mr.toato.
(iae. Clasaal rkitad bk aMar at BsMr. B<o:mb*ad took a lomi Of woe<
U roiltr ■'
plra Saaday.
iTtMarat Olty Tberaday aad rotare
Wboa tbley* an "tb* htaC-they be-


‘‘t «
■to IlMi* Millar it oa Ik* akk Uti.

kki^ b-


dMtfklar today (res Otaad RapUa.
HeDaaald iterk ter Maalteba ta­

■h. DMkar ratarato kctot Frtdaj

ke tUaraabreb* late tb* eaUar


■toMla* Wama k ea tk*
■to Via* l-orUa* 1* warfclat far
•Kr.lWaaBaf TiaranaCitr U«1*U- Sapid*, fir# bk leelst*. •'Makloc th*
^aiUn. Daahark.
WorldBatlar." To*ayItwaiojeyad
Mf*. Plemaa k qalu aWc.

M. M Mallory.
J Pie
Will Pieisa.Prael
___________ik Well.
Deoo. i.E E Neleoe.i
Neleoe. iB B CaspMll. Aedraw Matbert. TrarerwCIiy:
J. LitraoB. CbarUfolf: O Barby. Sattoa* Say: P. K*lleff. Bardirkrllle: W.
B. Oeate*. HIIw*»*r: Dr. Prallck.
Olio Maba. Maolc City: A. W. Slitt.
Jaektos: A. A. Millar. Cbleafo.

laf Mr. *rrk.bat •* ar* flad to boo*

ar .-s:ii5r‘dr5;L"fo;



Tb* Beckt* k Baaltl iblaflr mUI
MBDtdoMrailoB* la*t waak aad **«■
■n. «■ n Bloodfeod ol Trtr«r** eral oao famlllo* bare arrired bar*
owlof to tbs fast


■to Bla OenilBaad Timothy Stoek- baaa Bsr Sipld
MC.toUadtkk*r* eaitadla ratirasd to tb*lr bom* bar*
Brr- 'Bass el Trarar** City will
«. April t7.
prMSh hare Friday erealBf.
All pre eorat tbe Dkeiple eba '
SSaIrmav (Haadt wkb them a btppy dially iBTltrd.

■a. toaBatt, who ha* IWad^ la UU
^■fh marlarthar* lauabdlat*


Rika Walk kqaiu lick witb paaa
Mta. i. Lttaea k Isproalaf.
Tbrraeraaabrihday party la beaer
«(Mary BerIpWr* at Mr. tkrleaoB't
Friday atrolaf. aad a vary aaj >yabl*
Um* wm raportad by all who ware

Ih.mtarofTtaaat'a* CUykaboat
■ bimttabtflAlaf aad aieek of tb*
Foliar aa* wo ksap tb* bsal-

lb. BambatohiaaowBUeh eow


erar bar. la.
Or. Kabl at'

I am still manulaoturing Harness at the
old stand. Whatever your Spring WEDtS may­
be give me a call. 1 can save you money, dmi
give you good goods. tbe best in quality, nat­
ty in Style and at very moderate Uriccs.

1S‘J Front Street

Traverse Cily. Mich.


Ktrakaar aad wUa hart left
■la. OMWetaaas k aUU lU.
Mn. Batlar k Isprorlaf.

k teaehliif there.
Kelli* Stone ie resoreriaf no
loaf lllaaea


William tsBrat dror* bar* from
g^b* today to aaabkaktaraadeibar taraeea.
Old Mimioe aehool dot** tbk -------Aa aatartatameat aritl be firea at tbe
Wlllk Blmaa mod family ar* morief
o Bk Bapidi.
BaUtlrm of Mr. Walker are rkUlaf
hba tbk waak.
Ftbra Shappard la ydof le atv vlO
I wOl I
to^ br lewlDf lop* 1

■n UaqMrt ntaraad tadar (rota
dtoM sraalm’ rWl eatod*.

'■Erato MnWanaad Mka Lbtl


TfaattoUaAidmi i with Mn Etta
OaatoU laat weak.

frew atao* tb* warm ralB.
Mr*. Boekwell k rkltlaf (rlaada la
■r. Vaa ImaaiB wtot to Blk B^lda
Mamtay to b*da work ear hk aaw Bbarmaa.
Anh. Olbb* wa* la Oraad Baplda reeaatly.- Barr Jama*, who baa baaa la Uk*
■abby. whan ha wU wwk tbk
Olty.ka* lOMraad to Maydatd.
J. M. Otsadall aad family ara lateodIan BoUasbadt ato'bk motbrn
b***tete**n* aiy Baaday, ratar* lay temoraloSlIfhtatbFSntof May
^Matoiyaritk rapahiterMaataas totatoeharfeor lha beardlaf hoaa*
Mk*. Emma Bobbla*. Mn Bobb*
aad tb* bUaaaa Mattie aad Bartte
Hebba. won aampe the raeaat rkltor*
OatowOlabayy tb* bom* aad week at Trarane Oily.
brlb. Booth.
Alloa Coffie of Cbarloltaarllla. tbd..
who haraeaBt a yreat deal of th* tlmt
I here ter tb* poet It yean died Than
------------ ------------thehom* of
0 tbe home of
da. at th. «ba.,h
Th* Udl**' AM maata with Mn J.
L Frlak Wadaaaday aftanoom
Th* E. L. ato E S. bar* erdarod
Sfly eopta at Sepfa for Tomay |>*p^wiaapaatBaamaalc lath* soar

ji.-axfasssi,’™ -

11 111 oM CiM bn,


Ken tbe FcIlDviae Prices.
II will Pa) Ice to Ttinl 100 Miles.
jp^^bjrwd j>r^'

E T. Ikay rataraed to ‘
Wn IWm ato D. Ptaro* of Lalaad today,'** bo did Bot yet tbrooyh
lay ODjary laat week.
wwa OBk Pto eaUen OP Satarday.
W. J. Milk aad wilt of Blk Bapld*
were eaUera here today.
t l*r|« aamb*' of j
Clem Sieffert bat aurrod lato Joba
Ayera- boBw, aerth of WllUamboiy.
laat Bad
* Meaday Jaat
army aajeyabl*
Mr. Drake of the Per* Harqaetw
apeeUay Urn here today.
d ^n Bllow aad
TVark ft Soa o< Trarert* Cily are
loadiay two cart with lamber her* ter
Umir factory la Trayera* City.
Ml* Owiyht Kollett of Ballalr*
ekltlay ralatlrte here thli week.
Hr. aad Hr*. Ed OleedeoalBy v*i
la Ti*rei*e Hoeday.
otBryaatk^ ball'ht'
(iedfr^ Bammoad eapeek to band
aa addition to bk hooa* tbk tphoy.
A lam oamSbr of AUe*
Edward Grot* teU eat of bk w
ato broke bk wrkt. Dr. Vaa <i
divU bm bom*ea Satarday
radseed tbe fracUre.
ptMaaat Urn* wa* aeieyad.
Th* eUk Pkr eerreepea................
tte tbe
Baaau, who bat baeo aetlay^ for th*
E Batten amt te ftlden tto luib.
rlBaetUw* k leadlayacar with
• re tbk week.
- tb* odlim of tk* BmuLD aad tb*
r^ar* la tbk aaeUao ter tb* Urn*
Tbaraiee CItf
i whMkwa baaa baaa toyattar.
____________ , -- tor Hr*. 8a«l
MnJoBBie BatUnyaWent toTlar

K. A. Ktoaa. Mai Ktoea. Hr. ato



Doobl. fold CuhmeK. wortL dr ud SV. .1 tlii.
C. W. Baatiafe h«
fort to bay peuloe*.
Hr. Bwieabartof Ohio Melt a marsh
BBOor yoony man he** aad married
h^^Utot yk^ tbe adykberbeed.


worih'il^ V yartl.' ai ‘ ibis' 'aals,'''


V iiid

ai Vbu'uie,''"





macliinee am the very aoiiie ut porfeclion in • rMiii
rbodyiPi; ibn new aod perfected developTbvt ctcameryiue

otainiiaebine inf-

Inawurd. theAlTH




rliiou. in any of it* sixee, in tiiirply beyond the (Nile •>(
eomi«riftou with anythiiu; elw ibal

natunl fnree and

human inuenuity bat yei devised in the shape of a cr.'ani
try Uordoek Ulood



It eunda in a ela*. Iiy iuelf-far aln.vv and

la-ynlid all |S>**ib1e competiliini

Sav^ii ar-tUftli-oali re-

eolte alone at leatt $10 jter oow {mt year and maki* ynur

Dipbtberla. aore throat, ci
•laoi rrllrf. permaoeei ei
Ttaoaa* EeiectrieiHl

dairy-work a soun-e of profit and satisfai iion iiiMeail of

Beod for ‘•MOtli Oonlury" OnUloguo. to



SiwoUl Bftmng Agoiit;

Good Bnrbor. Mloh

rlay,UekInyaor: <n ay
IVusB'd O-Ctley.
SulTereO lortoro.
meat took away
'iglih’T (flercej s
loy iD*Uotly. e
C. W.»rl
^•IIdk vireea. <

Before Buying

A PIANO or ORGAN do not fail to
SEE US, if you wish to SAVE MONEYWe are selling out our Small Musical Merchandise
during January- at grt'at reductions. Such as X’iolins,
Guitan. Banjos. Mandolins, etc.



= Grace M. Oi

118 Warn VroatStTMt.

Or if you want only an odd piece, this list is worth a lot of mpnay to you, so read and
remember it. I carry a full line of the following and sell os low os the some grade of
goods con be bought in Slichigan. I will cheerfully meet any prices, I do not care
where they come feqm, for I thoroughly understand the buslneM and devote my whoto
time and attention tc^H. I have at all times a full line and a large ossoiiment of oil
kinds of

Springs, Mattresses, Feathers, Pillows, Quilts, Bed SpreadsJCarpets. Bugs, Mattings, Oil Cloth, Art Squares, Lace, Chenille and
Tapestry Cdrtains, -WSindow Shades, Curtadn Poles, and Bods,
Pictures, Picture Frames, Children’s Wagons, Velocipedes, Doll
Cabs, Baby Carriages, Go Carts, BicyoleM, Sowing Machines, Dishes
of aU kinds. Lamps, Glassware, Tinware, Graniteware, Clocks,
Clock Shelves, Crokinole, Carrom, and Checker Boards, Jardi­
nieres, Jardiniere Stands.
1 aim to keep the largest and best assortment of

Stoves and Steel Ranges

^in ^ ww up-to-date toa. laev aLoe«. '■( this ^ ^


; iM* ■«»■?>


meiitof the-AL?
lA" disc principle.

iDe* ut the up-to-date (-(.-Nin M-pantor.

TrrOr*iB-o: TrrOrsui.u:

All wishing to buy horses this spring
con save from $15 to $46 on each and ev­
ery deal by waiting until we arrive with


.>(> Hill «ie|tad bar *1
I Oepemkh

^ HE aiin CESTl UY

nr* iuprmeiiieni* ba* yet to learn tbe merits and

iausKdsyiitskeatiUiiix. £iuuJ>.'cu

Saturday, April 28, 1900.

Irr. Keeh of Onwp waa at tbk ptae*
Baaday. .


Ya Cwr« a Cold to One Oay.

Jenson fr Ring will be in Traverse City with

-Mr*. B. K. Ilrlekmaa baa fee* i
lillaok aad Ohio to rklt ralaUro*.
Mr. Bilk ba* laaaad two aera* <
laadofE. Walt, wbleh b* capaeia l
Shv Wiu raSa at OaBMl Uka.
A eat laatrawberTka
Tkaf-S-aearaatleB bald bat* (------Mn W. D. Baylay aad two daafbday wa* a aataaaa Thtlaetar* draa iam hare rme te Ttarerm City .to
bf Bar. MlUtr la tb* araaiaf wa*


ticientiy to nnderaUDd the au.l imp.rrUnvv of the

I latyeram oen* MCt'dauyS
l*r’* be»d developed info * , raae
mid bead.-write* 1- D'lahiibot M i>wo. TcBO. but UoekleeV Atb-ra
.. .icsradber. lfaaeu*r*alBrd cure
forB:iem». Truer, ball Rbcam. T:^)ple*. bore*. Ulcer* Bod Pile* Onir
at b. E Walu aad Jat. U. .lobna.n *.

... r,., ...a, „ A.-* .... .A-



in.-d or tiMvi a 20TH CESTCR

A BerrlU* tatbraak.

Mr*. Laat* Walab arrirtd hama from
Tortroa City aad k 111.
Mn Walk wm ramorrd' to Tr
Oty yaatarday. 8b* k rary lew.
Job* Lamoa k til -at Tratara* City
aad aapaat* to bar* H
Fear ebOdroa of .Jw

T*> r*Udi«* .net II tnJlr •'>*
ioJm !'»« >«•»
-’-1 enun

O.. write*. "EleetSf-Biltor* ate the
beat •elllay bluer* I bare b*o4led la ------------------------------------- :---------------toyoai*. Yob koow why'.' HetidUtrip t> Trarar.« City laat weak.
— -» bcylo la diewder* of *tcm*cb.
ainarv a.
J. UrVriM waa
•*. .^«
r, kidney*, bcwcl*. blood *bd
loradayaod baa bora
eoeftaad tot^
Bleelrie Bliur* toaekuplh*'
QH-iloee ..........................
B* k ImproTtof oedar he­
.Mc utcb. rcyolale* llrer. kidoe)< and
reof Hr. Vaadieklr
bewek. ptirlSe* the blood, vuesytbi r.i
Hr* W.S. Broat*____________
itrwe, faeacc cere* ao'.tllBde* of
iim "UbeUdeoptbeVbtiret.T*
HlmMaad Breombead.* atad
lem. Pal* D«w life aad eiro- iui > an)tbe Tr»»e-*e Cl„
weak, etekly. raadowa mar or ’wnmao.
SaiP'day atd Soeday •
Price, toceat* Said by S K Wall ar.rt
Ja*. C. JohnioD. Dniftri*<’>.
r aad Mr*, lipaal BarrUeoefBi
liUaatlmatad that durloy the paa'.
fourteea moatb* upward of ifi.oM
wolf** ba** brcB killed, io Wyooiny.
ie addlUeo to mouBiain Ilona. V. ad .au
lyax, bear aad eoyoic*

*»eo***that lb* raetor* wa*, blflly
(al, flBaaelally and other------..
■Ih s aaormao. wav
tiiiin., iha wiatar la TwrM* Oily Au-kar Oraak'* Aral trtat el th* klad.


. ^radi Xdk* wild nit.

M^Maaaklw k

?i .rTff*r.r

;i-i 1.5 sa-Jsss^e^-Tstr^!

Wm. Barriactee o( Trawo*aiytt
Wm. Orkpw kto Trarnaa^’yaa- bMj la ear bnf pelatkv aad
wday •
a. Thaeber 1*0* la Ttarerae Cl^r


M. II T>«me» iwt*

“ smsms m

Baaa k baOdlafa Baa aaw
»la tbk rlllafa.
Char. Will, bardwar* merrtoat. aad
drora toTrerera* (Sty Friday a*

-S*ou.r- XCozAeT- --------------- ---


tnwH Oj. Uek.

in Northern Hlchigon, from the cheapest up to the very best
Steel Bange made, and a trip through my large stove room
here or at my store at Elk Bapids will convince yon that I
con please you either on prices or styles.' In eonolosion 1
will say it will pay you to come lOO mllerto go through my
mammoth stock of House Famishing Goods, where yon con
find anything you need in yonr hooee, fk^m a sewing machine
needle up to a fine parlor suit or steel range. AU sold on
easy payments.

Stores at Traverse City and Elk Bapids. Hich. Prompt att^tion given to moU orders.

j. W. slater’s Exclusive House Furnishing Store
xao S'X0XL« StePOOt

toa C5±vy, ggioYb

merkebla fledt.
msar. like troabk-s arc spoAew of os <1i

tbe roeoaatra:
, erellroadoe-ess
the aerrowoit pert oT H*s eo. Tea
peotaoiariaapset V
ime ol tbs trifli; at prassrt oarrled
bp tellroedt ts Ihr ree d; c mat from
tba Ulatisalppl sallep







ntbsUoadbinapuiC, beallhye

V elenwnu can rcorb tbe skin,
solsrs sosnnu)ies laiUpole the ilcbmg end lui
» .<■ S b . tbe trol bluod mcOinoc. can do ibis
the only poiely rypeuUr rmredy ktioon. i-. a sole mad pc^soral rare
(sw Koems end
- nil
- dei
- pseelnl
____ 1. It rorsdirt-ct tu tbe srolfil the durow. Dcutraliso the arils sihI ricoiiMS the blood. nr-safemaeBd ias-iguntn I
organs, and thus idesia tbr svstem*o4 all imianiiin Ibrouph tbe nstursl cbaatieB : Ibrskiu rela-sed, all infleistuiiua ss Sisrsbitvsir Jr

leer of lbs ataemihlp Used wps.
le (roB Japaa. saps (bat the aMemers
Bremer eadTecsmi, bob eo rests.
rlapiaf r.SOO more Japaaeae to
tbaaeUadad at iisattlr ead Taeorat,
wilbia tbs aext weak or ao


towMiiwiViuTti mr am.

Tba preei iaereeK io commeree eod
y «UI .ti <«t othets "

blt«jBtlle»U htt oikd* W« * H


MoBrac. 1U<« MfBrBl oU«r s3*b«b
tbBBUtB, !• U*iBr BB BbUtale e(
acMls*. U>»i»udtfaBt(Bnrlfl p«r
BBBt ot^tbe ebiidrCB of tiis CBBlr*!
Behest BreBbisal oo BecoBBl ol
IfBun lais(r«HBK(iem»eak] fsalBS
JutBiUe Istl nido(lhe«lB>er. Tb»
eobldabUriBn eatiralrentof ihefail
BadBrBBBable «» proserc up. QbbI
BMBB< »eti larBBoM ere dno OB Iht
MtIibL. bb4
BpBBd (bBlrarcBlafBs'OBBd the kllebeB atorcs.
Jeb Hi WiBW'. fei ‘o paerd. i
BolUsd Billlk peddler, drepprd deed
vhllB aaklBf biercBBda. HeertdiaaMerratlbeeeaaeeMi. The ^d mm
Wtf the (ether of DleaUw eblldi
Blae o( tebaa en etui llriBK.

dMdTM thmmm irouhtmm of
rotu mo
otntMom of ho lorroro
oot am Bofmot mtof mm. _.

Oam omy rnipwii j

Tbe flood which commraved
early pan of the week has already
ooBsersatise oiilma
(ally n.oou.oixi loM la . ceatral a
Ithora MbsWppi. to aay aolhlac
I damacea eesuiaed by llir n
As. TheozlOBlof Vbe loaees hare
oolyel been (ally roalitsd.
lokataai is a
turn to her oatise iaad

A f.alip of Plalaodera are ainaded
•tKelaBteao ead the ellphaa bees
aaovred ueaTalliotlp to fie3 aoaaeaa
who cep eemaealeate with Ibea.
Tbelr aaaaeed dMUaetloa are telellp
•Bknovaaod tbeoftlelaU araet e'leaa
whet to do with tbea Thap ware«at
eflUirtralB bp mUteka el Seboolenlt
' ee^ era celdaaOpaalcreaU eaema't
Obee U. Hack lap. Murktrde'a pkl>eatbroplal. Tbundap eeeolof peeaoolBkaettrv sttiraaVa,
edtoiha oeaaao ecraaell eekark (or
•10,000 ^haaoaa* to be Bead for abeteeer parpaaa daeaad orcaaarp. eed
tha |<roisadi to bo aerd to eeaaaUor
Heeklep t.|«ue
Baperi* (roa Beatoa Harbjr ataia
At Lake Abo Bdwtrd Carmiar. af*d
tbapraepecl fore lerfa (rallerop le
>. while fotwi tbronrb menoeussra
tbet Tleiollp waa aerer better Tba with bU rorolsor. oeoideatellp ahot
'peaeberoaleeapecied to aarpea eajbrother Boy la tbe koeo. Ae
tblap la aeep peere.
lod waa Bflp bat ao boaee. were
Baaale Broieo eod Willlaa HlBfbt bcpkon.
lire la Hatlaaaa towoabip. Baaeh
A pooBf sromea of OrldbeeciscDrereeeetf. Thep ware beat oa
doiap d that it b deairoroot to dm carllair
aoaelhlar wbea It erae pro
9B(a. BbesTMcarllDA bar belr with
pair ead had fottoa tbe ioetraarnt
lareaflblp heeled ead was rebinc It
tall la witb (be Uea aad aarrM It eat
birid «pee It- be'bar bead wheaber b<
laataater. Thep preearad tbelr lleaaaa.
aad after belaf adrrlad bj a Jeeilee of etroek bee la tbe eye. Tbe heeteerloat(be peeee, rode beck boar oe ikolr Ip lajerod the err. aad ebe map loae


W. Q'\lrap, brakeDU on tbe Parr
Haroaoue. eae breupht o ble btae at
tkflaaw Trldap la W ebape . While
oa bit wep to taU botrdiae place ie
Toledo, ba wet atuekel bp (oar loot,
pods whoatra^ blB lathe back w.U
'>B0> the aplar,

Loeerlj loo eaaaeef wkosplaf cotta
ip eeeae of seealee'MMboat iweai
ecaaeeof aeerlet ferer.\^Tbe
^ pobl
aeboole ere cloaed tadeflhltaTp ead U le
reported tbet ell ebarebce wlir-^
eloisl eel ell poblle ■aetlefs pro
Hf«. Jarrpu Kell. epfd t>>. who died
M Roeklead lest bendep. bed »i 400 la
■oU. beak eout eod cheeks oo the eld
Mlaaosola alas eaapeap berlod la bar
fardea. Jast betera dsaib abe made
bar will la (aror of e bllad alalar ead
(hsB reriolsl tbe wberaabooU ol bsr
wealth, wbteh wap dap ap la the pres
oaaa of witaeaaaa
Uarhathead. Jerrp
died aararal pears epo et tbs epe ol
Ha was e aiiear la the old Hlaaai
eempeap, aow balac worked ao tbe
Miobtffea Cipper MIelar Oo. Heap
oUoettlarabeeo tUU rolrela (tom oa
tafkMkt eed here bMtdOd (hair foU

d roast beef for tbs aebslaleore
ol the army le the PaUippioei. To
It due to tbe (act that It Is absolnleiy
lailal tbat (be soldiers shall br
rod with meat ead b.-ciuse ol (be
iBpssslblUlpofproTldiap rcMreraied
bMforeeltlsoethehool aodcr i

rripaoddlsappoiaunsatatibe (allure
to secure a peaibn from tbe Amerlvao
floreramen), she Ukes a gloomy riew
Kor the past rnoalh the. nueen


Lomael utodsa. a farmer llslaf foar
mOoa waat ol Kalaasr ao la OshMma
tewaakip srae atlaekad by a larfe
Ooihof erowa wbileat ssork te tbe
•aid near bb boose Ttaaraday aad pab

We invite you one and all to call at
our place of business and look our large
and up-to-date stock of Buggies, Wagons,
Plows, Harrows, and all kinds ofFarming
Machinery over before you plane yom or­
der elsewhere. Satisfaction guaranteed
or money vrill be refunded. Do not for­
get the place.



Travorsc City, Midi.

Uolii rii..D.-R I'.t



------------ -------- ----- '

Arrived this week to add to tbe immense
&tock already on band.

with perplc silk and bat gold claaps.
Thlrly-lhrte Japanese contract la
borers, who arrired at Ssa Kraoeiicc
about two weeks ago on tbe Kclnme
Klog. mueircturu to Japaa on tbe next
abameroo the Santa Ke liaelesriof
Uiat port.
>rb. tlrand Ch^Tlor. K. I’..
- HrtVIlt's Witch
Uarol flalse aoolbes
.1 delicate
shin aad beali Uie •
' b ceruln good i ■ nits ••
skla diseases.
.. V. C Thom
. Carson. ProtbonoUry. Wsahluf!•» ; safs. • I base found Kodol
Djspapala Cure an execileut remedy la
caseofslomacblronbie.^nd base deIsed great bearQt from iu om." It
ligesUwbatToa rat and ran cot Uil
ocure. K. C. TbomtMOB.





only sb.oo

At tAe Harness and Carriage Einporinm.

Eijl Cmni fiilB

I 27 State Street.

Traverse City. Mich.

Th |ei‘u

Hear Yourself Talk I

IHOSi; ItKAl llft

-No family can afford
i >be witboul
le MiontoCoogb
It will stop
9ongb.aod enrr
run- a cold qu
a eongb.aod
soy other medicine.-' wrlua
WillSterling Run, J'a. lie_____
:bltb and all throat end
nd prerenu coosampti
id harmless.
V. C. i^rUoi

tapmii Bill Rw^rp I $g.75BOX it/t iti CC- f

Prices From


II Sbipman, Ueardsley. Ninu.,
aalb.asyabeanOered Irom dys
pepabtortwenlaDse-yoare. Hoetors
aeddietiaggare but little relbf. l-ioal
ly be Bsed hodol I>^p,ia Cure and
aow oats wbat be likes aad as mueb ns
be waau. and be feels like a new man
IidlgeaU whalyoueat. /. C 'Xhomp

-I tbi
are tbe
world," asr.
Vi. B. L
k. Va Tbej
remose all o
of tbe lisrr
aad bowels, act quickly aad


Silver Leaf '

i(iii! I'roniiitni llaniv ami


^ea tbat had am cted him (or twenty
yaars. It b abo a speedy care for skin
Kepare of dangeroni conn
terfeiu. K. C. Thompaon.

• mmmm




Farms for Sale

.-syi'’JL'irr.'';-. _

Tnr b&AU ABd OtiUnm.

TsT» **




It will BOOB Iu- K|>riiu; npd }on will mun A good bArgoia if yoa
buy one of my fnnzn.



S.> neren oo Long Lak<- road, just tmek of tbe any lam; nU'dswr.
t-d. witb n nice orrhud. eml frame bouna. Dire aoruig bnok ntnwiM
full loogfb of the fans: this is n r^ry desinbW pfsce fw gsrdraiiig or
.nny erne who wbbU n borne near tbe city. Pricr 91.3011.

wmi.' timiMw;
■Jure usxit ssfsiMifiJi>«ss

le. doe mile, west rarity limits;-»o bvitdMgs;
Fty tjearibg ttees: oboat fifty ^.plr tnw;
for frail
fron or
op potatoea;
potAtoea; good sqtl;
sqil; frkie
price KOO.

a nice place

lr<im'towD, oneioortfa
aincrea t^o miles fnirn'town,
mile from Kraloefal>mery: heary..................................
ail rieared; smsUI booee;
cold wtler; pri
MJ Dcnw foor mile* wtwf of tbe viUdge of L«kw Ana, SO


cleared: AmAll frame booDs; XDAil fiMDeborD; a good fARn; Bkaty
^fyerpesssir si Ms lUssk m4 Aagam timber oo Use place; prkw 9fi0u.
and fladii' -nir vrjrsi of linagiag the I
one ITto ibc world. biwVTer. ts a critical OS* .'J.‘_.''____„
, ,
40 ocree two mSee Dorth of Imfce Ami. 90 oerea elMmd; gnoa
awe a> all ibaaSmSa-'
lor the malhei4i>be. and bet aa-jeipaliooi rfl Iweaa.
•aaaxamlaaframe boooe; log bora; amn}l orchoid good otsed -------- : -Fnp.niTT.

can he eaiiirlr
ainrlr xvoi.le.1
xvcu.le.1 hj- ih
the nae
Uaiawal of*pwcclcus tolae to ■
Wd^Ly all dmggwU et one dollm p«


bututiiii If Tetchoi.

CT. ^bJ^Csketa. IH.



3=SSS~Hi~5-Sr"'' SisJfllsaiiiiiErS—


lageuflsringaada lou of pc«p>
Baser koowB Usee bcfoip..‘noae;aadeo( acres of farming laade bare
boea desasiod and tbe oany crops ssUl
proseatjul loai Homes-hnse beaa
ilsamd away, the oceapoau 1
, macb of their bMsehold (atsitan and
Uoeme iBemBeea am aacapi^ with
tharrllsee. Thoaaaada el b< ad o( eaU

Full Line of Pianos and Organs

lit tfoi rut sautt caiuonvt rirVli'iC

purifv tl
iosigorato tt
body by aaiag bWltl'i
Little Gnriy Bbera. . ncae (a ieoa litlie pills al
K. C.

Norrmrslv <«ual' W .sKVtJlV Wiin-E
Wish ,w- tAB svittv (..r tbi> u-m
I,;,, and fatal dlxa.-.i . II tak-n iIimi
lu^'hK nod in tins-, it will ,-uis- u
n dt boiirs. and l.« the oua-b ibui Ini
-w- l.aiiniii»- It ui-v.T (nils l*f cix
'•liW. rrios-. iis-and if.



!-toin]K-il I'hirilx- api'r-’inl
t'f tin- r. S. G''voninu.-tii.

Swift and Company

$5.00 Up.
For Sale By W. W. Kimball Go.


-Brc-ikliisi Ihi.iiii .111- oil




r.M .'V

Car Loads
Farm Machinery

CawiAiiii Stab-Sir-> t-. .-Sil
w t'Vi.ur r».;.ew».
foUybJerad. HladatwaadbiHbaUaf
ssC l-rWr f.:rci>M-d oa AppO.-STiAr « Vi'I
lenllltsr wbef acreal esrarm^l crows
settled araaad bim. He wye there
mast bare beaa at least
tbofisek aad they earns from the dlaol Kalamssso. H. Rumpled
la driso them away, bat -iaUoad of ba
A 0 PAlk.
but frlfitwasd they ricoroasly atlaek­ sailed . eser Hisabslppl and parta of
m. CMC >*p.m
ad hi ^ Be boat tbomoBaa baathe Alabama (ar«rss«%! daya. makirg the
poaldwlth apUrktark. klUiafqaile a rlseet aadamnller airroms oA thene
aambar. bat (hay eoaUaaed te peek
hb foot aad aack aad fall bb hair. teat aad oserdaw tbe lowlands, are
(ea for help breoibt bb wife aad
two bops wHb a ahot raa. bereral
wore Srod late tbe fioafc aad iboy
flew away with load eriaa. Tweaty
alrbldeaa erowaaoda Aotoa maimed
birds sseri abkad ap
atiarUic batUe. Mr Bladsa' Uiariea
qalia aaiaro. tha^k
eoeowa are the^bl
So he pan of
o^hl ta

. -. .-.J

I Take Notice...

boi the

A Uaiaesaae womaa ' who osrard
ooUUoc bat tba hooea ebj lls^ in ead
tbe lot oa wbleh It stood Hkmed to
rmrbur tbs deed to her prepoetp. bet
kept It hUdsB la tbe boaie. The booee
iras beraod dowa taocatlp, aad tbe
deed destroyed. How abe,ie enable to
oaill tbe lead boeeuae tbe can abow no
UUatolt. themaawboaoldll to ber ■I’i:
wonaerfoL medlclaei ijnivk ane
bolaf dead and bb boiia andar afe.
' jltbtbeoaty uarmicat remedy
All of wbieb abould be o leesoa to
olhere to basa tbo dood to tbelr prop­ c^bs. colds, croup, br«Bchllit.gnppe.
eougb, poeumnab
erty tMordod wbUo Oiaro b pot Ume.
ibroatnad luagdiseaua. Ibi
lb early n
Him Kathryn Kidder, who was at
:bUdren i
Salamaaw la ''Haebelb." waa re- waya like It ai
taralar te her howl Pridep.aicbt albr C. Tbompaoa.
performaaoe, eeeampaaled bp
aostralj^or membonpf tht compaap.
adaame -Hub poodle daf wearjeweled oeller trotted by ber
Do But Halo atreot. where a
force olmea ({era at work eleeatap
oraafbfare with boee aad stater.
biaermticUltleoealDeret lathe
wayof a swift stream of water aad was
wosaed IBIO aa opea Mwer. Hbe Kidder waa rary mneh pertvbed at loolap
bar pet and offciedflO to aayone who
-reaeua IL
Prilx Van L'rk
baetoaod to wbera tbe sewer emaUce
ih^ the Hsror aad la aboet Arc mbutea
metbedlmbatlsedoc dreaebod
aad yelplap. bat plberwiae aooe the
(erbbaablamneaaawim. Vaa
UrkrceclredacrbpX aad Mbs Kldde;r waa Ua bappbat eromaa la Kabmi/so wlea berpolled aad srell staked
poodle WM roturaed.

A.l.lfoss. aomae

«»»«««a»»»aa««aig«»Ka«»«««aa»ie«*a«aiRiaea»« SS,
» L»-; .

ibe people are la a mberable coaditloa of poserly. baveeaelse oSlciali.
more dlsboDMiaad oarrapi thsn
bb predsmesor. base sowa the wiod.
ed BOW tbe aatloa b raapiar ibe

AtMarriaette the mercarp r«(ielered
•Fiidap to the ninel Bciflbl of et dafrere le the ebede. Moaoeh teoperatsre baa baan keoirB io April alaea
taei Tba peeltlea el aaaaer eod
wlBtrr were paealierlp abews la Tfl
dep'a eraatber eeadiUooa. (or abUe It
wu rxeaacleelp bet os abore. thera waa
•lUI a tanr* field «< tec Baetlap eteesd
ia tfa'bap end harbor.

HiB. Harp*' flpaaeor. eata llbrarlaa.wiabai to realad the people ol the
■UM ttet pvlodleaU willbe cretelaltT
reeelreifaplheeltla (res llbrerp 'or
ass la tbe trerelfbp ICBrarp work.
Hertap the piit par e lerper aaabe'
of Bicmiaee here btw doaaled, end
besc boat) aaai to laolatod paru of tbe
auto wbara mattara of thla klad U
wUeoi aeOB. eed Ibtp bare boon
tretafallyrtealrod Tbeatoekla
oaerlp aabatitlod.
The alato papa

Tostodli.' eerreou la Lsodoo
repaired to report to tbrir aao<
oRlmreop ceaeofacarlct ferer. ao
ippbat (eser. cbslera diphtheria,
aeaor typhoid freer oocorriap
tbelr booim.
War degenmeat < m rials bare b

Semi lur onr book oo a’loodnod Skin Diwas .aadsrritriMirtAr'iicieiisfnllTAlKPV-. .ooj
case: User srill rbecrfulh- give ar v inlumuli- -o - udncru.mlnl \Vr in >ir no vlistip for ibis


Neer HaUDM^ reeastlp -Beben
MIdioUeeBd Orealoebooeer dlBCOteredt<reeBie.Ui>ooU ot watBr U »
AaU. •bleb irare U>* rraalt of Um
flier (rt.nesrarbp leka .Tbep eenflbt
11 Meek boM hj baed. wbieb tipped
tbeecelpealir’, poiiDde.

Ocaiid Haeon la eesUed bp (be
apataricaa (oriaaekdiaalMa aow wvk*
U«oa flea-sllo bill, acor tba clip
TVapeUlmte be from PadUo. COL.
aad are laoklDfl far bootp aeppoeed to
ha«a baea bUdea there to pan afo- A
abaft TO (aat daap la belac aaak late
Um beietU of the rreat hill.
Chief Bafllaoor Wep of the LeaaioB
maalelpal UfhUafl plaav bw iaeasied
a dlrool aeriaa laeleaod are iaap. lebtett
ha boHoea aoleat the problea of mtbiMraaabaolatoIpmlr lirhl arc leap.
Ha elataa that la bla leap tba carboa
win bare ISO boata. wtaaroaa IM boon
la (be leaffeat aap leap aao' ea tbe
aaetat will bare.

sleeaoleaperioacid asamsa at e pro
aiOB. The toereUp of aailota U felt
la ell parlea. eed area tbe Kreat ateOm.
abip lioea ere loeoaremrand.

beoUet. giriag- all detaOa. will be
■em froe^ fteatiM Bagalitae <3i^wy.

J’hiBS®." a ebcMifie






^^^aaiwea wiu ba.


, 40 ocrea one miie from Lake Abb, 90 «cn
icreo cleared; good heavy
ocfl^WveJ: good water; oaiali oteboM; frame
bar*; ANX
coa^BoUform. Price, ^oa
:f Weslord io Gnat; imB fane
I, fm^
omU ntrhiiil.
Mgoad(imbar,60Hlaat«fB£: PrioAtUOB.



aatrleh are from tea
Baildlag a the Nsnt.
tktabMthiaaaBd a
Iheteni come agaia ID tbe apple
BehUandaU Miact.
Eggs that do BM haidh
■abaaattfesmaaM. btae tbs d
WkastiM«rehardbt>aahMaiB(alr to
________ area do ale part Msiatlg withareUewanndeaU rsndilp to teariste
catki^blipUii ■aeagtbeliairix
la tbTesow el tba________________
bah bird is aastad
Mtd Sanralpalnof
— '
her’ Is the rMBit of a Aadtbe^ilml tblag U the wc^
bear tbe leTewlng
" Meat eeothats asd adTbebaUdlBcefthaaatt.
_______ _________ saMk tralalag Is Jest
as gead ta bopa •> fa gli-la. Thepar- Weariag U wall ao roend aadt
gas that a domaUe tra^ bop makM
HoUowiag U with ear*:
taabMikladot a haahaad. sad that Hathlag loo hr swap Ca him.
and Uttie Cabn: Teddp bamnli
the bcatbv who h obMgad oocatlesallp
HeUlag fa her tee bliila oaks hto owa bad a bait aa sgg wlU
wife; KapdaoaandJoaaphlMi AdMr
feoatt lopmeatUmb.
aot look doers oa his shUr fa dalsg
al Dewap aad MM Manila: Ur«
b the
tae asms thing.
Aha. that the girl
Qaaland aad Piaaem.
who can asa ha brathah kit of tools
-bird, poo'll
Tbep ban at the farm a haroesa
ertnaolesgaegaMahlm s saperla
being kiMOM the tooh are hla prof «eria«e to which aa Mtrlch b oe
tpihtha thaaborv Agnla.Uwa^
pmaUp kllchad. It b said ihep drin
et dammjlr tnila^
aledp aad Ua^al nrp rapidip. that fer
Wbu^s fledglagi lean tbs
a ahort time thep eaa make e mUe a
Bat tbep'll fled their wlage li
h tl
___ -la t
And (lad will see to tbe real.The flae fmtbam of tbe oatrieh are
which r______
relala tolheeei
k> come to tbe trea wlib bU -pont icinelpallp taken from tbe wiagr.
Thep ate of TsrioM chada and colas,
3a«^dU?eloo7fTJC iui'reMU '
When the appU blioome Uew.
dirhine of tMllog aad Iboogbl.’'
aeeocdtng to the ngc and ax of the
areagfa the April
ehlmeea of eaa
--------------------------' bird. Those of the poang are a mix-


i^bsolutely Po»*e
Made from most highly ntiru-il and
lu-jUhttil iiiyredieiih-.

Assures light, sweet, pure and
wholesome food.

aOTW •»•«« K>*tli «

' 1 feet s^sn. wbwe the idul ws$ thick
aujr^pUjthlw, V* ■‘r»»» »« aaoagh to make iWpet

■r aaap It kept balera atlag.
It wUl iMt. The pradeat
eeaSBKaepa. saoreiore.
tharetore. wm
will is;
lap '
pomlble. at least a pear's tapplp.
ae eoauat. ne boma of rich aad
poor alike arc aada lu eoBtttd. pet
there it bardip asp artich el domatic
sse that psepU are ee carelea aboal.
Brerpihlag ehe la Ue boM map be
tamllia the kltcbaa aoap 'dab"
poeMtetaheeareof Ittelf.
Soap oera sboald be left dsaUng
aronwi la a pall of w*ta, na la a wet
aoapdiah Tba phOM that are to tmtll
for band ace map be nUlUed h tbe dkb




begins to thfekan and fami a ooi
e it InslaaOi

ta lieOOKSO
Ito ked Sfr.—---a tew sa
fMatoap BaraU. whkdi we will giro too long, it wUlM
tbe sualaa clcae at hand,
Baring the
Ipfap. Melhaiawhe road It, taU pear etiBin_________
nin tbe rattard Int^ ^gtanl
toga aad girUaboatU, aad wbaa thep aad set thirla l ....... .................... .......
■Be ativ arbataa,-Me that ta the Ims- ebllL etlrrtng H occaeknaUp. and
katarnsihe psptot letheoU palrof one teaapooolat of raniln and twotbirde Ola cap of maearoea crambt
MiM V the h^ tor aattlag the
to«tp*o«enw fanraabhiog bafora Sis pa^. -and'ai
Bdl aad erasb tbe m_________
(he elrillMUas of oar KvlblaadWhile tbe mhtore leeUll bdv add
~Wa do>eiehlhat
tba fclatlec. etralnlag It in. that there
mm weald hate to lore Matare aad be ao lamp).
OoaUaee atlrrlsgocahv bMa^ with seoagh lataUIgMea to
anlll the aUtare beglse
tbaa add the Vbitce of-«b
paewst them (tern to^laf bar. aad
aa( Mip that, bat rabblag olhera at eggt baatea aatU etUf and drp.
Pat In a mold, chill. aM aerre gar‘(hBrrtfbte.
Last w«b rre tawaer- alsbed with caaAhdehan^-.vlr.-ieJ.
e of them. too.
■ with great
aniVatotarbatM«tece.iaet boAded.
mt wttteat aa apa. a«wv U the
sMalM. Tbto'had gam lertb. bad
Mlftadlagtha fiawam eat. bad rathIWBlp term apaaoagh at tbe plaal to
haM tatahbad aaap a tragmat
heaaah. asd perhape laUite phasare
to aoaa starred eoaL If U eeald oalp
haea baeo Mt alaaa fa tan daps a
twa wsihs la thaswMteeriag wUsdsf
eadb aaaligbt.
Doa't. bops:
na* ths tewan.
Make tbtm lata
bigMat. bMotUal boqaete fa tba
gM7oal«ta.a poaraare-wem moth
V. vpoar uuto aMa. bat don't deMag tbe phalB wbaa it eaa do pea
m goad. It M eratL aad arar^ihl^
avaaili eaward^. btoa.
fMM ago wa waat eat to ibstasd U1;a
■l«alMBd«( M bAp. whore a taw

Tke Klw« Tam Bara Alwaps Bongtit. rmt witicli has b«m
In Ms« fU- WTCg SO yonra, has bona tbe algantm oC

Mr. B. Lpod- I*nkt in Chobe FbmlIp Qrocoiea. <I3 e Fraat etreet. taptK^
"I woe soneulerablp tronbled with mj
hack and tbeagbt
It it wm
WM fi
from the kidncpi as tbe ptie was ebeat wfaoe,
tbaa ogani are located, irca'____
' jl*'
and knew pereoas wbo bnd eeed Dmab
Kidacp Pilb.

. nnd hn« bbro WHldr tUMirr BA pcg1 aatoirtiahva alrMv.ttetalbofT.
Allow noowe to drqalvo poo tn this.
Knbutilutee arc bat HxprrinieBU Ihnt tHHe wilb i
mdangrr tbe bnilUi oT
Infants and Cblldrxm-bAiw


CnxtorU Is n aulxtlluln few Ca..tor OIL ISrrsolei Dragn
aimI SooUilug s>ru|>%. It is Kamitrs.1 aud inroMML It
CwnUlus Dcithrr th '
-- ...
sob-OjuM-c. li. agp

readered regulai
d naarn..
sometime after
felt a slight rrcnrrescc and again re­
sorted to Doan's Kieae; Ih'.b bet a"'
la isin.
Afur Ua ciperieaw I a
glad toadcise t___ _
seed of a good kidac; e

Fa sale bp all dealers.
Price so
c«ts per bt
Kainr-Mllbam Co..
Rsaalo.. N.
___ jgreU fa Ue I
tare of white and allow. Alejghlaa United
______ States
Statci Brmember Uc name.
And sUc M oar harts aa wa watefa moolht of age tbap tare to dark drab Uoaa's. and Uke ao other.
Ian ibafemala and to black and wblts
anareplakadtrom Ue adall
The while tmUere. ao eaUed.
Aall MSI. IMO.
aavlp tbe cola el Imrp. arc Ue
We are going to postpone oar Icttare raleabU and baaetifal.
loosp nnd gir* pou ieinad n letta
Brop nine mobUt Ue birds
written b; a good tree Irtead el oar amlaod and Ue ripe teeUera
SunablM comer. Bon R. C Leaob. wbo From SM tofluu waU of fei
baa been apendiag the wiala la the about tbe anneal yield per bird.
soalb.and while In Florida elslind aa
ApalrefcblcMbraluedei itoj lo
ostrieb farm, ae aceoant of which be $500, while a full grosm pair of brand• us. M.d Which
all rtU »» l»' 1birds b .aid to be wash $l.«o0.

nnd nUa<rs FrenriU
................................................. .................................
C«lir. It l-rlirTcs Tr«-thing 1 imuM/'s. «-urrs i'oiiMipatllom
nnd Flntulcnpp. It niodiullairs tli.- F«al. rrculatew the '
hlottuu-h nnd Bowedv giiiug brmltb
The C-hOdreB*. PaiAren-Tbe Motlw


[ The Kind You Have Always Bought

In Use For Over 30 Years.

“ -'-r-rj,-:;

Belt pleea sod ms
ofgTBrelaad steam they demur
A sVlng win eat soap maeb
They bs
bsre '
Htonbbiag. Tbep
amoothlp aad ecoaomicallp U— kUs. gimleu. pipa
1 remember when 1 was . bop—and aim to swallow naUs
kelle: bat. wbaa tbe latta atad. tba
oamBroattbarlagsthal alwmps follow that-was a loog. leag time ago—of asd otba artielm of a metallic ebarae
lbs knlfs blade map bi aaad la tbe soap
Hag abaul a wnaderlul bird that ta ' Tbair regula food at Ue farm ii
abaker.amadelntoaoompactUIL It
■bed iu tbe daseri regions of douU At- clora hap, corn. oala. taalsp. etc.
Is well to cot them at ones, ae ihli u
Ifa msp b attacked bp an angr]
It was ssid lo be tsUcr than a
more Mcllp done wben new.—^irioro' -riea
man and that it oeld run fasta than onrieh be throws himtelf flat i
Helps St ibe Iroatng Tabis.
ahorse. Itwaeesid Ust Ub big bird
Pillow -aUm aboald bs Ironad Isagtheggs ID Ue enod aad left them
whe inalaad of cramwhs. it oaa witba to be betehed b; the beet of Uesan.
Iron eat wrlnklm InsWad of la.
Ue faUar loam iU force before
Dish toweU aad eommoa MweU can Well. Ust rcmsrkable bird has now
Almalcrerp aa aan list ea tbe grouad. Tbep
be Ironed josl at wall In bait the Ume beoome Aoerlcsb'
if folded Itoetha once, as iflraoed '
tblag in the wald that b walk has- aregensraUpnaietaad psscesbie but
ing. eaoner or later, ermu to oor eoan- U tbe braedlog eeaeoa Ue msia ale
It lions are
art roagb aad
sad sUck). ral
them oa fine mlt cprlnkhd oa n board trp, and slu dowo ooder tbe elare aad
There are oUer Uiagt of iotereet at
^ Tblnn koltMallk donot spHakU
Roll np U, .-------------------------------Aboot erteea peats ago Mr. Klwiu Ue farm besidm
..J wraegoul of clasr water, and CasrsioB. of Csllfanb. went to S»uU |
rnoe are a Urge nombsr of pUcssI them lie fa aa boor.
Tbaa lap
Ica. banghi 5" of tbme big birds bbU of diSaeal rarUtla, from Cfatns
cm rorp amooib and prea bard os
. jlh aldw with a barp iroo jett below and sailed lor bb borne oo Ue Pbeiflc|A»d <»«»«•*»««
Tee of the oetrieba parished ! Uiam are raip beaetitul birds
______ wsp From the 4S birds Uns | ■I'boae are abo a lew emui
sKM w^Uai^ the anda cldc.
Sbeeh folded aoiaea. h^lng tbe eeeured hare tpreng all the oetrieba strooglp
inlaiaiatiisaad prodoe ng fmiiiicri
nlisd butes. There
--------------wide aad narrow heat togetha. tbeo
folded again, then Ironed acrom both about :oo at tbe JacksbnriUc tarn Um ralaabU Bmidm Ub there were
sldea.are<iBieklrtslihed.asd look as
which we rbited aad a alill l^r monkepa. otinra, a erocodilr.
r|^I at it more time were epent an
number in Aritna aad CsiUomU. The
Btre phetp of lrDBS.Mpalallp hetrp biidi we eaw are said to eUad froa
Names of Members oi the H T. F
aaec-lt there are large plecee to be aeren to ten tmt high and to weigh
ironed. Tboee wilhranwrable haadla
Sanshue CInU
from two hundred and flftp wfoar
Il'olUlullril. I
hundred pounds
Tbeir legs are .bag,

jut oal. and the dalleata
Cal aotber.
HUiy thlahkM aad apoeU has aha parfaiae nat aaqalsUc, bat a fai* aiapa
broogbtastoa aeeee >( ■ deraalaliaa
that made at sick at heart.
tfaoM o( perhaps oaa boadred tqoare
fM. were apreoted. The poor elaai
erhieb had braral; sodored the treat
aad soowa of -wialer, and when
ilaeol April aad the aott sooth
™ IWMr kM«a bat o^r.
wlad had msllod the aaow. bad thaak
■mt bsbt haadkai^Ms wilUaUj ad Ued bp opeatac eet thslr teadet
M»w mtar rlbhow tor weh Uttia aalA bsarUofpare wtalw, asd passioaatc
Cream e tcant half-capful
a*r. tv bar aaia. aaa a volhar bi pink, were torn ap bj
tbrowB dowB to wlibCT aad die. l>ja't. addgradaallpoBe captel of
beat aaUt smooth and ctom
l(£odf kaows bat melbar.
one well beaten egg. half a u
ofclnsaaon. qeartaof aW
b of nntoiag,
nnunag. maee aad eloree.
qasrsroBlde'tbetlUleaaiaau to-paoeh' each
of a cantal each of ehanad eamnu
the beUp who was abo^ a lUUe gl'
1 seeded and ebwped rsitiaa. aad
or take a :'li«klac" it aeesasarp to prwBehodp haowB bat auMber.
___J_______ ,_______ ,___
>d leaipooBlel of baking powder
■MeMtarUtUsMBspreuto meadr
Eow Baa^^boaia of tell ant she eaaerlpple. Weald poo?
eapfvlol floor and qaartaefa
Well, tbs
oetal of calt.
Add to the froit
lorer of Kstarc. It Is aearlp as mai
WhatSUm^tty whoa bar daj'ework
-xtBrewithanffiehnladdi. .
; aad oowardlp to rob her of tbe right
tomake aaefi doagb.
Boll oat o
third of an Inch thick, eat late rou
perfect her mMoa la the lafloreaeea
pane ii
Mlept beaetp-tbe
a«*BaB7 iaaebee tor Towap aad
moderate oeen.—Sclei- J.
a little girl or lapaae apoa
a erlpsle. Doa't. hope! Uathv the
Tbe Empire J acfcei.
aweet bloteeme earefolip—tsadvlp
It a new farm of Iha ahon
Babodp haowa bat BOtbsr.
Wrap the alama la wet batting
fackeL'wbieb h assn this tpriag.Mlhd
tbaala tis4^.
Uire them to
tbe Bmplre fschal. TbeeSal is isantwaeWel gM poo kaow aa as eapblem tp. aad glrm fall opporlanltp la shew
a toft inside sect. In hMrp aaleria!
Take 1
these jsekeleare mede with large reto poor m^vae'a token of poor rqr jert and large battobe. bat fa tbinna
Bebadp haowa bet mother.
ereaee aad ^ectioa. Pin them oaUe Vabrim are made to faetea artKiotblp in
BpWMveaneAosaa metbari heart heart of pciiraletar as an ambiem
the center, and are than cot swap
Batd-<n'i. oh doa't: war ap atraigbt acrom from tbe boat line to a
Bebodp koows bat metbar.
point tbiM iaebm below the arm
t^s molbar rtasa bp tbe ruoU. aad dss- —SelfrirJ ________________
BpwaMapJepstrom bcr|BMIhar
trop a thoasaad faluegitu of lore
Keeps Her Old Bau
. Bahodpkaowsbatmotbar.
aOeetloD. Dwt, bops: We amid
Bav aafhp prapan to eaeh Uula bed.
___ eelhetingof lace h not . tbe ulp
meet ae maeb raapeet a bop wbo walk­
■aamM^Peatifaeberbabm hv abe
ed apaad “elaggad'-a belplom erlpple bebtoeftte Prioamaf Wales. She
has a ramarbabla lot of hate aad boa
ea erateba,'as
K'as the bpp
bop who t
mm. ooMhUagef all thote the bat
aboUi rlaaebp the rMta."
mom daria^tso peansbe bM led
—.Ver reft BuU <uul f^presr
LendoaMhkmt. Sbeh bat a bonnet.
Haearoon Cream.
rnrefaUp paibwbp. bean tbe date of
otabexefgala'Uae tbe eeasoB of Ite nea—>«letr.l.
ilotgraaalatodgel-------- fal of cold
emoked Balmoa
d toltacutard made i
Bow Is iha aweat arbetas
— —
.Smoked calmoB aboald teak eight
bean o«w night: ebaage wala three
times ta warma. Than rob o~ '
'toarWaad wUakera lore as»> other
t aad smoke and Up la eoM-------aadeaooighthof a teaapooatal Vnlt
iPWar isloead. Iisdalatp blevoms. Thai add two eapiab of cMdad m
Wipe dtp aad rab
with oil and Tianrar aad *—....................
Haaeloraad perfama are Indeed hlate gradaallp. Pat if os the alAe to o
It ■hoal<
«bw*w.ataMlhlaghlgharaad ta- ilka map soft


mtmj n
to Local Cxpcriwoe
UiaMnl paoplaaill talk. TWl tbair
la the pabtic good TrarenaQi
tMb. I
Thep flne nllet fa enrp I
Bind 1^1 this ritisMTeape. ONE DOLLAR

citm iipMi t bdiiii I)

iumfiTEEP 25 YtAHS.


•EAR«:«OeBUCK A CO. ibc-c Fbwa. ft

strong and b>np. and without fmtbers. Mka MareelU stMle'e ilebool. butucs
Tbe badiw are compact, eolid aad gen­
erally eorered with leatbors.
laii Ansatkbmidl.
tare rerp loog aad parttallp eor­
test BbUKmersco
ered with short featbeta. llpoucoald
ia)i JobsKudestretch out agooa's neck lo foar or
■ 935 EddUBude
Sec tima lu naUrel leagth and reduea
U3S CArrle suagrik
tbe fsalbers. poo would bare some ref»t BerUa UoatoeembUoce to Ue seek of Ue alrieb.
isis OleKussto
When Ue male ostrich bat aiected
I93U Martin MwUQBoa.
bb mate tbe pair is pul in s breMing
1940 Loub liungrik.
5u bp too feet bhorilp alia mat­
Wi Harto Stasgrik.
ing Ue birds will bezis to prepare a
IM! John l.Uba
nat for tbe reception at egga. and
IM3 John bead.
b tbe wap Ue work’b done. The male
1944 AUeabead
bird raU ha breaet bone on tbs
ground and kicks Uc aaad bebUd hlnL
: Matilda dead.
When one side b sufliebaUp deep, be
: IdaKaUp.
I Oartie Eslrp
Urns around and kicks Ue eUaerap..
> Laura Bede
Thus he lures and kicks and kicks and
turns until he has a hole four feel in
diameter aad one foot dap
Tbe ben soon begins to Up aa sgg
llH Hallb Bargerten
ererp oUa dap until twelreor flfltsn
1S5S IdaAbdateoB.
are depailed la the nest. A Uttie mad
1956 LaoAsdcboa.
b Scattered orcr them sppareatip to
1957 Martin dead.
195) MnrtieBetaboprotect them from Ue fieree rapuof-tbo
ISS9 Jansbdetabo
tbe sun.
IMO DBrrrard CoU
The male hM das bb full share of
IMI AUbri Bnd.
Ue setting busiaesa.
Be mu ea Ue
19X1 B^Kmler
IMI BUa Dell. Bodges.
IWI Beranle dundU. Archie
1M5 HarUa Barlu. Femwood.
eeeapks tbe neel for aa bar in Ue
150.1 Airis BebaoD.Trareim City
middboltbedap rrhUe bb mate gam
I9C7 Howard Medeair, Boaeomme:
IMS Qeevade Modealf.
fa her dinaa. Tbe ineubatiag b kept
J9dU Jesepbine Halrereon. doles.
up U Ub manner tot forty dayi when
1870 CUra Balraiqoa. deloe.
tbe chicks ceme forU. Tbe young os1971 Maada Balrmoo. dolos.
trieba grow rap fml, arctaging a
1973 Fred QsrUsd, Arrbip
1875 AlooxD Daley. Lake Ann.
foot a aoatH fa tbe flat six mantha
1574 Ueoege Kiseb. TraeereeCitp.
we MW sereral onjp a tew weeks old.
1175 Cari Pettofua. titawn
The oeWiehM bare no dlroree eeartt.
>876 EHU Petrofka. "
Oaca mated tbep me autnd fa Ufa It
1979- Heal Petrofka.

•csdsisiiraicd KurbEsadvkairaar


iS: ffi I jH .ii lte fett Minmelte RiniMil




Tramw^.wiealt EEpw.


Whits apob eaa beramoeed from faritarebpWdlaga bet Itaa ora. bat
aot oa tto placa


Tp poUsb wlndowa pour ea a damp
hlb a Utih karoMae. rab them and

Salt epriakhd ea a elMh haseaihel
ta seeartto e«l elatioearp wash bowh
and etba ^amba rasals. making
bright and dans.

Carrlajet, Cotters, Slei^lis, Etc.

____ s said that to drink awsst milk'^

HJi ..JSSi,,

T? M *e S


aad m^SH^TSiSS,

aaptnl of strong eoffea la also taeem-

wi^^drp^tkaa rnk
--------- ----------■one aad
polisb antil the entire enrtam la thin.
Biehard Whilelag. wbote remarka­
ble elorhe of life U the east aad of
if the carpel ^ growa dlagp and
Loadoa hsra amda to marktd aa im- enUad. take a ^1 haU fall of ha wata, petlnataGopoeafalef ammonia,
glse-the earaat a good eonbUto
anewecrab-WaahandltwUlbei-------experteacM amos
Ip Improewl.
Blhareerea more
In orda to remoee patai from etinao those fat bss t
tbe psetOaee while lalkito 'rilb a gHx;
old womaa. who lired in tba same
fan bearg
eamat. he referred to t^aeen.
-Ob: aw 1 woald.-i&e to be tbe with a drp doth.
qaaee:' Mid Um aaetet Md beldame.
If. wheaebUgad Mbsea pour feel
"Wbjr'aekedllr. Wbii«ing.
all dtp. pea rhiagi pov abOM aoveeal
"It Ma-t bacaaat of ha 'oram. ba- Umafaa traihynir, pea wlU bs aa.
ctasaif Iwarc qeaea I woOd 'are'a lontsbad bow maeb It will rmi the
doebap csrt with ted wbaale: aad U tired feat, for no two sbnee pnM the
•ea'Bi beeaae of her band of mmie
(ana, on hareebaek which goa ahead
*tba>ecMgaerda.'laJ'dmecb ratba
re a BilaliaB with a 'and orgsa: bat
lau thlak. U she wakm ap at t e'cloek

_______ „.'Sfus



Horsesboeiiii tnd Ga»rtl Repairing Done

. nuMaaem ImWiymmE-rmb rubiapaw
MMri flSfapm?!^ te^ta^ TsIeMM
me AieB box in
~~~ *

Be-Pamtizig and IJpliolBtermif.


State St. oat UsioK.
Tbaars me auir iau« sms
at mmes le M maar wemm S4
18M.J. IL a'asraa.
aiUaS aad avara ta bEdao m Ub aa ^ed
O.C.MiSnn JMapMM.




•il. Au Arbor. Xolo4o oM
pelsMSootoadSoMtfc. Clboo
aoetioM ot CopoaiBkvftk

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