Grand Traverse Herald, June 07, 1900

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Grand Traverse Herald, June 07, 1900


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text


I »*dCUk*.

LUlLf Brolhars of tk* OromBd

- P- Carver






Real Estate
HIM tl L 1. i. MUM.

ery oae wnaU have hssa glad <o bare
.......... u. s,..v.,^
rwuppane varat
, It doae. an man eenid do it blBwlf.
BMSsse her btaband ibrew W fhtoe I — e----------- ---------T-‘lHr
: Taair tfeony faaada had grnwa gcellc iMlh lain the dre and hid bar lalaaialsaad •aca.'afassd Istfea FWUhMs
kairiatbe pig tlye. W kc«p htr trea : Islaads barebsaa HStbsWisSSi '
belag bsaatifei eaonrt to sbiae at tbs by Us Iwnlt raUwi sf MtaUsT^
soeal fsBCUoas Us the Mlghhorfanod.
Oae of Ua flaM apmriMa k aasscae of tbeo eoold
ibaa U« wrt:
' Id a psUbaa fa- eredlagly hraatttal aad tsisamlbw
rany a saddle.
iwander Each dleoree
This a____
I. o.
u. aad psbiic Ue
Uc tsiaaae! Mladauc.
rbargtia bare
sympathy was w.U her
saowa as •■Imparialla.- Is tesad Is «s
.1 that perhaps
LbiMs wss tbs charge epos which , oUrr wstrn of Ua wdrid
idl be their
only del:
drlirerasee from a Mabri iYimm at CUevelaad sscarvda while as saow.rmamblss tlay festb
oeatb too horrible u> o
divorce from her husband. I>r. Heory and iu Isatars la soft a^ pllaUs.
i' BwiSidr.” who wbei
Frims He refnsed to astwer cans at
AnoUer etsaMu sewsimas
boa ths
imaa baa
sbe ' same telaad Is* ligbl gray isseior.
is ssior, wUh
oet behind a UtUe aoeUtity
reapoad here aad Unrs dainty toanhss sr
i pal bit la*t charge tbroagb her
calls in itse day lime, bteaase be of ollre
game lltUe bean. Now be noH sake
M bnsy <a tbs loaags resdiag. Sim aastnsr specimsa to a targaalaabit rail In some other way. if be wonld
tsr of appamtly pars i^la Ihathaa,
, lei bia disembodied sp.r vpata on anm
Bis propessiiy for srbilUlnr. wbiie ermut wlU pink slarSaad flsSMn
Ibambered by a aBn par.-brd frame ne hU wife did Uc work, canssd Hear! H . ef saimoa pink wblrb gltsUM ISha
iksifebeearrmd la ba bool was a aU Ulsss.a weU-ic do farmrr living near ignm,
:erab> hack of a ib'ng. fll only for
A nalijoe varlaty Is that wht* rw.
sharing lobsecoor ebankmg bacon, lie aad S Imony Thai's all be d.d. sbe'semblss braaebss of'rery amall reeafe'.lamomeaaryregiclas he ran ha claimed. ..qtt wkiitled. morning, nooc .cobs.
»o suiblnglslbs rsnsmWaasn
jfisgers sloogits jsggsd edges
aad nigbi, aao bit wile. Lraa.grew tbal ibe color of laseobi tsaet oaly
. man with bis record shonld be obligr, W^ ol doing a.i U« farm work her- im* to oalmrv, bni assmlagly partMas
to mske bU end with so mean a weap
he b.g r
s, bad rs

^'...4 rCpu

badnatshoL Tns_cold uw see^_ to ^ ofso
sar sn.-d for d..ofce Hecared,
.................. ..........i^"or*bis brain, aad Ue
;hlng bu'. home atler Ibrlr ai
. I mirags ol hope led talm on a day forU ritge, tbe comp!»ioed. ami see wsKl

Also esneclalT inlsrreUag Is a'patriilnre tree, gaaried aad kaotonly Urns le«t la halghV
1 bj "Uke her p.secs ' ashc did in i Uougb appsarlng
ipsarli ot great SfS.
Iipm daysTnf ucir conruhir
'^Tbe dsioneat and parbaps U's laraN
■oihe other band. Hr. I.ydi, Ci.oel coral lo the colincUoo is eomposad of a
ot (i.ririand bi.raKlii
Uai her '"itaod“ilsy?il
------M*l i Zt"*
lairiwj or three mirau
Traverse City. Mich, boc^lDC hr0D>^. itc crack of a rerol.-;
JoLmob Bloct, Pbone 7;<
Hesataissbao .’.e lirn.i in tbe w-.ioo iare
cUag all Ua
they did* Ibis tileaily, sioicaily. of Marlin Jones of CsaJlpg. I's.. If vheJ rale
ralabciw Unia peenUar u Ua taast

sllow bed wa> scooped one and Llie leatlmooy of bm wife's wiLaeeses itto!--s.
be could eaodl
a ot three sunre —C/rAowpc
be b.-iieved Tiiey said that one of
tbebeat ot tb<
:a Comparaure tiiawmsnt.
.. ............................ . 'ok al
larslaat winter be opened
of melropol.uoiam
iWrman gsolnriat. Haiarloh
aortedlll bik<
pdt<?a: ever
L ot Jena, bat Ig^ onttba
altboero kedraak
tcutidin of tre
varioBs periods el rnimaaa of yaara.
oaly bee.o mamed three monlhi, hoi wbirb coarey so meaning to mret
thit treaiment rreciaaliyeoolei Mr. minds, into parts eorraspoadlbg to
paru ol a day. Tbla glere Urn three
Once become accuelomed to tb.-ir ue.- and >-.u ar.- lost
ills fo; diToren from dead men ari rrsolts Tbe first age ol Us w
[rs. Flora ‘ I'equctp
without one: tVe Lave them for lemperalure. for dairy u»e, for eter-

Piste OlMS, Steam Boiler and Accident Xneuranoe.

Money to Loan on Improved Real Estate Only.

.1 Side's Mutton.



ilizini; pur{>oeeai and for thermometers
Bring Preecrii>«ions anil Family Beei|*w to'ua.
right, with drugs that are rigUl, at pri^-<« that aie right.

Pacsl Bilffl Cored Hieau

rut kocn.



Send u« r<nr eddr««« aud
we will sbuw jiM bow
to Diakc S3 B da> abwdBtfljr
we (unilab the work mud
Uacb rou tree: roa-work in tlic locelIty where yoo live. Send lu your
eddrwran) we will explain Uirtwsl*
neea fully; rrmeuber we Kcaranlece
clear proiitofls fer every deyV work,
alwolMUIy >dirc, TTri^f at oi«c.


• I


Choicest Meats, Poultry and Game.
rX Am. 3©aeon..

Frssh. Salt and Smoked Meats. Sausages Etc.


J. W. Gtcntlett, ’



Opp. Ea«. Hob.

SHddtla. Orah nHwi ul in IR


care, liunim;' prairie alared tWek io
anbliokiv drfiinci
Tnere were gor

Gisb Paid for Bitter aid Eggs.
r, avBureu-wd, oremi ■


orxwB ■■ ctrV orau. aau. ai^.

—Koney to Loan
«rM I»m m4 cm rrofWTW.

Carpet Cleaning Works


j. cr. BUEznsr^’s,


iiliii si
If l?gg ®8


813 Front 81.

’Phone 3W.


lieti. Bnriil Goipaij,

haenl hireetor ud Babela.
anieltapMupU^jmtjiW^u. »l»M •

mn ^

illll I

248 Front Streat

Brcwch Block.

H -

i Y riSHES TO .ANNOUNCE tliat he is Gaek in his
VV store, al ai; IToni street, which has been rclaired since the fire. ;ind will be pleased lo meet his,
riends.-old anilnew. . .

A Fine Stock of
Watches and Jewelry on Hand.
Some rare bargains, resulting from the lire, 1-argc
tine of Sewing Machines and .Machine Supplies
and look over the stock.

Homestead Rights





when sue great u.ry btliteemc i a's
oatae.l all!', lof're a loag UacLwarJ
;lauce before dfO|-piUS out of s.gbS.
mdwiiba K.ds< uu'b tnrs a., ibi
world ioto a lilTllfW grid. BuiiotUi
played oul cow punclier aupael aieanl
nmbiegbul beu>ixc-bcdliite aficri
bard, pirchtil. kcpeleu day.’ Then





of Ue
len one is
re more hen
eam-ca with flips fij :
rating. ina.iaasb aa "c
II own spirit is greater

Hack, Bus and Baggage Transfer Line
*nCtey. Wssrstan'pnnUnw bnag^ysartgai.

Best Livery In Northern Michigan.
«ss« aad-Ma ttaUs la OsussUsa.

Telephone 78

RC drnst
la', ruleih
I be tbal

Lt mtet y He was ao; o' me ei/bn
.Bild It tbe first pltu,
ui h.svolecd.r
horsemsoship and rs
isiaim bad in
.. or -"Yanks.
doerd Wi'saa. tbe I
b Use Mm OB
Kill.'i« be wBica'.ie,
n his delirinm be
rater, day and cigbi
lod bagged for water
be aameiof tin' - '
ibtod. } tasiaasa.
drcBlb a
Water was the c

I goixl bargain if yon Uiog be waatef. and tbs oss tb.
It will Boon b,- Hprint; aiuTyua will n
don't boy out* <4 my fiamia
2'i ACivs on Lon;: liuLe rowd, jnsl bat k of tbe
i ,
talm rcmfrnable. tbry ;.-t him a'.o
rrdiaary circumsiaaeet, ah!
ring brook
cd. with a JiioA o^-hArd, go>>] frame hoaw>. pits- apring'
more Of leis wave' no gn
full length of the farm: thu » A>t^- <h»iral*le place f<v gerdeniiit
any one who wants a home m-ar the dly
:t0 acres on county iim. one mile west of city limiti; uo buildinge:
e poi-..........
— of fifty hc^risg trees; about fifty apple trees, been
ccpapUeir s,-. riuw
potatoes: good soil; priiv $.VW. srsacb nita fo-eaaw the ea-*.
timber; a nice place.for fruit
The Hissnniian bad bees a q^............
30 acres_____
twoI miles f^mi i____ one .fourth mile from Kratochin tbs ramp, and no one bad ever beard
heav; soil; all ceWred; small house; good spring
villebrswery: heavy
him la'.k much. >ei now br talked In
cold water; price >100.

SO acres fonr.miles we^ of the village of Lake , Ann, 30 acres
cleared; small frame boose, small framebam; agoodfanu: pleoWof
timber on the place; price JSOO.
40 acres two miles north of Lake Ann, 30 acres cleared; small
frame house;
bani: «nall orchard good used trecw
40 Acres oae mile from Imke Ana, :W acres
amall ordiArd; fnmi
oMsmAUfarm. Price, »30i).
80 actes^our milM weM ol Wexfoid in Grant; at^
hoBM; log bars; 40 acrea deared, free from atmpa; amall onward;
good«i&i40tcm«o(>dtimbK,fi0ltf^ofBlM. Pim^lUOO.

ipoa ibp othrr.
lot i»e phta<*-i- areoo'.vii
r exborlen ibcr i fiel>h-m >i

one of“lhc!‘rncmVor'^il^^‘?r'gr%'
This bad been an lii-aiasrled ouiJli
when- iheystsrted osiwiU
ladrog tigeib
tcroH the plalM. bo; fmadn
tr. il :uldcr W ihou'.didefy
- real:
sga.Eii fcarfu: oddr,.kolts a i=»i. deep
[y into the life cf b.» fe..ow

beard bin crier

OredvtaePnUA Daria.
Tmveraeaty. 1^

rUb**' AB»m^*"wai*V”wer. '*'Uis ifiaj. of budi.og -ta'.eno,^ The n
bad been a grdly m.o. . painter conibed no spot
sa-d It, tbpreforr It wav , *«^drr proldir of lo-plrat
ct was ih'

age eqaali
mianlcs a
■ icarternary equaled two to th
uirs. and fiaaily, wbat we ai
fineducal! tbe history of I
the hialcrj of Ur lavl ail .1
yean, pmonuu U oaly five m

(>ng tbe namre of Inventors aad Us
om o' the devices pstented
by tbe esmo of Kelrwretbrr. BlUsaed
ann ThoaderbeU turned onl Improved
es'dier devicre Mr. Snow peUaleda
riga and Mr Oatter Improved Ue
inner on Uc tame. Mr. Ueaa to end­
ed wlUa brevcb'loadtac gna. while
r. Candy bes some new sandy tableto
maay oUarn
lli^ iDveo^ m
umaay nvoUag mnihinr. Mr.Bone

tei a baby walker, and Hr. Hasda. a baebelor. ptleatad a bnbj

tihow Bim 'Bonnfi.
Some lime tines while Jaam
Iiuee ealiod w" tab
kcoiMcdgieg ilic eompllmset bssnld:
"I li go wlib yon.geoucmes. pravtded
von promise tbal yini will not abow me
-. .
Us no



oew acfaeol
niwjtiiifor I'eeaeen them a
deed times. In as maoy lawiia.i



, anent t

Are yon a BoUlier, anil did yoo
bomcaUwd leea than .KIO acr.‘«
prior to Jane 22,1S74
Mao,Jwai pay yon #200 per
acre for balance ftt claim.


b. U'jnnly. Ihesile of liin.iM
II, ca! ot I■'.•h>unl ei.n»,'i.
in fr
diaaa. ou Vsy ;•.. the tneiuben of Ue
.a; as, .tialiou gsheha+sl.
xbered to cUerr.- it. b.-auufol am
fa tbe Ih
ei'lsmcf”ocn ic ie memor
!•» .-.f iLe prep e I'f souUi 1 ludisna
uidgo ooUrui*"
_________ _____
Uey urge! ih.' . I'ci-o»'.L.-,5-usiil pi ,r.
light broke. Tbe btelrrrar.! ' t0r.ej,.io l.e uiL.r eelarlo.
batl liougbt hi
ils childhood, tt
. dersd.w agolbe p lrer Creek Cemeleriai
i»o was furm-d bA.rn>denla of
««r bad been wont u sti a*, awociatioo
vl-.L bowed beads, ihefam Ue-‘ Jtrk and aoj iii ._
fo^h generellona was J let cf the tawt-siion wi
W-.— •I Uf
'is ..wi.
tar pretlyUllleermi
pretty Utile ermel^y war kept ne
■ r tbe burning'and elesa and la intalchf in the minui
.1 by ','.f
".f the co
coming Ual,reve'
un, wiiOsc oniv shadow wss cssl
isdne li'r eariy settlers o
be fioe-ksof -car/r-ia bird. Ust • . ,i.earwi-.
bore the mansnlof Ueoatat Uey , ihis part ot.luditD>
•JUKI orar the grave of ilielf drad r’-'B ' Lv=-*
jsnicn, wailing for a like fa'e, or
raiLby their own band., u l.r loru
ey c iyolcs perhapx.....................................
.hoodriv. and more ofu'c ihunt
wnaenilt-f tl
‘ '
»Ji-aad... gi'b*! m the vrtbds. adj-iing
III] wiU I
pronounced, in VI,- ;he church and eemetery, whr.-e s
•Jiiic -KmI
plavers. and addresses an- beard
v^d. Nov-ui.r U
•Mj. Lord, foi
1 about ic
Uankfol ro.ldj Sut- 1, tbi. ueattUc: cu
'cclre make i
A prayer wai
Lde." '"’Auyibiog” thaT ****"

larebed. x
lUoat afcelibr*
the pMsing o
rhe priomt
; tmggering
chans by tbii i
ee u •
. , ,
reak to need
rab'.y lets prafsoltv . Ukre the miad back no^oieionely lo
' vrab
tratcliiag. the thiet
on tbcir dsbks
easy lo ImsgUe
redu.vd in hslf the o-iginal.lir by Ur
.reogth nure j*aIoatlj ; Ust the yea's havr rolled bsck. and no
• ing ef theblde.or fell hearUy
id Up exeriisn wa« uanecestary, or surprise would b- ,-a.ised shoa.d.lhi
rarib. to rise again, after m>ar
■cause Ueir uunibs were lood-y DiealuaJ ob« i-piog f-oio fc-.of sen sad sbeaer, at pralrir
tieoia'.e mtuy wards. It was nsw ' bind a UU tree a'lardv pioneer, carry
ancst'i grant
Tiielf bellow
t week, sin -e tU^ had set out across ^
vrcl'icid loa iniao. almost bu
t>« redtkio*. a» he caoUously aplu m lery. lor ibe one voice
'■'presches thco'.d boiisccf worship. Tbe
r^ht.'^'hao'd’.Vjd have a litile "i
D to ail crcsied tbiegd. an mt
oia-.trrdan-e this Jrai
c.iy before slsrilng bacor human, .s the V >:c.' •tmnif.-nr
iarg--. N‘i ris tor need go bnngry. as
lamp; bat
at the
the w.ld-cyed, s»rT;-ioo
Tbe Missiurlan. a great, hulking
thr good wiv-sof tbe ibeiobera brleg
young fel ow,' wa. first of lUc men lo ibiags aecaird
lor a giuc fae'uary
-- - . we: (adea with fiied chi '
show algos of weakening. Tbal Is tbe

' r/delicac
A. --Ess! Side" lar on Ue ground pooteberry
terrible moaeal ioail likeexper
ookinglbroagh the holes in h's blli, wh-n ’hr ui- e who have heir"
stood uprlgntnn

aaxiScct.eicb man eunaribg

9rafav40 ,v . . sa.

Farms for Sale


aloeeib' ’.oiiooi. f U c,t W..
ibe year U-fore baoawo.lco b^youd
tbrirbaoWs, fluailycavc i.ut eotlrrly
fry d-.r«-iicn tOc i»biU alkali
?.;»U-i..d away to the mrclicc
f ti.cky man Into luir of iaala
UoQ Till- oldtal iobabluoi |o ai, ibai
Boontryeound coold not ca.l a ■rioter
tbat ci|0»:ieil tbti Id dryopu.
UowMit Nf.ada wai Ibtn a new
ate. aod tbe populalioo mi^tory.
UTlaet, iLe b.u ol the ouill:. bad
hoped U) Kel out of lee aayrbiu.b coon
try and ibcfallloraia luir aomo*
where abo<c lirodif bylh- end of the
Brat moaiU r.ol. bni tbc'c waa ao ram.
00 water. a=.l the piaioa lay la open
crack,. Hay aflerdaj afu»e.
imSIe.i down upon the pm*e« .ii;le
iiBLch of Bifu and cattle J^orc en loog
honnaa bctallra aioor.he v.iudleaa


Purchased from our fresh stock now
will save you dollars before fall.


ba.h.od d»ap;»ir^ from EUd a-do.i-rl« boara. liSly-riKbi
«o4«r! mlooieaaod fjnywlrhlawcoadi toward
loauociUel, they voreed UrcoMiac,---.Uai made hU death raa-1, day. Tbe palaoolc aye waa Od



_ ■tr"£5Ssss?of.

wi»«d wor* etowa V, uc a; ^
We fill them »tremr.aaradoa».vii»:er«aiore.»ofliJ-.
ferwfroi our clrcuB.oribwJ Weaeof!

Brosch's Meat Market

Uwd lilIrTuUi tad r.ircunt.

S5i“r"^s iJSi




1^|ogaa Jji,

.‘is.. tU''

. dV-Tr.'™';

Tne Amerloan Way.
.easy makes brenwaaed ia Uto
Uereti DO lack of that tori e<
> which beroM are tnada.
re-uboat eraUed UW a ferry
met Ue oUer day in Naw York har­
bor an crllasry iraekmao shouted e«t
ie the Rangway. " Women aad eUUna
' and bis command fosad obadi-IbeesglneeroD Uesama beat
>y bis maebiat till Ue dru ware
neiaed ue water ap ubto armH**^
Test wa. Ibe Americas way aad it did
It to eai people and ear .DsUea.u /*rr»r

If All Caadiduea Wore WhUeTbe word randidnla m from Ibe tmtia
Lllerolly. U mrene
.... . . --------- ..
Mbj" s-.ernb.Tg. spiymtster of Ue whtto robed, end It wat tbnscalMbv
iped acd pnlssd in the eir noore army su'.ioaed at Iloilo, in tbe oarse Caere U Borne Uree who eongbt oMre
-•im W .i.Mi.'vcred. or thougfi-.' be did. of a letter f> a fr cod io WasbiagUn worcaglltterlBf while toga- FaMj,
that tbey eatlA shsdev- agains'. U« ■ aty, that Ur soldier* wiiMo bi* jurii- If yoo can. al! oar modern Amreienns
ky—a UiD. gray shadow, and hr dicuo- bad. ‘ tbe sn mca'.Os end dressed ID arcardaoee wlU Uair polit­
ical ambillomr la some teetlnnt Uere
iseb Ulag at a dark ealt
owtr. Ue shadow seemed to g'civ period, uii rcpretenling m'j Ue
rsselngtoa wonld' simply
srger. bnl when fiaaDv. Uey Hiroopt stationed on H*D.yand Negros
aloiag center of asirarnal
,way. Uere wat «t
Tbr sbvdow. ;
Tllere rosy be fewer tempts- wbltcne*^ —.<ciiur.biv Krrefag fhwt
arger abd darker Witc a wild w-uyp tlons lo llotiolbasin Hanna, but all
le ipraeg to bis fert fjrgntieg the ofibr AmeA,:sa trodpe ls Li..:dB are
Tne Same ia NaBs
is'.opof ns'borisg bis .trragU a* be by no mesns\tiatii>aed at thceanlul
Two William MeKinleytar. .. rrat-pei Ur .mpyrt o'Abesbadow
It H; 'air. tbrteferr. tr assnni
sm s pay roU Oae drewa retyy
vasaclou-E'eey mfc spraogupal eoi Lon rrptrted bv Major:


light of Uat :-ay sp*rk and west U ly. ,
UvV |i Tmoa'i.’:
** ’***'^^ ■re lathe
•ork With wiHe far' and aas-xady',t, 6*^a^n5^i5cblfi'i^y‘’*ie
» bra
laedr. Toe sp-ek grew iargrr and tbt »„,
Sorely this esnnol t e a very
Uryant. aad Uraeof there
sen worked harder, tvery hale o- eu
save oat
... _____ used Willlem Tbaro rend
joagb-Uai ;ei loUp bas.n was '
-let Its tnrag.-r.oay bcodreds ot thou
. .
• i for ac'.ioe, so lbs-, actaptissedt, probajiiy miilmos of dolian
public eervloe. bot tbere U only one
Ir jp migbt be lost. Tr.- r word
e ' Tuir.- mast oe a very -arge prop'rrli.-sn
aow. Be U amisteat farmer at Ue
'fw but kindly at u'ey scraped
, -ct sober dceeat men la tbe raaks of
e such a force The exlrivsgsot. reek- Tort Peck Indiaa agency, and rerelvre
. salary ot tltoa mocth.-««rew^>e.
levs one* most be tbe marked c
afcabiy. groeing larger ao-d e
■ lioa
Modest Indestrlae
Tbs world is allCIs wlU reodastw
-During Uf night Uosc «a-*e
doslrles Ust bcvcr ere UMght «d.
earned of e
Uere. tor eumple. we are loUac b«mi,
s foiegaUerIng orer Ue sown under mai
1 of. rain dreps pa'.leiing Uea'dsfcerg ietler
itU• ther- made a sosking i Kjam.acr, Ue i
tsto Uc I
Bat tbry
.... ,._*esaloi .
b>y bad often dream -ea’Jy bat firm!
.—dreamed it when Ueir
if pt
na'Cn-' *hc
rein* and are now driving Ue
tlrown way.
Their ly. MUm aad miles ef copper end tram
joes bang oat of tbe'j myaias ■ oieioal coach Uelrown
esed Is Ueir------------------maaatsoUra.
_..u arc
are---------------------and cracked for drynew By Urn time ■ organiniiian is called
- - Ue
liea-Im- eire
•Uey bad grown wary. Even la tbeir I,provrm*nl Ciobof Hraldsborg.
r. and it
l( and rsongh wood to employed to a-----■'eep they were on Weir ^rd and nJt i wa* formed is Ang«t_of isal yw wbote forreu ot bireb sad reapim—
ExeAi.oo* ____________________
m *ui*ei^y
morning,; ^““e^ipiia^ed:
The Asad^ OrertoA
■ ■ Ue first pa:-. A moiitc pal water syalcm.
Ibe rain did. come. wiU



Evil’s: .'jsr.;

.. PaUgaaia reirlebei are not brad
maoieipe'. eiectric ligbl filanl.
pia^ U tbe Mat UeCaperf tiaod'Hopa. batraa
wild and are twiv gredwHy crUrrelaIB U slake his ba-nlag Uin
Tbs /admw. chare Um oa
r hats bad ca^^ht ea^b b ' ^‘kVsM gieen to UeetreCU.
snel^e^ U^r Bh>i^al«ve*^ | s.gc Mwrds,
boards. wlU street
namea. burecback. aoS Caleb UcrewHhbMre


fonret every-;


r--.............. v.lnking 'fi

..- —

birfisarc ensnared.
wed fo- years I
BeMrre makes kowey «d ^alMre.
-d for Ue woe
cesrentiy in tbs aotL thick drawtof Ueir glee ao one n-oticed tbsL tor non- reaiilica. And.
Tn some hope to hat A treiafy Rtobt
the aonlh And al ways of borne scenes vea'icoce. Uey bad cboean Ue reor-^
U a family hre no akalM garelp
cieeV' light .
or Ue ot boybeiod that wbs! that eoveeed Uc Mtstoariaa fo<
syttem. Ua city uxre hare not bees vrillgira ilons.
ted tbe edge of Ueir torture tUI It wai
increasedakmechasa farUli
beyond nil endn-iog NowhewasAtb table.
More A maa has hagnate UkU a
After the fetiL eeery man lay do
for Urec Uinrv
log along seme stream aadswearlag la
laakrebtgaa t« talk '
t bis tneeb. wbiea ws« now fi.ied
ronad terms at ysme taUead Digger^ WiU vrater,asd«oaked.aoaked tbroagb
a Bes s ^gbtfor seaYlhg-The fitb: now hi

Carefsl welgbieg shows UM an or-- itraggling wlU some ,.............. U tbs Marrow, ransiv
bia bat. Uea taillag tmek aad anaalag
Ue Are- weekly.
never solre beyond"carTy aev
And when, after iweaty.fw ui„Sedtb part of a ponnd. eo that it
Iwars esbersotCBOagb tocal
Oaths noeAsenreUreoi LreAreflt
here W make a ponnd. Bat
np msmoria la Uelr own mlnda cf i. b^cs of eoaking. Uey got ep mx of
acre, it toreld. I.«M treeof reiBtretMi
yontb mtupeat tor the maai parL fbty
ccnld BOt move farther away, beeaate
wiUtoewer bne brand. wMgbn AnBrthey wen camaed nader US Only aands Puyw---<D222i___________
animal In Ue herd.




dnni to^Wy Unagnid


rma a lavra are we


WtABD TKAVll«l«iBll.n. JUmT, 1900.
A^—T««. •»-“•

M U. Of«^
- '- •
f u«t W. J. T«BEAk. a a. TaiMr. bu
A ^ bMdMTWa tb*
DMomthi p0tj Md SUM klMlf
wilb tb« BbpabUMt. IMr.TBiBarbw
beu) u MU«a DaoMcnt mmaj ;
Md WM D»moeT«tlg pra«ratla|

Airf (hM tb* BMcbO abiUm reply
10 Ibilt ■!---------- *‘W« dMt want l«
•pteaMMMMlbarMrtb. Waara
fol^ta stay rl(fa( U TraranaCIty
(hal^aBdaaalba bln«t aad baai
MPtbara Hlabicaa. Oar aalaeratloo U
■abw Mi bafCa iba 4ay balaraaad kaap
iIpbtMaaUllba day atlar. aad Maa.
Maa r^aeaaealy kae« U la la Uai
_________ _


Ibatoaalladca (rf BU>a
fontard lea apeelal aaeal
Tkantay araaiac. aad eaa ef tba proTarWal teed Um ef Ua -Baat Paepla
aaMartb.* Tha aajey-aai *111 bacli
wlkblhalalUaUcaot a larfaeaBibar
ef Mwaa. after Whiab a baaaaet wlU
baaarae* la tbajaiy Opera Hoaae. Dr.
L A. IbeBpMta rrlll be tha abalma
aaderniba backed by aa "
_____ «Ibe aatlerad faairy tbat will
faatafreaetber tewae to helpmake
theeaaarisea plaaMat oea. wfllbe:
Shm. 1. ebarp. Bk Bapldt; Jeha
Swala. rua Laka: Hartla litadi. Bber
Mai 3. B. Bbbep. CadUlac; tieo. F.
Baycraft. Peleakey: C Berke, Harbor
■yci^i Bob*. GaldwaU. Obarlareia;
a H. Pbdaa. Kalkaska; C. fl. Bearer.
TfTT-*-------B. W. Barba. Baplrr"
Maw L- L A Sooke
ItefaUowlQrsawbeoki kaee faeea
•AMlotbaLadiea- llbiary-Jeta Aiapwk Baerar-Oberlea'
tweki aail WUkto Ortllaa.
•■HMery ef tba MkhKaa Orfaaiea'
Mae at Obattaaoofa. OblebiiaaaB



Oooa nab ^loa.
> altar el(bt tba meatbara aad
J. t WilllsMa of Cbleaito. eai^alaly tbair yaatu bac»a t>arrira.%ad
_eoaa bo» loeateb bleak baea, aad la walBomad by tba raoaptioe oomBltlae
ap ee Ihe praallee aa wall aa
1 OB lalo tbe plaaaantparlort.
Monday haaad bla wile eap- which pnaeelad a dallcbUel pietara
laradto dae apaelmeaaet tba Aab
I they dlUd with peatiy fIrla U dainty
(bip Like, ibe total walfbv of wbleb
atamaa. mad belrbt faced yoaaf mea.
wai Mb poaada.
Biaylad rrltb tbe older cneeU ef U><
Wimao>aoe was baay Hoaday ereslep. Tbe maalc by Frof. Ilceife
aea^Dtr dtotriboUa* tha dab to hie
added freatly to tbe pleaaue
Irieada. Be baa made aeae eery
of the oeeaalae.
eatefaia (row Cbrp Lake. barlBf
Sooa after aina tba bacquel w
eredll the «poaod baea caarbl ibare
BDoaBcad, aad the party adj mracd
laal fall.
tbe dlelaf room, where two loep tab lee
_____ ^ .ad with delicadaafor tbeirrt
Pjetaaai Otanpe, Pkmlc.
pact, aad baaetlfally trimmed with
I mewhen of Trarerae Oraafe earaatkiaa aad loey ropes of aapararaa
look diuBar Friday wiU Mr. aad fere. At each pUte ware dalaty
Mrr. A. O UsBtaal tbalr.fana boate raolr Beaai Is pUk. with the words
UUardald. .Tbe owaalos was tba M rd "Alemoi Baaqaet. Hark Place Hotel,
aaalrMaarj >ol Mr.'aad Hn. HeBte'i ■naterae Oily, Mich.. Hay 31". I»0
marrUre. /Taa riiltart carried bat tbaftratpace. Tba preyram aad i
kaU of read thlofa to eat U the rcca belay pricted OB the foIlowlsR p
yraare faahion. wbleh weraeawle
Ao elaborate entae baaqaet
^.Blediathe aioa> r<Beroat siaBae aarrad. tbe mesa belay a* followe
by other food thiaita foralabad by Mra.
HeBae. labo la ooa of Oraad Trar
eoBBtyl moat aouble booaewlTea.
e eOBbiaatioB waa one tbat cool
B*k*dPill»l»®IWtlwao.ato ttaiiw CUuwl
aaly be sadaiitood aad appe
tboae who hare aat down to a ermate
baaqaet. the like of
mortple know aoIhlBC ol. A m
aeeUI aftenwoa wae paiaod.
.IwanrJ Cate
Tbe Taaeber'e TaeaUOB
bacqaal and' alto rendered aereral
anon tbo proyram lollowlBy.
were much enjoyed and rtcrlrcd



KaperUtaadeat Hera aad Priaelpal
•‘Tba Lore of Pareoe Lerd‘'-lbry
Ryder of the Ulyh aeboel wUl speed
most el their time U thUeltj. They
“ThaOr^of BoMT^-^nae Towarr«l.bowcrBr.aUeBd a aammer term
••Dmm Bradbary-Bdwla Aaa DU.
•‘Baphla"-3taalayJ. Weymaa.
•‘DUm TWpeat-—Mary Oholi

at the caiieayo aalearalty. beylaalBy
Jaly lal.
ayhlU will apaad
most ol ber tlare ia tbU city.
Him BdllhAtklsa will yotobarbi
la Hetoakey.
Ptot. B. B
Him Dowalay will yoto ber
Bomeloa to apaad tbe sniaser.
Uiaa Boaldla will spaed<
al bar borne Id Sayiaaw. aad will then
yo to altead the aammer term al Cor-

MpereUon aad tba i

be railed eoaaldarably aboee Uea
nady rstaisad by tba ladleidaal
paretaeia. Tba iaereaae la tbe Flret aell.
Him Belea A. Norton will yo to Aaa
Arbcr. aad will aot ratarn aextyav.
Prof. Oobb will yo to Detroit the first
The amaaaaMt ef the two buka of nxt week, acoorntmatod by Hn.
wtU bs mare than Iwlea as maab aa
iMd y«r. tbat of tbs Flret Batioaal baratosd tram •to.ooa to «oi,ooo. aad
IhaTraeafsa Olty Blato Bank belay lalilllia from|N.«K0 to tlto.doo. Thia
toqo iMraaaa to do* to tbe feet tbat


lief tba bsak«oA.w
UtobtBlaapeaiba aloek.tba aarplaa
•■d Iba aadirUad pcoAto.
There to avary larya laeteaaa U tbe
■aMMihl ef tbs earloaa etore cloelo.
OaaatB^ ww raked tram fid.OM to
•U,«*. aaotbar boa r.Ooo to,
Md aarthar from W.ooa to
jf Baparelnors.


TUa mastlay to called at tba r

tba board at Uto moethiy. tboayk they
araaMmaaUoaadUUmealL Aoway
ltam.howeTw.wUl be Ita qaaatlaa el

fiaetkw amttor to tbat of tba i
yreiael tta Tartoaa aaparTtaort r
Itataaiellaaadwitaaawlaw. J
what will ha doM abeat it to
to brlay hto tax roll.
IttoprotaaUs atoo tbat tta matt*
,ef tba 1 ■Utosa 0. B. A L la^
1 brldya aeroaa the Beard
■aa rlew at 0am street and aarth of
.FiMttaMtbrfdyetrill ala^oo^ap
■...fimmaaMitaUca of tta beard.
KtyubOraot Hroynm .
Tta promolkm exerdass of tta
BlyhU yrada of tta Oealral school rrill
aHnrthtomoralayUaa Hiyh school
amMhty room. There to a larya claas
rrndy to astar tta Ulyh aehool. and
a mml otaHUot proyram trill ha ylrea
Otoorm. “Walaama"........... ............Vateto
■wHiMim. “Tta FMtlaa'’-lreiaa Ec«BICBiipklml
mtiZ: "HUb
Haato-supaa OaartM.^,
OHytBal«loiy.“AToaadi tha Hortd
ta Fifty Daya’'-B4ny De4a. road by
“Tta . Btoap


I. “Ballada to the Fera« Vaa ValkMbary.
CUh Bwlaylay—Chaa. Urwe. Fnak
Uwto. Baary Owatkiaa.
Hiala. Fiaao Daat-Bohert Kehoe.
Fleraaaa Hlltor.
RMy. “A Trip to tbs OeUfiaUto"AHbar KaUcyy.
BaaUatooa. “Tta Unto* of tta Bias
•ta Ita acay--8IkTl OUs.

OhanB.“Bowrottta TOriBya*-..

“nymsaf ASut"

fbaWVPtbei baitoe haae baea
tha aieae ef maay aeaate la llMt peat.
bataeecdalaeaaaleatB tbair bUWy
teabsaaMoplMiaBt tbaa tba reaepUea aad teaqaat at tbe Traewee
Dtia Maa. PwaHAWt-For aeariy
OUyBifbSdoed Al
two aad OBc-baU jrara 1 bare been la
bald Friday areaUf. WbUa tbaMtaod*
Iccblebnlth. Aftermyliltic child
aot BO larfa aa aa* acm
' Itareamdl coaid DOt
eeaaloaa there waa battae op
; my atreayth
porlaelty terraatoldfriaada aad btlymin. I bare
ehiUa and the
. and tba aeeUt aide of tbe rae^
waa la amrked eoatraat U
of b.-ad sod am
waal loramllty ataaeta Uamr.

tbe eoBelaaiee of the beaqnat
Pras^at Ullberl. aa UMimtator
iced aa tta firat number oa the
proyram a aaleelloD, "Medley Oter.
by tta oiebettn. Followiny
thia be la hii aaaal happy maaaer totrodaoad tbe oteUr of tta etealay,
P. B. WbilaaaD of Noitapmrt, a
er of the elaaa of 'H. the fint
clam to ba yiadaaud from ttaeTnrarta
City acboolt.
Mr. Whitman yate an eleqeeat adram. hli aabject baiay-Saeaem.'
aaldtbatmmtofoa do oar dreamiay
lo ue few momeau IstorTenlay
laonadcleep and wakiay. '
to a lair illBitralloB of life. Jeat
lore wakiay from tbe alomban
yOBlhto^a fint realixaUoo ol real
liriay our dreams of future aoeeei
brlybt- From oor dreamt wc form
Idmlt that are to bo the modclt for our
future Ufa work. We plaa for
luxury. hatvUem aad power, bn
only toe the brlybt foreyrouad of the
ptotare. wbleb ii all the brlybtv la
oeatraat with tba oltea aombar bm:k.
yreuad. There U no way to tuecem
but tha royal hlyhway ol hoamt tall.
Ourdaayar Ilea aot la farror ol aoal
but la farer ol asplratioa. A eulllratad seal U better tbaa a fat poeketbook
Tbe qomtlon thoald be not how
much may I yet, but bow much can 1
ylra. Be ouly eaa claim luceatc who
aid humanity byj bia life. If he
haaeathriaed la bla heart yuodeem.

aim bare a pain
loxt to the rit-hl vl
brrm»t boo.- It

flaaati BlweeblUd aad Btyeta.


we hare eammaakMkma from tbirtaea
■to to KaTbmha eoaaly who
Wriwmaiprwlyto tha foUowiay IM.

The Emliwnt Kldiwr-and Bladder Specidst.

My Uto.

tmwalaavtoy itatita a;

Fbaxb Ha>ai.TOK.

toyiramaafew wordteeacerolay the
praeUeal b^acSia which yoa hare deHrad frt» Ibe adopUoaof tbeODeaty
Boad Byaiem U Kalkaska Coamy.
yM oemaead it la ito eatiretyr.
ylrlay yood aaltofacUoiiy
t woeld eery mac6 tike a reply.

»yriyhi*idr- llof
rite rue what you
Bxeelator. Uleh . May «1 I
lick of mv
Hn. PXAxr,Haun.iuA.
Tr«yetaeCity. Hieh.
itaua i' o . Mi>aDearUlr—to reply lo ycura of tbe
infa I will try briedy lo help yoa
1 was one
DeabMv. Hinxdaw;— the yood roadaqumlmo
ritoal adsoeataa. aad one of the
TharcUkcD LydUl; Hinkl.iuu. '
«-..iupouBd B> aJri-.-l and
Board of Seperriaon at that time. Tbe
M'Rd yo.i a letb-r for pub'.i.stion,
fint work commeaeed- 1^ tbat body tc
M-i'i-ral \.-ar* 1 UA« in *.u<-h wrrlH.rd
i BubBittedtoavotoof the elect
licullh ilial life um. almu»l a I.ur%l..u. ora of the county toak about two yean
I omld liardiy uwlk acr.".' th.and then it wat carried in the e
Several of
byonlyaeren majoriiy; butthoae that
opposed it then ate at far the otbtr
..•lulled to write to y.m
I,.-Ip- 1
a fen- day. 1 reoi-ivinl Mii-h way now.
lyletter. If.»llowrdx>
At to lu pmettoal becefiu It brityt
I f<i
iri..>ruclkiiiA and am my
na one hall nearer onr market by car
araln. lVa«irn-nlly benrllted l.-fure I ryiaya laiycr load with lest wear oa
liud uwvl utu- Imttle. Msy.<n«I Mcaa wayooB and teams. Yet. I do coaiaiebd
you fur wliul vou arc doiny fur ruffer'
It ia iu eaiirety and it U yiviay nol
W uMmyn.''-Miu>. Ci.aiia Uaraa.
renal taUafactioc.
Farmers la Excel'
JobDA H. G.. .Mia®.. Oct. C. I:M.
alor aay tbat they atre oa every load to
Kalkaska more than their taxes for
o* Dr. aad Mra. B. II. Oaraer of Oi
ure troly.
atTMt, the oootracUay partiaa belay
A a. Ci.i
Him S. Alice Snew and Mr. Beary
Rxeeltior. Mieb.. Hay I!-. l»uu.
Wriybt. both of Harbor Sprlaya.
kaxk HAini.Tux,
eeremony waa performed at 4 o'clock
by Err. W. K. Wriybt, and tbe party
Dear sir—I received year* of Hay
left oa tbe erenlac train for tbe north.
The hooee was beanlifully decorated 11th aad in reply will ear that the ay«for the oecailon. flowcraln profnaloo tem haa beeaia ate for aereral ycare
toahluy the toomi brlybt with color acd ylvm yood aaliafacLion.
commeaeed aad built from tbe county
and the air sweet with perfuse
eeal out ia the oouaty and where unr
Ur. Wriybt ia one of the moat
neat bualnrta men of Harbor fiprinya, toama need to be puUiny tbrouyh tbe
ceft saod now we have yood bard roads
eondecUDf nne of the leauliny aloroa of
all limm of tbe year. Tory caa'i buiUI
tbat town, lie already baa a
it laal eaouyb to aatiafy the people.
larya burinca*. iboueb alill a <
Voun truly.
roan. Tbe bride ia one of tbe
popular sod eallmable ladimof tbe
entire ray'mo. beiny prominent ia tbe
eoelal life of Harbor Uprlaya. and a
leader la tbe chureh and CbritUan Bn-te Cily, U
decTor work.
Dear Sir—So far as 1 know about the
They will be al borne to ibeir frieada eonnly road aystom it :> a yo'ud vhicy
afterJunev ailtaeir borne In Harbor BxeeplUat it U tsotlow. ft tsact too
:ild a road.
Tiic law prewe shall raise jasteomueb
CloriBB proynuna
a year and tbat lakes two
Tbe Eiyblb ytadc |
ooy to yet it built If there .ma a law
c'laea occurred ia tbe Hiyh echo,
paased that ibc Supervisora could ralso
ermbly room Friday maralag.
all Ue moaer Uey wished lo build the
room waa filled with frieada <
roads H would bssyodd Uioy.. Itemy
clam, who were Uere to see
le of the buriesl former isx osyers
ytaduaied from the yrammar yra
tbr county I wigti ray tax.xs u 'u




Kslkasks. Uleh . .May
'llASS Uamu.tun.
■ Trevene City. Ulcb.
,r Sir—Answcriay your favor ef
rcccat date, Ue eoonly road systom
bu prored itself a success in our
i IS yivioy yood satislaetloo nod
umcod it Ui lu entirety. Before
its aduptioD we bad no StuI clam roads



WIU baat rcyaita. •



Don’t, Stop


Ibma to a dims re prrvutac M *bti'
TcnTocaa aty. HIta.
ccuaay IM« danyarsqt becauie as daaepto Sir—Yeaia at baaA la Ttaly Urc. 'Maaymddoa deaihs ak caused oy
_ ----------- eia. bean tollwe
toUure •
will aay oar mada arc ylrlpy yeed aatcr apopk^ ate ch«n tta^rmah ef hi'
Ulaetloa. We Ilka tta ayatom wlU
Uto excaptlca, two mills oa tta dollar
mdse kids
doM aot balld rends fast eaeayta to
fcldaera Ifacramism
meet Ue daaaaad. aad Tsty many aay ____ i dovu and wasis away cell by.ctR
Mr. P. W. Hehdjnnd, Pres. Ohio Uay weald rmUar pay laryrr toxm aad Then Ihe rlebnem of the blood—the albaBM
................................sufferer has Bdybrs
Pipe Covering Ca, Clyvehnd, Ohio, hare Ur roada balu taator. Toe more
'' Iney IrouSte.
si>^ "I am satisitod Dr. Miles' Nerv. tba people ana Ua reads Ue batter Ua
. ...jaiWmwdts.
werv u Ihe tree specU.c (or k>d.ney. bladder
ine saved my life. I vas a nervous sytum la Uked. l Ulab Ue banefit
uTOk and unable to attend to my derived ia far ynalar UaaUeaxptaaa tad urinary iroublei. Ithsscurvd Ibouaandi
of tppsramly bepelem cases, simr all ctoer
Doctors failed to Imcik
cHoru have (ailed. Aidruc(iauia<ifty<aal
me and 1 dedded to try' Dr. Mile
and dollst c-va A sarapla bciik sal baa
lIoaA.'kS. C*i kix*
by nail, also a book ichist sboul S«am^ Nenine.
it five me pron^ relief
Root and tu wonderful tufuci Addrtm
and linally cnectod a complete cure.
CUy CouncU.
& Co.. Bin^bsinioa, N. Y. aad
I am in good health now and have
The eoaaeil Motaay aiyhl re
gaihed several pounds in ilesh."
a dawnalastus aot to ylrr i
CareooUawatorweriisor.aDy other tricity Bud some other l*Brslea," "Ttoa
city property, for Ue aeeurii* ol aa) deaceat ol Ue Horae." aad ■.-Tbe Actor
wJd W tU drufciiU lO yuAriW**.
e Uoad "
Albart Ehaw dmeribea "PariaaDd
ikm that called for Uia re
Ue EspoaitioB of two." ia bla mayaOr. Mitot Matfieal Comraey. Elkhart. Ind. ammioB
sior. tbe Review of Esviews. for Jaaa.
Saaaoayoed i.
that Uey
~ fibsw reyard* I'ariv iiaalf. Ua tyc3 aecapi Ua vratar works boad
lly modern city, as an ioaapanUa
laxm that 1 would rather pay than
monyaya wareyivae ea Ue part of Ue yreat (air. Hit artlals to
the eouaty road tax. it ena'l help bat
by far U>e moat diaerlminatlay aau.
plaat. Thecouaell had daeldad at
ylrayoed aatutaelioa.
--------of Ue real value of the Paris
prcvioQa snaatlay ttat Uia wesld not
S'oara traly.
beylvaa. aad laatalyblUey espi
Jl. JtOt'IWV
Ihcmielrm wiU abnolnla nnaolmlty
Tae cenduetort of 1-he Ceatsry relioardmau, Micb.. May la,
WiU unmlaukablt aaram
rard tbe article by Nikola Taala ia Ua
Ml: FlUNlv U.vullT.».
uiac Jana number aa oaeqf tta
Uat Uadnmaad would not bate
moal notable ooatribuiloa
ilousever made
Travrr»caty. 'Heh.
to Ual m
r. Tmla will anDear «ir-We are pleased with tta
uoQBcabalfa doraa dlacoverlM wbleb '
aykiem acd arc yiviay the
ieand pi
be baa re
ail tbe money tbe law ailona. aad
.Uoni for ________
s and siriklay
our people in tbi* town are doiny
views c( aspariiuonu with aiectrieal
aidcrable yradmy free of coal to the and to yive Uem u underetoad that
forces of tbeyreatmi voUayaaad frtAl firat there
isUe lutoBtioaofUeeUy to bidd Ue •laeocy ever produred.
sidcrable opposition but that haa all certified check tor ttoo yiveo ai
Mr. Richard
liny Usvisbnabemi
oeeo remored: all the people
ynaiantoa of yood faiU uatil aaeb followiac Ueoeral Bilallcr's colnma. and
mbre roads. 1 hare aaen teaans
bit fin
first article iapabllabed
bllabed la Ue Jaae
time aa Ue mattor of Ue taad Imue
and a hall uilea with loadi
atiafaetorily adjattod.
experieaoeaa a
dirt roads to this road, very srak Us
Every cnadllkm Uat Ue firm ol
poaoeov in sorce wars enahlm him
team and load pamlng over Ue
Baaoayoed A Hayardamaadad in Ueir
mnl aa vivid a picture aa poaslbla
road ODC and imt-bBlI
yrmt fiybl between the Ikmri
bid baa been mak aad It la Ue opiaioo
and Ue llrlUah Jatl before Ue relief of
won id be dry and cool,
Eheeily altonay. aa well aa Ue
Yours trnly^
membetaoftbeesnecll. tbat a merty.
\l. J. 'll
aye on Ue pleat would ataad la Ue

doubled oo the rush system
There were TS mrmbenln Ue daaa.
Voers truly.
aad tbe proyram ai jrivaa featerday
Wu. Ill
and beast to drive Over iome of
momloywa* carried out io a most
to called hlybways "by
Ksiknsks. Hicb..Usy 31. V.
pleatlnymauDcr. Tbe two eoays by
in tbeir places wltbio
i;. Kkasi. Uamii.t-.n.
tbe yrade. tbe "Welcome" ehorut of
years have beep built amootb and lasllim Baetok S. Wealu left yaaterday
Vea/to and "Tbe Sony of the Vikloys"
-oads_ of crushed atone aad riay
.her borne at Daeatar. UU. wtee
ItoarSlr—In reply to yours .wi
: by Emenoa were eapecially enjoyed.
ibi-' truD furutce
Oor poopic
that 1 think the county roadeysu-iu ail
to pmenliay tbe diplomas. Soper.
riybt as far as it yoea, 'out to my mind would peaulmontly rote tomaioUinH.
Inlendral Horn wade a neat apeeeb
her home Id FUbI. and will not leach
weouyhltohave iheprivilece Jf yolny in my judymeol. it a <iuestiooof adoptnrylay ibc pupils to eoolwue tbeir
iny tbe system was to be re-aubmittod.
bare next year.
and not lo be aatiafied with
bixeuse Ibe leoyU of my lelUr, but
Leey Sereraece wUl apeadThs
(Iveo twice Ue limit of our taxes for
Ue proyreas Ual Uey bad already
Tacallee-al bar home la HotI.
al least fire yearr. The faeU arc when Uc ayatem Is so yood 1 caoaot aay too
HliC Sarah B Hrall will laars today
we are UaveliDy over our poor roads murji for it. ^
Friday afleroooo Ue Sixth yrade
Very rcapecttall
bw PhlneeUle. Ohio, oa a etolt with
we sre psyiuy heavy uses A lew op
I Uelloardmao arcaue sebool eoisyed
f. D T..rr
posed tbe ays lem and perbamare ouw
eery plcessat ptny. The altsn
Kslkashs. Uicb.. HardMS
Hlm Olaia B Saaadara wUI apaad
ashsmed to owoUist they were ic the
raaspeot lu yamae. aloyinr. a:
bar raeattoaal her heme U HL Plau.
wrony; but I believe that t'lere Is bul^ Mil. Fi:\N-k ilsvM.Tux.
Hr. Wbltmaa-s oration was lUt
Hs/.sl Keaoe and Urea
Traverse pity, Hicfa
vary few uut what arc piaU tli
iraad each foaad 33 psaaoto. They
to with tha deapeetaUantloo. aad
HeavSir—Yours ru^eired. Gun
HtoiLoIa Boahee aad Him Bthel
have the syatem. eU.
faUof inipiraUoo'to hiyh aad noble
louaad D.*aa yol tbe prUs.
ty road aystem aduplcd five yaaraayo
Daaa wDl apaad meat et the aammer
.'oure truly,
pretty little ailver paper knife. Gl
is yiviay yood taliafacliop. We have
1*. U. L" .1
Evans sron Ue censolallea. At half
worth of -toolt and will
MlaeBAw Shadek will yo
pxai throe tbe boys took partners aad
i about iwenly railas of
toaU- .
rmpondedto by .MtoaMatUe marebod iain Ue yynaalum room where
ccinpIcLcd rusds
tbronyb Ua eonnly.
Htoa- Cbrlallae Paloa will ye to her
eshe. aadcaady were served.
C. Gray of Ue dam of 'S6. wbd at com
nt the head it U
hemeat Anaoat for tha aammi the Tiy
Mlm Edam Bamom, waa amiatod by
etaebooUhaa made
rnaystoid. but it
MiaaMaryK Ccyalarwill apaad ber
w>s^rad of
repaUUoo of wbleh the alomnlara Hiss ESs Lamb.
rlylil man (or cbalrmao of
terjssbe rig
aeaUomat YpallaaU. ber boom.
JetUy proud. She spoke lo ylowiny
Friday morainy the roomi
Him Jaasatte Smith will yo l
of Ue laflaeaoe of Ue Tmrerae Him Cora Ganlnor and Him - (
roads thst wc hsve bsi are due t:
mralay to UatroU for aahertteal
Vuurs truly,
City acboeU laUeyrewU aad develop. Clevelabd were feaatod wiU lee a
aystom. Wc la Kalksska county
C. W. Hsiixsan
tllm JcBBia L Hard win tpaad bar
It of tbe city aad aoud Ue liberalread cookies.
more can he yoltea out of
h's'ksika. Mick May If'. I^w>.
aeaUeasthwcldbomalD Ypallaatl.
Ity always abowa by Ue Uxpayera la
:iai .'csiie Camp aad Hitt Anyuta
■f expen'Oed and in a more y'etieral
Mic PnsNK Utuil.T.>N.
Him Mettto B- Filklna. priaelpal of
UaanpportetUe aehooia. ta a '
Adama eatertaiued their pupils with way than tbe old plan of rosd jitsTraveree CUy. Hicb.
the Oah I|»Tk aeboel. will yo to
aba rariewed tbe oareer of Ue yamea aad eluyioy,
ytlaa maeli money as yon can for as
D.rer Sir—In reply uyouraof reee
hOmoUOeldwaUr. ^
alnmnl. her remarks beloy yreetod
Tbrclotioy ezerclam la Uo Cealral lillle work as pomible.
.ItW wlH say when the esunly road
Htoa Oertrode Hlyyiea will rei
wlUfrrqaaat laaybtoraad appli
sebool Friday were very eajoyablr. and
•ystbnr' wiv.^ie>pud in this county
ia thIa elty.aa will alao Him Miller aad
aba areloomed Ua clam eraiy teacher bad plaaaad tome kind
there were many who were opposed to
Him Voytlaoiiy.
ef IPW to Ue ranks of Ue alnmnl in
I a yood time for ber papito.
it: ume of ilirih today are ita alroDtHim (Sara B. Oarr 'trill Visit ber
Him Hurd's room. Ue kiaderyartea.
words whose ainserity vraa fdt by all
eat ehamp.oos, 'Some of what wets
borne la DPBdea
AaoUar aojeyable leleetioB sratyivftor they were tbronyb wlU Ueli
the worst piec'sof road
Him Faiinle ^yler will tpead a
after wbleb Mr. work tod the pupils bad received their
Dear bii—Year idtor atAaad.
womii now compare favorably with Ue
abort tlma at bar home In CbleayohCGilbert ullnd upoa Robert Walton, promotion cardi. went to the weal side
aay Uat Ue county road aysleo'
beat >n Xorlhern^iic^lyaa. Bandi
tora laaeMy ter the world's fair at
pratldaal of Uerltm of IM». t
and eajoyed a fine batket picnic.
aucEcm la every way and yives pool capped by a dearth of auiuble material
aria.and otber Barepaaa potato.
lit. of the first yrade. n
In Ualr bebalf, aad be did i
wc have Qsed the beat arallable slay
iaUtfaetloa la erery way.
Mtoi Abbs MTsitm baa ytmo
It plaamlny manner. WiU
were •token to Ue lee cream
the Antrim, fornacaa. which,
Jecotrilla for tba aammer.
parleraef Ur. Furtoch and.treated
medmty bceominy oan of Ua nc
while probab.y oot u yood M asot
Mrs. Cook, priecipal of tbe Bo
ibnn ol tta amoriaUoa be spoke of lee cream and aoda'by Ueir toacber
oUer kind of material, to Ue bmi to be
tehool. will epea^ ber TacatloB
tta pleaaare Uey felt la Ue fact that
my npiSKO year eonnly will
at her home ia BaebaBaa.
>e second yrade Uuybt by
Uay irare ioeladad amoey Uealamnl.
ske no mis-toke to adoptlny Ue eoon
Mtoa Rdaa G. Banum and .Mtot Bffia Raferrtay to tha hiyh BUndleyotUa Rfflltb. partook of delielou ice c
tyrosdsvsWin. S'oo wiil often won­
Lamb wAl yo 10 aonthara Mtoblyaa.
aatocIatioB and Ue poaillona of bom
at her borne on Sixth atreet.
Tint to about Ueinildmt form of iret.
der aticr a irisl why you did)
MUaBdllh Bolcximb aad Mim Cera
rri yrade rooms, taayht by er;- a man mskdiAChes tbeumstisu ^Iandtruetoecoptodlv f
Voura truly.
Gardner will tsmala la tbit city.
denly tweaks biiri.
In its worst f6rra» itaoonrr.
Mtoa Orjaler and Hits luaa. met torheumstisadi a I
Htoa Grace Gtocelaad will lesTa
yeUer. acd alter a jolly time, were
Kalkpika. Micfa.. May l
whole beartad mao aad womea who dlamliaed early.
Him Aaynato Adams wUl yo lo bar
Hn FR.thh Uauii.tox,
Tbe fonrib yrade. laoyhl by Mat
will mabe Ua world bettor for baviay
12J> with 1kii>comeat Oakwood for tbe aammer tbTtarerac Qty. Hleh.
Fatan. bad a floa program, which ww
bean la IL
s.. eyc>. .' grrst
Dear Sir—Id reply te yoara will uy
A aalarUoa by Ue orebmlra eoaded. renewed br ice emm and cake.
nusy ehSxfi-rs
Him Jeatie Camp will lease today for
(far u we have built I haven't heard
ndlta|Wf«nm. A brief baalaem meev The prjyram wat aa'tollows:
baraemmarbeae la Laaiiny.
who tail yivrn Uf of aay eaapiaiius about tbe county
Violinaole—Willie Frenw.
lay leUewta pnaldad erw by H. C. GU.
hope.' bs»c Wen
Him Ayoet Balm. prUeipal ef tta
Some of them wtoh tbc'ir
ban. praaldaat of Ua amoetotioB.
cured bv the UK-of
Bmwopd asanaa tehool. with Him
was doubled so we could baUd
Mudoltoaelo—Harvey Graad.
Tha traaanrar's report showed a
Of. Idettv's G"'.lStllaa' aad ^Um Bditb
en' Medical (hi. roads (aster. Wc are yotoy to build
yraUfyiay asm la Ua trtaaary after
Baelution-Aliu Hooker.
wni yo to Ltay Like for
mi--Utome more stone roads Uii summer
®oet-tthel Griffin aad Boae McWilaU bilit srare paid.
ciue which uil
Hot. aa yam
« electod at fdlowt:
dennse the Woo-' If yoa build clay and irravri. pul
BecitatioD—Dorn Evaas.
ficm tme acid sii< leads ol yrare'. to one of clsy aad
Bxtoa will ibea yo to
oUcr pcBsons. wtl your roller yoiuy aa fast aa yon pat oa
Vlea Praaldtat-Ftoraace Tbamptoa
baay by Ue school.
Gaylord. Htoa Stilm to Coldwatsr and
your yrarel or any oUar material,
SacroUry—LoriT. Hmialatton.
Tbe SfU yrade paplls tod a abort
"Golden Medical
Him Adamt to
I Rapid.
belldiny a nine loot track,
royraai betweea s aafi » o'rloeh. aftor
TOacovery’ has
Him Hartba Ckate. will apaad. tta
iber runs two yradsa on slay er
whtobUe room was axensad lor Ue
BO equal in I'-s
immer at Cktoayo.
-poweT to cleanse
1C. Wapnl UsnoaracoD tta bat
Prncty Boms WoddlBA
Ue bkpod and lo tom and Ua fine on top- ifyenabooU
HimAfi>KmUh.Hla< Lacy UaaaaU
The alxU yrade nnjer Mms Suaden
racy prMty quiat weddiay
enrich it.
-ICrand Mlfa Bnlda Brant will apaad Italr
led a part of Ue day. aad had a
plate HtaAay afterwmn at Ua
coierx • conuinsl adopfUa oeuotyroad system, ba tan
socatlsaa In Travarse City by tbe bay.
aeithCT -alroboli to fat for chairman one that under
vauttoetbc restof tta Ume.aftora
Him Hebei P. Cady will sirit Aaa
ataods. book kaaptof. for ta baa te
jolly aodU Uma teyettar.
•I hto here tfwrt.
Arbor aad TpallaoU balere yol^
: ne MveaU yrade was dismlsaad
jto wa^Ure^ttwv keep ibingx ttralybt. pnrubaae all Uc
tmr borne la Jariraas.
aappUre aa-i handle all Ua
urly to Ue moralny by tbe teaeber
Htoa Bdith
uaeber of tta
Mtoi Prail. aad paplls aad uaeber at
Soatb primary %bool. will ya to has
teadad Ue .eiyhth yrada nxcreism is
ac“-'s!.'uJ srfmri
borne I^Oaklasdeowaiy lor tta i
srill^-mmat a crusher, an
taking Scon’s EmulsioQ befoar wa roller,
UuK it’s warm wcatitor.
Htoa Bthal BoxIaAf BoobtUIs sebool.
will do the eroUlny.'
a tta Interwst of Good CUrnda
KcepUkbtgituota you arc
will TsmalB la thia city.
Yoara Irnly,
Fw is» Beraid
Mra. AdalaMt Daytoa will apata U
I~A. SKX.Caa
Ttat tbe Qoaaty Read Syttem adofth win heal yov hugs and
sammar al bar home la Hi. PtoamaL
ad to Kalkaska some time aye was
give you rich blood in sum*
mcr aa io winter. It's cod
ptovoduttofneUrytoUe pnopletobrUva oil naade easy.
yoad gnaoHoo, It will be rMcmb r.d
;^ylay with matohm was
mat ltaO,MdR


Ooeraatlaw, hM bars la A^IL

l»Uttova>namylwnany|aarf kntto

way of aaoUer bead imne at toy
fninre time (or any purpona.
of Cily Itayinear Korthrup it aetUad, for Hr. NorUrup raaiynod bis poalUoa last evenlay. aad bia reaiyaatinn was leecplad. He will yo
totakeaponJtion wlU Ue ClaciDBall. Hamilton A Daytoa Railroad.
wlU tbe raaiy.
nation of Ur. Nortbrup ci
amity for Ua aarvleaa of a c
enyioeer at oi
atreeU Bind walks reported to favor et
UerradinyaadCTmTellny of Webster
atreet. and Uoayli seam et Ue aldermea did ael like ito believe It. it wai
decided Uat Ue ^nda woold bare U
be fixed before, Us yiadiay com
■enecd. Tbe cnattor was flaally left
with the eommltlM. to secure sueb aid
as they deem niemsary. U is prob-

Dolly Huyl was boro lu KuroaOoanly Ohio Nor. 8s;h 1»I‘: la isi: Us was
aeitod to nuariaye with .lohu Deaa
WlU whom she lived to loriay concord
aolll-luly IsoT when sbe was
*' la
a 1,
widowhood and the umr year
. vt
WlU tar
children incved lo llraud |iTravene
County Ulch.
Tberc was born to her to her first
BstTiaye.aeveD rlii'.dren, tbrceofUem
are still llrtny, Mrs. .1. C. Tiilolasnaad
Frank Dean of Summit City, aad Hia.
O. P, Carver of Trarerse Cily.
In October IvT) sbe .vas married lo
J. L. Lronanl aad mado her home a^
ttammil City.
. Mrv. Leonard was hlyhly raapeeted
araonf her oeiyUbsrs. and the londar
ra 4Which Ua bestowed epon bar. tovalid
allntod her kinoly aatnlicled and a aympsihelic (neod to
lirrmlaialry was nnutontatleos bet leodor, aad bar pres-

brsUh Aad boea poor for noma
able that Hr. Thwnas. ao enytoaar of
time smd her dralh was net SBaypactAlden, will bsempU.ycd. Mr. Tbr
ad. Oa May M. IMS, she passed qsletto well and (arorahly known here.
ly into bar real, ayed so years, e mnaitha
Her ramatna were laid in
Clerk Biekerd cflled Ue atUnUoo of
Ueeoanell to tbelaci Uat a rcqaral
had been made fob Ue remtosloa of Ue
license (ee of (jllvpr Broa. abow. whleb
to to laka part to i the parade on Ue
UIrd and fourU b( Jply.
mstsrially to tta eclebraltofi. Tta
d not
aot denm
—------------it axpedleal.
- ‘bow

Halt Uellleanm. and on moUoo It waa deeldafi Uat
to reyard to lleanam ba observad I
UIs eaaa aa to all ottara.
dared fi>rm..ln Brentwona pa«k-

'ily an allay.
The eonnell appeared ti
and ol Joseph ^mlej
fileox as anrety.
llwaadeeidisd ti appr
ditionsIfiTS (or tta <
Cedar street.
Tbe pey roll of Ue bemd of pablle
works called for l^.4S. Cialmt and
amonatiay to

L i^fii

tract vlU the It

to River Etoetric
provides Uat iBen
atoll ba a redoclton'.of Ua cost hi<Me
Ua Ilyhts do nol bare all niyhl. yat an
a mattor n( fact, n* tnah rednetk
ever made.
TtoeountllrefanWl to Ue pi
have aa
ee to ^k P ark and for a
plank tidewalk from Wtabinytoa
Rtoto alreeu on Oarfiald avaaae.
Tbe cenneU to now adjournad aabject
to call- Ita call wiD
aa word to reealved ftt
Mayer to reyard to i

. Jana Mayaxinaa
Tbe Jane Casmepollton op
aa tolarmttoyly wHttaa aad p
Ulsalretod artlela, 'T>a tta rx
tta biy abow.- "Tta Great Boa----------by Stoptaa Cbaa. lAa Umaly article,
writtonto tta vindietyU whiU tae
taads Uto aaUor taaoof. Tta mayattoe abnanda wlU apley abort s
ato OinatretkiH. ato wUl aar
wlto away many anmmar toora.



.'Su'iijrSKs fieneral Custer
WIU Ua Jalytona

• to >tta Modorn Oaltore Haytrina
Aa tarnufere. Ua
kstna WlU be tta sryaa ef BO party formerly owned by Peter -Want•ad: Ua pvamoont ate of Ua
■a totoy to make Ue jnWImtlim bn^, nsd nfler Uiin dote nAid horw
will be foQBd At


bnn, 239

_____ nferaU Uat mtoaa farUnny Htate atreet. '
Uepaoptotod forte
Seid bone will be bet* Than*
Fr»Uya and Sattudaya.'
“Rntybadyto Hayaate-for Joaato On Monday-a al Sottoaa Bay. aad
foUef teSMCt of lltoreUia tet to
torte^ate^tpM* Ufiayyat. Ite oti Toeadaya and Wedaeadayp at
Moaroe Cmter.
artkto in Ite miyintoi totoMssM

a 3. XOBOAH.


______ lisrwaM baa writ.
tea three new piano aeloa. "Dance Ser
___ .... "Erealac Soaf' , ») and
"Uarotto" i.Wi. Ttoaaara brichtaad

A aewmaaical play li "rbe GieeB'a nod

M .«

Jw. Hamr ud Oaa Dace of l^T•nx CIt; wen In tofro TnMday.

^A )«pOT ^
Wblic.-Who thoeld
be iaterMtod la tbe Saeday ttbeolT"
We bad a nice abower laal Friday
Betdlaf by Hie. Dr. Bttoa.
Atlaraoea, which wilt do worldk ol
A paper by Hall# Balrortoa.
. cecdi bat atill we aaed Dore at
BadUtkia, "Tbe lolkt we eaed to
baea rtry dry here ail the eprlar.
kaew.'- byMaBU Garrio.
Baellatlao, "1>e boaBlilal bobI." by
The followiac are the caailtracitlei^ at the hotai for the patt week: WlBltrod BoriaOD.
T.B Comer. Heaittor; Mn. B Beati
aad daasbter, Ladlactoni Mrt M. Kec.
a«i.BeoBard Ktekioa. Loair Eiettroa).
Oita Arbv; Chab Alleo. N. K Otilty.
A Bonaoa oa Saaday tebeol work, by
Baplrt; litrtoo Colrio, Jobe fltat. J.
L. Marrtr. Uto Dafo. J W. Mrret. Btr. E Bath.
CldtlBC aeac by the eoacrecaHaa.
Ollit 41.*eeeooch. Trarere* Clir: B E
XelWc. LtlectbarCi Joteph K rl.
laad; Nntla dwClit. Anher hsolt.
Mar F. U Siil'TKk. Secretary
Tory MrFiJI. L Baker. Cedar; Chat. B
Obiaaad wile. Harkeroa; J. Mafon
aad lady. Bsottrlllr; T. B Soyder aad
Soeaay Bobool Coareation.
driear. IVloekey: Store Dwaer.diapla
atyi Jaa P Bardiek. Sooth Mai-—
B S. Jobatoa, Uraad Btpida; i
Sandty adool atioeiaUaa held at tbe
Ooertadeaeboolhoata. Satarday. Hay
So^ aerriee. Mra. Dtrid Boatb. .
The derotleaal raerdtea wore led
Hite Grace Wtlroy. Tae war
taken Jren the JJrd ebapt-r of Irt
loilowed br
*'“1 *
; (.mOen in alee wtrjt
,___________ u «cl<3B>e.
The reepme wa< c'''°
Boatb. pretldte' ilratid he wticial
at htrlacbtrlacehy pri>.iecool boi.l
iac teeoreatloaia
eeoreatloa la V>«t pltci .
.oeaoreday t work ..
ijr Jc.u... w.r
Very aieely raitol by A'Ur Taylor
"A ^perent Ued ■■Ohrlitiaa BttoiWill Boeeocarteo. tepreteoiiac a
aMaaalt dry foodt boote la Detroit, ple.~ wa nad by Mitt Grace Wiltey U
'U writlea bye deaeoarn ia 'Umd
eraa ia Korthport aad Itopped at r
Fortcr (or aereral day*.
Tbe dkoMioti wat led by Mr. Hitor.
SeetaUtyb report
W the Hicfa Seboolwere bald at tbe
Alter tlaciac "Brlafioc la the
Aearea.'.- the agminc oetalet wa
eloaod tor dluer.
arluinws mmiox
B. JohcaoB ol Omad Btplde. rspreaeaUtic the C D. Oib-<ra Olnre Coa>.
paay of Chieac->. tptnt Friday is
Bortbpo-Hlai L -ura Pnrieeh nt Trarerte City
arrieed li> .S'onhporl Taarwlay lor a
eitUwith ibelaiailyol o c Btawis
Hr aod Mr» C: II. Krhl Isit Soaday
«a the tU-ancrCbarlrr lie lorapleaiare trip to I’eloakey. Mtckieaw aad
flauU Sir Marie.

SrX"..KS’SS.-i' is
**- T. aklBBer.

Salatatory.' Chaa Baacow
Vocal aolo. Mia Hwle Dewey.
Oar Cloa Motto. Tiat Jotaa
BspaaalM. Iran Tboai^
laotraaeatal aele. Hla Blltb Daae.
A Uaoalroa Hadaa Bollard. UlUas Baacer.
OorOaa Fiewer. l ea Voior.

, Uttic Mela

______ belac abaeat M-.
pta^ aer^.^Mf.
Proiily M ^
Proaty eoUed
aad talked lo the eUldrea.
Afla elaclBC two raellatteae were
irea by Vlaaaad Lottie Vaadallp.
Coaearalac ear qaalloae. there were
aly a (ewaaked bat they were rood.
Tbe papa aatltlad "The teaehrra'
wU." r>*OT bydjerl PaoniDClea. wat

r, tttim Beeaaaaar.
aofdiploDiat. Prel.H. T. **Mr.'^aaey act belac preeeat. Mr.
-kta look ap tbe dkeaakM.
Maolc. ortbntta.
The profraai (a tbe aftoraooo waa
Haaodletloo. Bor. Boekoroa.
Dded Iv aredlatioB by Anna Bobrer.
' The claa aetlo la. "Bot at Iht top.
Ber. Bach Keaaady belac aaabic-to
bat ellablBC.'’
• the orealat iialoa wae oallod.
Tba claa colera. parplo aad whlto.
holww the COB
Tbe elaa dower It tbe atom rea.
oaa. aad it M to be
Mn. W. C Melaoa baa retaraed to will allbeMCood.
ha bOBO la Leland. alia a rUlt with
the toallyofC A. Mdwn la Ihki place.
'Uka Uaa V<^ left Moed^ i
lac iof Trarecae aty on ba w_, ..
TbofDBore» ol tkol e Xarier l’ey
Saolt Ste M w<r. where abe wUI retotoa
lay :Slh
.loat occared Friday May
:Slb (roa
tbo Catholic ebareb at Eairire. The.
^O^^^^Pwry o! Traretee dw H l» Borai aecvauixie wore ray wewatiia;.
erea tha oohool cblldrea cathortd
'' w lUla aad riolou to akow their
eteilaoa Friday lai
ferooewhowaaalwayi tbe friend
kUdraa. Maay rdaUra ant. (rlcade
Mia Carrie Dtboac rIalMd la Trar...............•himtchklael
aa City Satarday.
The Mlaa Ella aod Mary Bailey at
BBltoai Bay atuadad tba MaioBseaaatuaelaa at the Korthport Uleb kb of 8^1 Uaaalere on the I
oa Jaa iird 1-10. At
' »i ba aarried Lkelle Ban
•0 Farkb. trow that nal
ttaBtla Ballwayliae ol atoamartar- waa b
eletaa ebUdraa.
Idrea. lonr aou
rlrad ta Kottbpat Satarday trow
: threeioiw aad
Berth Utalloa Ulaad. where be bat
(oar daeebtere*rW


X Joyat aad daafhter BaUie of
a attoadad the eoBweaceairai
_____ kaof the Karthpon a«b ocbool.
HlaSaeie Baawbercercxr tbit place
kMietBraodtroBarkitwith berdtiaaMAt Soaih Bud. lad.
‘TMtwlia- Beorai aoeiolyelthe M
B. ebareb will cDc aa lee eroaw aoeiti
attto Towo baD^Toetda^ erealB*. tJ

Hr. l-eyaaBraored with hk (aslly
to LMlaaaa Co. la l-U^where he bar
elacellred. aad wa* lored and raapect
ad by alt who baew hlw. Hr. reywaafe

. tael prerraas bat beea prepared, which
Wiu be participated la by tba bat
wakara ia tbe cooety. Ber. Hilli ol
Baaaoaia will be la altcodtace aad
aDTaro co-.Pmp».T»i«»ii».«'.
will Eire the opeoloc addrea Ptol
Bara elTraTeraeCily wtll>la3-«p'preteal aad fire thr clailaf addrat.
.Hto Harte U Dewey, leadierae tbe
. el^Mir Drurcuu. Ta>Ca.»..
Uadertartea departaatat ol tbe Berth WalCt. K.<c;ae Okarrlo.
. port abool. Irh Satorday erwtldc (or riM •. TWrOe.
lUU'r C»l»rTaCi;m.t»li.-n lolrmally,
W home lo Bir Btpida to apead the
krClreeil/ up«e la# hluec
wnreu* vnela*
CWldrea'a Day

25 Per Gent Off
oil the faaioiie

Ue Confederal


25 Per Gent Off
tf you buy now. '


Fiaoflaroc fae ham kBrnwrofTiiWBl,
The rici. dclkate " PKEMIUJC ”
FL.tVOR IB Swilf. name k Ito to■bU or fine week and <MbL dM

Tnmx Cny Pnaca. ^ A Umm



The Twenty-five Per Cent Discount in these departments
is moving things very rapidly and you can benefit yourSelf
greatly if you select while the lines are still imbroken.
Remember what this means. After the low prices we
quoted for our last sale we give you an additional 25 per
cent off right straight through.





Roswelle Hats!

Wool Serge Suits
Hlri|»il w.^trd »1U

25 Per Gent Off
---- ON----

Monarch Shirts

' m


IS THE TALK OF THE TO'WN, and judging from the large crowds we are accommodating it is
very evident that our efforts and the extreme low prices of bur goods are thoroughly appre­
ciated. . In fact the sale has proven such a success tliat we have decided to con­
tinue it for a few days-.longer.

Remember it is not a consideration of how much we can make, but how mu^h we can keep from
losing. WE MUST HAVE THE MONEY TO MEEXOUR OBLIGATIONS, and to those with ready
cash we are offering big inducements.
v |
Bear in mind we are not compelling you to select from any old or shelf,worn stock, but are plac­
ing before you a stupendous amount of merchandise Subject to yoiu- own choice and absolutely'with­
out restriction. NOTHING RESERVED but everything in the house AT COST AND BELOW.
Our object is to convert a certain amount of stock into cash, and with the success of the past few
days we shall be able to accomplish this in a very short time, and would suggest should you wish to
avail yourself of the low prices BUY NOW.

You Will Find Everjrthing: Stri(3tly as tiopresented at^-=sx


Follow the Throng-They will Lead You to the Biggest Bargains. Twenty-five Per Gent. Off on Every­
thing, and on Many-Things a Great Deal More.
A Boed share of our business Friday and Saturday was with other dealers, who freelv acknowledged our prices beat the wbolesslerB

Black and Com Dress Goods Dept.

Mew Maaio

pdWkhtes 8nh, «Urer D.taos Co. ol
■■ ion. Has. Aoaonc tho laatrawcatal
ibete afv-'-Sprlac'a Moauro.'
■raid, a dainty and cracelall
___ one not loodiSnlt (or the ererac*
ptayar; Eobert 0. Kaloe'a "LulUby.”
A BalodloQtaadeSoctireaetrciioc. aad
"BUou (TOk Darkto^." a warcb aad
two-alop whieb will ^t wlU inataat
torer. tt k ooo of tbe tnoeluU aad
' y tac-Ume piaecn whieb are oo
ar today. Amoar tbe new aonca
___ •Lare'a Solaoe," by H. B- Wtllk,
•The SprlBf of Lore." by K. Irria*
HyalU •Lore-a Wbkpere." wlU the
word! by Uao. L. Uececd aad maaie by
Ueo. Borwald. aad "Joat Oee Liule
______ ________ , -« ba boa.
Word of Lore.- by B. H Suita, all of
«W Mtrta. aecowaaaled by M
'bleb are to wall k
will rUU at U
ad will be farcrites
Two beaatilel taeiad aolci ...
Heard the Yoke of Jeaat.- aad -Tbea.
.[. B. Beaaolt ol Ttarene Qly or-,______________
rtrad ia BorUpert Moaday erenlac ca
"Bear aa.
Baatoeafor tbe Jeba HHebaea Ule UchretaU

Inc or ibIIibc the Dr.
Powder, wbiefc ladorlared. lattodr-.
o( the Coen, so imiu

o Lira wba arc auir iatriec.D
Foo’ Knar iridr-mark and

ha obaerrfed’by y^OtaSS' Taaumamjtma.

latha aoralec^
. - a la the
M. B. chercb la ike rreaiac.
Mia. Wa Voice bae beea eo] aylac a
. ekltwitb berdaerbter. MaK M w
Caa. from the eoo.
Adriicfatla) aarpriaa party wu rlraa UadtT rreaincottak week at (be
boae o( Hr. aad Mra 0 C Bi
hoBor ol tbelr raat. Mia
Fartoeb. ol Trarerae City.
A. Jobe waaia Ltlaad oa
Mawday of thk week.
Oao. SiejiwiB ol Tiareiae City wai
• MorUport rkltor (or Mrcral daya.


WiUlB the pa<> !two tadnUa the
^ u,, _„o(acterer ol the toot a>.
.amber otcraacet la lachaw ecnatr
Foot Powder.' haedonbled Thr (Irmora there at.and alao acaiett a retail dealer o#
cor^ tbiacwhrn ibry '


whom lire la Leal

*fa*l»^^r. FayinoBt'* wile/lrd. aod
Ireo) that time be baa wade hk bona
nett et tba tiwa with hk oldaal aoa
Hr. Hike I'aymeet bat be araa aa boeorwl and welcome fcest ia tbe hemea
of any ol bla cblldran.
The Katbperi Mbool care a elaiac
Hk bea'th hat been tailiac (or aoi
day pleaie Friday at O. H Sallc> liwe, aod abonl tba laat week la Her
croTo aoalb al town, which wu rretlbeetmrtoelay wltbhkdancbter, H
ly esjoyed by all that aueadel.
nred (or him
• r who eared
TheCbriatiaB ftadarororiot Loela(ally aad loaderly aatil Ur cad
u May be ratt le PI



U|. .ujj

___ ________
__aad na...
ol Beara UIMd^barebeaa epeadlac aoreral daya la

tke hoUl lut
Saaday Bohool AoeocUuaa.
H. B Barb* hat the wall all laid (or
hit BOW alore faaUdlacaad two or Ihrea
carptatan at work oo tba Inae.
Mitt Olire Uranoach el Tri
OB Saaday. Juoa U
City Tklled at K. F. DtatBora'a t
three dayt latl week.
The Tewperane* UbIob will m-------tOrUta. m. Opealac aerrieea. led by
the eaperiateedeat of the lionBaa /.ioa
their reyelar Dsallac.
Tbay are iaBeriew ol tba qaarter, eoadaeled by
alttd to CO la the aisroiBC aad lake Boe. J. P. WblU.
dlaaeratMte. Klara
A. M CMrtwater e( tiraad Bapite.
A paper byOoear Hewer. The
who care (oar leetam here lattaprla^
» with at ar^ leeUrlac la tboeaate ad abate ol thr qaarterllea.
BwiWUoa *-Mtry Utlreraes.
ol Iraperaaea.
Aatboa by the Coder choir.
U o-clo^baelrtt^looar.


o...... w. n«.





We are offering'26 per cent off on everything except Dress Goods,
and the reason we are not doin^it in this department is -that they are
all marked at NEH prices, and in most cases the reductions are nearer
50 per cent than 25 per cent. Look' through this department. IT
, ■

All 60c Novelty Goods at

All our new uptoda^^ilks


25% Off


l«! f

■ nrn^x.T%, • JUME T> i»00.
■Mdo.aMha«wa neetear that eke
U* wtom of paaa

U* >
«( gM et (Mr a»W, !
MV BalMd to Mr. J«M C. Wrl
•( OtwarUl^ Th» evwev «
ato«MliMkMa< tb« brldcl |iwnM. Mr. gad Mr*. V. B. Bolud es
■MtlraM. B«. C. T. Stoat of Of*«
■atacptl . <**rA
kooat «M .ptaUUr dMMBtod witb

Mkar. Tfca.bHdo *i»» • troTellnf
Ceva of tt> flreodelolk mod carried
atokraaat. HMOarte vMdreaed le
Iriak aod eorriad ■ U*fe boaqoal of
MM«- Bafmfcnntf
Ue mnment. cooddlnf el ptek
HdwUM toe enoa ioheort<^p«l
levM. aod mkc. Tka brid* aa/kroom
lofllertbolr oao boow oe the IMS
<1. B- * I tnia utd
■atniobptbe _
I eai tMr joarMp follewad ta
■heaaea of loed alehea ter thalr fatdra
Urnamt. le whteh «(«;
TiemtCItpwlll aeilo.

■ bevao ood

> r


e’eloeh Tharedap afteraoeo la the
tMOtChalrmaa T.T. Batoe to make
tha prallmiaerp arraopemeate.
Oarw wae alaeu^ teeretarp of the
oommittoaaod AUormaa B. W. Uael
Ibemmltloe doomed It beettoap'polataehaUmaaof eaeb eeb-MnaiU.
ttoaodtel the chalrmaa eeleet other
mombWB le aaakt them at their dkere
ttao. tTM amoap theae willlap to Uke
haUot tbe Tiriaai faatarae la pood


, tor the rarioaa tealaeladlap eemle. Brewc


Manhalddthe dap — fadpe Loria
alttee-0 S. Ckrla, B.
. Buoweeha B. B. HcOop. 0. S. Chela
•ad A. W. Wait.
badcadlt»l^r-MapDrA. V. Bried-

hoOp —...................................................
dope lo the elreelt eoart leM Seoaorp. A. Walk aM Mka BUoeeM BaaU.
PrsU d. Darla aad C U. Taraar apTbk wae teU^wod bp a UoMp
Dadpe aad O. J. Noba^ for tha dc- Paaiomime. la wkkh U Uap plrk la
BcappewfM. to tha ptaot doUptal
___ ortdtMO at (ho trial dorelopod of the aadioaee. Him Biaoeb (Hrare
the tact that Mr. Woodward, haibaad piapadlhaplOBO.aadthedriU bp the
UtUe ladim wm meet eaccUeot. - ‘
of the eosplalBaBL
rapaaee a«l|mlop tlX of hU proportj called oat a alorm etopolaae.
Aa mmt oa -'Moral SealpMre'
to hM aaa Joha M. Woodward, to be
haldlB tract aetll the death of the Mim LlUiaa A. Walla, ooe o< the a
ban of the elma. wae fell of escheat:
.Miraee. It wae daiatod bp tb
^laaet that the aoaabadaaad apdae ihoapht aad wae exeeliaaiUp plrae.Tbe
UHaeaee. la riew of the fact that the paaeral toae of the emap waa
tererppoee health adeoeaeror the ripht kind of odao
.ie phptidaa
aad had beaaisoUBed bp hie
abort farce. "The Maalml Diraetthavbe eoald I ire bet a few dapa.
waaadmirablp proeeatad bp tbe
Hr. aod IHre. Woodward bad beaa
married bat a pear aad a halt at the follewtep caet of ebaraetan. aU o"
time of bit death
o tha doelaloB of Jedpe
Hapae. Mra. Woodward hie tha the propertp of the doo
arthoacb the proper^ wai tUll la hie JehB................................................. A-Bkbard
pueiMlnr at the Ume of hk death.
Thk will tire beraboat ■10.009 oat of
Tbe Deal wae a maakal aamber. aad
wae preatlp eajopad bp tbe aadiei
Big Sommer Rteort ia iwepeetThe plBBo wae plapM bp B. Waribarp.
Oeeof the meal {mporlaet dealt la
UerioUnebpfW. Sbaaa. H. Bapdeo
rml eeUle la aad aioaed Trareree atp
aad A. HeMaoaa and the mandnll
that bu been plaaa-d for a km* Urn*
. Banp.
igcootemplatedat pieaeat. Tbe
"BboDp Browaiae-’ wae tbe aahjeet
le.oanlo wbe are worblagthc
ofadrUllhatproTBdlabeoae of Ue
^teejcpaWeLoBmbereof the *»eaiap. The drill wae pirea bp M hope,
iDlereeted io tammer r
led bp a. Cboaleae dram aujw.
aerth aad atel. Tbe eeeee of
bepewereU dieeralfled Browat
Uoaek.iul weel of ton
a aod tbe drill wae more than
.rkea amoap other lot* 4he crif
brat^fralt farmol Jedpe Baa
Ad eceelleel piaoo eelectlOB waa
tbetrMtowaed bp Dr. J U. Mi
bp Hke Bou U/er aad Miee BmlAmhloa-e paidba. Hre. J. B Oreiltie Martiaeaa. aad waepreeUp eejoped
ick'e home propertp aad the home
bp the audiaaee.
bap front owaed bp .Mra Alice Bi
Him Aaaa Ckaipeea pare a dramaUe
dell Ofaamberlala.
reciloiloB that wae preatlp appreciated
The matter bai poae ec far
It wae excelleollp
Jane hare been eeaored
the meet -iTee.
... theee loU.. tbe who* momprielap
aal flip drill *
aboetoae haodreiaad eUlpaei
beaatireilp loeaipd laad io aey drill of tha evealap. Firat
the eleioitp of Traeerae Clip. Tbe the (tape eamefoar I'Dritas maldeae.
plan, whieh k'etUI cmlj is^e
dipnifiad aad with alow aad mm
atapea of deeeiopmeo'l. embTaeca the (tap. They weal Ibrouph a aUlelp
boildiapola mapnlBeent catea
drill, when oat apoo tM alape daaecd
abrt hotel 00 the -lUmedeil Bill.- t^e fobr Irkh maideoa. clad io tbe
prodade belsp laid -out la park faebioa
the Emerald lale. lipoo ea
with bcanttfel drleca aad all tbe aecM- their flapa waa the harp of Kric. After
eorkeofflae laadecape pardealnp. the the foor bad esecated a preup drill,
bap froot belap atlllredfor boathonace
■a M. Barry pave a preUp trkb
doeka, ele. The eompaap plaanlap ail
thie propoae; ranaiap It- la eoan
with wlater mort hoteU owned bp It
iBIheeoath, tbMkoepinp their
boaiaeeepood tbe pear roimd. There
Biphknd fllop.
kmU to be Up mooep back c
Tbe Oarmaa maideaa follewad. then
It k cerlalmlp to be hoped that tha . the SwM. for whom Hke B. Bipdea
pave a very pretty daaee Thea came
latter will prore to be more tbaa;
the repreceathOvB of Fraaea. for
talk mad will Boon be ao aecoapli
faet. lipom wHhoaliaplop thalthe whom Him L. Uapae pave the ballet
place k aa Ideal tpolfortbe pnrpoara daaee.
!ie were followed bp tM maideet


. MeetlagofLnmbermen.

Bt daelarad that Mra.
polatad tM revolvar at bk
wife m aha imamd. aad tMt M told
bar that ifaMdJdaotpateataftM
lot at <mee. M would lot hm
with a hmvp tfiaarc that he had ia hk
baud. Beamarad IM jaip that M
woeld havcdoocil. tea.
«alp Clerk Kewtowwai awara. aad
Ited that aceordlap to tM alaetiea
raa. Mra. Blaekmaa wae aot a pobIk ofieer. cooMahic. poUeamaa ear
aap oSeer ol tbe paaea.
Hn. Dapa taattSad to tbe aldcp
(laatiaUp aa told bp her. bail
tbatia addltioD to polatlap
the revolver at her. Mm. Blaekmaa
ako poiated U at Mia. Uape' aga.
laa tmUtiad that abe
her haibaad bad bad a prmt dial of
troBbie with the Daya famUy.aad wiUi
othen of tbelr aelpbbara. She -aade
. attempit to po ioto tha bktory
of the iroobie for yoara pact, bat waa
permitted to do ao.
be told bow tM eatile baloipiap
a family llriapabonl two mUm away,
had been impevadad bp beraell aad
baaband oa Seedap. Mw they had
atraped loto the alpbwapaad bad baea
driven Into hk lot bp Hr. Dapa. She
tmlified tbatabcaad bar baabaad had
poae over to aee aeoei patUap them
kpalB.aed that for fear that Dap>
woold carry oat Ihreau of pereooal
violenceapoa Mr. lUaekmae. abe took
aloap the revolver, earrpiajc It epealp
ia her hand ao that 00 charge of earrp-

the BsaaLP Oataiy GMh Bi
atlU piveo to all caloorOma wM . .
ooe dollar ia adeaBOa tor IM fooar.
Old ■Bbacrihart wM pay is fall to Jaa
IS 00 aary let. 1»ol. will
leeaive IM




**{ aider the able directloB of the aathor
J'lof tbeplayatobe pfcaeaud. Mr Ed.
“ ; ward Weitivl.
TM pUya wL" *. “.••FlpodTtde-^ -^Fri^Ta



MES'S suits' '

the past few dars—becaose we bafe offered the
greatest raises is jtown. The redsetioBS are, all
bosafide—so markisg up of former prices, t« as to
give a bigger discoast. but alfyactual redoclions.
Look at this list

Takes tlic choice of a Buull.lot
y ^ If^ of MEN S SUITS that were
$4.00 to $5.00.
Leekahn Agncauaral society.





/ \L )

Will buy an extra good busincwl
suit in many patlerss—were
$f..50 to $7.50.






She waa cmpbaik io berdeclaraiioo
liRAMD BA Pins. Jl'NE li
that tbe revolver waa not e»eealed at
(ireateet eveat ia tbe lUtr. Admi
an)! Ume. aod aer betbsod a tealimoap
aadthepreal K. » T- M: ■
agreed with beta aaoo the poiai. Taey
both told aalory tbalaonnded.atralrfat
oooopb aed agreed in all emeatial partleaiara. boi wai in alraipbt eoairadic....... ...............e Marqu.
th» to tbe toaUmoap piveo bv Hr. aad
Uckeu OB Jane II aad It atone
Mra. Dayr
rood to relnra ustii June !<.
Tbe atwraera made their pleaa aad
the erne went to the jery abonl'
o'clock in tbe evening They were oet
bat a abort time when they eroapbl le
a verdlrt of peilty. but recommended
theacriUfid to tbe mercy of the cocrl-

These are nice enough for any
one. Former prices f 10.00 to
$i:.». a few arc worth $15.


for two weeka, aod iaalraeled that the
vevolvora owned by
Mr. aod Mra.
Ilkekmaa te depealted with the proae.
eaUop attoraey. who cnpmpedtepay
them what they eoalHr. Pratt ia very aasiona to pet thk
mileraeUled aa there hat been ao
>aeb troablela tbatpart of Paradme
towaablp that there k great daaper
that blood may be apUted la acme
neighborhood Jangle there.
The great St. Lonk fakot IM3
Dowamnred. CooprcM baa agreed
pive that city ts.ino.ocu ia aid of the
espceltloo to celebrate.tbe parchate of
tbe Imaiakaa territory on eoadiUoa
that the city aod elate Grct apeod
000,000 to be raked by private aa|.

n w-».-«>.


**?j The Altman Oraa>^ Oo. will be tM
* ^laeztattnrUoe at Btolabmra Graad.

when IMP appear aast Meaday aad


The mot prefltable iBeellap of tbe
pear wai held la tho parlore of l*ark
Plaee hotel ywterdap bp the Mlehipaa
Then Colambk appaatM with the
Real Eataie Trahafare'
ABtorieaa flip, to tbe maMe el "The
Tbe followlap arc Ue real eitole
u net large Bad, White aad Ulae." A baaaUfal drill
oBcioftbe eeeretarp
tmnafeia recorded from Hay
eoapb lo hoM all wb
Uiroaph with Colamtoa aa the Jaae S laelnelve. aa ferokbed by O C.
) tbe hotel parlortwere obuieed.
BhVde parade aad toaraameat
central fipare.
Heffatt, proprietor of Grand Travene
Tbe delepattoa wbe weet to Oadi
M. Mala, Balph HaiUape aad Ueorpe
The followldp were the repraaeaU- Conaiy abatraet e fli».
tivea of the diirereat'aatiou_____ Skiver aad wife to Wm. A.
D. Certk.
per^rf tbechaape le the loepeclloo
laUrnaUeaal flap drUl-tVcelea.
an. slat.
s let. In
la lots, Haoeata, Ley
daHthampleoa rjeoepe Baff.
miet and ako tbelr riewe oa tbe
Colambk, B. Hikak: Pdritaae. H.
.'a eih add-r
jeel ol Ballaaal iaapeetioD.
Wiaowleekl. L. Seymonr. J. Moravie.
>ward Irkl
Chnital. &l^l of Third - Praak
After aa earaeel aad thoupbUol dk- E. Wkaler: Irkb, H. Bartp. O. Emory.
II aod 3S. 1 k II, Haoaab. Lay A
loU add-fsso.
ueioa tbe amoclationapproetd of aad E Blehard. M. Dnekkl; SeeUh. W,
ffenoo B AudercM to tSoeklry .
idoraed the rlt” of the Inepeelloa Shaae. 1. Harry. E. Pomoial. H. McBnreaa adopted bp .the Natioaal Awe- Haaos: Germaat. H. BlkkU M. Smith. Iloaplaa Lnm.Ce..aSof awi«.SeeS
TS5 N. B 11 W-gT«.
elattoo. with tbe naderaUhdlep that A. Bokoa. I. Moble: Swiea. M. Lardie.
Peter McArUerand wife to Bbcklt
mtabliabedi.iDepeetlaB firm eboald Z. niapnaa. E Blehard. B. Baydec^
DooplaiLois Cs. e . of D(\.S(
be appelated a ^tp. eo that tbe'r Preach. L. Oapaa. L. Fouataio, M.
1.TS5 K. E 11 W-*9oo
itloai with
Eelalia Uooph to Jamm Strahan. 1<
Shaae. M. Barry: Spankh, H. Baydea.
5. blk S. JJerU Fife Lake-KM.
aoi be anaat meellnp
L MeUarvy. B. Sivek, B. Bolaua.
lleflar to Alice E. Hoaroe.
Mimadmeeiatfam holdat Old Mimkm
raiako decided bj reaelaliOB
Him P. Emory preaided at the plana.
lot le. blk ]. U...L. A Cob 9U addIpwH a praat aaeeeae. The that the prieee miablUtaed bp the Ac
Uarvoy Choak pave a flac aoap la »=»0.
dbelalloa aheuld be mColAed.
character aad bowed bk Utaake tor
Theobald J. Umlorie Bdwie W. Bar
Surveyor Gcoetal M.^li. Wall ol
tbulomew. .riot Bwit.Bect.T KN,
rlporoaa eaeorc.
Bcffale aadMr. 8. D.. Shide of tb<
B 11 W—1!400.
"Tbe Daaee- of tbe Oroeke- wae
Cbleapo Hardwood liecord wrta prec racy «ei
Aodiwr iteaeral to Jerry M. Th
plvan by
leu la Kayaide aad Baaaah. L
eat aad eoatribated much le tbe Lator. HkeaaL.
L. Walk. A. Oampaaa. E. NeedCo'i9Uadd—to
11ml of the Buctlap.
ham. I’. Baury. C. Seeov. A. Tepleka
AaditorGeoenI to Jerry M. Tb
A aale of uo.oot feet of maple. 1 aa<
Mm dock with m pmmperi.
with MM MetUe lets. Seel.TSO S.B.isw—p: ti
OmmthoOimiiit wae met with
l‘< In. thiek. waa made bp ooe of the Wnrrbaip prcaldlnp at tha piaao.
Aadiur-Ocnenl to AGey E Tb
Moamtoobrti from Horthpert aad the membenatSM per tboaaaad. log
Ateleelioaoa piaao aed riell
ew\ of ie‘.- SoeST.TssK.B I
Waaaiar wae made lo the Ctdambia.
A partial Ikt of Wmbc preaeat. U m Him A. Haellmaalel aad Him L. TreCM Mkaka teeeral htiadrcd people tollowa; D. B Dap. tilco. Bav^: B.
Lmria Boberu and wife to Uermaa
B. Adaraa. lot las, Oak BcipbU
^TCthaeklliitB eordlal welcome
B Lewkaad W. B. Chaadler Bf
thodoek aad the Old Hketa baad
Hemory.-waaplveBby HkaEittiaG.
Jamm M. Speneer aad wife t
fBUofSae theapht maa B. Adame, lot lot. Oak Park
Btorpa Samber of Traeerae Clip Hr. I'roatof BMldoMaa Lamber Co. aad leadar feallap.
H. Ubarliaotnapbami W. H. WblU
i Allor aad wife Julk to
"HooDlIpbt wUl Come Agada"
bMBtUaldrim aad had
of Vblle Lamber.pc.: A. J. Beardrtap Ue aabjaet ol Ue next aamber. which
iilick. parcel adjolalap Oak
: mMUaplBlhatwap.aadtheOnekama aadG VoB Plateaof BopoeCity:Jei^
Beipku add-rw.
waa greatly eejoyed by the aodkace.
Bmmct Uapadora and wife leCon
hroMbt oear a crowd from Blk Bapldc. Sclllvaa of Cedar Otpi W. Oaae of QUe MM Blaaeh Ubmid wcaidad
Mitobell. parcel le See II. T SS N. B v
Btaapo hall wae epiaid far Ue
LamberGo.:B. Cbamberllaand t
OMhmtmtwmi aot larpc eaoaph
,Browa ofOntral Uke-Lomber
Char E Covell at al. tnwuea to Fred
MU IM crowd aad ataap eompaap
afO. F. OUXCo aad L. Bob Utloeof the diplomaa to Ue elaaa. J.rmlor. W-. ofce'..See
- — pkMc dlaaeca wen lakoD eo tbe pram
whieh wai dooe ia a eery fittiap
paay; M. M. Wall of Boffalo.
Pmvy Haonata to Blraey J. Morgan.
aer by Bar. Fr. Baocr.
^mUinTsotl, B 10 W.aodT sc N.
Tha OU Mimiaa peoeU treated their pea^; 8. D. Slroda^f Chliao: Ib..Theesarekm were ia evarywmya
g«Mti'laarepalmaBB«r aad aottalap
onJ. tiillett. U A. .Popt.
aarciae, aa they alwayt are.
Heavy Bece 1
waa tee peed tor the eklton. ft wat Chamberlia aad Chan. ChrkU^n.
pvadaalei were ahowered wiU
Homrieb. w.,<
fCip prapm Umt tbk maetlap aboald
laapeciloa, bartaa mica praUktiamt aft» the clam of Ue ex II W-JISOO
- babMd ’atOld Mkatoa-aa that waa the adopted at Claeinaatl bp tbe h’aUoaal
Geo. Omy. Sr., and Margaret Cray 1
Bi« pout oa Uraad Tiaeetae bap lo be itmedlllea each iaapmtor aad depplp
Gee. Uny. Jr., and Aenk J. Gray, pm
eelie See Si-. T :s N, B u W—tstw.
aeUMhp while moo. eeeraUtp pmre kreqeiredto pive a boadaadall laSamuel B Wnt to BiitabeU M
apeetioaa onamber (hall be made as■Cd.
TbejarylB Ue eaaa apalxkl Mm. Bammand. parcel ia as of ac'.. See
nebaiiacm meeUnp wae called to dcr tbe admioklratioa of Sarveror
31, TstK. BU W-di.
Adelaide Blaekmaa breapbl
ordar bp the precideaL U . S- Brlak. Omcral.Wall. When lumber la (hip­
Auditor Gcaeni to Miin H.Dctraczf.
verdict of palltylattcveelap. making
maa. who weloeaiad the
ped the fiporca of the lodal iaspeeias ofcwilt,. Sec 31. T
B. B 13 W—
MOt mcOiallp aad pave a
or maat tally arltb that of tbe laapeet
rhe nee oeeapiad meatefUc
miaatoi’ talk. Ae haad pave pood
1 and tbe locM If
Mlin H.nAfrceieaad wife to traitiec
1 and evealap la joeUec of Finl Baptkt Chorcb. Wbealiag. W.
maUc aad the piee^elab received may, ahall be made pood by tbe
meritod appiaaaa
or at Ue abippiap potov Thk vale. It Biowa'a cart, and wae etreeply eoe- Va-.a 1 'Jofaws.Sec 31. Ts-.K.E II
tmted hetwaaa Freteeetor Pratt for W-»10J.M.
Ttacae Clip wae oaleelad m the
neted. wlU make the
tVm. L. Brown aad wile to--S, M.
Ue people aad M. C. Dodge ter Uedc^efheldiaptheam
aaiform aad tbe eenlSea
Breara. lot 33. blk B. B. L A Co'a TU
JoM. im. aadCffimn
local loapector ehall be aeal on wlU feadaaV
TbeoffaMe ebarped waa earrylap
the ahipmeat Ue faw*
Samuat M Brewa and wife to Beery
BeU Ua
Defer, tot S3, blk H. B. L A Co-a Ttb
t-Tbaa.T. Bataa.
lading. Uoa obvkUap much of Ue
Itaem. Jaam Daya. aod Ue Bdd-gUO.
diaealita heretofore eoatea^ed wlU^
Hn. BlaUmaa. have Uved

Vtee Pmaldaata Oraad Travarae. F. of St- Prmacta acbool. ichieb oecarred
■amOtoai Baauie. B. B. Bapmddai i^Dvaday alpbi at iheCItyUperaB
f mlMia, Waa. Ova: Aolriai. J. J. bailed eat a large crowd who were not
Metoaphlia, Balkmfca. A. E. Palaaer; Akapoiatad ia tbelr eipceUUim of be­
lap U^reophly catortaiaed. Tbeprofkariavola. W. A. Bariib.'
BOMeriaaa-OraBd TtavetM. MM. pram^^ exeellept,
BoMla Orvi Baaik. B. Llaklatler.
a (tape of Sue .(^wra boaae wai
baaUaoa. Mra. J. W. DMaamaa; AaUfally decked wiU flowera. ti
trlBh Ales Oamoball; Kalkmka. .
Tiablepaaph; CbarlavUs,
, m.
B. a.
B. uiara.,
r of Ue event and U Ue pmda
A heavy r^ act la afur
atca. Mka Kittle O. Beedham aad MM
IM. , aaatlap bnh* aa aome
Lnlkm A. Wclla.
TM el^m won.
white and helloirope, weW- piv
mahtop Mma aboat^c__.
peomlaeat plaee. aed while roaea., Ue
clam flower.werc alto la evideatc. Tbe
dam motto a -Beyood the Alpa Um

maaytapaad oal1-

ia Pamdka tewaUlp for a loop time,
aad for Ue pact Sve yean then haa
been macb lU toeliep. and Ulapa Mve
bees U a eoMltlea that ctroaply lopJUs Kelley toUertraSe L. Tafu. tot
peau a ^ace for lem happy tbaa
&. blk A. Fife Imke Lambor Ce'a I
B. Y. Lladermaa aod wife to Ma
Three wtlOMea ware (were ter Ue
Jamaa Dan uttlSad Cook, lot T. Uk 3. Baaaah. Lay A
»U add~RM).
t lai he mw team cattle es the BlaU.
Fred E Bolt aad wife to Ga
maafarmeeSaoday. Hay tT. >tlac BaU. ws tot ta. blk B. Baaaah. LoyA
driven by Hr. aod Hia. Blkekmaai Oe Coa nh add-*irs.
Thmtoy hjmw Uaaa aama eattla ia
BtramM. Kianey toCMoIloe J. kiaey. Jou J aad
bib 4. Ooodriebb add
Uert^--^ taracd Uem apes hk
own premkaa. WlUlo a tow
Perry Baaaah to Mary J. S. Mbboob
Mr. aad Hia. Blaekmaa appasrad. aod
Jamm F. Maaaan. ptlote, Mke,
aakad wkat M weald relmi
cattle fm. Be mid UU M
--avcimau 8
lakemesey. TMeMelaiamUat IM & MBBMmaad Ji
wind Mow Mm.

e Bank to Mary J
■ F- HBaaoa. w t




TIk'.«c are some of bur I>est
goods. This lot will inlcryou -come early, as we
have but 1. and 2 of a kind, were $1.L5<‘ to $10.50.


.. .

ij.a uai-ii-. M SI !•;
F-K.1 O. O. F. I111M..S.

All new and upto-date. and are
marked to sell for
$15. $1*K and $20.

SpeukI tralna mad reduced '
«c bilk and aak ageak for pa

Ladies' Kid Lace Shoes............................ 98c
Men's Satin C^f Bals............................... 99c
Boy's Satin Calf Bals............................ $100
Ladies' Black and Tan Oxfords............. 76c
Kisses Box Call Lace................................76c
Woman's Kid Button................................76c
Serge and Carpet Slippers......................26c
Woman's Oil Grain Button Shoes. . 97c
Hen's and Boy's Working Shoes............98c
Tennis and Canvas Shoes and Oxtords
at....................................... 60, 60 and 76c
Get them of the Old Beiiable,

New Store

242 Front Street

A Complete Variety
Summer Lap Bobes and Bu^rs
An entire new line of Ihcse

al ver^’

lowest prices.

in all styles, colors and designs.
good one for 76c.

159 Front Street


Traverse City. Mich.

We can furnish you Footwear for
your Entire Family at very mod­
erate prices .
Jdst receired a good line of shoes
which we offer at the foHowing prices
Infants' Shoes, sires 1 lo 6........ ........■- -26c
Child's Shoes. Sires 5i to 8........ .... .60c
Child's Shoes, sizes Site 11.... .......... 90c
Misses' Shoes, sires Hi to 2 ... ........ $1.00
Ladies' Shoes, rizes 2i lo “.... ........$1.60
Men's Shoes, sizes 6 to 11........ ...$1.76
These shoes are all good, wearers.
The ^ices you see are very reasonable.




Reliable Di)

Goods. Caipti
aid tlothins

House CleaeiOgTime
Picture Framing Department
^ClTYw^ _

We have told you bt our immense stfKk of Wall' I’ajicr
and now wish' to c^l your attention to our great ^'ictur*
I'raming Department. Wc are receiving by steamer
this week a line assortment of the newest and-latest
^ styles of Mouldings. Bring in your pictuiies, have
them framed and beautify your rooms with them -U
won't cost you much. “A thing of beauty is a joy

SIdtn II Bl{ Rapids aid TtaierseGil).


^....TELEPHONE No.«.
"W. S’. -FT A-RAHt

Real Estate, Loans, Insurance and
MMonic Block,

Traveroe City, Mi^.



i joBtaii). JTTHE7 tpoe

iififMd Tfaverse HeraM|^

SSTIBCI BaakVRew QaarwcB.
vhM bMB wandlrM «kt
• ofDotob
Tbe SeriB«B Beak to* tar b acabp la
Oraad TrarwM Sebahab Itodfe ba*
rtMt hr Omigttmmm tor tk* aUfMat of tiM n«uiB« «f elected tbe leHofriaproaraf*;
wetoreee Pioat alreet, bat laatead tbebecaeofhtedaayhter. Mrs Ba
of Ue wooden baUdlay
WalWaMMif tokto torawboi
R. O -Hartlee Fob.
Ororar of Pcstaealn. at Uc ays of
HeOpjww forw b bow la one et
V. O.—Loci* Darb.
HI* deaU waa dae to aaUm
preakel aad me*t
B. S—Martha B. Brown.
. Beoebteyeaawto Ue b<
I baUdlameaUccaUfeatnel. Aa
daayhter la Jaaaary from bte
wbaeti '
I la Fowterrilte. Be worked in
*e-Hettie Hooker.
alor* OB Ue street that exeab 11.
Ue rardea Heoday aad was abi
m>b« tof P. C OUbert,
BaU fltocBof Ue aaal brtek sir
, ainylBC Tacads; aeoralay. He
ekoMB M tMUKi»(b«r lor tb* eit;
I dark. 8h* will dw> aMlat ia lb* efSaaday waa Ue Peatecoot aaBirer- wUl b* eenpted by Ua atoeh of C B remarked deriay Ue (oreooci
noc in Ue' boaaebeld woa
olber dtr of- wiy of the Bomaa CaUMb ebareb.
Ue day was crer. and at u'to
- Mcb ebareb ia tbb city abnerred
Itod to Ua itoek ia Ue aaeoad story.
be blaself passed pcaerfelly away
Ue day. ia eoamoa wiu all Ue oUer
ceaSeed to ber bed
CbUolIc eharobea et Ue world.
Best Batarday alpbi Oompas
asd Ue abock of ber
There wa* a special commanloa
wUI Mart la a body tor Loaf Lake
faUer't death la a eery ceeere oac to
nrrtec tor Sm eammasloo at Ue
where they wUl camp eat le tbe btbUThe (aoeral occarred from Ue
■daetad by Bar. Fr. Baaer.
aWa sheaUsa la that teeaUly aad spaed
■ Redaesday afternooD.
Fifty.foer took Ue eommuicn at
Saaday Sahlap. Tba boya are preparUb Uma
B>( Race MeeUnc
lap to hare a fo:d time aad Ue proa
■n>c ebareb was beaatlfally deck'd
The Trateru City Dritiny Park AapeetbUalUerewlUhealaiTe tarabdfk.
(or Ue eeeaatoB, aad a prefulca of sociation prapcec* to make Ue Foerib
Hr. W A. Uimea of Haacbetier, I* ,
atrd at Ue seirlc
of Jnly race meeliny oaeol exeepUoaal wriliay of bi* alecst airocalou* neape
Samael Boltoa. who Ureataaed tbe Special meaic by a meefa calaryedpfaolr
attnetiOB* and orer il.oon will be from deeU *ay«: - ExpsenrealtermeaiIte Indaeed eennns lony trsable. wb eb
life of bb wife aad of Clerk LlUleCald
wa* alto prorlded for all tbeeerTfeee of bnny op In pnrsea. Alcsady Ue Uree
I- ---------------
I had fr«<)»ect
of Ue Colembb betel Sa^ay. wa*
Ue day.
day*' meeilny U beiny Ulked
. . . - _____ ...____cooybed A-lyhi eud
hroaybt before Jadfe EoberU MocAll ay docter* said 1 iru>t tcoa
noted boraeaea aboal the etate ana
A Sadden DeaU
ae tbe ebarfe of belay dniak aad'
and ruB-'^’*
• W*n lo
Ii.-. K:n«'.
many yood trotter*, t
' New llacoeery which wlioliy ear, d mr
Ma. Nancy Perpleot Liwrll.Hicta.
oiny taoraat are *orc to b; bfre.
nandreiS* bner a*.d it oa luy adelce
wan (MOd dead batarday aornicy at
Beperiateeleei Peter Wur/bary of aed
all aay it neerr tail* lorurc Threat.
Uc realaeace of her daoybter. Hr '
lu ba* coapieled fate t
B-F«rple on Cedar avreei. She
botUf* at S. K
Piaak Hamlltoa ba* raeeired bi* apin'* drny *tore<r
eoae to riaii her aoe. W, .s. Pcrplc. wbo ercremanl* oa Ue para and the total ;
elBimaataeamamberofUe yon
b in ebaryc of oae of tbe cittayr* a', exeeedtO.'KW. Tbe track
coaeeded :
meat read eoauaUtoe of Ue state, to
tbe arylam. and wee aUyioy with
Hernia Century Ciwvti Rnek
t* be tbe belt ball-aitr track in Uii
attead Ua Rational Uood Band* Con
wife. She bad beeo ill derioy
A limited aumber foraa'ic at
part of Uc state and a* yood at any tn
yren to be bald at Pert Uoroa daly «
D tbe aeniiny wbea Ue Hieblyan. I'ader Ue exUtiny condi- Vill b? aailc-l.pimuye paid.on receipt
OwloytoUe FoerUofJely cslebra
if price. Adriret*
Uey (oaad her lyiny dead tioaa the meetiBydoriny ike biy eelc
Tii»- H.sal.i.,
- W.' r BKnbk-a
OB Ucfl
Uc floor. Her bead was'reatiay on brotioo ■aturetobetneremfolandan
Trarerte filj. Mieh.
Kro Veril nxK>
> pillow whichcbe bad ukes (ran eyeetofaore Uan ordinary latercet.
ArUiBrUrdUekapeonda bUt ed In
A Hntur ScTil T
WwteyMoBdaTalcht. The flth
No ioqacel was held, a* it waa appac
Deau Roll
ihrw (Mt t«B iBcknie inrUi, and ]■ eattoCorooerHooBUatdbc had died
H.-elroyiny iu tiel.tu. ia i
Jobe Uery of E k Bajridi died Saiai
Conalipatiun. The coweroftli
the larrcat oror koowo to bare bees of epilepsy.
day a*tbe rcaaitof a raaaway accident a fell oa uryaci. ni
(ram tbe bey. E:1 fry
Deceased wscs widow. Uerremaiai
a weekayo tbaleaaaedabrrikcB Icy The brain. Hut It.-,
Sleead Is tbe bay s aambcr of yean
ere ttkea to Lowel. for latermsal
a safe aiid
limb waa broken brtow ibe knee, mnd |
Sfo. bet-rery (ew baee bees capiartd
A Pretty Yacht.
ymnyrcBc tel ie. The ley wat amputat- Uowclv
i. .1fihr*cn'« Hruy Storcf.
C. Horiiaa aed bb tro Poe amrH
Abel T. Pare «ai la the clly yeetarhere Tarsday at n o'clocksfier aterra
day oe hU way (ram Urasd llipidt to
dayetrlpoo tbe lake from Holland.
Oneea-aad reporte UmeaalBs opoo
Berywaca saloon keeper and
Mr. Meryaa recently pnrelia*ed from
asd ready (or bBalseea. Tbe formal
mat VI year* of aye. Ue wa* kaowa
Allas B Bancroft Uc il foot yawl
Ueerte Tblrih^ U atriasilr III Mlh opesierie reaerally abool tbeMlb.
.maa'ytn Uiselty. aad bad been la
nyyed yacht •■WbyNol.- belli acme'
bet people are applymy for beard moeb
Elk Bapid* for a asmber of yean.
Victor Hoclayuc of
earlier la the acsaao tbaa utual. Tbe
to Ue Uoliand man.
Pveoottare. Id cbarre of .Mia. Helen
craft i* a sale, roomy asd fait cm
CarlUe, wlU open tbe rotb.
mirmbly adapted to tbeao waters.
11 baby fraad
Hr. Horyan and Hon went lo Hollaed
by HIse Joes
?tM up CtplUI.
rmedaya ayoand started on Urniwenty-elthth birthday by imalar
tern trip a week ayo last Sander.
. C. F. Cha*c, of Webster etreet. SeidB
Bee aaairertary eamber Sll
rlewaof tbe boaleeat bloeki Tb«7 made Ui« trip eafrly and comfon. ____ Imt her mother abonl.a monlb
aid retldeseca of the city and portralu ably, altfaoayh aeder a headwind iirsr- ayo. reccirod Ue aad newt tt-mday
of tbe lerdiar batiaam oee. Tbe edi- jy all the lim«. For two days when u'lyhtot Uedcathof ber irister in Kan
Wni tbe perwa -<
----------j ..... vicinity they 'anCity. Mob a credit to the office and to iti
tbe BeraU'i trie »•« Uadly reUra II editor. Bee llarker. who n oee of
la a dense fey. wbleb nadr
. tetbeofBtealoaer
Oiar!** Uiby, oac of lb<- best kaowa
Mtdilranb beet-kaowa edltora.
yatinnalaw aad danyeroii*. Use day
Uey were forced to lay up at Frank­ of til.'pioneer* of Antrim county; died
Adeal bbt bees cloaed whereby Hr*.
bunday ereniDy at borne in Milioa,
. D^HBaaoD baa boorbt of Rich A fort. They will make yood-use of Ue
boat on (irand Trarerte bay sod it will township near Eik Bap i.s. St Ue aye|
Hallberr tbe lot oa Fiwat itreet. oa tbe
raloabicaddllioti to Ue rapidly of 6n year*. 11c leases a wife and fam-. “T,
A aiarrlaro lieeaae bat been r>wtKd eoatb-caal earner of tbe alley, oppoaltc
ily of adult koue and dauphter*. ’ »*'■ >i
toJasM A. Tpbor of Waltos. aed dteieberr'* Urand Opera Boom. Tbe yrowiny fleet in Uiwe waters.
Miaaia LtlUBora of WitA
froatarebts feet and tbe depth,
Mrr Kama C.mpbcll died at
Bnrae Race* for Ue Fnnnb
the UUla daarbwroi Cbarita Pieketl frai. Tbepriea was Sc.lKN eaab.
I B.* B.-I . err«:c--&t; .'re T !!'*.-]• ti
Tbe Trcrerar City ll.-irmy Park At
The fuacfsl
at State Btrect. (ell from e poet Tfaara- baadwtae brtek faloeb will be erected aocbtlonbse decided to hare a aerie* Monday afiernima.
sear fetore.
Friday. R;t. Urorye liafna
day aad dialoeated her elbowwe raeecoo Ue tbird. Fonrtfa and
Empire, odiriatiny.
Tba board of retlew It eull la teraiOD
Tbedoeaoent Btea hare bees reeeW- fifU of July saa partof the bly petrl
aaditte llkaly that their work will ed fair tbe eonnty oBeca There are lo otic driBontlnUon. Tbr eteata will
probably be a* follow*, altbouyb
lake matt of tbe real of tbe week.
aliybt ebsayce may be made:
aaebSle t
Aaal Peteiaoo of HaabUw and Mba
July Srd.
mbtf of
Harnls Sollenbeek of Semalt City
d;no Cam TVot or Pace, purar. lUrwan married Tbartday afwraooa by UewBalUwmbeelseedia tbe office
of Uemety clerk, two io UeoBUeof
sritli t'bi-ir diirk liiiit-nie'ir-- (yiiiu
* »n Clat* Trot or Pjcr. parse. *IM
Bn. S. StUbery at hb rtaldeaee.
n^Utol deed* esd'*the. oiber
Bannlay Baer. P7H.
R{pnnd now lo.ikiii« for-ii -;..i«l tv.«il.
ChM. LaBot hat arrtrad from UMroU foerie.Ue office of Ue iedye .of preJolydi.'
<-nor fill Di-ni.iii viiRi 1> !>t niiiit-r
wltbhb famUy aad willoceepy hb
bate. . •

Free tor all. Trol or Pace, Ron.
ovenitet or fiir i-iii.'. W.- iinv.- <-t- ryproperty oe Kiat Bay. lie batelabo
S;:i Clam TraL (im.
NextSnbday will be Ue K. U T. ilT
eate irieae far Ita fatara daealaamaat
tiiiiti; lii -'itesary uitli atiii-lrt-. r<-|>>-l
Kxbibilion by Tommy M.. Ue liulJcMemorial Hay aed prcMlIoe* are in
Gbet Smith bed the
ll|i‘ aJvHmi- of flu- iiu«<l“i- hi 'Jaiiir
•• Wonder.
piuyitai for a flttlny obeerraccs of Ue
TaMday to lajarc bU rlrfal hand oa a oeeaslea. Trarer*e City Tent, No. sri
pliur riiiin. Tnr I'amiili.ii ‘i.ill-, N.-i|i.
Farmers- Ilace. walk half mile, trot
aw at the Ural Wood Dbb Oe. The sodTrarereeBayTeatNo. UtiaadboU
, mile, -run 1, mile.
tlmlinr I'iifki'.
liiM-i-t'l)<-r.lrnytbaabwataplllfrca U» «od to Ue birat wni JolB la a aerrtee to be held la
dnlySU- •
i-r. siir- tlenlli'lo'all iim-.-ie.f nrr.1
M' ball at; p. a. at wbleb Rer.
Clati Trol or Pace. Pl'.o.
Mai k'ti .‘'kii'D-n.-vi i» 11 wir.'itr-f-iii iWall
' la Ike Sre which deatroyed Peter PrClan Trot or Pace. bUH.
1-1 til.- nllw-k- of itiii-!.)uili*‘«i.
a'Ue Haeenben aad L. U T. .tl.
tmeeb mill at Setuaa Bay Hoeday
Bannlay Baec.fTS.
alpht abmt B400 worth of lamber be- wUI prtxead lo Ue eaaetary.wbere tbe
Bxfaiblilon. lialdclMC Wonder.
lanriW •« tbe Oaibolle eodetywaa yrareaof departed aeaben will be



State Bank. kcr.

3Wvs ^A\)tT\vsemeTv\
Is to a\.V, ^or eucryibods

ADaxv^s '^sver^

A Idf* atti Seatb nyfct




laro uaanl good ualnea qiivi
vatVV ^Va4 them We


. Circuiatioii this week 2.300


OurSaTioBs bcparW>i£Dt

. . . .16®

% S 3? iS
bl IS
on svtctaV occasions oxAg that tuc sett qooks
eVteau. "^oa vutW ^vadtVtcm so cocr^ ,4a^ ta the sear,
atv4 oar Spcctat Sates arc -Kcat &pvoTtvm\ttcs ^or
^oa, ani ttW va^ 130a to kccu match o^ as a\t the time



"Wax-fc’B JDuruLg S-fcoire.


Prof- aad -Hrr. C. B.,iIont wUl ylrt
■ ccaerrt at Bib Ba^> aest Friday
■ralBf. aadrr the aeapleei of tbe we.
■aabelab of tbatplW HbeVader
i. a. BtrdeaU heipaoetoiUraad BapUa. called by aa order from
a -«be\Ilraat
---------------of tbe K. U T.
■dwerh Afin

S. J. Waldree tot
Zsalek ettete of no acre* near Keahtt waata. for >l,o». He will dirlde
tbe lead late lou. aad WIN opea a new
naerL TbeloeaUoe b-exeeUeat lor
Ta^day Mayor Frltdricb rceeired
aeUer from 'Ureat Ceamaader M. S
BoyaloeoftfacHlehlcaoE. O. T. M
that be ba* here appolsted a mrmbm
^ .oftbrfiaaoeteamalltecef the
» A Co.'e 1

baaeb of banana* aed wa* pet lato
eaadyitewltha a^k.
WUl Beodrteka and Oeerre Tacar
PDM tqr«tbar ea tbeir wbeeb Baterday Blsht aad both war* badly abakaa
Bp, Bacb reeelrad a eat ersr tbe eye
that bad to be cloaed with etltebea
Mcea did the repair week ce the eyea.
Hit CBcaralco to Old Mbaioa plrsa
rriday by ib* membrrt of the elam of
IMO of tbe nicfaaebool. called oet tbe
hfneet crowd of tbe acaaoa. OrerMo
ttebate wereetdd. aedarpry Bee time
WM aeisyed by tbe Urpe aai
wratCB the trip____________



The Mertbara TeleptaaaeCs.-beab•aed a aM direewry, la book form. II
thea* that Urn eaMiaace baa Ido pbeaec
la Trseerta City
beaidea reaeblep
Ihrencfa Lanaaaa coeaty to Sattoea
Bay. Berthport. %rbam. Oedar City,
* Oood Harbor. Ulaad. Mapla ««. Orne­
M aad Pretrmost, la addlUea to


fk :nr,

The fltU aaaaal eatekaaf tbe NoHhtawra AMoebtloa. L U. O. F. will be
ladeUeeeeuloB el a yeod time at
:ik EapIdaJaae.i:.
be ran from all pelate betWeee TbompeoarUlesad Charlnete at aboetooe
f»re for Ue roaad trip. The fare from
Ub elty wnt be «o paau for tbe roaad
trip Tbe trala will leare bore in Ue
liny, at « o'clock. i^lriBy la Elk
Bapldiat *KS. Betcraiay. Ue inia
for Ub city win leare Elk Baptd* at^te preparatiocM are briny
Made for Uc chlklrea'* day ex
ortbwOoayrayatloaal ehcreb. i
place Sceday. A rery IntereaUi
. ,
yraa b befny'arTaayed and rcbbaM^
by Ub chUdreatef^e Snaday aehoel
and Ue prayr^a will uke tbe place of
tbe reyalar eerrier* of Ue day. The
chUdreaia Hr*. Hillikea'a. Mra. BbHim (terr'esad Him Adami'elam
« are aaked to attead a epcclal rebearaal at Ue ebareb at
^ a. tiatufday. Ubabeelntely nririaeiry that
rrrry child be preaeat.

•i.OOO to pi.oou. The oriyia' of tbr
b'.ase-lia ayatery.
The aUl bad been ruanlay for <
lae and <ros ranoiey HondsT at;
Btsal. Notblay appeared to iadieatr I
that ibqre wasanydanyerot Arc. Hat!
fut before aidelybl Ue town wa*
awakeeedbyur cry of Bre. and tbr
people rnUed from .iheer bensa* to ace
Uemill and a qaantlty of ealnable
lamber eneeloped In fltme*.

Tbe Arc wa* ro'faranronced that
Uere-wa* no potsibility of extinyulsh
lay It. and the oely Ulay attempted
Uckeeplayof Ue bis - - centined
ae bnlldlny. Hy dint of bard wbrlc
ara* aceompltebrd. Uonyh tbr
aearcal bnildlay. nearly too feet away.
eery near yelay. There wa* nd
wiad. which waa eery forlenate. Hat
brec/.s been blowtny from Uc norlii
or esM. It 1* probable that mneh of the ]
town wonld bare been cnasenird
Tbe lo** comes at a eery bsary blow
> Hr. Petertoo. Tbr total ios* u\
-Ooe of Uebl
>* derlay Ue aad fo.uou. aad i
Ue ard aed 4U of Jcly
cool of It te coaered by iasuronce.
win be tillrer BroUer's Orest Norelty
BtE Deal IB Lana
flae (eatarctasBA deed ba* broe flilcd in tbe cffi»- of j
tieaed a Sheri time ayo another aildl- the isylsurof deedsnf (iotrrbic cinnty '
tlda of yreat aerlt ba* been seeared. reeordloy a aery laryr InitlncM traa<
Tbb win be Profemor Harry Howard * action that was eontmuaalcd dnriay
Trsleed Hoy and Hookey Circa*, cct'
Ur Cr*t pan of May. The deal -at
sbtiey of ua perforalny days, tralard for t-C.tun acre* in the lUpprr and
lire aad tear perlarmlay. arookry* timber seetiUB of tbe upper pinintu'.a.
lb Ub. tbe acrobatic teaure*'. the in warnship IT-ll IT-ri. t--U. t'-lt
B-saleal portion of Uc proyrpa aad Ur im aod,vi'«!>. wbleb wa* parehaaed
yrrat epeebity acabrnwlli
byUeOaal Wood-Hiab Cc. from the
a flrM eiacc Show.
William E. Dodyr isUte. of New York
Iloa-C li. Taraerba* bees reialaed The deal was bronyhl abnnt Uronyh
■a aa iBporUat lawtBit tobetiledat F. B. Uoadrleb o! Uiselty.
The load 1* a part a( tbe aamr tract
Harbor Sprlaya Tbe eaac b Uet at
Haakey re Fraak Wied- from wbleb Jnllni .llaanah pnrcbasrd'
I aem last fall
It u corerrd
ormer b pre
acr. Tbe former
proprietor of a
irrbltoUloa eAe aide ol therirerat wRb Uaber aad ba* copper and other
Shat'place, while the laUerowaca mlaeial* ontcroppiay almmi all ortr
It la la Uc eeeiioa adjolaweedeuware factory on Uc other aide. Ue tract.
Thf salt larolrw, tbe iraier riybUof lay Ue tamoni.Mark Croa* mlar
tbe atrraa. Haakey elaia* that Wind- UoaybUU mlar I* am tola, bet 1>
ebr redaced the power of Ue rirer by held for eale by Hr. Uoedrieh.
The price at wfaieb Ue Inaeter ef
Bot bllowlay the dam to be robed and
Vriadser elalae daaaye Uroeyb Ue Ult larye t.'set was made te aoi ylTcn^
atwapu oMIaakey lo raieeUedaa. osl. bat 111* kaowa that It wai a rery
six fiysres to
Ucre|ry anewlay Ua water to flew to
waste. Tbrasltproabectobea hotly write it. Hr UsodrlebetilleootrolsS:.teaertanflaadw dlipaar of la Ula
rdqa*. ______________
Qaarurly HeeUM
Tac traaefrrvf this troet dtepaeek eC
■ana Osatee next Seaday, Jase all tteiielcftol Ue Oodye estate
artorly esBfeteBceoa Satarday
PPM peelaanU.
at t f. a. Imre tsaci baaday morolay
at 10 crelocb. Frcaebiay by Be*. Dr.
QarraU. P. B., at II Am. All are cor-


^i[|^Stylish Shoes
at SavingPrices.
Fitto. trim niitl ehaivly for
Siuiilay hr «‘Vi'yy di.y w.-af
— *bo.-> tliat fit. l.Hik and
' w.-erjert ah w.-ll ae mnst

\Vh an- s-llint:
really wonder.
fully fini’, Htyli«b ullCMr fi>r

«.<k> Ki.of«-Sl.50

|{U<-k ami lap.
»tyl-r. Iiar.d


i-i- nii ti|> of wiiim-a'a <>%(iinlr aud
jiwl a
{•■«' iiaira-of oai’L kiml—


t'auts* vitfi liAtlirr
•oU-«.«t kii.a.76c
f'uDvaf. I.mllor etav.
cl.-lk hOkte.
kiotl.......... tlOO

ic-aWe........$1 60

M«o'fl Bsd Soya’ Babbw 8ol« Orforda. 60c and 60c



Resu ts of Buying
At Olir Store

You gelL the latest and most down to-date goods.
We onl;7 handle goods tfaat will retain your patronage.
We bu5' for spot cash only; that always means the loweat to u8 and our custdmers always ge% the benefit

31,850 MINUTES

Is Sj..-nl at the table eating iu u
yc'iir Itliat's only half an hour throe times
.1 day ;i why not have comfortable chairs
to sit on. Our unci|ualic<l srtier is ^j.75
lor a -k-t of six. Cff conrsi- we'vf cheajrer
om-s. bill' this ue |iri<le ourstdves on. If
'y^oii want a
comfortable, serviceable
chair buy Ihis—other priiies are $7.71
N)-4s. -'>1 i-.'io. Sio. SiS. $’o.


Just rest 00 onr of our com has—
Xi'l .1 line never before louchetl at' ijie
prii:.-, $fi.7-;. ^ OUT liable- to |tay .''''.oj for
thr very s.-ime thiny anywhere else. a|ml
they .ire fully worth it. Imt we .boiiijhi
th'-in 1 hi-ap for s|»ot« ash. and that meafth
we are givint; you the l«-nelii. Other
j.riccs are jiS.po, ^.00. $V',i.</o.
5i.s,' up to >a7.T5-


Those are our rockers. NothinR
so restful after a hard day's work as an
easy rocker. We have little, rockers and
big rockers for little money or big money.
You're the one to be jjicased. One style
sells for $1.7;: cane seat with braced arms
for^ Htg Ik>$ton, biff and easy, $3.10.
Choose from these: S3.60. $4.50, S^.jdo.
S7.50.SgJW, ^io.75.SiJ.5o.Si3.'

H.1S bcf-n hcl|*ed on the road to
forninr by his nratness and taste io dress.
\\'<: arc the fashionable -men's outfitters,
and'our sales show that the j.ublic appre­
ciate ihur efforts. 'I hcre's bicycle dothing
—best suits in the land at $5: S; and *7.50.
and our great line of $7.^ serge suits,
and our uncijiiatled Hnc of down to date
hats—the Kingsbury at S=.ijdo. the champ;
ion at ^3.50. and the King at S2.50.


And we cannot 'ievise clothes
that the modern 1*oy will not wear out in
time, but we .ire selling some clothes that
will lutar Ifinger'thon many that are sold
for the same money. And those boy's
kiiee hose—they have a rjuadruple knee
re-inlomed heel the best ever put on the
market and they sell for only 25c-



Hut a lucky purchase enables us
to offer you some suits that, for quality
have never beofi etjualled. and one
line will COM you just an eveif^ I-'our for
the entire suit. Got another »rgain that's
your'^ for just 1'ive IJoUa;4, and yet an­
other big/fer and betterylhat goes at six
—only tbe early ones get these "specials."

The Hannali & La; Mercantile Go.



Mra. 8. C Peal divaa to Oadar aw* ■B oa^paiB. mra. «. w.
Mka Jaaaia Oank alaaad aa aifbt
«V>M1 raak.
laplaOtp W ■aatta' tBm a< aabo^ Prtdap. Jeaa
T- Cl E«r hM
ttb. Tba
aAaol wUI baaa a ptaak Prt.





Oawa from Dr. a B. OttfO^ elK^Md thatoaat traaa treaaicMr
Wa^l.T. BaarHtaa:-BUetrtent- aeraaellaadhaa* baaa damped toM

_______.Tfffy*: “•
tba beta la BO atanr
died at bar! Dicbtat aaarace am eramlaaltwMcaAaak B Bi______
« of Botaa attaadad w
-laaa oa Tharedap menlbc,
alM ataUpUat'~Sa^.
iDdraa-a d
altar a loaf parted ol poor hialib. Do**'- «ftb r™df; Bdaar T
. _
Mka Qanla Baaaoa it work!** te _ iba H. E ehi
aaetalBC at ie:lo.
It*. B. C. PattcaflU.
N<th*b«tUsoi>u-a«lnci U..U>; .‘•"'W
BlalaaWblu k UU ap wltbabad batbaadlalbaeameterp la Dkt. Me I. T.luia
Jebaap Oraadp!
Lluw Hpart. A flrvt;
Tba Ladle.- Aid wiu i
--- ----------------------------- two B drat.
«■. Arwtrooc-a Frldap.
wa* a
Tbeaa rrtairlar aicfath cndt dlplo-1 aerta
UptaJOnaad Mia
Mr*. A Barr baa relaraad from Ath___________ _____ ..ill be aa* **r« tfalda Lpoa. Eraaat Bewar.! howtla. t<pek p
' with Mia
tobala. Obks wbat* aba akitad rate- o(I Barker Oawk.
ataap Irlaad*.
Nailher afeaaat aor lardp te the | ball^ ap tW all
rorai (ormaodUlaa. Oalp
Mallla McRas. e o( Baa
Mai». Oaa
• “hoo: pear, Waldo Lpco.
b* A E. Waltaa
laad J- a Jebaaoe. lk*c-i‘^*** * boa Care caaMtecd. beld^
__ with
I. wbo
Irkada la l^ddUbmul I't'Tapmd.-n- c on -i
W.B^flerd waaa TtaaBaa atp ad*,
Rarhar Craab, auoadad tba eharet


ss.’sirsA^.'a s: si’s


B r.»—-------------tobarbUar^, Jotaa

Bettea aad famUp el Bmplre beat
td back to tbkplaaa
BrecTbodp k eordiallp laaltad to attend aUdreo'a D.a axaralMt. which
will ba bald la tba M. E ebarch at tbk ____ ___________________ __ Ua elm .
act Baedap, Jaea lOlb
Tba taaeber* bare C<*aa
Hiaa CbritUBe Uartbe Croat to Maple Ceod aarriee aad tba children aeqeliied
B^afuarbor auVtad'al'i^iart O
tp la.1 Batardap.
tbemtelrw rcrp eraalublp.
laad-a iiaDd*^.
Bmia ViBioB aad Katie Bphoa aad
Carpaetar .re________
called d plooiha uf cradaaUoa Bar.
r. 3. B'pao adJraand the crbdaatlac
Theaplcadid abowwr el rain
elaia aad prearotad the diplomat.
dtpalcbl made tba farmara ta
M>m Ida Rtrac allaaded tba
fara aa icr
Ioc»: W. C T. I
laaecaenlaarrciMaal Trararw Clt;.
idap atablef Is aid
aocltl on
Alalterr;ctl*ad latt Frldap fr b!
Jamal Eiberu hat bare (jilte Ul.
f.mlee fai . aad altbcucb tba
a Corier. wbo la worklec ia'Tra*
weather wat rerp aefaaoral
rea CItf. apeai Baedap at homa.
w*a reaUird
of hU elaca.
Hiat ^irp CbatSrld k rttlUac
Oaraebool taMfaer. Mot Apbwortb.
(naadaaTu.d Mkatlaa
weal to Trararae Clip Fridap. rataro- pabUcteboola of ' _________Citp. apeot
Hr*. Wm lUrlej wtet to Traaeraa
_____ .r aad
Baodap with
ilp W jadap to ie aeon ahoppinf.
friaada Is tba rUlac*
la eompaep »
J. McCall and K Daraa ol Empire bar elater.
titter, tba
the teoctaer
ol tba Jai
The laaep rnaadiol NallioBtoBa
wart In Iowa SaUrdap.
illaca teboel, learier 00
1 in oar rillac
a (lad to bBT that tba la bUa I
at aralB afur bar leac lUaeaB.
•. Tflplell, who baa bad ehaira of
Mr. ffah will aooe mere back to old
aebool for the pati pear, ba* poae
Miaalea araia.
larpe ratberlac at Ue daaelsc i
aatralUaka Ua will take a titan,
Hia. Itraw baa baaa qaltaalek bat k ba ctraa la Kip'* ball aaxt hi
for the aammer. bat before
rettiat batter.
ileriop oa hit work will tpaod
Hr. oad Hr*, u. Bofan of Cbleacoi isplc of weak* with (rleadt Is rarloai
ware here a few dap* la*t week looklaf part* of Uilkdtle
'oaerUielr (arm on Hiller Bill, raeaet'p Bmtdnle aod Morib Adam*.
boocbtof Ur* Piarea
Taap bra *o
.Mri. SimoBk bt* beea led
weUplMtad thepwlll ratarb later and reatoB of n artere cold.
ipasd aaaerol week* bar*.
Mat Emm* White k oa tbe tick Ikt.
Mr* I>ta BroUiertoa (all from a chair
Btp Moteware. principal of tba pab
Hiaa >tarp Kaif^t ol Hodfe k In; 3 wbleb aha wa* auodlae aad hart
e tcbool at Morwaod. k home on a
bar back aad hip ^alle badip
tit lie bt* died tbe death of abteb
Hlai Faeale Tboi
elof and ritea to the life of a beaedici.
bane from Trararae Citp.
Bit bride asioaipaaiB* him oa U’
Bcbooi will eloec bare Beat WedB**-1-1tVe wub them ererp bletaiar.
dap with a pleaia
Ltdew Barrp filled bk appoletmes
CU Eiteiof Bate* tiicel F
Mra Arab Uibbi weat to Knlamaiao at D. U. Brirbt’a SaUirdap erenio|
dtp aad Saturdnp lo
paawrdtp to rku ber daactatar. Mka -------- tlap to Lake Abb Moadapat Obtrrred la tbk)
. . aad Hr*. D H. BriRbt aatei
It and (r'leadr. A |
Tlllare bp
Tt^ ealeruiamaat cl»*o Batardap Ulaad Eer. Mr. Toblat oter Siadap.
large aad le
areslBf amt well atleaded aod a auc
ebarrb at
Hr* LatUr Da’.i k apsadiar ■ wee
earn la crarp wap.
Aboat pst wa* with her akter, Hra. W. Br'«b>
mrod bp M
Jrpns. nfici wbleb the pracaacioo wnt
toroed wiib tbe Willinmtbnrg brat*
bead at iu bend, aud boil- cemeleriei
wereritiled aad tborcaphlp di-coratrd
Wa. tkirbt aad aoa bare purebated •ttb Atrtaed diwen
Uaerce Wbluoeand (amUpAre roii«
aew mower aad borne r*be
Mra Ucnrp Thacker owned a blnek
loawrt for .Maaehailor tbi* week.
Tbe ceatBt eaamartlor bat tackled bea that bai plaped iruni.1. thowiag a
L I’. Fox landed ala ear* of eoWt»*
lit oelrbborbood
deeidtd preference for the paraobngitaat week. .
Blmep Stetaon and Irwin Maker bnra
A few dapi ago tbe enre the
We bad a nice abower Fridap. Joae neat borne Sttanlap. reWralar San. bento Eu'a Krpas. if tbe conld dad
h*r. Uo Saadap m.irnior tbe lutdr
'Hr Black of Trarcrte CUp helped L.
1 rood raia Fridap alrbi cheered the b.r appeataocc with ta cbickt lilt
i>. Fox load pouiota.
mera. but mare k needed for btp hard to htr wb.cb i* the proudett. the
Hr. KanaoB k beUdlaf aa addition
1 rraip
Cora and earip paUtpe* bea or Bala. Bow maop'eab beat tbk
loHr. lletka't boaia.
1 asakiar an exeellent tbtwior
The cbildrea arc botp practicing (or
rbe Saadap lebool will hare i
Wilber Baaaa la oa tba Uek Ikt.
talldren't Dapterrlca.
lldren-t Utpaerriee Jane
Tae potato aaaaoo doted at Bale*
Uec Ltwreocc. a eclernn drammer
attesd ofr l
the clr-l war. new liTlag at Soot
Oao^ Klrkbploalafiee bora* Bab
berc and look part laU
• t Wed,

Urmorial ■
-N Jodd WtaittoB lott a plf la*i weak.
lint been »er7 tick (or
Hr. Bttc* baa baaa hsrlac a
eatertaiDinr ditcoarae.
windmill pat up
Packard wai qalu tick Ii
K Wil
. eircallk^
Moadnp creoiag, Joael Hb. ITi
" .rrcl

After We’re Dead

Beltlen' I

M WM la lb* Mlcbborbeod
MaoarWUUi BMlapul aaurttaj aad Saa4^ wUb hi* brothar at Arehia.
KIM Ada OoSald atuadad the
WIWalBhatt’a Uatardty araolr-

wm Oorar aad wll* froa* floaor
haraoa Ualr »ar «e

A. BUMa I* hoB* fraa Bapld City
liy* Bua Uarwoad baa foaa to BUi
HtaaJMla MeAUMarlan tialarda;
■n. W. r. Btaal* aad rnsel* BiaaU
iManad boM Batatdar aflar rbUlar
ralaltaaa ban foa the paal waek.
Bof. Mr. Brpae and aritaaaA
•IM la Ibla Tillar* Heedof.

baa taapbl bora (or tba paat (oar jraari
bj a iaqr*,elrda rt
Iv hm
OToataff, waaa aer inwa
•d bar with a rttj baaotlfal lamp■ut-Toa caaraa.

ttaWbaatoobaa beaaqaiWaari.
oaalt iU bat k raeora
raaoreriac. Dr. Uaaal.
Mlkattaadlac bar.
baa pardm^a U>
Id maeia wuOtm


•Mbi. Bal____
.. ..
Hia. i. t. rnak will lead tb> maetlaf.
Oar Cblldtaa'a Dipaarriea baa baei
Itpaalil aaUI Jaat tttb.
Aa later

aacsg g^.TTg'..?


Baaa BwaUp k baoeoa bmaaebBdwol will be eat la two waaha, eadlac trlth a pieale.
Odra Bamali ridaa a aew wbaal.
GktUrM'a Dap wUI be obtarred ber«
ta a law wa^ Oa aaeeaat of otbar
tU)«a the ehUdraa woeU beaaablato
Itara thair plaaaa bp aazt Beadap.


isSr Htt* ....... ....

A Big Job Lot

Laaa* Bartaa waat toTra
Hm imab te aUaad tba esaaa
■uakaa aad rkll Irkod*.

t^rklt ber brMbcr* aRew weelo
Hki l^de McDonald k rkllioc la
a taar^tbat mahea
Him Holllt Sspder called
tlraa OB ber wap bem: to Fall
Tbami—■arapk_______ ________
r tba H. B. Trarerae dtp.
Hkt Lena Crotaer ac
Aatab: Ohartk Bmitb ha* tba j >beompaaled ber aad will remain doria|
Mka Jannk Brnbai doaad a rarp the tammer.
rm of ecbeel aad coat to
Deearatioe Dtp patead off rerp pleoekar heow in TmrameCiw.
lip. Tbk 01 aatlp. A Urre crowd w*> pretent, -nie


13,500 xont gf Dri Goods, Cloltiiog. Boots aod Shoes
will be sold at Fifti Cents on the Dollai.

ma.1.- l>pi>p- o
onr acs-'il in N<-w York.
lac-kf purcliaae ma>1<.
...lirable fiod
of new. op-U>4late.
asd •.•■a.itibbli' meivlianiliir- Irauiriif
ewesfa bt
W<- Imvp p1n(-i>d the Roudi^on
ot cm
. oor owd price.
sale St eacrifioiiiKly low -prict«.

Come to This Sale—It Will Pay You.

■ v.-.'iisr'CS

etpeeial mentiea k dae to oar loeal
Mr. aad Mr*. A M Bmllb drare to tpeabem. Bet Mr. Ball aad C. H. An
Hmaa iiiatp Bmadap. enlllac
-*—oa. Haalr C. Uodpe of Trarorw
denrerod the mala addrw. which
Citp deli_____
B. H. ni* aad wif* wan Yalm eall- wat ad excellrat oae. ' A liaeof ti;
asiaat Saadap: ako Mr. aad Mra. L. teamiwat to the cemeterp after the
B. aUmlap from bat Bap.
B.J. Dmamawdawe frtw Kalkaitetaatlbatadapaad madaBckitaad
AUaom* Bthlac. ntarainc Bautdap.
1 wataot
rood at the lii - .
The ball wat rexp
laad the
le noi
aokeof oarenUemaalp
bop* oaUide aad .................. ...
babiot latlde
. —...............
OB^mtp^ ud^ aaaopad the acm
'eakowi^ bp the 'l
Hi*E.l. tkaaoRd daachtar were *irU from Trarerae Citp
at bar blberb. A. M Si
tMtwaak: •laoai& P. Dana a.
that ibowtd a tame amoBBtof
Tba drilk were eapaeiallp
arerp pneil rre ’------------------ed promotion cardi
rained aa mrkble
Onradt^ ba
Varp Baa (towIb« Uarn.
Carl HmUbc* aad wife apaat Batar- .rrpettUoa aad it it a matter of rarret
4ap aad Saadap at Elk Eaplda.
____ _________________
-beee retainedlor
(oi tbe comlaf
Baal Loeaar k paekinc bk wool at ■pear. M at
u Tina O'Briei
O'Hriea. tbe prieaarp
Habal. catknc it readp for abkidac
teacher, will be with a* next pear. Mr
Hr. aad Mn. Cbarla* Batloa apoal
AndenoB r»m to Fife Imkeeaxii
4^ M Fit* Lake laat rrmh.
and Him <|-Nml will atleed tej
imlt Citp.
Hr- aad Mr*. Will Fipe drore to Arliacloo Speer <
aext priaeipal. k ..—ir maaol ..
at Otp Batardap.
eelleat adaeaUoa. with a rood record

Alot ofChild^'*Y«t«-8oi^ ifew.York pri.-oe
job lot priw...........................................................................................................88c

-Meu'a black Fedora HaU. Xcw Yo*k City pricofl.oo, job
lot price...............................................................................

. .... --- .


Hop., all Aibea. job lo. price. -»C

Udic.- Skirtt. Capea. JatkcLs, nkJ Cliil-



■vor)- much alive" to the needs of Oraad Traverse
l>eoplc ror thorougihly reliable Clothing and
aishings; nothing unreliable gets into our
\'j one wants poor morchandise.



They should n-

memltcr then "roor Richard's" motto; ".Never buy

TttiliUt ftite-W6 rrtB! itrwt

what you do not tvant Irccausc it is cheap.'

WE have been COMPELLEDtrade.

Our line will be an

L)ii account ol unusually Urge sales this sj.ring,
to p
iHacc s|k-da! orderrs for liihi•«;)■« opener" even (or those who are familiar
our ^-ery
familiar with
with our
^-ery compirie and line. .is-.oTt'

ment of Suits. Hats,'Caps and.l-‘iimishings.

WI-: C.W STiULI IJJ.ORDl-KS for our famous Wool Suits, satin
prices that put to shame any -Tish story

piping.* silk ktiiclu-d


about "bankrupt stock." "lire or water' sale ever ilevised: <5. #v,. S^.co.

At Ten Dollars__
Hen’s Suits,
Boys' and
Ctlldren’s Suits, At Fifteen Dollars ..
Hats and Gaps,
Beits, Bike Sui(s>

We give you choice of four wpol worsteiis.

cither fancy pr ^dain. that are ditlicuU for us to duplicate
at i.rrs.-iit time.

As long as they last they are

yours at

•lie price.

We give you choice ol gootls that 11 jires-

cm advance, continuo we cannot again duplicate at* that

l.ook in any ol the leading

qtagarint-s or daily

j.ipers and so-.-who the leading manufacturers

of doth-

you will hnd they are the ont-s fur whom we urc

\-;lii,iv'- ajji-pts.

None but the best are go-.d


Hamilton Clothing Co.
aeKl Fronl Streol

Trjivertoe Cily, Mich

------------------------------- -------------- OF---------------------------------------------

Furniture and House Furnishing Goods.
I have too large a stoi k o( tin: following goods, and in'order lo move them 1 am going to give you
my prom.


It Will Last Just Ten Days!
From June 5 u> |uii'

,:. I will give one-fourth off.

•o not wait until the last day.

\'ou do not have lo have the

I a-h. a liitle d.iwn and the balance in payments h just as good.

One-Fourth Off on the Following:
16 different styles of Bideboards from
$12.76 up to $76 00.
21 different styles of Combination
Book Case^and Writing Desks from $6.76
to $36.00.
7 different styieaofCbinaClosetsfrom
$12.76 to $33 76.
36 different styles of Dining Tables
from $4.76 to $24.00.
37 different styles of Bedroom Suita
^m $18.00 to $60.

.17 different styles of Library Tables
from $4.26 up to $19.76.
60 different styles of Odd Dressers
from $10.76 to $3^00.
A. large line of Ohiffonleres.
A large line of Parlor Suits.
A large line of Horris Chairs.
A lat^e line of Baby Carriages and Oo
CartsA large line of Bibyclee.
L lai^ line of Stovea and Steel Ranges.

chance for you to get some tiriKlass goods for less money than you would have to



Here is a

for cheap goods.

There will be nothing reserved for 1 must unload, and 1 will

give you the opportunity )ust when you need the goods.

My stock is all complete.

I have

300 different styles of

Rockers and am offering some bargains in them that cannot be duplicated.

.A lot of Ladikb- fiae Vki Kid all aolid Hhoes, job lot mIc
price.............................................................................................................. .....89c

Remern.'bear tLtLO FXa

SM8 Ml, lp»Mi Nn IU«MU •««

of ibair cataamaad appraektioB of:

nipi Stocks,^' anil until |hal time wc arc fas usuall

They are strictly uii-to-datc spring Myles and.linish.

tu deparimeot will be uapbl bp

Joba BoarmUler. Lean Creakhite. Me’.
Bal^ Wpnl^ aad Ddi,

Stein Bloch Go.,
Han, Schaffner.
& Marx,
Kolb & Son.

ami none ai!l be. time enough to talk about "Bank-

On all of these good-5 I wilt give you a discounl of 35 ptf cent, or one-fourth off the regular price.

I hat tmaebt a flae

‘ bold* a third rradeearUSettr 8be
ba* l
ooe term'* expe'ieeoee a*
Fridap erenlar I’eirp P.
Poner* of Cadillac r*»e a matlerlp addraat ia tbetowe-hallai tbeeommaecxmeat exercker.
Afoodip anmberof

jur nothincr

"bH^^i I

W. D. Bloodgood ol Trarerte Cite
patted taroorh b«r« oa bk wap to BUi
Brows of Saginbw, who tpcadi a
Bapldt Batardap.
poriiob of thr tummer here, httpor.
Hr. and Mra. Lowell Sean apeat a ebawd a buggp of F 3. ilrpan . Ue
Hi* Kate Coaltoa k tpeedioc a part of tbk waek at Old Mktioa, at- ha*til thing* acemanrpto mnkefitb.
aad gnerallp eajop
weekfs Trarerte Clip with berakter. tandinribe Old Settlen' mtetlaraad
alio PomOB* Uraare.
"- - ■-j It wUl ba bald V Hi?7arahHim Laeiadt Qami wa* bappUp *•
Jat. Coaltoa Baedaped in Tmran
Mr. Blaakmaa bat blrad a maa to
a Pelham blc^e.
Ceatiit Eacmetator F. W. WUaea b
UoBor k ia town,;
Aaron tielmer of UIB bk work eoantlnc notei Jan* Itt
ekiting bit little girl*.
Philip Back aad Hkt Harp Back r
niobard O'liraDell. eeatot caamera {
iraed Tbaradtp Irom Ibelr .tklt i
tor for tbe uwatbipt of Platte aod [
work on Jnoe i>i |
tended tL................. ..
The fos4 raked (or the beaefit of the
Cbarlc* U. Peck aad wife of lloacr
Elk Eapidt TbuBdap erealne.
band bop* hat twelled to fMi oi-.
eUted the famllp of CkWla Pock SosMlmDot
i Knictauef the Maeealmea with
wHI met M abore th* aramcc
____ mow recalk marched tbroa(ktbe
S. Ooffarr aofi Otcar Peck ttarl tbk '
W. 'Oex and J. Barta hare fomo ta towotbe bftereooaof .Map»». h&ded
_ UHmMa isr a'tew waeba' dtll with bp Ibc band.
Tba Uraad Trararae Baptkt aaanrlt.loe will meet with the Kla«*lep
ebarob. Jaoe It aad IS
Erarpone InUtteottar.
Lilka Bortoa bat doaad barMboel
A. V. McUSaald wUl rl»*
at Ubwlubia aad h bornenfalaUcaa Twwael Bpo Bor at
Hn. H. Rant aad ton Earl ralnmad
to bataraa Otp TMdap nflar rUtiaf JanelS
frkmda bare.
Mra. tVellinctoB Ball arrired Batar
Tte third paaiaadr maattne wUl be
Mami«**C*Btw BaW^p and

Bari Ckae k rklUac la Ohio.
dr*. Andrew UurpbT eontoa
in Pci
tMBdlar aboat. _ week*
<Wle*«ix and other

riifme an- the makera <i(

37 Different Styles of Chait^s.
Large Line of Porch Goods. Lawn Chairs, HammockA. Etc., Etc.

j. W. Slater’s Exciushrs House Furnishing Store
X20 S'lroXLt 8t3?ee«

eiBMromuTBBn hibalp, jtob 7
•••r. Ho took 0 bosdMt ftoo
Bom podnt. IM U oboot the mottle et hb
the usie. The
ifWMWoWu loqalrr.•0^07 Vmo- ns ssd
.eoapeltod to msire
•lUod to toOOMOtoO OtotoiMBt M t)»
JUMOtoOortbo nc«lorood*d- joarser to tbe el7
Edceela- Bslbbeseosae lerf* fv™
Id Coowsr sod bee e luiro flock of fler
I bee serer bed e ebrcp kil]«i,iMO U (bom 41 effiaonoBd ooe
isded br don. sod thaokt
UlMlo ■0ttooar4todef4i(
iTMinofietn. I.IM acsdiedof that the rcoeoo tor Ibto to Oast most of
ibeebeep wear small bcllv ohteh are
of frlchteels( tbc drr^ ltd
eolcUe. BSkler s totel deslh Itol or
keeptsp them from seolceUer tbc ebeop.
swi l.rrtsMS. Is the
^lod 1*1 cSecn sod I.Mu ealtoled I'erhepeotber fanD.-re cosld p.-oBi tj
eoStoed woosde whkb dad

pher to esdeted. se It to the oelj lsUm>
suoe roMitei U»*t the Tfsseoeel. espitsJheebeeDioTeeledby the BrIUeh.
«hUe the etstemeet thst th« eUr «IU
hceerroeilcredoe demtst to et eof:-

d«. Mrs Potter wee terrlWj i
)ered. After kllUsf the boll the ■
A plot ts omoeiloalc Ibo eoltao •
dtosorered Moadar
and mor:ae OBd eeeerol birta pal'
fesetaoDsHai wma eooaerard The
eiUascwaterled kimself with
iar them from cfll.-r.
AaepldMDic of Usek eeakrr raah
prerells e*. Wen U.-rhy. Vt Th-ee
drstbebere oedarred wiiiiia a week
aod ia eeob iDstaaee the eleUo hsd
beea ill bn loo dare whea tetel
•rmplcaie eepeared. Tber bed to be
p«o»* tetsL The somber of troope U
Jobs Hiller. <rbe claims to hail from bsrird .am-dtaiely. Ab>ut to h<>.- rs
tsdiasa asd to be a peddler of core hsee been ttaerasiiaed.
Of PbUleoisoe AprU *0 >Mt- ^h*
•oto ad'w boinp f
sHaen sod Sl-ni mao.
earr-, ires erreeted et lASeiec denudoT
Hehed with bi:a too' to eaesrste Vr. aad it wi |br aadrr tha
eelcbeto ia arblch mere (Msdcvoi
diree-.ioa rf Or B J iitskv who wis
of pockrtbooke eed pursee. vfaleb
rect.-'.'r Usiled Slates c. o-.-cil at U^Tb’- work win W aaimakelool; loourbt. bet taleed ea epprecate of fell la fold end Jai
cefTrocT acd *; is eU«er.
Baeb pork tbe bracEl of the Sm:<b.^aita
esoe^ bee been rathared to foretell
elbook sas wrapped carcfvUr in ttoisi 1‘cii. IV iis half
>letorr for tbe Eepoblj
Hibyloo aad Ihr 1'
atata tJeket. C E. WMceriM. o.- ~r- •
ptemeJadceead P. A. BeUey. elrei't ■« »''“»'I'll 1*»
hoar%tl» i.y toe ssjs te.-i).'!l.-.-k, aad ii
jadn and BSt»bIlein Confrenman. I mjny. bn broke easy eod rao wbes. of toe iliscr Bepbratee


the mi«akrn iS'.''ri_______
Nstarr siduKd thianiacu.


M ti« thick «B<-us< ,
too thick, hot « dicrerd -uliill.^pa,
• cartmocl* ptVts
pssrmiii; v( serious laterasl

> cam. bo.It end curbnmirr rSMlr



11 o.-L-i:ctuUied
rr,lJ> ,

... 1^. >-«*»>«

ft hrect;rwli'...a«.n.u.enjuill cure >cre
a» well „ 1400.1 tmri£n—ia.

sss iiM

n «1U> ae
dtspotrh ihel tbs Boert ore tsllraV
hruli£j^ Ver^ x«ar htoudlc
deftmd the piece
tne.V hi,of and si
l*ratarto. Jeoel.eto l/teoeto M
shout yo
^■us. Joeet-Tiaedfoeoiite teelory el
the Soeood dtolrlel aed l 8'“ token is band
He to Miop L*io
Toe ssricp. bsak at Sueliahi; Iowa
oeeopied lest ol*ht
ne lb'tbe k .rsi are | to await drrelopmenw
'sshlawr up by f j«r robbrr. Tnursbjsrerimestof Brittoh.troopi- C>» eleetod by
msjiriUca. Heyooda
HenrjKraiitoE.ootrialatVsske- day tilpoi Tsey eetnn.-.) ti.tvjo and
mtsdesi Dalerey-a, eomoesdoe ore doabtiheBe^lleasswin barea ma-jcoa, was diiorered to be «o fire, -waped after i.oldiap
mm r.iit-si
■so earroeodisr um feeurp esd s jerttyla the lecisiatate to aleet a Be-: Wb«o ha
la eosrt be pot bis pipe at bay wiih.tifljs while iney IjoSed toe
SerM B(bt toMpsesed Tee Orssn pabiicaa to tbe aeoate to saeeeed in hi. blp pocket. Ult clothiof
boftard throsph asd tbe flrsb badly
■rcMtilstesrtilleiT (SudtsrUllern of klJUtell.
TbeCoocrets (old m.ce. nfl mile,
three bstteei.e ore sow belwoeo Jiorto
of Pboeoix.
ArVwa. ba‘
Ig e brood of chiekeoe rceestly been lild for fll.SM.Oiei to a New York
bsasMbaiT sLd ltel(«e Her rsUosr
Firae Neer Henile
MaskepoD coesly
Haslte. case 2-Colonel Lieeaia rt batetaed
repsrted to Icclade Warner I •
farm wes one eblck with four left. aad Hiller aad Jobs Hsekay
M here prvsentod i ports tbe recorery Ihranffa tbe lefts
‘ flap to Coiameadanl Loato tistbe.
ee of the netlre preeUeoleot Tbrlee. wbes its owser soUced It be ntade up
•ded toe priaeipt! pold producer A
Protoria. Jose :. ela bsreats mi
Kric-Jo-nasen rlflm eUles from hie tolBO that when It rot
erhe would sell It to
SBM.Jaoe4-Amsr»eloas raorfanli
toe Kioto isfealry Is lleeember.
Seas-.,n l-ekew to to; r*rls Kxpsii- ^
Uaa aad rsllylo* of borrheri has Uk.
Testordey toere were s aember of tor m-rre ihaa tbe whuicoftbe rretnf
or autl bear tbc pbatoprapb of tbc X
^ Krarer's aaoeoemary fl«bl to Ores le Geadsbs Tbe eetisatod loss to iu femlly was or eter woald be worth.
persoas to wbsm they are iMaed. Tbc *
Lydeabarf asd tbe Uhinf
thiac sway of, Uesccml Wtaeetos bos made Wbeo It wes e week old, howcTer toe
Veriaa. 'I'uaisian aad Hohsmmeden ^
Ijivis «ODJf}l
oM bra ao.-idrelally stepped ca It sad
cold ballioo Intended tor c>ii
esLibltors. bowerer. refaae u base. ^
killed it. sod now toe termer Is wenUsTiBCamijsrilyor toe oSeiels aotheir plcluree taken, as it eoelrarr to ffe
derlap why the bea eoalda't jest ei
ptii. has eori*»an8
»■»“» ““
tbe Kirea
MT^mre The Kryreraad has aeeamed
well hsrestepped oo say erther ooe of
Loch Lynn Hclphu,a little monnteie M
the power of eorersmeal.- ssd. sclisy
toe dc, >0 chicks eacept toe freak.
Mrn ia Usrylaod. ba> bed e Icesoa on i 7
MitedtocreUoD. toe eepital vU! be
At tbe Aprlculiural Collepe on Itcco
State News Jtema.
lhee»i!i of pslliieei Indiffercacr. tielr i ^
Aaontbrnak of emallpoz bee been ration day the scuio.-s hired a aioriup It rotes were polled at the town ricc V
Pies here left Httsd
large trees
rperbed to toe state board of bealib
recently, and whea they werr;i|(
•rten. toe eoatoeeet ooraer of toe
roaHaree township. Weyae ecnoty, hupc boulder aod haaled it to a plsee equated it w
found they bed riccico -^
Ttsaeesal. far toe Pree State wito the
Bd Caere of easpected -Cabas luh" near tbe armory whrretoey Intended e ticket put up by somebody for I
Mail^to use on
ohjeelafeatUar tbc BriUsb Itoei et
from Plial. spfwars. Is kuii.p I
and eel opas a memorial to tbeir
A Kent eoBoty eet wboee kl
\barrcl or |•aJl.
succMsfnl years ,is coltepr. Late at
'ere takee away (roai her aad yoaac aipbl tbe coltepc bei,l bepan triliap
railed Slates HiaWter Bempeoa. at j *
ailo. IVru. has reported to the suie - ^
milh (tod's help toe boar la eUll earn rabbito eahaUtated far tbem bae aadcooUoued ta daso for aearjy aa
On exhibition
Isr ’'baa (treat tiriiala woeld ae broorbt aptoe bennies, altboaph ret boor, and the next marniap toe eealun depsriaeRt that the whole Herurisn ; iSf
bsawMre «>e lodepeodeaoe of toe fliM aba showed a desire to cat them. ditcoscred ie place of thrir vie., stoiw profile faaTp b-reo throan Into a etate ^
low she triei to ceas little chicks
eMabllekaeatremsadoDiebaarc bad
itomcni end pelrioS.- terrur by M
dccormled with, flswrrr.
SMC orer toe sltoatlea la reffard to
Thejuoiors bed spent the niphi .o toe diseorery of the icoieibs of (icnerel re
aad. sousarek at raieiar toat
toe war.
buere, the liberetor. who wes e*sassin ?
>i>-isB faacral eersicer.
Delsrey was here tor a tow hoan to­ epaeiee
WliUeoB toe North Uarcltca »borr Sled In years x«». Tbe loeslioo of Uic *
day. Heasldtost Pretoria foald be
lias was ux'lc known by the lect C
A Oisrlotu boy who srsa seat to M iaat suiuiorr Arthur Horrow of
dabsAed to toe atseost cztsat.
irorofiviir person* whi.oriif.nUli ^
esoteto take ebarre of a tailroad
:seph. touu-i abupc pe.camioas
the eeerel of toeir iaternira*. &
AtloB Writes to a friend toat he is tost had beea fired
a darinp
I drire the oaamy eat of located in e town of sereti popnietioe lion but which had failed to' ezpicde.
r.umlos. a-bidi wen'found ia a to
ctiuicb. wlil^be rciaterrpd wiln *
esd has s fltl eer for an oSee.
Horrnw broupl.l it home and etsce >a>l
- -.flvStH*.. Striftt. U'itl, ri,..n.'d 111.
T...I. r--1 iij. Mi. I,
At midalcht Friday, easneoaniof
preel ouoi and rcoeriainn Jaur
Clark biUi'e of llDieD City, bos the
r «f lleneral ^
toeeleleai aa|«r of toe poblic sad
ed around in a careirse
eadala toe preeldeht «aa\ word to bIcrrM tool bea ia toe etete. bfae lays
'a u!^-,
tiiuoi ash “boa- is yuur lis<
ha*otornewtreaearyno-«s redeemed ber e^ from a perch. tbcM dmppipr row iliel he bed b.->tter hr cxrriol.
pf -iioe- do «su d.v ■ f .M- w_____
iacold. Tbete aotce were leeoed tor to toe etnw below. After laylar tbe
tv llti ritsciiie liie !.eal-.ii is po;-J.
nasal anmbar a bea is expected to ley to see if thy fellow knew whst
toe peymeal of salartta
«l.!tll<-E«r;rIt...:-r-,»,efsmou- r," "
ebeberaa eettiar. mill malatolnipr. talklnpabml, took ibcthcii ictothe iilt'e »1B
IBs for fhr 1 s.-r and bowels ______
'. a Are. laid the icniK-r
F. C. Ttaoi
her poallioe'em toe perch, from «
-Agmmeldo Hey Be Deed.
l.UAN f"' "i> ■' USB
lockiapuiiop tbereon end rnirrd
Hay li-MsJ. Peytaa C. ebe retaeed to be eoazcd or drisea
swell derrlopacBU. Ue dlda'i he
perfcx't heeltb wltlionipaie
Harto.ThlrlyUilrd .elastoer iaUntiy.
AtBoIlf,itoVero nerit Friday^ Inaptc well, tor the shell exploded
who has beea parealar Aralaaldo. ba>
eirior toe flret of a
jwiih X drafmiixp report, _ecetierinp
... .'...m.
., r,.-..;,
Blest of l.foe bi( Ratab^.
wood earth ands'OBL in rrery dirrclion
abaep that bate bees poiebeeed fd
sad leariap a deep hole ia tbc prooed.
TI toe'Iborti;7p to a*ay 'l::”''’'‘-''^'‘ “
Seotthb eyadlcete to be ers/ed la Horrew isDow tbiak.spof wbat (siplit takc^reu. a coapi
Hoataae aad other weatere stataa.Tb: bese bappeacd.
tioB. Tbe eailr
ralley. Derlar toe Bfbt
Conpb Core pri____ ______________
ildcred toe lanrter purchase c
wUeb tollowad it waeaeoa that aa ia- blooded ebeep erar made la Mieblpaa
is the only oarwIrM reou-.1y tbatpirre
Oeaerai News
aamaioaoer was shot (ram bis hone.
Her. JMin C. Lswrie. ailed i‘rr*by
f -lfir... »li hi., i; F.’SlrfrVS.i'
iiy. Udeei la Kisl U:
1.. F. r Thump. Tpl't. ".rUA;'
bh hone aad saddle ba(m ware ea» eball et tor Celnmet A Heels mine bee enpc N. J . aped
fallea UOdapreesF.. end U le ezpetl
tend. The saddle bace eonl
As e result of of a coatioseny crer a
nilre will I
AfBiaalde'e pereooal
OBe; Houts(roiB9a.m. toSp a. Oee day only eatB month
haircut iiUck Uewiti etebbed aud
learn insl DeWiu's W.i.
aaxl dey aa oetpost of the Forty-alato end of toe sreek. All tor men tfarowa
kite will iriTc tbem instant end
killed James M UraderMa. a barber,
eolmatosr idbatry leoloead) reported onioftbebarainpebeftere employed
■ntrelief. ll will core ee/*
at tiouto Bred Setnrdey. The murder
that a raft eoatelalac a body with tsro
kin dit. es.-s liswarcof to

■~-iT!saas--~“ _«Mss=i...


fW^ondcrful Spra\

i * rnmmm

1 :rjr™lr==£

,ru‘“s!si'iS! S-&


............- «.*



Congest Notice.
,1 s.TSr(
Mswi.siir. a. u.fss Ap-i a »a>»

CDnsullation anil Eiaminaiion free ant Siricil) Conlifeilial

r*aja SSSS&

H. li. OTT.MAN, M. B.



■ ■


'■^■"*iis;iThursday and Friday,

toe OBAvan riber. bnl that toe
entrant praraUcT Its eaawrr.
ttepbt passible tost toe efliear ebM
WMAcataaldo.aad that It ssa
had/ wbleb toe eoU^ ware rmrd-

Anmad THraaebs fanaws are preetlyeoacnraed-orer tbe oulioek for tbe
wheat crop. Tbe Hreeiea Ay has beea
dolap preai demepe
iwn weeks epe promited a bir crop
oweansldered precUeaKy srortb.
Hear acres were plowed oader
early ia toe eprlup. aad ll bow looks
M toouph tbsre woe

'- ijc—




.--Afreehoiiestead um


' ~


..slsr-t. Pxsrssr. sf .fcr Xfr Xsr, Xosr.TC-rei SDj

usi.ry^y.. a-ri


il.bfp-psle tari^Sl-.

.............................. .t

is.rtl Ks.r hrec r»lar>a K. u"f«rl Ses'lS kei teTl

Eitoluttti tl tweBn,
“ir "irelSre

;*raBoatoaou araa re.i
“a'‘o£^^a'AJte poamTx ovbj
.for U. t»f-.r2r»UoV»f:j 're tsC UW I.
' ■. 101 n.i. tr.ti folk-, .t .u traio


farmer, was haaUap crows at aa early {man aitreewd toe atttnUon e>
la dolap
danpbtcr. who tceared a oilehfork aad
be erosmd toe (
Oiwr Lake el
raa to toe reaeae. Tbe'ball bore d-jwe
H. railroad track. He dBeos oatooplrL baisbeetopprd aside and
ared a waaboal ia toe roadbed forty raa toe aharp tiaw iato tbe aaiaml'e
foMleapaad twealp feel wida.
Be elda. Tbe sacewd awake saat toe fork
roUsd OTor


I Herald Oflict lor Jet Priiiiij.

Taepirl-. mstoer.

child-linh —
bici>-r sn.l m»

• tsrl.t


Tb KtaA Yh Hin Atop BmU
^ mnbcr‘4 lit# aal killel a

ri_rwm it. ewrerwC

l•l>cltailelxu Ptaiisemjm ei

For Infuu aad Children.

laafyesr rate well ap with toe eoato- “
are sarieliee ia tgaallty. A larpe curiap
»»«">»» ■'ersey bull torneif|
will be bofll.
‘browiap tor apea womaa
Itocatraadtrampiiaphcr sad kieklap
mel Bowers, a OesMec townsbipiber. The sereams o' toe Bnured wc-



1KP0KTAV7 TO LASm 'bU."rrHSX. sfK.

E^ ^.■tefs^^i-ree.rivIJi




tern/, icrrmx It u so. r.l rfr
BlcLfTf uar
eBri tto
taii s:i
o .


lata ton baUb heMV aad

'S r,ST=JS-.3!:f-2i

11.-I..W ibetoter fliteea lai
!» hsee iwen sised throojS tae
‘“ante Coutrh Cure. Hw

At JeeksoB toe residence of Henrf
cc aa apprepriatlM tor tbe n-Uof of cure watdaetrayad'by Are. The boate
was belap (nm«ted wito eelphur. and
F^lBs aeW tost ID I9ur be pi
Aa important ditensery bes barn
toe fire tUibed from Mb of toe
made at ll.o Hypieulr .aet’iute of t
Phor pant.
by toe people of Oelifomia Utmoo
I'nlrersllT of Wur/burp. tirrmeni- >r " f pit...f -.he Cody; ll
Tor will of toe late Uerid Ward
It bet b.'vo foond that bsaleris cm bej
any drop Mere. 5
'atolarlOB. Nebraeke, Kaaeee end
(lied le toe probate court Salardsy
•wa. Tbe prorrtloas eppnpsted t ,noi
destroyed fay elcci'le currents.
ilap. dhpotiap of about fl.'-.n
ma The eSi.'ial acknowlrdpemeB:
Uaslnp corfirrard its own title lc
iiu> of proKMy totbe widow.chiidi
of tocdosetloa
Dry Tortupes end iDiatiated the work
aadpraadcblldeea Tae estate c
Ha heellated. toerMore.
of eirtebUshinp a naral wlatien there
sieU of wild la
latina looVinp to tbe relief of toe peo­
dasy department has bow snsiwcd
'tappesrto know falmeeir jaet
ple of ladm Uel Ureal Britain mipbl
work (or tbesumoerand inrced lL>
lucb be was'srortb. ll h aaid
’■M look wito (aror upon tbe action of
Bleeds orrr for that staioB to tbe Du
toat toerelaUed* oftbe deeeasdd
M^'Ms la aeadiag to Indie useolic:
fine bosp'ls) srrrice (cr use Ssa-jatr
ssliafied wito tbe way his srraito
aatiac stelioo. TaB fae-i Vrti Ucausr
o broapat from deaalor
the hospital srrTu-r bur nr-. vr<n
lieheel Ulamtur.litiar iosi ae
Bale a bitter attack on Ureal Briieia iitrlfnlil. i
He demanded to know wfaal Baplend toe Bemea eoaaiy llae. ie dead of
tiOB at tor ilmet ailiee sflirdM! by the
had ben^ dolap for ber atarrioc
transfer of tic isUui’. lotbu aery
opriUaae la ladle while ebe wee poeriac
natnatlmlted treesere to crash tiro atldh he cut a moT’c on bis fare He
paidaoaUratiOB to toe eat. tjuadax
At'Cepe Njmcereeral tbausaad s
rspablica ia Africa. Beaator
blood poiuniBp dereloped aod bH are elresdr el wurk oj Hit- pertly (•
dadlaed to debate tosp.
had euSered
beecti and isitinp oj: p.-.jd p
fcrera! :
preai epoay.
nay sfreks her.' been
f&a as
AboatMiyouappeoaleoI Uomtr are
A on Pekla.
Ikes ere reported
TteaTbla. May fl-A epoelal train iDtroahieaeameUof a dtetarbaaee
repori-i from CjctUaiinspe
-ppirecirr. CO sea wrordsacd al:
ibehoaecof Him. Bartooloaew
started far Pakja thU aticrsoea wito
eerieia lireek moaestorlee of He- -------- aeridrettl isisrirs mar be oukktocfeltewiarfcrets: Amerieass. eer- at toe time of toe marriape of ber
ly cured by nslep DtWiti's W.fcb Hsre!
MeSeasa.toman; BriUsh. three oB danpbtor. It teebvpwl tory deaut^cd cedeale base beea eiafliraced by the Salrr. it V alto a ccris'.r core 'or
ears aad Ti mai Italian, three oBcm toe flower beds aad stole eoiae of toe
r.ies and Skin-diseases. Take another.
bea protested apaiast ti
F r Thompaon.
aadMmtm; French torMotacenaad weddiap refresbrneau. They

K Hedrick, who hH bene
enli M toe chair of
toe Waahlactcm a(ricnltnralnoUMr.MedeeiAedM remais
MIL A. C. The board -xirse him a
•MS iBcrtaar aad faraiahM him a aalte


'June 7 and 8, 1900.

It is estimated (bet the war ia
'ulessfoodUdiCusted .J
TraasTsul has ccsi tinet Brita.B
ooo.pon.imi opto date, to say setbiop ferment end irritate toe st
er each meal t '
ofjii.uou llrilisb kliftd. Wxuaded ecd
lysepsie t'nrc It diprsij what yi
.•avao-|wiil ellow^you in eet e'l^y.
Twolseoul of‘.i:e n sy-np fectoHcs Bred of what you 1.
to mre the srorst re
of Ciilenpo beie rrert.iplly clesrd tbeir
doors end tbe remalcdrr fcasr piscc up
msklap and prao into other
Hothers We thrir dread ^or ■> that
lines of luslne.s U-xsuse tbe clucose
frrib'e see.wd somuu-ri' wsee Uies
hss reduced tiir price of lyrure
ere Ik. i'owler's Kstreet of tV.ld
below lisinp prices
irswberry In tbe bouse Nalnre's speiUc (or bowel eomplelolao^erery sin.
Cbappeilr. who is la the

TwHfUi lalsaliy yesterday.
Uxtean mss of toe Forty-alfbto 4d1
a couple c
oilrr* lalaaUy ycslerdey eaplnred toe
(orernor of B»i«i>ed. Be Is M laflepark board srsata to add to t
nntlsl rebel arttalor aad hBehee^a netroU /.oo. As toe baanremeln
tafUire for e<
-becaam It will probably be at least l^^ip
eU tnoau before Carl Uapenbeck. of
Help Ken 4 for ladle
..............t.-I'atbioptou from Hume
Belle U'e.

71 mas:
loar oflicers aad U
pirea - aatil Taeedey aipbt to
mns: Japnaeae. three cftiaeie ai
make pood the loea
mao. wito fire q«l^ firiap fuM.
teieremorad tost toe (oreiirs Iroepe
will be opposed at tbe Arm (ate of toe
IHhieeii eaplul oeuidc' toe wall.
company that bae leeeed ecTecal bsaAi toe Riaalaae ireee e«Lriarthel
Thka lerte yesterday in bosH. toe Obl*^Se^.
aaseope^flre.aad toe Ams^ieae re- plmofAhelcaf prowa la tbataecUos


iiotoi •WJa.itiJie', 'rra-worTBO 0±ty,

” "TwwViVPLT'ovBBP

And otlmr i*i ur ;:I and ten. rj, mlnsemt wltidi
so nuB. oxill.r-- -'u:':-- •■jK-t-e lel hy
toe usr t.f • M
'Tnc». -. E xirM. " -Hus
it J l'...l.t--n.l
- •
CSW1CS tlwra torxmyh
ueiirsl aito ]r-rtec-. sjfety ud ao pain No
rerx's l'xirNi.-\A.J fre: tV cuffettap sad danger of
to-s wslrsl of -—

Pswair Wret

sCSw*sn mrer TStsr osL


Mrsi! la'i'Ssrn.'SssiSLr" ■"

Kretweci reporrore L-r !sa4lo< t(re,alieu ef


----- -,2,....—.48


met* MM




Does Your
Baking Powder
Alum ?
Prof.. Gcc. F. Barker. M.D., University of
Penn.: “All the constituents
alum remain
(from'alum baking powdera)
the ttread, and
the alum itt^ -* reproduced to all intents and
purposes when lie bread is dissolved by the
gastnc juice in .he process of o'gcsiion. I re­
gard the use of alum as high!/injurious."
Dr. Alonw Clark:
i^obstance (alum )
whidi can derange the stomach,'■h< uld not be
tolerated in baking powder.”
Prof. W. 4i. Tucker, New ^'ork State
* ‘-tlievc in alum- «o be decidedly
injurious whet- used as a constituent of food
Prof. S. W. Johnson, Vale College: ‘‘I
regard their (alum and soluhl.- alumina salts )
introduction into baking powders -j> most dan­
gerous to health. ‘

In view of such testimony as this,
evety care roust be exercised by
ifae housewife to exclude the over
and over condemned cheap, alum
baking powders from the food.

Um U»t» &•

iMoToialoi. Itna r-------- - had hi*
OB of


- ■
lor * dv- Tta -om»a
lid to plow, ud U
Mold »t boBM to do toe bo«*e*orlt
Lte. aa *b*
* Kowr mlDd." (Old
the wile.
> aad Ue
tbMpMt topwlBitftt :
Um* ud feed Um UtU*
leek ee( teel thej dee-t wseder,
hen the dlietf rcedf «h«e I eoaie
beck. UlxBpecMe peecekteeed trj
Sb«M. ead doa'l fort*t to ehers V
better. Bet ebon ell. doet ferret
M*eel bed
relU^ the atUe
atUe aad uoep oot Uat It
la be Ihoopht of taeebick■tdarUotUc Utile ebiek.
-be I________
id Uem- aU
toretber bp
br Ue
the Ieo*>.tb_hitriw
tbes leeieeed the eiriec
bee-e lef.
Be bed eoUced thet wbile hU wife
wet beeUec tbctelllet ebeofceokscedee her peelr; et the eeeM tine. So he
wept to work to do tbeer tblon tcretber. eod ec be bed to etaeke btoeelf
ejrreeldeel to do it he eew ee (xcelIcDtebeecetoret tbe belter eburoed
el the eese time b; lyipc the ereem
jer to bit belt.



baaaUfnI weed*!
Bnedap we
t letotaHgoed
47 feet aronad 1Tbe SatMoa baerlM a
for diaaor Soadap^Uai
dap of Map. Tbep an ee
large ai a ettawberrr. fallow aad red.
and tbep are abaped liac tbe raepbci Tbcttalka aad Ue leant
an W eeme oalp- moeb larger.
fallow. wlUaaoeoraaalef gi
blaAbarrtoB ben grow ca riaae.
WlU bla bair all
aad ear
le Ike eprlagUMO
. MO brlgbtaad
brlgbtaod earip.
berrle* are UeeaMc a* oar u3
Ipplag o-er Ue BMadaw be to
a* Mp letter U gelUeg too loag.
Tbroogh all tbe bright Jaac
Erarpoar little frleed,
Ukaajollpllulc iraap.
Be' waadeta
waodeta o'er Ue blltoide.
Ralph Berteoe.
Silraaa Waab . 'lap f:, l»o
ind bit pell
To Ue Berald aad Snaahlae Clnb
tb^ woodlark aad
We arc aow aetUed la Bilrana. oi
<• Mimwniwkni.S
Spick and epaedp. 1
where Mp ai
Uotden daaecr la


Bar ewaera. bowoner. decided



Tkktag irro of Uam
relnrneduUe btntc and qnletlpc
« rabbit*
rmbbita for the-----cbtnged tbe
U* two ro-1
maistng kittenr
At aooa at Ua
-k--------------change waa., d- -rnrod bp tbe moUw!
•be made titan for them a* ihongb |
tblakieg Uem
. briier
for food than te
a (amllp. bet belag
Cllghtlp raprlmaadk..
u fate and aooa becam*
rerp toad of her tuange babie*. al- ^
tboegb for terrral dap* tbe rratebadl
their mode
dc of boopiog
boor'” about
aa Um
.......... ^
tg Wbtt teak of aaii
crongbt Ue ebaage.
Tbe Biatemal fenlieg teem* to
dercloplog wlU ber. too. eiscr abc a
a^lpplaee. Their road goc* .-eUa bow sneo tfuUbeha*'
of rabbitt enlinte and the it now
lilUc cfal.'kan* into ber I
‘ HaMMa eaa am Uem baal log.



inm Md puToV l^pp'w^^^


Bat at latt Uie lituc tallow
i*n«» *«»»P u aeeUea poU shelf log*
Doff* bla daadp coat of pellow.
lall le a etriag bebisd Ue boru* Tbit
nd rerp feeUj Utter* o'er tba.


he *erj


readdr wanu aaytbUg airaag-

be laid. -Ue bolter will bare eoMc."
Be had hardlp begnn tbit triple Uik
wbea he beard Ue old bea iqaewklag ^^AoVefaV^efr^Bd***luons?biln la t Webamwod^. Tbelr i
bferri:i o' .'.11 Webtirr
and Ue cbickeae
peeptag. _
He eurud
"Irufl.rad from attacLt
I^bepaad Boo. W'c lore U
d the
os a rno to aee what waa Uc taatter.
I am prerloot lo takicg 1
but trisped OB Ue edge of a fiegetese.
' ill aad broke Ue ertam ;ar to pircea
tbe trouble became rerp acre
Aod a poor little bald.bead daadp 1
fa tbe pard be fosad Uat a predigis mp life at I
aow it be
Vonr llUIe friesd.
ioo* bawk bad teUed oee of Ue ebiek '
beadacbet and
Ob, poor daedp. occe ao epaadp.
fbp Uarteoo,
eat aad wae tlplng off wiU it. aad at
•^oldea daaeer on U'
Map IS. 1
Ue cbickeae mod Ueir mother were all
np and*m/ ba^Lk wa> cooilanUp“weak
.bits hair Bow
lied on oae etriag they hnng togeUer.
and .acbisg
Doan't b'ldscp l-illi
/mTlirUd'l^'daad *ao^! Ucar Mr*. Batat-We. bare
and tbe bawk Bewawap wiU Uem all.
-nglhenrd me 'and remored Ue dU
:geu*n to writ*. I will nad poa tome
la bla eoafotioa Ue peaaaai left tba
Ming ailment’
I corilnaed tbe
berrp bloatomr and blackberrpi
pardgau open, and Ue pig came Id.
. treaimeoi aoti) I Uougbt
It nneecei
June ill.
and iqalrrcl corn blocMmt I
tipped orer Ue bread Unp and epilled
I them 1 rjeld not
Tbit to ue firtt dtp of tamoci
“--I batur. wbieb Ueablsal tbes beI.I.. to.
reetlrc rem- ^
I to deronr. While tbe peaeanl wae
king on loaetaaiebmeataaoUcr pig
Price's,. I
DC is aad begas rooting noiong Ue
wbat to left bet
liburo C«.. I
I am til peart Old. lcytgOlOkcb»l|jtu!T»;„.
I cu'i go to tcb>ol I
X, y;
tor pel
Thee, while Ue peaeanl wae elaai
antll 1 amteren. innmmt tap*. Soe
Uoito.1 .-iute* Hemember t
We btic t:nie good Icttort todap.!
LsgUIngeup at well at beeoald. U<
Itcaa't, aad take no otbrUacbet me »t borne. I hope jeu
Bre went oat
Be bed not eaeceeded UlBDie liruWD. we arc glad to bear
in rekindllog it worn hi* wife entered from you.. It bat been a longttime read Uit prinliag, at 1 can't write. 1.
rra. tired when I got here. Up poor,
llie perd with Ur horte
aioce we have heard from oufilriir*
■'Whp,-' ebe teid. wben are
old Tato kittp. t mm ber. I left ber
Pier Clnb We mutt look atteryoua
borne hack mat lo Anotie Eiia't. f
little, dear*, and tee if Ucre to not
hope tbe will be good to ber. doedUem logeUcr to tbep wonlds'l wander tomebody to help peu
awap. and Ue sawk carried off -Ue
"1 thick it,to about Ume for me to
whole lot "
write to pot:
We hire not bad oor
•Well, it diaeer readj? "
Louie ilartaua
"It.not! 7 How coaid 1 hare dinner meet bfi for ao loog. t nonU like to
Lonle't letter wat to nlcrilp prialcd
ner when there itn’t anp fire
bare Ibem again it I ecnid I think wa
-Did yen ebora ue bnlterr •
wUl up to bare Uem Uto tommer. Wa Urre wat no trouble In reading it. It
"Mo; f rrae (hnnlng it bnt 1 fell aod
ia a nice letter for a little boy alt ycara
We are Ue oa.y onra that bare
-e drop old. don't you think ao. Itoiiibrtmr ^
**°^B\*t wbat *i**eJ*Ui» batter I tee
oed from the club
If there a. oil, Tbe oUer letters were rerp iBtrrral'j
Ue floor?"
iBg.too.aoo wr abali alwayabrglad
tome oae lb help at bat there to
'Tbow mtoersble pigt did that.'
r Sunabiue Lop* it
Utt would. I am gclog to tebe
"Well, yon bare had a bard t
aaidUewlfe. "At for me. I re got tbe and am in tbe eighth grade. 1
field all plowed, and I'm back borne litUebroUrr three moi.lU old.
be It to good and tweet. Tbit -c not a
-Db. yet." eaclalmed Ue bntband
Ketwlck club. Ita arcmtir
bitterly, "yoa're bad only ooe tingle rery intcrctnng letter but 1 thought.
aome pleaaaol Uiogt Sbraap*
thing to do. while at forme. Prebad bad better write breaute
"Al oor Ural meeting we *pok- p:rr< t
ber ot tbe bvntbioe Club. Well. I mutt
get Uto retdp. uke
aad bad aiagiug. Mott til bl tbr cin:. dote
Ibisk ol erery
With lore and beat wtotaet to Ue hus- drea tpoke piece* There were .i-.ilte a
few people there. Ltat Vridap -re bad
"Wel^" eaU^tbe'. -Uat;* wbat 1 do tfalarClabl rrnialB
erery day.
Now I gaett Toa'll-admit
a temperance mrclitig
tVe all had
A true friena.
that a woman bat aometbisg to do'"—
plccea and tnng aongr. Loeella U.nnto
Minnie' Brown
P. h —I aw goiag to tend you a pret- and Larloia l.icdlep aanr
it :
The riuttenng Pan
ty qaolalioo whieb.I like rery mneb:
druakard'a lone cblic ' KI.en Katb
'be damty rraaeh Aoa-c
-Uelp tbd weak if you are itroag
>l taking little affalia.
aang a temperance tupg. Idonotkuaw
Lore Uc old it you are youag,
r tiering ot laIbeface
Ue name of it. Tbep were bolb pretip
l>wn a fault if you are wrong,
_____________ Iban Intetetted lo thete
•osga There were nioreititara We
ftallrc breeit coaxert
If you arc angry bold your toagae '
bad Mr. Hecait't orgab at tbr acoi
Emohatimlly tbt moat charactortotie
e. Tbe latt dtp of aclno', wc i
ol Uw art the fan* temed of a tingle
flower. The paper It cm eren aronnd
going lo bare a plcaic. We are gcliiug
tbe edge lo tbe ibtpe of each petal.
piece* no*. I Ibfnk we tbaU Lirct pale blue cmc to
We told yon tome time ago about tbe
nice time
I am aorrp **!«».• I
_ pnrple Hear dc lit:
three dear little boyt that o^tae with
I wtob wc ccuill )
wblle ooe In
ttaeirmolbcr loii-cuttnd tojiin the:
leteher next lerm. 1 !wi
SnnaMae Club. j,ati befuie going to tbe
Krcr your fr'ieud. •late of WathiugWn
Well they bare wriuen lo ut. all
pep!? tea from Japlaad. in
One of Our k'iogalep baabet:
t. btt dtrkcr pateled paper three, and you will enjoy Ueir leltert
rite* ai follow*.
eery auicfa We hope Uep wUI write at
OB at laierrali
I rttelred pour klsd ietlrr, carrr
A qnalal tan____
tofr. ____
- -agtlo. Id etch letter were tome prrt.
ed baltobt
I -bhk Uotc card-i
darin Atwre tot wood
ly Dower*, tome roMi end tometiraage
re »crp nice
flowert wbieb we did cot know. It wit
ee uboltm at tchool
all of them eclong to the >
arc fourteen of
Good Taingt to Ltann
fie coatt. and we
r iiuotbioe’
girl* wfaeare goiag to e btnbdep ptny
Ltaroulaagb. A good lange to bet­ boy* for Uem.
Uto alleraoM.
ll to Coroia I'ty i
tor Uaa medletBe.
Brrc are the ielirre
Leara how to toll attofp. A well
birthday. We each harea pr**.-ct f-.r
told ttoryy to at welcome at a tsabeatn
SUeaoa, Waab., May )•:. Iditi.
iaatlek r1 joined tbe Suatblse Club Jutt be- BOlkoowabcut tbe party
UaroU keep your own tronble* to
-rc 1 came out weal, aad it hat bees will dote aow.
Tbe world to too bnty to
„ . . or yonr ill* and toirowt.
And here t* a good leiti
iMarn to atop croaking.
If ym cac waaieeel^ There wen-tu.rb beaatltal
Ktngtiey Saoablor bo)
not tee any good In tbit world, beep •igbto along Ue road
'Ibere to ooe
I Uoagbi 1 would wrl
Ue bed to yoataelf.
place they ct’l tbe Bad Imndr. It it all
Iwarn to atlead ttrlctlp to year
rccki. and ob' aucb big oaet. and all
bntieett. Very {wportant point
am well and bopiug Uto wli. lino
;lMan> to h\U yonr aeben and palna klndaof abapea that looked a* tbongh
yon Ue came.
My llfle broU..r
under a pleaeaat tmUc. No oae ,-------Uep werecarred. The moonUint were
and atoter an glad they p:nrd
grand. Tnerr were elcreb
UeSnaUine club. 'Jur tchool to.-u-.
iMare to greet year frleada wit
ibe train, and there were three engine*
now. I am going into the foarib r, adcmlle. They carry too many frown
In front and ooe behind
Tbe road er nci l. Myttodiet nextlerm w.;i be
tbelr own bearU to be boUered t
- ariib
ariUmeli:. gengrnpbp. phr«:.
went op a long wap* before wc gol to reidlng.
any of yourt —''Cler'rff.
isd tpe.j.i)
i- '
Ue long tunnel Urongb •fbicta we ol^._U^n«e^w ilirg and
lb.5 l:mr.
went to tbe other tide of the moon,
Poor Man aPralt Cake
taintTbes. Ibe beaatifni flowert wr
laud engar Bad batter Uetiteof an •aw. We got lo Seattle Ue tecoad dap
Ktbbiu Are Btrsaoict
tear milk la wbieb ol April.
That to a rerp large clip.
poonfntof tode: add
A calber uDcoinmoo tight may be
Papa-met ua tbere
The fifth ot April
laman and ball uawlinetard at Ue farm of C. ilarbmuLii
jond elorea. aliapioe wr arrlred at Ue placr called Siictnt. where n tpoltod tpecitnea of tbrfrSn.
I cuprnitint chopped
fine aad needed, end Hoar enoagbto
Make a batter a mUc. ttlffertban te
ordinary cake,
floor. Bake le a pan
drtdgtf wlU floor
linad wlU agrraacd paper. A email
pltceof eaadiedcitron finely chopped
Impronee Ue flanor. Thii cake to etpe
eiatlp tnitable for winirr. when eggt
arc tcaree and high.
keep Indefinitely aad laprure wIU age.
—h'. fr- rrrf


Tbe Kind Toa Hare Altraya Booght. And wbirb hlaa boen
*-----------for over 30 yntra, bat boro* tlio idgnaturo of

aod ba« Ihto iiuub- unilrr bU per-

C/LjcA^i£X^, “>“« «P^r'i'»o.t ‘i«<r “««»f«nr>.
,H.«uef«.i*,., lt.. >ouiu IhlH.
AU rutinlerfells l»<
IwTinx-nl* Ibnt tiiH* niih and ■•tuloiigi-r tin- iiiKllb of
luroui aiitl
Cbihlnu—IkkiH-ri.-ixv a|,-nli

Catforia i« a MjbMlIut* for Ca»lur Oil. I*iir—eoric. IVrops
- and SouUiing Syriii». It 1% llamilr— and 1*lni>anl, It
gunlaiuo ueilhiT Opiiiiii, .Murphlu* mw ofUt-r NiircMto
*ub.taa<-r. It- ugt- l> li» giiaritnlor. it d<-4ru<>o M'ortue
and altavk
|« oir,-» Dkirrixi-a and YViiul
Colic. It rrlle-tm Tenblng 1 nmlil'-s 4-<iri-. <'4Hiktl|Utlk>a
and b-|auilv»r>. it a»lu,ilal4>k tte I'lowt. r<vtiUt<-s Ui«
Tlic Childrc

I Bears the Signature of




The Kind You Have Always BougM
in Use For Over 30 Years.

M Stplill t iDilui Rr



------ AND-------


________ Xoi
-------- -o....!
IBlooi Roy,
. .
niot turtar povi J--I.
fa%beM cxoqtk: of U ixirvcrt-jni.

•OTM. e*KiMO»ow»ee to.



g-J >S£«S


;a£^<:S£fCr‘Ea^ .£S»

“ ['Si-S;,SP«*?SS»SCB !


Tbe Oreetor I'seoe.
■MToWb ceMlBC >a tbe elope,

CtodlBiebMri Mlrbt:

Bat we boar tho boUe of HopoBe* Um Moralar brlrbtt
«wp Mi oa tbo brtrbter wap
rwtterrMeefrMrdepraoe the aorelBc: to. Um atone
Oanee tb* blrtr ^Irlt (oral
OMbarnalar Peace
PoUod la Um dark ewa«
Are tbe rrMe

Aad Um eonew le tbe'aeac.

UaUr^Ut tbehamproloand
_MUeiMmirBi .
AilbeOeteeof Ufc:
iMl ell teen ead ooerew* eooee
U the beeatr of Ood-e peaeel

JUnaktlc CtU«T’« ttbif.
Wte waald eat latber le
la daaa” fo eat ead *11 oe tbe rreen
rwe la Um foldae eeaebine.
tha bM aad baUerdle* ead Ue eweel
Utbt ead neat et freai ihlor* rnrwIW.-vkM eeeeld not tatber llerer in
tto-BMMaf ell tUethaa to Hew to
■oatwaraea, be tbep enr ae Bopi
Ctaa-ff SolMcedelpnaeblerlM't
aaCht bam olaac «ltb B-M '
tt to auear* hew Mieb erne eaa aea
vUh tha opt poiUy doacd. or bear with
thaoaraUaaad leaweataond*:
Asenntklad el fellpfar oe tealap
Mean wbll* we eaa peaelblp get oat«Ue.wh« llMnkao aaeb reiar<»
tMtoaolatanaUar.aerood leraeto
mr Bi‘ ~r Oet owe Una eed ear
bMBttfal avthei* tawaMn ere
taaloafi IM aa enjoy then while wa
ftona eta aaeh enertatp.ef Inrde.
Ooea bp the tbiek woode Kbn beea eat
am. bet there to eUll neark nOMlc
t to. paner
toaaeead koakaareaad eboot-lohaa
maM ratoeat for tbcin lor -a.
ptoeee lha eardlael creabeak.
bat BOW nrp team, etill
aarbla* troM the paoar tna top*, ead
a pair of eat b«de wUl Bake their
hwotw ttoaonar.I hop*, le their
Laattarewip. DIdponn
bm aoethirdelacloralllM*

•raedt feirif rloa with bit eheerp ootce.
Moeb like till commob robin bat load
er. mere romekior. more opUMletk.
To tear him oaenirbt tbiek there wet
olbtor bad w tad in ttale
Tbit beeatUel Map mornier bow^
rreeo tbe met i*. bow pellow tb* deoidiofit. bow bloc Ue ekp:
I 4M
ilnrenl herein IbernM. The
ere fnabUnr In tbe
here a lorelp battcMij flMUdewnend
eeulee on mp tablet: beetepi a
neeltbao rleee ead .fltee ewepe little
wepe. ihn coatee eceia a
for rood,
tbeeeMetpoi *Wowberoca<o
■Tbete-e antic in tbe Vir:" t>
cnebbarBoap ee MP poor
bat poQ map ben eoMC Idea ol lu
baantp wbao 1 tell poc whet ere eome
the VarforMcn is Ibr bird concert


rolor«D- VIrat. ttiere
tbelr nrp londeal
londnl down bp tbe edge ■
tb* wood*, tbca tbrae or fonr wood
ipedcn noknown to m
Tbe eat bird froM Ume to tlMc cblot.
le a eert of a leeRbing cborne. nnigi
wbiereoa it adled an epplecae, eat ’tha bolt, Uqeld ootce of
a bine bird.
Thrnibee ^d eoac .
ere elocli
eloclag enrpwberw—"There
hone wbo eisr* Id a boA near bp.
^ID from t|M olftr bird*, I
ed>r bee le one part of
tneh epbari
' log trill. Tbli bueb li Bear the path
leading to thdepring. Uat tnamer be
nag there loo. aad actrr eronld eeaae
hie BiaglBg when ] posed ckiae bphlM
with a pall of water. I wonld oflea act
dowB tbe pail aad atop aad Ilatcc
hlo. Tbereb a black bird now ehin
In with bit ercjaerell, then a enekoo
call*, and aoMc crowt are cawing to
oacb other down bp the.wanp. Theo
a rad beaded wren aad Uc laerltable
deBolea. who teem to be gnrgUng all
le tlMc.
le tbe'jponegclMeand elder* jnat at
Mp teck are toMe rlettonrpellow blrde
eecMlaclp on home Maklu intent.
Howebanalng tbep are. wbA grace la
enrp Matloa. how tbcj warble aad
and talk Wbat eaa exceod tbelr allkp

-Sw« eel. "
Don't tbep
tboagb.’ -Ihep pear aronad with tbe
.jMoUleet wap imaglaable. at er lor a
aoMut *u:i w aUenL
eoMtoto uratAandrr thebnabae. and
awap lb* geidea Mite* rnab bp. tapiag
to tboae behlad. "CehM. ealeb Me "
Tbe daadelloaa aia btglaBiag
b aolrfabon
toalpWMaad to ben
cine tbelr pelala—it la tlot to go in
Wh«rUa«>nar the
get diiBcr 1 k>o^t the eloektal I MW tbolr old ant lee thick
h te ll.'^adelioa bed
dloMp a( peaar Meplea le the paetare.
ead rcBehlar ep pni Mp bead la to fori
MKwaemoeUeatboiaeld*. Bnteo.
Leper Cake
Ihwbad act
Place lo a warm bowl oat half
pelt te-t qelu t
fal of bolter, aad with a woodea *... _
eeauat^ ««. reb to a mm. Add gradnallr eae
tv BUM lobariaaBOW
ce^Bl of eager.
Beat the pofke of
foar egg* oaU! leaaoa colored and
thick.add-to tbesaaceoad enptalof
eager aad eUr iaio tb* craaiaed b
■1 kaew aaS^
or name
Uc fear
. oggi etl/r aad drp mod let'
UeM etaod Wbiie pm add altcraaUlp
poo. he dUat Bp trns tb* beab when aad little
little one eeptnlbf Milk
hto ani wae. bnt fram aoolber one. la wbieb a ealt leaepeea of coda bat
beee dleeoleed aad ibror cupfilep
donr itfled wlU oae teaepoeafel e
In Ik. skli
dfbl OM wae. )a*t bp Ihoee aetloa*.
Aad ataadtac right aadcr It-U* boab
■d tpnad w:ib aep lUllag preferred
whan ho dida-i ga-aad Ueklog

e H.


The Harness aofl CarriapEiipflriii.

I 27 State Street.


Tie Pere lirqiette tiOniil

Traverse City. Mich.

; IPOE. S.A.Ii B!



Several hundred acres Of valuable farming,
land, part timber and part under cultivation;
: .*« ,

well watered, good soil and desirable for fruit,
potatoes, grain: or grassland; well located for » r
convenience oL markets, st^ools, etc.; gnnri.t------------—------------roads and all tne conveniences of an old set- unsnE UD KttTBiSTBB 1.1
tied country. Will be sold in twenty-acre lots
or larger for cash or on any length ot time de j
sired by purchaser.

Inquire at Traverse City of





Tnt PtOAltr * Bnnato
Tbe rery lautl me of all to wbieb
Ue taabicMabln maidaa baa pat Ue
bandana to to tie np a bnadle Book*,
aewing. fralL candy, a pair et gioret
eayUiagar ewpuiag collected dnrlag Ue moralag-t tboppiag. it mattcra:
not wbat. an all Jtmbled togrUtr and tied np la oae of Ut modtob baadktr-'
a buee which a
ana embreideriag
Ue current Matlaeca Tb* I'arto worn-.
aaof'a baadred peart age. tbep ttp.
_________ _ w ____________,
did brr marfcetiDg
iU Ut help .ot a
big. bright
' tf. btiafbtiariag
- be
herrigetabltt in It. to Utt Ueprcceat tad to ealy a rental ot a rery cld
taabiOB after all.-.vbrtt.l
rnun Ktw England.
A farorltc pie ia New Bnglaad oaed
o be ratolB pie. A cupful of ratoin* '
boiltd ta a plat «f water for Uirtp
ul*t Tbe
___ -atolat
ratolat w*________
werr Uea teedtd. and a capful of loft bread c.______
( fonrU of a cap of tngar. oae tahl*lODfal


a aaltolactory
of to--.
bake wool toward
ard making a reallpdt..
lieioiu pit.~S€l4


_____re all Ut dott. Utn ukt a bu .
fl kneel oprwktod wiU paiafiiB aad rn
Ue llaotoam It will not only make
appear Uk* a*w. bat will pnaarrt it.
A ubtotaad poacn hoag ia a a
ranleat ptoet la U* kitebad to a gn
oaatwatomaa te Um ba«y boaaawlft
aotlag artWa to be ordered or.«ai

Yoo am* Kjata yoor ThaSty ^ eoeeomh enliKlT. ‘
Dr. WmUrnrPiafc pah for Pale People wdl (giDC
TOO «• We. fai erery vein with fkh. red blood. «*lore
the cUttidty to tbe xtep. the glow of K*xfth to die wu
cheek: iaefm you with a new eaeryy aad tup^ tfm
vital force of mtod And body.

PixkK Pills
Pale People





Carriages, Cutters, Sleighs, Etc.

Maot anmentx uoder ode natas.
Poor Blood. Weak Nerres. Irtytted IKces^
Lou <A Fiedb
Nocnergr. No ae^Ntion. Ltekn and iadiBeresL
petuhr V.
of v*uwi*Tm«
orerwotfc. wr
or uic
the rnaait
eaxult ox
’ the r*
ocglebed health.





Sorseslioeiiig apd Ganenl Repainog Done


/ Be-Painting and Upholstering.
Sute St., oMr Uokm.

bbw.Bax Olty, D«treit,Eow*
•U, Ann Arb^, Tol*de ud
peiat* Xut ud BoatiL Clau
ooaauttoad at OepmUata with


At all drncEIttt ef^lnc* trom Ut Dr. WUUtm* UtOmaa





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